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Dr Rajam Concert
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Evening Program
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: The Universal Love
English, Hindi, Marathi
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Kalwe (India), 30 December 1992. Transcript of English Talk: I would say those who have been worrying and all that should go into great meditation and understand that you are insulting yourself. You are saints. Why should you worry about what plane you are going to get, what you are not going to get? Shows that your level is very low, definitely. All those who have worried you have come here under My protection and you will go back under My protection! I got so sick this morning that I was thinking we’ll not have any pujas. You must know that you are all part and parcel of My being, I have put you into My body and you have to behave yourself. On such an auspicious day, when we have all come here, to do this special puja. I would say this should be called as a Mahalakshmi Puja, because it’s something to do with the industry of this country and of the whole world. Unless and until all the human ventures are connected with God, they cannot get their perfect stage and their status. That's why we have problems now in the West. Supposed to be very clever people, very smart, very well equipped, well educated, we are having recessions and things, because they have no balance! They don't know that there is God's power which works everything. And when we neglect that, this is what's happen to you. Now, for any venture that we do of this kind, first of all, we have to use lot of material from the Mother Earth. But if it is taken for a proper purpose, for constructive things and for helping others, with a balance, then Mother Earth can think, She can produce more and more [than] all this She has produced before. She can produce for people who are sensible, who are in tune with God, not just making money for themselves, or for their own purpose, but are thinking in totality, thinking as to what we can achieve by doing this, and that is how an industry can grow. Now you’ve seen in Japan, so much industry has grown, but no spirituality; they are not at all happy people, their children are suffering, families are suffering, money cannot get the total well being of a human being. So a balance has to be drawn. Specially in our country, thank God, we didn't have such a fast industrialisation, and that's why we are saved of lots of problems that the Western people are suffering, about which the Indians are not aware. They think you are all living in a very comfortable life there. Industry has to go hand in hand with the handicrafts and the industrialists have to, also, look after the artists. Because otherwise who will look after them? How will they bring forth the balance between the art and the industry? And art is such a soothing thing for these hard working people. They work the whole day, then there is some sort of music, art to console them, to give them peace, to relax them and the balance. So, I would say that, all industries must take to some artistic ventures also, or they should also produce things after...I was telling Rajesh many a times that he should try to produce something artistic out of the steel scrap that is left over - will be a good idea and they have tried something like that. But industry should not be looked down upon, as it is looked down upon in our country. I mean as if industrialists are the greatest thieves and all the politicians are saints, saints in this country - is the other way round, I think. It should be treated with respect and should be understood that it's very important. And the industrialists, if they become also enlightened, they can do a lot, not only to their own country but also to the people whom they are looking after. So in the Mahalakshmi principle, Mahalakshmi has various mudras. One of the mudra is that She puts Her right hand like this. Now, this right hand is to give protection to people who are under the protection or under the service of some rich man or the industrialist we can call it. In India, if you call somebody a rich man, it is like abusing him, I mean nobody likes it, because the rich are always shown to be the worst people, which is not so. In My own experience, it is not so. If there is a poor man also, he could be terrible. We have had very bad as experiences now in Ganapatipule of very poor people, how they behaved in a very funny manner - supposed to be poor! So it should be a proper balance. It should be brought to a proper balance between the understanding of the poor and the rich, and the rich and the poor. After some time you will find that people will not consider poverty or riches as so important, but the richness of the spirit will become very important. That is what is going to be the Sahaj nations where the richness of the heart, the spirituality, oneness with the Divine will become the greatest boon for everyone. But still we are struggling to be on that state, many are. And still we go into materialistic tantrums or some sort of a stupid worrying fall. All these must be carefully watched. If you can keep this chariot of new progress, progressing faster, we are going to create a new world of complete harmony, complete peace, joy and love. But for that, you are the ones who have to do it. I cannot do it. If I could have done it, I would not have asked you to join Sahaja Yoga. It is like the horses and the charioteer. Horses are to be driven, charioteer doesn’t drive the chariot. In the same way, you must understand your responsibility, that this is the greatest work we are doing. It is not only the industry, or the labour, and the capital I am talking about, but I am talking about the totality of well-being. Of course, all this is a part and parcel of that, no doubt, but the balance should be with the totality. So we have to think of a total well-being. Once you start thinking of a total well being, then first thing that should come to us, “Are we capable of bringing up that total well-being? Are we? Have we got the total well-being within ourselves or not? Have we?” We are still worried if the plane is coming or not. I mean we are so mundane, so little, so small. With one bandhan, you can control any plane, any atmosphere and here you are, I mean, still worried about things which are absolutely under your control. So this totality has to be thought over - “What is it this totality that Mother is talking of?” In this totality, a world has to be created of people, by the people who have no fear. This fear has to go! Behind all this nonsensical nervousness, is fear. So for that, what She does is to give Aavedan, under Her protection. You are beyond fear, you are protected. But if you don't want to believe in yourself, and you don't believe into Her protection, then nobody can help you, because everything is mythical for you. In every venture that we take up, we should not have any fear, because God is with you. Is a fact, is the truth. You just try, but when you try through your ego, you fall into the trap of fear. I have seen egoistical people are the most frightened people and panicked, because they panic others and so they think they can be panicked one day. When the English were here, first of all, in India, we were all frightened of them. Now I see that, in England, every English family is frightened of others. They'll only open a chink of the door to see who is there and shut it! They’re so frightened. I am surprised they are the same English who ruled us here and we were so peevish before them and now they are the ones who are frightened of us, because when a person who is egoistical tries to dominate others, he sees himself in the mirror and thinks that the other person will dominate. That’s how this fear creeps in, into our minds, and we start getting all kinds of these stupid tantrums out of this mythical fear. The fear is created by our ego only. A person who has no ego - he'll have no fear because he has not harmed anyone, why should he have any fear? And such a man or such a woman will be looked after by God because God takes over. When you surrender your ego to God, he takes over, but those who have ego, He says all right, go ahead, use your ego, try to protect yourself, cut your throat! That's what it is. So when I talk of total benevolence, I am talking about your own total benevolence. So first is the fear, which should go out of your mind completely if you believe in the Almighty God. We'll say “You are Almighty God, you're Almighty this thing..” - is all lip service. If you believe that God is Almighty and you are connected with God, then why should you have any fear of anything? But when we say don't have fear, another extreme comes up. “We don't have fear, we can do what we like, we can perform everything ourselves, we need not tell anyone.” You have to tell God, whatever you are doing, you have to take permission, you have to inform in his darbar, in his court, that, “Sir, we are thinking of doing such and such thing.” But you think you are God! You are not! and that's why the another part of non-fear is this kind of an arbitrary behaviour which is very dangerous for Sahaja Yoga, for yourself, and for everybody else. The second fear, I mean I have, is that if I tell you anything, 99% of you understand is for your benevolence, is for your good. But there is 1% of people who can just react because they have too much ego and they won't take it, because they don't think of their own benevolence. They don't understand that if I am telling them anything, it is just to give them completeness, totality. But on the contrary, they take a very wrong attitude, this is another nonsense. So now, one has to develop a kind of indifference to this kind of people who unnecessarily go to the other limit of their own destruction and don't want to see what is the point in everything that I am telling. Only I can tell you, who else? I have to tell you what's wrong with you, what you have done wrong and then you must change it. This is another style of reaction, one gets. Means they are not interested in their own benevolence. They are not interested in the benevolence of their children, they are not interested in the benevolence of their country or the whole world. Then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Just ask one question. Of course for you to ascend, but ascend for what? Supposing we bring one tube light - for what? We have to take the tube light but for what? we have to put the light. But this tube light doesn’t give light, nothing of the kind. So what's the use of having this tube light? In the same way, what's the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga if you cannot become the light of the Divine? So all of you, each one of you is not at all a small person. No one, but you don't realise what you are. You still have those funny conditionings by which you think you are no good. All of you can come up and see so many people, if they take to total benevolence within themselves, it will manifest itself outside. Absolutely, is a fact! Then the attention is very important. The attention should be on your own perfection and on your total benevolence. This is also another point people miss, that they start finding faults with others, instead of finding faults with themselves. As a result, if you look at others, what will you get out of it? I just don't understand. If somebody is wrong, is doing something evil, is bad, even if you put attention to him, what will you do about it? But if you have something wrong, you have every right, you have every control, and you can correct yourself. I say this is specially Indian quality, is to find faults with others. They'll never see that, what's wrong with us? All the time the attention is involved in finding faults with others. Then how can we improve? On the contrary, if you start seeing faults, you get faulty much more. It's a copycat nature of human beings. They see somebody doing like this, “Oh Mother he's a Sahaja Yogi, he does like this so what's the harm if I do?” But who says he's a Sahaja Yogi? So Sahaja Yogi is not a brand, it's not a certificate, it's not a kind of a organisation. But it is your own status that you have achieved. Anybody can say “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” After all, I cannot stop him from saying. I am not such a... Even some I have seen, some mad people they are Sahaja Yogis. For years together they are mad but they are sahaja Yogis. But you have to see for yourself, “Am I a Sahaja Yogi or not?” before certifying yourself. Why don't you find out? But despite that I must say such a satisfaction. I never expected that so many people will get their realisation to begin with. Never! I mean I knew that it was a en-mass modus operandi I have developed but I never expected. But it has happened. And even now, I have to expect that all of you will achieve the highest, highest positions, the Paramapada as they said. Like the north pole, or like the Meru. Absolutely Atalha, which cannot be disturbed. So that's My hope and I am sure you will all comply with it. 20:43 to 22:55 [Mother talks in Marathi ] Translation from Hindi: Now, I am telling them in Hindi language. Marathi people should accept the truth that their language is a wonderful language for self-realization, there is no doubt about it. More than this, in no other language, this has been mentioned so clearly. And because they respect Shri Ganesha, they are more principled, if seen that way. Their eyes do not roam about here and there. In North India, because of the Muslim rule and because of their "pardah" system, they have a habit of looking at every person who are moving around. Everyone. I used to think in the beginning what are these people doing? Whatever happened, now after coming to Sahaja Yoga also. In the Marathi language, On self-realization, many scriptures and many things have been written which are amazing. The one effect of these writings has been on these people that they are not womanizers. They don't get trapped in this, these Maharashtrians. There are some who got involved with women, they all have gone now and are sitting in Delhi. But whoever are here, have one specialty within them and that is their good character. And in North India, I was very surprised, people who have not known Dattatreya, within them how so much alertness is there? There do not seem to be any fight, no disturbance, the program went on so well that everyone was astonished. [ 24:34 to 24:40 Marathi]. And by doing all this they have proved that, in whichever trough they were lying, they have risen from that absolutely and become like lotuses. This they have shown. Now in Maharashtra since all these things are there, many things have been written and, the Saints and sages have worked very hard. So, wherever there is plenty of hard work, I think, there the confusion also is of the same amount. Everything is known to them. Even after knowing everything, they have muddled everything. So, it is better that, don't have to know anything, just realize one thing that "mutual love" is the biggest and Prime mantra of Sahaja Yoga. Then lot of work will be done. Otherwise, hear mantra after Mantra from them, hear everything, they (Maharashtrians) know everything in the world, but the moment they see each other, they start swearing. Now by experience, it has been proven that, in North India, it is an amazing thing the way people have accepted Sahaja Yoga. Very amazing thing. In my opinion if this happens in Maharashtra also, then what more do I want? In this small part of India, Wonder how many Saints and sages have taken birth. And those saints and sages have been recognized by all the people of India. They have written such valuable phrases, which is worth watching. And, their Majesty cannot be described at all. Now, these things are apparent in the culture which is prevailing here. But they are not able to get into Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga these things should come. The culture of Sahaja Yoga should be accepted. And in the culture of Sahaja Yoga, the greatest thing is mutual love. We don't feel the love among one another. In such case, we are not Sahaja Yogis at all. As long as one Sahaj Yogi cannot express his love for the other, we cannot become Yogis at all. If we are busy in cutting each other's throat, then we cannot be Sahaja Yogi at all. At any cost. You need not see other's drawbacks. See his virtues and describe his goodness and he also will become a good person. I do it many a times. If someone comes and tells me that this person is like this, he did this wrong, he did this. Arrey! he was appreciating you, and you are talking ill of him? "is that so? What did he say mother"? He said so many things about you, what can I say, you go and check with him. Then this person goes and hugs him. It means this is all a lie. Now, think in depth that where are we born? We are born in the kind of world where very important work is happening. Very important. Regarding this it has been mentioned that this important work will happen. When we are born at the time when this great work is happening, and we are active in that, and we are the doer of this work, when the burden of doing that work is on us, then what should we do? If four people are carrying a table, and even one among them is weak, then the table will fall down. Or in a ship even if there is a small hole, the whole ship may drown. Because all these matters are collective. Because you all are collective. If among you even a single person takes the wrong path, the whole Sahaja Yoga is harmed by that. So, in this, we have to understand that there should be humility among us. Jesus Christ has told that "Meek in heart will, inherit earth". Among Maharashtrians, this humility is lacking. Somehow, in spite of their language being so beautiful, while talking, though there is no abuse in the language, still in the abusive language, they talk something or the other. this is their character. [29:28 to 29:29-marathi]. Earlier it was not there, now it is there. And they are so obsessed with this that they start fighting everywhere. Everywhere they want to do this and do that. You don't understand anything. Their temperament has become that of a fighter. Human being should pay attention to this temperament because now we are in Sahaja Yoga, we have engarlanded ourselves with this, now leave all this. But they won't listen. If you tell them to become "workari" (a religious cult), then they will chew tobacco and wear the robe, starve themselves to death and walk for months. Thousands of them. But if they are told that you have become Sahaja yogis, so impersonate that, then it is a very difficult task. The greatest thing, in the Sahaj religion, the greatest of all is mutual, absolute love. Absolute love. See now. A Muslim boy from Algeria, told his parents, now why are you going to Mecca. Nowadays Mecca is stationed in London. Go there. He brought them to London. So, when they met me, they said " it is true, whatever we don't get in Mecca, we got here". And they said, just the thought that " we went to London", brings waves of joy in our heart. Just like this, just the thought of any Sahaja Yogi should bring flow of joy within. 31:18 to 31:54 [Mother talks in Marathi ] Transcript of English Speech: I'll tell you in English. I have told you many a times about Namadeva and Gura Kumbar, how Gura Kumbar, when he saw Namadeva. Namadeva saw Gura Kumbar was kneading the clay for his potters, pottery. He just went and stood before him, stunned and what he says that, “I have come to see here the formless, that's the vibrations, but the formless is in a form.” This the appreciation one should have, one Sahaja Yogi should have for another. Every Sahaja Yogi’s a gem. Even the thought of a gem should bring Joy to you, in every life, every style in every area, every dimensions, one should have this kind of a feeling. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, we do not accept. For us, we are all Sahaja Yogis and we have faith in all the religion. Not samabhava! We have faith in everyone. As well as we worship Rama, we worship Mohammed sahib also. Same way! No less. As we worship Brahmadeva or as we worship, let's say, Dattatreya, we worship Zoroaster. There’s no difference at all! Same way! There’s a big difference in having just the same, what you call, the same respect. It’s not that. But we worship the same way. So there's no question of differentiating each other, nor on country-wise, nothing. And whatever defects we have we see to it that it has come from our country, which I see, many Sahaja Yogis tell Me, “This is typically English, this is typically French, this is typically Italian.” They themselves tell Me. But, main thing one has to understand is this, that, in Sahaja Yoga we have lost all these boundaries. Nothing is there. We have reached that state where we are all One. And the idea of any Sahaja Yogi whatsoever, and any individual Sahaja Yogi, or a group of Sahaja Yogis, should fill you up with Joy, and a kind of a wave of Joy which is continuously coming. Because there are in the form of Joy, Peace. If this appreciation is reached, then only one can say that you are Sahaja Yogis and that is one of the tests I have seen. You love Me very much I know, all of you. But unless and until you love each other, how am I going to be happy? So today specially, this Mahalakshmi principle, when it is awakened within you, then you get out of a Lakshmi principle which makes a little selfish, maybe self-centred and you get into a new dimension of searching. Of searching the higher value system. Something beyond. Without any limitations. And that Mahalakshmi principle is really nothing in essence if you see, is nothing, but you are seeking the Universal Love. In the essence it is that. We don't love people because they belong to some country, because they look like this and this is this – nothing! We love them only because they are our part and parcel, we are One with them. So those who are today worshipping Mahalakshmi should see how many worshippers of Mahalakshmi are there, and there are all our own. It's such a great feeling. Otherwise in Maharashtra specially I must say, was horrible, one Sahaja Yogi goes to preach in another district, the district leader (microphone screeches) starts fighting. Just like this sound! “Who are you to come here? I am the leader.” Instead of respecting him and making him a welcome guest, asking him what can you help, there’s a big fight! I mean, it’s really surprising how can it happen. When Namadeva went to Punjab, Guru Nanak sahib respected him. Not only that, but he told him that you write now in Punjabi language also. I have seen such a big book written by Namadeva, can you imagine! He included all the great saints of Maharashtra in his Granth Sahib, because he knew that these are realised souls, they are higher souls. But the Sikhs are only reading it - nothing goes into their heads - what can you do? So at that time, if the saints could love each other, could express themselves in such a manner, why not we the Sahaja Yogis from all over the world? So I would say now that, let us see. There's a very nice program of Ras we'll be having when all the Indians and the foreign Sahaja Yogis are going to be together, and are going to dance together. All such things are there. So don't sit in groups, but mix up with others, know them. And this is what we are going to know - each and every Sahaja Yogi of the whole world. It’s very important for Me that you should love each other. It will really soothe Me the most, will give Me the greatest Joy, the greatest achievement and the fulfilment of My life. If somebody is really, definitely wrong, you just write to Me and I will know, because immediately I'll know from vibrations. Nobody can befool Me, there’s one thing for sure! Some people say that “Somebody has told this to Mother.” Nothing can be told to Mother, you don't know. I'm too cunning for all this. Nobody can tell Me anything, I know each and everyone, but I play around a little bit. But I know each and every person. I give them a chance to hang themselves for a time being. But never believe that anybody can befool Me and tell anything. I listen to everyone and you can try that too. If you love another Sahaja Yogi, this loving process, itself, is so joy giving. When you first saw Me, this time on the stage, you felt that way, because this process of loving is the greatest joy giving thing. So be happy, be joyous. If some people are missing the plane, well and good, you will live with other Sahaja Yogis here. After all, you are somewhere in the world. You are not lost! Even if you are in the sea you are there. On the plane you are there. What does it matter? Why is it so important that this plane must be reserved and you must worry about this plane. “I must get out at this time?” There’s no need. Wherever you are, you are with Sahaja Yogis, so why worry? You are, that's the point. Like many people ask Me Mother, you travel so much , how is it you don't get tired? but I never think I am travelling, I just think I am. That's all. Whether in the plane or here or there, I am just there. I have to tell Me I’m travelling, then again I forget. So you are. Whether you are here, or in England or anywhere, you are here. Or you are there. So why to worry? Specially in the plane, I think there's something wrong with the western genetics. The plane enters into their Kundalini I think, and they go so bizarre with the aeroplanes. Something I've never been able to understand. I've given them so many lessons to show that - don't do all this nonsense, but still they go on doing it! But if I tell them, they feel guilty, but again they do it. Next time if your plane is 8 o'clock, go at 9 o'clock. The plane will wait for you till 10 o'clock, take it from Me. It has happen, so many can tell this. So many experiences are there. I mean we haven't written them down but people know how planes have been delayed for us. I have never missed a plane, all My life and when I missed it, it was with a purpose - it’s, big thing’s happened. So it is important. It's a drama. The worry should be one: “Why can't I love everyone as I love myself?” I tell you only this Universal Love will give you that confidence and that higher status. Why these saints suffered for you? Why did Christ suffer for you? Why Mohammed Sahib suffered for you? Why anybody talked to you about Dharma? Why Gyaneshwara wrote Gyaneshwari? Why? What did they get? This satisfaction of their expression of Universal Love. All the great poets, William Blake or anyone, whatever they have done is just because they have this Universal Love and they want to express it. Then why not you do it? So if you want your Mahalakshmi principle to be all the time burning, then please see that you love each and every Sahaja Yogi. That's the message today, I hope you will understand that. May God bless you. I would request that, you see, the foreign children, or foreigners get so many pujas, you must know that. But the Indians, they get hardly one puja here and one puja there. Also the children don't get a chance. So this time, let the Indian children come forward. All right? and Indian ladies. Thank you. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SECOND VERSION OF TRANSLATION (WITH TRANSLATION FROM MARATHI INCLUDED) In the background, “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai” can be heard. Announcer Announcer – Shri Mataji has just clearly said that we should stop worrying about the planes. Everything is arranged, everything is done, there is nothing to worry about the tickets, nothing to worry about the planes. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Nonsense it is”. Announcer – Please stop worrying because this really hurts Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Very much”. Announcer - Shri Mataji just now said that it will hurt her when we think and keep on worrying about our planes. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Are you not Sahaja yogis or what?” Announcer – Everything is arranged, nothing to worry. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Sahaja yogis should not fall to that level.” Transcript of Talk in English The Sahaja Yogis should not fall to such a level of mundane type of people. After all what is going to happen to you. I would say those who have been worrying and all that should go into great meditation and understand that you are insulting yourself. You are saints. Why should you worry about what plane you are going to get, what you are not going to get? Shows that your level is very low, definitely! All those who are worried! You have come here under my protection and you will go back under my protection. (Claps can be heard in the background). I got so sick this morning that I was thinking we’ll not have any poojas. You must know that you are all part and parcel of my being, I have put you into my body and you have to behave yourself. On such an auspicious day, when we have all come here, to do this special pooja. I would say this should be called as a Mahalakshmi Pooja, because it’s something to do with the industry of this country and of the whole world. Unless and until all the human ventures are connected with God, they cannot get their perfect stage and their status. That’s why we have problems now in the West, supposed to be very clever people, very smart, very well equipped, well educated, we are having recessions and things, because they have no balance! They don’t know that there is God’s power which works everything. And when we neglect that, this is what happens to you. Now, for any venture that we do of this kind, first of all, we have to use lot of material from the Mother Earth. But if it is taken for a proper purpose, for constructive things and for helping others, with a balance, then Mother Earth can think. She can produce more and more [than] all this she has produced before. She can produce for people who are sensible, who are in tune with God, not just making money for themselves, or for their own purpose, but are thinking in totality, thinking as to what we can achieve by doing this, and that is how an industry can grow. Now you’ve seen in Japan, so much industry has grown, but no spirituality. They are not at all happy people, their children are suffering, families are suffering, money cannot get the total well being of a human being. So a balance has to be drawn. Especially in our country, thank God, we didn’t have such a fast industrialisation, and that’s why we are saved of lots of problems that the Western people are suffering, about which the Indians are not aware. They think you are all living in a very comfortable life there. Industry has to go hand in hand with the handicrafts and the industrialists have to, also, look after the artists. Because otherwise who will look after them? How will they bring forth the balance between the art and the industry? And art is such a soothing thing for these hard working people. They work the whole day, then there is some sort of a music, art to console them, to give them peace, to relax them and a balance. So, I would say that, all industries must take to some artistic ventures also, or they should also produce things after… I was telling Rajesh many a times that he should try to produce something artistic out of the steel scrap that is left over – will be a good idea and they have tried something like that. But industry should not be looked down upon, as it is looked down upon in our country. I mean as if industrialists are the greatest thieves and all the politicians are saints, saints in this country – is the other way round, I think. It should be treated with respect and should be understood that it’s very important. And the industrialists, if they become also enlightened, they can do a lot, not only to their own country but also to the people whom they are looking after. So in the Mahalakshmi principle, Mahalakshmi has various postures (“mudras”). One of the posture (“mudra”) is that she puts her right hand like this (Shri Mataji shows the blessing pose). Now, this right hand is to give protection to people who are under the protection or under the service of some rich man or the industrialist we can call it. In India, if you call somebody a rich man, it is like abusing him, I mean nobody likes it, because the rich are always shown to be the worst people, which is not so. In my own experience, it is not so. If there is a poor man also, he could be terrible. We have had very bad experiences now in Ganapatipule of very poor people, how they behaved in a very funny manner – supposed to be poor! So it should be a proper balance. It should be brought to a proper balance between the understanding of the poor and the rich, and the rich and the poor. After some time you will find that people will not consider poverty or riches as so important, but the richness of the spirit will become very important. That is what is going to be the Sahaja nations where the richness of the heart, the spirituality, oneness with the Divine will become the greatest boon for everyone. But still we are struggling to be on that state, many are. And still we go into materialistic tantrums or some sort of a stupid worrying fall. All these must be carefully watched. If you can keep this chariot of new progress, progressing faster, we are going to create a new world of complete harmony, complete peace, joy and love. But for that, you are the ones who have to do it. I cannot do it. If I could have done it, I would not have asked you to join Sahaja Yoga. It is like the horses and the charioteer. Horses are to be driven, charioteer doesn’t drive the chariot. In the same way, you must understand your responsibility that this is the greatest work we are doing. It is not only the industry, or the labour, and the capital I am talking about, but I am talking about the totality of well-being. Of course, all this is a part and parcel of that, no doubt, but the balance should be with the totality. So we have to think of a total well-being. Once you start thinking of a total well being, then first thing that should come to us, “Are we capable of bringing up that total well-being? Are we? Have we got the total well-being within ourselves or not? Have we?” We are still worried if the plane is coming or not. I mean we are so mundane, so little, so small. With one bandhan, you can control any plane, any atmosphere and here you are, I mean, still worried about things which are absolutely under your control. So this totality has to be thought over – “What is it this totality that Mother is talking of?” In this totality, a world has to be created of people, by the people who have no fear. This fear has to go! Behind all this nonsensical nervousness, is fear. So for that, what she does is to give “Abhaydaan”. Under her protection, you are beyond fear, you are protected. But if you don’t want to believe in yourself, and you don’t believe into her protection, then nobody can help you, because everything is mythical for you. In every venture that we take up, we should not have any fear, because God is with you. Is a fact, is the truth. You just try, but when you try through your ego, you fall into the trap of fear. I have seen egoistical people are the most frightened people and panicked, because they panic others and so they think they can be panicked one day. When the English were here, first of all, in India, we were all frightened of them. Now I see that, in England, every English family is frightened of others. They’ll only open a chink of the door to see who is there and shut it! They’re so frightened. I am surprised they are the same English who ruled us here and we were so peevish before them and now they are the ones who are frightened of us, because when a person who is egoistical tries to dominate others, he sees himself in the mirror and thinks that the other person will dominate. That’s how this fear creeps in, into our minds, and we start getting all kinds of these stupid tantrums out of this mythical fear. The fear is created by our ego only. A person who has no ego, he’ll have no fear because he has not harmed anyone, why should he have any fear? And such a man or such a woman will be looked after by God because God takes over. When you surrender your ego to God, he takes over, but those who have ego, he says all right, go ahead, use your ego, try to protect yourself, cut your throat! That’s what it is. So when I talk of total benevolence, I am talking about your own total benevolence. So first is the fear, which should go out of your mind completely if you believe in the Almighty God. We’ll say “You are Almighty God, you’re Almighty this thing.” – is all lip service. If you believe that God is Almighty and you are connected with God, then why should you have any fear of anything? But, when we say don’t have fear, another extreme comes up. “We don’t have fear, we can do what we like, we can perform everything ourselves, we need not tell anyone.” You have to tell God, whatever you are doing, you have to take permission, you have to inform in his court (“darbar”), in his court, that, “Sir, we are thinking of doing such and such thing.” But you think you are God! You are not and that’s why the another part of non-fear is this kind of an arbitrary behaviour which is very dangerous for Sahaja Yoga, for yourself, and for everybody else. The second fear, I mean I have is that if I tell you anything, 99% of you understand is for your benevolence, is for your good. But there is 1% of people who can just react because they have too much ego and they won’t take it, because they don’t think of their own benevolence. They don’t understand that if I am telling them anything, it is just to give them completeness, totality. But on the contrary, they take a very wrong attitude, this is another nonsense. So now, one has to develop a kind of indifference to this kind of people who unnecessarily go to the other limit of their own destruction and don’t want to see, what is the point in everything that I am telling. Only I can tell you, who else? I have to tell you what’s wrong with you, what you have done wrong and then you must change it. This is another style of reaction, one gets. Means they are not interested in their own benevolence. They are not interested in the benevolence of their children; they are not interested in the benevolence of their country or the whole world. Then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Just ask one question. Of course for you to ascend, but ascend for what? Supposing we bring one tube light for what? We have to take the tube light but for what? We have to put the light. But this tube light doesn’t give light, nothing of the kind. So what’s the use of having this tube light? In the same way, what’s the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga if you cannot become the light of the Divine? So all of you, each one of you is not at all a small person. No one, but you don’t realise what you are. You still have those funny conditionings by which you think you are no good. All of you can come up and see so many people, if they take to total benevolence within themselves, it will manifest itself outside. Absolutely, is a fact! Then the attention is very important. The attention should be on your own perfection and on your total benevolence. This is also another point people miss, that they start finding faults with others, instead of finding faults with themselves. As a result, if you look at others, what will you get out of it? I just don’t understand. If somebody is wrong, is doing something evil, is bad, even if you put attention to him, what will you do about it? But if you have something wrong, you have every right, you have every control, and you can correct yourself. I say this is specially Indian quality, is to find faults with others. They’ll never see that, what’s wrong with us? All the time the attention is involved in finding faults with others. Then how can we improve? On the contrary, if you start seeing faults, you get faulty much more. It’s a copycat nature of human beings. They see somebody doing like this, “Oh Mother he’s a Sahaja Yogi, he does like this so what’s the harm if I do?” But who says he’s a Sahaja Yogi? So Sahaja Yogi is not a brand, it’s not a certificate, it’s not a kind of a organisation. But it is your own status that you have achieved. Anybody can say “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” After all, I cannot stop him from saying I am not a Sahaja Yogi (not very clear)… Even some I have seen, some mad people they are Sahaja Yogis. For years together they are mad but they are sahaja Yogis. But you have to see for yourself, “Am I a Sahaja Yogi or not?” before certifying yourself. Why don’t you find out? But despite that I must say such a satisfaction. I never expected that so many people will get their realisation to begin with. Never! I mean I knew that it was a mass modus operandi I have developed but I never expected. But it has happened. And even now, I have to expect that all of you will achieve the highest, highest positions, the paramount (“paramapada”) as they said. Like the north pole, or like the Meru. Absolutely firm (“Atala”), which cannot be disturbed. So that’s my hope and I am sure you will all comply with it. End of talk in English Translation from Marathi 20:43 to 22:55 [Mother talks in Marathi] Now I will need to speak in Marathi as many people do not understand English language. It is not a problem as English language is not that much spoken here (“English bhasha kahi naam nahi aahe”). There is no language like Marathi and again to get the knowledge of your spirit (“atman”) the language is Marathi. And so many saints and sages have done their work here and we are doing the job of nagapantis of [raising] Kundalini. But to say, if Marathi language is such a great language and even though the whole world’s Kundalini is in Maharashtra, the head of Maharashtrian people is working in the opposite direction, I don’t know the reason for this. What is happening in politics, is now happening in our Sahaja yoga in every house. Everyone is looking to pull each other down, I don’t understand why people are doing this. If within you there is no feeling of collectivity, if you are not established (“samishtha”), then have I worked so hard for such an order (“vyastha swarup”). And have the saints and sages mentioned this? They have said this “Tyechi Soyarika Yeti” – His Sovereign will come. Why did Saint Gyaneshwara say all these things? For whom has he said all these things, I don’t understand. It seems they have said it for the people in foreign countries as I cannot see the effect of these words on people here. Who is your “soyarika”, it is a Sahaja yogi. But I get letters saying “this person has done a mistake”, “that person has done a mistake”. Will I feel good listening to these things. Should you be keeping the Goddess happy or should you be writing such letters to her? Everytime I have to say such things, to whom? You are saints and sages, I have made you sages and saints. I have brought you to this high level. I have brought you like the “Dhrva” star in the court (“adalpatavar”) and I do not understand where you are lagging behind, what to say? Marathi language is so fair (“sujaval”), so sharp (“prakhara”) and such a good language for your self-realisation. Even then, it should be realized by the people listening to Marathi. If it does not get in their head, then what is the use of telling? On the other side, people have devised various methods of [raising] Kundalini. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 22:56 to 24:33 [Mother talks in Hindi] Now I am going to tell them in Hindi. Marathi people need to understand that they have a wonderful language for self-realization, there is no doubt about it. More than this, in no other language, this has been mentioned so clearly. And because they respect Shri Ganesha, they are more principled (character), if seen that way. Their eyes do not roam about here and there. In North India, because of the Muslim rule and because of their veil (“pardah”) system, they have a habit of looking at every person who is moving around, everyone. I used to think in the beginning what are these people doing? Whatever happened, now after coming to Sahaja Yoga. In the Marathi language, on self-realization, many scriptures and many things have been written which are amazing. The one effect of these writings has been on these people that they are not womanizers. They don’t get trapped in this, these Maharashtrians. There are some who got involved with women, they all have gone now and are sitting in Delhi. But whoever are here, have one specialty within them and that is their good character. And in North India, I was very surprised, people who have not known Dattatreya, within them how so much alertness is there? There do not seem to be any fight, no disturbance; the program went on so well that everyone was astonished. End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 24:34 to 24:42 [Mother talks in Marathi] If I have to say in Marathi, these foreigners have come, the attention is on how to make money from them. It is not like this there. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 24:43 to 29:27 [Mother talks in Hindi] And by doing all this they have proved that, in whichever trough they were lying, they have risen from that absolutely and become like lotuses. This they have shown. Now in Maharashtra since all these things are there, many things have been written and, the saints and sages have worked very hard. So, wherever there is plenty of hard work, I think, everything gets jumbled up. Everything is known to them. Even after knowing everything, they have muddled everything. So, it is better that, don’t have to know anything, just realize one thing that “mutual love” is the biggest and prime mantra of Sahaja Yoga. Then lot of work will be done. Otherwise, hear mantra after Mantra from them, hear everything, they know everything in the world, but the moment they see each other, they start swearing. Now by experience, it has been proven that, in North India, it is an amazing thing the way people have accepted Sahaja Yoga, very amazing thing, very amazing. In my opinion if this happens in Maharashtra also, then what more do I want? In this small part of India, wonder how many saints and sages have taken birth. And those saints and sages have been recognized by all the people of India. They have written such valuable phrases, which is worth admiring. And, their majesty cannot be described at all. Now, these things are apparent in the culture which is prevailing here. But they are not able to get into Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga these things should come. The culture of Sahaja Yoga should be accepted. And in the culture of Sahaja Yoga, the greatest thing is mutual love. We don’t feel the love between each another, in such case, we are not Sahaja Yogis at all. As long as one Sahaja Yogi cannot express his love for another Sahaja Yogi, we cannot become Sahaja Yogis at all. If we are busy in cutting each other’s throat, then we cannot be Sahaja Yogi at all, at any cost. You need not see other’s faults. See their good virtues and describe their goodness and thee will also become a good person. I do it many a times. If someone comes and tells me that this person is like this, he did this wrong, he did this. Arrey! He was appreciating you, and you are talking ill of him? “is that so? What did he say Mother”? He said so many things about you, what can I say, you go and check with him. Then this person goes and hugs him. It means this is all a lie. Now, think in depth that where are we born? We are born in the kind of world where very important work is happening, very important. Regarding this it has been mentioned that this important work will happen. When we are born at the time when this great work is happening, and we are active in that, and we are the doer of this work, when the burden of doing that work is on us, then what should we do? If four people are carrying a table, and even one among them is weak, then the table will fall down. Or in a ship even if there is a small hole, the whole ship may drown; because all these matters are collective, because you all are collective. If among you even a single person takes the wrong path, the whole Sahaja Yoga is harmed by that. So, in this, we have to understand that there should be humility among us. Jesus Christ has told that “Meek in heart will, inherit earth”. Among Maharashtrians, this humility is lacking. Somehow, in spite of their language being so beautiful, while talking, though there is no abuse in the language, still in the abusive language, they talk something or the other. This is their character. End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 29:28 to 29:29 [Mother talks in Marathi]. It was not like this earlier. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 29:30 to 31:20 [Mother talks in Hindi] Earlier it was not there, now it is there. And they are so obsessed with this that they start fighting everywhere. Everywhere they want to do this and do that. They don’t understand anything. Their temperament has become that of a fighter. Human being should pay attention to this temperament because now we are in Sahaja Yoga, we have engarlanded ourselves with this, now leave all this. But they won’t listen. If you tell them to become a religious cult (“vaarkari”), then they will chew tobacco and wear the robe, starve themselves to death and walk for months. Thousands of them. But if they are told that you have become Sahaja yogis, so impersonate that, then it is a very difficult task. The greatest thing, in the Sahaja religion, the greatest of all is mutual, absolute love amongst each other. Absolute love. See now, a Muslim boy from Algeria, told his parents, now why are you going to Mecca. Nowadays Mecca is stationed in London. Go there. He brought them to London. So, when they met me, they said “it is true, whatever we don’t get in Mecca, we got here”. And they said, just the thought that “we went to London”, brings waves of joy in our heart. Just like this, just the thought of any Sahaja Yogi should bring flow of joy within. Ohh, he is such a Sahaja Yogi (feeling of love). End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 31:21 to 31:54 [Mother talks in Marathi] In Marathi it is said, I have given this example many times, but will repeat again. Once Namdeva decided to meet Gora Kumbhar, he went and stood there. Gora Kumbhar was crushing the soil. After he stood there he was tired (“thaklet”). In hindi there is no translation of the word ‘thaklet’, but he was tired (“thaklet”). And what did he say, “Nirgunache bheti aalo saguna shi” – which means “I met the formless through the form”. This is the identification of Sahaja Yoga. End of talk in Marathi Transcript of Talk in English I’ll tell you in English. I have told you many a times about Namadeva and Gora Kumbar, how Gora Kumbhar, when he saw Namadeva. Namadeva saw Gora Kumbhar was kneading the clay for his potters, pottery. He just went and stood before him, stunned and what he says that, “I have come to see here the formless, that’s the vibrations, but the formless is in a form.” This the appreciation one should have, one Sahaja Yogi should have for another. Every Sahaja Yogi is a gem. Even the thought of a gem should bring Joy to you, in every life, every style, in every areas, every dimensions, one should have this kind of a feeling. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, we do not accept. For us, we are all Sahaja Yogis and we have faith in all the religion. Not ‘samabhava’! We have faith in everyone. As well as we worship Rama, we worship Mohammed sahib also. Same way! No less. As we worship Brahmadeva or as we worship, let’s say, Dattatreya, we worship Zoroaster. There’s no difference at all! Same way! There’s a big difference in having just the same, what you call, the same respect. It’s not that. But we worship the same way. So there’s no question of differentiating each other, nor on country-wise, nothing. And whatever defects we have we see to it that it has come from our country, which I see, many Sahaja Yogis tell me, “This is typically English, this is typically French, this is typically Italian.” They themselves tell me. But, main thing one has to understand is this, that, in Sahaja Yoga we have lost all these boundaries. Nothing is there. We have reached that state where we are all One. And the idea of any Sahaja Yogi whatsoever, and any individual Sahaja Yogi, or a group of Sahaja Yogis, should fill you up with joy, and a kind of a wave of joy which is continuously coming, because there are in the form of Joy, Peace. If this appreciation is reached, then only one can say that you are Sahaja Yogis and that is one of the tests I have seen. You love me very much I know, all of you. But unless and until you love each other, how am I going to be happy? So today specially, this Mahalakshmi principle, when it is awakened within you, then you get out of a Lakshmi principle which makes a little selfish, maybe self-centred and you get into a new dimension of searching, of searching the higher value system, something beyond, without any limitations. And that Mahalakshmi principle is really nothing in essence if you see, is nothing, but you are seeking the Universal Love. In the essence it is that. We don’t love people because they belong to some country, because they look like this and this is this – nothing! We love them only because they are our part and parcel, we are One with them. So those who are today worshipping Mahalakshmi should feel how many worshippers of Mahalakshmi are there, and there are all our own. It’s such a great feeling. Otherwise in Maharashtra especially I must say, was horrible, one Sahaja Yogi goes to preach in another district, the district leader (microphone screeches) starts fighting. Just like this sound! “Who are you to come here? I am the leader.” Instead of respecting him and making him a welcome guest, asking him what can you help, there’s a big fight! I mean, it’s really surprising, how can it happen. When Namadeva went to Punjab, Guru Nanak sahib respected him. Not only that, but he told him that you write now in Punjabi language also. I have seen such a big book written by Namadeva, can you imagine! He included all the great saints of Maharashtra in his Grantha Sahib, because he knew that these are realised souls, they are higher souls. But the Sikhs are only reading it – nothing goes into their heads – what can you do? So at that time, if the saints could love each other, could express themselves in such a manner, why not we the Sahaja Yogis from all over the world? So I would say now that, let us see. There’s a very nice program of ‘Ras’ we’ll be having when all the Indians and the foreign Sahaja Yogis are going to be together, and are going to dance together. All such things are there. So don’t sit in groups, but mix up with others, know them. And this is what we are going to know – each and every Sahaja Yogi of the whole world. It’s very important for me that you should love each other. It will really soothe me the most, will give me the greatest joy, the greatest achievement and the fulfilment of my life. If somebody is really, definitely wrong, you just write to me and I will know, because immediately I’ll know from vibrations. Nobody can befool me, there’s one thing for sure! Some people say that “Somebody has told this to Mother.” Nothing can be told to Mother, you don’t know. I’m too cunning for all this. Nobody can tell me anything, I know each and everyone, but I play around a little bit. But I know each and every person. I give them a chance to hang themselves for a time being. But never believe that anybody can befool me and tell anything. I listen to everyone and you can try that. If you love another Sahaja Yogi, this loving process, itself, is so joy giving. When you first saw me, this time on the stage, you felt that way, because this process of loving is the greatest joy giving thing. So be happy, be joyous. If some people are missing the plane, well and good, you will live with other Sahaja Yogis here. After all, you are somewhere in the world. You are not lost! Even if you are in the sea you are there. On the plane you are there. What does it matter? Why is it so important that this plane must be reserved and you must worry about this plane. “I must get out at this time?” There’s no need. Wherever you are, you are with Sahaja Yogis, so why worry? You are, that’s the point. Like many people ask Me Mother, you travel so much , how is it you don’t get tired? But I never think I am travelling, I just think I am. That’s all. Whether in the plane or here or there, I am just there. I have to tell me I’m travelling, then again I forget. So you are. Whether you are here, or in England or anywhere, you are here. Or you are there. So why to worry? Especially in the plane, I think there’s something wrong with the western genetics. The plane enters into their Kundalini I think, and they go so bizarre with the aeroplanes. Something I’ve never been able to understand. I’ve given them so many lessons to show that – don’t do all this nonsense, but still they go on doing it! But if I tell them, they feel guilty, but again they do it. Next time if your plane is 8 o’clock, go at 9 o’clock. The plane will wait for you till 10 o’clock, take it from me. It has happened, so many can tell this. So many experiences are there. I mean we haven’t written them down but people know how planes have been delayed for us. I have never missed a plane, all my life and when I missed it, it was with a purpose – it’s, big things happened. So it is important. It’s a drama. he worry should be one: “Why can’t I love everyone as I love myself?” I tell you only this Universal Love will give you that confidence and that higher status. Why these saints suffered for you? Why did Christ suffer for you? Why Mohammed Sahib suffered for you? Why anybody talked to you about Dharma? Why Gyaneshwara wrote Gyaneshwari? Why? What did they get? This satisfaction of their expression of Universal Love. All the great poets, William Blake or anyone, whatever they have done is just because they have this Universal Love and they want to express it. Then why not you do it? So if you want your Mahalakshmi principle to be all the time burning, then please see that you love each and every Sahaja Yogi. That’s the message today, I hope you will understand that. May God bless you. End of talk in English (Not verified in the talk) - I would request that, you see, the foreign children, or foreigners get so many poojas, you must know that. But the Indians, they get hardly one pooja here and one pooja there. Also the children don’t get a chance. So this time, let the Indian children come forward. All right? and Indian ladies. Thank you.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Kalwe (India), 30 December 1992. Transcript of English Talk: I would say those who have been worrying and all that should go into great meditation and understand that you are insulting yourself. You are saints. Why should you worry about what plane you are going to get, what you are not going to get? Shows that your level is very low, definitely. All those who have worried you have come here under My protection and you will go back under My protection! I got so sick this morning that I was thinking we’ll not have any pujas. You must know that you are all part and parcel of My being, I have put you into My body and you have to behave yourself. On such an auspicious day, when we have all come here, to do this special puja. I would say this should be called as a Mahalakshmi Puja, because it’s something to do with the industry of this country and of the whole world. Unless and until all the human ventures are connected with God, they cannot get their perfect stage and their status. That's why we have problems now in the West. Supposed to be very clever people, very smart, very well equipped, well educated, we are having recessions and things, because they have no balance! They don't know that there is God's power which works everything. And when we neglect that, this is what's happen to you. Now, for any venture that we do of this kind, first of all, we have to use lot of material from the Mother Earth. But if it is taken for a proper purpose, for constructive things and for helping others, with a balance, then Mother Earth can think, She can produce more and more [than] all this She has produced before. She can produce for people who are sensible, who are in tune with God, not just making money for themselves, or for their own purpose, but are thinking in totality, thinking as to what we can achieve by doing this, and that is how an industry can grow. Now you’ve seen in Japan, so much industry has grown, but no spirituality; they are not at all happy people, their children are suffering, families are suffering, money cannot get the total well being of a human being. So a balance has to be drawn. Specially in our country, thank God, we didn't have such a fast industrialisation, and that's why we are saved of lots of problems that the Western people are suffering, about which the Indians are not aware. They think you are all living in a very comfortable life there. Industry has to go hand in hand with the handicrafts and the industrialists have to, also, look after the artists. Because otherwise who will look after them? How will they bring forth the balance between the art and the industry? And art is such a soothing thing for these hard working people. They work the whole day, then there is some sort of music, art to console them, to give them peace, to relax them and the balance. So, I would say that, all industries must take to some artistic ventures also, or they should also produce things after...I was telling Rajesh many a times that he should try to produce something artistic out of the steel scrap that is left over - will be a good idea and they have tried something like that. But industry should not be looked down upon, as it is looked down upon in our country. I mean as if industrialists are the greatest thieves and all the politicians are saints, saints in this country - is the other way round, I think. It should be treated with respect and should be understood that it's very important. And the industrialists, if they become also enlightened, they can do a lot, not only to their own country but also to the people whom they are looking after. So in the Mahalakshmi principle, Mahalakshmi has various mudras. One of the mudra is that She puts Her right hand like this. Now, this right hand is to give protection to people who are under the protection or under the service of some rich man or the industrialist we can call it. In India, if you call somebody a rich man, it is like abusing him, I mean nobody likes it, because the rich are always shown to be the worst people, which is not so. In My own experience, it is not so. If there is a poor man also, he could be terrible. We have had very bad as experiences now in Ganapatipule of very poor people, how they behaved in a very funny manner - supposed to be poor! So it should be a proper balance. It should be brought to a proper balance between the understanding of the poor and the rich, and the rich and the poor. After some time you will find that people will not consider poverty or riches as so important, but the richness of the spirit will become very important. That is what is going to be the Sahaj nations where the richness of the heart, the spirituality, oneness with the Divine will become the greatest boon for everyone. But still we are struggling to be on that state, many are. And still we go into materialistic tantrums or some sort of a stupid worrying fall. All these must be carefully watched. If you can keep this chariot of new progress, progressing faster, we are going to create a new world of complete harmony, complete peace, joy and love. But for that, you are the ones who have to do it. I cannot do it. If I could have done it, I would not have asked you to join Sahaja Yoga. It is like the horses and the charioteer. Horses are to be driven, charioteer doesn’t drive the chariot. In the same way, you must understand your responsibility, that this is the greatest work we are doing. It is not only the industry, or the labour, and the capital I am talking about, but I am talking about the totality of well-being. Of course, all this is a part and parcel of that, no doubt, but the balance should be with the totality. So we have to think of a total well-being. Once you start thinking of a total well being, then first thing that should come to us, “Are we capable of bringing up that total well-being? Are we? Have we got the total well-being within ourselves or not? Have we?” We are still worried if the plane is coming or not. I mean we are so mundane, so little, so small. With one bandhan, you can control any plane, any atmosphere and here you are, I mean, still worried about things which are absolutely under your control. So this totality has to be thought over - “What is it this totality that Mother is talking of?” In this totality, a world has to be created of people, by the people who have no fear. This fear has to go! Behind all this nonsensical nervousness, is fear. So for that, what She does is to give Aavedan, under Her protection. You are beyond fear, you are protected. But if you don't want to believe in yourself, and you don't believe into Her protection, then nobody can help you, because everything is mythical for you. In every venture that we take up, we should not have any fear, because God is with you. Is a fact, is the truth. You just try, but when you try through your ego, you fall into the trap of fear. I have seen egoistical people are the most frightened people and panicked, because they panic others and so they think they can be panicked one day. When the English were here, first of all, in India, we were all frightened of them. Now I see that, in England, every English family is frightened of others. They'll only open a chink of the door to see who is there and shut it! They’re so frightened. I am surprised they are the same English who ruled us here and we were so peevish before them and now they are the ones who are frightened of us, because when a person who is egoistical tries to dominate others, he sees himself in the mirror and thinks that the other person will dominate. That’s how this fear creeps in, into our minds, and we start getting all kinds of these stupid tantrums out of this mythical fear. The fear is created by our ego only. A person who has no ego - he'll have no fear because he has not harmed anyone, why should he have any fear? And such a man or such a woman will be looked after by God because God takes over. When you surrender your ego to God, he takes over, but those who have ego, He says all right, go ahead, use your ego, try to protect yourself, cut your throat! That's what it is. So when I talk of total benevolence, I am talking about your own total benevolence. So first is the fear, which should go out of your mind completely if you believe in the Almighty God. We'll say “You are Almighty God, you're Almighty this thing..” - is all lip service. If you believe that God is Almighty and you are connected with God, then why should you have any fear of anything? But when we say don't have fear, another extreme comes up. “We don't have fear, we can do what we like, we can perform everything ourselves, we need not tell anyone.” You have to tell God, whatever you are doing, you have to take permission, you have to inform in his darbar, in his court, that, “Sir, we are thinking of doing such and such thing.” But you think you are God! You are not! and that's why the another part of non-fear is this kind of an arbitrary behaviour which is very dangerous for Sahaja Yoga, for yourself, and for everybody else. The second fear, I mean I have, is that if I tell you anything, 99% of you understand is for your benevolence, is for your good. But there is 1% of people who can just react because they have too much ego and they won't take it, because they don't think of their own benevolence. They don't understand that if I am telling them anything, it is just to give them completeness, totality. But on the contrary, they take a very wrong attitude, this is another nonsense. So now, one has to develop a kind of indifference to this kind of people who unnecessarily go to the other limit of their own destruction and don't want to see what is the point in everything that I am telling. Only I can tell you, who else? I have to tell you what's wrong with you, what you have done wrong and then you must change it. This is another style of reaction, one gets. Means they are not interested in their own benevolence. They are not interested in the benevolence of their children, they are not interested in the benevolence of their country or the whole world. Then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Just ask one question. Of course for you to ascend, but ascend for what? Supposing we bring one tube light - for what? We have to take the tube light but for what? we have to put the light. But this tube light doesn’t give light, nothing of the kind. So what's the use of having this tube light? In the same way, what's the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga if you cannot become the light of the Divine? So all of you, each one of you is not at all a small person. No one, but you don't realise what you are. You still have those funny conditionings by which you think you are no good. All of you can come up and see so many people, if they take to total benevolence within themselves, it will manifest itself outside. Absolutely, is a fact! Then the attention is very important. The attention should be on your own perfection and on your total benevolence. This is also another point people miss, that they start finding faults with others, instead of finding faults with themselves. As a result, if you look at others, what will you get out of it? I just don't understand. If somebody is wrong, is doing something evil, is bad, even if you put attention to him, what will you do about it? But if you have something wrong, you have every right, you have every control, and you can correct yourself. I say this is specially Indian quality, is to find faults with others. They'll never see that, what's wrong with us? All the time the attention is involved in finding faults with others. Then how can we improve? On the contrary, if you start seeing faults, you get faulty much more. It's a copycat nature of human beings. They see somebody doing like this, “Oh Mother he's a Sahaja Yogi, he does like this so what's the harm if I do?” But who says he's a Sahaja Yogi? So Sahaja Yogi is not a brand, it's not a certificate, it's not a kind of a organisation. But it is your own status that you have achieved. Anybody can say “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” After all, I cannot stop him from saying. I am not such a... Even some I have seen, some mad people they are Sahaja Yogis. For years together they are mad but they are sahaja Yogis. But you have to see for yourself, “Am I a Sahaja Yogi or not?” before certifying yourself. Why don't you find out? But despite that I must say such a satisfaction. I never expected that so many people will get their realisation to begin with. Never! I mean I knew that it was a en-mass modus operandi I have developed but I never expected. But it has happened. And even now, I have to expect that all of you will achieve the highest, highest positions, the Paramapada as they said. Like the north pole, or like the Meru. Absolutely Atalha, which cannot be disturbed. So that's My hope and I am sure you will all comply with it. 20:43 to 22:55 [Mother talks in Marathi ] Translation from Hindi: Now, I am telling them in Hindi language. Marathi people should accept the truth that their language is a wonderful language for self-realization, there is no doubt about it. More than this, in no other language, this has been mentioned so clearly. And because they respect Shri Ganesha, they are more principled, if seen that way. Their eyes do not roam about here and there. In North India, because of the Muslim rule and because of their "pardah" system, they have a habit of looking at every person who are moving around. Everyone. I used to think in the beginning what are these people doing? Whatever happened, now after coming to Sahaja Yoga also. In the Marathi language, On self-realization, many scriptures and many things have been written which are amazing. The one effect of these writings has been on these people that they are not womanizers. They don't get trapped in this, these Maharashtrians. There are some who got involved with women, they all have gone now and are sitting in Delhi. But whoever are here, have one specialty within them and that is their good character. And in North India, I was very surprised, people who have not known Dattatreya, within them how so much alertness is there? There do not seem to be any fight, no disturbance, the program went on so well that everyone was astonished. [ 24:34 to 24:40 Marathi]. And by doing all this they have proved that, in whichever trough they were lying, they have risen from that absolutely and become like lotuses. This they have shown. Now in Maharashtra since all these things are there, many things have been written and, the Saints and sages have worked very hard. So, wherever there is plenty of hard work, I think, there the confusion also is of the same amount. Everything is known to them. Even after knowing everything, they have muddled everything. So, it is better that, don't have to know anything, just realize one thing that "mutual love" is the biggest and Prime mantra of Sahaja Yoga. Then lot of work will be done. Otherwise, hear mantra after Mantra from them, hear everything, they (Maharashtrians) know everything in the world, but the moment they see each other, they start swearing. Now by experience, it has been proven that, in North India, it is an amazing thing the way people have accepted Sahaja Yoga. Very amazing thing. In my opinion if this happens in Maharashtra also, then what more do I want? In this small part of India, Wonder how many Saints and sages have taken birth. And those saints and sages have been recognized by all the people of India. They have written such valuable phrases, which is worth watching. And, their Majesty cannot be described at all. Now, these things are apparent in the culture which is prevailing here. But they are not able to get into Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga these things should come. The culture of Sahaja Yoga should be accepted. And in the culture of Sahaja Yoga, the greatest thing is mutual love. We don't feel the love among one another. In such case, we are not Sahaja Yogis at all. As long as one Sahaj Yogi cannot express his love for the other, we cannot become Yogis at all. If we are busy in cutting each other's throat, then we cannot be Sahaja Yogi at all. At any cost. You need not see other's drawbacks. See his virtues and describe his goodness and he also will become a good person. I do it many a times. If someone comes and tells me that this person is like this, he did this wrong, he did this. Arrey! he was appreciating you, and you are talking ill of him? "is that so? What did he say mother"? He said so many things about you, what can I say, you go and check with him. Then this person goes and hugs him. It means this is all a lie. Now, think in depth that where are we born? We are born in the kind of world where very important work is happening. Very important. Regarding this it has been mentioned that this important work will happen. When we are born at the time when this great work is happening, and we are active in that, and we are the doer of this work, when the burden of doing that work is on us, then what should we do? If four people are carrying a table, and even one among them is weak, then the table will fall down. Or in a ship even if there is a small hole, the whole ship may drown. Because all these matters are collective. Because you all are collective. If among you even a single person takes the wrong path, the whole Sahaja Yoga is harmed by that. So, in this, we have to understand that there should be humility among us. Jesus Christ has told that "Meek in heart will, inherit earth". Among Maharashtrians, this humility is lacking. Somehow, in spite of their language being so beautiful, while talking, though there is no abuse in the language, still in the abusive language, they talk something or the other. this is their character. [29:28 to 29:29-marathi]. Earlier it was not there, now it is there. And they are so obsessed with this that they start fighting everywhere. Everywhere they want to do this and do that. You don't understand anything. Their temperament has become that of a fighter. Human being should pay attention to this temperament because now we are in Sahaja Yoga, we have engarlanded ourselves with this, now leave all this. But they won't listen. If you tell them to become "workari" (a religious cult), then they will chew tobacco and wear the robe, starve themselves to death and walk for months. Thousands of them. But if they are told that you have become Sahaja yogis, so impersonate that, then it is a very difficult task. The greatest thing, in the Sahaj religion, the greatest of all is mutual, absolute love. Absolute love. See now. A Muslim boy from Algeria, told his parents, now why are you going to Mecca. Nowadays Mecca is stationed in London. Go there. He brought them to London. So, when they met me, they said " it is true, whatever we don't get in Mecca, we got here". And they said, just the thought that " we went to London", brings waves of joy in our heart. Just like this, just the thought of any Sahaja Yogi should bring flow of joy within. 31:18 to 31:54 [Mother talks in Marathi ] Transcript of English Speech: I'll tell you in English. I have told you many a times about Namadeva and Gura Kumbar, how Gura Kumbar, when he saw Namadeva. Namadeva saw Gura Kumbar was kneading the clay for his potters, pottery. He just went and stood before him, stunned and what he says that, “I have come to see here the formless, that's the vibrations, but the formless is in a form.” This the appreciation one should have, one Sahaja Yogi should have for another. Every Sahaja Yogi’s a gem. Even the thought of a gem should bring Joy to you, in every life, every style in every area, every dimensions, one should have this kind of a feeling. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, we do not accept. For us, we are all Sahaja Yogis and we have faith in all the religion. Not samabhava! We have faith in everyone. As well as we worship Rama, we worship Mohammed sahib also. Same way! No less. As we worship Brahmadeva or as we worship, let's say, Dattatreya, we worship Zoroaster. There’s no difference at all! Same way! There’s a big difference in having just the same, what you call, the same respect. It’s not that. But we worship the same way. So there's no question of differentiating each other, nor on country-wise, nothing. And whatever defects we have we see to it that it has come from our country, which I see, many Sahaja Yogis tell Me, “This is typically English, this is typically French, this is typically Italian.” They themselves tell Me. But, main thing one has to understand is this, that, in Sahaja Yoga we have lost all these boundaries. Nothing is there. We have reached that state where we are all One. And the idea of any Sahaja Yogi whatsoever, and any individual Sahaja Yogi, or a group of Sahaja Yogis, should fill you up with Joy, and a kind of a wave of Joy which is continuously coming. Because there are in the form of Joy, Peace. If this appreciation is reached, then only one can say that you are Sahaja Yogis and that is one of the tests I have seen. You love Me very much I know, all of you. But unless and until you love each other, how am I going to be happy? So today specially, this Mahalakshmi principle, when it is awakened within you, then you get out of a Lakshmi principle which makes a little selfish, maybe self-centred and you get into a new dimension of searching. Of searching the higher value system. Something beyond. Without any limitations. And that Mahalakshmi principle is really nothing in essence if you see, is nothing, but you are seeking the Universal Love. In the essence it is that. We don't love people because they belong to some country, because they look like this and this is this – nothing! We love them only because they are our part and parcel, we are One with them. So those who are today worshipping Mahalakshmi should see how many worshippers of Mahalakshmi are there, and there are all our own. It's such a great feeling. Otherwise in Maharashtra specially I must say, was horrible, one Sahaja Yogi goes to preach in another district, the district leader (microphone screeches) starts fighting. Just like this sound! “Who are you to come here? I am the leader.” Instead of respecting him and making him a welcome guest, asking him what can you help, there’s a big fight! I mean, it’s really surprising how can it happen. When Namadeva went to Punjab, Guru Nanak sahib respected him. Not only that, but he told him that you write now in Punjabi language also. I have seen such a big book written by Namadeva, can you imagine! He included all the great saints of Maharashtra in his Granth Sahib, because he knew that these are realised souls, they are higher souls. But the Sikhs are only reading it - nothing goes into their heads - what can you do? So at that time, if the saints could love each other, could express themselves in such a manner, why not we the Sahaja Yogis from all over the world? So I would say now that, let us see. There's a very nice program of Ras we'll be having when all the Indians and the foreign Sahaja Yogis are going to be together, and are going to dance together. All such things are there. So don't sit in groups, but mix up with others, know them. And this is what we are going to know - each and every Sahaja Yogi of the whole world. It’s very important for Me that you should love each other. It will really soothe Me the most, will give Me the greatest Joy, the greatest achievement and the fulfilment of My life. If somebody is really, definitely wrong, you just write to Me and I will know, because immediately I'll know from vibrations. Nobody can befool Me, there’s one thing for sure! Some people say that “Somebody has told this to Mother.” Nothing can be told to Mother, you don't know. I'm too cunning for all this. Nobody can tell Me anything, I know each and everyone, but I play around a little bit. But I know each and every person. I give them a chance to hang themselves for a time being. But never believe that anybody can befool Me and tell anything. I listen to everyone and you can try that too. If you love another Sahaja Yogi, this loving process, itself, is so joy giving. When you first saw Me, this time on the stage, you felt that way, because this process of loving is the greatest joy giving thing. So be happy, be joyous. If some people are missing the plane, well and good, you will live with other Sahaja Yogis here. After all, you are somewhere in the world. You are not lost! Even if you are in the sea you are there. On the plane you are there. What does it matter? Why is it so important that this plane must be reserved and you must worry about this plane. “I must get out at this time?” There’s no need. Wherever you are, you are with Sahaja Yogis, so why worry? You are, that's the point. Like many people ask Me Mother, you travel so much , how is it you don't get tired? but I never think I am travelling, I just think I am. That's all. Whether in the plane or here or there, I am just there. I have to tell Me I’m travelling, then again I forget. So you are. Whether you are here, or in England or anywhere, you are here. Or you are there. So why to worry? Specially in the plane, I think there's something wrong with the western genetics. The plane enters into their Kundalini I think, and they go so bizarre with the aeroplanes. Something I've never been able to understand. I've given them so many lessons to show that - don't do all this nonsense, but still they go on doing it! But if I tell them, they feel guilty, but again they do it. Next time if your plane is 8 o'clock, go at 9 o'clock. The plane will wait for you till 10 o'clock, take it from Me. It has happen, so many can tell this. So many experiences are there. I mean we haven't written them down but people know how planes have been delayed for us. I have never missed a plane, all My life and when I missed it, it was with a purpose - it’s, big thing’s happened. So it is important. It's a drama. The worry should be one: “Why can't I love everyone as I love myself?” I tell you only this Universal Love will give you that confidence and that higher status. Why these saints suffered for you? Why did Christ suffer for you? Why Mohammed Sahib suffered for you? Why anybody talked to you about Dharma? Why Gyaneshwara wrote Gyaneshwari? Why? What did they get? This satisfaction of their expression of Universal Love. All the great poets, William Blake or anyone, whatever they have done is just because they have this Universal Love and they want to express it. Then why not you do it? So if you want your Mahalakshmi principle to be all the time burning, then please see that you love each and every Sahaja Yogi. That's the message today, I hope you will understand that. May God bless you. I would request that, you see, the foreign children, or foreigners get so many pujas, you must know that. But the Indians, they get hardly one puja here and one puja there. Also the children don't get a chance. So this time, let the Indian children come forward. All right? and Indian ladies. Thank you. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi SECOND VERSION OF TRANSLATION (WITH TRANSLATION FROM MARATHI INCLUDED) In the background, “Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai” can be heard. Announcer Announcer – Shri Mataji has just clearly said that we should stop worrying about the planes. Everything is arranged, everything is done, there is nothing to worry about the tickets, nothing to worry about the planes. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Nonsense it is”. Announcer – Please stop worrying because this really hurts Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Very much”. Announcer - Shri Mataji just now said that it will hurt her when we think and keep on worrying about our planes. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Are you not Sahaja yogis or what?” Announcer – Everything is arranged, nothing to worry. Shri Mataji can be heard saying in the background “Sahaja yogis should not fall to that level.” Transcript of Talk in English The Sahaja Yogis should not fall to such a level of mundane type of people. After all what is going to happen to you. I would say those who have been worrying and all that should go into great meditation and understand that you are insulting yourself. You are saints. Why should you worry about what plane you are going to get, what you are not going to get? Shows that your level is very low, definitely! All those who are worried! You have come here under my protection and you will go back under my protection. (Claps can be heard in the background). I got so sick this morning that I was thinking we’ll not have any poojas. You must know that you are all part and parcel of my being, I have put you into my body and you have to behave yourself. On such an auspicious day, when we have all come here, to do this special pooja. I would say this should be called as a Mahalakshmi Pooja, because it’s something to do with the industry of this country and of the whole world. Unless and until all the human ventures are connected with God, they cannot get their perfect stage and their status. That’s why we have problems now in the West, supposed to be very clever people, very smart, very well equipped, well educated, we are having recessions and things, because they have no balance! They don’t know that there is God’s power which works everything. And when we neglect that, this is what happens to you. Now, for any venture that we do of this kind, first of all, we have to use lot of material from the Mother Earth. But if it is taken for a proper purpose, for constructive things and for helping others, with a balance, then Mother Earth can think. She can produce more and more [than] all this she has produced before. She can produce for people who are sensible, who are in tune with God, not just making money for themselves, or for their own purpose, but are thinking in totality, thinking as to what we can achieve by doing this, and that is how an industry can grow. Now you’ve seen in Japan, so much industry has grown, but no spirituality. They are not at all happy people, their children are suffering, families are suffering, money cannot get the total well being of a human being. So a balance has to be drawn. Especially in our country, thank God, we didn’t have such a fast industrialisation, and that’s why we are saved of lots of problems that the Western people are suffering, about which the Indians are not aware. They think you are all living in a very comfortable life there. Industry has to go hand in hand with the handicrafts and the industrialists have to, also, look after the artists. Because otherwise who will look after them? How will they bring forth the balance between the art and the industry? And art is such a soothing thing for these hard working people. They work the whole day, then there is some sort of a music, art to console them, to give them peace, to relax them and a balance. So, I would say that, all industries must take to some artistic ventures also, or they should also produce things after… I was telling Rajesh many a times that he should try to produce something artistic out of the steel scrap that is left over – will be a good idea and they have tried something like that. But industry should not be looked down upon, as it is looked down upon in our country. I mean as if industrialists are the greatest thieves and all the politicians are saints, saints in this country – is the other way round, I think. It should be treated with respect and should be understood that it’s very important. And the industrialists, if they become also enlightened, they can do a lot, not only to their own country but also to the people whom they are looking after. So in the Mahalakshmi principle, Mahalakshmi has various postures (“mudras”). One of the posture (“mudra”) is that she puts her right hand like this (Shri Mataji shows the blessing pose). Now, this right hand is to give protection to people who are under the protection or under the service of some rich man or the industrialist we can call it. In India, if you call somebody a rich man, it is like abusing him, I mean nobody likes it, because the rich are always shown to be the worst people, which is not so. In my own experience, it is not so. If there is a poor man also, he could be terrible. We have had very bad experiences now in Ganapatipule of very poor people, how they behaved in a very funny manner – supposed to be poor! So it should be a proper balance. It should be brought to a proper balance between the understanding of the poor and the rich, and the rich and the poor. After some time you will find that people will not consider poverty or riches as so important, but the richness of the spirit will become very important. That is what is going to be the Sahaja nations where the richness of the heart, the spirituality, oneness with the Divine will become the greatest boon for everyone. But still we are struggling to be on that state, many are. And still we go into materialistic tantrums or some sort of a stupid worrying fall. All these must be carefully watched. If you can keep this chariot of new progress, progressing faster, we are going to create a new world of complete harmony, complete peace, joy and love. But for that, you are the ones who have to do it. I cannot do it. If I could have done it, I would not have asked you to join Sahaja Yoga. It is like the horses and the charioteer. Horses are to be driven, charioteer doesn’t drive the chariot. In the same way, you must understand your responsibility that this is the greatest work we are doing. It is not only the industry, or the labour, and the capital I am talking about, but I am talking about the totality of well-being. Of course, all this is a part and parcel of that, no doubt, but the balance should be with the totality. So we have to think of a total well-being. Once you start thinking of a total well being, then first thing that should come to us, “Are we capable of bringing up that total well-being? Are we? Have we got the total well-being within ourselves or not? Have we?” We are still worried if the plane is coming or not. I mean we are so mundane, so little, so small. With one bandhan, you can control any plane, any atmosphere and here you are, I mean, still worried about things which are absolutely under your control. So this totality has to be thought over – “What is it this totality that Mother is talking of?” In this totality, a world has to be created of people, by the people who have no fear. This fear has to go! Behind all this nonsensical nervousness, is fear. So for that, what she does is to give “Abhaydaan”. Under her protection, you are beyond fear, you are protected. But if you don’t want to believe in yourself, and you don’t believe into her protection, then nobody can help you, because everything is mythical for you. In every venture that we take up, we should not have any fear, because God is with you. Is a fact, is the truth. You just try, but when you try through your ego, you fall into the trap of fear. I have seen egoistical people are the most frightened people and panicked, because they panic others and so they think they can be panicked one day. When the English were here, first of all, in India, we were all frightened of them. Now I see that, in England, every English family is frightened of others. They’ll only open a chink of the door to see who is there and shut it! They’re so frightened. I am surprised they are the same English who ruled us here and we were so peevish before them and now they are the ones who are frightened of us, because when a person who is egoistical tries to dominate others, he sees himself in the mirror and thinks that the other person will dominate. That’s how this fear creeps in, into our minds, and we start getting all kinds of these stupid tantrums out of this mythical fear. The fear is created by our ego only. A person who has no ego, he’ll have no fear because he has not harmed anyone, why should he have any fear? And such a man or such a woman will be looked after by God because God takes over. When you surrender your ego to God, he takes over, but those who have ego, he says all right, go ahead, use your ego, try to protect yourself, cut your throat! That’s what it is. So when I talk of total benevolence, I am talking about your own total benevolence. So first is the fear, which should go out of your mind completely if you believe in the Almighty God. We’ll say “You are Almighty God, you’re Almighty this thing.” – is all lip service. If you believe that God is Almighty and you are connected with God, then why should you have any fear of anything? But, when we say don’t have fear, another extreme comes up. “We don’t have fear, we can do what we like, we can perform everything ourselves, we need not tell anyone.” You have to tell God, whatever you are doing, you have to take permission, you have to inform in his court (“darbar”), in his court, that, “Sir, we are thinking of doing such and such thing.” But you think you are God! You are not and that’s why the another part of non-fear is this kind of an arbitrary behaviour which is very dangerous for Sahaja Yoga, for yourself, and for everybody else. The second fear, I mean I have is that if I tell you anything, 99% of you understand is for your benevolence, is for your good. But there is 1% of people who can just react because they have too much ego and they won’t take it, because they don’t think of their own benevolence. They don’t understand that if I am telling them anything, it is just to give them completeness, totality. But on the contrary, they take a very wrong attitude, this is another nonsense. So now, one has to develop a kind of indifference to this kind of people who unnecessarily go to the other limit of their own destruction and don’t want to see, what is the point in everything that I am telling. Only I can tell you, who else? I have to tell you what’s wrong with you, what you have done wrong and then you must change it. This is another style of reaction, one gets. Means they are not interested in their own benevolence. They are not interested in the benevolence of their children; they are not interested in the benevolence of their country or the whole world. Then why have you come to Sahaja Yoga? Just ask one question. Of course for you to ascend, but ascend for what? Supposing we bring one tube light for what? We have to take the tube light but for what? We have to put the light. But this tube light doesn’t give light, nothing of the kind. So what’s the use of having this tube light? In the same way, what’s the use of coming to Sahaja Yoga if you cannot become the light of the Divine? So all of you, each one of you is not at all a small person. No one, but you don’t realise what you are. You still have those funny conditionings by which you think you are no good. All of you can come up and see so many people, if they take to total benevolence within themselves, it will manifest itself outside. Absolutely, is a fact! Then the attention is very important. The attention should be on your own perfection and on your total benevolence. This is also another point people miss, that they start finding faults with others, instead of finding faults with themselves. As a result, if you look at others, what will you get out of it? I just don’t understand. If somebody is wrong, is doing something evil, is bad, even if you put attention to him, what will you do about it? But if you have something wrong, you have every right, you have every control, and you can correct yourself. I say this is specially Indian quality, is to find faults with others. They’ll never see that, what’s wrong with us? All the time the attention is involved in finding faults with others. Then how can we improve? On the contrary, if you start seeing faults, you get faulty much more. It’s a copycat nature of human beings. They see somebody doing like this, “Oh Mother he’s a Sahaja Yogi, he does like this so what’s the harm if I do?” But who says he’s a Sahaja Yogi? So Sahaja Yogi is not a brand, it’s not a certificate, it’s not a kind of a organisation. But it is your own status that you have achieved. Anybody can say “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” After all, I cannot stop him from saying I am not a Sahaja Yogi (not very clear)… Even some I have seen, some mad people they are Sahaja Yogis. For years together they are mad but they are sahaja Yogis. But you have to see for yourself, “Am I a Sahaja Yogi or not?” before certifying yourself. Why don’t you find out? But despite that I must say such a satisfaction. I never expected that so many people will get their realisation to begin with. Never! I mean I knew that it was a mass modus operandi I have developed but I never expected. But it has happened. And even now, I have to expect that all of you will achieve the highest, highest positions, the paramount (“paramapada”) as they said. Like the north pole, or like the Meru. Absolutely firm (“Atala”), which cannot be disturbed. So that’s my hope and I am sure you will all comply with it. End of talk in English Translation from Marathi 20:43 to 22:55 [Mother talks in Marathi] Now I will need to speak in Marathi as many people do not understand English language. It is not a problem as English language is not that much spoken here (“English bhasha kahi naam nahi aahe”). There is no language like Marathi and again to get the knowledge of your spirit (“atman”) the language is Marathi. And so many saints and sages have done their work here and we are doing the job of nagapantis of [raising] Kundalini. But to say, if Marathi language is such a great language and even though the whole world’s Kundalini is in Maharashtra, the head of Maharashtrian people is working in the opposite direction, I don’t know the reason for this. What is happening in politics, is now happening in our Sahaja yoga in every house. Everyone is looking to pull each other down, I don’t understand why people are doing this. If within you there is no feeling of collectivity, if you are not established (“samishtha”), then have I worked so hard for such an order (“vyastha swarup”). And have the saints and sages mentioned this? They have said this “Tyechi Soyarika Yeti” – His Sovereign will come. Why did Saint Gyaneshwara say all these things? For whom has he said all these things, I don’t understand. It seems they have said it for the people in foreign countries as I cannot see the effect of these words on people here. Who is your “soyarika”, it is a Sahaja yogi. But I get letters saying “this person has done a mistake”, “that person has done a mistake”. Will I feel good listening to these things. Should you be keeping the Goddess happy or should you be writing such letters to her? Everytime I have to say such things, to whom? You are saints and sages, I have made you sages and saints. I have brought you to this high level. I have brought you like the “Dhrva” star in the court (“adalpatavar”) and I do not understand where you are lagging behind, what to say? Marathi language is so fair (“sujaval”), so sharp (“prakhara”) and such a good language for your self-realisation. Even then, it should be realized by the people listening to Marathi. If it does not get in their head, then what is the use of telling? On the other side, people have devised various methods of [raising] Kundalini. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 22:56 to 24:33 [Mother talks in Hindi] Now I am going to tell them in Hindi. Marathi people need to understand that they have a wonderful language for self-realization, there is no doubt about it. More than this, in no other language, this has been mentioned so clearly. And because they respect Shri Ganesha, they are more principled (character), if seen that way. Their eyes do not roam about here and there. In North India, because of the Muslim rule and because of their veil (“pardah”) system, they have a habit of looking at every person who is moving around, everyone. I used to think in the beginning what are these people doing? Whatever happened, now after coming to Sahaja Yoga. In the Marathi language, on self-realization, many scriptures and many things have been written which are amazing. The one effect of these writings has been on these people that they are not womanizers. They don’t get trapped in this, these Maharashtrians. There are some who got involved with women, they all have gone now and are sitting in Delhi. But whoever are here, have one specialty within them and that is their good character. And in North India, I was very surprised, people who have not known Dattatreya, within them how so much alertness is there? There do not seem to be any fight, no disturbance; the program went on so well that everyone was astonished. End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 24:34 to 24:42 [Mother talks in Marathi] If I have to say in Marathi, these foreigners have come, the attention is on how to make money from them. It is not like this there. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 24:43 to 29:27 [Mother talks in Hindi] And by doing all this they have proved that, in whichever trough they were lying, they have risen from that absolutely and become like lotuses. This they have shown. Now in Maharashtra since all these things are there, many things have been written and, the saints and sages have worked very hard. So, wherever there is plenty of hard work, I think, everything gets jumbled up. Everything is known to them. Even after knowing everything, they have muddled everything. So, it is better that, don’t have to know anything, just realize one thing that “mutual love” is the biggest and prime mantra of Sahaja Yoga. Then lot of work will be done. Otherwise, hear mantra after Mantra from them, hear everything, they know everything in the world, but the moment they see each other, they start swearing. Now by experience, it has been proven that, in North India, it is an amazing thing the way people have accepted Sahaja Yoga, very amazing thing, very amazing. In my opinion if this happens in Maharashtra also, then what more do I want? In this small part of India, wonder how many saints and sages have taken birth. And those saints and sages have been recognized by all the people of India. They have written such valuable phrases, which is worth admiring. And, their majesty cannot be described at all. Now, these things are apparent in the culture which is prevailing here. But they are not able to get into Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga these things should come. The culture of Sahaja Yoga should be accepted. And in the culture of Sahaja Yoga, the greatest thing is mutual love. We don’t feel the love between each another, in such case, we are not Sahaja Yogis at all. As long as one Sahaja Yogi cannot express his love for another Sahaja Yogi, we cannot become Sahaja Yogis at all. If we are busy in cutting each other’s throat, then we cannot be Sahaja Yogi at all, at any cost. You need not see other’s faults. See their good virtues and describe their goodness and thee will also become a good person. I do it many a times. If someone comes and tells me that this person is like this, he did this wrong, he did this. Arrey! He was appreciating you, and you are talking ill of him? “is that so? What did he say Mother”? He said so many things about you, what can I say, you go and check with him. Then this person goes and hugs him. It means this is all a lie. Now, think in depth that where are we born? We are born in the kind of world where very important work is happening, very important. Regarding this it has been mentioned that this important work will happen. When we are born at the time when this great work is happening, and we are active in that, and we are the doer of this work, when the burden of doing that work is on us, then what should we do? If four people are carrying a table, and even one among them is weak, then the table will fall down. Or in a ship even if there is a small hole, the whole ship may drown; because all these matters are collective, because you all are collective. If among you even a single person takes the wrong path, the whole Sahaja Yoga is harmed by that. So, in this, we have to understand that there should be humility among us. Jesus Christ has told that “Meek in heart will, inherit earth”. Among Maharashtrians, this humility is lacking. Somehow, in spite of their language being so beautiful, while talking, though there is no abuse in the language, still in the abusive language, they talk something or the other. This is their character. End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 29:28 to 29:29 [Mother talks in Marathi]. It was not like this earlier. End of talk in Marathi Translation from Hindi 29:30 to 31:20 [Mother talks in Hindi] Earlier it was not there, now it is there. And they are so obsessed with this that they start fighting everywhere. Everywhere they want to do this and do that. They don’t understand anything. Their temperament has become that of a fighter. Human being should pay attention to this temperament because now we are in Sahaja Yoga, we have engarlanded ourselves with this, now leave all this. But they won’t listen. If you tell them to become a religious cult (“vaarkari”), then they will chew tobacco and wear the robe, starve themselves to death and walk for months. Thousands of them. But if they are told that you have become Sahaja yogis, so impersonate that, then it is a very difficult task. The greatest thing, in the Sahaja religion, the greatest of all is mutual, absolute love amongst each other. Absolute love. See now, a Muslim boy from Algeria, told his parents, now why are you going to Mecca. Nowadays Mecca is stationed in London. Go there. He brought them to London. So, when they met me, they said “it is true, whatever we don’t get in Mecca, we got here”. And they said, just the thought that “we went to London”, brings waves of joy in our heart. Just like this, just the thought of any Sahaja Yogi should bring flow of joy within. Ohh, he is such a Sahaja Yogi (feeling of love). End of talk in Hindi Translation from Marathi 31:21 to 31:54 [Mother talks in Marathi] In Marathi it is said, I have given this example many times, but will repeat again. Once Namdeva decided to meet Gora Kumbhar, he went and stood there. Gora Kumbhar was crushing the soil. After he stood there he was tired (“thaklet”). In hindi there is no translation of the word ‘thaklet’, but he was tired (“thaklet”). And what did he say, “Nirgunache bheti aalo saguna shi” – which means “I met the formless through the form”. This is the identification of Sahaja Yoga. End of talk in Marathi Transcript of Talk in English I’ll tell you in English. I have told you many a times about Namadeva and Gora Kumbar, how Gora Kumbhar, when he saw Namadeva. Namadeva saw Gora Kumbhar was kneading the clay for his potters, pottery. He just went and stood before him, stunned and what he says that, “I have come to see here the formless, that’s the vibrations, but the formless is in a form.” This the appreciation one should have, one Sahaja Yogi should have for another. Every Sahaja Yogi is a gem. Even the thought of a gem should bring Joy to you, in every life, every style, in every areas, every dimensions, one should have this kind of a feeling. Muslims, Hindus, Christians, we do not accept. For us, we are all Sahaja Yogis and we have faith in all the religion. Not ‘samabhava’! We have faith in everyone. As well as we worship Rama, we worship Mohammed sahib also. Same way! No less. As we worship Brahmadeva or as we worship, let’s say, Dattatreya, we worship Zoroaster. There’s no difference at all! Same way! There’s a big difference in having just the same, what you call, the same respect. It’s not that. But we worship the same way. So there’s no question of differentiating each other, nor on country-wise, nothing. And whatever defects we have we see to it that it has come from our country, which I see, many Sahaja Yogis tell me, “This is typically English, this is typically French, this is typically Italian.” They themselves tell me. But, main thing one has to understand is this, that, in Sahaja Yoga we have lost all these boundaries. Nothing is there. We have reached that state where we are all One. And the idea of any Sahaja Yogi whatsoever, and any individual Sahaja Yogi, or a group of Sahaja Yogis, should fill you up with joy, and a kind of a wave of joy which is continuously coming, because there are in the form of Joy, Peace. If this appreciation is reached, then only one can say that you are Sahaja Yogis and that is one of the tests I have seen. You love me very much I know, all of you. But unless and until you love each other, how am I going to be happy? So today specially, this Mahalakshmi principle, when it is awakened within you, then you get out of a Lakshmi principle which makes a little selfish, maybe self-centred and you get into a new dimension of searching, of searching the higher value system, something beyond, without any limitations. And that Mahalakshmi principle is really nothing in essence if you see, is nothing, but you are seeking the Universal Love. In the essence it is that. We don’t love people because they belong to some country, because they look like this and this is this – nothing! We love them only because they are our part and parcel, we are One with them. So those who are today worshipping Mahalakshmi should feel how many worshippers of Mahalakshmi are there, and there are all our own. It’s such a great feeling. Otherwise in Maharashtra especially I must say, was horrible, one Sahaja Yogi goes to preach in another district, the district leader (microphone screeches) starts fighting. Just like this sound! “Who are you to come here? I am the leader.” Instead of respecting him and making him a welcome guest, asking him what can you help, there’s a big fight! I mean, it’s really surprising, how can it happen. When Namadeva went to Punjab, Guru Nanak sahib respected him. Not only that, but he told him that you write now in Punjabi language also. I have seen such a big book written by Namadeva, can you imagine! He included all the great saints of Maharashtra in his Grantha Sahib, because he knew that these are realised souls, they are higher souls. But the Sikhs are only reading it – nothing goes into their heads – what can you do? So at that time, if the saints could love each other, could express themselves in such a manner, why not we the Sahaja Yogis from all over the world? So I would say now that, let us see. There’s a very nice program of ‘Ras’ we’ll be having when all the Indians and the foreign Sahaja Yogis are going to be together, and are going to dance together. All such things are there. So don’t sit in groups, but mix up with others, know them. And this is what we are going to know – each and every Sahaja Yogi of the whole world. It’s very important for me that you should love each other. It will really soothe me the most, will give me the greatest joy, the greatest achievement and the fulfilment of my life. If somebody is really, definitely wrong, you just write to me and I will know, because immediately I’ll know from vibrations. Nobody can befool me, there’s one thing for sure! Some people say that “Somebody has told this to Mother.” Nothing can be told to Mother, you don’t know. I’m too cunning for all this. Nobody can tell me anything, I know each and everyone, but I play around a little bit. But I know each and every person. I give them a chance to hang themselves for a time being. But never believe that anybody can befool me and tell anything. I listen to everyone and you can try that. If you love another Sahaja Yogi, this loving process, itself, is so joy giving. When you first saw me, this time on the stage, you felt that way, because this process of loving is the greatest joy giving thing. So be happy, be joyous. If some people are missing the plane, well and good, you will live with other Sahaja Yogis here. After all, you are somewhere in the world. You are not lost! Even if you are in the sea you are there. On the plane you are there. What does it matter? Why is it so important that this plane must be reserved and you must worry about this plane. “I must get out at this time?” There’s no need. Wherever you are, you are with Sahaja Yogis, so why worry? You are, that’s the point. Like many people ask Me Mother, you travel so much , how is it you don’t get tired? But I never think I am travelling, I just think I am. That’s all. Whether in the plane or here or there, I am just there. I have to tell me I’m travelling, then again I forget. So you are. Whether you are here, or in England or anywhere, you are here. Or you are there. So why to worry? Especially in the plane, I think there’s something wrong with the western genetics. The plane enters into their Kundalini I think, and they go so bizarre with the aeroplanes. Something I’ve never been able to understand. I’ve given them so many lessons to show that – don’t do all this nonsense, but still they go on doing it! But if I tell them, they feel guilty, but again they do it. Next time if your plane is 8 o’clock, go at 9 o’clock. The plane will wait for you till 10 o’clock, take it from me. It has happened, so many can tell this. So many experiences are there. I mean we haven’t written them down but people know how planes have been delayed for us. I have never missed a plane, all my life and when I missed it, it was with a purpose – it’s, big things happened. So it is important. It’s a drama. he worry should be one: “Why can’t I love everyone as I love myself?” I tell you only this Universal Love will give you that confidence and that higher status. Why these saints suffered for you? Why did Christ suffer for you? Why Mohammed Sahib suffered for you? Why anybody talked to you about Dharma? Why Gyaneshwara wrote Gyaneshwari? Why? What did they get? This satisfaction of their expression of Universal Love. All the great poets, William Blake or anyone, whatever they have done is just because they have this Universal Love and they want to express it. Then why not you do it? So if you want your Mahalakshmi principle to be all the time burning, then please see that you love each and every Sahaja Yogi. That’s the message today, I hope you will understand that. May God bless you. End of talk in English (Not verified in the talk) - I would request that, you see, the foreign children, or foreigners get so many poojas, you must know that. But the Indians, they get hardly one pooja here and one pooja there. Also the children don’t get a chance. So this time, let the Indian children come forward. All right? and Indian ladies. Thank you.
Evening Program
Evening Program
Public Program
Public Program
Hindi, Marathi
Mahashivaratri Puja
English, Hindi
1993-02-19 Shivaratri Puja (Hindi) English Transcript [missing] Hindi Translation [Music Shankar Bhole Bhale…..Song book Hindi 78 in the 1hr 5 min version.] [Content below is after 12 min in 1hr 5 min version or complete text of 52 min version.] We have all assembled here to worship Lord Shiva. And this puja is very important one because the final goal of human being / life is to find Shiva Tattva. Shiva tattva is beyond human mind. Until you get your self-realization, until you know yourself / your spirit (atma) you cannot know Shiva tattva. There is a lot of pomp, darkness and blind devotion spread in the name of Shri Shiva. But a non-realized person cannot understand Shri Shiva because his nature is such that to understand him first a human being has to be in such a state where all great tattva’s or qualities are present by themselves. It is said about him that he is Bhole (innocent) shankar. There are a lot of intellectual / intelligent people these days who by virtue of their intellect write nonsense and say that Shri Shiva is innocent. As per these intellectual people being innocent is useless. These days the more cunning and sly a person is he becomes that famous and popular. Then how do we understand the innocence of Shri Shiva? In today’s world an innocent person is deemed stupid. But Shri Shiva’s innocence is such that he is everything. Imagine if a person is extremely rich and he is feels disgusted (virakt) and people come and steal money from him then people deem this person a strange innocent. But then this money doesn’t matter to him anymore. The person is sitting in his innocence and enjoying it. When everything is happening on its own then how does Shri Shiva contribute to it. Shri Shiva watches everything innocently. He takes on the form of a witness and watches the work of the Shakti. Shakti created the entire creation and also all the Gods / Goddesses and their responsibilities. Responsible parties have been appointed so what is the job of Shri Shiva now. Shri Shiva witnesses everything. In his witnessing everything comes in. The effect of his innocence is that whoever he witnesses that person’s level is elevated. Whoever Shri Shiva’s attention goes to, that person’s level is elevated (tar jaana). He does not need to do anything. Everything is a play for him like things are a play for kids. For the Lord Almighty everything is a play. There is another thing inherent in this innocence, when a innocent person, truthful, living in a good manner when that person sees that some evil person tries to encounter him then the innocent person gets very angry. His anger is so strong. A cunning person can twist his anger such that it subsides. But an innocent person is smiling, thinking there is no way this person can harm me. Sahaja Yogis need to have this quality of Shri Shiva. We are entangled in small things. What should we do for some person, how should we plan this? Like Shri Shiva left everything to Shakti, you all can also leave things to Shakti but for that you need to be of a certain level. You need to have that innocence in you. This innocence means that no negativity can come into you. You needn’t worry. If a snake is wrapped around you, let it be; if you need to have poison, so be it. What can happen, the one who is pure, on whom nothing can impact, one who is capable, the one whose powers protect him that person needn’t worry. This power comes to us from Shiva Tattva. But to get this Self-realization is a must. Kundalini is a Shakti and the chakras are the ladder that need to be used to achieve this Shiva Tattva. All Gods and Goddesses have this duty of assisting you to reach your Shiva tattva. These Gods / Goddesses are there to help human beings. It is their nature to help us. They do not think like humans like what is in it for me, what is my position, where will I be. They are for Shri Shiva. They do their jobs. They are tied in it. Their work is in Akarm (Karm = action, akarm = inaction). They do this and yet they do not think they are working. Like this light comes and it being inanimate never thinks it is working. All the Devtas (God/Goddesses) do their work and do not think about it. They are in thoughtlessness and do not even know what powers they have. Like sugar gives sweetness to food but never thinks that it is giving sweetness. Similarly Sahaja Yogis need to do their work but never feel that they are working. In Sahaja Yoga people come into Akarm. Sahaja Yogis have this shakti. If Sahaja Yogis feel that they have done this or that, i have become a leader then they are not Sahaja Yogis. He keeps performing his tasks but does not feel it. Sahaja Yogis love everyone but he does not know that. People can feel it. This is how we need to understand Self-realization. One is you are what you are and you are watching yourself in mirror. It is your reflection. And the action of watching your reflecting is a third thing. In this way you are going around in three spheres. One witness who sees, another what you see and third that action. These can all go away if you become your own mirror. You know yourself. This is what Saint Tukaram has said. When you know yourself there is nothing else to know. You can jump the three spheres and become stable in yourself. When this stability in yourself is complete, then you can say that Shiva tattva is stable because that Shiva tattva is undestroyable and eternal. When you settle down in this Shiva tattva then you will not feel that you are doing anything. You are contented in yourself. Then you do not even feel that you need to do something else. Lot of people these days say they are bored because they cannot see themselves, be with themselves, being with their own selves for 5 min is intolerable for such people. It is a great thing for me to be with my own self. When you get this quality in yourself then you become innocent. If someone is trying to bother you let it be. If we are this spirit (atma) which is indestructible then who can destroy us. But this confidence to develop is very difficult. After Self realization you are Sahaja Yogi but to be a Shiva Yogi it takes more. You say there is a curfew in Mumbai how can we go. You are forgetting that a Sahaja Yogi has never been hurt. You keep forgetting that you are a Sahaja Yogi. All dev-doots (Apostles) and Ganas are there with you and for you. But if you do not trust them then they go away. If someone tries to harm you then then don’t worry. You are helped always as long as you have the confidence / faith. Being human the human insecurities cause this faith / confidence to break time and again. Another thing is that we do make mistakes. After those we get scared. But one important quality of Shri Shiva is that he is very forgiving. You are at his doorstep so don’t be worried. He gives complete forgiveness. Shri Shiva’s blessing is fearlessness. You should be fearless. He does not have any army. You know that Shri Shiva reached with his groom party for his wedding Shri Parvati was embarrassed. He came with a groom party having people with one leg, unkempt looks (looking like hippies) weird looking people. This means that however those people looked outwardly they all had Shivatva in them. To achieve Shri Shiva you do not need any money. You needn’t offer gold or silver to Shri Shiva in temples. He is free of everything. Nothing has the capacity or the power to add to his grace. Anything materially valued is not worth Shri Shiva, not right for Shri Shiva. This quality of Shri Shiva has to come into you. In today’s world money is valued more than it is worth. What will get me money, people are running after money, willing to do anything for money. You can do ill with money and you can lose it too. The one who is settled in Shivatva does not desire anything. He is desireless because his spirit is contented with the spirit (atma). Such a person is not worried about physical comfort, what he will eat where he will sleep. Such a state of such a person commands everything. Such a person’s sight can feed a lot of people. Such a person’s body does not have any rest. He can sleep anywhere. Such a person’s sight is a giver. It can do good wherever it goes. What is this benevolent power which blesses everyone? This is param chaitanya (power of God’s love). This power is what Shankaracharya called spand. This energy / shakti flows from such a person and whoever it falls on, it leads to their betterment. The land on which such an energy falls that land becomes very fertile. If it falls on a woman then that woman can become very intelligent and very well known. Whoever this power falls on it leads to their betterment. There can only be good coming out of this spand / vibrations. It cannot do any bad. This can transform a person who has come to bother you. The power of transformation that is there in this power we need to understand it. That is why you should forgive everyone. Don’t worry about avenging things. Not needed. You are Sahaja Yogis. Leave it to these vibrations. These vibrations can think and understand everything, organize things fully. You have also received this energy. This energy also flows from you. You have tried this energy and seen how beneficial this is. Those who want to know this by knowledge / intelligence cannot know it. You can seen so many miracles. This is such a great, big, high energy which works things out and helps you. You have received the support of this energy. You should think that if having Shivatva can help you influence everything including the environment then you should achieve it. Environment will be cleansed by this energy. To come to be the rightful receivers of this energy we have to know that we are no longer in human situation. You have now entered the divine situation. So the mistakes of the human situation that are present in us, those pulls we need to give those a holiday. The human situation will pull us down. It attacks us again and again. We are born of jada element [“jaDa” definition: void of life , inanimate , unintelligent]. First this atma / spirit is received through this jada and now also this jada pulls us down. That is why in past times people were asked to fast, sleep on floor, become an ascetic, give up your family life, go to himalayas and finally die. People used to think that doing this for a few lifetimes will help self-realization. But today’s Sahaja Yoga is such that first you get Self-realization. Marathi words meaning first make the kalash in temple then make the foundation. Because in modern times if many people have to get self-realization then only this way can work. All of you have received self-realization without going to himalayas, without giving up family. You have received the vibrations and vibrational power. Kundalini has done it so far. Now it is time for you to work. What is your work? Look at yourself as you are a mirror. Am i still being human? Given up alcohol / cigarette, wayward roaming has stopped, nature has become peaceful, face has become innocent, now what? Can i see myself? Can i be joyous in myself and why not? If we can think with knowledge, i am stuck in this and that. If we are innocent then nothing will keep you stuck. That human inclinations will start again otherwise Those things that bound you in first place will come back. But if you able to see this in yourself that this is stopping your progress then it will go away. If we want to create a new world, a beautiful new world, your Mother wishes that a new generation which is Pure be created. Lot of sages and saints desired for it. If you want to achieve that then you need to fix your Shiv tatva. In Shiv tatva you know what all you are stuck in. Like these days Hindus, Muslims etc fight. Being a Hindu one does not get Shiva tattva. Nor does one get Shiva tattva by being a Muslim or a Christian or by being anything. This is all outward show. When the Shiva tattva is awakened in you then you pray to Shri Ram and also Mohammad Sahab and perform pujas for both. Till you establish the principle of Shri Shiva in yourself, you cannot get out of the outward entanglement of religion. The one who is Rahim is same as Shiv. Rahman / Akbar is also Shri Vishnu. Then these feelings inside will develop such that the fragrance of dharma / righteousness flows from you not enmity (vaimanasya). But for this to happen i do not see any other way than Sahaja Yoga. Until Sahaja Yoga is established Muslims won’t recognize Shri Ram nor will Hindus recognize and pray to Shri Mohammad. We Sahaja Yogis pray / perform pujas to Mohammad, Ali, Fatimabai, Buddha, Mahavira because all these are worth praying to. Who are we to call them small or not great. When you establish the Shri Shiva principle then you understand that all these are aspects / forms of Shiva Tattva. All these are inside us. Until you submerge yourself in this Shiv Tattva and internalize this aspect of Shiv Tattva spread of Sahaja Yoga might be slow. But Sahaja Yoga is a Solid thing. It is a true thing. All these confusing (brahm) little things came for some time and then went. Fights happened then they are gone. It is surprising that Sahaja Yoga is spreading faster in foreign countries. They are deep Sahaja Yogis. Meditating every day, introspecting everyday, we need to learn from them.These foreigners never heard of Lord Shiva. They knew only of Christ. How did they become so deep? We ring the bells of temple every day, read namaz every day but there is no depth. How did these foreigners get so deep? In Russia in a village there are 22000 Sahaja Yogis. So what is it in us that prevents us from achieving this depth? The reason is that we do not look at ourselves everyday or we do not introspect ourselves. First we need to look at ourselves. Turn the vision inward. I cannot tell you how these people have this inward vision. But see the result, they are so deep. They never ask me Mother what will happen to our money, parents, relatives. They just ask, Mother what will become of me. And when they come into this element, all their questions get resolved on their own. That is the power of Shiva Tattva that is resolves all questions.Their questions got answered by their own. Those who used to drink, used to do all sorts of things, have come out of the marsh (daldal) and have settles on the bank. But we are still engrossed in some affair or the other. We need to end this affair / entanglement. On this Shivratri day particularly get into your Shiva Tattva so Shir Shiva can adorn you with all his qualities. SHiva Tattva has such qualities that naturally / effortlessly you will become Dharmic (righteous), you will become sensible and become knowledgeable. You will naturally become sweet, mature. In a sahaj manner (naturally / effortlessly) a lot of qualities can come into you. But first you should know humbly whether you have achieved this tattva or not. We need to achieve it. And second is that all the powers in a sahaj way are sprouting in you. You do not have to do anything. This way we need to look at ourselves that my husband, kids etc are not Sahaja Yogis, let them be; this is an internal thing which one can gain only by their own desire. You cannot force Sahaja Yoga on anyone. Look a yourself. Looking at yourself and knowing thyself is Self-realization. Then people will see you and would want to learn Sahaja Yoga. After achieving this great quality you will become so powerful that you can transform people and this world. This is to transform the world. Someone might say that there is democracy here and these are the issues with democracy. But really the issues are not with democracy but with people who do not achieve Shiva tattva. Abraham Lincoln wanted us to achieve this Shiva tattva. Whatever stuff you get that gets spoilt. The quality to get spoilt is there in every item. People make pickles at home, very cleanly, after washing, drying etc so that it does not get any bugs. Like this pickle can get spoilt similar is our situation. Where are such people? Whatever you make, this is what will happen because of the germs in it. There is a quality of getting spoilt in everything. Until human beings have this weakness / mistake, anything that man makes will get spoilt. Things might last for a short while like Gandhiji started Satyagraha and it lasted a while. But a lot of mistakes happened there too. I know him. The enthusiasm that was there to get independence to the country, to do this and that, to fight now it feels as though what is happening with this independence. I am especially saddened with Vande mataram (An Indian patriotic song meaning I bow down to you Mother Country). Whatever language is used to praise your Mother, your Mother has been praised in so many languages, the language should not matter. It is a mantra (sacred chant) using which India got its independence. My father walked with the flag, in high court he was shot. He bled but still continued to walk and hosted the national flag and he shouted the slogan “Vande Mataram”. Our hearts melted. These kind of things happened in this country. The ones who do not know meaning of self (swa aka self, tantra aka meaning) got their swatantrata (independence in hindi). This kind of love in the heart and affection towards everyone is provided by Shri Shiva. The one who gives us such power that such our love and affection give joy to us it happens with Shri Shiva. The joy felt by singing Shri Shiva stuti / prayers earlier today that is because of Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva gives us this ability to be joyous. That is why he is called joy giver. The pure joy felt in joy, just joy, there are many types of joy, atmanand and ahlad / ecstatic. This joy is related to our feelings. The feelings in our heart the good, generous, beautiful loving pure ones of beauty, love etc spread fragrance like a flower spreads it fragrance. This is pure joy. In such a joy we are happy and joyous. And as a result we do not need anything else. The one who brings out all these qualities, the one who takes care of this with meticulousness and makes us experience it at the right time is Lord Shiva because he gives it to us through these vibrations. You get goose bumps even today if you take the name of a great saint or pious person; suddenly the vibrations, the energy starts flowing. How do we explain it to the intellectuals / fanatics? They are half ass and those who are left are like horse. You cannot push anything into their brains (have them internalize anything) and don’t even bother. What is needed is that you make your lives so beautiful, make such society that those left behind can clearly see the difference and see what the society is. With their cunningness they have trapped some people. Lot of people have been trapped / entangled by these and lot of fights have happened over this. But what if the society becomes such that people do not fight each other and there are no ups and downs in society. This is very joyous. Someone told me that a Sahaja Yogi died in Delhi. He was very ill. No relative came to the last rites. All Sahaja Yogis performed the last rites. Usually when something happens people run to it. No one thinks whether the person is relative or not. This is Nirvajya Prem – love that expects no return, love that is not confined to relations only. We are all Sahaja Yogis. We have one Mother. We will take care of each other. This Shiva Tattva bends you and pulls you, to help each other, to care for each other. You worry about other Sahaja Yogis. This concern doesn’t have any give or take, no profit loss is thought about. But there is only one trouble. This precious concern towards each other, this heart felt love, you can achieve it through Shiva Tattva. You cannot achieve it any other way. That is why human beings should achieve this Shiva tattva. All fights / troubles will go away. You might have heard that in Bosnia 200,000 Muslims are dying. This is very painful / sad. They do not have anything to eat or drink. They are melting ice to drink water eating dead people’s meat. They are in such a sad state and no one has concern for them. No one thinks about those people dying. Muslim nations have such a lot of wealth but no one ventures to save these people. The day Shiva Tattva is established in this world everything will get better. All these fights will stop. It is said that all this will happen in 8-9 years. Let us see how many people can understand Sahaja Yoga. People are not wise. It depends on you people that your Shiva tattva’s light influences the world and all these issues that we are seeing in the world as a result of human stupidity, these issues will get destroyed. Today we have to ask Shri SHiva to establish this principle of Shiva in us. You pray for only one thing to Shri Shiva to establish this Shiva tattva in you. Lot of people earn money. They get big posts, they get titles, lot of things happen. These things keep happening. But today’s revolution, struggle, is to transform human beings and fix the whole world. You do not have to sacrifice anything for it or give up anything for it. Things will drop off on their own. When unnecessary things drop off, what do you have to worry about? I bless you that may all of you achieve this Shiva Tattva. May Lord Almighty bless you
1993-02-19 Shivaratri Puja (Hindi) English Transcript [missing] Hindi Translation [Music Shankar Bhole Bhale…..Song book Hindi 78 in the 1hr 5 min version.] [Content below is after 12 min in 1hr 5 min version or complete text of 52 min version.] We have all assembled here to worship Lord Shiva. And this puja is very important one because the final goal of human being / life is to find Shiva Tattva. Shiva tattva is beyond human mind. Until you get your self-realization, until you know yourself / your spirit (atma) you cannot know Shiva tattva. There is a lot of pomp, darkness and blind devotion spread in the name of Shri Shiva. But a non-realized person cannot understand Shri Shiva because his nature is such that to understand him first a human being has to be in such a state where all great tattva’s or qualities are present by themselves. It is said about him that he is Bhole (innocent) shankar. There are a lot of intellectual / intelligent people these days who by virtue of their intellect write nonsense and say that Shri Shiva is innocent. As per these intellectual people being innocent is useless. These days the more cunning and sly a person is he becomes that famous and popular. Then how do we understand the innocence of Shri Shiva? In today’s world an innocent person is deemed stupid. But Shri Shiva’s innocence is such that he is everything. Imagine if a person is extremely rich and he is feels disgusted (virakt) and people come and steal money from him then people deem this person a strange innocent. But then this money doesn’t matter to him anymore. The person is sitting in his innocence and enjoying it. When everything is happening on its own then how does Shri Shiva contribute to it. Shri Shiva watches everything innocently. He takes on the form of a witness and watches the work of the Shakti. Shakti created the entire creation and also all the Gods / Goddesses and their responsibilities. Responsible parties have been appointed so what is the job of Shri Shiva now. Shri Shiva witnesses everything. In his witnessing everything comes in. The effect of his innocence is that whoever he witnesses that person’s level is elevated. Whoever Shri Shiva’s attention goes to, that person’s level is elevated (tar jaana). He does not need to do anything. Everything is a play for him like things are a play for kids. For the Lord Almighty everything is a play. There is another thing inherent in this innocence, when a innocent person, truthful, living in a good manner when that person sees that some evil person tries to encounter him then the innocent person gets very angry. His anger is so strong. A cunning person can twist his anger such that it subsides. But an innocent person is smiling, thinking there is no way this person can harm me. Sahaja Yogis need to have this quality of Shri Shiva. We are entangled in small things. What should we do for some person, how should we plan this? Like Shri Shiva left everything to Shakti, you all can also leave things to Shakti but for that you need to be of a certain level. You need to have that innocence in you. This innocence means that no negativity can come into you. You needn’t worry. If a snake is wrapped around you, let it be; if you need to have poison, so be it. What can happen, the one who is pure, on whom nothing can impact, one who is capable, the one whose powers protect him that person needn’t worry. This power comes to us from Shiva Tattva. But to get this Self-realization is a must. Kundalini is a Shakti and the chakras are the ladder that need to be used to achieve this Shiva Tattva. All Gods and Goddesses have this duty of assisting you to reach your Shiva tattva. These Gods / Goddesses are there to help human beings. It is their nature to help us. They do not think like humans like what is in it for me, what is my position, where will I be. They are for Shri Shiva. They do their jobs. They are tied in it. Their work is in Akarm (Karm = action, akarm = inaction). They do this and yet they do not think they are working. Like this light comes and it being inanimate never thinks it is working. All the Devtas (God/Goddesses) do their work and do not think about it. They are in thoughtlessness and do not even know what powers they have. Like sugar gives sweetness to food but never thinks that it is giving sweetness. Similarly Sahaja Yogis need to do their work but never feel that they are working. In Sahaja Yoga people come into Akarm. Sahaja Yogis have this shakti. If Sahaja Yogis feel that they have done this or that, i have become a leader then they are not Sahaja Yogis. He keeps performing his tasks but does not feel it. Sahaja Yogis love everyone but he does not know that. People can feel it. This is how we need to understand Self-realization. One is you are what you are and you are watching yourself in mirror. It is your reflection. And the action of watching your reflecting is a third thing. In this way you are going around in three spheres. One witness who sees, another what you see and third that action. These can all go away if you become your own mirror. You know yourself. This is what Saint Tukaram has said. When you know yourself there is nothing else to know. You can jump the three spheres and become stable in yourself. When this stability in yourself is complete, then you can say that Shiva tattva is stable because that Shiva tattva is undestroyable and eternal. When you settle down in this Shiva tattva then you will not feel that you are doing anything. You are contented in yourself. Then you do not even feel that you need to do something else. Lot of people these days say they are bored because they cannot see themselves, be with themselves, being with their own selves for 5 min is intolerable for such people. It is a great thing for me to be with my own self. When you get this quality in yourself then you become innocent. If someone is trying to bother you let it be. If we are this spirit (atma) which is indestructible then who can destroy us. But this confidence to develop is very difficult. After Self realization you are Sahaja Yogi but to be a Shiva Yogi it takes more. You say there is a curfew in Mumbai how can we go. You are forgetting that a Sahaja Yogi has never been hurt. You keep forgetting that you are a Sahaja Yogi. All dev-doots (Apostles) and Ganas are there with you and for you. But if you do not trust them then they go away. If someone tries to harm you then then don’t worry. You are helped always as long as you have the confidence / faith. Being human the human insecurities cause this faith / confidence to break time and again. Another thing is that we do make mistakes. After those we get scared. But one important quality of Shri Shiva is that he is very forgiving. You are at his doorstep so don’t be worried. He gives complete forgiveness. Shri Shiva’s blessing is fearlessness. You should be fearless. He does not have any army. You know that Shri Shiva reached with his groom party for his wedding Shri Parvati was embarrassed. He came with a groom party having people with one leg, unkempt looks (looking like hippies) weird looking people. This means that however those people looked outwardly they all had Shivatva in them. To achieve Shri Shiva you do not need any money. You needn’t offer gold or silver to Shri Shiva in temples. He is free of everything. Nothing has the capacity or the power to add to his grace. Anything materially valued is not worth Shri Shiva, not right for Shri Shiva. This quality of Shri Shiva has to come into you. In today’s world money is valued more than it is worth. What will get me money, people are running after money, willing to do anything for money. You can do ill with money and you can lose it too. The one who is settled in Shivatva does not desire anything. He is desireless because his spirit is contented with the spirit (atma). Such a person is not worried about physical comfort, what he will eat where he will sleep. Such a state of such a person commands everything. Such a person’s sight can feed a lot of people. Such a person’s body does not have any rest. He can sleep anywhere. Such a person’s sight is a giver. It can do good wherever it goes. What is this benevolent power which blesses everyone? This is param chaitanya (power of God’s love). This power is what Shankaracharya called spand. This energy / shakti flows from such a person and whoever it falls on, it leads to their betterment. The land on which such an energy falls that land becomes very fertile. If it falls on a woman then that woman can become very intelligent and very well known. Whoever this power falls on it leads to their betterment. There can only be good coming out of this spand / vibrations. It cannot do any bad. This can transform a person who has come to bother you. The power of transformation that is there in this power we need to understand it. That is why you should forgive everyone. Don’t worry about avenging things. Not needed. You are Sahaja Yogis. Leave it to these vibrations. These vibrations can think and understand everything, organize things fully. You have also received this energy. This energy also flows from you. You have tried this energy and seen how beneficial this is. Those who want to know this by knowledge / intelligence cannot know it. You can seen so many miracles. This is such a great, big, high energy which works things out and helps you. You have received the support of this energy. You should think that if having Shivatva can help you influence everything including the environment then you should achieve it. Environment will be cleansed by this energy. To come to be the rightful receivers of this energy we have to know that we are no longer in human situation. You have now entered the divine situation. So the mistakes of the human situation that are present in us, those pulls we need to give those a holiday. The human situation will pull us down. It attacks us again and again. We are born of jada element [“jaDa” definition: void of life , inanimate , unintelligent]. First this atma / spirit is received through this jada and now also this jada pulls us down. That is why in past times people were asked to fast, sleep on floor, become an ascetic, give up your family life, go to himalayas and finally die. People used to think that doing this for a few lifetimes will help self-realization. But today’s Sahaja Yoga is such that first you get Self-realization. Marathi words meaning first make the kalash in temple then make the foundation. Because in modern times if many people have to get self-realization then only this way can work. All of you have received self-realization without going to himalayas, without giving up family. You have received the vibrations and vibrational power. Kundalini has done it so far. Now it is time for you to work. What is your work? Look at yourself as you are a mirror. Am i still being human? Given up alcohol / cigarette, wayward roaming has stopped, nature has become peaceful, face has become innocent, now what? Can i see myself? Can i be joyous in myself and why not? If we can think with knowledge, i am stuck in this and that. If we are innocent then nothing will keep you stuck. That human inclinations will start again otherwise Those things that bound you in first place will come back. But if you able to see this in yourself that this is stopping your progress then it will go away. If we want to create a new world, a beautiful new world, your Mother wishes that a new generation which is Pure be created. Lot of sages and saints desired for it. If you want to achieve that then you need to fix your Shiv tatva. In Shiv tatva you know what all you are stuck in. Like these days Hindus, Muslims etc fight. Being a Hindu one does not get Shiva tattva. Nor does one get Shiva tattva by being a Muslim or a Christian or by being anything. This is all outward show. When the Shiva tattva is awakened in you then you pray to Shri Ram and also Mohammad Sahab and perform pujas for both. Till you establish the principle of Shri Shiva in yourself, you cannot get out of the outward entanglement of religion. The one who is Rahim is same as Shiv. Rahman / Akbar is also Shri Vishnu. Then these feelings inside will develop such that the fragrance of dharma / righteousness flows from you not enmity (vaimanasya). But for this to happen i do not see any other way than Sahaja Yoga. Until Sahaja Yoga is established Muslims won’t recognize Shri Ram nor will Hindus recognize and pray to Shri Mohammad. We Sahaja Yogis pray / perform pujas to Mohammad, Ali, Fatimabai, Buddha, Mahavira because all these are worth praying to. Who are we to call them small or not great. When you establish the Shri Shiva principle then you understand that all these are aspects / forms of Shiva Tattva. All these are inside us. Until you submerge yourself in this Shiv Tattva and internalize this aspect of Shiv Tattva spread of Sahaja Yoga might be slow. But Sahaja Yoga is a Solid thing. It is a true thing. All these confusing (brahm) little things came for some time and then went. Fights happened then they are gone. It is surprising that Sahaja Yoga is spreading faster in foreign countries. They are deep Sahaja Yogis. Meditating every day, introspecting everyday, we need to learn from them.These foreigners never heard of Lord Shiva. They knew only of Christ. How did they become so deep? We ring the bells of temple every day, read namaz every day but there is no depth. How did these foreigners get so deep? In Russia in a village there are 22000 Sahaja Yogis. So what is it in us that prevents us from achieving this depth? The reason is that we do not look at ourselves everyday or we do not introspect ourselves. First we need to look at ourselves. Turn the vision inward. I cannot tell you how these people have this inward vision. But see the result, they are so deep. They never ask me Mother what will happen to our money, parents, relatives. They just ask, Mother what will become of me. And when they come into this element, all their questions get resolved on their own. That is the power of Shiva Tattva that is resolves all questions.Their questions got answered by their own. Those who used to drink, used to do all sorts of things, have come out of the marsh (daldal) and have settles on the bank. But we are still engrossed in some affair or the other. We need to end this affair / entanglement. On this Shivratri day particularly get into your Shiva Tattva so Shir Shiva can adorn you with all his qualities. SHiva Tattva has such qualities that naturally / effortlessly you will become Dharmic (righteous), you will become sensible and become knowledgeable. You will naturally become sweet, mature. In a sahaj manner (naturally / effortlessly) a lot of qualities can come into you. But first you should know humbly whether you have achieved this tattva or not. We need to achieve it. And second is that all the powers in a sahaj way are sprouting in you. You do not have to do anything. This way we need to look at ourselves that my husband, kids etc are not Sahaja Yogis, let them be; this is an internal thing which one can gain only by their own desire. You cannot force Sahaja Yoga on anyone. Look a yourself. Looking at yourself and knowing thyself is Self-realization. Then people will see you and would want to learn Sahaja Yoga. After achieving this great quality you will become so powerful that you can transform people and this world. This is to transform the world. Someone might say that there is democracy here and these are the issues with democracy. But really the issues are not with democracy but with people who do not achieve Shiva tattva. Abraham Lincoln wanted us to achieve this Shiva tattva. Whatever stuff you get that gets spoilt. The quality to get spoilt is there in every item. People make pickles at home, very cleanly, after washing, drying etc so that it does not get any bugs. Like this pickle can get spoilt similar is our situation. Where are such people? Whatever you make, this is what will happen because of the germs in it. There is a quality of getting spoilt in everything. Until human beings have this weakness / mistake, anything that man makes will get spoilt. Things might last for a short while like Gandhiji started Satyagraha and it lasted a while. But a lot of mistakes happened there too. I know him. The enthusiasm that was there to get independence to the country, to do this and that, to fight now it feels as though what is happening with this independence. I am especially saddened with Vande mataram (An Indian patriotic song meaning I bow down to you Mother Country). Whatever language is used to praise your Mother, your Mother has been praised in so many languages, the language should not matter. It is a mantra (sacred chant) using which India got its independence. My father walked with the flag, in high court he was shot. He bled but still continued to walk and hosted the national flag and he shouted the slogan “Vande Mataram”. Our hearts melted. These kind of things happened in this country. The ones who do not know meaning of self (swa aka self, tantra aka meaning) got their swatantrata (independence in hindi). This kind of love in the heart and affection towards everyone is provided by Shri Shiva. The one who gives us such power that such our love and affection give joy to us it happens with Shri Shiva. The joy felt by singing Shri Shiva stuti / prayers earlier today that is because of Shri Shiva. Shri Shiva gives us this ability to be joyous. That is why he is called joy giver. The pure joy felt in joy, just joy, there are many types of joy, atmanand and ahlad / ecstatic. This joy is related to our feelings. The feelings in our heart the good, generous, beautiful loving pure ones of beauty, love etc spread fragrance like a flower spreads it fragrance. This is pure joy. In such a joy we are happy and joyous. And as a result we do not need anything else. The one who brings out all these qualities, the one who takes care of this with meticulousness and makes us experience it at the right time is Lord Shiva because he gives it to us through these vibrations. You get goose bumps even today if you take the name of a great saint or pious person; suddenly the vibrations, the energy starts flowing. How do we explain it to the intellectuals / fanatics? They are half ass and those who are left are like horse. You cannot push anything into their brains (have them internalize anything) and don’t even bother. What is needed is that you make your lives so beautiful, make such society that those left behind can clearly see the difference and see what the society is. With their cunningness they have trapped some people. Lot of people have been trapped / entangled by these and lot of fights have happened over this. But what if the society becomes such that people do not fight each other and there are no ups and downs in society. This is very joyous. Someone told me that a Sahaja Yogi died in Delhi. He was very ill. No relative came to the last rites. All Sahaja Yogis performed the last rites. Usually when something happens people run to it. No one thinks whether the person is relative or not. This is Nirvajya Prem – love that expects no return, love that is not confined to relations only. We are all Sahaja Yogis. We have one Mother. We will take care of each other. This Shiva Tattva bends you and pulls you, to help each other, to care for each other. You worry about other Sahaja Yogis. This concern doesn’t have any give or take, no profit loss is thought about. But there is only one trouble. This precious concern towards each other, this heart felt love, you can achieve it through Shiva Tattva. You cannot achieve it any other way. That is why human beings should achieve this Shiva tattva. All fights / troubles will go away. You might have heard that in Bosnia 200,000 Muslims are dying. This is very painful / sad. They do not have anything to eat or drink. They are melting ice to drink water eating dead people’s meat. They are in such a sad state and no one has concern for them. No one thinks about those people dying. Muslim nations have such a lot of wealth but no one ventures to save these people. The day Shiva Tattva is established in this world everything will get better. All these fights will stop. It is said that all this will happen in 8-9 years. Let us see how many people can understand Sahaja Yoga. People are not wise. It depends on you people that your Shiva tattva’s light influences the world and all these issues that we are seeing in the world as a result of human stupidity, these issues will get destroyed. Today we have to ask Shri SHiva to establish this principle of Shiva in us. You pray for only one thing to Shri Shiva to establish this Shiva tattva in you. Lot of people earn money. They get big posts, they get titles, lot of things happen. These things keep happening. But today’s revolution, struggle, is to transform human beings and fix the whole world. You do not have to sacrifice anything for it or give up anything for it. Things will drop off on their own. When unnecessary things drop off, what do you have to worry about? I bless you that may all of you achieve this Shiva Tattva. May Lord Almighty bless you
Press Interview
English, Hindi
1993-0310 Press Interview Shri Mataji: See born with you is the right achieve is yoga. This is yoga is the union with the all-pervading, Divine love. So first you have to take it as a hypothesis. But keep your mind open. If it exists there is power. Which has come to us, this knowledge has come to us from ancient times [UNCLEAR], and it stays right from Markandeya, Adi Shankaracharya. Shri Mataji: Then we had 13th-century Dnyaneshwara, who described [UNCLEAR], then we had Kabira, Janaka, Namadeva all of them all these saints sung the Sahaj Samadhi. It needs awareness, the Samadhi means where it is united with all-pervading power. This is our heritage. This cannot come from the British. They're still primitive as far as our spiritual life is concerned. It's so primitive that recently there was a big quarrel. Whether the women should become the priest or not. I mean in India women is regarded as Sakthi. So I mean as far as the spirituality is concerned they do not have much ideas. Now this is our heritage from ancient times it has been with us Shri Mataji: We had three types of, you can say, Search by people. Three institutions, you can say or three types of people were searching the truth, perhaps our country is so good that we can live in a forest See in India if you have to go out of the house takes half an hour to dress up yourself we have to always fight with nature. Our country so congenial. The people could live in the forest they don't have to worry about all these outside things and so this knowledge was, you can say, One of three types. Shri Mataji: First one by which they went into research of all the creation. Why this creation is done? I mean all the material side of it, so that's how we had. Since now all the idea about all the Antariksha means all the Heavenly bodies that we call as [UNCLEAR] all these things they knew. The astrology has come from India so they knew about the stars this is that everything apart from that they wanted to make the matter to work out and hence he would do those of [UNCLEAR] all that Because they wanted to utilize the matter as science. Just like science, but this time was different Now people won't believe you saying we had vimanas and all that, but we have this worse. People won't believe, we are supposed to be most primitive people according to them, but we had all these sciences. Gradually built-up by people because they wanted to excite through Mantras, those matters, there are words like Anu, Renu. Renu is the molecule and Anu means Atom so we had all these words within us we knew all these things [UNCLEAR] in a way this what one side they use Vedas. By using the Vedas it is written that by reading this if you do not get [Vidita?] Vidita is the word Vidita means what? Vidita doesn't mean know through your brain it means you should know on your central nervous system. As you can see me and feel me in the same way you should be able to feel this all-pervading power, that is Vidita another word Bodha like Buddha. Bodha both is the same that you should know it on your central nervous system that is Bodha so this Vidha and Bodha. These things you should have if you are [UNCLEAR] you should get that other [UNCLEAR] So what was the thing is that scientists must be realised, souls? They should be evolved, souls? this was the thing Shri Mataji: That came another type of worship they call it as left side worship is Bakthi. Because see people were not bother so much of Material things in India. So they were all searching. So they thought there is some higher power it works. We saw the saints and Saints told them that you make Bakthi. Bakthi a lot, by which you will keep your life [UNCLEAR]. These days Bakthi have no meaning because in the mouth to say something and do something else it's different in those days, they use to do Bakthi. By that, we used to remember what they're supposed to? What is should be the lifestyle? What is good for you? What is bad for you? so this Bakthi started. Shri Mataji: But there was another third. This was called as [Nath?]. The first one was right side another was the left side, and this is in the centre. And you'll be surprised, that in this Maharastra of yours this [UNCLEAR] And [UNCLEAR] they believed in awakening that is residual power called Kundalini. By which they could transform themselves. So this knowledge was mostly in the Sanskrit language. The 6th century Adi Shankaracharya talked about it. But all in Sanskrit, the general public did not [know?] But also, there's a tradition at one guru will have only one disciple only one. Till the [crunch?] it. Now, this Guru Nanak came much later, but before that Janaka had only one disciple. His name was Nachiketa [UNCLEAR] then in the first-century Gyneswara tremendous personality at the age of 20 what he has written. I mean I tell you people who anything about spirituality really can get lost tremendously. Now, this Gyneswara asked permission from his Guru to his brother. You should allow me at least to write it. Gyaneshwari at least to write it. Tell them what it is in a way that I am not going to work it out. But let me tell the masses. So he wrote it Gyaneshwari the sixth chapter, six are there about Kundalini. But because you see [UNCLEAR] those who were in charge of religion? could not accept it because they do it mean to so they said the sixth chapter is [UNCLEAR] means to be abandon, not to be written. The whole thing went into another darkness. Because see in a moment fundamental said they need want something really come out they didn't know what to do. All right. Then came after 16th century was full of saints, not only Maharastra everywhere. Even in Punjab, you know that Guru Nanak, Kabira [UNCLEAR] so many all over at the time of Shivaji there was, all full of it and they were talked about Kundalini. They asked [UNCLEAR] How much time do you think Kundalini to rise? So he said tatkSaNam that moment but there should be a person who is giver and person who take it that moment. So in that authority, he should not go to that modern writers about Kundalini these are our authorities. But as it is very few people got realisation. Kabira as throughout written about nothing. He says Surathi Kundalini called Surathi. can you imagine human beings how they are? Surathi is the name of. [Tabba?] In Bihar where he they called Shruti Tabbaa? She works in then Kabira not only Kabira [UNCLEAR] he went from Maharashtra to Punjab and Guru Nanak respected him and he has written. Such a big book in Punjabi [UNCLEAR] many of his poems are in [UNCLEAR] and also of [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] Because Guru Nanak thought best is to collect all the verses from all these saints and group them together. Not to write anything else, but what they said so keep it pure And that's how Namadeva. Who try really learn the Punjabi language, and he wrote all these things in Punjabi. That is how it came, but they all have talked about right Guru Nanak said Sahaja samadhi. so that is how it came Sahaj samadhi lavo. We can say Sahaj means something spontaneous or easy I have told you the meaning of the word Sahaj But everything is even it is in the book. I've seen that People think by reading book you can get that sense like this if you have a headache then I write down prescription take Anacin then you go on reading take Anacin to take Anacin then headache won't go it will be worse even It's like this so all these books you see has put limitations in [UNCLEAR] But I've seen people who go on reading akhand ramayan akhand geeta part they go on reading they go on akhand.. What they have said, they have not seen in it. Nanaka Said [UNCLEAR] why are you going to the jungle He says it is in within you why are you going to Jungles? So all the Saints had to suffer in a way because nobody understood See the bond has to be established nobody understood So this Kundalini awakening. It's a residual power within us as you know we have three autonomous nervous systems within us. Shri Mataji: One is left side Other is right side sympathetic and in the centre, we have parasympathetic nervous system And whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process as a human being is Expressed by our central nervous system? Alright. Like, see if you want to take this dog to a dirty he can go we have a conception of beauty. We can see the beauty we can understand colours he does not So in evolutionary process whatever we have achieved is expressed in our central nervous system. Now it should be treated as a hypothesis, to begin with, to see because you should not take it for granted at all. Now, this Kundalini resides in the triangular bone which is called as the sacrum. That means that the greek knew it's a sacred bone. It's a Greek word sacred in Greek word is at the base of the spinal cord there is a bone triangular is lies with that And about that are six centres below that is one centre. below that is the centre which we call as Mooladhara. Because Kundalini is the Mool means a root because is the support of root. Mooladhara. Now in the medical terminology and understand that the centre of looks after on the physical side Our pelvic plexus which deals or which functions or all of our excretion including sex now this is to be understood very clearly that it is like below the Kundalini. So sex does not play any part in raising it's a very important point. Okay, people have perverted the whole thing. I don't know all kinds of things that they have done and they said that to the sex energy which has to increase. There's nothing like sex energy It's like any other energy. But only thing with that this Energy is used for a particular purpose of excretion or communication of your desires or whatever it is, but it had nothing to do either ascending ascent of the Kundalini nothing to do on the contrary when the Kundalini awakened this centre absolutely stops no excretion of any. You will be surprised sometimes I have a program for 10 hours 11 hours I won't go to the bathroom. It just stops. That's why Christ has said you have to become children to enter it to the Kingdom because this is the innocence. Now this going little further is that on the centre is placed, the deity of Shri Ganesha. It has great meaning. What is Shri Ganesha how this is placed there all that stuff we will learn? But I told this scientist in America that this centre is made of a carbon atom. The carbon atom has got four leaves? if you see this centre has a carbon atom. you make the model out of carbon atom. Then you watch if you see this one, how many are you trained? The Scientist is here. Shri Mataji: So if you see it from the right side on the left side what you see of that atom is Swastika clearly see. Just show them they are a journalist. [UNCLEAR] So you see from the left side the right side you see Swastika. Then you should go see them see from the left side to the right side you see Omkara If you see from down upward then you see alpha and omega, Alpha and Omega! See now this I stated in one of my lectures these people immediately jumped on to it. They took an atom of carbon took the model made it how about the scientists cleaner now? He's made this out of that beautifully made, but first, they made huge myth? and what Christ has said I am the alpha and omega. In these symbols alpha Omega which we use in our mathematics are ancient so Christ is an incarnation of the Ganesha.. it a scientific proof [UNCLEAR] So Ganesha is an eternal child That's why he has got the trunk of an elephant. Innocence is our innocence. Shri Mataji: So when the Kundalini rises. And she awakens, she can be awakened somehow I must say that this Modern Sahaja yoga. Only thing if I discovered anything is this that? amass awakening of the Kundalini amass thousands can get it. That's all I will serve nothing much. This is very ancient science they used to do to one person two people. Now it can be done amass in Russia. We always have a program in a big stadium 16000 minimum people. Practically everybody is realised Russians are the best. I don't know what Communism has turned. They are not at all idiot. They're not American style very straightforward and very introspective. Think he'll be stupid choices that democracy side you'll see in America even a lock has to be different tiles has to be different, the door of the car is different, handle is different. I mean if you get into their bathroom everything has to be different the choices are so maddening And there are all the time busy. What should we do something more to show that wear something different. Whole energy wasted these people. He provided for all material things because that makes them a little lethargically careless Shri Mataji: But on the whole, there were not bothered about politics they didn't have to worry who coming to Chief Minister nothing so see their attention was introspective And the whole thing is always because if you see Dostoyevsky? or any one of the items. You have read Crime and punishment. You can see how introspective even the hero was. so wonderful knowledge. These people that they even the hero introspect before falling in love why I'm falling in love. What is the thing but it's wonderful so these people are very introspective and so in Russia, it has become extremely? Extremely successful, but all other your gurus and all of them And they have a sense also, I think what is truth and what is not. Moreover, if anybody who asks for money. They don't like they understand you can't sell spirituality they don't like. How you can't sell spirituality. Not in India even we don't understand this of course Americans understand this. The more you charge the better it is. They would say like this is these gurus are very good they have a sale. It's all shopping its marketing. But they understood and we have now 200 doctors in Russia practising Sahaja yoga and the scientists 300 of them invited And when I talk about science, they said no more science we had enough we have reached the last end of it We don't want anything and you tell us about God's law. Divine laws please don't talk about science. They also he come like this is somebody here, but was working really well Shri Mataji: So what happens when the Kundalini awakens? it passes through Six centres as I told you the first is establish his innocence. That's the support Then it rises through six centres now on the physical side we suffer because our centres are out of real extreme living. So Kundalini what she does, these are the centres so the left and right sympathetic. They combine and form a centre like this in the spinal cord. spinal cord. and what happens if you start thinking too much on the right side because you are very futuristic planning time. A journalist uses later like that and so we start would be more towards the right. All right those are very emotional type they go towards left. Sometimes something can happen they just break and things like cancer [UNCLEAR] what you got? Psychosomatic diseases can be caused this kind of imbalance left not that even if you are on the right or on the left if you go too far you might get those. Psychosomatic which are supposed to be incurable. Now, this Kundalini what she does is she goes here and passes through here just like we put the beats into threads into what you call threads in that it goes on threading all over. So she integrates our centre. Let's see, Normally if you want to do something, You decide to do something, but really your intelligence will say no. Oh, maybe you're attention may not be there and then you become an integrated personality. Whatever you do With your heart with your brain, Complete integration. There's no problem. First is that but what is the outward manifestation is that, once she crosses over first dilatation of the pupils takes place isn't it kind of an in little shine in the eyes comes And then it pierces through here, which is that fontanel bone area which in our language we call it Talu? In Sanskrit its Talu this thing suddenly opens out and it comes out and That energy becomes one with the subtle energies all-pervading power. Shri Mataji: So now first we have to accept one is that first truth is That there is all-pervading power which does all the living work. We never questioned who does living work. How do we grow how does the seed becomes a tree we never questioned accept it look at our eyes what a camera. Look at our brain what a computer? We never bother question from where do we get this is done by this all-pervading divine second truth is That you are not this body-mind intellect you're not because it's my intellect. You say my heart my body. What is yourself? is the Spirit So you are the Spirit the rest is my this my that. My mother my sister my house my body my eyes. So who is this my - who is this I obviously saw through in this Spirit so this spirit. you have to become. So far your attention is on the body your attention is on your eyes and everything then what happens as if you watch a house from outside the beginning and Then they will go inside after inside you watch. So the whole awareness becomes very different this we call Turiya in Sanskrit we call it a Fourth dimension. We live in Three Dimensions. This is the fourth dimension we get the fourth Dimension, what do we get in that dimension is? Firstly you stand in your presence. Now, for example, you can think of the future or the past but in the present, I say now be in the present you can't. So what happens you become thoughtlessly aware you're aware, but absolutely no thought because thoughts come to you from the past or from the future in between these thoughts there is a little space so when this Kundalini rises she makes that space, and that's the space is the present [UNCLEAR] And spiritual life you grow only in the present because that's truth. You see the past is finished the future doesn't exist But in the present in the reality now is sitting me to be if the reality just number is it you don't know what will happen in the future, or what her past finished. So first in your dimension, you become thoughtlessly aware but the second thing that happens to very wonderful. That you start feeling this all-pervading power on your fingertips as a very gently cool breeze on your fingertips Adi Shankaracharya has called Salilam Satyam even Christ has said cool breeze of the holy ghost. Kundalini is the reflection of Adi Shakti or holy ghost in human beings as a result of that you're all these sympathetically systems. You have an ending to the sympathetic nervous system the Left-hand side seven five six and seven. So the left side is emotional side right side is your physical and mental side. we will give you the books so it is easy for you to know then you can start feeling. Not only is power, but he starts feeling others. Americans they called it Vibes they don't know what they mean by Vibes very good vibes actually vibes 1972 Mr Charlie said mother you get all these things listed or something as for. He said they're writing down all your thing that is very good idea nothing wrong. Awakening has to be done now first of all the main thing. That has to be done if you just take my words and write it down. What is that? I don't want to become the monopoly of that. It's very good [UNCLEAR] The result of that okay now feel the centres of yourself so it's the self-knowledge and You can feel Center of others on your fingertips Can feel what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you. You don't have to tell anything you just know that this is wrong now somehow if I know how to correct these centres you can be cured But all this is is mental physical emotional all of them are due to this And also spiritual problems, but if you put wrong gurus this that you get spiritual problems, False people So a new dimension in your awareness comes called as collective consciousness collective Samuhik chetana. So now who is other I Can feel you & you can feel them and every eight so with them you become part and parcel of the whole and then another great thing at the side all your fingertips you can feel absolute truth. absolute truth which cannot be challenged Absolute! Say you have ten children they are realised soul and tie up their eyes. Ask them. What's the matter of this lady? they raise one finger. you ask the lady have you got throat trouble? How do you know? because this finger is not right Everybody will say the same. I'm in a program. One man came why everybody's asking what is your relationship with your father? What is real? Why we bother with my father I said it's the centre you are catching on your heart. That's what they ask. Everybody asking they feeling it. So everybody feels the same And you want to know about anybody say about Christ. Was he a son of God? Just put your hands like this. suddenly it flows! But somebody is a thief. or false man you put your hands just even if he's not in here you get burnings you get these little. Things and he gets all you might even get sometimes you blisters so you become enlighten now imagine how fantastic. This is outside and inside you can completely transform. We have people were supposed to be like burning fire as far as the temper was a concern they become now like the Himalayas suddenly. People have changed apart from the health we of course. We have definitely seen. So many people world of blood cancer as ordinary cancer heart cancer so many. I mean there's so many them. Rahul? - really when asked he had a massive heart attack And he got cured with Sahaja yoga you won't believe he went to Houston and doctor shouted him. So it is like that so many people have been cured but it's for anybody's power which cures. It's your own this within you it's your own power as a result of that power which is actually is your own mother everybody has individual Kundalini own mother and she gives you the new birth she looks after you… so this Kundalini will not only cure your incurable disease so many have been cured that you won't believe that now we have doctor in every country practising Sahaja yoga. Shri Mataji: Third one, Third & Fourth both came from TM Transmitting disease, but they developed issues homosexual even after getting cured they went back to the same habit. so they got it back. One fellow we still have who survived for 8 years for healthy is doing very well. He is in Australia. The trouble with that age differences is they have no willpower see what you call centre hearth means they are so insecure so insecure That you see after getting cure also you have kept to certain [matya?] you have to be But they don't then indulge into homosexuality or Outside will show we are like martyr inside they are very weak So it happens like that If they really want live they can if they really want to work it out they can But with Sahaja yoga you can never get AIDS that's one thing guaranteed Because all your priority changes in Sahaja Yoga the doctors are now really nobody goes to any doctor. He knows all these things, but the doctors are finished as far as Sahaja yogis are concerned So at the most, they might get some cold or something at most. But they are so healthy They are so energetic that. You can't imagine how a person could be like that [UNCLEAR] she get too much cold and rash and all those what you call allergy and all. Now is such a dynamic fellow today he will be in Germany tomorrow in Japan he is so so healthy and so happy and so relaxed become absolutely a relaxed person. It's balanced very much and above all compassion very compassionate. Now all these Sahaja yogis they are swimming in an ocean of Joy but what their headache is that mother why not have more people remain in an ocean of Joy. I'm all the time travelling I went to South America I'm 70 years I'm travelling all over all the time but what I'm going to do If people want to come I have to do this but if but people want to come I will have to but people they don't want to come what can I do? so this is trouble they so anxious more come and they are running up and down all over the world they are running here to there. they are trying to find more people. Even in Maharashtra, we go to villages bringing people. so it a countrywide propagation. But you see actually got detached about it that you don't worry about your health. you don't worry about your age you don't even think of it. you feel very Young and all the time the active over this just don't feel for it There is no group like young, old. We all enjoyed together. Whatever may be there is a small boy adult that doesn't exist. Also, that doesn't exist in religion as far as the outside religion nothing, for example, we worship Rama, We worship Shri Krishna Also, be worship Mohammad Saheb because he was Dattatreya. They don't know but we know. He was Dattatreya. And Fathima we worship because she came as Sita later on, so we worship we know that It's not just Shri Mataji: Sarva Dharma Sambhav Even Gandhiji was not like this the way these people work. Gandhiji in his prayers I was with him from my child actually I helped him in writing his Sequels of [UNCLEAR] all about Kundalini we wrote. He was a realised soul But we were fighting for freedom that time and he said without freedom what is the use of Spirituality so Gandhiji if he was living today he would have definitely helped me a lot. Even Lal Bahadur Shastri was a realised soul. We are very unfortunate. We lost them Reporter: Gurbachan? Gurbachan has realised soul? Shri Mataji: yes, he was a realised soul but his wife you know you see?!. He is very high-level person. Very good person. He has done his job. No doubt. So now this, I told you about. Reporter: Mohammed? Gandhiji? Shri Mataji: He was a realized soul, no doubt! and He was the one who believed in Sarva Dharma Sambhav. In his Sarva Dharma Sambhav. He made everyone worship everyone, like Muslim, Maybe a congressman or anybody used to come to Ashram. He had to say the Mantras of Shri Ganesha He have to take a Mantras of Vishnu, Saraswathi, You see it starts with the first of all whatever in my heart [UNCLEAR] resides the Spirit. See with the Spirit then he starts with Ganesh and every deity then he goes to the Quran and you have to say the Quranic and then you have to say also this from the another, Farsi, Yes, all that matters. So you have to worship all of them. He followed [UNCLEAR] said see if you just say Sambhav means you don't worship why don't you worship? Everybody should worship to follow them because they are different. They are not politicians or anything. They are not religious Christ has said those who are not against us, are with us. Even Mohammed saheb said also there has been 1 lac of Nabis. He respected Christ mother more than all Deity. Christ father. He says she's a holy woman but Paul is the one who ruined Christianity so much, we said. Human beings are very good ruining everything sublime or somehow or other they manage it. If you see through the essence of Christ as I told you now, alpha and omega, Christ resides in our Agnya chakra on the six centres. Christ very important. yeah, on the optic chiasm. There is on one side is the pituitary and the other side is the pineal body pituitary looks after our Ego of the whole of up-down working and the pineal body towards our conditioning. In Chinese, it's Yin, Yang. So one is Ego and another is Superego psychological terminology. So one is the ego and another is the conditioning so these two balloons go up like this gradually. So when they cover us we are cut off as children Beyond one, but we don't feel but we are one, but when the Kundalini connect us then only you can feel it. Now you see for example this instrument or whatever you have to put it to the mains otherwise it doesn't work. So you can call this as Kundalini. Which is in a coil? And some other threads come up open Sahasrara and connects. It's subtle very subtle. Shri Mataji: How do we live? we live in three Dimensions like I Am here, and I'm looking at the mirror. So I'm the one who is observing my reflection is what I'm observing. There is an action of observance, so there is the observer, observed and also the observance, which is the Kriya activity that we live in this three. But supposing you become the mirror suppose then all these things drop out this is what is called witness state where you just watch, the whole thing is Drama but when we are not realised we get lost in the drama [HINDI] so we become ourselves means we know ourselves. We don't have to take the mirror, we know yourself to know yourself is the only point and this is our heritage. This is the important point we Indians must understand. When they come you know they come and touch our motherland and say Namaskar. Some of them kiss these foreigners. the respect! Because they know what it is. I send them to Devagudu Thukaram place and other Sahaja yogis told me that mother they are rolling on the ground so I said what were you doing, they said mother all over mother earth these vibrations coming out. so we are rolling on it. [HINDI] overnight people have given up the drug, drug addicts, Alcoholics, overnight [HINDI] They have really become righteous they really become religious [HINDI] Because once you get the light, you know what it is that? If you have a snake in the hand if you are in the darkness you can't see, you can say it's just a rope. Once you get the light, you just leave it, because you know its a snake. That's what happens to them [HINDI] they become strong [HINDI] they give up aggressiveness. they are not aggressive. In their silence they become powerful. My husband always used to say that [HINDI] But you cannot make anybody? Now he says so many angels now he has to accept. I had to work out our years together. What is the problem? why we cannot have an amass realisation the time has come then I worked it out. In our country especially the young generation has no destination. They don't know what to do with themselves [HINDI] if they take to Sahaja Yoga now see in our Sahaja yoga, Yuva Sakthi, nobody then it worked. All boys get first class first, All, wherever they are educated. All girls get married now we also have a marriage system. 84 Marriage, 13 Indian from Pune. They are all abroad. So many boys got married and in abroad. Reporter: Mataji, you take a personal interest in the marriage alliances? [HINDI] Shri Mataji: [HINDI] I'm just telling them how you people are married to Indian boys and how Indian girls are married [HINDI] And how you are enjoying your life, it's good. She coaches together [INAUDIBLE] A dog doesn't think [UNCLEAR] only human beings think. We think we are doing it. The whole ego and the Super-ego both of them are sucked And all your karmas are finished. One goes Beyond the influence of planets. Yes, of course, Human destiny go after not after realisation, do you they affect? In the beginning maybe before not after [HINDI]
1993-0310 Press Interview Shri Mataji: See born with you is the right achieve is yoga. This is yoga is the union with the all-pervading, Divine love. So first you have to take it as a hypothesis. But keep your mind open. If it exists there is power. Which has come to us, this knowledge has come to us from ancient times [UNCLEAR], and it stays right from Markandeya, Adi Shankaracharya. Shri Mataji: Then we had 13th-century Dnyaneshwara, who described [UNCLEAR], then we had Kabira, Janaka, Namadeva all of them all these saints sung the Sahaj Samadhi. It needs awareness, the Samadhi means where it is united with all-pervading power. This is our heritage. This cannot come from the British. They're still primitive as far as our spiritual life is concerned. It's so primitive that recently there was a big quarrel. Whether the women should become the priest or not. I mean in India women is regarded as Sakthi. So I mean as far as the spirituality is concerned they do not have much ideas. Now this is our heritage from ancient times it has been with us Shri Mataji: We had three types of, you can say, Search by people. Three institutions, you can say or three types of people were searching the truth, perhaps our country is so good that we can live in a forest See in India if you have to go out of the house takes half an hour to dress up yourself we have to always fight with nature. Our country so congenial. The people could live in the forest they don't have to worry about all these outside things and so this knowledge was, you can say, One of three types. Shri Mataji: First one by which they went into research of all the creation. Why this creation is done? I mean all the material side of it, so that's how we had. Since now all the idea about all the Antariksha means all the Heavenly bodies that we call as [UNCLEAR] all these things they knew. The astrology has come from India so they knew about the stars this is that everything apart from that they wanted to make the matter to work out and hence he would do those of [UNCLEAR] all that Because they wanted to utilize the matter as science. Just like science, but this time was different Now people won't believe you saying we had vimanas and all that, but we have this worse. People won't believe, we are supposed to be most primitive people according to them, but we had all these sciences. Gradually built-up by people because they wanted to excite through Mantras, those matters, there are words like Anu, Renu. Renu is the molecule and Anu means Atom so we had all these words within us we knew all these things [UNCLEAR] in a way this what one side they use Vedas. By using the Vedas it is written that by reading this if you do not get [Vidita?] Vidita is the word Vidita means what? Vidita doesn't mean know through your brain it means you should know on your central nervous system. As you can see me and feel me in the same way you should be able to feel this all-pervading power, that is Vidita another word Bodha like Buddha. Bodha both is the same that you should know it on your central nervous system that is Bodha so this Vidha and Bodha. These things you should have if you are [UNCLEAR] you should get that other [UNCLEAR] So what was the thing is that scientists must be realised, souls? They should be evolved, souls? this was the thing Shri Mataji: That came another type of worship they call it as left side worship is Bakthi. Because see people were not bother so much of Material things in India. So they were all searching. So they thought there is some higher power it works. We saw the saints and Saints told them that you make Bakthi. Bakthi a lot, by which you will keep your life [UNCLEAR]. These days Bakthi have no meaning because in the mouth to say something and do something else it's different in those days, they use to do Bakthi. By that, we used to remember what they're supposed to? What is should be the lifestyle? What is good for you? What is bad for you? so this Bakthi started. Shri Mataji: But there was another third. This was called as [Nath?]. The first one was right side another was the left side, and this is in the centre. And you'll be surprised, that in this Maharastra of yours this [UNCLEAR] And [UNCLEAR] they believed in awakening that is residual power called Kundalini. By which they could transform themselves. So this knowledge was mostly in the Sanskrit language. The 6th century Adi Shankaracharya talked about it. But all in Sanskrit, the general public did not [know?] But also, there's a tradition at one guru will have only one disciple only one. Till the [crunch?] it. Now, this Guru Nanak came much later, but before that Janaka had only one disciple. His name was Nachiketa [UNCLEAR] then in the first-century Gyneswara tremendous personality at the age of 20 what he has written. I mean I tell you people who anything about spirituality really can get lost tremendously. Now, this Gyneswara asked permission from his Guru to his brother. You should allow me at least to write it. Gyaneshwari at least to write it. Tell them what it is in a way that I am not going to work it out. But let me tell the masses. So he wrote it Gyaneshwari the sixth chapter, six are there about Kundalini. But because you see [UNCLEAR] those who were in charge of religion? could not accept it because they do it mean to so they said the sixth chapter is [UNCLEAR] means to be abandon, not to be written. The whole thing went into another darkness. Because see in a moment fundamental said they need want something really come out they didn't know what to do. All right. Then came after 16th century was full of saints, not only Maharastra everywhere. Even in Punjab, you know that Guru Nanak, Kabira [UNCLEAR] so many all over at the time of Shivaji there was, all full of it and they were talked about Kundalini. They asked [UNCLEAR] How much time do you think Kundalini to rise? So he said tatkSaNam that moment but there should be a person who is giver and person who take it that moment. So in that authority, he should not go to that modern writers about Kundalini these are our authorities. But as it is very few people got realisation. Kabira as throughout written about nothing. He says Surathi Kundalini called Surathi. can you imagine human beings how they are? Surathi is the name of. [Tabba?] In Bihar where he they called Shruti Tabbaa? She works in then Kabira not only Kabira [UNCLEAR] he went from Maharashtra to Punjab and Guru Nanak respected him and he has written. Such a big book in Punjabi [UNCLEAR] many of his poems are in [UNCLEAR] and also of [UNCLEAR] [UNCLEAR] Because Guru Nanak thought best is to collect all the verses from all these saints and group them together. Not to write anything else, but what they said so keep it pure And that's how Namadeva. Who try really learn the Punjabi language, and he wrote all these things in Punjabi. That is how it came, but they all have talked about right Guru Nanak said Sahaja samadhi. so that is how it came Sahaj samadhi lavo. We can say Sahaj means something spontaneous or easy I have told you the meaning of the word Sahaj But everything is even it is in the book. I've seen that People think by reading book you can get that sense like this if you have a headache then I write down prescription take Anacin then you go on reading take Anacin to take Anacin then headache won't go it will be worse even It's like this so all these books you see has put limitations in [UNCLEAR] But I've seen people who go on reading akhand ramayan akhand geeta part they go on reading they go on akhand.. What they have said, they have not seen in it. Nanaka Said [UNCLEAR] why are you going to the jungle He says it is in within you why are you going to Jungles? So all the Saints had to suffer in a way because nobody understood See the bond has to be established nobody understood So this Kundalini awakening. It's a residual power within us as you know we have three autonomous nervous systems within us. Shri Mataji: One is left side Other is right side sympathetic and in the centre, we have parasympathetic nervous system And whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process as a human being is Expressed by our central nervous system? Alright. Like, see if you want to take this dog to a dirty he can go we have a conception of beauty. We can see the beauty we can understand colours he does not So in evolutionary process whatever we have achieved is expressed in our central nervous system. Now it should be treated as a hypothesis, to begin with, to see because you should not take it for granted at all. Now, this Kundalini resides in the triangular bone which is called as the sacrum. That means that the greek knew it's a sacred bone. It's a Greek word sacred in Greek word is at the base of the spinal cord there is a bone triangular is lies with that And about that are six centres below that is one centre. below that is the centre which we call as Mooladhara. Because Kundalini is the Mool means a root because is the support of root. Mooladhara. Now in the medical terminology and understand that the centre of looks after on the physical side Our pelvic plexus which deals or which functions or all of our excretion including sex now this is to be understood very clearly that it is like below the Kundalini. So sex does not play any part in raising it's a very important point. Okay, people have perverted the whole thing. I don't know all kinds of things that they have done and they said that to the sex energy which has to increase. There's nothing like sex energy It's like any other energy. But only thing with that this Energy is used for a particular purpose of excretion or communication of your desires or whatever it is, but it had nothing to do either ascending ascent of the Kundalini nothing to do on the contrary when the Kundalini awakened this centre absolutely stops no excretion of any. You will be surprised sometimes I have a program for 10 hours 11 hours I won't go to the bathroom. It just stops. That's why Christ has said you have to become children to enter it to the Kingdom because this is the innocence. Now this going little further is that on the centre is placed, the deity of Shri Ganesha. It has great meaning. What is Shri Ganesha how this is placed there all that stuff we will learn? But I told this scientist in America that this centre is made of a carbon atom. The carbon atom has got four leaves? if you see this centre has a carbon atom. you make the model out of carbon atom. Then you watch if you see this one, how many are you trained? The Scientist is here. Shri Mataji: So if you see it from the right side on the left side what you see of that atom is Swastika clearly see. Just show them they are a journalist. [UNCLEAR] So you see from the left side the right side you see Swastika. Then you should go see them see from the left side to the right side you see Omkara If you see from down upward then you see alpha and omega, Alpha and Omega! See now this I stated in one of my lectures these people immediately jumped on to it. They took an atom of carbon took the model made it how about the scientists cleaner now? He's made this out of that beautifully made, but first, they made huge myth? and what Christ has said I am the alpha and omega. In these symbols alpha Omega which we use in our mathematics are ancient so Christ is an incarnation of the Ganesha.. it a scientific proof [UNCLEAR] So Ganesha is an eternal child That's why he has got the trunk of an elephant. Innocence is our innocence. Shri Mataji: So when the Kundalini rises. And she awakens, she can be awakened somehow I must say that this Modern Sahaja yoga. Only thing if I discovered anything is this that? amass awakening of the Kundalini amass thousands can get it. That's all I will serve nothing much. This is very ancient science they used to do to one person two people. Now it can be done amass in Russia. We always have a program in a big stadium 16000 minimum people. Practically everybody is realised Russians are the best. I don't know what Communism has turned. They are not at all idiot. They're not American style very straightforward and very introspective. Think he'll be stupid choices that democracy side you'll see in America even a lock has to be different tiles has to be different, the door of the car is different, handle is different. I mean if you get into their bathroom everything has to be different the choices are so maddening And there are all the time busy. What should we do something more to show that wear something different. Whole energy wasted these people. He provided for all material things because that makes them a little lethargically careless Shri Mataji: But on the whole, there were not bothered about politics they didn't have to worry who coming to Chief Minister nothing so see their attention was introspective And the whole thing is always because if you see Dostoyevsky? or any one of the items. You have read Crime and punishment. You can see how introspective even the hero was. so wonderful knowledge. These people that they even the hero introspect before falling in love why I'm falling in love. What is the thing but it's wonderful so these people are very introspective and so in Russia, it has become extremely? Extremely successful, but all other your gurus and all of them And they have a sense also, I think what is truth and what is not. Moreover, if anybody who asks for money. They don't like they understand you can't sell spirituality they don't like. How you can't sell spirituality. Not in India even we don't understand this of course Americans understand this. The more you charge the better it is. They would say like this is these gurus are very good they have a sale. It's all shopping its marketing. But they understood and we have now 200 doctors in Russia practising Sahaja yoga and the scientists 300 of them invited And when I talk about science, they said no more science we had enough we have reached the last end of it We don't want anything and you tell us about God's law. Divine laws please don't talk about science. They also he come like this is somebody here, but was working really well Shri Mataji: So what happens when the Kundalini awakens? it passes through Six centres as I told you the first is establish his innocence. That's the support Then it rises through six centres now on the physical side we suffer because our centres are out of real extreme living. So Kundalini what she does, these are the centres so the left and right sympathetic. They combine and form a centre like this in the spinal cord. spinal cord. and what happens if you start thinking too much on the right side because you are very futuristic planning time. A journalist uses later like that and so we start would be more towards the right. All right those are very emotional type they go towards left. Sometimes something can happen they just break and things like cancer [UNCLEAR] what you got? Psychosomatic diseases can be caused this kind of imbalance left not that even if you are on the right or on the left if you go too far you might get those. Psychosomatic which are supposed to be incurable. Now, this Kundalini what she does is she goes here and passes through here just like we put the beats into threads into what you call threads in that it goes on threading all over. So she integrates our centre. Let's see, Normally if you want to do something, You decide to do something, but really your intelligence will say no. Oh, maybe you're attention may not be there and then you become an integrated personality. Whatever you do With your heart with your brain, Complete integration. There's no problem. First is that but what is the outward manifestation is that, once she crosses over first dilatation of the pupils takes place isn't it kind of an in little shine in the eyes comes And then it pierces through here, which is that fontanel bone area which in our language we call it Talu? In Sanskrit its Talu this thing suddenly opens out and it comes out and That energy becomes one with the subtle energies all-pervading power. Shri Mataji: So now first we have to accept one is that first truth is That there is all-pervading power which does all the living work. We never questioned who does living work. How do we grow how does the seed becomes a tree we never questioned accept it look at our eyes what a camera. Look at our brain what a computer? We never bother question from where do we get this is done by this all-pervading divine second truth is That you are not this body-mind intellect you're not because it's my intellect. You say my heart my body. What is yourself? is the Spirit So you are the Spirit the rest is my this my that. My mother my sister my house my body my eyes. So who is this my - who is this I obviously saw through in this Spirit so this spirit. you have to become. So far your attention is on the body your attention is on your eyes and everything then what happens as if you watch a house from outside the beginning and Then they will go inside after inside you watch. So the whole awareness becomes very different this we call Turiya in Sanskrit we call it a Fourth dimension. We live in Three Dimensions. This is the fourth dimension we get the fourth Dimension, what do we get in that dimension is? Firstly you stand in your presence. Now, for example, you can think of the future or the past but in the present, I say now be in the present you can't. So what happens you become thoughtlessly aware you're aware, but absolutely no thought because thoughts come to you from the past or from the future in between these thoughts there is a little space so when this Kundalini rises she makes that space, and that's the space is the present [UNCLEAR] And spiritual life you grow only in the present because that's truth. You see the past is finished the future doesn't exist But in the present in the reality now is sitting me to be if the reality just number is it you don't know what will happen in the future, or what her past finished. So first in your dimension, you become thoughtlessly aware but the second thing that happens to very wonderful. That you start feeling this all-pervading power on your fingertips as a very gently cool breeze on your fingertips Adi Shankaracharya has called Salilam Satyam even Christ has said cool breeze of the holy ghost. Kundalini is the reflection of Adi Shakti or holy ghost in human beings as a result of that you're all these sympathetically systems. You have an ending to the sympathetic nervous system the Left-hand side seven five six and seven. So the left side is emotional side right side is your physical and mental side. we will give you the books so it is easy for you to know then you can start feeling. Not only is power, but he starts feeling others. Americans they called it Vibes they don't know what they mean by Vibes very good vibes actually vibes 1972 Mr Charlie said mother you get all these things listed or something as for. He said they're writing down all your thing that is very good idea nothing wrong. Awakening has to be done now first of all the main thing. That has to be done if you just take my words and write it down. What is that? I don't want to become the monopoly of that. It's very good [UNCLEAR] The result of that okay now feel the centres of yourself so it's the self-knowledge and You can feel Center of others on your fingertips Can feel what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you. You don't have to tell anything you just know that this is wrong now somehow if I know how to correct these centres you can be cured But all this is is mental physical emotional all of them are due to this And also spiritual problems, but if you put wrong gurus this that you get spiritual problems, False people So a new dimension in your awareness comes called as collective consciousness collective Samuhik chetana. So now who is other I Can feel you & you can feel them and every eight so with them you become part and parcel of the whole and then another great thing at the side all your fingertips you can feel absolute truth. absolute truth which cannot be challenged Absolute! Say you have ten children they are realised soul and tie up their eyes. Ask them. What's the matter of this lady? they raise one finger. you ask the lady have you got throat trouble? How do you know? because this finger is not right Everybody will say the same. I'm in a program. One man came why everybody's asking what is your relationship with your father? What is real? Why we bother with my father I said it's the centre you are catching on your heart. That's what they ask. Everybody asking they feeling it. So everybody feels the same And you want to know about anybody say about Christ. Was he a son of God? Just put your hands like this. suddenly it flows! But somebody is a thief. or false man you put your hands just even if he's not in here you get burnings you get these little. Things and he gets all you might even get sometimes you blisters so you become enlighten now imagine how fantastic. This is outside and inside you can completely transform. We have people were supposed to be like burning fire as far as the temper was a concern they become now like the Himalayas suddenly. People have changed apart from the health we of course. We have definitely seen. So many people world of blood cancer as ordinary cancer heart cancer so many. I mean there's so many them. Rahul? - really when asked he had a massive heart attack And he got cured with Sahaja yoga you won't believe he went to Houston and doctor shouted him. So it is like that so many people have been cured but it's for anybody's power which cures. It's your own this within you it's your own power as a result of that power which is actually is your own mother everybody has individual Kundalini own mother and she gives you the new birth she looks after you… so this Kundalini will not only cure your incurable disease so many have been cured that you won't believe that now we have doctor in every country practising Sahaja yoga. Shri Mataji: Third one, Third & Fourth both came from TM Transmitting disease, but they developed issues homosexual even after getting cured they went back to the same habit. so they got it back. One fellow we still have who survived for 8 years for healthy is doing very well. He is in Australia. The trouble with that age differences is they have no willpower see what you call centre hearth means they are so insecure so insecure That you see after getting cure also you have kept to certain [matya?] you have to be But they don't then indulge into homosexuality or Outside will show we are like martyr inside they are very weak So it happens like that If they really want live they can if they really want to work it out they can But with Sahaja yoga you can never get AIDS that's one thing guaranteed Because all your priority changes in Sahaja Yoga the doctors are now really nobody goes to any doctor. He knows all these things, but the doctors are finished as far as Sahaja yogis are concerned So at the most, they might get some cold or something at most. But they are so healthy They are so energetic that. You can't imagine how a person could be like that [UNCLEAR] she get too much cold and rash and all those what you call allergy and all. Now is such a dynamic fellow today he will be in Germany tomorrow in Japan he is so so healthy and so happy and so relaxed become absolutely a relaxed person. It's balanced very much and above all compassion very compassionate. Now all these Sahaja yogis they are swimming in an ocean of Joy but what their headache is that mother why not have more people remain in an ocean of Joy. I'm all the time travelling I went to South America I'm 70 years I'm travelling all over all the time but what I'm going to do If people want to come I have to do this but if but people want to come I will have to but people they don't want to come what can I do? so this is trouble they so anxious more come and they are running up and down all over the world they are running here to there. they are trying to find more people. Even in Maharashtra, we go to villages bringing people. so it a countrywide propagation. But you see actually got detached about it that you don't worry about your health. you don't worry about your age you don't even think of it. you feel very Young and all the time the active over this just don't feel for it There is no group like young, old. We all enjoyed together. Whatever may be there is a small boy adult that doesn't exist. Also, that doesn't exist in religion as far as the outside religion nothing, for example, we worship Rama, We worship Shri Krishna Also, be worship Mohammad Saheb because he was Dattatreya. They don't know but we know. He was Dattatreya. And Fathima we worship because she came as Sita later on, so we worship we know that It's not just Shri Mataji: Sarva Dharma Sambhav Even Gandhiji was not like this the way these people work. Gandhiji in his prayers I was with him from my child actually I helped him in writing his Sequels of [UNCLEAR] all about Kundalini we wrote. He was a realised soul But we were fighting for freedom that time and he said without freedom what is the use of Spirituality so Gandhiji if he was living today he would have definitely helped me a lot. Even Lal Bahadur Shastri was a realised soul. We are very unfortunate. We lost them Reporter: Gurbachan? Gurbachan has realised soul? Shri Mataji: yes, he was a realised soul but his wife you know you see?!. He is very high-level person. Very good person. He has done his job. No doubt. So now this, I told you about. Reporter: Mohammed? Gandhiji? Shri Mataji: He was a realized soul, no doubt! and He was the one who believed in Sarva Dharma Sambhav. In his Sarva Dharma Sambhav. He made everyone worship everyone, like Muslim, Maybe a congressman or anybody used to come to Ashram. He had to say the Mantras of Shri Ganesha He have to take a Mantras of Vishnu, Saraswathi, You see it starts with the first of all whatever in my heart [UNCLEAR] resides the Spirit. See with the Spirit then he starts with Ganesh and every deity then he goes to the Quran and you have to say the Quranic and then you have to say also this from the another, Farsi, Yes, all that matters. So you have to worship all of them. He followed [UNCLEAR] said see if you just say Sambhav means you don't worship why don't you worship? Everybody should worship to follow them because they are different. They are not politicians or anything. They are not religious Christ has said those who are not against us, are with us. Even Mohammed saheb said also there has been 1 lac of Nabis. He respected Christ mother more than all Deity. Christ father. He says she's a holy woman but Paul is the one who ruined Christianity so much, we said. Human beings are very good ruining everything sublime or somehow or other they manage it. If you see through the essence of Christ as I told you now, alpha and omega, Christ resides in our Agnya chakra on the six centres. Christ very important. yeah, on the optic chiasm. There is on one side is the pituitary and the other side is the pineal body pituitary looks after our Ego of the whole of up-down working and the pineal body towards our conditioning. In Chinese, it's Yin, Yang. So one is Ego and another is Superego psychological terminology. So one is the ego and another is the conditioning so these two balloons go up like this gradually. So when they cover us we are cut off as children Beyond one, but we don't feel but we are one, but when the Kundalini connect us then only you can feel it. Now you see for example this instrument or whatever you have to put it to the mains otherwise it doesn't work. So you can call this as Kundalini. Which is in a coil? And some other threads come up open Sahasrara and connects. It's subtle very subtle. Shri Mataji: How do we live? we live in three Dimensions like I Am here, and I'm looking at the mirror. So I'm the one who is observing my reflection is what I'm observing. There is an action of observance, so there is the observer, observed and also the observance, which is the Kriya activity that we live in this three. But supposing you become the mirror suppose then all these things drop out this is what is called witness state where you just watch, the whole thing is Drama but when we are not realised we get lost in the drama [HINDI] so we become ourselves means we know ourselves. We don't have to take the mirror, we know yourself to know yourself is the only point and this is our heritage. This is the important point we Indians must understand. When they come you know they come and touch our motherland and say Namaskar. Some of them kiss these foreigners. the respect! Because they know what it is. I send them to Devagudu Thukaram place and other Sahaja yogis told me that mother they are rolling on the ground so I said what were you doing, they said mother all over mother earth these vibrations coming out. so we are rolling on it. [HINDI] overnight people have given up the drug, drug addicts, Alcoholics, overnight [HINDI] They have really become righteous they really become religious [HINDI] Because once you get the light, you know what it is that? If you have a snake in the hand if you are in the darkness you can't see, you can say it's just a rope. Once you get the light, you just leave it, because you know its a snake. That's what happens to them [HINDI] they become strong [HINDI] they give up aggressiveness. they are not aggressive. In their silence they become powerful. My husband always used to say that [HINDI] But you cannot make anybody? Now he says so many angels now he has to accept. I had to work out our years together. What is the problem? why we cannot have an amass realisation the time has come then I worked it out. In our country especially the young generation has no destination. They don't know what to do with themselves [HINDI] if they take to Sahaja Yoga now see in our Sahaja yoga, Yuva Sakthi, nobody then it worked. All boys get first class first, All, wherever they are educated. All girls get married now we also have a marriage system. 84 Marriage, 13 Indian from Pune. They are all abroad. So many boys got married and in abroad. Reporter: Mataji, you take a personal interest in the marriage alliances? [HINDI] Shri Mataji: [HINDI] I'm just telling them how you people are married to Indian boys and how Indian girls are married [HINDI] And how you are enjoying your life, it's good. She coaches together [INAUDIBLE] A dog doesn't think [UNCLEAR] only human beings think. We think we are doing it. The whole ego and the Super-ego both of them are sucked And all your karmas are finished. One goes Beyond the influence of planets. Yes, of course, Human destiny go after not after realisation, do you they affect? In the beginning maybe before not after [HINDI]
Press Conference
New Delhi
English, Hindi
TRANSCRIPT OF PRESS CONFERENCE NEW DELHI 19-03-1993 Sahaja Yogi: From all our Sahaja Yogis here, we give our pranams to Shri Mataji. A very warm welcome to all the members of the press, who have so kindly taken their time to be with us this afternoon. My name is Rajesh Shah. Can you hear now? So, I wished a very warm welcome to all the members of the press who have taken the time to be with us, the Sahaja Yogis and with Shri Mataji this afternoon. And we are very glad that you are here. My name is Rajesh Shah. I am from Bombay. And I have been in Sahaja Yoga for the last twenty years. Today my task in the next one or two minutes is to not only welcome you very warmly but also to introduce some of the people that we have over here. And they will then be invited for two to three minutes to talk about different aspects of Sahaja Yoga. We have Professor Doctor U.C. Rai whose book on Sahaja Yoga as an alternate medicine is going to be released tomorrow. Doctor Rai will be talking to us shortly. We have Doctor Brian Wells from London, who is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is a consultant with London hospitals, especially relating to addiction. We have Doctor David Spiro also from London and he will be speaking to us; he is a general practitioner in the city of London itself. We have a number of other people with us who have been active in Sahaja Yoga for a long time. Mr Gregoire de Kalbermatten is from New York, is with the United Nations, chief of the policy of the United Nations capital fund. We have Doctor Mishra from Canada who is a neuroscientist. Doctor Galina, Doctor Bogdan from Russia, Doctor Hamid is from Austria – a consultant with the Department of Forests in Austria and has worked very closely with Sahaja Yoga methods on environmental control and forests. A number of people are at the back, who we can call upon, who have various experiences of Sahaja Yoga especially in terms of diseases which doctors may have thought very difficult to cure but they themselves have been cured. So this is the introduction. I would now like to call upon Doctor Rai. He would speak to us a little bit about Sahaja Yoga and medicine for two or three minutes. Doctor Rai: Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, Rajesh Shah, Dignitaries of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to talk today about something we have done at Lady Harding Medical College on Sahaja Yoga. Before I tell you what has been done, I will tell you about how the whole thing started. I heard a lecture of Shri Mataji in 1984 and Shri Mataji gave realisation. And said that there is a cool breeze which comes when self-realisation occurs. After I lecture, I met Shri Mataji and said, “Shri Mataji, it could be a subjective phenomenon. Anybody can say when you are asking him, are you getting cool breeze, are you getting cool breeze?; he can say, yes, yes, I feel there is something there”. So I said, “Shri Mataji, I do not believe in it much”. And Shri Mataji was very benevolent and graceful, and She told me that, “Doctor Rai, you are working in a medical college as head of the department. Why don’t you do research and find out what is the truth”. This is how the whole story started and I asked one of my students, a post-graduate student to take the work of Sahaja Yoga. And the whole thing was put into the faculty of the Delhi University and they approved the subject to find out as to what are the physiological effects of Sahaja Yoga on the human body. I will not go into details. When the thesis of this student was completed and the results of the data were collected and analysed, statistically we found very good results. And one of the most outstanding result was, there was a decrease in adrenalin secretion. Adrenalin we know – when we are in stress, when there is anxiety, this neurotransmitter is produced in the body and is responsible for various harmful effects. For example, high blood pressure, usually which we get is due to the greater secretion of adrenalin. And therefore we thought that the results were so beneficial, so good that we thought that another student should be given a dissertation. And this time we worked with the patients at Lady Hardinge Medical College, in Suchakrapani Hospital in collaboration with the Department of Medicine. We worked on the patients of hypertension, essential hypertension. And we worked on the patients of bronchial asthma. And when after one year the whole data was collected and analysed statistically, it was found that it was very helpful as an adjunct therapy in cases of essential hypertension and also in cases of bronchial asthma. In bronchial asthma as well as in essential hypertension I may tell you; that the cause is not known, as yet. The medicine has advanced so much, but still, twenty per cent of the population of the USA suffers from essential hypertension. There is no treatment for it. The various cardiovascular disorders say that the risk is high blood pressure. How to tackle this high blood pressure, except with the drugs. And the drugs are very toxic. Therefore, in one of the recent conferences on cardiology, they have said that in order to tackle hypertension one of the things is that one has to come to the Yoga. By meditation. And we found here that in our patients of essential hypertension that when they were doing Sahaja Yoga, their neurotransmitter that is the concentration of adrenalin decreased significantly. And that was responsible for the beneficial effect. Similarly the psychological effect which is one of the factors of bronchial asthma was very effectively controlled and the patient of bronchial asthma who was doing Sahaja Yoga showed remarkable effect. Now after these two works which we have done, we were very much impressed with the effects of Sahaja Yoga and we thought of doing some other work. And one day I was talking to Shri Mataji and She said, “Doctor you know, epilepsy is a left-sided disease. And it can be cured by Sahaja Yoga”. I was really surprised, and I couldn’t say anything before Her. But I was wondering how Sahaja Yoga can control epilepsy. You see, it did not come to my mind at all. But then you see, when I was reading the literature and I recollected. Then I caught hold of one paper of Doctor B. Ramamurthy, an eminent neurosurgeon of Madras who was the president of the Academy of Medical Sciences. And in one of the neurophysiology conferences, he said that he treated the patients of epilepsy by feeding the alpha waves which were stored in a module, from the yogis. Now, this gave me a clue. And I thought that instead of storing the alpha waves of the yogis in a module and then giving it to the patients; if we ask the patients to do Sahaja Yoga, their alpha index will increase, and the patient may be benefitted. So, another PhD thesis was taken up. And this time, because I retired at this time, I asked one of my friends Doctor Salva Murthy who is the Director in the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences to take up this job of guiding thesis of Usha Judani. And she completed her thesis; it has already been submitted to Delhi University for evaluation. And when we looked at the compiled data of the results, it was really very astounding. We found that even the compact spectral arrays, the computerised electro spectrographic records showed a tremendous effect, you see it became absolutely normal. And this was really very good science. When I went to Russia you see, I presented this work and the Institute of Neurosurgery in Leningrad and the Chief of the Epileptic Department was very much impressed by it. And he said that “Doctor Rai, we want to do a joint venture research program because there is no treatment for epilepsy”. So these things have been scientifically done. Now, then one day Shri Mataji told me, “Doctor Rai, this Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer”. Again, you see it was very difficult for me to understand. And for two years I just heard from this side and it went from the other side. Because I could not, it could not come to me at all. How by Sahaja Yoga, because by Sahaja Yoga, we get relaxation. That much part one can understand. But how Sahaja Yoga is going to help in the prevention of cancer. It was something which was beyond my thinking. But when She said two or three times you see. And in the meantime, I was asked by so many persons during my tour to Russia, Italy and other places to write a book on Sahaja Yoga. And when I was going through the literature, I got a very important hint, which Shri Mataji enunciated in 1970. Shri Mataji said in 1970 that it is the Central Heart which is responsible for producing antibodies. She said that if in the childhood or if due to some cause your central heart is catching, the whole of the immune system will get depressed. Now, this was a very important thing, which in 1977, at a holistic health conference in Toronto, called Seamonton, you see, he put a psychosomatic model for the treatment of cancer. Now his [inaudible] treatment depends on the surveillance theory of cancer. Normally what happens is – all of us, sometimes or other, our immune system produces cancer cells. But normally what happens is, that our immune system is so strong that they are able to, the cells are able to kill the cancer cells. If somehow this immune system gets depressed, then the cancer cells proliferate, and they come into a full-fledged form. And that is how cancer occurs. This is the theory based on the psychosomatic model on the mind-body relationship put forward in 1977. And now when we tried to analyse the data, we have found that this our theory of Shri Mataji is very correct. And if somebody is practising Sahaja Yoga, he might be able to prevent himself from cancer. And also from the heart diseases. This is in short, [inaudible] and I have written a book on it. I have written in it how we can prevent cardiovascular diseases, how the stress can be combated and nullified, how psychiatric disorders can be cured. Thank you very much. If you want to ask any questions? [Next speaker is Doctor Brian Wells ]. Dr Brian Wells: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good afternoon. I am a consultant psychiatrist and I work in London. My main work is at the centre for research on drugs and health behaviour and I leave you our annual report for your perusal should you so wish. The main work that we do is an international series of collaborative studies on drugs and HIV infection. And as I’m sure everybody in the room is aware, India has not escaped the problem with HIV infection. And there is now reasonable evidence for the World Health Organisation to predict that by the year 2000, Asia will have a problem with AIDS that is worse than that of Africa. This is not some sort of shock tactic, this is the projection as based upon statistical research. What we do know about the treatment and prevention of drug misuse is that there is no one single solution. What is effective is a solution that actually addresses the whole person. For example, we can give methadone to people taking heroin, we can give substitute drugs, but it does not actually address the while problem. What needs to be addressed is the whole person – and that includes the physical, psychological or emotional aspects. And also the spiritual and social aspects of an individual. There is no one treatment that fulfils all of these different obligations, all of these different criteria. However, we do know that subjects who enter Sahaja Yoga – and we have many subjects who have extremely serious drug and alcohol problems including addiction. And as they develop and alter their awareness as a result of the practice of the meditation in Sahaja Yoga, their values change, their physical state changes, their emotional state changes and their need for chemicals that alter the way in which we feel gradually melts away. There are now a significant number of studies and I will not bore you with precise figures, but some of my colleagues will be presenting hard data of a more technical nature later on. But out of all of the treatment modalities that I have seen around the world, there is really none that is quite as complete, so complete, affecting the whole person so dramatically as the practice of Sahaja Yoga. Which is not simply a meditation, it is a physiological experience that alters different energies in the body. The practice of Sahaja Yoga restores the body into balance. It restores the physical side of the body, the emotional side of the body and the spiritual side of the body, thus replacing completely the need to take drugs including alcohol. I should be very happy to answer any questions later on and I know that I have other colleagues who are going to come up and address you. So, I should be sitting here and would be very happy to answer any specific questions that you may have. Thank you. [Doctor David Spiro addressing the press]. Dr David Spiro: Doctor David Spiro from London. [Inaudible/But I’ve] been asked to talk about the spread of Sahaja Yoga throughout the world over the past twenty years. I had the privilege to meet Shri Mataji about fifteen years ago in London. And at that time Sahaja Yoga existed and was practiced only in two countries in the world – in India where She started Her work and in London where Her husband had been posted. And at that time, all the Sahaja Yogis from outside India certainly could fit around one very small dining table and quite often did. Now we have reached a situation where Sahaja Yoga is practiced in more than fifty countries in the world, every continent in the world and hundreds of thousands of people have had the experience of self-realisation that Shri Mataji describes, without any adverse effects whatsoever. And as you have heard, with very many benefits in all areas of their life. Thank you very much. [Rajesh Shah addressing the audience again]. Rajesh Shah: We have heard the doctors speak. And I would very much now, on behalf of all of us who are here, like to invite the One who has taught the doctors about Sahaja Yoga. How the Sahaja Yoga is possible and who would, in Her words describe best what is Sahaja Yoga. So, on behalf of all of us, I would like to invite Her Holiness Shri Mataji to please address us. And after that, whatever questions there are, we can have that as a question-answer session for all the people that are here. But before I do that, on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis here – Shri Mataji, may I be permitted to just offer a very small floral tribute to You? [Shri Mataji Talk] Shri Mataji: Ladies and Gentlemen. It is very heartening to see so many press people are here. At the outset, I have to tell you that the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is your heritage. It is an Indian heritage. It comes from India. And so, you have a greater responsibility. To see to it that if you have such a great wealth of knowledge in this country by which you could cure people, you could give them peace, happiness, collectivity, above all, joy; why not we do it? But we are quite conditioned by the Western thought, and be the Western education and the Western medical science, I’m sorry to say. Let us see what we have in our own country which can provide solutions to so many things. The second thing is that you do not have to pay anything for this. This is your own. This power is within you; this Kundalini power is within you. You don’t t have to pay; you don’t have to become the slave of anyone; nothing of the kind. It is just your own and which works. And when it works, you know it is tangible. Scientifically it is tangible. The only trouble I find, that people are difficult. They don’t want to open their eyes to something which is so great, which gives you the reality, which is totality. Now the Sahaja knowledge, I wouldn’t say is modern, or is Mine. We have had this since long in our country. I would say from Markandeya onward, we had Adi Shankaracharya. Then we had Gyaneshwara. Then we had all these people – like Guru Nanaka, Kabira, all of them have described it. But it was kept in such a manner that people thought it was too much philosophic or spiritual, that we cannot [Inaudible/do it]. Indians are the best suited for this. You are born in this country because of special reasons. Perhaps Indians don’t understand that. It’s such a great country, this yoga country of ours, of course, if you see outwardly it looks horrible. But it is not. And while you have a special responsibility I feel, that you can, if you can take it up seriously, you can easily, through your press, through your media you can spread something really good. Now let us see the problems of today; is that is attention and this and that – is not the only problem. If you go to America you can find out full of AIDS, schizophrenia, I mean people are just destroying themselves from within. Drugs. I mean, what I feel there that people there are just bent upon destroying themselves. They don’t want to think that this is wrong. This solution is that once you become your self, you have to know your self. You want to try to find out your identity. Everybody tries to find their identity. Maybe in a dress, maybe in drug addiction, alcoholism, anything, whatever it is. And in that, they get lost. I feel very sorry for such people who ignorantly take to all these things and then get destroyed. If just, if they can know themselves, they can change very fast. It is a very great shock to Me when I went to America. That they could not take to reality. They would accept all kinds of falsehoods, false gurus; this, that - waste so much money on them; but they would not take to reality. They wouldn’t try to understand what it is. And now today, if you see the condition of America you will find out that children of twelve years, even younger are taking drugs. In Sahaja Yoga, I have seen many people who came to Me first, as Doctor Spiro has told you, in England, they were all drug addicts. Absolutely. And they were sort of dedicated drug addicts. They were thinking this is the only solution for us. They were carrying on like a martyrdom about it. They got realisation. Overnight, overnight, they gave up drugs: overnight. Very surprising. It is something that as if in the darkness you are standing, and you do not know what you are doing. And suddenly you get the light and you give up all that is wrong and destructive. Same in Russia I was surprised. Thousands of them. Thousands of them suddenly changed. So, it is all within us, this power, which can give you all the benefit of being a human being. It’s very simple. It’s extremely simple. It’s just like this instrument here, I was wondering. Now, this instrument is here, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Only thing, you are to be connected to your mains, that is all. It’s all your own power, it’s all your own property, everything is within yourself and which you can discover in no time. Sahaja Yoga is a very wide subject and I don’t know how many lectures I must have given. Thousands and thousands; in Marathi, Hindi, English - every sort of languages. But still, it is so simple, it is so simple that Ramadasa was asked - who was the guru of Shivaji - how much time it will take for Kundalini to rise. He said “tat kshanna”, that moment. But the person who wants to take and the person who wants to give should be perfect. Now the perfection in the person who wants to take is very simple. Is that he should have pure desire. He should have pure desire, that is all. No money is needed, nothing is needed, you cannot pay for it. It is a living process. It’s a living process of evolutionary jump. Or we can say the breakthrough. And for that you don’t have to pay a single pie, nothing, no effort is [inaudible], effortless – Sahaja. But only thing is you have to have a pure desire. Now if you have come here say, with very mischievous ideas and a very arrogant and aggressive attitude, it won’t work out. It won’t. You have to ask for it. Unless and until you ask for it, it will not work out. And you will be surprised once you get it, you will solve all your communal problems, fanaticism, everything is solved. Now we have people from every religion. We have Muslims, we have Hindus, we have Christians, we have Jews – all kinds of people we have. But we worship all of them. For example, we worship Muhammad Saab, we worship Rama, we worship Krishna, we worship all of them. There is no question of having any kind of fanaticism because in the light, we see that all these great people were born on the same tree of life. Only we have plucked them, these flowers and we are fighting among ourselves. These are dead flowers. But they are born on the same tree of life. So, this stupidity just falls off. I have seen people who were great fanatics have changed after realisation. So, it is a chance for human beings to achieve that. It is a very great chance. Let us see our press, how much it is going to help the world to get to this chance. It is a very big chance. And once missed – I was talking to my son-in-law; he is a scholar. And he was saying that the chimpanzees became human beings. I said I do not think all of them were chimpanzees but maybe. And so many were left behind as chimpanzees. Very few became human beings. So, he said how many do you think will become Sahaja Yogis because the rest of them will be left like human beings and will be destroyed. Through AIDS, through this, through that. I said I expect all of them to get realization I mean if you ask Me that. That is My hope. But it is for you people, the press people; you do not understand how many powers you have. You don’t understand how important you are. Whatever you write, you see, people believe it. Whatever you say people believe it. You are even more important than the Prime Minister or anybody else. So, at this time if you use your power for the right things, it is a “punya” (good deed). It’s a great thing. So I have to request you just to pay some attention to it. It’s really a serious problem for this country as well as for any country today, because this is “ghor Kaliyuga” as they say. And all kinds of things are coming; self-destructive things are coming. So, we have to see that at least, if not anything else, please pay some attention to what is happening in your own country. Thank you very much. Yes, you can ask Me questions. Journalist: Have you got any scientific or medical proof to substantiate that diseases like AIDS and cancer can be cured by this Yoga?Shri Mataji: Yes we have. We have one person just now; we have many, but just now we have called one person. Arun, please come. He is an architect, Arun Goyal. He was suffering from blood cancer. And this was, how many years previously was this? [Inaudible reply]. Shri Mataji: Yes. And the doctors had declared he will die within one month. But look at him, he is still here. Then we have many others like this. The other day, one doctor; Hans was it not? Hans from Germany was cured. So many of them are cured of (cancer) like that. And we have also now here doctors from Russia. They will tell you how many people have been cured. Can you tell them, Galyna? We have lots of proof of it, no doubt about it. The doctor [inaudible] come along. [Doctor Galyna speaks in Russian]. Translator: Respected colleagues, I lead the laboratory of Pharmacology, Neurology. [Repeating for clarity] Respected colleagues, I lead the laboratory of Pharmacology and Neurology. And throughout my professional life, I have taken on the research into neurological and brain functions. In the Department of Eastern Medicine, we have just opened Sahaja Yoga – a medical, biological centre of Sahaja Yoga. We have started practical research. If you allow, I will tell you shortly about it. We showed how vibrated water influences the neuron, the nerve cell. Through very subtle methods we observe the potential of these nerve cells. The nerve cell gives a specific answer to the vibrations. And the nerve cell:- the vibrations work on the nerve cell to ease or minimise the electronic emissions. I will not bore you with the technical aspects of it. If anyone is interested, they can ask afterwards. I will like to tell you about the practices that we have in our centre. We observed 511 people who came to the school of Sahaja Yoga. Two-thirds were women. In essence, all seekers of truth are seeking some way. Most frequently there were headaches, nervousness, stomach irritability, ulcers and GIT type of problems. Every person filled out a special form. And in the process of ten days, he filled out this particular format. I will show you a spectral Victoria system of analysis. The structure of these sicknesses when he came the first day to Sahaja Yoga. On the fifth day you see,that the symptoms and his sicknesses ease, and the area diminishes and the level of sickness eases. It is a Victorian analysis. Tenth day : Headaches, nervous irritability, insomnias on this side, GIT problems these are all parameters. Conclusions. This ithe area involved with people who feel bad vibrations. If the vibrations of Sahaja Yoga are acting to neutralise the bad vibrations, you get a second diagram. And if he has harmonised himself using the method of Sahaja Yoga - the vibrations have neutralised this - you get this sort of pattern. It means a dimunition in the area. I have done a lot of work in physiology, but I have not seen a system which works better within the system of neurology. Shri Mataji: Now I would request some Indian doctor; Doctor Nigam will tell you his experience and then Doctor Talwar can tell his own experience. They are doctors so you will believe them more. But there is one more thing that I would like to tell you. That supposing, I mean we are saying you don’t have to pay money, do n’t have to do anything, nothing of the kind. So the proof, what is it needed for? What I am saying when we are not asking for any money or anything. It is all right. We buy any medicine and take it without knowing the proof about it. But here we are not taking any money. We are not doing anything. It is all right. If you want to know the proof we will give you. But actually, attitude – I am saying just see , watch your attitude. Now here we have two eminent doctors. He is a surgeon from Lucknow. Dr Nigam: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Dear Friends. Here is a man standing before you who was once a very great, successful private practitioner, a medical private practitioner. And in the year1980, all of a sudden while he was shaving, he had a very severe paralytic stroke. Within two minutes a normal human being becomes a cabbage. Since I was a medical doctor I was immediately rushed to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. There I was treated for one and a half months in Medical Institute. They could not diagnose why I suffered with it. And then, I carried on, to go for my physiotherapy for thirteen months, regularly every day, which is on the record. Being a medical man, I knew now that there is no way out by which I could become a normal man. At that time I was on crutches. I could not eat anything because my tongue was paralysed. I could not speak properly because my tongue and lips were paralysed. And on this earth, the truth is, I was just like an animal. Just like; I had nothing left in my life. Because being a medical man I knew that now I amnot going to improve at all. Since there are doctors here and you great journalists are here, I simply want to inform you – in medical science if somebody suffers from paralysis, he definitely gets improved; he gets cured. But in the first six months of the attack. My case starts, my recovery starts after thirteen months of my stroke. I was told by somebody that you try Sahaja Yoga. In the beginning, I did not believe it. But the day I met Shri Mataji I knew that this is the truth. And from that day on, I am standing before you. I travel a lot. Just to tell everybody that this Sahaja Yoga science is much, much greater science than what we are taught in medical colleges. Believe it, this is the beginning of the highest science on Earth. Medical science, I simply give you one example. Just one example. Professor Rai is sitting here. He was the head of the Department of Maullana Azad College. He was a professor of physiology. His wife was suffering with migraine for the last twenty years. And all these doctors, they were giving her four tablets of Compose(?) three times a day. Twelves Composes was given to his wife every day. Look, he is one of the best medical doctors at least in India. One of the best. And he could not cure his wife. He had all the facilities and amenities with him, but nobody could cure her. And when she joined Sahaja Yoga, she has been cured . What I have to inform you very humbly, sir, do not believe me. I give an open offer to all of you, with the permission of my Mother, Shri Mataji. I live in Delhi. If any of you or your relationship is suffering from migraine, very simple thing. Migraine means “adhyasar ka dard”. Any of you is suffering – you come to me. Nothing is charged; we will work on you. And see the results yourself. I throw a challenge to medical science doctors also. Can they cure this disease, migraine? No. Nobody can cure. But you bring to us. If we are able to cure you, then you believe us. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji (in Hindi):[ Look, now that he has said it, do not bring all the sick people. I request you. Because those who are physically fit and healthy, they are fit for it. They should present themselves and become their own doctors. You people can become your own doctors. You can heal yourself. It is not necessary that you have expert medical skills. There is no need for medicine. You can just find on your fingers which chakras are spoilt. And you can cure yourself. But what happens is that as soon as a sickness is cured, two or three hundred people appear saying cure our illness also. It is better that you become your own doctors. You are press persons, but you can become your own doctor. By becoming doctors you can heal others yourself and also make great strides in all your activities. Because with this, there is a type of dynamism that arises in an individual. He becomes calm in away. He understands each thing in a very beautiful way. You just think, in our London, there is a lot of unemployment. But not one Sahaja Yogi is unemployed. They are all employed. And all those who have come to Sahaja, they have progressed so much. It is not that they got money but because the state of their attention became so good that they rose to great heights. Now the way of a mother is that if she has to give castor oil, she puts chocolate in it. But I add chocolate to chocolate, I can tell you that. ] Hindi ends Come Doctorsaab. Doctor Talwar will talk to you now. Dr Talwar: Jai Shri Mataji. Too long and too far to be used to standing behind the mike and talking. Your Holiness, at Your Feet I only picked up only one thing:that there is something like what known as the language of vibrations. And that is what is learned in Sahaja Yoga. My friend here, one of them asked the proof in the laboratory about the cure for cancer and for diseases. I want to put to you in all humility, the best proof and the best lab is the individual who is suffering from the trouble. It is actually the experience which one goes through with the practice of Sahaja Yoga and bringing yourself into a balance that you literally find -literally find - a chemical and a neurological balance occurring within the body; which ultimately brings your wellbeing and brings you to the balance of ease, taking away your disease. I only want to share with you my own experience. It is now forty years I practised in medicine as an obstetrician-gynaecologist and ultimately gave it up. Because I found the futility of only following the laboratory. Because the best lab is in within me. And I find that if my lab works properly, the effect of it is felt on theothers also. It is actually correct when you say that the proof of the pudding lies in its eating. Not bythe others’ experience but you eating the pudding yourself. Till you have the experience of Sahaja Yoga, it is very difficult for you to appreciate. I may be pardoned if I say this, to appreciate the real true meaning of Sahaja Yoga. If I tell you about my experience, it is mine. But I still put it before you. I was proclaimed as a patient of essential hypertension. And tried as a guinea pig by my doctor friends for a number of years‘till I became a victim of medicine. So much so that the anti-hypertensive drugs which were given to me, gave me more trouble than the disease itself. Ultimately, thanks to Mother and thanks to the practice of Sahaja Yoga, I have not taken medicines for nine years now. And my blood pressure seems to be fairly balanced. I can also share this that my wife is here, who is suffering from what is called as a poly-arthritis. Had become practically a cripple. And again being a doctors wife, also as a guinea pig of so many medical friends. And she went through I should say more hell, in the process of treatment than the disease itself. But ultimately through Sahaja Yoga, thanks to Mother, she is sitting right here, and she looks very healthy, and she is full of cheer and laughter. Which seemed to have eluded our family for a long time. And the last thing is, I underwent four operations on my eyes. And at one juncture , they said that my degenerative changes in the eyes had started and soon I shall go blind. This was about twelve years ago. Thanks to Sahaja Yoga, I even drive my car at night. I can only say, these are very small experiences but very valid as far as the individual is concerned. In all humility I say, friends, this is a subject you should take it along with you. We need the media to spread something which is positive. And not just give the news which saddened us in the morning. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Hamid, you please come. This is Doctor Hamid who is an expert on agriculture. He was a U.N. advisor to different countries for agriculture, and he will tell you how Sahaja Yoga can help agriculture. [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji (laughing): You are a real seeker I must say, sir. He is a real seeker of truth. This is a very good question. Very heartening. I will tell you. It will work out in no time. (In Hindi) Your case will be done right now just sitting right here. Dr Hamid: Shri Mataji, Ladies and Gentlemen. My duty is a little bit different than all the people who are talking to you. Shri Mataji: Loudly. Go closer to the mike. Dr Hamid: My duty is a little bit different than all the people who are talking to you beforehand. They are dealing with a human. And a human can speak and tell what is wrong with me, and the people can cure them and think about it, what is...what can I do for these people. But my subject is in agriculture and my speciality is in wood. AND trees couldn’t speak and couldn’t tell what is wrong with me. We have to have some understanding and to understand the trees. And if you use vibrated water which is produced by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and, through Her vibration; and we use this vibrated water in a wood, in a forest, or in a farm, not only we increase our crops, but we get a very healthy wood and through this, a very good and nice environment. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji (in Hindi): [Your crop can increase ten times. Through vibration. And so huge, understand, that a two feet diameter sunflower was produced, and 250 grams of sunflower oil came out of it. All of this happens through Sahaja Yoga. Animal husbandry can also become all right. And whatever he has done, it is an ordinary seed. It was done using ordinary seeds. So it is a wonder, a miracle. If this is a thing of Parmatma, then it has to be a miracle. But first of all, we do not believe in God. Come, even if that is not there, you can call this a divine thing. Divine vibrations make all these things happen. He has proved it. Now he is originally from Iran, after that he is now in Austria as a very big agriculture in-charge. He has conducted a lot of experiments there and has written about it. And even here, he had given lectures in two to four universities this time. Now, will you talk for a while Mishraji? You can tell about your experience. This is Doctor Mishra, he has come from Canada and he is a great scholar. Journalist (in Hindi): Can you very broadly explain the meaning of Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji (in Hindi): The meaning of Sahaja is, Saha means with you and ja means born with. Journalist: How long is the exercise? Shri Mataji: No exercise, sir. Journalist: Means what? Shri Mataji: It happens just like that. You sit relaxed and it happens. There is nothing to be done in it.] hindi ends Dr Mishra: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and friends. I am Doctor Ram Mishra and I work at McMarsh University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I am full professor of psychiatry and biomedical sciences. I am also a consultant to the United Nations, consultant to WHO. And I am here to provide you some proof which you were asking for Sahaja Yoga; gentleman just has left. There are a class of peptides in the human system called endorphins. Now, these endorphins play a major role in terms of relieving pain, relieving stress and give you relaxation. They are also involved in directing cardio-vascular and cancer disorders. So what we did – as a scientist, I generally want to see actual proof. In the test tube I want to see what is really happening. So we called twenty Sahaja Yogis and twenty non-Sahaja Yogis. And after fifteen minutes of meditation, we took the blood from both groups. And we found that the endorphin levels are about 50 to 60 per cent higher in those people who practice Sahaja Yoga for fifteen minutes. Now mind you, these peptides also go up through other meditations. Like you do simple yoga, and you do the acupuncture, Chinese medicine – Chinese technique to cure the pains. So those things also cause the increase. But the bad thing about acupuncture is that the levels go back to the base level,so they go back to the below normal level and you have the pain again. Through Sahaja Yoga, you can maintain these constant levels. And I can show you this chart here. Here – I do not know if you can see or not. But there are non-Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yogis. Big increase in the male Sahaja Yogis compared to the females. But there is an increase in the females also. But since these endorphin levels are regulated by menstrual cycles so there is a slightly less increase in the females compared to men. And here is the laboratory proof in Canadian people. Like, these are not Indians but they are Canadians who have been practicing Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: At the end, we will have Gregoire. Journalist: Madam, I do not dispute the benefits of yoga to the mind and the body. The disturbed mind under stress, tension, I have no doubt that it does bring a certain equilibrium in your body. But what I have not been able to understand are the claims made by practitioners of yoga and meditation and bringing about the peace of mind is that nothing worthwhile in the world has been created by a mind at rest. All the best works of arts, literature, science; , everything has been created by highly agitated minds. Almost on the verge of a breakdown. Can you give me any instances of people who achieved what you call realisation if they have made any worthwhile contribution to thinking, literature, arts, science, anything? Shri Mataji (in Hindi): So your statement Sardarji is that peace should come, no? That is what you want,to have peace isn’t it? [Hindi ends] Journalist: I do not want peace – of mind. Shri Mataji: No, no this is correct. I agree with you entirely. It is the through agitated mind, everything has happened like that. Now we have to find a solution or not. Journalist: Solution to what? Shri Mataji: Solution is there. The solution is within ourselves. Journalist: I have no problem. All I am suggesting is if you bring the mind at rest to peace, you will create nothing. Except for peace of mind and it is not worthwhile. Shri Mataji: No, no, you see when you are peaceful, you are the best. Then you become much more creative. In a turmoil, what will you create? Think of a person who is in turmoil. He will only create turmoil. Journalist: No. All the great poets of this world were in a mind of turmoil. Shri Mataji: We have created poets in Sahaja Yoga, you will be amazed. There was a Chartered Accountant and he’s become such a great poet today. We have so many poets who have come out. You ask Amjad Ali, he will tell you that through Sahaja Yoga only he developed his skill. So many musicians have come out of Sahaja Yoga; they will openly say that. You can ask them. You see it is the peaceful mind only can create. Not the turmoil. Never, never. Gregoire, will you please speak. I think you better speak now. This is Gregoire de Kalbertemann. He is in the Union; he is from the United Nations and he will tell you he is seeing turmoil in the United Nations also and all that. He will tell you. Journalist: I can only quote the greatest poet in the Urdu language who was deadly.. dead against all this practice of meditation and bringing peace of mind. Allana Iqbal. “Khudha tuzhe toofan se aashna na kar de, Ki teri leher ki maujo mein ishtna nahi” – there is no movement in your mind. You’re not agitated. He constantly uses the word “talatum”. Gregoire: All right. We got your point. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Agitation cannot give you the solution sir. Never. Agitation will create more agitation. Only peace. [Another journalist joins in the banter – inaudible] Gregoire: Now I think there is a misunderstanding. And the misunderstanding is that by meditation we do not mean passivity. Shri Mataji: No, not at all. I think you better tell them. Gregoire: Shri Mataji, sorry I do not understand anything about medicine. I am just arriving from New York. A bomb blew under the Trade Centre. I am arriving in a country where bombs blow all over the place. I, I – this is not very peaceful. I am aware of the United Nations involvement in Bosnia where Muslims kill Croatian, who are Catholics who kill Serbs, who are orthodox, who kill Muslims who are Bosnians. So this is a bit of creative agitation perhaps, but it is not the kind I enjoy. What I am trying to say is that Sahaja Yoga; I see its relevance in political terms today. Because the greatest dest abilising factors, now that the ideologies have gone; there is no Marxism and capitalism to hit each other’s heads off, is the revival of fundamentalists, the revival of fanaticism. And what I found in Sahaja Yoga is, through an experience in consciousness, you find out that what the major instructors of mankind were saying – that there is a way within oneself to touch that place which is pure energy. And that gives a state of mind, which - and I am sorry that the word disturbs you - which is peaceful. But you could also call it ‘energetic’. Because it is an extraordinarily energising condition of mind. So I feel that if we want to go beyond religious conflict, we want to go beyond this absolutely murderous folly which might destroy hundreds of thousands of human lives, one has to go back to the core of religion. Religion comes from the Latin “relgare” which means to unite. And religion is to unite man with his own being. This is what Sahaja Yoga is. As a by-product, you have medical effects of which I do not understand anything. Thank God I have so many friends who are doctors and can talk about it. But that peace is the peace of the being. And that is the condition in which Einstein found the Relativity Theory, it is the condition in which Michelangelo painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel, and it is the condition in which Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa. Now, these are no mean artists and they were realised according to the teachings of Shri Mataji. Now Shri Mataji – nobody is a prophet in his own country. She is the most impressive, the most complete, the most erudite; I should say the sophisticated spiritual leader of this time. And it blows my mind, that in Her own country, people have so much difficulty to recognise it. Because from this country so many crooks have come out. So many fake spiritual leaders have come out who have made millions of dollars on the naivety of Western seekers, selling them meditation course to become rich. Now, these are people who have private fleets, private airports. Now, this is nonsense. Rajneesh was taken out of the US with manacled hands because of all the indecent things he had been doing. We have found out – I am saying us as a Western seeker, somebody who is truly genuine, truly powerful and who can give self-realisation. And that is the message we would like to pass on to you. Sorry, Shri Mataji, I am always getting into [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: I will answer him anyway…to you..[inaudible]. I understand. Now let us see, from where do the problems come. They come from human beings. They don’t come from trees. They come from human beings. There’s something wrong with human beings. Now, what is wrong with human beings? Take it as a hypothesis whatever I’m saying.. I say it is your centres, your chakras. Because your chakras are out of gear, you have your physical problems, you have emotional problems, also mental problems, and all these kind of political and you can call it social. And all ll kinds of problems come because human beings are imperfect. There is something wrong with them. All right? Now, if by some method you can correct them, then why not do it? Now see, I am seventy years of age. I am travelling all over the world. If you see my schedule you will say, Mother how do you do it. I am not feeling anything. I mean you won’t call I am the person who is just sitting down somewhere in the Himalayas and just – nothing of the kind. They are all working. They are all very dynamic. And they are producing very good results everywhere. Now he is a person who is running a very big company. Now he has bought another company. I mean, but because you are peaceful you can do much better. So, to be peaceful is not that you compromise with anything. It is not that, that you compromise anywhere. But the only thing is that when people start becoming peaceful, they start understanding each other. We have no rapport with each other. We have no rapport. We don’t understand. With Sahaja Yoga what happens is you become collectively conscious. A new awareness comes in. I can feel you, what your problems are. You can feel Me, you can feel everyone. As a result, what happens, you also develop compassion. And you can correct people. If you can correct them, you correct human beings. Thus you correct all the problems that are created by human beings. We have to accept; the problems are coming from human beings and nobody else. That is the only point. So what have we to do about it? If we can make all human beings...these are not human beings who will be just sitting down. Nothing of the kind. They are all working, they are very dynamic, they are expressing themselves in every way. Nobody is sort of meditating all the time. Only ten minutes in the evening if you just try to correct yourself, your chakras finished. Nothing more is needed. Only ten minutes you have to give to your growth. So it is a science which everybody has talked about in a way. Like, I would say Guru Nanaka has said it. That “Kahe re man khojan jaaye. Sada alesa, sada nivasi tohe sang nap aye”. It is he who talked about “Sahaja samadhi”. He has talked about it and by, I would say he has done so much work for it. And Kabira talked about everything like “Ida, Pingala, Sukhman Nadi Re”. Like he says that “Shunya Shikhar Par Anahat Baje Re”. Nobody understands these things. This is what is Sahaja Yoga. All this we are trying to show you. In yourself. In your Self, it will work out. You will know for yourself; I do not have to convince you. You will be convinced about yourself. So also, that, how much do we know ourselves? How much do we know our powers? You are so powerful, all those powers you must have. The greatest power you have is of love and compassion. Which acts. This love acts. So, one has to give a chance to yourself, That’s all: give a chanceand see for yourself. Journalist: I would like to ask a simple question. How Your Sahaja Yoga is different from yoga sutras of Patanjali. You see Patanjali is such a great writer. That he says in one sentence what he says is in the whole book. “Yoga sthiti nirodhar” – to stop the process of mind, the Chitta is Yoga. How do you define your Sahaja Yoga? This is what people are not getting. You know, how do you define. Can you define like Patanjali what (Sahaja Yoga is)? Shri Mataji: All right. I will, I will. Saha means with. Journalist: No, no, no, no meaning is OK. How is it different from Patanjali? Shri Mataji: It is not. It is the same. You see Patanjali is the same, but people don’t read Patanjali. They read the only one-sixteenth part which is a little bit. Actually, if you read the whole “Sastanga”. Journalist: Yes, of course. Shri Mataji: And then, later on, he comes to the fact that you should become thoughtlessly aware, which is called as “nirvichar samadhi”, “nirvikalpa samadhi”- that’s what is Sahaja yoga. Journalist: Do you teach those? Shri Mataji: Of course. Journalist: All those…So…. Patanjali thing. Oh that’s alright then. But that’s yoga then. Why do you call it Sahaja Yoga, as different from yoga? Shri Mataji: What should I call it then? Journalist: Why not yoga? It’s Patanjali’s yoga. Shri Mataji: We call it Sahaja Yoga because it is spontaneous. It is spontaneous that is why we call it Sahaja Yoga. It is called Sahaja Yoga since long, I am not the one who started this name. But if you call it Patanjali Yoga, it means standing on your head, it is not. Journalist: What is not? [Inaudible]. Another journalist: You said do it for ten minutes. My question is do what? Don’t say Sahaja Yoga. Do what for ten minutes? [Inaudible, more questions, short explanation from Raja Shah]. Shri Mataji: The trouble is,your you people are such a great hurry. See, in Sahaja Yoga, you can get your realisation just now also, no doubt. But you have to be a little bit peaceful about it. All right. Because normally what we do is to call you in our centres, or call you in the big programs public programs we will be having. There we give realisation. But I have seen that in Russia I must say. Russian press was very different and they got realisation. So it is not difficult. (in Hindi) Those who desire it may put their hands towards Me like this. Whether you have it or not there is no guarantee. But just keep the desire in the mind. What is there to lose by putting your hands like this? Just put your hands like this. Now see, there will be a cool breeze. Both hands like this. That is it, nothing. What these are [Hindi ends] …these are five, six and seven sympathetic [inaudible]. These are also sympathetic. [Switches to Hindi once more ]When the vibrations come into these, you start feeling the cool breeze. There will be coolness on the head also. This coolness that you feel for the first time, it is called the Chaitanya. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost that Christ described and here we call it the paramchaitanya. Adi Shankaracharya has called it “salilam, salilam”. Now do you people have some objections to putting your hands like this. Put your hands, what is the objection? This is a chance; I am sitting in front of you. Take it please, what is the hesitation. You are the first to get realisation, Sardarji people. But do not know where you are wandering. They get realisation so fast, you have been prepared for just this thing. Feeling the cool breeze? You are realised. You are realised. You are realised, sir. [Inaudible, laughter]. Shri Mataji: No, no. Now you should use it and see. Use it and see. All right now check on your head. Check your head. Sahaja Yogi: Actually the air-conditioning has been shut off. That is why the voice level has changed. Shri Mataji: What about you? Yes? Do not doubt it, do not have any doubts at this moment. It is doubting oneself. Are you getting it, son? It will come, in a little while. Keep the hands free. Getting it? Yes? He has got it. What about you? You had a great desire. It is not coming? It will come. You. The gentleman in front. There must a lot of heat coming. There is a lot of heat in the body. [English] Just try these two persons here. [Shri Mataji is directing the Sahaja Yogis, who are moving about and working on individuals]. Shri Mataj in [Hindi] i: Down below is your Kundalini which is in the triangular form. And when she passes through the chakras, you attain realisation. We do not love the press, to tell you the reason clearly, is that if it does not happen they will write against Me. Now if it does not happen, it means there is a problem within you, is it not? There is no problem within Me. Sir, you are realised. You also. Journalist: After this? Shri Mataji: After this, you come, meet everyone. Yes, it is coming. Now it will feel very calm. Now after this you will see the miracles which will tell you what is Parmatma. (To Sahaja Yogis): Please see him. Why is it not happening for him? It should happen to him. He is a good seeker. They are getting. [English] Next to that. This gentleman. [Sahaja Yogis are working on the people]. [Hindi] Sardarji are you realised? Guru Nanak, you give him, on the name of Guru Nanak. [Journalist Mother is addressing as sardarji is sitting in front of Shri Mataji]. Journalist: [Inaudible/name is Khuswant Singh]. Shri Mataji (to someone): You should get it; you make the whole world laugh. You should definitely get realisation. Please check her, she is not yet there. Sahaja Yogi: Yogi? Shri Mataji: Yogiji, please see her. She is not through. [Mother and Sahaja Yogis continue to work on the people]. Rajesh Shah: If I could have your kind attention for only a moment, please. I would like to thank all of you for being with us. Sahaja Yoga, even this brief experience, those who have had it, this is only the beginning. Our Mother, Shri Mataji travels all over the world. She has the most gruelling travel schedule that you can imagine. And yet, we benefit. If you would like to find out more about Sahaja Yoga, several of the Sahaja Yogis are sitting here, you can find out. Tomorrow morning, at ten o clock in the morning, at the Bharatiya Scouts and Guides Club, we have a program where we have invited the public, and where Doctor Rai’s book which he describes, will be released. We also have a program tomorrow evening at the Constitution Club where all of you are very warmly invited. Where Shri Mataji will be talking to us and you will see over there the en masse realisation program. On the 21st of March, is the 70th birthday of, for all of us Sahaja Yogis, our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. So I would like to once again, on behalf of all of us here, offer a very small floral tribute to Shri Mataji and wish Her a very, very long life so that we can gain more and through us, the whole society can gain more. Doctor Talwar. [Inaudible question] Rajesh Shah: The program sir, is tomorrow morning at 10 o clock in the morning. Sorry sir, 10:30 in the morning at the Bharatiya, which is in Nizamuddin. At Nizamuddin, the Guide and Scouts ground and then at 7 o’clock the program is, it’s a public program in which the book of Doctor Rai will be released. And tomorrow evening is a public program at the Constitutional Club lawns, which will be a general talk; it’s a felicitation of Shri Mataji and a general talk by Her. And an en masse self-realisation, which you have seen in a different setting here. But you will see that tomorrow in their thousands, real seekers will come at 7 o clock in the evening. Then on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, every morning – we have given this in advertisements today and it is coming tomorrow as well. The program is at 10 o clock every morning for discussions and Sahaja Yoga meditations at this Scout Club grounds. And in the same location on Tuesday 23rd, 24th and 25th evening, very eminent musicians and artists from all over India will be coming. And there will be programs from 6:30 every evening of music, in the presence of Shri Mataji. We have noticed that when many of these musicians whether its Bismillah Khan Saheb, Amjad Ali Khan Saheb, Professor Debu Chaudhary who plays the sitar, and many, many more; their music in the presence of Shri Mataji is again very different because they are connected. There is something divine about their music, so we invite you to come and be part of that program. Today, we thank you again and invite you to join us in some small snacks. You are welcome to talk to any of us again, welcome to come up to Shri Mataji and talk to Her. Thank you very much. [Floral bouquet is presented. Applause]. Rajesh Shah: Please do join us for snacks. Do not go before joining us for snacks. [Inaudible/Mother is talking to Sahaja Yogis. The group departs and sees Mother to Her car]. [End of recording].
TRANSCRIPT OF PRESS CONFERENCE NEW DELHI 19-03-1993 Sahaja Yogi: From all our Sahaja Yogis here, we give our pranams to Shri Mataji. A very warm welcome to all the members of the press, who have so kindly taken their time to be with us this afternoon. My name is Rajesh Shah. Can you hear now? So, I wished a very warm welcome to all the members of the press who have taken the time to be with us, the Sahaja Yogis and with Shri Mataji this afternoon. And we are very glad that you are here. My name is Rajesh Shah. I am from Bombay. And I have been in Sahaja Yoga for the last twenty years. Today my task in the next one or two minutes is to not only welcome you very warmly but also to introduce some of the people that we have over here. And they will then be invited for two to three minutes to talk about different aspects of Sahaja Yoga. We have Professor Doctor U.C. Rai whose book on Sahaja Yoga as an alternate medicine is going to be released tomorrow. Doctor Rai will be talking to us shortly. We have Doctor Brian Wells from London, who is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is a consultant with London hospitals, especially relating to addiction. We have Doctor David Spiro also from London and he will be speaking to us; he is a general practitioner in the city of London itself. We have a number of other people with us who have been active in Sahaja Yoga for a long time. Mr Gregoire de Kalbermatten is from New York, is with the United Nations, chief of the policy of the United Nations capital fund. We have Doctor Mishra from Canada who is a neuroscientist. Doctor Galina, Doctor Bogdan from Russia, Doctor Hamid is from Austria – a consultant with the Department of Forests in Austria and has worked very closely with Sahaja Yoga methods on environmental control and forests. A number of people are at the back, who we can call upon, who have various experiences of Sahaja Yoga especially in terms of diseases which doctors may have thought very difficult to cure but they themselves have been cured. So this is the introduction. I would now like to call upon Doctor Rai. He would speak to us a little bit about Sahaja Yoga and medicine for two or three minutes. Doctor Rai: Her Holiness Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi, Rajesh Shah, Dignitaries of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great pleasure to talk today about something we have done at Lady Harding Medical College on Sahaja Yoga. Before I tell you what has been done, I will tell you about how the whole thing started. I heard a lecture of Shri Mataji in 1984 and Shri Mataji gave realisation. And said that there is a cool breeze which comes when self-realisation occurs. After I lecture, I met Shri Mataji and said, “Shri Mataji, it could be a subjective phenomenon. Anybody can say when you are asking him, are you getting cool breeze, are you getting cool breeze?; he can say, yes, yes, I feel there is something there”. So I said, “Shri Mataji, I do not believe in it much”. And Shri Mataji was very benevolent and graceful, and She told me that, “Doctor Rai, you are working in a medical college as head of the department. Why don’t you do research and find out what is the truth”. This is how the whole story started and I asked one of my students, a post-graduate student to take the work of Sahaja Yoga. And the whole thing was put into the faculty of the Delhi University and they approved the subject to find out as to what are the physiological effects of Sahaja Yoga on the human body. I will not go into details. When the thesis of this student was completed and the results of the data were collected and analysed, statistically we found very good results. And one of the most outstanding result was, there was a decrease in adrenalin secretion. Adrenalin we know – when we are in stress, when there is anxiety, this neurotransmitter is produced in the body and is responsible for various harmful effects. For example, high blood pressure, usually which we get is due to the greater secretion of adrenalin. And therefore we thought that the results were so beneficial, so good that we thought that another student should be given a dissertation. And this time we worked with the patients at Lady Hardinge Medical College, in Suchakrapani Hospital in collaboration with the Department of Medicine. We worked on the patients of hypertension, essential hypertension. And we worked on the patients of bronchial asthma. And when after one year the whole data was collected and analysed statistically, it was found that it was very helpful as an adjunct therapy in cases of essential hypertension and also in cases of bronchial asthma. In bronchial asthma as well as in essential hypertension I may tell you; that the cause is not known, as yet. The medicine has advanced so much, but still, twenty per cent of the population of the USA suffers from essential hypertension. There is no treatment for it. The various cardiovascular disorders say that the risk is high blood pressure. How to tackle this high blood pressure, except with the drugs. And the drugs are very toxic. Therefore, in one of the recent conferences on cardiology, they have said that in order to tackle hypertension one of the things is that one has to come to the Yoga. By meditation. And we found here that in our patients of essential hypertension that when they were doing Sahaja Yoga, their neurotransmitter that is the concentration of adrenalin decreased significantly. And that was responsible for the beneficial effect. Similarly the psychological effect which is one of the factors of bronchial asthma was very effectively controlled and the patient of bronchial asthma who was doing Sahaja Yoga showed remarkable effect. Now after these two works which we have done, we were very much impressed with the effects of Sahaja Yoga and we thought of doing some other work. And one day I was talking to Shri Mataji and She said, “Doctor you know, epilepsy is a left-sided disease. And it can be cured by Sahaja Yoga”. I was really surprised, and I couldn’t say anything before Her. But I was wondering how Sahaja Yoga can control epilepsy. You see, it did not come to my mind at all. But then you see, when I was reading the literature and I recollected. Then I caught hold of one paper of Doctor B. Ramamurthy, an eminent neurosurgeon of Madras who was the president of the Academy of Medical Sciences. And in one of the neurophysiology conferences, he said that he treated the patients of epilepsy by feeding the alpha waves which were stored in a module, from the yogis. Now, this gave me a clue. And I thought that instead of storing the alpha waves of the yogis in a module and then giving it to the patients; if we ask the patients to do Sahaja Yoga, their alpha index will increase, and the patient may be benefitted. So, another PhD thesis was taken up. And this time, because I retired at this time, I asked one of my friends Doctor Salva Murthy who is the Director in the Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences to take up this job of guiding thesis of Usha Judani. And she completed her thesis; it has already been submitted to Delhi University for evaluation. And when we looked at the compiled data of the results, it was really very astounding. We found that even the compact spectral arrays, the computerised electro spectrographic records showed a tremendous effect, you see it became absolutely normal. And this was really very good science. When I went to Russia you see, I presented this work and the Institute of Neurosurgery in Leningrad and the Chief of the Epileptic Department was very much impressed by it. And he said that “Doctor Rai, we want to do a joint venture research program because there is no treatment for epilepsy”. So these things have been scientifically done. Now, then one day Shri Mataji told me, “Doctor Rai, this Sahaja Yoga can cure cancer”. Again, you see it was very difficult for me to understand. And for two years I just heard from this side and it went from the other side. Because I could not, it could not come to me at all. How by Sahaja Yoga, because by Sahaja Yoga, we get relaxation. That much part one can understand. But how Sahaja Yoga is going to help in the prevention of cancer. It was something which was beyond my thinking. But when She said two or three times you see. And in the meantime, I was asked by so many persons during my tour to Russia, Italy and other places to write a book on Sahaja Yoga. And when I was going through the literature, I got a very important hint, which Shri Mataji enunciated in 1970. Shri Mataji said in 1970 that it is the Central Heart which is responsible for producing antibodies. She said that if in the childhood or if due to some cause your central heart is catching, the whole of the immune system will get depressed. Now, this was a very important thing, which in 1977, at a holistic health conference in Toronto, called Seamonton, you see, he put a psychosomatic model for the treatment of cancer. Now his [inaudible] treatment depends on the surveillance theory of cancer. Normally what happens is – all of us, sometimes or other, our immune system produces cancer cells. But normally what happens is, that our immune system is so strong that they are able to, the cells are able to kill the cancer cells. If somehow this immune system gets depressed, then the cancer cells proliferate, and they come into a full-fledged form. And that is how cancer occurs. This is the theory based on the psychosomatic model on the mind-body relationship put forward in 1977. And now when we tried to analyse the data, we have found that this our theory of Shri Mataji is very correct. And if somebody is practising Sahaja Yoga, he might be able to prevent himself from cancer. And also from the heart diseases. This is in short, [inaudible] and I have written a book on it. I have written in it how we can prevent cardiovascular diseases, how the stress can be combated and nullified, how psychiatric disorders can be cured. Thank you very much. If you want to ask any questions? [Next speaker is Doctor Brian Wells ]. Dr Brian Wells: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Ladies and Gentlemen. Good afternoon. I am a consultant psychiatrist and I work in London. My main work is at the centre for research on drugs and health behaviour and I leave you our annual report for your perusal should you so wish. The main work that we do is an international series of collaborative studies on drugs and HIV infection. And as I’m sure everybody in the room is aware, India has not escaped the problem with HIV infection. And there is now reasonable evidence for the World Health Organisation to predict that by the year 2000, Asia will have a problem with AIDS that is worse than that of Africa. This is not some sort of shock tactic, this is the projection as based upon statistical research. What we do know about the treatment and prevention of drug misuse is that there is no one single solution. What is effective is a solution that actually addresses the whole person. For example, we can give methadone to people taking heroin, we can give substitute drugs, but it does not actually address the while problem. What needs to be addressed is the whole person – and that includes the physical, psychological or emotional aspects. And also the spiritual and social aspects of an individual. There is no one treatment that fulfils all of these different obligations, all of these different criteria. However, we do know that subjects who enter Sahaja Yoga – and we have many subjects who have extremely serious drug and alcohol problems including addiction. And as they develop and alter their awareness as a result of the practice of the meditation in Sahaja Yoga, their values change, their physical state changes, their emotional state changes and their need for chemicals that alter the way in which we feel gradually melts away. There are now a significant number of studies and I will not bore you with precise figures, but some of my colleagues will be presenting hard data of a more technical nature later on. But out of all of the treatment modalities that I have seen around the world, there is really none that is quite as complete, so complete, affecting the whole person so dramatically as the practice of Sahaja Yoga. Which is not simply a meditation, it is a physiological experience that alters different energies in the body. The practice of Sahaja Yoga restores the body into balance. It restores the physical side of the body, the emotional side of the body and the spiritual side of the body, thus replacing completely the need to take drugs including alcohol. I should be very happy to answer any questions later on and I know that I have other colleagues who are going to come up and address you. So, I should be sitting here and would be very happy to answer any specific questions that you may have. Thank you. [Doctor David Spiro addressing the press]. Dr David Spiro: Doctor David Spiro from London. [Inaudible/But I’ve] been asked to talk about the spread of Sahaja Yoga throughout the world over the past twenty years. I had the privilege to meet Shri Mataji about fifteen years ago in London. And at that time Sahaja Yoga existed and was practiced only in two countries in the world – in India where She started Her work and in London where Her husband had been posted. And at that time, all the Sahaja Yogis from outside India certainly could fit around one very small dining table and quite often did. Now we have reached a situation where Sahaja Yoga is practiced in more than fifty countries in the world, every continent in the world and hundreds of thousands of people have had the experience of self-realisation that Shri Mataji describes, without any adverse effects whatsoever. And as you have heard, with very many benefits in all areas of their life. Thank you very much. [Rajesh Shah addressing the audience again]. Rajesh Shah: We have heard the doctors speak. And I would very much now, on behalf of all of us who are here, like to invite the One who has taught the doctors about Sahaja Yoga. How the Sahaja Yoga is possible and who would, in Her words describe best what is Sahaja Yoga. So, on behalf of all of us, I would like to invite Her Holiness Shri Mataji to please address us. And after that, whatever questions there are, we can have that as a question-answer session for all the people that are here. But before I do that, on behalf of all the Sahaja Yogis here – Shri Mataji, may I be permitted to just offer a very small floral tribute to You? [Shri Mataji Talk] Shri Mataji: Ladies and Gentlemen. It is very heartening to see so many press people are here. At the outset, I have to tell you that the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is your heritage. It is an Indian heritage. It comes from India. And so, you have a greater responsibility. To see to it that if you have such a great wealth of knowledge in this country by which you could cure people, you could give them peace, happiness, collectivity, above all, joy; why not we do it? But we are quite conditioned by the Western thought, and be the Western education and the Western medical science, I’m sorry to say. Let us see what we have in our own country which can provide solutions to so many things. The second thing is that you do not have to pay anything for this. This is your own. This power is within you; this Kundalini power is within you. You don’t t have to pay; you don’t have to become the slave of anyone; nothing of the kind. It is just your own and which works. And when it works, you know it is tangible. Scientifically it is tangible. The only trouble I find, that people are difficult. They don’t want to open their eyes to something which is so great, which gives you the reality, which is totality. Now the Sahaja knowledge, I wouldn’t say is modern, or is Mine. We have had this since long in our country. I would say from Markandeya onward, we had Adi Shankaracharya. Then we had Gyaneshwara. Then we had all these people – like Guru Nanaka, Kabira, all of them have described it. But it was kept in such a manner that people thought it was too much philosophic or spiritual, that we cannot [Inaudible/do it]. Indians are the best suited for this. You are born in this country because of special reasons. Perhaps Indians don’t understand that. It’s such a great country, this yoga country of ours, of course, if you see outwardly it looks horrible. But it is not. And while you have a special responsibility I feel, that you can, if you can take it up seriously, you can easily, through your press, through your media you can spread something really good. Now let us see the problems of today; is that is attention and this and that – is not the only problem. If you go to America you can find out full of AIDS, schizophrenia, I mean people are just destroying themselves from within. Drugs. I mean, what I feel there that people there are just bent upon destroying themselves. They don’t want to think that this is wrong. This solution is that once you become your self, you have to know your self. You want to try to find out your identity. Everybody tries to find their identity. Maybe in a dress, maybe in drug addiction, alcoholism, anything, whatever it is. And in that, they get lost. I feel very sorry for such people who ignorantly take to all these things and then get destroyed. If just, if they can know themselves, they can change very fast. It is a very great shock to Me when I went to America. That they could not take to reality. They would accept all kinds of falsehoods, false gurus; this, that - waste so much money on them; but they would not take to reality. They wouldn’t try to understand what it is. And now today, if you see the condition of America you will find out that children of twelve years, even younger are taking drugs. In Sahaja Yoga, I have seen many people who came to Me first, as Doctor Spiro has told you, in England, they were all drug addicts. Absolutely. And they were sort of dedicated drug addicts. They were thinking this is the only solution for us. They were carrying on like a martyrdom about it. They got realisation. Overnight, overnight, they gave up drugs: overnight. Very surprising. It is something that as if in the darkness you are standing, and you do not know what you are doing. And suddenly you get the light and you give up all that is wrong and destructive. Same in Russia I was surprised. Thousands of them. Thousands of them suddenly changed. So, it is all within us, this power, which can give you all the benefit of being a human being. It’s very simple. It’s extremely simple. It’s just like this instrument here, I was wondering. Now, this instrument is here, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Only thing, you are to be connected to your mains, that is all. It’s all your own power, it’s all your own property, everything is within yourself and which you can discover in no time. Sahaja Yoga is a very wide subject and I don’t know how many lectures I must have given. Thousands and thousands; in Marathi, Hindi, English - every sort of languages. But still, it is so simple, it is so simple that Ramadasa was asked - who was the guru of Shivaji - how much time it will take for Kundalini to rise. He said “tat kshanna”, that moment. But the person who wants to take and the person who wants to give should be perfect. Now the perfection in the person who wants to take is very simple. Is that he should have pure desire. He should have pure desire, that is all. No money is needed, nothing is needed, you cannot pay for it. It is a living process. It’s a living process of evolutionary jump. Or we can say the breakthrough. And for that you don’t have to pay a single pie, nothing, no effort is [inaudible], effortless – Sahaja. But only thing is you have to have a pure desire. Now if you have come here say, with very mischievous ideas and a very arrogant and aggressive attitude, it won’t work out. It won’t. You have to ask for it. Unless and until you ask for it, it will not work out. And you will be surprised once you get it, you will solve all your communal problems, fanaticism, everything is solved. Now we have people from every religion. We have Muslims, we have Hindus, we have Christians, we have Jews – all kinds of people we have. But we worship all of them. For example, we worship Muhammad Saab, we worship Rama, we worship Krishna, we worship all of them. There is no question of having any kind of fanaticism because in the light, we see that all these great people were born on the same tree of life. Only we have plucked them, these flowers and we are fighting among ourselves. These are dead flowers. But they are born on the same tree of life. So, this stupidity just falls off. I have seen people who were great fanatics have changed after realisation. So, it is a chance for human beings to achieve that. It is a very great chance. Let us see our press, how much it is going to help the world to get to this chance. It is a very big chance. And once missed – I was talking to my son-in-law; he is a scholar. And he was saying that the chimpanzees became human beings. I said I do not think all of them were chimpanzees but maybe. And so many were left behind as chimpanzees. Very few became human beings. So, he said how many do you think will become Sahaja Yogis because the rest of them will be left like human beings and will be destroyed. Through AIDS, through this, through that. I said I expect all of them to get realization I mean if you ask Me that. That is My hope. But it is for you people, the press people; you do not understand how many powers you have. You don’t understand how important you are. Whatever you write, you see, people believe it. Whatever you say people believe it. You are even more important than the Prime Minister or anybody else. So, at this time if you use your power for the right things, it is a “punya” (good deed). It’s a great thing. So I have to request you just to pay some attention to it. It’s really a serious problem for this country as well as for any country today, because this is “ghor Kaliyuga” as they say. And all kinds of things are coming; self-destructive things are coming. So, we have to see that at least, if not anything else, please pay some attention to what is happening in your own country. Thank you very much. Yes, you can ask Me questions. Journalist: Have you got any scientific or medical proof to substantiate that diseases like AIDS and cancer can be cured by this Yoga?Shri Mataji: Yes we have. We have one person just now; we have many, but just now we have called one person. Arun, please come. He is an architect, Arun Goyal. He was suffering from blood cancer. And this was, how many years previously was this? [Inaudible reply]. Shri Mataji: Yes. And the doctors had declared he will die within one month. But look at him, he is still here. Then we have many others like this. The other day, one doctor; Hans was it not? Hans from Germany was cured. So many of them are cured of (cancer) like that. And we have also now here doctors from Russia. They will tell you how many people have been cured. Can you tell them, Galyna? We have lots of proof of it, no doubt about it. The doctor [inaudible] come along. [Doctor Galyna speaks in Russian]. Translator: Respected colleagues, I lead the laboratory of Pharmacology, Neurology. [Repeating for clarity] Respected colleagues, I lead the laboratory of Pharmacology and Neurology. And throughout my professional life, I have taken on the research into neurological and brain functions. In the Department of Eastern Medicine, we have just opened Sahaja Yoga – a medical, biological centre of Sahaja Yoga. We have started practical research. If you allow, I will tell you shortly about it. We showed how vibrated water influences the neuron, the nerve cell. Through very subtle methods we observe the potential of these nerve cells. The nerve cell gives a specific answer to the vibrations. And the nerve cell:- the vibrations work on the nerve cell to ease or minimise the electronic emissions. I will not bore you with the technical aspects of it. If anyone is interested, they can ask afterwards. I will like to tell you about the practices that we have in our centre. We observed 511 people who came to the school of Sahaja Yoga. Two-thirds were women. In essence, all seekers of truth are seeking some way. Most frequently there were headaches, nervousness, stomach irritability, ulcers and GIT type of problems. Every person filled out a special form. And in the process of ten days, he filled out this particular format. I will show you a spectral Victoria system of analysis. The structure of these sicknesses when he came the first day to Sahaja Yoga. On the fifth day you see,that the symptoms and his sicknesses ease, and the area diminishes and the level of sickness eases. It is a Victorian analysis. Tenth day : Headaches, nervous irritability, insomnias on this side, GIT problems these are all parameters. Conclusions. This ithe area involved with people who feel bad vibrations. If the vibrations of Sahaja Yoga are acting to neutralise the bad vibrations, you get a second diagram. And if he has harmonised himself using the method of Sahaja Yoga - the vibrations have neutralised this - you get this sort of pattern. It means a dimunition in the area. I have done a lot of work in physiology, but I have not seen a system which works better within the system of neurology. Shri Mataji: Now I would request some Indian doctor; Doctor Nigam will tell you his experience and then Doctor Talwar can tell his own experience. They are doctors so you will believe them more. But there is one more thing that I would like to tell you. That supposing, I mean we are saying you don’t have to pay money, do n’t have to do anything, nothing of the kind. So the proof, what is it needed for? What I am saying when we are not asking for any money or anything. It is all right. We buy any medicine and take it without knowing the proof about it. But here we are not taking any money. We are not doing anything. It is all right. If you want to know the proof we will give you. But actually, attitude – I am saying just see , watch your attitude. Now here we have two eminent doctors. He is a surgeon from Lucknow. Dr Nigam: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Dear Friends. Here is a man standing before you who was once a very great, successful private practitioner, a medical private practitioner. And in the year1980, all of a sudden while he was shaving, he had a very severe paralytic stroke. Within two minutes a normal human being becomes a cabbage. Since I was a medical doctor I was immediately rushed to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. There I was treated for one and a half months in Medical Institute. They could not diagnose why I suffered with it. And then, I carried on, to go for my physiotherapy for thirteen months, regularly every day, which is on the record. Being a medical man, I knew now that there is no way out by which I could become a normal man. At that time I was on crutches. I could not eat anything because my tongue was paralysed. I could not speak properly because my tongue and lips were paralysed. And on this earth, the truth is, I was just like an animal. Just like; I had nothing left in my life. Because being a medical man I knew that now I amnot going to improve at all. Since there are doctors here and you great journalists are here, I simply want to inform you – in medical science if somebody suffers from paralysis, he definitely gets improved; he gets cured. But in the first six months of the attack. My case starts, my recovery starts after thirteen months of my stroke. I was told by somebody that you try Sahaja Yoga. In the beginning, I did not believe it. But the day I met Shri Mataji I knew that this is the truth. And from that day on, I am standing before you. I travel a lot. Just to tell everybody that this Sahaja Yoga science is much, much greater science than what we are taught in medical colleges. Believe it, this is the beginning of the highest science on Earth. Medical science, I simply give you one example. Just one example. Professor Rai is sitting here. He was the head of the Department of Maullana Azad College. He was a professor of physiology. His wife was suffering with migraine for the last twenty years. And all these doctors, they were giving her four tablets of Compose(?) three times a day. Twelves Composes was given to his wife every day. Look, he is one of the best medical doctors at least in India. One of the best. And he could not cure his wife. He had all the facilities and amenities with him, but nobody could cure her. And when she joined Sahaja Yoga, she has been cured . What I have to inform you very humbly, sir, do not believe me. I give an open offer to all of you, with the permission of my Mother, Shri Mataji. I live in Delhi. If any of you or your relationship is suffering from migraine, very simple thing. Migraine means “adhyasar ka dard”. Any of you is suffering – you come to me. Nothing is charged; we will work on you. And see the results yourself. I throw a challenge to medical science doctors also. Can they cure this disease, migraine? No. Nobody can cure. But you bring to us. If we are able to cure you, then you believe us. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji (in Hindi):[ Look, now that he has said it, do not bring all the sick people. I request you. Because those who are physically fit and healthy, they are fit for it. They should present themselves and become their own doctors. You people can become your own doctors. You can heal yourself. It is not necessary that you have expert medical skills. There is no need for medicine. You can just find on your fingers which chakras are spoilt. And you can cure yourself. But what happens is that as soon as a sickness is cured, two or three hundred people appear saying cure our illness also. It is better that you become your own doctors. You are press persons, but you can become your own doctor. By becoming doctors you can heal others yourself and also make great strides in all your activities. Because with this, there is a type of dynamism that arises in an individual. He becomes calm in away. He understands each thing in a very beautiful way. You just think, in our London, there is a lot of unemployment. But not one Sahaja Yogi is unemployed. They are all employed. And all those who have come to Sahaja, they have progressed so much. It is not that they got money but because the state of their attention became so good that they rose to great heights. Now the way of a mother is that if she has to give castor oil, she puts chocolate in it. But I add chocolate to chocolate, I can tell you that. ] Hindi ends Come Doctorsaab. Doctor Talwar will talk to you now. Dr Talwar: Jai Shri Mataji. Too long and too far to be used to standing behind the mike and talking. Your Holiness, at Your Feet I only picked up only one thing:that there is something like what known as the language of vibrations. And that is what is learned in Sahaja Yoga. My friend here, one of them asked the proof in the laboratory about the cure for cancer and for diseases. I want to put to you in all humility, the best proof and the best lab is the individual who is suffering from the trouble. It is actually the experience which one goes through with the practice of Sahaja Yoga and bringing yourself into a balance that you literally find -literally find - a chemical and a neurological balance occurring within the body; which ultimately brings your wellbeing and brings you to the balance of ease, taking away your disease. I only want to share with you my own experience. It is now forty years I practised in medicine as an obstetrician-gynaecologist and ultimately gave it up. Because I found the futility of only following the laboratory. Because the best lab is in within me. And I find that if my lab works properly, the effect of it is felt on theothers also. It is actually correct when you say that the proof of the pudding lies in its eating. Not bythe others’ experience but you eating the pudding yourself. Till you have the experience of Sahaja Yoga, it is very difficult for you to appreciate. I may be pardoned if I say this, to appreciate the real true meaning of Sahaja Yoga. If I tell you about my experience, it is mine. But I still put it before you. I was proclaimed as a patient of essential hypertension. And tried as a guinea pig by my doctor friends for a number of years‘till I became a victim of medicine. So much so that the anti-hypertensive drugs which were given to me, gave me more trouble than the disease itself. Ultimately, thanks to Mother and thanks to the practice of Sahaja Yoga, I have not taken medicines for nine years now. And my blood pressure seems to be fairly balanced. I can also share this that my wife is here, who is suffering from what is called as a poly-arthritis. Had become practically a cripple. And again being a doctors wife, also as a guinea pig of so many medical friends. And she went through I should say more hell, in the process of treatment than the disease itself. But ultimately through Sahaja Yoga, thanks to Mother, she is sitting right here, and she looks very healthy, and she is full of cheer and laughter. Which seemed to have eluded our family for a long time. And the last thing is, I underwent four operations on my eyes. And at one juncture , they said that my degenerative changes in the eyes had started and soon I shall go blind. This was about twelve years ago. Thanks to Sahaja Yoga, I even drive my car at night. I can only say, these are very small experiences but very valid as far as the individual is concerned. In all humility I say, friends, this is a subject you should take it along with you. We need the media to spread something which is positive. And not just give the news which saddened us in the morning. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Hamid, you please come. This is Doctor Hamid who is an expert on agriculture. He was a U.N. advisor to different countries for agriculture, and he will tell you how Sahaja Yoga can help agriculture. [Inaudible]. Shri Mataji (laughing): You are a real seeker I must say, sir. He is a real seeker of truth. This is a very good question. Very heartening. I will tell you. It will work out in no time. (In Hindi) Your case will be done right now just sitting right here. Dr Hamid: Shri Mataji, Ladies and Gentlemen. My duty is a little bit different than all the people who are talking to you. Shri Mataji: Loudly. Go closer to the mike. Dr Hamid: My duty is a little bit different than all the people who are talking to you beforehand. They are dealing with a human. And a human can speak and tell what is wrong with me, and the people can cure them and think about it, what is...what can I do for these people. But my subject is in agriculture and my speciality is in wood. AND trees couldn’t speak and couldn’t tell what is wrong with me. We have to have some understanding and to understand the trees. And if you use vibrated water which is produced by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and, through Her vibration; and we use this vibrated water in a wood, in a forest, or in a farm, not only we increase our crops, but we get a very healthy wood and through this, a very good and nice environment. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji (in Hindi): [Your crop can increase ten times. Through vibration. And so huge, understand, that a two feet diameter sunflower was produced, and 250 grams of sunflower oil came out of it. All of this happens through Sahaja Yoga. Animal husbandry can also become all right. And whatever he has done, it is an ordinary seed. It was done using ordinary seeds. So it is a wonder, a miracle. If this is a thing of Parmatma, then it has to be a miracle. But first of all, we do not believe in God. Come, even if that is not there, you can call this a divine thing. Divine vibrations make all these things happen. He has proved it. Now he is originally from Iran, after that he is now in Austria as a very big agriculture in-charge. He has conducted a lot of experiments there and has written about it. And even here, he had given lectures in two to four universities this time. Now, will you talk for a while Mishraji? You can tell about your experience. This is Doctor Mishra, he has come from Canada and he is a great scholar. Journalist (in Hindi): Can you very broadly explain the meaning of Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji (in Hindi): The meaning of Sahaja is, Saha means with you and ja means born with. Journalist: How long is the exercise? Shri Mataji: No exercise, sir. Journalist: Means what? Shri Mataji: It happens just like that. You sit relaxed and it happens. There is nothing to be done in it.] hindi ends Dr Mishra: Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and friends. I am Doctor Ram Mishra and I work at McMarsh University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I am full professor of psychiatry and biomedical sciences. I am also a consultant to the United Nations, consultant to WHO. And I am here to provide you some proof which you were asking for Sahaja Yoga; gentleman just has left. There are a class of peptides in the human system called endorphins. Now, these endorphins play a major role in terms of relieving pain, relieving stress and give you relaxation. They are also involved in directing cardio-vascular and cancer disorders. So what we did – as a scientist, I generally want to see actual proof. In the test tube I want to see what is really happening. So we called twenty Sahaja Yogis and twenty non-Sahaja Yogis. And after fifteen minutes of meditation, we took the blood from both groups. And we found that the endorphin levels are about 50 to 60 per cent higher in those people who practice Sahaja Yoga for fifteen minutes. Now mind you, these peptides also go up through other meditations. Like you do simple yoga, and you do the acupuncture, Chinese medicine – Chinese technique to cure the pains. So those things also cause the increase. But the bad thing about acupuncture is that the levels go back to the base level,so they go back to the below normal level and you have the pain again. Through Sahaja Yoga, you can maintain these constant levels. And I can show you this chart here. Here – I do not know if you can see or not. But there are non-Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yogis. Big increase in the male Sahaja Yogis compared to the females. But there is an increase in the females also. But since these endorphin levels are regulated by menstrual cycles so there is a slightly less increase in the females compared to men. And here is the laboratory proof in Canadian people. Like, these are not Indians but they are Canadians who have been practicing Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji: At the end, we will have Gregoire. Journalist: Madam, I do not dispute the benefits of yoga to the mind and the body. The disturbed mind under stress, tension, I have no doubt that it does bring a certain equilibrium in your body. But what I have not been able to understand are the claims made by practitioners of yoga and meditation and bringing about the peace of mind is that nothing worthwhile in the world has been created by a mind at rest. All the best works of arts, literature, science; , everything has been created by highly agitated minds. Almost on the verge of a breakdown. Can you give me any instances of people who achieved what you call realisation if they have made any worthwhile contribution to thinking, literature, arts, science, anything? Shri Mataji (in Hindi): So your statement Sardarji is that peace should come, no? That is what you want,to have peace isn’t it? [Hindi ends] Journalist: I do not want peace – of mind. Shri Mataji: No, no this is correct. I agree with you entirely. It is the through agitated mind, everything has happened like that. Now we have to find a solution or not. Journalist: Solution to what? Shri Mataji: Solution is there. The solution is within ourselves. Journalist: I have no problem. All I am suggesting is if you bring the mind at rest to peace, you will create nothing. Except for peace of mind and it is not worthwhile. Shri Mataji: No, no, you see when you are peaceful, you are the best. Then you become much more creative. In a turmoil, what will you create? Think of a person who is in turmoil. He will only create turmoil. Journalist: No. All the great poets of this world were in a mind of turmoil. Shri Mataji: We have created poets in Sahaja Yoga, you will be amazed. There was a Chartered Accountant and he’s become such a great poet today. We have so many poets who have come out. You ask Amjad Ali, he will tell you that through Sahaja Yoga only he developed his skill. So many musicians have come out of Sahaja Yoga; they will openly say that. You can ask them. You see it is the peaceful mind only can create. Not the turmoil. Never, never. Gregoire, will you please speak. I think you better speak now. This is Gregoire de Kalbertemann. He is in the Union; he is from the United Nations and he will tell you he is seeing turmoil in the United Nations also and all that. He will tell you. Journalist: I can only quote the greatest poet in the Urdu language who was deadly.. dead against all this practice of meditation and bringing peace of mind. Allana Iqbal. “Khudha tuzhe toofan se aashna na kar de, Ki teri leher ki maujo mein ishtna nahi” – there is no movement in your mind. You’re not agitated. He constantly uses the word “talatum”. Gregoire: All right. We got your point. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Agitation cannot give you the solution sir. Never. Agitation will create more agitation. Only peace. [Another journalist joins in the banter – inaudible] Gregoire: Now I think there is a misunderstanding. And the misunderstanding is that by meditation we do not mean passivity. Shri Mataji: No, not at all. I think you better tell them. Gregoire: Shri Mataji, sorry I do not understand anything about medicine. I am just arriving from New York. A bomb blew under the Trade Centre. I am arriving in a country where bombs blow all over the place. I, I – this is not very peaceful. I am aware of the United Nations involvement in Bosnia where Muslims kill Croatian, who are Catholics who kill Serbs, who are orthodox, who kill Muslims who are Bosnians. So this is a bit of creative agitation perhaps, but it is not the kind I enjoy. What I am trying to say is that Sahaja Yoga; I see its relevance in political terms today. Because the greatest dest abilising factors, now that the ideologies have gone; there is no Marxism and capitalism to hit each other’s heads off, is the revival of fundamentalists, the revival of fanaticism. And what I found in Sahaja Yoga is, through an experience in consciousness, you find out that what the major instructors of mankind were saying – that there is a way within oneself to touch that place which is pure energy. And that gives a state of mind, which - and I am sorry that the word disturbs you - which is peaceful. But you could also call it ‘energetic’. Because it is an extraordinarily energising condition of mind. So I feel that if we want to go beyond religious conflict, we want to go beyond this absolutely murderous folly which might destroy hundreds of thousands of human lives, one has to go back to the core of religion. Religion comes from the Latin “relgare” which means to unite. And religion is to unite man with his own being. This is what Sahaja Yoga is. As a by-product, you have medical effects of which I do not understand anything. Thank God I have so many friends who are doctors and can talk about it. But that peace is the peace of the being. And that is the condition in which Einstein found the Relativity Theory, it is the condition in which Michelangelo painted the roof of the Sistine Chapel, and it is the condition in which Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa. Now, these are no mean artists and they were realised according to the teachings of Shri Mataji. Now Shri Mataji – nobody is a prophet in his own country. She is the most impressive, the most complete, the most erudite; I should say the sophisticated spiritual leader of this time. And it blows my mind, that in Her own country, people have so much difficulty to recognise it. Because from this country so many crooks have come out. So many fake spiritual leaders have come out who have made millions of dollars on the naivety of Western seekers, selling them meditation course to become rich. Now, these are people who have private fleets, private airports. Now, this is nonsense. Rajneesh was taken out of the US with manacled hands because of all the indecent things he had been doing. We have found out – I am saying us as a Western seeker, somebody who is truly genuine, truly powerful and who can give self-realisation. And that is the message we would like to pass on to you. Sorry, Shri Mataji, I am always getting into [inaudible]. Shri Mataji: I will answer him anyway…to you..[inaudible]. I understand. Now let us see, from where do the problems come. They come from human beings. They don’t come from trees. They come from human beings. There’s something wrong with human beings. Now, what is wrong with human beings? Take it as a hypothesis whatever I’m saying.. I say it is your centres, your chakras. Because your chakras are out of gear, you have your physical problems, you have emotional problems, also mental problems, and all these kind of political and you can call it social. And all ll kinds of problems come because human beings are imperfect. There is something wrong with them. All right? Now, if by some method you can correct them, then why not do it? Now see, I am seventy years of age. I am travelling all over the world. If you see my schedule you will say, Mother how do you do it. I am not feeling anything. I mean you won’t call I am the person who is just sitting down somewhere in the Himalayas and just – nothing of the kind. They are all working. They are all very dynamic. And they are producing very good results everywhere. Now he is a person who is running a very big company. Now he has bought another company. I mean, but because you are peaceful you can do much better. So, to be peaceful is not that you compromise with anything. It is not that, that you compromise anywhere. But the only thing is that when people start becoming peaceful, they start understanding each other. We have no rapport with each other. We have no rapport. We don’t understand. With Sahaja Yoga what happens is you become collectively conscious. A new awareness comes in. I can feel you, what your problems are. You can feel Me, you can feel everyone. As a result, what happens, you also develop compassion. And you can correct people. If you can correct them, you correct human beings. Thus you correct all the problems that are created by human beings. We have to accept; the problems are coming from human beings and nobody else. That is the only point. So what have we to do about it? If we can make all human beings...these are not human beings who will be just sitting down. Nothing of the kind. They are all working, they are very dynamic, they are expressing themselves in every way. Nobody is sort of meditating all the time. Only ten minutes in the evening if you just try to correct yourself, your chakras finished. Nothing more is needed. Only ten minutes you have to give to your growth. So it is a science which everybody has talked about in a way. Like, I would say Guru Nanaka has said it. That “Kahe re man khojan jaaye. Sada alesa, sada nivasi tohe sang nap aye”. It is he who talked about “Sahaja samadhi”. He has talked about it and by, I would say he has done so much work for it. And Kabira talked about everything like “Ida, Pingala, Sukhman Nadi Re”. Like he says that “Shunya Shikhar Par Anahat Baje Re”. Nobody understands these things. This is what is Sahaja Yoga. All this we are trying to show you. In yourself. In your Self, it will work out. You will know for yourself; I do not have to convince you. You will be convinced about yourself. So also, that, how much do we know ourselves? How much do we know our powers? You are so powerful, all those powers you must have. The greatest power you have is of love and compassion. Which acts. This love acts. So, one has to give a chance to yourself, That’s all: give a chanceand see for yourself. Journalist: I would like to ask a simple question. How Your Sahaja Yoga is different from yoga sutras of Patanjali. You see Patanjali is such a great writer. That he says in one sentence what he says is in the whole book. “Yoga sthiti nirodhar” – to stop the process of mind, the Chitta is Yoga. How do you define your Sahaja Yoga? This is what people are not getting. You know, how do you define. Can you define like Patanjali what (Sahaja Yoga is)? Shri Mataji: All right. I will, I will. Saha means with. Journalist: No, no, no, no meaning is OK. How is it different from Patanjali? Shri Mataji: It is not. It is the same. You see Patanjali is the same, but people don’t read Patanjali. They read the only one-sixteenth part which is a little bit. Actually, if you read the whole “Sastanga”. Journalist: Yes, of course. Shri Mataji: And then, later on, he comes to the fact that you should become thoughtlessly aware, which is called as “nirvichar samadhi”, “nirvikalpa samadhi”- that’s what is Sahaja yoga. Journalist: Do you teach those? Shri Mataji: Of course. Journalist: All those…So…. Patanjali thing. Oh that’s alright then. But that’s yoga then. Why do you call it Sahaja Yoga, as different from yoga? Shri Mataji: What should I call it then? Journalist: Why not yoga? It’s Patanjali’s yoga. Shri Mataji: We call it Sahaja Yoga because it is spontaneous. It is spontaneous that is why we call it Sahaja Yoga. It is called Sahaja Yoga since long, I am not the one who started this name. But if you call it Patanjali Yoga, it means standing on your head, it is not. Journalist: What is not? [Inaudible]. Another journalist: You said do it for ten minutes. My question is do what? Don’t say Sahaja Yoga. Do what for ten minutes? [Inaudible, more questions, short explanation from Raja Shah]. Shri Mataji: The trouble is,your you people are such a great hurry. See, in Sahaja Yoga, you can get your realisation just now also, no doubt. But you have to be a little bit peaceful about it. All right. Because normally what we do is to call you in our centres, or call you in the big programs public programs we will be having. There we give realisation. But I have seen that in Russia I must say. Russian press was very different and they got realisation. So it is not difficult. (in Hindi) Those who desire it may put their hands towards Me like this. Whether you have it or not there is no guarantee. But just keep the desire in the mind. What is there to lose by putting your hands like this? Just put your hands like this. Now see, there will be a cool breeze. Both hands like this. That is it, nothing. What these are [Hindi ends] …these are five, six and seven sympathetic [inaudible]. These are also sympathetic. [Switches to Hindi once more ]When the vibrations come into these, you start feeling the cool breeze. There will be coolness on the head also. This coolness that you feel for the first time, it is called the Chaitanya. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost that Christ described and here we call it the paramchaitanya. Adi Shankaracharya has called it “salilam, salilam”. Now do you people have some objections to putting your hands like this. Put your hands, what is the objection? This is a chance; I am sitting in front of you. Take it please, what is the hesitation. You are the first to get realisation, Sardarji people. But do not know where you are wandering. They get realisation so fast, you have been prepared for just this thing. Feeling the cool breeze? You are realised. You are realised. You are realised, sir. [Inaudible, laughter]. Shri Mataji: No, no. Now you should use it and see. Use it and see. All right now check on your head. Check your head. Sahaja Yogi: Actually the air-conditioning has been shut off. That is why the voice level has changed. Shri Mataji: What about you? Yes? Do not doubt it, do not have any doubts at this moment. It is doubting oneself. Are you getting it, son? It will come, in a little while. Keep the hands free. Getting it? Yes? He has got it. What about you? You had a great desire. It is not coming? It will come. You. The gentleman in front. There must a lot of heat coming. There is a lot of heat in the body. [English] Just try these two persons here. [Shri Mataji is directing the Sahaja Yogis, who are moving about and working on individuals]. Shri Mataj in [Hindi] i: Down below is your Kundalini which is in the triangular form. And when she passes through the chakras, you attain realisation. We do not love the press, to tell you the reason clearly, is that if it does not happen they will write against Me. Now if it does not happen, it means there is a problem within you, is it not? There is no problem within Me. Sir, you are realised. You also. Journalist: After this? Shri Mataji: After this, you come, meet everyone. Yes, it is coming. Now it will feel very calm. Now after this you will see the miracles which will tell you what is Parmatma. (To Sahaja Yogis): Please see him. Why is it not happening for him? It should happen to him. He is a good seeker. They are getting. [English] Next to that. This gentleman. [Sahaja Yogis are working on the people]. [Hindi] Sardarji are you realised? Guru Nanak, you give him, on the name of Guru Nanak. [Journalist Mother is addressing as sardarji is sitting in front of Shri Mataji]. Journalist: [Inaudible/name is Khuswant Singh]. Shri Mataji (to someone): You should get it; you make the whole world laugh. You should definitely get realisation. Please check her, she is not yet there. Sahaja Yogi: Yogi? Shri Mataji: Yogiji, please see her. She is not through. [Mother and Sahaja Yogis continue to work on the people]. Rajesh Shah: If I could have your kind attention for only a moment, please. I would like to thank all of you for being with us. Sahaja Yoga, even this brief experience, those who have had it, this is only the beginning. Our Mother, Shri Mataji travels all over the world. She has the most gruelling travel schedule that you can imagine. And yet, we benefit. If you would like to find out more about Sahaja Yoga, several of the Sahaja Yogis are sitting here, you can find out. Tomorrow morning, at ten o clock in the morning, at the Bharatiya Scouts and Guides Club, we have a program where we have invited the public, and where Doctor Rai’s book which he describes, will be released. We also have a program tomorrow evening at the Constitution Club where all of you are very warmly invited. Where Shri Mataji will be talking to us and you will see over there the en masse realisation program. On the 21st of March, is the 70th birthday of, for all of us Sahaja Yogis, our Holy Mother, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. So I would like to once again, on behalf of all of us here, offer a very small floral tribute to Shri Mataji and wish Her a very, very long life so that we can gain more and through us, the whole society can gain more. Doctor Talwar. [Inaudible question] Rajesh Shah: The program sir, is tomorrow morning at 10 o clock in the morning. Sorry sir, 10:30 in the morning at the Bharatiya, which is in Nizamuddin. At Nizamuddin, the Guide and Scouts ground and then at 7 o’clock the program is, it’s a public program in which the book of Doctor Rai will be released. And tomorrow evening is a public program at the Constitutional Club lawns, which will be a general talk; it’s a felicitation of Shri Mataji and a general talk by Her. And an en masse self-realisation, which you have seen in a different setting here. But you will see that tomorrow in their thousands, real seekers will come at 7 o clock in the evening. Then on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, every morning – we have given this in advertisements today and it is coming tomorrow as well. The program is at 10 o clock every morning for discussions and Sahaja Yoga meditations at this Scout Club grounds. And in the same location on Tuesday 23rd, 24th and 25th evening, very eminent musicians and artists from all over India will be coming. And there will be programs from 6:30 every evening of music, in the presence of Shri Mataji. We have noticed that when many of these musicians whether its Bismillah Khan Saheb, Amjad Ali Khan Saheb, Professor Debu Chaudhary who plays the sitar, and many, many more; their music in the presence of Shri Mataji is again very different because they are connected. There is something divine about their music, so we invite you to come and be part of that program. Today, we thank you again and invite you to join us in some small snacks. You are welcome to talk to any of us again, welcome to come up to Shri Mataji and talk to Her. Thank you very much. [Floral bouquet is presented. Applause]. Rajesh Shah: Please do join us for snacks. Do not go before joining us for snacks. [Inaudible/Mother is talking to Sahaja Yogis. The group departs and sees Mother to Her car]. [End of recording].
Visit to Dargah Hazrat Nizamuddin
New Delhi
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi visits the shrine of the Sufi saint, Nizamuddin, in Delhi, India. (1993-0320). Shri Mataji: We worship Mohammad Sahib, you do not do puja but we do puja to Mohammad Sahib Muslim priest: Wah (wow) Shri Mataji: We do (worship) Ali, Mohammad and all other great souls. We worship and believe them all. We worship them, we believe them all. Also Rama, Shri Krishna, Isa Masiah (Jesus) Mahavir, Buddha. They (referring to yogis) worship and pray all because they have understood that all are flowers of the same tree. All these flowers (referring to incarnations and saints) have come from one tree only, but we pluck these flowers and then now are fighting for these dead flowers. The flowers that are alive that is what we need I know of. Let us see now we have Hindus, Muslims, Jew (talks to the priest) the doctor that said he is a Jew, these are people (yogis) from all countries, there are Japanese, and from all countries from 56 countries. In Russia we have such people in thousands. Now they (yogis) all have become Sufis. Until this does not happen there cannot be harmony and peace and we will not get any peace or happiness. This hatred is not going to benefit anyone, whether be a Muslim or a Hindu. Everything else is useless Priest: yes, that is true Shri Mataji: And this is what we are doing. Now only few have come here, only few chosen group have come here. Otherwise in each country there are thousands such people (yogis). Because they are ‘bande’ what you call. (bandey is a terminology used for a seeker in sufi) They are ‘bandey’ who are seeking. First there is a question within with which a person seeks. Then there is ‘bandey’ that means who has the answer. So now these all people are bandey and have received it because they know what is and what is not. Now we have to understand everything. People do not understand all that is written in the Quran at all. My father has done translation of Qura-e-Sharif in Hindi and it is written over there that there is only one and we have to become one together and live in harmony and peace. We need to think what will happen to our children. There should be only peace and harmony. There is no profit in fighting within and with each other. It is all useless. Now look at us, there are thousands. (talking to priest) you have seen it now, they have come. No one is fighting with anyone, all are peaceful, husband and wife do not fight, no one looks at other’s wife, others children. All have clean eyes. Normally one does not see such things in foreign lands. We might have that here in Muslims or so. But these people have managed to get out of that dirt from there and have landed here, themselves, because everything is inside us. Islam is also within us, everything is within Priest: the whole Qayanat (universe) is within us Shri Mataji: Yes, everything,everything and when this happens then there nothing left for a man to think. Priest: Yes, he (God/Mohammad) says ‘first you become mine and then the world will becomes yours. Shri Mataji: yes, you are right Priest: When you cannot understand our self, then how can the world come to you. We do not know even ourselves. Shri Mataji: We do not know our ‘self’, we have to know that our ‘self’. For example, there is a mirror. So one fact is that you are the one who is looking at it, then secondly, the person/reflection that you are seeing in that mirror and the third is the ‘act’, the action itself of seeing: these three things, people are struck between these things 3 things. But if you understand that you are the mirror itself, then there is no fight, no reason to fight. When you find yourself, then there is no fight. Look at them just by singing (coming here?) they have become Ali. You can also do it. Just open your hands. Try this. You have not experienced the ‘Ruh’ in true sense. You will start feeling very cool, your hands and your head will become cool. Yogi: You can turn the fan off Shri Mataji: yes if you want you can turn the fan off. You are feeling it. (referring to the person in the front) Muslim feel it very fast. I have seen that Muslims get and feel it right away. Like that. But they don’t come in (Sahaja). Now see here, how do they realize the essence of Nizammudin’ place, they do not know him so well. But once they feel the coolness in both the hands, they know it. That’s it. Yogi: Mother the hands have turned as cool as ice Shri Mataji: Until we do not open our eyes, we will stay in darkness. In the darkness, like holding a snake when there is no light in the room, everyone tells the person, it is snake but the person does not listen because he cannot see things clear in dark, he says, ‘no this is only a rope.’ And once the light is one, he himself will realize and throw the snake away. Now these people have stopped drinking alcohol. I did not tell them to do so. It just happened. They do not drink even little. In fact Muslims will drink but they will not. No smoking. Nothing. Look how are they standing having left all these things. Overnight they have stopped drugs. You have listened to the doctors today no? They have treated so many people. This should happen with all. We are hoping that this realization comes to all. Priest: This is about me. (gives something to Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: (looks at the pamphlet) You look smaller in this photo than now. (smiles) All are/look smaller in front of a Mother. (talks to yogi) This is his photograph. He looks young there. (to other yogis) there are other such places, like Sai Nath also. (another person from the group talks something in reference to Lalit Bandhari and his dedication to coming to this place regularly while others try to get some water for Mother) Shri Mataji: Yes, all I tell them (yogis) to come and visit this place. (looking at the elder priest) So there are many Sufi people here. Priest: Yes, sufi are many but believers are only handful. The one who see self can see all. Shri Mataji: It will be nice if Sufis realize it. (A yogi tries to give more vibrations to the priest and then says he should feel on the head also.) Priest: It is about connection. I know that, we are connected. Shri Mataji: That is it. Only one truth. Elder priest shares his experiences about what a Fakir is and his experience of outside world as mad house and shares that but for a Fakir (seeker) his place is higher than a Badshah (king). As he gets louder Shri Mataji calms him. (Shri Mataji then tastes the freshly cooked sweet from earthen pot and leaves the Shrine.) Nota The video file has a problem with audio/video synchronisation, and will be replaced when a new file is received in the next few weeks.Photos and further information: More photos and videos:
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi visits the shrine of the Sufi saint, Nizamuddin, in Delhi, India. (1993-0320). Shri Mataji: We worship Mohammad Sahib, you do not do puja but we do puja to Mohammad Sahib Muslim priest: Wah (wow) Shri Mataji: We do (worship) Ali, Mohammad and all other great souls. We worship and believe them all. We worship them, we believe them all. Also Rama, Shri Krishna, Isa Masiah (Jesus) Mahavir, Buddha. They (referring to yogis) worship and pray all because they have understood that all are flowers of the same tree. All these flowers (referring to incarnations and saints) have come from one tree only, but we pluck these flowers and then now are fighting for these dead flowers. The flowers that are alive that is what we need I know of. Let us see now we have Hindus, Muslims, Jew (talks to the priest) the doctor that said he is a Jew, these are people (yogis) from all countries, there are Japanese, and from all countries from 56 countries. In Russia we have such people in thousands. Now they (yogis) all have become Sufis. Until this does not happen there cannot be harmony and peace and we will not get any peace or happiness. This hatred is not going to benefit anyone, whether be a Muslim or a Hindu. Everything else is useless Priest: yes, that is true Shri Mataji: And this is what we are doing. Now only few have come here, only few chosen group have come here. Otherwise in each country there are thousands such people (yogis). Because they are ‘bande’ what you call. (bandey is a terminology used for a seeker in sufi) They are ‘bandey’ who are seeking. First there is a question within with which a person seeks. Then there is ‘bandey’ that means who has the answer. So now these all people are bandey and have received it because they know what is and what is not. Now we have to understand everything. People do not understand all that is written in the Quran at all. My father has done translation of Qura-e-Sharif in Hindi and it is written over there that there is only one and we have to become one together and live in harmony and peace. We need to think what will happen to our children. There should be only peace and harmony. There is no profit in fighting within and with each other. It is all useless. Now look at us, there are thousands. (talking to priest) you have seen it now, they have come. No one is fighting with anyone, all are peaceful, husband and wife do not fight, no one looks at other’s wife, others children. All have clean eyes. Normally one does not see such things in foreign lands. We might have that here in Muslims or so. But these people have managed to get out of that dirt from there and have landed here, themselves, because everything is inside us. Islam is also within us, everything is within Priest: the whole Qayanat (universe) is within us Shri Mataji: Yes, everything,everything and when this happens then there nothing left for a man to think. Priest: Yes, he (God/Mohammad) says ‘first you become mine and then the world will becomes yours. Shri Mataji: yes, you are right Priest: When you cannot understand our self, then how can the world come to you. We do not know even ourselves. Shri Mataji: We do not know our ‘self’, we have to know that our ‘self’. For example, there is a mirror. So one fact is that you are the one who is looking at it, then secondly, the person/reflection that you are seeing in that mirror and the third is the ‘act’, the action itself of seeing: these three things, people are struck between these things 3 things. But if you understand that you are the mirror itself, then there is no fight, no reason to fight. When you find yourself, then there is no fight. Look at them just by singing (coming here?) they have become Ali. You can also do it. Just open your hands. Try this. You have not experienced the ‘Ruh’ in true sense. You will start feeling very cool, your hands and your head will become cool. Yogi: You can turn the fan off Shri Mataji: yes if you want you can turn the fan off. You are feeling it. (referring to the person in the front) Muslim feel it very fast. I have seen that Muslims get and feel it right away. Like that. But they don’t come in (Sahaja). Now see here, how do they realize the essence of Nizammudin’ place, they do not know him so well. But once they feel the coolness in both the hands, they know it. That’s it. Yogi: Mother the hands have turned as cool as ice Shri Mataji: Until we do not open our eyes, we will stay in darkness. In the darkness, like holding a snake when there is no light in the room, everyone tells the person, it is snake but the person does not listen because he cannot see things clear in dark, he says, ‘no this is only a rope.’ And once the light is one, he himself will realize and throw the snake away. Now these people have stopped drinking alcohol. I did not tell them to do so. It just happened. They do not drink even little. In fact Muslims will drink but they will not. No smoking. Nothing. Look how are they standing having left all these things. Overnight they have stopped drugs. You have listened to the doctors today no? They have treated so many people. This should happen with all. We are hoping that this realization comes to all. Priest: This is about me. (gives something to Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: (looks at the pamphlet) You look smaller in this photo than now. (smiles) All are/look smaller in front of a Mother. (talks to yogi) This is his photograph. He looks young there. (to other yogis) there are other such places, like Sai Nath also. (another person from the group talks something in reference to Lalit Bandhari and his dedication to coming to this place regularly while others try to get some water for Mother) Shri Mataji: Yes, all I tell them (yogis) to come and visit this place. (looking at the elder priest) So there are many Sufi people here. Priest: Yes, sufi are many but believers are only handful. The one who see self can see all. Shri Mataji: It will be nice if Sufis realize it. (A yogi tries to give more vibrations to the priest and then says he should feel on the head also.) Priest: It is about connection. I know that, we are connected. Shri Mataji: That is it. Only one truth. Elder priest shares his experiences about what a Fakir is and his experience of outside world as mad house and shares that but for a Fakir (seeker) his place is higher than a Badshah (king). As he gets louder Shri Mataji calms him. (Shri Mataji then tastes the freshly cooked sweet from earthen pot and leaves the Shrine.) Nota The video file has a problem with audio/video synchronisation, and will be replaced when a new file is received in the next few weeks.Photos and further information: More photos and videos:
Public Program: Ye Bhumi Atyant Pavitra bhumi hain
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program, Ye Bhumi Atyant Pavitra bhumi hain, New Delhi 20-th March 1993 [English Translation from Hindi] 0- 5.17 – Bhajan 1 - Namami Shri Ganraj Dayal bhajan by Sanjay Roshan Talwar 6.09- 11.52 – bhajan 2 - Jago Kundalini Maa bhajan by Sanjay Roshan Talwar 12.58 -21.47 Bhajan 3 – Vishav Vandita Nirmala Mata by Sanjay Roshan Talwar Speech – 22.05 My dear fellow Indians, all those who were speaking the truth on behalf of the international Sahaja Yoga family, I welcome you all and my salutations to you all. In today's environment we all know that we need something that gives us balance on a personal level as well as on a collective level, because of which we all can live peacefully in an environment which is beneficial for each one of us and we attain joy which is our birthright. It's been a really long time that we have waited for the other person to change. It could be a country or a household, maybe us as an individual, but we all know that we remain the same and never change. Nothing changed; neither the other person changed, nor we changed. So many kugurus took birth on Earth. I have intentionally used the word kuguru. Anyone who cannot give us the Divine will be only called a kuguru. On this I think you will agree with me. Today at this time among ourselves during this 20th century, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has taken Her birth, and if you just see Her as a mother, like any ordinary mother who wants her children to be the best, live together in harmony, be joyous and progress well in this world, in the same way Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi made us into the state where we understand what is beneficial for each other and we live in peace, joy and harmony. This is what we all want. Now today, in a while Shri Mataji will be here among us and will give realization to new seekers, tell old ones what is Sahaja Yoga, and will give you feelings of attaining Self-realization. Just trust yourself and believe that before you leave this place what a beautiful state you will attain. Till Shri Mataji comes to join us, we have a young newcomer who is 34 years old. Before I share about him I would like to tell you all that Sahaja Yoga is being practiced in 56 countries across the world. It has already attained international status. Keeping the international status in mind, I would like to invite Mr Amjad Ali who was born in Pakistan and at the age of 8 years left for Britain. He belongs to a rental farming background. He is a doctor and a researcher, a research scientist. He connected with Shri Mataji at the age of 23 years, and took Self-realization. For the last 11 years, he has dedicated himself completely to Sahaja Yoga. As said by Shri Mataji, you do not have to quit your job and what you are doing. Rather, whatever you are doing, you will be able to perform your duties better with Sahaja Yoga if you attain your Self-realization. Dr Amjad Ali is a short fellow, and thinner than me, but this kind of variety is worth a scene. But in reality we both believe that Self-realization is our true religion. In that direction we will move ahead further – he and myself, along with you all. I present to you Dr Amjad Ali, and he will explain in his own words, as he has stayed abroad most of his life. One language he knows is of vibrations, which in a while you will also understand – Divine vibrations – but for now the medium of language we will use is English. I apologize to people who do not understand English. Kindly keep your hands open and you will be able to feel the coolness on your hands, that whatever is said is true. Dr Amjad, please come on the stage. 28;32-Dr Amjad Ali: First of all, I would like to apologize that my Hindi is not very good. My Punjabi at the moment is also a little rusty. So I will have to restrict myself to English for the next 5 to 10 minutes. I invite all the sons and daughters of Bharat to this program to hear the words of wisdom which Shri Mataji has, and the technique of Self-realization that Shri Mataji has, which is to be bestowed upon everyone regardless of their race, color, creed or religion. I was brought up in an Islamic household in Pakistan 34 years ago, and the thing that struck me most at the age of 7 or 8, when I pondered on the question of the existence of God, was why is it that people behave in such a strange way? Why is it that the Islamic people think that they are the chosen ones? Why is it that the Hindus think they are the chosen ones? Why do the Sikhs think that they are the chosen ones? And yet they all fight. What is the reason for this? It was really quite depressing. I went within and realized that the important thing is that human beings respect themselves and through that respect each other, because if we do not have this basic principle within, life is very difficult. Throughout history we have had so many sages, so many prophets who have come at a particular time in the history of mankind, in the evolution of mankind, to give a certain message. What have we done? Have we heeded the words of wisdom? As I am from an Islamic background, it was a difficult stage in my development. I realized that quoting scriptures again and again did not give me Self-realization, did not really get me closer to God. The only thing that got me closer to God in those early days was the realization that in oneself is the spirit, and it is to this that one has to turn, one has to turn in order to get balance. As I grew up I realized that the God we talk about is the All-pervading God. We say he only has one form. Yet in the Quran it is said that he is formless and he is form full. We cannot limit his dualities or abilities by our mental projections, by our own human qualities. The knowledge that is in the books at this moment – I will restrict myself to the Quran – is really quite simple, and the first thing that you have to understand and realize. If you want to attain a higher spiritual self and you don't know whom to turn to, sit quietly by yourself and ask yourself this question about these people who proposed to teach truth - for knowledge to charge any money. In Quran it says, "Follow only those who are rightly guided and ask for no fee.” These ground rules have been laid many thousands years ago. As you can understand in Christianity, Jesus Christ, Jesus threw out the money lenders and the dealers from the temples. Money has nothing to do with God, position has nothing to do with God or spirituality, but a kind, gentle heart is the most important thing. In the times of the sufis they would sing, "La Ilaha ill ill ill lah," concentrating the attention of the level of the heart, knowing that if the heart chakra opened they would, if they were lucky, get their Self-realization. Very few people, in fact, received this in the early days. Times have changed. Times have changed a great deal over the last 23 years or so. We have a particular technique which is available to all mankind. This particular technique, if you go back into the scriptures, into the Shastras, into all the religious texts, back into the texts, into the Quran, the hadees, you will find evidence. You will find evidence for Kundalini awakening. You will find evidence for Sahaja Yoga. The Prophet Mohammad Sahib has said you will get to God probation through meditation. In the state of meditation you will grow. The technique that he described actually talked about the Kundalini. He described it as a spiral staircase to God. Very importantly, if we go into the Surat Yasin it will tell you that at the time of Resurrection, at the time of judgment, the time of Qayamat, your hands will speak, your mouth will be closed or sealed, and your feet will bear witness to see what they earned. In other words, you will become conscious on your central nervous system once you have Kundalini awakening. Through Kundalini awakening comes peace of mind. When the scriptures talked about the journey, Prophet Mohammad Sahib's journey through the seven heavens, journey not only through various techniques to the various chakras, but also through the various levels, going to God realization, all these techniques are in fact available for us today through the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. You may ask as a Muslim, how can you follow Sahaja Yoga? I say it is quite easy. The most important thing we have to realize is that first and foremost you have to be honest and truthful with yourself. What is it that you are actually seeking? What is it that you have achieved out of this lifetime? The fact that the only thing humankind has been able to do over so many thousands of years should give you sufficient proof that we have not attained or achieved a great deal. As Shri Mataji has said on a number of occasions, can we transform a flower into a fruit? All we seem to do is to transfer or to change one dead thing into another, and through that we become so self-important, so self-indulgent. We have so many problems on Earth. We have so many problems through fundamentalism that life is quite serious, but life was, is and always has been meant to be enjoyed. There is no point going through traumas and problems. The only thing we have to do is to attain peace of mind, attain a balance. I have come across so many people from all walks of life, not only patients of mine, who have followed so many different things, so many different gurus, so many different sects, and they all still have problems. You have to ask yourself why they still have problems. The answer is quite simple: whatever they have been following has not been knowledge which is true knowledge. Once again, I say one has to be very honest with oneself. One has to be open-minded. This knowledge we talk about through Kundalini awakening has been described in so many different structures. In Islam the subtle energy we know about is known as Aasas. In the Chinese scriptures you can call it the Tao. In Christianity you can call it the Holy Ghost. It's all one and the same thing. So if we are all spiritual people, if we propagate to follow the teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Sahib, of Prophet Muhammad Sahib, of the various deities in the Hindu tradition, why are we fighting in God’s name? Why are we fighting? We all want peace of mind. We all want good health and a long life, and it is not through segregation or isolation or compartmentalization that we will achieve this or attain this. The only way it can be attained is through the knowledge of the inner self. I think we should sit down. Shri Mataji is not here yet. I will let you know when She arrives. In fact, over the last eleven years that I have been practicing Sahaja Yoga, I have seen so many different changes, not only in myself but in those around me. The person in fact who initially introduced me to Sahaja Yoga was a shub by the name of Rabindra Sareen, a Sikh gentleman, and it was amazing that the transformation I saw in this close friend of mine was quite amazing, and through this I realized that there must be something, some great working, some great mechanism which can give peace of mind, can give balance to someone, very quickly. The technique that Shri Mataji describes is accessible to everyone. It is simple; it is straightforward. No money is charged. You do not have to give up your religion. You do not have to give up anything. You will know on your central nervous system, on your fingertips, precisely the truth, the right answers to the questions. If you ask yourself whether God exists, you will get an answer. You can also ask yourself, for instance, was Prophet Mohammad Sahib the truth? You will get an answer. You can ask yourself, were Shri Krishna and all the deities of Hindu tradition part and parcel of the one God? You will get an answer. Because there are so many diversities in the various religions, we have to realize that unless and until we become our self, that is the spirit, we will continue to have problems. Balance can only be attained when one goes within. The Temple of God is within one's own heart. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that first of all you will keep an open mind today, and secondly ask from your heart for the gift of Self-realization that Shri Mataji wants to bestow upon us. It actually helps not only us; it benefits the whole of mankind – Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, alike. Thank you. Leader: Amjad Bhai, thank you very much. Now I welcome one more youngster, whom you will see and understand in his own words how he has come out of his problematic situations and transformed. He is in charge of our Delhi Center, is a doctor by profession, but at this time he is the doctor of Sahaja Yoga. I am pointing towards Doctor Nigam. He will tell about himself and about Sahaja Yoga, about chakras, before Shri Mataji arrives. He will discuss about it. Dr Nigam, please! 43 min - Dr Nigam: I pay my regards to all the brothers and sisters who are seeking truth. We have gathered here to seek knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. Before learning about Sahaja Yoga you should understand something about yoga. What is yoga? Now Shri Mataji has arrived. Only She will guide you. Mother’s arrival – Jiakara 45- 47.51 min Dr Nigam: Shri Mataji, we Sahaja Yogis of Delhi and the general public of the Delhi region welcome you. Now I would request Guido lansza from Italy to welcome Shri Mataji. 50.53 – 56.34 Bhajan – Aaya hun darbar tumhare 57.20 – 1.03.12 - Another bhajan by Sanjay Talwar – Maa chipi ho tum sukhman mein 1.04.07 Shri Mataji: My greetings to all the seekers of truth. Truth can be interpreted in many ways and can be explained, but in reality truth is eternal, and the truth is as it is. It cannot have any other explanation. But what is truth? Truth is that this entire nature, this world, this universe, all are ruled by God, and the power that we call Paramchaitanya does all kinds of living work; and the second truth is that all human beings are not this false identification with the body, heart, mind, ego, and so on, but are pure spirit. This has been told by many people and believed by many people. Also, many disagree with the claim that in evolution in early times we were chimpanzees. Some said we were fishes. Some said that we were snakes. I don't know who has taken rebirth from which organism. It's all about the past. Not one of us knows which organisms we have re-birthed out of. It is important to know how we evolve. You may have come from any organism in the past, but today you are sitting as a human being, as human beings. There are some deities, and some Satans also, in the human form that you have attained today. What is its purpose? What does it mean? Why did we come as human beings in this birth? What was the need that God had to make a human being? Or the law of nature had to make human beings? How are we to understand why we are human beings today? Just once, internalize and evaluate why we are human beings today. Why were we the chosen ones? Why didn’t all the snakes on Earth get a chance to be human beings? Why are they still snakes? So many chimpanzees and monkeys, even lions, all kinds of animals are existing. Why were we few beings chosen to be humans? When we think thoroughly about this, all those who have ascended are focused towards their goals. Those who want to get Self-realization and want to be the spirit must be very few people. But this is our ascent. In Delhi there are so many people but how many are seeking their ascent? So many beings have been turned into humans, and yet so many still are organisms, or are left in animal form. It can happen that so many people get Self-realization and yet remain human beings. They do not rise up to be super humans. This is a big problem, especially for Me! This thing I cannot assimilate. Any human being who may belong to any nationality or caste, be of any skin color, whatever kind of thinking process he has, can get their Self-realization. To attain your Self-realization is of the utmost importance. This is one very big warning in front of you today, that how many people today want to attain their Self-realization? Want to attain a state which is described by sages and deities, and when today the time has come that we can attain that place, should we miss such a chance? This power called the Kundalini is within each one of us. By its awakening, and by its awakening you all can reach that state, and in that very moment you can attain the state. It took us thousands of years to become a man from a monkey, thousands of years of evolution, but now I am witnessing that in such a small timeframe, so many people have taken to Sahaja Yoga. This is amazing! Sheer blessings of God Almighty. Paramchaitanya is in its full form and has brought Krita Yuga on Earth. It is time for Krita Yuga. Kali Yuga yoga is ending, and we are moving towards Krita Yuga yoga, Krita Yuga which is functioning. This is Paramchaitanya which is functioning. This is why thousands of people are coming into Sahaja Yoga. This is very surprising; thousands instantly get their Self-realization, especially in our country which I called the land of yoga. This is a great country! To be born in India is possible only after doing lot of good deeds. You will not believe this because if you superficially look at this country, it has nothing special, but in every single particle of this country the vibrations are there. The land you are sitting on is the most holy and pure land. In spite of all this, it is very surprising that so many saints and sages for centuries have worked hard on this holy land and said that you should know yourself. If you do not know yourself you have not achieved anything in life. Knowing oneself, wherever you are, any true guru has told you to know thyself. I am not talking about gurus who are worthless, but the true ones always preach “to know thyself". Analyse what they said like this. Only today I was saying that if you see yourself in the mirror, then you see yourself and your reflection. Now you in real and your reflection is now a third state. Now in these three dimensions we live and we keep moving in these three dimensions. Either we are watching or doing the act of watching, but what if you yourself become a mirror? You become your own mirror, your reflection starts reflecting within you, and then there will be no difficulty for you because when you witnessed your own reflection you started understanding yourself. Till now you haven't understood yourself. Just for the namesake you have your own wife, your house, but who are you in reality? Who am I? This you haven't figured out. The day you understand who you are, at that moment suddenly you will change. You will transform so much. You will change and transform so much that it is worth watching. Now you can see so many foreigners sitting here. Out of all these people, 20% of them were under the heavy influence of drugs very badly. One fine day they received their Self-realization; the next day they quit their drugs. Today I went to holy grave of Nizamuddin Sahib. There were a lot of people there. So I asked them, “How many of you do not drink alcohol?” They all went quiet. They were Muslims, but they all drink alcohol. So what is the reason? The reason is that you haven't known yourself, but you are all a reflection of God Almighty. The day it happens I have seen that the people who are known for their alcohol habits quit and transform the very next day. Because I have no knowledge about who I am, I have no respect towards my self, no self-esteem, no majesty towards my self. How many powers do I have? God has created me with such beauty, such love, you do not know. So how will you respect this fact? We do not respect a human birth and don't know how to behave towards it. We have not understood our purpose. When you understand your purpose as a human being, you will realize the peace within yourself. These kinds of fantastic people don't do wrong things. You don't have to tell them. You don't have to explain to them. They stand tall in their dignity. In front of them all the smallness, filthy talks, willow talks are nasty for them. They don't look at that side nor do they pay attention towards it, and they start hating all this. They start hating all those things in which, at one point of time, they were indulging. This is beautiful because we do not know ourselves. We are unaware of ourselves, the beauty by which we are made, the greatness by which God has painted us. By not knowing this fact we think like dust about ourselves. That is why we cheat our bodies, we hate our minds, and we shelve our brains. The power to unite all these functions, the power to enlighten all these is sitting with us in the triangular bone. Now, everybody has spoken about this power, Kundalini. Kabir Das Ji has spoken, Guru Nanak Dev Ji has spoken, Adi Shankaracharya has spoken. Also it is written in the Bible and Quran. Everywhere it is mentioned about Kundalini, and in some places negative things are written about it also. Instead of understanding it, people started to change the facts about it. And during this process of changing the facts about Kundalini I believe that Buddhists went the most wrong, as they did with the preachings of Buddha. They all became tantric and they all played with the Kundalini in very wrong directions. In this process many people got lost. About the Kundalini awakening you should only refer to people who are authorized. What is their take on Kundalini awakening? Then the books were published which stated the ill-effects of Kundalini awakening; the problem arises after Kundalini awakening. In so many years of spreading Sahaja Yoga I have never seen Kundalini awakening giving problems to anyone. Instead, all those people who made their life by practicing Sahaja Yoga have achieved great heights. People achieve greater heights. Very ordinary people, not even highly educated, simple people living in villages or even a simple person walking on the road, each one can achieve Kundalini awakening. You don't need any specific caste, religion. You are a spiritual person and you understand the meaning of spirituality and you have lead a spiritual life, and if you are a nice person then Kundalini awakening becomes a lot easier, and even if you are not a spiritual person, whatever kind of person you are you get awakening. The most surprising thing is that nobody has ever gone away empty-handed in Sahaja Yoga. The most amazing thing I feel is about Russia that a while ago even to take God’s name was a crime there. You will be astonished to know every single program there, at least 16000 people came to attend the program, and every single human being who came to attend the program got their Self-realization. So what went wrong in India? This was the land of yoga, with so many saints and sages. What problems have arisen in this country that, unlike Russia, we haven't found people like Russia in India, although we are getting a few now, very slowly. I won't say that we haven't found them, but when I was in Russia people in their thousands were waiting to get Self-realization. What is the major difference between them and us? Also we already know so much about spirituality, and we are taught spirituality. From childhood we pay regular visits to temples, mosques, gurudwaras. In spite of all this, everyone’s attention does not go on the fact that we should get our Self-realization. We haven't understood the essence of religion; we have understood the religions. There is no spirituality in the religions. They don't know the real meaning of religion but they claim to be religious. Those people do not do wrong things, but they are not Hindu, Muslim or Christian. They are just normal humans, ordinary human beings, and they understand how a human being should live. But we think if you are Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh, that is enough. Now God will only garland my neck, because we think that we are the religion, just like we have got the certification. Or we mentioned it on our forehead, as if when we enter God's Kingdom he will welcome us as his own men. If a person of one religion is asked about the other religion, they will say the most bitter things. If you ask another one he will say the most bitter things for the first one. This is what we are doing all the time, finding fault with each other's religion. In finding fault, we ourselves have become corrupt. By God's grace this problem was not prevalent in them. They were all Russians. They were simple human beings. But if you are a Hindu do you worship Shiv or Sri Rama? If you are a Muslim are you a Shia Muslim or Sunni Muslim? If you are a Sikh do you follow Ravidas or Guru Nanak? All these kinds of useless thought processes and conflicts within us, and we all got separated anything very high solution-oriented about ourselves as if we are great human beings. There must be something good but there is still blindness. This thinking that, “I am great and better than others” blinded people, and the process of Self-realization became so difficult in our own country. Until you have this feeling, “I have not attained my completeness. I haven't got my Self-realization. I should get my Self-realization”, you have to have humility to gain your Self-realization. You should have this pure desire at the bottom of your heart. Then definitely it will happen, but the feeling that, “I am a Hindu. Why would I not get my Self-realization?” or “If I am a Muslim why would I not get my Self-realization?” It will not happen like this. All these certificates of false religion do not work in the Kingdom of God. Firstly, what kind of a human being you are, and secondly, if you have a pure desire to attain your Self-realization, it doesn't matter which religion you hail from. You should have a strong desire that you want your Self-realization. The founders of all these religions have said only this, that you attain the light of spirit within yourself. What religion does not say this? Every religion says this one thing that, “Know thyself. Acknowledge yourself.” We are better than others. This is the biggest difference I notice between Indians and Russians. Once they get their Self-realization, they establish themselves in Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to tell them anything. Secondly, what happened there this morning is that many diseases are cured because of Sahaja Yoga, as Sahaja Yoga has curing powers. When the Kundalini which is residing in your Muladhara gets enlightened, it clears out all the chakras, and because of this your health gets better. There is no doubt about it. Sahaja Yoga has cured so many cancers and other deadly diseases, no doubt about it. The moment people come to know about these healing powers, people start pouring in, with ten-odd patients for Me to heal, asking Me to heal them. People start taking the agency for curing. in India this is very common. People ask Me if My brother is a Commissioner and then ask Me for undue favors. The thought, how to take advantage of others, will immediately spark in their brains. They make mental lists of their relatives, relatives, relatives, more relatives, and try to keep Me busy in this. Here I am saying that you become your own doctors. Just see for yourself. When you become your own doctor, then you can cure everyone. What will you gain from curing everyone? The lamp which will not lighten up, what will you gain after curing that lamp? Even God thinks that, “Why treat the lamp which will never lighten up?” But you always feel like you’re curing that person. This will not happen through Sahaja Yoga. This will not benefit anyone. In one or two cases people may get cured, and people start following you for curing them. This way, you will not progress in your spiritual growth. In the same way, all the various past conditions/immorality within us gets excited. If you follow a kuguru and you know that he is a corrupt fellow, like just moving his hand in the air and presenting something of gold in his hand (to mesmerize), you know that he is immoral and a cheat. Even if it is advertised in the newspaper that he is not a good person, still you keep following him. If asked why, people reply that, “We have been following him for so many years.” People are addicted to their kugurus just like alcoholics to alcohol. But you do not have to follow a kuguru. So now people come and tell Me that, “It's OK, Mother. We will follow him as well, as we will do Sahaja Yoga at the same time.” It is like you are putting one foot in a crocodile’s mouth and the other foot in a boat, and you want Me to save you, and along with your feet the crocodile will also be saved. Another thing is that the things which we are stuck so badly on, we cannot leave. You have to leave them! To the extent that the stairs by which you’re climbing up, you have to leave those stairs as well. Knowing that it is a good ladder, it is like moving beyond religion. Rise above the conditioning of religion. Definitely it does not mean that you quit religion. It means that you get the true religion. It gets so much imbibed in you that you do not do anything which is anti-religion. The true religion becomes so much enlightened within you that you don't need a constant reminder about it. You do not have to differentiate every single time, that this is religion and this is not true religion. You do not have to ask any priest whether this is religion or not. You innately know what is true religion. The second is to go beyond time. I am surprised how these Sahaja Yogis have moved beyond time. All those people who are addicted to watches and time all the time rise above time. We Indians cannot do that we keep constantly keep asking "What's the time?" “Now this is the time to drink tea. I should get tea positively at this time. If I don't get the tea my head will start spinning.” It’s the same with the ladies, the same with everyone. A particular thing should happen at a particular time. We have become so much habituated to it. Things should happen at my time, my way. If it does not happen like that we feel that our life has come to an end. I feel that most of the men in India have become slaves to their watches. While being slaves to the watches, the scenario is such that people are not true towards themselves. They distance/detach themselves from time. Time bows down to them. December, wherever he stands, time obeys him. This can and will happen to you. But we are so conditioned. One small thing I will share with you. The cinema people created the name of Santoshi Mata. I have heard a lot of experiences related to this devi. Especially in Delhi, ladies worship her a lot, but they do not get Self-realization because in reality there is no devi with the name of Santoshi. The one who is satisfaction, how you can call her satisfaction? Cinema people started the trend of Santoshi Mata. There are severe heights of ignorance in India. Can people from the movie industry create a devi? What a thing. There are so many things like that, like fast on a particular day, like the day a god is born you do a fast. Is it a kind of state of ritual impurity existing after the birth of a god? Why do you fast on that day? You should never fast in the name of God. God will never want you to fast in His name. Now if I tell anyone that you do not fast at God's name, they reply to Me that, “We have been fasting for so many years now.” But why are you doing the fast? If you ever want to hurt a mother, you only have to fast. So these kinds of conditionings are so much filled within us, irrespective of any religion we belong to. I say that this is what religion does to the people. Religion conditions them, and then they do not get their Self-realization. So many various kinds of strange things have gotten into us. Now people are coming to India from abroad, coming with bags full of clothes as there is less demand for clothes abroad. So it’s recession there. So the majority come to India to sell the clothes, believing that Indians are foolish and they will buy them. Now wear their clothes, be like them, go to discos, start drinking, and so on. We are becoming very modern. So we are stuck is not here then there. If parents do this, then the children go to discos, and we are keen to learn from them and we think that we should adopt their culture. Dear people, I have been abroad and lived there, and traveled. I don't think that, other than paper, they make anything better than us. It is a true fact. What will you take from them? Nylon or paper? What do you like from there? OK, once in a while you purchase a radio or television from abroad. What after that? I still wonder why we like so many things from abroad so much. I still fail to understand this. One day My husband told Me to get a nice gift for his friend. So I went to Khadi Bhandar (shop which sells exclusive khadi material and handmade products) and purchased a nice statue of Shri Krishna and Arjuna made out of ivory. What should I wrap it with? The shopkeeper said, “We have a box in which you can keep this,” but then I realized that this foreigner might not like this statue in the box. I really roamed and roamed in search of good wrapping paper. So whatever kind of wrapping paper I got, I wrapped the gift in it and gave it to him. So that foreigner friend of My husband and My husband were shocked seeing that wrapping paper. “What kind of paper is that?" Then I told them, “You unwrap the gift and see.” In India we do not get good wrapping paper. The moment he unwrapped and saw it, his eyes popped out. Then I told them, “This is my proud India. We get one of the best things in India but we do not make wasteful things.” Let alone their ideas, now we have started adopting their culture. What is their culture? They are drowning. They are drowning in hell. Their family system has crashed. We are also learning from them. You watch the movies, and nothing other than husband and wife fighting like cats and dogs is shown. It is very surprising that in the English language there is not even a single novel which shows love between husband and wife. Love is shown only before marriage and nothing after marriage. Not even a single book. Do you trust this English language? They have tried to harm, harm our culture of the marriage system. They have tried to dispose of the marriage system, and you are fans of this kind of culture. Secondly, many more conditionings have come within us because of which men are so cruel to women. If females turn into Americans, men will learn the lessons well. All man will be hung. I don't understand now why we are inclined towards this culture. Our culture is one of the highest cultures in the world. Whether you call it, Hindu tav, or whatever, our culture prevalent everyone, whichever religion anyone may follow, he will have great faith in Indian culture. Even this culture is under threat. While I was coming here I saw girls wearing clothes which are not suitable for our culture. Girls are dressed like men, and men are dressed like women. It was so confusing. Who among them are men and who are women? And parents today do not object to this kind of dress. They do not object at all, nor do they pay attention to it at all. This kind of people will never go deeper in Sahaja Yoga. You will be surprised to know that the least number of people who have taken up Sahaja Yoga are Americans, so much less. The reason is the foolishness of the people in America. They do not have any knowledge about culture. It has only been two hundred years since they became a country, but we Indians are eternal in this country what all we have not witnessed. Even Sahaja Yoga belongs to India. For thousands of years people were doing Sahaja Yoga. Earlier, it was that one guru would give realization to only one disciple. While practicing this, during the 12th century it started to spread and by 16 century everyone talked about it, "Sahaj Samadhi lago" was told by Shri Guru Nanaka. Saint Kabira said, "Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi." Nobody even knew the meaning of it. Different types of people were born in the 16th century, maybe in Maharashtra or in Southern India, maybe in Punjab or in Uttar Pradesh. All these people were saints and sages. You think all these people said things which do not make sense. So many high-order thinkers were never born in any other country, but they could not impress us. Because of this, wrong practices started in all those people who think that they are very smart and intellectual and want to keep people in limited box thinking. In this country we talk about eternity, and to understand this, our brain's capacity is not suitable enough, not worthy enough and cannot understand. To think about eternity, you have to go deep into it, experience it. Only in the subtle system as a spirit can you understand eternity. So this is the kind of great country you are born in. Every other country in the world looks to India for this knowledge. People of the world think what great qualities Indians must possess. That is why in this expectation they come to this holy land. Foreigners also think that we are very, very spiritual people. I hear the same thing from every country. What India should be proud of is the spirituality in this country. Every country has grown taller like a tree in their culture and their civilization, but we have knowledge of the roots. Until these foreign countries attain the knowledge of their roots, their trees of culture may fall down. Undoubtedly, they are falling off and getting destroyed. The roots belong to our country, the great India. You don't have to walk in the footsteps of the foreigners. They have nothing in them. We Indians have so many powers and knowledge. You just attain that, and understand that for a special reason you are born into this country. You are also special to be born here; you should understand that feeling. Respect that feeling. Face yourself and attain this spirituality. In Sahaja Yoga you can attain this. To better understand the Kundalini you can take books from these people, and you can read them. We are ready with some of the reading material. Saint Kabirdas has said, “Pari pari pandit murakh bhaiye." I have met many of them. So before reading, I would suggest you have the experience. If anything cannot be experienced, why read it? Experience is everything. Talking is just lip service. Shri Shankaracharya has called it "Shabd jalam"; “You take me out of this word web”. Don't get entangled in this word web. The same thing I am going to tell you today, how great you are. You should not listen to My words but see it and experience it, and understand it. For Me, nothing is more satisfying. Thousands of My children, girls and boys, all the knowledge I have is for you. You will enlighten all the powers within you. All the powers should flow from you, and the world should witness it. What more can a mother ask for? I hope that you will understand what I told you today, and today everyone will get their Self-realization. After Self-realization you are in complete bliss. You start thinking that now you have got your Self-realization. You are a Sahaja Yogi, but realization is not Sahaja Yoga. When I was 17 or 18 years old when Gandhiji called for the freedom fight, I left everything, our studies in between, and jumped into our country’s fight for freedom. And we contributed hard in Gandhiji's efforts for freedom. The police even tortured us, hit us hard, made us lie down on ice bricks, gave us electric shocks, and did lots of atrocities. But we all fought for our freedom. Now you all can witness what we have done with our freedom. Now you learn about self-knowledge. You learn about the spirit and the body. And this is the new fight for freedom. If you have got your Self-realization and you do it in your home and your limited premises, it will not work like that. You will have to be collective. You have to participate completely in it. You have to be a part of it, with full commitment. All those people who did this, see how they have risen. This is the need of an hour. Earlier those who fought for the freedom of the country and made all the sacrifices, it is possible that only a handful of people did that and they all started thinking very highly of themselves. In Sahaja Yoga, until you understand your system completely, you are not free. Until you commit yourself completely to yourself, till then you cannot ascend. You do not sacrifice your household, your family. You don't have to spend a penny; you just do nothing. Just spend some time on yourself, and just by giving some time to yourself you can attain this. Today I have discussed with you about Kundalini in brief. You can read about it later, but for now try experiencing it. It is important to get your Self-realization. Just like you can see there are so many bulbs, you switch on only one plug and they all lighten up. But in case you ask Me silly questions that, “First tell me from where the electricity came, from where did it come to Delhi, how it entered into the Constitution Club”. By asking these questions you will give Me a headache and your head will also ache. It's better that you get your enlightenment first. We can keep discussing the rest of the things later. For this you need to have a very strong, pure desire in your heart. The pure desire of the Almighty is the power of Kundalini. The rest of the desires, even if they get fulfilled, we never get satisfied. So please keep a very strong desire in your heart that, “I should attain my Self-realization”. If you all have this pure desire in your heart you will get your Self-realization, and I have full faith in that. Pranams as gesture. 1.52.08 Now I will tell you some very basic things, nothing very particular. So do not get angry. Firstly, if possible kindly remove your shoes. Check if you are wearing any holy threads or talisman. Kindly remove that also. Now you all know that you are Indian, and now you can feel what great people you are. Everyone kindly open your hands towards Me like this. Please put your hands towards Me like this. Keep your eyes open. There is no mesmerism of any kind. It will be good if you keep your eyes open. Kindly check if there is any cold or warm breeze on your hands. Are you feeling any cool breeze on your fingertips? This is vibration, this is Paramchaitanya. This is also called Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called the All-pervading Power of God's Love. Keep your right hand towards Me and your left hand above the head. Put it a little higher. Can you feel something cool? Keep your right hand towards Me, right hand. I am saying right hand but sometimes people get confused. Right hand towards Me and left hand above the head, just like I am doing. You will feel a cool breeze on your head. Some people may feel heat, but it will cool down in a while. If it is hot, kindly forgive everyone. OK, now put your left hand towards Me. Please put your left hand towards Me now, right hand above the head. Can you feel the cool breeze? In your heart, kindly ask, please ask in your heart, “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of God's Love? Mother, is this Paramchaitanya?” Now once again put your right hand towards Me and put your left hand on the head and ask. Bring your hand down. All those people who could feel a hot or a cool breeze on the hands or on your heads kindly raise both of your hands. All those people who could feel a hot or a cool breeze on the hands or on the fontanel bone area, kindly raise both of your hands. This is Delhi. You all have become saints. You all have gotten your Self-realization. You know when I am abroad I keep My hand for half an hour on each chakra of the foreigners, and you people got your Self-realization just like that. Now understand your value. No one gets their Self-realization so easily. Sometimes it takes three days to give them their Self-realization. This is your specialty, but going further can be difficult. Now you have to go to our centers. From tomorrow morning onward there will be a nice program for the next five days, morning and evening. In the mornings there will be discussions on different topics, and they will explain to you what you have gained. In the evenings we will have musical programs. Hopefully, you will gather here in greater numbers with your relatives. Inform your brothers, sisters and friends. Try to understand its importance. If you miss this, most of you will grow higher to become deities, and some will be left at the human level. I don't know what will happen to them at the human level with kind of air in environment everywhere. For your relatives you cannot do anything better than this. Try coming tomorrow morning. I don't know the exact time. OK, it's not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow. Now he will tell you what time on the day after tomorrow. Dr Nigam: This is to inform all the brothers and sisters, the day after tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning at the Bharat ground opposite Nizamuddin police station, here from 22nd to 25th each day we will tell you about Sahaja Yoga. If any of your chakras are not clear we will tell you about the clearing techniques. We will tell you how to meditate. If anyone has any personal problems we will discuss that also. The morning session is 9.30 am to 12 noon, and the evening session will start at 6:00 pm. You are all cordially invited. Bhartiyam Ground opposite Nizamuddin police station. Thank you. After these five day sessions you all will become firm Sahaja Yogis , experts. That is why I said that you should have five day sessions for the Delhi people. You will have to work towards it. I know some of you will find an excuse while on your way back. So please tell your heart not to make excuses. This is one chance where you are not paying anything from your pocket. Just give some time for yourself and for your Self-realization. I hope you all will come back the day after tomorrow, and you will gain from it completely and you will emancipate the whole world. Pranams - gesture Now kindly maintain this peace. Kindly do not debate on this issue. This is beyond the intellect. Maintain this peace. If someone is trying to get into an argument or debate, just hold your hands and send them to the parliament. For all the foreigners, I am sorry that I have to speak in English (Hindi?) language, our national language. There are so many people here who have knowledge of English but I find it easier to talk in Hindi language to them. I hope you don't mind. Of course, you all know everything about Sahaja Yoga. Whether I speak in Marathi, Hindi or English, any language, you know everything. So I hope you all do not mind. May God bless you. Tomorrow you can ask questions also. If you have any questions bring them in writing. We will answer your questions. 2.04.30 Music in background Mother talking in Marathi Before you leave please listen to one song by the foreigners. They have composed it. See how beautifully they sing in Hindi language. Please listen before you leave. 2.05.55 Sat janam jo puniyae kiye haain Come tomorrow. Everyone should come tomorrow. You all will get photographs and so on. You should all come. Also, this is to inform all the new Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters that we have one center in Safdarjung Enclave on Wednesday, and every Saturday at 6:30 pm we have a Centre behind Qutab Hotel. Here we will tell you every Saturday and Wednesday how to clear your chakras, how we can keep our Kundalini risen high. We will share all the knowledge about these things. Please do come. You will not gain anything just by Darshan /visitation/holy glance. Please do come and get rid of all your problems. Thank you. Shri Mata Ji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki aji Bolo jata janani Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ji ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Please maintain silence and do not rush or gather here. Kindly do not rush or gather here. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai
Public Program, Ye Bhumi Atyant Pavitra bhumi hain, New Delhi 20-th March 1993 [English Translation from Hindi] 0- 5.17 – Bhajan 1 - Namami Shri Ganraj Dayal bhajan by Sanjay Roshan Talwar 6.09- 11.52 – bhajan 2 - Jago Kundalini Maa bhajan by Sanjay Roshan Talwar 12.58 -21.47 Bhajan 3 – Vishav Vandita Nirmala Mata by Sanjay Roshan Talwar Speech – 22.05 My dear fellow Indians, all those who were speaking the truth on behalf of the international Sahaja Yoga family, I welcome you all and my salutations to you all. In today's environment we all know that we need something that gives us balance on a personal level as well as on a collective level, because of which we all can live peacefully in an environment which is beneficial for each one of us and we attain joy which is our birthright. It's been a really long time that we have waited for the other person to change. It could be a country or a household, maybe us as an individual, but we all know that we remain the same and never change. Nothing changed; neither the other person changed, nor we changed. So many kugurus took birth on Earth. I have intentionally used the word kuguru. Anyone who cannot give us the Divine will be only called a kuguru. On this I think you will agree with me. Today at this time among ourselves during this 20th century, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi has taken Her birth, and if you just see Her as a mother, like any ordinary mother who wants her children to be the best, live together in harmony, be joyous and progress well in this world, in the same way Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi made us into the state where we understand what is beneficial for each other and we live in peace, joy and harmony. This is what we all want. Now today, in a while Shri Mataji will be here among us and will give realization to new seekers, tell old ones what is Sahaja Yoga, and will give you feelings of attaining Self-realization. Just trust yourself and believe that before you leave this place what a beautiful state you will attain. Till Shri Mataji comes to join us, we have a young newcomer who is 34 years old. Before I share about him I would like to tell you all that Sahaja Yoga is being practiced in 56 countries across the world. It has already attained international status. Keeping the international status in mind, I would like to invite Mr Amjad Ali who was born in Pakistan and at the age of 8 years left for Britain. He belongs to a rental farming background. He is a doctor and a researcher, a research scientist. He connected with Shri Mataji at the age of 23 years, and took Self-realization. For the last 11 years, he has dedicated himself completely to Sahaja Yoga. As said by Shri Mataji, you do not have to quit your job and what you are doing. Rather, whatever you are doing, you will be able to perform your duties better with Sahaja Yoga if you attain your Self-realization. Dr Amjad Ali is a short fellow, and thinner than me, but this kind of variety is worth a scene. But in reality we both believe that Self-realization is our true religion. In that direction we will move ahead further – he and myself, along with you all. I present to you Dr Amjad Ali, and he will explain in his own words, as he has stayed abroad most of his life. One language he knows is of vibrations, which in a while you will also understand – Divine vibrations – but for now the medium of language we will use is English. I apologize to people who do not understand English. Kindly keep your hands open and you will be able to feel the coolness on your hands, that whatever is said is true. Dr Amjad, please come on the stage. 28;32-Dr Amjad Ali: First of all, I would like to apologize that my Hindi is not very good. My Punjabi at the moment is also a little rusty. So I will have to restrict myself to English for the next 5 to 10 minutes. I invite all the sons and daughters of Bharat to this program to hear the words of wisdom which Shri Mataji has, and the technique of Self-realization that Shri Mataji has, which is to be bestowed upon everyone regardless of their race, color, creed or religion. I was brought up in an Islamic household in Pakistan 34 years ago, and the thing that struck me most at the age of 7 or 8, when I pondered on the question of the existence of God, was why is it that people behave in such a strange way? Why is it that the Islamic people think that they are the chosen ones? Why is it that the Hindus think they are the chosen ones? Why do the Sikhs think that they are the chosen ones? And yet they all fight. What is the reason for this? It was really quite depressing. I went within and realized that the important thing is that human beings respect themselves and through that respect each other, because if we do not have this basic principle within, life is very difficult. Throughout history we have had so many sages, so many prophets who have come at a particular time in the history of mankind, in the evolution of mankind, to give a certain message. What have we done? Have we heeded the words of wisdom? As I am from an Islamic background, it was a difficult stage in my development. I realized that quoting scriptures again and again did not give me Self-realization, did not really get me closer to God. The only thing that got me closer to God in those early days was the realization that in oneself is the spirit, and it is to this that one has to turn, one has to turn in order to get balance. As I grew up I realized that the God we talk about is the All-pervading God. We say he only has one form. Yet in the Quran it is said that he is formless and he is form full. We cannot limit his dualities or abilities by our mental projections, by our own human qualities. The knowledge that is in the books at this moment – I will restrict myself to the Quran – is really quite simple, and the first thing that you have to understand and realize. If you want to attain a higher spiritual self and you don't know whom to turn to, sit quietly by yourself and ask yourself this question about these people who proposed to teach truth - for knowledge to charge any money. In Quran it says, "Follow only those who are rightly guided and ask for no fee.” These ground rules have been laid many thousands years ago. As you can understand in Christianity, Jesus Christ, Jesus threw out the money lenders and the dealers from the temples. Money has nothing to do with God, position has nothing to do with God or spirituality, but a kind, gentle heart is the most important thing. In the times of the sufis they would sing, "La Ilaha ill ill ill lah," concentrating the attention of the level of the heart, knowing that if the heart chakra opened they would, if they were lucky, get their Self-realization. Very few people, in fact, received this in the early days. Times have changed. Times have changed a great deal over the last 23 years or so. We have a particular technique which is available to all mankind. This particular technique, if you go back into the scriptures, into the Shastras, into all the religious texts, back into the texts, into the Quran, the hadees, you will find evidence. You will find evidence for Kundalini awakening. You will find evidence for Sahaja Yoga. The Prophet Mohammad Sahib has said you will get to God probation through meditation. In the state of meditation you will grow. The technique that he described actually talked about the Kundalini. He described it as a spiral staircase to God. Very importantly, if we go into the Surat Yasin it will tell you that at the time of Resurrection, at the time of judgment, the time of Qayamat, your hands will speak, your mouth will be closed or sealed, and your feet will bear witness to see what they earned. In other words, you will become conscious on your central nervous system once you have Kundalini awakening. Through Kundalini awakening comes peace of mind. When the scriptures talked about the journey, Prophet Mohammad Sahib's journey through the seven heavens, journey not only through various techniques to the various chakras, but also through the various levels, going to God realization, all these techniques are in fact available for us today through the teachings of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. You may ask as a Muslim, how can you follow Sahaja Yoga? I say it is quite easy. The most important thing we have to realize is that first and foremost you have to be honest and truthful with yourself. What is it that you are actually seeking? What is it that you have achieved out of this lifetime? The fact that the only thing humankind has been able to do over so many thousands of years should give you sufficient proof that we have not attained or achieved a great deal. As Shri Mataji has said on a number of occasions, can we transform a flower into a fruit? All we seem to do is to transfer or to change one dead thing into another, and through that we become so self-important, so self-indulgent. We have so many problems on Earth. We have so many problems through fundamentalism that life is quite serious, but life was, is and always has been meant to be enjoyed. There is no point going through traumas and problems. The only thing we have to do is to attain peace of mind, attain a balance. I have come across so many people from all walks of life, not only patients of mine, who have followed so many different things, so many different gurus, so many different sects, and they all still have problems. You have to ask yourself why they still have problems. The answer is quite simple: whatever they have been following has not been knowledge which is true knowledge. Once again, I say one has to be very honest with oneself. One has to be open-minded. This knowledge we talk about through Kundalini awakening has been described in so many different structures. In Islam the subtle energy we know about is known as Aasas. In the Chinese scriptures you can call it the Tao. In Christianity you can call it the Holy Ghost. It's all one and the same thing. So if we are all spiritual people, if we propagate to follow the teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Sahib, of Prophet Muhammad Sahib, of the various deities in the Hindu tradition, why are we fighting in God’s name? Why are we fighting? We all want peace of mind. We all want good health and a long life, and it is not through segregation or isolation or compartmentalization that we will achieve this or attain this. The only way it can be attained is through the knowledge of the inner self. I think we should sit down. Shri Mataji is not here yet. I will let you know when She arrives. In fact, over the last eleven years that I have been practicing Sahaja Yoga, I have seen so many different changes, not only in myself but in those around me. The person in fact who initially introduced me to Sahaja Yoga was a shub by the name of Rabindra Sareen, a Sikh gentleman, and it was amazing that the transformation I saw in this close friend of mine was quite amazing, and through this I realized that there must be something, some great working, some great mechanism which can give peace of mind, can give balance to someone, very quickly. The technique that Shri Mataji describes is accessible to everyone. It is simple; it is straightforward. No money is charged. You do not have to give up your religion. You do not have to give up anything. You will know on your central nervous system, on your fingertips, precisely the truth, the right answers to the questions. If you ask yourself whether God exists, you will get an answer. You can also ask yourself, for instance, was Prophet Mohammad Sahib the truth? You will get an answer. You can ask yourself, were Shri Krishna and all the deities of Hindu tradition part and parcel of the one God? You will get an answer. Because there are so many diversities in the various religions, we have to realize that unless and until we become our self, that is the spirit, we will continue to have problems. Balance can only be attained when one goes within. The Temple of God is within one's own heart. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that first of all you will keep an open mind today, and secondly ask from your heart for the gift of Self-realization that Shri Mataji wants to bestow upon us. It actually helps not only us; it benefits the whole of mankind – Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, alike. Thank you. Leader: Amjad Bhai, thank you very much. Now I welcome one more youngster, whom you will see and understand in his own words how he has come out of his problematic situations and transformed. He is in charge of our Delhi Center, is a doctor by profession, but at this time he is the doctor of Sahaja Yoga. I am pointing towards Doctor Nigam. He will tell about himself and about Sahaja Yoga, about chakras, before Shri Mataji arrives. He will discuss about it. Dr Nigam, please! 43 min - Dr Nigam: I pay my regards to all the brothers and sisters who are seeking truth. We have gathered here to seek knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. Before learning about Sahaja Yoga you should understand something about yoga. What is yoga? Now Shri Mataji has arrived. Only She will guide you. Mother’s arrival – Jiakara 45- 47.51 min Dr Nigam: Shri Mataji, we Sahaja Yogis of Delhi and the general public of the Delhi region welcome you. Now I would request Guido lansza from Italy to welcome Shri Mataji. 50.53 – 56.34 Bhajan – Aaya hun darbar tumhare 57.20 – 1.03.12 - Another bhajan by Sanjay Talwar – Maa chipi ho tum sukhman mein 1.04.07 Shri Mataji: My greetings to all the seekers of truth. Truth can be interpreted in many ways and can be explained, but in reality truth is eternal, and the truth is as it is. It cannot have any other explanation. But what is truth? Truth is that this entire nature, this world, this universe, all are ruled by God, and the power that we call Paramchaitanya does all kinds of living work; and the second truth is that all human beings are not this false identification with the body, heart, mind, ego, and so on, but are pure spirit. This has been told by many people and believed by many people. Also, many disagree with the claim that in evolution in early times we were chimpanzees. Some said we were fishes. Some said that we were snakes. I don't know who has taken rebirth from which organism. It's all about the past. Not one of us knows which organisms we have re-birthed out of. It is important to know how we evolve. You may have come from any organism in the past, but today you are sitting as a human being, as human beings. There are some deities, and some Satans also, in the human form that you have attained today. What is its purpose? What does it mean? Why did we come as human beings in this birth? What was the need that God had to make a human being? Or the law of nature had to make human beings? How are we to understand why we are human beings today? Just once, internalize and evaluate why we are human beings today. Why were we the chosen ones? Why didn’t all the snakes on Earth get a chance to be human beings? Why are they still snakes? So many chimpanzees and monkeys, even lions, all kinds of animals are existing. Why were we few beings chosen to be humans? When we think thoroughly about this, all those who have ascended are focused towards their goals. Those who want to get Self-realization and want to be the spirit must be very few people. But this is our ascent. In Delhi there are so many people but how many are seeking their ascent? So many beings have been turned into humans, and yet so many still are organisms, or are left in animal form. It can happen that so many people get Self-realization and yet remain human beings. They do not rise up to be super humans. This is a big problem, especially for Me! This thing I cannot assimilate. Any human being who may belong to any nationality or caste, be of any skin color, whatever kind of thinking process he has, can get their Self-realization. To attain your Self-realization is of the utmost importance. This is one very big warning in front of you today, that how many people today want to attain their Self-realization? Want to attain a state which is described by sages and deities, and when today the time has come that we can attain that place, should we miss such a chance? This power called the Kundalini is within each one of us. By its awakening, and by its awakening you all can reach that state, and in that very moment you can attain the state. It took us thousands of years to become a man from a monkey, thousands of years of evolution, but now I am witnessing that in such a small timeframe, so many people have taken to Sahaja Yoga. This is amazing! Sheer blessings of God Almighty. Paramchaitanya is in its full form and has brought Krita Yuga on Earth. It is time for Krita Yuga. Kali Yuga yoga is ending, and we are moving towards Krita Yuga yoga, Krita Yuga which is functioning. This is Paramchaitanya which is functioning. This is why thousands of people are coming into Sahaja Yoga. This is very surprising; thousands instantly get their Self-realization, especially in our country which I called the land of yoga. This is a great country! To be born in India is possible only after doing lot of good deeds. You will not believe this because if you superficially look at this country, it has nothing special, but in every single particle of this country the vibrations are there. The land you are sitting on is the most holy and pure land. In spite of all this, it is very surprising that so many saints and sages for centuries have worked hard on this holy land and said that you should know yourself. If you do not know yourself you have not achieved anything in life. Knowing oneself, wherever you are, any true guru has told you to know thyself. I am not talking about gurus who are worthless, but the true ones always preach “to know thyself". Analyse what they said like this. Only today I was saying that if you see yourself in the mirror, then you see yourself and your reflection. Now you in real and your reflection is now a third state. Now in these three dimensions we live and we keep moving in these three dimensions. Either we are watching or doing the act of watching, but what if you yourself become a mirror? You become your own mirror, your reflection starts reflecting within you, and then there will be no difficulty for you because when you witnessed your own reflection you started understanding yourself. Till now you haven't understood yourself. Just for the namesake you have your own wife, your house, but who are you in reality? Who am I? This you haven't figured out. The day you understand who you are, at that moment suddenly you will change. You will transform so much. You will change and transform so much that it is worth watching. Now you can see so many foreigners sitting here. Out of all these people, 20% of them were under the heavy influence of drugs very badly. One fine day they received their Self-realization; the next day they quit their drugs. Today I went to holy grave of Nizamuddin Sahib. There were a lot of people there. So I asked them, “How many of you do not drink alcohol?” They all went quiet. They were Muslims, but they all drink alcohol. So what is the reason? The reason is that you haven't known yourself, but you are all a reflection of God Almighty. The day it happens I have seen that the people who are known for their alcohol habits quit and transform the very next day. Because I have no knowledge about who I am, I have no respect towards my self, no self-esteem, no majesty towards my self. How many powers do I have? God has created me with such beauty, such love, you do not know. So how will you respect this fact? We do not respect a human birth and don't know how to behave towards it. We have not understood our purpose. When you understand your purpose as a human being, you will realize the peace within yourself. These kinds of fantastic people don't do wrong things. You don't have to tell them. You don't have to explain to them. They stand tall in their dignity. In front of them all the smallness, filthy talks, willow talks are nasty for them. They don't look at that side nor do they pay attention towards it, and they start hating all this. They start hating all those things in which, at one point of time, they were indulging. This is beautiful because we do not know ourselves. We are unaware of ourselves, the beauty by which we are made, the greatness by which God has painted us. By not knowing this fact we think like dust about ourselves. That is why we cheat our bodies, we hate our minds, and we shelve our brains. The power to unite all these functions, the power to enlighten all these is sitting with us in the triangular bone. Now, everybody has spoken about this power, Kundalini. Kabir Das Ji has spoken, Guru Nanak Dev Ji has spoken, Adi Shankaracharya has spoken. Also it is written in the Bible and Quran. Everywhere it is mentioned about Kundalini, and in some places negative things are written about it also. Instead of understanding it, people started to change the facts about it. And during this process of changing the facts about Kundalini I believe that Buddhists went the most wrong, as they did with the preachings of Buddha. They all became tantric and they all played with the Kundalini in very wrong directions. In this process many people got lost. About the Kundalini awakening you should only refer to people who are authorized. What is their take on Kundalini awakening? Then the books were published which stated the ill-effects of Kundalini awakening; the problem arises after Kundalini awakening. In so many years of spreading Sahaja Yoga I have never seen Kundalini awakening giving problems to anyone. Instead, all those people who made their life by practicing Sahaja Yoga have achieved great heights. People achieve greater heights. Very ordinary people, not even highly educated, simple people living in villages or even a simple person walking on the road, each one can achieve Kundalini awakening. You don't need any specific caste, religion. You are a spiritual person and you understand the meaning of spirituality and you have lead a spiritual life, and if you are a nice person then Kundalini awakening becomes a lot easier, and even if you are not a spiritual person, whatever kind of person you are you get awakening. The most surprising thing is that nobody has ever gone away empty-handed in Sahaja Yoga. The most amazing thing I feel is about Russia that a while ago even to take God’s name was a crime there. You will be astonished to know every single program there, at least 16000 people came to attend the program, and every single human being who came to attend the program got their Self-realization. So what went wrong in India? This was the land of yoga, with so many saints and sages. What problems have arisen in this country that, unlike Russia, we haven't found people like Russia in India, although we are getting a few now, very slowly. I won't say that we haven't found them, but when I was in Russia people in their thousands were waiting to get Self-realization. What is the major difference between them and us? Also we already know so much about spirituality, and we are taught spirituality. From childhood we pay regular visits to temples, mosques, gurudwaras. In spite of all this, everyone’s attention does not go on the fact that we should get our Self-realization. We haven't understood the essence of religion; we have understood the religions. There is no spirituality in the religions. They don't know the real meaning of religion but they claim to be religious. Those people do not do wrong things, but they are not Hindu, Muslim or Christian. They are just normal humans, ordinary human beings, and they understand how a human being should live. But we think if you are Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Sikh, that is enough. Now God will only garland my neck, because we think that we are the religion, just like we have got the certification. Or we mentioned it on our forehead, as if when we enter God's Kingdom he will welcome us as his own men. If a person of one religion is asked about the other religion, they will say the most bitter things. If you ask another one he will say the most bitter things for the first one. This is what we are doing all the time, finding fault with each other's religion. In finding fault, we ourselves have become corrupt. By God's grace this problem was not prevalent in them. They were all Russians. They were simple human beings. But if you are a Hindu do you worship Shiv or Sri Rama? If you are a Muslim are you a Shia Muslim or Sunni Muslim? If you are a Sikh do you follow Ravidas or Guru Nanak? All these kinds of useless thought processes and conflicts within us, and we all got separated anything very high solution-oriented about ourselves as if we are great human beings. There must be something good but there is still blindness. This thinking that, “I am great and better than others” blinded people, and the process of Self-realization became so difficult in our own country. Until you have this feeling, “I have not attained my completeness. I haven't got my Self-realization. I should get my Self-realization”, you have to have humility to gain your Self-realization. You should have this pure desire at the bottom of your heart. Then definitely it will happen, but the feeling that, “I am a Hindu. Why would I not get my Self-realization?” or “If I am a Muslim why would I not get my Self-realization?” It will not happen like this. All these certificates of false religion do not work in the Kingdom of God. Firstly, what kind of a human being you are, and secondly, if you have a pure desire to attain your Self-realization, it doesn't matter which religion you hail from. You should have a strong desire that you want your Self-realization. The founders of all these religions have said only this, that you attain the light of spirit within yourself. What religion does not say this? Every religion says this one thing that, “Know thyself. Acknowledge yourself.” We are better than others. This is the biggest difference I notice between Indians and Russians. Once they get their Self-realization, they establish themselves in Sahaja Yoga. You don't have to tell them anything. Secondly, what happened there this morning is that many diseases are cured because of Sahaja Yoga, as Sahaja Yoga has curing powers. When the Kundalini which is residing in your Muladhara gets enlightened, it clears out all the chakras, and because of this your health gets better. There is no doubt about it. Sahaja Yoga has cured so many cancers and other deadly diseases, no doubt about it. The moment people come to know about these healing powers, people start pouring in, with ten-odd patients for Me to heal, asking Me to heal them. People start taking the agency for curing. in India this is very common. People ask Me if My brother is a Commissioner and then ask Me for undue favors. The thought, how to take advantage of others, will immediately spark in their brains. They make mental lists of their relatives, relatives, relatives, more relatives, and try to keep Me busy in this. Here I am saying that you become your own doctors. Just see for yourself. When you become your own doctor, then you can cure everyone. What will you gain from curing everyone? The lamp which will not lighten up, what will you gain after curing that lamp? Even God thinks that, “Why treat the lamp which will never lighten up?” But you always feel like you’re curing that person. This will not happen through Sahaja Yoga. This will not benefit anyone. In one or two cases people may get cured, and people start following you for curing them. This way, you will not progress in your spiritual growth. In the same way, all the various past conditions/immorality within us gets excited. If you follow a kuguru and you know that he is a corrupt fellow, like just moving his hand in the air and presenting something of gold in his hand (to mesmerize), you know that he is immoral and a cheat. Even if it is advertised in the newspaper that he is not a good person, still you keep following him. If asked why, people reply that, “We have been following him for so many years.” People are addicted to their kugurus just like alcoholics to alcohol. But you do not have to follow a kuguru. So now people come and tell Me that, “It's OK, Mother. We will follow him as well, as we will do Sahaja Yoga at the same time.” It is like you are putting one foot in a crocodile’s mouth and the other foot in a boat, and you want Me to save you, and along with your feet the crocodile will also be saved. Another thing is that the things which we are stuck so badly on, we cannot leave. You have to leave them! To the extent that the stairs by which you’re climbing up, you have to leave those stairs as well. Knowing that it is a good ladder, it is like moving beyond religion. Rise above the conditioning of religion. Definitely it does not mean that you quit religion. It means that you get the true religion. It gets so much imbibed in you that you do not do anything which is anti-religion. The true religion becomes so much enlightened within you that you don't need a constant reminder about it. You do not have to differentiate every single time, that this is religion and this is not true religion. You do not have to ask any priest whether this is religion or not. You innately know what is true religion. The second is to go beyond time. I am surprised how these Sahaja Yogis have moved beyond time. All those people who are addicted to watches and time all the time rise above time. We Indians cannot do that we keep constantly keep asking "What's the time?" “Now this is the time to drink tea. I should get tea positively at this time. If I don't get the tea my head will start spinning.” It’s the same with the ladies, the same with everyone. A particular thing should happen at a particular time. We have become so much habituated to it. Things should happen at my time, my way. If it does not happen like that we feel that our life has come to an end. I feel that most of the men in India have become slaves to their watches. While being slaves to the watches, the scenario is such that people are not true towards themselves. They distance/detach themselves from time. Time bows down to them. December, wherever he stands, time obeys him. This can and will happen to you. But we are so conditioned. One small thing I will share with you. The cinema people created the name of Santoshi Mata. I have heard a lot of experiences related to this devi. Especially in Delhi, ladies worship her a lot, but they do not get Self-realization because in reality there is no devi with the name of Santoshi. The one who is satisfaction, how you can call her satisfaction? Cinema people started the trend of Santoshi Mata. There are severe heights of ignorance in India. Can people from the movie industry create a devi? What a thing. There are so many things like that, like fast on a particular day, like the day a god is born you do a fast. Is it a kind of state of ritual impurity existing after the birth of a god? Why do you fast on that day? You should never fast in the name of God. God will never want you to fast in His name. Now if I tell anyone that you do not fast at God's name, they reply to Me that, “We have been fasting for so many years now.” But why are you doing the fast? If you ever want to hurt a mother, you only have to fast. So these kinds of conditionings are so much filled within us, irrespective of any religion we belong to. I say that this is what religion does to the people. Religion conditions them, and then they do not get their Self-realization. So many various kinds of strange things have gotten into us. Now people are coming to India from abroad, coming with bags full of clothes as there is less demand for clothes abroad. So it’s recession there. So the majority come to India to sell the clothes, believing that Indians are foolish and they will buy them. Now wear their clothes, be like them, go to discos, start drinking, and so on. We are becoming very modern. So we are stuck is not here then there. If parents do this, then the children go to discos, and we are keen to learn from them and we think that we should adopt their culture. Dear people, I have been abroad and lived there, and traveled. I don't think that, other than paper, they make anything better than us. It is a true fact. What will you take from them? Nylon or paper? What do you like from there? OK, once in a while you purchase a radio or television from abroad. What after that? I still wonder why we like so many things from abroad so much. I still fail to understand this. One day My husband told Me to get a nice gift for his friend. So I went to Khadi Bhandar (shop which sells exclusive khadi material and handmade products) and purchased a nice statue of Shri Krishna and Arjuna made out of ivory. What should I wrap it with? The shopkeeper said, “We have a box in which you can keep this,” but then I realized that this foreigner might not like this statue in the box. I really roamed and roamed in search of good wrapping paper. So whatever kind of wrapping paper I got, I wrapped the gift in it and gave it to him. So that foreigner friend of My husband and My husband were shocked seeing that wrapping paper. “What kind of paper is that?" Then I told them, “You unwrap the gift and see.” In India we do not get good wrapping paper. The moment he unwrapped and saw it, his eyes popped out. Then I told them, “This is my proud India. We get one of the best things in India but we do not make wasteful things.” Let alone their ideas, now we have started adopting their culture. What is their culture? They are drowning. They are drowning in hell. Their family system has crashed. We are also learning from them. You watch the movies, and nothing other than husband and wife fighting like cats and dogs is shown. It is very surprising that in the English language there is not even a single novel which shows love between husband and wife. Love is shown only before marriage and nothing after marriage. Not even a single book. Do you trust this English language? They have tried to harm, harm our culture of the marriage system. They have tried to dispose of the marriage system, and you are fans of this kind of culture. Secondly, many more conditionings have come within us because of which men are so cruel to women. If females turn into Americans, men will learn the lessons well. All man will be hung. I don't understand now why we are inclined towards this culture. Our culture is one of the highest cultures in the world. Whether you call it, Hindu tav, or whatever, our culture prevalent everyone, whichever religion anyone may follow, he will have great faith in Indian culture. Even this culture is under threat. While I was coming here I saw girls wearing clothes which are not suitable for our culture. Girls are dressed like men, and men are dressed like women. It was so confusing. Who among them are men and who are women? And parents today do not object to this kind of dress. They do not object at all, nor do they pay attention to it at all. This kind of people will never go deeper in Sahaja Yoga. You will be surprised to know that the least number of people who have taken up Sahaja Yoga are Americans, so much less. The reason is the foolishness of the people in America. They do not have any knowledge about culture. It has only been two hundred years since they became a country, but we Indians are eternal in this country what all we have not witnessed. Even Sahaja Yoga belongs to India. For thousands of years people were doing Sahaja Yoga. Earlier, it was that one guru would give realization to only one disciple. While practicing this, during the 12th century it started to spread and by 16 century everyone talked about it, "Sahaj Samadhi lago" was told by Shri Guru Nanaka. Saint Kabira said, "Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi." Nobody even knew the meaning of it. Different types of people were born in the 16th century, maybe in Maharashtra or in Southern India, maybe in Punjab or in Uttar Pradesh. All these people were saints and sages. You think all these people said things which do not make sense. So many high-order thinkers were never born in any other country, but they could not impress us. Because of this, wrong practices started in all those people who think that they are very smart and intellectual and want to keep people in limited box thinking. In this country we talk about eternity, and to understand this, our brain's capacity is not suitable enough, not worthy enough and cannot understand. To think about eternity, you have to go deep into it, experience it. Only in the subtle system as a spirit can you understand eternity. So this is the kind of great country you are born in. Every other country in the world looks to India for this knowledge. People of the world think what great qualities Indians must possess. That is why in this expectation they come to this holy land. Foreigners also think that we are very, very spiritual people. I hear the same thing from every country. What India should be proud of is the spirituality in this country. Every country has grown taller like a tree in their culture and their civilization, but we have knowledge of the roots. Until these foreign countries attain the knowledge of their roots, their trees of culture may fall down. Undoubtedly, they are falling off and getting destroyed. The roots belong to our country, the great India. You don't have to walk in the footsteps of the foreigners. They have nothing in them. We Indians have so many powers and knowledge. You just attain that, and understand that for a special reason you are born into this country. You are also special to be born here; you should understand that feeling. Respect that feeling. Face yourself and attain this spirituality. In Sahaja Yoga you can attain this. To better understand the Kundalini you can take books from these people, and you can read them. We are ready with some of the reading material. Saint Kabirdas has said, “Pari pari pandit murakh bhaiye." I have met many of them. So before reading, I would suggest you have the experience. If anything cannot be experienced, why read it? Experience is everything. Talking is just lip service. Shri Shankaracharya has called it "Shabd jalam"; “You take me out of this word web”. Don't get entangled in this word web. The same thing I am going to tell you today, how great you are. You should not listen to My words but see it and experience it, and understand it. For Me, nothing is more satisfying. Thousands of My children, girls and boys, all the knowledge I have is for you. You will enlighten all the powers within you. All the powers should flow from you, and the world should witness it. What more can a mother ask for? I hope that you will understand what I told you today, and today everyone will get their Self-realization. After Self-realization you are in complete bliss. You start thinking that now you have got your Self-realization. You are a Sahaja Yogi, but realization is not Sahaja Yoga. When I was 17 or 18 years old when Gandhiji called for the freedom fight, I left everything, our studies in between, and jumped into our country’s fight for freedom. And we contributed hard in Gandhiji's efforts for freedom. The police even tortured us, hit us hard, made us lie down on ice bricks, gave us electric shocks, and did lots of atrocities. But we all fought for our freedom. Now you all can witness what we have done with our freedom. Now you learn about self-knowledge. You learn about the spirit and the body. And this is the new fight for freedom. If you have got your Self-realization and you do it in your home and your limited premises, it will not work like that. You will have to be collective. You have to participate completely in it. You have to be a part of it, with full commitment. All those people who did this, see how they have risen. This is the need of an hour. Earlier those who fought for the freedom of the country and made all the sacrifices, it is possible that only a handful of people did that and they all started thinking very highly of themselves. In Sahaja Yoga, until you understand your system completely, you are not free. Until you commit yourself completely to yourself, till then you cannot ascend. You do not sacrifice your household, your family. You don't have to spend a penny; you just do nothing. Just spend some time on yourself, and just by giving some time to yourself you can attain this. Today I have discussed with you about Kundalini in brief. You can read about it later, but for now try experiencing it. It is important to get your Self-realization. Just like you can see there are so many bulbs, you switch on only one plug and they all lighten up. But in case you ask Me silly questions that, “First tell me from where the electricity came, from where did it come to Delhi, how it entered into the Constitution Club”. By asking these questions you will give Me a headache and your head will also ache. It's better that you get your enlightenment first. We can keep discussing the rest of the things later. For this you need to have a very strong, pure desire in your heart. The pure desire of the Almighty is the power of Kundalini. The rest of the desires, even if they get fulfilled, we never get satisfied. So please keep a very strong desire in your heart that, “I should attain my Self-realization”. If you all have this pure desire in your heart you will get your Self-realization, and I have full faith in that. Pranams as gesture. 1.52.08 Now I will tell you some very basic things, nothing very particular. So do not get angry. Firstly, if possible kindly remove your shoes. Check if you are wearing any holy threads or talisman. Kindly remove that also. Now you all know that you are Indian, and now you can feel what great people you are. Everyone kindly open your hands towards Me like this. Please put your hands towards Me like this. Keep your eyes open. There is no mesmerism of any kind. It will be good if you keep your eyes open. Kindly check if there is any cold or warm breeze on your hands. Are you feeling any cool breeze on your fingertips? This is vibration, this is Paramchaitanya. This is also called Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called the All-pervading Power of God's Love. Keep your right hand towards Me and your left hand above the head. Put it a little higher. Can you feel something cool? Keep your right hand towards Me, right hand. I am saying right hand but sometimes people get confused. Right hand towards Me and left hand above the head, just like I am doing. You will feel a cool breeze on your head. Some people may feel heat, but it will cool down in a while. If it is hot, kindly forgive everyone. OK, now put your left hand towards Me. Please put your left hand towards Me now, right hand above the head. Can you feel the cool breeze? In your heart, kindly ask, please ask in your heart, “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of God's Love? Mother, is this Paramchaitanya?” Now once again put your right hand towards Me and put your left hand on the head and ask. Bring your hand down. All those people who could feel a hot or a cool breeze on the hands or on your heads kindly raise both of your hands. All those people who could feel a hot or a cool breeze on the hands or on the fontanel bone area, kindly raise both of your hands. This is Delhi. You all have become saints. You all have gotten your Self-realization. You know when I am abroad I keep My hand for half an hour on each chakra of the foreigners, and you people got your Self-realization just like that. Now understand your value. No one gets their Self-realization so easily. Sometimes it takes three days to give them their Self-realization. This is your specialty, but going further can be difficult. Now you have to go to our centers. From tomorrow morning onward there will be a nice program for the next five days, morning and evening. In the mornings there will be discussions on different topics, and they will explain to you what you have gained. In the evenings we will have musical programs. Hopefully, you will gather here in greater numbers with your relatives. Inform your brothers, sisters and friends. Try to understand its importance. If you miss this, most of you will grow higher to become deities, and some will be left at the human level. I don't know what will happen to them at the human level with kind of air in environment everywhere. For your relatives you cannot do anything better than this. Try coming tomorrow morning. I don't know the exact time. OK, it's not tomorrow but the day after tomorrow. Now he will tell you what time on the day after tomorrow. Dr Nigam: This is to inform all the brothers and sisters, the day after tomorrow at 9:30 in the morning at the Bharat ground opposite Nizamuddin police station, here from 22nd to 25th each day we will tell you about Sahaja Yoga. If any of your chakras are not clear we will tell you about the clearing techniques. We will tell you how to meditate. If anyone has any personal problems we will discuss that also. The morning session is 9.30 am to 12 noon, and the evening session will start at 6:00 pm. You are all cordially invited. Bhartiyam Ground opposite Nizamuddin police station. Thank you. After these five day sessions you all will become firm Sahaja Yogis , experts. That is why I said that you should have five day sessions for the Delhi people. You will have to work towards it. I know some of you will find an excuse while on your way back. So please tell your heart not to make excuses. This is one chance where you are not paying anything from your pocket. Just give some time for yourself and for your Self-realization. I hope you all will come back the day after tomorrow, and you will gain from it completely and you will emancipate the whole world. Pranams - gesture Now kindly maintain this peace. Kindly do not debate on this issue. This is beyond the intellect. Maintain this peace. If someone is trying to get into an argument or debate, just hold your hands and send them to the parliament. For all the foreigners, I am sorry that I have to speak in English (Hindi?) language, our national language. There are so many people here who have knowledge of English but I find it easier to talk in Hindi language to them. I hope you don't mind. Of course, you all know everything about Sahaja Yoga. Whether I speak in Marathi, Hindi or English, any language, you know everything. So I hope you all do not mind. May God bless you. Tomorrow you can ask questions also. If you have any questions bring them in writing. We will answer your questions. 2.04.30 Music in background Mother talking in Marathi Before you leave please listen to one song by the foreigners. They have composed it. See how beautifully they sing in Hindi language. Please listen before you leave. 2.05.55 Sat janam jo puniyae kiye haain Come tomorrow. Everyone should come tomorrow. You all will get photographs and so on. You should all come. Also, this is to inform all the new Sahaja Yogi brothers and sisters that we have one center in Safdarjung Enclave on Wednesday, and every Saturday at 6:30 pm we have a Centre behind Qutab Hotel. Here we will tell you every Saturday and Wednesday how to clear your chakras, how we can keep our Kundalini risen high. We will share all the knowledge about these things. Please do come. You will not gain anything just by Darshan /visitation/holy glance. Please do come and get rid of all your problems. Thank you. Shri Mata Ji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki aji Bolo jata janani Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ji ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Please maintain silence and do not rush or gather here. Kindly do not rush or gather here. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi ki jai
Birthday Felicitations
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Shri Mataji’s Birthday Puja Seminar, Opening Address. Delhi (India), 20 March 1993. After listening to all these beautiful reports about Sahaja Yoga, I Myself start wondering how it has worked out so well and what must have happened that in those days of Kali Yuga it has not only worked out, but it is tangible. Scientifically, we can prove it. Of course, the health of a person is the most important thing and that has is to be brought to a normal condition is the basic of kundalini awakening. But still, the way it has spread, the way it has worked out is more the credit to you than to Me. Because these are special times, as blossom times and so many of you who were seekers before, seeking truth all over, going to Himalayas, standing on your heads, fasting, doing all kinds of renunciations, everything, now have taken birth and are normal people, householders. This was all promised that such thing will happen. Only with such people Sahaja Yoga will work out. So, I would say, whole thing is a plan which has worked out. You all took your birth at this special moment. Even if you see the position of stars and all that you can see clearly how everything has clicked together. It all a divine plan, but, in your case, it is your own decision because we are human beings and you have been given freedom to choose. It’s your own decision to take to Sahaja Yoga. This is the time when there are billions and billions of seekers. Seekers are banging their heads all round. When I listen to the stories of the Sahaja Yogis who came to Sahaja Yoga, I am really astounded the way they were at it, the way they worked hard, the way they did everything, whatever the false gurus told them, whatever the books told them they ransacked the libraries, everything and were so desperate for it. This has come from your last lives, that you are seekers, but you have been seekers also of the same type in your last lives and you took birth now, at this moment, with your decision that you have to come to this Earth. Maybe you are not aware of it. But the second decision that you take is to come to Sahaja Yoga. Normally, if you see, there is market about these gurus all over. They have a life, an asethic type of a life. They wear saffron clothes or, I don’t know, they wear also some horns or something to impress people. They have so many ways of publicity, so many ways of collecting people, mesmerizing and so many are lost. Specially for the people from America and all rich countries, you see, it was more alluring that you could pay for it because they told Me that if you can pay for it, then you are sure you know what it is going on. With that kind of a background which came to them in this lifetime that money is the one which gives you validity. And Sahaja Yoga started in a very small way, as you know, with one person. And I used to cure people one ofter so many people were cured, but still they would not come to Sahaja Yoga. No commitment, nothing. They never felt any responsibility that they should help others, but on the contrary they would collect so many if I cured one person, he would collect ten more and bring it to Me. Like an agency evolved. Also so many Sahaja Yogis in countries started curing people. They found that all people who were cured were useless, were no good for Sahaja Yoga. So I told them, Use My photograph. Best is to use My photograph, then you won’t catch and they will develop that shraddha, that sort of a dedication, at least for the photograph. Then, gradually, they’ll come to Sahaja Yoga. So the second choice that you have made a decision that you are committed to Sahaj Yog. You could have done it, as others have done it, thousands, who just got cured and out of it or who had some help and got out of it. But no, you are committed. You are committed to it. Now this sense of responsibility, this commitment is a sign of a higher awareness. Otherwise, what is there to gain in Sahaja Yoga, if you see from material point of view? I would also say for doctors, you see, it’s easy to tell them this happened, they got cured. They must be getting frightened that, If this Sahaja Yoga is going to cure everybody, what are we going to do? How are we going to earn? After all, we’ve studied for seven years, spent so much time and now this Sahaja Yoga is curing everybody. So, what are we going to do about it? And they could be quite frightened and they could be thinking that, whether or not I have anything to do. I know of one doctor who himself has no practice, but he’s after Sahaja Yoga because he thinks all doctors may have to starve. Is not so. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is definitely curing people. Even e þn masse, it can cure, no doubt. Still there are so many left for the doctors to cure them, so they shouldn’t worry about that point. But one thing is definite, if you are a doctor and you know Sahaja Yoga, you can easily help the patient to be all right without going into diagnosis or other procedures you have. They’re very, very simple. But, I tell you, it’s a businessnow. Medicine has become a business. When we were studying medicine, we had to remember each and every prescription, every word of it, and the doctor had to prepare it, and the compounder had to make it and the doctor was responsible. But nowadays there are industries which are creating these medicines. Like these antibiotics are prohibited to Sahaja Yogis, but for anything they’ll give you antibiotics and it’s a very, very dangerous, very danderous thing to take antibiotics. But for doctors it’s very easy to just prescribe antibiotics and take the fees for that. So the whole thing has become so industrialized. Everything is an industry. Even if you have to buy seeds for your farm, you have to go to some industry. In the same way, medicines have become like that and naturalness by which some of the things would have worked out, very easily, very cheaply, you cannot do it because for a doctor, unless and until he prescribes something, very high potency type of a medicine, he’s not regarded as a grerat doctor. Under these circumstances, we are now Sahaja Yogis. I would say the Sahaja Yogis must have full faith in themselves. First of all, they must practise Sahaja Yoga at least for ten, fifteen minutes and there is no need for you to go to any doctor. No need to purchase any medicines. No need for you to get disgnosis done. Like the other day we had a doctor who is having a hospital, a kidney hospital, and he’s doing dialisis. So, this doctor came to me. He is now having a kidney trouble. I said, Doctor, I’ll cure your kidney on one condition, that you stop dialysis because you know that by dialysis you are not going to cure anyone. He said, I know that, but before person dies dialysis he must become absolutely a banker, absolutely a banker because he has to pay for that dialysis, no money for his children, no money for his wife and he just dies as a bankrupt, giving all this money to that dialysis machine. So he said, How can I do it? I’ve bought all these machines here, so expensive and now what can I do with it. I said, You give it to somebody else. At least, you get your money back. No, no, no, you see, I’ve invested so much money. So, you see, the thing has no become an investment. As Sahaja Yogis, as Sahaja Yoga doctors, we have to think how we can reduce the problems of this world. If you start everything weighing in money, then it won’t work out. If the doctor just thinks that, I have to cure this patient, he cures that patient Just, say, without taking money. It’s very di fficult, but supposing he does that. Without taking money he cures that person. Now what happens? He might think, Mother, how can I earn? You have to believe that this is Divine Power. Now, still we are sometimes on this mundane level. This is Divine Power and the Divine Power provides you with everything. Now believe Me in that. You want money, you’ll have money. No problem. Which way you’ll have, you can’t say. Any way. Suddenly, you will have money, as much you like. Whatever you need money for, you will at least have that provision. So this faith has to be very strong. What Rajesh has told or these people have told is true, but they have a complete faith that this Divine Power wil give everything. So, once you have that deep faith within yourself I mean I cannot say you can just bring the faith and put it in a heart, but the thing is that it is to be inculcated. You have to meditate and inculcate this faith within your heart, that we can do all these cures without taking any money, without anything, but there will be money, money for your use. You won’t become a rich man like Ford or anyone, but you’ll be a sensibly paid fellow. You don’t have to worry about money because you are a Sahaja Yogi and that How can you work, Mother, when I have no money? You just try. I tell you, they have told so many miracles of health, but about wealth, if I have to tell you it will take at least hundred days, somebody was writing miracles about wealth and the whole thing came up so much on my head. I said, Forget it. You cannot publish it. It’s so much. Everybody has gained. You know that. Somehow everybody has gained a lot a lot in wealth also. So health and wealth, but above all is your spiritual wealth, which is the one which gives you joy. Why do you want money for? Money for getting joy. But if you get joy, why do you want to have money? It’s a headache going to the bank, signing the c Éheques, making mistakes, income tax on your head. If you take that kind of an attitude, I can tell you, assure you, you will have no problem. But I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga also, people start worrying about money, too much. Then sometimes they get into troubles, I know. You should not worry. There are so many things in which we get involved, like they come to Sahaja Yoga, the first thing they do, Mother, my father’s uncle’s wife is sick, so will You cure. They’ll bring her down. Somebody, my daughter, my father, my brother or someone is sick. First thing that goes into their heads, Now, this is a lady we have found out can cure. All right, how can we use her. So where should we plug her? You see. So they bring all kinds of sick people. That’s one thing. Then the second problem comes in, Mother, I have this problem, financial problem, financial problem, financial problem. Afterwards, very late, sometimes, with some people, they start saying, Mother, my vibrations are not there. I would like to have my vibrations. I would like to feel the vibrations. I would like to be one with the Divine. If it is the other way around, everything’ll work out. First you should say, I should have my vibrations. I should feel the Divine Power. Once the Divine Power is in your hand flowing, what do you want? So now this where we lack. I’m not saying you should have blind faith, but you should have shraddha, is an enlightened faith within you where you should see that something has happened, this has worked out, so why not the other thing will work out also? This, once is established, you will really find that all your so-called problems will dissolve into something. There will be no problems. No problems at all. So for Sahaja Yogis it is very important that they should meditate for ten, fifteen minutes when they are in nirvichara, in thoughtless awareness, where they will grow spiritually. Once you grow spiritually, then the rest of the things follow. Like, you see, somebody’s begging on the street. All right. Then somebody’s running after some minister, new minister. Somebody is anxious to buy a car or something, a house or something. But supposing there is somebody who can give everything. Everything, you can get it. So why not get that? If you can get that thing which gives everything, then why not get to that and immediately you will see that, as soon as you fix your attention onto that, you will see that all problems will fizzle out, absolutely. But that kind of a faith is Ñ I have seen that is rarely there, but now there are so many who have found Sahaja Yoga so miraculous, who have come up to it and it works. Like I know of a lady and she was told by doctors that you have developed cancer. She’s an impossible. I cannot ??? I am a Sahaja Yogini. How can I develop cancer? Said, Don’t want to believe it. No, I don’t. She went to another doctor. You have no cancer. Only saying that has cured her. How can I have cancer? Only saying this thing with complete faith in herself has saved her. It might have because cancer disease is all the time coming, going within our body. Is not something is like our mosquitos, I must say. But when she says, No. It cannot be. It cannot stay. Not me. It’s kjust finished. She came and told Me this, I was amazed at her. She said, Mother, I jst don’t. and it worked out. If you have faith, cancer can be worked out, only with prayer also. Any dissease cn be worked out with prayer. But this faith part is very important. What Rajesh said is correct. I know of another fellow, Mr. Sharma from Bombay. His wife was suffereing no, his mother was suffering from cancer ???. He was in Bombay and he received a message saying she’s going to die within three days. It’s all gallaoping, you know and this happened and he went to Rotha. He saw his mnother dying, felt terrrible and he just prayed, Mother, cure my mother somehow. She wouldn’t even talk. They said, Three days she will die. After three days she was out of hospital. He brought her to Bombay. They took her to the cancer hospital. They said, She has no cancer. Now she was not a Sahaja Yogini, but the faith of the faith of this man. Because now you know there is, there is God. You know it. It’s actualization You know it. It’s not just telling you, There is God. There is this. Nothing. Now you all have become realized souls, you have become walis, you have become Atmasakshatkaris, so now only thing is have faith in yourself. That’s all. All great people, like we are sitting here with Nizamudin here, such a great incarnation I would say, a great realized soul. I came here first before coming to Bombay. I came here and after that many people started recognizing, many Sahaja Yogis came here. Now what was the difference between him and you was that he had complete faith that he was one with God. He had complete faith. That’s the only point sometimes missing in Sahaja Yoga which you should try to have. Once you have that, will solve all the problems of the world. All these conditionings, all this ego will drop out like that. So try to understand that such a great responsibility is on you people. There were only few here, one in ???, one Kabira, one Nanaksab, one here, one there. But now you are so many and the responsibility is to transform the whole world and to help the whole world is on you. And a simple thing is to have faith. Trust yourself and have faith. I am sure one day you all will be able to cure many, to help many, give realization to them, transform them. As it is, I’m seventy years of age and now you all have to come out and give realizations to people and transform this world. It’s very important by which we solve all our problems. It is very important to understand. May God bless you.
Shri Mataji’s Birthday Puja Seminar, Opening Address. Delhi (India), 20 March 1993. After listening to all these beautiful reports about Sahaja Yoga, I Myself start wondering how it has worked out so well and what must have happened that in those days of Kali Yuga it has not only worked out, but it is tangible. Scientifically, we can prove it. Of course, the health of a person is the most important thing and that has is to be brought to a normal condition is the basic of kundalini awakening. But still, the way it has spread, the way it has worked out is more the credit to you than to Me. Because these are special times, as blossom times and so many of you who were seekers before, seeking truth all over, going to Himalayas, standing on your heads, fasting, doing all kinds of renunciations, everything, now have taken birth and are normal people, householders. This was all promised that such thing will happen. Only with such people Sahaja Yoga will work out. So, I would say, whole thing is a plan which has worked out. You all took your birth at this special moment. Even if you see the position of stars and all that you can see clearly how everything has clicked together. It all a divine plan, but, in your case, it is your own decision because we are human beings and you have been given freedom to choose. It’s your own decision to take to Sahaja Yoga. This is the time when there are billions and billions of seekers. Seekers are banging their heads all round. When I listen to the stories of the Sahaja Yogis who came to Sahaja Yoga, I am really astounded the way they were at it, the way they worked hard, the way they did everything, whatever the false gurus told them, whatever the books told them they ransacked the libraries, everything and were so desperate for it. This has come from your last lives, that you are seekers, but you have been seekers also of the same type in your last lives and you took birth now, at this moment, with your decision that you have to come to this Earth. Maybe you are not aware of it. But the second decision that you take is to come to Sahaja Yoga. Normally, if you see, there is market about these gurus all over. They have a life, an asethic type of a life. They wear saffron clothes or, I don’t know, they wear also some horns or something to impress people. They have so many ways of publicity, so many ways of collecting people, mesmerizing and so many are lost. Specially for the people from America and all rich countries, you see, it was more alluring that you could pay for it because they told Me that if you can pay for it, then you are sure you know what it is going on. With that kind of a background which came to them in this lifetime that money is the one which gives you validity. And Sahaja Yoga started in a very small way, as you know, with one person. And I used to cure people one ofter so many people were cured, but still they would not come to Sahaja Yoga. No commitment, nothing. They never felt any responsibility that they should help others, but on the contrary they would collect so many if I cured one person, he would collect ten more and bring it to Me. Like an agency evolved. Also so many Sahaja Yogis in countries started curing people. They found that all people who were cured were useless, were no good for Sahaja Yoga. So I told them, Use My photograph. Best is to use My photograph, then you won’t catch and they will develop that shraddha, that sort of a dedication, at least for the photograph. Then, gradually, they’ll come to Sahaja Yoga. So the second choice that you have made a decision that you are committed to Sahaj Yog. You could have done it, as others have done it, thousands, who just got cured and out of it or who had some help and got out of it. But no, you are committed. You are committed to it. Now this sense of responsibility, this commitment is a sign of a higher awareness. Otherwise, what is there to gain in Sahaja Yoga, if you see from material point of view? I would also say for doctors, you see, it’s easy to tell them this happened, they got cured. They must be getting frightened that, If this Sahaja Yoga is going to cure everybody, what are we going to do? How are we going to earn? After all, we’ve studied for seven years, spent so much time and now this Sahaja Yoga is curing everybody. So, what are we going to do about it? And they could be quite frightened and they could be thinking that, whether or not I have anything to do. I know of one doctor who himself has no practice, but he’s after Sahaja Yoga because he thinks all doctors may have to starve. Is not so. Of course, Sahaja Yoga is definitely curing people. Even e þn masse, it can cure, no doubt. Still there are so many left for the doctors to cure them, so they shouldn’t worry about that point. But one thing is definite, if you are a doctor and you know Sahaja Yoga, you can easily help the patient to be all right without going into diagnosis or other procedures you have. They’re very, very simple. But, I tell you, it’s a businessnow. Medicine has become a business. When we were studying medicine, we had to remember each and every prescription, every word of it, and the doctor had to prepare it, and the compounder had to make it and the doctor was responsible. But nowadays there are industries which are creating these medicines. Like these antibiotics are prohibited to Sahaja Yogis, but for anything they’ll give you antibiotics and it’s a very, very dangerous, very danderous thing to take antibiotics. But for doctors it’s very easy to just prescribe antibiotics and take the fees for that. So the whole thing has become so industrialized. Everything is an industry. Even if you have to buy seeds for your farm, you have to go to some industry. In the same way, medicines have become like that and naturalness by which some of the things would have worked out, very easily, very cheaply, you cannot do it because for a doctor, unless and until he prescribes something, very high potency type of a medicine, he’s not regarded as a grerat doctor. Under these circumstances, we are now Sahaja Yogis. I would say the Sahaja Yogis must have full faith in themselves. First of all, they must practise Sahaja Yoga at least for ten, fifteen minutes and there is no need for you to go to any doctor. No need to purchase any medicines. No need for you to get disgnosis done. Like the other day we had a doctor who is having a hospital, a kidney hospital, and he’s doing dialisis. So, this doctor came to me. He is now having a kidney trouble. I said, Doctor, I’ll cure your kidney on one condition, that you stop dialysis because you know that by dialysis you are not going to cure anyone. He said, I know that, but before person dies dialysis he must become absolutely a banker, absolutely a banker because he has to pay for that dialysis, no money for his children, no money for his wife and he just dies as a bankrupt, giving all this money to that dialysis machine. So he said, How can I do it? I’ve bought all these machines here, so expensive and now what can I do with it. I said, You give it to somebody else. At least, you get your money back. No, no, no, you see, I’ve invested so much money. So, you see, the thing has no become an investment. As Sahaja Yogis, as Sahaja Yoga doctors, we have to think how we can reduce the problems of this world. If you start everything weighing in money, then it won’t work out. If the doctor just thinks that, I have to cure this patient, he cures that patient Just, say, without taking money. It’s very di fficult, but supposing he does that. Without taking money he cures that person. Now what happens? He might think, Mother, how can I earn? You have to believe that this is Divine Power. Now, still we are sometimes on this mundane level. This is Divine Power and the Divine Power provides you with everything. Now believe Me in that. You want money, you’ll have money. No problem. Which way you’ll have, you can’t say. Any way. Suddenly, you will have money, as much you like. Whatever you need money for, you will at least have that provision. So this faith has to be very strong. What Rajesh has told or these people have told is true, but they have a complete faith that this Divine Power wil give everything. So, once you have that deep faith within yourself I mean I cannot say you can just bring the faith and put it in a heart, but the thing is that it is to be inculcated. You have to meditate and inculcate this faith within your heart, that we can do all these cures without taking any money, without anything, but there will be money, money for your use. You won’t become a rich man like Ford or anyone, but you’ll be a sensibly paid fellow. You don’t have to worry about money because you are a Sahaja Yogi and that How can you work, Mother, when I have no money? You just try. I tell you, they have told so many miracles of health, but about wealth, if I have to tell you it will take at least hundred days, somebody was writing miracles about wealth and the whole thing came up so much on my head. I said, Forget it. You cannot publish it. It’s so much. Everybody has gained. You know that. Somehow everybody has gained a lot a lot in wealth also. So health and wealth, but above all is your spiritual wealth, which is the one which gives you joy. Why do you want money for? Money for getting joy. But if you get joy, why do you want to have money? It’s a headache going to the bank, signing the c Éheques, making mistakes, income tax on your head. If you take that kind of an attitude, I can tell you, assure you, you will have no problem. But I have seen, after coming to Sahaja Yoga also, people start worrying about money, too much. Then sometimes they get into troubles, I know. You should not worry. There are so many things in which we get involved, like they come to Sahaja Yoga, the first thing they do, Mother, my father’s uncle’s wife is sick, so will You cure. They’ll bring her down. Somebody, my daughter, my father, my brother or someone is sick. First thing that goes into their heads, Now, this is a lady we have found out can cure. All right, how can we use her. So where should we plug her? You see. So they bring all kinds of sick people. That’s one thing. Then the second problem comes in, Mother, I have this problem, financial problem, financial problem, financial problem. Afterwards, very late, sometimes, with some people, they start saying, Mother, my vibrations are not there. I would like to have my vibrations. I would like to feel the vibrations. I would like to be one with the Divine. If it is the other way around, everything’ll work out. First you should say, I should have my vibrations. I should feel the Divine Power. Once the Divine Power is in your hand flowing, what do you want? So now this where we lack. I’m not saying you should have blind faith, but you should have shraddha, is an enlightened faith within you where you should see that something has happened, this has worked out, so why not the other thing will work out also? This, once is established, you will really find that all your so-called problems will dissolve into something. There will be no problems. No problems at all. So for Sahaja Yogis it is very important that they should meditate for ten, fifteen minutes when they are in nirvichara, in thoughtless awareness, where they will grow spiritually. Once you grow spiritually, then the rest of the things follow. Like, you see, somebody’s begging on the street. All right. Then somebody’s running after some minister, new minister. Somebody is anxious to buy a car or something, a house or something. But supposing there is somebody who can give everything. Everything, you can get it. So why not get that? If you can get that thing which gives everything, then why not get to that and immediately you will see that, as soon as you fix your attention onto that, you will see that all problems will fizzle out, absolutely. But that kind of a faith is Ñ I have seen that is rarely there, but now there are so many who have found Sahaja Yoga so miraculous, who have come up to it and it works. Like I know of a lady and she was told by doctors that you have developed cancer. She’s an impossible. I cannot ??? I am a Sahaja Yogini. How can I develop cancer? Said, Don’t want to believe it. No, I don’t. She went to another doctor. You have no cancer. Only saying that has cured her. How can I have cancer? Only saying this thing with complete faith in herself has saved her. It might have because cancer disease is all the time coming, going within our body. Is not something is like our mosquitos, I must say. But when she says, No. It cannot be. It cannot stay. Not me. It’s kjust finished. She came and told Me this, I was amazed at her. She said, Mother, I jst don’t. and it worked out. If you have faith, cancer can be worked out, only with prayer also. Any dissease cn be worked out with prayer. But this faith part is very important. What Rajesh said is correct. I know of another fellow, Mr. Sharma from Bombay. His wife was suffereing no, his mother was suffering from cancer ???. He was in Bombay and he received a message saying she’s going to die within three days. It’s all gallaoping, you know and this happened and he went to Rotha. He saw his mnother dying, felt terrrible and he just prayed, Mother, cure my mother somehow. She wouldn’t even talk. They said, Three days she will die. After three days she was out of hospital. He brought her to Bombay. They took her to the cancer hospital. They said, She has no cancer. Now she was not a Sahaja Yogini, but the faith of the faith of this man. Because now you know there is, there is God. You know it. It’s actualization You know it. It’s not just telling you, There is God. There is this. Nothing. Now you all have become realized souls, you have become walis, you have become Atmasakshatkaris, so now only thing is have faith in yourself. That’s all. All great people, like we are sitting here with Nizamudin here, such a great incarnation I would say, a great realized soul. I came here first before coming to Bombay. I came here and after that many people started recognizing, many Sahaja Yogis came here. Now what was the difference between him and you was that he had complete faith that he was one with God. He had complete faith. That’s the only point sometimes missing in Sahaja Yoga which you should try to have. Once you have that, will solve all the problems of the world. All these conditionings, all this ego will drop out like that. So try to understand that such a great responsibility is on you people. There were only few here, one in ???, one Kabira, one Nanaksab, one here, one there. But now you are so many and the responsibility is to transform the whole world and to help the whole world is on you. And a simple thing is to have faith. Trust yourself and have faith. I am sure one day you all will be able to cure many, to help many, give realization to them, transform them. As it is, I’m seventy years of age and now you all have to come out and give realizations to people and transform this world. It’s very important by which we solve all our problems. It is very important to understand. May God bless you.
Birthday Puja: Satya Yuga
New Delhi
Puja for the 70° Birthday, New Delhi (India), 21 March 1993. It is very difficult to speak even for Me. To see so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here with such shining faces from all over the world – as if My vision has taken its form today. I see in you the saviours of tomorrow who are going to save this world from all the Kali Yuga calamities that are surrounding us. It is coming from all sides, while you people have really taken your second birth from this pond of Kali Yuga and have really become beautiful lotuses of different colours, hues, fragrance and beauty. Instead of you celebrating My birthday, it is better I celebrate your birthdays! [Applause] As I told you the other day, that it is you who are such great seekers, seekers of truth, of love, that it could work out; otherwise it would have been impossible. To even transform one person is very difficult, but you were so sensitive and so deep that this subtle knowledge, I don't know how it penetrated your being. It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe Myself what great people have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. No one can believe that there are so many saints sitting before Me, so many Ways, so many Nalis are sitting before Me. In the history of spirituality, it has never happened. Even in the heavens there are few devatas and devas – not so many – one better than the other. Such beautiful heart, such brilliant brains, and such active attention. Is, really, I thank you all that this 70th birthday I could see so many people which I never expected. You know Sahaja Yoga was started with one person, and then those who came also out of them some were power oriented, money oriented. All kinds of people created problems for us. One after another, so many problems came and also there were many who were of a very low level seekers. But I find today they have all come up beautifully. I cannot distinguish one from another, the way it has happened and the commitment you have to Sahaja Yoga is the greatest blessing for this world. I could not do it alone. You know that, if I could do it, I would not have needed you. You are the channels and you have to work it out further and further. It is really remarkable the way Delhi people have organized everything [applause]. First of all, everybody was very much keyed on to the 70th birthday. I don’t know what was the reason, but whatever it is. And then Delhi people said: “This time we are going to celebrate, Mother, Your birthday in Delhi”. I said: “Everybody is on it so be careful, it is not going to be easy. It will be a big headache, so many will be coming down”. But they didn't expect so much, I am sure. People are coming, a hundred are coming from there a hundred from there, I said: “Are you worried?” They said, “No, we are very happy about it!”. I saw their enthusiasm, their organization, the way they have done it. The best part of it Delhi, which is a place where all kinds of politicians live, have groups and politics and all that. But in Sahaja Yoga, in Delhi, there is no politics [applause]. There is no quarrelling, there is no pulling each other’s legs. It is a very remarkable thing to happen in a place like Delhi, where every day what you hear that even in our Parliament they are beating each other. Perhaps in this hell only this goodness was to be born and to be manifested by Sahaja Yogis. The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, as you know, is extremely, extremely subtle, and it’ is not easy to penetrate into these so-called people who call themselves intellectuals or who are absolutely bowed down to their conditionings. So, to one side we have the masses who are ignorant and other side the classes who live in the frame that they have made out of their brains: both ways, I think, they are extremely gross. But the way they have absorbed this subtle nectar of divinity is something unbelievable. Nobody can comprehend even that there were so many born after My birth on this earth, or some maybe before also – very few. Just after My birth they were born here in this world to get to Sahaja Yoga. But when I saw the world I was shocked, more shocked than Kabira himself. I said: “How will I talk to anyone about it?” My family members – I didn’t know how will I open the subject to them. It was impossible – so much was the darkness of ignorance. “How will they believe that there is really Divinity, there is totality waiting for them?” They all believed into some sort of a religion which had no connection with reality and it was impossible even to envisage the method by which I could talk to them. I remember the first incident when we went to Nargol where I had opened the Sahasrara, the first person who got Realization was a Gujarati, and a jeweller. Immediately all the others – there were hardly about thirty-five people – they started saying that: “of course he is a rich man, he is a jeweller. So, Mother has given him Realization”. I think it was the first and the last time I really got angry: I started shouting at them, I said: “You are good for nothing, useless people you can never take to Divinity and I have really thought that stop it now. One has to take another life, another time where people will understand what is Sahaja Yoga”. But after that, suddenly people started feeling the cool breeze in their hands, immediately after My shouting, imagine! And they said: “Mother, you know, it is working, it is working in us, it is working out of us”. Thus we got twelve people, and one lady whom I had given before also. She was the fourteenth. Thus first we had only these fourteen Sahaja Yogis for whom it was something out of the blue. They were all flabbergasted, they didn’t know what it was and then surprisingly, in one of our programmes, a lady who was possessed by some Brahmin came and started saying: “Jagadamba, Jagadamba”. They couldn’t understand. I never told them what I was. Never. I have never told otherwise also. So then, she recited a poem from "Saundarya Lahari" in Sanskrit language, and she was just a maid servant and in a man’s voice. So everybody was shocked that the bhoot should say all these things and then she went away. After that these people started probing into it, and they wanted to have My puja first time in My house itself. Still people were not very sure they were doing the right thing. Even the brahmin they called, they said: “This Saptashakti (Puja) is a very difficult Puja and something will happen to us”. But after the puja they said: “Nothing happened. We are so much better”. They all felt the cool breeze and the entire atmosphere changed. They started understanding that Sahaja Yoga is the Yuga-Dharma, is the one of this Yuga, this Kali Yuga, so the Sahaja-dharma became the Dharma of this Yuga. This Yuga is very difficult, no doubt, but in difficulties only do we become intense seekers and that’s what happened with all of you, that you found out that everywhere, people were following whatever they were following, they were not reaching any point. Like a cocoon, they were hitting their head here and there. They got their Realization so quickly, and when they told Me how they were seeking, what was happening to them I was amazed, how this seeking was working within them and push them towards Sahaja Yoga. Also, in the meanwhile, I must say, so many got lost into the clutches of false gurus. Despite that, today we have so many Sahaja yogis. You are just representing your country but there are many more in your countries. Even in India we have many more. You have just here come to represent them. So a multiple of this number, I do not know how many would be there. So many ask Me: “How many Sahaja yogis there are?” I said: “I don’t know”. “So, you do not know?” I said: “No, we have never kept any record”. So they can’t understand. I said: “We have no office, no record, I have no secretary, I do not know how to type, I do not know how to write even My cheque!” They can’t understand: a person like Me existing in these modern times. But everything gets done, somehow. Despite all My modern ignorance, everything gets absolutely done, in the most perfect manner, like a remote control. Now, this whole thing, I never said a word about it, I must tell you. Nothing. Never I gave any idea as to how it should be. I did not even tell them how many we are expecting. But see how spontaneously everything has worked out. Because you all have commitment and that commitment gives you all these organizing capacities. So many things you have seen get organized because also this Paramchaitanya has come into Krita Yuga where it is working it out, it is active and this activity also is absolutely supportive to you. For example, the police people told us that: “There are Muslims living here, and you might have some danger from them, they might do some harm to you”. I said: “Which Muslims are they?” So they said: “Nizamuddin Auliya’s people are here”. I said: “They will never harm us”. I said why? - because he was a Sufi and he was a great realized soul, and the people who are allowed there must be - most of them at least - believers of Sufism. How can they harm us? So I said: “Tomorrow, early in the morning, you go and put a chaddar, as they call it, all of you”. And they were so impressed that, you saw in the evening, they came here all the way, morning time, and they were so respectful. Then they called Me, they gave me another chaddar, this, that, and they said that: “We are yours!” And this and that, all kinds of things. And his disciple was Amir Khusro, another very very great Sufi gentleman and I always have admired his poetry. And also the way Nizamuddin led his life of dignity and divinity. All these Muslims, who were there, put hands towards Me like this, and they said: “We are feeling the cool breeze!” I said: “This is Ruh”. “Ah, this is Ruh!” Once these people start getting Ruh, they will all become Sahaja yogis very soon, and you may have to have…(Applause). There are so many Sufis all over the world and we are going to take their addresses and we are going to meet them. Then, you might have to have another big pendal, double pandal I think may be triple (applause). You Delhi people, are not quite frightened about the sizes. I think again we will have to have it in Delhi only. Also, contemporarily, Delhi is in a state of turmoil and we should be here to pacify it, to quieten it, to give wisdom to those people, who are supposed to be at the helm of affairs. It will work definitely, it will work, with all these Sahaja yogis emitting such beautiful vibrations. See on top of your head this cloth is moving up and down all the time. Though there is no breeze outside; the leaves are just steady, but from your head, you see, is moving all this. So, I am sure these vibrations will cool down and will bring peace to our politicians and to the people who are at the helm of affairs. At this juncture, when in the whole world, there are so many things going on of uncertainties. Say, in Russia there are uncertainties, Bosnia there are uncertainties, in England there is recession, America there is recession, Spain there is recession. Everybody is suffering from the pangs of some sort of an extreme behaviour they went into. So I am sure this polarity that they see now will correct their behaviour towards materialism and I am sure that a balance will be struck. With your good wishes, with your prayers this world will be so beautiful, so enchanting that in the history people will describe that the world itself became a lotus, full of fragrance of Divinity (Applause). You are the petals, you are the corona, you are the colour, you are the beauty, you are the pollen of that beautiful lotus which is My vision of this world. I hope today you all will decide to work for Sahaja Yoga, to spread Sahaja Yoga, and work for yourself also. The only danger is that one should not allow ego to sit on your heads. That’s the only horse. If you could ride yourself and don’t allow the horse to ride you, you will progress very fast, beautifully. Thus I am sure Sahaja Yoga will spread. Every birthday we have to take a vow. I didn’t know what vow I should take. People have told Me that I should not work so hard, I am working very hard, but I have taken a vow that I will work double hard (applause). In the same way you also – all of you – have to take a vow today that you will go all out in the commitment of working of Sahaja Yoga, will think about it: There are scientists who should produce books, there are doctors who should produce books, writings, go round, talk to their colleagues, organize meetings, seminars with your colleagues. There are architects and other professionals, who could call their colleagues and give them realization. Even the people who are dealing with finances should take to Sahaja Yoga. It is very important because financial problems can only be solved by the Divine power. Nobody else can solve it. So, every one in this world, whether it is law or any other field, all of you, should take to Sahaja Yoga and also to creative work. Then also you have to take Sahaja Yoga to your surroundings, to villages, to cities wherever it is possible, wherever you can organize, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. As far as curing is concerned, I would advise you don’t have to touch anyone. Please use only My photograph. That is how you will get more Sahaja yogis and less sick people. Also people will be cured and all of them will become Sahaja yogis. We have also agricultural field, on which we have done something. But much can be done about agriculture. One should see the Government and tell them what agriculture can do. You can form a committee and go and see them. And talk to them, that how agriculture can be helped by Sahaja Yoga. We have to help our children, we have to look after them, because you know what sort of future is surrounding them, what sort of atmosphere is crawling, even in India. So we have to see that our children properly grow in Sahaj culture. It is very important, because they are tomorrow’s Sahaja yogis. So many of them are born realized, so we have to discipline them properly, and we have to make them Allah, Allah Dairha (Dirtha?) Sahaja yogis, as described in the qawwali. It is also our family life, which is very important. Is shocking that family life is, nowadays, becoming a kind of a stupid thing. No one understands the importance of it. In Sahaja Yoga we have to understand: small quarrels, fights, should be given up. Harshness must be given (up), cruelty must be given up, and there should be a proper rapport, between husband and wife, to begin with. So there is a companionship, and the children, also, see that companionship, and enjoy it. In our dress, in our life, we have to be dignified and decent, respecting our body, it is very important. We should wear whatever suits us, in whatever country we are. I mean, imagine in Samarkhand, if somebody wants to wear three-pieces suit, what will happen to him? Whatever suits us, whatever fits our culture. One should try to wear decent dresses, traditional dresses. Specially for women it is very important to wear dresses that will make them look more dignified. Also another point I would like to say, that ladies specially, must take to reading, at least newspapers. If your attention is on the problems that are in this world, it is very effective because, you know, your attention is active, it works. So use your attention. You see the newspapers, you watch; I know it is horrifying sometimes, you can give a bandhan, but you must see what’s happening, where. It is very important. Also men should not just read something sensational, but read something that’s happening, and also think what are the solutions? How can you people as Sahaja yogis help in a collective way or an individual way? We have to solve many problems of this modern world. Also one has to read good books, good films one has to see, and have your reflection on them, keep your mind alert. There are many beautiful poems, I have read recently coming out of some people where never expected they will write poems. Beautiful, very high class. So this poetry also, we are going to collect. We are going to collect all the miraculous photographs from everywhere. They are trying to systematize and now, in this system, if you can all help spontaneously, it will be a great achievement because so far, we have not been able to collect all these data and keep them with us. Now, the best is that you all must meditate; all have to meditate. Only in meditation, you are in present and you grow in your spirituality. I have said it many a times, but people just don’t do it. About ten minutes if you can meditate before sleeping, it is of a great help to you. No doubt you will really grow very fast. Immediately I know this man is meditating, the way he has changed. And then, once you get used to it, you will never give it up. It is a very simple meditation, you have footsoaking, or something like that. And in the morning you should beat your ego. That’s all. It is not that you have to do one lakh japas (tapas?) or something, nothing of the kind. It is very simple. But this, you have to do it for yourself, to respect your self-realization and your growth in divinity. We have lots of advantages over others, but one thing I have to tell you: those people who are not prone to seeking, please don’t talk to them about Sahaja Yoga. Don’t waste your energy on such people, discussing and arguing, because it cannot be discussed much. You just forget them and leave them alone. I will look after them, you just take to simple people, good people, who are seeking the truth. I don’t want you to break your necks with those people, who are just believing in discussions, arguments and “shabda jahlam”. Today the Sahaja Yoga culture is so much manifesting that people, once they see you, they immediately know there is something special, and that they have something very unique qualities among them which you seldom find with normal people. All these things you should understand, have come to you spontaneously from within, but you must preserve them and you should never feel shy of them. You should never be shy of your virtues. And whatever people may try to tell you that: “You better do this, better do this”. If it is wrong, you should never do it, you should just say: “I do not want to do it”. Because now, you are very powerful and that you have to lead the people and people do not have to lead you. Fashions do not have to lead you, but you have to create fashions. You have to create a path for them. It’s not that you have to trod on the path that they have made. Try to understand that your own personality is of a level where you can see so many subtle things and you are so powerful that others don’t see, then you have to, automatically, take up their leadership. Don’t get ideas from them and don’t get frightened when they try to tell you something against yourself or against Sahaja Yoga. Be sure, be confident. That it is how it is going to work out. Now I am just a woman and a housewife but I was so sure about Sahaja Yoga that it worked out. I didn’t have to, sort of, think whether I should do it or not, I just started it. Although, in the family it was not so much respected, not so much agreed to, it doesn’t matter. I started the whole thing on My own, worked it out on My own, because I had complete confidence in the truth, that if I am standing on the truth, it will help Me and it will help all those who will come to it. It has happened. So, for you, it should not be difficult at all, all of you should first of all see that you are not a conditioned person and you do not have an ego. And then, you should go ahead with it, and you will be amazed how things will work out. Today’s puja is a very short puja, that is why I gave you a long lecture. There are so many things which I cannot, at this time, which is short, tell you, but if you sit down, you can easily make 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 yourself. So now put your mind to it in a way that you are the organizer. Then what should you do? What can you do? What are you going to achieve? Please try, and it will work out. All of you can do it. I think best is to make a diary for yourself and write it down in that: what you have done, how many people you have given realization, to how many got cured, what do you think about them. But now, if there is no diary, Sahaja yogis can say: “But Mother, we have no diary, so we will start it tomorrow!” No, you start it today. The only trouble with Sahaja yogis is that they take things a little lightly. Of course, that is their character, but not Sahaja Yoga. Other things you can take lightly: if somebody shouts at you, somebody gets angry with you, somebody even slaps you, take it lightly. It does not matter, makes no difference to you, because you are the Spirit, nothing can destroy the Spirit (Sanskrit quotation). But when it comes to Sahaja Yoga, your attitude should be different. If you are relaxing on one side, another side you have to be dynamic, and that side is where you have to put forward the theories of Sahaja Yoga and you have to talk to people, you have to organize a press conference; whatever sort of things you want to do, at whatever level you want to work it out, please make a proper plan about it and just do it. It will all work out I am sure it will work out. With all these ideas that I have, you have many more and I hope, by next year, you will see the manifestation of those. I hope many people will write books like Dr. U. C. Rai has written. I am sure books can be written by every doctor. Doctor Dr. U. C. Rai has worked single-handed, everything has done single-handed. So beautifully he has worked it out. So everybody can publish a book with their experiences, with their understanding of Sahaja Yoga which will help Sahaja yogis also, but it should be honest, a very honest book. I am sure such a book will be very much appreciated in Sahaja Yoga, and we’d like to publish that book also. All those who have such ideas, should make an effort to create some new books, some new ideas, some new creations. It is very important, because in these modern times, people want to do something new, something novel. Under these circumstances, I am sure you all will work out. So, all the time,we have to think about Sahaja Yoga and jot it down whatever ideas are coming into your mind, and then these can be properly put together, making a beautiful book of Sahaja Yoga. Ladies also have lots of chances of doing so many things for Sahaja Yoga. This is a very opportune time. I think Satya Yuga is starting from tomorrow (Applause). And what will be the symptom? That now, the Satya will be victorious, Vijaya. Whatever people may try ultimately, Satya will be Vijaya, Satyameva Vijayate. That is going to happen, and you are responsible (Applause). For this I congratulate you, again and again, and I hope you will have the commitment to do that. May God bless you. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Puja for the 70° Birthday, New Delhi (India), 21 March 1993. It is very difficult to speak even for Me. To see so many Sahaja Yogis sitting here with such shining faces from all over the world – as if My vision has taken its form today. I see in you the saviours of tomorrow who are going to save this world from all the Kali Yuga calamities that are surrounding us. It is coming from all sides, while you people have really taken your second birth from this pond of Kali Yuga and have really become beautiful lotuses of different colours, hues, fragrance and beauty. Instead of you celebrating My birthday, it is better I celebrate your birthdays! [Applause] As I told you the other day, that it is you who are such great seekers, seekers of truth, of love, that it could work out; otherwise it would have been impossible. To even transform one person is very difficult, but you were so sensitive and so deep that this subtle knowledge, I don't know how it penetrated your being. It’s unbelievable. I can’t believe Myself what great people have taken birth in this Kali Yuga. No one can believe that there are so many saints sitting before Me, so many Ways, so many Nalis are sitting before Me. In the history of spirituality, it has never happened. Even in the heavens there are few devatas and devas – not so many – one better than the other. Such beautiful heart, such brilliant brains, and such active attention. Is, really, I thank you all that this 70th birthday I could see so many people which I never expected. You know Sahaja Yoga was started with one person, and then those who came also out of them some were power oriented, money oriented. All kinds of people created problems for us. One after another, so many problems came and also there were many who were of a very low level seekers. But I find today they have all come up beautifully. I cannot distinguish one from another, the way it has happened and the commitment you have to Sahaja Yoga is the greatest blessing for this world. I could not do it alone. You know that, if I could do it, I would not have needed you. You are the channels and you have to work it out further and further. It is really remarkable the way Delhi people have organized everything [applause]. First of all, everybody was very much keyed on to the 70th birthday. I don’t know what was the reason, but whatever it is. And then Delhi people said: “This time we are going to celebrate, Mother, Your birthday in Delhi”. I said: “Everybody is on it so be careful, it is not going to be easy. It will be a big headache, so many will be coming down”. But they didn't expect so much, I am sure. People are coming, a hundred are coming from there a hundred from there, I said: “Are you worried?” They said, “No, we are very happy about it!”. I saw their enthusiasm, their organization, the way they have done it. The best part of it Delhi, which is a place where all kinds of politicians live, have groups and politics and all that. But in Sahaja Yoga, in Delhi, there is no politics [applause]. There is no quarrelling, there is no pulling each other’s legs. It is a very remarkable thing to happen in a place like Delhi, where every day what you hear that even in our Parliament they are beating each other. Perhaps in this hell only this goodness was to be born and to be manifested by Sahaja Yogis. The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga, as you know, is extremely, extremely subtle, and it’ is not easy to penetrate into these so-called people who call themselves intellectuals or who are absolutely bowed down to their conditionings. So, to one side we have the masses who are ignorant and other side the classes who live in the frame that they have made out of their brains: both ways, I think, they are extremely gross. But the way they have absorbed this subtle nectar of divinity is something unbelievable. Nobody can comprehend even that there were so many born after My birth on this earth, or some maybe before also – very few. Just after My birth they were born here in this world to get to Sahaja Yoga. But when I saw the world I was shocked, more shocked than Kabira himself. I said: “How will I talk to anyone about it?” My family members – I didn’t know how will I open the subject to them. It was impossible – so much was the darkness of ignorance. “How will they believe that there is really Divinity, there is totality waiting for them?” They all believed into some sort of a religion which had no connection with reality and it was impossible even to envisage the method by which I could talk to them. I remember the first incident when we went to Nargol where I had opened the Sahasrara, the first person who got Realization was a Gujarati, and a jeweller. Immediately all the others – there were hardly about thirty-five people – they started saying that: “of course he is a rich man, he is a jeweller. So, Mother has given him Realization”. I think it was the first and the last time I really got angry: I started shouting at them, I said: “You are good for nothing, useless people you can never take to Divinity and I have really thought that stop it now. One has to take another life, another time where people will understand what is Sahaja Yoga”. But after that, suddenly people started feeling the cool breeze in their hands, immediately after My shouting, imagine! And they said: “Mother, you know, it is working, it is working in us, it is working out of us”. Thus we got twelve people, and one lady whom I had given before also. She was the fourteenth. Thus first we had only these fourteen Sahaja Yogis for whom it was something out of the blue. They were all flabbergasted, they didn’t know what it was and then surprisingly, in one of our programmes, a lady who was possessed by some Brahmin came and started saying: “Jagadamba, Jagadamba”. They couldn’t understand. I never told them what I was. Never. I have never told otherwise also. So then, she recited a poem from "Saundarya Lahari" in Sanskrit language, and she was just a maid servant and in a man’s voice. So everybody was shocked that the bhoot should say all these things and then she went away. After that these people started probing into it, and they wanted to have My puja first time in My house itself. Still people were not very sure they were doing the right thing. Even the brahmin they called, they said: “This Saptashakti (Puja) is a very difficult Puja and something will happen to us”. But after the puja they said: “Nothing happened. We are so much better”. They all felt the cool breeze and the entire atmosphere changed. They started understanding that Sahaja Yoga is the Yuga-Dharma, is the one of this Yuga, this Kali Yuga, so the Sahaja-dharma became the Dharma of this Yuga. This Yuga is very difficult, no doubt, but in difficulties only do we become intense seekers and that’s what happened with all of you, that you found out that everywhere, people were following whatever they were following, they were not reaching any point. Like a cocoon, they were hitting their head here and there. They got their Realization so quickly, and when they told Me how they were seeking, what was happening to them I was amazed, how this seeking was working within them and push them towards Sahaja Yoga. Also, in the meanwhile, I must say, so many got lost into the clutches of false gurus. Despite that, today we have so many Sahaja yogis. You are just representing your country but there are many more in your countries. Even in India we have many more. You have just here come to represent them. So a multiple of this number, I do not know how many would be there. So many ask Me: “How many Sahaja yogis there are?” I said: “I don’t know”. “So, you do not know?” I said: “No, we have never kept any record”. So they can’t understand. I said: “We have no office, no record, I have no secretary, I do not know how to type, I do not know how to write even My cheque!” They can’t understand: a person like Me existing in these modern times. But everything gets done, somehow. Despite all My modern ignorance, everything gets absolutely done, in the most perfect manner, like a remote control. Now, this whole thing, I never said a word about it, I must tell you. Nothing. Never I gave any idea as to how it should be. I did not even tell them how many we are expecting. But see how spontaneously everything has worked out. Because you all have commitment and that commitment gives you all these organizing capacities. So many things you have seen get organized because also this Paramchaitanya has come into Krita Yuga where it is working it out, it is active and this activity also is absolutely supportive to you. For example, the police people told us that: “There are Muslims living here, and you might have some danger from them, they might do some harm to you”. I said: “Which Muslims are they?” So they said: “Nizamuddin Auliya’s people are here”. I said: “They will never harm us”. I said why? - because he was a Sufi and he was a great realized soul, and the people who are allowed there must be - most of them at least - believers of Sufism. How can they harm us? So I said: “Tomorrow, early in the morning, you go and put a chaddar, as they call it, all of you”. And they were so impressed that, you saw in the evening, they came here all the way, morning time, and they were so respectful. Then they called Me, they gave me another chaddar, this, that, and they said that: “We are yours!” And this and that, all kinds of things. And his disciple was Amir Khusro, another very very great Sufi gentleman and I always have admired his poetry. And also the way Nizamuddin led his life of dignity and divinity. All these Muslims, who were there, put hands towards Me like this, and they said: “We are feeling the cool breeze!” I said: “This is Ruh”. “Ah, this is Ruh!” Once these people start getting Ruh, they will all become Sahaja yogis very soon, and you may have to have…(Applause). There are so many Sufis all over the world and we are going to take their addresses and we are going to meet them. Then, you might have to have another big pendal, double pandal I think may be triple (applause). You Delhi people, are not quite frightened about the sizes. I think again we will have to have it in Delhi only. Also, contemporarily, Delhi is in a state of turmoil and we should be here to pacify it, to quieten it, to give wisdom to those people, who are supposed to be at the helm of affairs. It will work definitely, it will work, with all these Sahaja yogis emitting such beautiful vibrations. See on top of your head this cloth is moving up and down all the time. Though there is no breeze outside; the leaves are just steady, but from your head, you see, is moving all this. So, I am sure these vibrations will cool down and will bring peace to our politicians and to the people who are at the helm of affairs. At this juncture, when in the whole world, there are so many things going on of uncertainties. Say, in Russia there are uncertainties, Bosnia there are uncertainties, in England there is recession, America there is recession, Spain there is recession. Everybody is suffering from the pangs of some sort of an extreme behaviour they went into. So I am sure this polarity that they see now will correct their behaviour towards materialism and I am sure that a balance will be struck. With your good wishes, with your prayers this world will be so beautiful, so enchanting that in the history people will describe that the world itself became a lotus, full of fragrance of Divinity (Applause). You are the petals, you are the corona, you are the colour, you are the beauty, you are the pollen of that beautiful lotus which is My vision of this world. I hope today you all will decide to work for Sahaja Yoga, to spread Sahaja Yoga, and work for yourself also. The only danger is that one should not allow ego to sit on your heads. That’s the only horse. If you could ride yourself and don’t allow the horse to ride you, you will progress very fast, beautifully. Thus I am sure Sahaja Yoga will spread. Every birthday we have to take a vow. I didn’t know what vow I should take. People have told Me that I should not work so hard, I am working very hard, but I have taken a vow that I will work double hard (applause). In the same way you also – all of you – have to take a vow today that you will go all out in the commitment of working of Sahaja Yoga, will think about it: There are scientists who should produce books, there are doctors who should produce books, writings, go round, talk to their colleagues, organize meetings, seminars with your colleagues. There are architects and other professionals, who could call their colleagues and give them realization. Even the people who are dealing with finances should take to Sahaja Yoga. It is very important because financial problems can only be solved by the Divine power. Nobody else can solve it. So, every one in this world, whether it is law or any other field, all of you, should take to Sahaja Yoga and also to creative work. Then also you have to take Sahaja Yoga to your surroundings, to villages, to cities wherever it is possible, wherever you can organize, you have to spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. As far as curing is concerned, I would advise you don’t have to touch anyone. Please use only My photograph. That is how you will get more Sahaja yogis and less sick people. Also people will be cured and all of them will become Sahaja yogis. We have also agricultural field, on which we have done something. But much can be done about agriculture. One should see the Government and tell them what agriculture can do. You can form a committee and go and see them. And talk to them, that how agriculture can be helped by Sahaja Yoga. We have to help our children, we have to look after them, because you know what sort of future is surrounding them, what sort of atmosphere is crawling, even in India. So we have to see that our children properly grow in Sahaj culture. It is very important, because they are tomorrow’s Sahaja yogis. So many of them are born realized, so we have to discipline them properly, and we have to make them Allah, Allah Dairha (Dirtha?) Sahaja yogis, as described in the qawwali. It is also our family life, which is very important. Is shocking that family life is, nowadays, becoming a kind of a stupid thing. No one understands the importance of it. In Sahaja Yoga we have to understand: small quarrels, fights, should be given up. Harshness must be given (up), cruelty must be given up, and there should be a proper rapport, between husband and wife, to begin with. So there is a companionship, and the children, also, see that companionship, and enjoy it. In our dress, in our life, we have to be dignified and decent, respecting our body, it is very important. We should wear whatever suits us, in whatever country we are. I mean, imagine in Samarkhand, if somebody wants to wear three-pieces suit, what will happen to him? Whatever suits us, whatever fits our culture. One should try to wear decent dresses, traditional dresses. Specially for women it is very important to wear dresses that will make them look more dignified. Also another point I would like to say, that ladies specially, must take to reading, at least newspapers. If your attention is on the problems that are in this world, it is very effective because, you know, your attention is active, it works. So use your attention. You see the newspapers, you watch; I know it is horrifying sometimes, you can give a bandhan, but you must see what’s happening, where. It is very important. Also men should not just read something sensational, but read something that’s happening, and also think what are the solutions? How can you people as Sahaja yogis help in a collective way or an individual way? We have to solve many problems of this modern world. Also one has to read good books, good films one has to see, and have your reflection on them, keep your mind alert. There are many beautiful poems, I have read recently coming out of some people where never expected they will write poems. Beautiful, very high class. So this poetry also, we are going to collect. We are going to collect all the miraculous photographs from everywhere. They are trying to systematize and now, in this system, if you can all help spontaneously, it will be a great achievement because so far, we have not been able to collect all these data and keep them with us. Now, the best is that you all must meditate; all have to meditate. Only in meditation, you are in present and you grow in your spirituality. I have said it many a times, but people just don’t do it. About ten minutes if you can meditate before sleeping, it is of a great help to you. No doubt you will really grow very fast. Immediately I know this man is meditating, the way he has changed. And then, once you get used to it, you will never give it up. It is a very simple meditation, you have footsoaking, or something like that. And in the morning you should beat your ego. That’s all. It is not that you have to do one lakh japas (tapas?) or something, nothing of the kind. It is very simple. But this, you have to do it for yourself, to respect your self-realization and your growth in divinity. We have lots of advantages over others, but one thing I have to tell you: those people who are not prone to seeking, please don’t talk to them about Sahaja Yoga. Don’t waste your energy on such people, discussing and arguing, because it cannot be discussed much. You just forget them and leave them alone. I will look after them, you just take to simple people, good people, who are seeking the truth. I don’t want you to break your necks with those people, who are just believing in discussions, arguments and “shabda jahlam”. Today the Sahaja Yoga culture is so much manifesting that people, once they see you, they immediately know there is something special, and that they have something very unique qualities among them which you seldom find with normal people. All these things you should understand, have come to you spontaneously from within, but you must preserve them and you should never feel shy of them. You should never be shy of your virtues. And whatever people may try to tell you that: “You better do this, better do this”. If it is wrong, you should never do it, you should just say: “I do not want to do it”. Because now, you are very powerful and that you have to lead the people and people do not have to lead you. Fashions do not have to lead you, but you have to create fashions. You have to create a path for them. It’s not that you have to trod on the path that they have made. Try to understand that your own personality is of a level where you can see so many subtle things and you are so powerful that others don’t see, then you have to, automatically, take up their leadership. Don’t get ideas from them and don’t get frightened when they try to tell you something against yourself or against Sahaja Yoga. Be sure, be confident. That it is how it is going to work out. Now I am just a woman and a housewife but I was so sure about Sahaja Yoga that it worked out. I didn’t have to, sort of, think whether I should do it or not, I just started it. Although, in the family it was not so much respected, not so much agreed to, it doesn’t matter. I started the whole thing on My own, worked it out on My own, because I had complete confidence in the truth, that if I am standing on the truth, it will help Me and it will help all those who will come to it. It has happened. So, for you, it should not be difficult at all, all of you should first of all see that you are not a conditioned person and you do not have an ego. And then, you should go ahead with it, and you will be amazed how things will work out. Today’s puja is a very short puja, that is why I gave you a long lecture. There are so many things which I cannot, at this time, which is short, tell you, but if you sit down, you can easily make 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 yourself. So now put your mind to it in a way that you are the organizer. Then what should you do? What can you do? What are you going to achieve? Please try, and it will work out. All of you can do it. I think best is to make a diary for yourself and write it down in that: what you have done, how many people you have given realization, to how many got cured, what do you think about them. But now, if there is no diary, Sahaja yogis can say: “But Mother, we have no diary, so we will start it tomorrow!” No, you start it today. The only trouble with Sahaja yogis is that they take things a little lightly. Of course, that is their character, but not Sahaja Yoga. Other things you can take lightly: if somebody shouts at you, somebody gets angry with you, somebody even slaps you, take it lightly. It does not matter, makes no difference to you, because you are the Spirit, nothing can destroy the Spirit (Sanskrit quotation). But when it comes to Sahaja Yoga, your attitude should be different. If you are relaxing on one side, another side you have to be dynamic, and that side is where you have to put forward the theories of Sahaja Yoga and you have to talk to people, you have to organize a press conference; whatever sort of things you want to do, at whatever level you want to work it out, please make a proper plan about it and just do it. It will all work out I am sure it will work out. With all these ideas that I have, you have many more and I hope, by next year, you will see the manifestation of those. I hope many people will write books like Dr. U. C. Rai has written. I am sure books can be written by every doctor. Doctor Dr. U. C. Rai has worked single-handed, everything has done single-handed. So beautifully he has worked it out. So everybody can publish a book with their experiences, with their understanding of Sahaja Yoga which will help Sahaja yogis also, but it should be honest, a very honest book. I am sure such a book will be very much appreciated in Sahaja Yoga, and we’d like to publish that book also. All those who have such ideas, should make an effort to create some new books, some new ideas, some new creations. It is very important, because in these modern times, people want to do something new, something novel. Under these circumstances, I am sure you all will work out. So, all the time,we have to think about Sahaja Yoga and jot it down whatever ideas are coming into your mind, and then these can be properly put together, making a beautiful book of Sahaja Yoga. Ladies also have lots of chances of doing so many things for Sahaja Yoga. This is a very opportune time. I think Satya Yuga is starting from tomorrow (Applause). And what will be the symptom? That now, the Satya will be victorious, Vijaya. Whatever people may try ultimately, Satya will be Vijaya, Satyameva Vijayate. That is going to happen, and you are responsible (Applause). For this I congratulate you, again and again, and I hope you will have the commitment to do that. May God bless you. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Public Program
New Delhi
Public Program
Birthday Felicitations, Anup Jalota, Meena Phatarpekar, Anand Murdeshwer
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India), 22 March 1993. Shri Mataji: This is the book about Ustaad Mustak Ali Khan …See …He is a realized soul you can see him very clearly. And I am very happy that Debu has written this book …All such books must come up because of all these great artists…I should say …real patrons of music …are getting lost in the oblivion…It is very important that they should write about there Gurus, so people could know what kind of great people existed in this country. And what are their aspirations? If he was born in England, or any other western countries there would have been at least 3000 books written about him…So I am very happy that Debu Who has done such good work.And all those who love music should buy this and study …It's very beautifully written.Thank you!Sahaja Yogi: Dr HS Sharma has written a book about Sahaja yoga which Shri Mataji is going to release just now … Shri Mataji is saying he is a very learned man…Shri Mataji: Very nice book! May God bless you! It's a tremendous book. All foreigners must purchase this book. Very authentic book! Talk to other people based on this book! Very nice book and you can talk to many other people who want science and this and that to be connected with divinity. Is a very good book…He has done a lot of research …Done very well…I am very happy with the book…Please Sahaja yogis from abroad especially should buy otherwise also those who feel like buying should buy. Thank you! Thank you! Sahaja yogis: Bolo Shri Adishakti Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai!
Birthday Felicitations. Delhi (India), 22 March 1993. Shri Mataji: This is the book about Ustaad Mustak Ali Khan …See …He is a realized soul you can see him very clearly. And I am very happy that Debu has written this book …All such books must come up because of all these great artists…I should say …real patrons of music …are getting lost in the oblivion…It is very important that they should write about there Gurus, so people could know what kind of great people existed in this country. And what are their aspirations? If he was born in England, or any other western countries there would have been at least 3000 books written about him…So I am very happy that Debu Who has done such good work.And all those who love music should buy this and study …It's very beautifully written.Thank you!Sahaja Yogi: Dr HS Sharma has written a book about Sahaja yoga which Shri Mataji is going to release just now … Shri Mataji is saying he is a very learned man…Shri Mataji: Very nice book! May God bless you! It's a tremendous book. All foreigners must purchase this book. Very authentic book! Talk to other people based on this book! Very nice book and you can talk to many other people who want science and this and that to be connected with divinity. Is a very good book…He has done a lot of research …Done very well…I am very happy with the book…Please Sahaja yogis from abroad especially should buy otherwise also those who feel like buying should buy. Thank you! Thank you! Sahaja yogis: Bolo Shri Adishakti Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai!
Public Program (Morning)
New Delhi
Public Program
MORNING PUBLIC PROGRAM IN SCOUT CAMP NEW DELHI 22.3.1993 [Hindi to English translation] I am told lots of new people have arrived. Please raise your hands. As I told you, it is a subtle knowledge and to know it you have to become subtle. Do you all understand English? New people don’t know? Shall I tell in Hindi? Ok. Sit down. Knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is a subtle knowledge and to achieve this subtle knowledge, we must also be subtle. And what is this subtleness (sukshmata)? That we should be like Spirit – I have told you in my lectures. We have to be like Spirit. And from this Spirit only, we can understand this subtle knowledge. Because the Spirit has its own light. And when that light appears on us, in the light of that Spirit only, we can know this subtle knowledge. This Spirit is inside us. This reflection of God is inside us like Spirit. And this Kundalini which is the power, will power of the Divine, Adishakti, is its reflection. So when Kundalini rises, which is in three and half coil, Coil is called Kundal. Hence its name is Kundalini and this three and half coils does not rise fully. Just like there are lot of threads tied in a rope, similarly in this Kundalini also there are lot of strands. Some of these strands rise, like it happened the other day, and penetrates your Fontanelle bone area, which is called Talu, in Sanskrit it is called Talavyam, pierces it and spreads in that minute power which is in the universe (charachar). When it unites with that subtle energy, then Spirit’s seat is here, the Seat of all chakras is in the Head and these seven Chakras are inside us, about which I shall tell you tomorrow and when this Kundalini energy is awakened, then more and more strands should start rising. The first experience you will get, which we call Thoughtlessness, Thoughtless Awareness. In English Samadhi means Awareness, Samadhi means the brain which has become aware and when the brain first becomes aware of this Ether, this new dimension, this new notion, this divine vibration, that time is called awareness but that awareness, you will first get that awareness in the form of thoughtless awareness. Suddenly you will see you have become thoughtless. And when we are thinking, we think of either ahead, of future or behind, that is past, but this time, which is present, we are never in the present. And until we are in the present, we can never ascend spiritually because the past is over and future is not there now. We don’t know what is there. We don’t know what is in future and the past is over. The reality is the present, this time but our brain cannot settle in the present, our mind cannot settle here. These thoughts arise like waves and then fall and rise. Whole time we are in this movement only. Sometimes we run to the top and sometimes to the bottom. Today this thought comes, tomorrow that thought comes and day after that thought comes. But when your Kundalini rises, what happens is, there is a long gap between the thoughts. The space between these two thoughts is called vilamb (delay) in sanskrit. You come in this delayed state and this state of delay which is very narrow increases. This is called present and hence you become thoughtless but awareness means you don’t go into dormant state and you become very alert. You don’t go to sleep mode. You become very alert, more than needed. No thoughts come to you and you only watch it. This is called witness state. You only see it and you don’t get affected. You only see it and no action or reaction come. You watch it totally in witness state. This is called first stage of thoughtless awareness. You have to come to this stage first. Like there is a very beautiful carpet and if I am thinking right, I will think how beautiful this carpet is, where it is available, how much it costs, from which shop it is bought, whose it is, etc. All these thoughts will come to mind. On the other hand, if it is mine, headache is more, it shouldn’t get spoiled, insurance is not done for this, how it will work out etc. This is human mind. But in spiritual power, man does not think of all these but only sees it. And what does he see. How beautiful this is, The artisan who has made this has created such a beautiful thing. The beauty which he has expressed, shown joy of his heart in this beautiful carpet, that joy, delight he has shown in this beauty, everything goes right into me arbitrarily (nirgun). And from top to bottom, it will make me cool. The one who has made it, the one who has created this, his work is also complete and for me also such a great thing happened that without thinking and understanding, I have enjoyed this. It makes no difference whether it is mine or not. This way you become thoughtlessly aware. This gives you peace. Thoughtless awareness gives you peace, and your spiritual power grows. When your spiritual power grows, your creative power also increases and when this creative power increases, you can do many things with this creative power, instantly, there is no effort, spontaneous, sahaj. Like one gentleman who was a great mathematician but he had no knowledge of language. He did not know languages. He came to Sahaj and started writing poetry in Urdu, Hindi, Marathi and English. This is not some ghost attempt but this is the power hidden in you. Hidden creativity in you which has touched your heart. And now he started doing spontaneously in Sahaj to such a great extent that he does not undertstand what to do. He keeps a Dictaphone with him always and he gets so restless that until he dictates into it, he is not peaceful. Like this, there are lot of poets in India. Great artists are here. In India, great artists who are well known have become great through Sahaj. Lot of great artists in India, Mr. Amjad Ali is there, Mr. Sifat Hussain is there, son of Alla Rakaha is there. Lot of people are there. Like that among us, there is Debu Choudhury here and who knows how many artists have benefitted from Sahaj, They say we don’t understand when you are sitting in front of us, our fingers start moving automatically. We don’t understand. They start playing the tune which they have never played. Like this lot of people have benefitted in strange manner. You don’t get this even if you go to teachers for a long time. Lot of artists and their creative power has been awakened and through their creative power, they have reached from somewhere to somewhere. The creative power inside you increases manifold. When we talk about Chakras tomorrow, then I will tell you about different energies/power in different chakras and how you can achieve their powers. You know, there was a medical conference, where most of you had come, some had not come, new people had not come. One thing is certain that with Kundalini awakening, your health totally becomes alright. Most of the people become alright. If some are in their deathbed, God says let them die this time and they can get rebirth again. It does not matter. Some people are so useless that God has common sense and He thinks what is the use of curing them. Because these are the lamps which will never give light. So what is the use of curing such lamps. But most of the people recover from all types of diseases. It is very surprising. From all types of diseases, means many have recovered from cancer. And they have been cured at such a time when the doctor had given certificate that he will die in eight days. Sometimes, doctors say all these. They also have their limitations, and they give a certificate that you will die in eight days and please complete whatever work you have to do. But he survives for eight years or nine years. How can this happen? You will say how can this happen? You have to understand how it happens. Our subtle system is the existence of our physical, mental and material state. Our energies/strength are in our chakras. If one of your chakras is over active, it works like this, like Doctor explained, sympathetic nervous system works more and more. They go on working, working, working and the chakras become narrow and when it becomes narrow, what happens is either it loses its energy or it breaks. The moment it breaks the connection which is between your whole, means your brain, then you become separate, you become alone, you become a loner, which is called malignant, which is called cancer. What kundalini does is, like we thread the pearls, it moves very slowly here and there in every chakra passing through left and right and rises straight from here. Here the chakras get nourished and when the chakras get nourished, it gets energy and once energized, it rejoins the brain and also param chaitanya. Once this connection is completely established, after that no one can fall ill. If someone is a Sahaja yogi and he does not have any disease. Like this there are lot of people. It is not that everyone who comes to Sahaja yoga are sick. There are lot of people who come are healthy. These people are fine people, because the moment they get their self realization, they get the blessings of Kundalini and the moment they get the blessings of Kundalini, they progress rapidly and after that they never fall sick at all. There are lot of people among us who say that they used to go to doctor even if they had cold but now if some one has cancer, we go to him. So you become a doctor, you become a doctor, and understand your own sickness because when Kundalini penetrates, you feel the cool cool breeze, like you felt cool breeze the other day and all these five six and seven chakras, these are also five six and seven chakra. You come to know which chakras has problem and if you want to know others’ chakras, you can know which chakra is catching. If you understand how to correct these chakras, finished. You correct your chakras and correct others’ chakras also. Before this you have never felt your own chakras. Now you feel your own chakras and we call this our own knowledge, knowledge of self. Once you get your own knowledge, knowledge of self, you understand everything about your chakras and then you can maintain your health properly. If you can understand the chakras of others, you can keep them also healthy. You talk only of chakras, your language becomes that of chakras. You don’t say he is a Muslim or he is a Hindu, you don’t say he is English or Indian or someone else, you don’t say his hair is white or black, if he is wearing suit or Kurta pajama. These are outward display. You only say Mother he is catching this chakra. You only talk of chakras. Which chakra is bad, you talk only about that. Your attention goes to those chakras. You learn how to correct these Chakras and that is all. Now God does not understand this, money, bank etc. all these headache is created by human being. These are not related to God. How can it happen tell me? These Institutions are strange. I also don’t understand. However, you cannot give money for all these. This is a living process. How much money you give to your stomach that it digests all your food, or how much money you give to this hand that it does all your work? Like this to anyone, if anyone, if a man says money is required for these, he is the biggest hypocrite. On one hand they do God’s work and on the other they take money. They do not do God’s work because God does not understand money. Take this thought out of your mind that you can give money in the name of God. Yes alright. We have built this pavillion (mantap), you can give money for this, it is alright you have come by airplane, you can give money for that. You can give money for all these material things. But see you cannot give money for God’s work. And this thing which comes to you internally we call this as collective consciousness, means, you become conscious about others, means you understand about other’s chakras. You will want to correct them. You won’t think of anything. If anyone’s chakra is catching, you will feel so much compassion. You will collect four five people and you will go behind this person. Have you thought about yourself or your own protection or have you looked at yourself but have just started and you will go behind this person? So much compassion will flow. They will make call after call to me that he is not well. Is he a sahaj yogi? No Mother but he is a very decent man, a very good man. A very gentleman. A good man. Please put your attention on him. He has to be cured. Your compassion flows like this. And in compassion, where is the question of fight? Recently I had gone to the Shrine, Nizamuddin Saheb’s Shrine. He is also a very great man in Aulia and I believe in him. We believe in every one. We pray to Gurunanakji and we pray to Mohammad sahib also. Both are same. Whether you understand or not? Unnecessarily, you are fighting. In reality everyone is same. You don’t understand they all are same. However, I found politics is going on even there. You are sitting on some one’s door and why are you doing politics there. In Sahaja yoga there is no place for politics. You should become pure. Unless your attention becomes pure, there is no use of doing religious work. First become very pure. For everyone your compassion flows. For every one your heart becomes big. You start thinking what should be done for this person and what should be done for that person. Now think there are so many British people sitting here, whose father and forefathers, not these people, ruled this country once upon a time. They have created lot of mischief here. When these British people come to Mumbai or Delhi, they kiss your earth, bow down to the Mother Earth. They say that this is land of Saints (yoga bhumi). They understood this because they have that minute knowledge to recognize what is what. Now ask one question if Nizamuddin Saheb was really a Saint? Ask one question. You will feel cool breeze. Whether Nanak saheb was Adi Guru? Ask. See put your hands like this and ask. Ask any question. Is there God Almighty or not? Ask. If it is the truth, you feel cool vibrations and if it is wrong, you get hot vibrations, sometimes there will even be blisters. One thing you become collectively conscious. Because of that your compassion inside you flows. What to do what not to do. For whom we should run around, for whom we should do. These feelings come. There is no place for fighting. Everyone is running after curing the other person. The third thing which happens is, you know only the truth, the absolute truth. What is this? Like I said you find out. If (not audible) comes and stands in front of you, even a infamous person who has gone to jail will come back and wear some clothes and come like a hermit/saint. He will do some magic, something like this. People get fooled and go behind him. Keep your hands like this and ask question. This person is my Guru. Whether he is true or not? You will know the answer immediately. If you ask ten children, even if they are blindfold, if they are realised children, make them sit and ask them, Son. What is the problem with this man? They will all show the same finger. You ask the person if he has problem in his throat? He will say How do you know? The children were telling with their index fingers If they show this finger, problem in the heart. Everything you will know in your hands and finger tips. And no need for any diagnosis. One man had gone to Houston and he said he died while doing so many diagnosis one after the other. All his money was spent. They even removed his intestines and did diagnosis. Here you will do diagnosis from outside what is the problem and where is the trouble, and no need to worry. It will be correct. You can know not only physical, mental problems but also material and above all spiritual problems. You have gone to wrong wrong Gurus. Ask our Mr. Talwar and he will tell you stories about Gurus. How he got caught in their web. Human beings get misled like this. You have gone to all wrong Gurus. You have accepted him as your Guru now. Why have you accepted him as your Guru. What did your Guru give you. I will ask, Son, what has your Guru given you. And How did you know he is true or not. You go on spending money after money. Giving money after money. How much I have told them. How much I have made them understand. So many people got angry with me. Now they have understood me. Then at that time you only know the truth. Looking at the person, you can tell from which Guru he is coming. Because every Guru has done some work or other on one or another chakra. You can tell immediately from which Guru these are coming. And these Gurus run away like this and their disciple also, because to endure the Truth, it is very difficult for these people. Now in this you become your own Guru. One important work done by great eminent Gurus is that they have established the energy inside us that now we can become our own Guru. Does this mean you have become your own Guru. Means you tell yourself “look don’t take this road it is not right, go from here”. The eternal wisdom becomes true wisdom. It does not remain false. You leave it yourself. I don’t tell anything to anyone. I don’t even tell not to drink alcohol. I don’t tell anything. In Delhi if you tell don’t drink, half the people will get up and go. People of every religion drink even though it is prohibited. Everyone drinks. But after coming to Sahaja Yoga path, if I tell them to go and drink, they will not go. They will change direction if they see any drunkard. If they see a liquor shop, they will shift their house and go to another place. Because see you get light inside. Outside is nothing. Their drug habits leave them, they leave alcohols. All that which was club life and this and that which take them to destruction leaves them. All these take a man to destruction. But we don’t know why does a man go behind all these. When I was in London, we saw a man was walking very fast. We stopped to see where he was going. He had stopped in front of a Pub. He was going inside the Pub. Two or four people were lying on the ground drunk and he was running inside the Pub why he was not drunk. Wisdom totally goes blank. Their mind does not work. They know these two or four people are lying on the ground and they don’t have father or mother with them but still you will go pushing your way inside. Whether he is Sikh, Muslim or Christian, they go inside the pub very proudly. Inside the Pub everyone’s photo is there. This is not religion. Inside outside it is the same thing. It happens on its own. I don’t have to tell. You leave everything on your own. Everything happens on its own. I have told today does not mean you have to leave everything and run away. All these bad habits will go away. I see advertisements written against alcohol. It will not make any difference. While drinking alcohol, people will be telling about the advertisements. Now in our society, with the new type of modern culture which is emerging, we have to be very careful. These poor people have been brainwashed. They have been totally ruined. Their house is destroyed. Each woman marries eight times while each man marries nine times. Neither home nor dwelling, neither children, they live in Orphanage. If they are saved from this, they die from aids. If they are saved from this, there are another 50 new diseases have come. A new type of disease has come. Those who work too much, their conscious mind itself does not work and that is (not clear) like a big fish or snake, they do like this as if it is a stick and they hit people. Like this their brain works. Only brain is like this. Hands or legs or body does not work. I had told you this will happen. Aids will come. Everyone got angry with me. Now when it has happened, they are sitting quiet. Now it is like a and organized company has emerged. Even in Cinemas it is like this. They do not teach good things. At least in Indian movies, they do not show that a bad man becomes a hero but in Western countries, even bad man becomes a hero. Even then in our films too, they teach so many bad things to children like assaulting, this and that. If you teach children to assault, beat etc. how can there be peace. Like this a new type of invasion is coming on us. A new type of foreign invasion. You people have to be careful. Our children have also started wearing clothes like them, answer back like them and the way they are living, going to discos secretly and creating problems there. You have to be careful of all these. Once the children come to Sahaja yoga, they will not turn back to that side. Our Sahaj yogi children will not go. You will see how our Sahaja yogi children conduct themselves. You will feel very happy. You have to be careful of all these and save ourselves. To save ourselves from all these, there is only one way. We have to become our own Guru. From this, from Gurutatva, you will know what is good or bad, what is good for you, what is good for your family what is good for household people, what is good for your relations and what is good for the country. You will go towards that only. Like this, once you come to Sahaja yog, you will become meticulous. And that meticulousness, does all the living process, you don’t even think. How does this heart beat? Anahat is the one by which heart beats, Anahat. But who is Anahat. Who is this Anahat which beats the heart. Who is the one who has made human beings, and why have they made human beings, all these answers, means all this, you get in Sahaja yog. And when you know what is the meaning of your life, why have you come on this earth, why have you taken the form of human being, then you will understand how honoured you are, how important you are. Now think if someone is carrying a television in their hand, who has not seen electricity or have limited idea of it, you show them television and tell them it will show all types of dramas, all other things etc, they will tell you what nonsense you are talking. This is only a waste box. Like this we also think of us as a box. It is not so. This box is made very beautifully. In this so minute wires and minute instruments are pierced, and these minute wires are placed in such a way that no one is able to touch these minute wires till now. No one can manipulate these minute wires. But the moment you connect the television cable to power, they will be surprised. What is this. Like this you all are. You have to know yourself and when you know yourself what you are. Without knowing yourself, if you think you are a very great person, it is wrong. Or if you think you are nobody, that is also wrong. First know yourself and when you understand, then lamp burns. Until the lamp is burnt, it will not give light. And when it burns, it will give light to everyone because that is its quality. Like this is the matter of lighting many lamps from one lamp, Sahaj yoga is a real example. There are lot of people in Sahaja yoga who have not seen me at all but they have got realisation when some Sahaja yogis went there. In foreigh countries, this is happening in large scale. In Siberia, you will be surprised, people from Russia had gone to that desert and have done lot of work. In Siberia also Sahaja yoga has started. It is very surprising how these people had gone to Siberia. When I had gone to Russia last time, lot of people had come to airport. Whoever was in the front, when I asked who are these people, Mother, these people are from Siberia, about fifty sixty people have come from Siberia. Siberia is the place where people were sent to be punished like Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Yes in Andaman and Nicobar Islands also Sahaja Yoga has started. You will be surprised wherever one Sahaja yogi goes, he will not sit quietly until he gives realization to others. He will say how can I be alone here, Mother. There are no Sahaja yogis here. Make some Sahaja yogis here. It is all a matter of courage. Only thing is he should not get ego, only he should have courage. Every man can give realization to thousands of people. Now you know I have become old but doesn’t matter. You are all there. You all will do my work and I am fully confident Sahaja Yoga will transform the color of the world. Today I do not know I am seeing the world differently. I am seeing something different. I do not know how and what has happened. Everything is looking different and looking very peaceful. Possibly the new era of golden age has come, this is the proof. All religion, their organizers, all are born in the same tree and flower but we have plucked the flowers and are fighting that this is ours, this is ours. In the Ocean of Sahaja, everyone will merge and this is not equanimity (samabhav) we cannot say this is solidarity (samapuja) or same faith (samashradha), we cannot say same type of respect but same type of worship is done. Without knowing this , we cannot say that every one is same. Hopefully the new people who have come will learn the system of Sahaja Yog. Tomorrow I will talk about subtle system and I will talk about different subjects. Now you can ask me questions, new people. I am sorry I had to speak in this language. I hope you don’t mind. Because they are new people, they wanted me to speak in Hindi language. And I hope you don’t mind. These people say when we do not understand, our mind does not work and we go into meditation. From the beginning to end, only 10 minutes. In this more time is not required. Only your heart is needed. Ten minutes. Ten minutes in the evening and two minutes in the evening. That is all. You don’t need time at all. You will go beyond time. You see all your work will be done according to your time. Just think if you are worried what will your boss say, you will find your boss is coming late. You will always reach earlier. In this you become timeless, Kalateet. Kalateet means beyond time. Time becomes your slave. I have travelled so much but till today, I have never missed a flight, never missed a train, nothing. If you all ask questions, you will get answers quickly, immediately. This is correct that we have not said about eyes. I have not said anything but the doctor who was sitting here, the doctor who spoke to you has cured his eyesight with the help of Sahaja yoga. So there is nothing to worry. You have asked one question that you have your desire (vasana), you have desires, you have yearnings. Please sit down. How to overcome this completely because I have not got any vibrations yet. I am doing Sahaj yog. In Sahaja yog, it should be understood that relationship with wife is a very religious thing. Here you don’t have to become a recluse (sanyasi). If someone becomes a recluse, he will never get realisation. I tell him if you get married, I will give you realization, otherwise No. Now to get married, it must be understood that this year we had 86 Sahaj marriages. 80+6 Every year between 75 to 80 or 86, 85 marriages take place and this is going on for the past 10 or more years. And in my opinion, three or four marriages had problem, that too from girls in our country. Their mind is bad. Girls from outside are very decent. You will be surprised. Once they have accepted Sahaj, they accept it fully. Girls from here are only confused/create problems. Five six girls from here have troubled a lot. Some people also tell lies about their girls so that we get them married but now it is being rectified. Your eyes start roaming towards others, it is called Desire/yearning. Your eyes become standstill. From the foreigners’ point of view, foreigners always say that they have roving eyes, whole time their eyes will be roaming. Here also this disease has spread in North India. It is not so in Maharashtra. Their eyes does not settle. How to overcome this. I told them to look down on Mother Earth. Even now they look down on earth and walk. In that you can see everything within three feet. you can see flowers, children etc and above that there is nothing to see. And whatever you desire, some times you think of opposite, like some one thinks my husband should die or my wife should die, God will never do this. Then whatever you ask, whatever you desire, are not fulfilled. You should see first if your desires are, whatever your desires are, you should see first, whether you get vibrations or not, whether your desires are pure or not. Otherwise you will sit with some desire. Sometimes, desires are very dangerous and it comes to teach you some lesson. Like there was one lady who was after my life saying that her husband should become IAS, her husband should become IAS. If your husband is very rich, what is the necessity for him to become IAS? But she was after me that he should become IAS. I did not tell her anything, whether Yes or No. I said leave this alone. It is nonsense. Somehow he became IAS. Where he was a Collector, there his son used to go to college by cycle, big boy, only son and one daughter. While returning, he used to cross the railway track. One day, he came under a train and lost his life. I said see. After this she became mad. So in Sahaj yog, your progress becomes satisfied. This is your identification. You become satisfied. You start by becoming satisfied. This is your identification. You become satisfied yourself and you get into totality (samagrata)/balance. Meaning your brain and your attention and your mind and your heart all think of same thing and there is no fight, inside fight is over, and the man comes to balance. He says “how you want to keep me, I will be stay that”. Then he starts thinking of happiness of the spirit and not that of body. Now I am born in such a family where there was lot of wealth. I got married and here also lot of wealth was there. All the people were fond of luxury and all type of facilities were there. If you tell me, I will sleep in the jungle, on the road or on the stone. The idea is to sleep and not where. Man does not think of body but of happiness of the spirit. Like eating the already tasted plum (ber) from Shabari. Is that also food. He ate the left over plum of Shabari, ate the spinach from Vidhur’s house but did not eat the sweets from Duryodhan. Why is that? Vidhur was a realised soul. Shabari was a realised soul. So He ate her plums, that too after she had tasted them, put them in her mouth, bit into them. What was in that that he ate the plum of Shabari. Happiness of the spirit, search for the happiness of the spirit and in that happiness, man gets immersed in this. What a question .. whether you test Sahaja Yogis and then give them proximity (nearness) (samipya). I think he is some government servant. Look son, this is a question of love. In love, what can I test you. Instead I am being tested. What test you have, I fall in love with you all and I don’t understand how to give time to everyone and what is nearness. Everywhere where there is human being is nearness. When sahaja yogi grows in sahaj, he becomes detached to me. Surprising. He enjoys in detachment. Second thing is if some sahaja yogi commits mistake, do you punish them? Why should I punish. They punish themselves. See now you are sitting comfortably in Mother’s proximity and no one can touch you. But if you yourself leave the comfort of your Mother, outside there are evil spirits. Then you get beaten up. I don’t punish at all. You are taking the punishment. I tell you are sitting comfortably. Why are you going. I don’t have to give and take from you. Nothing. Sit comfortably. If someone asks you for forgiveness, how much percent you forgive them? This is really some government servant. Oh. Am I some Government. I am a Mother. I am ready to forgive. My nature is to forgive. Nothing stays in my mind for more than one minute. If I have to show my anger, I have to make a drama out of it. I cannot be serious for more than two minutes. I am not some Guru. One man had come from some Guru and he heard my laugh and said Mother is smiling. I asked “why”. He said he had not seen his Guruji smiling or laughing. I told him leave such Guru. You have come here to be happy, to seek pleasure or to become impure? He has asked a good question. Can Sahaja Yoga change the mind of a evil doer and house breaker?. Son. We have ways and means by which we can change everything. We will tell you how to do it. What is the first method of doing Sahaja Yoga. There is no method Son. Now you have become realised. You only learn from these people by going to Centre. First you must get rid of your ego. It is good. There is no governor (laatsaheb) here. Delhi is filled with such people. They will say Mother we have to meet you only. That is all, gone. You may be a big man when you are sitting in your Chair but in front of Mother, everyone is the same. However big a man you are, you should wear Kurta pajama and go to Centre and be most humble. Humbleness is the first thing. If someone is not humble, he cannot go deep in Sahaja yoga. That is why I don’t have any method or anything. You go to Sahaja yog centre, there they will tell you what to do, how to do . For everyone it is different. You go to centre and you will understand for yourself. Everything is inside you and when you go to Centre, you will grow, and you will know it. This question is…In Delhi where can we get Guidance about Sahaja yoga. Ask the Doctor. See, when this program is over, after that on our right side, wherever there are centres in Delhi, there are twenty centres in Delhi, you will get address of all the centres printed. You can collect the address from there. For new seekers, every Wednesday in Safdarjung Enclave, we have a Ashram. There we will teach you Sahaja yoga from the beginning. Every Wednesday evening 6.30 pm and every Saturday , we have a centre behind Qutub Hotel, Qutub Institutional Area. There we have collective. Whoever comes there, whatever their problems are, whether mental or physical or if you have some specific problem, we teach you how to overcome your problems. There we teach you how to meditate, how to get into thoughtless awareness, problems or virtues in your subtle system, You just come there. That is all. You will be taken care of completely. And one more thing, Sahaja yoga doors are open for everyone. All type of people can come. Some mentally challenged people also come, some tyrants also come, you don’t run away looking at them. You think of your welfare. Lot of people run away looking at them. They are at their wits end now. So you should not run away looking at them. These people are at their wits’ end. You should not look at them. If someone tells you something wrong, you should not believe. You go there and talk to the Center Coordinator. What is the difference between Pranayam and Sahaj yog and which is easier? Pranayam is only about one thing, like life. There is nothing about mind. Those who do Pranayam, their body gets so much heat that unless you keep some stick in between, you won’t know when they will beat you. They become so angry. How much time it takes to become expert in Sahaja Yoga? There is no question of becoming expert, Son. I have never studied it. I have told you that this is a living process. You can never tell when the tree will bear fruit. All the trees will not start bearing fruit at the same time. I have talked about thoughtless awareness and the second stage is Doubtless awareness. Then you become beyond time. Such people become expert in two days and some people take 4 to 5 years and if you are a bachelor and do not want to get married, then sometimes it takes 8 to 9 years. One gentleman who is a bachelor, has not become realised yet. He eats my head every day. Do you believe in Rituals? No Not at all, It is a waste. It is like the , Oh this is too much. I mean whatever you do is living process. Like you kill worms and insects. Worms and insects must be killed. Should I give realization to worms and insects or a hen and a goat. All this is nonsense. Whoever wants to eat, like some people need protein more, some need carbohydrate. Everyone eats according to their need and condition. Whatever food is necessary for you, like to foreign people, I always say to switch over to carbohydrates because they are very right sided. If you are right sided, you need more carbohydrate and if you are left sided, you need to eat more proteins. Whatever you want to eat, you should eat. Only thing is don’t eat animals bigger than you. You will become like that. Like that there are many. Whatever is necessary for anyone, they should eat that. Someone has asked his child has fits and he is mentally retarded. Please bring him to the centre. Lot of people have been cured. Shri Mataji, I am sorry but I am not able to understand if I should worship you in the form of human being or God Almighty. I am not able to make up my mind. Don’t worship me at all. You don’t worship me at all. Slowly slowly when you become clearer, you will understand. I don’t want to tell anything about myself. Only these people keep telling. You don’t need to know anything. When you come to know yourself, then you do whatever you feel. During night awakening or music program, some women or ladies start moving to and fro and say Goddess has come or Hanumanji has come on them. Son, for Goddess to come, a special type of body is required. If Goddess start coming like this in everyone, then what can one say. It is some devil. As far as Hanuman is concerned, Oh Oh, who can tolerate Him. They are all ghost, ghost try (bhoot chestha), don’t go anywhere near them and stay away from them. Some people act like this also. If you slap them two four times, they will become alright. All these are money making rackets. He has asked a good question. He has got cool breeze in his hands but has not got it properly. In one hand he gets more and in one less. In his Sahastrar also, he is getting less. He has a chronic disease of migrane. After medication, he is recovering. But in his head he gets lot of noise. This person should come to Sahaja yoga. He should go to centre and all these diseases will be cured. This is not a big disease. Apart from this, you will start getting similar cool vibrations in both hands and in your head also you will start getting vibrations. One person has said, he has lost his job and has applied in other firms and whether I will get a job. Yes. Definitely you will get the job. Why will you not get. It is in Marathi. It is written that there is some problem in his chakras and when he is doing meditation, he becomes alright. Lot of people think that if they do meditation sitting at home, they will become alright. Not at all. Let me tell you one thing. You will have to definitely come to Centre. Those who do not come to centre, I cannot tell anything for them because in collective only, you will grow, understand like this. Like if your nail gets broken, it cannot grow. We cannot know it. It gets destroyed. Like this, lot of people say Mother we sit at home and do meditation. It is not right. You have to come to the collective. You will understand what you are. Not before that. So everyone should come to the collective. Without collective, you cannot be alright. Not clear in Marathi. Yes please bring the child to the centre. Some children’s hole in the heart have been cured. Some one has asked for Doubtless Awareness. For Doubtless awareness, you don’t have to do anything. You have to get into collective. Slowly you will start getting into Doubtless awareness. You will yourself became doubtless. Till you become doubtless, you cannot be called a Sahaja yogi. He has asked a good question Why has the world been created and why are we created. It is because you should come to God’s kingdom and enjoy. Another question is in India we are poor and in foreign countries, people are rich and we are poor. Why is there richness and poverty. In our country, there is poverty because we are not patriots. Neither the politicians are patriots nor the people. Once you become a patriot, our country will become beautiful. From World Bank, money comes here and it goes to Switzerland Banks. Our country’s 1/4th portion is here and 3/4th is there and then World Bank gives us loan from Swiss Banks and we become debt ridden. We start borrowing money from World Bank again. Like this loan increases. So how can we become rich. And we believe such people who are known thiefs, culprits. What to do. It is not your fault. And then during election also they distribute money and get elected. You are all alternatives. Brother. understood. Now you all should become alternative. One day I just like that said Sahaja yogis are coming into politics. All the newspaper people came to me. My God. Then I said no, no no, no. If you all are going to be behind us, then we are not going to politics. Everything become alright. There is a limit to everything. This girl is deaf and dumb and like this two kids have been cured in London. We have our school in Delhi, no in Mumbai. The person who was teaching Deaf and Dumb children, he has got special prize from Government. One request, we are all sitting near the gate and lot of new people are coming. Please come to the side here. There is lot of space in this side. Please leave the area near the gate. She has asked about her husband that he doesn’t go to the shop, does not sit there and the business is also very less. You don’t put your attention on all these and think of God. First you get your self realization. Everything will become alright. I told you in London, so much unemployment is there, unemployment and now in Sahaja yog, there is not a single person who is not employed. With difficulty, you will find one or two persons. So first you get into Sahaja yoga. Standing in the threshold of God’s kingdom, what should you ask? To see your Spirit. Once Akbar asked Birbal who are the people who are lowly and mean. He said whoever is begging standing near the doorstep of God. Where ever you see, you will get thousands like this. Some Sahaja yogi has given this. Who is the thief? We will answer this later. No, No, No, No. While meditating, you should not say anything . Stop all these. Stop saying the mantras. After words you will come to know what mantras should be told where and how. For problems, you are saying mantras of Lord Shiva to Shri Rama. Mantras are also like big science. Learn that. You have asked a question In Sahaja Yog, does all work inside (internal) happens through Sahasrar? Yes. Definitely happens. But first you must become simple/natural (sahaj). Important thing is you are not Sahaj. Instead of eating from here, you eat from here and say Mother, food is not going down. What shall I do. First become fully sahaj. Please explain about Doubtless awareness. We will do this tomorrow. Q. It is right. No one is in Allahabad. One centre has started there. In Triveni Sangam lot of ghosts are sitting. Wherever sacred places are there, conditions are very bad there. Sahaja yoga is very difficult in those places. Because all money making people are sitting there, how Sahaja yoga can start there. But still it has happened. Sahaja yoga has started. You may please check. In Lucknow also it is there. I never expected. In Lucknow also very big centre is there. You have asked how to do Sahaja yoga. You all have become Sahaja yogis. Please come, learn Sahaja yoga and you will understand. You come to Sahaja yoga, learn to do meditation. It is very easy. Very easy. No questions from Western Sahaja yogis. They are very joyous. When they are happy, what to tell. This is their condition. See on Sundays, we have program in the mornings also. Please take this list of address. We will help you in all respects. Neha Bakshiji very good. You definitely meet these people and you can do lot of work. Your Name itself is affection. This whole work is done with love. With affection only all these work is done. It is a very good news that you want to dedicate your life in Sahaja yoga. You don’t have to leave anything. Neither wife nor children. There is nothing to leave. Nothing is worth leaving. Stones. You don’t have to leave anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas. Staying here in Delhi, you can do. You don’t have to run from anyone. You have to only correct them. Q. How to awaken Guru principle. These people will tell you all this. Even otherwise, we have puja here, Guru Puja. In the Puja, Guru principle gets awakened. Q It is more than one year and he is not getting vibration. What is the matter? Are you married? If you are not married, then get married and then enjoy. Okay all those who are not getting vibrations now. Those who want to get vibrations, please sit for some time. Also all those who want to know about well being, please stay back. It is good thing you all have come. You have come so far. After that which ever centre is near you, please go there. What happened to Delhi people. There should be some music. Right question you have asked. In Sahaj, you understand that your different chakras get corrected and your diseases also get cured. But what is the connection with worldly life, like business, your work etc. You become proficient in such a manner that your attention becomes quality conscious that your business, your worldly life start growing. In America, someone had a shop. I gave her realization. I gave realization to one lady who had a shop. She said before realization, I used to keep note of everything, I used to keep counting, but after realization, I have forgotten everything. Now I am having so much profit. I do not know how it is happening. Your job, your business, many things happen because of God’s blessings. Please have faith. In the worldly things, you become amazing. Your house, your children, your financial conditions, you get blessings of Saraswati, Lakshmi. Saraswatiji’s blessings and because of blessings of Goddess Kali, you become safe and also your well being. You get every type of blessings. But first you must come to His Kingdom. You are sitting in Congress Govt. Today this, tomorrow that. About government, we cannot say anything. I am talking about God’s kingdom. First come and sit down in His Kingdom. After that see how work gets done. You have still not come into His Kingdom. It is written here: Mother please fill everyone and the whole Universe with your divine love, make it Godly. Very good. This is my thought also. But you all are the bearer for this. You all are the channel for this. If I could have done everything alone, why would I come to you at all. Human beings are going to be the medium for this. This is going to happen only through you all. So you all come to the forefront and then we will do. A request for the Western Sahaja yogis. Those who are singers may please come on the stage. Akbar is a great.. yes he is there. I must say Mridang you have really become a real real, you can join pop music also. Sahaj, sahaj pop music, sahaj, Sanjay Sharma One music will be performed now. Then I will go. After that you all wait. These people will work on you whatever has to be done. But don’t be satisfied with this alone. You have to grow further. You have to become proficient. All those whose questions have not been answered, please come to our Centre and we will try our best to help you in all respects. And we will give you support in every way. Please come to the centre. When this program gets over, all the centre’s names are written here in printed form. Take a copy and go to any centre. Everyone will help you. That is all. After going to centre, you only say that you have come to learn Sahaja yog. That is all. They will do all the work. You don’t have to do anything. Don’t we have to go to Mr Shastri’s house. Mr Dharamveer, if he is anywhere, One moment This is a very good question. How can class and caste distinction end in India. What should people do. Automatically. You see here people are sitting from 56 nations, of different religion, different caste. They are all one. Finished. Because once you become that, you are a part and parcel of the whole. You become a universal religion (vishwa dharmi). There is no caste, you don’t have to tell. You just become. Can you tell anybody’s caste here? Q.: He says is it possible that Kundalini awakens without the help of anyone . No it cannot. Like a, you see, these are not enlightened lights, they cannot get enlightened by themselves. You have to use some enlightened light to enlighten them. That is all. It is very simple. After this program, next door, there is Sahaj yog exhibition. Please see that and then go. It is just next door. You all should sing a song together. One minute, if you can wait. We have one Indian gentleman who has learnt French and he has made poem in French language I would like him to say something and I think French would be very happy. In French language. I think some French leader should meet him and talk to him and now all of you sing together. This is such a nice place, spiritual place, we are sitting where Nizamuddin Saheb’s Court is there, Ameer khusro‘s disciple, his Court is here and now we came to know that Fateh Shah saheb’s Court is also here. What more is required. Everyone ‘s kingdom is here. Now all of you ask in their name. Put your hands like this. Are you getting cool breeze. All these people are sitting here. This is not some coincidence but it is spontaneous. Sahaj. They were saying lot of Muslims are here and they will put bomb. Where have they put the bomb. They have come here and put a coverlet (chadar). All are same. There is no fight between the Saints. Once Namdev who went to Punjab later. And Gora Kumar, he was a Potter. Namdev went to meet Gora Potter. One Saint meeting the other. The Potter Gora was stampeding the mud When he saw Namdev, he stood up immediately. Namdev said in Marathi. I came to see vibrations in Nirgun form but here I see him in person. One Saint can understand the other. Then Namdev went to Punjab. In Punjab, Nanak Saheb welcomed him warmly and lot of his verses were put in Granth Saheb. Namdev learnt Punjabi there and wrote such a big book in Punjabi and translated in Marathi. He was a Maharashtrian. Guru Govind Saheb also came to Nanded and met him. At that time there was no fight between the Saints because Saints know everything that truth is the same. Every type of Saint. You know Ameer Khusro has written such beautiful poetry about Truth. Only we are fighting. Till we understand the truth, we will keep fighting. They are all our people. They have done so much work. That is the result of Sahaj yog where there is no question of Hindu, Muslim and Christian. In England also, there was one poet by name William Blake. Every place, every country, like this lot of Saints are born and their thoughts, their deeds are all same. There is no difference among them. We are only creating the difference. All the Sikhs also should come to Sahaj yog. Awareness of Sahaj (sahaj Samadhi) should be established. I have seen Muslims get realization very fast. But they should come first. Call every one. Lot of Blessings to All. Everyone got cool breeze. This vibration. Everyone is getting on top of their head. This is vibration. No you don’t need to remove turban. You can get like that only. Properly you will get cool breeze. Now put your right hand like this and see. See again. Shehnai Maestro Ustad Bismilla Khan is also a realised soul. Once he had come to Switzerland. He saw these people and said Mother these are real people. Without malice, pure. Then I said Yes real people. He asked what are they doing? I told him to go and ask them. I have made my empty space. This is from inside. Empty. Empty. Lots of blessings to all of you, specially to people of Punjab where I have studied. I have lot of compassion for them and by God’s grace, every thing is becoming alright. Blessings to all. Lots of blessings to everyone. Everyone sit with peace and happiness. God has created this world for you only. You don’t have to go to any trouble. Lots of blessings to everyone. Please take the slips from here. Whoever wants to do meditation, they can take Shri Mataji’s photo which is free. There is a small book and if you want you can give some small amount. This is Mr Qutubuddin who has done all the arrangements here. Looking at the décor, I thought only a Muslim can do this. Once Shri Mataji leaves, everyone can take the slips. Till then, please sit quietly.
MORNING PUBLIC PROGRAM IN SCOUT CAMP NEW DELHI 22.3.1993 [Hindi to English translation] I am told lots of new people have arrived. Please raise your hands. As I told you, it is a subtle knowledge and to know it you have to become subtle. Do you all understand English? New people don’t know? Shall I tell in Hindi? Ok. Sit down. Knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is a subtle knowledge and to achieve this subtle knowledge, we must also be subtle. And what is this subtleness (sukshmata)? That we should be like Spirit – I have told you in my lectures. We have to be like Spirit. And from this Spirit only, we can understand this subtle knowledge. Because the Spirit has its own light. And when that light appears on us, in the light of that Spirit only, we can know this subtle knowledge. This Spirit is inside us. This reflection of God is inside us like Spirit. And this Kundalini which is the power, will power of the Divine, Adishakti, is its reflection. So when Kundalini rises, which is in three and half coil, Coil is called Kundal. Hence its name is Kundalini and this three and half coils does not rise fully. Just like there are lot of threads tied in a rope, similarly in this Kundalini also there are lot of strands. Some of these strands rise, like it happened the other day, and penetrates your Fontanelle bone area, which is called Talu, in Sanskrit it is called Talavyam, pierces it and spreads in that minute power which is in the universe (charachar). When it unites with that subtle energy, then Spirit’s seat is here, the Seat of all chakras is in the Head and these seven Chakras are inside us, about which I shall tell you tomorrow and when this Kundalini energy is awakened, then more and more strands should start rising. The first experience you will get, which we call Thoughtlessness, Thoughtless Awareness. In English Samadhi means Awareness, Samadhi means the brain which has become aware and when the brain first becomes aware of this Ether, this new dimension, this new notion, this divine vibration, that time is called awareness but that awareness, you will first get that awareness in the form of thoughtless awareness. Suddenly you will see you have become thoughtless. And when we are thinking, we think of either ahead, of future or behind, that is past, but this time, which is present, we are never in the present. And until we are in the present, we can never ascend spiritually because the past is over and future is not there now. We don’t know what is there. We don’t know what is in future and the past is over. The reality is the present, this time but our brain cannot settle in the present, our mind cannot settle here. These thoughts arise like waves and then fall and rise. Whole time we are in this movement only. Sometimes we run to the top and sometimes to the bottom. Today this thought comes, tomorrow that thought comes and day after that thought comes. But when your Kundalini rises, what happens is, there is a long gap between the thoughts. The space between these two thoughts is called vilamb (delay) in sanskrit. You come in this delayed state and this state of delay which is very narrow increases. This is called present and hence you become thoughtless but awareness means you don’t go into dormant state and you become very alert. You don’t go to sleep mode. You become very alert, more than needed. No thoughts come to you and you only watch it. This is called witness state. You only see it and you don’t get affected. You only see it and no action or reaction come. You watch it totally in witness state. This is called first stage of thoughtless awareness. You have to come to this stage first. Like there is a very beautiful carpet and if I am thinking right, I will think how beautiful this carpet is, where it is available, how much it costs, from which shop it is bought, whose it is, etc. All these thoughts will come to mind. On the other hand, if it is mine, headache is more, it shouldn’t get spoiled, insurance is not done for this, how it will work out etc. This is human mind. But in spiritual power, man does not think of all these but only sees it. And what does he see. How beautiful this is, The artisan who has made this has created such a beautiful thing. The beauty which he has expressed, shown joy of his heart in this beautiful carpet, that joy, delight he has shown in this beauty, everything goes right into me arbitrarily (nirgun). And from top to bottom, it will make me cool. The one who has made it, the one who has created this, his work is also complete and for me also such a great thing happened that without thinking and understanding, I have enjoyed this. It makes no difference whether it is mine or not. This way you become thoughtlessly aware. This gives you peace. Thoughtless awareness gives you peace, and your spiritual power grows. When your spiritual power grows, your creative power also increases and when this creative power increases, you can do many things with this creative power, instantly, there is no effort, spontaneous, sahaj. Like one gentleman who was a great mathematician but he had no knowledge of language. He did not know languages. He came to Sahaj and started writing poetry in Urdu, Hindi, Marathi and English. This is not some ghost attempt but this is the power hidden in you. Hidden creativity in you which has touched your heart. And now he started doing spontaneously in Sahaj to such a great extent that he does not undertstand what to do. He keeps a Dictaphone with him always and he gets so restless that until he dictates into it, he is not peaceful. Like this, there are lot of poets in India. Great artists are here. In India, great artists who are well known have become great through Sahaj. Lot of great artists in India, Mr. Amjad Ali is there, Mr. Sifat Hussain is there, son of Alla Rakaha is there. Lot of people are there. Like that among us, there is Debu Choudhury here and who knows how many artists have benefitted from Sahaj, They say we don’t understand when you are sitting in front of us, our fingers start moving automatically. We don’t understand. They start playing the tune which they have never played. Like this lot of people have benefitted in strange manner. You don’t get this even if you go to teachers for a long time. Lot of artists and their creative power has been awakened and through their creative power, they have reached from somewhere to somewhere. The creative power inside you increases manifold. When we talk about Chakras tomorrow, then I will tell you about different energies/power in different chakras and how you can achieve their powers. You know, there was a medical conference, where most of you had come, some had not come, new people had not come. One thing is certain that with Kundalini awakening, your health totally becomes alright. Most of the people become alright. If some are in their deathbed, God says let them die this time and they can get rebirth again. It does not matter. Some people are so useless that God has common sense and He thinks what is the use of curing them. Because these are the lamps which will never give light. So what is the use of curing such lamps. But most of the people recover from all types of diseases. It is very surprising. From all types of diseases, means many have recovered from cancer. And they have been cured at such a time when the doctor had given certificate that he will die in eight days. Sometimes, doctors say all these. They also have their limitations, and they give a certificate that you will die in eight days and please complete whatever work you have to do. But he survives for eight years or nine years. How can this happen? You will say how can this happen? You have to understand how it happens. Our subtle system is the existence of our physical, mental and material state. Our energies/strength are in our chakras. If one of your chakras is over active, it works like this, like Doctor explained, sympathetic nervous system works more and more. They go on working, working, working and the chakras become narrow and when it becomes narrow, what happens is either it loses its energy or it breaks. The moment it breaks the connection which is between your whole, means your brain, then you become separate, you become alone, you become a loner, which is called malignant, which is called cancer. What kundalini does is, like we thread the pearls, it moves very slowly here and there in every chakra passing through left and right and rises straight from here. Here the chakras get nourished and when the chakras get nourished, it gets energy and once energized, it rejoins the brain and also param chaitanya. Once this connection is completely established, after that no one can fall ill. If someone is a Sahaja yogi and he does not have any disease. Like this there are lot of people. It is not that everyone who comes to Sahaja yoga are sick. There are lot of people who come are healthy. These people are fine people, because the moment they get their self realization, they get the blessings of Kundalini and the moment they get the blessings of Kundalini, they progress rapidly and after that they never fall sick at all. There are lot of people among us who say that they used to go to doctor even if they had cold but now if some one has cancer, we go to him. So you become a doctor, you become a doctor, and understand your own sickness because when Kundalini penetrates, you feel the cool cool breeze, like you felt cool breeze the other day and all these five six and seven chakras, these are also five six and seven chakra. You come to know which chakras has problem and if you want to know others’ chakras, you can know which chakra is catching. If you understand how to correct these chakras, finished. You correct your chakras and correct others’ chakras also. Before this you have never felt your own chakras. Now you feel your own chakras and we call this our own knowledge, knowledge of self. Once you get your own knowledge, knowledge of self, you understand everything about your chakras and then you can maintain your health properly. If you can understand the chakras of others, you can keep them also healthy. You talk only of chakras, your language becomes that of chakras. You don’t say he is a Muslim or he is a Hindu, you don’t say he is English or Indian or someone else, you don’t say his hair is white or black, if he is wearing suit or Kurta pajama. These are outward display. You only say Mother he is catching this chakra. You only talk of chakras. Which chakra is bad, you talk only about that. Your attention goes to those chakras. You learn how to correct these Chakras and that is all. Now God does not understand this, money, bank etc. all these headache is created by human being. These are not related to God. How can it happen tell me? These Institutions are strange. I also don’t understand. However, you cannot give money for all these. This is a living process. How much money you give to your stomach that it digests all your food, or how much money you give to this hand that it does all your work? Like this to anyone, if anyone, if a man says money is required for these, he is the biggest hypocrite. On one hand they do God’s work and on the other they take money. They do not do God’s work because God does not understand money. Take this thought out of your mind that you can give money in the name of God. Yes alright. We have built this pavillion (mantap), you can give money for this, it is alright you have come by airplane, you can give money for that. You can give money for all these material things. But see you cannot give money for God’s work. And this thing which comes to you internally we call this as collective consciousness, means, you become conscious about others, means you understand about other’s chakras. You will want to correct them. You won’t think of anything. If anyone’s chakra is catching, you will feel so much compassion. You will collect four five people and you will go behind this person. Have you thought about yourself or your own protection or have you looked at yourself but have just started and you will go behind this person? So much compassion will flow. They will make call after call to me that he is not well. Is he a sahaj yogi? No Mother but he is a very decent man, a very good man. A very gentleman. A good man. Please put your attention on him. He has to be cured. Your compassion flows like this. And in compassion, where is the question of fight? Recently I had gone to the Shrine, Nizamuddin Saheb’s Shrine. He is also a very great man in Aulia and I believe in him. We believe in every one. We pray to Gurunanakji and we pray to Mohammad sahib also. Both are same. Whether you understand or not? Unnecessarily, you are fighting. In reality everyone is same. You don’t understand they all are same. However, I found politics is going on even there. You are sitting on some one’s door and why are you doing politics there. In Sahaja yoga there is no place for politics. You should become pure. Unless your attention becomes pure, there is no use of doing religious work. First become very pure. For everyone your compassion flows. For every one your heart becomes big. You start thinking what should be done for this person and what should be done for that person. Now think there are so many British people sitting here, whose father and forefathers, not these people, ruled this country once upon a time. They have created lot of mischief here. When these British people come to Mumbai or Delhi, they kiss your earth, bow down to the Mother Earth. They say that this is land of Saints (yoga bhumi). They understood this because they have that minute knowledge to recognize what is what. Now ask one question if Nizamuddin Saheb was really a Saint? Ask one question. You will feel cool breeze. Whether Nanak saheb was Adi Guru? Ask. See put your hands like this and ask. Ask any question. Is there God Almighty or not? Ask. If it is the truth, you feel cool vibrations and if it is wrong, you get hot vibrations, sometimes there will even be blisters. One thing you become collectively conscious. Because of that your compassion inside you flows. What to do what not to do. For whom we should run around, for whom we should do. These feelings come. There is no place for fighting. Everyone is running after curing the other person. The third thing which happens is, you know only the truth, the absolute truth. What is this? Like I said you find out. If (not audible) comes and stands in front of you, even a infamous person who has gone to jail will come back and wear some clothes and come like a hermit/saint. He will do some magic, something like this. People get fooled and go behind him. Keep your hands like this and ask question. This person is my Guru. Whether he is true or not? You will know the answer immediately. If you ask ten children, even if they are blindfold, if they are realised children, make them sit and ask them, Son. What is the problem with this man? They will all show the same finger. You ask the person if he has problem in his throat? He will say How do you know? The children were telling with their index fingers If they show this finger, problem in the heart. Everything you will know in your hands and finger tips. And no need for any diagnosis. One man had gone to Houston and he said he died while doing so many diagnosis one after the other. All his money was spent. They even removed his intestines and did diagnosis. Here you will do diagnosis from outside what is the problem and where is the trouble, and no need to worry. It will be correct. You can know not only physical, mental problems but also material and above all spiritual problems. You have gone to wrong wrong Gurus. Ask our Mr. Talwar and he will tell you stories about Gurus. How he got caught in their web. Human beings get misled like this. You have gone to all wrong Gurus. You have accepted him as your Guru now. Why have you accepted him as your Guru. What did your Guru give you. I will ask, Son, what has your Guru given you. And How did you know he is true or not. You go on spending money after money. Giving money after money. How much I have told them. How much I have made them understand. So many people got angry with me. Now they have understood me. Then at that time you only know the truth. Looking at the person, you can tell from which Guru he is coming. Because every Guru has done some work or other on one or another chakra. You can tell immediately from which Guru these are coming. And these Gurus run away like this and their disciple also, because to endure the Truth, it is very difficult for these people. Now in this you become your own Guru. One important work done by great eminent Gurus is that they have established the energy inside us that now we can become our own Guru. Does this mean you have become your own Guru. Means you tell yourself “look don’t take this road it is not right, go from here”. The eternal wisdom becomes true wisdom. It does not remain false. You leave it yourself. I don’t tell anything to anyone. I don’t even tell not to drink alcohol. I don’t tell anything. In Delhi if you tell don’t drink, half the people will get up and go. People of every religion drink even though it is prohibited. Everyone drinks. But after coming to Sahaja Yoga path, if I tell them to go and drink, they will not go. They will change direction if they see any drunkard. If they see a liquor shop, they will shift their house and go to another place. Because see you get light inside. Outside is nothing. Their drug habits leave them, they leave alcohols. All that which was club life and this and that which take them to destruction leaves them. All these take a man to destruction. But we don’t know why does a man go behind all these. When I was in London, we saw a man was walking very fast. We stopped to see where he was going. He had stopped in front of a Pub. He was going inside the Pub. Two or four people were lying on the ground drunk and he was running inside the Pub why he was not drunk. Wisdom totally goes blank. Their mind does not work. They know these two or four people are lying on the ground and they don’t have father or mother with them but still you will go pushing your way inside. Whether he is Sikh, Muslim or Christian, they go inside the pub very proudly. Inside the Pub everyone’s photo is there. This is not religion. Inside outside it is the same thing. It happens on its own. I don’t have to tell. You leave everything on your own. Everything happens on its own. I have told today does not mean you have to leave everything and run away. All these bad habits will go away. I see advertisements written against alcohol. It will not make any difference. While drinking alcohol, people will be telling about the advertisements. Now in our society, with the new type of modern culture which is emerging, we have to be very careful. These poor people have been brainwashed. They have been totally ruined. Their house is destroyed. Each woman marries eight times while each man marries nine times. Neither home nor dwelling, neither children, they live in Orphanage. If they are saved from this, they die from aids. If they are saved from this, there are another 50 new diseases have come. A new type of disease has come. Those who work too much, their conscious mind itself does not work and that is (not clear) like a big fish or snake, they do like this as if it is a stick and they hit people. Like this their brain works. Only brain is like this. Hands or legs or body does not work. I had told you this will happen. Aids will come. Everyone got angry with me. Now when it has happened, they are sitting quiet. Now it is like a and organized company has emerged. Even in Cinemas it is like this. They do not teach good things. At least in Indian movies, they do not show that a bad man becomes a hero but in Western countries, even bad man becomes a hero. Even then in our films too, they teach so many bad things to children like assaulting, this and that. If you teach children to assault, beat etc. how can there be peace. Like this a new type of invasion is coming on us. A new type of foreign invasion. You people have to be careful. Our children have also started wearing clothes like them, answer back like them and the way they are living, going to discos secretly and creating problems there. You have to be careful of all these. Once the children come to Sahaja yoga, they will not turn back to that side. Our Sahaj yogi children will not go. You will see how our Sahaja yogi children conduct themselves. You will feel very happy. You have to be careful of all these and save ourselves. To save ourselves from all these, there is only one way. We have to become our own Guru. From this, from Gurutatva, you will know what is good or bad, what is good for you, what is good for your family what is good for household people, what is good for your relations and what is good for the country. You will go towards that only. Like this, once you come to Sahaja yog, you will become meticulous. And that meticulousness, does all the living process, you don’t even think. How does this heart beat? Anahat is the one by which heart beats, Anahat. But who is Anahat. Who is this Anahat which beats the heart. Who is the one who has made human beings, and why have they made human beings, all these answers, means all this, you get in Sahaja yog. And when you know what is the meaning of your life, why have you come on this earth, why have you taken the form of human being, then you will understand how honoured you are, how important you are. Now think if someone is carrying a television in their hand, who has not seen electricity or have limited idea of it, you show them television and tell them it will show all types of dramas, all other things etc, they will tell you what nonsense you are talking. This is only a waste box. Like this we also think of us as a box. It is not so. This box is made very beautifully. In this so minute wires and minute instruments are pierced, and these minute wires are placed in such a way that no one is able to touch these minute wires till now. No one can manipulate these minute wires. But the moment you connect the television cable to power, they will be surprised. What is this. Like this you all are. You have to know yourself and when you know yourself what you are. Without knowing yourself, if you think you are a very great person, it is wrong. Or if you think you are nobody, that is also wrong. First know yourself and when you understand, then lamp burns. Until the lamp is burnt, it will not give light. And when it burns, it will give light to everyone because that is its quality. Like this is the matter of lighting many lamps from one lamp, Sahaj yoga is a real example. There are lot of people in Sahaja yoga who have not seen me at all but they have got realisation when some Sahaja yogis went there. In foreigh countries, this is happening in large scale. In Siberia, you will be surprised, people from Russia had gone to that desert and have done lot of work. In Siberia also Sahaja yoga has started. It is very surprising how these people had gone to Siberia. When I had gone to Russia last time, lot of people had come to airport. Whoever was in the front, when I asked who are these people, Mother, these people are from Siberia, about fifty sixty people have come from Siberia. Siberia is the place where people were sent to be punished like Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Yes in Andaman and Nicobar Islands also Sahaja Yoga has started. You will be surprised wherever one Sahaja yogi goes, he will not sit quietly until he gives realization to others. He will say how can I be alone here, Mother. There are no Sahaja yogis here. Make some Sahaja yogis here. It is all a matter of courage. Only thing is he should not get ego, only he should have courage. Every man can give realization to thousands of people. Now you know I have become old but doesn’t matter. You are all there. You all will do my work and I am fully confident Sahaja Yoga will transform the color of the world. Today I do not know I am seeing the world differently. I am seeing something different. I do not know how and what has happened. Everything is looking different and looking very peaceful. Possibly the new era of golden age has come, this is the proof. All religion, their organizers, all are born in the same tree and flower but we have plucked the flowers and are fighting that this is ours, this is ours. In the Ocean of Sahaja, everyone will merge and this is not equanimity (samabhav) we cannot say this is solidarity (samapuja) or same faith (samashradha), we cannot say same type of respect but same type of worship is done. Without knowing this , we cannot say that every one is same. Hopefully the new people who have come will learn the system of Sahaja Yog. Tomorrow I will talk about subtle system and I will talk about different subjects. Now you can ask me questions, new people. I am sorry I had to speak in this language. I hope you don’t mind. Because they are new people, they wanted me to speak in Hindi language. And I hope you don’t mind. These people say when we do not understand, our mind does not work and we go into meditation. From the beginning to end, only 10 minutes. In this more time is not required. Only your heart is needed. Ten minutes. Ten minutes in the evening and two minutes in the evening. That is all. You don’t need time at all. You will go beyond time. You see all your work will be done according to your time. Just think if you are worried what will your boss say, you will find your boss is coming late. You will always reach earlier. In this you become timeless, Kalateet. Kalateet means beyond time. Time becomes your slave. I have travelled so much but till today, I have never missed a flight, never missed a train, nothing. If you all ask questions, you will get answers quickly, immediately. This is correct that we have not said about eyes. I have not said anything but the doctor who was sitting here, the doctor who spoke to you has cured his eyesight with the help of Sahaja yoga. So there is nothing to worry. You have asked one question that you have your desire (vasana), you have desires, you have yearnings. Please sit down. How to overcome this completely because I have not got any vibrations yet. I am doing Sahaj yog. In Sahaja yog, it should be understood that relationship with wife is a very religious thing. Here you don’t have to become a recluse (sanyasi). If someone becomes a recluse, he will never get realisation. I tell him if you get married, I will give you realization, otherwise No. Now to get married, it must be understood that this year we had 86 Sahaj marriages. 80+6 Every year between 75 to 80 or 86, 85 marriages take place and this is going on for the past 10 or more years. And in my opinion, three or four marriages had problem, that too from girls in our country. Their mind is bad. Girls from outside are very decent. You will be surprised. Once they have accepted Sahaj, they accept it fully. Girls from here are only confused/create problems. Five six girls from here have troubled a lot. Some people also tell lies about their girls so that we get them married but now it is being rectified. Your eyes start roaming towards others, it is called Desire/yearning. Your eyes become standstill. From the foreigners’ point of view, foreigners always say that they have roving eyes, whole time their eyes will be roaming. Here also this disease has spread in North India. It is not so in Maharashtra. Their eyes does not settle. How to overcome this. I told them to look down on Mother Earth. Even now they look down on earth and walk. In that you can see everything within three feet. you can see flowers, children etc and above that there is nothing to see. And whatever you desire, some times you think of opposite, like some one thinks my husband should die or my wife should die, God will never do this. Then whatever you ask, whatever you desire, are not fulfilled. You should see first if your desires are, whatever your desires are, you should see first, whether you get vibrations or not, whether your desires are pure or not. Otherwise you will sit with some desire. Sometimes, desires are very dangerous and it comes to teach you some lesson. Like there was one lady who was after my life saying that her husband should become IAS, her husband should become IAS. If your husband is very rich, what is the necessity for him to become IAS? But she was after me that he should become IAS. I did not tell her anything, whether Yes or No. I said leave this alone. It is nonsense. Somehow he became IAS. Where he was a Collector, there his son used to go to college by cycle, big boy, only son and one daughter. While returning, he used to cross the railway track. One day, he came under a train and lost his life. I said see. After this she became mad. So in Sahaj yog, your progress becomes satisfied. This is your identification. You become satisfied. You start by becoming satisfied. This is your identification. You become satisfied yourself and you get into totality (samagrata)/balance. Meaning your brain and your attention and your mind and your heart all think of same thing and there is no fight, inside fight is over, and the man comes to balance. He says “how you want to keep me, I will be stay that”. Then he starts thinking of happiness of the spirit and not that of body. Now I am born in such a family where there was lot of wealth. I got married and here also lot of wealth was there. All the people were fond of luxury and all type of facilities were there. If you tell me, I will sleep in the jungle, on the road or on the stone. The idea is to sleep and not where. Man does not think of body but of happiness of the spirit. Like eating the already tasted plum (ber) from Shabari. Is that also food. He ate the left over plum of Shabari, ate the spinach from Vidhur’s house but did not eat the sweets from Duryodhan. Why is that? Vidhur was a realised soul. Shabari was a realised soul. So He ate her plums, that too after she had tasted them, put them in her mouth, bit into them. What was in that that he ate the plum of Shabari. Happiness of the spirit, search for the happiness of the spirit and in that happiness, man gets immersed in this. What a question .. whether you test Sahaja Yogis and then give them proximity (nearness) (samipya). I think he is some government servant. Look son, this is a question of love. In love, what can I test you. Instead I am being tested. What test you have, I fall in love with you all and I don’t understand how to give time to everyone and what is nearness. Everywhere where there is human being is nearness. When sahaja yogi grows in sahaj, he becomes detached to me. Surprising. He enjoys in detachment. Second thing is if some sahaja yogi commits mistake, do you punish them? Why should I punish. They punish themselves. See now you are sitting comfortably in Mother’s proximity and no one can touch you. But if you yourself leave the comfort of your Mother, outside there are evil spirits. Then you get beaten up. I don’t punish at all. You are taking the punishment. I tell you are sitting comfortably. Why are you going. I don’t have to give and take from you. Nothing. Sit comfortably. If someone asks you for forgiveness, how much percent you forgive them? This is really some government servant. Oh. Am I some Government. I am a Mother. I am ready to forgive. My nature is to forgive. Nothing stays in my mind for more than one minute. If I have to show my anger, I have to make a drama out of it. I cannot be serious for more than two minutes. I am not some Guru. One man had come from some Guru and he heard my laugh and said Mother is smiling. I asked “why”. He said he had not seen his Guruji smiling or laughing. I told him leave such Guru. You have come here to be happy, to seek pleasure or to become impure? He has asked a good question. Can Sahaja Yoga change the mind of a evil doer and house breaker?. Son. We have ways and means by which we can change everything. We will tell you how to do it. What is the first method of doing Sahaja Yoga. There is no method Son. Now you have become realised. You only learn from these people by going to Centre. First you must get rid of your ego. It is good. There is no governor (laatsaheb) here. Delhi is filled with such people. They will say Mother we have to meet you only. That is all, gone. You may be a big man when you are sitting in your Chair but in front of Mother, everyone is the same. However big a man you are, you should wear Kurta pajama and go to Centre and be most humble. Humbleness is the first thing. If someone is not humble, he cannot go deep in Sahaja yoga. That is why I don’t have any method or anything. You go to Sahaja yog centre, there they will tell you what to do, how to do . For everyone it is different. You go to centre and you will understand for yourself. Everything is inside you and when you go to Centre, you will grow, and you will know it. This question is…In Delhi where can we get Guidance about Sahaja yoga. Ask the Doctor. See, when this program is over, after that on our right side, wherever there are centres in Delhi, there are twenty centres in Delhi, you will get address of all the centres printed. You can collect the address from there. For new seekers, every Wednesday in Safdarjung Enclave, we have a Ashram. There we will teach you Sahaja yoga from the beginning. Every Wednesday evening 6.30 pm and every Saturday , we have a centre behind Qutub Hotel, Qutub Institutional Area. There we have collective. Whoever comes there, whatever their problems are, whether mental or physical or if you have some specific problem, we teach you how to overcome your problems. There we teach you how to meditate, how to get into thoughtless awareness, problems or virtues in your subtle system, You just come there. That is all. You will be taken care of completely. And one more thing, Sahaja yoga doors are open for everyone. All type of people can come. Some mentally challenged people also come, some tyrants also come, you don’t run away looking at them. You think of your welfare. Lot of people run away looking at them. They are at their wits end now. So you should not run away looking at them. These people are at their wits’ end. You should not look at them. If someone tells you something wrong, you should not believe. You go there and talk to the Center Coordinator. What is the difference between Pranayam and Sahaj yog and which is easier? Pranayam is only about one thing, like life. There is nothing about mind. Those who do Pranayam, their body gets so much heat that unless you keep some stick in between, you won’t know when they will beat you. They become so angry. How much time it takes to become expert in Sahaja Yoga? There is no question of becoming expert, Son. I have never studied it. I have told you that this is a living process. You can never tell when the tree will bear fruit. All the trees will not start bearing fruit at the same time. I have talked about thoughtless awareness and the second stage is Doubtless awareness. Then you become beyond time. Such people become expert in two days and some people take 4 to 5 years and if you are a bachelor and do not want to get married, then sometimes it takes 8 to 9 years. One gentleman who is a bachelor, has not become realised yet. He eats my head every day. Do you believe in Rituals? No Not at all, It is a waste. It is like the , Oh this is too much. I mean whatever you do is living process. Like you kill worms and insects. Worms and insects must be killed. Should I give realization to worms and insects or a hen and a goat. All this is nonsense. Whoever wants to eat, like some people need protein more, some need carbohydrate. Everyone eats according to their need and condition. Whatever food is necessary for you, like to foreign people, I always say to switch over to carbohydrates because they are very right sided. If you are right sided, you need more carbohydrate and if you are left sided, you need to eat more proteins. Whatever you want to eat, you should eat. Only thing is don’t eat animals bigger than you. You will become like that. Like that there are many. Whatever is necessary for anyone, they should eat that. Someone has asked his child has fits and he is mentally retarded. Please bring him to the centre. Lot of people have been cured. Shri Mataji, I am sorry but I am not able to understand if I should worship you in the form of human being or God Almighty. I am not able to make up my mind. Don’t worship me at all. You don’t worship me at all. Slowly slowly when you become clearer, you will understand. I don’t want to tell anything about myself. Only these people keep telling. You don’t need to know anything. When you come to know yourself, then you do whatever you feel. During night awakening or music program, some women or ladies start moving to and fro and say Goddess has come or Hanumanji has come on them. Son, for Goddess to come, a special type of body is required. If Goddess start coming like this in everyone, then what can one say. It is some devil. As far as Hanuman is concerned, Oh Oh, who can tolerate Him. They are all ghost, ghost try (bhoot chestha), don’t go anywhere near them and stay away from them. Some people act like this also. If you slap them two four times, they will become alright. All these are money making rackets. He has asked a good question. He has got cool breeze in his hands but has not got it properly. In one hand he gets more and in one less. In his Sahastrar also, he is getting less. He has a chronic disease of migrane. After medication, he is recovering. But in his head he gets lot of noise. This person should come to Sahaja yoga. He should go to centre and all these diseases will be cured. This is not a big disease. Apart from this, you will start getting similar cool vibrations in both hands and in your head also you will start getting vibrations. One person has said, he has lost his job and has applied in other firms and whether I will get a job. Yes. Definitely you will get the job. Why will you not get. It is in Marathi. It is written that there is some problem in his chakras and when he is doing meditation, he becomes alright. Lot of people think that if they do meditation sitting at home, they will become alright. Not at all. Let me tell you one thing. You will have to definitely come to Centre. Those who do not come to centre, I cannot tell anything for them because in collective only, you will grow, understand like this. Like if your nail gets broken, it cannot grow. We cannot know it. It gets destroyed. Like this, lot of people say Mother we sit at home and do meditation. It is not right. You have to come to the collective. You will understand what you are. Not before that. So everyone should come to the collective. Without collective, you cannot be alright. Not clear in Marathi. Yes please bring the child to the centre. Some children’s hole in the heart have been cured. Some one has asked for Doubtless Awareness. For Doubtless awareness, you don’t have to do anything. You have to get into collective. Slowly you will start getting into Doubtless awareness. You will yourself became doubtless. Till you become doubtless, you cannot be called a Sahaja yogi. He has asked a good question Why has the world been created and why are we created. It is because you should come to God’s kingdom and enjoy. Another question is in India we are poor and in foreign countries, people are rich and we are poor. Why is there richness and poverty. In our country, there is poverty because we are not patriots. Neither the politicians are patriots nor the people. Once you become a patriot, our country will become beautiful. From World Bank, money comes here and it goes to Switzerland Banks. Our country’s 1/4th portion is here and 3/4th is there and then World Bank gives us loan from Swiss Banks and we become debt ridden. We start borrowing money from World Bank again. Like this loan increases. So how can we become rich. And we believe such people who are known thiefs, culprits. What to do. It is not your fault. And then during election also they distribute money and get elected. You are all alternatives. Brother. understood. Now you all should become alternative. One day I just like that said Sahaja yogis are coming into politics. All the newspaper people came to me. My God. Then I said no, no no, no. If you all are going to be behind us, then we are not going to politics. Everything become alright. There is a limit to everything. This girl is deaf and dumb and like this two kids have been cured in London. We have our school in Delhi, no in Mumbai. The person who was teaching Deaf and Dumb children, he has got special prize from Government. One request, we are all sitting near the gate and lot of new people are coming. Please come to the side here. There is lot of space in this side. Please leave the area near the gate. She has asked about her husband that he doesn’t go to the shop, does not sit there and the business is also very less. You don’t put your attention on all these and think of God. First you get your self realization. Everything will become alright. I told you in London, so much unemployment is there, unemployment and now in Sahaja yog, there is not a single person who is not employed. With difficulty, you will find one or two persons. So first you get into Sahaja yoga. Standing in the threshold of God’s kingdom, what should you ask? To see your Spirit. Once Akbar asked Birbal who are the people who are lowly and mean. He said whoever is begging standing near the doorstep of God. Where ever you see, you will get thousands like this. Some Sahaja yogi has given this. Who is the thief? We will answer this later. No, No, No, No. While meditating, you should not say anything . Stop all these. Stop saying the mantras. After words you will come to know what mantras should be told where and how. For problems, you are saying mantras of Lord Shiva to Shri Rama. Mantras are also like big science. Learn that. You have asked a question In Sahaja Yog, does all work inside (internal) happens through Sahasrar? Yes. Definitely happens. But first you must become simple/natural (sahaj). Important thing is you are not Sahaj. Instead of eating from here, you eat from here and say Mother, food is not going down. What shall I do. First become fully sahaj. Please explain about Doubtless awareness. We will do this tomorrow. Q. It is right. No one is in Allahabad. One centre has started there. In Triveni Sangam lot of ghosts are sitting. Wherever sacred places are there, conditions are very bad there. Sahaja yoga is very difficult in those places. Because all money making people are sitting there, how Sahaja yoga can start there. But still it has happened. Sahaja yoga has started. You may please check. In Lucknow also it is there. I never expected. In Lucknow also very big centre is there. You have asked how to do Sahaja yoga. You all have become Sahaja yogis. Please come, learn Sahaja yoga and you will understand. You come to Sahaja yoga, learn to do meditation. It is very easy. Very easy. No questions from Western Sahaja yogis. They are very joyous. When they are happy, what to tell. This is their condition. See on Sundays, we have program in the mornings also. Please take this list of address. We will help you in all respects. Neha Bakshiji very good. You definitely meet these people and you can do lot of work. Your Name itself is affection. This whole work is done with love. With affection only all these work is done. It is a very good news that you want to dedicate your life in Sahaja yoga. You don’t have to leave anything. Neither wife nor children. There is nothing to leave. Nothing is worth leaving. Stones. You don’t have to leave anything. You don’t have to go to Himalayas. Staying here in Delhi, you can do. You don’t have to run from anyone. You have to only correct them. Q. How to awaken Guru principle. These people will tell you all this. Even otherwise, we have puja here, Guru Puja. In the Puja, Guru principle gets awakened. Q It is more than one year and he is not getting vibration. What is the matter? Are you married? If you are not married, then get married and then enjoy. Okay all those who are not getting vibrations now. Those who want to get vibrations, please sit for some time. Also all those who want to know about well being, please stay back. It is good thing you all have come. You have come so far. After that which ever centre is near you, please go there. What happened to Delhi people. There should be some music. Right question you have asked. In Sahaj, you understand that your different chakras get corrected and your diseases also get cured. But what is the connection with worldly life, like business, your work etc. You become proficient in such a manner that your attention becomes quality conscious that your business, your worldly life start growing. In America, someone had a shop. I gave her realization. I gave realization to one lady who had a shop. She said before realization, I used to keep note of everything, I used to keep counting, but after realization, I have forgotten everything. Now I am having so much profit. I do not know how it is happening. Your job, your business, many things happen because of God’s blessings. Please have faith. In the worldly things, you become amazing. Your house, your children, your financial conditions, you get blessings of Saraswati, Lakshmi. Saraswatiji’s blessings and because of blessings of Goddess Kali, you become safe and also your well being. You get every type of blessings. But first you must come to His Kingdom. You are sitting in Congress Govt. Today this, tomorrow that. About government, we cannot say anything. I am talking about God’s kingdom. First come and sit down in His Kingdom. After that see how work gets done. You have still not come into His Kingdom. It is written here: Mother please fill everyone and the whole Universe with your divine love, make it Godly. Very good. This is my thought also. But you all are the bearer for this. You all are the channel for this. If I could have done everything alone, why would I come to you at all. Human beings are going to be the medium for this. This is going to happen only through you all. So you all come to the forefront and then we will do. A request for the Western Sahaja yogis. Those who are singers may please come on the stage. Akbar is a great.. yes he is there. I must say Mridang you have really become a real real, you can join pop music also. Sahaj, sahaj pop music, sahaj, Sanjay Sharma One music will be performed now. Then I will go. After that you all wait. These people will work on you whatever has to be done. But don’t be satisfied with this alone. You have to grow further. You have to become proficient. All those whose questions have not been answered, please come to our Centre and we will try our best to help you in all respects. And we will give you support in every way. Please come to the centre. When this program gets over, all the centre’s names are written here in printed form. Take a copy and go to any centre. Everyone will help you. That is all. After going to centre, you only say that you have come to learn Sahaja yog. That is all. They will do all the work. You don’t have to do anything. Don’t we have to go to Mr Shastri’s house. Mr Dharamveer, if he is anywhere, One moment This is a very good question. How can class and caste distinction end in India. What should people do. Automatically. You see here people are sitting from 56 nations, of different religion, different caste. They are all one. Finished. Because once you become that, you are a part and parcel of the whole. You become a universal religion (vishwa dharmi). There is no caste, you don’t have to tell. You just become. Can you tell anybody’s caste here? Q.: He says is it possible that Kundalini awakens without the help of anyone . No it cannot. Like a, you see, these are not enlightened lights, they cannot get enlightened by themselves. You have to use some enlightened light to enlighten them. That is all. It is very simple. After this program, next door, there is Sahaj yog exhibition. Please see that and then go. It is just next door. You all should sing a song together. One minute, if you can wait. We have one Indian gentleman who has learnt French and he has made poem in French language I would like him to say something and I think French would be very happy. In French language. I think some French leader should meet him and talk to him and now all of you sing together. This is such a nice place, spiritual place, we are sitting where Nizamuddin Saheb’s Court is there, Ameer khusro‘s disciple, his Court is here and now we came to know that Fateh Shah saheb’s Court is also here. What more is required. Everyone ‘s kingdom is here. Now all of you ask in their name. Put your hands like this. Are you getting cool breeze. All these people are sitting here. This is not some coincidence but it is spontaneous. Sahaj. They were saying lot of Muslims are here and they will put bomb. Where have they put the bomb. They have come here and put a coverlet (chadar). All are same. There is no fight between the Saints. Once Namdev who went to Punjab later. And Gora Kumar, he was a Potter. Namdev went to meet Gora Potter. One Saint meeting the other. The Potter Gora was stampeding the mud When he saw Namdev, he stood up immediately. Namdev said in Marathi. I came to see vibrations in Nirgun form but here I see him in person. One Saint can understand the other. Then Namdev went to Punjab. In Punjab, Nanak Saheb welcomed him warmly and lot of his verses were put in Granth Saheb. Namdev learnt Punjabi there and wrote such a big book in Punjabi and translated in Marathi. He was a Maharashtrian. Guru Govind Saheb also came to Nanded and met him. At that time there was no fight between the Saints because Saints know everything that truth is the same. Every type of Saint. You know Ameer Khusro has written such beautiful poetry about Truth. Only we are fighting. Till we understand the truth, we will keep fighting. They are all our people. They have done so much work. That is the result of Sahaj yog where there is no question of Hindu, Muslim and Christian. In England also, there was one poet by name William Blake. Every place, every country, like this lot of Saints are born and their thoughts, their deeds are all same. There is no difference among them. We are only creating the difference. All the Sikhs also should come to Sahaj yog. Awareness of Sahaj (sahaj Samadhi) should be established. I have seen Muslims get realization very fast. But they should come first. Call every one. Lot of Blessings to All. Everyone got cool breeze. This vibration. Everyone is getting on top of their head. This is vibration. No you don’t need to remove turban. You can get like that only. Properly you will get cool breeze. Now put your right hand like this and see. See again. Shehnai Maestro Ustad Bismilla Khan is also a realised soul. Once he had come to Switzerland. He saw these people and said Mother these are real people. Without malice, pure. Then I said Yes real people. He asked what are they doing? I told him to go and ask them. I have made my empty space. This is from inside. Empty. Empty. Lots of blessings to all of you, specially to people of Punjab where I have studied. I have lot of compassion for them and by God’s grace, every thing is becoming alright. Blessings to all. Lots of blessings to everyone. Everyone sit with peace and happiness. God has created this world for you only. You don’t have to go to any trouble. Lots of blessings to everyone. Please take the slips from here. Whoever wants to do meditation, they can take Shri Mataji’s photo which is free. There is a small book and if you want you can give some small amount. This is Mr Qutubuddin who has done all the arrangements here. Looking at the décor, I thought only a Muslim can do this. Once Shri Mataji leaves, everyone can take the slips. Till then, please sit quietly.
Public Program: Sahaja Yoga Introduction
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program, Sahaja Yoga Introduction, New Delhi (India), 23-03-1993 [English Translation from Hindi] You have asked Me a question, “We have desires and cravings how do I …” Please be seated ...”how do I control them from within, as I am not that strong internally, though I am practicing Sahaja Yoga?” Now in Sahaja Yoga you have to understand that relationship with your wife only, is a religious thing. We do not encourage celibacy. Those who live a celibate life normally don’t get Self-realization. I tell single people to get married. Then you will attain your Self-realization; otherwise, you won’t. (Clapping in the crowd) Now, to get married you should understand that this year eighty-six couples were married. Every year, seventy-five to eighty-six couples get married in Sahaja Yoga, and this has been happening for the last ten years or maybe more. Maybe only three to four marriages failed, because our Indian girls lost their minds. Girls from foreign lands are very sensible. You will be surprised to know the way they have absorbed Sahaja Yoga into their lives. Our Indian girls are perplexed; some go there and act out dramas. Five to six Indian girls have really troubled us. A few families were wrong for marrying their mentally unstable daughters in Sahaja Yoga. But now, when everything is getting better, I will tell you that desires mean that your eyes roam around here and there. With Sahaja Yoga your eyes will stabilize and not roam. Foreigners used to tell me, “Mother, our eyes roam a lot all the time. Our eyes roam here and there. What should we do?” I see there is a lot of the same problem in the Northern part of India, but no such problem of roaming eyes in Maharashtra. People have stable eyes. To control this issue with roaming eyes, I told them to look towards the ground while walking. When you walk looking only at the ground, you only see at the height of three feet, where you see either children or flowers. What else there is to notice? (Clapping) Whatever you want, sometimes you ask for wrong desires. Like sometimes some people think, “My husband should die,” or some people think, “My wife should die.” God will never do this. So whatever are your desires or wants, you should see whether your desires or wants have vibrations in them. Otherwise, you keep having vague desires. Sometimes desires are very destructive and come to you to teach you a lesson. Like there was a lady who was after my life, saying, “Mother, please help my husband to pass his civil services exam.” I asked her, “What’s your problem? Your husband is a rich man. What’s the need for him to be a civil servant /IAS officer?” But she was after my life, saying, “Mother, make him be an IAS officer.” I didn’t tell her either yes or no. I said, “Let’s leave this topic. It’s useless discussing it.” Now somehow, he passed the examination and became an IAS officer. So now where he was posted as the collector, his son used to travel by cycle to his college. He had a single son and a daughter. He used to cross the railway tracks. One day he died, while crossing, under a train. I told them, “Now see.” Then she went crazy after that. So, in Sahaja Yoga your instincts become solution-oriented. This is a characteristic of Sahaja Yoga. You become solution-oriented. You become a resolving sort of person. You find solutions within yourself and you find totality in yourself, meaning your brains, your attention and your heart all think alike, with no conflict between them. All conflicts within are resolved, and the human being becomes solution-oriented. Then he says, “I will live by Your will.” He then finds the joy of the spirit and rest in his heart, not in his physical body. I was born in such a family where there was much wealth and riches. Even in my in-law’s place, they had loads of riches. We had all the comforts in the house, but if you ask Me, I can sleep in the jungle or on a pavement or on a stone. It doesn’t matter. You only need to sleep. Then a human being doesn’t care about physical comforts. They only think about the joy of the spirit. Like Shri Ram ate berries offered by Shabri which were already eaten. He ate fruits that were already tasted by Shabri. Shri Krishna ate greens offered by Vidur and refused sweets offered by Duriyodhan. Why was this? Because Vidur was a realized soul and so was Shabri. He ate her fruits that were pre-tasted, which she tasted by using her teeth. He consumed the berries offered by Shabri. He ate the pre-eaten fruits and tasted the joy of the spirit. We all look out for joy and bliss in our spirit, and a human being keeps indulging in that true joy. Next question: What a question, sir! “Do you test your Sahaja Yogi children and grant them closeness to You?” I guess whoever has asked this question must be a government servant. (Clapping in crowd) Oh, My son, it’s all about Love. Who takes an exam in Love? You aren’t given any test. It’s just that I love you all and I don’t understand how to give you time individually and what it is about closeness. Wherever you go, humans are residing. They don’t need closeness. The deeper the Sahaja yogis grow in Sahaja Yoga, the more they stay away from Me. It’s surprising! They are happy even if they are distant from Me. The second part of the question is: “Do you punish if a Sahaja yogi commits a mistake?” Why would I give a punishment? They themselves get the punishment. Please understand: if you are sitting in My proximity no one can touch you, but if you leave Me and run out alone, the bhoots are there to grab you and you get beaten up by them. I don’t punish anyone. They themselves take punishments. I tell people to sit comfortably, but they only run away here, and then what can I do? What is your issue? Keep sitting quietly in My vicinity. Next question: “If you are asked for forgiveness, what percentage of forgiveness do you grant?” (Clapping) I am very sure that whoever asked this question is definitely a government servant. Oh, I am not government. I am Mother. I keep forgiving. It’s My nature to forgive. I don’t keep anything in My heart even for a minute. If I have to show anyone that I am upset, I pretend to be angry. I cannot be serious for more than two minutes. I am not a guru or baba. When one man came, he saw Me smiling and was surprised that Mother laughs and smiles. He told Me, “My guruji never ever smiles.” I told him to leave any such guru because it’s useless to follow that person. You are here to enjoy life and have fun in life, not for a state of ritual impurity existing after birth. Next question. A very nice question is being asked: “Can Sahaja Yoga change the mind of the evil-doer and house-breaker?” The answer is that we have ways and methods. Love is such that it can change everything. We will tell you how to do it. You haven’t brought My tea (aside to a person). Please bring Me tea. Next question: “What is the way to do Sahaja Yoga?” There is no hard and fast rule about how to do it. Now, when you have taken your realization, please go to our centers and learn from there. Firstly, just drop your egos. Now, if somebody is some big shot here – Delhi is full of big shots – these people say, “Mother I want to meet just with You.” Now, after this you are gone; good for nothing. You may be a big shot in your position, but in front of your Holy Mother you all are one. However much you are a big shot, be humble, wear a kurta pajama, go to our centers with full humility. Humility is the first thing. Those who are not humble cannot grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga. So, I have no ways and methods. Go to Sahaja Yoga centers. People who already practice will tell you how to practice it and how it should be done. For every individual, Sahaja Yoga has something different to share. So, go to our centers. You will understand yourself, how you can attain your own qualities imbedded within you, and your qualities will progress and you will realize yourself. Question: “Where can I get guidance for Sahaja Yoga in New Delhi?” Doctor Nigam will answer your query. Doctor Nigam: After this program will end, on our right side we have a list of twenty centers in Delhi. The list will be shared with you. You can collect the list. For newcomers, every Wednesday we have an ashram in Safdarganj enclave. From the beginning we will guide you about Sahaja Yoga every Wednesday evening at 6.30 pm, and every Saturday behind Hotel Qutab. We have a center in the Qutab institutional area where we have our regular collective meetings. There we guide people about all their problems, whether physical, mental or psychological. There we guide people in how to meditate. We teach you how to become thoughtless. We will tell you whether the state of your chakras is good or bad. You are requested to just visit us and you can leave the rest to us. We will take care of it. Mother: Also, I would like to add that in Sahaja Yoga our doors are open for all. So, all kinds of people come in. A few crazy people come in and also some felons come in. So, all sorts of people come in, as the doors are open for all. Please don’t run away when you see them. You just think about the benefits you have received. Many people run away when they see them. These are the people who are on the brink and haven’t gone deeper in meditation. So, do not run away when you see their nature. This has happened with many people. Also, do not believe in any false claims. Just go and talk to the center leaders. Next question: “What is the difference between pranayams and Sahaja Yoga, and which one of the two is easier?” Pranayam is just about one side of your body. It talks about only the pranas. It doesn’t talk about the heart. People who do pranayam get so heated up and temperamental that while you are talking to them, you should keep a stick in your hand for your safety as they may attack you at any time. They are very hot-tempered people, hot-headed kinds. Next question: “How long does it take to become an expert in Sahaja Yoga?” It’s not about expertise in Sahaja Yoga as it not a study. As I told you, it is a living process. At what time the tree will bear fruit, you cannot tell. Also, not all trees bear fruit at the same time. The first stage we are to achieve is Nirvichara (thoughtless awareness) and the second stage is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (doubtless awareness). Then you go beyond time. A few people attain this state in as little as two days. A few people take four to five years to reach this state. If you are a bachelor and are conditioned not to marry, it takes eight to nine years. One fellow who is a bachelor is unable to get his Self-realization and daily eats My head. Next question: “Do you believe in rituals?” Not at all. Rituals are useless. I mean, if we kill insects, insects are to be killed. Whom will I give realization to? Insects, bugs, hens or goats? All this is useless. You should eat according to your dietary needs. Some people need proteins, some need carbohydrates, according to their state of health. You should eat food which is beneficial and fit for you. Like, people from foreign countries are advised to take more carbohydrates as they are too right-sided. It is simple: if you are right-sided, eat more carbohydrates, and if you are left-sided, eat more proteins. Eat what is right for you. Just avoid eating animals which are bigger in size than you. You will look like them then, and there are lots like them. Someone has asked about their child who gets fits and is mentally retarded. Bring him to the center. Many such cases have been cured. Next question: “Shri Mataji, please forgive me and guide me whether to pray to You as a human or as a god. I am unable to decide. Please guide me.” Please do not worship Me. When you grow deeper in divinity, your eyes will open and you will understand who I am. I do not want to disclose about Myself. Only My followers tell others who I am. You don’t need to know about Me. When you know by yourself, then do as you please. Ah, this is right. Now, the question asked is, “A few females act during Jagran and Kirtan as if Devi Maa has entered within them, or Hanumanji has entered into their bodies. How correct is that?” Oh, My son, to receive Maata ji in your body, you should have a special body. What will happen if Devi Maa starts entering every human body? These are bhoots; and about Hanumanji Baba, who can withstand him? These are all bhootish possessions. All these pretending Maataji, kindly stay away from them all. Also, a few people pretend. Just slap them a few times and they will get all right. These are money-making sources. What else? This fellow is asking very good quality questions. They are saying they are feeling the Cool Breeze in the hands; more in one, less in another, and less over the head. “I have a chronic disease due to which I get heavy migraines in my head but I am doing better with some medicine. I hear a lot of noises in my head.” This fellow should come into Sahaja Yoga completely. Go and visit our center and you will get rid of all your problems. This isn’t a very big problem. You will start getting vibrations on both of your palms and also on your head. One gentleman is asking, “I had a job but I lost it. Now I have applied to other firms. Will I get a job again?” Of course you will get one. Why not? “In Marathi, in a few people, their chakras are not all right, but with meditation will they become all right?” Many people think that if they meditate in their homes it’s an acceptable practice. Let me tell you one thing: not at all. You all have to visit the centers. If people do not come to the centers, we can’t say anything about them, because you get well only in the collectivity. For example, if a nail on My hand is cut off, it cannot grow. You cannot help it; it just dies. Many people claim, “We meditate in our own houses.” It’s not done. You should come and be collective. When you are part of the collective, then you will understand better who you are. Not before that. Everyone should come into collective meditation. Otherwise, you cannot get right. 19.40-20.20 – Marathi Yes, please bring the child into Sahaja Yoga. A few children have benefited and have been cured of holes in their hearts. For attaining Nirvikalpa Samadhi, you don’t have to do anything. Just clear your chakras more and get deeper into collectivity. Slowly and gradually, the Nirvikalpa state will happen on its own. You will come into Nirvikalpa yourself. Then I don’t need to tell you anything. Till you are in Nirvikalpa you cannot be called a Sahaja yogi. It’s a good question: “Why was the universe created, and why are we made?” So that you can enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy. The other part of the question is: “In India we are poor people, and people abroad are more prosperous, and why are there poverty and abundance?” Our country is poor because we are not patriotic. Even the politicians are not patriotic here. When we become patriotic we will become prosperous. The World Bank grants donations to our country, but much of it goes into Swiss bank accounts. One-quarter of the resources are here, and three-quarters are in Swiss banks. The World Bank then gets us loans from the Swiss banks, and then we become indebted. This is how the debt increases. Then how will we become prosperous? You only elect people who are known thieves and notorious. What to do? It’s entirely your fault. During elections, they distribute cash and get re-elected. We don’t have any alternatives. Brother, you are the alternatives. Now, you people need to become the alternative to this situation. One day I said that Sahaja yogis will enter politics. So many newspaper journalists came to Me to ask about this. I said, “Oh My God!” I said, “No! No! If you people are going to follow us like this, we won’t enter politics.” Everything is all right but there is a limit to everything. Next question: “This girl is deaf and dumb.” Two children with the same disability became all right in London, and we have a school in Delhi; no, in Mumbai. A teacher there was awarded a special prize from the government to help such children. We have to felicitate him. Kindly make a note of it. (Announcement in the background: Kindly leave the space in front of the gate on both sides as new people are still coming.) Next question: This is a query by a wife about her husband, that he doesn’t go to shop, he doesn’t work, and his business is falling apart. Please remove your attention from all these things and put your attention on God Almighty. Get your enlightenment, and everything will be all right. I tell you that in London there is so much unemployment, but not even a single Sahaja yogi is unemployed; hardly anyone is unemployed. Please focus on practicing Sahaja Yoga. Question: “What should I ask while standing at the door of the Almighty?” Shri Mataji: Connection with the Spirit. Once Birbal was asked, “Who are the most disgusting people?” He said, “All those who stand at the gate of God and beg. Whatever you see people do there, in thousands you will get.” Now, this query is by a Sahaja yogi. Hmmm. Who has written this? Tell Me. I will answer it later. Next question: “Should we say anything while meditating?” No, no. Don’t say anything while meditating. Stop saying anything. Later, you will know what mantras are to be used, and when and where. You are talking about mantras. If there’s any trouble with your Shiva’s principle, that won’t be removed by Shri Rama. You can learn the science of mantras. Just learn that. The next question is whether all the paths in Sahaja Yoga get cleared in a Sahaja manner. Yes, of course, but you have to be a Sahaji before. A big problem is that you are not a Sahaja yogi yet. If you are eating from a wrong side and then complain, “I don’t get food,” it’s wrong. First become a Sahaja yogi. The second part is to describe Nirvikalpa Samadhi. I will explain it tomorrow. There is no Sahaja Yoga in Allahabad. All the bhoots are sitting there in Triveni Sangham. Wherever there are great places, all those places have gone bad. It’s difficult to spread Sahaja at such places. All the people who are after money are ruling such places. How will we spread Sahaja Yoga there? They are saying we have started the centers there. Distant voice: Mother, in Allahabad we have a center. It has started. Even in Lucknow they have a big center. I didn’t hope that high, but the center in Lucknow is very big. “How do I practice Sahaja Yoga?” Now you are a Sahaja yogi, come to the center. Learn and you will understand. “How do I meditate?” Come into Sahaja Yoga. You will learn. It’s very easy, really easy to meditate. Very easy. No questions from the western Sahaja yogis? Ha, ha, ha. Now they have settled. When you are one with the spirit you don’t want to speak. It’s the same condition for all the western yogis. Announcement: We have our center on Sundays. Also, please take the pamphlets and we will try helping you as much as possible. Ms Sneha Bhakshiii, please contact Sahaja yogis. And your name means love. It’s all about nirmal love. All the divine work can happen because of divine love. It’s a very nice thing that you want to dedicate your life to the cause of Sahaja Yoga. You don’t have to leave anything. There is no detachment from your wife or family. There’s nothing to leave. What’s there to leave? Stones! Don’t leave anything. There is no need to go to the Himalayas. You will gain from living here within Delhi city. You don’t have to run away from anyone. You have to correct yourself living with them. Regarding what should be done to enlighten Guru Tattva, the people here will guide you. We do Guru Puja, and your Guru Tattva gets enlightened in Sahaja Yoga. Who is this? “For a year I have been unable to feel the vibrations.” What is this? I hope you have got married. You don’t seem to be married. Firstly, get married and then we will talk. Okay, you please wait here. You will be given vibrations and you will be helped to feel them. All those who need vibrations, please keep sitting longer. A Sahaja Yoga team member will help you feel the vibrations. Hmmm, for good health, also stay back and the Sahaj yogis will attend you. I’m glad you all came this far. Now go and attend the centers close to your house. Today there is no music. This shouldn’t have happened. Why has this happened? The Delhi team shouldn’t have done this. At least one song should have been here. You have asked a good question. “It is agreed that in Sahaja Yoga we get cleared, our chakras get cleared, our health becomes okay. What is its role in our daily lives, like job, occupation, and so on?” You become a perfectionist. Your attention becomes perfect. (Coughing). Your prosperity grows very speedily. In America we gave realization to one lady who has a shop. She told me, “Mother, before I received my Self-realization I used to write down in detail all my accounts. Now I have forgotten to do this, but I am making such huge profits that I am unable to understand it.” Your business and professional life is blessed immensely by God’s blessings. Have faith. You will do wonders in worldly things. Your house, family, children, business, are all blessed by Shri Laxmi. You are blessed by Sri Saraswati, too. By the blessings of Shri Kali you are protected. You get all sorts of blessings in Sahaja Yoga. But before that, just enter God’s Kingdom. You are bothering of congresses and government. Today this government, tomorrow that government; I cannot say anything about the local government. I can only talk about God’s Kingdom. Come into God’s Kingdom and see how miraculously things happen. Not yet; you haven’t come into His Kingdom. In this it’s written, “Mother, please fill the entire universe with your love. Fill it with God’s love.” A very nice thing you have mentioned. This is My thought, too, but it has to be fulfilled only by you. Only you can channel this process. If I could do it all alone, why would I come to you? This will happen only by humanity. Only you will be the medium to do this job. So, please come forward and do this. Announcement in the background: There is a request to western Sahaja yogis. Those who are singers in the group, please come up. Akbar is great. Aaah, he is there. Ha ha. I must say, Bulgan, that you have become really, really good. You can join pop music, Sahaja pop music, Sahaja. (Clapping/applause in background) Announcement: Ranjan Sharma. Ranjan Sharma. Now we will have music. Then I will leave. Then you people wait here. Sahaja yogis will work on your subtle system, but don’t get satisfied just with today’s work. Learn ahead. You have to go ahead with this knowledge. Like it’s said, you have to learn this to perfection. Announcement: All those people whose questions still remain unanswered, please come over to our centers. We will try our best to help you and solve your queries, but please do visit our centers. Take the printed copies of center addresses. Just visit our centers at the stated times. People there will surely help you. Just mention that you want to learn about Sahaja Yoga. The center people will take it forward from there. You don’t have to do anything. We have to go to Shastiji’s house. Mr Dharmaveer, wherever you are … One minute: this is one question: “How can class and caste distinction end in India? What can or should the people do?” Automatically. You see, people are sitting here from fifty-six nations, of different religions, different castes. They are all one. It’s finished, because once you become that, you are part and parcel of the whole. You become a Vishva Dharma. There is no caste. You don’t have to tell. You just become. Can you tell anybody’s caste here? Nobody knows. Another question: “Can Kundalini awaken without help of a …?” No, it cannot. Now, see these lights. These are not enlightened lights. They cannot get enlightened by themselves. You have to use some enlightened lights to enlighten them. That’s all. It’s very simple. [Marathi] Announcement: It is a request to all of you that we have our exhibition next to the pandal here. Please do visit that before you leave. First, you correct them all after that. 39.22 Bhajan: Kahe re mann khojan jaii, kahe re mann khojan jaii, sadda nivasi sada aalepa, tohe sang samaii 44.04- Now sing a song together with the foreigners. 44.31- One minute: if you can wait, we have one Indian gentleman who had learnt French, and he has made a poem in the French language, and I would like him to say something because I think the French would be very happy to hear French. Ha ha ha ha … Anant ashirwad. Please put it down for him. Jai Shri Mataji French poem 45.25 -48.29 Jai Shri Mataji I think some French leader should talk to him. 48 .44 - Marathi Ha ha ha ha. Come along. 48.52 - Marathi Anna, one from you. All sing together, “Sahaja Yoga’s joy”. 49.25 – La la la … sat janam jo puniye ke haii ... safal hue saare [for 55-50 minutes] This is such a good place where we are sitting. This area belongs to Prophet Nizammudin Sahab’s follower, Amir Kusro. It’s his place, and now we realize Fateh Shah’s place is also here. How better can it be there that you are surrounded on all four sides? Now all open your hands like this and seek the blessings. You will feel the Cool Breeze. They are all sitting here. It’s not a coincidence. It’s a Sahaja fact, that we all came here. They mentioned that Muslims live here and they will blast bombs. Instead, they all came to offer Me bedding of flowers. Ha ha ha. What a contradiction! They are all our people. We all are one. All saints are united and are one. Saints never fight. Once Namdev, who went to Punjab later, was a tailor, and Gora Kumhar was a potter. Namdev went to meet Gora Kumhar. One saint went to meet another saint. Gora Kumhar was preparing the clay. We stood up straight and then Namdev said in Marathi, “I came to see the formless in vibrations, and I see you in a form.” This only a saint can tell another saint. Then Namdev went to Punjab. He was very largely welcomed in Punjab by Guru Nanak and kept so many of his rhymes in Guru Granth Sahib. He then learned Punjabi there. They have this thick Scripture. He wrote it in Punjabi, and its translation is available in Marathi. He was from Maharashtra. Guru Gobind Singji also came to Nanded to leave his physical form. At that time, the saints never disagreed because all the saints understand that truth is one. All types of saints. You know that Amir Khusro has written such beautiful poems on truth. It’s we people who are fighting. Till we understand the truth, this fight will continue. They are all our people who have done so much divine work. Sahaja Yoga is the fruit of their hard work. In this there is no question of Hindu, Muslim or Christian. In England also we have a great poet by the name of William Blake. Everywhere in every country, big saints were born, and their thoughts and their things were all similar. There was no difference at all. We find out the difference which is the fault of our vision. So now all the Sikh community has to also grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga and establish in Sahaja spirithood. This is what he has said (clapping in background) and I have seen that Sikh and Muslim people get their Self-realization very easily, but they should at least come. They do not come. They should come. Kindly call them to Sahaja Yoga. They should get what is deserved, immense blessings to everyone. Could you feel the Cool Breeze in your hands? This is Paramchaitanya. Everyone felt the Cool Breeze. You can feel the Cool Breeze from your head as well. This is the Cool Breeze. Feel it on your heads. There is no need to remove your turbans. You will feel it within the turbans. Now, put your right hand towards Me and feel from left hand. Now take this. Feel again. 1.00.05 Marathi The Shahnai maestro, Mr Bismillah Khan, is also a realized soul. Once he came to meet us in Switzerland. When he met yogis there, he said, “Mother, all these Sahaja yogis are so pure nirmal khalis.” Then I replied, “Yes, they are pure souls.” Then he asked, “What are they making then?” I said, “You ask them what they are making there. I have made the Khalistan already.” (Clapping in the crowd). You should be pure from inside. This is very special thing to do. Endless blessings to you all, especially to Punjab as I have studied there. I did my studies from there. I have special compassion for Punjab, very special compassion. By God’s grace, everything there is getting better. Things are coming back on track. Live happily, and endless blessings to you all. Live together with lots of comfort. God created this world just for you. There is no need to struggle with any problem. I bless you all immensely. 1.02.08 Mother talking to a leader. Announcement in background: Please take a pamphlet, and those who want to meditate, please take a photograph of the Mother which is free of cost. A small booklet which gives information on how to meditate is also available at a very nominal cost, if you wish to buy it. Mother: He is Mr. Kutubdin. He made all the necessary arrangements for this place. (Clapping) Mother: From the beautiful décor, I knew a Muslim fellow must have done this arrangement. Ha ha ha. Announcement: Once Mother leaves, only then should you leave. You can collect the pamphlets. Till then, please maintain silence. Voices in distance: Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Bolo jagat jananai Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai (Sound of conch shell in distance) Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai (Sound of conch shell in distance) FINISH
Public Program, Sahaja Yoga Introduction, New Delhi (India), 23-03-1993 [English Translation from Hindi] You have asked Me a question, “We have desires and cravings how do I …” Please be seated ...”how do I control them from within, as I am not that strong internally, though I am practicing Sahaja Yoga?” Now in Sahaja Yoga you have to understand that relationship with your wife only, is a religious thing. We do not encourage celibacy. Those who live a celibate life normally don’t get Self-realization. I tell single people to get married. Then you will attain your Self-realization; otherwise, you won’t. (Clapping in the crowd) Now, to get married you should understand that this year eighty-six couples were married. Every year, seventy-five to eighty-six couples get married in Sahaja Yoga, and this has been happening for the last ten years or maybe more. Maybe only three to four marriages failed, because our Indian girls lost their minds. Girls from foreign lands are very sensible. You will be surprised to know the way they have absorbed Sahaja Yoga into their lives. Our Indian girls are perplexed; some go there and act out dramas. Five to six Indian girls have really troubled us. A few families were wrong for marrying their mentally unstable daughters in Sahaja Yoga. But now, when everything is getting better, I will tell you that desires mean that your eyes roam around here and there. With Sahaja Yoga your eyes will stabilize and not roam. Foreigners used to tell me, “Mother, our eyes roam a lot all the time. Our eyes roam here and there. What should we do?” I see there is a lot of the same problem in the Northern part of India, but no such problem of roaming eyes in Maharashtra. People have stable eyes. To control this issue with roaming eyes, I told them to look towards the ground while walking. When you walk looking only at the ground, you only see at the height of three feet, where you see either children or flowers. What else there is to notice? (Clapping) Whatever you want, sometimes you ask for wrong desires. Like sometimes some people think, “My husband should die,” or some people think, “My wife should die.” God will never do this. So whatever are your desires or wants, you should see whether your desires or wants have vibrations in them. Otherwise, you keep having vague desires. Sometimes desires are very destructive and come to you to teach you a lesson. Like there was a lady who was after my life, saying, “Mother, please help my husband to pass his civil services exam.” I asked her, “What’s your problem? Your husband is a rich man. What’s the need for him to be a civil servant /IAS officer?” But she was after my life, saying, “Mother, make him be an IAS officer.” I didn’t tell her either yes or no. I said, “Let’s leave this topic. It’s useless discussing it.” Now somehow, he passed the examination and became an IAS officer. So now where he was posted as the collector, his son used to travel by cycle to his college. He had a single son and a daughter. He used to cross the railway tracks. One day he died, while crossing, under a train. I told them, “Now see.” Then she went crazy after that. So, in Sahaja Yoga your instincts become solution-oriented. This is a characteristic of Sahaja Yoga. You become solution-oriented. You become a resolving sort of person. You find solutions within yourself and you find totality in yourself, meaning your brains, your attention and your heart all think alike, with no conflict between them. All conflicts within are resolved, and the human being becomes solution-oriented. Then he says, “I will live by Your will.” He then finds the joy of the spirit and rest in his heart, not in his physical body. I was born in such a family where there was much wealth and riches. Even in my in-law’s place, they had loads of riches. We had all the comforts in the house, but if you ask Me, I can sleep in the jungle or on a pavement or on a stone. It doesn’t matter. You only need to sleep. Then a human being doesn’t care about physical comforts. They only think about the joy of the spirit. Like Shri Ram ate berries offered by Shabri which were already eaten. He ate fruits that were already tasted by Shabri. Shri Krishna ate greens offered by Vidur and refused sweets offered by Duriyodhan. Why was this? Because Vidur was a realized soul and so was Shabri. He ate her fruits that were pre-tasted, which she tasted by using her teeth. He consumed the berries offered by Shabri. He ate the pre-eaten fruits and tasted the joy of the spirit. We all look out for joy and bliss in our spirit, and a human being keeps indulging in that true joy. Next question: What a question, sir! “Do you test your Sahaja Yogi children and grant them closeness to You?” I guess whoever has asked this question must be a government servant. (Clapping in crowd) Oh, My son, it’s all about Love. Who takes an exam in Love? You aren’t given any test. It’s just that I love you all and I don’t understand how to give you time individually and what it is about closeness. Wherever you go, humans are residing. They don’t need closeness. The deeper the Sahaja yogis grow in Sahaja Yoga, the more they stay away from Me. It’s surprising! They are happy even if they are distant from Me. The second part of the question is: “Do you punish if a Sahaja yogi commits a mistake?” Why would I give a punishment? They themselves get the punishment. Please understand: if you are sitting in My proximity no one can touch you, but if you leave Me and run out alone, the bhoots are there to grab you and you get beaten up by them. I don’t punish anyone. They themselves take punishments. I tell people to sit comfortably, but they only run away here, and then what can I do? What is your issue? Keep sitting quietly in My vicinity. Next question: “If you are asked for forgiveness, what percentage of forgiveness do you grant?” (Clapping) I am very sure that whoever asked this question is definitely a government servant. Oh, I am not government. I am Mother. I keep forgiving. It’s My nature to forgive. I don’t keep anything in My heart even for a minute. If I have to show anyone that I am upset, I pretend to be angry. I cannot be serious for more than two minutes. I am not a guru or baba. When one man came, he saw Me smiling and was surprised that Mother laughs and smiles. He told Me, “My guruji never ever smiles.” I told him to leave any such guru because it’s useless to follow that person. You are here to enjoy life and have fun in life, not for a state of ritual impurity existing after birth. Next question. A very nice question is being asked: “Can Sahaja Yoga change the mind of the evil-doer and house-breaker?” The answer is that we have ways and methods. Love is such that it can change everything. We will tell you how to do it. You haven’t brought My tea (aside to a person). Please bring Me tea. Next question: “What is the way to do Sahaja Yoga?” There is no hard and fast rule about how to do it. Now, when you have taken your realization, please go to our centers and learn from there. Firstly, just drop your egos. Now, if somebody is some big shot here – Delhi is full of big shots – these people say, “Mother I want to meet just with You.” Now, after this you are gone; good for nothing. You may be a big shot in your position, but in front of your Holy Mother you all are one. However much you are a big shot, be humble, wear a kurta pajama, go to our centers with full humility. Humility is the first thing. Those who are not humble cannot grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga. So, I have no ways and methods. Go to Sahaja Yoga centers. People who already practice will tell you how to practice it and how it should be done. For every individual, Sahaja Yoga has something different to share. So, go to our centers. You will understand yourself, how you can attain your own qualities imbedded within you, and your qualities will progress and you will realize yourself. Question: “Where can I get guidance for Sahaja Yoga in New Delhi?” Doctor Nigam will answer your query. Doctor Nigam: After this program will end, on our right side we have a list of twenty centers in Delhi. The list will be shared with you. You can collect the list. For newcomers, every Wednesday we have an ashram in Safdarganj enclave. From the beginning we will guide you about Sahaja Yoga every Wednesday evening at 6.30 pm, and every Saturday behind Hotel Qutab. We have a center in the Qutab institutional area where we have our regular collective meetings. There we guide people about all their problems, whether physical, mental or psychological. There we guide people in how to meditate. We teach you how to become thoughtless. We will tell you whether the state of your chakras is good or bad. You are requested to just visit us and you can leave the rest to us. We will take care of it. Mother: Also, I would like to add that in Sahaja Yoga our doors are open for all. So, all kinds of people come in. A few crazy people come in and also some felons come in. So, all sorts of people come in, as the doors are open for all. Please don’t run away when you see them. You just think about the benefits you have received. Many people run away when they see them. These are the people who are on the brink and haven’t gone deeper in meditation. So, do not run away when you see their nature. This has happened with many people. Also, do not believe in any false claims. Just go and talk to the center leaders. Next question: “What is the difference between pranayams and Sahaja Yoga, and which one of the two is easier?” Pranayam is just about one side of your body. It talks about only the pranas. It doesn’t talk about the heart. People who do pranayam get so heated up and temperamental that while you are talking to them, you should keep a stick in your hand for your safety as they may attack you at any time. They are very hot-tempered people, hot-headed kinds. Next question: “How long does it take to become an expert in Sahaja Yoga?” It’s not about expertise in Sahaja Yoga as it not a study. As I told you, it is a living process. At what time the tree will bear fruit, you cannot tell. Also, not all trees bear fruit at the same time. The first stage we are to achieve is Nirvichara (thoughtless awareness) and the second stage is Nirvikalpa Samadhi (doubtless awareness). Then you go beyond time. A few people attain this state in as little as two days. A few people take four to five years to reach this state. If you are a bachelor and are conditioned not to marry, it takes eight to nine years. One fellow who is a bachelor is unable to get his Self-realization and daily eats My head. Next question: “Do you believe in rituals?” Not at all. Rituals are useless. I mean, if we kill insects, insects are to be killed. Whom will I give realization to? Insects, bugs, hens or goats? All this is useless. You should eat according to your dietary needs. Some people need proteins, some need carbohydrates, according to their state of health. You should eat food which is beneficial and fit for you. Like, people from foreign countries are advised to take more carbohydrates as they are too right-sided. It is simple: if you are right-sided, eat more carbohydrates, and if you are left-sided, eat more proteins. Eat what is right for you. Just avoid eating animals which are bigger in size than you. You will look like them then, and there are lots like them. Someone has asked about their child who gets fits and is mentally retarded. Bring him to the center. Many such cases have been cured. Next question: “Shri Mataji, please forgive me and guide me whether to pray to You as a human or as a god. I am unable to decide. Please guide me.” Please do not worship Me. When you grow deeper in divinity, your eyes will open and you will understand who I am. I do not want to disclose about Myself. Only My followers tell others who I am. You don’t need to know about Me. When you know by yourself, then do as you please. Ah, this is right. Now, the question asked is, “A few females act during Jagran and Kirtan as if Devi Maa has entered within them, or Hanumanji has entered into their bodies. How correct is that?” Oh, My son, to receive Maata ji in your body, you should have a special body. What will happen if Devi Maa starts entering every human body? These are bhoots; and about Hanumanji Baba, who can withstand him? These are all bhootish possessions. All these pretending Maataji, kindly stay away from them all. Also, a few people pretend. Just slap them a few times and they will get all right. These are money-making sources. What else? This fellow is asking very good quality questions. They are saying they are feeling the Cool Breeze in the hands; more in one, less in another, and less over the head. “I have a chronic disease due to which I get heavy migraines in my head but I am doing better with some medicine. I hear a lot of noises in my head.” This fellow should come into Sahaja Yoga completely. Go and visit our center and you will get rid of all your problems. This isn’t a very big problem. You will start getting vibrations on both of your palms and also on your head. One gentleman is asking, “I had a job but I lost it. Now I have applied to other firms. Will I get a job again?” Of course you will get one. Why not? “In Marathi, in a few people, their chakras are not all right, but with meditation will they become all right?” Many people think that if they meditate in their homes it’s an acceptable practice. Let me tell you one thing: not at all. You all have to visit the centers. If people do not come to the centers, we can’t say anything about them, because you get well only in the collectivity. For example, if a nail on My hand is cut off, it cannot grow. You cannot help it; it just dies. Many people claim, “We meditate in our own houses.” It’s not done. You should come and be collective. When you are part of the collective, then you will understand better who you are. Not before that. Everyone should come into collective meditation. Otherwise, you cannot get right. 19.40-20.20 – Marathi Yes, please bring the child into Sahaja Yoga. A few children have benefited and have been cured of holes in their hearts. For attaining Nirvikalpa Samadhi, you don’t have to do anything. Just clear your chakras more and get deeper into collectivity. Slowly and gradually, the Nirvikalpa state will happen on its own. You will come into Nirvikalpa yourself. Then I don’t need to tell you anything. Till you are in Nirvikalpa you cannot be called a Sahaja yogi. It’s a good question: “Why was the universe created, and why are we made?” So that you can enter into the Kingdom of God and enjoy. The other part of the question is: “In India we are poor people, and people abroad are more prosperous, and why are there poverty and abundance?” Our country is poor because we are not patriotic. Even the politicians are not patriotic here. When we become patriotic we will become prosperous. The World Bank grants donations to our country, but much of it goes into Swiss bank accounts. One-quarter of the resources are here, and three-quarters are in Swiss banks. The World Bank then gets us loans from the Swiss banks, and then we become indebted. This is how the debt increases. Then how will we become prosperous? You only elect people who are known thieves and notorious. What to do? It’s entirely your fault. During elections, they distribute cash and get re-elected. We don’t have any alternatives. Brother, you are the alternatives. Now, you people need to become the alternative to this situation. One day I said that Sahaja yogis will enter politics. So many newspaper journalists came to Me to ask about this. I said, “Oh My God!” I said, “No! No! If you people are going to follow us like this, we won’t enter politics.” Everything is all right but there is a limit to everything. Next question: “This girl is deaf and dumb.” Two children with the same disability became all right in London, and we have a school in Delhi; no, in Mumbai. A teacher there was awarded a special prize from the government to help such children. We have to felicitate him. Kindly make a note of it. (Announcement in the background: Kindly leave the space in front of the gate on both sides as new people are still coming.) Next question: This is a query by a wife about her husband, that he doesn’t go to shop, he doesn’t work, and his business is falling apart. Please remove your attention from all these things and put your attention on God Almighty. Get your enlightenment, and everything will be all right. I tell you that in London there is so much unemployment, but not even a single Sahaja yogi is unemployed; hardly anyone is unemployed. Please focus on practicing Sahaja Yoga. Question: “What should I ask while standing at the door of the Almighty?” Shri Mataji: Connection with the Spirit. Once Birbal was asked, “Who are the most disgusting people?” He said, “All those who stand at the gate of God and beg. Whatever you see people do there, in thousands you will get.” Now, this query is by a Sahaja yogi. Hmmm. Who has written this? Tell Me. I will answer it later. Next question: “Should we say anything while meditating?” No, no. Don’t say anything while meditating. Stop saying anything. Later, you will know what mantras are to be used, and when and where. You are talking about mantras. If there’s any trouble with your Shiva’s principle, that won’t be removed by Shri Rama. You can learn the science of mantras. Just learn that. The next question is whether all the paths in Sahaja Yoga get cleared in a Sahaja manner. Yes, of course, but you have to be a Sahaji before. A big problem is that you are not a Sahaja yogi yet. If you are eating from a wrong side and then complain, “I don’t get food,” it’s wrong. First become a Sahaja yogi. The second part is to describe Nirvikalpa Samadhi. I will explain it tomorrow. There is no Sahaja Yoga in Allahabad. All the bhoots are sitting there in Triveni Sangham. Wherever there are great places, all those places have gone bad. It’s difficult to spread Sahaja at such places. All the people who are after money are ruling such places. How will we spread Sahaja Yoga there? They are saying we have started the centers there. Distant voice: Mother, in Allahabad we have a center. It has started. Even in Lucknow they have a big center. I didn’t hope that high, but the center in Lucknow is very big. “How do I practice Sahaja Yoga?” Now you are a Sahaja yogi, come to the center. Learn and you will understand. “How do I meditate?” Come into Sahaja Yoga. You will learn. It’s very easy, really easy to meditate. Very easy. No questions from the western Sahaja yogis? Ha, ha, ha. Now they have settled. When you are one with the spirit you don’t want to speak. It’s the same condition for all the western yogis. Announcement: We have our center on Sundays. Also, please take the pamphlets and we will try helping you as much as possible. Ms Sneha Bhakshiii, please contact Sahaja yogis. And your name means love. It’s all about nirmal love. All the divine work can happen because of divine love. It’s a very nice thing that you want to dedicate your life to the cause of Sahaja Yoga. You don’t have to leave anything. There is no detachment from your wife or family. There’s nothing to leave. What’s there to leave? Stones! Don’t leave anything. There is no need to go to the Himalayas. You will gain from living here within Delhi city. You don’t have to run away from anyone. You have to correct yourself living with them. Regarding what should be done to enlighten Guru Tattva, the people here will guide you. We do Guru Puja, and your Guru Tattva gets enlightened in Sahaja Yoga. Who is this? “For a year I have been unable to feel the vibrations.” What is this? I hope you have got married. You don’t seem to be married. Firstly, get married and then we will talk. Okay, you please wait here. You will be given vibrations and you will be helped to feel them. All those who need vibrations, please keep sitting longer. A Sahaja Yoga team member will help you feel the vibrations. Hmmm, for good health, also stay back and the Sahaj yogis will attend you. I’m glad you all came this far. Now go and attend the centers close to your house. Today there is no music. This shouldn’t have happened. Why has this happened? The Delhi team shouldn’t have done this. At least one song should have been here. You have asked a good question. “It is agreed that in Sahaja Yoga we get cleared, our chakras get cleared, our health becomes okay. What is its role in our daily lives, like job, occupation, and so on?” You become a perfectionist. Your attention becomes perfect. (Coughing). Your prosperity grows very speedily. In America we gave realization to one lady who has a shop. She told me, “Mother, before I received my Self-realization I used to write down in detail all my accounts. Now I have forgotten to do this, but I am making such huge profits that I am unable to understand it.” Your business and professional life is blessed immensely by God’s blessings. Have faith. You will do wonders in worldly things. Your house, family, children, business, are all blessed by Shri Laxmi. You are blessed by Sri Saraswati, too. By the blessings of Shri Kali you are protected. You get all sorts of blessings in Sahaja Yoga. But before that, just enter God’s Kingdom. You are bothering of congresses and government. Today this government, tomorrow that government; I cannot say anything about the local government. I can only talk about God’s Kingdom. Come into God’s Kingdom and see how miraculously things happen. Not yet; you haven’t come into His Kingdom. In this it’s written, “Mother, please fill the entire universe with your love. Fill it with God’s love.” A very nice thing you have mentioned. This is My thought, too, but it has to be fulfilled only by you. Only you can channel this process. If I could do it all alone, why would I come to you? This will happen only by humanity. Only you will be the medium to do this job. So, please come forward and do this. Announcement in the background: There is a request to western Sahaja yogis. Those who are singers in the group, please come up. Akbar is great. Aaah, he is there. Ha ha. I must say, Bulgan, that you have become really, really good. You can join pop music, Sahaja pop music, Sahaja. (Clapping/applause in background) Announcement: Ranjan Sharma. Ranjan Sharma. Now we will have music. Then I will leave. Then you people wait here. Sahaja yogis will work on your subtle system, but don’t get satisfied just with today’s work. Learn ahead. You have to go ahead with this knowledge. Like it’s said, you have to learn this to perfection. Announcement: All those people whose questions still remain unanswered, please come over to our centers. We will try our best to help you and solve your queries, but please do visit our centers. Take the printed copies of center addresses. Just visit our centers at the stated times. People there will surely help you. Just mention that you want to learn about Sahaja Yoga. The center people will take it forward from there. You don’t have to do anything. We have to go to Shastiji’s house. Mr Dharmaveer, wherever you are … One minute: this is one question: “How can class and caste distinction end in India? What can or should the people do?” Automatically. You see, people are sitting here from fifty-six nations, of different religions, different castes. They are all one. It’s finished, because once you become that, you are part and parcel of the whole. You become a Vishva Dharma. There is no caste. You don’t have to tell. You just become. Can you tell anybody’s caste here? Nobody knows. Another question: “Can Kundalini awaken without help of a …?” No, it cannot. Now, see these lights. These are not enlightened lights. They cannot get enlightened by themselves. You have to use some enlightened lights to enlighten them. That’s all. It’s very simple. [Marathi] Announcement: It is a request to all of you that we have our exhibition next to the pandal here. Please do visit that before you leave. First, you correct them all after that. 39.22 Bhajan: Kahe re mann khojan jaii, kahe re mann khojan jaii, sadda nivasi sada aalepa, tohe sang samaii 44.04- Now sing a song together with the foreigners. 44.31- One minute: if you can wait, we have one Indian gentleman who had learnt French, and he has made a poem in the French language, and I would like him to say something because I think the French would be very happy to hear French. Ha ha ha ha … Anant ashirwad. Please put it down for him. Jai Shri Mataji French poem 45.25 -48.29 Jai Shri Mataji I think some French leader should talk to him. 48 .44 - Marathi Ha ha ha ha. Come along. 48.52 - Marathi Anna, one from you. All sing together, “Sahaja Yoga’s joy”. 49.25 – La la la … sat janam jo puniye ke haii ... safal hue saare [for 55-50 minutes] This is such a good place where we are sitting. This area belongs to Prophet Nizammudin Sahab’s follower, Amir Kusro. It’s his place, and now we realize Fateh Shah’s place is also here. How better can it be there that you are surrounded on all four sides? Now all open your hands like this and seek the blessings. You will feel the Cool Breeze. They are all sitting here. It’s not a coincidence. It’s a Sahaja fact, that we all came here. They mentioned that Muslims live here and they will blast bombs. Instead, they all came to offer Me bedding of flowers. Ha ha ha. What a contradiction! They are all our people. We all are one. All saints are united and are one. Saints never fight. Once Namdev, who went to Punjab later, was a tailor, and Gora Kumhar was a potter. Namdev went to meet Gora Kumhar. One saint went to meet another saint. Gora Kumhar was preparing the clay. We stood up straight and then Namdev said in Marathi, “I came to see the formless in vibrations, and I see you in a form.” This only a saint can tell another saint. Then Namdev went to Punjab. He was very largely welcomed in Punjab by Guru Nanak and kept so many of his rhymes in Guru Granth Sahib. He then learned Punjabi there. They have this thick Scripture. He wrote it in Punjabi, and its translation is available in Marathi. He was from Maharashtra. Guru Gobind Singji also came to Nanded to leave his physical form. At that time, the saints never disagreed because all the saints understand that truth is one. All types of saints. You know that Amir Khusro has written such beautiful poems on truth. It’s we people who are fighting. Till we understand the truth, this fight will continue. They are all our people who have done so much divine work. Sahaja Yoga is the fruit of their hard work. In this there is no question of Hindu, Muslim or Christian. In England also we have a great poet by the name of William Blake. Everywhere in every country, big saints were born, and their thoughts and their things were all similar. There was no difference at all. We find out the difference which is the fault of our vision. So now all the Sikh community has to also grow deeper in Sahaja Yoga and establish in Sahaja spirithood. This is what he has said (clapping in background) and I have seen that Sikh and Muslim people get their Self-realization very easily, but they should at least come. They do not come. They should come. Kindly call them to Sahaja Yoga. They should get what is deserved, immense blessings to everyone. Could you feel the Cool Breeze in your hands? This is Paramchaitanya. Everyone felt the Cool Breeze. You can feel the Cool Breeze from your head as well. This is the Cool Breeze. Feel it on your heads. There is no need to remove your turbans. You will feel it within the turbans. Now, put your right hand towards Me and feel from left hand. Now take this. Feel again. 1.00.05 Marathi The Shahnai maestro, Mr Bismillah Khan, is also a realized soul. Once he came to meet us in Switzerland. When he met yogis there, he said, “Mother, all these Sahaja yogis are so pure nirmal khalis.” Then I replied, “Yes, they are pure souls.” Then he asked, “What are they making then?” I said, “You ask them what they are making there. I have made the Khalistan already.” (Clapping in the crowd). You should be pure from inside. This is very special thing to do. Endless blessings to you all, especially to Punjab as I have studied there. I did my studies from there. I have special compassion for Punjab, very special compassion. By God’s grace, everything there is getting better. Things are coming back on track. Live happily, and endless blessings to you all. Live together with lots of comfort. God created this world just for you. There is no need to struggle with any problem. I bless you all immensely. 1.02.08 Mother talking to a leader. Announcement in background: Please take a pamphlet, and those who want to meditate, please take a photograph of the Mother which is free of cost. A small booklet which gives information on how to meditate is also available at a very nominal cost, if you wish to buy it. Mother: He is Mr. Kutubdin. He made all the necessary arrangements for this place. (Clapping) Mother: From the beautiful décor, I knew a Muslim fellow must have done this arrangement. Ha ha ha. Announcement: Once Mother leaves, only then should you leave. You can collect the pamphlets. Till then, please maintain silence. Voices in distance: Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Bolo jagat jananai Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai (Sound of conch shell in distance) Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai Mataji Nirmala Devi ki Jai (Sound of conch shell in distance) FINISH
Birthday Felicitations, Kathak Dance, Vocal Concert – Kirti Shiledar
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitations, Sitar – Debu Chaudhuri, Vocal – Gulam Mustafa Khan
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
English, Hindi
Talk at Noida Temple
New Delhi
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk at Noida Temple Inauguration. Noida (India), 25 March 1993. First thing he owned the land, and then built the whole thing with his own money. It’s very, very creditable. It is something very unique: this has not happened before anywhere in the world that a Sahaja yogi has got the land and built an ashram like this, so beautifully. So give him a hand! It’s a very good beginning, and I’m sure people in every country will try to achieve this kind of relations, so it’s easier for us to spread Sahaja Yoga. This is a very nice locality: you already, you know that we are also building a house here in Noida, and you are now in Uttar Pradesh – it is not Delhi anymore – which is the place where there is My, I should say, father-in-law’s place is across this road. The people here are extremely generous and very helpful. Only the Sahaja yogis have to learn from them as to how they are participating in Sahaja Yoga, also financially. Of course, you don’t need any money for Sahaj Yog for awakening the kundalini. I don’t need your money at all, nothing of the kind.But if you have to build the ashrams, if you have to build buildings, it requires money. And if you desire, it will work out. One has to just desire and it works out. To the principle of Lakshmi, as you know, She has four hands, out of which one hand is like this – perpetual giving. If you do not give for such an important work, then you are missing the point. This is a very good chance that we can express ourselves, our dedication to Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very great and important part of Lakshmi Tattwa. For example, if you do not open the second door, only open the one door through which you want the air to come in, it won’t. You have to open two doors: one by which it flows and another one by which you receive. Sahaja Yoga is absolutely above-board, and nobody is to be lynched, nobody is to be forced to do anything. It’s also spontaneous, and whatever you do spontaneously is the …. I think this is the first time I’m talking about money to you. Because I’ve never had problems, somehow money came, somehow everything worked out. And I am sure we’ll never have problems like that. And we never take money from outsiders. This is through Sahaja Yoga only we have worked it out like that …. So, the way you are giving Me presents is also too much. I’ve been requesting you not to give Me presents. Now we have a third house here, because whichever houses I built, they’re filled with things, so I have to go on building new houses! So best thing is not to give Me any presents, but you make ashrams and you make meditation centers, will be much better. Actually, I’ve been telling this for so many years now, but somehow nobody listens. And this time they promised that they’d not give Me any legal present, but two tables they’ve built – I don’t know where to keep them. So this ashram also may be filled with that; then where will you sit? There’s a very, very good set that Mr. Gupta has given, really. I’m so enamored by that. I wish you all could think about it. When you think of collective, then it comes to your mind that “Sahaja Yoga has done so much for us, it has solved so many of our problems. It has blessed me. It has given me knowledge, which is so difficult. Otherwise, you have to go to Himalayas, stand on your heads, give up your wife, family, your money, everything. Here, with nothing we have got it. So now we have to also think, what have we done for Sahaja Yoga? There’s some times people think they are postering: all right, this was a great work also, postering is a very big work, no doubt, and such things people are doing, that kind of physical work. But also financially we have to be a little generous at least, so that we can build ashrams – only for your convenience, for your meditation, for your collectivity. As you know, in Sahaja Yoga there’s no corruption of money at all and people are extremely honest, meticulous; everything works out so well. Everything is accounted for. And we trust. Of course, maybe sometimes we pay it, because could be moneyed people who might be … trouble us, and think no end of their money. They pinch some money also possibly, doesn’t matter. But the trust is important in Sahaja Yoga. And by trusting only we have built up. Even in India I’ve seen, people do not take any money in the underhand ways. It’s very systematic and everything is verifiable. Now many people believe in India that if you part with some money for God’s sake, God gives you mountains of it. Maybe it is, maybe it is, but don’t do it from that angle. Just … otherwise it will be a business record. But you have to do it spontaneously, feeling the joy, being not conscious about it. Just the joy, and it could be very enjoyable for you and for everyone else. I’ve told so many I’m going only today back, and tomorrow. So I must thank you all for coming here on My 70th birthday. I never expected, never, that you all would come to celebrate this birthday, which expresses your love, and it’s impossible to express – thanks so much. Delhi people here said that “This time Your birthday should be in Delhi,” and I said, “All right.” And when I heard all of you coming, I said, “Now have their heads also!” But they were so happy, amazed at it, everything. They were boasting of it: “These people are coming, these people are coming!” without feeling in the least how they would organize, how they would do it. So to the organizers of this also you must give a hand! Also it was a very unique experience with the musicians. And the musicians told Me that they never felt like this, as if whatever they were singing was absolutely in complete accord with the Sahaja yogis, who were so many in numbers. And “How they listened to us and understood us, you can never feel for such a oneness!” And they asked Me to thank you again and again for that. It is a, really such a wonderful thing that has happened, this 70th birthday. There’s so many things which are to be noted as something suggestive of this new age coming. There are more things are waiting for us in this new age. You'll have lots of miracles, lots of blessings, complete understanding, and complete maturity in Sahaja Yoga. The new atmosphere will change so many things. Even the people who are opposing us for no fault of ours will also subside, and things will start working out. All the problems of the world will have a solution, a solution of a very miraculous type, and you'll be amazed how things have been corrected in every way. In the beginning maybe you might feel a turmoil and an unsteadiness, and you might also feel that there is no hope. But after the turmoil is over, you will see the peace that is manifested through your vibrations, and it will be effective, it will be acting, and you’ll realize that. So many nice things to look forward, and that's maybe the reason you might have intuitively felt that 70th birthday is important. I never said that after My 70th birthday this Satya Yuga would start, but somehow I think you people did have an intuition. That's the reason you came here to celebrate the beginning of it. So for the time being, I’ll say goodbye to you; and all the Sahaja yogis would like to say goodbye to you. From all over India so many Sahaja yogis came, and it’s an all-India effort that has worked out the whole thing so well, so harmoniously. I hope to see you again in Rome for Easter Puja. But this time don’t bring any presents! Your own resurrection is enough. Really I tell you, please, it will give Me great pleasure – please don’t bring any present. Just you come along and I want to meet you. It’s the day of resurrection, and you should celebrate it because you all are resurrected also, and a great day which is promised a long time back. May God bless you.
Talk at Noida Temple Inauguration. Noida (India), 25 March 1993. First thing he owned the land, and then built the whole thing with his own money. It’s very, very creditable. It is something very unique: this has not happened before anywhere in the world that a Sahaja yogi has got the land and built an ashram like this, so beautifully. So give him a hand! It’s a very good beginning, and I’m sure people in every country will try to achieve this kind of relations, so it’s easier for us to spread Sahaja Yoga. This is a very nice locality: you already, you know that we are also building a house here in Noida, and you are now in Uttar Pradesh – it is not Delhi anymore – which is the place where there is My, I should say, father-in-law’s place is across this road. The people here are extremely generous and very helpful. Only the Sahaja yogis have to learn from them as to how they are participating in Sahaja Yoga, also financially. Of course, you don’t need any money for Sahaj Yog for awakening the kundalini. I don’t need your money at all, nothing of the kind.But if you have to build the ashrams, if you have to build buildings, it requires money. And if you desire, it will work out. One has to just desire and it works out. To the principle of Lakshmi, as you know, She has four hands, out of which one hand is like this – perpetual giving. If you do not give for such an important work, then you are missing the point. This is a very good chance that we can express ourselves, our dedication to Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very great and important part of Lakshmi Tattwa. For example, if you do not open the second door, only open the one door through which you want the air to come in, it won’t. You have to open two doors: one by which it flows and another one by which you receive. Sahaja Yoga is absolutely above-board, and nobody is to be lynched, nobody is to be forced to do anything. It’s also spontaneous, and whatever you do spontaneously is the …. I think this is the first time I’m talking about money to you. Because I’ve never had problems, somehow money came, somehow everything worked out. And I am sure we’ll never have problems like that. And we never take money from outsiders. This is through Sahaja Yoga only we have worked it out like that …. So, the way you are giving Me presents is also too much. I’ve been requesting you not to give Me presents. Now we have a third house here, because whichever houses I built, they’re filled with things, so I have to go on building new houses! So best thing is not to give Me any presents, but you make ashrams and you make meditation centers, will be much better. Actually, I’ve been telling this for so many years now, but somehow nobody listens. And this time they promised that they’d not give Me any legal present, but two tables they’ve built – I don’t know where to keep them. So this ashram also may be filled with that; then where will you sit? There’s a very, very good set that Mr. Gupta has given, really. I’m so enamored by that. I wish you all could think about it. When you think of collective, then it comes to your mind that “Sahaja Yoga has done so much for us, it has solved so many of our problems. It has blessed me. It has given me knowledge, which is so difficult. Otherwise, you have to go to Himalayas, stand on your heads, give up your wife, family, your money, everything. Here, with nothing we have got it. So now we have to also think, what have we done for Sahaja Yoga? There’s some times people think they are postering: all right, this was a great work also, postering is a very big work, no doubt, and such things people are doing, that kind of physical work. But also financially we have to be a little generous at least, so that we can build ashrams – only for your convenience, for your meditation, for your collectivity. As you know, in Sahaja Yoga there’s no corruption of money at all and people are extremely honest, meticulous; everything works out so well. Everything is accounted for. And we trust. Of course, maybe sometimes we pay it, because could be moneyed people who might be … trouble us, and think no end of their money. They pinch some money also possibly, doesn’t matter. But the trust is important in Sahaja Yoga. And by trusting only we have built up. Even in India I’ve seen, people do not take any money in the underhand ways. It’s very systematic and everything is verifiable. Now many people believe in India that if you part with some money for God’s sake, God gives you mountains of it. Maybe it is, maybe it is, but don’t do it from that angle. Just … otherwise it will be a business record. But you have to do it spontaneously, feeling the joy, being not conscious about it. Just the joy, and it could be very enjoyable for you and for everyone else. I’ve told so many I’m going only today back, and tomorrow. So I must thank you all for coming here on My 70th birthday. I never expected, never, that you all would come to celebrate this birthday, which expresses your love, and it’s impossible to express – thanks so much. Delhi people here said that “This time Your birthday should be in Delhi,” and I said, “All right.” And when I heard all of you coming, I said, “Now have their heads also!” But they were so happy, amazed at it, everything. They were boasting of it: “These people are coming, these people are coming!” without feeling in the least how they would organize, how they would do it. So to the organizers of this also you must give a hand! Also it was a very unique experience with the musicians. And the musicians told Me that they never felt like this, as if whatever they were singing was absolutely in complete accord with the Sahaja yogis, who were so many in numbers. And “How they listened to us and understood us, you can never feel for such a oneness!” And they asked Me to thank you again and again for that. It is a, really such a wonderful thing that has happened, this 70th birthday. There’s so many things which are to be noted as something suggestive of this new age coming. There are more things are waiting for us in this new age. You'll have lots of miracles, lots of blessings, complete understanding, and complete maturity in Sahaja Yoga. The new atmosphere will change so many things. Even the people who are opposing us for no fault of ours will also subside, and things will start working out. All the problems of the world will have a solution, a solution of a very miraculous type, and you'll be amazed how things have been corrected in every way. In the beginning maybe you might feel a turmoil and an unsteadiness, and you might also feel that there is no hope. But after the turmoil is over, you will see the peace that is manifested through your vibrations, and it will be effective, it will be acting, and you’ll realize that. So many nice things to look forward, and that's maybe the reason you might have intuitively felt that 70th birthday is important. I never said that after My 70th birthday this Satya Yuga would start, but somehow I think you people did have an intuition. That's the reason you came here to celebrate the beginning of it. So for the time being, I’ll say goodbye to you; and all the Sahaja yogis would like to say goodbye to you. From all over India so many Sahaja yogis came, and it’s an all-India effort that has worked out the whole thing so well, so harmoniously. I hope to see you again in Rome for Easter Puja. But this time don’t bring any presents! Your own resurrection is enough. Really I tell you, please, it will give Me great pleasure – please don’t bring any present. Just you come along and I want to meet you. It’s the day of resurrection, and you should celebrate it because you all are resurrected also, and a great day which is promised a long time back. May God bless you.
Medical Conference
New Delhi
1993-0325 Medical Conference, New Delhi, India Host announcer: I am sure friends that you must be wondering that we all doctors have been talking and the doctor of doctors who is sitting amidst us has been sitting quite listening to us, we have learned that her being here and we have taken the liberty of speaking before her. [Talk starts here] 00:23 Here we have many doctors who are Sahaja Yogis and also abroad. The common point is that quality I have found, that they have concern and compassion, they were not completely money oriented. They definitely felt that we can by some level help the people who are of a poorer class or middle class who cannot achieve benevolence from medical science because shifted. Another [of] qualities I tried for them, the compassion, has let them to think about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is holistic in every way. Today, if I put a hypothesis before you, as scientist you must keep your mind open and accept it, and as Indians I would say it is your heritage, it's not coming from abroad, it is coming from your country from ancient times. To say that I found Sahaja Yoga is not correct. Sahaja Yoga has been there since long and everybody has preached about it, talked about it, all the Naths, all these have talked about it; Nanak Saab has said Sahaj Samajika. So it is not that I have found the method or the technique of it, but if something has [been] done in modern times is this that now self-realization can be given en masse to thousands of people at the same time. But this is true for every discovery, if you have electricity now today, first it was available to only one person. Unless and until you make it collective it has no meaning. The another thing which I don’t think they have referred to at all that in evolutionary process now this is the last breakthrough of your belongings. In the human awareness whatever problems we have there is a higher awareness in which all these things that they have described is absolutely possible. As we can understand in medical science we have not been able to solve many questions and also answer many questions - I'll be going to speak about it next time - specially the parasympathetic nervous system we do not know anything about it. But in Sahaja Yoga we know each and everything not only that but you can master your parasympathetic. What you could work out it was your sympathetic system at the most in the emergency but with Sahaja Yoga you can master your parasympathetic and you can work it out. So what happens, see, is like this instrument here you see at. Now somebody says that if you speak loudly people won’t hear but if you use this instrument it will work. For a lay person they will think how could be just a funny sort of looking thing how can it work, but once it is connected to the mains it works. In the same way unless and until we are connected to our main we are not understanding our Self. And that's why there is so much difference of opinion and difference of understanding. So it is very important first of all to be connected to that all-pervading power which I call as the divine love. Now when I say that you need not believe it, you need not believe in the doctors also. But there is something like a hypothesis before you that there is a all-pervading power that is singular. Now for example the foetus is placed in a womb of a mother. Anything foreign that enters into the body is thrown out, the nature of the body is such. But why the foetus is kept there, looked after, and at the right moment is thrown out. Who does that? Now here you see the flowers. See these flowers of different varieties come out of different shoots. Who does all these work? Who does this living work? Who pulsates our heart? If we ask these questions there is no end to it. These all can be answered after you have realized your Self. So this connection takes place because of this, you see, the triangular bone which you call as 'sacrum' means - of course in medical science also you call it 'sacrum' - means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone. Otherwise why did they call it 'sacrum'? This sacred bone has this three-and-a-half coil energy within it. Now in the practice of Sahaja Yoga you can even see the pulsation of this bone actually like a heart pulsates. In summary when there is obstruction which is trying to push then you can see it with your naked eyes. You can see that, not in everyone. lNow when this power passes through these different centers it nourishes them, it co-ordinates, it bring them together, pierces through this fontanel bone area and then connects you to the all-pervading power, which is the power, which is the vital power which has electromagnetic forces. It has got what you call the 'Prana', it has got the power of divine, it thinks, it understands, it organizes, above all it loves you. It's hypothesis again, don't be frightened. It is there. The second truth about you is that, that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, ego, superego, you are not that. Because you all say, "My ego, my heart, my body, mine..." You don't say, "I the body." So which is the "I", which is the "auto", again means what? Who is the auto? There is something and that is the Spirit. So what you are is the Auto, is the Spirit. These are the two truths I put before you and you have to verify it and tell Dr Rai that he should to verify it. Don't believe me. Whatever I am saying, that again you can verify. Now we have the knowledge of the roots in this country while the West has the knowledge of the tree. So they treat the tree according to the symptoms, like that's something wrong with the leaves, you treat the leaves, something wrong with the branches, you treat the branches. But that's not going to cure the whole of that tree, you have to go to the roots. And that’s what the tree that you have, has to become the Spirit so that the whole body gets alright. Now another hypothesis I put before you is this that there are main seven centres, subtle centres within us. Seven of them, one of them is below the Kundalini and six are above it, that's why we say... [Hindi]. Now these are the centres these six above Mooladhara which look after our physical, mental, emotional, political, social, financial, also spirituality. If you see clearly it, without any offence, yourself, all the problems of the world are mostly because of these. And all the problems of human beings are because of their chakras. So somehow if you can clear these subtle chakras or put them right all our problems can be solved. As simple as that. Now this is the hypothesis again. I am not saying you have to believe it, it's a hypothesis. Now these centers on the medical science we have plexuses, only on the medical, say the physical side, we have this. But also it has mental side. English language is funny you see: 'mental' means 'the left side' but actually the right side that you see there, the channel looks after our physical and our concern with our intelligence and our "vichar" and all that, and the left side looks after emotional side. Now only the question of cancer again is this: Swadishthan. Now I will tell you about only one chakra first of all, is the yellow chakra you see there called as Swadishthan which moves around that void. This is the one which is responsible for producing or manifesting our reflexes but that's only on the physical side. Now how much work this poor centre has to do! We have never thought that when we think the energy we use in our thinking how is it replaced, thinking energy from where does it come in our brain. We are using our brain all the time but what is replacing it, is this center. So this center - you know the brain is made of fats - this cenrer converts the fat of the stomach for the use of the brain and that's how - this is again hypothesis I am telling you - that's how those who think too much go into imbalance, futuristic thinking people planning everything, plan this, plan that. Most of the plans fail also but they are planning all the time, thinking too much. All that leads to one crisis is that person becomes imbalanced in the sense that this poor centre which has to do other jobs also, it has to look after your liver, it has to look after your pancreas, it has to look after your spleen, your kidneys and part of the intestine, large intestine. So a person who thinks too much, a very right sided futuristic person first problem can come from his liver. In the medical science I don't think we have much knowledge about liver. Liver is by which we live. I think, it's a very important organ in the body. So the function of the liver is to absorb all the poison of the body and convert it into heat and which passes to the blood stream, is the function in simple words. I am not using any medical terminology, simple words. So now when you start thinking too much you neglect your liver. When you neglect your liver poor thing doesn't know how to do his job. So, the who heat is saturated in the stomach. The person has heat here then the heat starts passing upward. When it passes towards the heart - we call it right heart, in the medical science there is no right heart but we have the center and right heart - it creates problem and that problem is called as asthma, simple words. This heat then also passes to your throat. Also it creates a kind of a cold which always flows, you sneeze twenty times in the morning all that sort. There are two types of colds also, we have two types: we have one lethargic liver and one over active. So this is I talked about overactive. Now such a person is overactive. So he develops this cold, sneezing, this temper, anger, anxiety, tension. (Apart: not jot, it's better hold on, alright.) Then this heat passes over. It can go to heart at a very young age. Supposing there are boys who are playing tennis or something of a rigorous game, and playing it this might affect that then have a massive heart attack at a very young age which can be fatal. Now the same heat when it passes through the throat, we develop throat problem and we get a sore throat and all kind of problems we get. So, it's not alright. Now, when it moves down say to your pancreas, poor pancreas is also suffering because it has no energy from this centre. So, a simple disease a person like that develops, is diabetes. Too much of thinking gives diabetes nobody would think. They think that too much sugar gives diabetes, not thinking. In our Maharashtra few have to have a tea properly, the sugar should be such that the spoon must stand at right angles otherwise it is not tea. And nobody gets diabetes because the villagers work in the morning, nicely sleeping down in the night, not worrying about tomorrow how to do this, how to do that, nothing. Only the people who are sitting on their seats and planning, thinking, also worried, get diabetes. Now diabetes is curable. They say it is inheritance. Also, it is curable by putting this centre right. Then the third thing I told you is even more dangerous, is the spleen. Now there is the life, is so funny that it cannot be congenial to the working of the spleen. Spleen works and as you know everybody has a smoggy morality, that is simple as you know, so it happens that, suppose in the morning you get up, read the horrible newspaper, "Bombay blast this, that", you mean that spleen starts wobbling. Then you don't eat your food properly or breakfast properly, just hurry up some or the other, eat something, get into the car cursing all the people on the way because of the jam, reach the office where there the boss is on you and absolutely, you're in a mess there out, and poor this spleen is wobbling. She doesn't understand the craziness of this man, "How am I to produce the RBC [Red Blood Cells]? Wherever I act?" This craziness makes it vulnerable to blood cancer. So this thing is! Because she is so crazy she doesn't understand how to react. Now what happens that this is supposing I am saying to you is the spinal cord, that is, and these are centres, this is the left side, this is right side. Now they go on working extracting energy from the centre, it gets exhausted. Suddenly something will happen, some sort of a shock on the left side because you are working on the right side, so it bends. When it bends the connection with the whole is lost and that's how you become numb. The main cannot reach anyone so they have to take over. Now the left side is also a very mysterious thing which will shock you. I don't know if I would be able to speak today about it. That's quite a mysterious thing in this left side about which there is no knowledge in the medical science. Now so this trouble of leukemia comes in. Then it goes to kidneys, you see. It coagulates your kidneys, you cannot pass urine, even urinary bladder would be like this. Now you get this kidney trouble, you put on dialysis. Poor man dies of bankrupt, dies no doubt. Nobody gets out. It's a fact dialysis has not cured anyone so far, I know. It just makes them live longer and longer and it's a fact. So he dies. Then also it goes down as I told you in the lower portion. And sometimes you do not feel hungry because of the liver, plus you feel constipation. And constipation can be of the worst type that people get, that all their nights they end up with minima or some sort of a distress. So these are the common diseases which will be facing all such people who are overactive. Now the another thing that was about paralysis. Paralysis also, that you get. Now of course I don't know if they are digging that the brain has double function, that the left side works differently than the right side. But in Russia one doctor came and asked me this question. I said, "It does." He said, "Should i mention your name?" I said, "Mention my name but it's that. Absolutely the left side is very different from right side." Now you can see clearly. Now you see the yellow one that goes to the left side, what you call the "I" there, and the left side goes to this side upward, they cross over at optic chiasma where, at optic chiasma, there is a very important centre which we call as Agnya chakra. It looks after your superior body and Vishhudhi. Now when these two, cross over like that, you see they form a gap which is the limbic area. And this limbic area gets closed with these two balloon-like structures which we have produced by over activity or by over conditioning. So what does the kundalini? She goes up to this Agnya chakra and sucks in your negativity and then she pierces through your fontanel bone area. Thus you become one with the all-pervading power. No question then of getting tired. Now I am seventy years age and I travel. If you ask them! I mean if you see my travel! They say, "Mother, how do you do it?" I said, "I do it because I don't do it." I am sitting here or I am sitting there, I never think I am travelling. I never think, that's the best part of it and everything works out because you are in connection with the divine power which is the most efficient government I should say, the most efficient brains, intelligence, and works so fast as doctor has said, "That's instant, I know instantly." So quick it understands. Now the best part of it that's you all have this Kundalini within you and she is your individual mother. And all what you are she has recorded within ourselves like a tape recorder and she is very anxious that you should get your second birth, and she manages the show. Once she does that, it is like a plumule in the seed. How it pierces down? We never thought of that. Supposing at the end of the root there is a small, a very small little brain or a cell. Ir rose, it will go off, it will go into the soft corners and, if it is hard, it goes around it, it tries to establish anchorage for the future tree. All these things are in that little stem. In the same way this Kundalini means quite a throw. What she does? These chakras which are under-nourished, she nourishes them now, nourishes them. Some of them which are dislocated she pushes them back? And the complete nourishment, when this starts coming within you, this is only the physical side of it. Mentally, you should know me, lots of mad people have been cured. I don't want to give instances of how many people have been cured with Sahaja Yoga because the number is so great but you can write to them and find out that people have been cured. Angina, then heart trouble, then (apart: what's the other?) even Aids. Now doctor Albert was asking me, "Mother, tell me about Aids and I will do some research." So let him go into research and then we'll have next session I hope next year. Then I hope we'll give you [the results] and you'll be able to be here. But after taking to Sahaja Yoga at least you will not feel so bad, you will never get into trouble. Seldom, if you get in, may be some reason but it can be easily corrected. At least you drop off ten years if not twenty years, feel very energetic, healthy and also very sweet tempered. The best part of it that you start enjoying life. Enjoy the life this is a very great thing that should happen to all of you. I am so happy today you have no idea because I was also - I wanted to study medicine at least little bit to know what doctors talk about. And when I saw that, I felt that that time even all these terminologies were not there. It's long time back. But I was so ignorant about how I have to talk with them. How will they listen to me? They see everything on just superficially! How will I talk to them? How will it work out? But I told these doctors all over the world. There were doctors from Japan. Also we have doctors from Russia. In Russian doctors there were three hundred doctors sitting before me and I said about medical science. They said, "No more medical science" because they are mastered a last bit of it, "No more medical science, tell us about the divine science. " Same with the scientists, surprising they were introspective and they have realized that, "The end of these things have come, we should get something more." Now one thing is it is your heritage, it is your own, and it takes hardly any time for you to get your self-realization. Then it is yours, not mine. Because there are so many seekers, so many seekers born in this Kali Yuga. That's surprising! As he said, he is correct that in every program we had nothing less than sixteen to eighteen thousand people in Russia. And they are such beautiful people! Now this is our own knowledge. I told the Russians - they had some American doctors - I said, "Why don't you tell them of Sahaja Yoga?" "Why should we? This is our secret. Why don't they listen to you? They will not tell us. I did feel first time Indian doctors told us." They said that. Now as far as money is concerned, as you are saying so that doctors might be worried that they may lose their things, actually there are very, very few people who really come to Sahaja Yoga in a way percentage wise. All the rest have worries. Specially the way there are some people who like you have the authority of doctors, so they enjoy. But Sahaja Yoga is really today for India is such a blessing. You know what is happening in our villages, how people are dying there, is no help. And this will solve. It has many other dimensions. It will do so many things, apart from your behavior and all that, the agriculture and everything. So many things there are. This is not the time to talk about it but one must know that you are Yogis, you are saints, it is all within you. You have not come on this earth just to waste your time but to enjoy the Kingdom of God. May God bless you.
1993-0325 Medical Conference, New Delhi, India Host announcer: I am sure friends that you must be wondering that we all doctors have been talking and the doctor of doctors who is sitting amidst us has been sitting quite listening to us, we have learned that her being here and we have taken the liberty of speaking before her. [Talk starts here] 00:23 Here we have many doctors who are Sahaja Yogis and also abroad. The common point is that quality I have found, that they have concern and compassion, they were not completely money oriented. They definitely felt that we can by some level help the people who are of a poorer class or middle class who cannot achieve benevolence from medical science because shifted. Another [of] qualities I tried for them, the compassion, has let them to think about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is holistic in every way. Today, if I put a hypothesis before you, as scientist you must keep your mind open and accept it, and as Indians I would say it is your heritage, it's not coming from abroad, it is coming from your country from ancient times. To say that I found Sahaja Yoga is not correct. Sahaja Yoga has been there since long and everybody has preached about it, talked about it, all the Naths, all these have talked about it; Nanak Saab has said Sahaj Samajika. So it is not that I have found the method or the technique of it, but if something has [been] done in modern times is this that now self-realization can be given en masse to thousands of people at the same time. But this is true for every discovery, if you have electricity now today, first it was available to only one person. Unless and until you make it collective it has no meaning. The another thing which I don’t think they have referred to at all that in evolutionary process now this is the last breakthrough of your belongings. In the human awareness whatever problems we have there is a higher awareness in which all these things that they have described is absolutely possible. As we can understand in medical science we have not been able to solve many questions and also answer many questions - I'll be going to speak about it next time - specially the parasympathetic nervous system we do not know anything about it. But in Sahaja Yoga we know each and everything not only that but you can master your parasympathetic. What you could work out it was your sympathetic system at the most in the emergency but with Sahaja Yoga you can master your parasympathetic and you can work it out. So what happens, see, is like this instrument here you see at. Now somebody says that if you speak loudly people won’t hear but if you use this instrument it will work. For a lay person they will think how could be just a funny sort of looking thing how can it work, but once it is connected to the mains it works. In the same way unless and until we are connected to our main we are not understanding our Self. And that's why there is so much difference of opinion and difference of understanding. So it is very important first of all to be connected to that all-pervading power which I call as the divine love. Now when I say that you need not believe it, you need not believe in the doctors also. But there is something like a hypothesis before you that there is a all-pervading power that is singular. Now for example the foetus is placed in a womb of a mother. Anything foreign that enters into the body is thrown out, the nature of the body is such. But why the foetus is kept there, looked after, and at the right moment is thrown out. Who does that? Now here you see the flowers. See these flowers of different varieties come out of different shoots. Who does all these work? Who does this living work? Who pulsates our heart? If we ask these questions there is no end to it. These all can be answered after you have realized your Self. So this connection takes place because of this, you see, the triangular bone which you call as 'sacrum' means - of course in medical science also you call it 'sacrum' - means the Greeks knew that it was a sacred bone. Otherwise why did they call it 'sacrum'? This sacred bone has this three-and-a-half coil energy within it. Now in the practice of Sahaja Yoga you can even see the pulsation of this bone actually like a heart pulsates. In summary when there is obstruction which is trying to push then you can see it with your naked eyes. You can see that, not in everyone. lNow when this power passes through these different centers it nourishes them, it co-ordinates, it bring them together, pierces through this fontanel bone area and then connects you to the all-pervading power, which is the power, which is the vital power which has electromagnetic forces. It has got what you call the 'Prana', it has got the power of divine, it thinks, it understands, it organizes, above all it loves you. It's hypothesis again, don't be frightened. It is there. The second truth about you is that, that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, ego, superego, you are not that. Because you all say, "My ego, my heart, my body, mine..." You don't say, "I the body." So which is the "I", which is the "auto", again means what? Who is the auto? There is something and that is the Spirit. So what you are is the Auto, is the Spirit. These are the two truths I put before you and you have to verify it and tell Dr Rai that he should to verify it. Don't believe me. Whatever I am saying, that again you can verify. Now we have the knowledge of the roots in this country while the West has the knowledge of the tree. So they treat the tree according to the symptoms, like that's something wrong with the leaves, you treat the leaves, something wrong with the branches, you treat the branches. But that's not going to cure the whole of that tree, you have to go to the roots. And that’s what the tree that you have, has to become the Spirit so that the whole body gets alright. Now another hypothesis I put before you is this that there are main seven centres, subtle centres within us. Seven of them, one of them is below the Kundalini and six are above it, that's why we say... [Hindi]. Now these are the centres these six above Mooladhara which look after our physical, mental, emotional, political, social, financial, also spirituality. If you see clearly it, without any offence, yourself, all the problems of the world are mostly because of these. And all the problems of human beings are because of their chakras. So somehow if you can clear these subtle chakras or put them right all our problems can be solved. As simple as that. Now this is the hypothesis again. I am not saying you have to believe it, it's a hypothesis. Now these centers on the medical science we have plexuses, only on the medical, say the physical side, we have this. But also it has mental side. English language is funny you see: 'mental' means 'the left side' but actually the right side that you see there, the channel looks after our physical and our concern with our intelligence and our "vichar" and all that, and the left side looks after emotional side. Now only the question of cancer again is this: Swadishthan. Now I will tell you about only one chakra first of all, is the yellow chakra you see there called as Swadishthan which moves around that void. This is the one which is responsible for producing or manifesting our reflexes but that's only on the physical side. Now how much work this poor centre has to do! We have never thought that when we think the energy we use in our thinking how is it replaced, thinking energy from where does it come in our brain. We are using our brain all the time but what is replacing it, is this center. So this center - you know the brain is made of fats - this cenrer converts the fat of the stomach for the use of the brain and that's how - this is again hypothesis I am telling you - that's how those who think too much go into imbalance, futuristic thinking people planning everything, plan this, plan that. Most of the plans fail also but they are planning all the time, thinking too much. All that leads to one crisis is that person becomes imbalanced in the sense that this poor centre which has to do other jobs also, it has to look after your liver, it has to look after your pancreas, it has to look after your spleen, your kidneys and part of the intestine, large intestine. So a person who thinks too much, a very right sided futuristic person first problem can come from his liver. In the medical science I don't think we have much knowledge about liver. Liver is by which we live. I think, it's a very important organ in the body. So the function of the liver is to absorb all the poison of the body and convert it into heat and which passes to the blood stream, is the function in simple words. I am not using any medical terminology, simple words. So now when you start thinking too much you neglect your liver. When you neglect your liver poor thing doesn't know how to do his job. So, the who heat is saturated in the stomach. The person has heat here then the heat starts passing upward. When it passes towards the heart - we call it right heart, in the medical science there is no right heart but we have the center and right heart - it creates problem and that problem is called as asthma, simple words. This heat then also passes to your throat. Also it creates a kind of a cold which always flows, you sneeze twenty times in the morning all that sort. There are two types of colds also, we have two types: we have one lethargic liver and one over active. So this is I talked about overactive. Now such a person is overactive. So he develops this cold, sneezing, this temper, anger, anxiety, tension. (Apart: not jot, it's better hold on, alright.) Then this heat passes over. It can go to heart at a very young age. Supposing there are boys who are playing tennis or something of a rigorous game, and playing it this might affect that then have a massive heart attack at a very young age which can be fatal. Now the same heat when it passes through the throat, we develop throat problem and we get a sore throat and all kind of problems we get. So, it's not alright. Now, when it moves down say to your pancreas, poor pancreas is also suffering because it has no energy from this centre. So, a simple disease a person like that develops, is diabetes. Too much of thinking gives diabetes nobody would think. They think that too much sugar gives diabetes, not thinking. In our Maharashtra few have to have a tea properly, the sugar should be such that the spoon must stand at right angles otherwise it is not tea. And nobody gets diabetes because the villagers work in the morning, nicely sleeping down in the night, not worrying about tomorrow how to do this, how to do that, nothing. Only the people who are sitting on their seats and planning, thinking, also worried, get diabetes. Now diabetes is curable. They say it is inheritance. Also, it is curable by putting this centre right. Then the third thing I told you is even more dangerous, is the spleen. Now there is the life, is so funny that it cannot be congenial to the working of the spleen. Spleen works and as you know everybody has a smoggy morality, that is simple as you know, so it happens that, suppose in the morning you get up, read the horrible newspaper, "Bombay blast this, that", you mean that spleen starts wobbling. Then you don't eat your food properly or breakfast properly, just hurry up some or the other, eat something, get into the car cursing all the people on the way because of the jam, reach the office where there the boss is on you and absolutely, you're in a mess there out, and poor this spleen is wobbling. She doesn't understand the craziness of this man, "How am I to produce the RBC [Red Blood Cells]? Wherever I act?" This craziness makes it vulnerable to blood cancer. So this thing is! Because she is so crazy she doesn't understand how to react. Now what happens that this is supposing I am saying to you is the spinal cord, that is, and these are centres, this is the left side, this is right side. Now they go on working extracting energy from the centre, it gets exhausted. Suddenly something will happen, some sort of a shock on the left side because you are working on the right side, so it bends. When it bends the connection with the whole is lost and that's how you become numb. The main cannot reach anyone so they have to take over. Now the left side is also a very mysterious thing which will shock you. I don't know if I would be able to speak today about it. That's quite a mysterious thing in this left side about which there is no knowledge in the medical science. Now so this trouble of leukemia comes in. Then it goes to kidneys, you see. It coagulates your kidneys, you cannot pass urine, even urinary bladder would be like this. Now you get this kidney trouble, you put on dialysis. Poor man dies of bankrupt, dies no doubt. Nobody gets out. It's a fact dialysis has not cured anyone so far, I know. It just makes them live longer and longer and it's a fact. So he dies. Then also it goes down as I told you in the lower portion. And sometimes you do not feel hungry because of the liver, plus you feel constipation. And constipation can be of the worst type that people get, that all their nights they end up with minima or some sort of a distress. So these are the common diseases which will be facing all such people who are overactive. Now the another thing that was about paralysis. Paralysis also, that you get. Now of course I don't know if they are digging that the brain has double function, that the left side works differently than the right side. But in Russia one doctor came and asked me this question. I said, "It does." He said, "Should i mention your name?" I said, "Mention my name but it's that. Absolutely the left side is very different from right side." Now you can see clearly. Now you see the yellow one that goes to the left side, what you call the "I" there, and the left side goes to this side upward, they cross over at optic chiasma where, at optic chiasma, there is a very important centre which we call as Agnya chakra. It looks after your superior body and Vishhudhi. Now when these two, cross over like that, you see they form a gap which is the limbic area. And this limbic area gets closed with these two balloon-like structures which we have produced by over activity or by over conditioning. So what does the kundalini? She goes up to this Agnya chakra and sucks in your negativity and then she pierces through your fontanel bone area. Thus you become one with the all-pervading power. No question then of getting tired. Now I am seventy years age and I travel. If you ask them! I mean if you see my travel! They say, "Mother, how do you do it?" I said, "I do it because I don't do it." I am sitting here or I am sitting there, I never think I am travelling. I never think, that's the best part of it and everything works out because you are in connection with the divine power which is the most efficient government I should say, the most efficient brains, intelligence, and works so fast as doctor has said, "That's instant, I know instantly." So quick it understands. Now the best part of it that's you all have this Kundalini within you and she is your individual mother. And all what you are she has recorded within ourselves like a tape recorder and she is very anxious that you should get your second birth, and she manages the show. Once she does that, it is like a plumule in the seed. How it pierces down? We never thought of that. Supposing at the end of the root there is a small, a very small little brain or a cell. Ir rose, it will go off, it will go into the soft corners and, if it is hard, it goes around it, it tries to establish anchorage for the future tree. All these things are in that little stem. In the same way this Kundalini means quite a throw. What she does? These chakras which are under-nourished, she nourishes them now, nourishes them. Some of them which are dislocated she pushes them back? And the complete nourishment, when this starts coming within you, this is only the physical side of it. Mentally, you should know me, lots of mad people have been cured. I don't want to give instances of how many people have been cured with Sahaja Yoga because the number is so great but you can write to them and find out that people have been cured. Angina, then heart trouble, then (apart: what's the other?) even Aids. Now doctor Albert was asking me, "Mother, tell me about Aids and I will do some research." So let him go into research and then we'll have next session I hope next year. Then I hope we'll give you [the results] and you'll be able to be here. But after taking to Sahaja Yoga at least you will not feel so bad, you will never get into trouble. Seldom, if you get in, may be some reason but it can be easily corrected. At least you drop off ten years if not twenty years, feel very energetic, healthy and also very sweet tempered. The best part of it that you start enjoying life. Enjoy the life this is a very great thing that should happen to all of you. I am so happy today you have no idea because I was also - I wanted to study medicine at least little bit to know what doctors talk about. And when I saw that, I felt that that time even all these terminologies were not there. It's long time back. But I was so ignorant about how I have to talk with them. How will they listen to me? They see everything on just superficially! How will I talk to them? How will it work out? But I told these doctors all over the world. There were doctors from Japan. Also we have doctors from Russia. In Russian doctors there were three hundred doctors sitting before me and I said about medical science. They said, "No more medical science" because they are mastered a last bit of it, "No more medical science, tell us about the divine science. " Same with the scientists, surprising they were introspective and they have realized that, "The end of these things have come, we should get something more." Now one thing is it is your heritage, it is your own, and it takes hardly any time for you to get your self-realization. Then it is yours, not mine. Because there are so many seekers, so many seekers born in this Kali Yuga. That's surprising! As he said, he is correct that in every program we had nothing less than sixteen to eighteen thousand people in Russia. And they are such beautiful people! Now this is our own knowledge. I told the Russians - they had some American doctors - I said, "Why don't you tell them of Sahaja Yoga?" "Why should we? This is our secret. Why don't they listen to you? They will not tell us. I did feel first time Indian doctors told us." They said that. Now as far as money is concerned, as you are saying so that doctors might be worried that they may lose their things, actually there are very, very few people who really come to Sahaja Yoga in a way percentage wise. All the rest have worries. Specially the way there are some people who like you have the authority of doctors, so they enjoy. But Sahaja Yoga is really today for India is such a blessing. You know what is happening in our villages, how people are dying there, is no help. And this will solve. It has many other dimensions. It will do so many things, apart from your behavior and all that, the agriculture and everything. So many things there are. This is not the time to talk about it but one must know that you are Yogis, you are saints, it is all within you. You have not come on this earth just to waste your time but to enjoy the Kingdom of God. May God bless you.
Shri Mahavira Puja
New Delhi
Shri Mahavira Puja, Delhi, April 4th, 1993 (translated from Hindi) Shri Mahavira resides on our Ida nadi and rules it. All the “samskara” [mental impressions] that we have in us are corrected by him. He has defined and explained what is Hell, what happens when humans go to Hell, the way they suffer in Hell, and he has explained this in every detail. Buddha and Mahavira were contemporaneous and both of them had a life of penance. Both of them were princes. But still, both of them dedicated themselves in tapasya. And they found out that when humans make mistakes and go to the left side then they go to Hell and they suffer. Hell has to be experienced in this world. A human can stop this before his death. If he is very sinful and he is committing lots of sins and does not run away from it and does not understand that it is wrong. So people like this in today’s modern times will be destroyed by themselves from inside. For this, no outside energy is required. Because they get so much of false wisdom (buddhi). So they themselves prepare to destroy themselves. Sometimes they think they are very well and think who could touch them. So all of these will be destroyed and only these humans who will not raise themselves from human awareness. I don’t know how many of them will be saved. There are so much of demonic powers that are active and they are attracting humans and they are entangled in it. So it is very difficult to be saved from it. Sahaja Yoga is the only way from which you could be saved and you could take yourself to a higher level. You can also pull along many others with you and you can save their lives. Whatever Mahaviraji explained, I don’t know how many Jains understand it. They have only done Vidambana [vexation] unexpected to him. This has happened with all the incarnations. So if people do the same with Mahavira, so we cannot say anything we cannot blame anyone. In Sahaja Yoga, we very much respect and understand Mahaviraji and we also accept that he is the incarnation of Shri Bhairavanath and not only this he took birth many times and later also came as Hasan and Husain. In the Bible, Bhairavanath is addressed as Saint-George and some refer him as Saint-Michael. It is very surprising that London, which we understand as the Heart, has Saint-George as its angel. That is why they accept Bhairavanath, so it’s correct. Because if Shivaji resides in the Heart, then having Bhairavanath is important. There are so many things which if we read with understanding then they are all interconnected and their relation is automatically established. In Sahaja shakti, you get overwhelmed and you enjoy it and this makes Me happy. God has created this universe for you so you should enjoy it, what else do you want? In you, there are many powers and you use them and you have also shared it with others. In this way, the family of our Sahaj should grow. We should save as many possible, most important our children. We should take care of them because a wrong type of culture has started and the children are getting affected. So we should pay attention to it and to them and take care of them. When they are established in Sahaj then they will not go around. In Delhi’s environment, Sahaja Yoga has very nicely established itself. It is a very nice thing. Sahaja Yoga is very much required here in Delhi because here is politics and governance. Slowly, slowly through your means, the Param Chaitanya will be activated. I am sure when I come next year then many people would have taken to Sahaj. There are so many Sahaja Yogis but I don’t know them by face but I can easily make them out by face but not by name. I don’t know them so you should make a photo album of them. I usually have time in the morning and I like to see the album. I have received some albums from Maharashtra and other places. I have provided for you an album so please give a photo and detail when did you take your Realization. It will be very good. Everyone is requesting that next year also we should celebrate by Birthday here. But it should not be celebrated in such a big way. It is too much.A S.Y says: We should make the celebration in a much bigger way than this Shri Mataji. [Applause]Many miracles happened in the celebration, it was very nice and many other nice things happened. I was already thinking that how should we progress in regards to our Art. I have given a note to Yogi Mahajan. What we have achieved in Maharashtra we can do it here also. This way we can develop creativity, and our artistic vision should develop, like theatre and many other things. I have shown them. We should work in different fields. Sahaja Yoga is not just for you. It is meant for the whole world. It is not just for spirituality but to establish spirituality into this world like Kabir Das has said “Mann mamat aye” it means left side, and I will mix the five elements into right side. The five elements are the right side and left i.e “mann mamat aye” I will mix it. So all our feelings and our art I will mix it into the five elements. So all the art and feelings that we have and to express it we should try different ways. This will be a very special achievement. In Sahaja Yoga, when we do anything then it has a special meaning. i.e all the big artists of the world were Realised souls and if they were not Realised souls, then their art would have not prospered till date. Any art which was not created by a Realised soul has been destroyed, stopped or nobody has respect for it. So there is no field/direction in which we cannot achieve or enter. Where ever we have an interest, we all should think: “What can I do for it?” How can I bring spirituality in it?” It is very important to bring spirituality into it. In this world, spirituality is not confined to a single person but it belongs to the whole world. So we should see the presence of spirituality in all. And I am sure in the coming years it will be seen in our daily walk of life in our speaking and in every aspect the existence of sahaj has evolved. When this effect has established inside us then people can easily see that it is a different thing. With this Sahaj notion inside us. We can see how miracles happen, this is not limited to just us but we have it and make it happen everywhere in all the dimensions and show it and this is very easily possible. You can see they are themselves making the music, composing it. And if you take this to the villages like say today bhajans are going to happen then people will come, then sing in front of them. There is no other better way of spreading Sahaja Yoga. In Maharashtra, all the spiritual spreading is via music. So like this, every Sunday take a group/party of people to Villages and make bhajans, theatre and like this people will understand what are we and what we are doing. In this matter, the foreign yogis have prepared very nice theatres and have also played very nice music. Especially they like very much Indian music and they are no longer interested in their music. They make very high standard Indian Music. So we should also prepare such a high standard of music that we can show it to the public. Slowly, slowly your creativity will also show its growth and creativity. Look these people who are preparing music/theatre are also normal human beings but we are Sahaj yogis and we have inside us many Shaktis with which we can explain and show, introduce people about spirituality. So today I am saying this, that this left side which is Music, art which has this (bhavana) emotions shows it. Even though Saraswati has created all the Swaras [notes], so what! but the emotions it contains, the bhakti it contains it is due to the blessings of Mahavir. Mahavir has really worked hard for this because he scared people that if you go to the wrong way, you go to hell, and on taking this correct way you will be overwhelmed and you all are actually witnessing it. Like this, we all should increase our bhakti and growing bhakti in the work of Mahavira. I am happy that on this day of Mahavira Jayanti you all are doing Mahavira work…..
Shri Mahavira Puja, Delhi, April 4th, 1993 (translated from Hindi) Shri Mahavira resides on our Ida nadi and rules it. All the “samskara” [mental impressions] that we have in us are corrected by him. He has defined and explained what is Hell, what happens when humans go to Hell, the way they suffer in Hell, and he has explained this in every detail. Buddha and Mahavira were contemporaneous and both of them had a life of penance. Both of them were princes. But still, both of them dedicated themselves in tapasya. And they found out that when humans make mistakes and go to the left side then they go to Hell and they suffer. Hell has to be experienced in this world. A human can stop this before his death. If he is very sinful and he is committing lots of sins and does not run away from it and does not understand that it is wrong. So people like this in today’s modern times will be destroyed by themselves from inside. For this, no outside energy is required. Because they get so much of false wisdom (buddhi). So they themselves prepare to destroy themselves. Sometimes they think they are very well and think who could touch them. So all of these will be destroyed and only these humans who will not raise themselves from human awareness. I don’t know how many of them will be saved. There are so much of demonic powers that are active and they are attracting humans and they are entangled in it. So it is very difficult to be saved from it. Sahaja Yoga is the only way from which you could be saved and you could take yourself to a higher level. You can also pull along many others with you and you can save their lives. Whatever Mahaviraji explained, I don’t know how many Jains understand it. They have only done Vidambana [vexation] unexpected to him. This has happened with all the incarnations. So if people do the same with Mahavira, so we cannot say anything we cannot blame anyone. In Sahaja Yoga, we very much respect and understand Mahaviraji and we also accept that he is the incarnation of Shri Bhairavanath and not only this he took birth many times and later also came as Hasan and Husain. In the Bible, Bhairavanath is addressed as Saint-George and some refer him as Saint-Michael. It is very surprising that London, which we understand as the Heart, has Saint-George as its angel. That is why they accept Bhairavanath, so it’s correct. Because if Shivaji resides in the Heart, then having Bhairavanath is important. There are so many things which if we read with understanding then they are all interconnected and their relation is automatically established. In Sahaja shakti, you get overwhelmed and you enjoy it and this makes Me happy. God has created this universe for you so you should enjoy it, what else do you want? In you, there are many powers and you use them and you have also shared it with others. In this way, the family of our Sahaj should grow. We should save as many possible, most important our children. We should take care of them because a wrong type of culture has started and the children are getting affected. So we should pay attention to it and to them and take care of them. When they are established in Sahaj then they will not go around. In Delhi’s environment, Sahaja Yoga has very nicely established itself. It is a very nice thing. Sahaja Yoga is very much required here in Delhi because here is politics and governance. Slowly, slowly through your means, the Param Chaitanya will be activated. I am sure when I come next year then many people would have taken to Sahaj. There are so many Sahaja Yogis but I don’t know them by face but I can easily make them out by face but not by name. I don’t know them so you should make a photo album of them. I usually have time in the morning and I like to see the album. I have received some albums from Maharashtra and other places. I have provided for you an album so please give a photo and detail when did you take your Realization. It will be very good. Everyone is requesting that next year also we should celebrate by Birthday here. But it should not be celebrated in such a big way. It is too much.A S.Y says: We should make the celebration in a much bigger way than this Shri Mataji. [Applause]Many miracles happened in the celebration, it was very nice and many other nice things happened. I was already thinking that how should we progress in regards to our Art. I have given a note to Yogi Mahajan. What we have achieved in Maharashtra we can do it here also. This way we can develop creativity, and our artistic vision should develop, like theatre and many other things. I have shown them. We should work in different fields. Sahaja Yoga is not just for you. It is meant for the whole world. It is not just for spirituality but to establish spirituality into this world like Kabir Das has said “Mann mamat aye” it means left side, and I will mix the five elements into right side. The five elements are the right side and left i.e “mann mamat aye” I will mix it. So all our feelings and our art I will mix it into the five elements. So all the art and feelings that we have and to express it we should try different ways. This will be a very special achievement. In Sahaja Yoga, when we do anything then it has a special meaning. i.e all the big artists of the world were Realised souls and if they were not Realised souls, then their art would have not prospered till date. Any art which was not created by a Realised soul has been destroyed, stopped or nobody has respect for it. So there is no field/direction in which we cannot achieve or enter. Where ever we have an interest, we all should think: “What can I do for it?” How can I bring spirituality in it?” It is very important to bring spirituality into it. In this world, spirituality is not confined to a single person but it belongs to the whole world. So we should see the presence of spirituality in all. And I am sure in the coming years it will be seen in our daily walk of life in our speaking and in every aspect the existence of sahaj has evolved. When this effect has established inside us then people can easily see that it is a different thing. With this Sahaj notion inside us. We can see how miracles happen, this is not limited to just us but we have it and make it happen everywhere in all the dimensions and show it and this is very easily possible. You can see they are themselves making the music, composing it. And if you take this to the villages like say today bhajans are going to happen then people will come, then sing in front of them. There is no other better way of spreading Sahaja Yoga. In Maharashtra, all the spiritual spreading is via music. So like this, every Sunday take a group/party of people to Villages and make bhajans, theatre and like this people will understand what are we and what we are doing. In this matter, the foreign yogis have prepared very nice theatres and have also played very nice music. Especially they like very much Indian music and they are no longer interested in their music. They make very high standard Indian Music. So we should also prepare such a high standard of music that we can show it to the public. Slowly, slowly your creativity will also show its growth and creativity. Look these people who are preparing music/theatre are also normal human beings but we are Sahaj yogis and we have inside us many Shaktis with which we can explain and show, introduce people about spirituality. So today I am saying this, that this left side which is Music, art which has this (bhavana) emotions shows it. Even though Saraswati has created all the Swaras [notes], so what! but the emotions it contains, the bhakti it contains it is due to the blessings of Mahavir. Mahavir has really worked hard for this because he scared people that if you go to the wrong way, you go to hell, and on taking this correct way you will be overwhelmed and you all are actually witnessing it. Like this, we all should increase our bhakti and growing bhakti in the work of Mahavira. I am happy that on this day of Mahavira Jayanti you all are doing Mahavira work…..
Evening Program eve of Easter Puja
Magliano Sabina
Evening Program
Easter Puja: One has to have faith in one’s self
Magliano Sabina
Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ is evident now in your own life — what you were before and what you are today. It is such a change, such a difference, such a transformation. It is His own sacrifice on the cross and His own beautiful resurrection has created a way for all of us to get into this new transformed state. In this state is a different story for human beings and a different for Christ. Christ was Himself, was Holiness or Purity. So, His resurrection is nothing but just a physical happening, we can say, because He did not need transformation. He did not have to go through any cleansing. But what happened in His case was that He became resurrected from death. Symbolizes the life of human beings without spirituality is like a death because they do everything without any understanding about the totality, about the reality, about the Absolute Truth. Whatever they do ultimately takes them to their destruction. Even the religions which are established by these great incarnations are absolutely on a decline. You do not find any trace of religious life with all those people who claim that they are the ones who can represent those incarnations. If you see, in a subtle way, it’s very painful also that in the name of all these great incarnations the kind of work people are doing, the activities that they take to is something impossible because they have no fear of God. In the name of God, they’re doing all these horrible things all over the world. Of course, here you can say Catholic Church has been exposed. Everywhere people are seeing all these false things have been exposed. But these false things they have used under a guard of God, spirituality and beauty. That’s the best way you can hide. All the cruelty, all the violence, all the ugliness, this is how they have worked it out. And it has gone into such a state that you do not find the slightest, even tinge, of religious life among these people. Like all the thieves of the world, all the great crooks of the world and all the intriguers of the world have taken over. It’s only because what was written in all the books and all the scriptures that you have to seek yourself was never done. “You have to know yourself” was never done. How many times Christ has said, “Know thyself”? He also said that you are to be born again. So immediately they take a certificate, ‘I am born again’ and start taking advantage of that kind of a certificate. But they don’t think that actually what benevolence it has given them. At the most, they might have made some money. At the most, they might have had some superficial powers, but it has done nothing if you see from innate nature. One must pity their insanity, the way they have taken to Christ’s life or to anybody else’s life of such a noble and a higher value system and are doing all very low-graded things. In Sahaja Yoga, now, you have transformed yourself. I would say your kundalini has done the job, but still the difference between Christ and you is this — that you are coming from that environment, that style of life, that kind of thinking which was all for your destruction. Everything, if you see now, is for your destruction. So, when you’re coming out of it, still, these things hang over. Still, you get affected by them. Even when you’re rising higher and higher, you find suddenly you are again pushed down to some sort of a funny situation, to some sort of a — degrading things. Of course, sometimes you are shocked at yourself. Sometimes you accept all that. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is very important that, after coming to realization, he has to be very introspective. Instead of seeing the bad of others, he should try to see what is bad in within himself. It’s very important that you have to know how far you are going towards your spirituality because Christ did not need this. He did not have to even introspect himself. He was something which was beyond any corruption and for Him it was just a physical transformation on the sense that from He died and then He resurrected Himself. But for us, it is very different. We are now Sahaja Yogis but we were ordinary human beings. We had no light within us. Now the light comes within us and we see the light then what do we become? We have to become the light, itself. Christ was the light. He did not have to become. We have to become the light. And now you have to guard on the way this light might get disturbed, might be reduced or maybe completely extinguished. So, carrying on, yourself, with this light, first thing you should know that if you see the light is not proper — means you are not the light. You have to become the light. When you are the light, then in that light you can easily see how your mind works, what ideas it gives, what affects your mind while you’re ascending. Is this the worry or is this the responsibility that you have? Or is this from the bad habits you had, that there is an impediment in your growth as a spiritual personality? So, you have to guard yourself all the time and see for yourself how you are progressing. It’s a very beautiful journey, very, very beautiful journey. Yesterday I was very much happy to hear the song of the Russians who describe about the journey, the journey of kundalini. This is true, no doubt, that you are a realized soul. Basically, you were not a realized soul, but now you are a realized soul. You’re an evolved state. Now, what is missing is the idea that we are absolutely all right and nothing can harm us, nothing can bring us down. If you develop such an egotistical idea it’s not going to help you at all. What you have to do is to all the time introspect yourself. That’s what is meditation for, to see for yourself how you are keeping up your spiritual ascent. No one else can do it. It’s your own individual work. Of course, if you go to the collective, immediately they will know what chakras you are catching, no doubt. They may not say. They will not refer it, but they will know definitely that such-and-such chakra is catching and this person has this problem, but they will know themselves what they are catching, what is their problem is. So, if somebody tells you that, “I think this chakra is catching in you” you should never, never feel bad about it because by keeping that chakra intact you are ruining your own life. So, what you have to do is to see that if somebody tells you that, “I think this chakra is there something wrong,” you should thank that person, “thank God you have told me.” Like a mirror — if you see in the mirror there’s something wrong with your face, you can immediately correct it. In the same way, if somebody points it out to you, you have to be mature enough that you should know that it’s a great blessing that such thing has been pointed out to you. Like the other day, there was some quarrel between the two leaders always. There are two leaders, always there are quarrels. There should not be. It’s like two eyes never fight. Two hands don’t fight. Two legs do not fight. But if there are two leaders, there’s always a problem. You have to have always one leader, otherwise big problem. So, they were arguing among themselves, you see — two leaders arguing among themselves — and they came to Me. Immediately I saw one of them was absolutely caught up. I said, “You put your hands towards Me.” When he puts his hand towards Me, immediately he pushed it back. “What happened?” He said, “I’m getting burning sensation, Mother.” “Now, do you know what’s wrong with you?” He says, “I’m very hot tempered, now I know. I’m very egoistical. I should not have behaved like that.” But, at the same time, he could have felt very bad because I said it to him. But he did not because he’s a Sahaj Yogi and he knows what is benevolent for him, what is good for him. He did not feel bad at all. On the contrary, he was so thankful to Me that “Mother, because of You, I have been found out, otherwise I was hiding it within my heart.” Now, the problem with us is that we have achieved lot of development within ourselves and we have consolidated it. Also, we have a great collective force, I can see, in every country. We can give realizations to so many and we can really establish all these great truths in our lives. We can do it. All the time we should establish them. But there is one point on which one should not be very sure that you have absolutely reached the last truth. You have to be careful on this point very much. I have seen people who go very high in Sahaja Yoga, come up very high and suddenly they go down very low. It makes Me very sad, extremely sad. The reason is that they have no faith — faith in themselves and faith in Sahaj. This is the faith which is missing. You have to have faith in yourself and faith in Sahaj. Sahaj means there is the Divine Power. And this all-pervading Divine Power is looking after us. It is now felt also. You have felt it. It’s not that only by saying is there. You have known it is so. But even knowing that, it has not become such a faith within you, but this is the faith about Christ has talked. This is the faith with an enlightened mind, not the blind faith. And with the blind, you might make mistakes. While with the enlightened one, if you have faith, you become extremely powerful, extremely powerful. There cannot be any problems if your faith is enlightened. So now, you see in Sahaja Yoga, many people who are very steady, who are upright, who are very valuable, they are like the people who know they are standing on the rocks. But those who are not yet so steady are the people, they think they are still dwindling on some sort of a funny waters of this life. The rocks are big there, standing on the rocks and also that has come out of faith, that nothing can disturb us, that faith, nothing can trouble us. As far as Christ is concerned, naturally, I mean, He knew everything, so He was sure about it. He never bothered. He never dwindled. He never doubted. He knew that, that He is the son of God. That was the fact that He knew very well and He never challenged it, He never doubted it, nothing. It is so and that’s why He, I say, was standing on the rocks while the other people, even Sahaja Yogis, have to become like Christ, as far as the faith is concerned. This faith is to be understood. This is an enlightened faith. Like Christ, He went into crucifixion. He went into all kinds of things just because He knew. It was just a drama and He was doing all this just in a drama, play, and there’s nothing serious. Nothing is going to matter and that is going to resurrect Himself. He played a drama. To Him it was nothing very serious. He saw people making fun of Him, mocking at Him. He also, in his heart, knew everything, that these people who are mocking don’t know what I am. But at the same time, He was the embodiment of faith, faith in Himself and in this all-pervading power. This never lets you down, but for that you have to have absolute faith. Supposing I have someone on whom I have faith. Naturally I will give him all the work. I will trust everything. I’ll keep the keys with him, or the money with him, never doubt such a person. In the same way, if you have faith, faith in yourself, faith in Sahaja Yoga where you are established. You will be surprised how things will work out, how life will improve and you will be standing on the rocks. You’ll feel that way. You’ll have no doubts. You’ll have no problems, no diseases. So, this is such a state, only with faith. But now, this faith, how do you get? The problem is how to get to this faith. There’s no course about it. There’s no literature about it. There’s no lecture about it, but there is an awakening within you which will ask this: “what am I? This awakening - “what am I? What have I achieved?” See, this will question, “what is it that I have achieved? What have I got out of Sahaja Yoga?” All these questions will come to you. But if you have faith, not the blind, but the enlightened, which is established by many miracles in life, many things in life; small, small things you’ll find, there have been miracles — small, small things. There have been miracles even in big things, in so many things where you never expected this will happen. So now you know very well settled that you are now very nicely in Sahaja Yoga. For example, it starts raining. Half of you would get worried about it, but they will know there is a very beautiful roof. Nothing can happen. Let it rain as much as it likes and then you have faith that it is not going to rain. It’s not going to drench us. In the same way, this faith within us has to be absolutely solid and that makes you extremely strong and makes you responsible for the resurrection of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people. This kind of life that we have, that only by our own establishment, by our own understanding, by our own observation that we settle into ourselves, we settle into Sahaja Yoga. It’s something very remarkable. It has happened, it is happening and should happen to all of you. You all should have the chance to know your spirit and to know yourself. So, one has to have faith in one’s self. I’ve seen some Sahaja Yoginis always come and say, “Mother, I am no good. I am useless. I am doing no work. I’m absolutely a lazy lump” or whatever it is. It’s all right, you think that way. Ask for it. What do you want? Even if you don’t ask, it will work out. Even if you don’t ask. Even — you just think about it, it will work out. Even if you pay attention, it will work out. Because this all-pervading power is the only real power. All the rest of the powers are useless and it’s so very efficient, so compassionate that in the split of the second it can work out things. The other day we had somebody from Australia and he was deceived by someone and made him buy a land and a house at a very exorbitant price for which he had no money and this fellow said it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any money. They will not say anything to you. He believed him. Had wrong faith, I should say. And then he said, “all right.” He paid all the money that he had just to reserve it. Somebody went there. There was a puja so so many were there. So many pujas, you see, and things happened and so many people came and saw and this. But this fellow was so upset, so upset he could not understand, “Why it has happened to me that I am placed into such a difficult situation.” And he was deceived and he was, I mean, absolutely flabbergasted. He had no idea as to how he will get out of this mess. He had put in all his money there. Everything was involved and if he doesn’t pay that money he would have been in jail. I just wrote to him, “Have faith in yourself.” That’s all. Have faith. And what a miraculous thing happened that somebody else offered a much higher price for that. And that fellow said, “Of course, I’ll pay it, whatever you have promised I’ll pay you back and I’ll pay you all the more that I’m going to pay.” Is something unbelievable. So many went there, so many wanted to solve the problem, did this, met the fellow and told them that he cannot pay. Nothing worked out. Nothing. Only his faith. And can you imagine now he’s going to become a rich man. He was supposed to go to jail. Now he’s going to become a rich man. There are many miracles like that that happen. This is just the financial side of it, but I know you know that there are so many other miracles happening . After realization, if you do not have faith, that shows, I mean, you are a very poor personality. After realization, at least, you should take to faith. That really is something surprising that people get their realization and everything — still they do not have faith in themselves. Those who have had, have really achieved so much. Now, the difference between us and Christ is that faith was part and parcel of His being. It was not that He had to have faith. He was faith. Now we have to have it. We have to believe in ourselves. There’re so many incidents I can give you, which you can also tell me, so many incidents where just the faith has helped. If you were in Romania, I think it happened, one lady came on the stage. She couldn’t walk. They had to bring her on a wheelchair and she said, “Mother, I know You can cure me. Nobody can cure me. I know You can cure me.” She said it three times. I said, “So, you believe that I will cure you.” “Yes.” I said, “Then get up.” She just got up, walked out. And then she started running all the way and everybody started laughing. They said, “Mother, she’s not a Sahaja Yogini.” I said, “See her faith.” Because when there is faith all the deities take it up. They’re challenged. They have to do it. They have shown faith in that person. As I’ve told you always, in Sahaja Yoga we trust people. We trust. One among hundred might deceive us. Doesn’t matter. We trust. That faith you put in that person works in his mind also, that they have put so much faith in me. But what about deities? You show faith in them, they work. Immediately they work out. Like Guido told me that “Mother, they said there will be heavy rains for these two days.” I said, “All right. Don’t worry.” Where is the rain? It disappeared. You can control anything if your faith is under control. And when we talk of faith, you know, is the challenge to this all-pervading power which organizes, which knows everything, which is so intelligent, efficient. Above all, it loves you. And then you show faith. The resurrection in Sahaja Yoga is that your faith is solid. This you have to achieve. Solid faith. They don’t feel then bad. Supposing I may not meet them. Supposing I may say, “All right, come this time I may not be with them. Nothing matters, you see, whether Mother meets us or not, whether this thing happens or not. Everything is for our good, for our benevolence. Suppose you are lost on the way, know that it has to be that way. If you have to look at the life of Christ, He was to be crucified. He had to carry the cross. He had to do all these things. It’s all right. Whatever. “It’s fated. I’ll do it.” He never grumbled. He never grudged. He didn’t want anybody to share His problems. But this faith in Him gave Him such a tremendous power. He could have done anything. He could have killed all these people who were trying to persecute Him — easily. What’s the harm? Just one glance could have killed them. But no. He knew He had to go through all that. He went through it. Ultimately, He’s the one who’s victorious. He’s the one who won everything. In the same way, a Sahaja Yogi has to look at one’s own life. It’s very precious life, very precious. In this world, these days, there how many there are, Sahaja Yogis. In the evolutionary process, how many will become Sahaja Yogis, I can’t say. And once, look at the world, then you start feeling that most of it is going to be destroyed or finished. Most of the people are not going to be there. Not that we are not available, but because they are not fated to come to Sahaja Yoga. They’re not meant to come to Sahaj Yoga. So, you’re so fortunate that you have got your realization, your resurrection, but now have faith in that resurrection of yours. In your resurrection, that is your being now and with that you will know how precious you are for the whole world and that what you have to do is not to think of material gains, physical gains or some emotional gains, but spiritual gains. What have we done for spirituality — our own and of others? This is the only thing you have to think about and you’ll be amazed everything is organized, everything works out, everything in its own time shows its own results. Now, I am sure, at least eighty percent of you believe in what I am saying. Maybe, say, ninety percent. There could be about ten percent who still think that, “All right, Mother says so but then why it happened, why that happened?” Like the other day I had a journalist, a very well-known person, he said, “I can’t believe in God.” I said, “Why?” “Because how can there be such miseries in this world? How can there be a blind child? How can this and how can that?” Then he started giving me instances. “All right now,” I said, “Have you told Me everything?” “Yes.” I said, “Now, supposing we say that you are sitting in the realm of Congress government or your Andriotti government or whatever you call it. So, the situation is explainable. You have not yet gone into the realm of God. If you go to that state and if you achieve it and if you settle down, then, tell Me, have you any problems?” “None.” I said, “Why do you see to the negative side? Now if you say there is a way out and that there is a solution and that a time can come when in this race of Sahaja Yogis there will be no diseases, no troubles, nothing, no problems. So why not see this? Why do you want to see one boy who is blind? But why don’t you see that the blind become all right.” So, this kind of negative attitude, also Sahaja Yogis can have. I’ve seen them. Somebody’s sick. They’ll say, “Mother, he’s sick. I must bring him to You. You must see them.” There’s no need at all. You can cure. Your faith can cure. You know about somebody who’s uncle was sick who was not a Sahaj Yogi. He went down there to see him and his wife said that, “You are capable of praying to Mother, why don’t you tell Her to get my husband all right.” He was a cancer patient on death bed. He said, “All right.” He just bowed down and he prayed. “Mother, please cure my uncle.” Third day he was out of hospital and now he’s roaming about all over the world. Though he’s not a Sahaja Yogi, still it has worked because now a Sahaja Yogi saying that, the deities have to work it out. Though he’s not a Sahaj Yogi, doesn’t matter. It’s the deities who stood by it. And this one has to believe in one’s self, fully — that if these powers are with us, why we not use it? Why not we develop that complete faith, that we are now Sahaj Yogis, we are in the kingdom of God and that this power is going to look after us. Then we’ll have no choices. We’ll have no hesitation. We’ll not bother if you have to go to Singapore or you have to go to Africa or go anywhere. So what? We are still in the kingdom of God wherever we go. It’s perfectly all right. And no worry of any kind. We are slaves of so many things, of our watches. We are slaves of conditionings, things like that. Everything drops out. Doesn’t matter. What does it matter? Nothing is important. As long as you are with yourself, everything is all right. Like people tell Me, “Mother, you travel so much. How do you do it?” I said, “I never travel. As I am sitting here in the chair, I am sitting there in the chair. That’s all. Only the seat is changed. I never think I’m travelling. Nicely sitting down, settled in my seat I’m all right so I am not tired. So, when you have complete faith in yourself, then you don’t bother. Many people will find out whether, “I go there, there’ll be a bathroom or not or will there be a place to sleep or not. Nothing. You are looking for the comfort of your spirit. If you get, well and good. Otherwise you can sleep anywhere. Nothing can bind you. Nothing can pull you down. No habit can come back on you because faith will purify you completely. It will enlighten you. It will nourish you. This faith is not something that can be put into your heads or can put into your hearts. Cannot be. It’s a state which you have to achieve and which you can achieve through Sahaj Yoga. That’s how our resurrection will be completed, would be established, would be effective and for the whole world will be a model. May God bless you all.
Transcript of Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 11 April 1993. We all have today gathered here on top of this beautiful mountain to celebrate the resurrection of Christ.It’s very significant for Sahaja Yogis to understand the great event of His resurrection by which He showed that the spirit does not die. He was — He was the Omkara. He was the Logos and He was the Spirit, that is why He could walk on the water.And also, now we have made a film where we have shown how the Mooladhara, which shows the carbon atom as clearly, if you see from the right to the left, you find a proper swastika there and left to the right we see Omkara. But when you see from downward upward, what you see is alpha and omega. That proves beyond doubt that Christ, as He said, “I am the alpha and I am the omega,” shows clearly that He was the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. It’s a scientific proof you have now with us and that’s how we can tell people that it’s a fact. I don’t know, at the time of Christ this alpha and omega was known to the mathematicians, but definitely to Him when He said, “I am the alpha and the omega.” His was an incarnation very remarkable and very important for our ascent. If He had not resurrected Himself, we could not have achieved our ascent at all. So, it’s a great contribution. The resurrection of Christ is evident now in your own life — what you were before and what you are today. It is such a change, such a difference, such a transformation. It is His own sacrifice on the cross and His own beautiful resurrection has created a way for all of us to get into this new transformed state. In this state is a different story for human beings and a different for Christ. Christ was Himself, was Holiness or Purity. So, His resurrection is nothing but just a physical happening, we can say, because He did not need transformation. He did not have to go through any cleansing. But what happened in His case was that He became resurrected from death. Symbolizes the life of human beings without spirituality is like a death because they do everything without any understanding about the totality, about the reality, about the Absolute Truth. Whatever they do ultimately takes them to their destruction. Even the religions which are established by these great incarnations are absolutely on a decline. You do not find any trace of religious life with all those people who claim that they are the ones who can represent those incarnations. If you see, in a subtle way, it’s very painful also that in the name of all these great incarnations the kind of work people are doing, the activities that they take to is something impossible because they have no fear of God. In the name of God, they’re doing all these horrible things all over the world. Of course, here you can say Catholic Church has been exposed. Everywhere people are seeing all these false things have been exposed. But these false things they have used under a guard of God, spirituality and beauty. That’s the best way you can hide. All the cruelty, all the violence, all the ugliness, this is how they have worked it out. And it has gone into such a state that you do not find the slightest, even tinge, of religious life among these people. Like all the thieves of the world, all the great crooks of the world and all the intriguers of the world have taken over. It’s only because what was written in all the books and all the scriptures that you have to seek yourself was never done. “You have to know yourself” was never done. How many times Christ has said, “Know thyself”? He also said that you are to be born again. So immediately they take a certificate, ‘I am born again’ and start taking advantage of that kind of a certificate. But they don’t think that actually what benevolence it has given them. At the most, they might have made some money. At the most, they might have had some superficial powers, but it has done nothing if you see from innate nature. One must pity their insanity, the way they have taken to Christ’s life or to anybody else’s life of such a noble and a higher value system and are doing all very low-graded things. In Sahaja Yoga, now, you have transformed yourself. I would say your kundalini has done the job, but still the difference between Christ and you is this — that you are coming from that environment, that style of life, that kind of thinking which was all for your destruction. Everything, if you see now, is for your destruction. So, when you’re coming out of it, still, these things hang over. Still, you get affected by them. Even when you’re rising higher and higher, you find suddenly you are again pushed down to some sort of a funny situation, to some sort of a — degrading things. Of course, sometimes you are shocked at yourself. Sometimes you accept all that. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it is very important that, after coming to realization, he has to be very introspective. Instead of seeing the bad of others, he should try to see what is bad in within himself. It’s very important that you have to know how far you are going towards your spirituality because Christ did not need this. He did not have to even introspect himself. He was something which was beyond any corruption and for Him it was just a physical transformation on the sense that from He died and then He resurrected Himself. But for us, it is very different. We are now Sahaja Yogis but we were ordinary human beings. We had no light within us. Now the light comes within us and we see the light then what do we become? We have to become the light, itself. Christ was the light. He did not have to become. We have to become the light. And now you have to guard on the way this light might get disturbed, might be reduced or maybe completely extinguished. So, carrying on, yourself, with this light, first thing you should know that if you see the light is not proper — means you are not the light. You have to become the light. When you are the light, then in that light you can easily see how your mind works, what ideas it gives, what affects your mind while you’re ascending. Is this the worry or is this the responsibility that you have? Or is this from the bad habits you had, that there is an impediment in your growth as a spiritual personality? So, you have to guard yourself all the time and see for yourself how you are progressing. It’s a very beautiful journey, very, very beautiful journey. Yesterday I was very much happy to hear the song of the Russians who describe about the journey, the journey of kundalini. This is true, no doubt, that you are a realized soul. Basically, you were not a realized soul, but now you are a realized soul. You’re an evolved state. Now, what is missing is the idea that we are absolutely all right and nothing can harm us, nothing can bring us down. If you develop such an egotistical idea it’s not going to help you at all. What you have to do is to all the time introspect yourself. That’s what is meditation for, to see for yourself how you are keeping up your spiritual ascent. No one else can do it. It’s your own individual work. Of course, if you go to the collective, immediately they will know what chakras you are catching, no doubt. They may not say. They will not refer it, but they will know definitely that such-and-such chakra is catching and this person has this problem, but they will know themselves what they are catching, what is their problem is. So, if somebody tells you that, “I think this chakra is catching in you” you should never, never feel bad about it because by keeping that chakra intact you are ruining your own life. So, what you have to do is to see that if somebody tells you that, “I think this chakra is there something wrong,” you should thank that person, “thank God you have told me.” Like a mirror — if you see in the mirror there’s something wrong with your face, you can immediately correct it. In the same way, if somebody points it out to you, you have to be mature enough that you should know that it’s a great blessing that such thing has been pointed out to you. Like the other day, there was some quarrel between the two leaders always. There are two leaders, always there are quarrels. There should not be. It’s like two eyes never fight. Two hands don’t fight. Two legs do not fight. But if there are two leaders, there’s always a problem. You have to have always one leader, otherwise big problem. So, they were arguing among themselves, you see — two leaders arguing among themselves — and they came to Me. Immediately I saw one of them was absolutely caught up. I said, “You put your hands towards Me.” When he puts his hand towards Me, immediately he pushed it back. “What happened?” He said, “I’m getting burning sensation, Mother.” “Now, do you know what’s wrong with you?” He says, “I’m very hot tempered, now I know. I’m very egoistical. I should not have behaved like that.” But, at the same time, he could have felt very bad because I said it to him. But he did not because he’s a Sahaj Yogi and he knows what is benevolent for him, what is good for him. He did not feel bad at all. On the contrary, he was so thankful to Me that “Mother, because of You, I have been found out, otherwise I was hiding it within my heart.” Now, the problem with us is that we have achieved lot of development within ourselves and we have consolidated it. Also, we have a great collective force, I can see, in every country. We can give realizations to so many and we can really establish all these great truths in our lives. We can do it. All the time we should establish them. But there is one point on which one should not be very sure that you have absolutely reached the last truth. You have to be careful on this point very much. I have seen people who go very high in Sahaja Yoga, come up very high and suddenly they go down very low. It makes Me very sad, extremely sad. The reason is that they have no faith — faith in themselves and faith in Sahaj. This is the faith which is missing. You have to have faith in yourself and faith in Sahaj. Sahaj means there is the Divine Power. And this all-pervading Divine Power is looking after us. It is now felt also. You have felt it. It’s not that only by saying is there. You have known it is so. But even knowing that, it has not become such a faith within you, but this is the faith about Christ has talked. This is the faith with an enlightened mind, not the blind faith. And with the blind, you might make mistakes. While with the enlightened one, if you have faith, you become extremely powerful, extremely powerful. There cannot be any problems if your faith is enlightened. So now, you see in Sahaja Yoga, many people who are very steady, who are upright, who are very valuable, they are like the people who know they are standing on the rocks. But those who are not yet so steady are the people, they think they are still dwindling on some sort of a funny waters of this life. The rocks are big there, standing on the rocks and also that has come out of faith, that nothing can disturb us, that faith, nothing can trouble us. As far as Christ is concerned, naturally, I mean, He knew everything, so He was sure about it. He never bothered. He never dwindled. He never doubted. He knew that, that He is the son of God. That was the fact that He knew very well and He never challenged it, He never doubted it, nothing. It is so and that’s why He, I say, was standing on the rocks while the other people, even Sahaja Yogis, have to become like Christ, as far as the faith is concerned. This faith is to be understood. This is an enlightened faith. Like Christ, He went into crucifixion. He went into all kinds of things just because He knew. It was just a drama and He was doing all this just in a drama, play, and there’s nothing serious. Nothing is going to matter and that is going to resurrect Himself. He played a drama. To Him it was nothing very serious. He saw people making fun of Him, mocking at Him. He also, in his heart, knew everything, that these people who are mocking don’t know what I am. But at the same time, He was the embodiment of faith, faith in Himself and in this all-pervading power. This never lets you down, but for that you have to have absolute faith. Supposing I have someone on whom I have faith. Naturally I will give him all the work. I will trust everything. I’ll keep the keys with him, or the money with him, never doubt such a person. In the same way, if you have faith, faith in yourself, faith in Sahaja Yoga where you are established. You will be surprised how things will work out, how life will improve and you will be standing on the rocks. You’ll feel that way. You’ll have no doubts. You’ll have no problems, no diseases. So, this is such a state, only with faith. But now, this faith, how do you get? The problem is how to get to this faith. There’s no course about it. There’s no literature about it. There’s no lecture about it, but there is an awakening within you which will ask this: “what am I? This awakening - “what am I? What have I achieved?” See, this will question, “what is it that I have achieved? What have I got out of Sahaja Yoga?” All these questions will come to you. But if you have faith, not the blind, but the enlightened, which is established by many miracles in life, many things in life; small, small things you’ll find, there have been miracles — small, small things. There have been miracles even in big things, in so many things where you never expected this will happen. So now you know very well settled that you are now very nicely in Sahaja Yoga. For example, it starts raining. Half of you would get worried about it, but they will know there is a very beautiful roof. Nothing can happen. Let it rain as much as it likes and then you have faith that it is not going to rain. It’s not going to drench us. In the same way, this faith within us has to be absolutely solid and that makes you extremely strong and makes you responsible for the resurrection of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people. This kind of life that we have, that only by our own establishment, by our own understanding, by our own observation that we settle into ourselves, we settle into Sahaja Yoga. It’s something very remarkable. It has happened, it is happening and should happen to all of you. You all should have the chance to know your spirit and to know yourself. So, one has to have faith in one’s self. I’ve seen some Sahaja Yoginis always come and say, “Mother, I am no good. I am useless. I am doing no work. I’m absolutely a lazy lump” or whatever it is. It’s all right, you think that way. Ask for it. What do you want? Even if you don’t ask, it will work out. Even if you don’t ask. Even — you just think about it, it will work out. Even if you pay attention, it will work out. Because this all-pervading power is the only real power. All the rest of the powers are useless and it’s so very efficient, so compassionate that in the split of the second it can work out things. The other day we had somebody from Australia and he was deceived by someone and made him buy a land and a house at a very exorbitant price for which he had no money and this fellow said it doesn’t matter if you don’t have any money. They will not say anything to you. He believed him. Had wrong faith, I should say. And then he said, “all right.” He paid all the money that he had just to reserve it. Somebody went there. There was a puja so so many were there. So many pujas, you see, and things happened and so many people came and saw and this. But this fellow was so upset, so upset he could not understand, “Why it has happened to me that I am placed into such a difficult situation.” And he was deceived and he was, I mean, absolutely flabbergasted. He had no idea as to how he will get out of this mess. He had put in all his money there. Everything was involved and if he doesn’t pay that money he would have been in jail. I just wrote to him, “Have faith in yourself.” That’s all. Have faith. And what a miraculous thing happened that somebody else offered a much higher price for that. And that fellow said, “Of course, I’ll pay it, whatever you have promised I’ll pay you back and I’ll pay you all the more that I’m going to pay.” Is something unbelievable. So many went there, so many wanted to solve the problem, did this, met the fellow and told them that he cannot pay. Nothing worked out. Nothing. Only his faith. And can you imagine now he’s going to become a rich man. He was supposed to go to jail. Now he’s going to become a rich man. There are many miracles like that that happen. This is just the financial side of it, but I know you know that there are so many other miracles happening . After realization, if you do not have faith, that shows, I mean, you are a very poor personality. After realization, at least, you should take to faith. That really is something surprising that people get their realization and everything — still they do not have faith in themselves. Those who have had, have really achieved so much. Now, the difference between us and Christ is that faith was part and parcel of His being. It was not that He had to have faith. He was faith. Now we have to have it. We have to believe in ourselves. There’re so many incidents I can give you, which you can also tell me, so many incidents where just the faith has helped. If you were in Romania, I think it happened, one lady came on the stage. She couldn’t walk. They had to bring her on a wheelchair and she said, “Mother, I know You can cure me. Nobody can cure me. I know You can cure me.” She said it three times. I said, “So, you believe that I will cure you.” “Yes.” I said, “Then get up.” She just got up, walked out. And then she started running all the way and everybody started laughing. They said, “Mother, she’s not a Sahaja Yogini.” I said, “See her faith.” Because when there is faith all the deities take it up. They’re challenged. They have to do it. They have shown faith in that person. As I’ve told you always, in Sahaja Yoga we trust people. We trust. One among hundred might deceive us. Doesn’t matter. We trust. That faith you put in that person works in his mind also, that they have put so much faith in me. But what about deities? You show faith in them, they work. Immediately they work out. Like Guido told me that “Mother, they said there will be heavy rains for these two days.” I said, “All right. Don’t worry.” Where is the rain? It disappeared. You can control anything if your faith is under control. And when we talk of faith, you know, is the challenge to this all-pervading power which organizes, which knows everything, which is so intelligent, efficient. Above all, it loves you. And then you show faith. The resurrection in Sahaja Yoga is that your faith is solid. This you have to achieve. Solid faith. They don’t feel then bad. Supposing I may not meet them. Supposing I may say, “All right, come this time I may not be with them. Nothing matters, you see, whether Mother meets us or not, whether this thing happens or not. Everything is for our good, for our benevolence. Suppose you are lost on the way, know that it has to be that way. If you have to look at the life of Christ, He was to be crucified. He had to carry the cross. He had to do all these things. It’s all right. Whatever. “It’s fated. I’ll do it.” He never grumbled. He never grudged. He didn’t want anybody to share His problems. But this faith in Him gave Him such a tremendous power. He could have done anything. He could have killed all these people who were trying to persecute Him — easily. What’s the harm? Just one glance could have killed them. But no. He knew He had to go through all that. He went through it. Ultimately, He’s the one who’s victorious. He’s the one who won everything. In the same way, a Sahaja Yogi has to look at one’s own life. It’s very precious life, very precious. In this world, these days, there how many there are, Sahaja Yogis. In the evolutionary process, how many will become Sahaja Yogis, I can’t say. And once, look at the world, then you start feeling that most of it is going to be destroyed or finished. Most of the people are not going to be there. Not that we are not available, but because they are not fated to come to Sahaja Yoga. They’re not meant to come to Sahaj Yoga. So, you’re so fortunate that you have got your realization, your resurrection, but now have faith in that resurrection of yours. In your resurrection, that is your being now and with that you will know how precious you are for the whole world and that what you have to do is not to think of material gains, physical gains or some emotional gains, but spiritual gains. What have we done for spirituality — our own and of others? This is the only thing you have to think about and you’ll be amazed everything is organized, everything works out, everything in its own time shows its own results. Now, I am sure, at least eighty percent of you believe in what I am saying. Maybe, say, ninety percent. There could be about ten percent who still think that, “All right, Mother says so but then why it happened, why that happened?” Like the other day I had a journalist, a very well-known person, he said, “I can’t believe in God.” I said, “Why?” “Because how can there be such miseries in this world? How can there be a blind child? How can this and how can that?” Then he started giving me instances. “All right now,” I said, “Have you told Me everything?” “Yes.” I said, “Now, supposing we say that you are sitting in the realm of Congress government or your Andriotti government or whatever you call it. So, the situation is explainable. You have not yet gone into the realm of God. If you go to that state and if you achieve it and if you settle down, then, tell Me, have you any problems?” “None.” I said, “Why do you see to the negative side? Now if you say there is a way out and that there is a solution and that a time can come when in this race of Sahaja Yogis there will be no diseases, no troubles, nothing, no problems. So why not see this? Why do you want to see one boy who is blind? But why don’t you see that the blind become all right.” So, this kind of negative attitude, also Sahaja Yogis can have. I’ve seen them. Somebody’s sick. They’ll say, “Mother, he’s sick. I must bring him to You. You must see them.” There’s no need at all. You can cure. Your faith can cure. You know about somebody who’s uncle was sick who was not a Sahaj Yogi. He went down there to see him and his wife said that, “You are capable of praying to Mother, why don’t you tell Her to get my husband all right.” He was a cancer patient on death bed. He said, “All right.” He just bowed down and he prayed. “Mother, please cure my uncle.” Third day he was out of hospital and now he’s roaming about all over the world. Though he’s not a Sahaja Yogi, still it has worked because now a Sahaja Yogi saying that, the deities have to work it out. Though he’s not a Sahaj Yogi, doesn’t matter. It’s the deities who stood by it. And this one has to believe in one’s self, fully — that if these powers are with us, why we not use it? Why not we develop that complete faith, that we are now Sahaj Yogis, we are in the kingdom of God and that this power is going to look after us. Then we’ll have no choices. We’ll have no hesitation. We’ll not bother if you have to go to Singapore or you have to go to Africa or go anywhere. So what? We are still in the kingdom of God wherever we go. It’s perfectly all right. And no worry of any kind. We are slaves of so many things, of our watches. We are slaves of conditionings, things like that. Everything drops out. Doesn’t matter. What does it matter? Nothing is important. As long as you are with yourself, everything is all right. Like people tell Me, “Mother, you travel so much. How do you do it?” I said, “I never travel. As I am sitting here in the chair, I am sitting there in the chair. That’s all. Only the seat is changed. I never think I’m travelling. Nicely sitting down, settled in my seat I’m all right so I am not tired. So, when you have complete faith in yourself, then you don’t bother. Many people will find out whether, “I go there, there’ll be a bathroom or not or will there be a place to sleep or not. Nothing. You are looking for the comfort of your spirit. If you get, well and good. Otherwise you can sleep anywhere. Nothing can bind you. Nothing can pull you down. No habit can come back on you because faith will purify you completely. It will enlighten you. It will nourish you. This faith is not something that can be put into your heads or can put into your hearts. Cannot be. It’s a state which you have to achieve and which you can achieve through Sahaj Yoga. That’s how our resurrection will be completed, would be established, would be effective and for the whole world will be a model. May God bless you all.
Public Program
Public Program
Arrival conversation in Athens, 25/04/1993 2:47 [To a baby] How are you? He's brought so many Sahaja Yogis. 5:07Shri Mataji: So many are here, so many Greeks here. It's a great promess to Me.Translate it. Greece should be the first country in Europe which should take to Sahaja Yoga.Because Greece is a – I mean it has a heritage, same heritage [as Indians]. And we have to give them faith in their heritage now. All that they have forgotten, they have to remember.I’m sure it’s going to work out very well now with such [inaudible; vibrations?].6:09It’s a, it's an important country, as you know very well, Greece is very important, politically also and military wise.So it's important that this country should have their own heritage back on themselves. Because so many people have learnt from you before, and again if this country comes up to its own level, every body will have to learn [from them?].So you all have to be very proud actually of Greek's land. And that you have to take the responsability of transforming your country in a beautiful new age country.You can do it, it's very simple. I was happy so many dedicated people are there, here.[Inaudible][About coca] I had already before.Thank you.I'm so happy.Sahaja Yogi: Yes Mother we are very happy Mother being here. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: I can't see the children before now and it's [Inaudible].Sahaja Yogini: Yes Mother.Shri Mataji: If they can feel the cool breeze alright.Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: Thank you.Shri Mataji: [Inaudible]Sahaja Yogi: Yes Mother.Shri Mataji: Alright. May God bless you all. [Inaudible] I don't know what are my programs are. I don't know about my programs. What do we have.Sahaja Yogi: I will tell You after in the car Mother. Another Sahaja Yogi: We take this in our car.Do we take this?
Arrival conversation in Athens, 25/04/1993 2:47 [To a baby] How are you? He's brought so many Sahaja Yogis. 5:07Shri Mataji: So many are here, so many Greeks here. It's a great promess to Me.Translate it. Greece should be the first country in Europe which should take to Sahaja Yoga.Because Greece is a – I mean it has a heritage, same heritage [as Indians]. And we have to give them faith in their heritage now. All that they have forgotten, they have to remember.I’m sure it’s going to work out very well now with such [inaudible; vibrations?].6:09It’s a, it's an important country, as you know very well, Greece is very important, politically also and military wise.So it's important that this country should have their own heritage back on themselves. Because so many people have learnt from you before, and again if this country comes up to its own level, every body will have to learn [from them?].So you all have to be very proud actually of Greek's land. And that you have to take the responsability of transforming your country in a beautiful new age country.You can do it, it's very simple. I was happy so many dedicated people are there, here.[Inaudible][About coca] I had already before.Thank you.I'm so happy.Sahaja Yogi: Yes Mother we are very happy Mother being here. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: I can't see the children before now and it's [Inaudible].Sahaja Yogini: Yes Mother.Shri Mataji: If they can feel the cool breeze alright.Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: Thank you.Shri Mataji: [Inaudible]Sahaja Yogi: Yes Mother.Shri Mataji: Alright. May God bless you all. [Inaudible] I don't know what are my programs are. I don't know about my programs. What do we have.Sahaja Yogi: I will tell You after in the car Mother. Another Sahaja Yogi: We take this in our car.Do we take this?
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Athens, Greece, April 25th, 1993 Sahaja Yogi: We are working very hard there, all of them are working very hard for your coming here, Mother. Shri Mataji: Very sweet of you. Sahaja Yogi: With a lot of love. Shri Mataji: Very sweet of you really. Because there are so many seekers in Greece, I was sure about it. You have to tap the real people. And all these false Gurus did not come here, maybe. I don't think they came. Did they? Sahaja Yogi: Most of them, they were not allowed to come in. Shri Mataji: Like Rajneesh was not allowed. Sahaja Yogi: Was not allowed. Maharashi, something like that, was not allowed. Some other fellow was not allowed to come in. And because Greek people don't have too much money, so these false gurus do not prospect here. Shri Mataji: So they're not attracted. Sahaja Yogi: They were not attracted. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Shri Mataji: That's very true. [Someone offers a Coca-Cola drink.] All right, thank you. So now what's the program? You tell Me. Sahaja Yogi: Today Mother, rest for you Mother. You'll be resting and tomorrow there will be by your grace a puja at the new centre. After tomorrow, it's a press day. And Wednesday the public program. Shri Mataji: But when is the puja? Sahaja Yogi: Tomorrow. Tomorrow? Shri Mataji: What time? Sahaja Yogi: Any time, Mother, You also. After all, night? Shri Mataji: Whatever suits, I mean, normally, whaterver time I give is that suits [unsure]. It's for you do decide. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] It's a fact, I mean, I give you some time, this time they say: "It's the puja." Then I say: "All right." Whatever 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, nobody called Me. I said: "Now what is it? Am I going to go on my own?" They were preparing, your know, decoring things this size. So I said: "Whenever is the right time, then only you 'll finish, whatever it is." I'm not sure I mean right [unsure]. It's not going to work out. I was just ready in time. So when you are ready you call Me, I'll be there. Let's keep it like that, hopefully. ause I don't want to call you about it. You'll be very busy collecting everything, hurring up. Sahaja Yogi: The first time You did one night. Shri Mataji: Hum? Sahaja Yogi: The first time you came, Shri Mataji, for the Athena puja. We had said in the morning when it was the afternoon, then when You had a rest, everybody slept. Shri Mataji: Yes. Sahaja Yogi: And when we arrived to the program, late, how late, just after the puja we went to the program. Shri Mataji: Just watch out you take it easy. You see, we have to take very easy all these things. There should not be any hard and fast rule about it. I'll have some water. You cannot make any hard and fast rule about it, that's the point. Just that whenever it is auspicious that works out. One day in Lonavala, we had arranged a program at 11 0'clock or something. I didn't say anything, you see, then after 11 0'clock, I was sitting still there. They said, "Mother, the Puja is...," I said, "Alright, I'm coming, coming." Then 12 0'clock I went for a bath, so they said, "Now, why Mother is taking so much time." Then about, I came out about 1 0'clock and I said, "Say 1:30 we'll have Puja," - they couldn't understand it. I said, "Alright, bring the Indian calendar. See when is the...," So the, what you call the night when there is no, when there's no moon, you see - we call that - when there's no moon - In English? - I mean, in, in - - I don't know. - I don't know what you call that. - Dark night. - Dark night - Dark night In Sanskrit, we call it Amavasya. I said, "See, how far is Amavasya?" They said, "Mother, it is 1:30." I said, "See. How could you start your Puja at, before 1:30?" So they were all... But we don't have to see any calendar - it just works out alright. But in nowadays we don't observe anything like that but at least the day when it is dark night one should not have a Puja - that's one thing for sure. But I don't know if you have got English, Indian calendar in English. - I'm not sure; We don't have. - I should get some for all of you - I'll give you as a present. - Indian calendar goes with the moon or the Sun? - In India they still believe in all this very much, you see. - Does it go with the moon or with the Sun, Mother? - Annh? - Does it go with the moon or with the Sun? - Moon - Not with the Sun - like Muslims have - Yeah. So, like Eid, you see, comes on the Navratri day. First Navratri day there is Eid and another Navratri is Navroz of the, you see, Persian. Since all ancient times, I think, everywhere there was moon only but in modern times their main it is Sun with 365 days fixed. Only one day is fixed - is the 14th of January when they change, the Sun changes it's axis to this side; That's the only thing. We call it as Sankranti. I mean, I'm sure, in these also they must be knowing all about [UNCLEAR]; Horoscope has come from Greece only. - from these people. It must have come from India - India - but later on it was developed. But the Western horoscope is made out according to the Sun - like a circle and a thing in the middle but Indian is made like a square. I don't know - how is a Greek horoscope? - Mother, don't know. - Anybody knows about Greek horoscope? It's round, it's round - It's round - then it's with the Sun. But Indian is square - they have a square. Mine starts from the zero, in the centre - it goes all over. You're the centre of the - We have a lot of new people, Mother, here - I know - They see You for the first time and - Tell Me their names. Alright, this is [UNCLEAR] ex-colleague of mine at, we used to work together - in the Shipping Corporation of my father-in-law - [UNCLEAR] that Company with a special project - Really? - and see what happened? - He used to work at my father-in-law office - haan - and - Your father-in-law's in the Shipping? - Yes, Mother. - I didn't know that. - Must be knowing My husband. - Yes, he knows - he knows, he must know - he knows. - Hmm - This is Effy. We met - she was in the Olympic race at the airport - Yeah This is the Pablos, over there. - This is [UNCLEAR] - Jai Shri Mataji. These are two, his children - his daughter Harula and [UNCLEAR] He must be [UNCLEAR] so clearly and this is the children of Elizabeth - Madhavi and, Madhavi and Devarshi. Elizabeth, where are you? She's somewhere around here. - She's not. - This is Yuli This is - what's the - [UNCLEAR - VICKY OR RICKY? ], sister of [UNCLEAR - EFFY?] - [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - Marina - Angelica - What's her name? - Angelica - I think, that she got married, Mother, this year, in India - Achcha! - with [UNCLEAR - VARSHA OR HRISHA?] - [UNCLEAR] Let's do, which means, somewhere in [UNCLEAR] - Angelica and Hrisha are married - This is [UNCLEAR] - Yeah, they were married, I know. - This is Damas, a journalist - Haan Nicos, a photographer, Hailey This is Evvy, the wife of [UNCLEAR] and the mother of these two kid children - Yana - Yana, I know [UNCLEAR] Claus, from Germany, married to Poppy - [UNCLEAR] is in India, Mother, for all the blessings and all the gifts from Maria - [UNCLEAR] Where's Poppy? Poppy is here and she'll be going to Germany soon with Claus - You are in, where Frankfurt or Munich? - Munich - Munich Philip was there, this time. He was very anxious that I should go to Germany but Munich, I don't go normally now. East, because of Berlin - I'll be there in Berlin - This is Katherina, You know - Yes, I know - and Stephanos - [UNCLEAR - I SEE?] - [UNCLEAR], Katy, Elinos, You know - Sir names are difficult. - Yes. [NAMES UNCLEAR] - Katherina - Katherina? Katherina. I don't know your names. Over there it's - [UNCLEAR] can come this side. - That's why, Mother, we need a bigger centre, You know. - Really, must be big. I don't know how you manage the small one now and it will be growing and growing and growing. Didn't tell his name? - This is Demitrus, a new sahaja yogi - Demitrus - Demitrus and Katherina over there and this is Flora. She works in a TV channel. Mother, by Your, she will take an interview, by Your Grace 15 minutes, in a very good channel, here This is Demitrus, Unisyss - sorry - Unisyss, he's a excellent violin player, Mother. - Really! - Violin - he plays excellent violin So, a few names. [UNCLEAR - ITHUYANIA?] is out there; She's an actress - over there. and then we have Ithuyania, Eleni next to her, we have Patros [UNCLEAR] Patros; He's been to India many times but had very bad experiences with first guru, Mother, but and this is Andrea [UNCLEAR] - come along - She's [UNCLEAR] Schooling of Mining at Institute of Research; - I used to do Computer Science research and she be a colleague of mine. - I see. - For most of you, I'm sorry, I don't know your names. Any other Greeks there? - Yes. - This is [UNCLEAR] photographer - Sit down - This is due to sahaja yoga, they are winning all the prizes in photography - Really? - Yes, Nico [UNCLEAR] - Developed a new eye-sight - Yes, Mother. Not [UNCLEAR] That happens everywhere. Apart from that, you get sometimes these miraculous photographs We have, I think, brought for you the miraculous photographs. - Jai Shri Mataji - brought them for you - Jai shri Mataji - and - Now also there is Laila - come along - [UNCLEAR] - Laila, yes and [GREEK CONVERSATION] - Laila? - Yes, Mother - See, this is an Indian name. Laila. We had a lady called Laila and her lover was Majnu and they both died ultimately [UNCLEAR] - and very surprisingly, it's a tragedy.[UNCLEAR] how beautiful - Yes, Mother - Beautiful! - This is a temple of Zeus - This is Zeus temple here, Mother - Zeus? - Zeus - Zeus - Is that the Zeus? - This is Zeus temple. - Which one is that? - This one in the corner. - After St. George - Zeus - Zeus. - He's Parshurama - Yes, Mother - the temple of Shri Parshurama - He was, his vow was broken by Rama, you know. Know the story of - - No Mother. - You know the story - I thought, he was the same Incarnation at different time - Annh? - I thought he was different time - No, no, he came before - Before - He came to announce Shri Rama's this thing I was reading, before Sahaja yoga, Mother, a beautiful book by who Adiguru Dattatreya was giving instructions to Parshurama Of course. Not only that but he, since he played a very big role in India also he was, he had a, a thunderbolt as his ayudha and also he had a bow and a that - What do you call that - bow and a - Arrows, arrows - bow and arrows, yeah and he kept it with this father of Sita - Janaka because Janaka was the Adi Dattatreya; He taught him so he kept with him that "You keep it with you." And he said, "Except for the, for the Incarnation of Vishnu no one can lift this - it is so heavy, no one can lift even." So he, Sita came and She just lifted it just like that like a play. So, then he realized that She must be something great. Then he said that, "Her husband, whosoever will be the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu." Then it so happened that some marriage was announced and as we have in India, you know, swayamvara, that the girl, the girl has to go and choose her husband and for a princess, all the kings and kings of very great nations were sitting there different, different kings and one of them was Ravana also, so no body could lift it even. Ravana lifted it but it fell on him and he just fell down, so Sita laughed at it, you see [UNCLEAR] Then Shri Rama came and He just picked it up, like this and He put the arrow, you see, so Sita garlanded Him; She knew, of course, who He was but when he did that, you see, it broke also - uh.. his - He broke - He broke it, Shri Rama broke it [UNCLEAR] broken, we can say. He didn't deliberately do. So, this Zeus came. He was a very hot-tempered fellow, this Parshurama - Yes, Mother. - Really known to be very right-sided, you see - Greek after all [LAUGHTER] So, he got very angry, "How dare you break my uh.. this thing, bow and, who are You and this is," started shouting at Him. So, Lakshman got very angry. He said, "I'll show you who He is just now. Come and fight with me," and so Rama said, "Keep quiet.It's alright, it's alright, it's just," and then he realized that Shri Rama is the advent which he had to, he had to profess, you see, before that. As like, before Christ came John, the Baptist, you see, so then Parshurama then said that, "This is the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu. That's the only one who was going to lift my bow." So, that's how first of all, Shri Rama was told but Shri Rama had forgotten because He had to become absolutely a human-being, so he had forgotten about His own Incarnation within Him. The first time He was told that He is the Incarnation, so that's how it worked out - but you all have God's like this Poseidon and all that but we have Varuna, - Yes, Shri Mataji - Indra; Indra also, you have, I think, the King of all the Gods - who is He? - Zeus is the King of all Gods - No, Indra - Indra [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - Indra, [UNCLEAR], Varuna were earlier Gods in Greece - Indra, Varuna Indra and Varuna but I understand Varuna was to worship as God of the [UNCLEAR] Mataji - Varuna was the same as this Lord of the Sea - Poseidon Lord of the Sea - Poseidon was Varuna The mythology, Mother, says that the goddess of Sea now, was, came out of the head of Zeus - Of? - the head of Zeus and She was [UNCLEAR -PROSTRATING?] Her arrow, say Kundalini, [UNCLEAR] palas - palo means vibrate. She used to vibrate. Palas - Palo is a word which means to vibrate; So She has now Palas because she was vibrating the, what we call it, sphere. Sphere - the ball which goes like that - sphere - and they say that it came on top of the head of Zeus - which is probably the Kundalini, Mother. - Yes, of course, it is that only. But lots of things were changed also, I don't know why, but they made all the gods look like ordinary people and gave them all the weaknesses, everything attached to them. But there are two things - one is the devas - these are devas - Poseidon and all these are devas and Devatas are the ones which are on your centres, so they're absolutely Pure, pure Gods because they're all fixed identities and they're absolutely pure; They cannot behave like human-beings. See there are Divine, all of them but they're fixed, you know. They know what to do, what they have to do, how to, sort of, manifest the Divine laws - everything they know and they are fixed like that and they know how it is to be done, like, as if the whole instrument is made and everybody is made to sit on their own seats and they're working out their own offices, like that, so it's a two, two types of devas were there. One, the ones which were on the right side and this, this place was described in the Devi Mahatma as Manipur e dweep. See, this is the Manipur, means Nabhi chakra, the Nabhi and I told you when I went to Delphi which is the Nabhi. You see, they also say now, that it is the, the navel of the Universe - they say so. If you go there, they tell you like this and there I saw Shri Ganesha sitting, very nicely, so it's all just works out. Even Athena has a Child God. You see, in the temple if you go, there's a Child God sitting there. and they say, "This is because of Athena. She didn't want anybody to enter into Her home - temple;" It's very surprising. It is, even the steps are three and a half steps are like three - one, two, three and then the second one is half of that and they, they said that, "They are little bit bending like that." so if you put them through the whole of the world, they will form a circle. Haan. What they say is that the comfort from stairs compensates that the straight line seems to be cut convex, seems from far away - but the truth comes around - Yes, this is three and a half coils of the Kundalini and the Athenician also has in Her hand, you know, the Kundalini is there. I mean, it's all was there and I went and saw the Curator at that time when I first came here. I saw the Curator at the museum and I asked him about Athena. They said, "You see, we used to worship Her as a senior Goddess but then, some people went to India and they found out that they were, there was not only one Athena but three they form, She went into three forms; In India they told us, so we believe now there are three forms," but they don't know into details. See, it's a more sort of move on understanding - from books you won't get the knowledge. But they did say that now we will learnt India that there are three forms of Athena. Maha Kali, Maha Laxmi, Maha Saraswati, you see, but they didn't know all that, you see, the details and all that. Actually, even in the Indian Scriptures it's not so well connected. We don't know how to connect this into that but only in Sahaja yoga you understand their connections. Yeah. Now, can I go ahead, Mother, for few more names? Anna, you're there - this is Anna - Michael's mother and they are sitting. And Ellinscope is here? No - Elizabeth is there - come along - Hello! - from Austria [CONVERSATION IN GREEK] and this is Christos over there sitting - Christos, a new sahaja yogi - What name you say? - Christos - from Christ - Yes - is the husband of Gregora - [UNCLEAR] - My name? - No - Christos. Now Christos is say, Christ. Is from Christ - Christos - [UNCLEAR] - Christos is the name of Christ. [UNCLEAR - CHRISAKIS?] - Chrisakis - Chrisakis - Chrisakis - [UNCLEAR] difficult Chrisakis, isn't it? - [UNCLEAR] - For Indians very difficult - Chrisakis Most difficult for us is this French. [UNCLEAR] French is very difficult and also Americans, you know. The way they speak fiirst. One day you can't understand them. They go on [UNCLEAR] [LAUGHTER] Then you have to concentrate to learn; A day takes, I take a day to learn their language but now the sahaja yogis are much better. Once you know little bit of Sanskrit, your tongue, I think, gets right [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] You rest now, Mother. - Alright. Thank you very much all of you. Thank you! Shri Mataji - So, where did he catch the false gurus in India? - I don't know about where he got with [UNCLEAR] also, [UNCLEAR] and taking names of the gods and he's been to Hare Krishna also [UNCLEAR] May God bless you! - Okay
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Athens, Greece, April 25th, 1993 Sahaja Yogi: We are working very hard there, all of them are working very hard for your coming here, Mother. Shri Mataji: Very sweet of you. Sahaja Yogi: With a lot of love. Shri Mataji: Very sweet of you really. Because there are so many seekers in Greece, I was sure about it. You have to tap the real people. And all these false Gurus did not come here, maybe. I don't think they came. Did they? Sahaja Yogi: Most of them, they were not allowed to come in. Shri Mataji: Like Rajneesh was not allowed. Sahaja Yogi: Was not allowed. Maharashi, something like that, was not allowed. Some other fellow was not allowed to come in. And because Greek people don't have too much money, so these false gurus do not prospect here. Shri Mataji: So they're not attracted. Sahaja Yogi: They were not attracted. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Shri Mataji: That's very true. [Someone offers a Coca-Cola drink.] All right, thank you. So now what's the program? You tell Me. Sahaja Yogi: Today Mother, rest for you Mother. You'll be resting and tomorrow there will be by your grace a puja at the new centre. After tomorrow, it's a press day. And Wednesday the public program. Shri Mataji: But when is the puja? Sahaja Yogi: Tomorrow. Tomorrow? Shri Mataji: What time? Sahaja Yogi: Any time, Mother, You also. After all, night? Shri Mataji: Whatever suits, I mean, normally, whaterver time I give is that suits [unsure]. It's for you do decide. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] It's a fact, I mean, I give you some time, this time they say: "It's the puja." Then I say: "All right." Whatever 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, nobody called Me. I said: "Now what is it? Am I going to go on my own?" They were preparing, your know, decoring things this size. So I said: "Whenever is the right time, then only you 'll finish, whatever it is." I'm not sure I mean right [unsure]. It's not going to work out. I was just ready in time. So when you are ready you call Me, I'll be there. Let's keep it like that, hopefully. ause I don't want to call you about it. You'll be very busy collecting everything, hurring up. Sahaja Yogi: The first time You did one night. Shri Mataji: Hum? Sahaja Yogi: The first time you came, Shri Mataji, for the Athena puja. We had said in the morning when it was the afternoon, then when You had a rest, everybody slept. Shri Mataji: Yes. Sahaja Yogi: And when we arrived to the program, late, how late, just after the puja we went to the program. Shri Mataji: Just watch out you take it easy. You see, we have to take very easy all these things. There should not be any hard and fast rule about it. I'll have some water. You cannot make any hard and fast rule about it, that's the point. Just that whenever it is auspicious that works out. One day in Lonavala, we had arranged a program at 11 0'clock or something. I didn't say anything, you see, then after 11 0'clock, I was sitting still there. They said, "Mother, the Puja is...," I said, "Alright, I'm coming, coming." Then 12 0'clock I went for a bath, so they said, "Now, why Mother is taking so much time." Then about, I came out about 1 0'clock and I said, "Say 1:30 we'll have Puja," - they couldn't understand it. I said, "Alright, bring the Indian calendar. See when is the...," So the, what you call the night when there is no, when there's no moon, you see - we call that - when there's no moon - In English? - I mean, in, in - - I don't know. - I don't know what you call that. - Dark night. - Dark night - Dark night In Sanskrit, we call it Amavasya. I said, "See, how far is Amavasya?" They said, "Mother, it is 1:30." I said, "See. How could you start your Puja at, before 1:30?" So they were all... But we don't have to see any calendar - it just works out alright. But in nowadays we don't observe anything like that but at least the day when it is dark night one should not have a Puja - that's one thing for sure. But I don't know if you have got English, Indian calendar in English. - I'm not sure; We don't have. - I should get some for all of you - I'll give you as a present. - Indian calendar goes with the moon or the Sun? - In India they still believe in all this very much, you see. - Does it go with the moon or with the Sun, Mother? - Annh? - Does it go with the moon or with the Sun? - Moon - Not with the Sun - like Muslims have - Yeah. So, like Eid, you see, comes on the Navratri day. First Navratri day there is Eid and another Navratri is Navroz of the, you see, Persian. Since all ancient times, I think, everywhere there was moon only but in modern times their main it is Sun with 365 days fixed. Only one day is fixed - is the 14th of January when they change, the Sun changes it's axis to this side; That's the only thing. We call it as Sankranti. I mean, I'm sure, in these also they must be knowing all about [UNCLEAR]; Horoscope has come from Greece only. - from these people. It must have come from India - India - but later on it was developed. But the Western horoscope is made out according to the Sun - like a circle and a thing in the middle but Indian is made like a square. I don't know - how is a Greek horoscope? - Mother, don't know. - Anybody knows about Greek horoscope? It's round, it's round - It's round - then it's with the Sun. But Indian is square - they have a square. Mine starts from the zero, in the centre - it goes all over. You're the centre of the - We have a lot of new people, Mother, here - I know - They see You for the first time and - Tell Me their names. Alright, this is [UNCLEAR] ex-colleague of mine at, we used to work together - in the Shipping Corporation of my father-in-law - [UNCLEAR] that Company with a special project - Really? - and see what happened? - He used to work at my father-in-law office - haan - and - Your father-in-law's in the Shipping? - Yes, Mother. - I didn't know that. - Must be knowing My husband. - Yes, he knows - he knows, he must know - he knows. - Hmm - This is Effy. We met - she was in the Olympic race at the airport - Yeah This is the Pablos, over there. - This is [UNCLEAR] - Jai Shri Mataji. These are two, his children - his daughter Harula and [UNCLEAR] He must be [UNCLEAR] so clearly and this is the children of Elizabeth - Madhavi and, Madhavi and Devarshi. Elizabeth, where are you? She's somewhere around here. - She's not. - This is Yuli This is - what's the - [UNCLEAR - VICKY OR RICKY? ], sister of [UNCLEAR - EFFY?] - [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] - Marina - Angelica - What's her name? - Angelica - I think, that she got married, Mother, this year, in India - Achcha! - with [UNCLEAR - VARSHA OR HRISHA?] - [UNCLEAR] Let's do, which means, somewhere in [UNCLEAR] - Angelica and Hrisha are married - This is [UNCLEAR] - Yeah, they were married, I know. - This is Damas, a journalist - Haan Nicos, a photographer, Hailey This is Evvy, the wife of [UNCLEAR] and the mother of these two kid children - Yana - Yana, I know [UNCLEAR] Claus, from Germany, married to Poppy - [UNCLEAR] is in India, Mother, for all the blessings and all the gifts from Maria - [UNCLEAR] Where's Poppy? Poppy is here and she'll be going to Germany soon with Claus - You are in, where Frankfurt or Munich? - Munich - Munich Philip was there, this time. He was very anxious that I should go to Germany but Munich, I don't go normally now. East, because of Berlin - I'll be there in Berlin - This is Katherina, You know - Yes, I know - and Stephanos - [UNCLEAR - I SEE?] - [UNCLEAR], Katy, Elinos, You know - Sir names are difficult. - Yes. [NAMES UNCLEAR] - Katherina - Katherina? Katherina. I don't know your names. Over there it's - [UNCLEAR] can come this side. - That's why, Mother, we need a bigger centre, You know. - Really, must be big. I don't know how you manage the small one now and it will be growing and growing and growing. Didn't tell his name? - This is Demitrus, a new sahaja yogi - Demitrus - Demitrus and Katherina over there and this is Flora. She works in a TV channel. Mother, by Your, she will take an interview, by Your Grace 15 minutes, in a very good channel, here This is Demitrus, Unisyss - sorry - Unisyss, he's a excellent violin player, Mother. - Really! - Violin - he plays excellent violin So, a few names. [UNCLEAR - ITHUYANIA?] is out there; She's an actress - over there. and then we have Ithuyania, Eleni next to her, we have Patros [UNCLEAR] Patros; He's been to India many times but had very bad experiences with first guru, Mother, but and this is Andrea [UNCLEAR] - come along - She's [UNCLEAR] Schooling of Mining at Institute of Research; - I used to do Computer Science research and she be a colleague of mine. - I see. - For most of you, I'm sorry, I don't know your names. Any other Greeks there? - Yes. - This is [UNCLEAR] photographer - Sit down - This is due to sahaja yoga, they are winning all the prizes in photography - Really? - Yes, Nico [UNCLEAR] - Developed a new eye-sight - Yes, Mother. Not [UNCLEAR] That happens everywhere. Apart from that, you get sometimes these miraculous photographs We have, I think, brought for you the miraculous photographs. - Jai Shri Mataji - brought them for you - Jai shri Mataji - and - Now also there is Laila - come along - [UNCLEAR] - Laila, yes and [GREEK CONVERSATION] - Laila? - Yes, Mother - See, this is an Indian name. Laila. We had a lady called Laila and her lover was Majnu and they both died ultimately [UNCLEAR] - and very surprisingly, it's a tragedy.[UNCLEAR] how beautiful - Yes, Mother - Beautiful! - This is a temple of Zeus - This is Zeus temple here, Mother - Zeus? - Zeus - Zeus - Is that the Zeus? - This is Zeus temple. - Which one is that? - This one in the corner. - After St. George - Zeus - Zeus. - He's Parshurama - Yes, Mother - the temple of Shri Parshurama - He was, his vow was broken by Rama, you know. Know the story of - - No Mother. - You know the story - I thought, he was the same Incarnation at different time - Annh? - I thought he was different time - No, no, he came before - Before - He came to announce Shri Rama's this thing I was reading, before Sahaja yoga, Mother, a beautiful book by who Adiguru Dattatreya was giving instructions to Parshurama Of course. Not only that but he, since he played a very big role in India also he was, he had a, a thunderbolt as his ayudha and also he had a bow and a that - What do you call that - bow and a - Arrows, arrows - bow and arrows, yeah and he kept it with this father of Sita - Janaka because Janaka was the Adi Dattatreya; He taught him so he kept with him that "You keep it with you." And he said, "Except for the, for the Incarnation of Vishnu no one can lift this - it is so heavy, no one can lift even." So he, Sita came and She just lifted it just like that like a play. So, then he realized that She must be something great. Then he said that, "Her husband, whosoever will be the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu." Then it so happened that some marriage was announced and as we have in India, you know, swayamvara, that the girl, the girl has to go and choose her husband and for a princess, all the kings and kings of very great nations were sitting there different, different kings and one of them was Ravana also, so no body could lift it even. Ravana lifted it but it fell on him and he just fell down, so Sita laughed at it, you see [UNCLEAR] Then Shri Rama came and He just picked it up, like this and He put the arrow, you see, so Sita garlanded Him; She knew, of course, who He was but when he did that, you see, it broke also - uh.. his - He broke - He broke it, Shri Rama broke it [UNCLEAR] broken, we can say. He didn't deliberately do. So, this Zeus came. He was a very hot-tempered fellow, this Parshurama - Yes, Mother. - Really known to be very right-sided, you see - Greek after all [LAUGHTER] So, he got very angry, "How dare you break my uh.. this thing, bow and, who are You and this is," started shouting at Him. So, Lakshman got very angry. He said, "I'll show you who He is just now. Come and fight with me," and so Rama said, "Keep quiet.It's alright, it's alright, it's just," and then he realized that Shri Rama is the advent which he had to, he had to profess, you see, before that. As like, before Christ came John, the Baptist, you see, so then Parshurama then said that, "This is the Incarnation of Shri Vishnu. That's the only one who was going to lift my bow." So, that's how first of all, Shri Rama was told but Shri Rama had forgotten because He had to become absolutely a human-being, so he had forgotten about His own Incarnation within Him. The first time He was told that He is the Incarnation, so that's how it worked out - but you all have God's like this Poseidon and all that but we have Varuna, - Yes, Shri Mataji - Indra; Indra also, you have, I think, the King of all the Gods - who is He? - Zeus is the King of all Gods - No, Indra - Indra [UNCLEAR] - Annh? - Indra, [UNCLEAR], Varuna were earlier Gods in Greece - Indra, Varuna Indra and Varuna but I understand Varuna was to worship as God of the [UNCLEAR] Mataji - Varuna was the same as this Lord of the Sea - Poseidon Lord of the Sea - Poseidon was Varuna The mythology, Mother, says that the goddess of Sea now, was, came out of the head of Zeus - Of? - the head of Zeus and She was [UNCLEAR -PROSTRATING?] Her arrow, say Kundalini, [UNCLEAR] palas - palo means vibrate. She used to vibrate. Palas - Palo is a word which means to vibrate; So She has now Palas because she was vibrating the, what we call it, sphere. Sphere - the ball which goes like that - sphere - and they say that it came on top of the head of Zeus - which is probably the Kundalini, Mother. - Yes, of course, it is that only. But lots of things were changed also, I don't know why, but they made all the gods look like ordinary people and gave them all the weaknesses, everything attached to them. But there are two things - one is the devas - these are devas - Poseidon and all these are devas and Devatas are the ones which are on your centres, so they're absolutely Pure, pure Gods because they're all fixed identities and they're absolutely pure; They cannot behave like human-beings. See there are Divine, all of them but they're fixed, you know. They know what to do, what they have to do, how to, sort of, manifest the Divine laws - everything they know and they are fixed like that and they know how it is to be done, like, as if the whole instrument is made and everybody is made to sit on their own seats and they're working out their own offices, like that, so it's a two, two types of devas were there. One, the ones which were on the right side and this, this place was described in the Devi Mahatma as Manipur e dweep. See, this is the Manipur, means Nabhi chakra, the Nabhi and I told you when I went to Delphi which is the Nabhi. You see, they also say now, that it is the, the navel of the Universe - they say so. If you go there, they tell you like this and there I saw Shri Ganesha sitting, very nicely, so it's all just works out. Even Athena has a Child God. You see, in the temple if you go, there's a Child God sitting there. and they say, "This is because of Athena. She didn't want anybody to enter into Her home - temple;" It's very surprising. It is, even the steps are three and a half steps are like three - one, two, three and then the second one is half of that and they, they said that, "They are little bit bending like that." so if you put them through the whole of the world, they will form a circle. Haan. What they say is that the comfort from stairs compensates that the straight line seems to be cut convex, seems from far away - but the truth comes around - Yes, this is three and a half coils of the Kundalini and the Athenician also has in Her hand, you know, the Kundalini is there. I mean, it's all was there and I went and saw the Curator at that time when I first came here. I saw the Curator at the museum and I asked him about Athena. They said, "You see, we used to worship Her as a senior Goddess but then, some people went to India and they found out that they were, there was not only one Athena but three they form, She went into three forms; In India they told us, so we believe now there are three forms," but they don't know into details. See, it's a more sort of move on understanding - from books you won't get the knowledge. But they did say that now we will learnt India that there are three forms of Athena. Maha Kali, Maha Laxmi, Maha Saraswati, you see, but they didn't know all that, you see, the details and all that. Actually, even in the Indian Scriptures it's not so well connected. We don't know how to connect this into that but only in Sahaja yoga you understand their connections. Yeah. Now, can I go ahead, Mother, for few more names? Anna, you're there - this is Anna - Michael's mother and they are sitting. And Ellinscope is here? No - Elizabeth is there - come along - Hello! - from Austria [CONVERSATION IN GREEK] and this is Christos over there sitting - Christos, a new sahaja yogi - What name you say? - Christos - from Christ - Yes - is the husband of Gregora - [UNCLEAR] - My name? - No - Christos. Now Christos is say, Christ. Is from Christ - Christos - [UNCLEAR] - Christos is the name of Christ. [UNCLEAR - CHRISAKIS?] - Chrisakis - Chrisakis - Chrisakis - [UNCLEAR] difficult Chrisakis, isn't it? - [UNCLEAR] - For Indians very difficult - Chrisakis Most difficult for us is this French. [UNCLEAR] French is very difficult and also Americans, you know. The way they speak fiirst. One day you can't understand them. They go on [UNCLEAR] [LAUGHTER] Then you have to concentrate to learn; A day takes, I take a day to learn their language but now the sahaja yogis are much better. Once you know little bit of Sanskrit, your tongue, I think, gets right [UNCLEAR] - [UNCLEAR] You rest now, Mother. - Alright. Thank you very much all of you. Thank you! Shri Mataji - So, where did he catch the false gurus in India? - I don't know about where he got with [UNCLEAR] also, [UNCLEAR] and taking names of the gods and he's been to Hare Krishna also [UNCLEAR] May God bless you! - Okay
Shri Pallas Athena Puja: You have to be sincere and honest
Pallas Athena
Shri Pallas Athena Puja. Athens (Greece), 26 April 1993. It's a very great day for Me to see so many Sahaja Yogis here who are from this country, Greece. When first I came to Greece, I told my husband that this country is full of vibrations and there have been many evolved souls in this country, but perhaps the people have lost their heritage, but the vibrations are in the atmosphere and one day Sahaja Yoga should prosper here very much. And somehow, we met some bureaucrats who were Greeks and the experience was not good with them and my husband said that "If You said the Greeks are really religious people, then look at these people. What are they doing to me?" I said, "They may be bureaucrats and, all over, bureaucrats, you can't say what sort of people they could be." But, on the whole, the vibrations were very, very good, no doubt, and I went to all the places in here, like I went to Delphi, I went up there to see Athena's temple and everything. To all the places of interest, they took Me round, specially Me, because he was busy with his conference, so they took Me round. And everywhere I felt - even the sea I felt was so very beautiful. This was about - I think I came here at least about fifteen years back, maybe fourteen years back. And I find now the vibrations are coming back now through you people and the whole place is again vibrating. Now, you have to understand now that you people have a very big responsibility because you're strategically placed in Greece, you see. Greece and Italy, I mean Turkey, both are very important. First of all, you are the bridge between the eastern side and the western side and everybody is interested in, somehow or other, managing and controlling these two areas so that they could control eastern and western side. I mean the western countries specially. Now the greatest danger that you have now is that this western culture may try to grab you and which is very dangerous. To understand it, you have to know that you are people coming from a very great tradition, ancient people of ages just like Indians, and there is so much you can do to improve the culture of Europe by your own behaviour. Like these people we have coming here, tourists are coming and they see the behaviour of the Greeks and they see that they can influence very well the Europeans, think that Greeks can be very easily influenced by their culture, by their cheap life. So, as you being such traditional people, down to earth and so many, so many good things you have known in life, it's very important to understand the historical background of your country, first of all. For Sahaja Yogis it is very important to be educated that way because tomorrow you'll have to talk to other people and you'll have to tell them about Athena, about your traditions, about your background and how it is connected to Sahaja Yoga, connected to Mother Mary, connected to Christ and all those things. For this, it is very necessary that we all should try to understand the historical background of this country and educate yourself in a way that you can talk about Sahaja Yoga. As it is, you know, Athena has the Kundalini in Her hand and you can see that clearly that She was the Adi Shakti. Actually, in Sanskrit language "atha" means "primordial." So She was the Primordial Mother. Because there was no connection left between the Greeks and the Indians, this, I mean, translation was not there and they didn't know what to meant by "Athena." But Indians know that it is - this is the place for the manifestation of the Adi Shakti because in the "Devi Mahatmyam," if you read, you will find out they have described Greece as the Manipurndrip [???]. Means the island in the Manipur. Manipur is this Nabhi Chakra. So in the Nabhi there's an island where it is Greece, where the Goddess resides. Manipur chakra is where She resides. And so, this Athena has been described, then when I went to Her temple I found that there was a little temple for the child of God. That was Shri Ganesha. And then, when I went to Delphi, also when I went there, I was surprised to see, they showed Me a mound, said, "This is the Nabhi, navel of the whole universe." I said, "That's correct." But when I turned round there was lots of vibrations and what I find is a Ganesha statue there. When Gregoire came here he took photographs and everything and he saw that. So now you are the Nabhi. You are sitting here in the Nabhi of the whole universe. So how important is Nabhi? You know that very well, that Nabhi Chakra gets spoilt the whole life becomes miserable for a human being. So, on the right side of the Nabhi, as you see, is the liver and because, of course, we had lots of philosophers, they used to think a lot and they created lots of tragedies, you see Greek tragedy's well known, where marriage system was little bit challenged, that there was, say, two men, one woman or maybe two women, one man and never they felt happy with the marriage. So the left Nabhi was under attack, throughout. To have such a tragedy, they wrote so many, I would say, so many dramas and they played them here and so many plays were there showing that there are two men and one woman or two women and one man and no relation between the husband and wife which was pure. And that was the tragedy. It's known all over as the Greek tragedy. It's all imaginary and people, you see, became very left-sided to begin with. They started thinking, "Oh, this life is a misery. It's a tragedy. What should we do? Why should we - why should we try to show that we are happy? We are very unhappy people." And all these things started here to begin with. Then came these - your Orthodox Church. Now this Orthodox Church is another one, which, of course, is really - doesn't treat women very well and treats them as if they are all the time unholy. Certain times they cannot go to church and they cannot touch people, all kinds of nonsensical ideas they had. That also made women very left-sided. Then, on top of that, all this was happening with these tragedies and all that, suddenly the economic problem came up and people felt very, sort of, disgusted about that. So the left side became very, very prominent here and that is how I think many of these left-sided, bhootish organizations started and many gurus came who made you feel miserable. But the worst that was done by the Greek Church, which made you, feel so guilty. So you became very left-sided. Now this left-sidedness was later on counter-balanced by people who started to becoming overactive, thinking too much, working too hard and all those things. But still, I think that they don't work very hard as they should work. They're on the lazy side, the Greeks are. They're on the lazy side. Of course, the Sahaja Yogis are not. The Sahaja Yogis have worked very hard, I can see all that very clearly, but otherwise - So, now to bring out Sahaja Yoga in Greece, is important, first of all, to know what is our historical background. The second [???] should be very well equipped with the knowledge of chakras and centres and how to improve these centres. If you do not have that knowledge, you cannot face people. It's not that only men should know; women also should know everything about it. What is the chakras are, how they work out and what are their results are, how do we suffer because our chakras are in danger. All this knowledge is free to you. You don't have to pay for this knowledge. Only thing, every day-to-day life, when you start working out Sahaja Yoga, then you'll find out that what I'm saying is absolutely tangible. You can verify it. It is so. It's not something in the air. It is absolutely there. We can prove everything that we believe in and we can show others also that this is the Truth. Is an absolute truth. We are not here to spread some sort of a fanaticism or racialism or anything like that, but we are here to combine the whole world together under one understanding that we belong to one universe and we have one universal religion. Now, people will ask you then, "Have you to give up our religion?" You don't have to tell them that you have to give up your religion, don't have to say that. You don't have to be hard with them at all. On the contrary, "No, no, no, nothing has to be done. You just come and take to Sahaja Yoga and take to your spirit. Gradually it will start opening out." It has happened with all of you that first when you came to Sahaja Yoga you were in a different shape. Now gradually, you started opening out, you matured and you understood Sahaja Yoga very well. In the same way, you must teach others in the same manner, with the same understanding, compassion and love. Otherwise, normally people think that somebody is to be condemned all the time. Of course, some are people who are under bad influence and you cannot get along with them, but most of you should know that we have to get more people into Sahaja Yoga through our compassion, love and also lot of understanding about others' feelings. I've found that even countries where have been Sahaja Yoga for so many time, suddenly someone comes up and starts giving trouble and becoming bhootish sort of thing, you see, and misbehaving. Suddenly, it happens. Such a person, you know, if it is informed, we can take him out of Sahaja Yoga. We can cleanse him. But all of you must know one thing for definite that you all have these powers to cure yourself, improve yourself, to help others. You can do everything yourself. You all have these powers, but the only thing is you have to be sincere and honest. If you are not sincere and honest, it will never work out. On the contrary, it will boomerang. So, in Sahaja Yoga, it's very important is the sincerity of purpose. You must have complete sincerity of purpose that you are here to achieve your own self-emancipation, first. And secondly, you are here to help others. The people all along in the whole world now require help. There's so many problems, so many catastrophes, so many horrible things we everyday know going on. So now we need people who are solid, who are balanced, who are peaceful, who understand what is right and what is wrong. But apart from that, you should know that you have now entered into the Kingdom of God. Many people will say, "All right, we were so religious, we were praying to Christ, we were praying to this one, praying to that one. What did we get?" You cannot get it because you are not connected. You have to be connected. Once you are connected to that, then you will find that things start sorting out. But sincerity is very important and faith in yourself. You must have faith in yourself that you're quite capable, quite capable person and you can achieve a very high degree of awareness by which you can work out many things. It doesn't matter from what sort of background you come in. It doesn't matter what sort of country you come in, race, anything. You all can do very well and we have seen this happening in so many countries where we had no hope at all. For example, a country like Russia, imagine, they never worshipped any God. They didn't know about God. They were not allowed to know about any religion, anything, but suddenly I went there, I don't know, they recognized Me, suddenly. They just recognized Me and just with my photograph I find them there. I was amazed that the first time I went to Leningrad there were two thousand seats in the hall, but outside they were all standing. I said, "Why are they standing outside?" They said, "All the seats are full, Mother, and these are extra people. There are more than two thousand outside." So I said, "This is too much." And so they said, "Mother, what about us?" I said, "All right, let Me finish the program." Went inside, did the program, everything happened and you'll be amazed when we had the program, the people who were outside were still waiting. I gave realization to people and they were waiting, waiting, waiting. When I came out I gave them. I said, "Now, what to do? I can't give you realization just now." So they said, "All right, what can we do?" I said, "Tomorrow morning can you come?" They said, "All right." So all those who were inside and those who were outside, all of them came and came and sat down in that open ground and I gave them realization. So this is the first beginning, but now in Moscow or any place we have to reserve a huge, big stadium. Fourteen to sixteen thousand people are there and realization is being given. But they are so quick to accept Sahaja Yoga, so quick to accept Me, too [so???] quick to understand Sahaj Yoga. I just can't imagine how these Russians have got this capacity. No question of there going back, no question of their sincerity being challenged. There is no question of their doubting themselves, nothing. Just there and so much so, so much that I sometimes feel this democracy has just harmed us. Because of democracy, of course, we could do Sahaja Yoga all right, but where the people are, absolutely sometimes very idiotic. Like in America, I find there's very idiotic people live there and they were only busy choosing their bathrooms and their curtains and their soaps [soups???] and all the time they will choose, only busy with all these nonsensical things. They are so idiotic, while the people in Russia are so sensible, so deep, so introspective and even the artists and the scientists. I had a conference with the scientists. There were about three hundred of them and I started talking to them about science. I thought, better start with science. They said, "Mother, no more science, no more science. Tell us the science of God." Such open-minded people. We have two hundred doctors in Russia who are practising Sahaja Yoga and it has spread up to Siberia. Now, what's the use of this democracy, which doesn't take us to God. It doesn't give us sense that we should seek God and we should be humble towards God. So what's the use of having this kind of a democracy and this kind of freedom, which has made us mad and idiotic? And that's very true about any democratic country because you must know that democracy is money-oriented. And you know Greeks are very money-oriented people also, as well. Of course, they're not as bad as Americans, but they are quite money-oriented. Also, Italians are very money-oriented, but the worst is the corruption. Now Italy is getting exposed. I'm sure your country will also get exposed. All these countries are to be exposed. But, first of all, the Sahaja Yogis have to be firm people. They have to be very, very firm and they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only spirit-oriented, nothing but spirit-oriented, that you have to have your spirit enlightened, that your spirit has to work everything, that you are not this body, this money, this position, these powers, nothing. But you are the spirit. This is what one has to know. I was told it is very difficult for you to come for pujas to Cabella and you all cannot join, but one week, supposing you take during Guru Puja, I think. You can come by boat or something like that, would be easier for you to come to Genoa by boat and then we can organize your coming down. For Guru Puja, you all should come. You see, Sahasrara Puja and Guru Puja are very important and if you could come for Guru Puja, it would be a very nice idea. I think it can be arranged and organized that you can come to Guru Puja. I know it's - wherever I am, supposing if I have it here, then for all the rest of the people it will be far away. So I just thought of Milan being quite in the centre that it would be nearer to England, nearer to other European countries. [???], the Americans and the South Americans find it very difficult, so this time we had to provide all tickets, everything to South Americans to come. But they're very deep people. I was surprised in Colombia, they are such good Sahaja Yogis, very beautiful Sahaja Yogis. Very simple-hearted, very good, well educated. Three, four of them were got married in India and they're very happy.... (It's all right. Forget it. It doesn't matter.) So, now for that, two things have to be done. Firstly, is that you should come to collective. It's very important. You all should come to collective and put your - please put your attention Me, not to them. Please put your attention towards Me. Don't turn your attention very much. You have to keep your attention all right. It's very important So you have to - one thing is to do, is to come to the collective and watch out for your attention. Where is your attention? Where are you looking? Are you turning your head too much or are you putting your attention straight? It's very important that you must keep your attention absolutely wrapped and towards the meetings that you have here for your collective. In that way, when your attention is fixed you'll find you'll definitely rise into thoughtless awareness, a state where you grow spiritually. You have to rise up to that state of thoughtless awareness where you grow spiritually. If you're not in thoughtless awareness, you cannot grow in your spirituality. So it's very important to see where is your attention. Where are you putting your attention? If the attention could be controlled then things will be all right. (She's crying. The child is crying too much, I think. You can send it out a little bit. It's feeling hot, I think. It's all right now with the mother.) So the first thing is to be in the collective. Now is a very sinister, also idea of some people is to always break the collective, to create problems, to disregard the leaders. As a result, leaders also get so fed up, they give up. They don't want to have anything to do. So they put up their own ideas, they try to trouble the leaders, they create problems for them, they just try to show off everywhere, as if they know everything. All such people also create groups. So beware about them. You should stick on always to the collective and not to anyone who tries to create a kind of a group at all or who troubles or who makes things difficult. You must understand those who are collective only will grow; those who are [not] will not grow. Because like a nail, if it breaks, then it doesn't grow. In the same manner, if you keep out of this thing, by any chance, if you have any problems with the leaders, you can write to Me, you can tell me, I can work it out. But all the time, to go on like this and grouping like this will break and there will be someone who'll do that. There will be some negative person who'll try to do that. So, you have to be very careful not to get out of the collective. You must always support the collective, must help this collective and must nourish it. As you know, I was telling him also that he, if he has problem with money, we can give money from Cabella because before that I used to travel on my own. Even to Greece, I came on my own, paid for everything. So, see also, then Stomatis [???] had to pay something, which I didn't like very much. He was paying so much because we had such a small group. But now, as you have a big group, you feel responsible; you want to pay for it. All right, doesn't matter. But not to pay for your Sahaja Yoga, not for your realization, not for knowledge of Sahaj Yoga. This is there. And so people will start putting ideas into your heads that why this, why that and all that. Such people you should keep out because you are here to develop your spirituality and not to listen to these stupid people who have been troublesome. So best is to keep to your own, own development and own nourishment. It's very important. So it is in a way collective, but also individual, because what you're gaining out of the collective you should be on the watch out, you should see for yourself what you are gaining out of the collective. Then secondly, at home, you must every day, every day, every day, again I say, not to miss it out, in the evening before sleeping you must have meditation. You can wash yourself up, like, what you call, the water treatment or anything then sit down for meditation for ten minutes. You must give fifteen minutes to yourself and then sleep off. Supposing you can't do one night, doesn't matter, but try to do it every night. If not possible. If you don't do it one night, you can do it in the morning. But it's very important. I can easily make out a person who does meditation and who does not do meditation. It's a difference, such a difference. Immediately know a person who is meditating everyday, in his health, in his face, in his behaviour, in everything he's very different. And those who do not do any meditation will find not only that they are funny, but their children are funny, their relationships are funny, everything is funny. So the meditation is a very important part for you because also the women who are pregnant, when they - if they do not meditate their children turn out to be very troublesome and very funny. It's a thing like that. It affects everything. But your character of meditativeness, your character of Sahaja Yoga helps everyone, your children, your family your society, everybody, and everybody can make it out what sort of a family you are, what sort of a people you are, what sort of a personality you are. And from you they take to Sahaja Yoga. So is important in individual life also just to meditate, nothing else. You have to come to a state of thoughtless awareness. So the mantra is, as you know, "Nirvichara". You should use the mantra of "Nirvichara" for coming to the state of thoughtlessness and try to increase this area, this space of thoughtless awareness and that is how you will find you will be growing very much. Now as you get lots of powers, as you get lots of people being realized by you, curing by you, sometimes maybe it might affect your ego. You might get into ego things. For such people, I have to say that you have to be introspective and see for yourself. You face the mirror and ask now how much ego you have. Laugh at yourself. Once you start laughing at yourself, your ego will drop out and you'll understand that it was false to have this kind of ego within you. There are so many ways and methods of finding out about yourself. Put yourself into bandhan and put your hands towards the photograph, immediately you can feel what chakras are catching and you know how to clear it out. Also sometimes you feel it inside. If your chakras are catching, you can feel it inside and you can feel it, the different centres on your fingertips about yourself. So it is about yourself you will know. About others, you know, you should just talk on chakras. You should not say, "He's bhootish," or "He has ego." Nothing. But you should say, His Agnya is catching," means he has got ego. You can say, "His Nahbi's bad. His this thing is bad." So the language is to change now. We have to talk in the language of Sahaja Yoga. It is to be understood that now we are Sahaja Yogis. We've got the powers, we have got vibratory powers. But if you don't use these vibratory powers, what is going to happen? We have to use them, that's the point. We always forget. I've seen, the other day they couldn't open something. I said, "Give a bandhan." Gave a bandhan and immediately it worked out, you see. Small, small things also you'll be surprised that if it doesn't work out, you have to just give a bandhan and it works out. It is important to know that you are Sahaja Yogis, you are saints and that you can do lots of things and you shouldn't forget it. You shouldn't forget it that you are Sahaja Yogis. Now you are no more ordinary people. You are saints now and you can do a lot. All this, when it works out, you'll be amazed at yourself, how, how you have achieved all these things. And, I tell you, people tell Me they look like roses, all of their faces shining, they look so beautiful and they can make it out that you are Sahaja Yogis. I've seen at the airport also many people say, "Who were those people looking so sweet and beautiful, shining. Who were those?" So if I tell them that they're saints, they won't believe that there could be so many saints, but there are and we have achieved that all over the world. All over the world there are so many Sahaja Yogis that I can't even say how many there are, in thousands and thousands. So, I again tell you that Greece is a place where you can do a lot. First of all, you must establish yourself in Sahaja Yoga and you have to know what you are, all the time to remember what you are. You are a Sahaja Yogi. Even to children, you have to say, "You are a Sahaja Yogi" so they also develop that personality by which they behave properly and they behave in a manner that a Sahaja Yogi should behave. So all these things are just the preliminaries of Sahaja Yoga, but I am sure you must [best???] be getting my tapes from Cabella and I'm sure you must be knowing about all the deeper things about yourself and about Sahaj Yoga. It's a new age that has started. The other day I said the Satya Yuga has started now. So, it will start exposing all that is Asatya, which is whatever is false. All those who are false people will be exposed and you'll be amazed at the way things will work out. And it's such a great time you are born and it's such a great thing that you have come to Sahaja Yoga and that you have got your Realization and that you are one of those who have to lift the whole of this universe into a higher awareness. Of course, we can't say how many will be saved. It's another point because what I know about this that in the evolutionary portion, supposing we came from chimpanzees, many were lost in between, you know, and there are so many chimpanzees now left and there's the middle, the people were lost. In the same way, many human beings may be lost because of their stupidity, because of their self-destructive habits that they have formed. But your responsibility is very great. Don't think, "I am just mediocre. I'm good for nothing." Never. Never think like that. You are all saints and you are capable great things. May God bless.
Shri Pallas Athena Puja. Athens (Greece), 26 April 1993. It's a very great day for Me to see so many Sahaja Yogis here who are from this country, Greece. When first I came to Greece, I told my husband that this country is full of vibrations and there have been many evolved souls in this country, but perhaps the people have lost their heritage, but the vibrations are in the atmosphere and one day Sahaja Yoga should prosper here very much. And somehow, we met some bureaucrats who were Greeks and the experience was not good with them and my husband said that "If You said the Greeks are really religious people, then look at these people. What are they doing to me?" I said, "They may be bureaucrats and, all over, bureaucrats, you can't say what sort of people they could be." But, on the whole, the vibrations were very, very good, no doubt, and I went to all the places in here, like I went to Delphi, I went up there to see Athena's temple and everything. To all the places of interest, they took Me round, specially Me, because he was busy with his conference, so they took Me round. And everywhere I felt - even the sea I felt was so very beautiful. This was about - I think I came here at least about fifteen years back, maybe fourteen years back. And I find now the vibrations are coming back now through you people and the whole place is again vibrating. Now, you have to understand now that you people have a very big responsibility because you're strategically placed in Greece, you see. Greece and Italy, I mean Turkey, both are very important. First of all, you are the bridge between the eastern side and the western side and everybody is interested in, somehow or other, managing and controlling these two areas so that they could control eastern and western side. I mean the western countries specially. Now the greatest danger that you have now is that this western culture may try to grab you and which is very dangerous. To understand it, you have to know that you are people coming from a very great tradition, ancient people of ages just like Indians, and there is so much you can do to improve the culture of Europe by your own behaviour. Like these people we have coming here, tourists are coming and they see the behaviour of the Greeks and they see that they can influence very well the Europeans, think that Greeks can be very easily influenced by their culture, by their cheap life. So, as you being such traditional people, down to earth and so many, so many good things you have known in life, it's very important to understand the historical background of your country, first of all. For Sahaja Yogis it is very important to be educated that way because tomorrow you'll have to talk to other people and you'll have to tell them about Athena, about your traditions, about your background and how it is connected to Sahaja Yoga, connected to Mother Mary, connected to Christ and all those things. For this, it is very necessary that we all should try to understand the historical background of this country and educate yourself in a way that you can talk about Sahaja Yoga. As it is, you know, Athena has the Kundalini in Her hand and you can see that clearly that She was the Adi Shakti. Actually, in Sanskrit language "atha" means "primordial." So She was the Primordial Mother. Because there was no connection left between the Greeks and the Indians, this, I mean, translation was not there and they didn't know what to meant by "Athena." But Indians know that it is - this is the place for the manifestation of the Adi Shakti because in the "Devi Mahatmyam," if you read, you will find out they have described Greece as the Manipurndrip [???]. Means the island in the Manipur. Manipur is this Nabhi Chakra. So in the Nabhi there's an island where it is Greece, where the Goddess resides. Manipur chakra is where She resides. And so, this Athena has been described, then when I went to Her temple I found that there was a little temple for the child of God. That was Shri Ganesha. And then, when I went to Delphi, also when I went there, I was surprised to see, they showed Me a mound, said, "This is the Nabhi, navel of the whole universe." I said, "That's correct." But when I turned round there was lots of vibrations and what I find is a Ganesha statue there. When Gregoire came here he took photographs and everything and he saw that. So now you are the Nabhi. You are sitting here in the Nabhi of the whole universe. So how important is Nabhi? You know that very well, that Nabhi Chakra gets spoilt the whole life becomes miserable for a human being. So, on the right side of the Nabhi, as you see, is the liver and because, of course, we had lots of philosophers, they used to think a lot and they created lots of tragedies, you see Greek tragedy's well known, where marriage system was little bit challenged, that there was, say, two men, one woman or maybe two women, one man and never they felt happy with the marriage. So the left Nabhi was under attack, throughout. To have such a tragedy, they wrote so many, I would say, so many dramas and they played them here and so many plays were there showing that there are two men and one woman or two women and one man and no relation between the husband and wife which was pure. And that was the tragedy. It's known all over as the Greek tragedy. It's all imaginary and people, you see, became very left-sided to begin with. They started thinking, "Oh, this life is a misery. It's a tragedy. What should we do? Why should we - why should we try to show that we are happy? We are very unhappy people." And all these things started here to begin with. Then came these - your Orthodox Church. Now this Orthodox Church is another one, which, of course, is really - doesn't treat women very well and treats them as if they are all the time unholy. Certain times they cannot go to church and they cannot touch people, all kinds of nonsensical ideas they had. That also made women very left-sided. Then, on top of that, all this was happening with these tragedies and all that, suddenly the economic problem came up and people felt very, sort of, disgusted about that. So the left side became very, very prominent here and that is how I think many of these left-sided, bhootish organizations started and many gurus came who made you feel miserable. But the worst that was done by the Greek Church, which made you, feel so guilty. So you became very left-sided. Now this left-sidedness was later on counter-balanced by people who started to becoming overactive, thinking too much, working too hard and all those things. But still, I think that they don't work very hard as they should work. They're on the lazy side, the Greeks are. They're on the lazy side. Of course, the Sahaja Yogis are not. The Sahaja Yogis have worked very hard, I can see all that very clearly, but otherwise - So, now to bring out Sahaja Yoga in Greece, is important, first of all, to know what is our historical background. The second [???] should be very well equipped with the knowledge of chakras and centres and how to improve these centres. If you do not have that knowledge, you cannot face people. It's not that only men should know; women also should know everything about it. What is the chakras are, how they work out and what are their results are, how do we suffer because our chakras are in danger. All this knowledge is free to you. You don't have to pay for this knowledge. Only thing, every day-to-day life, when you start working out Sahaja Yoga, then you'll find out that what I'm saying is absolutely tangible. You can verify it. It is so. It's not something in the air. It is absolutely there. We can prove everything that we believe in and we can show others also that this is the Truth. Is an absolute truth. We are not here to spread some sort of a fanaticism or racialism or anything like that, but we are here to combine the whole world together under one understanding that we belong to one universe and we have one universal religion. Now, people will ask you then, "Have you to give up our religion?" You don't have to tell them that you have to give up your religion, don't have to say that. You don't have to be hard with them at all. On the contrary, "No, no, no, nothing has to be done. You just come and take to Sahaja Yoga and take to your spirit. Gradually it will start opening out." It has happened with all of you that first when you came to Sahaja Yoga you were in a different shape. Now gradually, you started opening out, you matured and you understood Sahaja Yoga very well. In the same way, you must teach others in the same manner, with the same understanding, compassion and love. Otherwise, normally people think that somebody is to be condemned all the time. Of course, some are people who are under bad influence and you cannot get along with them, but most of you should know that we have to get more people into Sahaja Yoga through our compassion, love and also lot of understanding about others' feelings. I've found that even countries where have been Sahaja Yoga for so many time, suddenly someone comes up and starts giving trouble and becoming bhootish sort of thing, you see, and misbehaving. Suddenly, it happens. Such a person, you know, if it is informed, we can take him out of Sahaja Yoga. We can cleanse him. But all of you must know one thing for definite that you all have these powers to cure yourself, improve yourself, to help others. You can do everything yourself. You all have these powers, but the only thing is you have to be sincere and honest. If you are not sincere and honest, it will never work out. On the contrary, it will boomerang. So, in Sahaja Yoga, it's very important is the sincerity of purpose. You must have complete sincerity of purpose that you are here to achieve your own self-emancipation, first. And secondly, you are here to help others. The people all along in the whole world now require help. There's so many problems, so many catastrophes, so many horrible things we everyday know going on. So now we need people who are solid, who are balanced, who are peaceful, who understand what is right and what is wrong. But apart from that, you should know that you have now entered into the Kingdom of God. Many people will say, "All right, we were so religious, we were praying to Christ, we were praying to this one, praying to that one. What did we get?" You cannot get it because you are not connected. You have to be connected. Once you are connected to that, then you will find that things start sorting out. But sincerity is very important and faith in yourself. You must have faith in yourself that you're quite capable, quite capable person and you can achieve a very high degree of awareness by which you can work out many things. It doesn't matter from what sort of background you come in. It doesn't matter what sort of country you come in, race, anything. You all can do very well and we have seen this happening in so many countries where we had no hope at all. For example, a country like Russia, imagine, they never worshipped any God. They didn't know about God. They were not allowed to know about any religion, anything, but suddenly I went there, I don't know, they recognized Me, suddenly. They just recognized Me and just with my photograph I find them there. I was amazed that the first time I went to Leningrad there were two thousand seats in the hall, but outside they were all standing. I said, "Why are they standing outside?" They said, "All the seats are full, Mother, and these are extra people. There are more than two thousand outside." So I said, "This is too much." And so they said, "Mother, what about us?" I said, "All right, let Me finish the program." Went inside, did the program, everything happened and you'll be amazed when we had the program, the people who were outside were still waiting. I gave realization to people and they were waiting, waiting, waiting. When I came out I gave them. I said, "Now, what to do? I can't give you realization just now." So they said, "All right, what can we do?" I said, "Tomorrow morning can you come?" They said, "All right." So all those who were inside and those who were outside, all of them came and came and sat down in that open ground and I gave them realization. So this is the first beginning, but now in Moscow or any place we have to reserve a huge, big stadium. Fourteen to sixteen thousand people are there and realization is being given. But they are so quick to accept Sahaja Yoga, so quick to accept Me, too [so???] quick to understand Sahaj Yoga. I just can't imagine how these Russians have got this capacity. No question of there going back, no question of their sincerity being challenged. There is no question of their doubting themselves, nothing. Just there and so much so, so much that I sometimes feel this democracy has just harmed us. Because of democracy, of course, we could do Sahaja Yoga all right, but where the people are, absolutely sometimes very idiotic. Like in America, I find there's very idiotic people live there and they were only busy choosing their bathrooms and their curtains and their soaps [soups???] and all the time they will choose, only busy with all these nonsensical things. They are so idiotic, while the people in Russia are so sensible, so deep, so introspective and even the artists and the scientists. I had a conference with the scientists. There were about three hundred of them and I started talking to them about science. I thought, better start with science. They said, "Mother, no more science, no more science. Tell us the science of God." Such open-minded people. We have two hundred doctors in Russia who are practising Sahaja Yoga and it has spread up to Siberia. Now, what's the use of this democracy, which doesn't take us to God. It doesn't give us sense that we should seek God and we should be humble towards God. So what's the use of having this kind of a democracy and this kind of freedom, which has made us mad and idiotic? And that's very true about any democratic country because you must know that democracy is money-oriented. And you know Greeks are very money-oriented people also, as well. Of course, they're not as bad as Americans, but they are quite money-oriented. Also, Italians are very money-oriented, but the worst is the corruption. Now Italy is getting exposed. I'm sure your country will also get exposed. All these countries are to be exposed. But, first of all, the Sahaja Yogis have to be firm people. They have to be very, very firm and they should know that Sahaja Yoga is only spirit-oriented, nothing but spirit-oriented, that you have to have your spirit enlightened, that your spirit has to work everything, that you are not this body, this money, this position, these powers, nothing. But you are the spirit. This is what one has to know. I was told it is very difficult for you to come for pujas to Cabella and you all cannot join, but one week, supposing you take during Guru Puja, I think. You can come by boat or something like that, would be easier for you to come to Genoa by boat and then we can organize your coming down. For Guru Puja, you all should come. You see, Sahasrara Puja and Guru Puja are very important and if you could come for Guru Puja, it would be a very nice idea. I think it can be arranged and organized that you can come to Guru Puja. I know it's - wherever I am, supposing if I have it here, then for all the rest of the people it will be far away. So I just thought of Milan being quite in the centre that it would be nearer to England, nearer to other European countries. [???], the Americans and the South Americans find it very difficult, so this time we had to provide all tickets, everything to South Americans to come. But they're very deep people. I was surprised in Colombia, they are such good Sahaja Yogis, very beautiful Sahaja Yogis. Very simple-hearted, very good, well educated. Three, four of them were got married in India and they're very happy.... (It's all right. Forget it. It doesn't matter.) So, now for that, two things have to be done. Firstly, is that you should come to collective. It's very important. You all should come to collective and put your - please put your attention Me, not to them. Please put your attention towards Me. Don't turn your attention very much. You have to keep your attention all right. It's very important So you have to - one thing is to do, is to come to the collective and watch out for your attention. Where is your attention? Where are you looking? Are you turning your head too much or are you putting your attention straight? It's very important that you must keep your attention absolutely wrapped and towards the meetings that you have here for your collective. In that way, when your attention is fixed you'll find you'll definitely rise into thoughtless awareness, a state where you grow spiritually. You have to rise up to that state of thoughtless awareness where you grow spiritually. If you're not in thoughtless awareness, you cannot grow in your spirituality. So it's very important to see where is your attention. Where are you putting your attention? If the attention could be controlled then things will be all right. (She's crying. The child is crying too much, I think. You can send it out a little bit. It's feeling hot, I think. It's all right now with the mother.) So the first thing is to be in the collective. Now is a very sinister, also idea of some people is to always break the collective, to create problems, to disregard the leaders. As a result, leaders also get so fed up, they give up. They don't want to have anything to do. So they put up their own ideas, they try to trouble the leaders, they create problems for them, they just try to show off everywhere, as if they know everything. All such people also create groups. So beware about them. You should stick on always to the collective and not to anyone who tries to create a kind of a group at all or who troubles or who makes things difficult. You must understand those who are collective only will grow; those who are [not] will not grow. Because like a nail, if it breaks, then it doesn't grow. In the same manner, if you keep out of this thing, by any chance, if you have any problems with the leaders, you can write to Me, you can tell me, I can work it out. But all the time, to go on like this and grouping like this will break and there will be someone who'll do that. There will be some negative person who'll try to do that. So, you have to be very careful not to get out of the collective. You must always support the collective, must help this collective and must nourish it. As you know, I was telling him also that he, if he has problem with money, we can give money from Cabella because before that I used to travel on my own. Even to Greece, I came on my own, paid for everything. So, see also, then Stomatis [???] had to pay something, which I didn't like very much. He was paying so much because we had such a small group. But now, as you have a big group, you feel responsible; you want to pay for it. All right, doesn't matter. But not to pay for your Sahaja Yoga, not for your realization, not for knowledge of Sahaj Yoga. This is there. And so people will start putting ideas into your heads that why this, why that and all that. Such people you should keep out because you are here to develop your spirituality and not to listen to these stupid people who have been troublesome. So best is to keep to your own, own development and own nourishment. It's very important. So it is in a way collective, but also individual, because what you're gaining out of the collective you should be on the watch out, you should see for yourself what you are gaining out of the collective. Then secondly, at home, you must every day, every day, every day, again I say, not to miss it out, in the evening before sleeping you must have meditation. You can wash yourself up, like, what you call, the water treatment or anything then sit down for meditation for ten minutes. You must give fifteen minutes to yourself and then sleep off. Supposing you can't do one night, doesn't matter, but try to do it every night. If not possible. If you don't do it one night, you can do it in the morning. But it's very important. I can easily make out a person who does meditation and who does not do meditation. It's a difference, such a difference. Immediately know a person who is meditating everyday, in his health, in his face, in his behaviour, in everything he's very different. And those who do not do any meditation will find not only that they are funny, but their children are funny, their relationships are funny, everything is funny. So the meditation is a very important part for you because also the women who are pregnant, when they - if they do not meditate their children turn out to be very troublesome and very funny. It's a thing like that. It affects everything. But your character of meditativeness, your character of Sahaja Yoga helps everyone, your children, your family your society, everybody, and everybody can make it out what sort of a family you are, what sort of a people you are, what sort of a personality you are. And from you they take to Sahaja Yoga. So is important in individual life also just to meditate, nothing else. You have to come to a state of thoughtless awareness. So the mantra is, as you know, "Nirvichara". You should use the mantra of "Nirvichara" for coming to the state of thoughtlessness and try to increase this area, this space of thoughtless awareness and that is how you will find you will be growing very much. Now as you get lots of powers, as you get lots of people being realized by you, curing by you, sometimes maybe it might affect your ego. You might get into ego things. For such people, I have to say that you have to be introspective and see for yourself. You face the mirror and ask now how much ego you have. Laugh at yourself. Once you start laughing at yourself, your ego will drop out and you'll understand that it was false to have this kind of ego within you. There are so many ways and methods of finding out about yourself. Put yourself into bandhan and put your hands towards the photograph, immediately you can feel what chakras are catching and you know how to clear it out. Also sometimes you feel it inside. If your chakras are catching, you can feel it inside and you can feel it, the different centres on your fingertips about yourself. So it is about yourself you will know. About others, you know, you should just talk on chakras. You should not say, "He's bhootish," or "He has ego." Nothing. But you should say, His Agnya is catching," means he has got ego. You can say, "His Nahbi's bad. His this thing is bad." So the language is to change now. We have to talk in the language of Sahaja Yoga. It is to be understood that now we are Sahaja Yogis. We've got the powers, we have got vibratory powers. But if you don't use these vibratory powers, what is going to happen? We have to use them, that's the point. We always forget. I've seen, the other day they couldn't open something. I said, "Give a bandhan." Gave a bandhan and immediately it worked out, you see. Small, small things also you'll be surprised that if it doesn't work out, you have to just give a bandhan and it works out. It is important to know that you are Sahaja Yogis, you are saints and that you can do lots of things and you shouldn't forget it. You shouldn't forget it that you are Sahaja Yogis. Now you are no more ordinary people. You are saints now and you can do a lot. All this, when it works out, you'll be amazed at yourself, how, how you have achieved all these things. And, I tell you, people tell Me they look like roses, all of their faces shining, they look so beautiful and they can make it out that you are Sahaja Yogis. I've seen at the airport also many people say, "Who were those people looking so sweet and beautiful, shining. Who were those?" So if I tell them that they're saints, they won't believe that there could be so many saints, but there are and we have achieved that all over the world. All over the world there are so many Sahaja Yogis that I can't even say how many there are, in thousands and thousands. So, I again tell you that Greece is a place where you can do a lot. First of all, you must establish yourself in Sahaja Yoga and you have to know what you are, all the time to remember what you are. You are a Sahaja Yogi. Even to children, you have to say, "You are a Sahaja Yogi" so they also develop that personality by which they behave properly and they behave in a manner that a Sahaja Yogi should behave. So all these things are just the preliminaries of Sahaja Yoga, but I am sure you must [best???] be getting my tapes from Cabella and I'm sure you must be knowing about all the deeper things about yourself and about Sahaj Yoga. It's a new age that has started. The other day I said the Satya Yuga has started now. So, it will start exposing all that is Asatya, which is whatever is false. All those who are false people will be exposed and you'll be amazed at the way things will work out. And it's such a great time you are born and it's such a great thing that you have come to Sahaja Yoga and that you have got your Realization and that you are one of those who have to lift the whole of this universe into a higher awareness. Of course, we can't say how many will be saved. It's another point because what I know about this that in the evolutionary portion, supposing we came from chimpanzees, many were lost in between, you know, and there are so many chimpanzees now left and there's the middle, the people were lost. In the same way, many human beings may be lost because of their stupidity, because of their self-destructive habits that they have formed. But your responsibility is very great. Don't think, "I am just mediocre. I'm good for nothing." Never. Never think like that. You are all saints and you are capable great things. May God bless.
Short Interview on TV, Athens, Greece, 1993-04-27 Sahaja Yoga means: "Saha" means "with"; "ja" means "born with". So it is a right; every human being has got to be in union -that is Yoga- with the Divine Power. And it's within yourself "Sahaj", born with you spontaneous. [Cut in the video] Journalist: Explain to us what is Kundalini? Shri Mataji: Kundalini, as I told you, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within us. And she is individually everybody' mother. Now, she is anxious to give you your second birth. When she is awakened in the sacrum bone she rises upward and crosses through six centres, pierces through your fontanel bone area and reaches a point where you get connected to the All-pervading Power. It's like, you can say that it's like a cord you have to connect to the mains. So unless and until you are connected to your mains, you do not know what you are. Once you are connected then you start knowing that you are the Spirit. [Cut in the video] In the same way, it rises when it is awakened, very simple. But for that, you have to have somebody who has the authority to raise it, a spiritual authority. Supposing tomorrow, if you get your Realization, you can do it also. [Cut in the video] Journalist: What is the relationship between Kundalini and Goddess Athena and Mother Mary? Shri Mataji: Now "ata", "ata" means, in Sanscrit language, "primordial". So, according to us, Athena was the Primordial Mother and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother whom we call as Adi Shakti in Sanscrit language. And Mother Mary is one of the forms of Athena, one of the forms of this Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother. Journalist: How the awakening of Kundalini cures incurable diseases? Shri Mataji: This is the energy which, of course, in Greece was the- bone was called as sacrum, meaning the sacred bone, and the sacrum bone contains this energy within ourselves, known as Kundalini. That means the Greeks knew about it. And then when she rises, she passes through your subtle centres, there are six above the Kundalini, and whilst she nourishes those centres also connects you to the All-pervading Power with is the vital power. So first of all, she nourishes those centres that's how you get cured physically, mentally, emotionally, All our problems come from human beings, and the human beings' problems come from their centres. So if these centres are nourished, they're alright. That is how it works. And then it connects to this All-pervading Power which we call as the Divine Power which does all the living work like these flowers; everything comes from that. So all the time it is flowing within us. So we don't get sick, we don't feel tired, we don't get old. Journalist: May this philosophy offers solutions to our society's problems and create a better or a new world? Shri Mataji: Yes of course, because what's wrong with us- I just now told you- is all these problems coming from human beings because they are ignorant and they are blind. But once they get the light, they become like angels. And when all these angles will come back, then, there will be no problem. All our society is ruined because we have no idea of the aim of our life. The aim of our life is to become the Spirit, to have the Self-knowledge. And once you have Self-knowledge, you are surprised to see how dignified you are and how glorious you are within yourself. Once you discover that, all these things drop out and you become a wonderful person. [Cut in the video] Shri Mataji: And also about others. Because also you develop a new awareness, a new dimension which we call as Collective Consciousness by which you can feel the centres of others. Now, if you know how to cure these centres, you can cure others also. Journalist: Thank you. Shri Mataji: May God bless you.
Short Interview on TV, Athens, Greece, 1993-04-27 Sahaja Yoga means: "Saha" means "with"; "ja" means "born with". So it is a right; every human being has got to be in union -that is Yoga- with the Divine Power. And it's within yourself "Sahaj", born with you spontaneous. [Cut in the video] Journalist: Explain to us what is Kundalini? Shri Mataji: Kundalini, as I told you, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother within us. And she is individually everybody' mother. Now, she is anxious to give you your second birth. When she is awakened in the sacrum bone she rises upward and crosses through six centres, pierces through your fontanel bone area and reaches a point where you get connected to the All-pervading Power. It's like, you can say that it's like a cord you have to connect to the mains. So unless and until you are connected to your mains, you do not know what you are. Once you are connected then you start knowing that you are the Spirit. [Cut in the video] In the same way, it rises when it is awakened, very simple. But for that, you have to have somebody who has the authority to raise it, a spiritual authority. Supposing tomorrow, if you get your Realization, you can do it also. [Cut in the video] Journalist: What is the relationship between Kundalini and Goddess Athena and Mother Mary? Shri Mataji: Now "ata", "ata" means, in Sanscrit language, "primordial". So, according to us, Athena was the Primordial Mother and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother whom we call as Adi Shakti in Sanscrit language. And Mother Mary is one of the forms of Athena, one of the forms of this Adi Shakti, the Primordial Mother. Journalist: How the awakening of Kundalini cures incurable diseases? Shri Mataji: This is the energy which, of course, in Greece was the- bone was called as sacrum, meaning the sacred bone, and the sacrum bone contains this energy within ourselves, known as Kundalini. That means the Greeks knew about it. And then when she rises, she passes through your subtle centres, there are six above the Kundalini, and whilst she nourishes those centres also connects you to the All-pervading Power with is the vital power. So first of all, she nourishes those centres that's how you get cured physically, mentally, emotionally, All our problems come from human beings, and the human beings' problems come from their centres. So if these centres are nourished, they're alright. That is how it works. And then it connects to this All-pervading Power which we call as the Divine Power which does all the living work like these flowers; everything comes from that. So all the time it is flowing within us. So we don't get sick, we don't feel tired, we don't get old. Journalist: May this philosophy offers solutions to our society's problems and create a better or a new world? Shri Mataji: Yes of course, because what's wrong with us- I just now told you- is all these problems coming from human beings because they are ignorant and they are blind. But once they get the light, they become like angels. And when all these angles will come back, then, there will be no problem. All our society is ruined because we have no idea of the aim of our life. The aim of our life is to become the Spirit, to have the Self-knowledge. And once you have Self-knowledge, you are surprised to see how dignified you are and how glorious you are within yourself. Once you discover that, all these things drop out and you become a wonderful person. [Cut in the video] Shri Mataji: And also about others. Because also you develop a new awareness, a new dimension which we call as Collective Consciousness by which you can feel the centres of others. Now, if you know how to cure these centres, you can cure others also. Journalist: Thank you. Shri Mataji: May God bless you.
Interview on a Greek TV with Vagianatos
Interview on a Greek TV with Vagianatos, Athens (Greece), April 27th, 1993 Interviewer: Good evening, it is very strong feeling that so many times we are in another country although we are in this country. Tonight we have the opportunity of really make a long travel. A long travel in wisdom, in distance, in space, in our hearts, in truth. This is all the elements that are concentrated in the presence of a Holy Mother that we have invited here, and we are very grateful that we have You… Shri Mataji: Thank you… Interviewer: … all the way from one of the oldest civilizations. You know, we are very proud that we are members of a very old civilization… Shri Mataji: Good. Interviewer: … And very rarely we realize how other old civilizations shine in other places on the world. So we do welcome You here along with the truth You carry for us. We would like to ask You about this truth, and the way You see in this same world, this other country which is every country which is our heart. Shri Mataji: We have to know one thing, what is the truth is. The truth is actually we are not this body, mind, intellect, emotions, ego, but we are the Spirit. And in our evolutionary process we have reached the stage of human awareness, and beyond this there’s a little breakthrough by which we have to become the Spirit. That’s very simple and can be done very easily for people who are seeking the truth. Interviewer: How would you describe the system of your thought, the system that you approach to our hearts and our minds? Shri Mataji: Yes. You’ll be amazed to know that in Greece people called a bone Sacrum, which is the triangular bone, and that means they knew there was something sacred about that bone. Now this bone has got within itself a residual power which is for our connection to this all-pervading divine power. All the scriptures have talked about all-pervading divine love and everything, but we have never felt it before. It’s a surprising thing that we take all living things for granted, for our heart beats, we don’t know how it beats. Then you see the flowers grow, we don’t know how it grows. But if you understand that there is some power which is doing all this living work then the time has come for us to know it, to feel it, to understand it, and also to use it. Interviewer: How do You think that people have arrived in so many conclusions that they call religions, and what is the connection between this way of approaching ourselves to the truth which is one, and Your old tradition in Your country which I assume is India? Shri Mataji: No, in all the religions and scriptures is written that you have to transform, you have to be born again. Every religion has said that. This is not only that any particular religion has said it. Every religion, even Islam has said you have to be a Wali. Even Christianity has said you are to be born again. I mean there’s no religion which has not said that, but it is not just a certificate. You cannot take just a certificate “I am born again”. It is something that actualizes by which you develop a new state, a new state of your mind, state of your being by which you become the Spirit - and there are powers of the Spirit which you manifest. It’s not just talking and giving sermons and lectures, but it is something that’s an actualization, is a living process. Interviewer: I think we Greeks belong to the what we call the East part of philosophy, of religions. This is a system which is mostly esoteric, this is a very Greek word which is seeking inside. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: I think this is quite relevant and close to the very ancient Indian tradition. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Interviewer: Now how close do You think these, these very old religious systems are, I am talking about the Pagan, our own ancestors [Shri Mataji: “Yes”] before Christianity, even the Jewish or all the other, Hindu, Buddhist and the rest You know. Shri Mataji: Yeah. You see, specially in Greece you had the ancient system of worshipping the Goddess Athena. Now in Sanskrit Atha means the primordial, so to us She is the Primordial Mother, that we call in our language as Adi Shakti, you see, is the Primordial Mother. And She has, you must have seen a snake in Her shield and also in Her hand that is the symbol of this power within you, which lies dormant in your, in your triangular bone called as sacrum. So the Greeks knew about it, no doubt, because otherwise they would not have called Her Athena and She must have been, in our scriptures She is described very well, not only that but Greece is called as Manipur Dwipe, means the navel of the universe. Interviewer: Yes. And certainly it was a surprise for me to see that You come here to preach our own ancient Gods. Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s true. Interviewer: Now, what are You telling us about Athena, is that the serpents, serpents with Greek gods are very familiar creatures… Shri Mataji: Yes, but you see such a snake… Interviewer: … have to do with medicine and others. Now what is the message of Athena coming from You again nowadays? Shri Mataji: Athena is the one that, she is the one who was trying to push Her spear into the fontanel bone of Zeus. Now that’s exactly what Sahaja Yoga is. We think - not we believe, and that we have proved also - that this power which we call as Kundalini, because it is like a serpent going into coils [Interviewer: “Yes”], because it’s an energy that moves like a serpent. You see, more symbolic it is, not the serpent actually. So this is the power which is the reflection of Athena within us and when she rises she goes and hits here and opens out your fontanel bone. That’s actualization of the baptism, as described in Christianity; by that then you are connected with that subtle energy which is all-pervading. For the first time you start feeling that cool breeze in your hand which is described is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the same as Athena, but I think Christians could not connect it with that. She is the same. Interviewer: We see that all these sanctities along history come and repeat themselves and transfigurate themselves according to the tradition of peoples. Shri Mataji: Of course. Interviewer: Now You have referred to Yoga and of course in this part of the world we are more or less familiar. Now for those who are less, I would like You to found what we are talking now in this Yoga and give us some ideas about the wide spectrum of what You would call Yoga. Shri Mataji: You see, Yoga is when you unite, is the union between your Self with the divine is Yoga, That’s the real spiritual yoga. All other yogas, like physical yoga and all that, is a wee part of what one Patanjali wrote. Is a very wee part that to cleanse your body and all that is there. But there is no need now to do all that. First in the modern times what if I have done any work is this: that people used to get self realization, alright, but one Master had only one disciple. Gradually it started in a way that they started talking about it. From the, I think, 12th century it became more open. But it has been there for years together. Now when they started talking about it, they couldn’t give en mass realization. They could only give to one person. So the only thing that I have done is to work out the permutations and combinations of human nature by which I have understood how to give en mass realization. And that’s the only achievement of modern Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is an ancient system in India, also must have been here because the way the sacrum bone is there and she is having all those things. But the practice of that may not have been so open, might have been secretive in those days, when they were giving realization to people. And it’s the ancient times, thousands of years back, so. But in India we have still maintained all those traditions and things, and we still respect and worship the Mother Goddess. Athena we respect. She is called as Adi Shakti, name is different, and she is the Holy Ghost according to us. Now this works out, is in everyone. It’s your own power within you and it works out and it rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area. It does, it actualizes the experience which is described and that’s what one has to feel, otherwise it is just talk, talk, talk, talk. Any religion has become nothing but talk, so you see, people are now fed up. They think what is this promising, claiming, nothing happens to us, we are just the same, our forefathers were such and we are just the same. But now the time has come. It’s a new age as I say to achieve that state, a new state, where you become. Firstly you become thoughtlessly aware, means you live in the present. Thoughts come to you from the past and from the future. You are dancing on the cusp of the thoughts. But when this happens, the thoughts are separated and in between the thoughts, there’s a space which we call as the present, which is reality. Present is the reality because the past is finished and the future doesn’t exist so you live in the present. When you live in the present, you start growing spiritually. And that’s what happens to you first, that you become thoughtlessly aware. The second thing happens to you that you start feeling that cool breeze on your hands. Now it’s medically you know that these are the endings (Mother shows the finger tips) of the sympathetic nervous system. So what happens that when, when you get your realization, you start feeling this cool breeze all along and you start feeling those things on your finger tips. Now supposing if you have a problem in anyone of these centers, there are seven centers, five, six and seven (Mother demonstrates in her hand the five fingers, then six at the base of the palm and seven in the center of the hand). Immediately you feel it on your finger... You don’t have to go to doctor for diagnosis, immediately you know. Now if you know how to cure it, then physically you can be cured, mentally you can be cured, also all our human problems or I should say all the world’s problems are because of human beings. And all our human problems are because of our centers which are within us. So when this power rises, She nourishes them, She integrates them and corrects them so we get physical, mental, emotional problems solved. And then you feel your own peace within yourself. But the second thing that you achieve is a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness. That is where you can feel not only your own centers but also the centers of others. Now, when you grow spiritually then sitting down here you can feel the centers of anyone, sitting down here you can correct the centers of other people, but you have to grow. But in the beginning you start feeling the Joy of your being, because in your heart resides the Spirit. And Spirit is the source of joy. It is the source of absolute truth. So you know also absolute truth. Because on your fingertips you can ask any question say, they might say “was Christ the son of God? Alright? Ask the questions - immediately you start getting tremendous vibrations. Surprisingly Athena is also called as Pallas, Pallas means vibrations, means she gives vibrations, you see. So these vibrations will tell you the absolute truth. Because we live in relative world, that’s why we are fighting. Once we are in the absolute, there is no fight, no problems. Now, this once happens you become collectively conscious, then who is the other? Everybody is within your body. You can feel everyone within yourself so you become a universal personality. This is the character of your Spirit, because Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within you, which is in everyone. But it is just a witness till you are a realized soul. But once you become a realized soul then it starts manifesting.It manifests and you can also raise the Kundalini of others. You can give realization to others. It’s like if you enlighten one candle, that candle can enlighten another candle. So that’s how it spreads. Interviewer: It is very interesting. And while You are talking I am writing down certain things that come in contrast to what we are used to in this so-called western world. I am wondering this split between body and mind that we suffer. That is something that you do not suffer of. It is wonderful how people in the Far East and of course their Spirit is not schizophrenic. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: How do You explain, and how can people come back together with their own either body or mind, because now in this part of the world, there is people who live for their bodies or who live for their minds. Shri Mataji: They are ignorant. That’s why they are in darkness, you see. They think body is very important but I know people who have very good bodies also come to me, saying “Mother, give us peace”, you see, “give us joy”. So nobody seems to be satisfied. So, they are ignorant… Interviewer: (interferes) It’s the other part which is missing. Shri Mataji: Yes. But with this the whole thing gets integrated: your body, mind, your liver, your ego, everything - and the ego just disappears. You become egoless. You don’t think you are doing anything. You think it’s happening, it’s just happening. Interviewer: There is another idea that this sort of a deep research brings you into the state of absolute and maybe this absolute is a monistic idea, you feel by yourself or the whole world is yourself. Now listening to You I get the impression that it is exactly the opposite, that you communicate with everybody so it’s more of a communal approach than something which is lonely. And it is – it is a miracle how by coming into yourself you reach out everybody else. Now I think You would agree with me that it is wrong to think of Orient as something mystic, as something which is cut off the world. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, it’s universal. Now we have 56 nations we are working with this Sahaja Yoga. Specially in Russia surprisingly we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. Interviewer: Very recently? Shri Mataji: Yes, very recently, about three years. Within three years we’ve got thousands and thousands of them. You see, I think in the democratic countries we had too much time to waste. Like you see choices, this, that, all kinds of problems for nothing at all. While they were limited and they had given up all this nonsense. They thought now, whatever is available is available, like, you see there is no solution, So give it up. And that’s how they are very introspective I think. So Russia has – Russia and also Eastern Block people are in thousands, who got realization. Also of course India they know it, so we have in thousands also, I must admit that; but so many countries like Austria, Italy specially is now so fed up with all that’s going on in Italy, that now they have taken to Sahaja Yoga very strongly, and all kinds of people are coming. So it is something that has to happen, was to happen, is already predicted, and it’s taking place. Interviewer: And tell me - we are referring to countries with a very strong tradition in religion, say Italy is a very strong Catholic country, Russia has an orthodox past. How about the very different systems like Africa, or like the United States of America? That, You know, this is the new world in terms of a sharp difference in the way of thinking and approaching the world. How is Your message delivered there? Shri Mataji: You see, actually all these incarnations whether it was Christ, or Rama, Krishna, Mohammed, any one of them... Interviewer: You call them incarnations of… Shri Mataji: All of them were incarnations, you see - they were born on the same tree of life, of spirituality. All of them, like beautiful flowers at different times. But people plucked the flowers, you see, and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. So you see that there is though religion within it’s just outside, you see. We’ll go to church, we can do anything, we can go to a mosque we can do anything, we go to temple, do anything. I mean, there’s nothing inside the religion, but with this the inside religion is awakened, and you become righteous, really you become an angel, I tell you. Interviewer: So tell me, you become an angel, but you still live in this world… Shri Mataji: Live in this world. Interviewer: …and You know there is some things that we have - we are used in referring when we talk about religions. And I am wondering whether we can refer to this way of approaching of truth and viewing the world as we already know and I’m trying to refer to certain fixed ideas. Religions have ethics, and they have codes of living, codes of how you behave, how you make love, what is a sin, what is not a sin. Now what is Your approach on all these things? Shri Mataji: See, My approach is such that by all, see, they have failed completely. Nobody does that. (Interviewer laughs) Really, it’s a fact (Shri Mataji laughs), we should face it. Actually when it is within you, then you become your own master, you yourself know, like, I would say an example: supposing I’m holding a snake and there’s darkness, I can’t see him. Now you tell me it’s a snake. I will not accept, I’ll say “No, no, it’s not a snake, I’m holding a rope, supposing”. But if there is little light I’ll immediately leave it. You don’t have to tell me anything. In the same way then, when you are enlightened you see for yourself. We have seen people overnight giving up – overnight giving up drugs. Overnight. Once they get realization just I don’t have to tell them. They themselves do it because they have their own light, their own power. Interviewer: What is a sinner or a failing person, for Your way of approach? Shri Mataji: You see it is our ego which tells us that this is sin, this is not a sin, this is sin. Interviewer: It is our ego. Shri Mataji: And also conditionings, you see. Both things are there that they say this is a sin. For some Muslim this is a sin, for a Hindu this is a sin. How can there be different types of sin? Sin could be - has to be universal, isn’t it after all, if it is a sin. So when you get your realization, you realize that you are now above everything else and you just don’t do anything wrong, just you don’t do it. You don’t like it, you just don’t do it. Interviewer: But, You see, we have created a world that we have constructed this wrong, I mean, say, you are a Muslim and you have a right in marrying two, four women and in our system this is not accepted. Now, how can you know – how can You know whether this is correct or not? Shri Mataji: Now see, at that time, when Mohammed Sahib was there, you see He was attacked, it was a tribe and tribes were attacked all the time. And all the young people died and I mean, there were very few men left and he didn’t want prostitution. So he thought is best is - now the - let men can marry women who are now without marriages. So he believed in the marriage and he said, “you should marry”. Now there were some young girls also, they couldn’t get husbands he said “Still you should marry”, otherwise they would have become prostitutes. So to get rid of that thing he said “Alright”. It is what we call in Sanskrit “samayachar”: according to the time the incarnations act. For example at this time of mine my work is to give realization, that’s all. My, My only job is to give realization to people, so I have to do that. So this is the time – every – like in a growth of a tree, you see, first there are roots, and then there are shoots and then gradually it grows and it comes to a point when it becomes, say the flowers. So I call it a blossom time, because so many flowers are becoming fruits. So the time has come. Is a time which is ripen for this new age to come in. And without that we cannot solve the problem of our world. Interviewer: I think it is a very pragmatic and very human way [Shri Mataji: “Of course”] of approaching life, and You are right; but let me, let me insist on that. I have, you know, in front of me a Holy Mother with the signs of the way, say, men treat women, you have a very obvious sign that you are married. I’m wondering, does this way of approaching the world affect the relations between men and women? What is the opinion of... Shri Mataji: No, marriage is very important. Interviewer: Marriage is very important. Shri Mataji: For us, you see, marriage is very important. This year we had 86 international marriages. Eighty-six. Interviewer: What do You mean international? Mixed, ok. Shri Mataji: International, between different countries. I mean, one Greek lady was married to a French man, see? Interviewer: I see. Shri Mataji: So – and their children are realized souls, most of them are, very surprising, they are very beautiful children they get. But out of these marriages we – we should say one percent or two percent there’s problem still. But otherwise they are all very successful marriages, beautiful marriages and they enjoy it. That’s a part of life, one has to marry, all this nonsense of not marrying and doing all these things I don’t believe in it, because it’s a natural thing, whatever is natural has to be there. Interviewer: And do You think that, say, the way that people get married in the Jewish tradition is different than the way they married in the Methodist tradition - now would You then accept all these methods that people have, or they are used to, or they are born in? Shri Mataji: Of what? Interviewer: Or how people get married, according to Your lifestyle? Shri Mataji: You see, in our lifestyle, what we do now, supposing somebody wants to marry somebody, it’s alright. If they come and tell me: “Mother, I want to marry somebody” it’s alright, but we see the vibrations and things. And also I mean there should not be too much disparity and all that, but as we say “alright”. But supposing they want that we should select for them, say it is so. Then, what we do, one month they are together in one tour we have. In that we, we see their vibrations, we see their aptitudes, we have forms to say what is your aptitude, would you like to go to another country, what country you like, what’s your height is, what’s your education, and what’s, where have you been before for seeking, and all that - so we get all the complete bio data of that person. And then we suggest that such and such a person will be alright. In one month they see the person, if he/she suits or not – if they don’t they inform, then they can have another choice, whichever way they like. But it is not at random. We little bit guide them because they should also know the background of the person, what sort of a person he is - just you don’t fall in love like that, so again you get into trouble. And I mean, it has worked very well, because it’s such an understanding that they are marrying a person whom they know very well, and also they are marrying a person who will – who has got these angelic qualities, you see, so they do not fail. Interviewer: And when they actually realize that after all this training, and after all this hard time you give them - for their good, for their sake of their happiness, certainly - that they suit each other, how do they get married: according to their own traditions or according to a Hindu tradition? Shri Mataji: No, we have what is a Sahaja Yoga style of marriage. Interviewer: There is a mystery as we call it. Shri Mataji: No, no, no mystery at all, there is no mystery in Sahaja Yoga. We talk about all the centers, take the name of all the centers, and all the deities on the centers, and then we say “Now by these centers you have to be married”; and that’s how they have to promise that they will look after their centers, they’ll look after their life in a way that should be righteous and that’s how they get married. We have open system. There is no mystery in Sahaja Yoga. No mystery. Interviewer: You see it is very, is very tempting the way that You approach the world because it gives you no doubt that there is no… nothing in darkness. Shri Mataji: No, no. Interviewer: Now, let me take another phenomenon which is very old but very modern. We talk about love and people matching with each other. There is two men that want to get, to live together and we call them homosexuals, what is your, the way You approach that? Shri Mataji: I think it’s rather unnatural. Also I have seen people who had this kind of problems, they came to Me, they were possessed. A man was possessed by a woman so he wanted to have a man, you see, but once the possession went away he became very normal. Men are very easy - they take to married life very easily. Women I think if they are homosexuals then it takes some time to get alright, I don’t know. Maybe emotionally they feel disturbed or whatever it is! But men are absolutely alright. Interviewer: How would You describe normal and natural? Shri Mataji: Normal person is that a man wants to marry a woman, is normal. In India we cannot even conceive this, I’ve never known before this kind of have happens, you see. Interviewer: Do You think it hasn’t happened or we don’t know of it? Shri Mataji: No, no, we… Maybe in India they might be doing something. But we had never known anyone like that, when I was in the medical studies also, I never knew that such things. Interviewer: I am sure that now that You come, You go around the world and... Shri Mataji: Now of course after coming to the West then we’ve discovered all this... Interviewer: Of course it doesn’t happen only among men, it happens among women as well. Shri Mataji: Yeah – but I think you see, maybe there may be some reasons, also I met one gentleman who was a guard of the Queen and he became homosexual because his wife was very nasty (interviewer laughs), and she tortured him very much. So… Interviewer: So You think there is always an explanation, something bad happening. Shri Mataji: Yes, so he thought that it’s better to have a man, you see, no problems, no quarrelling. That’s how he became, but when he came to Sahaja Yoga and he got completely transformed he got a nice wife, now he is having children, he is very happy. So I think it is abnormal conditions and problems that people take to this sometimes. There are many reasons for that but it can be corrected if they want to. If they don’t want you cannot force it. You cannot force Self realization on anyone. Interviewer: But you can accept them as people who try and to achieve purity… Shri Mataji: Yes, if they want to… But once they come to Sahaja Yoga they change automatically. Interviewer: Can they remain unchanged on these aspects? Shri Mataji: So far we didn’t have anyone like that. Interviewer: I see. Now tell me about confession. It is, it is something that we are familiar in Christianity. There is someone like, automatically when you hear about a Holy Mother for instance there comes a time that there is some hierarchy. Now how is the hierarchy between mortals in ... Shri Mataji: No, we don’t have anything like that. You see, when they come to Sahaja Yoga mostly the Christians, Catholics and all that, they send Me such thick letters describing what all wrong they have done, this, that - I don’t ever read it, I just burn it off. It’s not important. Interviewer: (laughs) You should return them, see. Shri Mataji: You see, you see, yes, it’s no good. Because you see past is past, finished now. Forget it. Why – it’s over. Interviewer: But how can they not repeat them, if, You know, if they are not aware that this is wrong or there is something that they should pay attention… Shri Mataji: You see, what happens that it’s all a game of the ego and conditioning. The ego goes on telling: “You did this wrong, you did that wrong”, they feel guilty all the time. There’s no need to feel guilty or anything. It just works out, you see, you are human beings. After all only human beings can commit mistakes, you are not gods, what is there to be so much angry with yourself for that? Just you should know that you can become the Spirit which is a pure thing. Like we say that in the pond, you see, when you are in the pond there can be worms and all sorts of things, but when you become the lotus you are fragrant, you are above it, nothing can spoil you. In the same way you get that life, eternal life. So… Interviewer: But it’s true, but who tells you whether you are right or wrong? Shri Mataji: You yourself. Interviewer: But... Shri Mataji: You see, I don’t have to tell you because you feel it yourself that goodness within you, you feel it yourself. Interviewer: You mean that when you are right you feel it … Shri Mataji: You feel it. Interviewer: Even when you are wrong you feel it. Shri Mataji: Not normally, you see, right and wrong is a different concept. It is like this that you feel, when you get this thing you feel within yourself that you know the absolute, because you can use it. Say now, supposing somebody is suffering from a cancer, now you put your hands to that person, ask – now what happens you know the chakras which are catching. Immediately you know the person has cancer. He may not know, doctors may not know, but you know. Then you ask the question about yourself: “What’s… Is it alright?”. You can ask, because you are now one with the absolute truth. So there is no question of anybody telling you about it, you just know. Like people will come and tell Me: ‘Mother, see, this Agnya chakra is catching”. Is the, is the centre of Christ. That means that person is suffering from ego. But we never say “I am suffering from ego” normally. Interviewer: Especially from ego we don’t. Shri Mataji (Laughing): No, no, no-one says that. (Interviewer laughs) So now when, what happens that when you come and tell Me that “my Agnya is catching” means that you have ego, alright, this, it can be corrected... Interviewer: It can be corrected. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Interviewer: Now we are dealing with treating the consciousness and health. Now what is a miracle to You? Shri Mataji: What is a? Interviewer: What is a miracle? Does it mean anything or is just... Shri Mataji: I don’t think it’s a miracle. Interviewer: … one thing among others. I mean, it’s a way to absolute… Shri Mataji: Yes, it is, it is your position in your evolution. You see, like first they say we were chimpanzees. Alright, take this case, chimpanzees. Now, some chimpanzees became some other human beings, other human beings, that all those human beings have no more. Now we are there, so there is a big gap between us and the chimpanzees. Like us who are realized souls and human beings there is a gap. Now how many human beings will become the spiritual beings, you can’t say. They should. According to John it is only 144 thousand, but I think we have already crossed the limit. Interviewer: According to John… Shri Mataji: John the – John, the disciple of Christ. Interviewer: Oh I see, so You quote the apostles, I see. Shri Mataji: The Revelation, yes. Interviewer: I see. Shri Mataji: So. But maybe his counting was wrong, because we have already crossed the limit. I think (Both laugh). Whatever it is, so now when you become the spiritual being then these people are left behind. Now see how we are destroying ourselves otherwise. See this AIDS business... You go to America and you are shocked: people are so nervous, they have schizophrenia, they have this disease, that disease, and all kinds of destructive things - now listening to this horrible music they go deaf, and then they lose their hair, and all kinds of things are happening. But always they take to something destructive. Everything, like a man sees somebody going in the pub and coming out and falling down. Another one goes, pays to fall down. Again, I mean – you see, he can’t see that this is destructive. But after realization you see what is destructive, what is constructive. So a person who is realized starts rising much higher than the person who is not realized. And there is a big gap, I find, there is - but it can be crossed like that, in one month’s time he can change. Interviewer: In one month’s time. Shri Mataji: You see, he becomes an expert. Interviewer: That’s very quick process. Now tell me: in all religions there is different stages, grades as you grow up. Now, is there any education for small children? How do they – how they are introduced in this system of Yoga? Shri Mataji: Who? Interviewer: Young children. Shri Mataji: You see, young children, if they are born realized, they immediately know Me. (Inaudible words) Interviewer: So they can be – they can do that at what age? Shri Mataji: You see, even very little babies. Interviewer: Really! Shri Mataji: They see Me, they start smiling and just talking to Me, it’s very sweet. Interviewer: Alright. Shri Mataji: And on the whole children are very good for realization because they are pure souls, they are innocent. They are the best. I mean, normally you see, we nowadays of course we are getting very much worried about children, because they are getting spoilt, and this and that, but when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they become excellent children. Now we have a school also in India now, on the Himalayas, we have a beautiful school for children and everybody says they are so matured, so wise, so sensible, so respectful. It’s really worth seeing them the way they behave and so on. Because, you see, their Spirit starts manifesting. Interviewer: Now would You describe a certain practice of prayers or anything else that is a must for some of your disciples? Shri Mataji: You see there is – there is no prescribed thing as such but according to your centers. Now if some centre is in jeopardy or there is a problem with any centre then you should know how to cure it and correct it. And there are few things you have to do by which you can correct it. It’s very simple. Interviewer: It is. Shri Mataji: Yes, extremely. Interviewer: Well, I’m sure that there is plenty of time for You to meet with people around the world as You travel non-stop. Now tell me about .... Shri Mataji: But see, but at the most three-four days I am at home, and then I travel. Interviewer: You travel. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: How… Shri Mataji: With India I’m there for about two months with My family. They also come down here sometimes, you know. Interviewer: Now how did this all started? I mean, now You are something of an apostle. I mean, how did it all - what is the inspiration for You to do all this? Are You - do You consider Yourself as the founder of this way of approaching truth? Shri Mataji: That’s what we say, but you see, actually Sahaja Yoga is an ancient system. As I told you it was only for one person they used to use. But what you say if I am the founder of this en masse movement, I am. Interviewer: You are. Shri Mataji: But it is, it is all there already, it was there, all these things were there, only thing if I have worked anything is the permutations and combinations as I said about human beings, why is it that they cannot get en masse realization. Any discovery, whatever it is, if it cannot be used by masses is useless. And I worked it out and it’s done through Me. Interviewer: It is a system that approaches people. Now how do You, tell us, tell us about Your life now. You are really someone who preaches a new message around the world. How is it accepted? Shri Mataji: Very much. Because this is a time, special time, modern times, it’s called as Kali Yuga in India. It’s the worst times, you see. And all kinds of sins will be done, all kinds of things. They describe horrible things for this - but at the same time there will be a category of people who are seekers of truth. And so many of them. It’s already prophesized - William Blake in England, you see, he has written about it that there will be men of God who will be born in those days and they will have the capacity to become divine and make others. He has clearly described it. Interviewer: So him, in another part of the world, with his own education, reached with his means what You reached in other ways. Do You have relationships, or do You meet with people who are leading figures of other religions? Shri Mataji: Rather difficult (laughs). Interviewer: Why? Shri Mataji: Because, you see, they have set ideas. And most of the religions are either power-oriented or money-oriented, they are not Spirit-oriented. Interviewer: I see. Well, that is very serious. Shri Mataji: This is a big problem you know. If they were Spirit-oriented, I would have loved to meet them and talk to them, but they are not. You see, this is a big problem. Interviewer: And would You say, would You consider the people that follow You and live with You as a church, in the…? Shri Mataji: Same thing with the… I was born in a Christian family Myself. Interviewer: I see. Well then, do You think it is as easy for a Christian as for anybody else to reach out and find this way? Shri Mataji: Christians abroad are alright because they seem that they have started now thinking that they have to have something more than the church, you see, church is not sufficient. Like they are now closing down all the churches everywhere, so there’s something has to be found out. But Christians in some places like India are - are not like that, they are not seeking. They think that, that the Christians abroad are saintly people, you see? Also some of them believe that Christ was born in England! Can You believe that? Interviewer: (laughs) Well I am sure that if Christ appears like a British gentleman, because the system we have made out of Him is not Palestinian at all, and you realize that there is a twist anyway.... Shri Mataji: (laughing) It is ignorance, complete ignorance about even Christ is there. But after Sahaja Yoga you realize who he was, what was His greatness. And really I mean you know what important work He has done. Without Him I could not have managed Sahaja Yoga. So all of them are very necessary and He is the last gate we have to open and that’s what He’s done. But how contradictory we are. Like we say that He suffered for our sins, still why should we suffer now anymore? It’s very contradictory that we should suffer for Christ. Why? No father likes you to suffer. Why will he like you to suffer? So this sufferings and all this is not necessary. Interviewer: Can you tell us how this group of people who live in the way You explained to us in Greece what do they do? How do they live? I mean, people would like to know. Shri Mataji: That in Greece? Oh, they are very dynamics, dynamic people. They have doing very well in life, most of them are very much improved in health and in every way, their married life has very improved - of course in one or two cases the, some of the very orthodox people have tried to trouble them. But most of them are very happy, doing very well. Interviewer: Well, you seem to think that we are viewing a very healthy if not wealthy group. Do you address poor people, miserable people, people that are desperate as well? Shri Mataji: You see, poor people are– it’s more on the middle, middle class work is better. Because poor don’t have any money just now, they want to have food, so they don’t think of Spirit so much. But if you once have this spiritual awakening, from the middle group then they go to the poor and they can help, because there is free health services, there is - also these vibrations give you tremendous amount of energy to grow more food; you see, the crops improve, the cattle improves, so that’s how you help your farmers, so that’s how it works out. But the rich are difficult, because as Christ as said… Interviewer: They have, they have it all. They are self-sustained. Shri Mataji: … they think, they think we’re alright. But money has problems, lots of problems, and so they also come. Even politicians come, but I must say that they are rather slow people - bureaucrats, politicians, are rather slow. Interviewer: They are the slow ones. Shri Mataji: Slow. Interviewer: They keep the world not spinning enough. Now, how modern do You think that Your message could be for young people who are, you know, dealing with loud music, and speed, and violence, and new ideas…? Shri Mataji: You see this is meta-modern, I’m talking of meta-modern era [Interviewer. laughing: “Alright”], where people will not have any violence because it’s compassion and love. You’ll feel the love for another person. There’s no question of violence. And in this meta-modern era there will be no racialism, no fanaticism, no fundamentalism, all ”isms” will drop out. Because “isms” are just conditionings and ignorance. Interviewer: “Isms” are schisms. Shri Mataji: Isms - they are isms. Sahaja Yoga is no ism. It is being, it is reality. So you do not have these problems at all. After this we have people from all over the world – I’ve never seen them quarrelling, fighting - of course they pull each other’s leg sometimes, they are very humorous and they enjoy life, just enjoy. We are not bothered as to what their jobs are or things, but they are telling Me that they are getting so many results out of this - here only they told Me the some of the photographers got 1st prizes for their photography, some musicians got very high, high salaries and things like that, you see. So it shows that once you are in balance and in peace, you can achieve much more than when you are disturbed. Interviewer: You see, You come into a country that has the idea of a very homogeneous total population, that all belong to one ethnic group, and they have one race, and have one religion. And this is very useful for us in this country to realize that it is not so, that there is people who think in different way, who approach the same truth and the same life in a very different way. Now, what will be Your message when You will meet them tomorrow apart from all that you have told us about? Shri Mataji: For the people here? Interviewer: Yes. Shri Mataji: You see, actually this is - they have to know their heritage. This is their heritage I am talking about. You see, they cannot learn anything from these Eastern – (She corrects Herself) Western people. You have to teach them, you can, because your heritage is here and you are so traditionally bound people. But somehow it is lost, I don’t know why it is lost. If you can come back to it, and the whole world can learn from you, no doubt about it. So it is so important. And it is such a great discovery. Once you discover what you are, you know how, how glorified you are, how great you are and the whole self-esteem and everything comes within you, and you become very eminent, dignified and a very beautiful person. Interviewer: You see, we've been listening to a wise voice that reminds us of our past, of our traditions, of the traditions of this country, of another country; and reminds us how different we can be in seeking the one and only truth in very many different ways. Good night, thank You. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. [The video ends here].
Interview on a Greek TV with Vagianatos, Athens (Greece), April 27th, 1993 Interviewer: Good evening, it is very strong feeling that so many times we are in another country although we are in this country. Tonight we have the opportunity of really make a long travel. A long travel in wisdom, in distance, in space, in our hearts, in truth. This is all the elements that are concentrated in the presence of a Holy Mother that we have invited here, and we are very grateful that we have You… Shri Mataji: Thank you… Interviewer: … all the way from one of the oldest civilizations. You know, we are very proud that we are members of a very old civilization… Shri Mataji: Good. Interviewer: … And very rarely we realize how other old civilizations shine in other places on the world. So we do welcome You here along with the truth You carry for us. We would like to ask You about this truth, and the way You see in this same world, this other country which is every country which is our heart. Shri Mataji: We have to know one thing, what is the truth is. The truth is actually we are not this body, mind, intellect, emotions, ego, but we are the Spirit. And in our evolutionary process we have reached the stage of human awareness, and beyond this there’s a little breakthrough by which we have to become the Spirit. That’s very simple and can be done very easily for people who are seeking the truth. Interviewer: How would you describe the system of your thought, the system that you approach to our hearts and our minds? Shri Mataji: Yes. You’ll be amazed to know that in Greece people called a bone Sacrum, which is the triangular bone, and that means they knew there was something sacred about that bone. Now this bone has got within itself a residual power which is for our connection to this all-pervading divine power. All the scriptures have talked about all-pervading divine love and everything, but we have never felt it before. It’s a surprising thing that we take all living things for granted, for our heart beats, we don’t know how it beats. Then you see the flowers grow, we don’t know how it grows. But if you understand that there is some power which is doing all this living work then the time has come for us to know it, to feel it, to understand it, and also to use it. Interviewer: How do You think that people have arrived in so many conclusions that they call religions, and what is the connection between this way of approaching ourselves to the truth which is one, and Your old tradition in Your country which I assume is India? Shri Mataji: No, in all the religions and scriptures is written that you have to transform, you have to be born again. Every religion has said that. This is not only that any particular religion has said it. Every religion, even Islam has said you have to be a Wali. Even Christianity has said you are to be born again. I mean there’s no religion which has not said that, but it is not just a certificate. You cannot take just a certificate “I am born again”. It is something that actualizes by which you develop a new state, a new state of your mind, state of your being by which you become the Spirit - and there are powers of the Spirit which you manifest. It’s not just talking and giving sermons and lectures, but it is something that’s an actualization, is a living process. Interviewer: I think we Greeks belong to the what we call the East part of philosophy, of religions. This is a system which is mostly esoteric, this is a very Greek word which is seeking inside. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: I think this is quite relevant and close to the very ancient Indian tradition. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Interviewer: Now how close do You think these, these very old religious systems are, I am talking about the Pagan, our own ancestors [Shri Mataji: “Yes”] before Christianity, even the Jewish or all the other, Hindu, Buddhist and the rest You know. Shri Mataji: Yeah. You see, specially in Greece you had the ancient system of worshipping the Goddess Athena. Now in Sanskrit Atha means the primordial, so to us She is the Primordial Mother, that we call in our language as Adi Shakti, you see, is the Primordial Mother. And She has, you must have seen a snake in Her shield and also in Her hand that is the symbol of this power within you, which lies dormant in your, in your triangular bone called as sacrum. So the Greeks knew about it, no doubt, because otherwise they would not have called Her Athena and She must have been, in our scriptures She is described very well, not only that but Greece is called as Manipur Dwipe, means the navel of the universe. Interviewer: Yes. And certainly it was a surprise for me to see that You come here to preach our own ancient Gods. Shri Mataji: Yes, it’s true. Interviewer: Now, what are You telling us about Athena, is that the serpents, serpents with Greek gods are very familiar creatures… Shri Mataji: Yes, but you see such a snake… Interviewer: … have to do with medicine and others. Now what is the message of Athena coming from You again nowadays? Shri Mataji: Athena is the one that, she is the one who was trying to push Her spear into the fontanel bone of Zeus. Now that’s exactly what Sahaja Yoga is. We think - not we believe, and that we have proved also - that this power which we call as Kundalini, because it is like a serpent going into coils [Interviewer: “Yes”], because it’s an energy that moves like a serpent. You see, more symbolic it is, not the serpent actually. So this is the power which is the reflection of Athena within us and when she rises she goes and hits here and opens out your fontanel bone. That’s actualization of the baptism, as described in Christianity; by that then you are connected with that subtle energy which is all-pervading. For the first time you start feeling that cool breeze in your hand which is described is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the same as Athena, but I think Christians could not connect it with that. She is the same. Interviewer: We see that all these sanctities along history come and repeat themselves and transfigurate themselves according to the tradition of peoples. Shri Mataji: Of course. Interviewer: Now You have referred to Yoga and of course in this part of the world we are more or less familiar. Now for those who are less, I would like You to found what we are talking now in this Yoga and give us some ideas about the wide spectrum of what You would call Yoga. Shri Mataji: You see, Yoga is when you unite, is the union between your Self with the divine is Yoga, That’s the real spiritual yoga. All other yogas, like physical yoga and all that, is a wee part of what one Patanjali wrote. Is a very wee part that to cleanse your body and all that is there. But there is no need now to do all that. First in the modern times what if I have done any work is this: that people used to get self realization, alright, but one Master had only one disciple. Gradually it started in a way that they started talking about it. From the, I think, 12th century it became more open. But it has been there for years together. Now when they started talking about it, they couldn’t give en mass realization. They could only give to one person. So the only thing that I have done is to work out the permutations and combinations of human nature by which I have understood how to give en mass realization. And that’s the only achievement of modern Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is an ancient system in India, also must have been here because the way the sacrum bone is there and she is having all those things. But the practice of that may not have been so open, might have been secretive in those days, when they were giving realization to people. And it’s the ancient times, thousands of years back, so. But in India we have still maintained all those traditions and things, and we still respect and worship the Mother Goddess. Athena we respect. She is called as Adi Shakti, name is different, and she is the Holy Ghost according to us. Now this works out, is in everyone. It’s your own power within you and it works out and it rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area. It does, it actualizes the experience which is described and that’s what one has to feel, otherwise it is just talk, talk, talk, talk. Any religion has become nothing but talk, so you see, people are now fed up. They think what is this promising, claiming, nothing happens to us, we are just the same, our forefathers were such and we are just the same. But now the time has come. It’s a new age as I say to achieve that state, a new state, where you become. Firstly you become thoughtlessly aware, means you live in the present. Thoughts come to you from the past and from the future. You are dancing on the cusp of the thoughts. But when this happens, the thoughts are separated and in between the thoughts, there’s a space which we call as the present, which is reality. Present is the reality because the past is finished and the future doesn’t exist so you live in the present. When you live in the present, you start growing spiritually. And that’s what happens to you first, that you become thoughtlessly aware. The second thing happens to you that you start feeling that cool breeze on your hands. Now it’s medically you know that these are the endings (Mother shows the finger tips) of the sympathetic nervous system. So what happens that when, when you get your realization, you start feeling this cool breeze all along and you start feeling those things on your finger tips. Now supposing if you have a problem in anyone of these centers, there are seven centers, five, six and seven (Mother demonstrates in her hand the five fingers, then six at the base of the palm and seven in the center of the hand). Immediately you feel it on your finger... You don’t have to go to doctor for diagnosis, immediately you know. Now if you know how to cure it, then physically you can be cured, mentally you can be cured, also all our human problems or I should say all the world’s problems are because of human beings. And all our human problems are because of our centers which are within us. So when this power rises, She nourishes them, She integrates them and corrects them so we get physical, mental, emotional problems solved. And then you feel your own peace within yourself. But the second thing that you achieve is a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness. That is where you can feel not only your own centers but also the centers of others. Now, when you grow spiritually then sitting down here you can feel the centers of anyone, sitting down here you can correct the centers of other people, but you have to grow. But in the beginning you start feeling the Joy of your being, because in your heart resides the Spirit. And Spirit is the source of joy. It is the source of absolute truth. So you know also absolute truth. Because on your fingertips you can ask any question say, they might say “was Christ the son of God? Alright? Ask the questions - immediately you start getting tremendous vibrations. Surprisingly Athena is also called as Pallas, Pallas means vibrations, means she gives vibrations, you see. So these vibrations will tell you the absolute truth. Because we live in relative world, that’s why we are fighting. Once we are in the absolute, there is no fight, no problems. Now, this once happens you become collectively conscious, then who is the other? Everybody is within your body. You can feel everyone within yourself so you become a universal personality. This is the character of your Spirit, because Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within you, which is in everyone. But it is just a witness till you are a realized soul. But once you become a realized soul then it starts manifesting.It manifests and you can also raise the Kundalini of others. You can give realization to others. It’s like if you enlighten one candle, that candle can enlighten another candle. So that’s how it spreads. Interviewer: It is very interesting. And while You are talking I am writing down certain things that come in contrast to what we are used to in this so-called western world. I am wondering this split between body and mind that we suffer. That is something that you do not suffer of. It is wonderful how people in the Far East and of course their Spirit is not schizophrenic. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: How do You explain, and how can people come back together with their own either body or mind, because now in this part of the world, there is people who live for their bodies or who live for their minds. Shri Mataji: They are ignorant. That’s why they are in darkness, you see. They think body is very important but I know people who have very good bodies also come to me, saying “Mother, give us peace”, you see, “give us joy”. So nobody seems to be satisfied. So, they are ignorant… Interviewer: (interferes) It’s the other part which is missing. Shri Mataji: Yes. But with this the whole thing gets integrated: your body, mind, your liver, your ego, everything - and the ego just disappears. You become egoless. You don’t think you are doing anything. You think it’s happening, it’s just happening. Interviewer: There is another idea that this sort of a deep research brings you into the state of absolute and maybe this absolute is a monistic idea, you feel by yourself or the whole world is yourself. Now listening to You I get the impression that it is exactly the opposite, that you communicate with everybody so it’s more of a communal approach than something which is lonely. And it is – it is a miracle how by coming into yourself you reach out everybody else. Now I think You would agree with me that it is wrong to think of Orient as something mystic, as something which is cut off the world. Shri Mataji: No, no, no, it’s universal. Now we have 56 nations we are working with this Sahaja Yoga. Specially in Russia surprisingly we have thousands and thousands of Sahaja Yogis. Interviewer: Very recently? Shri Mataji: Yes, very recently, about three years. Within three years we’ve got thousands and thousands of them. You see, I think in the democratic countries we had too much time to waste. Like you see choices, this, that, all kinds of problems for nothing at all. While they were limited and they had given up all this nonsense. They thought now, whatever is available is available, like, you see there is no solution, So give it up. And that’s how they are very introspective I think. So Russia has – Russia and also Eastern Block people are in thousands, who got realization. Also of course India they know it, so we have in thousands also, I must admit that; but so many countries like Austria, Italy specially is now so fed up with all that’s going on in Italy, that now they have taken to Sahaja Yoga very strongly, and all kinds of people are coming. So it is something that has to happen, was to happen, is already predicted, and it’s taking place. Interviewer: And tell me - we are referring to countries with a very strong tradition in religion, say Italy is a very strong Catholic country, Russia has an orthodox past. How about the very different systems like Africa, or like the United States of America? That, You know, this is the new world in terms of a sharp difference in the way of thinking and approaching the world. How is Your message delivered there? Shri Mataji: You see, actually all these incarnations whether it was Christ, or Rama, Krishna, Mohammed, any one of them... Interviewer: You call them incarnations of… Shri Mataji: All of them were incarnations, you see - they were born on the same tree of life, of spirituality. All of them, like beautiful flowers at different times. But people plucked the flowers, you see, and now they are fighting with the dead flowers. So you see that there is though religion within it’s just outside, you see. We’ll go to church, we can do anything, we can go to a mosque we can do anything, we go to temple, do anything. I mean, there’s nothing inside the religion, but with this the inside religion is awakened, and you become righteous, really you become an angel, I tell you. Interviewer: So tell me, you become an angel, but you still live in this world… Shri Mataji: Live in this world. Interviewer: …and You know there is some things that we have - we are used in referring when we talk about religions. And I am wondering whether we can refer to this way of approaching of truth and viewing the world as we already know and I’m trying to refer to certain fixed ideas. Religions have ethics, and they have codes of living, codes of how you behave, how you make love, what is a sin, what is not a sin. Now what is Your approach on all these things? Shri Mataji: See, My approach is such that by all, see, they have failed completely. Nobody does that. (Interviewer laughs) Really, it’s a fact (Shri Mataji laughs), we should face it. Actually when it is within you, then you become your own master, you yourself know, like, I would say an example: supposing I’m holding a snake and there’s darkness, I can’t see him. Now you tell me it’s a snake. I will not accept, I’ll say “No, no, it’s not a snake, I’m holding a rope, supposing”. But if there is little light I’ll immediately leave it. You don’t have to tell me anything. In the same way then, when you are enlightened you see for yourself. We have seen people overnight giving up – overnight giving up drugs. Overnight. Once they get realization just I don’t have to tell them. They themselves do it because they have their own light, their own power. Interviewer: What is a sinner or a failing person, for Your way of approach? Shri Mataji: You see it is our ego which tells us that this is sin, this is not a sin, this is sin. Interviewer: It is our ego. Shri Mataji: And also conditionings, you see. Both things are there that they say this is a sin. For some Muslim this is a sin, for a Hindu this is a sin. How can there be different types of sin? Sin could be - has to be universal, isn’t it after all, if it is a sin. So when you get your realization, you realize that you are now above everything else and you just don’t do anything wrong, just you don’t do it. You don’t like it, you just don’t do it. Interviewer: But, You see, we have created a world that we have constructed this wrong, I mean, say, you are a Muslim and you have a right in marrying two, four women and in our system this is not accepted. Now, how can you know – how can You know whether this is correct or not? Shri Mataji: Now see, at that time, when Mohammed Sahib was there, you see He was attacked, it was a tribe and tribes were attacked all the time. And all the young people died and I mean, there were very few men left and he didn’t want prostitution. So he thought is best is - now the - let men can marry women who are now without marriages. So he believed in the marriage and he said, “you should marry”. Now there were some young girls also, they couldn’t get husbands he said “Still you should marry”, otherwise they would have become prostitutes. So to get rid of that thing he said “Alright”. It is what we call in Sanskrit “samayachar”: according to the time the incarnations act. For example at this time of mine my work is to give realization, that’s all. My, My only job is to give realization to people, so I have to do that. So this is the time – every – like in a growth of a tree, you see, first there are roots, and then there are shoots and then gradually it grows and it comes to a point when it becomes, say the flowers. So I call it a blossom time, because so many flowers are becoming fruits. So the time has come. Is a time which is ripen for this new age to come in. And without that we cannot solve the problem of our world. Interviewer: I think it is a very pragmatic and very human way [Shri Mataji: “Of course”] of approaching life, and You are right; but let me, let me insist on that. I have, you know, in front of me a Holy Mother with the signs of the way, say, men treat women, you have a very obvious sign that you are married. I’m wondering, does this way of approaching the world affect the relations between men and women? What is the opinion of... Shri Mataji: No, marriage is very important. Interviewer: Marriage is very important. Shri Mataji: For us, you see, marriage is very important. This year we had 86 international marriages. Eighty-six. Interviewer: What do You mean international? Mixed, ok. Shri Mataji: International, between different countries. I mean, one Greek lady was married to a French man, see? Interviewer: I see. Shri Mataji: So – and their children are realized souls, most of them are, very surprising, they are very beautiful children they get. But out of these marriages we – we should say one percent or two percent there’s problem still. But otherwise they are all very successful marriages, beautiful marriages and they enjoy it. That’s a part of life, one has to marry, all this nonsense of not marrying and doing all these things I don’t believe in it, because it’s a natural thing, whatever is natural has to be there. Interviewer: And do You think that, say, the way that people get married in the Jewish tradition is different than the way they married in the Methodist tradition - now would You then accept all these methods that people have, or they are used to, or they are born in? Shri Mataji: Of what? Interviewer: Or how people get married, according to Your lifestyle? Shri Mataji: You see, in our lifestyle, what we do now, supposing somebody wants to marry somebody, it’s alright. If they come and tell me: “Mother, I want to marry somebody” it’s alright, but we see the vibrations and things. And also I mean there should not be too much disparity and all that, but as we say “alright”. But supposing they want that we should select for them, say it is so. Then, what we do, one month they are together in one tour we have. In that we, we see their vibrations, we see their aptitudes, we have forms to say what is your aptitude, would you like to go to another country, what country you like, what’s your height is, what’s your education, and what’s, where have you been before for seeking, and all that - so we get all the complete bio data of that person. And then we suggest that such and such a person will be alright. In one month they see the person, if he/she suits or not – if they don’t they inform, then they can have another choice, whichever way they like. But it is not at random. We little bit guide them because they should also know the background of the person, what sort of a person he is - just you don’t fall in love like that, so again you get into trouble. And I mean, it has worked very well, because it’s such an understanding that they are marrying a person whom they know very well, and also they are marrying a person who will – who has got these angelic qualities, you see, so they do not fail. Interviewer: And when they actually realize that after all this training, and after all this hard time you give them - for their good, for their sake of their happiness, certainly - that they suit each other, how do they get married: according to their own traditions or according to a Hindu tradition? Shri Mataji: No, we have what is a Sahaja Yoga style of marriage. Interviewer: There is a mystery as we call it. Shri Mataji: No, no, no mystery at all, there is no mystery in Sahaja Yoga. We talk about all the centers, take the name of all the centers, and all the deities on the centers, and then we say “Now by these centers you have to be married”; and that’s how they have to promise that they will look after their centers, they’ll look after their life in a way that should be righteous and that’s how they get married. We have open system. There is no mystery in Sahaja Yoga. No mystery. Interviewer: You see it is very, is very tempting the way that You approach the world because it gives you no doubt that there is no… nothing in darkness. Shri Mataji: No, no. Interviewer: Now, let me take another phenomenon which is very old but very modern. We talk about love and people matching with each other. There is two men that want to get, to live together and we call them homosexuals, what is your, the way You approach that? Shri Mataji: I think it’s rather unnatural. Also I have seen people who had this kind of problems, they came to Me, they were possessed. A man was possessed by a woman so he wanted to have a man, you see, but once the possession went away he became very normal. Men are very easy - they take to married life very easily. Women I think if they are homosexuals then it takes some time to get alright, I don’t know. Maybe emotionally they feel disturbed or whatever it is! But men are absolutely alright. Interviewer: How would You describe normal and natural? Shri Mataji: Normal person is that a man wants to marry a woman, is normal. In India we cannot even conceive this, I’ve never known before this kind of have happens, you see. Interviewer: Do You think it hasn’t happened or we don’t know of it? Shri Mataji: No, no, we… Maybe in India they might be doing something. But we had never known anyone like that, when I was in the medical studies also, I never knew that such things. Interviewer: I am sure that now that You come, You go around the world and... Shri Mataji: Now of course after coming to the West then we’ve discovered all this... Interviewer: Of course it doesn’t happen only among men, it happens among women as well. Shri Mataji: Yeah – but I think you see, maybe there may be some reasons, also I met one gentleman who was a guard of the Queen and he became homosexual because his wife was very nasty (interviewer laughs), and she tortured him very much. So… Interviewer: So You think there is always an explanation, something bad happening. Shri Mataji: Yes, so he thought that it’s better to have a man, you see, no problems, no quarrelling. That’s how he became, but when he came to Sahaja Yoga and he got completely transformed he got a nice wife, now he is having children, he is very happy. So I think it is abnormal conditions and problems that people take to this sometimes. There are many reasons for that but it can be corrected if they want to. If they don’t want you cannot force it. You cannot force Self realization on anyone. Interviewer: But you can accept them as people who try and to achieve purity… Shri Mataji: Yes, if they want to… But once they come to Sahaja Yoga they change automatically. Interviewer: Can they remain unchanged on these aspects? Shri Mataji: So far we didn’t have anyone like that. Interviewer: I see. Now tell me about confession. It is, it is something that we are familiar in Christianity. There is someone like, automatically when you hear about a Holy Mother for instance there comes a time that there is some hierarchy. Now how is the hierarchy between mortals in ... Shri Mataji: No, we don’t have anything like that. You see, when they come to Sahaja Yoga mostly the Christians, Catholics and all that, they send Me such thick letters describing what all wrong they have done, this, that - I don’t ever read it, I just burn it off. It’s not important. Interviewer: (laughs) You should return them, see. Shri Mataji: You see, you see, yes, it’s no good. Because you see past is past, finished now. Forget it. Why – it’s over. Interviewer: But how can they not repeat them, if, You know, if they are not aware that this is wrong or there is something that they should pay attention… Shri Mataji: You see, what happens that it’s all a game of the ego and conditioning. The ego goes on telling: “You did this wrong, you did that wrong”, they feel guilty all the time. There’s no need to feel guilty or anything. It just works out, you see, you are human beings. After all only human beings can commit mistakes, you are not gods, what is there to be so much angry with yourself for that? Just you should know that you can become the Spirit which is a pure thing. Like we say that in the pond, you see, when you are in the pond there can be worms and all sorts of things, but when you become the lotus you are fragrant, you are above it, nothing can spoil you. In the same way you get that life, eternal life. So… Interviewer: But it’s true, but who tells you whether you are right or wrong? Shri Mataji: You yourself. Interviewer: But... Shri Mataji: You see, I don’t have to tell you because you feel it yourself that goodness within you, you feel it yourself. Interviewer: You mean that when you are right you feel it … Shri Mataji: You feel it. Interviewer: Even when you are wrong you feel it. Shri Mataji: Not normally, you see, right and wrong is a different concept. It is like this that you feel, when you get this thing you feel within yourself that you know the absolute, because you can use it. Say now, supposing somebody is suffering from a cancer, now you put your hands to that person, ask – now what happens you know the chakras which are catching. Immediately you know the person has cancer. He may not know, doctors may not know, but you know. Then you ask the question about yourself: “What’s… Is it alright?”. You can ask, because you are now one with the absolute truth. So there is no question of anybody telling you about it, you just know. Like people will come and tell Me: ‘Mother, see, this Agnya chakra is catching”. Is the, is the centre of Christ. That means that person is suffering from ego. But we never say “I am suffering from ego” normally. Interviewer: Especially from ego we don’t. Shri Mataji (Laughing): No, no, no-one says that. (Interviewer laughs) So now when, what happens that when you come and tell Me that “my Agnya is catching” means that you have ego, alright, this, it can be corrected... Interviewer: It can be corrected. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Interviewer: Now we are dealing with treating the consciousness and health. Now what is a miracle to You? Shri Mataji: What is a? Interviewer: What is a miracle? Does it mean anything or is just... Shri Mataji: I don’t think it’s a miracle. Interviewer: … one thing among others. I mean, it’s a way to absolute… Shri Mataji: Yes, it is, it is your position in your evolution. You see, like first they say we were chimpanzees. Alright, take this case, chimpanzees. Now, some chimpanzees became some other human beings, other human beings, that all those human beings have no more. Now we are there, so there is a big gap between us and the chimpanzees. Like us who are realized souls and human beings there is a gap. Now how many human beings will become the spiritual beings, you can’t say. They should. According to John it is only 144 thousand, but I think we have already crossed the limit. Interviewer: According to John… Shri Mataji: John the – John, the disciple of Christ. Interviewer: Oh I see, so You quote the apostles, I see. Shri Mataji: The Revelation, yes. Interviewer: I see. Shri Mataji: So. But maybe his counting was wrong, because we have already crossed the limit. I think (Both laugh). Whatever it is, so now when you become the spiritual being then these people are left behind. Now see how we are destroying ourselves otherwise. See this AIDS business... You go to America and you are shocked: people are so nervous, they have schizophrenia, they have this disease, that disease, and all kinds of destructive things - now listening to this horrible music they go deaf, and then they lose their hair, and all kinds of things are happening. But always they take to something destructive. Everything, like a man sees somebody going in the pub and coming out and falling down. Another one goes, pays to fall down. Again, I mean – you see, he can’t see that this is destructive. But after realization you see what is destructive, what is constructive. So a person who is realized starts rising much higher than the person who is not realized. And there is a big gap, I find, there is - but it can be crossed like that, in one month’s time he can change. Interviewer: In one month’s time. Shri Mataji: You see, he becomes an expert. Interviewer: That’s very quick process. Now tell me: in all religions there is different stages, grades as you grow up. Now, is there any education for small children? How do they – how they are introduced in this system of Yoga? Shri Mataji: Who? Interviewer: Young children. Shri Mataji: You see, young children, if they are born realized, they immediately know Me. (Inaudible words) Interviewer: So they can be – they can do that at what age? Shri Mataji: You see, even very little babies. Interviewer: Really! Shri Mataji: They see Me, they start smiling and just talking to Me, it’s very sweet. Interviewer: Alright. Shri Mataji: And on the whole children are very good for realization because they are pure souls, they are innocent. They are the best. I mean, normally you see, we nowadays of course we are getting very much worried about children, because they are getting spoilt, and this and that, but when they come to Sahaja Yoga, they become excellent children. Now we have a school also in India now, on the Himalayas, we have a beautiful school for children and everybody says they are so matured, so wise, so sensible, so respectful. It’s really worth seeing them the way they behave and so on. Because, you see, their Spirit starts manifesting. Interviewer: Now would You describe a certain practice of prayers or anything else that is a must for some of your disciples? Shri Mataji: You see there is – there is no prescribed thing as such but according to your centers. Now if some centre is in jeopardy or there is a problem with any centre then you should know how to cure it and correct it. And there are few things you have to do by which you can correct it. It’s very simple. Interviewer: It is. Shri Mataji: Yes, extremely. Interviewer: Well, I’m sure that there is plenty of time for You to meet with people around the world as You travel non-stop. Now tell me about .... Shri Mataji: But see, but at the most three-four days I am at home, and then I travel. Interviewer: You travel. Shri Mataji: Yes. Interviewer: How… Shri Mataji: With India I’m there for about two months with My family. They also come down here sometimes, you know. Interviewer: Now how did this all started? I mean, now You are something of an apostle. I mean, how did it all - what is the inspiration for You to do all this? Are You - do You consider Yourself as the founder of this way of approaching truth? Shri Mataji: That’s what we say, but you see, actually Sahaja Yoga is an ancient system. As I told you it was only for one person they used to use. But what you say if I am the founder of this en masse movement, I am. Interviewer: You are. Shri Mataji: But it is, it is all there already, it was there, all these things were there, only thing if I have worked anything is the permutations and combinations as I said about human beings, why is it that they cannot get en masse realization. Any discovery, whatever it is, if it cannot be used by masses is useless. And I worked it out and it’s done through Me. Interviewer: It is a system that approaches people. Now how do You, tell us, tell us about Your life now. You are really someone who preaches a new message around the world. How is it accepted? Shri Mataji: Very much. Because this is a time, special time, modern times, it’s called as Kali Yuga in India. It’s the worst times, you see. And all kinds of sins will be done, all kinds of things. They describe horrible things for this - but at the same time there will be a category of people who are seekers of truth. And so many of them. It’s already prophesized - William Blake in England, you see, he has written about it that there will be men of God who will be born in those days and they will have the capacity to become divine and make others. He has clearly described it. Interviewer: So him, in another part of the world, with his own education, reached with his means what You reached in other ways. Do You have relationships, or do You meet with people who are leading figures of other religions? Shri Mataji: Rather difficult (laughs). Interviewer: Why? Shri Mataji: Because, you see, they have set ideas. And most of the religions are either power-oriented or money-oriented, they are not Spirit-oriented. Interviewer: I see. Well, that is very serious. Shri Mataji: This is a big problem you know. If they were Spirit-oriented, I would have loved to meet them and talk to them, but they are not. You see, this is a big problem. Interviewer: And would You say, would You consider the people that follow You and live with You as a church, in the…? Shri Mataji: Same thing with the… I was born in a Christian family Myself. Interviewer: I see. Well then, do You think it is as easy for a Christian as for anybody else to reach out and find this way? Shri Mataji: Christians abroad are alright because they seem that they have started now thinking that they have to have something more than the church, you see, church is not sufficient. Like they are now closing down all the churches everywhere, so there’s something has to be found out. But Christians in some places like India are - are not like that, they are not seeking. They think that, that the Christians abroad are saintly people, you see? Also some of them believe that Christ was born in England! Can You believe that? Interviewer: (laughs) Well I am sure that if Christ appears like a British gentleman, because the system we have made out of Him is not Palestinian at all, and you realize that there is a twist anyway.... Shri Mataji: (laughing) It is ignorance, complete ignorance about even Christ is there. But after Sahaja Yoga you realize who he was, what was His greatness. And really I mean you know what important work He has done. Without Him I could not have managed Sahaja Yoga. So all of them are very necessary and He is the last gate we have to open and that’s what He’s done. But how contradictory we are. Like we say that He suffered for our sins, still why should we suffer now anymore? It’s very contradictory that we should suffer for Christ. Why? No father likes you to suffer. Why will he like you to suffer? So this sufferings and all this is not necessary. Interviewer: Can you tell us how this group of people who live in the way You explained to us in Greece what do they do? How do they live? I mean, people would like to know. Shri Mataji: That in Greece? Oh, they are very dynamics, dynamic people. They have doing very well in life, most of them are very much improved in health and in every way, their married life has very improved - of course in one or two cases the, some of the very orthodox people have tried to trouble them. But most of them are very happy, doing very well. Interviewer: Well, you seem to think that we are viewing a very healthy if not wealthy group. Do you address poor people, miserable people, people that are desperate as well? Shri Mataji: You see, poor people are– it’s more on the middle, middle class work is better. Because poor don’t have any money just now, they want to have food, so they don’t think of Spirit so much. But if you once have this spiritual awakening, from the middle group then they go to the poor and they can help, because there is free health services, there is - also these vibrations give you tremendous amount of energy to grow more food; you see, the crops improve, the cattle improves, so that’s how you help your farmers, so that’s how it works out. But the rich are difficult, because as Christ as said… Interviewer: They have, they have it all. They are self-sustained. Shri Mataji: … they think, they think we’re alright. But money has problems, lots of problems, and so they also come. Even politicians come, but I must say that they are rather slow people - bureaucrats, politicians, are rather slow. Interviewer: They are the slow ones. Shri Mataji: Slow. Interviewer: They keep the world not spinning enough. Now, how modern do You think that Your message could be for young people who are, you know, dealing with loud music, and speed, and violence, and new ideas…? Shri Mataji: You see this is meta-modern, I’m talking of meta-modern era [Interviewer. laughing: “Alright”], where people will not have any violence because it’s compassion and love. You’ll feel the love for another person. There’s no question of violence. And in this meta-modern era there will be no racialism, no fanaticism, no fundamentalism, all ”isms” will drop out. Because “isms” are just conditionings and ignorance. Interviewer: “Isms” are schisms. Shri Mataji: Isms - they are isms. Sahaja Yoga is no ism. It is being, it is reality. So you do not have these problems at all. After this we have people from all over the world – I’ve never seen them quarrelling, fighting - of course they pull each other’s leg sometimes, they are very humorous and they enjoy life, just enjoy. We are not bothered as to what their jobs are or things, but they are telling Me that they are getting so many results out of this - here only they told Me the some of the photographers got 1st prizes for their photography, some musicians got very high, high salaries and things like that, you see. So it shows that once you are in balance and in peace, you can achieve much more than when you are disturbed. Interviewer: You see, You come into a country that has the idea of a very homogeneous total population, that all belong to one ethnic group, and they have one race, and have one religion. And this is very useful for us in this country to realize that it is not so, that there is people who think in different way, who approach the same truth and the same life in a very different way. Now, what will be Your message when You will meet them tomorrow apart from all that you have told us about? Shri Mataji: For the people here? Interviewer: Yes. Shri Mataji: You see, actually this is - they have to know their heritage. This is their heritage I am talking about. You see, they cannot learn anything from these Eastern – (She corrects Herself) Western people. You have to teach them, you can, because your heritage is here and you are so traditionally bound people. But somehow it is lost, I don’t know why it is lost. If you can come back to it, and the whole world can learn from you, no doubt about it. So it is so important. And it is such a great discovery. Once you discover what you are, you know how, how glorified you are, how great you are and the whole self-esteem and everything comes within you, and you become very eminent, dignified and a very beautiful person. Interviewer: You see, we've been listening to a wise voice that reminds us of our past, of our traditions, of the traditions of this country, of another country; and reminds us how different we can be in seeking the one and only truth in very many different ways. Good night, thank You. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. [The video ends here].
Unless and until we become the Truth we can never be satisfied in life
Public Program
Public Program, 1993-04-28, Greece [Shri Mataji speaks from min 25:24] I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it and we cannot have ideas about it. It was and it is and it will be, it is eternal. And Truth is Divine Love. There is one truth about you is that you are not this body, mind, intellect, emotions, ego but you are the Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Power of Divine Love which does all living work. We see these beautiful flowers but we don't understand how they have come up. We have a heart which beats, we don't know how it beats by itself. So we take all living work for granted. But unless and until we know the Truth, unless and until we become the Truth we can never be satisfied in life. These modern times there are so many who are seeking the Truth. Those who are seeking will definitely find the Truth but you have to understand that Truth is something innate, your own power will find it. He has already explained to you about what you see here in this picture, about the Kundalini. I've come here to tell you about your own great heritage. You know you are born in this great country of Greece where there have been great philosophers but beyond that there have been Gods and Goddesses. Out of them the one which we called as Athena by who this place is called as Athens, this city is called as Athens, is the greatest Goddess. Somehow you all have lost the heritage that you had but this Athena was the Goddess which was worshipped also in India and today also She is worshipped because we have not lost out heritage yet. The British ruled us for 300 years but we all thought their culture was very superficial and we never took them seriously. Because of our wisdom, we could see that these incarnations that we had are eternal in nature. So "atha" in the Sanskrit language means "primordial" and "Athena" means the Goddess who was primordial, the Mother who was Primordial. We called Her "Adi Shakti" because "Adi" means also the "primordial". Then She went into three forms, you can see on Her head three forms, you can see on Her head three forms, here also in Athena and the first form was there to give us the power of desire and then She created a child out of the Mother Earth, even in India we believe the same and you too have that Child God in this temple of Athena and also in Delphi I saw it. The second form she took to create the universe. She created the whole universe and the earth in a special way was created. And the third form She took to give us evolutionary powers by which we evolved from the amoeba stage to the human stage. This, the middle one that you see here is the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the power of that Goddess which came for our redemption within us. This is the same which came in the form of the mother of Christ - Mary. I have not seen if in your pagan religion your worshipped Her as the Redeemer but She is the one who came as the mother of Christ so according to us mother of Christ was a Goddess but in the bible She is not even mentioned as a holy lady, they just call Her as a "woman" but because of the previous religion and the effect of the pagan religion on people they said: "We must have a Goddess" so they called Madonna, they called her. It is they who called Her Madonna in the whole of Europe which was dominated by a religion called as the "pagan". Now in Sanskrit "pagan" means "prangan" - means "enlightened area". So all this area of Europe was enlightened once upon a time by Athena. There are so many proofs. They knew also about the Kundalini. In the medical science this triangular bone where this Kundalini is there is called as "sacrum". It's a Greek word meaning "sacred". So the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone, there is some sacred power in it. So this was the, we should say, the source of all the spiritual knowledge once upon a time for the whole of Europe but it got lost. But I have to tell you here that this is eternal and can never be lost whatever one may try it has to come back because this is the only knowledge that can give your ascent, your evolutionary breakthrough. So whatever Christ has promised that you have to be born again or that whatever Islam has said that you have to be "wali", all these religions have said the same thing that you have to be yourself. Now, this is not only talk, talk, talk. It has to be the experience of this Divine Force which is surrounding us. The disciples of Christ felt the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is also Athena, it's the Primordial Mother. Somehow Paul never wanted to give any importance of women because he was a hater of women, he didn't want to talk about the Mother. They talk of Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost but who is the Holy Ghost? It's a dove. It is absurd. If there is a father and a son there has to be a mother. Because of that the whole time the motherhood has not been respected but the mother is the power behind every creation. Now, this Kundalini is the reflection of Athena, of Adi Shakti, of the Holy Ghost. She is your individual, your own Mother and She is the one who is anxious to give you your second birth. She has been with you for so many years, for so many past years and She knows everything about you and also She loves you, loves very much and She cares for your benevolence. So like this instrument has to be connected to the mains, you are also to be connected to the mains. As this instrument has no meaning without this connection, we have no meaning without our connection to the Divine Power. So it is a myth if you go on taking the name of God and calling Him and nothing works out because you are not connected. Then people say:"How is it there is God? If there is God then why we are suffering?" Because you are not in His Kingdom, you are in the kingdom of this, you can say, Greek politics or Indian politics or Italian politics, so what do you expect? You have to enter into the Kingdom of God then He looks after you, then you don't have to worry. This is what is the reason why we have to be connected with the Divine, this is the purpose of our life. Whatever we may try we can never be eternally joyous. It's only the blissful state of Divine existence. "Sahaja" means "is born with you". It is spontaneous, it's a living process like you put the seed in the mother earth it sprouts because the mother earth has the capacity to sprout and the seed has the capability to sprout. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to also sacrifice and suffer, Christ has suffered for you already, why should you suffer now? Why should we suffer to meet God? No father would like that. He is the Father of all the fathers. He is the source of compassion and love. So why should you suffer? What is the need for you to suffer? Only thing we have to awaken Christ within you so it works out and you'll be amazed to see that you are glorious, you are great, you are not a person who is under bondage, the bondage of any habits, bondage of any destructive forces. Thus you can achieve so many things because when this Kundalini rises She passed through these six centres, She nourishes them, integrates them and also connects you to that Divine Power. You have seen on the shield of Athena there are snakes and also She has snakes on Her cover that She uses, it is symbolic of the same energy of Kundalini because that also moves like a snake. This is not that it's a snake but the movement of any energy is like that. Also is said that Athena took her spear and tried to piece through the fontanel bone area of Zeus from inside. This is exactly what the Kundalini does to you. She does not have to pierce through because now you are at a stage where you can reach your realization very fast. Thus physically, mentally, emotionally you get completely recovered and cured. Also spiritually you know yourself.When the Kundalini touches this All-Pervading Power which is your right, which is the yoga, you start feeling the Cool Breeze on your fingertips and you start feeling the Cool Breeze all around. This is the first time you feel the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. As a result of that you know about your centres, seven centres on this hand (Shri Mataji shows her left hand) of the emotional side and seven centres on this hand (Shri Mataji shows her right hand) of your physical and mental side. So then you know, self-knowledge you get, you know what's wrong with you. But the first thing that happens to you that when the Kundalini crosses through this centre it sucks in these two pouches here of your conditioning and of your ego and you become thoughtless and you are absolutely aware. These days people are suffering from something called "stress" because too much of thinking their Ego goes up like that, like a balloon and then they think that there is a heavy load on their heads but this is all, is sucked in by Kundalini thus the stress drops down, you're no more in tension. You don't worry because, like a hole, the whole thing passes out - all your worries, all your guilt. Like when you're standing in the water you're afraid of the waves but if you get into a boat you're not afraid. It's a state of mind where you do not get upset but you see the whole thing as a drama. But supposedly you know how to swim then you jump out of the boat and try to save others. So the first supraconsciousness achieved with you is called as "thoughtless awareness" and the second one you achieve when you are established fully in Sahaja yoga which we call as "doubtless awareness". It takes hardly any time for you to do that. For traditional people, it's not at all difficult. It works very fast. So thus you achieve a new state of consciousness and you develop a new consciousness, a new dimension that you can feel others also on your fingertips. So who is the other? You become collectively conscious. Sitting down here you can feel anybody, anybody's vibrations. Also, Athena was called as the "Pallas", means "vibrations" She was said. So there are so many things to prove that Athena was the Primordial Mother and Kundalini awakening also gives you "pallas" so She is the reflection, She is reflected as Kundalini within us. This can happen to everyone. This is your own power but should be a pure desire within you to have it. Today I will try and I'm sure it'll work for all of you but you have full confidence in yourself, you should not feel guilty for anything, past is past and finished, you leave it outside. At present, you are a human being and you want your realization. I again say, don't feel guilty because so many people say youíre a sinner, you've done this wrong, that wrong and try to make you feel guilty. It's only to make money, I tell you, to frighten you. After all you are human beings, you are not God, only human beings can make mistakes, you know. So it's not important. So please forget everything of the past just now. You should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Once this ignorance goes away you'll be amazed to see how great you are. I know you all want to ask some questions, also to Me, but they have suggested that it would be better if you write the questions and send it over later on so I'll write to you back or I'll send them the answers.Just now the best is to have your realization. See there are so many lights here and to put them on you have to just switch on, one switch is sufficient. But if I go on telling you everything about the discovery of this electricity and then how it was brought here in this hall you would be bored to death. Best thing is to have the lights switched. And once you have that light then you'll be surprised that you'll not discuss or argue, you'll enjoy because you'll be the Truth. This will also explain to you why these all religions have gone askew and fighting with each other. All the people who started the religion were great people, they were born on the same tree of spiritual life, they were all incarnations of the Divine, born at different times and they have to give solution according to the time but people, later on, plugged these living flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers. But when you innately know what is Reality then I don't have to tell you:"don't do this, don't do that", you just don't do it. Now should we have realization? It will hardly take ten minutes. There will be no complications, no problem, nothing. Only thing is that you have to have a pure desire. I would request all of you to be seated, there are seats here in front, here, there are seats here also, here also. Please be seated. There, sit there, there are seats here, in front also. Be comfortable. There is one thing - you cannot force Sahaja yoga on anyone, you have to ask for self-realization because I respect your freedom, there cannot be any compulsion. So those who don't want to have should leave the hall but those who want to have should just desire to get their self-realization, that's all. Never say that you wouldn't get it, you must have all the confidence. I assure you, if you desire you'll get it. Just believe Me. Whatever I've told you need not accept it as the Truth, you should not have blind faith in Me, that doesn't help but keep your minds open as scientists, take this as a hypothesis but if it turns truthful, if it is truth then you have to accept it as honest people. One thing - don't doubt yourself, that's all. Another point I must tell you before I give you realization that today's Sahaja yoga is not individualistic, formerly one master used to give realization to only one person but today it is enmass evolution, thousands get realization so it's a collective happening so you have to come to our centres to grow, you have to respect your self-realization otherwise it's like a seed which is sprouted and thrown away. Like the parable of seeds of Christ. Supposing my one nail falls off away from the body, it will never grow. Now we never take any money so we don't have a palace for meditation, we have a very simple place where you all, you could come and pray, where they will tell you each and everything, every modus operandi, what happens, how do we give realization, everything. There is no secret about it. Also everything is free, you cannot pay for love and also you cannot pay for living work. So you have to come to the centres regularly and develop yourself till you yourself can give realization to others. Once you start doing that you start enjoying yourself, enjoying everyone and enjoying life. It hardly takes three, four visits and it happens. It has to be simple, it has to be easy because it is so widely to do. It's all predicted and this is how we are going to solve the problem of the whole world. May God bless you all! Now I would only request you for one thing - is to take out your shoes if possible, just to take the help from the Mother Earth, from this Mother Earth of Greece. Flowers pollen is falling on my sari, it's alright, it's alright, doesn't matter. It's alright. Now, I've to again tell you that please don't feel guilty. Why am I telling you again and again? Because when you feel guilty then this centre catches here on the left side and then you get diseases like angina, then you get diseases like all lethargic organs, you get spondylitis, you get cervical cancer. So again I tell you, don't feel guilty because when the Kundalini is rising if there is an obstruction on this centre it won't rise. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now before we close our eyes I would like someone to show... You will show? Alright. He'll show you how we are going to nourish our own centres on the left centres, please watch. So please put your left hand towards Me like this, it is symbolic, be comfortable, and put both the feet apart from each other. Now just put your left hand very comfortably on your lap if you like, or like this, which is symbolic that you are desirous of your self-realization because this is the power of desire, the first form of Athena. Now the right-hand side is the power of action so we use the right hand for nourishing our centres. So now we put our right hand on our heart where resides the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. Please put your hand inside the coat, left hand towards Me, left hand. In the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you are the Spirit you become your own master because there is light and you can see yourself. So you take your right hand, we work only on the left-hand side, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. This is the centre of your mastery. All of you should do it, please. Nobody should just sit down and don't do it. If you don't want to do it it's better to go out. Alright. Like Socrates was one of them, who was a Primordial Master and they have created this center. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left side. This is the centre of pure knowledge. You'll be surprised how this pure knowledge reaches the brain. You'll know it in the centre when you'll go there, all this knowledge you will know.Now please rise your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, now on your heart. And now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Now place your right hand on your forehead across like this. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone. For example, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands so to say that it's difficult is wrong because it's a myth. So now please take your right hand on the back side of your head, this one is just for your satisfaction because you always feel guilty, is to ask forgiveness from this All-Pervading Power. Now stretch your hand fully, now the last center, place your palm on the top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, now push back your fingers, bend your head and push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times. That's all you have to do. One thing I told you to press back your fingers, that's very important.Now please see that your feet are apart and the left hand is on your left side like this, put your right hand on your heart and here you have to close your eyes, you can take out your spectacles. Please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself, please ask in your heart three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" These questions act like a computer, you know. Now if you are the Spirit, as I told you you become your own master. Now please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you ask the question, in your heart three times, very fundamental: "Mother, am I, my own master?" I've told you that I respect your freedom, I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say six times: "Mother, please give me self-realization" because this centre has six petals. Now as soon as you ask for your pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising, you won't feel anything till it pierces through your fontanel bone area. So now we have to nourish the upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here again with self-confidence you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions but you are Pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart. Here with full confidence, you have to say 12 times:"Mother, I am the Pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and love but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness so whatever mistakes you have done as human being are absolutely dissolved in this ocean of compassion. So please forgive yourself. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your head and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say 16 times, with full confidence please say: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you that you have to forgive everyone. Some say it is difficult but whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have harmed you are alright but you're torturing yourself on their behalf. You don't even have to think about it. Now please raise your hand to your forehead and put down your head. Here you don't have to say how many times but from your heart please say:"Mother, I forgive everyone." Don't think about them, say it from your heart. Now only for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head fully. Here you have to say: "Oh, Divine Power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me." Again, say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, please last important centre. Stretch your palm fully, put down your head please, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now you have to push back your fingers otherwise there is no proper pressure. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times clockwise, slowly saying: "Mother, please give me my self-realization." Bend your head, bend your head. Now please take down your hand and slowly open your eyes. Now please put both the hands like this towards Me and stop thinking, you can, just watch Me. Now bend your head and put your right hand like this and with the left hand see if there is a cool breeze or a hot air coming out of your head, don't keep it on your head, little away, some people get it very much away. Now please put a left hand towards Me but bend your head, bending is important. Now see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot air, with the left hand towards Me and right hand on your head see, bend your head. Now again, once more, put a right hand towards Me and bend your head again. Now raise both your hands upwards, push back your head and ask a question three times, any one of the questions I tell you: "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", one question, ask three times or "Mother, is this the All-Pervading power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot, please, coming out of their hands or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Both the hands like this. See, the whole of Athens. May God bless you! I bow to you, now you've become saints but you have to practice and establish it. Please look after your self-realization. I'll come next year again and if you have any problems you can write. Thank you very much. Some people didn't get it, doesn't matter, they'll also get it. You come to the centre, you all can get it. Thank you very much. May God bless you! Please write your questions also. Thank you!
Public Program, 1993-04-28, Greece [Shri Mataji speaks from min 25:24] I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it and we cannot have ideas about it. It was and it is and it will be, it is eternal. And Truth is Divine Love. There is one truth about you is that you are not this body, mind, intellect, emotions, ego but you are the Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a All-Pervading Power of Divine Love which does all living work. We see these beautiful flowers but we don't understand how they have come up. We have a heart which beats, we don't know how it beats by itself. So we take all living work for granted. But unless and until we know the Truth, unless and until we become the Truth we can never be satisfied in life. These modern times there are so many who are seeking the Truth. Those who are seeking will definitely find the Truth but you have to understand that Truth is something innate, your own power will find it. He has already explained to you about what you see here in this picture, about the Kundalini. I've come here to tell you about your own great heritage. You know you are born in this great country of Greece where there have been great philosophers but beyond that there have been Gods and Goddesses. Out of them the one which we called as Athena by who this place is called as Athens, this city is called as Athens, is the greatest Goddess. Somehow you all have lost the heritage that you had but this Athena was the Goddess which was worshipped also in India and today also She is worshipped because we have not lost out heritage yet. The British ruled us for 300 years but we all thought their culture was very superficial and we never took them seriously. Because of our wisdom, we could see that these incarnations that we had are eternal in nature. So "atha" in the Sanskrit language means "primordial" and "Athena" means the Goddess who was primordial, the Mother who was Primordial. We called Her "Adi Shakti" because "Adi" means also the "primordial". Then She went into three forms, you can see on Her head three forms, you can see on Her head three forms, here also in Athena and the first form was there to give us the power of desire and then She created a child out of the Mother Earth, even in India we believe the same and you too have that Child God in this temple of Athena and also in Delphi I saw it. The second form she took to create the universe. She created the whole universe and the earth in a special way was created. And the third form She took to give us evolutionary powers by which we evolved from the amoeba stage to the human stage. This, the middle one that you see here is the parasympathetic nervous system. This is the power of that Goddess which came for our redemption within us. This is the same which came in the form of the mother of Christ - Mary. I have not seen if in your pagan religion your worshipped Her as the Redeemer but She is the one who came as the mother of Christ so according to us mother of Christ was a Goddess but in the bible She is not even mentioned as a holy lady, they just call Her as a "woman" but because of the previous religion and the effect of the pagan religion on people they said: "We must have a Goddess" so they called Madonna, they called her. It is they who called Her Madonna in the whole of Europe which was dominated by a religion called as the "pagan". Now in Sanskrit "pagan" means "prangan" - means "enlightened area". So all this area of Europe was enlightened once upon a time by Athena. There are so many proofs. They knew also about the Kundalini. In the medical science this triangular bone where this Kundalini is there is called as "sacrum". It's a Greek word meaning "sacred". So the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone, there is some sacred power in it. So this was the, we should say, the source of all the spiritual knowledge once upon a time for the whole of Europe but it got lost. But I have to tell you here that this is eternal and can never be lost whatever one may try it has to come back because this is the only knowledge that can give your ascent, your evolutionary breakthrough. So whatever Christ has promised that you have to be born again or that whatever Islam has said that you have to be "wali", all these religions have said the same thing that you have to be yourself. Now, this is not only talk, talk, talk. It has to be the experience of this Divine Force which is surrounding us. The disciples of Christ felt the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is also Athena, it's the Primordial Mother. Somehow Paul never wanted to give any importance of women because he was a hater of women, he didn't want to talk about the Mother. They talk of Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Ghost but who is the Holy Ghost? It's a dove. It is absurd. If there is a father and a son there has to be a mother. Because of that the whole time the motherhood has not been respected but the mother is the power behind every creation. Now, this Kundalini is the reflection of Athena, of Adi Shakti, of the Holy Ghost. She is your individual, your own Mother and She is the one who is anxious to give you your second birth. She has been with you for so many years, for so many past years and She knows everything about you and also She loves you, loves very much and She cares for your benevolence. So like this instrument has to be connected to the mains, you are also to be connected to the mains. As this instrument has no meaning without this connection, we have no meaning without our connection to the Divine Power. So it is a myth if you go on taking the name of God and calling Him and nothing works out because you are not connected. Then people say:"How is it there is God? If there is God then why we are suffering?" Because you are not in His Kingdom, you are in the kingdom of this, you can say, Greek politics or Indian politics or Italian politics, so what do you expect? You have to enter into the Kingdom of God then He looks after you, then you don't have to worry. This is what is the reason why we have to be connected with the Divine, this is the purpose of our life. Whatever we may try we can never be eternally joyous. It's only the blissful state of Divine existence. "Sahaja" means "is born with you". It is spontaneous, it's a living process like you put the seed in the mother earth it sprouts because the mother earth has the capacity to sprout and the seed has the capability to sprout. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to also sacrifice and suffer, Christ has suffered for you already, why should you suffer now? Why should we suffer to meet God? No father would like that. He is the Father of all the fathers. He is the source of compassion and love. So why should you suffer? What is the need for you to suffer? Only thing we have to awaken Christ within you so it works out and you'll be amazed to see that you are glorious, you are great, you are not a person who is under bondage, the bondage of any habits, bondage of any destructive forces. Thus you can achieve so many things because when this Kundalini rises She passed through these six centres, She nourishes them, integrates them and also connects you to that Divine Power. You have seen on the shield of Athena there are snakes and also She has snakes on Her cover that She uses, it is symbolic of the same energy of Kundalini because that also moves like a snake. This is not that it's a snake but the movement of any energy is like that. Also is said that Athena took her spear and tried to piece through the fontanel bone area of Zeus from inside. This is exactly what the Kundalini does to you. She does not have to pierce through because now you are at a stage where you can reach your realization very fast. Thus physically, mentally, emotionally you get completely recovered and cured. Also spiritually you know yourself.When the Kundalini touches this All-Pervading Power which is your right, which is the yoga, you start feeling the Cool Breeze on your fingertips and you start feeling the Cool Breeze all around. This is the first time you feel the All-Pervading Power of Divine Love. As a result of that you know about your centres, seven centres on this hand (Shri Mataji shows her left hand) of the emotional side and seven centres on this hand (Shri Mataji shows her right hand) of your physical and mental side. So then you know, self-knowledge you get, you know what's wrong with you. But the first thing that happens to you that when the Kundalini crosses through this centre it sucks in these two pouches here of your conditioning and of your ego and you become thoughtless and you are absolutely aware. These days people are suffering from something called "stress" because too much of thinking their Ego goes up like that, like a balloon and then they think that there is a heavy load on their heads but this is all, is sucked in by Kundalini thus the stress drops down, you're no more in tension. You don't worry because, like a hole, the whole thing passes out - all your worries, all your guilt. Like when you're standing in the water you're afraid of the waves but if you get into a boat you're not afraid. It's a state of mind where you do not get upset but you see the whole thing as a drama. But supposedly you know how to swim then you jump out of the boat and try to save others. So the first supraconsciousness achieved with you is called as "thoughtless awareness" and the second one you achieve when you are established fully in Sahaja yoga which we call as "doubtless awareness". It takes hardly any time for you to do that. For traditional people, it's not at all difficult. It works very fast. So thus you achieve a new state of consciousness and you develop a new consciousness, a new dimension that you can feel others also on your fingertips. So who is the other? You become collectively conscious. Sitting down here you can feel anybody, anybody's vibrations. Also, Athena was called as the "Pallas", means "vibrations" She was said. So there are so many things to prove that Athena was the Primordial Mother and Kundalini awakening also gives you "pallas" so She is the reflection, She is reflected as Kundalini within us. This can happen to everyone. This is your own power but should be a pure desire within you to have it. Today I will try and I'm sure it'll work for all of you but you have full confidence in yourself, you should not feel guilty for anything, past is past and finished, you leave it outside. At present, you are a human being and you want your realization. I again say, don't feel guilty because so many people say youíre a sinner, you've done this wrong, that wrong and try to make you feel guilty. It's only to make money, I tell you, to frighten you. After all you are human beings, you are not God, only human beings can make mistakes, you know. So it's not important. So please forget everything of the past just now. You should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Once this ignorance goes away you'll be amazed to see how great you are. I know you all want to ask some questions, also to Me, but they have suggested that it would be better if you write the questions and send it over later on so I'll write to you back or I'll send them the answers.Just now the best is to have your realization. See there are so many lights here and to put them on you have to just switch on, one switch is sufficient. But if I go on telling you everything about the discovery of this electricity and then how it was brought here in this hall you would be bored to death. Best thing is to have the lights switched. And once you have that light then you'll be surprised that you'll not discuss or argue, you'll enjoy because you'll be the Truth. This will also explain to you why these all religions have gone askew and fighting with each other. All the people who started the religion were great people, they were born on the same tree of spiritual life, they were all incarnations of the Divine, born at different times and they have to give solution according to the time but people, later on, plugged these living flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers. But when you innately know what is Reality then I don't have to tell you:"don't do this, don't do that", you just don't do it. Now should we have realization? It will hardly take ten minutes. There will be no complications, no problem, nothing. Only thing is that you have to have a pure desire. I would request all of you to be seated, there are seats here in front, here, there are seats here also, here also. Please be seated. There, sit there, there are seats here, in front also. Be comfortable. There is one thing - you cannot force Sahaja yoga on anyone, you have to ask for self-realization because I respect your freedom, there cannot be any compulsion. So those who don't want to have should leave the hall but those who want to have should just desire to get their self-realization, that's all. Never say that you wouldn't get it, you must have all the confidence. I assure you, if you desire you'll get it. Just believe Me. Whatever I've told you need not accept it as the Truth, you should not have blind faith in Me, that doesn't help but keep your minds open as scientists, take this as a hypothesis but if it turns truthful, if it is truth then you have to accept it as honest people. One thing - don't doubt yourself, that's all. Another point I must tell you before I give you realization that today's Sahaja yoga is not individualistic, formerly one master used to give realization to only one person but today it is enmass evolution, thousands get realization so it's a collective happening so you have to come to our centres to grow, you have to respect your self-realization otherwise it's like a seed which is sprouted and thrown away. Like the parable of seeds of Christ. Supposing my one nail falls off away from the body, it will never grow. Now we never take any money so we don't have a palace for meditation, we have a very simple place where you all, you could come and pray, where they will tell you each and everything, every modus operandi, what happens, how do we give realization, everything. There is no secret about it. Also everything is free, you cannot pay for love and also you cannot pay for living work. So you have to come to the centres regularly and develop yourself till you yourself can give realization to others. Once you start doing that you start enjoying yourself, enjoying everyone and enjoying life. It hardly takes three, four visits and it happens. It has to be simple, it has to be easy because it is so widely to do. It's all predicted and this is how we are going to solve the problem of the whole world. May God bless you all! Now I would only request you for one thing - is to take out your shoes if possible, just to take the help from the Mother Earth, from this Mother Earth of Greece. Flowers pollen is falling on my sari, it's alright, it's alright, doesn't matter. It's alright. Now, I've to again tell you that please don't feel guilty. Why am I telling you again and again? Because when you feel guilty then this centre catches here on the left side and then you get diseases like angina, then you get diseases like all lethargic organs, you get spondylitis, you get cervical cancer. So again I tell you, don't feel guilty because when the Kundalini is rising if there is an obstruction on this centre it won't rise. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now before we close our eyes I would like someone to show... You will show? Alright. He'll show you how we are going to nourish our own centres on the left centres, please watch. So please put your left hand towards Me like this, it is symbolic, be comfortable, and put both the feet apart from each other. Now just put your left hand very comfortably on your lap if you like, or like this, which is symbolic that you are desirous of your self-realization because this is the power of desire, the first form of Athena. Now the right-hand side is the power of action so we use the right hand for nourishing our centres. So now we put our right hand on our heart where resides the Spirit which is the reflection of God Almighty. Please put your hand inside the coat, left hand towards Me, left hand. In the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you are the Spirit you become your own master because there is light and you can see yourself. So you take your right hand, we work only on the left-hand side, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. This is the centre of your mastery. All of you should do it, please. Nobody should just sit down and don't do it. If you don't want to do it it's better to go out. Alright. Like Socrates was one of them, who was a Primordial Master and they have created this center. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left side. This is the centre of pure knowledge. You'll be surprised how this pure knowledge reaches the brain. You'll know it in the centre when you'll go there, all this knowledge you will know.Now please rise your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, now on your heart. And now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Now place your right hand on your forehead across like this. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone. For example, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands so to say that it's difficult is wrong because it's a myth. So now please take your right hand on the back side of your head, this one is just for your satisfaction because you always feel guilty, is to ask forgiveness from this All-Pervading Power. Now stretch your hand fully, now the last center, place your palm on the top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, now push back your fingers, bend your head and push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times. That's all you have to do. One thing I told you to press back your fingers, that's very important.Now please see that your feet are apart and the left hand is on your left side like this, put your right hand on your heart and here you have to close your eyes, you can take out your spectacles. Please don't open your eyes till I tell you. Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself, please ask in your heart three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" These questions act like a computer, you know. Now if you are the Spirit, as I told you you become your own master. Now please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you ask the question, in your heart three times, very fundamental: "Mother, am I, my own master?" I've told you that I respect your freedom, I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say six times: "Mother, please give me self-realization" because this centre has six petals. Now as soon as you ask for your pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising, you won't feel anything till it pierces through your fontanel bone area. So now we have to nourish the upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here again with self-confidence you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you at the very outset that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions but you are Pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart. Here with full confidence, you have to say 12 times:"Mother, I am the Pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and love but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness so whatever mistakes you have done as human being are absolutely dissolved in this ocean of compassion. So please forgive yourself. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your head and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say 16 times, with full confidence please say: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you that you have to forgive everyone. Some say it is difficult but whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have harmed you are alright but you're torturing yourself on their behalf. You don't even have to think about it. Now please raise your hand to your forehead and put down your head. Here you don't have to say how many times but from your heart please say:"Mother, I forgive everyone." Don't think about them, say it from your heart. Now only for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head fully. Here you have to say: "Oh, Divine Power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me." Again, say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, please last important centre. Stretch your palm fully, put down your head please, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now you have to push back your fingers otherwise there is no proper pressure. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times clockwise, slowly saying: "Mother, please give me my self-realization." Bend your head, bend your head. Now please take down your hand and slowly open your eyes. Now please put both the hands like this towards Me and stop thinking, you can, just watch Me. Now bend your head and put your right hand like this and with the left hand see if there is a cool breeze or a hot air coming out of your head, don't keep it on your head, little away, some people get it very much away. Now please put a left hand towards Me but bend your head, bending is important. Now see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot air, with the left hand towards Me and right hand on your head see, bend your head. Now again, once more, put a right hand towards Me and bend your head again. Now raise both your hands upwards, push back your head and ask a question three times, any one of the questions I tell you: "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", one question, ask three times or "Mother, is this the All-Pervading power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Now please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot, please, coming out of their hands or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Both the hands like this. See, the whole of Athens. May God bless you! I bow to you, now you've become saints but you have to practice and establish it. Please look after your self-realization. I'll come next year again and if you have any problems you can write. Thank you very much. Some people didn't get it, doesn't matter, they'll also get it. You come to the centre, you all can get it. Thank you very much. May God bless you! Please write your questions also. Thank you!
Public Program (incomplete)
City Unknown
Public Program
1993-0504 Public Program, Italy I bow to all the seekers of truth. As you know very well that all the religions have talked of one thing that is [that] we should seek the truth. And that we have to be born again. But it is not just a certificate, or a kind of a group we form, saying that we are born again. But it is the actualization. To believe that we have found the truth, that by reading a particular scripture we are the people who are following the truth, is just taking us to darkness of fundamentalism. And that’s why when people tell Me that they are following the religion very strictly, why is it [that] physically, mentally, emotionally they are so sick? But actually, they are not following reality. They have not tried to find out the reality. Thousands of years our forefathers have been doing the same thing. There is no religion which has said [missing portion, poor audio] … But this falsehood has led us into a very big mess that we have started hating each other in the name of religion. And they have become now, all religions, very money oriented. Either they go to the right side, as told to you, or go to the left side and become possessed. The ones who follow any religion, whether Christian, Hindu, Muslim, any religion, are capable of doing any sin. There is no difference between any human being as such. They have to be truth oriented. And there is only one truth one must know [is] that we are the Spirit and that there is an all-pervading Power - the Divine Power which does all the work, all organization of all living things. As long as you have not felt that Divine Power, you have not reached reality. And unless and until that happens, how can we claim that we belong to this religion or that religion? So, this blindness has led people to fundamentalism. And I think this is the biggest problem of the world today. In Sahaja Yoga people get cured, no doubt, because of the internal system working it out, because it is the byproduct of your Self Realization. And once you are established as a self-realized soul then it’s very seldom you get sick. Physically you improve, no doubt. Also, you become a very relaxed personality as if you are away from the waves of turmoil, in a boat. Of course, the doctors shouldn’t have any worry that Sahaja Yoga will displace them. There are very few people who are really wise, so far [as] I have seen, who come to Sahaja Yoga. Especially the very rich always go to the doctors, to the specialists. So, what we are trying to tell you is that this system when it works, it helps the people who cannot afford to go to [a] doctor. Diagnosis is very easy because you can feel on your fingertips what is the problem on the chakras. When you want to treat a tree, if you treat the leaves, it cannot be cured. But if you really can go into the roots, reach the roots, it’s very easy to cure that tree. So, the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots, of [the] roots of human civilization. Another problem we have is of ecological problem, which we have created ourselves. Machineries are for us, and we are not for machineries. But the way we have become so materialistic that we have to have machines to produce many things for us, and all useless things like plastics and nylons. When a person gets his Self-realization, he also becomes very sensible and balanced. In the west there are so many ways by [which] the entrepreneurs are befooling the ordinary people. [missing audio] [sounds like ‘and depending mostly on hand-made things which should be limited’]. But we are crazy and there are certain norms that we try to always follow. Like, first time we went to London, we never used to offer drinks in our house in India, but [in] London they said you have to offer. So, to get six tumblers for every sort of drink, we had to spend in those days 900 pounds [sterling]. In that amount we would have got at least three dozen of silver tumblers – real silver, handmade. But for every type of wine there is a different type of a glass. And if you don’t do that way, you are not elite. So, also these norms are formed by these entrepreneurs to befool us. And they have also killed our individuality. Because, say, today is this fashion in Paris then the whole of Europe must wear the same thing. They all look the same. If they have to wear tight pants, they’ll all wear tight pants. All are the same – just like a military. So, we to also understand that how far to go to balance between machinery and hand-made things. And how many things to own. So that the piles and piles of plastics and nylons and all this horrible stuff is all over. You don’t know what to do with it. Now if the machinery output is reduced, what will happen is that ecological problem will be very much reduced. Say in India we have a very big population no doubt, but ecological problem is very little, no problem. Only [in] the cities, some cities. Because people have, say, one plate of brass - it is sufficient for their life. So, one has to be satisfied souls. But above all, once a person gets realization, he becomes a medium of this Divine Power which starts flowing through him. And that triggers the atmosphere to be cleansed out. We have experimented with trees, and we have found out that if they are given vibrated water then they survive very well despite the acid rain. We have experimented with agriculture and agriculture has improved ten times when you use vibrated water. And we don’t use also the seeds which we have to take from some organization because they are hybrid. We use nonhybrid seeds. Also, from nonhybrid animals we get milk much more, their growth much better. So many things can happen. Everything living can be improved through these vibrations, this Chitanya, this all-pervading Power. We spend all this money, we run about too much, we work so hard. For what? For joy. But if you see, all this is joyless pursuit. Your Spirit is the source of joy. It is the source of absolute truth. And it is the one that makes your attention so beautifully dynamic. And you become holy people, auspicious people. The marriages become auspicious, and the society improves. Now what is the culture we see in the west is that we change our wives and husbands the way we change our dresses. And the children become like orphans. All kinds of struggles and all kinds of fights come out of hatred. But when you start using the Power of Love, you are surprised how powerful you are. So, the Sahaja Yoga is not only for physical nor only for emotional or mental stability but for the stability of the whole world. So, the new race of enlightened people have to come to lead the whole world into enlightenment. So, it is a very easy method. It is very spontaneous because it is a living process. And now we are going to try that for all of you. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, you can always write to us. Like you have here so many lights, and you have to just switch on and you get all the lights spontaneously. But if I have to tell you all the theories behind it and then the discovery of it and all the rest of it, you will be absolutely fed up. So, the best thing is to have your realization. And then we can talk about it. At the very outset I have to request you to take out your shoes because we take help of the Mother Earth. It will hardly take about ten minutes. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. This is suggesting that, symbolically, you want your realization. Because the left side is the power of desire. And the right hand we will have to use for the action. Dr Spiro will show you how to do it. [to Dr Spiro] Facing them you can show… All right. Now, you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Then you have to put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. On the left-hand side; we will be working only on [the] left-hand side. Then you have to put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Now, the upper portion of the abdomen is the centre of your mastery. All the great prophets and masters have created this centre within. Now in the… [audio incomplete]
1993-0504 Public Program, Italy I bow to all the seekers of truth. As you know very well that all the religions have talked of one thing that is [that] we should seek the truth. And that we have to be born again. But it is not just a certificate, or a kind of a group we form, saying that we are born again. But it is the actualization. To believe that we have found the truth, that by reading a particular scripture we are the people who are following the truth, is just taking us to darkness of fundamentalism. And that’s why when people tell Me that they are following the religion very strictly, why is it [that] physically, mentally, emotionally they are so sick? But actually, they are not following reality. They have not tried to find out the reality. Thousands of years our forefathers have been doing the same thing. There is no religion which has said [missing portion, poor audio] … But this falsehood has led us into a very big mess that we have started hating each other in the name of religion. And they have become now, all religions, very money oriented. Either they go to the right side, as told to you, or go to the left side and become possessed. The ones who follow any religion, whether Christian, Hindu, Muslim, any religion, are capable of doing any sin. There is no difference between any human being as such. They have to be truth oriented. And there is only one truth one must know [is] that we are the Spirit and that there is an all-pervading Power - the Divine Power which does all the work, all organization of all living things. As long as you have not felt that Divine Power, you have not reached reality. And unless and until that happens, how can we claim that we belong to this religion or that religion? So, this blindness has led people to fundamentalism. And I think this is the biggest problem of the world today. In Sahaja Yoga people get cured, no doubt, because of the internal system working it out, because it is the byproduct of your Self Realization. And once you are established as a self-realized soul then it’s very seldom you get sick. Physically you improve, no doubt. Also, you become a very relaxed personality as if you are away from the waves of turmoil, in a boat. Of course, the doctors shouldn’t have any worry that Sahaja Yoga will displace them. There are very few people who are really wise, so far [as] I have seen, who come to Sahaja Yoga. Especially the very rich always go to the doctors, to the specialists. So, what we are trying to tell you is that this system when it works, it helps the people who cannot afford to go to [a] doctor. Diagnosis is very easy because you can feel on your fingertips what is the problem on the chakras. When you want to treat a tree, if you treat the leaves, it cannot be cured. But if you really can go into the roots, reach the roots, it’s very easy to cure that tree. So, the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots, of [the] roots of human civilization. Another problem we have is of ecological problem, which we have created ourselves. Machineries are for us, and we are not for machineries. But the way we have become so materialistic that we have to have machines to produce many things for us, and all useless things like plastics and nylons. When a person gets his Self-realization, he also becomes very sensible and balanced. In the west there are so many ways by [which] the entrepreneurs are befooling the ordinary people. [missing audio] [sounds like ‘and depending mostly on hand-made things which should be limited’]. But we are crazy and there are certain norms that we try to always follow. Like, first time we went to London, we never used to offer drinks in our house in India, but [in] London they said you have to offer. So, to get six tumblers for every sort of drink, we had to spend in those days 900 pounds [sterling]. In that amount we would have got at least three dozen of silver tumblers – real silver, handmade. But for every type of wine there is a different type of a glass. And if you don’t do that way, you are not elite. So, also these norms are formed by these entrepreneurs to befool us. And they have also killed our individuality. Because, say, today is this fashion in Paris then the whole of Europe must wear the same thing. They all look the same. If they have to wear tight pants, they’ll all wear tight pants. All are the same – just like a military. So, we to also understand that how far to go to balance between machinery and hand-made things. And how many things to own. So that the piles and piles of plastics and nylons and all this horrible stuff is all over. You don’t know what to do with it. Now if the machinery output is reduced, what will happen is that ecological problem will be very much reduced. Say in India we have a very big population no doubt, but ecological problem is very little, no problem. Only [in] the cities, some cities. Because people have, say, one plate of brass - it is sufficient for their life. So, one has to be satisfied souls. But above all, once a person gets realization, he becomes a medium of this Divine Power which starts flowing through him. And that triggers the atmosphere to be cleansed out. We have experimented with trees, and we have found out that if they are given vibrated water then they survive very well despite the acid rain. We have experimented with agriculture and agriculture has improved ten times when you use vibrated water. And we don’t use also the seeds which we have to take from some organization because they are hybrid. We use nonhybrid seeds. Also, from nonhybrid animals we get milk much more, their growth much better. So many things can happen. Everything living can be improved through these vibrations, this Chitanya, this all-pervading Power. We spend all this money, we run about too much, we work so hard. For what? For joy. But if you see, all this is joyless pursuit. Your Spirit is the source of joy. It is the source of absolute truth. And it is the one that makes your attention so beautifully dynamic. And you become holy people, auspicious people. The marriages become auspicious, and the society improves. Now what is the culture we see in the west is that we change our wives and husbands the way we change our dresses. And the children become like orphans. All kinds of struggles and all kinds of fights come out of hatred. But when you start using the Power of Love, you are surprised how powerful you are. So, the Sahaja Yoga is not only for physical nor only for emotional or mental stability but for the stability of the whole world. So, the new race of enlightened people have to come to lead the whole world into enlightenment. So, it is a very easy method. It is very spontaneous because it is a living process. And now we are going to try that for all of you. Thank you very much. If you have any questions, you can always write to us. Like you have here so many lights, and you have to just switch on and you get all the lights spontaneously. But if I have to tell you all the theories behind it and then the discovery of it and all the rest of it, you will be absolutely fed up. So, the best thing is to have your realization. And then we can talk about it. At the very outset I have to request you to take out your shoes because we take help of the Mother Earth. It will hardly take about ten minutes. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. This is suggesting that, symbolically, you want your realization. Because the left side is the power of desire. And the right hand we will have to use for the action. Dr Spiro will show you how to do it. [to Dr Spiro] Facing them you can show… All right. Now, you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Then you have to put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. On the left-hand side; we will be working only on [the] left-hand side. Then you have to put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Now, the upper portion of the abdomen is the centre of your mastery. All the great prophets and masters have created this centre within. Now in the… [audio incomplete]
Evening Program, eve of Sahasrara puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening Program
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Sahasrara Puja: Achieve The Perfect State
Cabella Ligure
Sahasrara Day Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 9 May 1993. Today we are here to celebrate Sahasrar Day. It was not very difficult for Me to open the Sahasrar because there were so many seekers in this world: because, of course, I had studied also, the permutations and combinations from which you all are, in a way, suffering. Also, the time had come. I felt [that] horrible gurus, who are really devils, are trying to capture all the seekers. I thought it's high time that Sahasrara should be opened out. It was not like Christ’s crucifixion by any chance. In those days one had to do lot of tapasya and that’s what He went through. But in these modern times, what you know is much more important than what you do. It is such a universal awareness now because of maybe, medias, because of communications, because of travelling, that a human mind knows a lot. It knows so much sometimes that its brain cannot even bear it. It is so overloaded with ideas and also the human mind is all the time anxious to grasp, absorb and retain whatever he thinks is knowledge. But he lacks discretion, so all kind of things are accumulated in his brain in the modern times. Specially with the advent of all this media like television, computers. Not a media, but it’s quite a complicated brain again...the man had to know the technique of all these things very much. And this technique, if he understood, he could do many things, many more things than your forefathers could do. Thus, materialism started taking its own development in the minds of people. So the curse of human beings, at that time, was materialism: when I felt that Sahasrara must be opened out. Before that, people were just simple, innocent: they all believed in God, they never doubted, and they didn't even seek the Truth. This materialism created such a competition among human beings, such hypocrisy, that people started finding out that: this is not honest, materialism is not joy-giving, you can't get peace out of materialism. Just it started developing into their awareness that this is not the end of our achievement, this is not what we have to know, this is not what is going to give us joy and peace. Specially after war, this awareness started growing very much among young people. This is also because, now, the human awareness had reached the state of the brain. That's how they started knowing better, absorbing better and retaining better. You take a little child of today, he knows much better than you would have known when you were even 25 years of age; because he’s supposed to know about everything. And thus, there was no movement towards knowing what is the Truth.But, as this awareness grew more and more, lots of seekers were created on this earth. So many people, who never knew they were seekers, suddenly became seekers. It's a atmospheric effect, I should say. And thus, a new category of people were born, became aware, that they have to find out the Truth. So, it was all simultaneously, according to the time, that Sahasrara was to be opened out. And thus, this happened. For us sahaja yogis, of course, Sahasrara is the biggest event. Or we should say - whatever work all the incarnations have done, all the seers and saints and prophets have done, this is the culminating point. They did it for individuals, but to do for masses, that it should go to every nook and corner of this world, is the ultimate end of all spiritual growth all over, in every religion, through every great incarnations and prophets. What They indicated about future, what They talked about, what you are to know yourself, that you have to find yourself, that you have to become a realised-soul, that you should have atmasakshatkar, that you should be a wali. All these indications....Even the Buddhists know that Matreya has to come. Ma-treya. “Ma” is Mother. Three times. Trigunatmika. Even the Greeks had Athena with 3 powers in Her. So, all of them have been predicting about this time. And that time came and that’s how I call it the blossom time and the fruits that are you people. So it is all so much, we can say, in the cosmic cycle of different seasons - [that] this beautiful time has come and, like the wheel of time, has to turn and go further - [that] Sahaja Yoga started. Of course, in a very small way, but has now grown so big all over the world. Here now, there’s another thing that has happened, which is rather remarkable, that so far, people used to meditate alone and maybe one of them might get realisation, but there was no phenomena of en masse realisation, nor of en masse meditation in those days. They all used to disappear into some nook and corner of a quiet place where they would sit down and meditate. But this en masse realisation, en masse meditation, en masse understanding and learning about your being was not even imagined by Me: that it would go to such a limit, to such an extent, with leaps and bounds. This year specially, it has taken a very new dimension, I think, everywhere and all that is negative is being exposed in most of the countries. So this is how, when the Sahasrara opened, the Kundalini started moving towards this Divine Power, getting connected with It and was all the time flowing within you, when the nirvikalpa state came. Now when it is coming through the Sahasrara, one has to know that the Sahasrara has to be clean, so that the flow of Divine Power is going, penetrating, without any obstacle, without getting impure, without getting into any kind of problems. So, to get to that level, to that state, all the sahaja yogi, I am happy to know, are trying to work it out, their own individual meditations also, so that this growth should take place. Thus, you get enlightenment in a full way. But then one must ask why, for what? What’s the purpose? What’s the aim? The aim is: your aim is lost. You don’t seek for aims at all anymore. This pendal was built with such great ability for which we didn't pay anything. Everybody was working here day and night, in the rainy season, and I was quite worried about them. I said, “What's the matter?” they said, “We are enjoying, Mother. We are enjoying!” “What enjoying?” “We’re enjoying the rain.” All right. “We are enjoying the cold.” All right. “Enjoying everything, lifting all these heavy things, everything we are enjoying.” I was quite surprised at them. Nobody had any complaints, but everybody was just on the warpath, building this tent for you. So what happens? Once your Sahasrara is clean, this flow of joy doesn't allow you even to think that you are exerting or you are working. Normally, if you tell somebody that this is to be erected [they say] “Aaaaaah!” Some would faint and some would say, “Ah, this will take at least one year.” Then they'll start giving excuses. “This pole is no good. That is no good. It won't stand that. There’s nothing, there's nothing…” Ultimately, you'll find nothing is done. It will lie like this for years together. “You better get another person. You better buy another one.” Everything is postponed all the time and nothing is done. But here, you don't feel you are doing anything. When you don't feel you are doing anything, how can you say then, “Why?” Because I'm not doing anything, in any way, so I don't ask question “Why?” Do I? And in any case, I'm not doing anything. That is the state where you are working in the Divine Plan. You are doing lot of work, but nobody feels they are doing anything. They all think, we are absolutely just enjoying ourselves, doing nothing. This kind of a state is the blessing of Sahasrara because only in your brain you think all these things; labour-saving devices. I mean, you tell anybody, “You go and telephone to this person.” Immediately, if it is a modern man, he'll say, “He may not be there. God knows. What’s the use? Telephone may not be all right.” “Baba, you see! Why don't you see if the telephone is all right or not?” Before that only he will give this hundred and one explanations that it may not be all right, it maybe something may be wrong and just labour-saving, first. That is one of the tricks of the brain. Then this intelligence cheats you all the time. It gives you rationality for everything. Like a person kills his father and you ask him, “Why did you kill?” “Why not? He was so old. He was suffering and I wanted to have all the property, so I thought better kill him” Like Queen Victoria became very old, so her son was to think that “I'll never become a king if this lady goes on like this!” So, the brain starts giving lots of explanation and cheating – because rationality. It gives rationality and rationality is nothing but ego or your conditioning. Your ego tells you, “No, this is no good,” so you stick on to that point, “This is not good.” Then another can ask you why it is not good. “I think it is not good, so I think.” Or, like some say, “I believe,” but why? But in Sahaja Yoga answer is simple, “Why do you do it?” - “I enjoy it.” What's the next answer? “Why are you worried? I am enjoying it.” Now the people who also say like that, because of their conditionings, “Oh, I am enjoying it.” Somebody will say, “I enjoy my drink.” Somebody can say, “I enjoy my going to the church.” Sometimes I say going – something else, you see, like that. They are enjoying something, which, according to Sahaja Yoga, we too can never enjoy. But that enjoyment is not collective. That is not supported by anyone. For example, somebody says, “I enjoy drinking.” Nobody has erected any temple or any statue of a man who drinks. Have you seen anywhere in the whole world? So, though he may say that, “I enjoy,” it has no sanction from the society. People can say, “I enjoy stealing,” people can say, “I enjoy killing,” but it is very arbitrary, it is very individual and never supported by the society, even by the modern society and there's always reaction to it. But Sahaja Yoga is not like them, when you say, “I enjoy,” you say it because you have no ego and you have no conditionings. It's a different situation because now the Sahasrara is opened out. So, on one side, your ego has gone down, another side, your conditioning is finished. You are no more conditioned. Like you talk to a I started talking about Christ. Immediately he said, “Mother, now please.” I said, “I am talking about Christ, not about Catholicism. Talking of Christ, why are you frightened about?” “Mother, we shouldn't become Catholic again, you know. That's why we are worried about.” Babaa! Christ never started Catholicism. So much so, they have developed a kind of a de-conditioning of their minds, that they start seeing that whatever these people have done so far was wrong and that "Whatever I have done so far was absolutely wrong and I'm not going do it." It's a very common thing. I have seen the people who have worshipped Christ prefer to worship Ganesha and those who have worshipped Ganesha prefer to worship Christ. [They are] just the same, the name is different, but just the same, but they like it: because [to them] Christ means the priest, the confessions, rosaries and also cemeteries. So they don't want to have. These conditionings, itself, start showing their own forms, like devils, and sahaja yogis want to avoid it, or have nothing to do with them. I remember in the beginning, we had about six, seven hippies from England and they had come to Rahuri. We were having a program and there were five, six real hippies. These were hippies [who] became sahaja yogis, real hippies came to the program. I was just sitting like this and suddenly they said, “Ooooh nooooo!” I said, “What has happened?” I started saying; as if some snake has entered or what has happened? They were hippies, but with this de-conditioning of the conditions, they just couldn't bear those same hippies - that they [once] were - coming inside. Because you start seeing clearly, very clearly, that all these conditionings had blinded us completely and misled us into a wilderness. Of course, about ego, in the West people are extremely conscious. There was a leader’s wife. I said, “Why don't you help your husband?” She said, “Mother, I’m worried about my ego.” I said, “Why?” “If I start doing some work, this ego might develop again, so I'm rather worried.” They are so conscious of it, that this ego should not come back. One fellow who came to Me and I was talking to him, then he just ran away. I said, “What happened?” So he said, “No, those people who go close to Mother always develop very bad ego. So I don't want to be there close with Her.” So, is a such … (laughing)... such a mind that sees madness, that sees insanity, that sees immaturity, it sees vulgarity, it sees deceit, hypocrisy, everything so clearly: and in that state, he gets confused and quite upset, wants to run away from everyone. Then we have some sahaja yogis who have such problems, who come to Sahaja Yoga with problems. Then, these people see them with these problems they are still continuing. Now the Sahasrara doesn't want to accept it. “It's terrible. I was like him. No, no, no more. Me, I don't want to be like that.” So, they abhor the person who was just like them; they just can't bear him, they just can't tolerate. Then I would say still you have to grow. You have to grow, your Sahasrara has to be cleansed out at such a speed, at such a level and stage that, like soap cleanses everything, it should cleanse everything else, should not be afraid of anything, should not have any worry about the conditionings of others or ego of others: that is the state now we have to reach. Today is the Sahasrara Day, is the 23rd Sahasrara Day and I shouldn't expect much, I don't want to say anything much about it: but I wish and I hope that all the thousand petals of your Sahasraras will be so cleansed that you will never catch from anybody; you will never be frightened of anybody. You will be masters of all kinds of curatives and also you will be the one who can give solace, peace to others; you will be the one who’ll be organising programs outside, you will the one who will be responsible for Sahaja Yoga. And when that happens, then we can see that these thousand petals of the Sahasrara have opened out. These thousand petals are not yet awakened. They signify the different thousand powers of the Goddess, minimum of minimum. These thousand ones you can open out yourself by introspection, by looking at yourself, making fun of yourself. “Know Thyself” means know yourself with all the defects you have and also the potential you have and all the good points you have. So as far as you are concerned, when you are looking at yourself you should just see to the defects that you have. “Why do I behave like this? Why do I assert so much? What's the problem? Why can't I see myself clearly?” With that transparency of your Sahasrara, you can see your heart, you can see your mind, you can see yourself fully, clearly, what's wrong with you. This transparency can come only if you have really the pure desire, shuddha iccha, to be of that level. Now, there is no competition between A and B. We don't say that, “You got the first prize for coming out of the Sahasrara” (laughing) or we don't say, “You have the second prize.” There's nothing like first, second in Sahaja Yoga, because we are not running the race. There’s no competition between us. Whatever we are doing is for our own satisfaction. Now think of something. There are five people who are running. Now they have to think, out of these five people, who goes first. Here it is the other way round: The five people are meditating; now everyone individually has to see for himself if he satisfies himself or not, nobody else is going to give you a certificate. It is you who has to give certificate to yourself, honestly. It's a very different position. It is you, your Sahasrara and your attention and you have to see, within yourself, “How far have I realised my own powers, my own compassion, my own personality?” You’ll have to test it yourself. It is you are the one who decides. When you are the one who is running, it is you are the one who decides without running, then what is the question of competition? The whole thing disappears into nothing. As I told you the other day, an analogy that, if you are looking at the mirror, then you are the one who is observing, your reflection is the one that is observed and there is the action of seeing, so you are in 3 dimensions. But supposing you become the mirror yourself, the whole process is reversed: You see yourself. You don't have to see because you are seeing it all the time, it's just spontaneous. In the same manner, when it comes to Sahasrara, it is your Sahasrara itself gives you the full idea as to how you are. The diagnosis comes from your own Sahasrara. Your own Sahasrara tells you what centres are catching because all the peethas of these seven centres are in the Sahasrara. As if the Sahasrara is now watching yourself and reporting to you, “See, this is wrong with you. This is wrong with you, this is wrong with you.” So, Sahasrara being the best well-wisher that you have, gives you the right information about yourself, so the best is that you correct yourself. So then, achieve that perfect state: that is what you have to do. But once you have achieved the perfect state, you have achieved your aim, you have no aim left. Like the lights now, till you have to make the lights, you had to work hard, make the lights, put them right, do everything that is necessary. But once it is made and the light comes into it, then the job of the light is to give the light. So the first function is over. Now the second function is to give it back. You reach your aim, your destination. For example, I had to come here. Alright? So I come all the way from My house, come in the car, walking and come and sit down here. Now it’s finished that part, over. Now I don' t have to walk, otherwise I’ll be all the time running. So, all this mad race of this brain stops. For what should it be used now? For enjoying the peace, for enjoying the joy, for enjoying the collectivity. So, the labour or the hard work or you can also say the planning of the future finishes off. Only thing now you have got it, so better enjoy it. It’s like you are coming from outside, you are running, you are very hungry, you want to reach home. Once you reach home, then the food is served to you. Now what's your aim? Nothing, but to enjoy the food for which you were running. But after that also, if you start running, then one should say it is absolute stupidity! But the capacity of enjoyment only comes when your Sahasrara is absolutely open. Otherwise the capacity to enjoy is much less and you become like a person who is running all the time after something which you never achieve. There are many like that. All their lives they’re like mad, you know. They are working morning till evening, everyday, achieving nothing! Next day again get up, again running! All their lives running like this till their foot is in the grave, they are still running. But after getting to Sahaja Yoga, you stop all these activities and leave it to your Sahaja Yoga to work, to your Sahasrara to work it out. And it works out. You don't have to rush. You don't have to be so competent. You don't have to write down everything. You don't have to think of planning everything. Just everything works out and it works out beautifully. The only thing that one has to do is to accept whatever is happening for our good. Even in small, small things. For today's delay in the puja, is the desire of some people who wanted to give you some sort of a … I shouldn't say that, but some secret show was going to be there and they didn't want any light. So they were thinking, “What will happen – the puja will be over by about five, then by six o'clock they’ll eat their food, but the sun would be there till nine o'clock, then how can we show this?” All right, so have it in the night. In every small thing you will see. Some people were coming from India and they had to bring My two boxes from there and they wouldn't allow these boxes, they said it is overweight, overweight. So they didn't know what to do. They thought that they should send them back and later on it can go till Guru puja or somewhere. But they thought that there must be some plan, must be some drama. The plane was late [by] 19 hours, so they thought there must be some drama; and then they were put into some sort of a tourist hotel for that night. Next morning they met two other Indians from, sahaja yogis, from Poona, two boys. That settled it! My luggage, they could put it in their name and that’s how the luggage came in. But they never felt bored: 19 hours. “We had nice time, Mother, together. We were enjoying and talking,” finished! Nobody feels the time is passing out. Otherwise, anybody else would have eaten up all the airport personnel and would have broken all the telephones. Waiting for 19hours, “My God, what is this!!” Would have given it in the newspapers. Everybody … this is the greatest crime! While these were enjoying life nicely. So, we have lost now the sense of aim. We don't have any aims. We just want to enjoy. It’s a very, very big thing that has happened because, as you know, the joy in the Sahasrara is nira-ananda, nira-ananda. Of course, Nira is My name also, but it means pure absolute joy. Nira-ananda. And that nirananda, that joy has no other hues. It’s just pure, pure joy. Without thinking, it just pours into it. After all, every activity is for what, for getting some sort of a pleasure, sensation and also, some people believe, for joy. It’s not. Only after the opening of Sahasrara and the cleansing of it, then you will know what is joy. You can't explain it, how you can spend hours together like this. People don't understand. Like even our mayor was telling Me that, “We can't sit in the church for more than fifteen minutes. And how people are sitting here for so many hours. Fifteen minutes we cannot sit, but how these people are sitting for such a long time. What are they doing there? What is their entertainment? How can they sit for hours together, without saying anything, without dropping even a pin, they are just all the time there. So what have you given them? What is happening to them?” This is very surprising and remarkable that these people, who are not even sahaja yogis, can see clearly that you people are least bothered, you are absolutely enjoying life. Whatever you may be doing is not important, what is important is that, whether you are working in the office or outside, you are full of joy, enjoying everything. This is the most important thing in life, which you can have only through Sahaja Yoga, because your Sahasraras are open, because they are opened out. There is now one more thing I have to tell you, that is very important for all of you to remember: that, while living in this Ocean of Joy, we have to remember that there are many who have not yet jumped into it, so we have to bring them in; and it’s such a pleasure, such a joy to give realisation to someone, extremely joyful. So we need people who would come and say that “We’ll definitely come for this [work].” I mean, they should really come forward and, once they come forward, you'll be amazed how things will work out. There are many, I know, who are going all over, everywhere and spreading Sahaja Yoga. So is very important for all of you to know that you have got the light to be given to others. Come forward. Don't have fear of your ego, conditionings, nothing. Come forward. You have all the strength, you have everything within yourself and you will do everything with such happiness and joy. Everywhere, in every country people are doing that, but some of them are doing, some of them are not doing. All of you are quite capable of doing it, so please come forward and see for yourself what you are capable of. First of all you should have faith in yourself. If you have no faith in yourself, you cannot do anything. Have faith. You should have no fears of any kind. And also to introspect, to see within yourself what's going on. To be very frank, I find My brain absolutely empty. What I talk from this emptiness, I don't know. You will also find your brain absolutely empty, and still with that empty brain, you will be achieving a lot. It’s very remarkable, as you have seen, that from the candle you get cool breeze. How you can get it from the candle, cool breeze? You do get. So, is important to recognise yourself as a Sahaja yogi and to recognise - what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? Without doing for Sahaja Yoga, you cannot enjoy life. That was your aim and that aim you have reached. Now, if you don't...supposing I have to come and sit on this thing and I don't sit on this thing, then what's the use of coming here? I came here to tell you something about Sahasrara and if I don't tell you, then what's the use of My coming here and celebrating Sahasrara Day? In the same way, when you have reached that state now, what you have to do is not to use for your own purpose. You have used it, quite a lot, for your health, wealth, everything. Now what are we doing about Sahaja Yoga? What have we done for Sahaja Yoga? After some time, you will do a lot and you will never know you have done anything for Sahaja Yoga. Very surprising, it happens to so many of you and should happen to all of you. I hope all of you will realise that your Sahasraras are cleaned, completely. You are perfectly alright. You don't have to worry about it and you can really go ahead with spreading of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all.
Sahasrara Day Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 9 May 1993. Today we are here to celebrate Sahasrar Day. It was not very difficult for Me to open the Sahasrar because there were so many seekers in this world: because, of course, I had studied also, the permutations and combinations from which you all are, in a way, suffering. Also, the time had come. I felt [that] horrible gurus, who are really devils, are trying to capture all the seekers. I thought it's high time that Sahasrara should be opened out. It was not like Christ’s crucifixion by any chance. In those days one had to do lot of tapasya and that’s what He went through. But in these modern times, what you know is much more important than what you do. It is such a universal awareness now because of maybe, medias, because of communications, because of travelling, that a human mind knows a lot. It knows so much sometimes that its brain cannot even bear it. It is so overloaded with ideas and also the human mind is all the time anxious to grasp, absorb and retain whatever he thinks is knowledge. But he lacks discretion, so all kind of things are accumulated in his brain in the modern times. Specially with the advent of all this media like television, computers. Not a media, but it’s quite a complicated brain again...the man had to know the technique of all these things very much. And this technique, if he understood, he could do many things, many more things than your forefathers could do. Thus, materialism started taking its own development in the minds of people. So the curse of human beings, at that time, was materialism: when I felt that Sahasrara must be opened out. Before that, people were just simple, innocent: they all believed in God, they never doubted, and they didn't even seek the Truth. This materialism created such a competition among human beings, such hypocrisy, that people started finding out that: this is not honest, materialism is not joy-giving, you can't get peace out of materialism. Just it started developing into their awareness that this is not the end of our achievement, this is not what we have to know, this is not what is going to give us joy and peace. Specially after war, this awareness started growing very much among young people. This is also because, now, the human awareness had reached the state of the brain. That's how they started knowing better, absorbing better and retaining better. You take a little child of today, he knows much better than you would have known when you were even 25 years of age; because he’s supposed to know about everything. And thus, there was no movement towards knowing what is the Truth.But, as this awareness grew more and more, lots of seekers were created on this earth. So many people, who never knew they were seekers, suddenly became seekers. It's a atmospheric effect, I should say. And thus, a new category of people were born, became aware, that they have to find out the Truth. So, it was all simultaneously, according to the time, that Sahasrara was to be opened out. And thus, this happened. For us sahaja yogis, of course, Sahasrara is the biggest event. Or we should say - whatever work all the incarnations have done, all the seers and saints and prophets have done, this is the culminating point. They did it for individuals, but to do for masses, that it should go to every nook and corner of this world, is the ultimate end of all spiritual growth all over, in every religion, through every great incarnations and prophets. What They indicated about future, what They talked about, what you are to know yourself, that you have to find yourself, that you have to become a realised-soul, that you should have atmasakshatkar, that you should be a wali. All these indications....Even the Buddhists know that Matreya has to come. Ma-treya. “Ma” is Mother. Three times. Trigunatmika. Even the Greeks had Athena with 3 powers in Her. So, all of them have been predicting about this time. And that time came and that’s how I call it the blossom time and the fruits that are you people. So it is all so much, we can say, in the cosmic cycle of different seasons - [that] this beautiful time has come and, like the wheel of time, has to turn and go further - [that] Sahaja Yoga started. Of course, in a very small way, but has now grown so big all over the world. Here now, there’s another thing that has happened, which is rather remarkable, that so far, people used to meditate alone and maybe one of them might get realisation, but there was no phenomena of en masse realisation, nor of en masse meditation in those days. They all used to disappear into some nook and corner of a quiet place where they would sit down and meditate. But this en masse realisation, en masse meditation, en masse understanding and learning about your being was not even imagined by Me: that it would go to such a limit, to such an extent, with leaps and bounds. This year specially, it has taken a very new dimension, I think, everywhere and all that is negative is being exposed in most of the countries. So this is how, when the Sahasrara opened, the Kundalini started moving towards this Divine Power, getting connected with It and was all the time flowing within you, when the nirvikalpa state came. Now when it is coming through the Sahasrara, one has to know that the Sahasrara has to be clean, so that the flow of Divine Power is going, penetrating, without any obstacle, without getting impure, without getting into any kind of problems. So, to get to that level, to that state, all the sahaja yogi, I am happy to know, are trying to work it out, their own individual meditations also, so that this growth should take place. Thus, you get enlightenment in a full way. But then one must ask why, for what? What’s the purpose? What’s the aim? The aim is: your aim is lost. You don’t seek for aims at all anymore. This pendal was built with such great ability for which we didn't pay anything. Everybody was working here day and night, in the rainy season, and I was quite worried about them. I said, “What's the matter?” they said, “We are enjoying, Mother. We are enjoying!” “What enjoying?” “We’re enjoying the rain.” All right. “We are enjoying the cold.” All right. “Enjoying everything, lifting all these heavy things, everything we are enjoying.” I was quite surprised at them. Nobody had any complaints, but everybody was just on the warpath, building this tent for you. So what happens? Once your Sahasrara is clean, this flow of joy doesn't allow you even to think that you are exerting or you are working. Normally, if you tell somebody that this is to be erected [they say] “Aaaaaah!” Some would faint and some would say, “Ah, this will take at least one year.” Then they'll start giving excuses. “This pole is no good. That is no good. It won't stand that. There’s nothing, there's nothing…” Ultimately, you'll find nothing is done. It will lie like this for years together. “You better get another person. You better buy another one.” Everything is postponed all the time and nothing is done. But here, you don't feel you are doing anything. When you don't feel you are doing anything, how can you say then, “Why?” Because I'm not doing anything, in any way, so I don't ask question “Why?” Do I? And in any case, I'm not doing anything. That is the state where you are working in the Divine Plan. You are doing lot of work, but nobody feels they are doing anything. They all think, we are absolutely just enjoying ourselves, doing nothing. This kind of a state is the blessing of Sahasrara because only in your brain you think all these things; labour-saving devices. I mean, you tell anybody, “You go and telephone to this person.” Immediately, if it is a modern man, he'll say, “He may not be there. God knows. What’s the use? Telephone may not be all right.” “Baba, you see! Why don't you see if the telephone is all right or not?” Before that only he will give this hundred and one explanations that it may not be all right, it maybe something may be wrong and just labour-saving, first. That is one of the tricks of the brain. Then this intelligence cheats you all the time. It gives you rationality for everything. Like a person kills his father and you ask him, “Why did you kill?” “Why not? He was so old. He was suffering and I wanted to have all the property, so I thought better kill him” Like Queen Victoria became very old, so her son was to think that “I'll never become a king if this lady goes on like this!” So, the brain starts giving lots of explanation and cheating – because rationality. It gives rationality and rationality is nothing but ego or your conditioning. Your ego tells you, “No, this is no good,” so you stick on to that point, “This is not good.” Then another can ask you why it is not good. “I think it is not good, so I think.” Or, like some say, “I believe,” but why? But in Sahaja Yoga answer is simple, “Why do you do it?” - “I enjoy it.” What's the next answer? “Why are you worried? I am enjoying it.” Now the people who also say like that, because of their conditionings, “Oh, I am enjoying it.” Somebody will say, “I enjoy my drink.” Somebody can say, “I enjoy my going to the church.” Sometimes I say going – something else, you see, like that. They are enjoying something, which, according to Sahaja Yoga, we too can never enjoy. But that enjoyment is not collective. That is not supported by anyone. For example, somebody says, “I enjoy drinking.” Nobody has erected any temple or any statue of a man who drinks. Have you seen anywhere in the whole world? So, though he may say that, “I enjoy,” it has no sanction from the society. People can say, “I enjoy stealing,” people can say, “I enjoy killing,” but it is very arbitrary, it is very individual and never supported by the society, even by the modern society and there's always reaction to it. But Sahaja Yoga is not like them, when you say, “I enjoy,” you say it because you have no ego and you have no conditionings. It's a different situation because now the Sahasrara is opened out. So, on one side, your ego has gone down, another side, your conditioning is finished. You are no more conditioned. Like you talk to a I started talking about Christ. Immediately he said, “Mother, now please.” I said, “I am talking about Christ, not about Catholicism. Talking of Christ, why are you frightened about?” “Mother, we shouldn't become Catholic again, you know. That's why we are worried about.” Babaa! Christ never started Catholicism. So much so, they have developed a kind of a de-conditioning of their minds, that they start seeing that whatever these people have done so far was wrong and that "Whatever I have done so far was absolutely wrong and I'm not going do it." It's a very common thing. I have seen the people who have worshipped Christ prefer to worship Ganesha and those who have worshipped Ganesha prefer to worship Christ. [They are] just the same, the name is different, but just the same, but they like it: because [to them] Christ means the priest, the confessions, rosaries and also cemeteries. So they don't want to have. These conditionings, itself, start showing their own forms, like devils, and sahaja yogis want to avoid it, or have nothing to do with them. I remember in the beginning, we had about six, seven hippies from England and they had come to Rahuri. We were having a program and there were five, six real hippies. These were hippies [who] became sahaja yogis, real hippies came to the program. I was just sitting like this and suddenly they said, “Ooooh nooooo!” I said, “What has happened?” I started saying; as if some snake has entered or what has happened? They were hippies, but with this de-conditioning of the conditions, they just couldn't bear those same hippies - that they [once] were - coming inside. Because you start seeing clearly, very clearly, that all these conditionings had blinded us completely and misled us into a wilderness. Of course, about ego, in the West people are extremely conscious. There was a leader’s wife. I said, “Why don't you help your husband?” She said, “Mother, I’m worried about my ego.” I said, “Why?” “If I start doing some work, this ego might develop again, so I'm rather worried.” They are so conscious of it, that this ego should not come back. One fellow who came to Me and I was talking to him, then he just ran away. I said, “What happened?” So he said, “No, those people who go close to Mother always develop very bad ego. So I don't want to be there close with Her.” So, is a such … (laughing)... such a mind that sees madness, that sees insanity, that sees immaturity, it sees vulgarity, it sees deceit, hypocrisy, everything so clearly: and in that state, he gets confused and quite upset, wants to run away from everyone. Then we have some sahaja yogis who have such problems, who come to Sahaja Yoga with problems. Then, these people see them with these problems they are still continuing. Now the Sahasrara doesn't want to accept it. “It's terrible. I was like him. No, no, no more. Me, I don't want to be like that.” So, they abhor the person who was just like them; they just can't bear him, they just can't tolerate. Then I would say still you have to grow. You have to grow, your Sahasrara has to be cleansed out at such a speed, at such a level and stage that, like soap cleanses everything, it should cleanse everything else, should not be afraid of anything, should not have any worry about the conditionings of others or ego of others: that is the state now we have to reach. Today is the Sahasrara Day, is the 23rd Sahasrara Day and I shouldn't expect much, I don't want to say anything much about it: but I wish and I hope that all the thousand petals of your Sahasraras will be so cleansed that you will never catch from anybody; you will never be frightened of anybody. You will be masters of all kinds of curatives and also you will be the one who can give solace, peace to others; you will be the one who’ll be organising programs outside, you will the one who will be responsible for Sahaja Yoga. And when that happens, then we can see that these thousand petals of the Sahasrara have opened out. These thousand petals are not yet awakened. They signify the different thousand powers of the Goddess, minimum of minimum. These thousand ones you can open out yourself by introspection, by looking at yourself, making fun of yourself. “Know Thyself” means know yourself with all the defects you have and also the potential you have and all the good points you have. So as far as you are concerned, when you are looking at yourself you should just see to the defects that you have. “Why do I behave like this? Why do I assert so much? What's the problem? Why can't I see myself clearly?” With that transparency of your Sahasrara, you can see your heart, you can see your mind, you can see yourself fully, clearly, what's wrong with you. This transparency can come only if you have really the pure desire, shuddha iccha, to be of that level. Now, there is no competition between A and B. We don't say that, “You got the first prize for coming out of the Sahasrara” (laughing) or we don't say, “You have the second prize.” There's nothing like first, second in Sahaja Yoga, because we are not running the race. There’s no competition between us. Whatever we are doing is for our own satisfaction. Now think of something. There are five people who are running. Now they have to think, out of these five people, who goes first. Here it is the other way round: The five people are meditating; now everyone individually has to see for himself if he satisfies himself or not, nobody else is going to give you a certificate. It is you who has to give certificate to yourself, honestly. It's a very different position. It is you, your Sahasrara and your attention and you have to see, within yourself, “How far have I realised my own powers, my own compassion, my own personality?” You’ll have to test it yourself. It is you are the one who decides. When you are the one who is running, it is you are the one who decides without running, then what is the question of competition? The whole thing disappears into nothing. As I told you the other day, an analogy that, if you are looking at the mirror, then you are the one who is observing, your reflection is the one that is observed and there is the action of seeing, so you are in 3 dimensions. But supposing you become the mirror yourself, the whole process is reversed: You see yourself. You don't have to see because you are seeing it all the time, it's just spontaneous. In the same manner, when it comes to Sahasrara, it is your Sahasrara itself gives you the full idea as to how you are. The diagnosis comes from your own Sahasrara. Your own Sahasrara tells you what centres are catching because all the peethas of these seven centres are in the Sahasrara. As if the Sahasrara is now watching yourself and reporting to you, “See, this is wrong with you. This is wrong with you, this is wrong with you.” So, Sahasrara being the best well-wisher that you have, gives you the right information about yourself, so the best is that you correct yourself. So then, achieve that perfect state: that is what you have to do. But once you have achieved the perfect state, you have achieved your aim, you have no aim left. Like the lights now, till you have to make the lights, you had to work hard, make the lights, put them right, do everything that is necessary. But once it is made and the light comes into it, then the job of the light is to give the light. So the first function is over. Now the second function is to give it back. You reach your aim, your destination. For example, I had to come here. Alright? So I come all the way from My house, come in the car, walking and come and sit down here. Now it’s finished that part, over. Now I don' t have to walk, otherwise I’ll be all the time running. So, all this mad race of this brain stops. For what should it be used now? For enjoying the peace, for enjoying the joy, for enjoying the collectivity. So, the labour or the hard work or you can also say the planning of the future finishes off. Only thing now you have got it, so better enjoy it. It’s like you are coming from outside, you are running, you are very hungry, you want to reach home. Once you reach home, then the food is served to you. Now what's your aim? Nothing, but to enjoy the food for which you were running. But after that also, if you start running, then one should say it is absolute stupidity! But the capacity of enjoyment only comes when your Sahasrara is absolutely open. Otherwise the capacity to enjoy is much less and you become like a person who is running all the time after something which you never achieve. There are many like that. All their lives they’re like mad, you know. They are working morning till evening, everyday, achieving nothing! Next day again get up, again running! All their lives running like this till their foot is in the grave, they are still running. But after getting to Sahaja Yoga, you stop all these activities and leave it to your Sahaja Yoga to work, to your Sahasrara to work it out. And it works out. You don't have to rush. You don't have to be so competent. You don't have to write down everything. You don't have to think of planning everything. Just everything works out and it works out beautifully. The only thing that one has to do is to accept whatever is happening for our good. Even in small, small things. For today's delay in the puja, is the desire of some people who wanted to give you some sort of a … I shouldn't say that, but some secret show was going to be there and they didn't want any light. So they were thinking, “What will happen – the puja will be over by about five, then by six o'clock they’ll eat their food, but the sun would be there till nine o'clock, then how can we show this?” All right, so have it in the night. In every small thing you will see. Some people were coming from India and they had to bring My two boxes from there and they wouldn't allow these boxes, they said it is overweight, overweight. So they didn't know what to do. They thought that they should send them back and later on it can go till Guru puja or somewhere. But they thought that there must be some plan, must be some drama. The plane was late [by] 19 hours, so they thought there must be some drama; and then they were put into some sort of a tourist hotel for that night. Next morning they met two other Indians from, sahaja yogis, from Poona, two boys. That settled it! My luggage, they could put it in their name and that’s how the luggage came in. But they never felt bored: 19 hours. “We had nice time, Mother, together. We were enjoying and talking,” finished! Nobody feels the time is passing out. Otherwise, anybody else would have eaten up all the airport personnel and would have broken all the telephones. Waiting for 19hours, “My God, what is this!!” Would have given it in the newspapers. Everybody … this is the greatest crime! While these were enjoying life nicely. So, we have lost now the sense of aim. We don't have any aims. We just want to enjoy. It’s a very, very big thing that has happened because, as you know, the joy in the Sahasrara is nira-ananda, nira-ananda. Of course, Nira is My name also, but it means pure absolute joy. Nira-ananda. And that nirananda, that joy has no other hues. It’s just pure, pure joy. Without thinking, it just pours into it. After all, every activity is for what, for getting some sort of a pleasure, sensation and also, some people believe, for joy. It’s not. Only after the opening of Sahasrara and the cleansing of it, then you will know what is joy. You can't explain it, how you can spend hours together like this. People don't understand. Like even our mayor was telling Me that, “We can't sit in the church for more than fifteen minutes. And how people are sitting here for so many hours. Fifteen minutes we cannot sit, but how these people are sitting for such a long time. What are they doing there? What is their entertainment? How can they sit for hours together, without saying anything, without dropping even a pin, they are just all the time there. So what have you given them? What is happening to them?” This is very surprising and remarkable that these people, who are not even sahaja yogis, can see clearly that you people are least bothered, you are absolutely enjoying life. Whatever you may be doing is not important, what is important is that, whether you are working in the office or outside, you are full of joy, enjoying everything. This is the most important thing in life, which you can have only through Sahaja Yoga, because your Sahasraras are open, because they are opened out. There is now one more thing I have to tell you, that is very important for all of you to remember: that, while living in this Ocean of Joy, we have to remember that there are many who have not yet jumped into it, so we have to bring them in; and it’s such a pleasure, such a joy to give realisation to someone, extremely joyful. So we need people who would come and say that “We’ll definitely come for this [work].” I mean, they should really come forward and, once they come forward, you'll be amazed how things will work out. There are many, I know, who are going all over, everywhere and spreading Sahaja Yoga. So is very important for all of you to know that you have got the light to be given to others. Come forward. Don't have fear of your ego, conditionings, nothing. Come forward. You have all the strength, you have everything within yourself and you will do everything with such happiness and joy. Everywhere, in every country people are doing that, but some of them are doing, some of them are not doing. All of you are quite capable of doing it, so please come forward and see for yourself what you are capable of. First of all you should have faith in yourself. If you have no faith in yourself, you cannot do anything. Have faith. You should have no fears of any kind. And also to introspect, to see within yourself what's going on. To be very frank, I find My brain absolutely empty. What I talk from this emptiness, I don't know. You will also find your brain absolutely empty, and still with that empty brain, you will be achieving a lot. It’s very remarkable, as you have seen, that from the candle you get cool breeze. How you can get it from the candle, cool breeze? You do get. So, is important to recognise yourself as a Sahaja yogi and to recognise - what have you done for Sahaja Yoga? Without doing for Sahaja Yoga, you cannot enjoy life. That was your aim and that aim you have reached. Now, if you don't...supposing I have to come and sit on this thing and I don't sit on this thing, then what's the use of coming here? I came here to tell you something about Sahasrara and if I don't tell you, then what's the use of My coming here and celebrating Sahasrara Day? In the same way, when you have reached that state now, what you have to do is not to use for your own purpose. You have used it, quite a lot, for your health, wealth, everything. Now what are we doing about Sahaja Yoga? What have we done for Sahaja Yoga? After some time, you will do a lot and you will never know you have done anything for Sahaja Yoga. Very surprising, it happens to so many of you and should happen to all of you. I hope all of you will realise that your Sahasraras are cleaned, completely. You are perfectly alright. You don't have to worry about it and you can really go ahead with spreading of Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all.
Shri Fatima Puja: Women are responsible for the society
Shri Fatima Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 18 May 1993. 00:03:00(It’s all right. I hope you can hear Me all the way, can you? Come forward a little bit, perhaps.) 00:04:10Today is a very joyous that all of us are here in Turkey, to celebrate the Puja of Fatima’s. As you know about Her that She was the daughter of Mohammed Sahib and was married to Ali, and She had two children, Hassan and Hussein, who were ultimately killed in Karbala by the fanatics, who were that time called themselves Sunnis. All this happened because there were fanaticism, and the fanaticism that makes person thinks always that they are on the right and they have every right to be angry, to persuade, to convince another party, another person. And these fanaticisms grew since long – it’s not a new thing. It is so obvious now that our main problem in this world is of fanaticism. Fatima lost Her two children, and She was the embodiment of Gruha Lakshmi. She resides in our Left Nabhi. So for all the diseases that are connected with the spleen, all the problems that are connected with your Left Nabhi can be only corrected by Fatima. So you have to keep Fatima awakened within yourself. That we are here in the Islamic culture, we can say this is place of Islamic culture; and in the Islamic culture a housewife was given a very, very important place. At the time of Mohammed Sahib there were struggles and fights and wars going on between different tribes. As a result many, many young men were killed. Only quite old people survived, and also so many women. This is the reason why Mohammed said that “You can marry four wives, five wives; but you cannot allow them to remain unmarried or they will have extramarital relationships. That will be the greatest fall for Islam, for that religion.” So He understood that unless and until women are kept absolutely chaste, absolutely pure, there cannot be the Kingdom of God. In Sanskrit there’s a saying, “Yatra narya pujyante, tatra ramante devata”: meaning “Where the women are respected, are worshipped and they are worshipful” – not that they are to be worshipped, but they are respectable – “there only exists the Kingdom of God.” So, so much responsibility is on women. So from Fatima’s life we have to know that She did not go out of Her house and She remained a housewife, and She made Her two children grow up in such a manner that they had to fight the war against fanaticism. Her husband also was there. This is how a woman of a housewife is shown to be so powerful that though she’s in the house, though she’s – looks to be just a mother, but how powerful she is! But these days a new type of ideas have come up. Men also have been very nasty and very aggressive with women. As a result we find there’s a big opposition to men, and a kind of a big rift has been created between men and women. Also the men, the way they started becoming licentious, perverted, going to bad women, the good women also thought, “Why not we also become like that?” and they also started doing wrong things which they should not have done. That’s how the whole society crumbled down. Now, the men are responsible for the politics and the economics and also the nation as administrators, but women are responsible for the society. Whether she’s in the house or she’s outside, whether she’s working in the house or outside, she is responsible for the maintenance of the society. And there it looks as sometimes to a woman that she’s dominated, that her husband dominates her, that the husband’s family dominates her, but it’s the quality of a woman that brings up the level of the society – not only the level, but also in the family she is then respected. It’s a very important role as a housewife; perhaps we never realize it. Now we see so many lights here, electricity is there running. But what is the source of this electricity? Is it not much more important than these lights? So men are nothing but, we can say, the kinetic energy, but what is the potential is the woman of the house. But these days it’s becoming a very funny situation. I was surprised when I went to Italy also that how women have made themself cheap. And they want to look attractive to every man. What is the need? It’s a joyless pursuit into which men are going, and women are making themselves absolutely cheap. This cheapness of women is not going to give them any strength or joy. I know one feels very unhappy the way men treat them, but you must have your own personality, you must have your own understanding that you are a woman, you are shakti, and nobody can suppress the shakti. But if you do not keep to your own personality or to your chastity, then you cannot achieve your goal in life. And your goal in life is to give power to your son, to your husband, to all the society the woman gives power. I’m also a woman, as you know, and I also have a family. With all the powers that I have, I never showed them that I have those powers. I always listened to My husband, obeyed him though sometimes he was very unreasonable also. And he also came from a society which was more Islamic-oriented. But that was just a joke for Me, because I thought, “He’s just like a child and I have to be very patient with him.” He always says that because of My powers he earned everything in life. Always, in the presence of everyone he says so. I don’t know that part, but definitely I feel very satisfied with My own married life. I never think the way other people think that we must try to dominate the husband, we must fight him, we must have a right to do this. Our right is within ourselves, within our powers. Also the men must realize that they have to respect women. I mean, not to such an extent that she tells you to do something wrong, and you just get lost with this – that’s not the way. That’s slavishness. Men have to be men. It in no way means the women are dominated by men – I don’t treat it that way; because if you have your own powers, ultimately whatever may be the husband, he’ll have to come and understand what you are. He’ll have to know what you are. I have seen it many-a-times in My own lifetime that it has done that way. I would never say anything. Supposing he gets angry, I would keep quiet. All right. After all he has to fight outside and he has to take out temper on Me – that he couldn’t do: if he does this to others they will beat him, so it’s better he takes out temper on Me. And I never, never felt that way that he’s dominating Me. Only thing I thought, he’s taking out his temper. But I’ve seen that whenever I said something to him, he thought about it. In his lifetime I’ve taken eleven decisions; and all these decisions he still remembers one by one and knows that it was very, very important. Other things I never tell him what to do. Whatever was most important is the principle. Now, he also realized that I have a very important mission. So he gave Me money, he gave Me time, gave Me all freedom. But first I had to establish Myself as a very sensible, devoted wife. The men as a whole are very different type, you must understand. They are extroverts, and whatever the women care too much for, they could not do. It’s all right; because women and men are complementary. Like Ali was there outside working everything out, while Fatimabai in the house, home, who never went out, but he knew his source of energy from where it was coming. Because women were never respected as shakti, they started getting drifted into this Western modern ideas that “we have to fight men, they are problematic, they are troubling us and we should take revenge.” That’s how society cannot work out. Responsibility of the women is much greater than that of men. Men have to just go to offices, work it out something, come back. Women have to lifelong generate the energy for the growth of the children, the protection of the husband, for all the sensible things that she has to do. That’s why in India we say, “A woman is to be absolutely respected, and she has to be respectable.” Moreover it is not only in India, I’ve seen it all over that women are always respected if they are housewives. For example, I go with My husband to some function. I’m respected as much as he is respected. For example, his deputy won’t be respected as I am respected, his secretary won’t be respected – no one. I, as his wife, is respected the same way because I’m his wife. Nobody looks down upon Me because I’m somebody’s wife. Is all over it is like this. I’ll give you a case of a lady I knew. She used to think she’s a very smart person, you know, always looked after her body and just to be thin and all that, and she wanted to attract all the men and all kinds of things she would do. She would wear, you see, jeans and, you know, quite old lady. And her husband was a big man, he was a chief cabinet secretary, very senior to us. So one day we were all invited for a dinner. So she was not there. So many asked them, so many people, “Where is your wife, where is your wife?” He said, “I don’t know where she is. She was to come here.” I was also thinking where is she, where is she gone, because there was a seat for her, a special seat. So before sitting for the dinner I went for, I went into the bathroom. And there the poor thing was sitting on one corner. I said, “Why are you sitting here?” So she said, “They made me sit here. I don’t know what to do.” So I brought her out. I said, “Why did you make her sit there?” And she was thinking she’s very smart, she’s done her hair nicely, she’s looking like an actress. “Oh, is she the wife?” I said, “Yes.” “Oh, my God! We thought she’s the secretary. How could she be? She has no dignity of her own, the way she was dressed stupidly. How can we believe that she’s the wife? She has no dignity as a wife of a Indian gentleman so highly placed.” And poor thing was sitting there for half-an-hour, smoking. They couldn’t believe it. Then they asked Me, “Are You sure she’s his wife?” I said, “Yes, I’m sure.” I mean, she came to the table, nobody got up for her. And they still thought, all the rest, she’s the secretary who has come. Then we had to tell them “that’s his wife.” She was thinking she’s a smart young lady, you know; at that old age behaving stupidly. So even in the West a woman is respected if she’s a good housewife. Anywhere, she is respected. I was surprised also that I knew somebody very highly placed, a minister in the cabinet of England, and he was supposed to be little wayward and nobody would take notice of him. Nobody would. “Don’t look at him!” I was not so good at the scandals that they had in the all diplomatic circles, but I said that “Why don’t you talk to this man?” “No, not worth it.” I said, “Why?” They said, “He’s horrible. He is not a good man.” “Yes, but why? What has he done?” They said, “He’s a flirt, and he is looking at other women and he’s doing all kinds of things,” and they told stories about him. My God! Such a big man like a minister – why is he behaving like this? Like a stupid donkey, he is going about … Nobody would shake hands with him. Even men would not look at him. Now, of course, a new society is forming of all these stupid people. That’s different. But one Sahaja yogi who will visit these places will be amazed how stupid they are. They can make it out. All of them catch on their left Nabhi, whether they are women or men. But it’s more dangerous for men if they have a wife like that. Now, the left Nabhi if it catches, what happens? What diseases you get? The first and foremost is blood cancer. With the left Nabhi you can get blood cancer. Women think they can dominate their husband, they can do this to their husband, they can put them right, but they don’t know they are causing a serious disease like blood cancer. I know of somebody who was suffering from blood cancer, but we cured him and then we discovered his left Nabhi was still bad. Again and again he was getting relapse. Then we found out it was his wife. She was such a dangerous woman for him. And he wouldn’t leave her, wouldn’t leave her. So I told him, “I will not treat you again if you live with that woman. Better throw her out or you send her somewhere else, yes. But if you are going to live with this woman, I’m not going to treat you.” He also called her and I told her on her face that “You’re a very dominating, horrible shrew woman, and if you try to torture your husband, he cannot be cured.” But she went on. And then, the end result was horrible, horrible, horrible. He developed a big spleen like that, all of it was taken out, and doctors told that “within six months you’ll be finished.” So on both the cases, I would say, the wife tried to dominate the husband, and husband getting attached to that wife still. It’s recent case I’m telling you. Now, we are husband and wife because we love each other, we are complementary: woman is a woman, man is a man. Men should not expect women to be like you –very fast; and women should not expect men to be like you – very, I should say, noble. They are qualities of a woman and the qualities of a man. But the greatest power of a woman is her chastity. If her chastity is disturbed, then she is a dangerous person, very dangerous. She can not only harm her husband, but also her children, her society. We come from a culture which is very akin to Islamic culture also. Indian culture is like that. In the Indian culture women respect their chastity more than anything in this world. They can give up everything, but not their chastity. And once .... There’s a story I must tell you, very interesting, about a very beautiful woman called Padmini. She was the wife of a king. And there was a horrible Muslim king who wanted to see this woman, because he heard she was very beautiful. See, this is, was a funny thing. And she came, and he came to that kingdom and he said, “I must look at this lady, otherwise I’ll destroy the whole kingdom.” Now people said, “This he can’t do, she’s our queen. She can’t, he can’t see our queen like that.” She just thought, “All right. He need not see me, but he might see my reflection.” So she stood before a mirror and he saw her reflection. Then he became even more mad and he said, “I must have this woman. If you don’t give her to me, then I’ll destroy all of you.” Imagine a king doing all this nonsense for a woman – shows what a useless fellow he was. So he brought all his army, everything, and settled down near the fort where these people were, and sent a message that “if you don’t send this lady to me, then I’m going to attack.” They were not prepared, didn’t know what to do, so they said that “Let us go and fight him. We cannot allow our queen to be given to them. This is a question of our prestige.” They took a hundred palanquin. Do you understand palanquin? They took a hundred palanquin. Now in those hundred palanquins there were four warriors sitting with these arms and their machines, and there were two who were carrying them. And they said, “All right. The queen is coming with her hundred maids.” The Muslims that time were, the Muslim king was having his drinks and things, very happy that the queen is going to come. So these people went there and came out of their palanquins and started fighting. They had told these women that “In case we win, by five o’clock in the morning we’ll lit a fire and you will see the fire, then you’ll know that we have won the case. But if we do not win, then you should know for definite that we have not won the battle.” They were only, say, four hundred people or six hundred people, and thousands were with this man and he had guns and cannons and everything. So they started fighting. In that fight that Muslim king won because he had so much of power, and most of these people died. Even the king was killed. There was no fire lit at five o’clock, so these women saw there’s no fire lit. So they made a huge big platform, a pyre, they climbed down to the pyre and lit the fire, and they all died. Three thousand women died, because they didn’t want other men to touch them. Any other man coming and touching them means their chastity is finished. There are many, many stories of this kind in India. So, how they respected their chastity! It’s easy, you see, to fall to some sort of a, another temptation, but if this is your power, why you should submit yourself to something which is so useless? In Sahaja Yoga we have to realize. Men also must know that if their wives are so chaste and so good, they must respect them. They should also realize that they have also rakhi sisters, which is that we are very chaste. We respect the chastity of a rakhi sister and we do not want to in any way to comply with anyone who does not respect the chastity. Then the men also become chaste. When the women are chaste men also become chaste. And this chastity is your main power, is, this chastity is the one is the power of Shri Ganesha. And when you get this Shri Ganesha’s power, you know how powerful you become with the innocence that is awakened within you. So without the chastity the women cannot achieve anything in Sahaja Yoga. One has to give up all the past ideas, all the past things, and also the way there is bombardment from the newspapers, from the media, from everything. Recently I read a beautiful book, so big as that, has come out that “Media Versus America”. In that they have said that how this media has put ideas into the heads of women and men, decrying the utility of married life – how they have killed the married life. They marry, then divorce; they marry, then divorce. The same thing goes on all the time. In Sahaja Yoga, of course, it’s not that bad. We had eighty-six weddings this time. Eighty-six – out of which one was about to fizzle out; that also is established. In Sahaja Yoga it’s much better. People understand the importance of married life. It’s a drama, but also it is tapas: it is a tapasya with which you understand your own powers. I would say a man is like the sun, but a woman is like the Mother Earth. The difference is like this: that the sun shines, gives light, it gives also nourishment to the Mother Earth in a way; and the Mother Earth gives everything, she bears so much of things, she bears all our sins. So a housewife is like the Mother Earth. She gives joy to everyone, to her husband, to her children. She doesn’t think about herself. She doesn’t think, how I could achieve great things through my beauty maybe, through my body, through my education, through my powers that I’ve got – no, she doesn’t. What she thinks: how I can make others powerful, how I can give them power, how I can help them. This is the typical ideology of a woman. If it is not so, then she’s not a woman. I mean, she feels – if somebody says, “I want to come to your house for dinner,” she feels very happy. “Oh, that’s very good. Now then, what should I cook? What should I do?” This is a woman’s attitude. Once we had a group of people, about twenty-five of them had come to see Me. I was sitting with them in an open space, and then I sent word to My daughter that they are here and it might be late, so better prepare dinner for them. After the thing I said, “There dinner is for you extra.” They said, “How?” I said, “All right.” She was so overjoyed, My daughter. She had prepared all kinds of things; her friends also came to help her. And they were surprised, all these foreigners, that “How, Mother, she’s so happy about it? If I tell my wife” – that’s the beginning of Sahaja Yoga – “that even three persons are coming for dinner, she’d go round and round and round ...” I said, “Why?” “ … and she’d grudge and grumble, and she’d show all her temper with the people.” I was quite surprised. See, in Sahaja Yoga that’s how we live. We want to give love, and men have to appreciate that love and enjoy that love; whether you are a brother or a husband or a son, any way, the woman’s love is for you. And she gives you that love that makes you absolutely, not only joyous, but also religious. Because it’s a relative thing. If a woman starts misbehaving, that’s the worst for the society: men also start misbehaving. Men, as it is, are extroverts. So to control them, to put them as householders, the women must know how to keep them. It’s not easy to run a house, it’s not easy to run your family, it’s not easy to look after your children – very difficult. And those who have those qualities are the best women and they really achieve it. I mean, you can think of your mothers, how much they loved you, all the men and the women. Why? Why do you think of your mother so much? Because she sacrificed everything, but without showing that she was sacrificing. She did so much for you, so you could be a woman. Woman’s potential to love is tremendous, tremendous! And this is what we have to learn from Fatima. She gave Her two children to be killed. She knew, because She was after all Vishnumaya; She was the incarnation of Vishnumaya. She knew Her children will be killed, but still She sent Her children, “All right. Doesn’t matter. Even if I know that they are going to die, it’s all right.” Such bravery, such courage, such understanding of the duty of Her children. Today we remember them as Hassan and Hussein. Supposing She had said, “No, no, no, no, don’t go for the war. Stay at home.” And if She had forced them not to go, then they would not have gone. We would not have talked about them today, isn’t it? In any case, they would have been dead some time, but the death of a hero they got because of their mother. Of course, they were also a kind of incarnations, but the way She gave them absolutely complete encouragement, “Go and fight for the right thing,” because these fundamentalists were trying to bring their fanaticism. So today is a day I have to tell men also that you must learn to respect a woman who is chaste. Please understand, if your wife is a chaste woman, then you have no right in no way to trouble her. Not that she should be respectable – she should – but you should see that everyone respects her, nobody insults her, should stand by her, be identified with her. But if she’s not a chaste woman and if she is that kind, better keep out. I do not have that much courage to say that “All right. Go ahead with her and I’ll look after.” It’s very difficult. I don’t know what complications might come. With all these experiences one learns one thing for definite, that woman is much more inward, she has much more powers, she is much more wiser than other people are, if she keeps to her chastity. That’s the point on which all her movement rotates, all her personality rotates. She may be anything. We had women – like there was a lady who was only seventeen years of age, and she became a widow. Widow she became at the age of seventeen, and she fought a very horrible king called as Aurangzeb, and she saw to it that he got paralyzed; and her name was Tarabai. We have women in India of different, different, say, characters in a way, quite in different, different ways, but they were first and foremost they’re housewives. All their powers were there as housewives. So do not look down upon the housewife. When I’m traveling in the plane, they ask Me, “Mother, what is your profession?” “Housewife.” My profession is housewife. I’m a housewife of a very, very big family. I’m looking after My children, I’m loving them, they love Me, and this profession is the best, I think, because it is so joy-giving, it’s so beautiful. It’s love. It’s so energy-giving. And at this age also I never feel My age, because I am the Mother of so many of you. And it never comes to My head that I’m old now and I must do so-and-so, I must take rest and I must not do this work again. Because this feeling of love for My children: I have to nourish them, I have to look after them, because all My powers I have to give them. I never try to show off My powers to you in any way. It’s only you who should imbibe all My powers. That’s the only desire I have, that you should be as powerful as Myself. Of course you discover it that I have powers, that’s different; but as far as I am concerned I want that you should forget as to what powers I have, but you should yourself have all these powers within yourself, so that you can save the world. That’s the only thing I want to give you. And I want to assure you that you all can have everything that I have; only thing if you can retain – simple thing in life – that we have to be righteous people. We cannot play about, we cannot misbehave. Nowadays so many things are coming up, things that men are doing and women are doing; we are not doing. In the evolutionary process, as we may say that there were some monkeys, chimpanzees that became human beings. But no – in between there were some other human beings that came in, which vanished. So, very few people will become Sahaja yogis, who will be saved. All the rest will be not there: they’ll be neither monkeys nor human beings, finished. These are all self-destroying things which kills the family, which kills the chastity within us, and then we are left high and dry. We are nowhere. We have diseases, we have troubles, we have problems. So be careful, very, very careful. And this special Puja for Fatimabai is Puja to Vishnumaya. Also the guilt that works on the left Vishuddhi can be cured if you develop your chastity. You’ll never feel guilty, because that’s such a virtue you have. In that virtue you will never, never feel guilty, and you can stand up to any nonsense because you are standing on the truth of chastity. Today it’s special day, I would say, when we are worshipping this great ideal of chastity that is Fatimabai. May God bless you. Right, so now we have very few children … How many children we have? Come along, come along, come along. Let’s sing the Ganesha Stuthi. 00:45:27All right, you can sing the Ganesha Stuthi. Let’s say the Ganesha’s mantra, and then we’ll sing the Ganesha Stuthi, and after that we’ll have the hundred-and-eight names … 01:46:22This stone, feroza, comes from Eilat, and Fatima used to wear quartz, no doubt about it. This one is called as a quartz; it’s called as feroza. And full of it, it’s there in Eilat, so many. She used to wear this feroza, it’s absolutely correct. 01:47:22Also this, for your information, this … also come from Eilat, also from the same place that She was. So just see the coincidence – exactly, at this time, to come from Eilat. May God bless that … and may there be peace. 01:55:20There’s another suggestion that everybody cannot go to India, so people can’t get married, you see. So we’re thinking of also organizing marriages, when – during Diwali Puja. But you won’t have such a wide choice, that’s the point is. Doesn’t matter. Those who want to get married should send Me forms filled in, and send it to Guido. And another thing is that we can’t have it in the same elaborate way as we have it in India. We try, but still you know it’s very difficult: it’s a different country. So we’re trying to find out things that can be worked out. In any case we’ll organize the marriages, because you don’t want another type, just a simple type, you want to have Indian style. So I’ll go to India before Diwali, try to organize things for you. May God bless you. 01:58:01Thanks very much for everything. I’m sorry I couldn’t get presents for all of you this time.
Shri Fatima Puja. Istanbul (Turkey), 18 May 1993. 00:03:00(It’s all right. I hope you can hear Me all the way, can you? Come forward a little bit, perhaps.) 00:04:10Today is a very joyous that all of us are here in Turkey, to celebrate the Puja of Fatima’s. As you know about Her that She was the daughter of Mohammed Sahib and was married to Ali, and She had two children, Hassan and Hussein, who were ultimately killed in Karbala by the fanatics, who were that time called themselves Sunnis. All this happened because there were fanaticism, and the fanaticism that makes person thinks always that they are on the right and they have every right to be angry, to persuade, to convince another party, another person. And these fanaticisms grew since long – it’s not a new thing. It is so obvious now that our main problem in this world is of fanaticism. Fatima lost Her two children, and She was the embodiment of Gruha Lakshmi. She resides in our Left Nabhi. So for all the diseases that are connected with the spleen, all the problems that are connected with your Left Nabhi can be only corrected by Fatima. So you have to keep Fatima awakened within yourself. That we are here in the Islamic culture, we can say this is place of Islamic culture; and in the Islamic culture a housewife was given a very, very important place. At the time of Mohammed Sahib there were struggles and fights and wars going on between different tribes. As a result many, many young men were killed. Only quite old people survived, and also so many women. This is the reason why Mohammed said that “You can marry four wives, five wives; but you cannot allow them to remain unmarried or they will have extramarital relationships. That will be the greatest fall for Islam, for that religion.” So He understood that unless and until women are kept absolutely chaste, absolutely pure, there cannot be the Kingdom of God. In Sanskrit there’s a saying, “Yatra narya pujyante, tatra ramante devata”: meaning “Where the women are respected, are worshipped and they are worshipful” – not that they are to be worshipped, but they are respectable – “there only exists the Kingdom of God.” So, so much responsibility is on women. So from Fatima’s life we have to know that She did not go out of Her house and She remained a housewife, and She made Her two children grow up in such a manner that they had to fight the war against fanaticism. Her husband also was there. This is how a woman of a housewife is shown to be so powerful that though she’s in the house, though she’s – looks to be just a mother, but how powerful she is! But these days a new type of ideas have come up. Men also have been very nasty and very aggressive with women. As a result we find there’s a big opposition to men, and a kind of a big rift has been created between men and women. Also the men, the way they started becoming licentious, perverted, going to bad women, the good women also thought, “Why not we also become like that?” and they also started doing wrong things which they should not have done. That’s how the whole society crumbled down. Now, the men are responsible for the politics and the economics and also the nation as administrators, but women are responsible for the society. Whether she’s in the house or she’s outside, whether she’s working in the house or outside, she is responsible for the maintenance of the society. And there it looks as sometimes to a woman that she’s dominated, that her husband dominates her, that the husband’s family dominates her, but it’s the quality of a woman that brings up the level of the society – not only the level, but also in the family she is then respected. It’s a very important role as a housewife; perhaps we never realize it. Now we see so many lights here, electricity is there running. But what is the source of this electricity? Is it not much more important than these lights? So men are nothing but, we can say, the kinetic energy, but what is the potential is the woman of the house. But these days it’s becoming a very funny situation. I was surprised when I went to Italy also that how women have made themself cheap. And they want to look attractive to every man. What is the need? It’s a joyless pursuit into which men are going, and women are making themselves absolutely cheap. This cheapness of women is not going to give them any strength or joy. I know one feels very unhappy the way men treat them, but you must have your own personality, you must have your own understanding that you are a woman, you are shakti, and nobody can suppress the shakti. But if you do not keep to your own personality or to your chastity, then you cannot achieve your goal in life. And your goal in life is to give power to your son, to your husband, to all the society the woman gives power. I’m also a woman, as you know, and I also have a family. With all the powers that I have, I never showed them that I have those powers. I always listened to My husband, obeyed him though sometimes he was very unreasonable also. And he also came from a society which was more Islamic-oriented. But that was just a joke for Me, because I thought, “He’s just like a child and I have to be very patient with him.” He always says that because of My powers he earned everything in life. Always, in the presence of everyone he says so. I don’t know that part, but definitely I feel very satisfied with My own married life. I never think the way other people think that we must try to dominate the husband, we must fight him, we must have a right to do this. Our right is within ourselves, within our powers. Also the men must realize that they have to respect women. I mean, not to such an extent that she tells you to do something wrong, and you just get lost with this – that’s not the way. That’s slavishness. Men have to be men. It in no way means the women are dominated by men – I don’t treat it that way; because if you have your own powers, ultimately whatever may be the husband, he’ll have to come and understand what you are. He’ll have to know what you are. I have seen it many-a-times in My own lifetime that it has done that way. I would never say anything. Supposing he gets angry, I would keep quiet. All right. After all he has to fight outside and he has to take out temper on Me – that he couldn’t do: if he does this to others they will beat him, so it’s better he takes out temper on Me. And I never, never felt that way that he’s dominating Me. Only thing I thought, he’s taking out his temper. But I’ve seen that whenever I said something to him, he thought about it. In his lifetime I’ve taken eleven decisions; and all these decisions he still remembers one by one and knows that it was very, very important. Other things I never tell him what to do. Whatever was most important is the principle. Now, he also realized that I have a very important mission. So he gave Me money, he gave Me time, gave Me all freedom. But first I had to establish Myself as a very sensible, devoted wife. The men as a whole are very different type, you must understand. They are extroverts, and whatever the women care too much for, they could not do. It’s all right; because women and men are complementary. Like Ali was there outside working everything out, while Fatimabai in the house, home, who never went out, but he knew his source of energy from where it was coming. Because women were never respected as shakti, they started getting drifted into this Western modern ideas that “we have to fight men, they are problematic, they are troubling us and we should take revenge.” That’s how society cannot work out. Responsibility of the women is much greater than that of men. Men have to just go to offices, work it out something, come back. Women have to lifelong generate the energy for the growth of the children, the protection of the husband, for all the sensible things that she has to do. That’s why in India we say, “A woman is to be absolutely respected, and she has to be respectable.” Moreover it is not only in India, I’ve seen it all over that women are always respected if they are housewives. For example, I go with My husband to some function. I’m respected as much as he is respected. For example, his deputy won’t be respected as I am respected, his secretary won’t be respected – no one. I, as his wife, is respected the same way because I’m his wife. Nobody looks down upon Me because I’m somebody’s wife. Is all over it is like this. I’ll give you a case of a lady I knew. She used to think she’s a very smart person, you know, always looked after her body and just to be thin and all that, and she wanted to attract all the men and all kinds of things she would do. She would wear, you see, jeans and, you know, quite old lady. And her husband was a big man, he was a chief cabinet secretary, very senior to us. So one day we were all invited for a dinner. So she was not there. So many asked them, so many people, “Where is your wife, where is your wife?” He said, “I don’t know where she is. She was to come here.” I was also thinking where is she, where is she gone, because there was a seat for her, a special seat. So before sitting for the dinner I went for, I went into the bathroom. And there the poor thing was sitting on one corner. I said, “Why are you sitting here?” So she said, “They made me sit here. I don’t know what to do.” So I brought her out. I said, “Why did you make her sit there?” And she was thinking she’s very smart, she’s done her hair nicely, she’s looking like an actress. “Oh, is she the wife?” I said, “Yes.” “Oh, my God! We thought she’s the secretary. How could she be? She has no dignity of her own, the way she was dressed stupidly. How can we believe that she’s the wife? She has no dignity as a wife of a Indian gentleman so highly placed.” And poor thing was sitting there for half-an-hour, smoking. They couldn’t believe it. Then they asked Me, “Are You sure she’s his wife?” I said, “Yes, I’m sure.” I mean, she came to the table, nobody got up for her. And they still thought, all the rest, she’s the secretary who has come. Then we had to tell them “that’s his wife.” She was thinking she’s a smart young lady, you know; at that old age behaving stupidly. So even in the West a woman is respected if she’s a good housewife. Anywhere, she is respected. I was surprised also that I knew somebody very highly placed, a minister in the cabinet of England, and he was supposed to be little wayward and nobody would take notice of him. Nobody would. “Don’t look at him!” I was not so good at the scandals that they had in the all diplomatic circles, but I said that “Why don’t you talk to this man?” “No, not worth it.” I said, “Why?” They said, “He’s horrible. He is not a good man.” “Yes, but why? What has he done?” They said, “He’s a flirt, and he is looking at other women and he’s doing all kinds of things,” and they told stories about him. My God! Such a big man like a minister – why is he behaving like this? Like a stupid donkey, he is going about … Nobody would shake hands with him. Even men would not look at him. Now, of course, a new society is forming of all these stupid people. That’s different. But one Sahaja yogi who will visit these places will be amazed how stupid they are. They can make it out. All of them catch on their left Nabhi, whether they are women or men. But it’s more dangerous for men if they have a wife like that. Now, the left Nabhi if it catches, what happens? What diseases you get? The first and foremost is blood cancer. With the left Nabhi you can get blood cancer. Women think they can dominate their husband, they can do this to their husband, they can put them right, but they don’t know they are causing a serious disease like blood cancer. I know of somebody who was suffering from blood cancer, but we cured him and then we discovered his left Nabhi was still bad. Again and again he was getting relapse. Then we found out it was his wife. She was such a dangerous woman for him. And he wouldn’t leave her, wouldn’t leave her. So I told him, “I will not treat you again if you live with that woman. Better throw her out or you send her somewhere else, yes. But if you are going to live with this woman, I’m not going to treat you.” He also called her and I told her on her face that “You’re a very dominating, horrible shrew woman, and if you try to torture your husband, he cannot be cured.” But she went on. And then, the end result was horrible, horrible, horrible. He developed a big spleen like that, all of it was taken out, and doctors told that “within six months you’ll be finished.” So on both the cases, I would say, the wife tried to dominate the husband, and husband getting attached to that wife still. It’s recent case I’m telling you. Now, we are husband and wife because we love each other, we are complementary: woman is a woman, man is a man. Men should not expect women to be like you –very fast; and women should not expect men to be like you – very, I should say, noble. They are qualities of a woman and the qualities of a man. But the greatest power of a woman is her chastity. If her chastity is disturbed, then she is a dangerous person, very dangerous. She can not only harm her husband, but also her children, her society. We come from a culture which is very akin to Islamic culture also. Indian culture is like that. In the Indian culture women respect their chastity more than anything in this world. They can give up everything, but not their chastity. And once .... There’s a story I must tell you, very interesting, about a very beautiful woman called Padmini. She was the wife of a king. And there was a horrible Muslim king who wanted to see this woman, because he heard she was very beautiful. See, this is, was a funny thing. And she came, and he came to that kingdom and he said, “I must look at this lady, otherwise I’ll destroy the whole kingdom.” Now people said, “This he can’t do, she’s our queen. She can’t, he can’t see our queen like that.” She just thought, “All right. He need not see me, but he might see my reflection.” So she stood before a mirror and he saw her reflection. Then he became even more mad and he said, “I must have this woman. If you don’t give her to me, then I’ll destroy all of you.” Imagine a king doing all this nonsense for a woman – shows what a useless fellow he was. So he brought all his army, everything, and settled down near the fort where these people were, and sent a message that “if you don’t send this lady to me, then I’m going to attack.” They were not prepared, didn’t know what to do, so they said that “Let us go and fight him. We cannot allow our queen to be given to them. This is a question of our prestige.” They took a hundred palanquin. Do you understand palanquin? They took a hundred palanquin. Now in those hundred palanquins there were four warriors sitting with these arms and their machines, and there were two who were carrying them. And they said, “All right. The queen is coming with her hundred maids.” The Muslims that time were, the Muslim king was having his drinks and things, very happy that the queen is going to come. So these people went there and came out of their palanquins and started fighting. They had told these women that “In case we win, by five o’clock in the morning we’ll lit a fire and you will see the fire, then you’ll know that we have won the case. But if we do not win, then you should know for definite that we have not won the battle.” They were only, say, four hundred people or six hundred people, and thousands were with this man and he had guns and cannons and everything. So they started fighting. In that fight that Muslim king won because he had so much of power, and most of these people died. Even the king was killed. There was no fire lit at five o’clock, so these women saw there’s no fire lit. So they made a huge big platform, a pyre, they climbed down to the pyre and lit the fire, and they all died. Three thousand women died, because they didn’t want other men to touch them. Any other man coming and touching them means their chastity is finished. There are many, many stories of this kind in India. So, how they respected their chastity! It’s easy, you see, to fall to some sort of a, another temptation, but if this is your power, why you should submit yourself to something which is so useless? In Sahaja Yoga we have to realize. Men also must know that if their wives are so chaste and so good, they must respect them. They should also realize that they have also rakhi sisters, which is that we are very chaste. We respect the chastity of a rakhi sister and we do not want to in any way to comply with anyone who does not respect the chastity. Then the men also become chaste. When the women are chaste men also become chaste. And this chastity is your main power, is, this chastity is the one is the power of Shri Ganesha. And when you get this Shri Ganesha’s power, you know how powerful you become with the innocence that is awakened within you. So without the chastity the women cannot achieve anything in Sahaja Yoga. One has to give up all the past ideas, all the past things, and also the way there is bombardment from the newspapers, from the media, from everything. Recently I read a beautiful book, so big as that, has come out that “Media Versus America”. In that they have said that how this media has put ideas into the heads of women and men, decrying the utility of married life – how they have killed the married life. They marry, then divorce; they marry, then divorce. The same thing goes on all the time. In Sahaja Yoga, of course, it’s not that bad. We had eighty-six weddings this time. Eighty-six – out of which one was about to fizzle out; that also is established. In Sahaja Yoga it’s much better. People understand the importance of married life. It’s a drama, but also it is tapas: it is a tapasya with which you understand your own powers. I would say a man is like the sun, but a woman is like the Mother Earth. The difference is like this: that the sun shines, gives light, it gives also nourishment to the Mother Earth in a way; and the Mother Earth gives everything, she bears so much of things, she bears all our sins. So a housewife is like the Mother Earth. She gives joy to everyone, to her husband, to her children. She doesn’t think about herself. She doesn’t think, how I could achieve great things through my beauty maybe, through my body, through my education, through my powers that I’ve got – no, she doesn’t. What she thinks: how I can make others powerful, how I can give them power, how I can help them. This is the typical ideology of a woman. If it is not so, then she’s not a woman. I mean, she feels – if somebody says, “I want to come to your house for dinner,” she feels very happy. “Oh, that’s very good. Now then, what should I cook? What should I do?” This is a woman’s attitude. Once we had a group of people, about twenty-five of them had come to see Me. I was sitting with them in an open space, and then I sent word to My daughter that they are here and it might be late, so better prepare dinner for them. After the thing I said, “There dinner is for you extra.” They said, “How?” I said, “All right.” She was so overjoyed, My daughter. She had prepared all kinds of things; her friends also came to help her. And they were surprised, all these foreigners, that “How, Mother, she’s so happy about it? If I tell my wife” – that’s the beginning of Sahaja Yoga – “that even three persons are coming for dinner, she’d go round and round and round ...” I said, “Why?” “ … and she’d grudge and grumble, and she’d show all her temper with the people.” I was quite surprised. See, in Sahaja Yoga that’s how we live. We want to give love, and men have to appreciate that love and enjoy that love; whether you are a brother or a husband or a son, any way, the woman’s love is for you. And she gives you that love that makes you absolutely, not only joyous, but also religious. Because it’s a relative thing. If a woman starts misbehaving, that’s the worst for the society: men also start misbehaving. Men, as it is, are extroverts. So to control them, to put them as householders, the women must know how to keep them. It’s not easy to run a house, it’s not easy to run your family, it’s not easy to look after your children – very difficult. And those who have those qualities are the best women and they really achieve it. I mean, you can think of your mothers, how much they loved you, all the men and the women. Why? Why do you think of your mother so much? Because she sacrificed everything, but without showing that she was sacrificing. She did so much for you, so you could be a woman. Woman’s potential to love is tremendous, tremendous! And this is what we have to learn from Fatima. She gave Her two children to be killed. She knew, because She was after all Vishnumaya; She was the incarnation of Vishnumaya. She knew Her children will be killed, but still She sent Her children, “All right. Doesn’t matter. Even if I know that they are going to die, it’s all right.” Such bravery, such courage, such understanding of the duty of Her children. Today we remember them as Hassan and Hussein. Supposing She had said, “No, no, no, no, don’t go for the war. Stay at home.” And if She had forced them not to go, then they would not have gone. We would not have talked about them today, isn’t it? In any case, they would have been dead some time, but the death of a hero they got because of their mother. Of course, they were also a kind of incarnations, but the way She gave them absolutely complete encouragement, “Go and fight for the right thing,” because these fundamentalists were trying to bring their fanaticism. So today is a day I have to tell men also that you must learn to respect a woman who is chaste. Please understand, if your wife is a chaste woman, then you have no right in no way to trouble her. Not that she should be respectable – she should – but you should see that everyone respects her, nobody insults her, should stand by her, be identified with her. But if she’s not a chaste woman and if she is that kind, better keep out. I do not have that much courage to say that “All right. Go ahead with her and I’ll look after.” It’s very difficult. I don’t know what complications might come. With all these experiences one learns one thing for definite, that woman is much more inward, she has much more powers, she is much more wiser than other people are, if she keeps to her chastity. That’s the point on which all her movement rotates, all her personality rotates. She may be anything. We had women – like there was a lady who was only seventeen years of age, and she became a widow. Widow she became at the age of seventeen, and she fought a very horrible king called as Aurangzeb, and she saw to it that he got paralyzed; and her name was Tarabai. We have women in India of different, different, say, characters in a way, quite in different, different ways, but they were first and foremost they’re housewives. All their powers were there as housewives. So do not look down upon the housewife. When I’m traveling in the plane, they ask Me, “Mother, what is your profession?” “Housewife.” My profession is housewife. I’m a housewife of a very, very big family. I’m looking after My children, I’m loving them, they love Me, and this profession is the best, I think, because it is so joy-giving, it’s so beautiful. It’s love. It’s so energy-giving. And at this age also I never feel My age, because I am the Mother of so many of you. And it never comes to My head that I’m old now and I must do so-and-so, I must take rest and I must not do this work again. Because this feeling of love for My children: I have to nourish them, I have to look after them, because all My powers I have to give them. I never try to show off My powers to you in any way. It’s only you who should imbibe all My powers. That’s the only desire I have, that you should be as powerful as Myself. Of course you discover it that I have powers, that’s different; but as far as I am concerned I want that you should forget as to what powers I have, but you should yourself have all these powers within yourself, so that you can save the world. That’s the only thing I want to give you. And I want to assure you that you all can have everything that I have; only thing if you can retain – simple thing in life – that we have to be righteous people. We cannot play about, we cannot misbehave. Nowadays so many things are coming up, things that men are doing and women are doing; we are not doing. In the evolutionary process, as we may say that there were some monkeys, chimpanzees that became human beings. But no – in between there were some other human beings that came in, which vanished. So, very few people will become Sahaja yogis, who will be saved. All the rest will be not there: they’ll be neither monkeys nor human beings, finished. These are all self-destroying things which kills the family, which kills the chastity within us, and then we are left high and dry. We are nowhere. We have diseases, we have troubles, we have problems. So be careful, very, very careful. And this special Puja for Fatimabai is Puja to Vishnumaya. Also the guilt that works on the left Vishuddhi can be cured if you develop your chastity. You’ll never feel guilty, because that’s such a virtue you have. In that virtue you will never, never feel guilty, and you can stand up to any nonsense because you are standing on the truth of chastity. Today it’s special day, I would say, when we are worshipping this great ideal of chastity that is Fatimabai. May God bless you. Right, so now we have very few children … How many children we have? Come along, come along, come along. Let’s sing the Ganesha Stuthi. 00:45:27All right, you can sing the Ganesha Stuthi. Let’s say the Ganesha’s mantra, and then we’ll sing the Ganesha Stuthi, and after that we’ll have the hundred-and-eight names … 01:46:22This stone, feroza, comes from Eilat, and Fatima used to wear quartz, no doubt about it. This one is called as a quartz; it’s called as feroza. And full of it, it’s there in Eilat, so many. She used to wear this feroza, it’s absolutely correct. 01:47:22Also this, for your information, this … also come from Eilat, also from the same place that She was. So just see the coincidence – exactly, at this time, to come from Eilat. May God bless that … and may there be peace. 01:55:20There’s another suggestion that everybody cannot go to India, so people can’t get married, you see. So we’re thinking of also organizing marriages, when – during Diwali Puja. But you won’t have such a wide choice, that’s the point is. Doesn’t matter. Those who want to get married should send Me forms filled in, and send it to Guido. And another thing is that we can’t have it in the same elaborate way as we have it in India. We try, but still you know it’s very difficult: it’s a different country. So we’re trying to find out things that can be worked out. In any case we’ll organize the marriages, because you don’t want another type, just a simple type, you want to have Indian style. So I’ll go to India before Diwali, try to organize things for you. May God bless you. 01:58:01Thanks very much for everything. I’m sorry I couldn’t get presents for all of you this time.
(Yogis sing: Mataji Mataji bolo) Shri Mataji: Inaudaible Starts at Soundcloud on TC 8:12 Yogi: Passport there giving it one minute Passport just one minute She is making this trip (to Paris?) Shri Mataji: What aobut your passort? Yogi: They are there.They are there. Yogi: (Hindi) Guido: I have the passport. I have. I have. Yogi: Ah, you have it. Please give (inaudible) Don´t worry Yogi: Ok Shri Mataji! The are all there. (Yoginis Sobbing) Shri Mataji: I am coming back. I am coming back. You must know, also there are so many baybies there also. May God belss you. Flowers are really (pleasant?) Come along. (The other one was so crying?) (inaudible) So crying. Yogini: such a amiracle, Mother. Shri Mataji: Really. I dont know their names even Yogi: (Kati?) Shri Mataji: Write to me, or to her. Airort personell: Come in side. Shri Mataji: Really! Can we? All right, Baba Yogi: Shri Mataji, I can not… Shri Mataji: I know. Yogi: Thank you so much, Mother. (Inaudible) Shri Mataji: I am sure they (inaudible) (years back)
(Yogis sing: Mataji Mataji bolo) Shri Mataji: Inaudaible Starts at Soundcloud on TC 8:12 Yogi: Passport there giving it one minute Passport just one minute She is making this trip (to Paris?) Shri Mataji: What aobut your passort? Yogi: They are there.They are there. Yogi: (Hindi) Guido: I have the passport. I have. I have. Yogi: Ah, you have it. Please give (inaudible) Don´t worry Yogi: Ok Shri Mataji! The are all there. (Yoginis Sobbing) Shri Mataji: I am coming back. I am coming back. You must know, also there are so many baybies there also. May God belss you. Flowers are really (pleasant?) Come along. (The other one was so crying?) (inaudible) So crying. Yogini: such a amiracle, Mother. Shri Mataji: Really. I dont know their names even Yogi: (Kati?) Shri Mataji: Write to me, or to her. Airort personell: Come in side. Shri Mataji: Really! Can we? All right, Baba Yogi: Shri Mataji, I can not… Shri Mataji: I know. Yogi: Thank you so much, Mother. (Inaudible) Shri Mataji: I am sure they (inaudible) (years back)
Human Awareness and Limited Rationality
Public Program
Bologna Public Program (Italy) I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it, we cannot conceptualize it. Whatever I am going to tell you, you are not to believe me blindfolded, but you must keep your mind open like a scientist. Treat my speech as a hypothesis, and if proved then you must accept it as honest people. It is for your individual benevolence, benevolence of your city, your country, and the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, emotions, intellect, ego and your conditionings. But you are the Spirit, the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love which does all living work. We see these beautiful flowers here and we take it for granted, which is a miracle. In the same way, our body is functioning, our heart is running, and we take it for granted. Doctors say it is the autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto'? In the evolutionary process, we have now reached the state of human awareness. But human awareness is relative. We try to justify everything through our rationality. Hitler could justify his war through his limited rationality. But we have to reach the absolute truth. Unless and until we know the absolute, there will always be fighting and quarrelling going on. Now, within us is placed, you must have been told, a power, in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone. Today the problem is, people do not know the aim of their life, their meaning, why they are living on this earth. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. So, this is the power which connects you to this All-pervading Power. The awakening of this power is spontaneous, “sahaj”. So, Sahaja Yoga means “saha” is “ with you”, “ja” is born, and Yoga is the right to have this union. It is your own power that works it out. It is not just a speech, or a sermon, or a lecture. But it is the actualisation of the experience which is important. And the becoming is very, very essential. That you do not just become, member of this and member of that. It is becoming within yourself. Once you become the Spirit, you start manifesting the beautiful qualities of your Spirit. The Spirit is the source of absolute truth. It is the universal being within you. Once you get this connection, you start feeling a cool breeze like vibrations, because it is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, we can say, is the biblical word. But in Sanskrit, it is called “Param Chaitanya”. In Koran, it is called as “Ruh” and Patanjali has called it as “Ritambhara Pragnya”. Whatever name one may give, the sensation is of cool breeze from your hands and also out of your fontanelle bone area. Once this power of Spirit starts manifesting, you become, also, collectively conscious. You see, there are centres through which this power flows. And these centres are responsible for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. So, most of the problems of this world are coming from human beings. And the problems from human beings come because their centres are in jeopardy. So, when this power rises, passes through these centres, it nourishes your centres integrates them and ultimately connects you to this power of divine love. This power thinks, organises. It works like a big computer .Thus you become powerful yourself because you can feel this power on your fingertips. You can feel your own centres, what is wrong with you through self-knowledge, and also through the collective consciousness, you can feel the centres of others. Once you are established in your connection, you can know all about it. You can cure yourself and you can cure others. Another power of the Spirit is that your attention becomes enlightened. We feel that our innocence is lost in the mundane life of modern style. But innocence is never destroyed. It is only covered with some clouds of misbehaviour, we can say. But after you get your Self-knowledge, your innocence starts manifesting. So, the attention becomes innocent and extremely powerful. You feel your peace within yourself. And the greatest thing that you feel, is the joy. Joy is singular, it is not happiness and unhappiness, but is a state in which you see everything as a drama. One thing is necessary, is to have a pure desire to have your Self-realisation. Because your freedom is respected. You cannot force Self-realisation on anyone. You cannot pay for it. Because it is a living process. How much do we pay to mother earth for giving us these flowers? She does not understand money, banks or economics. It is love. In the same way, it manifests its love, and a person becomes extremely compassionate and extremely righteous. There is no need to tell, “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, you just do not do it. It is like , you are holding a snake in your hand and you are in darkness. And if I say “It’s a snake in your hand”, you may say through your rationality, “no, it’s a rope”. And if you are obstinate, until the snake bites you, you will go on saying “it’s a rope”. But supposing there is little light, then you automatically throw away the snake, I do not have to tell you. So, we have to have this enlightenment. I have to tell you that people have given up drugs, alcoholism, overnight after getting self-realisation. Also, there have been many cases of cures of diseases which are incurable, psychosomatic. You do all this, through your own power. You will know all the modus operandi. You will know how to work it out. Within one month you become your own master. It is all within you. It is too fantastic, that is why we do not believe in it. Suppose you take television in a very remote corner of a village somewhere, and tell someone who has never seen electricity, that you can see everything of the whole world through this television. They will not believe it. They will think it is too fantastic. But when you put this television to the mains, they will discover that it is so. So, by reading about it, or by standing on your head, or by suffering and sacrifices you do not get. Only through pure desire. Because all other desires are not pure. You have one desire today when it is fulfilled, you have another one, goes on. The pure desire, whether you know it or not, is to become one with this all-pervading power of divine love. This knowledge is like an ocean. In Italy itself, I do not know how many lectures I must have given, but Bologna is one of the last cities I am visiting. You may go on listening to me but it is not important. Like in this hall, there are many lights, and when you come in you have to just put on one switch. Because it is all built-in. But if I have to tell you about the history and all the way how it has come to your city, and here to there, it is all boring. So, the best thing is to get the light first. And then to know all about it. So, we will have the program just now for about ten, fifteen minutes for getting your Self-realisation. And I am sure you will all get it. Because you are seekers of truth. It is your right to have it. It will hardly take any time, but as I have said, it cannot be forced on you. So, those who do not want to have Self-realisation should leave the hall. It would be very kind of them. It hardly takes any time, but those who do not want to have it, put negative forces. I also know you have lots of questions. But you can write them and send it them over, we will try to answer them. After this program, there will be a follow-on, where you can come and ask questions. I must say, some of you may get your Self-realisation and you might feel on top of the world. Because you get into the state of thoughtless awareness, where there are no thoughts to trouble you. If you want to think, you will think, otherwise, you will not think. But one should not get lost, because this is a collective happening. If a nail is cut out, then it does not grow from the body. So, for your spiritual growth, you must come and ask for any knowledge that you want to know, get yourself cured and enjoy the bliss of this divine love. This is real capitalism and real communism. Because you have all the powers, you become a capitalist. And you are the real communist because you cannot enjoy it without distributing it to everyone. I myself, a seventy-year-old lady who has got a very good husband, a very good family, is moving all over the world, giving Realisation, because I cannot enjoy without that. And I have discovered that it is not how much time you spend with your family, but how you spend time with your family is important. In this lecture, I am sorry, I cannot explain to you all the facets of Sahaja Yoga. It is working in fifty-six nations. And you will find your brothers and sisters all over the world. We have a seminar in India for a month and these people come from all over the world. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, complaining. But even if one person is hurt somewhere, all of them from all the countries just put their attention to it, rush to it, look after it. Otherwise, also, the time has come for all your problems to be solved by divine love. May God bless you. I have to make a very humble request that you will have to take out your shoes because this mother earth helps us to suck our problems. It is better that all of you should be comfortably seated. There are some seats on that side, the backside. It would be better if they come out because I do not see them in front. It is rather cold I think, but it is alright. All of you, please come forward, just come out. These are all seekers, you can see it. At the very outset, I have to tell you, there are some conditions. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. Like, supposing you feel guilty, then the centre on the left-hand side goes into trouble and creates a serious condition. You may get spondylitis or you may get a disease like angina. Also, you might get very lethargic organs. After all, you are human beings and human beings have to make mistakes. You are not God. So, do not feel guilty at all for anything. Forget the past. This is one condition. You have to fulfil it. The second one is that you have to forgive everyone. You do not have to think about them because it is a headache. Logically, if you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into wrong hands. The people who have troubled you are quite happy, while you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So, be sensible about it and please forgive all of them and do not even think about it because it is a headache. In a way, forgive yourself and forgive everyone. Also, there is another fashion in the West, I find that people want to feel unhappy and tragic. There is no need to feel that way. You are human beings at the epitome of evolution. And all the blessings are waiting for you. You should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself and have the respect of yourself because you are human beings. These are the conditions, which I request you, that please you just fulfil them because I do not want , this power to stop because you have not fulfilled these simple conditions. Now, there is a little simple thing which I will show you just now because we have to nourish our centres ourselves. This you have to do only tonight with me. You do not have to remember it at all. So, now with very great respect for yourself and also with very pleasant feelings towards yourself, we start. Please put your left hand, like this on your lap wherever you are sitting, and those who are sitting on the chair should put their feet both separately, because there are two powers, left and right. You need not push back yourself too much now, you need not also slouch, but sit in a comfortable way. The left side is the power of desire and the right side is the power of action. So, we use the left side, putting this hand, which symbolises that you want to have your Self-realisation. And you use your right hand for nourishing your centres. So, he will show you now, that please put your left hand like this and right hand on your heart. You please do it. Everybody has to do it, otherwise, you can go out. In your heart, resides the Spirit. Now, if you are the Spirit, you are your own master. So, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Because this is the centre of your mastery. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. This is the centre of pure knowledge which is , transferred to your brain. All this you will know later on when you come to the collective. Now please do not doubt yourself. So, then you take your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working on the left-hand side. Now please take your right hand on the heart again. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulders, where I told you that this centre goes out when you feel guilty.. Now turn your head to your right. I think in this congregation many are feeling guilty. Please do not feel guilty. Now raise your right hand across your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone without thinking about it. Forgive them in general. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. At this centre, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction only, you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. This is now the last centre, where you stretch your hand, palm fully. Now, please put the right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please put down your head. Pay attention to the top of your head. Now, it is important to push back your fingers so there is sufficient pressure on your fontanelle bone area. Now, please move your hand slowly, clockwise, pressing the scalp, seven times. Push back your fingers, otherwise, there is no pressure. Now, please close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you . Take down your hands. Now, we start. Please put the left hand towards me properly and those who are sitting on the chair, keep both your feet separately. It is better to take out your spectacles. Put the right hand on your heart and please close your eyes. Here you have to ask a question which is a very fundamental thing about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So please ask a question in your heart, not loudly, “Mother am I the Spirit?” Ask it three times. Now, if you are the Spirit, you are your master. So please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and ask me another fundamental question, three times. “Mother am I, my own master?” I have already told you that I cannot force self-knowledge on you. You have to ask for pure knowledge. Now, please put your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. And here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. Please say “Mother give me pure knowledge”, six times. As soon as you start asking for pure knowledge, this power which we call Kundalini, starts rising. So, we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you say with full confidence in yourself, ten times, “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you, that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings or emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand up to your heart and here, again with your self-confidence, you have to say twelve times. Here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This All-pervading Power of divine love is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed, get easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head towards your right. Here you have to say sixteen times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Say this with full confidence. Now, I have already told you that logically whether you forgive or you do not forgive, you do not do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourselves on their behalf. So now you have to forgive all of them without thinking individually about them. So now please raise your right hand across your forehead, and bend your head. Now here you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone” in general. Not how many times, but from your heart, you have to say, it is very important. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, please say from your heart, not how many times, “Mother”, or you can say, “oh divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes”. Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now the last centre is very important. So now, you stretch your palms fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Please do not hold your head but push back your fingers. And now please bend your head as far as possible. And n Now move your scalp seven times, but I cannot force Self-realisation on you, so you have to ask seven times for your Self-realisation by saying “Mother please give me my Self-realisation”. Now, please take down your hands and open your eyes. Please put both your hands towards me like this, and watch me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards me and your head down, and see with your left hand, away from the head, to feel if there is a cool or hot breeze coming in your, through your fontanelle bone area. Some get it hot, or cold does not matter. Now, please put the left hand and bend your head. And see with the right hand now, bending your head and check if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Once more, you have to do it with your right hand. Put down your head and see with the left hand, if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area or the hot breeze. Some people get it a little far away, some closer, but do not put your hand on your head. Now please put both the hands like this. And now raise both the hands like this and push back your head. And ask a question. One of these three questions, anyone. “Mother is this the cool breeze of the divine love?” or “Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?”, or “Mother is this the param chaitanya?” Ask any one of these questions thrice.. Now, please take down your hands. All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze, from their fontanelle bone area, or on their fingertips, please raise both your hands. So, I bow to you all. Now, a life of spirituality and saintliness has started. Thank you very much. I would like to tell them one thing, that, "When they go out now, tell all the trees, that we have forgiven everyone. I have forgiven myself and I have forgiven everyone".
Bologna Public Program (Italy) I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that the truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot describe it, we cannot conceptualize it. Whatever I am going to tell you, you are not to believe me blindfolded, but you must keep your mind open like a scientist. Treat my speech as a hypothesis, and if proved then you must accept it as honest people. It is for your individual benevolence, benevolence of your city, your country, and the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, emotions, intellect, ego and your conditionings. But you are the Spirit, the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love which does all living work. We see these beautiful flowers here and we take it for granted, which is a miracle. In the same way, our body is functioning, our heart is running, and we take it for granted. Doctors say it is the autonomous nervous system, but who is this 'auto'? In the evolutionary process, we have now reached the state of human awareness. But human awareness is relative. We try to justify everything through our rationality. Hitler could justify his war through his limited rationality. But we have to reach the absolute truth. Unless and until we know the absolute, there will always be fighting and quarrelling going on. Now, within us is placed, you must have been told, a power, in the triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone. Today the problem is, people do not know the aim of their life, their meaning, why they are living on this earth. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. So, this is the power which connects you to this All-pervading Power. The awakening of this power is spontaneous, “sahaj”. So, Sahaja Yoga means “saha” is “ with you”, “ja” is born, and Yoga is the right to have this union. It is your own power that works it out. It is not just a speech, or a sermon, or a lecture. But it is the actualisation of the experience which is important. And the becoming is very, very essential. That you do not just become, member of this and member of that. It is becoming within yourself. Once you become the Spirit, you start manifesting the beautiful qualities of your Spirit. The Spirit is the source of absolute truth. It is the universal being within you. Once you get this connection, you start feeling a cool breeze like vibrations, because it is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost, we can say, is the biblical word. But in Sanskrit, it is called “Param Chaitanya”. In Koran, it is called as “Ruh” and Patanjali has called it as “Ritambhara Pragnya”. Whatever name one may give, the sensation is of cool breeze from your hands and also out of your fontanelle bone area. Once this power of Spirit starts manifesting, you become, also, collectively conscious. You see, there are centres through which this power flows. And these centres are responsible for our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. So, most of the problems of this world are coming from human beings. And the problems from human beings come because their centres are in jeopardy. So, when this power rises, passes through these centres, it nourishes your centres integrates them and ultimately connects you to this power of divine love. This power thinks, organises. It works like a big computer .Thus you become powerful yourself because you can feel this power on your fingertips. You can feel your own centres, what is wrong with you through self-knowledge, and also through the collective consciousness, you can feel the centres of others. Once you are established in your connection, you can know all about it. You can cure yourself and you can cure others. Another power of the Spirit is that your attention becomes enlightened. We feel that our innocence is lost in the mundane life of modern style. But innocence is never destroyed. It is only covered with some clouds of misbehaviour, we can say. But after you get your Self-knowledge, your innocence starts manifesting. So, the attention becomes innocent and extremely powerful. You feel your peace within yourself. And the greatest thing that you feel, is the joy. Joy is singular, it is not happiness and unhappiness, but is a state in which you see everything as a drama. One thing is necessary, is to have a pure desire to have your Self-realisation. Because your freedom is respected. You cannot force Self-realisation on anyone. You cannot pay for it. Because it is a living process. How much do we pay to mother earth for giving us these flowers? She does not understand money, banks or economics. It is love. In the same way, it manifests its love, and a person becomes extremely compassionate and extremely righteous. There is no need to tell, “don’t do this”, “don’t do that”, you just do not do it. It is like , you are holding a snake in your hand and you are in darkness. And if I say “It’s a snake in your hand”, you may say through your rationality, “no, it’s a rope”. And if you are obstinate, until the snake bites you, you will go on saying “it’s a rope”. But supposing there is little light, then you automatically throw away the snake, I do not have to tell you. So, we have to have this enlightenment. I have to tell you that people have given up drugs, alcoholism, overnight after getting self-realisation. Also, there have been many cases of cures of diseases which are incurable, psychosomatic. You do all this, through your own power. You will know all the modus operandi. You will know how to work it out. Within one month you become your own master. It is all within you. It is too fantastic, that is why we do not believe in it. Suppose you take television in a very remote corner of a village somewhere, and tell someone who has never seen electricity, that you can see everything of the whole world through this television. They will not believe it. They will think it is too fantastic. But when you put this television to the mains, they will discover that it is so. So, by reading about it, or by standing on your head, or by suffering and sacrifices you do not get. Only through pure desire. Because all other desires are not pure. You have one desire today when it is fulfilled, you have another one, goes on. The pure desire, whether you know it or not, is to become one with this all-pervading power of divine love. This knowledge is like an ocean. In Italy itself, I do not know how many lectures I must have given, but Bologna is one of the last cities I am visiting. You may go on listening to me but it is not important. Like in this hall, there are many lights, and when you come in you have to just put on one switch. Because it is all built-in. But if I have to tell you about the history and all the way how it has come to your city, and here to there, it is all boring. So, the best thing is to get the light first. And then to know all about it. So, we will have the program just now for about ten, fifteen minutes for getting your Self-realisation. And I am sure you will all get it. Because you are seekers of truth. It is your right to have it. It will hardly take any time, but as I have said, it cannot be forced on you. So, those who do not want to have Self-realisation should leave the hall. It would be very kind of them. It hardly takes any time, but those who do not want to have it, put negative forces. I also know you have lots of questions. But you can write them and send it them over, we will try to answer them. After this program, there will be a follow-on, where you can come and ask questions. I must say, some of you may get your Self-realisation and you might feel on top of the world. Because you get into the state of thoughtless awareness, where there are no thoughts to trouble you. If you want to think, you will think, otherwise, you will not think. But one should not get lost, because this is a collective happening. If a nail is cut out, then it does not grow from the body. So, for your spiritual growth, you must come and ask for any knowledge that you want to know, get yourself cured and enjoy the bliss of this divine love. This is real capitalism and real communism. Because you have all the powers, you become a capitalist. And you are the real communist because you cannot enjoy it without distributing it to everyone. I myself, a seventy-year-old lady who has got a very good husband, a very good family, is moving all over the world, giving Realisation, because I cannot enjoy without that. And I have discovered that it is not how much time you spend with your family, but how you spend time with your family is important. In this lecture, I am sorry, I cannot explain to you all the facets of Sahaja Yoga. It is working in fifty-six nations. And you will find your brothers and sisters all over the world. We have a seminar in India for a month and these people come from all over the world. I have never seen them quarrelling, fighting, complaining. But even if one person is hurt somewhere, all of them from all the countries just put their attention to it, rush to it, look after it. Otherwise, also, the time has come for all your problems to be solved by divine love. May God bless you. I have to make a very humble request that you will have to take out your shoes because this mother earth helps us to suck our problems. It is better that all of you should be comfortably seated. There are some seats on that side, the backside. It would be better if they come out because I do not see them in front. It is rather cold I think, but it is alright. All of you, please come forward, just come out. These are all seekers, you can see it. At the very outset, I have to tell you, there are some conditions. The first condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. Like, supposing you feel guilty, then the centre on the left-hand side goes into trouble and creates a serious condition. You may get spondylitis or you may get a disease like angina. Also, you might get very lethargic organs. After all, you are human beings and human beings have to make mistakes. You are not God. So, do not feel guilty at all for anything. Forget the past. This is one condition. You have to fulfil it. The second one is that you have to forgive everyone. You do not have to think about them because it is a headache. Logically, if you forgive or do not forgive, you do not do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into wrong hands. The people who have troubled you are quite happy, while you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So, be sensible about it and please forgive all of them and do not even think about it because it is a headache. In a way, forgive yourself and forgive everyone. Also, there is another fashion in the West, I find that people want to feel unhappy and tragic. There is no need to feel that way. You are human beings at the epitome of evolution. And all the blessings are waiting for you. You should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself and have the respect of yourself because you are human beings. These are the conditions, which I request you, that please you just fulfil them because I do not want , this power to stop because you have not fulfilled these simple conditions. Now, there is a little simple thing which I will show you just now because we have to nourish our centres ourselves. This you have to do only tonight with me. You do not have to remember it at all. So, now with very great respect for yourself and also with very pleasant feelings towards yourself, we start. Please put your left hand, like this on your lap wherever you are sitting, and those who are sitting on the chair should put their feet both separately, because there are two powers, left and right. You need not push back yourself too much now, you need not also slouch, but sit in a comfortable way. The left side is the power of desire and the right side is the power of action. So, we use the left side, putting this hand, which symbolises that you want to have your Self-realisation. And you use your right hand for nourishing your centres. So, he will show you now, that please put your left hand like this and right hand on your heart. You please do it. Everybody has to do it, otherwise, you can go out. In your heart, resides the Spirit. Now, if you are the Spirit, you are your own master. So, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Because this is the centre of your mastery. Now, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. This is the centre of pure knowledge which is , transferred to your brain. All this you will know later on when you come to the collective. Now please do not doubt yourself. So, then you take your right hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working on the left-hand side. Now please take your right hand on the heart again. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulders, where I told you that this centre goes out when you feel guilty.. Now turn your head to your right. I think in this congregation many are feeling guilty. Please do not feel guilty. Now raise your right hand across your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone without thinking about it. Forgive them in general. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. At this centre, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction only, you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. This is now the last centre, where you stretch your hand, palm fully. Now, please put the right hand on top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please put down your head. Pay attention to the top of your head. Now, it is important to push back your fingers so there is sufficient pressure on your fontanelle bone area. Now, please move your hand slowly, clockwise, pressing the scalp, seven times. Push back your fingers, otherwise, there is no pressure. Now, please close your eyes and do not open them until I tell you . Take down your hands. Now, we start. Please put the left hand towards me properly and those who are sitting on the chair, keep both your feet separately. It is better to take out your spectacles. Put the right hand on your heart and please close your eyes. Here you have to ask a question which is a very fundamental thing about yourself. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So please ask a question in your heart, not loudly, “Mother am I the Spirit?” Ask it three times. Now, if you are the Spirit, you are your master. So please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and ask me another fundamental question, three times. “Mother am I, my own master?” I have already told you that I cannot force self-knowledge on you. You have to ask for pure knowledge. Now, please put your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. And here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. Please say “Mother give me pure knowledge”, six times. As soon as you start asking for pure knowledge, this power which we call Kundalini, starts rising. So, we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you say with full confidence in yourself, ten times, “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you, that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, this ego, these conditionings or emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand up to your heart and here, again with your self-confidence, you have to say twelve times. Here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, “Mother I am the pure spirit”. This All-pervading Power of divine love is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed, get easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head towards your right. Here you have to say sixteen times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. Say this with full confidence. Now, I have already told you that logically whether you forgive or you do not forgive, you do not do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourselves on their behalf. So now you have to forgive all of them without thinking individually about them. So now please raise your right hand across your forehead, and bend your head. Now here you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone” in general. Not how many times, but from your heart, you have to say, it is very important. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading divine power. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, please say from your heart, not how many times, “Mother”, or you can say, “oh divine power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes”. Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now the last centre is very important. So now, you stretch your palms fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Please do not hold your head but push back your fingers. And now please bend your head as far as possible. And n Now move your scalp seven times, but I cannot force Self-realisation on you, so you have to ask seven times for your Self-realisation by saying “Mother please give me my Self-realisation”. Now, please take down your hands and open your eyes. Please put both your hands towards me like this, and watch me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards me and your head down, and see with your left hand, away from the head, to feel if there is a cool or hot breeze coming in your, through your fontanelle bone area. Some get it hot, or cold does not matter. Now, please put the left hand and bend your head. And see with the right hand now, bending your head and check if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Once more, you have to do it with your right hand. Put down your head and see with the left hand, if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area or the hot breeze. Some people get it a little far away, some closer, but do not put your hand on your head. Now please put both the hands like this. And now raise both the hands like this and push back your head. And ask a question. One of these three questions, anyone. “Mother is this the cool breeze of the divine love?” or “Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?”, or “Mother is this the param chaitanya?” Ask any one of these questions thrice.. Now, please take down your hands. All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze, from their fontanelle bone area, or on their fingertips, please raise both your hands. So, I bow to you all. Now, a life of spirituality and saintliness has started. Thank you very much. I would like to tell them one thing, that, "When they go out now, tell all the trees, that we have forgiven everyone. I have forgiven myself and I have forgiven everyone".
Evening Program before Adi Shakti Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening Program before Adi Shakti Puja 1993 [6:40]You see, there are small children here, so I was thinking the children should go after their program, before the danse to Daglio. And some ladies should go with them because they will be fast asleep. Some ladies can join them. And the rest of us can stay here for the danse. Because they were saying it will be very late for the children to go. All right.Whenever you feel that children should go, you can go to Daglio. But best is you can wait in there, in Palazzo Doria, you can wait there. If children are troublesome or anything, you can take the children to this house of mine, wait there until everybody assembles, then you can take your children away. All right? But I think they will be all right.May God bless you. [3:25:28]Shri Mataji: … And not so much of Bharatanatyam, it’s true? [Hindi]But in that one, it had the jalat of Odissi, Because, you see, Gita Govind is mostly done by Odissi people. And they don’t have steps like them, [unsure] too much movement of the body. I was wondering about it, doesn’t matter. So, the Odissi danse is another style but this Bharatanatyam danse also, I think you saw it when you were in Madras last time, when we saw that Ramayana. That was the same. And the Kuchipudi is another one, which you know that our children are learning now in Dharamshala which is also a very dynamic danse, Kuchipudi is. And our children are from all over the world, are learning it in Dharamshala, this Kuchipudi. We’ve got some students from there, the school where all these [inaudible] and all these people have studied. Form there one lady has come to teach them. So, now we have, you see, this style, that they did, is a very special Bharatanatyam.The last one is the "tilana" part. You see, it has a little connexion with Maharashtrians because Shivaji has a brother and he was given a jagir, as they call it, an area to rule, Nagapattinam. Then he went there and he started a big library there and there he started doing this Bharatanatyam "tilana" part. Now it comes from the word "tarana", as we have "tarana" in the note, you see, where you have heard "taranas", when the people sing two, one particular tala [rhythm] and only the notes are sung. And it can go very fast also. The same thing, he changed it into this and he really created a lot of patterns in Bharatanatyam. There is one [inaudible] girl who does that. I don’t know if you have heard about her, she does all that dancing.So, there has been quite a give-and-take. But the purity of dancing has been kept somehow, which is a very good thing because you can get varieties and you enjoy it much more by them.On the whole, this is a very divine danse and it creates very divine feelings and also, it’s very good for the growth of your divine attention because you start living in another world, you see, when it is going on and you start seeing Shiva, Shri Rama, Shri Krishna and all these people. Just praise like that and you start having a rapport with the dancer and you also enjoy that thing where they are all praised so much and appreciated. You all being Sahaja Yogis, you know all about them, nothing has to be explained about them. But the way they have performed is very interesting. For example, Shiva’s description that he as given is very true and that there was a demon and this demon was afraid of the Mother, you see, he thought that if Bhavani decides it, she can kill him. So, he takes the form of a dwarf, of a child so that the Devi cannot kill him. So, Shiva said, "All right, if you don’t kill him, I’ll kill him". And he killed him but people don’t understand when they see, say, a God standing on top of a child, they can’t understand, "What sort of a God is this one?" So, but this is very deeper to understand the feeling of a Mother that she can’t even kill a rakshasa who is a child. So, Shiva has to say that, "All right, I can kill him because he is a rakshasa after all, he is to be killed." The whole understanding is that it is so much related to Sahaja Yoga. The whole story is related to us, it’s all within ourselves, all these deities are there, all these chakras are there. And if you understand the expression of all, or the manifestations of all these dances is from some Realized souls. Because the way they describe, the way they say things is absolute truth, you see. It’s absolute truth. Amazingly, how they know, little, little things about all these great events that took place thousand of years back. Of course, there are books and things written down. But from that also, they have taken inspiration. But also, some of them are extremely spontaneous. Now the Meenakshi temple thing that she did was another very great thing which I liked, because I said I thought it was Odissi style. But it was the praise of the Mother in the sense that, what she has done and how she is and it’s the- you see, this temple is one of the most beautiful temples that we have of Meenakshi. Unfortunately, we have not been there. I wish I could take you some time to see even this temple, it’s down out, you see.But Kanchipuram you have seen the temple, in Kanchipuram that she’s described. So, this is all, you see, sort of a coming out of the beautiful incarnations that we had in that Yoga Bhoomi. And these incarnations expressed in danse, it’s something it’s so joyous because it combines so many things it has. As he said, there’s a bhava, there’s a tala, there’s also the ragas. And the whole thing becomes such a synthesis of all the beauties of Indian music, say, Indian [Sanskrit] the expression of emotions and also of rhythmic patterns. And the kind of rhythmic patterns that we have, you know it very well – I’m so happy, I bless both of you very much for which your [inaudible] and I think everything will work out. If you need anything, please let Me know. In every way I’ll be there to help you for any creativity, for any explanation, anything, I will be able to tell you everything that you want and whatever you need otherwise, also, you can ask Me. All right?May God bless you. Ananda Shiva, Ananda Shiva, Ananda Shiva.Another thing I wanted to say that Austria has suddenly taken a big leap into creativity I must say. I remember the days when Gregoire wrote to Me, "Mother, I’m absolutely bored, this Austria is a horrible place, you see, I just don’t want to live here. I don’t know why you have asked me to come here and all that. I have no Sahaja Yogis here. All horrible people, all drunkards and all kinds of things". And then, to my surprise when I reached there, I found so many of them, so many beautiful Sahaja Yogis and now I think we have lots of them in Austria. They are very, very creative people, they are very talented. I don’t know, this time I miss their "samuhanand" [the joy of collectivity] as they call it, you have the choirs, you see, it’s beautiful the choirs of very high level, a very great expertise in this. And I think that’s why Mozart was born there in Austria, because he is the [inaudible] factor. Moreover, I’ve seen some plays also played in Austria, you don’t know where this- which one was that?Sahaja Yogi: Luxembourg.Shri Mataji: Luxembourg. You, there you could see these people because they were very creative from the very beginning, I think. And the music especially was one of the great parts. They have such beautiful also drama talent, you could see that the way they played their drama with such ease and with such comfort. So, all these great qualities of the artists as you were saying so. Today only I was saying that somehow the artists, the Lakshmi and the Sarasvati do not go together. So, sometimes the artist has to suffer financially. But we’ll see after Sahaja Yoga that all the artists will be very much valuable and they will get the reward of what they are producing. Because this is something coming from divine and this gross world doesn’t understand them. But a day will come when the world will become very subtle and all of them will enjoy their creativity very much.[Applause]Now, tomorrow, somehow or other, it was such a nice thing that we could see this beautiful dancing and the creativity of our spontaneous creation from Austria. But thanks to mister Rachid Khan who could not come today [laughter] that we had such a lot of time to enjoy ourselves. This mister Rachid Khan, I don’t know, he got stuck somewhere and big problems with his coming and they changed one from another and we gave bandhans and bandhans. Ultimately now, he is coming. So, tomorrow, maybe at nine o’clock, we’ll have his music. But he is a very well-known musician, I’m sure you’ll appreciate him. For that, I have to request that you will have to leave after the music from here, which will be little late, if you don’t mind. If you could stay on for the music, it would be a nice idea because he is supposed to be a very well-known musician. And by chance it has happened that so many strikes, things and just he could not come. He is coming now all the way. So, I think we should do full justice to his art and respect him by a little bit delaying your departure from here. I hope you’ll do that much favour.So, for today, I think, we shouldn’t say goodnight, and tomorrow’s morning program, I hope you all know that you have to have a very fast and lots of breakfast. Because they may not be any lunch except for the prasad. So, better have a good lunch, don’t starve, in the morning time that means a brunch. [Laughter]And then we’ll be having – puja should start by eleven because if we have to give chance to this- it has never started so far, let’s try tomorrow. All right. May God bless you.With the German meticulousness made.Thank you very much, thank you.
Evening Program before Adi Shakti Puja 1993 [6:40]You see, there are small children here, so I was thinking the children should go after their program, before the danse to Daglio. And some ladies should go with them because they will be fast asleep. Some ladies can join them. And the rest of us can stay here for the danse. Because they were saying it will be very late for the children to go. All right.Whenever you feel that children should go, you can go to Daglio. But best is you can wait in there, in Palazzo Doria, you can wait there. If children are troublesome or anything, you can take the children to this house of mine, wait there until everybody assembles, then you can take your children away. All right? But I think they will be all right.May God bless you. [3:25:28]Shri Mataji: … And not so much of Bharatanatyam, it’s true? [Hindi]But in that one, it had the jalat of Odissi, Because, you see, Gita Govind is mostly done by Odissi people. And they don’t have steps like them, [unsure] too much movement of the body. I was wondering about it, doesn’t matter. So, the Odissi danse is another style but this Bharatanatyam danse also, I think you saw it when you were in Madras last time, when we saw that Ramayana. That was the same. And the Kuchipudi is another one, which you know that our children are learning now in Dharamshala which is also a very dynamic danse, Kuchipudi is. And our children are from all over the world, are learning it in Dharamshala, this Kuchipudi. We’ve got some students from there, the school where all these [inaudible] and all these people have studied. Form there one lady has come to teach them. So, now we have, you see, this style, that they did, is a very special Bharatanatyam.The last one is the "tilana" part. You see, it has a little connexion with Maharashtrians because Shivaji has a brother and he was given a jagir, as they call it, an area to rule, Nagapattinam. Then he went there and he started a big library there and there he started doing this Bharatanatyam "tilana" part. Now it comes from the word "tarana", as we have "tarana" in the note, you see, where you have heard "taranas", when the people sing two, one particular tala [rhythm] and only the notes are sung. And it can go very fast also. The same thing, he changed it into this and he really created a lot of patterns in Bharatanatyam. There is one [inaudible] girl who does that. I don’t know if you have heard about her, she does all that dancing.So, there has been quite a give-and-take. But the purity of dancing has been kept somehow, which is a very good thing because you can get varieties and you enjoy it much more by them.On the whole, this is a very divine danse and it creates very divine feelings and also, it’s very good for the growth of your divine attention because you start living in another world, you see, when it is going on and you start seeing Shiva, Shri Rama, Shri Krishna and all these people. Just praise like that and you start having a rapport with the dancer and you also enjoy that thing where they are all praised so much and appreciated. You all being Sahaja Yogis, you know all about them, nothing has to be explained about them. But the way they have performed is very interesting. For example, Shiva’s description that he as given is very true and that there was a demon and this demon was afraid of the Mother, you see, he thought that if Bhavani decides it, she can kill him. So, he takes the form of a dwarf, of a child so that the Devi cannot kill him. So, Shiva said, "All right, if you don’t kill him, I’ll kill him". And he killed him but people don’t understand when they see, say, a God standing on top of a child, they can’t understand, "What sort of a God is this one?" So, but this is very deeper to understand the feeling of a Mother that she can’t even kill a rakshasa who is a child. So, Shiva has to say that, "All right, I can kill him because he is a rakshasa after all, he is to be killed." The whole understanding is that it is so much related to Sahaja Yoga. The whole story is related to us, it’s all within ourselves, all these deities are there, all these chakras are there. And if you understand the expression of all, or the manifestations of all these dances is from some Realized souls. Because the way they describe, the way they say things is absolute truth, you see. It’s absolute truth. Amazingly, how they know, little, little things about all these great events that took place thousand of years back. Of course, there are books and things written down. But from that also, they have taken inspiration. But also, some of them are extremely spontaneous. Now the Meenakshi temple thing that she did was another very great thing which I liked, because I said I thought it was Odissi style. But it was the praise of the Mother in the sense that, what she has done and how she is and it’s the- you see, this temple is one of the most beautiful temples that we have of Meenakshi. Unfortunately, we have not been there. I wish I could take you some time to see even this temple, it’s down out, you see.But Kanchipuram you have seen the temple, in Kanchipuram that she’s described. So, this is all, you see, sort of a coming out of the beautiful incarnations that we had in that Yoga Bhoomi. And these incarnations expressed in danse, it’s something it’s so joyous because it combines so many things it has. As he said, there’s a bhava, there’s a tala, there’s also the ragas. And the whole thing becomes such a synthesis of all the beauties of Indian music, say, Indian [Sanskrit] the expression of emotions and also of rhythmic patterns. And the kind of rhythmic patterns that we have, you know it very well – I’m so happy, I bless both of you very much for which your [inaudible] and I think everything will work out. If you need anything, please let Me know. In every way I’ll be there to help you for any creativity, for any explanation, anything, I will be able to tell you everything that you want and whatever you need otherwise, also, you can ask Me. All right?May God bless you. Ananda Shiva, Ananda Shiva, Ananda Shiva.Another thing I wanted to say that Austria has suddenly taken a big leap into creativity I must say. I remember the days when Gregoire wrote to Me, "Mother, I’m absolutely bored, this Austria is a horrible place, you see, I just don’t want to live here. I don’t know why you have asked me to come here and all that. I have no Sahaja Yogis here. All horrible people, all drunkards and all kinds of things". And then, to my surprise when I reached there, I found so many of them, so many beautiful Sahaja Yogis and now I think we have lots of them in Austria. They are very, very creative people, they are very talented. I don’t know, this time I miss their "samuhanand" [the joy of collectivity] as they call it, you have the choirs, you see, it’s beautiful the choirs of very high level, a very great expertise in this. And I think that’s why Mozart was born there in Austria, because he is the [inaudible] factor. Moreover, I’ve seen some plays also played in Austria, you don’t know where this- which one was that?Sahaja Yogi: Luxembourg.Shri Mataji: Luxembourg. You, there you could see these people because they were very creative from the very beginning, I think. And the music especially was one of the great parts. They have such beautiful also drama talent, you could see that the way they played their drama with such ease and with such comfort. So, all these great qualities of the artists as you were saying so. Today only I was saying that somehow the artists, the Lakshmi and the Sarasvati do not go together. So, sometimes the artist has to suffer financially. But we’ll see after Sahaja Yoga that all the artists will be very much valuable and they will get the reward of what they are producing. Because this is something coming from divine and this gross world doesn’t understand them. But a day will come when the world will become very subtle and all of them will enjoy their creativity very much.[Applause]Now, tomorrow, somehow or other, it was such a nice thing that we could see this beautiful dancing and the creativity of our spontaneous creation from Austria. But thanks to mister Rachid Khan who could not come today [laughter] that we had such a lot of time to enjoy ourselves. This mister Rachid Khan, I don’t know, he got stuck somewhere and big problems with his coming and they changed one from another and we gave bandhans and bandhans. Ultimately now, he is coming. So, tomorrow, maybe at nine o’clock, we’ll have his music. But he is a very well-known musician, I’m sure you’ll appreciate him. For that, I have to request that you will have to leave after the music from here, which will be little late, if you don’t mind. If you could stay on for the music, it would be a nice idea because he is supposed to be a very well-known musician. And by chance it has happened that so many strikes, things and just he could not come. He is coming now all the way. So, I think we should do full justice to his art and respect him by a little bit delaying your departure from here. I hope you’ll do that much favour.So, for today, I think, we shouldn’t say goodnight, and tomorrow’s morning program, I hope you all know that you have to have a very fast and lots of breakfast. Because they may not be any lunch except for the prasad. So, better have a good lunch, don’t starve, in the morning time that means a brunch. [Laughter]And then we’ll be having – puja should start by eleven because if we have to give chance to this- it has never started so far, let’s try tomorrow. All right. May God bless you.With the German meticulousness made.Thank you very much, thank you.
Adi Shakti Puja: The Fruit of Knowledge
Cabella Ligure
Adi Shakti
Shri Adi Shakti Kundalini Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 June 1993. Today we are all going to worship Me - first time. It has always been the puja of an aspect of Me or a part of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what is Adi Shakti.As we say, it is the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, come out of what? Not out of the Divine love but out of carnal love, out of material love, out of power love. Behind all these desires there is love.If you do not love something you will not desire it. So, these mundane types of love that you have, for which we spend so much of our time uselessly, actually they do not give you satisfaction, because that is not true love that you have. Just infatuation for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it, and from there you jump to another thing, to another thing, to another thing. So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea: to create Adam and Eve. So, angels have no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they do it. Animals also don’t know why they do certain things, they just do it because they are bound by nature, they are bound by God Almighty. They say, "Shiva is Pashupati", means He controls all the animals. He is Pashupati. He controls all the animals. So, all the desires from animals come in, but they don’t repent, they don’t have ego, they don’t think that: “This is wrong or that is good”. They have no karma problem, because they have no ego, because they have no freedom. At this point, Adi Shakti, which was pure love- so, think of a Father who has put all his love into one personality, then what is left in Him is nothing! He is just watching. Then what does He think? He is just watching the play of his desire, of his love. He is watching it, how it is working out. And when he is watching that, then he is very careful, because he knows that; “This personality that I have created is nothing but love and compassion”. And compassion itself is of such a noble variety that he cannot bear anybody challenging that compassion, troubling that compassion, or also in any way demeaning it, lowering it, insulting it. He is so alert on that part, and He is very watchful. So, a rift has taken place, we should say, from Him, from His own desire of love. Now this desire of love was also given a personality, means ego, and this ego has to act on its own. It became sort of a very independent personality, which was free to do whatever it liked. I mean, we cannot think, in our mundane life, that a husband and wife are absolutely free to do what they like, because there is no cohesion, there is no understanding, there is not that oneness, that rapport. But it’s like a moon and moonlight, sun and sunlight. It is such a cohesion that, whatever one does, the other enjoys. And in that beautiful rift Adi Shakti decided to change his plans. She is known for Her "sankalpa vikalpa karoth": anything you try to decide too much, She will make it break, like today’s eleven o’clock puja. So, when this Adam and Eve business started, She thought that “They will be just the other animals or angels; what’s the use? They must know what they are doing, they must know why they are doing it, they must have the freedom to understand what is the Knowledge. Fixed machine like life that animals are having, why should they nave?”. So, in her arbitrary power, which was considered of course, She is the one who came as a serpent, and told them that, “You taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now, for people who are not Sahaja Yogis, you cannot tell this, they’ll be shocked. But this serpent came to test them and then to tell them that, “You better taste this fruit”. This serpent told the woman, not the man, because woman is supposed to accept things easily. She may even accept bhoots, she may even accept nonsense, but she is the one who accepts. While the man doesn’t accept easily, he argues, he discusses. That’s why he came and told the woman.SHE came and told the woman, I should say: this Holy Ghost actually is a feminine, and so nearer to a woman. This feminine force came as a serpent and told that, “Better you taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now it was the job of the lady, Eve, to convince her husband, because women know how to do that. Sometimes they may convince them wrongly, tell them something which is very wrong, very sinister, as you know in Macbeth what happened. So, many places we are seeing women have misguided their husbands. But men could be guided, or could be emancipated if they have a proper wife. So, he had all faith in his wife, believed in it and they tasted the fruit of knowledge, under the guidance of this e Holy Ghost, who was a feminine personality of God. This cannot be conceived by the people who are just getting a glimpse of Christ, or a glimpse of Mohammed Sahib, or a glimpse of Nanak Sahib; they cannot understand. We just had a glimpse of them. If they had told, people would have said “Bah! What is this?”. They wouldn’t have ever listened to it. So at that time, the way the attention was, the way the reception was, they told about dharma, about ascent. But in India people talked about Kundalini since long ago, and [know] that she is the Adi Shakti reflected within us. Now you see she has already read it out to you that I will be in every one of them. Now understand that this Adi Shakti is the Power of love, of pure love, of compassion. There is nothing else she has: only the pure love within her heart. But this pure love is so powerful, is so powerful! That is the love She has given to this Mother Earth. Because of that, this Mother Earth, [in spite of] the amount of sins we may commit -we may do anything- is pouring out her love through these beautiful things to all us. Now, we have also this beauty expressed in every way of her love, through the galaxies you see, the stars you see. Now, if you want to see it from a scientific way, then science means... it has no love in it there’s no question of love. Even people talk of Yoga but they don’t talk of love and compassion. When there is no love and compassion, there cannot be any divine spark in that person. Everything is non completely submerged in this Divine love. Everything that is created on this earth, everything that is created in this universe, and universes, and universes, is all because of the love of the Divine Mother. So, this Adi Shakti’s love is something so, so subtle, is so subtle. You cannot understand sometimes. I know you all love Me very much. It’s tremendous love for Me, and when I get the vibrations from you, it is like the ripples that reach the shores and again they return back and lots of little, little sparkling drops are there, on the shore also. In the same way in my heart I feel your love echoing the beauty of this divine love... which I cannot la explain to you the experience that it creates. The first thing that it creates is that tears come into my eyes, because it is the compassion which is Sandra Karuna, is Adra, it’s not dry. Like a father’s compassion could be very dry: “Alright, do this, otherwise I’ll shoot you, I’ll do this”. Mother will say, but she will not say something that will be that hurting. She will have to say, sometimes, to correct you, but her saying is very different from the father’s, because she has got Sandra Karuna, Adra, Adra is that which is not dry. And this kind of a heart she developed because of this Divine love that she was carrying. So every part of Her body, everything is created out of Divine love. Every bit of it emits nothing but Divine love, vibrations are nothing but Divine love. Now, I have told you before also that this incarnation had to come. The time had come, it was all seen that the time had come. But there is difference between fixed time and time which is sahaj. Fixed time is such that you can say that “This train leaves at this time, it will arrive at this time”. You can say that some machinery is producing something, in such and such time it will produce so many things. But living things, which are spontaneous, which are sahaj, you cannot say that. In the same way this process of freedom. You have the maximum freedom. So one could not say what time this will happen, that people will be available to receive this subtle knowledge of divine love. Knowledge also could be very dry. We had terrible people in India, who were busy with reading and with recitation of mantras, this, that. And they became so dry, so dry they were, just bone structures they were, just bones left; and so hot-tempered that they looked at anybody, that person would become ashes. I mean, is this the way you have come on this earth, to do all the tapasyas, everything, just to make anybody, somebody into ashes? But that is how they thought that they were very great, because they looked at somebody, that person disappears or becomes ashes, "bhasmisar" they call it. But there was no idea of benevolence in their heart. So the first thing that is achieved through this divine love is your benevolence. Now, ‘benevolence’ itself is also a kind of a very misguided word. ‘Benevolence’ means whatever is good for your Spirit. New, as you know, the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So when the Spirit in you starts reflecting itself in its full beauty, then you become the giver, you are no more a person who has to take anything, you just become the giver, you are so fulfilled!Now this advent came at a time which was judged, what time it should come. As I said you had freedom, people were going amuck, doing all kinds of things. So, if you see that, just before this, we had a big problem of people working out their power. Like people would go to India to occupy the territory of India, or to China, or they decided and went up to Africa, and all this places. Even Americans went to - so called Americans - went to America and occupied it. So this was the time when they were using their freedom for power only. That was not the for the Adi Shakti to be born. They were the people who were power oriented. Not that today we don’t have, we have, but these were seeking only power and also these territories, which is not important. So, it could not be at that time. At that time one had to fight for your freedom, for getting out of the clutches of these imperialists and people who were trying to overpower.Now gradually it changed. It changed, and changed in such a smooth way! It’s very surprising, I saw the change coming up myself; it worked out. As you know, I myself took part in the freedom movement of India, it is important. India started, in India it started; first to have freedom from imperialism, and then gradually this freedom from imperialism started spreading in every country, people started thinking about it, they started understanding that “No use having colonies and all that, better come back to your own position”. So, when this happened, I mean, this happened in my own lifetime, I must say. First, people who tried to have freedom in our country died, so many were killed, you know, we had people like Bhagat Singh. In every country all the revolutionaries were thrown out, were ill-treated and killed. It’s not a question of India only. But that one had to go through.So their freedom was tested. Now they thought: “This was nonsensical thing we did, this was no freedom”. Because, after all, doing all that, then they started repenting, and developing a kind of a fear, and a fright from others, and kind of a... what you can call a very disturbed Left Vishuddhi started. They felt very guilty, that they have done very wrong, they should not have done it. Of course, so many saints came and they talked of nobility, of forgiveness, of unity, of oneness, everything they said. Big seers were born, they also reached that point to talk about it. But still people were not prepared so much. Gradually, I think -they had teachings and all that- started working in people. But the biggest problem came with these so-called religions that they started. These religions, all religions got derailed, and they formed kind of puddles, you see: Muslims here, Christians here, Hindus there, this is this, this is this... So you really needed this River of Life to fill up all these puddles and make them One. It is complete ignorance, sheer stupidity to think that one human being is higher than another, You can only say one thing: that you are at a different state. Some are at a different state, some are at a higher state, but in general you cannot condemn somebody that he is no good, this society is not good, that society is not good; in general. Individually you can say, in general you cannot say, But this ignorance was so dark, because it became collective, it’s a collective ignorance, collective ignorance. They all joined the hands together collectively to say that “This is the religion that is the best, we are the only ones which are the saved ones”. Another said “No, no no, no… These are absolutely condemned people. We are the best”, And under the name of religion, under the name of God Almighty, they started this nonsense. So, now Adi Shakti had to assert, put the complete force. So, the first thing. She realized that one should know what la a family. A child grows in the family. If the children do not get the proper attention from the father or mother, we can say if they are also spoiled, or if not spoiled, if they are over-indulged, or they are neglected, then the child does not know what love is. If a child doesn’t know what love is - love does not mean that you spoil the child or you give him lots of toys to play and get rid of him; it means that all the time your attention is on your child. And that attention is not indulgence, but an attention for the benevolence of the child. So all the time you are seeing that there is benevolence. And thus I thought the family life has to be, first of all, substantiated. Very important. Because these days also, under the name of religion, they started nunneries, and then priests, and then sannyasis, and all kinds of "babas" are there. They are so dry! And they are so misleading to people that people started taking to this kind of sannyasa, getting out of their running away from their wives, their children. So, the first point, I realized human beings cannot have love who haven’t known what love is. And this love is more effective if it is collective. You must have seen that in India people really love each other in a family. I mean, so many relations we don’t know how we are related to them. Be just call them brother, sister, this, that. We don’t know what is the relationship, whose father was who, whose sister, nothing. But we just feel “This is our brother”. And if you are asked “How is your brother?” you wouldn’t know how your brother is. The reason is we had a joined family system, The joined family system is just like a collective family system. So nobody, knew who was a real brother, who was his step-brother, who was his cousin, nothing. They all lived together as just relations. But then this also broke, this joint family also broke, because of economic reasons and things like that, whatever it is. So now, at this time, (when, see) this very crucial time it was when the people had to know love and the family had started breaking in every country, specially, say western countries. For men and women never realized the importance of family life, they never had faith in their family life. So it became such a shifting thing for poor children! They were on shifting grounds, and they couldn’t grow properly.So they, created a generation of violent, horribly possessed children. This generation, then, vent into warmongering. They don’t know, they feel like fighting, I have seen children fighting with a tree. I said “Why are you fighting?”. “It’s nice to fight, you know”. But “Why are you fighting?”, they don’t know. The reason (is that) there’s no love. So everything that you see you detest; “I don’t like it, I don’t like it”. Detest everything. You try, out of your frustration, to destroy anything that you see. So a new trend started. Apart from the war, when it was over, naturally the value system dropped down. People felt: “What’s the use? You see, we had all these values, so what did we get? War, and war, what is the war for? War has just killed all our societies, they have killed our children, everybody. And what is so great about these wars also? So the mind of the people, on the whole, was that “You see, somehow or other, you must fight” Like the fittest man is the best. So the one who can dominate, the one who can come up is the best. So the domination of these imperial style of government was over but individually it became a process of domination. With this process of domination, ego started developing. Even to children they used to give an education in such a way that children became very arrogant, very artificial, extremely arrogant and artificial. It was impossible to understand why these children were not at all controlled, were told that “This is wrong”. Because the parents also took a very, very defensive attitude. They would not face their children and tell them what is wrong. They were so attached to their idea that “These children will leave us” that they decided “All right, do what you like but stay with us”. Under these circumstances even human beings as such were dwindling between a good family life and divorces arid a funny society, which believes in sharing women or sharing men and all kinds of things. So what a terrible situation was there for Adi Shakti to assert Herself! Then also there was a very big problem about these religions asserting themselves, their own ideas, their own conditionings on people, and absolutely blinding them. So it was a turmoil, it was a turmoil, and at this turmoil state only, Adi Shakti had to come to establish the dharma. She had to work it out, to establish the dharma. It was a very shifty place, very shifty sciences were there but, when I was born I was shocked the way people were. At that time I do not think I met many setters. Of course I met one or two realized souls, but mostly they were worried about their insurance, their money, their this... that. And if you talked to them you would not know where you have come, into some wilderness or what. We didn’t know what to say to them: how could we start telling them about Divine Love when they were not seekers even? Then, gradually, I felt confident. First I thought “I have come a little early, I should have waited slightly more, would have been better, because here the people hate everyone and every individual is against another individual, and they are cheating each other and they are also very jealous of each other and also want to have higher positions, and this and that over others. They want to pull everybody’s legs so maybe it’s not yet time for Sahaja Yoga to start” . But then I saw all these horrible false gurus also throwing their own charms on people are trying to control them. That made me really, really think that “Now I’d better stop worrying as to what the atmosphere is, worrying as to what sort of people there are. let’s start!”- And that’s how the first "brahmarandra chidra" [opening of the brahmarandra] took place, in India, that 5th of May. (And) 1970, 5th of May, in the morning time. Of course there were acme, also some events which made me hurry up to do it. I was quite ready, I knew what was the problem of human beings but I thought that maybe they may never accept that they can get their Self-realization. Now, this incarnation is really a very unique type. So many incarnations came, they came, told you everything and said “This in good, this is good, this is good...”. Some people who were enamoured by them followed them, but nothing was inside their heart, whatever they heard “Alright, it’s a sermon, it’s a lecture, it’s a Gita, that’s all”. And the life of such a person did not have that spark of the Divine love, within that person. We have had lots of good people during this short time, if you see. If you see, Mahatma Gandhi was there, Martin Luther was there, all kinds of people you see all over, Abraham Lincoln was there, George Washington was there, (we have) William Blake was there, we had Shakespeare. All this style, you see in the literature, in every way; Lao Tse, then we had Socrates, if we start from Socrates to today, we have had lots of philosophers, lots of people who talked about a higher life. Despite that, people were thinking “These are some absurd people, there’s nothing in it, too much to understand” would read anything about, say, Guru Gita they would not. They would think, that “What’s this nonsense? What’s the use? It’s all humbug going on”, like that. With this attitude, you see, you find all around, when I looked I said “Oh, how am I to tell them what they are, and what they have to find?”. And it was really my desire that there should be some keenness in people, just a little bit. “If they give Me a little chance, this Divine love is so subtle, it will just penetrate into their hearts”. But they would not, they were just like stones. You could not talk to them, you could not tell them about anything. And they thought no end of themselves, that is the worst part of it. Under these circumstances Sahaja Yoga started, and there I find that the powers of Adi Shakti are much greater than the problems you see. I saw it very clearly myself: because these powers are awakening the Kundalini. I knew I can awaken the Kundalini, no doubt, I knew that, and I also knew I can do (it) en-masse realization, but I could never think that people whom I awaken will come back again, because, you see, they are ignorant people. I never thought that “They’ll come back, they’ll practice Sahaja Yoga” or “They’ll go to this level”, never, never, never, never thought. If somebody had told Me I would have laughed at that person. Exactly what happened was that, when I gave the first lecture, anywhere, that hall would be finished, everything would be finished. I had nothing to do with that hall, I was staying somewhere else, the hall was taken on hire and for the follow-on of course very few. So I thought that, you see, “Doesn’t go into their heads, just goes over their heads I think, they don’t want to understand anything”. They did not understand anything. Under the great pressure, you see, and the family problems, this ,that, It was not so Important. The most important thing was that “How to penetrate into human beings?”. So the only solution was to raise their own Kundalini, to create that little light in them, because if I go on sitting down, with the idea that “They will come round and ask He for Kundalini awakening and then I will awaken them”, was the wrong idea. I could realize that.So en-masse realization started and this really surprised people. It was no magic, it was not story-telling but it was the Truth. They could feel it on their fingertips, they could feel it out of their fontanele bone area. The actualization of Sahaja Toga has worked wonders. Otherwise it would have been impossible. All these wonders that you see today are because of your reaction, because of the way you reacted, the way you received it, otherwise Adi Shakti is what?Good for nothing. If you do not accept (it) I am nothing. Actually it is again, I say, your wisdom, your sense, your seeking (that) has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. I never write letters to anybody, I never call anybody, that, you know, all gurus do that: as soon as they go to any city they write down the names of all the important people, and then they send them letters, and get about two or three at least for such programs. But without doing all that, you see how we have managed this en-masse Kundalini awakening, by which people started understanding Sahaja Yoga, it started penetrating into them. Now for that I have to raise my own Kundalini like that: every time in a public program I raise mine also. And in my Kundalini itself I catch all your problems. It is painful, that is why after puja I become very, sort of... like a atone I should say, for a while. (The) reason is I’m absorbing all that is within you, like I have put you all in my body. You are part and parcel of my body. Every cell that I have is for you, for your abode, and you have to be that subtle to understand that if we own something or if we have something to be done about Sahaja Yoga, anything, if we want to start an ashram, or anything, immediately I know. flow do I know is because you are inside Me. Most of the things I know very clearly, but some of these things T do not know that clearly because of one thing: the relationship between you and Me is of course very intimate, that you should be in my body. But if you people are not meditating - it is very mundane thing, I must tell you - "dhyana gamya", if you are not meditating then I have no relationship with you. You are not my relation, you have no right to me, you have no question to be asked “Why is this happening, why is that happening?”. So, if you do not meditate - I always say “Meditate, meditate”- I have nothing to do with you, you are no more there for me. There is no connection with you, then you are like all other people. You may be Sahaja Yogis, you might have got your Sahaja Yoga degree from your leaders, maybe, I don’t know and maybe (that) you are regarded as something very great, but if you do not do your meditation every day, evening, morning or evening, you will be really not any more in the realm of Shri Mataji. Because the connection is only through "dhyana", through meditation. I know people who do not do meditation, then they suffer, their children suffer, then something happens, then they start coming and telling me... but I see clearly that the person is not meditating, I’ve no relationship with him, he has no right to ask me anything. In the beginning of course meditation take some time, but once you (will) know what meditation is, how you enjoy my company, how you are one with me, how we can have a rapport with each other, there is no need to have anything else in between like writing letters or maybe some sort of a special connection, nothing of that kind. Only thing that is needed is the meditation. In meditation you grow, in that spiritually you become higher, and when that happens you start, in a way, I would say that, when you reach a state of that, I should say, maturity in Sahara Yoga, then you do not to give up your meditation, because at that time you are absolutely one with Me. That does not mean that for three or four hours you should do meditation. How much intensely you are with Me is important, now, it is not how much time you are with Me. Then I am responsible for you, for your children, for everyone. I am responsible for your ascent, for your protection, to save you from all your negativity. So it’s not like a father who will directly punish you. It is not that, but it is just “Alright, you are not my relation, I am out”. That is the only thing that can happen- If you ace not meditating, alright, I cannot force you, I have nothing to do with you. You may have other relationships outside, outward, but this inner relationship by which you get your benevolence you cannot have without meditation. I have been telling all of you “Please meditate, please meditate every day”. But I think people also do not understand the importance of what I am saying, because they tell me “Mother, we don’t meditate”. “Why?” “Now we are realized souls, so why should we meditate?’’. Now this instrument is fully made, but if it is not all the time connected to the mains, what’s the use of having it? In that meditation you will feel the love, the Divine love, the beauty of that Divine love. A complete panorama changes, A meditative person has a very different attitude, a very different temperament, a very different life, and he lives always In complete satisfaction with himself.So today, as being the first day, as you say, of the Advent, (say) we can say that it is the first day when the Advent took place, as we are worshipping today. Of course it was not today, but still, we can say that it that is so, if it has happened, it has been helpful to you, it has been a great blessing to you, then you must know how to preserve it, must know how to enhance it, must know how to enjoy it. You should not just get satisfied with one, we can say, one nice drama, one this thing, one that, but you should have a full oneness with the Divine, full oneness, and that is possible only if you really meditate, which is quite an easy thing to do, to meditate. Some people say “Mother, we cannot get overtime”, “We are all the time thinking something”, or “At that time we want to see the watch”. In the beginning you may have a little, little problem, I am not saying you may not have, you may have, but that’s only in the beginning. But gradually you will be alright, gradually you will master it, gradually you will know it so well that you would not like to have anything else of a cheaper type, you wouldn’t care for such things. You see, so to get to your beauty, to get to your glory, to get to your own great personality, which is now exposed, the only thing you have to do really, religiously is to meditate. That is not that “Tonight I came very late so I did not meditate, tomorrow, you see, I have to go for work so I cannot meditate”. Nobody wants to know the excuses, it is between you and yourself. It is your gain, nobody else’s. It is for your gain everything is happening. Now one has to know that we have achieved a certain height of evolution, and from this height you might go up to here, up to here, up to here. I am not saying it is not possible to do that, but, the first and foremost thing is that whatever you may be, you may consider yourself to be a very high-class Sahara Yogi, you have to be humble about meditation. This meditative quality even when I am talking to you I am just getting into it, it is so joy-giving, you just jump into the ocean of joy. First It will be difficult, but after some time you will know that this connection that you have with Shri Mataji is the only connection that you are looking for. Also there is another point people get lost with, which I have seen very common with some people who get lost. They meditate individually very much, it is very correct. Individually they will meditate. And they will sit down, meditate, will do puja but collectively they will not meditate. So, this is another point one has to remember, that you have to be collectively meditating, because I am a collective being of all (of you), and when you meditate collectively you are really very close to He. So even if you have a program or something, you must do some meditation: always have meditation as the priority for any program. You sing the songs. It is over, everything is done, then you meditate. If I’m insisting on something you must know that this must be the truth I am telling you, absolutely the basis of it, though it looks rather mundane, but it is very important. Now for us to worship Adi Shakti. I don’t know also because there have been no prayers or anything about Adi Shakti. Up to Bhagavati they have gone, but beyond Bhagavati they have not gone, so I do not know what sort of puja we will have, but let’s try something. Maybe, I think the meditation is the best way we can really achieve something. So, we can go into meditation for about five minutes.Can you increase the volume?Please close your eyes. [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone] Eleven Rudras are awakened and they will destroy all that is negative. [Not on video] Now ignorance is the greatest negative force. And I am sure they will destroy this ignorance of people. May God bless you. [Aside:] Could we have the puja now? May God bless you all.
Shri Adi Shakti Kundalini Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 6 June 1993. Today we are all going to worship Me - first time. It has always been the puja of an aspect of Me or a part of Me. Now, one has to know very clearly what is Adi Shakti.As we say, it is the pure desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? If you see your own desires, come out of what? Not out of the Divine love but out of carnal love, out of material love, out of power love. Behind all these desires there is love.If you do not love something you will not desire it. So, these mundane types of love that you have, for which we spend so much of our time uselessly, actually they do not give you satisfaction, because that is not true love that you have. Just infatuation for the time being, and then you just get fed up with it, and from there you jump to another thing, to another thing, to another thing. So, Adi Shakti is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea: to create Adam and Eve. So, angels have no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they do it. Animals also don’t know why they do certain things, they just do it because they are bound by nature, they are bound by God Almighty. They say, "Shiva is Pashupati", means He controls all the animals. He is Pashupati. He controls all the animals. So, all the desires from animals come in, but they don’t repent, they don’t have ego, they don’t think that: “This is wrong or that is good”. They have no karma problem, because they have no ego, because they have no freedom. At this point, Adi Shakti, which was pure love- so, think of a Father who has put all his love into one personality, then what is left in Him is nothing! He is just watching. Then what does He think? He is just watching the play of his desire, of his love. He is watching it, how it is working out. And when he is watching that, then he is very careful, because he knows that; “This personality that I have created is nothing but love and compassion”. And compassion itself is of such a noble variety that he cannot bear anybody challenging that compassion, troubling that compassion, or also in any way demeaning it, lowering it, insulting it. He is so alert on that part, and He is very watchful. So, a rift has taken place, we should say, from Him, from His own desire of love. Now this desire of love was also given a personality, means ego, and this ego has to act on its own. It became sort of a very independent personality, which was free to do whatever it liked. I mean, we cannot think, in our mundane life, that a husband and wife are absolutely free to do what they like, because there is no cohesion, there is no understanding, there is not that oneness, that rapport. But it’s like a moon and moonlight, sun and sunlight. It is such a cohesion that, whatever one does, the other enjoys. And in that beautiful rift Adi Shakti decided to change his plans. She is known for Her "sankalpa vikalpa karoth": anything you try to decide too much, She will make it break, like today’s eleven o’clock puja. So, when this Adam and Eve business started, She thought that “They will be just the other animals or angels; what’s the use? They must know what they are doing, they must know why they are doing it, they must have the freedom to understand what is the Knowledge. Fixed machine like life that animals are having, why should they nave?”. So, in her arbitrary power, which was considered of course, She is the one who came as a serpent, and told them that, “You taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now, for people who are not Sahaja Yogis, you cannot tell this, they’ll be shocked. But this serpent came to test them and then to tell them that, “You better taste this fruit”. This serpent told the woman, not the man, because woman is supposed to accept things easily. She may even accept bhoots, she may even accept nonsense, but she is the one who accepts. While the man doesn’t accept easily, he argues, he discusses. That’s why he came and told the woman.SHE came and told the woman, I should say: this Holy Ghost actually is a feminine, and so nearer to a woman. This feminine force came as a serpent and told that, “Better you taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now it was the job of the lady, Eve, to convince her husband, because women know how to do that. Sometimes they may convince them wrongly, tell them something which is very wrong, very sinister, as you know in Macbeth what happened. So, many places we are seeing women have misguided their husbands. But men could be guided, or could be emancipated if they have a proper wife. So, he had all faith in his wife, believed in it and they tasted the fruit of knowledge, under the guidance of this e Holy Ghost, who was a feminine personality of God. This cannot be conceived by the people who are just getting a glimpse of Christ, or a glimpse of Mohammed Sahib, or a glimpse of Nanak Sahib; they cannot understand. We just had a glimpse of them. If they had told, people would have said “Bah! What is this?”. They wouldn’t have ever listened to it. So at that time, the way the attention was, the way the reception was, they told about dharma, about ascent. But in India people talked about Kundalini since long ago, and [know] that she is the Adi Shakti reflected within us. Now you see she has already read it out to you that I will be in every one of them. Now understand that this Adi Shakti is the Power of love, of pure love, of compassion. There is nothing else she has: only the pure love within her heart. But this pure love is so powerful, is so powerful! That is the love She has given to this Mother Earth. Because of that, this Mother Earth, [in spite of] the amount of sins we may commit -we may do anything- is pouring out her love through these beautiful things to all us. Now, we have also this beauty expressed in every way of her love, through the galaxies you see, the stars you see. Now, if you want to see it from a scientific way, then science means... it has no love in it there’s no question of love. Even people talk of Yoga but they don’t talk of love and compassion. When there is no love and compassion, there cannot be any divine spark in that person. Everything is non completely submerged in this Divine love. Everything that is created on this earth, everything that is created in this universe, and universes, and universes, is all because of the love of the Divine Mother. So, this Adi Shakti’s love is something so, so subtle, is so subtle. You cannot understand sometimes. I know you all love Me very much. It’s tremendous love for Me, and when I get the vibrations from you, it is like the ripples that reach the shores and again they return back and lots of little, little sparkling drops are there, on the shore also. In the same way in my heart I feel your love echoing the beauty of this divine love... which I cannot la explain to you the experience that it creates. The first thing that it creates is that tears come into my eyes, because it is the compassion which is Sandra Karuna, is Adra, it’s not dry. Like a father’s compassion could be very dry: “Alright, do this, otherwise I’ll shoot you, I’ll do this”. Mother will say, but she will not say something that will be that hurting. She will have to say, sometimes, to correct you, but her saying is very different from the father’s, because she has got Sandra Karuna, Adra, Adra is that which is not dry. And this kind of a heart she developed because of this Divine love that she was carrying. So every part of Her body, everything is created out of Divine love. Every bit of it emits nothing but Divine love, vibrations are nothing but Divine love. Now, I have told you before also that this incarnation had to come. The time had come, it was all seen that the time had come. But there is difference between fixed time and time which is sahaj. Fixed time is such that you can say that “This train leaves at this time, it will arrive at this time”. You can say that some machinery is producing something, in such and such time it will produce so many things. But living things, which are spontaneous, which are sahaj, you cannot say that. In the same way this process of freedom. You have the maximum freedom. So one could not say what time this will happen, that people will be available to receive this subtle knowledge of divine love. Knowledge also could be very dry. We had terrible people in India, who were busy with reading and with recitation of mantras, this, that. And they became so dry, so dry they were, just bone structures they were, just bones left; and so hot-tempered that they looked at anybody, that person would become ashes. I mean, is this the way you have come on this earth, to do all the tapasyas, everything, just to make anybody, somebody into ashes? But that is how they thought that they were very great, because they looked at somebody, that person disappears or becomes ashes, "bhasmisar" they call it. But there was no idea of benevolence in their heart. So the first thing that is achieved through this divine love is your benevolence. Now, ‘benevolence’ itself is also a kind of a very misguided word. ‘Benevolence’ means whatever is good for your Spirit. New, as you know, the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So when the Spirit in you starts reflecting itself in its full beauty, then you become the giver, you are no more a person who has to take anything, you just become the giver, you are so fulfilled!Now this advent came at a time which was judged, what time it should come. As I said you had freedom, people were going amuck, doing all kinds of things. So, if you see that, just before this, we had a big problem of people working out their power. Like people would go to India to occupy the territory of India, or to China, or they decided and went up to Africa, and all this places. Even Americans went to - so called Americans - went to America and occupied it. So this was the time when they were using their freedom for power only. That was not the for the Adi Shakti to be born. They were the people who were power oriented. Not that today we don’t have, we have, but these were seeking only power and also these territories, which is not important. So, it could not be at that time. At that time one had to fight for your freedom, for getting out of the clutches of these imperialists and people who were trying to overpower.Now gradually it changed. It changed, and changed in such a smooth way! It’s very surprising, I saw the change coming up myself; it worked out. As you know, I myself took part in the freedom movement of India, it is important. India started, in India it started; first to have freedom from imperialism, and then gradually this freedom from imperialism started spreading in every country, people started thinking about it, they started understanding that “No use having colonies and all that, better come back to your own position”. So, when this happened, I mean, this happened in my own lifetime, I must say. First, people who tried to have freedom in our country died, so many were killed, you know, we had people like Bhagat Singh. In every country all the revolutionaries were thrown out, were ill-treated and killed. It’s not a question of India only. But that one had to go through.So their freedom was tested. Now they thought: “This was nonsensical thing we did, this was no freedom”. Because, after all, doing all that, then they started repenting, and developing a kind of a fear, and a fright from others, and kind of a... what you can call a very disturbed Left Vishuddhi started. They felt very guilty, that they have done very wrong, they should not have done it. Of course, so many saints came and they talked of nobility, of forgiveness, of unity, of oneness, everything they said. Big seers were born, they also reached that point to talk about it. But still people were not prepared so much. Gradually, I think -they had teachings and all that- started working in people. But the biggest problem came with these so-called religions that they started. These religions, all religions got derailed, and they formed kind of puddles, you see: Muslims here, Christians here, Hindus there, this is this, this is this... So you really needed this River of Life to fill up all these puddles and make them One. It is complete ignorance, sheer stupidity to think that one human being is higher than another, You can only say one thing: that you are at a different state. Some are at a different state, some are at a higher state, but in general you cannot condemn somebody that he is no good, this society is not good, that society is not good; in general. Individually you can say, in general you cannot say, But this ignorance was so dark, because it became collective, it’s a collective ignorance, collective ignorance. They all joined the hands together collectively to say that “This is the religion that is the best, we are the only ones which are the saved ones”. Another said “No, no no, no… These are absolutely condemned people. We are the best”, And under the name of religion, under the name of God Almighty, they started this nonsense. So, now Adi Shakti had to assert, put the complete force. So, the first thing. She realized that one should know what la a family. A child grows in the family. If the children do not get the proper attention from the father or mother, we can say if they are also spoiled, or if not spoiled, if they are over-indulged, or they are neglected, then the child does not know what love is. If a child doesn’t know what love is - love does not mean that you spoil the child or you give him lots of toys to play and get rid of him; it means that all the time your attention is on your child. And that attention is not indulgence, but an attention for the benevolence of the child. So all the time you are seeing that there is benevolence. And thus I thought the family life has to be, first of all, substantiated. Very important. Because these days also, under the name of religion, they started nunneries, and then priests, and then sannyasis, and all kinds of "babas" are there. They are so dry! And they are so misleading to people that people started taking to this kind of sannyasa, getting out of their running away from their wives, their children. So, the first point, I realized human beings cannot have love who haven’t known what love is. And this love is more effective if it is collective. You must have seen that in India people really love each other in a family. I mean, so many relations we don’t know how we are related to them. Be just call them brother, sister, this, that. We don’t know what is the relationship, whose father was who, whose sister, nothing. But we just feel “This is our brother”. And if you are asked “How is your brother?” you wouldn’t know how your brother is. The reason is we had a joined family system, The joined family system is just like a collective family system. So nobody, knew who was a real brother, who was his step-brother, who was his cousin, nothing. They all lived together as just relations. But then this also broke, this joint family also broke, because of economic reasons and things like that, whatever it is. So now, at this time, (when, see) this very crucial time it was when the people had to know love and the family had started breaking in every country, specially, say western countries. For men and women never realized the importance of family life, they never had faith in their family life. So it became such a shifting thing for poor children! They were on shifting grounds, and they couldn’t grow properly.So they, created a generation of violent, horribly possessed children. This generation, then, vent into warmongering. They don’t know, they feel like fighting, I have seen children fighting with a tree. I said “Why are you fighting?”. “It’s nice to fight, you know”. But “Why are you fighting?”, they don’t know. The reason (is that) there’s no love. So everything that you see you detest; “I don’t like it, I don’t like it”. Detest everything. You try, out of your frustration, to destroy anything that you see. So a new trend started. Apart from the war, when it was over, naturally the value system dropped down. People felt: “What’s the use? You see, we had all these values, so what did we get? War, and war, what is the war for? War has just killed all our societies, they have killed our children, everybody. And what is so great about these wars also? So the mind of the people, on the whole, was that “You see, somehow or other, you must fight” Like the fittest man is the best. So the one who can dominate, the one who can come up is the best. So the domination of these imperial style of government was over but individually it became a process of domination. With this process of domination, ego started developing. Even to children they used to give an education in such a way that children became very arrogant, very artificial, extremely arrogant and artificial. It was impossible to understand why these children were not at all controlled, were told that “This is wrong”. Because the parents also took a very, very defensive attitude. They would not face their children and tell them what is wrong. They were so attached to their idea that “These children will leave us” that they decided “All right, do what you like but stay with us”. Under these circumstances even human beings as such were dwindling between a good family life and divorces arid a funny society, which believes in sharing women or sharing men and all kinds of things. So what a terrible situation was there for Adi Shakti to assert Herself! Then also there was a very big problem about these religions asserting themselves, their own ideas, their own conditionings on people, and absolutely blinding them. So it was a turmoil, it was a turmoil, and at this turmoil state only, Adi Shakti had to come to establish the dharma. She had to work it out, to establish the dharma. It was a very shifty place, very shifty sciences were there but, when I was born I was shocked the way people were. At that time I do not think I met many setters. Of course I met one or two realized souls, but mostly they were worried about their insurance, their money, their this... that. And if you talked to them you would not know where you have come, into some wilderness or what. We didn’t know what to say to them: how could we start telling them about Divine Love when they were not seekers even? Then, gradually, I felt confident. First I thought “I have come a little early, I should have waited slightly more, would have been better, because here the people hate everyone and every individual is against another individual, and they are cheating each other and they are also very jealous of each other and also want to have higher positions, and this and that over others. They want to pull everybody’s legs so maybe it’s not yet time for Sahaja Yoga to start” . But then I saw all these horrible false gurus also throwing their own charms on people are trying to control them. That made me really, really think that “Now I’d better stop worrying as to what the atmosphere is, worrying as to what sort of people there are. let’s start!”- And that’s how the first "brahmarandra chidra" [opening of the brahmarandra] took place, in India, that 5th of May. (And) 1970, 5th of May, in the morning time. Of course there were acme, also some events which made me hurry up to do it. I was quite ready, I knew what was the problem of human beings but I thought that maybe they may never accept that they can get their Self-realization. Now, this incarnation is really a very unique type. So many incarnations came, they came, told you everything and said “This in good, this is good, this is good...”. Some people who were enamoured by them followed them, but nothing was inside their heart, whatever they heard “Alright, it’s a sermon, it’s a lecture, it’s a Gita, that’s all”. And the life of such a person did not have that spark of the Divine love, within that person. We have had lots of good people during this short time, if you see. If you see, Mahatma Gandhi was there, Martin Luther was there, all kinds of people you see all over, Abraham Lincoln was there, George Washington was there, (we have) William Blake was there, we had Shakespeare. All this style, you see in the literature, in every way; Lao Tse, then we had Socrates, if we start from Socrates to today, we have had lots of philosophers, lots of people who talked about a higher life. Despite that, people were thinking “These are some absurd people, there’s nothing in it, too much to understand” would read anything about, say, Guru Gita they would not. They would think, that “What’s this nonsense? What’s the use? It’s all humbug going on”, like that. With this attitude, you see, you find all around, when I looked I said “Oh, how am I to tell them what they are, and what they have to find?”. And it was really my desire that there should be some keenness in people, just a little bit. “If they give Me a little chance, this Divine love is so subtle, it will just penetrate into their hearts”. But they would not, they were just like stones. You could not talk to them, you could not tell them about anything. And they thought no end of themselves, that is the worst part of it. Under these circumstances Sahaja Yoga started, and there I find that the powers of Adi Shakti are much greater than the problems you see. I saw it very clearly myself: because these powers are awakening the Kundalini. I knew I can awaken the Kundalini, no doubt, I knew that, and I also knew I can do (it) en-masse realization, but I could never think that people whom I awaken will come back again, because, you see, they are ignorant people. I never thought that “They’ll come back, they’ll practice Sahaja Yoga” or “They’ll go to this level”, never, never, never, never thought. If somebody had told Me I would have laughed at that person. Exactly what happened was that, when I gave the first lecture, anywhere, that hall would be finished, everything would be finished. I had nothing to do with that hall, I was staying somewhere else, the hall was taken on hire and for the follow-on of course very few. So I thought that, you see, “Doesn’t go into their heads, just goes over their heads I think, they don’t want to understand anything”. They did not understand anything. Under the great pressure, you see, and the family problems, this ,that, It was not so Important. The most important thing was that “How to penetrate into human beings?”. So the only solution was to raise their own Kundalini, to create that little light in them, because if I go on sitting down, with the idea that “They will come round and ask He for Kundalini awakening and then I will awaken them”, was the wrong idea. I could realize that.So en-masse realization started and this really surprised people. It was no magic, it was not story-telling but it was the Truth. They could feel it on their fingertips, they could feel it out of their fontanele bone area. The actualization of Sahaja Toga has worked wonders. Otherwise it would have been impossible. All these wonders that you see today are because of your reaction, because of the way you reacted, the way you received it, otherwise Adi Shakti is what?Good for nothing. If you do not accept (it) I am nothing. Actually it is again, I say, your wisdom, your sense, your seeking (that) has brought you to Sahaja Yoga. I never write letters to anybody, I never call anybody, that, you know, all gurus do that: as soon as they go to any city they write down the names of all the important people, and then they send them letters, and get about two or three at least for such programs. But without doing all that, you see how we have managed this en-masse Kundalini awakening, by which people started understanding Sahaja Yoga, it started penetrating into them. Now for that I have to raise my own Kundalini like that: every time in a public program I raise mine also. And in my Kundalini itself I catch all your problems. It is painful, that is why after puja I become very, sort of... like a atone I should say, for a while. (The) reason is I’m absorbing all that is within you, like I have put you all in my body. You are part and parcel of my body. Every cell that I have is for you, for your abode, and you have to be that subtle to understand that if we own something or if we have something to be done about Sahaja Yoga, anything, if we want to start an ashram, or anything, immediately I know. flow do I know is because you are inside Me. Most of the things I know very clearly, but some of these things T do not know that clearly because of one thing: the relationship between you and Me is of course very intimate, that you should be in my body. But if you people are not meditating - it is very mundane thing, I must tell you - "dhyana gamya", if you are not meditating then I have no relationship with you. You are not my relation, you have no right to me, you have no question to be asked “Why is this happening, why is that happening?”. So, if you do not meditate - I always say “Meditate, meditate”- I have nothing to do with you, you are no more there for me. There is no connection with you, then you are like all other people. You may be Sahaja Yogis, you might have got your Sahaja Yoga degree from your leaders, maybe, I don’t know and maybe (that) you are regarded as something very great, but if you do not do your meditation every day, evening, morning or evening, you will be really not any more in the realm of Shri Mataji. Because the connection is only through "dhyana", through meditation. I know people who do not do meditation, then they suffer, their children suffer, then something happens, then they start coming and telling me... but I see clearly that the person is not meditating, I’ve no relationship with him, he has no right to ask me anything. In the beginning of course meditation take some time, but once you (will) know what meditation is, how you enjoy my company, how you are one with me, how we can have a rapport with each other, there is no need to have anything else in between like writing letters or maybe some sort of a special connection, nothing of that kind. Only thing that is needed is the meditation. In meditation you grow, in that spiritually you become higher, and when that happens you start, in a way, I would say that, when you reach a state of that, I should say, maturity in Sahara Yoga, then you do not to give up your meditation, because at that time you are absolutely one with Me. That does not mean that for three or four hours you should do meditation. How much intensely you are with Me is important, now, it is not how much time you are with Me. Then I am responsible for you, for your children, for everyone. I am responsible for your ascent, for your protection, to save you from all your negativity. So it’s not like a father who will directly punish you. It is not that, but it is just “Alright, you are not my relation, I am out”. That is the only thing that can happen- If you ace not meditating, alright, I cannot force you, I have nothing to do with you. You may have other relationships outside, outward, but this inner relationship by which you get your benevolence you cannot have without meditation. I have been telling all of you “Please meditate, please meditate every day”. But I think people also do not understand the importance of what I am saying, because they tell me “Mother, we don’t meditate”. “Why?” “Now we are realized souls, so why should we meditate?’’. Now this instrument is fully made, but if it is not all the time connected to the mains, what’s the use of having it? In that meditation you will feel the love, the Divine love, the beauty of that Divine love. A complete panorama changes, A meditative person has a very different attitude, a very different temperament, a very different life, and he lives always In complete satisfaction with himself.So today, as being the first day, as you say, of the Advent, (say) we can say that it is the first day when the Advent took place, as we are worshipping today. Of course it was not today, but still, we can say that it that is so, if it has happened, it has been helpful to you, it has been a great blessing to you, then you must know how to preserve it, must know how to enhance it, must know how to enjoy it. You should not just get satisfied with one, we can say, one nice drama, one this thing, one that, but you should have a full oneness with the Divine, full oneness, and that is possible only if you really meditate, which is quite an easy thing to do, to meditate. Some people say “Mother, we cannot get overtime”, “We are all the time thinking something”, or “At that time we want to see the watch”. In the beginning you may have a little, little problem, I am not saying you may not have, you may have, but that’s only in the beginning. But gradually you will be alright, gradually you will master it, gradually you will know it so well that you would not like to have anything else of a cheaper type, you wouldn’t care for such things. You see, so to get to your beauty, to get to your glory, to get to your own great personality, which is now exposed, the only thing you have to do really, religiously is to meditate. That is not that “Tonight I came very late so I did not meditate, tomorrow, you see, I have to go for work so I cannot meditate”. Nobody wants to know the excuses, it is between you and yourself. It is your gain, nobody else’s. It is for your gain everything is happening. Now one has to know that we have achieved a certain height of evolution, and from this height you might go up to here, up to here, up to here. I am not saying it is not possible to do that, but, the first and foremost thing is that whatever you may be, you may consider yourself to be a very high-class Sahara Yogi, you have to be humble about meditation. This meditative quality even when I am talking to you I am just getting into it, it is so joy-giving, you just jump into the ocean of joy. First It will be difficult, but after some time you will know that this connection that you have with Shri Mataji is the only connection that you are looking for. Also there is another point people get lost with, which I have seen very common with some people who get lost. They meditate individually very much, it is very correct. Individually they will meditate. And they will sit down, meditate, will do puja but collectively they will not meditate. So, this is another point one has to remember, that you have to be collectively meditating, because I am a collective being of all (of you), and when you meditate collectively you are really very close to He. So even if you have a program or something, you must do some meditation: always have meditation as the priority for any program. You sing the songs. It is over, everything is done, then you meditate. If I’m insisting on something you must know that this must be the truth I am telling you, absolutely the basis of it, though it looks rather mundane, but it is very important. Now for us to worship Adi Shakti. I don’t know also because there have been no prayers or anything about Adi Shakti. Up to Bhagavati they have gone, but beyond Bhagavati they have not gone, so I do not know what sort of puja we will have, but let’s try something. Maybe, I think the meditation is the best way we can really achieve something. So, we can go into meditation for about five minutes.Can you increase the volume?Please close your eyes. [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone] Eleven Rudras are awakened and they will destroy all that is negative. [Not on video] Now ignorance is the greatest negative force. And I am sure they will destroy this ignorance of people. May God bless you. [Aside:] Could we have the puja now? May God bless you all.
Experience the Truth on your Centres
Public Program
Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 24 June 1993. Shri Mataji: It's all right. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, with this human awareness. We have to be in another state where we can understand it, know it, on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our central nervous system. In the same way we have to feel the truth, the absolute, on our finger tips. It has to be tangible. It’s not a make belief, it's not a blind faith, but one has to experience it, on the central nervous system. But the problem is that so far, those who achieved something also of this nature, were singled out and they were never respected. A great poet, Kabir, says that, "How am I to explain anything? The people are so blind." Even William Blake was treated as a lunatic in this country. It was impossible for these seers, these prophets, to explain, to talk about the Divine. But, till they lived, nobody understood them and followed them. And then when they were no more, people built mosques, temples, churches. And when we see the mess of these religions we are surprised, how can it be. How can people kill each other in the name of God? How can they make money, the way they are making in the name of God? People are amazed, who are little bit aware, that there's something wrong somewhere. And whatever was told was not followed properly. There is no connection. One starts feeling, when they see the private lives of people who are in charge of those religions, that there's something definitely wrong. So then, they take to science. And science is amoral. It has no morality. It deals with matter, and matter is controlled by the Divine. It cannot deliver the goods as far as our spirituality is concerned about knowing the Absolute. So we are stuck at a point where we call ourselves human beings, we have the human awareness. But we don't have the absolute knowledge, that's why everybody is quarrelling, fighting, wars, in some name or other we are hating each other. If the Divine has created all of us, why there is such a problem? In the nature there isn't. Look at these beautiful flowers here. On the tree, they grow, all the leaves are spread properly. No problem, nobody tries to aggress anyone or to kill anybody. Everybody, if you call them some bodies, then they all help each other to get the maximum sunlight. You go in a forest, there may be a tiger and all kinds of animals there, you don't have any bad smell anywhere. They know how to, the whole cycle of nature is worked out beautifully. But if you feel that there's some dirt filth and you smell it, then know there must be some human beings living there. Because men only have the power as human beings, to spoil everything, or to become the Spirit. Because human beings are at the epitome of evolution. They have no ideas to how glorious they are, how great they are. I find in the West people are trying to find their identity, they curl their hair, or do all kinds of things. The identity lies within yourself. When you say, "These are my eyes, this is my nose, this is my body", that means you are not this body, this mind. This is yours, but you are not the same. So you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And that's what you have to become, every religion has said that, every religion. Mohamed Sahib has said it, clearly, that there have been so many wallis before. And there are going to be so many wallis also. You have to be a walli, He said it clearly. I met in Turkey, sufis. Of course, in India, we have very great sufis, Nizamuddin Sahib was there, and also we had Chishti, in Chishti we had another one. Everywhere we had sufis like that, and they believed in Sahaja Yoga only. But they remained in different category. But in Turkey, thanks to Ataturk, I think, that these prospered very well. And they came to Me, and they just surrendered to Sahaja Yoga. They wanted their Realization, they got their Realization. When their guru came, he also got his Realization, and he said, "This is Sahaja Yoga which is going to transform the whole world". They, of course, they are in a way Muslims, because born in Muslim families, and that they sing the praise of Mohamed, of Ali, of Fatima, of everyone. But they don't consider that, "We are the only chosen ones". Such beautiful people they were. They got their Realization, "What it is? What about Christ?" He said, "Those who are not against Me, are with Me". Who are those, who are with Him? He was hardly given three years to express Himself. People were so blind at that time. It is, every religion has talked about the Spirit, and the spirituality, but it has become now spiritism. These all kinds of black magic and things, that has become the religion. Or it has become a power oriented thing. All kinds of nonsense you hear and you are really so sad. Like in Bosnia, so many Muslims are killed. For what? Because they are Muslims. In some places Christians are killed, because they are Christians. It's going on, everywhere, and now it's time for us to stop it. We have no problem now with Russia, and we'll never have a world war now, I hope so, but we have a problem of fundamentalism. And that comes from the ignorance that we are all part and parcel of one personality. And this ignorance has to go. And that can be done very easily once you become the Spirit. Now, it's not question of I'm telling you, as a sermon or a lecture. but it's a happening, it's an actualization of that experience, which is important. This experience is something, which is extremely valuable today, for the whole world, because this is the time of Last Judgement. And this is the time when people are going to get their Self Realization. One has to understand, is a very important time now, Say, we say from chimpanzee we have come to human level, supposing even if we accept that, but there were two other races, which came as human beings. They disappeared. In the same way there are people who are still seeking power, money, in the name of God. Can you imagine? Those who are seeking all such things, should know that it is not reality. Now when those people who see them, also they say, "No, there's no God", abhor that name, they are also wrong, because very unscientific. Have you found out, if there is God or not? By seeing a Hindu misbehaving, or a Muslim misbehaving, or a mula misbehaving and a pandit misbehaving, you cannot blame God for that. You cannot deny God. If you are denying God, I would like to know in these modern times, what is the scientific proof that you are saying there is not God. Have you found out? Have you made any discoveries about it, that there is no God? So with a very open mind of a scientist, you have to understand that there is God, which is a hypothesis before you, which you should not accept blindfolded. but if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. It's very important today, that this world has to change to the emancipation and transformation of human beings. All the problems of the world today, if you see, really, are from human beings. And all these human beings are having problems, because of their centers are in trouble. If somehow or other, we could cure these centers and connect our being to that All Pervading Power of Divine Love, we enter into the kingdom of God, which is promised by every religion. Again I say, you see these beautiful flowers here, and we take them for granted. We never even think how they are here, on this earth, with a little seed. How does this Mother Earth gives this beautiful flowers? It's such a miracle. It's a miracle like that, the photographs you are seeing. This is another miracle. But we take it for granted, all living processes. Everything we take it for granted. And we never try to judge whether it is a miracle, or how it has come. We never even think about it. Who does this living work? Supposing we extend our imagination, who does this living work? This living work, I say, is done by the All Pervading Divine Power of Love. This may be called as Ruh, could be called as Brahmachaitanya, Paramachaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Rithambhara Pragnya. You may call it by any name but this power exists. Now, only thing is, you are to be connected to this power. Like this instrument is connected to the mains, otherwise it has no identity, it has no meaning. Only thing you are to be connected to this All Pervading Power. Once you are connected, you'll be surprised at yourself, how glorious you are, how great you are, what powers you have and what you can achieve. You suffer from stress and physical troubles, mental troubles, economic troubles, political troubles. All these troubles get solved. Say there's complete darkness here, and there's commotion, you will in any way, stamp it onto other people. You will, because there's darkness, trying to run, not knowing which is your aim, where to go, what to do. That's what is world today. Is it to be pitied, that people are not genuinely seeking the truth? If they are, is their right to get their Self Realization, that is what Sahaja Yoga is. So the truth is that you are the Spirit, pure Spirit, the second one is that there is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. It runs our heart, it gives us children, it gives us beautiful nature, everything that is spontaneous, Sahaja, Saha is "born with you". The right, to become united, yoga, with this All Pervading Power. But it is so simple, that people don't understand. They think, "How can it be so simple?" It has to be. Because it is so vital, it is so important. Supposing if your breathing was difficult and you had to read books for that, what would have happened? It is extremely vital. But somehow human beings always think that you shouldn't eat your food like this but go round and eat like that. It is a very, very simple thing, Sahaj also means very simple, spontaneous. So the Kundalini is there, She is residing within you, She is your Mother, She knows everything about you, very anxious to give you, your Self Realization. It's like the primule in the seed, which has to sprout. Now, what you have to do is to put this seed in the Mother Earth, and the Mother Earth has the built-in quality to sprout it. and the seed has a built-in quality to get sprouted. It is, you can't explain. In one seed, do you mean to say there are maps of all the trees it is going to produce? Go to the microscopic thing, and it is vast. Go to the universe, it's vast. The cosmos is vast. But a simple thing is that you are the epitome of all this creation, and you are the one who has that source of knowledge, of joy, and absolute truth. This is what you are, and it's your own, so why not have it. People sometimes, told Me that, "Mother, if you say that, <<you can get it free>>, then we can't believe it". I said, "But why?" "Because supposing if it doesn't happen to us, we can go to the Courts." I said, this human mind doesn't understand, that it is something your own, your own evolutionary process and what have you paid for it? Nothing. Do you mean to say God understands money and bank? No, no, it's all man made problems, complications. What is within you, is a beautiful Spirit, which is reflected in your heart. And this, your Mother, who is your Kundalini. It has nothing to do with paganism and all that, you see, just to discard something as paganism. If Indians have to learn science from you, why not learn the science of the roots from Indians? What's wrong? But people take to falsehood very easily, even in religion I have seen. You must first of all verify, the people who are talking about God and religion what is their personal character. Are they genuine? Secondly, what are their disciples like? Do they have any powers? Do they know anything? Unless and until you are verifying these things, you should not take to false people. And falsehood is so rambling, is so evident, if you just use your logic, you'll find out, falsehood. What's the use of using false things? If reality is within you, why not achieve it? This is such a beautiful thing that you are. You must accept yourself, you must honour yourself, respect yourself. Another western problem is a fashion to feel guilty, which I just don't understand, why do you feel guilty? After all you are human beings, you are not gods. If you make mistakes, what's the use of feeling guilty? If you have done mistakes, just face it. Face it up and finish with it, that you will not do it again. But no use feeling guilty all the time and spoiling your centre here on the left hand side, which can give you not only spondylitis but also angina, and lethargic organs. The Sahaja Yoga today is on a scientific basis explained. We have doctors who have proved how Sahaja Yoga has cured cancers and things. And also we have scientists who have proved many things, which are said in Sahaja Yoga. So it is tangible, it is not that something is said, which has no basis. And that is what one has to do, is to have an open mind of a scientist, take to Realization and see for yourself. If it working out, then you prove all these saints were correct. Like Guru Nanak has said "Sahaja Samadhi Lago". So what is the meaning of "Sahaja Samadhi Lago"? Who understands that? What is Samadhi? All of them have talked about it. I do not want to mention all of them, but you can find out after Realization, that they were everywhere, telling about this, Of course they were not in a group but they were tortured, troubled, hanged, poisoned. Now, these are the days, are different. You can't hang a person for that. But also for our benevolence we have to accept it. We have to accept it because it's our own, and we have to have it. It's a very, very simple thing which one has to understand that you cannot be only a human being. Must be something more to you. If only being a human being solves the problem, then there will be no problem at all. But there has to be something more. And that is not that you shave yourself off or you, you wear funny dresses, it's not that. By that you do not change. But a inner transformation is needed and for that you have got the Kundalini. But it cannot be forced. First of all, you have to ask for it. If I am born in a Christian family, I'm a Christian, if you are born in Muslim family, you are Muslim, you are born in a Hindu family, you are a Hindu. It's not a matter of choice. But what is needed is to understand that all human beings are born in some religion or other. But do you find that religion has gone inside them? No. You can find, whenever they get a chance they will do anything they feel like against what their religion has told them. So reason is they haven't got that power. of religion within themselves. Only after Sahaja Yoga you'll be amazed - I mean, I am myself amazed that people have given up drugs overnight, alcohols overnight. I don't have to tell. I don't tell anybody, because if I tell "Don't drink", half of you will go away. So it's all right. You come along into the area, you can give Realization to others, you can diagnose the diseases of others, you can cure people. Apart from that you get all the knowledge which is so subtle, which is real. All other knowledge is called as avidya, is not knowledge, but is non-knowledge. The real knowledge is the knowledge of the Spirit, which cannot be challenged, it cannot be changed, it is, it has been and it will be. All these things people have said, only the difference is today, you have to get the actual experience of that. That's the only difference. And also that is en-masse. Thousands of people can get Self Realization. It's the blessings of these modern times, which are called as Ghor Kali Yuga, the worst times. This is the time only this was to happen, and it's happening all over the world. I don't think I can explain to you about Sahaja Yoga in this short time. After all I don't know how many lectures I must have given in English language itself, and so many other languages. But what is the use of talking about it? As I always said that there are so many beautiful lights here. For that, you have to just put the switch on, because it's all built-in. But supposing I start telling you all the story about how electricity was found and how it was brought to London, and then to this Royal Albert Hall, you'll be all absolutely bored. Best thing is to have your lights on. As you have seen today, all the Sahaja Yogis were sitting, and on top of their head there was light. Also there are many other photographs they have not shown of the children, Sahaja Yogi children are born to Sahaja Yogis. They are born realized, and they have a glow around their head, you can see. All this is happening maybe to prove you people something. But cameras are wonderful thing I have seen, that those people used to mesmerize and play some tricks were found out by the cameras. And with Me they play these tricks. So these modern times are something special I must say, that cameras are discovered and they can really somehow or other make the picture of these vibrations. It is hard for people to give up their conditionings, because they think now, we are born into this thing, born into... No, you are born, but you are not that. To be that, in whatever religion you are born, you have to be a realized soul. To be a real Englishman one you have to be a realized soul, otherwise you cannot be. To be a real Indian, you have to be a realized soul. Because you don't know the glory of your country. You don't know what your country is. Like they said that I have told them that is the heart. Now the proof is there. Heart of the universe is England. That's why everything circulates, you see. Anything goes wrong here, circulates all over. Of course we have now yellow journalism, and the media and all that nonsense is going on. But even that circulates. So you are placed in a very important place, is the heart of the universe. And see the proof is shown by the cameras. This is the small portion they have taken out otherwise there are hearts, hearts, hearts everywhere. So just to feel that you are here in England, you have to also feel that you have not yet felt, the reality of England. And the reality can only be felt when you are in the realm of reality. And this realm of reality lies within yourself, which is very easy to achieve. So the power that achieves it is that of Kundalini, and it's the pure desire. If you have the pure desire, it will work out. But if you are arrogant, if you are here to criticize, or to make some sort of a commentary, Kundalini won't rise. You have to have pure desire to become the Spirit, that's all. Depends only on one point that you have to have pure desire. You don't have to pay anything, you don't have to think anything, you don't have to do any mantras, nothing, but just the pure desire to be that. Because as you know, in economics, in general, wants are not satiable. But once you achieve the state of Spirit, then you become the giver. The only want you have, that how many people I can give Realization, how many people can be saved. And without any ego about it. You will see that after Realization, you will start talking in the third person. It's a beautiful state within yourself, which is dormant, which you have to achieve. There's another point I have to tell you, that today Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. It is not that in your house, you sit down and do Sahaja Yoga, you cannot do it. You are a part and parcel of the whole. Like, if my nail is cut out, it doesn't grow. So you have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay for anything, nothing, but you have to come to our collectives. As we do not take money, for maintaining big temples, or big places, you must understand that wherever people are feeling this All Pervading Power, is the best place to go to. And you shouldn't think about what was the hall like, or where they were doing all these, or what sort of people were there, because the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone. Sometimes we really get lunatics walking in. Doesn't matter. But some of them do get cleared out. Some of them do get cured. We don't criticize anyone. Let everyone come. And I'm amazed that so far those who have come to Sahaja Yoga, have all achieved their selfhood. And I wish you all good luck. We'll do a little meditation just now and I'm sure all of you are going to get your Self Realization, no doubt of it. I know there are questions in your heads, quite a lot, doesn't matter. You can write them down and send it over, we'll answer them. But this question and all, that you I become an expert now, dealing with this kind of thing for the last 21 years. So I can answer all of that, no doubt. But it's just a mental acrobat. You have to ask for the experience of your being. What's the use of discussion, argument and conferences? What have you achieved out of that? So just to ask for your Self Realization, it's very important. Now, those who do not want, I cannot force on them. Your freedom as a human being, is worshipped, is not only accepted but it's also worshipped. If you want to go to hell, you can go. If you want to go to heaven, you can go to heaven as well. So, cannot be forced. As I said, it's the pure desire, is the one that is going to work it out. All those who do not want to have it, should leave the hall, could be better, and not to sit down here, watching others and criticizing. That would be a much better idea, to leave others to have the experience. It is a chance that My husband got elected to a job here, and I came to England. And it has been really a great experience because I found that this is a place where, if Sahaja Yoga is established, it will work out everywhere very well. And it did. But amazingly it has worked more in Russia, more in the Eastern block. Because they had no religion, imagine. They were clean slates. No bindings. And you won't believe that in Russia we always have it in big stadiums, sixteen thousands to eighteen thousands people. And people are sitting on the ground. And all of them get Realization. And Eastern block, all of them. So this too much of freedom, has made us mad also. That's why our attention is not so good. But despite that it has worked. I could not have worked in communist countries, only in democratic countries I could work. But as now, in Russia and all these places, we have got a regime so called, which says they want to be democratic. We had a chance to get in. And they wouldn't accept any false person. All of them were thrown out. I don't know how they knew. Only I know about the writers, Russian writers, that they are very introspective, very introspective. And they put even the hero into introspection, and the heroine into introspection. While in democracy we do not introspect. That may be one of the reasons that they are extremely introspective. So, it is for you to accept or not to accept. As I said, it cannot be forced. But the whole thing works out beautifully. There are few things which I'll tell you how to do it, and I'm sure it will work out very well tonight. So again I would request, those who don't want please go away. It's better for us, it would be very kind. First of all, I would request you to take out your shoes, because this Mother Earth, as I said you are sitting in the heart of the universe. So if you could take out your shoes, will be a better idea. You can't imagine sitting in your chairs you can get your Realization, you don't have to go to Himalayas or anything, nothing of the kind. All right. Can you get somebody to show? Doctor, can you come here? That's dr. Spiro from England. Now, first I will show you, how you yourself will have to enrich your own centers. It's very simple. Because you have to know, that the centers if they are in trouble, then the Kundalini takes time to rise. So there are two things I would say, which are important, or can be conditions. Firstly, as I told you, you don't have to feel guilty. If you feel guilty, this center catches, on the left side. And it is catching, today. It's a common fashion, you know, it's like as they say, "it is in to feel guilty", to be miserable, to show that you are very miserable. If somebody looks very happy, people don't understand. Like I went to France. First they said, "Mother, You look very happy, they won't like You". I said, "Really?". "No, they are very miserable." I said, "For what?", "They are. They are worried about this world will be destroyed very soon." All right? So I started My lecture with "Les Miserable". So we need not have that kind of an attitude towards ourselves. First of all, you are not to feel guilty at all. I request you again and again not to feel guilty. There's nothing to be confessed, nothing to feel bad about. Past is past and finished. It doesn't exist anymore. Future also doesn't exist. In the present if you have to be, then forget the past, for the time being. Secondly, you have to forgive everyone, it's very important. Many people have told Me, "Mother, it's very difficult to forgive". I said, "Why?" Logically if you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So, during the course of this raising of Kundalini I'll request you to forgive everyone, and before that if you forgive, is well and good, because then, this centre catches. Between the optic chiasma is this centre, is closed like this, the most constricted centre we have, in the modern times. But if you forgive, it opens out, and the Kundalini can rise. As it is, you have suffered so much, playing into the hands of wrong people, and again today you may miss the point, may not get your Self Realization, if you don't forgive. Don't think about them, it's a headache. Just say, "I forgive everyone of them". "Everyone of them I forgive". Or you can say, "I forgive all of them". It's the best. You'll feel much lighter even now. Now, we'll show you, what is to be done. Just now, don't close your eyes. Put your left hand like this towards Me on your lap, comfortably. You have to be comfortable. If there's anything tide here or tide on your waist or anywhere please loosen it, but you have to be comfortable. Now, put your left hand like this. This is just symbolic or the expression that you want to have your Self Realization. Left side is the power of desire. the right side is the power of action. All these things you will know. It doesn't take much time to know all these things. So now, you put your right hand on your heart first, because in the heart is reflected the God Almighty as Spirit. And then, you have to put your hand on the left hand side of your abdomen, in the upper part, because the left side will be working with our pure desire, working on the left side. Now, if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. You become your guide, you are your own guru. So this is the centre, where you become yourself, your guru, which is created by all the prophets and seers and saints, for us. We have to just awaken it. Once it is awaken I don't have to tell you what is your religion. You just follow it. You do it yourself. Then below that, it's the centre here, is the centre of pure knowledge. which is quite surprising for people how can it be there. But it is there. And how it is there and how it gets transformed to the brain and all that, you will know later on, how it works out. So it is in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, is the pure knowledge, as you call it, shuddha vidya. Then you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Then on your heart again. Then, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, where I told you this left Vishuddhi is catching, and turn your head to your right. Then please take your right hand, on your forehead across, and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone. And don't feel guilty. So best thing would be then to put your left hand, right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. If you have done any mistakes, let the Divine Power forgive you. because this is for your satisfaction, again I say so. I don't want you to feel guilty about it and count your mistakes. Now, then stretch your palm fully. In the centre of the palm is very important because you have to put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. As we call it in Indian language is talu, which was a soft bone. Put it nicely. Now here, you have to push back your fingers. This is very important. And your thumb so that there's a proper pressure. Now put down your head as far as possible. And this now, turn your hand, clockwise, very slowly at this point. Please put down your head, first of all, put down your hear. Now... Now, push back your fingers, push back, otherwise you cannot. Now seven times you have to move. Push it, don't move your hand as the scalp. Move your scalp. Good. Seven times. That's all we have to do. You will know, that today, tonight only you have to do this. You don't have to do it later on, you don't have to remember anything. Is once you are a realized soul, you are very different. Like, when you have to climb the steps, you see, you have to climb. But once you are up there, you don't climb any, that's all. Once you reach that state you don't have to do. But in any way if you go to the centres they'll explain to you everything they'll tell you everything and nobody is going to charge any money. Maybe they might charge some nominal for the maintenance of a certain place, maybe. But so far, as I know, that mostly it is done by the people who are already Sahaja Yogis or by the centre itself. Because after all we have to pay for this hall. And they have organized that money. Last time I payed. This time, I think, I don't know how they managed to make that arrangement. And they repaid Me also. So this is the Sahaja Yogis who feel that they have to do something for you. They do it themselves and organize it. But you will not be put to any pressure or anything, and you are not responsible for paying anything, at all. Now, so now, we'll have to close our eyes. We better take out our spectacles, because you are not to open your eyes till I tell you. Just take out your spectacles. Also good for the eyesight. Now, you don't have to say any mantras, any prayer, nothing. And you don't have to force your attention to anything. Automatically will happen. You just leave it alone, your attention, your thoughts. Don't worry if there are thoughts, doesn't matter. Everything will be cleared out by the Kundalini. All right. Now, please put your right hand on your heart, both the feet away from each other, left hand on your lap comfortably. And now close your eyes. On this center of the heart you have to ask a very fundamental question in your heart. It's like a computer working out you can say. You have to ask a question in your heart. You can call Me, Shri Mataji, or you can call Me, Mother, whatever you like. Ask a question three times in your heart, "Mother am I the Spirit?". Ask this question in your heart. As I told you, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your hand, on the left hand side of your abdomen, on the upper abdomen. Here, press it hard and here you ask another important question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. As I have told you I cannot force your Realization on you. In the same way, I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now, please take your hand, in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here is a center, which has got six petals. So, six times, you have to ask, "Mother please give me pure knowledge". As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, Kundalini starts rising. So we have to clear out the upper centers, with our full self confidence. Please know that you are at the epitome of evolution, as human beings, and have full confidence in yourself. In no way degrade yourself and feel inferior to anyone. So now raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with self-confidence ten times, "Mother I am my own master". Please say it ten times. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart, and here you have to say, with full confidence twelve times, "Mother I am the pure Spirit". Please say it twelve times. You have to accept your position first of all. You see, before taking the throne, the king has to say that "I accept the throne". In the same way. Please say it twelve times, "Mother I am the pure Spirit". You have to know that this All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the ocean of love, compassion and bliss. It is the ocean of absolute knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved into this great ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. You have no business to in any way, condemn yourself. So now, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here, you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence again, "Mother I am not guilty at all". I find this is the worst center today catching, here, in England. Say it emphatically, "I am not guilty at all". Again, I have told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive you are not doing anything, logically. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. And as it is you have suffered because of that, while the person who has troubled you is quite happy. So now, at this point, you have to forgive all of them, not thinking about them, in general. So now raise your hand, to your forehead across and put down your head, as far as possible. Here, you have to say, from your heart, not how many times, from your heart, "Mother I forgive everyone in general", Now, for your own satisfaction. Please don't count your mistakes and don't feel guilty, but for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. So now take back your right hand, on the backside of your head, and push back your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say, "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". This also you have to say from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last centre is the most important one. For that you have to stretch your palm and put the centre of your palm, on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone on your childhood. And now put down your head. Press it hard. Push back your fingers. Now, put down your head please, push back your fingers, it's very important. Again, I am sorry, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now please move, move your hand, or I would say, move your scalp, slowly, seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother please give me my Self Realization". You have to ask for it. None can force it on you. Seven times. Now, please, take down your hands. Now, put both the hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Now, please put the right hand like this, and bend your head, and with the left hand see if there's a cool breeze, coming out of your head, out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your head and see for yourself. Some people get it hot, some will get it cold. Some will get it close to the head, and some far away. But don't put it on top of the head, but away from it, and see for yourself, moving your left hand, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your heads please. Now, please take left hand and bend your head, and see for yourself, if there's a cool, or a hot air, coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people can get it very far, you know, some people get it closer. Now, again, with your right hand. Please put your right hand towards Me. Now, again, bend your head and see for yourself. Little far away, some people get it. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky, and put your head up there, like this, and ask a question, anyone of these questions, three times, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or, "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" or, "Mother is this the Ruh or Brahmachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions, in your heart, only three times, anyone of them. Now, please take down your hands. You'll feel very relaxed. And now put your hands like this. Those who have felt the cool breeze or a hot air from their fontanel bone area, or on their fingertips, or on their hands, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. That's it! All of you have got it. Now, believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, that you have got it. And don't waste your Self Realization. It's very peaceful, and all the miracles will start happening in your lives. So many will say that they have got so many miracles in their lives. But the most important thing, that you become a universal being, you become a collective being, and then you realize what a potential you had within yourself. Respect yourself and respect your Self Realization. So may God bless you all. You have got pamphlets I am told, where you got the addresses, of all the centres we have. Please look after your Self Realization. Those who have not felt so clearly, should not doubt and go and see for yourself. In those centres they will help you, explain to you, everything. Please understand that you have to grow. This is the beginning which has to grow. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: So if I could have your attention again, just for one moment. When you came in with your ticket, you should have been given a blue piece of paper. On this, we have the details of the follow-up meetings which we've arranged. They are Sunday 27-th of June, that's this coming Sunday, at 3 p.m., and on Tuesday, next Tuesday, the 29-th, at 7.30 p.m., and the place is the Remembrance Hall, Flood street, in Chelsea. On the back of the leaflets, there are details of all the meetings which are held throughout London, every week. These are regular meetings which happen every week, and as Shri Mataji has said, we very strongly recommend that you come to these meetings and we can show you how to meditate at home, how to feel the chakras, how to clear the chakras, and how to balance the system. If you are from outside of London, there are contact phone numbers throughout the country. If you didn't get one of these leaflets we'll arrange to have them available, at the main entrance. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Tomorrow at 11.45 we have, here, a great soul, who is a Sahaja Yogi. Come (in Hindi). (Hindi) We are going to have their program, tomorrow at 11.45 in the night, and they are starting at that time. So, if you have time, please come along. I'll be here for their program. Thank you very much. Thank you. Of course you know them, I need not tell you their names, you see. They are very well known people, more known than Me. (Hindi) Shivkumar Sharma. Ghulam Mustafa. (Hindi)
Public Program. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 24 June 1993. Shri Mataji: It's all right. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualize it, with this human awareness. We have to be in another state where we can understand it, know it, on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolutionary process we can feel it on our central nervous system. In the same way we have to feel the truth, the absolute, on our finger tips. It has to be tangible. It’s not a make belief, it's not a blind faith, but one has to experience it, on the central nervous system. But the problem is that so far, those who achieved something also of this nature, were singled out and they were never respected. A great poet, Kabir, says that, "How am I to explain anything? The people are so blind." Even William Blake was treated as a lunatic in this country. It was impossible for these seers, these prophets, to explain, to talk about the Divine. But, till they lived, nobody understood them and followed them. And then when they were no more, people built mosques, temples, churches. And when we see the mess of these religions we are surprised, how can it be. How can people kill each other in the name of God? How can they make money, the way they are making in the name of God? People are amazed, who are little bit aware, that there's something wrong somewhere. And whatever was told was not followed properly. There is no connection. One starts feeling, when they see the private lives of people who are in charge of those religions, that there's something definitely wrong. So then, they take to science. And science is amoral. It has no morality. It deals with matter, and matter is controlled by the Divine. It cannot deliver the goods as far as our spirituality is concerned about knowing the Absolute. So we are stuck at a point where we call ourselves human beings, we have the human awareness. But we don't have the absolute knowledge, that's why everybody is quarrelling, fighting, wars, in some name or other we are hating each other. If the Divine has created all of us, why there is such a problem? In the nature there isn't. Look at these beautiful flowers here. On the tree, they grow, all the leaves are spread properly. No problem, nobody tries to aggress anyone or to kill anybody. Everybody, if you call them some bodies, then they all help each other to get the maximum sunlight. You go in a forest, there may be a tiger and all kinds of animals there, you don't have any bad smell anywhere. They know how to, the whole cycle of nature is worked out beautifully. But if you feel that there's some dirt filth and you smell it, then know there must be some human beings living there. Because men only have the power as human beings, to spoil everything, or to become the Spirit. Because human beings are at the epitome of evolution. They have no ideas to how glorious they are, how great they are. I find in the West people are trying to find their identity, they curl their hair, or do all kinds of things. The identity lies within yourself. When you say, "These are my eyes, this is my nose, this is my body", that means you are not this body, this mind. This is yours, but you are not the same. So you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And that's what you have to become, every religion has said that, every religion. Mohamed Sahib has said it, clearly, that there have been so many wallis before. And there are going to be so many wallis also. You have to be a walli, He said it clearly. I met in Turkey, sufis. Of course, in India, we have very great sufis, Nizamuddin Sahib was there, and also we had Chishti, in Chishti we had another one. Everywhere we had sufis like that, and they believed in Sahaja Yoga only. But they remained in different category. But in Turkey, thanks to Ataturk, I think, that these prospered very well. And they came to Me, and they just surrendered to Sahaja Yoga. They wanted their Realization, they got their Realization. When their guru came, he also got his Realization, and he said, "This is Sahaja Yoga which is going to transform the whole world". They, of course, they are in a way Muslims, because born in Muslim families, and that they sing the praise of Mohamed, of Ali, of Fatima, of everyone. But they don't consider that, "We are the only chosen ones". Such beautiful people they were. They got their Realization, "What it is? What about Christ?" He said, "Those who are not against Me, are with Me". Who are those, who are with Him? He was hardly given three years to express Himself. People were so blind at that time. It is, every religion has talked about the Spirit, and the spirituality, but it has become now spiritism. These all kinds of black magic and things, that has become the religion. Or it has become a power oriented thing. All kinds of nonsense you hear and you are really so sad. Like in Bosnia, so many Muslims are killed. For what? Because they are Muslims. In some places Christians are killed, because they are Christians. It's going on, everywhere, and now it's time for us to stop it. We have no problem now with Russia, and we'll never have a world war now, I hope so, but we have a problem of fundamentalism. And that comes from the ignorance that we are all part and parcel of one personality. And this ignorance has to go. And that can be done very easily once you become the Spirit. Now, it's not question of I'm telling you, as a sermon or a lecture. but it's a happening, it's an actualization of that experience, which is important. This experience is something, which is extremely valuable today, for the whole world, because this is the time of Last Judgement. And this is the time when people are going to get their Self Realization. One has to understand, is a very important time now, Say, we say from chimpanzee we have come to human level, supposing even if we accept that, but there were two other races, which came as human beings. They disappeared. In the same way there are people who are still seeking power, money, in the name of God. Can you imagine? Those who are seeking all such things, should know that it is not reality. Now when those people who see them, also they say, "No, there's no God", abhor that name, they are also wrong, because very unscientific. Have you found out, if there is God or not? By seeing a Hindu misbehaving, or a Muslim misbehaving, or a mula misbehaving and a pandit misbehaving, you cannot blame God for that. You cannot deny God. If you are denying God, I would like to know in these modern times, what is the scientific proof that you are saying there is not God. Have you found out? Have you made any discoveries about it, that there is no God? So with a very open mind of a scientist, you have to understand that there is God, which is a hypothesis before you, which you should not accept blindfolded. but if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept it. It's very important today, that this world has to change to the emancipation and transformation of human beings. All the problems of the world today, if you see, really, are from human beings. And all these human beings are having problems, because of their centers are in trouble. If somehow or other, we could cure these centers and connect our being to that All Pervading Power of Divine Love, we enter into the kingdom of God, which is promised by every religion. Again I say, you see these beautiful flowers here, and we take them for granted. We never even think how they are here, on this earth, with a little seed. How does this Mother Earth gives this beautiful flowers? It's such a miracle. It's a miracle like that, the photographs you are seeing. This is another miracle. But we take it for granted, all living processes. Everything we take it for granted. And we never try to judge whether it is a miracle, or how it has come. We never even think about it. Who does this living work? Supposing we extend our imagination, who does this living work? This living work, I say, is done by the All Pervading Divine Power of Love. This may be called as Ruh, could be called as Brahmachaitanya, Paramachaitanya. Patanjali has called it as Rithambhara Pragnya. You may call it by any name but this power exists. Now, only thing is, you are to be connected to this power. Like this instrument is connected to the mains, otherwise it has no identity, it has no meaning. Only thing you are to be connected to this All Pervading Power. Once you are connected, you'll be surprised at yourself, how glorious you are, how great you are, what powers you have and what you can achieve. You suffer from stress and physical troubles, mental troubles, economic troubles, political troubles. All these troubles get solved. Say there's complete darkness here, and there's commotion, you will in any way, stamp it onto other people. You will, because there's darkness, trying to run, not knowing which is your aim, where to go, what to do. That's what is world today. Is it to be pitied, that people are not genuinely seeking the truth? If they are, is their right to get their Self Realization, that is what Sahaja Yoga is. So the truth is that you are the Spirit, pure Spirit, the second one is that there is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. It runs our heart, it gives us children, it gives us beautiful nature, everything that is spontaneous, Sahaja, Saha is "born with you". The right, to become united, yoga, with this All Pervading Power. But it is so simple, that people don't understand. They think, "How can it be so simple?" It has to be. Because it is so vital, it is so important. Supposing if your breathing was difficult and you had to read books for that, what would have happened? It is extremely vital. But somehow human beings always think that you shouldn't eat your food like this but go round and eat like that. It is a very, very simple thing, Sahaj also means very simple, spontaneous. So the Kundalini is there, She is residing within you, She is your Mother, She knows everything about you, very anxious to give you, your Self Realization. It's like the primule in the seed, which has to sprout. Now, what you have to do is to put this seed in the Mother Earth, and the Mother Earth has the built-in quality to sprout it. and the seed has a built-in quality to get sprouted. It is, you can't explain. In one seed, do you mean to say there are maps of all the trees it is going to produce? Go to the microscopic thing, and it is vast. Go to the universe, it's vast. The cosmos is vast. But a simple thing is that you are the epitome of all this creation, and you are the one who has that source of knowledge, of joy, and absolute truth. This is what you are, and it's your own, so why not have it. People sometimes, told Me that, "Mother, if you say that, <<you can get it free>>, then we can't believe it". I said, "But why?" "Because supposing if it doesn't happen to us, we can go to the Courts." I said, this human mind doesn't understand, that it is something your own, your own evolutionary process and what have you paid for it? Nothing. Do you mean to say God understands money and bank? No, no, it's all man made problems, complications. What is within you, is a beautiful Spirit, which is reflected in your heart. And this, your Mother, who is your Kundalini. It has nothing to do with paganism and all that, you see, just to discard something as paganism. If Indians have to learn science from you, why not learn the science of the roots from Indians? What's wrong? But people take to falsehood very easily, even in religion I have seen. You must first of all verify, the people who are talking about God and religion what is their personal character. Are they genuine? Secondly, what are their disciples like? Do they have any powers? Do they know anything? Unless and until you are verifying these things, you should not take to false people. And falsehood is so rambling, is so evident, if you just use your logic, you'll find out, falsehood. What's the use of using false things? If reality is within you, why not achieve it? This is such a beautiful thing that you are. You must accept yourself, you must honour yourself, respect yourself. Another western problem is a fashion to feel guilty, which I just don't understand, why do you feel guilty? After all you are human beings, you are not gods. If you make mistakes, what's the use of feeling guilty? If you have done mistakes, just face it. Face it up and finish with it, that you will not do it again. But no use feeling guilty all the time and spoiling your centre here on the left hand side, which can give you not only spondylitis but also angina, and lethargic organs. The Sahaja Yoga today is on a scientific basis explained. We have doctors who have proved how Sahaja Yoga has cured cancers and things. And also we have scientists who have proved many things, which are said in Sahaja Yoga. So it is tangible, it is not that something is said, which has no basis. And that is what one has to do, is to have an open mind of a scientist, take to Realization and see for yourself. If it working out, then you prove all these saints were correct. Like Guru Nanak has said "Sahaja Samadhi Lago". So what is the meaning of "Sahaja Samadhi Lago"? Who understands that? What is Samadhi? All of them have talked about it. I do not want to mention all of them, but you can find out after Realization, that they were everywhere, telling about this, Of course they were not in a group but they were tortured, troubled, hanged, poisoned. Now, these are the days, are different. You can't hang a person for that. But also for our benevolence we have to accept it. We have to accept it because it's our own, and we have to have it. It's a very, very simple thing which one has to understand that you cannot be only a human being. Must be something more to you. If only being a human being solves the problem, then there will be no problem at all. But there has to be something more. And that is not that you shave yourself off or you, you wear funny dresses, it's not that. By that you do not change. But a inner transformation is needed and for that you have got the Kundalini. But it cannot be forced. First of all, you have to ask for it. If I am born in a Christian family, I'm a Christian, if you are born in Muslim family, you are Muslim, you are born in a Hindu family, you are a Hindu. It's not a matter of choice. But what is needed is to understand that all human beings are born in some religion or other. But do you find that religion has gone inside them? No. You can find, whenever they get a chance they will do anything they feel like against what their religion has told them. So reason is they haven't got that power. of religion within themselves. Only after Sahaja Yoga you'll be amazed - I mean, I am myself amazed that people have given up drugs overnight, alcohols overnight. I don't have to tell. I don't tell anybody, because if I tell "Don't drink", half of you will go away. So it's all right. You come along into the area, you can give Realization to others, you can diagnose the diseases of others, you can cure people. Apart from that you get all the knowledge which is so subtle, which is real. All other knowledge is called as avidya, is not knowledge, but is non-knowledge. The real knowledge is the knowledge of the Spirit, which cannot be challenged, it cannot be changed, it is, it has been and it will be. All these things people have said, only the difference is today, you have to get the actual experience of that. That's the only difference. And also that is en-masse. Thousands of people can get Self Realization. It's the blessings of these modern times, which are called as Ghor Kali Yuga, the worst times. This is the time only this was to happen, and it's happening all over the world. I don't think I can explain to you about Sahaja Yoga in this short time. After all I don't know how many lectures I must have given in English language itself, and so many other languages. But what is the use of talking about it? As I always said that there are so many beautiful lights here. For that, you have to just put the switch on, because it's all built-in. But supposing I start telling you all the story about how electricity was found and how it was brought to London, and then to this Royal Albert Hall, you'll be all absolutely bored. Best thing is to have your lights on. As you have seen today, all the Sahaja Yogis were sitting, and on top of their head there was light. Also there are many other photographs they have not shown of the children, Sahaja Yogi children are born to Sahaja Yogis. They are born realized, and they have a glow around their head, you can see. All this is happening maybe to prove you people something. But cameras are wonderful thing I have seen, that those people used to mesmerize and play some tricks were found out by the cameras. And with Me they play these tricks. So these modern times are something special I must say, that cameras are discovered and they can really somehow or other make the picture of these vibrations. It is hard for people to give up their conditionings, because they think now, we are born into this thing, born into... No, you are born, but you are not that. To be that, in whatever religion you are born, you have to be a realized soul. To be a real Englishman one you have to be a realized soul, otherwise you cannot be. To be a real Indian, you have to be a realized soul. Because you don't know the glory of your country. You don't know what your country is. Like they said that I have told them that is the heart. Now the proof is there. Heart of the universe is England. That's why everything circulates, you see. Anything goes wrong here, circulates all over. Of course we have now yellow journalism, and the media and all that nonsense is going on. But even that circulates. So you are placed in a very important place, is the heart of the universe. And see the proof is shown by the cameras. This is the small portion they have taken out otherwise there are hearts, hearts, hearts everywhere. So just to feel that you are here in England, you have to also feel that you have not yet felt, the reality of England. And the reality can only be felt when you are in the realm of reality. And this realm of reality lies within yourself, which is very easy to achieve. So the power that achieves it is that of Kundalini, and it's the pure desire. If you have the pure desire, it will work out. But if you are arrogant, if you are here to criticize, or to make some sort of a commentary, Kundalini won't rise. You have to have pure desire to become the Spirit, that's all. Depends only on one point that you have to have pure desire. You don't have to pay anything, you don't have to think anything, you don't have to do any mantras, nothing, but just the pure desire to be that. Because as you know, in economics, in general, wants are not satiable. But once you achieve the state of Spirit, then you become the giver. The only want you have, that how many people I can give Realization, how many people can be saved. And without any ego about it. You will see that after Realization, you will start talking in the third person. It's a beautiful state within yourself, which is dormant, which you have to achieve. There's another point I have to tell you, that today Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. It is not that in your house, you sit down and do Sahaja Yoga, you cannot do it. You are a part and parcel of the whole. Like, if my nail is cut out, it doesn't grow. So you have to come to the collective. You don't have to pay for anything, nothing, but you have to come to our collectives. As we do not take money, for maintaining big temples, or big places, you must understand that wherever people are feeling this All Pervading Power, is the best place to go to. And you shouldn't think about what was the hall like, or where they were doing all these, or what sort of people were there, because the door of Sahaja Yoga is open to everyone. Sometimes we really get lunatics walking in. Doesn't matter. But some of them do get cleared out. Some of them do get cured. We don't criticize anyone. Let everyone come. And I'm amazed that so far those who have come to Sahaja Yoga, have all achieved their selfhood. And I wish you all good luck. We'll do a little meditation just now and I'm sure all of you are going to get your Self Realization, no doubt of it. I know there are questions in your heads, quite a lot, doesn't matter. You can write them down and send it over, we'll answer them. But this question and all, that you I become an expert now, dealing with this kind of thing for the last 21 years. So I can answer all of that, no doubt. But it's just a mental acrobat. You have to ask for the experience of your being. What's the use of discussion, argument and conferences? What have you achieved out of that? So just to ask for your Self Realization, it's very important. Now, those who do not want, I cannot force on them. Your freedom as a human being, is worshipped, is not only accepted but it's also worshipped. If you want to go to hell, you can go. If you want to go to heaven, you can go to heaven as well. So, cannot be forced. As I said, it's the pure desire, is the one that is going to work it out. All those who do not want to have it, should leave the hall, could be better, and not to sit down here, watching others and criticizing. That would be a much better idea, to leave others to have the experience. It is a chance that My husband got elected to a job here, and I came to England. And it has been really a great experience because I found that this is a place where, if Sahaja Yoga is established, it will work out everywhere very well. And it did. But amazingly it has worked more in Russia, more in the Eastern block. Because they had no religion, imagine. They were clean slates. No bindings. And you won't believe that in Russia we always have it in big stadiums, sixteen thousands to eighteen thousands people. And people are sitting on the ground. And all of them get Realization. And Eastern block, all of them. So this too much of freedom, has made us mad also. That's why our attention is not so good. But despite that it has worked. I could not have worked in communist countries, only in democratic countries I could work. But as now, in Russia and all these places, we have got a regime so called, which says they want to be democratic. We had a chance to get in. And they wouldn't accept any false person. All of them were thrown out. I don't know how they knew. Only I know about the writers, Russian writers, that they are very introspective, very introspective. And they put even the hero into introspection, and the heroine into introspection. While in democracy we do not introspect. That may be one of the reasons that they are extremely introspective. So, it is for you to accept or not to accept. As I said, it cannot be forced. But the whole thing works out beautifully. There are few things which I'll tell you how to do it, and I'm sure it will work out very well tonight. So again I would request, those who don't want please go away. It's better for us, it would be very kind. First of all, I would request you to take out your shoes, because this Mother Earth, as I said you are sitting in the heart of the universe. So if you could take out your shoes, will be a better idea. You can't imagine sitting in your chairs you can get your Realization, you don't have to go to Himalayas or anything, nothing of the kind. All right. Can you get somebody to show? Doctor, can you come here? That's dr. Spiro from England. Now, first I will show you, how you yourself will have to enrich your own centers. It's very simple. Because you have to know, that the centers if they are in trouble, then the Kundalini takes time to rise. So there are two things I would say, which are important, or can be conditions. Firstly, as I told you, you don't have to feel guilty. If you feel guilty, this center catches, on the left side. And it is catching, today. It's a common fashion, you know, it's like as they say, "it is in to feel guilty", to be miserable, to show that you are very miserable. If somebody looks very happy, people don't understand. Like I went to France. First they said, "Mother, You look very happy, they won't like You". I said, "Really?". "No, they are very miserable." I said, "For what?", "They are. They are worried about this world will be destroyed very soon." All right? So I started My lecture with "Les Miserable". So we need not have that kind of an attitude towards ourselves. First of all, you are not to feel guilty at all. I request you again and again not to feel guilty. There's nothing to be confessed, nothing to feel bad about. Past is past and finished. It doesn't exist anymore. Future also doesn't exist. In the present if you have to be, then forget the past, for the time being. Secondly, you have to forgive everyone, it's very important. Many people have told Me, "Mother, it's very difficult to forgive". I said, "Why?" Logically if you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So, during the course of this raising of Kundalini I'll request you to forgive everyone, and before that if you forgive, is well and good, because then, this centre catches. Between the optic chiasma is this centre, is closed like this, the most constricted centre we have, in the modern times. But if you forgive, it opens out, and the Kundalini can rise. As it is, you have suffered so much, playing into the hands of wrong people, and again today you may miss the point, may not get your Self Realization, if you don't forgive. Don't think about them, it's a headache. Just say, "I forgive everyone of them". "Everyone of them I forgive". Or you can say, "I forgive all of them". It's the best. You'll feel much lighter even now. Now, we'll show you, what is to be done. Just now, don't close your eyes. Put your left hand like this towards Me on your lap, comfortably. You have to be comfortable. If there's anything tide here or tide on your waist or anywhere please loosen it, but you have to be comfortable. Now, put your left hand like this. This is just symbolic or the expression that you want to have your Self Realization. Left side is the power of desire. the right side is the power of action. All these things you will know. It doesn't take much time to know all these things. So now, you put your right hand on your heart first, because in the heart is reflected the God Almighty as Spirit. And then, you have to put your hand on the left hand side of your abdomen, in the upper part, because the left side will be working with our pure desire, working on the left side. Now, if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. You become your guide, you are your own guru. So this is the centre, where you become yourself, your guru, which is created by all the prophets and seers and saints, for us. We have to just awaken it. Once it is awaken I don't have to tell you what is your religion. You just follow it. You do it yourself. Then below that, it's the centre here, is the centre of pure knowledge. which is quite surprising for people how can it be there. But it is there. And how it is there and how it gets transformed to the brain and all that, you will know later on, how it works out. So it is in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, is the pure knowledge, as you call it, shuddha vidya. Then you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Then on your heart again. Then, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, where I told you this left Vishuddhi is catching, and turn your head to your right. Then please take your right hand, on your forehead across, and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone. And don't feel guilty. So best thing would be then to put your left hand, right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. If you have done any mistakes, let the Divine Power forgive you. because this is for your satisfaction, again I say so. I don't want you to feel guilty about it and count your mistakes. Now, then stretch your palm fully. In the centre of the palm is very important because you have to put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. As we call it in Indian language is talu, which was a soft bone. Put it nicely. Now here, you have to push back your fingers. This is very important. And your thumb so that there's a proper pressure. Now put down your head as far as possible. And this now, turn your hand, clockwise, very slowly at this point. Please put down your head, first of all, put down your hear. Now... Now, push back your fingers, push back, otherwise you cannot. Now seven times you have to move. Push it, don't move your hand as the scalp. Move your scalp. Good. Seven times. That's all we have to do. You will know, that today, tonight only you have to do this. You don't have to do it later on, you don't have to remember anything. Is once you are a realized soul, you are very different. Like, when you have to climb the steps, you see, you have to climb. But once you are up there, you don't climb any, that's all. Once you reach that state you don't have to do. But in any way if you go to the centres they'll explain to you everything they'll tell you everything and nobody is going to charge any money. Maybe they might charge some nominal for the maintenance of a certain place, maybe. But so far, as I know, that mostly it is done by the people who are already Sahaja Yogis or by the centre itself. Because after all we have to pay for this hall. And they have organized that money. Last time I payed. This time, I think, I don't know how they managed to make that arrangement. And they repaid Me also. So this is the Sahaja Yogis who feel that they have to do something for you. They do it themselves and organize it. But you will not be put to any pressure or anything, and you are not responsible for paying anything, at all. Now, so now, we'll have to close our eyes. We better take out our spectacles, because you are not to open your eyes till I tell you. Just take out your spectacles. Also good for the eyesight. Now, you don't have to say any mantras, any prayer, nothing. And you don't have to force your attention to anything. Automatically will happen. You just leave it alone, your attention, your thoughts. Don't worry if there are thoughts, doesn't matter. Everything will be cleared out by the Kundalini. All right. Now, please put your right hand on your heart, both the feet away from each other, left hand on your lap comfortably. And now close your eyes. On this center of the heart you have to ask a very fundamental question in your heart. It's like a computer working out you can say. You have to ask a question in your heart. You can call Me, Shri Mataji, or you can call Me, Mother, whatever you like. Ask a question three times in your heart, "Mother am I the Spirit?". Ask this question in your heart. As I told you, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your hand, on the left hand side of your abdomen, on the upper abdomen. Here, press it hard and here you ask another important question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. As I have told you I cannot force your Realization on you. In the same way, I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now, please take your hand, in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here is a center, which has got six petals. So, six times, you have to ask, "Mother please give me pure knowledge". As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, Kundalini starts rising. So we have to clear out the upper centers, with our full self confidence. Please know that you are at the epitome of evolution, as human beings, and have full confidence in yourself. In no way degrade yourself and feel inferior to anyone. So now raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with self-confidence ten times, "Mother I am my own master". Please say it ten times. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this intellect, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart, and here you have to say, with full confidence twelve times, "Mother I am the pure Spirit". Please say it twelve times. You have to accept your position first of all. You see, before taking the throne, the king has to say that "I accept the throne". In the same way. Please say it twelve times, "Mother I am the pure Spirit". You have to know that this All Pervading Power of Divine Love is the ocean of love, compassion and bliss. It is the ocean of absolute knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved into this great ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. You have no business to in any way, condemn yourself. So now, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here, you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence again, "Mother I am not guilty at all". I find this is the worst center today catching, here, in England. Say it emphatically, "I am not guilty at all". Again, I have told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive you are not doing anything, logically. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. And as it is you have suffered because of that, while the person who has troubled you is quite happy. So now, at this point, you have to forgive all of them, not thinking about them, in general. So now raise your hand, to your forehead across and put down your head, as far as possible. Here, you have to say, from your heart, not how many times, from your heart, "Mother I forgive everyone in general", Now, for your own satisfaction. Please don't count your mistakes and don't feel guilty, but for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. So now take back your right hand, on the backside of your head, and push back your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say, "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". This also you have to say from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last centre is the most important one. For that you have to stretch your palm and put the centre of your palm, on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone on your childhood. And now put down your head. Press it hard. Push back your fingers. Now, put down your head please, push back your fingers, it's very important. Again, I am sorry, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now please move, move your hand, or I would say, move your scalp, slowly, seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother please give me my Self Realization". You have to ask for it. None can force it on you. Seven times. Now, please, take down your hands. Now, put both the hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Now, please put the right hand like this, and bend your head, and with the left hand see if there's a cool breeze, coming out of your head, out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your head and see for yourself. Some people get it hot, some will get it cold. Some will get it close to the head, and some far away. But don't put it on top of the head, but away from it, and see for yourself, moving your left hand, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Bend your heads please. Now, please take left hand and bend your head, and see for yourself, if there's a cool, or a hot air, coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people can get it very far, you know, some people get it closer. Now, again, with your right hand. Please put your right hand towards Me. Now, again, bend your head and see for yourself. Little far away, some people get it. Now, raise your both the hands towards the sky, and put your head up there, like this, and ask a question, anyone of these questions, three times, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or, "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" or, "Mother is this the Ruh or Brahmachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions, in your heart, only three times, anyone of them. Now, please take down your hands. You'll feel very relaxed. And now put your hands like this. Those who have felt the cool breeze or a hot air from their fontanel bone area, or on their fingertips, or on their hands, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. That's it! All of you have got it. Now, believe in yourself, have faith in yourself, that you have got it. And don't waste your Self Realization. It's very peaceful, and all the miracles will start happening in your lives. So many will say that they have got so many miracles in their lives. But the most important thing, that you become a universal being, you become a collective being, and then you realize what a potential you had within yourself. Respect yourself and respect your Self Realization. So may God bless you all. You have got pamphlets I am told, where you got the addresses, of all the centres we have. Please look after your Self Realization. Those who have not felt so clearly, should not doubt and go and see for yourself. In those centres they will help you, explain to you, everything. Please understand that you have to grow. This is the beginning which has to grow. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: So if I could have your attention again, just for one moment. When you came in with your ticket, you should have been given a blue piece of paper. On this, we have the details of the follow-up meetings which we've arranged. They are Sunday 27-th of June, that's this coming Sunday, at 3 p.m., and on Tuesday, next Tuesday, the 29-th, at 7.30 p.m., and the place is the Remembrance Hall, Flood street, in Chelsea. On the back of the leaflets, there are details of all the meetings which are held throughout London, every week. These are regular meetings which happen every week, and as Shri Mataji has said, we very strongly recommend that you come to these meetings and we can show you how to meditate at home, how to feel the chakras, how to clear the chakras, and how to balance the system. If you are from outside of London, there are contact phone numbers throughout the country. If you didn't get one of these leaflets we'll arrange to have them available, at the main entrance. Thank you very much. Shri Mataji: Tomorrow at 11.45 we have, here, a great soul, who is a Sahaja Yogi. Come (in Hindi). (Hindi) We are going to have their program, tomorrow at 11.45 in the night, and they are starting at that time. So, if you have time, please come along. I'll be here for their program. Thank you very much. Thank you. Of course you know them, I need not tell you their names, you see. They are very well known people, more known than Me. (Hindi) Shivkumar Sharma. Ghulam Mustafa. (Hindi)
Evening Program, Guru Puja Weekend
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Audio 1:"Please, do not give up hopes.They are created by the Divine as human beings and they have to reach the kingdom of God.I will incarnate myself as Mahamaya and get myself a human Realization, [to get] the understanding of human beings.You did not know their problems as human beings.Human beings are not Realized souls.So, they were misguided by false masters and crooked priests. All your work is not futile. Once they get the proof of the Divine, they will open their eyes.The fundamentalism in your name will disappear as all your promises will be fulfilled.With my power of love and patience, of a Mother, I will lift them into higher state of awareness of Self-knowledge.They will discover their beauty and joy of their inner beings. There will be only pure love and generosity among themselves. They will enjoy it forever in their own dignity and glory.Thus, Satya Yuga will be established and the truth will rule this universe." Audio 2:It was such a surprise for Me, we have such a talented and such a beautiful drama. Very intelligent, I must say, very beautifully put, very artistic. You have to know that all these gurus are watching you, just now. They are all here. They are very happy to see the way you have portrayed them. In such a short time, such a big vision to be seen is really remarkable and that you have touched all the dimensions of the work of the gurus. So, today, it’s a great day for us to know that you all have to be the gurus and you have to do the work what they have left undone. I’m sure this beautiful talent that you have manifested, will be also manifested in spreading Sahaja Yoga.May God bless you all. There will be a little interval now and after that we start our music program. Babamama has a Qawwali to start with and then, we’ll have the great musician who is another surprised to Me, mister Apte. Surprisingly, I learnt that in the Egyptian language, Apte means Omkara, can you imagine!So, it’s such a combination! So, we’ll all enjoy that music. For about fifteen minutes, we’ll have an interval and the Qawwals will be organising themselves by that time. Thank you very much, thank you for the whole thing. Beautiful! Thank you. Before Audio 3:Babamama: Yesterday, he had decided not to sing having seeing the audience, having seeing the impact of the audience, having seeing the vibrations, having seeing the divine presence of Shri Mataji. I also felt he should sing. But before I could say to him, request to him, he said, "Babamama, can I sing?" I said, "Go ahead, because you are singing after somebody’s heart, you are singing and pouring I to somebody’s heart". And he sung yesterday, and believe me it was an experience, even for a person who is addicted of music. It was tremendous. And I can assure you that rendering has been rendered by so many musicians in India, but he was outstanding obviously before he was singing before the Divinity.Today, he commences his program with a "stuti", that is a praise of Shri Mataji. Then he will sing "stoka" rayal [unsure], of Madhukauns, "stoka" means "the small" because, Guido I am sorry, we are running out of time and despite of your request, I have to reduce. Then he will sing a few bhajans and in the end he will conclude with a raga Malika that is a chain or ragas, beginning from Bhairav and ending on Bhairavi. Let us see how much of time he is going to take. And after that, of course, is the qawwali. One more introduction. His guru and guru of Ajit Kadkade, that is the pandit Jitendra Abhisheki, they are the disciples of the same guru. But his style of rendering and the style of rendering of Ajit Kadkade are quite different. Ajit Kadkade is brilliant but he is basically singing out of his intelligence. I found Arun to be very spontaneous. He lives in the present and he brings you in the present. [30 minutes later]Babamama: Shri Mataji, I don't think we will get up before the puja, I think we'll just- [Hindi]We have the permission of Shri Mataji to continue until you want to sing. That is vibrations, that is her Divinity. He says that, "Every song is getting a new experience. He has never rendered like this before. Obviously, how could he? Because he has never sang- maybe he sang once or twice before Shri Mataji, but not in this way. And not in such a beautiful audience and beautiful atmosphere. So, he has written a letter to me, yesterday, saying that, "I am so thrilled Babamama, and I don't know how to contain myself and therefore, I am pouring my thoughts in this letter". And he says that, "It is such a rare experience to be here, to be before the Divinity, before Shri Mataji. And I feel as though my heart is pouring out when I am singing and as though I am been guided by somebody, as though there’s an inspiration, there’s an inspiration which makes me sing in a particular style which I don't think it is me, it is somebody else". This is what he has written to me. I think he deserves a clap on this. Audio 3:Shri Mataji: This is really absolutely a Sahaj song, sung I think- Namadeva lived about, I think, sixteen century. And with him was another very great saint who was Gora kumbhar. Namadeva was a tailor and Gora kumbhar was a potter. So, Namadeva went to see Gora kumbhar. And Gora kumbhar was, that time, trying to make the clay for the potter’s job. That time, he saw standing before him Namadeva and he stopped his work. And what he says that, "I came to see you for your vibrations, for your formless, but I see you in form! The Nirakar is becoming Sakar, the Form is appearing before me of the Formless". I mean only a saint can say to a saint, nobody can say this. Nobody can praise another person like this that, "You are standing here before me in form which is formless". And then, he says this in a very beautiful way, that, "At this time, at this incident, at this "prasanda”, [context] I have gone into the state I am beyond all the gunas, all the three gunas, I am beyond, gunatit". You understand the word "gunatit". I mean this only a saint can say to a saint. Who can understand this? You go and tell anybody else, they’ll say, "What is all this talking about?" And he’s so beautifully describing the whole meeting and then, ultimately, he says that, "Spontaneously, we felt into embracement, embracing". But he said it in such a beautiful manner a saint can only say to a saint. And the love and the admiration and the adoration of another person is only possible if both of them are saints of a higher values.To them, it doesn’t matter what you are, whether you are standing in the mud or whether he is a tailor, doesn’t matter. But he says that, "Just this meeting has taken me beyond all the gunas", means all the conditionings, egos, everything. Something, such a great poet he was, and both of them were.Now, Namadeva, as you know, he was a very great poet, went to also Punjab, where Guru Nanaka, there, respected him very much. I mean only the saints could respect saints; you understand. And he asked him that, "You must lean Punjabi language". And I’ve seen such a big book written and I have one already written by Namadeva in Punjabi language. And in the ‘Granth Sahib’ also, it is included. Even his made servant, was called as Janabai, even her bhajans are there. See, how these people transcended all the casts, communities and positions, everything and just there they were nothing but saints. It’s such a beautiful song, I wish I could have more time to explain to you everything. But it’s really very beautiful and I must say that Arun Apte has really done a good justice to the bhajan written by Gora Kumbhar. Beautifully done.May God bless you. Audio 4:This is a song from a Marathi play and as you know that on the stage, such a fast number they can sing standing- and I don’t know how they manage, really- but this one especially is very lyrical you can say, so much of words being beautifully rhythmically woven that it sounds extremely very, very soothing to your ears. That they say like, there is describing like a beetle, a black beetle which is going on saying, "Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo" all the time. But he says that he is lost into himself and he is just singing he is not bothered about anything. And then he goes and sits in the lotus. So, the lotus as you know is called "kamala", "tala" means the petals of that lotus. They close. And once they close, you see, still he’s singing. He has such a fondness for singing, he is hamming the name of God, that he is busy with it, even if he is inside, encaged, he is not bothered, he is singing.It’s a very thing. But in this what you’ll see that, "[Marathi]", "macaranda" means the beetle and "milanda" and all that. It’s so beautifully [inaudible] you’ll like it very much. IT’s very nice. It’s one of the really, very favourite song of mine I should say, and it’s very difficult also to sing. And it’s very enjoyable. I hope you’ll all enjoy this song. And his description of a saint who is just lost in this hamming of God’s name. Audio 5:How to express my feelings for the musician, because he really has taken you much higher, in the realm of divine enjoyment. I don’t know, if he says I was doing it, "I have nothing to say ". But it is the instrument which is so good, so surrendered. So beautifully, he has taken you to a very hight level of awareness. And this sensitivity, you should maintain. This is a puja only, what else? By which your awareness blossoms and manifests: that is the puja. I’m really very much tanksful to Babamama for bringing him here. It’s a rare, rare opportunity for all of you to enjoy such good music. And I hope we will see him again and again and again. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Audio 1:"Please, do not give up hopes.They are created by the Divine as human beings and they have to reach the kingdom of God.I will incarnate myself as Mahamaya and get myself a human Realization, [to get] the understanding of human beings.You did not know their problems as human beings.Human beings are not Realized souls.So, they were misguided by false masters and crooked priests. All your work is not futile. Once they get the proof of the Divine, they will open their eyes.The fundamentalism in your name will disappear as all your promises will be fulfilled.With my power of love and patience, of a Mother, I will lift them into higher state of awareness of Self-knowledge.They will discover their beauty and joy of their inner beings. There will be only pure love and generosity among themselves. They will enjoy it forever in their own dignity and glory.Thus, Satya Yuga will be established and the truth will rule this universe." Audio 2:It was such a surprise for Me, we have such a talented and such a beautiful drama. Very intelligent, I must say, very beautifully put, very artistic. You have to know that all these gurus are watching you, just now. They are all here. They are very happy to see the way you have portrayed them. In such a short time, such a big vision to be seen is really remarkable and that you have touched all the dimensions of the work of the gurus. So, today, it’s a great day for us to know that you all have to be the gurus and you have to do the work what they have left undone. I’m sure this beautiful talent that you have manifested, will be also manifested in spreading Sahaja Yoga.May God bless you all. There will be a little interval now and after that we start our music program. Babamama has a Qawwali to start with and then, we’ll have the great musician who is another surprised to Me, mister Apte. Surprisingly, I learnt that in the Egyptian language, Apte means Omkara, can you imagine!So, it’s such a combination! So, we’ll all enjoy that music. For about fifteen minutes, we’ll have an interval and the Qawwals will be organising themselves by that time. Thank you very much, thank you for the whole thing. Beautiful! Thank you. Before Audio 3:Babamama: Yesterday, he had decided not to sing having seeing the audience, having seeing the impact of the audience, having seeing the vibrations, having seeing the divine presence of Shri Mataji. I also felt he should sing. But before I could say to him, request to him, he said, "Babamama, can I sing?" I said, "Go ahead, because you are singing after somebody’s heart, you are singing and pouring I to somebody’s heart". And he sung yesterday, and believe me it was an experience, even for a person who is addicted of music. It was tremendous. And I can assure you that rendering has been rendered by so many musicians in India, but he was outstanding obviously before he was singing before the Divinity.Today, he commences his program with a "stuti", that is a praise of Shri Mataji. Then he will sing "stoka" rayal [unsure], of Madhukauns, "stoka" means "the small" because, Guido I am sorry, we are running out of time and despite of your request, I have to reduce. Then he will sing a few bhajans and in the end he will conclude with a raga Malika that is a chain or ragas, beginning from Bhairav and ending on Bhairavi. Let us see how much of time he is going to take. And after that, of course, is the qawwali. One more introduction. His guru and guru of Ajit Kadkade, that is the pandit Jitendra Abhisheki, they are the disciples of the same guru. But his style of rendering and the style of rendering of Ajit Kadkade are quite different. Ajit Kadkade is brilliant but he is basically singing out of his intelligence. I found Arun to be very spontaneous. He lives in the present and he brings you in the present. [30 minutes later]Babamama: Shri Mataji, I don't think we will get up before the puja, I think we'll just- [Hindi]We have the permission of Shri Mataji to continue until you want to sing. That is vibrations, that is her Divinity. He says that, "Every song is getting a new experience. He has never rendered like this before. Obviously, how could he? Because he has never sang- maybe he sang once or twice before Shri Mataji, but not in this way. And not in such a beautiful audience and beautiful atmosphere. So, he has written a letter to me, yesterday, saying that, "I am so thrilled Babamama, and I don't know how to contain myself and therefore, I am pouring my thoughts in this letter". And he says that, "It is such a rare experience to be here, to be before the Divinity, before Shri Mataji. And I feel as though my heart is pouring out when I am singing and as though I am been guided by somebody, as though there’s an inspiration, there’s an inspiration which makes me sing in a particular style which I don't think it is me, it is somebody else". This is what he has written to me. I think he deserves a clap on this. Audio 3:Shri Mataji: This is really absolutely a Sahaj song, sung I think- Namadeva lived about, I think, sixteen century. And with him was another very great saint who was Gora kumbhar. Namadeva was a tailor and Gora kumbhar was a potter. So, Namadeva went to see Gora kumbhar. And Gora kumbhar was, that time, trying to make the clay for the potter’s job. That time, he saw standing before him Namadeva and he stopped his work. And what he says that, "I came to see you for your vibrations, for your formless, but I see you in form! The Nirakar is becoming Sakar, the Form is appearing before me of the Formless". I mean only a saint can say to a saint, nobody can say this. Nobody can praise another person like this that, "You are standing here before me in form which is formless". And then, he says this in a very beautiful way, that, "At this time, at this incident, at this "prasanda”, [context] I have gone into the state I am beyond all the gunas, all the three gunas, I am beyond, gunatit". You understand the word "gunatit". I mean this only a saint can say to a saint. Who can understand this? You go and tell anybody else, they’ll say, "What is all this talking about?" And he’s so beautifully describing the whole meeting and then, ultimately, he says that, "Spontaneously, we felt into embracement, embracing". But he said it in such a beautiful manner a saint can only say to a saint. And the love and the admiration and the adoration of another person is only possible if both of them are saints of a higher values.To them, it doesn’t matter what you are, whether you are standing in the mud or whether he is a tailor, doesn’t matter. But he says that, "Just this meeting has taken me beyond all the gunas", means all the conditionings, egos, everything. Something, such a great poet he was, and both of them were.Now, Namadeva, as you know, he was a very great poet, went to also Punjab, where Guru Nanaka, there, respected him very much. I mean only the saints could respect saints; you understand. And he asked him that, "You must lean Punjabi language". And I’ve seen such a big book written and I have one already written by Namadeva in Punjabi language. And in the ‘Granth Sahib’ also, it is included. Even his made servant, was called as Janabai, even her bhajans are there. See, how these people transcended all the casts, communities and positions, everything and just there they were nothing but saints. It’s such a beautiful song, I wish I could have more time to explain to you everything. But it’s really very beautiful and I must say that Arun Apte has really done a good justice to the bhajan written by Gora Kumbhar. Beautifully done.May God bless you. Audio 4:This is a song from a Marathi play and as you know that on the stage, such a fast number they can sing standing- and I don’t know how they manage, really- but this one especially is very lyrical you can say, so much of words being beautifully rhythmically woven that it sounds extremely very, very soothing to your ears. That they say like, there is describing like a beetle, a black beetle which is going on saying, "Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo" all the time. But he says that he is lost into himself and he is just singing he is not bothered about anything. And then he goes and sits in the lotus. So, the lotus as you know is called "kamala", "tala" means the petals of that lotus. They close. And once they close, you see, still he’s singing. He has such a fondness for singing, he is hamming the name of God, that he is busy with it, even if he is inside, encaged, he is not bothered, he is singing.It’s a very thing. But in this what you’ll see that, "[Marathi]", "macaranda" means the beetle and "milanda" and all that. It’s so beautifully [inaudible] you’ll like it very much. IT’s very nice. It’s one of the really, very favourite song of mine I should say, and it’s very difficult also to sing. And it’s very enjoyable. I hope you’ll all enjoy this song. And his description of a saint who is just lost in this hamming of God’s name. Audio 5:How to express my feelings for the musician, because he really has taken you much higher, in the realm of divine enjoyment. I don’t know, if he says I was doing it, "I have nothing to say ". But it is the instrument which is so good, so surrendered. So beautifully, he has taken you to a very hight level of awareness. And this sensitivity, you should maintain. This is a puja only, what else? By which your awareness blossoms and manifests: that is the puja. I’m really very much tanksful to Babamama for bringing him here. It’s a rare, rare opportunity for all of you to enjoy such good music. And I hope we will see him again and again and again. H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Guru Puja: Gurus who belong to the collective
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 04 July 1993. Today we are going to have Guru Puja. I am supposed to be your guru but I feel sometimes that the idea of a guru is very different from mine. Normally, a guru is a very, very strict person and has no patience of any kind. Even, say [in] music: there are gurus who teach music in India; so all the disciplines have to be absolutely followed. I know about this great musician, Ravi Shankar. We had been to Maihar where he came and my father was very much respected by his guru, Allauddin Khan saheb. So he asked him, “Why don’t you play something?” So he didn’t tell him anything [at] that time. Then he showed a big bump here. He said, “Sir, do you see this?” He said, “What?” “My own tanpura he broke on my head, because I was a little bit out of tune.” Otherwise, he was a very nice man, I must say; I knew Allauddin Khan saheb. But when it came to teaching… It’s a tradition I think, that you have to put all kinds of disciplines on the students but still the students stick on to the guru. They look after all the time. They are bothered with the guru. If the guru, he wants this thing, they’ll run, if he wants this, they’ll do. A guru goes on taking different types of tests of the disciple. Like Shivaji’s guru asked him that, “I would like drink the milk of a tigress.” So he said, “Alright. If my guru has said it, it is his lookout.” So he went to the forest and he saw a tigress sitting there. She had already finished giving milk to her cubs, so he bowed before the tigress and he said, “See, my guru wants your milk. Will you please give some milk for my guru.” And the tigress understood it. She stood up and he took out the milk of the tigress for the guru. So, in this, one can see in the obedience of the guru, one achieves even the impossible things. Another time his guru said that he has got a big boil on his leg and that it is alright and anybody who will suck it has to be my disciple and my disciple, when he sucks it, I will be alright. Now, everybody was so averse to a thing like that. Shivaji maharaj said, “Of course I will suck it.” He bent down and he started sucking it from the bandage that was there, and it was a mango! So there are two, three types of tests [that] are all the time taken, of the disciple. Firstly, how much they obey you. But, as you all have got Realisation, and you are your own gurus, I don’t put that condition on you. I leave it to your freedom. I tell you earnestly, in all the way possible, what I think [is] good for you, but I don’t compel, like these gurus used to do. I mean, they used to beat! They used to hang them on a well. They were so very strict with their disciples. And I have had an experience of this. They never used to smile. No question of laughing! And would never show any kind of weakness of kindness for the disciples. This is about the spiritual gurus I am telling you. But those who wanted their ascent, wanted their Realisation, would go on passing through all kinds of tortures that they put on them. Some of the gurus, who didn’t like some disciples, they would tell them, “Alright, you now stand on your one leg all the time.” So they’re standing on one leg like a crane. Another one, they would say that, “You stand on your head!” The way they used to treat their disciples was rather difficult for me. I can’t do it. All the time the compassion becomes the tears in my eyes; I find it impossible. I may just say it in a way, sometimes also, say it in a way that looks like little scolding. But to be a Mother and to be a guru is the most difficult thing. I do not know what comes first. But, of course, every mother wants her child to be good and the Holy Mother wants Her child to be a holy person. The first thing is the holiness. Now for that, how can you compel someone? Only thing that makes you understand is this - that if you don’t become holy, how will you get your ascent? We have to be holy. What discipline one can put for making a person holy? What can you force? What can you get angry for? Only method I use, normally, is to forgive. Maybe the forgiveness is the highest quality, I think, for teaching people. When they know that they have done wrong and they confess it then you have to forgive. Like, in the life of Buddha, there was a man who was abusing him without understanding, and when he finished with his abuses and Buddha had left, people told him, “Do you know whom you were abusing? It was Lord Buddha!” He got a fright of his life. He said, “Where is he gone?” “He’s gone to another village.” So he went to another village and he said, “Sir, I am sorry [for] what I said. Please forgive me. It’s all wrong and I should not have done it. You can punish me the way you like.” Lord Buddha said, “When did you do that?” He said, “Yesterday.” He said, “I don’t know yesterday. I know only today.” Even when you tell these things, how great one feels, isn’t it? So your greatness, your nobility, will definitely influence people. It’s not by fighting, by quarrelling, by saying harsh things [that] it is going to work out. Also the gurus used to control the children very much, the disciples very much. Absolutely control. You have to get up at four o’clock, sit down for meditation. If you have not got up, they would beat! I can’t understand [this]. Sahaja Yoga is very different from all other gurus because we believe in the power of love. Power of love teaches you how to be forgiving. It makes you noble. It makes you very balanced. So the gurus who were there for bhavasagara, to establish dharma in the human beings: first thing they had to [do was to] balance themselves, against all practical things, as they call it. They think it is not practical. But they said, “No! For us, this is higher, nobler and important.” So they would balance people because they had this power of love within themselves. All these Adi Gurus and their incarnations, if you see them, they always had balance and always praised the love of God. When we talk about Realisation one has to know, first of all, that we have to have patience with ourselves. I know some people don’t feel so good, some people still have sicknesses, some people don’t even feel vibrations sometimes. Have patience with yourself! When you become your own guru, first thing, as the guru has patience with his or her disciple, you must have patience with yourself. In that patience, you will learn that you can tolerate so many things without any trouble. There is, say, one person who goes on grudging, “Oh, this is not good. That is not good,” because they have no patience with themselves. If you have patience with yourself, everything you’ll accept. Wherever you are, you are with yourself, because you are Realised-souls. So you won’t frustrate, you will not get angry and also you’ll not go on grumbling and grudging, because you are enjoying yourself. Even if there’s a mattress, alright. If there isn’t, you can sleep on the grass. If [there’s] no grass, you can sleep on the stone. And also you need not sleep, like last night. Makes no difference whatsoever. The first thing I find with people [is] they have no patience with themselves. Firstly, maybe, because they are conditioned. Say, if you have a Left Vishuddhi, [if] by any chance you have been a Catholic or TM or something - then all the time you start pitying yourself, thinking no end of your miseries and troubles and always try to condemn yourself. You are a Realised-soul and you have no business to condemn yourself - no business. Like a person who is getting drowned, has been saved, has come to the shore, now is doing nicely, he’s got his second life, and there he’s still trying to express his agony, as if he’s getting drowned. So you have to awaken yourself: “No, no! No more I am there. I’m finished. It’s gone now. I am different. That was somebody else. I am not the same person.” This is how you have to tell yourself, very clearly, that, “I am not going to condemn myself.” It was your right to get Self-realisation. You got it. And then you cannot enjoy it because you have these conditionings. Especially in the West to be miserable, it is very fashionable. There are miseries of people who have no miseries! So, for such people who have imaginary miseries of the past, which do not exist in reality, they cannot have the joy of reality. They cannot. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it’s important that he should have joy within his heart. It’s like an ocean. It’s like an ocean which is there, all the time, to give you such thrills. Even little drops of this ocean, when they trickle down in your being, it is so soothing. The experience can be only experienced. But it’s all waiting within yourself. And such a person also makes others joyous. He cannot see another person unhappy, in trouble. He himself is full of joy and spreads joy all around. You can get joy from small, small things, because you have the ocean and a little thing that drops into the ocean creates such beautiful ripples; they touch the shores, not only of your own being, but of others. Very, very small things make you so very happy, and that all the time you are just like a surfing, as they call it these days, on this beautiful lake or a beautiful ocean of love. Love is joy-giving. It’s not carnal love, it is Divine love. So, as Sahaja Yogis and as gurus, we have to love ourselves and understand our own value. I think Sahaja Yogis have not yet understood their value. How many people in this world can give Realisation? How many know about Kundalini? How many have seen people being resurrected all the time? You are made so powerful that even looking at people, you can give Realisation. In ordinary love, in carnal love, people have fear. They are afraid that their beloved might depart or might get sick, might happen this and they might be all the time under fear; resist enjoying. But, for you, you are with your Self and you are always protected. If your attention is bad, for a second even, immediately you know you are going wrong. You protect yourself from yourself! As soon as you get some physical problem, you can feel it. You know how to cure yourself. But again, one has to have balance. If you are off the balance, then you don’t even feel vibrations, you don’t even feel what’s wrong with you, you don’t know which direction you are moving, whether you are getting destroyed. And this balance has to be established by all the Sahaja Yogis. These imbalances come to us because we still think about our past or maybe about our future. We worry about these things. What is there to worry when all the angels and all the ganas are working for you? You just have to order, that’s all! But it’s like sometimes a person is made a king and is put on a throne, but before that he was a beggar, so anybody who comes to bow before him, he says, “Alright. Give me one pound.” You have to know that you are all Realised-souls and that you have all the powers within you. Only thing which is very important is the balance. In Sahaja Yoga also people get into imbalances. How? Like I have seen people who are, say, afraid of these worldly laws. They don’t know there is such a powerful energy all around you. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can arrest you. Nothing can find faults. But when you start doubting, like yesterday’s doubting, when you say, “But…” “But…” When you start thinking about the man-made laws, then the God’s laws fail you. Otherwise, nobody can punish you, nobody can arrest you, nobody can do anything to you. You are absolutely protected. So the main difference between the old style of guru and the modern style of guru is this, that the old gurus used to say, “You must suffer.” Alright, you have to be arrested is very good. If they give you poison, take the poison. If they want to slap you, take slaps. Whatever they want to do, you should accept because is your suffering. Not in Sahaja Yoga, because your Mother is sitting here. How dare anybody touch you! No one can harm you. You have to believe me when I say that. No one can harm you, but you must have that faith within yourself. Nobody had Adi Shakti as the guru! Adi Shakti, the one who has all the powers of the world. So who can harm you? Who can torture you? Who can trouble you? Except for yourself, if you want to torture yourself [then] nobody can help you. So the greatest difference between this disciple of other gurus and yourself is - you don’t have to suffer. You are not to suffer. And even if there’s somebody who has some negativity, in that person: some Sahaja Yogis still carry on poor things they cannot help it they have been to wrong gurus or something. So they’ll meet with an accident, maybe they might face something terrible. But suddenly they’ll find they’ll get out of it. [It] may be the negativity of somebody else, some relations, some brothers, sisters or maybe of the nation. But you’ll get out of it. It is a very remarkable thing in Sahaja Yoga that there are people who are catching: “Mother, my heart is catching. My this is catching. That is catching.” But once they want to give Realisation, it just moves, the Kundalini moves. Whatever you may be, whatever may be your problems, but you raise your hand and Kundalini moves. I mean, any instrument which is spoiled - say, supposing this fan is spoiled - it won’t work. But not Sahaja Yogis, they work out. Of course, if they don’t practice Sahaja Yoga or if they don’t give Realisations to others, then, of course, it can be a junk then. Supposing you don’t use your car, may be very good and you don’t use it, it becomes a junk. So you have to give. You have to give Realisation, all of you, whether it’s women or men, whatever country you may belong [to]. You have to give Realisation. You have to allow this energy to go and work, otherwise it will suffocate. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis who have not done anything like that, they are very nicely [saying], “Mother, we worship you at home.” They suffer from, also, arthritis or other kinds of things, spondylitis' sometimes they’ll have, or they may have cellulitis. All kinds of things they can have! So you have to use your energy for giving Realisations to others. It’s alright, in protocol, if you don’t understand, you are forgiven. Anything you might do out of innocence or ignorance is forgiven. But knowingly, if you want to do something, then I don’t know the repercussions, because the area where you are is safe, but if you want to get out of that area, then [on] all sides there are horrible negative forces working and you are captured into that. That’s not the mistake of Sahaja Yoga. To find faults with Sahaja Yogis or with Sahaja Yoga is another mistake we commit sometimes. Say there are ten disciples with a guru - very good excellent guru - if they complain about any one of them, immediately the guru will say, “You get out!” They have no business to complain about each other. On the contrary, if this hand is paining, then this hand doesn’t complain to the brain, but tries to soothe it. So, Sahaja Yogis are gurus who belong to the collective. They move in a group, as described by Gyaneshwara. That you move now like the enlightened forest, which gives whatever people like, want to have - kalpatarus. And he says, “You move like oceans and talk about God.” It’s not one single man standing and saying something. We saw yesterday in [the] drama how a single man had to suffer. But you are in a group, and all of you move in a group, together, with one understanding. Such a powerful group it is. They bring ambrosia to the people, according to Gyaneshwara. But this power of collectivity that one feels is the first judgement of a person. Those who cannot be collective are not yet Sahaja Yogis. Some people think that they have served me, they have looked after me, they do my puja or something, so that they have a right to scold others, to get angry with others, shout at them, tell them work, do all kinds of things. It’s not so. You are a Sahaja Yogi when you are absolutely collective, otherwise you are not a Sahaja Yogi when you are not collective. It’s so simple that ego, the conditionings of ego, or conditionings of the past may keep you away from others and there is no connection to the Divine any more left. Those who are not collective people have no relationship with the Divine. You have understood now what is collectivity is. Most surprising thing is, for me, that, by giving Realisations to you, I find it very easy to talk about subtlest of subtle things to you. All these things I don’t think any guru could have talked - not possible. It would not go into their heads. Very subtle it is. You have become subtle and the subtleties have their own beauty: in expression, in talking, in behaving with others, in understanding. It’s so sweet and so beautiful. The collective feeling is something like a little particle of clay thinks it is a mountain; like a drop becoming the ocean. But if there’s one drop who says, “No, no, no! I can’t be collective. I stay on the shore.” Alright, the sunshine will evaporate [it]. “But, Mother, I worship you, I do this. I do that!” With all that, if you do not develop collectivity, better not worship me. For that, how a guru should act with the collective? In Sahaja Yoga nobody should feel that you are some hierarchy or a higher personality. If you start feeling like that, then at that point, you must know that there is some possession on you. What is the highest in the body? Nothing! Everything is just the same. It’s the way it is there. It has to be used for its own purposes. And the cruelties sometimes people indulge into is unimaginable. How can this kind of satisfaction be there if you are Sahaja Yogis? I don’t know, they say so, that gurus used to beat and they used to do all kinds of things. I mean, they must be bhoots. I don’t know. And very angry gurus. You cannot afford to be angry. You cannot afford. Anger means imbalance. You get attached to, say, your family, you start talking like that - you are no more. Attachment to anything shows you have no balance. Those who have balance have to be detached. Otherwise you get attached to somebody, “This is my daughter. This is my son. This is this,” then you don’t see the truth. So any kind of attachment, if you feel, then know that you are not in balance. Also I have seen people get into a kind of a pride that, “We are Sahaja Yogis.” We have become Sahaja Yogis to save the whole world. It’s like I see so many government servants who think no end of themselves. They are servants of the people. They may be called ‘officers’, but officers to serve. In the same way, we are in this world to serve God. And the purpose of your service is to save the world, save the people. But if you have pride, false pride, how can you do that? The way you’ll talk, the way you’ll behave, nobody will come near. You cannot be jealous of another person - cannot be - because jealousy means that you are trying to harm yourself, really. I don’t know what is jealousy so much. I see people getting jealous, but I don’t know what it is really, jealousy. It’s a funny stuff, isn’t it? It must be coming from animal kingdom maybe, I don’t know. Because what is there to be jealous? I mean, you are Realised-souls, how can you be jealous of anyone? Say, supposing, you are a diamond and another one is a diamond, very good. Both put together will become even more brilliant. Now, supposing somebody is no good and you are very good, then there is nothing to feel jealous of the man who is no good; or also somebody who is good, to feel jealous. What is your gain? If you think that gentleman is good or that lady’s good, better try to follow what she is doing: how is she good, how she has got this goodness. It’s better to study. I really enjoy the most when Sahaja Yogis start expressing their feelings about other Sahaja Yogis. “Mother, he’s like that. Mother, he’s like that.” So, they see the goodness of others. They see the greatness of others, the nobility of others. And when you start seeing that, you start becoming. If you feel jealous - I mean, I don’t know what sort of a thing it is, as I told you - but you are condemning yourself permanently. Today you are jealous of somebody because he has got black hair. You are jealous of somebody because he has got a grey hair. You’re jealous of somebody because he has got a long nose, jealous of somebody because he has got a short nose. (Somebody starts talking very loudly and disturbing the talk) Shri Mataji: What is happening? What happened? Ha? ‘Yogi’: Mother…. Shri Mataji: Are you a Sahaja Yogi? ‘Yogi’: Yes Shri Mataji: You are a Sahaja Yogi? Then you know the protocol. Let me speak. Alright? You can ask me later on. This is not the way. This is not a parliament here. I know. I know that I don’t force any discipline, but this should be self-discipline. You should be self-disciplined. I am speaking just now. Listen to me. Maybe I might answer you in my speech. So the relationship among yourselves cannot have anything to do with jealousy, cannot. Because it kills your joy. Now, as I told you, that, you get rid of your fear, you get rid of your jealousies, you get rid of your pride, false one, and also you get rid of your impatience. You must have patience. This is another style of guru who has patience, tremendous patience. Nothing to get angry, nothing to get upset. And gradually, you will see, without telling people, they’ll discipline themselves. It is you [who] have to discipline yourself. In the system of Sahaja Yoga, we never had so many disciples. Imagine till Shri Gyaneshwara, there was only one disciple. And some of them never had any disciple, like William Blake, I don’t think had any disciple. Perhaps, they must have thought that nobody can come up to this level or understand. So many of them had no disciple. Sai Nath had no disciple. They came on this Earth…Or maybe they might be thinking, “Useless people! What’s the use of having disciples?” But, for you, it’s so great that we are so many of us together now, so many. We understand each other. We know each other. We know all about Kundalini and we are so aware about everything. We know what’s happening in this world. We are not just sitting in a cave in Himalayas and just we are taking the name of God - no! We are in the world. We are not running away from the world. We are in this world. We are facing, every day, every problem that is there. But we are in reality and they are in ignorance. That’s why we know, we know the solution, we know the problem and we can solve it. Now, you have to just experiment with your powers, of course with humility. That I have to warn some people. You see, they just sit on the horse, immediately I say that. First of all, you must know that you are a store of knowledge, complete store of knowledge, about everything, except for banks, I would say. That’s a problem for me! So you should have projection towards that source of knowledge. For example, everything can be interpreted in the Sahaj language - everything. You see this pandal is standing there because supported by this. Just like Sahaja Yoga - we are supported by our dharma. Very simple thing like that. Everywhere you’ll find the comparison of Sahaja Yoga with everything else that you see. This is very important. That will give a double joy. The other day I was coming back and in the airport it was, I was perspiring, perspiring absolutely. And the Sahaja Yogi who was with me, he said, “Mother, You are sucking all the heat of this place, the negativity.” It was a fact. But only a Sahaja Yogi can see. Everybody was sitting nicely. I was the one fanning myself! Everybody was so comfortable, feeling the cool from me and I was fanning myself! One day it happened, I was going to a shop and all the Australian Sahaja Yogis were following me, in a Chinese shop. I don’t know what these Chinese do. Climbing up I was feeling so hot and exhausted. I was just trying to soothe myself. And they were saying, “Mother, such cool coming from you!” I said, “Very nice! I am the one consuming all the heat and giving you all the cool.” But that is what my job is, to take all the heat from everyone and transform it into something cooling and soothing. When people shout, scream, this, that, be peaceful, listen to them and then you can pour water on them completely and the whole heat can go away. So this absorption is very important, not to be afraid of absorption. But, for that, I would say one should take care. And the care, as you know, is a very simple thing, is kavacha, is this bandhan that you have to take. For all this, whatever I have said, there’s one guru mantra, to remember that we are Sahaja Yogis. Just remember this. We are Sahaja Yogis. And once you know you are Sahaja Yogis, this projection will start. What happened to William Blake? If you see, he started projecting his imagination and he reached the point of knowledge. So anything that you see, anything you do or others are doing, try to relate it with Sahaja Yoga and project, then you will also reach the Ocean of Love. Once you have that, then what? Who can disturb you? Who can trouble you? Who can make anything that is difficult for you? Because you are sitting in the ocean, the fellow is sitting outside somewhere - how can it come into the ocean, to trouble you? So this is what is to remember that you are a Sahaja Yogi. Take a bandhan morning and evening. It’s so simple. Even to say on the mic it seems stupid to me. But I have to say because people forget. You forget that you are realised souls. Use your vibratory awareness for at least protecting yourself! Because there is negativity sitting next door. So be very careful about this, to remember that, “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” Once you say that, you will know how you have to behave, what is the protocol, you will know what is the discipline you have to follow, you will know how to love others, everything. This is the essence. How many have been Sahaja Yogis before? Poor things, all these gurus suffered so much. You are not to suffer, not to go into any kind of a misery anymore, no more. But don’t forget you are Sahaja Yogis, that’s why. That will give you complete confidence in yourself and you will be absolutely secured. Try to establish the state that you are Sahaja Yogis. Thus, you become gurus of yourself and of others. May God bless you all.
Guru Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 04 July 1993. Today we are going to have Guru Puja. I am supposed to be your guru but I feel sometimes that the idea of a guru is very different from mine. Normally, a guru is a very, very strict person and has no patience of any kind. Even, say [in] music: there are gurus who teach music in India; so all the disciplines have to be absolutely followed. I know about this great musician, Ravi Shankar. We had been to Maihar where he came and my father was very much respected by his guru, Allauddin Khan saheb. So he asked him, “Why don’t you play something?” So he didn’t tell him anything [at] that time. Then he showed a big bump here. He said, “Sir, do you see this?” He said, “What?” “My own tanpura he broke on my head, because I was a little bit out of tune.” Otherwise, he was a very nice man, I must say; I knew Allauddin Khan saheb. But when it came to teaching… It’s a tradition I think, that you have to put all kinds of disciplines on the students but still the students stick on to the guru. They look after all the time. They are bothered with the guru. If the guru, he wants this thing, they’ll run, if he wants this, they’ll do. A guru goes on taking different types of tests of the disciple. Like Shivaji’s guru asked him that, “I would like drink the milk of a tigress.” So he said, “Alright. If my guru has said it, it is his lookout.” So he went to the forest and he saw a tigress sitting there. She had already finished giving milk to her cubs, so he bowed before the tigress and he said, “See, my guru wants your milk. Will you please give some milk for my guru.” And the tigress understood it. She stood up and he took out the milk of the tigress for the guru. So, in this, one can see in the obedience of the guru, one achieves even the impossible things. Another time his guru said that he has got a big boil on his leg and that it is alright and anybody who will suck it has to be my disciple and my disciple, when he sucks it, I will be alright. Now, everybody was so averse to a thing like that. Shivaji maharaj said, “Of course I will suck it.” He bent down and he started sucking it from the bandage that was there, and it was a mango! So there are two, three types of tests [that] are all the time taken, of the disciple. Firstly, how much they obey you. But, as you all have got Realisation, and you are your own gurus, I don’t put that condition on you. I leave it to your freedom. I tell you earnestly, in all the way possible, what I think [is] good for you, but I don’t compel, like these gurus used to do. I mean, they used to beat! They used to hang them on a well. They were so very strict with their disciples. And I have had an experience of this. They never used to smile. No question of laughing! And would never show any kind of weakness of kindness for the disciples. This is about the spiritual gurus I am telling you. But those who wanted their ascent, wanted their Realisation, would go on passing through all kinds of tortures that they put on them. Some of the gurus, who didn’t like some disciples, they would tell them, “Alright, you now stand on your one leg all the time.” So they’re standing on one leg like a crane. Another one, they would say that, “You stand on your head!” The way they used to treat their disciples was rather difficult for me. I can’t do it. All the time the compassion becomes the tears in my eyes; I find it impossible. I may just say it in a way, sometimes also, say it in a way that looks like little scolding. But to be a Mother and to be a guru is the most difficult thing. I do not know what comes first. But, of course, every mother wants her child to be good and the Holy Mother wants Her child to be a holy person. The first thing is the holiness. Now for that, how can you compel someone? Only thing that makes you understand is this - that if you don’t become holy, how will you get your ascent? We have to be holy. What discipline one can put for making a person holy? What can you force? What can you get angry for? Only method I use, normally, is to forgive. Maybe the forgiveness is the highest quality, I think, for teaching people. When they know that they have done wrong and they confess it then you have to forgive. Like, in the life of Buddha, there was a man who was abusing him without understanding, and when he finished with his abuses and Buddha had left, people told him, “Do you know whom you were abusing? It was Lord Buddha!” He got a fright of his life. He said, “Where is he gone?” “He’s gone to another village.” So he went to another village and he said, “Sir, I am sorry [for] what I said. Please forgive me. It’s all wrong and I should not have done it. You can punish me the way you like.” Lord Buddha said, “When did you do that?” He said, “Yesterday.” He said, “I don’t know yesterday. I know only today.” Even when you tell these things, how great one feels, isn’t it? So your greatness, your nobility, will definitely influence people. It’s not by fighting, by quarrelling, by saying harsh things [that] it is going to work out. Also the gurus used to control the children very much, the disciples very much. Absolutely control. You have to get up at four o’clock, sit down for meditation. If you have not got up, they would beat! I can’t understand [this]. Sahaja Yoga is very different from all other gurus because we believe in the power of love. Power of love teaches you how to be forgiving. It makes you noble. It makes you very balanced. So the gurus who were there for bhavasagara, to establish dharma in the human beings: first thing they had to [do was to] balance themselves, against all practical things, as they call it. They think it is not practical. But they said, “No! For us, this is higher, nobler and important.” So they would balance people because they had this power of love within themselves. All these Adi Gurus and their incarnations, if you see them, they always had balance and always praised the love of God. When we talk about Realisation one has to know, first of all, that we have to have patience with ourselves. I know some people don’t feel so good, some people still have sicknesses, some people don’t even feel vibrations sometimes. Have patience with yourself! When you become your own guru, first thing, as the guru has patience with his or her disciple, you must have patience with yourself. In that patience, you will learn that you can tolerate so many things without any trouble. There is, say, one person who goes on grudging, “Oh, this is not good. That is not good,” because they have no patience with themselves. If you have patience with yourself, everything you’ll accept. Wherever you are, you are with yourself, because you are Realised-souls. So you won’t frustrate, you will not get angry and also you’ll not go on grumbling and grudging, because you are enjoying yourself. Even if there’s a mattress, alright. If there isn’t, you can sleep on the grass. If [there’s] no grass, you can sleep on the stone. And also you need not sleep, like last night. Makes no difference whatsoever. The first thing I find with people [is] they have no patience with themselves. Firstly, maybe, because they are conditioned. Say, if you have a Left Vishuddhi, [if] by any chance you have been a Catholic or TM or something - then all the time you start pitying yourself, thinking no end of your miseries and troubles and always try to condemn yourself. You are a Realised-soul and you have no business to condemn yourself - no business. Like a person who is getting drowned, has been saved, has come to the shore, now is doing nicely, he’s got his second life, and there he’s still trying to express his agony, as if he’s getting drowned. So you have to awaken yourself: “No, no! No more I am there. I’m finished. It’s gone now. I am different. That was somebody else. I am not the same person.” This is how you have to tell yourself, very clearly, that, “I am not going to condemn myself.” It was your right to get Self-realisation. You got it. And then you cannot enjoy it because you have these conditionings. Especially in the West to be miserable, it is very fashionable. There are miseries of people who have no miseries! So, for such people who have imaginary miseries of the past, which do not exist in reality, they cannot have the joy of reality. They cannot. So, for a Sahaja Yogi, it’s important that he should have joy within his heart. It’s like an ocean. It’s like an ocean which is there, all the time, to give you such thrills. Even little drops of this ocean, when they trickle down in your being, it is so soothing. The experience can be only experienced. But it’s all waiting within yourself. And such a person also makes others joyous. He cannot see another person unhappy, in trouble. He himself is full of joy and spreads joy all around. You can get joy from small, small things, because you have the ocean and a little thing that drops into the ocean creates such beautiful ripples; they touch the shores, not only of your own being, but of others. Very, very small things make you so very happy, and that all the time you are just like a surfing, as they call it these days, on this beautiful lake or a beautiful ocean of love. Love is joy-giving. It’s not carnal love, it is Divine love. So, as Sahaja Yogis and as gurus, we have to love ourselves and understand our own value. I think Sahaja Yogis have not yet understood their value. How many people in this world can give Realisation? How many know about Kundalini? How many have seen people being resurrected all the time? You are made so powerful that even looking at people, you can give Realisation. In ordinary love, in carnal love, people have fear. They are afraid that their beloved might depart or might get sick, might happen this and they might be all the time under fear; resist enjoying. But, for you, you are with your Self and you are always protected. If your attention is bad, for a second even, immediately you know you are going wrong. You protect yourself from yourself! As soon as you get some physical problem, you can feel it. You know how to cure yourself. But again, one has to have balance. If you are off the balance, then you don’t even feel vibrations, you don’t even feel what’s wrong with you, you don’t know which direction you are moving, whether you are getting destroyed. And this balance has to be established by all the Sahaja Yogis. These imbalances come to us because we still think about our past or maybe about our future. We worry about these things. What is there to worry when all the angels and all the ganas are working for you? You just have to order, that’s all! But it’s like sometimes a person is made a king and is put on a throne, but before that he was a beggar, so anybody who comes to bow before him, he says, “Alright. Give me one pound.” You have to know that you are all Realised-souls and that you have all the powers within you. Only thing which is very important is the balance. In Sahaja Yoga also people get into imbalances. How? Like I have seen people who are, say, afraid of these worldly laws. They don’t know there is such a powerful energy all around you. Nothing can stop you. Nothing can arrest you. Nothing can find faults. But when you start doubting, like yesterday’s doubting, when you say, “But…” “But…” When you start thinking about the man-made laws, then the God’s laws fail you. Otherwise, nobody can punish you, nobody can arrest you, nobody can do anything to you. You are absolutely protected. So the main difference between the old style of guru and the modern style of guru is this, that the old gurus used to say, “You must suffer.” Alright, you have to be arrested is very good. If they give you poison, take the poison. If they want to slap you, take slaps. Whatever they want to do, you should accept because is your suffering. Not in Sahaja Yoga, because your Mother is sitting here. How dare anybody touch you! No one can harm you. You have to believe me when I say that. No one can harm you, but you must have that faith within yourself. Nobody had Adi Shakti as the guru! Adi Shakti, the one who has all the powers of the world. So who can harm you? Who can torture you? Who can trouble you? Except for yourself, if you want to torture yourself [then] nobody can help you. So the greatest difference between this disciple of other gurus and yourself is - you don’t have to suffer. You are not to suffer. And even if there’s somebody who has some negativity, in that person: some Sahaja Yogis still carry on poor things they cannot help it they have been to wrong gurus or something. So they’ll meet with an accident, maybe they might face something terrible. But suddenly they’ll find they’ll get out of it. [It] may be the negativity of somebody else, some relations, some brothers, sisters or maybe of the nation. But you’ll get out of it. It is a very remarkable thing in Sahaja Yoga that there are people who are catching: “Mother, my heart is catching. My this is catching. That is catching.” But once they want to give Realisation, it just moves, the Kundalini moves. Whatever you may be, whatever may be your problems, but you raise your hand and Kundalini moves. I mean, any instrument which is spoiled - say, supposing this fan is spoiled - it won’t work. But not Sahaja Yogis, they work out. Of course, if they don’t practice Sahaja Yoga or if they don’t give Realisations to others, then, of course, it can be a junk then. Supposing you don’t use your car, may be very good and you don’t use it, it becomes a junk. So you have to give. You have to give Realisation, all of you, whether it’s women or men, whatever country you may belong [to]. You have to give Realisation. You have to allow this energy to go and work, otherwise it will suffocate. I have seen many Sahaja Yogis who have not done anything like that, they are very nicely [saying], “Mother, we worship you at home.” They suffer from, also, arthritis or other kinds of things, spondylitis' sometimes they’ll have, or they may have cellulitis. All kinds of things they can have! So you have to use your energy for giving Realisations to others. It’s alright, in protocol, if you don’t understand, you are forgiven. Anything you might do out of innocence or ignorance is forgiven. But knowingly, if you want to do something, then I don’t know the repercussions, because the area where you are is safe, but if you want to get out of that area, then [on] all sides there are horrible negative forces working and you are captured into that. That’s not the mistake of Sahaja Yoga. To find faults with Sahaja Yogis or with Sahaja Yoga is another mistake we commit sometimes. Say there are ten disciples with a guru - very good excellent guru - if they complain about any one of them, immediately the guru will say, “You get out!” They have no business to complain about each other. On the contrary, if this hand is paining, then this hand doesn’t complain to the brain, but tries to soothe it. So, Sahaja Yogis are gurus who belong to the collective. They move in a group, as described by Gyaneshwara. That you move now like the enlightened forest, which gives whatever people like, want to have - kalpatarus. And he says, “You move like oceans and talk about God.” It’s not one single man standing and saying something. We saw yesterday in [the] drama how a single man had to suffer. But you are in a group, and all of you move in a group, together, with one understanding. Such a powerful group it is. They bring ambrosia to the people, according to Gyaneshwara. But this power of collectivity that one feels is the first judgement of a person. Those who cannot be collective are not yet Sahaja Yogis. Some people think that they have served me, they have looked after me, they do my puja or something, so that they have a right to scold others, to get angry with others, shout at them, tell them work, do all kinds of things. It’s not so. You are a Sahaja Yogi when you are absolutely collective, otherwise you are not a Sahaja Yogi when you are not collective. It’s so simple that ego, the conditionings of ego, or conditionings of the past may keep you away from others and there is no connection to the Divine any more left. Those who are not collective people have no relationship with the Divine. You have understood now what is collectivity is. Most surprising thing is, for me, that, by giving Realisations to you, I find it very easy to talk about subtlest of subtle things to you. All these things I don’t think any guru could have talked - not possible. It would not go into their heads. Very subtle it is. You have become subtle and the subtleties have their own beauty: in expression, in talking, in behaving with others, in understanding. It’s so sweet and so beautiful. The collective feeling is something like a little particle of clay thinks it is a mountain; like a drop becoming the ocean. But if there’s one drop who says, “No, no, no! I can’t be collective. I stay on the shore.” Alright, the sunshine will evaporate [it]. “But, Mother, I worship you, I do this. I do that!” With all that, if you do not develop collectivity, better not worship me. For that, how a guru should act with the collective? In Sahaja Yoga nobody should feel that you are some hierarchy or a higher personality. If you start feeling like that, then at that point, you must know that there is some possession on you. What is the highest in the body? Nothing! Everything is just the same. It’s the way it is there. It has to be used for its own purposes. And the cruelties sometimes people indulge into is unimaginable. How can this kind of satisfaction be there if you are Sahaja Yogis? I don’t know, they say so, that gurus used to beat and they used to do all kinds of things. I mean, they must be bhoots. I don’t know. And very angry gurus. You cannot afford to be angry. You cannot afford. Anger means imbalance. You get attached to, say, your family, you start talking like that - you are no more. Attachment to anything shows you have no balance. Those who have balance have to be detached. Otherwise you get attached to somebody, “This is my daughter. This is my son. This is this,” then you don’t see the truth. So any kind of attachment, if you feel, then know that you are not in balance. Also I have seen people get into a kind of a pride that, “We are Sahaja Yogis.” We have become Sahaja Yogis to save the whole world. It’s like I see so many government servants who think no end of themselves. They are servants of the people. They may be called ‘officers’, but officers to serve. In the same way, we are in this world to serve God. And the purpose of your service is to save the world, save the people. But if you have pride, false pride, how can you do that? The way you’ll talk, the way you’ll behave, nobody will come near. You cannot be jealous of another person - cannot be - because jealousy means that you are trying to harm yourself, really. I don’t know what is jealousy so much. I see people getting jealous, but I don’t know what it is really, jealousy. It’s a funny stuff, isn’t it? It must be coming from animal kingdom maybe, I don’t know. Because what is there to be jealous? I mean, you are Realised-souls, how can you be jealous of anyone? Say, supposing, you are a diamond and another one is a diamond, very good. Both put together will become even more brilliant. Now, supposing somebody is no good and you are very good, then there is nothing to feel jealous of the man who is no good; or also somebody who is good, to feel jealous. What is your gain? If you think that gentleman is good or that lady’s good, better try to follow what she is doing: how is she good, how she has got this goodness. It’s better to study. I really enjoy the most when Sahaja Yogis start expressing their feelings about other Sahaja Yogis. “Mother, he’s like that. Mother, he’s like that.” So, they see the goodness of others. They see the greatness of others, the nobility of others. And when you start seeing that, you start becoming. If you feel jealous - I mean, I don’t know what sort of a thing it is, as I told you - but you are condemning yourself permanently. Today you are jealous of somebody because he has got black hair. You are jealous of somebody because he has got a grey hair. You’re jealous of somebody because he has got a long nose, jealous of somebody because he has got a short nose. (Somebody starts talking very loudly and disturbing the talk) Shri Mataji: What is happening? What happened? Ha? ‘Yogi’: Mother…. Shri Mataji: Are you a Sahaja Yogi? ‘Yogi’: Yes Shri Mataji: You are a Sahaja Yogi? Then you know the protocol. Let me speak. Alright? You can ask me later on. This is not the way. This is not a parliament here. I know. I know that I don’t force any discipline, but this should be self-discipline. You should be self-disciplined. I am speaking just now. Listen to me. Maybe I might answer you in my speech. So the relationship among yourselves cannot have anything to do with jealousy, cannot. Because it kills your joy. Now, as I told you, that, you get rid of your fear, you get rid of your jealousies, you get rid of your pride, false one, and also you get rid of your impatience. You must have patience. This is another style of guru who has patience, tremendous patience. Nothing to get angry, nothing to get upset. And gradually, you will see, without telling people, they’ll discipline themselves. It is you [who] have to discipline yourself. In the system of Sahaja Yoga, we never had so many disciples. Imagine till Shri Gyaneshwara, there was only one disciple. And some of them never had any disciple, like William Blake, I don’t think had any disciple. Perhaps, they must have thought that nobody can come up to this level or understand. So many of them had no disciple. Sai Nath had no disciple. They came on this Earth…Or maybe they might be thinking, “Useless people! What’s the use of having disciples?” But, for you, it’s so great that we are so many of us together now, so many. We understand each other. We know each other. We know all about Kundalini and we are so aware about everything. We know what’s happening in this world. We are not just sitting in a cave in Himalayas and just we are taking the name of God - no! We are in the world. We are not running away from the world. We are in this world. We are facing, every day, every problem that is there. But we are in reality and they are in ignorance. That’s why we know, we know the solution, we know the problem and we can solve it. Now, you have to just experiment with your powers, of course with humility. That I have to warn some people. You see, they just sit on the horse, immediately I say that. First of all, you must know that you are a store of knowledge, complete store of knowledge, about everything, except for banks, I would say. That’s a problem for me! So you should have projection towards that source of knowledge. For example, everything can be interpreted in the Sahaj language - everything. You see this pandal is standing there because supported by this. Just like Sahaja Yoga - we are supported by our dharma. Very simple thing like that. Everywhere you’ll find the comparison of Sahaja Yoga with everything else that you see. This is very important. That will give a double joy. The other day I was coming back and in the airport it was, I was perspiring, perspiring absolutely. And the Sahaja Yogi who was with me, he said, “Mother, You are sucking all the heat of this place, the negativity.” It was a fact. But only a Sahaja Yogi can see. Everybody was sitting nicely. I was the one fanning myself! Everybody was so comfortable, feeling the cool from me and I was fanning myself! One day it happened, I was going to a shop and all the Australian Sahaja Yogis were following me, in a Chinese shop. I don’t know what these Chinese do. Climbing up I was feeling so hot and exhausted. I was just trying to soothe myself. And they were saying, “Mother, such cool coming from you!” I said, “Very nice! I am the one consuming all the heat and giving you all the cool.” But that is what my job is, to take all the heat from everyone and transform it into something cooling and soothing. When people shout, scream, this, that, be peaceful, listen to them and then you can pour water on them completely and the whole heat can go away. So this absorption is very important, not to be afraid of absorption. But, for that, I would say one should take care. And the care, as you know, is a very simple thing, is kavacha, is this bandhan that you have to take. For all this, whatever I have said, there’s one guru mantra, to remember that we are Sahaja Yogis. Just remember this. We are Sahaja Yogis. And once you know you are Sahaja Yogis, this projection will start. What happened to William Blake? If you see, he started projecting his imagination and he reached the point of knowledge. So anything that you see, anything you do or others are doing, try to relate it with Sahaja Yoga and project, then you will also reach the Ocean of Love. Once you have that, then what? Who can disturb you? Who can trouble you? Who can make anything that is difficult for you? Because you are sitting in the ocean, the fellow is sitting outside somewhere - how can it come into the ocean, to trouble you? So this is what is to remember that you are a Sahaja Yogi. Take a bandhan morning and evening. It’s so simple. Even to say on the mic it seems stupid to me. But I have to say because people forget. You forget that you are realised souls. Use your vibratory awareness for at least protecting yourself! Because there is negativity sitting next door. So be very careful about this, to remember that, “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” Once you say that, you will know how you have to behave, what is the protocol, you will know what is the discipline you have to follow, you will know how to love others, everything. This is the essence. How many have been Sahaja Yogis before? Poor things, all these gurus suffered so much. You are not to suffer, not to go into any kind of a misery anymore, no more. But don’t forget you are Sahaja Yogis, that’s why. That will give you complete confidence in yourself and you will be absolutely secured. Try to establish the state that you are Sahaja Yogis. Thus, you become gurus of yourself and of others. May God bless you all.
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Shri Mahakali Puja: Within us She creates desires
Shri Mahakali Puja. St Denis, Paris (France), 11 July 1993. Today we have decided to have the puja of the Devi. This time we are not talking about Adi Shakti, about Kundalini or about Saraswati, Mahalakshmi. We are talking about the Mahakali. That's the Goddess which is the first one, which comes first and establishes Shri Ganesha in the form of Gauri. She’s the complete form of Mahasaraswati and Mahalaxmi. Out of Her only these energies emit. So She’s the one who is the power of desire of God. Within us also She creates desires. These desires within us start emitting outside and we develop a kind of a reaction to all our desires. The first and foremost desire, as you know very much, the most primitive, is to feed yourself. And this is given to us by the Goddess. She gives us the desire to feed ourselves. Now if we don't feed ourselves, then we cannot survive. We have to have food. It is very important that we should feed ourselves sufficiently enough to exist on this Earth. And also we have seen that when this kind of desire grows very much more than normal, then you become slaves of this desire and any amount of food cannot satisfy you. All the time you think of nothing else but food. I have told you many a times that the French are very particular as to what they should eat. You see, they take at least forty-five minutes on a dinner table to decide what they will eat. Ultimately, it's just the same. I mean, I don't understand how can you need forty-five minutes to decide what you want to eat? But this desire starts acting through your ego. So it satisfies you. And also those people who are manufacturing food or who are supplying food in hotels and all that know how to satisfy your desires. So they bring it in a way, show it round and then place it before you, so that you approve of it and when you approve of it then they serve. They know how to befool you and you feel quite happy, „Oh, it’s very good.“ Even the wine is given for testing first of all and, whether you like it or not, you have to say it's very good and you better show that you like it. So this desire gets completely controlled by your ego and when it becomes a kind of a collective desire and a collective ego expression, then we become like gluttons, you see. I would say sophisticated. They’re sophisticated, but we are gluttons. Now with that, other things also people want to have, like proper sort of a table lying and linen, this, that. Of course, if ego is not there, then people would like to see to please others by feeding them. This desire reacts. And then the new desire comes in through the blessings of the Mahakali that you like to see others eating the food. You enjoy when others eat the food cooked by you, served by you, given by you. Just want to watch. That gives you satisfaction. But food, to any extent you may go, you will never be satisfied. Today you will ask for this, tomorrow for that. This, that. Now, in the Western life today, it has become very important to ask a child every day, „What will you have?“ In olden days the food was cooked for all the family. Everybody would eat the same food. But now you must ask the child, „What will you have?“ Then the child has to say, „I'll have this.“ Now, supposing you don't have that in your fridge, you are finished. Early in the morning there will be no shop open, nothing. How will you please that boy in his ego because he wants a particular thing? So gradually we build up even the ego of our children. We have to say, „This is cooked, this is nice and you eat this.“ Is the duty of parents not to allow children to grow their ego by what they want. You should know what they have to have. Then it starts growing and growing and growing till they become quite grown up, but very primitive. So, actually, the blessing of the Devi on this point is that She gives you a desire that you should serve others. Also you then get concerned about people who are starving, want to find out why they are starving. The another extreme of this could be that some people think we should not eat so much, a kind of a sacrificing nonsense. Whatever one has to eat, one should eat. Then they say, „Why should we eat so much, Mother. After all, there are people who are starving.“ By your eating less or more, you cannot save those who are starving, can you? So there’s no wisdom in this kind of austerity. And when the people enter into this kind of austerity, then they have sufferings and troubles and such people become extremely, I should say, ascetic and hot-tempered and you should never go near to a person who is of that kind without a. barge pole. God knows when he will jump on you. So a person who is hungry is as bad as a person who is overfed. I think hungry is worse. Now if you look at yourself, the second desire that comes to you is that everyone should love you. This comes because that makes you good person. You know that everybody likes goodness. So people try to be good to others, nice to others, say a hundred times thank you, do all kinds of things to please others. By pleasing others, they think others will like us very much. But then it develops again out of bounds and then all the time you try to please others so that you become absolutely slavish. You become so artificial that people can make out that it’s nothing natural with this gentleman. He’s just trying to please us. Now, with that, the pleasing behind is some sort of an advantage out of it. If you please another one with a detached mind, not expecting anything, that should be done for you or that could be achieved through that pleasing. It's very pure pleasing and it's very good. That makes you really righteous and good. But supposing you try to please others only just to take advantage of that person, then you develop hypocrisy - hypocrisy of the worst type. And you get lost. People mock at you, laugh at you. They’re never pleased. They know that you are a hypocrite and you’re doing it for some sort of an advantage or an exploitation. You are not doing it because you want to be good really, to be nice. A person who is good, automatically pleases others. But he doesn’t try to please. He’s just - his nature is such, his temperament is such that he just pleases people. This, when taken over again by Mister Ego, then really you can't beat it. Then they become diplomats. You see, could be politicians, all these doomed classes they become and they cannot get out of it. They get so much used to it, that they cannot get out of it. Now what does the Devi do? She brings the truth before them. She shows that what you have been doing for a particular exploitation doesn’t work out. After a point it does. She exposes them. The exposure starts and with that exposure, they’re surprised, „How am I exposed? How am I caught, how people know?“ This is the job of the power of Mahakali. She exposes all that is wrong, all that is falsehood, that is untruth, She exposes. Then the third desire people have is to possess material things. From which materialism has come. But there’s no end to it. End can never come because they have no satisfaction in getting one thing. Supposing today I want to have this carpet. All right, I'll get this one. Then I want to have another one. Then I want to have another one. Then I want to have a car and then I want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane. I don't know what I want to have then. So it goes on and on and on and on until you reach a time where people start thinking, „What's the matter with him?“ And you cannot enjoy anything that you get. This is also a human failing and this human failing creates economics, you know that. Economics is created because wants, in general, are not satiable. They are not satiable. So what happens? We go on from jumping from one to another to another to another and another. So then you become slaves of entrepreneurs so much so, that you lose your individuality completely. For example, an entrepreneur produces a funny kind of a dress, one year. So everybody wants to wear the same without thinking if it is necessary or not. Then he brings in another form. Next year everything is given up, buy the another one. Third year another one. So pile of all these clothes are there and nicely the manufacturer has become a great man of designs - his very good designs, how to befool human beings. He has become a rich man and you have become poor with all this kind of clothes which has no meaning for you anymore. About the same thing, about everything, something is fashionable. That means you have no individuality. We talk of individuality, but we want to do things which everybody’s doing. I mean, you know that all kinds of absurd things people have done in the name of fashion and specially people who are traditionally bound, who have had no traditions like Americans, I would say. They go on changing after every six months. Every year you go, you find a new type of people there, new type of clothes. It's very surprising how they change so fast without even thinking whether this will suit me or not. Somebody says wear tight clothes, they’ll go with tight clothes. Then they develop varicose veins, so they wear with the holes. Then they develop some other problem, then they wear another kind. Nobody wants to think, „Why should I change my dress?“ Like, say, in India we wear saris, finished. Nothing there. No problem with the tailor, nothing doing. Whatever sari we like, we’ll buy. And a sari came called as mini sari in India, which was up to here maybe, I don't know, not six inches, but at least up to the knee. It came for about, I think, eight, seven days in Bombay and went back. People said, „Get lost. We don't want it.“ So this headache of all the time getting into a fashion like horse without any sense in the head has to be understood properly. Why people do it? Because they have no brains. They’re brainless people. They’re not intelligent to see that we are befooled every year. But, for Sahaja Yogis, the Mahakali power works and She teaches them that „All right, this dress suits you. Have this one.“ And it's the best for you. Once for all, your lifelong problem is solved. With this kind of blouse, I started wearing from the very beginning perhaps and I've been wearing it and now I find everybody wears the same style. Why to waste your energy in changing every day this blouse starting from here to here, to here and going back again like this, you see. It's such a waste of energy, such a waste of cloth. And we make ourselves so cheap running with the race of reducing the sleeves, reducing this, reducing that - all increasing. Is all a desire to impress people that we are very up to date. Who wants to know? Who wants to find out that you are up to date or not? And we have no courage to keep to our own dress that we have purchased. Why to waste so much money? We don't even think. Go on changing, changing, changing for nothing at all. So this is desire is there to impress others with our outside things. So many thing like dress there are, which wee try to impress. Now, hairstyle. I read an article. They said that these hairstyles are responsible for many divorces. I was wondering, „How can it be hairstyles responsible for divorces?“ Because they had made a survey. A man had liked a hairstyle of his fiancée and then she changed her hairstyle, so he divorced her. And the other way round. When it is so cheap way of disposing of such a deep relationship of husband and wife. Now certain facts start. I also saw one documentary about a lady who’d said that it was in one of the advertisements, something, sort of a thing appeared that your legs should be of this shape and what you should do. So poor thing spent so much time, energy, ran up and down to make the legs. I mean what is the importance of these legs, except for walking? So she went to make the shape like that. She used to measure it - would be always something missing here and there. Then many people joined. They had a class for it. And a group joined to make legs like that. And, ultimately, they found out that that leg was made out of wood. And they spent so much money, so much energy to make legs like that. For what? What is the purpose? If anybody says, „You run like this,“ they start running. They say, „Jump like this,“ they start jumping. But why? Have we gone all nuts in our heads that we should accept whatever one said, we should do that. What is the purpose? So this kind of stupidity comes in our heads when we start using our ego. With the ego a person becomes absolutely stupid. Because he’ll say, „What's wrong? What's wrong if I have just a little hair here? What's wrong? If I just try to wear a very short dress here, what's wrong?“ The wrong is why are you wearing? Why don't you ask a question? Why are you wearing? If you ask a question to yourself, „Why do I have this kind of hairstyle?“ „Why do I do like this?“ It is really difficult to tell people to do right things, but wrong things people take to like that. For example, I told everyone that you put oil, if not every day, just before bath, a lot of oil in your hair and wash. Now I find many people getting bald. But they didn't put the oil. What can I do about it? But such a simple thing they won't have. Such a simple thing they would not believe, that you need something for your nourishment. But they will do something which is absurd, nonsensical without even thinking, „What is going to harm us.“ Here the Mahakali, what does She do? She punishes you. Your body is punished. If you wear very tight clothes, you develop problems of your legs. If you wear holey pants, then you get cramps. Anything you do abnormal, you have to pay for it. First you have to pay for doing it and then you have to pay for it physically. So many things can be avoided if we just had a simple life, decide once for all that „I will have this kind of dress for this lifetime, finished.“ Every day to change, itself, is a headache. But that satisfied the ego, not your Self. So the Mahalaxmi Principle in us raises higher and higher. Despite that, we are pulled down. Then this Mahakali, She comes forward and shows what wrong we have done, how we have gone wrong, how we have missed the point. Instead of thinking what is wrong, She teaches you, „It is wrong.“ Then another thing She does, which is a very beautiful thing She does, I think sometimes, that She creates an illusion to test your intelligence, to test your sensibility. She creates an illusion. Branti rupena samstita. She makes a branti in your head. Illusion. So you become illusive or others become illusive or a situation becomes illusive. And you are lost in it. Then you really understand that it's wrong thing I have done. It's a very nice story about Narada. Narada was under an impression about himself and ultimately he became ego-oriented and he started saying, „Oh, look at me. I am never enticed by any woman. Even Shiva was enticed by Cupid. I am never enticed. I am the highest, of highest, Brahmachari.“ So Vishnu sent two gandharvas to entice him. So they met him in a forest and told him, „Oh, Narada, you are such a handsome man, such a beautiful man and all your beauty’s wasted. You must test your beauty. You must see how beautiful you are. You’re so handsome.“ He said, „Really.“ „Yes.“ he said. „There’s a very simple way of testing you.“ „It’s how?“ He said, „There’s a wedding coming up of a very beautiful woman. She is the princess of the beauty city, is called [???] and you should go there and see how she will appreciate you. So he, in his ego, became so stupid that he went there. And he was sitting and lots of people were coming, big big maharajas, rajas, all of them were witting and he was thinking, „Oh, I’m the best among all of them. Who are these? The princess will just garland me, no doubt about it.“ And these two were putting that illusion in his head, branti. With the Agnya, you get branti. This princess came round. She looked at him and she laughed aloud. She couldn't control herself and she moved on giggling. He couldn't understand why she laughed at him. She didn’t garland him or nothing but she just laughed. So he couldn’t understand, „I’m such a handsome man,“ this thing. So these two gandharvas told him, „Oh, it doesn’t matter. You see, she doesn’t understand. She'll come back,“ this, that. Then they went out and near a lake and he sat down to wash his face and looked at in the water his reflection. He looked looked like a monkey. He looked at these two and he cursed them. He said, „I look like a monkey.“ Said, „To us, you look like very handsome.“ „But I really look like a monkey.“ So this branti, this illusion was created in his mind by his ego. But this power, itself, Mahakali’s power, She puts this ego right by creating illusion, branti. And this is responsible for many illusions we run after. It’s a mirage, running after it, running after it. Once we are satisfied within ourselves, then we don't run after mirages. This illusion, if it would not be created, people would be so egoistical that whole world will be finished. So this is the great work of Mahakali Power within us, that She creates illusions. Many people talk of maya. „This is Mother, maya. This is maya. That is maya.“ Is the work of Mahakali. She wants to test you. She wants to test you. But in Sahaja Yoga it's not such a strong one. For example, you know Abraham had a son. One son he had after a long time. And God asked him that he should sacrifice his son. His wife said also was feeling terrible that he has to sacrifice his son. So he went down to the place where the child was to be sacrificed. He made a fire, everything and was about to put the child on that pyre of fire when the voice came. This is Mahakali, that you don’t have to sacrifice your child. We have many such stories in Indian mythology also where they were tested. So to test Sahaja Yogis also, this Mahakali helps you. There was a gentleman who was very egoistical, so I told him to come to Delhi because I didn’t know how to do it here. he came to Delhi and he told everybody, „See, Mother told me to come here just to cure Her.“ I said, „All right.“ He came. I said, „What’s wrong with Me?“ He said, „Mother, Your Nabhi is very bad.“ I said, „Really? Acha, you put a bandhan to yourself and now see for yourself.“ „Oh my God, you see, what’s happening to me here?“ I said, „That’s My Nabhi.“ So this is how the illusion corrects you. If there is no illusion, you would not ever be corrected directly. Supposing I say, „Don't do this.“ You may not like. Of yourse, mostly you like, but sometimes you don't. And then the illusion works and then you realize, „Where was I and where am I now? I should not have done this. How is it I have landed into this problem? What has made me so stupid?“ So this is something which She does. Another is She's the one who relaxes you completely. When you are tired and fed up, when you don't know what to do, then She makes you sleep. She’s the one who gives you sleep. All day's work you do, ultimately the Mahakali power acts on you as sleep. She makes you sleep, sleep like a child. You know, at that time, all that wrong we have done to ourselves and to others are forgiven. In Her lap we sleep nicely, quietly and all our problems are solved. In those dreams, when you are, She brings forth solutions to you. I know so many people told Me, „Mother, you came in my dream and told me that this is the medicine you should take. You came in my dream and You told me that this particular type of life will suit you.“ They see Me clearly coming, but there it is not whole of Me, but I think the Mahakali Power acts. Into very deep sleep you are, it is called, at the Sushupti. There She appears. One lady came to me and she said, „Mother, You came in the dream and you said that I’m here in Bombay. Nobody told me.“ So so many things happen like this. In the dream She guides you and tells you. Now what happens sometimes, people tell Me that I had such and such dream, which is all falsehood, I know. They never dreamt like that. They never saw like this. But, just to impress Me, they tell Me that, „Oh, I had a dream,“ this, that. I just show complete ignorance. I ask, „Must be?“ Then they are put into again branti, means illusion. Gradually, they realize that it was wrong to tell lies to Mother. So the correction part takes place, but the greatest thing that She does is to give you the sense of chastity and security. When the children are born, they have sense of chastity, shame, decency, decorous behaviour. But gradually, when they start others misbehaving, they start misbehaving. To them, decency becomes a bondage. But, naturally, She's there to tell you that „This is indecent. You shouldn't do it. This is wrong. This is not the proper thing to do."But gradually, you grow up and mature, then you go, „What’s wrong?“ You start disrespecting your chastity and you start becoming like immature, stupid people. All this, if is understood through meditation, the Mahakali helps you a lot. In meditation, She helps you a lot. because She's the one who creates the proper passage for Kundalini to rise. Mahakali is the same as the Kundalini because She is the residual energy of Mahakali Power, full of it there. But the function is different. The function of Mahakali is to protect you, is to guide you, to give you wisdom. And the function of the Kundalini is to cleanse you, to clear it out, not to play about with you, to forgive you and help you to grow properly. Now in your life, as Sahaja Yogis, you will see how Mahakali helps you in every way. It is so interesting to watch Her work, how She brings forth all kinds of satisfactions to you. The greed goes away. The temptations go away. The temper goes away. All these things disappear. The most helpful thing She does, that you get rid of your bad habits. Absolutely. Automatically, in the light of Mahakali's power, you just do not want anything destructive to be practised. If you have been practising anything destructive, you try to get rid of it. Just you stop it. „I don’t want to have it.“ I never tell you, „Don’t do this. Don’t do that.“ It's the Mahakali power within you which is awakened, does all these things. And She has made you so beautiful, so angelic. She has, by Her corrections and by Her illusions, She has made you like this. So you don't get so much attached to money, to greed, to lust, all these things which are responsible for putting you down. Also possessiveness for children, possessiveness for husband, possessiveness of matter. You just start understanding that the joy is in sharing. You want to share everything with others and that sharing starts when these Mahakali Powers start giving you blessings of joy, of sharing, of being collective, of being pure. These blessings come to you from the Mahakali Power. So today we are going to worship that Mahakali power. May God bless you.
Shri Mahakali Puja. St Denis, Paris (France), 11 July 1993. Today we have decided to have the puja of the Devi. This time we are not talking about Adi Shakti, about Kundalini or about Saraswati, Mahalakshmi. We are talking about the Mahakali. That's the Goddess which is the first one, which comes first and establishes Shri Ganesha in the form of Gauri. She’s the complete form of Mahasaraswati and Mahalaxmi. Out of Her only these energies emit. So She’s the one who is the power of desire of God. Within us also She creates desires. These desires within us start emitting outside and we develop a kind of a reaction to all our desires. The first and foremost desire, as you know very much, the most primitive, is to feed yourself. And this is given to us by the Goddess. She gives us the desire to feed ourselves. Now if we don't feed ourselves, then we cannot survive. We have to have food. It is very important that we should feed ourselves sufficiently enough to exist on this Earth. And also we have seen that when this kind of desire grows very much more than normal, then you become slaves of this desire and any amount of food cannot satisfy you. All the time you think of nothing else but food. I have told you many a times that the French are very particular as to what they should eat. You see, they take at least forty-five minutes on a dinner table to decide what they will eat. Ultimately, it's just the same. I mean, I don't understand how can you need forty-five minutes to decide what you want to eat? But this desire starts acting through your ego. So it satisfies you. And also those people who are manufacturing food or who are supplying food in hotels and all that know how to satisfy your desires. So they bring it in a way, show it round and then place it before you, so that you approve of it and when you approve of it then they serve. They know how to befool you and you feel quite happy, „Oh, it’s very good.“ Even the wine is given for testing first of all and, whether you like it or not, you have to say it's very good and you better show that you like it. So this desire gets completely controlled by your ego and when it becomes a kind of a collective desire and a collective ego expression, then we become like gluttons, you see. I would say sophisticated. They’re sophisticated, but we are gluttons. Now with that, other things also people want to have, like proper sort of a table lying and linen, this, that. Of course, if ego is not there, then people would like to see to please others by feeding them. This desire reacts. And then the new desire comes in through the blessings of the Mahakali that you like to see others eating the food. You enjoy when others eat the food cooked by you, served by you, given by you. Just want to watch. That gives you satisfaction. But food, to any extent you may go, you will never be satisfied. Today you will ask for this, tomorrow for that. This, that. Now, in the Western life today, it has become very important to ask a child every day, „What will you have?“ In olden days the food was cooked for all the family. Everybody would eat the same food. But now you must ask the child, „What will you have?“ Then the child has to say, „I'll have this.“ Now, supposing you don't have that in your fridge, you are finished. Early in the morning there will be no shop open, nothing. How will you please that boy in his ego because he wants a particular thing? So gradually we build up even the ego of our children. We have to say, „This is cooked, this is nice and you eat this.“ Is the duty of parents not to allow children to grow their ego by what they want. You should know what they have to have. Then it starts growing and growing and growing till they become quite grown up, but very primitive. So, actually, the blessing of the Devi on this point is that She gives you a desire that you should serve others. Also you then get concerned about people who are starving, want to find out why they are starving. The another extreme of this could be that some people think we should not eat so much, a kind of a sacrificing nonsense. Whatever one has to eat, one should eat. Then they say, „Why should we eat so much, Mother. After all, there are people who are starving.“ By your eating less or more, you cannot save those who are starving, can you? So there’s no wisdom in this kind of austerity. And when the people enter into this kind of austerity, then they have sufferings and troubles and such people become extremely, I should say, ascetic and hot-tempered and you should never go near to a person who is of that kind without a. barge pole. God knows when he will jump on you. So a person who is hungry is as bad as a person who is overfed. I think hungry is worse. Now if you look at yourself, the second desire that comes to you is that everyone should love you. This comes because that makes you good person. You know that everybody likes goodness. So people try to be good to others, nice to others, say a hundred times thank you, do all kinds of things to please others. By pleasing others, they think others will like us very much. But then it develops again out of bounds and then all the time you try to please others so that you become absolutely slavish. You become so artificial that people can make out that it’s nothing natural with this gentleman. He’s just trying to please us. Now, with that, the pleasing behind is some sort of an advantage out of it. If you please another one with a detached mind, not expecting anything, that should be done for you or that could be achieved through that pleasing. It's very pure pleasing and it's very good. That makes you really righteous and good. But supposing you try to please others only just to take advantage of that person, then you develop hypocrisy - hypocrisy of the worst type. And you get lost. People mock at you, laugh at you. They’re never pleased. They know that you are a hypocrite and you’re doing it for some sort of an advantage or an exploitation. You are not doing it because you want to be good really, to be nice. A person who is good, automatically pleases others. But he doesn’t try to please. He’s just - his nature is such, his temperament is such that he just pleases people. This, when taken over again by Mister Ego, then really you can't beat it. Then they become diplomats. You see, could be politicians, all these doomed classes they become and they cannot get out of it. They get so much used to it, that they cannot get out of it. Now what does the Devi do? She brings the truth before them. She shows that what you have been doing for a particular exploitation doesn’t work out. After a point it does. She exposes them. The exposure starts and with that exposure, they’re surprised, „How am I exposed? How am I caught, how people know?“ This is the job of the power of Mahakali. She exposes all that is wrong, all that is falsehood, that is untruth, She exposes. Then the third desire people have is to possess material things. From which materialism has come. But there’s no end to it. End can never come because they have no satisfaction in getting one thing. Supposing today I want to have this carpet. All right, I'll get this one. Then I want to have another one. Then I want to have another one. Then I want to have a car and then I want to have a helicopter, then an aeroplane. I don't know what I want to have then. So it goes on and on and on and on until you reach a time where people start thinking, „What's the matter with him?“ And you cannot enjoy anything that you get. This is also a human failing and this human failing creates economics, you know that. Economics is created because wants, in general, are not satiable. They are not satiable. So what happens? We go on from jumping from one to another to another to another and another. So then you become slaves of entrepreneurs so much so, that you lose your individuality completely. For example, an entrepreneur produces a funny kind of a dress, one year. So everybody wants to wear the same without thinking if it is necessary or not. Then he brings in another form. Next year everything is given up, buy the another one. Third year another one. So pile of all these clothes are there and nicely the manufacturer has become a great man of designs - his very good designs, how to befool human beings. He has become a rich man and you have become poor with all this kind of clothes which has no meaning for you anymore. About the same thing, about everything, something is fashionable. That means you have no individuality. We talk of individuality, but we want to do things which everybody’s doing. I mean, you know that all kinds of absurd things people have done in the name of fashion and specially people who are traditionally bound, who have had no traditions like Americans, I would say. They go on changing after every six months. Every year you go, you find a new type of people there, new type of clothes. It's very surprising how they change so fast without even thinking whether this will suit me or not. Somebody says wear tight clothes, they’ll go with tight clothes. Then they develop varicose veins, so they wear with the holes. Then they develop some other problem, then they wear another kind. Nobody wants to think, „Why should I change my dress?“ Like, say, in India we wear saris, finished. Nothing there. No problem with the tailor, nothing doing. Whatever sari we like, we’ll buy. And a sari came called as mini sari in India, which was up to here maybe, I don't know, not six inches, but at least up to the knee. It came for about, I think, eight, seven days in Bombay and went back. People said, „Get lost. We don't want it.“ So this headache of all the time getting into a fashion like horse without any sense in the head has to be understood properly. Why people do it? Because they have no brains. They’re brainless people. They’re not intelligent to see that we are befooled every year. But, for Sahaja Yogis, the Mahakali power works and She teaches them that „All right, this dress suits you. Have this one.“ And it's the best for you. Once for all, your lifelong problem is solved. With this kind of blouse, I started wearing from the very beginning perhaps and I've been wearing it and now I find everybody wears the same style. Why to waste your energy in changing every day this blouse starting from here to here, to here and going back again like this, you see. It's such a waste of energy, such a waste of cloth. And we make ourselves so cheap running with the race of reducing the sleeves, reducing this, reducing that - all increasing. Is all a desire to impress people that we are very up to date. Who wants to know? Who wants to find out that you are up to date or not? And we have no courage to keep to our own dress that we have purchased. Why to waste so much money? We don't even think. Go on changing, changing, changing for nothing at all. So this is desire is there to impress others with our outside things. So many thing like dress there are, which wee try to impress. Now, hairstyle. I read an article. They said that these hairstyles are responsible for many divorces. I was wondering, „How can it be hairstyles responsible for divorces?“ Because they had made a survey. A man had liked a hairstyle of his fiancée and then she changed her hairstyle, so he divorced her. And the other way round. When it is so cheap way of disposing of such a deep relationship of husband and wife. Now certain facts start. I also saw one documentary about a lady who’d said that it was in one of the advertisements, something, sort of a thing appeared that your legs should be of this shape and what you should do. So poor thing spent so much time, energy, ran up and down to make the legs. I mean what is the importance of these legs, except for walking? So she went to make the shape like that. She used to measure it - would be always something missing here and there. Then many people joined. They had a class for it. And a group joined to make legs like that. And, ultimately, they found out that that leg was made out of wood. And they spent so much money, so much energy to make legs like that. For what? What is the purpose? If anybody says, „You run like this,“ they start running. They say, „Jump like this,“ they start jumping. But why? Have we gone all nuts in our heads that we should accept whatever one said, we should do that. What is the purpose? So this kind of stupidity comes in our heads when we start using our ego. With the ego a person becomes absolutely stupid. Because he’ll say, „What's wrong? What's wrong if I have just a little hair here? What's wrong? If I just try to wear a very short dress here, what's wrong?“ The wrong is why are you wearing? Why don't you ask a question? Why are you wearing? If you ask a question to yourself, „Why do I have this kind of hairstyle?“ „Why do I do like this?“ It is really difficult to tell people to do right things, but wrong things people take to like that. For example, I told everyone that you put oil, if not every day, just before bath, a lot of oil in your hair and wash. Now I find many people getting bald. But they didn't put the oil. What can I do about it? But such a simple thing they won't have. Such a simple thing they would not believe, that you need something for your nourishment. But they will do something which is absurd, nonsensical without even thinking, „What is going to harm us.“ Here the Mahakali, what does She do? She punishes you. Your body is punished. If you wear very tight clothes, you develop problems of your legs. If you wear holey pants, then you get cramps. Anything you do abnormal, you have to pay for it. First you have to pay for doing it and then you have to pay for it physically. So many things can be avoided if we just had a simple life, decide once for all that „I will have this kind of dress for this lifetime, finished.“ Every day to change, itself, is a headache. But that satisfied the ego, not your Self. So the Mahalaxmi Principle in us raises higher and higher. Despite that, we are pulled down. Then this Mahakali, She comes forward and shows what wrong we have done, how we have gone wrong, how we have missed the point. Instead of thinking what is wrong, She teaches you, „It is wrong.“ Then another thing She does, which is a very beautiful thing She does, I think sometimes, that She creates an illusion to test your intelligence, to test your sensibility. She creates an illusion. Branti rupena samstita. She makes a branti in your head. Illusion. So you become illusive or others become illusive or a situation becomes illusive. And you are lost in it. Then you really understand that it's wrong thing I have done. It's a very nice story about Narada. Narada was under an impression about himself and ultimately he became ego-oriented and he started saying, „Oh, look at me. I am never enticed by any woman. Even Shiva was enticed by Cupid. I am never enticed. I am the highest, of highest, Brahmachari.“ So Vishnu sent two gandharvas to entice him. So they met him in a forest and told him, „Oh, Narada, you are such a handsome man, such a beautiful man and all your beauty’s wasted. You must test your beauty. You must see how beautiful you are. You’re so handsome.“ He said, „Really.“ „Yes.“ he said. „There’s a very simple way of testing you.“ „It’s how?“ He said, „There’s a wedding coming up of a very beautiful woman. She is the princess of the beauty city, is called [???] and you should go there and see how she will appreciate you. So he, in his ego, became so stupid that he went there. And he was sitting and lots of people were coming, big big maharajas, rajas, all of them were witting and he was thinking, „Oh, I’m the best among all of them. Who are these? The princess will just garland me, no doubt about it.“ And these two were putting that illusion in his head, branti. With the Agnya, you get branti. This princess came round. She looked at him and she laughed aloud. She couldn't control herself and she moved on giggling. He couldn't understand why she laughed at him. She didn’t garland him or nothing but she just laughed. So he couldn’t understand, „I’m such a handsome man,“ this thing. So these two gandharvas told him, „Oh, it doesn’t matter. You see, she doesn’t understand. She'll come back,“ this, that. Then they went out and near a lake and he sat down to wash his face and looked at in the water his reflection. He looked looked like a monkey. He looked at these two and he cursed them. He said, „I look like a monkey.“ Said, „To us, you look like very handsome.“ „But I really look like a monkey.“ So this branti, this illusion was created in his mind by his ego. But this power, itself, Mahakali’s power, She puts this ego right by creating illusion, branti. And this is responsible for many illusions we run after. It’s a mirage, running after it, running after it. Once we are satisfied within ourselves, then we don't run after mirages. This illusion, if it would not be created, people would be so egoistical that whole world will be finished. So this is the great work of Mahakali Power within us, that She creates illusions. Many people talk of maya. „This is Mother, maya. This is maya. That is maya.“ Is the work of Mahakali. She wants to test you. She wants to test you. But in Sahaja Yoga it's not such a strong one. For example, you know Abraham had a son. One son he had after a long time. And God asked him that he should sacrifice his son. His wife said also was feeling terrible that he has to sacrifice his son. So he went down to the place where the child was to be sacrificed. He made a fire, everything and was about to put the child on that pyre of fire when the voice came. This is Mahakali, that you don’t have to sacrifice your child. We have many such stories in Indian mythology also where they were tested. So to test Sahaja Yogis also, this Mahakali helps you. There was a gentleman who was very egoistical, so I told him to come to Delhi because I didn’t know how to do it here. he came to Delhi and he told everybody, „See, Mother told me to come here just to cure Her.“ I said, „All right.“ He came. I said, „What’s wrong with Me?“ He said, „Mother, Your Nabhi is very bad.“ I said, „Really? Acha, you put a bandhan to yourself and now see for yourself.“ „Oh my God, you see, what’s happening to me here?“ I said, „That’s My Nabhi.“ So this is how the illusion corrects you. If there is no illusion, you would not ever be corrected directly. Supposing I say, „Don't do this.“ You may not like. Of yourse, mostly you like, but sometimes you don't. And then the illusion works and then you realize, „Where was I and where am I now? I should not have done this. How is it I have landed into this problem? What has made me so stupid?“ So this is something which She does. Another is She's the one who relaxes you completely. When you are tired and fed up, when you don't know what to do, then She makes you sleep. She’s the one who gives you sleep. All day's work you do, ultimately the Mahakali power acts on you as sleep. She makes you sleep, sleep like a child. You know, at that time, all that wrong we have done to ourselves and to others are forgiven. In Her lap we sleep nicely, quietly and all our problems are solved. In those dreams, when you are, She brings forth solutions to you. I know so many people told Me, „Mother, you came in my dream and told me that this is the medicine you should take. You came in my dream and You told me that this particular type of life will suit you.“ They see Me clearly coming, but there it is not whole of Me, but I think the Mahakali Power acts. Into very deep sleep you are, it is called, at the Sushupti. There She appears. One lady came to me and she said, „Mother, You came in the dream and you said that I’m here in Bombay. Nobody told me.“ So so many things happen like this. In the dream She guides you and tells you. Now what happens sometimes, people tell Me that I had such and such dream, which is all falsehood, I know. They never dreamt like that. They never saw like this. But, just to impress Me, they tell Me that, „Oh, I had a dream,“ this, that. I just show complete ignorance. I ask, „Must be?“ Then they are put into again branti, means illusion. Gradually, they realize that it was wrong to tell lies to Mother. So the correction part takes place, but the greatest thing that She does is to give you the sense of chastity and security. When the children are born, they have sense of chastity, shame, decency, decorous behaviour. But gradually, when they start others misbehaving, they start misbehaving. To them, decency becomes a bondage. But, naturally, She's there to tell you that „This is indecent. You shouldn't do it. This is wrong. This is not the proper thing to do."But gradually, you grow up and mature, then you go, „What’s wrong?“ You start disrespecting your chastity and you start becoming like immature, stupid people. All this, if is understood through meditation, the Mahakali helps you a lot. In meditation, She helps you a lot. because She's the one who creates the proper passage for Kundalini to rise. Mahakali is the same as the Kundalini because She is the residual energy of Mahakali Power, full of it there. But the function is different. The function of Mahakali is to protect you, is to guide you, to give you wisdom. And the function of the Kundalini is to cleanse you, to clear it out, not to play about with you, to forgive you and help you to grow properly. Now in your life, as Sahaja Yogis, you will see how Mahakali helps you in every way. It is so interesting to watch Her work, how She brings forth all kinds of satisfactions to you. The greed goes away. The temptations go away. The temper goes away. All these things disappear. The most helpful thing She does, that you get rid of your bad habits. Absolutely. Automatically, in the light of Mahakali's power, you just do not want anything destructive to be practised. If you have been practising anything destructive, you try to get rid of it. Just you stop it. „I don’t want to have it.“ I never tell you, „Don’t do this. Don’t do that.“ It's the Mahakali power within you which is awakened, does all these things. And She has made you so beautiful, so angelic. She has, by Her corrections and by Her illusions, She has made you like this. So you don't get so much attached to money, to greed, to lust, all these things which are responsible for putting you down. Also possessiveness for children, possessiveness for husband, possessiveness of matter. You just start understanding that the joy is in sharing. You want to share everything with others and that sharing starts when these Mahakali Powers start giving you blessings of joy, of sharing, of being collective, of being pure. These blessings come to you from the Mahakali Power. So today we are going to worship that Mahakali power. May God bless you.
Spiritual Traditions
Public Program
Public Program "Spiritual Traditions" Paris (France), 12 July 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We have to feel the truth. At this human level, we do not know the absolute truth, that's why there are all kinds of different opinions about everything. Absolute truth is for everyone the same. So, what is the absolute truth? The first is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure spirit. The another truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love, which does all the living work. We have these beautiful flowers, we see them all around. It's a miracle, the way from little seeds, how they have come out in different colors, in their own personalities. We take it for granted. Who runs our heart? Doctors will say, it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Who does all this job? We should, at least put our attention as to how the things are happening in this world. There are no answers given in the science, it cannot give, because science deals with dead things. It has nothing to do with the living work. Also it is immoral, it has no morality behind it. Some of the calamities that have come to us are by science only. Still, I will request you to have a very scientific attitude toward Sahaja Yoga. That is to keep your mind open, to what I am saying. In case it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people. Then you'll be amazed, that all Divine laws are more tangible than science is. They are absolute and eternal in nature. But we have not yet felt that Divine power. This all pervading Divine power is called by various names. Some call it as the Divine love, some call it as Ruh, and some call it as Paramchaitanya. So before being connected to it, whatever we think is only mental. And whatever we try to solve the problems are on mental level. And every mind thinks differently. They do not think absolutely. And that's how we are astray. When we think that science is not going to give us any answer, we turn to religion. All these great prophets and great incarnations were born on the same tree of life. On the same tree of spirituality, but people plucked it. And said, "This is my flower, this is my flower." And they are fighting with the dead flowers. This is why we cannot find answers, and we do not find that understanding about the Divine. But, we have to know the God Almighty who has created us, will not leave us to our stupid ideas. He will not allow us to destroy ourselves, how can it be. He has created us with such great difficulties which such delicacy, how can He completely allow us to have free hand to destroy ourselves? He is a great creator, and a great planner. So now, I'm going to tell you about the subtle system that is within ourselves. This system was known to all these great prophets and all these great incarnations. But they had no chance to talk about it. They didn't have people around them to whom they could talk. They were not so subtle. In that short time that they lived, under their struggle, they have good ideas, how to keep a balance. But it has not been properly understood by human beings. Now the time has come, this is a special time, which is the time of resurrection, of Kiama. Is the special time of last judgment. Where you have to judge yourself. Even Christ didn't have so many people who asked that, "What is the truth?" Muhammad Sahib never had so many people to support. Their lives were full of struggle, and that's how the whole exposition of the inner being was not given. This exposition that I'm going to give you today was known to Indians thousand of years back. They have described even Muhammad Sahib has Maha Medha. He is the greatest enlightened soul master. So to understand all these things one should not think it is coming from the East, this knowledge. In the eyes of God there is nothing like East and West, it's just the same. Only we, human beings think this is eastern, this is western. The western civilization has grown so big, like a big tree. The tree, which is not connected with roots cannot prosper. And even if it's prosperous he cannot exist for long. So this is the knowledge of the roots. Within us lies this beautiful power. It's the power of your ascent. In the triangular bone, called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that this bone is sacred. You can see with your naked eyes, when it starts pulsating like a heart, this bone, and this Kundalini, this power rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area. It is the actualization of baptism, it is not some priest put his hand on your head. But it's the actualization of your baptism. That means you get connected with this all pervading power. Like this instrument (microphon), if it is not connected to the mains has no meaning, human beings have no meaning because they are not connected to the mains. Once you are connected to the mains, you see the light, and the darkness disappears. As a result of this happening, your spirit starts manifesting. You start feeling this all pervading power on your fingertips. And that, these are, as you know in medical sense, are our sympathetic endings. So you start feeling this on your fingertips, and they become enlightened. In the Koran it is clearly said that, "At the time of your resurrection, Kyama, your hands will speak and will give witness against you". For example, if this finger is burning, that means you have got too much of ego in your head. Or if this finger is burning on left side, that means something's wrong with your heart. That is how you'll learn from this five, six and seven centers on your fingers, on your hands what's wrong with you. Everyone knows the same thing, because it is absolute. So what is there to quarrel or what is there to argue? So all these centers are for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. All world problems are mostly because of human beings, we have to admit. And most of the human problems are because of these centers. Take any incurable disease, cancer, AIDS, all kinds of disease, can be cured by awakening this power within us. Today some Sahaja Yogi came from Australia and told Me, that one fellow is cured of AIDS, for the last eight year, he never had AIDS. This is on the physical side. Also mental side, where people are crazy, they are suffering from schizophrenia. You see what is happening now in America, 65 percent people may get schizophrenic. All these problems can be cured, if this power could connect you to the mains. Now the emotional problems we have, we have also problems of habits. There are so many destructive habits we take to. We always take to something destructive. I've seen people who are dying of taking too much of drug or alcohol, but others who see them dying want to do the same. All the affluent countries especially like Switzerland and all these Scandinavian countries, the young people are competing among themselves who's going to commit more suicides. That means there's no happiness, there's no joy. All the value system is absolutely finished. This frustration comes into people who want to know what is the reason. They are the seekers of truth. William Blake has described them. A great poet from England has described them that, "Men of God will take birth at this time and they will find the Divine". And also, "They will make others Divine". These were great seers, who saw this clearly, this will be the future of the world, of the people who are seeking the truth. Of course it is not meant for stupid people. Also it's not meant for frivolous. But it is meant for people who want to know the answer of what's happening to the whole world, and why we are in a mess. Now the nature of the spirit we have to know. The nature of the spirit is, that it is the source of absolute knowledge. There is so much knowledge within ourselves, we only know like a tip of an iceberg. This knowledge starts revealing itself, and letting us know what is the truth. Same thing is with the attention. Such a person, who gets his connection with the Divine, and the light of the spirit shines on his attention. He becomes, his attention becomes extremely active. The attention itself becomes Divine. Sitting down here you can feel the vibrations of any person, whether dead or alive. Now if you know how to correct these problems, your own and others, then all the problems of the world can be corrected. There's only one God, who is reflected in our heart, which is the spirit. And when the spirit is enlightened, we jump into a new awareness. Because the spirit is the collective being, we jump into a new awareness where we become collective. Not that we can feel our centers but we can feel the centers of all the rest of the people in collective consciousness. Also you develop powers to raise this Kundalini of other people. Suddenly you develop a new type of a culture, we call it a Sahaj [Kalpa?] culture, means the spontaneous culture. You don't have to tell them, "Don't do this, don't do that", they just don't do it. And a new race in a new age is coming up. They have no physical problem, they have no mental problem, they have no emotional problem. And such friendship, such love, such understanding. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations. And when I see this people, I'm amazed, that there's no quarrel, there's no fight, there's no argument. They're all in the ocean of love and joy. There is no state, there is no government. I don't even have a secretary, you'll be surprised. Don't even have a typewriter. Everything works automatically. With very little money and no effort at all. It is so spontaneous. Because, all of them realize, how important it is today to get into this collective consciousness. The second thing that happens to you, is very remarkable. You are all listening to Me just now, but if I say that you get into the present moment, you cannot. We either live in the future or in the past. We are jumping all the time our attention, on the crest of future or past. All the time the thoughts are coming to us. In between these two thoughts, there's a little space. which is the present. There is no thought there. So the first thing that happens to you, is that you come to a state, higher state of thoughtless awareness. That is the state of peace. We may talk of peace you know, I've known people who talk of peace, have organizations of peace and they've got awards of peace. But no peace within, they are so hot tempered, you know. You have to go near them with a barge pole, any time they might jump on you. And they talk of peace. The peace is within ourselves. And when this peace is established, you reach a state where, from where you see everything like a drama. You've seen a wheel, which is moving, and the axis is steady. Our attention normally is on the wheel. And we get disturbed, but supposing our attention goes on to the axis, we are steady. Or else, we can see like this, when the waves of these thoughts are there and we are getting actions and reactions, we are disturbed. We are afraid that we'll be drawn by these waves. But if by chance, if you can jump on a boat, you can see all these waves and enjoy them. But supposing, you learn swimming, you can jump in and save many of them. This is the state that Christ has said that, "You are to be born again". Well it's not a certificate, I'm born again, you see, just taking a self opinionated certificate, I'm born again. But what powers have you got? You are just born again, you are this you are that, but nothing in you, you are just the same like any other human being. This is what is a Nabi or a Walhi, as called in the Koran. So we all have to become Walhi, and the time has come. In Sanskrit it's called as a Vijaha. Is a bird is also called a Vijaha. Because the bird is first an egg and then it becomes a bird. In the same way, human beings are in the egg -shell. They have to mature, and then this shell breaks, and they are born again, as free birds. But this freedom is blessed with wisdom, with compassion, with love for everyone. It's so much different, from every day to life... day to day life. See for example, you see a problem, you get disturbed, but you cannot solve it. But once you get out of it, then you know how to solve the problem. But the greatest blessing of the spirit is that you enter into the ocean of joy. Joy is absolute, it is not like this happiness and unhappiness. Joy is a state which is to be experienced. Then you transcend all this [racism ?] all this fundamentalism, everything. And you are one with that all pervading power of Divine love. So you will be surprised that in Sahaja Yoga we have Jews who worship Muhammad Sahib and vice versa. Everybody worships all theses great prophets and great scriptures. Because they understand the unity between them. They don't have to read, they just know it is so. You can ask on your fingertips. I said, Muhammad Sahib never said that he was a Divine person, I also said the same thing for quite sometimes. Because if you say you are Divine everybody will jump on you. But he was sent by God, he was definitely Divine and a master. Master of Divine. But this is the society, and the times are so horrifying that you cannot tell the truth to them. So, they had to use analogies, parables, you see, in a subtle way they told. But I'm going to tell you everything frankly. In these modern times nobody can crucify Me, or give Me poison, thank God. And they were all people of a very different realm. Christ has said, "Those who are not against Me are with Me." He has predicted about Muhammad Sahib that, "I will send Him, He will be coming on this earth", He predicted in the Bible. But nobody wants to see this point. Everybody thinks they are the chosen ones. It's a very sad affair, but thank God to these modern times, the situation on human level is so [extenuating ?], is so much [telling?] upon us, the tensions are so much that they have to find out the solution. And the solution is your self, your self knowledge, your spirit. The self which is the collective being within you, and when you know that, not as a knowledge of the brain, but on your fingertips. On your central nervous system, part and parcel of your being, that you become one with that Akbar, that Virat as in Sanskrit is called. And then your realize what you are, then you are fantastic. You are glorious, you are very powerful, you are tremendous. All these things, when you know, you are amazed, but above all, you are humble. You are humble down, Islam, Islam is to surrender. You surrender, you surrender, really you surrender. It's not just lip service or outside. Because you can feel the reality now. All hypocrisy all nonsense drops out. This is the state everybody has to enjoy. Sahaja, "Saha" means with, "Ja" means born. Born with you is - so the, You have got the right. Born with you, is the right to get this yoga, union with the Divine. So all of you have got this right, a birth right to get this Divine ascent and this connection, yoga with the Divine. Do not condemn yourself. You don't have to suffer also, it's a wrong idea. God, the almighty is the father of all the fathers. Why will He make you suffer when you are seeking God? If you are seeking God really, He will don't have you to suffer, that's wrong. He is just waiting for you. He is the father who is nothing but love. So please don't suffer. If you have to suffer, suffer from something else, but not for God. Which father would like his child to suffer. It's illogical. It just happens to you because you are just there, it's all built in within you. You take a seed, put it in the mother's earth and it sprouts by itself, it's Sahaj. How it happens? Because the mother earth has got the capacity built in to sprout and the seed also has got. So you too have this capacity. I know there are so much of falsehood, so many people came from India. Also they came out of jail and came here, became great a - I don't know what to call them, false gurus. The other day I saw some young people saying some mantras, chanting some mantras. By chanting like this, are you going to get connected with God? If your telephone is not connected, what's the use of using the telephone. You have to get connected. All other things are mental problems. You cannot solve them mentally because everybody has very great big, big brains, [ego / they go? ] like this, you see. It's the light of the spirit which will solve all our problems. And we will bring credit, we'll fulfill the messages of these great incarnations and prophets. Otherwise people doubt if they were really true. They were, no doubt. But for blind people what's the use of telling about colors? Nowadays, I find people are much more open, much more alert, much more asking, and is working out in thousands. Surprisingly, in democratic country doesn't work out that well. But in communist countries it does. Now wherever there has been the communism's, finished. Maybe, we don't understand freedom. And once they've got the freedom, they jumped onto their spiritual ascent. Of course communism was never pure communism, neither democracy is pure democracy. Everywhere some cunning people manage the rest of the [world]. But I hope people from Paris, as they are today here so many, will understand that it is very important. That you are born at a very important time. And if you do not understand the value of your own life, which is very important also, you will be a person who will be supporting the destruction of this world. If you really want to save, and if you want to be part and parcel of that, just get your Self Realization. Of course you cannot pay for it, it's a living process. You can never pay for it. You can pay for the hall, you can pay for electricity, but not for your Self Realization. So please, understand how important you are, and take this opportunity to get your Self Realization. I know you have questions also in your mind. Now I've been working like this for the last, I think 22 years, and I'm quite an expert, I can answer all your questions nicely. I became very clever. And I know all the questions. But it's a mental acrobat, no use doing all that. See, there are beautiful lights here all over, see so many of them. Just to get the light, you have to just switch on one switch, and then everything comes up. But if I go on telling you about the history of electricity, how it came to Paris, how it came into this place, you'll be tired and bored. So best thing is to have your lights. It's already built in. It looks very fantastic. But I say, you are fantastic, you don't know what you are. You have to know yourself. That's what Christ had said, "know thy self". All the time he said, "Know thy self". But this part nobody bothers to say. Because now the religions have became money oriented and power oriented. They are not spirit oriented, they don't talk of spirit. But it is your luck, your chance, your, I should say, your great good [deeds] that you are born in this special time. And I hope all of you will make full use of this power. May God bless you all! Now, please put your feet apart from each other, your hand on your left lap. Seat comfortably and put right hand on your heart. Here now, you have to - please close your eyes, please close your eyes, don't open them. Till I tell you please don't open them. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. You may call Me Shri Mataji, or you can call Me Mother. Ask the first question three times: "Mother, am I the spirit?" I've told you, if you become the spirit, you become your master. So now please, bring your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here, you have to ask another fundamental question three times to Me: "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for pure knowledge. So now please, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side please. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals. Six times, you have to say: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge". As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, you may not feel it at all. So now we have to nourish our upper centers with our self confidence. So now, please raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to say with your full self confidence, ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on your heart again. And here you have to say, again with full confidence, full self confidence that: "Mother, I am the pure spirit". Say it twelve times. This Divine power of love is the ocean of knowledge and compassion. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed are completely dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So first forgive yourself. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here again with full confidence you have to say sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I've told you logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Thus you have tortured yourself. Now, at this special moment, please forgive all of them in general, from your heart, not how many times. Please say: "Mother, I forgive all of them in general". Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now, just for your satisfaction, not counting your mistakes or your guilt. Not feeling guilty at all, you have to ask forgiveness for your own satisfaction. So now, please take your right hand on your back side of your head, and push back your head. Now, here you have to say again from the heart, not how many times: "Oh Divine power, if I have down any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now the last center is important, very important, and you have to stretch your palm fully, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, and put down your head. Push back your fingers, please. Now, I cannot force Self Realization on you, you have to ask for it. So please, push back your fingers, put down your head, and move your scalp with pressure, saying seven times: "Mother, please give me Self Realization". Please take down your hand. Please open your eyes. Now [bring/ with?] both your hands like this towards Me. Watch Me without thinking, you can do it. Now, put your right hand towards Me like this, and put your head down, and see for yourself, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don't put the hand on top of your head, little away. Some people get it very far also. We would like to present a kawali to you in honor of a - we have got a great personality. In his honor, we want to present a kawali. It says that God is limitless, and you don't put him in the limits. Is a beautiful kawali. [something in Hindi] [Kawali starts]
Public Program "Spiritual Traditions" Paris (France), 12 July 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualize it, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We have to feel the truth. At this human level, we do not know the absolute truth, that's why there are all kinds of different opinions about everything. Absolute truth is for everyone the same. So, what is the absolute truth? The first is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure spirit. The another truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love, which does all the living work. We have these beautiful flowers, we see them all around. It's a miracle, the way from little seeds, how they have come out in different colors, in their own personalities. We take it for granted. Who runs our heart? Doctors will say, it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Who does all this job? We should, at least put our attention as to how the things are happening in this world. There are no answers given in the science, it cannot give, because science deals with dead things. It has nothing to do with the living work. Also it is immoral, it has no morality behind it. Some of the calamities that have come to us are by science only. Still, I will request you to have a very scientific attitude toward Sahaja Yoga. That is to keep your mind open, to what I am saying. In case it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people. Then you'll be amazed, that all Divine laws are more tangible than science is. They are absolute and eternal in nature. But we have not yet felt that Divine power. This all pervading Divine power is called by various names. Some call it as the Divine love, some call it as Ruh, and some call it as Paramchaitanya. So before being connected to it, whatever we think is only mental. And whatever we try to solve the problems are on mental level. And every mind thinks differently. They do not think absolutely. And that's how we are astray. When we think that science is not going to give us any answer, we turn to religion. All these great prophets and great incarnations were born on the same tree of life. On the same tree of spirituality, but people plucked it. And said, "This is my flower, this is my flower." And they are fighting with the dead flowers. This is why we cannot find answers, and we do not find that understanding about the Divine. But, we have to know the God Almighty who has created us, will not leave us to our stupid ideas. He will not allow us to destroy ourselves, how can it be. He has created us with such great difficulties which such delicacy, how can He completely allow us to have free hand to destroy ourselves? He is a great creator, and a great planner. So now, I'm going to tell you about the subtle system that is within ourselves. This system was known to all these great prophets and all these great incarnations. But they had no chance to talk about it. They didn't have people around them to whom they could talk. They were not so subtle. In that short time that they lived, under their struggle, they have good ideas, how to keep a balance. But it has not been properly understood by human beings. Now the time has come, this is a special time, which is the time of resurrection, of Kiama. Is the special time of last judgment. Where you have to judge yourself. Even Christ didn't have so many people who asked that, "What is the truth?" Muhammad Sahib never had so many people to support. Their lives were full of struggle, and that's how the whole exposition of the inner being was not given. This exposition that I'm going to give you today was known to Indians thousand of years back. They have described even Muhammad Sahib has Maha Medha. He is the greatest enlightened soul master. So to understand all these things one should not think it is coming from the East, this knowledge. In the eyes of God there is nothing like East and West, it's just the same. Only we, human beings think this is eastern, this is western. The western civilization has grown so big, like a big tree. The tree, which is not connected with roots cannot prosper. And even if it's prosperous he cannot exist for long. So this is the knowledge of the roots. Within us lies this beautiful power. It's the power of your ascent. In the triangular bone, called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that this bone is sacred. You can see with your naked eyes, when it starts pulsating like a heart, this bone, and this Kundalini, this power rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area. It is the actualization of baptism, it is not some priest put his hand on your head. But it's the actualization of your baptism. That means you get connected with this all pervading power. Like this instrument (microphon), if it is not connected to the mains has no meaning, human beings have no meaning because they are not connected to the mains. Once you are connected to the mains, you see the light, and the darkness disappears. As a result of this happening, your spirit starts manifesting. You start feeling this all pervading power on your fingertips. And that, these are, as you know in medical sense, are our sympathetic endings. So you start feeling this on your fingertips, and they become enlightened. In the Koran it is clearly said that, "At the time of your resurrection, Kyama, your hands will speak and will give witness against you". For example, if this finger is burning, that means you have got too much of ego in your head. Or if this finger is burning on left side, that means something's wrong with your heart. That is how you'll learn from this five, six and seven centers on your fingers, on your hands what's wrong with you. Everyone knows the same thing, because it is absolute. So what is there to quarrel or what is there to argue? So all these centers are for your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. All world problems are mostly because of human beings, we have to admit. And most of the human problems are because of these centers. Take any incurable disease, cancer, AIDS, all kinds of disease, can be cured by awakening this power within us. Today some Sahaja Yogi came from Australia and told Me, that one fellow is cured of AIDS, for the last eight year, he never had AIDS. This is on the physical side. Also mental side, where people are crazy, they are suffering from schizophrenia. You see what is happening now in America, 65 percent people may get schizophrenic. All these problems can be cured, if this power could connect you to the mains. Now the emotional problems we have, we have also problems of habits. There are so many destructive habits we take to. We always take to something destructive. I've seen people who are dying of taking too much of drug or alcohol, but others who see them dying want to do the same. All the affluent countries especially like Switzerland and all these Scandinavian countries, the young people are competing among themselves who's going to commit more suicides. That means there's no happiness, there's no joy. All the value system is absolutely finished. This frustration comes into people who want to know what is the reason. They are the seekers of truth. William Blake has described them. A great poet from England has described them that, "Men of God will take birth at this time and they will find the Divine". And also, "They will make others Divine". These were great seers, who saw this clearly, this will be the future of the world, of the people who are seeking the truth. Of course it is not meant for stupid people. Also it's not meant for frivolous. But it is meant for people who want to know the answer of what's happening to the whole world, and why we are in a mess. Now the nature of the spirit we have to know. The nature of the spirit is, that it is the source of absolute knowledge. There is so much knowledge within ourselves, we only know like a tip of an iceberg. This knowledge starts revealing itself, and letting us know what is the truth. Same thing is with the attention. Such a person, who gets his connection with the Divine, and the light of the spirit shines on his attention. He becomes, his attention becomes extremely active. The attention itself becomes Divine. Sitting down here you can feel the vibrations of any person, whether dead or alive. Now if you know how to correct these problems, your own and others, then all the problems of the world can be corrected. There's only one God, who is reflected in our heart, which is the spirit. And when the spirit is enlightened, we jump into a new awareness. Because the spirit is the collective being, we jump into a new awareness where we become collective. Not that we can feel our centers but we can feel the centers of all the rest of the people in collective consciousness. Also you develop powers to raise this Kundalini of other people. Suddenly you develop a new type of a culture, we call it a Sahaj [Kalpa?] culture, means the spontaneous culture. You don't have to tell them, "Don't do this, don't do that", they just don't do it. And a new race in a new age is coming up. They have no physical problem, they have no mental problem, they have no emotional problem. And such friendship, such love, such understanding. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations. And when I see this people, I'm amazed, that there's no quarrel, there's no fight, there's no argument. They're all in the ocean of love and joy. There is no state, there is no government. I don't even have a secretary, you'll be surprised. Don't even have a typewriter. Everything works automatically. With very little money and no effort at all. It is so spontaneous. Because, all of them realize, how important it is today to get into this collective consciousness. The second thing that happens to you, is very remarkable. You are all listening to Me just now, but if I say that you get into the present moment, you cannot. We either live in the future or in the past. We are jumping all the time our attention, on the crest of future or past. All the time the thoughts are coming to us. In between these two thoughts, there's a little space. which is the present. There is no thought there. So the first thing that happens to you, is that you come to a state, higher state of thoughtless awareness. That is the state of peace. We may talk of peace you know, I've known people who talk of peace, have organizations of peace and they've got awards of peace. But no peace within, they are so hot tempered, you know. You have to go near them with a barge pole, any time they might jump on you. And they talk of peace. The peace is within ourselves. And when this peace is established, you reach a state where, from where you see everything like a drama. You've seen a wheel, which is moving, and the axis is steady. Our attention normally is on the wheel. And we get disturbed, but supposing our attention goes on to the axis, we are steady. Or else, we can see like this, when the waves of these thoughts are there and we are getting actions and reactions, we are disturbed. We are afraid that we'll be drawn by these waves. But if by chance, if you can jump on a boat, you can see all these waves and enjoy them. But supposing, you learn swimming, you can jump in and save many of them. This is the state that Christ has said that, "You are to be born again". Well it's not a certificate, I'm born again, you see, just taking a self opinionated certificate, I'm born again. But what powers have you got? You are just born again, you are this you are that, but nothing in you, you are just the same like any other human being. This is what is a Nabi or a Walhi, as called in the Koran. So we all have to become Walhi, and the time has come. In Sanskrit it's called as a Vijaha. Is a bird is also called a Vijaha. Because the bird is first an egg and then it becomes a bird. In the same way, human beings are in the egg -shell. They have to mature, and then this shell breaks, and they are born again, as free birds. But this freedom is blessed with wisdom, with compassion, with love for everyone. It's so much different, from every day to life... day to day life. See for example, you see a problem, you get disturbed, but you cannot solve it. But once you get out of it, then you know how to solve the problem. But the greatest blessing of the spirit is that you enter into the ocean of joy. Joy is absolute, it is not like this happiness and unhappiness. Joy is a state which is to be experienced. Then you transcend all this [racism ?] all this fundamentalism, everything. And you are one with that all pervading power of Divine love. So you will be surprised that in Sahaja Yoga we have Jews who worship Muhammad Sahib and vice versa. Everybody worships all theses great prophets and great scriptures. Because they understand the unity between them. They don't have to read, they just know it is so. You can ask on your fingertips. I said, Muhammad Sahib never said that he was a Divine person, I also said the same thing for quite sometimes. Because if you say you are Divine everybody will jump on you. But he was sent by God, he was definitely Divine and a master. Master of Divine. But this is the society, and the times are so horrifying that you cannot tell the truth to them. So, they had to use analogies, parables, you see, in a subtle way they told. But I'm going to tell you everything frankly. In these modern times nobody can crucify Me, or give Me poison, thank God. And they were all people of a very different realm. Christ has said, "Those who are not against Me are with Me." He has predicted about Muhammad Sahib that, "I will send Him, He will be coming on this earth", He predicted in the Bible. But nobody wants to see this point. Everybody thinks they are the chosen ones. It's a very sad affair, but thank God to these modern times, the situation on human level is so [extenuating ?], is so much [telling?] upon us, the tensions are so much that they have to find out the solution. And the solution is your self, your self knowledge, your spirit. The self which is the collective being within you, and when you know that, not as a knowledge of the brain, but on your fingertips. On your central nervous system, part and parcel of your being, that you become one with that Akbar, that Virat as in Sanskrit is called. And then your realize what you are, then you are fantastic. You are glorious, you are very powerful, you are tremendous. All these things, when you know, you are amazed, but above all, you are humble. You are humble down, Islam, Islam is to surrender. You surrender, you surrender, really you surrender. It's not just lip service or outside. Because you can feel the reality now. All hypocrisy all nonsense drops out. This is the state everybody has to enjoy. Sahaja, "Saha" means with, "Ja" means born. Born with you is - so the, You have got the right. Born with you, is the right to get this yoga, union with the Divine. So all of you have got this right, a birth right to get this Divine ascent and this connection, yoga with the Divine. Do not condemn yourself. You don't have to suffer also, it's a wrong idea. God, the almighty is the father of all the fathers. Why will He make you suffer when you are seeking God? If you are seeking God really, He will don't have you to suffer, that's wrong. He is just waiting for you. He is the father who is nothing but love. So please don't suffer. If you have to suffer, suffer from something else, but not for God. Which father would like his child to suffer. It's illogical. It just happens to you because you are just there, it's all built in within you. You take a seed, put it in the mother's earth and it sprouts by itself, it's Sahaj. How it happens? Because the mother earth has got the capacity built in to sprout and the seed also has got. So you too have this capacity. I know there are so much of falsehood, so many people came from India. Also they came out of jail and came here, became great a - I don't know what to call them, false gurus. The other day I saw some young people saying some mantras, chanting some mantras. By chanting like this, are you going to get connected with God? If your telephone is not connected, what's the use of using the telephone. You have to get connected. All other things are mental problems. You cannot solve them mentally because everybody has very great big, big brains, [ego / they go? ] like this, you see. It's the light of the spirit which will solve all our problems. And we will bring credit, we'll fulfill the messages of these great incarnations and prophets. Otherwise people doubt if they were really true. They were, no doubt. But for blind people what's the use of telling about colors? Nowadays, I find people are much more open, much more alert, much more asking, and is working out in thousands. Surprisingly, in democratic country doesn't work out that well. But in communist countries it does. Now wherever there has been the communism's, finished. Maybe, we don't understand freedom. And once they've got the freedom, they jumped onto their spiritual ascent. Of course communism was never pure communism, neither democracy is pure democracy. Everywhere some cunning people manage the rest of the [world]. But I hope people from Paris, as they are today here so many, will understand that it is very important. That you are born at a very important time. And if you do not understand the value of your own life, which is very important also, you will be a person who will be supporting the destruction of this world. If you really want to save, and if you want to be part and parcel of that, just get your Self Realization. Of course you cannot pay for it, it's a living process. You can never pay for it. You can pay for the hall, you can pay for electricity, but not for your Self Realization. So please, understand how important you are, and take this opportunity to get your Self Realization. I know you have questions also in your mind. Now I've been working like this for the last, I think 22 years, and I'm quite an expert, I can answer all your questions nicely. I became very clever. And I know all the questions. But it's a mental acrobat, no use doing all that. See, there are beautiful lights here all over, see so many of them. Just to get the light, you have to just switch on one switch, and then everything comes up. But if I go on telling you about the history of electricity, how it came to Paris, how it came into this place, you'll be tired and bored. So best thing is to have your lights. It's already built in. It looks very fantastic. But I say, you are fantastic, you don't know what you are. You have to know yourself. That's what Christ had said, "know thy self". All the time he said, "Know thy self". But this part nobody bothers to say. Because now the religions have became money oriented and power oriented. They are not spirit oriented, they don't talk of spirit. But it is your luck, your chance, your, I should say, your great good [deeds] that you are born in this special time. And I hope all of you will make full use of this power. May God bless you all! Now, please put your feet apart from each other, your hand on your left lap. Seat comfortably and put right hand on your heart. Here now, you have to - please close your eyes, please close your eyes, don't open them. Till I tell you please don't open them. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. You may call Me Shri Mataji, or you can call Me Mother. Ask the first question three times: "Mother, am I the spirit?" I've told you, if you become the spirit, you become your master. So now please, bring your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here, you have to ask another fundamental question three times to Me: "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force Divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for pure knowledge. So now please, take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side please. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals. Six times, you have to say: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge". As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, you may not feel it at all. So now we have to nourish our upper centers with our self confidence. So now, please raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you have to say with your full self confidence, ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on your heart again. And here you have to say, again with full confidence, full self confidence that: "Mother, I am the pure spirit". Say it twelve times. This Divine power of love is the ocean of knowledge and compassion. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed are completely dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So first forgive yourself. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here again with full confidence you have to say sixteen times: "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I've told you logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Thus you have tortured yourself. Now, at this special moment, please forgive all of them in general, from your heart, not how many times. Please say: "Mother, I forgive all of them in general". Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now, just for your satisfaction, not counting your mistakes or your guilt. Not feeling guilty at all, you have to ask forgiveness for your own satisfaction. So now, please take your right hand on your back side of your head, and push back your head. Now, here you have to say again from the heart, not how many times: "Oh Divine power, if I have down any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now the last center is important, very important, and you have to stretch your palm fully, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, and put down your head. Push back your fingers, please. Now, I cannot force Self Realization on you, you have to ask for it. So please, push back your fingers, put down your head, and move your scalp with pressure, saying seven times: "Mother, please give me Self Realization". Please take down your hand. Please open your eyes. Now [bring/ with?] both your hands like this towards Me. Watch Me without thinking, you can do it. Now, put your right hand towards Me like this, and put your head down, and see for yourself, if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don't put the hand on top of your head, little away. Some people get it very far also. We would like to present a kawali to you in honor of a - we have got a great personality. In his honor, we want to present a kawali. It says that God is limitless, and you don't put him in the limits. Is a beautiful kawali. [something in Hindi] [Kawali starts]
Dinner with Ayatollah Rohani
Dinner with Ayatollah Rohani, Hotel in Paris, July 1993 PART 1 Shri Mataji: ...About what's happening all around the world about Islamic people. And they said that “Mother we will join you in every way because we will bring peace.” I was very happy. Ayatollah: Is it? Shri Mataji: So they said they have had lots of conferences and this and that, organisations but nothing has worked out. And in Sudan, most of them are Muslims. And educated people even in Senegal, I know, are very well-educated people are there. And fundamentalism is not so much in Sudan, but the fight between the two sides of the Muslims; one on the Arabic side another on the African side. I said I will come to Sudan and let us see. In America, we have lots of Iranians. I met them in Los Angeles. There are 900 families, Muslims. And they want their Realisation. They're very, very good people. [Ayatollah speaks in Arabic about a Hadith] Djamel: He says that there is a Hadith in Arabic from the Prophet. There's a Hadith which says that “Whoever knows himself knows God” Shri Mataji: Who knows? Ah, that's it! That's the point. I mean, you see, as you know, Mohammed Sahib was a great person, a great enlighted person. And he did say the same thing, I mean. How could he say something else? Ayatollah: It's my son. [In French] Shri Mataji: Son. Lady: Nice to meet you. So they, you see, they have not understood Mohammed Sahib. And worse than them are Catholics. They are the real murderers. Because also there was a problem, this Paul who was, who never met Christ, who was a bureaucratic, who had killed so many Christians, he thought its a very good platform, so he jumped on the platform and he wanted to take over. And he fought with the disciples of Christ. And Thomas ran off to England. He has written in his treaty which we have now discovered this year and is all nothing but Sahaja Yoga. And the worst disciple of Christ was Peter. And Christ has said that Satan will take over him. He (Christ) has said it clearly. So this Mr Paul got hold of Peter and then he wrote that Christ said that Peter should be head of Christianity, he should build the church, and he should have worked there, it's all false. Now, think of somebody who is such a bad disciple of Christ, who denied Christ thrice, why will Christ make him the head? And if you see this Paul in the- Paul, throughout he has written many chapters in the Bible. And he wrote that he went to Damascus and met Christ. He never met Christ. And in all that doesn’t write anything about spirituality. He writes how to organise, how to arrange people, all these things like a bureaucrat. And he suffered from epilepsy. Now, in Sahaja Yoga, we have proved that epilepsy comes with possessions. And he hated women. So he called Christ’s mother as a woman, just a woman, no even a lady. But because of the Pagan religion before, they wanted to have a Goddess you see. So they said: "No, we will have her as a Madonna". They promote her, not in the Bible she is not mentioned. Now, there is also "sharia". I must tell you about "sharia". So the Bible has the five books, of the Old Testament, five? [Pentateuch; Torah; Tawrat] they call it. Out of that, the 3rd one is, in English, it is "genma"[unsure] but actually it is "inmara"[unsure] in the Hebrew language. Inmara [unsure] is the name in Hebrew, original. So he wrote in that book that when Moses came from the mountain and brought the Ten Commandments, he saw a complete decadence and he got so upset with it that he wrote this "sharia" for the Jews. At that time, only for that time. So it was not for Muslims. In Quran, there is no "sharia". I told you my father was a great researcher, scholar and he wrote, translated the Quran-e-Sherif in Hindi language. He told me all these things, that it was not meant for Muslims. It was meant for the Jews. Also, Fatima was absolutely sort of neglected by the people at that time. They wouldn’t listen to her what she had to say. Her ideas about women were very different from Abu Bakr. Djamel: Yes, I mean, Abu Bakr was with the other companion. Shri Mataji: Abu Bakr, with other companions, they just wanted to put women down. For Sahaja Yoga, we worship Fatima. She is a Goddess to us. But. My father has done a lot of research on this and he said that Muslims are misled completely by these mullahs and priests, and especially Sunnis. Yes, Sunnis. And the Shias are still sort of moaning the death of Hassan and Hussein. But now it's over. Once you've got your resurrection, once you've got your Realization, then there is no more, no more at all of moaning should be there. It's finished. Also, this makes the souls of Mohammed Sahib and also Hassan and Hussain very unhappy to see that you are still moaning. They want you to be happy. They came on this earth to make you happy and joyous. No to be disturbed. There work was-could not be finished. But now, you can see the Qiyama has come and once you get your resurrection then you should no more feel the moaning. It's over now and we must give them peace in their heart. In India, these Shias do such horrible things, they have, what you call, chains, and with that, they hit themselves to blood. I mean, I have seen it and I talked to them: "It's over now." We have many friends who are Shias and I told them that "it's over now. You just don't have to do all these things because it hurts them (Mohammed,) their souls." And I said: "He is a father, a loving father and a father doesn't want his children to suffer." Sahaja Yogini: [In Hindi] Shri Mataji: All right, just a minute. So I've got something for you, sir. Can I give you? [Majid translates] Ayatollah: Yes. Shri Mataji: I am your Mother. So, you get over the moaning. I thought that [inaudible] there's a little thing for you. Instead of the black now you have to wear the white. [Laughters] And this is for the neck. [Majid speaks in Farsi with Ayatollah.] Shri Mataji: Why don't you wear it now? Let Me see how it looks. A mother can't see her child moaning. Shri Mataji: Ah, beautiful. This is for the neck to be put. Wow! Now, Mother is happy. And this for you [to someone else]. You see, you open and see. Antonio: It's wonderful. She thanks you very much. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. You see, normally we never give an empty purse. We never give an empty purse so we have to put something in it. In that purse is our scent. This is for him and this is for her [other perfums]. Lady: Merci. Merci madame. Shri Mataji: In my language, we call it attar. [?] Majid: Ether. [?] Shri Mataji: In Urdu language, it's ether [?] and in your language it's [inaudible] Majid: Atse [?] Shri Mataji: In French language, I know [inaudible] it's a difficult language. Once you know English you can't know any other language. It's a very dominating language, English is. Ayatollah: It's becoming more and more. Shri Mataji: It's becoming more and more, yes. Especially in the diplomatic circles, now, English has come up. It used to be French now it's all English. I don't know why but it has happened like that. Ayatollah: t's nothing. It's because of the economical domination. Shri Mataji: Because of the? Ayatollah: Because of the economical domination. Shri Mataji: Is it for your family? Ayatollah: No. Shri Mataji: Is it [inaudible]? Ayatollah: No. It's only to share here. Shri Mataji: Oh. Antonio [translates into English what the Ayatollah says in French]: And then the very first letter sent by Muslims was sent by Ayatollah Rohani. The very first letter. And then, in this letter, he asked them what they think about Islam and what they would like to do to unify the different point of view of inside the Catholic Church. And he asked that Islam was also be considered in this Council and be treated as the unification of other branches of the Catholic Church. Shri Mataji: Of the Catholic Church with Islam: how? Antonio: Just what the Vatican considers about Islam and also the way that the Catholic Church and Islam could be approached to work in one single way. Shri Mataji: Yes, impossible. Antonio: 22 years ago Shri Mataji! And all these documents are still there proving that is was done 22 years ago. And he prepared them for you Shri Mataji. During two years, they were in permanent contact with this Council. And then, after many years of deliberating about this, they did judge and consider that Muslims were a monotheist religion. Shri Mataji: Oh, my God! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Antonio: And they accepted also that the Muslims believe in the Resurrection. Shri Mataji: Ah, the Resurrection? Antonio: The Resurrection. So, the Catholics approved, accepted the idea that the Muslims were believing in the Resurrection as well. And until this judgement of the Catholic Church towards the Muslims, the priests used to calumniate the Muslims and to insult them until that judgement. Lady: Openly. Antonio: Openly. And sending letters and speaking openly against the Muslims. And then, after this judgement, the Pope told to all the priests that the Muslims were believing in the Day of Resurrection, that they are monotheists, and they forbid them to say things against Islam. So this was a very great victory of Ayatollah Rohani. And at that time, the Pope Paul the Six asked Ayatollah Rohani to go to the Vatican to speak with him, to meet him. Shri Mataji: Which pope? Antonio: Paul 6. Shri Mataji: I see. Antonio: And then he went to the Vatican and they spoke together about 45 minutes. And he (the Pope) allowed him (Ayatollah Rohani) to have a big speech to all the priests that were there. And officially he gave to Ayatollah Rohani the verdict that the Catholic Church accepts that Muslims are monotheists, that they believe in the Resurrection day, and that any priests is not allowed anymore to say things against Islam. And then the Pope asked him to transmit this verdict to all the Muslims and Catholics. And then he gave him an award, a golden medal (and a big letter). [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Lady: This was before Lutanie. Antonio: When he came to Paris, he did an international school and the whole world was speaking about this matter. To that point, the whole media in France gave lunch in his honour. And mainly in the countries that needed a good communication relations between Islamic and Catholic people. Then he wrote an article that he published in his own revue that is "knowledge of Islam" showing whatever he had done in this matter previously. And he prepared everything to offer it to you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Oh. [inaudible] Antonio: And one year before the revolution, he founded an association "the monotheist front", for all those who believed in God. He founded an organisation. And so this movement was done at Tehran and it was done by Ayatollah Rohani and the Ambassador of Vatican at Tehran. Shri Mataji: Oh. It was really warmly welcome at Tehran, this movement was really successful. Then, he will show you the photograph that was on the first page of the newspaper of Tehran. Shri Mataji: How many years back it happened? Antonio: About 14 years. 14-15 years ago Shri Mataji. One year before the revolution. So nobody else could promote this movement in Tehran except him because he came from very a religious family that has been religious for 150 years. So it was very much accepted. And he is saying all these things just to show you, dear Mother, that this is the starting point of the work that he would like to do with You also. Shri Mataji: Yes, very well. Antonio: The world presently needs You and him and Muslims. Shri Mataji: Yes. Antonio: And he would like You to work hand in hand with him so that this population can live happily and get out of the oppression. Shri Mataji: Beautiful! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Antonio: And when he knew, the very first time, that You are coming to Paris, he immediately prepared this letter, this lecture- Shri Mataji: It's very good. Antonio: To welcome you. [The Ayatollah says: "I let You eat now." Antonio answers: "It's OK, there's no harm."] Shri Mataji: But there is one thing, you see, the Catholics have gone astray completely. You see because they are so money-oriented. This Vatican counterfeited 9 million dollars. Imagine! It's a religious thing and distributed to its bank. Now, that's one thing. Then, the priests are such hypocrites that they have women as their keeps, children. They go to married women. It's all now in the books in Austria. And they were asked: "Why don't you marry?" So they said: "Because the Church does not want to give money to the widows." Now, also they are abusing, these high priests are abusing children in Canada. There is a book! In Italy, Christian Democratic Party was ruling for 40 years. Pope told people that: "You must vote for their party", Pope. And this party is so corrupt! And they killed so many people! In Italy, I was shocked because this Calvi [Roberto Calvi] was killed was hanged, and the one who murdered him said that: "I am from mafia but the Pope paid me." See, they are one with mafia and with Swiss banks. In that book, it was written that this Luciani, the one who was before this pope, was murdered. They suspect that this pope (PJP II) was murdered. See, how can this be God’s work? Tell Me. Antonio: He says that according to him, Shri Mataji, we should separate the reality today with those who pretend to be in the name of the religions. Shri Mataji: Of course. Antonio: We have to be clear-cut that there is a difference between the followers of the real religion who are sincere and they are looking really for the redemption time. Shri Mataji: They are so simple, innocent. You see, they don’t know what sort of people are there. But these horrible people are still there. They will be exposed. This year they will be exposed. They have crossed all the limits. Antonio: He doesn’t want to speak politics with you, Shri Mataji. He would like your communication to the on the spiritual and human level that - Shri Mataji: But they don’t like Veena? [Unsure] Antonio: He has a politic life that is apart from that and he would like to tell you something. Shri Mataji: Now, what I am saying you are in politics, it's all right. And you can talk to them on political things. But they have mixed up spirituality and politics. Especially Catholics. Antonio: There is a judge worldwide well-known that is Khal Khalid. Shri Mataji: A judge. Antonio: A judge in Iran that is wordly well-known. Lady: Which name is Khal Khalid. His name is Khal Khalid. Antonio: He did kill 27 000 people after the revolution. Lady: After the revolution this very famous lawyer, Iranian lawyer, he killed apparently 27 000 Iranians. Antonio: He went to the Vatican with a delegation of 3-4 people and he was received by the Pope. So he [The Ayatollah] reacted very much against this. In all the media, he reacted against them. And so, he reacted so much that the official represent of the American radio went to Vatican to ask the Pope: "Why did you receive this man whose hands dirty with blood?" And even if he doesn’t agree at all with whatever is being held in Vatican, whatever else, wherever, his goal is much higher than that because he would like the respect of all the religions. Shri Mataji: But they cannot, you see, because they are criminals. Vaticans are criminals. They got all these war criminals, protected them, took them to Argentina. Antonio: Who? Shri Mataji: These Vatican's. Lady: War criminals. Antonio: That’s exactly the purpose what he is saying, Shri Mataji. We have to divide and to share one side, the ones who are taking the advantage of religions and on the other side, the ones who are following sincerely a religion. Shri Mataji: Yes, very much. I’ll tell you, they are so simple, they are so simple. One man came to Me and he had this problem here [Left Vishuddhi], you see, this comes from the Vatican or from the Christianity. I was born in Christian religion myself. So I know. So, you see, he had this problem [of Left Vishuddhi]. So, I asked him: "Why do you feel guilty?" "Because I am a sinner." I said: "Who told you that?" So he says: "I have to go and confess al the time that I am a sinner." I said: "You are not." He says: "But, I am a Catholic. So what am I to do?" I said: "You don’t confess, don’t go to Church." He said: "I see this see these priests, they are very money-oriented and they are not good people." And he is a simple man, you know." And their intentions are not good." He sees that himself. "But they are human beings, isn’t it? So, I think that God is different and they are human beings." So innocent! He said- I said: "Then, why do we confess to such people?" I said God is not in the church. He is above. So you should not confess to a man who is not a good man. Then, he was convinced. And then I gave him Realization. But he was so innocent, so simple, educated. Such faith they have, I tell you. They are exploiting their faith. Antonio: Very interesting. He is saying that even when he sees that he is dealing with some people who are spiritual leaders that are not honest and that he says that he feels obliged to go a little bit in their sense because he thinks about the millions of followers that they have and that have to be saved. And he says you can convince one, maybe two, maybe three hundred. But he says that there hundreds of millions of people in this world that have to be convinced, what can we do? Shri Mataji: Realization! [Laughter] But I tell you there was a Sufi in India. And very well known as Khwaja Nizamuddin Sahib. And that even Hindu - [cut in the audio]. [Shri Mataji is talking about the day when She wanted to go in a mosque and policemen were afraid of the reactions of some Muslims. So Shri Mataji asked them who were those people.] They said: "It is Nizammuddin’s people." I said: "They are mine!" So, I went there, inside [the mosque]. And, as you say, that gentleman who was supposed to be in charge was a great, great hypocrite. First thing he said: "We need some money". All right. I said:" How much?" He said: "10 000 rupees." I wanted to go his way. I thought that you see, this fellow, everybody thinks he is a big Nabib. I gave him 10 000 rupees. Because so many were there, so innocent, good people. And he also said that: "You can come in and this and that." But he was a hypocrite. Immediately, he took the money, put it on him. But can you imagine? When I came away, he died. It has happened with three like that. So, there is also another force which works. This hypocrisy will be exposed. Now, you see, if this thing happens, then all the people who are faithful, who believe in God, will receive the knowledge. And the time has come for this to be exposed. So, it's a tremendous force. But they wouldn’t like us, these people who are in charge of religion they wouldn’t like us. Because they are only money-interested. They are not concerned about spirituality. Ayatollah: Exactly. Antonio: He agrees with you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Yes, so. Ayatollah: Exactly. Shri Mataji: We have to do something in such a way that it is a-mass evolution. My father told Me the same: "That you have come here for a purpose." I also knew that. "So, you don’t talk about religion, don’t say anything about it, till you have found out what you have come for." Now my mission was, of course, people used to get their Realization no doubt, there were people who were Nabibs also, everything. But my mission was to create an a-mass Realization. So, because of my father also, because of my husband, I met many, many people. And I could study also what was the problem inside with the human beings, you see. And when I discovered the permutations and combinations, as described in the Quran the seventh heaven was opened. That is how this a-mass business started. The seventh heaven had to open, otherwise, it would not have worked out. So, this is what is troubling these people who are hypocrites that now what will happen to them? They are quite worried because it's a-mass. Like in that hall, when you were there, everyone raised there hands except for two or three. Antonio: He is asking if it's just before you were in London. Shri Mataji: You were? Antonio: In London. Shri Mataji: In London. Yes. London in the Albert Hall. [June, 25] London is another taken by word. London is -I can’t understand - the whole of that hall, such a big hall! I think the English are very sort of alert and they are following it up. They are trying to understand. Because in England there is lot of scholarship. Even Prince of Wales wanted to see Me, but he had this problem of this woman. So. Antonio: Mr. Maliky is a very spiritual man who is very active as well. Shri Mataji: I saw yesterday his hands were as cool as ice. Antonio: He was teacher in the faculty of Bonn. Shri Mataji: Of? Antonio: Professor. Shri Mataji: But, you see with all this happening now, yesterday they were there, their hands were cool. I was really happy. And you will find out, the life will change completely. Antonio: He has lot of sympathy for you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Now we have to work together. It automatically cures you of disease, automatically. Yesterday, we had an architect there, who had blood cancer, doctors said he will die within one week's time. And now it's 8 years have passed, he is still there. Antonio: His son is a doctor, he's in charge of 25 patients of cancer in the hospital. Shri Mataji: Oh my God! So I will tell him how to do it! [Laughter] It's the control of the parasympathetic. It's absolutely scientific and tangible. Son of Ayatollah: It's much more complicated than that. Shri Mataji: What did he say? Antonio: It's much more complicated than that. Djamel: But she knows it's complicated. Shri Mataji: No, no. I will tell you what, we have some doctors now in England, seven doctors. One of them is a Muslim. Another Amjad is in Australia, now gone, very academic. They are now trying to record how many people have been cured. So we deal with the basic, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic. And there is one doctor, Rai, who was the head of the physiology department in Delhi University. He has written a book. So, better give him this book and let him have a look at it. And we are going to have conference of doctors, as he has been saying, because we never had any in Europe so far. So, that also I hope you will attend. Also, there is a symposium of people who believed in the non-racialism and non-fundamentalism, mostly Muslims. First, we decided that they wanted to have big conferences. But I know these conferences are never result-oriented. So, I told them that what we can do is to get people who are wanting to do something about it. Now, then give them Realization. So they go above mental level. And then, these people can form an organisation. There could be Muslims, Christians, anything. Those who believe that fundamentalism and racialism is the greatest danger to humanity. And they can work it out. We have to move in a different way, not in the normal way of having conferences, organisations. Now there are so many organisations floating in the air. And I told my husband, and he was very happy, he said: "I had enough of conferences." So he wants Realized souls to be in charge of even UN, my husband says that. That is his idea. And he said that by this because the people will be of a higher awareness, it will be result-oriented. And so we have to do something about it and we are thinking of doing it in September and I have to very humbly request you to come to my humble place. Antonio: He is asking where will it be held? Shri Mataji: It is in a small place called Cabella, Italy. It's a small village, but very beautiful. I have bought a castle there. And it's a very, very comfortable place. And the people are also very nice. So there were also some communists, also who were coming. And they said they wanted some 5 stars hotel, you see. I said: "You are not communist then if you want 5 stars hotel." [Laughter] But we have very beautiful hotels, a very beautiful area, absolutely. It's in a valley and there are rivers flowing. It's very beautiful. And if this works out, then we can have a very international forum. Antonio: Which date will it be, Shri Mataji? Lady: 25th, 27th. Shri Mataji: Please, you should also come. Because you could lead them very well. You see they are more younger people and I think your guidance will definitely be of very great help. You see, they are very well-read people of Islam, I must say. And one of them even knows Mubarak. But as you know in Algeria, and Egypt, all these places, they are having great trouble from the fundamentalists. Antonio: He says that this is exactly the problem today. He says that before this kind of revolution with the present government, Mr Abbas Madani, Djamel: The chief of the fundamentalist party, Mother. Antonio: The chief of fundamentalists in Algeria, before he was in prison, he used to phone him and to speak with him about the reality of Islam. And he never listened to him. Shri Mataji: But they don’t want. They are Jerabos [unsure]. They don’t want. Antonio: He says this man is moderate, he doesn't know. That’s all. So he told him that he should come to Algeria so that they can speak about this problem and try to solve all these, but definitely, the government of Algeria and the French government didn’t want that to happen. Shri Mataji: No no. It's dangerous with them, they are blind. Antonio: He says that the people is almost lost, because he was betrayed for 25 years. And now there is the unemployment, there is the debt, there is all the social problems. And they do not know what to do. Shri Mataji: But the solution is not the fundamentalism. Antonio: He said to him that he cannot held Quran in one hand and problems in another one to solve the problems. Shri Mataji: Because you see, they to extremes. One side they will become fundamentalism, another side, they become over-indulgent, corrupt, make money. Antonio: According to him, Shri Mataji, the definition of fundamentalism is that these are oppressed people who reacted towards the dictator and these people didn’t have any knowledge and they just reacted that way, this is his definition. Shri Mataji: It's action and reaction, true. But, you see, they are creating a problem in their own country with their own brothers. You see, their own country is messed up. So, Sahaja Yoga is in the centre. Antonio: He has been asked to condemn this man and he said: "No, I don’t want to condemn him. If you asked me to cover a kind of negotiation-" Shri Mataji: You'll never approach him that way. You'll never approach him. You should not condemn him. But you should tell him once: "Have you seen your own country? These are your own people. You are killing your own brothers." You see? Now, what is the solution? Why they are doing this and why you are doing this? Because you are in ignorance, you are in darkness. If they see the light, they will see it clearly. This is why they should see the divine light. Then they will see that it's stupid. Because the government will also realize that this is stupid and they will also realize this is stupid. Why, you see, what has happened now in Iran is a good example. They fought the Shah, they fought, I mean because they thought that he was not good. But now, what is their situation? Have they improved? Are they better off? Whatever their condition was at the time of Shah, it is much worst. Ayatollah: Yes. Shri Mataji: So this is an example to be put to all these fundamentalists that you will not achieve anything. Now, the best way is that the government people should be given Realization so they'll become non-corrupt. And the fundamentalists also, the leaders are given Realization, they will solve all problems. There are 500 people already in Algeria who are Realized souls. All right, we have one barrister Achalan, he is a Realized soul. His parents are Realized souls, his sisters are Realized souls. Djamel: They are quite a few people in the government who got their Realization. They came to the UK. Shri Mataji: They came to London. Djamel: In London and the rest [Now speaks in French] Shri Mataji: So they have to come to the middle path. Because it's obvious once they, these militant people come in, they will become equally corrupt. Antonio: He says, it will be worse! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Majid: Mataji, he explains the sense of "integrists" and fundamentalists. Antonio: Djamel is explaining that in English, we say fundamentalist and in French we say "integrist". Lady: Integralists. Antonio: But you said yourself that you don't agree with the word "integralist". Shri Mataji: Inte? Antonio: Integralist. Because if they were integralists, that means they would be sincere, integrated and they are not integrated. That's what you have said. Shri Mataji: You see, the human beings, whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim are just the same it's a human being. All right. Once, you see, they get the power, they get corrupted. They are very few people who cannot be corrupted. But, anybody, whether you come from fundamentalism or come from this, they are corrupt. Only after Self-realization this doesn’t happen. You see, now we have people from 55 nations. Some from poor countries, some from rich country, some from, say, who have just come out of communism, all kinds. But nobody cheats, I mean. It's everything open. We, actually, don’t need much money. It's done extremely spontaneously, it's a living organism. I am so bad at banking and money. I am absolutely hopeless. I'm very bad. So they have to write cheques for Me. So, despite that, you see we have no organisation, we have no president, we have no one like that. And I have never seen them fighting or quarrelling, never. No argument. But, we pull each other's legs, it's all right, it's all right. And such purity. Nobody runs with anybody’s wife, nobody looks at anybody’s wife, such purity. No problem on that point, no problem at all. You see, just their eyes become so innocent. Can you imagine? This all is there for everyone. My husband says you have made them angels, really, always he says. He can't believe it. Antonio: He is asking, how many people in the world are doing Sahaja Yoga? I said a few tens of thousands, but it's difficult to say and excluding India because India is much more. Shri Mataji: We can’t say. Djamel: We can't say, maybe fifteen, twenty, thirty thousand perhaps, you know. Shri Mataji: We are bad at mathematics, I agree. Antonio: But we can make a kind of count. You are travelling for 23 years Shri Mataji giving 20 conferences per year minimum. And every conference thousands of people, so. Shri Mataji: No, no. In Russia it's 16000, 18000. In India like that 16000, 18000. You know, places where I never expected also, I'm surprised, never expected. Just spreading like fire. And how they have changed, you know! They were all, some of them were very great cheats in the government. They have given up. I never told them: "Don’t drink". They don’t drink. The drugs, they gave up overnight. I never told this. If I tell them, half of them will go away! No smoking. I mean, it's such a pure life. And they enjoy their virtue. I don’t have to say: "Don’t do". They just know what is - Yesterday, those who were playing, come from a community in India which is called as scheduled caste, it's the lowest. And my brother worked on them; and look at them, can you believe? How talented they are! And we have many musicians, Muslims. They played in my presence and suddenly they got it. And they are famous all over the world. Antonio: He could see the sincerity. Shri Mataji: Yes, very sincere, simple and straight forward. [A lady wants to take a photo with Shri Mataji] Shri Mataji: She's got her Realization all right. See her eyes. Sit down, see on her head. Shes has got it. She's feeling it. She is very religious. Lady: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is the "ruh". What is it? Lady: Arthritis. Shri Mataji: She has arthritis all over? Lady: She has some arthritis here. Shri Mataji: Only in the hands? Can you take out your watch? Only here? Lady: Only here, also here. Shri Mataji: Just now, I told her to put her hands. This is the centre that is expressed. She should not feel guilty at all, for anything. Not at all, never. You see, we are human beings after all. We are not God. You tell her. So we make mistakes, doesn't matter. God is forgiveness. Antonio: She hopes so, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: He is. He's our father. All right? Antonio: She said that she's sweating. Djamel: Because of heart. Shri Mataji: Heart, only on the heart. If you catch this centre, you get angina, the heart. He can show you, angina. Djamel: Also she has this catch between heart and Vishuddhi. Just above the heart. Shri Mataji: What's that? Antonio: Lalita chakra? Shri Mataji: So, if you clear out her Vishuddhi, she'll be all right. Now, you see, better? What is she saying? Antonio: Very well. Shri Mataji: Ah. See doctor? She is cured! [Laughter] Just see, ask her to move. Son of Ayatollah: Yes. My principle is that I don’t say that something is impossible. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Son of Ayatollah: Everything is possible. Shri Mataji: But we should open ourselves, doctor. You see, as a scientist, we must have an open mind. There could be something beyond science also. Because parasympathetic, the doctors don’t know. There are so many things they don’t know. So go to the basis. The fundamentals. It's much easier. Shri Mataji: Ah, now you're all right. Her hand is cured, you see. Can you show him, it's cured now. They should not wear black any more in Iran, they should not. It's over now. No more. It's finished. Antonio: I am explaining Shri Mataji, that, all that you are doing that you are curing people, giving Realization, but you are also giving the power to all these Realized souls to do the same. Shri Mataji: Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. No doubt. You can cure also. Of course. It hardly takes one month to master it. One month. Not seven years of education of medical science. Son of Ayatollah: We need seven years to start medical science. Shri Mataji: I did the same that's why. Shri Mataji: She thinks too much. The daughter in law didn't eat her food. Where is she? Antonio: I don't know. Lady: She's gone out. Shri Mataji: She didn't eat her food. She (Victoria) has liver, lots of heat, she has liver. Shri Mataji: Better now? Lady: Better. Heart is better, left Nabhi is there. Shri Mataji: How is she? Antonio: She feels better, she is good. Lady: Peaceful. Still Agnya. Antonio: In Iran, there's a lot of Agnya and Left Nabhi, Shri Mataji. He was the same at the beginning, Shri Mataji, a lot of Agnya and Left Nabhi. Majid: Also, I was the same. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: They think too much, they think too much. Majid: We have so many problems in Iran, every day we think about everything. Shri Mataji: Here? Majid: Yes. Antonio: They keep on thinking about all these problems going on. Shri Mataji: But with Sahaja Yoga that you don’t think and problems are solved Majid: Yes. Shri Mataji: Better now. Ask her to watch Me without thinking. Antonio: I'm saying because she says: "When we think, we cannot help it." I say that we can do in Sahaja Yoga. And you'll see that when the thoughts will be lower then you'll feel much more peaceful. Shri Mataji: Now, you are no thinking. Antonio: She says, right now I am not thinking. Shri Mataji: Ah! Beautiful. [Laughter] Take a photograph at the end. Majid: I think it's perfect. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: She's quite enjoying it. Please stay for a while. Nothing serious, smile. END OF PART 1
Dinner with Ayatollah Rohani, Hotel in Paris, July 1993 PART 1 Shri Mataji: ...About what's happening all around the world about Islamic people. And they said that “Mother we will join you in every way because we will bring peace.” I was very happy. Ayatollah: Is it? Shri Mataji: So they said they have had lots of conferences and this and that, organisations but nothing has worked out. And in Sudan, most of them are Muslims. And educated people even in Senegal, I know, are very well-educated people are there. And fundamentalism is not so much in Sudan, but the fight between the two sides of the Muslims; one on the Arabic side another on the African side. I said I will come to Sudan and let us see. In America, we have lots of Iranians. I met them in Los Angeles. There are 900 families, Muslims. And they want their Realisation. They're very, very good people. [Ayatollah speaks in Arabic about a Hadith] Djamel: He says that there is a Hadith in Arabic from the Prophet. There's a Hadith which says that “Whoever knows himself knows God” Shri Mataji: Who knows? Ah, that's it! That's the point. I mean, you see, as you know, Mohammed Sahib was a great person, a great enlighted person. And he did say the same thing, I mean. How could he say something else? Ayatollah: It's my son. [In French] Shri Mataji: Son. Lady: Nice to meet you. So they, you see, they have not understood Mohammed Sahib. And worse than them are Catholics. They are the real murderers. Because also there was a problem, this Paul who was, who never met Christ, who was a bureaucratic, who had killed so many Christians, he thought its a very good platform, so he jumped on the platform and he wanted to take over. And he fought with the disciples of Christ. And Thomas ran off to England. He has written in his treaty which we have now discovered this year and is all nothing but Sahaja Yoga. And the worst disciple of Christ was Peter. And Christ has said that Satan will take over him. He (Christ) has said it clearly. So this Mr Paul got hold of Peter and then he wrote that Christ said that Peter should be head of Christianity, he should build the church, and he should have worked there, it's all false. Now, think of somebody who is such a bad disciple of Christ, who denied Christ thrice, why will Christ make him the head? And if you see this Paul in the- Paul, throughout he has written many chapters in the Bible. And he wrote that he went to Damascus and met Christ. He never met Christ. And in all that doesn’t write anything about spirituality. He writes how to organise, how to arrange people, all these things like a bureaucrat. And he suffered from epilepsy. Now, in Sahaja Yoga, we have proved that epilepsy comes with possessions. And he hated women. So he called Christ’s mother as a woman, just a woman, no even a lady. But because of the Pagan religion before, they wanted to have a Goddess you see. So they said: "No, we will have her as a Madonna". They promote her, not in the Bible she is not mentioned. Now, there is also "sharia". I must tell you about "sharia". So the Bible has the five books, of the Old Testament, five? [Pentateuch; Torah; Tawrat] they call it. Out of that, the 3rd one is, in English, it is "genma"[unsure] but actually it is "inmara"[unsure] in the Hebrew language. Inmara [unsure] is the name in Hebrew, original. So he wrote in that book that when Moses came from the mountain and brought the Ten Commandments, he saw a complete decadence and he got so upset with it that he wrote this "sharia" for the Jews. At that time, only for that time. So it was not for Muslims. In Quran, there is no "sharia". I told you my father was a great researcher, scholar and he wrote, translated the Quran-e-Sherif in Hindi language. He told me all these things, that it was not meant for Muslims. It was meant for the Jews. Also, Fatima was absolutely sort of neglected by the people at that time. They wouldn’t listen to her what she had to say. Her ideas about women were very different from Abu Bakr. Djamel: Yes, I mean, Abu Bakr was with the other companion. Shri Mataji: Abu Bakr, with other companions, they just wanted to put women down. For Sahaja Yoga, we worship Fatima. She is a Goddess to us. But. My father has done a lot of research on this and he said that Muslims are misled completely by these mullahs and priests, and especially Sunnis. Yes, Sunnis. And the Shias are still sort of moaning the death of Hassan and Hussein. But now it's over. Once you've got your resurrection, once you've got your Realization, then there is no more, no more at all of moaning should be there. It's finished. Also, this makes the souls of Mohammed Sahib and also Hassan and Hussain very unhappy to see that you are still moaning. They want you to be happy. They came on this earth to make you happy and joyous. No to be disturbed. There work was-could not be finished. But now, you can see the Qiyama has come and once you get your resurrection then you should no more feel the moaning. It's over now and we must give them peace in their heart. In India, these Shias do such horrible things, they have, what you call, chains, and with that, they hit themselves to blood. I mean, I have seen it and I talked to them: "It's over now." We have many friends who are Shias and I told them that "it's over now. You just don't have to do all these things because it hurts them (Mohammed,) their souls." And I said: "He is a father, a loving father and a father doesn't want his children to suffer." Sahaja Yogini: [In Hindi] Shri Mataji: All right, just a minute. So I've got something for you, sir. Can I give you? [Majid translates] Ayatollah: Yes. Shri Mataji: I am your Mother. So, you get over the moaning. I thought that [inaudible] there's a little thing for you. Instead of the black now you have to wear the white. [Laughters] And this is for the neck. [Majid speaks in Farsi with Ayatollah.] Shri Mataji: Why don't you wear it now? Let Me see how it looks. A mother can't see her child moaning. Shri Mataji: Ah, beautiful. This is for the neck to be put. Wow! Now, Mother is happy. And this for you [to someone else]. You see, you open and see. Antonio: It's wonderful. She thanks you very much. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. You see, normally we never give an empty purse. We never give an empty purse so we have to put something in it. In that purse is our scent. This is for him and this is for her [other perfums]. Lady: Merci. Merci madame. Shri Mataji: In my language, we call it attar. [?] Majid: Ether. [?] Shri Mataji: In Urdu language, it's ether [?] and in your language it's [inaudible] Majid: Atse [?] Shri Mataji: In French language, I know [inaudible] it's a difficult language. Once you know English you can't know any other language. It's a very dominating language, English is. Ayatollah: It's becoming more and more. Shri Mataji: It's becoming more and more, yes. Especially in the diplomatic circles, now, English has come up. It used to be French now it's all English. I don't know why but it has happened like that. Ayatollah: t's nothing. It's because of the economical domination. Shri Mataji: Because of the? Ayatollah: Because of the economical domination. Shri Mataji: Is it for your family? Ayatollah: No. Shri Mataji: Is it [inaudible]? Ayatollah: No. It's only to share here. Shri Mataji: Oh. Antonio [translates into English what the Ayatollah says in French]: And then the very first letter sent by Muslims was sent by Ayatollah Rohani. The very first letter. And then, in this letter, he asked them what they think about Islam and what they would like to do to unify the different point of view of inside the Catholic Church. And he asked that Islam was also be considered in this Council and be treated as the unification of other branches of the Catholic Church. Shri Mataji: Of the Catholic Church with Islam: how? Antonio: Just what the Vatican considers about Islam and also the way that the Catholic Church and Islam could be approached to work in one single way. Shri Mataji: Yes, impossible. Antonio: 22 years ago Shri Mataji! And all these documents are still there proving that is was done 22 years ago. And he prepared them for you Shri Mataji. During two years, they were in permanent contact with this Council. And then, after many years of deliberating about this, they did judge and consider that Muslims were a monotheist religion. Shri Mataji: Oh, my God! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Antonio: And they accepted also that the Muslims believe in the Resurrection. Shri Mataji: Ah, the Resurrection? Antonio: The Resurrection. So, the Catholics approved, accepted the idea that the Muslims were believing in the Resurrection as well. And until this judgement of the Catholic Church towards the Muslims, the priests used to calumniate the Muslims and to insult them until that judgement. Lady: Openly. Antonio: Openly. And sending letters and speaking openly against the Muslims. And then, after this judgement, the Pope told to all the priests that the Muslims were believing in the Day of Resurrection, that they are monotheists, and they forbid them to say things against Islam. So this was a very great victory of Ayatollah Rohani. And at that time, the Pope Paul the Six asked Ayatollah Rohani to go to the Vatican to speak with him, to meet him. Shri Mataji: Which pope? Antonio: Paul 6. Shri Mataji: I see. Antonio: And then he went to the Vatican and they spoke together about 45 minutes. And he (the Pope) allowed him (Ayatollah Rohani) to have a big speech to all the priests that were there. And officially he gave to Ayatollah Rohani the verdict that the Catholic Church accepts that Muslims are monotheists, that they believe in the Resurrection day, and that any priests is not allowed anymore to say things against Islam. And then the Pope asked him to transmit this verdict to all the Muslims and Catholics. And then he gave him an award, a golden medal (and a big letter). [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Lady: This was before Lutanie. Antonio: When he came to Paris, he did an international school and the whole world was speaking about this matter. To that point, the whole media in France gave lunch in his honour. And mainly in the countries that needed a good communication relations between Islamic and Catholic people. Then he wrote an article that he published in his own revue that is "knowledge of Islam" showing whatever he had done in this matter previously. And he prepared everything to offer it to you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Oh. [inaudible] Antonio: And one year before the revolution, he founded an association "the monotheist front", for all those who believed in God. He founded an organisation. And so this movement was done at Tehran and it was done by Ayatollah Rohani and the Ambassador of Vatican at Tehran. Shri Mataji: Oh. It was really warmly welcome at Tehran, this movement was really successful. Then, he will show you the photograph that was on the first page of the newspaper of Tehran. Shri Mataji: How many years back it happened? Antonio: About 14 years. 14-15 years ago Shri Mataji. One year before the revolution. So nobody else could promote this movement in Tehran except him because he came from very a religious family that has been religious for 150 years. So it was very much accepted. And he is saying all these things just to show you, dear Mother, that this is the starting point of the work that he would like to do with You also. Shri Mataji: Yes, very well. Antonio: The world presently needs You and him and Muslims. Shri Mataji: Yes. Antonio: And he would like You to work hand in hand with him so that this population can live happily and get out of the oppression. Shri Mataji: Beautiful! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Antonio: And when he knew, the very first time, that You are coming to Paris, he immediately prepared this letter, this lecture- Shri Mataji: It's very good. Antonio: To welcome you. [The Ayatollah says: "I let You eat now." Antonio answers: "It's OK, there's no harm."] Shri Mataji: But there is one thing, you see, the Catholics have gone astray completely. You see because they are so money-oriented. This Vatican counterfeited 9 million dollars. Imagine! It's a religious thing and distributed to its bank. Now, that's one thing. Then, the priests are such hypocrites that they have women as their keeps, children. They go to married women. It's all now in the books in Austria. And they were asked: "Why don't you marry?" So they said: "Because the Church does not want to give money to the widows." Now, also they are abusing, these high priests are abusing children in Canada. There is a book! In Italy, Christian Democratic Party was ruling for 40 years. Pope told people that: "You must vote for their party", Pope. And this party is so corrupt! And they killed so many people! In Italy, I was shocked because this Calvi [Roberto Calvi] was killed was hanged, and the one who murdered him said that: "I am from mafia but the Pope paid me." See, they are one with mafia and with Swiss banks. In that book, it was written that this Luciani, the one who was before this pope, was murdered. They suspect that this pope (PJP II) was murdered. See, how can this be God’s work? Tell Me. Antonio: He says that according to him, Shri Mataji, we should separate the reality today with those who pretend to be in the name of the religions. Shri Mataji: Of course. Antonio: We have to be clear-cut that there is a difference between the followers of the real religion who are sincere and they are looking really for the redemption time. Shri Mataji: They are so simple, innocent. You see, they don’t know what sort of people are there. But these horrible people are still there. They will be exposed. This year they will be exposed. They have crossed all the limits. Antonio: He doesn’t want to speak politics with you, Shri Mataji. He would like your communication to the on the spiritual and human level that - Shri Mataji: But they don’t like Veena? [Unsure] Antonio: He has a politic life that is apart from that and he would like to tell you something. Shri Mataji: Now, what I am saying you are in politics, it's all right. And you can talk to them on political things. But they have mixed up spirituality and politics. Especially Catholics. Antonio: There is a judge worldwide well-known that is Khal Khalid. Shri Mataji: A judge. Antonio: A judge in Iran that is wordly well-known. Lady: Which name is Khal Khalid. His name is Khal Khalid. Antonio: He did kill 27 000 people after the revolution. Lady: After the revolution this very famous lawyer, Iranian lawyer, he killed apparently 27 000 Iranians. Antonio: He went to the Vatican with a delegation of 3-4 people and he was received by the Pope. So he [The Ayatollah] reacted very much against this. In all the media, he reacted against them. And so, he reacted so much that the official represent of the American radio went to Vatican to ask the Pope: "Why did you receive this man whose hands dirty with blood?" And even if he doesn’t agree at all with whatever is being held in Vatican, whatever else, wherever, his goal is much higher than that because he would like the respect of all the religions. Shri Mataji: But they cannot, you see, because they are criminals. Vaticans are criminals. They got all these war criminals, protected them, took them to Argentina. Antonio: Who? Shri Mataji: These Vatican's. Lady: War criminals. Antonio: That’s exactly the purpose what he is saying, Shri Mataji. We have to divide and to share one side, the ones who are taking the advantage of religions and on the other side, the ones who are following sincerely a religion. Shri Mataji: Yes, very much. I’ll tell you, they are so simple, they are so simple. One man came to Me and he had this problem here [Left Vishuddhi], you see, this comes from the Vatican or from the Christianity. I was born in Christian religion myself. So I know. So, you see, he had this problem [of Left Vishuddhi]. So, I asked him: "Why do you feel guilty?" "Because I am a sinner." I said: "Who told you that?" So he says: "I have to go and confess al the time that I am a sinner." I said: "You are not." He says: "But, I am a Catholic. So what am I to do?" I said: "You don’t confess, don’t go to Church." He said: "I see this see these priests, they are very money-oriented and they are not good people." And he is a simple man, you know." And their intentions are not good." He sees that himself. "But they are human beings, isn’t it? So, I think that God is different and they are human beings." So innocent! He said- I said: "Then, why do we confess to such people?" I said God is not in the church. He is above. So you should not confess to a man who is not a good man. Then, he was convinced. And then I gave him Realization. But he was so innocent, so simple, educated. Such faith they have, I tell you. They are exploiting their faith. Antonio: Very interesting. He is saying that even when he sees that he is dealing with some people who are spiritual leaders that are not honest and that he says that he feels obliged to go a little bit in their sense because he thinks about the millions of followers that they have and that have to be saved. And he says you can convince one, maybe two, maybe three hundred. But he says that there hundreds of millions of people in this world that have to be convinced, what can we do? Shri Mataji: Realization! [Laughter] But I tell you there was a Sufi in India. And very well known as Khwaja Nizamuddin Sahib. And that even Hindu - [cut in the audio]. [Shri Mataji is talking about the day when She wanted to go in a mosque and policemen were afraid of the reactions of some Muslims. So Shri Mataji asked them who were those people.] They said: "It is Nizammuddin’s people." I said: "They are mine!" So, I went there, inside [the mosque]. And, as you say, that gentleman who was supposed to be in charge was a great, great hypocrite. First thing he said: "We need some money". All right. I said:" How much?" He said: "10 000 rupees." I wanted to go his way. I thought that you see, this fellow, everybody thinks he is a big Nabib. I gave him 10 000 rupees. Because so many were there, so innocent, good people. And he also said that: "You can come in and this and that." But he was a hypocrite. Immediately, he took the money, put it on him. But can you imagine? When I came away, he died. It has happened with three like that. So, there is also another force which works. This hypocrisy will be exposed. Now, you see, if this thing happens, then all the people who are faithful, who believe in God, will receive the knowledge. And the time has come for this to be exposed. So, it's a tremendous force. But they wouldn’t like us, these people who are in charge of religion they wouldn’t like us. Because they are only money-interested. They are not concerned about spirituality. Ayatollah: Exactly. Antonio: He agrees with you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Yes, so. Ayatollah: Exactly. Shri Mataji: We have to do something in such a way that it is a-mass evolution. My father told Me the same: "That you have come here for a purpose." I also knew that. "So, you don’t talk about religion, don’t say anything about it, till you have found out what you have come for." Now my mission was, of course, people used to get their Realization no doubt, there were people who were Nabibs also, everything. But my mission was to create an a-mass Realization. So, because of my father also, because of my husband, I met many, many people. And I could study also what was the problem inside with the human beings, you see. And when I discovered the permutations and combinations, as described in the Quran the seventh heaven was opened. That is how this a-mass business started. The seventh heaven had to open, otherwise, it would not have worked out. So, this is what is troubling these people who are hypocrites that now what will happen to them? They are quite worried because it's a-mass. Like in that hall, when you were there, everyone raised there hands except for two or three. Antonio: He is asking if it's just before you were in London. Shri Mataji: You were? Antonio: In London. Shri Mataji: In London. Yes. London in the Albert Hall. [June, 25] London is another taken by word. London is -I can’t understand - the whole of that hall, such a big hall! I think the English are very sort of alert and they are following it up. They are trying to understand. Because in England there is lot of scholarship. Even Prince of Wales wanted to see Me, but he had this problem of this woman. So. Antonio: Mr. Maliky is a very spiritual man who is very active as well. Shri Mataji: I saw yesterday his hands were as cool as ice. Antonio: He was teacher in the faculty of Bonn. Shri Mataji: Of? Antonio: Professor. Shri Mataji: But, you see with all this happening now, yesterday they were there, their hands were cool. I was really happy. And you will find out, the life will change completely. Antonio: He has lot of sympathy for you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Now we have to work together. It automatically cures you of disease, automatically. Yesterday, we had an architect there, who had blood cancer, doctors said he will die within one week's time. And now it's 8 years have passed, he is still there. Antonio: His son is a doctor, he's in charge of 25 patients of cancer in the hospital. Shri Mataji: Oh my God! So I will tell him how to do it! [Laughter] It's the control of the parasympathetic. It's absolutely scientific and tangible. Son of Ayatollah: It's much more complicated than that. Shri Mataji: What did he say? Antonio: It's much more complicated than that. Djamel: But she knows it's complicated. Shri Mataji: No, no. I will tell you what, we have some doctors now in England, seven doctors. One of them is a Muslim. Another Amjad is in Australia, now gone, very academic. They are now trying to record how many people have been cured. So we deal with the basic, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic. And there is one doctor, Rai, who was the head of the physiology department in Delhi University. He has written a book. So, better give him this book and let him have a look at it. And we are going to have conference of doctors, as he has been saying, because we never had any in Europe so far. So, that also I hope you will attend. Also, there is a symposium of people who believed in the non-racialism and non-fundamentalism, mostly Muslims. First, we decided that they wanted to have big conferences. But I know these conferences are never result-oriented. So, I told them that what we can do is to get people who are wanting to do something about it. Now, then give them Realization. So they go above mental level. And then, these people can form an organisation. There could be Muslims, Christians, anything. Those who believe that fundamentalism and racialism is the greatest danger to humanity. And they can work it out. We have to move in a different way, not in the normal way of having conferences, organisations. Now there are so many organisations floating in the air. And I told my husband, and he was very happy, he said: "I had enough of conferences." So he wants Realized souls to be in charge of even UN, my husband says that. That is his idea. And he said that by this because the people will be of a higher awareness, it will be result-oriented. And so we have to do something about it and we are thinking of doing it in September and I have to very humbly request you to come to my humble place. Antonio: He is asking where will it be held? Shri Mataji: It is in a small place called Cabella, Italy. It's a small village, but very beautiful. I have bought a castle there. And it's a very, very comfortable place. And the people are also very nice. So there were also some communists, also who were coming. And they said they wanted some 5 stars hotel, you see. I said: "You are not communist then if you want 5 stars hotel." [Laughter] But we have very beautiful hotels, a very beautiful area, absolutely. It's in a valley and there are rivers flowing. It's very beautiful. And if this works out, then we can have a very international forum. Antonio: Which date will it be, Shri Mataji? Lady: 25th, 27th. Shri Mataji: Please, you should also come. Because you could lead them very well. You see they are more younger people and I think your guidance will definitely be of very great help. You see, they are very well-read people of Islam, I must say. And one of them even knows Mubarak. But as you know in Algeria, and Egypt, all these places, they are having great trouble from the fundamentalists. Antonio: He says that this is exactly the problem today. He says that before this kind of revolution with the present government, Mr Abbas Madani, Djamel: The chief of the fundamentalist party, Mother. Antonio: The chief of fundamentalists in Algeria, before he was in prison, he used to phone him and to speak with him about the reality of Islam. And he never listened to him. Shri Mataji: But they don’t want. They are Jerabos [unsure]. They don’t want. Antonio: He says this man is moderate, he doesn't know. That’s all. So he told him that he should come to Algeria so that they can speak about this problem and try to solve all these, but definitely, the government of Algeria and the French government didn’t want that to happen. Shri Mataji: No no. It's dangerous with them, they are blind. Antonio: He says that the people is almost lost, because he was betrayed for 25 years. And now there is the unemployment, there is the debt, there is all the social problems. And they do not know what to do. Shri Mataji: But the solution is not the fundamentalism. Antonio: He said to him that he cannot held Quran in one hand and problems in another one to solve the problems. Shri Mataji: Because you see, they to extremes. One side they will become fundamentalism, another side, they become over-indulgent, corrupt, make money. Antonio: According to him, Shri Mataji, the definition of fundamentalism is that these are oppressed people who reacted towards the dictator and these people didn’t have any knowledge and they just reacted that way, this is his definition. Shri Mataji: It's action and reaction, true. But, you see, they are creating a problem in their own country with their own brothers. You see, their own country is messed up. So, Sahaja Yoga is in the centre. Antonio: He has been asked to condemn this man and he said: "No, I don’t want to condemn him. If you asked me to cover a kind of negotiation-" Shri Mataji: You'll never approach him that way. You'll never approach him. You should not condemn him. But you should tell him once: "Have you seen your own country? These are your own people. You are killing your own brothers." You see? Now, what is the solution? Why they are doing this and why you are doing this? Because you are in ignorance, you are in darkness. If they see the light, they will see it clearly. This is why they should see the divine light. Then they will see that it's stupid. Because the government will also realize that this is stupid and they will also realize this is stupid. Why, you see, what has happened now in Iran is a good example. They fought the Shah, they fought, I mean because they thought that he was not good. But now, what is their situation? Have they improved? Are they better off? Whatever their condition was at the time of Shah, it is much worst. Ayatollah: Yes. Shri Mataji: So this is an example to be put to all these fundamentalists that you will not achieve anything. Now, the best way is that the government people should be given Realization so they'll become non-corrupt. And the fundamentalists also, the leaders are given Realization, they will solve all problems. There are 500 people already in Algeria who are Realized souls. All right, we have one barrister Achalan, he is a Realized soul. His parents are Realized souls, his sisters are Realized souls. Djamel: They are quite a few people in the government who got their Realization. They came to the UK. Shri Mataji: They came to London. Djamel: In London and the rest [Now speaks in French] Shri Mataji: So they have to come to the middle path. Because it's obvious once they, these militant people come in, they will become equally corrupt. Antonio: He says, it will be worse! [Shri Mataji is laughing.] Majid: Mataji, he explains the sense of "integrists" and fundamentalists. Antonio: Djamel is explaining that in English, we say fundamentalist and in French we say "integrist". Lady: Integralists. Antonio: But you said yourself that you don't agree with the word "integralist". Shri Mataji: Inte? Antonio: Integralist. Because if they were integralists, that means they would be sincere, integrated and they are not integrated. That's what you have said. Shri Mataji: You see, the human beings, whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim are just the same it's a human being. All right. Once, you see, they get the power, they get corrupted. They are very few people who cannot be corrupted. But, anybody, whether you come from fundamentalism or come from this, they are corrupt. Only after Self-realization this doesn’t happen. You see, now we have people from 55 nations. Some from poor countries, some from rich country, some from, say, who have just come out of communism, all kinds. But nobody cheats, I mean. It's everything open. We, actually, don’t need much money. It's done extremely spontaneously, it's a living organism. I am so bad at banking and money. I am absolutely hopeless. I'm very bad. So they have to write cheques for Me. So, despite that, you see we have no organisation, we have no president, we have no one like that. And I have never seen them fighting or quarrelling, never. No argument. But, we pull each other's legs, it's all right, it's all right. And such purity. Nobody runs with anybody’s wife, nobody looks at anybody’s wife, such purity. No problem on that point, no problem at all. You see, just their eyes become so innocent. Can you imagine? This all is there for everyone. My husband says you have made them angels, really, always he says. He can't believe it. Antonio: He is asking, how many people in the world are doing Sahaja Yoga? I said a few tens of thousands, but it's difficult to say and excluding India because India is much more. Shri Mataji: We can’t say. Djamel: We can't say, maybe fifteen, twenty, thirty thousand perhaps, you know. Shri Mataji: We are bad at mathematics, I agree. Antonio: But we can make a kind of count. You are travelling for 23 years Shri Mataji giving 20 conferences per year minimum. And every conference thousands of people, so. Shri Mataji: No, no. In Russia it's 16000, 18000. In India like that 16000, 18000. You know, places where I never expected also, I'm surprised, never expected. Just spreading like fire. And how they have changed, you know! They were all, some of them were very great cheats in the government. They have given up. I never told them: "Don’t drink". They don’t drink. The drugs, they gave up overnight. I never told this. If I tell them, half of them will go away! No smoking. I mean, it's such a pure life. And they enjoy their virtue. I don’t have to say: "Don’t do". They just know what is - Yesterday, those who were playing, come from a community in India which is called as scheduled caste, it's the lowest. And my brother worked on them; and look at them, can you believe? How talented they are! And we have many musicians, Muslims. They played in my presence and suddenly they got it. And they are famous all over the world. Antonio: He could see the sincerity. Shri Mataji: Yes, very sincere, simple and straight forward. [A lady wants to take a photo with Shri Mataji] Shri Mataji: She's got her Realization all right. See her eyes. Sit down, see on her head. Shes has got it. She's feeling it. She is very religious. Lady: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is the "ruh". What is it? Lady: Arthritis. Shri Mataji: She has arthritis all over? Lady: She has some arthritis here. Shri Mataji: Only in the hands? Can you take out your watch? Only here? Lady: Only here, also here. Shri Mataji: Just now, I told her to put her hands. This is the centre that is expressed. She should not feel guilty at all, for anything. Not at all, never. You see, we are human beings after all. We are not God. You tell her. So we make mistakes, doesn't matter. God is forgiveness. Antonio: She hopes so, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: He is. He's our father. All right? Antonio: She said that she's sweating. Djamel: Because of heart. Shri Mataji: Heart, only on the heart. If you catch this centre, you get angina, the heart. He can show you, angina. Djamel: Also she has this catch between heart and Vishuddhi. Just above the heart. Shri Mataji: What's that? Antonio: Lalita chakra? Shri Mataji: So, if you clear out her Vishuddhi, she'll be all right. Now, you see, better? What is she saying? Antonio: Very well. Shri Mataji: Ah. See doctor? She is cured! [Laughter] Just see, ask her to move. Son of Ayatollah: Yes. My principle is that I don’t say that something is impossible. Shri Mataji: Yes, of course. Son of Ayatollah: Everything is possible. Shri Mataji: But we should open ourselves, doctor. You see, as a scientist, we must have an open mind. There could be something beyond science also. Because parasympathetic, the doctors don’t know. There are so many things they don’t know. So go to the basis. The fundamentals. It's much easier. Shri Mataji: Ah, now you're all right. Her hand is cured, you see. Can you show him, it's cured now. They should not wear black any more in Iran, they should not. It's over now. No more. It's finished. Antonio: I am explaining Shri Mataji, that, all that you are doing that you are curing people, giving Realization, but you are also giving the power to all these Realized souls to do the same. Shri Mataji: Of course. Of course. Of course. Of course. No doubt. You can cure also. Of course. It hardly takes one month to master it. One month. Not seven years of education of medical science. Son of Ayatollah: We need seven years to start medical science. Shri Mataji: I did the same that's why. Shri Mataji: She thinks too much. The daughter in law didn't eat her food. Where is she? Antonio: I don't know. Lady: She's gone out. Shri Mataji: She didn't eat her food. She (Victoria) has liver, lots of heat, she has liver. Shri Mataji: Better now? Lady: Better. Heart is better, left Nabhi is there. Shri Mataji: How is she? Antonio: She feels better, she is good. Lady: Peaceful. Still Agnya. Antonio: In Iran, there's a lot of Agnya and Left Nabhi, Shri Mataji. He was the same at the beginning, Shri Mataji, a lot of Agnya and Left Nabhi. Majid: Also, I was the same. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: They think too much, they think too much. Majid: We have so many problems in Iran, every day we think about everything. Shri Mataji: Here? Majid: Yes. Antonio: They keep on thinking about all these problems going on. Shri Mataji: But with Sahaja Yoga that you don’t think and problems are solved Majid: Yes. Shri Mataji: Better now. Ask her to watch Me without thinking. Antonio: I'm saying because she says: "When we think, we cannot help it." I say that we can do in Sahaja Yoga. And you'll see that when the thoughts will be lower then you'll feel much more peaceful. Shri Mataji: Now, you are no thinking. Antonio: She says, right now I am not thinking. Shri Mataji: Ah! Beautiful. [Laughter] Take a photograph at the end. Majid: I think it's perfect. [Laughter] Shri Mataji: She's quite enjoying it. Please stay for a while. Nothing serious, smile. END OF PART 1
Why we cannot come to a common point?
Public Program
Public Program, Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, 16th July 1993 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot conceptualise it. Truth has to be known, through our evolutionary process, on our central nervous system. It has to be tangible. When we are seeking the truth, we have to know what we have to seek. Whatever I want to tell you today, you need not take it for granted and you should not believe me blindly. But you have to be a like scientist with an open mind and see for yourself if it is true. Then, as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your country and the whole world at large. These days we see so many problems in our life all kinds of struggles going on. On one side you see our family life is breaking; our society is breaking; people are becoming materialistic and have no place for love and affection. Everybody seems to be starving for affection and compassion. These are the worst times for peace also. There is no big war on but every country seems to be on the war path with each other. People take to all destructive measures automatically. As a result we have people who are suffering from all kinds of diseases which are incurable. There are people who are taking to drugs and heavy things which are just to destroy themselves. In the most affluent countries of Scandinavia and Switzerland, the young people are trying to compete in suicide. So this so called affluence has not helped us. There is something missing in us that we cannot come to a common point. All these problems come to us because we do not know the absolute truth. We are following some sort of blind faith or some sort of a dogma or some sort of an artificial theory. And we believe through our rationality that whatever we are doing is good. It has not helped anyone. If you go to science, you’ll find out that science is amoral. It deals with matter, but what about the living process? So I have to tell you what the truth is. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all pervading power of divine love that does all the living work. Now you see all these beautiful flowers all over, especially Holland is known for its flowers, but it’s a miracle that out of one seed a particular type of flower comes up. But we take it for granted; we don’t even think how it works. We take everything for granted; our heart is running, how? What is the remote control for this heart of so many people? The doctors say it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So we turn to religion and many religions there are, but we have found that religions are only power oriented or money oriented. They are not spirit oriented. Thus we get lost there also. And out of these beautiful flowers of these great incarnations and prophets what has come out are these beautiful religions. They were born on the same tree of spirituality. They preached, of course, according to the time but people plucked these flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers, this is mine, this is mine. Thus we have fundamentalism and all kinds of problems arising out of ignorance. All these problems come to us from human beings. And all these problems in human beings come to us through these centres which are in our subtle system. When this subtle system is out of gear, we get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now by any chance, if you could put these centres right and we could be one with this all pervading power of divine love, then all problems can be solved. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. When you are not connected… that is the yoga, it’s the union. Sahaja means born with you, “saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you the right to become one, “yoga”, with this all pervading power. This is the resurrection. This is the last judgement. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution which we have to achieve. It’s a living process of evolution. Our creator was the greatest planner. He has made beautiful instruments within us to achieve this last breakthrough of our second birth and when it happens, you can feel on your finger tips this all pervading power for the first time. The first thing that happens to you is that you live in your present. We live in the past, which doesn’t exist now anymore, which is finished or in the future which also doesn’t exist. The reality is in the present. But we cannot stay in our present. A thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off and we are jumping on the cusp of the past and the future thoughts. But when this power, which is in the sacrum bone, rises, awakens, both these thoughts separate and in between these thoughts there is, what you call, the present. There you do not think but you are absolutely aware. If you want you can think; if you don’t want you need not think. You can stop your thinking completely. And spirituality grows in the present. As a result you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call thoughtless awareness. Then you start feeling this all pervading power on your finger tips. It enlightens all these five, six and seven (centres) on both the hands, fourteen points. And on these fourteen points, you can decode what they are saying. So you can feel your own centres, what’s wrong with you. So there is self-knowledge. Also you can feel the centres of others. So you develop a new dimension in your awareness called collective consciousness. You can feel it on your finger tips, of anybody, far away or dead. But if you know how to correct these centres, sitting down here, then you can solve the problem. All these powers are within you. Now the spirit is the source of absolute truth. Spirit is the reflection of God almighty in your heart. So in all of us, when it is reflected, it is the collective being. Now you can ask any question after realisation, for example, you can ask the question; “Is there God?” And you start getting absolutely a cool breeze of the divine power on your finger tips. Now there are many people who are false, who talk about God and have nothing to do with it. They just want to make money out of you. So you ask the question “Are they divine people, do they have anything to do with God or not?” You’ll immediately feel, especially this here, a kind of pins and needles, maybe a little burning. From an individual to anything you can ask the question. You all will get the same answer. Because we are not standing in reality there are fights and quarrels and nobody thinks the same way as the other thinks. There are arguments, discussion; all kinds of things but without any results. But then you don’t quarrel, don’t fight, nothing. You know the truth; all of you know the same truth. In the present you have peace within yourself. You become peaceful in the present state. That peace is also within yourself. I have met people who have got, you see, great awards for peace and big, big money, just as calling them symbols of peace, I have met them. But they have no peace within. Actually they are extremely hot tempered people. So you can find out what is real and what is unreal. And also you get the power to be one with reality because of absolute knowledge. Supposing I’m holding a snake in my hand and I’m ignorant, and you tell me there is a snake in your hand and I am very adamant, I’ll say “No, it’s not a snake. It’s a rope”, I’ll go on saying;”This is a rope.” Till the snake bites me, I’ll go on saying “No, no, this is a rope.” But if there is a little light, I’ll just throw away the snake. So you don’t have to be told “Don’t do this, don’t do this”, you just don’t do it, whatever is destructive. It happens automatically. Also when your attention is enlightened by your spirit, it becomes innocent. We should know that our innocence cannot be lost, cannot be destroyed; it is all there, intact. Only we can say there are some clouds. But as soon as this light comes into us, our eyes become innocent, our temperament becomes innocent. And a person of such a calibre, even paying attention to anyone, can do a lot. As I told you that these centres are responsible for your physical, emotional and spiritual being, so believe me that your physical problems are cured. You’ll be amazed to know that many incurable diseases are cured by Sahaja Yoga. A lot of research has been done in India, as well as in England. Also there is nice book that has come out now by a doctor who was the head of a department. But if you get your realisation, after that you don’t suffer from any physical trouble. May be there is some dormant sickness but it can be cured. Many mental cases have also been cured with Sahaja Yoga because you are connected with that vital force which nourishes you completely and your centres are absolutely integrated. In short you become a saint; but you don’t have to give up your families, you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer. You have done all this nonsense in your last life. How can you suffer when your father God Almighty is nothing but compassion? Which father would like his son to suffer? Christ has already suffered for us. Are we going to suffer more than him? But I think this theory is there because people want to frighten you and make you suffer. I can’t understand. So actually this is the time for you to enter into the Kingdom of God where there is joy, an ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness; it is absolutely singular; absolute joy. We have not known ourselves at all and our brain is only active like the tip of an iceberg. Actually people become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate. There are many artists who suddenly have become world famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Now also I was surprised that in Paris, I discovered that there are many Muslims, who do not want to be fundamentalist, who have joined Sahaja Yoga. Because they say whatever I am saying is also in the Koran; and also in the Bible, that you are to be born again. But we give ourselves a certificate: “I’m born again. I’m Christian. I’m Muslim. I’m Hindu.” This is all a brand. It has not helped anyone so far. Unless and until you are connected to God, how can you even pray to him? It’s very misleading, and no wonder people are now giving up the idea of God. But there is God Almighty. Everything is tangible in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not a blind faith. The most surprising thing is that in countries where there was communism once upon a time, Sahaja Yoga is spreading like fire. They had no conditionings, and though their government was no good, people were very introspective. I’m in no way for communism, but what is democracy? It’s a “demonocracy”. There was no proper communism, there is no proper democracy. If you are going to America, you can’t even wear your wedding ring. They may kill you, even for your wedding ring; where it is supposed to be the height, or the greatest type of democracy; and tremendous slavery of a very subtle nature. Like a fashion starts in Paris for six-inch skirts (mini-skirts), so all over Europe and America you can’t find any sensible skirts. We talk of individuality, but there is nothing; they are like herds, everybody is wearing the same dress. Now some clownish dress starts, everybody wants to wear the same clownish dress. Where is the individuality? There is such a slavery of materialism; all kinds of stupidity also. That they could not do in communist countries. Like this actress Elisabeth Taylor marrying nine times or eight times, I have lost count; and grown-up people going to see her honeymoon; four thousand people waiting in front of her house and ten helicopters hovering over; and the parachutes coming down taking photographs - and they fell on the trees and on the people! I’m sure the Dutch would never accept such a thing. It’s so stupid. Also I saw a film where eighty-year, ninety-year-old actors and actress, dressed up in very dazzling dresses, were going for a shake dance; very seriously. And while getting down from the car only, they were shaking. What was the need for them to go for a shake dance? Such stupid things they do. In America I was really shocked because the problems they brought to me were so stupid. I said have they lost all their wisdom? They have no maturity of any kind. Because there is freedom, freedom to the media, they can publish anything and people take it without even thinking. They are ashamed to be mature. They do such stupid things, unbelievably absolutely subhuman. So what is our development? In America they have birthdays of dogs and celebrate it in a big way. This stupidity, idiocy that has come through our freedom, we should really be a little careful. And they feel they have no identity. In a free country why should people think they have no identity? So they start all kinds of fads. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots and stupid people. Only such people can be exploited by some false gurus or something. I mean in Boston they asked me “How many Roll Royces do you have?” - the media. I said,”I have none. I have only one car that my husband has.” So they said, “We are not interested. You are not in the business”. The greatest joke is like this. There is a place called Togliatti in Russia where we have twenty two thousand practicing Sahaja Yogis, twenty two thousand. And I went there only recently after Gorbatchov declared the freedom, and I have been going to America for years. So we had a meeting in Togliatti and one gentleman asked an American; “How many Sahaja Yogis you have?” So he said “In America we have fifty-six.” So the Togliatti fellow says “O my God, you are fifty-six thousand, we are only twenty-two thousand!” So the America which is the epitome of development, this is the growth of their brains. Now we have to stop and think where we are going? What is our future? What have we to achieve? It’s all within you. It’s your own power. It’s all given to you. Your evolution is freely for you. You cannot pay for it. No effort is needed. No suffering, no mantras, nothing. You are awakened as easily as you put the seed in the mother earth and she sprouts. Because the seed has the built-in quality and the mother earth also has the built-in quality to sprout. So it is for you to know the value of your life. Not to waste it clinging on to this organisation, that organisation; no! Try to understand what you can achieve yourself. You have all the divine powers within you. You can give realisation to people, you can cure them, you can give them peace; you can give them joy. It’s all your own. The fragrance is within you which has to manifest. But we have to have respect for ourselves and concern about yourself. But if you are conditioned and don’t want to open your heart, it’s going to be difficult because this power of Kundalini, which is in the sacrum bone, is the power of pure desire. This bone is called sacrum, means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. I know you all have some questions in your heads and now I have become quite clever, I can answer all your questions. But it’s mental acrobatics. You have to go beyond the mental. So it’s no use answering questions. See in this hall, there are so many lights, and you just have to put on one switch and all the lights are there, because they are built-in. But supposing I have to tell you all the history of electricity, then how it was brought to Holland, then to this hall, you’ll be all bored stiff. So why not get your enlightenment? Because it is built-in within you. Tonight, I am sure, you all are going to get your self -realisation. But if you are still attached to some organisation or you are attached to some sort of idiocy, then it may not work. But if you are desirous of getting your self-realisation, you will get it. So may God bless you. It will take about - because we are also slaves of this watch - ten to fifteen minutes or so. So many slaveries, you see. So if you don’t want to have your self-realisation, I would humbly request that you can go because it is not civil to disturb others. At the very outset, I have to assure you that if you want your self-realisation, all of you will get it tonight. You must have full confidence. The first thing, or we can say, the first request I have is this, that you should not feel guilty about anything whatsoever. If you have committed mistakes, you should face them that’s all, but what’s the use of feeling guilty. I must tell you that when you feel guilty, this centre here on the left side gets out of gear completely. And as a result, you get a horrible disease called angina, or you get spondalitis, or else you might get lethargic organs. Also it’s a fashion to feel guilty. Like in Switzerland one lady told me “I’m feeling very guilty for Afghanistan”. But what have you done? I mean, you have nothing to do with Afghanistan. People even feel guilty if they put the knife and fork in the wrong way. Can you imagine? All stupid types of norms that human beings have found; we start feeling guilty. All this matter, all this world is for your enjoyment, you are the masters. But if you feel guilty and this centre is catching, which I know is very much catching here, then this Kundalini won’t rise, she’ll stop here. So just tell yourself “I am not guilty at all”, tell yourself absolutely you have done nothing wrong. After all you are not God, you are human beings and human beings have to commit mistakes. So why feel guilty, I can’t understand. So the second request is that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. But this centre inside the brain is like this with the optic chiasm and unless and until you forgive it won’t open. So there’s another hurdle. But you have already tortured yourself quite a lot for others, now why do you want to miss this point? Many say “We can’t forgive”. Just say it. When I tell you; in general, don’t even think of them, it’s a headache. The third condition, or request, I would say, is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself. Whatever you have done, whatever so called mistakes you have committed. This all pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. So be absolutely confident that you will get your realisation. Otherwise you would not have come here. I hope you will comply with these three requests of mine and achieve your self-realisation. Now this is how it sprouts but you have to look after the growth of your spirituality. Sahaja Yoga is a living process of a living organism. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. So you cannot just say I am doing it at home or I am doing individually. You have to come to our collective. Also you have to know that our door is open to everyone, it is free; so all kind of crazy people also might come in. You should not worry about them. These crazy people also get alright. So you must have patience with them and compassion for them. It’s a collective happening, like if a nail is cut out, it doesn’t grow, so you have to belong to the body which is a living organism. This is how you transcend all races and fundamentalism and all kinds of nonsense, because God has created one world. And all the wars and strifes can end up. It is a very silent revolution and at this important time, you should join hands with us. We’ll have our follow on; please all of you after realisation come to it. You won’t have to pay at all. But you have to give some time to yourself and respect yourself. In the West my experience has been horrifying. For my program there will be five thousand people and for the follow up hardly three or four. While I must say in communist countries, there will be two thousand in the hall, two thousand outside. And if you say that we will have the program outside, there will be six thousand the next morning. And all the six thousand will get to it. It’s very surprising; those who have never known about God are taking to reality. And gradually these countries might become very powerful, even financially. So let us be serious about it. First we’ll show you how to nourish your own centres. Keep your eyes open and see for yourself; and then we’ll close our eyes and your ascent will take place. So now you have to be very comfortably sitting in your chairs. We don’t have to go to the Himalayas and stand on our heads. In your chair you get your realisation. So first of all place your left hand on your lap very comfortably. Everybody must do it; left hand. Open it out. Please put the left hand; your left hand; not right. Tell him the left. She is alright. He is… the gentleman. Put your left. It’s correct. They speak Hindi language? Now put your left hand. Now this left hand is symbolic because the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. So it’s symbolic that you desire your self-realisation. Now the right side is the power of action. So we use the right hand for nourishing our centres, only on the left-hand side. But we have to understand that whatever we are doing is only for tonight. I’m sorry to say but it is better you take out your shoes because this mother earth also helps us a lot. There are people who don’t even want to take out…they left because of the shoes, I am surprised. It doesn’t matter. So… a very small sacrifice is to take out your shoes, isn’t it? Alright, now please put both your legs apart from each other. That means there are two powers. Now you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit, I have told you. If you become the spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. There is a centre for your mastery which is created by the great masters; masters and prophets. Please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. You’ll be amazed to know that the centre for pure knowledge is at the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Again raise your hand, right hand, on to the upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Then raise it in the angle of your neck and shoulder and put your head to the right. I’ve already told you about this centre. Now raise your right hand on your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre for forgiving everyone in general. Now please put your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. At this centre without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. Now stretch your palm fully. This is the last centre. Please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now the most important thing is to push back your fingers, so there is a pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head again, fully. Now move your hand, with a pressure on your scalp, seven times clockwise, slowly. That’s all we have to do. There is a gentleman sitting there, he is not doing anything, he should leave the hall. I would be thankful. Please leave the hall, that’s very kind of you if you can leave the hall. What is he saying? He is not leaving? Why? (Henno: He is arguing). We can argue later on, just now they want to have their realisation. You are the only person, will you please go out. Yes, we’ll argue later on. Thank you. By argument what can you get? Nothing! (Self realisation) So now we put our feet apart from each other like this. Take down your hands, take down. Put the left hand like this, on the left-hand side. You can take off your spectacles because you have to close your eyes and you need not open your eyes till I tell you. So please put your right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself to me. You can call me Shri Mataji, or Mother, whatever you like. So the first question you have to ask three times: “Mother, am I the spirit? I’ve told you if you are the spirit, you become your own master. (Something missing? – tape goes quiet) Now put your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Please ask another fundamental question here three times; “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard and ask six times, because this centre has got six petals; please say six times; “Mother, please give me pure knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish the upper centres with our self confidence. So now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen. And here you have to say with full confidence, ten times: ”Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full confidence, twelve times: “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This divine power is the ocean of knowledge, love and joy. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So now please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say it with full confidence sixteen times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have explained to you already that logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So raise your hand onto your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Don’t think about them. This is very important. Now take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without thinking about your mistakes, counting, or your guilt, just for your satisfaction, you have to say; ”Oh, divine power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me.” In Sahaja Yoga, you get the actualisation of your baptism and the Kundalini is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost reflected as the Kundalini which is actually the primordial mother. Now please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. And now bend your head. Please stretch back your fingers; please stretch them back so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again I respect your freedom. I cannot force self-realisation on you. So you have to ask for it and so please say seven times, moving your scalp seven times: “Mother, please give me my self-realisation.” Please bend your heads forward. (Shri Mataji blows in the microphone seven times). Now please take down your hands and open your eyes. Put both your hands like this towards me and don’t think. Watch me and don’t move, just keep it steady. Now put the right hand like this and bend your head and see for yourself with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it close by, some far away, but don’t keep your hand on the head. Now please take your left hand like this and put down your head again and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to move a little, see for yourself. Bend your head, bend your head it’s easier. Now once again, put the right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself now if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask me one of the three questions which I’ll tell you now. Please ask three times: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or ”Mother, is this the all pervading power of divine love?” or ”Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya”. Ask any one of these three times. Now please take down your hands. You’ll feel relaxed, and all those who have felt a cool or a hot breeze on their fingers or in their hands or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Wah, wah, the whole of Holland is now flowering. It’s the blossom time! This is the first time you have felt it. (applause). This is the first time you have felt the cool breeze of the all pervading power which is called also as “Ruh”. So now you have to grow more and I hope you’ll definitely come to the follow on and in the collective. If you have any problems or questions, you should write to me, later on. May God bless you. Now enjoy yourself. Should we have some music? (Applause) They want to sing one song to you.
Public Program, Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, 16th July 1993 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot conceptualise it. Truth has to be known, through our evolutionary process, on our central nervous system. It has to be tangible. When we are seeking the truth, we have to know what we have to seek. Whatever I want to tell you today, you need not take it for granted and you should not believe me blindly. But you have to be a like scientist with an open mind and see for yourself if it is true. Then, as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for the benevolence of yourself, your country and the whole world at large. These days we see so many problems in our life all kinds of struggles going on. On one side you see our family life is breaking; our society is breaking; people are becoming materialistic and have no place for love and affection. Everybody seems to be starving for affection and compassion. These are the worst times for peace also. There is no big war on but every country seems to be on the war path with each other. People take to all destructive measures automatically. As a result we have people who are suffering from all kinds of diseases which are incurable. There are people who are taking to drugs and heavy things which are just to destroy themselves. In the most affluent countries of Scandinavia and Switzerland, the young people are trying to compete in suicide. So this so called affluence has not helped us. There is something missing in us that we cannot come to a common point. All these problems come to us because we do not know the absolute truth. We are following some sort of blind faith or some sort of a dogma or some sort of an artificial theory. And we believe through our rationality that whatever we are doing is good. It has not helped anyone. If you go to science, you’ll find out that science is amoral. It deals with matter, but what about the living process? So I have to tell you what the truth is. The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all pervading power of divine love that does all the living work. Now you see all these beautiful flowers all over, especially Holland is known for its flowers, but it’s a miracle that out of one seed a particular type of flower comes up. But we take it for granted; we don’t even think how it works. We take everything for granted; our heart is running, how? What is the remote control for this heart of so many people? The doctors say it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So we turn to religion and many religions there are, but we have found that religions are only power oriented or money oriented. They are not spirit oriented. Thus we get lost there also. And out of these beautiful flowers of these great incarnations and prophets what has come out are these beautiful religions. They were born on the same tree of spirituality. They preached, of course, according to the time but people plucked these flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers, this is mine, this is mine. Thus we have fundamentalism and all kinds of problems arising out of ignorance. All these problems come to us from human beings. And all these problems in human beings come to us through these centres which are in our subtle system. When this subtle system is out of gear, we get physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now by any chance, if you could put these centres right and we could be one with this all pervading power of divine love, then all problems can be solved. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. When you are not connected… that is the yoga, it’s the union. Sahaja means born with you, “saha” means with, “ja” means born. It is born with you the right to become one, “yoga”, with this all pervading power. This is the resurrection. This is the last judgement. This is the last breakthrough of our evolution which we have to achieve. It’s a living process of evolution. Our creator was the greatest planner. He has made beautiful instruments within us to achieve this last breakthrough of our second birth and when it happens, you can feel on your finger tips this all pervading power for the first time. The first thing that happens to you is that you live in your present. We live in the past, which doesn’t exist now anymore, which is finished or in the future which also doesn’t exist. The reality is in the present. But we cannot stay in our present. A thought rises, falls off, another thought rises, falls off and we are jumping on the cusp of the past and the future thoughts. But when this power, which is in the sacrum bone, rises, awakens, both these thoughts separate and in between these thoughts there is, what you call, the present. There you do not think but you are absolutely aware. If you want you can think; if you don’t want you need not think. You can stop your thinking completely. And spirituality grows in the present. As a result you develop a new dimension in your awareness which we call thoughtless awareness. Then you start feeling this all pervading power on your finger tips. It enlightens all these five, six and seven (centres) on both the hands, fourteen points. And on these fourteen points, you can decode what they are saying. So you can feel your own centres, what’s wrong with you. So there is self-knowledge. Also you can feel the centres of others. So you develop a new dimension in your awareness called collective consciousness. You can feel it on your finger tips, of anybody, far away or dead. But if you know how to correct these centres, sitting down here, then you can solve the problem. All these powers are within you. Now the spirit is the source of absolute truth. Spirit is the reflection of God almighty in your heart. So in all of us, when it is reflected, it is the collective being. Now you can ask any question after realisation, for example, you can ask the question; “Is there God?” And you start getting absolutely a cool breeze of the divine power on your finger tips. Now there are many people who are false, who talk about God and have nothing to do with it. They just want to make money out of you. So you ask the question “Are they divine people, do they have anything to do with God or not?” You’ll immediately feel, especially this here, a kind of pins and needles, maybe a little burning. From an individual to anything you can ask the question. You all will get the same answer. Because we are not standing in reality there are fights and quarrels and nobody thinks the same way as the other thinks. There are arguments, discussion; all kinds of things but without any results. But then you don’t quarrel, don’t fight, nothing. You know the truth; all of you know the same truth. In the present you have peace within yourself. You become peaceful in the present state. That peace is also within yourself. I have met people who have got, you see, great awards for peace and big, big money, just as calling them symbols of peace, I have met them. But they have no peace within. Actually they are extremely hot tempered people. So you can find out what is real and what is unreal. And also you get the power to be one with reality because of absolute knowledge. Supposing I’m holding a snake in my hand and I’m ignorant, and you tell me there is a snake in your hand and I am very adamant, I’ll say “No, it’s not a snake. It’s a rope”, I’ll go on saying;”This is a rope.” Till the snake bites me, I’ll go on saying “No, no, this is a rope.” But if there is a little light, I’ll just throw away the snake. So you don’t have to be told “Don’t do this, don’t do this”, you just don’t do it, whatever is destructive. It happens automatically. Also when your attention is enlightened by your spirit, it becomes innocent. We should know that our innocence cannot be lost, cannot be destroyed; it is all there, intact. Only we can say there are some clouds. But as soon as this light comes into us, our eyes become innocent, our temperament becomes innocent. And a person of such a calibre, even paying attention to anyone, can do a lot. As I told you that these centres are responsible for your physical, emotional and spiritual being, so believe me that your physical problems are cured. You’ll be amazed to know that many incurable diseases are cured by Sahaja Yoga. A lot of research has been done in India, as well as in England. Also there is nice book that has come out now by a doctor who was the head of a department. But if you get your realisation, after that you don’t suffer from any physical trouble. May be there is some dormant sickness but it can be cured. Many mental cases have also been cured with Sahaja Yoga because you are connected with that vital force which nourishes you completely and your centres are absolutely integrated. In short you become a saint; but you don’t have to give up your families, you don’t have to sacrifice and suffer. You have done all this nonsense in your last life. How can you suffer when your father God Almighty is nothing but compassion? Which father would like his son to suffer? Christ has already suffered for us. Are we going to suffer more than him? But I think this theory is there because people want to frighten you and make you suffer. I can’t understand. So actually this is the time for you to enter into the Kingdom of God where there is joy, an ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness; it is absolutely singular; absolute joy. We have not known ourselves at all and our brain is only active like the tip of an iceberg. Actually people become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate. There are many artists who suddenly have become world famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Now also I was surprised that in Paris, I discovered that there are many Muslims, who do not want to be fundamentalist, who have joined Sahaja Yoga. Because they say whatever I am saying is also in the Koran; and also in the Bible, that you are to be born again. But we give ourselves a certificate: “I’m born again. I’m Christian. I’m Muslim. I’m Hindu.” This is all a brand. It has not helped anyone so far. Unless and until you are connected to God, how can you even pray to him? It’s very misleading, and no wonder people are now giving up the idea of God. But there is God Almighty. Everything is tangible in Sahaja Yoga. It’s not a blind faith. The most surprising thing is that in countries where there was communism once upon a time, Sahaja Yoga is spreading like fire. They had no conditionings, and though their government was no good, people were very introspective. I’m in no way for communism, but what is democracy? It’s a “demonocracy”. There was no proper communism, there is no proper democracy. If you are going to America, you can’t even wear your wedding ring. They may kill you, even for your wedding ring; where it is supposed to be the height, or the greatest type of democracy; and tremendous slavery of a very subtle nature. Like a fashion starts in Paris for six-inch skirts (mini-skirts), so all over Europe and America you can’t find any sensible skirts. We talk of individuality, but there is nothing; they are like herds, everybody is wearing the same dress. Now some clownish dress starts, everybody wants to wear the same clownish dress. Where is the individuality? There is such a slavery of materialism; all kinds of stupidity also. That they could not do in communist countries. Like this actress Elisabeth Taylor marrying nine times or eight times, I have lost count; and grown-up people going to see her honeymoon; four thousand people waiting in front of her house and ten helicopters hovering over; and the parachutes coming down taking photographs - and they fell on the trees and on the people! I’m sure the Dutch would never accept such a thing. It’s so stupid. Also I saw a film where eighty-year, ninety-year-old actors and actress, dressed up in very dazzling dresses, were going for a shake dance; very seriously. And while getting down from the car only, they were shaking. What was the need for them to go for a shake dance? Such stupid things they do. In America I was really shocked because the problems they brought to me were so stupid. I said have they lost all their wisdom? They have no maturity of any kind. Because there is freedom, freedom to the media, they can publish anything and people take it without even thinking. They are ashamed to be mature. They do such stupid things, unbelievably absolutely subhuman. So what is our development? In America they have birthdays of dogs and celebrate it in a big way. This stupidity, idiocy that has come through our freedom, we should really be a little careful. And they feel they have no identity. In a free country why should people think they have no identity? So they start all kinds of fads. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots and stupid people. Only such people can be exploited by some false gurus or something. I mean in Boston they asked me “How many Roll Royces do you have?” - the media. I said,”I have none. I have only one car that my husband has.” So they said, “We are not interested. You are not in the business”. The greatest joke is like this. There is a place called Togliatti in Russia where we have twenty two thousand practicing Sahaja Yogis, twenty two thousand. And I went there only recently after Gorbatchov declared the freedom, and I have been going to America for years. So we had a meeting in Togliatti and one gentleman asked an American; “How many Sahaja Yogis you have?” So he said “In America we have fifty-six.” So the Togliatti fellow says “O my God, you are fifty-six thousand, we are only twenty-two thousand!” So the America which is the epitome of development, this is the growth of their brains. Now we have to stop and think where we are going? What is our future? What have we to achieve? It’s all within you. It’s your own power. It’s all given to you. Your evolution is freely for you. You cannot pay for it. No effort is needed. No suffering, no mantras, nothing. You are awakened as easily as you put the seed in the mother earth and she sprouts. Because the seed has the built-in quality and the mother earth also has the built-in quality to sprout. So it is for you to know the value of your life. Not to waste it clinging on to this organisation, that organisation; no! Try to understand what you can achieve yourself. You have all the divine powers within you. You can give realisation to people, you can cure them, you can give them peace; you can give them joy. It’s all your own. The fragrance is within you which has to manifest. But we have to have respect for ourselves and concern about yourself. But if you are conditioned and don’t want to open your heart, it’s going to be difficult because this power of Kundalini, which is in the sacrum bone, is the power of pure desire. This bone is called sacrum, means the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. I know you all have some questions in your heads and now I have become quite clever, I can answer all your questions. But it’s mental acrobatics. You have to go beyond the mental. So it’s no use answering questions. See in this hall, there are so many lights, and you just have to put on one switch and all the lights are there, because they are built-in. But supposing I have to tell you all the history of electricity, then how it was brought to Holland, then to this hall, you’ll be all bored stiff. So why not get your enlightenment? Because it is built-in within you. Tonight, I am sure, you all are going to get your self -realisation. But if you are still attached to some organisation or you are attached to some sort of idiocy, then it may not work. But if you are desirous of getting your self-realisation, you will get it. So may God bless you. It will take about - because we are also slaves of this watch - ten to fifteen minutes or so. So many slaveries, you see. So if you don’t want to have your self-realisation, I would humbly request that you can go because it is not civil to disturb others. At the very outset, I have to assure you that if you want your self-realisation, all of you will get it tonight. You must have full confidence. The first thing, or we can say, the first request I have is this, that you should not feel guilty about anything whatsoever. If you have committed mistakes, you should face them that’s all, but what’s the use of feeling guilty. I must tell you that when you feel guilty, this centre here on the left side gets out of gear completely. And as a result, you get a horrible disease called angina, or you get spondalitis, or else you might get lethargic organs. Also it’s a fashion to feel guilty. Like in Switzerland one lady told me “I’m feeling very guilty for Afghanistan”. But what have you done? I mean, you have nothing to do with Afghanistan. People even feel guilty if they put the knife and fork in the wrong way. Can you imagine? All stupid types of norms that human beings have found; we start feeling guilty. All this matter, all this world is for your enjoyment, you are the masters. But if you feel guilty and this centre is catching, which I know is very much catching here, then this Kundalini won’t rise, she’ll stop here. So just tell yourself “I am not guilty at all”, tell yourself absolutely you have done nothing wrong. After all you are not God, you are human beings and human beings have to commit mistakes. So why feel guilty, I can’t understand. So the second request is that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. But this centre inside the brain is like this with the optic chiasm and unless and until you forgive it won’t open. So there’s another hurdle. But you have already tortured yourself quite a lot for others, now why do you want to miss this point? Many say “We can’t forgive”. Just say it. When I tell you; in general, don’t even think of them, it’s a headache. The third condition, or request, I would say, is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself. Whatever you have done, whatever so called mistakes you have committed. This all pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness. So be absolutely confident that you will get your realisation. Otherwise you would not have come here. I hope you will comply with these three requests of mine and achieve your self-realisation. Now this is how it sprouts but you have to look after the growth of your spirituality. Sahaja Yoga is a living process of a living organism. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. So you cannot just say I am doing it at home or I am doing individually. You have to come to our collective. Also you have to know that our door is open to everyone, it is free; so all kind of crazy people also might come in. You should not worry about them. These crazy people also get alright. So you must have patience with them and compassion for them. It’s a collective happening, like if a nail is cut out, it doesn’t grow, so you have to belong to the body which is a living organism. This is how you transcend all races and fundamentalism and all kinds of nonsense, because God has created one world. And all the wars and strifes can end up. It is a very silent revolution and at this important time, you should join hands with us. We’ll have our follow on; please all of you after realisation come to it. You won’t have to pay at all. But you have to give some time to yourself and respect yourself. In the West my experience has been horrifying. For my program there will be five thousand people and for the follow up hardly three or four. While I must say in communist countries, there will be two thousand in the hall, two thousand outside. And if you say that we will have the program outside, there will be six thousand the next morning. And all the six thousand will get to it. It’s very surprising; those who have never known about God are taking to reality. And gradually these countries might become very powerful, even financially. So let us be serious about it. First we’ll show you how to nourish your own centres. Keep your eyes open and see for yourself; and then we’ll close our eyes and your ascent will take place. So now you have to be very comfortably sitting in your chairs. We don’t have to go to the Himalayas and stand on our heads. In your chair you get your realisation. So first of all place your left hand on your lap very comfortably. Everybody must do it; left hand. Open it out. Please put the left hand; your left hand; not right. Tell him the left. She is alright. He is… the gentleman. Put your left. It’s correct. They speak Hindi language? Now put your left hand. Now this left hand is symbolic because the left side is the power of desire, mundane desire. So it’s symbolic that you desire your self-realisation. Now the right side is the power of action. So we use the right hand for nourishing our centres, only on the left-hand side. But we have to understand that whatever we are doing is only for tonight. I’m sorry to say but it is better you take out your shoes because this mother earth also helps us a lot. There are people who don’t even want to take out…they left because of the shoes, I am surprised. It doesn’t matter. So… a very small sacrifice is to take out your shoes, isn’t it? Alright, now please put both your legs apart from each other. That means there are two powers. Now you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit, I have told you. If you become the spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. There is a centre for your mastery which is created by the great masters; masters and prophets. Please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. You’ll be amazed to know that the centre for pure knowledge is at the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Again raise your hand, right hand, on to the upper portion of your abdomen. Then raise it on your heart. Then raise it in the angle of your neck and shoulder and put your head to the right. I’ve already told you about this centre. Now raise your right hand on your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the centre for forgiving everyone in general. Now please put your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. At this centre without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. Now stretch your palm fully. This is the last centre. Please put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now the most important thing is to push back your fingers, so there is a pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head again, fully. Now move your hand, with a pressure on your scalp, seven times clockwise, slowly. That’s all we have to do. There is a gentleman sitting there, he is not doing anything, he should leave the hall. I would be thankful. Please leave the hall, that’s very kind of you if you can leave the hall. What is he saying? He is not leaving? Why? (Henno: He is arguing). We can argue later on, just now they want to have their realisation. You are the only person, will you please go out. Yes, we’ll argue later on. Thank you. By argument what can you get? Nothing! (Self realisation) So now we put our feet apart from each other like this. Take down your hands, take down. Put the left hand like this, on the left-hand side. You can take off your spectacles because you have to close your eyes and you need not open your eyes till I tell you. So please put your right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself to me. You can call me Shri Mataji, or Mother, whatever you like. So the first question you have to ask three times: “Mother, am I the spirit? I’ve told you if you are the spirit, you become your own master. (Something missing? – tape goes quiet) Now put your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Please ask another fundamental question here three times; “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard and ask six times, because this centre has got six petals; please say six times; “Mother, please give me pure knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish the upper centres with our self confidence. So now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen. And here you have to say with full confidence, ten times: ”Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full confidence, twelve times: “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This divine power is the ocean of knowledge, love and joy. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So now please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say it with full confidence sixteen times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have explained to you already that logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So raise your hand onto your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Don’t think about them. This is very important. Now take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without thinking about your mistakes, counting, or your guilt, just for your satisfaction, you have to say; ”Oh, divine power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me.” In Sahaja Yoga, you get the actualisation of your baptism and the Kundalini is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost reflected as the Kundalini which is actually the primordial mother. Now please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. And now bend your head. Please stretch back your fingers; please stretch them back so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Here again I respect your freedom. I cannot force self-realisation on you. So you have to ask for it and so please say seven times, moving your scalp seven times: “Mother, please give me my self-realisation.” Please bend your heads forward. (Shri Mataji blows in the microphone seven times). Now please take down your hands and open your eyes. Put both your hands like this towards me and don’t think. Watch me and don’t move, just keep it steady. Now put the right hand like this and bend your head and see for yourself with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it close by, some far away, but don’t keep your hand on the head. Now please take your left hand like this and put down your head again and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You have to move a little, see for yourself. Bend your head, bend your head it’s easier. Now once again, put the right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself now if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and ask me one of the three questions which I’ll tell you now. Please ask three times: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or ”Mother, is this the all pervading power of divine love?” or ”Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya”. Ask any one of these three times. Now please take down your hands. You’ll feel relaxed, and all those who have felt a cool or a hot breeze on their fingers or in their hands or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Wah, wah, the whole of Holland is now flowering. It’s the blossom time! This is the first time you have felt it. (applause). This is the first time you have felt the cool breeze of the all pervading power which is called also as “Ruh”. So now you have to grow more and I hope you’ll definitely come to the follow on and in the collective. If you have any problems or questions, you should write to me, later on. May God bless you. Now enjoy yourself. Should we have some music? (Applause) They want to sing one song to you.
How to reach a higher state of awareness?
Public Program
1993-0717, Public Program, Hotel Metropole I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to know at the very outset that Truth is what is is. We cannot conceptualise it. We cannot change it. It has been, it is and it will be. But we have to know the absolute Truth. So far whatever we know through our human awareness is not absolute. That’s why there are so many differences, so many different ideologies. This Truth we have to know on our central nervous system. It cannot be just a sermon from me or a kind of a lecture to you. It has to be tangible. And the time has come for all of you to know the absolute Truth. But you have to be the seekers of Truth. Now the main problem with us human beings is that we are born into some sort of a community, some sort of a religion. And we accept whatever is told to us blindfolded. But the Truth is to be know as said by everyone, that you are to be born again. It is not just our own certificate that we are born again, that you become that. But it is another dimension of our awareness by which we know the Truth on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution is known to us on our central nervous system. For example, a dog cannot feel the filth and the dirt. But human beings do. When we see so many different types of ideologies, we start wondering why, when we are all human beings, why we should have different types of ideologies. It comes because of blindness and ignorance. Artificially we cannot say that you are baptized. It is the actualization of the experience which is very important. And for that this is the best time, I call it the blossom time. Now whatever I am telling you, you need not accept blindfolded. But if you experience it then, if you are honest, you’d better accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. You should have an open mind of a scientist. Again I say: an open mind. The first truth about yourself is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all-pervading divine power of Love. Which does all the living work. For example you see these flowers so beautiful her. Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? It’s all a miracle. There are so many questions we cannot answer in the medical science. Unless and until you reach that higher state of awareness, you cannot answer all these questions. All this power is within you. It is your own power. Greeks knew that this bone is sacred, that’s why they called it a Sacrum bone where this power is resting. But afterwards, the whole thing was treated as myth. And so many spiritual things were just buried under the ground. Everywhere it has happened. We have seen as a result what is happening in our democracies. What’s happening to our children. In America you cannot go even with a wedding ring, it is so violent. Today while coming I really saw one girl, her purse was snatched by someone, in the car I saw, I was surprised and the man was running away. Why this insecurity has come within us? If there was God’s blessings on us, then there should have been no problems. When we see all these problems around us, all kinds of violence, all kinds of diseases, drugs, we get frightened with it. Then we take to religion. But religion has reached such a state that it is just money-oriented or power-oriented. Formerly they had Inquisition when they use to brand somebody as a witch and used to torture. But what is happening in Bosnia? Christians are starving Muslims, because they are Muslims. The people who are starving them are Christians. Think they are the disciples of Christ!. I don’t think they know Christ at all. If according to their theory, the one who suffers will go to Heaven and the one who make others suffer will go to Hell, then all these Christians will go to hell directly!. In every religion you find there’s nothing but fundamentalism. They call us as cult . Because we are not fundamentalists. Because after knowing the absolute Truth, we believe in all the religions. And we worship all the incarnations and all the prophets. Actually they were born on the same tree of life. With the fragrance of spirituality. But we have plucked the flowers and we are saying this is mine, this is mine and without the fragrance, we are talking about God. I was myself born in a Christian family. And my father told me, he was a realized soul, that the fundamental Christians will never listen to You . Because Christ has said I’ll send you the Holy Ghost . What about that? But Muslims are better. Because Koran talks about navis and walis, It talks about it. Even Christ has said those who are not against Me are with Me . Même le Christ a dit ceux qui ne sont pas contre Moi sont avec Moi . He was given hardly 3-4 years of public life. How much could He say?. He has even predicted about Mohamed Sahab. I feel the curse of Christian religion is Paul. He was persecuting Christ, he was christian, he killed disciples of Christ like Steven, such a nice disciple. But he was a bureaucrat so he thought it was a very good chance to jump on the platform to take over. He was epileptic and also the other day, I read in a book that he was homosexual. And the worst disciple of Christ was Peter. He denied… He denied Christ three times. And Christ said that a satan will take you over . And this is how Paul came in and he edited the life of Christ completely in a very methodical manner. The worst thing is there is no respect of the Mother of Christ. Because he was a hater of women. And this hating of women is responsible for today’s insecurity of women in the West. Paul thinks they have to all the time try to please men by showing their body, by pampering their ego. Supposing in India a husband does not care for the wife, the whole society will be on top of his head. And the woman won’t care for husband at all, she’ll say go to hell if you have committed sins . Their power is their chastity. As the chastity of the Mother of Christ. In the Bible, She is not described, not at all as Madonna. But just a woman. Just still on the cross, Christ said behold the Mother . And even in Koran, Mohamed Sahab says that all the Heavens lie at the lotus feet of the Mother . Among them, among Muslims there are Sufis… Who are realized souls and also accepted in the society. The other day I met somebody in Paris, a very high person in the Islamic world and he accepted Sahaja Yoga. He said it is described in Koran that there has to be kiama, the Ressurection, we believe in Resurrection. Also it is for Christians or Hindus, everybody, they have to be resurrected to a higher state. It is just for money and power are some people who are trying to mislead others, keeping them away from Resurrection, I must say they are committing the greatest sin against the Holy Ghost. Christ has said I’ll tolerate anything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost. After this ascent takes place, very surprisingly the Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims all worship Christ as the Son of God. They also know that He is the way and He is the Gate. I don’t have to convince anyone. It is on their central nervous system, they can ask questions. And they get absolute answers. Christ was the Son of God, it is not a blind faith, it is a fact. But if you do not allow people to know the facts, then who can save him?. Also there is another mystery created I don’t know how, Christ must have talked about Kundalini, but with this Mr Paul, it must have been gone underground… might have…. Otherwise how could He say that you are to be born again?. He said it because also in our Sanskrit language, we call a realized soul as a vijaha, means born twice. Meaning first you are born like an egg, and then you get another birth, that’s why a bird is also a vijaha . If you really want to get rid of fundamentalism and all the quarrels of fundamentalisms, the best thing is to know the Truth, the absolute Truth. Thanks to Gorbachev that communism threat has gone, but the greatest threat today is fundamentalism. Because I think they are not afraid of God. There is a book about… In the name of God which says that 10 billion dollars were counterfeited. And were distributed through Vatican Bank, what do you say to that?. And now so many things are coming out of this about Vatican things that they are doing, how can they do it? They are not afraid of God?. We have no bank, we have no organization and they call us a cult . Specially in France, the lawyers told me that the Catholic Church’s eldest daughter is France.. You cannot expect any justice. One side is the Church, which is built inside the Palace of Justice. How can you be a secular State? You cannot be! And the other side, they follow Freud. How can you follow Freud if you are Christians?. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes . We are deceiving ourselves and deceiving others. Thousands of Muslims have come to Sahaja Yoga. And many thousands Christians, many more Hindus, now the greatest hope for me is that the communists have taken to Sahaja Yoga. It is surprising how in these communist countries Sahaja Yoga has spread in thousands and thousands like fire. Perhaps they did not have this stupid freedom, and also they did not have this blind faith. Their government was not alright, but the people were very introspective, this I noticed a long time ago when I visited Russia with My husband. Russians told me it is written, predicted that the Wisdom will come from India. Even the Chinese believed in it. We were ruled for three hundred years by these Britishers, 300 years!. India was the richest country. They took away all our diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver, clothes, everything, they cleansed us completely. So now we are a poor country. But they could not take away our wisdom. For a saint there is nothing like East or West, North and South. Now we see in the West is grown so big the whole civilization. Without any spirituality. But there are so many seekers of Truth in the West who want to know their roots. Without knowing about you roots, how can you maintain this great civilization of yours?. As it is, is showing in your recession, in you family life, society, the collapse. But when you get your ascent, then a person becomes absolutely innocent. Your innocence is not lost. It is covered with some clouds, but it is all there intact. With your ascent, you see that you transcend all these barriers which are artificial between one man and another. This ascent I have seen which is really remarkable that people have given up drugs overnight. Such beautiful families are there. We seldom have divorces. There’s no quarrels between Sahaja Yogis from Russia and Sahaja Yogis from America. There’s no argument, there’s no aggression. They have become like angels, I think. So pure. Kalis as they call it in the Arabic language. Even Guru Nanak has said there will be people who will be Kalis. The great English poet William Blake has described that in those days people will be born who will be the God’s people. And they will have powers to make others divine. This is exactly what is happening in Sahaja Yoga. They respect their parents, they respect their country, they respect their laws. They are not materialistic, they are not dealing in hanky pankies. All the beauty that they had, all the greatness they had is now manifesting. You don’t have to pay for it. It is the last breakthrough which you all have been looking forward to. I have told you that this is your own power. The whole subtle system has been described in Koran, and also in the Bible, as the tree of life . So we have to understand that the time has come for all of you to get to your ascent. The first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling this all-pervading power, the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel It. Second thing that happens to you that your fingers, all these 5, 6 and 7, these right and left centres of the sympathetic nervous system get enlightened. These represent your centres on left and right. Now this Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost in you. We have Father the God, and Son the God, but we don’t have Mother, how can that be?. In every religion, there is the Primordial Mother, even in the Greek’s, they called Her Athena, the Chinese, in every religion there is the Primordial Mother, except in Christianity, it is a dove!. Symbolically good because doves ascend… . An God Almighty Himself, there is one God, is reflected in our heart. But he has His apostles which are all placed on these centres. When you get your Realisation, on these fingertips you can feel the centers of others. As you can feel your own centres. All the world’s problems are mostly because of human beings. And all human problems are because of the centres in your body. Your physical problems, many incurable diseases have been cured definitely by Kundalini. We have proof of that. Your mental problems, many people who have been suffering mentally have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. The modern disease of stress and strain is cured by Sahaja Yoga. Also spiritual problems which are coming from following wrong paths, as there are many false gurus also. … Are cured by Sahaja Yoga. Then, the second awareness that you develop is of collective consciousness by which you can feel others. Then another awareness that comes to you is thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise, fall, again rise, then fall, again rise and then fall. And these thoughts are coming either from the past or from the future. Now if I say you be in the present, you cannot. In between these thoughts, there is a small space. When this Kundalini rises, She suppress these thoughts. And you are in complete silence and peace. If you want to think, you can think. But if you don’t want to think, you can be in thoughtless awareness, it is called as nirvichara samadhi in sanskrit language. At this stage, when you are thoughtless, you become the witness, witness of the whole drama going on . You are no more in the problems, you are out of it, so you can solve your problems very easily. And also there is God Almighty, you enter into His Kingdom. And the bliss of Divine Love starts looking after you, protecting you. They use to write to me about the miracles that they have had in their lives and I just felt it is too much for Me, so I asked somebody to write these miracles . Within months he wrote to me that Mother, all these miracle stories have come up to my head, so which one am I to select and write, tell me . All these miracle stories also were supported with proofs. So the Spirit starts manifesting, you get enlightened and in the light of the Spirit you know the absolute Truth. Now supposing I am holding a snake in My hand and it is all darkness. And I am a fundamentalist and I am very sure about Myself. And somebody says it is a snake in your hand, you would not believe… I would not believe, I would say no, it is not so … until it bites me. But if there is little light, I’ll just throw it away. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. It is very hard to believe for you that you are so fantastic. But I say you are!. Don’t believe in people who call you sinners. Have full faith in you. You are seekers of Truth!. And Sahaj means with you is born the right to get united with this All-pervading Divine power. But only a seeker of Truth has this right. Not those who are bound by some sort of conditionnings. This revolution has started in a very big way all over the world. Christ never had so many seekers of the Truth. And His own people crucified Him. But it was the government at that time that crucified them, not the Jews. And the way we have tortured Jews all the time saying that you have crucified Christ is also absolutely very very cruel. It is not behold for any Christian to be cruel. So that today you all are here with this, your Kundalini ready to sprout. Have full confidence, if you want to have your realisation, yo all will get it. I cannot force on you, because I respect your freedom. Immediately we’ll know those who are not capable of knowing the Truth. All such people should leave the hall. It is not civil to disturb others if they want to have their ascent everybody has this right, legal right. If you want to miss your own ascent, you can go ahead, you can chose, the choice is yours, this is the Last Judgement. And with this Last Judgement, you have to judge yourself. In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands will speak and will give witness against you . There is a very big chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don’t want to look at it. They believe their religion is the best. But what would it has done to anyone? It is so much misinterpreted… So much misinterpreted. Like Christ went to a wedding, that means he supported marriages. He did not want priests and nuns and things like that. This all unnatural. And in Canada the priests are abusing children, the high priests are abusing children, can you believe it?. In Austria, the priests are having keeps and having relations with married women. Naturally, if you make human beings unnatural, they will do all these things, I mean it is natural. It has gone too far against Christ. But His blessings are there. And Sahaja Yoga is working out very well. Those who want to have Self-realization, I’ve told you, should stay here, otherwise the rest must go . There was one gentleman who said he wanted to argue. It can be argued out, but is is all mental. This mental projections have created problems!. We have to go beyond the mental aspect of ours. If you believe that you have to do something about the solution of this disturbed workd, then please try to understand. You cannot pay for your ascent, not a single pai. How much do we pay to Mother Earth?. For giving us these flowers?. The Mother Earth has got the built-in quality to sprout and the seed has the built-in quality to sprout. That’s how you have built-in qualities to sprout. So I give you about two minutes more, for those who do not want to have their ascent should leave the hall. It is a serious matter. And they should not force upon us. It is very easy to criticize others. But one question you should ask yourselves : what have you got so far?. What have you given to others?. What kind of world we have created?. We should introspect. Everybody will have to ask. We have to understand that Sahaja Yoga works spontaneously, no doubt. But, we have to nourish our own centres with our self-confidence. That’s all for tonight. Then once you feel this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost all around you, you must know it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And one condition is there, that you should not feel guilty for anything whatsoever. You don’t have to confess anything, that doesn’t help. You have to know that this All-pervading power of Love and Compassion can dissolve all our mistakes. It will absolutely, completely make you free of this mythical guilt. Now if you feel guilty, then the centre here on the left handside catches; it is a fact, we have proved it. As a result you get a disease called angina . Also your organs become lethargic. So you should not feel guilty. In my lectures if I have said something to make you feel guilty, please, please, forget it!. It is just a myth that we feel guilty; if you have done mistakes, you must face it, after all you are human beings . You are not God. To err is human. I mean to say you must have a very pleasant attitude towards yourself. First time when I went to France, they told Me: Mother, You are such a happy, joyous person, they won’t like You because they are all very miserable . So I started my lecture with Les misérables . I said after every third lamp post there is a prostitute standing, and after every fifteenth lamp-post there is a pub, what else will you have?. He made water into grapejuice. I also did it. But alcohol is a rotten grape juice, rotten. It has to rot and rot. The more rotten it is, the more expensive. And I was surprised that in Vatican, they make a thing called Benedictine, which is alcohol, I was surprised. Before I start, I will tell you a nice story. I went with My husband to Russia before all these things had happened. Though they said : what do you want to see?, I said: I would like to see a church, because after all the faithfuls, simple faithfuls have built the churches in the glory of God. So Me and My husband both went to a church of the Greek Orthodox… black, black… What do you call it?. After seeing the church, we went to see the high priest. And I was surprised that this gentleman told us that these are our fasting days and we cannot eat meat, but we can drink. And he started drinking, drinking, drinking. We were supposed to be VIPs, you see, but he forgot about us. He drank so much that he fell on the table, and we were very embarrassed, you see. Il a tellement bu qu’il est tombé sur la table, et nous étions bien sûr très gênés. So we came back and these officers who were accompanying us, the Russians, were laughing. They had no respect for the Church, I was surprised. So they told Me the story. They said a long time back our csar wanted to have some religion here in Russia . And he sent for the Islamic people. No, no, first he sent for Catholics, I am sorry!. So the Catholics said: alright, you can have drink as much as you like, drink vodka, do what you like . But you have to have only one wife . They say it is not possible, we have to have many . So they cancelled Catholic church. Then the Islamic. The Islamic said: you can marry as much as you like, but you can’t drink . The csar said: how can we live without vodka, what are you telling us, we don’t want this religion . Then these Orthodox Christians came. They said you can drink, you can have wives, the only thing, you should pay us as well . So they said to us: we are innocent people, we don’t know what the religion is, this is what religion is!. So now those again who do not want to have realization should leave this hall, but those who really care to have realization are welcome. But Sahaja Yoga is meant for intelligent people. Not for book-worms, or people who have degrees, but who are really intelligent enough to see the point. It is not meant for idiots. And the stupid people. It is meant for people who are simple and who see the point that we have to ascend. So we have to understand that this Mother Earth is very helpful to us, and we have to take out our shoes. She is the One who sucks in our problems. We have to put both the feet apart from each other. And we have to be comfortable. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads. In you own seat you will get your Realization if you are a seeker of Truth. But if you are clinging onto falsehoods, it will not work. Now you have to put your left hand on your lap, like this. Because the right hand is responsible for your desire, mundane desire. And right hand is for your action. You need not believe Me, but after Realization you can find out whatever I am saying is The Truth. There is one condition, I told you, that you have not to feel guilty at all. The second condition is… To forgive everyone, in general. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Moreover the centre, or the gate, where Christ is, is like this… closed completely. It is placed on optic chiasma. So it controls our ego and our superego. Through pineal body and pituary. When you forgive, it opens out like this…. But if you don’t forgive, then this centre will not open, and the Kundalini won’t rise. So I would request again and again, please forgive everyone in general. Don’t also think about them, because it is a headache to think about them. Now the third condition is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you will get your Self-realization. But as I said if you are stupid and idiotic, and you are laughing at the whole thing, you can’t get it. Christ has said: you have to knock at the door . You have to ask for it. So it cannot be forced on you. But the condition is that you have to be absolutely totally self-confident that you will get your Self-realization. Please do not condemn yourself. But be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. You are human beings and at the epitomy of evolution. It is all arranged within yourself. But if you are arrogant and obstinate, you will miss the point. So one has to be humble. May God bless you.
1993-0717, Public Program, Hotel Metropole I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to know at the very outset that Truth is what is is. We cannot conceptualise it. We cannot change it. It has been, it is and it will be. But we have to know the absolute Truth. So far whatever we know through our human awareness is not absolute. That’s why there are so many differences, so many different ideologies. This Truth we have to know on our central nervous system. It cannot be just a sermon from me or a kind of a lecture to you. It has to be tangible. And the time has come for all of you to know the absolute Truth. But you have to be the seekers of Truth. Now the main problem with us human beings is that we are born into some sort of a community, some sort of a religion. And we accept whatever is told to us blindfolded. But the Truth is to be know as said by everyone, that you are to be born again. It is not just our own certificate that we are born again, that you become that. But it is another dimension of our awareness by which we know the Truth on our central nervous system. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution is known to us on our central nervous system. For example, a dog cannot feel the filth and the dirt. But human beings do. When we see so many different types of ideologies, we start wondering why, when we are all human beings, why we should have different types of ideologies. It comes because of blindness and ignorance. Artificially we cannot say that you are baptized. It is the actualization of the experience which is very important. And for that this is the best time, I call it the blossom time. Now whatever I am telling you, you need not accept blindfolded. But if you experience it then, if you are honest, you’d better accept it. Because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country, for the benevolence of the whole world. You should have an open mind of a scientist. Again I say: an open mind. The first truth about yourself is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all-pervading divine power of Love. Which does all the living work. For example you see these flowers so beautiful her. Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? It’s all a miracle. There are so many questions we cannot answer in the medical science. Unless and until you reach that higher state of awareness, you cannot answer all these questions. All this power is within you. It is your own power. Greeks knew that this bone is sacred, that’s why they called it a Sacrum bone where this power is resting. But afterwards, the whole thing was treated as myth. And so many spiritual things were just buried under the ground. Everywhere it has happened. We have seen as a result what is happening in our democracies. What’s happening to our children. In America you cannot go even with a wedding ring, it is so violent. Today while coming I really saw one girl, her purse was snatched by someone, in the car I saw, I was surprised and the man was running away. Why this insecurity has come within us? If there was God’s blessings on us, then there should have been no problems. When we see all these problems around us, all kinds of violence, all kinds of diseases, drugs, we get frightened with it. Then we take to religion. But religion has reached such a state that it is just money-oriented or power-oriented. Formerly they had Inquisition when they use to brand somebody as a witch and used to torture. But what is happening in Bosnia? Christians are starving Muslims, because they are Muslims. The people who are starving them are Christians. Think they are the disciples of Christ!. I don’t think they know Christ at all. If according to their theory, the one who suffers will go to Heaven and the one who make others suffer will go to Hell, then all these Christians will go to hell directly!. In every religion you find there’s nothing but fundamentalism. They call us as cult . Because we are not fundamentalists. Because after knowing the absolute Truth, we believe in all the religions. And we worship all the incarnations and all the prophets. Actually they were born on the same tree of life. With the fragrance of spirituality. But we have plucked the flowers and we are saying this is mine, this is mine and without the fragrance, we are talking about God. I was myself born in a Christian family. And my father told me, he was a realized soul, that the fundamental Christians will never listen to You . Because Christ has said I’ll send you the Holy Ghost . What about that? But Muslims are better. Because Koran talks about navis and walis, It talks about it. Even Christ has said those who are not against Me are with Me . Même le Christ a dit ceux qui ne sont pas contre Moi sont avec Moi . He was given hardly 3-4 years of public life. How much could He say?. He has even predicted about Mohamed Sahab. I feel the curse of Christian religion is Paul. He was persecuting Christ, he was christian, he killed disciples of Christ like Steven, such a nice disciple. But he was a bureaucrat so he thought it was a very good chance to jump on the platform to take over. He was epileptic and also the other day, I read in a book that he was homosexual. And the worst disciple of Christ was Peter. He denied… He denied Christ three times. And Christ said that a satan will take you over . And this is how Paul came in and he edited the life of Christ completely in a very methodical manner. The worst thing is there is no respect of the Mother of Christ. Because he was a hater of women. And this hating of women is responsible for today’s insecurity of women in the West. Paul thinks they have to all the time try to please men by showing their body, by pampering their ego. Supposing in India a husband does not care for the wife, the whole society will be on top of his head. And the woman won’t care for husband at all, she’ll say go to hell if you have committed sins . Their power is their chastity. As the chastity of the Mother of Christ. In the Bible, She is not described, not at all as Madonna. But just a woman. Just still on the cross, Christ said behold the Mother . And even in Koran, Mohamed Sahab says that all the Heavens lie at the lotus feet of the Mother . Among them, among Muslims there are Sufis… Who are realized souls and also accepted in the society. The other day I met somebody in Paris, a very high person in the Islamic world and he accepted Sahaja Yoga. He said it is described in Koran that there has to be kiama, the Ressurection, we believe in Resurrection. Also it is for Christians or Hindus, everybody, they have to be resurrected to a higher state. It is just for money and power are some people who are trying to mislead others, keeping them away from Resurrection, I must say they are committing the greatest sin against the Holy Ghost. Christ has said I’ll tolerate anything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost. After this ascent takes place, very surprisingly the Jews, the Hindus, the Muslims all worship Christ as the Son of God. They also know that He is the way and He is the Gate. I don’t have to convince anyone. It is on their central nervous system, they can ask questions. And they get absolute answers. Christ was the Son of God, it is not a blind faith, it is a fact. But if you do not allow people to know the facts, then who can save him?. Also there is another mystery created I don’t know how, Christ must have talked about Kundalini, but with this Mr Paul, it must have been gone underground… might have…. Otherwise how could He say that you are to be born again?. He said it because also in our Sanskrit language, we call a realized soul as a vijaha, means born twice. Meaning first you are born like an egg, and then you get another birth, that’s why a bird is also a vijaha . If you really want to get rid of fundamentalism and all the quarrels of fundamentalisms, the best thing is to know the Truth, the absolute Truth. Thanks to Gorbachev that communism threat has gone, but the greatest threat today is fundamentalism. Because I think they are not afraid of God. There is a book about… In the name of God which says that 10 billion dollars were counterfeited. And were distributed through Vatican Bank, what do you say to that?. And now so many things are coming out of this about Vatican things that they are doing, how can they do it? They are not afraid of God?. We have no bank, we have no organization and they call us a cult . Specially in France, the lawyers told me that the Catholic Church’s eldest daughter is France.. You cannot expect any justice. One side is the Church, which is built inside the Palace of Justice. How can you be a secular State? You cannot be! And the other side, they follow Freud. How can you follow Freud if you are Christians?. Christ has said thou shall not have adulterous eyes . We are deceiving ourselves and deceiving others. Thousands of Muslims have come to Sahaja Yoga. And many thousands Christians, many more Hindus, now the greatest hope for me is that the communists have taken to Sahaja Yoga. It is surprising how in these communist countries Sahaja Yoga has spread in thousands and thousands like fire. Perhaps they did not have this stupid freedom, and also they did not have this blind faith. Their government was not alright, but the people were very introspective, this I noticed a long time ago when I visited Russia with My husband. Russians told me it is written, predicted that the Wisdom will come from India. Even the Chinese believed in it. We were ruled for three hundred years by these Britishers, 300 years!. India was the richest country. They took away all our diamonds, emeralds, gold, silver, clothes, everything, they cleansed us completely. So now we are a poor country. But they could not take away our wisdom. For a saint there is nothing like East or West, North and South. Now we see in the West is grown so big the whole civilization. Without any spirituality. But there are so many seekers of Truth in the West who want to know their roots. Without knowing about you roots, how can you maintain this great civilization of yours?. As it is, is showing in your recession, in you family life, society, the collapse. But when you get your ascent, then a person becomes absolutely innocent. Your innocence is not lost. It is covered with some clouds, but it is all there intact. With your ascent, you see that you transcend all these barriers which are artificial between one man and another. This ascent I have seen which is really remarkable that people have given up drugs overnight. Such beautiful families are there. We seldom have divorces. There’s no quarrels between Sahaja Yogis from Russia and Sahaja Yogis from America. There’s no argument, there’s no aggression. They have become like angels, I think. So pure. Kalis as they call it in the Arabic language. Even Guru Nanak has said there will be people who will be Kalis. The great English poet William Blake has described that in those days people will be born who will be the God’s people. And they will have powers to make others divine. This is exactly what is happening in Sahaja Yoga. They respect their parents, they respect their country, they respect their laws. They are not materialistic, they are not dealing in hanky pankies. All the beauty that they had, all the greatness they had is now manifesting. You don’t have to pay for it. It is the last breakthrough which you all have been looking forward to. I have told you that this is your own power. The whole subtle system has been described in Koran, and also in the Bible, as the tree of life . So we have to understand that the time has come for all of you to get to your ascent. The first thing that happens to you is that you start feeling this all-pervading power, the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. For the first time, you feel It. Second thing that happens to you that your fingers, all these 5, 6 and 7, these right and left centres of the sympathetic nervous system get enlightened. These represent your centres on left and right. Now this Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost in you. We have Father the God, and Son the God, but we don’t have Mother, how can that be?. In every religion, there is the Primordial Mother, even in the Greek’s, they called Her Athena, the Chinese, in every religion there is the Primordial Mother, except in Christianity, it is a dove!. Symbolically good because doves ascend… . An God Almighty Himself, there is one God, is reflected in our heart. But he has His apostles which are all placed on these centres. When you get your Realisation, on these fingertips you can feel the centers of others. As you can feel your own centres. All the world’s problems are mostly because of human beings. And all human problems are because of the centres in your body. Your physical problems, many incurable diseases have been cured definitely by Kundalini. We have proof of that. Your mental problems, many people who have been suffering mentally have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. The modern disease of stress and strain is cured by Sahaja Yoga. Also spiritual problems which are coming from following wrong paths, as there are many false gurus also. … Are cured by Sahaja Yoga. Then, the second awareness that you develop is of collective consciousness by which you can feel others. Then another awareness that comes to you is thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise, fall, again rise, then fall, again rise and then fall. And these thoughts are coming either from the past or from the future. Now if I say you be in the present, you cannot. In between these thoughts, there is a small space. When this Kundalini rises, She suppress these thoughts. And you are in complete silence and peace. If you want to think, you can think. But if you don’t want to think, you can be in thoughtless awareness, it is called as nirvichara samadhi in sanskrit language. At this stage, when you are thoughtless, you become the witness, witness of the whole drama going on . You are no more in the problems, you are out of it, so you can solve your problems very easily. And also there is God Almighty, you enter into His Kingdom. And the bliss of Divine Love starts looking after you, protecting you. They use to write to me about the miracles that they have had in their lives and I just felt it is too much for Me, so I asked somebody to write these miracles . Within months he wrote to me that Mother, all these miracle stories have come up to my head, so which one am I to select and write, tell me . All these miracle stories also were supported with proofs. So the Spirit starts manifesting, you get enlightened and in the light of the Spirit you know the absolute Truth. Now supposing I am holding a snake in My hand and it is all darkness. And I am a fundamentalist and I am very sure about Myself. And somebody says it is a snake in your hand, you would not believe… I would not believe, I would say no, it is not so … until it bites me. But if there is little light, I’ll just throw it away. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. It is very hard to believe for you that you are so fantastic. But I say you are!. Don’t believe in people who call you sinners. Have full faith in you. You are seekers of Truth!. And Sahaj means with you is born the right to get united with this All-pervading Divine power. But only a seeker of Truth has this right. Not those who are bound by some sort of conditionnings. This revolution has started in a very big way all over the world. Christ never had so many seekers of the Truth. And His own people crucified Him. But it was the government at that time that crucified them, not the Jews. And the way we have tortured Jews all the time saying that you have crucified Christ is also absolutely very very cruel. It is not behold for any Christian to be cruel. So that today you all are here with this, your Kundalini ready to sprout. Have full confidence, if you want to have your realisation, yo all will get it. I cannot force on you, because I respect your freedom. Immediately we’ll know those who are not capable of knowing the Truth. All such people should leave the hall. It is not civil to disturb others if they want to have their ascent everybody has this right, legal right. If you want to miss your own ascent, you can go ahead, you can chose, the choice is yours, this is the Last Judgement. And with this Last Judgement, you have to judge yourself. In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands will speak and will give witness against you . There is a very big chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don’t want to look at it. They believe their religion is the best. But what would it has done to anyone? It is so much misinterpreted… So much misinterpreted. Like Christ went to a wedding, that means he supported marriages. He did not want priests and nuns and things like that. This all unnatural. And in Canada the priests are abusing children, the high priests are abusing children, can you believe it?. In Austria, the priests are having keeps and having relations with married women. Naturally, if you make human beings unnatural, they will do all these things, I mean it is natural. It has gone too far against Christ. But His blessings are there. And Sahaja Yoga is working out very well. Those who want to have Self-realization, I’ve told you, should stay here, otherwise the rest must go . There was one gentleman who said he wanted to argue. It can be argued out, but is is all mental. This mental projections have created problems!. We have to go beyond the mental aspect of ours. If you believe that you have to do something about the solution of this disturbed workd, then please try to understand. You cannot pay for your ascent, not a single pai. How much do we pay to Mother Earth?. For giving us these flowers?. The Mother Earth has got the built-in quality to sprout and the seed has the built-in quality to sprout. That’s how you have built-in qualities to sprout. So I give you about two minutes more, for those who do not want to have their ascent should leave the hall. It is a serious matter. And they should not force upon us. It is very easy to criticize others. But one question you should ask yourselves : what have you got so far?. What have you given to others?. What kind of world we have created?. We should introspect. Everybody will have to ask. We have to understand that Sahaja Yoga works spontaneously, no doubt. But, we have to nourish our own centres with our self-confidence. That’s all for tonight. Then once you feel this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost all around you, you must know it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And one condition is there, that you should not feel guilty for anything whatsoever. You don’t have to confess anything, that doesn’t help. You have to know that this All-pervading power of Love and Compassion can dissolve all our mistakes. It will absolutely, completely make you free of this mythical guilt. Now if you feel guilty, then the centre here on the left handside catches; it is a fact, we have proved it. As a result you get a disease called angina . Also your organs become lethargic. So you should not feel guilty. In my lectures if I have said something to make you feel guilty, please, please, forget it!. It is just a myth that we feel guilty; if you have done mistakes, you must face it, after all you are human beings . You are not God. To err is human. I mean to say you must have a very pleasant attitude towards yourself. First time when I went to France, they told Me: Mother, You are such a happy, joyous person, they won’t like You because they are all very miserable . So I started my lecture with Les misérables . I said after every third lamp post there is a prostitute standing, and after every fifteenth lamp-post there is a pub, what else will you have?. He made water into grapejuice. I also did it. But alcohol is a rotten grape juice, rotten. It has to rot and rot. The more rotten it is, the more expensive. And I was surprised that in Vatican, they make a thing called Benedictine, which is alcohol, I was surprised. Before I start, I will tell you a nice story. I went with My husband to Russia before all these things had happened. Though they said : what do you want to see?, I said: I would like to see a church, because after all the faithfuls, simple faithfuls have built the churches in the glory of God. So Me and My husband both went to a church of the Greek Orthodox… black, black… What do you call it?. After seeing the church, we went to see the high priest. And I was surprised that this gentleman told us that these are our fasting days and we cannot eat meat, but we can drink. And he started drinking, drinking, drinking. We were supposed to be VIPs, you see, but he forgot about us. He drank so much that he fell on the table, and we were very embarrassed, you see. Il a tellement bu qu’il est tombé sur la table, et nous étions bien sûr très gênés. So we came back and these officers who were accompanying us, the Russians, were laughing. They had no respect for the Church, I was surprised. So they told Me the story. They said a long time back our csar wanted to have some religion here in Russia . And he sent for the Islamic people. No, no, first he sent for Catholics, I am sorry!. So the Catholics said: alright, you can have drink as much as you like, drink vodka, do what you like . But you have to have only one wife . They say it is not possible, we have to have many . So they cancelled Catholic church. Then the Islamic. The Islamic said: you can marry as much as you like, but you can’t drink . The csar said: how can we live without vodka, what are you telling us, we don’t want this religion . Then these Orthodox Christians came. They said you can drink, you can have wives, the only thing, you should pay us as well . So they said to us: we are innocent people, we don’t know what the religion is, this is what religion is!. So now those again who do not want to have realization should leave this hall, but those who really care to have realization are welcome. But Sahaja Yoga is meant for intelligent people. Not for book-worms, or people who have degrees, but who are really intelligent enough to see the point. It is not meant for idiots. And the stupid people. It is meant for people who are simple and who see the point that we have to ascend. So we have to understand that this Mother Earth is very helpful to us, and we have to take out our shoes. She is the One who sucks in our problems. We have to put both the feet apart from each other. And we have to be comfortable. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads. In you own seat you will get your Realization if you are a seeker of Truth. But if you are clinging onto falsehoods, it will not work. Now you have to put your left hand on your lap, like this. Because the right hand is responsible for your desire, mundane desire. And right hand is for your action. You need not believe Me, but after Realization you can find out whatever I am saying is The Truth. There is one condition, I told you, that you have not to feel guilty at all. The second condition is… To forgive everyone, in general. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Moreover the centre, or the gate, where Christ is, is like this… closed completely. It is placed on optic chiasma. So it controls our ego and our superego. Through pineal body and pituary. When you forgive, it opens out like this…. But if you don’t forgive, then this centre will not open, and the Kundalini won’t rise. So I would request again and again, please forgive everyone in general. Don’t also think about them, because it is a headache to think about them. Now the third condition is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you will get your Self-realization. But as I said if you are stupid and idiotic, and you are laughing at the whole thing, you can’t get it. Christ has said: you have to knock at the door . You have to ask for it. So it cannot be forced on you. But the condition is that you have to be absolutely totally self-confident that you will get your Self-realization. Please do not condemn yourself. But be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. You are human beings and at the epitomy of evolution. It is all arranged within yourself. But if you are arrogant and obstinate, you will miss the point. So one has to be humble. May God bless you.
There is an alternative
Public Program
1993-07-18 Public Program, Antwerp, Belgium I am sorry there was an accident on the way and it took us so much time that they were delayed and we were also delayed. I hope you will excuse us. [Shri Mataji explains the bhajan written by Saint Namadeva ‘Nirgunanchi Bheti Aalo Sugunasange’] “This song, this song is an introduction very much because it’s a song which was created in the sixteenth century by a very famous musician – I should say a very famous poet – called Namadeva. And he was himself a tailor and a Realized soul, a saint. He went to see another Realized soul who was a saint, who was a potter [Gora Kumbhar]. So, when he went and saw [that] this potter was just trying to knead the clay for making the pot. And he was just doing it with his feet. So this great poet stood before him absolutely flabbergasted. And there he says this sentence that “I came to see the formless.” Nirgun [means] formless. “But here I meet the formless in the form of form.” That is sagun [form]. That is nirguna [formless] becoming sagun. Only, only a saint can say this to another person who is a saint. This appreciation of the Divinity of another person is only possible for a saint. There is no jealousy, there no backbiting, nothing. It’s just appreciation of a saint. And he said it in that way. This was in the sixteenth century [that] he made this poem. He was a great poet; he went to Punjab. And Guru Nanaka, another great saint who had combined together so many poems of the saints of that time in the Granth Sahib for the Sikhs. And he is one of them who contributed a lot to that. And his maid [Janabai], domestic lady, also had made poems [sounds like ‘are there’]. Also, he has written a huge, big praise of the formless and the form in a very elaborate and a beautiful poetic way in Punjabi language. That was not his mother tongue. His mother tongue was Marathi. Such remarkable things have happened in that country. But as it is the saints were never accepted. And you know the Gnostics after Christ were tortured by the people who were at the helm of affairs. And so these saints also had to suffer a lot. Doesn’t matter. But they have done a lot for us in our ascent. May God bless you. Let us hear this song, it’s a very special one. I am sorry for starting the whole program so late. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I have told you yesterday, the truth is what it is. You cannot change it, transform it and unfortunately, at this human awareness you cannot know it. You have heard about the Gnostics who were the first Christians and they had to deal with the people who were at the helm of affairs like Paul. Because they found out that the Christian religion is taking a form which was not what Christ has said. Christ has talked to them – like Thomas, John, Mathews – about the Spirit that ‘you all are to be born again’. But they were not Spirit oriented, they were power oriented at that time and later on they became money oriented. In all the religions as we see today, there is a problem. And thus, all these years they could not find the reality. But even in modern times, there are many saints who are born. Abraham Lincoln was a saint. Even Gorbachev is a saint. Also, we had in our country Mahatma Gandhi who was a saint. Another was the prime minister called Lal Bahadur Shastri – he was a saint. But they were alone and they had to fight their way through ignorant people. India has been a great country of saints. They are not certified by any temple or church, but they are certified by the people. Mahatma Gandhi spoke about Sahaja Yoga in his lifetime. His secularism was the same as we have in Sahaja Yoga. In his prayers first he used to say let me be born again, let my Spirit manifest. And then the whole theme was to respect all the religions. But not only respect, but also worship all the great prophets and all the great incarnations. Because, if you get your Self Realization you will know the reality that all these religions were flowers from the same tree of spirituality. But today’s situation is that people are fundamentalist in every country, practically. They talk of secularism, but they are absolutely controlling even the politics. This is the reason why people have not been able to come out to find out what is the truth. Whatever these people at the helm of affairs told them, or helm of religion told them, they had to believe in it blindfolded. So, if you ask a Muslim, he will say that Christians are the lost people, they will never go to heaven. But if you ask the Christians, they will say that these Muslims are the worst. But ask the Jews and they will tell you about both of them. So there is a big understanding among themselves that they are the chosen ones and are going to go to heaven. If you are born in one religion, you are supposed to follow that out and out. And all of them have one book as prescribed and they consider it to be the highest and the topmost. It is remarkable how people accept it, [people] who are intelligent, educated, developed. Even if they find out all kinds of things which are done wrongly by the priests, they don’t want to understand that this is not the reality. Despite all these so-called religions, we have had so many problems with the fundamentalists. But some people do see, but they don’t know [that] there is an alternative. There is an alternative – that you are to be born again, that you have to ascend and transcend this human awareness to a higher level. Surprisingly, Gnostics as they were in those days… Thomas also has written a beautiful treatise in Hammadi. Now ‘Gn’ in Gnostic comes from Sanskrit meaning knowledge. And knowledge on your central nervous system, it’s not mental. Also, it should be tangible. It should be scientifically proved, then it is the knowledge. It’s not just sort of a sermon or a lecture or some sort of a mesmerism. One has to understand that our creator is not going to allow this creation to be destroyed. Whatever we may try, it cannot be destroyed. As it is, we are taking to all kinds of destructive ways. But there is within us, built in, this power, you can’t see here [Shri Mataji is looking for the chakra chart], about which they have told you. And the central path of your ascent is absolutely ready to give you your second birth. One may say that Christ didn’t talk about Kundalini. But you must understand [that] at the time of Christ how blind those people were. He could live only four years of public life, at the most, and they crucified Him. Same with Mohammed Sahib – with all these great incarnations, they were not given any chance to say about the complete ascent. I was in England for four years working on seven Sahaja Yogis, so-called. I had given up – I was so fed up with them. They were all from Cambridge, Oxford – over read, over educated – scientists. And arguing all the time. But gradually it worked out. But today the situation is different I think – the seeking is serious and honest. People are seeking the truth. But what is the truth? The first thing is you should know [that] you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine Love which does all the living work of creating these beautiful flowers and running our heart. Everything that is living is done by this all-pervading power. In Koran they call it Ruh, in the Bible it is the all-pervading Power of God Almighty. And also, in Sanskrit language [it is] called as Paramachaitanya. It is the knowledge from the East which some people think is not good. But one has to penetrate into the question [of] why we have grown so big and now we are about to collapse. Why our societies are breaking, families are breaking, children are taking to drugs. Why in affluent countries people are committing suicide. What is the frustration. It is because we do not know why we are on this earth. Because we do not know what is the purpose of our life. Of course science cannot answer these questions, it has its limitations. But there is an answer. As this instrument is connected to the mains, it has some meaning. In the same way, when we are connected to this all-pervading power, we also have a meaning. So the purpose of our life is to enter into the kingdom of God to enjoy His blessings and to live in complete peace, harmony and bliss. Now, what happens when this ascent takes place through this power of Kundalini which is placed in this bone called sacrum bone? Now this sacrum bone is sacred and was perhaps discovered by the Greeks because it is a Greek name. But when this power, which is residual, arises then She nourishes all these centers above (six centers) and ultimately pierces through this center which is the fontanelle bone area. Christ has talked about Mohammed Sahib’s coming. And Mohammed Sahib has talked about the subtle system within, very clearly, in Koran. But as you know how all fundamentalists are, the Moslems took to Sharia. The first five books of the New Testament you know that there is one called [sounds like ‘Jeremiah’] in Hebrew it is [sounds like Yirmeyah’]. In this book He describes… These are the five books also respected by Muslims as Injil. There He describes what happened when Moses came down with the Ten Commandments and He saw all the Jews were indulging into very decadent habits and He knew that this society is going to be destroyed. So He wrote this Sharia. This was given for the Jews. But the Jews don’t follow it, the Muslims follow it. What do you say to that? Nowhere in the Koran is written about Sharia. Also, Koran was written 40 years later than Mohammed Sahib. But still I must say it has certain very good points that it respects the Mother of Christ – Mary. I told yesterday that in the Bible Mr. Paul didn’t want to show any respect to the Mother of Christ because he was a hater of women. I find in the west where there are such developed countries, the women are very insecure. That’s why they take to all kinds of these nonsensical things just to keep the man in his own place. They have to all the time please the men otherwise the man can run away with somebody else. But as it is, the society is not at all worried about what happens to a woman if she is thrown out of the house. I must say in India, thank God, our economics is bad, our politics is bad, but the society is good. If any man tries to trouble his wife, he will be thrown out of the society. And women are respected for their maturity, for their wisdom, for their chastity. But in the west, women are doing all kinds of mad things amounting to prostitution because they are so insecure. There is no respect. And this is the curse I think of Christianity, specially the Catholicism. And the worst I think is the Greek Orthodox – the way they treat their women, unbelievable. All right, so whatever has happened so far doesn’t matter. You are all seekers of truth and you must have discovered something wrong somewhere, that’s why you are here. I have to tell you [that] it is very simple, that within you is this Power, is your own. And you have all the possibility of getting you second birth, this Yoga, this union. It’s a living process and the last breakthrough of your evolution for which you don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to suffer – this is a nonsensical idea [that you have to suffer]. Why do you have to suffer when your Father is such a compassionate Father? All these ideas are given just to make money, I think. Christ has suffered for us, as they say. So then why should we suffer? Are you going to suffer more than that? But they want us to feel a kind of pity within ourselves. [They] make Christ look like a skeleton. Can a skeleton carry such a big cross over the mountain? So there is no respect also for the greatness of Christ. Now, we have to know that Christ is the path, no doubt. But how He is the path and how He works within us you will know after you have had your Realization. But that does not mean that Mohammed Sahib is in any way less than others. Or also it does not mean that Rama and Krishna were not living identities. Christ has said very clearly that ‘those who are not against Me are with Me’. Who are those? He must have said lots of things, I am sure. But Mr. Paul who just took over and edited the Bible must have missed lots of points. Yesterday I told you he was epileptic. Also, I read a book in which they say he was a homosexual. In Sahaja Yoga we have found out that a person who is epileptic is a possessed person, by some spirit. We have cured epilepsy, so we know. And then he goes to Peter who was the worst disciple of Christ and he says that Peter [sounds like ‘can give lectures’]. While Christ has said that ‘a satan will take you over’ – He must be referring to Mr. Paul. Khalil Gibran has written a big chapter about Paul. Because He [Gibran] was a saint. Anybody who gets Realization can see through – what is the truth and what is the falsehood – because you develop a sense of knowledge of absolute truth. And once you know the absolute truth, there is no quarrel, there is no fighting, there is no questioning, there is nothing like that. And you all are capable of getting it. Actually, you don’t need this lecture also. I think it is better that we now get to our Self Realization because it is getting late for you and for Me also. I think you all are just ready for it. You have to have complete self-confidence that you all are going to get your Self Realization. So as a result what happens [is] that you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is the Ruh, the Paramachaitanya, the all-pervading Power of divine Love. It is fantastic, but it is so; you are all fantastic people. Only thing [is] you have to be connected. So, to start with it, I have to tell you [that] you have to be fully confident. It will take not more than ten minutes for you people to get your Self Realization. And you have to have pure desire to get your Self Realization. It is not meant for idiots and [not clear], or for stupid people, or for [the] arrogant, or for the conditioned. It is meant for people who are open-minded like a scientist and want to have their Self Realization. Yesterday, I must tell you, there were four [or] five people who did not get Realization. And I asked, “Who are these people?” And they gave Me the information that they are from ADFI. I was surprised – how much they are conditioned. You may not be knowing this organization. But I didn’t know they were such conditioned people that they are not open to truth. So now first condition is that you have to have pure desire and full self-confidence. First is the pure desire and self-confidence. The second one is very simple – is not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. Now, it is a fashion to feel guilty. I mean, if you understand that you are human beings and human beings can always make mistakes, you are not God. So why should you feel guilty? If you commit mistakes, all right, face it up. But don’t feel guilty because it spoils this center here which is very important. You don’t have to confess. You don’t have to remember what so-called mistakes you have committed. Just forgive yourself and forget the past. It doesn’t exist now anymore. So, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Logically. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. But the worst thing is that when you don’t forgive now, the center which is on the optic chiasma is like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates], very constricted… And if you don’t forgive it won’t open like this. So how will this Kundalini rise? As it is you have tortured yourself all your life and now you don’t want to miss your Self Realization. Please don’t say that you can’t forgive. Only you have to say in your heart that ‘I forgive everyone’ and don’t think about them because it’s a headache to even think about it. Because it’s headache [Shri Mataji corrects the translator]… I really think I understand Dutch a little bit. All right. So this is the second condition. And the third one is that you have to know it’s your own power; through your own power you are going to get your Self Realization. It doesn’t depend on anyone. It is built in within you. Like in the seed it is built in to sprout and in the Mother Earth it is built in to sprout. So it is spontaneous; it’s a living process. So you should not take any name, any mantras or prayers – nothing is needed just now. And don’t try to concentrate also. The Kundalini itself will manage everything; just leave it alone. With these three conditions, I have to make one request – those who don’t want to have Self Realization must leave this hall. In any way I cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it. Christ has said, “You have to knock at the door.” So please those who do not want to have can leave the hall. There is no problem at all for you getting the Realization. If you don’t forgive… I think many are not forgiving. So please forgive otherwise this [indicating the Agnya chakra] catches very much. Again and again I would say [that] those who don’t want to have Self Realization should leave this hall. All right. First we’ll show you how we are going to work out ourselves our Self Realization. First of all, we have to take off our shoes because this Mother Earth gives us a great help of sucking our problems. I hope they are not wearing Dutch shoes or boots. Now, one has to realize that there are two powers of sympathetic working within us – the left and the right – which we can handle ourselves. Left is the power of our desire; the right is the power of our action. So please put both your feet apart from each other and put the left hand towards Me like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates]. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self Realization. It is really great that in a short time you will discover how beautiful you are, how glorious you are. Now you have to use your right hand for nourishing your centers on the left-hand side. So, you first put your right hand on your heart. And here resides the Spirit, the reflection of the God Almighty. And the Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost who is the primordial Mother. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here is the center of your mastery created by all the Prophets. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine Knowledge on you. Now please take you hand to the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and this is the center of pure Knowledge, pure divine Knowledge. Now raise your right hand again on your upper abdomen on the left-hand side. And now raise your right hand on your heart again. Now take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. This center, I have already told you, is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Also, it causes diseases like Angina, Spondylitis, and lethargic organs. Now please raise your hand on top of your forehead across and slowly put down your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head. Now, without counting your mistakes, without thinking you are guilty, at this center for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. Now please stretch your right hand fully. Please put the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and now put down your head. Important it is to press back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. That’s all you have to do. Now, we have to close our eyes and you need not open them until I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and both the feet away from each other. Now, put your right hand on your heart. Now, please close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask three times: ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ I have told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. So now, please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard on the left-hand side. Here ask another question three times, very fundamental: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please now put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, you have to say six times because this center has got six petals. Please say six times: ‘Mother, please give me pure Knowledge.’ As soon as you ask for pure Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now, we have to open our centers with full self-confidence. Raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Please keep both your feet apart from each other. Now, here you have to say ten times with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you [that] the truth is you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence 12 times: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading divine Power is the ocean of compassion and knowledge. Above all, It is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed are dissolved completely into this ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put your head to your right. Here again with full confidence you have to say 16 times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ It’s very important. I’ve already told you [that] whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you torture yourself. So now at this moment, please raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. And here you have to say with full confidence, in your heart, without counting: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here now, you have to say with full confidence again, not how many times but from your heart, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes: ‘Mother, or divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.’ Now the last center is very important for which you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. Now, please put down your head properly and press your scalp. Please move your scalp clockwise seven times [while] saying: ‘Mother please give me my Self Realization.’ Not the head, the scalp. Push back your fingers, then only you can do it. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly. Please open your eyes. Now, put your hands like this [open towards Shri Mataji] and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with [the] left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You shouldn’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get much away from the head. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me. Again bend your head. Now, see carefully if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now again, once more the right hand towards Me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions three times: the first one is ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. second one is: ‘Mother, is this the al-pervading Power of divine Love?’, the third one is: ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three time from your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands [towards Me] like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on these fingertips or on your hands or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. The whole of Antwerp. Most of you [have felt it]. You didn’t feel? You are feeling something in your fingertips Madam? Tingling is there? Nothing? All right, we’ll work it out. You also didn’t feel it Sir? All right, we’ll work it out. All right, thank you very much. I think Belgium seems to be a very spiritual place. Antwerp I’ve been before also. And I’ve also felt this is a very, very spiritual place and it will work out very well here, Sahaja Yoga. Now, it’s a collective happening I must tell you; it is not [an] individual happening. One nail is cut out of your finger, [it] cannot grow. It is a living organism. We are working in 55 nations; you have brothers and sisters everywhere. They are your own. Now you will also understand each other much better and you will enjoy each other’s love and affection which is pure. For this I have to make a request that you please come to the follow-on program. Do not miss out because it should not be like the seeds that are sprouted and are wasted. Please respect your Self Realization. You have to grow, and you’ll have all the powers of giving Realization to others, of curing others, and knowing about others in collective consciousness. It’s so much of knowledge, all available to you without paying a single pie. I am sorry, some people did not feel it. Doesn’t matter. We have Sahaja Yogis here. They can raise their Kundalini and they will feel it immediately. Now, enjoy this peace within yourself and you will know and master everything within one month’s time, for which you can’t pay. I am not for sale. So please try to understand your own value. And it is very important [that] at this juncture a great spiritual evolution or, say, a revolution is taking place. You have to join hands. Your diseases are cured, your metal problems are over, your stress is taken over and you will jump into the ocean of joy. All this is true, but you have to find out about everything that is reality within yourself. May God bless you. Next year I will definitely come, no doubt. These two people didn’t get Realization, they should. I don’t know what is the matter. They did everything properly. Just put your hands now. Now [you feel it]! You needed My attention specially, I think. Good. She didn’t? She was writing all the time. What were you writing? All right, doesn’t matter. Put your hands [towards Me]. Madam you didn’t get? You got it. Just one minute, let’s see. You got it, just see now. You see on her head, you can see yourself. Ask this gentleman to see on her head. She has got it. Certified. You didn’t get it? Take out your shoes please, one minute. You have to forgive. You didn’t forgive isn’t it? You have to forgive; I can’t forgive for you. You understand? Just forgive and you will get it. Now, better? It’s better now. This was the only point – you had not forgiven. What can I do about it? Just go on forgiving. Tell all the trees that ‘I have forgiven everyone.’ You have so many trees here, beautiful ones. They forgive you. All right. This is a beautiful country, very beautiful country. I will take your leave. May God bless you all. May God bless you all. Enjoy yourself. [Shri Mataji tells a photographer before he is about to take a photograph] Ask for a miraculous photograph. [Shri Mataji tells a lady who wants to feel the cool breeze] You have to forgive. Just forgive. Better? All right. [After the lady feels the vibrations] Now, just tell all the flowers that you have forgiven. All right? [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Despite the time they sat down. [Shri Mataji tells the people who are bidding Her farewell] Your faces are changed. Looking very relaxed. You can tell that photographer that Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujarat and I was with him. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly. Please open your eyes. Now, put your hands like this [open towards Shri Mataji] and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with [the] left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You shouldn’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get much away from the head. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me. Again bend your head. Now, see carefully if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now again, once more the right hand towards Me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions three times: the first one is ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. second one is: ‘Mother, is this the al-pervading Power of divine Love?’, the third one is: ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three time from your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands [towards Me] like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on these fingertips or on your hands or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. The whole of Antwerp. Most of you [have felt it]. You didn’t feel? You are feeling something in your fingertips Madam? Tingling is there? Nothing? All right, we’ll work it out. You also didn’t feel it Sir? All right, we’ll work it out. All right, thank you very much. I think Belgium seems to be a very spiritual place. Antwerp I’ve been before also. And I’ve also felt this is a very, very spiritual place and it will work out very well here, Sahaja Yoga. Now, it’s a collective happening I must tell you; it is not [an] individual happening. One nail is cut out of your finger, [it] cannot grow. It is a living organism. We are working in 55 nations; you have brothers and sisters everywhere. They are your own. Now you will also understand each other much better and you will enjoy each other’s love and affection which is pure. For this I have to make a request that you please come to the follow-on program. Do not miss out because it should not be like the seeds that are sprouted and are wasted. Please respect your Self Realization. You have to grow, and you’ll have all the powers of giving Realization to others, of curing others, and knowing about others in collective consciousness. It’s so much of knowledge, all available to you without paying a single pie. I am sorry, some people did not feel it. Doesn’t matter. We have Sahaja Yogis here. They can raise their Kundalini and they will feel it immediately. Now, enjoy this peace within yourself and you will know and master everything within one month’s time, for which you can’t pay. I am not for sale. So please try to understand your own value. And it is very important [that] at this juncture a great spiritual evolution or, say, a revolution is taking place. You have to join hands. Your diseases are cured, your metal problems are over, your stress is taken over and you will jump into the ocean of joy. All this is true, but you have to find out about everything that is reality within yourself. May God bless you. Next year I will definitely come, no doubt. These two people didn’t get Realization, they should. I don’t know what is the matter. They did everything properly. Just put your hands now. Now [you feel it]! You needed My attention specially, I think. Good. She didn’t? She was writing all the time. What were you writing? All right, doesn’t matter. Put your hands [towards Me]. Madam you didn’t get? You got it. Just one minute, let’s see. You got it, just see now. You see on her head, you can see yourself. Ask this gentleman to see on her head. She has got it. Certified. You didn’t get it? Take out your shoes please, one minute. You have to forgive. You didn’t forgive isn’t it? You have to forgive; I can’t forgive for you. You understand? Just forgive and you will get it. Now, better? It’s better now. This was the only point – you had not forgiven. What can I do about it? Just go on forgiving. Tell all the trees that ‘I have forgiven everyone.’ You have so many trees here, beautiful ones. They forgive you. All right. This is a beautiful country, very beautiful country. I will take your leave. May God bless you all. May God bless you all. Enjoy yourself. [Shri Mataji tells a photographer before he is about to take a photograph] Ask for a miraculous photograph. [Shri Mataji tells a lady who wants to feel the cool breeze] You have to forgive. Just forgive. Better? All right. [After the lady feels the vibrations] Now, just tell all the flowers that you have forgiven. All right? [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Despite the time they sat down. [Shri Mataji tells the people who are bidding Her farewell] Your faces are changed. Looking very relaxed. You can tell that photographer that Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujarat and I was with him.
1993-07-18 Public Program, Antwerp, Belgium I am sorry there was an accident on the way and it took us so much time that they were delayed and we were also delayed. I hope you will excuse us. [Shri Mataji explains the bhajan written by Saint Namadeva ‘Nirgunanchi Bheti Aalo Sugunasange’] “This song, this song is an introduction very much because it’s a song which was created in the sixteenth century by a very famous musician – I should say a very famous poet – called Namadeva. And he was himself a tailor and a Realized soul, a saint. He went to see another Realized soul who was a saint, who was a potter [Gora Kumbhar]. So, when he went and saw [that] this potter was just trying to knead the clay for making the pot. And he was just doing it with his feet. So this great poet stood before him absolutely flabbergasted. And there he says this sentence that “I came to see the formless.” Nirgun [means] formless. “But here I meet the formless in the form of form.” That is sagun [form]. That is nirguna [formless] becoming sagun. Only, only a saint can say this to another person who is a saint. This appreciation of the Divinity of another person is only possible for a saint. There is no jealousy, there no backbiting, nothing. It’s just appreciation of a saint. And he said it in that way. This was in the sixteenth century [that] he made this poem. He was a great poet; he went to Punjab. And Guru Nanaka, another great saint who had combined together so many poems of the saints of that time in the Granth Sahib for the Sikhs. And he is one of them who contributed a lot to that. And his maid [Janabai], domestic lady, also had made poems [sounds like ‘are there’]. Also, he has written a huge, big praise of the formless and the form in a very elaborate and a beautiful poetic way in Punjabi language. That was not his mother tongue. His mother tongue was Marathi. Such remarkable things have happened in that country. But as it is the saints were never accepted. And you know the Gnostics after Christ were tortured by the people who were at the helm of affairs. And so these saints also had to suffer a lot. Doesn’t matter. But they have done a lot for us in our ascent. May God bless you. Let us hear this song, it’s a very special one. I am sorry for starting the whole program so late. I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I have told you yesterday, the truth is what it is. You cannot change it, transform it and unfortunately, at this human awareness you cannot know it. You have heard about the Gnostics who were the first Christians and they had to deal with the people who were at the helm of affairs like Paul. Because they found out that the Christian religion is taking a form which was not what Christ has said. Christ has talked to them – like Thomas, John, Mathews – about the Spirit that ‘you all are to be born again’. But they were not Spirit oriented, they were power oriented at that time and later on they became money oriented. In all the religions as we see today, there is a problem. And thus, all these years they could not find the reality. But even in modern times, there are many saints who are born. Abraham Lincoln was a saint. Even Gorbachev is a saint. Also, we had in our country Mahatma Gandhi who was a saint. Another was the prime minister called Lal Bahadur Shastri – he was a saint. But they were alone and they had to fight their way through ignorant people. India has been a great country of saints. They are not certified by any temple or church, but they are certified by the people. Mahatma Gandhi spoke about Sahaja Yoga in his lifetime. His secularism was the same as we have in Sahaja Yoga. In his prayers first he used to say let me be born again, let my Spirit manifest. And then the whole theme was to respect all the religions. But not only respect, but also worship all the great prophets and all the great incarnations. Because, if you get your Self Realization you will know the reality that all these religions were flowers from the same tree of spirituality. But today’s situation is that people are fundamentalist in every country, practically. They talk of secularism, but they are absolutely controlling even the politics. This is the reason why people have not been able to come out to find out what is the truth. Whatever these people at the helm of affairs told them, or helm of religion told them, they had to believe in it blindfolded. So, if you ask a Muslim, he will say that Christians are the lost people, they will never go to heaven. But if you ask the Christians, they will say that these Muslims are the worst. But ask the Jews and they will tell you about both of them. So there is a big understanding among themselves that they are the chosen ones and are going to go to heaven. If you are born in one religion, you are supposed to follow that out and out. And all of them have one book as prescribed and they consider it to be the highest and the topmost. It is remarkable how people accept it, [people] who are intelligent, educated, developed. Even if they find out all kinds of things which are done wrongly by the priests, they don’t want to understand that this is not the reality. Despite all these so-called religions, we have had so many problems with the fundamentalists. But some people do see, but they don’t know [that] there is an alternative. There is an alternative – that you are to be born again, that you have to ascend and transcend this human awareness to a higher level. Surprisingly, Gnostics as they were in those days… Thomas also has written a beautiful treatise in Hammadi. Now ‘Gn’ in Gnostic comes from Sanskrit meaning knowledge. And knowledge on your central nervous system, it’s not mental. Also, it should be tangible. It should be scientifically proved, then it is the knowledge. It’s not just sort of a sermon or a lecture or some sort of a mesmerism. One has to understand that our creator is not going to allow this creation to be destroyed. Whatever we may try, it cannot be destroyed. As it is, we are taking to all kinds of destructive ways. But there is within us, built in, this power, you can’t see here [Shri Mataji is looking for the chakra chart], about which they have told you. And the central path of your ascent is absolutely ready to give you your second birth. One may say that Christ didn’t talk about Kundalini. But you must understand [that] at the time of Christ how blind those people were. He could live only four years of public life, at the most, and they crucified Him. Same with Mohammed Sahib – with all these great incarnations, they were not given any chance to say about the complete ascent. I was in England for four years working on seven Sahaja Yogis, so-called. I had given up – I was so fed up with them. They were all from Cambridge, Oxford – over read, over educated – scientists. And arguing all the time. But gradually it worked out. But today the situation is different I think – the seeking is serious and honest. People are seeking the truth. But what is the truth? The first thing is you should know [that] you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine Love which does all the living work of creating these beautiful flowers and running our heart. Everything that is living is done by this all-pervading power. In Koran they call it Ruh, in the Bible it is the all-pervading Power of God Almighty. And also, in Sanskrit language [it is] called as Paramachaitanya. It is the knowledge from the East which some people think is not good. But one has to penetrate into the question [of] why we have grown so big and now we are about to collapse. Why our societies are breaking, families are breaking, children are taking to drugs. Why in affluent countries people are committing suicide. What is the frustration. It is because we do not know why we are on this earth. Because we do not know what is the purpose of our life. Of course science cannot answer these questions, it has its limitations. But there is an answer. As this instrument is connected to the mains, it has some meaning. In the same way, when we are connected to this all-pervading power, we also have a meaning. So the purpose of our life is to enter into the kingdom of God to enjoy His blessings and to live in complete peace, harmony and bliss. Now, what happens when this ascent takes place through this power of Kundalini which is placed in this bone called sacrum bone? Now this sacrum bone is sacred and was perhaps discovered by the Greeks because it is a Greek name. But when this power, which is residual, arises then She nourishes all these centers above (six centers) and ultimately pierces through this center which is the fontanelle bone area. Christ has talked about Mohammed Sahib’s coming. And Mohammed Sahib has talked about the subtle system within, very clearly, in Koran. But as you know how all fundamentalists are, the Moslems took to Sharia. The first five books of the New Testament you know that there is one called [sounds like ‘Jeremiah’] in Hebrew it is [sounds like Yirmeyah’]. In this book He describes… These are the five books also respected by Muslims as Injil. There He describes what happened when Moses came down with the Ten Commandments and He saw all the Jews were indulging into very decadent habits and He knew that this society is going to be destroyed. So He wrote this Sharia. This was given for the Jews. But the Jews don’t follow it, the Muslims follow it. What do you say to that? Nowhere in the Koran is written about Sharia. Also, Koran was written 40 years later than Mohammed Sahib. But still I must say it has certain very good points that it respects the Mother of Christ – Mary. I told yesterday that in the Bible Mr. Paul didn’t want to show any respect to the Mother of Christ because he was a hater of women. I find in the west where there are such developed countries, the women are very insecure. That’s why they take to all kinds of these nonsensical things just to keep the man in his own place. They have to all the time please the men otherwise the man can run away with somebody else. But as it is, the society is not at all worried about what happens to a woman if she is thrown out of the house. I must say in India, thank God, our economics is bad, our politics is bad, but the society is good. If any man tries to trouble his wife, he will be thrown out of the society. And women are respected for their maturity, for their wisdom, for their chastity. But in the west, women are doing all kinds of mad things amounting to prostitution because they are so insecure. There is no respect. And this is the curse I think of Christianity, specially the Catholicism. And the worst I think is the Greek Orthodox – the way they treat their women, unbelievable. All right, so whatever has happened so far doesn’t matter. You are all seekers of truth and you must have discovered something wrong somewhere, that’s why you are here. I have to tell you [that] it is very simple, that within you is this Power, is your own. And you have all the possibility of getting you second birth, this Yoga, this union. It’s a living process and the last breakthrough of your evolution for which you don’t have to do anything. You don’t have to suffer – this is a nonsensical idea [that you have to suffer]. Why do you have to suffer when your Father is such a compassionate Father? All these ideas are given just to make money, I think. Christ has suffered for us, as they say. So then why should we suffer? Are you going to suffer more than that? But they want us to feel a kind of pity within ourselves. [They] make Christ look like a skeleton. Can a skeleton carry such a big cross over the mountain? So there is no respect also for the greatness of Christ. Now, we have to know that Christ is the path, no doubt. But how He is the path and how He works within us you will know after you have had your Realization. But that does not mean that Mohammed Sahib is in any way less than others. Or also it does not mean that Rama and Krishna were not living identities. Christ has said very clearly that ‘those who are not against Me are with Me’. Who are those? He must have said lots of things, I am sure. But Mr. Paul who just took over and edited the Bible must have missed lots of points. Yesterday I told you he was epileptic. Also, I read a book in which they say he was a homosexual. In Sahaja Yoga we have found out that a person who is epileptic is a possessed person, by some spirit. We have cured epilepsy, so we know. And then he goes to Peter who was the worst disciple of Christ and he says that Peter [sounds like ‘can give lectures’]. While Christ has said that ‘a satan will take you over’ – He must be referring to Mr. Paul. Khalil Gibran has written a big chapter about Paul. Because He [Gibran] was a saint. Anybody who gets Realization can see through – what is the truth and what is the falsehood – because you develop a sense of knowledge of absolute truth. And once you know the absolute truth, there is no quarrel, there is no fighting, there is no questioning, there is nothing like that. And you all are capable of getting it. Actually, you don’t need this lecture also. I think it is better that we now get to our Self Realization because it is getting late for you and for Me also. I think you all are just ready for it. You have to have complete self-confidence that you all are going to get your Self Realization. So as a result what happens [is] that you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. It is the Ruh, the Paramachaitanya, the all-pervading Power of divine Love. It is fantastic, but it is so; you are all fantastic people. Only thing [is] you have to be connected. So, to start with it, I have to tell you [that] you have to be fully confident. It will take not more than ten minutes for you people to get your Self Realization. And you have to have pure desire to get your Self Realization. It is not meant for idiots and [not clear], or for stupid people, or for [the] arrogant, or for the conditioned. It is meant for people who are open-minded like a scientist and want to have their Self Realization. Yesterday, I must tell you, there were four [or] five people who did not get Realization. And I asked, “Who are these people?” And they gave Me the information that they are from ADFI. I was surprised – how much they are conditioned. You may not be knowing this organization. But I didn’t know they were such conditioned people that they are not open to truth. So now first condition is that you have to have pure desire and full self-confidence. First is the pure desire and self-confidence. The second one is very simple – is not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. Now, it is a fashion to feel guilty. I mean, if you understand that you are human beings and human beings can always make mistakes, you are not God. So why should you feel guilty? If you commit mistakes, all right, face it up. But don’t feel guilty because it spoils this center here which is very important. You don’t have to confess. You don’t have to remember what so-called mistakes you have committed. Just forgive yourself and forget the past. It doesn’t exist now anymore. So, the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Logically. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. But the worst thing is that when you don’t forgive now, the center which is on the optic chiasma is like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates], very constricted… And if you don’t forgive it won’t open like this. So how will this Kundalini rise? As it is you have tortured yourself all your life and now you don’t want to miss your Self Realization. Please don’t say that you can’t forgive. Only you have to say in your heart that ‘I forgive everyone’ and don’t think about them because it’s a headache to even think about it. Because it’s headache [Shri Mataji corrects the translator]… I really think I understand Dutch a little bit. All right. So this is the second condition. And the third one is that you have to know it’s your own power; through your own power you are going to get your Self Realization. It doesn’t depend on anyone. It is built in within you. Like in the seed it is built in to sprout and in the Mother Earth it is built in to sprout. So it is spontaneous; it’s a living process. So you should not take any name, any mantras or prayers – nothing is needed just now. And don’t try to concentrate also. The Kundalini itself will manage everything; just leave it alone. With these three conditions, I have to make one request – those who don’t want to have Self Realization must leave this hall. In any way I cannot force it on you. You have to ask for it. Christ has said, “You have to knock at the door.” So please those who do not want to have can leave the hall. There is no problem at all for you getting the Realization. If you don’t forgive… I think many are not forgiving. So please forgive otherwise this [indicating the Agnya chakra] catches very much. Again and again I would say [that] those who don’t want to have Self Realization should leave this hall. All right. First we’ll show you how we are going to work out ourselves our Self Realization. First of all, we have to take off our shoes because this Mother Earth gives us a great help of sucking our problems. I hope they are not wearing Dutch shoes or boots. Now, one has to realize that there are two powers of sympathetic working within us – the left and the right – which we can handle ourselves. Left is the power of our desire; the right is the power of our action. So please put both your feet apart from each other and put the left hand towards Me like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates]. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self Realization. It is really great that in a short time you will discover how beautiful you are, how glorious you are. Now you have to use your right hand for nourishing your centers on the left-hand side. So, you first put your right hand on your heart. And here resides the Spirit, the reflection of the God Almighty. And the Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost who is the primordial Mother. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here is the center of your mastery created by all the Prophets. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine Knowledge on you. Now please take you hand to the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and this is the center of pure Knowledge, pure divine Knowledge. Now raise your right hand again on your upper abdomen on the left-hand side. And now raise your right hand on your heart again. Now take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. This center, I have already told you, is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Also, it causes diseases like Angina, Spondylitis, and lethargic organs. Now please raise your hand on top of your forehead across and slowly put down your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now, please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head. Now, without counting your mistakes, without thinking you are guilty, at this center for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. Now please stretch your right hand fully. Please put the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and now put down your head. Important it is to press back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. That’s all you have to do. Now, we have to close our eyes and you need not open them until I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and both the feet away from each other. Now, put your right hand on your heart. Now, please close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask three times: ‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ I have told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guide. So now, please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard on the left-hand side. Here ask another question three times, very fundamental: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please now put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, you have to say six times because this center has got six petals. Please say six times: ‘Mother, please give me pure Knowledge.’ As soon as you ask for pure Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now, we have to open our centers with full self-confidence. Raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Please keep both your feet apart from each other. Now, here you have to say ten times with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you [that] the truth is you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence 12 times: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading divine Power is the ocean of compassion and knowledge. Above all, It is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed are dissolved completely into this ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put your head to your right. Here again with full confidence you have to say 16 times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ It’s very important. I’ve already told you [that] whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you torture yourself. So now at this moment, please raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. And here you have to say with full confidence, in your heart, without counting: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here now, you have to say with full confidence again, not how many times but from your heart, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes: ‘Mother, or divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.’ Now the last center is very important for which you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. Now, please put down your head properly and press your scalp. Please move your scalp clockwise seven times [while] saying: ‘Mother please give me my Self Realization.’ Not the head, the scalp. Push back your fingers, then only you can do it. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly. Please open your eyes. Now, put your hands like this [open towards Shri Mataji] and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with [the] left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You shouldn’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get much away from the head. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me. Again bend your head. Now, see carefully if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now again, once more the right hand towards Me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions three times: the first one is ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. second one is: ‘Mother, is this the al-pervading Power of divine Love?’, the third one is: ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three time from your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands [towards Me] like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on these fingertips or on your hands or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. The whole of Antwerp. Most of you [have felt it]. You didn’t feel? You are feeling something in your fingertips Madam? Tingling is there? Nothing? All right, we’ll work it out. You also didn’t feel it Sir? All right, we’ll work it out. All right, thank you very much. I think Belgium seems to be a very spiritual place. Antwerp I’ve been before also. And I’ve also felt this is a very, very spiritual place and it will work out very well here, Sahaja Yoga. Now, it’s a collective happening I must tell you; it is not [an] individual happening. One nail is cut out of your finger, [it] cannot grow. It is a living organism. We are working in 55 nations; you have brothers and sisters everywhere. They are your own. Now you will also understand each other much better and you will enjoy each other’s love and affection which is pure. For this I have to make a request that you please come to the follow-on program. Do not miss out because it should not be like the seeds that are sprouted and are wasted. Please respect your Self Realization. You have to grow, and you’ll have all the powers of giving Realization to others, of curing others, and knowing about others in collective consciousness. It’s so much of knowledge, all available to you without paying a single pie. I am sorry, some people did not feel it. Doesn’t matter. We have Sahaja Yogis here. They can raise their Kundalini and they will feel it immediately. Now, enjoy this peace within yourself and you will know and master everything within one month’s time, for which you can’t pay. I am not for sale. So please try to understand your own value. And it is very important [that] at this juncture a great spiritual evolution or, say, a revolution is taking place. You have to join hands. Your diseases are cured, your metal problems are over, your stress is taken over and you will jump into the ocean of joy. All this is true, but you have to find out about everything that is reality within yourself. May God bless you. Next year I will definitely come, no doubt. These two people didn’t get Realization, they should. I don’t know what is the matter. They did everything properly. Just put your hands now. Now [you feel it]! You needed My attention specially, I think. Good. She didn’t? She was writing all the time. What were you writing? All right, doesn’t matter. Put your hands [towards Me]. Madam you didn’t get? You got it. Just one minute, let’s see. You got it, just see now. You see on her head, you can see yourself. Ask this gentleman to see on her head. She has got it. Certified. You didn’t get it? Take out your shoes please, one minute. You have to forgive. You didn’t forgive isn’t it? You have to forgive; I can’t forgive for you. You understand? Just forgive and you will get it. Now, better? It’s better now. This was the only point – you had not forgiven. What can I do about it? Just go on forgiving. Tell all the trees that ‘I have forgiven everyone.’ You have so many trees here, beautiful ones. They forgive you. All right. This is a beautiful country, very beautiful country. I will take your leave. May God bless you all. May God bless you all. Enjoy yourself. [Shri Mataji tells a photographer before he is about to take a photograph] Ask for a miraculous photograph. [Shri Mataji tells a lady who wants to feel the cool breeze] You have to forgive. Just forgive. Better? All right. [After the lady feels the vibrations] Now, just tell all the flowers that you have forgiven. All right? [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Despite the time they sat down. [Shri Mataji tells the people who are bidding Her farewell] Your faces are changed. Looking very relaxed. You can tell that photographer that Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujarat and I was with him. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes slowly. Please open your eyes. Now, put your hands like this [open towards Shri Mataji] and watch Me without thinking. Now, please put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with [the] left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You shouldn’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get much away from the head. Move your hand and see for yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me. Again bend your head. Now, see carefully if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now again, once more the right hand towards Me and see with the left hand if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions three times: the first one is ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. second one is: ‘Mother, is this the al-pervading Power of divine Love?’, the third one is: ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three time from your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands [towards Me] like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on these fingertips or on your hands or through your fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. The whole of Antwerp. Most of you [have felt it]. You didn’t feel? You are feeling something in your fingertips Madam? Tingling is there? Nothing? All right, we’ll work it out. You also didn’t feel it Sir? All right, we’ll work it out. All right, thank you very much. I think Belgium seems to be a very spiritual place. Antwerp I’ve been before also. And I’ve also felt this is a very, very spiritual place and it will work out very well here, Sahaja Yoga. Now, it’s a collective happening I must tell you; it is not [an] individual happening. One nail is cut out of your finger, [it] cannot grow. It is a living organism. We are working in 55 nations; you have brothers and sisters everywhere. They are your own. Now you will also understand each other much better and you will enjoy each other’s love and affection which is pure. For this I have to make a request that you please come to the follow-on program. Do not miss out because it should not be like the seeds that are sprouted and are wasted. Please respect your Self Realization. You have to grow, and you’ll have all the powers of giving Realization to others, of curing others, and knowing about others in collective consciousness. It’s so much of knowledge, all available to you without paying a single pie. I am sorry, some people did not feel it. Doesn’t matter. We have Sahaja Yogis here. They can raise their Kundalini and they will feel it immediately. Now, enjoy this peace within yourself and you will know and master everything within one month’s time, for which you can’t pay. I am not for sale. So please try to understand your own value. And it is very important [that] at this juncture a great spiritual evolution or, say, a revolution is taking place. You have to join hands. Your diseases are cured, your metal problems are over, your stress is taken over and you will jump into the ocean of joy. All this is true, but you have to find out about everything that is reality within yourself. May God bless you. Next year I will definitely come, no doubt. These two people didn’t get Realization, they should. I don’t know what is the matter. They did everything properly. Just put your hands now. Now [you feel it]! You needed My attention specially, I think. Good. She didn’t? She was writing all the time. What were you writing? All right, doesn’t matter. Put your hands [towards Me]. Madam you didn’t get? You got it. Just one minute, let’s see. You got it, just see now. You see on her head, you can see yourself. Ask this gentleman to see on her head. She has got it. Certified. You didn’t get it? Take out your shoes please, one minute. You have to forgive. You didn’t forgive isn’t it? You have to forgive; I can’t forgive for you. You understand? Just forgive and you will get it. Now, better? It’s better now. This was the only point – you had not forgiven. What can I do about it? Just go on forgiving. Tell all the trees that ‘I have forgiven everyone.’ You have so many trees here, beautiful ones. They forgive you. All right. This is a beautiful country, very beautiful country. I will take your leave. May God bless you all. May God bless you all. Enjoy yourself. [Shri Mataji tells a photographer before he is about to take a photograph] Ask for a miraculous photograph. [Shri Mataji tells a lady who wants to feel the cool breeze] You have to forgive. Just forgive. Better? All right. [After the lady feels the vibrations] Now, just tell all the flowers that you have forgiven. All right? [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Despite the time they sat down. [Shri Mataji tells the people who are bidding Her farewell] Your faces are changed. Looking very relaxed. You can tell that photographer that Mahatma Gandhi was from Gujarat and I was with him.
Public Program
Public Program
1993-0719 Public Program, Frankfurt, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualise it at this human awareness. That's why it is said that you are to be born again. In sanskrit language a realised soul is call as a [bija]? Means a person who is twice born. Even a bird is called as [bija]. Bird is first born as an egg and then it becomes a bird, second birth. Whatever I am going to tell you, you are not to accept it blindfolded, but please try to keep your mind open like scientist. First of all we should know what is the truth. First of all we should know that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but we are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love which does all the living work. You see these beautiful flowers which is a miracle. You don't even think how they have come out of one seed so beautifully. Look at our heart. It runs by itself. Who does that? Doctors say that it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Why are we on this earth? What are we supposed to do? What is the meaning of our life? What is our identity? All these questions cannot be answered by science. So we go to religion and the situation of religion is absurd. Those who preach do not practice and such a disparity into what is supposed to be done and what is done in the name of God. We don't know if there is God or not. All these questions have to be answered. Without that all kinds of insecurities develop. But you see the world how things have deteriorated, you are shocked. If children take to drugs I'm not surprised because they are so insecure. Families are destroyed. There is no compassion and love. A man has become enemy of oneself. In the name of God how many cruel things are done, I need not tell you. So one has to know that there's something missing point and the missing point is that our evolution is not yet complete. We reached the human stage but we have to go little higher than this. The journey is only about three to four feet. Within us is built in a system, a subtle system during our evolution. In the Quran there's a good description of it. Also in the Bible it is called as a Tree of Life. But as you know all the religions have become either power-oriented or money-oriented. They are supposed to be Spirit oriented, but that is not so. So this subtle system within us has got the power in the sacrum bone which we call it as kundalini. That power connects you to this all-pervading power after your self-realisation. It's like this instrument which has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning. We have no meaning. This connection is real yoga, not standing on your heads. Some people believe that by standing on your head this kundalini will rise and get you connection. It is not so. All world problems if you see seriously are from human beings. Most of them. And all human problems come from their disturbed centres. These are subtle centres within us. They look after our physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual being. If somehow or other we could correct them all our problems will be solved. When this kundalini rises within us She integrates all of them, nourishes them and ultimately comes out of the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the all-pervading power. I have seen people being cured of very incurable diseases with kundalini awakening. Mental problems being solved. Stress and strain is finished. This happening is spontaneous Sahaj. Means born with you. So is born with you is the right to be united to this all-pervading power, that's the yoga. It's just a living process. As you take a seed and plant it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. The seed has the quality to sprout, or the built-in quality to sprout and the Mother Earth has built-in quality to sprout it. So this power is built in within you. It's your own power. All of you have got this and for this you don't have to pay. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for sprouting these seeds and making these flowers? And the result of what happens that for the first time you feel this all-pervading power as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You feel it on your fingertips. So you have to know the truth on your central nervous system. For this in Sanskrit the word it [bord?] Also this word gnostics were used after Christ, 'gn' meaning in Sanskrit knowledge, the divine knowledge. But not mental. It is on your central nervous system you have to know. You cannot get it by arguments, discussions. You have to have the awakening of the kundalini. There are many misleading people, especially in German some – one Freudian had written that Kundalini when she is awakened gives you lot of problems and heat and all that. This is untrue, and nonsensical itself as Freud himself was. Now if there are books coming out about Freud as their fraudulent Freud. There's a book 'Fraudulent Freud'. Also there's a book saying 'Fall of the Freud empire'. He's done all the harm necessary to destroy people, achieving nothing. Sahaja Yoga is result-oriented. It is tangible. Scientifically tangible. It's not a blindfold. But you have to be intelligent enough. It's not meant for stupid people, and not meant for people who are arrogant I think. It is meant for seekers of truth, who are truthful and honest who are really seeking the truth all these days. And it is their right to get it. Your innocence I must say is never destroyed whatever you might have tried. Have faith in yourself. There have been some clouds. All these vanish away like a lotus that comes out of the pond, absolutely clean and gives fragrance. So the first thing that happens to you, that you feel the cool breeze on your fingertips and also out of your fontanel bone area. You find the cool breeze is coming out. Second thing that happens is that you develop a new dimension of your awareness. This we call as thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise and fall, again rise and fall and they come from the past and the future. But if I say that come in the present you cannot. In between these thoughts there's a little space which is the present and when this kundalini rises she separates those thoughts and you come in your silence. If you want to think you can think. If you don't want to think you are in complete silence in your present. In that you grow spiritually. That's where you feel your peace within yourself. Many people talk of peace. They have got awards and all kinds of recognitions but I have met them somehow, I found they have no peace within themselves. They are mostly very hot-tempered and also very agitated. So the peace is within ourselves. We have to feel that peace. When you reach that state then you see the whole world as a drama. You witness everything. Supposing you are standing in the water, you are afraid of the waves. But if you can get out of those waves on a boat you can watch them. And if you are a swimmer you can jump in and save many others. This exactly what happens to you when your kundalini rises and makes you one with this all-pervading power. On your fingertips you can feel the seven centres that are there, five, six and seven on the left hand, five, six and seven on the right hand. These are sympathetic nervous endings. They get enlightened. Your nerves get enlightened. And you can feel your own centres, what's wrong with them. You can feel the centres of others – of anyone, dead or alive or far away. Thus you become collectively conscious. This is the new awareness – new dimension in your awareness. Now if you know how to correct these centres you can correct yourself and you can correct others also. You yourself can give realisations to others. Which is a resurrection promise to you and thus the whole world gets changed. If you are really interested in seeing a harmonious world and a peaceful world then try to become the self, the spirit. Now spirit in the heart is the collective being within us. Also it is a source of absolute knowledge. If you stretch your hands towards anyone you will find that all of you – those who have got realisation will feel the same centres. When you know the absolute truth there is no fight, no quarrel, no discussion, no argument. You have to know the reality about yourself and about others on the central nervous system again. For now Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and I have seen that when they meet there is never a quarrel, no fight, no argument. All pure innocent love. They all are as if are swimming the in ocean of joy. It is surprising that compared to West I found the Russians and the other eastern bloc people much more alert. Maybe the stupid freedom we had that we lost the seriousness of life, that we have no value for ourselves, that we don't want to even preserve ourselves. Of your countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Scandinavian countries are competing in committing suicide. All our ideas of liberty are self-destructive. Also I find that in the West that women are very insecure. They are developed but very insecure. I came to East Germany long time back and I was amazed how the women were insecure. They said, “We don't want to have children. Why, because our figure will be spoilt. Then our husbands will marry younger girls. Then we're left high and dry. So we have to dress up like this. We have to be very attractive all the time like prostitutes. Otherwise we are left alone.” I was amazed. In India the society is very strong. Politically and economically we are hopeless I must say. But society is very strong and very wise. A woman doesn't care if her husband is running after another woman. She thinks he is committing sins let him commit. Why should I bother? And the whole society supports the wife. A man of that character is not allowed to come to any party, to any festival, to any marriage. He's just outcast automatically. Women have the power of chastity. And they live with it. There's no fight with the men, no fight. But men understand the value of women when they are chaste. There is this – what's created by Paul in the Bible that he really tried to look all the women something very low. He did not show any respect even to the Mother of Christ. One has to understand that Christ respected women very much. On the cross he said, “Behold the mother”. Mohammed Sahib has praised the Mother of Christ and said that you should never try criticise as chastity. He said the whole world lies at the lotus feet of the mother. So it's a big pride that you become the mother. It's a big pride that you become the mother, is the fulfilment of woman's life, and men also must respect. Well whatever has happened, has happened. Please remember that in Sahaja Yoga you feel absolutely secure. Nobody will challenge you. Nobody will say that I am running with somebody else's wife, or somebody's daughter. Nothing of the kind. Because you become innocent. As Christ has said that to enter into the kingdom of God you have to be like children. The eyes become innocent as Christ has said that, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. And these eyes become so powerful that even a glance of these eyes can do so much good to others. You become dynamic but extremely compassionate. You become collective like the macrocosm becoming the macrocosm. A drop becomes the ocean, You'll find your brothers and sisters all over the world. They will recognise you by your vibrations. This is happening everywhere and should happen in Germany. Germany – the word comes from germ. If they take it up I am sure they can do better than anybody else. They know the mechanism of the matter but they have to know the mechanism of the Divine. But first you must have respect for yourself and know that you are fantastic. Only thing is you are not yet connected that's why you do not know what you are. The attention of such a person which is enlightened by Spirit also becomes over-active. You can with your attention help so many people and it works out. The greatest thing is that the spirit is the source of joy. Joy which is absolute, which is not happiness and unhappiness but pure joy. Actually enter into the kingdom of God which is very efficient government. Really alert. Very effective. Very protective. Full of blessings. People have been writing to Me about their blessings so I asked somebody that please collect these letters and try to make a book. Within one month he had up to this letters, so he said, “Mother now tell me which one to be selected. I feel the Germans have a special responsibility because they are serious, intelligent and intensive, and they are seekers of truth. But they have been misled by many I know that. Doesn't matter. All of you will get your realisation tonight. Only thing is you must have pure desire in your heart. I cannot force self-realisation on you because I respect very much your freedom. So please try to understand that it is your own power. It's your own blessings that you will get your realisation and it will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes. Now those who don't want to have realisation should please leave the hall is better. There are some people who believe in something - blind. I was Myself was born in a Christian religion and all those who were born in a Christian religion believe in Christ and have never seen him. Then I talked to some Muslims. They said Christians are the worst. They are never chosen by God. Then the Christians said the Jews are the worst. According to all of them they were the best. It's not so. Unless and until you have got realisation you are neither a Christian nor a Jew and not a Muslim, because you are just blindly following it. Now the time has come to prove the existence of divinity, the divinity within you. 40.13 Again I would request those who don't want to have self-realisation should please leave the hall. [Aside – Too much of light on my eyes, I can't get it. I don't see them at all.] I never had glasses but they used to put such strong lights on my eyes only four, five years back I had to use glasses. All these modern things. All right. So the first thing is – first condition that you should not feel guilty at all. It's a fashion to be guilty. You are human beings. If you have made mistakes it's all right you are not God. If you have committed mistakes then just face it but don't feel guilty. Now people feel guilty for what their forefathers did, what their great grandparents did. That's finished now. One gentleman told me that he feels guilty because whatever is happening in Afghanistan. I said, “What have you got to do with it. I mean just you can't help it. What's the use of feeling guilt. I think it's a fashion. So please forget your past. At this present moment it doesn't exist – finished. It doesn't exist at all now and the future also doesn't exist. So forget the past and forgive yourself for ever. There is no need to condemn yourself. In short you should be pleasantly placed yourself that you are a human being, the epitome of evolution. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general. That means logically that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Now when you feel guilty this centre is caught up here and you get diseases like angina spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why feel guilty? Secondly when you don't forgive the centre in your brain on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely like this, like cross and if you forgive it opens out. But if you don't forgive then how will the kundalini rise? I think it's very important today I have a feeling that this centre is very much catching, so please forgive everyone. Even don't think about them because even thinking about them is a headache. This is the second condition. The third condition is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you all will get your realisation. Be self-confident. Don't doubt yourself please because you are seekers of truth. And why not? It's your right to get this yoga. I know you have some questions but just now forget them. For the last twenty three years I have been answering all questions so I know all of them and I know the answers also. I'm too clever. But it's just a mental acrobat. You have to go beyond. So best is not to argue or think about it, but just open your hearts. For example in this hall there are many lights and you can switch them on with one button because it's all built in. So there is no need to tell you the whole history about this electricity – how it came to this place and then how it came to specially to this hall. It's very boring isn't it? Best thing is to put the lights on. It's all built in. So first you have your enlightenment and then you can know everything about it. It is a collective happening. It is not individual that you say I am doing Sahaja Yoga at home. You don't have to pay for anything. You'll get all the knowledge. But you have to give some time to yourself. You have to come to the collective and grow in it. If a nail is cut from your body it doesn't grow. We are very humble centres because we don't take money – very humble. But it is for the inner temple that we have to meet each other. So as I said it will take ten minutes and those who don't want should please leave the hall. Can I request you to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us a lot. You have to sit comfortably. You have to be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads. Just here on your chairs you get your realisation. All right. Both the feet are to be put away from each other because there are two powers of sympathetic, the left and the right. The left is the power of desire and the right is the power of action. So now we have to put our left hand on our left lap like this, which is suggestive that you want to have your self-realisation, desire for it. Now we have to use the right hand for nourishing our own centres. So first of all we have to put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. We are working on the left hand side. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take down your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery, was created by all the prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Then please take down your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre surprisingly is of pure divine knowledge. Whatever I am saying is absolutely tangible. Now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now take it to your heart. Now take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your hand on the back-side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power. All right now stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone on your childhood. Now press back your fingers so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly, clockwise, seven times. Not the hand but more the scalp. Please put down your head, put down your head. Press it hard. Push back your fingers - push back. Push back seven times. That's how we have to do. Now remember to put both the feet apart from each other. Left hand on your left lap and right hand on your heart, and now please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Here at this centre you have to ask Me a very fundamental question. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. It's a fundamental question about yourself. Ask three times, Mother am I the Spirit? Three times. I have told you that if you are the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now take down your right hand in the upper portion of hour abdomen on the left hand side and here ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask a question, Mother am I my own master? Three times. I have already told you that I cannot force the pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say six times because this centre has got six petals. Mother please give me self-realisation. As soon as you ask for your self-realisation or for the divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to open our centres, upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, Mother I am my own master. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but the truth is you are the pure spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart and here you say with full confidence, Mother I am the pure spirit. Please say it twelve times. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, so whatever mistakes you might have committed they all get dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So raise your hand on to your neck, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times. With full confidence sixteen times, Mother I am not guilty at all. I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You have tortured yourself all these years but at this moment don't miss your self-realisation by not forgiving. So raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head and here you have to say with full confidence, from your heart not how many times – Mother I forgive everyone in general. Now take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say for your own satisfaction, without feeling your guilt and without counting your mistakes. You have to say, oh Divine Power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Say it from your heart, not to count but just say it from your heart. Now please take your right hand, open it out fully and stretch it, your palm. Now put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Here again I cannot force self-realisation on you. I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it. So now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers. It's very important. Here you have to say seven times, moving your scalp seven times clockwise, Mother please give me self-realisation. Don't move your head. Put it down. Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards Me like this and don't think. You can do it. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head and see for yourself from the fontanel bone area if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming. Feel it with your left hand. Still put the hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself. Some people get it very far away. Again put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please put down your head. Now please put your right hand towards Me and again with the left hand please see if there's a cool or a hot breeze from your fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven or you are feeling guilty then it will be hot. So forgive now. Now please put both your hands like this and push back your head and ask any one of these three questions three times. First, Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Second Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Third, Mother is this the Paramachaitanya? Ask three times any one of these questions. Now please put down your hands. You'll feel very relaxed. All those who have felt hot or cool breeze out of the fontanel bone area or on fingertips, or on your hands, please raise both your hands. Most of you have got it. May God bless you. Most of you. This is the first time you have felt the cool breeze. Actually My visit to Frankfurt was just arranged last minute. I was to come here somehow to meet you all because you are such seekers of truth. So may God bless you. Look after your realisation. Please come to the collective please, otherwise you cannot go very far. You don't have to pay anything. All the Divine laws and all the subtle centres, subtle system will be explained to you and you'll have the power to give realisation to others, to cure others, absolutely angelic powers . So what should we do now? Just enjoy. Should we have some music. Would you like to? Some fold music from India which was. This folk music is from India which sings the praise of the kundalini since long we knew about it. In the sixteenth century a poet wrote about the kundalini describing everything and in the villages they sing about it.[unclear] In that he says that, O Mother give me my yoga and he calls the kundalini an ambi, amba and he says that rise now, rise. Is very beautifully described.
1993-0719 Public Program, Frankfurt, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know at the very outset that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it and we cannot conceptualise it at this human awareness. That's why it is said that you are to be born again. In sanskrit language a realised soul is call as a [bija]? Means a person who is twice born. Even a bird is called as [bija]. Bird is first born as an egg and then it becomes a bird, second birth. Whatever I am going to tell you, you are not to accept it blindfolded, but please try to keep your mind open like scientist. First of all we should know what is the truth. First of all we should know that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but we are pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is an all pervading power of Divine love which does all the living work. You see these beautiful flowers which is a miracle. You don't even think how they have come out of one seed so beautifully. Look at our heart. It runs by itself. Who does that? Doctors say that it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? Why are we on this earth? What are we supposed to do? What is the meaning of our life? What is our identity? All these questions cannot be answered by science. So we go to religion and the situation of religion is absurd. Those who preach do not practice and such a disparity into what is supposed to be done and what is done in the name of God. We don't know if there is God or not. All these questions have to be answered. Without that all kinds of insecurities develop. But you see the world how things have deteriorated, you are shocked. If children take to drugs I'm not surprised because they are so insecure. Families are destroyed. There is no compassion and love. A man has become enemy of oneself. In the name of God how many cruel things are done, I need not tell you. So one has to know that there's something missing point and the missing point is that our evolution is not yet complete. We reached the human stage but we have to go little higher than this. The journey is only about three to four feet. Within us is built in a system, a subtle system during our evolution. In the Quran there's a good description of it. Also in the Bible it is called as a Tree of Life. But as you know all the religions have become either power-oriented or money-oriented. They are supposed to be Spirit oriented, but that is not so. So this subtle system within us has got the power in the sacrum bone which we call it as kundalini. That power connects you to this all-pervading power after your self-realisation. It's like this instrument which has to be connected to the mains otherwise it has no meaning. We have no meaning. This connection is real yoga, not standing on your heads. Some people believe that by standing on your head this kundalini will rise and get you connection. It is not so. All world problems if you see seriously are from human beings. Most of them. And all human problems come from their disturbed centres. These are subtle centres within us. They look after our physical, mental and emotional as well as spiritual being. If somehow or other we could correct them all our problems will be solved. When this kundalini rises within us She integrates all of them, nourishes them and ultimately comes out of the fontanel bone area and becomes one with the all-pervading power. I have seen people being cured of very incurable diseases with kundalini awakening. Mental problems being solved. Stress and strain is finished. This happening is spontaneous Sahaj. Means born with you. So is born with you is the right to be united to this all-pervading power, that's the yoga. It's just a living process. As you take a seed and plant it in the Mother Earth it sprouts by itself. The seed has the quality to sprout, or the built-in quality to sprout and the Mother Earth has built-in quality to sprout it. So this power is built in within you. It's your own power. All of you have got this and for this you don't have to pay. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for sprouting these seeds and making these flowers? And the result of what happens that for the first time you feel this all-pervading power as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You feel it on your fingertips. So you have to know the truth on your central nervous system. For this in Sanskrit the word it [bord?] Also this word gnostics were used after Christ, 'gn' meaning in Sanskrit knowledge, the divine knowledge. But not mental. It is on your central nervous system you have to know. You cannot get it by arguments, discussions. You have to have the awakening of the kundalini. There are many misleading people, especially in German some – one Freudian had written that Kundalini when she is awakened gives you lot of problems and heat and all that. This is untrue, and nonsensical itself as Freud himself was. Now if there are books coming out about Freud as their fraudulent Freud. There's a book 'Fraudulent Freud'. Also there's a book saying 'Fall of the Freud empire'. He's done all the harm necessary to destroy people, achieving nothing. Sahaja Yoga is result-oriented. It is tangible. Scientifically tangible. It's not a blindfold. But you have to be intelligent enough. It's not meant for stupid people, and not meant for people who are arrogant I think. It is meant for seekers of truth, who are truthful and honest who are really seeking the truth all these days. And it is their right to get it. Your innocence I must say is never destroyed whatever you might have tried. Have faith in yourself. There have been some clouds. All these vanish away like a lotus that comes out of the pond, absolutely clean and gives fragrance. So the first thing that happens to you, that you feel the cool breeze on your fingertips and also out of your fontanel bone area. You find the cool breeze is coming out. Second thing that happens is that you develop a new dimension of your awareness. This we call as thoughtless awareness. The thoughts rise and fall, again rise and fall and they come from the past and the future. But if I say that come in the present you cannot. In between these thoughts there's a little space which is the present and when this kundalini rises she separates those thoughts and you come in your silence. If you want to think you can think. If you don't want to think you are in complete silence in your present. In that you grow spiritually. That's where you feel your peace within yourself. Many people talk of peace. They have got awards and all kinds of recognitions but I have met them somehow, I found they have no peace within themselves. They are mostly very hot-tempered and also very agitated. So the peace is within ourselves. We have to feel that peace. When you reach that state then you see the whole world as a drama. You witness everything. Supposing you are standing in the water, you are afraid of the waves. But if you can get out of those waves on a boat you can watch them. And if you are a swimmer you can jump in and save many others. This exactly what happens to you when your kundalini rises and makes you one with this all-pervading power. On your fingertips you can feel the seven centres that are there, five, six and seven on the left hand, five, six and seven on the right hand. These are sympathetic nervous endings. They get enlightened. Your nerves get enlightened. And you can feel your own centres, what's wrong with them. You can feel the centres of others – of anyone, dead or alive or far away. Thus you become collectively conscious. This is the new awareness – new dimension in your awareness. Now if you know how to correct these centres you can correct yourself and you can correct others also. You yourself can give realisations to others. Which is a resurrection promise to you and thus the whole world gets changed. If you are really interested in seeing a harmonious world and a peaceful world then try to become the self, the spirit. Now spirit in the heart is the collective being within us. Also it is a source of absolute knowledge. If you stretch your hands towards anyone you will find that all of you – those who have got realisation will feel the same centres. When you know the absolute truth there is no fight, no quarrel, no discussion, no argument. You have to know the reality about yourself and about others on the central nervous system again. For now Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and I have seen that when they meet there is never a quarrel, no fight, no argument. All pure innocent love. They all are as if are swimming the in ocean of joy. It is surprising that compared to West I found the Russians and the other eastern bloc people much more alert. Maybe the stupid freedom we had that we lost the seriousness of life, that we have no value for ourselves, that we don't want to even preserve ourselves. Of your countries like Switzerland, Sweden, Scandinavian countries are competing in committing suicide. All our ideas of liberty are self-destructive. Also I find that in the West that women are very insecure. They are developed but very insecure. I came to East Germany long time back and I was amazed how the women were insecure. They said, “We don't want to have children. Why, because our figure will be spoilt. Then our husbands will marry younger girls. Then we're left high and dry. So we have to dress up like this. We have to be very attractive all the time like prostitutes. Otherwise we are left alone.” I was amazed. In India the society is very strong. Politically and economically we are hopeless I must say. But society is very strong and very wise. A woman doesn't care if her husband is running after another woman. She thinks he is committing sins let him commit. Why should I bother? And the whole society supports the wife. A man of that character is not allowed to come to any party, to any festival, to any marriage. He's just outcast automatically. Women have the power of chastity. And they live with it. There's no fight with the men, no fight. But men understand the value of women when they are chaste. There is this – what's created by Paul in the Bible that he really tried to look all the women something very low. He did not show any respect even to the Mother of Christ. One has to understand that Christ respected women very much. On the cross he said, “Behold the mother”. Mohammed Sahib has praised the Mother of Christ and said that you should never try criticise as chastity. He said the whole world lies at the lotus feet of the mother. So it's a big pride that you become the mother. It's a big pride that you become the mother, is the fulfilment of woman's life, and men also must respect. Well whatever has happened, has happened. Please remember that in Sahaja Yoga you feel absolutely secure. Nobody will challenge you. Nobody will say that I am running with somebody else's wife, or somebody's daughter. Nothing of the kind. Because you become innocent. As Christ has said that to enter into the kingdom of God you have to be like children. The eyes become innocent as Christ has said that, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. And these eyes become so powerful that even a glance of these eyes can do so much good to others. You become dynamic but extremely compassionate. You become collective like the macrocosm becoming the macrocosm. A drop becomes the ocean, You'll find your brothers and sisters all over the world. They will recognise you by your vibrations. This is happening everywhere and should happen in Germany. Germany – the word comes from germ. If they take it up I am sure they can do better than anybody else. They know the mechanism of the matter but they have to know the mechanism of the Divine. But first you must have respect for yourself and know that you are fantastic. Only thing is you are not yet connected that's why you do not know what you are. The attention of such a person which is enlightened by Spirit also becomes over-active. You can with your attention help so many people and it works out. The greatest thing is that the spirit is the source of joy. Joy which is absolute, which is not happiness and unhappiness but pure joy. Actually enter into the kingdom of God which is very efficient government. Really alert. Very effective. Very protective. Full of blessings. People have been writing to Me about their blessings so I asked somebody that please collect these letters and try to make a book. Within one month he had up to this letters, so he said, “Mother now tell me which one to be selected. I feel the Germans have a special responsibility because they are serious, intelligent and intensive, and they are seekers of truth. But they have been misled by many I know that. Doesn't matter. All of you will get your realisation tonight. Only thing is you must have pure desire in your heart. I cannot force self-realisation on you because I respect very much your freedom. So please try to understand that it is your own power. It's your own blessings that you will get your realisation and it will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes. Now those who don't want to have realisation should please leave the hall is better. There are some people who believe in something - blind. I was Myself was born in a Christian religion and all those who were born in a Christian religion believe in Christ and have never seen him. Then I talked to some Muslims. They said Christians are the worst. They are never chosen by God. Then the Christians said the Jews are the worst. According to all of them they were the best. It's not so. Unless and until you have got realisation you are neither a Christian nor a Jew and not a Muslim, because you are just blindly following it. Now the time has come to prove the existence of divinity, the divinity within you. 40.13 Again I would request those who don't want to have self-realisation should please leave the hall. [Aside – Too much of light on my eyes, I can't get it. I don't see them at all.] I never had glasses but they used to put such strong lights on my eyes only four, five years back I had to use glasses. All these modern things. All right. So the first thing is – first condition that you should not feel guilty at all. It's a fashion to be guilty. You are human beings. If you have made mistakes it's all right you are not God. If you have committed mistakes then just face it but don't feel guilty. Now people feel guilty for what their forefathers did, what their great grandparents did. That's finished now. One gentleman told me that he feels guilty because whatever is happening in Afghanistan. I said, “What have you got to do with it. I mean just you can't help it. What's the use of feeling guilt. I think it's a fashion. So please forget your past. At this present moment it doesn't exist – finished. It doesn't exist at all now and the future also doesn't exist. So forget the past and forgive yourself for ever. There is no need to condemn yourself. In short you should be pleasantly placed yourself that you are a human being, the epitome of evolution. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone in general. That means logically that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Now when you feel guilty this centre is caught up here and you get diseases like angina spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why feel guilty? Secondly when you don't forgive the centre in your brain on the optic chiasma is like this, absolutely like this, like cross and if you forgive it opens out. But if you don't forgive then how will the kundalini rise? I think it's very important today I have a feeling that this centre is very much catching, so please forgive everyone. Even don't think about them because even thinking about them is a headache. This is the second condition. The third condition is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you all will get your realisation. Be self-confident. Don't doubt yourself please because you are seekers of truth. And why not? It's your right to get this yoga. I know you have some questions but just now forget them. For the last twenty three years I have been answering all questions so I know all of them and I know the answers also. I'm too clever. But it's just a mental acrobat. You have to go beyond. So best is not to argue or think about it, but just open your hearts. For example in this hall there are many lights and you can switch them on with one button because it's all built in. So there is no need to tell you the whole history about this electricity – how it came to this place and then how it came to specially to this hall. It's very boring isn't it? Best thing is to put the lights on. It's all built in. So first you have your enlightenment and then you can know everything about it. It is a collective happening. It is not individual that you say I am doing Sahaja Yoga at home. You don't have to pay for anything. You'll get all the knowledge. But you have to give some time to yourself. You have to come to the collective and grow in it. If a nail is cut from your body it doesn't grow. We are very humble centres because we don't take money – very humble. But it is for the inner temple that we have to meet each other. So as I said it will take ten minutes and those who don't want should please leave the hall. Can I request you to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us a lot. You have to sit comfortably. You have to be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads. Just here on your chairs you get your realisation. All right. Both the feet are to be put away from each other because there are two powers of sympathetic, the left and the right. The left is the power of desire and the right is the power of action. So now we have to put our left hand on our left lap like this, which is suggestive that you want to have your self-realisation, desire for it. Now we have to use the right hand for nourishing our own centres. So first of all we have to put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. We are working on the left hand side. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take down your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery, was created by all the prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Then please take down your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre surprisingly is of pure divine knowledge. Whatever I am saying is absolutely tangible. Now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now take it to your heart. Now take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your hand on the back-side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power. All right now stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone on your childhood. Now press back your fingers so that there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly, clockwise, seven times. Not the hand but more the scalp. Please put down your head, put down your head. Press it hard. Push back your fingers - push back. Push back seven times. That's how we have to do. Now remember to put both the feet apart from each other. Left hand on your left lap and right hand on your heart, and now please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Here at this centre you have to ask Me a very fundamental question. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. It's a fundamental question about yourself. Ask three times, Mother am I the Spirit? Three times. I have told you that if you are the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now take down your right hand in the upper portion of hour abdomen on the left hand side and here ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask a question, Mother am I my own master? Three times. I have already told you that I cannot force the pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say six times because this centre has got six petals. Mother please give me self-realisation. As soon as you ask for your self-realisation or for the divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to open our centres, upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, Mother I am my own master. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but the truth is you are the pure spirit. So raise your right hand on your heart and here you say with full confidence, Mother I am the pure spirit. Please say it twelve times. This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and love. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness, so whatever mistakes you might have committed they all get dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So raise your hand on to your neck, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times. With full confidence sixteen times, Mother I am not guilty at all. I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You have tortured yourself all these years but at this moment don't miss your self-realisation by not forgiving. So raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head and here you have to say with full confidence, from your heart not how many times – Mother I forgive everyone in general. Now take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here you have to say for your own satisfaction, without feeling your guilt and without counting your mistakes. You have to say, oh Divine Power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly. Say it from your heart, not to count but just say it from your heart. Now please take your right hand, open it out fully and stretch it, your palm. Now put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Here again I cannot force self-realisation on you. I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it. So now please put down your head and stretch back your fingers. It's very important. Here you have to say seven times, moving your scalp seven times clockwise, Mother please give me self-realisation. Don't move your head. Put it down. Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Please put both the hands towards Me like this and don't think. You can do it. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head and see for yourself from the fontanel bone area if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming. Feel it with your left hand. Still put the hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself. Some people get it very far away. Again put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please put down your head. Now please put your right hand towards Me and again with the left hand please see if there's a cool or a hot breeze from your fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven or you are feeling guilty then it will be hot. So forgive now. Now please put both your hands like this and push back your head and ask any one of these three questions three times. First, Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Second Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love? Third, Mother is this the Paramachaitanya? Ask three times any one of these questions. Now please put down your hands. You'll feel very relaxed. All those who have felt hot or cool breeze out of the fontanel bone area or on fingertips, or on your hands, please raise both your hands. Most of you have got it. May God bless you. Most of you. This is the first time you have felt the cool breeze. Actually My visit to Frankfurt was just arranged last minute. I was to come here somehow to meet you all because you are such seekers of truth. So may God bless you. Look after your realisation. Please come to the collective please, otherwise you cannot go very far. You don't have to pay anything. All the Divine laws and all the subtle centres, subtle system will be explained to you and you'll have the power to give realisation to others, to cure others, absolutely angelic powers . So what should we do now? Just enjoy. Should we have some music. Would you like to? Some fold music from India which was. This folk music is from India which sings the praise of the kundalini since long we knew about it. In the sixteenth century a poet wrote about the kundalini describing everything and in the villages they sing about it.[unclear] In that he says that, O Mother give me my yoga and he calls the kundalini an ambi, amba and he says that rise now, rise. Is very beautifully described.
Shri Ganesha Puja: Powers of Shri Ganesha
Shri Ganesha Puja. Berlin (Germany), 21 July 1993. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha. As you know, in the whole of Europe, America, England, they have lost faith in Shri Ganesh. Nor do they care for His powers and for His blessings. As a result, all His blessings are not on these countries. The first blessing of Shri Ganesha, which I think is the highest, is the wisdom: that we learn what is good for us and what is bad for us, what is constructive and what is destructive, what should we do to achieve our Self-Realization. Those people who have got wisdom are very lucky people. But wisdom comes from no source but your own understanding of life. When a person starts thinking, “Why am I doing such and such thing? What is the effect of my doing? What is the result of my behaviour? Is it good for me or bad for me?” then wisdom comes in. Even if some people know that this is bad for them, still they do not have power to control themselves. Still they do lots of bad things which they should not do. The reason is, the power of wisdom is not there. A person who is wise does not only know what is right and wrong, but also he knows very well his own power not to do something wrong. He just does not do it. Wisdom is a complete power within ourselves by which we try nothing: it just spontaneously works through us and we do things which are proper and right. In this wisdom, many people have risen very high in life. For example, we’ll take the example of Kabir. Kabir was born to a weaver, they say. They don’t think he was born to him but he was found by a weaver, whatever it is. And he belonged to a Muslim family. But he realized that the Muslims as they are practising their Islam is not going to give him what he wants. He has to seek his Self, he has to know himself. So what did he do, is to go on the bank of River Ganges in Benares, and he stayed there waiting for a great realized soul called as Ramanand, Swami Ramanand. When this Swami Ramanand came back after his bath, immediately he caught hold of his feet. After bath, if somebody catches the feet of any Brahmin, he would shout at him. But he was a saint, he was not a Brahmin. He said, “My son what do you want?” He said, “Sir, give me initiation. I want Self-Realization.” And Swami Ramanand immediately agreed. All the other people said, “Sir, he is a Muslim. He is an orphan brought up in a Muslim family, how can you give realization? He’ll not accept any of the principles which look like [they’re] coming from Hindu religion.” Ramanand looked at Kabir. He could see a great seeker there. He said, “You don’t know him, I know him.” And he took him with him and Kabira became a great saint after that. He’s accepted by Hindus and Muslims. Because he had that power of wisdom, he went to a man who was not belonging to his religion, who may have not accepted him, who might have just thrown him in the river also, possibly. But he knew also through his wisdom that this man is the one who will love me, because I am a seeker of truth. So this power of truth works not only that you know what is right and wrong, again I say, but that you just don’t do something that is wrong. Now one may say, “Mother, what is the source again, of this wisdom?” The source is Shri Ganesha. The source is Shri Ganesha, which is the giver of wisdom. Once Shri Ganesha is insulted and He disappears behind the clouds of ignorance, then people start doing things which are unwise. This happens with many things. Supposing these days, in the democratic countries, they are not supposed to say anything about the morality, about how people should behave, what should be their relationships. They don’t try to look after the society because they think looking after the society is not our job, it’s a private affair, it’s a private thing. As a result, people take freedom into their hands and start insulting Shri Ganesh. When Shri Ganesha is insulted, complete blockage takes place in a human being, I think. He becomes an idiot. He becomes a stupid fellow; he doesn’t understand how to go on further with wisdom. Without wisdom, whatever steps one takes is destructive. So this is the first quality of Shri Ganesh: that He gives us, bestows upon us wisdom. So we have to respect Shri Ganesha within us. This is very important, especially for all these democratic countries which are now going to the dogs. Their families are destroyed because their lifestyle is so horrible, their children are ruined. In every way, they are in a big jeopardy. This wisdom can be easily brought back if we awaken their Kundalini. If the Kundalini is awakened, this Ganesha can be awakened. Because without His help, Kundalini cannot be awakened. And if Shri Ganesha knows that Kundalini is to be awakened, He forgives everything, forgets everything, and comes to assist you to support the Kundalini’s ascent. At every chakra, He’s there to support you. Till you get realization, He’s there to help you. In all these countries, the missing point is their wisdom. And that’s why you find so much of destruction, so much of nonsense going on, and you can’t understand why people are so stupid. The other power that Ganesha has is He generates innocence within us. We respect our innocence, we respect our chastity, we respect a lifestyle which is decent and decorous. In every scripture it’s written that we should dress up in a way that we are decent and decorous and that our body should not in any way express an indecent feeling or indecent behaviour on our part. This is the reason why, in Sahaj Yoga, we have to be particular about how we dress up. I think Sahaj Yogis have realized that our dress should be decent, should be dignified, and that we should in no way try to show our vulgarity. Because if innocence is the most important thing a human being should have, if that is the complete decoration of a human being, then one should look after one’s own chastity and one’s own morality. In some countries, of course, they think that chastity is only meant for women and not for men, but it’s not true. That’s what the Islamic people believe; it’s very wrong. It is meant for both of them. Like, a person who is trying to force the other side: like the men trying to force the women to be chaste and themselves are not chaste, the women will not be chaste. They may look, appear; they may try to be, out of fear. But if they get a chance, they will take to a life which is wrong. Because they see the other party, the men, trying to dominate them, then they think, “What’s wrong? If they can do it, why not we do it?” So the whole society has to take to a very decent life and to a very, very decorous, dignified lifestyle. It’s not only in dress but even in day-to-day life it is important. Otherwise, a kind of an insecurity starts working among men and women and too much complications, too much complicated life starts. The third quality which I am saying, today, is that a person who is innocent should not fear, because God looks after innocent people. They’re always protected. If anybody tries to harm the innocent, God protects them. And that’s how you have seen many children who fall from high stories, they are saved and so many things happen. But also we see many children are being killed by people who are extremely aggressive. Of course, that is very, very cruel and wrong to do, to kill the innocent children, but when these children are killed—actually nobody is killed as you know very well—the whole world gets shaken up. [If] anything happens to children, the whole world gets shaken up. And then the whole world starts protecting the innocent. If some people, men are killed or something happens to them, nobody is so much bothered, but [if] even one child is in difficulty, all the people combine together to save that child. It’s so important. It’s not the child, but the innocence of the child that generates that feeling that we have to save that innocent little thing which is having a problem. That’s why in the whole history you find – wherever there have been descriptions of children being killed or where innocence has been attacked – the whole society, historically also, has revolted against it. And this revolt comes from Shri Ganesha’s power: that He can definitely create a feeling of detest for people who try to be unkind to children. If you see in the newspaper also, they will show how the children are suffering, what is the problem of the children, what they suffer. It’s a very, very touching thing to hurt the children. In Sahaj Yoga, we have now children who are born realized, and we understand their innocence. We try to keep them out of bounds from all these horrible things that are happening today in the world. And we are trying to look after them so that they grow up into children who are not only born realized but will save others from the dilemma of getting themselves ruined and by not respecting their innocence. This respect of innocence, once it’s developed through such happenings, through their own children, through their own relationships, then the whole nation can be saved. Another way is to worship Shri Ganesha, which comes from the Mother Earth – the principle of innocence. The Mother Earth is so innocent. Whether you are good or bad, She gives you fruits, She gives you trees, She looks after you. Whether you are telling lies or you are deceiving people, still She does it—of course, up to a point. And after that, she may bring forth some sort of a calamity like an earthquake or something like that. Now, the earthquake mostly is suspected always in the Los Angeles area, very much, and practically every year there is a shakeup there. The reason is, the media of cinema is in Los Angeles, and they are generating all these funny ideas about insulting the Shri Ganesha within us. This is the reason why, all the time, there is a complete danger for these people who are living in that area, who support that. Also, America seems to be quite in danger as far as the nature is concerned. The reason is, from America all these ideas ooze out and people accept them blindfolded. I don’t know why they accept these ideas. These ideas have come to us – we can say Freud has brought it. Now, Freud could not prosper in Germany. He was here, he was in Austria, he could not prosper here, people didn’t listen to him. But when he went to America, he got all the support. And with that support, he prospered. He got that support because he opposed completely the idea of leading a chaste life and he said, “This all absurd, this is all nonsensical and one should not listen to all these things.” And he started the whole theory on very, very demeaning principles, and people accepted them. Then the same Germans, same Austrians, same Europeans accepted Freud blindfolded, because somehow, when it comes from America, it becomes collective. Because, as you know, America is the country of Shri Krishna, who is for the people, who is for collective. And that’s how whatever comes from America becomes collective. And if it is poison, it spreads very fast and it really paralyzes the whole world. So, now, we have to be wise to see what is destroying us and what is destroying our inner being. For Sahaj Yogis, it is very important, because if there is a cloth or a sari which is blown off by the wind, even if you can hold it on one corner you can hold it, and after some time the whole thing can subside. And this is what has to happen actually to the world, when Sahaj Yogis will hold the sari, we can call, or this universe with their wisdom and firm faith in Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise, they can be blown off also. If they are not rightly placed, if they are not grounded, if they are not fixed to their own enlightened faith of Sahaj Yoga, they can be blown off with this wind, which is there to torture the whole world, to destroy the whole world. So the responsibility of Sahaj Yogis is very important, that their Ganesh principle should be all right. If it is not all right, then the whole of Sahaj Yoga movement can collapse. For ladies and for men, I have to make a humble request, that they should try to put their Shri Ganesh in a very respectable position in their lifestyle. That should be the highest, the most important. And also every day to be remembered that we are very much blessed by Shri Ganesh to get our Self-Realization. There are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha which I have described. One of them is that He is a child and He’s very humble. He is very playful, He’s very interesting, and He’s extremely humble. And despite His weight, He is very lightweight because He can sit on a small little mouse. He doesn’t try to show off. He doesn’t have His vahanas as great as Vishnu’s or anything. His vahana is very simple, the simplest, or we can say the smallest creature which can really crawl, is a mouse. And He uses this mouse. With this mouse, He expresses His own power that He doesn’t need any other vehicle. His vehicle is His simplicity. He moves, He penetrates, and He affects the lives of people through very, very simple, sweet methods. In Sahaj Yoga, we have to realize how do we impress others. For example, nobody will be impressed in Sahaj Yoga if you have a very great car or anything or if you have a very wealthy expression of your life. Nobody feels impressed; I have seen that. What impresses people is the simple expression of your love through certain gestures, through certain presents, through certain behaviours. And I have seen people who are very sweet, who just express themselves in such an innocent, simple, childlike manner that goes into the heart of the people. And when they describe to Me, sometimes, the Sahaj Yogis, other Sahaj Yogis, it is very surprising how they express their appreciation of other Sahaj Yogis: it’s very, very sweet and extremely loving, delicate. All that is like a child: how a child plays around and how he amuses you, how the child tries to do things for you. Like, I know My grandchildren, they would be sitting outside when I was having My bath. They were all born realized. So when I came out, what I find: they are sitting there with the powder to be put on My feet, with the scent to be put on My hands; all such things, they would be there. And I never told them, nobody told them, but they would be sitting there. If I am lying down, then they would come and cover Me up. And all the time trying to see how they can look after Me, like as if they are My parents or they are bigger than Me, and also to guide Me in a way. For example, if I am walking, then if there’s a stone or something then they would put their hands: “Nana, you don’t come, there’s a stone here. You be careful. Go that way.” As if I have no eyes to see, they are the ones who are My eyes, who are telling what to do all that. So sweet. I have seen in their childhood how careful they were and they knew what I like, what I don’t like. So sweet and so assuring, that they were all the time trying just to understand Me. That is what the other quality of Shri Ganesha is: that He always tries to please His Mother. He doesn’t want to do anything that will make Her unhappy. He doesn’t say “no” to Her. Some Sahaj Yogis have a bad habit. If I tell them, they say, “No. Not that.” You see, it’s not to be done. The respect of the Mother, one has to learn from Shri Ganesha. In that, I find people are a little over-smart. If I say something, immediately they’ll correct Me: “No, not that.” This smartness is not very helpful, I think, because if I say something, if I may say also that today just now it is morning time – supposing I say – now, you will immediately go, “No, no, no. It’s not morning time, can’t you see? This is evening time.” So, what have you achieved? I know it is evening time. But why did I say “it is morning time”? Just to see. You don’t achieve anything by that. By saying, “No, not that. This was not so. This is so,” this is smartness. But with this smartness, you outsmart yourself. So what did you achieve [by] it? You see, what you have to see: what did you achieve by doing these comments or saying like this or talking like this? What did you achieve? Nothing. But you are tested all the time. And in that testing, you find out what’s wrong with you. It’s very important for people who are more close to Me to understand that if I say something, do not take it very literally, because I am Mahamaya also. If I say something, it may be just to test you. Then you go and say, “No, not this, not that.” It’s the mind which is just absorbing, even the testing. It’s taking the testing. Then only you will know that you are being tested and that your testing is just to see how far, deeply, you understand Me. But there are also some other people who misinterpret Me. I have seen it is very wrong to do that, but it comes because they are not wise enough. They misinterpret. They want to say, “This Mother said, that Mother said; this is not good, that is not good.” They try to show off themselves by saying that, “We have understood Mother very well.” It’s not easy to understand Me. I must tell you very frankly. You cannot understand Me very well. Only thing: try to understand yourself. I am like a mirror for you. So when you look into the mirror, what do you say? You cannot understand the mirror, but you can understand yourself. So whenever you look into the mirror, you try to understand yourself. You don’t look into the mirror to understand the mirror. Once you try to understand the mirror, the mirror will be broken and finished. And your image will be also finished. So this is a very simple thing, but quite subtle. And that’s what is the quality of Shri Ganesha: that He knows what His Mother will like; each and every thing. And He does everything that is good for Him because by that He’s pleasing His Mother. His complete dedication is to the Mother. It’s not to any other thing, not to any other deities. He fought with all of them. He is not bothered about who others are. He goes to all of them through the understanding of the Mother and respects them through the understanding of the Mother. But some people I have seen still cannot do that. They still stick on to some sort of a deity they have been worshipping, some sort of an ideology they have been having. Then they are not fully in connection with Me. And that is what [it] is, that He is just in connection with His Mother. To Him, She is everything: She’s the source of knowledge, She is the source of joy, She is the source of truth. He doesn’t have to look to anybody else. Now, it looks very egotistical to say these things in modern times—a woman saying like that, that you all behave in that manner. But you can understand that if you have to gain anything, if you have to achieve any knowledge within, if you have to ascend higher, then you have to learn from Shri Ganesha: what He does and what is His relationship with this Mother, which is purifying, nourishing, and result-oriented, that the result is that you ascend gradually. As I was telling yesterday to some people, that I have not said everything from the very beginning, all the subtle things. Gradually, you have grown, and accordingly, I have talked to you. If you were like Shri Ganesh, all of you, from the beginning, I would have told you everything. But Shri Ganesha doesn’t require even to know anything; He already knows. He’s a very matured person. Or we can say, the most mature Deity is Shri Ganesh. Now, what you have done is that with wisdom you have grown, and gradually I have told you of many things. But I didn’t talk of many things, like the Genesis, like the beginning of our life, how we came. I have said it in a way, in a very, very gross way, but all in subtleties I have not said much. Because I don’t want you to get to any discussion or to any point which cannot be verified by your vibrations. Whatever you can verify by your vibrations becomes your knowledge. That is what gradually is told to you. You should not interfere. Or you should not indulge into those books and things which talk of the origin of the Earth and the origin of this and that. You should not get into these things because your mind will be diverted, you will take to knowledge which may not be knowledge, and then you will start thinking: “Oh, I don’t know this part. I don’t know that part.” What you have to know is very simple; is: what are you? You are the Spirit and the light of the Spirit will tell you everything gradually, as much as you can bear it. It will not tell you something that you cannot bear. It’s a very good analogy when we say that you are the light. But the light which you are carrying is very different from this ordinary light. This [ordinary] light doesn’t understand and it doesn’t think. Now the light which you are carrying is a light which understands, thinks, and it gives you that much of light whatever you can bear. It won’t flash. If it will flash, you’ll be shocked. It won’t dim down. It will be absolutely in relation to what you can understand. Sometimes the deities emit too much of vibrations in pujas, I have seen it. But if you cannot bear it, they don’t enter into you. They trouble Me, but they won’t enter into you. So, one must understand that what is important is not what you know about this and know about that and know about that; it’s not so important. What is important is what stage you have reached, at what maturity you are in Sahaj Yoga. Now, there are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha, as I told you, which I think there’s no time today to talk about it. But gradually I have been talking about all His qualities. And all of them can be expressed and manifested in your being if you are really respecting Him, absolutely. That’s the only way one can manifest His qualities. May God Bless you.
Shri Ganesha Puja. Berlin (Germany), 21 July 1993. Today we are going to worship Shri Ganesha. As you know, in the whole of Europe, America, England, they have lost faith in Shri Ganesh. Nor do they care for His powers and for His blessings. As a result, all His blessings are not on these countries. The first blessing of Shri Ganesha, which I think is the highest, is the wisdom: that we learn what is good for us and what is bad for us, what is constructive and what is destructive, what should we do to achieve our Self-Realization. Those people who have got wisdom are very lucky people. But wisdom comes from no source but your own understanding of life. When a person starts thinking, “Why am I doing such and such thing? What is the effect of my doing? What is the result of my behaviour? Is it good for me or bad for me?” then wisdom comes in. Even if some people know that this is bad for them, still they do not have power to control themselves. Still they do lots of bad things which they should not do. The reason is, the power of wisdom is not there. A person who is wise does not only know what is right and wrong, but also he knows very well his own power not to do something wrong. He just does not do it. Wisdom is a complete power within ourselves by which we try nothing: it just spontaneously works through us and we do things which are proper and right. In this wisdom, many people have risen very high in life. For example, we’ll take the example of Kabir. Kabir was born to a weaver, they say. They don’t think he was born to him but he was found by a weaver, whatever it is. And he belonged to a Muslim family. But he realized that the Muslims as they are practising their Islam is not going to give him what he wants. He has to seek his Self, he has to know himself. So what did he do, is to go on the bank of River Ganges in Benares, and he stayed there waiting for a great realized soul called as Ramanand, Swami Ramanand. When this Swami Ramanand came back after his bath, immediately he caught hold of his feet. After bath, if somebody catches the feet of any Brahmin, he would shout at him. But he was a saint, he was not a Brahmin. He said, “My son what do you want?” He said, “Sir, give me initiation. I want Self-Realization.” And Swami Ramanand immediately agreed. All the other people said, “Sir, he is a Muslim. He is an orphan brought up in a Muslim family, how can you give realization? He’ll not accept any of the principles which look like [they’re] coming from Hindu religion.” Ramanand looked at Kabir. He could see a great seeker there. He said, “You don’t know him, I know him.” And he took him with him and Kabira became a great saint after that. He’s accepted by Hindus and Muslims. Because he had that power of wisdom, he went to a man who was not belonging to his religion, who may have not accepted him, who might have just thrown him in the river also, possibly. But he knew also through his wisdom that this man is the one who will love me, because I am a seeker of truth. So this power of truth works not only that you know what is right and wrong, again I say, but that you just don’t do something that is wrong. Now one may say, “Mother, what is the source again, of this wisdom?” The source is Shri Ganesha. The source is Shri Ganesha, which is the giver of wisdom. Once Shri Ganesha is insulted and He disappears behind the clouds of ignorance, then people start doing things which are unwise. This happens with many things. Supposing these days, in the democratic countries, they are not supposed to say anything about the morality, about how people should behave, what should be their relationships. They don’t try to look after the society because they think looking after the society is not our job, it’s a private affair, it’s a private thing. As a result, people take freedom into their hands and start insulting Shri Ganesh. When Shri Ganesha is insulted, complete blockage takes place in a human being, I think. He becomes an idiot. He becomes a stupid fellow; he doesn’t understand how to go on further with wisdom. Without wisdom, whatever steps one takes is destructive. So this is the first quality of Shri Ganesh: that He gives us, bestows upon us wisdom. So we have to respect Shri Ganesha within us. This is very important, especially for all these democratic countries which are now going to the dogs. Their families are destroyed because their lifestyle is so horrible, their children are ruined. In every way, they are in a big jeopardy. This wisdom can be easily brought back if we awaken their Kundalini. If the Kundalini is awakened, this Ganesha can be awakened. Because without His help, Kundalini cannot be awakened. And if Shri Ganesha knows that Kundalini is to be awakened, He forgives everything, forgets everything, and comes to assist you to support the Kundalini’s ascent. At every chakra, He’s there to support you. Till you get realization, He’s there to help you. In all these countries, the missing point is their wisdom. And that’s why you find so much of destruction, so much of nonsense going on, and you can’t understand why people are so stupid. The other power that Ganesha has is He generates innocence within us. We respect our innocence, we respect our chastity, we respect a lifestyle which is decent and decorous. In every scripture it’s written that we should dress up in a way that we are decent and decorous and that our body should not in any way express an indecent feeling or indecent behaviour on our part. This is the reason why, in Sahaj Yoga, we have to be particular about how we dress up. I think Sahaj Yogis have realized that our dress should be decent, should be dignified, and that we should in no way try to show our vulgarity. Because if innocence is the most important thing a human being should have, if that is the complete decoration of a human being, then one should look after one’s own chastity and one’s own morality. In some countries, of course, they think that chastity is only meant for women and not for men, but it’s not true. That’s what the Islamic people believe; it’s very wrong. It is meant for both of them. Like, a person who is trying to force the other side: like the men trying to force the women to be chaste and themselves are not chaste, the women will not be chaste. They may look, appear; they may try to be, out of fear. But if they get a chance, they will take to a life which is wrong. Because they see the other party, the men, trying to dominate them, then they think, “What’s wrong? If they can do it, why not we do it?” So the whole society has to take to a very decent life and to a very, very decorous, dignified lifestyle. It’s not only in dress but even in day-to-day life it is important. Otherwise, a kind of an insecurity starts working among men and women and too much complications, too much complicated life starts. The third quality which I am saying, today, is that a person who is innocent should not fear, because God looks after innocent people. They’re always protected. If anybody tries to harm the innocent, God protects them. And that’s how you have seen many children who fall from high stories, they are saved and so many things happen. But also we see many children are being killed by people who are extremely aggressive. Of course, that is very, very cruel and wrong to do, to kill the innocent children, but when these children are killed—actually nobody is killed as you know very well—the whole world gets shaken up. [If] anything happens to children, the whole world gets shaken up. And then the whole world starts protecting the innocent. If some people, men are killed or something happens to them, nobody is so much bothered, but [if] even one child is in difficulty, all the people combine together to save that child. It’s so important. It’s not the child, but the innocence of the child that generates that feeling that we have to save that innocent little thing which is having a problem. That’s why in the whole history you find – wherever there have been descriptions of children being killed or where innocence has been attacked – the whole society, historically also, has revolted against it. And this revolt comes from Shri Ganesha’s power: that He can definitely create a feeling of detest for people who try to be unkind to children. If you see in the newspaper also, they will show how the children are suffering, what is the problem of the children, what they suffer. It’s a very, very touching thing to hurt the children. In Sahaj Yoga, we have now children who are born realized, and we understand their innocence. We try to keep them out of bounds from all these horrible things that are happening today in the world. And we are trying to look after them so that they grow up into children who are not only born realized but will save others from the dilemma of getting themselves ruined and by not respecting their innocence. This respect of innocence, once it’s developed through such happenings, through their own children, through their own relationships, then the whole nation can be saved. Another way is to worship Shri Ganesha, which comes from the Mother Earth – the principle of innocence. The Mother Earth is so innocent. Whether you are good or bad, She gives you fruits, She gives you trees, She looks after you. Whether you are telling lies or you are deceiving people, still She does it—of course, up to a point. And after that, she may bring forth some sort of a calamity like an earthquake or something like that. Now, the earthquake mostly is suspected always in the Los Angeles area, very much, and practically every year there is a shakeup there. The reason is, the media of cinema is in Los Angeles, and they are generating all these funny ideas about insulting the Shri Ganesha within us. This is the reason why, all the time, there is a complete danger for these people who are living in that area, who support that. Also, America seems to be quite in danger as far as the nature is concerned. The reason is, from America all these ideas ooze out and people accept them blindfolded. I don’t know why they accept these ideas. These ideas have come to us – we can say Freud has brought it. Now, Freud could not prosper in Germany. He was here, he was in Austria, he could not prosper here, people didn’t listen to him. But when he went to America, he got all the support. And with that support, he prospered. He got that support because he opposed completely the idea of leading a chaste life and he said, “This all absurd, this is all nonsensical and one should not listen to all these things.” And he started the whole theory on very, very demeaning principles, and people accepted them. Then the same Germans, same Austrians, same Europeans accepted Freud blindfolded, because somehow, when it comes from America, it becomes collective. Because, as you know, America is the country of Shri Krishna, who is for the people, who is for collective. And that’s how whatever comes from America becomes collective. And if it is poison, it spreads very fast and it really paralyzes the whole world. So, now, we have to be wise to see what is destroying us and what is destroying our inner being. For Sahaj Yogis, it is very important, because if there is a cloth or a sari which is blown off by the wind, even if you can hold it on one corner you can hold it, and after some time the whole thing can subside. And this is what has to happen actually to the world, when Sahaj Yogis will hold the sari, we can call, or this universe with their wisdom and firm faith in Sahaj Yoga. Otherwise, they can be blown off also. If they are not rightly placed, if they are not grounded, if they are not fixed to their own enlightened faith of Sahaj Yoga, they can be blown off with this wind, which is there to torture the whole world, to destroy the whole world. So the responsibility of Sahaj Yogis is very important, that their Ganesh principle should be all right. If it is not all right, then the whole of Sahaj Yoga movement can collapse. For ladies and for men, I have to make a humble request, that they should try to put their Shri Ganesh in a very respectable position in their lifestyle. That should be the highest, the most important. And also every day to be remembered that we are very much blessed by Shri Ganesh to get our Self-Realization. There are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha which I have described. One of them is that He is a child and He’s very humble. He is very playful, He’s very interesting, and He’s extremely humble. And despite His weight, He is very lightweight because He can sit on a small little mouse. He doesn’t try to show off. He doesn’t have His vahanas as great as Vishnu’s or anything. His vahana is very simple, the simplest, or we can say the smallest creature which can really crawl, is a mouse. And He uses this mouse. With this mouse, He expresses His own power that He doesn’t need any other vehicle. His vehicle is His simplicity. He moves, He penetrates, and He affects the lives of people through very, very simple, sweet methods. In Sahaj Yoga, we have to realize how do we impress others. For example, nobody will be impressed in Sahaj Yoga if you have a very great car or anything or if you have a very wealthy expression of your life. Nobody feels impressed; I have seen that. What impresses people is the simple expression of your love through certain gestures, through certain presents, through certain behaviours. And I have seen people who are very sweet, who just express themselves in such an innocent, simple, childlike manner that goes into the heart of the people. And when they describe to Me, sometimes, the Sahaj Yogis, other Sahaj Yogis, it is very surprising how they express their appreciation of other Sahaj Yogis: it’s very, very sweet and extremely loving, delicate. All that is like a child: how a child plays around and how he amuses you, how the child tries to do things for you. Like, I know My grandchildren, they would be sitting outside when I was having My bath. They were all born realized. So when I came out, what I find: they are sitting there with the powder to be put on My feet, with the scent to be put on My hands; all such things, they would be there. And I never told them, nobody told them, but they would be sitting there. If I am lying down, then they would come and cover Me up. And all the time trying to see how they can look after Me, like as if they are My parents or they are bigger than Me, and also to guide Me in a way. For example, if I am walking, then if there’s a stone or something then they would put their hands: “Nana, you don’t come, there’s a stone here. You be careful. Go that way.” As if I have no eyes to see, they are the ones who are My eyes, who are telling what to do all that. So sweet. I have seen in their childhood how careful they were and they knew what I like, what I don’t like. So sweet and so assuring, that they were all the time trying just to understand Me. That is what the other quality of Shri Ganesha is: that He always tries to please His Mother. He doesn’t want to do anything that will make Her unhappy. He doesn’t say “no” to Her. Some Sahaj Yogis have a bad habit. If I tell them, they say, “No. Not that.” You see, it’s not to be done. The respect of the Mother, one has to learn from Shri Ganesha. In that, I find people are a little over-smart. If I say something, immediately they’ll correct Me: “No, not that.” This smartness is not very helpful, I think, because if I say something, if I may say also that today just now it is morning time – supposing I say – now, you will immediately go, “No, no, no. It’s not morning time, can’t you see? This is evening time.” So, what have you achieved? I know it is evening time. But why did I say “it is morning time”? Just to see. You don’t achieve anything by that. By saying, “No, not that. This was not so. This is so,” this is smartness. But with this smartness, you outsmart yourself. So what did you achieve [by] it? You see, what you have to see: what did you achieve by doing these comments or saying like this or talking like this? What did you achieve? Nothing. But you are tested all the time. And in that testing, you find out what’s wrong with you. It’s very important for people who are more close to Me to understand that if I say something, do not take it very literally, because I am Mahamaya also. If I say something, it may be just to test you. Then you go and say, “No, not this, not that.” It’s the mind which is just absorbing, even the testing. It’s taking the testing. Then only you will know that you are being tested and that your testing is just to see how far, deeply, you understand Me. But there are also some other people who misinterpret Me. I have seen it is very wrong to do that, but it comes because they are not wise enough. They misinterpret. They want to say, “This Mother said, that Mother said; this is not good, that is not good.” They try to show off themselves by saying that, “We have understood Mother very well.” It’s not easy to understand Me. I must tell you very frankly. You cannot understand Me very well. Only thing: try to understand yourself. I am like a mirror for you. So when you look into the mirror, what do you say? You cannot understand the mirror, but you can understand yourself. So whenever you look into the mirror, you try to understand yourself. You don’t look into the mirror to understand the mirror. Once you try to understand the mirror, the mirror will be broken and finished. And your image will be also finished. So this is a very simple thing, but quite subtle. And that’s what is the quality of Shri Ganesha: that He knows what His Mother will like; each and every thing. And He does everything that is good for Him because by that He’s pleasing His Mother. His complete dedication is to the Mother. It’s not to any other thing, not to any other deities. He fought with all of them. He is not bothered about who others are. He goes to all of them through the understanding of the Mother and respects them through the understanding of the Mother. But some people I have seen still cannot do that. They still stick on to some sort of a deity they have been worshipping, some sort of an ideology they have been having. Then they are not fully in connection with Me. And that is what [it] is, that He is just in connection with His Mother. To Him, She is everything: She’s the source of knowledge, She is the source of joy, She is the source of truth. He doesn’t have to look to anybody else. Now, it looks very egotistical to say these things in modern times—a woman saying like that, that you all behave in that manner. But you can understand that if you have to gain anything, if you have to achieve any knowledge within, if you have to ascend higher, then you have to learn from Shri Ganesha: what He does and what is His relationship with this Mother, which is purifying, nourishing, and result-oriented, that the result is that you ascend gradually. As I was telling yesterday to some people, that I have not said everything from the very beginning, all the subtle things. Gradually, you have grown, and accordingly, I have talked to you. If you were like Shri Ganesh, all of you, from the beginning, I would have told you everything. But Shri Ganesha doesn’t require even to know anything; He already knows. He’s a very matured person. Or we can say, the most mature Deity is Shri Ganesh. Now, what you have done is that with wisdom you have grown, and gradually I have told you of many things. But I didn’t talk of many things, like the Genesis, like the beginning of our life, how we came. I have said it in a way, in a very, very gross way, but all in subtleties I have not said much. Because I don’t want you to get to any discussion or to any point which cannot be verified by your vibrations. Whatever you can verify by your vibrations becomes your knowledge. That is what gradually is told to you. You should not interfere. Or you should not indulge into those books and things which talk of the origin of the Earth and the origin of this and that. You should not get into these things because your mind will be diverted, you will take to knowledge which may not be knowledge, and then you will start thinking: “Oh, I don’t know this part. I don’t know that part.” What you have to know is very simple; is: what are you? You are the Spirit and the light of the Spirit will tell you everything gradually, as much as you can bear it. It will not tell you something that you cannot bear. It’s a very good analogy when we say that you are the light. But the light which you are carrying is very different from this ordinary light. This [ordinary] light doesn’t understand and it doesn’t think. Now the light which you are carrying is a light which understands, thinks, and it gives you that much of light whatever you can bear. It won’t flash. If it will flash, you’ll be shocked. It won’t dim down. It will be absolutely in relation to what you can understand. Sometimes the deities emit too much of vibrations in pujas, I have seen it. But if you cannot bear it, they don’t enter into you. They trouble Me, but they won’t enter into you. So, one must understand that what is important is not what you know about this and know about that and know about that; it’s not so important. What is important is what stage you have reached, at what maturity you are in Sahaj Yoga. Now, there are so many qualities of Shri Ganesha, as I told you, which I think there’s no time today to talk about it. But gradually I have been talking about all His qualities. And all of them can be expressed and manifested in your being if you are really respecting Him, absolutely. That’s the only way one can manifest His qualities. May God Bless you.
Why are we slaves of all sorts of ideologies?
Public Program
1993-07-22 Public Program Hamburg, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very out set we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it, at this human state. Whatever I want to tell you today, you are not to accept it blindfolded, but you should have an open mind of a scientist and if it works, then you have to accept, as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of every Individual and for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. These are special times when we are born. I call it as a blossom time, where many seekers of truth are born, but they have to know first of all, what is the truth. First thing is that you are not this body, this mind, this intelligence, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a subtle, all-pervading power of divine love and this power does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. We don’t even think that it’s a miracle, how from one seed these flowers have come, also who runs our heart. Doctors will say autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto. We have science but it cannot give us answers fully. It cannot answer, why are we here on this earth. It cannot answer what is our purpose of life. It cannot tell you about totality. So we take to religion. It’s very disappointing to see that all these great religions are only power oriented or money oriented, and they are not spirit oriented. Every religion, every scripture has said that, you are to be born again. They have talked of your resurrection. Some people just brand themselves as born again but they are not. They are just like us. Any religion, now for example Catholic religion we can take. It is absolutely unnatural to make nuns and priests who cannot marry. That’s why there are problems. There are priests, there are nuns, but they are having women and the nuns are becoming pregnant. It is also true that when we are not connected with this all-pervading power we are slaves of all sorts of ideologies. An entrepreneur can enslave us, see for example he starts very tight pants, so every body loses his personality, his identity and starts wearing the same. Till, they develop very close mates. Also the new styles every year coming up from Paris. Now in England to wear six inches of skirts is absolutely dangerous, but we accept it, because we have to be in. All of us lose our identity and we start taking to some sort of a idea which is just put through medias to us. So in the democratic countries the freedom that is given to us really makes us slaves. Now the worst is America, they also produce some sort of a stupid idea. For example, recently now they are celebrating the birthday of dogs, if that is not so now they have teddy bears which have got birth dates, and very seriously they believe in it. Such idiotic things if we are doing in our freedom, where is our wisdom? For example, a lady marries eighth time or ninth time and there are four thousand people, more than you, four thousand people watching her going to honeymoon, and there are ten helicopters which are hovering around and they are parachuting down with the cameras, and they fall on the trees or they fall on people. America is supposed to be the greatest democratic country, if you go there you can’t even wear your wedding ring. The people might kill you for that. So where are we going? There are diseases like aids and schizophrenia, all kinds of diseases and nobody has any solution. The children are becoming murderers, drug addicts, what’s going to happen to us? Is this the reward for our freedom? Are we really free? Freedom without wisdom has no meaning at all. We take to all kinds of destructive things very easily. For example, Switzerland, which is very affluent as you know, making money out of the third world, is having people who are committing suicides, and other Scandinavian countries who are affluent again, are competing with them in committing suicide. All this is happening, we see it every day in the newspaper and we are shocked. What is the reason? We should find out, what is the solution. The main problem is that we are not yet fully evolved. We have not yet become the spirit. In our evolutionary state we have become human beings alright, but there has to be something more. The last break through, by which we get our wisdom and we relate it to reality. So as you are told, this subtle system is within you which works it out. It’s within all of you. It was placed in the triangular bone, which we call as sacrum. That means the Greek knew it’s a sacred bone. So there is already placed within us a power by which we can ascend and become one with this all-pervading power. Now in the west the whole civilization has grown big, very big, but for this big tree we should know our roots, and the knowledge of the roots if it comes from East why should we mind. For a saint, East and West doesn’t exist. The solution lies in understanding what we are, and that is very simple. Very easy to get it. Sahaja, means born with you, is the right to have this yoga, meaning the union with this all-pervading power of divine love. Like this instrument here, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. It has no identity. In these modern times even to talk about God is out of date, but now the time has come to prove the existence of God. Sahaja Yoga is meta science. Where, when you get connected with this all-pervading power, you can feel the absolute proof on your fingertips. Even children can feel the same, because spirit is the source of absolute truth. You have been already told there are five, six and seven centres on the right and five, six and seven centres on the left hand. These are sympathetic centres which get enlightened. When this power rises through six centres. She emerges through your seventh here, centre which we call as the fontanel bone area, and you get actualisation again, I say, actualisation of baptism. It is not that somebody puts the water on your head and say you are baptised. There is no difference between a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anyone. They can commit the same sins, but once this connection takes place, you start feeling on your finger tips the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as they call it. Then you know also what’s wrong with you. Most of the world problems are because of human beings and most of the human problems are because of their subtle centres, because these centres look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being, and if you know what’s wrong with you on your fingertips, you have the self knowledge of your being. That means instead of going to the moon, you go within your self. Now as a result, your physical being is cured. Means many of the incurable diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. Also mental troubles and spiritual troubles which have come by going to wrong places all have been mostly cured. All this curing takes place by your own power, and it’s your own doing, your own understanding which gives you this self realisation. Then the second thing that happens to you, that on your finger tips you can feel the centres of others. Say, if you think of somebody who is dead or somebody who is far away and just put your hands like this, you can know what centres are in jeopardy. Thus you develop a new dimension in your human awareness which you call as collective consciousness. Now when we are thinking, we are thinking about the past or about the future. Past is finished and future doesn’t exist. So if I say you have to be in the present you cannot be, but when this power rises she separates these thoughts and between those thoughts there is a space and this space is the present. So you develop another dimension in your human awareness, which we call, as thoughtless awareness. That means you are aware, absolutely alert, but you are thoughtless. If you want to think you can think if you don’t want to think you need not think. Because of this bombardment of thoughts, you get stress and strain, but then you open out and all your problems are sort of dissolved. For example, if you are in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but somehow if you can get into the boat, then you can see the waves. You are not disturbed by them but somehow if you learn how to go back jump into the water and swim, you can save many. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. One person gets his realisation, they get the power to give realisations to others. Like one candle is enlightened can enlighten many candles. This is the purpose of our life and the destiny is that we enter into the Kingdom of God. The life is filled with blessings then. You are completely protected, you enjoy every moment of your life and suddenly you find all over the world you have lots of friends, your own relations. Because, Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge. Absolute truth. In the light of the Spirit you understand what is right and what is wrong for you. I don’t have to tell you. For example I am holding on to a snake and there is darkness and somebody will say it is a snake, throw away. I will say no it is a rope because I am obstinate. Till the snake bites me I’ll not give up. But supposing there is little light, immediately I’ll throw away. That light, when it comes into you, you know what is constructive for you and what is destructive for you and effortlessly you get transformed. The Spirit when enlightens your attention, the attention becomes active. Suddenly you find your attention has become innocent. Believe me, innocence cannot be destroyed what ever you may try. Maybe, there may be some clouds, but these clouds once removed you’ll find your innocence completely intact, and your attention becomes absolutely innocent. Such attention is so powerful that wherever you put the attention things work out. It is benevolent, it is compassionate and it’s very intelligent. The Spirit is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. In this state of joy, you become the witness. The whole thing looks like a drama and you enjoy your own spiritual powers. Then you don’t develop your ego, because you start talking in third person. For a Sahaja Yogi will say “Mother, It’s not working, it’s not going.” They won’t say “I can’t do it.” Thus you become an angel. It all sounds very fantastic I agree, but you are fantastic. You are glorious. You don’t know yourself, once you know yourself you will be amazed. Only thing you have to not blindly refuse me or to blindly accept me. The only problem is that I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you. I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it and if you have the pure desire it works. It works in every one. Also there’s a big fashion to feel guilty for nothing at all. Now if you have done any mistakes you just face it, why do you feel guilty. After all you are human beings, you are not God. And to err is human, what is the use of feeling guilty. If you feel guilty then this centre here on the left goes into problem. Physically it causes a disease called angina, also it causes you spondylitis maybe, lethargic organs, so why feel guilty. Please don’t judge yourself. This power within you will judge you. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes for you to get your self realisation. But you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Not to condemn yourself for anything what so ever. At this moment you are perfect, because this all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive your self fully. This is the first condition, and the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. If you understand it’s a myth, so please don’t even think about them because it’s a headache to think of those people, and in general you forgive. We have a centre on the optic chasma which is just like this it is closed completely, crossed like this, if you don’t forgive it won’t open, but if you forgive it opens and that’s how the Kundalini can pass through. If you don’t for give yourself the Kundalini will get stuck here or if you don’t forgive others it will get stuck there. I request you again and again please fulfil these two conditions and the third condition is that you all be very ,very confident that you all will get your Self realisation. After all you are Human Beings. Human Beings are at the epitome of evolution and the journey is hardly three to four feet. So why not? Of course you cannot pay for it, it’s a living process. Like we put a seed in the Mother Earth and she sprouts by itself. Because it is built in, in the Mother Earth and built in, in the seed that they sprout. In the same way it is built in within you and whatever is built in within you, works automatically. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads, no you don’t have to suffer. It’s a very strange idea that you should suffer to get to God. Absurd. If God is the person who is your Father, he is the most compassionate. Which Father wants his son to suffer? So how can the Father of all the Fathers would like to do that? So there’s nothing to suffer here on your chair so you can get your self-realisation. I promise you but, have faith in yourself. Have confidence within your self. It is working out because the time has come and because you are seekers of truth, it’s not meant for idiots and stupid people. It is meant for only seekers of truth. It’s not meant for arrogant people or people who are conditioned and glued to some sort of an organisation. First you have to be free to be absolutely free. This is what it is as in Sanskrit they call it a Realised Soul as dvija means twice born. Even a bird is called as dvija. First a bird is like an egg, then it becomes a bird. In the same way Human Beings also become Realised Souls. I had come to Hamburg about year of 1965 and I had that time only the feeling that Germans are the first who should understand Sahaja Yoga and I’m really surprised how they are sensible to see the point. That is how not only that you get your realisation, but, you give it to the whole world or surprisingly, very surprisingly it’s in Russia that Sahaja Yoga has taken off. Perhaps they never had any time to waste on choices. I’m not for communism, I’m not for this kind of democracy, but I was amazed the way they were introspecting and now we have thousands and thousands of Russians who are Sahaja Yogis. It’s a joke, we had a meeting all of us were there in Romania and one (Keliati) Sahaja Yogi from Russia asked an American one, “How many Sahaja Yogis do you have in America?” so he said “We are fifty six.” So this [Keliati] fellow says “Oh my God, we are only twenty one thousand you are fifty six thousand.” So something has worked out and should work out even in Germany I think because you are quite people in the centre and have been seekers of truth since long. I know these Germans when they came to India they were just seeking about Kundalini, about the truth, they didn’t bother about our diamonds and emeralds and all those things. They didn’t bother. And lastly I have to say that you all must be having some questions so I’ve now become an expert on answering any question what so ever, because I have been doing this for the last twenty three years now. But it is just a mental acrobat. Now for example these electric lights are here, beautiful ones. To put them on you need only one switch, because they are built in, but supposing I have to tell you about the discovery of electricity and how it came to Hamburg and how it came to this hotel. Half of you would leave the hall. So the best thing is that we get our Enlightenment first.It’s very simple, very, very simple. Now, there’s only one request I have to make, that you have to take off your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Again those who don’t want to do it can leave the hall. All of you can come and sit here there is room for you. See these gentleman, there’s room here, on this side. The first thing you will enjoy is your own peace. There is something so innate within us. I have met people who have got peace awards you see, but they have no peace with them. They are very hot tempered, if you have to go near them, better take a( bath cool) could be (barge pole). So all this hypocrisy finishes. You jump into reality. Alright it is very good now. Just you be all seated as you are very comfortably, a little straight not too much of backward or forward, but a little straight. You have to put both your feet away from each other. I don’t know if you are told or not, that there are two powers, left and right. These are sympathetic powers and, by left you desire and by right you act. So, we have to put both the feet away from each other and put the left hand like this towards me which is symbolic that you want your realisation. Just to put like this. The left hand. On your lap. Now use your right hand for nourishing your centres. You have to do it yourself. Only here, later on you don’t need. Now, this right hand you have to put it on your heart. In the heart resides, the spirit, if you become the spirit you become your guide, you become your master. So, you put your right hand on the left hand side of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand, upper portion of your abdomen. This is the centre of your mastery. Was created by great prophets. I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you.So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre which gives you, the pure divine knowledge, which passes into brain and gets distributed. How it happens, you will know everything later on. You have to know that this is a collective happening. It’s like a collective organism. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. So if a nail is cut out of your body it doesn’t grow, so to grow you have to come to our collective. For knowing this divine knowledge, you don’t have to pay anything but it becomes your innate knowledge. Only thing, you have to spend little time for your ascent. Ascent with complete maturity. Alright, so now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, I’ve told you that is the centre of your mastery. Now raise your hand on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I’ve already told you about this centre. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across…….. (Tape blank for a minute) Forgive everyone in general. Now, take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now here, is the centre where you don’t have to feel guilty, you don’t have to count your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. Now please stretch your right hand. Stretch the palm and put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone. Now this is the last centre. Now please put down your head, here you have to move your scalp, not your hand so much as your scalp, seven times clockwise, slowly, that’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes put your left and right feet away from each other. Please put your left and right feet away from each other. Please put your left hand on the left lap, and the right hand on your heart. Now hear you close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Better to take out your spectacles because maybe your eyesight might improve. Now, here is your Spirit. So ask me a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji whatever you like. Ask please, three times, “Mother am I the Spirit”? Ask in your heart, not aloud please. I’ve already told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. And here you ask me another fundamental question about your self. Three times, “Mother am I my own master”? I’ve already told you that I cannot force Divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and ask six times, because, this centre has got six petals. “Mother please give me pure knowledge”? Please say it six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, so we have to nourish our higher centres with our full self confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here with full self confidence you have to say ten times, “Mother I am my own master”. I’ve already told you, that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this intelligence, these emotions and conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence please say twelve times “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This all-pervading divine power, is the ocean of pure knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed get easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right. Now forgive your self and with self full confidence please say it sixteen times. “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I’ve already explained to you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do any thing. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. All your life you have tortured yourself and at this moment if you don’t forgive, the centre won’t open and you will miss your chance of self realisation. Just forgive, just forgive everyone. Raise your hand on top of your forehead and put down your head and now forgive every one without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes you have to say for your satisfaction “Oh Divine Power if I have done anything wrong please for give me” and this you have to say from your heart without counting how many times. Now for the last centre you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your head. On the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head, here again I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So press your scalp, push back your fingers, this is very important to push back your fingers. Here you move your scalp seven times clockwise. Say “Mother, please give me my self-realisation” seven times. Sound of Shri Mataji blowing into microphone seven times. Now please take down your hands. Now please put both your hands open your eyes towards me like this. Now watch me without thinking. You can do it. Now put the left hand towards me and put down your head see with your right hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now if you have not forgiven your self or forgiven others it will be hot breeze. So now please forgive. Forgive everyone and forgive your self. Now please put right hand again towards me and see with left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. On top of it. A little higher, don’t put it on top. A little higher. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head, close your eyes and ask a question three times. Anyone of these three questions, first one is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost” or “Mother is this the al-pervading power of Divine Love” or “Mother is this the Paramachaitanya or Rue”? You see they are different names for the same thing. So you can ask anyone of these questions three times. Now take down your hands, please put your hands like this towards me and feel your peace in thoughtless awareness. All those who have felt cool or a hot breeze on their fingertips or on their hands or out of their fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. The whole of Hamburg, may God Bless you all. May God Bless. My God. Now again I have to tell you one thing that it’s a collective happening. So you have to come to our collective programs. It’s a very big revolution going on and now you are the part and parcel of that spiritual revolution, which takes humanity to reality and it’s benevolence. You have to be mature in this, otherwise it would be like the parable of Christ where some seeds got sprouted and got lost. Of course you don’t have to pay anything I tell you again and again but, you have to spend some time for your self realisation. You don’t know what you have got. Say if I have German money I don’t know what it means, I have to spend it. In the same way what you have got it’s so precious you will know how precious it is when you will mature and you will give it to others. So may God bless you.
1993-07-22 Public Program Hamburg, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very out set we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it, at this human state. Whatever I want to tell you today, you are not to accept it blindfolded, but you should have an open mind of a scientist and if it works, then you have to accept, as honest people, because it is for the benevolence of every Individual and for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. These are special times when we are born. I call it as a blossom time, where many seekers of truth are born, but they have to know first of all, what is the truth. First thing is that you are not this body, this mind, this intelligence, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. The second truth is that there is a subtle, all-pervading power of divine love and this power does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. We don’t even think that it’s a miracle, how from one seed these flowers have come, also who runs our heart. Doctors will say autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto. We have science but it cannot give us answers fully. It cannot answer, why are we here on this earth. It cannot answer what is our purpose of life. It cannot tell you about totality. So we take to religion. It’s very disappointing to see that all these great religions are only power oriented or money oriented, and they are not spirit oriented. Every religion, every scripture has said that, you are to be born again. They have talked of your resurrection. Some people just brand themselves as born again but they are not. They are just like us. Any religion, now for example Catholic religion we can take. It is absolutely unnatural to make nuns and priests who cannot marry. That’s why there are problems. There are priests, there are nuns, but they are having women and the nuns are becoming pregnant. It is also true that when we are not connected with this all-pervading power we are slaves of all sorts of ideologies. An entrepreneur can enslave us, see for example he starts very tight pants, so every body loses his personality, his identity and starts wearing the same. Till, they develop very close mates. Also the new styles every year coming up from Paris. Now in England to wear six inches of skirts is absolutely dangerous, but we accept it, because we have to be in. All of us lose our identity and we start taking to some sort of a idea which is just put through medias to us. So in the democratic countries the freedom that is given to us really makes us slaves. Now the worst is America, they also produce some sort of a stupid idea. For example, recently now they are celebrating the birthday of dogs, if that is not so now they have teddy bears which have got birth dates, and very seriously they believe in it. Such idiotic things if we are doing in our freedom, where is our wisdom? For example, a lady marries eighth time or ninth time and there are four thousand people, more than you, four thousand people watching her going to honeymoon, and there are ten helicopters which are hovering around and they are parachuting down with the cameras, and they fall on the trees or they fall on people. America is supposed to be the greatest democratic country, if you go there you can’t even wear your wedding ring. The people might kill you for that. So where are we going? There are diseases like aids and schizophrenia, all kinds of diseases and nobody has any solution. The children are becoming murderers, drug addicts, what’s going to happen to us? Is this the reward for our freedom? Are we really free? Freedom without wisdom has no meaning at all. We take to all kinds of destructive things very easily. For example, Switzerland, which is very affluent as you know, making money out of the third world, is having people who are committing suicides, and other Scandinavian countries who are affluent again, are competing with them in committing suicide. All this is happening, we see it every day in the newspaper and we are shocked. What is the reason? We should find out, what is the solution. The main problem is that we are not yet fully evolved. We have not yet become the spirit. In our evolutionary state we have become human beings alright, but there has to be something more. The last break through, by which we get our wisdom and we relate it to reality. So as you are told, this subtle system is within you which works it out. It’s within all of you. It was placed in the triangular bone, which we call as sacrum. That means the Greek knew it’s a sacred bone. So there is already placed within us a power by which we can ascend and become one with this all-pervading power. Now in the west the whole civilization has grown big, very big, but for this big tree we should know our roots, and the knowledge of the roots if it comes from East why should we mind. For a saint, East and West doesn’t exist. The solution lies in understanding what we are, and that is very simple. Very easy to get it. Sahaja, means born with you, is the right to have this yoga, meaning the union with this all-pervading power of divine love. Like this instrument here, if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. It has no identity. In these modern times even to talk about God is out of date, but now the time has come to prove the existence of God. Sahaja Yoga is meta science. Where, when you get connected with this all-pervading power, you can feel the absolute proof on your fingertips. Even children can feel the same, because spirit is the source of absolute truth. You have been already told there are five, six and seven centres on the right and five, six and seven centres on the left hand. These are sympathetic centres which get enlightened. When this power rises through six centres. She emerges through your seventh here, centre which we call as the fontanel bone area, and you get actualisation again, I say, actualisation of baptism. It is not that somebody puts the water on your head and say you are baptised. There is no difference between a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anyone. They can commit the same sins, but once this connection takes place, you start feeling on your finger tips the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as they call it. Then you know also what’s wrong with you. Most of the world problems are because of human beings and most of the human problems are because of their subtle centres, because these centres look after your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being, and if you know what’s wrong with you on your fingertips, you have the self knowledge of your being. That means instead of going to the moon, you go within your self. Now as a result, your physical being is cured. Means many of the incurable diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. Also mental troubles and spiritual troubles which have come by going to wrong places all have been mostly cured. All this curing takes place by your own power, and it’s your own doing, your own understanding which gives you this self realisation. Then the second thing that happens to you, that on your finger tips you can feel the centres of others. Say, if you think of somebody who is dead or somebody who is far away and just put your hands like this, you can know what centres are in jeopardy. Thus you develop a new dimension in your human awareness which you call as collective consciousness. Now when we are thinking, we are thinking about the past or about the future. Past is finished and future doesn’t exist. So if I say you have to be in the present you cannot be, but when this power rises she separates these thoughts and between those thoughts there is a space and this space is the present. So you develop another dimension in your human awareness, which we call, as thoughtless awareness. That means you are aware, absolutely alert, but you are thoughtless. If you want to think you can think if you don’t want to think you need not think. Because of this bombardment of thoughts, you get stress and strain, but then you open out and all your problems are sort of dissolved. For example, if you are in the water, you are afraid of the waves, but somehow if you can get into the boat, then you can see the waves. You are not disturbed by them but somehow if you learn how to go back jump into the water and swim, you can save many. This is how Sahaja Yoga works. One person gets his realisation, they get the power to give realisations to others. Like one candle is enlightened can enlighten many candles. This is the purpose of our life and the destiny is that we enter into the Kingdom of God. The life is filled with blessings then. You are completely protected, you enjoy every moment of your life and suddenly you find all over the world you have lots of friends, your own relations. Because, Spirit is the source of absolute knowledge. Absolute truth. In the light of the Spirit you understand what is right and what is wrong for you. I don’t have to tell you. For example I am holding on to a snake and there is darkness and somebody will say it is a snake, throw away. I will say no it is a rope because I am obstinate. Till the snake bites me I’ll not give up. But supposing there is little light, immediately I’ll throw away. That light, when it comes into you, you know what is constructive for you and what is destructive for you and effortlessly you get transformed. The Spirit when enlightens your attention, the attention becomes active. Suddenly you find your attention has become innocent. Believe me, innocence cannot be destroyed what ever you may try. Maybe, there may be some clouds, but these clouds once removed you’ll find your innocence completely intact, and your attention becomes absolutely innocent. Such attention is so powerful that wherever you put the attention things work out. It is benevolent, it is compassionate and it’s very intelligent. The Spirit is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. In this state of joy, you become the witness. The whole thing looks like a drama and you enjoy your own spiritual powers. Then you don’t develop your ego, because you start talking in third person. For a Sahaja Yogi will say “Mother, It’s not working, it’s not going.” They won’t say “I can’t do it.” Thus you become an angel. It all sounds very fantastic I agree, but you are fantastic. You are glorious. You don’t know yourself, once you know yourself you will be amazed. Only thing you have to not blindly refuse me or to blindly accept me. The only problem is that I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you. I respect your freedom. You have to ask for it and if you have the pure desire it works. It works in every one. Also there’s a big fashion to feel guilty for nothing at all. Now if you have done any mistakes you just face it, why do you feel guilty. After all you are human beings, you are not God. And to err is human, what is the use of feeling guilty. If you feel guilty then this centre here on the left goes into problem. Physically it causes a disease called angina, also it causes you spondylitis maybe, lethargic organs, so why feel guilty. Please don’t judge yourself. This power within you will judge you. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes for you to get your self realisation. But you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Not to condemn yourself for anything what so ever. At this moment you are perfect, because this all-pervading power of Divine love is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive your self fully. This is the first condition, and the second condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. If you understand it’s a myth, so please don’t even think about them because it’s a headache to think of those people, and in general you forgive. We have a centre on the optic chasma which is just like this it is closed completely, crossed like this, if you don’t forgive it won’t open, but if you forgive it opens and that’s how the Kundalini can pass through. If you don’t for give yourself the Kundalini will get stuck here or if you don’t forgive others it will get stuck there. I request you again and again please fulfil these two conditions and the third condition is that you all be very ,very confident that you all will get your Self realisation. After all you are Human Beings. Human Beings are at the epitome of evolution and the journey is hardly three to four feet. So why not? Of course you cannot pay for it, it’s a living process. Like we put a seed in the Mother Earth and she sprouts by itself. Because it is built in, in the Mother Earth and built in, in the seed that they sprout. In the same way it is built in within you and whatever is built in within you, works automatically. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads, no you don’t have to suffer. It’s a very strange idea that you should suffer to get to God. Absurd. If God is the person who is your Father, he is the most compassionate. Which Father wants his son to suffer? So how can the Father of all the Fathers would like to do that? So there’s nothing to suffer here on your chair so you can get your self-realisation. I promise you but, have faith in yourself. Have confidence within your self. It is working out because the time has come and because you are seekers of truth, it’s not meant for idiots and stupid people. It is meant for only seekers of truth. It’s not meant for arrogant people or people who are conditioned and glued to some sort of an organisation. First you have to be free to be absolutely free. This is what it is as in Sanskrit they call it a Realised Soul as dvija means twice born. Even a bird is called as dvija. First a bird is like an egg, then it becomes a bird. In the same way Human Beings also become Realised Souls. I had come to Hamburg about year of 1965 and I had that time only the feeling that Germans are the first who should understand Sahaja Yoga and I’m really surprised how they are sensible to see the point. That is how not only that you get your realisation, but, you give it to the whole world or surprisingly, very surprisingly it’s in Russia that Sahaja Yoga has taken off. Perhaps they never had any time to waste on choices. I’m not for communism, I’m not for this kind of democracy, but I was amazed the way they were introspecting and now we have thousands and thousands of Russians who are Sahaja Yogis. It’s a joke, we had a meeting all of us were there in Romania and one (Keliati) Sahaja Yogi from Russia asked an American one, “How many Sahaja Yogis do you have in America?” so he said “We are fifty six.” So this [Keliati] fellow says “Oh my God, we are only twenty one thousand you are fifty six thousand.” So something has worked out and should work out even in Germany I think because you are quite people in the centre and have been seekers of truth since long. I know these Germans when they came to India they were just seeking about Kundalini, about the truth, they didn’t bother about our diamonds and emeralds and all those things. They didn’t bother. And lastly I have to say that you all must be having some questions so I’ve now become an expert on answering any question what so ever, because I have been doing this for the last twenty three years now. But it is just a mental acrobat. Now for example these electric lights are here, beautiful ones. To put them on you need only one switch, because they are built in, but supposing I have to tell you about the discovery of electricity and how it came to Hamburg and how it came to this hotel. Half of you would leave the hall. So the best thing is that we get our Enlightenment first.It’s very simple, very, very simple. Now, there’s only one request I have to make, that you have to take off your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Again those who don’t want to do it can leave the hall. All of you can come and sit here there is room for you. See these gentleman, there’s room here, on this side. The first thing you will enjoy is your own peace. There is something so innate within us. I have met people who have got peace awards you see, but they have no peace with them. They are very hot tempered, if you have to go near them, better take a( bath cool) could be (barge pole). So all this hypocrisy finishes. You jump into reality. Alright it is very good now. Just you be all seated as you are very comfortably, a little straight not too much of backward or forward, but a little straight. You have to put both your feet away from each other. I don’t know if you are told or not, that there are two powers, left and right. These are sympathetic powers and, by left you desire and by right you act. So, we have to put both the feet away from each other and put the left hand like this towards me which is symbolic that you want your realisation. Just to put like this. The left hand. On your lap. Now use your right hand for nourishing your centres. You have to do it yourself. Only here, later on you don’t need. Now, this right hand you have to put it on your heart. In the heart resides, the spirit, if you become the spirit you become your guide, you become your master. So, you put your right hand on the left hand side of your abdomen on the left hand side. We are working only on the left hand, upper portion of your abdomen. This is the centre of your mastery. Was created by great prophets. I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you.So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre which gives you, the pure divine knowledge, which passes into brain and gets distributed. How it happens, you will know everything later on. You have to know that this is a collective happening. It’s like a collective organism. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. So if a nail is cut out of your body it doesn’t grow, so to grow you have to come to our collective. For knowing this divine knowledge, you don’t have to pay anything but it becomes your innate knowledge. Only thing, you have to spend little time for your ascent. Ascent with complete maturity. Alright, so now please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here, I’ve told you that is the centre of your mastery. Now raise your hand on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I’ve already told you about this centre. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across…….. (Tape blank for a minute) Forgive everyone in general. Now, take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now here, is the centre where you don’t have to feel guilty, you don’t have to count your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power. Now please stretch your right hand. Stretch the palm and put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone. Now this is the last centre. Now please put down your head, here you have to move your scalp, not your hand so much as your scalp, seven times clockwise, slowly, that’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes put your left and right feet away from each other. Please put your left and right feet away from each other. Please put your left hand on the left lap, and the right hand on your heart. Now hear you close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Better to take out your spectacles because maybe your eyesight might improve. Now, here is your Spirit. So ask me a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji whatever you like. Ask please, three times, “Mother am I the Spirit”? Ask in your heart, not aloud please. I’ve already told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it. And here you ask me another fundamental question about your self. Three times, “Mother am I my own master”? I’ve already told you that I cannot force Divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand into the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and ask six times, because, this centre has got six petals. “Mother please give me pure knowledge”? Please say it six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, so we have to nourish our higher centres with our full self confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here with full self confidence you have to say ten times, “Mother I am my own master”. I’ve already told you, that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this intelligence, these emotions and conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence please say twelve times “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This all-pervading divine power, is the ocean of pure knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed get easily dissolved into this ocean of forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right. Now forgive your self and with self full confidence please say it sixteen times. “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I’ve already explained to you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do any thing. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. All your life you have tortured yourself and at this moment if you don’t forgive, the centre won’t open and you will miss your chance of self realisation. Just forgive, just forgive everyone. Raise your hand on top of your forehead and put down your head and now forgive every one without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes you have to say for your satisfaction “Oh Divine Power if I have done anything wrong please for give me” and this you have to say from your heart without counting how many times. Now for the last centre you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your head. On the fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head, here again I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So press your scalp, push back your fingers, this is very important to push back your fingers. Here you move your scalp seven times clockwise. Say “Mother, please give me my self-realisation” seven times. Sound of Shri Mataji blowing into microphone seven times. Now please take down your hands. Now please put both your hands open your eyes towards me like this. Now watch me without thinking. You can do it. Now put the left hand towards me and put down your head see with your right hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now if you have not forgiven your self or forgiven others it will be hot breeze. So now please forgive. Forgive everyone and forgive your self. Now please put right hand again towards me and see with left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. On top of it. A little higher, don’t put it on top. A little higher. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head, close your eyes and ask a question three times. Anyone of these three questions, first one is “Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost” or “Mother is this the al-pervading power of Divine Love” or “Mother is this the Paramachaitanya or Rue”? You see they are different names for the same thing. So you can ask anyone of these questions three times. Now take down your hands, please put your hands like this towards me and feel your peace in thoughtless awareness. All those who have felt cool or a hot breeze on their fingertips or on their hands or out of their fontanel bone area please raise both your hands. The whole of Hamburg, may God Bless you all. May God Bless. My God. Now again I have to tell you one thing that it’s a collective happening. So you have to come to our collective programs. It’s a very big revolution going on and now you are the part and parcel of that spiritual revolution, which takes humanity to reality and it’s benevolence. You have to be mature in this, otherwise it would be like the parable of Christ where some seeds got sprouted and got lost. Of course you don’t have to pay anything I tell you again and again but, you have to spend some time for your self realisation. You don’t know what you have got. Say if I have German money I don’t know what it means, I have to spend it. In the same way what you have got it’s so precious you will know how precious it is when you will mature and you will give it to others. So may God bless you.
If you are born again you have certain powers
Public Program
Transcription of 1993-07-23 Public Programme, Berlin, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot understand it, we cannot change it and, unfortunately, at this human level, we cannot know it. Whatever I am going to tell you today here, you need not take it blindfold, but you have to keep your mind open like a scientist, and whatever I say is proved, as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. So, the Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading divine power of Love which does all the living work. You see beautiful flowers here and you take them for granted, we don’t even think that it’s a miracle! Who runs your heart? The doctors will say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? Who does all these living works? Who controls the height of these trees and these bushes? So now the time has come for us to know that this power exists and that you can feel it on your central nervous system. So far whatever you have gained in your evolution you feel it on your central nervous system. Say, take a dog or a horse through a very smelly place, dirty place, they don’t mind. But the human beings can understand so many things more than the animals on their central nervous system. Now the problem with us is that, so far, we thought that by going to science we will achieve some information about the reality. But, as you know, science is limited and it cannot answer many questions. So, we go to religion and there also what we find, that the way religion is practised today is not actually what was preached. All the religions today are power-oriented or money-oriented. But none of them are Spirit oriented. Why? Because it is expected in all the religions that we should have our resurrection, that we have to know ourselves, that we have to be born again. It’s not good just certify yourself as born again, if you are born again you have certain powers. This is a dilemma today that human beings are facing. You will see people who have big conventions for peace, harmony, they also get big awards but they have no peace within. Sometimes they are extremely hot tempered. Also, if you see in the democratic countries, we’ll say that we have freedom. But where is the freedom? A entrepreneur makes up a dress and starts selling, advertises, everybody wears the same dress. Like they wanted to have very tight pants once upon a time and everybody was wearing only tight pants and they couldn’t even get into the buses, they had to push people! (laughter) Then they developed varicose veins, so they gave up these pants. Then they started another fad of holey pants, with the holes! In these Western countries, you know, it’s so very cold, and with the holes, what will happen! (laughter). They started also other kinds of fads you see, like we had punks. I asked these punks why do you want to do all this spending £50 for one (UNCLEAR sitting?)? So, they said what’s wrong? We are finding our identity! But I said this colour is injurious to your eyes, you’re already becoming blind. So, what’s wrong! What’s wrong if you become blind? Every type of destructive type of things we take very easily. So, in these modern times, so many types of problems like AIDS, like drugs, like so many incurable diseases have come up. They were never there about, say, 30 years back. So, one has to understand why these problems are cropping up. Actually, most of the world problems are because of human beings and human problems are mostly from the centres which you have within yourself. In the bible it is described as the tree of life. But in Koran it’s much more precisely given ‘the subtle system within us. Also, in India in Maharashtra there was a very great revelation of many saints about the subtle system. But this revelation was just perverted by the tantricers and mislaid people. Now today there are so many fake, horrible people who are just trying to make money out of it. Just like the religions. It is something they don’t understand that it is sinful to make money in the name of God. It is a living process of your accent and for any living process we don’t pay any money. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for giving us these beautiful flowers? For the evolutionary process how much money did you give? So, all these things have come in these modern times only. So, I call it the Last Judgement. You have to decide whether you want the truth or falsehood. If you want to have the totality and reality then try to understand that you cannot pay for it and you cannot suffer for it. Also, this is a very strange idea, that you must suffer. Suffer to be one with God, who is your Father. He is Father of all the fathers. He is the one who is compassion. The ocean of compassion. Which father would like his son to suffer? It is absurd. This is also so much drained into our head, put into our head that we think unless and until we starve, we cannot meet God. I don’t know about the West, but in India if you want to make your mother unhappy then you don’t eat your food. Then the poor mother is crying that the child has not taken the food. So, what must be happening if you go on torturing yourself in a wrong way. You have to know that you are the epitome of evolution. Then these religions, some of them, have been really spoilt by some interested people. For example, Mr Paul who was no way (UNCLEAR…knew?) Christ, had nothing to do with Christ, took over and changed many things in the bible. He was a hater of women. He didn’t show any respect for the Mother of Christ, while in the Koran, Mohammed Saab has praised Her and said nobody should talk against Her chastity. This word ‘Madonna’ has come from the other part of religions who could not accept something without the Goddess. As a result, a woman was never given her proper place. First, I came to East Berlin when the wall was not broken, long time back and I found that the women were EXTREMELY INSECURED. They told me that we don’t want to marry because if we have children because our figures are spoilt, and our husbands will marry somebody else. I was amazed. They said we have to be always be keeping the husband in the proper trim, by dressing up in a funny way, attractive way, such insecurity. I must admit that India is no good for politics and economics, hopeless, but society is very good. If a husband tries to be funny with the wife he is not accepted in the society. Even the sister of the husband, the family of the husband would (UNCLEAR). Of course, I’m not talking about the ‘Westernised’ Indians because they have their own ideas. And if a man tries to be funny a woman doesn’t think that she should become like a prostitute. She thinks if the man is misbehaving, he is committing sins, why should I do that? All these insecurities have given us problems. If the mother is insecure the children also get insecure. I’ve seen children being very violent, being very arrogant, the reason is that the mother, herself, is extremely insecure. One side she has to keep her husband happy, on the other side her children. In these developed countries, these overdeveloped countries, these things are happening and we are not aware of it! The idea of motherhood is completely missing. Now they say there is the God Almighty, and the Son He has, but no Mother. Mother is missing! There is the Holy Ghost which is a dove. I agree dove is a good symbol because dove is the one that ascends, and purity, white, but what about the Mother? In all other religions, there is a Primordial Mother. In Greek religion there is Athena. Athena starts with the Sanskrit word Athe which means primordial. And she is, if you see, how they have depicted is that she is divided into three powers and she has a snake-like the kundalini. Now it is not a snake but it is symbolic that it an energy that moves like a snake. It’s an understanding (UNCLEAR) that there has to be a primordial mother. Why I have to tell you all this? Because this kundalini it is in the sacrum bone, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother which is the Holy Ghost. She is the feminine divine power. She is your mother; every individual’s mother. And She knows everything about you. It’s like a tape you can say, that you play in a video. The whole past of yours is known to Her. She knows your problems and She is the one who is anxious to give you the second birth. Now, it also another nonsense that people talk about with kundalini awakening you have problems, physical problems and all that. It is all nonsense. When you were born your mother took all the problems on herself. In the same way, when you get your self-realisation, is the kundalini, she works it out; very delicately, very beautifully, like a very gentle mother. So, this is beautiful machinery we have within ourselves created which has got all these centres which are the milestones of our evolution. And these centres look after our physical, emotional, and also spiritual being. So, when this kundalini rises, she passes through six centres, the seventh centre is below the kundalini. The seventh centre is the centre is the centre which looks after our excretion. That is the centre which also caters to our sex, but it is below, it is below the sacrum. So, the sex doesn’t play part in the kundalini awakening. At that time all your excretion stops and you become innocent. Christ has said, ‘you have to become like children to enter into the kingdom of God’. This is what exactly happens to you. I must tell you that innocence cannot be destroyed it is an eternal, innate quality of human beings. Matter is innocent, animals are innocent and human beings are innocent but the so-called freedom that we have by which we have gathered some clouds and have covered it. But it is all intact within you, nothing is destroyed. So, when she rises this kundalini, your innocence comes into play. While rising she nourishes all these centres. These centres are like this, left and right, but if you start exhausting them, then they become constricted. When the kundalini rises, she nourishes them, she integrates them and she puts them in proper shape. That is how, physically, you get cured. No doubt, Sahaja Yoga has cured many, many incurable diseases, no doubt. And it is so simple. When she rises, she pierces through this fontanelle bone area, and you get the actualisation of your baptism, actualisation. It is not somebody puts his hand on your head and says,’ now, you are baptised’. The first thing that happens, that you become thoughtlessly aware. In us one thought rises, another rises. We think about the future or the past. The past is finished and future doesn’t exist. In between these two thoughts, that is the present. Now, if I ask you, ‘stand in the present’, you cannot. And the present is the reality. If I say, ‘go within yourself’, you can’t. You can go to moon; you can go anywhere but you can’t go within yourself. That means you cannot take your attention inside. When the kundalini rises she separates these thoughts and within you is established this area within you which is thoughtless. That is the present. Where you can get inspirations and you can grow in spirituality. But if you want to think, you can think also. But you are not all the time bombarded with thoughts. That is the state where you feel peaceful within yourself. Now, this rises above and comes out of your fontanelle bone area and after some time you establish another state and a new dimension of what we call as doubtless awareness, where you become absolutely equipped with all the divine laws and all the working of it. And you can give realisations to others. In that enlightened state I don’t have to tell you, ‘don’t do, don’t do,’ you just don’t do it. I’ve given an example many times that, supposing I’m sitting in the dark and hold a snake, and I believe that it is a rope, and I’m obstinate, until that snake bites me, I’ll not give up, even if you tell me. But if there is a little light, I will just throw it away. This is exactly what happens. As soon as you get your enlightenment, you give up all that is destructive. And a new constructive transformed life starts, where you start understanding yourself because you have the self-knowledge on your fingertips. Because like this instrument if it is connected to the mains, it has a meaning, it has an identity. When kundalini is one with that all-pervading power, then your fingertips five, six and seven get enlightened. The right side is for the physical and mental, the left side is for emotional. So, on your fingertips you can feel your own centres, so, you get your self- knowledge, also you develop a new dimension in your human awareness where you can feel the centres of others. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of anybody who is living or dead. Now supposing you know how to correct these centres, you can cure yourself and you can cure others. Which is a very simple thing to understand. I think you all must be thinking ‘it is too fantastic to believe’! But I assure you are fantastic. I tell you; you are glories. For example, in India supposing you are in a remote village, if you take a television and say you can see all kinds of pictures, they will say, ‘what stories you are telling. How can it be. It’s just a box’. We also think that we are just a box! But once you are connected with this all-pervading power, you are amazed at yourself what you are. Not only you improve physically, mentally, emotionally but you develop so many talents. All your insecurities disappear. All your stupid hankerings disappear. Only thing is those who are stupid and idiotic this doesn’t work out. All those who are arrogant, and involved in sort of an arrogant work, aggressive work, they don’t get it. You must keep your mind open, that is all. You must have pure desire, pure desire because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. As you know in economics, that desires are never satiable, in general. But this is the only desire, whether you are aware of it or not, when it works out, then the whole life changes in a different pattern. You become a very satisfied, compassionate person, at the same time, extremely dynamic. And very energetic. Now you know my age is 71 years now, I’m going to be, I travel every day. Yesterday I was in Frankfurt, no sorry, in Hamburg, we had a programme and today I am before you. Because I don’t think I’m travelling, I’m don’t think I’m going anywhere, I’m thinking I’m here, I’m just there. Because I don’t think. This is what happens to you and this Spirit when it shines your attention, it makes it extremely this attention extremely active and effective. Now you pay attention to someone, that’s all, but after realisation, when you pay attention to that person, that person he is sick, he gets cured. Your eyes become so innocent and so powerful that you look at any person and that person can absolutely feel complete peace within themselves. So, this modern disease of stress and strain disappear, there’s no (UNCLEAR). You are absolutely relaxed. You see the whole world as a drama. If you are in the water you are afraid of getting drowned but supposing, by any chance get to a boat, then you watch all that. But in case you know how to swim, you can save so many people. That is how you grow. One enlightened light can enlighten many lights. That is the purpose of our life and the destination of your life is to enter into the kingdom of God and enjoy yourself. The Spirit is the collective being within us. You transcend all kinds of barriers that this human mind has created. Racialism and fundamentalism, and all kind of ‘isms’ are finished. These are ‘isms because they come out of our ignorance. Now this ignorance disappears in the light you see the truth and the absolute. Everybody sees the same Truth. You see I’m wearing a saree, all of you seeing the same thing, so there is no argument about it, there’s no discussion, there’s no war about it. You will find that all over the world there are lots of your brothers and sisters who live with pure love. Nobody’s wife runs away with somebody’s husband; all this nonsense is not in Sahaja Yoga. And beautiful children are born, who are realised souls, great souls. So, on your fingertips you can know the absolute knowledge. We talk of Peace, Peace, Peace, have a conference, point there and then have a war! After the war at the peaceful time, we just try to organise another war! We have not come on this world to kill each other. Even the animals don’t kill their own clans. But we are doing that. It is all because of ignorance. I’ve seen people who have been very cruel in their life, very hot-tempered in their life, completely changed. For example, I would say, they used to say that Germans are like Gestapo, they were very frightened of Germans, all over, now I find the German Sahaja Yogis are the most gentle people. They are so honest, of course they are honest, no doubt, but now you feel so comfortable with them. They are so compassionate, so gentle. This is the transformation. Coming to Germany you feel very comfortable because people have forgiven, have forgotten the past and are really, really something so angelic. So, I have to tell you very frankly that I respect your freedom and those who don’t want to have their realisation, I cannot force them. (BREAK IN RECORDING…) It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes and the journey is very little but there are some conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all, for anything. There are people who feel guilty for something to which they are not related. I met one fellow whose grandfather had killed somebody and he was feeling guilty about it. I said,’ you are not your grandfather he is dead and gone and finished. You are a different person; you must not feel guilty for it’. Why feel guilty? If you commit some mistakes, you should face it, that’s all. After all you are human beings, you’re not God. And if human beings don’t commit mistakes, then who will commit? So just forgive yourself at this moment because this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness and all your so-called mistakes can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. But you don’t know that if you feel guilty this centre here on the left-hand side catches very badly. As a result, you get a disease called angina of the heart, or else you get spondylitis or maybe lethargic organs all through the body. So why have this myth and trouble yourself? If this centre is not opened out, how will the kundalini rise? So be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all I’ve told you already, you are the epitome of evolution. I cannot give realisation to say, chickens and rabbits! So now be pleasantly placed towards yourself, first condition. Now the other side, you have to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them. This many say is very difficult. But logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do it. If you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. While the person who must have troubled you is having a nice time and on his behalf, you are torturing yourself. Also, don’t think about them, it’s a headache but just forgive all of them in general, you can call it. Now the third condition is that you must have full confidence within yourself that all of you will get your self-realisation. I’m telling you; you are all seekers of truth and you are all going to get your realisation and connection with this divine power. Which is your resurrection. Which gives you enlightenment. One gentleman did come to me and he said I did feel the Holy Ghost around me, the all-pervading power around me, but I haven’t got enlightenment’. I said supposing I have German money, if I don’t spend it, how will I know its value? So, you see on others, you work on others. So, one has to understand that Sahaja Yoga is a collective working. It’s a collective organisation. It’s a living organism. Like if this finger feels hurt the whole body runs to look after it. If something happens, say, to a Sahaja Yogi here in Berlin, they will be from all over the world concerned. Such love, such compassion. Such understanding. I’ve never seen them quarrelling, fighting, never. Sometimes they pull each other’s’ legs humorously, that I have seen. Such humour, such joy, such understanding, such new life. This is a new age I am talking about. There’s so much to be said because, after all it’s a very big subject. At least I must have given 5000 lectures only in the English language and in other languages which I know also, so many. You can all listen to them, no doubt. But like in this hall there are so many lights, and only one switch is sufficient to put them on. Now supposing I want to tell you the electricity, when it was discovered, when it was brought to Berlin, and then to this hall, you’ll all be fed up. Best get the light and then we talk about it. I know you have questions. Now for the last twenty-three, twenty-four years I’ve been answering questions. And I’m quite an expert at it. But it is a mental acrobatic, what I want is that you have to, yourself, feel this divine power, by which you become your own guide, you become your own guru, your master and that’s what happens. As all this is built in, it was built in you also. As it is built in the seed and in the Mother Earth, the sprout, it is built in you. So, let us now try to understand how we are going to nourish our own centres and get our self-realisation. Plus, you have to see only tonight you have to do it, not later not (UNCLEAR, want it) at all. So, we will show you how you have to nourish your centres. First of all, if I may request you to take out your shoes, it will be a good idea because this Mother Earth helps us a lot to suck out our problems. Now, you have to be comfortable in your seats. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads. In your own seat you get your Realisation. Now, please put your left hand towards me like this. Comfortably. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self- Realisation. Because left side is the power of desire. Now we use the right side for nourishing our centres on the left-hand side. Because right side is the power of action. Both the feet have to be apart because they are two powers. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. (Inside the coat would be better) In the heart resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So please take you right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left side; this is the centre of your mastery. This centre has been created by prophets for us to be enlightened. Now please take your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for the divine knowledge, which is the pure knowledge. Now raise your hand now again onto the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, raise it again to your heart. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. I’ve already told you that this centre is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. This is the centre for you to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Last centre, very important, stretch your palm, and now put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now push back your fingers, very important, and put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp more, with pressure, seven times, clockwise. Please put down your heads. Push back your fingers and with the pressure on the scalp, move it seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. (You must push back your fingers, push back). Now, we have to close our eyes. And not to open them until I tell you. You can even remove your glasses; is alright it improves your eyesight. Now, you put your left hand again on your left lap, your left leg, and keep both of the legs apart from each other. Now put your right hand on your heart and please close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself, to me, three times. You can call me ‘Mother’ or ‘Shri Mataji’, whatever you like. Please ask the question three times, from your heart, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I’ve told you that if you are the Spirit you become your own master. Now, take down your right hand onto the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side, press it hard, and here ask another fundamental question three times. Now here you ask a question three times, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’. I have already told you that I cannot force the pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask for pure knowledge. This centre has six petals so please say six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure, divine knowledge.’ Now, as soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the kundalini starts moving upward which you may not even feel. But we have to now nourish our upper centres with our full confidence. So now, raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you in the beginning, you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this intelligence, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say again twelve times with full confidence, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit’. This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of pure knowledge, is the ocean of absolute truth and compassion, it is the ocean of blessings and protection, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. I’ve already told you that whatever mistakes you have made will be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourselves and put your right hand on the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say, again with full confidence, sixteen times,’ Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already explained to you, that if you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t ‘do’ anything, but if you don’t forgive you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now the centre which we call as agnya which is on the optic chiasma is a very constricted one. And if you don’t forgive it doesn’t open at all and thus kundalini won’t rise. As it is you are have tortured yourself all your life and now you should not miss this great opportunity of getting your self-realisation, so, please forgive, forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and lay down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general’. Now take back your hand the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, just for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes,’ Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me’. Say it from you heart, not how many times. Now the last centre, you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers and bend your head. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So now, move your right hand, seven times, clockwise, slowly saying, ‘Mother, give me my Self Realisation’. (SOUND OF DIVINE BREATH). Now, please take down your hand. Please open your eyes. And put both the hands towards me like this. And now, don’t think. You can do it. Keep your eyes open, watch me and don’t think. Now, please put the right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself, if there is a cool, or a hot, breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area? Now, please don’t put the hand not on top of the head but further away, some people get much away. Now, please put the left hand towards me and see, with the right hand, if the is a cool breeze, or a hot breeze, coming out of your head? If it is hot breeze then that means you have either not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So now you do it. Now, once more with the right hand please put the left hand towards me and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now, just put your hands up like this towards the sky and bend your head back. Now you can ask any one of these questions three times, any one of them three times, you can ask,’ Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. Then you can ask, ‘Mother is this the all-pervading Divine power of love?’ or you can ask, ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya, Ru?’ All these names are of the same thing. So, ask any one of these questions,s three times. It (UNCLEAR) a computer. Now please take down your hands. Like this. Now, all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the fingertips, or in the hands or on the fontanelle area, please, raise both your hands. I bow to you all. This is Berlin! May God Bless You All. Only now this is the sprouting and you have to progress in your spiritual growth. For which you have to come to our collective programmes. You don’t have to pay anything and that you must understand that this is something important that has happened to you and you must know how to use it. You have to give some time to yourself and once you have matured you can give to to so many. At the most, at the most, it will take one month for you to become the master of Sahaja Yoga. It’s as simple as that. So, may God bless you. Next year I will again come to Berlin. (Clapping). If you want to you can listen some folk music from India which is related…
Transcription of 1993-07-23 Public Programme, Berlin, Germany I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot understand it, we cannot change it and, unfortunately, at this human level, we cannot know it. Whatever I am going to tell you today here, you need not take it blindfold, but you have to keep your mind open like a scientist, and whatever I say is proved, as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. So, the Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading divine power of Love which does all the living work. You see beautiful flowers here and you take them for granted, we don’t even think that it’s a miracle! Who runs your heart? The doctors will say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? Who does all these living works? Who controls the height of these trees and these bushes? So now the time has come for us to know that this power exists and that you can feel it on your central nervous system. So far whatever you have gained in your evolution you feel it on your central nervous system. Say, take a dog or a horse through a very smelly place, dirty place, they don’t mind. But the human beings can understand so many things more than the animals on their central nervous system. Now the problem with us is that, so far, we thought that by going to science we will achieve some information about the reality. But, as you know, science is limited and it cannot answer many questions. So, we go to religion and there also what we find, that the way religion is practised today is not actually what was preached. All the religions today are power-oriented or money-oriented. But none of them are Spirit oriented. Why? Because it is expected in all the religions that we should have our resurrection, that we have to know ourselves, that we have to be born again. It’s not good just certify yourself as born again, if you are born again you have certain powers. This is a dilemma today that human beings are facing. You will see people who have big conventions for peace, harmony, they also get big awards but they have no peace within. Sometimes they are extremely hot tempered. Also, if you see in the democratic countries, we’ll say that we have freedom. But where is the freedom? A entrepreneur makes up a dress and starts selling, advertises, everybody wears the same dress. Like they wanted to have very tight pants once upon a time and everybody was wearing only tight pants and they couldn’t even get into the buses, they had to push people! (laughter) Then they developed varicose veins, so they gave up these pants. Then they started another fad of holey pants, with the holes! In these Western countries, you know, it’s so very cold, and with the holes, what will happen! (laughter). They started also other kinds of fads you see, like we had punks. I asked these punks why do you want to do all this spending £50 for one (UNCLEAR sitting?)? So, they said what’s wrong? We are finding our identity! But I said this colour is injurious to your eyes, you’re already becoming blind. So, what’s wrong! What’s wrong if you become blind? Every type of destructive type of things we take very easily. So, in these modern times, so many types of problems like AIDS, like drugs, like so many incurable diseases have come up. They were never there about, say, 30 years back. So, one has to understand why these problems are cropping up. Actually, most of the world problems are because of human beings and human problems are mostly from the centres which you have within yourself. In the bible it is described as the tree of life. But in Koran it’s much more precisely given ‘the subtle system within us. Also, in India in Maharashtra there was a very great revelation of many saints about the subtle system. But this revelation was just perverted by the tantricers and mislaid people. Now today there are so many fake, horrible people who are just trying to make money out of it. Just like the religions. It is something they don’t understand that it is sinful to make money in the name of God. It is a living process of your accent and for any living process we don’t pay any money. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for giving us these beautiful flowers? For the evolutionary process how much money did you give? So, all these things have come in these modern times only. So, I call it the Last Judgement. You have to decide whether you want the truth or falsehood. If you want to have the totality and reality then try to understand that you cannot pay for it and you cannot suffer for it. Also, this is a very strange idea, that you must suffer. Suffer to be one with God, who is your Father. He is Father of all the fathers. He is the one who is compassion. The ocean of compassion. Which father would like his son to suffer? It is absurd. This is also so much drained into our head, put into our head that we think unless and until we starve, we cannot meet God. I don’t know about the West, but in India if you want to make your mother unhappy then you don’t eat your food. Then the poor mother is crying that the child has not taken the food. So, what must be happening if you go on torturing yourself in a wrong way. You have to know that you are the epitome of evolution. Then these religions, some of them, have been really spoilt by some interested people. For example, Mr Paul who was no way (UNCLEAR…knew?) Christ, had nothing to do with Christ, took over and changed many things in the bible. He was a hater of women. He didn’t show any respect for the Mother of Christ, while in the Koran, Mohammed Saab has praised Her and said nobody should talk against Her chastity. This word ‘Madonna’ has come from the other part of religions who could not accept something without the Goddess. As a result, a woman was never given her proper place. First, I came to East Berlin when the wall was not broken, long time back and I found that the women were EXTREMELY INSECURED. They told me that we don’t want to marry because if we have children because our figures are spoilt, and our husbands will marry somebody else. I was amazed. They said we have to be always be keeping the husband in the proper trim, by dressing up in a funny way, attractive way, such insecurity. I must admit that India is no good for politics and economics, hopeless, but society is very good. If a husband tries to be funny with the wife he is not accepted in the society. Even the sister of the husband, the family of the husband would (UNCLEAR). Of course, I’m not talking about the ‘Westernised’ Indians because they have their own ideas. And if a man tries to be funny a woman doesn’t think that she should become like a prostitute. She thinks if the man is misbehaving, he is committing sins, why should I do that? All these insecurities have given us problems. If the mother is insecure the children also get insecure. I’ve seen children being very violent, being very arrogant, the reason is that the mother, herself, is extremely insecure. One side she has to keep her husband happy, on the other side her children. In these developed countries, these overdeveloped countries, these things are happening and we are not aware of it! The idea of motherhood is completely missing. Now they say there is the God Almighty, and the Son He has, but no Mother. Mother is missing! There is the Holy Ghost which is a dove. I agree dove is a good symbol because dove is the one that ascends, and purity, white, but what about the Mother? In all other religions, there is a Primordial Mother. In Greek religion there is Athena. Athena starts with the Sanskrit word Athe which means primordial. And she is, if you see, how they have depicted is that she is divided into three powers and she has a snake-like the kundalini. Now it is not a snake but it is symbolic that it an energy that moves like a snake. It’s an understanding (UNCLEAR) that there has to be a primordial mother. Why I have to tell you all this? Because this kundalini it is in the sacrum bone, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother which is the Holy Ghost. She is the feminine divine power. She is your mother; every individual’s mother. And She knows everything about you. It’s like a tape you can say, that you play in a video. The whole past of yours is known to Her. She knows your problems and She is the one who is anxious to give you the second birth. Now, it also another nonsense that people talk about with kundalini awakening you have problems, physical problems and all that. It is all nonsense. When you were born your mother took all the problems on herself. In the same way, when you get your self-realisation, is the kundalini, she works it out; very delicately, very beautifully, like a very gentle mother. So, this is beautiful machinery we have within ourselves created which has got all these centres which are the milestones of our evolution. And these centres look after our physical, emotional, and also spiritual being. So, when this kundalini rises, she passes through six centres, the seventh centre is below the kundalini. The seventh centre is the centre is the centre which looks after our excretion. That is the centre which also caters to our sex, but it is below, it is below the sacrum. So, the sex doesn’t play part in the kundalini awakening. At that time all your excretion stops and you become innocent. Christ has said, ‘you have to become like children to enter into the kingdom of God’. This is what exactly happens to you. I must tell you that innocence cannot be destroyed it is an eternal, innate quality of human beings. Matter is innocent, animals are innocent and human beings are innocent but the so-called freedom that we have by which we have gathered some clouds and have covered it. But it is all intact within you, nothing is destroyed. So, when she rises this kundalini, your innocence comes into play. While rising she nourishes all these centres. These centres are like this, left and right, but if you start exhausting them, then they become constricted. When the kundalini rises, she nourishes them, she integrates them and she puts them in proper shape. That is how, physically, you get cured. No doubt, Sahaja Yoga has cured many, many incurable diseases, no doubt. And it is so simple. When she rises, she pierces through this fontanelle bone area, and you get the actualisation of your baptism, actualisation. It is not somebody puts his hand on your head and says,’ now, you are baptised’. The first thing that happens, that you become thoughtlessly aware. In us one thought rises, another rises. We think about the future or the past. The past is finished and future doesn’t exist. In between these two thoughts, that is the present. Now, if I ask you, ‘stand in the present’, you cannot. And the present is the reality. If I say, ‘go within yourself’, you can’t. You can go to moon; you can go anywhere but you can’t go within yourself. That means you cannot take your attention inside. When the kundalini rises she separates these thoughts and within you is established this area within you which is thoughtless. That is the present. Where you can get inspirations and you can grow in spirituality. But if you want to think, you can think also. But you are not all the time bombarded with thoughts. That is the state where you feel peaceful within yourself. Now, this rises above and comes out of your fontanelle bone area and after some time you establish another state and a new dimension of what we call as doubtless awareness, where you become absolutely equipped with all the divine laws and all the working of it. And you can give realisations to others. In that enlightened state I don’t have to tell you, ‘don’t do, don’t do,’ you just don’t do it. I’ve given an example many times that, supposing I’m sitting in the dark and hold a snake, and I believe that it is a rope, and I’m obstinate, until that snake bites me, I’ll not give up, even if you tell me. But if there is a little light, I will just throw it away. This is exactly what happens. As soon as you get your enlightenment, you give up all that is destructive. And a new constructive transformed life starts, where you start understanding yourself because you have the self-knowledge on your fingertips. Because like this instrument if it is connected to the mains, it has a meaning, it has an identity. When kundalini is one with that all-pervading power, then your fingertips five, six and seven get enlightened. The right side is for the physical and mental, the left side is for emotional. So, on your fingertips you can feel your own centres, so, you get your self- knowledge, also you develop a new dimension in your human awareness where you can feel the centres of others. Sitting down here you can feel the centres of anybody who is living or dead. Now supposing you know how to correct these centres, you can cure yourself and you can cure others. Which is a very simple thing to understand. I think you all must be thinking ‘it is too fantastic to believe’! But I assure you are fantastic. I tell you; you are glories. For example, in India supposing you are in a remote village, if you take a television and say you can see all kinds of pictures, they will say, ‘what stories you are telling. How can it be. It’s just a box’. We also think that we are just a box! But once you are connected with this all-pervading power, you are amazed at yourself what you are. Not only you improve physically, mentally, emotionally but you develop so many talents. All your insecurities disappear. All your stupid hankerings disappear. Only thing is those who are stupid and idiotic this doesn’t work out. All those who are arrogant, and involved in sort of an arrogant work, aggressive work, they don’t get it. You must keep your mind open, that is all. You must have pure desire, pure desire because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. As you know in economics, that desires are never satiable, in general. But this is the only desire, whether you are aware of it or not, when it works out, then the whole life changes in a different pattern. You become a very satisfied, compassionate person, at the same time, extremely dynamic. And very energetic. Now you know my age is 71 years now, I’m going to be, I travel every day. Yesterday I was in Frankfurt, no sorry, in Hamburg, we had a programme and today I am before you. Because I don’t think I’m travelling, I’m don’t think I’m going anywhere, I’m thinking I’m here, I’m just there. Because I don’t think. This is what happens to you and this Spirit when it shines your attention, it makes it extremely this attention extremely active and effective. Now you pay attention to someone, that’s all, but after realisation, when you pay attention to that person, that person he is sick, he gets cured. Your eyes become so innocent and so powerful that you look at any person and that person can absolutely feel complete peace within themselves. So, this modern disease of stress and strain disappear, there’s no (UNCLEAR). You are absolutely relaxed. You see the whole world as a drama. If you are in the water you are afraid of getting drowned but supposing, by any chance get to a boat, then you watch all that. But in case you know how to swim, you can save so many people. That is how you grow. One enlightened light can enlighten many lights. That is the purpose of our life and the destination of your life is to enter into the kingdom of God and enjoy yourself. The Spirit is the collective being within us. You transcend all kinds of barriers that this human mind has created. Racialism and fundamentalism, and all kind of ‘isms’ are finished. These are ‘isms because they come out of our ignorance. Now this ignorance disappears in the light you see the truth and the absolute. Everybody sees the same Truth. You see I’m wearing a saree, all of you seeing the same thing, so there is no argument about it, there’s no discussion, there’s no war about it. You will find that all over the world there are lots of your brothers and sisters who live with pure love. Nobody’s wife runs away with somebody’s husband; all this nonsense is not in Sahaja Yoga. And beautiful children are born, who are realised souls, great souls. So, on your fingertips you can know the absolute knowledge. We talk of Peace, Peace, Peace, have a conference, point there and then have a war! After the war at the peaceful time, we just try to organise another war! We have not come on this world to kill each other. Even the animals don’t kill their own clans. But we are doing that. It is all because of ignorance. I’ve seen people who have been very cruel in their life, very hot-tempered in their life, completely changed. For example, I would say, they used to say that Germans are like Gestapo, they were very frightened of Germans, all over, now I find the German Sahaja Yogis are the most gentle people. They are so honest, of course they are honest, no doubt, but now you feel so comfortable with them. They are so compassionate, so gentle. This is the transformation. Coming to Germany you feel very comfortable because people have forgiven, have forgotten the past and are really, really something so angelic. So, I have to tell you very frankly that I respect your freedom and those who don’t want to have their realisation, I cannot force them. (BREAK IN RECORDING…) It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes and the journey is very little but there are some conditions. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all, for anything. There are people who feel guilty for something to which they are not related. I met one fellow whose grandfather had killed somebody and he was feeling guilty about it. I said,’ you are not your grandfather he is dead and gone and finished. You are a different person; you must not feel guilty for it’. Why feel guilty? If you commit some mistakes, you should face it, that’s all. After all you are human beings, you’re not God. And if human beings don’t commit mistakes, then who will commit? So just forgive yourself at this moment because this all-pervading power is the ocean of forgiveness and all your so-called mistakes can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. But you don’t know that if you feel guilty this centre here on the left-hand side catches very badly. As a result, you get a disease called angina of the heart, or else you get spondylitis or maybe lethargic organs all through the body. So why have this myth and trouble yourself? If this centre is not opened out, how will the kundalini rise? So be pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all I’ve told you already, you are the epitome of evolution. I cannot give realisation to say, chickens and rabbits! So now be pleasantly placed towards yourself, first condition. Now the other side, you have to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them. This many say is very difficult. But logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do it. If you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. While the person who must have troubled you is having a nice time and on his behalf, you are torturing yourself. Also, don’t think about them, it’s a headache but just forgive all of them in general, you can call it. Now the third condition is that you must have full confidence within yourself that all of you will get your self-realisation. I’m telling you; you are all seekers of truth and you are all going to get your realisation and connection with this divine power. Which is your resurrection. Which gives you enlightenment. One gentleman did come to me and he said I did feel the Holy Ghost around me, the all-pervading power around me, but I haven’t got enlightenment’. I said supposing I have German money, if I don’t spend it, how will I know its value? So, you see on others, you work on others. So, one has to understand that Sahaja Yoga is a collective working. It’s a collective organisation. It’s a living organism. Like if this finger feels hurt the whole body runs to look after it. If something happens, say, to a Sahaja Yogi here in Berlin, they will be from all over the world concerned. Such love, such compassion. Such understanding. I’ve never seen them quarrelling, fighting, never. Sometimes they pull each other’s’ legs humorously, that I have seen. Such humour, such joy, such understanding, such new life. This is a new age I am talking about. There’s so much to be said because, after all it’s a very big subject. At least I must have given 5000 lectures only in the English language and in other languages which I know also, so many. You can all listen to them, no doubt. But like in this hall there are so many lights, and only one switch is sufficient to put them on. Now supposing I want to tell you the electricity, when it was discovered, when it was brought to Berlin, and then to this hall, you’ll all be fed up. Best get the light and then we talk about it. I know you have questions. Now for the last twenty-three, twenty-four years I’ve been answering questions. And I’m quite an expert at it. But it is a mental acrobatic, what I want is that you have to, yourself, feel this divine power, by which you become your own guide, you become your own guru, your master and that’s what happens. As all this is built in, it was built in you also. As it is built in the seed and in the Mother Earth, the sprout, it is built in you. So, let us now try to understand how we are going to nourish our own centres and get our self-realisation. Plus, you have to see only tonight you have to do it, not later not (UNCLEAR, want it) at all. So, we will show you how you have to nourish your centres. First of all, if I may request you to take out your shoes, it will be a good idea because this Mother Earth helps us a lot to suck out our problems. Now, you have to be comfortable in your seats. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads. In your own seat you get your Realisation. Now, please put your left hand towards me like this. Comfortably. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self- Realisation. Because left side is the power of desire. Now we use the right side for nourishing our centres on the left-hand side. Because right side is the power of action. Both the feet have to be apart because they are two powers. Now, please put your right hand on your heart. (Inside the coat would be better) In the heart resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So please take you right hand on the upper portion of the abdomen on the left side; this is the centre of your mastery. This centre has been created by prophets for us to be enlightened. Now please take your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre for the divine knowledge, which is the pure knowledge. Now raise your hand now again onto the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now, raise it again to your heart. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. I’ve already told you that this centre is in jeopardy when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. This is the centre for you to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Last centre, very important, stretch your palm, and now put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now push back your fingers, very important, and put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp more, with pressure, seven times, clockwise. Please put down your heads. Push back your fingers and with the pressure on the scalp, move it seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. (You must push back your fingers, push back). Now, we have to close our eyes. And not to open them until I tell you. You can even remove your glasses; is alright it improves your eyesight. Now, you put your left hand again on your left lap, your left leg, and keep both of the legs apart from each other. Now put your right hand on your heart and please close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself, to me, three times. You can call me ‘Mother’ or ‘Shri Mataji’, whatever you like. Please ask the question three times, from your heart, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I’ve told you that if you are the Spirit you become your own master. Now, take down your right hand onto the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side, press it hard, and here ask another fundamental question three times. Now here you ask a question three times, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’. I have already told you that I cannot force the pure knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand on the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to ask for pure knowledge. This centre has six petals so please say six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure, divine knowledge.’ Now, as soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the kundalini starts moving upward which you may not even feel. But we have to now nourish our upper centres with our full confidence. So now, raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Here you have to say with full self-confidence ten times, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you in the beginning, you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this intelligence, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say again twelve times with full confidence, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit’. This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of pure knowledge, is the ocean of absolute truth and compassion, it is the ocean of blessings and protection, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. I’ve already told you that whatever mistakes you have made will be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourselves and put your right hand on the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say, again with full confidence, sixteen times,’ Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already explained to you, that if you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t ‘do’ anything, but if you don’t forgive you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now the centre which we call as agnya which is on the optic chiasma is a very constricted one. And if you don’t forgive it doesn’t open at all and thus kundalini won’t rise. As it is you are have tortured yourself all your life and now you should not miss this great opportunity of getting your self-realisation, so, please forgive, forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and lay down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general’. Now take back your hand the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, just for your satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes,’ Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, please forgive me’. Say it from you heart, not how many times. Now the last centre, you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers and bend your head. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So now, move your right hand, seven times, clockwise, slowly saying, ‘Mother, give me my Self Realisation’. (SOUND OF DIVINE BREATH). Now, please take down your hand. Please open your eyes. And put both the hands towards me like this. And now, don’t think. You can do it. Keep your eyes open, watch me and don’t think. Now, please put the right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself, if there is a cool, or a hot, breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area? Now, please don’t put the hand not on top of the head but further away, some people get much away. Now, please put the left hand towards me and see, with the right hand, if the is a cool breeze, or a hot breeze, coming out of your head? If it is hot breeze then that means you have either not forgiven yourself or you have not forgiven others. So now you do it. Now, once more with the right hand please put the left hand towards me and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Now, just put your hands up like this towards the sky and bend your head back. Now you can ask any one of these questions three times, any one of them three times, you can ask,’ Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’. Then you can ask, ‘Mother is this the all-pervading Divine power of love?’ or you can ask, ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya, Ru?’ All these names are of the same thing. So, ask any one of these questions,s three times. It (UNCLEAR) a computer. Now please take down your hands. Like this. Now, all those who have felt cool or hot breeze on the fingertips, or in the hands or on the fontanelle area, please, raise both your hands. I bow to you all. This is Berlin! May God Bless You All. Only now this is the sprouting and you have to progress in your spiritual growth. For which you have to come to our collective programmes. You don’t have to pay anything and that you must understand that this is something important that has happened to you and you must know how to use it. You have to give some time to yourself and once you have matured you can give to to so many. At the most, at the most, it will take one month for you to become the master of Sahaja Yoga. It’s as simple as that. So, may God bless you. Next year I will again come to Berlin. (Clapping). If you want to you can listen some folk music from India which is related…
There is a very subtle power of Divine Love that does all the living work
Czech Republic
Public Program
Public Program At the very beginning we have to know that the truth is what it is. You cannot change it You cannot transform it And at this human awareness you cannot know it That means in our evolutionary process we have reached this state of a human being but it is not the end of our evolution because we don´t know what is Absolute truth. Whatever I´m going to tell you today you have to take it with an open mind like a scientist. If it is proved than you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. So please listen to me carefully what I have to tell you. There is within us a power, which is placed in the triangular bone, for our ascend. It is for our last breakthrough. And this breakthrough has to happen as a process of our evolution. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings. But you are the Pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a very subtle power of Divine Love that does all the living work. We see all these beautiful flowers all around us. But we don´t even think whatever a miracle it is. That out of one seed such beautiful flowers come out. Who runs your heart? The doctors may say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? We go to science and we find that there are many questions which cannot be answered. Science cannot tell us why are we on this Earth. What is the purpose of life? What is our identity? So we take to religions. But religions have created nothing but fundamentalism. It is a blind faith. And all kinds of problems have brought up in the name of God. They are only money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not spirit-oriented. But in these modern times there are a lot of false gurus also who have come out to make money out of your simplicity. If it is a living process, how can you pay for it? Like this Mother Earth. How are we to pay Her for these flowers? Also some people say we have to suffer. There is no need to suffer at all. Imagine if God Almighty is the father of all the fathers, how can He want you to suffer or Him? He is your father, full of compassion, full of joy for you. I have seen there are some false people coming and teaching some mantras and things like that and some boys, I was surprised poor things were just going on saying some mantras. If it is coming from India, You should not believe that all that comems from India is good. Not at all. Be very careful. It is people who are trying to mesmerize your younger generation. As I have told you that you have to be the Spirit. That means it is an actualization. It is a happening of becoming. So it is not just a lecture or or a sermon or a mental process. But a happening within you. That you become something different. We see so many problems in this world these days You have no idea how much problematic it is in democratic countries. But it is happening in America which is supposed to be the greatest democratic country It is just full of idiotic and stupid people. It is surprising how they are taking life, for example they spend all their time in absolute, stupid, nonsencial idiotic things. I sometimes don´t understand how come human beings can become like that. Also tremendous level of an enterpreneour starts say a fashion. Say for example narrow pants. So they are all dressed up like that. Nobody has freedom to keep to their own dress. They all wear it and they get varicose veins. They wear it even then they get varicose veins. Then they develop some other nonsense. Like six-inches of a skirt for ladies. Even in the cold of England they are wearing that kind of a dress. They talk of individuality. Where is the individuality? They do really very stupid things please thank God you have escaped. They have got the freedom, alright, but no wisdom. And now it´s full of AIDS, full of schizofrenia, madness, lunacy, all kinds of funny diseases. Drugs of all kinds they are taking. It´s not only the children but even grown-ups in parties. They talk of drugs. They have not matured at all. I don´t say communism was the solution. But nor is democracy. Unless and until you have wisdom, both things can be very dangerous. Now they are selling all their junk which was not sold in their countries to you people here. Due to recession now they are going to Russia and all these places, even to India, to sell all their junk. But there is a solution to all these problems. This solution lies within yourself. You don´t have to go Moon, You don´t have to go to Jupiter to discover it. Most of the problems that are visible are due to human beings. Most of the human problems are beacuse of the subtle centers, within them are in trouble. When this Kundalini rises, She nourishes all these centers, interates them and connects you to this All-pervading Power. Because of these centers we suffer, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. No doubt, with the ascend of Kundalini people have cured of their many incurable diseases. When the Kundalini comes out of your fontanel bone area, you can feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost within us. …described about God Almighty and His son. but nothing about the Mother. The third one is the Holy Ghost which is a dove. Symbolically it is alright, it is pure and it ascends. But in all other religions they have described a Primordial Mother. This has happened because of Paul. He was a hater of women. And he never met Christ, all stories are told. He had killed so many christians and then he wanted to jump on the platform. And he chose Peter. as the person who will be anointed with the highest position in christian religion. Peter was the worst disciple of Christ. So Christ also said to Peter that a Satan will take you over. I was myself born in a christian family. And I asked my father: "Who is this Paul?" He was a realized soul my father, and he said: "He is a squatter." He has done a great harm to the West. by not respecting women. He did not respect the Mother of Christ. He calls her a woman. In Quran Mohammed respects her very much. And said nobody should take any objection about her morality. This Paul´s turning of Christ´s life has really ruined the message of Christ. You find all these churches have become very money-oriented and power-oriented. So now after giving up communism you might jump onto these, any of them it´s very dangerous again. Even the Madonna was never a name given in the Bible to the mother of Christ. It came from the father religion. Which was before Christ. As a result the women in the West are extremely insecure. I was surprised, how they have to all the time please the men and please the children. And are really going into the complete waste of immorality. India politically and economically is a hopeless case. I agree. But the society is very well named. And women don´t have to be insecure in that society. For them their power is their chastity. Even in modern times. So to achieve that sense of security also we have to be the Spirit. First thing that happens to you you become thoughtlessly aware. It´s a new dimension in your awareness. There are thoughts which come to us from the past and the future. But we cannot be in the present. When the Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts. So we become thoughtless but fully aware. We jump into the present. Which is the reality. The past is finished and the future doesn´t exist. In that state you start growing spiritually. The Spirit is a universal being within you. It transcends all barriers that we have created by our mental activity. Of ritualism, fundamentalism, all kinds of isms. You realize that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. These people have cut them and are fighting with the dead flowers. In the state of thoughtless awareness you feel your peace within yourself. This is the peace we are seeking. People talk of peace, have big arguments and conferences but there is no peace within themselves. They have been given awards and this, that. But I have seen they are very hot-tempered people. So by your ascend you become a peaceful personality, relaxed personality, satisfied personality. And you become wise nad discreet. Because you see the reality. And you feel the totality. When this Kundalini pierces thought the fontanel bone area, you start feeling cool breeze on your fingertips. This is the All-pervading power. Which in Quran is called as Ruh. In sanskrit as Paramachaitanya. Your attention becomes enlightened and innocent. You innocence is never lost. It is always there. Only thing, because of your so called freedom there are some clouds. But when Kundalini rises and connects you to the All-pervading power you become innocent, your eyes ecome innocent. You know the Absolute truth on your finger tips, even the realized children can tell you what´s wrong with your centers. Not that you can feel your own centers, that´s self-knowledge, but also the centers of others. So you develop a new dimension in your awareness of collective consciousness. Ultimately you develop the powers to raise the Kundalini of others. As one enlightened candle can enlighten many candles. The life becomes absolutely blissful. And you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy has no duality. of happiness and unhappiness. It is the experience of joy, you feel it. Sahajayoga is working in 55 nations, so many have been cured. so many have now the powers, but I have never seen them fighting, quarreling, All full of humour and enjoyment. What a different type of life. That´s what is for you. You have to achieve it without any difficulties. It is very, very simple. Sahaja means "born with you," is the right to be united, that is yoga, with this All-pervading power. For which you don´t pay. But it is a collective happening it´s a collective organism, so you have to be collective. If one nail is cut out, it doesn´t grow. Now see how Germans and Austrians have come to your town and arranged this program. How so many English going to Russia. Like there is one finger which has some pain, the whole body goes to it to get it alright. So it will take hardly about ten minutes from you to get your realization. But there are three conditions. Which are very simple. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. It´s a fashion nowadays to feel guilty. After all, you are human beings and human beings all make mistakes. You are not God. If you make mistakes, let´s face it, why feel guilty? By feeling guilty, this centre here on the left side goes out of order. And physically also you may suffer from angina, or from spondylitis or from lethargic organs all over the body. Don´t believe people who tell you you are sinners. They are the greatest sinners who tell you like that. After all you are human beings, you are at the epitomy of evolution. The second condition is that you have to forgive evryone in general. Logically whether you forgive or you don´t forgive, you don´t do anything. But if you don´t forgive, than you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. So you don´t even have to think about them, you have to just in general, say " I forgive everyone," it´s nonsense. Also it is a myth. Now there is a center within us on the optic chiasm which is like this. Closed. And if you don´t forgive, then it doesn´t open. But if you forgive, it opens like this. You feel much lighter and Kundalini may pass through. All your life you tortured yourself by not forgiving. And at this moment you will miss the great point of achieving your realization. Now the third condition is that you have to have full faith in yourself, full confidence that you will all get your realization tonight. It sounds fantastic but you are fantastic. You don´t know yourself. Once you know yourself, you will be amazed, how many powers you have. What you can do to yourself and to the whole world. Unless and until this microphone is connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. But as soon as you are connected to the mains, you know what you are. These are the three conditions I hope you will fulfill. As it is I think you are very sensible people, the way you have elected your president, the whole world knows that. So now those who do not want to have their realization, should know that I cannot force it on you. Because I respect your freedom. It´s a last judgement, you have to judge yourself. In Quran it is said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. They give a witness against you. And these hands will tell you what´s wrong with you and what´s wrong with others. And if you know how to correct your centers, you can correct yourself and you can correct others. Those who do not want to have realization, should leave the hall. Of course, Sahajayoga is not meant for idiots and stupid people. And it´s not meant for arrogant people either. Also for people who are involved in some sort of an ideology or some sort of blind faith. Again I request those who do not want to have their self-realization, they should leave the hall. You have to be pleasently placed to yourself, now please you have to remove your shoes, because this Mother Earth also helps us to suck in our problems. Now the left and the right are two powers, one is for your desire and another for action. So you have to put both your feet apart from each other and sit comfortably. You don´t have to go to the Himalayas and stand on your head. You will get your realization in your seats tonight. So now please put your left hand towards Me on your left hip or left. Beacuse this is suggestive or symbolic that you desire to have your self-realization. You have to have Pure desire. The right hand we use for nourishing our centers on the lefthand side of ourselves. This we do it only for tonight you don´t have to do it later. So now please put your right hand on your heart. Somebody will show it. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of your Spirit, you become your own master. So you have to take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Which is created by all the great Prophets. It has to be enlightened. So now you have to take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the lefthand side. This is the center of Pure divine knowledge. We will know about it later on, how it caters to the Divine knowledge. Now please raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, now on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens to you when this center is out of care. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put out your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now please take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back. as far as possible. This center, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. You have to ask for forgiveness. From this Divine power. Now the last center is important. Please stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Push back your fingers as far as possible. Press it hard, move your scalp and move it seven times slowly, clockwise. That´s all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, before that please see that both your feet are apart from each other Put the left hand toward Me like this. Right hand on the heart. Do not concentrate, do not pressurize your mind. Everything will work out spontaneously. Now close your eyes. And please don´t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart. Mother, am I the Spirit? I have told you, when you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side press it hard and here ask another fundamental question about yourself to Me. Ask a question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. I cannot force pure knowledge on you. Take out your hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask for Pure knowledge. Here ask 6 times because this center has got 6 petals. Mother please give me Pure knowledge. As soon as you ask for Pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising and we have to nourish the upper centers with our full confidence. So now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard here you ahve to say with full confidence 10 times, Mother, I am my own master. I alreday told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego these conditionings but you are the Pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence 12 times Mother, I am the Pure Spirit. This All-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of joy and blessings. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever misteakes you might have committed, it can be easily dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So now forgive yourself and raise your hand to the border of your neck and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say with full confidence 16 times Mother I am not guilty at all. I have already told you that logically whether you forgive or you don´t forgive you don´t do anything. But you torture yourself. At this junction if you don´t forgive, the center won´t open and Kundalini won´t pass. So please forgive all of them in general, not thinking about them. Now raise your right hand on the forehead across and put your head down and here you have to say from your heart, not how many times Mother, I forgive everyone in general. Now without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head and here with full confidence from your heart, not how many times - you have to say - Divine Power if I have done wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forogive me. The last center is important. Where you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood Put down your head and push back your fingers so there is sufficient pressure on your scalp. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you you have to ask for it. So move your hand seven times clockwise say from your heart - Mother please give me my self-realization. Please bend your head. Push back your fingers. Take down your hands please and open your eyes. Now please put both your hands towards Me. And don´t think. Now put the right hand towards Me like this. Put out your head and see for yourself if there si cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You shouldn´t put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. Put your left hand towards Me… not on top, a bit away or you cannot feel it at all. Please put your left hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven yourself or others, it will be hot. Now forgive. Lastly again, put right hand towards me, put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Please bend your heads. Now please raise your both your hands towards the sky like this. Push back your head upward. Ask any out of these three questions three times. Please ask Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Mother is this the All-pervading power of God´s Love? Mother, is this the Paramachaytanya? Or Ruh? Any of these questions you can ask three times. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this towards Me. And don´t think. Those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their heads, palms, or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise your hands. All of you. All of you. May God bless you. Except for one or two people.
Public Program At the very beginning we have to know that the truth is what it is. You cannot change it You cannot transform it And at this human awareness you cannot know it That means in our evolutionary process we have reached this state of a human being but it is not the end of our evolution because we don´t know what is Absolute truth. Whatever I´m going to tell you today you have to take it with an open mind like a scientist. If it is proved than you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. So please listen to me carefully what I have to tell you. There is within us a power, which is placed in the triangular bone, for our ascend. It is for our last breakthrough. And this breakthrough has to happen as a process of our evolution. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings. But you are the Pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a very subtle power of Divine Love that does all the living work. We see all these beautiful flowers all around us. But we don´t even think whatever a miracle it is. That out of one seed such beautiful flowers come out. Who runs your heart? The doctors may say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? We go to science and we find that there are many questions which cannot be answered. Science cannot tell us why are we on this Earth. What is the purpose of life? What is our identity? So we take to religions. But religions have created nothing but fundamentalism. It is a blind faith. And all kinds of problems have brought up in the name of God. They are only money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not spirit-oriented. But in these modern times there are a lot of false gurus also who have come out to make money out of your simplicity. If it is a living process, how can you pay for it? Like this Mother Earth. How are we to pay Her for these flowers? Also some people say we have to suffer. There is no need to suffer at all. Imagine if God Almighty is the father of all the fathers, how can He want you to suffer or Him? He is your father, full of compassion, full of joy for you. I have seen there are some false people coming and teaching some mantras and things like that and some boys, I was surprised poor things were just going on saying some mantras. If it is coming from India, You should not believe that all that comems from India is good. Not at all. Be very careful. It is people who are trying to mesmerize your younger generation. As I have told you that you have to be the Spirit. That means it is an actualization. It is a happening of becoming. So it is not just a lecture or or a sermon or a mental process. But a happening within you. That you become something different. We see so many problems in this world these days You have no idea how much problematic it is in democratic countries. But it is happening in America which is supposed to be the greatest democratic country It is just full of idiotic and stupid people. It is surprising how they are taking life, for example they spend all their time in absolute, stupid, nonsencial idiotic things. I sometimes don´t understand how come human beings can become like that. Also tremendous level of an enterpreneour starts say a fashion. Say for example narrow pants. So they are all dressed up like that. Nobody has freedom to keep to their own dress. They all wear it and they get varicose veins. They wear it even then they get varicose veins. Then they develop some other nonsense. Like six-inches of a skirt for ladies. Even in the cold of England they are wearing that kind of a dress. They talk of individuality. Where is the individuality? They do really very stupid things please thank God you have escaped. They have got the freedom, alright, but no wisdom. And now it´s full of AIDS, full of schizofrenia, madness, lunacy, all kinds of funny diseases. Drugs of all kinds they are taking. It´s not only the children but even grown-ups in parties. They talk of drugs. They have not matured at all. I don´t say communism was the solution. But nor is democracy. Unless and until you have wisdom, both things can be very dangerous. Now they are selling all their junk which was not sold in their countries to you people here. Due to recession now they are going to Russia and all these places, even to India, to sell all their junk. But there is a solution to all these problems. This solution lies within yourself. You don´t have to go Moon, You don´t have to go to Jupiter to discover it. Most of the problems that are visible are due to human beings. Most of the human problems are beacuse of the subtle centers, within them are in trouble. When this Kundalini rises, She nourishes all these centers, interates them and connects you to this All-pervading Power. Because of these centers we suffer, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. No doubt, with the ascend of Kundalini people have cured of their many incurable diseases. When the Kundalini comes out of your fontanel bone area, you can feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost within us. …described about God Almighty and His son. but nothing about the Mother. The third one is the Holy Ghost which is a dove. Symbolically it is alright, it is pure and it ascends. But in all other religions they have described a Primordial Mother. This has happened because of Paul. He was a hater of women. And he never met Christ, all stories are told. He had killed so many christians and then he wanted to jump on the platform. And he chose Peter. as the person who will be anointed with the highest position in christian religion. Peter was the worst disciple of Christ. So Christ also said to Peter that a Satan will take you over. I was myself born in a christian family. And I asked my father: "Who is this Paul?" He was a realized soul my father, and he said: "He is a squatter." He has done a great harm to the West. by not respecting women. He did not respect the Mother of Christ. He calls her a woman. In Quran Mohammed respects her very much. And said nobody should take any objection about her morality. This Paul´s turning of Christ´s life has really ruined the message of Christ. You find all these churches have become very money-oriented and power-oriented. So now after giving up communism you might jump onto these, any of them it´s very dangerous again. Even the Madonna was never a name given in the Bible to the mother of Christ. It came from the father religion. Which was before Christ. As a result the women in the West are extremely insecure. I was surprised, how they have to all the time please the men and please the children. And are really going into the complete waste of immorality. India politically and economically is a hopeless case. I agree. But the society is very well named. And women don´t have to be insecure in that society. For them their power is their chastity. Even in modern times. So to achieve that sense of security also we have to be the Spirit. First thing that happens to you you become thoughtlessly aware. It´s a new dimension in your awareness. There are thoughts which come to us from the past and the future. But we cannot be in the present. When the Kundalini rises she separates the thoughts. So we become thoughtless but fully aware. We jump into the present. Which is the reality. The past is finished and the future doesn´t exist. In that state you start growing spiritually. The Spirit is a universal being within you. It transcends all barriers that we have created by our mental activity. Of ritualism, fundamentalism, all kinds of isms. You realize that all these religions were born on the same tree of spirituality. These people have cut them and are fighting with the dead flowers. In the state of thoughtless awareness you feel your peace within yourself. This is the peace we are seeking. People talk of peace, have big arguments and conferences but there is no peace within themselves. They have been given awards and this, that. But I have seen they are very hot-tempered people. So by your ascend you become a peaceful personality, relaxed personality, satisfied personality. And you become wise nad discreet. Because you see the reality. And you feel the totality. When this Kundalini pierces thought the fontanel bone area, you start feeling cool breeze on your fingertips. This is the All-pervading power. Which in Quran is called as Ruh. In sanskrit as Paramachaitanya. Your attention becomes enlightened and innocent. You innocence is never lost. It is always there. Only thing, because of your so called freedom there are some clouds. But when Kundalini rises and connects you to the All-pervading power you become innocent, your eyes ecome innocent. You know the Absolute truth on your finger tips, even the realized children can tell you what´s wrong with your centers. Not that you can feel your own centers, that´s self-knowledge, but also the centers of others. So you develop a new dimension in your awareness of collective consciousness. Ultimately you develop the powers to raise the Kundalini of others. As one enlightened candle can enlighten many candles. The life becomes absolutely blissful. And you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy has no duality. of happiness and unhappiness. It is the experience of joy, you feel it. Sahajayoga is working in 55 nations, so many have been cured. so many have now the powers, but I have never seen them fighting, quarreling, All full of humour and enjoyment. What a different type of life. That´s what is for you. You have to achieve it without any difficulties. It is very, very simple. Sahaja means "born with you," is the right to be united, that is yoga, with this All-pervading power. For which you don´t pay. But it is a collective happening it´s a collective organism, so you have to be collective. If one nail is cut out, it doesn´t grow. Now see how Germans and Austrians have come to your town and arranged this program. How so many English going to Russia. Like there is one finger which has some pain, the whole body goes to it to get it alright. So it will take hardly about ten minutes from you to get your realization. But there are three conditions. Which are very simple. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. It´s a fashion nowadays to feel guilty. After all, you are human beings and human beings all make mistakes. You are not God. If you make mistakes, let´s face it, why feel guilty? By feeling guilty, this centre here on the left side goes out of order. And physically also you may suffer from angina, or from spondylitis or from lethargic organs all over the body. Don´t believe people who tell you you are sinners. They are the greatest sinners who tell you like that. After all you are human beings, you are at the epitomy of evolution. The second condition is that you have to forgive evryone in general. Logically whether you forgive or you don´t forgive, you don´t do anything. But if you don´t forgive, than you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. So you don´t even have to think about them, you have to just in general, say " I forgive everyone," it´s nonsense. Also it is a myth. Now there is a center within us on the optic chiasm which is like this. Closed. And if you don´t forgive, then it doesn´t open. But if you forgive, it opens like this. You feel much lighter and Kundalini may pass through. All your life you tortured yourself by not forgiving. And at this moment you will miss the great point of achieving your realization. Now the third condition is that you have to have full faith in yourself, full confidence that you will all get your realization tonight. It sounds fantastic but you are fantastic. You don´t know yourself. Once you know yourself, you will be amazed, how many powers you have. What you can do to yourself and to the whole world. Unless and until this microphone is connected to the mains, it has no identity, it has no meaning. But as soon as you are connected to the mains, you know what you are. These are the three conditions I hope you will fulfill. As it is I think you are very sensible people, the way you have elected your president, the whole world knows that. So now those who do not want to have their realization, should know that I cannot force it on you. Because I respect your freedom. It´s a last judgement, you have to judge yourself. In Quran it is said that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. They give a witness against you. And these hands will tell you what´s wrong with you and what´s wrong with others. And if you know how to correct your centers, you can correct yourself and you can correct others. Those who do not want to have realization, should leave the hall. Of course, Sahajayoga is not meant for idiots and stupid people. And it´s not meant for arrogant people either. Also for people who are involved in some sort of an ideology or some sort of blind faith. Again I request those who do not want to have their self-realization, they should leave the hall. You have to be pleasently placed to yourself, now please you have to remove your shoes, because this Mother Earth also helps us to suck in our problems. Now the left and the right are two powers, one is for your desire and another for action. So you have to put both your feet apart from each other and sit comfortably. You don´t have to go to the Himalayas and stand on your head. You will get your realization in your seats tonight. So now please put your left hand towards Me on your left hip or left. Beacuse this is suggestive or symbolic that you desire to have your self-realization. You have to have Pure desire. The right hand we use for nourishing our centers on the lefthand side of ourselves. This we do it only for tonight you don´t have to do it later. So now please put your right hand on your heart. Somebody will show it. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the light of your Spirit, you become your own master. So you have to take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Which is created by all the great Prophets. It has to be enlightened. So now you have to take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the lefthand side. This is the center of Pure divine knowledge. We will know about it later on, how it caters to the Divine knowledge. Now please raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, now on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens to you when this center is out of care. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put out your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now please take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back. as far as possible. This center, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction. You have to ask for forgiveness. From this Divine power. Now the last center is important. Please stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Push back your fingers as far as possible. Press it hard, move your scalp and move it seven times slowly, clockwise. That´s all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, before that please see that both your feet are apart from each other Put the left hand toward Me like this. Right hand on the heart. Do not concentrate, do not pressurize your mind. Everything will work out spontaneously. Now close your eyes. And please don´t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart. Mother, am I the Spirit? I have told you, when you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side press it hard and here ask another fundamental question about yourself to Me. Ask a question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom. I cannot force pure knowledge on you. Take out your hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask for Pure knowledge. Here ask 6 times because this center has got 6 petals. Mother please give me Pure knowledge. As soon as you ask for Pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising and we have to nourish the upper centers with our full confidence. So now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard here you ahve to say with full confidence 10 times, Mother, I am my own master. I alreday told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego these conditionings but you are the Pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and say with full confidence 12 times Mother, I am the Pure Spirit. This All-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of joy and blessings. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever misteakes you might have committed, it can be easily dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So now forgive yourself and raise your hand to the border of your neck and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say with full confidence 16 times Mother I am not guilty at all. I have already told you that logically whether you forgive or you don´t forgive you don´t do anything. But you torture yourself. At this junction if you don´t forgive, the center won´t open and Kundalini won´t pass. So please forgive all of them in general, not thinking about them. Now raise your right hand on the forehead across and put your head down and here you have to say from your heart, not how many times Mother, I forgive everyone in general. Now without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head and here with full confidence from your heart, not how many times - you have to say - Divine Power if I have done wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forogive me. The last center is important. Where you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood Put down your head and push back your fingers so there is sufficient pressure on your scalp. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you you have to ask for it. So move your hand seven times clockwise say from your heart - Mother please give me my self-realization. Please bend your head. Push back your fingers. Take down your hands please and open your eyes. Now please put both your hands towards Me. And don´t think. Now put the right hand towards Me like this. Put out your head and see for yourself if there si cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. You shouldn´t put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. Put your left hand towards Me… not on top, a bit away or you cannot feel it at all. Please put your left hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. If you have not forgiven yourself or others, it will be hot. Now forgive. Lastly again, put right hand towards me, put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Please bend your heads. Now please raise your both your hands towards the sky like this. Push back your head upward. Ask any out of these three questions three times. Please ask Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Mother is this the All-pervading power of God´s Love? Mother, is this the Paramachaytanya? Or Ruh? Any of these questions you can ask three times. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this towards Me. And don´t think. Those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their heads, palms, or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise your hands. All of you. All of you. May God bless you. Except for one or two people.
Sahaja Yoga: A new dimension in your awareness
Czech Republic
Public Program
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. If you want to know the truth, first of all you must know that through your evolutionary process you have become human beings. And if you have to go at a higher state, it has to be the same living process of evolutionary growth. We must also know that when we evolve, we did not pay for it. And when we evolved, we developed many more qualities than the animals have. In the same way, if you have to evolve, then you have to have some sort of a transformation. Also you must have some new dimensions in your awareness. You have seen this chart, which is the subtle system within you. That has brought you up to this level. Now the time has come for the last break-through. To know the absolute truth. So far, whatever we know is relative truth. That is why there are so many quarrels and fights and wars. I am sorry today we have such a short time in which I have to give you self-realization. So I won’t be able to tell you everything about your self-realization. But it will work out, spontaneously. Actually it does not require any lecture, any explanation. Like this Mother Earth, if you put a seed and water it, it sprouts by itself. Because it is built-in in the Mother Earth and also built-in in the seed to sprout. So this is also built-in within you. Only this one has to be awakened so that you get this yoga, the union with the all-pervading divine power. So as we have little time, let us do our self-realization. And you all liked it? Alright. Those who don’t want to have it should leave the place, because I respect your freedom, I cannot force self-realization on you. I have to just warn you that there are many false people coming down even in Czechoslovakia, just to make money. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for giving these beautiful flowers? Anybody who asks for money, please be sure that it is absolutely a fake thing. Also be careful about religions, which try to capture the governments. These religions are not Spirit oriented, they are money oriented and power oriented. So with such false things we cannot achieve reality. Also science cannot give you many answers. It cannot tell you why are you on this Earth, what is your identity, what is your origin. All these questions can be answered in the light of the Spirit. Now, for getting self-realization, there are only three conditions. The first condition, very important, is that you should not feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty, then this center here catches. And you might get a disease called angina, spondylitis, or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? Today we had somebody from Catholic church. And he could not get his realization. And we found his left vishuddhi center was very badly caught up. Then ultimately we asked him, ”Are you a catholic?” He said, ”Yes”. Oh, that’s the reason! Because they tell you ’you are sinners’ and they tell you to confess. To a priest. Even many priests become mad. So there is nothing to feel guilty about it. If you have committed mistakes, you are human beings, after all you are not God! So, if there is some mistake, face it! But don’t feel guilty and put it here. (Shri Mataji pointing at left vishuddhi). If you do not forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty, this will not open and this power of Kundalini won’t pass through. Second condition is that you should forgive everyone in general. That means, logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, than you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. The person who has tortured you is happy, while you are torturing yourself on his behalf. Now the center here is like this, very closed. (Shri Mataji pointing on the forehead). Optic chiasma. Now, if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. But if you forgive, it opens. This is how the Kundalini can pass through. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now if you don’t forgive, you will miss your self-realization. Now, third condition is, that you have to be absolutely confident that you will get your self-realization tonight. As a result, you will feel the all-pervading power of divine love, which does all the living work. This would be for the first time you will know there is this power. Also you’ll feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. And on your finger tips you can feel your own centers and centers of others. All human problems come from these centers. And all these centers, if they can be corrected, all these problems can disappear. So what happens to you, that on your central nervous system you can feel your centers, you can feel the all-pervading power, and also the absolute truth. This is called as ’bodhi’ in Sanskrit language. ’Bodh’ from the word Buddha has come. So, you don’t have to do much about it, it works spontaneously. But in any case today I’ll tell you how to nourish your own centers. Only for today. Now, can I request all the people who are standing to be comfortably seated. It’s alright. Anywhere you are, you’ll get your realization. Means no difference. I am sorry, this time I asked Radim to get a big hall, because last time people could not come inside that hall. So he got this open-air thing. Whatever it is, it works. (comment: Krizik Fountain was a big open-air amphitheater with music&light shows) Alright. So now, you have to first… to help me, you have to take out your shoes. For a while. And put both the feet on the ground. Now, you have to know that the left side is the power of desire and right side is the power of action. So we have to put both the feet apart from each other. I hope everybody sits down. I am alright, don’t worry. I am all right. I hope everybody sits down (from the back?). You don’t have to go to Himalayas, or stand on your heads. In your seat you’ll get your realization. (Shri Mataji is laughing) So now, please, put your left hand towards me like this on the left lap. Why don’t you all sit down there? They are all standing. And you have to put your right hand on your heart. Please, put your left hand like this and right hand on the heart. All of you have to do it. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, which is the center of your mastery and was created by great prophets. Again I would like to tell you, that I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. Because I respect your freedom. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right hand again into the upper portion of your abdomen. Again on your heart. Now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens, when this center is out of gear. Now you have to take your right hand on top of our forehead across and put down your head. This is the center for you to forgive everyone, in general. Now please, take your right hand on the back side of our head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center, please, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please, push back your fingers.This is important, so that there is a pressure on your fontanel bone area. And please, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, clockwise, seven times slowly. That’s all you have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Thats’ all you have to do. Now close your eyes. And before closing, see that your two feet are apart from each other and the left hand is on your left lap. Now please put your right hand on your heard and close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask the fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. And ask me question three times, ”Mother, am I the Spirit?” I have already told you that if you become the Spirit, you will become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen and put it on your left hand side, press it and ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask, ”Mother, am I my own master?” Ask three times. I have already told you I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here the center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times, ”Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.” Now, as soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centers with your full confidence. So now rise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, ”Mother, I am my own master.” I have to tell you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, these emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, ”Mother I am the pure Spirit.” This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge and blessings. It is the ocean of joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might commit, they can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, ”Mother I am not guilty at all.” Say it with full confidence. I have already told you that whether you forgive or not forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment please forgive, otherwise this center will not open and also you will miss your self-realization. Now raise your hand on top of your forehead across, put down your head, and here with full confidence -from your heart, not how many times- your have to say, ”Mother I forgive everyone in general.” Please, say it from your heart. Now you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head and here -again: without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction- you have to say, ”O divine power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong.” Say it from heart, not how many times. Now the last center. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers and bend your head. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it. Now please move your scalp seven times, slowly saying seven times, ”Mother please give me self-realization.” (Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone.) Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this, towards me. Now put your right hand towards me like this and bend your head, and with the left hand you see, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now. Please put left hand now and bend your head and see with a right hand if there a cool or a hot, whether is coming out. Once again. With the right hand. Please feel if there is a cool or a hot air coming from your head. But if you are not forgiven yourself and others, it will be hot. So please forgive. Alright. Now please put your hands up on the sky. And the question, ”Is this the all-pervading power of divine love?” Ask this question three times. (Some people from outside are disturbing the program.) Shri Mataji: Just a minute. What are they saying? (Yogini is explaining to Shri Mataji, who are the shouting people. They are some people waiting for the next show of the Krizik Fountain.) Shri Mataji: It’s alright. All those who have felt the cool breeze, please rise your hands. Or hot breeze. On the hands or here. May God bless you. Most of you have felt it. There was no need to misbehave. Doesn’t behove a (unclear, meaning a good) person. I have met many of them all my live and I have great regard for them. So may God bless you, all those who has got their self-realization. May god bless you. Shri Mataji to the translator: Who are they? They should not have come there. (yogi talking) Shri Mataji: I know you people have come for the show; and the show will only start when I finish my program. Yes, it is true. And this show you can always see, but you cannot get your self-realization. Try to understand. You have no value for your life. You don’t understand why are you here. Just to see the show, that’s all your life is worth? Just think of it. (yogi talking)
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. If you want to know the truth, first of all you must know that through your evolutionary process you have become human beings. And if you have to go at a higher state, it has to be the same living process of evolutionary growth. We must also know that when we evolve, we did not pay for it. And when we evolved, we developed many more qualities than the animals have. In the same way, if you have to evolve, then you have to have some sort of a transformation. Also you must have some new dimensions in your awareness. You have seen this chart, which is the subtle system within you. That has brought you up to this level. Now the time has come for the last break-through. To know the absolute truth. So far, whatever we know is relative truth. That is why there are so many quarrels and fights and wars. I am sorry today we have such a short time in which I have to give you self-realization. So I won’t be able to tell you everything about your self-realization. But it will work out, spontaneously. Actually it does not require any lecture, any explanation. Like this Mother Earth, if you put a seed and water it, it sprouts by itself. Because it is built-in in the Mother Earth and also built-in in the seed to sprout. So this is also built-in within you. Only this one has to be awakened so that you get this yoga, the union with the all-pervading divine power. So as we have little time, let us do our self-realization. And you all liked it? Alright. Those who don’t want to have it should leave the place, because I respect your freedom, I cannot force self-realization on you. I have to just warn you that there are many false people coming down even in Czechoslovakia, just to make money. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for giving these beautiful flowers? Anybody who asks for money, please be sure that it is absolutely a fake thing. Also be careful about religions, which try to capture the governments. These religions are not Spirit oriented, they are money oriented and power oriented. So with such false things we cannot achieve reality. Also science cannot give you many answers. It cannot tell you why are you on this Earth, what is your identity, what is your origin. All these questions can be answered in the light of the Spirit. Now, for getting self-realization, there are only three conditions. The first condition, very important, is that you should not feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty, then this center here catches. And you might get a disease called angina, spondylitis, or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? Today we had somebody from Catholic church. And he could not get his realization. And we found his left vishuddhi center was very badly caught up. Then ultimately we asked him, ”Are you a catholic?” He said, ”Yes”. Oh, that’s the reason! Because they tell you ’you are sinners’ and they tell you to confess. To a priest. Even many priests become mad. So there is nothing to feel guilty about it. If you have committed mistakes, you are human beings, after all you are not God! So, if there is some mistake, face it! But don’t feel guilty and put it here. (Shri Mataji pointing at left vishuddhi). If you do not forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty, this will not open and this power of Kundalini won’t pass through. Second condition is that you should forgive everyone in general. That means, logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, than you play into wrong hands. And you torture yourself. The person who has tortured you is happy, while you are torturing yourself on his behalf. Now the center here is like this, very closed. (Shri Mataji pointing on the forehead). Optic chiasma. Now, if you don’t forgive, it won’t open. But if you forgive, it opens. This is how the Kundalini can pass through. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now if you don’t forgive, you will miss your self-realization. Now, third condition is, that you have to be absolutely confident that you will get your self-realization tonight. As a result, you will feel the all-pervading power of divine love, which does all the living work. This would be for the first time you will know there is this power. Also you’ll feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. And on your finger tips you can feel your own centers and centers of others. All human problems come from these centers. And all these centers, if they can be corrected, all these problems can disappear. So what happens to you, that on your central nervous system you can feel your centers, you can feel the all-pervading power, and also the absolute truth. This is called as ’bodhi’ in Sanskrit language. ’Bodh’ from the word Buddha has come. So, you don’t have to do much about it, it works spontaneously. But in any case today I’ll tell you how to nourish your own centers. Only for today. Now, can I request all the people who are standing to be comfortably seated. It’s alright. Anywhere you are, you’ll get your realization. Means no difference. I am sorry, this time I asked Radim to get a big hall, because last time people could not come inside that hall. So he got this open-air thing. Whatever it is, it works. (comment: Krizik Fountain was a big open-air amphitheater with music&light shows) Alright. So now, you have to first… to help me, you have to take out your shoes. For a while. And put both the feet on the ground. Now, you have to know that the left side is the power of desire and right side is the power of action. So we have to put both the feet apart from each other. I hope everybody sits down. I am alright, don’t worry. I am all right. I hope everybody sits down (from the back?). You don’t have to go to Himalayas, or stand on your heads. In your seat you’ll get your realization. (Shri Mataji is laughing) So now, please, put your left hand towards me like this on the left lap. Why don’t you all sit down there? They are all standing. And you have to put your right hand on your heart. Please, put your left hand like this and right hand on the heart. All of you have to do it. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, which is the center of your mastery and was created by great prophets. Again I would like to tell you, that I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. Because I respect your freedom. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure divine knowledge. Now, raise your right hand again into the upper portion of your abdomen. Again on your heart. Now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens, when this center is out of gear. Now you have to take your right hand on top of our forehead across and put down your head. This is the center for you to forgive everyone, in general. Now please, take your right hand on the back side of our head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last center, please, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please, push back your fingers.This is important, so that there is a pressure on your fontanel bone area. And please, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, clockwise, seven times slowly. That’s all you have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. Thats’ all you have to do. Now close your eyes. And before closing, see that your two feet are apart from each other and the left hand is on your left lap. Now please put your right hand on your heard and close your eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask the fundamental question about yourself. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. And ask me question three times, ”Mother, am I the Spirit?” I have already told you that if you become the Spirit, you will become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen and put it on your left hand side, press it and ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Here you ask, ”Mother, am I my own master?” Ask three times. I have already told you I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here the center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times, ”Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.” Now, as soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So you have to nourish your higher centers with your full confidence. So now rise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to say with full self confidence ten times, ”Mother, I am my own master.” I have to tell you that the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, these emotions, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, ”Mother I am the pure Spirit.” This all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of knowledge and blessings. It is the ocean of joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might commit, they can be easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, ”Mother I am not guilty at all.” Say it with full confidence. I have already told you that whether you forgive or not forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So at this moment please forgive, otherwise this center will not open and also you will miss your self-realization. Now raise your hand on top of your forehead across, put down your head, and here with full confidence -from your heart, not how many times- your have to say, ”Mother I forgive everyone in general.” Please, say it from your heart. Now you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head and here -again: without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction- you have to say, ”O divine power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong.” Say it from heart, not how many times. Now the last center. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers and bend your head. Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you, I respect your freedom. So you have to ask for it. Now please move your scalp seven times, slowly saying seven times, ”Mother please give me self-realization.” (Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone.) Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this, towards me. Now put your right hand towards me like this and bend your head, and with the left hand you see, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Now. Please put left hand now and bend your head and see with a right hand if there a cool or a hot, whether is coming out. Once again. With the right hand. Please feel if there is a cool or a hot air coming from your head. But if you are not forgiven yourself and others, it will be hot. So please forgive. Alright. Now please put your hands up on the sky. And the question, ”Is this the all-pervading power of divine love?” Ask this question three times. (Some people from outside are disturbing the program.) Shri Mataji: Just a minute. What are they saying? (Yogini is explaining to Shri Mataji, who are the shouting people. They are some people waiting for the next show of the Krizik Fountain.) Shri Mataji: It’s alright. All those who have felt the cool breeze, please rise your hands. Or hot breeze. On the hands or here. May God bless you. Most of you have felt it. There was no need to misbehave. Doesn’t behove a (unclear, meaning a good) person. I have met many of them all my live and I have great regard for them. So may God bless you, all those who has got their self-realization. May god bless you. Shri Mataji to the translator: Who are they? They should not have come there. (yogi talking) Shri Mataji: I know you people have come for the show; and the show will only start when I finish my program. Yes, it is true. And this show you can always see, but you cannot get your self-realization. Try to understand. You have no value for your life. You don’t understand why are you here. Just to see the show, that’s all your life is worth? Just think of it. (yogi talking)
In Sahaja Yoga you become your own guide, your own master
Public Program
Public Program, Dynamo Stadium, Kyiv, Ukraine, 07/28/1993 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. We can not think about it, we can not change it, and at this humane awareness we can not know it. We have to know what is the Truth. The Truth is that actually we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but we are pure Spirit. We say, “My body, my conditionings, my ego”, but who is this “My”? You see all these beautiful flowers, we do not understand or not even think that this is a great miracle. It is a miracle, that from a small seed these flowers have come out. And the different flowers from different seeds so beautifully. Who has organized this? Who runs our heart? The doctors will say, “It is the autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? All these questions start coming into your mind. So we take to various things and try to find an answer. Science also has its limitation. And we should understand that it can not answer many questions. One of them is, “Why are we on this Earth?”, “What is our purpose?” If science could answer that question, it could talk about the Absolute Truth also. But it can not give these answers. So now we have to look into ourselves and see for ourselves how are we here as humane beings. We have come they say through evolutionary process. But is this the end of our evolutionary process? Christ has said that, “You have to be born again”. All the religions have said the same. But it has to happen. It can not be just a lecture from Me but it is a happening, which should take place. So now today you are all here to know about the subtle centers, the subtle system that is within you. But you have to keep your minds open like scientist. And if it is proved then you have to accept it. If you are honest you will accept. Because it is for your individual benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your children. It’s a benevolence of your country and of the whole world. Because most of our problems come from humane beings. And all these problems come to us when our centers are out of order. If somehow we can manage to correct these centers, then all our problems are solved. So when this Kundalini power, which is resting in the sacrum bone, triangular bone, is awakened, it passes through six centers, ultimately through the fontanel bone area and connects you to this All Pervading Power, which does all the living work. Thus your physical problems are cured. Definitely Sahaja Yoga has cured many incurable diseases and there are many doctors who are following Sahaja Yoga. There is a scientific explanation of everything. In Russia we have about two hundred doctors following Sahaja Yoga. There are other problems which are mental within us. And these are coming out of our over worries and also too much thinking, we get into stress and strain. And many people are also trying to do things, which they should not do and they get into lots of mental problems. People become schizophrenic or they become lunatic, all kinds of mental problems are there, which can be solved through Kundalini awakening. The third problem comes to us is spiritual. Because we are seeking whether we know or not our Spirit. So there are many people nowadays who have come as false and they are trying to mesmerize people. This morning one young boy came in My room and he started talking like a mad man. I was really surprised how this young man is mesmerized. But there are people who try to mesmerize because they want to earn money out of you. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? How much money is required to run this body? To whom are we going to pay? It is spontaneous, Sahaj, means “born with you”. It is built in in this flowers that they should sprout and built in in this Mother Earth that they should sprout. So it is built in in you also. This is your power, this is your right to become the Spirit, solve your physical problems, mental problems and spiritual problems. That’s not the only thing that happens. We are humane beings and we always try to get to habits, which destroy us. All these habits drop out because we get wisdom within ourselves and this wisdom cures us. Like, supposing, if I have a snake in My hand and there is darkness, I can’t see and I’m obstinate and if somebody says, “There’s a snake!” I’ll not give up. Till that snake bites Me I may not give up. But we, some or other, there is some light and I see in the light – it’s a snake, I’ll throw away Myself, nobody has to tell Me. Because you become your own guide, your own master. You see, this is enlightenment, as we call in Sanskrit [SOUNDS LIKE – bodha], from where Buddha word has come, Buddha. That means you have to feel this Reality, this All Pervading Power, on your central nervous system, that you should know everything about it. It is not something secret. There is no secrecy in Sahaja Yoga. Everyone knows everything. They know how to raise the Kundalini, they knows where the chakras are in problem, they know everything. That is how a one person can give Realization, enlightenment to thousand people. This is the time of enlightenment, of the Last Judgment. They call it [SOUNDS LIKE –Kiyama] in Koran, where it is said that your hands will speak and they will tell you all about you and about others. This exactly what happens that on your fingertips you can feel your centers and you can feel the centers of others. Thus you develop Self-knowledge and also you become collectively conscious. That means a microcosm becomes a macrocosm. Means a drop becomes the ocean. Then in the whole world you don’t know how many brothers and sisters you have. There are fifty five nations where Sahaja Yoga is working and you have brothers and sisters all over the world. It’s like anything happens to your one finger the whole body caters to it. So anything will happen to a gentleman in Ukraine, people may come from America or Germany or from India, anywhere. Because you know the absolute Truth. Even small children can tell you what’s wrong with you. They can also give Realization. They are more soothed I think. They are more soothed, children are. But we have to know that our innocence is never lost. It is eternal. Only by our mistakes we might have covered it with some clouds. But after you have established your connection with this Divine Power then you are amazed you become an innocent person. You develop your own sensitivity inside to your own peace. You become extremely peaceful and that peaceful nature of yours will bring forth the future of a new age where there won’t be any wars. Family is improved, children improved, every way we find people like angels. Your attention becomes innocent and very effective. Wherever you pay attention it works. Your powers are great, which you do not know. And also the knowledge, which is a pure knowledge within you, that starts manifesting. The whole thing looks fantastic, but you are fantastic. It’s like if you take a television in a very remote village of India and say that, “You can see films and this”, they’ll say, “This box, how can we see in this box all the films?” In the same way we also think we are just boxes. But we are not. You’ll be amazed how dynamic we’ll become, how compassioned we’ll become. So all this is for you and you can have it tonight, this ascent. Of course you can’t pay for it and you don’t have to do anything about it. It’s just all there. After getting Realization then of course you will have to spend little time in the collective and learn all about it. And you have to master it. Anybody can do it. If you are educated or uneducated makes no difference. But it’s not meant for idiotic people, or stupid people, or for people who are very arrogant, or for people who are mesmerized, or who are involved in some stupid organizations. So I have to tell you that this will take hardly about ten minutes. But I can not force it on you. You have to ask for it. You have to have pure desire about it. Because I respect your freedom. Those who don’t want to have should really leave this place. Now there is such a lot of knowledge which I can not tell you in one lecture. But like these lights you have to just put one switch and they are on. But if I have to tell you the history of electricity, then how it was brought here to Kyiv, how it was brought here, will be bored stiff. It’s better to put the lights on. Because it is built in. There are three conditions, which you’ll have to fulfill, which are very simple. The first one is that you are not to feel guilty at all. After all you are humane beings and only humane beings can commit mistakes. You are not God. If you have committed mistakes you should face them. But don’t put it as a guilt because it spoils this center here. And this center is very dangerous because it gives you a disease called angina. Also it gives you spondylitis and lethargic organs. So it is a myth – to feel guilty. You are humane beings at the epitome of evolution. So please do not in any way condemn yourself but forgive yourself. Because if this center is not all right the Kundalini won’t rise. The second condition is very simple is to forgive everyone. Logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You play into hands of people who want to trouble you while they are quite happy. You are torturing yourself for nothing at all. But if you forgive then you’ll fill much lighter. So please forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Just forgive in general. I tell people that, “Tell all the flowers, all the trees that we have forgiven everyone.” Now the third condition is that you have to have full confidence in you. Please do not condemn yourself. Please be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Don’t believe people who tell you, “You are sinners”. We’ll prove that you are not. So have full confidence in yourself. And the confidence that you will get your enlightenment today, your Self-Realization today. First it will happen that you will become thoughtlessly aware. Means you will be aware but there will be no thoughts. That is the state when you will be in present. We can not be in present; we are always in the future, in the past. There you will be in the state of peace. And present is the Reality. The past is finished and the future doesn’t exist. So you have to be in present. So first thing becomes is thoughtless awareness, a new dimension in your awareness. Secondly I have told you that you become collectively conscious. You can feel this All Pervading subtle Power on your fingertips. And you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head, of the Kundalini coming out of your head. Everything can be verified, is absolutely tangible in Sahaja Yoga after Realization. So now I’ve to request you to take out your shoes if possible. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but they should take out their shoes in any way. But those who are sitting on the chairs and benches should put both their feet apart from each other because these are two powers – left and right. So now please (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Somebody should come up to show) please see what you have to do, how to nourish your own center, you will do it to yourself, you will raise your own Kundalini. Can you all see him? (The interpreter, “Yes, Shri Mataji”.) Now, please put your left hand on your left lap and sit comfortably. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads, it’s very simple. All right. So now put your left hand on your lap. This is symbolic that you desire to have your Self-Realization. Because the Left side is the power of desire. And the Right side is the power of action. So we use the right hand for nourishing our centers. First you please put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the Spirit. Those who are standing if they sit down would be better for them. Please, here. Now in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your guide, your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, we are working only on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Is created by great prophets. Now take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now we raise our hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Then we raise our hand on our heart again. Then we raise our hand in the corner of our neck and shoulder and put our head to our right. I’ve already told you that this center goes into trouble when you feel guilty. Now please take your right hand to your forehead across and put your hand on it and put it down – your head. This is the center for forgiveness. Now take back your hand on the back side… (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Will you please stop photographing at this time. Just later on”.) Take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Power. Now please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers and put down your head. Pushing back is very important to put a proper pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise. Push back your fingers. That’s all we have to do. Now you have to close eyes. Please close your eyes. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “This gentleman can stop it now would be better”.) Please close your eyes. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “I mean it’s all right if the film is going on, is all right. It’s all right, try to put the flash. Not to flash.) Now please close your eyes. Put your left hand on your left lap and put both the feet apart from each other. Now put the right hand on the heart and close the eyes. Please don’t open them till I’ll tell you. At this center you have to say or ask a question, which is very fundamental, about you. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. And ask a question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” I have told you that if you become the Spirit you become your master. So now please take your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here ask Me another fundamental question three times, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom; I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to enrich our upper centers with our full self confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now here you have to say with full confidence, “Mother, I am my own master”. Say it ten times. I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your hand on your heart and say it with full confidence, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of knowledge, of joy and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and here you have to say sixteen times with full self confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Please put your head to your right. I’ve explained to you that if you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. As it is you have tortured yourself. You have tortured yourself and now if you don’t forgive this center is the most constricted center will not open and the Kundalini also won’t pass out. Now please put your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to say from your heart not how many times, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”. Now you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Power. Push back your head. Please say from your heart again not how many times, “Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly”. Now last center, which is very important, you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Here please stretch your fingers well so that there’s a good pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Here again I can not force Self-Realization on you so you have to ask for it. Now move your scalp slowly seven times saying, “Mother, please give me my Self-Realization”. (Shri Mataji blows in the microphone 9 times.) Now please remove your hands. Open your eyes please. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head and see with the left hand if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Put the right hand towards Me. Sorry, put the left hand, and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If you have not forgiven it would be hot breeze. Now put the left hand towards Me. And put down the right hand on top of your head, bend your head and see for yourself there’s a cool breeze coming out of it. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Who is this man who is taking photographs? Is he from some? He’s not a Sahaja Yogi? He’s not a Sahaja Yogi. No, you can’t take photographs. Not allowed. Who is he from? No, without permission how are you taking photographs? Take out his film. No, you can’t take. You might take My permission. Only Sahaja Yogis are allowed.) All right. Now put your right hand towards Me and again see with the left hand…(Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Please take out the film. He has already taken lots of photographs. He can not do it. Can not do it without permission you should have”.) Just see with the left hand. Now put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Or second question is, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?”, and the third question is, “Is this the Parama Chaytanya?” Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now please take down your hands. Now put your hands like this towards Me. And don’t think. All those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands, or hot breeze in their hands, or in their fingers, or on top of their head, hot or cold breeze, please raise both your hands. Just turn the lights, I want to see the others also. Can you turn the light there? Oh! This side also. May God bless you. Now you have to come to the collective and really master it. I know that there will be no more troubles and diseases anymore and you’ll all prosper very well in life. You will see the blessings every minute, miracles all the time. Thank you very much. I will come next year again to Ukraine. But till then I want you to be great Sahaja Yogis. And everyone must give Realizations to others. And throughout Ukraine you should give Realization. You all have that power now. Thank you.
Public Program, Dynamo Stadium, Kyiv, Ukraine, 07/28/1993 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset we have to know that Truth is what it is. We can not think about it, we can not change it, and at this humane awareness we can not know it. We have to know what is the Truth. The Truth is that actually we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but we are pure Spirit. We say, “My body, my conditionings, my ego”, but who is this “My”? You see all these beautiful flowers, we do not understand or not even think that this is a great miracle. It is a miracle, that from a small seed these flowers have come out. And the different flowers from different seeds so beautifully. Who has organized this? Who runs our heart? The doctors will say, “It is the autonomous nervous system”. But who is this “Auto”? All these questions start coming into your mind. So we take to various things and try to find an answer. Science also has its limitation. And we should understand that it can not answer many questions. One of them is, “Why are we on this Earth?”, “What is our purpose?” If science could answer that question, it could talk about the Absolute Truth also. But it can not give these answers. So now we have to look into ourselves and see for ourselves how are we here as humane beings. We have come they say through evolutionary process. But is this the end of our evolutionary process? Christ has said that, “You have to be born again”. All the religions have said the same. But it has to happen. It can not be just a lecture from Me but it is a happening, which should take place. So now today you are all here to know about the subtle centers, the subtle system that is within you. But you have to keep your minds open like scientist. And if it is proved then you have to accept it. If you are honest you will accept. Because it is for your individual benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your children. It’s a benevolence of your country and of the whole world. Because most of our problems come from humane beings. And all these problems come to us when our centers are out of order. If somehow we can manage to correct these centers, then all our problems are solved. So when this Kundalini power, which is resting in the sacrum bone, triangular bone, is awakened, it passes through six centers, ultimately through the fontanel bone area and connects you to this All Pervading Power, which does all the living work. Thus your physical problems are cured. Definitely Sahaja Yoga has cured many incurable diseases and there are many doctors who are following Sahaja Yoga. There is a scientific explanation of everything. In Russia we have about two hundred doctors following Sahaja Yoga. There are other problems which are mental within us. And these are coming out of our over worries and also too much thinking, we get into stress and strain. And many people are also trying to do things, which they should not do and they get into lots of mental problems. People become schizophrenic or they become lunatic, all kinds of mental problems are there, which can be solved through Kundalini awakening. The third problem comes to us is spiritual. Because we are seeking whether we know or not our Spirit. So there are many people nowadays who have come as false and they are trying to mesmerize people. This morning one young boy came in My room and he started talking like a mad man. I was really surprised how this young man is mesmerized. But there are people who try to mesmerize because they want to earn money out of you. How much money did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? How much money is required to run this body? To whom are we going to pay? It is spontaneous, Sahaj, means “born with you”. It is built in in this flowers that they should sprout and built in in this Mother Earth that they should sprout. So it is built in in you also. This is your power, this is your right to become the Spirit, solve your physical problems, mental problems and spiritual problems. That’s not the only thing that happens. We are humane beings and we always try to get to habits, which destroy us. All these habits drop out because we get wisdom within ourselves and this wisdom cures us. Like, supposing, if I have a snake in My hand and there is darkness, I can’t see and I’m obstinate and if somebody says, “There’s a snake!” I’ll not give up. Till that snake bites Me I may not give up. But we, some or other, there is some light and I see in the light – it’s a snake, I’ll throw away Myself, nobody has to tell Me. Because you become your own guide, your own master. You see, this is enlightenment, as we call in Sanskrit [SOUNDS LIKE – bodha], from where Buddha word has come, Buddha. That means you have to feel this Reality, this All Pervading Power, on your central nervous system, that you should know everything about it. It is not something secret. There is no secrecy in Sahaja Yoga. Everyone knows everything. They know how to raise the Kundalini, they knows where the chakras are in problem, they know everything. That is how a one person can give Realization, enlightenment to thousand people. This is the time of enlightenment, of the Last Judgment. They call it [SOUNDS LIKE –Kiyama] in Koran, where it is said that your hands will speak and they will tell you all about you and about others. This exactly what happens that on your fingertips you can feel your centers and you can feel the centers of others. Thus you develop Self-knowledge and also you become collectively conscious. That means a microcosm becomes a macrocosm. Means a drop becomes the ocean. Then in the whole world you don’t know how many brothers and sisters you have. There are fifty five nations where Sahaja Yoga is working and you have brothers and sisters all over the world. It’s like anything happens to your one finger the whole body caters to it. So anything will happen to a gentleman in Ukraine, people may come from America or Germany or from India, anywhere. Because you know the absolute Truth. Even small children can tell you what’s wrong with you. They can also give Realization. They are more soothed I think. They are more soothed, children are. But we have to know that our innocence is never lost. It is eternal. Only by our mistakes we might have covered it with some clouds. But after you have established your connection with this Divine Power then you are amazed you become an innocent person. You develop your own sensitivity inside to your own peace. You become extremely peaceful and that peaceful nature of yours will bring forth the future of a new age where there won’t be any wars. Family is improved, children improved, every way we find people like angels. Your attention becomes innocent and very effective. Wherever you pay attention it works. Your powers are great, which you do not know. And also the knowledge, which is a pure knowledge within you, that starts manifesting. The whole thing looks fantastic, but you are fantastic. It’s like if you take a television in a very remote village of India and say that, “You can see films and this”, they’ll say, “This box, how can we see in this box all the films?” In the same way we also think we are just boxes. But we are not. You’ll be amazed how dynamic we’ll become, how compassioned we’ll become. So all this is for you and you can have it tonight, this ascent. Of course you can’t pay for it and you don’t have to do anything about it. It’s just all there. After getting Realization then of course you will have to spend little time in the collective and learn all about it. And you have to master it. Anybody can do it. If you are educated or uneducated makes no difference. But it’s not meant for idiotic people, or stupid people, or for people who are very arrogant, or for people who are mesmerized, or who are involved in some stupid organizations. So I have to tell you that this will take hardly about ten minutes. But I can not force it on you. You have to ask for it. You have to have pure desire about it. Because I respect your freedom. Those who don’t want to have should really leave this place. Now there is such a lot of knowledge which I can not tell you in one lecture. But like these lights you have to just put one switch and they are on. But if I have to tell you the history of electricity, then how it was brought here to Kyiv, how it was brought here, will be bored stiff. It’s better to put the lights on. Because it is built in. There are three conditions, which you’ll have to fulfill, which are very simple. The first one is that you are not to feel guilty at all. After all you are humane beings and only humane beings can commit mistakes. You are not God. If you have committed mistakes you should face them. But don’t put it as a guilt because it spoils this center here. And this center is very dangerous because it gives you a disease called angina. Also it gives you spondylitis and lethargic organs. So it is a myth – to feel guilty. You are humane beings at the epitome of evolution. So please do not in any way condemn yourself but forgive yourself. Because if this center is not all right the Kundalini won’t rise. The second condition is very simple is to forgive everyone. Logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You play into hands of people who want to trouble you while they are quite happy. You are torturing yourself for nothing at all. But if you forgive then you’ll fill much lighter. So please forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Just forgive in general. I tell people that, “Tell all the flowers, all the trees that we have forgiven everyone.” Now the third condition is that you have to have full confidence in you. Please do not condemn yourself. Please be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Don’t believe people who tell you, “You are sinners”. We’ll prove that you are not. So have full confidence in yourself. And the confidence that you will get your enlightenment today, your Self-Realization today. First it will happen that you will become thoughtlessly aware. Means you will be aware but there will be no thoughts. That is the state when you will be in present. We can not be in present; we are always in the future, in the past. There you will be in the state of peace. And present is the Reality. The past is finished and the future doesn’t exist. So you have to be in present. So first thing becomes is thoughtless awareness, a new dimension in your awareness. Secondly I have told you that you become collectively conscious. You can feel this All Pervading subtle Power on your fingertips. And you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head, of the Kundalini coming out of your head. Everything can be verified, is absolutely tangible in Sahaja Yoga after Realization. So now I’ve to request you to take out your shoes if possible. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but they should take out their shoes in any way. But those who are sitting on the chairs and benches should put both their feet apart from each other because these are two powers – left and right. So now please (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Somebody should come up to show) please see what you have to do, how to nourish your own center, you will do it to yourself, you will raise your own Kundalini. Can you all see him? (The interpreter, “Yes, Shri Mataji”.) Now, please put your left hand on your left lap and sit comfortably. You don’t have to go to Himalayas and stand on your heads, it’s very simple. All right. So now put your left hand on your lap. This is symbolic that you desire to have your Self-Realization. Because the Left side is the power of desire. And the Right side is the power of action. So we use the right hand for nourishing our centers. First you please put your right hand on your heart. Here resides the Spirit. Those who are standing if they sit down would be better for them. Please, here. Now in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your guide, your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, we are working only on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Is created by great prophets. Now take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now we raise our hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Then we raise our hand on our heart again. Then we raise our hand in the corner of our neck and shoulder and put our head to our right. I’ve already told you that this center goes into trouble when you feel guilty. Now please take your right hand to your forehead across and put your hand on it and put it down – your head. This is the center for forgiveness. Now take back your hand on the back side… (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Will you please stop photographing at this time. Just later on”.) Take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Power. Now please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers and put down your head. Pushing back is very important to put a proper pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp seven times slowly clockwise. Push back your fingers. That’s all we have to do. Now you have to close eyes. Please close your eyes. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “This gentleman can stop it now would be better”.) Please close your eyes. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “I mean it’s all right if the film is going on, is all right. It’s all right, try to put the flash. Not to flash.) Now please close your eyes. Put your left hand on your left lap and put both the feet apart from each other. Now put the right hand on the heart and close the eyes. Please don’t open them till I’ll tell you. At this center you have to say or ask a question, which is very fundamental, about you. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. And ask a question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” I have told you that if you become the Spirit you become your master. So now please take your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here ask Me another fundamental question three times, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom; I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to enrich our upper centers with our full self confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now here you have to say with full confidence, “Mother, I am my own master”. Say it ten times. I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your hand on your heart and say it with full confidence, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of knowledge, of joy and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and here you have to say sixteen times with full self confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Please put your head to your right. I’ve explained to you that if you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. As it is you have tortured yourself. You have tortured yourself and now if you don’t forgive this center is the most constricted center will not open and the Kundalini also won’t pass out. Now please put your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to say from your heart not how many times, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”. Now you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Power. Push back your head. Please say from your heart again not how many times, “Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly”. Now last center, which is very important, you have to stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Here please stretch your fingers well so that there’s a good pressure on your scalp. Now please put down your head. Here again I can not force Self-Realization on you so you have to ask for it. Now move your scalp slowly seven times saying, “Mother, please give me my Self-Realization”. (Shri Mataji blows in the microphone 9 times.) Now please remove your hands. Open your eyes please. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Put the right hand towards Me like this and put down your head and see with the left hand if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Put the right hand towards Me. Sorry, put the left hand, and see for yourself if there’s a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If you have not forgiven it would be hot breeze. Now put the left hand towards Me. And put down the right hand on top of your head, bend your head and see for yourself there’s a cool breeze coming out of it. (Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Who is this man who is taking photographs? Is he from some? He’s not a Sahaja Yogi? He’s not a Sahaja Yogi. No, you can’t take photographs. Not allowed. Who is he from? No, without permission how are you taking photographs? Take out his film. No, you can’t take. You might take My permission. Only Sahaja Yogis are allowed.) All right. Now put your right hand towards Me and again see with the left hand…(Shri Mataji speaks aside, “Please take out the film. He has already taken lots of photographs. He can not do it. Can not do it without permission you should have”.) Just see with the left hand. Now put both your hands towards the sky like this and ask a question, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Or second question is, “Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?”, and the third question is, “Is this the Parama Chaytanya?” Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now please take down your hands. Now put your hands like this towards Me. And don’t think. All those who have felt the cool breeze in their hands, or hot breeze in their hands, or in their fingers, or on top of their head, hot or cold breeze, please raise both your hands. Just turn the lights, I want to see the others also. Can you turn the light there? Oh! This side also. May God bless you. Now you have to come to the collective and really master it. I know that there will be no more troubles and diseases anymore and you’ll all prosper very well in life. You will see the blessings every minute, miracles all the time. Thank you very much. I will come next year again to Ukraine. But till then I want you to be great Sahaja Yogis. And everyone must give Realizations to others. And throughout Ukraine you should give Realization. You all have that power now. Thank you.
Public Program
Public Program
New Awareness
St. Petersburg
Public Program
Public Program Day 2. St Petersburg (Russia), 1 August 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth.Yesterday I told you how to find the Absolute Truth. And there is already a very subtle system within us which works it out and we jump into the awareness of the Spirit. Also I [UNCLEAR conclude/told you] that the Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth, it is [UNCLEAR well] manifested in our attention, makes us innocent and our attention becomes active and it is the source of joy within ourselves. Also with this happening you develop a new awareness of thoughtless awareness. And another dimension in your awareness is that of collective consciousness. All this you feel on your central nervous system. In Sanskrit we call it as Bodha. From where the world Buddha has come. So the person who is realized soul is Buddha.So today I think I'll tell you actually how it works on our centers. The first center that we have is the red one as you see it. And this first center is responsible for our innocence. So, yesterday I told you that our innocence is never destroyed. And it penetrates into our attention. Thus we become innocent and in our attention there is no greed and there is no lust. We become like children. Christ has said that you have to become like children to enter into the Kingdom of God. So all the cunningness that we have picked up through our mental activities just drops off. And our innocence then protects us. It guides us. And it looks after us in such a way that we know what is right, what is wrong. In no way we try to do anything that will harm us or destroy us. We respect our chastity. And we become very powerful and self-respected. The another side that it works in a very beautiful manner is that our whole attitude towards life becomes extremely innocent. We have child like joy. The second center that we have is called as Svadhisthana. This creativity. I see now in Russia a lot of artists, painters, sculptors, and they produce beautiful paintings out of their own creativity. But those paintings or those art works may not be of universal nature. Whatever is done by Germans may not be liked by Italians, whatever is done by Italians may not be liked by Russians. But whatever art is existing today after so many years, is the art created by the realized souls. So, say, Mona Liza, which you know of, everybody appreciates, because it has vibrations. If you go to Sistine Chapel you will find there a very beautiful Kundalini and Christ standing there beautifully and the whole thing is just absolutely fantastic. Because Michelangelo did it, he was a realized soul. But he suffered a lot. People didn't understand him. Here you have 26 paintings of Rembrandt and from all over the world people come to see him. That's how we have also very great musicians like Mozart. Like Strauss, he had written a very beautiful thing 'Good bye, Petersburg'. So all these musicians were realized souls. Thus there were also great writers in your country. So many of them have written beautiful books that you can make out. In Russia we had lots of people who wrote such spiritual books where they showed the introspection of the different characters. They have told that there is the big celebration day of a great saint, who was in your country. They also said it looked like Me. It was nice to hear that today is that day. So these saints and all these people really got the Divine Creativity in their lives. And they became great prophets and seers. There are many great seers who have written about Sahaja Yoga, that this would happen. There is William Blake in England. In India we had many people, who have predicted about Sahaja Yoga. Rabindranath Tagore also has written about Sahaja Yoga. In the ancient times there have been very clear predictions as to when Sahaja Yoga will start, when people will get their realizations, in a book called `Nadi Grantha'.This is a center which we use very much when we think. And this thinking becomes minimum when this center is enlightened. Physically also it helps us a lot to cure so many diseases that we have. If this center is enlightened, then liver trouble, pancreas with diabetes, leukemia, constipation, kidney — all these problems are solved.Then we have the third center or we can call it the second, because from the second the Svadhisthana comes out. So the center which I'm talking about is called as Nabhi chakra which is working out on the physical side on the solar plexus. This Nabhi chakra when it is in problem gives you all kinds of stomach problems, up to, we can say, the stomach cancer. But when it is enlightened, then you get rid of the physical problems of this chakra. Now the problems caused by taking too much of alcohol or too much of drugs which has spoiled this chakra also get all right. Some of the people suffer from too much greed of eating. And some of them just don't want to eat.So when this center is awakened a person becomes a satisfied soul. And then he starts going into new direction of seeking. He now doesn't care so much for money or worldly things. He starts thinking there must be something beyond. Then a new category of human beings are born, which are called as seekers of truth, as you people are. So a new kind of channel what you call as the central channel gets awakened and people start seeking.All over the world people are seeking. But in Russia people are evolved and they know what is to be sought or they are sensitive to Truth. The same way in Ukraine, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland and also Hungary, everywhere I found people are very sensitive to Truth. Now somebody asked Me a question yesterday: "What do you think about these people singing: Hare Rama, Hare Krishna ?" I mean only stupid people can become that. You see, by saying: "Hare Rama, Hare Krishna," how can you reach a new dimension of human awareness? Krishna in his Gita never said so. All stupid ideas or by reading Gita, by reading Koran, by reading do you think you will ascend? It is like this that supposing a doctor says that you take anacin for your headache, a prescription he gives you. And you go on reading: "Take Anacin, take Anacin." Will your headache be over? You are to take the medicine. There is no logic in just reading, reading, reading and knowing everything by heart. Any wise person can understand this. Then Krishna never said that you should live like a beggar. Actually he is regarded as God of wealth, Kubera. And his one friend was very poor, so he made a house for him out of gold. How can anyone take the name of Shri Krishna and behave like beggars? This is just the opposite of what Krishna is.So there are many others like that, but I think, they came here, brought some food and somebody gave a lot of money in America to them and they are spending money here. So people started going to them. But they don't know anything about Kundalini, they don't know anything about chakras, they don't know how to raise the chakras, nothing. Also they were caught for keeping drugs and taking away small children in America. I really feel ashamed the way they beg on the streets in the name of Shri Krishna, who is the Lord of Wealth. So in the west many are lost like this. And I don't know what to say about them because they have become bankrupt giving money to all these people, and absolutely like lunatics. There is another horrible thing called TM [transcendental meditation], which has not come here I hope. There they took 6 thousand pounds to make people raise their body about 3 feet over the ground. In Russia nobody would accept such a nonsense. What is the need? But by jumping like that their bottoms were broken and TM people have to compensate. So from your innocence you develop your wisdom. And you understand who is sensible and non-sensible.Then you have another center here, which we call as the center heart, which has also got left and right side. When the center heart is in trouble, one develops insecurity, specially ladies if their center heart is in trouble, if they are insecure they develop breast cancer. If the right heart is in trouble, then you develop diseases like Asthma. And the left side when it is in trouble you develop heart troubles. But when the center heart is enlightened then you develop your security. The antibodies in your body, which fight the diseases, become very alert. Till the age of twelve years the antibodies are created below sternum, and after that they are spread in the whole body. And this sternum, like a remote control, acts to inform the antibodies to fight the attack. Because when we are frightened, suddenly our heart starts beating speedily and your sternum starts moving.So this sense of security is built up within us when this center is enlightened. You don't have any fear any more. You don't aggress any one, but you become dynamic without any fear. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. Your concern moves from yourselves to others and you just feel the love for other people. And other people who were once upon a time your enemy, may be frightened of you, may be afraid of you, become great friends. Suddenly you find that all your enemies become friends. If you are aggressive, you become extremely gentle and mild.After that, is the center what you call as a Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem of Russians and Ukrainians. So much so that I also got this problem from the collective. As a result we develop angina, spondylitis and so many lethargic organs. We become very depressed and also then we become sly. On the right side we become very aggressive. We talk very loudly and shout at people, get very angry and annoyed. Even some children could be very rude and arrogant. And they may go and ask Me question after question. All these things come from your right Vishuddhi. But when it is awakened then you become a very sweet person You become very collective. You see other Sahaja Yogis as your own. And you want to give what you have got to others. You want to communicate. You are not satisfied only by getting your Self-realization, but you think, that you should spread now. We have got such a precious thing, we must spread it.Then the most important center, Agnya, is the sixth center. It is placed on the Optic Chiasma where the optic nerves cross each other. Now when we are on the left Agnya, we are affected very much on our eyes. Our eyes can become big and may be our eyes might have a short sight. But left Agnya is crossed in the people, who are lunatics, who are mad. So this left Agnya is a suggestion that there is some sort of a possession on the person. It might be somebody through eyes can mesmerize, or may be through Svadhisthana can mesmerize, and may make you really mad. Like the other day I saw a disciple of this lady Mariya Devi Christos. The disciple was completely possessed. Very aggressive and he was saying just something which nobody understood. He ended up as mad man, that's all. So one has to be very careful as. to what guru you have been going, what books you have been reading, because this all can cause this left Agnya and left Svadhisthana.But if the left Agnya is enlightened then you start seeing the vibrations with the naked eyes. You also see the light on a person who is a realized soul. They have shown you the film. I think the cameras have their left Agnya enlightened. There was one man in India who was producing diamonds this, that. And the stupid people thought him to be God. He used to mesmerize people and nobody could see. About few months back very big people from the government went there. And there were four cameras. He mesmerized these big people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. So the cameras caught him how he took the gold necklace from another man, how he brought it and how he gave it. And we have a tape of that, I have a tape. So this is how the cameras are wonderful! The films mostly I've seen are taken by very ordinary people, some are by children. And it cannot be explained. So with the left Agnya, you start seeing a person whether he is a saint or not. You can make out if a person is false or real. And your behavior becomes extremely majestic and decent. You don't behave like a mad person. Your talk, everything becomes very decent. Even your music, even your jumping, even your dance, everything becomes very decent. There is no shouting, there is no acrobats, but just expression of your enjoyment. What is very penetrating is left Agnya. Small children specially know it better. I know of a child who just went to one lama and told him, "You are not a realized soul, you have no business to sit here and ask everybody to bow to you." So immediately one can find out who is a hypocrite.Now front Agnya is also very important. When we don't forgive people it goes into problems. When we think too much also it brings problems. When we think too much it attacks our conscious mind. You think like mad. Over-activity of the mind. Such people feel the apathy. And now new diseases have come, where people become just reptiles, like fishes, big fishes. They can't move their hands, they can't move their legs, only the brain is working. They can't walk, they are carried like big reptiles. It is very common now in America. So too much thinking, too much futuristic attitude spoils your Agnya. Then you create a very aggressive temperament. Hitler had a very had right Agnya, and right side. They say that Dalai Lama was his guru. They are very much right sided and aggressive. So when you have the right side especially the Agnya, then you become extremely rude, arrogant and egoistic. You start correcting everybody, controlling everybody and you never enjoy anything. And nothing goes into your head. Ultimately what we find is that any kind of imbalance in anyone of these chakras is extremely dangerous.Now the last center which we call as Sahasrara. There are thousand petals as they say. In the Bibleit is written that I will appear before you like tongues of flames. So in Sahasrara when it is enlightened these nerves which are one thousand (doctors say it is nine-hundred and eighty eight, but they are one thousand) get enlightened and just like, we can say, the flames. They shine in many colors of the rainbow. But they are very soothing, they are very cooling — just the opposite of these flames. And then it starts that Kundalini enters inside it, the brain opens up like this at the fontanelle.So the knowledge that we have is relative knowledge. Also we have very little and limited knowledge. But when this happens, because the Grace also falls on your Sahasrara, you become extremely knowledgeable. You start grasping subtle things very fast. Normally you cannot grasp subtle things. Of course you become very peaceful and joyous, your nerves start emitting vibrations and you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. Sahasrara was the main problem. Now it has opened. And that's why this work of our en-masse realisation is taking place.I have tried to tell you in short about these different centers. The quality of Sahasrara is that you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. And this is the great, I should say, an event in your life, that you get your Self-realization, a second birth, actually. It is not just a sermon or a lecture. You get it and you can feel it and you can work it out. So the purpose of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God and to enjoy His blessings without thinking about it.May God bless you!
Public Program Day 2. St Petersburg (Russia), 1 August 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth.Yesterday I told you how to find the Absolute Truth. And there is already a very subtle system within us which works it out and we jump into the awareness of the Spirit. Also I [UNCLEAR conclude/told you] that the Spirit is the source of Absolute Truth, it is [UNCLEAR well] manifested in our attention, makes us innocent and our attention becomes active and it is the source of joy within ourselves. Also with this happening you develop a new awareness of thoughtless awareness. And another dimension in your awareness is that of collective consciousness. All this you feel on your central nervous system. In Sanskrit we call it as Bodha. From where the world Buddha has come. So the person who is realized soul is Buddha.So today I think I'll tell you actually how it works on our centers. The first center that we have is the red one as you see it. And this first center is responsible for our innocence. So, yesterday I told you that our innocence is never destroyed. And it penetrates into our attention. Thus we become innocent and in our attention there is no greed and there is no lust. We become like children. Christ has said that you have to become like children to enter into the Kingdom of God. So all the cunningness that we have picked up through our mental activities just drops off. And our innocence then protects us. It guides us. And it looks after us in such a way that we know what is right, what is wrong. In no way we try to do anything that will harm us or destroy us. We respect our chastity. And we become very powerful and self-respected. The another side that it works in a very beautiful manner is that our whole attitude towards life becomes extremely innocent. We have child like joy. The second center that we have is called as Svadhisthana. This creativity. I see now in Russia a lot of artists, painters, sculptors, and they produce beautiful paintings out of their own creativity. But those paintings or those art works may not be of universal nature. Whatever is done by Germans may not be liked by Italians, whatever is done by Italians may not be liked by Russians. But whatever art is existing today after so many years, is the art created by the realized souls. So, say, Mona Liza, which you know of, everybody appreciates, because it has vibrations. If you go to Sistine Chapel you will find there a very beautiful Kundalini and Christ standing there beautifully and the whole thing is just absolutely fantastic. Because Michelangelo did it, he was a realized soul. But he suffered a lot. People didn't understand him. Here you have 26 paintings of Rembrandt and from all over the world people come to see him. That's how we have also very great musicians like Mozart. Like Strauss, he had written a very beautiful thing 'Good bye, Petersburg'. So all these musicians were realized souls. Thus there were also great writers in your country. So many of them have written beautiful books that you can make out. In Russia we had lots of people who wrote such spiritual books where they showed the introspection of the different characters. They have told that there is the big celebration day of a great saint, who was in your country. They also said it looked like Me. It was nice to hear that today is that day. So these saints and all these people really got the Divine Creativity in their lives. And they became great prophets and seers. There are many great seers who have written about Sahaja Yoga, that this would happen. There is William Blake in England. In India we had many people, who have predicted about Sahaja Yoga. Rabindranath Tagore also has written about Sahaja Yoga. In the ancient times there have been very clear predictions as to when Sahaja Yoga will start, when people will get their realizations, in a book called `Nadi Grantha'.This is a center which we use very much when we think. And this thinking becomes minimum when this center is enlightened. Physically also it helps us a lot to cure so many diseases that we have. If this center is enlightened, then liver trouble, pancreas with diabetes, leukemia, constipation, kidney — all these problems are solved.Then we have the third center or we can call it the second, because from the second the Svadhisthana comes out. So the center which I'm talking about is called as Nabhi chakra which is working out on the physical side on the solar plexus. This Nabhi chakra when it is in problem gives you all kinds of stomach problems, up to, we can say, the stomach cancer. But when it is enlightened, then you get rid of the physical problems of this chakra. Now the problems caused by taking too much of alcohol or too much of drugs which has spoiled this chakra also get all right. Some of the people suffer from too much greed of eating. And some of them just don't want to eat.So when this center is awakened a person becomes a satisfied soul. And then he starts going into new direction of seeking. He now doesn't care so much for money or worldly things. He starts thinking there must be something beyond. Then a new category of human beings are born, which are called as seekers of truth, as you people are. So a new kind of channel what you call as the central channel gets awakened and people start seeking.All over the world people are seeking. But in Russia people are evolved and they know what is to be sought or they are sensitive to Truth. The same way in Ukraine, Rumania, Bulgaria, Poland and also Hungary, everywhere I found people are very sensitive to Truth. Now somebody asked Me a question yesterday: "What do you think about these people singing: Hare Rama, Hare Krishna ?" I mean only stupid people can become that. You see, by saying: "Hare Rama, Hare Krishna," how can you reach a new dimension of human awareness? Krishna in his Gita never said so. All stupid ideas or by reading Gita, by reading Koran, by reading do you think you will ascend? It is like this that supposing a doctor says that you take anacin for your headache, a prescription he gives you. And you go on reading: "Take Anacin, take Anacin." Will your headache be over? You are to take the medicine. There is no logic in just reading, reading, reading and knowing everything by heart. Any wise person can understand this. Then Krishna never said that you should live like a beggar. Actually he is regarded as God of wealth, Kubera. And his one friend was very poor, so he made a house for him out of gold. How can anyone take the name of Shri Krishna and behave like beggars? This is just the opposite of what Krishna is.So there are many others like that, but I think, they came here, brought some food and somebody gave a lot of money in America to them and they are spending money here. So people started going to them. But they don't know anything about Kundalini, they don't know anything about chakras, they don't know how to raise the chakras, nothing. Also they were caught for keeping drugs and taking away small children in America. I really feel ashamed the way they beg on the streets in the name of Shri Krishna, who is the Lord of Wealth. So in the west many are lost like this. And I don't know what to say about them because they have become bankrupt giving money to all these people, and absolutely like lunatics. There is another horrible thing called TM [transcendental meditation], which has not come here I hope. There they took 6 thousand pounds to make people raise their body about 3 feet over the ground. In Russia nobody would accept such a nonsense. What is the need? But by jumping like that their bottoms were broken and TM people have to compensate. So from your innocence you develop your wisdom. And you understand who is sensible and non-sensible.Then you have another center here, which we call as the center heart, which has also got left and right side. When the center heart is in trouble, one develops insecurity, specially ladies if their center heart is in trouble, if they are insecure they develop breast cancer. If the right heart is in trouble, then you develop diseases like Asthma. And the left side when it is in trouble you develop heart troubles. But when the center heart is enlightened then you develop your security. The antibodies in your body, which fight the diseases, become very alert. Till the age of twelve years the antibodies are created below sternum, and after that they are spread in the whole body. And this sternum, like a remote control, acts to inform the antibodies to fight the attack. Because when we are frightened, suddenly our heart starts beating speedily and your sternum starts moving.So this sense of security is built up within us when this center is enlightened. You don't have any fear any more. You don't aggress any one, but you become dynamic without any fear. At the same time you are extremely compassionate. Your concern moves from yourselves to others and you just feel the love for other people. And other people who were once upon a time your enemy, may be frightened of you, may be afraid of you, become great friends. Suddenly you find that all your enemies become friends. If you are aggressive, you become extremely gentle and mild.After that, is the center what you call as a Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem of Russians and Ukrainians. So much so that I also got this problem from the collective. As a result we develop angina, spondylitis and so many lethargic organs. We become very depressed and also then we become sly. On the right side we become very aggressive. We talk very loudly and shout at people, get very angry and annoyed. Even some children could be very rude and arrogant. And they may go and ask Me question after question. All these things come from your right Vishuddhi. But when it is awakened then you become a very sweet person You become very collective. You see other Sahaja Yogis as your own. And you want to give what you have got to others. You want to communicate. You are not satisfied only by getting your Self-realization, but you think, that you should spread now. We have got such a precious thing, we must spread it.Then the most important center, Agnya, is the sixth center. It is placed on the Optic Chiasma where the optic nerves cross each other. Now when we are on the left Agnya, we are affected very much on our eyes. Our eyes can become big and may be our eyes might have a short sight. But left Agnya is crossed in the people, who are lunatics, who are mad. So this left Agnya is a suggestion that there is some sort of a possession on the person. It might be somebody through eyes can mesmerize, or may be through Svadhisthana can mesmerize, and may make you really mad. Like the other day I saw a disciple of this lady Mariya Devi Christos. The disciple was completely possessed. Very aggressive and he was saying just something which nobody understood. He ended up as mad man, that's all. So one has to be very careful as. to what guru you have been going, what books you have been reading, because this all can cause this left Agnya and left Svadhisthana.But if the left Agnya is enlightened then you start seeing the vibrations with the naked eyes. You also see the light on a person who is a realized soul. They have shown you the film. I think the cameras have their left Agnya enlightened. There was one man in India who was producing diamonds this, that. And the stupid people thought him to be God. He used to mesmerize people and nobody could see. About few months back very big people from the government went there. And there were four cameras. He mesmerized these big people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. So the cameras caught him how he took the gold necklace from another man, how he brought it and how he gave it. And we have a tape of that, I have a tape. So this is how the cameras are wonderful! The films mostly I've seen are taken by very ordinary people, some are by children. And it cannot be explained. So with the left Agnya, you start seeing a person whether he is a saint or not. You can make out if a person is false or real. And your behavior becomes extremely majestic and decent. You don't behave like a mad person. Your talk, everything becomes very decent. Even your music, even your jumping, even your dance, everything becomes very decent. There is no shouting, there is no acrobats, but just expression of your enjoyment. What is very penetrating is left Agnya. Small children specially know it better. I know of a child who just went to one lama and told him, "You are not a realized soul, you have no business to sit here and ask everybody to bow to you." So immediately one can find out who is a hypocrite.Now front Agnya is also very important. When we don't forgive people it goes into problems. When we think too much also it brings problems. When we think too much it attacks our conscious mind. You think like mad. Over-activity of the mind. Such people feel the apathy. And now new diseases have come, where people become just reptiles, like fishes, big fishes. They can't move their hands, they can't move their legs, only the brain is working. They can't walk, they are carried like big reptiles. It is very common now in America. So too much thinking, too much futuristic attitude spoils your Agnya. Then you create a very aggressive temperament. Hitler had a very had right Agnya, and right side. They say that Dalai Lama was his guru. They are very much right sided and aggressive. So when you have the right side especially the Agnya, then you become extremely rude, arrogant and egoistic. You start correcting everybody, controlling everybody and you never enjoy anything. And nothing goes into your head. Ultimately what we find is that any kind of imbalance in anyone of these chakras is extremely dangerous.Now the last center which we call as Sahasrara. There are thousand petals as they say. In the Bibleit is written that I will appear before you like tongues of flames. So in Sahasrara when it is enlightened these nerves which are one thousand (doctors say it is nine-hundred and eighty eight, but they are one thousand) get enlightened and just like, we can say, the flames. They shine in many colors of the rainbow. But they are very soothing, they are very cooling — just the opposite of these flames. And then it starts that Kundalini enters inside it, the brain opens up like this at the fontanelle.So the knowledge that we have is relative knowledge. Also we have very little and limited knowledge. But when this happens, because the Grace also falls on your Sahasrara, you become extremely knowledgeable. You start grasping subtle things very fast. Normally you cannot grasp subtle things. Of course you become very peaceful and joyous, your nerves start emitting vibrations and you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. Sahasrara was the main problem. Now it has opened. And that's why this work of our en-masse realisation is taking place.I have tried to tell you in short about these different centers. The quality of Sahasrara is that you know the Absolute Truth on your finger tips. And this is the great, I should say, an event in your life, that you get your Self-realization, a second birth, actually. It is not just a sermon or a lecture. You get it and you can feel it and you can work it out. So the purpose of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God and to enjoy His blessings without thinking about it.May God bless you!
Radio TV Interview
St. Petersburg
1993-0801 Radio and TV Interview, Saint Petersburg, Russia Your country had such great Saints and the blessings of the Saints are there. You can see in the Russian people, the heart. I read Tolstoy and many others and I felt its a very introspective country. When I came with My husband here I felt that the human material is of a very great quality, very evolved. Tolstoy's novels always had the sense of introspection and also idea of resurrection that human beings can change and transform. People always introspect. When I came here, I saw the people in general were extremely sweet, beautiful and respectful. I am surprised the way Sahaj Yoga is accepted in your country. I must thank Gorbachev for changing the country's national policy that I could come here and talk about it. It is all Divine's help that this country could get Sahaj Yoga. Now I find that Russians are much more spiritual than even Indians. They are very deep, not all, they have grown very fast. People in the West get Self-realization, but it takes time. They rationalize, etc. Here they just jump into it. In a way it was such a clean state. They were not materialistic. Most of them were just ready for it. The tantrikas in India are the perverted class of people. They talk of Kundalini but do all kinds of Black Magic. It started in the 6th century. People used them for mesmerizing. Even Hitler, Dalai Lama used them to brain wash people. The main interest they had was how to make money. They said Kundalini can be awakened through sex. That goes against all religions. Christ has said that "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." The Saints were tortured in India because the kings were controlled by tantrikas. Even now a days we have lots of them in our country and abroad. A Saint can never be interested in your purse, wife or anything like that. He is only interested in the benevolence of the person, of society and this country and also the main interest of a Saint is to make people religious in the real sense of the word, not hypothetical. A Saint has to be a detached personality. He may be a king, a beggar or anything, but in his temperament, he is detached. The main course of this activity is love and compassion. I will explain to you how by Sahaj Yoga, you can cure people affected by ecology. The principle is that we get physically, mentally, emotionally sick, when the subtle centers in our body get affected. These are energy centers. We have different plexuses in our body. On the physical side these plexuses different, though are nourished by para sympathetic and the energy of these centers is limited. The left and right sympathetic meet to form the parasympathetic. We can use the sympathetic energy if we want to. For example, if you want to increase the heartbeat, you can run. But it settles down by the parasympathetic activity. We have no control over para sympathetic activity. When we use it for sympathetic purpose we believe and we know that the left and right sympathetic systems are two different systems altogether, and also in the brain both sides are absolutely complimentary. Supposing in the brain there is paralysis of the left side, then the right side feels the paralysis. These two sympathetic nervous systems cross at the optic chiasma. The pituitary body acts on the left side and pineal body acts on the right. Though they are placed the other way. The pituitary is the one which gives us the power of action, by which we think and take physical actions. The pineal looks after the left side which looks after our power of desire. The left side is the one which has accumulated within itself the conditioning and as a by product we develop the super ego on the right side of the conditioning. We call it Manas in Sanskrit and the power of action on the right hand side develops a system we can call it by product like a balloon called ego. Either we are on the right side or on the left side, because we can't go to the parasympathetic. Beyond the left side is all that was created since our creation. All the part, all the virus, bacterias, which come from dead plants, dead microorgan[ism]s which have gone out of the evolutionary process. Some of the diseases that come to us like mental diseases, schizophrenia, come from the left side because we get possessed by the dead spirit. In the medical science, people don't believe in it. Once we get affected by this left side we develop disease which are incurable by human beings. The second center called as Swadishthan comes out of the solar plexus. It manifests in aortic plexus outside. It nourishes our liver, pancreas, Kidneys, upper part of our intestines and also the lower part. It moves round the void. But has another important work to do that is to give energy, and replacement of our gray cells in the brain when we think. Medical science doesn't know what replaces our gray cells. This is the most important work this center has to do. By thinking too much a person becomes futuristic, so he moves to the right. By that he starts using the right side power too much. The center becomes constructed and our liver is neglected. Liver is very important because it expels all the poison from our body, but it becomes non function able because it's overactive. It cannot expel the heat so this heat rises upwards to the center of right Heart which looks after the lungs. This heat goes and collapses the lungs and affects that center, thus we get asthma. In Sahaja Yoga asthma is absolutely curable. Then it moves upwards and can give you a kind of a cold because the lungs are not working and the phlegm melts. Then you develop allergies, or you start sneezing too much, or you get hay fever. With the result it becomes more engrossed within brain activity. Also apart from liver your pancreas suffers, and you develop diabetes. Only people who think too much develop diabetes, and not by sugar. People in the villages drink a lot of sugar but they don't get diabetes, because they just work and sleep. They don't think of the future. When it comes to the spleen, it is neglected. In modern times the life is so hectic and very speedy. The spleen is our speedometer. If there is any emergency it produces RBC [Red Blood Cells]. But with this modern life you are so hectic. In the morning you read the newspapers with horrible news. You get upset and so the spleen gets upset. Then you rush to office, you are nervous because you will be late. You are slaves of your watch. You become absolutely a hectic personality. This poor spleen doesn't know how to react. It becomes crazy. This is the vulnerability for blood cancer. At this time if your attention moves to the left by any mishap, or accident or depression, you get a catch. Many leukemia patients have been cured by Sahaj Yoga. The Swadishthan also looks after the kidneys, which are neglected and the heat of the liver goes there and may stop urination and may have to be put on dialysis. Nobody gets cured by dialysis. They only become bankrupt. This also gets cured when you put this center right. The heat comes down and makes the intestine stiff so the digestion is not good and you don't feel hungry and such a person gets constipation. These are all the diseases which are very common for the modern man. The most dangerous is when too much heat goes up because of too much activity and thinking. Supposing a man is a drunkard and he spoils his liver and he plays tennis. All the heat created, goes up and affects the heart. At a very young age he gets a fatal heart attack. Another very big problem is that he can get paralysis of the right side. As in the car we have an accelerator and also a brake. This is to give a brake. Thus we can cure with Sahaj Yoga. This Kundalini, which is the residual power rises and nourishes this center. She puts them right and connects you to the All-pervading Power and this Power all the time nourishes your centers. When you are connected with that power it works out for everyone.
1993-0801 Radio and TV Interview, Saint Petersburg, Russia Your country had such great Saints and the blessings of the Saints are there. You can see in the Russian people, the heart. I read Tolstoy and many others and I felt its a very introspective country. When I came with My husband here I felt that the human material is of a very great quality, very evolved. Tolstoy's novels always had the sense of introspection and also idea of resurrection that human beings can change and transform. People always introspect. When I came here, I saw the people in general were extremely sweet, beautiful and respectful. I am surprised the way Sahaj Yoga is accepted in your country. I must thank Gorbachev for changing the country's national policy that I could come here and talk about it. It is all Divine's help that this country could get Sahaj Yoga. Now I find that Russians are much more spiritual than even Indians. They are very deep, not all, they have grown very fast. People in the West get Self-realization, but it takes time. They rationalize, etc. Here they just jump into it. In a way it was such a clean state. They were not materialistic. Most of them were just ready for it. The tantrikas in India are the perverted class of people. They talk of Kundalini but do all kinds of Black Magic. It started in the 6th century. People used them for mesmerizing. Even Hitler, Dalai Lama used them to brain wash people. The main interest they had was how to make money. They said Kundalini can be awakened through sex. That goes against all religions. Christ has said that "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes." The Saints were tortured in India because the kings were controlled by tantrikas. Even now a days we have lots of them in our country and abroad. A Saint can never be interested in your purse, wife or anything like that. He is only interested in the benevolence of the person, of society and this country and also the main interest of a Saint is to make people religious in the real sense of the word, not hypothetical. A Saint has to be a detached personality. He may be a king, a beggar or anything, but in his temperament, he is detached. The main course of this activity is love and compassion. I will explain to you how by Sahaj Yoga, you can cure people affected by ecology. The principle is that we get physically, mentally, emotionally sick, when the subtle centers in our body get affected. These are energy centers. We have different plexuses in our body. On the physical side these plexuses different, though are nourished by para sympathetic and the energy of these centers is limited. The left and right sympathetic meet to form the parasympathetic. We can use the sympathetic energy if we want to. For example, if you want to increase the heartbeat, you can run. But it settles down by the parasympathetic activity. We have no control over para sympathetic activity. When we use it for sympathetic purpose we believe and we know that the left and right sympathetic systems are two different systems altogether, and also in the brain both sides are absolutely complimentary. Supposing in the brain there is paralysis of the left side, then the right side feels the paralysis. These two sympathetic nervous systems cross at the optic chiasma. The pituitary body acts on the left side and pineal body acts on the right. Though they are placed the other way. The pituitary is the one which gives us the power of action, by which we think and take physical actions. The pineal looks after the left side which looks after our power of desire. The left side is the one which has accumulated within itself the conditioning and as a by product we develop the super ego on the right side of the conditioning. We call it Manas in Sanskrit and the power of action on the right hand side develops a system we can call it by product like a balloon called ego. Either we are on the right side or on the left side, because we can't go to the parasympathetic. Beyond the left side is all that was created since our creation. All the part, all the virus, bacterias, which come from dead plants, dead microorgan[ism]s which have gone out of the evolutionary process. Some of the diseases that come to us like mental diseases, schizophrenia, come from the left side because we get possessed by the dead spirit. In the medical science, people don't believe in it. Once we get affected by this left side we develop disease which are incurable by human beings. The second center called as Swadishthan comes out of the solar plexus. It manifests in aortic plexus outside. It nourishes our liver, pancreas, Kidneys, upper part of our intestines and also the lower part. It moves round the void. But has another important work to do that is to give energy, and replacement of our gray cells in the brain when we think. Medical science doesn't know what replaces our gray cells. This is the most important work this center has to do. By thinking too much a person becomes futuristic, so he moves to the right. By that he starts using the right side power too much. The center becomes constructed and our liver is neglected. Liver is very important because it expels all the poison from our body, but it becomes non function able because it's overactive. It cannot expel the heat so this heat rises upwards to the center of right Heart which looks after the lungs. This heat goes and collapses the lungs and affects that center, thus we get asthma. In Sahaja Yoga asthma is absolutely curable. Then it moves upwards and can give you a kind of a cold because the lungs are not working and the phlegm melts. Then you develop allergies, or you start sneezing too much, or you get hay fever. With the result it becomes more engrossed within brain activity. Also apart from liver your pancreas suffers, and you develop diabetes. Only people who think too much develop diabetes, and not by sugar. People in the villages drink a lot of sugar but they don't get diabetes, because they just work and sleep. They don't think of the future. When it comes to the spleen, it is neglected. In modern times the life is so hectic and very speedy. The spleen is our speedometer. If there is any emergency it produces RBC [Red Blood Cells]. But with this modern life you are so hectic. In the morning you read the newspapers with horrible news. You get upset and so the spleen gets upset. Then you rush to office, you are nervous because you will be late. You are slaves of your watch. You become absolutely a hectic personality. This poor spleen doesn't know how to react. It becomes crazy. This is the vulnerability for blood cancer. At this time if your attention moves to the left by any mishap, or accident or depression, you get a catch. Many leukemia patients have been cured by Sahaj Yoga. The Swadishthan also looks after the kidneys, which are neglected and the heat of the liver goes there and may stop urination and may have to be put on dialysis. Nobody gets cured by dialysis. They only become bankrupt. This also gets cured when you put this center right. The heat comes down and makes the intestine stiff so the digestion is not good and you don't feel hungry and such a person gets constipation. These are all the diseases which are very common for the modern man. The most dangerous is when too much heat goes up because of too much activity and thinking. Supposing a man is a drunkard and he spoils his liver and he plays tennis. All the heat created, goes up and affects the heart. At a very young age he gets a fatal heart attack. Another very big problem is that he can get paralysis of the right side. As in the car we have an accelerator and also a brake. This is to give a brake. Thus we can cure with Sahaj Yoga. This Kundalini, which is the residual power rises and nourishes this center. She puts them right and connects you to the All-pervading Power and this Power all the time nourishes your centers. When you are connected with that power it works out for everyone.
Shakti Puja: After Realisation we use only one power which is of Love
Shakti Puja, Togliatti (Russia), 3 August 1993. Today it is such a great day for Me to be with you, all again this year. It’s so very joyous and full of fragrance. Today we have decided to have a Puja of Shakti that is the Power, that is the Devi. You know within us there are many Powers of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Kundalini. All these Powers are there for us to ascent. If these Powers are properly used and understood, then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the kingdom of God, all these Powers get enlightened. And these Powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with love. Enlightenment, we have to understand that we get completely enlightened by love. So, after enlightenment, after Realisation, we use only one power which is of love. Shri Rama had two sons: one was Lav and one was Kush. One of them, Lav, came to Russia. That’s why you are called as Slavs, means ‘with love’. So, Russian people are already quite full of their heart with love. But once you get your enlightenment, you realise that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself. This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment. It’s transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, to your intellect, to your ego. And that is how you develop darkness of many horrible things within yourself. If you are too much attached to your body, then you may eat too much or you may not eat at all or you may exercise too much or you may work it out for a particular form of your figure. And you will use your body for absolutely wrong things or sinful things also. But then you become enlightened and you understand that your body is the temple of God, then you keep your body clean and also you try to avoid all that is destructive for your body. The, another attachment we have is very limited, say, for your own family, for your children, for your wife, for your husband, something like that. Despite that, a human being can be extremely selfish and could only bother about himself and first of all him, and then the rest. Also, he may spoil his children or spoil her husband or his wife in any way, just to pamper their ego. Some people might indulge into alcoholism or drugs or all kinds of things. Also, to help their families, they might drop other people because they are very self-centred and their vision is very narrow. Sometimes they discover that (for) those people for whom they are doing wrong things, are not actually bothered about them. Then there’s an enlightenment and they see for themselves that, "Whatever I’m doing is neither good for me nor for my family, my relations". After enlightenment you think collectively. Also, when you think about your wife and your children, your family, you think what is the right thing for them to do. Immediately you become attentive to their problems and to their destructive ways. Then this power of love changes the whole atmosphere. In the family people see how sacrificing you are and how noble you are. This nobility is seen very clearly among Sahaja Yogis. In that noble understanding of life, they try to be extremely attentioned, sweet in the family and try to bring them to the right path. At the same time, when they are helping their families and trying to improve their understanding, they can be also very particular as to see that they do not allow overindulgence into their family. Because of the enlightenment there is detachment. And the power of detached love is the greatest that it is like the sap in these trees which rises from the Mother Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn’t stay in one flower because it likes it or in one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of the tree, whatever is needed, and is not attached. But supposing it gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf and the flower will also die. So, detached love only gives, doesn’t expect anything back. If it expects anything, it’s the complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything. We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the politics, especially, one country believes that they must hate another country, they are born for that. Because hundred years back some quarrel took place or a war took place, so the children are still fighting among themselves. You’ll be amazed that when I first came to Russia, twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis rushed to help Me here. Instead of bearing that malice in their hearts, as their forefathers had killed so many of Russians, they felt it was their greatest wishes to go and do some service for the Russians. So, all the hatred changes into this powerful love. This power of love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga we have to use only our power of love. It’s the most powerful, effective weapon that we have. Because this is Divine love. We are getting our source of divine love from the All-pervading Power of God’s love.They say that, "God is Almighty". Then who can be more powerful than God? And if we are connected with God Almighty, who could be mightier than us? In his love, He protects us, He gives us whatever we want, He blesses us and He makes us enjoy ourselves. His government is the most efficient one and is very quick and very fast. Today only when I was coming, one of the Sahaja Yogis came and said that, "Mother it is very cloudy, it may rain". And when I came out after five minutes, I found the whole sky cleared out. So, all these five elements also are at the disposal of the children of God. Even the cruellest of the cruel person melts down and comes to the humble understanding of this Power. No one can harm you. And anybody who tries to harm you becomes melted away. It's so many miracles that in this short speech I won’t be able to tell you all of them but you’ll find it in your life itself, how this power of love, that you have within your heart, has protected you. I have seen people who are very hot tempered, who are angry type, who are all the time making other’s life miserable, become extremely beautiful, nice people. With this light of love, you love yourself in the right way. And you give up all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence in the collectivity of human beings. Because it’s the Spirit which enlightens your - all the powers. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the world. Then your attention goes to all the people who are in trouble, who are suffering, who need help. And with this attention, which is so enlightened, you can solve their problems sitting down here. With such people, there is no need to have any wars, no need to have any weapons, no needs to have any boundaries. If Russians go to India, they feel India is their country, if Indians come to Russia they think Russia is their own country. So, who will fight? There’s no one to whom you can really say, "He is my enemy" because everybody is part and parcel of your being. These are the special times I call them the "Blossom time" when so many flowers are there who are seeking the truth. And their fragrance is their love. And they have all to become fruits now. And this is what is going to happen as these times are very, very important. In all the religions they are described. Then we don’t hate anyone because he believes in one religion or another religion. On the contrary, we believe in all the religions. This is the power by which a drop becomes the ocean and individual becomes the collective. So, all your powers that are there are enlightened by this All-pervading Power. It transforms you and it has such a beautiful, delicate way of handling everything. The only thing that is needed is faith in this Power that only by having love for others, (and) this enlightened love is going to give you whatever you want. And that there is such a power, All-pervading Power! There is no doubt about it. And we have to just accept it with our open heart that it fills it and makes us a great personality. So, there is no competition, there’s no ambition, there is no jealousy, nothing of the kind. The only desire is then left that, as I am enjoying myself, let others also enjoy. People go out of the way to spread Sahaja Yoga. They work very hard, travel with very little money, they try to convince people, do all kinds of things for no materail gain. But the greatest joy is when you see that you have risen the Kundalini of another person and given him a Self-realisation. That light of your faces I have seen many a times. Let this love grow more and more! They asked Me why, of all places, I came to Togliatti. Not for Volga, not for these beautiful houses you have but for my children who are here.May God bless you!
Shakti Puja, Togliatti (Russia), 3 August 1993. Today it is such a great day for Me to be with you, all again this year. It’s so very joyous and full of fragrance. Today we have decided to have a Puja of Shakti that is the Power, that is the Devi. You know within us there are many Powers of Mahakali, Mahasaraswati, Mahalakshmi, Kundalini. All these Powers are there for us to ascent. If these Powers are properly used and understood, then your ascent can be permanent. Once you achieve your ascent and enter into the kingdom of God, all these Powers get enlightened. And these Powers which are enlightened are absolutely filled with love. Enlightenment, we have to understand that we get completely enlightened by love. So, after enlightenment, after Realisation, we use only one power which is of love. Shri Rama had two sons: one was Lav and one was Kush. One of them, Lav, came to Russia. That’s why you are called as Slavs, means ‘with love’. So, Russian people are already quite full of their heart with love. But once you get your enlightenment, you realise that your love becomes a beautiful ocean of joy for yourself. This love is not the same which you had before enlightenment. It’s transformed into a new dimension, into a new form. Before enlightenment you are attached to yourself, first of all, very much: to your body, to your mind, to your conditionings, to your intellect, to your ego. And that is how you develop darkness of many horrible things within yourself. If you are too much attached to your body, then you may eat too much or you may not eat at all or you may exercise too much or you may work it out for a particular form of your figure. And you will use your body for absolutely wrong things or sinful things also. But then you become enlightened and you understand that your body is the temple of God, then you keep your body clean and also you try to avoid all that is destructive for your body. The, another attachment we have is very limited, say, for your own family, for your children, for your wife, for your husband, something like that. Despite that, a human being can be extremely selfish and could only bother about himself and first of all him, and then the rest. Also, he may spoil his children or spoil her husband or his wife in any way, just to pamper their ego. Some people might indulge into alcoholism or drugs or all kinds of things. Also, to help their families, they might drop other people because they are very self-centred and their vision is very narrow. Sometimes they discover that (for) those people for whom they are doing wrong things, are not actually bothered about them. Then there’s an enlightenment and they see for themselves that, "Whatever I’m doing is neither good for me nor for my family, my relations". After enlightenment you think collectively. Also, when you think about your wife and your children, your family, you think what is the right thing for them to do. Immediately you become attentive to their problems and to their destructive ways. Then this power of love changes the whole atmosphere. In the family people see how sacrificing you are and how noble you are. This nobility is seen very clearly among Sahaja Yogis. In that noble understanding of life, they try to be extremely attentioned, sweet in the family and try to bring them to the right path. At the same time, when they are helping their families and trying to improve their understanding, they can be also very particular as to see that they do not allow overindulgence into their family. Because of the enlightenment there is detachment. And the power of detached love is the greatest that it is like the sap in these trees which rises from the Mother Earth, goes up into the smallest of leaves and then it is either evaporated or goes back to the Mother Earth. It doesn’t stay in one flower because it likes it or in one leaf because it likes it. It nourishes every part of the tree, whatever is needed, and is not attached. But supposing it gets entangled or involved in one flower or in one leaf, the tree will die and that leaf and the flower will also die. So, detached love only gives, doesn’t expect anything back. If it expects anything, it’s the complete prosperity and the goodness of the tree. In the same way a saintly person, who is a Sahaja Yogi, behaves towards his family, towards his friends, towards everything. We have used only the power of hatred so far. In the politics, especially, one country believes that they must hate another country, they are born for that. Because hundred years back some quarrel took place or a war took place, so the children are still fighting among themselves. You’ll be amazed that when I first came to Russia, twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis rushed to help Me here. Instead of bearing that malice in their hearts, as their forefathers had killed so many of Russians, they felt it was their greatest wishes to go and do some service for the Russians. So, all the hatred changes into this powerful love. This power of love is the greatest power and after Sahaja Yoga we have to use only our power of love. It’s the most powerful, effective weapon that we have. Because this is Divine love. We are getting our source of divine love from the All-pervading Power of God’s love.They say that, "God is Almighty". Then who can be more powerful than God? And if we are connected with God Almighty, who could be mightier than us? In his love, He protects us, He gives us whatever we want, He blesses us and He makes us enjoy ourselves. His government is the most efficient one and is very quick and very fast. Today only when I was coming, one of the Sahaja Yogis came and said that, "Mother it is very cloudy, it may rain". And when I came out after five minutes, I found the whole sky cleared out. So, all these five elements also are at the disposal of the children of God. Even the cruellest of the cruel person melts down and comes to the humble understanding of this Power. No one can harm you. And anybody who tries to harm you becomes melted away. It's so many miracles that in this short speech I won’t be able to tell you all of them but you’ll find it in your life itself, how this power of love, that you have within your heart, has protected you. I have seen people who are very hot tempered, who are angry type, who are all the time making other’s life miserable, become extremely beautiful, nice people. With this light of love, you love yourself in the right way. And you give up all that is wrong, all that is immoral. This love is eternal, is very powerful and gives you a confidence in the collectivity of human beings. Because it’s the Spirit which enlightens your - all the powers. And the Spirit is the source of collectivity and love for every human being in the world. Then your attention goes to all the people who are in trouble, who are suffering, who need help. And with this attention, which is so enlightened, you can solve their problems sitting down here. With such people, there is no need to have any wars, no need to have any weapons, no needs to have any boundaries. If Russians go to India, they feel India is their country, if Indians come to Russia they think Russia is their own country. So, who will fight? There’s no one to whom you can really say, "He is my enemy" because everybody is part and parcel of your being. These are the special times I call them the "Blossom time" when so many flowers are there who are seeking the truth. And their fragrance is their love. And they have all to become fruits now. And this is what is going to happen as these times are very, very important. In all the religions they are described. Then we don’t hate anyone because he believes in one religion or another religion. On the contrary, we believe in all the religions. This is the power by which a drop becomes the ocean and individual becomes the collective. So, all your powers that are there are enlightened by this All-pervading Power. It transforms you and it has such a beautiful, delicate way of handling everything. The only thing that is needed is faith in this Power that only by having love for others, (and) this enlightened love is going to give you whatever you want. And that there is such a power, All-pervading Power! There is no doubt about it. And we have to just accept it with our open heart that it fills it and makes us a great personality. So, there is no competition, there’s no ambition, there is no jealousy, nothing of the kind. The only desire is then left that, as I am enjoying myself, let others also enjoy. People go out of the way to spread Sahaja Yoga. They work very hard, travel with very little money, they try to convince people, do all kinds of things for no materail gain. But the greatest joy is when you see that you have risen the Kundalini of another person and given him a Self-realisation. That light of your faces I have seen many a times. Let this love grow more and more! They asked Me why, of all places, I came to Togliatti. Not for Volga, not for these beautiful houses you have but for my children who are here.May God bless you!
Arrival and Short Interview
I assure you, your father God Almighty is an ocean of compassion and love
Public Program
Public Program. Moskow (Russia), 6 August 1993. Scene 1 Shri Mataji is seen getting down from the aeroplane followed by Sir C.P at the airport in Moscow and is being received by Sahaj Yogis. A car is waiting for her. Shri Mataji: Again I am back here in Moscow where the people are great seekers of Truth and absolutely ready to achieve their self-realization, which is the goal of our human life. As Christ has said, that you are to be born again, it happens. Yoga is no religion. It is the union with all-pervading divine love. That is the right of every person, every human being. Here, now we have people from Finland, from England, from Germany, from Austria who has come to help my work in Russia. They are all your brothers and sisters. Hope to see you, this evening all of you for the programme. Alright! Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you all of you! (Shri Mataji speaking in the Russian language a word meaning thank you) Shri Mataji folds her hands in namaskar and turns towards the car to get inside it. Yogi: Thank you, Mother! (He opens the car door for Shri Mataji. She is seen getting in the car and then the car is leaving) Scene 2 We see a big stadium where lots of people including Sahaja Yogis are sitting on the grass clapping and singing, waiting for Shri Mataji's arrival. We see the Nirmal Sangeet Sarita music group and other singers, musicians sitting on the stage and one female is singing Hindi bhajan. After the bhajan is over, all the people are seen clapping excitedly in a big stadium. Shri Mataji is seen arriving followed by Sir C.P. and Yogi Mahajan and others. Few yoginis are standing to greet her. One of them offers flowers to her, Shri Mataji accepts the flowers, thank her and continues walking towards the stage. All of the other yoginis follow her. Few more yogis are seen walking behind her. Scene 3 Shri Mataji is seen standing on the stage. A little boy goes and gives flowers to her while the crowd continues to clap. Shri Mataji arrives and sits on the seat kept on a slightly higher place. Some children are seen coming on stage with flowers. One by one they go and offer flowers to her. Shri Mataji starts speaking. Shri Mataji: It is, you can call it a living process of our evolutionary process. So, there is something more that has to happen to us to reach that state. And this is the special time that this is going to happen to all of you. By this happening, you should know that the first thing that happens to you, that you improve in your health and your health problems are solved. There are many people sitting here who can say that their health problems were solved after coming to Sahaja Yoga. This is the first reason why Sahaja Yoga came to Russia. For this, you don't have to pay. These people do not understand that God does not know anything about money. They also think that you can purchase God, which is absolutely the wrong idea. To be very truthful, I must tell you that God doesn't know what is money is and what is a Bank. Like these flowers, you see here. They are just miracles from the Mother Earth. How much do we pay to the Mother Earth? This is a living process. And all of you as human beings have a full right to achieve this state. There are also mental cases which have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. This is your own power. It's your own which works it out. This is within you and it is just to be awakened. And once you are awakened, you can awaken other people. All these happenings have been predicted in most of the scriptures. We human beings have been fighting with each other, not understanding each other, creating problems with each other because we do not know the absolute truth. And we start believing people who are just mad and want you to be mad. Like there is some lady I am told, who says that 24th November everybody is going to be destroyed. This world is going to be destroyed. (Shri Mataji is smiling) One would really laugh at such nonsense. But you do not know there is a big danger because some sort of a possession in the head of a person comes and says that we all will be destroyed. Yogi: Shri Mataji could you please come again? Shri Mataji: Some possession in the brain of the person just comes and says that we are all going to be destroyed. We too had one gentleman in India, about forty years back or maybe more who has been saying this. He is dead and still they are saying, but nothing is destroyed. But in America, there was one gentleman, who started this kind of nonsense. And mesmerized many people who joined him especially the young people. And then he told that we are all going to be destroyed on such n such date. But nobody was destroyed so, he put the whole place into fire. Put the fire there and saw to it that children, women, men all of them were killed. Just to prove his own prophecy, so-called. So, what is the gain of these people? I don't understand. They want to make money or they want to kill people? Is it that Hitler has gone into their head or some sort of a funny idea which is working in their head that they want this world to be destroyed. I assure you, your father God Almighty is an ocean of compassion and love. He has created this world with great care. And he has created you also with very great care and delicate love. How could he allow this world to be destroyed and you people to be destroyed? How can any father do that to his own children? One has to understand, that there is some sort of a madness about it or some sort of a maniac who is doing all these horrible things. So, please try to protect your children. There have been so many like this. From 1970 I have been telling about these horrible people, how they are trying to use simple faithful people for their own purposes. Now, most of them have been exposed luckily. But still, there are some. like mushrooms come out here and there (Shri Mataji is laughing). Anybody who tells you stories like this, don't believe such a person. Or else who asks money takes money from you for God's work, please know that he is a cheat. How much money did you give to Christ? On the contrary, he was sold for thirty Roubles. So, all such stupid people, who go on saying things like this should not be followed, use your wisdom. So what is the real Guru should tell you, what is the real Guru should tell you. The real person will say that you have to know the truth. That you have to become one with the all-pervading divine power of love. that real one will put complete confidence in you and Iove so that you can be saved and all your problems could be solved. The first thing that should happen is that you should get your peace of mind. If your Guru tells that you will be finished on such and such date, how can you have peace of mind? Sometimes they are extremely dangerous. But if you read about any real saints they will tell you, that it is your aim in life to be one with the divine. If they are real saints and truthful, they will always tell you that you have to become the Spirit. They never tell you that you will be destroyed, but they will say you will be resurrected. So, what we are here for in this world is to be resurrected. The message of Christ-life is that we have to be resurrected. So, these ideas which are being given to you, please be very careful about them. I told you from 1970, I have been telling their names, I have to tell about them, each one of them. I have been telling who they are. Some of them are like Rasputin, some of them are like devils. Some are satanic people, some are a sadist. They have nothing to do with God. One has to see that, once you understand what is your value, what is your role, what is your identity, then only such a person should be accepted as a Master. Not a guru who goes on taking out somebody's posters and like a mad violently runs make everybody run all over the places. Or on the road you see some people taking mantras or singing some mad like songs or wearing funny dresses or wearing some saffron clothes. How much does it take to make any cloth saffron? By changing your dress you are not changing inside. You have to change within. The transformation has to come inside not outside. Unless and until that transformation comes in you cannot get over your weaknesses. Your problems cannot be solved. And you can never understand why you are on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life? Why have you come here? Because you are seekers, because you are seeking something higher, you may jump into nonsense. And I am quite worried because it's a threat to you people, especially in Moscow where people are very simple. They are very wise but still, they might be lured by people who are just trying to mesmerize them. For example, in India, there was one gentleman who used to mesmerize people and give them gold, diamond this that. Some important people went to see that fellow and there were four cameras you see (Shri Mataji pointing towards cameras and smiling) just like these. And it's very surprising, that he mesmerized these important people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. And in the camera, they found out how he was playing these tricks. And, of course, everybody knows about it now. So, all these kind of nonsense you have to be careful. Because you have all the qualities, all the properties and all the powers within yourself. (Shri Mataji addressing Yogi Mahajan in Hindi- Yogi! Yogi! Wahan ek ladka abhi bhi betha hua hai us Kursi par kuch Kar Raha hai, usko bhagaiye baahar) Now, the main understanding is that we are not created to be wasted. you are human beings epitome of evolution. Sometimes people think animals are better than human beings, but I can't give self-realization to animals. I can only give it to human beings, that means human beings are much more evolved, much much more evolved than any animal whatsoever. This power that is within you, when it germinates or when it is awakened then you are amazed how it transforms your whole lifestyle. Apart from your health, apart from your mental conditions, it is a blissful state where you are completely aware. You are not mesmerized by any chance. Not only aware, but you know how powerful you are within. You have to only know how to grow in your spirituality and how to use this power. This power which is within you was known to many people before, but there was no such mass resurrection. But this is a special time. I call it a Blossom Time when you get your self-realization. There is no religion in it. We don't say, don't do this don't do that. Nothing of the kind. There is no ritual. It's absolutely a scientific thing that is within you. This power you can see sometimes also with your naked eyes (unclear) and you can verify it because it comes out of your fontanelle bone area. You can feel it, the cool breeze coming out of your head. You can feel it on your fingertips. And once you start using it you are amazed. You can feel another person's centres because you develop a new dimension in your awareness. You can feel it. Another person because you have a dimension called collective consciousness. Moreover then you start feeling as if we are all part and parcel of one. It is not just a mental or emotional idea but it's actually is that Microcosm becomes a Macrocosm. In the whole world now there are fifty-five Nations who are doing Sahaja Yoga. In Russia in one place (unclear) only, we have twenty-two thousand Sahaj yogis. They are not only realized souls but they know what it is. They know the power. It's all tangible can be explained medically scientifically. It is a Meta Science but it is so simple so easy because it deals with fundamental within us. I have to just tell you that this happening is absolutely without any problem. For Russians especially, I think it's very creditable because they are very evolved people. Western people that way are not so wise. I went to America, especially to Boston and the people, television people asked me, how many Rolls Royces I have! Such stupid things they ask me that I gave up. I just thought what are they seeking? Rolls Royce or they are seeking their Spirit? (Shri Mataji laughs) It is very difficult to deal with stupid people that's why my heart is in Russia (the audience is clapping) and Ukraine (Shri Mataji bows to them with folded hands). So, now we will have a little session of self-realization, which will take hardly about ten to fifteen minutes. But you cannot force it. I respect your freedom and I would not like to force it on you. It just works automatically if you have a pure desire to have it. If there are people who don't want to have self-realization should leave the hall. I'll be thankful for that. Yogi: (inaudible) Shri Mataji: I'll be thankful for that. Now, those who want to have self-realization should have full confidence, that they will get their self-realization tonight. Of course, I can not tell you in this short time everything about it. Yogi: (inaudible) Shri Mataji: In this short time I cannot tell you everything about it. But we have got tapes, we have got our centres where you can know everything about it. The only thing today, you should get your awakening of Kundalini. If that works out, everything will be alright. Let us try a short method (Shri Mataji laughs then she puts her hands forward towards the audience as if to feel the vibrations and gives a beautiful smile) Now please put your right hand towards me like this and with the left hand you, bend your head and see for yourself if there is any cool breeze coming out of the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji bends her head and shows how to check the vibrations on top of the head) Now, don't doubt yourself. Have full faith in yourself and don't feel guilty. Tell yourself I am not guilty at all. Now please put your left hand towards me. Now, please put down your head and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area or maybe hot because you have not forgiven. Please forgive everyone. By forgiving or not forgiving you are not doing anything, but if you don't forgive then you play in wrong hands. So, forgive everyone, forgive yourself also. See, hot air is coming. Now, plz put your right hand again once more. Now, see with your left hand if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming from your fontanelle bone area. Please don't put your hand on top of your head but away from it, you can feel it. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. (Voice of a lady can be heard in the background as if she is in pain) Now, please put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question- Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Ask three times. Or ask Mother is this the cool breeze of the all-pervading power of divine love? Either this question you ask three times. Now take down your hands, please. Please put your hands like this and watch me and see if there is no thought in your mind. Shri Mataji: (Shri Mataji noticing for the first time the voice of the lady in pain) Who's that? What is it? Sahaja Yogi: The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: Eh? Sahaja Yogi: The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: Eh? Sahaja Yogi: Is sick. The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: No! No! Please take the sick lady out just now. I'll see her later on in the room. I will see all of them. Sahaja Yoga: She cannot stand up (few voices can be heard among the audience) Shri Mataji: What's happened? Sahaja Yogi: She lost her conscious Shri Mataji. She can't stand up. She can't stand up. Shri Mataji: She is quite conscious. No! No! She is quite conscious. She is just making a fuss (a vague figure of a man is seen ) Doctor is there. Let him see. Alright! Doesn't matter! Don't worry about her. She will be alright. Doctors will look after. You see sick people should meet me otherwise. I'll meet them afterwards. Sahaja Yogi: She is going to be alright. Shri Mataji: She is alright! (Shri Mataji asking the doctor attending the sick lady, in the Hindi language) Kya baat hai? Doctor Saheb Kya baat hai? Ban rahi hai. Doctor: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Eh! Doctor: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Sunaai nahin dey raha? Doctor: Is waqt to theek hai. Shri Mataji: Theek hai? She is Alright. Haan ley key jaiyega. She is alright, alright! Now, again put your hands. Now, don't worry about her. This is what is the negative force. They come here to disturb, just to disturb everybody's ascent. It's better. Now, all those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. See now, despite the problem you all have felt it. (Everybody clapping and Shri Mataji smiling both her hands up in the air in namaskar) This proves that you all deserve your self-realization. I didn't do anything. (everybody clapping again and Shri Mataji smiling looking happy) (Shri Mataji speaking in the Hindi language to someone in the audience and enquiring about the sick lady -Jara dekh lijiye usey utha key ley Gaye Hain. Kya kah rahi hai woh. Aisey tamashey karte Hain aur Kya). She is just fussing for nothing. She'll go. Alright! Thank you very much! (Shri Mataji does namaskar to all and smile, the audience applause) Shri Mataji: They always make these people sit in front. See, you have to become doctors. Thousands have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. You can also. But I must tell you that people who get cured don't have that much strength of spirituality. (Shri Mataji looks in right side and asks in Hindi language meaning who all have come? ) kaun kaun aaya hai? (A little girl comes to offer flowers to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji accepts the flowers with a smile on her face, Audiences clap) Shri Mataji: Thank you! (Shri Mataji in Hindi language- uppar Jara Pani (unclear) ho jayegi) (Two children come to offers flowers to Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: how are you? (Sahaj yogis in the stadium start singing Bhajan 'Anandi nirguni ') Shri Mataji is seen holding an infant in her arms. Shri Mataji is seen leaving with Sir C.P., Yogi Mahajan and others. she is meeting yogis standing on the way and talking to them. She moves and arrives near her car. Some yogis are standing, she is seen talking to them. Shri Mataji gets inside her car. One Yogi is seen talking to her from the car window while other Sahaja yogis are standing outside. Her car is seen leaving. Sahaj Yogis: (all together) Bolo Jaganmata Shri Nirmal Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki Jai! Scene 4 Shri Mataji is seen arriving at the departure point at the airport. She is receiving flowers from Sahaja Yogis. One Yogi collects all the flowers in her hands and takes them away. Shri Mataji is smiling and arriving. More Sahaja Yogis offering flowers. Shri Mataji is seen accepting flowers from them. Voices of Sahaja Yogi's singing praise of Shri Mataji can be heard in the background. Yogi Mahajan and Sir C.P. can be seen following her. She turns to handover flowers to yogis and again starts accepting flowers from Sahaja yogis. Finally, she arrives where yoginis standing all around her are clapping & singing. She is seen speaking to Sir C.P. Shri Mataji sits down on the sofa and everybody sits around her. She is offered a glass of water. A Sahaja yogi comes and sits next to her on her left-hand side. Shri Mataji is seen talking (inaudible) and laughing. She is interacting with Sahaja Yogis and there is applause from them. The Sahaja Yogi sitting on the ground next to Shri Mataji says something in Russian language and one by one yogi start offering flowers to Shri Mataji. She is smiling and accepting flowers. laughing sometimes talking with Sahaja Yogis sitting next to her. Shri Mataji's name is being announced and there is some message for her in the Russian language. Everybody is laughing and Shri Mataji is smiling. A very pretty little girl comes towards Shri Mataji with a white stuffed toy in a plastic cover, someone takes out the toy from the plastic cover and gives it to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji accepts the gift (which is an animal in white with a tail in perhaps a cat or a dog not clear) and is seen talking to the girl while she just stands and looks at Shri Mataji in all innocence. Shri Mataji is seen talking to a Yogi and she says: Oh! Yogi: Shri Mataji (unclear) you are always in our heart. You will always remain in her heart. Shri Mataji: Thank you! Yogi: (unclear) What is your goal? Shri Mataji: What is my goal? Now the time has come for people to achieve their self-realization and to get complete transformation for the betterment of people ( inaudible n unclear) These are special times and Russians are the special people having great wisdom. They know what is reality and what is falsehood. They are spiritually (unclear) people also people of Ukraine. They deserve this resurrection very much. (Inaudible unclear because of announcements for flights being made at the airport) This is what we have been waiting for. For this, you don't have to pay for anything. It's your own power (unclear) everything because of this special time and special people. That's is why I am going to Moscow, Leningrad, Tagliyati and Ukraine. They are all realized souls. As Sahaja Yogis, they know how to achieve the resurrection of others. They know everything about the subtle system within. It's working out in fifty-five nations and all their problems are practically solved. They are enjoying themselves with the collectivity. (Unclear because of announcements being made at the airport) and it's working out in fifty-five Nations. Apart from India, Russia and Ukraine are the highest numbers. Yogi: (speaking in Russian language translation of Shri Mataji's words ) Shri Mataji: Yes (she smiles and everyone claps) Yogi: (question unclear) Shri Mataji: As I told you there is a power within us in the triangular bone sacrum. And this Sacrum Bone is called Sacrum means sacred that means the Greeks knew it is sacred. This power when awakened connects you with the all-pervading power. See, these flowers (unclear) who does this work? Divine power. But once you are connected with this power then you have a meaningful life and (unclear). Yogi: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Everybody says the same thing. There is no argument, no quarrelling, no war because you also achieve peace of mind. (unclear) it's the right of every human being get that state. Thank you! (Everyone clapping and Shri Mataji smiling and doing Namaskar) Yogi : (inaudible) very important question. Shri Mataji what do you want to say to all Russian Sahaja Yogis? What do they need to do now? Shri Mataji: They should spread Sahaja Yoga, give realization. Sahaja Yoga can prove that Christ is the son of God. It can prove, It's not just a blind Faith. It's not mental. Actualization happens. You can feel the cool breeze. (Shri Mataji place her hand above Sahasrar to show how cool breeze can be felt) Shri Mataji folds her hands near her heart to say thank you and smile) Shri Mataji gets up to leave. All Sahaja Yogis are clapping and singing. Shri Mataji is moving forward amidst the cheering of the Sahaja Yogis followed by Sir C.P. and others. She is not visible for sometimes in the crowd of people and then she is seen waving at Sahaja Yogis before entering the main airport area. Sir C.P. is also seen waving Yogis are singing Mahamaya Mahakaali Bhavani Nirmal Maa while Shri Mataji is looking extremely happy waving at all of them. The bhajan continued till last and Shri Mataji is turning back again n again to wave at them.
Public Program. Moskow (Russia), 6 August 1993. Scene 1 Shri Mataji is seen getting down from the aeroplane followed by Sir C.P at the airport in Moscow and is being received by Sahaj Yogis. A car is waiting for her. Shri Mataji: Again I am back here in Moscow where the people are great seekers of Truth and absolutely ready to achieve their self-realization, which is the goal of our human life. As Christ has said, that you are to be born again, it happens. Yoga is no religion. It is the union with all-pervading divine love. That is the right of every person, every human being. Here, now we have people from Finland, from England, from Germany, from Austria who has come to help my work in Russia. They are all your brothers and sisters. Hope to see you, this evening all of you for the programme. Alright! Thank you! Thank you very much! Thank you all of you! (Shri Mataji speaking in the Russian language a word meaning thank you) Shri Mataji folds her hands in namaskar and turns towards the car to get inside it. Yogi: Thank you, Mother! (He opens the car door for Shri Mataji. She is seen getting in the car and then the car is leaving) Scene 2 We see a big stadium where lots of people including Sahaja Yogis are sitting on the grass clapping and singing, waiting for Shri Mataji's arrival. We see the Nirmal Sangeet Sarita music group and other singers, musicians sitting on the stage and one female is singing Hindi bhajan. After the bhajan is over, all the people are seen clapping excitedly in a big stadium. Shri Mataji is seen arriving followed by Sir C.P. and Yogi Mahajan and others. Few yoginis are standing to greet her. One of them offers flowers to her, Shri Mataji accepts the flowers, thank her and continues walking towards the stage. All of the other yoginis follow her. Few more yogis are seen walking behind her. Scene 3 Shri Mataji is seen standing on the stage. A little boy goes and gives flowers to her while the crowd continues to clap. Shri Mataji arrives and sits on the seat kept on a slightly higher place. Some children are seen coming on stage with flowers. One by one they go and offer flowers to her. Shri Mataji starts speaking. Shri Mataji: It is, you can call it a living process of our evolutionary process. So, there is something more that has to happen to us to reach that state. And this is the special time that this is going to happen to all of you. By this happening, you should know that the first thing that happens to you, that you improve in your health and your health problems are solved. There are many people sitting here who can say that their health problems were solved after coming to Sahaja Yoga. This is the first reason why Sahaja Yoga came to Russia. For this, you don't have to pay. These people do not understand that God does not know anything about money. They also think that you can purchase God, which is absolutely the wrong idea. To be very truthful, I must tell you that God doesn't know what is money is and what is a Bank. Like these flowers, you see here. They are just miracles from the Mother Earth. How much do we pay to the Mother Earth? This is a living process. And all of you as human beings have a full right to achieve this state. There are also mental cases which have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. This is your own power. It's your own which works it out. This is within you and it is just to be awakened. And once you are awakened, you can awaken other people. All these happenings have been predicted in most of the scriptures. We human beings have been fighting with each other, not understanding each other, creating problems with each other because we do not know the absolute truth. And we start believing people who are just mad and want you to be mad. Like there is some lady I am told, who says that 24th November everybody is going to be destroyed. This world is going to be destroyed. (Shri Mataji is smiling) One would really laugh at such nonsense. But you do not know there is a big danger because some sort of a possession in the head of a person comes and says that we all will be destroyed. Yogi: Shri Mataji could you please come again? Shri Mataji: Some possession in the brain of the person just comes and says that we are all going to be destroyed. We too had one gentleman in India, about forty years back or maybe more who has been saying this. He is dead and still they are saying, but nothing is destroyed. But in America, there was one gentleman, who started this kind of nonsense. And mesmerized many people who joined him especially the young people. And then he told that we are all going to be destroyed on such n such date. But nobody was destroyed so, he put the whole place into fire. Put the fire there and saw to it that children, women, men all of them were killed. Just to prove his own prophecy, so-called. So, what is the gain of these people? I don't understand. They want to make money or they want to kill people? Is it that Hitler has gone into their head or some sort of a funny idea which is working in their head that they want this world to be destroyed. I assure you, your father God Almighty is an ocean of compassion and love. He has created this world with great care. And he has created you also with very great care and delicate love. How could he allow this world to be destroyed and you people to be destroyed? How can any father do that to his own children? One has to understand, that there is some sort of a madness about it or some sort of a maniac who is doing all these horrible things. So, please try to protect your children. There have been so many like this. From 1970 I have been telling about these horrible people, how they are trying to use simple faithful people for their own purposes. Now, most of them have been exposed luckily. But still, there are some. like mushrooms come out here and there (Shri Mataji is laughing). Anybody who tells you stories like this, don't believe such a person. Or else who asks money takes money from you for God's work, please know that he is a cheat. How much money did you give to Christ? On the contrary, he was sold for thirty Roubles. So, all such stupid people, who go on saying things like this should not be followed, use your wisdom. So what is the real Guru should tell you, what is the real Guru should tell you. The real person will say that you have to know the truth. That you have to become one with the all-pervading divine power of love. that real one will put complete confidence in you and Iove so that you can be saved and all your problems could be solved. The first thing that should happen is that you should get your peace of mind. If your Guru tells that you will be finished on such and such date, how can you have peace of mind? Sometimes they are extremely dangerous. But if you read about any real saints they will tell you, that it is your aim in life to be one with the divine. If they are real saints and truthful, they will always tell you that you have to become the Spirit. They never tell you that you will be destroyed, but they will say you will be resurrected. So, what we are here for in this world is to be resurrected. The message of Christ-life is that we have to be resurrected. So, these ideas which are being given to you, please be very careful about them. I told you from 1970, I have been telling their names, I have to tell about them, each one of them. I have been telling who they are. Some of them are like Rasputin, some of them are like devils. Some are satanic people, some are a sadist. They have nothing to do with God. One has to see that, once you understand what is your value, what is your role, what is your identity, then only such a person should be accepted as a Master. Not a guru who goes on taking out somebody's posters and like a mad violently runs make everybody run all over the places. Or on the road you see some people taking mantras or singing some mad like songs or wearing funny dresses or wearing some saffron clothes. How much does it take to make any cloth saffron? By changing your dress you are not changing inside. You have to change within. The transformation has to come inside not outside. Unless and until that transformation comes in you cannot get over your weaknesses. Your problems cannot be solved. And you can never understand why you are on this Earth. What is the purpose of your life? Why have you come here? Because you are seekers, because you are seeking something higher, you may jump into nonsense. And I am quite worried because it's a threat to you people, especially in Moscow where people are very simple. They are very wise but still, they might be lured by people who are just trying to mesmerize them. For example, in India, there was one gentleman who used to mesmerize people and give them gold, diamond this that. Some important people went to see that fellow and there were four cameras you see (Shri Mataji pointing towards cameras and smiling) just like these. And it's very surprising, that he mesmerized these important people, but he could not mesmerize the cameras. And in the camera, they found out how he was playing these tricks. And, of course, everybody knows about it now. So, all these kind of nonsense you have to be careful. Because you have all the qualities, all the properties and all the powers within yourself. (Shri Mataji addressing Yogi Mahajan in Hindi- Yogi! Yogi! Wahan ek ladka abhi bhi betha hua hai us Kursi par kuch Kar Raha hai, usko bhagaiye baahar) Now, the main understanding is that we are not created to be wasted. you are human beings epitome of evolution. Sometimes people think animals are better than human beings, but I can't give self-realization to animals. I can only give it to human beings, that means human beings are much more evolved, much much more evolved than any animal whatsoever. This power that is within you, when it germinates or when it is awakened then you are amazed how it transforms your whole lifestyle. Apart from your health, apart from your mental conditions, it is a blissful state where you are completely aware. You are not mesmerized by any chance. Not only aware, but you know how powerful you are within. You have to only know how to grow in your spirituality and how to use this power. This power which is within you was known to many people before, but there was no such mass resurrection. But this is a special time. I call it a Blossom Time when you get your self-realization. There is no religion in it. We don't say, don't do this don't do that. Nothing of the kind. There is no ritual. It's absolutely a scientific thing that is within you. This power you can see sometimes also with your naked eyes (unclear) and you can verify it because it comes out of your fontanelle bone area. You can feel it, the cool breeze coming out of your head. You can feel it on your fingertips. And once you start using it you are amazed. You can feel another person's centres because you develop a new dimension in your awareness. You can feel it. Another person because you have a dimension called collective consciousness. Moreover then you start feeling as if we are all part and parcel of one. It is not just a mental or emotional idea but it's actually is that Microcosm becomes a Macrocosm. In the whole world now there are fifty-five Nations who are doing Sahaja Yoga. In Russia in one place (unclear) only, we have twenty-two thousand Sahaj yogis. They are not only realized souls but they know what it is. They know the power. It's all tangible can be explained medically scientifically. It is a Meta Science but it is so simple so easy because it deals with fundamental within us. I have to just tell you that this happening is absolutely without any problem. For Russians especially, I think it's very creditable because they are very evolved people. Western people that way are not so wise. I went to America, especially to Boston and the people, television people asked me, how many Rolls Royces I have! Such stupid things they ask me that I gave up. I just thought what are they seeking? Rolls Royce or they are seeking their Spirit? (Shri Mataji laughs) It is very difficult to deal with stupid people that's why my heart is in Russia (the audience is clapping) and Ukraine (Shri Mataji bows to them with folded hands). So, now we will have a little session of self-realization, which will take hardly about ten to fifteen minutes. But you cannot force it. I respect your freedom and I would not like to force it on you. It just works automatically if you have a pure desire to have it. If there are people who don't want to have self-realization should leave the hall. I'll be thankful for that. Yogi: (inaudible) Shri Mataji: I'll be thankful for that. Now, those who want to have self-realization should have full confidence, that they will get their self-realization tonight. Of course, I can not tell you in this short time everything about it. Yogi: (inaudible) Shri Mataji: In this short time I cannot tell you everything about it. But we have got tapes, we have got our centres where you can know everything about it. The only thing today, you should get your awakening of Kundalini. If that works out, everything will be alright. Let us try a short method (Shri Mataji laughs then she puts her hands forward towards the audience as if to feel the vibrations and gives a beautiful smile) Now please put your right hand towards me like this and with the left hand you, bend your head and see for yourself if there is any cool breeze coming out of the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji bends her head and shows how to check the vibrations on top of the head) Now, don't doubt yourself. Have full faith in yourself and don't feel guilty. Tell yourself I am not guilty at all. Now please put your left hand towards me. Now, please put down your head and see if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area or maybe hot because you have not forgiven. Please forgive everyone. By forgiving or not forgiving you are not doing anything, but if you don't forgive then you play in wrong hands. So, forgive everyone, forgive yourself also. See, hot air is coming. Now, plz put your right hand again once more. Now, see with your left hand if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming from your fontanelle bone area. Please don't put your hand on top of your head but away from it, you can feel it. This is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. (Voice of a lady can be heard in the background as if she is in pain) Now, please put both the hands towards the sky like this and ask a question- Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Ask three times. Or ask Mother is this the cool breeze of the all-pervading power of divine love? Either this question you ask three times. Now take down your hands, please. Please put your hands like this and watch me and see if there is no thought in your mind. Shri Mataji: (Shri Mataji noticing for the first time the voice of the lady in pain) Who's that? What is it? Sahaja Yogi: The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: Eh? Sahaja Yogi: The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: Eh? Sahaja Yogi: Is sick. The woman is sick. Shri Mataji: No! No! Please take the sick lady out just now. I'll see her later on in the room. I will see all of them. Sahaja Yoga: She cannot stand up (few voices can be heard among the audience) Shri Mataji: What's happened? Sahaja Yogi: She lost her conscious Shri Mataji. She can't stand up. She can't stand up. Shri Mataji: She is quite conscious. No! No! She is quite conscious. She is just making a fuss (a vague figure of a man is seen ) Doctor is there. Let him see. Alright! Doesn't matter! Don't worry about her. She will be alright. Doctors will look after. You see sick people should meet me otherwise. I'll meet them afterwards. Sahaja Yogi: She is going to be alright. Shri Mataji: She is alright! (Shri Mataji asking the doctor attending the sick lady, in the Hindi language) Kya baat hai? Doctor Saheb Kya baat hai? Ban rahi hai. Doctor: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Eh! Doctor: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Sunaai nahin dey raha? Doctor: Is waqt to theek hai. Shri Mataji: Theek hai? She is Alright. Haan ley key jaiyega. She is alright, alright! Now, again put your hands. Now, don't worry about her. This is what is the negative force. They come here to disturb, just to disturb everybody's ascent. It's better. Now, all those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. See now, despite the problem you all have felt it. (Everybody clapping and Shri Mataji smiling both her hands up in the air in namaskar) This proves that you all deserve your self-realization. I didn't do anything. (everybody clapping again and Shri Mataji smiling looking happy) (Shri Mataji speaking in the Hindi language to someone in the audience and enquiring about the sick lady -Jara dekh lijiye usey utha key ley Gaye Hain. Kya kah rahi hai woh. Aisey tamashey karte Hain aur Kya). She is just fussing for nothing. She'll go. Alright! Thank you very much! (Shri Mataji does namaskar to all and smile, the audience applause) Shri Mataji: They always make these people sit in front. See, you have to become doctors. Thousands have been cured with Sahaja Yoga. You can also. But I must tell you that people who get cured don't have that much strength of spirituality. (Shri Mataji looks in right side and asks in Hindi language meaning who all have come? ) kaun kaun aaya hai? (A little girl comes to offer flowers to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji accepts the flowers with a smile on her face, Audiences clap) Shri Mataji: Thank you! (Shri Mataji in Hindi language- uppar Jara Pani (unclear) ho jayegi) (Two children come to offers flowers to Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: how are you? (Sahaj yogis in the stadium start singing Bhajan 'Anandi nirguni ') Shri Mataji is seen holding an infant in her arms. Shri Mataji is seen leaving with Sir C.P., Yogi Mahajan and others. she is meeting yogis standing on the way and talking to them. She moves and arrives near her car. Some yogis are standing, she is seen talking to them. Shri Mataji gets inside her car. One Yogi is seen talking to her from the car window while other Sahaja yogis are standing outside. Her car is seen leaving. Sahaj Yogis: (all together) Bolo Jaganmata Shri Nirmal Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki Jai! Scene 4 Shri Mataji is seen arriving at the departure point at the airport. She is receiving flowers from Sahaja Yogis. One Yogi collects all the flowers in her hands and takes them away. Shri Mataji is smiling and arriving. More Sahaja Yogis offering flowers. Shri Mataji is seen accepting flowers from them. Voices of Sahaja Yogi's singing praise of Shri Mataji can be heard in the background. Yogi Mahajan and Sir C.P. can be seen following her. She turns to handover flowers to yogis and again starts accepting flowers from Sahaja yogis. Finally, she arrives where yoginis standing all around her are clapping & singing. She is seen speaking to Sir C.P. Shri Mataji sits down on the sofa and everybody sits around her. She is offered a glass of water. A Sahaja yogi comes and sits next to her on her left-hand side. Shri Mataji is seen talking (inaudible) and laughing. She is interacting with Sahaja Yogis and there is applause from them. The Sahaja Yogi sitting on the ground next to Shri Mataji says something in Russian language and one by one yogi start offering flowers to Shri Mataji. She is smiling and accepting flowers. laughing sometimes talking with Sahaja Yogis sitting next to her. Shri Mataji's name is being announced and there is some message for her in the Russian language. Everybody is laughing and Shri Mataji is smiling. A very pretty little girl comes towards Shri Mataji with a white stuffed toy in a plastic cover, someone takes out the toy from the plastic cover and gives it to Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji accepts the gift (which is an animal in white with a tail in perhaps a cat or a dog not clear) and is seen talking to the girl while she just stands and looks at Shri Mataji in all innocence. Shri Mataji is seen talking to a Yogi and she says: Oh! Yogi: Shri Mataji (unclear) you are always in our heart. You will always remain in her heart. Shri Mataji: Thank you! Yogi: (unclear) What is your goal? Shri Mataji: What is my goal? Now the time has come for people to achieve their self-realization and to get complete transformation for the betterment of people ( inaudible n unclear) These are special times and Russians are the special people having great wisdom. They know what is reality and what is falsehood. They are spiritually (unclear) people also people of Ukraine. They deserve this resurrection very much. (Inaudible unclear because of announcements for flights being made at the airport) This is what we have been waiting for. For this, you don't have to pay for anything. It's your own power (unclear) everything because of this special time and special people. That's is why I am going to Moscow, Leningrad, Tagliyati and Ukraine. They are all realized souls. As Sahaja Yogis, they know how to achieve the resurrection of others. They know everything about the subtle system within. It's working out in fifty-five nations and all their problems are practically solved. They are enjoying themselves with the collectivity. (Unclear because of announcements being made at the airport) and it's working out in fifty-five Nations. Apart from India, Russia and Ukraine are the highest numbers. Yogi: (speaking in Russian language translation of Shri Mataji's words ) Shri Mataji: Yes (she smiles and everyone claps) Yogi: (question unclear) Shri Mataji: As I told you there is a power within us in the triangular bone sacrum. And this Sacrum Bone is called Sacrum means sacred that means the Greeks knew it is sacred. This power when awakened connects you with the all-pervading power. See, these flowers (unclear) who does this work? Divine power. But once you are connected with this power then you have a meaningful life and (unclear). Yogi: (unclear) Shri Mataji: Everybody says the same thing. There is no argument, no quarrelling, no war because you also achieve peace of mind. (unclear) it's the right of every human being get that state. Thank you! (Everyone clapping and Shri Mataji smiling and doing Namaskar) Yogi : (inaudible) very important question. Shri Mataji what do you want to say to all Russian Sahaja Yogis? What do they need to do now? Shri Mataji: They should spread Sahaja Yoga, give realization. Sahaja Yoga can prove that Christ is the son of God. It can prove, It's not just a blind Faith. It's not mental. Actualization happens. You can feel the cool breeze. (Shri Mataji place her hand above Sahasrar to show how cool breeze can be felt) Shri Mataji folds her hands near her heart to say thank you and smile) Shri Mataji gets up to leave. All Sahaja Yogis are clapping and singing. Shri Mataji is moving forward amidst the cheering of the Sahaja Yogis followed by Sir C.P. and others. She is not visible for sometimes in the crowd of people and then she is seen waving at Sahaja Yogis before entering the main airport area. Sir C.P. is also seen waving Yogis are singing Mahamaya Mahakaali Bhavani Nirmal Maa while Shri Mataji is looking extremely happy waving at all of them. The bhajan continued till last and Shri Mataji is turning back again n again to wave at them.
Public Program for Doctors
Public Program
Shri Krishna Puja: Dharma
Cabella Ligure
Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 August 1993 Today we have gathered here to do Shri Krishna puja. We have to understand clearly that Shri Krishna is a very, very important deity within us; because He is the Vishnu, who resides in the Void, in the Nabhi. He is the one who generates dharma within us. When you got your Realisation I didn’t tell you, “Don’t do this.” “Don’t do that.” I never told you that, “This is not good.” “That is not good.” You just did, it because Shri Vishnu was awakened within you. He is in the Void and, if He is awakened, He brings you to the light, removes your ignorance, removes your darkness, and you start seeing that whatever you were doing was destructive for you, and that’s how the dharma is established. Of course, the dharma was established also by all the ten Gurus who came on this Earth, the prophets, who taught us about dharma. So this combination of Shri Vishnu and the ten Gurus is to establish dharma within us. Now this dharma is taught by prophets, as you have seen everywhere. They have said, “Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” They have talked of Ten Commandments. Every prophet has talked about dharma, what is to be done, up to a point when Christ also had to talk about it and He says, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” But Shri Krishna is the one who says that, “I come on this Earth when there is a glani (ग्लानि),” means demise, “of dharma.” When the dharma becomes weak, then He comes on this Earth, and then He destroys the people who are responsible for bringing dharma to this level of doom. The second thing He says [is] that, “I protect the saints. I protect the saints and I kill all those who are devils,” or who are satanic, who are destructive. These are His promises which He gave long time back as Shri Krishna. As Vishnu we know Him only as the one who is the giver of dharma, mainly. But all His potent qualities really were expressed when He came as Shri Krishna. At the time of Shri Rama also these qualities could not be expressed in that way. So Shri Krishna’s first half of His life He spent in Gokul and Vrindavan where He showed His beautiful expression of His character, as He made it, what He calls as leela, leeladhara: the one who said that you become a witness. You witness the whole world like a drama — sakshi swarupa. And then once you see the whole world as just a child watches, in a child-like mirth and joy, you enjoy life. That has happened to you people that you have become like citizens of Vrindavan and Gokul, the way you are enjoying yourself, enjoying each other’s company, enjoying the bliss of God. There He showed also by killing Kaliya, by killing Putana and other people, that if anybody tries to trouble such joyous children of God, He is the one who will definitely protect and kill all such evil forces which are troublesome. But later on He becomes the king, and when He becomes the king He uses His powers in a different way. First of all, if you see His own uncle, His own relation, His own uncle, mother’s brother, was Kansa, and was such a bad man. So Shri Krishna didn’t spare him, He killed him. He killed so many people. Before becoming the king, He killed so many people. Now what does that mean that His own uncle He killed? One quality that He has, which Christ had or so many saints had, is forgiveness. He did not believe in forgiveness. He’s the only one who said that, “I have to punish.” We have to have somebody who should punish also. If you are like Shiva, then Shiva used to even love rakshasas and in His innocence He used to give them also blessings. But Shri Krishna did not believe in forgiveness at all because it was important that there should be somebody with a very stern mind, with such a stern understanding that a devil is a devil, and devil must be killed. He has done in His lifetime, if you see, killing of so many people. That doesn’t mean that we have a right to kill anybody — He was Shri Krishna, we are not. We have to forgive because we are human beings. Once we forgive we transfer all our anger, all our attitude of taking revenge, to Shri Krishna — He takes over. Once you say that, “I forgive,” then He takes over, because He does not forgive. He will immediately take over from you and if it is justifiable, if it is necessary, He will punish the people who are torturing saints, who are destroying the dharma. Now it is very surprising that, whatever is preached by the person, that area becomes just the opposite of it; is very surprising. Like we said that Christ said, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” Christians are the worst as far as their eyes are concerned. In the same way, in the Hindu religion it is said that everybody has the Spirit. Still the Hindus believe in the different castes and communities and fight with each other. Everything that was preached, just the opposite of it is followed. If you read even Koran, in the Koran, Mohammed Sahib has all the time said about rehmat, means compassion. But you don’t find it anywhere. He has not said about shariat, He has not said of many things which are being practiced by Muslims, just on their own. He never said that women should cover their face or cover their heads, but it is practiced and not [only] practiced but [with a] vengeance. So what it shows to us is this, that whatever is preached, just the opposite of that people try to do. And when such things happen, the dharma goes down. Now as you know that Krishna, His country is America. He rules over America. So it is a rich country because Shri Krishna is Kubera. He is the Lord of wealth. So, He has given wealth to America. Then He is for jana (जना), means communication. His another quality is that He is the one who communicated. It was He who danced with gopis and gopas. It was He who transferred His powers to them. So the communication part is one of His greatest qualities that is working in America. So they are going just the opposite way that, if there is a war, say, with Saddam Hussein, so America is going. If there’s Korean War, America is going. Everywhere there is any problem, America has to go. I mean, one can ask question, “Who are you? Why are you bothered? Keep to your own country, enjoy yourself. Why are you sending troops all over? Why are you looking after everyone?” Even the formation of UN and all that is done under the guidance of the Americans. They play a very important part in the formation of this United Nations and one world and peace and all sorts of things. But actually, if you see, the main thing that Krishna had taught, they are missing. They are all right for communication, they are all right for establishing relationships between countries, but the worst thing they have done is that there is no dharma, no idea of dharma, no morality; democracy without morality. To talk of a morality in America is something out of the blue. They cannot understand anyone who talks of morality. Now, of course, the pangs of their doings is really torturing them. And also they are realising, some of them, that because of immoral behaviour they have come to a point where sixty-five percent [of] people of that country who are Americans may suffer from some disease or may just die out at a very young age. When it is coming as a stark information it’s a shock. But despite that, despite all this, they are still going on with it and thinking that, “No, no, no. It’s all right. It’s not for us. What is there to worry?” Now His punishments have started, which they don’t realise how the punishment has started. Now supposing somebody is leading an immoral life and as a result he develops some disease. Now this disease is not curable. They try everything to find out the ways and methods of curing these diseases which are coming out of immoral living. They cannot. It’s an impossible task for all the medical sciences of America to find out how to cure these particular diseases which are coming out of immorality. But the worst part is that they cannot even say that immorality is wrong. They cannot even openly admit that immoral behaviour leads to these things. And this immorality is completely neglected in a country of Shri Krishna where He was born, always He says, just to establish morality. Artificial morality, that is there, like the Islamic talk about or the Christians talk about or Hindus talk about, is artificial, where they are hypocritical: they follow one code of conduct, and another they have for themselves secretly adopted. But America is an open thing. Whatever they are doing they are not hiding it. They say, “We don’t believe in hypocrisy!” So they are not hiding it. And this has led this country, such a vast, beautiful, rich, prosperous country, into such a ditch that I do not know how it is going to recover unless and until it takes to Sahaj Yoga. Now another thing that dharma does to a normal person: a dharmic person is one who is always introspective by nature. He tries to see: “Am I doing things all right? Is it correct?” He doesn’t allow his mind to justify wrong things. That is one of the signs of a real dharmic person. He may not be a Sahaj Yogi, but he will ask himself: “Is it right or is it wrong?” But that capacity is completely gone in America. They never try to introspect themselves. On the contrary, they always say, “What’s wrong?” Those people who go on like this will definitely fall into a mess of things that will have no moral conduct, moral guidance. It is introspection which gives you an awakened conscience, a conscience which tells you, “This is wrong.” They may be guided in one part. For example, they might say that, “We are all right in administration,” maybe, or, “We are all right for our railways, our shipping, our other things, or maybe other economic banks or whatever it is.” But all these things are extremely superficial for human beings and they are outside. The inside is all managed by the conscience and also through moral inspection of yourself. People say, “Mother, what is this conscience?” This conscience is there. It is there all the time but a person has to be conscious about it: “I have a conscience”. And this conscience has to answer. That conscience that is within us is the light of Shri Krishna within us even before Realisation. As you know the ascent takes place, of Kundalini, through the Sushumna which is guided by Mahalakshmi. She is the power of Shri Krishna. By listening to your conscience you develop a proper channel of Mahalakshmi within yourself. But the people who have no conscience…in a particular line it’s not so; it is [needed] in every line, in every way, otherwise, one chakra will be all right, another chakra will be in jeopardy. So the conscience has to be referred to, which is beyond rationality: it is not rationality. Something may look rational to kill somebody or to snatch somebody’s money or to grab somebody’s land, may seem. But conscience will tell you that, “This is not right.” At a time when people invaded so many countries and tried to overpower them, it was America which was the only country, you must understand, [that] never went out of their bounds to become empires. It’s very surprising, what kept them there. Because at that time when all this nonsense was going on all over the world and that era when people didn’t mind subjecting other people, taking away their lands and becoming this thing (their rulers), America had stopped at that time. Before doing that, they had done once for all. They had occupied the area, they became the landlords, they became this. Of course they were foreigners. But after having done that, the era when the people started expanding their empire, they did not do it. Now what is the reason? Why they didn’t do it? We should ask a question: when others were expanding their empires why did America not do it? The reason is very simple. At that time some great people, with great conscience, were born in that country and they guided that country, like, you can say, [George] Washington was there. Of course, there were so many people, whom if I name there, there will be a big list of those people. But if you see their character, their life, the way they lived. Abraham Lincoln, if you see his life, [it was] full of conscience, full of conscience. And they didn’t allow the nation to be drifted away to the ambition of gathering other countries and making them their slaves, and this they didn’t do. So in the first place when, I should say, Columbus went there, conquered them, and tried to…actually he didn’t do much but Spanish and then others and then Anglo-Saxons, all of them, when they conquered that country, once they settled down there, [it was] as if that era was over for them once for all. And then they started talking about freedom, of democracy, of higher values. But the karmas of their past, the way they killed so many aboriginals, so many Red Indians, will not be forgiven by Shri Krishna unless and until now they take to Sahaj Yoga. Despite that time, when they did not try to overpower other countries and to spread their empire and do all kinds of cruelties, like Hitler, they didn’t do that. And they always stood for something that is justice, tried to at least. Then they became hypocritical also but on the whole, on the face of it, they tried to show that they are for uniting the whole world: against racialism, against fundamentalism, all this. I mean, some sort of an idealism they propagated. But despite all that all these ideas of self-destruction started working in them. So I would say it is nothing but their karmas [which] are working against them. And that’s how the violence is so much rampant there: so many diseases, so many things, it is very remarkable that all these troubles have started very, very recently in America, because the exposure is coming up. To add to that we had lots of false gurus who went there and captured innocent, simple people who were seeking the truth. We have lost so many of them in America. Also there, I would say, in the atmosphere were these curses of the people whom they had killed, which reacted, and they took to something that was wrong. Why should they have taken to wrong things as far as their personal life is concerned? Freedom was given to them but they thought freedom is there also to ruin themselves or to make a mess out of their lives. This is a wrong idea which worked in them, then the whole idea became collective. When it became collective they found out that people like all those things that are destructive. So, we have Hollywood there, we have all such organisations and musicians and big, big destructive forces, which have formed groups, and militant organisations which openly say that: “We are that.” For example, only in America we have satan’s organisation, devils’ organisations, then there’s witchcraft — openly! Openly, they are registered organisations in America when nowhere in the world you can have such a thing that: “This is a black magic organisation.” “This is a witchcraft organisation.” Openly they are registered there! So to such an extent they have gone and accepted collectively; the reason is the punishment. That’s why America is the most difficult place for us, for Sahaj Yoga. One must have real sympathy for them. They are now passing through the phase of punishment, because their forefathers did all kinds of wrong things and they, too, never accepted dharma as a principle of life. They thought that dharma means killing your freedom, dharma means it takes away your personal, private life into the hands of something else. So to establish dharma in America what can we do? I have been to America at least ten times more than I have been to Russia, and I want to really, somehow or other, bring to their notice that, “You have lost your dharma.” But this will never appeal to them because they are very egoistical. If you tell them like that then they’ll be very angry. On the contrary, those who tell them — like Rajneesh and all these people, “Oh, there’s no dharma!” — their weaknesses, their egos are pampered, then they are very happy. So it’s a difficult task in that country to make people understand that you are under punishment, that this punishment you can only overcome if you become Sahaj Yogis. With Sahaj Yoga their dharma will be awakened and all their punishments and all their curses will be over. It is America which needs Sahaj Yoga much more than any other country. My concern for America is for the same reason. I am not saying so much about South America but more about the North America. But even in South America, what I found is that it is a kind of a nation where they have no guidance at all about dharma, no guidance. Openly they are doing carnival, this, that. I mean, how can you do it in a country, all those things? They are following the footsteps of North America. Like in North America they have that Halloween nonsense. I mean, imagine openly on the street doing Halloween nonsense! So they are following carnival. To them, “Ah, what a thing it is to go to Rio,” as if there’s a very big achievement and going into that carnival from all over the places, from Australia people are coming down. All this is working against them very much. Their situation is so bad in so many ways that it is not easy to explain why they are going to that limit. Like thirteen-year-old girls are made into prostitutes in Brazil, openly! All their trees are cut in Amazon, openly! Whole smuggling is done, openly. Their politicians are corrupt. There’s so much of black magic there, so much of black magic — openly that too. They are just following the footsteps of North America. The ‘dharma’ is like this Catholic Church is there. What is it going to teach them dharma, this Catholic Church? So they go to church, they do everything and they come back home with the same ideas that they have. There are countries and countries which are so very poor, so that shows that Kubera’s attention is not on that country. Normally, poor people are dharmic, normally, because money gives them these ideas to do all nonsensical things and ego. Normally, the poor people are dharmic but there it is different: they indulge into black magic too much. They were telling me that it is the black magic which came from Africa and they have accepted. But so much it is developed in South America that it’s impossible to understand that how they have accepted this nonsense so easily to curse themselves. Now, we have to understand that these problems also exist within ourselves, on our Vishuddhi Chakra if we have to keep our Vishuddhi Chakra all right. We have two sides as you know, is the left and the right. So the right side is the Vishuddhi Chakra which is speaking, which is talking about dharma, which is on the aggressive side, we can say. Now those people who are aggressive, who talk in an aggressive manner, who are trying to dominate others by their talks are the people who are right-sided. I have shown people, those who really do wrong things. Say, a person, a servant steals something, [if] you call him, he’ll be so rude to you that you will be amazed: “This man is so rude. How can he, how can have been able to steal something?” He’s not afraid, he’s answering you back so nicely. So those people who are right-sided can cover up any sin that they have committed, any wrong they have done, any murder they have done, by their talk. It could be a talk which is very aggressive, blatant. People might think, “Oh, how can that be? This man is telling so loudly everything,” and you are just stunned and you think: “No, it’s not possible. How can a person who says this thing?” In this way we, too, as ordinary human beings, indulge into all kinds of nonsensical things and then we try to justify it by talking, wriggling out of it. You know as many criminals, war criminals, have come out of it by just talking, by creating stories, by showing something like that. That also is with all human beings, they have this capacity to say something by which to hide whatever wrong you are doing. But it is never realised by them that whatever harm you have done is not going to be forgiven and will be less forgiven when you talk like this because Shri Krishna is finished. If you start justifying, rationalising all your wrong things, then you will be punished and you will be punished very badly, in so many ways, that you will not know how to get it out of it: physically, mentally, emotionally, every way you will be. So [in] our Right Vishuddhi, we have to have a temperament, a culture, a style, a behaviour which has got the quality of Shri Krishna, which is called as madhurya, means melodious, melodious. We should talk in such a manner that it should be melodious. The person who listens to you, listens as if he’s listening to the flute of Shri Krishna. The voice of a Sahaj Yogi should be sweet like that. When you talk to someone it should be melodious. It should not be aggressive at all, but on the contrary it should be melodious. It should not be sarcastic, it should not hurt another person. Any word that hurts others cannot be coming from the proper type of Right Vishuddhi. So in no way one should hurt. I wish all the Sahaj Yogis develop that melodious voice of Shri Krishna as their Vishuddhi is awakened — madhurya, in his behaviour, madhurya. While talking to someone there are so many gestures by which you can express your madhurya. For example, specially in Italy and other places, I have seen people use too much of their hands — this is also Shri Krishna’s style. So they use their hands in such a way that sometimes you don’t understand what they are meaning. And sometimes it can be quite aggressive also the way they use their hands. Now, the hands must be used in such a way that it should create madhurya. I have seen this in Russia or specially in Eastern blocs where people [if] they have to express their love they just put [their hands on their heart] like this, good. If they have to say namaste (they do it with great reverence which Mother demonstrates). The whole expression is so sweet. And also their heart is very full when they see me, so they don’t know how to express it, so they just put their hands like this. Or if they feel shy, they do like this. Very, very sweet things they express through their hands, through their eyes. It is the tears that really create such clouds of very dense clouds of compassion in my heart when I see their eyes expressing their love for me. Everything, the tears, everything that’s the face, the eyes, the hands, all these belong to Shri Krishna. So in their behaviour, in their talking, how they express themselves. You can use the same eyes for showing your temper and getting angry. Many people use eyes for controlling others. They’ll put their eyes like this, stare at someone, try to control. They may use their eyes also for condemning someone. Also sometimes they spit at someone or try to show the tongue to insult someone. So in the behaviour also we must have a kind of a sweetness. Like when I went to, went to England first, I learnt English in my own way, but when I went there newly they said, “Now, if you have to say word like ‘thought’ you must say ‘thought’.” I said, “What?” (Laughter) “You must take out your tongue and say ‘thought’”. I said, “It’s absurd. Why should you take out your tongue?” He said, “Unless and until you take out your tongue like that is not something, proper expression.” So I said, “This is English you have developed? Some nonsensical thing to show tongue at everyone?” Even a child when he gets angry automatically he shows his tongue. So you see all these expressions and making faces. Now, as they say that a ‘stiff upper lip’ you must have heard about that, with a nose like that, a snooty nose; or a face where you just make your faces and make a crooked face just to tease someone or to make an expression out of your nose, also — people do it like this to show as if you are sneezing at that person. All these things, expressions, are coming out of Shri Krishna’s grace. But the power of that is madhurya, is the sweetness, the melodiousness. The rapport should be so sweet that that rapport should create tremendous joy and tremendous happiness. As you have heard the song of Babamama’s ‘on my eyes’: only I looked at him he says, with that glance, that generated that beautiful music in him. So, as far as possible, as far as possible, try to put your eyes on the greenery — that’s the best — then it soothes down and also you develop the soothing quality of the greenery. I always tell people that, “Better see the greenery around, how it soothes your eyes.” In the same way you should try to soothe the other person when you talk to that person. The person must melt. Instead of that, if you start arguing and fighting with that person, that person will never melt. On the contrary, you’ll be adding fire, more fire to that person. That was the quality of Shri Krishna, is the madhurya and that is expressed in His lifetime, how He beautifully managed to say things in His own sweetness, specially in His childhood. The another quality which Shri Krishna has, which we can express through our Right Vishuddhi, is diplomacy. But there are two types of diplomacies: one is genuine, one who is artificial. In the genuine diplomacy you do not have to take to a certain standard or you don’t have to read some books to know how it is diplomacy, genuinely it comes to you. The whole thing works very sweetly in such a genuine manner. I have used it many-a-times myself, and you all can use it also many times. That’s only possible if you don’t get angry with someone; not possible if you are angry. Now, there’s a story I’ve told you about some, this Gagangiri Maharaj. I went to meet him and he was very angry because he could not stop the rain. He was supposed to stop the rain and I was all drenched. And he was so angry and he said that, “Is it my ego You are trying to control?” and like that he started little bit fighting with me. I said, “No, that’s not the reason.” He said, “Why? Why did You not allow me to stop the rain? You are all drenched.” I said, “Because you are a sanyasi and you bought a sari for me. I would not take a sari from a sanyasi. So I had to get drenched for your sake.” The whole thing finished off. The whole anger, temper, finished off. This is how we have to melt people. The diplomacy is not convincing anybody with his intellect or by temper or anything but it is to melt away another person by your goodness, by your good words, by your sweet words, by your forgiving nature. This quality He had and He tried this on many people. It worked on some; it did not work on some. He didn’t feel it’s a failure. It’s the reaction of the another person which is important to be seen. So this quality of Right Vishuddhi you should have: is to talk to others and melt them away. I hope in America people develop this quality and try to improve relations with each other. Actually, to talk to, they are very sweet, I must say. They get very friendly with you. You give them any number of presents, they’ll be very happy but they’ll never give you any present. You call them for dinner, anything, ten times they will come to your house for dinner but they will never call you for dinner. You see, they are very friendly as long as you are doing anything for them but when it comes to returning it, they find it difficult, they don’t do it. So the whole thing amounts to be a very sweet exploitation of another person. This is what is to be understood that by sweetness you are not going to exploit anyone but by sweetness you are going to melt that person and bring him to the level that he can understand what is goodness. Now, about South America I’ve already told you that they are extremely simple and innocent people, they are very poor, simple, innocent, but what has entered them into is this black magic, and which they are now realising, luckily, that this is black magic which is troubling them. But somehow they have depended on it so much, on the Left Side. They feel very guilty about it; they feel very bad. All the time you find them absolutely guilty. Their whole behaviour is as if they have done something wrong, but they do not know how to correct themselves. So for us is important not to feel guilty about anything. We are all Sahaj Yogis. How can we have guilt after all, when we are the Spirit? Spirit cannot have the guilt. So this guilt has to go away. But by guilt what do we do, what we lose, is the witness power, because when there is a guilt we put it here, the guilt is there. But we cannot see, we cannot witness what’s wrong and we do not want to face our mistakes or the difficulty we have: just put it as a guilt here, finished; it’s stored up there nicely, guilt. But we do not want to face it. For example a man or a woman is very cruel by nature: then suddenly she realises that she has been cruel or whatever it is. So she puts it down there, “Oh, I’ve been very bad. I’ve been very cruel, this thing, that thing.” But she doesn’t face it. Facing means she should know, “Why was I cruel? What was the need for me? I should not have been cruel and now I will not be cruel anymore.” That finishes off. But, “I’m very guilty about it. I’m very guilty about it,” doesn’t help. On the contrary, you know, what the problems are of the guilt, and the same problems are today faced by South America. When I went there I was surprised that in Brazil the man who was the topmost there talked to me in a manner, “Oh, we know we have lots of defects, we know we are no good,” this, that. But I was just saying, “Why doesn’t he correct?” If he knows this is the mistake, this is the thing, why shouldn’t he correct? Then he told me that, “You write to me all the things You found wrong with us.” And it was really very sweet of him. So then one journalist came and we told him. And now I think they are doing something about it, they are trying to improve it and things will improve definitely. But on the contrary I found that Russia is very different. In Russia they never said: “We are guilty,” or anything, nothing of the kind, they never said so. They said, “That time is over now. We are in the kingdom of God!” Finished! So that is over. “We are now in the kingdom of God. Finished it. So that is over. We are now in the Kingdom of God and we have to enjoy life.” Everything positive; never talked of their past, of their governments or this happened, or Stalin or Lenin or anyone. They were not concerned. They were above it. “So why should we worry?” They said, “Why should we worry? Let them fight. Let them do what they like.” They don’t want to know anything about their politics, about their problems or anything. They think, “Our problems are solved. We are now realised-souls and we are enjoying ourselves. Let us enjoy.” It’s a very straight-forward way of understanding Sahaj Yoga. But I have seen people, they write to me ten pages of their confessions as if I’m a priest, Catholic priest, you see: all about their, what they have done, this they have done. And I don’t want to read it. I just throw it or I burn it off. So they try to confess. There’s no need to confess. There’s nothing to say. And not to dwell upon what wrongs you have done, but now enjoy what you have got it. It’s like this: supposing a beggar is made a king, all right? Then he should enjoy his kingdom, should behave like a king. But still he remembers his past more, so anybody who passes by he says, “Give me five rupees or five pounds.” (Laughter) It’s like that. Once you are in the Kingdom of God, know that you are in the Kingdom of God. But this black magic business is very, very dangerous and it can act through anyone. It can act through your relations, act through your friends, act through anyone. So one has to be very careful that you do not become — because of your guilt business or whatever it is — vulnerable to black magic. It can ruin you. You can ruin your families. Even if you are a Sahaj yogi it can ruin you. So this guilt business has to be given up completely. You should not be guilty. Now, guilt is put into you. Somebody can say, “Oh you are so bad. You didn’t do this for me. You didn’t do that,” or something like that. They put ideas. Then you start feeling, “Oh, I should have done this for them. I should have. It was wrong on my part,” or something, and then the guilt starts. Instead of doing something for that person or instead of understanding that this all nonsense, they go on brooding on that, brooding and then suddenly they find they are in the trouble of getting possessed or being affected by black magic. So one has to forget it and get into the atmosphere where you know that you are now in the Kingdom of God. About Shri Krishna, whatever is to be said is less than what He’s said, I always, always feel. And His main work is through our brain, that is Viraata. He works through our brain. And, as Shiva works through our heart, He works through our brain. And after Sahaj Yoga, after enlightenment, all the subtleties of the brain and the knowledge starts manifesting and expressing itself. But the greatest thing that happens is that integration takes place in your brain. It’s not that your heart wants one thing and your brain wants another thing. The integration takes place. And when that integration takes place it’s so easy to lead a very dharmic life. Even without thinking about it, without reading about it, you just become dharmic. You are not to be told that you have to be dharmic. Innately you become dharmic because your brain, which normally is used for rationality, for justifying all that is wrong, becomes dharmic, becomes Divine. This is the greatest thing that Shri Krishna does to you is to make your brain itself dharmic. It becomes a vehicle of understanding dharma, of leading a dharmic life and of standing firmly on dharma — it’s the brain. It is the brain which really, mostly, takes you away from dharma, apart from black magic. But once your Sahasrara is opened out Viraata is expressed, then you are amazed at yourself. The one who was indulging into everything thinking, “This is pleasure. This is my right. I should have done it. Who else can tell me?” and all that, suddenly you become a prophet. This is the greatest blessing of Shri Krishna that He is Viraat, and the Viraat is your brain, and the brain of God Almighty is Viraat. So this is what one has to realise, that after Realisation a person gets ideas which are always constructive, and if they are not, then you are not yet a Sahaj yogi: constructive and dharmic. That is very, very important for us to understand: where is our mind going? Is it contradicting? It is telling something else than what it is? We have to just keep a watch and you’ll be amazed to see how your brain has changed its ways. The upside brain has become normal. This you can get very easily if you just meditate every day and see for yourself how the expression of your Sahasrara is penetrating into your being and is acting in your life. Then all the powers of a Sahaj Yogi will be manifested and you don’t have to anymore doubt yourself and others will never doubt you. May God bless you!
Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 15 August 1993 Today we have gathered here to do Shri Krishna puja. We have to understand clearly that Shri Krishna is a very, very important deity within us; because He is the Vishnu, who resides in the Void, in the Nabhi. He is the one who generates dharma within us. When you got your Realisation I didn’t tell you, “Don’t do this.” “Don’t do that.” I never told you that, “This is not good.” “That is not good.” You just did, it because Shri Vishnu was awakened within you. He is in the Void and, if He is awakened, He brings you to the light, removes your ignorance, removes your darkness, and you start seeing that whatever you were doing was destructive for you, and that’s how the dharma is established. Of course, the dharma was established also by all the ten Gurus who came on this Earth, the prophets, who taught us about dharma. So this combination of Shri Vishnu and the ten Gurus is to establish dharma within us. Now this dharma is taught by prophets, as you have seen everywhere. They have said, “Don’t do this. Don’t do that.” They have talked of Ten Commandments. Every prophet has talked about dharma, what is to be done, up to a point when Christ also had to talk about it and He says, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” But Shri Krishna is the one who says that, “I come on this Earth when there is a glani (ग्लानि),” means demise, “of dharma.” When the dharma becomes weak, then He comes on this Earth, and then He destroys the people who are responsible for bringing dharma to this level of doom. The second thing He says [is] that, “I protect the saints. I protect the saints and I kill all those who are devils,” or who are satanic, who are destructive. These are His promises which He gave long time back as Shri Krishna. As Vishnu we know Him only as the one who is the giver of dharma, mainly. But all His potent qualities really were expressed when He came as Shri Krishna. At the time of Shri Rama also these qualities could not be expressed in that way. So Shri Krishna’s first half of His life He spent in Gokul and Vrindavan where He showed His beautiful expression of His character, as He made it, what He calls as leela, leeladhara: the one who said that you become a witness. You witness the whole world like a drama — sakshi swarupa. And then once you see the whole world as just a child watches, in a child-like mirth and joy, you enjoy life. That has happened to you people that you have become like citizens of Vrindavan and Gokul, the way you are enjoying yourself, enjoying each other’s company, enjoying the bliss of God. There He showed also by killing Kaliya, by killing Putana and other people, that if anybody tries to trouble such joyous children of God, He is the one who will definitely protect and kill all such evil forces which are troublesome. But later on He becomes the king, and when He becomes the king He uses His powers in a different way. First of all, if you see His own uncle, His own relation, His own uncle, mother’s brother, was Kansa, and was such a bad man. So Shri Krishna didn’t spare him, He killed him. He killed so many people. Before becoming the king, He killed so many people. Now what does that mean that His own uncle He killed? One quality that He has, which Christ had or so many saints had, is forgiveness. He did not believe in forgiveness. He’s the only one who said that, “I have to punish.” We have to have somebody who should punish also. If you are like Shiva, then Shiva used to even love rakshasas and in His innocence He used to give them also blessings. But Shri Krishna did not believe in forgiveness at all because it was important that there should be somebody with a very stern mind, with such a stern understanding that a devil is a devil, and devil must be killed. He has done in His lifetime, if you see, killing of so many people. That doesn’t mean that we have a right to kill anybody — He was Shri Krishna, we are not. We have to forgive because we are human beings. Once we forgive we transfer all our anger, all our attitude of taking revenge, to Shri Krishna — He takes over. Once you say that, “I forgive,” then He takes over, because He does not forgive. He will immediately take over from you and if it is justifiable, if it is necessary, He will punish the people who are torturing saints, who are destroying the dharma. Now it is very surprising that, whatever is preached by the person, that area becomes just the opposite of it; is very surprising. Like we said that Christ said, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” Christians are the worst as far as their eyes are concerned. In the same way, in the Hindu religion it is said that everybody has the Spirit. Still the Hindus believe in the different castes and communities and fight with each other. Everything that was preached, just the opposite of it is followed. If you read even Koran, in the Koran, Mohammed Sahib has all the time said about rehmat, means compassion. But you don’t find it anywhere. He has not said about shariat, He has not said of many things which are being practiced by Muslims, just on their own. He never said that women should cover their face or cover their heads, but it is practiced and not [only] practiced but [with a] vengeance. So what it shows to us is this, that whatever is preached, just the opposite of that people try to do. And when such things happen, the dharma goes down. Now as you know that Krishna, His country is America. He rules over America. So it is a rich country because Shri Krishna is Kubera. He is the Lord of wealth. So, He has given wealth to America. Then He is for jana (जना), means communication. His another quality is that He is the one who communicated. It was He who danced with gopis and gopas. It was He who transferred His powers to them. So the communication part is one of His greatest qualities that is working in America. So they are going just the opposite way that, if there is a war, say, with Saddam Hussein, so America is going. If there’s Korean War, America is going. Everywhere there is any problem, America has to go. I mean, one can ask question, “Who are you? Why are you bothered? Keep to your own country, enjoy yourself. Why are you sending troops all over? Why are you looking after everyone?” Even the formation of UN and all that is done under the guidance of the Americans. They play a very important part in the formation of this United Nations and one world and peace and all sorts of things. But actually, if you see, the main thing that Krishna had taught, they are missing. They are all right for communication, they are all right for establishing relationships between countries, but the worst thing they have done is that there is no dharma, no idea of dharma, no morality; democracy without morality. To talk of a morality in America is something out of the blue. They cannot understand anyone who talks of morality. Now, of course, the pangs of their doings is really torturing them. And also they are realising, some of them, that because of immoral behaviour they have come to a point where sixty-five percent [of] people of that country who are Americans may suffer from some disease or may just die out at a very young age. When it is coming as a stark information it’s a shock. But despite that, despite all this, they are still going on with it and thinking that, “No, no, no. It’s all right. It’s not for us. What is there to worry?” Now His punishments have started, which they don’t realise how the punishment has started. Now supposing somebody is leading an immoral life and as a result he develops some disease. Now this disease is not curable. They try everything to find out the ways and methods of curing these diseases which are coming out of immoral living. They cannot. It’s an impossible task for all the medical sciences of America to find out how to cure these particular diseases which are coming out of immorality. But the worst part is that they cannot even say that immorality is wrong. They cannot even openly admit that immoral behaviour leads to these things. And this immorality is completely neglected in a country of Shri Krishna where He was born, always He says, just to establish morality. Artificial morality, that is there, like the Islamic talk about or the Christians talk about or Hindus talk about, is artificial, where they are hypocritical: they follow one code of conduct, and another they have for themselves secretly adopted. But America is an open thing. Whatever they are doing they are not hiding it. They say, “We don’t believe in hypocrisy!” So they are not hiding it. And this has led this country, such a vast, beautiful, rich, prosperous country, into such a ditch that I do not know how it is going to recover unless and until it takes to Sahaj Yoga. Now another thing that dharma does to a normal person: a dharmic person is one who is always introspective by nature. He tries to see: “Am I doing things all right? Is it correct?” He doesn’t allow his mind to justify wrong things. That is one of the signs of a real dharmic person. He may not be a Sahaj Yogi, but he will ask himself: “Is it right or is it wrong?” But that capacity is completely gone in America. They never try to introspect themselves. On the contrary, they always say, “What’s wrong?” Those people who go on like this will definitely fall into a mess of things that will have no moral conduct, moral guidance. It is introspection which gives you an awakened conscience, a conscience which tells you, “This is wrong.” They may be guided in one part. For example, they might say that, “We are all right in administration,” maybe, or, “We are all right for our railways, our shipping, our other things, or maybe other economic banks or whatever it is.” But all these things are extremely superficial for human beings and they are outside. The inside is all managed by the conscience and also through moral inspection of yourself. People say, “Mother, what is this conscience?” This conscience is there. It is there all the time but a person has to be conscious about it: “I have a conscience”. And this conscience has to answer. That conscience that is within us is the light of Shri Krishna within us even before Realisation. As you know the ascent takes place, of Kundalini, through the Sushumna which is guided by Mahalakshmi. She is the power of Shri Krishna. By listening to your conscience you develop a proper channel of Mahalakshmi within yourself. But the people who have no conscience…in a particular line it’s not so; it is [needed] in every line, in every way, otherwise, one chakra will be all right, another chakra will be in jeopardy. So the conscience has to be referred to, which is beyond rationality: it is not rationality. Something may look rational to kill somebody or to snatch somebody’s money or to grab somebody’s land, may seem. But conscience will tell you that, “This is not right.” At a time when people invaded so many countries and tried to overpower them, it was America which was the only country, you must understand, [that] never went out of their bounds to become empires. It’s very surprising, what kept them there. Because at that time when all this nonsense was going on all over the world and that era when people didn’t mind subjecting other people, taking away their lands and becoming this thing (their rulers), America had stopped at that time. Before doing that, they had done once for all. They had occupied the area, they became the landlords, they became this. Of course they were foreigners. But after having done that, the era when the people started expanding their empire, they did not do it. Now what is the reason? Why they didn’t do it? We should ask a question: when others were expanding their empires why did America not do it? The reason is very simple. At that time some great people, with great conscience, were born in that country and they guided that country, like, you can say, [George] Washington was there. Of course, there were so many people, whom if I name there, there will be a big list of those people. But if you see their character, their life, the way they lived. Abraham Lincoln, if you see his life, [it was] full of conscience, full of conscience. And they didn’t allow the nation to be drifted away to the ambition of gathering other countries and making them their slaves, and this they didn’t do. So in the first place when, I should say, Columbus went there, conquered them, and tried to…actually he didn’t do much but Spanish and then others and then Anglo-Saxons, all of them, when they conquered that country, once they settled down there, [it was] as if that era was over for them once for all. And then they started talking about freedom, of democracy, of higher values. But the karmas of their past, the way they killed so many aboriginals, so many Red Indians, will not be forgiven by Shri Krishna unless and until now they take to Sahaj Yoga. Despite that time, when they did not try to overpower other countries and to spread their empire and do all kinds of cruelties, like Hitler, they didn’t do that. And they always stood for something that is justice, tried to at least. Then they became hypocritical also but on the whole, on the face of it, they tried to show that they are for uniting the whole world: against racialism, against fundamentalism, all this. I mean, some sort of an idealism they propagated. But despite all that all these ideas of self-destruction started working in them. So I would say it is nothing but their karmas [which] are working against them. And that’s how the violence is so much rampant there: so many diseases, so many things, it is very remarkable that all these troubles have started very, very recently in America, because the exposure is coming up. To add to that we had lots of false gurus who went there and captured innocent, simple people who were seeking the truth. We have lost so many of them in America. Also there, I would say, in the atmosphere were these curses of the people whom they had killed, which reacted, and they took to something that was wrong. Why should they have taken to wrong things as far as their personal life is concerned? Freedom was given to them but they thought freedom is there also to ruin themselves or to make a mess out of their lives. This is a wrong idea which worked in them, then the whole idea became collective. When it became collective they found out that people like all those things that are destructive. So, we have Hollywood there, we have all such organisations and musicians and big, big destructive forces, which have formed groups, and militant organisations which openly say that: “We are that.” For example, only in America we have satan’s organisation, devils’ organisations, then there’s witchcraft — openly! Openly, they are registered organisations in America when nowhere in the world you can have such a thing that: “This is a black magic organisation.” “This is a witchcraft organisation.” Openly they are registered there! So to such an extent they have gone and accepted collectively; the reason is the punishment. That’s why America is the most difficult place for us, for Sahaj Yoga. One must have real sympathy for them. They are now passing through the phase of punishment, because their forefathers did all kinds of wrong things and they, too, never accepted dharma as a principle of life. They thought that dharma means killing your freedom, dharma means it takes away your personal, private life into the hands of something else. So to establish dharma in America what can we do? I have been to America at least ten times more than I have been to Russia, and I want to really, somehow or other, bring to their notice that, “You have lost your dharma.” But this will never appeal to them because they are very egoistical. If you tell them like that then they’ll be very angry. On the contrary, those who tell them — like Rajneesh and all these people, “Oh, there’s no dharma!” — their weaknesses, their egos are pampered, then they are very happy. So it’s a difficult task in that country to make people understand that you are under punishment, that this punishment you can only overcome if you become Sahaj Yogis. With Sahaj Yoga their dharma will be awakened and all their punishments and all their curses will be over. It is America which needs Sahaj Yoga much more than any other country. My concern for America is for the same reason. I am not saying so much about South America but more about the North America. But even in South America, what I found is that it is a kind of a nation where they have no guidance at all about dharma, no guidance. Openly they are doing carnival, this, that. I mean, how can you do it in a country, all those things? They are following the footsteps of North America. Like in North America they have that Halloween nonsense. I mean, imagine openly on the street doing Halloween nonsense! So they are following carnival. To them, “Ah, what a thing it is to go to Rio,” as if there’s a very big achievement and going into that carnival from all over the places, from Australia people are coming down. All this is working against them very much. Their situation is so bad in so many ways that it is not easy to explain why they are going to that limit. Like thirteen-year-old girls are made into prostitutes in Brazil, openly! All their trees are cut in Amazon, openly! Whole smuggling is done, openly. Their politicians are corrupt. There’s so much of black magic there, so much of black magic — openly that too. They are just following the footsteps of North America. The ‘dharma’ is like this Catholic Church is there. What is it going to teach them dharma, this Catholic Church? So they go to church, they do everything and they come back home with the same ideas that they have. There are countries and countries which are so very poor, so that shows that Kubera’s attention is not on that country. Normally, poor people are dharmic, normally, because money gives them these ideas to do all nonsensical things and ego. Normally, the poor people are dharmic but there it is different: they indulge into black magic too much. They were telling me that it is the black magic which came from Africa and they have accepted. But so much it is developed in South America that it’s impossible to understand that how they have accepted this nonsense so easily to curse themselves. Now, we have to understand that these problems also exist within ourselves, on our Vishuddhi Chakra if we have to keep our Vishuddhi Chakra all right. We have two sides as you know, is the left and the right. So the right side is the Vishuddhi Chakra which is speaking, which is talking about dharma, which is on the aggressive side, we can say. Now those people who are aggressive, who talk in an aggressive manner, who are trying to dominate others by their talks are the people who are right-sided. I have shown people, those who really do wrong things. Say, a person, a servant steals something, [if] you call him, he’ll be so rude to you that you will be amazed: “This man is so rude. How can he, how can have been able to steal something?” He’s not afraid, he’s answering you back so nicely. So those people who are right-sided can cover up any sin that they have committed, any wrong they have done, any murder they have done, by their talk. It could be a talk which is very aggressive, blatant. People might think, “Oh, how can that be? This man is telling so loudly everything,” and you are just stunned and you think: “No, it’s not possible. How can a person who says this thing?” In this way we, too, as ordinary human beings, indulge into all kinds of nonsensical things and then we try to justify it by talking, wriggling out of it. You know as many criminals, war criminals, have come out of it by just talking, by creating stories, by showing something like that. That also is with all human beings, they have this capacity to say something by which to hide whatever wrong you are doing. But it is never realised by them that whatever harm you have done is not going to be forgiven and will be less forgiven when you talk like this because Shri Krishna is finished. If you start justifying, rationalising all your wrong things, then you will be punished and you will be punished very badly, in so many ways, that you will not know how to get it out of it: physically, mentally, emotionally, every way you will be. So [in] our Right Vishuddhi, we have to have a temperament, a culture, a style, a behaviour which has got the quality of Shri Krishna, which is called as madhurya, means melodious, melodious. We should talk in such a manner that it should be melodious. The person who listens to you, listens as if he’s listening to the flute of Shri Krishna. The voice of a Sahaj Yogi should be sweet like that. When you talk to someone it should be melodious. It should not be aggressive at all, but on the contrary it should be melodious. It should not be sarcastic, it should not hurt another person. Any word that hurts others cannot be coming from the proper type of Right Vishuddhi. So in no way one should hurt. I wish all the Sahaj Yogis develop that melodious voice of Shri Krishna as their Vishuddhi is awakened — madhurya, in his behaviour, madhurya. While talking to someone there are so many gestures by which you can express your madhurya. For example, specially in Italy and other places, I have seen people use too much of their hands — this is also Shri Krishna’s style. So they use their hands in such a way that sometimes you don’t understand what they are meaning. And sometimes it can be quite aggressive also the way they use their hands. Now, the hands must be used in such a way that it should create madhurya. I have seen this in Russia or specially in Eastern blocs where people [if] they have to express their love they just put [their hands on their heart] like this, good. If they have to say namaste (they do it with great reverence which Mother demonstrates). The whole expression is so sweet. And also their heart is very full when they see me, so they don’t know how to express it, so they just put their hands like this. Or if they feel shy, they do like this. Very, very sweet things they express through their hands, through their eyes. It is the tears that really create such clouds of very dense clouds of compassion in my heart when I see their eyes expressing their love for me. Everything, the tears, everything that’s the face, the eyes, the hands, all these belong to Shri Krishna. So in their behaviour, in their talking, how they express themselves. You can use the same eyes for showing your temper and getting angry. Many people use eyes for controlling others. They’ll put their eyes like this, stare at someone, try to control. They may use their eyes also for condemning someone. Also sometimes they spit at someone or try to show the tongue to insult someone. So in the behaviour also we must have a kind of a sweetness. Like when I went to, went to England first, I learnt English in my own way, but when I went there newly they said, “Now, if you have to say word like ‘thought’ you must say ‘thought’.” I said, “What?” (Laughter) “You must take out your tongue and say ‘thought’”. I said, “It’s absurd. Why should you take out your tongue?” He said, “Unless and until you take out your tongue like that is not something, proper expression.” So I said, “This is English you have developed? Some nonsensical thing to show tongue at everyone?” Even a child when he gets angry automatically he shows his tongue. So you see all these expressions and making faces. Now, as they say that a ‘stiff upper lip’ you must have heard about that, with a nose like that, a snooty nose; or a face where you just make your faces and make a crooked face just to tease someone or to make an expression out of your nose, also — people do it like this to show as if you are sneezing at that person. All these things, expressions, are coming out of Shri Krishna’s grace. But the power of that is madhurya, is the sweetness, the melodiousness. The rapport should be so sweet that that rapport should create tremendous joy and tremendous happiness. As you have heard the song of Babamama’s ‘on my eyes’: only I looked at him he says, with that glance, that generated that beautiful music in him. So, as far as possible, as far as possible, try to put your eyes on the greenery — that’s the best — then it soothes down and also you develop the soothing quality of the greenery. I always tell people that, “Better see the greenery around, how it soothes your eyes.” In the same way you should try to soothe the other person when you talk to that person. The person must melt. Instead of that, if you start arguing and fighting with that person, that person will never melt. On the contrary, you’ll be adding fire, more fire to that person. That was the quality of Shri Krishna, is the madhurya and that is expressed in His lifetime, how He beautifully managed to say things in His own sweetness, specially in His childhood. The another quality which Shri Krishna has, which we can express through our Right Vishuddhi, is diplomacy. But there are two types of diplomacies: one is genuine, one who is artificial. In the genuine diplomacy you do not have to take to a certain standard or you don’t have to read some books to know how it is diplomacy, genuinely it comes to you. The whole thing works very sweetly in such a genuine manner. I have used it many-a-times myself, and you all can use it also many times. That’s only possible if you don’t get angry with someone; not possible if you are angry. Now, there’s a story I’ve told you about some, this Gagangiri Maharaj. I went to meet him and he was very angry because he could not stop the rain. He was supposed to stop the rain and I was all drenched. And he was so angry and he said that, “Is it my ego You are trying to control?” and like that he started little bit fighting with me. I said, “No, that’s not the reason.” He said, “Why? Why did You not allow me to stop the rain? You are all drenched.” I said, “Because you are a sanyasi and you bought a sari for me. I would not take a sari from a sanyasi. So I had to get drenched for your sake.” The whole thing finished off. The whole anger, temper, finished off. This is how we have to melt people. The diplomacy is not convincing anybody with his intellect or by temper or anything but it is to melt away another person by your goodness, by your good words, by your sweet words, by your forgiving nature. This quality He had and He tried this on many people. It worked on some; it did not work on some. He didn’t feel it’s a failure. It’s the reaction of the another person which is important to be seen. So this quality of Right Vishuddhi you should have: is to talk to others and melt them away. I hope in America people develop this quality and try to improve relations with each other. Actually, to talk to, they are very sweet, I must say. They get very friendly with you. You give them any number of presents, they’ll be very happy but they’ll never give you any present. You call them for dinner, anything, ten times they will come to your house for dinner but they will never call you for dinner. You see, they are very friendly as long as you are doing anything for them but when it comes to returning it, they find it difficult, they don’t do it. So the whole thing amounts to be a very sweet exploitation of another person. This is what is to be understood that by sweetness you are not going to exploit anyone but by sweetness you are going to melt that person and bring him to the level that he can understand what is goodness. Now, about South America I’ve already told you that they are extremely simple and innocent people, they are very poor, simple, innocent, but what has entered them into is this black magic, and which they are now realising, luckily, that this is black magic which is troubling them. But somehow they have depended on it so much, on the Left Side. They feel very guilty about it; they feel very bad. All the time you find them absolutely guilty. Their whole behaviour is as if they have done something wrong, but they do not know how to correct themselves. So for us is important not to feel guilty about anything. We are all Sahaj Yogis. How can we have guilt after all, when we are the Spirit? Spirit cannot have the guilt. So this guilt has to go away. But by guilt what do we do, what we lose, is the witness power, because when there is a guilt we put it here, the guilt is there. But we cannot see, we cannot witness what’s wrong and we do not want to face our mistakes or the difficulty we have: just put it as a guilt here, finished; it’s stored up there nicely, guilt. But we do not want to face it. For example a man or a woman is very cruel by nature: then suddenly she realises that she has been cruel or whatever it is. So she puts it down there, “Oh, I’ve been very bad. I’ve been very cruel, this thing, that thing.” But she doesn’t face it. Facing means she should know, “Why was I cruel? What was the need for me? I should not have been cruel and now I will not be cruel anymore.” That finishes off. But, “I’m very guilty about it. I’m very guilty about it,” doesn’t help. On the contrary, you know, what the problems are of the guilt, and the same problems are today faced by South America. When I went there I was surprised that in Brazil the man who was the topmost there talked to me in a manner, “Oh, we know we have lots of defects, we know we are no good,” this, that. But I was just saying, “Why doesn’t he correct?” If he knows this is the mistake, this is the thing, why shouldn’t he correct? Then he told me that, “You write to me all the things You found wrong with us.” And it was really very sweet of him. So then one journalist came and we told him. And now I think they are doing something about it, they are trying to improve it and things will improve definitely. But on the contrary I found that Russia is very different. In Russia they never said: “We are guilty,” or anything, nothing of the kind, they never said so. They said, “That time is over now. We are in the kingdom of God!” Finished! So that is over. “We are now in the kingdom of God. Finished it. So that is over. We are now in the Kingdom of God and we have to enjoy life.” Everything positive; never talked of their past, of their governments or this happened, or Stalin or Lenin or anyone. They were not concerned. They were above it. “So why should we worry?” They said, “Why should we worry? Let them fight. Let them do what they like.” They don’t want to know anything about their politics, about their problems or anything. They think, “Our problems are solved. We are now realised-souls and we are enjoying ourselves. Let us enjoy.” It’s a very straight-forward way of understanding Sahaj Yoga. But I have seen people, they write to me ten pages of their confessions as if I’m a priest, Catholic priest, you see: all about their, what they have done, this they have done. And I don’t want to read it. I just throw it or I burn it off. So they try to confess. There’s no need to confess. There’s nothing to say. And not to dwell upon what wrongs you have done, but now enjoy what you have got it. It’s like this: supposing a beggar is made a king, all right? Then he should enjoy his kingdom, should behave like a king. But still he remembers his past more, so anybody who passes by he says, “Give me five rupees or five pounds.” (Laughter) It’s like that. Once you are in the Kingdom of God, know that you are in the Kingdom of God. But this black magic business is very, very dangerous and it can act through anyone. It can act through your relations, act through your friends, act through anyone. So one has to be very careful that you do not become — because of your guilt business or whatever it is — vulnerable to black magic. It can ruin you. You can ruin your families. Even if you are a Sahaj yogi it can ruin you. So this guilt business has to be given up completely. You should not be guilty. Now, guilt is put into you. Somebody can say, “Oh you are so bad. You didn’t do this for me. You didn’t do that,” or something like that. They put ideas. Then you start feeling, “Oh, I should have done this for them. I should have. It was wrong on my part,” or something, and then the guilt starts. Instead of doing something for that person or instead of understanding that this all nonsense, they go on brooding on that, brooding and then suddenly they find they are in the trouble of getting possessed or being affected by black magic. So one has to forget it and get into the atmosphere where you know that you are now in the Kingdom of God. About Shri Krishna, whatever is to be said is less than what He’s said, I always, always feel. And His main work is through our brain, that is Viraata. He works through our brain. And, as Shiva works through our heart, He works through our brain. And after Sahaj Yoga, after enlightenment, all the subtleties of the brain and the knowledge starts manifesting and expressing itself. But the greatest thing that happens is that integration takes place in your brain. It’s not that your heart wants one thing and your brain wants another thing. The integration takes place. And when that integration takes place it’s so easy to lead a very dharmic life. Even without thinking about it, without reading about it, you just become dharmic. You are not to be told that you have to be dharmic. Innately you become dharmic because your brain, which normally is used for rationality, for justifying all that is wrong, becomes dharmic, becomes Divine. This is the greatest thing that Shri Krishna does to you is to make your brain itself dharmic. It becomes a vehicle of understanding dharma, of leading a dharmic life and of standing firmly on dharma — it’s the brain. It is the brain which really, mostly, takes you away from dharma, apart from black magic. But once your Sahasrara is opened out Viraata is expressed, then you are amazed at yourself. The one who was indulging into everything thinking, “This is pleasure. This is my right. I should have done it. Who else can tell me?” and all that, suddenly you become a prophet. This is the greatest blessing of Shri Krishna that He is Viraat, and the Viraat is your brain, and the brain of God Almighty is Viraat. So this is what one has to realise, that after Realisation a person gets ideas which are always constructive, and if they are not, then you are not yet a Sahaj yogi: constructive and dharmic. That is very, very important for us to understand: where is our mind going? Is it contradicting? It is telling something else than what it is? We have to just keep a watch and you’ll be amazed to see how your brain has changed its ways. The upside brain has become normal. This you can get very easily if you just meditate every day and see for yourself how the expression of your Sahasrara is penetrating into your being and is acting in your life. Then all the powers of a Sahaj Yogi will be manifested and you don’t have to anymore doubt yourself and others will never doubt you. May God bless you!
Unless and until we know the absolute truth, we cannot understand the problems of this world
Public Program
View online. Public Program 5.30 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, because it is and it will be. It is eternal. The unfortunate part is, that we cannot see the truth at this human awareness. So we have to evolve more. If human beings knew the absolute truth, there would be no problems. Everybody would have known the same. No arguments, no quarrels, no wars. But we do not know the absolute truth. Unless and until we know the absolute truth, we cannot understand the problems of this world. All problems of the world are mostly because of human beings and all the problems of human beings are because these subtle centres are in trouble. All the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are there because these chakras are not looked after. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, emotions, ego, conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. Which you have to become. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading divine power of love. You see these flowers, beautiful flowers. Actually, it's a miracle, that the seed has become a beautiful flower with help of The Mother Earth. Who runs our heart? We just don't see. We take it for granted. It is the all-pervading divine power, which is very subtle. The evolutionary process, which is a living process, has to connect you to the all-pervading power. This is the real yoga, it's the spiritual yoga. This union is also called - the second birth. It's not that you can say that you are twice-born [inaudible] It is a higher state. This is enlightenment. This enlightenment has been talked about in all the scriptures. Christ has said: „You have to be born again" In Koran, it is also said about the enlightenment. All the Indian scriptures also talk about it. When You are reading about Buddha, there is nothing but talk of enlightenment. But they have done something overboard or they have lost the way. They are not seeking enlightenment at all. They are seeking money, power, but not the enlightenment. First, we have got fundamentalism and all kind of problems in the name of God, For now, we have to understand, that within us is the subtle mechanism, which is made like this, which helps with our enlightenment and it's very easy to get your self-realisation. 12.59 This power which is like a connection is in the sacrum bone. It is your own power. It is your own power. It is your own evolutionary process. You can't pay for it, because God doesn't understand money. How much did you pay for these flowers? In the same way, you don't have to put in any effort for this evolutionary process. It is sahaj. Spontaneous. Saha - means „with", „ja" - means born. Born with you is the right, to get this union, this yoga. Unless and until this instrument is connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way, if we are not connected to the all-pervading power, we have no identity, we have no meaning. This happening as I told you …is responsible for [inaudible] physical, emotional, spiritual wellbeing, also it gives you lots of other blessings. One of them is that you develop a new dimension in your awareness, where you can stand in your present. You are all the time running in the past or in the future, but it is [inaudible] to stand in reality. Secondly, you feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips for the first time. This is the resurrection time. This is the last judgment, that's why we have such a population growth. So many people are born in these modern times because they want to get their self-realisation. This is the only way you can enter into the kingdom of God. In Sahaja Yoga nothing is [inaudible] Nothing is under [inaudible] no secrets. Everyone knows everything. There you can reach the state of thoughtless awareness, by which we become a peaceful personality. You become spontaneously righteous, nobody has to tell you: „ Don't do this, don't do that.” This happens in the light of your Spirit. Secondly, you can feel your centres on your fingertips and the centres of others, thus you become collectively conscious. The Self is the source of absolute truth. It is the source of enlightenment. Your attention is so enlightened that you become innocent. There is no greed and lust in your eyes. You become pure. Apart from this, you jump in the ocean of love. I'm very happy to tell you that Sahaja Yoga has made great progress in Russia. The Russians don't like fundamentalism. So we have thousands and thousands of people in Russia. One day that country will be a very rich and a very powerful country in the realm of God. Even the priests come to take realisation. We have also a very big combination of Sahaja Yogis who meditate in Bulgaria and also Romania, in thousands, also in Hungary. Of course in the western countries it is quite a lot. Especially in India. In all these places people are really enjoying their self-realisation, their self-knowledge. I'm sorry to say that Poland is not that good. I'm surprised because first time when I came to Poland I felt the people are very courageous. …I came with my husband, [inaudible] they have prepared, the whole of Warsaw... and I felt they really will be the persons who will be resurrected very fast, but surprisingly, I don't know why, in Poland, they are very conditioned by the Catholic Church. 22.41 What Christ have said is to seek the truth and to find your Sprit. Christ is very important incarnation for Sahaja Yoga, but one has to understand, that He came for our resurrection, not for crucifixion. He has suffered for us, we don't have to suffer anymore. God Almighty is the Father, who is love and how would He ask you to suffer? For me, it is not possible. Which father would like for the son to suffer? So all these theories are not correct and not logical. The first conditioning that people get is that you feel guilty, by feeling guilty this centre on the left catches very bad. Since I've come to Poland I'm feeling this pain here all the time. When this centre catches then you develop diseases like angina, tonsillitis. And all your organs become lethargic. Why to feel guilt? It is difficult. If you have done anything wrong, then you should face it, that's all. But please do not put it as guilt here all the time and make yourself sick. Another thing I noticed, is that you are taking to American life which is very dangerous. As communism has failed, democracy has failed completely there. There is no ethics. There is no morality. The people are so violent that you can't even wear a wedding ring. Even small children of 12 years carry guns to [bugger???] Drugs AIDS are eating them off, apart from that, 55% of people are expected to become schizophrenic. In their ego, they've become so stupid and idiotic, that they cannot listen, finished. And the life is so difficult there. Also they have committed lots of sins of killing so many Red Indians. Red Indians were killed by them [inaudible] it's a very big thing/sin [ ???] In the area where they are having floods now, its called as the Red Neck India[???] These Americans in that area where racist and they used to kill all the black people and throw them into rivers. Very hot-tempered and aggressive, very simple. 28.33 So now there used to be a Mississipi? river all is flooded and all their houses everything ??? for which they have killed, young people?? So one has to understand that from distance you see all democratic countries are very happy, but it is not so up close There are people, millions and millions, who are out of job and the clothes that are coming here, are actually junk, which they cannot sell in their own country. They are very superficial people. So please, keep to your Polish life. Keep your Polish ways, which is much more older, as American culture is only 200 years old, so you are much better off. Keep [???….] to your culture, to your production here and not to take this junk things. 30.37 It is important for spirituality, that you could take to deeper interest and not too superficial. So now we are going to have a session of meditation, in which you will get your enlightenment. It should hardly take 10 to 15 minutes. Once you get your realisation, you can give realisation to others and [inaudible] and you become divine, that's what it is. Of course, those who really want it can leave ??? It cannot be forced on anyone. So that you get ultimate freedom. Ideally, the people who don't want to get their self-realisation would leave the house and not to disturb others. For about 10 -15 minutes it will take and in that, you have to be peaceful. Everybody should be seated, please. Before I start, I will tell you there are three conditions for your self-realisation. The first one is, that you are not to feel guilty at all. Forget the past, past is finished and the future doesn't exist. What exists as reality is the present, so please forget the past. The another condition is that you need to forgive everyone. You don't have to think whom you have to forgive. You should not think about it, it's just a headache, but try to understand whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. It's just a myth that you carry on, but if you don't forgive, then you play into the wrong hands and you suffer, while the person who has hurt you doesn't suffer. So we forgive. Forgive everyone without thinking about individuals. It will help you very much, you will feel much lighter. And the third condition is, that you must feel absolutely confident that you will all get your self-realisation. You should not have any complexes about yourself. You should not doubt yourself, because the time has come for you to get your realisation immediately. These are the three conditions. Is it possible for you to take off your shoes? Because The Mother Earth helps us a lot to absorb. To absorb the negativity, also She absorbs many problems. I told you this is not meant for idiots, nor for arrogants, but it's meant for truthful seekers of Truth. Please put both your feet apart from each other, not for the people who sit on the ground at all. 37.50 There are two powers left and right. The left is the power of desire, the right is the power of action and this Kundalini rises through the central path and pierces through your fontanel bone area. This is the actualisation of baptism. Have faith in yourself, don't doubt in yourself at all. You can put your hands like this, especially your left hand like this, indicating symbolically that you want to have self-realisation. On your lap, don't forget it. You be comfortable You don't have to go to the Himalayas, standing on Your head. With the right hand, you have to nourish your centres. Somebody will show you how to nourish your centres. We have people here from Germany, from Czechoslovakia from Italy, from England [indistinct] First, you have to put your hand on the heart where your spirit resides. You should get out (Shri Mataji addresses someone in the audience) Alright Then we put our .. We work only on the left-hand side. Put your right hand now, on the uppermost part of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. If you become your spirit, then you become your own master, which is created by great prophets within us themselves. Now, we take our right hand in the lower part of our abdomen, on the left-hand side. Now, this is the centre of pure knowledge. Later you can understand how it works. It is pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand to the upper part of your abdomen. Why don't you do it (Shri Mataji addresses someone in the audience) This lady Put your left hand also. Now, raise it to your heart To your heart, please, why don't you do it? Doesn't she understand Polish? If you don't want to do it then go. Now, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck. This way, take it from the front, not from the back, here. I already told you what happens, when this centre catches. When you feel guilty, you catch at this centre. Turn your face to the right. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend forward. At this centre, you can forgive everyone, without thinking about any individual, in general. Then take your hand at the back of your head. Now, here, for your own satisfaction ask forgiveness from the divine power 44.17 Push back Your head. For the last centre, just press your palm and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area, and please put down your head. Now, the most important is [inaudible] Now move your scalp seven times, clockwise, very slowly. That's all we have to do. Now, you have to now close your eyes, before that please put both your feet apart on the floor. Now put your left hand towards me like this. You may also remove your spectacles and open your eyes when I tell you. Please put your right hand on the heart. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question three times in your heart 46.18 Please, say in your heart, you may call me Mother or Shri Mataji So please say three times: „Mother, am I the Spirit?” I assure you, when you become the Spirit you also become the master. Please place your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, we have to ask another fundamental question about yourself: „Mother, am I my own master?” I told you that I respect your freedom, and I cannot force your divine knowledge on You. Now please put your right hand on the lower abdomen, on the left-hand side and press it with your fingers. Here you have to say six times, because this centre has got six petals: „Mother, please give me your divine knowledge” „Mother, give me ..your ..divine knowledge” As soon as you are the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish the upper centres with our self-confidence. Please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side, and here you have to say self-confident ten times: „ Mother, I am my own master” I have to tell you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Raise your right hand, on your heart, and with full confidence say twelve times: „Mother, I am the pure Spirit” This all-pervading power is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of blessings and joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed in the past, completely dissolve in this ocean of forgiveness. Raise your right hand in the corner of your left shoulder [inaudible] and here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times, with full confidence: „Mother, I am not guilty at all” 53.16 Now, I have already told you, that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into the wrong hands. So, you have to forgive everyone, in general. So raise your hand put it across and bend down your head. Here you have to say from your heart [inaudible] „Mother, I forgive everybody” Now, without feeling guilty, without [inaudible] just for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, raise your hand on the backside of your head. Here you have to say: „Oh, Divine Power if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me” Please say this from your heart, not how many times. Now, for the last chakra, you have to place your palm fully and put it on top of the fontanelle bone area. It was a soft bone in your childhood. Please put down your head. Now push back your fingers Please push back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask seven times: „Mother, please give me self-realisation” moving your scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly. [Mother is blowing into the mic] Takedown your hand. Wear your glasses and open your eyes. Now put both hands towards me like this and don't think. Now please put the right hand like this and bend your head [inaudible] Please don't put the hand on top of your head. There may be a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Bend your head, bend it. Now with the right hand and left hand towards me [inaudible] Now, please put like that. If it is hot, that means you have not forgiven. Now forgive. Don't put it on top. Bend your head. Don't put it on top, don't touch your head. Keep it away. Alright. Some people get it far, some people get it close. Now, we can put both hands towards the sky like this and ask the question. Any one of these questions: „Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or „Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?" or „Mother, is this the Paramchaitaya?” Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their heads, on their fingertips or on their hands, please raise both your hands. Both hands. All of you got it. [inaudible] One thing you have to know, it is not an individual happening. It is a collective happening Now the seed has sprouted. You will feel very joyous. Very happy. You will feel this cool from your hands. You might get cured, but the main thing is, you have to grow within. You have to come to our centre, where you can get complete knowledge. Within one month you can become an expert. When you can give realisation to others, you can cure people and you can be in complete peace with others. I wish to see you grow like big trees. You can do it. We have a centre here, which you can attend and understand what is inside me. You can get your enlightenment and enjoy yourself. May God bless you
View online. Public Program 5.30 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, because it is and it will be. It is eternal. The unfortunate part is, that we cannot see the truth at this human awareness. So we have to evolve more. If human beings knew the absolute truth, there would be no problems. Everybody would have known the same. No arguments, no quarrels, no wars. But we do not know the absolute truth. Unless and until we know the absolute truth, we cannot understand the problems of this world. All problems of the world are mostly because of human beings and all the problems of human beings are because these subtle centres are in trouble. All the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems are there because these chakras are not looked after. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, emotions, ego, conditionings, but you are the pure spirit. Which you have to become. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading divine power of love. You see these flowers, beautiful flowers. Actually, it's a miracle, that the seed has become a beautiful flower with help of The Mother Earth. Who runs our heart? We just don't see. We take it for granted. It is the all-pervading divine power, which is very subtle. The evolutionary process, which is a living process, has to connect you to the all-pervading power. This is the real yoga, it's the spiritual yoga. This union is also called - the second birth. It's not that you can say that you are twice-born [inaudible] It is a higher state. This is enlightenment. This enlightenment has been talked about in all the scriptures. Christ has said: „You have to be born again" In Koran, it is also said about the enlightenment. All the Indian scriptures also talk about it. When You are reading about Buddha, there is nothing but talk of enlightenment. But they have done something overboard or they have lost the way. They are not seeking enlightenment at all. They are seeking money, power, but not the enlightenment. First, we have got fundamentalism and all kind of problems in the name of God, For now, we have to understand, that within us is the subtle mechanism, which is made like this, which helps with our enlightenment and it's very easy to get your self-realisation. 12.59 This power which is like a connection is in the sacrum bone. It is your own power. It is your own power. It is your own evolutionary process. You can't pay for it, because God doesn't understand money. How much did you pay for these flowers? In the same way, you don't have to put in any effort for this evolutionary process. It is sahaj. Spontaneous. Saha - means „with", „ja" - means born. Born with you is the right, to get this union, this yoga. Unless and until this instrument is connected to the mains, it has no meaning. In the same way, if we are not connected to the all-pervading power, we have no identity, we have no meaning. This happening as I told you …is responsible for [inaudible] physical, emotional, spiritual wellbeing, also it gives you lots of other blessings. One of them is that you develop a new dimension in your awareness, where you can stand in your present. You are all the time running in the past or in the future, but it is [inaudible] to stand in reality. Secondly, you feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips for the first time. This is the resurrection time. This is the last judgment, that's why we have such a population growth. So many people are born in these modern times because they want to get their self-realisation. This is the only way you can enter into the kingdom of God. In Sahaja Yoga nothing is [inaudible] Nothing is under [inaudible] no secrets. Everyone knows everything. There you can reach the state of thoughtless awareness, by which we become a peaceful personality. You become spontaneously righteous, nobody has to tell you: „ Don't do this, don't do that.” This happens in the light of your Spirit. Secondly, you can feel your centres on your fingertips and the centres of others, thus you become collectively conscious. The Self is the source of absolute truth. It is the source of enlightenment. Your attention is so enlightened that you become innocent. There is no greed and lust in your eyes. You become pure. Apart from this, you jump in the ocean of love. I'm very happy to tell you that Sahaja Yoga has made great progress in Russia. The Russians don't like fundamentalism. So we have thousands and thousands of people in Russia. One day that country will be a very rich and a very powerful country in the realm of God. Even the priests come to take realisation. We have also a very big combination of Sahaja Yogis who meditate in Bulgaria and also Romania, in thousands, also in Hungary. Of course in the western countries it is quite a lot. Especially in India. In all these places people are really enjoying their self-realisation, their self-knowledge. I'm sorry to say that Poland is not that good. I'm surprised because first time when I came to Poland I felt the people are very courageous. …I came with my husband, [inaudible] they have prepared, the whole of Warsaw... and I felt they really will be the persons who will be resurrected very fast, but surprisingly, I don't know why, in Poland, they are very conditioned by the Catholic Church. 22.41 What Christ have said is to seek the truth and to find your Sprit. Christ is very important incarnation for Sahaja Yoga, but one has to understand, that He came for our resurrection, not for crucifixion. He has suffered for us, we don't have to suffer anymore. God Almighty is the Father, who is love and how would He ask you to suffer? For me, it is not possible. Which father would like for the son to suffer? So all these theories are not correct and not logical. The first conditioning that people get is that you feel guilty, by feeling guilty this centre on the left catches very bad. Since I've come to Poland I'm feeling this pain here all the time. When this centre catches then you develop diseases like angina, tonsillitis. And all your organs become lethargic. Why to feel guilt? It is difficult. If you have done anything wrong, then you should face it, that's all. But please do not put it as guilt here all the time and make yourself sick. Another thing I noticed, is that you are taking to American life which is very dangerous. As communism has failed, democracy has failed completely there. There is no ethics. There is no morality. The people are so violent that you can't even wear a wedding ring. Even small children of 12 years carry guns to [bugger???] Drugs AIDS are eating them off, apart from that, 55% of people are expected to become schizophrenic. In their ego, they've become so stupid and idiotic, that they cannot listen, finished. And the life is so difficult there. Also they have committed lots of sins of killing so many Red Indians. Red Indians were killed by them [inaudible] it's a very big thing/sin [ ???] In the area where they are having floods now, its called as the Red Neck India[???] These Americans in that area where racist and they used to kill all the black people and throw them into rivers. Very hot-tempered and aggressive, very simple. 28.33 So now there used to be a Mississipi? river all is flooded and all their houses everything ??? for which they have killed, young people?? So one has to understand that from distance you see all democratic countries are very happy, but it is not so up close There are people, millions and millions, who are out of job and the clothes that are coming here, are actually junk, which they cannot sell in their own country. They are very superficial people. So please, keep to your Polish life. Keep your Polish ways, which is much more older, as American culture is only 200 years old, so you are much better off. Keep [???….] to your culture, to your production here and not to take this junk things. 30.37 It is important for spirituality, that you could take to deeper interest and not too superficial. So now we are going to have a session of meditation, in which you will get your enlightenment. It should hardly take 10 to 15 minutes. Once you get your realisation, you can give realisation to others and [inaudible] and you become divine, that's what it is. Of course, those who really want it can leave ??? It cannot be forced on anyone. So that you get ultimate freedom. Ideally, the people who don't want to get their self-realisation would leave the house and not to disturb others. For about 10 -15 minutes it will take and in that, you have to be peaceful. Everybody should be seated, please. Before I start, I will tell you there are three conditions for your self-realisation. The first one is, that you are not to feel guilty at all. Forget the past, past is finished and the future doesn't exist. What exists as reality is the present, so please forget the past. The another condition is that you need to forgive everyone. You don't have to think whom you have to forgive. You should not think about it, it's just a headache, but try to understand whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. It's just a myth that you carry on, but if you don't forgive, then you play into the wrong hands and you suffer, while the person who has hurt you doesn't suffer. So we forgive. Forgive everyone without thinking about individuals. It will help you very much, you will feel much lighter. And the third condition is, that you must feel absolutely confident that you will all get your self-realisation. You should not have any complexes about yourself. You should not doubt yourself, because the time has come for you to get your realisation immediately. These are the three conditions. Is it possible for you to take off your shoes? Because The Mother Earth helps us a lot to absorb. To absorb the negativity, also She absorbs many problems. I told you this is not meant for idiots, nor for arrogants, but it's meant for truthful seekers of Truth. Please put both your feet apart from each other, not for the people who sit on the ground at all. 37.50 There are two powers left and right. The left is the power of desire, the right is the power of action and this Kundalini rises through the central path and pierces through your fontanel bone area. This is the actualisation of baptism. Have faith in yourself, don't doubt in yourself at all. You can put your hands like this, especially your left hand like this, indicating symbolically that you want to have self-realisation. On your lap, don't forget it. You be comfortable You don't have to go to the Himalayas, standing on Your head. With the right hand, you have to nourish your centres. Somebody will show you how to nourish your centres. We have people here from Germany, from Czechoslovakia from Italy, from England [indistinct] First, you have to put your hand on the heart where your spirit resides. You should get out (Shri Mataji addresses someone in the audience) Alright Then we put our .. We work only on the left-hand side. Put your right hand now, on the uppermost part of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. If you become your spirit, then you become your own master, which is created by great prophets within us themselves. Now, we take our right hand in the lower part of our abdomen, on the left-hand side. Now, this is the centre of pure knowledge. Later you can understand how it works. It is pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand to the upper part of your abdomen. Why don't you do it (Shri Mataji addresses someone in the audience) This lady Put your left hand also. Now, raise it to your heart To your heart, please, why don't you do it? Doesn't she understand Polish? If you don't want to do it then go. Now, raise your right hand in the corner of your neck. This way, take it from the front, not from the back, here. I already told you what happens, when this centre catches. When you feel guilty, you catch at this centre. Turn your face to the right. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend forward. At this centre, you can forgive everyone, without thinking about any individual, in general. Then take your hand at the back of your head. Now, here, for your own satisfaction ask forgiveness from the divine power 44.17 Push back Your head. For the last centre, just press your palm and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area, and please put down your head. Now, the most important is [inaudible] Now move your scalp seven times, clockwise, very slowly. That's all we have to do. Now, you have to now close your eyes, before that please put both your feet apart on the floor. Now put your left hand towards me like this. You may also remove your spectacles and open your eyes when I tell you. Please put your right hand on the heart. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question three times in your heart 46.18 Please, say in your heart, you may call me Mother or Shri Mataji So please say three times: „Mother, am I the Spirit?” I assure you, when you become the Spirit you also become the master. Please place your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, we have to ask another fundamental question about yourself: „Mother, am I my own master?” I told you that I respect your freedom, and I cannot force your divine knowledge on You. Now please put your right hand on the lower abdomen, on the left-hand side and press it with your fingers. Here you have to say six times, because this centre has got six petals: „Mother, please give me your divine knowledge” „Mother, give me ..your ..divine knowledge” As soon as you are the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish the upper centres with our self-confidence. Please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side, and here you have to say self-confident ten times: „ Mother, I am my own master” I have to tell you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Raise your right hand, on your heart, and with full confidence say twelve times: „Mother, I am the pure Spirit” This all-pervading power is the ocean of love and compassion. It is the ocean of blessings and joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed in the past, completely dissolve in this ocean of forgiveness. Raise your right hand in the corner of your left shoulder [inaudible] and here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times, with full confidence: „Mother, I am not guilty at all” 53.16 Now, I have already told you, that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into the wrong hands. So, you have to forgive everyone, in general. So raise your hand put it across and bend down your head. Here you have to say from your heart [inaudible] „Mother, I forgive everybody” Now, without feeling guilty, without [inaudible] just for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, raise your hand on the backside of your head. Here you have to say: „Oh, Divine Power if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me” Please say this from your heart, not how many times. Now, for the last chakra, you have to place your palm fully and put it on top of the fontanelle bone area. It was a soft bone in your childhood. Please put down your head. Now push back your fingers Please push back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force self-realisation on you. You have to ask seven times: „Mother, please give me self-realisation” moving your scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly. [Mother is blowing into the mic] Takedown your hand. Wear your glasses and open your eyes. Now put both hands towards me like this and don't think. Now please put the right hand like this and bend your head [inaudible] Please don't put the hand on top of your head. There may be a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Bend your head, bend it. Now with the right hand and left hand towards me [inaudible] Now, please put like that. If it is hot, that means you have not forgiven. Now forgive. Don't put it on top. Bend your head. Don't put it on top, don't touch your head. Keep it away. Alright. Some people get it far, some people get it close. Now, we can put both hands towards the sky like this and ask the question. Any one of these questions: „Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or „Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Divine Love?" or „Mother, is this the Paramchaitaya?” Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their heads, on their fingertips or on their hands, please raise both your hands. Both hands. All of you got it. [inaudible] One thing you have to know, it is not an individual happening. It is a collective happening Now the seed has sprouted. You will feel very joyous. Very happy. You will feel this cool from your hands. You might get cured, but the main thing is, you have to grow within. You have to come to our centre, where you can get complete knowledge. Within one month you can become an expert. When you can give realisation to others, you can cure people and you can be in complete peace with others. I wish to see you grow like big trees. You can do it. We have a centre here, which you can attend and understand what is inside me. You can get your enlightenment and enjoy yourself. May God bless you
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program, Warsaw, Poland 04-09-1993 I bow to all the seekers of Truth.At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. It is, it has been and it will be. Whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to have a scientific mind towards it. Keep your mind open. And whatever I say to you, if it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. This is said by all the great prophets, by incarnations, by Muhammad Sahib as well as by our Christ, as well as by Moses also all Indian scriptures say the same thing.The second truth is that there is an All-pervading divine Power and this divine Power does all the living work. You see all the beautiful flowers here: it’s a miracle. They have come out of one seed. Our heart, who runs our heart? We don’t even bother to know who runs our heart. This All-pervading Power of divine love, runs our heart. It’s like the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or it is the Paramchaitanya or it is the ‘Ruh’.Translator: It’s what?Shri Mataji: ‘Ruh’, in Quran. It is described by many names. Those who are seekers of truth, are actually seeking the connection with this All-pervading Power. This connection is called as yoga, the real spiritual Yoga. It is not standing on your head or stretching your legs that it is a yoga. Even the taking the name of God, of praying to God, is not manifested unless and until you have the connection with this All-pervading Power of divine Love. As this instrument [the mike] if it is not connected with the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity. In the same way, we the human beings, if we are not connected, to the All-pervading divine Power, we have no meaning. We cannot have Self-knowledge; we cannot have enlightenment and we cannot know the absolute truth. Most of the human problems are creating problems to the world. And most of the human problems come to us from these centres when they go into jeopardy. All these subtle centres are within us. In the Bible, it is mentioned that, “I’ll appear before you like tongues of flames.” In every scripture, they described the life, the tree of life. But nobody has tried to find out what is this. The civilization, in the West, has grown very well. But it has to find out its roots, roots of spirituality. Otherwise, this whole big civilization will be completely dissolved. As it is, you can see what’s happening in the most developed countries like America. Thousands and thousands of people are suffering from AIDS. They are suffering from schizophrenia and the violence is at its worst. You can’t even wear a wedding ring and walk in the streets of New York. Such greed and such lust! No morality of any kind. It’s not only there but you see it all over Europe. And all developing countries who have taken to this modern life, like Argentina, also are in the same fate [unsure]. But once we find our roots, once we find our identity, you understand how great you are. You understand why you were created, what is the purpose of your life, what is the goal of your life. It’s only possible when you have your second birth. Many people brand them as twice-born.Translator: Sorry, once more.Shri Mataji: As twice born, born twice. Translator: Yes.Shri Mataji: But they are not. [To the translator] But they are not at all.Those who call themselves as Muslims and Christians and Hindus, are not! If they were real Christians, they would not have taken to this immoral life. How could such immoral life exist here in the name of Christ, who said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes!” What subtle morality, what deep morality! That’s only possible if you are enlightened. When the light comes within you, immediately you give up whatever is destructive, whatever is destructive within you and also you see what is outside is destructive.: Once you get your enlightenment, you can feel this All-pervading Power, for the first time, on your fingertips. You see also the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone. It’s the actualization of your baptism. Then you start using this power and you can give Realizations to others.As a result of this, you get physical, mental, emotional, spiritual problems solved. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do that”. With the light of the Spirit, you yourself become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. You become extremely dynamic but extremely compassionate. You can feel your own centres on your fingertips. Then you see all religions belong to the same tree of life, all beautiful flowers of Divinity. But people have taken out these flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers. And all these religions are one; they have the same business. There is no need at all to fight in the name of God. This, you can know as a scientific proof after Realization. You can feel on your fingertips the centres of others. Now if you know how to correct them, you can correct your centres as well as the of others. You develop a peaceful heart and tremendous compassion. You realize then how great you are. All your virtues start manifesting. It is your own power it’s your own. You all have it within you and you don’t have to pay for it. God doesn’t understand banks. He doesn’t understand money. It’s a human nature. By reading about it, you do not get to that point. You have to seek and you will find. I call it a blossom time. Time when there are so many great souls are born. This is the fulfilment of the Last Judgment. The dead bodies are not going to come to life. I mean to say, all the prehistoric people and the dinosaurs all of them are going to come to life? But all those, who were dead, their souls will take birth as human beings. That’s why we have a population problem. So many great souls, we have seen, born as children. I’ve seen children at the age of 6 and 10, can play on violin or on piano like a master. In India, I’ve seen children below 10 years, singing the Indian music, which is very difficult, like great masters of old times. Today only, I saw in the television, in France, there were children very small children playing on the violin in such a- with such a mastery! So, these are the times when all these great people are going to be born. There are some people who are frightening to say that this world is going to come to an end. Don’t believe that. The One who is our Creator, is our Father, is the Supreme Being of compassion. He has not created this world to be destroyed. But he has made places for all of you in the Kingdom of God. Don’t be eluded by people, some of them are coming even from India and trying to put conditionings in your heads. The other day, I met somebody from this Hare Rama business. They are absolutely stupid, idiotic people. If you have to call the name of your Prime Minister here, near his house, you’ll be arrested. And you are calling the name of God without any protocol, without any permission, without any connection. You might only get a cancer of throat. I don’t know what other punishments.I must say, Russians were very clever. They said, “We had no food Mother, so we had nice food from them and now they have gone away permanently”. [Laughter]Translator: I didn’t hear, Mother.Shri Mataji: I said that Russians were very clever and they said that, “These people had brought food so we ate the food nicely and now they have gone away completely.” They have completely gone from Russia. Did you follow?Translator: No.Guido: The Russians were very clever because these Hare Krishna Hare Rama people -Translator: Ah, these people!Shri Mataji: I think, the IQ of Russian is very high.Translator: Hum …Shri Mataji: IQ.They said, “Mother, we could make out they are idiotic: stupid things they were telling us.” In you, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid, idiotic people. So, one has to understand and think: we talk of God and why all these horrible things are happening in the name of God? What’s gone wrong? The mistake is that we are not yet connected.Translator: We are not?Guido: Not connected.Shri Mataji: This is what we have to achieve the connection, which is ‘sahaja’ means spontaneous. Sahaja: ‘saha’ means ‘with’; ‘ja’ is ‘born’. What’s the matter with this gentleman? You see, you are little bit disturbing because they all start watching him now. Please make yourself comfortable. Translator: He is working, he said, Mother.Shri Mataji: Oh, but he’s going round, putting up, everybody is looking at him; You see, the permeation [unsure] come to him. All right.I don’t know how to tell you how the time has come for you to, specially, to achieve this state through your evolutionary process, through this awakening of this Kundalini, the power in your triangular bone. This bone is called as sacrum that means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. Athena, itself, means ‘Primordial Mother’. So, Greeks believed in all that. And now there’s a big upsurge in Greece also to take to their ancient knowledge because they’re so restless, so frustrated.So, time has come for you all also to have your Self-realisation. Of course, I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom. Those, who want to have it, can have it but you must have a very ardent desire.Those, who do not want to have it, please leave the hall, we’ll be very happy. This person, Hare Rama fellow, at least sit down. It’s very difficult to make them understand. Such conditionings people have that it is impossible! Only people who are really introspective were Russians. We always have programs in a big- what you call- auditoriums or places where there were 16, 000 people. They are so well-read and they know w so much about it. And they are so introspective, it’s very surprising. And now we have in thousands in Russia, also in Romania and Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia but Poland somehow is not - I don't know what is the conditioning, why. So, I know you all have lots of questions. I would like you to write them down and send it over to Me and I'll try to answer them. But just now, I think, you all should get your Realization. You see, it is such an ocean of knowledge that in this short time, I cannot tell you everything.You have to understand that these lights that are here, have been brought long time back. And to explain to you about all these lights and how electricity came, is such a headache. It's all built-in now. You have to just put one switch and they are on. You don't have to tell them all the history of electricity. So, it's a headache also. If you have your light because it is built-in within you - the system is built-in within you. It's all there. So, better to have your enlightenment and then talk about the rest of the things. [To someone] You can come here, there's some room. So, everybody should be seated down. [To the translator] Now ask him to take away the film because we're going to meditate and it might disturb the people. Someone should go and tell him. Better to go there.He won't disturb you. If he's seated, it's all right. But he'll be about disturbing people. Ask him to go out. I think, he's finished - if you don't mind.Thank you. Very obedient! It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes just to enter into the Kingdom of God which is the ocean of joy. We come out of, like a pond into - blossoming into a beautiful lotus because you are that. So, we have three conditions. Want to sit down ? Come along - don't stand in the door. There is room for you here, if you want. Please be seated.The first condition is that you should have full confidence in yourself. You must have full faith that today, tonight, you are going to get your Self-realization. In no way you should feel tempted. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty about anything. Like yesterday, somebody told Me that, "Mother, I have harmed somebody, so I'm feeling guilty". But what is the use? If you have harmed somebody, then go and tell that person. And tell it to yourself, face your mistakes. But if you feel guilty, then the guilt goes here, in the left side of your center. And you develop horrible diseases like angina, spondylitis, also lethargy problems So, no use feeling guilty, it's like avoiding the reality. At least, at this time, please, forget your past. Your past doesn't exist, it's finished and your future also doesn't exist. The reality is in the present. That's what will happen to you that you will come into present. We are all the time thinkingabout the past or the future. Jumping from past to future, future to past, these thoughts come in. But in between these thoughts, there's a little, little space for the present which increases in size and you become thoughtlessly aware. You are absolutely aware but there is no thought - complete peace. The second I told you, that you become collectively conscious because you can feel the centres of others. So, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. ‘Micra’ is better to tell them [Shri Mataji smiles].All right. You become part and parcel of the Whole. A drop becomes the ocean. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and you will have brothers and sisters in all these 55 nations.So please, don't feel guilty. Those who tell you, you are sinners and all that - forget them. Those who condemn you, forgive them. I tell you, you are not guilty, absolutely, no question. And the third condition is, that you have to forgive, forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself while the person, who has harmed you, is first class. So, it's a myth not to forgive. But you don’t think about the people whom you have to forgive. Just, just forgive in general. Some people say, It is difficult. But it’s a myth! What is difficult? Just to say, I forgive everyone, finished! You don’t have to take out something from your heart. You just have to say it. These are the three conditions. First is a complete confidence in yourself, second one is not to feel guilty and the third one is to forgive everyone in general. [Realisation starts]
Public Program, Warsaw, Poland 04-09-1993 I bow to all the seekers of Truth.At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. It is, it has been and it will be. Whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to have a scientific mind towards it. Keep your mind open. And whatever I say to you, if it is proved, then you have to believe in it as honest people. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego. But you are the pure Spirit. This is said by all the great prophets, by incarnations, by Muhammad Sahib as well as by our Christ, as well as by Moses also all Indian scriptures say the same thing.The second truth is that there is an All-pervading divine Power and this divine Power does all the living work. You see all the beautiful flowers here: it’s a miracle. They have come out of one seed. Our heart, who runs our heart? We don’t even bother to know who runs our heart. This All-pervading Power of divine love, runs our heart. It’s like the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or it is the Paramchaitanya or it is the ‘Ruh’.Translator: It’s what?Shri Mataji: ‘Ruh’, in Quran. It is described by many names. Those who are seekers of truth, are actually seeking the connection with this All-pervading Power. This connection is called as yoga, the real spiritual Yoga. It is not standing on your head or stretching your legs that it is a yoga. Even the taking the name of God, of praying to God, is not manifested unless and until you have the connection with this All-pervading Power of divine Love. As this instrument [the mike] if it is not connected with the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity. In the same way, we the human beings, if we are not connected, to the All-pervading divine Power, we have no meaning. We cannot have Self-knowledge; we cannot have enlightenment and we cannot know the absolute truth. Most of the human problems are creating problems to the world. And most of the human problems come to us from these centres when they go into jeopardy. All these subtle centres are within us. In the Bible, it is mentioned that, “I’ll appear before you like tongues of flames.” In every scripture, they described the life, the tree of life. But nobody has tried to find out what is this. The civilization, in the West, has grown very well. But it has to find out its roots, roots of spirituality. Otherwise, this whole big civilization will be completely dissolved. As it is, you can see what’s happening in the most developed countries like America. Thousands and thousands of people are suffering from AIDS. They are suffering from schizophrenia and the violence is at its worst. You can’t even wear a wedding ring and walk in the streets of New York. Such greed and such lust! No morality of any kind. It’s not only there but you see it all over Europe. And all developing countries who have taken to this modern life, like Argentina, also are in the same fate [unsure]. But once we find our roots, once we find our identity, you understand how great you are. You understand why you were created, what is the purpose of your life, what is the goal of your life. It’s only possible when you have your second birth. Many people brand them as twice-born.Translator: Sorry, once more.Shri Mataji: As twice born, born twice. Translator: Yes.Shri Mataji: But they are not. [To the translator] But they are not at all.Those who call themselves as Muslims and Christians and Hindus, are not! If they were real Christians, they would not have taken to this immoral life. How could such immoral life exist here in the name of Christ, who said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes!” What subtle morality, what deep morality! That’s only possible if you are enlightened. When the light comes within you, immediately you give up whatever is destructive, whatever is destructive within you and also you see what is outside is destructive.: Once you get your enlightenment, you can feel this All-pervading Power, for the first time, on your fingertips. You see also the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone. It’s the actualization of your baptism. Then you start using this power and you can give Realizations to others.As a result of this, you get physical, mental, emotional, spiritual problems solved. I don’t have to tell you, “Don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t do that”. With the light of the Spirit, you yourself become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. You become extremely dynamic but extremely compassionate. You can feel your own centres on your fingertips. Then you see all religions belong to the same tree of life, all beautiful flowers of Divinity. But people have taken out these flowers and are now fighting with the dead flowers. And all these religions are one; they have the same business. There is no need at all to fight in the name of God. This, you can know as a scientific proof after Realization. You can feel on your fingertips the centres of others. Now if you know how to correct them, you can correct your centres as well as the of others. You develop a peaceful heart and tremendous compassion. You realize then how great you are. All your virtues start manifesting. It is your own power it’s your own. You all have it within you and you don’t have to pay for it. God doesn’t understand banks. He doesn’t understand money. It’s a human nature. By reading about it, you do not get to that point. You have to seek and you will find. I call it a blossom time. Time when there are so many great souls are born. This is the fulfilment of the Last Judgment. The dead bodies are not going to come to life. I mean to say, all the prehistoric people and the dinosaurs all of them are going to come to life? But all those, who were dead, their souls will take birth as human beings. That’s why we have a population problem. So many great souls, we have seen, born as children. I’ve seen children at the age of 6 and 10, can play on violin or on piano like a master. In India, I’ve seen children below 10 years, singing the Indian music, which is very difficult, like great masters of old times. Today only, I saw in the television, in France, there were children very small children playing on the violin in such a- with such a mastery! So, these are the times when all these great people are going to be born. There are some people who are frightening to say that this world is going to come to an end. Don’t believe that. The One who is our Creator, is our Father, is the Supreme Being of compassion. He has not created this world to be destroyed. But he has made places for all of you in the Kingdom of God. Don’t be eluded by people, some of them are coming even from India and trying to put conditionings in your heads. The other day, I met somebody from this Hare Rama business. They are absolutely stupid, idiotic people. If you have to call the name of your Prime Minister here, near his house, you’ll be arrested. And you are calling the name of God without any protocol, without any permission, without any connection. You might only get a cancer of throat. I don’t know what other punishments.I must say, Russians were very clever. They said, “We had no food Mother, so we had nice food from them and now they have gone away permanently”. [Laughter]Translator: I didn’t hear, Mother.Shri Mataji: I said that Russians were very clever and they said that, “These people had brought food so we ate the food nicely and now they have gone away completely.” They have completely gone from Russia. Did you follow?Translator: No.Guido: The Russians were very clever because these Hare Krishna Hare Rama people -Translator: Ah, these people!Shri Mataji: I think, the IQ of Russian is very high.Translator: Hum …Shri Mataji: IQ.They said, “Mother, we could make out they are idiotic: stupid things they were telling us.” In you, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid, idiotic people. So, one has to understand and think: we talk of God and why all these horrible things are happening in the name of God? What’s gone wrong? The mistake is that we are not yet connected.Translator: We are not?Guido: Not connected.Shri Mataji: This is what we have to achieve the connection, which is ‘sahaja’ means spontaneous. Sahaja: ‘saha’ means ‘with’; ‘ja’ is ‘born’. What’s the matter with this gentleman? You see, you are little bit disturbing because they all start watching him now. Please make yourself comfortable. Translator: He is working, he said, Mother.Shri Mataji: Oh, but he’s going round, putting up, everybody is looking at him; You see, the permeation [unsure] come to him. All right.I don’t know how to tell you how the time has come for you to, specially, to achieve this state through your evolutionary process, through this awakening of this Kundalini, the power in your triangular bone. This bone is called as sacrum that means the Greeks knew it is a sacred bone. Athena, itself, means ‘Primordial Mother’. So, Greeks believed in all that. And now there’s a big upsurge in Greece also to take to their ancient knowledge because they’re so restless, so frustrated.So, time has come for you all also to have your Self-realisation. Of course, I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom. Those, who want to have it, can have it but you must have a very ardent desire.Those, who do not want to have it, please leave the hall, we’ll be very happy. This person, Hare Rama fellow, at least sit down. It’s very difficult to make them understand. Such conditionings people have that it is impossible! Only people who are really introspective were Russians. We always have programs in a big- what you call- auditoriums or places where there were 16, 000 people. They are so well-read and they know w so much about it. And they are so introspective, it’s very surprising. And now we have in thousands in Russia, also in Romania and Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia but Poland somehow is not - I don't know what is the conditioning, why. So, I know you all have lots of questions. I would like you to write them down and send it over to Me and I'll try to answer them. But just now, I think, you all should get your Realization. You see, it is such an ocean of knowledge that in this short time, I cannot tell you everything.You have to understand that these lights that are here, have been brought long time back. And to explain to you about all these lights and how electricity came, is such a headache. It's all built-in now. You have to just put one switch and they are on. You don't have to tell them all the history of electricity. So, it's a headache also. If you have your light because it is built-in within you - the system is built-in within you. It's all there. So, better to have your enlightenment and then talk about the rest of the things. [To someone] You can come here, there's some room. So, everybody should be seated down. [To the translator] Now ask him to take away the film because we're going to meditate and it might disturb the people. Someone should go and tell him. Better to go there.He won't disturb you. If he's seated, it's all right. But he'll be about disturbing people. Ask him to go out. I think, he's finished - if you don't mind.Thank you. Very obedient! It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes just to enter into the Kingdom of God which is the ocean of joy. We come out of, like a pond into - blossoming into a beautiful lotus because you are that. So, we have three conditions. Want to sit down ? Come along - don't stand in the door. There is room for you here, if you want. Please be seated.The first condition is that you should have full confidence in yourself. You must have full faith that today, tonight, you are going to get your Self-realization. In no way you should feel tempted. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty about anything. Like yesterday, somebody told Me that, "Mother, I have harmed somebody, so I'm feeling guilty". But what is the use? If you have harmed somebody, then go and tell that person. And tell it to yourself, face your mistakes. But if you feel guilty, then the guilt goes here, in the left side of your center. And you develop horrible diseases like angina, spondylitis, also lethargy problems So, no use feeling guilty, it's like avoiding the reality. At least, at this time, please, forget your past. Your past doesn't exist, it's finished and your future also doesn't exist. The reality is in the present. That's what will happen to you that you will come into present. We are all the time thinkingabout the past or the future. Jumping from past to future, future to past, these thoughts come in. But in between these thoughts, there's a little, little space for the present which increases in size and you become thoughtlessly aware. You are absolutely aware but there is no thought - complete peace. The second I told you, that you become collectively conscious because you can feel the centres of others. So, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. ‘Micra’ is better to tell them [Shri Mataji smiles].All right. You become part and parcel of the Whole. A drop becomes the ocean. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and you will have brothers and sisters in all these 55 nations.So please, don't feel guilty. Those who tell you, you are sinners and all that - forget them. Those who condemn you, forgive them. I tell you, you are not guilty, absolutely, no question. And the third condition is, that you have to forgive, forgive everyone. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself while the person, who has harmed you, is first class. So, it's a myth not to forgive. But you don’t think about the people whom you have to forgive. Just, just forgive in general. Some people say, It is difficult. But it’s a myth! What is difficult? Just to say, I forgive everyone, finished! You don’t have to take out something from your heart. You just have to say it. These are the three conditions. First is a complete confidence in yourself, second one is not to feel guilty and the third one is to forgive everyone in general. [Realisation starts]
Talk to Sahaja Yogis: Laziness
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
19930904 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Warsaw Shri Mataji: Those ladies who didn’t get present should get it. Yogi: Those ladies who didn’t get present. Yogi: Sahaja Yoginis. Yogi: Not new people. [Inaudible] Yogini: Shri Mataji, can we give them afterwards? Shri Mataji: All right. She will give you afterwards. How many they are? And also for men, we have. You can give them the rings [Inaudible] All of you. Let them give among them. And the chains. The chains also. Can I have [Inaudible] Yogi: Do you want one? Yogi: Shri Mataji, there is a small boy here. Shri Mataji: Everybody got the earrings? Yogini: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hun? Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogini: They all got. Shri Mataji here. Shri Mataji: There was one England lady who came forward. For the children [Inaudible] What did you get? What did she get? That’s all? Yogini: She got already earrings but they … Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogini: She got already earrings but they broke. She said. Shri Mataji: Broke? Yogini: They broke. The earrings she got. Shri Mataji: Give her another one. Yogi: Mother, we have here also boys from Czechoslovakia, who sings so nicely. Shri Mataji: What to do? How many they are? Yogini: They got already in Czechoslovakia. Yogini: She didn’t get earrings. Can I give them to her? Yes? Shri Mataji: Did you get anything? One is behind. Only that? Give it. Come along. You didn’t get. This lady. One for the ears and one here. He’s got it. This lady. Take this. You have small hair. What about this lady? She got it? Yogini: She got for a child, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Not, not, for her. And also, here. Did you get? Yogini: For the children, Shri Mataji? Yogis: For the boys. Shri Mataji: I am happy to see all of you here. I must tell you, yesterday we had too many people were only sick. Only four, five people came to thank me. (Shri Mataji to the translator) If you can stand up [Inaudible] And about three people came who just came to argue. Recording? Last year also if you remember the same thing happened. And such a long time I work my legs started paining. Last night I couldn’t even sleep. I never do this in any country but in Poland. Because it’s a very difficult country. It is cursed by catholic church. All of them who came had their left Vishuddhi. So, you have to ask them to put their right hand on the Vishuddhi and then ask with the left hand “Mother, are you the Holy Ghost that Christ has said?” It has to be done three times. But the main thing is Sahaja Yogis. Matthias was very frustrated and disappointed. And he was telling me “Mother you don’t go to Poland this year. So, that the Sahaja Yogis will come up”. He told a few things about you which were very saddening to me. One of them, he said that they don’t meditate. Extremally lazy about it. They have to meditate every night and they don’t even do it for sometimes weeks together. So, they are extremally superficial in their Sahaja Yoga. He was saying about the leaders also, they have to meditate. Because they have to come to the level of other leaders. Now see here, we have people from Switzerland to help you, we have people from Italy to help you. Also, we have people from England, English people are here. You have seen the Czech people coming to sing for you. [It] shows that you all need help. And the people like her, who is a Polish like Matthias, they really felt from their heart that they should do something for Yoga. And her husband also is here to work it out. He is a German. So, she is a Polish but how dedicated she is! Matthias was Polish, how dedicated he was! He gave his life for Poland. Now, you should know that you are responsible for saving your country. First time, when I came to Poland I used to think, these are really great, courageous people who have resurrected their country. They were badly bombed and every street was reconstructed, not only the buildings but every street. But they, those people were much older then you and were shattered by war they were all shaking whenever they saw me. Yogis: Close, close the door maybe. Shri Mataji: What is it? Yogis: There is somebody coming. Shri Mataji: ? Yogis: There is somebody coming from outside. Ok. Shri Mataji: All right. So, this is why they fought and they worked it out with the nervousness that they had. But I don’t know this generation I’m told they don’t want to work. They just don’t want to work and they just want to depend on some people. I don’t know how you can reconcile yourself to that. It’s very important time now, very, very important. You have to wake up! You all have to work, take to jobs. If you are jobless you will not be in Sahaja Yoga. In England, there is such a big unemployment, such a big, not one Sahaja Yogi is unemployed, not one. Russians are very hard-working, Bulgarians are very hard-working, Romanians are very hard-working, why not Poland? If you people really wake up, then I won’t have to work so hard here. They’ve seen you people; you are the ones who will spread the light. Why should you depend on anyone? Work yourself, earn yourself, live with self-respect. I don’t know how you live without doing work. Look at my age. I’m seventy-one and your Mother is working so hard. And should you not work? You should work, isn’t it? If you don’t work for your jobs you cannot work even for Sahaja Yoga. Because the activity must come. Only if you have desire you cannot get anywhere, you have to act. I was also told there are some artists, some painters. That can be part-time work. But you must earn! Otherwise Sahaja Yogis of Poland will be the poorest among all the Sahaja Yogis. If you people really work, then you will see Laxmi will be here. And then you have to go to others countries to help them. You have to meditate. With that you go deeper and deeper. Today I want you to give me a promise. A present to me. That you take oath that you will now take up jobs and you will meditate and become deeper Sahaja Yogis. And also, that you’ll spread Sahaja Yoga. Everyone can get thousands Sahaja Yogis. Because you do not meditate you do not have the depth to show that you are great people. All kinds of mistakes people make here. And such an Agnya also. Because of catholic church which is against Christ, which is anti-Christ. You have to beat everyday with shoes this Catholic church. And those people who are lethargic you should just give up their company. Lethargic people are extremally hot-tempered and angry and passive. So, I would request you now next time when I come you all should appear with very deep personalities. And as a Mother I want to give all my powers to you. But you must have the depth to take it. If you put a stone in the river Ganges how much water it can carry? You have to have a pitcher to fit it. Also, another bad point of laziness is that nothing goes in the head. They just accept themselves, nothing goes, they are just all right, all right. But that now, this emancipation has to come. Also, there is too much immorality in Poland. They say that Warsaw has become the capital of prostitution. Can you imagine? I can quite believe because wherever this Catholic church have been, this has been the conditioning. Say, you go to Brazil, you go to Philippines, anywhere. Ireland; violence and immorality. People get just cursed. So, this is a greater enemy then Hitler. So, you have to be very great warriors to fight it. Otherwise Poland cannot rise. All other Eastern bloc countries are coming up very well. I know that if you meditate, if you go deep all your powers will manifest. I can tell you soul of Matthias was suffering. He spent so much money, so much effort. And he was so hopeless about things. So now I’m telling you with all my love that all of you have to become very deep people and by spreading Sahaja Yoga only you become deeper also. Now these people who have come here they have spent their own money they had to take leave from their work and leave their children with some other people, with such dedication they are here. Why are they doing it? They feel so responsible. They understand how important it is to save the world; Sahaja Yoga has to be established. It’s the greatest revolution, the greatest achievement for humanity. You people are quite intelligent, not idiotic like Americans. But this laziness, I don’t know from where you have inherited it. I can’t believe because I’ve seen your older people working so hard and resurrecting this Poland; I’ve seen it. If you have any problems, you should really tell me. Like yesterday, we had so many, so many sick people. They all could have been cured by you. Why should I have cure them? I never cure anybody in any country, except in Poland. Because you yourself are not equipped and you don’t know how to cure others. I don’t know if you at least know about the chakras and I don’t know if you know about mantras, do you know about how to raise the Kundalini, I don’t know. Also, the Romanians know the songs by heart. Very creditable. When I was in Hungary, hundred and fifty of them came by bus. And when they started singing even the Indian Sahaja Yogis were amazed. And I asked them: Where are you going to stay? They said: In the garden. And what about your food? We are all right. We have had everything. That’s how the dedication shows, the depth shows and love for the whole world. You should at least love your own country. I hope, this talk of mine will not go a waste. I love your country; I love you all. You all should now understand, you can play this tape again and again, I think, this is better, that they’ll remember what they have to do. Yesterday, I saw the way they were trying to help others, they didn’t know how to do it, to give the proper bandhan, how to raise the Kundalini. Just they were doing like this. It’s not the way. You must know properly. It’s tremendous knowledge. The knowledge you must have. It’s available to you free. I definitively care very much for Poland. People were saying, why should you go to Poland when you once go to, say, to Russia you get thousands. So, why you should waste your time in Poland? Or in India. But I think you all will now understand what I’m saying. And have full faith in yourself and establish self. Even in difficult places like England and France we have thousands of Sahaja Yogis. But one thing that they are not lazy. I can’t understand Sahaja Yogis being lazy, I can’t understand. Not possible. Once you get to it you’ll become very dynamic, you have to. The first sign is to become dynamic. I’ve even seen musicians. When they play before me suddenly they become so dynamic. Even painters, artists. Then why not you people? What is your problem you should tell me. That’s one thing. I don’t still understand why you are lethargic. But if you have any problem you should tell me. What makes you lethargic? Next time I hope to come and see very great Sahaja Yogis in Poland. You don’t have to meditate for long. About ten minutes in the night and about five minutes in the morning. That’s all. Even if that cannot be done it’s too much then. So, next time I won’t cure anybody. And next time I’ll ask you questions. How much you have done and understood Sahaja Yoga? May God bless you. So, should I take your leave now? Let the children have the chocolates. Where are the watches you brought? Are there Romanians? Yogini: Czechoslovakians. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogini: Czech. Czech people. Shri Mataji: Czech people. … come here. Yogini: Czechoslovakians. Czech people. Yogi: Sahaja Yogis from Czechoslovakia. Yogi: Sahaja Yogis from Czechoslovakia please come close. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Shri Mataji talks aside to Yogini] [Yogis sing Vishwavandita] Shri Mataji: All of you sing! May God bless you. Also, they must write some poems. Yes. He sings Jai. Yogi: This little boy was to have the name Mother. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogi: This little boy was to have a name Mother. Shri Mataji: What’s his name? Yogi: Adam. Shri Mataji: Adam? Yogi: Adam. Shri Mataji: What’s your name?
19930904 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Warsaw Shri Mataji: Those ladies who didn’t get present should get it. Yogi: Those ladies who didn’t get present. Yogi: Sahaja Yoginis. Yogi: Not new people. [Inaudible] Yogini: Shri Mataji, can we give them afterwards? Shri Mataji: All right. She will give you afterwards. How many they are? And also for men, we have. You can give them the rings [Inaudible] All of you. Let them give among them. And the chains. The chains also. Can I have [Inaudible] Yogi: Do you want one? Yogi: Shri Mataji, there is a small boy here. Shri Mataji: Everybody got the earrings? Yogini: Yes, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Hun? Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: Yes. Yogini: They all got. Shri Mataji here. Shri Mataji: There was one England lady who came forward. For the children [Inaudible] What did you get? What did she get? That’s all? Yogini: She got already earrings but they … Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogini: She got already earrings but they broke. She said. Shri Mataji: Broke? Yogini: They broke. The earrings she got. Shri Mataji: Give her another one. Yogi: Mother, we have here also boys from Czechoslovakia, who sings so nicely. Shri Mataji: What to do? How many they are? Yogini: They got already in Czechoslovakia. Yogini: She didn’t get earrings. Can I give them to her? Yes? Shri Mataji: Did you get anything? One is behind. Only that? Give it. Come along. You didn’t get. This lady. One for the ears and one here. He’s got it. This lady. Take this. You have small hair. What about this lady? She got it? Yogini: She got for a child, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Not, not, for her. And also, here. Did you get? Yogini: For the children, Shri Mataji? Yogis: For the boys. Shri Mataji: I am happy to see all of you here. I must tell you, yesterday we had too many people were only sick. Only four, five people came to thank me. (Shri Mataji to the translator) If you can stand up [Inaudible] And about three people came who just came to argue. Recording? Last year also if you remember the same thing happened. And such a long time I work my legs started paining. Last night I couldn’t even sleep. I never do this in any country but in Poland. Because it’s a very difficult country. It is cursed by catholic church. All of them who came had their left Vishuddhi. So, you have to ask them to put their right hand on the Vishuddhi and then ask with the left hand “Mother, are you the Holy Ghost that Christ has said?” It has to be done three times. But the main thing is Sahaja Yogis. Matthias was very frustrated and disappointed. And he was telling me “Mother you don’t go to Poland this year. So, that the Sahaja Yogis will come up”. He told a few things about you which were very saddening to me. One of them, he said that they don’t meditate. Extremally lazy about it. They have to meditate every night and they don’t even do it for sometimes weeks together. So, they are extremally superficial in their Sahaja Yoga. He was saying about the leaders also, they have to meditate. Because they have to come to the level of other leaders. Now see here, we have people from Switzerland to help you, we have people from Italy to help you. Also, we have people from England, English people are here. You have seen the Czech people coming to sing for you. [It] shows that you all need help. And the people like her, who is a Polish like Matthias, they really felt from their heart that they should do something for Yoga. And her husband also is here to work it out. He is a German. So, she is a Polish but how dedicated she is! Matthias was Polish, how dedicated he was! He gave his life for Poland. Now, you should know that you are responsible for saving your country. First time, when I came to Poland I used to think, these are really great, courageous people who have resurrected their country. They were badly bombed and every street was reconstructed, not only the buildings but every street. But they, those people were much older then you and were shattered by war they were all shaking whenever they saw me. Yogis: Close, close the door maybe. Shri Mataji: What is it? Yogis: There is somebody coming. Shri Mataji: ? Yogis: There is somebody coming from outside. Ok. Shri Mataji: All right. So, this is why they fought and they worked it out with the nervousness that they had. But I don’t know this generation I’m told they don’t want to work. They just don’t want to work and they just want to depend on some people. I don’t know how you can reconcile yourself to that. It’s very important time now, very, very important. You have to wake up! You all have to work, take to jobs. If you are jobless you will not be in Sahaja Yoga. In England, there is such a big unemployment, such a big, not one Sahaja Yogi is unemployed, not one. Russians are very hard-working, Bulgarians are very hard-working, Romanians are very hard-working, why not Poland? If you people really wake up, then I won’t have to work so hard here. They’ve seen you people; you are the ones who will spread the light. Why should you depend on anyone? Work yourself, earn yourself, live with self-respect. I don’t know how you live without doing work. Look at my age. I’m seventy-one and your Mother is working so hard. And should you not work? You should work, isn’t it? If you don’t work for your jobs you cannot work even for Sahaja Yoga. Because the activity must come. Only if you have desire you cannot get anywhere, you have to act. I was also told there are some artists, some painters. That can be part-time work. But you must earn! Otherwise Sahaja Yogis of Poland will be the poorest among all the Sahaja Yogis. If you people really work, then you will see Laxmi will be here. And then you have to go to others countries to help them. You have to meditate. With that you go deeper and deeper. Today I want you to give me a promise. A present to me. That you take oath that you will now take up jobs and you will meditate and become deeper Sahaja Yogis. And also, that you’ll spread Sahaja Yoga. Everyone can get thousands Sahaja Yogis. Because you do not meditate you do not have the depth to show that you are great people. All kinds of mistakes people make here. And such an Agnya also. Because of catholic church which is against Christ, which is anti-Christ. You have to beat everyday with shoes this Catholic church. And those people who are lethargic you should just give up their company. Lethargic people are extremally hot-tempered and angry and passive. So, I would request you now next time when I come you all should appear with very deep personalities. And as a Mother I want to give all my powers to you. But you must have the depth to take it. If you put a stone in the river Ganges how much water it can carry? You have to have a pitcher to fit it. Also, another bad point of laziness is that nothing goes in the head. They just accept themselves, nothing goes, they are just all right, all right. But that now, this emancipation has to come. Also, there is too much immorality in Poland. They say that Warsaw has become the capital of prostitution. Can you imagine? I can quite believe because wherever this Catholic church have been, this has been the conditioning. Say, you go to Brazil, you go to Philippines, anywhere. Ireland; violence and immorality. People get just cursed. So, this is a greater enemy then Hitler. So, you have to be very great warriors to fight it. Otherwise Poland cannot rise. All other Eastern bloc countries are coming up very well. I know that if you meditate, if you go deep all your powers will manifest. I can tell you soul of Matthias was suffering. He spent so much money, so much effort. And he was so hopeless about things. So now I’m telling you with all my love that all of you have to become very deep people and by spreading Sahaja Yoga only you become deeper also. Now these people who have come here they have spent their own money they had to take leave from their work and leave their children with some other people, with such dedication they are here. Why are they doing it? They feel so responsible. They understand how important it is to save the world; Sahaja Yoga has to be established. It’s the greatest revolution, the greatest achievement for humanity. You people are quite intelligent, not idiotic like Americans. But this laziness, I don’t know from where you have inherited it. I can’t believe because I’ve seen your older people working so hard and resurrecting this Poland; I’ve seen it. If you have any problems, you should really tell me. Like yesterday, we had so many, so many sick people. They all could have been cured by you. Why should I have cure them? I never cure anybody in any country, except in Poland. Because you yourself are not equipped and you don’t know how to cure others. I don’t know if you at least know about the chakras and I don’t know if you know about mantras, do you know about how to raise the Kundalini, I don’t know. Also, the Romanians know the songs by heart. Very creditable. When I was in Hungary, hundred and fifty of them came by bus. And when they started singing even the Indian Sahaja Yogis were amazed. And I asked them: Where are you going to stay? They said: In the garden. And what about your food? We are all right. We have had everything. That’s how the dedication shows, the depth shows and love for the whole world. You should at least love your own country. I hope, this talk of mine will not go a waste. I love your country; I love you all. You all should now understand, you can play this tape again and again, I think, this is better, that they’ll remember what they have to do. Yesterday, I saw the way they were trying to help others, they didn’t know how to do it, to give the proper bandhan, how to raise the Kundalini. Just they were doing like this. It’s not the way. You must know properly. It’s tremendous knowledge. The knowledge you must have. It’s available to you free. I definitively care very much for Poland. People were saying, why should you go to Poland when you once go to, say, to Russia you get thousands. So, why you should waste your time in Poland? Or in India. But I think you all will now understand what I’m saying. And have full faith in yourself and establish self. Even in difficult places like England and France we have thousands of Sahaja Yogis. But one thing that they are not lazy. I can’t understand Sahaja Yogis being lazy, I can’t understand. Not possible. Once you get to it you’ll become very dynamic, you have to. The first sign is to become dynamic. I’ve even seen musicians. When they play before me suddenly they become so dynamic. Even painters, artists. Then why not you people? What is your problem you should tell me. That’s one thing. I don’t still understand why you are lethargic. But if you have any problem you should tell me. What makes you lethargic? Next time I hope to come and see very great Sahaja Yogis in Poland. You don’t have to meditate for long. About ten minutes in the night and about five minutes in the morning. That’s all. Even if that cannot be done it’s too much then. So, next time I won’t cure anybody. And next time I’ll ask you questions. How much you have done and understood Sahaja Yoga? May God bless you. So, should I take your leave now? Let the children have the chocolates. Where are the watches you brought? Are there Romanians? Yogini: Czechoslovakians. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogini: Czech. Czech people. Shri Mataji: Czech people. … come here. Yogini: Czechoslovakians. Czech people. Yogi: Sahaja Yogis from Czechoslovakia. Yogi: Sahaja Yogis from Czechoslovakia please come close. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Shri Mataji talks aside to Yogini] [Yogis sing Vishwavandita] Shri Mataji: All of you sing! May God bless you. Also, they must write some poems. Yes. He sings Jai. Yogi: This little boy was to have the name Mother. Shri Mataji: Yeah? Yogi: This little boy was to have a name Mother. Shri Mataji: What’s his name? Yogi: Adam. Shri Mataji: Adam? Yogi: Adam. Shri Mataji: What’s your name?
The one enjoyment in the bliss of God
Public Program
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 7 September 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it and we cannot conceptualize it. It has to be felt, on your central nervous system. As an evolutionary process, whatever we have achieved, we can feel it on our central nervous system. In Sanskrit the word is Bodha. It cannot be understood by mental projections or by reading books. As we know, there are problems and problems in this world today. These problems are caused mostly by human beings. And most of the human problems come from the sick chakras, the centers about which they have told you. If we, somehow, correct those centers, all our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems can be solved. Now whatever I'm telling you today, you do not have to accept Me. But you have to keep your minds open like scientists; and treat my saying as hypothesis, and if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because you're born in any religion you call yourself belonging to that religion. And whatever our misunderstandings or wrong conceptions which are mental, you start fighting for it. But in every religion it is said that you must get your enlightenment. In every religion it is said that you are to be born again. Despite all that, people are not understanding what's wrong when they follow a particular religion. All these religions now have become either power oriented or money oriented. But they are not Spirit oriented. They don't understand that they have to become the Spirit. And that is why we find all over the world there are fights going on in the name of God; in the name of religion. So just by mental understanding, even knowing about other religions, you cannot get rid of this fundamentalism. In the evolutionary process, we have become human beings. But we are not yet perfect, and we do not know the absolute truth. Someone says this is the truth, another says this is the truth; another says that is the truth. And mentally believing into these things, they start fighting. But there is a way to know the absolute truth. Our Father, our Creator who has created us, is not going to allow us to destroy his Creation. He has made all beautiful arrangements within us, beautiful machinery within us, by which we can become the Spirit. So the Truth is, you are not this body, [this mind: Mother does say "this mind" twice], this mind or these conditionings and these emotions, ego, but you are a pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love. You see these beautiful flowers, all over, it's a miracle. From one seed how many beautiful flowers have come out? Who runs our heart? Who runs the whole digestive system? Doctors say its autonomous nervous system. But who is the "auto"? This question we never ask. We take everything for granted. Thus, we have forgotten that there must be some power that works it out. Now this All Pervading Power of Divine Love has brought you to this stage of human awareness. And now you have to be the Spirit. You have to have Self Realization. As a result, you know about yourself, you know about your centers, also you know about the center of others, because on your fingertips you can feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost and you can feel the centers also, yours as well as others. Now if you can cure these centers, then you solve your problem and solve the problem of others. So you become collectively conscious. So who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Also, when we see ourselves we live either in the past and in the future. We cannot live in the present. Thoughts come from the past and sometimes from the future and we are jumping on them. In between these thoughts there is the present, which is silence, [which is silence=is repeated in talk, consider 1 instance only] which is peace, which is thoughtless. So you achieve another dimension in your awareness, where you become thoughtlessly aware and you are in the present. Thus peace is established. People have very big peace conferences; they get I've seen awards for peace, all kinds of things. But they have no peace within themselves. How can they create peace? How can they talk about peace? All this happens when the power of Kundalini about which they have told you, awakens and connects you to this All Pervading Power, and in her journey, she nourishes all the centers, and not only the centers but also absolutely fills you with joy. You feel the Cool Breeze out of your head, coming out, out of the fontanelle bone area. All this is your own. You have the power. It's your own power that works it. That's why I call it Sahaja, because it is spontaneous, and Yoga is the union with this Divine power. It is not standing on your head and all kind of physical exercises. As it is, they told me to come after 8 o'clock, and just to give you your Realization. So there is no end to these lectures. I don't know how many thousands of lectures I have given so far. It's just a mental understanding. But something has to happen. Unless and until this happening takes places, actualizes, you will not feel this All Pervading Power. Then you can give Realizations to others, you can cure others, you care cure yourself, I mean, it is a very different life, it's the life of a saint. There are so many things that happen that in this short lecture I won't be able to explain everything. But in this hall, see there are so many lights, for which I don't have to tell you all the history of electricity, how it came here. Only there's a switch which has to be put on. Because it is all built-in within you; only thing you have to have faith in yourself. You have to know that you all can get your Self Realization, tonight, here. And of course, after that you have to come to the centers and find out, how you should grow? For this you can't pay. You can't pay for God; because He doesn't understand money, He doesn't understand bank. That is human headache. And also you don't have to pay for attending our centers where you will get all the Divine knowledge free. Romania, it seems to be a very auspicious and a holy country. Ramana in Sanskrit means "The one enjoyment in the bliss of God". We have at least one thousand very good Sahaja Yogis here, which are very outstandingly great, everywhere in the whole world we have 55 nations; they all respect Romanian Sahaja Yogis. So I am very happy to be with you all here and we'll have now the session for Realization. For this I have to just request you to take out your shoes, that's all. This will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes but if you want to leave, you can leave now, but please don't disturb in between. Moreover, I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you; also we cannot force Self Realization, because I respect your freedom. You also must respect us so that if you do not want to have your Self Realization, please leave the hall. But of course those who want can easily get it. You have to have desire to get Self Realization. Now there are three conditions; the first one is that all of you have to have complete faith in yourself, absolute faith in yourself that you all will get your Realization. Please don't have any doubts. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty for anything; not to feel guilty in any way. If you have done any mistakes in the past, you should have faced it instead of carrying it with you all the time, the guilt. But when you feel guilty you catch on the left hand side of this center here very badly. As a result, you get diseases like angina, spondilitis and lethargic organs. So what is the use of feeling guilty? And torturing yourself for nothing at all. The third condition is very simple, [the third condition is], that you have to forgiven everyone. Now, many people say that it is very difficult to forgive. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then, you play into wrong hands and torture yourself for nothing at all. So, please forgive, just to say, "I forgive", that's all, "I forgive everyone", you don't think also about those people who have troubled you. On the contrary, just forgive all of them, in general. These are the three conditions. I would request everyone to be seated. Those people who are standing there, please be seated, please don't stand. There is seats here, you can sit here. Now, please pay attention this side. They have already told you that there are two powers, two nadis, one is the power of desire, and another is a power of action. So please put your left hand towards Me, like this. Comfortably, very comfortably. Keep it on your lap. You don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on your head. Here you will get your Realization. Now, with the right hand, we have to give vibrations or we can say the nourishment, to our different centers. Your both feet should be away from each other, because these are two powers. Not for those who sitting on the ground, they are alright. Alright, first we put our right hand on our heart. Please everyone should do, otherwise please go away Sir. Now, in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. We are working on the left side. This center has been created by great prophets and great masters; we have to just awaken it. Now take your right hand in your lower portion of the abdomen and press it; this is the center of pure knowledge. Take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center I told you about which catches when you are guilty. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across, like this and bend your head. This is the center to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head. And push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power of Love. Now, stretch your hand, palm like this, now this is the last centers, put the center of your palm on your [not transcribed: forehead, because Mother quickly restates] onto your head, onto the fontanelle bone area, which is the soft bone. Now, bend your head. Here, push back your fingers, very important. So that's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalps, slowly, clockwise seven times. Bend your heads, bend your heads. That's all we have to do. Now again, please put both your legs away from each other and you have to close your eyes, put the left hand like this and right hand on your heart. Please take out your spectacles because now you have to close your eyes and please don't open them 'til I tell you. Please, now, close your eyes. Here now, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times, you can call me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". Please ask the question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times; three times. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your master, your guide. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask another question, fundamental question about yourself, "Mother, am I my own master?" ask three times. I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, and press it hard. This is the center where you have to ask for Pure Divine Knowledge. So please ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge". As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, so we have to nourish the upper centers with our self confidence. So now here, you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. And say with full confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master". I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and say it twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy, ocean of bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever wrong we might have done, it can be easily dissolved in the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here, you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I've already told you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive at this moment, then your center of Agnya will be completely closed, and the Kundalini won't rise, so you will miss your Self Realization. So please, forgive everyone in general by putting your hand on top of your forehead across, and bending your head. Please say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general". Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power just for your satisfaction. So now please take your hand back, on the backside of your head, not the neck, but the head, and put it up, put back your head like that. Now, here you have to say from your heart, not how many times "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes". Now the most important is the seventh center, and for that you have to stretch your palm fully, and put it on the fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers. And bend your head fully. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So move your scalp seven times, clockwise slowly, saying seven times, "Mother, give me my Self Realization". Now please take down your hands and open your eyes please. Now put both the hands towards Me, like this, and don't think. Watch Me, and don't think. Now, put the right hand towards Me like this, bend your head, and see with the left hand if there's a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please don't put hand on your head; it could be hot or cold. Now, please put left hand towards me and now bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. If there is hot breeze, then please know that you have not forgiven. Some people get it close, and some people get it far away, so now you forgive everyone, again you put the right hand last time, and with the left hand you see. Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this, and your head backwards like this, and here you have to say, out of these three questions, you have to ask one question three times "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?", ask any one of these questions three times. It's tremendous. Now take down your hand, please. All those who have felt cold or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their hands, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. This is Romania. What to say, you all have got your Realization. Now only thing you must know, what is this? You must know what is this power. You must know how to use it and how to enjoy. Within one month you can become masters. May God Bless you all. I can't meet so many people, I'm sorry, I wish I could but I'm sorry, I can't meet.
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 7 September 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, we have to know that Truth is what it is. We cannot change it and we cannot conceptualize it. It has to be felt, on your central nervous system. As an evolutionary process, whatever we have achieved, we can feel it on our central nervous system. In Sanskrit the word is Bodha. It cannot be understood by mental projections or by reading books. As we know, there are problems and problems in this world today. These problems are caused mostly by human beings. And most of the human problems come from the sick chakras, the centers about which they have told you. If we, somehow, correct those centers, all our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems can be solved. Now whatever I'm telling you today, you do not have to accept Me. But you have to keep your minds open like scientists; and treat my saying as hypothesis, and if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because you're born in any religion you call yourself belonging to that religion. And whatever our misunderstandings or wrong conceptions which are mental, you start fighting for it. But in every religion it is said that you must get your enlightenment. In every religion it is said that you are to be born again. Despite all that, people are not understanding what's wrong when they follow a particular religion. All these religions now have become either power oriented or money oriented. But they are not Spirit oriented. They don't understand that they have to become the Spirit. And that is why we find all over the world there are fights going on in the name of God; in the name of religion. So just by mental understanding, even knowing about other religions, you cannot get rid of this fundamentalism. In the evolutionary process, we have become human beings. But we are not yet perfect, and we do not know the absolute truth. Someone says this is the truth, another says this is the truth; another says that is the truth. And mentally believing into these things, they start fighting. But there is a way to know the absolute truth. Our Father, our Creator who has created us, is not going to allow us to destroy his Creation. He has made all beautiful arrangements within us, beautiful machinery within us, by which we can become the Spirit. So the Truth is, you are not this body, [this mind: Mother does say "this mind" twice], this mind or these conditionings and these emotions, ego, but you are a pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love. You see these beautiful flowers, all over, it's a miracle. From one seed how many beautiful flowers have come out? Who runs our heart? Who runs the whole digestive system? Doctors say its autonomous nervous system. But who is the "auto"? This question we never ask. We take everything for granted. Thus, we have forgotten that there must be some power that works it out. Now this All Pervading Power of Divine Love has brought you to this stage of human awareness. And now you have to be the Spirit. You have to have Self Realization. As a result, you know about yourself, you know about your centers, also you know about the center of others, because on your fingertips you can feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost and you can feel the centers also, yours as well as others. Now if you can cure these centers, then you solve your problem and solve the problem of others. So you become collectively conscious. So who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Also, when we see ourselves we live either in the past and in the future. We cannot live in the present. Thoughts come from the past and sometimes from the future and we are jumping on them. In between these thoughts there is the present, which is silence, [which is silence=is repeated in talk, consider 1 instance only] which is peace, which is thoughtless. So you achieve another dimension in your awareness, where you become thoughtlessly aware and you are in the present. Thus peace is established. People have very big peace conferences; they get I've seen awards for peace, all kinds of things. But they have no peace within themselves. How can they create peace? How can they talk about peace? All this happens when the power of Kundalini about which they have told you, awakens and connects you to this All Pervading Power, and in her journey, she nourishes all the centers, and not only the centers but also absolutely fills you with joy. You feel the Cool Breeze out of your head, coming out, out of the fontanelle bone area. All this is your own. You have the power. It's your own power that works it. That's why I call it Sahaja, because it is spontaneous, and Yoga is the union with this Divine power. It is not standing on your head and all kind of physical exercises. As it is, they told me to come after 8 o'clock, and just to give you your Realization. So there is no end to these lectures. I don't know how many thousands of lectures I have given so far. It's just a mental understanding. But something has to happen. Unless and until this happening takes places, actualizes, you will not feel this All Pervading Power. Then you can give Realizations to others, you can cure others, you care cure yourself, I mean, it is a very different life, it's the life of a saint. There are so many things that happen that in this short lecture I won't be able to explain everything. But in this hall, see there are so many lights, for which I don't have to tell you all the history of electricity, how it came here. Only there's a switch which has to be put on. Because it is all built-in within you; only thing you have to have faith in yourself. You have to know that you all can get your Self Realization, tonight, here. And of course, after that you have to come to the centers and find out, how you should grow? For this you can't pay. You can't pay for God; because He doesn't understand money, He doesn't understand bank. That is human headache. And also you don't have to pay for attending our centers where you will get all the Divine knowledge free. Romania, it seems to be a very auspicious and a holy country. Ramana in Sanskrit means "The one enjoyment in the bliss of God". We have at least one thousand very good Sahaja Yogis here, which are very outstandingly great, everywhere in the whole world we have 55 nations; they all respect Romanian Sahaja Yogis. So I am very happy to be with you all here and we'll have now the session for Realization. For this I have to just request you to take out your shoes, that's all. This will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes but if you want to leave, you can leave now, but please don't disturb in between. Moreover, I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you; also we cannot force Self Realization, because I respect your freedom. You also must respect us so that if you do not want to have your Self Realization, please leave the hall. But of course those who want can easily get it. You have to have desire to get Self Realization. Now there are three conditions; the first one is that all of you have to have complete faith in yourself, absolute faith in yourself that you all will get your Realization. Please don't have any doubts. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty for anything; not to feel guilty in any way. If you have done any mistakes in the past, you should have faced it instead of carrying it with you all the time, the guilt. But when you feel guilty you catch on the left hand side of this center here very badly. As a result, you get diseases like angina, spondilitis and lethargic organs. So what is the use of feeling guilty? And torturing yourself for nothing at all. The third condition is very simple, [the third condition is], that you have to forgiven everyone. Now, many people say that it is very difficult to forgive. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then, you play into wrong hands and torture yourself for nothing at all. So, please forgive, just to say, "I forgive", that's all, "I forgive everyone", you don't think also about those people who have troubled you. On the contrary, just forgive all of them, in general. These are the three conditions. I would request everyone to be seated. Those people who are standing there, please be seated, please don't stand. There is seats here, you can sit here. Now, please pay attention this side. They have already told you that there are two powers, two nadis, one is the power of desire, and another is a power of action. So please put your left hand towards Me, like this. Comfortably, very comfortably. Keep it on your lap. You don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on your head. Here you will get your Realization. Now, with the right hand, we have to give vibrations or we can say the nourishment, to our different centers. Your both feet should be away from each other, because these are two powers. Not for those who sitting on the ground, they are alright. Alright, first we put our right hand on our heart. Please everyone should do, otherwise please go away Sir. Now, in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. We are working on the left side. This center has been created by great prophets and great masters; we have to just awaken it. Now take your right hand in your lower portion of the abdomen and press it; this is the center of pure knowledge. Take your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center I told you about which catches when you are guilty. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across, like this and bend your head. This is the center to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head. And push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power of Love. Now, stretch your hand, palm like this, now this is the last centers, put the center of your palm on your [not transcribed: forehead, because Mother quickly restates] onto your head, onto the fontanelle bone area, which is the soft bone. Now, bend your head. Here, push back your fingers, very important. So that's a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalps, slowly, clockwise seven times. Bend your heads, bend your heads. That's all we have to do. Now again, please put both your legs away from each other and you have to close your eyes, put the left hand like this and right hand on your heart. Please take out your spectacles because now you have to close your eyes and please don't open them 'til I tell you. Please, now, close your eyes. Here now, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times, you can call me "Mother" or "Shri Mataji". Please ask the question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times; three times. I've told you that if you become the Spirit, you become your master, your guide. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask another question, fundamental question about yourself, "Mother, am I my own master?" ask three times. I have told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you, you have to ask for it. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, and press it hard. This is the center where you have to ask for Pure Divine Knowledge. So please ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge". As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising, so we have to nourish the upper centers with our self confidence. So now here, you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. And say with full confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master". I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart and say it twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy, ocean of bliss. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever wrong we might have done, it can be easily dissolved in the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right. Here, you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all". I've already told you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive at this moment, then your center of Agnya will be completely closed, and the Kundalini won't rise, so you will miss your Self Realization. So please, forgive everyone in general by putting your hand on top of your forehead across, and bending your head. Please say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general". Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power just for your satisfaction. So now please take your hand back, on the backside of your head, not the neck, but the head, and put it up, put back your head like that. Now, here you have to say from your heart, not how many times "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes". Now the most important is the seventh center, and for that you have to stretch your palm fully, and put it on the fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers. And bend your head fully. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So move your scalp seven times, clockwise slowly, saying seven times, "Mother, give me my Self Realization". Now please take down your hands and open your eyes please. Now put both the hands towards Me, like this, and don't think. Watch Me, and don't think. Now, put the right hand towards Me like this, bend your head, and see with the left hand if there's a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Please don't put hand on your head; it could be hot or cold. Now, please put left hand towards me and now bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. If there is hot breeze, then please know that you have not forgiven. Some people get it close, and some people get it far away, so now you forgive everyone, again you put the right hand last time, and with the left hand you see. Now please put both your hands towards the sky like this, and your head backwards like this, and here you have to say, out of these three questions, you have to ask one question three times "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?", ask any one of these questions three times. It's tremendous. Now take down your hand, please. All those who have felt cold or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their hands, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. This is Romania. What to say, you all have got your Realization. Now only thing you must know, what is this? You must know what is this power. You must know how to use it and how to enjoy. Within one month you can become masters. May God Bless you all. I can't meet so many people, I'm sorry, I wish I could but I'm sorry, I can't meet.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: You have come to Sahaja Yoga to ascend
Shri Mahalakshmi puja. Sofia (Bulgaria), 8 September 1993. Today is a great day when we are celebrating Mahalakshmi's Puja. You must be knowing that today is the day of Mary, mother of Christ, who was Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi's incarnation is very important for Sahaja Yoga. First She establishes our dharma by which we become righteous, we become religious in the real sense. After the light of realisation we cannot do anything that is not dharma. As you know what is dharma is, and the maryadas, the boundaries of our behavior. This transformation takes place automatically. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do this," like ten commandments. You, yourself, establish your dharma and you enjoy your virtues. This happens, as you know - already has happened to all of you - with the grace of Mahalakshmi. Then She starts bestowing blessings on you. First the blessing is of physical well-being by which your parasympathetic nervous system gets into proper shape and a balance is established, as if the Mahalakshmi principle holds the reins and you cannot cross the limits, you cannot go too much to the left or to the right. By this principle you realise what is wrong with the outside religions, you realise also that inside all the religions are born like flowers on the same of tree of spirituality. And automatically you start worshipping all the prophets right from Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Lao Tse, Mohammed Sahib, Nanak. You worship them! It is not that you have respect, but you worship, and thus you lose the barriers of fundamentalism. By the ascent, with this principle, you achieve a personality by which you become a universal being. You understand the problems of your country and of your race, and you transcend to see what’s wrong with them and how to correct them. When the Mahalakshmi principle is awakened we realise that outside we may be different but inside we are just the same. All the masters and prophets are just the same, whatever religion they might have been born. Now this Mahalakshmi principle goes out of gear because of left or right side movement of our attention. Even people come to Sahaja Yoga and they start going either to the left or to the right. One has to keep a proper watch, because you have come to Sahaja Yoga to ascend. Now, if you move to the right side then you start fighting with your leader, finding faults with the leader, and, as Christ has said, you become ‘murmuring souls’ - you start talking ill about your leader. I have appointed Myself the leaders, and I know what's wrong with them or what’s not wrong with them. They are in close contact with Me, so you don't have to judge them, by that you are hampering the progress of Sahaja Yoga and your own. Then there are other people who try to find out new methods. Such people are extremely difficult because their ego, conditions them so much that they don't see what's wrong with them, and they don't know they are doing anti-God activities. They are not creating problem for themselves but for others also. Anybody who starts like this suffers a lot, there is no joy on their face, they just try to show off and it is very, very dangerous! I have seen people who have tried all these tricks and fallen into lots of problems because Sahaja Yoga has it's own culture, it has it’s own methods which are absolutely approved by Me. There is no need to start some new methods, if so they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. This is the worst type of ego! And one should not have anything to do with such people. Already everything has been researched in Sahaja Yoga. All the knowledge is already there, but this comes from a kind of a ego which doesn't feel the vibrations very well, and then you try to push away from the Mahalakshmi principle. The left side people, when they move, they fall into the trap of other type of gurus or other type of readings, even in Sahaja Yoga. Sometimes people who’ll get too much attached to their wives, to their children, to their family, too much attached, they become very left-sided. They have no joy and they don't want others to enjoy. Such people also should go out of Sahaja Yoga. Till they have overcome their attachments they should not be in Sahaja Yoga. Mahalakshmi principle is extremely helpful, extremely nourishing and is the only way we can achieve our realisation and enlightenment but one has to have proper balance. In the beginning Mahalakshmi principle incarnated on this earth as the wife of Shri Rama - Shri Sita. Then came the second incarnation at the time of Shri Krishna as Radha, ‘Ra’ is energy, ‘dha’ is the one which sustains. And then came the incarnation of Mahalakshmi, is the Mother of Christ. The Christianity has failed because they did not recognise the powers of Mary. This Paul was a hater of women and showed no respect to women. As a result of that, the women who are following so-called Christianity became very insecure. Of course in Catholic Church, as you know, a woman is not, cannot become, a priest, and also in the Protestant Church they don't want to accept women as priests - big, big fight going on! Even in the Orthodox Church they treat women as dirt. As a result women in the West have become extremely insecure. The way they accept to be nude, to expose their body, to sell their body, because they are so insecure, they have no identity. If supposing in India a man tries to have relationship with another woman, the wife says "All right, you go to hell, I don't care. You are committing a sin, all right, go ahead, I have nothing to do with you," and the whole society will support that way, but in the west the position of woman is really, really very, very low, absolutely primitive. They are mothers, they are sisters, they are grandmothers, they are daughters and wives. I didn't understand why the women in the West are so anxious to attract the men. In India if any man looks at the woman she’ll go and slap his face. This insecurity is so much that I have seen in films women becoming nude everywhere, they have all kinds of nude clubs and all that, but men never become, men never. That I've seen films where women will become nude and show vulgarity, everything acceptably nonsense, while men were never take out their clothes. As if the body of men is something special and the body of women is not to be respected. It is [a] very primitive idea. I can't understand this, because it is the Adi Shakti who has created this Universe not Sadashiva. Even if women are not respected and they are not respectable the Gods cannot reside in that country. So, we have to understand that women should have their own dignity and they should not yield to the pressures of men where they try to debase them. But at the same time they must respect their husbands, their men-folk, and they have to be extremely loving and compassionate. Now, in the Western thinking they can't understand a Immaculate Conception, they don't understand God. It is God, and Divinity can do anything! As you know Shri Ganesha was created by Parvati Herself, without Her husband, and Indians do not doubt it. After all He's God and She is Adi Shakti. Now you see so many miracle photographs have come, for you to see for yourself that there are miracles created, not in the photographs [only but] otherwise also you have seen so many miracles happening in Sahaja Yoga. When I told that Ganesha is our Lord Jesus Christ, people would not believe it. So I said [that] symbolically, if you see from the right to the left, you will see Swastika on the Mooladhara, which is made of carbon atom. And if you can make a photograph of a carbon atom, and see it from right to the left, you do see the Swastika. This is the fact, is established and if you see from the left to the right it is Omkara, so thus what I've said is verified, scientifically. But if you see from down below upward, then what do you see is the Alpha and Omega. Now Christ has said, "I am the Alpha and I am the Omega." I do not know even at that time [if] there was talk of alpha and omega but now it is scientifically proved. There are many other things about soul and everything - now we have scientifically proved it. Also now they are working on genes and they have found out that a person who is evil, who is wrong, who is not normal is because of a bad gene. That is what is the bhoot. So this how, you see, science is coming closer to Sahaja Yoga, but scientists find it very difficult to accept Me. They can't understand that I could be the source of Divine power. Till you have vibrations, how can you feel, how can you understand? Despite that, now Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 55 countries, but the most important thing is to keep your Mahalakshmi principle clean and open. That is, a woman who is Mahalakshmi is a very good housewife, very good queen, Raja Lakshmi. There are ashta Lakshmis, there are eight forms of Lakshmi, and these eight forms of Lakshmi are to be expressed, manifested by a Sahaja yogini. And the men must respect this Mahalakshmi principle within them. First of all they have to be dharmic and the basis of dharma is respect, must develop respect and dedication. If you cannot surrender and detach, you cannot enter into Mahalakshmi channel. Either you will be money-oriented or power-oriented. So, you have to be detached from money and power - then Mahalakshmi principle starts working and you become a seeker. On every chakra Mahalakshmi gives you Her blessings, but at the Sahasrara She gives you the collective-consciousness. She makes you deft in Sahaja Yoga practice and also understanding. I have seen, gradually, sahaja yogis have become very subtle and I can talk to them on a very subtle level. I am so happy, today, we are here to celebrate Mahalakshmi principle at the time of Mother Mary's birthday. She passed through the greatest ordeal to see Her son being crucified but She knew what was the purpose of His crucifixion and She accepted. I can't see a cross, if somebody is wearing a cross I said "Take out cross!", because the message of Christ is resurrection and not crucifixion. But perhaps the Christians, specially Paul must have thought that he should use cross to make everybody feel guilty. This Paul has really done so much harm that, only after reading a treatise of ‘Nag Hammadi’, I found out that Thomas had to run away to India to tell the truth. With this Mahalakshmi principle our attention should be on our virtues, and we must enjoy our generosity. We must enjoy our purity. We should enjoy our innocence and chastity - even men have to do that. We should enjoy our detachments. All this is already within your reach. I've felt these people, when they were dancing, that they are all from Kashmir in, from, India and Adi Shakti incarnated first in Kashmir. I find Bulgarians very close to Indians. And also Romanians. Your talent in music I've seen, and that's why you all can sing Indian music so easily. I bless you, all sahaja yogis, that you develop a proper sense of balance and that you spread Sahaja Yoga all over Bulgaria, making everyone joyous and happy as you are. We have to change the world. It’s a tremendous task, is the greatest event in the history of spirituality and you are the participant of that, so you have to understand that your purity is very important and your surrendering will definitely help you to ascend, faster and faster. So may God bless you!
Shri Mahalakshmi puja. Sofia (Bulgaria), 8 September 1993. Today is a great day when we are celebrating Mahalakshmi's Puja. You must be knowing that today is the day of Mary, mother of Christ, who was Mahalakshmi. Mahalakshmi's incarnation is very important for Sahaja Yoga. First She establishes our dharma by which we become righteous, we become religious in the real sense. After the light of realisation we cannot do anything that is not dharma. As you know what is dharma is, and the maryadas, the boundaries of our behavior. This transformation takes place automatically. I don't have to tell you, "Don't do this, don't do this," like ten commandments. You, yourself, establish your dharma and you enjoy your virtues. This happens, as you know - already has happened to all of you - with the grace of Mahalakshmi. Then She starts bestowing blessings on you. First the blessing is of physical well-being by which your parasympathetic nervous system gets into proper shape and a balance is established, as if the Mahalakshmi principle holds the reins and you cannot cross the limits, you cannot go too much to the left or to the right. By this principle you realise what is wrong with the outside religions, you realise also that inside all the religions are born like flowers on the same of tree of spirituality. And automatically you start worshipping all the prophets right from Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Lao Tse, Mohammed Sahib, Nanak. You worship them! It is not that you have respect, but you worship, and thus you lose the barriers of fundamentalism. By the ascent, with this principle, you achieve a personality by which you become a universal being. You understand the problems of your country and of your race, and you transcend to see what’s wrong with them and how to correct them. When the Mahalakshmi principle is awakened we realise that outside we may be different but inside we are just the same. All the masters and prophets are just the same, whatever religion they might have been born. Now this Mahalakshmi principle goes out of gear because of left or right side movement of our attention. Even people come to Sahaja Yoga and they start going either to the left or to the right. One has to keep a proper watch, because you have come to Sahaja Yoga to ascend. Now, if you move to the right side then you start fighting with your leader, finding faults with the leader, and, as Christ has said, you become ‘murmuring souls’ - you start talking ill about your leader. I have appointed Myself the leaders, and I know what's wrong with them or what’s not wrong with them. They are in close contact with Me, so you don't have to judge them, by that you are hampering the progress of Sahaja Yoga and your own. Then there are other people who try to find out new methods. Such people are extremely difficult because their ego, conditions them so much that they don't see what's wrong with them, and they don't know they are doing anti-God activities. They are not creating problem for themselves but for others also. Anybody who starts like this suffers a lot, there is no joy on their face, they just try to show off and it is very, very dangerous! I have seen people who have tried all these tricks and fallen into lots of problems because Sahaja Yoga has it's own culture, it has it’s own methods which are absolutely approved by Me. There is no need to start some new methods, if so they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. This is the worst type of ego! And one should not have anything to do with such people. Already everything has been researched in Sahaja Yoga. All the knowledge is already there, but this comes from a kind of a ego which doesn't feel the vibrations very well, and then you try to push away from the Mahalakshmi principle. The left side people, when they move, they fall into the trap of other type of gurus or other type of readings, even in Sahaja Yoga. Sometimes people who’ll get too much attached to their wives, to their children, to their family, too much attached, they become very left-sided. They have no joy and they don't want others to enjoy. Such people also should go out of Sahaja Yoga. Till they have overcome their attachments they should not be in Sahaja Yoga. Mahalakshmi principle is extremely helpful, extremely nourishing and is the only way we can achieve our realisation and enlightenment but one has to have proper balance. In the beginning Mahalakshmi principle incarnated on this earth as the wife of Shri Rama - Shri Sita. Then came the second incarnation at the time of Shri Krishna as Radha, ‘Ra’ is energy, ‘dha’ is the one which sustains. And then came the incarnation of Mahalakshmi, is the Mother of Christ. The Christianity has failed because they did not recognise the powers of Mary. This Paul was a hater of women and showed no respect to women. As a result of that, the women who are following so-called Christianity became very insecure. Of course in Catholic Church, as you know, a woman is not, cannot become, a priest, and also in the Protestant Church they don't want to accept women as priests - big, big fight going on! Even in the Orthodox Church they treat women as dirt. As a result women in the West have become extremely insecure. The way they accept to be nude, to expose their body, to sell their body, because they are so insecure, they have no identity. If supposing in India a man tries to have relationship with another woman, the wife says "All right, you go to hell, I don't care. You are committing a sin, all right, go ahead, I have nothing to do with you," and the whole society will support that way, but in the west the position of woman is really, really very, very low, absolutely primitive. They are mothers, they are sisters, they are grandmothers, they are daughters and wives. I didn't understand why the women in the West are so anxious to attract the men. In India if any man looks at the woman she’ll go and slap his face. This insecurity is so much that I have seen in films women becoming nude everywhere, they have all kinds of nude clubs and all that, but men never become, men never. That I've seen films where women will become nude and show vulgarity, everything acceptably nonsense, while men were never take out their clothes. As if the body of men is something special and the body of women is not to be respected. It is [a] very primitive idea. I can't understand this, because it is the Adi Shakti who has created this Universe not Sadashiva. Even if women are not respected and they are not respectable the Gods cannot reside in that country. So, we have to understand that women should have their own dignity and they should not yield to the pressures of men where they try to debase them. But at the same time they must respect their husbands, their men-folk, and they have to be extremely loving and compassionate. Now, in the Western thinking they can't understand a Immaculate Conception, they don't understand God. It is God, and Divinity can do anything! As you know Shri Ganesha was created by Parvati Herself, without Her husband, and Indians do not doubt it. After all He's God and She is Adi Shakti. Now you see so many miracle photographs have come, for you to see for yourself that there are miracles created, not in the photographs [only but] otherwise also you have seen so many miracles happening in Sahaja Yoga. When I told that Ganesha is our Lord Jesus Christ, people would not believe it. So I said [that] symbolically, if you see from the right to the left, you will see Swastika on the Mooladhara, which is made of carbon atom. And if you can make a photograph of a carbon atom, and see it from right to the left, you do see the Swastika. This is the fact, is established and if you see from the left to the right it is Omkara, so thus what I've said is verified, scientifically. But if you see from down below upward, then what do you see is the Alpha and Omega. Now Christ has said, "I am the Alpha and I am the Omega." I do not know even at that time [if] there was talk of alpha and omega but now it is scientifically proved. There are many other things about soul and everything - now we have scientifically proved it. Also now they are working on genes and they have found out that a person who is evil, who is wrong, who is not normal is because of a bad gene. That is what is the bhoot. So this how, you see, science is coming closer to Sahaja Yoga, but scientists find it very difficult to accept Me. They can't understand that I could be the source of Divine power. Till you have vibrations, how can you feel, how can you understand? Despite that, now Sahaja Yoga is spreading in 55 countries, but the most important thing is to keep your Mahalakshmi principle clean and open. That is, a woman who is Mahalakshmi is a very good housewife, very good queen, Raja Lakshmi. There are ashta Lakshmis, there are eight forms of Lakshmi, and these eight forms of Lakshmi are to be expressed, manifested by a Sahaja yogini. And the men must respect this Mahalakshmi principle within them. First of all they have to be dharmic and the basis of dharma is respect, must develop respect and dedication. If you cannot surrender and detach, you cannot enter into Mahalakshmi channel. Either you will be money-oriented or power-oriented. So, you have to be detached from money and power - then Mahalakshmi principle starts working and you become a seeker. On every chakra Mahalakshmi gives you Her blessings, but at the Sahasrara She gives you the collective-consciousness. She makes you deft in Sahaja Yoga practice and also understanding. I have seen, gradually, sahaja yogis have become very subtle and I can talk to them on a very subtle level. I am so happy, today, we are here to celebrate Mahalakshmi principle at the time of Mother Mary's birthday. She passed through the greatest ordeal to see Her son being crucified but She knew what was the purpose of His crucifixion and She accepted. I can't see a cross, if somebody is wearing a cross I said "Take out cross!", because the message of Christ is resurrection and not crucifixion. But perhaps the Christians, specially Paul must have thought that he should use cross to make everybody feel guilty. This Paul has really done so much harm that, only after reading a treatise of ‘Nag Hammadi’, I found out that Thomas had to run away to India to tell the truth. With this Mahalakshmi principle our attention should be on our virtues, and we must enjoy our generosity. We must enjoy our purity. We should enjoy our innocence and chastity - even men have to do that. We should enjoy our detachments. All this is already within your reach. I've felt these people, when they were dancing, that they are all from Kashmir in, from, India and Adi Shakti incarnated first in Kashmir. I find Bulgarians very close to Indians. And also Romanians. Your talent in music I've seen, and that's why you all can sing Indian music so easily. I bless you, all sahaja yogis, that you develop a proper sense of balance and that you spread Sahaja Yoga all over Bulgaria, making everyone joyous and happy as you are. We have to change the world. It’s a tremendous task, is the greatest event in the history of spirituality and you are the participant of that, so you have to understand that your purity is very important and your surrendering will definitely help you to ascend, faster and faster. So may God bless you!
We have to turn inward for our enlightenment
Public Program
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know the truth is what it is. We cannot cheat it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot know it. There is something more that has to happen to our awareness. Whatever I am telling you today you need not accept it blindfoldedly But you should keep your minds open like scientist. Treat it as a hypothesis and if proved you have to accept it as truth. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of your country and also for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, ind, your conditionings, your ego. But you are pure spirit. Yo say my mind, my body, my ego, so who is this my ?who runs your heart. The doctors say its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. We never think take, notice about it. You see all the beautiful flowers, they are the miracles. But we don't think about it. In the same way we have to become ?? Is miracle. As you see in this world there are so many problems. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and worst is moral. These problems are mostly caused by human beings. And all human problems come to earth from our subtle centres about which we have shown. If this centres could be put right all these problems can be solved. This power is within you , your own. And this power only gives you your second birth . That is the last break through of your evolution. All the religions have talked about enlightenment, about your second birth. But today the religions have become money oriented or power oriented. They are not spirit oriented. They are going in the opposite direction. And thats how we see the problems of fundamentalism. You have seen Bosnia where muslims, are human being after all they are human beings, are attacked. After all they are human beings and no body has business to kill like this. This is even worst than hitler. But who is doing it, christians are doing it. Christians who follow Christ. This is really anti christ activity. Where ?? muslim, christian or any thing nobody has right to kill them. Its not only one country but whole world seems to be mad now. They have forgotten their religions, forgotten what is written in their books and doing everything absolutely against the religions. So we don't understand where to go. Science is a-moral. It has no morality behind it. And science has its limitations. It cannot tell you what is your identity, why have you come on this earth. So we have to turn inward for our enlightenment. Sahaja, saha is with, ja is born with you; is right you have union with all pervading power. So second truth is that all this miracles , this flowers is all the by that all pervading power by that divine love. You have not felt it but many have felt. And once you are united with this then your life is transformed. For eg. this instrument if is not connected to the main has no meaning. In the same way unless and until you are connected to the mains you have no meaning. There is no identity. You don't know why you are on this earth. While this power which is in your triangular bone named as sacrum, rises passes through six centres it nourishes all the centres solving your physical, mental and emotional problems. And ultimately it comes out of your fontanelle bone area and gets connected to this all pervading power which is very subtle. Firstly you start feeling the cool breeze as the cool vibrations as this divine power. now when this power you start feeling in finger tips, you are amazed that your finger tips are enlightened. You can feel on your finger tips whats wrong with your own chakra your own centre. Also you can feel the centres of others. So who is the other. You become from microcosm a macrocosm. Like one drop of ocean becomes the ocean. When the kundalini crosses this point Agnya, then she makes you thoughtlessly aware. Thoughts come to us from the past and the future. But we cannot be in the present. In between past and future there is not thought. When the kundalini raises then she elongates those thoughts and there is a space in between which makes us absolutely silent. We become peaceful. That is source of our peace. People talk about peace, the association of peace, they get award of peace; but they have no peace with themselves. I met many of them. They have no peace within themselves. So this state that is within you which is called thoughtless awareness. So by feeling the vibrations of others you become collectively conscious. So a new dimension develops within nerves after selfrealisation. Now you get a power and you can raise the kundalini of others and can give realisaton to others and cure others. So many things that happen, because you become so dynamic and compassionate. You have all this powers potentially within you. But you have to manifest them. If you manifest them then you become super conscious human being. This is the time of last judgement. The stupid idea of all dead bodies will become human beings is absolutely illogical. But many souls are taking births in this modern times. And that is why we have population problem. They are taking birth for their last judgment. But this is the time I call as blossom time. Because many are born as beautiful flowers becomes the fruit. In Quran they call it qiyama where resurrection will take place. So its clearly said that when resurrection will take place your hands will speak and will tell a?? you. But the stupid idea is that we should all die and bodies will come back making them fundamentalists. So also a ?? a craze is there that we must suffer. Why should you suffer. God almighty who has created you is your father and is full of love for you all [not audible]. Why will he make you suffer. Christ has already suffered for us. Are you going to suffer for Christ's sake ? So now the time has come for all of you to get your self realisation. So that you become the spirit. Spirit is the universal being within you. So you get universal personality. It is the source of absolute knowledge. So everybody who get the enlightenment thinks (??) the same thing. Outside they may be different but inside they are all just the same. So there are no arguments, there are no fights, there are no wars and ?? is the source of joy. Joy is not duality, ?? happiness and unhappiness. Its an absolute state of enjoyment. In India there are three doctors who got their MD in sahaja yoga. And many doctors in many country who are trying to record how many people being cured by sahaja yoga. You yourself can cure yourself. Also there are many people who are mentally cured. I don't say don't do this don't do that, but people in the light of spirit could not do wrong things. They are innately righteous. Also ?? I am born in a christian family I call myself christian. Christ has said though shall not have adulterous eyes. But how many you find people who are that pure in their eyes. But after this happening eyes become pure and innocent and attention becomes enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, you purify. It is all your own and you can get in no time. Of course it is not meant for idiotic people. Also it is not meant for arrogant people. You have to humble down in your heart. Its a living process of evolution for which you don't have to pay at all. God does not understand money. It does not understand maths. You cannot bribe him. He understand you desire your desire to become spirit for which you don't have to labour, you don't have to go to Himalayas and to stand on your heads. But If you have no value for your life then it wouldn't work out. So it will take hardly ten minutes. But I respect your freedom and if you don't want to have your realisation please leave the hall. Because it cannot be forced. And you should not disturb others. Those who want realisation will have it. Only thing those who are wearing shoes should take out their shoes because this mother earth absorbs helps us ?? . As you are told we have two powers left and right. Left power is the power of desire, and the right is the power of action. Please those who are sitting on the chair should put both feet apart from each other. But those who are sitting on the ground are alright. In short I will tell you that there are three conditions which you have to understand and accept it. The first one is that you have to be fully confident that you will get your selfrealisation tonight. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty any more. If you feel guilty then the centre on the left side here catches. It goes into jeopardy and you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and also lethargic organs. So what is the use of any guilt. If you have done mistakes, just face it and finish it. Those ?? tell you are sinners, there is nothing like that. This may be money making proposition. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the third thing is that you have to forgive everyone. But whether we forgive or don't forgive, we don't do anything. But if you do not forgive then you play in the wrong hands and torture yourself. Also this centre Agnya gets closed like this. But if you forgive it opens and the kundalini passes through. So please forgive everyone without thinking about it. Don't think about individuals because that will give you headache. Just in general you have to say I forgive everyone. These are three conditions. I request everyone to be seated and put the feet away from each other. Now we will show you how you are going to nourish your own centres that ?? for today. First thing please put the left hand towards me like this which is symbolic in suggesting that you want your selfrealisation. Now put your right hand, because right hand is for action. Put it on your heart. Here in the heart is the spirit. Everybody should do it please. If you don't want to do it you can go out. I have already told you in the beginning otherwise you can go. So please your right hand on your heart. This is the centre where resides your spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own guide your own master. Now take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side and press it. We are working only on the left side. Here is the centre of the mastery. This centre was created by great masters and prophets. We have to just enlighten. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of your divine knowledge. Your hands should be like this on your lap. This is the centre pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And raise it in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head toward right. I had told you that this centre if it is in trouble you get many diseases. So you should not feel guilty. Now take right hand on top of your forehead across and bend your head. This is the centre where you forgive everyone in general. Now please put your right hand on the back side of your head and pushback your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power for your satisfaction. Now stretch your palm fully. This is the last centre. Put you centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers is very important ?? pressure. Now put down your head and move your scalp with pressure seven times clock wise slowly. Please put down your heads put down your heads. Seven times. Thats all you have to do. We have close our eyes , you can take away your spectacles and dont ope your eyes till I tell you. So now please see that your two feet are apart from each other and your left hand like this (is placed) on your left lap. Now dont try to control your thoughts or nothing. Just leave it alone. Now put your right hand on your heart and close your eyes. Please don't open them till I tell you. Here now resides the spirit. So you have to ask me a very fundamental question three times you can call me mother or you can call me Shri Mataji; “Mother am I the spirit” ask this three times. I told you that when you become the spirit you become your own master. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times “Mother am I my own master”. Now I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. I respect your freedom. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. You have to ask for pure divine knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals. So please say six times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask the divine knowledge the kundalini power starts rising. And you have to open your centres nourishing them with your self confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you can say ten times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you that your are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditioning but you are pure spirit. o raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence “Mother I am pure spirit”. This divine power is the source of ??. it is the ocean of compassion, bliss and joy. So whatever mistakes you may commit it can be easily dissolved because it is the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head towards right. Here you can say sixteen times with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already tole you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. You have already tortured yourself for you life and now if you don't forgive you will also miss your self realisation because your Agnya centre wouldn't open. So now please raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you can say without thinking about others “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, please take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes you have to say for your satisfaction “O Divine power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me”. You have to say it from your heart, not how many times. Now please open your palm fully, stretch it, and put the centre of the palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area which is the soft bone in the childhood. Now press it hard and put down your head, it is important to push back your finger so that feel pressure on your scalp. Moreover I cannot force self realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please say seven times “Mother please give me self realisation” and move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times saying that. Please put down your heads. Push back your fingers, push back. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes and put both the hands towards me. Watch me and don't think. ?? . This is not ??. now please put your right hand towards me like this, bend your head and see with the left hand if a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Again bend your head, don't put your hand on top of your head, away from it. Some people get it very far. Now please put the left hand towards me, bend your head, with the right hand see if the cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If you have not forgiven everyone you will feel hot breeze. So please forgive now. Now put your right hand towards me and with your left hand on top of your fontanelle area and see for yourself if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming. Now, please put down your head, please put down your head. Now raise both your hand towards the sky like this, push back your head. Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions ?? please ask “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost “ or “Mother is this the all pervading divine power of love” or “Mother is this the paramachaitanya”. Any one of these questions you ask, three times. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze is out of their fontanelle (bone area) or on your finger tips or on the hands, please raise both your hands. Everyone of you have felt for the first time this all pervading power. But, please remember that this is the beginning of your growth. Of course you have to come to the collective because this is not a individual growth. If one finger is hurt the whole body feels it. But if a leg is take out it doesn't grow. So you have to respect your self realisation and you have to come to the collective, our followers and become one with all of them. Sahaja yoga is working in 55 nations. Apart from India, Russia has thousands of sahaja yogis. But you have grow and you don't have to pay at all for it . I know next year when I come you will be grown as great trees of sahaja yoga. Also it has to spread, it has to spread. We have say from other country thousands of yogis. Also Bulgaria, ?? . May God bless you !. Now enjoy yourself. And they will let me know. She is the leader here now. She has come from Switzerland. She is very old sahaja yogini. They want to sing a song to you.
Public Program I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know the truth is what it is. We cannot cheat it and we cannot conceptualize it. Also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot know it. There is something more that has to happen to our awareness. Whatever I am telling you today you need not accept it blindfoldedly But you should keep your minds open like scientist. Treat it as a hypothesis and if proved you have to accept it as truth. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of your country and also for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, ind, your conditionings, your ego. But you are pure spirit. Yo say my mind, my body, my ego, so who is this my ?who runs your heart. The doctors say its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. We never think take, notice about it. You see all the beautiful flowers, they are the miracles. But we don't think about it. In the same way we have to become ?? Is miracle. As you see in this world there are so many problems. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and worst is moral. These problems are mostly caused by human beings. And all human problems come to earth from our subtle centres about which we have shown. If this centres could be put right all these problems can be solved. This power is within you , your own. And this power only gives you your second birth . That is the last break through of your evolution. All the religions have talked about enlightenment, about your second birth. But today the religions have become money oriented or power oriented. They are not spirit oriented. They are going in the opposite direction. And thats how we see the problems of fundamentalism. You have seen Bosnia where muslims, are human being after all they are human beings, are attacked. After all they are human beings and no body has business to kill like this. This is even worst than hitler. But who is doing it, christians are doing it. Christians who follow Christ. This is really anti christ activity. Where ?? muslim, christian or any thing nobody has right to kill them. Its not only one country but whole world seems to be mad now. They have forgotten their religions, forgotten what is written in their books and doing everything absolutely against the religions. So we don't understand where to go. Science is a-moral. It has no morality behind it. And science has its limitations. It cannot tell you what is your identity, why have you come on this earth. So we have to turn inward for our enlightenment. Sahaja, saha is with, ja is born with you; is right you have union with all pervading power. So second truth is that all this miracles , this flowers is all the by that all pervading power by that divine love. You have not felt it but many have felt. And once you are united with this then your life is transformed. For eg. this instrument if is not connected to the main has no meaning. In the same way unless and until you are connected to the mains you have no meaning. There is no identity. You don't know why you are on this earth. While this power which is in your triangular bone named as sacrum, rises passes through six centres it nourishes all the centres solving your physical, mental and emotional problems. And ultimately it comes out of your fontanelle bone area and gets connected to this all pervading power which is very subtle. Firstly you start feeling the cool breeze as the cool vibrations as this divine power. now when this power you start feeling in finger tips, you are amazed that your finger tips are enlightened. You can feel on your finger tips whats wrong with your own chakra your own centre. Also you can feel the centres of others. So who is the other. You become from microcosm a macrocosm. Like one drop of ocean becomes the ocean. When the kundalini crosses this point Agnya, then she makes you thoughtlessly aware. Thoughts come to us from the past and the future. But we cannot be in the present. In between past and future there is not thought. When the kundalini raises then she elongates those thoughts and there is a space in between which makes us absolutely silent. We become peaceful. That is source of our peace. People talk about peace, the association of peace, they get award of peace; but they have no peace with themselves. I met many of them. They have no peace within themselves. So this state that is within you which is called thoughtless awareness. So by feeling the vibrations of others you become collectively conscious. So a new dimension develops within nerves after selfrealisation. Now you get a power and you can raise the kundalini of others and can give realisaton to others and cure others. So many things that happen, because you become so dynamic and compassionate. You have all this powers potentially within you. But you have to manifest them. If you manifest them then you become super conscious human being. This is the time of last judgement. The stupid idea of all dead bodies will become human beings is absolutely illogical. But many souls are taking births in this modern times. And that is why we have population problem. They are taking birth for their last judgment. But this is the time I call as blossom time. Because many are born as beautiful flowers becomes the fruit. In Quran they call it qiyama where resurrection will take place. So its clearly said that when resurrection will take place your hands will speak and will tell a?? you. But the stupid idea is that we should all die and bodies will come back making them fundamentalists. So also a ?? a craze is there that we must suffer. Why should you suffer. God almighty who has created you is your father and is full of love for you all [not audible]. Why will he make you suffer. Christ has already suffered for us. Are you going to suffer for Christ's sake ? So now the time has come for all of you to get your self realisation. So that you become the spirit. Spirit is the universal being within you. So you get universal personality. It is the source of absolute knowledge. So everybody who get the enlightenment thinks (??) the same thing. Outside they may be different but inside they are all just the same. So there are no arguments, there are no fights, there are no wars and ?? is the source of joy. Joy is not duality, ?? happiness and unhappiness. Its an absolute state of enjoyment. In India there are three doctors who got their MD in sahaja yoga. And many doctors in many country who are trying to record how many people being cured by sahaja yoga. You yourself can cure yourself. Also there are many people who are mentally cured. I don't say don't do this don't do that, but people in the light of spirit could not do wrong things. They are innately righteous. Also ?? I am born in a christian family I call myself christian. Christ has said though shall not have adulterous eyes. But how many you find people who are that pure in their eyes. But after this happening eyes become pure and innocent and attention becomes enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, you purify. It is all your own and you can get in no time. Of course it is not meant for idiotic people. Also it is not meant for arrogant people. You have to humble down in your heart. Its a living process of evolution for which you don't have to pay at all. God does not understand money. It does not understand maths. You cannot bribe him. He understand you desire your desire to become spirit for which you don't have to labour, you don't have to go to Himalayas and to stand on your heads. But If you have no value for your life then it wouldn't work out. So it will take hardly ten minutes. But I respect your freedom and if you don't want to have your realisation please leave the hall. Because it cannot be forced. And you should not disturb others. Those who want realisation will have it. Only thing those who are wearing shoes should take out their shoes because this mother earth absorbs helps us ?? . As you are told we have two powers left and right. Left power is the power of desire, and the right is the power of action. Please those who are sitting on the chair should put both feet apart from each other. But those who are sitting on the ground are alright. In short I will tell you that there are three conditions which you have to understand and accept it. The first one is that you have to be fully confident that you will get your selfrealisation tonight. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty any more. If you feel guilty then the centre on the left side here catches. It goes into jeopardy and you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and also lethargic organs. So what is the use of any guilt. If you have done mistakes, just face it and finish it. Those ?? tell you are sinners, there is nothing like that. This may be money making proposition. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the third thing is that you have to forgive everyone. But whether we forgive or don't forgive, we don't do anything. But if you do not forgive then you play in the wrong hands and torture yourself. Also this centre Agnya gets closed like this. But if you forgive it opens and the kundalini passes through. So please forgive everyone without thinking about it. Don't think about individuals because that will give you headache. Just in general you have to say I forgive everyone. These are three conditions. I request everyone to be seated and put the feet away from each other. Now we will show you how you are going to nourish your own centres that ?? for today. First thing please put the left hand towards me like this which is symbolic in suggesting that you want your selfrealisation. Now put your right hand, because right hand is for action. Put it on your heart. Here in the heart is the spirit. Everybody should do it please. If you don't want to do it you can go out. I have already told you in the beginning otherwise you can go. So please your right hand on your heart. This is the centre where resides your spirit. If you become the spirit you become your own guide your own master. Now take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left hand side and press it. We are working only on the left side. Here is the centre of the mastery. This centre was created by great masters and prophets. We have to just enlighten. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. This is the centre of your divine knowledge. Your hands should be like this on your lap. This is the centre pure divine knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. And raise it in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head toward right. I had told you that this centre if it is in trouble you get many diseases. So you should not feel guilty. Now take right hand on top of your forehead across and bend your head. This is the centre where you forgive everyone in general. Now please put your right hand on the back side of your head and pushback your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power for your satisfaction. Now stretch your palm fully. This is the last centre. Put you centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers is very important ?? pressure. Now put down your head and move your scalp with pressure seven times clock wise slowly. Please put down your heads put down your heads. Seven times. Thats all you have to do. We have close our eyes , you can take away your spectacles and dont ope your eyes till I tell you. So now please see that your two feet are apart from each other and your left hand like this (is placed) on your left lap. Now dont try to control your thoughts or nothing. Just leave it alone. Now put your right hand on your heart and close your eyes. Please don't open them till I tell you. Here now resides the spirit. So you have to ask me a very fundamental question three times you can call me mother or you can call me Shri Mataji; “Mother am I the spirit” ask this three times. I told you that when you become the spirit you become your own master. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times “Mother am I my own master”. Now I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. I respect your freedom. So please take your right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left hand side. You have to ask for pure divine knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals. So please say six times “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. As soon as you ask the divine knowledge the kundalini power starts rising. And you have to open your centres nourishing them with your self confidence. So raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you can say ten times with full confidence “Mother I am my own master”. I have already told you that your are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditioning but you are pure spirit. o raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence “Mother I am pure spirit”. This divine power is the source of ??. it is the ocean of compassion, bliss and joy. So whatever mistakes you may commit it can be easily dissolved because it is the ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head towards right. Here you can say sixteen times with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already tole you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. You have already tortured yourself for you life and now if you don't forgive you will also miss your self realisation because your Agnya centre wouldn't open. So now please raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you can say without thinking about others “Mother I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, please take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty without counting your mistakes you have to say for your satisfaction “O Divine power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me”. You have to say it from your heart, not how many times. Now please open your palm fully, stretch it, and put the centre of the palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area which is the soft bone in the childhood. Now press it hard and put down your head, it is important to push back your finger so that feel pressure on your scalp. Moreover I cannot force self realisation on you. You have to ask for it. So please say seven times “Mother please give me self realisation” and move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times saying that. Please put down your heads. Push back your fingers, push back. Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes and put both the hands towards me. Watch me and don't think. ?? . This is not ??. now please put your right hand towards me like this, bend your head and see with the left hand if a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Again bend your head, don't put your hand on top of your head, away from it. Some people get it very far. Now please put the left hand towards me, bend your head, with the right hand see if the cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If you have not forgiven everyone you will feel hot breeze. So please forgive now. Now put your right hand towards me and with your left hand on top of your fontanelle area and see for yourself if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming. Now, please put down your head, please put down your head. Now raise both your hand towards the sky like this, push back your head. Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions ?? please ask “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost “ or “Mother is this the all pervading divine power of love” or “Mother is this the paramachaitanya”. Any one of these questions you ask, three times. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze is out of their fontanelle (bone area) or on your finger tips or on the hands, please raise both your hands. Everyone of you have felt for the first time this all pervading power. But, please remember that this is the beginning of your growth. Of course you have to come to the collective because this is not a individual growth. If one finger is hurt the whole body feels it. But if a leg is take out it doesn't grow. So you have to respect your self realisation and you have to come to the collective, our followers and become one with all of them. Sahaja yoga is working in 55 nations. Apart from India, Russia has thousands of sahaja yogis. But you have grow and you don't have to pay at all for it . I know next year when I come you will be grown as great trees of sahaja yoga. Also it has to spread, it has to spread. We have say from other country thousands of yogis. Also Bulgaria, ?? . May God bless you !. Now enjoy yourself. And they will let me know. She is the leader here now. She has come from Switzerland. She is very old sahaja yogini. They want to sing a song to you.
You Have To Get Your Enlightenment
Public Program
Public Program, Budapest, 10-09-1993 I bow to all the seekers of truth (Shri Mataji folds her hands and bows to the audience) At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it also. That’s why it is said that you have to get your enlightenment. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you don’t have to accept it blindfolded, but keep your minds open like scientist. And if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is benevolence for, it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. They have already told you about the subtle system which is within us. There is this power, your own power, in your sacrum bone, which awakens and connects you to this all-pervading power of divine love. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego but you are the pure spirit. That means when you say this is my body, this is my, these are my emotions, this is my ego, you go on saying my, my, my but who is this my? Who runs your heart? The doctor said its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator)Who runs your heart? The doctor says autonomous nervous system but who is this auto? The another truth is that there is a all-pervading sall-pervadingahaja power of divine love, which does all living work. You see beautiful flowers, beautiful plants, it’s a miracle. Who does all this living work? This is the subtle energy which does all this living work and it has also given us our evolutionary process. Thus we have become human beings. But we do not know the absolute truth. Everyone has his own idea. There are thousand types of isms in this world. That’s why they are fighting today. If God is one, why should people fight in the name of God? Because all these religions also are money oriented or power oriented. They are not truth oriented or spirit oriented. You could be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim anything, you can commit any, any sin. It is just a brand you carry. (Shri Mataji talking to the translator that your voice is coming slow, I think people can’t hear you.) So now where do we go? But in every religion it is said that you have to evolve, you have to have your second birth. What is this second birth is not another brand to say that I am twice-born. But it is the reality, it is the reality which you have to know. Its not just some words or its not just …aaa giving a sermon to you but you have to know it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. Whatever we have gained in our evolutionary process we know on our central nervous system. Supposing there is a dirty pond, a dog can pass through it but a human being cannot. Thus we have developed some more sensitivities than the animals. But something more has to happen to us and that is what is called SELF REALIZATION or ENLIGHTENMENT. It is evolutionary process, living process. You can not pay for it. There are many false people who have come from India, from all over now they are coming from America who are just making fool people and take money from them. There is no connection between the inner morality and religion. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that there is no connection between the inner morality and religion) And when we see this we are shocked. We become atheist, and they said don’t believe in God. (audio not clear at this point) But this is very unscientific. Have you found out the God? Now the time has come for all of you to get your self realization. Unfortunately all the countries who enjoy the democracies have not had sensitivity as people who were……(not clear audio from 10.42 till 10.45) In our freedom and in our so called religious pursuits, we have gone amuck. I was surprised in Russia, in Bulgaria, in Romania everywhere except I don’t know, not so much here but, but all these three countries we have thousands of sahaja yogis. I was surprised to see in Hungary where everybody is becoming now American. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator) I feel that in Hungary now everybody is trying to become Americans. American. Perhaps you don’t know the greatest idiotic people are Americans. You may change your dress but you can’t become idiotics like them. They have no wisdom of any kind. They are so stupid that you don’t know what to say. There’s a actress who got married eight times, imagine, horrible thing and there were four thousand people waiting in her house , outside the house , just to see her going for her honeymoon. And there were helicopters, ten helicopters hovering over her house. And then they dropped with their (Shri Mataji asking someone what do you call that, they came through their…. (……one word is not clear at 13.40) and then they dropped people taking photograph. And so many fell on the people, on the tree, on the house. I tell you in India you can’t find one person to go there. Because there it is very inauspicious to see a woman marrying eight times, its horrible. One better than the other. There are so many stupid things they do that if you have little wisdom you can see through. If through freedom you have achieved idiocity it is better not to have such freedom. So I have to just warn you , be careful. Getting out of communism now you should not jump to fundamentalism also. Where they believe that only one religion is neat. If you ask a Muslim he will say that Jews are the worst. And if you ask the Jews they will say the same for the Muslims. Same with the Christians, same with the Hindus. So, by just calling yourself chosen you don’t become chosen, do you ? But this is the time, of last judgement. So many people are taking their birth on this earth to get their last judgement. It’s a silly idea also that all the bodies will come out of the graves. I mean how can you accept this kind of a nonsense. This is the reason why the population is so much, so great. But I call it as blossom time because there (audio is cut here at 17.00) This happening everywhere. Because these are special times. So when this power, Kundalini, which is in your sacrum bone meaning sacred , rises, she passes through six centres. All the human problems are from their centres. When these centres are in jeopardy, people have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now this bone is called as sacred meaning Greeks knew that it’s a sacred bone. Thus we have seen that people who get their self realization through Kundalini awakening have been cured of many incurable diseases. Three doctors in Delhi have got their MD at this doctorate in medicine in Sahaj Yoga for curing incurable diseases. Apart from that mental diseases like epilepsy and so many, schizophrenia are being cured with Sahaj Yoga. Addictions like drugs and others are dropped overnight by people. Because in the light of the spirit you see what is destructive and what is constructive. By listening to sermons, lectures, you cannot see that point. Secondly this light of the spirit enlightens your attention. First you feel on your fingertips, the centres, within yourself and in other people. And actually you can diagnose what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others. You don’t have to go through the various horrible tests and diagnosis, its just you can do it sitting down here. This diagnosis is done and if you know how to correct your centres you feel alright and you can make others also feel alright. I have told that some very well known doctors in England have been very much impressed by Sahaja Yoga and they have called a conference in England, also in Paris. Only problem is in Sahaj yoga you cannot take money and I don’t know how many doctors will accept that situation. But still there will be many rich people who would not like to come to Sahaja Yoga but will go to the doctor only. So the doctors will not be that fanatic. Doctors. Now your spiritual problems are that there are many false gurus, there are many religions which are just money oriented and you, all the centres are in trouble. If you are born in a Christian religion, born in a Hindu religion, born in a Muslim religion, you become that. And from very childhood you don’t want to see what’s wrong with it and you are very much conditioned by it. There’s a very new discovery in NAG NAGMANI there’s a new discovery in ……(… word not clear at 23.59) which is called Nag Nagmani where they have discovered the Gospel of Taurus. And he says that this power was the hater of women. He never respected even the mother of Christ. Even in Quran, Mohammad Sahib has respected her very much and said she is a chaste woman. Don’t doubt her chastity. As a result woman became very insecure in the, in the Christian religion. They have to always try to please men. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that they have to always try to please men.) So doing all kinds of funny things you know wearing skirts from six inches to twelve inches (Shri Mataji laughs) changing. And also going to the beauty parlors , do this do that just to please their men. I was amazed to see that in all the western films they show only the women nude, never men. Never. As if the body of men is very holy and that of woman is dirt. In India woman is the shakti, she is the power behind the man. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that Woman is the shakti, power, behind the man) If a man looks at her, she will go and slap him. And if her husband goes with some other woman, she will say go to hell with her, I don’t care. You are committing a sin, alright ,go ahead. You are committing a sin, so go ahead. I have nothing to do with you. The whole society will support woman. Because they know she is the preserver of the society. And in America now they are talking about family life but imagine a woman divorcing her husband eight times producing no children. Under these circumstances it is important for us to know what is the truth. We have to become the spirit. Otherwise you have no identity, you have no personality. You don’t know the goal of your life. You have no value for your life. If this instrument (Shri Mataji points to the mic in her hand)is not connected to the mains, it has no value. It has no meaning. You go on drifting, any fashion comes in, everybody doing the same thing. And here they talk of individuality. If you are individual how can you follow these stupid fashions. So the responsibility of the whole society is finished and we find lots of problems with children, with family life. I am talking about these problems because if you are becoming Americans, be careful, you will have divorces after divorces. Now the greater advantage or the greater achievement of self realization is that, the spirit is the source of absolute truth. That means everybody knows the truth, the same truth. There’s no quarrel, no fight. So there can be no wars. The outside is different, but inside of all these self realized people is the same. And they are very wise, very sensible, balanced, satisfied people. They become very dynamic at the same time, extremely compassionate. They lead a normal life, they marry, they have children but they enjoy every moment of their life. Because spirit is the source of joy. There are so many things I can tell you but in this short lecture whatever was important I have told you already that why you should get your self realization. As I see there are many lights here and you switch on one switch and you get all the lights. There’s no need to tell you about the history of electricity. It is all built in within you, already built in. Its your own power. Its your own mechanism. And you all are going to get it tonight, the first sprouting of it. First time you are going to feel this all pervading power on your central nervous system, through your fingertips. This we call as Bodha - Bodh – from where the word Budha has come. Gnosis. Gnosis as they call it gnosis in English language. I don’t know what they call it here. But the word “’Gna’’, gna comes from Sanskrit word meaning ‘’to know’’. Know on your central nervous system, not on, in your mental capacity. But then every experience, every experience becomes tangible. You can verify it. Thus Sahaja Yoga is a Meta Science, above science. Now only thing I have to tell you that you all should have only self-confidence that you will all get your realization. You should have pure desire in your heart. Of course I cannot force on you. I respect your freedom. Those who don’t want to have their self realization should please leave the hall and not to disturb others. Already I have told you that Sahaj yoga is not meant for idiots. We are again going to America somehow to try my luck ( Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that again I am going to America and try my luck again. Shri Mataji laughs) Not for the arrogant, not for the arrogant or conditioned people. Keep your mind open and it will work out. After that you have to come to our collective. Because it’s a collective happening. Supposing a nail is cut out of your body, you will have a growth. By this you become part and parcel of the whole. Like the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. You have to have some patience with yourself. Of course you don’t have to go to Himalayas, or do anything, you will get your realization just now here. But respect your realization. Luckily in Austria we have thousands of Sahaja yogis. And they are very anxious that their neighbourscentre should also be Sahaja yogis. SELF REALIZATION PROCESS Al right, I would request you now just to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now please put both your feet away from each other because there are two powers, left and right. The left is for your power of desire and right is for your power of action. All of you should be seated down. (Shri Mataji drinks water) There are three conditions which I will tell you, which are basic. First I have already told you that you must have full self confidence and a pure desire to become the spirit. The second one is you are not to feel guilty at all. To feel guilty is a myth. If you have done any mistakes you should face it and finish it off. But don’t keep that guilt here, in this part of the Vishuddhi on the left side. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck pointing to this part of neck) If you do like that, then you might get disease called Angina, Spondylitis or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all , to get yourself sick. Second condition, third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive but whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything logically. Only thing by not forgiving you torture yourself and play in the wrong hands. We don’t even have to think about that. Just in general say ‘’ I forgive everyone. ‘’ If you feel guilty this center goes out ,on this left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of neck pointing to left vishuddhi) and if you don’t forgive this centre of Agnya is like this (Shri Mataji keeps both her hands’ fingers in Criss cross position) absolutely closed, constricted. So you have to forgive to open this. Otherwise you have tortured yourself all your life and now you will miss your self realization because Kundalini can not pass through it. So please forgive. These are the only three conditions. Now we will show you how you will nourish yourself your centres only for today. Then we will close our eyes and the kundalini will rise and break through the fontanelle bone area. This will not take more than ten to fifteen minutes. And you have to promise in your heart that you will grow in Sahaja yoga and you will save others also. One enlightened light can enlighten many. For which you don’t have to pay, for which you don’t take any money and only the reward is tremendous joy. (Shri Mataji drinks water.) Now, first you have to put your left hand towards me like this symbolic (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand on her lap, palm open upwards) that you desire to have your self realization. Now you have to use your another hand, right hand to nourish your all centres. Please put your hands like this,(Shri Mataji raises her left hand from the lap and shows it open upwards to the audience) all of you have to do it. Please put it on your lap (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open on her lap now) If you want someone, some people can sit on the top if they want to see me or some, there is staircase. Now with the right hand, first put your right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart) where resides your spirit. Now if you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from heart position now and keeps it on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of your mastery, of your guidance. (Shri Mataji pointing to someone in the audience) near the door, Please be seated. Then please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. (Shri Mataji moved her right hand from upper part of abdomen to the lower portion of abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. We are working only on the left hand side. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again. (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from lower portion of abdomen to the upper part of abdomen on the left hand side only) Then on your heart ( Shri Mataji moves her right hand from upper portion of abdomen to her heart on left hand side) Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the left hand side of her neck where neck and shoulder joins and turns her head to the right side) Turn to your right. This is, this is the centre I have already told you about when you feel guilty you catch on that. (Shri Mataji points to someone in the audience) Please why don’t you do it, please. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand across on her forehead and bends down her head)This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take out this hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. (Shri Mataji takes her right hand at the back of her head and pushes her head on that) Here for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. Now stretch your hand fully, (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and shows to the audience) the palm, put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and keeps it on top of her head) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head (Shri Mataji puts her head down) Here you have to move your scalp seven times slowly, clockwise. Please put down your head, please put down your head and push back your fingers (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on head and asks audience to put hand on head) Please move it seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now you can take out your spectacles, and close your eyes. Put the left hand towards me like this and both the feet away from each other. And put the right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) Now close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. Please ask, ” Mother am I the spirit?’’ Three times. I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) Here press it and ask another fundamental question. ‘’Mother am I, Mother Am I my own master?’’ Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask for pure divine knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask six times, “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.’’ (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on lower portion of her abdomen on left hand side) As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish higher centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your hand in the upper portion of abdomen on the left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the upper portion of her abdomen on the left side) and say ten times with full confidence, ‘’Mother I am my own master.’’ I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning, this ego but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on to your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, “ Mother I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy and ocean of bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So at this moment please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck) Here you have to say with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all.’’ Please say it sixteen times. I have already told you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. And now at this moment if you don’t forgive, your Agnya chakra won’t be open and you will not get your self-realization. Your Kundalini cannot pass through. Now raise your hand up to the forehead across and put down your head as far as possible (Shri Mataji raises her right hand up to her forehead and keeps it on forehead across and bends her head down)Here you have to say from your heart not how many times “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’’ Don’t think about it. Now please take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible.(Shri Mataji takes her right hand back and keeps it on back of her head and pushes her head back)Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to again say from your heart “O divine power, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me.’’ Now the most important is the last centre where you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her palm fully and keeps it on top of her head on the fontanelle bone area) Important is to push back your fingers and put down your head. Now here again I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times clockwise saying seven times ‘’ Mother please give me my self-realization.’’ Please put down your heads, put down. (Shri Mataji tells the translator that ask them to put down their heads and bend) (Shri Mataji blows the cool breeze through mic seven times) Now please take down your hands. Put on your glasses. Now put both the hands like this towards me. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands palm facing upward and shows to the audience) Now put the right hand like this, bend your head and feel with your left hand if there is cool or hot breeze like thing coming from your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with the left hand she is checking above the head if there is cool or hot breeze coming out from the head) Don’t put on your head but away from it. (Shri Mataji shows not to touch the right hand on the head but keep it little away from the head while feeling the breeze) Now please put your left hand towards me and keep your head again and with the right hand please see again if there is hot or cool breeze like energy coming out of your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open towards the audience and with right hand she checks above her head for cool or hot breeze coming out of the head,) Note down. If you have not forgiven, it will be hot. So please forgive. Now please put your right hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head, cool or hot breeze. (Shri Mataji now keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with her left hand she checks for cool or hot breeze above her head) Bend your heads, bend your heads. Alright. Now please put both the hands towards me like this. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands, palm facing upwards and shows to audience)and watch me without thinking. Now you have to put both the hands towards the sky like this (Shri Mataji raises both her hands towards the sky palm facing upward) and bend back like this. (Shri Mataji bends her head back) Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions three times. ‘’Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?’’ or ‘’Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love?’’ Or ‘’Mother is this the Param Chaitanya?’’ Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now please keep down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or hot breeze or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area cool or hot breeze please raise both your hands. (Many people in the audience raise their hands) All of them. May God bless you. All of you have felt it except for very few. May God bless you. I have told you that you have to be in the collective. You’ll get all the knowledge, everything. Within one month you will be experts. You don’t have to pay for anything. May God bless you.
Public Program, Budapest, 10-09-1993 I bow to all the seekers of truth (Shri Mataji folds her hands and bows to the audience) At the very outset, you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it also. That’s why it is said that you have to get your enlightenment. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you don’t have to accept it blindfolded, but keep your minds open like scientist. And if it is proved then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is benevolence for, it is for your benevolence, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. They have already told you about the subtle system which is within us. There is this power, your own power, in your sacrum bone, which awakens and connects you to this all-pervading power of divine love. So the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and this ego but you are the pure spirit. That means when you say this is my body, this is my, these are my emotions, this is my ego, you go on saying my, my, my but who is this my? Who runs your heart? The doctor said its autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator)Who runs your heart? The doctor says autonomous nervous system but who is this auto? The another truth is that there is a all-pervading sall-pervadingahaja power of divine love, which does all living work. You see beautiful flowers, beautiful plants, it’s a miracle. Who does all this living work? This is the subtle energy which does all this living work and it has also given us our evolutionary process. Thus we have become human beings. But we do not know the absolute truth. Everyone has his own idea. There are thousand types of isms in this world. That’s why they are fighting today. If God is one, why should people fight in the name of God? Because all these religions also are money oriented or power oriented. They are not truth oriented or spirit oriented. You could be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim anything, you can commit any, any sin. It is just a brand you carry. (Shri Mataji talking to the translator that your voice is coming slow, I think people can’t hear you.) So now where do we go? But in every religion it is said that you have to evolve, you have to have your second birth. What is this second birth is not another brand to say that I am twice-born. But it is the reality, it is the reality which you have to know. Its not just some words or its not just …aaa giving a sermon to you but you have to know it. You have to know it on your central nervous system. Whatever we have gained in our evolutionary process we know on our central nervous system. Supposing there is a dirty pond, a dog can pass through it but a human being cannot. Thus we have developed some more sensitivities than the animals. But something more has to happen to us and that is what is called SELF REALIZATION or ENLIGHTENMENT. It is evolutionary process, living process. You can not pay for it. There are many false people who have come from India, from all over now they are coming from America who are just making fool people and take money from them. There is no connection between the inner morality and religion. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that there is no connection between the inner morality and religion) And when we see this we are shocked. We become atheist, and they said don’t believe in God. (audio not clear at this point) But this is very unscientific. Have you found out the God? Now the time has come for all of you to get your self realization. Unfortunately all the countries who enjoy the democracies have not had sensitivity as people who were……(not clear audio from 10.42 till 10.45) In our freedom and in our so called religious pursuits, we have gone amuck. I was surprised in Russia, in Bulgaria, in Romania everywhere except I don’t know, not so much here but, but all these three countries we have thousands of sahaja yogis. I was surprised to see in Hungary where everybody is becoming now American. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator) I feel that in Hungary now everybody is trying to become Americans. American. Perhaps you don’t know the greatest idiotic people are Americans. You may change your dress but you can’t become idiotics like them. They have no wisdom of any kind. They are so stupid that you don’t know what to say. There’s a actress who got married eight times, imagine, horrible thing and there were four thousand people waiting in her house , outside the house , just to see her going for her honeymoon. And there were helicopters, ten helicopters hovering over her house. And then they dropped with their (Shri Mataji asking someone what do you call that, they came through their…. (……one word is not clear at 13.40) and then they dropped people taking photograph. And so many fell on the people, on the tree, on the house. I tell you in India you can’t find one person to go there. Because there it is very inauspicious to see a woman marrying eight times, its horrible. One better than the other. There are so many stupid things they do that if you have little wisdom you can see through. If through freedom you have achieved idiocity it is better not to have such freedom. So I have to just warn you , be careful. Getting out of communism now you should not jump to fundamentalism also. Where they believe that only one religion is neat. If you ask a Muslim he will say that Jews are the worst. And if you ask the Jews they will say the same for the Muslims. Same with the Christians, same with the Hindus. So, by just calling yourself chosen you don’t become chosen, do you ? But this is the time, of last judgement. So many people are taking their birth on this earth to get their last judgement. It’s a silly idea also that all the bodies will come out of the graves. I mean how can you accept this kind of a nonsense. This is the reason why the population is so much, so great. But I call it as blossom time because there (audio is cut here at 17.00) This happening everywhere. Because these are special times. So when this power, Kundalini, which is in your sacrum bone meaning sacred , rises, she passes through six centres. All the human problems are from their centres. When these centres are in jeopardy, people have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems. Now this bone is called as sacred meaning Greeks knew that it’s a sacred bone. Thus we have seen that people who get their self realization through Kundalini awakening have been cured of many incurable diseases. Three doctors in Delhi have got their MD at this doctorate in medicine in Sahaj Yoga for curing incurable diseases. Apart from that mental diseases like epilepsy and so many, schizophrenia are being cured with Sahaj Yoga. Addictions like drugs and others are dropped overnight by people. Because in the light of the spirit you see what is destructive and what is constructive. By listening to sermons, lectures, you cannot see that point. Secondly this light of the spirit enlightens your attention. First you feel on your fingertips, the centres, within yourself and in other people. And actually you can diagnose what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with others. You don’t have to go through the various horrible tests and diagnosis, its just you can do it sitting down here. This diagnosis is done and if you know how to correct your centres you feel alright and you can make others also feel alright. I have told that some very well known doctors in England have been very much impressed by Sahaja Yoga and they have called a conference in England, also in Paris. Only problem is in Sahaj yoga you cannot take money and I don’t know how many doctors will accept that situation. But still there will be many rich people who would not like to come to Sahaja Yoga but will go to the doctor only. So the doctors will not be that fanatic. Doctors. Now your spiritual problems are that there are many false gurus, there are many religions which are just money oriented and you, all the centres are in trouble. If you are born in a Christian religion, born in a Hindu religion, born in a Muslim religion, you become that. And from very childhood you don’t want to see what’s wrong with it and you are very much conditioned by it. There’s a very new discovery in NAG NAGMANI there’s a new discovery in ……(… word not clear at 23.59) which is called Nag Nagmani where they have discovered the Gospel of Taurus. And he says that this power was the hater of women. He never respected even the mother of Christ. Even in Quran, Mohammad Sahib has respected her very much and said she is a chaste woman. Don’t doubt her chastity. As a result woman became very insecure in the, in the Christian religion. They have to always try to please men. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that they have to always try to please men.) So doing all kinds of funny things you know wearing skirts from six inches to twelve inches (Shri Mataji laughs) changing. And also going to the beauty parlors , do this do that just to please their men. I was amazed to see that in all the western films they show only the women nude, never men. Never. As if the body of men is very holy and that of woman is dirt. In India woman is the shakti, she is the power behind the man. (Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that Woman is the shakti, power, behind the man) If a man looks at her, she will go and slap him. And if her husband goes with some other woman, she will say go to hell with her, I don’t care. You are committing a sin, alright ,go ahead. You are committing a sin, so go ahead. I have nothing to do with you. The whole society will support woman. Because they know she is the preserver of the society. And in America now they are talking about family life but imagine a woman divorcing her husband eight times producing no children. Under these circumstances it is important for us to know what is the truth. We have to become the spirit. Otherwise you have no identity, you have no personality. You don’t know the goal of your life. You have no value for your life. If this instrument (Shri Mataji points to the mic in her hand)is not connected to the mains, it has no value. It has no meaning. You go on drifting, any fashion comes in, everybody doing the same thing. And here they talk of individuality. If you are individual how can you follow these stupid fashions. So the responsibility of the whole society is finished and we find lots of problems with children, with family life. I am talking about these problems because if you are becoming Americans, be careful, you will have divorces after divorces. Now the greater advantage or the greater achievement of self realization is that, the spirit is the source of absolute truth. That means everybody knows the truth, the same truth. There’s no quarrel, no fight. So there can be no wars. The outside is different, but inside of all these self realized people is the same. And they are very wise, very sensible, balanced, satisfied people. They become very dynamic at the same time, extremely compassionate. They lead a normal life, they marry, they have children but they enjoy every moment of their life. Because spirit is the source of joy. There are so many things I can tell you but in this short lecture whatever was important I have told you already that why you should get your self realization. As I see there are many lights here and you switch on one switch and you get all the lights. There’s no need to tell you about the history of electricity. It is all built in within you, already built in. Its your own power. Its your own mechanism. And you all are going to get it tonight, the first sprouting of it. First time you are going to feel this all pervading power on your central nervous system, through your fingertips. This we call as Bodha - Bodh – from where the word Budha has come. Gnosis. Gnosis as they call it gnosis in English language. I don’t know what they call it here. But the word “’Gna’’, gna comes from Sanskrit word meaning ‘’to know’’. Know on your central nervous system, not on, in your mental capacity. But then every experience, every experience becomes tangible. You can verify it. Thus Sahaja Yoga is a Meta Science, above science. Now only thing I have to tell you that you all should have only self-confidence that you will all get your realization. You should have pure desire in your heart. Of course I cannot force on you. I respect your freedom. Those who don’t want to have their self realization should please leave the hall and not to disturb others. Already I have told you that Sahaj yoga is not meant for idiots. We are again going to America somehow to try my luck ( Shri Mataji repeats for the translator that again I am going to America and try my luck again. Shri Mataji laughs) Not for the arrogant, not for the arrogant or conditioned people. Keep your mind open and it will work out. After that you have to come to our collective. Because it’s a collective happening. Supposing a nail is cut out of your body, you will have a growth. By this you become part and parcel of the whole. Like the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like a drop becomes the ocean. You have to have some patience with yourself. Of course you don’t have to go to Himalayas, or do anything, you will get your realization just now here. But respect your realization. Luckily in Austria we have thousands of Sahaja yogis. And they are very anxious that their neighbourscentre should also be Sahaja yogis. SELF REALIZATION PROCESS Al right, I would request you now just to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now please put both your feet away from each other because there are two powers, left and right. The left is for your power of desire and right is for your power of action. All of you should be seated down. (Shri Mataji drinks water) There are three conditions which I will tell you, which are basic. First I have already told you that you must have full self confidence and a pure desire to become the spirit. The second one is you are not to feel guilty at all. To feel guilty is a myth. If you have done any mistakes you should face it and finish it off. But don’t keep that guilt here, in this part of the Vishuddhi on the left side. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck pointing to this part of neck) If you do like that, then you might get disease called Angina, Spondylitis or lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty for nothing at all , to get yourself sick. Second condition, third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive but whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything logically. Only thing by not forgiving you torture yourself and play in the wrong hands. We don’t even have to think about that. Just in general say ‘’ I forgive everyone. ‘’ If you feel guilty this center goes out ,on this left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of neck pointing to left vishuddhi) and if you don’t forgive this centre of Agnya is like this (Shri Mataji keeps both her hands’ fingers in Criss cross position) absolutely closed, constricted. So you have to forgive to open this. Otherwise you have tortured yourself all your life and now you will miss your self realization because Kundalini can not pass through it. So please forgive. These are the only three conditions. Now we will show you how you will nourish yourself your centres only for today. Then we will close our eyes and the kundalini will rise and break through the fontanelle bone area. This will not take more than ten to fifteen minutes. And you have to promise in your heart that you will grow in Sahaja yoga and you will save others also. One enlightened light can enlighten many. For which you don’t have to pay, for which you don’t take any money and only the reward is tremendous joy. (Shri Mataji drinks water.) Now, first you have to put your left hand towards me like this symbolic (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand on her lap, palm open upwards) that you desire to have your self realization. Now you have to use your another hand, right hand to nourish your all centres. Please put your hands like this,(Shri Mataji raises her left hand from the lap and shows it open upwards to the audience) all of you have to do it. Please put it on your lap (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open on her lap now) If you want someone, some people can sit on the top if they want to see me or some, there is staircase. Now with the right hand, first put your right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart) where resides your spirit. Now if you become the spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from heart position now and keeps it on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of your mastery, of your guidance. (Shri Mataji pointing to someone in the audience) near the door, Please be seated. Then please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. (Shri Mataji moved her right hand from upper part of abdomen to the lower portion of abdomen on the left hand side) This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. We are working only on the left hand side. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again. (Shri Mataji moves her right hand from lower portion of abdomen to the upper part of abdomen on the left hand side only) Then on your heart ( Shri Mataji moves her right hand from upper portion of abdomen to her heart on left hand side) Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the left hand side of her neck where neck and shoulder joins and turns her head to the right side) Turn to your right. This is, this is the centre I have already told you about when you feel guilty you catch on that. (Shri Mataji points to someone in the audience) Please why don’t you do it, please. Now take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand across on her forehead and bends down her head)This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take out this hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. (Shri Mataji takes her right hand at the back of her head and pushes her head on that) Here for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power. Now stretch your hand fully, (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and shows to the audience) the palm, put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her right hand fully and keeps it on top of her head) which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers so that there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now put down your head (Shri Mataji puts her head down) Here you have to move your scalp seven times slowly, clockwise. Please put down your head, please put down your head and push back your fingers (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on head and asks audience to put hand on head) Please move it seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now you can take out your spectacles, and close your eyes. Put the left hand towards me like this and both the feet away from each other. And put the right hand on your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) Now close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask me a fundamental question about yourself three times. You can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji. Please ask, ” Mother am I the spirit?’’ Three times. I have told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of abdomen on the left hand side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on upper portion of her abdomen on the left hand side) Here press it and ask another fundamental question. ‘’Mother am I, Mother Am I my own master?’’ Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure divine knowledge on you. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to ask for pure divine knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals. So please ask six times, “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge.’’ (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on lower portion of her abdomen on left hand side) As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge the kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish higher centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your hand in the upper portion of abdomen on the left side (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on the upper portion of her abdomen on the left side) and say ten times with full confidence, ‘’Mother I am my own master.’’ I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning, this ego but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on to your heart (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on her heart on left hand side) and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, “ Mother I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy and ocean of bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So at this moment please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the corner of your shoulder and your neck and turn your head to your right (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand on left side of her neck) Here you have to say with full confidence “Mother I am not guilty at all.’’ Please say it sixteen times. I have already told you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. And now at this moment if you don’t forgive, your Agnya chakra won’t be open and you will not get your self-realization. Your Kundalini cannot pass through. Now raise your hand up to the forehead across and put down your head as far as possible (Shri Mataji raises her right hand up to her forehead and keeps it on forehead across and bends her head down)Here you have to say from your heart not how many times “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’’ Don’t think about it. Now please take back your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible.(Shri Mataji takes her right hand back and keeps it on back of her head and pushes her head back)Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to again say from your heart “O divine power, if I have done any mistakes please forgive me.’’ Now the most important is the last centre where you have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on the fontanelle bone area (Shri Mataji stretches her palm fully and keeps it on top of her head on the fontanelle bone area) Important is to push back your fingers and put down your head. Now here again I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times clockwise saying seven times ‘’ Mother please give me my self-realization.’’ Please put down your heads, put down. (Shri Mataji tells the translator that ask them to put down their heads and bend) (Shri Mataji blows the cool breeze through mic seven times) Now please take down your hands. Put on your glasses. Now put both the hands like this towards me. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands palm facing upward and shows to the audience) Now put the right hand like this, bend your head and feel with your left hand if there is cool or hot breeze like thing coming from your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with the left hand she is checking above the head if there is cool or hot breeze coming out from the head) Don’t put on your head but away from it. (Shri Mataji shows not to touch the right hand on the head but keep it little away from the head while feeling the breeze) Now please put your left hand towards me and keep your head again and with the right hand please see again if there is hot or cool breeze like energy coming out of your head. (Shri Mataji keeps her left hand open towards the audience and with right hand she checks above her head for cool or hot breeze coming out of the head,) Note down. If you have not forgiven, it will be hot. So please forgive. Now please put your right hand towards me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head, cool or hot breeze. (Shri Mataji now keeps her right hand open towards the audience and with her left hand she checks for cool or hot breeze above her head) Bend your heads, bend your heads. Alright. Now please put both the hands towards me like this. (Shri Mataji opens both her hands, palm facing upwards and shows to audience)and watch me without thinking. Now you have to put both the hands towards the sky like this (Shri Mataji raises both her hands towards the sky palm facing upward) and bend back like this. (Shri Mataji bends her head back) Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions three times. ‘’Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?’’ or ‘’Mother is this the all-pervading power of divine love?’’ Or ‘’Mother is this the Param Chaitanya?’’ Ask any one of these questions three times in your heart. Now please keep down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or hot breeze or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area cool or hot breeze please raise both your hands. (Many people in the audience raise their hands) All of them. May God bless you. All of you have felt it except for very few. May God bless you. I have told you that you have to be in the collective. You’ll get all the knowledge, everything. Within one month you will be experts. You don’t have to pay for anything. May God bless you.
Shri Ganesha Puja Evening Program: Sitar Concert by Prateek Chaudhuri
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
1993-09-17 Sitar Concert - Prateek Chaudhuri, Cabella, Italy, Both of them are still …I think not adults I don't know …So we have here Prateek, Prateek means a symbol…Prateek Chaudhuri, He is the son of the great renowned Sahaja yogi, Sitar player, Debu Chaudhuri. He is so young but so gifted …I must say for him to live in Delhi and to practice the sitar is an impossible situation. The boys of his age group are busy with discos and all kinds of nonsense, I know them very well. And it's very difficult to avoid their company…But the way he has taken so seriously to this practising of Sitar, Which is a real divine instrument…in the style of his father of a special Gharana And the way he has mastered it I am really amazed. We are very lucky that on a Ganesha Puja we have such a small artist but a very great player before us to entertain. Also, I need not introduce Dhananjay who is known to you before …I think he is the youngest artist who has visited Cabella. These are prodigies I think from their past lives. In this new resurrection time When there is going to be the last judgement all these great musicians are taking birth. I have seen my self from 2 years to 10-year-old children singing so well as if some big 'ustad' is singing and they don't know how they do it. I have also met some …You must have also met somebody at Ganpatipule, the one who could tell you what were the notations of anything that was played for him. Any difficult thing …He was just 8 years of age. He knew the ragas, everything. He is very surprising how they know so many things but this is coming from the past life and so many are taking birth. I hope some of you, the Sahaja yogis couple will also have children like this…to entertain us and to show to the world that such great people are born to Sahaja yogis.Then we have Yusuf Ali khan Sahib who has been here before, and who is such a humble and a very beautiful player on tabla. He is very appreciative to Sahaja yoga and he has promised to get some Bangladeshi musicians to come to Sahaja Yoga that will be really a saving point… As I have such a desire for Bengali's because they are worshipers of Mother since ages and they have not forgotten it. By the wisdom of these people may be Bangladesh have might come to Sahaja yoga and achieved their enlightenment which is promised in 'Koran'.Now you have also the Mother, of Prateek Mrs Chaudhary. She is a very nice lady, and she cooks very well. My daughter is saying that she is a very good cook. I wish you could get her some nice fish and she can cook for us… She is a very talented lady. She makes poems and things and the way she has stood the strain of her husband's work. Nowadays he is in America, and the next day he is somewhere else and she is the one who is looking after. This family I have met a long time back and since then they have been in Sahaja yoga. Debu Chaudhary is very much growing in his fame and in his talent and really some people told me that When he plays as if he enters into our heart…that's what we feel …In London, people were describing him like that. Must be Sahaja Yoga trick must be working I am sure & They say that we have not heard any Sitar player of that quality which is something very remarkable. So all these things are happening in the Sahaja Yoga and I bless these artists that they should grow more and more in their creativity and understanding and that they produce music of a quality which will make their Kundalini rise and make them divine because this music has that quality to do it. So may God bless you[Performance of artists starts …]
1993-09-17 Sitar Concert - Prateek Chaudhuri, Cabella, Italy, Both of them are still …I think not adults I don't know …So we have here Prateek, Prateek means a symbol…Prateek Chaudhuri, He is the son of the great renowned Sahaja yogi, Sitar player, Debu Chaudhuri. He is so young but so gifted …I must say for him to live in Delhi and to practice the sitar is an impossible situation. The boys of his age group are busy with discos and all kinds of nonsense, I know them very well. And it's very difficult to avoid their company…But the way he has taken so seriously to this practising of Sitar, Which is a real divine instrument…in the style of his father of a special Gharana And the way he has mastered it I am really amazed. We are very lucky that on a Ganesha Puja we have such a small artist but a very great player before us to entertain. Also, I need not introduce Dhananjay who is known to you before …I think he is the youngest artist who has visited Cabella. These are prodigies I think from their past lives. In this new resurrection time When there is going to be the last judgement all these great musicians are taking birth. I have seen my self from 2 years to 10-year-old children singing so well as if some big 'ustad' is singing and they don't know how they do it. I have also met some …You must have also met somebody at Ganpatipule, the one who could tell you what were the notations of anything that was played for him. Any difficult thing …He was just 8 years of age. He knew the ragas, everything. He is very surprising how they know so many things but this is coming from the past life and so many are taking birth. I hope some of you, the Sahaja yogis couple will also have children like this…to entertain us and to show to the world that such great people are born to Sahaja yogis.Then we have Yusuf Ali khan Sahib who has been here before, and who is such a humble and a very beautiful player on tabla. He is very appreciative to Sahaja yoga and he has promised to get some Bangladeshi musicians to come to Sahaja Yoga that will be really a saving point… As I have such a desire for Bengali's because they are worshipers of Mother since ages and they have not forgotten it. By the wisdom of these people may be Bangladesh have might come to Sahaja yoga and achieved their enlightenment which is promised in 'Koran'.Now you have also the Mother, of Prateek Mrs Chaudhary. She is a very nice lady, and she cooks very well. My daughter is saying that she is a very good cook. I wish you could get her some nice fish and she can cook for us… She is a very talented lady. She makes poems and things and the way she has stood the strain of her husband's work. Nowadays he is in America, and the next day he is somewhere else and she is the one who is looking after. This family I have met a long time back and since then they have been in Sahaja yoga. Debu Chaudhary is very much growing in his fame and in his talent and really some people told me that When he plays as if he enters into our heart…that's what we feel …In London, people were describing him like that. Must be Sahaja Yoga trick must be working I am sure & They say that we have not heard any Sitar player of that quality which is something very remarkable. So all these things are happening in the Sahaja Yoga and I bless these artists that they should grow more and more in their creativity and understanding and that they produce music of a quality which will make their Kundalini rise and make them divine because this music has that quality to do it. So may God bless you[Performance of artists starts …]
Evening Program eve of Shri Ganesha Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Shri Ganesha Puja: Ritualism is not innocence
Cabella Ligure
“Ritualism Is Not Innocence.” Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 19 September, 1993. Today we have gathered here to do Shri Ganesha Puja. The first Deity that was created by the Adi Shakti was Shri Ganesh because it was necessary first to create the Deity of principles. The Deity of principles in the sense that whatever is created, whatever is there as called bhava – whatever has been so far created up to human level, everything – had to be through the implanted mechanism of energy, otherwise nothing could have been created. If you go into the matter, say sulphur dioxide, then sulphur and oxide—go on deep into it till you reach the state when it is a molecule—then you see these atoms of sulphur and oxygen, they oscillate. They oscillate with a frequency. There are three types of frequencies they use. Now imagine in the molecule – think of it – in the molecule of a substance, there is an energy which is acting. Now one may say that, “Why should [it] be [that] in matter there is energy?” One can ask a question why there should be energy in matter. If there was no energy in the matter, how can you have all chemical compounds? Who pushes them? Say you have sodium chloride. Sodium and chloride are attached to each other. But if the chloride has to go to some other atom, then who does that? There has to be some energy which is absolutely inbuilt into matter. Now, we may say that, “What about water?” You know water has energy; that’s how we have hydrostatics. Even coal, even stones, all of them have got energy within themselves. And it is all controlled by the principle of Shri Ganesh. So, though He’s such a small, little, tiny, little child, how great is His work and how much He has to work out. Now from matter, you move, say, to living plants, then to animals, then to human beings, and everywhere His energy works. At the level of matter, they might call it “electromagnetic,” but potentially it is the energy of Shri Ganesh which is electromagnetic at that point. Then it starts evolving, growing. That’s how we have different stratas of energies that we see in different growth of the evolution. In the human being it exists, as you know, as auspiciousness, as purity, mainly [as] the innocence. So the power of innocence is such a guiding factor. There’s a difference between ignorance and innocence. If you are innocent, then to you, nothing is important except for love. For an innocent person – who is not conditioned, who is not egoistical, who is not so-called matured – it is the love that it understands. It doesn’t care for any wealth, any power, anything, but the love that it can feel, the pure love of a person. An innocent person has no understanding of gaining anything out of the love he receives or he gives; no sense at all. Innocence is the basis of all the dharmas. If you have no innocence, you cannot follow dharma. Because if you are dharmic, it is maybe your mental attitude, maybe egoistical, maybe because you are born in a religion, or because somebody has told you about it. It’s going to be very superficial. Unless and until it is embedded in the quality of innocence, dharma has no meaning. In that state, you are dharmic. You are beyond any thinking about it, of any deductions about it, but you are dharmic. You cannot be adharmic. You cannot be. As if the manifestation of innocence is morality. Once Shri Ganesha is awakened—I hope He has been awakened in all of you—and if you respect Him, just respect Him, then automatically you develop a sense of morality. I don’t have to tell you. I don’t have to explain to you. You just become moral. People who have seen you are quite amazed and have said that, “How is it that their eyes are fixed, so innocent, without any lust and greed?” It’s the light of Shri Ganesha from the Back Agnya, Front Agnya; the Jesus Christ, who is the manifestation of Shri Ganesha. It is impossible for the Western mind to understand that Jesus Christ was purity. They can’t understand. And they have criticized Him and said horrible things against Him. But somehow, He’s forgiving them. But one thing about Shri Ganesh is that He worships His Mother. Motherhood is very important: motherhood in the women, motherhood in the father, and also in the children has to be accepted as the mainstay of family life and society. The ordinary life of a human being – very simple, innocent, simple people – revolves around the mother. It revolves. But the mothers have to be mothers. As Shri Ganesha is so much surrendered to His Mother, and who is His Mother is Adi Shakti. He does not know anybody else. He just knows His Mother. This is extremely important in Sahaj Yoga. As we say, there are immoral human beings and they are doing immoral things because they are committing sin against the Adi Shakti. Committing sin against Ganesha they may be forgiven, but committing sin against the Adi Shakti—it encompasses a very big area where we start seeing how we are committing the sin against the Adi Shakti, which ultimately Shri Ganesha punishes. Ultimately. Actually, the Adi Shakti doesn’t punish anyone, the deities only punish them. The first and foremost thing that is to be understood is that innocence should be respected, looked after, nourished, and protected. That’s why I am very particular about the children. Children should not be exposed to the public. We should not try to make photographs out of our children and expose them in the newspaper or give them for advertisement or anything there. It’s a very wrong idea to expose your children to gain some money out of them – in any way, in the smallest way also. Because we are selling the innocence, the innocence which is invaluable, writ large on the children. Many children I know who have been advertised and all that, especially in India, have died. Also we have to look after our children with great care. But we go to two extremes, I have seen. Some people are only worried about their own children. If anything happens to them, [they] just get upset. That means you are respecting your child because he’s your child. But if you are respecting him because he carries innocence with him, then you have to respect every child and understand every child: what they talk, what they say, how they behave. Luckily, you all have got children now who are born realized. It’s such a great thing. It’s such a blessing. So on one side, we have to see how innocent they are and how they talk. I’ll give you an example. Wolfgang was very serious and his wife told me that “we were taking him to the hospital,” so his daughter says, “Why are you taking him to the hospital? There are no Sahaja Yogis there. How will they correct his chakras?” Innocently said the correct thing. And they couldn’t do it – doctors didn’t do anything. I had to cure him. “Take him to Mother. Why are you taking him to the hospital?” They see the right point and say the right thing because they are innocent and innocence means they have pure attention. Pure attention, for anything, you need – say [for] music, for art. For anything, you have to have pure attention, and that comes through your innocence. Say, a person who is an artist and who is very money-oriented, for example, a person who is doing some paintings and all that, his art cannot become eternal art. Cannot. That’s why we see in modern times, whatever art is created, it just comes and goes. It has no eternal value. Same with the modern music that they are having. The same thing is happening. It comes and goes and no one knows where it has disappeared. Behind it is money orientation and that money orientation results into a kind of a creation which is not perfect. All creations which were dedicated to God in the olden times are being today very much respected and people pay a lot of money for that. Maybe at that time the artist must have suffered, but they understood, innocent artists understood very much, that if we have to express, we must truthfully do it. Not to please the people, not to please anyone, but to please God. As you know that Michelangelo had a big fight with this pope here because he couldn’t tolerate the nonsense that was coming from the pope. All the artists always have been fighting – real artists. So this innocence also gives you a power of self-understanding. You know where you stand. A person who is innocent knows very well that he is standing on the pedestal of virtues. He should not give in to all kinds of nonsensical things which are very popular, may be fashionable, may be accepted. For what? For what are we going to sacrifice our innocence? What is our gain? Maybe some people are too brilliant and they may try to show off with their brilliance for a short time, but they don’t remain in the eternal history. They go as egoistical people or as very dishonest people. Nobody respects them. So there is a big attack on the innocence of people, a big attack. First it comes on children. As you see, this nonsense that is going on which we hear about, I mean, I can’t even understand why they do it. They do it on children, these funny attacks of abuses. It’s just because they want to kill the innocence. Perhaps those who do it have no innocence in them and they don’t want the children to have any innocence left in them. Otherwise, in India it’s something we can’t understand. Really, we can’t understand. But it is becoming much more prevalent, much more fashionable now because there is definitely an attack on innocence. Not only on children, but even on people who are innocent. Because those who have deliberations in criminality, in all kinds of sinful acts, will never, never try to protect innocence. Never. Because the juxtaposition is there. They are doing something which they think is the best. I don’t know if they think that way. But I don’t know what justifies their behaviour like this, to attack the innocence of children. In so many ways you’ll find this innocence is being attacked. If your children are doing well, if they are studying well, somebody might try to catch hold of them. If some person they find is an innocent person, they will try to put him into trouble. The innocence itself is such a power that it challenges the hatred, the abusive nature of people. First of all, we should see how our conditioning takes over our innocence. It makes you extremely ritualistic. Even in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen – I have heard also – that people are extremely ritualistic. Now the ritualism is like this: that you have to say something three times, you say it three times, seven times, like tied-up people. I have seen some Sahaja Yogis like that. And some Sahaja Yogis, I think they must be bhootish, get frightened with Me. What is there to be frightened of Me? Because they are bhootish, they are getting frightened. Otherwise why should you? I love you all and you won’t find a greater mild guru than Myself, I don’t think so. But they are afraid. Even if you look at them, they’ll not smile, they’ll be afraid. What wrong have you done? You have become Sahaja Yogis! They are so ritualistic in everything. So one should understand a difference between a protocol and ritualism. An innocent child knows the protocol. I remember there was a child who came to see Me in Oxted, and I said, “Let’s go upstairs.” So it was a small, little staircase of wood. He said, “What? Is She going to go up without a red carpet?” This came into his head! So for children, innocent children, the worship, everything is not ritualistic, it is heartfelt. You feel it from the heart: how to do the worship, how to show your love. It’s very sweet the way an innocent person does it, while a person who is very ritualistic, he may even beat another person because, “Why did you do this? You should not have put camphor in it. Why did you put the camphor so? It’s very wrong.” There’s nothing wrong. If you do it with your heart, with your open heart, innocently, anything is all right. It is the open heart which is necessary, not the closed heart: “Why did you do it? Why didn’t you do it? Where did you sit? What happened?” Nothing. Now you are in the kingdom of God, and here there are no such rules and regulations that you should be ritualistic. But everything has a double style. Now I say you need not be ritualistic. So, once I went into an ashram. I found everything was just like a pigsty. I said, “What’s this? Is this an ashram or what is it?” So they said, “Mother, you told us that you have to be innocent and you don’t have to be ritualistic. So we thought, ‘Throw all the things wherever you feel like. What is there to be ritualistic?’” It’s a very common thing. All the ashram leaders tell me that Sahaja Yogis have no sense at all of looking after the cleanliness of the ashram. They are least bothered. If it is their house, they look after, but if it is an ashram they do not. It’s very surprising. And I have seen, or I have heard, that the ashrams of all bhootish and false gurus are absolutely spick-and-span. Really. It’s very surprising. And even here in Cabella, people were telling me that they are living like animals. I said, “Animals are innocent, you know.” You go into a jungle, now—I don’t know, we are going to take you this time [on India Tour to Kanha National Park] into a jungle—you will have no smell, no horrid things to see, nothing. It’s very clean, spick-and-span, all the time. But you put one human being [there], you will immediately know there has been a human being. They have their own systems of keeping things clean. Even the tiger, who is an innocent thing—up to animal stage you are innocent—he has his own styles. I don’t know if you know about a tiger or not, but a tiger will kill an animal because he has to eat, after all. He supposed to only eat animals, he doesn’t eat grass. What to do? He’s not a vegetarian. God has made him like that, so he accepts. Now he goes and kills the cow or anything, then he leaves his kill there for the blood to ooze out. Nobody will touch that, nobody, because he’s really the king. Not out of fear, but a protocol. Then next day he goes [back], he eats, then his family eats and all that, then finished for the whole month. They come out. Then the lower animals start going there. Like you have leopards and all these animals come out and they start eating. Then even lower and lower till the birds. Still the crows, they stay back. Last are crows. Can you imagine? Such a system they have. They go all the way from Siberia to Australia. How do they manage? Think of it. What gives them direction is innocence. And the innocence is a magnet. It’s a magnet. Actually it’s a magnet. In a human being you do not find a magnet because it has now evolved so much, but it starts just like a magnet. So they know which is north, which is south, east, and west. Even a little bee, you find and put a mark on it. It goes to the place from where it has come. How does it find its own way? Is the innocence is like a magnet, acts like a magnet. Even in the fishes. Just imagine how fishes have direction. We don’t have; I mean, human beings can be lost. Many times I am lost with so many drivers I have had. So many times I have been lost, but animals: never. You know, if you take a dog and you don’t want the dog, you leave him about fifty miles away, he’ll come back. How does he find the way? So their qualities, which are built-in within them through their innocence, are actually the qualities of the electromagnetic force and also pranava: that is when the electromagnetic force is charged with Ganesha’s principle. That’s why they are so systematic, they are so clean, they are so sensible. But they are not ritualistic. They are not ritualistic. Whatever God has given them, they have accepted. They are bound by that. They are bound and they live with that boundary. Even if you go up to the stage of animals which live with human beings, they too, are very affectionate. They just want love, nothing else. One day if you do not care for your dog, he will just not eat his food. Not eat his food. He wouldn’t care for the food. It is so remarkable, even I have seen among children how they just want love. They don’t accept anything else but love. But as soon as they start growing up, especially in a materialistic world, then the whole materialism comes in. So the second way we kill our children’s innocence is putting materialistic ideas into their heads. Of course, the media is there which is selling, nowadays, a teddy bear which has a birthday. Teddy bear has a birthday. Can you imagine? So everybody is buying a teddy bear with a birthday. Because the parents don’t want to be in the company of children so they get some sort of toys, this, that – one or two is all right – and put them with the toys, with the television on: “Now, sit down.” Children start becoming naturally materialistic. They start asking for things and for demands of such a kind that sometimes one is surprised. You take a Western child to the market, and you’ve had it. But you take Indian children, they’ll never take anything. Really. It’s so difficult to make them. At least, I have seen my own grandchildren and others. You take them, it’s a headache to buy even another pair of shoes for them: “No, but we have one. Why do you want to buy another?” “Oh baba! That will give way.” “No, we can come here.” “How?” “We can come in the car or else we can walk.” “But you will have no shoes.” “Nothing. One is all right. Why to have two?” You give them money, they’ll buy one small little thing and come home. You see, it is the whole tradition of materialism which has brought this innocence to a stop. Then a child starts growing in the same materialistic way. He starts judging people, like: “How many cars do you have?” You see? They are so stupidly materialistic that I went to Boston and the television people asked me, “How many Rolls Royces do you have?” I said, “I don’t have any.” They said, “We are not interested. You are not in the business.” This is what is now the mind of people in the West who have grown up. But even the children: today they want this, tomorrow they want that. All the time there’s a competition for materialistic things, asking for this, asking for that. Just imagine what a race will be there, after some years, when they will be just people who will be only worried about collecting things and buying things: buyers and sellers, nothing else. So you have to be very careful with your children that you do not pamper them, do not get too much worried about them, do not keep them on materialistic level. Find out. If they are going on a materialistic level, bring them down. It’s very simple to do that, and one has to work it out because we have to save our children and their innocence. Now for the other Sahaja Yogis who are grown up and who are very mature, they are very innocent, I must say, I must admit that. They are very innocent compared to the society that is around, no doubt. One has to really admire the way they have become so innocent, the way they are understanding this divine music and all that, it’s really creditable. But still, this innocence, if it is not spread, if this innocence doesn’t work out, then it will rust, it will not grow. Your IQ will be less than the others, I can tell you this much. They are growing in materialism all right. Their IQ is growing in materialism, but your IQ will not grow unless and until you spread this innocence around. Now you know how to do it. It is the power of Kundalini with the help of Shri Ganesh. He helps you at every chakra. I have written that He is the vice-chancellor of every university, where He has to stamp. He’s at every point. But you have to understand that this has to spread. It has to become collective. It has to flow. So to become that, what should we do ourselves? That we should try to organize programs. While people will be enamoured by your innocence, no doubt. They’ll be surprised: how are you so innocent? How can you be so nice in these modern times? No doubt about it. But, in doing that, try to be innocent yourself. You should not be cunning. You should not be smart. You should not try to show that you are very brilliant or anything because the ego might in between come and try to put ideas into your head. It’s better to show that you are innocent and to be innocent inside. The whole inner being can be really charged with the energy of Shri Ganesh, no doubt. And the outer life becomes innocent. Becomes innocent. I mean, I don’t know banking, I don’t know money. I am quite bad at everything, at worldly things. But I am not cunning, I am not “smart,” you can say. But still things are working out because of the inner power that one has. So depend on your inner power and manifest it outside. The inner being, which is Ganesha, is the same in all of us. The whole system is the same in all of us. Chakras are the same in all of us. Only thing is, we have to keep our innocence absolutely free of all this worldly nonsense, like fashion, this, that. Immediately you will find that your being will manifest. Being will manifest. Now just think of a simple thing like that. I am an Indian, and nobody knows Me, but whenever I have My lecture, I have at least five to six thousand people. How? How do they come to My lecture like that? Anywhere in the whole world. Minimum. Sometimes even much more. What’s so special? So when handling the people, we are Sahaja Yogis, we are saints, we have to talk to them like saints, we have to behave like saints. And they should in no way feel that we are cunning or we are interested in something else. So, once you start doing that, flowing your innocence, all the gods and goddesses will help you. Your creativity will be thousand times more than normal. Everybody has to think how we are going to spread it. Like I was happy to know that in America, of all the places, they have got hold of these senators. Very good idea. Let us see if it works out. So we have to find out all the ways and methods and all the styles which will behove a saint, not a politician. These days, of course, all the sports people are heroes—if you want to become a hero, you become a sportsman—not like that, but like a saint. And saintliness is respected, whatever may be the situation, whatever may be the situation, whosoever may be facing you. Recently when I was in Kiev, the leader’s wife told me that “Mother, we had that old car of yours, which we sold and we got so much money that we could buy a new car. Then we went to the factory to buy the new car.” And they bought it. So outside the factory there’s a mafia. Nowadays I think the Sicilians have reached there. So the mafia was standing outside and they said, “You have to pay so much money to us.” In thousands! So they said, “We have no money.” “Why? What do you do?” This was his wife. She said, “We meditate.” “Really? So you have no money.” “No.” “What about those children?” “They also meditate.” So innocently she was talking to them, they said that “we saw their faces melting down.” They said, “All right, go.” They forgot that they were supposed to get money out of them. Or they take the car, they confiscate the car or take the money. They said, “All right, go.” They told me this story. So your simplicity always helps you. Your innocence always helps you. And it has such an impact. Such an impact. I tell you that a personality, what we call in Sanskrit is a vigraha—vigraha means a personality which has a coefficience—the person who is innocent has such a great coefficience that he can charm anybody. But, first and foremost thing is that we have to be innocent. Not to so much worry about money, not to count everything, not to worry about food. But this is not to be done with deliberations but innocence. Where you sleep, what you do is not important to a saint. It lives the way one has to live because his nourishing point is innocence. And he doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t shout at people. Nothing. Of course, at bhoots it may be that he has to shout like Christ did, but otherwise, he is a very peaceful, joyous, happy, humorous person. So today, at this puja, I would bless you with all the qualities of Shri Ganesha—except for His anger. May God bless you.
“Ritualism Is Not Innocence.” Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 19 September, 1993. Today we have gathered here to do Shri Ganesha Puja. The first Deity that was created by the Adi Shakti was Shri Ganesh because it was necessary first to create the Deity of principles. The Deity of principles in the sense that whatever is created, whatever is there as called bhava – whatever has been so far created up to human level, everything – had to be through the implanted mechanism of energy, otherwise nothing could have been created. If you go into the matter, say sulphur dioxide, then sulphur and oxide—go on deep into it till you reach the state when it is a molecule—then you see these atoms of sulphur and oxygen, they oscillate. They oscillate with a frequency. There are three types of frequencies they use. Now imagine in the molecule – think of it – in the molecule of a substance, there is an energy which is acting. Now one may say that, “Why should [it] be [that] in matter there is energy?” One can ask a question why there should be energy in matter. If there was no energy in the matter, how can you have all chemical compounds? Who pushes them? Say you have sodium chloride. Sodium and chloride are attached to each other. But if the chloride has to go to some other atom, then who does that? There has to be some energy which is absolutely inbuilt into matter. Now, we may say that, “What about water?” You know water has energy; that’s how we have hydrostatics. Even coal, even stones, all of them have got energy within themselves. And it is all controlled by the principle of Shri Ganesh. So, though He’s such a small, little, tiny, little child, how great is His work and how much He has to work out. Now from matter, you move, say, to living plants, then to animals, then to human beings, and everywhere His energy works. At the level of matter, they might call it “electromagnetic,” but potentially it is the energy of Shri Ganesh which is electromagnetic at that point. Then it starts evolving, growing. That’s how we have different stratas of energies that we see in different growth of the evolution. In the human being it exists, as you know, as auspiciousness, as purity, mainly [as] the innocence. So the power of innocence is such a guiding factor. There’s a difference between ignorance and innocence. If you are innocent, then to you, nothing is important except for love. For an innocent person – who is not conditioned, who is not egoistical, who is not so-called matured – it is the love that it understands. It doesn’t care for any wealth, any power, anything, but the love that it can feel, the pure love of a person. An innocent person has no understanding of gaining anything out of the love he receives or he gives; no sense at all. Innocence is the basis of all the dharmas. If you have no innocence, you cannot follow dharma. Because if you are dharmic, it is maybe your mental attitude, maybe egoistical, maybe because you are born in a religion, or because somebody has told you about it. It’s going to be very superficial. Unless and until it is embedded in the quality of innocence, dharma has no meaning. In that state, you are dharmic. You are beyond any thinking about it, of any deductions about it, but you are dharmic. You cannot be adharmic. You cannot be. As if the manifestation of innocence is morality. Once Shri Ganesha is awakened—I hope He has been awakened in all of you—and if you respect Him, just respect Him, then automatically you develop a sense of morality. I don’t have to tell you. I don’t have to explain to you. You just become moral. People who have seen you are quite amazed and have said that, “How is it that their eyes are fixed, so innocent, without any lust and greed?” It’s the light of Shri Ganesha from the Back Agnya, Front Agnya; the Jesus Christ, who is the manifestation of Shri Ganesha. It is impossible for the Western mind to understand that Jesus Christ was purity. They can’t understand. And they have criticized Him and said horrible things against Him. But somehow, He’s forgiving them. But one thing about Shri Ganesh is that He worships His Mother. Motherhood is very important: motherhood in the women, motherhood in the father, and also in the children has to be accepted as the mainstay of family life and society. The ordinary life of a human being – very simple, innocent, simple people – revolves around the mother. It revolves. But the mothers have to be mothers. As Shri Ganesha is so much surrendered to His Mother, and who is His Mother is Adi Shakti. He does not know anybody else. He just knows His Mother. This is extremely important in Sahaj Yoga. As we say, there are immoral human beings and they are doing immoral things because they are committing sin against the Adi Shakti. Committing sin against Ganesha they may be forgiven, but committing sin against the Adi Shakti—it encompasses a very big area where we start seeing how we are committing the sin against the Adi Shakti, which ultimately Shri Ganesha punishes. Ultimately. Actually, the Adi Shakti doesn’t punish anyone, the deities only punish them. The first and foremost thing that is to be understood is that innocence should be respected, looked after, nourished, and protected. That’s why I am very particular about the children. Children should not be exposed to the public. We should not try to make photographs out of our children and expose them in the newspaper or give them for advertisement or anything there. It’s a very wrong idea to expose your children to gain some money out of them – in any way, in the smallest way also. Because we are selling the innocence, the innocence which is invaluable, writ large on the children. Many children I know who have been advertised and all that, especially in India, have died. Also we have to look after our children with great care. But we go to two extremes, I have seen. Some people are only worried about their own children. If anything happens to them, [they] just get upset. That means you are respecting your child because he’s your child. But if you are respecting him because he carries innocence with him, then you have to respect every child and understand every child: what they talk, what they say, how they behave. Luckily, you all have got children now who are born realized. It’s such a great thing. It’s such a blessing. So on one side, we have to see how innocent they are and how they talk. I’ll give you an example. Wolfgang was very serious and his wife told me that “we were taking him to the hospital,” so his daughter says, “Why are you taking him to the hospital? There are no Sahaja Yogis there. How will they correct his chakras?” Innocently said the correct thing. And they couldn’t do it – doctors didn’t do anything. I had to cure him. “Take him to Mother. Why are you taking him to the hospital?” They see the right point and say the right thing because they are innocent and innocence means they have pure attention. Pure attention, for anything, you need – say [for] music, for art. For anything, you have to have pure attention, and that comes through your innocence. Say, a person who is an artist and who is very money-oriented, for example, a person who is doing some paintings and all that, his art cannot become eternal art. Cannot. That’s why we see in modern times, whatever art is created, it just comes and goes. It has no eternal value. Same with the modern music that they are having. The same thing is happening. It comes and goes and no one knows where it has disappeared. Behind it is money orientation and that money orientation results into a kind of a creation which is not perfect. All creations which were dedicated to God in the olden times are being today very much respected and people pay a lot of money for that. Maybe at that time the artist must have suffered, but they understood, innocent artists understood very much, that if we have to express, we must truthfully do it. Not to please the people, not to please anyone, but to please God. As you know that Michelangelo had a big fight with this pope here because he couldn’t tolerate the nonsense that was coming from the pope. All the artists always have been fighting – real artists. So this innocence also gives you a power of self-understanding. You know where you stand. A person who is innocent knows very well that he is standing on the pedestal of virtues. He should not give in to all kinds of nonsensical things which are very popular, may be fashionable, may be accepted. For what? For what are we going to sacrifice our innocence? What is our gain? Maybe some people are too brilliant and they may try to show off with their brilliance for a short time, but they don’t remain in the eternal history. They go as egoistical people or as very dishonest people. Nobody respects them. So there is a big attack on the innocence of people, a big attack. First it comes on children. As you see, this nonsense that is going on which we hear about, I mean, I can’t even understand why they do it. They do it on children, these funny attacks of abuses. It’s just because they want to kill the innocence. Perhaps those who do it have no innocence in them and they don’t want the children to have any innocence left in them. Otherwise, in India it’s something we can’t understand. Really, we can’t understand. But it is becoming much more prevalent, much more fashionable now because there is definitely an attack on innocence. Not only on children, but even on people who are innocent. Because those who have deliberations in criminality, in all kinds of sinful acts, will never, never try to protect innocence. Never. Because the juxtaposition is there. They are doing something which they think is the best. I don’t know if they think that way. But I don’t know what justifies their behaviour like this, to attack the innocence of children. In so many ways you’ll find this innocence is being attacked. If your children are doing well, if they are studying well, somebody might try to catch hold of them. If some person they find is an innocent person, they will try to put him into trouble. The innocence itself is such a power that it challenges the hatred, the abusive nature of people. First of all, we should see how our conditioning takes over our innocence. It makes you extremely ritualistic. Even in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen – I have heard also – that people are extremely ritualistic. Now the ritualism is like this: that you have to say something three times, you say it three times, seven times, like tied-up people. I have seen some Sahaja Yogis like that. And some Sahaja Yogis, I think they must be bhootish, get frightened with Me. What is there to be frightened of Me? Because they are bhootish, they are getting frightened. Otherwise why should you? I love you all and you won’t find a greater mild guru than Myself, I don’t think so. But they are afraid. Even if you look at them, they’ll not smile, they’ll be afraid. What wrong have you done? You have become Sahaja Yogis! They are so ritualistic in everything. So one should understand a difference between a protocol and ritualism. An innocent child knows the protocol. I remember there was a child who came to see Me in Oxted, and I said, “Let’s go upstairs.” So it was a small, little staircase of wood. He said, “What? Is She going to go up without a red carpet?” This came into his head! So for children, innocent children, the worship, everything is not ritualistic, it is heartfelt. You feel it from the heart: how to do the worship, how to show your love. It’s very sweet the way an innocent person does it, while a person who is very ritualistic, he may even beat another person because, “Why did you do this? You should not have put camphor in it. Why did you put the camphor so? It’s very wrong.” There’s nothing wrong. If you do it with your heart, with your open heart, innocently, anything is all right. It is the open heart which is necessary, not the closed heart: “Why did you do it? Why didn’t you do it? Where did you sit? What happened?” Nothing. Now you are in the kingdom of God, and here there are no such rules and regulations that you should be ritualistic. But everything has a double style. Now I say you need not be ritualistic. So, once I went into an ashram. I found everything was just like a pigsty. I said, “What’s this? Is this an ashram or what is it?” So they said, “Mother, you told us that you have to be innocent and you don’t have to be ritualistic. So we thought, ‘Throw all the things wherever you feel like. What is there to be ritualistic?’” It’s a very common thing. All the ashram leaders tell me that Sahaja Yogis have no sense at all of looking after the cleanliness of the ashram. They are least bothered. If it is their house, they look after, but if it is an ashram they do not. It’s very surprising. And I have seen, or I have heard, that the ashrams of all bhootish and false gurus are absolutely spick-and-span. Really. It’s very surprising. And even here in Cabella, people were telling me that they are living like animals. I said, “Animals are innocent, you know.” You go into a jungle, now—I don’t know, we are going to take you this time [on India Tour to Kanha National Park] into a jungle—you will have no smell, no horrid things to see, nothing. It’s very clean, spick-and-span, all the time. But you put one human being [there], you will immediately know there has been a human being. They have their own systems of keeping things clean. Even the tiger, who is an innocent thing—up to animal stage you are innocent—he has his own styles. I don’t know if you know about a tiger or not, but a tiger will kill an animal because he has to eat, after all. He supposed to only eat animals, he doesn’t eat grass. What to do? He’s not a vegetarian. God has made him like that, so he accepts. Now he goes and kills the cow or anything, then he leaves his kill there for the blood to ooze out. Nobody will touch that, nobody, because he’s really the king. Not out of fear, but a protocol. Then next day he goes [back], he eats, then his family eats and all that, then finished for the whole month. They come out. Then the lower animals start going there. Like you have leopards and all these animals come out and they start eating. Then even lower and lower till the birds. Still the crows, they stay back. Last are crows. Can you imagine? Such a system they have. They go all the way from Siberia to Australia. How do they manage? Think of it. What gives them direction is innocence. And the innocence is a magnet. It’s a magnet. Actually it’s a magnet. In a human being you do not find a magnet because it has now evolved so much, but it starts just like a magnet. So they know which is north, which is south, east, and west. Even a little bee, you find and put a mark on it. It goes to the place from where it has come. How does it find its own way? Is the innocence is like a magnet, acts like a magnet. Even in the fishes. Just imagine how fishes have direction. We don’t have; I mean, human beings can be lost. Many times I am lost with so many drivers I have had. So many times I have been lost, but animals: never. You know, if you take a dog and you don’t want the dog, you leave him about fifty miles away, he’ll come back. How does he find the way? So their qualities, which are built-in within them through their innocence, are actually the qualities of the electromagnetic force and also pranava: that is when the electromagnetic force is charged with Ganesha’s principle. That’s why they are so systematic, they are so clean, they are so sensible. But they are not ritualistic. They are not ritualistic. Whatever God has given them, they have accepted. They are bound by that. They are bound and they live with that boundary. Even if you go up to the stage of animals which live with human beings, they too, are very affectionate. They just want love, nothing else. One day if you do not care for your dog, he will just not eat his food. Not eat his food. He wouldn’t care for the food. It is so remarkable, even I have seen among children how they just want love. They don’t accept anything else but love. But as soon as they start growing up, especially in a materialistic world, then the whole materialism comes in. So the second way we kill our children’s innocence is putting materialistic ideas into their heads. Of course, the media is there which is selling, nowadays, a teddy bear which has a birthday. Teddy bear has a birthday. Can you imagine? So everybody is buying a teddy bear with a birthday. Because the parents don’t want to be in the company of children so they get some sort of toys, this, that – one or two is all right – and put them with the toys, with the television on: “Now, sit down.” Children start becoming naturally materialistic. They start asking for things and for demands of such a kind that sometimes one is surprised. You take a Western child to the market, and you’ve had it. But you take Indian children, they’ll never take anything. Really. It’s so difficult to make them. At least, I have seen my own grandchildren and others. You take them, it’s a headache to buy even another pair of shoes for them: “No, but we have one. Why do you want to buy another?” “Oh baba! That will give way.” “No, we can come here.” “How?” “We can come in the car or else we can walk.” “But you will have no shoes.” “Nothing. One is all right. Why to have two?” You give them money, they’ll buy one small little thing and come home. You see, it is the whole tradition of materialism which has brought this innocence to a stop. Then a child starts growing in the same materialistic way. He starts judging people, like: “How many cars do you have?” You see? They are so stupidly materialistic that I went to Boston and the television people asked me, “How many Rolls Royces do you have?” I said, “I don’t have any.” They said, “We are not interested. You are not in the business.” This is what is now the mind of people in the West who have grown up. But even the children: today they want this, tomorrow they want that. All the time there’s a competition for materialistic things, asking for this, asking for that. Just imagine what a race will be there, after some years, when they will be just people who will be only worried about collecting things and buying things: buyers and sellers, nothing else. So you have to be very careful with your children that you do not pamper them, do not get too much worried about them, do not keep them on materialistic level. Find out. If they are going on a materialistic level, bring them down. It’s very simple to do that, and one has to work it out because we have to save our children and their innocence. Now for the other Sahaja Yogis who are grown up and who are very mature, they are very innocent, I must say, I must admit that. They are very innocent compared to the society that is around, no doubt. One has to really admire the way they have become so innocent, the way they are understanding this divine music and all that, it’s really creditable. But still, this innocence, if it is not spread, if this innocence doesn’t work out, then it will rust, it will not grow. Your IQ will be less than the others, I can tell you this much. They are growing in materialism all right. Their IQ is growing in materialism, but your IQ will not grow unless and until you spread this innocence around. Now you know how to do it. It is the power of Kundalini with the help of Shri Ganesh. He helps you at every chakra. I have written that He is the vice-chancellor of every university, where He has to stamp. He’s at every point. But you have to understand that this has to spread. It has to become collective. It has to flow. So to become that, what should we do ourselves? That we should try to organize programs. While people will be enamoured by your innocence, no doubt. They’ll be surprised: how are you so innocent? How can you be so nice in these modern times? No doubt about it. But, in doing that, try to be innocent yourself. You should not be cunning. You should not be smart. You should not try to show that you are very brilliant or anything because the ego might in between come and try to put ideas into your head. It’s better to show that you are innocent and to be innocent inside. The whole inner being can be really charged with the energy of Shri Ganesh, no doubt. And the outer life becomes innocent. Becomes innocent. I mean, I don’t know banking, I don’t know money. I am quite bad at everything, at worldly things. But I am not cunning, I am not “smart,” you can say. But still things are working out because of the inner power that one has. So depend on your inner power and manifest it outside. The inner being, which is Ganesha, is the same in all of us. The whole system is the same in all of us. Chakras are the same in all of us. Only thing is, we have to keep our innocence absolutely free of all this worldly nonsense, like fashion, this, that. Immediately you will find that your being will manifest. Being will manifest. Now just think of a simple thing like that. I am an Indian, and nobody knows Me, but whenever I have My lecture, I have at least five to six thousand people. How? How do they come to My lecture like that? Anywhere in the whole world. Minimum. Sometimes even much more. What’s so special? So when handling the people, we are Sahaja Yogis, we are saints, we have to talk to them like saints, we have to behave like saints. And they should in no way feel that we are cunning or we are interested in something else. So, once you start doing that, flowing your innocence, all the gods and goddesses will help you. Your creativity will be thousand times more than normal. Everybody has to think how we are going to spread it. Like I was happy to know that in America, of all the places, they have got hold of these senators. Very good idea. Let us see if it works out. So we have to find out all the ways and methods and all the styles which will behove a saint, not a politician. These days, of course, all the sports people are heroes—if you want to become a hero, you become a sportsman—not like that, but like a saint. And saintliness is respected, whatever may be the situation, whatever may be the situation, whosoever may be facing you. Recently when I was in Kiev, the leader’s wife told me that “Mother, we had that old car of yours, which we sold and we got so much money that we could buy a new car. Then we went to the factory to buy the new car.” And they bought it. So outside the factory there’s a mafia. Nowadays I think the Sicilians have reached there. So the mafia was standing outside and they said, “You have to pay so much money to us.” In thousands! So they said, “We have no money.” “Why? What do you do?” This was his wife. She said, “We meditate.” “Really? So you have no money.” “No.” “What about those children?” “They also meditate.” So innocently she was talking to them, they said that “we saw their faces melting down.” They said, “All right, go.” They forgot that they were supposed to get money out of them. Or they take the car, they confiscate the car or take the money. They said, “All right, go.” They told me this story. So your simplicity always helps you. Your innocence always helps you. And it has such an impact. Such an impact. I tell you that a personality, what we call in Sanskrit is a vigraha—vigraha means a personality which has a coefficience—the person who is innocent has such a great coefficience that he can charm anybody. But, first and foremost thing is that we have to be innocent. Not to so much worry about money, not to count everything, not to worry about food. But this is not to be done with deliberations but innocence. Where you sleep, what you do is not important to a saint. It lives the way one has to live because his nourishing point is innocence. And he doesn’t get angry, he doesn’t shout at people. Nothing. Of course, at bhoots it may be that he has to shout like Christ did, but otherwise, he is a very peaceful, joyous, happy, humorous person. So today, at this puja, I would bless you with all the qualities of Shri Ganesha—except for His anger. May God bless you.
What is the goal of your life?
United States
New York City
Public Program
Public Program at United Nations Meeting, New York (USA). 4 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot conceptualize it. Truth is to be felt as you can feel hot and cold. Whatever we have had so far through our evolutionary process, at this human awareness, we have known it on our central nervous system. So, we have to know the truth on our central nervous system. Otherwise, it is either emotional idea or a mental idea, which has limitations. We think of science as if we have achieved a lot. In one area we might say we have, in the sense, we have explored many things about matter. We have knowledge about the outside world quite a lot, but we don't know ourselves at all. We haven't got the knowledge of inner being. So much of science has created such a big civilization around, but it does not know its own roots. This is the reason why today we find that there is no solution for many things which we are facing. We have big organizations; we have conferences, arguments, discussions - everything, at mental level. But the whole thing is not result oriented. If you see the human problems, we cannot say why are we here. What's the purpose of our life? That's why many people try to find their identity, which I think is a real thing - one has to do is to find your own identity, why are you here on this earth. Science cannot answer this question. Why are we on this earth? What are we doing on this earth? What is the purpose of human life? What is the purpose of evolution? These questions cannot be answered by science. So then we start looking into religions. The religions that are in a mess, as we have seen today. I mean, if you want to know about religion, say ask say a Muslim about a Jew and ask a Jew about a Muslim and ask a Hindu about a Muslim. Ask anyone of them and they will tell you all the worst things that they know about themselves. Thus, in the idea that one God has created this one earth, one Universe, we have so many religions, they are fighting among themselves, killing each other with the faith that they are fighting in the name of God. The absurdities of certain beliefs also are to be understood. One of them is the belief that there will be a resurrection time or the Last Judgment. And at that time, people will come out of their graves and they will be all judged. Now, can you believe such a story, I mean at this modern times? What remains inside a grave, is I don't know and all our forefathers, dinosaurs and all of them are going to come back on this earth from their graves and then they are going to be judged. And those who will die in the name of God, so called, will be resurrected. I mean, I was surprised at the Muslim who was fighting some sort of a Jehad. I asked him why do you do it. He said, now, see, if we die now, we will be resurrected. This kind of a funny idea, I don't know from where it has come. Some people have tampered with the scriptures, I am sure about it. And I have tried to bring all nonsensical ideas to people, who, somehow give up all their intelligence, all their logic and believe it. So when an intelligent man looks at all these things, he becomes an atheist. Even by becoming atheist, one has to know why are you here, what is the purpose of your life, why are you here. What is the goal of your life? Is it just to waste your time or to be here for a short time and finish off, to insure yourself and then die? The worst thing that has happened to human beings, I think is that materialism has taken over. By materialism, we have really become very gross, extremely superficial. And not bothered at all about spiritual life. Those people who did bother, whom I call as seekers, people of special category - were caught up by false gurus and lots of false things. Because, they realized there is a market of such people and such people must be somehow or other captured and used for their own purposes. Only purpose is making money - its marketing. America, I came in the year 1972. And I was shocked at the spiritual awareness of human beings. They are willing to take anything that was selling in the market. They didn't like Me because they thought that I don't take any money, so there must be some hocus-pocus about it. This is the effect of materialism on their brains. I got so disgusted really with the whole thing. They accepted a fourteen year old guru who put some red liquid in a cannon and blasted fifty thousand in this New York - were his followers and then they said he became a Yankee, married an American lady and settled down. He was wiser than others. Others went on till they were completely exposed and destroyed. But this fellow was wiser - he is somewhere here, I don't know.So, this is how one has to know what to seek. What is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings because you say my conditioning, my ego, my body - "my". But who is this "I"? Who owns all these things? So, you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love, that does all these beautiful things like creating flowers, evolutionary process. Who runs our heart? If you ask the doctors, they will say it's the autonomous nervous system. But who is the auto? If you have an automobile, then there is a driver sitting there. Who is this driver? If you start going only into the question - who am I, then you are a seeker of truth. Why am I here, then you are a seeker of truth. Without the truth, you cannot solve any problem of this world. All the problems of the worlds mostly are caused by human beings I think who are blind and who cannot see the truth. And all these human problems come to you because of your chakras in jeopardy. We must say our Creator has been a greatest planner. If you see the periodic laws of chemistry, you will see how He has organized all the matter, how He has categorically divided and in the same way, He has planned within us a beautiful system by which we can become one with this all pervading power of divine love. Once you become that, then what they call, you become a saint. Means, you become yourself. So, what do you get? The first thing you get is the self-knowledge. You know about your own centers. You know about what's wrong with you and you don't want to have it. Because you don't like it. Overnight, people have dropped alcoholism, drugs, overnight. I never say "don't do anything" because I know half of you might go away. But it just works that way. Like a snake in your hand and you are in darkness. Supposing you are obstinate, somebody says "See, there is a snake in your hand, in your hand, please leave it." If you are obstinate, you will say "No it's a rope. What's wrong?" That's the mantras these days. Tell something to somebody, they say "What's wrong?" Till the snake bites the person, he will go on holding. And, when a little light comes in him, he will just drop it. That's exactly what happens to you when you become the Self. The light of your spirit shines in your attention. And you see the things in proper light. Now, whatever I am telling you, you need now believe Me at all, because blindfoldedness has taken us to lots of problems. But whatever I am saying to you, if it works out, and if you get your Realization, and if you feel the all pervading power, then as honest people, you have to believe Me. You have to just keep your mind open like a scientist. Once you start feeling this all pervading power on your finger tips, you have to use it and see for yourself what it has done to you. So, the first thing happens to you is your self knowledge on your finger tips. The inner knowledge, which is very important, because that is the fundamental on which every human being stands, and also, you know the centers of others. You can feel the centers of others because a new dimension comes into your awareness which we call as collective consciousness. Who is the other? You can feel everybody on your finger tips. And when you grow, you find that, sitting down here, you can feel the vibrations of another person. The vibrations of this all pervading power is like a cool breeze, as described in the Bible - "Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost". And once you master this art, some people don't take much time, at the most, some people take one month, you become a master yourself, you become your own master. You can give realizations to others. And you can solve their problems. Now this is to be absolutely free, because it is living process of evolution. How much did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? The seed was sown in the Mother Earth and it sprouted, because the seed had the built-in quality to sprout and the Mother Earth had the built-in quality also to make it sprout. It's already built-in within us, as already Steven has told you. Is all within you. It looks miraculous. It looks fantastic. But, don't you think these flowers are also very miraculous and fantastic? The way they have come out of one seed. It's all in you, it's your power. It is something so much your own, this force is in your triangular bone and just it rises. Is your own that you achieve your own self. You don't have to get into any kind of an involvement in it, because you become that. It's a question of becoming, it's not lecturing. As you know, My husband has been with the U.N., I have attended so many conferences and so many lectures. And I've known all that rigmarole. What we have to achieve is a real united world. In reality, not artificially. Now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and you find these people extremely loving, extremely compassionate, so joyous, they have entered into the kingdom of God. Last time I was in Russia, when the coup was on. So I asked the Sahaja Yogis, there are in thousands in Russia, "Aren't you worried about this in your country, what's happening?" They said, "Why, Mother, we have entered into the kingdom of God, why should we worry about these Russians?" All this has to happen so easily to all of you and all of you have to have it. But I don't know what makes people shudder from it, from reality, from love of God. I think today you are very few people, we can have some questions and answers. Would be a good idea, what do you say? And then I'll give you Realization. Question and Answer session: Q (Gentleman): Do you know who I am? Shri Mataji: Myself? About you or about myself? About you? You are the pure spirit. I know you all are. But you don't know. That's the difference. Once you'll know that you are the pure spirit, then the whole thing will be transformed and with this transformation only we are going to change the world, not by lectures and conferences. No. This transformation has to come from within. Q (Lady): Why does this spirit take different forms and what is the special significance of this spirit taking the human form? Shri Mataji: Different forms of human spirit is - now, God believes in beauty. And He wants to create every leaf differently to create variety. To create beauty. Otherwise we would be like robots, all of us moving about like military people. It won't be interesting to live with such people, will it be? Lady: No, my question was a little different. What I was asking is, when spirit takes the human form [NOT CLEAR] from animal form, what is the special significance of spirit when it takes human form? Shri Mataji: That he has to now become the spirit. Now the last breakthrough is only possible for human beings. That breakthrough is the one you have to achieve. That's why you are a human being. Now you see here, they have shown the brain like that. But actually it is like a pyramid. Only human brain is like that. And because of that, all these things work out. So you have to reach a certain stage of your evolution, from where you have to jump onto that form where you become the spirit. Q (Lady): Can one ever lose Realization? Shri Mataji: No, one cannot. You see, actually it's like a connection. Now see, this instrument is connected to the mains. All right? If it is not connected, it has no identity, no meaning. Isn't it? But, supposing it's a loose connection, then it may drop out. So best thing is to make the connection perfect. And which is very easy. Q (Lady): - Once we achieve Realization, do we go out to give it to others and do others come to us? Shri Mataji: - No, no you should go all out. Imagine, at this age of mine - 70 years, I am traveling all over the world. You cannot enjoy it alone, so you want to give it others. And then only you enjoy. Giving Realization is the greatest joy. Q (Lady): Why do we human beings have fear of death? Shri Mataji: Because you are in ignorance. Suddenly, the lights go off, you will be frightened, you are ignorant. There's nothing like death. It's just transformation from one life to another. After this you are not afraid of anything. Nothing. And you are all the time protected. You can feel it. You are protected. Actually you feel it. It is absolutely miraculous the way things happen and people have written to Me - how they were protected, how they were saved, they could not believe it, because all the angels are with you. But, if I tell you this, you won't believe in these modern things of science, but now many things are also discovered in science like quantum theory. You can't explain it. Q (Gentleman): Shri Mataji, if someone has had a brain tumor and cist partially removed, will giving that person Realization aggravate their condition or would it help to improve it? Shri Mataji: Will it get aggravated? It will improve. You see, any disease which is there actually gets cured. And I was recently surprised there was a gentleman with a brain tumor. You must not believe Me but you should see for yourself. And he wrote to Me that Mother, I have got brain tumor, they are saying they cannot locate it, we don't what to do. So they are going to use a new scanning method by which they are going to say there is a brain tumor. I said, you just go to our center, let us see what happens. After some time, a fax came saying that the doctors are saying, you have no brain tumor. Because, this Kundalini which rises, it nourishes your centers. And these centers which look after every function - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual of your being. If they are integrated, if they are nourished, if they are enlightened, how can you suffer? That's how many people have been cured. I must say, blood cancer has been cured. No doubt, we have so many patients who are living now for six to seven years who were told you are going to die within one month, doctors are honest you see. They tell honest thing. You will die after one month - finished. And they are still living. Many heart patients, many diseases have been cured. And, even AIDS, I must say has been cured. But the AIDS people are little bit psychologically different. There are two types I have seen, one are very arrogant and they are martyrs - you just can't talk to them. And the second ones are who don't want to live. So we got about five patients in Australia and we treated them. Out of them, two are married - they are all right and two took to the same style of life and they got it back - only the one who has really completely cured is there - he is very healthy, he is the healthiest man we have now in Sahaja Yoga. If we have to carry any heavy luggage, we call him. But their psychology is so funny. I don't know how to deal with them, because they think they are nothing wrong with them, are perfectly all right and then what can you do with such people who think they are all right, how can you cure them? Q (Gentleman): Why did Peter and Paul alter Christ teachings and why is the Catholic Church against reincarnation? Wasn't Christ resurrection a form of reincarnation? Shri Mataji: All right, I'll tell you the truth. You know this Mr. Paul, when I saw him in the Bible, I asked My father "Who is this gentleman?", so My father told Me he is a [squatter?]. And he was the man who killed so many Gnostic Christians, early Christians; he also killed a disciple of Christ - Steven. And this Paul says that he saw a cross, I mean it's never that way you see Realization, it's a supra-conscious experience, you will find that very soon. And that he met Christ is all nonsense and then what happened with this man that while doing all these sinful things, he discovered that...he was's a good platform for him to jump in - Christianity. Now, what is the best way to handle it? He found out Peter, as the worst disciple of Christ. Christ has said that the devil will take you over, He has said it about Peter and this was the devil and he told him that I will edit all the Bible. And it was he who wrote about Peter because he couldn't write about himself that Christ gave the keys to this Mr. Peter whom the devil was going to take over. That's how the Catholic Church started. Despite all these things, he wanted to edit Bible and big fight between Mathews and him. Thomas ran away to India and then he wrote his treatise and they were kept in a jar in Egypt about fifty years back, now decoded, called as the library of Hammadi, which is a big book and people have probed into it and found out - it's all Sahaja Yoga. He talks of experience and nothing else. So, John also decided not to write himself, somebody else wrote for him, but lots of things are there, many things there are which are today can be verified, despite all the effort of this Mr. Paul - I don't think he was intelligent enough to manage the rest of it. But whatever he tried was very, very dangerous. One of them was to say that this church is to be formed by Mr. Peter. And despite that, I must say there have been very great good Catholics, this Luciano, another Pope who came, he was really a man who was shocked by the way things were happening and he died. But they say he was murdered. So all these things happening in the Catholic Church today are because they are money oriented and power oriented - they are not spirit oriented at all. That's why they don't want to talk of self Realization. While Christ has said that "You are to be born again. You have to know yourself." He said the same thing. Christ lived actually for four years with those mad people there. And He was crucified. In four years, what can you do? When My husband got a job in England, for four years I was struggling with hippies, very well educated all of them - professors [UNCLEAR WORD] hippies - seven of them for four years, I couldn't break their shells for four years - what could Christ do with all these people? And that's why it has become like that. Even in Quran, I think Abu Bakkar has taken something from the Bible as far as this resurrection part is concerned. Mohammed Saab did write about resurrection, but this part that you'll all come out of the graves, Mohammed Saab could not have written. And it is also coming from Jews that you'll come out of graves, I just don't know from where they got this idea. They cannot accept the Immaculate Conception which we accept - not only accept, it's a fact. Even Mohammed Saab has said, very clearly, "Respect the chastity of Mary". He has paid much more respect to Christ's mother than Paul. Paul hated women, he hated them. And the way he has said about Christ's mother was "She was a woman and all that" - this hatred for women, putting them down was so much, that's why I think that in the western countries, women are very insecure. Very insecure. Only I have seen in films and things anywhere, only women are made nude, not men, as if they are sanctum [SANCTORUM OR SANCTORIUM?]. And poor women have to show their body, or do this with their body, and sell their body and no sense of chastity they should have, all the time trying to please the lower self of human beings. I mean, in India, even now, despite American influence has come in the city, but despite that, any man looks at a woman, she'll go and slap him - "why are you looking at me?" It's a very different culture we have come into, because of this kind of a disrespect for women - and I think it's very primitive. Like in England, a country which is supposed to be very developed, they have been fighting if a woman would be a priest or not. Imagine. In India, a woman is the power, the Shakti. She is your mother, she's your sister, she's your daughter. She cannot be your priest. This is the worst that has happened, but not that it was not so that women were not respected at the time of George Washington or all those places. I have read all those books of those times, it was not so bad, but gradually it has come down to this level that women have to sell their body, somehow. It is very surprising that women are not respected. And I would blame Mr. Paul for that. He has never shown any respect for any woman whatsoever. Now, we are at a point to understand that morality is the basis of religion and morality is the basis of human existence. Last night only I was watching your TV and I was looking at the University program. I was shocked, the filth they were talking. I can't believe it. How your children are going to live in this filthy circumstance? And there was the dean of the faculty of Harvard University who said that homosexuality is not prohibited in Christianity and the priest agreed with it. Poor things, there were about twenty-four, twenty-five very sweet boys standing said "we don't believe in it" and they were saying Lord's Prayer. So now, in England a [CANNON?] has said that extra marital relationships are to be allowed in Christianity, otherwise we'll not have people in the church. Openly. Because church has to run. These priests are to be paid. And if there are no people, who is going to pay - it's a market. It's in every religion, I'm not saying it's only with Christianity, but at least the Christians have realized all these things. In some religions, they are still fundamentalists. They don't see the bad points. It is something so remarkable that on one side, these are the developed countries. And here, as far as spirituality is concerned, they are so primitive? This materialism has done this harm and one has to be careful. Thank God there is recession, so people are now looking at themselves. Recession has done lot of good in every country. Maybe it's the after effect of so-called democracy, the demonocracy. It is a Divine working out. Like people ask Me why there was such a big earthquake after they worshipped Shri Ganesh? What is Shri Ganesha - is the symbol of innocence, of auspiciousness, of purity, of holiness. I have see in Poona and other places, whenever they have nowadays, somehow we Indians have taken to American lives. When British were there, we were very much more Indian, but now we are having discos in front of Ganesha. They get drunk, wear funny dresses, do funny actions, sing very very vulgar songs in the presence of Shri Ganesha. I saw this and I was saying, they should be careful, what they are doing is a sinful thing. And if Shri Ganesha gets annoyed, this Maharashtra can be destroyed. Imagine this Maharashtra where Shri Ganesha is respected so much, worshipped so much, every household will have Shri Ganesh and that's what they do every year for ten days. So, these things will happen. Somebody asked Me about Missouri and Mississippi. Why there were floods. Perhaps you may not be knowing because, I am quite an old woman, I know many things. Much more than [US?]. You see, these people living, the white skin, were called as red necks in Missouri Mississippi. They killed indiscriminately many black people, put them in the river. When some crime was done by Englishmen, they would involve somebody who was black. They were called as red necks because they had a red neck here - the Vishuddhi. But I saw them running away from the river with all their red necks this time. In the Bible, it is written such destructions will be there. We have to take to moral life. Immorality cannot pay. But force morality doesn't work out. Once you become a realized soul, then what happens? You become righteous, you become. You cannot do wrong things. You become the source of compassion, love, dynamism, good health, everything. Source of joy. And that's what has not happened to us. Once it happens to us, we just don't do wrong things. We just don't do it. We are not meant for that. Immediately we start seeing what is right and what is wrong. Q (gentleman): What do you think of the power of the human mind? Shri Mataji: Is limited. At the most, you can mesmerize people with your power of mind. You know this Satya Sai Baba, so called. I have a tape. He used to mesmerize people and do all these miracles. But it so happened that our great Prime Minister and also our President when enamored by our Home Minister, who comes from the same place as Osmanabad, he was elected from there, he took them down, all these people, great, you know. Because he believed that he is miraculous. Why should God give you gold and diamonds? No logic. So these poor things went there just to please the Home Minister. But with them went four cameras and the cameras starting taking photographs. Now you cannot mesmerize cameras, isn't it? And it's so clearly you see, a man passing the gold necklace to him and he does that and gives it. Clearly. And it all came out in the newspapers. Also, I've got a tape. And many people have this tape now with them. So this is what it is. With the mind you can mesmerize others. You can mesmerize the weak minds. And, I was told that somebody was making the pendulum move with the mind. What is purpose of moving a pendulum? What you get? Are you here to waste your time moving a pendulum? Is that the value of your life? Another nonsense is that you can fly in the air, about three feet high you can jump. When already we have traffic problem. What is the sense in doing all these things? What has happened to human beings? Why can't they understand that what is the sense? What is the value of these things? And the man from this TM came to Me one day. He was the head of the Flying Academy in Scotland, suffering from epilepsy, his wife suffering from epilepsy, his director suffering from epilepsy and his daughter also. And then he told Me the whole story, so horrible. How do you get impressed by these things? So what did he tell Me? That he was a diamond merchant. His wife was the grand daughter of a Jew. Lots of money. And they took to this TM and he said "Why don't you go and start this flying academy?" So he started a flying academy. So many have come to Me from TM. And what he did was just to break their bottoms. That's all. They didn't achieve anything - it was all falsehood. He confessed it to Me that his guru told him that you go to America and just say that I came to America without any visa, just in my meditation. And Americans believed it, can you beat that? They believed it that he came with the power of his mind without the visa. It's a fact. If you believe in stupid things, then what should we say? And today that man is bankrupt, has gone back to South Africa, of course, I cured him, his wife was cured, his child was cured and that director was cured, no doubt. Now they have gone back, he's written a book, but nobody wants to publish it. Because they are saying, if you publish it, these people will kill you. That book is with Me. I can tell anyone. I am not afraid. Somebody tried to push him down from the train also. And now, new marketing has started about Ayurveda. That too I think is not at all done scientifically. For Ayurveda, why should you go to TM? What is the need? The other day they were saying that they pour hot oil on the Agnya. Hot is very bad for the Agnya. Absolutely, you will know yourself. You will find out yourself. What's wrong for what chakra. But because, Americans have never known black magic, have never known all these kind of crooked people, they believe them. And they are minting money. Rajneesh came here, he minted money, everybody comes here to do that and then what happens to the nation is recession. Where is the money gone? Into the ashrams of all these we have to be sensible, logical. If you have any power of the mind, then try to see that this is not the truth. Try to see this is nonsense. That is the real power of the mind that you can discriminate. Today only, I met a lady. She had been to many gurus and all that and she was in a mess. She said "But I didn't stick on to them. I could find out that they are all false and I ran away from there." But she is hurt very much. So I told her that "All right doesn't matter. You can be cured, you can be all right." And amazingly, what she said "Mother, I see your disciples who are so knowledgeable, who know so many things, they are telling you about my chakras. I have never seen that anywhere. On the contrary, all of them are fighting in other organizations." That's the good point of falsehood that people fight. I have to really warn you that this is the most important time in the history of this Universe. And this is time when you are all going to get your Self Realization. Don't be enamored by nonsensical things. These nonsensical things can only be appreciated by stupid and idiotic people. And Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots. It's meant for people who are alert and aware and who want the truth. And this is what one has to understand, that all these wrong things that we have learned like Freud - Mr. Freud - when I first came here, I just denounced him. Said all nonsense he's talking. And I openly said it. And they didn't like Me, because Freud has become Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ Mr. Freud. So you couldn't talk to them about it. You couldn't say anything to them. And now you know the result today, where are we. It was Freud was another devil who ruined this country. And now there are books, I have seen, Fraudulent Freud, another one is the Fall of Freudian Empire. Now, after so many years I see that now. And that time the same people, they were just worshippers. Oh Freud! Very nice man. He was the one, if you want to go to hell, take two running jumps and go there, it's like that and he did it. No respect for your private life. No respect for yourself. No respect for this human body which God has created with such delicacy. No respect for your own personality. It's such a great thing that you are human beings. And you have to love yourself and respect yourself. Because you are the ones who are going to become saints. Q (Lady): Do you think that marriage helps in the spiritual growth? Shri Mataji: Of course. Lady: In what way? Shri Mataji: In every way. If you are unmarried and you say I'm not going to marry and you are a very big tapasvi, better be aware, if you meet someone like that go with a [barge pole?], it's so unnatural that he is full of temper and anger. You see bachelors, if they are chronic bachelors, cynical people, very hot tempered. Marriage gives you the balance. It gives you the balance; it's the way we really understand the truth about life. Of course, there are problems in marriages, I know. There are many cases of unhappiness also. But not in Sahaja Yoga. Every year, we marry about eighty to eighty-five people internationally. Hardly, one person divorced. And they have beautiful children; all of them are born realized. Because there are so many who want to be born and they can only be born to people who are realized souls. Beautiful children. So, many people who are married earlier, they come back and marry in Sahaja Yoga. It's a real marriage. And so beautiful to see how they live happily with each other. Somebody is marrying from Colombia, to England or from Russia to America - perfect. Because their wavelength of spirituality is the same. Those who don't want to marry, I'm sorry, I can't give you Realization. Q (Lady): About the Kundalini, have we reached a special time, why it can be given now to so many people? Shri Mataji: Of course, that's what I am saying. It's a very, very special time. I call it a Blossom time. Because, so many people are here who are just flowers, are about to become the fruits. I call it a Blossom Time. As called as the Last Judgment. As called as the Kiyama. Is also called as the Resurrection time. Uthan Samay. All kinds of names have been given. But this is the time. The modern times, the Kali Yuga as they call it. The worst time for human beings, when they seek. Q (Gentleman): What is the cause of suffering? Shri Mataji: Ignorance, My child. Ignorance. That's why you suffer. Gentleman: Ignorance of what? Shri Mataji: Ignorance of reality. You don't know realities. That's why. You see, supposing you are sitting next to the water and there is darkness and you can't see it. You are crying - "I want water, I want water." Water is here. "I am suffering, I want water." The water is here. It's ignorance, the darkness of ignorance. But reality is very beautiful. Those people who tell you to suffer, don't listen to them. There's no need. Christ has already suffered for us, isn't it? But this is the way also people make money. You must suffer. Give all your money, all your house, your children, everything to me, and you suffer now, you fast. In India, all the Brahmins will tell you - "You fast now for so many days. And last day will come; you give us five kilos of sweets for your fasting." And we do, Indians do. Even if they will have a [Homa?] for the home, they will give money. But one day I discovered one gentleman called Morari Bapu. Somehow or other I went there. Somehow. Sahaj. I was amazed. He had arranged the marriage of Shri Rama and Shri Sita. Small little Shri Ram, small little Shri Sita. And he was asking all the ladies to give something for Her [truce?]. And they were taking all their gold and diamond bangles and everything - giving it to Her. And they were doing it. Indians are also quite Shraddhavaan as they call it. Such stupid things they do, in the name of God. I went to a village and they were coming and they all touched feet of a saint. So one lady brought ten naya paisa. She gave it to Me. So, they said "Mother doesn't take money." "All right I'll give one rupee." They cannot imagine that a person who is a saint will not take any money. Even in the mandir they will go, they have to pay money. So, in India also there is lot of stupidity, you can't imagine. But, once you start talking of Sahaja Yoga, it spreads like fire. Because they know, that's the last thing. That much they know. Q (Lady): Is the suffering because of Karma? Shri Mataji: Now, I must tell you this Karma theory was all right when Shri Krishna was there. Today it is not. Today, it's this center; you see here - the Agnya chakra. This is the chakra bestowed upon by the grace of Christ. If Christ is awakened there, then both these things, you see, on this side and that side - one is the ego which you think you are doing the Karma, another is the conditioning, both are sucked and that's how your Kundalini rises. So you fall into the category what we call is Akarma. When you are doing something, but you don't think you are doing it. Akarma. It is said that He died for your sins. Didn't He? When He is awakened, He sucks in. This philosophy was all right at that time, not today. Q (Lady): How do you learn to forgive? Shri Mataji: Now, this is the logic apply. Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, what do you do? Nothing. But, you do one thing. When you don't forgive, you torture yourself. So the person who has troubled you is quite happy. And here you are torturing yourself, playing into the wrong hands. All right? Why you should you torture yourself? Leave it to God.Q (Lady): You spoke of morality as being the foundation of spiritual life. And I'm wondering if we need to have a certain morality in order to receive the self-Realization and if so, what is that morality? You also spoke of being married as a moral act or wanting to become married. Does that exclude homosexuals or people who would rather be single? [ NOT CLEAR AFTER THIS] Shri Mataji: I have to tell you the truth again. Homosexuality is not a sin, but is ignorance. When you get possessed. I have cured many people who suffer from it. I have seen a man gets possessed by a woman. And then he behaves like that. I had never heard of such a thing in My life time. Only in the West it is more. I used to think from where it has come. I feel the way so many Indians were killed, maybe their spirits are catching. It is absurd, it is unnatural, it is nonsense. It so happened in Greece, I was there. One of the Sahaja Yogis, Michael, who had arranged My program, told Me that there is a television, but the man who will interview is the chairman of the gay people. I said, all right, doesn't matter. But, at the right time, when he was interviewing, this happened about a month before; I just forgot that he is the chairman of that. I just forgot, automatically. And the poor fellow, he asked Me many nice questions, he was quite intelligent and then he said, "But what do you say if a man has feelings for another man or a woman has a feeling for another woman?" I had forgotten that he was the chairman, so I said that "It is absurd. It is unnatural. When you get possessed only it happens like that." He said "Really?" "Yes", I said, "it happens like that". "So, do you correct these things with Sahaja Yoga?" "Yes, it gets corrected with Sahaja Yoga, no doubt." But men are easy, they are very easy, they take to really a proper, normal life. But women are difficult, because they mentally, something goes wrong, they find it difficult. "So, the men are all right?" "Yes, yes they are cured." "Oh, so there's some hope." I couldn't understand why he is saying so. Actually, he was wanting to get out of it, he was the chairman of this nonsense. And when I asked them about how they got it, it is really a possession. Now, this disease of schizophrenia, I have never seen in India, anybody getting sick for a short time and then he is normal. Only here. Very common. Must be these people who have been killed here in thousands are possessing. I went to Argentina; I wanted to see a Red Indian. They said we have none. Went to Chile, they said, we have none. They took Me to the museum to show. And even in the museum, the gentleman who was made like that, the statue, was not a Red Indian, but a white man. Because they must have used the model for a white man only. So they all ran up to the Colombia above. And, do you know one thing? It's a divine way of working out, I think, the way you are taking drugs. Where is it made, do you know that? And how is it you have taken to those drugs? Think of it. Why people took to drugs? From those countries where people have ran away and hid themselves, they are the ones who got the cocaine. These are the Karmas. These are the collective Karmas. But, after Realization, nothing. One has to pay even for collective evil we have put on others, one has to pay. In those days, they never had any idea of aggressiveness or the domination of others. It was after Hitler just they felt that this is a wrong thing. Before that, no. It is very surprising. Even in India, people came for three hundred years, nicely. Hospitality of Indians they accepted - three hundred years. But now if one Indian has to go to England, they will kill him. Did they come with any visas to India by any chance? See in a wider aspect, how human beings have been cruel, how they have been killing. Every time I come to America, in Immigration they trouble Me, when I have a diplomatic passport. Every time. So the people who are troubling Me, I said, "You are all immigrants also, from where do you come?" So this is a new sin they are committing. New sin. This world is so great that no population will be more. But one must understand the balance. One must treat this world as one and see how you can help each other. This is one body, one organism. It is working out, you don't know, secretly or maybe, with recession now, you are consuming all the goods from the developing countries and they are coming up to a level. China has done that. Balance has to be there. The Divine is at work, but one must understand that for our wrong doings, we have to pay collectively. But after Realization, you are out of it, absolutely out of it. I have always seen people like today only a Swiss Sahaja Yogi rang Me up and said "Mother, Swiss are the most hypocritical people you will meet." A Swiss is telling Me about the Swiss. And after Realization, if you ask Americans, they will tell about America, if you ask the Indians, they will tell about Indians, if you ask the Russians, they will tell about Russians, they start seeing what's wrong with them. They never criticize others, I have seen. They will criticize their own people. Always, it's very surprising how they start seeing that how in ignorance we accepted certain things which were wrong. Because the light of the Divine comes within us and such compassion, such love. One fellow got sick because, I don't know why, he jumped into an ice cold water for swimming. From all over the world, letters, telephones, fax, they said not for one minute the fax was quiet. So worried about it. All over the world. My heart was filled with such joy. We have never used the power of love, the power of hatred always. Its time now for you to be the source of that divine love, you can be, all of you can. So now, its time we all should get our Realization today. It will take hardly about ten minutes for you, not more than that. Only ten minutes and it's very simple, nothing can happen to you that is dangerous or in any way troublesome. Only thing there are three conditions we have to follow. The first condition is that you have to have full confidence in you that you will get your Realization. Now don't think I'm a sinner, don't be guilty. You are not a sinner of any kind. So, first of all you have to forgive yourself. At this moment, forget the past, you have to be in the present and you will be in the present by this happening. We are either in the future or in the past, but in between, there is a very little space of present which expands with this happening and you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. So, this is one condition. The second one is that you have to forgive everyone. Don't think about them also. It's not worth thinking about them. Just forgive them. Forgive everyone without thinking about them. In general, you have to say, I forgive everyone. That's all. In general. Thirdly, not to feel guilty at all. I have said it before and now, again I say, not to feel guilty at all, because if you feel guilty then, this center on the left catches. Vishuddhi. And when this center catches, you can get Spondylitis, Angina, lethargic organs; all kinds of problems can come if you feel guilty. So, why feel guilty unnecessarily? If you have made any mistake, just face it that moment and finish it off. But don't keep it here, that guilt. That's not going to help you. Specially for the Catholics. One has to understand that this confession was not written in the Bible at all, never. Nobody confessed anything to Christ, nor was it written that you should confess to this priest - they also become mad, you also become mad. So, these are very, very simple conditions. We have to now just take out our shoes, if possible, it helps. You have already taken out, all of you. This is Mr. Steven must have done it. Just to take help from Mother Earth, because She sucks in our problems. As I told you, it happens spontaneous like a living process, you don't have to do anything. But the finger tips and the hand, here, we have the centers of the sympathetic nervous system - the left side and the right side. Left side is the power of desire; right side is the power of action. So what we do is to use our left hand like this, you put it on your lap, very comfortably like this. This is suggestive of your desire to have your self-Realization. Now with the right hand, we have to nourish our centers on the left hand side, ourselves. This you have to do only today. Only for today, or tonight. Also, remember that left and right are two powers. So put both your feet apart from each other, like this. Be sure that you are all going to have it, don't doubt yourself by any chance. Put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. I have already told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own guide; you become your own master. So you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side which is the center of your mastery. Then, you have to have your pure knowledge of the Divine and to awaken that, you have to put your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine. Now, I have to tell you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force this pure knowledge on you nor your Self-realization, you have to ask for it. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, keep your eyes open, it's all right. See for yourself, I am showing you. Then on your heart, then on the corner of your neck and your shoulder. On the left Vishuddhi, as I told you, put your right hand, head to your right. This center is catching very much here. So, please don't feel guilty at all. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head. This is the center when you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them; in general. Now, take back the right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading divine power of love. Now, stretch your right hand palm fully. Put the center of this palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. In Sanskrit, called as Talavyam, in Hindi is called as Taalu. Now, bend your head as far as possible. Its important now, push back your fingers, otherwise there will be no pressure on this scalp. Push back your fingers and now, move your scalp clockwise seven times. Push back your fingers, bend your head. Now, that we have to do with our closed eyes. That's all. Please see that both feet are away from each other. You put your left hand towards Me, right hand on the heart and close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Don't open them till I tell you. It's better to take out your spectacles. Now, put your right hand please on your heart. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever you like. Please ask a question in your heart, "Mother, am I the spirit?", ask the question three times. I have already told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master, so please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have to say three times again and ask a question, very fundamental about yourself, "Mother, am I my own Master"? Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it hard. Here, I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge of the Divine on you, you have to ask for it. Now, this center has got six petals, so please ask six times, "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge". As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising and we have to nourish our upper centers with our self confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here with full confidence, you have to say ten times, "Mother, I am my own master". This center has been created by great prophets and great seers within us. Now, raise your right hand on top of your heart. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditionings and your ego, but you are the pure spirit. Here you have to say, with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure spirit", please say it twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure spirit". Say it twelve times. This all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother I am not guilty at all". Please say it with full confidence. Put your head to your right please. I have already told you that when you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So, now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Please say it from your heart, just say it, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Still you think that you cannot forgive, so better ask forgiveness from the all pervading divine power for not forgiving also. Now take your right hand on the back side of the head and push back your head. Here, without counting mistakes, without feeling guilty, you have to say, from your heart again, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Say it from your heart, just for your satisfaction, you have to say. Now, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Here again, I cannot force self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So, now stretch back your fingers, put a good pressure on the scalp and please put your head down as far as possible. Now, move the scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly saying, "Mother, please give me my self Realization". Saying seven times. Bend your heads please, bend your heads. Now, please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me, like this. Now, bend your head and see for yourself with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Now don't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. And just try to see, move your hand a little bit and see if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot, that means that you have not yet forgiven. So again, please try to forgive, forgive and forgive. Now, please put left hand towards Me like this. And with the right hand, please bend your head. Bending your head is important. See for yourself, if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. And now forgive. Forgiveness is very important; because this center is very constricted and if you don't forgive, the Kundalini won't rise, so please forgive. Now, again, once more with the right hand, please bend your head and see with your left hand on the top of the fontanel bone area, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don't get upset if it is hot, it will cool down. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And now ask a question, any one of these questions, three times, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost"? Or, "Mother, is this is the all pervading power of Divine Love"? Or, "Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya"? Ask any one of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. Now, watch Me without thinking, you can watch Me without thinking. It is the first state where I said you become thoughtlessly aware. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their fontanel bone area or on their finger tips or on their palms, please raise both your hands. Practically, the whole of America. My God, you represent it. May God bless you. You all have got it. It's so great. Madam, you didn't get? Don't doubt, it is there. No you will get it, ask for it, "Mother, come in my head". Just ask it, it will be there. I am at your disposal. You feel very peaceful. But this is just the beginning, the sprouting. As I said, the connection must be properly done, connection must be established. And we have a nice center here; I don't know when they meet. We have very good Sahaja Yogis. When do they meet here? Friday. You will know everything about it, because the knowledge is like an ocean. In English language, I must have given at least four thousand lectures, only in English language, so many in others. So you can come here, listen to My lectures and become experts and enjoy. That's the message. Enjoy yourself. Nothing has to be done but to enjoy yourselves and enjoy each other. May God bless you all.
Public Program at United Nations Meeting, New York (USA). 4 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot conceptualize it. Truth is to be felt as you can feel hot and cold. Whatever we have had so far through our evolutionary process, at this human awareness, we have known it on our central nervous system. So, we have to know the truth on our central nervous system. Otherwise, it is either emotional idea or a mental idea, which has limitations. We think of science as if we have achieved a lot. In one area we might say we have, in the sense, we have explored many things about matter. We have knowledge about the outside world quite a lot, but we don't know ourselves at all. We haven't got the knowledge of inner being. So much of science has created such a big civilization around, but it does not know its own roots. This is the reason why today we find that there is no solution for many things which we are facing. We have big organizations; we have conferences, arguments, discussions - everything, at mental level. But the whole thing is not result oriented. If you see the human problems, we cannot say why are we here. What's the purpose of our life? That's why many people try to find their identity, which I think is a real thing - one has to do is to find your own identity, why are you here on this earth. Science cannot answer this question. Why are we on this earth? What are we doing on this earth? What is the purpose of human life? What is the purpose of evolution? These questions cannot be answered by science. So then we start looking into religions. The religions that are in a mess, as we have seen today. I mean, if you want to know about religion, say ask say a Muslim about a Jew and ask a Jew about a Muslim and ask a Hindu about a Muslim. Ask anyone of them and they will tell you all the worst things that they know about themselves. Thus, in the idea that one God has created this one earth, one Universe, we have so many religions, they are fighting among themselves, killing each other with the faith that they are fighting in the name of God. The absurdities of certain beliefs also are to be understood. One of them is the belief that there will be a resurrection time or the Last Judgment. And at that time, people will come out of their graves and they will be all judged. Now, can you believe such a story, I mean at this modern times? What remains inside a grave, is I don't know and all our forefathers, dinosaurs and all of them are going to come back on this earth from their graves and then they are going to be judged. And those who will die in the name of God, so called, will be resurrected. I mean, I was surprised at the Muslim who was fighting some sort of a Jehad. I asked him why do you do it. He said, now, see, if we die now, we will be resurrected. This kind of a funny idea, I don't know from where it has come. Some people have tampered with the scriptures, I am sure about it. And I have tried to bring all nonsensical ideas to people, who, somehow give up all their intelligence, all their logic and believe it. So when an intelligent man looks at all these things, he becomes an atheist. Even by becoming atheist, one has to know why are you here, what is the purpose of your life, why are you here. What is the goal of your life? Is it just to waste your time or to be here for a short time and finish off, to insure yourself and then die? The worst thing that has happened to human beings, I think is that materialism has taken over. By materialism, we have really become very gross, extremely superficial. And not bothered at all about spiritual life. Those people who did bother, whom I call as seekers, people of special category - were caught up by false gurus and lots of false things. Because, they realized there is a market of such people and such people must be somehow or other captured and used for their own purposes. Only purpose is making money - its marketing. America, I came in the year 1972. And I was shocked at the spiritual awareness of human beings. They are willing to take anything that was selling in the market. They didn't like Me because they thought that I don't take any money, so there must be some hocus-pocus about it. This is the effect of materialism on their brains. I got so disgusted really with the whole thing. They accepted a fourteen year old guru who put some red liquid in a cannon and blasted fifty thousand in this New York - were his followers and then they said he became a Yankee, married an American lady and settled down. He was wiser than others. Others went on till they were completely exposed and destroyed. But this fellow was wiser - he is somewhere here, I don't know.So, this is how one has to know what to seek. What is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings because you say my conditioning, my ego, my body - "my". But who is this "I"? Who owns all these things? So, you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all pervading power of divine love, that does all these beautiful things like creating flowers, evolutionary process. Who runs our heart? If you ask the doctors, they will say it's the autonomous nervous system. But who is the auto? If you have an automobile, then there is a driver sitting there. Who is this driver? If you start going only into the question - who am I, then you are a seeker of truth. Why am I here, then you are a seeker of truth. Without the truth, you cannot solve any problem of this world. All the problems of the worlds mostly are caused by human beings I think who are blind and who cannot see the truth. And all these human problems come to you because of your chakras in jeopardy. We must say our Creator has been a greatest planner. If you see the periodic laws of chemistry, you will see how He has organized all the matter, how He has categorically divided and in the same way, He has planned within us a beautiful system by which we can become one with this all pervading power of divine love. Once you become that, then what they call, you become a saint. Means, you become yourself. So, what do you get? The first thing you get is the self-knowledge. You know about your own centers. You know about what's wrong with you and you don't want to have it. Because you don't like it. Overnight, people have dropped alcoholism, drugs, overnight. I never say "don't do anything" because I know half of you might go away. But it just works that way. Like a snake in your hand and you are in darkness. Supposing you are obstinate, somebody says "See, there is a snake in your hand, in your hand, please leave it." If you are obstinate, you will say "No it's a rope. What's wrong?" That's the mantras these days. Tell something to somebody, they say "What's wrong?" Till the snake bites the person, he will go on holding. And, when a little light comes in him, he will just drop it. That's exactly what happens to you when you become the Self. The light of your spirit shines in your attention. And you see the things in proper light. Now, whatever I am telling you, you need now believe Me at all, because blindfoldedness has taken us to lots of problems. But whatever I am saying to you, if it works out, and if you get your Realization, and if you feel the all pervading power, then as honest people, you have to believe Me. You have to just keep your mind open like a scientist. Once you start feeling this all pervading power on your finger tips, you have to use it and see for yourself what it has done to you. So, the first thing happens to you is your self knowledge on your finger tips. The inner knowledge, which is very important, because that is the fundamental on which every human being stands, and also, you know the centers of others. You can feel the centers of others because a new dimension comes into your awareness which we call as collective consciousness. Who is the other? You can feel everybody on your finger tips. And when you grow, you find that, sitting down here, you can feel the vibrations of another person. The vibrations of this all pervading power is like a cool breeze, as described in the Bible - "Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost". And once you master this art, some people don't take much time, at the most, some people take one month, you become a master yourself, you become your own master. You can give realizations to others. And you can solve their problems. Now this is to be absolutely free, because it is living process of evolution. How much did we pay to Mother Earth for these flowers? The seed was sown in the Mother Earth and it sprouted, because the seed had the built-in quality to sprout and the Mother Earth had the built-in quality also to make it sprout. It's already built-in within us, as already Steven has told you. Is all within you. It looks miraculous. It looks fantastic. But, don't you think these flowers are also very miraculous and fantastic? The way they have come out of one seed. It's all in you, it's your power. It is something so much your own, this force is in your triangular bone and just it rises. Is your own that you achieve your own self. You don't have to get into any kind of an involvement in it, because you become that. It's a question of becoming, it's not lecturing. As you know, My husband has been with the U.N., I have attended so many conferences and so many lectures. And I've known all that rigmarole. What we have to achieve is a real united world. In reality, not artificially. Now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and you find these people extremely loving, extremely compassionate, so joyous, they have entered into the kingdom of God. Last time I was in Russia, when the coup was on. So I asked the Sahaja Yogis, there are in thousands in Russia, "Aren't you worried about this in your country, what's happening?" They said, "Why, Mother, we have entered into the kingdom of God, why should we worry about these Russians?" All this has to happen so easily to all of you and all of you have to have it. But I don't know what makes people shudder from it, from reality, from love of God. I think today you are very few people, we can have some questions and answers. Would be a good idea, what do you say? And then I'll give you Realization. Question and Answer session: Q (Gentleman): Do you know who I am? Shri Mataji: Myself? About you or about myself? About you? You are the pure spirit. I know you all are. But you don't know. That's the difference. Once you'll know that you are the pure spirit, then the whole thing will be transformed and with this transformation only we are going to change the world, not by lectures and conferences. No. This transformation has to come from within. Q (Lady): Why does this spirit take different forms and what is the special significance of this spirit taking the human form? Shri Mataji: Different forms of human spirit is - now, God believes in beauty. And He wants to create every leaf differently to create variety. To create beauty. Otherwise we would be like robots, all of us moving about like military people. It won't be interesting to live with such people, will it be? Lady: No, my question was a little different. What I was asking is, when spirit takes the human form [NOT CLEAR] from animal form, what is the special significance of spirit when it takes human form? Shri Mataji: That he has to now become the spirit. Now the last breakthrough is only possible for human beings. That breakthrough is the one you have to achieve. That's why you are a human being. Now you see here, they have shown the brain like that. But actually it is like a pyramid. Only human brain is like that. And because of that, all these things work out. So you have to reach a certain stage of your evolution, from where you have to jump onto that form where you become the spirit. Q (Lady): Can one ever lose Realization? Shri Mataji: No, one cannot. You see, actually it's like a connection. Now see, this instrument is connected to the mains. All right? If it is not connected, it has no identity, no meaning. Isn't it? But, supposing it's a loose connection, then it may drop out. So best thing is to make the connection perfect. And which is very easy. Q (Lady): - Once we achieve Realization, do we go out to give it to others and do others come to us? Shri Mataji: - No, no you should go all out. Imagine, at this age of mine - 70 years, I am traveling all over the world. You cannot enjoy it alone, so you want to give it others. And then only you enjoy. Giving Realization is the greatest joy. Q (Lady): Why do we human beings have fear of death? Shri Mataji: Because you are in ignorance. Suddenly, the lights go off, you will be frightened, you are ignorant. There's nothing like death. It's just transformation from one life to another. After this you are not afraid of anything. Nothing. And you are all the time protected. You can feel it. You are protected. Actually you feel it. It is absolutely miraculous the way things happen and people have written to Me - how they were protected, how they were saved, they could not believe it, because all the angels are with you. But, if I tell you this, you won't believe in these modern things of science, but now many things are also discovered in science like quantum theory. You can't explain it. Q (Gentleman): Shri Mataji, if someone has had a brain tumor and cist partially removed, will giving that person Realization aggravate their condition or would it help to improve it? Shri Mataji: Will it get aggravated? It will improve. You see, any disease which is there actually gets cured. And I was recently surprised there was a gentleman with a brain tumor. You must not believe Me but you should see for yourself. And he wrote to Me that Mother, I have got brain tumor, they are saying they cannot locate it, we don't what to do. So they are going to use a new scanning method by which they are going to say there is a brain tumor. I said, you just go to our center, let us see what happens. After some time, a fax came saying that the doctors are saying, you have no brain tumor. Because, this Kundalini which rises, it nourishes your centers. And these centers which look after every function - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual of your being. If they are integrated, if they are nourished, if they are enlightened, how can you suffer? That's how many people have been cured. I must say, blood cancer has been cured. No doubt, we have so many patients who are living now for six to seven years who were told you are going to die within one month, doctors are honest you see. They tell honest thing. You will die after one month - finished. And they are still living. Many heart patients, many diseases have been cured. And, even AIDS, I must say has been cured. But the AIDS people are little bit psychologically different. There are two types I have seen, one are very arrogant and they are martyrs - you just can't talk to them. And the second ones are who don't want to live. So we got about five patients in Australia and we treated them. Out of them, two are married - they are all right and two took to the same style of life and they got it back - only the one who has really completely cured is there - he is very healthy, he is the healthiest man we have now in Sahaja Yoga. If we have to carry any heavy luggage, we call him. But their psychology is so funny. I don't know how to deal with them, because they think they are nothing wrong with them, are perfectly all right and then what can you do with such people who think they are all right, how can you cure them? Q (Gentleman): Why did Peter and Paul alter Christ teachings and why is the Catholic Church against reincarnation? Wasn't Christ resurrection a form of reincarnation? Shri Mataji: All right, I'll tell you the truth. You know this Mr. Paul, when I saw him in the Bible, I asked My father "Who is this gentleman?", so My father told Me he is a [squatter?]. And he was the man who killed so many Gnostic Christians, early Christians; he also killed a disciple of Christ - Steven. And this Paul says that he saw a cross, I mean it's never that way you see Realization, it's a supra-conscious experience, you will find that very soon. And that he met Christ is all nonsense and then what happened with this man that while doing all these sinful things, he discovered that...he was's a good platform for him to jump in - Christianity. Now, what is the best way to handle it? He found out Peter, as the worst disciple of Christ. Christ has said that the devil will take you over, He has said it about Peter and this was the devil and he told him that I will edit all the Bible. And it was he who wrote about Peter because he couldn't write about himself that Christ gave the keys to this Mr. Peter whom the devil was going to take over. That's how the Catholic Church started. Despite all these things, he wanted to edit Bible and big fight between Mathews and him. Thomas ran away to India and then he wrote his treatise and they were kept in a jar in Egypt about fifty years back, now decoded, called as the library of Hammadi, which is a big book and people have probed into it and found out - it's all Sahaja Yoga. He talks of experience and nothing else. So, John also decided not to write himself, somebody else wrote for him, but lots of things are there, many things there are which are today can be verified, despite all the effort of this Mr. Paul - I don't think he was intelligent enough to manage the rest of it. But whatever he tried was very, very dangerous. One of them was to say that this church is to be formed by Mr. Peter. And despite that, I must say there have been very great good Catholics, this Luciano, another Pope who came, he was really a man who was shocked by the way things were happening and he died. But they say he was murdered. So all these things happening in the Catholic Church today are because they are money oriented and power oriented - they are not spirit oriented at all. That's why they don't want to talk of self Realization. While Christ has said that "You are to be born again. You have to know yourself." He said the same thing. Christ lived actually for four years with those mad people there. And He was crucified. In four years, what can you do? When My husband got a job in England, for four years I was struggling with hippies, very well educated all of them - professors [UNCLEAR WORD] hippies - seven of them for four years, I couldn't break their shells for four years - what could Christ do with all these people? And that's why it has become like that. Even in Quran, I think Abu Bakkar has taken something from the Bible as far as this resurrection part is concerned. Mohammed Saab did write about resurrection, but this part that you'll all come out of the graves, Mohammed Saab could not have written. And it is also coming from Jews that you'll come out of graves, I just don't know from where they got this idea. They cannot accept the Immaculate Conception which we accept - not only accept, it's a fact. Even Mohammed Saab has said, very clearly, "Respect the chastity of Mary". He has paid much more respect to Christ's mother than Paul. Paul hated women, he hated them. And the way he has said about Christ's mother was "She was a woman and all that" - this hatred for women, putting them down was so much, that's why I think that in the western countries, women are very insecure. Very insecure. Only I have seen in films and things anywhere, only women are made nude, not men, as if they are sanctum [SANCTORUM OR SANCTORIUM?]. And poor women have to show their body, or do this with their body, and sell their body and no sense of chastity they should have, all the time trying to please the lower self of human beings. I mean, in India, even now, despite American influence has come in the city, but despite that, any man looks at a woman, she'll go and slap him - "why are you looking at me?" It's a very different culture we have come into, because of this kind of a disrespect for women - and I think it's very primitive. Like in England, a country which is supposed to be very developed, they have been fighting if a woman would be a priest or not. Imagine. In India, a woman is the power, the Shakti. She is your mother, she's your sister, she's your daughter. She cannot be your priest. This is the worst that has happened, but not that it was not so that women were not respected at the time of George Washington or all those places. I have read all those books of those times, it was not so bad, but gradually it has come down to this level that women have to sell their body, somehow. It is very surprising that women are not respected. And I would blame Mr. Paul for that. He has never shown any respect for any woman whatsoever. Now, we are at a point to understand that morality is the basis of religion and morality is the basis of human existence. Last night only I was watching your TV and I was looking at the University program. I was shocked, the filth they were talking. I can't believe it. How your children are going to live in this filthy circumstance? And there was the dean of the faculty of Harvard University who said that homosexuality is not prohibited in Christianity and the priest agreed with it. Poor things, there were about twenty-four, twenty-five very sweet boys standing said "we don't believe in it" and they were saying Lord's Prayer. So now, in England a [CANNON?] has said that extra marital relationships are to be allowed in Christianity, otherwise we'll not have people in the church. Openly. Because church has to run. These priests are to be paid. And if there are no people, who is going to pay - it's a market. It's in every religion, I'm not saying it's only with Christianity, but at least the Christians have realized all these things. In some religions, they are still fundamentalists. They don't see the bad points. It is something so remarkable that on one side, these are the developed countries. And here, as far as spirituality is concerned, they are so primitive? This materialism has done this harm and one has to be careful. Thank God there is recession, so people are now looking at themselves. Recession has done lot of good in every country. Maybe it's the after effect of so-called democracy, the demonocracy. It is a Divine working out. Like people ask Me why there was such a big earthquake after they worshipped Shri Ganesh? What is Shri Ganesha - is the symbol of innocence, of auspiciousness, of purity, of holiness. I have see in Poona and other places, whenever they have nowadays, somehow we Indians have taken to American lives. When British were there, we were very much more Indian, but now we are having discos in front of Ganesha. They get drunk, wear funny dresses, do funny actions, sing very very vulgar songs in the presence of Shri Ganesha. I saw this and I was saying, they should be careful, what they are doing is a sinful thing. And if Shri Ganesha gets annoyed, this Maharashtra can be destroyed. Imagine this Maharashtra where Shri Ganesha is respected so much, worshipped so much, every household will have Shri Ganesh and that's what they do every year for ten days. So, these things will happen. Somebody asked Me about Missouri and Mississippi. Why there were floods. Perhaps you may not be knowing because, I am quite an old woman, I know many things. Much more than [US?]. You see, these people living, the white skin, were called as red necks in Missouri Mississippi. They killed indiscriminately many black people, put them in the river. When some crime was done by Englishmen, they would involve somebody who was black. They were called as red necks because they had a red neck here - the Vishuddhi. But I saw them running away from the river with all their red necks this time. In the Bible, it is written such destructions will be there. We have to take to moral life. Immorality cannot pay. But force morality doesn't work out. Once you become a realized soul, then what happens? You become righteous, you become. You cannot do wrong things. You become the source of compassion, love, dynamism, good health, everything. Source of joy. And that's what has not happened to us. Once it happens to us, we just don't do wrong things. We just don't do it. We are not meant for that. Immediately we start seeing what is right and what is wrong. Q (gentleman): What do you think of the power of the human mind? Shri Mataji: Is limited. At the most, you can mesmerize people with your power of mind. You know this Satya Sai Baba, so called. I have a tape. He used to mesmerize people and do all these miracles. But it so happened that our great Prime Minister and also our President when enamored by our Home Minister, who comes from the same place as Osmanabad, he was elected from there, he took them down, all these people, great, you know. Because he believed that he is miraculous. Why should God give you gold and diamonds? No logic. So these poor things went there just to please the Home Minister. But with them went four cameras and the cameras starting taking photographs. Now you cannot mesmerize cameras, isn't it? And it's so clearly you see, a man passing the gold necklace to him and he does that and gives it. Clearly. And it all came out in the newspapers. Also, I've got a tape. And many people have this tape now with them. So this is what it is. With the mind you can mesmerize others. You can mesmerize the weak minds. And, I was told that somebody was making the pendulum move with the mind. What is purpose of moving a pendulum? What you get? Are you here to waste your time moving a pendulum? Is that the value of your life? Another nonsense is that you can fly in the air, about three feet high you can jump. When already we have traffic problem. What is the sense in doing all these things? What has happened to human beings? Why can't they understand that what is the sense? What is the value of these things? And the man from this TM came to Me one day. He was the head of the Flying Academy in Scotland, suffering from epilepsy, his wife suffering from epilepsy, his director suffering from epilepsy and his daughter also. And then he told Me the whole story, so horrible. How do you get impressed by these things? So what did he tell Me? That he was a diamond merchant. His wife was the grand daughter of a Jew. Lots of money. And they took to this TM and he said "Why don't you go and start this flying academy?" So he started a flying academy. So many have come to Me from TM. And what he did was just to break their bottoms. That's all. They didn't achieve anything - it was all falsehood. He confessed it to Me that his guru told him that you go to America and just say that I came to America without any visa, just in my meditation. And Americans believed it, can you beat that? They believed it that he came with the power of his mind without the visa. It's a fact. If you believe in stupid things, then what should we say? And today that man is bankrupt, has gone back to South Africa, of course, I cured him, his wife was cured, his child was cured and that director was cured, no doubt. Now they have gone back, he's written a book, but nobody wants to publish it. Because they are saying, if you publish it, these people will kill you. That book is with Me. I can tell anyone. I am not afraid. Somebody tried to push him down from the train also. And now, new marketing has started about Ayurveda. That too I think is not at all done scientifically. For Ayurveda, why should you go to TM? What is the need? The other day they were saying that they pour hot oil on the Agnya. Hot is very bad for the Agnya. Absolutely, you will know yourself. You will find out yourself. What's wrong for what chakra. But because, Americans have never known black magic, have never known all these kind of crooked people, they believe them. And they are minting money. Rajneesh came here, he minted money, everybody comes here to do that and then what happens to the nation is recession. Where is the money gone? Into the ashrams of all these we have to be sensible, logical. If you have any power of the mind, then try to see that this is not the truth. Try to see this is nonsense. That is the real power of the mind that you can discriminate. Today only, I met a lady. She had been to many gurus and all that and she was in a mess. She said "But I didn't stick on to them. I could find out that they are all false and I ran away from there." But she is hurt very much. So I told her that "All right doesn't matter. You can be cured, you can be all right." And amazingly, what she said "Mother, I see your disciples who are so knowledgeable, who know so many things, they are telling you about my chakras. I have never seen that anywhere. On the contrary, all of them are fighting in other organizations." That's the good point of falsehood that people fight. I have to really warn you that this is the most important time in the history of this Universe. And this is time when you are all going to get your Self Realization. Don't be enamored by nonsensical things. These nonsensical things can only be appreciated by stupid and idiotic people. And Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiots. It's meant for people who are alert and aware and who want the truth. And this is what one has to understand, that all these wrong things that we have learned like Freud - Mr. Freud - when I first came here, I just denounced him. Said all nonsense he's talking. And I openly said it. And they didn't like Me, because Freud has become Jesus Christ, our Lord Jesus Christ Mr. Freud. So you couldn't talk to them about it. You couldn't say anything to them. And now you know the result today, where are we. It was Freud was another devil who ruined this country. And now there are books, I have seen, Fraudulent Freud, another one is the Fall of Freudian Empire. Now, after so many years I see that now. And that time the same people, they were just worshippers. Oh Freud! Very nice man. He was the one, if you want to go to hell, take two running jumps and go there, it's like that and he did it. No respect for your private life. No respect for yourself. No respect for this human body which God has created with such delicacy. No respect for your own personality. It's such a great thing that you are human beings. And you have to love yourself and respect yourself. Because you are the ones who are going to become saints. Q (Lady): Do you think that marriage helps in the spiritual growth? Shri Mataji: Of course. Lady: In what way? Shri Mataji: In every way. If you are unmarried and you say I'm not going to marry and you are a very big tapasvi, better be aware, if you meet someone like that go with a [barge pole?], it's so unnatural that he is full of temper and anger. You see bachelors, if they are chronic bachelors, cynical people, very hot tempered. Marriage gives you the balance. It gives you the balance; it's the way we really understand the truth about life. Of course, there are problems in marriages, I know. There are many cases of unhappiness also. But not in Sahaja Yoga. Every year, we marry about eighty to eighty-five people internationally. Hardly, one person divorced. And they have beautiful children; all of them are born realized. Because there are so many who want to be born and they can only be born to people who are realized souls. Beautiful children. So, many people who are married earlier, they come back and marry in Sahaja Yoga. It's a real marriage. And so beautiful to see how they live happily with each other. Somebody is marrying from Colombia, to England or from Russia to America - perfect. Because their wavelength of spirituality is the same. Those who don't want to marry, I'm sorry, I can't give you Realization. Q (Lady): About the Kundalini, have we reached a special time, why it can be given now to so many people? Shri Mataji: Of course, that's what I am saying. It's a very, very special time. I call it a Blossom time. Because, so many people are here who are just flowers, are about to become the fruits. I call it a Blossom Time. As called as the Last Judgment. As called as the Kiyama. Is also called as the Resurrection time. Uthan Samay. All kinds of names have been given. But this is the time. The modern times, the Kali Yuga as they call it. The worst time for human beings, when they seek. Q (Gentleman): What is the cause of suffering? Shri Mataji: Ignorance, My child. Ignorance. That's why you suffer. Gentleman: Ignorance of what? Shri Mataji: Ignorance of reality. You don't know realities. That's why. You see, supposing you are sitting next to the water and there is darkness and you can't see it. You are crying - "I want water, I want water." Water is here. "I am suffering, I want water." The water is here. It's ignorance, the darkness of ignorance. But reality is very beautiful. Those people who tell you to suffer, don't listen to them. There's no need. Christ has already suffered for us, isn't it? But this is the way also people make money. You must suffer. Give all your money, all your house, your children, everything to me, and you suffer now, you fast. In India, all the Brahmins will tell you - "You fast now for so many days. And last day will come; you give us five kilos of sweets for your fasting." And we do, Indians do. Even if they will have a [Homa?] for the home, they will give money. But one day I discovered one gentleman called Morari Bapu. Somehow or other I went there. Somehow. Sahaj. I was amazed. He had arranged the marriage of Shri Rama and Shri Sita. Small little Shri Ram, small little Shri Sita. And he was asking all the ladies to give something for Her [truce?]. And they were taking all their gold and diamond bangles and everything - giving it to Her. And they were doing it. Indians are also quite Shraddhavaan as they call it. Such stupid things they do, in the name of God. I went to a village and they were coming and they all touched feet of a saint. So one lady brought ten naya paisa. She gave it to Me. So, they said "Mother doesn't take money." "All right I'll give one rupee." They cannot imagine that a person who is a saint will not take any money. Even in the mandir they will go, they have to pay money. So, in India also there is lot of stupidity, you can't imagine. But, once you start talking of Sahaja Yoga, it spreads like fire. Because they know, that's the last thing. That much they know. Q (Lady): Is the suffering because of Karma? Shri Mataji: Now, I must tell you this Karma theory was all right when Shri Krishna was there. Today it is not. Today, it's this center; you see here - the Agnya chakra. This is the chakra bestowed upon by the grace of Christ. If Christ is awakened there, then both these things, you see, on this side and that side - one is the ego which you think you are doing the Karma, another is the conditioning, both are sucked and that's how your Kundalini rises. So you fall into the category what we call is Akarma. When you are doing something, but you don't think you are doing it. Akarma. It is said that He died for your sins. Didn't He? When He is awakened, He sucks in. This philosophy was all right at that time, not today. Q (Lady): How do you learn to forgive? Shri Mataji: Now, this is the logic apply. Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, what do you do? Nothing. But, you do one thing. When you don't forgive, you torture yourself. So the person who has troubled you is quite happy. And here you are torturing yourself, playing into the wrong hands. All right? Why you should you torture yourself? Leave it to God.Q (Lady): You spoke of morality as being the foundation of spiritual life. And I'm wondering if we need to have a certain morality in order to receive the self-Realization and if so, what is that morality? You also spoke of being married as a moral act or wanting to become married. Does that exclude homosexuals or people who would rather be single? [ NOT CLEAR AFTER THIS] Shri Mataji: I have to tell you the truth again. Homosexuality is not a sin, but is ignorance. When you get possessed. I have cured many people who suffer from it. I have seen a man gets possessed by a woman. And then he behaves like that. I had never heard of such a thing in My life time. Only in the West it is more. I used to think from where it has come. I feel the way so many Indians were killed, maybe their spirits are catching. It is absurd, it is unnatural, it is nonsense. It so happened in Greece, I was there. One of the Sahaja Yogis, Michael, who had arranged My program, told Me that there is a television, but the man who will interview is the chairman of the gay people. I said, all right, doesn't matter. But, at the right time, when he was interviewing, this happened about a month before; I just forgot that he is the chairman of that. I just forgot, automatically. And the poor fellow, he asked Me many nice questions, he was quite intelligent and then he said, "But what do you say if a man has feelings for another man or a woman has a feeling for another woman?" I had forgotten that he was the chairman, so I said that "It is absurd. It is unnatural. When you get possessed only it happens like that." He said "Really?" "Yes", I said, "it happens like that". "So, do you correct these things with Sahaja Yoga?" "Yes, it gets corrected with Sahaja Yoga, no doubt." But men are easy, they are very easy, they take to really a proper, normal life. But women are difficult, because they mentally, something goes wrong, they find it difficult. "So, the men are all right?" "Yes, yes they are cured." "Oh, so there's some hope." I couldn't understand why he is saying so. Actually, he was wanting to get out of it, he was the chairman of this nonsense. And when I asked them about how they got it, it is really a possession. Now, this disease of schizophrenia, I have never seen in India, anybody getting sick for a short time and then he is normal. Only here. Very common. Must be these people who have been killed here in thousands are possessing. I went to Argentina; I wanted to see a Red Indian. They said we have none. Went to Chile, they said, we have none. They took Me to the museum to show. And even in the museum, the gentleman who was made like that, the statue, was not a Red Indian, but a white man. Because they must have used the model for a white man only. So they all ran up to the Colombia above. And, do you know one thing? It's a divine way of working out, I think, the way you are taking drugs. Where is it made, do you know that? And how is it you have taken to those drugs? Think of it. Why people took to drugs? From those countries where people have ran away and hid themselves, they are the ones who got the cocaine. These are the Karmas. These are the collective Karmas. But, after Realization, nothing. One has to pay even for collective evil we have put on others, one has to pay. In those days, they never had any idea of aggressiveness or the domination of others. It was after Hitler just they felt that this is a wrong thing. Before that, no. It is very surprising. Even in India, people came for three hundred years, nicely. Hospitality of Indians they accepted - three hundred years. But now if one Indian has to go to England, they will kill him. Did they come with any visas to India by any chance? See in a wider aspect, how human beings have been cruel, how they have been killing. Every time I come to America, in Immigration they trouble Me, when I have a diplomatic passport. Every time. So the people who are troubling Me, I said, "You are all immigrants also, from where do you come?" So this is a new sin they are committing. New sin. This world is so great that no population will be more. But one must understand the balance. One must treat this world as one and see how you can help each other. This is one body, one organism. It is working out, you don't know, secretly or maybe, with recession now, you are consuming all the goods from the developing countries and they are coming up to a level. China has done that. Balance has to be there. The Divine is at work, but one must understand that for our wrong doings, we have to pay collectively. But after Realization, you are out of it, absolutely out of it. I have always seen people like today only a Swiss Sahaja Yogi rang Me up and said "Mother, Swiss are the most hypocritical people you will meet." A Swiss is telling Me about the Swiss. And after Realization, if you ask Americans, they will tell about America, if you ask the Indians, they will tell about Indians, if you ask the Russians, they will tell about Russians, they start seeing what's wrong with them. They never criticize others, I have seen. They will criticize their own people. Always, it's very surprising how they start seeing that how in ignorance we accepted certain things which were wrong. Because the light of the Divine comes within us and such compassion, such love. One fellow got sick because, I don't know why, he jumped into an ice cold water for swimming. From all over the world, letters, telephones, fax, they said not for one minute the fax was quiet. So worried about it. All over the world. My heart was filled with such joy. We have never used the power of love, the power of hatred always. Its time now for you to be the source of that divine love, you can be, all of you can. So now, its time we all should get our Realization today. It will take hardly about ten minutes for you, not more than that. Only ten minutes and it's very simple, nothing can happen to you that is dangerous or in any way troublesome. Only thing there are three conditions we have to follow. The first condition is that you have to have full confidence in you that you will get your Realization. Now don't think I'm a sinner, don't be guilty. You are not a sinner of any kind. So, first of all you have to forgive yourself. At this moment, forget the past, you have to be in the present and you will be in the present by this happening. We are either in the future or in the past, but in between, there is a very little space of present which expands with this happening and you become absolutely thoughtlessly aware. So, this is one condition. The second one is that you have to forgive everyone. Don't think about them also. It's not worth thinking about them. Just forgive them. Forgive everyone without thinking about them. In general, you have to say, I forgive everyone. That's all. In general. Thirdly, not to feel guilty at all. I have said it before and now, again I say, not to feel guilty at all, because if you feel guilty then, this center on the left catches. Vishuddhi. And when this center catches, you can get Spondylitis, Angina, lethargic organs; all kinds of problems can come if you feel guilty. So, why feel guilty unnecessarily? If you have made any mistake, just face it that moment and finish it off. But don't keep it here, that guilt. That's not going to help you. Specially for the Catholics. One has to understand that this confession was not written in the Bible at all, never. Nobody confessed anything to Christ, nor was it written that you should confess to this priest - they also become mad, you also become mad. So, these are very, very simple conditions. We have to now just take out our shoes, if possible, it helps. You have already taken out, all of you. This is Mr. Steven must have done it. Just to take help from Mother Earth, because She sucks in our problems. As I told you, it happens spontaneous like a living process, you don't have to do anything. But the finger tips and the hand, here, we have the centers of the sympathetic nervous system - the left side and the right side. Left side is the power of desire; right side is the power of action. So what we do is to use our left hand like this, you put it on your lap, very comfortably like this. This is suggestive of your desire to have your self-Realization. Now with the right hand, we have to nourish our centers on the left hand side, ourselves. This you have to do only today. Only for today, or tonight. Also, remember that left and right are two powers. So put both your feet apart from each other, like this. Be sure that you are all going to have it, don't doubt yourself by any chance. Put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the spirit. I have already told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own guide; you become your own master. So you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side which is the center of your mastery. Then, you have to have your pure knowledge of the Divine and to awaken that, you have to put your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge of the Divine. Now, I have to tell you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force this pure knowledge on you nor your Self-realization, you have to ask for it. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, keep your eyes open, it's all right. See for yourself, I am showing you. Then on your heart, then on the corner of your neck and your shoulder. On the left Vishuddhi, as I told you, put your right hand, head to your right. This center is catching very much here. So, please don't feel guilty at all. Now, raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please bend your head. This is the center when you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them; in general. Now, take back the right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all pervading divine power of love. Now, stretch your right hand palm fully. Put the center of this palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. In Sanskrit, called as Talavyam, in Hindi is called as Taalu. Now, bend your head as far as possible. Its important now, push back your fingers, otherwise there will be no pressure on this scalp. Push back your fingers and now, move your scalp clockwise seven times. Push back your fingers, bend your head. Now, that we have to do with our closed eyes. That's all. Please see that both feet are away from each other. You put your left hand towards Me, right hand on the heart and close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Don't open them till I tell you. It's better to take out your spectacles. Now, put your right hand please on your heart. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever you like. Please ask a question in your heart, "Mother, am I the spirit?", ask the question three times. I have already told you that if you become the spirit, you become your own master, so please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here you have to say three times again and ask a question, very fundamental about yourself, "Mother, am I my own Master"? Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it hard. Here, I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge of the Divine on you, you have to ask for it. Now, this center has got six petals, so please ask six times, "Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge". As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising and we have to nourish our upper centers with our self confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here with full confidence, you have to say ten times, "Mother, I am my own master". This center has been created by great prophets and great seers within us. Now, raise your right hand on top of your heart. I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditionings and your ego, but you are the pure spirit. Here you have to say, with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure spirit", please say it twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure spirit". Say it twelve times. This all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved in this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say with full confidence, sixteen times, "Mother I am not guilty at all". Please say it with full confidence. Put your head to your right please. I have already told you that when you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. So, now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. Here, you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Please say it from your heart, just say it, "Mother, I forgive everyone, in general." Still you think that you cannot forgive, so better ask forgiveness from the all pervading divine power for not forgiving also. Now take your right hand on the back side of the head and push back your head. Here, without counting mistakes, without feeling guilty, you have to say, from your heart again, "O Divine Power, if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Say it from your heart, just for your satisfaction, you have to say. Now, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Here again, I cannot force self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So, now stretch back your fingers, put a good pressure on the scalp and please put your head down as far as possible. Now, move the scalp seven times, clockwise, slowly saying, "Mother, please give me my self Realization". Saying seven times. Bend your heads please, bend your heads. Now, please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me, like this. Now, bend your head and see for yourself with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like vibrations are coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Now don't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. And just try to see, move your hand a little bit and see if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot, that means that you have not yet forgiven. So again, please try to forgive, forgive and forgive. Now, please put left hand towards Me like this. And with the right hand, please bend your head. Bending your head is important. See for yourself, if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. And now forgive. Forgiveness is very important; because this center is very constricted and if you don't forgive, the Kundalini won't rise, so please forgive. Now, again, once more with the right hand, please bend your head and see with your left hand on the top of the fontanel bone area, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your head. Don't get upset if it is hot, it will cool down. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And now ask a question, any one of these questions, three times, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost"? Or, "Mother, is this is the all pervading power of Divine Love"? Or, "Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya"? Ask any one of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. Now, watch Me without thinking, you can watch Me without thinking. It is the first state where I said you become thoughtlessly aware. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their fontanel bone area or on their finger tips or on their palms, please raise both your hands. Practically, the whole of America. My God, you represent it. May God bless you. You all have got it. It's so great. Madam, you didn't get? Don't doubt, it is there. No you will get it, ask for it, "Mother, come in my head". Just ask it, it will be there. I am at your disposal. You feel very peaceful. But this is just the beginning, the sprouting. As I said, the connection must be properly done, connection must be established. And we have a nice center here; I don't know when they meet. We have very good Sahaja Yogis. When do they meet here? Friday. You will know everything about it, because the knowledge is like an ocean. In English language, I must have given at least four thousand lectures, only in English language, so many in others. So you can come here, listen to My lectures and become experts and enjoy. That's the message. Enjoy yourself. Nothing has to be done but to enjoy yourselves and enjoy each other. May God bless you all.
You Are To Be Connected
Public Program
Public Program. Toronto (Canada), 5 October 1993. [Tape began in mid-sentence] You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot conceptualize it, unfortunately, at this human state you cannot know it. Whatever today I'm going to tell you, you have to listen to it, please don't believe blindfolded. Keep your mind open as a scientist. If it is proved, then as honest people you have to believe, because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. So, what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego and you are not these conditionings. Because you always say this is my, mine, it is my body, my conditionings, my ego. Who is this my, who is this I, who owns all these things? So the truth is you are not these things but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of divine love which does all these miraculous things like creating these flowers, out of one seed. All the living work is done by this All Pervading Power of Divine love. In Sanskrit we call it as Paramchaitanya, Bramachitana, in the Koran it is described as Ruh. In every religion it is describe that there is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have never felt it in our human awareness. We have reached up to a point of human awareness, but still in this evolutionary process, we have to move and break through has to take place by which you get your connection with this All Pervading Power. Unless and until you are connected with this All Pervading Power, you have no relations with divine or with God Almighty. There are many people who tell Me that, Mother we pray every day, and we do this, we do that, still we are so sick, still we are so suffering; what's the problem?. I say, you are to be connected. If the telephone is not connected, what's the use of telephoning? On the contrary, the telephone gets into jeopardy. Same see, this instrument is here it is a very good example that unless and until it is connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity, it does not know why it is there. In the same way, we have seen the science growing so much all over, such a big civilization has grown out of science. But it does not know its roots. It is amoral. Science is amoral and cannot answer many questions like: Why are we on this earth? Why we came as human beings? It cannot answer. So we have to turn to something deeper and greater, and that state is what we call as Self Knowledge, the inner knowledge. We have not known the inner knowledge of our being. Whatever we suffer or whatever are the global problems are mostly because of something wrong with our centers, as they must have explained to you. These centers are there, they are subtle centers of energy, and when something goes wrong with them, we'll suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If by any means we can put these centers right, we should feel all right. Apart from that, we should achieve the state which is of Self Realization, of self knowledge. Is promised by many scriptures that such a time of resurrection is there, that is today, and many are to be resurrected. It's a very funny idea, which was I don't know why it was put forward in many books that at the time of resurrection, we'll all come out of our graves. I mean imagine, what is left in the graves is maybe some few bones. Is not so. It's actually at this special blossom time I call it, at this time many will be born, many, who are seekers and who want their realization. Many people will be born, again their souls will take forms. That's why we have population problems in some countries and in some countries we have minus. I mean, the population can never grow to such an extent that it will outsize this world. But despite that we are worried about population. This population is there mostly because these are very important times, and at this time people are going to get their resurrection. This is all promised that people will get their resurrection. In Koran they have described that Twelve Mahadhi will come and he will give realization. In the Hindu scriptures it is written, Indian scriptures, that there they will be a Kalaki who will give you realization, who will resurrect you and all kind of books there are, in the Bible also we have this. So, one has to realize that if it is such an important time, and at this time we are born, we should understand our purpose of our being here at this time. But human beings are really lost into lots of illusions, Bhranti they call it. Because that's the specialty of this times, also, that at this time, people will get into illusions and will be confused. Confusion will be there as a result of that they will start seeking. But in this confusion sometimes we completely lose our logic and we start falling into wrong things. For example, Toronto, they were saying that, people come, Mother, just to meet You and after that they don't come. I said, "It is very surprising, they come to meet Me but they must grow, they have to grow. They have to understand what they are. They have to learn what is so important. Not only that but they have to be so mature that they can use their power to enlighten other people. Is the responsibility of every person who gets his realization to mature and to give realizations to others." But I was told, I was surprised, that some people come here, as gurus from India or some sort of evangelist and all that and people get enamored by them. First of all you cannot pay for your evolution. You cannot. God doesn't understand money. He does not understand banking, he doesn't, you cannot pay. Anybody who takes money you should shun that person. The other day I happened to be in India, I don't know by chance, in a place of one Mr. Morari Bapu and I was amazed. He had created one Sri Rama, of seven, twelve years of age, and about seven years of Sitaji, and he was saying they are going to get married now, so you all should give the trousseau. So all the ladies, Marwadis and Gujeratis started taking out their bangles of diamonds, and this and that and gave it. I started wondering, what's the matter with these people, have they no brains, how could they give money to a man who is marrying some fake Rama and Sita? Another time, I mean, today I have to tell you because, I was surprised that in this place which I find very evolved and intelligent, people are following such nonsense which they have stopped in other places. Then another is this TM business, the other day somebody was ask Me what about the power of mind, it is limited, and he makes one pendulum move, you see, with the mind. Are you here to move a pendulum? Is that your value? Is that what you are here on this earth? Have you no respect of your being that you go to such stupid people and listen to them, and pay it. How can it be? Just think, moving the pendulum you paid three hundred pounds. In any way you can move it. All kinds of stupid things are being done. Now this is Mr. Satya Sai Baba recently has been completely exposed by cameras. And they saw him getting this gold chain, I have got the tape also, chain like this and moving like this. Why should God give you gold chain? Or diamonds? Is that what God wants you to have? Those who have diamonds are all godly people? How could people take to such stupid things, I can't understand. And it is still on, on and on. Must use your brains. Then somebody has a home or a havan; this is Indian nonsense. So they must give they are so ... I mean, I dedicate it to God. Now, in the name of God, this home, let's pay. Who are the people who are doing? What have they achieved? What is their private life? How do they live? What is their bona fide from where have they come, they might have come from jail? And wearing those dresses are just befooling you. Any nonsensical thing comes in if you want to accept. Then, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid and idiots, I can tell you this. It is meant for people who have some sense in their head, to understand what is the value of their life. Why are they on this earth? This is the category of people whom I call as the people who are seekers. Whom William Blake has called as the men of God, who will come on this earth, and they will become divine, and they'll make others divine. You want to be make people divine, you want to be divine; you don't want to waste your energy on such stupid things. You have done it, so many years. All kind of things you have been doing in the name of God. Why, even Catholic Church you know that they counterfeited nine hundred, nine million dollars or something like that, counterfeited from their own Vatican bank that distributed it. Is this the job of any saintly person? They are raping women; they are doing all kind of nonsense. How can it be? There's no divinity of any kind. On the contrary, I think they are like devils. Now also in England, I was surprised, the Canon of the Protestant Church, I was born in a protestant family. I'm amazed that he says that you have to allow extra-marital relationships, because people are not coming to church, because people must come to church and pay these priests. If they had something substantial, if they had something valuable, they wouldn't have to go to this, then they will say, now you must allow child abuse, drug addiction, everything, why not? For getting cheap popularity. It depends on our understanding and on our seeking. What are we seeking? We are seeking our second birth, our transformation. We have to have our inner knowledge, we have to know ourselves and we have to grow into it, this is the value of your life. That's why you are born today, you might have forgotten your previous lives, your struggles, your seeking; whatever you might have forgotten, but I am telling you today, verily, verily, that you have taken birth on this earth to become the Spirit and to grow into it. As a result, what happens? When you become the Spirit, first of all, your attention gets enlightened, enlightened. In the sense that with your attention you can feel the centers of all the people, also you know about your own centers. As I told you that, most of the problems are coming from these centers. Now if you know how to correct these centers, you solve your problem and you solve the problem of others. So we say that in your awareness, which is human awareness, first of all you develop the consciousness or what we call as bodh, means on your central nervous system you can know the absolute truth. Now supposing somebody as I said coming from India, from jail just now, he said, "Better let's go to Toronto with a funny dress, I'll say that I am such and such guru coming from Himalayas." If he thinks like that, and if he comes here, how will you make him out? How will you know whether he is a thief or not? Absolute truth. Many people who are atheists, who don't believe in God, if they ask after Realization is there God? They get the blessings of this All Pervading Power and they start feeling cool breezes in their hands. You can make out the diseases of other people on your finger tips, because your fingers are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system and they can feel what's wrong with which one. Guru Nanaka has clearly said, I have a big chapter about it, that there will be such and such time we called Spanjarao. I can't understand that, what are we seeking and what are we at? We are seeking to be the Truth, to be re-born, to be Atmasakshatkari, to be yogis. That is, united with this All Pervading Power, not the physical yoga in which you have to stand on your head. Many people think that if you stand on your head, you will get connected to God, but there are many like that also. I mean, it is some times if you hear the way people believe in things, you sometimes feel you are in a lunatic asylum. We have to really raise ourselves and see that our purpose of life is very, very great. This is the most historical times. At this time you are born here, you have to become the Spirit. Your attention gets enlightened by which you know on your fingers tips your own centers and the centers of others. You know the absolute truth, but, that is not the end of it, you discover your peace within yourself. If I say now, you stand in your present, you cannot. We live either in the future or in the past. In the center, between these two, there is the present. A thought rises within us, from say from the past or from the future again goes to another thought. So we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts, but when this happens these thoughts elongate and we are in present. That's what happens that we become thoughtlessly aware, in Sanskrit it is called Nirvichara Samadhi, thoughtlessly aware, without any difficulty, without any problem, you just become thoughtlessly aware and you become peaceful. People talk of peace, I know, I've met many who have got awards of peace, but they are such hot tempered people, I tell you, that if you are to talk to them, keep a barge pole in between, it's terrible, how can they get peace awards, I can't understand? On what grounds they get peace awards the person who doesn't have peace within themselves? How can they have peace award? But they have, they get it, somehow or other this is modern world, you know. So the peace within is established and you watch the whole world as a drama, as a witness. You see the whole world as just not to be involved with, supposing you are in the water, then you are afraid of the waves, but supposing you get into the boat, then you watch, and enjoy the waves. But supposing you know how to swim, then you jump in and save others, these are the two stages into which you pass. First you get your thoughtless awareness, and the second one is the stage which we call doubtless awareness. Now some people may say, how many days, how many times? Some people jump in immediately, some people takes, some time, but within one month I've seen people becoming experts, absolutely experts. So you become your own master, and you become the complete master of the divine laws. You understand how they work, it's very simple, has to be. It is so vital today it has to be extremely simple, like breathing. If you have to breath, and go read books or pay money to some guru, how many will survive? Extremely simple, it works spontaneously, means the living process. Like one seed is put in the Mother earth it sprouts because the seed has got the sprouting power built in, and the Mother earth also has the sprouting power. So it is spontaneously, it's your own power within yourself is there built in which is awakened, and once you have mastered it you can awaken other people like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten other candles. It's like that, as simple as that. But people can't believe anything so simple in modern times. I mean if I say you can eat your food like this, they say why not this way? All right, go ahead, nothing wrong with that, but this is a simple way. In the same way, one has to understand, that if it is within us, is our own power, and we can all get it, why not? All right, they get it, I know, in My program many will come; always I don't know why they come to My program. I don't know, maybe some sort of a thing, but, they come to My program but they don't grow; they are just the same; they don't grow because you have to come to the collective. It's not an individual happening, all right Mother am I at home, I do meditation. It won't work out. Of course you have to meditate a little bit but mostly you have come to collective. If you come to the collective it works because it is a collective happening, it is one collective organism. For example, if My one nail is cut out and keep somewhere, it won't grow. It has to be connected with the whole body, it's logical. Absolutely try to understand it's logical; and if you think that you cannot come to the collective, only you'll come when I am coming, you will never grow, you'll never fulfill your mission, you will not know why you are here. In a humble way one should come to the collective, learn everything, it is very simple to learn. Even children know, even children understand, they are better sometimes, because they haven't got have such conditionings, they are very simple and they know how to do it. So I would request you that after this program, when there is follow-on, I hope you will all come and grow so next time when I come I'll find all of you very much grown; not only that but all of you have given realizations to others. I know of people, one person, giving realization to twenty-two thousand people. But that's another area where it has worked. It's growing like fire, in many countries like Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, everywhere, Hungary, also in India, also it is growing very much in Europe. There are fifty-five nations altogether where Sahaja Yoga is growing. So, if you understand the value of your life, value of this time, and what you have to achieve I am sure you'll take it up seriously and grow, that's all I want. I want you to have all the powers of the world, all the powers that are within you, must be expressed. You see My age, I'm quite an old woman, must be the oldest amongst all of you, who are sitting here, but I don't feel tired, I just enjoy. When I was leaving New York I felt sorry, little bit I felt, because there were so many Sahaja Yogis, I'm a Mother after all. But when I came here and I saw all other Sahaja Yogis here from Cincinnati and from this place, again, I felt all right. That's how life is, and I hope you all understand what I am saying about respect yourself. May God bless you. The last thing which is promised that you will enjoy yourself, you'll be never bored. You'll enjoy yourself and you'll enjoy everyone. Such friendship, such love, such affection, such understanding, that you cannot believe that such a race exists. I hope you all want to have your Realization, those who don't want to have, I cannot force, it cannot be forced, because you have been given your freedom and if you want to have I can of course work it out by your own powers, but those who don't want I don't want to force them, I respect your freedom. So those who do not want to have Self Realization should leave the hall and should oblige Me and others. But those who want to have should know that it takes hardly ten to fifteen minutes, such a short time, and for them I have to tell that there are three conditions. Again I would request those who don't to have should leave the hall please. The first condition is that you have to have full faith in yourself. You have to have full confidence that you will get your Self Realization, I promise you, you all can get. Please have complete confidence in yourself. So the second condition follows, that you should not feel guilty for anything whatsoever at this moment. Not to feel guilty, if you have done mistakes, all right, after all you are human beings you are not gods. If you have done mistakes it's all right; for these mistakes I would say you should face them at that time and finish them. But when we people feel guilty, what they do, they take the guilt and put it here in the left side of this Vishuddhi, which is a very, very dangerous thing to do. As a result of that, you suffer physically, you might get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get also lethargic organs; so why to have any guilt, what's the use? Like a little baby, you are looking after the guilt, which is so troublesome. Now people do tell you that you are sinners, I know that, all kind of nonsense that way, it's not true. Who are they to judge you? You shouldn't judge yourself either. Again I say respect yourself. This Kundalini is your Mother, your individual Mother. She knows everything about Me. She has everything recorded in Her inner coils just like a tape recorder, you can say. She knows everything and She is very anxious to give you your Realization. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost, and She's just waiting for this time. So you leave it, the judgment to Her, you don't judge yourself. This is very important because if by this chakra, this chakra gets blocked, the Kundalini won't rise. Now the third very important and the simplest condition is that you should forgive everyone in general. Meaning you should not even think about that, not worth thinking. Now, what's the logic, what's the logic for it. The logic for it is this, that, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do if you don't forgive? Nothing, it's a myth. But when you don't forgive then, mentally you torture yourself all the time. So you are playing into wrong hands. Supposing, somebody has tortured you or troubled you or put you into difficulties, then he is enjoying himself or she is enjoying herself. While you are all the time bothering yourself with this kind of a feeling that, I hate that person, and I will do this to that person. Just forgive, just forgive. So this mental torture will be over but the main point today is that there's a center of Agnya on the optic chasm, which is very constricted, extremely constricted, like this, you can say, it is like this, and Kundalini won't move unless and until you forgive. But when you forgive it opens and then Kundalini will move. So all your life you have tortured yourself for somebody else and now at this great moment why do you want to lose your Self Realization? I'm telling you again and again because this is one of the worst centers people have. They just can't forgive. [Sounds like it's something], "I can't forgive" I mean what, just you have to say, "I forgive everyone" finished, that's all. At this moment you have just say, "I forgive everyone" finished. Any thought comes to you say, "I forgive." That's all, isn't it simple? So, let us have some love for ourselves and some mercy. As a result of this you'll be surprised, many diseases have been cured, of course cancer and all kind of diseases have been cured, no doubt about it, and you don't get diseases. If you happen to get something immediately will know you are going to get it, and can cure yourself. It is that simple. It looks fantastic. I know it looks fantastic, but now supposing you take a television into a remote village and tell them, from this television you can see all kinds of films. They'll say what, this box, what are you telling us? We also think we are just a box, but once you are connected, like the television you will see how fantastic it is. You are extremely fantastic. You don't know your powers, you don't know yourself, that's the main thing, you don't know yourself, so you have to know yourself, that's all. Is said by all the saints, all the prophets, and all the incarnations that you have to know yourself. Of course, I mean if you are trying to do Sahaja Yoga also going to somebody else, and to somebody else, then it is like you are one foot is in the mouth of the crocodile and one on the boat. It's difficult. It is better to take to crocodile and spare the boat, all right. Now, they want that before I start it you should ask Me some questions. Will be good idea. [Moderator]: If you have any questions for Shri Mataji ... [Audience]: My name is Chief Agada from Nigeria, I came to Canada six years ago. My sister came four years ago, after that. The first time she came in to a country that she never knew before, having that problem, she get organized with Your organization, she was so happy that Your organization turned her life, up, up, up, that today I am proud of her. She had a dream that You're coming, that is why I brought her. I am proud You Madam, I am, sincerely proud of You. And because of that I am putting two hundred dollars cash. [Moderator]: He wants to give You some money, Mother, he wants to give You some money. [Shri Mataji denotes HH Shri Mataji is answering] Shri Mataji: For what? [Moderator]: For helping his sister. [Mr Agada]: My sister loves You more than anybody. My sister is over there. Shri Mataji: That's very good. May God Bless. [Mr Agada]: And she is here. She had a dream You're coming. We just came in. Shri Mataji: I'll have to go to Nigeria now. All right. Now, anything else? [Mr Agada]: My question is ... what makes You so powerful? Why You are? [Moderator]: Why are You so powerful, Mother? Shri Mataji: Who? I? Because I am a mother. [Mr Agada]: Can I be as powerful as You? Because I want to be the richest black man ever to live on earth. Shri Mataji: Why not, why not, I would love for you to be as powerful as Myself, that's what Mother wants. That's My love is, you can be. This is no power. This is power of love. We have know how powerful it is. We have never used power of love. What we have used is power of hatred. This is power of love. We don't know how powerful it is, the power itself is powerful. All right, May God Bless. [Mr Agada] Excuse me Mother, [can't You take two hundred dollars]. Shri Mataji: No, no, My child, it's all right. When I will need money I will let you know, all right. [Mr Agada] Mother, can You do me a favor? Can You do me a favor? The only favor I want from You, can You see my sister, face to face, she is proud of You, she is proud of You, she die for You. Shri Mataji: I am also proud of her [unclear]. [Mr. Agada]: Can You see her, this is just like You, see her. Shri Mataji: Of course I will see her, why not? [Mr. Agada]: O.K. Let her come up. Shri Mataji: She can come after the program, I will see her. All right? [Mr. Agada]: God bless You, Madam. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Moderator]: Any other questions? [Audience]: Pardon me for asking this question, but, earlier You talked about the resurrection and You mentioned about the scriptures, where like in the Hindus scriptures they talk about the Kalki Avatar who will come for the resurrection, and for the Christians, I know they talk about the return of Christ and all the religions talk about this resurrection and the belief in the coming of the Messiah so I just want to know since You say You are going to give the resurrection to us, what is Your station? Shri Mataji: In Russia? [Audience]: And are You the promised Messiah then? Shri Mataji: Are you? Shri Mataji: I see now, I am not going to tell you anything about Myself, to be very frank. Because see Christ said He was the Son of God, and they crucified Him. I don't want to get crucified. You have to find out, when you become the Spirit; you will know what I am. I don't want to say anything about Myself. Even Mohammed Saab did not say. He said positively I am not divine. How can it be? He just told because if you say you're divine, everybody will jump on you. That's what the human beings are like. [Moderator]: Any other questions: [Audience]: I have two questions, first of all I have problems, you know I'm a follower, I'm a seeker for a long time. Can I eat meat or fish? In some group meditation programs they say I cannot even eat egg, nothing. So on the other hand when you breath in and out there we kill many bacteria. Now where do we draw the line? The second question is do You believe in reincarnation or not. Shri Mataji: First question is how to make out a person whether he is genuine or not. Simple question. Nanak Saab said Sat Guru ohi jo sahib mili he, the one who makes you meet God is the Sat Guru, not just talking. But is very meticulous way is this. First you must meet the disciples. What do they do? How much knowledge they have of inner being? What powers have they got? Are they compassionate or aggressive people? What is their bona fides. How do they talk? First, you must see the disciples and then acceptable. It's like in the market when you go. It is a marketing. These people are marketing. So you first find out. What is this particular thing is? And is selling for so much and so much and what effect it has given others. But another very simple method is that you cannot pay for it, it's the main thing. You cannot pay for it. All right, at the most you can pay for this hall, all right. But for your own power for your evolution you cannot pay. What did we pay to become human beings? Money question doesn't arise. All these gurus and all these religions are nothing but money oriented or power oriented.Nobody is spirit oriented; this is the best way to judge a guru. Thank God in India we have had many great Saints and they have written about it, how a false person is and how a real person is. Of course some of the gurus may not be as compassionate and loving as Myself because I am a Mother, but they are truthful people. Sometimes they used to throw stones, I know that and hit their disciples. But why go to them? You can get it yourself. So, I am your Mother, I am not your guru, I am your Mother One more question? All right. [Moderator confirms question from the audience: Do You believe in reincarnation?] Shri Mataji: Ah. The second question is do You believe in reincarnation? Of course, it's no question of believing it, it's a fact. Yes Madam? [Audience] I'm Heather, I just can't let the men get away with this, there's all men. My question is, there's lot of talk about having a living master, and that you can't do this stuff without a living master, I would like your opinion of that? Shri Mataji: Why do you want to have masters? I'll make you the master. [Audience]: I already am the master. Shri Mataji: You will become the master. You will know everything yourself. You will become the master. There is no need to have a master. Why this slavery? [Audience]: That's my opinion, but there's a lot of talk about you need a living master. I just wanted your opinion, thanks very much. Shri Mataji: You know there are all kinds and so far I've met only one who is a real master, but he is a horrible fellow. He beats people and all that. I don't want you to go to him, at all. He does all kinds of horrible things which I don't like, so, I mean he is a real master, but he has not giving Realization to anybody because he says he gave it to one who became a bad boss who doesn't want to give to anyone. So he says, You are a Mother, do what you like, so that's what it is. So why should we have masters? We are all masters, you all can become masters. These are all masters, what do you think them to be? These masters who feel shy, who are humble, who don't dress up with a new kind of a expression but are just like you. [End of Question and Answer period] And thirdly you are to forgive everyone in general. Now I've to tell you that there is left side and right side, we have and the left side is the power of desire, the right side is the power of action. So what we do is to take our shoes out to take help from the Mother earth. Mother earth is sometimes very helpful we take our shoes out and put the feet on the Mother earth little away from each other because these are two powers. So, now we put our left hand on our lap, very comfortably, you have to be extremely comfortable, that does not mean you should be slouching. Comfortably, comfortably sit straight. I mean, now we don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on our heads you see, just be comfortable in your chairs. All right. In short, we have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves, pleasantly placed, not to have anger or any kind of contempt or depression. Now please put the left hand towards Me like this, and right hand we are going to use for nourishing our centers, only for tonight, just for tonight, you need not remember anything about it. Just for tonight we have to use our right hand. So please put your left hand on your lap on the left side and please put now your right hand on your heart, inside the coat. It's all right. In the heart resides the Spirit, and if you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own the master. So we take down our right hand the upper portion of our abdomen, upper abdomen, upper portion, we are working only on the left side, upper portion of our abdomen, and press it. This is the center of our mastery, this is created by many prophets, seers and Saints which we have to awaken. Now we take our hand down onto the lower portion of our abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center, you'll be surprised to know, is for the pure knowledge of the divine. Of course I cannot force this knowledge on you; later on I'll tell that you have to ask for it. Now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, this chart is showing what is to be done, then onto your heart, then onto your angle between your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Now this is center where you feel guilty as I told you and it's quite bad in this congregation so please remember not to feel guilty at all. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head slowly as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone in general, this we will done later on, now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head, here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Divine Power just for your satisfaction push back your head. Now stretch your palm fully, and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head, please put down your head, now the important thing is to stretch back your fingers, so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now, move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise. Please bend your heads, bend your heads. Push back your fingers and move it slowly. Now, that is all we have to do, altogether. So please see that you put your both feet apart from each other and put your left hand on your lap and please put your right hand on your heart, you have to remove your glasses also because it might help. Now close your eyes, you shouldn't open your eyes 'til I tell you. Keep your eyes shut. At this center you have to ask Me a very fundamental question three times. You can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Please say three times, ask a question, Mother Am I the Spirit? Ask this question three times. Audience begins to speak out loud, Shri Mataji indicates: Ask in your heart. [Moderator Interjects: If ask the question just to yourself, inside, that's fine]. Now, please take down your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it and here again you have to ask another fundamental question to Me about yourself, three times, Mother, am I my own master? Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, here is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge, I've already told you that I cannot force on you, so please ask six times. Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge; ask six times, because this center has got six petals. As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, this Kundalini, this force in the sacrum bone, starts rising. So now we have to nourish our upper centers, with our full self confidence. So raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it hard, and here say with full self confidence. Mother, I am my own Master, say it ten times. I have already told you in the beginning that you are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditioning but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full self confidence, twelve times, Mother, I am the pure Spirit. This all pervading divine power of love is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of joy. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved by this power of ocean of love and ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, push it back your hand, as far as possible, and now turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, Mother, I am not guilty at all, please say it sixteen times. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. On the contrary if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, and at this moment you have to open your Agnya Chakra by forgiving, so please forgive everyone in general so that you don't miss your Self Realization. I have to see that you get your Realization but you have to forgive. I can't do that for you, please forgive. So now raise your, raise your right hand on top of your forehead, and put down your head as far as possible, and here you have to say with your full confidence, not how many times, but from your heart. Mother, I forgive everyone. From your heart, not how many times, just put your hand on top of your forehead. Put down your head. Still, if you feel that you cannot forgive then I cannot help you. Please forgive. Now take your right hand back, on the back side of your head, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, here you have to say or you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Power, by saying. Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly. Please ask forgiveness, just for your satisfaction. Please turn your head up, towards the sky. Now stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, now please put down your head, and push back your fingers. Here you must put a proper pressure on your scalp and move it, move it slowly seven times, but here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. While moving your hand you have to ask for your Self Realization. Mother, please give me Self Realization, you have to say seven times, when you are moving your hand, seven times. Please bend your heads, bend your heads, bend your head. This is very important. Stretch back your fingers. Stretch your fingers. Please bend your head. It's most important center is this last one, this is the actualization of your baptism. Now, please open your eyes, put back, take down your hands, and put both of them towards Me like this. Please put both the hands towards Me like this, little higher. Now, here you push your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out; breeze-like from your own head. Move your left hand. Now if you have not forgiven they will be hot, please try to forgive at this time. You shouldn't put your hand on top of your head, little away, some people get it much more further, so please move your hand and see for yourself. If you are getting any cool or a hot breeze on your head, from your head. Bend your head, it's the best, now again please try the left hand towards Me. Now bend your head nicely, and with the right hand. Now you see for yourself with the right hand, you see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, the soft bone in your childhood. Just see if it is coming out. Raise your hand. Now, try with right hand again. Put the right hand towards Me and put the left hand on top of your head. Now bend your head again, and please see for yourself, if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your head. Now this is what is the Kundalini coming out and is connecting you to the All Pervading Power. Now, please put both hands like this, and watch Me without thinking; just see if you can do it, just put both the hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking. Now please put both hands, like this and push back your head, here you have to ask one of these questions three times: One of these questions three times. First question is, Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?, the second question is, Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of divine love, the Ruh?, and the third question is, Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask any one of these questions three times, push back your head. See upward and ask this question. Now, please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms, or through their fontanel bone area, through their head, please raise both your hands. Just image, most of you have got it; why Indians haven't got it I can't understand; they must be having some gurus or something. Must be. All of them. Just imagine. May God Bless you. Now you are for the first time feeling this All Pervading Power of divine love, for the first time, but now you have to learn how to use it. You'll feel the peace and you'll feel the joy. You may feel you are on the top of the world but that's not enough. You have to grow and this connection has to be fixed. I'm sorry some Indians didn't get, what's the matter? Normally Indians are very good at it if they come. All right we'll see then. In any case, May God Bless you all. Thank you very much. I am going tomorrow. I will be coming back again after one year. Tomorrow I'm going to Vancouver in the morning. I'm very happy to see you all getting your Realization. Now you have to grow, and those who haven't got also should go and see for themselves what's wrong. Why didn't they get their Realization? And I'm sure it will all work out, they are all experts here and it will all work out, and you will all have your Self Realization. May God bless. [Moderator]: There are weekly meetings much like this where you can actually go and further establish and learn more about the meditation. Shri Mataji: Hello, they want to sing a song to Me, if you don't mind if you can wait for one more song, they want to sing a song. [Moderator]: So we are going to have one short musical piece and just to tell you a little bit about music. A lot of people, music seems to communicate with lots of people in different ways, it is very inspiring, and one of the things with the music which is produced by the Sahaja Yogis is that as they are connected, the music itself has vibrations so perhaps if they play something you can have your hands out and you may feel the cool breeze as a result of the of the music. We find that the music is one of the easiest ways to enjoy, so we have lots of people playing music. We are going to have one song, I'm not sure if it will be in Hindi or Marathi, and one of the things we find even the Westerns can very quickly master at least in singing in foreign languages and then we'll have an English song as well. (Two music pieces followed.)
Public Program. Toronto (Canada), 5 October 1993. [Tape began in mid-sentence] You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, you cannot conceptualize it, unfortunately, at this human state you cannot know it. Whatever today I'm going to tell you, you have to listen to it, please don't believe blindfolded. Keep your mind open as a scientist. If it is proved, then as honest people you have to believe, because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country, it is for the benevolence of the whole world. So, what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego and you are not these conditionings. Because you always say this is my, mine, it is my body, my conditionings, my ego. Who is this my, who is this I, who owns all these things? So the truth is you are not these things but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of divine love which does all these miraculous things like creating these flowers, out of one seed. All the living work is done by this All Pervading Power of Divine love. In Sanskrit we call it as Paramchaitanya, Bramachitana, in the Koran it is described as Ruh. In every religion it is describe that there is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have never felt it in our human awareness. We have reached up to a point of human awareness, but still in this evolutionary process, we have to move and break through has to take place by which you get your connection with this All Pervading Power. Unless and until you are connected with this All Pervading Power, you have no relations with divine or with God Almighty. There are many people who tell Me that, Mother we pray every day, and we do this, we do that, still we are so sick, still we are so suffering; what's the problem?. I say, you are to be connected. If the telephone is not connected, what's the use of telephoning? On the contrary, the telephone gets into jeopardy. Same see, this instrument is here it is a very good example that unless and until it is connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity, it does not know why it is there. In the same way, we have seen the science growing so much all over, such a big civilization has grown out of science. But it does not know its roots. It is amoral. Science is amoral and cannot answer many questions like: Why are we on this earth? Why we came as human beings? It cannot answer. So we have to turn to something deeper and greater, and that state is what we call as Self Knowledge, the inner knowledge. We have not known the inner knowledge of our being. Whatever we suffer or whatever are the global problems are mostly because of something wrong with our centers, as they must have explained to you. These centers are there, they are subtle centers of energy, and when something goes wrong with them, we'll suffer physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If by any means we can put these centers right, we should feel all right. Apart from that, we should achieve the state which is of Self Realization, of self knowledge. Is promised by many scriptures that such a time of resurrection is there, that is today, and many are to be resurrected. It's a very funny idea, which was I don't know why it was put forward in many books that at the time of resurrection, we'll all come out of our graves. I mean imagine, what is left in the graves is maybe some few bones. Is not so. It's actually at this special blossom time I call it, at this time many will be born, many, who are seekers and who want their realization. Many people will be born, again their souls will take forms. That's why we have population problems in some countries and in some countries we have minus. I mean, the population can never grow to such an extent that it will outsize this world. But despite that we are worried about population. This population is there mostly because these are very important times, and at this time people are going to get their resurrection. This is all promised that people will get their resurrection. In Koran they have described that Twelve Mahadhi will come and he will give realization. In the Hindu scriptures it is written, Indian scriptures, that there they will be a Kalaki who will give you realization, who will resurrect you and all kind of books there are, in the Bible also we have this. So, one has to realize that if it is such an important time, and at this time we are born, we should understand our purpose of our being here at this time. But human beings are really lost into lots of illusions, Bhranti they call it. Because that's the specialty of this times, also, that at this time, people will get into illusions and will be confused. Confusion will be there as a result of that they will start seeking. But in this confusion sometimes we completely lose our logic and we start falling into wrong things. For example, Toronto, they were saying that, people come, Mother, just to meet You and after that they don't come. I said, "It is very surprising, they come to meet Me but they must grow, they have to grow. They have to understand what they are. They have to learn what is so important. Not only that but they have to be so mature that they can use their power to enlighten other people. Is the responsibility of every person who gets his realization to mature and to give realizations to others." But I was told, I was surprised, that some people come here, as gurus from India or some sort of evangelist and all that and people get enamored by them. First of all you cannot pay for your evolution. You cannot. God doesn't understand money. He does not understand banking, he doesn't, you cannot pay. Anybody who takes money you should shun that person. The other day I happened to be in India, I don't know by chance, in a place of one Mr. Morari Bapu and I was amazed. He had created one Sri Rama, of seven, twelve years of age, and about seven years of Sitaji, and he was saying they are going to get married now, so you all should give the trousseau. So all the ladies, Marwadis and Gujeratis started taking out their bangles of diamonds, and this and that and gave it. I started wondering, what's the matter with these people, have they no brains, how could they give money to a man who is marrying some fake Rama and Sita? Another time, I mean, today I have to tell you because, I was surprised that in this place which I find very evolved and intelligent, people are following such nonsense which they have stopped in other places. Then another is this TM business, the other day somebody was ask Me what about the power of mind, it is limited, and he makes one pendulum move, you see, with the mind. Are you here to move a pendulum? Is that your value? Is that what you are here on this earth? Have you no respect of your being that you go to such stupid people and listen to them, and pay it. How can it be? Just think, moving the pendulum you paid three hundred pounds. In any way you can move it. All kinds of stupid things are being done. Now this is Mr. Satya Sai Baba recently has been completely exposed by cameras. And they saw him getting this gold chain, I have got the tape also, chain like this and moving like this. Why should God give you gold chain? Or diamonds? Is that what God wants you to have? Those who have diamonds are all godly people? How could people take to such stupid things, I can't understand. And it is still on, on and on. Must use your brains. Then somebody has a home or a havan; this is Indian nonsense. So they must give they are so ... I mean, I dedicate it to God. Now, in the name of God, this home, let's pay. Who are the people who are doing? What have they achieved? What is their private life? How do they live? What is their bona fide from where have they come, they might have come from jail? And wearing those dresses are just befooling you. Any nonsensical thing comes in if you want to accept. Then, Sahaja Yoga is not meant for stupid and idiots, I can tell you this. It is meant for people who have some sense in their head, to understand what is the value of their life. Why are they on this earth? This is the category of people whom I call as the people who are seekers. Whom William Blake has called as the men of God, who will come on this earth, and they will become divine, and they'll make others divine. You want to be make people divine, you want to be divine; you don't want to waste your energy on such stupid things. You have done it, so many years. All kind of things you have been doing in the name of God. Why, even Catholic Church you know that they counterfeited nine hundred, nine million dollars or something like that, counterfeited from their own Vatican bank that distributed it. Is this the job of any saintly person? They are raping women; they are doing all kind of nonsense. How can it be? There's no divinity of any kind. On the contrary, I think they are like devils. Now also in England, I was surprised, the Canon of the Protestant Church, I was born in a protestant family. I'm amazed that he says that you have to allow extra-marital relationships, because people are not coming to church, because people must come to church and pay these priests. If they had something substantial, if they had something valuable, they wouldn't have to go to this, then they will say, now you must allow child abuse, drug addiction, everything, why not? For getting cheap popularity. It depends on our understanding and on our seeking. What are we seeking? We are seeking our second birth, our transformation. We have to have our inner knowledge, we have to know ourselves and we have to grow into it, this is the value of your life. That's why you are born today, you might have forgotten your previous lives, your struggles, your seeking; whatever you might have forgotten, but I am telling you today, verily, verily, that you have taken birth on this earth to become the Spirit and to grow into it. As a result, what happens? When you become the Spirit, first of all, your attention gets enlightened, enlightened. In the sense that with your attention you can feel the centers of all the people, also you know about your own centers. As I told you that, most of the problems are coming from these centers. Now if you know how to correct these centers, you solve your problem and you solve the problem of others. So we say that in your awareness, which is human awareness, first of all you develop the consciousness or what we call as bodh, means on your central nervous system you can know the absolute truth. Now supposing somebody as I said coming from India, from jail just now, he said, "Better let's go to Toronto with a funny dress, I'll say that I am such and such guru coming from Himalayas." If he thinks like that, and if he comes here, how will you make him out? How will you know whether he is a thief or not? Absolute truth. Many people who are atheists, who don't believe in God, if they ask after Realization is there God? They get the blessings of this All Pervading Power and they start feeling cool breezes in their hands. You can make out the diseases of other people on your finger tips, because your fingers are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system and they can feel what's wrong with which one. Guru Nanaka has clearly said, I have a big chapter about it, that there will be such and such time we called Spanjarao. I can't understand that, what are we seeking and what are we at? We are seeking to be the Truth, to be re-born, to be Atmasakshatkari, to be yogis. That is, united with this All Pervading Power, not the physical yoga in which you have to stand on your head. Many people think that if you stand on your head, you will get connected to God, but there are many like that also. I mean, it is some times if you hear the way people believe in things, you sometimes feel you are in a lunatic asylum. We have to really raise ourselves and see that our purpose of life is very, very great. This is the most historical times. At this time you are born here, you have to become the Spirit. Your attention gets enlightened by which you know on your fingers tips your own centers and the centers of others. You know the absolute truth, but, that is not the end of it, you discover your peace within yourself. If I say now, you stand in your present, you cannot. We live either in the future or in the past. In the center, between these two, there is the present. A thought rises within us, from say from the past or from the future again goes to another thought. So we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts, but when this happens these thoughts elongate and we are in present. That's what happens that we become thoughtlessly aware, in Sanskrit it is called Nirvichara Samadhi, thoughtlessly aware, without any difficulty, without any problem, you just become thoughtlessly aware and you become peaceful. People talk of peace, I know, I've met many who have got awards of peace, but they are such hot tempered people, I tell you, that if you are to talk to them, keep a barge pole in between, it's terrible, how can they get peace awards, I can't understand? On what grounds they get peace awards the person who doesn't have peace within themselves? How can they have peace award? But they have, they get it, somehow or other this is modern world, you know. So the peace within is established and you watch the whole world as a drama, as a witness. You see the whole world as just not to be involved with, supposing you are in the water, then you are afraid of the waves, but supposing you get into the boat, then you watch, and enjoy the waves. But supposing you know how to swim, then you jump in and save others, these are the two stages into which you pass. First you get your thoughtless awareness, and the second one is the stage which we call doubtless awareness. Now some people may say, how many days, how many times? Some people jump in immediately, some people takes, some time, but within one month I've seen people becoming experts, absolutely experts. So you become your own master, and you become the complete master of the divine laws. You understand how they work, it's very simple, has to be. It is so vital today it has to be extremely simple, like breathing. If you have to breath, and go read books or pay money to some guru, how many will survive? Extremely simple, it works spontaneously, means the living process. Like one seed is put in the Mother earth it sprouts because the seed has got the sprouting power built in, and the Mother earth also has the sprouting power. So it is spontaneously, it's your own power within yourself is there built in which is awakened, and once you have mastered it you can awaken other people like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten other candles. It's like that, as simple as that. But people can't believe anything so simple in modern times. I mean if I say you can eat your food like this, they say why not this way? All right, go ahead, nothing wrong with that, but this is a simple way. In the same way, one has to understand, that if it is within us, is our own power, and we can all get it, why not? All right, they get it, I know, in My program many will come; always I don't know why they come to My program. I don't know, maybe some sort of a thing, but, they come to My program but they don't grow; they are just the same; they don't grow because you have to come to the collective. It's not an individual happening, all right Mother am I at home, I do meditation. It won't work out. Of course you have to meditate a little bit but mostly you have come to collective. If you come to the collective it works because it is a collective happening, it is one collective organism. For example, if My one nail is cut out and keep somewhere, it won't grow. It has to be connected with the whole body, it's logical. Absolutely try to understand it's logical; and if you think that you cannot come to the collective, only you'll come when I am coming, you will never grow, you'll never fulfill your mission, you will not know why you are here. In a humble way one should come to the collective, learn everything, it is very simple to learn. Even children know, even children understand, they are better sometimes, because they haven't got have such conditionings, they are very simple and they know how to do it. So I would request you that after this program, when there is follow-on, I hope you will all come and grow so next time when I come I'll find all of you very much grown; not only that but all of you have given realizations to others. I know of people, one person, giving realization to twenty-two thousand people. But that's another area where it has worked. It's growing like fire, in many countries like Russia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, everywhere, Hungary, also in India, also it is growing very much in Europe. There are fifty-five nations altogether where Sahaja Yoga is growing. So, if you understand the value of your life, value of this time, and what you have to achieve I am sure you'll take it up seriously and grow, that's all I want. I want you to have all the powers of the world, all the powers that are within you, must be expressed. You see My age, I'm quite an old woman, must be the oldest amongst all of you, who are sitting here, but I don't feel tired, I just enjoy. When I was leaving New York I felt sorry, little bit I felt, because there were so many Sahaja Yogis, I'm a Mother after all. But when I came here and I saw all other Sahaja Yogis here from Cincinnati and from this place, again, I felt all right. That's how life is, and I hope you all understand what I am saying about respect yourself. May God bless you. The last thing which is promised that you will enjoy yourself, you'll be never bored. You'll enjoy yourself and you'll enjoy everyone. Such friendship, such love, such affection, such understanding, that you cannot believe that such a race exists. I hope you all want to have your Realization, those who don't want to have, I cannot force, it cannot be forced, because you have been given your freedom and if you want to have I can of course work it out by your own powers, but those who don't want I don't want to force them, I respect your freedom. So those who do not want to have Self Realization should leave the hall and should oblige Me and others. But those who want to have should know that it takes hardly ten to fifteen minutes, such a short time, and for them I have to tell that there are three conditions. Again I would request those who don't to have should leave the hall please. The first condition is that you have to have full faith in yourself. You have to have full confidence that you will get your Self Realization, I promise you, you all can get. Please have complete confidence in yourself. So the second condition follows, that you should not feel guilty for anything whatsoever at this moment. Not to feel guilty, if you have done mistakes, all right, after all you are human beings you are not gods. If you have done mistakes it's all right; for these mistakes I would say you should face them at that time and finish them. But when we people feel guilty, what they do, they take the guilt and put it here in the left side of this Vishuddhi, which is a very, very dangerous thing to do. As a result of that, you suffer physically, you might get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get also lethargic organs; so why to have any guilt, what's the use? Like a little baby, you are looking after the guilt, which is so troublesome. Now people do tell you that you are sinners, I know that, all kind of nonsense that way, it's not true. Who are they to judge you? You shouldn't judge yourself either. Again I say respect yourself. This Kundalini is your Mother, your individual Mother. She knows everything about Me. She has everything recorded in Her inner coils just like a tape recorder, you can say. She knows everything and She is very anxious to give you your Realization. She is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost, and She's just waiting for this time. So you leave it, the judgment to Her, you don't judge yourself. This is very important because if by this chakra, this chakra gets blocked, the Kundalini won't rise. Now the third very important and the simplest condition is that you should forgive everyone in general. Meaning you should not even think about that, not worth thinking. Now, what's the logic, what's the logic for it. The logic for it is this, that, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do if you don't forgive? Nothing, it's a myth. But when you don't forgive then, mentally you torture yourself all the time. So you are playing into wrong hands. Supposing, somebody has tortured you or troubled you or put you into difficulties, then he is enjoying himself or she is enjoying herself. While you are all the time bothering yourself with this kind of a feeling that, I hate that person, and I will do this to that person. Just forgive, just forgive. So this mental torture will be over but the main point today is that there's a center of Agnya on the optic chasm, which is very constricted, extremely constricted, like this, you can say, it is like this, and Kundalini won't move unless and until you forgive. But when you forgive it opens and then Kundalini will move. So all your life you have tortured yourself for somebody else and now at this great moment why do you want to lose your Self Realization? I'm telling you again and again because this is one of the worst centers people have. They just can't forgive. [Sounds like it's something], "I can't forgive" I mean what, just you have to say, "I forgive everyone" finished, that's all. At this moment you have just say, "I forgive everyone" finished. Any thought comes to you say, "I forgive." That's all, isn't it simple? So, let us have some love for ourselves and some mercy. As a result of this you'll be surprised, many diseases have been cured, of course cancer and all kind of diseases have been cured, no doubt about it, and you don't get diseases. If you happen to get something immediately will know you are going to get it, and can cure yourself. It is that simple. It looks fantastic. I know it looks fantastic, but now supposing you take a television into a remote village and tell them, from this television you can see all kinds of films. They'll say what, this box, what are you telling us? We also think we are just a box, but once you are connected, like the television you will see how fantastic it is. You are extremely fantastic. You don't know your powers, you don't know yourself, that's the main thing, you don't know yourself, so you have to know yourself, that's all. Is said by all the saints, all the prophets, and all the incarnations that you have to know yourself. Of course, I mean if you are trying to do Sahaja Yoga also going to somebody else, and to somebody else, then it is like you are one foot is in the mouth of the crocodile and one on the boat. It's difficult. It is better to take to crocodile and spare the boat, all right. Now, they want that before I start it you should ask Me some questions. Will be good idea. [Moderator]: If you have any questions for Shri Mataji ... [Audience]: My name is Chief Agada from Nigeria, I came to Canada six years ago. My sister came four years ago, after that. The first time she came in to a country that she never knew before, having that problem, she get organized with Your organization, she was so happy that Your organization turned her life, up, up, up, that today I am proud of her. She had a dream that You're coming, that is why I brought her. I am proud You Madam, I am, sincerely proud of You. And because of that I am putting two hundred dollars cash. [Moderator]: He wants to give You some money, Mother, he wants to give You some money. [Shri Mataji denotes HH Shri Mataji is answering] Shri Mataji: For what? [Moderator]: For helping his sister. [Mr Agada]: My sister loves You more than anybody. My sister is over there. Shri Mataji: That's very good. May God Bless. [Mr Agada]: And she is here. She had a dream You're coming. We just came in. Shri Mataji: I'll have to go to Nigeria now. All right. Now, anything else? [Mr Agada]: My question is ... what makes You so powerful? Why You are? [Moderator]: Why are You so powerful, Mother? Shri Mataji: Who? I? Because I am a mother. [Mr Agada]: Can I be as powerful as You? Because I want to be the richest black man ever to live on earth. Shri Mataji: Why not, why not, I would love for you to be as powerful as Myself, that's what Mother wants. That's My love is, you can be. This is no power. This is power of love. We have know how powerful it is. We have never used power of love. What we have used is power of hatred. This is power of love. We don't know how powerful it is, the power itself is powerful. All right, May God Bless. [Mr Agada] Excuse me Mother, [can't You take two hundred dollars]. Shri Mataji: No, no, My child, it's all right. When I will need money I will let you know, all right. [Mr Agada] Mother, can You do me a favor? Can You do me a favor? The only favor I want from You, can You see my sister, face to face, she is proud of You, she is proud of You, she die for You. Shri Mataji: I am also proud of her [unclear]. [Mr. Agada]: Can You see her, this is just like You, see her. Shri Mataji: Of course I will see her, why not? [Mr. Agada]: O.K. Let her come up. Shri Mataji: She can come after the program, I will see her. All right? [Mr. Agada]: God bless You, Madam. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. [Moderator]: Any other questions? [Audience]: Pardon me for asking this question, but, earlier You talked about the resurrection and You mentioned about the scriptures, where like in the Hindus scriptures they talk about the Kalki Avatar who will come for the resurrection, and for the Christians, I know they talk about the return of Christ and all the religions talk about this resurrection and the belief in the coming of the Messiah so I just want to know since You say You are going to give the resurrection to us, what is Your station? Shri Mataji: In Russia? [Audience]: And are You the promised Messiah then? Shri Mataji: Are you? Shri Mataji: I see now, I am not going to tell you anything about Myself, to be very frank. Because see Christ said He was the Son of God, and they crucified Him. I don't want to get crucified. You have to find out, when you become the Spirit; you will know what I am. I don't want to say anything about Myself. Even Mohammed Saab did not say. He said positively I am not divine. How can it be? He just told because if you say you're divine, everybody will jump on you. That's what the human beings are like. [Moderator]: Any other questions: [Audience]: I have two questions, first of all I have problems, you know I'm a follower, I'm a seeker for a long time. Can I eat meat or fish? In some group meditation programs they say I cannot even eat egg, nothing. So on the other hand when you breath in and out there we kill many bacteria. Now where do we draw the line? The second question is do You believe in reincarnation or not. Shri Mataji: First question is how to make out a person whether he is genuine or not. Simple question. Nanak Saab said Sat Guru ohi jo sahib mili he, the one who makes you meet God is the Sat Guru, not just talking. But is very meticulous way is this. First you must meet the disciples. What do they do? How much knowledge they have of inner being? What powers have they got? Are they compassionate or aggressive people? What is their bona fides. How do they talk? First, you must see the disciples and then acceptable. It's like in the market when you go. It is a marketing. These people are marketing. So you first find out. What is this particular thing is? And is selling for so much and so much and what effect it has given others. But another very simple method is that you cannot pay for it, it's the main thing. You cannot pay for it. All right, at the most you can pay for this hall, all right. But for your own power for your evolution you cannot pay. What did we pay to become human beings? Money question doesn't arise. All these gurus and all these religions are nothing but money oriented or power oriented.Nobody is spirit oriented; this is the best way to judge a guru. Thank God in India we have had many great Saints and they have written about it, how a false person is and how a real person is. Of course some of the gurus may not be as compassionate and loving as Myself because I am a Mother, but they are truthful people. Sometimes they used to throw stones, I know that and hit their disciples. But why go to them? You can get it yourself. So, I am your Mother, I am not your guru, I am your Mother One more question? All right. [Moderator confirms question from the audience: Do You believe in reincarnation?] Shri Mataji: Ah. The second question is do You believe in reincarnation? Of course, it's no question of believing it, it's a fact. Yes Madam? [Audience] I'm Heather, I just can't let the men get away with this, there's all men. My question is, there's lot of talk about having a living master, and that you can't do this stuff without a living master, I would like your opinion of that? Shri Mataji: Why do you want to have masters? I'll make you the master. [Audience]: I already am the master. Shri Mataji: You will become the master. You will know everything yourself. You will become the master. There is no need to have a master. Why this slavery? [Audience]: That's my opinion, but there's a lot of talk about you need a living master. I just wanted your opinion, thanks very much. Shri Mataji: You know there are all kinds and so far I've met only one who is a real master, but he is a horrible fellow. He beats people and all that. I don't want you to go to him, at all. He does all kinds of horrible things which I don't like, so, I mean he is a real master, but he has not giving Realization to anybody because he says he gave it to one who became a bad boss who doesn't want to give to anyone. So he says, You are a Mother, do what you like, so that's what it is. So why should we have masters? We are all masters, you all can become masters. These are all masters, what do you think them to be? These masters who feel shy, who are humble, who don't dress up with a new kind of a expression but are just like you. [End of Question and Answer period] And thirdly you are to forgive everyone in general. Now I've to tell you that there is left side and right side, we have and the left side is the power of desire, the right side is the power of action. So what we do is to take our shoes out to take help from the Mother earth. Mother earth is sometimes very helpful we take our shoes out and put the feet on the Mother earth little away from each other because these are two powers. So, now we put our left hand on our lap, very comfortably, you have to be extremely comfortable, that does not mean you should be slouching. Comfortably, comfortably sit straight. I mean, now we don't have to go to Himalayas, stand on our heads you see, just be comfortable in your chairs. All right. In short, we have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves, pleasantly placed, not to have anger or any kind of contempt or depression. Now please put the left hand towards Me like this, and right hand we are going to use for nourishing our centers, only for tonight, just for tonight, you need not remember anything about it. Just for tonight we have to use our right hand. So please put your left hand on your lap on the left side and please put now your right hand on your heart, inside the coat. It's all right. In the heart resides the Spirit, and if you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own the master. So we take down our right hand the upper portion of our abdomen, upper abdomen, upper portion, we are working only on the left side, upper portion of our abdomen, and press it. This is the center of our mastery, this is created by many prophets, seers and Saints which we have to awaken. Now we take our hand down onto the lower portion of our abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center, you'll be surprised to know, is for the pure knowledge of the divine. Of course I cannot force this knowledge on you; later on I'll tell that you have to ask for it. Now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, this chart is showing what is to be done, then onto your heart, then onto your angle between your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. Now this is center where you feel guilty as I told you and it's quite bad in this congregation so please remember not to feel guilty at all. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head slowly as far as possible. Here you have to forgive everyone in general, this we will done later on, now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head, here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from this All Pervading Divine Power just for your satisfaction push back your head. Now stretch your palm fully, and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head, please put down your head, now the important thing is to stretch back your fingers, so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now, move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise. Please bend your heads, bend your heads. Push back your fingers and move it slowly. Now, that is all we have to do, altogether. So please see that you put your both feet apart from each other and put your left hand on your lap and please put your right hand on your heart, you have to remove your glasses also because it might help. Now close your eyes, you shouldn't open your eyes 'til I tell you. Keep your eyes shut. At this center you have to ask Me a very fundamental question three times. You can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Please say three times, ask a question, Mother Am I the Spirit? Ask this question three times. Audience begins to speak out loud, Shri Mataji indicates: Ask in your heart. [Moderator Interjects: If ask the question just to yourself, inside, that's fine]. Now, please take down your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it and here again you have to ask another fundamental question to Me about yourself, three times, Mother, am I my own master? Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, here is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge, I've already told you that I cannot force on you, so please ask six times. Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge; ask six times, because this center has got six petals. As soon as you ask for the pure divine knowledge, this Kundalini, this force in the sacrum bone, starts rising. So now we have to nourish our upper centers, with our full self confidence. So raise your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it hard, and here say with full self confidence. Mother, I am my own Master, say it ten times. I have already told you in the beginning that you are not this body, this mind, this ego or conditioning but you are the pure Spirit. So raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say again with full self confidence, twelve times, Mother, I am the pure Spirit. This all pervading divine power of love is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss, ocean of joy. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed are easily dissolved by this power of ocean of love and ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself. Raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, push it back your hand, as far as possible, and now turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, Mother, I am not guilty at all, please say it sixteen times. I have already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. On the contrary if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, and at this moment you have to open your Agnya Chakra by forgiving, so please forgive everyone in general so that you don't miss your Self Realization. I have to see that you get your Realization but you have to forgive. I can't do that for you, please forgive. So now raise your, raise your right hand on top of your forehead, and put down your head as far as possible, and here you have to say with your full confidence, not how many times, but from your heart. Mother, I forgive everyone. From your heart, not how many times, just put your hand on top of your forehead. Put down your head. Still, if you feel that you cannot forgive then I cannot help you. Please forgive. Now take your right hand back, on the back side of your head, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, here you have to say or you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Power, by saying. Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly. Please ask forgiveness, just for your satisfaction. Please turn your head up, towards the sky. Now stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, now please put down your head, and push back your fingers. Here you must put a proper pressure on your scalp and move it, move it slowly seven times, but here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. While moving your hand you have to ask for your Self Realization. Mother, please give me Self Realization, you have to say seven times, when you are moving your hand, seven times. Please bend your heads, bend your heads, bend your head. This is very important. Stretch back your fingers. Stretch your fingers. Please bend your head. It's most important center is this last one, this is the actualization of your baptism. Now, please open your eyes, put back, take down your hands, and put both of them towards Me like this. Please put both the hands towards Me like this, little higher. Now, here you push your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze-like vibrations are coming out; breeze-like from your own head. Move your left hand. Now if you have not forgiven they will be hot, please try to forgive at this time. You shouldn't put your hand on top of your head, little away, some people get it much more further, so please move your hand and see for yourself. If you are getting any cool or a hot breeze on your head, from your head. Bend your head, it's the best, now again please try the left hand towards Me. Now bend your head nicely, and with the right hand. Now you see for yourself with the right hand, you see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, the soft bone in your childhood. Just see if it is coming out. Raise your hand. Now, try with right hand again. Put the right hand towards Me and put the left hand on top of your head. Now bend your head again, and please see for yourself, if there's a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your head. Now this is what is the Kundalini coming out and is connecting you to the All Pervading Power. Now, please put both hands like this, and watch Me without thinking; just see if you can do it, just put both the hands towards Me and watch Me without thinking. Now please put both hands, like this and push back your head, here you have to ask one of these questions three times: One of these questions three times. First question is, Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?, the second question is, Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of divine love, the Ruh?, and the third question is, Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya? Ask any one of these questions three times, push back your head. See upward and ask this question. Now, please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms, or through their fontanel bone area, through their head, please raise both your hands. Just image, most of you have got it; why Indians haven't got it I can't understand; they must be having some gurus or something. Must be. All of them. Just imagine. May God Bless you. Now you are for the first time feeling this All Pervading Power of divine love, for the first time, but now you have to learn how to use it. You'll feel the peace and you'll feel the joy. You may feel you are on the top of the world but that's not enough. You have to grow and this connection has to be fixed. I'm sorry some Indians didn't get, what's the matter? Normally Indians are very good at it if they come. All right we'll see then. In any case, May God Bless you all. Thank you very much. I am going tomorrow. I will be coming back again after one year. Tomorrow I'm going to Vancouver in the morning. I'm very happy to see you all getting your Realization. Now you have to grow, and those who haven't got also should go and see for themselves what's wrong. Why didn't they get their Realization? And I'm sure it will all work out, they are all experts here and it will all work out, and you will all have your Self Realization. May God bless. [Moderator]: There are weekly meetings much like this where you can actually go and further establish and learn more about the meditation. Shri Mataji: Hello, they want to sing a song to Me, if you don't mind if you can wait for one more song, they want to sing a song. [Moderator]: So we are going to have one short musical piece and just to tell you a little bit about music. A lot of people, music seems to communicate with lots of people in different ways, it is very inspiring, and one of the things with the music which is produced by the Sahaja Yogis is that as they are connected, the music itself has vibrations so perhaps if they play something you can have your hands out and you may feel the cool breeze as a result of the of the music. We find that the music is one of the easiest ways to enjoy, so we have lots of people playing music. We are going to have one song, I'm not sure if it will be in Hindi or Marathi, and one of the things we find even the Westerns can very quickly master at least in singing in foreign languages and then we'll have an English song as well. (Two music pieces followed.)
Qiyamah is the Resurrection
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
1993-10-09 Persian Public Program, Los Angeles (USA) I bow to all the seekers of truth. I’m very, very happy to meet you people from Iran. Because the first country I visited was Iran at the time of Shah (King) and I found there were many people who were seeking the truth and they had freedom to do that and we had very few people because I was staying with my brother and we didn’t have a program like this. But at least 20 people came to my brother’s place and got their Realization.After that, you know what happened in Iran and I lost completely contact with them. But even now there are some people who are in Iran and who have got their Realization. So, I think Iran is a very old country of great culture and before it becomes Islamic, it had Zoroastrians living there who had great philosophy also. Then these Islamic people also took to Islam in a very serious way. I don’t know but before Islam came the people used to make art with human figures and after that, they started making things of describing were there were only flowers or cubes or geometrical drawings. It happened that I went to Shiraz and I went to Metropolis also. So all the places is full of Divine vibrations. That means there have been even before Mohammad five times Zoroaster came and then came Hazrat Mohammad who did such a lot of work for all of us. But I think there was a little problem which took place with that, people have twisted many things by which we are put into trouble for nothing at all. Quran was not written by Mohammad Sahib, you know that. Because he did not know how to read and write. So he told about it to his friends who also did not know how to read and write. So then he the children of these, we should say his friends, they were educated and after forty years, after the death of Hazrat Mohammad Sahib, we can say, the Quran was written. At that time, before that also a big problem started. Because you are all Shias, I’m quite happy to tell you about what happened. That Abu-Bakr became the head of the Islam, Abu-Bakr and he was a fundamentalist. Actually, it was Hazrat Ali who had to become the head, Ali had to become. But some way or other Abu-Bakr managed. He was a very ambitious man to become the head of the Islam. Is a history I’m telling you. Now when he became, he tried to argue with Hazrat Ali and he said that whatever written in the Quran is alright and he added his own things also to it. Now Hazrat Ali you know had a fight with him. I know the whole history about it, because My father translated Quran into Hindi language, So I’ve read Quran also, quite nicely.Now, what happened? It’s a history where the turning point took place. As you know Hazrat Ali became head but later on, he was killed and his two sons were killed. And the wife of Mohammad Sahib, Aicha, was told that: "You will go and fight against the truth and you will know it when the dogs will bark." So when she went on the other side, it’s called as "Hawa" [Hadith Al Haw-ab], it happened and dogs started barking, but still, she didn’t listen and she went and told the other side of the people that "whatever is Abu-Bakr is saying is all right, you listen to Abu-Bakr." So the drift started that time and as you know later on Hassan and Hussein both were killed in Karbala. That’s how Shia and Sunni two party started. I must say thank God you are Shias. Because Shias believe in many things which are the truth. One they believe that you will become a “wali” [spiritual guides, saints]. You have to become a wali. We have Hazrat Ali who was himself, according to our Sahaja Yoga, he was an Incarnation as Mohammad Sahib was. We worship Mohammad Sahib, Hazrat Ali and Fatima. For us, they are much more than you know in Quran, which later on you’ll find out how they are related to India. They are very, very great souls who came on this earth and because these fanatics didn’t understand them, they killed them. So then these Shias started feeling sad and having the "matam" [mourning; acts of lamentation], you know. For that they started wearing black clothes and having matam. But the time is over now. In that, most of the Quran was written according to Mohammad Sahib but I think something more was added by these people who read Bible. In the Quran, Christ has been praised, his mother has been praised, Moses has been praised, Abraham has been praised. And [Mohammed] said that there are- have been one lakh [a hundred thousand] walis before myself. And when he said also that: “I am the seal” it has double meaning. It doesn’t mean that he was completely finished, after him nothing will happen, but it meant that he was the stamp of a Wali, He was the stamp of a prophet. But Mohammad Sahib never said that he was divine. Because he knew that if he said he was divine, they will attack him and kill him also. So he never said he was divine but not he was divine, but he was the incarnation of a Primordial master. Now, the only thing where we have gone wrong is one place, where we talk of Qiyamah. Qiyamah is the Resurrection. Resurrection time is described according to Bible. You don’t know how much bible has been ruined by John, John who is- I’m sorry not John- by Paul. Paul is the one who came into Christianity just to use a forum for himself. He was a political man and just wanted to use it. So he gave his own ideas and the most absurd idea he gave about Qiyamah was this: “That when the time of Qiyamah will come, then the bodies of the people will come out of the graves and they will get their Resurrection”. This is absurd! You know very well that in the graves what is left of a human being: nothing. His soul goes away and his body is there, which decays, decays and only the bones are left. So it’s absurd idea that people will come out of the graves after so many years and our forefathers also will come out of the graves, it’s impossible. You see, religion is logical. It is not absurd, it is not nonsense. It is the greatest sense, but we should understand how these things have been brought in. So the idea of Qiyamah was ruined. I think by Paul first to begin with and these people must have taken from there something of that. Because it’s an absurd idea. On the contrary, as Mohammad Sahib has said, there has been one lakh of walis, means there have been incarnations before. So, the idea of Qiyamah in the Indian scriptures is much more sensible in a way. Because it says that all the souls which are dead, which are hanging in different states will take birth when the Qiyamah time will come when the last judgment will come and it’s happening. That’s why you see, these days, there are such nice people, there are saints, there are such beautiful people and also at the same time you find there are such horrible, cruel, immoral, all types of people are born. Some of them look like animals also, worse than animals.So all these souls now are taking birth. And these souls are here for their Resurrection. Now, this is your Resurrection time, no doubt. This is the time when you have to be resurrected. And this Resurrection takes place luckily amass. Here we have few Iranian sitting but in say- I went to Russia we had never less than 16 thousand people, never less, always in a big stadium. Because it is the truth you have to know. So far, if we had known the absolute truth, there would have been no quarrel, no argument, no war. Everybody will think the same way, isn’t it? If it is one truth, then why you should think separately? Why should you sing separately? Everybody thinks the same way.So this is what has to happen to us: is to know the absolute truth. To know- Please be seated now, don’t disturb- To know the absolute truth what has to be done? Because at human awareness we cannot know the absolute truth, at human awareness. If we had known, there would have been no problem. Everybody thinks differently. Somebody thinks this is truth, somebody. I mean if you ask Christian, according to him, the Muslims are the worst people. If you ask the Muslims, according to him, the Christians are the worst people. If you ask the Jews, they’ll say the Muslims are the worst, they all think they are the best. Is a wrong idea. Is absolutely wrong.So to understand it fully, what we have to do is to know the absolute truth. And the source of absolute truth is your Atma, is your Spirit, is your Ruh. And that is what one has to know. Unless and until you feel the Ruh, unless and until you are connected to Ruh, you cannot know what is the truth. It is like this. You see, this instrument [mike] which is-if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity, it doesn’t work, it is useless, it won’t carry my voice. In the same way Namaz [prayer] is very great. But Namaz is what? Is nothing but for your Resurrection, a kind of a movement where you should get your Resurrection. The other day I had a Muslim gentleman who came to Me, because he had angina and all kinds of physical problems. So it was Namaz time. I said you do your Namaz now. He did his Namaz and he felt the Ruh at that time. He felt it. In the same way you have to first feel this Ruh which is around us. So what is the truth? The first truth is that you are not this body. You are not this mind. You are not these conditionings, these feelings, this ego. But what you are, you are the pure Spirit. That’s the first truth. Because you say my ego, my body, my mind. Who is this mind? Who is the owner? Who is this I who call itself "my"? So this one is the Spirit which is within ourselves. The second truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love, which we call as Ruh. It’s all over. Now we see these flowers. It’s a miracle. It has come out of one seed. Everyone is different, every leaf is different. Every color is different. Who does all this living work? Who runs your heart? You ask a question to a doctor. He’ll say: "It’s autonomous system". But who is this "auto"? Who runs your heart? You have to find out who runs this heart ? And then we come to the point where we say we don’t know. Then if you go to the science, the science cannot answer many questions. First of all, science is amoral, there is no morality about science. It deals with matter. But when you ask a question, why are we on this earth? Science cannot answer this question. So, we have to find out why are we on this earth? What is our purpose? Have we come here just to live, earn some money, pay some insurance and die? Is that our value? Have we got something more that we have to achieve? So, we have to find out that the purpose of our life, why we are here. Now You’ll be amazed [to] understand that this all is done, as he must have told you, through a power within us. Now this power is your individual mother. Everybody has this mother and this mother is knowing everything about you. She is the power of mother. Also, Abu-Bakr didn’t want to talk about women. He fought with Aicha and also later on he fought with everyone and he said that women do not count. That’s how they put the women on the other side. But Mohammad sahib respected women out and out. You see, despite every effort, there is so much of truth in the Quran. First of all, he said that a woman should be married. At that time, there were lots of war was going on, you know, as they were tribes. They even gave poison to Mohammad Sahib, horrible times! I don’t know you must have a great courage to enter in to these Arabic people, because they were very, very hot tempered people. But he said one thing: so many young people are dead and with this so many young people dead, what should women do? They will become prostitutes, there will be no family life. So, doesn’t matter, have five wives but marry. He didn’t want women to become prostitutes. And that’s why, to establish the sanctity of married life, he said: "All right" at that time "to marry five wives, you can." But there are so many rules and regulations about it. It’s not compulsory, because you are a Muslim you must marry five times. Now people have misused all these things to a very great extent. That I’ll tell you in India we have a problem that women, we have a separate law for Muslims. So their men marry sometimes four times, have eight children, eight children. So many children and suddenly they say "Talaq, Talaq Talaq" [repudiation], finished! At this, three poor women, they are thrown out of the house and the "meher" [dower] is nothing. So just thrown out of the house and they are on the streets, absolutely living on the streets. One day I was travelling, I’ve had gone to one place and I saw on the, our car had stopped, because of some problem. There was one tap and women were coming to fill the water, absolutely very poor, I mean in India I’ve never seen such poor people. Extremely poor, their children absolutely bones, in such bad conditions! And I just couldn’t bear it, I mean, I felt then an ocean of compassion for them. And I asked them: "What is this? How are you like this?" Then they told Me the story: "This is what has happened and we have in no way help from anyone." So, these nonsensical ideas have brought some much of brutality and cruelty to women also. Now, we have to understand that whatever Mohammad Sahib has done is for our good, for our benevolence. All this he told us to be moral people, because we have to be moral. If we are immoral then our humanity goes away. But he said you have to have Rahmân [feminine aspect of God: mercy], Rahîm [masculine aspect of God: compassion for the good] all the time he talked about love.Now so far, we have used hatred in the name of God, everywhere. We have used the power of hatred. But now the time has come to use the power of love, of divine love. Because you can feel it. It’s all around you and you can feel it. If this Realization takes place, you can feel it on your fingertips. This is what in the evolutionary process, now you are human beings and then just a little jump, just a little breakthrough and you can feel it on your fingertips. We have so many Muslims from different countries like Algeria, also from France.As you must have heard about Rouhani Ayatollah. He was surprised the way I gave Realization to thousands of people in Paris and they were of different races, different religions and different nationality. And he was so sweet. I told him now you don’t have to wear black. Those days are over. Now you have to think of Resurrection. So, he agreed and I had taken for him a white unique and white turban, so he wore it very sweetly and made me wear his turban also very sweetly. He was very very sweet and then he wants to go Algeria because there are fundamentalists who were really very cruel. So, he asked me: "Mother, what should I do? " I said: "See, now you are protected, you better go. Nothing to worry." He went there and I’m told he was very successful and he tried to control the fundamentalist and told them that the Qiyama time has come, now take to your Qiyama. That is how he solved the problem.So now we have to live in peace. No more fighting, our lookout our children. In the name of God, these are some people who are interested in making money or getting power and making everybody fighting. Now these Bosnia people I feel so sorry for them. One of them I met, happened to meet. So I asked him, I said: "Why are you fighting? Forget it. Now just accept whatever is there and these horrible Croatians and these Serbs are terrible people. You just now give up and don’t starve and die." There are not only starving but they have nothing to eat, they are just frozen. It’s worse than gas chamber. Because gas chamber in a short time, but they in fifteen, twenty days they starve and then die! Just imagine! Only because they are Muslims. They are dying.So, the reason he gave me was very bad. Because he said now you see we are dying in the name of God and we’ll be resurrected. If we are now died in the name of God, we’ll be resurrected. Absurd! Of course, not. One should not care for this land, this, that. One should care for oneself and for the well- being of your own children. This fighting, fighting going on, thank God Arafat had some sense, it’s a little bit less now. But still, still I would say that people have to take to peace, understand that we have to live in complete joy and happiness. Now this Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations. I’ve never seen these people quarrelling with each other, fighting with each other, saying bad things to each other. Of course, I mean, they pull each other’s legs, you see, joke and all that, but that’s different. It’s lot of humour, all the time they are laughing and enjoying. When I was in Russia, they had this problem of the "coup" [coup d’etat]. And I asked them, I said: "Aren’t you worried? There is a "coup" on." So they said: "No mother. We are in the kingdom of God. Why should we worry about this Russia?" It’s like that. So all this is within your reach, you can get it and really this will happen.God wants you to be happy. He wants you to be in the kingdom of God. He has created you to give you all the joy and happiness. You know a father how he treats his son. Does he make him suffer? No! So God is the father of all the fathers. Why will he make you suffer? Think of that, is impossible. It’s a wrong idea that for religion you have to suffer, not at all. On the contrary, be kind to yourself. You are human beings and you all can get your Realization in no time. Only thing is, it is not meant for stupid people and idiotic people. There are many idiots also. I was surprised from Egypt we had some people - Oh, I must tell them the story! [Shri Mataji is laughing.]They were communists and they were 8 people who came and they said: "We want to have a conference on anti-Racialism and anti-fundamentalism. And 30 persons can come, you look after our food and everything, put us up in the hotels and we’ll have a conference."But then I just thought that this will happen automatically if you become the Spirit, automatically. Because you transcend. You become a different person altogether. So, what’s the use of this? I said: "All right, I’ll say we’ll have a conference on Self-knowledge or Self-realization or Qiyama." He- they fainted with the word Qiyama because they were communists, you see. So, I said: "All right, let us have it on self-knowledge." So, what they told Me that if this is the subject, then only seven people will come and you have to pay for their travel also. So, I went to Budapest and asked what is this? Why do you want me to pay for your travel and only 7 people will be coming? So, you know what they said? This is the stupid part of it. They said that the idea of Self-realization is yours. So, you must pay. The first one was our idea. [Laughter]. These are Egyptians, imagine! I must say Iranians are much better. I’ve never seen such people. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] That: "It’s your idea to have the Self-realization, do you pay for our travel?" This was too much. [Shri Mataji is laughing.]I tell them: "This is not the way, that I would like to be." You see so, I gave up. I mean, I say: "I give up. It’s primitive. I mean, you have no idea at all that what religion is and what you have to have? How can you say such a thing?" I mean it is absurd. And this absurd idea they gave Me, then I gave up. I said: "Ah, finished with the Egyptian communists." I don’t know from where they have learned these things that on principle, you must pay. So, this is what it is. You can understand, I know Iranians are very wise people compare to all other Muslims. But the problem is this fundamentalism that has gone into their heads. Iran is in a very bad shape. We have in, no Iran Shipping Company. My husband was chairman of Shipping Corporation, and he used to go to Iran, come back and there’s a Shipping Company working then he became Secretary General of the Maritime Organization of the UN. And that’s how we came in contact with lots of Iranians and lots of people who were living there. Among all these, I think they are the first ones, because they are also very ancient, very traditional. They will be the first one to take to Resurrection, I have no doubt and it has worked.I think I’m so happy to see you here. I was always hoping that I’ll meet you and this is your own that it should happen. This is your own power, is all your own and you all should have it. There are very beautiful, nice people in Iran. I have very good experience of them. But only maybe, by coming to this country, you might have become very materialistic. You were not so materialistic there, that much I know but I don’t know because coming to this mad country, everybody becomes materialistic. It’s such a materialistic country and people become very superficial. That’s also true, no doubt. But even Indians have become materialistic here, you know. It’s a funny country. But still you have emotions, you have feelings for your families. It’s not that bad as it is with others. But I must say this country is quite mad in so many ways, you see. For example, something you will never do. I mean we Indians can never do something that they do like this lady Elizabeth Taylor getting married eight times, you see. That’s alright. Then on top of that, she got married and there were people, four thousand people went to see her honey moon. She married a very young person and there were ten helicopters hovering on their head and there were people who are coming down with parachutes to take her photograph. [laughter]I mean this kind of a madness, I tell you Iranians cannot do, we Indians cannot do, it’s beyond us. I mean first of all if she has divorced eight times, nobody will go and see her. Because it is inauspicious to see such a person. So, it’s such a mad place. It’s alright but there are also very nice saint people, I mean here are lots of seers, American are sitting who have got Realization and they don’t mind because they are the ones who told me all these things, what stupid things that they are doing here. See it happens, after Realization they start finding their own faults and they relate to Me: “Mother, we are like this, we are like this.” So, you start seeing, you know, clearly. Now, of course, I think you can ask me some questions and then we can have Realization. But this subject is very great. It’s like an ocean, the knowledge is like an ocean. Now when you come in this room, when you have to put on these lights, you just have to put on a switch and all the lights come. But if I have to tell you all the history of electricity, how it came to this place and how this, that, it is a headache. So better is to put the lights on. First put the light on and in that you can know everything.In this short time, actually this meeting was arranged very "ad hoc" [improvised] and despite that I’m so happy that you all could come and I could meet you because it was my heart’s desire to meet you and it has worked out. So, at this time, I may not be able to tell you much about it. But if you have any questions you can ask now. But as they said: "First of all we must have the light."Alright, come along. Seeker: Just have a comment. We have all the Iranian community here would like to welcome You here and thank You really for bringing this information here. I’ve been studying metaphysics for seven months now, I ‘m just not here by no accident, and I’m really glad to see someone here, in the Iranian community, taking a stand and coming to us with this information… Thank You very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you.[Applause]It is very promising, you see, young people saying this. I don’t know how to thank you. To see young people saying these things is extremely promising. Because you know what is the condition of young people here; what’s happening to them, they are going to dogs, absolutely. And young people are to be saved today, it’s very important. They must have right values, right understanding. Do you know that in Sahaja Yoga people have given up overnight, overnight, they have given up drugs? Overnight alcoholism. I never say: "Don’t". If I say "don’t" half of the people will go. So, it’s alright. I just say: "Take your Realization." The case is like this: that supposing there is darkness and my eyes are close or maybe open but darkness and I have a snake in my hand and I am an obstinate person. Somebody tells me:" You have a snake in your hand." I’ll not give up, I’ll say: "There’s a rope. Why do you say this just now? Till the snake bites me, I’ll go on holding. So, you have to have little light. Immediately you leave that snake without anybody telling. This is what has to happen that you all should have that. And then you will realize how fantastic you are, how great you are, how glorious you are and what a great work for you to work for God! It flows through you this Ruh. Is something such a great happening, and you just become like an enlightened person. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten many candles, you can give Realization to so many people. Only thing, you have to little bit practice it and understand it.You go into three stages as I told you that, first of all, you become thoughtlessly aware, you come in the present. You don’t think but you are aware that you are in the present. The second state is where you are doubtlessly aware, where you have no doubts. Then you start giving Realization to people, curing people. As a result of this happening, this kundalini, your centres get corrected, they get integrated, nourished and also, they are enlightened. These are the centres which are our fundamentals and they look after our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual being. As a result, you can get cured also.I must say that we have seen people being cured of cancer, of lunacy, epilepsy, asthma even AIDS, even AIDS. And after getting this you don’t get sick and if you get sick, you know you are getting sick. It’s something is the self-knowledge you get first of all you know about yourself, about your centres and also you know the centres of others. Because you develop a new dimension within you, the collective consciousness. When we say Allah-u-Akbar. Akbar the great. When you say that, you just say it with the lip. But then you become part and parcel of Akbar, you can feel others. Who is the other then? You can feel others on your fingertips. Now, if you know how to correct the centres, you can correct others and also you can correct yourself. Now there are many doctors who are doing research on them, we have one very great doctor who has come here from London, he is looking after seven hospitals. And we have some doctors who have got their MD through Sahaja Yoga, who have shown epilepsy, asthma, all diseases, these diseases can be cured. It’s all tangible. It’s all tangible. It’s all your own power and you become that fantastic thing. It’s like a - say you take one television set to a remote village in somewhere where they have never known electricity and you tell them from this box you can see lots of films and things. They’ll say: "This is just a box." That’s what we think about ourselves. We are just a box. No, we are not. Once we are connected, then we are so fantastic that we start wondering how is it I never knew all these things that I have all these powers within myself. Thank you very much for saying nice thing. Lady: Here we have five doctors, Persian doctors.Shri Mataji: Five what?Lady: Five doctors, Iranian doctors in the audience. We have five doctors. Iranian doctors.Shri Mataji: What documents?Sahaja Yogi: She said in the audience we have five doctors now here.Shri Mataji: Here?Sahaja Yogi: Yes, five doctors.Lady: Today, Today. Tonight. We have five doctors here. Seeker: God bless you. I’ve enjoyed your words, very nice. A question I have for you: you are talking about spiritualism and being the Spirit while alive and realizing that Spirit within you. I see more and more spiritualism spreading all over, even more than communism. It’s been around for thousand of years but all of a sudden, you see more and more of it. And I think the Nas cast [?] is demanding that’s why it is happening to my belief on the question. Where do you see us evolving after every one is consciously aware of their spiritual being? And of course, we’re going be in the body as well as in Spirit, where do you see us evolving from there? I cannot get your idea for seeing what’s going to happen to humanity. Shri Mataji: Now you become the medium of God. See, you become the medium of God. His powers start flowing through you. And once you know the laws of Divine laws, then you become a saint, you become a wali, that’s what it is. And once this light, when it was not enlightened, you see, it was needed the light. Once it has got the light, it is giving the light. That’s what happens. Seeker: Do we need our physical body still?Shri Mataji: Of course! This is the body which can only reflect the Spirit. You see, the idea that in the air you will be- no, no. This body is very important and this body is needed because in the body is this mechanism and in the body only this will be reflected. So very important it is. Not only but after Realization you need it more. Now see, I am 70 years of age, Myself and still I’m going strong because this body is needed for people, I think, so it’s going on and on and on. And I travel, all the time I’m travelling. That’s all. Lady: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: What is she saying? Seeker: Do we have a prominent centre here?Shri Mataji: Yes, we have. We have a very good centre in L.A., very surprisingly, and the leader of this centre is sitting there, Phill Ward- or Phill Thumbo will get up and he is the leader and he is the one who is looking after this place but I don’t know the address exactly where we are. But whatever is it- haven’t you given them some [leaflets]? Yes.Sahaja Yogini: We give it.Shri Mataji: Yes. One thing is you cannot pay for it. You cannot. It’s a living process. As you do not pay to your mother earth for getting these flowers you cannot pay for it. God doesn’t understand money. Please remember this. He doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t understand bank. So, all those people who are collecting money in the name of God and spirituality, know that they are hypocrites. Shri Mataji: All right? Should we have Realizations? You have to ask me something?Sahaja Yogini: I’m going to Iran to visit my parents and go back, my parents think it’s too much. [Unsure][Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: You are going back?Sahaja Yogini: Yes I am going back. I’ve been practicing Sahaja Yoga for two and half years, herein.Shri Mataji: In Teheran, there are people who are doing.[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: Atcha [Hindi] In Teheran?Sahaja Yogini: Yes in Teheran.[Applause]Shri Mataji: And how many people you have who are doing Sahaja Yoga in Tehran?Sahaja Yogini: It’s about eight years I’m not going there and I think You know there are waiting. But at that time, about ten, ten Yoginis and one Yogi. If I go there I want to have good news for him.Shri Mataji: He?[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi] Sahaja Yogini: Is it possible to have a proper centre in Iran and when, when will we see You in Iran?Shri Mataji: You see, all my attention is there and all this nonsense must finish. It’s in a terrible mess, Iran I know. People are in a terrible condition. They are fighting and it’s terrible because now I know a first-hand news from there. We have- I told you the company is Hind-o-Iran, Shipping company is that.It’s so sad even the children are in a bad shape. All my attention is there and I’m sure within one year’s time, something should happen.[Applause] It should happen. Everywhere something is happening. Maybe they all should understand what is Qiyamma is and give up this nonsense of fighting. Even the children, children are fighting, they are carrying pistols and all that. [A Sahaja Yogi is giving a letter to Shri Mataji that She reads.] Now, he asked me a very nice question, what is your religion now?To be very frank my religion is a universal religion. This is the religion that Gandhiji, Mahatma Gandhi preached, that we not only respect but we worship. We worship Mohammad sahib, Hazrat Ali, Fatimabai, all of them, worship. Also, we worship Christ. We worship Moses, also we worship Shri Krishna and Shri Rama. Because they are all flowers of the same tree of spirituality. At different times, they came. So, what we’ve done? We have plucked the flowers, plucked the flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers.Once you get your Realization, you will know what I’m saying is absolute truth. Now can you imagine there are Jews worshipping Mohammad sahib? They are worshipping Christ. Can you believe this? Because it’s a truth. When the truth is there, you know on your fingertips. Some people don’t believe in God. Just ask them the question, is there God? Three times they ask, they start getting the Ruh on their hand. That’s how you can make out the truth. You were born say in a Islam religion, so you are Islam. Supposing you are born in Jew, then you would have been a Jew. It’s just a chance. But once you are a Realized soul, you understand that they are all one. We are the ones who are fighting. So, we believe in a universal pure religion, which is within ourselves. Another thing is say a Muslim, for example, I was in Riyadh with my daughter. And I was coming from Riyadh and we got into the plane, to London I was going. And I had gone off to sleep. When I woke up, I found all different people. Ladies were wearing skirts six inches, smoking. I said [to the stewardess]: "Who are these ladies?" And the men who are wearing very dandyish type. I said:"Who are these men?" They said: "They are the same." I thought the plane has landed somewhere else. "No, no they are the same." That means Muslim religion is just lip service. Nothing inside.So, a Muslim can do any crime. A Hindu can do any crime. A Christian can do any crime. But after Realization you become really a real Muslim, you become a real Christian and real Hindu. Because you just don’t do wrong things, you become righteous. It is the becoming. You become religious. We have religion, our religion is outside. Absolutely outside. But it becomes inside. Innately. So, this is a innate universal religion which is pure religion we follow and we respect every one of them.All right? That’s a good idea. [Shri Mataji reads the letter]"Do you believe in the Pop and Imam Khomeini?"What does that "pop" mean? Pop?No, not at all, they are just the same, useless people.[Applause]Not at all. How can I believe? There is no truth about them. If you want to know I can tell you hundred things about them. How horrible they are. Useless. "Do you believe Imam Zaman Mehi" who is he?Sahaja Yogi: MehdiShri Mataji: Twelfth The Mehdi? Of course, You will find out who is that, All right? "Do you Believe in Bahayi?"No, no, no, no not at all. Bahayi is all not correct. No, he’s not correct. Bahayi was not a prophet. "Are you a new Prophet?"Now, This I will not tell you. [Laughter]You see, Mohammad Sahib did not tell that he was divine. Of course, that truth I cannot deny because you will know very soon that I am divine. But I will not say anything about Myself. You see Christ was the son of God, despite that they crucified him. Mohammad Sahib was a Prophet, they gave him poison. I don’t want to get killed.[Laughter]No I don’t want to tell anything about myself, all right? [Shri Mataji is laughing] Because people are so stupid. If you tell them I’m a prophet, tomorrow they’ll be there with the swords cutting my throat.Lady: You are an angel. [Shri Mataji is laughing]Shri Mataji: Now you have to find out. When you find out, then believe. You should not blindly believe in anything because you blindly believe in everything and what happens? Now, first get your enlightenment and then believe not before that. Nobody should believe Me blindly. It’s no use.All right? So should we now - have you finished or you are asking some questions?Seeker: You have been explaining to us the culture and the traditions that are important to you.Shri Mataji: What d’you say?Seeker: The culture and traditions that are important to you.Shri Mataji: What?Sahaja Yogi: Can you explain the culture and tradition which is important to you. Shri Mataji: Culture, you see, should be natural and moral. But all the culture that we follow is according to the Ruh, the vibrations. Supposing, you see, we have stupid cultures all over, but what is good and what is bad? We cannot discriminate normally. So, on vibrations, you can ask. But automatically people become, you know, religious. I don’t have to tell them. Now you know in the West Christ has said that: “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” what a subtle thing. Even the eyes should be without lust and greed.But look at these Christians. All their eyes are moving like this, like that on women. So, after Sahaja Yoga, eyes become innocent. Your attention becomes also innocent. Not only that, But the attention becomes active. It’s the becoming, again, again, again I’ll say it’s not just talking and sermon and lecture. But it is becoming of you is important. You become that. All right? You become religious.Is there any other question or should we have our Realization?Yes, please. Seeker: I believe personally that there is a purpose to every thing that happens to us, not only to us, to every thing.[Inaudible] What lesson are we to learn from what happened in India three weeks ago? 20 to 30 thousand people in [inaudible] seisme.Shri Mataji: All right.Seeker: What was the lesson for that?Shri Mataji: Sit down. Now see first what I have said that we have to have the light. Then I don’t have to teach you any lessons, you become your own master, your own prophet. In the light, you know everything. Of course, I mean if you ask Me I will tell you. But, you see, you become so wise yourself. Suddenly you grow.So, I’m not going to tell you do this, do that, nothing. I just say take your Realization. That’s all to begin with. And then you will know what is to be done. I’m sorry madam I don’t know any Iranian but some words I knew also I have forgotten now. [Shri Mataji is laughing] Shri Mataji: Yes?Lady: Do you believe in dreams and nightmares?Shri Mataji: I don’t believe in them but they are there, no doubt, yes.Lady: Do they come true?Shri Mataji: Not necessary. Not necessary. That different types of dreams you have and they come from different sources. This all you will know in Sahaja Yoga. All right?Now you will have no nightmares and very few dreams after Realization.No fear nothing, it’s finished. No worry. No tension. Nothing.So, it’s your own. Sahaja Yogi: She was asking about Karmas as if every person has it.Shri Mataji: Karmas? All right. You see all these karmas come to us through our belief that we are doing something. All right? Now, here is the - you see is here [on the chart] when this centre in the optic chiasma here, you see when it opens out and the kundalini passes through it, it sucks in both the things. One side is your karmas, [Shri Mataji shows the superego]another side is your conditionings, [Shri Mataji shows the ego] Both are sucked in.Then what happens? Then you go into akarma, means you don’t think you are doing anything. It’s just happening. It’s happening. You talk in third person. You don’t say: "I did it." Because we believe that we did it, that’s why we think we have done the karmas. But if the "I" is no more there, then no more karmas, finished. All right?That theory was eight thousand years back. Now today it’s over. Shri Mataji: So, should we have our Realization?Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: Ha, yes?Seeker: You call Bahayi [inaudible] he has an enormous Agnya.[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: Because Bahayi has not done any resurrection work. They’re just making money and building big, big Bahayi temples, that’s all.Are we on this earth to build temples and mosques and this and that? We’ve had enough of them. What have they done? You see, we should see the work they have done. What work have they done? Nothing. Just some way or other they make money, I don’t know how and they build very nice big, big temples, that’s all. That’s not going to achieve anything. There is a saying that: "The one who meets you God is a real master." The rest is all nonsense. What is there in building this place or that place? You see. In India, one king built Taj Mahal. So what? We cannot call him godly person or a religious person? All right? He built a big Taj Mahal, finished. Or there’s building tower of Pizza. So, what? We don’t call them godly people. All right, they are building nice buildings, allright good idea. But they are not religious people.[Shri Mataji is laughing] It’s logically. Logically when you reach that point you will understand that first thing is that it has to be spiritual. And spiritual doesn’t mean talk, talk, talk, talk spiritual. People talk too much. It’s his talk has been too much. What have they done to human beings?I tell you once I was travelling by plane, but two Bahayi sitting, one this side and one that side. Both were emitting such horrible heat from their body that I have to get up and go to another. And both were fighting.You must see their disciples, you must see the people who are following that person. What sort of a life they lead? Are they moral people? Are they good people? What have they done? What have they achieved? Isn’t it? [A Sahaja Yogi is giving another letter to Shri Mataji that She reads] Shri Mataji: Hah. First is: "Do you believe life after death?" Of course.Of course. There is life after death. But we should worry about the present, not what will happen to us. All right? Once you get your Realization you will just play with your death. It’s nothing. Just a joke. So this is it."Do you believe in Paradise?" Of course. You have to enter into paradise means the kingdom of God which you will enter. All right?"Do you believe religious political mix?" No.But once we have the people who are religiously enlightened, then the government also will be religiously enlightened automatically, isn’t it? Just now this mix-up is not good.So, "who is last prophet in the world?" That I will not tell you. Because this has created lots of problems."Are you vegetarian or are you eating meat?" No, I do eat meat. I cannot be vegetarian and try to understand what’s the use of saving chickens? Am I going to give Realization to the chickens or to goats? This is all fad, vegetarianism, this, that. In India, we have vegetarians, such hot-tempered people they are! That though they are vegetarians, they are good for nothing, useless, absolutely, quarrelsome, fighting. You see, whatever soothes your body, you should eat. But eating is not so important after Sahaja Yoga. You eat whatever you get, you just enjoy yourself, that’s all. You never get bored. It doesn’t become so important.Now are there more questions? Seeker: Yes.[Laughter]Seeker: This is the last one [Shri Mataji is given a paper by quite an aggressive person.]Shri Mataji: Atcha. [All right]. Let’s have it.Seeker: The one dollar says here: "In God we trust." You see here? "In God we trust."Shri Mataji: They all talk like that.Seeker: This is the political dollar.Shri Mataji: Yeah, Yeah.Seeker: A Governmental Dollar,Shri Mataji: Yes, I knowSeeker: It’s not my dollar. It’s political dollar. Called American dollar.Shri Mataji: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.Seeker: All money, they have the: "In God we trust." You know. And what is your meaning-Shri Mataji: I mean this is- .Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: They can writeSeeker: This is political religious and every day, meaning you remember the God, you know, and-Shri Mataji: You’d better ask them. Why do you ask Me?Seeker: No I ask you. This not advertising for Christian and to people always remember the God? It’s here.Shri Mataji: Yeah, must be.Seeker: In America or in the world?Shri Mataji: You see it is true.Seeker: What you’re telling about that?Shri Mataji: I tell you they do it everywhere like this. "In God, we trust." All right, trust then. It’s all right.Seeker: Ok.[Shri Mataji is laughing]Shri Mataji: If God is one what is there to fight? You see your God is the same and their God is the same. This what they don’t realize. There is no Christian God, Muslim God, Hindu God, only one God. Seeker: Following the question before the last one, You know that "apitkin" [unsure] means you shouldn't kill animals. Is it all right?Shri Mataji: I don’t kill.Seeker: Somebody has done it.Shri Mataji: I don’t kill. But they are killed by somebody and there is no harm. We are killing human beings, first, stop that. We are more worried about animals than about human beings. You see, I’m not going to give Realization to animals and if you eat animals, it not going to harm to them. On the contrary, in evolutionary process, they improve. Seeker: Is it all right that because of it, they suffer pain.Shri Mataji: It is alright?Sahaja Yogi: The animals suffer pain when they die. [to the seeker]: You are talking about the animals, they suffer pain when you kill them.Seeker: Yes.Sahaja Yogi: Also the plants, I mean if you-Shri Mataji: Actually, they don’t know the pain part but, you see, they are ways by which you can reduce their pain also. The ways of reducing pain, but we need meat, it’s important. You see, those people who are eating too much heat, should eat vegetarian. Because they are very aggressive people. Those who are not at all eating, like Indians you know, they don’t eat. So, they should eat meat I think, meat. Because they are very weak people.Supposing an Iranian slaps an Indian, he’ll go just flat on the road.[Laughter]Not only that your meat but you have almonds and you have everything in your country. So, you are much healthier people, no doubt. So, if you stop eating that would be alright for you. Doesn’t matter. It’s a balance. We must have a balance.[Cut in the video] [Shri Mataji is given another letter.][Shri Mataji is reading the letter.]1:07:55: No more sound on the video Now, this is a long subject which has been asked that where does the Spirit goes and about Spirit and power of God and the body. Where does Spirit goes and all that. I have given many lectures on this subject which you can always hear, all right? And just now I’ve said you worry about present not the future. All right?So that’s what it is.But this is important to know, which you will know, I have many lectures on this subject. I mean, in English language, I think 4 thousand lectures must be. And I know many other languages. So you can imagine I’ve been lecturing, lecturing all the time and that’s what it. But it is not the lecture that is important. What is important is your Realization.Alright now, should we have the Realization? Audience: Yes.Shri Mataji: Now, My question. [Laughter] Should we have the Realization?Audience: Yes.Shri Mataji: Alright.There is one thing I must tell you at the very outset that I cannot force Self-realization on you. I cannot force. It’s your freedom. Whether you want it or you don’t want it. If you don’t want, then you should leave the hall. But if you want it you’ll get it. But I cannot force. Because this power that I’m telling is the power of pure desire, this power.Other desires, as you know in economics, are not satiable in general. This is the only desire which, of which you may not be aware, which gives you complete satisfaction. So, those who do not want, I cannot force on them. So please, those who do not want to have, should leave the hall and leave others to do it. It takes hardly ten minutes to do it.Seeker: Thank you.Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s it.If somebody asks questions, I know he is going to go out. That’s the sign. Because they just want to have mental acrobats. And these, I’m very good at answering questions because I have been doing this for so many years now. I met all kinds of people but they are all mental acrobats. They’re of no help. What you have to have is your Realization. That’s the main thing.Now, there is one small thing I have to request that you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. There is one simple condition. I should say that they are three conditions which are very very simple. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident that you all will get your Realization through that. That tonight you all will get your Self-realization. Be completely confident about it. Alright, so the first condition is that. So, this condition follows that you should have no guilt of any kind in your mind just now, no guilt. I’ve must seen her. I must have done this. You see I drink, doesn’t matter whatever you might do. To err is human, to forgive is divine. All pervading power of this divine love is the ocean of forgiveness. and at this time, you forgive yourself, completely. Have no guilt for anything whatsoever. Means forget your past. Also, I tell you if you have guilt, what happens at the center we have on the left-hand side catches very badly. When they tell, you are the sinner, This, that. This center catches. Very bad center. And when this center catches you get a disease called angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs, it causes many problems. So, what’s the use of feeling guilty. Now supposing you have done some mistake. Take it, alright. If you have done some mistake, then face it and at that point forget it. Face that, forget it. Don’t keep it here. I mean I have seen people feeling guilty, I drop coffee here. So, doesn’t matter. what is it if you drop coffee? For small small things, they go on worrying. I should not have done this. I should not have done this. Nothing to worry. Whatever you have done is alright and God forgives you. Believe me. He is your father. He wants you to enter into his kingdom. So, you don’t have to really punish yourself and judge yourself. This kundalini will judge. She will judge you. If some people want to come in front they can. There is room here. You can come here. There is room for you. Alright, so the second condition I’ve told you not to feel guilty about anything at this moment please. It’s very important. Because this center is caught, then kundalini cannot pierce to. Then the third condition is even simpler. Is to forgive everyone. Not to think about them. Just don’t think about them, in general. Now logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. The one who has hurt you or troubled you Is happy, while you are torturing yourself. But at this moment this center here on the optic chiasma is like this and if you have to open, you have to forgive. Otherwise very constricted. If you don’t forgive, kundalini will stop at this point. So please forgive everyone, don’t even think about them. Because It’s a headache. Just saying [UNCLEAR], finished. Just forget. Everyone. You’ll feel much lighter. Just forget. Now as you have seen here, we have two powers, left and right. The left power is the power of desire. Normal desire and kundalini is the power of pure desire. And the right one is the power of action. So, we use our left and right separately. It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes for you to get realization, absolutely. Not more than that. It’s very simple. Because I said is built in within you, it is there. alright. So first you have to put your left hand towards me like this. you can keep it here. It is recording in any way. Alright. So, and left hand like this and the both feet away from each other. Now you have to sit comfortably, not slouchy but comfortably. You have to sit very comfortably. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your head and nothing of the kind. you have to be extremely comfortable. Put the left hand like this and the right hand you have to use for nourishing your centers which is showing here, your heart first. In the heart resides the spirit, in the heart. Put it on the knee, it will be better. In the heart reside the spirit. Now please put left hand towards me and right hand inside inside the, alright. Now we keep left hand like this which is suggestive or symbolic that we desire to have our self-realization. Only we move our right hand on the left-hand side. So now, then we take our right hand in the upper portion of abdomen on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of our mastery, mastery. It created by great prophets and great seers and saints. Also, Mohammad Sahib. It’s created by them, by Ali specially. Then we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen and press it hard. Lower portion of it. This is the center of pure divine knowledge. It’s surprising it is here. Pure divine knowledge, which manifests on your central nervous system. By which you know that you have become divine and you can use your power. That starts manifesting. Now raise your right hand on upper portion of your abdomen. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right, tight hand, right hand. It’s correct. To the right. Now I’ve already told you that when this center is in trouble what happens. Now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. this is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Full hand, full hand, across like that. Alright. Now please take this hand at the back side of your head, here the back side hold it tight and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power that is Ruh. Now stretch your palm, fully. This is very important. Last center. Stretch your palm and put it on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, please put the center of your palm. Now here you have to push back, backward your fingers, so that there is a good pressure on your skull. Now please bend your head. Now here you have to move your skull with the pressure, seven times clockwise. This is the most important center. Bend your head, bend your head. Little bit, Ha. Bend your head. Bend your head, please. Now push back your fingers. You didn’t push back. now that’s all we have to do. You have to now remember to put both feet apart and left hand like this and then you have to close your eyes. Before closing the eyes, I have to tell you that you don’t have to open your eyes till I tell you. Now put your right hand. Please close your eyes. Not very tight. Just mildly. But not open at all. Put your right hand on your heart. Now here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart not loudly, you can call me mother or Shri Mataji. “Mother, am I the spirit?” You ask yourself. “Mother, am I the spirit?” three times. Now please take down your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times: “Mother, am I my own master?” Ask this question three times. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here is the center which has got six petals. I have to tell you that I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. Please ask six times: “Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge your kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish higher centers with our self-confidence. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence: “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here we have to say with full confidence twelve times: “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading power, Ruh is the ocean of compassion and love, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistake you commit it forgives your mistakes and completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of Love. So please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the cornet of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence in yourself: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Say please sixteen times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have already explained to you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you make yourself miserable and play into wrong hands. This you have done already to yourself but at this moment if you don’t forgive this center of Agnya will not open and the kundalini won’t come up. So please, please raise your right hand on your forehead across and please put down your head and here please say from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Say it from your heart. Not how many times. It’s very important. If you don’t say this from your heart, this won’t open and you’ll again miss the chance of self- realization. Now, please take your right hand at the back side of your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the divine power. So please say: “Oh all-pervading divine power or oh Ruh, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly.” Say it again from your heart. Not how many times. Please push back your head, please say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now stretch your palm and put this center of the palm on top of the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers as far as possible. This is very important. There has to be pressure on your skull. Now you bend your head. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So please bend your head and move your skull seven times slowly, saying seven times: “Mother, please give me my self-realization.” say it seven times. Yes, on the head and push back your fingers. Push back and now press it hard and move it seven times. [Shri Mataji Blowing in the Microphone] May God bless you. Now open your eyes. Now please both your hands towards me and watch me without thinking, just try. Can you do it? Watch me without thinking. Now just put this right hand towards me like this and bend your head and with the left hand please see if there is any cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Sometimes it comes very far away also. Don’t put your hand on top of the head but away from it and see for yourself there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Some people get it far away as I told you. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. So please forgive. The heat is coming up, it’s alright. Now, try with the left hand again. Put the left hand towards me and put down your head and see for yourself with the right hand and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please put the right hand towards me. Bend your head and now see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your heads. See with your left hand. Hmm… Good. Now please both your hands towards the sky and push back your head and ask a question, anyone of these three questions. Ask anyone of them: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or “Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Ruh? Or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” ask anyone of these questions three times. Push back your heads a little bit. See upward. Alright. Take down your hands. Feel very relaxed first of all. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze from their fontanel bone area or on their fingertips or on their palms, please raise both your hands. I know, I know. All the Iranians have got it. May god bless you. May god bless you. You all have got it. Among Islam, Iranians will be the first, I knew will get it. This is Qiyamma. You ask a question: “Mother, is it Qiyamma?” just ask a question. Put your hands: “Mother, is it Qiyamma? Is it our resurrection?” just ask a question. See and there is a shine in your eyes if you see. You can see each other and now you will enjoy. It’s there. Just enjoy yourself. But now you don’t have to pay at all for anything but this is the sprouting as we can call is the beginning, you’ve felt the Ruh. But you have to grow and for that we have a center here where they will call you for a follow on. those who didn’t get also should come. All of you should come and they will see and tell you and teach you and make you experts. Some people become experts within find their styles. But some take about a month and then you start giving realization to other Iranians. You can do it. It’s very simple and it is absurd, you feel free. It’s not that in one lecture you say something and there is a catch nothing. don’t have to pay at all. Any your problem, anyone of your problem. Physical, mental, family, social, anything, any problem. You can write to me. Alright? I’m with you. I’m your Mother. All the time and I love you very much. May God Bless you. Beautiful. Beautiful, He’s got it. He’s got very well. See this gentleman. His vibrations, is very good. You got it. I know you got it. But now don’t waste it. Because you have to come to the collective. It’s a collective happening. It is a collective happening. Supposing it is a nail is cut. It won’t grow. You have to come. Understand. Gradually you know all about it. About me. About everything. She’s got it. She’s got it. Yeah yeah. Let them, let this boy. You see, see on your head. You see on their head. You see. You can see also. AN AUDIENCE: [ UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: it’s something happening, no doubt. Isn’t it? It’s like the mother earth, now Alright? So, you are the seeds, so you have to sprouted, finished. No obligation, nothing. Is my job, is my job, is my love. I can’t help it. Alright? May God bless you. May God bless you. So when you come, they will tell you all about it. Gradually you have to grow into it. They will tell you all. Watch your faces have changed. Did she feel? No that’s what I know. She’s Got it. You’ve got it now. Alright? [UNCLEAR] thoughtless awareness. Such good vibrations Iranian have special. So, this the real Jihad now. This the second Jihad. Is to evolve. That one Jihad is over now. This is the second Jihad. The first Jihad when Mohammad Sahib had to fight and now it Is the second Jihad when we have become one with Akbar. May God bless you. Thank you.
1993-10-09 Persian Public Program, Los Angeles (USA) I bow to all the seekers of truth. I’m very, very happy to meet you people from Iran. Because the first country I visited was Iran at the time of Shah (King) and I found there were many people who were seeking the truth and they had freedom to do that and we had very few people because I was staying with my brother and we didn’t have a program like this. But at least 20 people came to my brother’s place and got their Realization.After that, you know what happened in Iran and I lost completely contact with them. But even now there are some people who are in Iran and who have got their Realization. So, I think Iran is a very old country of great culture and before it becomes Islamic, it had Zoroastrians living there who had great philosophy also. Then these Islamic people also took to Islam in a very serious way. I don’t know but before Islam came the people used to make art with human figures and after that, they started making things of describing were there were only flowers or cubes or geometrical drawings. It happened that I went to Shiraz and I went to Metropolis also. So all the places is full of Divine vibrations. That means there have been even before Mohammad five times Zoroaster came and then came Hazrat Mohammad who did such a lot of work for all of us. But I think there was a little problem which took place with that, people have twisted many things by which we are put into trouble for nothing at all. Quran was not written by Mohammad Sahib, you know that. Because he did not know how to read and write. So he told about it to his friends who also did not know how to read and write. So then he the children of these, we should say his friends, they were educated and after forty years, after the death of Hazrat Mohammad Sahib, we can say, the Quran was written. At that time, before that also a big problem started. Because you are all Shias, I’m quite happy to tell you about what happened. That Abu-Bakr became the head of the Islam, Abu-Bakr and he was a fundamentalist. Actually, it was Hazrat Ali who had to become the head, Ali had to become. But some way or other Abu-Bakr managed. He was a very ambitious man to become the head of the Islam. Is a history I’m telling you. Now when he became, he tried to argue with Hazrat Ali and he said that whatever written in the Quran is alright and he added his own things also to it. Now Hazrat Ali you know had a fight with him. I know the whole history about it, because My father translated Quran into Hindi language, So I’ve read Quran also, quite nicely.Now, what happened? It’s a history where the turning point took place. As you know Hazrat Ali became head but later on, he was killed and his two sons were killed. And the wife of Mohammad Sahib, Aicha, was told that: "You will go and fight against the truth and you will know it when the dogs will bark." So when she went on the other side, it’s called as "Hawa" [Hadith Al Haw-ab], it happened and dogs started barking, but still, she didn’t listen and she went and told the other side of the people that "whatever is Abu-Bakr is saying is all right, you listen to Abu-Bakr." So the drift started that time and as you know later on Hassan and Hussein both were killed in Karbala. That’s how Shia and Sunni two party started. I must say thank God you are Shias. Because Shias believe in many things which are the truth. One they believe that you will become a “wali” [spiritual guides, saints]. You have to become a wali. We have Hazrat Ali who was himself, according to our Sahaja Yoga, he was an Incarnation as Mohammad Sahib was. We worship Mohammad Sahib, Hazrat Ali and Fatima. For us, they are much more than you know in Quran, which later on you’ll find out how they are related to India. They are very, very great souls who came on this earth and because these fanatics didn’t understand them, they killed them. So then these Shias started feeling sad and having the "matam" [mourning; acts of lamentation], you know. For that they started wearing black clothes and having matam. But the time is over now. In that, most of the Quran was written according to Mohammad Sahib but I think something more was added by these people who read Bible. In the Quran, Christ has been praised, his mother has been praised, Moses has been praised, Abraham has been praised. And [Mohammed] said that there are- have been one lakh [a hundred thousand] walis before myself. And when he said also that: “I am the seal” it has double meaning. It doesn’t mean that he was completely finished, after him nothing will happen, but it meant that he was the stamp of a Wali, He was the stamp of a prophet. But Mohammad Sahib never said that he was divine. Because he knew that if he said he was divine, they will attack him and kill him also. So he never said he was divine but not he was divine, but he was the incarnation of a Primordial master. Now, the only thing where we have gone wrong is one place, where we talk of Qiyamah. Qiyamah is the Resurrection. Resurrection time is described according to Bible. You don’t know how much bible has been ruined by John, John who is- I’m sorry not John- by Paul. Paul is the one who came into Christianity just to use a forum for himself. He was a political man and just wanted to use it. So he gave his own ideas and the most absurd idea he gave about Qiyamah was this: “That when the time of Qiyamah will come, then the bodies of the people will come out of the graves and they will get their Resurrection”. This is absurd! You know very well that in the graves what is left of a human being: nothing. His soul goes away and his body is there, which decays, decays and only the bones are left. So it’s absurd idea that people will come out of the graves after so many years and our forefathers also will come out of the graves, it’s impossible. You see, religion is logical. It is not absurd, it is not nonsense. It is the greatest sense, but we should understand how these things have been brought in. So the idea of Qiyamah was ruined. I think by Paul first to begin with and these people must have taken from there something of that. Because it’s an absurd idea. On the contrary, as Mohammad Sahib has said, there has been one lakh of walis, means there have been incarnations before. So, the idea of Qiyamah in the Indian scriptures is much more sensible in a way. Because it says that all the souls which are dead, which are hanging in different states will take birth when the Qiyamah time will come when the last judgment will come and it’s happening. That’s why you see, these days, there are such nice people, there are saints, there are such beautiful people and also at the same time you find there are such horrible, cruel, immoral, all types of people are born. Some of them look like animals also, worse than animals.So all these souls now are taking birth. And these souls are here for their Resurrection. Now, this is your Resurrection time, no doubt. This is the time when you have to be resurrected. And this Resurrection takes place luckily amass. Here we have few Iranian sitting but in say- I went to Russia we had never less than 16 thousand people, never less, always in a big stadium. Because it is the truth you have to know. So far, if we had known the absolute truth, there would have been no quarrel, no argument, no war. Everybody will think the same way, isn’t it? If it is one truth, then why you should think separately? Why should you sing separately? Everybody thinks the same way.So this is what has to happen to us: is to know the absolute truth. To know- Please be seated now, don’t disturb- To know the absolute truth what has to be done? Because at human awareness we cannot know the absolute truth, at human awareness. If we had known, there would have been no problem. Everybody thinks differently. Somebody thinks this is truth, somebody. I mean if you ask Christian, according to him, the Muslims are the worst people. If you ask the Muslims, according to him, the Christians are the worst people. If you ask the Jews, they’ll say the Muslims are the worst, they all think they are the best. Is a wrong idea. Is absolutely wrong.So to understand it fully, what we have to do is to know the absolute truth. And the source of absolute truth is your Atma, is your Spirit, is your Ruh. And that is what one has to know. Unless and until you feel the Ruh, unless and until you are connected to Ruh, you cannot know what is the truth. It is like this. You see, this instrument [mike] which is-if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning, it has no identity, it doesn’t work, it is useless, it won’t carry my voice. In the same way Namaz [prayer] is very great. But Namaz is what? Is nothing but for your Resurrection, a kind of a movement where you should get your Resurrection. The other day I had a Muslim gentleman who came to Me, because he had angina and all kinds of physical problems. So it was Namaz time. I said you do your Namaz now. He did his Namaz and he felt the Ruh at that time. He felt it. In the same way you have to first feel this Ruh which is around us. So what is the truth? The first truth is that you are not this body. You are not this mind. You are not these conditionings, these feelings, this ego. But what you are, you are the pure Spirit. That’s the first truth. Because you say my ego, my body, my mind. Who is this mind? Who is the owner? Who is this I who call itself "my"? So this one is the Spirit which is within ourselves. The second truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love, which we call as Ruh. It’s all over. Now we see these flowers. It’s a miracle. It has come out of one seed. Everyone is different, every leaf is different. Every color is different. Who does all this living work? Who runs your heart? You ask a question to a doctor. He’ll say: "It’s autonomous system". But who is this "auto"? Who runs your heart? You have to find out who runs this heart ? And then we come to the point where we say we don’t know. Then if you go to the science, the science cannot answer many questions. First of all, science is amoral, there is no morality about science. It deals with matter. But when you ask a question, why are we on this earth? Science cannot answer this question. So, we have to find out why are we on this earth? What is our purpose? Have we come here just to live, earn some money, pay some insurance and die? Is that our value? Have we got something more that we have to achieve? So, we have to find out that the purpose of our life, why we are here. Now You’ll be amazed [to] understand that this all is done, as he must have told you, through a power within us. Now this power is your individual mother. Everybody has this mother and this mother is knowing everything about you. She is the power of mother. Also, Abu-Bakr didn’t want to talk about women. He fought with Aicha and also later on he fought with everyone and he said that women do not count. That’s how they put the women on the other side. But Mohammad sahib respected women out and out. You see, despite every effort, there is so much of truth in the Quran. First of all, he said that a woman should be married. At that time, there were lots of war was going on, you know, as they were tribes. They even gave poison to Mohammad Sahib, horrible times! I don’t know you must have a great courage to enter in to these Arabic people, because they were very, very hot tempered people. But he said one thing: so many young people are dead and with this so many young people dead, what should women do? They will become prostitutes, there will be no family life. So, doesn’t matter, have five wives but marry. He didn’t want women to become prostitutes. And that’s why, to establish the sanctity of married life, he said: "All right" at that time "to marry five wives, you can." But there are so many rules and regulations about it. It’s not compulsory, because you are a Muslim you must marry five times. Now people have misused all these things to a very great extent. That I’ll tell you in India we have a problem that women, we have a separate law for Muslims. So their men marry sometimes four times, have eight children, eight children. So many children and suddenly they say "Talaq, Talaq Talaq" [repudiation], finished! At this, three poor women, they are thrown out of the house and the "meher" [dower] is nothing. So just thrown out of the house and they are on the streets, absolutely living on the streets. One day I was travelling, I’ve had gone to one place and I saw on the, our car had stopped, because of some problem. There was one tap and women were coming to fill the water, absolutely very poor, I mean in India I’ve never seen such poor people. Extremely poor, their children absolutely bones, in such bad conditions! And I just couldn’t bear it, I mean, I felt then an ocean of compassion for them. And I asked them: "What is this? How are you like this?" Then they told Me the story: "This is what has happened and we have in no way help from anyone." So, these nonsensical ideas have brought some much of brutality and cruelty to women also. Now, we have to understand that whatever Mohammad Sahib has done is for our good, for our benevolence. All this he told us to be moral people, because we have to be moral. If we are immoral then our humanity goes away. But he said you have to have Rahmân [feminine aspect of God: mercy], Rahîm [masculine aspect of God: compassion for the good] all the time he talked about love.Now so far, we have used hatred in the name of God, everywhere. We have used the power of hatred. But now the time has come to use the power of love, of divine love. Because you can feel it. It’s all around you and you can feel it. If this Realization takes place, you can feel it on your fingertips. This is what in the evolutionary process, now you are human beings and then just a little jump, just a little breakthrough and you can feel it on your fingertips. We have so many Muslims from different countries like Algeria, also from France.As you must have heard about Rouhani Ayatollah. He was surprised the way I gave Realization to thousands of people in Paris and they were of different races, different religions and different nationality. And he was so sweet. I told him now you don’t have to wear black. Those days are over. Now you have to think of Resurrection. So, he agreed and I had taken for him a white unique and white turban, so he wore it very sweetly and made me wear his turban also very sweetly. He was very very sweet and then he wants to go Algeria because there are fundamentalists who were really very cruel. So, he asked me: "Mother, what should I do? " I said: "See, now you are protected, you better go. Nothing to worry." He went there and I’m told he was very successful and he tried to control the fundamentalist and told them that the Qiyama time has come, now take to your Qiyama. That is how he solved the problem.So now we have to live in peace. No more fighting, our lookout our children. In the name of God, these are some people who are interested in making money or getting power and making everybody fighting. Now these Bosnia people I feel so sorry for them. One of them I met, happened to meet. So I asked him, I said: "Why are you fighting? Forget it. Now just accept whatever is there and these horrible Croatians and these Serbs are terrible people. You just now give up and don’t starve and die." There are not only starving but they have nothing to eat, they are just frozen. It’s worse than gas chamber. Because gas chamber in a short time, but they in fifteen, twenty days they starve and then die! Just imagine! Only because they are Muslims. They are dying.So, the reason he gave me was very bad. Because he said now you see we are dying in the name of God and we’ll be resurrected. If we are now died in the name of God, we’ll be resurrected. Absurd! Of course, not. One should not care for this land, this, that. One should care for oneself and for the well- being of your own children. This fighting, fighting going on, thank God Arafat had some sense, it’s a little bit less now. But still, still I would say that people have to take to peace, understand that we have to live in complete joy and happiness. Now this Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations. I’ve never seen these people quarrelling with each other, fighting with each other, saying bad things to each other. Of course, I mean, they pull each other’s legs, you see, joke and all that, but that’s different. It’s lot of humour, all the time they are laughing and enjoying. When I was in Russia, they had this problem of the "coup" [coup d’etat]. And I asked them, I said: "Aren’t you worried? There is a "coup" on." So they said: "No mother. We are in the kingdom of God. Why should we worry about this Russia?" It’s like that. So all this is within your reach, you can get it and really this will happen.God wants you to be happy. He wants you to be in the kingdom of God. He has created you to give you all the joy and happiness. You know a father how he treats his son. Does he make him suffer? No! So God is the father of all the fathers. Why will he make you suffer? Think of that, is impossible. It’s a wrong idea that for religion you have to suffer, not at all. On the contrary, be kind to yourself. You are human beings and you all can get your Realization in no time. Only thing is, it is not meant for stupid people and idiotic people. There are many idiots also. I was surprised from Egypt we had some people - Oh, I must tell them the story! [Shri Mataji is laughing.]They were communists and they were 8 people who came and they said: "We want to have a conference on anti-Racialism and anti-fundamentalism. And 30 persons can come, you look after our food and everything, put us up in the hotels and we’ll have a conference."But then I just thought that this will happen automatically if you become the Spirit, automatically. Because you transcend. You become a different person altogether. So, what’s the use of this? I said: "All right, I’ll say we’ll have a conference on Self-knowledge or Self-realization or Qiyama." He- they fainted with the word Qiyama because they were communists, you see. So, I said: "All right, let us have it on self-knowledge." So, what they told Me that if this is the subject, then only seven people will come and you have to pay for their travel also. So, I went to Budapest and asked what is this? Why do you want me to pay for your travel and only 7 people will be coming? So, you know what they said? This is the stupid part of it. They said that the idea of Self-realization is yours. So, you must pay. The first one was our idea. [Laughter]. These are Egyptians, imagine! I must say Iranians are much better. I’ve never seen such people. [Shri Mataji is laughing.] That: "It’s your idea to have the Self-realization, do you pay for our travel?" This was too much. [Shri Mataji is laughing.]I tell them: "This is not the way, that I would like to be." You see so, I gave up. I mean, I say: "I give up. It’s primitive. I mean, you have no idea at all that what religion is and what you have to have? How can you say such a thing?" I mean it is absurd. And this absurd idea they gave Me, then I gave up. I said: "Ah, finished with the Egyptian communists." I don’t know from where they have learned these things that on principle, you must pay. So, this is what it is. You can understand, I know Iranians are very wise people compare to all other Muslims. But the problem is this fundamentalism that has gone into their heads. Iran is in a very bad shape. We have in, no Iran Shipping Company. My husband was chairman of Shipping Corporation, and he used to go to Iran, come back and there’s a Shipping Company working then he became Secretary General of the Maritime Organization of the UN. And that’s how we came in contact with lots of Iranians and lots of people who were living there. Among all these, I think they are the first ones, because they are also very ancient, very traditional. They will be the first one to take to Resurrection, I have no doubt and it has worked.I think I’m so happy to see you here. I was always hoping that I’ll meet you and this is your own that it should happen. This is your own power, is all your own and you all should have it. There are very beautiful, nice people in Iran. I have very good experience of them. But only maybe, by coming to this country, you might have become very materialistic. You were not so materialistic there, that much I know but I don’t know because coming to this mad country, everybody becomes materialistic. It’s such a materialistic country and people become very superficial. That’s also true, no doubt. But even Indians have become materialistic here, you know. It’s a funny country. But still you have emotions, you have feelings for your families. It’s not that bad as it is with others. But I must say this country is quite mad in so many ways, you see. For example, something you will never do. I mean we Indians can never do something that they do like this lady Elizabeth Taylor getting married eight times, you see. That’s alright. Then on top of that, she got married and there were people, four thousand people went to see her honey moon. She married a very young person and there were ten helicopters hovering on their head and there were people who are coming down with parachutes to take her photograph. [laughter]I mean this kind of a madness, I tell you Iranians cannot do, we Indians cannot do, it’s beyond us. I mean first of all if she has divorced eight times, nobody will go and see her. Because it is inauspicious to see such a person. So, it’s such a mad place. It’s alright but there are also very nice saint people, I mean here are lots of seers, American are sitting who have got Realization and they don’t mind because they are the ones who told me all these things, what stupid things that they are doing here. See it happens, after Realization they start finding their own faults and they relate to Me: “Mother, we are like this, we are like this.” So, you start seeing, you know, clearly. Now, of course, I think you can ask me some questions and then we can have Realization. But this subject is very great. It’s like an ocean, the knowledge is like an ocean. Now when you come in this room, when you have to put on these lights, you just have to put on a switch and all the lights come. But if I have to tell you all the history of electricity, how it came to this place and how this, that, it is a headache. So better is to put the lights on. First put the light on and in that you can know everything.In this short time, actually this meeting was arranged very "ad hoc" [improvised] and despite that I’m so happy that you all could come and I could meet you because it was my heart’s desire to meet you and it has worked out. So, at this time, I may not be able to tell you much about it. But if you have any questions you can ask now. But as they said: "First of all we must have the light."Alright, come along. Seeker: Just have a comment. We have all the Iranian community here would like to welcome You here and thank You really for bringing this information here. I’ve been studying metaphysics for seven months now, I ‘m just not here by no accident, and I’m really glad to see someone here, in the Iranian community, taking a stand and coming to us with this information… Thank You very much.Shri Mataji: May God bless you.[Applause]It is very promising, you see, young people saying this. I don’t know how to thank you. To see young people saying these things is extremely promising. Because you know what is the condition of young people here; what’s happening to them, they are going to dogs, absolutely. And young people are to be saved today, it’s very important. They must have right values, right understanding. Do you know that in Sahaja Yoga people have given up overnight, overnight, they have given up drugs? Overnight alcoholism. I never say: "Don’t". If I say "don’t" half of the people will go. So, it’s alright. I just say: "Take your Realization." The case is like this: that supposing there is darkness and my eyes are close or maybe open but darkness and I have a snake in my hand and I am an obstinate person. Somebody tells me:" You have a snake in your hand." I’ll not give up, I’ll say: "There’s a rope. Why do you say this just now? Till the snake bites me, I’ll go on holding. So, you have to have little light. Immediately you leave that snake without anybody telling. This is what has to happen that you all should have that. And then you will realize how fantastic you are, how great you are, how glorious you are and what a great work for you to work for God! It flows through you this Ruh. Is something such a great happening, and you just become like an enlightened person. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten many candles, you can give Realization to so many people. Only thing, you have to little bit practice it and understand it.You go into three stages as I told you that, first of all, you become thoughtlessly aware, you come in the present. You don’t think but you are aware that you are in the present. The second state is where you are doubtlessly aware, where you have no doubts. Then you start giving Realization to people, curing people. As a result of this happening, this kundalini, your centres get corrected, they get integrated, nourished and also, they are enlightened. These are the centres which are our fundamentals and they look after our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual being. As a result, you can get cured also.I must say that we have seen people being cured of cancer, of lunacy, epilepsy, asthma even AIDS, even AIDS. And after getting this you don’t get sick and if you get sick, you know you are getting sick. It’s something is the self-knowledge you get first of all you know about yourself, about your centres and also you know the centres of others. Because you develop a new dimension within you, the collective consciousness. When we say Allah-u-Akbar. Akbar the great. When you say that, you just say it with the lip. But then you become part and parcel of Akbar, you can feel others. Who is the other then? You can feel others on your fingertips. Now, if you know how to correct the centres, you can correct others and also you can correct yourself. Now there are many doctors who are doing research on them, we have one very great doctor who has come here from London, he is looking after seven hospitals. And we have some doctors who have got their MD through Sahaja Yoga, who have shown epilepsy, asthma, all diseases, these diseases can be cured. It’s all tangible. It’s all tangible. It’s all your own power and you become that fantastic thing. It’s like a - say you take one television set to a remote village in somewhere where they have never known electricity and you tell them from this box you can see lots of films and things. They’ll say: "This is just a box." That’s what we think about ourselves. We are just a box. No, we are not. Once we are connected, then we are so fantastic that we start wondering how is it I never knew all these things that I have all these powers within myself. Thank you very much for saying nice thing. Lady: Here we have five doctors, Persian doctors.Shri Mataji: Five what?Lady: Five doctors, Iranian doctors in the audience. We have five doctors. Iranian doctors.Shri Mataji: What documents?Sahaja Yogi: She said in the audience we have five doctors now here.Shri Mataji: Here?Sahaja Yogi: Yes, five doctors.Lady: Today, Today. Tonight. We have five doctors here. Seeker: God bless you. I’ve enjoyed your words, very nice. A question I have for you: you are talking about spiritualism and being the Spirit while alive and realizing that Spirit within you. I see more and more spiritualism spreading all over, even more than communism. It’s been around for thousand of years but all of a sudden, you see more and more of it. And I think the Nas cast [?] is demanding that’s why it is happening to my belief on the question. Where do you see us evolving after every one is consciously aware of their spiritual being? And of course, we’re going be in the body as well as in Spirit, where do you see us evolving from there? I cannot get your idea for seeing what’s going to happen to humanity. Shri Mataji: Now you become the medium of God. See, you become the medium of God. His powers start flowing through you. And once you know the laws of Divine laws, then you become a saint, you become a wali, that’s what it is. And once this light, when it was not enlightened, you see, it was needed the light. Once it has got the light, it is giving the light. That’s what happens. Seeker: Do we need our physical body still?Shri Mataji: Of course! This is the body which can only reflect the Spirit. You see, the idea that in the air you will be- no, no. This body is very important and this body is needed because in the body is this mechanism and in the body only this will be reflected. So very important it is. Not only but after Realization you need it more. Now see, I am 70 years of age, Myself and still I’m going strong because this body is needed for people, I think, so it’s going on and on and on. And I travel, all the time I’m travelling. That’s all. Lady: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: What is she saying? Seeker: Do we have a prominent centre here?Shri Mataji: Yes, we have. We have a very good centre in L.A., very surprisingly, and the leader of this centre is sitting there, Phill Ward- or Phill Thumbo will get up and he is the leader and he is the one who is looking after this place but I don’t know the address exactly where we are. But whatever is it- haven’t you given them some [leaflets]? Yes.Sahaja Yogini: We give it.Shri Mataji: Yes. One thing is you cannot pay for it. You cannot. It’s a living process. As you do not pay to your mother earth for getting these flowers you cannot pay for it. God doesn’t understand money. Please remember this. He doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t understand bank. So, all those people who are collecting money in the name of God and spirituality, know that they are hypocrites. Shri Mataji: All right? Should we have Realizations? You have to ask me something?Sahaja Yogini: I’m going to Iran to visit my parents and go back, my parents think it’s too much. [Unsure][Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: You are going back?Sahaja Yogini: Yes I am going back. I’ve been practicing Sahaja Yoga for two and half years, herein.Shri Mataji: In Teheran, there are people who are doing.[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: Atcha [Hindi] In Teheran?Sahaja Yogini: Yes in Teheran.[Applause]Shri Mataji: And how many people you have who are doing Sahaja Yoga in Tehran?Sahaja Yogini: It’s about eight years I’m not going there and I think You know there are waiting. But at that time, about ten, ten Yoginis and one Yogi. If I go there I want to have good news for him.Shri Mataji: He?[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi] Sahaja Yogini: Is it possible to have a proper centre in Iran and when, when will we see You in Iran?Shri Mataji: You see, all my attention is there and all this nonsense must finish. It’s in a terrible mess, Iran I know. People are in a terrible condition. They are fighting and it’s terrible because now I know a first-hand news from there. We have- I told you the company is Hind-o-Iran, Shipping company is that.It’s so sad even the children are in a bad shape. All my attention is there and I’m sure within one year’s time, something should happen.[Applause] It should happen. Everywhere something is happening. Maybe they all should understand what is Qiyamma is and give up this nonsense of fighting. Even the children, children are fighting, they are carrying pistols and all that. [A Sahaja Yogi is giving a letter to Shri Mataji that She reads.] Now, he asked me a very nice question, what is your religion now?To be very frank my religion is a universal religion. This is the religion that Gandhiji, Mahatma Gandhi preached, that we not only respect but we worship. We worship Mohammad sahib, Hazrat Ali, Fatimabai, all of them, worship. Also, we worship Christ. We worship Moses, also we worship Shri Krishna and Shri Rama. Because they are all flowers of the same tree of spirituality. At different times, they came. So, what we’ve done? We have plucked the flowers, plucked the flowers and we are fighting with the dead flowers.Once you get your Realization, you will know what I’m saying is absolute truth. Now can you imagine there are Jews worshipping Mohammad sahib? They are worshipping Christ. Can you believe this? Because it’s a truth. When the truth is there, you know on your fingertips. Some people don’t believe in God. Just ask them the question, is there God? Three times they ask, they start getting the Ruh on their hand. That’s how you can make out the truth. You were born say in a Islam religion, so you are Islam. Supposing you are born in Jew, then you would have been a Jew. It’s just a chance. But once you are a Realized soul, you understand that they are all one. We are the ones who are fighting. So, we believe in a universal pure religion, which is within ourselves. Another thing is say a Muslim, for example, I was in Riyadh with my daughter. And I was coming from Riyadh and we got into the plane, to London I was going. And I had gone off to sleep. When I woke up, I found all different people. Ladies were wearing skirts six inches, smoking. I said [to the stewardess]: "Who are these ladies?" And the men who are wearing very dandyish type. I said:"Who are these men?" They said: "They are the same." I thought the plane has landed somewhere else. "No, no they are the same." That means Muslim religion is just lip service. Nothing inside.So, a Muslim can do any crime. A Hindu can do any crime. A Christian can do any crime. But after Realization you become really a real Muslim, you become a real Christian and real Hindu. Because you just don’t do wrong things, you become righteous. It is the becoming. You become religious. We have religion, our religion is outside. Absolutely outside. But it becomes inside. Innately. So, this is a innate universal religion which is pure religion we follow and we respect every one of them.All right? That’s a good idea. [Shri Mataji reads the letter]"Do you believe in the Pop and Imam Khomeini?"What does that "pop" mean? Pop?No, not at all, they are just the same, useless people.[Applause]Not at all. How can I believe? There is no truth about them. If you want to know I can tell you hundred things about them. How horrible they are. Useless. "Do you believe Imam Zaman Mehi" who is he?Sahaja Yogi: MehdiShri Mataji: Twelfth The Mehdi? Of course, You will find out who is that, All right? "Do you Believe in Bahayi?"No, no, no, no not at all. Bahayi is all not correct. No, he’s not correct. Bahayi was not a prophet. "Are you a new Prophet?"Now, This I will not tell you. [Laughter]You see, Mohammad Sahib did not tell that he was divine. Of course, that truth I cannot deny because you will know very soon that I am divine. But I will not say anything about Myself. You see Christ was the son of God, despite that they crucified him. Mohammad Sahib was a Prophet, they gave him poison. I don’t want to get killed.[Laughter]No I don’t want to tell anything about myself, all right? [Shri Mataji is laughing] Because people are so stupid. If you tell them I’m a prophet, tomorrow they’ll be there with the swords cutting my throat.Lady: You are an angel. [Shri Mataji is laughing]Shri Mataji: Now you have to find out. When you find out, then believe. You should not blindly believe in anything because you blindly believe in everything and what happens? Now, first get your enlightenment and then believe not before that. Nobody should believe Me blindly. It’s no use.All right? So should we now - have you finished or you are asking some questions?Seeker: You have been explaining to us the culture and the traditions that are important to you.Shri Mataji: What d’you say?Seeker: The culture and traditions that are important to you.Shri Mataji: What?Sahaja Yogi: Can you explain the culture and tradition which is important to you. Shri Mataji: Culture, you see, should be natural and moral. But all the culture that we follow is according to the Ruh, the vibrations. Supposing, you see, we have stupid cultures all over, but what is good and what is bad? We cannot discriminate normally. So, on vibrations, you can ask. But automatically people become, you know, religious. I don’t have to tell them. Now you know in the West Christ has said that: “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” what a subtle thing. Even the eyes should be without lust and greed.But look at these Christians. All their eyes are moving like this, like that on women. So, after Sahaja Yoga, eyes become innocent. Your attention becomes also innocent. Not only that, But the attention becomes active. It’s the becoming, again, again, again I’ll say it’s not just talking and sermon and lecture. But it is becoming of you is important. You become that. All right? You become religious.Is there any other question or should we have our Realization?Yes, please. Seeker: I believe personally that there is a purpose to every thing that happens to us, not only to us, to every thing.[Inaudible] What lesson are we to learn from what happened in India three weeks ago? 20 to 30 thousand people in [inaudible] seisme.Shri Mataji: All right.Seeker: What was the lesson for that?Shri Mataji: Sit down. Now see first what I have said that we have to have the light. Then I don’t have to teach you any lessons, you become your own master, your own prophet. In the light, you know everything. Of course, I mean if you ask Me I will tell you. But, you see, you become so wise yourself. Suddenly you grow.So, I’m not going to tell you do this, do that, nothing. I just say take your Realization. That’s all to begin with. And then you will know what is to be done. I’m sorry madam I don’t know any Iranian but some words I knew also I have forgotten now. [Shri Mataji is laughing] Shri Mataji: Yes?Lady: Do you believe in dreams and nightmares?Shri Mataji: I don’t believe in them but they are there, no doubt, yes.Lady: Do they come true?Shri Mataji: Not necessary. Not necessary. That different types of dreams you have and they come from different sources. This all you will know in Sahaja Yoga. All right?Now you will have no nightmares and very few dreams after Realization.No fear nothing, it’s finished. No worry. No tension. Nothing.So, it’s your own. Sahaja Yogi: She was asking about Karmas as if every person has it.Shri Mataji: Karmas? All right. You see all these karmas come to us through our belief that we are doing something. All right? Now, here is the - you see is here [on the chart] when this centre in the optic chiasma here, you see when it opens out and the kundalini passes through it, it sucks in both the things. One side is your karmas, [Shri Mataji shows the superego]another side is your conditionings, [Shri Mataji shows the ego] Both are sucked in.Then what happens? Then you go into akarma, means you don’t think you are doing anything. It’s just happening. It’s happening. You talk in third person. You don’t say: "I did it." Because we believe that we did it, that’s why we think we have done the karmas. But if the "I" is no more there, then no more karmas, finished. All right?That theory was eight thousand years back. Now today it’s over. Shri Mataji: So, should we have our Realization?Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: Ha, yes?Seeker: You call Bahayi [inaudible] he has an enormous Agnya.[Indian Sahaja Yogi explains in Hindi]Shri Mataji: Because Bahayi has not done any resurrection work. They’re just making money and building big, big Bahayi temples, that’s all.Are we on this earth to build temples and mosques and this and that? We’ve had enough of them. What have they done? You see, we should see the work they have done. What work have they done? Nothing. Just some way or other they make money, I don’t know how and they build very nice big, big temples, that’s all. That’s not going to achieve anything. There is a saying that: "The one who meets you God is a real master." The rest is all nonsense. What is there in building this place or that place? You see. In India, one king built Taj Mahal. So what? We cannot call him godly person or a religious person? All right? He built a big Taj Mahal, finished. Or there’s building tower of Pizza. So, what? We don’t call them godly people. All right, they are building nice buildings, allright good idea. But they are not religious people.[Shri Mataji is laughing] It’s logically. Logically when you reach that point you will understand that first thing is that it has to be spiritual. And spiritual doesn’t mean talk, talk, talk, talk spiritual. People talk too much. It’s his talk has been too much. What have they done to human beings?I tell you once I was travelling by plane, but two Bahayi sitting, one this side and one that side. Both were emitting such horrible heat from their body that I have to get up and go to another. And both were fighting.You must see their disciples, you must see the people who are following that person. What sort of a life they lead? Are they moral people? Are they good people? What have they done? What have they achieved? Isn’t it? [A Sahaja Yogi is giving another letter to Shri Mataji that She reads] Shri Mataji: Hah. First is: "Do you believe life after death?" Of course.Of course. There is life after death. But we should worry about the present, not what will happen to us. All right? Once you get your Realization you will just play with your death. It’s nothing. Just a joke. So this is it."Do you believe in Paradise?" Of course. You have to enter into paradise means the kingdom of God which you will enter. All right?"Do you believe religious political mix?" No.But once we have the people who are religiously enlightened, then the government also will be religiously enlightened automatically, isn’t it? Just now this mix-up is not good.So, "who is last prophet in the world?" That I will not tell you. Because this has created lots of problems."Are you vegetarian or are you eating meat?" No, I do eat meat. I cannot be vegetarian and try to understand what’s the use of saving chickens? Am I going to give Realization to the chickens or to goats? This is all fad, vegetarianism, this, that. In India, we have vegetarians, such hot-tempered people they are! That though they are vegetarians, they are good for nothing, useless, absolutely, quarrelsome, fighting. You see, whatever soothes your body, you should eat. But eating is not so important after Sahaja Yoga. You eat whatever you get, you just enjoy yourself, that’s all. You never get bored. It doesn’t become so important.Now are there more questions? Seeker: Yes.[Laughter]Seeker: This is the last one [Shri Mataji is given a paper by quite an aggressive person.]Shri Mataji: Atcha. [All right]. Let’s have it.Seeker: The one dollar says here: "In God we trust." You see here? "In God we trust."Shri Mataji: They all talk like that.Seeker: This is the political dollar.Shri Mataji: Yeah, Yeah.Seeker: A Governmental Dollar,Shri Mataji: Yes, I knowSeeker: It’s not my dollar. It’s political dollar. Called American dollar.Shri Mataji: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.Seeker: All money, they have the: "In God we trust." You know. And what is your meaning-Shri Mataji: I mean this is- .Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: They can writeSeeker: This is political religious and every day, meaning you remember the God, you know, and-Shri Mataji: You’d better ask them. Why do you ask Me?Seeker: No I ask you. This not advertising for Christian and to people always remember the God? It’s here.Shri Mataji: Yeah, must be.Seeker: In America or in the world?Shri Mataji: You see it is true.Seeker: What you’re telling about that?Shri Mataji: I tell you they do it everywhere like this. "In God, we trust." All right, trust then. It’s all right.Seeker: Ok.[Shri Mataji is laughing]Shri Mataji: If God is one what is there to fight? You see your God is the same and their God is the same. This what they don’t realize. There is no Christian God, Muslim God, Hindu God, only one God. Seeker: Following the question before the last one, You know that "apitkin" [unsure] means you shouldn't kill animals. Is it all right?Shri Mataji: I don’t kill.Seeker: Somebody has done it.Shri Mataji: I don’t kill. But they are killed by somebody and there is no harm. We are killing human beings, first, stop that. We are more worried about animals than about human beings. You see, I’m not going to give Realization to animals and if you eat animals, it not going to harm to them. On the contrary, in evolutionary process, they improve. Seeker: Is it all right that because of it, they suffer pain.Shri Mataji: It is alright?Sahaja Yogi: The animals suffer pain when they die. [to the seeker]: You are talking about the animals, they suffer pain when you kill them.Seeker: Yes.Sahaja Yogi: Also the plants, I mean if you-Shri Mataji: Actually, they don’t know the pain part but, you see, they are ways by which you can reduce their pain also. The ways of reducing pain, but we need meat, it’s important. You see, those people who are eating too much heat, should eat vegetarian. Because they are very aggressive people. Those who are not at all eating, like Indians you know, they don’t eat. So, they should eat meat I think, meat. Because they are very weak people.Supposing an Iranian slaps an Indian, he’ll go just flat on the road.[Laughter]Not only that your meat but you have almonds and you have everything in your country. So, you are much healthier people, no doubt. So, if you stop eating that would be alright for you. Doesn’t matter. It’s a balance. We must have a balance.[Cut in the video] [Shri Mataji is given another letter.][Shri Mataji is reading the letter.]1:07:55: No more sound on the video Now, this is a long subject which has been asked that where does the Spirit goes and about Spirit and power of God and the body. Where does Spirit goes and all that. I have given many lectures on this subject which you can always hear, all right? And just now I’ve said you worry about present not the future. All right?So that’s what it is.But this is important to know, which you will know, I have many lectures on this subject. I mean, in English language, I think 4 thousand lectures must be. And I know many other languages. So you can imagine I’ve been lecturing, lecturing all the time and that’s what it. But it is not the lecture that is important. What is important is your Realization.Alright now, should we have the Realization? Audience: Yes.Shri Mataji: Now, My question. [Laughter] Should we have the Realization?Audience: Yes.Shri Mataji: Alright.There is one thing I must tell you at the very outset that I cannot force Self-realization on you. I cannot force. It’s your freedom. Whether you want it or you don’t want it. If you don’t want, then you should leave the hall. But if you want it you’ll get it. But I cannot force. Because this power that I’m telling is the power of pure desire, this power.Other desires, as you know in economics, are not satiable in general. This is the only desire which, of which you may not be aware, which gives you complete satisfaction. So, those who do not want, I cannot force on them. So please, those who do not want to have, should leave the hall and leave others to do it. It takes hardly ten minutes to do it.Seeker: Thank you.Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s it.If somebody asks questions, I know he is going to go out. That’s the sign. Because they just want to have mental acrobats. And these, I’m very good at answering questions because I have been doing this for so many years now. I met all kinds of people but they are all mental acrobats. They’re of no help. What you have to have is your Realization. That’s the main thing.Now, there is one small thing I have to request that you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. There is one simple condition. I should say that they are three conditions which are very very simple. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident that you all will get your Realization through that. That tonight you all will get your Self-realization. Be completely confident about it. Alright, so the first condition is that. So, this condition follows that you should have no guilt of any kind in your mind just now, no guilt. I’ve must seen her. I must have done this. You see I drink, doesn’t matter whatever you might do. To err is human, to forgive is divine. All pervading power of this divine love is the ocean of forgiveness. and at this time, you forgive yourself, completely. Have no guilt for anything whatsoever. Means forget your past. Also, I tell you if you have guilt, what happens at the center we have on the left-hand side catches very badly. When they tell, you are the sinner, This, that. This center catches. Very bad center. And when this center catches you get a disease called angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs, it causes many problems. So, what’s the use of feeling guilty. Now supposing you have done some mistake. Take it, alright. If you have done some mistake, then face it and at that point forget it. Face that, forget it. Don’t keep it here. I mean I have seen people feeling guilty, I drop coffee here. So, doesn’t matter. what is it if you drop coffee? For small small things, they go on worrying. I should not have done this. I should not have done this. Nothing to worry. Whatever you have done is alright and God forgives you. Believe me. He is your father. He wants you to enter into his kingdom. So, you don’t have to really punish yourself and judge yourself. This kundalini will judge. She will judge you. If some people want to come in front they can. There is room here. You can come here. There is room for you. Alright, so the second condition I’ve told you not to feel guilty about anything at this moment please. It’s very important. Because this center is caught, then kundalini cannot pierce to. Then the third condition is even simpler. Is to forgive everyone. Not to think about them. Just don’t think about them, in general. Now logically whether you forgive or you don’t forgive what do you do? You don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. The one who has hurt you or troubled you Is happy, while you are torturing yourself. But at this moment this center here on the optic chiasma is like this and if you have to open, you have to forgive. Otherwise very constricted. If you don’t forgive, kundalini will stop at this point. So please forgive everyone, don’t even think about them. Because It’s a headache. Just saying [UNCLEAR], finished. Just forget. Everyone. You’ll feel much lighter. Just forget. Now as you have seen here, we have two powers, left and right. The left power is the power of desire. Normal desire and kundalini is the power of pure desire. And the right one is the power of action. So, we use our left and right separately. It will hardly take 10 to 15 minutes for you to get realization, absolutely. Not more than that. It’s very simple. Because I said is built in within you, it is there. alright. So first you have to put your left hand towards me like this. you can keep it here. It is recording in any way. Alright. So, and left hand like this and the both feet away from each other. Now you have to sit comfortably, not slouchy but comfortably. You have to sit very comfortably. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to stand on your head and nothing of the kind. you have to be extremely comfortable. Put the left hand like this and the right hand you have to use for nourishing your centers which is showing here, your heart first. In the heart resides the spirit, in the heart. Put it on the knee, it will be better. In the heart reside the spirit. Now please put left hand towards me and right hand inside inside the, alright. Now we keep left hand like this which is suggestive or symbolic that we desire to have our self-realization. Only we move our right hand on the left-hand side. So now, then we take our right hand in the upper portion of abdomen on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of our mastery, mastery. It created by great prophets and great seers and saints. Also, Mohammad Sahib. It’s created by them, by Ali specially. Then we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen and press it hard. Lower portion of it. This is the center of pure divine knowledge. It’s surprising it is here. Pure divine knowledge, which manifests on your central nervous system. By which you know that you have become divine and you can use your power. That starts manifesting. Now raise your right hand on upper portion of your abdomen. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to right, tight hand, right hand. It’s correct. To the right. Now I’ve already told you that when this center is in trouble what happens. Now please raise your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. this is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Full hand, full hand, across like that. Alright. Now please take this hand at the back side of your head, here the back side hold it tight and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this divine power that is Ruh. Now stretch your palm, fully. This is very important. Last center. Stretch your palm and put it on top of your fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood, please put the center of your palm. Now here you have to push back, backward your fingers, so that there is a good pressure on your skull. Now please bend your head. Now here you have to move your skull with the pressure, seven times clockwise. This is the most important center. Bend your head, bend your head. Little bit, Ha. Bend your head. Bend your head, please. Now push back your fingers. You didn’t push back. now that’s all we have to do. You have to now remember to put both feet apart and left hand like this and then you have to close your eyes. Before closing the eyes, I have to tell you that you don’t have to open your eyes till I tell you. Now put your right hand. Please close your eyes. Not very tight. Just mildly. But not open at all. Put your right hand on your heart. Now here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself in your heart not loudly, you can call me mother or Shri Mataji. “Mother, am I the spirit?” You ask yourself. “Mother, am I the spirit?” three times. Now please take down your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times: “Mother, am I my own master?” Ask this question three times. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here is the center which has got six petals. I have to tell you that I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. Please ask six times: “Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure divine knowledge your kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourish higher centers with our self-confidence. So now please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here you have to say ten times with full confidence: “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here we have to say with full confidence twelve times: “Mother, I am the pure spirit.” This all-pervading power, Ruh is the ocean of compassion and love, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistake you commit it forgives your mistakes and completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of Love. So please forgive yourself and raise your hand in the cornet of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence in yourself: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” Say please sixteen times: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have already explained to you whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you make yourself miserable and play into wrong hands. This you have done already to yourself but at this moment if you don’t forgive this center of Agnya will not open and the kundalini won’t come up. So please, please raise your right hand on your forehead across and please put down your head and here please say from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” Say it from your heart. Not how many times. It’s very important. If you don’t say this from your heart, this won’t open and you’ll again miss the chance of self- realization. Now, please take your right hand at the back side of your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the divine power. So please say: “Oh all-pervading divine power or oh Ruh, please forgive me if I have done any mistake knowingly or unknowingly.” Say it again from your heart. Not how many times. Please push back your head, please say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now stretch your palm and put this center of the palm on top of the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers as far as possible. This is very important. There has to be pressure on your skull. Now you bend your head. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So please bend your head and move your skull seven times slowly, saying seven times: “Mother, please give me my self-realization.” say it seven times. Yes, on the head and push back your fingers. Push back and now press it hard and move it seven times. [Shri Mataji Blowing in the Microphone] May God bless you. Now open your eyes. Now please both your hands towards me and watch me without thinking, just try. Can you do it? Watch me without thinking. Now just put this right hand towards me like this and bend your head and with the left hand please see if there is any cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Sometimes it comes very far away also. Don’t put your hand on top of the head but away from it and see for yourself there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head. Some people get it far away as I told you. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. So please forgive. The heat is coming up, it’s alright. Now, try with the left hand again. Put the left hand towards me and put down your head and see for yourself with the right hand and see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Please put the right hand towards me. Bend your head and now see for yourself, if there is a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your heads. See with your left hand. Hmm… Good. Now please both your hands towards the sky and push back your head and ask a question, anyone of these three questions. Ask anyone of them: “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or “Mother, is this the all-pervading power of Ruh? Or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” ask anyone of these questions three times. Push back your heads a little bit. See upward. Alright. Take down your hands. Feel very relaxed first of all. Now all those who have felt cool or hot breeze from their fontanel bone area or on their fingertips or on their palms, please raise both your hands. I know, I know. All the Iranians have got it. May god bless you. May god bless you. You all have got it. Among Islam, Iranians will be the first, I knew will get it. This is Qiyamma. You ask a question: “Mother, is it Qiyamma?” just ask a question. Put your hands: “Mother, is it Qiyamma? Is it our resurrection?” just ask a question. See and there is a shine in your eyes if you see. You can see each other and now you will enjoy. It’s there. Just enjoy yourself. But now you don’t have to pay at all for anything but this is the sprouting as we can call is the beginning, you’ve felt the Ruh. But you have to grow and for that we have a center here where they will call you for a follow on. those who didn’t get also should come. All of you should come and they will see and tell you and teach you and make you experts. Some people become experts within find their styles. But some take about a month and then you start giving realization to other Iranians. You can do it. It’s very simple and it is absurd, you feel free. It’s not that in one lecture you say something and there is a catch nothing. don’t have to pay at all. Any your problem, anyone of your problem. Physical, mental, family, social, anything, any problem. You can write to me. Alright? I’m with you. I’m your Mother. All the time and I love you very much. May God Bless you. Beautiful. Beautiful, He’s got it. He’s got very well. See this gentleman. His vibrations, is very good. You got it. I know you got it. But now don’t waste it. Because you have to come to the collective. It’s a collective happening. It is a collective happening. Supposing it is a nail is cut. It won’t grow. You have to come. Understand. Gradually you know all about it. About me. About everything. She’s got it. She’s got it. Yeah yeah. Let them, let this boy. You see, see on your head. You see on their head. You see. You can see also. AN AUDIENCE: [ UNCLEAR] Shri Mataji: it’s something happening, no doubt. Isn’t it? It’s like the mother earth, now Alright? So, you are the seeds, so you have to sprouted, finished. No obligation, nothing. Is my job, is my job, is my love. I can’t help it. Alright? May God bless you. May God bless you. So when you come, they will tell you all about it. Gradually you have to grow into it. They will tell you all. Watch your faces have changed. Did she feel? No that’s what I know. She’s Got it. You’ve got it now. Alright? [UNCLEAR] thoughtless awareness. Such good vibrations Iranian have special. So, this the real Jihad now. This the second Jihad. Is to evolve. That one Jihad is over now. This is the second Jihad. The first Jihad when Mohammad Sahib had to fight and now it Is the second Jihad when we have become one with Akbar. May God bless you. Thank you.
Shri Virata and Viratangana Puja: I have to have 16,000 children
United States
Shri Virata Viratangana Puja. Los Angeles (USA), 10 October 1993 Today, we are going to celebrate the puja of Virat and Viratangana. North America and South America, as you know is Shri Krishna’s centre of Vishuddhi. And it is very important to know also that all the communications, all the relationships with the whole creation has to be established through this centre of Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi, as you know is the most important centre in your ascent, in a way. Because Sahaja Yoga is not only meant for your ascent but for the ascent of the whole world, and only through Vishuddhi you can achieve it. Even if you get your Self-realization and you get all the powers, unless and until you use your Vishuddhi, it won’t work out. Look at My Vishuddhi also, talking, talking everywhere, keeping communications, Vishuddhi goes out. Also, this Vishuddhi chakra being so important, it is under attack. Attack of the negative force. Today we are going to worship Virat and Viratangana. Virat is the ultimate, the complete development of the Vishuddhi chakra is Virat. And as you know the chakra is here, here at this point (at forhead, above Bindi, at hairline). If this chakra is not alright, you are not collective. You behave in a manner that is not collective. You cannot communicate with other Sahaja yogis. You cannot be friendly, loving and one with other Sahaja yogis, unless and until this center here, Vishuddhi is alright. And it‘s part of the Ekadesha. Vishuddhi is the center of the Ekadesha Rudra. So one has to understand that Virata Shakti is spread all over. We have communications, I mean, I could telephone from here to anyone, and they told me they don’t charge much. You see ist something also from Shri Krishna’s blessing, I think. Because you telephone from anywhere else it is very difficult, and very expensive. Also, most of the communications‘ vehicles like computer, like television, other things also, all those so many of them were developed in this country. So it is the subtle of that ether which communicates us to other worlds. That is one power of Virat. That he is the subtle of that. The second power which we have of Viratangana we can say, because Virat is the kinetic force of, but the source is Viratangana, is everything that brain can do. All thinking, all creativity, all compassion, all kinds of looking after other nations. The other day somebody asked, “Why should we be policemen of the whole world?” You jolly well have to be, because you are Viratas. So you have to look after the law and order of the whole world. You have to look after all the people who are suffering in this world. You have to look after all the suppressions and the wars and the civil wars everywhere - is all your headache, because you are sitting in the land of Virata. So He’s the Father. He is what you call Jehovah. He is Akhbar. So on the brain level, when Kundalini reaches and enlightens your brain, then this science that you know becomes logical, not only that but you know meta science, because the brain which was just knowing science now knows the source of science. The whole thing it can see - clearly. Like you climb up a hill or a mountain, the higher you go you can see the whole vision of the place. In the same way whatever is created out of your brain, anything, you start getting the whole vision of it what they have created. Not only that but you also see what has created that. Now they created United Nations. It had to be here - why? Why in America? Why America is so much worried about United Nations? What is its responsibility? No country will do that. It’s a headache. But they’ll go to Vietnam, they’ll go to Korea. Now they are busy with Bosnia. Everywhere, Somalia. It’s your responsibility because all these things are created by your brain. The human brain has created different nations. So above all we realize that all these nations belong to one world. Once you rise above you see that this was created by us, by our own thinking, by our own projections we have created. So when you go above this you start thinking of one world, because you see that it was one world. It is one world. You start seeing God has created beautiful rivers and beautiful mountains, He never divided. I mean, He wanted to create beauty for you. But then we started thinking, “This is my land, that is my land.” Most of the Americans have come from outside, and the real land owners I don’t know where are they hiding, I seldom see them. Now the responsibility is coming in their heads that we have taken this land and we feel that this is our land, but it belongs to the whole world. Whatever they have done now is coming back. Once you rise higher you start seeing the vision, whatever you have done through your mental projections. People don’t even realize in many countries that this is one world. Mental projection is on another level is that you have created a materialistic world. With this materialistic world you have reduced everything to the level of money. Religion is money, everything is money. Nobody has any respect for anything but for money. And then material things. One starts seeing matter as a source of wealth and source of dignity and a source of great positions, powers. But when you rise higher into Virata’s power you see the stupidity of materialism. What is matter after all? Matter is for making the place beautiful, giving you joy, and this matter is also for expression of your joy to others. When you give them some present, some material thing beautifully made. Then you start thinking also how God has created this beautiful world and you start creating beautiful things in art, in music, drama, even films, everything. But at the material level and at the mental level the projection is linear, it moves like this. As a result, it falls down. So everything, the standard of our expression has fallen down. I know films in the twenties and thirties and forties from the same Hollywood were very different from what they are today. You can’t even see some of them. Then in the same mental projection we see the dramas and the novels and the art, everything has come down, is deteriorated, is not at all joy giving, but it is destructive. It is destroying itself, first of all, and so it is destructive. As a result, we are moving our mind and moving on that decline also, and we also take to things which are destructive. Our standards in everything have gone down. Morality also is an innate blessings to human beings, but he starts putting it on a mental level. When you put it on the mental level people like Freud become Christ, and you start following them and you become nothing but a sex point. In every direction if you see there’s a big decline and you get upset, you don’t understand, how there is such a decline in human nature, how there is a decline in art, decline under treasure, decline on human relationships, in everywhere you find this decline. With money of course, certain things may appear to be smart, fast, like tennis you can say. People used to play tennis for joy, never for money. But now they play for money and after four, five days we find he has gone down, or four, five years he is finished. So the speed has come also into sports because of money. This money has been like a big load has brought down all the beautiful things in its own level. They are not the same level at which they are created. If it was on the same level, Sahaja Yoga would have worked very nicely in America. But it did not, because here is the maximum load on all our creations of our mind, of our mental projections. Whatever direction you will see you will find there is such a decline. We know of lawyers who would be so honest and who would work out something for the person for whom they are fighting. But today you can bribe the lawyers. We know the doctors which would go all out to cure patients, they have lost their sense of ethics. Everybody has lost the sense of ethics. First is this materialism, money and above all, I think, at this time there is a big growth of people because this is a resurrection time. And many types of people are born, thousands and thousands of them are born, who might be like animals or maybe some sort of absolutely idiotic type or maybe some stupid stuff. At this time we have to do resurrection work, means what, that our Virata Shakti has to be enlightened in our brain. So, in Sahaja Yoga when you rise into Virata Shakti you go up and see all these declines, all these falling mental projections, from that height. And also you see yourself, that you had gone into all these nonsensical things. But now you feel that you have come out of it and now you have become like a lotus. Especially the ego part. Ego is extremely strong in modern times. It was never so. It is, I think, the birth of many fighting cocks has come on this earth, and also some of the jungle creatures are also reborn. Because you can’t talk to them. If you say anything they just jump on you. You cannot criticize them, you cannot tell them what’s wrong with you, they’ll just sit on your head. If you say anything they’ll start hitting you. They never want to see what’s wrong with them. It’s impossible to communicate to them because of their ego, and this ego has come because of certain declining nature of the modern time. For example, from childhood a mother starts scolding her child for spoiling her carpet. So carpet becomes more important. So the next day the child gets very angry, he gets the scissors and cuts the carpet to punish the mother. Then they see that the child wants money for something, and they ask him for what. “Because I have seen in the television that there is a bear which has a birth date.” So a new type of devils have come up, they are entrepreneurs, and through their mental projections they take out novel ideas, see like a teddy bear which has a birth date, can you imagine, such a stupid idea. And all the children wanting to buy that. Now if one child buys another must have it. All kinds of things these entrepreneurs do. And people start becoming slaves of them. Like in Paris they started a fashion that you’ll have six inches of skirts. So all other skirts were thrown away. The six inches skirts started. Imagine in that cold, they would wear socks and six inches of skirts. Everybody looks the same. What is so beautiful about it. Whatever they want the entrepreneurs so called, they are called as artists, also as designers, but their designs are just to kill your freedom, just to make you a slave. And all kinds of monkey tricks they play, which you accept. Once you start accepting those monkey tricks, then you don’t also realize that how you have become a slave, and there is no individuality about it. Hairstyle - they will start particular hair style. So everybody goes about with the same hairstyle. Or you go to a hairdresser. [Aside Hindi conversation] Aside: Otherwise it stops when I look at it, but again it comes. That I think, the air also has got ego now. (Shri Mataji blowing into microphone) Alright, thank you very much. So when you rise into your Virata Shakti by the enlightenment of the Kundalini, the Viratangana is the power which gives you a complete vision of the decline into which every mental projection which was idealistic, beautiful has fallen. For example, Abraham Lincoln gave a very great idealistic idea about the state, about democracy. But now many people say that it is demonocracy. Those people who were in Russia, of course they were wrong, but still they had an argument that ‚we don’t want to become democratic because look at America. Nothing is safe, nothing is normal, so what’s the use of becoming democratic country.‘ Aside: Can you hear me there? It's alright! It's alright. After all, we are on a picnic, you see. And we cannot have any problems, because I told him whatever is here is here, and whatever is not, is not here. So if you have any problem, we can’t help it. (Laughter) So you rise to that level, gradually, gradually, first, I don’t know what you see, but you start seeing what’s wrong with your society, what’s wrong with your relationships. Ultimately, you start seeing what’s wrong with you - how you are wrong. That I would say is the higher state where you reach and you start seeing "This is wrong with me". After that you start understanding that you have got powers - Viratangana’s powers. You have got powers. In your brain itself you have got powers, by which you understand the Meta Science, science above science - the meta art. The vulgarity of art. Discrimination starts working, you start understanding what is really art, what is not. You start enjoying that art. And the enjoyment of Nirananda, you get it when you rise above and see the whole thing in a different perspective. First of all, you see it as a drama, as a witness. And you laugh, you see. I was telling a joke about a lady who was interviewed for doing some art with the mehndi on the hand. She’s an Indian lady from India. So the interviewer asked her, “But what about the foreigners, how do they react, Americans, how do they react?“ She said that they ask very funny questions. „Funny questions?“ „Yes, they ask me, “What is this?”“ So I said, “This is my Suhaag (Shri Mataji pointing at Bindi), my husband’s symbol, that's why I wear.” So they said, „What about extras?“ She didn’t follow. „What about the extra husbands if you have?“ Now you all are laughing at it, you all Americans are laughing, but at that time point you would not have laughed, because very common. In the same way, everyone, even India or any place where they do absurd things it becomes very obvious and you start seeing it very clearly - very, very clearly that what are we doing, it’s all absurd. But this is not only on mental level, this is what I am going to tell you. It is not just you see the vision, alright, still mental level, then you understand it is wrong, still mental level. But you just don’t do it! You become part and parcel of Virat. When you become part and parcel of Virat then you don’t have to even think, you just see it, and you laugh at it. You just see and you know it is wrong. Is all absurdity. We went to see one temple in India and there were some pujaris, you see, doing puja, puja. So the Indian Sahaja Yogis ran out. I said, “What happened?” “Mother, they are all hypocrites, they have horrible vibrations, how can they do puja, they have horrible - they have all bhoots.“ (Shri Mataji laughing) That’s how we become so powerful, I would not say you are like a light, because light doesn’t see the light, does it? But you see, you are light and you see light. And the third thing that happens to you with this Viratangana - that you humble down. You humble down. You become extremely sweet, obedient, just like children. And you don’t mind anything, anything you don’t mind. That is the state you achieve not as a slave, not out of domination, but it just works in you, it penetrates into your brain, you become that. I’ve seen people who are horrid absolutely, and after some time you can’t even recognize them. How do they change? How do they get the change? What happens to them? It‘s the brain is enlightened, has become the light and you know you have the light. That is his doubtless awareness. You should have no doubts about yourself, that you are a Sahaja Yogi. But some people falsely have. They are bhoots, but they‘ll say, „No we are Sahaja Yogis.“ That’s not the thing. The discretion power becomes so beautiful of the Hamsa Chakra, because they are all connected, Vishuddhi, Hamsa and Virata. They are all connected centers. It is not only that the Virata improves, but Vishuddhi improves and Hamsa. So now what happens that you jump into collectivity. Collectivity is the blessing of Viratangana. She teaches you how to love each other. She teaches you how to enjoy other Sahaja Yogis. She teaches you how to have bhakti in your heart. But that teaching is like innate. If I say She teaches, means you are the disciple and She is the teacher, no, no. You become Viratangana yourself. And the love and the affection and the understanding that you have for each other is remarkable, is very enjoyable and very beautiful. So all that happens, absolutely happens in your brain. That’s how your brain, which is the one which receives all the information and creates all the information, creates all the mental projections, becomes a new vehicle to create a dimension which goes higher, not declining. All of you are part and parcel of that, all of you are part and parcel of that, and all of you are important. All of you have to support that, all of you have to raise it. It is very important, you all should understand your own responsibility. So between South and North America we have to at least have 16,000 Sahaja Yogis. (Applause) Krishna was very clever, He created his 16,000 powers into ladies. Then these 16,000 women were taken away by one king, and he just kept them. So Shri Krishna went and defeated that king and brought all 16,000 powers to himself, very nice. He could do all those tricks, not Me. I have to have 16,000 children, who are human beings and who get this power within them. Not like My own powers I manifest. What is the use? You can’t give realizations to others, you cannot communicate towards others, you cannot do anything with them. So Shri Krishna only told Gita, finished. They were clever people, they didn’t want to face the problem. (Laughter) It’s very difficult. You people have a bad Vishuddhi, I get it. You people have a problem, I get it. It's just collectively to work out. To take you inside My body as a cell and to cleanse it, it’s very, very difficult task, but one has to do it. One has to do it and one will do it. I’m sure one day when you all will be completely aware of Viratangana power within yourself, I don’t know what will happen to this country. As it is I find it is just bubbling now, about to break. It’s a big breakthrough, I find this year, among Sahaja Yogis as well as among the other people. But there was another quality of Shri Krishna was diplomacy, is to be diplomatic. With others you have to be diplomatic. You should not just jump on them and try to oppress them, or in any way try to show that they are nowhere compared to you, no. You should say „we were like you, worse than you.“ Then people are happy. „But see now we have changed.“ Just say - somebody says that, “I was smuggling drugs“, you should say „no I was smuggling even arms, you see”. (Laughter) Then their ego will not be hurt, if their ego is not hurt then it’s easy. So diplomacy also you must learn. Also Diplomacy is a mental projection at a lower level. At a higher level diplomacy is where is your charisma, where you attract people, where you capture them. How you talk to them, how you behave towards them. And also have a compassion, because you are now sitting on the Himalayas, but what about these poor people. In that way if you see the whole thing I am sure you will not feel so much that you are doing this work and that work. Shri Krishna’s whole philosophy is like this, that you should get your “Ghyana”. Ghyana is Ghy means Gnostics, you have to become Gnostics means on your central nervous system you must know it. That’s the first thing. The second thing was because Arjuna was so half-hearted, still he asked Him questions. So he said, “What about Karma?“ Everybody talks of Karma [today]. Again diplomacy. The whole Gita is full of diplomacy and normal human beings can’t understand. So he said, “Yes of course, you must do your karmas, but you have to surrender your karmas at My Lotus Feet.“ No, not possible. Very clever, because as long as you have, “I am doing this, I am doing that” idea, how can you put your karmas onto the feet of Shri Krishna? That means you should get your realization where you know you that you are not doing anything. When that happens that you know you are not doing anything, at that time the karma becomes Akarma. And how you talk, I’ve seen people raising Kundalini saying, “Mother, it doesn’t rise, it doesn’t work.“ You don’t say that, “I am doing it.” You just say, “It doesn’t rise, it doesn’t work out.” - in the third person. Another is about Bhakti, because now we have lots of these Hare Rama’s, and Hare Krishna’s and (unclear) spoiling their Vishuddhi. So for Bhakti He has used only one word. He says, “You give Me flowers, you give Me water, you give Me leaves, I’ll take them.” But while giving what does He say? “But you must do “Ananya Bhakti”.“ “Ananya” means when there is not the other, when you become one with Me, when you are connected. On “Ananya” word He has danced the whole thing, and these stupid people don’t know that they are not connected as yet and they are talking about Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Rama. That’s how they are not connected. They don’t understand that they have to be connected. And this is the trick He has played with all the people that “All right, all right you go on saying Hare Rama, Hare Rama - we’ll see.” So the diplomacy part in His case because He had to bring them to the point that „No, No, this doesn’t work out, No this doesn’t work out.“ So then “Gyana“. Now what is Gyana is they start reading books, no, no. It means 'bodh', means on your central nervous system you have to do it. So how gradually He brought them to that level. In the same way when you are dealing with others you have to work it out that way. And once you work it out that way, you can spread Sahaja Yoga much faster. You’ll be a very light person, everybody will enjoy you and you will have no temper, nothing. We get into temper because we don’t know how to handle the situation. If we know how to handle the situation we’ll never get angry, on the contrary use the anger of another person for your own benefit. All these things you learn through the power of Viratangana. Viratangana gives you the full detachment from every subject of worry. She sucks in all this and throws them in the air. It is Her great power that has really given you such an understanding about life, about yourself. Your own value system has changed. If you see what a change it was for you, all this transformation, everything is the power of Viratangana. And ultimately what She gives you is Nirananda. Is the joy - joy and nothing else but joy. May God bless you! (Shri Mataji compliments Grégoire.) I must give full credit here to Grégoire because he came and struggled and fought, and like Arjuna you see, he felt very desperate and went away. He had to go also in any way. And suddenly as he is gone, I find here it‘s everything so sprouting, so well and people have started taking over the responsibility of working out Sahaja Yoga. But I still remember him at this time, because he was really very desperate and absolutely fed up with the American style of thinking. But now we’ll give him a very good news that how America has improved. (Applause) We have many Sahaja Yogis in America, who have been very dedicated despite all kinds of negative forces and everything. With all the nightmares they have gone through, they are stuck on to Sahaja Yoga and I find that their efforts are now showing results. I will not take their names because you know all of them very well, one by one. But I must say that Steven has done a great contribution. I never asked him to come to America. But he himself decided and he himself came here on his own and he has really contributed a lot to Sahaja Yoga by coming here. May God bless you! Of course, your leader is there and all the leaders in every place have been really working very hard and I just see how things have prospered in one year‘s time. It's very creditable. We never had so many people for the Puja. Now, I am quite surprised as all of you being here. Thank you very much.
Shri Virata Viratangana Puja. Los Angeles (USA), 10 October 1993 Today, we are going to celebrate the puja of Virat and Viratangana. North America and South America, as you know is Shri Krishna’s centre of Vishuddhi. And it is very important to know also that all the communications, all the relationships with the whole creation has to be established through this centre of Vishuddhi. Vishuddhi, as you know is the most important centre in your ascent, in a way. Because Sahaja Yoga is not only meant for your ascent but for the ascent of the whole world, and only through Vishuddhi you can achieve it. Even if you get your Self-realization and you get all the powers, unless and until you use your Vishuddhi, it won’t work out. Look at My Vishuddhi also, talking, talking everywhere, keeping communications, Vishuddhi goes out. Also, this Vishuddhi chakra being so important, it is under attack. Attack of the negative force. Today we are going to worship Virat and Viratangana. Virat is the ultimate, the complete development of the Vishuddhi chakra is Virat. And as you know the chakra is here, here at this point (at forhead, above Bindi, at hairline). If this chakra is not alright, you are not collective. You behave in a manner that is not collective. You cannot communicate with other Sahaja yogis. You cannot be friendly, loving and one with other Sahaja yogis, unless and until this center here, Vishuddhi is alright. And it‘s part of the Ekadesha. Vishuddhi is the center of the Ekadesha Rudra. So one has to understand that Virata Shakti is spread all over. We have communications, I mean, I could telephone from here to anyone, and they told me they don’t charge much. You see ist something also from Shri Krishna’s blessing, I think. Because you telephone from anywhere else it is very difficult, and very expensive. Also, most of the communications‘ vehicles like computer, like television, other things also, all those so many of them were developed in this country. So it is the subtle of that ether which communicates us to other worlds. That is one power of Virat. That he is the subtle of that. The second power which we have of Viratangana we can say, because Virat is the kinetic force of, but the source is Viratangana, is everything that brain can do. All thinking, all creativity, all compassion, all kinds of looking after other nations. The other day somebody asked, “Why should we be policemen of the whole world?” You jolly well have to be, because you are Viratas. So you have to look after the law and order of the whole world. You have to look after all the people who are suffering in this world. You have to look after all the suppressions and the wars and the civil wars everywhere - is all your headache, because you are sitting in the land of Virata. So He’s the Father. He is what you call Jehovah. He is Akhbar. So on the brain level, when Kundalini reaches and enlightens your brain, then this science that you know becomes logical, not only that but you know meta science, because the brain which was just knowing science now knows the source of science. The whole thing it can see - clearly. Like you climb up a hill or a mountain, the higher you go you can see the whole vision of the place. In the same way whatever is created out of your brain, anything, you start getting the whole vision of it what they have created. Not only that but you also see what has created that. Now they created United Nations. It had to be here - why? Why in America? Why America is so much worried about United Nations? What is its responsibility? No country will do that. It’s a headache. But they’ll go to Vietnam, they’ll go to Korea. Now they are busy with Bosnia. Everywhere, Somalia. It’s your responsibility because all these things are created by your brain. The human brain has created different nations. So above all we realize that all these nations belong to one world. Once you rise above you see that this was created by us, by our own thinking, by our own projections we have created. So when you go above this you start thinking of one world, because you see that it was one world. It is one world. You start seeing God has created beautiful rivers and beautiful mountains, He never divided. I mean, He wanted to create beauty for you. But then we started thinking, “This is my land, that is my land.” Most of the Americans have come from outside, and the real land owners I don’t know where are they hiding, I seldom see them. Now the responsibility is coming in their heads that we have taken this land and we feel that this is our land, but it belongs to the whole world. Whatever they have done now is coming back. Once you rise higher you start seeing the vision, whatever you have done through your mental projections. People don’t even realize in many countries that this is one world. Mental projection is on another level is that you have created a materialistic world. With this materialistic world you have reduced everything to the level of money. Religion is money, everything is money. Nobody has any respect for anything but for money. And then material things. One starts seeing matter as a source of wealth and source of dignity and a source of great positions, powers. But when you rise higher into Virata’s power you see the stupidity of materialism. What is matter after all? Matter is for making the place beautiful, giving you joy, and this matter is also for expression of your joy to others. When you give them some present, some material thing beautifully made. Then you start thinking also how God has created this beautiful world and you start creating beautiful things in art, in music, drama, even films, everything. But at the material level and at the mental level the projection is linear, it moves like this. As a result, it falls down. So everything, the standard of our expression has fallen down. I know films in the twenties and thirties and forties from the same Hollywood were very different from what they are today. You can’t even see some of them. Then in the same mental projection we see the dramas and the novels and the art, everything has come down, is deteriorated, is not at all joy giving, but it is destructive. It is destroying itself, first of all, and so it is destructive. As a result, we are moving our mind and moving on that decline also, and we also take to things which are destructive. Our standards in everything have gone down. Morality also is an innate blessings to human beings, but he starts putting it on a mental level. When you put it on the mental level people like Freud become Christ, and you start following them and you become nothing but a sex point. In every direction if you see there’s a big decline and you get upset, you don’t understand, how there is such a decline in human nature, how there is a decline in art, decline under treasure, decline on human relationships, in everywhere you find this decline. With money of course, certain things may appear to be smart, fast, like tennis you can say. People used to play tennis for joy, never for money. But now they play for money and after four, five days we find he has gone down, or four, five years he is finished. So the speed has come also into sports because of money. This money has been like a big load has brought down all the beautiful things in its own level. They are not the same level at which they are created. If it was on the same level, Sahaja Yoga would have worked very nicely in America. But it did not, because here is the maximum load on all our creations of our mind, of our mental projections. Whatever direction you will see you will find there is such a decline. We know of lawyers who would be so honest and who would work out something for the person for whom they are fighting. But today you can bribe the lawyers. We know the doctors which would go all out to cure patients, they have lost their sense of ethics. Everybody has lost the sense of ethics. First is this materialism, money and above all, I think, at this time there is a big growth of people because this is a resurrection time. And many types of people are born, thousands and thousands of them are born, who might be like animals or maybe some sort of absolutely idiotic type or maybe some stupid stuff. At this time we have to do resurrection work, means what, that our Virata Shakti has to be enlightened in our brain. So, in Sahaja Yoga when you rise into Virata Shakti you go up and see all these declines, all these falling mental projections, from that height. And also you see yourself, that you had gone into all these nonsensical things. But now you feel that you have come out of it and now you have become like a lotus. Especially the ego part. Ego is extremely strong in modern times. It was never so. It is, I think, the birth of many fighting cocks has come on this earth, and also some of the jungle creatures are also reborn. Because you can’t talk to them. If you say anything they just jump on you. You cannot criticize them, you cannot tell them what’s wrong with you, they’ll just sit on your head. If you say anything they’ll start hitting you. They never want to see what’s wrong with them. It’s impossible to communicate to them because of their ego, and this ego has come because of certain declining nature of the modern time. For example, from childhood a mother starts scolding her child for spoiling her carpet. So carpet becomes more important. So the next day the child gets very angry, he gets the scissors and cuts the carpet to punish the mother. Then they see that the child wants money for something, and they ask him for what. “Because I have seen in the television that there is a bear which has a birth date.” So a new type of devils have come up, they are entrepreneurs, and through their mental projections they take out novel ideas, see like a teddy bear which has a birth date, can you imagine, such a stupid idea. And all the children wanting to buy that. Now if one child buys another must have it. All kinds of things these entrepreneurs do. And people start becoming slaves of them. Like in Paris they started a fashion that you’ll have six inches of skirts. So all other skirts were thrown away. The six inches skirts started. Imagine in that cold, they would wear socks and six inches of skirts. Everybody looks the same. What is so beautiful about it. Whatever they want the entrepreneurs so called, they are called as artists, also as designers, but their designs are just to kill your freedom, just to make you a slave. And all kinds of monkey tricks they play, which you accept. Once you start accepting those monkey tricks, then you don’t also realize that how you have become a slave, and there is no individuality about it. Hairstyle - they will start particular hair style. So everybody goes about with the same hairstyle. Or you go to a hairdresser. [Aside Hindi conversation] Aside: Otherwise it stops when I look at it, but again it comes. That I think, the air also has got ego now. (Shri Mataji blowing into microphone) Alright, thank you very much. So when you rise into your Virata Shakti by the enlightenment of the Kundalini, the Viratangana is the power which gives you a complete vision of the decline into which every mental projection which was idealistic, beautiful has fallen. For example, Abraham Lincoln gave a very great idealistic idea about the state, about democracy. But now many people say that it is demonocracy. Those people who were in Russia, of course they were wrong, but still they had an argument that ‚we don’t want to become democratic because look at America. Nothing is safe, nothing is normal, so what’s the use of becoming democratic country.‘ Aside: Can you hear me there? It's alright! It's alright. After all, we are on a picnic, you see. And we cannot have any problems, because I told him whatever is here is here, and whatever is not, is not here. So if you have any problem, we can’t help it. (Laughter) So you rise to that level, gradually, gradually, first, I don’t know what you see, but you start seeing what’s wrong with your society, what’s wrong with your relationships. Ultimately, you start seeing what’s wrong with you - how you are wrong. That I would say is the higher state where you reach and you start seeing "This is wrong with me". After that you start understanding that you have got powers - Viratangana’s powers. You have got powers. In your brain itself you have got powers, by which you understand the Meta Science, science above science - the meta art. The vulgarity of art. Discrimination starts working, you start understanding what is really art, what is not. You start enjoying that art. And the enjoyment of Nirananda, you get it when you rise above and see the whole thing in a different perspective. First of all, you see it as a drama, as a witness. And you laugh, you see. I was telling a joke about a lady who was interviewed for doing some art with the mehndi on the hand. She’s an Indian lady from India. So the interviewer asked her, “But what about the foreigners, how do they react, Americans, how do they react?“ She said that they ask very funny questions. „Funny questions?“ „Yes, they ask me, “What is this?”“ So I said, “This is my Suhaag (Shri Mataji pointing at Bindi), my husband’s symbol, that's why I wear.” So they said, „What about extras?“ She didn’t follow. „What about the extra husbands if you have?“ Now you all are laughing at it, you all Americans are laughing, but at that time point you would not have laughed, because very common. In the same way, everyone, even India or any place where they do absurd things it becomes very obvious and you start seeing it very clearly - very, very clearly that what are we doing, it’s all absurd. But this is not only on mental level, this is what I am going to tell you. It is not just you see the vision, alright, still mental level, then you understand it is wrong, still mental level. But you just don’t do it! You become part and parcel of Virat. When you become part and parcel of Virat then you don’t have to even think, you just see it, and you laugh at it. You just see and you know it is wrong. Is all absurdity. We went to see one temple in India and there were some pujaris, you see, doing puja, puja. So the Indian Sahaja Yogis ran out. I said, “What happened?” “Mother, they are all hypocrites, they have horrible vibrations, how can they do puja, they have horrible - they have all bhoots.“ (Shri Mataji laughing) That’s how we become so powerful, I would not say you are like a light, because light doesn’t see the light, does it? But you see, you are light and you see light. And the third thing that happens to you with this Viratangana - that you humble down. You humble down. You become extremely sweet, obedient, just like children. And you don’t mind anything, anything you don’t mind. That is the state you achieve not as a slave, not out of domination, but it just works in you, it penetrates into your brain, you become that. I’ve seen people who are horrid absolutely, and after some time you can’t even recognize them. How do they change? How do they get the change? What happens to them? It‘s the brain is enlightened, has become the light and you know you have the light. That is his doubtless awareness. You should have no doubts about yourself, that you are a Sahaja Yogi. But some people falsely have. They are bhoots, but they‘ll say, „No we are Sahaja Yogis.“ That’s not the thing. The discretion power becomes so beautiful of the Hamsa Chakra, because they are all connected, Vishuddhi, Hamsa and Virata. They are all connected centers. It is not only that the Virata improves, but Vishuddhi improves and Hamsa. So now what happens that you jump into collectivity. Collectivity is the blessing of Viratangana. She teaches you how to love each other. She teaches you how to enjoy other Sahaja Yogis. She teaches you how to have bhakti in your heart. But that teaching is like innate. If I say She teaches, means you are the disciple and She is the teacher, no, no. You become Viratangana yourself. And the love and the affection and the understanding that you have for each other is remarkable, is very enjoyable and very beautiful. So all that happens, absolutely happens in your brain. That’s how your brain, which is the one which receives all the information and creates all the information, creates all the mental projections, becomes a new vehicle to create a dimension which goes higher, not declining. All of you are part and parcel of that, all of you are part and parcel of that, and all of you are important. All of you have to support that, all of you have to raise it. It is very important, you all should understand your own responsibility. So between South and North America we have to at least have 16,000 Sahaja Yogis. (Applause) Krishna was very clever, He created his 16,000 powers into ladies. Then these 16,000 women were taken away by one king, and he just kept them. So Shri Krishna went and defeated that king and brought all 16,000 powers to himself, very nice. He could do all those tricks, not Me. I have to have 16,000 children, who are human beings and who get this power within them. Not like My own powers I manifest. What is the use? You can’t give realizations to others, you cannot communicate towards others, you cannot do anything with them. So Shri Krishna only told Gita, finished. They were clever people, they didn’t want to face the problem. (Laughter) It’s very difficult. You people have a bad Vishuddhi, I get it. You people have a problem, I get it. It's just collectively to work out. To take you inside My body as a cell and to cleanse it, it’s very, very difficult task, but one has to do it. One has to do it and one will do it. I’m sure one day when you all will be completely aware of Viratangana power within yourself, I don’t know what will happen to this country. As it is I find it is just bubbling now, about to break. It’s a big breakthrough, I find this year, among Sahaja Yogis as well as among the other people. But there was another quality of Shri Krishna was diplomacy, is to be diplomatic. With others you have to be diplomatic. You should not just jump on them and try to oppress them, or in any way try to show that they are nowhere compared to you, no. You should say „we were like you, worse than you.“ Then people are happy. „But see now we have changed.“ Just say - somebody says that, “I was smuggling drugs“, you should say „no I was smuggling even arms, you see”. (Laughter) Then their ego will not be hurt, if their ego is not hurt then it’s easy. So diplomacy also you must learn. Also Diplomacy is a mental projection at a lower level. At a higher level diplomacy is where is your charisma, where you attract people, where you capture them. How you talk to them, how you behave towards them. And also have a compassion, because you are now sitting on the Himalayas, but what about these poor people. In that way if you see the whole thing I am sure you will not feel so much that you are doing this work and that work. Shri Krishna’s whole philosophy is like this, that you should get your “Ghyana”. Ghyana is Ghy means Gnostics, you have to become Gnostics means on your central nervous system you must know it. That’s the first thing. The second thing was because Arjuna was so half-hearted, still he asked Him questions. So he said, “What about Karma?“ Everybody talks of Karma [today]. Again diplomacy. The whole Gita is full of diplomacy and normal human beings can’t understand. So he said, “Yes of course, you must do your karmas, but you have to surrender your karmas at My Lotus Feet.“ No, not possible. Very clever, because as long as you have, “I am doing this, I am doing that” idea, how can you put your karmas onto the feet of Shri Krishna? That means you should get your realization where you know you that you are not doing anything. When that happens that you know you are not doing anything, at that time the karma becomes Akarma. And how you talk, I’ve seen people raising Kundalini saying, “Mother, it doesn’t rise, it doesn’t work.“ You don’t say that, “I am doing it.” You just say, “It doesn’t rise, it doesn’t work out.” - in the third person. Another is about Bhakti, because now we have lots of these Hare Rama’s, and Hare Krishna’s and (unclear) spoiling their Vishuddhi. So for Bhakti He has used only one word. He says, “You give Me flowers, you give Me water, you give Me leaves, I’ll take them.” But while giving what does He say? “But you must do “Ananya Bhakti”.“ “Ananya” means when there is not the other, when you become one with Me, when you are connected. On “Ananya” word He has danced the whole thing, and these stupid people don’t know that they are not connected as yet and they are talking about Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Hare Rama. That’s how they are not connected. They don’t understand that they have to be connected. And this is the trick He has played with all the people that “All right, all right you go on saying Hare Rama, Hare Rama - we’ll see.” So the diplomacy part in His case because He had to bring them to the point that „No, No, this doesn’t work out, No this doesn’t work out.“ So then “Gyana“. Now what is Gyana is they start reading books, no, no. It means 'bodh', means on your central nervous system you have to do it. So how gradually He brought them to that level. In the same way when you are dealing with others you have to work it out that way. And once you work it out that way, you can spread Sahaja Yoga much faster. You’ll be a very light person, everybody will enjoy you and you will have no temper, nothing. We get into temper because we don’t know how to handle the situation. If we know how to handle the situation we’ll never get angry, on the contrary use the anger of another person for your own benefit. All these things you learn through the power of Viratangana. Viratangana gives you the full detachment from every subject of worry. She sucks in all this and throws them in the air. It is Her great power that has really given you such an understanding about life, about yourself. Your own value system has changed. If you see what a change it was for you, all this transformation, everything is the power of Viratangana. And ultimately what She gives you is Nirananda. Is the joy - joy and nothing else but joy. May God bless you! (Shri Mataji compliments Grégoire.) I must give full credit here to Grégoire because he came and struggled and fought, and like Arjuna you see, he felt very desperate and went away. He had to go also in any way. And suddenly as he is gone, I find here it‘s everything so sprouting, so well and people have started taking over the responsibility of working out Sahaja Yoga. But I still remember him at this time, because he was really very desperate and absolutely fed up with the American style of thinking. But now we’ll give him a very good news that how America has improved. (Applause) We have many Sahaja Yogis in America, who have been very dedicated despite all kinds of negative forces and everything. With all the nightmares they have gone through, they are stuck on to Sahaja Yoga and I find that their efforts are now showing results. I will not take their names because you know all of them very well, one by one. But I must say that Steven has done a great contribution. I never asked him to come to America. But he himself decided and he himself came here on his own and he has really contributed a lot to Sahaja Yoga by coming here. May God bless you! Of course, your leader is there and all the leaders in every place have been really working very hard and I just see how things have prospered in one year‘s time. It's very creditable. We never had so many people for the Puja. Now, I am quite surprised as all of you being here. Thank you very much.
How are we to know who is the master and who is not?
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
Public Program in Los Angeles 11-10-1993 Mother speaking in English: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know, that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot conceptualize it, unfortunately at this human awareness, we cannot know it also. Whatever I am going to tell you today; please do not accept it blindfolded, we have harmed ourselves very much by accepting everything blindfolded. But if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, emotions, but you are a pure spirit and the second truth is, there is a all-pervading power of divine love which is called by many names which does all the living work. For example, you see these flowers here, they are so beautiful, but it’s a miracle, the way our heart runs we never ask who runs our heat, but if you ask the doctors, they will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto. We accept everything for granted. Also, if you see all the problems of this world, most of them come from human beings most of them.So, we ask, what to do to solve these problems of human beings. All these problems come from these centres, which are placed within us, these centres, if they go into jeopardy, then we have problem of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual type. If you can put these centres into proper shapes somehow, then human problems can be solved, your problems can be solved. As you are already told that there is a power in this triangle bone called as “Sacrum”. Sacrum means sacred, that means the Greek knew about this power that existed in the triangular bone at the base of your spinal cord, which is called as Sacrum. This power is the residual power within us, it’s like a premule in the seed, and when the seed is awakened, this premule rises upward against the gravity. In the same way, this power rises through six centres not the seventh one, six centres, it goes up to the fontanel bone area and pierces through this fontanel bone area, which is the soft bone, and connects you to this all-pervading power. It’s a living process. It’s a living evolutionary process, so far, we have become human beings, but we have to still evolve to this stage of spirit where we are connected with this all-pervading power. We have heard about it but we have never felt it before, tonight is the time when we are all going to feel it and we are going to be the spirits. This evolutionary process was already predicted long time back. I know you have been seeking, you are all seekers, I respect you for that very much and I love you. This civilisation has grown so big, we have all kinds of things, produced through our mental projections, but they are all declining, because they are just mental projections not substantiated by truth. We do not know the absolute Truth, if we know the absolute Truth, then everybody will know the same because Truth is one. You see me sitting here all of you, its accepted, I am sitting here, so everybody sees the same truth there will be no quarrel, no fight, no war, but we have not yet known the absolute truth. This is a fact, and because of that, all these problems are there. We turn to science, science is amoral, it is with matter, I am talking of spirits, not of matter. But it cannot answer many questions like; why are we on this earth? What is the purpose of our life on this earth? It does not answer this question and that’s why you are seeking, you may know, you may not know why you are seeking. You are seeking because you fall on to find out your identity, your purpose of life. Now look at this instrument, this instrument was made for a purpose, but if it is not connected to the mains, it won’t work. It has no identity it has no meaning.(You could come here, you could, you must sit somewhere, standing for a long time)So, we try to find our identity, I have known so many facts come in and go. I have seen people doing all kinds of things to find their identity, but these are all mental projections, you have to go beyond the mind and for that, when they tell you that you carry your body from here or you get possessed, this is not true, this doesn’t do any good to you. It’s not benevolent nor does it transform you. But as a result of this happening, what happens not only that you can feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips for the first time, but also, you feel the peace within you. A thought rises and falls down another thought rises and falls down, in between these thoughts, there is a little space. The thought comes from the future or from the past, we cannot be in the present. We jump on the cusp of these thoughts all the time. But, when Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts, there is a big space, that’s the space of presence, present, and at that time you become thoughtless but completely aware, thoughtlessly aware, this is described in Sanskrit language as Nirvichar Samadhi.The civilisation that has grown soon like a big tree must find its roots. To my mind, east and west are not two areas, but one, connected to each other; like the roots are connected to the tree. So, this knowledge, if it comes from India, you should not feel like that it’s something to be shy, because this is the knowledge of the roots of the spirit, not that it is not mentioned in the bible, tree of life, “I will appear before you like tons of flames”. Its mentioned in the Quran, very nicely in the Quran is described that “At the time of resurrection, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you”. All these things have been already described and this is what we have to have because its promised. Of course, there are certain absurd things also which we don’t understand that at the time of resurrection, the dead bodies will come out of the graves, and they will get their resurrection, what is the remains in them… of the dead bodies in the graves. It’s just some bones or something the bones are not going to come out. Logically it does not fit into our minds, but it’s not true, many souls will be taking birth, many souls will be taking birth in those days of their resurrection. I call it a blossom time because many flowers have to become the fruits, they call it last judgement, Qayama. There are many names for these special times of, modern times called as Kaliyuga. At this time, it is already predicted that many seekers will be born, many souls will be born and they will get their resurrection. It’s already been predicted thousands of years back in India and the time has come today for you to achieve your realization. I have already told you it’s a living process of evolution, now we have become human beings, what did we do about it? nothing. What? How much did we pay for it? Nothing. You can’t pay for it this is one thing, today they asked me a question in television “how are we to know who is the master and who is not? It’s very simple, you just go and meet their disciples and see how are they? What are they doing? What have they achieved? What is their knowledge? And the second is don’t listen to anybody who takes money from you for their realization, because you can’t pay. This mother earth has given us these beautiful flowers. How much do we pay to that mother earth? she doesn’t understand money. In the same way, god doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t understand banking,’s a headache of human beings.So, this is a very very simple method which works out of spontaneously, it will it was done in India by many masters but the tradition was that one master would give realization to only one disciple. Till the sixteenth twelfth century it was so, but a great poet and a great enlightened soul called Gyaneshwara, wrote the explanation of Geeta, in which the sixth chapter, he has talked about Kundalini very clearly, but the people in charge of the religion said that this chapter is condemned Nishiddh, you can’t read it because you can’t understand, because they didn’t know how to do it you see. So very good at the helm of affairs, they all made money from the very beginning and even now they are making money you see. So we turn to religion and what do we find that they are money oriented or power oriented, and we get shocked they are not spirit oriented. After that in the sixteenth century, many great saints wrote about the Kundalini, the realization, and what happens but nobody understood it because it was in poetry and they thought that it’s all some sort of a romantic song because human mind is so perverted that it cannot see things through sometimes that it is the song of the spirit. As I said the time has come to have your self-realization for which you don’t have to pay, there is no effort needed much for this.Now, what happens, is first that you get your peace within yourself, I have met many people who have got peace awards, they are heads of peace organizations but they are so hot tempered, that if you have to approach them better take a Barch pole. I wonder how did they get this award for peace, if there is no peace within what peace are you going to establish, just by having conferences and ummm..doing some lip service. Then the second thing that happens to you, which is very remarkable is that physically you get cured, you get cured definitely I must tell you that there are 3 doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They had to take only one or two subjects, so they showed Asthma, Epilepsy, Physical fitness and all that, but they have got their MD and there are many doctors now all over the world who are practising Sahaja Yoga. In Russia we have 200 doctors who are practising Sahaja Yoga, definitely it cures. I have seen people cured of cancer, of so many psychosomatic diseases which cannot be normally cured by medicines, it’s a psychosomatic, because as you know that their specialization and in the medical science there is one doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye, so how can they have psychosomatic, which is the combination of two systems. But, in Sahaja Yoga the cure is in totality, in totality, and thus people have been cured by that, but this is nothing, this is like a chocolate for a medicine, one talks that you can get cured so many people come for getting cured. They get cured but they are not good lights, they just come for getting cured, and after that they disappear.So, the common sense is that, you should only look after the lights and repair lights which can give lights to others, but the compassion runs ahead of one’s wisdom. You start curing people but it’s sometimes very disappointing, the way people only are bothered about their curing which is a physical aspect. Then mentally also many people have been cured, lunatic people have been cured, schizophrenic people have been cured all kinds of mental diseases have been cured through Sahaja Yoga. It’s your own power that cures, it is nobody else’s power, but it is your own power, which is in the triangular bone, which cures you physically and mentally. There is also another side is the spiritual, you know you have been seeking and so many have been ruined by these false gurus, not only your purses, but also your Kundalini has been touched. I wouldn’t mind the purse being touched, because these days people only believe in money somehow or the other, but they have spoiled your Kundalini also, and thus they have made money no doubt but it’s a sinful thing to spoil somebodies Kundalini and that’s how you have been really tempted by people who have nice gimmicks or who might be having a nice advertisement, or paying money for a big show. It’s so much in the air because there’s a market, so many seekers are born and all these seekers are being used for the greed and the lust of this horrible false gurus.I came here you will be surprised in the year 1972, and that time I found that the people were extremely in a different mood of seeking, even the media was very different. I went to Boston and they asked; me television people “how many rolls Royce’s you have?” I said I have no rolls Royce’s, they said what is you have no rolls Royce’s then what are you doing? I said I am giving self-realization, you have no business I said no, then they are not interested they said, if you have no business. That time if you do not pay them then it’s a hocus pocus. All the way I came from India and for them it was hocus pocus and at least in this life of mine there is no problem because I have a bonafide. My husband is a very highly placed man, I have everything, I come from a rich family from a royal family. Why should I go all over to do this kind of work, there is no need for me, but the people who came from jail from India wore those dresses. You call them Kashaya; you call them Saffron orange; whatever it is, and people started running after them. So superficial is the sensitivity, was the sensitivity to these useless people and they followed them, paid them money, became beggars, even now there are so many.The other day I saw this TM. I know everything about this TM people don’t go near them, its marketing, in the beginning they used to sell their mantras, and for that they have three mantras “Inga Pinga Thinga”. Now you tell any Indian, they will laugh and it was very sacred, they had to pass through seven rooms to see your master and he will tell in your ear’s a mantra like Inga Pinga Thinga. And the meaning of the word Inga is not even Sanskrit, but Inga means the scorpion bite is Inga. Pinga means when the person gets possessed and goes round and round, and Thinga means when you show like this (thumb), and people paid 300 pounds for that, I mean British has some sense I thought, they paid 300 I don’t know how many you paid, and then a gentlemen who was head of their flying squad, I mean I should was called them as academy of flight, where they were going to teach people how to move 3 feet above the ground. Actually, nobody did that, they broke their bottoms, and put cases against them and some of them got money also because they had made so much money, but what’s the need. We should also understand what’s the need to move at three feet, already we have jam on the road you see, we can’t reach any place in time and this 3 feet height movement of human being. And nowadays, there is a lecture going on by one Dr. Deepak something Chawda or something, he has written books also and he made some, he says that we should use the power of the mind, it is just mesmerism, so the person takes a pendulum and with his power he moves the pendulum like that, I mean is it something great to move the pendulum? Are we here to move pendulums? Is that the value of our life? I can’t understand how could American, I mean you are only here the refills of triple halls that they said, the people are hahaha he is moving the pendulum. Here you are moving aeroplanes, trains, you are going to the moon, and here one fellow moves the pendulum. I mean I am amazed how could we take to this kind of a non-sense, is that why you are on this earth? Does it answer that question?Nowhere in the scripture it is written, that you move halfway on the streets or you have a pendulum to be moved, all kinds of things these people have done, so you go to religion, and what is a religion now, is nothing but power and spirit-oriented, all the religions have become , sorry power and money-oriented, not spirit oriented, not spirit-oriented at all, then you have great people like evangelist which are blatantly nonsensical. No doubt! what has happened to American brains? You know whatever you accept is accepted all over the world, this is the big problem. We had in India British living there for 300 years, we never accepted their culture, but American culture has reached there, they wear all casual dresses, they live casually just like you people, they eat hamburgers, everything is same thing. Even in Russia, people want to be casual, so this is something one has to understand is absolutely a declining, negative attack of the very very negative people, who are sinister, who are evil. They have no benevolence of ours in their heart, just they want to make money, or to achieve political powers, that’s all.Thus, we reach a point to understand what we should do? what should we have? that is self-realization, which is no lecture, which is no course, no, it’s a happening, its actualisation, it is becoming, but once you become, you are completely transformed. Not only I have seen people giving up their drugs overnight, alcoholism overnight, but the greatest thing is the so called religion which we try to follow, which is not innate for a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Muslim, anybody can commit any sin, there is no binding force of the spirit, but once you become the spirit, you just don’t do wrong things, just don’t do wrong things, your attention becomes so innocent. Normally, you see, I belong to another society, where so called eliteness is there, so called. You flirt, you do all kinds of things, nothing, eyes become steady, innocent and powerful, power of divine love, even a glance of such a person can solve problems. This is what we have to achieve. We are now fed up with all that, that is what happens to us that our attention becomes devoid of greed and lust. With materialism, we have got greed, materialism at its maximum is here, in America, I think. I met one man in the beginning who was a very very rich man, I remember he was supposed to be very rich, so when I got in to the car, he told me be careful my handle is another type, it moves the other way round. I said my god, please tell me how to do it, but I said why did you do it, he said I am an individual, I want to do it the way I liked, all right, but when I went into the bathroom he told me, see you put your foot in such a manner that you don’t jump into the swimming pool. I said my god this is too much, he had buttons for everything, I said I will forget, I am sorry I will not go in this bathroom, I will go to my hotel, it’s very complicated, but he spent his money like this, he told me my tiles are different, my this is different, but he was dressed up like anybody else, I said why you are dressed up like anybody else, you could also have some individual dress, he said “No this is the fashion”. I do the fashion as far as the dress is concerned, so, in a way these entrepreneurs have made slaves out of us. If they take out a six inches of skirts all the ladies will wear six inches of skirts, when it is knowing, I will ask them how do you feel…oh…I feel heated up. This kind of mental attitude has developed through materialism. This materialism has blocked our sensitivity to spirituality. We see a person coming with a big horn and talking in a very unnatural manner, then we are very much impressed. Even in the television they will say, must make a makeup, I say don’t wear makeup and you have to, you have to put red light here and all that. So, artificiality has become the main theme of life and we live with artificiality.Still, inside inside we are suffering, inside we are seeking because it is there, we cannot get over it, whatever you may try that’s why people take to drinking and drugs and all that, because they are not satisfied with themselves. This is how it goes on. Now, this is the power of pure desire, as you know in economics, desires are not satiable in general, today we want to have one thing, once we get it finished, we want to have another thing, another thing, another thing.But this is the power of pure desire, by which, you get something, you feel satisfied. You are satisfied with yourself. You enjoy yourself, you are never bored, never bored. You keep good health, I hope they have told you my age is now going to be 71 years, I am travelling, going around the whole world, nothing happens to me, except for the throat I got, because perhaps all of you have some throat trouble that’s why. In the collectivity I catch, but it is so that you don’t have to go to beauty parlours to become young, you become now, and your ideas change about your personality, about your role in life. You can feel I told you all the centres within yourselves, so you have self-knowledge, also you can feel the centre of others, thus you have a new dimension in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness. In Sanskrit, it is “Samuhik Chetana”, collective consciousness, so you can feel other’s centres also, who is the other? You become part and parcel of the whole, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like one drop falls into the ocean becomes the ocean, that is how you become a collective being. All over the world now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations, whether they are Russians, whether they are Indians, Americans, from anywhere they may be, they are Sahaja yogis, they transcend all these boundaries of their countries, of their races, of their so called religions, and they all become brothers and sisters. Such love, such attention, and enjoyment of your virtues that when you see them, you feel this is a new race that has come up. My husband always said that I am a “Avaliya”, means a great realized soul, no doubt, but I cannot make anybody else, now he sees them and he says these are angels, that’s why in this Los Angeles, we should have angels, many I am sure who are seekers. I always had this faith and first time when I came to America, I came to Los Angeles, but that time I was disappointed. I hope this time, you people will all get your realization tonight and you will grow into it, you will not just treat it in a casual manner, but in a serious manner, because this is the most important time in the history of spirituality, not that you will get your realization, but you will get powers to give realization to others. You will be amazed at your powers, how many powers you have got, you are so fantastic, because you are not connected to the mains, you don’t know what you are. I always give an example of a box of a television you take to a remote village with this no lights and electrical..electricity, who has never seen any electricity, and tell them that out of this box you can see many films, they will say this box? How can this box do it? In the same way, we think about us as boxes, we are not, we are fantastic and everything is built in within us.Like a seed, when you put it in the mother earth sprout by itself, because it is built-in in the seed to sprout, and because the mother earth has the power to sprout it. So, it’s all built-in within us, only thing is now we have to do is to awaken this power of Kundalini and to open it out to that all-pervading power. It’s very simple, this journey of 3 to 4 feet at the most and it takes hardly any time. No one can believe that you are so fantastic, unless and until it happens to you, you will not believe, but even after happening you should not get lost. I remember the parable of Christ, that some seeds got just sprouted and were lost. You should not be one of them, you should respect yourself, you should respect your realization and understand what powers you have. You are capable of so many things, you can cure others, you can cure yourself, always lead a very healthy life, and you create a new society, a new race of people who are realized souls, who are saints, who are angels, that’s what you are here for and I would request you all to have full self-confident about…Confidence about it. The main thing is that, inside is all the knowledge and you will know all the knowledge, everything of the inner being, we have no idea of the knowledge of the inner being. Once you know it, you will be amazed, and once you know how to use it you will be surprised. We have solved most of the problems of the society like marriages, children, and human relationships, all being solved through Sahaja Yoga, it’s very simple, because once you are transformed you are the spirit, you see the truth, the same truth and that’s how you solve your social problems. Immediately you start seeing the problems of your society also, and you start helping the society to improve yourself. It depends on the person who does that, for example, one person in Russia went to his place called Dariyati, it’s an industrial town and he got 22,000 Sahaja yogis, 22,000 Sahaja yogis. I must say one thing, the Russians didn't have all the facilities you have as democracy thank god in a way, because with the democracy you have choices to change your handles and things like that, while their attention was localized, and they are so sensitive about spirituality none of these false gurus could prosper, your Iskcon had gone there, but they have run away I don’t know why, not a single soul you see there. So, one has to understand that because of materialism, our..this spirituality has been little bit numbed.Now, please achieve your realization, grow into it, you can. It’s a very great nation, America, and it’s the centre, this is the centre that’s why I said my throat, when I come to America, it goes off. This is the centre of America, the North and the South America, and this centre has to be collective, it bears the responsibility of the whole body. It’s the collectivity that acts through it, the centre, the other day I heard somebody asked a question “why should America be the police of the whole world? they have to be joined well, because they are Vishuddhi chakra, is the special centre which is very important. So, the awakening will take place in no time, you will feel your thoughtless awareness and your peace in no time, you relax, but you have to come to the collective. We have centres of course; we don’t have Taj Mahal or something because we don’t make money. It’s a simple place where you have to come for your realization, and if you are realized already you have to grow, for that you have to come you don’t have to pay. Normally you see, people have introductory lecture, and after introductory lecture, payment lecture starts, it’s not like that, you don’t have to pay in any way for this knowledge, not at all. You don’t have to pay at all, it’s so simple. So, later on when this is over, you enjoy you feel very happy with yourself, all these things will happen to you, but you have to come to the centre. Supposing a nail is cut out of my finger, then it will never grow, so you have to belong to the whole, it’s a living organism and when you stay with it, you will grow spiritually and then you will be amazed. So many problems are solved, you become very creative, there are many many Indian musicians today, who are so well renowned, they have taken their realization, so many of them not one but so many. So many artists, painters, poems and poetry, people who have never written a single line of poetry start writing poems. You have, as I told you that your religion is so innately enlightened, that you don’t do wrong things, you just do the right things. But above all, you become extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate and at the same time, extremely dynamic, life becomes an enjoyment, complete enjoyment, a person is sick somewhere, all the Sahaja Yogis from all the world, their attention goes there, it’s like if my finger is hurt, the whole attention of my body goes to this, and you know the absolute truth, on your fingertips.You see English language has certain nice things like, on your fingertips you know the Truth, now somebody comes from India or from anywhere, and you just put your hands towards that person, you will know whether he is false or not, immediately, because, if he is false, your finger will start tingling or burning, you will be amazed how it indicates on your fingertips, even the children, they are even better I should say, immediately they will say this is this, immediately they will know what is what. Your marriages improve, we have marriages, at least 100 marriages, international marriages, and seldom 1% at the most fails and they get all the, you will be surprised, children that they are born to, are all realized souls, great children, tremendous, and if you are also realized you understand that and you know how to love them and how to make them grow. So this capacity that is all dormant in you, manifests, and with that manifestation you get a new image of yourself, like in India, a realized soul is called as Dwijaha means born twice, here also they say, twice-born, but it is not a certificate, just you say I am twice-born. What is a twice-born? Like a bird is also called as Dwijaha, because it’s an egg and then it becomes a bird, completely a different thing, that’s what one has to, it has to happen and it is there, and you get it.There are so many things that, in this short lecture I won’t be able to tell you. In this room, there are such beautiful lights, you come here you have to just put the switch on, one switch and all are enlightened. How? Because its built in, in the same way I say it is built in within you I need not tell you the theory, history of this electricity, how it came, then how it came here, and how it was put here, it’s a headache. First you have your light and in the light you see for yourself, it’s like this I have a snake in my hand, its darkness I can’t see and I am an obstinate egoistical person, suppose, then you tell me there is a snake in hand, I will say no it’s a rope, how do you know, but it’s a snake, no, till the snake bites me, I go on holding it as a rope, but if there is little light, I just throw it away. Then you don’t have to tell, in the same way I don’t have to tell you anything, I never said don’t don’t never, no ten commandments such now nothing. You just become, you just see, you become your own master. You become your own guide and you know everything by yourself, I don’t have to tell you, there’s no need for me to guide you, of course, if you write to me, I will guide you. When you go to these centres you will be surprised that within one month, at the most, you all will become masters of Sahaja yoga. You will be able to handle this pure divine energy, the complete knowledge will be your own, I am not telling you a story or something that is fantastic, it’s the fact, so may God bless you.We can understand that I cannot force self-realization on you, I cannot force, because I respect your freedom, the freedom is given to you, this is a question of choice, you want your realization all right, if you don’t want it, I cannot give you self-realization. So, all those who don’t want it, please should leave the hall, because some people are standing outside can be seated also, apart from that it is not civil to watch others when they are meditating, it will hardly take ten minutes once we start it. So, I would request again to people who don’t want their realization should leave the hall and should not bother other people, will be very kind of them and civil of them.Now, we have to take out our shoes, that’s the only thing you have to do just now is to take out your shoes, because this mother earth helps us a lot, I hope you don’t mind that. You have to sit very comfortably; we don’t have to go to Himalayas for that. Don’t have to stand on your heads, just here, on your seat, be comfortable and you will get your realization here tonight. There are three conditions which are very simple: if you understand, you can easily fulfil them, the first condition is that you have to be completely self-confident, completely self-confident, that you will get your self-realization tonight, completely self-confident, all of you. So, it follows the second condition that, please don’t feel guilty at all about anything, not to feel guilty, people might have told you, you are sinners, this that they must be the sinners to say such a thing, you are human beings, and human beings only can make mistakes. You are not God, but when you do some mistakes, all right face it that moment face it off, but don’t carry it on, because if you do that, the centre on the left hand side, the Vishuddhi, South America, I should say, gets into trouble. So much so that you develop spondylitis. You may develop Angina, that’s the disease of the heart, you may develop also lethargic organs, all of them with this one centre going. This has three sides, the one side is the left, right and the centre, but the left side is ruined, then you develop all kinds of these diseases, also cervical cancer as they call it. So, at this moment, please, know that you are not guilty not guilty at all, because this all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed it dissolves it completely.So, just say in your heart I am not guilty at all, I am a human being, and which is a very great thing, because human beings are at the epitome of evolution, they are the ones who are going to get realization, not the chickens and the goats, you are the ones who are going to get your realization, so don’t estimate yourself in such a low value. You are all going to get your realization tonight, whatever may be your race, whatever may be your religion, whatever may have you have done, you all have to get your realization tonight, it’s your right, Sahaja means born with you Saha-Ja born with you is the right to have this yoga, means the union. The second one I have told you is that you should not have any guilt, because it will tie up this centre and the Kundalini won’t rise. Then the last, very important, but very easy thing is to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them, just forgive everyone, now some people say it’s very difficult, it’s very common. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything, what do you do? Nothing! It’s a myth, but when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself, you torture yourself all your life, but at this time specially, the centre of Agnya, which is placed on the Optic Chiasma is like this absolutely constricted, and if you don’t forgive, it won’t open, it won’t open, it will not allow the Kundalini to penetrate, and then so far you have been torturing yourself all your life and now you will miss this great opportunity of self-realization, you don’t have to think about them, just in general you have to say “ I forgive all of them”. This is the third condition, I hope you comply with it, but a promise also in a way that you will be the lights which will be enlightened, which will give lights to others, that you will come to the collective and you will master this art and you will give lights to others. It’s a very big responsibility, because you are the first early people who will be getting this realization and you have to be the channel of this divine love, so far we only had hatred as the power, we use hatred to club people together, but this is the power of divine love, we have never used it, which is the most powerful thing. So please, I would request you to know that if you get your self-realization tonight you will go to our centres and master this even if you don’t get because of some problems, any physical, mental, emotional, maybe something, doesn’t matter, you please go to our centres and get your realization, it’s very simple. Gradually, as you will be growing you will be amazed, the ocean of knowledge that is before you. Also, I have given at least 4000, more than 4000 lectures, only in English language. So all that will be available to you but gradually, because books and reading, or even listening to lectures sometimes become a hindrance, reading too much makes a web of words and you just get lost, you have to go beyond that in the experience of this formless energy which is around us.
Public Program in Los Angeles 11-10-1993 Mother speaking in English: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know, that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot conceptualize it, unfortunately at this human awareness, we cannot know it also. Whatever I am going to tell you today; please do not accept it blindfolded, we have harmed ourselves very much by accepting everything blindfolded. But if it is proved, then as honest people you have to accept. The truth is, that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, emotions, but you are a pure spirit and the second truth is, there is a all-pervading power of divine love which is called by many names which does all the living work. For example, you see these flowers here, they are so beautiful, but it’s a miracle, the way our heart runs we never ask who runs our heat, but if you ask the doctors, they will say it is autonomous nervous system, but who is this auto. We accept everything for granted. Also, if you see all the problems of this world, most of them come from human beings most of them.So, we ask, what to do to solve these problems of human beings. All these problems come from these centres, which are placed within us, these centres, if they go into jeopardy, then we have problem of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual type. If you can put these centres into proper shapes somehow, then human problems can be solved, your problems can be solved. As you are already told that there is a power in this triangle bone called as “Sacrum”. Sacrum means sacred, that means the Greek knew about this power that existed in the triangular bone at the base of your spinal cord, which is called as Sacrum. This power is the residual power within us, it’s like a premule in the seed, and when the seed is awakened, this premule rises upward against the gravity. In the same way, this power rises through six centres not the seventh one, six centres, it goes up to the fontanel bone area and pierces through this fontanel bone area, which is the soft bone, and connects you to this all-pervading power. It’s a living process. It’s a living evolutionary process, so far, we have become human beings, but we have to still evolve to this stage of spirit where we are connected with this all-pervading power. We have heard about it but we have never felt it before, tonight is the time when we are all going to feel it and we are going to be the spirits. This evolutionary process was already predicted long time back. I know you have been seeking, you are all seekers, I respect you for that very much and I love you. This civilisation has grown so big, we have all kinds of things, produced through our mental projections, but they are all declining, because they are just mental projections not substantiated by truth. We do not know the absolute Truth, if we know the absolute Truth, then everybody will know the same because Truth is one. You see me sitting here all of you, its accepted, I am sitting here, so everybody sees the same truth there will be no quarrel, no fight, no war, but we have not yet known the absolute truth. This is a fact, and because of that, all these problems are there. We turn to science, science is amoral, it is with matter, I am talking of spirits, not of matter. But it cannot answer many questions like; why are we on this earth? What is the purpose of our life on this earth? It does not answer this question and that’s why you are seeking, you may know, you may not know why you are seeking. You are seeking because you fall on to find out your identity, your purpose of life. Now look at this instrument, this instrument was made for a purpose, but if it is not connected to the mains, it won’t work. It has no identity it has no meaning.(You could come here, you could, you must sit somewhere, standing for a long time)So, we try to find our identity, I have known so many facts come in and go. I have seen people doing all kinds of things to find their identity, but these are all mental projections, you have to go beyond the mind and for that, when they tell you that you carry your body from here or you get possessed, this is not true, this doesn’t do any good to you. It’s not benevolent nor does it transform you. But as a result of this happening, what happens not only that you can feel this all-pervading power on your fingertips for the first time, but also, you feel the peace within you. A thought rises and falls down another thought rises and falls down, in between these thoughts, there is a little space. The thought comes from the future or from the past, we cannot be in the present. We jump on the cusp of these thoughts all the time. But, when Kundalini rises, she elongates those thoughts, there is a big space, that’s the space of presence, present, and at that time you become thoughtless but completely aware, thoughtlessly aware, this is described in Sanskrit language as Nirvichar Samadhi.The civilisation that has grown soon like a big tree must find its roots. To my mind, east and west are not two areas, but one, connected to each other; like the roots are connected to the tree. So, this knowledge, if it comes from India, you should not feel like that it’s something to be shy, because this is the knowledge of the roots of the spirit, not that it is not mentioned in the bible, tree of life, “I will appear before you like tons of flames”. Its mentioned in the Quran, very nicely in the Quran is described that “At the time of resurrection, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you”. All these things have been already described and this is what we have to have because its promised. Of course, there are certain absurd things also which we don’t understand that at the time of resurrection, the dead bodies will come out of the graves, and they will get their resurrection, what is the remains in them… of the dead bodies in the graves. It’s just some bones or something the bones are not going to come out. Logically it does not fit into our minds, but it’s not true, many souls will be taking birth, many souls will be taking birth in those days of their resurrection. I call it a blossom time because many flowers have to become the fruits, they call it last judgement, Qayama. There are many names for these special times of, modern times called as Kaliyuga. At this time, it is already predicted that many seekers will be born, many souls will be born and they will get their resurrection. It’s already been predicted thousands of years back in India and the time has come today for you to achieve your realization. I have already told you it’s a living process of evolution, now we have become human beings, what did we do about it? nothing. What? How much did we pay for it? Nothing. You can’t pay for it this is one thing, today they asked me a question in television “how are we to know who is the master and who is not? It’s very simple, you just go and meet their disciples and see how are they? What are they doing? What have they achieved? What is their knowledge? And the second is don’t listen to anybody who takes money from you for their realization, because you can’t pay. This mother earth has given us these beautiful flowers. How much do we pay to that mother earth? she doesn’t understand money. In the same way, god doesn’t understand money, he doesn’t understand banking,’s a headache of human beings.So, this is a very very simple method which works out of spontaneously, it will it was done in India by many masters but the tradition was that one master would give realization to only one disciple. Till the sixteenth twelfth century it was so, but a great poet and a great enlightened soul called Gyaneshwara, wrote the explanation of Geeta, in which the sixth chapter, he has talked about Kundalini very clearly, but the people in charge of the religion said that this chapter is condemned Nishiddh, you can’t read it because you can’t understand, because they didn’t know how to do it you see. So very good at the helm of affairs, they all made money from the very beginning and even now they are making money you see. So we turn to religion and what do we find that they are money oriented or power oriented, and we get shocked they are not spirit oriented. After that in the sixteenth century, many great saints wrote about the Kundalini, the realization, and what happens but nobody understood it because it was in poetry and they thought that it’s all some sort of a romantic song because human mind is so perverted that it cannot see things through sometimes that it is the song of the spirit. As I said the time has come to have your self-realization for which you don’t have to pay, there is no effort needed much for this.Now, what happens, is first that you get your peace within yourself, I have met many people who have got peace awards, they are heads of peace organizations but they are so hot tempered, that if you have to approach them better take a Barch pole. I wonder how did they get this award for peace, if there is no peace within what peace are you going to establish, just by having conferences and ummm..doing some lip service. Then the second thing that happens to you, which is very remarkable is that physically you get cured, you get cured definitely I must tell you that there are 3 doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They had to take only one or two subjects, so they showed Asthma, Epilepsy, Physical fitness and all that, but they have got their MD and there are many doctors now all over the world who are practising Sahaja Yoga. In Russia we have 200 doctors who are practising Sahaja Yoga, definitely it cures. I have seen people cured of cancer, of so many psychosomatic diseases which cannot be normally cured by medicines, it’s a psychosomatic, because as you know that their specialization and in the medical science there is one doctor for one eye and another doctor for another eye, so how can they have psychosomatic, which is the combination of two systems. But, in Sahaja Yoga the cure is in totality, in totality, and thus people have been cured by that, but this is nothing, this is like a chocolate for a medicine, one talks that you can get cured so many people come for getting cured. They get cured but they are not good lights, they just come for getting cured, and after that they disappear.So, the common sense is that, you should only look after the lights and repair lights which can give lights to others, but the compassion runs ahead of one’s wisdom. You start curing people but it’s sometimes very disappointing, the way people only are bothered about their curing which is a physical aspect. Then mentally also many people have been cured, lunatic people have been cured, schizophrenic people have been cured all kinds of mental diseases have been cured through Sahaja Yoga. It’s your own power that cures, it is nobody else’s power, but it is your own power, which is in the triangular bone, which cures you physically and mentally. There is also another side is the spiritual, you know you have been seeking and so many have been ruined by these false gurus, not only your purses, but also your Kundalini has been touched. I wouldn’t mind the purse being touched, because these days people only believe in money somehow or the other, but they have spoiled your Kundalini also, and thus they have made money no doubt but it’s a sinful thing to spoil somebodies Kundalini and that’s how you have been really tempted by people who have nice gimmicks or who might be having a nice advertisement, or paying money for a big show. It’s so much in the air because there’s a market, so many seekers are born and all these seekers are being used for the greed and the lust of this horrible false gurus.I came here you will be surprised in the year 1972, and that time I found that the people were extremely in a different mood of seeking, even the media was very different. I went to Boston and they asked; me television people “how many rolls Royce’s you have?” I said I have no rolls Royce’s, they said what is you have no rolls Royce’s then what are you doing? I said I am giving self-realization, you have no business I said no, then they are not interested they said, if you have no business. That time if you do not pay them then it’s a hocus pocus. All the way I came from India and for them it was hocus pocus and at least in this life of mine there is no problem because I have a bonafide. My husband is a very highly placed man, I have everything, I come from a rich family from a royal family. Why should I go all over to do this kind of work, there is no need for me, but the people who came from jail from India wore those dresses. You call them Kashaya; you call them Saffron orange; whatever it is, and people started running after them. So superficial is the sensitivity, was the sensitivity to these useless people and they followed them, paid them money, became beggars, even now there are so many.The other day I saw this TM. I know everything about this TM people don’t go near them, its marketing, in the beginning they used to sell their mantras, and for that they have three mantras “Inga Pinga Thinga”. Now you tell any Indian, they will laugh and it was very sacred, they had to pass through seven rooms to see your master and he will tell in your ear’s a mantra like Inga Pinga Thinga. And the meaning of the word Inga is not even Sanskrit, but Inga means the scorpion bite is Inga. Pinga means when the person gets possessed and goes round and round, and Thinga means when you show like this (thumb), and people paid 300 pounds for that, I mean British has some sense I thought, they paid 300 I don’t know how many you paid, and then a gentlemen who was head of their flying squad, I mean I should was called them as academy of flight, where they were going to teach people how to move 3 feet above the ground. Actually, nobody did that, they broke their bottoms, and put cases against them and some of them got money also because they had made so much money, but what’s the need. We should also understand what’s the need to move at three feet, already we have jam on the road you see, we can’t reach any place in time and this 3 feet height movement of human being. And nowadays, there is a lecture going on by one Dr. Deepak something Chawda or something, he has written books also and he made some, he says that we should use the power of the mind, it is just mesmerism, so the person takes a pendulum and with his power he moves the pendulum like that, I mean is it something great to move the pendulum? Are we here to move pendulums? Is that the value of our life? I can’t understand how could American, I mean you are only here the refills of triple halls that they said, the people are hahaha he is moving the pendulum. Here you are moving aeroplanes, trains, you are going to the moon, and here one fellow moves the pendulum. I mean I am amazed how could we take to this kind of a non-sense, is that why you are on this earth? Does it answer that question?Nowhere in the scripture it is written, that you move halfway on the streets or you have a pendulum to be moved, all kinds of things these people have done, so you go to religion, and what is a religion now, is nothing but power and spirit-oriented, all the religions have become , sorry power and money-oriented, not spirit oriented, not spirit-oriented at all, then you have great people like evangelist which are blatantly nonsensical. No doubt! what has happened to American brains? You know whatever you accept is accepted all over the world, this is the big problem. We had in India British living there for 300 years, we never accepted their culture, but American culture has reached there, they wear all casual dresses, they live casually just like you people, they eat hamburgers, everything is same thing. Even in Russia, people want to be casual, so this is something one has to understand is absolutely a declining, negative attack of the very very negative people, who are sinister, who are evil. They have no benevolence of ours in their heart, just they want to make money, or to achieve political powers, that’s all.Thus, we reach a point to understand what we should do? what should we have? that is self-realization, which is no lecture, which is no course, no, it’s a happening, its actualisation, it is becoming, but once you become, you are completely transformed. Not only I have seen people giving up their drugs overnight, alcoholism overnight, but the greatest thing is the so called religion which we try to follow, which is not innate for a Hindu, or a Christian, or a Muslim, anybody can commit any sin, there is no binding force of the spirit, but once you become the spirit, you just don’t do wrong things, just don’t do wrong things, your attention becomes so innocent. Normally, you see, I belong to another society, where so called eliteness is there, so called. You flirt, you do all kinds of things, nothing, eyes become steady, innocent and powerful, power of divine love, even a glance of such a person can solve problems. This is what we have to achieve. We are now fed up with all that, that is what happens to us that our attention becomes devoid of greed and lust. With materialism, we have got greed, materialism at its maximum is here, in America, I think. I met one man in the beginning who was a very very rich man, I remember he was supposed to be very rich, so when I got in to the car, he told me be careful my handle is another type, it moves the other way round. I said my god, please tell me how to do it, but I said why did you do it, he said I am an individual, I want to do it the way I liked, all right, but when I went into the bathroom he told me, see you put your foot in such a manner that you don’t jump into the swimming pool. I said my god this is too much, he had buttons for everything, I said I will forget, I am sorry I will not go in this bathroom, I will go to my hotel, it’s very complicated, but he spent his money like this, he told me my tiles are different, my this is different, but he was dressed up like anybody else, I said why you are dressed up like anybody else, you could also have some individual dress, he said “No this is the fashion”. I do the fashion as far as the dress is concerned, so, in a way these entrepreneurs have made slaves out of us. If they take out a six inches of skirts all the ladies will wear six inches of skirts, when it is knowing, I will ask them how do you feel…oh…I feel heated up. This kind of mental attitude has developed through materialism. This materialism has blocked our sensitivity to spirituality. We see a person coming with a big horn and talking in a very unnatural manner, then we are very much impressed. Even in the television they will say, must make a makeup, I say don’t wear makeup and you have to, you have to put red light here and all that. So, artificiality has become the main theme of life and we live with artificiality.Still, inside inside we are suffering, inside we are seeking because it is there, we cannot get over it, whatever you may try that’s why people take to drinking and drugs and all that, because they are not satisfied with themselves. This is how it goes on. Now, this is the power of pure desire, as you know in economics, desires are not satiable in general, today we want to have one thing, once we get it finished, we want to have another thing, another thing, another thing.But this is the power of pure desire, by which, you get something, you feel satisfied. You are satisfied with yourself. You enjoy yourself, you are never bored, never bored. You keep good health, I hope they have told you my age is now going to be 71 years, I am travelling, going around the whole world, nothing happens to me, except for the throat I got, because perhaps all of you have some throat trouble that’s why. In the collectivity I catch, but it is so that you don’t have to go to beauty parlours to become young, you become now, and your ideas change about your personality, about your role in life. You can feel I told you all the centres within yourselves, so you have self-knowledge, also you can feel the centre of others, thus you have a new dimension in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness. In Sanskrit, it is “Samuhik Chetana”, collective consciousness, so you can feel other’s centres also, who is the other? You become part and parcel of the whole, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like one drop falls into the ocean becomes the ocean, that is how you become a collective being. All over the world now, Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations, whether they are Russians, whether they are Indians, Americans, from anywhere they may be, they are Sahaja yogis, they transcend all these boundaries of their countries, of their races, of their so called religions, and they all become brothers and sisters. Such love, such attention, and enjoyment of your virtues that when you see them, you feel this is a new race that has come up. My husband always said that I am a “Avaliya”, means a great realized soul, no doubt, but I cannot make anybody else, now he sees them and he says these are angels, that’s why in this Los Angeles, we should have angels, many I am sure who are seekers. I always had this faith and first time when I came to America, I came to Los Angeles, but that time I was disappointed. I hope this time, you people will all get your realization tonight and you will grow into it, you will not just treat it in a casual manner, but in a serious manner, because this is the most important time in the history of spirituality, not that you will get your realization, but you will get powers to give realization to others. You will be amazed at your powers, how many powers you have got, you are so fantastic, because you are not connected to the mains, you don’t know what you are. I always give an example of a box of a television you take to a remote village with this no lights and electrical..electricity, who has never seen any electricity, and tell them that out of this box you can see many films, they will say this box? How can this box do it? In the same way, we think about us as boxes, we are not, we are fantastic and everything is built in within us.Like a seed, when you put it in the mother earth sprout by itself, because it is built-in in the seed to sprout, and because the mother earth has the power to sprout it. So, it’s all built-in within us, only thing is now we have to do is to awaken this power of Kundalini and to open it out to that all-pervading power. It’s very simple, this journey of 3 to 4 feet at the most and it takes hardly any time. No one can believe that you are so fantastic, unless and until it happens to you, you will not believe, but even after happening you should not get lost. I remember the parable of Christ, that some seeds got just sprouted and were lost. You should not be one of them, you should respect yourself, you should respect your realization and understand what powers you have. You are capable of so many things, you can cure others, you can cure yourself, always lead a very healthy life, and you create a new society, a new race of people who are realized souls, who are saints, who are angels, that’s what you are here for and I would request you all to have full self-confident about…Confidence about it. The main thing is that, inside is all the knowledge and you will know all the knowledge, everything of the inner being, we have no idea of the knowledge of the inner being. Once you know it, you will be amazed, and once you know how to use it you will be surprised. We have solved most of the problems of the society like marriages, children, and human relationships, all being solved through Sahaja Yoga, it’s very simple, because once you are transformed you are the spirit, you see the truth, the same truth and that’s how you solve your social problems. Immediately you start seeing the problems of your society also, and you start helping the society to improve yourself. It depends on the person who does that, for example, one person in Russia went to his place called Dariyati, it’s an industrial town and he got 22,000 Sahaja yogis, 22,000 Sahaja yogis. I must say one thing, the Russians didn't have all the facilities you have as democracy thank god in a way, because with the democracy you have choices to change your handles and things like that, while their attention was localized, and they are so sensitive about spirituality none of these false gurus could prosper, your Iskcon had gone there, but they have run away I don’t know why, not a single soul you see there. So, one has to understand that because of materialism, our..this spirituality has been little bit numbed.Now, please achieve your realization, grow into it, you can. It’s a very great nation, America, and it’s the centre, this is the centre that’s why I said my throat, when I come to America, it goes off. This is the centre of America, the North and the South America, and this centre has to be collective, it bears the responsibility of the whole body. It’s the collectivity that acts through it, the centre, the other day I heard somebody asked a question “why should America be the police of the whole world? they have to be joined well, because they are Vishuddhi chakra, is the special centre which is very important. So, the awakening will take place in no time, you will feel your thoughtless awareness and your peace in no time, you relax, but you have to come to the collective. We have centres of course; we don’t have Taj Mahal or something because we don’t make money. It’s a simple place where you have to come for your realization, and if you are realized already you have to grow, for that you have to come you don’t have to pay. Normally you see, people have introductory lecture, and after introductory lecture, payment lecture starts, it’s not like that, you don’t have to pay in any way for this knowledge, not at all. You don’t have to pay at all, it’s so simple. So, later on when this is over, you enjoy you feel very happy with yourself, all these things will happen to you, but you have to come to the centre. Supposing a nail is cut out of my finger, then it will never grow, so you have to belong to the whole, it’s a living organism and when you stay with it, you will grow spiritually and then you will be amazed. So many problems are solved, you become very creative, there are many many Indian musicians today, who are so well renowned, they have taken their realization, so many of them not one but so many. So many artists, painters, poems and poetry, people who have never written a single line of poetry start writing poems. You have, as I told you that your religion is so innately enlightened, that you don’t do wrong things, you just do the right things. But above all, you become extremely compassionate, extremely compassionate and at the same time, extremely dynamic, life becomes an enjoyment, complete enjoyment, a person is sick somewhere, all the Sahaja Yogis from all the world, their attention goes there, it’s like if my finger is hurt, the whole attention of my body goes to this, and you know the absolute truth, on your fingertips.You see English language has certain nice things like, on your fingertips you know the Truth, now somebody comes from India or from anywhere, and you just put your hands towards that person, you will know whether he is false or not, immediately, because, if he is false, your finger will start tingling or burning, you will be amazed how it indicates on your fingertips, even the children, they are even better I should say, immediately they will say this is this, immediately they will know what is what. Your marriages improve, we have marriages, at least 100 marriages, international marriages, and seldom 1% at the most fails and they get all the, you will be surprised, children that they are born to, are all realized souls, great children, tremendous, and if you are also realized you understand that and you know how to love them and how to make them grow. So this capacity that is all dormant in you, manifests, and with that manifestation you get a new image of yourself, like in India, a realized soul is called as Dwijaha means born twice, here also they say, twice-born, but it is not a certificate, just you say I am twice-born. What is a twice-born? Like a bird is also called as Dwijaha, because it’s an egg and then it becomes a bird, completely a different thing, that’s what one has to, it has to happen and it is there, and you get it.There are so many things that, in this short lecture I won’t be able to tell you. In this room, there are such beautiful lights, you come here you have to just put the switch on, one switch and all are enlightened. How? Because its built in, in the same way I say it is built in within you I need not tell you the theory, history of this electricity, how it came, then how it came here, and how it was put here, it’s a headache. First you have your light and in the light you see for yourself, it’s like this I have a snake in my hand, its darkness I can’t see and I am an obstinate egoistical person, suppose, then you tell me there is a snake in hand, I will say no it’s a rope, how do you know, but it’s a snake, no, till the snake bites me, I go on holding it as a rope, but if there is little light, I just throw it away. Then you don’t have to tell, in the same way I don’t have to tell you anything, I never said don’t don’t never, no ten commandments such now nothing. You just become, you just see, you become your own master. You become your own guide and you know everything by yourself, I don’t have to tell you, there’s no need for me to guide you, of course, if you write to me, I will guide you. When you go to these centres you will be surprised that within one month, at the most, you all will become masters of Sahaja yoga. You will be able to handle this pure divine energy, the complete knowledge will be your own, I am not telling you a story or something that is fantastic, it’s the fact, so may God bless you.We can understand that I cannot force self-realization on you, I cannot force, because I respect your freedom, the freedom is given to you, this is a question of choice, you want your realization all right, if you don’t want it, I cannot give you self-realization. So, all those who don’t want it, please should leave the hall, because some people are standing outside can be seated also, apart from that it is not civil to watch others when they are meditating, it will hardly take ten minutes once we start it. So, I would request again to people who don’t want their realization should leave the hall and should not bother other people, will be very kind of them and civil of them.Now, we have to take out our shoes, that’s the only thing you have to do just now is to take out your shoes, because this mother earth helps us a lot, I hope you don’t mind that. You have to sit very comfortably; we don’t have to go to Himalayas for that. Don’t have to stand on your heads, just here, on your seat, be comfortable and you will get your realization here tonight. There are three conditions which are very simple: if you understand, you can easily fulfil them, the first condition is that you have to be completely self-confident, completely self-confident, that you will get your self-realization tonight, completely self-confident, all of you. So, it follows the second condition that, please don’t feel guilty at all about anything, not to feel guilty, people might have told you, you are sinners, this that they must be the sinners to say such a thing, you are human beings, and human beings only can make mistakes. You are not God, but when you do some mistakes, all right face it that moment face it off, but don’t carry it on, because if you do that, the centre on the left hand side, the Vishuddhi, South America, I should say, gets into trouble. So much so that you develop spondylitis. You may develop Angina, that’s the disease of the heart, you may develop also lethargic organs, all of them with this one centre going. This has three sides, the one side is the left, right and the centre, but the left side is ruined, then you develop all kinds of these diseases, also cervical cancer as they call it. So, at this moment, please, know that you are not guilty not guilty at all, because this all-pervading power of divine love is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed it dissolves it completely.So, just say in your heart I am not guilty at all, I am a human being, and which is a very great thing, because human beings are at the epitome of evolution, they are the ones who are going to get realization, not the chickens and the goats, you are the ones who are going to get your realization, so don’t estimate yourself in such a low value. You are all going to get your realization tonight, whatever may be your race, whatever may be your religion, whatever may have you have done, you all have to get your realization tonight, it’s your right, Sahaja means born with you Saha-Ja born with you is the right to have this yoga, means the union. The second one I have told you is that you should not have any guilt, because it will tie up this centre and the Kundalini won’t rise. Then the last, very important, but very easy thing is to forgive everyone, without even thinking about them, just forgive everyone, now some people say it’s very difficult, it’s very common. Whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything, what do you do? Nothing! It’s a myth, but when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself, you torture yourself all your life, but at this time specially, the centre of Agnya, which is placed on the Optic Chiasma is like this absolutely constricted, and if you don’t forgive, it won’t open, it won’t open, it will not allow the Kundalini to penetrate, and then so far you have been torturing yourself all your life and now you will miss this great opportunity of self-realization, you don’t have to think about them, just in general you have to say “ I forgive all of them”. This is the third condition, I hope you comply with it, but a promise also in a way that you will be the lights which will be enlightened, which will give lights to others, that you will come to the collective and you will master this art and you will give lights to others. It’s a very big responsibility, because you are the first early people who will be getting this realization and you have to be the channel of this divine love, so far we only had hatred as the power, we use hatred to club people together, but this is the power of divine love, we have never used it, which is the most powerful thing. So please, I would request you to know that if you get your self-realization tonight you will go to our centres and master this even if you don’t get because of some problems, any physical, mental, emotional, maybe something, doesn’t matter, you please go to our centres and get your realization, it’s very simple. Gradually, as you will be growing you will be amazed, the ocean of knowledge that is before you. Also, I have given at least 4000, more than 4000 lectures, only in English language. So all that will be available to you but gradually, because books and reading, or even listening to lectures sometimes become a hindrance, reading too much makes a web of words and you just get lost, you have to go beyond that in the experience of this formless energy which is around us.
TV Interview, Reel Women, Part 1 & 2
United States
Los Angeles
TV Interview, "real women", part 1, Los Angeles (United States), October 11, 1993 Part 1 [Voice off]: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the most important spiritual figure in the world today. Please join us on a special program of “Audrey Hope’s real women” Interviewer: My name is Audrey Hopes and welcome to ‘Real women”. It is a great honour to be in the presence of the most important spiritual figure in the world today, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji is a world leader and has travelled the globe many times over to give Self Realization to thousands.Self Realization is the pure connexion with our spiritual nature and is the only hope for a stable society. Today is that day prophesized by the saints.Once you may have needed to travel to the Himalayas or to meditate on a mountain for twenty years, but now, through the grace of Shri Mataji, there is a simple way to achieve that connexion and that is through Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji founded Sahaja Yoga as a method for human beings to experience the truth within and to become your own master. Shri Mataji is a mother and a grandmother, a true role model for all human beings.Shri Mataji was a spiritual guide for Mahatma Gandhi. She accepts no money for Realization and she says the truth cannot be paid for.She joins us after her fourth visit to the United Nations and before her journey to Washington DC.Shri Mataji is known all over the world. She is less known in the United States. Well, it is here, in the mist of media and its power, where she is needed the most.Shri Mataji, we are deeply honoured to have you here, thank you. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Interviewer: I’d like to begin by speaking about Self Realization and to tell the viewers what Self Realization is.Shri Mataji: Within yourself lies a power which is called in Sanskrit language as Kundalini, which is in the sacrum bone. That means definitely, that the Greeks knew this was a sacred bone where that power was lying. This is the power which connects you to the All-pervading Power.Now the truth is that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit because you say: “My ego, my body”, you are the pure Spirit, this is one truth about yourself. Another truth is that there is the All-pervading Power of divine love. It’s called by various names. You see these beautiful flowers; it’s a miracle itself. And who runs our heart? We never inquire, we don’t find by doctors will tell you it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this “auto”?So these two things we have to realize that we are the pure Spirit and there is an All-pervading Power of divine love. Power of love, not of hatred. Interviewer: How does one receive Self Realization? Does a person have to give up their personal life or self problems before they can attain this?Shri Mataji: It’s very simple, that within our being, a complete machinery is already made through our evolutionary process. And we have seven centres, main seven centres placed on our central nervous system, or we can call it on the parasympathetic and ultimately, this power raises, penetrates through these six centres only, ultimately, pierces through the fontanel bone area and connects you to that All-pervading Power.While it is travelling through these charkas or the centres or the energy centres we can call them, it nourishes them. Not only it nourishes, it integrates them and it enlightens them.Most of the problems, global problems, are because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of these centres. Because these centres cater to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. So once these centres are out of gear, we have all these problems whether on an individual basis or on a collective basis.So when this connects to the All-pervading Power, then you achieve a new state of awareness. So there’s a breakthrough in your evolution.Evolution process is spontaneous. We have not paid for it, we didn’t do anything, we are becoming human beings. So now, the last one, why should we pay for it? Or why should we do anything about it? Interviewer: Does one need blind faith or can this be approached as you say, or how is it approached like a science?Shri Mataji: It’s just a living process. You try to understand this way, that this Mother earth is there. What we have to do is to put one seed in it and the seed sprouts. How? Because it is built in, in the seed to sprout and built in, in the Mother Earth to make it sprout. It’s as simple as that. Interviewer: We Americans are very into scientific proof. [Laughter]And you describe Sahaja Yoga as an essence of all religions and not just a religion. How is Sahaja Yoga different?Shri Mataji: “Saha” means “with”. “Ja” means born. Born with you is the right to have this union, the Yoga. That is Sahaja Yoga.By this union, you realize that all the religions were flowers born on one tree of spirituality. But we have plucked the flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. If there is one God then why could we-how could we fight in the name of God?This is the philosophy of Gandhiji also. We also followed the same philosophy not only but, as we worship all the incarnations and all the prophets and all messiahs, in the same way, he said we have to worship them. It’s not just to show respect but you must worship the same way. That is Sahaj religion which encompasses all the religions and also respects because in essence all of them are the same. And if there is one singular message in all these religions is that: “Seek your Self to be born again”. That’s the message in all the religions. Interviewer: So where has the religion gone wrong? We are- let’s take Christianity for example.Shri Mataji: Christianity has gone wrong at a very early stage I should say, where it was taken over by Paul. I asked my father when I first saw his name in the Bible, I said: “Who is this Mister Paul?” He said: “He is a squatter. He had nothing to do with Christ. He never met Christ. He had actually killed so many Christians, he has killed the disciple of Christ called Steven. But being a bureaucrat, he thought it was a good platform to jump onto the platform of Christianity. And he had to have help from somebody, one of the disciples. The worse disciple of Christ was Peter, so he grabbed Peter and has written the Bible”.Despite all the things they have done, that Christ told Peter that “Satan will catch hold of you’ it’s clearly said. Now this Mister Peter and Mister Paul put together tried to spoil all the great work of our Lord Jesus-Christ because, first of all, the worst for women. Paul hated women from his heart. And that’s why even for Christ’s Mother, he uses a word like “woman”. To us, she is a Goddess. She is a Mahalakshmi, to Sahaja Yogis. But to him, she was just a woman. And the way he has conducted the whole thing has brought such a disaster on the women of the West. Even now, up till now, women are treated as something very low for spirituality. But in India, a woman is the shakti, is the power. Another great mistake they have committed is in describing the Trinity. We have God the father, God the son and the third one is a Holy Ghost, is a dove. How can you have a father and a son and no mother?But there is a Primordial Mother which was accepted by all the religions even the Jews had it. Greeks called it Athena. “Atha” in Sanskrit means “primordial”. Athena. In India, this is called as Adi Shakti. In every religion, they had this Mother who was the Primordial Mother.So he cancelled all the powers of a mother and that is how the women have a very inferiority complex, I think, or insecurity in the Western world. Because they think we have to, all the time, be apologetical [unsure] and we should always serve the men and we should sell our body, we should make ourselves very attractive, otherwise, we have no place! And that is how the morality of women is shattered. Interviewer: I wanted to use a quote from that [pensée? French word?] in "Timothy 1" to really emphasise this point. It says in the Bible, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not present a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. [The New Testament, 1 Timothy 2:9-14] Shri Mataji: That’s also a mistake about Adam and Eve also. But that, I’ll deal later on. But a simple thing is that it was a complete attack on womanhood. And that’s how women have accepted- imagine such a developed country like England, was discussing till yesterday, whether a woman should preach or not.Yes! I mean, now, with great difficulty, some people have agreed that women should preach.I just don’t understand. In India, a woman is very powerful. She doesn’t care for her husband if he goes after another woman. She says: “Alright, he’s sinful, let him go to Hell. I don’t care.” She stands on her own merit on her chastity. She doesn’t bother. Now, the whole situation is so bad, that women have to be, all the time, trying to, you see, expose their body also. I haven’t seen a single film in which a man is exposed. It’s always the women [who] must be exposed as if men are some Sanctum sanctorum.I feel the slavery of women is much more in the West than in India. Interviewer: And how about the Koran? I’m speaking about the Iranians. I know you did a programme this week and it was a very important programme. And I’d like to talk about how the Iranian people have misinterpreted Mohamed and the effects on their society and the importance of their changing for women. [unsure] Shri Mataji: Yes. Even Muhammad Sahib, you see, he respected women so much. You know, they used to have wars. They were tribes. They were tribal people. It was only Muhammad Sahib who could take birth in those horrible Arabs. And he found that so many men, young men were killed. So he said: “Alright. If there are not young men, let the old men marry, even young girl. It doesn’t matter but marry. Even if they have to marry five times, marry so that they do not become prostitutes. Just to respect their chastity he prescribed this thing but it is not compulsory that you should marry five times. You see, we have horrible things in India. A man marries four times, has eight children each time because they believe that but that democracy [demography?], they’ll be powerful.Then, after some time, they divorce their wives by saying three times: “Talaq, talaq, talaq.” [repudiation].Now, these women are with so many children, are just left on the street. And if you see them you’ll think that this is worse than Somalia. He respected women! Not only, he told his wife that: “You are going to work out- Aicha” he told her: “You are going to work out something against the religion.” And really it was wrong on her because his own daughter, as you know her name was Fatima, stood up and said that: “This, never Muhammad Sahib has said it.” But this Abu-Bakr is a fellow who just took the platform, as it is, I should say, instead of his own son in law, Hazrat Ali, who was a great Realized soul. And he just completely changed the ideas about women which Fatima was going to tell.So there were big wars called Karbala in which two children of Fatimabi were killed, Hazrat Ali was also killed and there two groups which were formed, one is Shia and Sunni. But Shias also don’t understand that they have to respect their women because Fatimabi herself was a, not only a saint but an incarnation. She was a Goddess. Interviewer: How has the media affected our view of women today?Shri Mataji: In the Western media I must say that women are used just to lure or some sort of a very low type of human beings I should say. Men are not sex points. They are the Spirit. They are reduced to this sex point by Freud. And Freud was like a Christ here once upon a time. Now of course, after so many years, I said this at least twenty years back. But now it is appearing, many- I’ve seen some books like “Fall of Freudian Empire” “Freudian Freud”, so many books are coming now! Already all the harm has been done! Human beings are reduced to a sex point now by media and women who are very cheap who can expose their body and can sell their chastity are regarded as great heroines. This is what? It’s the situation of the media that is today. Interviewer: I heard you have even said that Freud can only prosper in America.Shri Mataji: Hum?Interviewer: Freud can only prosper in America.Shri Mataji: Yes.Interviewer: You said that.Shri Mataji: It’s a fact.He was born in Austria and when I talked against Freud they all clapped. They were very happy I said so because they were quite ashamed about him. But even in Austria, you find so many prostitutes on the streets, standing all the while. But here, at least, there it is, the housewives are housewives.Here, even housewife has to dress up in such a way that she should be like a prostitute. Why should you do that? You must have your self-respect. Interviewer: How is this special time for women?Shri Mataji: I call it this a Blossom time because I say they are many flowers, so many some of them are on the Earth and they are to become now fruits. But it’s called as Qiyamah in the Koran, meaning the Resurrection time.Even in the Indian scriptures, we have this Resurrection time and by many astrologers, thousands of years back, it was predicted that such and such time will come. And also in the Bible, it is the Last Judgement.There’s another stupid idea which we find in Bible and also in Koran, which is very stupid, and I think also- I don’t know about the Torah, but they said that there is also the same idea previously – that, at the time of Resurrection our dead bodies will come out of the graves and then they’ll ascend. Now, tell Me what is left in the grave of the dead bodies? It is so absurd, it’s so illogical.Actually, in that way, I would say Indian scriptures said the correct thing that at this time of Kali Yuga all the souls which are lost, all the souls who want their Realization, all the souls who have been thinking of God and seeking God all over the world, will be reborn. That’s why we have a population problem. That is why all kinds of horrible people are also born. In this time, about twenty years back, your media was much better. They didn’t show such horrible scenes. I mean they must show bedroom’s scenes, what is the need? Bathroom scenes. I mean, if somebody comes into your house, do you take them to your bedroom, into your bathroom or you keep them in the dining room? I mean, it’s private life. They have no respect for privacy. Now, you see, this kind of funny idea that we are going to get out of the graves and all that is still lingering in the mind of many ignorant Christians and also Muslims. One Bosnia fellow met Me, he was Muslim. I asked him: “Why were you dying there, what was the need to die?” He said: “Because if we die now in the name of God, we’ll be resurrected.”[Interviewer is laughing.]Shri Mataji: I mean it is relevant from the idea of Bible, you see? So this is what it is that these ideas are to be put right. In the west, you see, we have Christianity, we have other religions. But, I would say that the roots of the spiritual knowledge, it’s more in India. I’m myself born in a Christian religion. But the roots about it, the explanation about it, is much better discovered in India because it’s an ancient country which has been all the times seeking, seeking, for thousands of years. Now the system that is Sahaja Yoga as you mentioned is not mine. It’s an ancient system. But we had this system in the Nath Panthis, they call it, that they were in the centre. And one master will have only one disciple, this was the tradition. So there were very few people who got their Realization. Shri Rama’s father-in-law’s guru was Ashtavakra. He has written about sahaj. But he has just described what happens when you get into the state of Spirit. This father-in-law, Janaka, gave Realization to only one person Natchiketa according to the tradition.But, on the twelve century, there was a great poet in India, in Maharashtra, born as Gnyaneshwara, who asked his guru, his own brother that: “Let me also tell about this.” He said: "All right”. He permitted. So in his Gnyaneshwari which is just the explanation of Gita, he has clearly said in the sixth chapter about Kundalini, how she rises, how she gives you Realization and everything. But those people who were in charge of religion, as usual, didn’t know how to do it. So what they did, they said:” This is "nisidhat" [forbid] - means, cancelled- you don’t read this sixth chapter.” So nobody would read that chapter. That’s how it went into background! So I would say, after that, many great saints like Guru Nanak, Kabir, Sukarama, Ramdas, in the sixteen century, did a great work of Kundalini [inaudible]. Even in the Bible, it is: “I will appear before you as tongues of flames.” “Tree of life” so many things are described! But in the little time that they had, they could not explain so much. Now, these people have talked about Kundalini and said about it. If I have done any work, is this, that by studying through human beings, I met many people because my father was a very social man and my husband was in a position where I met many people. I studied human beings and I found out a method by which you can now give a-mass Realization.In Russia, in Bulgaria, Romania, we always have people in the stadium, not less than sixteen thousand, and they all get their Realization! And they are very sensitive to spirituality and they stick to it. None of these false gurus could stick there. Interviewer: Psychics, the issue of psychics, it’s so popular here! And we are very-it’s very dangerous. Could you explain what can happen?Shri Mataji: Ah. Americans are very simple people I must say. First time I came for parapsychology, they took Me into a hall of parapsychology. They told Me: "You are dealing with dead spirits!" And they were very angry with Me. He says that: "You come as guest and why do crusade? [unsure]." I said: "I have to tell you the truth, I am your Mother. I’m not your guest, you didn’t pay for Me. I came on my own, coming on my vehicle and going on my vehicle", while they made money out of Me. So, they don’t like it.When I first came here, when I told them that: "These are all spirits and psychic things and don’t do it”, they didn’t like it. Interviewer: How can we know of false guru?Shri Mataji: First of all, you cannot pay for your Self Realization! Or for any knowledge. You must value your life. If you don’t value your life, then you’ll go to all such stupid people and you’ll waste your time. No, if you value you life, if you value your money for example, you’ll first find out what it this you are buying. First of all you must see the disciples, what are they doing, what is their style what are they gaining, what is their knowledge. First the disciples! Most of them are recluses. Anything which is sort of fashionable, people want to do. You talk of individuality, all right? Any entrepreneur, now they just started a six inches of skirt, everybody wears six inches of skirt! Otherwise you are not “in”, means in the lunatic asylum.So like that, these people are good at big advertisement, marketing, writing books, all falsehood! You believe them because they have a knack, advertisement is the main thing which has led to this kind of things and Americans are really very sensitive to advertising. If anything is advertised, they think it’s great.Also I was surprised when I came here, they asked Me – in Boston, I remember- they asked Me: "How many Roll Royce you have?", in the television. I said: "I don’t have!" They said then: "You don’t make any money." "No." I said: "I don’t make any money." "So there’s no business." "No", I said "no". "Then we are not interested." They wouldn’t have Me on the television. I mean you are so money oriented that tomorrow you’ll purchase God also I think.So, first of all, you cannot pay for it.Second, you must see the disciples, what sort of disciples they are, what they are, how much they are talking about the knowledge. They must have the knowledge. Now you know very well, and people can find out that in Sahaja Yoga people just get Realization and start giving Realizations to others. So many diseases have been cured. It’s a fact, there’s a book written. Interviewer: So we are in a new stage, a new evolution.Shri Mataji: Of course, this is the time, if you miss it, you’ll miss it for ever! Because, you see, otherwise, you see in America, people are getting destroyed from within. All kinds of diseases, psychological problems, this, that, stress, this, that, all kind of things are going on.Now, to stop it, better ascend above all these things. Interviewer: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.Please join us for part two of this special program on “Audrey Hope’s real women”. Part 2 1993-10-11 Shri Mataji, ‘Reel Women’ Interview, P2, Los Angeles, USA, Interviewer – Welcome Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji – Thank You. Interviewer – What is human evolution? What it is the next step in human evolution? Shri Mataji – Next Step is to become the spirit which you are. You are the pure spirit, you are not this body, mind, ego, all your conditionings but you are the pure spirit and that’s what you have to become. In evolutionary process, you have become a human being, in human awareness we have not been able to reach the absolute truth. If we had reached the absolute truth there would have been no problems, no quarrelling, no arguments and no wars but because we are all holding something as truth which is not absolute that’s why we are fighting. Interviewer – You describe Self-realization as a living process of the kundalini where you can feel on your central nervous system. Can you explain? Shri Mataji – Yes. We have evolved so far through a process of evolution which is spontaneous, which is a living process and now once this evolutionary process takes place, when you become the spirit, then you achieve so many of your powers which are not yet known to you. Interviewer – What is the cool breeze that you experience and what is the reference to the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji – So this done through a power which is called as kundalini in your sacrum bone which is the sacred bone. It’s like any connection you have to put; supposing you have a television and if it is not connected to the mains it looks like just a box in the same way we think we are the boxes but once we are connected then we realise how many things (can) are there, which we have never knew that we owned them, we are the power of that. Actually this is your own power to begin with and the manifestation of this when it is connected to the mains to the all-pervading power of divine love then the first thing you feel is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. It is the reflection of the Holy Ghost is this kundalini or we call it as Adishakti. Then this comes out of your head you can clearly feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. Also you can feel them on your fingertips, when you feel them on your fingertips actually it is on your central nervous system you can feel those centres which are actually, are the last points of the sympathetic nervous system. So the right side you can feel the physical and the mental problems of your centres and on the left hand side you can feel the emotional problems of your centres. If this is decode properly, then you can feel your own centres so the first thing you get is self knowledge; knowledge about yourself; now many people who get diseases they don’t know they have got disease they have to go through diagnosis, this that, here you don’t have to do anything like that you just on fingertips you can feel it. What’s wrong with you physically or mentally, emotionally or what’s wrong with you spiritually because you might have gone to some false person, there must be some spiritual problem in you, everything can be verified on these fingertips. In Koran is described that’s when resurrection time will come your hands will speak and they will give witness against you, its very clearly described. Interviewer – And we are in this special time? Shri Mataji – Yes of course, this is the special time of resurrection when you do feel that. Not only that but when this Kundalini rises then all these centres are nourished, integrated and enlightened and you get the well-being of your physical side, mental side, emotional side and spiritual side as a result you become extremely calm, peaceful, healthy. We are all the time thinking about future and past, one thought rises falls another thought rises falls, in between these thoughts there is a little space, we live in the past or the future, the little space is the present. We can’t live in the present, when this kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and the space in between increases and you become thoughtlessly aware in Sanskrit it is called as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ that your awareness becomes thoughtlessly aware. You see everything, know everything but you are thoughtless so thus your peace is established. If there is no peace within whats use of talking about peace; having conference of peace, organisations of peace, there should be peace within. I have known people you have got peace awards, one of the most hot tempered people so how can they have peace award, I don’t know they have got peace award alright so doesn’t matter. Now this is what is the first achievement is that you feel thoughtlessly aware, then you can feel on your fingertips also the centres of others that means you are collectively conscious. This is second dimension in your awareness, who is the other you become part and parcel of the whole so you can feel the chakras of another person not only that but sitting down here you can feel anybody’s chakras and if you know how to correct yours, you can correct yours and if you know how to correct others, you can correct that; thus you can correct all the chakras and you can solve the problems. Another thing that happens to you is that you attention becomes very pure, there is no lust and greed in your attention, it becomes innocent, you look at things innocently. In Sahaja yoga now we have so many people but I have never heard of anybody’s wife running away with somebody or nothing, the flirting, all that is finished now. They are just like children, very innocent people like angels. This attention is also active, when you pay attention to (some) somebody, it acts, it works, it heals, it helps, it’s remarkable because the kingdom of God is the most efficient kingdom you could think of and it is work with the all the subtle of all the elements like it has a subtle of the ether, subtle of the earth, all these things are control by this all pervading power and once you are connected with it, you know that whatever you desire, whatever you want happens. A person becomes extremely creative, I have known many artist from India who have become now world famous, have got realisation and became. They were Muslims, Hindus all kinds of people then you transcend all the limitation of this artificial life, transcend the limitation of these outside religions and your inner religion, innate religion starts manifesting by which you really become really become religious. Its not that ,eh, you may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim but you can commit any sin, anybody, no you do not commit any sins anybody, you just become an angel you can call it as saint. The religion is inside which enlighten and if you are a Christian, you become real Christian; if you are Hindu, you become real Hindu and the all the system which is inside is enlightened in such way that you just don’t do wrong thing. For example I have known so many people who came to me who were drug addicts and overnight, over night, after Self-realization they have given up. Alcoholism, all bad habits, all kinds of diseases are cured, even cancer, even AIDS. I must say this is not that difficult because their mentality is different but it has cured many diseases and you feel your well being when you get your Self-realization. Interviewer – Shri Mataji, what would happen to those who don’t hear the call, pay attention to these special times? Shri Mataji – See, it is Judgement and human beings are free to judge. They want to come to reality they can come, if they don’t want to come we cannot force, we cannot force. You have to respect the freedom of their choice, whatever they want to do but those you won’t come – I don’t know what will happen to them but they will be in the same problems that they had and as you see this world is getting destroyed from within so to get out of it is the better idea. Interviewer – And America plays a very important role in this new time as a communicator? Shri Mataji – Of course, this is a country of Communication. The other day somebody asked a question, Why should America be a Policemen everywhere?Jolly well it has to be because that’s the character it is born. Is this centre is America and because America is not alright I have a problem. So, this is the centre is for all kinds of communications and for collectivity. Always you’ll find Americans bear the collective responsibilities of the world problems, sometime they make mistakes, it’s different, but by nature they have to do it, they can’t help it, that is their nature. Interviewer – It has been said that you are the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji – Ya. Interviewer – Is this true? Shri Mataji – You are in this part. I have to say that I must be something, Isn’t it? After all, when I am giving realization to thousands of people I must be something and some people must have found out something. But as far as the people are concerned I would say I’ve learnt a lesson because Christ who was the son of God was crucified, who said who was the son of God. Mohammad Sahab was given poison, everybody was troubled like this. Now, I don’t want to get crucified, I want to do my work till I live alright so that’s why I don’t want to say anything, once you get your Self-realization you will find out who am I? Interviewer – May we do that right now? Shri Mataji – Yes why not? Why not? First you have to put your shoes away because the Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now, please put both your hands towards me like this. Left hand towards me in a very comfortable position you can put it on your lap you have to become very comfortable you don’t have to go to Himalayas as we have said it, you have to become comfortable and right hand you have to give realization in a way that left hand is for your desire and right hand is for your action. In the same way your feet should be away from each other if you are sitting on the chair but if you are on the ground it’s alright. Now please put your left hand towards me like this and the right hand on your heart. We have to nourish our centres only on the left hand side; in the heart resides the spirit. Now if you become the spirit, you become your own master so take down your right hand upper portion of your abdomen; here is the centre of your mastery created by all the prophets and all the incarnations. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. This is the centre for pure divine knowledge, pure divine knowledge. This you will understand later on when you will come to our centres, they will explain to you everything and you can find out everything about this knowledge which is like an ocean. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again on the left hand side. Now raise it on your heart, now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head, this is a centre where you have to forgive everyone now take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head, here without counting your mistakes or feeling guilty you have to ask forgiveness from the all pervading divine power. Now stretch your arm, stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head and now push back your fingers and move your scalp clockwise slowly, push back your finger so there is a good pressure on your scalp, now put down your head and now move your scalp slowly clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now put the right hand on your heart, here in your heart you have to ask a question, a very fundamental question about yourself, you close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you, here please ask a question in your heart you can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. Mother, am I the spirit? Ask this question 3 times. If you become the spirit you become your own master, your own guru. So now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Keep your eyes shut and ask another fundamental question about yourself, Mother am I my own master? Ask 3 times. Now take down your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard, at this point you have to ask 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals. I must say I respect your freedom and the pure divine knowledge cannot be given to you by force so ask 6 times in your heart, Mother please give me pure divine knowledge – 6 times. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We have to open these upper centres with our self-confidence. So here you have to say with full self confidence, Mother I am my own master. Please say it 10 times – Mother, I am my own master. I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and please say with full confidence. Mother, I am the pure spirit – say 10 times please – Mother 12 times, 12 times – Mother, I am the pure spirit. This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of compassion, ocean of knowledge and ocean of bliss and joy but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily forgiven by this power. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right; this centre is really bad in America. Here you have to say with self-confidence 16 times. Mother, I am not guilty at all, please say this 16 times. I already told you whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands all your life. While those who have troubled you are happy but you are torturing yourself. Specially at this moment it’s very important that you forgive everyone in general because this centre is extremely constricted and if don’t forgive it won’t open and you will also miss the opportunity of your self-realization. So now take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put it down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again from your heart not how many time, Mother, I forgive everyone in general, say it from your heart not how many time. Now you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power for your own satisfaction without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes so please say again from your heart not how many times. Oh divine power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me, please say this from your heart, from your heart not how many time – Oh! Divine power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last centre is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and then put the centre of your palm on the top of the fontanel bone area, now bend your head as far as possible. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So you move your scalp, if you stretch your fingers outwards there will be nice pressure and you move your scalp 7 times clockwise saying Mother, please give me Self-realization. That’s all. Now please open your eyes, put both the hands towards me like this. Put right hand towards me and put down your head and see with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like thing coming out of your fontanel bone area – the soft bone was there in your childhood just see. Now please don’t put your hand on the top of the head, away from it. Now please put both the hands towards me like this and stop thinking you can do it. You can stop your thinking. You will feel a cool or hot breeze on your hands and you feel very relax, extremely relaxed. Now those who get realization like this have to know that it is the sprouting of the seed which has to grow into a tree so you have to come to our centres, there they will give you all the necessary knowledge, all the help that is needed to make your connection perfect.
TV Interview, "real women", part 1, Los Angeles (United States), October 11, 1993 Part 1 [Voice off]: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the most important spiritual figure in the world today. Please join us on a special program of “Audrey Hope’s real women” Interviewer: My name is Audrey Hopes and welcome to ‘Real women”. It is a great honour to be in the presence of the most important spiritual figure in the world today, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. Shri Mataji is a world leader and has travelled the globe many times over to give Self Realization to thousands.Self Realization is the pure connexion with our spiritual nature and is the only hope for a stable society. Today is that day prophesized by the saints.Once you may have needed to travel to the Himalayas or to meditate on a mountain for twenty years, but now, through the grace of Shri Mataji, there is a simple way to achieve that connexion and that is through Sahaja Yoga. Shri Mataji founded Sahaja Yoga as a method for human beings to experience the truth within and to become your own master. Shri Mataji is a mother and a grandmother, a true role model for all human beings.Shri Mataji was a spiritual guide for Mahatma Gandhi. She accepts no money for Realization and she says the truth cannot be paid for.She joins us after her fourth visit to the United Nations and before her journey to Washington DC.Shri Mataji is known all over the world. She is less known in the United States. Well, it is here, in the mist of media and its power, where she is needed the most.Shri Mataji, we are deeply honoured to have you here, thank you. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Interviewer: I’d like to begin by speaking about Self Realization and to tell the viewers what Self Realization is.Shri Mataji: Within yourself lies a power which is called in Sanskrit language as Kundalini, which is in the sacrum bone. That means definitely, that the Greeks knew this was a sacred bone where that power was lying. This is the power which connects you to the All-pervading Power.Now the truth is that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit because you say: “My ego, my body”, you are the pure Spirit, this is one truth about yourself. Another truth is that there is the All-pervading Power of divine love. It’s called by various names. You see these beautiful flowers; it’s a miracle itself. And who runs our heart? We never inquire, we don’t find by doctors will tell you it’s the autonomous nervous system. But who is this “auto”?So these two things we have to realize that we are the pure Spirit and there is an All-pervading Power of divine love. Power of love, not of hatred. Interviewer: How does one receive Self Realization? Does a person have to give up their personal life or self problems before they can attain this?Shri Mataji: It’s very simple, that within our being, a complete machinery is already made through our evolutionary process. And we have seven centres, main seven centres placed on our central nervous system, or we can call it on the parasympathetic and ultimately, this power raises, penetrates through these six centres only, ultimately, pierces through the fontanel bone area and connects you to that All-pervading Power.While it is travelling through these charkas or the centres or the energy centres we can call them, it nourishes them. Not only it nourishes, it integrates them and it enlightens them.Most of the problems, global problems, are because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of these centres. Because these centres cater to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. So once these centres are out of gear, we have all these problems whether on an individual basis or on a collective basis.So when this connects to the All-pervading Power, then you achieve a new state of awareness. So there’s a breakthrough in your evolution.Evolution process is spontaneous. We have not paid for it, we didn’t do anything, we are becoming human beings. So now, the last one, why should we pay for it? Or why should we do anything about it? Interviewer: Does one need blind faith or can this be approached as you say, or how is it approached like a science?Shri Mataji: It’s just a living process. You try to understand this way, that this Mother earth is there. What we have to do is to put one seed in it and the seed sprouts. How? Because it is built in, in the seed to sprout and built in, in the Mother Earth to make it sprout. It’s as simple as that. Interviewer: We Americans are very into scientific proof. [Laughter]And you describe Sahaja Yoga as an essence of all religions and not just a religion. How is Sahaja Yoga different?Shri Mataji: “Saha” means “with”. “Ja” means born. Born with you is the right to have this union, the Yoga. That is Sahaja Yoga.By this union, you realize that all the religions were flowers born on one tree of spirituality. But we have plucked the flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. If there is one God then why could we-how could we fight in the name of God?This is the philosophy of Gandhiji also. We also followed the same philosophy not only but, as we worship all the incarnations and all the prophets and all messiahs, in the same way, he said we have to worship them. It’s not just to show respect but you must worship the same way. That is Sahaj religion which encompasses all the religions and also respects because in essence all of them are the same. And if there is one singular message in all these religions is that: “Seek your Self to be born again”. That’s the message in all the religions. Interviewer: So where has the religion gone wrong? We are- let’s take Christianity for example.Shri Mataji: Christianity has gone wrong at a very early stage I should say, where it was taken over by Paul. I asked my father when I first saw his name in the Bible, I said: “Who is this Mister Paul?” He said: “He is a squatter. He had nothing to do with Christ. He never met Christ. He had actually killed so many Christians, he has killed the disciple of Christ called Steven. But being a bureaucrat, he thought it was a good platform to jump onto the platform of Christianity. And he had to have help from somebody, one of the disciples. The worse disciple of Christ was Peter, so he grabbed Peter and has written the Bible”.Despite all the things they have done, that Christ told Peter that “Satan will catch hold of you’ it’s clearly said. Now this Mister Peter and Mister Paul put together tried to spoil all the great work of our Lord Jesus-Christ because, first of all, the worst for women. Paul hated women from his heart. And that’s why even for Christ’s Mother, he uses a word like “woman”. To us, she is a Goddess. She is a Mahalakshmi, to Sahaja Yogis. But to him, she was just a woman. And the way he has conducted the whole thing has brought such a disaster on the women of the West. Even now, up till now, women are treated as something very low for spirituality. But in India, a woman is the shakti, is the power. Another great mistake they have committed is in describing the Trinity. We have God the father, God the son and the third one is a Holy Ghost, is a dove. How can you have a father and a son and no mother?But there is a Primordial Mother which was accepted by all the religions even the Jews had it. Greeks called it Athena. “Atha” in Sanskrit means “primordial”. Athena. In India, this is called as Adi Shakti. In every religion, they had this Mother who was the Primordial Mother.So he cancelled all the powers of a mother and that is how the women have a very inferiority complex, I think, or insecurity in the Western world. Because they think we have to, all the time, be apologetical [unsure] and we should always serve the men and we should sell our body, we should make ourselves very attractive, otherwise, we have no place! And that is how the morality of women is shattered. Interviewer: I wanted to use a quote from that [pensée? French word?] in "Timothy 1" to really emphasise this point. It says in the Bible, “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not present a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. [The New Testament, 1 Timothy 2:9-14] Shri Mataji: That’s also a mistake about Adam and Eve also. But that, I’ll deal later on. But a simple thing is that it was a complete attack on womanhood. And that’s how women have accepted- imagine such a developed country like England, was discussing till yesterday, whether a woman should preach or not.Yes! I mean, now, with great difficulty, some people have agreed that women should preach.I just don’t understand. In India, a woman is very powerful. She doesn’t care for her husband if he goes after another woman. She says: “Alright, he’s sinful, let him go to Hell. I don’t care.” She stands on her own merit on her chastity. She doesn’t bother. Now, the whole situation is so bad, that women have to be, all the time, trying to, you see, expose their body also. I haven’t seen a single film in which a man is exposed. It’s always the women [who] must be exposed as if men are some Sanctum sanctorum.I feel the slavery of women is much more in the West than in India. Interviewer: And how about the Koran? I’m speaking about the Iranians. I know you did a programme this week and it was a very important programme. And I’d like to talk about how the Iranian people have misinterpreted Mohamed and the effects on their society and the importance of their changing for women. [unsure] Shri Mataji: Yes. Even Muhammad Sahib, you see, he respected women so much. You know, they used to have wars. They were tribes. They were tribal people. It was only Muhammad Sahib who could take birth in those horrible Arabs. And he found that so many men, young men were killed. So he said: “Alright. If there are not young men, let the old men marry, even young girl. It doesn’t matter but marry. Even if they have to marry five times, marry so that they do not become prostitutes. Just to respect their chastity he prescribed this thing but it is not compulsory that you should marry five times. You see, we have horrible things in India. A man marries four times, has eight children each time because they believe that but that democracy [demography?], they’ll be powerful.Then, after some time, they divorce their wives by saying three times: “Talaq, talaq, talaq.” [repudiation].Now, these women are with so many children, are just left on the street. And if you see them you’ll think that this is worse than Somalia. He respected women! Not only, he told his wife that: “You are going to work out- Aicha” he told her: “You are going to work out something against the religion.” And really it was wrong on her because his own daughter, as you know her name was Fatima, stood up and said that: “This, never Muhammad Sahib has said it.” But this Abu-Bakr is a fellow who just took the platform, as it is, I should say, instead of his own son in law, Hazrat Ali, who was a great Realized soul. And he just completely changed the ideas about women which Fatima was going to tell.So there were big wars called Karbala in which two children of Fatimabi were killed, Hazrat Ali was also killed and there two groups which were formed, one is Shia and Sunni. But Shias also don’t understand that they have to respect their women because Fatimabi herself was a, not only a saint but an incarnation. She was a Goddess. Interviewer: How has the media affected our view of women today?Shri Mataji: In the Western media I must say that women are used just to lure or some sort of a very low type of human beings I should say. Men are not sex points. They are the Spirit. They are reduced to this sex point by Freud. And Freud was like a Christ here once upon a time. Now of course, after so many years, I said this at least twenty years back. But now it is appearing, many- I’ve seen some books like “Fall of Freudian Empire” “Freudian Freud”, so many books are coming now! Already all the harm has been done! Human beings are reduced to a sex point now by media and women who are very cheap who can expose their body and can sell their chastity are regarded as great heroines. This is what? It’s the situation of the media that is today. Interviewer: I heard you have even said that Freud can only prosper in America.Shri Mataji: Hum?Interviewer: Freud can only prosper in America.Shri Mataji: Yes.Interviewer: You said that.Shri Mataji: It’s a fact.He was born in Austria and when I talked against Freud they all clapped. They were very happy I said so because they were quite ashamed about him. But even in Austria, you find so many prostitutes on the streets, standing all the while. But here, at least, there it is, the housewives are housewives.Here, even housewife has to dress up in such a way that she should be like a prostitute. Why should you do that? You must have your self-respect. Interviewer: How is this special time for women?Shri Mataji: I call it this a Blossom time because I say they are many flowers, so many some of them are on the Earth and they are to become now fruits. But it’s called as Qiyamah in the Koran, meaning the Resurrection time.Even in the Indian scriptures, we have this Resurrection time and by many astrologers, thousands of years back, it was predicted that such and such time will come. And also in the Bible, it is the Last Judgement.There’s another stupid idea which we find in Bible and also in Koran, which is very stupid, and I think also- I don’t know about the Torah, but they said that there is also the same idea previously – that, at the time of Resurrection our dead bodies will come out of the graves and then they’ll ascend. Now, tell Me what is left in the grave of the dead bodies? It is so absurd, it’s so illogical.Actually, in that way, I would say Indian scriptures said the correct thing that at this time of Kali Yuga all the souls which are lost, all the souls who want their Realization, all the souls who have been thinking of God and seeking God all over the world, will be reborn. That’s why we have a population problem. That is why all kinds of horrible people are also born. In this time, about twenty years back, your media was much better. They didn’t show such horrible scenes. I mean they must show bedroom’s scenes, what is the need? Bathroom scenes. I mean, if somebody comes into your house, do you take them to your bedroom, into your bathroom or you keep them in the dining room? I mean, it’s private life. They have no respect for privacy. Now, you see, this kind of funny idea that we are going to get out of the graves and all that is still lingering in the mind of many ignorant Christians and also Muslims. One Bosnia fellow met Me, he was Muslim. I asked him: “Why were you dying there, what was the need to die?” He said: “Because if we die now in the name of God, we’ll be resurrected.”[Interviewer is laughing.]Shri Mataji: I mean it is relevant from the idea of Bible, you see? So this is what it is that these ideas are to be put right. In the west, you see, we have Christianity, we have other religions. But, I would say that the roots of the spiritual knowledge, it’s more in India. I’m myself born in a Christian religion. But the roots about it, the explanation about it, is much better discovered in India because it’s an ancient country which has been all the times seeking, seeking, for thousands of years. Now the system that is Sahaja Yoga as you mentioned is not mine. It’s an ancient system. But we had this system in the Nath Panthis, they call it, that they were in the centre. And one master will have only one disciple, this was the tradition. So there were very few people who got their Realization. Shri Rama’s father-in-law’s guru was Ashtavakra. He has written about sahaj. But he has just described what happens when you get into the state of Spirit. This father-in-law, Janaka, gave Realization to only one person Natchiketa according to the tradition.But, on the twelve century, there was a great poet in India, in Maharashtra, born as Gnyaneshwara, who asked his guru, his own brother that: “Let me also tell about this.” He said: "All right”. He permitted. So in his Gnyaneshwari which is just the explanation of Gita, he has clearly said in the sixth chapter about Kundalini, how she rises, how she gives you Realization and everything. But those people who were in charge of religion, as usual, didn’t know how to do it. So what they did, they said:” This is "nisidhat" [forbid] - means, cancelled- you don’t read this sixth chapter.” So nobody would read that chapter. That’s how it went into background! So I would say, after that, many great saints like Guru Nanak, Kabir, Sukarama, Ramdas, in the sixteen century, did a great work of Kundalini [inaudible]. Even in the Bible, it is: “I will appear before you as tongues of flames.” “Tree of life” so many things are described! But in the little time that they had, they could not explain so much. Now, these people have talked about Kundalini and said about it. If I have done any work, is this, that by studying through human beings, I met many people because my father was a very social man and my husband was in a position where I met many people. I studied human beings and I found out a method by which you can now give a-mass Realization.In Russia, in Bulgaria, Romania, we always have people in the stadium, not less than sixteen thousand, and they all get their Realization! And they are very sensitive to spirituality and they stick to it. None of these false gurus could stick there. Interviewer: Psychics, the issue of psychics, it’s so popular here! And we are very-it’s very dangerous. Could you explain what can happen?Shri Mataji: Ah. Americans are very simple people I must say. First time I came for parapsychology, they took Me into a hall of parapsychology. They told Me: "You are dealing with dead spirits!" And they were very angry with Me. He says that: "You come as guest and why do crusade? [unsure]." I said: "I have to tell you the truth, I am your Mother. I’m not your guest, you didn’t pay for Me. I came on my own, coming on my vehicle and going on my vehicle", while they made money out of Me. So, they don’t like it.When I first came here, when I told them that: "These are all spirits and psychic things and don’t do it”, they didn’t like it. Interviewer: How can we know of false guru?Shri Mataji: First of all, you cannot pay for your Self Realization! Or for any knowledge. You must value your life. If you don’t value your life, then you’ll go to all such stupid people and you’ll waste your time. No, if you value you life, if you value your money for example, you’ll first find out what it this you are buying. First of all you must see the disciples, what are they doing, what is their style what are they gaining, what is their knowledge. First the disciples! Most of them are recluses. Anything which is sort of fashionable, people want to do. You talk of individuality, all right? Any entrepreneur, now they just started a six inches of skirt, everybody wears six inches of skirt! Otherwise you are not “in”, means in the lunatic asylum.So like that, these people are good at big advertisement, marketing, writing books, all falsehood! You believe them because they have a knack, advertisement is the main thing which has led to this kind of things and Americans are really very sensitive to advertising. If anything is advertised, they think it’s great.Also I was surprised when I came here, they asked Me – in Boston, I remember- they asked Me: "How many Roll Royce you have?", in the television. I said: "I don’t have!" They said then: "You don’t make any money." "No." I said: "I don’t make any money." "So there’s no business." "No", I said "no". "Then we are not interested." They wouldn’t have Me on the television. I mean you are so money oriented that tomorrow you’ll purchase God also I think.So, first of all, you cannot pay for it.Second, you must see the disciples, what sort of disciples they are, what they are, how much they are talking about the knowledge. They must have the knowledge. Now you know very well, and people can find out that in Sahaja Yoga people just get Realization and start giving Realizations to others. So many diseases have been cured. It’s a fact, there’s a book written. Interviewer: So we are in a new stage, a new evolution.Shri Mataji: Of course, this is the time, if you miss it, you’ll miss it for ever! Because, you see, otherwise, you see in America, people are getting destroyed from within. All kinds of diseases, psychological problems, this, that, stress, this, that, all kind of things are going on.Now, to stop it, better ascend above all these things. Interviewer: Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.Please join us for part two of this special program on “Audrey Hope’s real women”. Part 2 1993-10-11 Shri Mataji, ‘Reel Women’ Interview, P2, Los Angeles, USA, Interviewer – Welcome Shri Mataji! Shri Mataji – Thank You. Interviewer – What is human evolution? What it is the next step in human evolution? Shri Mataji – Next Step is to become the spirit which you are. You are the pure spirit, you are not this body, mind, ego, all your conditionings but you are the pure spirit and that’s what you have to become. In evolutionary process, you have become a human being, in human awareness we have not been able to reach the absolute truth. If we had reached the absolute truth there would have been no problems, no quarrelling, no arguments and no wars but because we are all holding something as truth which is not absolute that’s why we are fighting. Interviewer – You describe Self-realization as a living process of the kundalini where you can feel on your central nervous system. Can you explain? Shri Mataji – Yes. We have evolved so far through a process of evolution which is spontaneous, which is a living process and now once this evolutionary process takes place, when you become the spirit, then you achieve so many of your powers which are not yet known to you. Interviewer – What is the cool breeze that you experience and what is the reference to the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji – So this done through a power which is called as kundalini in your sacrum bone which is the sacred bone. It’s like any connection you have to put; supposing you have a television and if it is not connected to the mains it looks like just a box in the same way we think we are the boxes but once we are connected then we realise how many things (can) are there, which we have never knew that we owned them, we are the power of that. Actually this is your own power to begin with and the manifestation of this when it is connected to the mains to the all-pervading power of divine love then the first thing you feel is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. It is the reflection of the Holy Ghost is this kundalini or we call it as Adishakti. Then this comes out of your head you can clearly feel the cool breeze coming out of your head. Also you can feel them on your fingertips, when you feel them on your fingertips actually it is on your central nervous system you can feel those centres which are actually, are the last points of the sympathetic nervous system. So the right side you can feel the physical and the mental problems of your centres and on the left hand side you can feel the emotional problems of your centres. If this is decode properly, then you can feel your own centres so the first thing you get is self knowledge; knowledge about yourself; now many people who get diseases they don’t know they have got disease they have to go through diagnosis, this that, here you don’t have to do anything like that you just on fingertips you can feel it. What’s wrong with you physically or mentally, emotionally or what’s wrong with you spiritually because you might have gone to some false person, there must be some spiritual problem in you, everything can be verified on these fingertips. In Koran is described that’s when resurrection time will come your hands will speak and they will give witness against you, its very clearly described. Interviewer – And we are in this special time? Shri Mataji – Yes of course, this is the special time of resurrection when you do feel that. Not only that but when this Kundalini rises then all these centres are nourished, integrated and enlightened and you get the well-being of your physical side, mental side, emotional side and spiritual side as a result you become extremely calm, peaceful, healthy. We are all the time thinking about future and past, one thought rises falls another thought rises falls, in between these thoughts there is a little space, we live in the past or the future, the little space is the present. We can’t live in the present, when this kundalini rises she elongates those thoughts and the space in between increases and you become thoughtlessly aware in Sanskrit it is called as ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ that your awareness becomes thoughtlessly aware. You see everything, know everything but you are thoughtless so thus your peace is established. If there is no peace within whats use of talking about peace; having conference of peace, organisations of peace, there should be peace within. I have known people you have got peace awards, one of the most hot tempered people so how can they have peace award, I don’t know they have got peace award alright so doesn’t matter. Now this is what is the first achievement is that you feel thoughtlessly aware, then you can feel on your fingertips also the centres of others that means you are collectively conscious. This is second dimension in your awareness, who is the other you become part and parcel of the whole so you can feel the chakras of another person not only that but sitting down here you can feel anybody’s chakras and if you know how to correct yours, you can correct yours and if you know how to correct others, you can correct that; thus you can correct all the chakras and you can solve the problems. Another thing that happens to you is that you attention becomes very pure, there is no lust and greed in your attention, it becomes innocent, you look at things innocently. In Sahaja yoga now we have so many people but I have never heard of anybody’s wife running away with somebody or nothing, the flirting, all that is finished now. They are just like children, very innocent people like angels. This attention is also active, when you pay attention to (some) somebody, it acts, it works, it heals, it helps, it’s remarkable because the kingdom of God is the most efficient kingdom you could think of and it is work with the all the subtle of all the elements like it has a subtle of the ether, subtle of the earth, all these things are control by this all pervading power and once you are connected with it, you know that whatever you desire, whatever you want happens. A person becomes extremely creative, I have known many artist from India who have become now world famous, have got realisation and became. They were Muslims, Hindus all kinds of people then you transcend all the limitation of this artificial life, transcend the limitation of these outside religions and your inner religion, innate religion starts manifesting by which you really become really become religious. Its not that ,eh, you may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim but you can commit any sin, anybody, no you do not commit any sins anybody, you just become an angel you can call it as saint. The religion is inside which enlighten and if you are a Christian, you become real Christian; if you are Hindu, you become real Hindu and the all the system which is inside is enlightened in such way that you just don’t do wrong thing. For example I have known so many people who came to me who were drug addicts and overnight, over night, after Self-realization they have given up. Alcoholism, all bad habits, all kinds of diseases are cured, even cancer, even AIDS. I must say this is not that difficult because their mentality is different but it has cured many diseases and you feel your well being when you get your Self-realization. Interviewer – Shri Mataji, what would happen to those who don’t hear the call, pay attention to these special times? Shri Mataji – See, it is Judgement and human beings are free to judge. They want to come to reality they can come, if they don’t want to come we cannot force, we cannot force. You have to respect the freedom of their choice, whatever they want to do but those you won’t come – I don’t know what will happen to them but they will be in the same problems that they had and as you see this world is getting destroyed from within so to get out of it is the better idea. Interviewer – And America plays a very important role in this new time as a communicator? Shri Mataji – Of course, this is a country of Communication. The other day somebody asked a question, Why should America be a Policemen everywhere?Jolly well it has to be because that’s the character it is born. Is this centre is America and because America is not alright I have a problem. So, this is the centre is for all kinds of communications and for collectivity. Always you’ll find Americans bear the collective responsibilities of the world problems, sometime they make mistakes, it’s different, but by nature they have to do it, they can’t help it, that is their nature. Interviewer – It has been said that you are the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji – Ya. Interviewer – Is this true? Shri Mataji – You are in this part. I have to say that I must be something, Isn’t it? After all, when I am giving realization to thousands of people I must be something and some people must have found out something. But as far as the people are concerned I would say I’ve learnt a lesson because Christ who was the son of God was crucified, who said who was the son of God. Mohammad Sahab was given poison, everybody was troubled like this. Now, I don’t want to get crucified, I want to do my work till I live alright so that’s why I don’t want to say anything, once you get your Self-realization you will find out who am I? Interviewer – May we do that right now? Shri Mataji – Yes why not? Why not? First you have to put your shoes away because the Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now, please put both your hands towards me like this. Left hand towards me in a very comfortable position you can put it on your lap you have to become very comfortable you don’t have to go to Himalayas as we have said it, you have to become comfortable and right hand you have to give realization in a way that left hand is for your desire and right hand is for your action. In the same way your feet should be away from each other if you are sitting on the chair but if you are on the ground it’s alright. Now please put your left hand towards me like this and the right hand on your heart. We have to nourish our centres only on the left hand side; in the heart resides the spirit. Now if you become the spirit, you become your own master so take down your right hand upper portion of your abdomen; here is the centre of your mastery created by all the prophets and all the incarnations. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. This is the centre for pure divine knowledge, pure divine knowledge. This you will understand later on when you will come to our centres, they will explain to you everything and you can find out everything about this knowledge which is like an ocean. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen again on the left hand side. Now raise it on your heart, now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head, this is a centre where you have to forgive everyone now take your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head, here without counting your mistakes or feeling guilty you have to ask forgiveness from the all pervading divine power. Now stretch your arm, stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head and now push back your fingers and move your scalp clockwise slowly, push back your finger so there is a good pressure on your scalp, now put down your head and now move your scalp slowly clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now put the right hand on your heart, here in your heart you have to ask a question, a very fundamental question about yourself, you close your eyes and don’t open them till I tell you, here please ask a question in your heart you can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. Mother, am I the spirit? Ask this question 3 times. If you become the spirit you become your own master, your own guru. So now take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Keep your eyes shut and ask another fundamental question about yourself, Mother am I my own master? Ask 3 times. Now take down your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard, at this point you have to ask 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals. I must say I respect your freedom and the pure divine knowledge cannot be given to you by force so ask 6 times in your heart, Mother please give me pure divine knowledge – 6 times. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We have to open these upper centres with our self-confidence. So here you have to say with full self confidence, Mother I am my own master. Please say it 10 times – Mother, I am my own master. I’ve already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditioning but you are the pure spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart and please say with full confidence. Mother, I am the pure spirit – say 10 times please – Mother 12 times, 12 times – Mother, I am the pure spirit. This all-pervading divine power is the ocean of compassion, ocean of knowledge and ocean of bliss and joy but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily forgiven by this power. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right; this centre is really bad in America. Here you have to say with self-confidence 16 times. Mother, I am not guilty at all, please say this 16 times. I already told you whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands all your life. While those who have troubled you are happy but you are torturing yourself. Specially at this moment it’s very important that you forgive everyone in general because this centre is extremely constricted and if don’t forgive it won’t open and you will also miss the opportunity of your self-realization. So now take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put it down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again from your heart not how many time, Mother, I forgive everyone in general, say it from your heart not how many time. Now you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to ask forgiveness from the divine power for your own satisfaction without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes so please say again from your heart not how many times. Oh divine power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me, please say this from your heart, from your heart not how many time – Oh! Divine power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly. Now the last centre is very important. You have to stretch your palm fully and then put the centre of your palm on the top of the fontanel bone area, now bend your head as far as possible. Here again I cannot force self-realization on you, you have to ask for it. So you move your scalp, if you stretch your fingers outwards there will be nice pressure and you move your scalp 7 times clockwise saying Mother, please give me Self-realization. That’s all. Now please open your eyes, put both the hands towards me like this. Put right hand towards me and put down your head and see with the left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like thing coming out of your fontanel bone area – the soft bone was there in your childhood just see. Now please don’t put your hand on the top of the head, away from it. Now please put both the hands towards me like this and stop thinking you can do it. You can stop your thinking. You will feel a cool or hot breeze on your hands and you feel very relax, extremely relaxed. Now those who get realization like this have to know that it is the sprouting of the seed which has to grow into a tree so you have to come to our centres, there they will give you all the necessary knowledge, all the help that is needed to make your connection perfect.
The Feminine Power Within Us
United States
Washington D.C.
Public Program
Public Program at National Institute of Health, Washington, D.C. (USA). 14 October 1993. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it, and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Another thing, whatever I'm going to tell you today, please do not accept it blind-folded. We have accepted many things blind-folded and we have suffered. But keep your mind open as scientists and if this hypothesis is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. First of all, I'll tell you what is the truth, you are all seekers, but you must know what is the truth you are seeking. The first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego; these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. You always say this is "my" body, "my" conditionings, "my" mind, my... When you say "my", who is this "I" to which all these belong? The second truth is that there is a All Pervading Power of Divine Love; which does all the living work. You see beautiful flowers and beautiful trees, they are all miracles, but we take these miracles for granted. Who runs our heart? If you ask the Doctors, they will say its "autonomous nervous system", but who is the "auto"? Who runs our heart? Look at our eyes, which is such a wonderful camera, and this brain, which is such a perfect computer. Who has made this and who runs them? We never ask this question, we take it for granted. This is all done by this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have always used the power of hatred. Any organization you find, there's some sort of a separation from the rest, describing that "we are trying to do this kind of a work, even saving the children against something". This is against nothing. In totality, you have to see this world, the whole universe and human way. About these centers and the chakras and this power below, you've been already told. This power that is in the triangular bone is in the sacrum bone, that means the Greeks knew it's a sacred bone. Greeks knew a lot of things, like they call Athena "Athea", "athea" means Primordial; they call her a Primordial Mother. In all the Scriptures, there's a mention of the Primordial Mother, and if in some of them it is not, because they just didn't want to say anything about women. This power in the triangular bone is the reflection of this Primordial Mother, which in the Christian religion they call it as Holy Ghost. They have the Father, the Son the God, and no Mother, it's the Holy Ghost, a doe. [dove?] Its Paul's doings, I think he hated women, and he didn't want to mention any feminine divinity. That has really made I've seen in the West women very insecure. Also in such an advanced country, of course Catholics can never accept it, but even in England where there's not Catholic influence, up till now they've been struggling if the priest would be a women or not,[ I mean?] its very primitive idea. But otherwise she is considered as Shakti; as the power, and this is the feminine power within us which gives us our second birth. She's your own power. She's your own individual mother, and She knows everything about you, just like a tape recorder. She knows all our past, and She is extremely anxious to give you the second birth. As when your mother gave you birth, she took all the pains upon herself, this Kundalini does that job. While some people have described that Kundalini awakening means such and such thing, and nothing of the kind. I've being doing this job for the last 23 years; I've not seen anybody getting into trouble. I came to Washington in 1972 and there were only 4 people in the hall, I am so happy to see so many of you here. After that I didn't come I must say. Even to America I came only after 9 years, because I was so disappointed. The materialism has taken over so much that at that time people asked me very funny questions, like in Boston they were wanting to do some sort of a television show, and the first question they asked Me "How many Rolls Royce I had?" I said "I've none" so they said "what do you mean", "you are not in the business?" I said, "No there's no business, it is, but its spiritual business" then they said "we are not interested in you, if you have no business of money, we are not interested", the television, I was so shocked. And that time I had warned about all the false people who will be coming here, and how they will cheat you, what they will do, but nobody was willing to listen to me. They said if you don't take money you are hocus pocus. It was impossible to tell them that you can't pay for your spirituality. It's a living process of your evolution, the last breakthrough and this has to be achieved not by payment, you cannot. God doesn't understand money; He doesn't understand banking or your economics, nothing of the kind, because he doesn't have these headaches. But I think they used to think God must be a person who is doing a lot of business, or something. It was impossible to tell them about it. Now I am very happy to see, as I am seeing you here, so many seekers of truth are here to get their Realization. Sahaja Yoga, as you know means "Saha" is with, "ja" is born, born with you is the right to get this union with this All Pervading Divine Power. It is your right to get it. Every human being who is existing today has to get it. This is a special time, I call it "Blossom Time", because many flowers are there who have to become the fruits, but it is also called as "Last Judgment", it's called as "Resurrection Time", in the Koran it is called as "Qiyama", and their funny ideas. I met a Muslin from Bosnia, it so happen, I asked him "why are you killing yourself, why don't you accept whatever is available, after all, you life should be there" so he said "no, you see, if we now die in the name of resurrection, in the name of God, resurrection we'll get". I said "what is this idea?" The idea is that at the time of resurrection all those who are dead in the graves, will come out of the graves. Image what are the remains in the grave are, I mean should be logical, and they will get their resurrection. Even Christians believe that way; I think the Jews also believe the same way. But think that after so many years, all our forefathers who have died, dinosaurus [ should it be changed for dinosaurs] and all those will be coming out of the graves with their bones, I think, and then, we'll have to give them resurrection. That way, I think the Indian philosophy is the most sensible, and [unclear] also Chinese, that at this time, people will be born, the souls will take births, many souls will take their births at this time, and they will get their resurrection who are seeking the truth. That's why we have such a population problem now, there's such a population problem but it is to be understood in the right perspective, that this population problem has [Mother says "has", consider changing next word to "come"] coming because all kind of souls are taking birth, and that's why we have all kinds of such stupid people, idiotic people, violent people, all kinds of funny, queer people, who just don't understand how are they human beings, the way they behave. They cannot understand many things which are so natural, which are so normal, and sensible. So, all such people are born today, and we get very upset I find, in Washington specially, people are very upset, that children are killing their parents, they are using all kinds of weapons, and this and that. I'm not surprised, because if these children are born out of some sort of animal instinct, or the parents are born out of some animal instinct, it's alright, they are doing what they have been doing before, supposing a tiger is born, he has to kill human beings, but even then, all these things can be cured, all these souls can be saved, and they can all become higher people; above all these problems they can rise, through this Kundalini awakening. Absolutely true, I tell you, because now I've faced all kind of people, all over the world, and I'm amazed, how this work is showing it's results, in these horrible times, we call modern times Kali Yuga. All these have been described already, that there will be people who will be very much under illusions. This is a special time, and this is the time because they'll get frustrated, they'll be tired, and they will take to their resurrection. It's already described. Only thing is, if I have done anything is this that, I have found out a way to give en-masse Realization. Formerly, it was one master could have only one disciple. Till the 12th Century, it was so even in India. We had [unclear: peace everywhere], Sufi's were there, so many poets I have read, American poets and English poets, they were all realized souls. But, also in India, where we call it a very Spiritual country, we had very few realized souls. One master would have one disciple, chosen for this. Thus it continued 'til the 12th century, when a very great poet called Gyaneshwara, he started in a way writing about Gita, he requested his brother who was his guru,Avrutinath [check spelling] that please allow me to write about Kundalini because in the Gita it is not mentioned, we must write about it. So he allowed and he wrote it in the 6th chapter of that Gyaneshwari but people said, the people who were in charge of the religion that time, said "this chapter is something to be condemned", because they didn't know how to awaken the Kundalini, this has to be absolutely condemned, and nobody should read this one, nishida is the word, not so bad a word as condemned, nishid, is not to be read, thus all this knowledge of the inner being was kept in the darkness and this knowledge of the inner being, not known to us, created the problem. The civilization that has grown so much as we see, is like a big tree, but you do not have the knowledge of your roots, if you do not have the knowledge of the roots, this civilization is going to be finished and that's exactly what is happening today. Whatever we have done so far, whatever we have achieved so far, is just a mental projection. Science is amoral, it doesn't give you answers to many questions, like a child when it is born, at a proper time, one can ask a question to a doctor "that you are not aware, are you not aware, that a foreign body was growing into this body, and a foreign body when it enters into the body immediately it is thrown out, that's the system, but is not thrown out. Today my throat it thrown out, absolutely I have been speaking every night, and the pollution; I think Washington is full of pollution, alright. So the child is borne in the system for 9 months, it is not thrown away, and thrown away at the right time, how does it happen? How is it retained and then [thrown away] after exactly after exactly 9 months. The doctor won't be able to answer you this question. But science cannot answer you one question: Why are you on this earth? What is the purpose of your life? What is the goal of your life? We are now facing a problem that people say "we have no identity". This instrument supposing is not connected to the mains, how will it have its own identity, how will it work? What's the use without this connection? In the same way, it happens to us, when we are not connected to this power which has created us, we have no identity, we have no real purpose. We do this thing, and do that, we don't understand. We are born here, just make some money, and die. There isn't any purpose that we can see clearly. Only after this connection is established we can know what is the purpose of our life is. And the purpose of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. That is the purpose. We have become human beings, up to a stage and now, we have to enter into the Kingdom of God, where you know the absolute Truth, everybody knows the same truth, if God is one, then why should there be so many truths, somebody says "Capitalism is good", somebody says "Socialism is good", somebody says "Communism is good", I mean all kinds of things, and they fight, on that point. But nobody knows the absolute Truth. And once you know the absolute Truth, then there is no discussion, no argument, no fights. We have conferences after conferences. I have known people who have got awards in Peace, I mean known very well, they're so hot tempered, I tell you, after getting the award they become even worse, if you have to talk to them, take a barge pole in between, otherwise they is [they're?] dangerous. These people are given awards; I don't know why, whatever may be the reason; what happens really is this: that there is no peace within and big discussions, big arguments, quarrels, sometimes even beatings, and what comes out of it is nothing that is really the peace. Peace is within yourself. Peace is a state in which you have peace. When you are connected to this All Pervading Power, first thing that happens that you feel a Cool Breeze on your fingertips , now the 5, 6 and 7, these are 7 centers which you can feel, and 5, 6 and 7, these 7 centers you feel, on the left side that you feel is the emotional side and the right side is the side of your physical and mental, mental meaning thinking, so we have these two sides which are enlightened, actually doctors know that these are the ending of the sympathetic nervous system, but when they are enlightened, immediately you know also what's wrong with your centers, also the Cool Breeze comes out of your fontanelle bone area, this is the actualization of your Second Birth, what you call the baptism, you can feel it, from your head it comes, you can feel it on your fingertips, you verify. It's so absolute that even children can diagnose a person, for example they say "this finger is catching", that means something wrong with the heart, you ask the person "Have you have any heart trouble?", they'll immediately ask "how do you know?" you can know it on fingertips, English language is [unclear] fingertips, we know it on our fingertips. Thus, you know about your Chakras, your centers, and it is self-knowledge. People till they die they don't know they are going to die with cancer, or any diseases. Once this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. She corrects your physical side; She corrects your mental side. It's a fact, I tell you, we have three doctors in Delhi University, who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga curing incurable diseases, one of them is asthma. So you cure yourself, you do the diagnosis; you know what's the problem is, and you cure yourself. It's so simple, that it is unbelievable that how you can cure yourself like this. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are most of them, are because of these centers going into jeopardy. If you somehow other cure these centers, you can solve physical, mental, and emotional problems. Now we've seen many people who suffer from all sorts of depressions, schizophrenia, all such kinds of things. They don't have to psychiatrist, who will blame the mother or the father, nothing of the kind. You get cured, yourself, no questions are asked, nothing of the kind, and you just get cured of these troubles because this Kundalini connects you to the mains. She on her way, nourishes these centers, integrates them, and enlightens them, this is Her job, and She does it very well, only thing you have to support her, now again I say, this is your own power and it's your own Mother. We are all seekers, I know, they have been seekers all over, but what we have to seek is our evolution. We do not know the totality, we do not know the reality, we talk of peace, it's not there. We are all the time thinking about the future or the past. We are jumping on the cusp of the future and the past all the time. But we cannot be in the present; I say "you be in the present", you cannot. The thought rises and falls, another thought rises and falls, in between these thoughts, there is a little space, very little space, which is the present. Present is the reality but you cannot be in the present. So when this Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts, by this the space of the present increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware, you are aware, but no thought, that is the state where you are peaceful. At that time you are growing spiritually. With a disturbed mind you cannot, but with this peace you start growing spiritually. The second state that you achieve is doubtless awareness. There's Sanskrit names for this, one is Nirvichara Samadhi, and the second one is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In the second state, some people achieve it both the states simultaneously, but some have to little bit work it out because this connection has to fixed, sometimes it is loose with people. So, you have this second state where you have no doubts, you know you have powers to raise the Kundalini of others, you know how to cure others, your whole value system changes, here when this Kundalini rises, into the first, through this first center, or we could call the Swadishthana, it is call the second center otherwise, you become extremely creative. I've know people who have never known how to write any one sentence in poetry, they have become poets. There are musicians who today are famous in the whole world, they are all Sahaja Yogis, they don't tell, they may not tell, but they are all blessed by their Kundalini. You become great painters and artists. And with the second center as you know that, you become righteous. We talk of religion, you may be Hindu, Muslin, Christians, anything, you can commit any sin, the religion is not within yourself, it's outside, you go to church, or you go to a temple, or anywhere, but here you don't have to go anywhere, you just become, you become a saint, you become an angel. You just don't do wrong things, and you enjoy your virtues; you enjoy them. This happens to you automatically. I don't tell anyone "don't drink", don't nothing of the kind, it is very serious. I never tell, because if I tell half of you will go away. But only thing is that if you are enlightened then it works automatically. I'll give a simple example. I am holding supposing a snake in my hand, it's darkness, and I'm an obstinate, egotistical person, supposing; so somebody tells Me "Madam, there is a snake in your hand". I won't give up; I'll say "no, it's a rope". Till it bites me I'll not give; I'll hold on to it. But supposing there is little light, I'll immediately throw it away. No use telling anything to anyone. That has never worked. Best is put some light into them, and they themselves become alright, they become their own guide, they become their own masters, they become their own guru. You don't have to tell them anything. It just works automatically. Because once it is awakened within you, it works that way. You have this, another center, which is extremely important, which gives you sense of security and this center when disturbed, you get all kinds of troubles and diseases and I would say that, it gives you all kind of problems. This center is nourished then you have anti-bodies awakened, who are enlightened and who fight your diseases very well you don't know how, it's a fact. Cancer has been cured through Sahaja Yoga. All kinds of diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. Naturally, you'll say, what about AIDS. AIDS also can be cured, but I must say, I don't know My experience may be wrong, but there's are only two types of AIDS patients. One are who are martyrs, you see, marching to prove that AIDS is something, I don't know what it is. And another type are people who don't want to live, they have decided to die, but we have got hold of some people who were in between and it has worked, it's very difficult area; for other diseases I can tell you any kind of a psychosomatic [unclear]. "Psycho" the left sided, the "somatic" the right sided, both works out, because it is a "psycho-somatic", doctors can't do it, never, nor a psychologist, because as you know it's a specialization, we have one doctor for one eye, and one doctor for another eye. Here we are talking of totality; there's no specialization, totality. If you cure one thing, another thing comes up. It's not like that. It's the total balance that comes into it's own shape and you don't have any problems as far as your health is concerned, of course some doctors were worried, "what will happen to our practice?"; see now, simple is "how many will come to Sahaja Yoga?". Now in this New York City, there's so many people, the other day I saw one person driving one car; such an affluent place with so many cars, with so many people, how many are here? How many will come to Sahaja Yoga, and out of these, how many will grow? So doctors should not worry, there will be thousands and thousands left for that, so they should have no worry about it. Now, we have this center, is this the center is your America, is this center in the Universe, and whenever I come to America I get problems with this center, because of this center is the center of collectivity and the responsibility, that's why you will go to Somalia, you'll go Haiti, you'll go to Vietnam, to Korea, everywhere, they have to jolly well go. Whatever you may criticize but it is basically your responsibility; this is America. In that way, they are very responsible I would say, but I think, because of materialism, the people have become rather superficial and coarse. The affluence has brought forth a kind of a personality which doesn't bother about spirituality, but I think this session and so many problems might awakened them, but if you see this country is destroying itself from within, how many types of diseases are cropping up here? Every time I come a new kind of a disease is there. How many this schizophrenia I've never heard in India. We've never heard of so many things that are done in this country, it's very difficult why human beings take to destructive things for? Because the mental projection is there, with the mental projection it goes in a linear way up to a point, but it falls, because it is not substantiated with truth, it is not substantiated with morality, so it falls down, and that's why you find decline, in every sphere you'll find decline, say we had films. Well, I'm an old woman so I've seen very good films, American films were very much appreciated at time, but for the last 30 years I don't know what has happened, one by one, now you can't see them, even the language goes on "quack, quack, quack", you don't know what they are talking about. They use to speak very good English and very beautiful films they had, suddenly, this decline started, started, and I don't know which film one should see, and they get awards for doing horrible things. This appreciation of also horrible films, also is the decline of the mind. To get out of it, one has to realize the responsibility towards yourself and towards the whole society, which is not there. That responsibility the government has to impose, but in democracy this is your private life, do what you like. If you want to shave off yourself, you can shave off, if you want to cut your nose, you can cut it. Government is not bothered, that's your private life. But whether the private life is respected or the private parts are respected is not the point. The point is this is your private life. You do what like, if you want to go to hell, you can go. Because it is democracy. Only you have to work. That's all. It doesn't go further than that. So this is the situation we find in democratic countries, I just wondered, what's the matter with them? Like there was some thing called Punks in England, some boys came to Me, they said "we are getting blind", I said, "Why do you put this color, is not good for your eyes", "What's wrong?", "But you will get blind", "So what's wrong", I said "what's wrong, you want to get blind?" "What's wrong?" I was surprised at their stupidity that God has given them eyes and they have no value for them. In the same way, we have so many kinds of horrible false people coming here. Somebody says that you can move a pendulum, if you say certain mantras. People will pay any amount of money to that. Now are you here to move the pendulums? Why are you here on this earth? Or they give one stupid mantras, for that they will give any amount of money to that man. I mean even a donkey can give you a mantra, what is there to go to these people, what happens to the IQ?, why not we use that and understand what we have to achieve is the transformation within, what did you get out of it, so many people the other day, somebody was telling he's Buddhist, but also bankrupt. I said "Why?" because I have been giving money, money, money, now I am bankrupt, and a Buddhist. Shaved his head also, like Kabira, I said "by shaving your head if you go to heaven then all the sheep who are shaved every year, should go there much faster". It's like that, it's so absurd, all the absurd, somebody says you will fly half way, three feet height you can fly, alright. So people are willing to pay £6,000; but why? There's already jams in the roads, and these three feet high people moving, what will happen? Why do you want to fly three feet high, I can't understand? What is the common sense? Why can't we understand a simple thing that we don't need all that, and they broke their bottoms and they charged them, and now they have been refunded, some people. All kinds of absurd things are marketed in America. They are very good at marketing, I know they have employed people who are very good at marketing, I know, they should find out, and then the market in America is the best place, all of them are exported, not only from India but from all over. In America, you have evangelist also, that's another surprise to Me, that I've seen it, one film is very nice, but I have seen one evangelist showing a 100 dollar note. "If you give this, release this", he says. So that you will get many more and he gives the story of one lady, release this, so she got all the groceries in her house, and the groceries started falling from the sky, and Americans say "ahhhh". What's wrong, how could you believe such nonsense? It's absurd I know, absolutely absurd, but people say "alright", you had these suicidal squads, all kinds of things. Even so called religions are showing their teeth to now to us, and very well. You can't believe this priests behaving like this. Is absolutely ridiculous to do such things in the name of God. It's ridiculous. They are not afraid of God, at all. They don't know what is the wrath of God is, and they are befooling people for money, because you have money, and they think money has a power, they are trying to extract money from you. For Sahaja Yoga, you cannot pay. You cannot purchase Sahaja Yoga. As I've told you already, you must know it is so invaluable that you cannot pay for it. It is to be understood, that it is not something like a shop. I belong to another society so called "elite", and the talk is about guru-shopping. Have you meet particular guru this one? No, no, why? Oh, he is cheaper now, now on sale, you can get it cheaper value. Really, it is crazy. It is something like your supermarkets, walking into the name of God. Now, please use your IQ which you have used so much for sending from here all these things to moon, and now another one is coming out, from somewhere else, please use your brains for going inside. What's this of going to the Moon, what did you get? Such a lot of money was wasted? Why not getting inside and know yourself, what is inside, what's wrong with me? But that's not possible. For that, they won't listen. I know in America there have been so many seekers, we have had people like Abraham Lincoln, all kinds of great people have come here and we have to know our own value system. On what foundations do we stand, firmly? We talk of family, you cannot bring in family life now anymore, because you worship Freud as Jesus Christ, now you are after so many years, you are saying, "enough", he's fraudulent Freud, there's a book, then another book I've seen is the "Fall of Freud's empire" but it has gone into the brain of the people, into the families, into everywhere. You go to any Freudian, he'll tell you "something wrong with your mother" and "something relationship wrong" I mean,[ this is?] absurd things they tell you, I don't know how you can believe it. I met first time, a child about 12 years of age. His mother came and said "he's taking drugs", I felt terrible about a, 12 years' old child, taking drugs. So I just took that child hugged him and kissed him. So he said "my mother never does it to me", I said "she doesn't do to you?", "No, no she never does it to me", I asked her "will you never hug your child and kiss?", "No, because I will have guilt", I couldn't understand the philosophy at that time, a mother having a guilt if she has to hug her own child. It's all Mr. Freud, oh, very much respected, but also he prospered in America, you'll be surprised, not in his own place, Austria. When I talked against him they all clapped very happy, and they were saying that "he brought a bad name to us", but how these horrible things prosper here, we should watch out. Now of course Freud has gone out, he's no more there, but Freudians still there, and people who believe in Freud are still there, it's gone into their brains. Now how will you create a sensible society?, only way is to get out of it, just get out of it, all these nonsensical things are there, but you have to just, somehow other get out of it and it's only possible through your awakening, through your Realization, otherwise there's no way out. But once the Americans get out of it, I can tell you, they are the best people, I trust them more than anybody else, but they have to get out of it, bit difficult, to get them to the program and make them sit throughout the lecture is also difficult. Now how many have gone out? You see, I didn't count, but this is not done anywhere else except in America. 'Cause their freedom. In Russia you'll be amazed, they're so sensitive to spiritually, very sensitive, because they didn't have this kind of a freedom. Here the freedom is there, for everything. A rich man, I went to his house, he carried me in his car, and he had the handle in a funny way and he told Me, "if you have to open the handle, you have to turn it this way". But I said "why?" "Oh, It's my individual invention, I've done it", but anybody who doesn't know how to get out of his car will die, if something happens to him. We got into his house, he told me "this is my bathroom, but don't put on this switch, otherwise You will just jump into the swimming pool". I said "My God! What is this suppose to be for?" "Oh, that's my invention" I said "you give me some ordinary bathroom; I don't want all this nonsense". Then he had a bed. "You can press one button, your legs will go up, your head will come up", I said "I don't know which button to press, there are very clean buttons. "You just have to touch". I said "I am not going to touch, I'll sleep on the ground, what sort of a thing is this nonsense, nothing is going to happen to me if I sleep on the ground, but supposing I touch this here, suddenly I find ... and this I find and this is how they spend their money in their free[dom]. [unclear] I don't know, but false gurus are also very rich people and some of them had so many of Rolls Royces and this kind of, that kind of, brainless, useless people, they were, I tell you, most of them. But, it happens, I don't know what impress them, anybody from India, if he is released from a jail, he has no place in the society, he wears those orange dresses and comes straight to America. Settles in some square or somewhere and next year you see he has a big palace of his own. Whom are you helping? You have to help yourself. I am a Mother; I always ask them, "what did your guru do for you? Better look after yourself. Better know yourself. So thus you get your self-knowledge and also in the another dimension of your awareness, you develop collective consciousness. Collective consciousness is that you can feel others also on your fingertips. You can feel them very clearly, and you know what's wrong with another person, if you know how to cure that person, you can cure them. You don't have to go to the doctor; you don't have do any diagnoses or anything. You can help that person; you can cure many people like that. There's no fees to be paid, no hospital, nothing [unclear needed?]. Now we have our Sahaja Yogis in 55 nations. You must see when they meet. They have transcended all barriers of their countries, races, everything. Such love and such affection, such oneness, it's like one organism they were, if somebody's sick, somewhere, the whole body like a body of Sahaja Yoga worried about them. "They'll write to me, telephone to me, Mother please look after that person, he's sick". So many relationships of this kind I've seen. We have always used as I said, the power of hatred, but this power of love, which is pure love, absolutely pure, you'll be surprised there are people who are very beautiful, handsome all kind of things are there; but I have never seen anybody flirting, they don't flirt, I have not seen them any man running away with somebody's wife, I mean you come home and find your wife has gone away with somebody else, it's never like that, this idea does't comes into their head, because their attention has become pure, attention has become innocent, it is without any lust and greed, is such a beautiful thing to happen that your attention also become extremely active. After some time, you just pay attention to someone and you are in communication with that person, immediately if he's sick, if he's in trouble, you see, it so miraculous and the government of God, is so efficient, so quick, it is really worth knowing yourself, because you are fantastic, you are extremely beautiful inside. You are so extraordinary that you do not know, you cannot be aware of it, unless and until you are connected to the mains; you don't know what you are. It's like this; if you take a small television box to some remote place in a village, they'll say "what is this box?" say "oh, you'll see lots of films in it". They'll say, "How can that believe this, this is a box?" that is how we think of ourselves, we are a box. But, once this box is connected to the mains, you'll see, what this box is, because it is all built-in in you, like you take one seed and sprout it in the Mother Earth. You don't do anything, what do you? Nothing. Because in the seed it is built-in that it should sprout and the Mother Earth also has quality to sprout. It's spontaneous. Sahaj. That explains everything. This happens, Sahaj. You cannot manipulate it, or do anything about it, just works out, effortlessly, absolutely beautiful and this happening is so simple and so easy, that you'll be amazed how you get it. Now, I have to tell you that we'll have this session today, by which you all will get your Realization. I promise you, I promise you. It will hardly take 10 minutes once you close your eyes and take your Realization. For that, only there are three conditions, very simple. The first condition is that you should be fully self-confident that you'll get your Self-Realization, fully self-confident; all of you. Whatever may the problem, whatever may be the past, whatever [unclear] so the second condition comes out of this. That you are not to feel guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes, it's alright, you are human beings and you are not God. Don't judge yourself, and if some mistake has been committed, cure it at that moment or try to face it, what you do is to when you commit some mistakes you carry that guilt and put it here in the left Vishuddhi, it is a very dangerous thinking. I know people go on worrying: "Oh, God, that day, I split some coffee" so it doesn't matter, that fellow must have cleaned his clothes, it's alright, it doesn't matter, he'll go on thinking about it all his life "I've split the coffee, he split the coffee". Our norms are so, so funny, so funny are our norms, we have made them and we go on worrying about them. So first of all you should know you are not guilty at all about anything, if you feel guilty what happens? You develop a disease called angina, which is a very serious disease of the heart. It's a fashion also, to feel guilty, it's a fashion you know, if it becomes fashion you can't help it. Anything can be a fashion. They are individual as far as their bathrooms are concerned, but as far as dress is concerned and fashion is concerned, you can't understand them. They'll playing into the entrepreneurs. Like an entrepreneur says, "alright, six inches of skirts", in the winter of Switzerland, you'll find ladies with six inches of skirts, and then they get varicose veins, because that's the fashion. In that you don't have individuality, because the entrepreneurs have bombarded you with their advertisements and everything, they're all inside you head . But this becomes also a fashion as I said, to feel guilty. English language itself is full of "sorry, sorry, sorry". We never use to say that, you know. On the phone we use to say, I mean, I'm an old woman, at that time when we rang, "I beg your pardon", finished, instead of all the time saying "sorry, sorry", for what? In the way, you see, this all feeling of feeling sorry or depressed is very, very wrong. What you have to do is to face your mistakes and forget it. Otherwise you develop angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So what's the use of developing this, also arthritis, so what you are doing is to feel guilty and create a problem for yourself. It's a myth, to feel guilty is a myth, so please don't feel the guilty, forget the past, in short you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. I cannot give Realization to chicken and to goats. Only human beings can be given Realization. Now the third condition is even simpler, is that you have to forgive everyone in general, don't have to think about people whom you are to forgive. No. Please don't remember whom you are to forgive, it's a headache. Now, logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing! But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. See logically, the person who has troubled you or may be hurt you or whatever it is, is nicely enjoying himself, and you are sitting down here and hating him and doing all kind of cures, all this, and what you are doing is torturing yourself, for nothing at all. That's why I said, that don't even think about them. The worse part is that at this time, this center if it is because of guilt, has become constricted, the Kundalini won't rise, if you do not accept that you are not guilty, it won't rise. Then this center which is on the optic chasma, if you don't forgive it is constricted like that, it won't open. The Kundalini won't rise. All your life you have tortured yourself, for not forgiving. And now again at this important moment your Kundalini won't rise, you'll miss the great opportunity of getting your Realization, so please forgive all of them, I request again and again, because I've seen in the West people take time to forgive, they say "we can't when we want", I are just to say you are [have?] to forgive everyone, that's all. So, we have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves and respect ourselves, because we are human beings. We are not animals, above that, we are seekers of truth. These are the three conditions and another thing I must confess, that I cannot force Self Realization on you, you have to ask for it. You have to desire it, because this is the power of Pure Desire. All other desires are impure, that's why they are not satiable in general, but this is the Pure Desire you have of which you may be aware or not, after getting this, the complete satisfaction of your being is manifested. So many things happen I must tell you, you drop down at least your 20 years of age. I'm 71 years of age, and every night I am having a program, here, there, there, there, traveling, it's alright. In the same way you also become very dynamic and also very compassionate. Discretion, everything comes to you so beautifully, you really become so wise that you understand, you understand yourself and you try to correct yourself. So now, we'll take about, as I told you, a little time for that, first we'll have to take out our shoes, because this Mother Earth is very helpful in sucking out our problems. Again, I cannot force, so those who don't want to have [their Self Realization] should leave the hall. Just take out your shoes so the Mother Earth is touched by your feet. You can push back your shoes, I think. Now, whatever we are doing now is only for tonight you don't have to repeat. Just for tonight. After that, it will happen I know you all are going to get Realization. Who didn't want it have already gone, so it's alright, all the people who are going to get it are here. After this, only thing I have to say that you have to grow. You'll feel very nice after this, you'll feel "I'm in the seventh heaven" and all that. But still, like a sprouted seed, you'll be left behind. If you have to grow, you have to attend our centers which are very humble and simple centers, like a nail, if it is cut out of your body, it will not grow at all, by any chance. So please remember that after this it's a promise to Me also, you will all attend to the follow and then go to our centers where they will tell you all about it, now, in English language, at least minimum, I have given at least 4,000 lectures, minimum. In other languages, so many. So you will be able to see the knowledge, the ocean of knowledge that is within you, and they will tell you all about it, everything, again I have to tell you, you don't have to pay anything, but you have to pay attention to your Self Realization and some respect to yourself. Please respect yourself, that's the only thing I have to request you. Now, we'll tell you how you are going to nourish your own centers tonight. First of all, understand that left side is the power of desire; right side is the power of action. So please put your left hand towards Me, be comfortable, don't strain yourself, on your left lap, please put your left hand and put both the feet apart from each other because these are two powers, that means symbolically you are desirers of Self Realization. You have to be comfortable. But that doesn't mean slouch, little straight, you don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head for nothing at all, on your seat you will get your Realization. That's my promise and your promise should be that "Mother, we'll grow", grow into spirituality and try to save others, that would be very gratifying for Me. Now with the right hand we are to nourish our centers. So please put your right hand on your heart, inside the coat would be better. Sweater is alright, sweater is alright, but coat [unclear] whatever you can do easily. Here resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. Please Madam, do it, or you can go, you can't sit like that, alright please, it is not civil to do that, if you don't want to do it you can go. What's that? So why are you here? Alright. Please do it, I'm not going to kill you, please. It's helpful. So you become your own master. Please take your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery, created by great prophets and great seers. You take your hand now in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; this is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge. H yow, that we'll tell you later on, but it is. We are working only on the left hand side. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then on your heart, then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead, across, and please put down your head, bend your head downward, this is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about anyone, now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head, and push back your head as far as possible. Now, please stretch your hand, stretch your palm for this last center. And push the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and push back your fingers, please put down your head and move your scalp with pressure on it, seven times, clockwise, now push back your fingers, push back, with a pressure, please bend your heads, please bend your head, push back your fingers, and move it seven times clockwise, clockwise. That's all we'll have to do, that's all we'll have to do. Now, put your both the feet apart from each other, put your left hand on your lap, right hand on your heart, you can remove your spectacles, because now you'll have to close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you. Please don't open them til I tell you. You can take out your spectacles; it might help your eyesight also. Now, here in the heart resides the Spirit. So you ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, in your heart you have to ask, you may call me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. "Mother, am I the Spirit?", ask this question three times, "Mother am I the Spirit?" ask this question three times. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. "Mother, am I my own master?" ask this question three times. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. This center has got six petals so you have to ask six times, I cannot I'm sorry, I cannot force Pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please ask six times "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge". As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, this Kundalini starts rising. So we have to enrich higher centers with our self confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here you have to say with full confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master", I've already told you that you are not this body, you are not this mind, but you are the pure Spirit. So please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Compassion, is the Ocean of Knowledge, is the Ocean of Bliss and Joy but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed, it can be dissolved by the power of this Ocean of Forgiveness, so please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right...
Public Program at National Institute of Health, Washington, D.C. (USA). 14 October 1993. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot conceptualize it, and unfortunately at this human awareness you cannot know it. Another thing, whatever I'm going to tell you today, please do not accept it blind-folded. We have accepted many things blind-folded and we have suffered. But keep your mind open as scientists and if this hypothesis is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people. First of all, I'll tell you what is the truth, you are all seekers, but you must know what is the truth you are seeking. The first truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego; these conditionings but you are the pure spirit. You always say this is "my" body, "my" conditionings, "my" mind, my... When you say "my", who is this "I" to which all these belong? The second truth is that there is a All Pervading Power of Divine Love; which does all the living work. You see beautiful flowers and beautiful trees, they are all miracles, but we take these miracles for granted. Who runs our heart? If you ask the Doctors, they will say its "autonomous nervous system", but who is the "auto"? Who runs our heart? Look at our eyes, which is such a wonderful camera, and this brain, which is such a perfect computer. Who has made this and who runs them? We never ask this question, we take it for granted. This is all done by this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We have always used the power of hatred. Any organization you find, there's some sort of a separation from the rest, describing that "we are trying to do this kind of a work, even saving the children against something". This is against nothing. In totality, you have to see this world, the whole universe and human way. About these centers and the chakras and this power below, you've been already told. This power that is in the triangular bone is in the sacrum bone, that means the Greeks knew it's a sacred bone. Greeks knew a lot of things, like they call Athena "Athea", "athea" means Primordial; they call her a Primordial Mother. In all the Scriptures, there's a mention of the Primordial Mother, and if in some of them it is not, because they just didn't want to say anything about women. This power in the triangular bone is the reflection of this Primordial Mother, which in the Christian religion they call it as Holy Ghost. They have the Father, the Son the God, and no Mother, it's the Holy Ghost, a doe. [dove?] Its Paul's doings, I think he hated women, and he didn't want to mention any feminine divinity. That has really made I've seen in the West women very insecure. Also in such an advanced country, of course Catholics can never accept it, but even in England where there's not Catholic influence, up till now they've been struggling if the priest would be a women or not,[ I mean?] its very primitive idea. But otherwise she is considered as Shakti; as the power, and this is the feminine power within us which gives us our second birth. She's your own power. She's your own individual mother, and She knows everything about you, just like a tape recorder. She knows all our past, and She is extremely anxious to give you the second birth. As when your mother gave you birth, she took all the pains upon herself, this Kundalini does that job. While some people have described that Kundalini awakening means such and such thing, and nothing of the kind. I've being doing this job for the last 23 years; I've not seen anybody getting into trouble. I came to Washington in 1972 and there were only 4 people in the hall, I am so happy to see so many of you here. After that I didn't come I must say. Even to America I came only after 9 years, because I was so disappointed. The materialism has taken over so much that at that time people asked me very funny questions, like in Boston they were wanting to do some sort of a television show, and the first question they asked Me "How many Rolls Royce I had?" I said "I've none" so they said "what do you mean", "you are not in the business?" I said, "No there's no business, it is, but its spiritual business" then they said "we are not interested in you, if you have no business of money, we are not interested", the television, I was so shocked. And that time I had warned about all the false people who will be coming here, and how they will cheat you, what they will do, but nobody was willing to listen to me. They said if you don't take money you are hocus pocus. It was impossible to tell them that you can't pay for your spirituality. It's a living process of your evolution, the last breakthrough and this has to be achieved not by payment, you cannot. God doesn't understand money; He doesn't understand banking or your economics, nothing of the kind, because he doesn't have these headaches. But I think they used to think God must be a person who is doing a lot of business, or something. It was impossible to tell them about it. Now I am very happy to see, as I am seeing you here, so many seekers of truth are here to get their Realization. Sahaja Yoga, as you know means "Saha" is with, "ja" is born, born with you is the right to get this union with this All Pervading Divine Power. It is your right to get it. Every human being who is existing today has to get it. This is a special time, I call it "Blossom Time", because many flowers are there who have to become the fruits, but it is also called as "Last Judgment", it's called as "Resurrection Time", in the Koran it is called as "Qiyama", and their funny ideas. I met a Muslin from Bosnia, it so happen, I asked him "why are you killing yourself, why don't you accept whatever is available, after all, you life should be there" so he said "no, you see, if we now die in the name of resurrection, in the name of God, resurrection we'll get". I said "what is this idea?" The idea is that at the time of resurrection all those who are dead in the graves, will come out of the graves. Image what are the remains in the grave are, I mean should be logical, and they will get their resurrection. Even Christians believe that way; I think the Jews also believe the same way. But think that after so many years, all our forefathers who have died, dinosaurus [ should it be changed for dinosaurs] and all those will be coming out of the graves with their bones, I think, and then, we'll have to give them resurrection. That way, I think the Indian philosophy is the most sensible, and [unclear] also Chinese, that at this time, people will be born, the souls will take births, many souls will take their births at this time, and they will get their resurrection who are seeking the truth. That's why we have such a population problem now, there's such a population problem but it is to be understood in the right perspective, that this population problem has [Mother says "has", consider changing next word to "come"] coming because all kind of souls are taking birth, and that's why we have all kinds of such stupid people, idiotic people, violent people, all kinds of funny, queer people, who just don't understand how are they human beings, the way they behave. They cannot understand many things which are so natural, which are so normal, and sensible. So, all such people are born today, and we get very upset I find, in Washington specially, people are very upset, that children are killing their parents, they are using all kinds of weapons, and this and that. I'm not surprised, because if these children are born out of some sort of animal instinct, or the parents are born out of some animal instinct, it's alright, they are doing what they have been doing before, supposing a tiger is born, he has to kill human beings, but even then, all these things can be cured, all these souls can be saved, and they can all become higher people; above all these problems they can rise, through this Kundalini awakening. Absolutely true, I tell you, because now I've faced all kind of people, all over the world, and I'm amazed, how this work is showing it's results, in these horrible times, we call modern times Kali Yuga. All these have been described already, that there will be people who will be very much under illusions. This is a special time, and this is the time because they'll get frustrated, they'll be tired, and they will take to their resurrection. It's already described. Only thing is, if I have done anything is this that, I have found out a way to give en-masse Realization. Formerly, it was one master could have only one disciple. Till the 12th Century, it was so even in India. We had [unclear: peace everywhere], Sufi's were there, so many poets I have read, American poets and English poets, they were all realized souls. But, also in India, where we call it a very Spiritual country, we had very few realized souls. One master would have one disciple, chosen for this. Thus it continued 'til the 12th century, when a very great poet called Gyaneshwara, he started in a way writing about Gita, he requested his brother who was his guru,Avrutinath [check spelling] that please allow me to write about Kundalini because in the Gita it is not mentioned, we must write about it. So he allowed and he wrote it in the 6th chapter of that Gyaneshwari but people said, the people who were in charge of the religion that time, said "this chapter is something to be condemned", because they didn't know how to awaken the Kundalini, this has to be absolutely condemned, and nobody should read this one, nishida is the word, not so bad a word as condemned, nishid, is not to be read, thus all this knowledge of the inner being was kept in the darkness and this knowledge of the inner being, not known to us, created the problem. The civilization that has grown so much as we see, is like a big tree, but you do not have the knowledge of your roots, if you do not have the knowledge of the roots, this civilization is going to be finished and that's exactly what is happening today. Whatever we have done so far, whatever we have achieved so far, is just a mental projection. Science is amoral, it doesn't give you answers to many questions, like a child when it is born, at a proper time, one can ask a question to a doctor "that you are not aware, are you not aware, that a foreign body was growing into this body, and a foreign body when it enters into the body immediately it is thrown out, that's the system, but is not thrown out. Today my throat it thrown out, absolutely I have been speaking every night, and the pollution; I think Washington is full of pollution, alright. So the child is borne in the system for 9 months, it is not thrown away, and thrown away at the right time, how does it happen? How is it retained and then [thrown away] after exactly after exactly 9 months. The doctor won't be able to answer you this question. But science cannot answer you one question: Why are you on this earth? What is the purpose of your life? What is the goal of your life? We are now facing a problem that people say "we have no identity". This instrument supposing is not connected to the mains, how will it have its own identity, how will it work? What's the use without this connection? In the same way, it happens to us, when we are not connected to this power which has created us, we have no identity, we have no real purpose. We do this thing, and do that, we don't understand. We are born here, just make some money, and die. There isn't any purpose that we can see clearly. Only after this connection is established we can know what is the purpose of our life is. And the purpose of our life is to enter into the Kingdom of God. That is the purpose. We have become human beings, up to a stage and now, we have to enter into the Kingdom of God, where you know the absolute Truth, everybody knows the same truth, if God is one, then why should there be so many truths, somebody says "Capitalism is good", somebody says "Socialism is good", somebody says "Communism is good", I mean all kinds of things, and they fight, on that point. But nobody knows the absolute Truth. And once you know the absolute Truth, then there is no discussion, no argument, no fights. We have conferences after conferences. I have known people who have got awards in Peace, I mean known very well, they're so hot tempered, I tell you, after getting the award they become even worse, if you have to talk to them, take a barge pole in between, otherwise they is [they're?] dangerous. These people are given awards; I don't know why, whatever may be the reason; what happens really is this: that there is no peace within and big discussions, big arguments, quarrels, sometimes even beatings, and what comes out of it is nothing that is really the peace. Peace is within yourself. Peace is a state in which you have peace. When you are connected to this All Pervading Power, first thing that happens that you feel a Cool Breeze on your fingertips , now the 5, 6 and 7, these are 7 centers which you can feel, and 5, 6 and 7, these 7 centers you feel, on the left side that you feel is the emotional side and the right side is the side of your physical and mental, mental meaning thinking, so we have these two sides which are enlightened, actually doctors know that these are the ending of the sympathetic nervous system, but when they are enlightened, immediately you know also what's wrong with your centers, also the Cool Breeze comes out of your fontanelle bone area, this is the actualization of your Second Birth, what you call the baptism, you can feel it, from your head it comes, you can feel it on your fingertips, you verify. It's so absolute that even children can diagnose a person, for example they say "this finger is catching", that means something wrong with the heart, you ask the person "Have you have any heart trouble?", they'll immediately ask "how do you know?" you can know it on fingertips, English language is [unclear] fingertips, we know it on our fingertips. Thus, you know about your Chakras, your centers, and it is self-knowledge. People till they die they don't know they are going to die with cancer, or any diseases. Once this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centers which are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. She corrects your physical side; She corrects your mental side. It's a fact, I tell you, we have three doctors in Delhi University, who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga curing incurable diseases, one of them is asthma. So you cure yourself, you do the diagnosis; you know what's the problem is, and you cure yourself. It's so simple, that it is unbelievable that how you can cure yourself like this. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are most of them, are because of these centers going into jeopardy. If you somehow other cure these centers, you can solve physical, mental, and emotional problems. Now we've seen many people who suffer from all sorts of depressions, schizophrenia, all such kinds of things. They don't have to psychiatrist, who will blame the mother or the father, nothing of the kind. You get cured, yourself, no questions are asked, nothing of the kind, and you just get cured of these troubles because this Kundalini connects you to the mains. She on her way, nourishes these centers, integrates them, and enlightens them, this is Her job, and She does it very well, only thing you have to support her, now again I say, this is your own power and it's your own Mother. We are all seekers, I know, they have been seekers all over, but what we have to seek is our evolution. We do not know the totality, we do not know the reality, we talk of peace, it's not there. We are all the time thinking about the future or the past. We are jumping on the cusp of the future and the past all the time. But we cannot be in the present; I say "you be in the present", you cannot. The thought rises and falls, another thought rises and falls, in between these thoughts, there is a little space, very little space, which is the present. Present is the reality but you cannot be in the present. So when this Kundalini rises She elongates those thoughts, by this the space of the present increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware, you are aware, but no thought, that is the state where you are peaceful. At that time you are growing spiritually. With a disturbed mind you cannot, but with this peace you start growing spiritually. The second state that you achieve is doubtless awareness. There's Sanskrit names for this, one is Nirvichara Samadhi, and the second one is called as Nirvikalpa Samadhi. In the second state, some people achieve it both the states simultaneously, but some have to little bit work it out because this connection has to fixed, sometimes it is loose with people. So, you have this second state where you have no doubts, you know you have powers to raise the Kundalini of others, you know how to cure others, your whole value system changes, here when this Kundalini rises, into the first, through this first center, or we could call the Swadishthana, it is call the second center otherwise, you become extremely creative. I've know people who have never known how to write any one sentence in poetry, they have become poets. There are musicians who today are famous in the whole world, they are all Sahaja Yogis, they don't tell, they may not tell, but they are all blessed by their Kundalini. You become great painters and artists. And with the second center as you know that, you become righteous. We talk of religion, you may be Hindu, Muslin, Christians, anything, you can commit any sin, the religion is not within yourself, it's outside, you go to church, or you go to a temple, or anywhere, but here you don't have to go anywhere, you just become, you become a saint, you become an angel. You just don't do wrong things, and you enjoy your virtues; you enjoy them. This happens to you automatically. I don't tell anyone "don't drink", don't nothing of the kind, it is very serious. I never tell, because if I tell half of you will go away. But only thing is that if you are enlightened then it works automatically. I'll give a simple example. I am holding supposing a snake in my hand, it's darkness, and I'm an obstinate, egotistical person, supposing; so somebody tells Me "Madam, there is a snake in your hand". I won't give up; I'll say "no, it's a rope". Till it bites me I'll not give; I'll hold on to it. But supposing there is little light, I'll immediately throw it away. No use telling anything to anyone. That has never worked. Best is put some light into them, and they themselves become alright, they become their own guide, they become their own masters, they become their own guru. You don't have to tell them anything. It just works automatically. Because once it is awakened within you, it works that way. You have this, another center, which is extremely important, which gives you sense of security and this center when disturbed, you get all kinds of troubles and diseases and I would say that, it gives you all kind of problems. This center is nourished then you have anti-bodies awakened, who are enlightened and who fight your diseases very well you don't know how, it's a fact. Cancer has been cured through Sahaja Yoga. All kinds of diseases have been cured by Sahaja Yoga. Naturally, you'll say, what about AIDS. AIDS also can be cured, but I must say, I don't know My experience may be wrong, but there's are only two types of AIDS patients. One are who are martyrs, you see, marching to prove that AIDS is something, I don't know what it is. And another type are people who don't want to live, they have decided to die, but we have got hold of some people who were in between and it has worked, it's very difficult area; for other diseases I can tell you any kind of a psychosomatic [unclear]. "Psycho" the left sided, the "somatic" the right sided, both works out, because it is a "psycho-somatic", doctors can't do it, never, nor a psychologist, because as you know it's a specialization, we have one doctor for one eye, and one doctor for another eye. Here we are talking of totality; there's no specialization, totality. If you cure one thing, another thing comes up. It's not like that. It's the total balance that comes into it's own shape and you don't have any problems as far as your health is concerned, of course some doctors were worried, "what will happen to our practice?"; see now, simple is "how many will come to Sahaja Yoga?". Now in this New York City, there's so many people, the other day I saw one person driving one car; such an affluent place with so many cars, with so many people, how many are here? How many will come to Sahaja Yoga, and out of these, how many will grow? So doctors should not worry, there will be thousands and thousands left for that, so they should have no worry about it. Now, we have this center, is this the center is your America, is this center in the Universe, and whenever I come to America I get problems with this center, because of this center is the center of collectivity and the responsibility, that's why you will go to Somalia, you'll go Haiti, you'll go to Vietnam, to Korea, everywhere, they have to jolly well go. Whatever you may criticize but it is basically your responsibility; this is America. In that way, they are very responsible I would say, but I think, because of materialism, the people have become rather superficial and coarse. The affluence has brought forth a kind of a personality which doesn't bother about spirituality, but I think this session and so many problems might awakened them, but if you see this country is destroying itself from within, how many types of diseases are cropping up here? Every time I come a new kind of a disease is there. How many this schizophrenia I've never heard in India. We've never heard of so many things that are done in this country, it's very difficult why human beings take to destructive things for? Because the mental projection is there, with the mental projection it goes in a linear way up to a point, but it falls, because it is not substantiated with truth, it is not substantiated with morality, so it falls down, and that's why you find decline, in every sphere you'll find decline, say we had films. Well, I'm an old woman so I've seen very good films, American films were very much appreciated at time, but for the last 30 years I don't know what has happened, one by one, now you can't see them, even the language goes on "quack, quack, quack", you don't know what they are talking about. They use to speak very good English and very beautiful films they had, suddenly, this decline started, started, and I don't know which film one should see, and they get awards for doing horrible things. This appreciation of also horrible films, also is the decline of the mind. To get out of it, one has to realize the responsibility towards yourself and towards the whole society, which is not there. That responsibility the government has to impose, but in democracy this is your private life, do what you like. If you want to shave off yourself, you can shave off, if you want to cut your nose, you can cut it. Government is not bothered, that's your private life. But whether the private life is respected or the private parts are respected is not the point. The point is this is your private life. You do what like, if you want to go to hell, you can go. Because it is democracy. Only you have to work. That's all. It doesn't go further than that. So this is the situation we find in democratic countries, I just wondered, what's the matter with them? Like there was some thing called Punks in England, some boys came to Me, they said "we are getting blind", I said, "Why do you put this color, is not good for your eyes", "What's wrong?", "But you will get blind", "So what's wrong", I said "what's wrong, you want to get blind?" "What's wrong?" I was surprised at their stupidity that God has given them eyes and they have no value for them. In the same way, we have so many kinds of horrible false people coming here. Somebody says that you can move a pendulum, if you say certain mantras. People will pay any amount of money to that. Now are you here to move the pendulums? Why are you here on this earth? Or they give one stupid mantras, for that they will give any amount of money to that man. I mean even a donkey can give you a mantra, what is there to go to these people, what happens to the IQ?, why not we use that and understand what we have to achieve is the transformation within, what did you get out of it, so many people the other day, somebody was telling he's Buddhist, but also bankrupt. I said "Why?" because I have been giving money, money, money, now I am bankrupt, and a Buddhist. Shaved his head also, like Kabira, I said "by shaving your head if you go to heaven then all the sheep who are shaved every year, should go there much faster". It's like that, it's so absurd, all the absurd, somebody says you will fly half way, three feet height you can fly, alright. So people are willing to pay £6,000; but why? There's already jams in the roads, and these three feet high people moving, what will happen? Why do you want to fly three feet high, I can't understand? What is the common sense? Why can't we understand a simple thing that we don't need all that, and they broke their bottoms and they charged them, and now they have been refunded, some people. All kinds of absurd things are marketed in America. They are very good at marketing, I know they have employed people who are very good at marketing, I know, they should find out, and then the market in America is the best place, all of them are exported, not only from India but from all over. In America, you have evangelist also, that's another surprise to Me, that I've seen it, one film is very nice, but I have seen one evangelist showing a 100 dollar note. "If you give this, release this", he says. So that you will get many more and he gives the story of one lady, release this, so she got all the groceries in her house, and the groceries started falling from the sky, and Americans say "ahhhh". What's wrong, how could you believe such nonsense? It's absurd I know, absolutely absurd, but people say "alright", you had these suicidal squads, all kinds of things. Even so called religions are showing their teeth to now to us, and very well. You can't believe this priests behaving like this. Is absolutely ridiculous to do such things in the name of God. It's ridiculous. They are not afraid of God, at all. They don't know what is the wrath of God is, and they are befooling people for money, because you have money, and they think money has a power, they are trying to extract money from you. For Sahaja Yoga, you cannot pay. You cannot purchase Sahaja Yoga. As I've told you already, you must know it is so invaluable that you cannot pay for it. It is to be understood, that it is not something like a shop. I belong to another society so called "elite", and the talk is about guru-shopping. Have you meet particular guru this one? No, no, why? Oh, he is cheaper now, now on sale, you can get it cheaper value. Really, it is crazy. It is something like your supermarkets, walking into the name of God. Now, please use your IQ which you have used so much for sending from here all these things to moon, and now another one is coming out, from somewhere else, please use your brains for going inside. What's this of going to the Moon, what did you get? Such a lot of money was wasted? Why not getting inside and know yourself, what is inside, what's wrong with me? But that's not possible. For that, they won't listen. I know in America there have been so many seekers, we have had people like Abraham Lincoln, all kinds of great people have come here and we have to know our own value system. On what foundations do we stand, firmly? We talk of family, you cannot bring in family life now anymore, because you worship Freud as Jesus Christ, now you are after so many years, you are saying, "enough", he's fraudulent Freud, there's a book, then another book I've seen is the "Fall of Freud's empire" but it has gone into the brain of the people, into the families, into everywhere. You go to any Freudian, he'll tell you "something wrong with your mother" and "something relationship wrong" I mean,[ this is?] absurd things they tell you, I don't know how you can believe it. I met first time, a child about 12 years of age. His mother came and said "he's taking drugs", I felt terrible about a, 12 years' old child, taking drugs. So I just took that child hugged him and kissed him. So he said "my mother never does it to me", I said "she doesn't do to you?", "No, no she never does it to me", I asked her "will you never hug your child and kiss?", "No, because I will have guilt", I couldn't understand the philosophy at that time, a mother having a guilt if she has to hug her own child. It's all Mr. Freud, oh, very much respected, but also he prospered in America, you'll be surprised, not in his own place, Austria. When I talked against him they all clapped very happy, and they were saying that "he brought a bad name to us", but how these horrible things prosper here, we should watch out. Now of course Freud has gone out, he's no more there, but Freudians still there, and people who believe in Freud are still there, it's gone into their brains. Now how will you create a sensible society?, only way is to get out of it, just get out of it, all these nonsensical things are there, but you have to just, somehow other get out of it and it's only possible through your awakening, through your Realization, otherwise there's no way out. But once the Americans get out of it, I can tell you, they are the best people, I trust them more than anybody else, but they have to get out of it, bit difficult, to get them to the program and make them sit throughout the lecture is also difficult. Now how many have gone out? You see, I didn't count, but this is not done anywhere else except in America. 'Cause their freedom. In Russia you'll be amazed, they're so sensitive to spiritually, very sensitive, because they didn't have this kind of a freedom. Here the freedom is there, for everything. A rich man, I went to his house, he carried me in his car, and he had the handle in a funny way and he told Me, "if you have to open the handle, you have to turn it this way". But I said "why?" "Oh, It's my individual invention, I've done it", but anybody who doesn't know how to get out of his car will die, if something happens to him. We got into his house, he told me "this is my bathroom, but don't put on this switch, otherwise You will just jump into the swimming pool". I said "My God! What is this suppose to be for?" "Oh, that's my invention" I said "you give me some ordinary bathroom; I don't want all this nonsense". Then he had a bed. "You can press one button, your legs will go up, your head will come up", I said "I don't know which button to press, there are very clean buttons. "You just have to touch". I said "I am not going to touch, I'll sleep on the ground, what sort of a thing is this nonsense, nothing is going to happen to me if I sleep on the ground, but supposing I touch this here, suddenly I find ... and this I find and this is how they spend their money in their free[dom]. [unclear] I don't know, but false gurus are also very rich people and some of them had so many of Rolls Royces and this kind of, that kind of, brainless, useless people, they were, I tell you, most of them. But, it happens, I don't know what impress them, anybody from India, if he is released from a jail, he has no place in the society, he wears those orange dresses and comes straight to America. Settles in some square or somewhere and next year you see he has a big palace of his own. Whom are you helping? You have to help yourself. I am a Mother; I always ask them, "what did your guru do for you? Better look after yourself. Better know yourself. So thus you get your self-knowledge and also in the another dimension of your awareness, you develop collective consciousness. Collective consciousness is that you can feel others also on your fingertips. You can feel them very clearly, and you know what's wrong with another person, if you know how to cure that person, you can cure them. You don't have to go to the doctor; you don't have do any diagnoses or anything. You can help that person; you can cure many people like that. There's no fees to be paid, no hospital, nothing [unclear needed?]. Now we have our Sahaja Yogis in 55 nations. You must see when they meet. They have transcended all barriers of their countries, races, everything. Such love and such affection, such oneness, it's like one organism they were, if somebody's sick, somewhere, the whole body like a body of Sahaja Yoga worried about them. "They'll write to me, telephone to me, Mother please look after that person, he's sick". So many relationships of this kind I've seen. We have always used as I said, the power of hatred, but this power of love, which is pure love, absolutely pure, you'll be surprised there are people who are very beautiful, handsome all kind of things are there; but I have never seen anybody flirting, they don't flirt, I have not seen them any man running away with somebody's wife, I mean you come home and find your wife has gone away with somebody else, it's never like that, this idea does't comes into their head, because their attention has become pure, attention has become innocent, it is without any lust and greed, is such a beautiful thing to happen that your attention also become extremely active. After some time, you just pay attention to someone and you are in communication with that person, immediately if he's sick, if he's in trouble, you see, it so miraculous and the government of God, is so efficient, so quick, it is really worth knowing yourself, because you are fantastic, you are extremely beautiful inside. You are so extraordinary that you do not know, you cannot be aware of it, unless and until you are connected to the mains; you don't know what you are. It's like this; if you take a small television box to some remote place in a village, they'll say "what is this box?" say "oh, you'll see lots of films in it". They'll say, "How can that believe this, this is a box?" that is how we think of ourselves, we are a box. But, once this box is connected to the mains, you'll see, what this box is, because it is all built-in in you, like you take one seed and sprout it in the Mother Earth. You don't do anything, what do you? Nothing. Because in the seed it is built-in that it should sprout and the Mother Earth also has quality to sprout. It's spontaneous. Sahaj. That explains everything. This happens, Sahaj. You cannot manipulate it, or do anything about it, just works out, effortlessly, absolutely beautiful and this happening is so simple and so easy, that you'll be amazed how you get it. Now, I have to tell you that we'll have this session today, by which you all will get your Realization. I promise you, I promise you. It will hardly take 10 minutes once you close your eyes and take your Realization. For that, only there are three conditions, very simple. The first condition is that you should be fully self-confident that you'll get your Self-Realization, fully self-confident; all of you. Whatever may the problem, whatever may be the past, whatever [unclear] so the second condition comes out of this. That you are not to feel guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes, it's alright, you are human beings and you are not God. Don't judge yourself, and if some mistake has been committed, cure it at that moment or try to face it, what you do is to when you commit some mistakes you carry that guilt and put it here in the left Vishuddhi, it is a very dangerous thinking. I know people go on worrying: "Oh, God, that day, I split some coffee" so it doesn't matter, that fellow must have cleaned his clothes, it's alright, it doesn't matter, he'll go on thinking about it all his life "I've split the coffee, he split the coffee". Our norms are so, so funny, so funny are our norms, we have made them and we go on worrying about them. So first of all you should know you are not guilty at all about anything, if you feel guilty what happens? You develop a disease called angina, which is a very serious disease of the heart. It's a fashion also, to feel guilty, it's a fashion you know, if it becomes fashion you can't help it. Anything can be a fashion. They are individual as far as their bathrooms are concerned, but as far as dress is concerned and fashion is concerned, you can't understand them. They'll playing into the entrepreneurs. Like an entrepreneur says, "alright, six inches of skirts", in the winter of Switzerland, you'll find ladies with six inches of skirts, and then they get varicose veins, because that's the fashion. In that you don't have individuality, because the entrepreneurs have bombarded you with their advertisements and everything, they're all inside you head . But this becomes also a fashion as I said, to feel guilty. English language itself is full of "sorry, sorry, sorry". We never use to say that, you know. On the phone we use to say, I mean, I'm an old woman, at that time when we rang, "I beg your pardon", finished, instead of all the time saying "sorry, sorry", for what? In the way, you see, this all feeling of feeling sorry or depressed is very, very wrong. What you have to do is to face your mistakes and forget it. Otherwise you develop angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So what's the use of developing this, also arthritis, so what you are doing is to feel guilty and create a problem for yourself. It's a myth, to feel guilty is a myth, so please don't feel the guilty, forget the past, in short you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. I cannot give Realization to chicken and to goats. Only human beings can be given Realization. Now the third condition is even simpler, is that you have to forgive everyone in general, don't have to think about people whom you are to forgive. No. Please don't remember whom you are to forgive, it's a headache. Now, logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? Nothing! But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. See logically, the person who has troubled you or may be hurt you or whatever it is, is nicely enjoying himself, and you are sitting down here and hating him and doing all kind of cures, all this, and what you are doing is torturing yourself, for nothing at all. That's why I said, that don't even think about them. The worse part is that at this time, this center if it is because of guilt, has become constricted, the Kundalini won't rise, if you do not accept that you are not guilty, it won't rise. Then this center which is on the optic chasma, if you don't forgive it is constricted like that, it won't open. The Kundalini won't rise. All your life you have tortured yourself, for not forgiving. And now again at this important moment your Kundalini won't rise, you'll miss the great opportunity of getting your Realization, so please forgive all of them, I request again and again, because I've seen in the West people take time to forgive, they say "we can't when we want", I are just to say you are [have?] to forgive everyone, that's all. So, we have to be pleasantly placed towards ourselves and respect ourselves, because we are human beings. We are not animals, above that, we are seekers of truth. These are the three conditions and another thing I must confess, that I cannot force Self Realization on you, you have to ask for it. You have to desire it, because this is the power of Pure Desire. All other desires are impure, that's why they are not satiable in general, but this is the Pure Desire you have of which you may be aware or not, after getting this, the complete satisfaction of your being is manifested. So many things happen I must tell you, you drop down at least your 20 years of age. I'm 71 years of age, and every night I am having a program, here, there, there, there, traveling, it's alright. In the same way you also become very dynamic and also very compassionate. Discretion, everything comes to you so beautifully, you really become so wise that you understand, you understand yourself and you try to correct yourself. So now, we'll take about, as I told you, a little time for that, first we'll have to take out our shoes, because this Mother Earth is very helpful in sucking out our problems. Again, I cannot force, so those who don't want to have [their Self Realization] should leave the hall. Just take out your shoes so the Mother Earth is touched by your feet. You can push back your shoes, I think. Now, whatever we are doing now is only for tonight you don't have to repeat. Just for tonight. After that, it will happen I know you all are going to get Realization. Who didn't want it have already gone, so it's alright, all the people who are going to get it are here. After this, only thing I have to say that you have to grow. You'll feel very nice after this, you'll feel "I'm in the seventh heaven" and all that. But still, like a sprouted seed, you'll be left behind. If you have to grow, you have to attend our centers which are very humble and simple centers, like a nail, if it is cut out of your body, it will not grow at all, by any chance. So please remember that after this it's a promise to Me also, you will all attend to the follow and then go to our centers where they will tell you all about it, now, in English language, at least minimum, I have given at least 4,000 lectures, minimum. In other languages, so many. So you will be able to see the knowledge, the ocean of knowledge that is within you, and they will tell you all about it, everything, again I have to tell you, you don't have to pay anything, but you have to pay attention to your Self Realization and some respect to yourself. Please respect yourself, that's the only thing I have to request you. Now, we'll tell you how you are going to nourish your own centers tonight. First of all, understand that left side is the power of desire; right side is the power of action. So please put your left hand towards Me, be comfortable, don't strain yourself, on your left lap, please put your left hand and put both the feet apart from each other because these are two powers, that means symbolically you are desirers of Self Realization. You have to be comfortable. But that doesn't mean slouch, little straight, you don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head for nothing at all, on your seat you will get your Realization. That's my promise and your promise should be that "Mother, we'll grow", grow into spirituality and try to save others, that would be very gratifying for Me. Now with the right hand we are to nourish our centers. So please put your right hand on your heart, inside the coat would be better. Sweater is alright, sweater is alright, but coat [unclear] whatever you can do easily. Here resides the Spirit. Now, if you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. Please Madam, do it, or you can go, you can't sit like that, alright please, it is not civil to do that, if you don't want to do it you can go. What's that? So why are you here? Alright. Please do it, I'm not going to kill you, please. It's helpful. So you become your own master. Please take your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery, created by great prophets and great seers. You take your hand now in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; this is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge. H yow, that we'll tell you later on, but it is. We are working only on the left hand side. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then on your heart, then in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead, across, and please put down your head, bend your head downward, this is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about anyone, now, take back your right hand on the back side of your head, and push back your head as far as possible. Now, please stretch your hand, stretch your palm for this last center. And push the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and push back your fingers, please put down your head and move your scalp with pressure on it, seven times, clockwise, now push back your fingers, push back, with a pressure, please bend your heads, please bend your head, push back your fingers, and move it seven times clockwise, clockwise. That's all we'll have to do, that's all we'll have to do. Now, put your both the feet apart from each other, put your left hand on your lap, right hand on your heart, you can remove your spectacles, because now you'll have to close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you. Please don't open them til I tell you. You can take out your spectacles; it might help your eyesight also. Now, here in the heart resides the Spirit. So you ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, in your heart you have to ask, you may call me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. "Mother, am I the Spirit?", ask this question three times, "Mother am I the Spirit?" ask this question three times. Now, if you become the Spirit, you become your own master. So please take your right hand, on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. "Mother, am I my own master?" ask this question three times. Now please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. This center has got six petals so you have to ask six times, I cannot I'm sorry, I cannot force Pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please ask six times "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge". As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, this Kundalini starts rising. So we have to enrich higher centers with our self confidence. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it. Here you have to say with full confidence, ten times, "Mother, I am my own master", I've already told you that you are not this body, you are not this mind, but you are the pure Spirit. So please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Compassion, is the Ocean of Knowledge, is the Ocean of Bliss and Joy but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed, it can be dissolved by the power of this Ocean of Forgiveness, so please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right...
Why are we on this Earth?
United States
Public Program
Public Program, Philadelphia (USA), 15 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. This song that you are listening to has been written by a poet called Namadeva, about sixteenth century, and what he's singing there is, "Oh, Mother, give me my yoga." Yoga means the union with the Divine. I said I bow to you all because you're seekers of Truth. At the very outset, one has to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot conceptualize it. And, unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know it, whatever you may try. If once we humbly understand this, that we can go up to our mental projections and not beyond that, Truth has to be known on your central nervous system. In the evolutionary process, whatever we have known, we have known it on our central nervous system. For example, if you bring a dog or a horse and he sees this beautiful hall, he won't understand. If you take him through a dirty lane, he won't understand. He can just pass through. But, while we human beings have developed a kind of a sensitivity, sensitivity to so many things. Also, we should have developed sensitivity to spirituality, but sometimes we miss the point. Now, whatever I am going to tell should be taken as a hypothesis, but you should have an open mind of a scientist. If it is true, you should accept it, if you are honest and, one must know that it is for the benevolence. Your benevolence as well as the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. But, to understand this, I have to tell you it's not meant for idiots and stupid people. You have to have some amount of I.Q. to understand that we have to achieve our selfhood, our spirit hood. What's the matter with both of you? Why are you laughing? Will you please go out. There's nothing to laugh. Will you please behave yourself. So one has to understand that evolutionary process is absolutely free, without any effort and you can't pay for your evolution. It is spontaneous. Like you have this Mother Earth and you put the seed in it, then it sprouts by itself. What do you do? Nothing. It is spontaneous and that's what exactly happens to you, that spontaneously you achieve that state of the spirit. When we say, "This is my body. This is my mind. This is my ego. These are my conditionings," we're all the time saying "my," but who is this "I" to whom all these things belong? We have never questioned this. This "I" is the spirit. So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is all pervading power of Divine Love which does all living work. For example, these beautiful flowers. We take them for granted. Who runs our heart? We never ask this question. If you ask a doctor, he'll say, "It's an autonomous nervous system." Who is this auto? If you ask them, they won't be able to answer. So science cannot answer many questions and one of them is that "Why are we on this Earth? What is the purpose of our life? What is the goal of our life? What is our identity? This question is not asked and, if asked, they cannot answer. They cannot answer this simple question, "Why are we on this Earth?" But one has to know that we are on this Earth to become the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose. That's why we are here, and then to be the instruments of that Divine Power, which is all-pervading. This Divine Power has been described in many ways. Patanjali has called has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Also it is called as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Quran it is called as Ruh. In the Indian scriptures it is called as Paramchaitanya. The civilization in the West has grown very big. It's like a big tree outgrown its size, but we must find out our roots. I do not make difference between East and West. So we must find out our roots, whether it comes from East or from West. The knowledge today I'm going to tell you about is the knowledge of our roots. We [Mother says "we", but for clarity sake perhaps should be replaced by "you"] have been already told about the centers and about this power that is called as Kundalini. This power is placed in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum, which means Greeks knew about this centre. They very well knew about it, that's why they called it sacred, sacrum. In many countries there has been a manifestation that they know about this particular power. I happened to go to Colombia where I collected an authentic antique copy of the antique necklace. The necklace had at its bottom a Kundalini and even the earrings had the Kundalini, but, surprisingly, it was from the Indians of America, found here with the Indians of America, though it is now kept in the museum in Colombia. It was in America that people knew about Kundalini, definitely, absolutely in three and a half coil they had done this pattern very well. Is very surprising that it was done even before Columbus came here. So this knowledge was known to people, I think, all over the world, but then gradually it subsided. Especially in India, till the twelfth century, it was kept as a tradition just to give realization to one person, one guru and one realization. There was not a sort of a mass realization, or anything, and they didn't even talk about it. They kept a secret. But in the twelfth century [ie 1200s] one great poet called Gyaneshwara, he wrote in his book, "Gyaneshwari," sixth chapter about Kundalini. He took the permission of his guru and he wrote it, but still they denounced it and they said that this is something not to be read because they didn't know how to do it. They didn't know how to raise the Kundalini. They didn't know how to give realization. So the people who were at the helm of affairs said, they denounced it, "Don't read this chapter." Then in the sixteenth century we had many poets in India who have written about it, Guru Nanaka, Kabira, Ramadasa, so many of them have written about this Kundalini awakening. Many then tantricas came up who'd write to misuse the word and misused the whole thing and deceived people by telling them false things. There are so many false people who came to your country and I feel ashamed about them, those who came in this country, but also you people are to be blamed in a way, because you should have used some discretion. When I came first, you'll be surprised in '72, they asked Me funny questions. In Boston, I was there for an interview with the television and they asked Me, not on the television, but before that, how many Rolls Royces you have?" I said, "I've no Rolls Royce." So they said, "Are you not in the business?" I said, "This is no business. This is something else." So they said, "We don't believe in a person who has no business and we'll not give you any chance on the television." People were so materialistic and they said, "You are not taking any money, so it must be something hocus pocus." So superficial they were. I was very disappointed and I said, "I'll never come to this country" and I didn't come for nine years, till some people who were here who got interests and they told Me, "Mother, better come now. Is going to be better than what you found it in 1972." So I came here. So one has to understand that it's a living process and you cannot pay for it. There's no guarantee. There's no guarantee, but if you desire all of you can get your realization without any difficulty. It's a very simple thing that happens to you. When this Kundalini passes through these six centers, it nourishes it, it integrates it. Also it enlightens them. By that, our physical, mental, and emotional, spiritual problems are solved. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are because of these chakras or these centers within us. So, if you can cure these centers, you can definitely cure human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and also spiritually. But then it is connected. The yoga takes place with this all pervading power and the light of the spirit shines in your attention. Then so many things happen that you are amazed how fantastic you are. These are all your dormant powers, will start manifesting. One thing one should know that there cannot be any gimmick about Truth. There cannot be any sort of a false pretenses about it. It has to be straight forward and simple, but I have known people who have been doing all kinds of things, like people paid three hundred pounds for a mantra. I mean, this, in India, nobody would do, but thank God we are not so rich to waste our money. Three hundred pounds for a mantra, you don't need any guru for that, a donkey can do it also. And then, after that, somebody says you can raise yourself from the grounds and about three feet you can fly. Already there's jam on the roads. Why do you want to have such people flying at three feet? They'll be hitting all the cars, I think. But people paid six thousand pounds for such a nonsense. They broke their bottoms and had all kinds of problems and they have been to Me with epilepsy. So all such stupid things people have done without even thinking. Now there's a new thing they have started, showing a pendulum can move with your mind power. It's nothing but mesmerism, simple. But we have to know [what is] what is our value. What are we here for? What, are we here just to move pendulums or to fly in the air? Why are we here? That's why at the very outset I said that Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiotic or stupid people. It's a complete logical thing which is tangible. You can find out. For example, I said that physically you are cured. Yes, of course, there are three doctors, one of them is here, who got his M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] in Sahaja Yoga, which showed you can cure incurable diseases like asthma, epilepsy and also physical fitness. Three doctors got this. And there are many doctors who are doing this research all over the world. You'll be surprised that in Russia there are two thousand doctors who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. I must say, for your information, Russians are tremendously sensitive to spirituality. They threw out all false gurus, everything. I don't know, maybe our freedom has lead us into a mess like this. Freedom without discretion can be very dangerous. That may be the reason we are now finding lost, as far as our society is concerned, as far as our children are concerned. In every way, we are confused. But there's a way out from all this which is very simple and the way out is that your Kundalini is to be awakened. That's very simple, I told you, because it is built in. It's your own power that is going to work it out. No obligation. There's no commitment, nothing. As far as you are a human being, that is sufficient because you are at the epitome of evolution. We do not know our value. We don't even think why God made us human beings. We just accept ourselves as human beings, but there are so many problems and so many confusions that we don't understand what's going on. One of the reasons is that we do not know the absolute Truth. Somebody says this is right, another says that is right. Somebody says this is right and they're fighting. They believe in it. They believe that this is right, that is right and they fight. All kinds of wrong ideas have been managed to exploit us, to befool us and to lead us into the path of destruction. We are getting destroyed from within, if you see. All kinds of diseases, unknown diseases are coming up. Our children are getting ruined. Families are getting ruined. What is the reason for this decline? Within these thirty, forty years only such a decline has come. What is the reason? The reason is, one of them is that our indiscrete freedom. And a second one, I think, is materialism. As I told you, they asked Me for a Rolls Royce because they can't understand anything without money. This is the most absurd thing that they believe that spirituality also can be bought with money. You can purchase your guru. You can retain him. You cannot. So what happens to you when you get your realization is first you feel a Cool Breeze on your fingertips. Also you feel a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which is the actualization of your baptism. It's actualization. And Sahaja Yoga is becoming, it is not just a lecture or explanation or a sermon. It is becoming. Means you become something that is already described that you are to be born again. Now, if you just certify yourself as born again, you are not. It's just a false certificate. If you are born again, you have certain powers and you become a saint. You have to be a saint if you are born again. You become a Sufi, but if that doesn't happen to you, you cannot just certify yourself as born again. Any certificate are like this. It's just a brand. For example, it might be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian; any one can commit any sin. It's just a brand. It's nothing inside. So what happens to you that you become a righteous person, you become you can't do wrong things. You cannot do things which are irreligious. You just don't do it. You don't get tempted to do anything. On the contrary, you enjoy your virtues. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, without any lust and greed. And such a person, even a glance of such a person can bring peace. The source of all this is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So you are connected with that power. Once you are connected with that power, it starts flowing through and when it starts flowing through you, you can feel it. Then it makes you grow. As a result, you know the Absolute Truth on your fingertips. Even children can know the Absolute Truth on their fingertips. There are people who don't believe in God. They come to Me. I say, "All right, ask the question, 'Is there God?' three times" and they get the Cool Breeze. Then I'll [say] "Just say, 'There is God.'" Then they get a tremendous stream of Cool Breeze. Thus, you can make out also your own centers, what's wrong with your own centers. Is there any problem in your centre? Immediately you can find out on the fingertips. Many people who are about to go for a heart attack or for some sort of a serious cancer, do not know they have. But a Sahaja Yogi will immediately know that on his centre is catching and immediately he knows also how to correct it. So you can have self-knowledge about your own centers and you understand. Today only, one gentleman came and told Me, "Mother, my Agnya is catching. Means that I'm egotistical." Nobody would say that, "I'm egoistical," but he just came and told Me, "Mother, my Agyna's catching. Please correct me." That means yourself knows that this is happening within yourself and you know how to correct yourself, so you become the doctor, you become diagnosis and you become the medicine. It sounds very fantastic, but it's a fact. Then the second thing happens to you that you get the knowledge about other's centers also. You know about others. Sitting down here you can find out what are the centers of any person. Immediately you can find out. Once you find out the centers, if you know how to correct them, you can correct also others. So who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Then we have another problem always that we live in the future or in the past, never in the present. If I say come to your present, you cannot come. It's very difficult for you to come to your present. So what's the reason is that we are thinking of the future and the past. One thought rises and falls down. Another thought rises and falls down. In between these thoughts there is this vilumba [check spelling], is what we call the present. When the Kundalini rises, she elongates the thoughts and this space increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware. You become, again I say you become. There are no thoughts, but you are absolutely aware which is also described by Jung that after realization you become thoughtlessly aware. That is the time you are absolutely at peace with yourself and with everything else. That's the time you are peaceful in the real sense of the word. I've seen people getting many awards, peace awards, of peace conferences and all that. I know them, but, surprisingly, they're extremely hot tempered and if you have to talk to them, also you have to take a barge pole in between because they have such a temper. I don't know how they got these peace awards and things like that, but you find them all around, such people who have got peace award without any peace within. So you have to have your peace within yourself and this you achieve through thoughtless awareness. Then another thing happens to you that you become the witness, the witness of the whole drama. Say, if you are in the water and there are waves, you're afraid of it. But supposing you get into the boat, then you watch these very carefully you can watch them. Also, you can enjoy them. But supposing you know how to swim, then you can jump and save many people. So like this, into two stages, you rise. The first one, when you rise into the boat when you are thoughtlessly aware and the second stage, which we call is a doubtless awareness, which is called as Sanskrit language it is called as Nirvikalpa samadhi, the first one as Nirvichar samadhi and the second one as Nirvikalpa samadhi where you have no doubts about yourself. You know that. You know all your inner knowledge. You know about your inner being and you know about the inner beings of others. This knowledge we have to know and it takes hardly any time for you to know, hardly I would say, even one month is sufficient. But what I've seen that people have to be deep to go into it. Normally, once they get realization, they feel extremely relaxed, peaceful, then finished. But it's like a seed being sprouted. It has to grow into a tree. They get lost first some disease they have is cured, then they come out with another disease second year I come back. So one has to be determined about it in the beginning. Then you cannot leave it because you enjoy it so much. You know that you are now in the Kingdom of God. When I was in Russia there was this coupe going on. I asked the Russians, I said, "Aren't you... [Interruption in recording] The another thing that happens to you, that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. So far we have never known Joy. We have happiness and unhappiness. Whatever pampers our ego, we'll feel happy or which gives us some emotional satisfaction, we'll feel happy and then we feel unhappy. So we jump from one to another. But with this, we are in the Ocean of Joy. Now we'll [should be changed to "you'll] be surprised that Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five nations. I'm sorry, to Philadelphia I have come for the first time. I wanted to come, but I was so disappointed when I came here in '72. We are only four people for the program. Such a big hall and four people sitting there, so I said, "Better not go to Philadelphia. May be the same style." And these out of these four people, the other day one gentleman came and told Me that, "You cure my father's eyesight in 1972." I said, "Maybe, I don't remember all that," but he was one of them who came. So you can imagine how now the awareness for spirituality is growing. You see so many people now. So many people that I'm amazed Myself this year what has happened suddenly that where only we were getting only four or seven people, suddenly we have so many people. While they use to go to all kinds of false gurus, pay them money and get injured or get into recluseness or all kinds of things would happen to them. But this time I was surprised, all over America there's a kind of an awakening and people are becoming more alert about it. All these things happen to you for which you don't have to pay. For all the knowledge, you don't have to pay. You have just attend our collectivity, means we have our centers, so please come to our centers and where they will give you all the knowledge about it. You can master it, maximum, within one month's time. You just become masters. Now you may say, "Mother, it is very fantastic to hear about ourselves, but you don't know how fantastic you are. Like you take a small little box of a television to some remote village. All the people will say, "What is this? It is just a box?" Why, you tell them that there is going to be you can easily see lots of films in it. They won't believe. Once it is connected only that they'll be amazed at the television, the way it is showing all kinds of things because it is built-in and also it is built-in in you. All this is there which is within you, which you can easily verify it. It's absolutely tangible and then you know the value of your life and then you know the purpose of your life. This is what it is. In this short time, I don't know how much I can tell you about it. Now, you have here beautiful lights and beautifully they're lit up. You have to use only one switch. It all comes up. If I have to tell you the history of electricity, how it came to this country, then to your city and all that, it would be very boring. But if it is built-in, why not have the light? So, I would say that you should have the light and you should know what you are. First you get that light and then we will see about the rest of the knowledge. That you can easily get when you go to our centers and they will give you. I have to confess that we don't take any money, so we do not have elaborate places like Taj Mahal to have our programs. It's simple abodes and in simple places you have to come with a simple mind to achieve your spiritual life. That's what it is today. I do not know that what it is to, that we are now in the blossom time, as I call it, because many flowers are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the resurrection time, which is described in all the scriptures. But it's not like this, the way they had described us, something wrong with them, that all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some bones or maybe some skulls there. So they'll come out of the graves and they will get their resurrection. This is a very wrong idea. Once I happened to meet a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told Me "I want to die for my religion, for God's sake." I said, "But why? Who told you to die?" He said, "Now, if I die in the name of God, I'll be resurrected." I said, "It's all wrong. That's not the way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this way. That at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected as human beings they'll have to come." That's why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer, weird funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have their chance of resurrection. But how many will come? That's the point. How many are going to come? Now, see, in your Philadelphia there are so many people. How many are here and how many are going to get realization and how many are going to settle down? Depends on their wisdom and depends on their understanding of spirituality. If they don't have, you cannot force on them. You cannot force Self Realization on them. Never. It has to be accepted. In their own freedom, they have to ask for it. It cannot be forced. This power that you see is a power of pure desire. If you don't have pure desire, it won't rise, all other desires are such that they're never satiable in general, so this desire that you have within. You may be aware of it or you may not be, but it is there and once it is awakened, such a satisfaction settles in you. You are very satisfied with yourself and life becomes so beautiful. And the friendship [and the] because I heard this is a brotherly and a sisterly place. I was very happy to hear that. That is what exactly Sahaja Yoga is, such love. Now I told you there are fifty five nations which are following Sahaja Yoga, but when you see one Sahaja Yogis meeting another one, I mean, you really feel, "What is this? How it is happening? How they are achieving it?" It's not easy to understand such love, such pure love. We never had any case of flirting or any case of any woman running away with some another husband or something. It's never seen that. They're so innocent and so simple. Just like children they become and the way they behave towards each other is beautiful to see. This is a new race of angels. My husband always said that, "I know You are an angel. You are something great. But I don't think you can make others." He was sure about it. Now he says that "I have to believe" and I have to say, yes, it is so because if you have to be honest, you see those things. You all can become [unclear: that]. Just have self-confidence about it, that you all can become that, all these powers are within you and that nobody can take away these powers from you. Now, I don't know, I find people who like to ask Me questions. I don't mind answering any number of questions, but I must tell you for the last twenty-three years I have been doing this job. I know how to answer all questions. I am quite an expert. But it's a mental acrobat. What's the use? It's a mental acrobat. If you ask Me questions, I'll answer, no doubt. I'm quite good at it. But the best thing is first to get the light. After getting the light, then you see for yourself and understand that it is all there. But if you want, should we ask them to ask questions? It's better. About fifteen minutes are still there. Shri Mataji: Yes, please. [Man asks: "Did you advocate meditation?"] Shri Mataji: No, please be seated. It's very good question. You see, meditation cannot be done. You are in meditation. When you are thoughtlessly aware, you are in meditation, otherwise we say we are doing meditation. You can't do it. You have to go beyond the mind, then you are in a meditative condition. So, there is meditation, but where you have to become thoughtlessly aware. [A man asks a question.] [A yogi speaks to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: Oh, very good. What a nice question. That's a seeker. That's a seeker.Yes, Sir. [A man asks a question and a yogi explains; "He's talking about the channel of desire. Channel of desire. Go ahead."] [The man continues his questions.] [Yogi: "He wants to know about the different types of desires, the desires that relate -"] Shri Mataji: The different types of [Yogi continues: "- the worldly desires and the spiritual desires, how would you differentiate?"] {The man continues to speak.] [Yogi: "He's mixed up."] Shri Mataji: All right. [The same man asks, "And how is this related to bhakti?"] [Yogi: "He's asking about the relationship of desires to bhakti."] Desires to -? [Yogi: "Bhakti."] Shri Mataji: All right. Please be seated. Shri Mataji: So I'll answer your first question, the second question first bhakti. We are doing bhakti now, of God. Without connection, what is the bhakti? It's like a telephone. Without connection, you're telephoning to God, He doesn't listen to you. Many people come to Me. They say, "Mother, I have done so much bhakti of Shri Krishna, but my throat is bad and I've got cancer of the throat. If you say Shri Krishna looks after the throat, why is it?" Because you're not yet connected. If you're not connected, what's the use of doing bhakti. Simple thing, extremely simple. Shri Mataji: What was the first question? [Yogi: "The different types of desires, the worldly desires and the spiritual desires."] Shri Mataji: All right. Now people are saying that you must give up this, you must give up that. There's nothing to be given up. If you give up, still you'll stick on to that. I've known people who are very much stuck, but they think they have given up. Like, I'll tell you, some people came to see Me. They wanted to use our ships for some purpose and they said that "We have", they came in an ascetic dress and they said, "Mother, you are suppose to be a holy person, but you are sitting in all luxury and all this. How are you a holy person? We have given up our houses. We have given up our cars, given up this, given up that." I said, "All right, in this house or anything which is with Me is equal to the dust particle of God Almighty, of His Feet. You can pick up anything, but should be equal." They started looking around. They have not given up anything. They have given up stones. A detachment develops within yourself. I don't know if you have heard the story of Raja Janaka, whose guru was Ashtavakra. Raja Janaka was the father-in-law of Shri Ram. This Raja Janaka was a king and all the saints use to bow to him, so one fellow asked his guru, "Why is it you bow to this king? He is a king and what is so great?" He said, "He's the only one who can give realization and he's so high." So he sent one of his disciples, his name was Nachiketa, to Raja Janaka. Raja Janaka told him, "No, you can ask anything, but I'll not give you self realization." He said, "No, Sir, I must have it. But I want to know about myself." So he said, "All right." So first he took him with himself to have a bath in the river. I mean many tests he took, but lastly. And there he was having his bath while people came and told that "Sir", he was meditating. He was in thoughtless awareness, just enjoying himself. And they came and told that "Your palace is on fire." Still he was meditating. Then they came and told him that "Now all the family is running away from the palace." Still he was meditating. Then they said, "The fire is coming here and will burn everything that you have." Now this fellow ran out and he clutched his clothes because he thought, "This will be all burned." But he was still meditating. And then when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing has happened. "I know nothing has happened. And it's nothing important to me." So the detachment is within. It's not without. You don't have to announce it. It is within. It's something that you do everything. As I knew, I am a grandmother, I'm a mother, I'm a wife. My husband was holding a very big position, all that. I did everything, but there's a kind of a detachment about it and this detachment can only be possible if you develop your spiritual powers. When your spirit shines, you see everything is useless and fruitless, but by giving up things, by renouncing things, you're just pampering your ego by saying, "I have given up this. I have given up that." The other day I met a Buddhist who was a seeker. He was all shaved off. His hair was shaved off. And he said, "Mother, I am not only shaved off, but I am now a bankrupt." I said, "Why?" "Because I was giving all my money, everything to this Buddhist organization and now I'm bankrupt and I don't know what to do with myself." I said "how can you pay"? God doesn't understand money. No." He doesn't understand banking. It's your headache. You have made money. You have made banks. You have made these houses. What is there if you give up or don't give up? What difference does it make? It's your doing. All right? So the detachment must come from within and that is so automatic. It's a state which we have to achieve in our evolution. [Shri Mataji speaks to a Yogi in Hindi. Another question is asked by a man in the audience. It concerns his wife and a mantra she was given by a false guru. The wife also gets burning sensations on her fingertips...The question is translated to Shri Mataji.] Shri Mataji: If she's saying mantras, she should not say. You see, mantras, please be seated, I'll tell you. Mantras are, there's a science about it. You must know what centre is out of gear, which mantra to be said for which center. It is not at random like you take out the whole Pandora box and start taking all the medicines. No. You must know everything and if her fingers are burning it's not a very good sign and I wish she would had come here, I would have seen to her. But where is the [Interruption in recording] Shri Mataji: Is it on the left hand or right hand? [The man answers.] [Yogi: "...she's asking was the burning on the left hand or the right hand?] [Man: "I don't know. I cannot -"] [Yogi: "He doesn't know" and speaks in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: You see, I don't want to say anything, but something wrong with the guru himself, I think. I'm sorry. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: Yes? [A woman asks a question.] [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] [Yogi: "...She's praying for his enlightenment and vision...."] Shri Mataji: All right, very good idea, but I have so many children here. Alright? Good. [Man: "Would you further explain this thoughtless awareness and is it the same as mindful awareness of the Buddhist philosophy?] [Yogi: "The difference between thoughtless awareness and mindful awareness."] Shri Mataji: It's the same, but you see, Buddhism is very confused as every religion has been, very much confused and so I do not know what they are thinking about it, but it's the same thing. Is the same thing as thoughtless awareness, should be the same thing and also many things Buddha has said have been misused and have been, I should say, quite twisted also. So to understand Buddhism, you take to Sahaja Yoga first. Once you get your realizations, Sir, you'll understand Buddhism much better in the sense that it should not be Buddhism, but it is Buddha's Bodha. "Bodha" means to know on your central nervous system. You become a Buddha, yourself. You become, yourself, an enlightened person. Alright? Now, what's it? [A man asks, "Could you please say what the dangers are associated with Kundalini meditation."] [Yogi: "He's asking about any dangers of Kundalini meditation."] Shri Mataji: No, no, No, no. Not at all, not at all; She's your mother. She's your individual mother, who gives you your second birth. She knows everything about you. She has recorded everything and she does it very gently. See, when you were born, your mother took all the pains upon herself, isn't it? And in the same way, this Kundalini does the job. But people are frightened because perhaps maybe they don't want, it's an evil force I think, those who are frightened against Kundalini because they don't know how to do it or maybe they don't want people to achieve their realization. I can't understand. Those people, as I was telling you today, in the sixteen century Guru Nanaka, then Kabira, and all these others, Ramadasa, Tukarama, all of them, nobody has said it's dangerous. On the contrary, Ramadasa was asked, "How much time does it take for Kundalini to rise?" He used the word in Sanskrit, "Takshana, that's the moment, that moment," he said. "Takshana, that moment." So, But," he said, "there's a condition. The one who wants should be anxious to have it and the one who gives should be an authority, not an authority from some university or anything, but authority in spirituality."Yes. [A man asks a question concerning the position a person must be in order to get Kundalini awakening.] Shri Mataji: What is it? [The question is repeated to Shri Mataji by a yogi.] Shri Mataji: No, you see, it is all right. You can do it, but why do all that? You have to be comfortably sitting in your chair and you'll get your Realization. You don't have to go to Himalayas to stand on your head. Just simple way.Yes, sir. [Another man asks, "What does the process entail?" which is repeated to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: It's Sahaj. It's spontaneous. Is like any living process. Alright? [A man asks, "Why is there so much heartache and grief when you fall in love?"] [Yogi says, "He says, 'When we fall in love, why is there so much heartache and grief?'"] Shri Mataji: Because you fall. Shri Mataji: You should rise. What's another? Behind that. Somebody else [A man asks, "What happens after death?"] [Yogi: "Life after death he is asking."] Shri Mataji: Yes, that is all right. You see, I must have given lots of lectures on that point also. You'd be amazed. I must have spoken I don't know how many times, but at least there are four thousand tapes of Mine and this subject also I have dealt with, but what I'm saying today is let us be in the present. Why worry about the death? All right?Is there anybody else? Yes, please. [A man asks, "What is the connection between sex and Kundalini and would you say something about AIDS?"] Shri Mataji: Now, here you see this red chakra is the Mooladhara chakra, is the first chakra, is of our innocence. Our innocence is never lost. We may do anything what we like. It is covered like a sky can be covered with lots of clouds. Kundalini is placed above, you see. So it has nothing to do with sex because this is the last centre, the seventh center or the first center, whatever you may call it, is the centre of excretion, of sex and everything. It has nothing to do with sex. On the contrary, you become innocent like a child. When the Kundalini is rising, all these actions of excretion stop completely and all the force of our innocence helps the Kundalini to rise. It has no relationship at all, at that time. But I don't say there's something wrong in all these things, but there has to be some sanctity about it, should be some sense. People become extremely sensible after marriage, even about sex life. AIDS have been cured with Sahaja Yoga, no doubt, no doubt. But the patients of AIDS are of two categories I've seen. One who think they are martyrs, they have achieved a great, you see, some sort of a big country or some sort of a thing like that. They feel very enthusiastic about it. And the another kind are the ones who don't want to live, absolutely, just they don't want to live. So there are two types of people who suffer from AIDS mostly. Very few you find they are in between. So we got rid [clarify: change to "cured"] of five of them, somehow, in Australia. Out of them, one was a married couple who got all right and one fellow who got all right this is nine years back, he's still all right. But two of them, again went to some funny habits or I don't know what they did. The father of one of them told Me that, "Mother, You just forgive them." And I don't know what happened. They again got back their AIDS. So it's a very difficult area in which one has to work because they cannot be convinced that they can be cured and some of them think that, "What's wrong?" You see, this is the greatest mantra of the West, "What's wrong?" You tell them anything. "What's wrong?" These punks were putting some sort of horrible colors or they are becoming blind. I told them, "Why do you put these horrible colors on your head because you are becoming blind?" "What's wrong?" I said, "You'll become blind." He said, "What's wrong?" I mean, I just don't know how to answer these people. Very queer, isn't it? They are bent upon destroying themselves. They like to destroy. You see, the people just want to destroy themselves. I don't know from where this idea of destruction has come. Instead of constructing yourself, enjoying life, anything, looking to higher goals, they always see to something filthy, dirty, something that is absolutely inhuman, subhuman. I don't know how these tendencies have grown. Cancer, of course, many types of cancers have been cured. We have blood cancer. Some of them were told that you'll die within one month's time because doctors are now honest and they give a certificate you are going to die after one month. This happened about with one gentleman at least eight or nine years back. He's still all right and there are three of them like that who are perfectly all right. There's so many who have been cured, so many. So this cure takes place, but also if you see, if God has any common sense, why should he cure people who are not going to give light? Most of them they want to get cured and get lost. They are cured to give light to others. We don't repair lamps which are not going to give light. But in compassion, I think God does that. [A man starts to ask a question.] Yogi: "He wants to get realization." Shri Mataji: All right. Now, there's somebody else. Now, one more. Now, one more question. Now... [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi: "She is asking about the psychic phenomenon, one thing. And she says when she is in nature, she is more at peace with herself, her relationship."] Shri Mataji: That's, you see, nothing so great. If you are in nature, anybody can feel peaceful. Or it's like when you have everything fine, you enjoy it, isn't it? But when you are in Philadelphia, you should feel peaceful. Or in New York. It's also more difficult. [A woman asks: "When the Kundalini arises is it in a state which stays with you all the time.] [The yogi repeats the question to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: That's a good question. You see, it is like a connection as I said. Some people, once they get connection, they are connected and they grow faster and faster. But some people have a loose connection also. So is best is to get your connection done properly. From that distance, all right. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi asks the woman, "What's the difference between ...?"] [The woman continues.] [Yogi: "Who are Hare Krishna? Oh here, Sahaja Yoga and Hare Krishna."] Shri Mataji: Tremendous. Shri Mataji: You see, in India everybody says to each other, when they wish, "Hare Krishna" or "Hare Ram." Are they all going to go to God? Just understand, these are words. Get out of the webs of words. Shabtah ja alam (check spelling) Get out of the webs of words. All right? Also, get out of books. Too much reading books, also makes you mad. I tell you, it's really true. Kabira has said Pari, pari pandita mura ... ? [check spelling], means "By reading too much, even the learned became stupid." Shri Mataji: Now, one. [A woman asks, "How do you know if your center is blocked?"] Shri Mataji: What's it? [Yogi: "How do you know if your center is blocked?"] Shri Mataji: I or you? [Yogi: "No, you. She."] Shri Mataji: You will know on your fingertips. Alright? In English language there are certain things very good "on your fingertips." But also English language is little limited for spirituality because spirit is "Atma," is the Spirit I am talking about. "spirit" is a dead spirit, dead body. It is also alcohol, you see. Out of these three, I am talking about which spirit people ask Me. So but fingertips you know. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi. "The number one chakra is weak."] Shri Mataji: It's a little private question. I'll answer you privately. Alright?Who else is there? [Yogi: "Yes, go ahead and ask."] Shri Mataji: Now, so many are there still. [A man say: "If you, yourself, have a question, what question would you hope somebody would ask you that nobody ever asks you?"] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi. "He says, if you had a question that nobody else had asked you, what would be that question?"] Shri Mataji: I didn't follow [Yogi to man: "What are you trying to...?] [The man says, "I can ask a different way."] [Yogi: "Yes."] [The man asks, "If you are in the light, what question do you think the light..."] [Yogi: "He's saying, 'If you're in the light, what question would the light have?'"] Shri Mataji: Light has no question. It has to give light. How can it have question? You are already enlightened, so better give light to others. Yes, please? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question: "How can we improve our psychic or spiritual experience?"] Shri Mataji: That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. First you get your realization and then you have to go to our centers and you'll be amazed. We have many here who are realized souls. They look like you, but you can see the glow on their faces. You see, now this Marathi song is such a difficult one, even a Sanskrit song. How can these people from America sing it? Just tell Me. Yes, sir? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "Shri Mataji, is the spiritual heart and the physical heart the same?] Shri Mataji: Yes. In the physical heart resides the spiritual heart. Shri Mataji: Now, I think we have had too many. You want to ask? [Yogi: "Do you have a question?"] Shri Mataji: She has already asked. Now, who else has not asked, can ask.Please. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi: "What is the soul?"] Shri Mataji: That also is another big question for which I have a big tape which you can go through and see for yourself. It will take another lecture, all rightwho else? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi.] Cataract ne. One person has been, but, you see, this cataract is something dead. If anything that's dead, we cannot do it because it's dead. But anything that is living and in a jeopardy can be cured. All right? One [unclear killed], but he was a child. He was a child. Madame, you've asked a question, all right. Now what's that? There. [A man starts to ask a question.] Shri Mataji: No, no, no. Not you. She's there at the side. [A woman asks a question concerning mental disorder.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi.] Ah, of course, of course, of course. Schizophrenia, all kinds, epilepsy, lunacy, yes, of course. Depression. Of course. Yes, yes, yes. Works out, works out. [A man starts to ask a question.] Shri Mataji: You've asked a question already. [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "Person who have birth defects, who don't have complete bodies, can they become whole?"] Shri Mataji: Yes, some can be. Not all. But it's not important, you see. It's not a hospital. I'm just a, it's not a hospital. With your own power, you cure yourself. The main attention should be on the spirit, not on the body so much. Some people have definitely have been cured. His sister-in-law was spastic. She got cured, but some are not because they just don't do it. They don't follow it and what important thing is that don't put your attention to the physical side [unclear: so much?], or to the mental side. Just now, we have to achieve our spiritual goal. Yes, please? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "He's asking a lot of questions are relating to suffering and then he's asking about Jesus, how He suffered and rose again from the dead."] Shri Mataji: Sufferings are because of ignorance. That's all I'll say in a small sentence. All right? And if you want to get out of it, you get the knowledge. Knowledge on your central nervous system. [Yogi: "Shall we have the realization now?"] Shri Mataji: Now, I think we should stop it because you have asked too many questions and I've answered them. Actually, you see, as I told you, it's a mental acrobat and I can answer most of the questions very well, but it is of no use as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned. Mostly I've seen people who ask too many questions walk off. They just come here to ask questions and then just walk off. So, again, I request you to put your attention on yourself and on your own spirit and on your own benevolence. Now don't think of anything else. You might have read a lot, you might have known a lot and it's all right. You are worried about the whole world. It doesn't matter. Now, please this is a time, you give some time to yourself and you worry about yourself. So now we can have our Realization. Those who don't want to have Realization should leave the hall because it's civil. Others who want to have, please be seated. You're welcome and I'm sure it will all work out. Another request is that you have to take out your shoes for a short time because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now, whatever we are going to do it, that is for only tonight. You don't have to repeat it again, so there's no need to write, there's nothing to worry, just you have to see that it works out. Only thing, I have to make a humble request that during meditation don't walk out or don't disturb. As you know, there are two powers, one on the left and the right, two sympathetic nervous systems. So we put both our feet apart from each other, left and right. Left is the power of desire. Please be seated. Will you please be seated? No, you have to sit down, please. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] All right. Left hand towards Me on your lap. I've again said that you have to be comfortable, but you should not slouch. You have to be comfortable. Please put left hand towards Me. If anything tight on your stomach [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.]. If you don't want to attend you can go out. Now, you have your left hand towards Me, which is symbolic that you want to have, or you desire to have, your Self Realization. That you have to keep all the time like that. If you have anything tight here or tight here, little bit loosen it. If you are comfortable, it is all right, if you are comfortable. Main thing is you should not be uncomfortable with anything. Now, we use this right hand for action, means nourishing our centers. We have to nourish our centers ourselves. So now, put your right hand on your heart. You can put it under the coat; need not be under the sweater, but under the coat. Now, in the heart, just now keep your eyes open so you can see what you have to do. In the heart resides the spirit. Now, if you become the spirit, in the light of the spirit, you are your own guide, you are your own master, so take your right hand on the left hand side of your abdomen on the upper portion, we are only working on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery created by the great prophets. Now take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge. Surprisingly, it is here, pure, divine knowledge. Then raise your hand again on top of your abdomen, the upper portion on the left hand side and press it hard. Now raise your hand again on the heart. Now put your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This center goes into jeopardy when you feel guilty. I'll tell about this later on. Now raise your hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone, even without thinking about them. Now take your right hand on the backside of your head. Push back your head and here you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power for your own satisfaction. Now the last centre is, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood and put down your head. Here push back your fingers this is very important so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head and move your scalp seven times; clockwise slowly. Please put down your heads. Put down your heads. Can do it better. Put down your heads and push back your fingers, very important it is. Push back. Now, put down your head and push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. That's all we have to do. Now, there are three conditions which I'll tell you, which are very simple ones. The first condition is that you all have to be absolutely confident that you'll all get your Self Realization. Please take down your hands. You all have to be absolutely confident that you will get your Self Realization tonight. That means that you're not to feel guilty at all. That means forget your past. Whatever wrong you have done, whatever mistakes you have committed will be dissolved by this power of Divine Love because it is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive yourself and you don't know when you feel guilty what happens. If you have committed mistakes, it's all right. After all, you are human beings, you are not gods. You face the mistakes, finished of them. But what you do, you carry that here onto this centre here. Thus, you get spondylitis, cervical cancer, angina or lethargic organs. So what's the use of carrying this with you all the time? For something that happened long time back you are carrying still. Please know you are not guilty at all. At this moment you are not guilty at all. I assure you are not guilty. Let the Kundalini judge you. You don't judge yourself. Alright. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about it. You have to forgive everyone. Now, many people say it's difficult to forgive. Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do if you don't forgive? But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself, while the person who has troubled you or hurt you is happy. But you are torturing yourself all your life. Now, at this moment, this centre is very important because if it is not all right the Kundalini won't rise. And also the centre between the optic chiasm, which is like this, is absolutely constricted. It won't open, but when you forgive, it opens. So, as it is, you have tortured yourself all your life by not forgiving and at this important moment you lose the chance of your Self Realization. So, just forgive everything, everybody, everything, even without thinking about them. We can say forgive them in general. Alright. In short, you have be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Because you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. You don't know what you are. So please don't condemn yourself. Don't, in any way, get angry with yourself. It's a very simple thing that will happen to you and you'll be amazed at your own greatness. So now, please put your left hand on your left lap and also both the feet away from each other. Now, please put the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles also because your eyesight might improve. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask in your heart a question which is very fundamental. You can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji." Please ask three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, "Mother, am I the spirit?" three times. I have told you when you become the Spirit you become your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, you have to say, again three times, ask a question which is very fundamental, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here the center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times. I must say, I cannot force pure, divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please ask six times, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge", in your heart, everything to be asked in your heart, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge" Now, as soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourishes the higher centers with our full self-confidence, so now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and here you have to say with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master", say ten times "Mother, I am my own master". I've already told you that are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure Spirit, so please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say 12 times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Do not say any mantras or anything and don't try to concentrate, just leave your attention free, the Kundalini will push it, so you just have to put no efforts about it. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy and above all is the ocean of forgiveness, so whatever mistakes you might have committed are easily dissolved into this power of ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself, and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. This is the center which is very bad today, I think that you feel guilty, so please say with full confidence "Mother, I am not guilty at all", please say it with full confidence, sixteen times you have to say, I've already told you logically, wherever you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, especially at this moment, you have to forgive because the center of Agnya is very constricted and won't open and your Kundalini won't raise, so it is very important now that you have to forgive, so raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, and please put down your head, here you have to say from your heart, not how many times "Mother, I forgive everyone in general", don't think about it, just say it, please put down your head. Now, please take your right hand to the backside of your head, and push back your head, here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction have to say "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly", "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly", say it from your heart, not how many times. Please say it from your heart. Now, please stretch your palm on your right hand and put the center of your palm on the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now, this is important that you push back your fingers, so there's a good pressure on your scalp, now please put down your head, here again I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you, I cannot force Self Realization on you, so please move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying "Mother, please give me my self Realization". Now, please take down your hand, open your eyes, wear your glasses. Put both your hands towards me, like this, little higher. Now, watch Me, without thinking, just watch Me without thinking. Now, put this right hand towards Me, like this, bend your head, and see with your left hand if there's a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, please bend your head; or maybe hot, please see that there's a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, please don't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it, and now see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Now, put your left hand towards Me, like this, and again bend your head, and see with your right hand now if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head, sometimes it comes very far, some times closer. If it is hot, means your have not forgiven or your are still feeling guilty, so please do it. All the heat is coming out. Now see for yourself. Alright, now right hand towards Me, now and with the left hand you'll see for the last time, put down your head properly, and see properly if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of the your fontanelle bone area. Now please put both the hands towards the sky, and push back your head, here you have to ask any of these three questions, three times, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love, the Ruh?" or "is it the Paramchaitanya?", just ask any one of these questions three times. Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or palms, or in their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands.
Public Program, Philadelphia (USA), 15 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. This song that you are listening to has been written by a poet called Namadeva, about sixteenth century, and what he's singing there is, "Oh, Mother, give me my yoga." Yoga means the union with the Divine. I said I bow to you all because you're seekers of Truth. At the very outset, one has to know that Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot conceptualize it. And, unfortunately, at this human awareness, you cannot know it, whatever you may try. If once we humbly understand this, that we can go up to our mental projections and not beyond that, Truth has to be known on your central nervous system. In the evolutionary process, whatever we have known, we have known it on our central nervous system. For example, if you bring a dog or a horse and he sees this beautiful hall, he won't understand. If you take him through a dirty lane, he won't understand. He can just pass through. But, while we human beings have developed a kind of a sensitivity, sensitivity to so many things. Also, we should have developed sensitivity to spirituality, but sometimes we miss the point. Now, whatever I am going to tell should be taken as a hypothesis, but you should have an open mind of a scientist. If it is true, you should accept it, if you are honest and, one must know that it is for the benevolence. Your benevolence as well as the benevolence of your country and the benevolence of the whole world. But, to understand this, I have to tell you it's not meant for idiots and stupid people. You have to have some amount of I.Q. to understand that we have to achieve our selfhood, our spirit hood. What's the matter with both of you? Why are you laughing? Will you please go out. There's nothing to laugh. Will you please behave yourself. So one has to understand that evolutionary process is absolutely free, without any effort and you can't pay for your evolution. It is spontaneous. Like you have this Mother Earth and you put the seed in it, then it sprouts by itself. What do you do? Nothing. It is spontaneous and that's what exactly happens to you, that spontaneously you achieve that state of the spirit. When we say, "This is my body. This is my mind. This is my ego. These are my conditionings," we're all the time saying "my," but who is this "I" to whom all these things belong? We have never questioned this. This "I" is the spirit. So the first truth is that you are the pure spirit. And the second truth is that there is all pervading power of Divine Love which does all living work. For example, these beautiful flowers. We take them for granted. Who runs our heart? We never ask this question. If you ask a doctor, he'll say, "It's an autonomous nervous system." Who is this auto? If you ask them, they won't be able to answer. So science cannot answer many questions and one of them is that "Why are we on this Earth? What is the purpose of our life? What is the goal of our life? What is our identity? This question is not asked and, if asked, they cannot answer. They cannot answer this simple question, "Why are we on this Earth?" But one has to know that we are on this Earth to become the Spirit, to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is our purpose. That's why we are here, and then to be the instruments of that Divine Power, which is all-pervading. This Divine Power has been described in many ways. Patanjali has called has called it as Ritambhara PrAgnya. In the Bible it is called as the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. Also it is called as the All Pervading Power of Divine Love. In the Quran it is called as Ruh. In the Indian scriptures it is called as Paramchaitanya. The civilization in the West has grown very big. It's like a big tree outgrown its size, but we must find out our roots. I do not make difference between East and West. So we must find out our roots, whether it comes from East or from West. The knowledge today I'm going to tell you about is the knowledge of our roots. We [Mother says "we", but for clarity sake perhaps should be replaced by "you"] have been already told about the centers and about this power that is called as Kundalini. This power is placed in the triangular bone which is called as sacrum, which means Greeks knew about this centre. They very well knew about it, that's why they called it sacred, sacrum. In many countries there has been a manifestation that they know about this particular power. I happened to go to Colombia where I collected an authentic antique copy of the antique necklace. The necklace had at its bottom a Kundalini and even the earrings had the Kundalini, but, surprisingly, it was from the Indians of America, found here with the Indians of America, though it is now kept in the museum in Colombia. It was in America that people knew about Kundalini, definitely, absolutely in three and a half coil they had done this pattern very well. Is very surprising that it was done even before Columbus came here. So this knowledge was known to people, I think, all over the world, but then gradually it subsided. Especially in India, till the twelfth century, it was kept as a tradition just to give realization to one person, one guru and one realization. There was not a sort of a mass realization, or anything, and they didn't even talk about it. They kept a secret. But in the twelfth century [ie 1200s] one great poet called Gyaneshwara, he wrote in his book, "Gyaneshwari," sixth chapter about Kundalini. He took the permission of his guru and he wrote it, but still they denounced it and they said that this is something not to be read because they didn't know how to do it. They didn't know how to raise the Kundalini. They didn't know how to give realization. So the people who were at the helm of affairs said, they denounced it, "Don't read this chapter." Then in the sixteenth century we had many poets in India who have written about it, Guru Nanaka, Kabira, Ramadasa, so many of them have written about this Kundalini awakening. Many then tantricas came up who'd write to misuse the word and misused the whole thing and deceived people by telling them false things. There are so many false people who came to your country and I feel ashamed about them, those who came in this country, but also you people are to be blamed in a way, because you should have used some discretion. When I came first, you'll be surprised in '72, they asked Me funny questions. In Boston, I was there for an interview with the television and they asked Me, not on the television, but before that, how many Rolls Royces you have?" I said, "I've no Rolls Royce." So they said, "Are you not in the business?" I said, "This is no business. This is something else." So they said, "We don't believe in a person who has no business and we'll not give you any chance on the television." People were so materialistic and they said, "You are not taking any money, so it must be something hocus pocus." So superficial they were. I was very disappointed and I said, "I'll never come to this country" and I didn't come for nine years, till some people who were here who got interests and they told Me, "Mother, better come now. Is going to be better than what you found it in 1972." So I came here. So one has to understand that it's a living process and you cannot pay for it. There's no guarantee. There's no guarantee, but if you desire all of you can get your realization without any difficulty. It's a very simple thing that happens to you. When this Kundalini passes through these six centers, it nourishes it, it integrates it. Also it enlightens them. By that, our physical, mental, and emotional, spiritual problems are solved. Most of the global problems are because of human beings, and most of the human problems are because of these chakras or these centers within us. So, if you can cure these centers, you can definitely cure human beings physically, mentally, emotionally and also spiritually. But then it is connected. The yoga takes place with this all pervading power and the light of the spirit shines in your attention. Then so many things happen that you are amazed how fantastic you are. These are all your dormant powers, will start manifesting. One thing one should know that there cannot be any gimmick about Truth. There cannot be any sort of a false pretenses about it. It has to be straight forward and simple, but I have known people who have been doing all kinds of things, like people paid three hundred pounds for a mantra. I mean, this, in India, nobody would do, but thank God we are not so rich to waste our money. Three hundred pounds for a mantra, you don't need any guru for that, a donkey can do it also. And then, after that, somebody says you can raise yourself from the grounds and about three feet you can fly. Already there's jam on the roads. Why do you want to have such people flying at three feet? They'll be hitting all the cars, I think. But people paid six thousand pounds for such a nonsense. They broke their bottoms and had all kinds of problems and they have been to Me with epilepsy. So all such stupid things people have done without even thinking. Now there's a new thing they have started, showing a pendulum can move with your mind power. It's nothing but mesmerism, simple. But we have to know [what is] what is our value. What are we here for? What, are we here just to move pendulums or to fly in the air? Why are we here? That's why at the very outset I said that Sahaja Yoga is not meant for idiotic or stupid people. It's a complete logical thing which is tangible. You can find out. For example, I said that physically you are cured. Yes, of course, there are three doctors, one of them is here, who got his M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] in Sahaja Yoga, which showed you can cure incurable diseases like asthma, epilepsy and also physical fitness. Three doctors got this. And there are many doctors who are doing this research all over the world. You'll be surprised that in Russia there are two thousand doctors who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. I must say, for your information, Russians are tremendously sensitive to spirituality. They threw out all false gurus, everything. I don't know, maybe our freedom has lead us into a mess like this. Freedom without discretion can be very dangerous. That may be the reason we are now finding lost, as far as our society is concerned, as far as our children are concerned. In every way, we are confused. But there's a way out from all this which is very simple and the way out is that your Kundalini is to be awakened. That's very simple, I told you, because it is built in. It's your own power that is going to work it out. No obligation. There's no commitment, nothing. As far as you are a human being, that is sufficient because you are at the epitome of evolution. We do not know our value. We don't even think why God made us human beings. We just accept ourselves as human beings, but there are so many problems and so many confusions that we don't understand what's going on. One of the reasons is that we do not know the absolute Truth. Somebody says this is right, another says that is right. Somebody says this is right and they're fighting. They believe in it. They believe that this is right, that is right and they fight. All kinds of wrong ideas have been managed to exploit us, to befool us and to lead us into the path of destruction. We are getting destroyed from within, if you see. All kinds of diseases, unknown diseases are coming up. Our children are getting ruined. Families are getting ruined. What is the reason for this decline? Within these thirty, forty years only such a decline has come. What is the reason? The reason is, one of them is that our indiscrete freedom. And a second one, I think, is materialism. As I told you, they asked Me for a Rolls Royce because they can't understand anything without money. This is the most absurd thing that they believe that spirituality also can be bought with money. You can purchase your guru. You can retain him. You cannot. So what happens to you when you get your realization is first you feel a Cool Breeze on your fingertips. Also you feel a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which is the actualization of your baptism. It's actualization. And Sahaja Yoga is becoming, it is not just a lecture or explanation or a sermon. It is becoming. Means you become something that is already described that you are to be born again. Now, if you just certify yourself as born again, you are not. It's just a false certificate. If you are born again, you have certain powers and you become a saint. You have to be a saint if you are born again. You become a Sufi, but if that doesn't happen to you, you cannot just certify yourself as born again. Any certificate are like this. It's just a brand. For example, it might be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian; any one can commit any sin. It's just a brand. It's nothing inside. So what happens to you that you become a righteous person, you become you can't do wrong things. You cannot do things which are irreligious. You just don't do it. You don't get tempted to do anything. On the contrary, you enjoy your virtues. Your attention becomes absolutely innocent, without any lust and greed. And such a person, even a glance of such a person can bring peace. The source of all this is this All Pervading Power of Divine Love. So you are connected with that power. Once you are connected with that power, it starts flowing through and when it starts flowing through you, you can feel it. Then it makes you grow. As a result, you know the Absolute Truth on your fingertips. Even children can know the Absolute Truth on their fingertips. There are people who don't believe in God. They come to Me. I say, "All right, ask the question, 'Is there God?' three times" and they get the Cool Breeze. Then I'll [say] "Just say, 'There is God.'" Then they get a tremendous stream of Cool Breeze. Thus, you can make out also your own centers, what's wrong with your own centers. Is there any problem in your centre? Immediately you can find out on the fingertips. Many people who are about to go for a heart attack or for some sort of a serious cancer, do not know they have. But a Sahaja Yogi will immediately know that on his centre is catching and immediately he knows also how to correct it. So you can have self-knowledge about your own centers and you understand. Today only, one gentleman came and told Me, "Mother, my Agnya is catching. Means that I'm egotistical." Nobody would say that, "I'm egoistical," but he just came and told Me, "Mother, my Agyna's catching. Please correct me." That means yourself knows that this is happening within yourself and you know how to correct yourself, so you become the doctor, you become diagnosis and you become the medicine. It sounds very fantastic, but it's a fact. Then the second thing happens to you that you get the knowledge about other's centers also. You know about others. Sitting down here you can find out what are the centers of any person. Immediately you can find out. Once you find out the centers, if you know how to correct them, you can correct also others. So who is the other? The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Then we have another problem always that we live in the future or in the past, never in the present. If I say come to your present, you cannot come. It's very difficult for you to come to your present. So what's the reason is that we are thinking of the future and the past. One thought rises and falls down. Another thought rises and falls down. In between these thoughts there is this vilumba [check spelling], is what we call the present. When the Kundalini rises, she elongates the thoughts and this space increases and you become thoughtlessly aware, thoughtlessly aware. You become, again I say you become. There are no thoughts, but you are absolutely aware which is also described by Jung that after realization you become thoughtlessly aware. That is the time you are absolutely at peace with yourself and with everything else. That's the time you are peaceful in the real sense of the word. I've seen people getting many awards, peace awards, of peace conferences and all that. I know them, but, surprisingly, they're extremely hot tempered and if you have to talk to them, also you have to take a barge pole in between because they have such a temper. I don't know how they got these peace awards and things like that, but you find them all around, such people who have got peace award without any peace within. So you have to have your peace within yourself and this you achieve through thoughtless awareness. Then another thing happens to you that you become the witness, the witness of the whole drama. Say, if you are in the water and there are waves, you're afraid of it. But supposing you get into the boat, then you watch these very carefully you can watch them. Also, you can enjoy them. But supposing you know how to swim, then you can jump and save many people. So like this, into two stages, you rise. The first one, when you rise into the boat when you are thoughtlessly aware and the second stage, which we call is a doubtless awareness, which is called as Sanskrit language it is called as Nirvikalpa samadhi, the first one as Nirvichar samadhi and the second one as Nirvikalpa samadhi where you have no doubts about yourself. You know that. You know all your inner knowledge. You know about your inner being and you know about the inner beings of others. This knowledge we have to know and it takes hardly any time for you to know, hardly I would say, even one month is sufficient. But what I've seen that people have to be deep to go into it. Normally, once they get realization, they feel extremely relaxed, peaceful, then finished. But it's like a seed being sprouted. It has to grow into a tree. They get lost first some disease they have is cured, then they come out with another disease second year I come back. So one has to be determined about it in the beginning. Then you cannot leave it because you enjoy it so much. You know that you are now in the Kingdom of God. When I was in Russia there was this coupe going on. I asked the Russians, I said, "Aren't you... [Interruption in recording] The another thing that happens to you, that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. So far we have never known Joy. We have happiness and unhappiness. Whatever pampers our ego, we'll feel happy or which gives us some emotional satisfaction, we'll feel happy and then we feel unhappy. So we jump from one to another. But with this, we are in the Ocean of Joy. Now we'll [should be changed to "you'll] be surprised that Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five nations. I'm sorry, to Philadelphia I have come for the first time. I wanted to come, but I was so disappointed when I came here in '72. We are only four people for the program. Such a big hall and four people sitting there, so I said, "Better not go to Philadelphia. May be the same style." And these out of these four people, the other day one gentleman came and told Me that, "You cure my father's eyesight in 1972." I said, "Maybe, I don't remember all that," but he was one of them who came. So you can imagine how now the awareness for spirituality is growing. You see so many people now. So many people that I'm amazed Myself this year what has happened suddenly that where only we were getting only four or seven people, suddenly we have so many people. While they use to go to all kinds of false gurus, pay them money and get injured or get into recluseness or all kinds of things would happen to them. But this time I was surprised, all over America there's a kind of an awakening and people are becoming more alert about it. All these things happen to you for which you don't have to pay. For all the knowledge, you don't have to pay. You have just attend our collectivity, means we have our centers, so please come to our centers and where they will give you all the knowledge about it. You can master it, maximum, within one month's time. You just become masters. Now you may say, "Mother, it is very fantastic to hear about ourselves, but you don't know how fantastic you are. Like you take a small little box of a television to some remote village. All the people will say, "What is this? It is just a box?" Why, you tell them that there is going to be you can easily see lots of films in it. They won't believe. Once it is connected only that they'll be amazed at the television, the way it is showing all kinds of things because it is built-in and also it is built-in in you. All this is there which is within you, which you can easily verify it. It's absolutely tangible and then you know the value of your life and then you know the purpose of your life. This is what it is. In this short time, I don't know how much I can tell you about it. Now, you have here beautiful lights and beautifully they're lit up. You have to use only one switch. It all comes up. If I have to tell you the history of electricity, how it came to this country, then to your city and all that, it would be very boring. But if it is built-in, why not have the light? So, I would say that you should have the light and you should know what you are. First you get that light and then we will see about the rest of the knowledge. That you can easily get when you go to our centers and they will give you. I have to confess that we don't take any money, so we do not have elaborate places like Taj Mahal to have our programs. It's simple abodes and in simple places you have to come with a simple mind to achieve your spiritual life. That's what it is today. I do not know that what it is to, that we are now in the blossom time, as I call it, because many flowers are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the resurrection time, which is described in all the scriptures. But it's not like this, the way they had described us, something wrong with them, that all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some bones or maybe some skulls there. So they'll come out of the graves and they will get their resurrection. This is a very wrong idea. Once I happened to meet a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told Me "I want to die for my religion, for God's sake." I said, "But why? Who told you to die?" He said, "Now, if I die in the name of God, I'll be resurrected." I said, "It's all wrong. That's not the way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this way. That at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected as human beings they'll have to come." That's why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer, weird funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have their chance of resurrection. But how many will come? That's the point. How many are going to come? Now, see, in your Philadelphia there are so many people. How many are here and how many are going to get realization and how many are going to settle down? Depends on their wisdom and depends on their understanding of spirituality. If they don't have, you cannot force on them. You cannot force Self Realization on them. Never. It has to be accepted. In their own freedom, they have to ask for it. It cannot be forced. This power that you see is a power of pure desire. If you don't have pure desire, it won't rise, all other desires are such that they're never satiable in general, so this desire that you have within. You may be aware of it or you may not be, but it is there and once it is awakened, such a satisfaction settles in you. You are very satisfied with yourself and life becomes so beautiful. And the friendship [and the] because I heard this is a brotherly and a sisterly place. I was very happy to hear that. That is what exactly Sahaja Yoga is, such love. Now I told you there are fifty five nations which are following Sahaja Yoga, but when you see one Sahaja Yogis meeting another one, I mean, you really feel, "What is this? How it is happening? How they are achieving it?" It's not easy to understand such love, such pure love. We never had any case of flirting or any case of any woman running away with some another husband or something. It's never seen that. They're so innocent and so simple. Just like children they become and the way they behave towards each other is beautiful to see. This is a new race of angels. My husband always said that, "I know You are an angel. You are something great. But I don't think you can make others." He was sure about it. Now he says that "I have to believe" and I have to say, yes, it is so because if you have to be honest, you see those things. You all can become [unclear: that]. Just have self-confidence about it, that you all can become that, all these powers are within you and that nobody can take away these powers from you. Now, I don't know, I find people who like to ask Me questions. I don't mind answering any number of questions, but I must tell you for the last twenty-three years I have been doing this job. I know how to answer all questions. I am quite an expert. But it's a mental acrobat. What's the use? It's a mental acrobat. If you ask Me questions, I'll answer, no doubt. I'm quite good at it. But the best thing is first to get the light. After getting the light, then you see for yourself and understand that it is all there. But if you want, should we ask them to ask questions? It's better. About fifteen minutes are still there. Shri Mataji: Yes, please. [Man asks: "Did you advocate meditation?"] Shri Mataji: No, please be seated. It's very good question. You see, meditation cannot be done. You are in meditation. When you are thoughtlessly aware, you are in meditation, otherwise we say we are doing meditation. You can't do it. You have to go beyond the mind, then you are in a meditative condition. So, there is meditation, but where you have to become thoughtlessly aware. [A man asks a question.] [A yogi speaks to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: Oh, very good. What a nice question. That's a seeker. That's a seeker.Yes, Sir. [A man asks a question and a yogi explains; "He's talking about the channel of desire. Channel of desire. Go ahead."] [The man continues his questions.] [Yogi: "He wants to know about the different types of desires, the desires that relate -"] Shri Mataji: The different types of [Yogi continues: "- the worldly desires and the spiritual desires, how would you differentiate?"] {The man continues to speak.] [Yogi: "He's mixed up."] Shri Mataji: All right. [The same man asks, "And how is this related to bhakti?"] [Yogi: "He's asking about the relationship of desires to bhakti."] Desires to -? [Yogi: "Bhakti."] Shri Mataji: All right. Please be seated. Shri Mataji: So I'll answer your first question, the second question first bhakti. We are doing bhakti now, of God. Without connection, what is the bhakti? It's like a telephone. Without connection, you're telephoning to God, He doesn't listen to you. Many people come to Me. They say, "Mother, I have done so much bhakti of Shri Krishna, but my throat is bad and I've got cancer of the throat. If you say Shri Krishna looks after the throat, why is it?" Because you're not yet connected. If you're not connected, what's the use of doing bhakti. Simple thing, extremely simple. Shri Mataji: What was the first question? [Yogi: "The different types of desires, the worldly desires and the spiritual desires."] Shri Mataji: All right. Now people are saying that you must give up this, you must give up that. There's nothing to be given up. If you give up, still you'll stick on to that. I've known people who are very much stuck, but they think they have given up. Like, I'll tell you, some people came to see Me. They wanted to use our ships for some purpose and they said that "We have", they came in an ascetic dress and they said, "Mother, you are suppose to be a holy person, but you are sitting in all luxury and all this. How are you a holy person? We have given up our houses. We have given up our cars, given up this, given up that." I said, "All right, in this house or anything which is with Me is equal to the dust particle of God Almighty, of His Feet. You can pick up anything, but should be equal." They started looking around. They have not given up anything. They have given up stones. A detachment develops within yourself. I don't know if you have heard the story of Raja Janaka, whose guru was Ashtavakra. Raja Janaka was the father-in-law of Shri Ram. This Raja Janaka was a king and all the saints use to bow to him, so one fellow asked his guru, "Why is it you bow to this king? He is a king and what is so great?" He said, "He's the only one who can give realization and he's so high." So he sent one of his disciples, his name was Nachiketa, to Raja Janaka. Raja Janaka told him, "No, you can ask anything, but I'll not give you self realization." He said, "No, Sir, I must have it. But I want to know about myself." So he said, "All right." So first he took him with himself to have a bath in the river. I mean many tests he took, but lastly. And there he was having his bath while people came and told that "Sir", he was meditating. He was in thoughtless awareness, just enjoying himself. And they came and told that "Your palace is on fire." Still he was meditating. Then they came and told him that "Now all the family is running away from the palace." Still he was meditating. Then they said, "The fire is coming here and will burn everything that you have." Now this fellow ran out and he clutched his clothes because he thought, "This will be all burned." But he was still meditating. And then when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing has happened. "I know nothing has happened. And it's nothing important to me." So the detachment is within. It's not without. You don't have to announce it. It is within. It's something that you do everything. As I knew, I am a grandmother, I'm a mother, I'm a wife. My husband was holding a very big position, all that. I did everything, but there's a kind of a detachment about it and this detachment can only be possible if you develop your spiritual powers. When your spirit shines, you see everything is useless and fruitless, but by giving up things, by renouncing things, you're just pampering your ego by saying, "I have given up this. I have given up that." The other day I met a Buddhist who was a seeker. He was all shaved off. His hair was shaved off. And he said, "Mother, I am not only shaved off, but I am now a bankrupt." I said, "Why?" "Because I was giving all my money, everything to this Buddhist organization and now I'm bankrupt and I don't know what to do with myself." I said "how can you pay"? God doesn't understand money. No." He doesn't understand banking. It's your headache. You have made money. You have made banks. You have made these houses. What is there if you give up or don't give up? What difference does it make? It's your doing. All right? So the detachment must come from within and that is so automatic. It's a state which we have to achieve in our evolution. [Shri Mataji speaks to a Yogi in Hindi. Another question is asked by a man in the audience. It concerns his wife and a mantra she was given by a false guru. The wife also gets burning sensations on her fingertips...The question is translated to Shri Mataji.] Shri Mataji: If she's saying mantras, she should not say. You see, mantras, please be seated, I'll tell you. Mantras are, there's a science about it. You must know what centre is out of gear, which mantra to be said for which center. It is not at random like you take out the whole Pandora box and start taking all the medicines. No. You must know everything and if her fingers are burning it's not a very good sign and I wish she would had come here, I would have seen to her. But where is the [Interruption in recording] Shri Mataji: Is it on the left hand or right hand? [The man answers.] [Yogi: "...she's asking was the burning on the left hand or the right hand?] [Man: "I don't know. I cannot -"] [Yogi: "He doesn't know" and speaks in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: You see, I don't want to say anything, but something wrong with the guru himself, I think. I'm sorry. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: Yes? [A woman asks a question.] [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] [Yogi: "...She's praying for his enlightenment and vision...."] Shri Mataji: All right, very good idea, but I have so many children here. Alright? Good. [Man: "Would you further explain this thoughtless awareness and is it the same as mindful awareness of the Buddhist philosophy?] [Yogi: "The difference between thoughtless awareness and mindful awareness."] Shri Mataji: It's the same, but you see, Buddhism is very confused as every religion has been, very much confused and so I do not know what they are thinking about it, but it's the same thing. Is the same thing as thoughtless awareness, should be the same thing and also many things Buddha has said have been misused and have been, I should say, quite twisted also. So to understand Buddhism, you take to Sahaja Yoga first. Once you get your realizations, Sir, you'll understand Buddhism much better in the sense that it should not be Buddhism, but it is Buddha's Bodha. "Bodha" means to know on your central nervous system. You become a Buddha, yourself. You become, yourself, an enlightened person. Alright? Now, what's it? [A man asks, "Could you please say what the dangers are associated with Kundalini meditation."] [Yogi: "He's asking about any dangers of Kundalini meditation."] Shri Mataji: No, no, No, no. Not at all, not at all; She's your mother. She's your individual mother, who gives you your second birth. She knows everything about you. She has recorded everything and she does it very gently. See, when you were born, your mother took all the pains upon herself, isn't it? And in the same way, this Kundalini does the job. But people are frightened because perhaps maybe they don't want, it's an evil force I think, those who are frightened against Kundalini because they don't know how to do it or maybe they don't want people to achieve their realization. I can't understand. Those people, as I was telling you today, in the sixteen century Guru Nanaka, then Kabira, and all these others, Ramadasa, Tukarama, all of them, nobody has said it's dangerous. On the contrary, Ramadasa was asked, "How much time does it take for Kundalini to rise?" He used the word in Sanskrit, "Takshana, that's the moment, that moment," he said. "Takshana, that moment." So, But," he said, "there's a condition. The one who wants should be anxious to have it and the one who gives should be an authority, not an authority from some university or anything, but authority in spirituality."Yes. [A man asks a question concerning the position a person must be in order to get Kundalini awakening.] Shri Mataji: What is it? [The question is repeated to Shri Mataji by a yogi.] Shri Mataji: No, you see, it is all right. You can do it, but why do all that? You have to be comfortably sitting in your chair and you'll get your Realization. You don't have to go to Himalayas to stand on your head. Just simple way.Yes, sir. [Another man asks, "What does the process entail?" which is repeated to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: It's Sahaj. It's spontaneous. Is like any living process. Alright? [A man asks, "Why is there so much heartache and grief when you fall in love?"] [Yogi says, "He says, 'When we fall in love, why is there so much heartache and grief?'"] Shri Mataji: Because you fall. Shri Mataji: You should rise. What's another? Behind that. Somebody else [A man asks, "What happens after death?"] [Yogi: "Life after death he is asking."] Shri Mataji: Yes, that is all right. You see, I must have given lots of lectures on that point also. You'd be amazed. I must have spoken I don't know how many times, but at least there are four thousand tapes of Mine and this subject also I have dealt with, but what I'm saying today is let us be in the present. Why worry about the death? All right?Is there anybody else? Yes, please. [A man asks, "What is the connection between sex and Kundalini and would you say something about AIDS?"] Shri Mataji: Now, here you see this red chakra is the Mooladhara chakra, is the first chakra, is of our innocence. Our innocence is never lost. We may do anything what we like. It is covered like a sky can be covered with lots of clouds. Kundalini is placed above, you see. So it has nothing to do with sex because this is the last centre, the seventh center or the first center, whatever you may call it, is the centre of excretion, of sex and everything. It has nothing to do with sex. On the contrary, you become innocent like a child. When the Kundalini is rising, all these actions of excretion stop completely and all the force of our innocence helps the Kundalini to rise. It has no relationship at all, at that time. But I don't say there's something wrong in all these things, but there has to be some sanctity about it, should be some sense. People become extremely sensible after marriage, even about sex life. AIDS have been cured with Sahaja Yoga, no doubt, no doubt. But the patients of AIDS are of two categories I've seen. One who think they are martyrs, they have achieved a great, you see, some sort of a big country or some sort of a thing like that. They feel very enthusiastic about it. And the another kind are the ones who don't want to live, absolutely, just they don't want to live. So there are two types of people who suffer from AIDS mostly. Very few you find they are in between. So we got rid [clarify: change to "cured"] of five of them, somehow, in Australia. Out of them, one was a married couple who got all right and one fellow who got all right this is nine years back, he's still all right. But two of them, again went to some funny habits or I don't know what they did. The father of one of them told Me that, "Mother, You just forgive them." And I don't know what happened. They again got back their AIDS. So it's a very difficult area in which one has to work because they cannot be convinced that they can be cured and some of them think that, "What's wrong?" You see, this is the greatest mantra of the West, "What's wrong?" You tell them anything. "What's wrong?" These punks were putting some sort of horrible colors or they are becoming blind. I told them, "Why do you put these horrible colors on your head because you are becoming blind?" "What's wrong?" I said, "You'll become blind." He said, "What's wrong?" I mean, I just don't know how to answer these people. Very queer, isn't it? They are bent upon destroying themselves. They like to destroy. You see, the people just want to destroy themselves. I don't know from where this idea of destruction has come. Instead of constructing yourself, enjoying life, anything, looking to higher goals, they always see to something filthy, dirty, something that is absolutely inhuman, subhuman. I don't know how these tendencies have grown. Cancer, of course, many types of cancers have been cured. We have blood cancer. Some of them were told that you'll die within one month's time because doctors are now honest and they give a certificate you are going to die after one month. This happened about with one gentleman at least eight or nine years back. He's still all right and there are three of them like that who are perfectly all right. There's so many who have been cured, so many. So this cure takes place, but also if you see, if God has any common sense, why should he cure people who are not going to give light? Most of them they want to get cured and get lost. They are cured to give light to others. We don't repair lamps which are not going to give light. But in compassion, I think God does that. [A man starts to ask a question.] Yogi: "He wants to get realization." Shri Mataji: All right. Now, there's somebody else. Now, one more. Now, one more question. Now... [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi: "She is asking about the psychic phenomenon, one thing. And she says when she is in nature, she is more at peace with herself, her relationship."] Shri Mataji: That's, you see, nothing so great. If you are in nature, anybody can feel peaceful. Or it's like when you have everything fine, you enjoy it, isn't it? But when you are in Philadelphia, you should feel peaceful. Or in New York. It's also more difficult. [A woman asks: "When the Kundalini arises is it in a state which stays with you all the time.] [The yogi repeats the question to Shri Mataji in Hindi.] Shri Mataji: That's a good question. You see, it is like a connection as I said. Some people, once they get connection, they are connected and they grow faster and faster. But some people have a loose connection also. So is best is to get your connection done properly. From that distance, all right. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi asks the woman, "What's the difference between ...?"] [The woman continues.] [Yogi: "Who are Hare Krishna? Oh here, Sahaja Yoga and Hare Krishna."] Shri Mataji: Tremendous. Shri Mataji: You see, in India everybody says to each other, when they wish, "Hare Krishna" or "Hare Ram." Are they all going to go to God? Just understand, these are words. Get out of the webs of words. Shabtah ja alam (check spelling) Get out of the webs of words. All right? Also, get out of books. Too much reading books, also makes you mad. I tell you, it's really true. Kabira has said Pari, pari pandita mura ... ? [check spelling], means "By reading too much, even the learned became stupid." Shri Mataji: Now, one. [A woman asks, "How do you know if your center is blocked?"] Shri Mataji: What's it? [Yogi: "How do you know if your center is blocked?"] Shri Mataji: I or you? [Yogi: "No, you. She."] Shri Mataji: You will know on your fingertips. Alright? In English language there are certain things very good "on your fingertips." But also English language is little limited for spirituality because spirit is "Atma," is the Spirit I am talking about. "spirit" is a dead spirit, dead body. It is also alcohol, you see. Out of these three, I am talking about which spirit people ask Me. So but fingertips you know. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi. "The number one chakra is weak."] Shri Mataji: It's a little private question. I'll answer you privately. Alright?Who else is there? [Yogi: "Yes, go ahead and ask."] Shri Mataji: Now, so many are there still. [A man say: "If you, yourself, have a question, what question would you hope somebody would ask you that nobody ever asks you?"] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi. "He says, if you had a question that nobody else had asked you, what would be that question?"] Shri Mataji: I didn't follow [Yogi to man: "What are you trying to...?] [The man says, "I can ask a different way."] [Yogi: "Yes."] [The man asks, "If you are in the light, what question do you think the light..."] [Yogi: "He's saying, 'If you're in the light, what question would the light have?'"] Shri Mataji: Light has no question. It has to give light. How can it have question? You are already enlightened, so better give light to others. Yes, please? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question: "How can we improve our psychic or spiritual experience?"] Shri Mataji: That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. First you get your realization and then you have to go to our centers and you'll be amazed. We have many here who are realized souls. They look like you, but you can see the glow on their faces. You see, now this Marathi song is such a difficult one, even a Sanskrit song. How can these people from America sing it? Just tell Me. Yes, sir? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "Shri Mataji, is the spiritual heart and the physical heart the same?] Shri Mataji: Yes. In the physical heart resides the spiritual heart. Shri Mataji: Now, I think we have had too many. You want to ask? [Yogi: "Do you have a question?"] Shri Mataji: She has already asked. Now, who else has not asked, can ask.Please. [A woman asks a question.] [Yogi: "What is the soul?"] Shri Mataji: That also is another big question for which I have a big tape which you can go through and see for yourself. It will take another lecture, all rightwho else? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi.] Cataract ne. One person has been, but, you see, this cataract is something dead. If anything that's dead, we cannot do it because it's dead. But anything that is living and in a jeopardy can be cured. All right? One [unclear killed], but he was a child. He was a child. Madame, you've asked a question, all right. Now what's that? There. [A man starts to ask a question.] Shri Mataji: No, no, no. Not you. She's there at the side. [A woman asks a question concerning mental disorder.] [Yogi repeats the question in Hindi.] Ah, of course, of course, of course. Schizophrenia, all kinds, epilepsy, lunacy, yes, of course. Depression. Of course. Yes, yes, yes. Works out, works out. [A man starts to ask a question.] Shri Mataji: You've asked a question already. [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "Person who have birth defects, who don't have complete bodies, can they become whole?"] Shri Mataji: Yes, some can be. Not all. But it's not important, you see. It's not a hospital. I'm just a, it's not a hospital. With your own power, you cure yourself. The main attention should be on the spirit, not on the body so much. Some people have definitely have been cured. His sister-in-law was spastic. She got cured, but some are not because they just don't do it. They don't follow it and what important thing is that don't put your attention to the physical side [unclear: so much?], or to the mental side. Just now, we have to achieve our spiritual goal. Yes, please? [A man asks a question.] [Yogi: "He's asking a lot of questions are relating to suffering and then he's asking about Jesus, how He suffered and rose again from the dead."] Shri Mataji: Sufferings are because of ignorance. That's all I'll say in a small sentence. All right? And if you want to get out of it, you get the knowledge. Knowledge on your central nervous system. [Yogi: "Shall we have the realization now?"] Shri Mataji: Now, I think we should stop it because you have asked too many questions and I've answered them. Actually, you see, as I told you, it's a mental acrobat and I can answer most of the questions very well, but it is of no use as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned. Mostly I've seen people who ask too many questions walk off. They just come here to ask questions and then just walk off. So, again, I request you to put your attention on yourself and on your own spirit and on your own benevolence. Now don't think of anything else. You might have read a lot, you might have known a lot and it's all right. You are worried about the whole world. It doesn't matter. Now, please this is a time, you give some time to yourself and you worry about yourself. So now we can have our Realization. Those who don't want to have Realization should leave the hall because it's civil. Others who want to have, please be seated. You're welcome and I'm sure it will all work out. Another request is that you have to take out your shoes for a short time because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now, whatever we are going to do it, that is for only tonight. You don't have to repeat it again, so there's no need to write, there's nothing to worry, just you have to see that it works out. Only thing, I have to make a humble request that during meditation don't walk out or don't disturb. As you know, there are two powers, one on the left and the right, two sympathetic nervous systems. So we put both our feet apart from each other, left and right. Left is the power of desire. Please be seated. Will you please be seated? No, you have to sit down, please. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.] All right. Left hand towards Me on your lap. I've again said that you have to be comfortable, but you should not slouch. You have to be comfortable. Please put left hand towards Me. If anything tight on your stomach [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi.]. If you don't want to attend you can go out. Now, you have your left hand towards Me, which is symbolic that you want to have, or you desire to have, your Self Realization. That you have to keep all the time like that. If you have anything tight here or tight here, little bit loosen it. If you are comfortable, it is all right, if you are comfortable. Main thing is you should not be uncomfortable with anything. Now, we use this right hand for action, means nourishing our centers. We have to nourish our centers ourselves. So now, put your right hand on your heart. You can put it under the coat; need not be under the sweater, but under the coat. Now, in the heart, just now keep your eyes open so you can see what you have to do. In the heart resides the spirit. Now, if you become the spirit, in the light of the spirit, you are your own guide, you are your own master, so take your right hand on the left hand side of your abdomen on the upper portion, we are only working on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery created by the great prophets. Now take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of Pure Divine Knowledge. Surprisingly, it is here, pure, divine knowledge. Then raise your hand again on top of your abdomen, the upper portion on the left hand side and press it hard. Now raise your hand again on the heart. Now put your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This center goes into jeopardy when you feel guilty. I'll tell about this later on. Now raise your hand on your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone, even without thinking about them. Now take your right hand on the backside of your head. Push back your head and here you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power for your own satisfaction. Now the last centre is, stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood and put down your head. Here push back your fingers this is very important so there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head and move your scalp seven times; clockwise slowly. Please put down your heads. Put down your heads. Can do it better. Put down your heads and push back your fingers, very important it is. Push back. Now, put down your head and push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. That's all we have to do. Now, there are three conditions which I'll tell you, which are very simple ones. The first condition is that you all have to be absolutely confident that you'll all get your Self Realization. Please take down your hands. You all have to be absolutely confident that you will get your Self Realization tonight. That means that you're not to feel guilty at all. That means forget your past. Whatever wrong you have done, whatever mistakes you have committed will be dissolved by this power of Divine Love because it is the ocean of forgiveness. So you have to forgive yourself and you don't know when you feel guilty what happens. If you have committed mistakes, it's all right. After all, you are human beings, you are not gods. You face the mistakes, finished of them. But what you do, you carry that here onto this centre here. Thus, you get spondylitis, cervical cancer, angina or lethargic organs. So what's the use of carrying this with you all the time? For something that happened long time back you are carrying still. Please know you are not guilty at all. At this moment you are not guilty at all. I assure you are not guilty. Let the Kundalini judge you. You don't judge yourself. Alright. The second condition is that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about it. You have to forgive everyone. Now, many people say it's difficult to forgive. Whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. What do you do if you don't forgive? But when you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself, while the person who has troubled you or hurt you is happy. But you are torturing yourself all your life. Now, at this moment, this centre is very important because if it is not all right the Kundalini won't rise. And also the centre between the optic chiasm, which is like this, is absolutely constricted. It won't open, but when you forgive, it opens. So, as it is, you have tortured yourself all your life by not forgiving and at this important moment you lose the chance of your Self Realization. So, just forgive everything, everybody, everything, even without thinking about them. We can say forgive them in general. Alright. In short, you have be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Because you are human beings, you are at the epitome of evolution. You don't know what you are. So please don't condemn yourself. Don't, in any way, get angry with yourself. It's a very simple thing that will happen to you and you'll be amazed at your own greatness. So now, please put your left hand on your left lap and also both the feet away from each other. Now, please put the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles also because your eyesight might improve. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask in your heart a question which is very fundamental. You can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji." Please ask three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, "Mother, am I the spirit?" three times. I have told you when you become the Spirit you become your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, you have to say, again three times, ask a question which is very fundamental, "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question three times. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here the center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times. I must say, I cannot force pure, divine knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So please ask six times, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge", in your heart, everything to be asked in your heart, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge" Now, as soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So we have to nourishes the higher centers with our full self-confidence, so now raise your right hand to the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and here you have to say with full self-confidence, "Mother, I am my own master", say ten times "Mother, I am my own master". I've already told you that are not this body, this mind, this ego, this conditionings but you are the pure Spirit, so please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say 12 times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Do not say any mantras or anything and don't try to concentrate, just leave your attention free, the Kundalini will push it, so you just have to put no efforts about it. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy and above all is the ocean of forgiveness, so whatever mistakes you might have committed are easily dissolved into this power of ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself, and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to the right. This is the center which is very bad today, I think that you feel guilty, so please say with full confidence "Mother, I am not guilty at all", please say it with full confidence, sixteen times you have to say, I've already told you logically, wherever you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands, especially at this moment, you have to forgive because the center of Agnya is very constricted and won't open and your Kundalini won't raise, so it is very important now that you have to forgive, so raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, and please put down your head, here you have to say from your heart, not how many times "Mother, I forgive everyone in general", don't think about it, just say it, please put down your head. Now, please take your right hand to the backside of your head, and push back your head, here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistake, just for your satisfaction have to say "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly", "Oh, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly", say it from your heart, not how many times. Please say it from your heart. Now, please stretch your palm on your right hand and put the center of your palm on the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now, this is important that you push back your fingers, so there's a good pressure on your scalp, now please put down your head, here again I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you, I cannot force Self Realization on you, so please move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying "Mother, please give me my self Realization". Now, please take down your hand, open your eyes, wear your glasses. Put both your hands towards me, like this, little higher. Now, watch Me, without thinking, just watch Me without thinking. Now, put this right hand towards Me, like this, bend your head, and see with your left hand if there's a Cool Breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, please bend your head; or maybe hot, please see that there's a cool or hot breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, please don't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it, and now see for yourself if there is a cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Now, put your left hand towards Me, like this, and again bend your head, and see with your right hand now if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head, sometimes it comes very far, some times closer. If it is hot, means your have not forgiven or your are still feeling guilty, so please do it. All the heat is coming out. Now see for yourself. Alright, now right hand towards Me, now and with the left hand you'll see for the last time, put down your head properly, and see properly if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of the your fontanelle bone area. Now please put both the hands towards the sky, and push back your head, here you have to ask any of these three questions, three times, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love, the Ruh?" or "is it the Paramchaitanya?", just ask any one of these questions three times. Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or palms, or in their hands or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands.
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United States
New York City
Public Program
Public Program, New York (USA), 16 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and you cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level with your awareness, you also cannot know it. There's something more has to happen to us to know the truth. In the evolutionary process, we have come to this stage where we are human beings, and whatever we have got in our evolutionary process, we can know it on our central nervous system. For example, this beautiful hall, when we are here, we can understand the beauty but a dog or a horse, cannot. A dog and a horse can always pass through a dirty lane, but human beings cannot. Thus, we have to understand that there are many things we have come to know through our central nervous system in our evolutionary process. You've been already told about this subtle system that exists within you. Whatever I am going to tell you today, please do not take it for granted, nor you should believe me blindfolded. We have already done these things, and we have suffered. But if it can be proved, then as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. It is to be accepted, that though the civilization has grown so big, this big tree has grown, but we do not know our roots. We have no knowledge of our inner being and this big tree cannot sustain unless and until we know about our roots. I do not think about East and West. It's like a tree and its roots are just the same. In the same way if this knowledge has to come from the East, we should not shirk it, and we should not say, "Because it is coming from the East, so we are going to be suspicious about it." There has been, I know, many people from India, lots of false people who came to this country. Also you have lots of false people in this country, and many other countries who are trying to extract money from you. Even when you turn to religion, you find that they are either money oriented or power oriented. None of them are spirit oriented. But also it depends on us, to find out what is the truth and the person who is trying to tell us about the truth, how far truthful he is, how much right he has got to say that. It is very easy to deceive people in a country like America, because materialism has taken over, with materialism we become superficial and our depths are lost. Anybody who comes with some sort of a gimmick, we fall a prey for that and we accept all these things even without thinking. Today I'm here to tell you that one thing is for definite, that for your evolutionary process you cannot pay. How much did we pay for becoming human beings? And how much are we going to pay for this new breakthrough? Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, or these conditionings; but you are the pure Spirit. You always say this is my body, my ego, my conditionings, my feelings, my emotions. Who is this "my", who is the one that owns all these things? That is the one, is the Spirit. Another thing we have to understand that, the truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We see these beautiful flowers and such beautiful trees all over, we take them for granted. It's a miracle, it's really a miracle that a seed can produce such beautiful flowers or such great trees, or we take them for granted. If we ask a question, "Who runs our heart?" The doctors would say it is the autonomous nervous system, but if you ask them, "Who is this auto?" they can't answer. Look at our eyes, it's a beautiful camera, who has made this, this brain of ours, is the best computer that you could think of, who has done this job? Is this All Pervading Power which has given us evolution, and that today we are here as human beings. Now there's a little breakthrough, little journey for us to have the new breakthrough, where you are going to be connected to that All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Without that, we have no meaning, we have no identity. Like this instrument [pointing to microphone] if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. You won't hear Me, in the same way, unless and until this connection is established, this yoga is established, we have no meaning, no identity and we run here and there to find our identity. These are special times, like I call them "Blossom Times". Because many seekers of truth have come on this earth at this special time, like flowers and they are to now to become fruits. But it is also called as a Resurrection Time, as the Last Judgment or as Qiyamat in the Koran. Now, the idea of resurrection is rather absurd, that it is said that our dead bodies from the graves will come out and they will all be resurrected. It's absurd, because for so many years people have been kept there in the graves and there's nothing left there, there's, but just some bones might be there and you can't give resurrection to bones. But the Indian idea about it is correct, that, in those days, at the last judgment or we can call it as the resurrection time, that time, many people will take their birth, their souls will take their birth and will come on this earth, and they will be resurrected. We find today there are so many people born and we are worried about the population. But these are all the souls who are taking birth and they are to be resurrected. This has been predicted in many books in Indian scriptures and also in Indian philosophy. These people will be born to get their Realization and also to be judged. That's why we sometimes these days find horrible things happening, horrible type of people we can't understand how could such human beings exist? After all, they behave worse that animals, and it is impossible to understand how even small children, how even people who are talking about religion and God are becoming so stupid and so filthy, that it's not possible by any imagination that human beings would go to that level. I might be the oldest woman here, I don't know, but I think when I was born and for quite some time there were very nice people. But after some time this decline started and it's so fast moving that people don't even feel the impact of this decline, which is really shocking. So now, by talking about it, by having lectures, by having seminars, by doing this, it's not going to work out. You have to transform human beings. Most of the global problems are because of human beings. We have to admit, humbly. Now, these global problems are depending on human beings and the problems of human beings are because of these centers. When these centers are out of gear, because they are our foundations, we suffer physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So, our main concern should be to get to these centers and find out, how we can correct them and how we can have the correction of our being. As I told you they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When this Kundalini rises She passes through these centers and She corrects all these centers not only that She integrates them and ultimately She breaks through this fontanelle bone area. Now, first thing you feel is this all Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is like a cool breeze, we say Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost that you see, is your own Mother. Now I don't know why Mr. Paul didn't want any mention of the women in the Bible, and he didn't even mention the Primordial Mother, though he talks of the Father, God Almighty, His Son, and no Mother, it's a Holy Ghost, or a doe. What about the Mother? In every country, in the ancient times, like Greece has Athena, Ath means Primordial, Primordial Mother, China, any country you go to, they all believed in the Primordial Mother. But in the Bible they have removed that. Even in Judaism there is the mention not only mention but quite a description of the Primordial Mother. Now, after that, even the Islamic thing, we see that Mohammed Sahib did respect, very much Mother Mary, but in the Bible there is no respect for Mother Mary. This is one thing I find in the Western society that women are really very insecure. This insecurity is so much, you see so evident, because every woman has to be like an actress all the time trying to pamper the man's ego, all the time struggling to be attractive and all those things. In that, how far they have gone I don't know. But you are the power; the women are the power, the potential power behind the man. If once that is accepted I tell you lots of problems can be solved. Women will be respected and this struggle will be finished. It's a fact. Even in England, supposed to be such an advanced country, they were finding it difficult to appoint a woman as a priest. It's so primitive I think. In India, always they think a woman is a Shakti; this difference has brought quite a lot of problems for our ladies in the West. Now, you have to understand that in the realm of God, there is no difference between a woman and man, they're on the same level, and they all have the same rights to achieve their spiritual ascent. It's the wrong idea to put down 70% of population into jeopardy while the 30% are something highly placed. I've seen your films and things. Of course modern films sometimes and I'm shocked that only always they should try to show the women as nude. Men never become nude as if they are sanctum sanctorum or something like that, On the contrary a woman needs her chastity, her power is in her chastity. I'm sorry I have to say these things might be now out of date maybe in this country, but I am your Mother, and I have to tell you the truth. This Kundalini is your Mother, your individual Mother, and She is waiting for a chance to give you your second birth. You are to be born again, but born again is not a brand, that I'm "born again." It is something that happens, it's an actualization of happening that takes place by which you become a realized soul, become a saint. It's a very different thing from branding yourself that, "I'm a Christian, I'm a Hindu or a Moslem." Anybody who is a Hindu, Christian, Moslem, can commit any sin. If these religions are complete, then why is it happening? I believe they are complete, why is it happening, because the human being has not got that yet, that power to sustain it. The reason is once he is absolutely one with this All Pervading Power, then he has not only the power, but he becomes righteous. He becomes a real person, it's a something like in the darkness or in the ignorance we are afraid to do many things, and we do many things thinking that nobody will find it out. Actually there, whatever is outside is inside and a person becomes so transformed he becomes absolutely fearless. You have seen the example of Christ. Christ had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, nothing to do. It's a different character, this is a different character. There are many people who are waiting outside, and these people are getting up and walking out. I just, have some patience, this is, I can't understand, really. I think those who are to go out, can go now, and don't disturb later on. There should be certain amount of depth. I am telling you of something which is so important to you and to everyone. You have no idea what you are missing. So those who have to go could go out; but don't disturb otherwise, it's not proper, it's not civil. Half of the people are waiting outside because they have no room. So now, at this time, at this juncture, when we call it the Modern Times, according to Sanskrit description it is the worst time, what we call is the Kali Yuga, where it is the worst time, all kinds of illusions will be there. People will be living in all kinds of illusions; they will suffer and all kinds of horrible things they will try to do; which you would never expect them to do. It is a description which is so precise. So many details are there, in that, that you are amazed to see how it was seen long, long time before that such a time will come. But the beauty of this is one; that at this time only people who are seeking the Truth, who are seeking God will find and that's what it is today; we have to have our Self Realization. The Spirit which is within you is a collective being and once you are awakened into the light of Spirit, you become a collective being. That means, on your finger tips you can feel the centers of others also as you can feel yourself. By knowing yourself you know the self knowledge, the inner self knowledge and by knowing others you are in collective consciousness. Now if you know how to correct these centers, then you solve the problem for yourself, but also you can correct the centers of others. You can even raise this Kundalini, you can give awakening, and I know of people, one person, in Russia in Togliatti, gave Realization to 22,000 people. But Russians are very different, I must say. They didn't have this kind of a freedom and so they were very introspective, very introspective. While we used our freedom for something not so important, not so useful. As I was telling you that, last time when I came, first time, I stayed with a man who was very rich person, very, very rich and he told Me that when I got into his car, that his handle of his car is made in such a way that, it opens the other way around. I said, "But why?" he said "It is my individualism, my own creation, it's my." I said, "This is wrong, because supposing somebody gets into your car and he does not know to open, he will die, you see, so why make such a thing?" Then, when I went into his house, he told Me about his bathroom, he said, "Be careful if you press one button, You will jump into the swimming pool", I said "Why?" He said, "You see, it is my genius, you see, which has worked this, see now." I said, "But I don't want to jump into your swimming pool, you give Me a simple, very simple bathroom, you see, I am used to a simple bathroom." Then he tells that, "This is my bed, you press this button, your head will come up, you press your feet, your feet will come up." I said, "I can put My feet and head up Myself; it's absurd. I mean, supposing I touch some button and I suddenly find standing on My head?" So this is not the way. I said, "I'd better sleep on the grounds, this is safer". So this is how I thought this man spent his money, and his energy, and his all education. Everything he had different. The tiles are different, this is different, that is different. And the dress he was wearing like anybody else. I said, "What dress are wearing?" He said, "This is the fashion." Like a fashion starts say, in Paris. 6 inches of skirts. So in the cold of Switzerland also, ladies are wearing 6 inches of skirts. I mean, use your brains. I don't know; these entrepreneurs have blinded you so much with their bombardment of advertisement and all that. That it's impossible to get of out of it; even small children. The other day I met a child and he said, "If you are going to America then you get me a teddy bear with a birth date." I said, "With a birth date?", "Yes". So anything they start nonsensical works out; these entrepreneurs have really enslaved our brains and whatever they put up in the market, they know they have money, they can put more big business out of it; advertise. So people go in for that, and now I am happy to see that many are getting exposed; but they are like mushrooms, again some of them after will come up and bring some new ideas and new ventures. For us it is to understand what is good for us and what is not. Mostly nowadays, it is happening that the things that we see is very dangerous because most of them are destructive. We are getting destroyed from within. The reason is first, we have no knowledge of inner being. We don't know ourselves. We have to find out ourselves. Christ has clearly said, "Know thyself." Every scripture has said, "Know thyself." Of course, in the Indian language, that is Sanskrit, is called a person who is enlightened as he is a "dvija" means is twice born, a bird is also called as "dvija" means first he's born like an egg, and then he becomes a bird, in the same way first we are born as human beings and then we become enlightened people. Now, this enlightened business has been very much here in the shops I think, quite a marketing has been done, and they are very good marketeers, I can tell you, they are so good at it that really, anybody could be befooled by their tricks and gimmicks. So I am not surprised at that; but what I am surprised at that how people believe all these gimmicks. First of all, how can you pay for your evolution? That's first thing I tell you, secondly you should find out what are the disciples doing, what sort of a life they are leading, how much knowledge they have, what do they talk about, what sort of a life they lead? Without that, without using any discretion if you jump, then look, there is a market of it; and people are really doing guru shopping. I told about this when I came in the year 1972 in America. In New York we had a program and we had also in New Jersey. There were hardly ten to twenty people and Washington we had only four. The other day, in Washington, somebody told Me of course now it's all full, he told Me that I had cured his father, out of the four he was one of them. But now at least, please try to understand, that your value system is to be raised higher and try to understand that you are not so cheap, you are not so useless. You are human beings; you are at the epitome of evolution. So value yourself, understand how important you are. Unless and until you understand this, I don't think we can have any transformation, because for a human being he is just nothing, mostly. Like if you take say a small box of television in a remote corner, where they have never even seen electricity, and tell them, "You will see some nice films in it ," they'll say, "What, this box, how can it show any films?" In the same way we think we are boxes. We have no value for ourselves, even when we are seeking, we don't know what we are seeking, and that's the reason so many I know, so many good seekers have been mislaid and have suffered and have become recluses or have died and are suffering from all kinds of diseases. This is one of the reasons one has to understand why we have been in a wrong line and we have to now correct ourselves. I know some people may not like if I tell them that it was Freud. Freud, now of course they are writing about him, "Fraudulent Freud", and also I have read another book, is the "Fall of Freudian Empire", and all that. Now, when he has already ruined people by his ideas. He was worshipped like Jesus Christ; I couldn't believe. When I came here in '72 there was a lady who came to see Me with a little child of twelve years. Very sweet child; and she told Me this boy has taken drugs. I said, "Drugs, this little thing?" I couldn't bare, I just took the child, put to My heart, and I said, "My child, why are you taking drugs?", I kissed him, he looked at Me like this, he said, "My mother never does this to me." I asked the mother, "Why don't you do it?" She said, "I will have guilt." First I could not understand, what is the guilt is. I mean, even in India, I mean a big boy will come and hug his mother and kiss her. How these ideas have been put into our heads, and we are trying to do things, which, which cannot be explained why they are doing all these things? But when I read Freud, I understood, that this man has put very false ideas and now of course there must be some people who must be doing psychiatry, and all that, and blaming all the parents for all the wrongs you are doing, as suggested by Freud, and some people may not like it, but I must tell you that it's a wrong thing to do. You must understand that he has talked of things which are very unnatural, which are absurd, which are absolutely have no substance in it. Such a man was accepted, but he was more accepted here than in Austria from where he came. When I told them about it, they all clapped and they were very happy that I was criticizing him. But not in America; they are some sort of wedded to him. So again I have to tell you, that you have to understand that this kind of nonsensical ideas if people put it, you should first judge them and find out how these ideas have settled down in the society. I'm really concerned about Americans, really concerned, because what I feel that there are beautiful seekers here, so many seekers of truth are in America, and they are nowhere so many and how much they have been mislaid by this kind of a Freud business or another is some sort of a cult, or some sort of a evangelist or some sort of a nonsense, they're all being entangled as if some sort of an attack of the evil forces on them. Our children, I feel, I'm surprised how the children are going into this kind of a turmoil. They are to be saved; our progeny has to be saved. We talk of having a good family. You can't. You can't, unless and until you get out of it, completely, because the society is such, the whole ideas are such that you can't get out of it, there's such conditioning. So the best way is to get your Self Realization. On this map you can see, one side is your conditioning, and on the other side is your ego. Both these things are like this, touching on your brain, when this Agnya chakra, which is on the optic chasma, gets awakened by the Kundalini, these two pouches are just sucked in, and you really become a real free person. It's a fact that people have given up drugs, alcoholism, all kinds of destructive habits, all kinds; I don't want to tell them, because half of you might leave. So I don't want to tell you what habits that they have given up, but they become so pure; so beautiful, so angelic. I can understand Indians because their culture is such that they are really frightened to do anything wrong, but in a culture where there is , freedom, do what you like, what's wrong, you ask anyone, "Why are you putting this red stuff on your head?", it's very bad for your eyes, those punks, they'll say, "What's wrong?", but it spoil your eyes, so what's wrong? This kind of a very arrogant freedom which doesn'tt give any clue to our benevolence, we have to look after ourselves, we have to know what we are, and we have to understand that we have to play a very big role, very big role, especially Americans, have to play a very big role. The other day some question was asked, "Why should Americans be policeman everywhere?" They have to be jolly well, because they are placed in this center here, in the Vishuddhi, this is the center for collectivity, this center, is for collectivity, for responsibility, for communication. This center is very important and if you are born in America you have to be responsible for the whole world; whether you like it or not. The defects of this center causes many diseases also, but also it makes a person a very artificial. He says something does a lip service, but nothing from the heart, no sincerity inside, just outside he says and just gets lost with it. As a human being, we cannot be insincere, we cannot. But after Realization you cannot, because you become a sincere person, you become, just can't help it. You become very honest, you become fearless; above all your attention becomes very pure without any lust and greed. I have not seen, now we have 55 nations who are following Sahaja Yoga, I have not seen anybody flirting or anything. We have never had any case where a man has ran away with somebody's wife or anything, nothing of the kind, they're very pure people; such purity. It happens because of your attention, but this attention becomes so active and so powerful that if you pay attention to someone, this innocent attention can correct that person, can also emit peace and joy. We are thinking, a thought comes up and goes down, again a thought comes up and goes down, we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts, which are coming from the future and the past, but we cannot be in the present, if I say, "You be in the present," you cannot. So what happens when this Kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate, and the space between the two also increases and you become absolutely peaceful, no thought, thoughtlessly aware, Nirvichara Samadhi, thoughtlessly aware. Then, you watch, now this is a beautiful carpet, I watch this in thoughtlessly aware state. Then I don't want worry about it, supposing it is mine, I'll be worried somebody will be spoiling it, and I'll have insure it and all that. Suppose it belongs to somebody else, then, I will think how much it must have cost; I should have one, and all that. But in case when I am in thoughtless awareness I just look at it, and the joy of it's creation, itself, in a formless form just starts pouring down My head and sooths Me and absolutely relaxes. It happens like that, so one reaches that state we call as thoughtless awareness. This thoughtless awareness state is the state where you are at peace with yourself and with everyone; actually that is the state of your peace. Even so, we have seen in the world there are people who have got how many awards and things, and peace conferences, this, that. Now I've met those people, somehow it happened, my luck was such that I met such people and I found them to be extremely hot tempered people. I mean, if you have to meet them, better take a barge pole sort of people, and they have got all these awards, and we are very much enamored, oh, they have got peace awards. It has no meaning, because they have no peace within themselves. If you don't have peace within yourself, how can you give peace to others? You have to have that peace within yourself. You are the source of that peace and you are the source of that joy, but you haven't yet reached that state, which is within you. All these powers are within you, is your own; this Kundalini power is also your own; and that whatever is going to happen is going to be a light by which you will see the knowledge yourself. So it has to work out in such a manner that you should be empowered, you should have the power, you should know what's wrong and what's right, I don't have to tell you. I give a simple example, that if there is a snake in my hand, and I'm obstinate, and very egoistical, and somebody says that, "There's a snake in your hand, it's darkness," and I'll say, "No, it' s not a snake, it's a rope," till the snake bites me, I'll be going, I'll be saying, "No, this is not a snake." But if there is little light, then immediately I leave it, nobody has to tell it, because I'll see it. In the same way, when this enlightenment takes place, you see yourself, what is destructive to you and what is constructive, you see for yourself, and immediately you do it, whatever is needed to be done. It's very surprising, how it works out so spontaneously. I've seen overnight people changing like that, overnight. There was lady who came, I didn't know, they said, "Mother, she's a prostitute." I said, "Let her be, let her sit down." As soon as she got her Realization, she started crying. She came to Me, "Mother, said I am very sinful". Forget it, past is over. Finished; doesn't exist now any more. Now you have become, like a lotus out of the pond; you are so beautiful, forget it. That's how it works out. So in this short time I don't think I can tell you a lot about yourself, first you should get your light. Like this room has got so many lights, and when you come in you just have to put on the switch and you get the light. In the same way, you are all built in with this power. I don't have to do anything, it's all built in, very beautifully and it works in no time. Only thing you must have determination to grow, many diseases have been cured, I know, there have been cured. There are three doctors who have got MD in Delhi University and also we have so many people here who have been cured with Sahaja Yoga, cancer, all kinds of diseases have been cured with this. Now, in this short time I would just say that as the light is easy to put on, it's very easy to give you Realization. But if I have to tell you about the history of this electricity, how it was brought here, and how it was put here, you'd be all bored stiff and it's good for nothing. So best thing is you get all your enlightenment and then we can know everything about ourselves. It's so beautiful, you don't know how fantastic you are, you have no ideas, because you have no idea of your inner powers and of your inner self which is sustaining your life, which is your being. But one thing I have to tell you, in modern times, it's a collective happening. Like the whole body, if anything happens to it, the whole body jumps, put attention to that part. But if a nail is cut out, it doesn't grow. In the same way, you have to please come to our centers and learn everything about it and grow into it. At the most, will take a month, at the most, to master it. Some of them get it without any difficulty, the second state also they get it, which we call as the Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there's no doubt. You are absolutely empowered, you can give Realization to anybody, you can cure any person, you know each and everything. That state you can achieve within month's time because the time has come and you are special people who are seekers. William Blake has said that at that this time, people of God will be born, and they will know about the Divine, and they will make also others Divine, that's the stage. It may appear to you something very out of the blue, but it's not. Now, New York, I've been here before, I've told you, but in other countries, it is spreading like fire. Because I think they didn't have so much of freedom, and so much of indiscreet permission to do whatever they liked. So they are understanding the wisdom behind it. It's so important, and they're working it out. I'm sure the people in New York also will try to understand how important you are and that you should not only get your Realization but you must grow into it and become great Sahaja Yogis. It will hardly take about 10-15 minutes for you to get your Realization. It doesn't take much time but in any way I don't mind for 15 minutes if you have some questions to ask Me. But ask questions which are relevant and sensible, only about 10-15 minutes because if you go on answering, there's no end to it. Moreover I have been doing this kind of work for the last 24 years and I'm now quite an expert in answering questions. Whatever questions you may ask I'll be able to answer, but I tell you it's a mental acrobat, that's all, and it is of no use because it doesn't guarantee your Realization. So if you have really, genuinely any problem, please ask Me a question, it's all right, because you have freedom to ask...Yes Please? [Audience]: Summary of Question [unclear]: Is it possible to remain enlightened in a stessful environment? Shri Mataji: When I told you that you reach the state of your peace, actually you become a witness. You become the witness of the whole drama. See the whole thing as a drama. It's like this, when you are standing in the water, say in the sea water and there are waves coming up, you are frightened of the waves. But supposing you are put in the boat, then you enjoy the waves, all right. But supposing you become an expert swimmer, you can jump down and save people. It's really like that happens, you never develop the stress or anything. Now as you know I am a very old woman, and I'm traveling all the time, but I never feel the stress I don't know what sort of a thing it is. I'm asking people what happens when you get stress, what is it? I just can't understand because a hole is made, I would say, the whole stress and all this passes out. [Audience]: Question unclear, moderator confirms to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, it's true. That's true. Moderator confirms: "She wants to be helped with her medical problems." Yes, yes, you will be, definitely, 100%, you'll have to come to our centers, and they will tell you. It's very simple. They will tell what is to be done and you can be cured, all right? [Audience]: Moderator confirms: she wanted to be helped with her medical problems. Shri Mataji: She wanted to be helped in her personal medical problem. So I told her she has to come to our center where they'll tell you how you can cure yourself, and actually with Kundalini awakening itself you get cured, but if there is something left out, they will clear it out for you, it's not difficult. [Audience]: I have two small children, and I'm running a home, and I have a lot of anger towards men, my husband, and I find it is really interfering in keeping the family balance, and the things that you mentioned earlier are things that are causing this anger and I want to be able to move on. Shri Mataji: No, no, no need. Sit down. You see, anger comes from our liver. See, our liver is heated up, then we get very angry. Also, with your husband also; he must be an angry person also. But, you see with this, what happens your liver gets cured. You cool down, you become a peaceful personality, your husband becomes a peaceful personality. Now, every year we have at least about say 90 marriages, minimum of 90 marriages, international, and out of that 1 percent also will say, fail, sometimes, and they have such beautiful children. So, it's something wrong with us, that's why we get angry, and once this works out, you're so peaceful, that you really start enjoying each other. Now, your wife and your husband, they are here for enjoying each other isn't it? Not for fighting, quarrelling, or anything; they are here just to enjoy. After Sahaja Yoga I've seen, I've really seen Sahaja Yogis how gentle they are with each other, how kind, how concerned, how sweet. It's really, the real romance you see after; you see them in Sahaja Yoga. So for all of you I would say, it's a very beautiful family life you can lead, but one has to understand that there's something wrong with us also and we need a transformation. [Audience]: Question unclear. Moderator confirms: He wants to know how spirituality and reality go together, because he has to make money, has to pay his bills, etc. Shri Mataji: Of course, you will pay your money better. Yes, you see, because, your attention becomes very penetrating. Your intelligence sharpens, your creativity increases, you are so relaxed. I mean from every side you become a very, very superior person. I've seen now, in London see there are so many people who are going out of jobs but not a single Sahaja Yogi is out of job. Suddenly, and also, if you may understand, blessings of God; it's so blissful. Things work out so fast that you are amazed how it works out. Only the other day we had a problem with our old leader who was getting old and I had to appoint somebody else as the leader in Los Angeles. And he said, "Mother, I'm in Hawaii how will I manage?" "It's all right." Next day he got a very big call from a very big company to join them in LA, now it's miracle. There are many miracles, so many miracles have happened that they write to Me, and I told somebody that, "You'd better compile them, it's too many." So they started compiling, after a month he telephoned that, "They all have reached above my head, on both the sides, now tell me, what should I do?" I said, "Now, cancel it. Let it be." What to do? So you don't know how miraculous it is, to be in the Kingdom of God. It is such a blessing, from every angle. Shri Mataji: Please get up and say I can't hear. Moderator: Explains question to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: I said which scripture has written that? Which one have you read? Moderator: Which scripture? Shri Mataji: It's not true. It's not so. No none of them; none of them; they cannot write such absurd things. I'll you what, in our country we had a system of giving Realization, since long, from ancient times, and Sahaja Yoga, I would say if I've done anything, is that it's an en masse Realization system I have found out. But there were natha panthis who used to do this job all over of the world. For example, Raja Janaka had a guru called Ashtvhakra and if you read his Gita, you'll find how clearly he's describe about Sahaja Yoga. But that time it was only one disciple and one guru, that was the parampara or that was the tradition. But in the 12th century Ganeswara asked his guru who was his brother, [unclear: Avrutinath.] He asked him that you just allow me to write about this Kundalini." Because he wrote Ganeshwari and in Ganeshwari he wanted to write about this Kundalini, just to little talk about this secret power within us. His guru allowed him and then he wrote it. But in the 16th century, 16th century, we got lots of gurus; we can say poets they were, who have been doing this kind of work. The guru of Shivaji was Ramadasa. They asked Ramadasa how much time it will take for the Kundalini to rise. So he said, "Tat kshana", that moment. But the person who has to have it has to have that earnest desire and the one who has to do it has to have the authority." Now, this person, I mean if you want to have a guru, you can call Me "Guru", because Mother is the greatest guru, isn't it? But Mother is a very soft Guru also, that's the trouble, that's why people don't accept Mother as the Guru, but if you know your first guru is your Mother. [Audience]: Question unclear. (About homosexuality and morality) Shri Mataji: I mean this question I'm not going to touch. You see, because they are very sensitive on this point. It's a fact. I had warned them. You see sometimes it shocks people if I talk about morality, they don't like it, so best is you have your light, and you will know what is morality, what is immorality. Better is that you have your light and your enlightenment. That's the main point is, "If you have your enlightenment then you yourself will know what is good and what is bad." Moreover I would say whatever has happened, has happened. Forget it. Whatever you have done, just forget it. Even if you have been to false gurus or anything, just forget it. Yes? [Audience]: Question unclear. Shri Mataji: It's good. I'm very happy you don't know. You see, see this gentleman, you know if you know, Adishankaracharya has called it Shabta jalam means these are webs of words and they just get lost. You see some escape they find, if you have a book then you find an escape, I'm here to give you Self Realization, better take it. So it's good you don't know, I'm very happy, the less you know the better. [Audience]: Question unclear. Shri Mataji: It's true; you see that is the trouble. This is the main trouble. You know, every year I've been coming to New York. We never had more than 200 people, no. I don't know, there are so many people on the street, you can't even walk. But they won't come. You see, it is a judgment of yourself. You judge yourself, if you want to come, and enter into the Kingdom of God, that is open for you, but if you don't want to come, nobody is going to force you, your freedom is respected; ... so many hands. [Audience]: [moderator confirms] She's been enlightened, she'd like to make a transformation, how do we do it? Shri Mataji: That's very good question. Very good, I'm very happy to see that you are wanting it, May God bless you. We'll do that. Sit down. Now... Shri Mataji: Is correct: the question you are asking is correct, by God's grace I come from a rich family; Myself, all right, My husband is extremely generous, in the beginning I use to spend all My money coming here, reserving all, and all that, but now, we have so many Sahaja Yogis and they feel ashamed that I should pay for this hall and everything so they pay for it. But only we take money from Sahaja Yogis who have been in Sahaja Yoga for four years. They collect, I don't know, I never touch money, they collect and do it, because they think that America must be saved. They work it out. It's not too much money; you see. Actually, I come once in a year, now this hall doesn't cost so much, and some of them have given us free halls; luckily they think that we are making no profit so they give us free halls also. [consider not including the colored statement] [Audience]: Moderator confirmed in Hindi. Shri Mataji. I know, that question is there. You are a seeker, I must say, but I will tell you, that even in New York or any city, once you get your Realization, you can settle down. Nothing matters, it's all right. I am practically traveling every day, last night I was in Philadelphia, before that I was in Washington, I travelled in the night, came here, that also I did, but I don't travel, I'm just there. [Audience]: Moderator confirms: the people in this hall are real seekers, when they leave they will be enlightened. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, I'll tell you, "Sahaj", "Saha" means with "ja" is born, is the right to have this union. It's your right, everybody has this right, but how many are going to exercise, that I can't say. Now, let us see this lady. [Moderator]: I think we'll us make it the last question, a lot of people want to have [unclear]. [Audience]: Moderator confirms question to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Aw, you must have heard that radio program. That gentleman seems to be a fundamentalist to Me. He didn't want to listen to anything. You see, what they were telling, that once you are in Sahaja Yoga, you realize that all the essences of all the religions are the same, right?, and that all these prophets and all these incarnations are real, and that in Sahaja Yoga we worship all of them. We are not tolerant, we have to get rid of fundamentalism, we have to get rid of racialism, so you transcend all these nonsensical ideas. He is, I don't know, he started giving a big lecture, I can't understand him, because there was no need to give such a big lecture as if he was trying to save some people, so the affirmation are so many, just now you'll have one, right? You see, the actualization is the working of it, first time you'll feel this All Pervading Power. But he did not even talk to Me. I think he got nervous, first question he asks Me, "What is My background?" Why a background, I am sitting before you?, and I said also that the people who are spiritual they have no backgrounds, they are that. What was the background of Christ, what was the background of Mohammed Sahib? He didn't even know how to read and write, Christ never went into any university, though I did, but I mean that's no background for spirituality; it's very different. [Audience]: question unclear. Moderator confirms: She is very happy that You came here today for program; she said she heard You say that You have been working for 24 years, and she can see from Your face that You don't have any stress or any problems; she wants to know if You have any disappointments in life? Shri Mataji: I'll answer her. She wants to know if I've had any disappointments. I mean, I have no appointments and disappointments. You take everything in a stride. Everything in a stride. Now if there are four people, all right, work on four people. See, you just take it in a stride, you don't start judging or you don't start because, when you fix your attention to something, it should be like this, then you are disappointed; all right? Moderator: I think we should have a Realization; a lot of people are impatient. Shri Mataji: Now, you see those who have asked questions should not ask again, because they are all anxious to have their Realization. All right, one more question, now, lady here, come along. [Audience]: Who is Babaji? Shri Mataji: You see, now, don't bring their names, it's controversial. What has he done for you? First, finished. What has he done for you? What have you got? A somebody was saying that you can move a pendulum, but paid 445 pounds for that, imagine, now are we here to move pendulums or to fly about 3 feet height, see already there's jam on the roads, see all such stupid things and silly things, they sell mantras for 300 pounds, an ina, pinga, tingas sort of mantras they give you, they have taken such advantage of your ignorance, all these big, big names means nothing. What have they achieved? What powers you've got? That's what I've said, when you talk of any guru you should go and find out what powers he has given you, anyone, or just making money. You have to become your own guru, that's what I'm saying. What does a mother want, that her children should have all her powers, everything, that's her greatest achievement, isn't it? So now again, I have to again tell you, that if you want to go out, please go, but when we are going to meditate, you should not disturb. Secondly, as I told you, I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you, I cannot. I cannot put enlightenment on you. No, mostly the Indians will go away, that's one thing, let them go away; the reason is [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]. I think you can all sit now, they've all gone away. Actually Hindustani [foreign language statement Hindi] not disappointed, no, no, I was just telling them, this is your heritage, you see that's what is what I was trying to explain to them, this is your heritage, take to it, I'm telling Indians here because they have come here and also lost little bit, so I'm just telling them, this is your heritage, this is the greatest thing you have got to give to others, that's what I was explaining to them. I didn't want them to feel embarrassed, that is why I spoke in Hindi language. It's all right. You see in India, Sahaja Yoga is growing very fast, very fast. Of course, I am not surprised, because they know all about it. But in Russia, in Russia we have to always book a stadium and never less than 16,000 people and so many waiting outside. Here also some of them I've met Russians, they're very different people and I am surprised because I am not the One who made any big advertisement there, or anything, and thousands came. Just seeing My photograph, such sensitivity to spirituality, such sensitivity to spirituality. And all other these gurus they've thrown away even [such unclear] people have been thrown away from them. This time I didn't see even one. They are very discreet; very discreet. But it's all just a little film of ignorance, and it works. I would say when Americans get their Realization, they are tremendous, very tremendous people, no doubt; but they should get and they should ask for it, this is the difference, all right. So the first request is to please take out your shoes if possible; that helps a lot. I think if you sit on these benches would be better, or whenever, you have to sit down, you shouldn't stand, somehow you should all get seated, you have to be comfortable, you don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. Just you'll get it here. I just say I've done the cooking and if you are hungry, you'll eat the food, that's all. There are three conditions, which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to be very confident that you'll get your Realization; all of you. Absolutely be confident, don't have any doubts about it. You all are going to get your Realization. The second condition follows from the first: that you should not feel at this moment you are guilty for anything. You are human beings and it's only human beings who commit mistakes; to err is human. Even when you've committed mistakes, you should have just faced them that time. But people go on carrying those mistakes all their lives as guilt and that is placed here. It's a fashion also, to feel guilty, I think, must be a fashion, because for small, small things they'll feel guilty. If they put spoon this way or that way also they feel guilty. Let the Kundalini judge you; you don't judge yourself at all. As a result, when you put this guilt it goes into this center on the left hand side. We call it left Vishuddhi and you can get say spondylitis, could be angina, which is a heart trouble, or cervical cancer or also lethargic organs; so it's a very important thing at this moment; please don't feel guilty, whatever has happened has happened. Forget the past; just don't feel guilty at all. Those people who tell you, "You are sinners," forget them, something wrong with them that they feel that way. In short, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself; don't condemn yourself, don't just now start counting your mistakes or anything. Because this All Pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed, this ocean of forgiveness can dissolve everything. So, please do not feel guilty, is very important, also if this chakra is constricted, Kundalini won't pass through. So you'll miss the chance of your Self Realization. Now, the third condition is even simpler, that you have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them, in general. How many would say that's very difficult. Now, logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, you don't do anything. But you live with that myth, and when you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you or hurt you are happy people, definitely, while you are torturing yourself, but at this moment specially. This center, here, on the optic chasma is like this; absolutely constricted if you don't forgive, it won't open and the Kundalini won't pass, it's very important for you now to forgive everyone, also don't think about them because it's a headache. Just say in general, "I forgive everyone." You'll feel lighter, half of the stress will go away if you say, "I forgive everyone." Now, you have been told that there's a left and right, two sides. The left side is for our desire and the right side is for our action. So please put your both the feet apart from each other, here, comfortably. Now, you have to put the left hand on your left lap, like this. This is suggesting that you want to have, you desire to have, your Self Realization. With the right hand we nourish our centers, on the left hand side, but this has to be done only tonight, this is not repeated again so you don't try to remember it or write it down, please pay more attention to this happening. Everybody should be seated, will be better. Everyone should be seated. First we'll show you how you are going to nourish your own centers. Please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where resides the Spirit, I've told you that if you become the Spirit; you become your own master, your own guide, your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard, this is the center of your mastery, created by all the prophets and all the saints. Please keep your eyes open and see what he's showing you how to do it. Now, please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; those who are sitting on the ground need not worry about their legs; just sit on the ground is the best, all right. Now, this is the center is for Pure Divine Knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Now on your heart, and now in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center what happens when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on top your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. This is the center where you will have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head, and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center is very important, stretch your palm, right hand palm, you stretch it fully. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood, called as talavir. Now push back your fingers as far as possible, push back your fingers, now please put down your head, please put down, push back your fingers, because it will have a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly, seven times clockwise. Push back the fingers, like that, backwards. Now put it on the soft bone here. Now, put down your head, and move it seven times. Please put down your heads, yes, and now, move it. Push back your fingers, important is to push back your fingers, so there is a good pressure, now move it, seven times, clockwise. Now, everyone has to do it. Please, everyone do it. Now, we'll have to close your eyes when I tell you, before that please see that your feet are apart from each other and that your left hand is on your lap. You can take out your glasses; it also helps your eyesight, sometimes. Now, please put your right hand on your heart, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself, to Me, you can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji," please ask three times, in your heart, not loudly, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that if you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become a master; of yourself. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and press it. Here you ask another fundamental question to Me, about yourself, please ask three times, "Mother, am I my own Master?" Ask Me a question. Now take your hand, right hand, on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and press it hard. This center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times. I am sorry I cannot force Pure Divine Knowledge on you, you have to ask for it, it manifest on your central nervous system. So please ask six times, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge," in a humble way, you have to ask, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge." Six times. As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts moving upward, so we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am my own master," please say that, ten times. I've already told you that you are not this mind, this body, this ego, this conditionings, this feelings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart, and please say with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit," twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit" say it twelve times. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself, and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right This is the worst center here tonight, I find people really are unnecessarily feeling guilty. Please say now, sixteen times with full confidence from your heart, sixteen times, please say, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already explained to you logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything whatsoever, actually when you don't forgive, then you suffer and torture yourself, play into wrong hands. At this moment it is very important that you should forgive, because this center of Agnya is extremely constricted, and unless and until you forgive you cannot allow the Kundalini to pass, because this will not open. So please try to forgive everyone, don't think about them, but just forgive everybody in general. So now, raise your right hand, on your forehead across, please put down your head, here say from your heart, not how many times, but your from heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Don't think about them. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head. Push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, "Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, the last center, please stretch your palms, and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers, that's important and put down your head. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you because I respect your freedom, so move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE Now, take down your hand, open your eyes, you can wear your glasses. Now please put both your hands towards Me like this.
Public Program, New York (USA), 16 October 1993. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset I have to tell you that truth is what it is. You cannot change it, you cannot transform it, and you cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level with your awareness, you also cannot know it. There's something more has to happen to us to know the truth. In the evolutionary process, we have come to this stage where we are human beings, and whatever we have got in our evolutionary process, we can know it on our central nervous system. For example, this beautiful hall, when we are here, we can understand the beauty but a dog or a horse, cannot. A dog and a horse can always pass through a dirty lane, but human beings cannot. Thus, we have to understand that there are many things we have come to know through our central nervous system in our evolutionary process. You've been already told about this subtle system that exists within you. Whatever I am going to tell you today, please do not take it for granted, nor you should believe me blindfolded. We have already done these things, and we have suffered. But if it can be proved, then as honest people, you have to accept it because it is for the benevolence of your being, for the benevolence of your country, and for the benevolence of the whole world. It is to be accepted, that though the civilization has grown so big, this big tree has grown, but we do not know our roots. We have no knowledge of our inner being and this big tree cannot sustain unless and until we know about our roots. I do not think about East and West. It's like a tree and its roots are just the same. In the same way if this knowledge has to come from the East, we should not shirk it, and we should not say, "Because it is coming from the East, so we are going to be suspicious about it." There has been, I know, many people from India, lots of false people who came to this country. Also you have lots of false people in this country, and many other countries who are trying to extract money from you. Even when you turn to religion, you find that they are either money oriented or power oriented. None of them are spirit oriented. But also it depends on us, to find out what is the truth and the person who is trying to tell us about the truth, how far truthful he is, how much right he has got to say that. It is very easy to deceive people in a country like America, because materialism has taken over, with materialism we become superficial and our depths are lost. Anybody who comes with some sort of a gimmick, we fall a prey for that and we accept all these things even without thinking. Today I'm here to tell you that one thing is for definite, that for your evolutionary process you cannot pay. How much did we pay for becoming human beings? And how much are we going to pay for this new breakthrough? Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, or these conditionings; but you are the pure Spirit. You always say this is my body, my ego, my conditionings, my feelings, my emotions. Who is this "my", who is the one that owns all these things? That is the one, is the Spirit. Another thing we have to understand that, the truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We see these beautiful flowers and such beautiful trees all over, we take them for granted. It's a miracle, it's really a miracle that a seed can produce such beautiful flowers or such great trees, or we take them for granted. If we ask a question, "Who runs our heart?" The doctors would say it is the autonomous nervous system, but if you ask them, "Who is this auto?" they can't answer. Look at our eyes, it's a beautiful camera, who has made this, this brain of ours, is the best computer that you could think of, who has done this job? Is this All Pervading Power which has given us evolution, and that today we are here as human beings. Now there's a little breakthrough, little journey for us to have the new breakthrough, where you are going to be connected to that All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Without that, we have no meaning, we have no identity. Like this instrument [pointing to microphone] if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. You won't hear Me, in the same way, unless and until this connection is established, this yoga is established, we have no meaning, no identity and we run here and there to find our identity. These are special times, like I call them "Blossom Times". Because many seekers of truth have come on this earth at this special time, like flowers and they are to now to become fruits. But it is also called as a Resurrection Time, as the Last Judgment or as Qiyamat in the Koran. Now, the idea of resurrection is rather absurd, that it is said that our dead bodies from the graves will come out and they will all be resurrected. It's absurd, because for so many years people have been kept there in the graves and there's nothing left there, there's, but just some bones might be there and you can't give resurrection to bones. But the Indian idea about it is correct, that, in those days, at the last judgment or we can call it as the resurrection time, that time, many people will take their birth, their souls will take their birth and will come on this earth, and they will be resurrected. We find today there are so many people born and we are worried about the population. But these are all the souls who are taking birth and they are to be resurrected. This has been predicted in many books in Indian scriptures and also in Indian philosophy. These people will be born to get their Realization and also to be judged. That's why we sometimes these days find horrible things happening, horrible type of people we can't understand how could such human beings exist? After all, they behave worse that animals, and it is impossible to understand how even small children, how even people who are talking about religion and God are becoming so stupid and so filthy, that it's not possible by any imagination that human beings would go to that level. I might be the oldest woman here, I don't know, but I think when I was born and for quite some time there were very nice people. But after some time this decline started and it's so fast moving that people don't even feel the impact of this decline, which is really shocking. So now, by talking about it, by having lectures, by having seminars, by doing this, it's not going to work out. You have to transform human beings. Most of the global problems are because of human beings. We have to admit, humbly. Now, these global problems are depending on human beings and the problems of human beings are because of these centers. When these centers are out of gear, because they are our foundations, we suffer physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So, our main concern should be to get to these centers and find out, how we can correct them and how we can have the correction of our being. As I told you they are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When this Kundalini rises She passes through these centers and She corrects all these centers not only that She integrates them and ultimately She breaks through this fontanelle bone area. Now, first thing you feel is this all Pervading Power of Divine Love, which is like a cool breeze, we say Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost that you see, is your own Mother. Now I don't know why Mr. Paul didn't want any mention of the women in the Bible, and he didn't even mention the Primordial Mother, though he talks of the Father, God Almighty, His Son, and no Mother, it's a Holy Ghost, or a doe. What about the Mother? In every country, in the ancient times, like Greece has Athena, Ath means Primordial, Primordial Mother, China, any country you go to, they all believed in the Primordial Mother. But in the Bible they have removed that. Even in Judaism there is the mention not only mention but quite a description of the Primordial Mother. Now, after that, even the Islamic thing, we see that Mohammed Sahib did respect, very much Mother Mary, but in the Bible there is no respect for Mother Mary. This is one thing I find in the Western society that women are really very insecure. This insecurity is so much, you see so evident, because every woman has to be like an actress all the time trying to pamper the man's ego, all the time struggling to be attractive and all those things. In that, how far they have gone I don't know. But you are the power; the women are the power, the potential power behind the man. If once that is accepted I tell you lots of problems can be solved. Women will be respected and this struggle will be finished. It's a fact. Even in England, supposed to be such an advanced country, they were finding it difficult to appoint a woman as a priest. It's so primitive I think. In India, always they think a woman is a Shakti; this difference has brought quite a lot of problems for our ladies in the West. Now, you have to understand that in the realm of God, there is no difference between a woman and man, they're on the same level, and they all have the same rights to achieve their spiritual ascent. It's the wrong idea to put down 70% of population into jeopardy while the 30% are something highly placed. I've seen your films and things. Of course modern films sometimes and I'm shocked that only always they should try to show the women as nude. Men never become nude as if they are sanctum sanctorum or something like that, On the contrary a woman needs her chastity, her power is in her chastity. I'm sorry I have to say these things might be now out of date maybe in this country, but I am your Mother, and I have to tell you the truth. This Kundalini is your Mother, your individual Mother, and She is waiting for a chance to give you your second birth. You are to be born again, but born again is not a brand, that I'm "born again." It is something that happens, it's an actualization of happening that takes place by which you become a realized soul, become a saint. It's a very different thing from branding yourself that, "I'm a Christian, I'm a Hindu or a Moslem." Anybody who is a Hindu, Christian, Moslem, can commit any sin. If these religions are complete, then why is it happening? I believe they are complete, why is it happening, because the human being has not got that yet, that power to sustain it. The reason is once he is absolutely one with this All Pervading Power, then he has not only the power, but he becomes righteous. He becomes a real person, it's a something like in the darkness or in the ignorance we are afraid to do many things, and we do many things thinking that nobody will find it out. Actually there, whatever is outside is inside and a person becomes so transformed he becomes absolutely fearless. You have seen the example of Christ. Christ had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, nothing to do. It's a different character, this is a different character. There are many people who are waiting outside, and these people are getting up and walking out. I just, have some patience, this is, I can't understand, really. I think those who are to go out, can go now, and don't disturb later on. There should be certain amount of depth. I am telling you of something which is so important to you and to everyone. You have no idea what you are missing. So those who have to go could go out; but don't disturb otherwise, it's not proper, it's not civil. Half of the people are waiting outside because they have no room. So now, at this time, at this juncture, when we call it the Modern Times, according to Sanskrit description it is the worst time, what we call is the Kali Yuga, where it is the worst time, all kinds of illusions will be there. People will be living in all kinds of illusions; they will suffer and all kinds of horrible things they will try to do; which you would never expect them to do. It is a description which is so precise. So many details are there, in that, that you are amazed to see how it was seen long, long time before that such a time will come. But the beauty of this is one; that at this time only people who are seeking the Truth, who are seeking God will find and that's what it is today; we have to have our Self Realization. The Spirit which is within you is a collective being and once you are awakened into the light of Spirit, you become a collective being. That means, on your finger tips you can feel the centers of others also as you can feel yourself. By knowing yourself you know the self knowledge, the inner self knowledge and by knowing others you are in collective consciousness. Now if you know how to correct these centers, then you solve the problem for yourself, but also you can correct the centers of others. You can even raise this Kundalini, you can give awakening, and I know of people, one person, in Russia in Togliatti, gave Realization to 22,000 people. But Russians are very different, I must say. They didn't have this kind of a freedom and so they were very introspective, very introspective. While we used our freedom for something not so important, not so useful. As I was telling you that, last time when I came, first time, I stayed with a man who was very rich person, very, very rich and he told Me that when I got into his car, that his handle of his car is made in such a way that, it opens the other way around. I said, "But why?" he said "It is my individualism, my own creation, it's my." I said, "This is wrong, because supposing somebody gets into your car and he does not know to open, he will die, you see, so why make such a thing?" Then, when I went into his house, he told Me about his bathroom, he said, "Be careful if you press one button, You will jump into the swimming pool", I said "Why?" He said, "You see, it is my genius, you see, which has worked this, see now." I said, "But I don't want to jump into your swimming pool, you give Me a simple, very simple bathroom, you see, I am used to a simple bathroom." Then he tells that, "This is my bed, you press this button, your head will come up, you press your feet, your feet will come up." I said, "I can put My feet and head up Myself; it's absurd. I mean, supposing I touch some button and I suddenly find standing on My head?" So this is not the way. I said, "I'd better sleep on the grounds, this is safer". So this is how I thought this man spent his money, and his energy, and his all education. Everything he had different. The tiles are different, this is different, that is different. And the dress he was wearing like anybody else. I said, "What dress are wearing?" He said, "This is the fashion." Like a fashion starts say, in Paris. 6 inches of skirts. So in the cold of Switzerland also, ladies are wearing 6 inches of skirts. I mean, use your brains. I don't know; these entrepreneurs have blinded you so much with their bombardment of advertisement and all that. That it's impossible to get of out of it; even small children. The other day I met a child and he said, "If you are going to America then you get me a teddy bear with a birth date." I said, "With a birth date?", "Yes". So anything they start nonsensical works out; these entrepreneurs have really enslaved our brains and whatever they put up in the market, they know they have money, they can put more big business out of it; advertise. So people go in for that, and now I am happy to see that many are getting exposed; but they are like mushrooms, again some of them after will come up and bring some new ideas and new ventures. For us it is to understand what is good for us and what is not. Mostly nowadays, it is happening that the things that we see is very dangerous because most of them are destructive. We are getting destroyed from within. The reason is first, we have no knowledge of inner being. We don't know ourselves. We have to find out ourselves. Christ has clearly said, "Know thyself." Every scripture has said, "Know thyself." Of course, in the Indian language, that is Sanskrit, is called a person who is enlightened as he is a "dvija" means is twice born, a bird is also called as "dvija" means first he's born like an egg, and then he becomes a bird, in the same way first we are born as human beings and then we become enlightened people. Now, this enlightened business has been very much here in the shops I think, quite a marketing has been done, and they are very good marketeers, I can tell you, they are so good at it that really, anybody could be befooled by their tricks and gimmicks. So I am not surprised at that; but what I am surprised at that how people believe all these gimmicks. First of all, how can you pay for your evolution? That's first thing I tell you, secondly you should find out what are the disciples doing, what sort of a life they are leading, how much knowledge they have, what do they talk about, what sort of a life they lead? Without that, without using any discretion if you jump, then look, there is a market of it; and people are really doing guru shopping. I told about this when I came in the year 1972 in America. In New York we had a program and we had also in New Jersey. There were hardly ten to twenty people and Washington we had only four. The other day, in Washington, somebody told Me of course now it's all full, he told Me that I had cured his father, out of the four he was one of them. But now at least, please try to understand, that your value system is to be raised higher and try to understand that you are not so cheap, you are not so useless. You are human beings; you are at the epitome of evolution. So value yourself, understand how important you are. Unless and until you understand this, I don't think we can have any transformation, because for a human being he is just nothing, mostly. Like if you take say a small box of television in a remote corner, where they have never even seen electricity, and tell them, "You will see some nice films in it ," they'll say, "What, this box, how can it show any films?" In the same way we think we are boxes. We have no value for ourselves, even when we are seeking, we don't know what we are seeking, and that's the reason so many I know, so many good seekers have been mislaid and have suffered and have become recluses or have died and are suffering from all kinds of diseases. This is one of the reasons one has to understand why we have been in a wrong line and we have to now correct ourselves. I know some people may not like if I tell them that it was Freud. Freud, now of course they are writing about him, "Fraudulent Freud", and also I have read another book, is the "Fall of Freudian Empire", and all that. Now, when he has already ruined people by his ideas. He was worshipped like Jesus Christ; I couldn't believe. When I came here in '72 there was a lady who came to see Me with a little child of twelve years. Very sweet child; and she told Me this boy has taken drugs. I said, "Drugs, this little thing?" I couldn't bare, I just took the child, put to My heart, and I said, "My child, why are you taking drugs?", I kissed him, he looked at Me like this, he said, "My mother never does this to me." I asked the mother, "Why don't you do it?" She said, "I will have guilt." First I could not understand, what is the guilt is. I mean, even in India, I mean a big boy will come and hug his mother and kiss her. How these ideas have been put into our heads, and we are trying to do things, which, which cannot be explained why they are doing all these things? But when I read Freud, I understood, that this man has put very false ideas and now of course there must be some people who must be doing psychiatry, and all that, and blaming all the parents for all the wrongs you are doing, as suggested by Freud, and some people may not like it, but I must tell you that it's a wrong thing to do. You must understand that he has talked of things which are very unnatural, which are absurd, which are absolutely have no substance in it. Such a man was accepted, but he was more accepted here than in Austria from where he came. When I told them about it, they all clapped and they were very happy that I was criticizing him. But not in America; they are some sort of wedded to him. So again I have to tell you, that you have to understand that this kind of nonsensical ideas if people put it, you should first judge them and find out how these ideas have settled down in the society. I'm really concerned about Americans, really concerned, because what I feel that there are beautiful seekers here, so many seekers of truth are in America, and they are nowhere so many and how much they have been mislaid by this kind of a Freud business or another is some sort of a cult, or some sort of a evangelist or some sort of a nonsense, they're all being entangled as if some sort of an attack of the evil forces on them. Our children, I feel, I'm surprised how the children are going into this kind of a turmoil. They are to be saved; our progeny has to be saved. We talk of having a good family. You can't. You can't, unless and until you get out of it, completely, because the society is such, the whole ideas are such that you can't get out of it, there's such conditioning. So the best way is to get your Self Realization. On this map you can see, one side is your conditioning, and on the other side is your ego. Both these things are like this, touching on your brain, when this Agnya chakra, which is on the optic chasma, gets awakened by the Kundalini, these two pouches are just sucked in, and you really become a real free person. It's a fact that people have given up drugs, alcoholism, all kinds of destructive habits, all kinds; I don't want to tell them, because half of you might leave. So I don't want to tell you what habits that they have given up, but they become so pure; so beautiful, so angelic. I can understand Indians because their culture is such that they are really frightened to do anything wrong, but in a culture where there is , freedom, do what you like, what's wrong, you ask anyone, "Why are you putting this red stuff on your head?", it's very bad for your eyes, those punks, they'll say, "What's wrong?", but it spoil your eyes, so what's wrong? This kind of a very arrogant freedom which doesn'tt give any clue to our benevolence, we have to look after ourselves, we have to know what we are, and we have to understand that we have to play a very big role, very big role, especially Americans, have to play a very big role. The other day some question was asked, "Why should Americans be policeman everywhere?" They have to be jolly well, because they are placed in this center here, in the Vishuddhi, this is the center for collectivity, this center, is for collectivity, for responsibility, for communication. This center is very important and if you are born in America you have to be responsible for the whole world; whether you like it or not. The defects of this center causes many diseases also, but also it makes a person a very artificial. He says something does a lip service, but nothing from the heart, no sincerity inside, just outside he says and just gets lost with it. As a human being, we cannot be insincere, we cannot. But after Realization you cannot, because you become a sincere person, you become, just can't help it. You become very honest, you become fearless; above all your attention becomes very pure without any lust and greed. I have not seen, now we have 55 nations who are following Sahaja Yoga, I have not seen anybody flirting or anything. We have never had any case where a man has ran away with somebody's wife or anything, nothing of the kind, they're very pure people; such purity. It happens because of your attention, but this attention becomes so active and so powerful that if you pay attention to someone, this innocent attention can correct that person, can also emit peace and joy. We are thinking, a thought comes up and goes down, again a thought comes up and goes down, we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts, which are coming from the future and the past, but we cannot be in the present, if I say, "You be in the present," you cannot. So what happens when this Kundalini rises, these thoughts elongate, and the space between the two also increases and you become absolutely peaceful, no thought, thoughtlessly aware, Nirvichara Samadhi, thoughtlessly aware. Then, you watch, now this is a beautiful carpet, I watch this in thoughtlessly aware state. Then I don't want worry about it, supposing it is mine, I'll be worried somebody will be spoiling it, and I'll have insure it and all that. Suppose it belongs to somebody else, then, I will think how much it must have cost; I should have one, and all that. But in case when I am in thoughtless awareness I just look at it, and the joy of it's creation, itself, in a formless form just starts pouring down My head and sooths Me and absolutely relaxes. It happens like that, so one reaches that state we call as thoughtless awareness. This thoughtless awareness state is the state where you are at peace with yourself and with everyone; actually that is the state of your peace. Even so, we have seen in the world there are people who have got how many awards and things, and peace conferences, this, that. Now I've met those people, somehow it happened, my luck was such that I met such people and I found them to be extremely hot tempered people. I mean, if you have to meet them, better take a barge pole sort of people, and they have got all these awards, and we are very much enamored, oh, they have got peace awards. It has no meaning, because they have no peace within themselves. If you don't have peace within yourself, how can you give peace to others? You have to have that peace within yourself. You are the source of that peace and you are the source of that joy, but you haven't yet reached that state, which is within you. All these powers are within you, is your own; this Kundalini power is also your own; and that whatever is going to happen is going to be a light by which you will see the knowledge yourself. So it has to work out in such a manner that you should be empowered, you should have the power, you should know what's wrong and what's right, I don't have to tell you. I give a simple example, that if there is a snake in my hand, and I'm obstinate, and very egoistical, and somebody says that, "There's a snake in your hand, it's darkness," and I'll say, "No, it' s not a snake, it's a rope," till the snake bites me, I'll be going, I'll be saying, "No, this is not a snake." But if there is little light, then immediately I leave it, nobody has to tell it, because I'll see it. In the same way, when this enlightenment takes place, you see yourself, what is destructive to you and what is constructive, you see for yourself, and immediately you do it, whatever is needed to be done. It's very surprising, how it works out so spontaneously. I've seen overnight people changing like that, overnight. There was lady who came, I didn't know, they said, "Mother, she's a prostitute." I said, "Let her be, let her sit down." As soon as she got her Realization, she started crying. She came to Me, "Mother, said I am very sinful". Forget it, past is over. Finished; doesn't exist now any more. Now you have become, like a lotus out of the pond; you are so beautiful, forget it. That's how it works out. So in this short time I don't think I can tell you a lot about yourself, first you should get your light. Like this room has got so many lights, and when you come in you just have to put on the switch and you get the light. In the same way, you are all built in with this power. I don't have to do anything, it's all built in, very beautifully and it works in no time. Only thing you must have determination to grow, many diseases have been cured, I know, there have been cured. There are three doctors who have got MD in Delhi University and also we have so many people here who have been cured with Sahaja Yoga, cancer, all kinds of diseases have been cured with this. Now, in this short time I would just say that as the light is easy to put on, it's very easy to give you Realization. But if I have to tell you about the history of this electricity, how it was brought here, and how it was put here, you'd be all bored stiff and it's good for nothing. So best thing is you get all your enlightenment and then we can know everything about ourselves. It's so beautiful, you don't know how fantastic you are, you have no ideas, because you have no idea of your inner powers and of your inner self which is sustaining your life, which is your being. But one thing I have to tell you, in modern times, it's a collective happening. Like the whole body, if anything happens to it, the whole body jumps, put attention to that part. But if a nail is cut out, it doesn't grow. In the same way, you have to please come to our centers and learn everything about it and grow into it. At the most, will take a month, at the most, to master it. Some of them get it without any difficulty, the second state also they get it, which we call as the Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where there's no doubt. You are absolutely empowered, you can give Realization to anybody, you can cure any person, you know each and everything. That state you can achieve within month's time because the time has come and you are special people who are seekers. William Blake has said that at that this time, people of God will be born, and they will know about the Divine, and they will make also others Divine, that's the stage. It may appear to you something very out of the blue, but it's not. Now, New York, I've been here before, I've told you, but in other countries, it is spreading like fire. Because I think they didn't have so much of freedom, and so much of indiscreet permission to do whatever they liked. So they are understanding the wisdom behind it. It's so important, and they're working it out. I'm sure the people in New York also will try to understand how important you are and that you should not only get your Realization but you must grow into it and become great Sahaja Yogis. It will hardly take about 10-15 minutes for you to get your Realization. It doesn't take much time but in any way I don't mind for 15 minutes if you have some questions to ask Me. But ask questions which are relevant and sensible, only about 10-15 minutes because if you go on answering, there's no end to it. Moreover I have been doing this kind of work for the last 24 years and I'm now quite an expert in answering questions. Whatever questions you may ask I'll be able to answer, but I tell you it's a mental acrobat, that's all, and it is of no use because it doesn't guarantee your Realization. So if you have really, genuinely any problem, please ask Me a question, it's all right, because you have freedom to ask...Yes Please? [Audience]: Summary of Question [unclear]: Is it possible to remain enlightened in a stessful environment? Shri Mataji: When I told you that you reach the state of your peace, actually you become a witness. You become the witness of the whole drama. See the whole thing as a drama. It's like this, when you are standing in the water, say in the sea water and there are waves coming up, you are frightened of the waves. But supposing you are put in the boat, then you enjoy the waves, all right. But supposing you become an expert swimmer, you can jump down and save people. It's really like that happens, you never develop the stress or anything. Now as you know I am a very old woman, and I'm traveling all the time, but I never feel the stress I don't know what sort of a thing it is. I'm asking people what happens when you get stress, what is it? I just can't understand because a hole is made, I would say, the whole stress and all this passes out. [Audience]: Question unclear, moderator confirms to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, it's true. That's true. Moderator confirms: "She wants to be helped with her medical problems." Yes, yes, you will be, definitely, 100%, you'll have to come to our centers, and they will tell you. It's very simple. They will tell what is to be done and you can be cured, all right? [Audience]: Moderator confirms: she wanted to be helped with her medical problems. Shri Mataji: She wanted to be helped in her personal medical problem. So I told her she has to come to our center where they'll tell you how you can cure yourself, and actually with Kundalini awakening itself you get cured, but if there is something left out, they will clear it out for you, it's not difficult. [Audience]: I have two small children, and I'm running a home, and I have a lot of anger towards men, my husband, and I find it is really interfering in keeping the family balance, and the things that you mentioned earlier are things that are causing this anger and I want to be able to move on. Shri Mataji: No, no, no need. Sit down. You see, anger comes from our liver. See, our liver is heated up, then we get very angry. Also, with your husband also; he must be an angry person also. But, you see with this, what happens your liver gets cured. You cool down, you become a peaceful personality, your husband becomes a peaceful personality. Now, every year we have at least about say 90 marriages, minimum of 90 marriages, international, and out of that 1 percent also will say, fail, sometimes, and they have such beautiful children. So, it's something wrong with us, that's why we get angry, and once this works out, you're so peaceful, that you really start enjoying each other. Now, your wife and your husband, they are here for enjoying each other isn't it? Not for fighting, quarrelling, or anything; they are here just to enjoy. After Sahaja Yoga I've seen, I've really seen Sahaja Yogis how gentle they are with each other, how kind, how concerned, how sweet. It's really, the real romance you see after; you see them in Sahaja Yoga. So for all of you I would say, it's a very beautiful family life you can lead, but one has to understand that there's something wrong with us also and we need a transformation. [Audience]: Question unclear. Moderator confirms: He wants to know how spirituality and reality go together, because he has to make money, has to pay his bills, etc. Shri Mataji: Of course, you will pay your money better. Yes, you see, because, your attention becomes very penetrating. Your intelligence sharpens, your creativity increases, you are so relaxed. I mean from every side you become a very, very superior person. I've seen now, in London see there are so many people who are going out of jobs but not a single Sahaja Yogi is out of job. Suddenly, and also, if you may understand, blessings of God; it's so blissful. Things work out so fast that you are amazed how it works out. Only the other day we had a problem with our old leader who was getting old and I had to appoint somebody else as the leader in Los Angeles. And he said, "Mother, I'm in Hawaii how will I manage?" "It's all right." Next day he got a very big call from a very big company to join them in LA, now it's miracle. There are many miracles, so many miracles have happened that they write to Me, and I told somebody that, "You'd better compile them, it's too many." So they started compiling, after a month he telephoned that, "They all have reached above my head, on both the sides, now tell me, what should I do?" I said, "Now, cancel it. Let it be." What to do? So you don't know how miraculous it is, to be in the Kingdom of God. It is such a blessing, from every angle. Shri Mataji: Please get up and say I can't hear. Moderator: Explains question to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: I said which scripture has written that? Which one have you read? Moderator: Which scripture? Shri Mataji: It's not true. It's not so. No none of them; none of them; they cannot write such absurd things. I'll you what, in our country we had a system of giving Realization, since long, from ancient times, and Sahaja Yoga, I would say if I've done anything, is that it's an en masse Realization system I have found out. But there were natha panthis who used to do this job all over of the world. For example, Raja Janaka had a guru called Ashtvhakra and if you read his Gita, you'll find how clearly he's describe about Sahaja Yoga. But that time it was only one disciple and one guru, that was the parampara or that was the tradition. But in the 12th century Ganeswara asked his guru who was his brother, [unclear: Avrutinath.] He asked him that you just allow me to write about this Kundalini." Because he wrote Ganeshwari and in Ganeshwari he wanted to write about this Kundalini, just to little talk about this secret power within us. His guru allowed him and then he wrote it. But in the 16th century, 16th century, we got lots of gurus; we can say poets they were, who have been doing this kind of work. The guru of Shivaji was Ramadasa. They asked Ramadasa how much time it will take for the Kundalini to rise. So he said, "Tat kshana", that moment. But the person who has to have it has to have that earnest desire and the one who has to do it has to have the authority." Now, this person, I mean if you want to have a guru, you can call Me "Guru", because Mother is the greatest guru, isn't it? But Mother is a very soft Guru also, that's the trouble, that's why people don't accept Mother as the Guru, but if you know your first guru is your Mother. [Audience]: Question unclear. (About homosexuality and morality) Shri Mataji: I mean this question I'm not going to touch. You see, because they are very sensitive on this point. It's a fact. I had warned them. You see sometimes it shocks people if I talk about morality, they don't like it, so best is you have your light, and you will know what is morality, what is immorality. Better is that you have your light and your enlightenment. That's the main point is, "If you have your enlightenment then you yourself will know what is good and what is bad." Moreover I would say whatever has happened, has happened. Forget it. Whatever you have done, just forget it. Even if you have been to false gurus or anything, just forget it. Yes? [Audience]: Question unclear. Shri Mataji: It's good. I'm very happy you don't know. You see, see this gentleman, you know if you know, Adishankaracharya has called it Shabta jalam means these are webs of words and they just get lost. You see some escape they find, if you have a book then you find an escape, I'm here to give you Self Realization, better take it. So it's good you don't know, I'm very happy, the less you know the better. [Audience]: Question unclear. Shri Mataji: It's true; you see that is the trouble. This is the main trouble. You know, every year I've been coming to New York. We never had more than 200 people, no. I don't know, there are so many people on the street, you can't even walk. But they won't come. You see, it is a judgment of yourself. You judge yourself, if you want to come, and enter into the Kingdom of God, that is open for you, but if you don't want to come, nobody is going to force you, your freedom is respected; ... so many hands. [Audience]: [moderator confirms] She's been enlightened, she'd like to make a transformation, how do we do it? Shri Mataji: That's very good question. Very good, I'm very happy to see that you are wanting it, May God bless you. We'll do that. Sit down. Now... Shri Mataji: Is correct: the question you are asking is correct, by God's grace I come from a rich family; Myself, all right, My husband is extremely generous, in the beginning I use to spend all My money coming here, reserving all, and all that, but now, we have so many Sahaja Yogis and they feel ashamed that I should pay for this hall and everything so they pay for it. But only we take money from Sahaja Yogis who have been in Sahaja Yoga for four years. They collect, I don't know, I never touch money, they collect and do it, because they think that America must be saved. They work it out. It's not too much money; you see. Actually, I come once in a year, now this hall doesn't cost so much, and some of them have given us free halls; luckily they think that we are making no profit so they give us free halls also. [consider not including the colored statement] [Audience]: Moderator confirmed in Hindi. Shri Mataji. I know, that question is there. You are a seeker, I must say, but I will tell you, that even in New York or any city, once you get your Realization, you can settle down. Nothing matters, it's all right. I am practically traveling every day, last night I was in Philadelphia, before that I was in Washington, I travelled in the night, came here, that also I did, but I don't travel, I'm just there. [Audience]: Moderator confirms: the people in this hall are real seekers, when they leave they will be enlightened. Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, I'll tell you, "Sahaj", "Saha" means with "ja" is born, is the right to have this union. It's your right, everybody has this right, but how many are going to exercise, that I can't say. Now, let us see this lady. [Moderator]: I think we'll us make it the last question, a lot of people want to have [unclear]. [Audience]: Moderator confirms question to Shri Mataji Shri Mataji: Aw, you must have heard that radio program. That gentleman seems to be a fundamentalist to Me. He didn't want to listen to anything. You see, what they were telling, that once you are in Sahaja Yoga, you realize that all the essences of all the religions are the same, right?, and that all these prophets and all these incarnations are real, and that in Sahaja Yoga we worship all of them. We are not tolerant, we have to get rid of fundamentalism, we have to get rid of racialism, so you transcend all these nonsensical ideas. He is, I don't know, he started giving a big lecture, I can't understand him, because there was no need to give such a big lecture as if he was trying to save some people, so the affirmation are so many, just now you'll have one, right? You see, the actualization is the working of it, first time you'll feel this All Pervading Power. But he did not even talk to Me. I think he got nervous, first question he asks Me, "What is My background?" Why a background, I am sitting before you?, and I said also that the people who are spiritual they have no backgrounds, they are that. What was the background of Christ, what was the background of Mohammed Sahib? He didn't even know how to read and write, Christ never went into any university, though I did, but I mean that's no background for spirituality; it's very different. [Audience]: question unclear. Moderator confirms: She is very happy that You came here today for program; she said she heard You say that You have been working for 24 years, and she can see from Your face that You don't have any stress or any problems; she wants to know if You have any disappointments in life? Shri Mataji: I'll answer her. She wants to know if I've had any disappointments. I mean, I have no appointments and disappointments. You take everything in a stride. Everything in a stride. Now if there are four people, all right, work on four people. See, you just take it in a stride, you don't start judging or you don't start because, when you fix your attention to something, it should be like this, then you are disappointed; all right? Moderator: I think we should have a Realization; a lot of people are impatient. Shri Mataji: Now, you see those who have asked questions should not ask again, because they are all anxious to have their Realization. All right, one more question, now, lady here, come along. [Audience]: Who is Babaji? Shri Mataji: You see, now, don't bring their names, it's controversial. What has he done for you? First, finished. What has he done for you? What have you got? A somebody was saying that you can move a pendulum, but paid 445 pounds for that, imagine, now are we here to move pendulums or to fly about 3 feet height, see already there's jam on the roads, see all such stupid things and silly things, they sell mantras for 300 pounds, an ina, pinga, tingas sort of mantras they give you, they have taken such advantage of your ignorance, all these big, big names means nothing. What have they achieved? What powers you've got? That's what I've said, when you talk of any guru you should go and find out what powers he has given you, anyone, or just making money. You have to become your own guru, that's what I'm saying. What does a mother want, that her children should have all her powers, everything, that's her greatest achievement, isn't it? So now again, I have to again tell you, that if you want to go out, please go, but when we are going to meditate, you should not disturb. Secondly, as I told you, I cannot force Sahaja Yoga on you, I cannot. I cannot put enlightenment on you. No, mostly the Indians will go away, that's one thing, let them go away; the reason is [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]. I think you can all sit now, they've all gone away. Actually Hindustani [foreign language statement Hindi] not disappointed, no, no, I was just telling them, this is your heritage, you see that's what is what I was trying to explain to them, this is your heritage, take to it, I'm telling Indians here because they have come here and also lost little bit, so I'm just telling them, this is your heritage, this is the greatest thing you have got to give to others, that's what I was explaining to them. I didn't want them to feel embarrassed, that is why I spoke in Hindi language. It's all right. You see in India, Sahaja Yoga is growing very fast, very fast. Of course, I am not surprised, because they know all about it. But in Russia, in Russia we have to always book a stadium and never less than 16,000 people and so many waiting outside. Here also some of them I've met Russians, they're very different people and I am surprised because I am not the One who made any big advertisement there, or anything, and thousands came. Just seeing My photograph, such sensitivity to spirituality, such sensitivity to spirituality. And all other these gurus they've thrown away even [such unclear] people have been thrown away from them. This time I didn't see even one. They are very discreet; very discreet. But it's all just a little film of ignorance, and it works. I would say when Americans get their Realization, they are tremendous, very tremendous people, no doubt; but they should get and they should ask for it, this is the difference, all right. So the first request is to please take out your shoes if possible; that helps a lot. I think if you sit on these benches would be better, or whenever, you have to sit down, you shouldn't stand, somehow you should all get seated, you have to be comfortable, you don't have to go to Himalayas and stand on your head. Just you'll get it here. I just say I've done the cooking and if you are hungry, you'll eat the food, that's all. There are three conditions, which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to be very confident that you'll get your Realization; all of you. Absolutely be confident, don't have any doubts about it. You all are going to get your Realization. The second condition follows from the first: that you should not feel at this moment you are guilty for anything. You are human beings and it's only human beings who commit mistakes; to err is human. Even when you've committed mistakes, you should have just faced them that time. But people go on carrying those mistakes all their lives as guilt and that is placed here. It's a fashion also, to feel guilty, I think, must be a fashion, because for small, small things they'll feel guilty. If they put spoon this way or that way also they feel guilty. Let the Kundalini judge you; you don't judge yourself at all. As a result, when you put this guilt it goes into this center on the left hand side. We call it left Vishuddhi and you can get say spondylitis, could be angina, which is a heart trouble, or cervical cancer or also lethargic organs; so it's a very important thing at this moment; please don't feel guilty, whatever has happened has happened. Forget the past; just don't feel guilty at all. Those people who tell you, "You are sinners," forget them, something wrong with them that they feel that way. In short, you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself; don't condemn yourself, don't just now start counting your mistakes or anything. Because this All Pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you might have committed, this ocean of forgiveness can dissolve everything. So, please do not feel guilty, is very important, also if this chakra is constricted, Kundalini won't pass through. So you'll miss the chance of your Self Realization. Now, the third condition is even simpler, that you have to forgive everyone even without thinking about them, in general. How many would say that's very difficult. Now, logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, you don't do anything. But you live with that myth, and when you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you or hurt you are happy people, definitely, while you are torturing yourself, but at this moment specially. This center, here, on the optic chasma is like this; absolutely constricted if you don't forgive, it won't open and the Kundalini won't pass, it's very important for you now to forgive everyone, also don't think about them because it's a headache. Just say in general, "I forgive everyone." You'll feel lighter, half of the stress will go away if you say, "I forgive everyone." Now, you have been told that there's a left and right, two sides. The left side is for our desire and the right side is for our action. So please put your both the feet apart from each other, here, comfortably. Now, you have to put the left hand on your left lap, like this. This is suggesting that you want to have, you desire to have, your Self Realization. With the right hand we nourish our centers, on the left hand side, but this has to be done only tonight, this is not repeated again so you don't try to remember it or write it down, please pay more attention to this happening. Everybody should be seated, will be better. Everyone should be seated. First we'll show you how you are going to nourish your own centers. Please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where resides the Spirit, I've told you that if you become the Spirit; you become your own master, your own guide, your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard, this is the center of your mastery, created by all the prophets and all the saints. Please keep your eyes open and see what he's showing you how to do it. Now, please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; those who are sitting on the ground need not worry about their legs; just sit on the ground is the best, all right. Now, this is the center is for Pure Divine Knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Now on your heart, and now in the corner of your neck and shoulder, and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about this center what happens when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on top your forehead across and please put down your head as far as possible. This is the center where you will have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head, and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center is very important, stretch your palm, right hand palm, you stretch it fully. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood, called as talavir. Now push back your fingers as far as possible, push back your fingers, now please put down your head, please put down, push back your fingers, because it will have a good pressure on your scalp. Now move your scalp slowly, seven times clockwise. Push back the fingers, like that, backwards. Now put it on the soft bone here. Now, put down your head, and move it seven times. Please put down your heads, yes, and now, move it. Push back your fingers, important is to push back your fingers, so there is a good pressure, now move it, seven times, clockwise. Now, everyone has to do it. Please, everyone do it. Now, we'll have to close your eyes when I tell you, before that please see that your feet are apart from each other and that your left hand is on your lap. You can take out your glasses; it also helps your eyesight, sometimes. Now, please put your right hand on your heart, please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself, to Me, you can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji," please ask three times, in your heart, not loudly, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that if you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit, you become a master; of yourself. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and press it. Here you ask another fundamental question to Me, about yourself, please ask three times, "Mother, am I my own Master?" Ask Me a question. Now take your hand, right hand, on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, and press it hard. This center has got six petals, so you have to ask six times. I am sorry I cannot force Pure Divine Knowledge on you, you have to ask for it, it manifest on your central nervous system. So please ask six times, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge," in a humble way, you have to ask, "Mother, please give me Pure Divine Knowledge." Six times. As soon as you ask for Pure Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts moving upward, so we have to nourish our higher centers with our full self confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say ten times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am my own master," please say that, ten times. I've already told you that you are not this mind, this body, this ego, this conditionings, this feelings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on your heart, and please say with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit," twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit" say it twelve times. This All Pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of bliss and joy, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and whatever mistakes you have committed, can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness, so please forgive yourself, and raise your hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder, and turn your head to your right This is the worst center here tonight, I find people really are unnecessarily feeling guilty. Please say now, sixteen times with full confidence from your heart, sixteen times, please say, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I have already explained to you logically, whether you forgive or you don't forgive you don't do anything whatsoever, actually when you don't forgive, then you suffer and torture yourself, play into wrong hands. At this moment it is very important that you should forgive, because this center of Agnya is extremely constricted, and unless and until you forgive you cannot allow the Kundalini to pass, because this will not open. So please try to forgive everyone, don't think about them, but just forgive everybody in general. So now, raise your right hand, on your forehead across, please put down your head, here say from your heart, not how many times, but your from heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Don't think about them. Now, please take your right hand on the backside of your head. Push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, "Oh Divine Power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, the last center, please stretch your palms, and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now stretch back your fingers, that's important and put down your head. Here again, I cannot force Self Realization on you because I respect your freedom, so move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." SHRI MATAJI BLOWS INTO THE MICROPHONE Now, take down your hand, open your eyes, you can wear your glasses. Now please put both your hands towards Me like this.
Evening Program eve of Navaratri Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
English, Marathi
9th Day of Navaratri, Reintrospect Yourself
Cabella Ligure
Navaratri Puja. Cabella (Italy), 24 October 1993. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of the Devi. The Devi has many forms, but is the embodiment of the Shakti. Adi Shakti gives Shakti to all these embodiments and so there are many Goddesses we have. At different times they came on this Earth and did all that was necessary for the ascent of people who were seekers. Especially the one we know of, Jagadamba, the Durga. She was trying to protect all the seekers of Truth and to destroy all evil forces, because without the ascent of human beings they do not know the Truth, and that's why whatever they try to do is a mental projection, and this mental projection, if it is not substantiated by Truth, by dharma, it declines. In Sanskrit they call it glani. When this glani takes place, then incarnations are born - to solve the problem. In all incarnation of the Goddess there have been very much incarnated the satanic forces, they had incarnated, and She had to fight with them and destroy them. But this destruction was not for the destruction's sake that the evil forces are to be destroyed, but evil forces always try to put down the seekers, put down the Saints, try to harm them, sometimes even destroy [them]. All these destructive forces do not come at the same time, normally. At different times, is easy to handle. But the aim of the incarnation is to save, to protect the people who are seekers because they are the most important people in the realm of spirituality. All others are nothing but dust, good for nothing, useless. If they are not seeking the Truth, in the eyes of God they are just useless lives that have come and will be finished. They have no value and they have no dignity, they have no understanding of anything. So in the judgement of the Divine Love we have two types of people: one who are Seekers of Truth and the another who are not. They may be good people, they may be nice people, they [may] be doing a lot of good work, social work, this work, missionary work, every sort of work they might be doing, but if they are not seeking the Truth, then they do not come to that category where God has to incarnate. So try to understand the preciousness, the importance of seekers. And that’s what you have been - seeking. Very few persons. If you take the percentage of seekers, is very, very wee bit. But it's very important because, say little part of gold is much more valuable than mounds of steel. In the same way a seeker is much more valuable in the growth of spirituality. The whole universe was created, whole atmosphere was built, all the evolution took place for what? That human beings should know the Truth. But in the modern atmosphere is a very big curse, I think the greatest evil than all the Shumba, Nishumbas and all that, the worst of all is materialism because materialism makes you gross. In your seeking also when you are rising, subtly that materialism catches you. I've been noticing this! When people come to Sahaja Yoga alright, they are going deep into themselves, they are understanding what I am saying, all the inner knowledge they want to know, what is called as Atma gyan. Atma gyan means two things: the knowledge about the Spirit and knowledge about yourself. All this they find out and they know what it is. This state is the state for which people have been doing all kinds of things, going to the Himalayas, meditating in the cold without much clothes on them, living in the caves with some fruits. All kinds of tapasyas they would do because the seeking was so deep, so urgent and they could not get out of that force of seeking. But in the modern times, materialism retards that hankering, that dedication. It's maddening for people when they are seekers. I've seen, before coming to Sahaja Yoga, people spend [a] lot of money, go to various places, go to Himalayas, go to Nepal, go to Japan, all over the places they are moving. But after coming to Sahaja Yoga, after they have become the Spirit, for the growth of your new awareness, the progress is retarded. Also one should understand that after so much of running about [when] you find something so precious, so you settle down with it, and you feel very satisfied about it. That part is alright. But what later on? Your growth should not stop and that stops, because, because of one of the main reasons is materialism. Because of materialism your faith in yourself is also less. Now as you have seen that the Gods pray to the Goddess and She came and killed all the negative forces. The reason was the earnest desire of the Gods compelled Her to take incarnation. Such sincere desire to ascend that they could not get sometimes food even water and they worked so hard for their ascent which was disturbed by negative forces. So their call was so from the heart, so desperate and genuine and sincere that the Goddess had to take birth on this Earth to save them, to protect them, to look after them. But as it is we see, once you have reached a destination, you feel, "Now better settle down." Now, what do we settle down with? If, after getting realisation, you are complete, you are in Totality, you are absolutely one with Reality, there is nothing to be done - you become a saint. And a saint does not need any advertisement, does not need anything. His message spreads, people see him and know he is a great saint. So many Saints did not even leave their houses. A very common saying in India: your 'takiya' you should not leave, that, the pillow on which you are resting, you should not leave. That was a criteria of a Guru. Those who have to seek should come to the Guru's and climb up at least six, seven miles up, and then the Guru doesn’t meet anyone. He may slap you, he may hit you, he may drop you from that high mountain. He’ll take your test by so many ways, ultimately he may select one person to give Realisation. So this hankering, this desperate effort was all the time there. Now, so we come to Sahaja Yoga in these modern times. Sometimes I feel that, not only Sahaja Yoga is very easy, also it is extremely pampering. You know that you have got Realisation, you all know that you are better than others, that you have got rid of so many problems and that now you have become master of your own. Then the responsibility that you have towards yourself and to your fellow men reduces because you feel very satisfied with yourself. The other day some sahaja yogini rang Me up. I mean they ring Me up for everything. She said that “I went to the doctor and he put radiation and they found I was pregnant, so what should I do about the baby?” For such a small thing they will ask Me. "What should be the name our son? What is this, what is that?" I mean I have to do much more work than any priest has to. Little, little things they are worried about. Alright, that part is alright, that I have to tell you what is to be done at such a point or what should we do. If they miss the train, they will telephone Me, “Mother we have missed the train, now what to do?” So I have to tell them, "Alright, give them a bandhan." That also I have to tell them. Or supposing their father is sick, he has a heart trouble, then they'll telephone to Me “My father is sick, he has a heart trouble, he's not a sahaja yogi, what can you do about it?” So Mother has to put attention to his father who is not a sahaja yogi. Small, small things they write to Me, such small things that you can't imagine how they do not understand what I am here for? Still I've never said that this is a stupid thing to ask Me, you should not waste My time. Never. But it's to be seen now, that if you do not value yourself as realised souls, you cannot value My time also, or what is Myself. This incarnation can be wasted completely because of this materialistic attitude. In this modern times, I don't know what's gone wrong with human beings because the most important thing in your life is to ascend and to grow. Take a big vision of the whole thing - why this Universe was created, why you were created as human beings, what was the need to do all these things, for what is it done. If you have a very big vision of the whole thing, then try to locate your position, "Where am I?" And then, how the Divine has selected me and now I have become a sahaja yogi. So now, 'What is my responsibility?' - that, one has to see. But on the contrary, I've seen people who are saying "I have a transfer." So they’ll telephone and ask “Mother, should we take our chair or not?” That shows that they have no value about themselves and no value about Me. Both ways. Because they ask in such small things, such silly things, that it is impossible to understand how could sahaja yogis ask such questions. In the perspective we can see, of the Goddess, She comes on this Earth in different forms, at different times, to save the seekers of Truth and to work out the ascent of the seekers of Truth. Can you imagine! A very big difference in the incarnation of the Goddess before Kali Yuga. While now, it's a very different thing, that you have come on this Earth to become the sahaja yogis. You have to have a body, a mind, feelings, everything, which is just charged with spirituality, charged with your spirituality. Should be normally. Because how many years in the past you have been seeking God? Then, that you came here, what a coincidence! Then what is it? When you have such a great advantage that you have come to Sahaja Yoga because of your seeking, and now you have found the satisfaction out of it, what is the responsibility that you have? That the incarnation itself has come on this Earth, not only to protect you, to nourish you and to kill the demons - no! She has come on this Earth to tell you about everything that is subtler inside and to tell you what should be your relationship should be outside as well as inside. You were never connected with Truth, you were never connected with this All-pervading Power, you were never connected with God Almighty. So one has to understand that what a great thing has happened, that out of Me only, this Kundalini has come out and She has touched these higher centres. How? This was not done before, no, they were just protected, they were just looked after. Nowhere it is written that the Goddess has given realisation to people, nowhere! She is responsible, She can give. One of Her names is that, I mean, not one but at least ten names are: that She gives you your nirvana, that She gives you your Freedom, that She introduces you to liberty. All these things are written but what's happening now is that people have not yet been able to grasp the value of their life in the modern time. See the way people ask questions, see the way people, the enquiry is on, the way people are worried. “Now my child is big, what should I do?” “What should you do? Child is big, put him to school, do what you like!” “Mother, will you please tell where to put the child?” Then you put the child - “Have you seen the school Mother?” “No I haven’t!” “Then you go and inspect the school”!! Imagine Kali Mata doing that! She would have given two nice tight slaps, I tell you [for] anybody who would have said that. What do you make out of it? But to that detailed extent a Motherhood has to work out. You wouldn’t do that for your own child, I know. But when it comes to children what are they doing? Still materialistic. Today especially it’s a very great day of Dashera we call it. This is the day when, as you know, Ravana was burned. Effigies of Ravana are burnt all over the place. When Shri Rama came this was done. His victory. But in His victory, it was not that He made sahaja yogis or He gave realisation - No! His victory was that He killed Ravana. That was done that time for today's preparation, for today's happenings. It was done long time back that these days will come when people will have a proper value system of the victory of Shri Rama. But it doesn't happen, it doesn’t happen, because this incarnation of Mataji Nirmala Devi is very different, is very illusive - Mahamaya. So you are left to yourself, do what you like. Whatever you like you can do it! So they will ask Me “Mother, we have a problem,” I said “What?” “We don’t know which kind of chairs we should buy?” For every small thing they will refer to Mother, but for important things never. Sort of a funny use of the whole thing, has started. [That] which is so great, so important, is used for something absolutely nonsensical. So see the difference between the incarnations. One incarnation comes on this Earth to save the people, to bring them out of the mire of Maya. But another incarnation which has come is not only just to talk about it, but to give you your Realisation and then to look after your small, small things. So when this lady telephoned and asked Me “What should I do? Please Mother cure me.” It’s a very different attitude between the bhaktas of those days and the bhaktas of today. There is a very big difference! I said “You never asked Me when you did all that! Doesn’t matter. Now whatever you have done its better I see the child, look after the child put the child right, everything, but you come along.” But then I realised ki (that) this women is so attached to her child. And I telephoned to the leader and he said “It’s terrible attachment. It’s a terrible attachment to the child!” So now from one nonsense to another nonsense! This incarnation has such a variety of jobs to be done. I mean, even the 64 kalas, the 64 expertise of Shri Ganesha is not sufficient to solve this. Why is it so complicated? After giving Self-realisation it should be a straight forward march towards your goal and towards your growth. But why is it that such a complicated nonsense is all the time bothering you? What do you want now? We should ask, “What do you want?” “I want a child.” After Sahaja Yoga you should not want anything. Why do you want to have a child there are so many children. You can look after them. “I want” goes away, should go away from your mind that, “I want this and I want that.” This wanting is over now. What you wanted your Self-realisation. After that, what has happened is now, what I want is more important. I mean, [what] I want that you should become really detached from materialism. That doesn’t mean that you should become like ‘hare rama hare krishna’ [people], no, no no! They are not detached. They’re very much attached people. But detachment is a state where nothing can bind you, nothing is important, most important thing is your spiritual ascent. Nothing can attract you more than this purpose. This is what exactly is wanted today, that sahaja yogis should understand. Compared to sahaja yogis, what people have gone through, I mean, when I read it, really I feel terrible. Here everything is convenience, convenient - come along enjoy nice food, nice company,its a festival going on! Everything is properly done. And if something is missing I’ll be the one who will tell the organisers “What is this? You should have done this, you should have done that.” Now we come to a point where we have to understand what do we want. What's the use of killing Shumba Nishumbas? What's the use of killing this Catholic Church? What’s the use? Because you are static, you are glued in one place, no progress. So what's the use of doing all these things all the time and destroying all that negativity? What is the purpose? It's too arbitrary everybody says, “Mother, You have given them permission, You have given them license, so now they are doing the way they are.” The other one girl came to me, her child was very sick, I asked her “Do you Meditate?” She kept quiet. I said “I can make out that you don’t meditate because I know what it is. That you don't even meditate!” So today’s main thing is this, is a Dashera day, when the people go cross the boundaries of their villages and bring gold for the parents. That’s the story it is, like that. Now what you have to do is to cross the limits of this materialism, this nonsensical 'dwarfy' force that is working on you, and you have to transcend and bring what I said gold, that is untarnishable thing, from the borders of Sahaja Yoga. How many of you really are in the field of work? How many of you are telling about this to people? What are you doing about it? Why I'm talking to you and not to Indians this way [is] because their attitude is different, their attitude is not materialistic, it's spiritual. They want their spiritual ascent for which they suffer a lot, they’d go out of the way to do things just to get to that state where they could be easily surrendered. This surrender state has to come. For example, you have a problem say,you have no holidays and you want to come for puja - say for example. I’m just giving an example. Now if you want to come to puja, you just come. Not only you'll get a job, but you might get promotion. But you have no faith in your ascent, you have no faith that you are the chosen one. This is what is missing because of materialism. Recently in America, we have a very great sahaja yogi - Dave Dunphy. I told him “Dave you better take over as a leader for America, because this gentleman is not alright and you better take over”. Immediately he said “Alright Mother.” Now he lives in Honolulu. Our programs and everything are done through LA - Los Angeles and it was, it looked quite strange that I should ask him to come down and work there. Now, where are we? We are the people who have been blessed with all the powers. You have been blessed. But we don't want to practice, we don't want to find out what powers we have. Worried about our own children, worried about what sari we are going to wear, or worried about who is the leader and what should we do about the leadership. All these things are not going to help us. You're not here for that! Try to understand. You are here for becoming the Spirit and then to spread the light of the Spirit. Nothing [else] matters! Once you start doing that, you'll be amazed the faith works. It's not blind faith, it's not blind faith. You don’t have to tell Me even, it just works. It's a matter of few days, you might get many results of what you have been hankering after. I don't say material, superficial things, you might get [those]. But the question remains. Somebody, say, wants to dedicate his life, so-called, for Sahaja Yoga, then what do you do? What do you do if you dedicate? First thing is your faith. You must know how is your faith into anything. You really believe in it or you do not? If you do believe in it, what have you done about it? So at this stage you have to introspect. What are you doing? What are we to do? How far do we have to go? It's a very, very important time and you are extremely important souls here sitting down, but, if you don't value your own systems and your Self, why should God worry about you? Why should God try to give you ideas? Why should He try to take any interest even in you, persons of that kind? So now, I have to just tell you that, on this day of this puja, it’s such a combination that its the Dashera, I am here and also you can call it the last day of the Devi Puja. We have to see within ourselves, introspect “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? Except for looking after my children, cooking for the husband, that’s all?’ Men can also think the same way - “What have we done? What have we done for Sahaja Yoga?” Just “I want to meet politicians, just I want to meet this person, I want to meet that person.” For what? They should come and meet you! But your faith in yourself is very weak. I think that's the main reason for all this fall, is faith in yourself. This faith is such a thing that you know it is so. You have seen My photographs, you are convinced about it. There’s nothing to be convinced! But this faith is not one with your heart. It is not just with your being, it’s outside. “Alright Mother will do that, Mother will solve this, Mother will do this.” But whole thing is now to Me it looks like that, I have to compulsorily tell you to do some sort of a tapasya. You ask somebody, “Do you meditate?” “No, Mother.” Very plainly! “No Mother we don’t”. “So what are you doing here?” “There’s some pain in my knees, so I have come to you,” Alright! “But I don’t meditate - I am very honest, I don’t meditate. I just have pain in the knees, please cure it, I don’t meditate.” How many of you really meditate every night? Guido said that, “Mother, if You tell like this, they'll say, ‘All right, in the night we'll do but not in the morning because Mother has said do in the night.’ '" There’s no earnestness, there’s no...expected any kind of a enthusiasm about it. “Alright, if not today, we’ll see tomorrow! Mother says like that, it’s not necessary, it’s not important, it’s alright!” So you satisfy yourself! But who is the loser? Not Me, I don't need Sahaja Yoga. Do I. I'm doing all the tapasya for your Sahaja Yoga. What about you people doing some tapasya about it? So now what I'm trying to say [is] that, you have got your Realisation, now you have reached that great state of understanding, also of the inner knowledge and also about your connection with the Spirit and with the God Almighty. All this you know now, many things you know! Despite that it is not yet what it should be from your heart, from your earnest desire. It doesn't help, at all, anyone, to deceive oneself - never! So I am not saying something for x, y, z. I am saying for all of you. Don't try to cheat yourself. You are here with such a great purpose, this purpose is collective and is the freedom of our minds from all these nonsensical destructive forces and then to spread it all over, talk about it. My own conviction is this, that, something has to happen to sahaja yogis to realise how important it is to work out something that is within us, which is potential, which is just about to bubble out. It's this responsibility, whether you are a Jew, a Christian or anything makes no difference it is all outside. But what you have to do, that you have come into a new realm of awareness, into a new realm of a higher life where you know all your inner Self, you know all about what is good and what is not. Everything, after knowing all this, also, if you do not grow, then who will you blame? So now we come to a point to understand the importance of this Kali Yuga, where your Mother is here to help you and also to look after you very tenderly, sweetly to tell you everything. Actually I cannot get angry with anyone for more than one minute. So to explain to you sweetly what you should have done and which you can do and which you have to do. All these things I would have really, would have been telling you, all the time, I have been bringing you round very sweetly and explaining to you and telling you that this is your own power which is within you and which you have to look after and raise it, and also you have got so many books or ways of understanding that. But this inner knowledge which you have is something like this, that, I have an inner knowledge about, say, how to build these things, but I don't do it. It's as simple as that. I just don't do it! I have the inner knowledge, alright! I am a Ph.D. but I’m mad - its like that! So many people are mentally very well equipped in Sahaja Yoga, I know, but as far as the following of Sahaja Yoga is concerned, they are not. So I am warning you now! It's like Christ has said, “Some seeds which are sprouted fell on the street and dried out and died.” Now the judgement is going on all the time. When I'm talking to you, it’s all the judgement is going on. So every night you have to meditate and you have to then think about what have you done tonight, today, the whole day, what have we achieved? But so calculating they are! “Supposing that I go there at 5 o’clock then I have to be back at 7 otherwise I will miss the point. I’ll not see this person, that person.” So, everything works like that - with the time, with the importance of nonsensical things. But what has to work is your faith that, “I am going to do things which are truthful, which are sensible, down to earth and I am going to keep myself absolutely extremely free and I’m going to look after, not only my inner being but the inner beings of others.” Today’s special puja is really of, more of right side I would say, Dashera is a right side puja because you worship Shri Rama and his bow and everything. But think of this incarnation. Fouteen years He went to jail. For a particular reason He went there. I mean, if somebody has go even for one year its an headache. Its not a jail but its we can call a, in forest that He went it was like a jail to Him. He was a king's son with no place to live, to sleep. Everywhere He went He had to built his own little hut. So He went there. So He had to do that! Why did He do it? Because He had faith in Himself. He is Shri Rama and He has to jolly well do these things. He had faith in himself and He had faith in God Almighty that whatever He's doing, He's doing as a will of God. And that is what I have to do - finished! “I don't care whether I have to face Ravana or I have to face this or that. I don't care! I am a sahaja yogi, I don't care. My job is to spread Sahaja Yoga, alright. My job is to cleanse myself up and know myself! This is my work, my job and this is what I have to do. I'm not bothered if I get admission in the school or not. I'm not bothered if somebody has to go by plane so he gets the ticket or not.” You just won't believe that you show your faith in yourself, you'll get the admission, you’ll get the ticket. Whatever you want is there. Its all there. You don't have to strive for it, you don't have to bother for it, it's just there. It is, I mean, all My life it has been happening. Of course, My faith is like, solid like Gibraltar, I mean, no question, because I know what I am and I know what I am supposed to do. So for Me I have no problem. I have all the faith and I know everyone and I can say that I can make out a flying bird. [I] may not show that. Sometimes I may say “Alright, this is good,this, that.” But I know for definite what I am and what I have to do! In the same way you have to know about yourself because it is a different category of people you are. You are not the ones who need protection from God, who need protection from the Mother- no! You have to give protections to others. You see, you have to give light to others, you have to show them the path. So you are here for that purpose, not for getting a house or what you call income tax concession. You are not for that. All that nonsense you forget. Jolly well, they’ll have to give you concession! I live like that, absolutely. I’m not bothered when I am traveling whether there’s a ticket or not.Whether there is a seat or not. I’m not bothered, I’m not bothered at all. Alright, I’m traveling, I don’t even think I’m traveling. I just think that I am there, that’s all. So many things I say which look so bombastic and look so ego-oriented. Like I said that this Catholic Church is about to finish. I said that...if it was somebody else they’ll say “Perhaps...maybe...” Now, so one has to change one's own language, the style, and our understanding should be that we are a rough people. We are rough as far as ourselves are concerned, with others we are kind, tender and sweet. But as far as we are concerned we are rough! Once it happened [that] we had a transfer, and we went into a house, very big house though, but there was nothing to sleep upon. There was one bed quite small one, my husband was sleeping [on it]. He just can’t do like that it. I said “Alright, take a challenge!” I slept on the ground. Next day, I had pain in the body. I told my body “Behave yourself! Must learn how to sleep on stones also.” And for one month I was sleeping on the ground, still. So you have to be harsh with your body, you have to be harsh with your mind which gives you ideas of materialism or of retarding your progress in spirituality. Now, escapes and escapes they find out. Ultimately you come to the last point where you do not think about say material life and you don't think of mental life or so-called these spiritual lives or anything. But you think that it's alright, you are free from it and now you have become a very, very free person and you can do what you like. Supposing you reach a state like that, then you just sit down, “Oh, I've reached that state, finished.” But how are we to believe? What's the proof that you have reached that state? You must show! It doesn't show! But they say “Ahh! we are Mother.” There is a myth also in Sahaja Yoga, that senior. "He is a very senior sahaja yogi." I mean I don’t understand, what is this? How can there be seniority in Sahaja Yoga? Cannot be seniority, no question! Somebody, say, enters into the sea, some are there for ages standing near the edge of the sea holding on to the earth because they are afraid to swim, and some people who have come only yesterday might be jumping and going ahead and enjoying the sea. So how is it he’s the senior? We do not have this seniority business in Sahaja Yoga! There is no seniority. Then also there is also another myth, maybe this is an excuse, I don’t know what to say, but it is a very common thing to say that "He’s a senior sahaja yogi" or "He’safter all, he's a senior sahaja yogi.'" [I] Can’t understand - It's like saying, "This donkey is senior, another donkey is not." Then another thing that we suffer from very much, very common (laughing), is this, that “Mother said so.'" Anybody will say “Oh yeah, Mother said to me, She called me and she said it.” What did she say “Oh! You are a very great sahaja yogi, you are this, you are that you are the other.” Now there are two possibilities. One, I might have said it just to befool him - I am Mahamaya - or maybe I must have said all this just to see that, pamper his ego so he gets to Sahaja Yoga and does something substantial than to eat my head. So “Mother said so. Such a great sahaja yogi, I’m such and such!” Very bombastic words! Very bombastic language he would use. Then people [say] “Ahh! what a sahaja yogi!” So the judgement (laughing) of a sahaja yogi doesn't come from what he claims but what he achieves. I've seen some sahaja yogis are extremely arrogant, also. Extremely arrogant. Think no end of themselves. All that is there. So many sahaja yogis I have seen of that kind, that, they are very very arrogant and that they try to make a big show out of what great people they are - Humpty Dumpties as they call it. Alright, but what [about] a sahaja yogi, who is not like that, what is his style is? He’ll just watch, he'll witness the whole thing, just enjoy and laugh at what is happening. “What is this man talking like this. What’s the sense of he is talking like this.” A person who is a sahaja yogi, is a gem, a gem, and gem for which you take him to anywhere, to any place, people will say “He's a gem.” My own style is this, that when I see a person or a sahaja yogi anywhere, first thing I go inside Myself -first thing, I don’t know if you can do that but I can. And then I see that person in a very different perspective and understand. Because all these powers are with you also. It is not My powers only, you all have these powers, but only difference between you and Me is that I have all faith in Myself and you have no faith in yourself. So we are at a crossing roads where we have to understand who will go higher and who will go lower. We have to find out who is the one who is going to achieve something, and where am I compared to that person? It’s said that you have to suffer, you have to do this and you have to do that - nothing of the kind, by God's grace, nothing of that kind. So, now, what is it? What will happen to a sahaja yogi? How will you know who is a sahaja yogi? How will you know who is just putting a lip service? Only way is that you evolve, you become like a mirror and you see for yourself what sort of a person he is, and also you see yourself, what you are. Today's lecture is more sort of is actually, absolutely inspired lecture! And it is the one that should tell you that - all that we have done today is this - to understand our own values, about our own life. We should understand why are we on this Earth, what is our purpose and what we have to achieve. You see this...I give you My all blessings from My heart and I want you to accept My blessings to be the great lights of God's desire. Try to understand what important time you are born and that you have become such good, beautiful people of God. May God bless you!
Navaratri Puja. Cabella (Italy), 24 October 1993. Today we have gathered here to do the puja of the Devi. The Devi has many forms, but is the embodiment of the Shakti. Adi Shakti gives Shakti to all these embodiments and so there are many Goddesses we have. At different times they came on this Earth and did all that was necessary for the ascent of people who were seekers. Especially the one we know of, Jagadamba, the Durga. She was trying to protect all the seekers of Truth and to destroy all evil forces, because without the ascent of human beings they do not know the Truth, and that's why whatever they try to do is a mental projection, and this mental projection, if it is not substantiated by Truth, by dharma, it declines. In Sanskrit they call it glani. When this glani takes place, then incarnations are born - to solve the problem. In all incarnation of the Goddess there have been very much incarnated the satanic forces, they had incarnated, and She had to fight with them and destroy them. But this destruction was not for the destruction's sake that the evil forces are to be destroyed, but evil forces always try to put down the seekers, put down the Saints, try to harm them, sometimes even destroy [them]. All these destructive forces do not come at the same time, normally. At different times, is easy to handle. But the aim of the incarnation is to save, to protect the people who are seekers because they are the most important people in the realm of spirituality. All others are nothing but dust, good for nothing, useless. If they are not seeking the Truth, in the eyes of God they are just useless lives that have come and will be finished. They have no value and they have no dignity, they have no understanding of anything. So in the judgement of the Divine Love we have two types of people: one who are Seekers of Truth and the another who are not. They may be good people, they may be nice people, they [may] be doing a lot of good work, social work, this work, missionary work, every sort of work they might be doing, but if they are not seeking the Truth, then they do not come to that category where God has to incarnate. So try to understand the preciousness, the importance of seekers. And that’s what you have been - seeking. Very few persons. If you take the percentage of seekers, is very, very wee bit. But it's very important because, say little part of gold is much more valuable than mounds of steel. In the same way a seeker is much more valuable in the growth of spirituality. The whole universe was created, whole atmosphere was built, all the evolution took place for what? That human beings should know the Truth. But in the modern atmosphere is a very big curse, I think the greatest evil than all the Shumba, Nishumbas and all that, the worst of all is materialism because materialism makes you gross. In your seeking also when you are rising, subtly that materialism catches you. I've been noticing this! When people come to Sahaja Yoga alright, they are going deep into themselves, they are understanding what I am saying, all the inner knowledge they want to know, what is called as Atma gyan. Atma gyan means two things: the knowledge about the Spirit and knowledge about yourself. All this they find out and they know what it is. This state is the state for which people have been doing all kinds of things, going to the Himalayas, meditating in the cold without much clothes on them, living in the caves with some fruits. All kinds of tapasyas they would do because the seeking was so deep, so urgent and they could not get out of that force of seeking. But in the modern times, materialism retards that hankering, that dedication. It's maddening for people when they are seekers. I've seen, before coming to Sahaja Yoga, people spend [a] lot of money, go to various places, go to Himalayas, go to Nepal, go to Japan, all over the places they are moving. But after coming to Sahaja Yoga, after they have become the Spirit, for the growth of your new awareness, the progress is retarded. Also one should understand that after so much of running about [when] you find something so precious, so you settle down with it, and you feel very satisfied about it. That part is alright. But what later on? Your growth should not stop and that stops, because, because of one of the main reasons is materialism. Because of materialism your faith in yourself is also less. Now as you have seen that the Gods pray to the Goddess and She came and killed all the negative forces. The reason was the earnest desire of the Gods compelled Her to take incarnation. Such sincere desire to ascend that they could not get sometimes food even water and they worked so hard for their ascent which was disturbed by negative forces. So their call was so from the heart, so desperate and genuine and sincere that the Goddess had to take birth on this Earth to save them, to protect them, to look after them. But as it is we see, once you have reached a destination, you feel, "Now better settle down." Now, what do we settle down with? If, after getting realisation, you are complete, you are in Totality, you are absolutely one with Reality, there is nothing to be done - you become a saint. And a saint does not need any advertisement, does not need anything. His message spreads, people see him and know he is a great saint. So many Saints did not even leave their houses. A very common saying in India: your 'takiya' you should not leave, that, the pillow on which you are resting, you should not leave. That was a criteria of a Guru. Those who have to seek should come to the Guru's and climb up at least six, seven miles up, and then the Guru doesn’t meet anyone. He may slap you, he may hit you, he may drop you from that high mountain. He’ll take your test by so many ways, ultimately he may select one person to give Realisation. So this hankering, this desperate effort was all the time there. Now, so we come to Sahaja Yoga in these modern times. Sometimes I feel that, not only Sahaja Yoga is very easy, also it is extremely pampering. You know that you have got Realisation, you all know that you are better than others, that you have got rid of so many problems and that now you have become master of your own. Then the responsibility that you have towards yourself and to your fellow men reduces because you feel very satisfied with yourself. The other day some sahaja yogini rang Me up. I mean they ring Me up for everything. She said that “I went to the doctor and he put radiation and they found I was pregnant, so what should I do about the baby?” For such a small thing they will ask Me. "What should be the name our son? What is this, what is that?" I mean I have to do much more work than any priest has to. Little, little things they are worried about. Alright, that part is alright, that I have to tell you what is to be done at such a point or what should we do. If they miss the train, they will telephone Me, “Mother we have missed the train, now what to do?” So I have to tell them, "Alright, give them a bandhan." That also I have to tell them. Or supposing their father is sick, he has a heart trouble, then they'll telephone to Me “My father is sick, he has a heart trouble, he's not a sahaja yogi, what can you do about it?” So Mother has to put attention to his father who is not a sahaja yogi. Small, small things they write to Me, such small things that you can't imagine how they do not understand what I am here for? Still I've never said that this is a stupid thing to ask Me, you should not waste My time. Never. But it's to be seen now, that if you do not value yourself as realised souls, you cannot value My time also, or what is Myself. This incarnation can be wasted completely because of this materialistic attitude. In this modern times, I don't know what's gone wrong with human beings because the most important thing in your life is to ascend and to grow. Take a big vision of the whole thing - why this Universe was created, why you were created as human beings, what was the need to do all these things, for what is it done. If you have a very big vision of the whole thing, then try to locate your position, "Where am I?" And then, how the Divine has selected me and now I have become a sahaja yogi. So now, 'What is my responsibility?' - that, one has to see. But on the contrary, I've seen people who are saying "I have a transfer." So they’ll telephone and ask “Mother, should we take our chair or not?” That shows that they have no value about themselves and no value about Me. Both ways. Because they ask in such small things, such silly things, that it is impossible to understand how could sahaja yogis ask such questions. In the perspective we can see, of the Goddess, She comes on this Earth in different forms, at different times, to save the seekers of Truth and to work out the ascent of the seekers of Truth. Can you imagine! A very big difference in the incarnation of the Goddess before Kali Yuga. While now, it's a very different thing, that you have come on this Earth to become the sahaja yogis. You have to have a body, a mind, feelings, everything, which is just charged with spirituality, charged with your spirituality. Should be normally. Because how many years in the past you have been seeking God? Then, that you came here, what a coincidence! Then what is it? When you have such a great advantage that you have come to Sahaja Yoga because of your seeking, and now you have found the satisfaction out of it, what is the responsibility that you have? That the incarnation itself has come on this Earth, not only to protect you, to nourish you and to kill the demons - no! She has come on this Earth to tell you about everything that is subtler inside and to tell you what should be your relationship should be outside as well as inside. You were never connected with Truth, you were never connected with this All-pervading Power, you were never connected with God Almighty. So one has to understand that what a great thing has happened, that out of Me only, this Kundalini has come out and She has touched these higher centres. How? This was not done before, no, they were just protected, they were just looked after. Nowhere it is written that the Goddess has given realisation to people, nowhere! She is responsible, She can give. One of Her names is that, I mean, not one but at least ten names are: that She gives you your nirvana, that She gives you your Freedom, that She introduces you to liberty. All these things are written but what's happening now is that people have not yet been able to grasp the value of their life in the modern time. See the way people ask questions, see the way people, the enquiry is on, the way people are worried. “Now my child is big, what should I do?” “What should you do? Child is big, put him to school, do what you like!” “Mother, will you please tell where to put the child?” Then you put the child - “Have you seen the school Mother?” “No I haven’t!” “Then you go and inspect the school”!! Imagine Kali Mata doing that! She would have given two nice tight slaps, I tell you [for] anybody who would have said that. What do you make out of it? But to that detailed extent a Motherhood has to work out. You wouldn’t do that for your own child, I know. But when it comes to children what are they doing? Still materialistic. Today especially it’s a very great day of Dashera we call it. This is the day when, as you know, Ravana was burned. Effigies of Ravana are burnt all over the place. When Shri Rama came this was done. His victory. But in His victory, it was not that He made sahaja yogis or He gave realisation - No! His victory was that He killed Ravana. That was done that time for today's preparation, for today's happenings. It was done long time back that these days will come when people will have a proper value system of the victory of Shri Rama. But it doesn't happen, it doesn’t happen, because this incarnation of Mataji Nirmala Devi is very different, is very illusive - Mahamaya. So you are left to yourself, do what you like. Whatever you like you can do it! So they will ask Me “Mother, we have a problem,” I said “What?” “We don’t know which kind of chairs we should buy?” For every small thing they will refer to Mother, but for important things never. Sort of a funny use of the whole thing, has started. [That] which is so great, so important, is used for something absolutely nonsensical. So see the difference between the incarnations. One incarnation comes on this Earth to save the people, to bring them out of the mire of Maya. But another incarnation which has come is not only just to talk about it, but to give you your Realisation and then to look after your small, small things. So when this lady telephoned and asked Me “What should I do? Please Mother cure me.” It’s a very different attitude between the bhaktas of those days and the bhaktas of today. There is a very big difference! I said “You never asked Me when you did all that! Doesn’t matter. Now whatever you have done its better I see the child, look after the child put the child right, everything, but you come along.” But then I realised ki (that) this women is so attached to her child. And I telephoned to the leader and he said “It’s terrible attachment. It’s a terrible attachment to the child!” So now from one nonsense to another nonsense! This incarnation has such a variety of jobs to be done. I mean, even the 64 kalas, the 64 expertise of Shri Ganesha is not sufficient to solve this. Why is it so complicated? After giving Self-realisation it should be a straight forward march towards your goal and towards your growth. But why is it that such a complicated nonsense is all the time bothering you? What do you want now? We should ask, “What do you want?” “I want a child.” After Sahaja Yoga you should not want anything. Why do you want to have a child there are so many children. You can look after them. “I want” goes away, should go away from your mind that, “I want this and I want that.” This wanting is over now. What you wanted your Self-realisation. After that, what has happened is now, what I want is more important. I mean, [what] I want that you should become really detached from materialism. That doesn’t mean that you should become like ‘hare rama hare krishna’ [people], no, no no! They are not detached. They’re very much attached people. But detachment is a state where nothing can bind you, nothing is important, most important thing is your spiritual ascent. Nothing can attract you more than this purpose. This is what exactly is wanted today, that sahaja yogis should understand. Compared to sahaja yogis, what people have gone through, I mean, when I read it, really I feel terrible. Here everything is convenience, convenient - come along enjoy nice food, nice company,its a festival going on! Everything is properly done. And if something is missing I’ll be the one who will tell the organisers “What is this? You should have done this, you should have done that.” Now we come to a point where we have to understand what do we want. What's the use of killing Shumba Nishumbas? What's the use of killing this Catholic Church? What’s the use? Because you are static, you are glued in one place, no progress. So what's the use of doing all these things all the time and destroying all that negativity? What is the purpose? It's too arbitrary everybody says, “Mother, You have given them permission, You have given them license, so now they are doing the way they are.” The other one girl came to me, her child was very sick, I asked her “Do you Meditate?” She kept quiet. I said “I can make out that you don’t meditate because I know what it is. That you don't even meditate!” So today’s main thing is this, is a Dashera day, when the people go cross the boundaries of their villages and bring gold for the parents. That’s the story it is, like that. Now what you have to do is to cross the limits of this materialism, this nonsensical 'dwarfy' force that is working on you, and you have to transcend and bring what I said gold, that is untarnishable thing, from the borders of Sahaja Yoga. How many of you really are in the field of work? How many of you are telling about this to people? What are you doing about it? Why I'm talking to you and not to Indians this way [is] because their attitude is different, their attitude is not materialistic, it's spiritual. They want their spiritual ascent for which they suffer a lot, they’d go out of the way to do things just to get to that state where they could be easily surrendered. This surrender state has to come. For example, you have a problem say,you have no holidays and you want to come for puja - say for example. I’m just giving an example. Now if you want to come to puja, you just come. Not only you'll get a job, but you might get promotion. But you have no faith in your ascent, you have no faith that you are the chosen one. This is what is missing because of materialism. Recently in America, we have a very great sahaja yogi - Dave Dunphy. I told him “Dave you better take over as a leader for America, because this gentleman is not alright and you better take over”. Immediately he said “Alright Mother.” Now he lives in Honolulu. Our programs and everything are done through LA - Los Angeles and it was, it looked quite strange that I should ask him to come down and work there. Now, where are we? We are the people who have been blessed with all the powers. You have been blessed. But we don't want to practice, we don't want to find out what powers we have. Worried about our own children, worried about what sari we are going to wear, or worried about who is the leader and what should we do about the leadership. All these things are not going to help us. You're not here for that! Try to understand. You are here for becoming the Spirit and then to spread the light of the Spirit. Nothing [else] matters! Once you start doing that, you'll be amazed the faith works. It's not blind faith, it's not blind faith. You don’t have to tell Me even, it just works. It's a matter of few days, you might get many results of what you have been hankering after. I don't say material, superficial things, you might get [those]. But the question remains. Somebody, say, wants to dedicate his life, so-called, for Sahaja Yoga, then what do you do? What do you do if you dedicate? First thing is your faith. You must know how is your faith into anything. You really believe in it or you do not? If you do believe in it, what have you done about it? So at this stage you have to introspect. What are you doing? What are we to do? How far do we have to go? It's a very, very important time and you are extremely important souls here sitting down, but, if you don't value your own systems and your Self, why should God worry about you? Why should God try to give you ideas? Why should He try to take any interest even in you, persons of that kind? So now, I have to just tell you that, on this day of this puja, it’s such a combination that its the Dashera, I am here and also you can call it the last day of the Devi Puja. We have to see within ourselves, introspect “What have I done for Sahaja Yoga? Except for looking after my children, cooking for the husband, that’s all?’ Men can also think the same way - “What have we done? What have we done for Sahaja Yoga?” Just “I want to meet politicians, just I want to meet this person, I want to meet that person.” For what? They should come and meet you! But your faith in yourself is very weak. I think that's the main reason for all this fall, is faith in yourself. This faith is such a thing that you know it is so. You have seen My photographs, you are convinced about it. There’s nothing to be convinced! But this faith is not one with your heart. It is not just with your being, it’s outside. “Alright Mother will do that, Mother will solve this, Mother will do this.” But whole thing is now to Me it looks like that, I have to compulsorily tell you to do some sort of a tapasya. You ask somebody, “Do you meditate?” “No, Mother.” Very plainly! “No Mother we don’t”. “So what are you doing here?” “There’s some pain in my knees, so I have come to you,” Alright! “But I don’t meditate - I am very honest, I don’t meditate. I just have pain in the knees, please cure it, I don’t meditate.” How many of you really meditate every night? Guido said that, “Mother, if You tell like this, they'll say, ‘All right, in the night we'll do but not in the morning because Mother has said do in the night.’ '" There’s no earnestness, there’s no...expected any kind of a enthusiasm about it. “Alright, if not today, we’ll see tomorrow! Mother says like that, it’s not necessary, it’s not important, it’s alright!” So you satisfy yourself! But who is the loser? Not Me, I don't need Sahaja Yoga. Do I. I'm doing all the tapasya for your Sahaja Yoga. What about you people doing some tapasya about it? So now what I'm trying to say [is] that, you have got your Realisation, now you have reached that great state of understanding, also of the inner knowledge and also about your connection with the Spirit and with the God Almighty. All this you know now, many things you know! Despite that it is not yet what it should be from your heart, from your earnest desire. It doesn't help, at all, anyone, to deceive oneself - never! So I am not saying something for x, y, z. I am saying for all of you. Don't try to cheat yourself. You are here with such a great purpose, this purpose is collective and is the freedom of our minds from all these nonsensical destructive forces and then to spread it all over, talk about it. My own conviction is this, that, something has to happen to sahaja yogis to realise how important it is to work out something that is within us, which is potential, which is just about to bubble out. It's this responsibility, whether you are a Jew, a Christian or anything makes no difference it is all outside. But what you have to do, that you have come into a new realm of awareness, into a new realm of a higher life where you know all your inner Self, you know all about what is good and what is not. Everything, after knowing all this, also, if you do not grow, then who will you blame? So now we come to a point to understand the importance of this Kali Yuga, where your Mother is here to help you and also to look after you very tenderly, sweetly to tell you everything. Actually I cannot get angry with anyone for more than one minute. So to explain to you sweetly what you should have done and which you can do and which you have to do. All these things I would have really, would have been telling you, all the time, I have been bringing you round very sweetly and explaining to you and telling you that this is your own power which is within you and which you have to look after and raise it, and also you have got so many books or ways of understanding that. But this inner knowledge which you have is something like this, that, I have an inner knowledge about, say, how to build these things, but I don't do it. It's as simple as that. I just don't do it! I have the inner knowledge, alright! I am a Ph.D. but I’m mad - its like that! So many people are mentally very well equipped in Sahaja Yoga, I know, but as far as the following of Sahaja Yoga is concerned, they are not. So I am warning you now! It's like Christ has said, “Some seeds which are sprouted fell on the street and dried out and died.” Now the judgement is going on all the time. When I'm talking to you, it’s all the judgement is going on. So every night you have to meditate and you have to then think about what have you done tonight, today, the whole day, what have we achieved? But so calculating they are! “Supposing that I go there at 5 o’clock then I have to be back at 7 otherwise I will miss the point. I’ll not see this person, that person.” So, everything works like that - with the time, with the importance of nonsensical things. But what has to work is your faith that, “I am going to do things which are truthful, which are sensible, down to earth and I am going to keep myself absolutely extremely free and I’m going to look after, not only my inner being but the inner beings of others.” Today’s special puja is really of, more of right side I would say, Dashera is a right side puja because you worship Shri Rama and his bow and everything. But think of this incarnation. Fouteen years He went to jail. For a particular reason He went there. I mean, if somebody has go even for one year its an headache. Its not a jail but its we can call a, in forest that He went it was like a jail to Him. He was a king's son with no place to live, to sleep. Everywhere He went He had to built his own little hut. So He went there. So He had to do that! Why did He do it? Because He had faith in Himself. He is Shri Rama and He has to jolly well do these things. He had faith in himself and He had faith in God Almighty that whatever He's doing, He's doing as a will of God. And that is what I have to do - finished! “I don't care whether I have to face Ravana or I have to face this or that. I don't care! I am a sahaja yogi, I don't care. My job is to spread Sahaja Yoga, alright. My job is to cleanse myself up and know myself! This is my work, my job and this is what I have to do. I'm not bothered if I get admission in the school or not. I'm not bothered if somebody has to go by plane so he gets the ticket or not.” You just won't believe that you show your faith in yourself, you'll get the admission, you’ll get the ticket. Whatever you want is there. Its all there. You don't have to strive for it, you don't have to bother for it, it's just there. It is, I mean, all My life it has been happening. Of course, My faith is like, solid like Gibraltar, I mean, no question, because I know what I am and I know what I am supposed to do. So for Me I have no problem. I have all the faith and I know everyone and I can say that I can make out a flying bird. [I] may not show that. Sometimes I may say “Alright, this is good,this, that.” But I know for definite what I am and what I have to do! In the same way you have to know about yourself because it is a different category of people you are. You are not the ones who need protection from God, who need protection from the Mother- no! You have to give protections to others. You see, you have to give light to others, you have to show them the path. So you are here for that purpose, not for getting a house or what you call income tax concession. You are not for that. All that nonsense you forget. Jolly well, they’ll have to give you concession! I live like that, absolutely. I’m not bothered when I am traveling whether there’s a ticket or not.Whether there is a seat or not. I’m not bothered, I’m not bothered at all. Alright, I’m traveling, I don’t even think I’m traveling. I just think that I am there, that’s all. So many things I say which look so bombastic and look so ego-oriented. Like I said that this Catholic Church is about to finish. I said that...if it was somebody else they’ll say “Perhaps...maybe...” Now, so one has to change one's own language, the style, and our understanding should be that we are a rough people. We are rough as far as ourselves are concerned, with others we are kind, tender and sweet. But as far as we are concerned we are rough! Once it happened [that] we had a transfer, and we went into a house, very big house though, but there was nothing to sleep upon. There was one bed quite small one, my husband was sleeping [on it]. He just can’t do like that it. I said “Alright, take a challenge!” I slept on the ground. Next day, I had pain in the body. I told my body “Behave yourself! Must learn how to sleep on stones also.” And for one month I was sleeping on the ground, still. So you have to be harsh with your body, you have to be harsh with your mind which gives you ideas of materialism or of retarding your progress in spirituality. Now, escapes and escapes they find out. Ultimately you come to the last point where you do not think about say material life and you don't think of mental life or so-called these spiritual lives or anything. But you think that it's alright, you are free from it and now you have become a very, very free person and you can do what you like. Supposing you reach a state like that, then you just sit down, “Oh, I've reached that state, finished.” But how are we to believe? What's the proof that you have reached that state? You must show! It doesn't show! But they say “Ahh! we are Mother.” There is a myth also in Sahaja Yoga, that senior. "He is a very senior sahaja yogi." I mean I don’t understand, what is this? How can there be seniority in Sahaja Yoga? Cannot be seniority, no question! Somebody, say, enters into the sea, some are there for ages standing near the edge of the sea holding on to the earth because they are afraid to swim, and some people who have come only yesterday might be jumping and going ahead and enjoying the sea. So how is it he’s the senior? We do not have this seniority business in Sahaja Yoga! There is no seniority. Then also there is also another myth, maybe this is an excuse, I don’t know what to say, but it is a very common thing to say that "He’s a senior sahaja yogi" or "He’safter all, he's a senior sahaja yogi.'" [I] Can’t understand - It's like saying, "This donkey is senior, another donkey is not." Then another thing that we suffer from very much, very common (laughing), is this, that “Mother said so.'" Anybody will say “Oh yeah, Mother said to me, She called me and she said it.” What did she say “Oh! You are a very great sahaja yogi, you are this, you are that you are the other.” Now there are two possibilities. One, I might have said it just to befool him - I am Mahamaya - or maybe I must have said all this just to see that, pamper his ego so he gets to Sahaja Yoga and does something substantial than to eat my head. So “Mother said so. Such a great sahaja yogi, I’m such and such!” Very bombastic words! Very bombastic language he would use. Then people [say] “Ahh! what a sahaja yogi!” So the judgement (laughing) of a sahaja yogi doesn't come from what he claims but what he achieves. I've seen some sahaja yogis are extremely arrogant, also. Extremely arrogant. Think no end of themselves. All that is there. So many sahaja yogis I have seen of that kind, that, they are very very arrogant and that they try to make a big show out of what great people they are - Humpty Dumpties as they call it. Alright, but what [about] a sahaja yogi, who is not like that, what is his style is? He’ll just watch, he'll witness the whole thing, just enjoy and laugh at what is happening. “What is this man talking like this. What’s the sense of he is talking like this.” A person who is a sahaja yogi, is a gem, a gem, and gem for which you take him to anywhere, to any place, people will say “He's a gem.” My own style is this, that when I see a person or a sahaja yogi anywhere, first thing I go inside Myself -first thing, I don’t know if you can do that but I can. And then I see that person in a very different perspective and understand. Because all these powers are with you also. It is not My powers only, you all have these powers, but only difference between you and Me is that I have all faith in Myself and you have no faith in yourself. So we are at a crossing roads where we have to understand who will go higher and who will go lower. We have to find out who is the one who is going to achieve something, and where am I compared to that person? It’s said that you have to suffer, you have to do this and you have to do that - nothing of the kind, by God's grace, nothing of that kind. So, now, what is it? What will happen to a sahaja yogi? How will you know who is a sahaja yogi? How will you know who is just putting a lip service? Only way is that you evolve, you become like a mirror and you see for yourself what sort of a person he is, and also you see yourself, what you are. Today's lecture is more sort of is actually, absolutely inspired lecture! And it is the one that should tell you that - all that we have done today is this - to understand our own values, about our own life. We should understand why are we on this Earth, what is our purpose and what we have to achieve. You see this...I give you My all blessings from My heart and I want you to accept My blessings to be the great lights of God's desire. Try to understand what important time you are born and that you have become such good, beautiful people of God. May God bless you!
Evening eve of Diwali, Second day of Diwali, Announcement of Marriages
Evening Program
Talk Before Diwali, Announcement of Marriages I've come here to wish you a very Happy Diwali. See, actually this is celebrated always with the family and see, My family is so big. So, I've come here to celebrate this Diwali with you. They told Me it's going to be very cold here but in this cold see the warmth that you have shown - warmth of love. It is such a fortunate thing for Me to be with you at this time because you are passing through a crisis. You all should support democracy. I'm not a politician but I know for one thing: that if I have to come here it has to be democratic country. But don't think that wherever there is democracy there is all peace and joy and happiness. It's full of violence, all kinds of immorality, diseases. Today, according to the calendar, is the day when a devil called Narakasura was killed by the Goddess. And that's why we have to know that what is Narakasura in these modern times. It's the devil that takes you to hell because he is the king of devils who reside in hell. So, we have to understand what takes us to hell. Everything that is destructive is responsible for our decline. Anything that goes against our awareness is responsible for our destruction. There's a special blessing of this puja will be that you will all become prosperous. Prosperity has to be balanced otherwise you will become like other western countries, like America which is on the way of its destruction. In Sahaja Yoga, as you know, morality is the most important thing. Now the first day was yesterday was the day where a celebration of the family is performed. All the newly married couples and all the old couples, they all meet and celebrate their weddings. And also they buy some sort of utensils for the household, for the family. As you know that in Sahaja Yoga, family is very, very important. We don't believe actually in divorces, but in case if it is absolutely impossible then they are allowed to divorce. But out of, say, hundred marriages, one or two are like that every year. So today we are going to announce the marriages of the people for this Diwali puja. And you have all the freedom to say no if you don't like the partner. For three days - now because tonight, tomorrow, day after - you try to decide. Also, we had a problem in selection because very few men had applied. Ladies were three times more. So, also the boys were of a very young age while the girls were of a much older age. Now, you will be happy to know that all over the world: America, France, Italy, Australia, anywhere - even India, they all want the Russians, Bulgarians, Romanians. I mean, all the Eastern Bloc and Russians, Hungaria, everything, Czechoslovakia. They think that you are very great, devoted Sahaja Yogis and of a very high quality. And, they have had very good experiences of some Eastern Bloc people and Russians who have gone to America and other places. So, we have decided to keep the younger people still in waiting - maybe next year - because all other people want you to go to their country. So, you see, we had to request the people who are choosing that keep the young people for next year because otherwise there may be not sufficient people. Especially this year America came out with new colors. I mean, I was surprised that people were standing outside the hall so many of them they couldn't get places. So we were surprised how they have joined us now. Even France, even Germany, even Italy, even Austria - everywhere. It is such a big upsurge or awakening of people that next year we'll have lots of brides and bridegrooms from outside. So they think you have very large heart and that you are very, very highly developed personalities. So, the younger people should not feel disappointed. We have got their forms intact.I think today we are going to have a very long program from you all, and I want to enjoy all that. So the announcement we'd like to do now or afterwards?[Entertainment program begins]
Talk Before Diwali, Announcement of Marriages I've come here to wish you a very Happy Diwali. See, actually this is celebrated always with the family and see, My family is so big. So, I've come here to celebrate this Diwali with you. They told Me it's going to be very cold here but in this cold see the warmth that you have shown - warmth of love. It is such a fortunate thing for Me to be with you at this time because you are passing through a crisis. You all should support democracy. I'm not a politician but I know for one thing: that if I have to come here it has to be democratic country. But don't think that wherever there is democracy there is all peace and joy and happiness. It's full of violence, all kinds of immorality, diseases. Today, according to the calendar, is the day when a devil called Narakasura was killed by the Goddess. And that's why we have to know that what is Narakasura in these modern times. It's the devil that takes you to hell because he is the king of devils who reside in hell. So, we have to understand what takes us to hell. Everything that is destructive is responsible for our decline. Anything that goes against our awareness is responsible for our destruction. There's a special blessing of this puja will be that you will all become prosperous. Prosperity has to be balanced otherwise you will become like other western countries, like America which is on the way of its destruction. In Sahaja Yoga, as you know, morality is the most important thing. Now the first day was yesterday was the day where a celebration of the family is performed. All the newly married couples and all the old couples, they all meet and celebrate their weddings. And also they buy some sort of utensils for the household, for the family. As you know that in Sahaja Yoga, family is very, very important. We don't believe actually in divorces, but in case if it is absolutely impossible then they are allowed to divorce. But out of, say, hundred marriages, one or two are like that every year. So today we are going to announce the marriages of the people for this Diwali puja. And you have all the freedom to say no if you don't like the partner. For three days - now because tonight, tomorrow, day after - you try to decide. Also, we had a problem in selection because very few men had applied. Ladies were three times more. So, also the boys were of a very young age while the girls were of a much older age. Now, you will be happy to know that all over the world: America, France, Italy, Australia, anywhere - even India, they all want the Russians, Bulgarians, Romanians. I mean, all the Eastern Bloc and Russians, Hungaria, everything, Czechoslovakia. They think that you are very great, devoted Sahaja Yogis and of a very high quality. And, they have had very good experiences of some Eastern Bloc people and Russians who have gone to America and other places. So, we have decided to keep the younger people still in waiting - maybe next year - because all other people want you to go to their country. So, you see, we had to request the people who are choosing that keep the young people for next year because otherwise there may be not sufficient people. Especially this year America came out with new colors. I mean, I was surprised that people were standing outside the hall so many of them they couldn't get places. So we were surprised how they have joined us now. Even France, even Germany, even Italy, even Austria - everywhere. It is such a big upsurge or awakening of people that next year we'll have lots of brides and bridegrooms from outside. So they think you have very large heart and that you are very, very highly developed personalities. So, the younger people should not feel disappointed. We have got their forms intact.I think today we are going to have a very long program from you all, and I want to enjoy all that. So the announcement we'd like to do now or afterwards?[Entertainment program begins]
Diwali Puja: Lakshmi Principle
Diwali Puja. Moscow (Russia), 12 November 1993. It is so very gratifying to see so many people from all over the world have come to Russia to worship the Goddess Lakshmi. When you cannot explain everything intellectually then you take course to arts to express yourself; and then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what an artist does, also a poet does that he extends his imagination to such an extent that he creates a symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only go up to a point and when it is not substantiated by truth and reality, after some time it falls. The whole linear movement falls down and there is a decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined. This decline takes place and people start accepting it. But after Self Realization when you have become the Spirit, your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted, which was misrepresented, drop out. And you touch the reality of the symbols. This is exactly what has happened everywhere. For example, we had in India the Goddess of wealth as Lakshmi, and this symbol of Lakshmi was described by saints and seers in reality. But later on people did not understand the symbol and the reality behind it. And they thought that the symbol of Lakshmi is money, is wealth, gold, silver, diamonds, riches. And they started worshipping money. That is how the symbol of wealth, Goddess the Lakshmi, was perverted. People don't understand that when they have money why they start doing wrong things. Even in India nowadays people are so perverted that if you give hundred rupees to a poor man, he will go to a pub. He will only think of self-indulgence, and not of others, not his family, not his children, not his country, but himself. But the symbol of Lakshmi is very different. Firstly the one who has Lakshmi has to be a mother, like a mother, must have the love of a mother who loves her children. She has to be a woman and woman stands for something very sublime. Mother is the source of all the energies but she has patience, and she has love, compassion. So a man who has money cannot be happy unless and until he is compassionate. He uses this money for giving it to others. But what has happened today in the countries which are supposed to be affluent? They have gone all out to destroy themselves with the money that they have. Also they have used money to express their anger, and their lust, their greed. Also they have wasted their money in trying to show off that they are something very individualistic. Like in America, went there and I met a very rich man. And when I got to his car, he told Me that, "My handles of the door open the other way around." So I said, "Why? What is the use of this kind of a thing? Anybody can get locked up in your car." So he said, "It is my individuality, is my genius, you see, which has created this something not so common." And then I went into his house, he told, "You be careful this bathroom is very special." And then he said, "If you press this button you will just jump into the swimming pool." I said, "I don't want to go into this bathroom." And then he took Me to his bed and he said, "This bed is special if you press this button your legs will go up, if you press this button your head will go up." I said, "I don't want to do these acrobats the whole night, I'll sleep on the ground." [Applause] So now the Eastern block people sometimes think that Americans, or the Europeans, or the people who are so called affluent are very happy people. They are not because they have no wisdom. They go on wasting money like this, they are bankrupt, good for nothing. One day they'll be moving in a Rolls-Royce, tomorrow they'll be on the street begging. Because there is no Lakshmi in them, it's just money. So the symbol of Lakshmi you should try to understand is very important. Because, if the Lakshmi resides in your Nabhi, and if She is satisfied, then only the Mahalakshmi principle rises means then you start seeing beyond. Now these people had so much money that they didn't know what to do and they thought now this not sufficient, we have to seek further. Then they took to drugs and all kinds of things. If you find anybody in England or America, any place with torn clothes, know that he is a rich man. This is the condition of perversion where everything is perverted. Now the Lakshmi principle is like this, that as I said, She is a Mother. In two hands She has got pink lotuses. Now the pink lotus means a flower which is come out of the pond and allows even a thorny insect to come inside it. That means a rich man, or a man with Lakshmi, must have a house, or a whole household, or a estate which is very beautiful like the lotus, pink in color, means in white, welcoming everyone, all kinds of guests. Now this insect with all the thorns in it comes in and sleeps on the corona of that lotus very beautifully and in the night the lotus covers it, so it doesn't feel the cold. So the man with the money, or man with the wealth, is not a Lakshmi Pati, he is not the one who has the blessings of the Lakshmi. But the man with wisdom and who has money we can call has got the blessings of the Lakshmi. So like the lotus is so hospitable, so anxious to get guests in his own being and to look after. In the same way a person who has money, who is supposed to be blessed by Lakshmi should be the same hospitable, of the same hospitable personality. But the surprising thing is all those nations today who look to be affluent have been parasites. They looted all the countries. They formed empires. Like in India now as you know we had for three hundred years the English, the British three hundred years as our guests. Without any visa, without any immigration they came. But now if an Indian has to go to England is impossible situation. And those who go there also are treated not on the same level as they treat their own people. Same with America. Thank God Columbus was coming to India and I think Shri Hanumana took him down to America, thank God. [Applause] Otherwise all the Indians would have been finished and I would not have been here. They killed all the Indians there, all the Indians and took away all their lands, all their lands. And now they are supposed to be rich. And the sins they have committed have to come back on them, isn't it. And you can't go to America easily as if that is their own land. All of them do not belong to that land. Then we can see about the people who think they are higher races because they can make more money. I mean they have killed people in gas chambers, did all kinds of things. How are they higher race, I can't understand. Is that the sign of being higher? For us if Christ is the symbol of higher personality then what were His qualities? He was the noblest man you could think of, the greatest personality as far as morals are concerned and such forgiveness, such magnanimity, such glory. He would, was the One who was blessed with Lakshmi. He was a satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, whatever money you might give Him. Nobody could purchase Him. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga is important to know that you are blessed by Lakshmi. With the one hand She gives, She gives to others that is Her nature, to give. Like if one door is open the air won't come in. But if you open the other door then only it will circulate. So to be satisfied is one of the qualities of a Sahaja Yogi. Some of them do ask for money miracles. That's not the way your attitude should be. You are now the Spirits. And the Spirit doesn't care for the comfort of body, mind, but for the comfort of the Spirit. Many of you have become Spirits, no doubt. But you are not aware, some of you, of your own status. You have to be aware about it. With the other hand She gives protection. Protection to all those who worship Her. All those who work for Her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him or working for him. We have now transcended into an area where you have no fundamentalism in your head. But you worship all the great incarnations, all the great seers and all the prophets. Most of them did not have any money, but they were blessed by Lakshmi because they were satisfied soul. So this is the quality of a Lakshmi that She should satisfy. You know that in economics desires are not satiable in general. So what is the desire which is satiable is the pure desire, which is the Kundalini. When you are absolutely satisfied and you know that there is no sense in hankering after money, power and all nonsensical things, then the Mahalakshmi principle is awakened within you. And this Mahalakshmi principle gives you seeking. Then you become a special category of people whom William Blake has described as men of God. Then you don't have these conditionings of your childhood, of your nationality, of your so-called outside religion, no conditioning. But you rise higher and you become the Spirit. That is the time when you understand the Lakshmi principle within you. The Lakshmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. In collective consciousness you want to do for others. If you are still worried about yourself only, about your own comfort, about your own earnings, about your own glory, then you go into imbalance. Lakshmi is standing on a lotus, completely balanced. Moreover She doesn't assert, just standing on a lotus She doesn't assert Her power, that She is money or She is the Goddess of money. She is absolutely contented with Herself. If you are not contented that means you don't know yourself. You are yet a half baked Sahaja Yogi. A Sahaja Yogi is a person who is absolutely contented within himself. Because his self, his Spirit is the source of all the absolute knowledge. Is the source of enlightenment for your attention. And is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness, which depends on ego, but it is absolute. So such fun after Realization you feel that you don't care for money you don't care for anything. If you have it, well and good, if you don't have it, well and good. You are completely detached. Lastly, I'll tell you a story of Raja Janaka who was the father of Shri Sita, who was the wife of Shri Rama. He must have existed six thousand years back and He was a king. So He had to wear all the ornaments, and all the dresses that a king had to wear. But all the saints of those days used to touch His feet. So one disciple of one guru said, "Why do you touch His feet after all He lives like a king, and dresses up like a king?" So he said, "You have no idea as to what He is. If He has mercy on you He might give you Self Realization." So this disciple Nachiketa went to the king and said that, "Sir, I have come to get my Self Realization." He said, "I'm sorry, I can't give you Self Realization, I am sorry. You can take all my property, everything, but I cannot give you Self Realization. Because yet you haven't got that personality." So Nachiketa was disappointed and he said, "All right, Sir, I'll wait till you are ready to test me and see if I could get Realization." So He said, "All right, let's go and have a bath in the river." When they were having a bath, the people from the palace came and told Him, the king, that, "Sir, your palace is on fire." Still He was meditating. Then again they came and said, "Now all the people are running away from there, all your relations, all your family." Still they were meditating, He was meditating, and this Nachiketa was looking at Him. Then they said, "All the fire is coming here, now all your clothes will be burnt." Still He was meditating. But Nachiketa ran out and he picked up His clothes. Then he realized how detached this man is about His money, about His wealth, about His family. And look at me, I'm worried about these small things like this. He has to dress up like that because He is a king. So he surrendered himself to Him and he got his Realization. In those days it was very difficult to get Self Realization, even to give Self Realization. But these are special time, the blossom time. They call it the Last Judgment, you can call it the Resurrection Time, you can call it the Qiyamah, as they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of their graves and will get their resurrection. I mean what is left to the graves is nothing but a few stones and a few bones. No. All these souls which are dead will take their birth, take human body and take their Realization in these special times. This is a sensible thing to say and is also happening. So now you have got your Realization because of your good deeds you did in last previous lives, as we say purva punyas [MEANS past good deeds]. But you must respect It and you must understand what you have got is so great. You have to know you are the Spirit now. You are special people. You are going to solve the problems of your country, of your community, of your society, of your families. You'll be solving the problem of the whole world. You are the one who are going to bring peace on this earth. You are the one who are going to create a new world of beautiful divine people. So have faith in yourself. This faith works very fast. Because not a false faith, is a fact. And grow in Sahaja Yoga. Don't be a dwarf. I am happy to see the collectivity now in the Eastern block and also Russia, other countries which are here today. So now you are asking for the blessings of the Lakshmi. So the first thing you should ask is the satisfaction. Then the generosity. A person who has the blessings of Lakshmi cannot be miserly, cannot be. He is, he is a diseased person. Trying to save money here, trying to save money there. This doesn't exist in the mind of a person who is evolved. I am very happy I could come to Russia and that at this juncture will be able to create the atmosphere which is very good for your country. And all other people who have come from other countries also will carry this atmosphere to their own countries. Now you know that you have no karmas left. It's all finished. And now you are beautiful, new people. The blossoming time has brought you as fruits now. So don't pay attention to yourself, to your maladies, to your troubles. And things will improve, things will improve, things will improve definitely. Somebody was telling Me they have got pain in the knee. I just felt I get so many times pain in the knee. I have pain here, because I absorb from you. But I never think about it. I never bother. Because I see My body, all right. Like this machine if it is spoiled, we should cure it, finished. But all the time if you are thinking, "This is paining here, this is wrong, I haven't got money, I've got to do this business, that business", finished! So now we have to rise into the realm of super-consciousness. I can go on speaking about everything which is so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures which I have given. But lectures are nothing but words. These are the web of words. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That's what is My own vision. And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours whenever you want. Whenever you want Me to come I will come. That My love is more than My own will. But you also must love yourself and love your Self-realization. May God bless you. There is one thing we have to know that in the Nabhi resides the Lakshmi, and you have reached the state where She is a reality within you. She is not a symbol anymore. So today after the puja this Lakshmi principles must be awakened within you and should spread all its light in the Nabhi centre.May God bless you. [Puja begins and Shri Mataji says:] All have become Nirvicharya. So first of all we say Shri Ganesha. He's the symbol, for you is the reality of innocence, of purity, of wisdom. So He was the One first created before the whole universe was created. So first we'll worship Shri Ganesha. The children will do that worship, because they are the symbol of that innocence. [PUJA CONTINUES AND SHRI MATAJI DOES NOT ADDRESS THE YOGIS ANY MORE.]
Diwali Puja. Moscow (Russia), 12 November 1993. It is so very gratifying to see so many people from all over the world have come to Russia to worship the Goddess Lakshmi. When you cannot explain everything intellectually then you take course to arts to express yourself; and then you take to symbols to express what you cannot say verbally or cannot express rationally. This is what an artist does, also a poet does that he extends his imagination to such an extent that he creates a symbol. But this mind is limited and it can only go up to a point and when it is not substantiated by truth and reality, after some time it falls. The whole linear movement falls down and there is a decline. That is what we find in every area today specially that everything which was sublime has declined. This decline takes place and people start accepting it. But after Self Realization when you have become the Spirit, your imagination touches the reality. Then the symbols which were perverted, which was misrepresented, drop out. And you touch the reality of the symbols. This is exactly what has happened everywhere. For example, we had in India the Goddess of wealth as Lakshmi, and this symbol of Lakshmi was described by saints and seers in reality. But later on people did not understand the symbol and the reality behind it. And they thought that the symbol of Lakshmi is money, is wealth, gold, silver, diamonds, riches. And they started worshipping money. That is how the symbol of wealth, Goddess the Lakshmi, was perverted. People don't understand that when they have money why they start doing wrong things. Even in India nowadays people are so perverted that if you give hundred rupees to a poor man, he will go to a pub. He will only think of self-indulgence, and not of others, not his family, not his children, not his country, but himself. But the symbol of Lakshmi is very different. Firstly the one who has Lakshmi has to be a mother, like a mother, must have the love of a mother who loves her children. She has to be a woman and woman stands for something very sublime. Mother is the source of all the energies but she has patience, and she has love, compassion. So a man who has money cannot be happy unless and until he is compassionate. He uses this money for giving it to others. But what has happened today in the countries which are supposed to be affluent? They have gone all out to destroy themselves with the money that they have. Also they have used money to express their anger, and their lust, their greed. Also they have wasted their money in trying to show off that they are something very individualistic. Like in America, went there and I met a very rich man. And when I got to his car, he told Me that, "My handles of the door open the other way around." So I said, "Why? What is the use of this kind of a thing? Anybody can get locked up in your car." So he said, "It is my individuality, is my genius, you see, which has created this something not so common." And then I went into his house, he told, "You be careful this bathroom is very special." And then he said, "If you press this button you will just jump into the swimming pool." I said, "I don't want to go into this bathroom." And then he took Me to his bed and he said, "This bed is special if you press this button your legs will go up, if you press this button your head will go up." I said, "I don't want to do these acrobats the whole night, I'll sleep on the ground." [Applause] So now the Eastern block people sometimes think that Americans, or the Europeans, or the people who are so called affluent are very happy people. They are not because they have no wisdom. They go on wasting money like this, they are bankrupt, good for nothing. One day they'll be moving in a Rolls-Royce, tomorrow they'll be on the street begging. Because there is no Lakshmi in them, it's just money. So the symbol of Lakshmi you should try to understand is very important. Because, if the Lakshmi resides in your Nabhi, and if She is satisfied, then only the Mahalakshmi principle rises means then you start seeing beyond. Now these people had so much money that they didn't know what to do and they thought now this not sufficient, we have to seek further. Then they took to drugs and all kinds of things. If you find anybody in England or America, any place with torn clothes, know that he is a rich man. This is the condition of perversion where everything is perverted. Now the Lakshmi principle is like this, that as I said, She is a Mother. In two hands She has got pink lotuses. Now the pink lotus means a flower which is come out of the pond and allows even a thorny insect to come inside it. That means a rich man, or a man with Lakshmi, must have a house, or a whole household, or a estate which is very beautiful like the lotus, pink in color, means in white, welcoming everyone, all kinds of guests. Now this insect with all the thorns in it comes in and sleeps on the corona of that lotus very beautifully and in the night the lotus covers it, so it doesn't feel the cold. So the man with the money, or man with the wealth, is not a Lakshmi Pati, he is not the one who has the blessings of the Lakshmi. But the man with wisdom and who has money we can call has got the blessings of the Lakshmi. So like the lotus is so hospitable, so anxious to get guests in his own being and to look after. In the same way a person who has money, who is supposed to be blessed by Lakshmi should be the same hospitable, of the same hospitable personality. But the surprising thing is all those nations today who look to be affluent have been parasites. They looted all the countries. They formed empires. Like in India now as you know we had for three hundred years the English, the British three hundred years as our guests. Without any visa, without any immigration they came. But now if an Indian has to go to England is impossible situation. And those who go there also are treated not on the same level as they treat their own people. Same with America. Thank God Columbus was coming to India and I think Shri Hanumana took him down to America, thank God. [Applause] Otherwise all the Indians would have been finished and I would not have been here. They killed all the Indians there, all the Indians and took away all their lands, all their lands. And now they are supposed to be rich. And the sins they have committed have to come back on them, isn't it. And you can't go to America easily as if that is their own land. All of them do not belong to that land. Then we can see about the people who think they are higher races because they can make more money. I mean they have killed people in gas chambers, did all kinds of things. How are they higher race, I can't understand. Is that the sign of being higher? For us if Christ is the symbol of higher personality then what were His qualities? He was the noblest man you could think of, the greatest personality as far as morals are concerned and such forgiveness, such magnanimity, such glory. He would, was the One who was blessed with Lakshmi. He was a satisfied soul. He would not do anything wrong, whatever money you might give Him. Nobody could purchase Him. So after coming to Sahaja Yoga is important to know that you are blessed by Lakshmi. With the one hand She gives, She gives to others that is Her nature, to give. Like if one door is open the air won't come in. But if you open the other door then only it will circulate. So to be satisfied is one of the qualities of a Sahaja Yogi. Some of them do ask for money miracles. That's not the way your attitude should be. You are now the Spirits. And the Spirit doesn't care for the comfort of body, mind, but for the comfort of the Spirit. Many of you have become Spirits, no doubt. But you are not aware, some of you, of your own status. You have to be aware about it. With the other hand She gives protection. Protection to all those who worship Her. All those who work for Her. So anybody who has money has to give protection to people who are employed by him or working for him. We have now transcended into an area where you have no fundamentalism in your head. But you worship all the great incarnations, all the great seers and all the prophets. Most of them did not have any money, but they were blessed by Lakshmi because they were satisfied soul. So this is the quality of a Lakshmi that She should satisfy. You know that in economics desires are not satiable in general. So what is the desire which is satiable is the pure desire, which is the Kundalini. When you are absolutely satisfied and you know that there is no sense in hankering after money, power and all nonsensical things, then the Mahalakshmi principle is awakened within you. And this Mahalakshmi principle gives you seeking. Then you become a special category of people whom William Blake has described as men of God. Then you don't have these conditionings of your childhood, of your nationality, of your so-called outside religion, no conditioning. But you rise higher and you become the Spirit. That is the time when you understand the Lakshmi principle within you. The Lakshmi principle is that you enjoy doing for others. In collective consciousness you want to do for others. If you are still worried about yourself only, about your own comfort, about your own earnings, about your own glory, then you go into imbalance. Lakshmi is standing on a lotus, completely balanced. Moreover She doesn't assert, just standing on a lotus She doesn't assert Her power, that She is money or She is the Goddess of money. She is absolutely contented with Herself. If you are not contented that means you don't know yourself. You are yet a half baked Sahaja Yogi. A Sahaja Yogi is a person who is absolutely contented within himself. Because his self, his Spirit is the source of all the absolute knowledge. Is the source of enlightenment for your attention. And is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness, which depends on ego, but it is absolute. So such fun after Realization you feel that you don't care for money you don't care for anything. If you have it, well and good, if you don't have it, well and good. You are completely detached. Lastly, I'll tell you a story of Raja Janaka who was the father of Shri Sita, who was the wife of Shri Rama. He must have existed six thousand years back and He was a king. So He had to wear all the ornaments, and all the dresses that a king had to wear. But all the saints of those days used to touch His feet. So one disciple of one guru said, "Why do you touch His feet after all He lives like a king, and dresses up like a king?" So he said, "You have no idea as to what He is. If He has mercy on you He might give you Self Realization." So this disciple Nachiketa went to the king and said that, "Sir, I have come to get my Self Realization." He said, "I'm sorry, I can't give you Self Realization, I am sorry. You can take all my property, everything, but I cannot give you Self Realization. Because yet you haven't got that personality." So Nachiketa was disappointed and he said, "All right, Sir, I'll wait till you are ready to test me and see if I could get Realization." So He said, "All right, let's go and have a bath in the river." When they were having a bath, the people from the palace came and told Him, the king, that, "Sir, your palace is on fire." Still He was meditating. Then again they came and said, "Now all the people are running away from there, all your relations, all your family." Still they were meditating, He was meditating, and this Nachiketa was looking at Him. Then they said, "All the fire is coming here, now all your clothes will be burnt." Still He was meditating. But Nachiketa ran out and he picked up His clothes. Then he realized how detached this man is about His money, about His wealth, about His family. And look at me, I'm worried about these small things like this. He has to dress up like that because He is a king. So he surrendered himself to Him and he got his Realization. In those days it was very difficult to get Self Realization, even to give Self Realization. But these are special time, the blossom time. They call it the Last Judgment, you can call it the Resurrection Time, you can call it the Qiyamah, as they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of their graves and will get their resurrection. I mean what is left to the graves is nothing but a few stones and a few bones. No. All these souls which are dead will take their birth, take human body and take their Realization in these special times. This is a sensible thing to say and is also happening. So now you have got your Realization because of your good deeds you did in last previous lives, as we say purva punyas [MEANS past good deeds]. But you must respect It and you must understand what you have got is so great. You have to know you are the Spirit now. You are special people. You are going to solve the problems of your country, of your community, of your society, of your families. You'll be solving the problem of the whole world. You are the one who are going to bring peace on this earth. You are the one who are going to create a new world of beautiful divine people. So have faith in yourself. This faith works very fast. Because not a false faith, is a fact. And grow in Sahaja Yoga. Don't be a dwarf. I am happy to see the collectivity now in the Eastern block and also Russia, other countries which are here today. So now you are asking for the blessings of the Lakshmi. So the first thing you should ask is the satisfaction. Then the generosity. A person who has the blessings of Lakshmi cannot be miserly, cannot be. He is, he is a diseased person. Trying to save money here, trying to save money there. This doesn't exist in the mind of a person who is evolved. I am very happy I could come to Russia and that at this juncture will be able to create the atmosphere which is very good for your country. And all other people who have come from other countries also will carry this atmosphere to their own countries. Now you know that you have no karmas left. It's all finished. And now you are beautiful, new people. The blossoming time has brought you as fruits now. So don't pay attention to yourself, to your maladies, to your troubles. And things will improve, things will improve, things will improve definitely. Somebody was telling Me they have got pain in the knee. I just felt I get so many times pain in the knee. I have pain here, because I absorb from you. But I never think about it. I never bother. Because I see My body, all right. Like this machine if it is spoiled, we should cure it, finished. But all the time if you are thinking, "This is paining here, this is wrong, I haven't got money, I've got to do this business, that business", finished! So now we have to rise into the realm of super-consciousness. I can go on speaking about everything which is so sublime, so beautiful. There are many lectures which I have given. But lectures are nothing but words. These are the web of words. So you must get out of it. You have to go beyond the mind. That's what is My own vision. And so many have fulfilled it. I am always yours whenever you want. Whenever you want Me to come I will come. That My love is more than My own will. But you also must love yourself and love your Self-realization. May God bless you. There is one thing we have to know that in the Nabhi resides the Lakshmi, and you have reached the state where She is a reality within you. She is not a symbol anymore. So today after the puja this Lakshmi principles must be awakened within you and should spread all its light in the Nabhi centre.May God bless you. [Puja begins and Shri Mataji says:] All have become Nirvicharya. So first of all we say Shri Ganesha. He's the symbol, for you is the reality of innocence, of purity, of wisdom. So He was the One first created before the whole universe was created. So first we'll worship Shri Ganesha. The children will do that worship, because they are the symbol of that innocence. [PUJA CONTINUES AND SHRI MATAJI DOES NOT ADDRESS THE YOGIS ANY MORE.]
Evening Program Diwali
Evening Program
Weddings in Moscow (Russia). 14 November 1993. [Applause] Thank you very much. [Applause] I don't know how to thank you, Sir, for saying such beautiful things. [Applause] We have some scientists with us but they were never very sure that scientists will ever think of Sahaja Yoga. One scientist started writing a book for the science with the quantum theory and everything. So he said without transformation the scientist will not understand Sahaja Yoga. Just on a mundane level as human beings they cannot crossover, to crossover the mind. After meeting him now I feel so confident. A gentleman of his caliber, if he can understand Sahaja Yoga and also understands the necessity of transformation, I think My job is done now. Because scientists are like Gods in every country. Especially in developing countries, they are regarded as the last word. But the way he has understood Sahaja Yoga and the necessity to have Sahaja Yoga for the betterment of the world is so remarkable, so joy giving. I have no words, you see, to tell you how I feel now. Of course, we have very highly placed people who have accepted Sahaja Yoga. But no scientists of this caliber, and this will really give us such a help that I cannot explain. Especially people think that those who are not scientists are scatterbrains. And in India some people said that this is all blind faith. There's nothing like Kundalini, there's nothing like transformation. And, they threw stones at us and hurt many Sahaja Yogis. Now, we can present him before them - now see - who is a real scientist. Because he has an open mind - that's the sign of a scientist. And this is how our problems are going to be solved because of you. [Applause] I'm going to announce about it openly in India that scientist of such a caliber has understood Sahaja Yoga. [Applause] I feel it's a Divine miracle. Absolutely. Because they are never convinced about anything. Such close minds. [It seems that Russian scientist is saying, "It's true, it's true. Very difficult."] But now the picture has changed. The color has changed, everything is so much better. I would request you next time when I come here please arrange My meeting with the scientist, and also I will get the Sahaja Yogis who are scientists from all over. We have the power of love. It is not electromagnetic and it is. It has all the powers in it. And this power of love has never been used before. It was always in imbalance. But now the power of hatred is finished. [Applause] And the Divine power of love will rule the whole world. Only thing, you all must meditate and grow. You are My channels. I cannot do it Myself alone. [Applause] When they will see your beautiful life and your characters, your personalities, all the others will be enamored and surprised. This is how Sahaja Yoga will spread. Not by lecturing, sermoning - not that. But by your personality. I bless you all who are married today especially. Please remember that these marriages are to be respected. Absolutely you must understand your responsibility. For the whole society you are the people who can transform. So, I bless you from My heart and assure you, you will get many Realized children who will give you lot of love, and when they will grow you will know what saints they are. Give them a peaceful, blissful, joyous home and respect them. May God bless you.
Weddings in Moscow (Russia). 14 November 1993. [Applause] Thank you very much. [Applause] I don't know how to thank you, Sir, for saying such beautiful things. [Applause] We have some scientists with us but they were never very sure that scientists will ever think of Sahaja Yoga. One scientist started writing a book for the science with the quantum theory and everything. So he said without transformation the scientist will not understand Sahaja Yoga. Just on a mundane level as human beings they cannot crossover, to crossover the mind. After meeting him now I feel so confident. A gentleman of his caliber, if he can understand Sahaja Yoga and also understands the necessity of transformation, I think My job is done now. Because scientists are like Gods in every country. Especially in developing countries, they are regarded as the last word. But the way he has understood Sahaja Yoga and the necessity to have Sahaja Yoga for the betterment of the world is so remarkable, so joy giving. I have no words, you see, to tell you how I feel now. Of course, we have very highly placed people who have accepted Sahaja Yoga. But no scientists of this caliber, and this will really give us such a help that I cannot explain. Especially people think that those who are not scientists are scatterbrains. And in India some people said that this is all blind faith. There's nothing like Kundalini, there's nothing like transformation. And, they threw stones at us and hurt many Sahaja Yogis. Now, we can present him before them - now see - who is a real scientist. Because he has an open mind - that's the sign of a scientist. And this is how our problems are going to be solved because of you. [Applause] I'm going to announce about it openly in India that scientist of such a caliber has understood Sahaja Yoga. [Applause] I feel it's a Divine miracle. Absolutely. Because they are never convinced about anything. Such close minds. [It seems that Russian scientist is saying, "It's true, it's true. Very difficult."] But now the picture has changed. The color has changed, everything is so much better. I would request you next time when I come here please arrange My meeting with the scientist, and also I will get the Sahaja Yogis who are scientists from all over. We have the power of love. It is not electromagnetic and it is. It has all the powers in it. And this power of love has never been used before. It was always in imbalance. But now the power of hatred is finished. [Applause] And the Divine power of love will rule the whole world. Only thing, you all must meditate and grow. You are My channels. I cannot do it Myself alone. [Applause] When they will see your beautiful life and your characters, your personalities, all the others will be enamored and surprised. This is how Sahaja Yoga will spread. Not by lecturing, sermoning - not that. But by your personality. I bless you all who are married today especially. Please remember that these marriages are to be respected. Absolutely you must understand your responsibility. For the whole society you are the people who can transform. So, I bless you from My heart and assure you, you will get many Realized children who will give you lot of love, and when they will grow you will know what saints they are. Give them a peaceful, blissful, joyous home and respect them. May God bless you.
Public Program: Paise Ka Mul Nahin
Public Program
1993-1129 Public Program, Paise Ka Mul Nahin [There is no value for money], Gurgaon, India I feel so overwhelmed. You have decorated so beautifully. You have done such a lot of work. Don’t know how much money you may have spent – A Mother gets only such thoughts. And I think, within one year how so much of change has come about in Gurgaon? And people got awakened that we should attain the truth. Everyone wants to attain the truth. Everyone thinks that we should attain truth. Because without the truth, there is no meaning of this life. In the darkness whatever we search or see, in that we go into illusions. This is the specialty of Kaliyug. In Kaliyug people go into illusion. They are unable to have faith in anything. Because weird people, taking the name of God, talk of great things, talk of spirituality and put people in wrong belief. So what is the truth? How do we know the truth? But those who are searching, they get hurt. Those who are searching from their heart, having a lot of faith, they get entangled in wrong path. That’s why I said that in Haryana we should definitely start. Because people here are simple. It’s possible that here also they must’ve got entangled with gurus. Where there is simplicity, there gurus definitely go. They are not gurus, they are agurus [false gurus]. Some of them are bad rakshasas. They call themselves gurus and do all such work that they take as much as possible from you and spoil your Kundalini. Your get completely lost. You cannot even understand what is wrong and what is right. There was one person, by saying some mantras, he used to give diamond, pearl etc., sometimes gold chains to people. Now people believed that probably they will also get diamond chain or get something that is very precious. People used get strayed, keep their photos in the house, do a lot of things regarding them. But all this miracles was done by cheating you, which we call mesmerism. Like that he used to mesmerize people. After mesmerizing them, whatever people see, they don’t really see, whatever they are supposed to understand, they don’t understand. After that he used to give whoever he wanted to, whatever he wanted to give. To very rich people he used to give diamond, emerald, etc. etc. I said, “You people should think if they can give like that, then let them make our country prosperous”. Or you should also think that why are they giving it to you, you have everything, they should give it to your driver. But these words were not heeded by anyone. In the end there was a very big program where they put 4 cameras. One on top and one lower. Now camera cannot be mesmerized. People can be mesmerized but the camera clicked the photos. Everything was recorded and everywhere it was printed, ‘who is this maharaj? And how he is doing tricks and mesmerizing people’. Like this many types of people cheat in many ways. When they have accumulated enough wealth, they open a University or build something else, start a school for kids. Build something or the other and people get carried away. Among all these things, you should remember one thing, always, as a Mother I am telling you – you should see what did you get from this? What did you achieve from this? Whatever was gained was by the gurus. But what did you achieve? Many people are there. Some say, ‘they got peace’, some say ‘they got comfort’ – nothing like that. People will be in such false hood. In reality you should get the Power. In you the Power should be awakened. And the dormant Power within you should be awakened and start working. It should work for you. Whatever you had, those things disappeared and you did not achieve anything. And whatever you got was insignificant. You can get that in the market. For that what is the need to do service of such gurus, keep their photo and put ‘bindi’ [round red color mark on the forehead]? They don’t have any value. People get carried away in false hood and the reason for that is Kaliyuga. In Kaliyuga many such people have taken birth, who in the name of God and in the name of dharma [righteousness], they make up different stories and say that they are doing great work. Here they have told you how the chakras are placed within us. What is their state? How Kundalini is awakened and how our chakras are influenced by it. And other than that how light comes in them. Our attention becomes enlightened and in that we see what all wrong we are doing. We become our own guru and we start seeing ourselves and our movements. We understand everything that we were doing this and it is taking us to our destruction, it will destroy us. This we understand ourselves because of Kundalini awakening the Light of your Spirit comes in your attention. With that you are able to see. Now all of you are sitting here and if there is no light and if there is darkness, then you will not come to know each other also. When you walk you will bump into this person, bump into that person. Or you may start fighting. Or may trample a child. Human being is lost in darkness of ignorance in this Kaliyug. The main reason of losing it is that till now whatever method was followed, some people came up and started doing everything according to them and the same came to us, was imbibed by us in our culture. Now everyone says, “It wasn’t so during our time, now we don’t know how this is happening?” “In our time these things were not there”, because during that time the things that were told, people had fear of God. They had not achieved the truth but they feared God. They used to think our forefathers have told that ‘such a thing is wrong, it is a sin so we should not do it’. Now that fear went away because now people are questioning whether God is there or not. Do we trust in God or not? And in place of God such agurus [false gurus] have come. Such bad people, don’t know what to say. So because of their tampering the entire atmosphere changed, we also changed. Such wrong thing started happening that should not have happened. Human beings are mostly restricted to themselves. In their own selfishness think about themselves and he does not look towards the God. Because when you go to the Temple, go to Church, go to Mosque, wherever you go its only money. Nothing happens without money. No one understands that you need not pay in Sahaja Yoga, no one understands. Now such beautiful flowers are here. We have purchased them, alright by paying the gardener. But did you pay Mother Earth any money? The One Who has done the work, you did not give any money. Because She doesn’t understand money. She doesn’t know what money is. She has no value for the money- that money is something big and She needs to get it. She is happy that ‘In Me there is Power because of which I can transform a seed into a beautiful tree. So why not do it?’ This action of transformation according to Her is the gift of wealth. In the same way you will find that Sahaja Yoga is a living process, living process. How does it happen? Someone will ask, “If you sow a seed, how does the plant grow from that?” There is no answer. In the seed there is something and in the Earth also there is something, cause of which this takes place. All these bindings have been made by God since the beginning. That is the reason the nature does so much of such work that we cannot understand. Like a flower plant will grow only to a certain height. If it’s a mango tree it will grow only to a fixed height. Apples don’t grow on mango tree. The Power which sets these boundaries is called as Paramachaitanya. That many people.. Today is Nanak Sahib’s Centenary. I bow to Him and tell you. He told so many times that this is a living process. Why do you go to the jungle? Where do you go? Achieve the God who is sitting in your heart. He himself said, “Sahaja Samadhi lao”. Samadhi meaning the way our awareness is it is Sahaja – simple. It does not mean do that, do this. You don’t have to do anything, it happens by itself. And today is a great day. It is said this place was called ‘Gurugram’ and we had to come here on Nanak Sahib’s Centenary. It is a very big coincidence. Now the gurus have come to such a state - where were they [earlier Gurus] and where are these people [gurus nowadays]? You should use your mind and think the people who gave away Jesus Christ for money. Had he accumulated any wealth? These people accumulate wealth. They make a big castle and don’t know what all business they do? This business of accumulating money, no Godly person will do that – He doesn’t understand. Like how the Mother Earth is – He has a large heart and only knows how to give. If you understand this way, because they told Me last year that many people had gurus who were very influential. Whatever advertisements we had put up, they tore them up. Even the photographs that were put up, everything were torn. I said, “Its alright, we’ll see next year”. Now you need to open your eyes. Kabir Dasji has said, “Kaise samajhaon, sab jagah andha?” [how can I make them understand, they are all blind?]. Saying that he lost and gave up. All of them lost. That time the situation was not that they understood all this - that first the truth must be attained. There were few people at that time. Very few people and their state was such that like Namdev from Maharashtra and one thing significant was that even His servant, she was also a saint. He then came to Punjab, Guru Nanak Sahib recognized Him. Because only those who have achieved something can only recognize. Those who have received God’s blessings, those who are Self Realized, only they can recognize another Self Realized. Namdev once went to a village. There was one potter; while coming here I saw many potters so I remembered him - a person named Gora potter was there. He was also a saint. So when He [Namdev] saw Him standing there, He went and saw that He was breaking the clay with His feet. As soon as He [Namdev] saw Him, Namdev stood astonished. Standing there he said in Marathi, “Nirguna cha beti alo saguna”. Meaning I had come to see the Nirgun [Formless] – to see the light spread all over, to see the Chaitanya, but He is standing in person [Form] here. That kind of recognition – only a saint can recognize a saint. One who is non saintly cannot recognize. Saying such a big thing to someone that I am seeing everything in person. This He said and you can see how Nanak Saab made Him [Namdev] stay with Him [Nanak Saab] with a lot of respect. Then He learnt Punjabi and there is such a big book He has written in Punjabi. Namdev, Namdev was from Maharashtra but He wrote such a big book and described what ‘Nirakaar’ [Formless] is. At that time Nanak Saab told Him don’t speak of ‘Sakaar’ [Form], speak of ‘Nirakaar’ [Formless]. Because once you talk about ‘Sakaar’ [Form] then people go on doing puja of idols and this and that. Even He didn’t speak of ‘Sakaar’ [Form]. If you talk about flowers – people get stuck with flowers. Then don’t talk of flowers, talk of honey – you have to attain honey. When they talk of honey, they get stuck with honey. You should have sweetness, by which you reach the essence of honey. Everyone has told this. I am not telling you something new. There were Tukaram, Ramdas, Adi Shankaracharya or whoever who were great saints. In the 12th Century even Gyaneshwarji, He also told that without Self Realization you cannot achieve the knowledge. Even in Gita, they told that you first obtain the knowledge. Now when they said, ‘get the knowledge’ people started reading and writing. Reading and writing [studies] anyone can do. By that one does not become knowledgeable. Sometimes I have seen that those people who are learned are so egoistical, so aggressive and think highly of themselves. That’s why Kabir Dasji said, “Padhi padhi pandita murakh whai” [reading and reading, the learned became fools]. After studying, they start feeling that ‘we are great learned’. Like ‘we have written the Gita’ ‘we know all about Ramayan’, ‘we know Koran’. In that like how a person gets intoxicated, the person can’t even see, ‘what I am thinking is knowledge – is not real knowledge’. Because knowledge is such that we come to know on our nerves. We should get the knowledge on our central nervous system. Like there is a difference between human being and animals – many things human beings know, but the animals don’t know. He comes to know through his central nervous system. He knows through the nerves on his hands [palm] . This is knowledge, this is awakening. This word even Budha used – bodh. Bodh meaning that within us, how our body is made of. Like this is our head and the brain is in it and other things, in all that you should have the knowledge. Now you are sitting here, the lights are on. Now all of you are seeing and all of you know that the lights are on. No one can doubt this because you are seeing it with your eyes. It comes from our central nervous system. In the same way knowledge is something you feel within yourself. It is not through your intelligence. Not through your emotions. ‘I am all the time devoted to God. I only keep singing devotional songs’ etc. etc. There is no meaning to all this. All this is a drama. That’s why as a Mother I tell you, ‘stay away from drama’. To achieve the truth most important thing is that you first know yourself that why you came on Earth? Science can give the answer to a lot of things – people think like that – its wrong. It cannot answer a lot of things. Most importantly it cannot answer, ‘why you have come on this Earth?’ ‘what is the meaning of you being here?’ In this we should pay attention and see what have we understood about ourselves. We haven’t understood. We say, “We are intelligent, our brains think”. Or we say, “This is ours. This is my eyes, my hand’. But who is this ‘I’? That we have not understood – who is this ‘I’? Knowing this is Self-Realization. To know that you cannot do it through your brain. ‘It can be understood through your brains’ – it is not so. You should feel it in your nervous system. That which you can understand this way [through your nervous system], in the real knowledge. This was told by Krishna to Arjun first. When Arjun asked a question, then He said, “Alright, you do your duty and leave everything to God” – it is not possible. Krishna, you can say was Diplomatic. He said that human brains are upside-down. By telling them simple things, nothing will enter their brains. So He twisted it and told, “You surrender all your work to God”. So now if there is a murderer also then He’ll say, “Yes I have surrendered to Krishna”. Someone does something bad and says, “I have surrendered to Krishna”. Krishna knew that these people will understand that there is something in it. It is only possible when you become Self-Realized. When you become Self-Realized then it does not occur to you that I am doing this or doing that. It’s happening, everything is happening by itself. If a Sahaja Yogi is raising someone’s Kundalini and I ask what is happening? “It is not raising, It is not coming down. It is not happening for this person”. He will not say, “I am not doing” – will not talk like that. This is a big question that is happens by itself and human becomes effortless. Its just that Sahaja Yoga is your own. ‘Sa” meaning ‘with you’ and ‘Ja’ meaning born. This is your right. It is your right that you receive it. In Urdu many people call dharma as ‘haq’. It means dharma is your ‘haq’ [right] – to attain dharma. Not talk of dharma. They may be a Christian, a Muslim, a Sikh or any religion – a Hindu, all talk a lot of dharma. But all bad things, anyone can do. Its not that if a person is Hindu, he can’t do it or if he is a Muslim he can’t do it – everyone can do bad things. It means that there is no dharma in that. Just by belonging to a religion people don’t become dharmic. Dharma should be awakened from within, this is the only Dharma and it is your right. Awakening Dharma within you is your right. Once this is awakened – I don’t refuse anyone from doing anything. Like you understand, once you awaken your Kundalini, then in that light you will set yourself right – no need to tell anything. Whatever is wrong automatically drops off and the good things remain. So many blessings you get. Many people used to write to Me, “Mother this miracle happened with us, that miracle happened”, so on and so forth we got a lot of letters. I told someone, “You take these letters and whatever feel, you tell more people to write about the miracles that happened to them”. In one month he called Me, “Mother the letters have reached this high [Mother raising both Her hands]. Now you tell Me in this which should we print?” I said, “Son, I don’t have the time, whichever you think is good you print”. He says, “Every one of them is fantastic”. What you call miracle like that many miracles can happen in your life. Those miracles are such that no one can explain how it happened, what happened. Later we understand that we have entered the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is not like Government of India, not even England Government. Kingdom of God is very effective. The minute you think of something, immediately it is attended to. It is amazing. The court of Paramachaitanya is such that it is made in such a way that anyone says anything and it takes place. Slowly, slowly everything happens that you will say that we had never even thought it will happen like this, how did it happen? All these things I am telling you, you should not believe Me. Because then it will be blind faith. There’s no room for blind faith. I am telling you all this so that you understand what you need to achieve. That thing is your own and your right that you be in the Kingdom of God. You be under His ruling. You become its citizen, then you’ll see how you are taken care of. For this to happen its important that first your Kundalini should be awakened. So what is the truth is that you are not all this body, mind, soul etc., but you yourself are the pure Spirit. This is the truth. Till now what you were saying as ‘mine’, ‘mine’ will become ‘I’. The other truth is that the God’s Powers that is spread all over which is the Paramachaitanya which does the living work. That same Power, when our relation is built with That, when we achieve It, It flows through us all the time and like how this connection is there [pointing to the mike], similar connection Kundalini will make with the Paramachaitanya. Now if you try to understand this with your intellect and think, “How is it possible? Mother, people have told the awakening of Kundalini is very difficult”. Then some say, “Mother, from Kundalini awakening lot of heat is generated.” Nothing like that happens. This has not happened till now. It is just that we are Sahaji and Kundalini awakens. If the Kundalini awakens, there has to be some specialty. If It awakens then there is some specialty and you have been born in such a time. This is special blooming time which we call as blossom time. During this time such people have taken birth that they are very eager to know God. Very enthusiastically, very diligently, they desire ‘we should achieve Truth’. But they get trapped in false hood because this is Kaliyug. They got lost in the darkness of Kaliyug. No matter what happens if they are seekers, then it is their right that they achieve it and they should get it. For this how much money can you pay? To Earth you give money, you give anything, does She understand? Does She have that sense? What money will you give Her? And for this work how much effort will you put? If everything is built within you, everything is ready within you - like: just understand this candle is already made and if you have to light it what effort you need to put? Get a lighted candle near it, it will light up. It is very straight forward. There is no give and take in this. The most important thing is that one should love everyone. No one talks of love. Just pure love, pure love. This pure love is so sweet in you, it does such tricks that you will be surprised that what miracle has taken place in Sahaja Yoga. There is no working of your mind. Its beyond your mind, beyond your psyche, it is a state. In this two states are achieved. First state is that which we call as ‘nirvichar samadhi’ [thoughtless awareness]. In that state, in the state of thoughtless awareness – you become thoughtless. One thought rises and stops, second thought rises and stops. We are either in the past or future. Whatever has happened in the past, we think of that or we think of future. We keep going back and forth. But we don’t think that this time i.e. the present, are not able to stay there. In this time we are unable to stay. We are not able to be in the present. Because of Kundalini awakening this thought which rises and falls and again raises and falls, they become separate. And the place in-between these thoughts called as ‘vilamb’[gap], there your attention stays. There is no thought. But you are completely aware and attentive. Like this you attain ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ [thoughtless awareness]. Samadhi meaning - ‘dhi’ comes from ‘budhi’ [mind], ‘sama’ meaning joined [one with]. It is state beyond thought. But understand mind becomes one. Your awareness becomes one. So first ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ is attained. After that, after thoughtless awareness, you attain doubtless awareness. For many both take place at the same time. In ‘Nirvikalpa’ [doubtless], there is no doubt. When you use this Power, you will be surprised that the Kundalini of people are awakened by your hands. Now are able to cure people, you can feel others chakras. Because you are awakened in collective consciousness, there is no other. You become the part and parcel of one body. That’s why you are feeling, you are understanding the problems of others, you feel on your fingers. When you work in that collective consciousness, when you are collectively conscious then you attain the other state which is called ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’. ‘Nirvikalpa’ meaning where no doubt remains. Then you understand that you have achieve the truth. To tell this it feels extraordinary. First people don’t say such things, tell such things. Your awareness is transformed or you get a new dimension that you become collective and know everyone, understand everyone. You know about everyone’s chakras. You may not say but you will understand. Just understand because of these chakras whatever is bad, whatever is wrong within us, all that is because of these chakras. Physical, psychological, materialistic and worldly things whatever is there, other than that spiritual, whatever is wrong is because of problems in these chakras. Once we learn to set right the chakras and learn about them, we can become alright and we can also set right the chakras of other people. All these Powers are within you, is placed. You just have to achieve them. Just one thing is important that for this transformation, you have to have a pure desire from within. All other desires which are fulfilled don’t give satisfaction. This is the pure desire that we should be connected to the Paramchaitanya. If you have this pure desire in you then this work will take place easily. And the other thing you need to understand is that you should be devoted to yourself. You should have faith in yourself. We are humans. Above all animals, above everything. These are flowers alright, they are fragrant but we are above them. We are humans. If we don’t respect ourselves, if we don’t understand ourselves, think ourselves to be sinners always. This is a different way, ‘you are sinners, give this much money, your sins can be washed away’. Many people do such wrong things. All this is very wrong. Or ‘do fasting’, ‘do this rituals’, ‘do those rituals’. They drive women so crazy so that I see and get surprised that why women listen to them. It should be understood that, first you understand that you are human beings. And within all of you there is Kundalini and She can be awakened. She is your Mother. She is the individual Mother of each one of you. She knows everything about you and She is eager to give you rebirth. Its not because I am saying so, it is the truth. You first respect yourself. Don’t think of yourself as any sinner or sorrowful or wrong doer. It is very necessary to say that whatever is created in this world, above everything is the human and Indian are even higher. You don’t know that, this is a holy place. This is a sacred land, lot of auspicious deeds have been done here, many good deeds. After going out I understand that such holy people live here that they already know about sin and holiness. But they don’t realize that how fortunate we are and because of this holiness how we will be benefited. So many holy people have come today to achieve the Yoga. So don’t have any thoughts about yourself, like having doubts, “How can I achieve, I have done this, I have don’t that?” First of all you need to understand that this Paramachaitanya is the ocean of forgiveness. First of all. And you cannot commit any such mistakes that it cannot be forgiven. It wants that all of you achieve the Paramachaitanya and whatever has been told till now – ‘you should be reborn’, ‘you should get your Realization’. This is the special time to fulfil all that and at this time you are born in India. It is a very big thing. Understand this and know that you completely deserve the awakening of your Kundalini. Still there is one more thing that I will tell you that when you come in Sahaja Yoga, like how the seed sprouts and even when the plant grows, still you have to nourish it. That’s why it should not happen that you people come to listen to My lecture get your Realization and you will feel that you are swimming in joy, you will feel like that and then the Kundalini will work on each and every chakra of yours. It is necessary for you that there are centres here. Good thing that best people are running the centres here and they are helping. So you should go to such centres because this work is collective work. The work of collective awareness is collective. If you talk of the entire Universe then, then all Sahaja Yogis are part and parcel of the same body. If anyone is in problem then all countries will come to know about it. If anyone experiences some problem, everyone will rush – ‘how do we help them?’ every time. Such relationship, such love you don’t get to see anywhere. I saw that when I went to Russia, there some 7-8 thousand people came. In many countries – those who don’t even know the language – such love, such lovely talks. Looking at that a Mothers heart is very enamored. How all people had come, no conflict, nothing. Yes there is lot of happiness and fun. They are smiling always, having fun, pulling each other legs all that. But such love, such caring, such togetherness. They are all like that in the hangar, nothing, no requirements of any type. Everyone is enjoying. This kind of a [form?] is prepared. This [form?] we can say is Sahaja Dharm. You can recognize them immediately, their speech, how they behave, how they speak, everything about them. I want that all of you who are from Gurgaon, yesterday I made a mistake, I thought I have gone to Gurgaon. They said Gurgaon people are very sweet, many nice people were sitting. So I said, “This is only Gurgaon”. Then I came to know Gurgaon is another place and its name was Gurugram. I said ‘you people are very sweet like guru’, so I told them only, “You are from Gurgaon”. Whatever it is, today is very auspicious. On this day these people - saints have given so much of blood, said so many things, talked so much, worked so hard. But we are unable move on that path because we are not yet capable. Because in us we still don’t have the light. In the light you will see that you will float in the ocean of joy. Today Mother just told you, I usually don’t tell so in the beginning but don’t know why today because of Gurunanakji’s centenary; from the heart, whatever He has told, whatever Kabir Dasji also has told about the future all that will happen and there is no doubt in that. So all those who want Realization, you are most welcome to sit here. But those who don’t want, one should not force them. Because God has given you your freedom whether you want to go to hell or you want to go to heaven, God has left that to you. That’s why no one can force you. Those who want to get their Realization please be seated and those who don’t want please leave, it will be a big help. I will definitely tell you that how much ever speech one gives, do anything, it doesn’t make a difference. Awakening happens so quickly in India that even I Myself am surprised. Outside, My hands starts paining cause of hard work. Need to work on each and every one, do that and this. And here you people are worshipers and you achieve so well that I get surprised. Yesterday in Gurugram they said that 100% all people were awakened. Its amazing. After it takes place it should not be that you are shaky. You should establish yourself. The power to establish is less in Indians but more in foreigners. Foreigners establish themselves because they understand that they have got such a thing that they cannot get anywhere. They toil a lot. But for Indians – today here, then tomorrow one more guru baba and so on. They go guru shopping. For this you should have a lot of faith, towards one self, faith towards oneself. This is our Self Realization which we have to grow. That’s why I tell you again and again have faith towards oneself. With that faith you establish. First know yourself then others. Now don’t try to understand Me, it very difficult. First you understand yourself and with that you establish yourself. Establish that truth within. Then you will understand what you are. I am telling you, ‘you are dignified’, I will prove it. But later don’t become shaky, but be firm. Its told that wherever you get some water, you have to dig a well there. What is the use of digging at 10 places? But this is the habit of Indians that till they don’t go to ten places, till they don’t get cheated at ten places, till then they cannot establish. But I wish that first all of you establish then live your life in comfort and joy. What is the benefit of this? I don’t have the time to tell but you yourself come to know and tell Me that ‘Mother we got benefited like this, benefited like that’. This is very joy giving. This means all of you want that you should get your Realization. Alright. Indians don’t have to do a lot of work, this is a big blessing for you people. Keep your hands like this [Shri Mataji opening both Her palm]. Just keep it like this. Now close your eyes. If you wish you can remove the spectacles also. Because your eyesight also become alright with this. Close your eyes. [Shri Mataji blows Chaitanya]. Now open your eyes. Keep this hand [left] towards Me. And placing this hand on top of your head, right hand place it above your head like this; above the fontanel bone area and check if cool or hot air is coming out. At first it can be hot also. Move your hand and check - right hand, right hand, keep it above not touching. Keep the hand slightly above, then you can make out. Hmm Now place your right hand towards Me and feel with your left hand. Bend your head, bend your head. Move it [hand] and feel. For some it can be felt much above the head and for some closer to the head. First bend your head. Now left hand, place your left hand towards Me. And right hand [Shri Mataji moves the right hand above the head]. Now place both your hands towards the sky. Tilt your head backwards and ask the question, “Mother is this Paramachaitanya?” Ask the question three times. Ask in your heart, “Mother is this Paramachaitanya?” Please ask the question, “Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?” three times. Now bring your hands down. In everyone’s hands or fingers or on the fontanel bone area cool or hot, any type of air they are feeling – all those people, please raise your hands. All of you got your Realization, all of you. You got your Realization. I bow to all the Realized persons. First you were seekers now you are saints. My salute and many blessings. I only wish that you take this further and by spreading you grow into a large trees that many other people also are awakened.
1993-1129 Public Program, Paise Ka Mul Nahin [There is no value for money], Gurgaon, India I feel so overwhelmed. You have decorated so beautifully. You have done such a lot of work. Don’t know how much money you may have spent – A Mother gets only such thoughts. And I think, within one year how so much of change has come about in Gurgaon? And people got awakened that we should attain the truth. Everyone wants to attain the truth. Everyone thinks that we should attain truth. Because without the truth, there is no meaning of this life. In the darkness whatever we search or see, in that we go into illusions. This is the specialty of Kaliyug. In Kaliyug people go into illusion. They are unable to have faith in anything. Because weird people, taking the name of God, talk of great things, talk of spirituality and put people in wrong belief. So what is the truth? How do we know the truth? But those who are searching, they get hurt. Those who are searching from their heart, having a lot of faith, they get entangled in wrong path. That’s why I said that in Haryana we should definitely start. Because people here are simple. It’s possible that here also they must’ve got entangled with gurus. Where there is simplicity, there gurus definitely go. They are not gurus, they are agurus [false gurus]. Some of them are bad rakshasas. They call themselves gurus and do all such work that they take as much as possible from you and spoil your Kundalini. Your get completely lost. You cannot even understand what is wrong and what is right. There was one person, by saying some mantras, he used to give diamond, pearl etc., sometimes gold chains to people. Now people believed that probably they will also get diamond chain or get something that is very precious. People used get strayed, keep their photos in the house, do a lot of things regarding them. But all this miracles was done by cheating you, which we call mesmerism. Like that he used to mesmerize people. After mesmerizing them, whatever people see, they don’t really see, whatever they are supposed to understand, they don’t understand. After that he used to give whoever he wanted to, whatever he wanted to give. To very rich people he used to give diamond, emerald, etc. etc. I said, “You people should think if they can give like that, then let them make our country prosperous”. Or you should also think that why are they giving it to you, you have everything, they should give it to your driver. But these words were not heeded by anyone. In the end there was a very big program where they put 4 cameras. One on top and one lower. Now camera cannot be mesmerized. People can be mesmerized but the camera clicked the photos. Everything was recorded and everywhere it was printed, ‘who is this maharaj? And how he is doing tricks and mesmerizing people’. Like this many types of people cheat in many ways. When they have accumulated enough wealth, they open a University or build something else, start a school for kids. Build something or the other and people get carried away. Among all these things, you should remember one thing, always, as a Mother I am telling you – you should see what did you get from this? What did you achieve from this? Whatever was gained was by the gurus. But what did you achieve? Many people are there. Some say, ‘they got peace’, some say ‘they got comfort’ – nothing like that. People will be in such false hood. In reality you should get the Power. In you the Power should be awakened. And the dormant Power within you should be awakened and start working. It should work for you. Whatever you had, those things disappeared and you did not achieve anything. And whatever you got was insignificant. You can get that in the market. For that what is the need to do service of such gurus, keep their photo and put ‘bindi’ [round red color mark on the forehead]? They don’t have any value. People get carried away in false hood and the reason for that is Kaliyuga. In Kaliyuga many such people have taken birth, who in the name of God and in the name of dharma [righteousness], they make up different stories and say that they are doing great work. Here they have told you how the chakras are placed within us. What is their state? How Kundalini is awakened and how our chakras are influenced by it. And other than that how light comes in them. Our attention becomes enlightened and in that we see what all wrong we are doing. We become our own guru and we start seeing ourselves and our movements. We understand everything that we were doing this and it is taking us to our destruction, it will destroy us. This we understand ourselves because of Kundalini awakening the Light of your Spirit comes in your attention. With that you are able to see. Now all of you are sitting here and if there is no light and if there is darkness, then you will not come to know each other also. When you walk you will bump into this person, bump into that person. Or you may start fighting. Or may trample a child. Human being is lost in darkness of ignorance in this Kaliyug. The main reason of losing it is that till now whatever method was followed, some people came up and started doing everything according to them and the same came to us, was imbibed by us in our culture. Now everyone says, “It wasn’t so during our time, now we don’t know how this is happening?” “In our time these things were not there”, because during that time the things that were told, people had fear of God. They had not achieved the truth but they feared God. They used to think our forefathers have told that ‘such a thing is wrong, it is a sin so we should not do it’. Now that fear went away because now people are questioning whether God is there or not. Do we trust in God or not? And in place of God such agurus [false gurus] have come. Such bad people, don’t know what to say. So because of their tampering the entire atmosphere changed, we also changed. Such wrong thing started happening that should not have happened. Human beings are mostly restricted to themselves. In their own selfishness think about themselves and he does not look towards the God. Because when you go to the Temple, go to Church, go to Mosque, wherever you go its only money. Nothing happens without money. No one understands that you need not pay in Sahaja Yoga, no one understands. Now such beautiful flowers are here. We have purchased them, alright by paying the gardener. But did you pay Mother Earth any money? The One Who has done the work, you did not give any money. Because She doesn’t understand money. She doesn’t know what money is. She has no value for the money- that money is something big and She needs to get it. She is happy that ‘In Me there is Power because of which I can transform a seed into a beautiful tree. So why not do it?’ This action of transformation according to Her is the gift of wealth. In the same way you will find that Sahaja Yoga is a living process, living process. How does it happen? Someone will ask, “If you sow a seed, how does the plant grow from that?” There is no answer. In the seed there is something and in the Earth also there is something, cause of which this takes place. All these bindings have been made by God since the beginning. That is the reason the nature does so much of such work that we cannot understand. Like a flower plant will grow only to a certain height. If it’s a mango tree it will grow only to a fixed height. Apples don’t grow on mango tree. The Power which sets these boundaries is called as Paramachaitanya. That many people.. Today is Nanak Sahib’s Centenary. I bow to Him and tell you. He told so many times that this is a living process. Why do you go to the jungle? Where do you go? Achieve the God who is sitting in your heart. He himself said, “Sahaja Samadhi lao”. Samadhi meaning the way our awareness is it is Sahaja – simple. It does not mean do that, do this. You don’t have to do anything, it happens by itself. And today is a great day. It is said this place was called ‘Gurugram’ and we had to come here on Nanak Sahib’s Centenary. It is a very big coincidence. Now the gurus have come to such a state - where were they [earlier Gurus] and where are these people [gurus nowadays]? You should use your mind and think the people who gave away Jesus Christ for money. Had he accumulated any wealth? These people accumulate wealth. They make a big castle and don’t know what all business they do? This business of accumulating money, no Godly person will do that – He doesn’t understand. Like how the Mother Earth is – He has a large heart and only knows how to give. If you understand this way, because they told Me last year that many people had gurus who were very influential. Whatever advertisements we had put up, they tore them up. Even the photographs that were put up, everything were torn. I said, “Its alright, we’ll see next year”. Now you need to open your eyes. Kabir Dasji has said, “Kaise samajhaon, sab jagah andha?” [how can I make them understand, they are all blind?]. Saying that he lost and gave up. All of them lost. That time the situation was not that they understood all this - that first the truth must be attained. There were few people at that time. Very few people and their state was such that like Namdev from Maharashtra and one thing significant was that even His servant, she was also a saint. He then came to Punjab, Guru Nanak Sahib recognized Him. Because only those who have achieved something can only recognize. Those who have received God’s blessings, those who are Self Realized, only they can recognize another Self Realized. Namdev once went to a village. There was one potter; while coming here I saw many potters so I remembered him - a person named Gora potter was there. He was also a saint. So when He [Namdev] saw Him standing there, He went and saw that He was breaking the clay with His feet. As soon as He [Namdev] saw Him, Namdev stood astonished. Standing there he said in Marathi, “Nirguna cha beti alo saguna”. Meaning I had come to see the Nirgun [Formless] – to see the light spread all over, to see the Chaitanya, but He is standing in person [Form] here. That kind of recognition – only a saint can recognize a saint. One who is non saintly cannot recognize. Saying such a big thing to someone that I am seeing everything in person. This He said and you can see how Nanak Saab made Him [Namdev] stay with Him [Nanak Saab] with a lot of respect. Then He learnt Punjabi and there is such a big book He has written in Punjabi. Namdev, Namdev was from Maharashtra but He wrote such a big book and described what ‘Nirakaar’ [Formless] is. At that time Nanak Saab told Him don’t speak of ‘Sakaar’ [Form], speak of ‘Nirakaar’ [Formless]. Because once you talk about ‘Sakaar’ [Form] then people go on doing puja of idols and this and that. Even He didn’t speak of ‘Sakaar’ [Form]. If you talk about flowers – people get stuck with flowers. Then don’t talk of flowers, talk of honey – you have to attain honey. When they talk of honey, they get stuck with honey. You should have sweetness, by which you reach the essence of honey. Everyone has told this. I am not telling you something new. There were Tukaram, Ramdas, Adi Shankaracharya or whoever who were great saints. In the 12th Century even Gyaneshwarji, He also told that without Self Realization you cannot achieve the knowledge. Even in Gita, they told that you first obtain the knowledge. Now when they said, ‘get the knowledge’ people started reading and writing. Reading and writing [studies] anyone can do. By that one does not become knowledgeable. Sometimes I have seen that those people who are learned are so egoistical, so aggressive and think highly of themselves. That’s why Kabir Dasji said, “Padhi padhi pandita murakh whai” [reading and reading, the learned became fools]. After studying, they start feeling that ‘we are great learned’. Like ‘we have written the Gita’ ‘we know all about Ramayan’, ‘we know Koran’. In that like how a person gets intoxicated, the person can’t even see, ‘what I am thinking is knowledge – is not real knowledge’. Because knowledge is such that we come to know on our nerves. We should get the knowledge on our central nervous system. Like there is a difference between human being and animals – many things human beings know, but the animals don’t know. He comes to know through his central nervous system. He knows through the nerves on his hands [palm] . This is knowledge, this is awakening. This word even Budha used – bodh. Bodh meaning that within us, how our body is made of. Like this is our head and the brain is in it and other things, in all that you should have the knowledge. Now you are sitting here, the lights are on. Now all of you are seeing and all of you know that the lights are on. No one can doubt this because you are seeing it with your eyes. It comes from our central nervous system. In the same way knowledge is something you feel within yourself. It is not through your intelligence. Not through your emotions. ‘I am all the time devoted to God. I only keep singing devotional songs’ etc. etc. There is no meaning to all this. All this is a drama. That’s why as a Mother I tell you, ‘stay away from drama’. To achieve the truth most important thing is that you first know yourself that why you came on Earth? Science can give the answer to a lot of things – people think like that – its wrong. It cannot answer a lot of things. Most importantly it cannot answer, ‘why you have come on this Earth?’ ‘what is the meaning of you being here?’ In this we should pay attention and see what have we understood about ourselves. We haven’t understood. We say, “We are intelligent, our brains think”. Or we say, “This is ours. This is my eyes, my hand’. But who is this ‘I’? That we have not understood – who is this ‘I’? Knowing this is Self-Realization. To know that you cannot do it through your brain. ‘It can be understood through your brains’ – it is not so. You should feel it in your nervous system. That which you can understand this way [through your nervous system], in the real knowledge. This was told by Krishna to Arjun first. When Arjun asked a question, then He said, “Alright, you do your duty and leave everything to God” – it is not possible. Krishna, you can say was Diplomatic. He said that human brains are upside-down. By telling them simple things, nothing will enter their brains. So He twisted it and told, “You surrender all your work to God”. So now if there is a murderer also then He’ll say, “Yes I have surrendered to Krishna”. Someone does something bad and says, “I have surrendered to Krishna”. Krishna knew that these people will understand that there is something in it. It is only possible when you become Self-Realized. When you become Self-Realized then it does not occur to you that I am doing this or doing that. It’s happening, everything is happening by itself. If a Sahaja Yogi is raising someone’s Kundalini and I ask what is happening? “It is not raising, It is not coming down. It is not happening for this person”. He will not say, “I am not doing” – will not talk like that. This is a big question that is happens by itself and human becomes effortless. Its just that Sahaja Yoga is your own. ‘Sa” meaning ‘with you’ and ‘Ja’ meaning born. This is your right. It is your right that you receive it. In Urdu many people call dharma as ‘haq’. It means dharma is your ‘haq’ [right] – to attain dharma. Not talk of dharma. They may be a Christian, a Muslim, a Sikh or any religion – a Hindu, all talk a lot of dharma. But all bad things, anyone can do. Its not that if a person is Hindu, he can’t do it or if he is a Muslim he can’t do it – everyone can do bad things. It means that there is no dharma in that. Just by belonging to a religion people don’t become dharmic. Dharma should be awakened from within, this is the only Dharma and it is your right. Awakening Dharma within you is your right. Once this is awakened – I don’t refuse anyone from doing anything. Like you understand, once you awaken your Kundalini, then in that light you will set yourself right – no need to tell anything. Whatever is wrong automatically drops off and the good things remain. So many blessings you get. Many people used to write to Me, “Mother this miracle happened with us, that miracle happened”, so on and so forth we got a lot of letters. I told someone, “You take these letters and whatever feel, you tell more people to write about the miracles that happened to them”. In one month he called Me, “Mother the letters have reached this high [Mother raising both Her hands]. Now you tell Me in this which should we print?” I said, “Son, I don’t have the time, whichever you think is good you print”. He says, “Every one of them is fantastic”. What you call miracle like that many miracles can happen in your life. Those miracles are such that no one can explain how it happened, what happened. Later we understand that we have entered the Kingdom of God. And the Kingdom of God is not like Government of India, not even England Government. Kingdom of God is very effective. The minute you think of something, immediately it is attended to. It is amazing. The court of Paramachaitanya is such that it is made in such a way that anyone says anything and it takes place. Slowly, slowly everything happens that you will say that we had never even thought it will happen like this, how did it happen? All these things I am telling you, you should not believe Me. Because then it will be blind faith. There’s no room for blind faith. I am telling you all this so that you understand what you need to achieve. That thing is your own and your right that you be in the Kingdom of God. You be under His ruling. You become its citizen, then you’ll see how you are taken care of. For this to happen its important that first your Kundalini should be awakened. So what is the truth is that you are not all this body, mind, soul etc., but you yourself are the pure Spirit. This is the truth. Till now what you were saying as ‘mine’, ‘mine’ will become ‘I’. The other truth is that the God’s Powers that is spread all over which is the Paramachaitanya which does the living work. That same Power, when our relation is built with That, when we achieve It, It flows through us all the time and like how this connection is there [pointing to the mike], similar connection Kundalini will make with the Paramachaitanya. Now if you try to understand this with your intellect and think, “How is it possible? Mother, people have told the awakening of Kundalini is very difficult”. Then some say, “Mother, from Kundalini awakening lot of heat is generated.” Nothing like that happens. This has not happened till now. It is just that we are Sahaji and Kundalini awakens. If the Kundalini awakens, there has to be some specialty. If It awakens then there is some specialty and you have been born in such a time. This is special blooming time which we call as blossom time. During this time such people have taken birth that they are very eager to know God. Very enthusiastically, very diligently, they desire ‘we should achieve Truth’. But they get trapped in false hood because this is Kaliyug. They got lost in the darkness of Kaliyug. No matter what happens if they are seekers, then it is their right that they achieve it and they should get it. For this how much money can you pay? To Earth you give money, you give anything, does She understand? Does She have that sense? What money will you give Her? And for this work how much effort will you put? If everything is built within you, everything is ready within you - like: just understand this candle is already made and if you have to light it what effort you need to put? Get a lighted candle near it, it will light up. It is very straight forward. There is no give and take in this. The most important thing is that one should love everyone. No one talks of love. Just pure love, pure love. This pure love is so sweet in you, it does such tricks that you will be surprised that what miracle has taken place in Sahaja Yoga. There is no working of your mind. Its beyond your mind, beyond your psyche, it is a state. In this two states are achieved. First state is that which we call as ‘nirvichar samadhi’ [thoughtless awareness]. In that state, in the state of thoughtless awareness – you become thoughtless. One thought rises and stops, second thought rises and stops. We are either in the past or future. Whatever has happened in the past, we think of that or we think of future. We keep going back and forth. But we don’t think that this time i.e. the present, are not able to stay there. In this time we are unable to stay. We are not able to be in the present. Because of Kundalini awakening this thought which rises and falls and again raises and falls, they become separate. And the place in-between these thoughts called as ‘vilamb’[gap], there your attention stays. There is no thought. But you are completely aware and attentive. Like this you attain ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ [thoughtless awareness]. Samadhi meaning - ‘dhi’ comes from ‘budhi’ [mind], ‘sama’ meaning joined [one with]. It is state beyond thought. But understand mind becomes one. Your awareness becomes one. So first ‘Nirvichar Samadhi’ is attained. After that, after thoughtless awareness, you attain doubtless awareness. For many both take place at the same time. In ‘Nirvikalpa’ [doubtless], there is no doubt. When you use this Power, you will be surprised that the Kundalini of people are awakened by your hands. Now are able to cure people, you can feel others chakras. Because you are awakened in collective consciousness, there is no other. You become the part and parcel of one body. That’s why you are feeling, you are understanding the problems of others, you feel on your fingers. When you work in that collective consciousness, when you are collectively conscious then you attain the other state which is called ‘Nirvikalpa Samadhi’. ‘Nirvikalpa’ meaning where no doubt remains. Then you understand that you have achieve the truth. To tell this it feels extraordinary. First people don’t say such things, tell such things. Your awareness is transformed or you get a new dimension that you become collective and know everyone, understand everyone. You know about everyone’s chakras. You may not say but you will understand. Just understand because of these chakras whatever is bad, whatever is wrong within us, all that is because of these chakras. Physical, psychological, materialistic and worldly things whatever is there, other than that spiritual, whatever is wrong is because of problems in these chakras. Once we learn to set right the chakras and learn about them, we can become alright and we can also set right the chakras of other people. All these Powers are within you, is placed. You just have to achieve them. Just one thing is important that for this transformation, you have to have a pure desire from within. All other desires which are fulfilled don’t give satisfaction. This is the pure desire that we should be connected to the Paramchaitanya. If you have this pure desire in you then this work will take place easily. And the other thing you need to understand is that you should be devoted to yourself. You should have faith in yourself. We are humans. Above all animals, above everything. These are flowers alright, they are fragrant but we are above them. We are humans. If we don’t respect ourselves, if we don’t understand ourselves, think ourselves to be sinners always. This is a different way, ‘you are sinners, give this much money, your sins can be washed away’. Many people do such wrong things. All this is very wrong. Or ‘do fasting’, ‘do this rituals’, ‘do those rituals’. They drive women so crazy so that I see and get surprised that why women listen to them. It should be understood that, first you understand that you are human beings. And within all of you there is Kundalini and She can be awakened. She is your Mother. She is the individual Mother of each one of you. She knows everything about you and She is eager to give you rebirth. Its not because I am saying so, it is the truth. You first respect yourself. Don’t think of yourself as any sinner or sorrowful or wrong doer. It is very necessary to say that whatever is created in this world, above everything is the human and Indian are even higher. You don’t know that, this is a holy place. This is a sacred land, lot of auspicious deeds have been done here, many good deeds. After going out I understand that such holy people live here that they already know about sin and holiness. But they don’t realize that how fortunate we are and because of this holiness how we will be benefited. So many holy people have come today to achieve the Yoga. So don’t have any thoughts about yourself, like having doubts, “How can I achieve, I have done this, I have don’t that?” First of all you need to understand that this Paramachaitanya is the ocean of forgiveness. First of all. And you cannot commit any such mistakes that it cannot be forgiven. It wants that all of you achieve the Paramachaitanya and whatever has been told till now – ‘you should be reborn’, ‘you should get your Realization’. This is the special time to fulfil all that and at this time you are born in India. It is a very big thing. Understand this and know that you completely deserve the awakening of your Kundalini. Still there is one more thing that I will tell you that when you come in Sahaja Yoga, like how the seed sprouts and even when the plant grows, still you have to nourish it. That’s why it should not happen that you people come to listen to My lecture get your Realization and you will feel that you are swimming in joy, you will feel like that and then the Kundalini will work on each and every chakra of yours. It is necessary for you that there are centres here. Good thing that best people are running the centres here and they are helping. So you should go to such centres because this work is collective work. The work of collective awareness is collective. If you talk of the entire Universe then, then all Sahaja Yogis are part and parcel of the same body. If anyone is in problem then all countries will come to know about it. If anyone experiences some problem, everyone will rush – ‘how do we help them?’ every time. Such relationship, such love you don’t get to see anywhere. I saw that when I went to Russia, there some 7-8 thousand people came. In many countries – those who don’t even know the language – such love, such lovely talks. Looking at that a Mothers heart is very enamored. How all people had come, no conflict, nothing. Yes there is lot of happiness and fun. They are smiling always, having fun, pulling each other legs all that. But such love, such caring, such togetherness. They are all like that in the hangar, nothing, no requirements of any type. Everyone is enjoying. This kind of a [form?] is prepared. This [form?] we can say is Sahaja Dharm. You can recognize them immediately, their speech, how they behave, how they speak, everything about them. I want that all of you who are from Gurgaon, yesterday I made a mistake, I thought I have gone to Gurgaon. They said Gurgaon people are very sweet, many nice people were sitting. So I said, “This is only Gurgaon”. Then I came to know Gurgaon is another place and its name was Gurugram. I said ‘you people are very sweet like guru’, so I told them only, “You are from Gurgaon”. Whatever it is, today is very auspicious. On this day these people - saints have given so much of blood, said so many things, talked so much, worked so hard. But we are unable move on that path because we are not yet capable. Because in us we still don’t have the light. In the light you will see that you will float in the ocean of joy. Today Mother just told you, I usually don’t tell so in the beginning but don’t know why today because of Gurunanakji’s centenary; from the heart, whatever He has told, whatever Kabir Dasji also has told about the future all that will happen and there is no doubt in that. So all those who want Realization, you are most welcome to sit here. But those who don’t want, one should not force them. Because God has given you your freedom whether you want to go to hell or you want to go to heaven, God has left that to you. That’s why no one can force you. Those who want to get their Realization please be seated and those who don’t want please leave, it will be a big help. I will definitely tell you that how much ever speech one gives, do anything, it doesn’t make a difference. Awakening happens so quickly in India that even I Myself am surprised. Outside, My hands starts paining cause of hard work. Need to work on each and every one, do that and this. And here you people are worshipers and you achieve so well that I get surprised. Yesterday in Gurugram they said that 100% all people were awakened. Its amazing. After it takes place it should not be that you are shaky. You should establish yourself. The power to establish is less in Indians but more in foreigners. Foreigners establish themselves because they understand that they have got such a thing that they cannot get anywhere. They toil a lot. But for Indians – today here, then tomorrow one more guru baba and so on. They go guru shopping. For this you should have a lot of faith, towards one self, faith towards oneself. This is our Self Realization which we have to grow. That’s why I tell you again and again have faith towards oneself. With that faith you establish. First know yourself then others. Now don’t try to understand Me, it very difficult. First you understand yourself and with that you establish yourself. Establish that truth within. Then you will understand what you are. I am telling you, ‘you are dignified’, I will prove it. But later don’t become shaky, but be firm. Its told that wherever you get some water, you have to dig a well there. What is the use of digging at 10 places? But this is the habit of Indians that till they don’t go to ten places, till they don’t get cheated at ten places, till then they cannot establish. But I wish that first all of you establish then live your life in comfort and joy. What is the benefit of this? I don’t have the time to tell but you yourself come to know and tell Me that ‘Mother we got benefited like this, benefited like that’. This is very joy giving. This means all of you want that you should get your Realization. Alright. Indians don’t have to do a lot of work, this is a big blessing for you people. Keep your hands like this [Shri Mataji opening both Her palm]. Just keep it like this. Now close your eyes. If you wish you can remove the spectacles also. Because your eyesight also become alright with this. Close your eyes. [Shri Mataji blows Chaitanya]. Now open your eyes. Keep this hand [left] towards Me. And placing this hand on top of your head, right hand place it above your head like this; above the fontanel bone area and check if cool or hot air is coming out. At first it can be hot also. Move your hand and check - right hand, right hand, keep it above not touching. Keep the hand slightly above, then you can make out. Hmm Now place your right hand towards Me and feel with your left hand. Bend your head, bend your head. Move it [hand] and feel. For some it can be felt much above the head and for some closer to the head. First bend your head. Now left hand, place your left hand towards Me. And right hand [Shri Mataji moves the right hand above the head]. Now place both your hands towards the sky. Tilt your head backwards and ask the question, “Mother is this Paramachaitanya?” Ask the question three times. Ask in your heart, “Mother is this Paramachaitanya?” Please ask the question, “Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?” three times. Now bring your hands down. In everyone’s hands or fingers or on the fontanel bone area cool or hot, any type of air they are feeling – all those people, please raise your hands. All of you got your Realization, all of you. You got your Realization. I bow to all the Realized persons. First you were seekers now you are saints. My salute and many blessings. I only wish that you take this further and by spreading you grow into a large trees that many other people also are awakened.
Public Program
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
New Delhi
Public Program
English, Hindi
1993-12-03 India Tour: Public Program in Kidwai Nagar [Enlgish translation from Hindi] My greetings to all the seekers of Truth! I've been told like this, that first speak in English and then speak in Hindi. Do you all agree with this? I have to tell you this, that you are all searching for the truth. Others are not even searching. Other people just like that go to temple because they should go, they go to the mosque because they should go, go to the gurdwara because they should go. They don't know why they are going. They tell me that as we live in the society Mother! so we have no choice we have to go to these religious places. But by going there, what are you achieving, that one has to see. In fact, you have lost something and the thing that you have lost is, like we say in the words of Guru Nanaka that, why do you go to the forest in search of God? The one who already exists everywhere and also resides insides you (काहेरेबन खोजन जाई, सदा नवासी सदा अलेपा तोहेअंग समाई) But people will do all sorts of things and second thing is that, I have also been to Gurudwara many times, I used to see that continuous recitation of the Holy Book is on and everyone is just repeating. What a great thing he (Nanak Saheb) has done for us! Such a great book, how great is Granth Sahib and they are simply just reading the lines. That's why Kabira said that by reading more the learned becomes foolish (पढ़ पढ़ पंडत मरखू भये) what is written inside it? That is to be understood. Nanaka has said that without knowing the self the illusions cannot be removed (कहेनानक बन आपा चीनेह मटेना म क काई) The same is the condition of Hindus. Where it is said in the Vedas, Puranas the holy books also Krishna has said that there is only one Spirit inside everyone, then how can you create caste and creed? Why did you create caste and creed? Now you all are seeing the results of that. Still, the caste system is so much prevalent and it's so much there that one cannot understand. Now just see, who was the person who wrote Ramayana? Valmiki! a dacoit, and that also a fisherman. Shri Rama searched for him and asked him to write Ramayana. He could not find anyone else. How could he not find a pure person and chose a dacoit? And who wrote Geeta? The one who wrote Geeta who was he? An illegitimate child of a tribal woman. He wrote it. Tell me now what does it show? He (Shri Rama) ate leftover berries of Shabri. Why did he do all this? What was the need for him to do all this, all this drama? To show that the person who has the essence of a saint, who has achieved the principle of Brahma the God is the real saint. But who knows the God in today's time? I can't see anyone like that. So, from where was this casteism created? Somebody was labeled as 'shudra' means person of lower caste, somebody was labeled this, somebody that. The caste system by birth was made later! It's unbearable to see the irony in the Hindu religion and we are still doing everything according to the Hindu religion, we think we are doing a very great religious work. There is no dearth of insidious people. In every street, there are insidious people and 'taantriks' (people who practice witchcraft and black magic) so many are available in your Delhi itself. So many people are also bowing at their feet. So much has been written about this, that who is the real guru. Nanak Sahab has written a whole chapter about it. Who is the real guru? The one who takes your money? Tell me! Does God understand money? Human beings have created their own swamp. Does God understand money, understand the bank? They are selling God. They are selling religion. Talking very big, telling lies, that we will show that, we will do this, that we will do that!! They tell to people, that see your father's treasure is wrought underground there! And your enmity is with them! All talk of creating conflicts! You should see his (false guru's) own life, that what kind of a life he has! What kind of a life does he himself has? Is there any purity, any love, any understanding, any greatness, any sacrifice in his own life? Nothing at all! And they are posing themselves as great saints!! They collect crores of rupees! This is the condition of the understanding of our Indians! Wherever everyone goes they too follow!! Like there are old stories. Out of them, there is one in which, a father says that Look son! Wherever all people go, you also go there! He said, OK! He stood at the crossroad and started thinking about where the people are going. Everyone was heading towards the burial site and like a fool, he went after them!! The wisdom which an Indian has got, is found in very few people, very clear-headed, sharp-witted, wise, they have everything, still stupidity, they do such silly things that one cannot understand! But those who were real insidious people here, one or two are still left, rest have all gone abroad. It's good because they are after money. We were saved because we don't have so much money. It's the grace of God because the kind of people I see there (abroad) they are falling on the road at the feet of such negative people. Such is their condition and they (false gurus) have made their brains hellish! There is one gentleman who tells, that they win the hearts of the people and control them. They take a pendulum in hand and move it. They make a person stand and say, look I am moving his pendulum and everybody is very overwhelmed!! Poor things they had never seen such a thing before! Have we taken birth to move the pendulum? Is there nothing else to do? There is another gentleman who states that you rise three feet high!! Just see! Very big big officers here are his disciples!! What will we do by riding three feet high? Just now there was a traffic jam on the way and if these three footed people would have gone there what would have happened? Already there is a traffic jam on the road! Such silly things! How people accept them and give thousands of rupees to them? In our country it's different and there it's different. They understand that these poor people here don't know anything. Whatever you will say is okay, whatever you tell is fine for them. But you people are aware, you people know that this is filth, this is sin, this is misconduct! Those poor people (in foreign countries) don't know this. So, those people have become so higher and we people still don't think that we have to achieve something great! After all, why we have come into this world? Have we come here to just ruin our life? Now all this knowledge of Sahaj which I am telling, you will see it is not my knowledge. From ancient times, this knowledge has been in this country and is prevalent. Kabir Das has talked about Ida, Pingla and Sushumna channels (इडा, पंगला, सखमनु नाडी) clearly and he talked of heart and Sahasrara (श ूय शखर पर अनहद बाजे) but nobody understands him. I'm surprised, in Bihar where he has done so much work, there people call tobacco as 'Surati'. We address Kundalini also as 'Surati', (सरतीु चढ़ेकमान). See how they have changed the meaning!! Some people are very smart in making fun of things and like fools, we agree with what they say. This country is so great and how much is it's the greatness, this you will only understand when you'll take to Sahaja Yoga. When these foreigner Sahaja yogis come to this country, immediately after getting down from the aeroplane they bow and kiss the mother Earth, because they experience vibrations, they know vibrations and they know that vibrations are flowing from this land. And you people also must not have done less good deeds that you are born in this land. This is also a work of great virtuous deeds. Because of these saintly deeds, you are sitting here. Now, many people also ask questions, then mother what about our poverty? True! From where does poverty come? first, we have to think about it! Selfishness! It comes from selfishness! But when a person becomes selfless and when he comes in collective so the organized form that it will have can definitely remove poverty completely. Now, what should I tell you, that in Sahaj yoga diseases get cured without paying a single pie? Starting from cancer all kinds of diseases have been cured. Yesterday, you must have seen that there was a lady who could not see from her eyes, she said to me, Mother! I have come from very far to see you, and I cannot see anything. So, I put a candle before her and after sometimes she started saying mother I can see everything! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything, her own Kundalini was awakened and she got light in her optic lobe here and she started seeing!! There was a girl who was dumb. She could not speak. They brought her to me. I only said Shri Krishna's mantra in her ears and because of that mantra, she started speaking. She addressed me as Maa! and she started speaking. Now, this is not a miracle for me, it's not a miracle! It's a miracle for you! It's not a miracle because when the Kundalini rises it passes through six centers, and while passing through these six centers it completely enlightens them and fills them with her energy. Due to the problems in these chakras, you remain sick, you have problems and when this Kundalini rises then there's nothing left to say, everything just gets alright! All the problems get solved and in this manner, thousands of people got cured. If there is somebody who plays tricks and comes for realization, he doesn't get cured, don't know why, Kundalini knows everything. She is your mother. Everyone has a different mother. It's like a tape recording, she knows everything about you, and if there is humility in you the Kundalini does all your work. So many people have got cured with Sahaj yoga, that's a fact, but one should not come to Sahaj yoga for getting cured. Come to get your realization. Soon after getting your realization your diseases will also get cured. Various types of diseases have got cured. Those who were not having children got children. there are many incurable diseases, such diseases also got cured with Sahaja yoga. Now our country is of farmers so, I told everyone that do Sahaj yoga, use vibrated water for farming, come to Sahaj yoga by which your yield can increase up to ten times. But people do not listen. Many Agriculture University people also did big research and the news spread everywhere that such a thing can happen. Even from Austria a very famous Mr. Hameed, Dr. Hameed has come for this. He was an advisor in UNO. He also did experiments and explained to everyone but don't know what's the matter that this doesn't go into the heads of people, As if their brains are not alright. Try to do farming this way and see for yourself. If you see ten farms and one farm is full of greenery then understand for sure that this is a farm of some Sahaj yogi. In everything, also we have seen, in animal husbandry. We did experiments and were told that one cow gives up to ten litres of milk. Surprisingly, it's about our Indian cow and even the seeds which they use are not the seeds brought from the shops or anywhere but commonly used seeds, so much was produced from that seed, but nobody is ready to listen. In this India, if you call a newspaperman, they only notice that there was a carpet spread out at your place, there was a lamp was illuminated at your place. There is nothing beyond that. They don't see anything beyond that. They don't hear anything, they don't write anything instead they write some silly things which has no meaning. We have brought such a great thing before you, at least listen to something. but they are not ready to listen to anything. Don't know what kind of brain people have here! Just opposite of that, if you see in Russia, there is very old, the oldest academy of Saint Petersburg (inaudible) they gave me such a big title that I was amazed I said I haven't even done graduation in science or arts. So, they said those who discover, who search, they never go to any university. We have given this to ten people including Einstien! I said Einstein also!! They said you have done a bigger discovery than Einstein! and I was so embarrassed coming on stage that I haven't done anything so great! This is in our country from ancient times. This is our heritage of our country. From where to where, how many years back, thirteen thousand years back Markendya has talked about it in the Sanskrit language. This is definite that earlier one guru use to give it to one disciple. Like King Janaka gave it to one person called Nachiketa. This is the tradition. But in the twelfth century, Gyaneshwara took permission from his brother who was his Guru as well, that ' Please allow me to at least write about it! This much permission I need!' and when he wrote about it, in his book Gyaneshwari in the sixth chapter he has described beautifully that due to this Kundalini only we achieve our enlightenment. He has stated it very clearly. So, at that time the religious heads said that it is all nonsense. This is forbidden, so nobody should read it, leave it and it was cut there and nowadays also we have people like that who are supposed to be in charge of religion and they think they are very intelligent. And because it was cut (inaudible) but still one guru had only one disciple. great saints from the Naath sect did this work. Three types of work were done. One work was regarding the holy books called Vedas, then on vedant, and then related to devotion. But main work was actually done by naathpanthi (naath were the saints) who have written a great deal about Kundalini awakening. Nanak Sahab also knew about this. He knew it very well. There was Naamdev who was a trailer. In India tailor is not considered somebody very great. Just an ordinary tailor. His maid was also very great Janabai. He went to meet one potter. His name was Gora Kumhar (potter). This potter was breaking mud with his feet. On seeing him, Naamdeva just stood transfixed. They were excellent people, excellent people. And what did he say? He said in Marathi, I came to see the formless, but you are in form. Who can say such a thing? How nice words he said, unlike other people? Normally if Indians meet each other, if they don't use abusive words one should feel how auspicious, no quarreling!. But what does one saint says to another saint on seeing him? What does he say?' That you are the formless standing in a form. Then Naamdeva went to Punjab. In Punjab, Nanak saheb recognized his greatness that how great his personality he is. Guru Nanak asked Naamdeva to learn the Punjabi language and write in the Punjabi language and he wrote such a big book in the Punjabi language out of which some content is included in Guru Granth Sahib also. Now this recognition, this understanding can come only to Saints. Only saints can have this vision, this subtle vision about other saints. After coming to Sahaj yoga so much transformation comes into people, but I won't mention a lot of things, because half of you will leave. But I'll tell that people give up alcohol. All great people said, don't drink! During the time of Mohammad Saheb, he said don't drink alcohol but cigarette smoking continued. Then Nanak Saheb told people not to smoke cigarettes. But whatever these great people say doesn't come into practice. If you go to London they will show what great pubs. They have pubs in their homes. Even English doesn't do that. They also put the alcohol inside the cupboards but the Indian, they put it right in front showing their pub, if you visit them. This situation that has come because it has become very difficult for people to follow whatever they (Guru Nanak and other great people) said. Some do it, some do it secretly, some do it half and some do it fully because they do not have that power that capability (to give up alcohol and smoking), but in Sahaja Yoga you become capable. Try to understand it in this manner. There is a snake in my hand and I am a very stubborn woman and you say that, You are very stubborn! then I will never agree. And whatever polite ways you may try and say there is a snake in your hand, please leave it! I'll say, no this is incorrect! This is a rope. I am sitting in darkness, and I am stubbornly insisting that this is a rope, this is a rope. Ultimately when the snake will bite, then only I will know it's a snake. But if you get a little light you leave it immediately. Immediately those things are dropped. Similarly whatever things that have settled inside to destroy us, they drop out completely. Human beings get completely purified. Yes, I'll tell you one more thing! (Unclear) is a very famous shehnai player. You all know Ustad Bismillah Khan Saheb! He had once come to our programme. He started watching that all the Sahaj yogis are sitting together. So, he said, Mother! You have made them pure (khaalis)! They all have been purified! Yes! I said, they have become pure ( खालस). Then I said, what Khalistaan they are making? He also asked me. I said you go and ask them, why ask me? Whose Khalistaan you are making? Khalistaan means Nirmal, pure! When you will be pure, that's what he (Guru Nanak) has said, that you should be pure. He has worked very hard on the Sikh community. The same is about Muslims. Muslims were told that an arrangement of a great revolution called Kiyama has been done. When Kiyama will come, your hands will speak and will give witness against you. It was clearly stated. What happened to that? Lord Christ has said something very marvellous, 'Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes'. What a great thing he said! And show me out of them how many have clean and pure eyes. Such people cannot be found! The reason is that they don't think it's wrong. The reason is that, that power is not inside. When that power comes in you you become fearless and sing (नभय नगणु) the praise of the formless God fearlessly. All around in this country, if you see, don't know how many (great people and saints) have done such important work! We should not follow the ways and attitude of the foreigners they have at present and also we should not run with the so-called great progress they have done. Go and see what is their condition! Actually, we should do progress in spirituality. We can achieve a great deal in this way and the whole world will fall at your feet (unclear) But we don't know that there is such a big source within us. Now I tell you, you all have come here. I know today you all will get your realization. No doubt about it. But even if one - eight of you people are abroad, it's extremely difficult for me to give realization. But after joining us, after getting realization, they grow so much that I am unable to understand. On the other hand Indians, today they listen to Shri Mataji's lecture, tomorrow they will listen to some other person's lecture and the day after will listen to lectures of some third person, then they will offer arti at some other place, there is no conflict with anyone!! In this country where there was, there is so much depth and we have had such great people in this country, in such a nation don't know why people have lost their depth? This must be understood that whatever problems, dilemma, and troubles we have will all drop out. One gentleman was telling me that we had too many troubles, so many problems, but they have all fled on their own. Troubles are in trouble now!! Now, we don't have any problems. So, I asked, how did this happen? He said this is what I am unable to understand and have come to ask you! I said there is no need to ask me. In such a world of joy, I have to take all of you. In such a world of love, I have to take all of you, where this love is so selfless, that you have no complaints of any kind with anyone. Nirvajya meaning where we don't ask for any interest, anything in return, we just want to love others. Now see they (foreigners) asked me, Mother please tell us what does Indians like? We will bring it! I said, bring in a small quantity! Now they have brought it on my head please distribute them! I said, oh what should I distribute? You have brought so much stuff don't know what all items! And they have put so much attention as to what they should get. They said, good needles are not available here! so they brought needles! Good scissors are not available so they brought scissors! Just see so much attention, thoughtfulness, so much love, and in actual around four to five hundred people will be going for a tour. Now here where they are putting up they are living very comfortably, although they live in such good houses they have cars, they have everything. If you ask they say wow! Such great joy! In India, there is so much joy! Now see what is the reason? They want the joy of the Spirit and not of the body. While Indians will say we want an attached bathroom. They (foreigners) will not say like this. Indians are even more wonderful. We have made an ashram for them in Ganpati pule. So, Indians say we want western bathrooms. And they (foreigners) say we want Indian bathrooms. They are very clean. Now see, how has it happened? How did these people change? How their thinking has changed? How they have started to understand everything? Because of love! And the Sahaja yogis here are also very sweet. Very nice! Just think if Indian becomes absolutely honest. Have you heard anywhere? Absolutely! 100%. And they all think it's my money! No dear! It's Mother's money! Normally we are capable of stealing even our own mother's money! But no, they are so honest! Then also they don't tell lies! One gentleman's said mother I use to think that I am a lion because I use to carry a gun with me! But now I have actually become a Lion, I don't need a gun, I don't need anything. This is how people have changed. They have become so sweet because you all are actually sweet, very sweet but you have forgotten that as there is no self-knowledge. But now you can get it, knowledge about your inner self, which is called knowledge about the self, now you can know everything about yourself. And for this you can not pay, the first thing is this. Indians don't even understand this. One day somebody came and give me a twenty five paisa coin. I said I don't take money. He said so take one rupee. They are not able to understand that any person can do such work free of cost. But how much money you will pay for this? It has no monetary value. You cannot pay money for this! It's not that I gave a lecture for free today and later I demand money! Not at all! You must understand that is the play of Chaitanya the divine power. And in this play of Chaitanya money is not used. No one can be a bigger thief than the person, who demands money from you in the name of God. He has no fear of God. It's okay like they have decorated such a nice tent here, money came for it, make all the arrangements properly, but you cannot pay for self-realization. What is this money? But one gets the blessings of Goddess Laxmi as well. So many told me that Mother! Soon after coming to Sahaja yoga, we were blessed by Lakshmi. But this is an attraction. One has to go much further than this. And by going further you achieve the joy in the light of the spirit and in that joy itself all the knowledge appears right before you because it's all inside you. The only thing it has to be awakened. We have no (shop?) and no give and take in this. It's your right. I am giving it. It's your right and you achieve it! There is no need to be grateful for that but you must understand what have you achieved! (व त ुअमोल एक दनी मोरेसदगु) My sadguru my master has given me something valuable and I am not even a Guru, I am just a Mother! I did not even give. You have achieved whatever is your belonging. But do not leave such a valuable thing on the street, also do not reduce its importance. It's very important. By this, all your problems will get sorted out. This is being said by a mother! After all, some attractive incentives have to be offered then only people are entrapped! But actually, the fact is son, that without achieving this the peace is not going to establish within you! I tell this to everyone, that without this nobody can be peaceful inside. And this is the future of this country there are going to be numerous Sahaj yogis, a great many Sahaja yogis. And then see! Many people ask me Mother what is the future of our country? I tell them, it's very bright! After getting your self-realization today, you all should work hard to establish it! Sometimes the connection becomes loose so correct it, for which there are meditation centres. And the second thing you should understand that this is a collective arrangement, it's a collective arrangement! It's not something that you sit at home and do Sahaja Yoga. That also you have to do but you have to meet everyone. It's like one nail is cut it doesn't grow. If you become part and parcel of this one body which is vibrated by this organized collective consciousness, then you do not face any problems or troubles . You will be amazed at how people will help you. If somebody gets sick here then people from Germany come running. If you just inform this is the problem, they'll say that person is their Mother, we have informed him, he knows how to do, he will come. The whole world is with you. You have your real relatives in this world. I'll say that Saint Gyneshwara has predicted that such a time is going to come, when such people will come, and such & such work will be done. In Guru Granth Saheb also there is a beautiful description regarding this. Everywhere this has been described. You all should understand and believe that this time has come, and you are one of those people who can take advantage of it! Eternal blessings to all! ...Leave it! Let her go back I think. Better go outside a little bit otherwise she may get another attack. Slowly, slowly! She will be alright. Should not disturb everyone. Just as she is your daughter, she is my daughter as well. Now now don't worry! I have to tell everyone, that whatever problems whosoever has, write them now in the letter and give to me please that we have this trouble, that problem and later you come into the temple. We have our centers at different places, and all of them (Sahaja yogis) can cure you. There is no such issue. So, you all get cured and people do get cured, but if you don't come, then how will it happen? Now at present, I am doing different work here. Sit down! Doesn't matter! I too feel bad! What to do? But all these troubles can finish. I am telling you all these can be over just put little effort. This disease can also be cured very easily, very easily! If the mother practices Sahaja yoga properly she herself can cure her. If the relatives practice Sahaja yoga then it's very beneficial. So, I'll say again that those who want to achieve self-realization should stay and those who don't want may please go! It's just a matter of ten minutes! No time is required for Indians! If All of you please sit down, it will be a great favor to me. As I said on this Mother Earth, my India is the greatest of all and so many of you are sitting here! So have faith! Now, everyone has to put their hands towards me, up like this by raising! Not too high! Normally what you can tolerate, keep your hands that way! Not like this, like this! As I have told you, these fingers five, and these two here are seven chakras! And these seven chakras on the left and right have to be awakened. Through these evocations will go then the KundalinI will rise, through these. It's totally scientific. Doctors also accept the sympathetic system. They also accept, but they don't know the way it has to be used, that what is to be done further! Alright? And take out your spectacles, it will be better, because it's good for the eyes as well! Now close your eyes! And till I say don't open your eyes! Don't say any mantras, do not try to stop your thoughts or to anything else Kundalini will manage everything itself, therefore sit comfortably! Totally comfortable and keep faith inside that today itself you will achieve your self-realization, today! In a humble manner, this is a pure desire and you ask for it in your heart, that Mother please give me self realization! (Unclear) Because your desire should be expressed that we want that we should get self-realization! Now, don't open your eyes! Please close your eyes and don't open till I say! Remove your spectacles! Please raise the volume of this (microphone)! Please open your eyes slowly! Now, put your left hand towards me. Bend your head and by right hand see if there is any cool or warm breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your head is called Talu or Fontanelle bone. Check there if a cool breeze is coming from there! A warm breeze can also come! If you are getting warm breeze then say in your heart that, Mother! I have forgiven everyone all together! It's very easy to say, that mother I have forgiven everyone all together! Then heat will all go out! Bend your head! Bend your head! Not on your head but slightly above your head! Now, put your right hand towards me and again bend your head! And now see by left hand! Some people get it very close, some get it very far! Some get subtle and some get from very strong. In the manner, this breeze comes! You see if it is a cool or warm breeze! Bend your head and do not doubt in any way! Now, left hand towards me! Again bend your head and see with your right hand if there are is a hot or cool breeze there! If it is hot then you have to say in your heart mother I forgive everyone! Don't doubt yourself and don't think that you are a great sinner! Forget all these things now, because this paramchaitnya, the divine power is the ocean of forgiveness! You can not commit any mistake which can not dissolve in it! It is the ocean of compassion, the ocean of knowledge, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness! Now, raise both your hands and look towards the sky! And ask a question, Mother is this the paramchaitnya? This is the first time you are experiencing it! Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Or mother is this the divine power of love? Just put your heads upwards! Just feel on your hands or fingers! Now put down your hands! Again please put your hands towards me (unclear) the state of thoughtless awareness. Don't think! Just don't think! Now those are feeling cool or warm breeze in their hands, or on fingers, or on top of their fontanelle bone area, cool or hot breeze, all such people raise both your hands! Just see, just see, see how many saints! My loving greetings to all of you!!
1993-12-03 India Tour: Public Program in Kidwai Nagar [Enlgish translation from Hindi] My greetings to all the seekers of Truth! I've been told like this, that first speak in English and then speak in Hindi. Do you all agree with this? I have to tell you this, that you are all searching for the truth. Others are not even searching. Other people just like that go to temple because they should go, they go to the mosque because they should go, go to the gurdwara because they should go. They don't know why they are going. They tell me that as we live in the society Mother! so we have no choice we have to go to these religious places. But by going there, what are you achieving, that one has to see. In fact, you have lost something and the thing that you have lost is, like we say in the words of Guru Nanaka that, why do you go to the forest in search of God? The one who already exists everywhere and also resides insides you (काहेरेबन खोजन जाई, सदा नवासी सदा अलेपा तोहेअंग समाई) But people will do all sorts of things and second thing is that, I have also been to Gurudwara many times, I used to see that continuous recitation of the Holy Book is on and everyone is just repeating. What a great thing he (Nanak Saheb) has done for us! Such a great book, how great is Granth Sahib and they are simply just reading the lines. That's why Kabira said that by reading more the learned becomes foolish (पढ़ पढ़ पंडत मरखू भये) what is written inside it? That is to be understood. Nanaka has said that without knowing the self the illusions cannot be removed (कहेनानक बन आपा चीनेह मटेना म क काई) The same is the condition of Hindus. Where it is said in the Vedas, Puranas the holy books also Krishna has said that there is only one Spirit inside everyone, then how can you create caste and creed? Why did you create caste and creed? Now you all are seeing the results of that. Still, the caste system is so much prevalent and it's so much there that one cannot understand. Now just see, who was the person who wrote Ramayana? Valmiki! a dacoit, and that also a fisherman. Shri Rama searched for him and asked him to write Ramayana. He could not find anyone else. How could he not find a pure person and chose a dacoit? And who wrote Geeta? The one who wrote Geeta who was he? An illegitimate child of a tribal woman. He wrote it. Tell me now what does it show? He (Shri Rama) ate leftover berries of Shabri. Why did he do all this? What was the need for him to do all this, all this drama? To show that the person who has the essence of a saint, who has achieved the principle of Brahma the God is the real saint. But who knows the God in today's time? I can't see anyone like that. So, from where was this casteism created? Somebody was labeled as 'shudra' means person of lower caste, somebody was labeled this, somebody that. The caste system by birth was made later! It's unbearable to see the irony in the Hindu religion and we are still doing everything according to the Hindu religion, we think we are doing a very great religious work. There is no dearth of insidious people. In every street, there are insidious people and 'taantriks' (people who practice witchcraft and black magic) so many are available in your Delhi itself. So many people are also bowing at their feet. So much has been written about this, that who is the real guru. Nanak Sahab has written a whole chapter about it. Who is the real guru? The one who takes your money? Tell me! Does God understand money? Human beings have created their own swamp. Does God understand money, understand the bank? They are selling God. They are selling religion. Talking very big, telling lies, that we will show that, we will do this, that we will do that!! They tell to people, that see your father's treasure is wrought underground there! And your enmity is with them! All talk of creating conflicts! You should see his (false guru's) own life, that what kind of a life he has! What kind of a life does he himself has? Is there any purity, any love, any understanding, any greatness, any sacrifice in his own life? Nothing at all! And they are posing themselves as great saints!! They collect crores of rupees! This is the condition of the understanding of our Indians! Wherever everyone goes they too follow!! Like there are old stories. Out of them, there is one in which, a father says that Look son! Wherever all people go, you also go there! He said, OK! He stood at the crossroad and started thinking about where the people are going. Everyone was heading towards the burial site and like a fool, he went after them!! The wisdom which an Indian has got, is found in very few people, very clear-headed, sharp-witted, wise, they have everything, still stupidity, they do such silly things that one cannot understand! But those who were real insidious people here, one or two are still left, rest have all gone abroad. It's good because they are after money. We were saved because we don't have so much money. It's the grace of God because the kind of people I see there (abroad) they are falling on the road at the feet of such negative people. Such is their condition and they (false gurus) have made their brains hellish! There is one gentleman who tells, that they win the hearts of the people and control them. They take a pendulum in hand and move it. They make a person stand and say, look I am moving his pendulum and everybody is very overwhelmed!! Poor things they had never seen such a thing before! Have we taken birth to move the pendulum? Is there nothing else to do? There is another gentleman who states that you rise three feet high!! Just see! Very big big officers here are his disciples!! What will we do by riding three feet high? Just now there was a traffic jam on the way and if these three footed people would have gone there what would have happened? Already there is a traffic jam on the road! Such silly things! How people accept them and give thousands of rupees to them? In our country it's different and there it's different. They understand that these poor people here don't know anything. Whatever you will say is okay, whatever you tell is fine for them. But you people are aware, you people know that this is filth, this is sin, this is misconduct! Those poor people (in foreign countries) don't know this. So, those people have become so higher and we people still don't think that we have to achieve something great! After all, why we have come into this world? Have we come here to just ruin our life? Now all this knowledge of Sahaj which I am telling, you will see it is not my knowledge. From ancient times, this knowledge has been in this country and is prevalent. Kabir Das has talked about Ida, Pingla and Sushumna channels (इडा, पंगला, सखमनु नाडी) clearly and he talked of heart and Sahasrara (श ूय शखर पर अनहद बाजे) but nobody understands him. I'm surprised, in Bihar where he has done so much work, there people call tobacco as 'Surati'. We address Kundalini also as 'Surati', (सरतीु चढ़ेकमान). See how they have changed the meaning!! Some people are very smart in making fun of things and like fools, we agree with what they say. This country is so great and how much is it's the greatness, this you will only understand when you'll take to Sahaja Yoga. When these foreigner Sahaja yogis come to this country, immediately after getting down from the aeroplane they bow and kiss the mother Earth, because they experience vibrations, they know vibrations and they know that vibrations are flowing from this land. And you people also must not have done less good deeds that you are born in this land. This is also a work of great virtuous deeds. Because of these saintly deeds, you are sitting here. Now, many people also ask questions, then mother what about our poverty? True! From where does poverty come? first, we have to think about it! Selfishness! It comes from selfishness! But when a person becomes selfless and when he comes in collective so the organized form that it will have can definitely remove poverty completely. Now, what should I tell you, that in Sahaj yoga diseases get cured without paying a single pie? Starting from cancer all kinds of diseases have been cured. Yesterday, you must have seen that there was a lady who could not see from her eyes, she said to me, Mother! I have come from very far to see you, and I cannot see anything. So, I put a candle before her and after sometimes she started saying mother I can see everything! I didn't do anything! I didn't do anything, her own Kundalini was awakened and she got light in her optic lobe here and she started seeing!! There was a girl who was dumb. She could not speak. They brought her to me. I only said Shri Krishna's mantra in her ears and because of that mantra, she started speaking. She addressed me as Maa! and she started speaking. Now, this is not a miracle for me, it's not a miracle! It's a miracle for you! It's not a miracle because when the Kundalini rises it passes through six centers, and while passing through these six centers it completely enlightens them and fills them with her energy. Due to the problems in these chakras, you remain sick, you have problems and when this Kundalini rises then there's nothing left to say, everything just gets alright! All the problems get solved and in this manner, thousands of people got cured. If there is somebody who plays tricks and comes for realization, he doesn't get cured, don't know why, Kundalini knows everything. She is your mother. Everyone has a different mother. It's like a tape recording, she knows everything about you, and if there is humility in you the Kundalini does all your work. So many people have got cured with Sahaj yoga, that's a fact, but one should not come to Sahaj yoga for getting cured. Come to get your realization. Soon after getting your realization your diseases will also get cured. Various types of diseases have got cured. Those who were not having children got children. there are many incurable diseases, such diseases also got cured with Sahaja yoga. Now our country is of farmers so, I told everyone that do Sahaj yoga, use vibrated water for farming, come to Sahaj yoga by which your yield can increase up to ten times. But people do not listen. Many Agriculture University people also did big research and the news spread everywhere that such a thing can happen. Even from Austria a very famous Mr. Hameed, Dr. Hameed has come for this. He was an advisor in UNO. He also did experiments and explained to everyone but don't know what's the matter that this doesn't go into the heads of people, As if their brains are not alright. Try to do farming this way and see for yourself. If you see ten farms and one farm is full of greenery then understand for sure that this is a farm of some Sahaj yogi. In everything, also we have seen, in animal husbandry. We did experiments and were told that one cow gives up to ten litres of milk. Surprisingly, it's about our Indian cow and even the seeds which they use are not the seeds brought from the shops or anywhere but commonly used seeds, so much was produced from that seed, but nobody is ready to listen. In this India, if you call a newspaperman, they only notice that there was a carpet spread out at your place, there was a lamp was illuminated at your place. There is nothing beyond that. They don't see anything beyond that. They don't hear anything, they don't write anything instead they write some silly things which has no meaning. We have brought such a great thing before you, at least listen to something. but they are not ready to listen to anything. Don't know what kind of brain people have here! Just opposite of that, if you see in Russia, there is very old, the oldest academy of Saint Petersburg (inaudible) they gave me such a big title that I was amazed I said I haven't even done graduation in science or arts. So, they said those who discover, who search, they never go to any university. We have given this to ten people including Einstien! I said Einstein also!! They said you have done a bigger discovery than Einstein! and I was so embarrassed coming on stage that I haven't done anything so great! This is in our country from ancient times. This is our heritage of our country. From where to where, how many years back, thirteen thousand years back Markendya has talked about it in the Sanskrit language. This is definite that earlier one guru use to give it to one disciple. Like King Janaka gave it to one person called Nachiketa. This is the tradition. But in the twelfth century, Gyaneshwara took permission from his brother who was his Guru as well, that ' Please allow me to at least write about it! This much permission I need!' and when he wrote about it, in his book Gyaneshwari in the sixth chapter he has described beautifully that due to this Kundalini only we achieve our enlightenment. He has stated it very clearly. So, at that time the religious heads said that it is all nonsense. This is forbidden, so nobody should read it, leave it and it was cut there and nowadays also we have people like that who are supposed to be in charge of religion and they think they are very intelligent. And because it was cut (inaudible) but still one guru had only one disciple. great saints from the Naath sect did this work. Three types of work were done. One work was regarding the holy books called Vedas, then on vedant, and then related to devotion. But main work was actually done by naathpanthi (naath were the saints) who have written a great deal about Kundalini awakening. Nanak Sahab also knew about this. He knew it very well. There was Naamdev who was a trailer. In India tailor is not considered somebody very great. Just an ordinary tailor. His maid was also very great Janabai. He went to meet one potter. His name was Gora Kumhar (potter). This potter was breaking mud with his feet. On seeing him, Naamdeva just stood transfixed. They were excellent people, excellent people. And what did he say? He said in Marathi, I came to see the formless, but you are in form. Who can say such a thing? How nice words he said, unlike other people? Normally if Indians meet each other, if they don't use abusive words one should feel how auspicious, no quarreling!. But what does one saint says to another saint on seeing him? What does he say?' That you are the formless standing in a form. Then Naamdeva went to Punjab. In Punjab, Nanak saheb recognized his greatness that how great his personality he is. Guru Nanak asked Naamdeva to learn the Punjabi language and write in the Punjabi language and he wrote such a big book in the Punjabi language out of which some content is included in Guru Granth Sahib also. Now this recognition, this understanding can come only to Saints. Only saints can have this vision, this subtle vision about other saints. After coming to Sahaj yoga so much transformation comes into people, but I won't mention a lot of things, because half of you will leave. But I'll tell that people give up alcohol. All great people said, don't drink! During the time of Mohammad Saheb, he said don't drink alcohol but cigarette smoking continued. Then Nanak Saheb told people not to smoke cigarettes. But whatever these great people say doesn't come into practice. If you go to London they will show what great pubs. They have pubs in their homes. Even English doesn't do that. They also put the alcohol inside the cupboards but the Indian, they put it right in front showing their pub, if you visit them. This situation that has come because it has become very difficult for people to follow whatever they (Guru Nanak and other great people) said. Some do it, some do it secretly, some do it half and some do it fully because they do not have that power that capability (to give up alcohol and smoking), but in Sahaja Yoga you become capable. Try to understand it in this manner. There is a snake in my hand and I am a very stubborn woman and you say that, You are very stubborn! then I will never agree. And whatever polite ways you may try and say there is a snake in your hand, please leave it! I'll say, no this is incorrect! This is a rope. I am sitting in darkness, and I am stubbornly insisting that this is a rope, this is a rope. Ultimately when the snake will bite, then only I will know it's a snake. But if you get a little light you leave it immediately. Immediately those things are dropped. Similarly whatever things that have settled inside to destroy us, they drop out completely. Human beings get completely purified. Yes, I'll tell you one more thing! (Unclear) is a very famous shehnai player. You all know Ustad Bismillah Khan Saheb! He had once come to our programme. He started watching that all the Sahaj yogis are sitting together. So, he said, Mother! You have made them pure (khaalis)! They all have been purified! Yes! I said, they have become pure ( खालस). Then I said, what Khalistaan they are making? He also asked me. I said you go and ask them, why ask me? Whose Khalistaan you are making? Khalistaan means Nirmal, pure! When you will be pure, that's what he (Guru Nanak) has said, that you should be pure. He has worked very hard on the Sikh community. The same is about Muslims. Muslims were told that an arrangement of a great revolution called Kiyama has been done. When Kiyama will come, your hands will speak and will give witness against you. It was clearly stated. What happened to that? Lord Christ has said something very marvellous, 'Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes'. What a great thing he said! And show me out of them how many have clean and pure eyes. Such people cannot be found! The reason is that they don't think it's wrong. The reason is that, that power is not inside. When that power comes in you you become fearless and sing (नभय नगणु) the praise of the formless God fearlessly. All around in this country, if you see, don't know how many (great people and saints) have done such important work! We should not follow the ways and attitude of the foreigners they have at present and also we should not run with the so-called great progress they have done. Go and see what is their condition! Actually, we should do progress in spirituality. We can achieve a great deal in this way and the whole world will fall at your feet (unclear) But we don't know that there is such a big source within us. Now I tell you, you all have come here. I know today you all will get your realization. No doubt about it. But even if one - eight of you people are abroad, it's extremely difficult for me to give realization. But after joining us, after getting realization, they grow so much that I am unable to understand. On the other hand Indians, today they listen to Shri Mataji's lecture, tomorrow they will listen to some other person's lecture and the day after will listen to lectures of some third person, then they will offer arti at some other place, there is no conflict with anyone!! In this country where there was, there is so much depth and we have had such great people in this country, in such a nation don't know why people have lost their depth? This must be understood that whatever problems, dilemma, and troubles we have will all drop out. One gentleman was telling me that we had too many troubles, so many problems, but they have all fled on their own. Troubles are in trouble now!! Now, we don't have any problems. So, I asked, how did this happen? He said this is what I am unable to understand and have come to ask you! I said there is no need to ask me. In such a world of joy, I have to take all of you. In such a world of love, I have to take all of you, where this love is so selfless, that you have no complaints of any kind with anyone. Nirvajya meaning where we don't ask for any interest, anything in return, we just want to love others. Now see they (foreigners) asked me, Mother please tell us what does Indians like? We will bring it! I said, bring in a small quantity! Now they have brought it on my head please distribute them! I said, oh what should I distribute? You have brought so much stuff don't know what all items! And they have put so much attention as to what they should get. They said, good needles are not available here! so they brought needles! Good scissors are not available so they brought scissors! Just see so much attention, thoughtfulness, so much love, and in actual around four to five hundred people will be going for a tour. Now here where they are putting up they are living very comfortably, although they live in such good houses they have cars, they have everything. If you ask they say wow! Such great joy! In India, there is so much joy! Now see what is the reason? They want the joy of the Spirit and not of the body. While Indians will say we want an attached bathroom. They (foreigners) will not say like this. Indians are even more wonderful. We have made an ashram for them in Ganpati pule. So, Indians say we want western bathrooms. And they (foreigners) say we want Indian bathrooms. They are very clean. Now see, how has it happened? How did these people change? How their thinking has changed? How they have started to understand everything? Because of love! And the Sahaja yogis here are also very sweet. Very nice! Just think if Indian becomes absolutely honest. Have you heard anywhere? Absolutely! 100%. And they all think it's my money! No dear! It's Mother's money! Normally we are capable of stealing even our own mother's money! But no, they are so honest! Then also they don't tell lies! One gentleman's said mother I use to think that I am a lion because I use to carry a gun with me! But now I have actually become a Lion, I don't need a gun, I don't need anything. This is how people have changed. They have become so sweet because you all are actually sweet, very sweet but you have forgotten that as there is no self-knowledge. But now you can get it, knowledge about your inner self, which is called knowledge about the self, now you can know everything about yourself. And for this you can not pay, the first thing is this. Indians don't even understand this. One day somebody came and give me a twenty five paisa coin. I said I don't take money. He said so take one rupee. They are not able to understand that any person can do such work free of cost. But how much money you will pay for this? It has no monetary value. You cannot pay money for this! It's not that I gave a lecture for free today and later I demand money! Not at all! You must understand that is the play of Chaitanya the divine power. And in this play of Chaitanya money is not used. No one can be a bigger thief than the person, who demands money from you in the name of God. He has no fear of God. It's okay like they have decorated such a nice tent here, money came for it, make all the arrangements properly, but you cannot pay for self-realization. What is this money? But one gets the blessings of Goddess Laxmi as well. So many told me that Mother! Soon after coming to Sahaja yoga, we were blessed by Lakshmi. But this is an attraction. One has to go much further than this. And by going further you achieve the joy in the light of the spirit and in that joy itself all the knowledge appears right before you because it's all inside you. The only thing it has to be awakened. We have no (shop?) and no give and take in this. It's your right. I am giving it. It's your right and you achieve it! There is no need to be grateful for that but you must understand what have you achieved! (व त ुअमोल एक दनी मोरेसदगु) My sadguru my master has given me something valuable and I am not even a Guru, I am just a Mother! I did not even give. You have achieved whatever is your belonging. But do not leave such a valuable thing on the street, also do not reduce its importance. It's very important. By this, all your problems will get sorted out. This is being said by a mother! After all, some attractive incentives have to be offered then only people are entrapped! But actually, the fact is son, that without achieving this the peace is not going to establish within you! I tell this to everyone, that without this nobody can be peaceful inside. And this is the future of this country there are going to be numerous Sahaj yogis, a great many Sahaja yogis. And then see! Many people ask me Mother what is the future of our country? I tell them, it's very bright! After getting your self-realization today, you all should work hard to establish it! Sometimes the connection becomes loose so correct it, for which there are meditation centres. And the second thing you should understand that this is a collective arrangement, it's a collective arrangement! It's not something that you sit at home and do Sahaja Yoga. That also you have to do but you have to meet everyone. It's like one nail is cut it doesn't grow. If you become part and parcel of this one body which is vibrated by this organized collective consciousness, then you do not face any problems or troubles . You will be amazed at how people will help you. If somebody gets sick here then people from Germany come running. If you just inform this is the problem, they'll say that person is their Mother, we have informed him, he knows how to do, he will come. The whole world is with you. You have your real relatives in this world. I'll say that Saint Gyneshwara has predicted that such a time is going to come, when such people will come, and such & such work will be done. In Guru Granth Saheb also there is a beautiful description regarding this. Everywhere this has been described. You all should understand and believe that this time has come, and you are one of those people who can take advantage of it! Eternal blessings to all! ...Leave it! Let her go back I think. Better go outside a little bit otherwise she may get another attack. Slowly, slowly! She will be alright. Should not disturb everyone. Just as she is your daughter, she is my daughter as well. Now now don't worry! I have to tell everyone, that whatever problems whosoever has, write them now in the letter and give to me please that we have this trouble, that problem and later you come into the temple. We have our centers at different places, and all of them (Sahaja yogis) can cure you. There is no such issue. So, you all get cured and people do get cured, but if you don't come, then how will it happen? Now at present, I am doing different work here. Sit down! Doesn't matter! I too feel bad! What to do? But all these troubles can finish. I am telling you all these can be over just put little effort. This disease can also be cured very easily, very easily! If the mother practices Sahaja yoga properly she herself can cure her. If the relatives practice Sahaja yoga then it's very beneficial. So, I'll say again that those who want to achieve self-realization should stay and those who don't want may please go! It's just a matter of ten minutes! No time is required for Indians! If All of you please sit down, it will be a great favor to me. As I said on this Mother Earth, my India is the greatest of all and so many of you are sitting here! So have faith! Now, everyone has to put their hands towards me, up like this by raising! Not too high! Normally what you can tolerate, keep your hands that way! Not like this, like this! As I have told you, these fingers five, and these two here are seven chakras! And these seven chakras on the left and right have to be awakened. Through these evocations will go then the KundalinI will rise, through these. It's totally scientific. Doctors also accept the sympathetic system. They also accept, but they don't know the way it has to be used, that what is to be done further! Alright? And take out your spectacles, it will be better, because it's good for the eyes as well! Now close your eyes! And till I say don't open your eyes! Don't say any mantras, do not try to stop your thoughts or to anything else Kundalini will manage everything itself, therefore sit comfortably! Totally comfortable and keep faith inside that today itself you will achieve your self-realization, today! In a humble manner, this is a pure desire and you ask for it in your heart, that Mother please give me self realization! (Unclear) Because your desire should be expressed that we want that we should get self-realization! Now, don't open your eyes! Please close your eyes and don't open till I say! Remove your spectacles! Please raise the volume of this (microphone)! Please open your eyes slowly! Now, put your left hand towards me. Bend your head and by right hand see if there is any cool or warm breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area, which is a soft bone in your head is called Talu or Fontanelle bone. Check there if a cool breeze is coming from there! A warm breeze can also come! If you are getting warm breeze then say in your heart that, Mother! I have forgiven everyone all together! It's very easy to say, that mother I have forgiven everyone all together! Then heat will all go out! Bend your head! Bend your head! Not on your head but slightly above your head! Now, put your right hand towards me and again bend your head! And now see by left hand! Some people get it very close, some get it very far! Some get subtle and some get from very strong. In the manner, this breeze comes! You see if it is a cool or warm breeze! Bend your head and do not doubt in any way! Now, left hand towards me! Again bend your head and see with your right hand if there are is a hot or cool breeze there! If it is hot then you have to say in your heart mother I forgive everyone! Don't doubt yourself and don't think that you are a great sinner! Forget all these things now, because this paramchaitnya, the divine power is the ocean of forgiveness! You can not commit any mistake which can not dissolve in it! It is the ocean of compassion, the ocean of knowledge, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness! Now, raise both your hands and look towards the sky! And ask a question, Mother is this the paramchaitnya? This is the first time you are experiencing it! Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Or mother is this the divine power of love? Just put your heads upwards! Just feel on your hands or fingers! Now put down your hands! Again please put your hands towards me (unclear) the state of thoughtless awareness. Don't think! Just don't think! Now those are feeling cool or warm breeze in their hands, or on fingers, or on top of their fontanelle bone area, cool or hot breeze, all such people raise both your hands! Just see, just see, see how many saints! My loving greetings to all of you!!
Sitar and Qawwali Concert, Evening Program, Eve of Shri Ganesha Puja
New Delhi
Evening Program
English, Hindi
1993-12-04 Sitar Concert - Debu Chaudhuri, New Delhi, India, Shri Mataji: They are all Sahaja Yogis …You can see that Music is something like[unclear 00:54]. It transcends all barriers, all conditionings, all these egos…And you feel that oneness. In the way the people from all over the country on Cabella of all the caste community creed and religions, and you know how to appreciate it. Not only by the musicians but also by the audience…But the musicians appreciated the audience they say they have never seen such good accord & such enjoyment. Especially Prateek one of them there, who was so many happy he has said I am feeling free, and extremely happy in this atmosphere…Ok ..And he was really very great [unclear 01:56/just play well ]. And he really plays very well …Please tell the raga which you are playing to them as well (in Hindi to artists ).[Shri Mataji enjoys the music and at last, appreciates the music ]Sir C.P - Done amazing! Wah Wah! Shri Mataji: what a passion? (Shri Mataji gave the presents to them )Now you people also open your hands …And then see (Shri Mataji gave a lot of blessings to them)…Today people were joyous in their extremes… Sahaj Yogi: I must confess, that whatever we have played, Its not us(who have played ) but it is the Mother (who has played …)(Then JAyakara )Why I am saying that …We played in Siri Fort …Sadhna didi was also there …Sadha didi has felt on yesterday that I was playing yesterday in a [unclear 1:16:13 ] I am sure she watched for me that I, was playing one-tenth of this performance and my greatest inspiration, of course, Mataji is there, and my greatest admirer in the world is our Papaji. He always encourages and gives us the moral value wherever I go to the world I mention him …He always tells me the music at its best.[unclear 1:16:58 ]But Mataji knows that we love and respect her…About my son, I think I should n't have[1:17:28unclear ]I was in America and I could n't go to Cabela so [unclear 1:17:46 ]and when I met Shri Mataji accidentally in Newyork, …[unclear 1:18:01 ]
1993-12-04 Sitar Concert - Debu Chaudhuri, New Delhi, India, Shri Mataji: They are all Sahaja Yogis …You can see that Music is something like[unclear 00:54]. It transcends all barriers, all conditionings, all these egos…And you feel that oneness. In the way the people from all over the country on Cabella of all the caste community creed and religions, and you know how to appreciate it. Not only by the musicians but also by the audience…But the musicians appreciated the audience they say they have never seen such good accord & such enjoyment. Especially Prateek one of them there, who was so many happy he has said I am feeling free, and extremely happy in this atmosphere…Ok ..And he was really very great [unclear 01:56/just play well ]. And he really plays very well …Please tell the raga which you are playing to them as well (in Hindi to artists ).[Shri Mataji enjoys the music and at last, appreciates the music ]Sir C.P - Done amazing! Wah Wah! Shri Mataji: what a passion? (Shri Mataji gave the presents to them )Now you people also open your hands …And then see (Shri Mataji gave a lot of blessings to them)…Today people were joyous in their extremes… Sahaj Yogi: I must confess, that whatever we have played, Its not us(who have played ) but it is the Mother (who has played …)(Then JAyakara )Why I am saying that …We played in Siri Fort …Sadhna didi was also there …Sadha didi has felt on yesterday that I was playing yesterday in a [unclear 1:16:13 ] I am sure she watched for me that I, was playing one-tenth of this performance and my greatest inspiration, of course, Mataji is there, and my greatest admirer in the world is our Papaji. He always encourages and gives us the moral value wherever I go to the world I mention him …He always tells me the music at its best.[unclear 1:16:58 ]But Mataji knows that we love and respect her…About my son, I think I should n't have[1:17:28unclear ]I was in America and I could n't go to Cabela so [unclear 1:17:46 ]and when I met Shri Mataji accidentally in Newyork, …[unclear 1:18:01 ]
Shri Ganesha Puja: He is the manifestation of the invisible Param Chaitanya
New Delhi
Shri Ganesha Puja. Delhi (India), 5 December 1993. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to perform Puja to Shri Ganesha. We are starting the tour, and it is important to begin it with a Puja to Shri Ganesha. Especially in Delhi, Ganesha Puja is very necessary. Though we know very little about Shri Ganesha, in Maharashtra there are eight Ganeshas (Ashta Vinayaka), and there is Maha Ganesha in Ganapatiphule. And that is why they worship Shri Ganesha a lot. But what is his essential existence; and who exactly is Shri Ganesha – very few people know this. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about Shri Ganesha, being Sahaja Yogis, you will understand. But other people cannot understand. The rest of the world, especially intellectuals who claim to be wise and intelligent, can perceive Sahaja Yoga, but the fact that the Gods and Goddesses are involved in actualising Sahaja Yoga, they are not prepared to accept. Even they cannot comprehend Param Chaitanya; and try to explain it by calling it Cosmic Energy. But whether they understand this or not; whether they accept this or not; in the beginning, even before this world came into existence, Paramatma (the God Almighty) and Adi Shakti felt that first, purity and auspiciousness should be established. If holiness is put into the creation first, and it spreads all over the Cosmos, then only Chaitanya (vibrations) will start to flow. For example, if Chaitanya spreads all over the creation, it will become effective only if there is holiness and purity within yourself. If you are not holy and pure, if your thoughts are not chaste and clean; or you are only superficial and without depth, you cannot get absorbed or immersed into Sahaja Yoga. This subtlety that you have acquired in Sahaja Yoga, has been achieved for you by Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the embodiment of the existing reality of Param Chaitanya; or Shri Ganesha is the manifestation of the invisible Param Chaitanya. And He establishes this perception on every chakra. Unless and until (Nirmalta), immaculateness, exists in every chakra, only holiness shines from every chakra; rising of the Kundalini is highly improbable. Even if She rises, She keeps falling each time. The relationship between Kundalini and Shri Ganesha is that of Mother and Child. You already know the story, that when Shri Parvati was getting ready for Her bath, the fragrant paste that She rubbed off Her body, which of course was full of vibrations; She used it to form Shri Ganesha. And She made him sit outside Her bathing chamber. One important point should be noted, that in the making of Shri Ganesha, Shri Shiva had no part at all. God Almighty had no hand in this. Adi Shakti, and Adi Shakti alone, created Shri Ganesha. In the same way, when the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ was made to Mary by the Angel Gabriel, She was a virgin maid. For a virgin to become with child is not considered a holy state by our society. So this most holy and auspicious child, Shri Ganesha, was created by Shri Parvati in the absence of Shri Shiva. In the identical state of pure virginity, the most chaste Jesus Christ was created. This fact is easily understood and accepted by Indians. But in other countries they are unable to understand and accept, because they bring the Divine down to the human level. They cannot rise above this. And that is why they cannot accept this ultimate reality of Immaculate Conception. They are still ensnared in this controversy, and their attention is immersed in this. Now you are Sahaja Yogis and you have witnessed innumerable miracles of vibrations (Chaitanya). This has had its effect on all of you, and your vision of the Creation has changed. And when you look at the state of the world you realise that it is all a Maya (illusion), and there is definitely a world of truth beyond this. Only Sahaja Yogis can experience this. They can understand that the manner in which Shri Ganesha manifested or was created, is verily the truth. In Greece there is Athena, (Ath means Primordial), who is the incarnation of Adi Shakti. When I went to Persepolis to see the Temple of Athena, they showed me a place outside the temple, where they said, there resides a “Child God”. Most surprising! They are not aware who this Child God is. This was due to the invasion by many outsiders who came and ruined their heritage. That is the reason they don’t believe this, nor do they put their attention on it. Fortunately this did not happen in India, and our heritage is still alive and intact. There is another place called Delphi in Greece, where they showed us a flat round rock, and told us this is the Nabhi. A lot of vibrations were flowing out of that stone. And when I turned around to see where the vibrations were coming from, there was a Ganesha sitting there, made of stone. Sadly they do not know what Ganesha is. I was amazed to see this. It was a Swayambhu! (produced by Mother Earth), and so full of vibrations. But in the absence of Sahaja Yoga it becomes difficult to talk about Shri Ganesha. But the people who came later, and who were honestly seeking dharma and desiring that it should be established in the world, had their attention mainly on dharma (customs or laws regarded as duty in religion), and were strict about virtues, righteousness, and ways to improve and correct the people. For example, Moses gave them the Ten Commandments so that people could prepare and improve themselves. Even in our country we had great gurus, like Guru Nanak, who worked hard towards establishing Dharma in the people. They did this by giving them good morals and balanced principles conforming to the standards of righteous behaviour, so that when faced with right and wrong, they could make the right choice. Shri Ganesha works in a different way. Shri Ganesha uses His own Shakti (energy) to purify. His biggest strength is his innocence. His head, being that of an animal shows that unlike human beings, there is no ego or superego in it. And he is a child. And His incarnation is Jesus Christ or Issa Masih. We have subjected this divine fact to scientific scrutiny, to find proof. As I have said before, Shri Ganesha is a Shakti, and whether you look at Him in the subtle, or in the gross, He looks like Shri Ganesha. And if we have within us innocence, humility, chastity and simplicity, then in this state of Nirmal (pure) grace, Shri Ganesha awakens inside. Without the presence of Shri Ganesha, Kundalini cannot rise. Because Kundalini is Gauri, and only Shri Ganesha can be with Her at all times to guard and protect Her. Not only this, but as Kundalini rises above one Chakra, He augments (closes) and prevents Kundalini from slipping down. Now this Shri Ganesha is within us, seated on the Mooladhara Chakra. In this itself people have made mistakes. The supposition that Mooladhara Chakra is inside the triangular bone is a major mistake. Inside the Mooladhar (triangular bone) only Kundalini resides. And below this Mooladhar, is the Mooladhara Chakra. And on this Mooladhara Chakra, presides Shri Ganesha. And what his functions are, you are well aware. You must have seen some of My photographs where Shri Ganesha is standing behind Me, or even Shri Ganesha in front of Me. In the same way other deities have also been seen in some of My photographs. The Shri Ganesha Shakti, which is of pure holiness, is recognised by everyone in this country as a beautiful quality that we should all possess. This is not so in other parts of the world. They are called mlechh, which means, tendency to immorality. Shri Ganesha is Nirmal, pure. All Indians have a desire to possess this quality of Nirmalta (purity). And even if they do not, at least they make an outward show of being pure. The advantage of this pretence is, that at least it is hidden and does not infect others in the society. But in other countries they feel proud to openly profess immorality, as if they are responding to some call for participation and thus supporting a big cause. To accept wrong things as good, and to feel that we are undertaking some great adventure, and be fully absorbed in it, according to us is considered stupidity. If you go to America, you will not find Shri Ganesha. Does not exist in anyone. Means that innocent wisdom does not exist. And now when the immoral and indecent lifestyles are showing their destructive consequences, they are saying that they should become sinless and clean. They speak like that, but it is not having any effect now. Without Sahaja Yoga they cannot change. But you people have this treasure – wealth. Of course here also there are some people who have taken to the wrong path, and do evil and wicked deeds, sometimes openly and brazenly. We know fully well that society will not support or appreciate us, and might even ostracise us. You will find this kind of permissive lifestyle among those who have lived abroad and returned to the home country. They behave in a very immoral way, and take pride in their newfound freedom of expression, as if they are a special category of people. The strength of a pure person is his innocence. Means there is no sin or evil whatsoever within him. He is a perfectly clean and pure person. Jesus Christ had said that “when the time comes for our resurrection you will become innocent like children.” At that time Shri Ganesha stops all his other functions, and fills you with innocence and purity, which helps you to get your realisation. When you speak to a self-certified intelligent man, he just cannot understand why Shri Ganesha is such an important deity for us. The way to explain this is, that until you become subtle, you will not be able to recognise that all these deities exist within you. Shri Ganesha has four arms. I had mentioned that the Carbon Atom also has four valencies. It also has four arms. In nirakar, (subtle, formless state) when you look at Him from the left side, you see Him in the form of a Swastika. I had told them to photograph a carbon atom, and to take the photo from four angles. The left side showed the Swastika. When we look at it from the right side, He shows up as Omkara --- many omkaras – as many omkaras as there are carbon atoms, will be seen. If you look at it from the underside towards the top, then the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, threaded into one integrated form which are used as symbols, become visible. Jesus Christ had said, “I am the Alpha, and I am the Omega”. Alpha means the beginning, and Omega means the end. How is it that these two symbols mentioned by Christ, can clearly be seen in the carbon atom! When I said this, scientists in foreign countries immediately started researching, and found out that this was a fact. They saw that when they took photos of the carbon atom from three different angles, they got exactly these three forms. From this it is clear that Jesus Christ became the Alpha and the Omega, and Shri Ganesha the Swastika and the Omkara. So, it has been conclusively proved that Jesus Christ and Shri Ganesha are the same. Even Hitler used the Swastika. He was probably told about it by the Dalai Lama and was advised to use the Swastika. If Swastika is formed correctly, whose movement is towards the right side, that Swastika is (pragati sheel) means constructive. It manifests innocence. But if the Swastika takes a left sided motion, means if it is reversed, then it can herald the destruction of a person. He can get all kinds of illness, especially incurable diseases. For example, yesterday a man came,, whose muscles in the body had become lax, loose, and inert. Myelitis they call it, and a whole lot of other names. In this illness, a man’s muscles lose their elasticity and become loose and lax, and he can never be cured. Slowly his muscles become weaker and weaker. This happens when we act in opposition or against Shri Ganesha’s qualities. Hitler was afflicted with this same disease. Hitler, in an effort to make use of Shri Ganesha’s powers, made a Swastika. He made a stencil of it. As long as the stencil was turned in the right direction they got success in their activities. But they turned the stencil in the reverse, and started using it to make reverse Swastikas. It was the use of this reversed Swastika that caused Hitler to lose the war. This is the significant importance of the Swastika. A lot of people did not know the significance of the Swastika, and they felt that if Hitler used it, anyone can use it. After all Shri Ganesha is innocent. But He also shows His powerful effect. I had warned the people in Pune, three or four times, to have respect and awe for Shri Ganesha; and in His presence, do only auspicious deeds, as He does not like dirty, obscene acts. There is a Ganesha festival which is celebrated all over Maharashtra for ten days. This was suggested by Mr. Tilak, that Shri Ganesha should be worshipped in this way. In Pune I was shocked to see that after completing the aarti on the final day, and while they were going in procession to immerse Shri Ganesha, they were singing all kinds of immoral and offensive songs; and doing dirty dancing in front of Shri Ganesha. Even the women were dressed immodestly in revealing clothes, with no sense of shame. And most of them were smoking tobacco and drunk on alcohol. I told them to stop all this at once, and behave with respect and reverence towards Shri Ganesha. He is a blazing and lustrous God, and one should be cautions how you behave in His presence. I had even warned them in many lectures that Shri Ganesha is a distillation of the Earth Element; and if they disrespected Him in this way, they will bring down the wrath of Mother Earth, in the form of an earthquake. And that is exactly what happened. When they returned after the immersion, in an intoxicated condition, before they realised what was happening, the earthquake struck, and there was destruction and devastation everywhere. We see this irresponsible and sinful behaviour happening regularly in the West and they feel there is nothing wrong in it. If we try to advise or correct them they reply, ”What’s wrong!” And now all the worst diseases have erupted there, including the dreaded Aids. Thousands are getting destroyed from within. In these countries the power of destruction is acting from inside. Sitting here we can understand the seriousness. I had warned that by the age of 35 the people of America will become old and senile. There is a disease called Schizophrenia in which a person becomes like mad – he gets hallucinations, abnormalities of thought, and a distorted perception of reality; and other innumerable diseases we have not even heard of. In our country we have worms, and insects, and mosquitos; and all variety of pollution. BUT the people are clean. Ofcourse in these modern times one does not know what sins people are indulging into. This can be termed as – going against the principles of Shri Ganesha is the same as committing sins against the Mother or going against the Holy and Virtuous Power of the Mother. In the West a certain Mr. Freud rose up and pronounced that it was not necessary to respect the relationship between mother and son, as sacred and holy. Observing purity and chastity in relationships with the mother is all a myth, and nothing will happen. As such there is no need to maintain pure and holy relations with the mother. They accepted Freud instead of Jesus Christ, and worshipped him. He of course suffered and died a horrible death from cancer. We should worship and respect Shri Ganesha. All psychosomatic diseases (means incurable diseases which doctors cannot handle, they can only cure physical or somatic ailments), can be cured if Shri Ganesha is awakened and fully manifesting within us. Those who are not Sahaja Yogis cannot accept this fact. They feel that these people are worshipping an elephant, and this doesn’t seem right. But that is a symbol; and symbols are created when a concept cannot be described in words, nor can it be understood. That is why symbols are created. They also say that this is a contrived, fictitious notion, and we have succumbed to believing in a myth. But in Sahaja Yoga it has been proved that this symbol is a reality and He does exist. He who was only a symbol, has come before you in a form that is perceivable through your senses, and it has become apparent that he does exist. How far can a person’s intelligence go? It has its limitations. And it cannot comprehend some of the mysteries that have been written a long time ago. Now, those who have difficulties in accepting these facts, should close their eyes, go within themselves, and admit that with this human awareness I am not going to be able to go into this area and fathom this mystery. And if I desire to comprehend it, I have to go beyond, into some other, higher realm. For this reason I felt that for the people of Delhi a Ganesha Puja is very necessary. The relationship between Shri Ganesha and Shri Gauri is eternal. And until and unless this Shri Ganesh principle is established in Delhi, there can be no solution, particularly to the political problems of this country. For this we need people who are holy and pure, and who are innocent like children. Some may say, “How can people with childlike innocence undertake administration. Lots of people can say this. But where can we find such innocent people. And if and when they do come into the field of administration, Shri Ganesha, who is of course already the giver of intelligence, will give a new dimension and transform this intelligence into Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi. He also confers wisdom, reasoning, discretion, discrimination, judicious prudence, and Divine principles. What is Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi? This is His blessing, that a person who gets this gift will always choose the truth and will stand by it with his heart, soul, and life breath. This thing called sin, or acts of immoral indulgence, is the main reason why people want to amass money. Because money is required to pay for indulgence into bad habits like wine, women, gambling, and an indolent and wasteful lifestyle. But if you are a devotee of Shri Ganesha you will never become greedy, dissatisfied, and dishonest. When Jesus Christ incarnated, as you know in the brain, in the Agnya Chakra, He opened two windows, one in front and one at the back. From the window in the front, we can see. It controls the movement of the eyes. The person who does not worship Shri Ganesha, his eyes are not still. They are constantly moving about. Jesus Christ said something that was more subtle than what Adi Guru Moses said. Moses gave the Ten Commandments, that you should not kill, you shall not steal, you should not covet another man’s wife, and so on… But not Christ. He commanded that “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. That means that your eyes should not have lust, infatuation, spiritual ignorance and delusion, in which you have excessive desire to possess whatever you see. The eyes should be absolutely pure. Just imagine, if you go to countries in the West, you will not find many people with pure eyes. Most of them have eyes that are moving from one side to another. This definitely has an effect on the attention. The eyes move about for so many reasons. For instance, some people who are walking on the road, will look at every advertisement. And if they have missed any, they will turn around to look. Some men will look at every woman; and some women will look at every man. Or some have the notion that they are famous or special and look around to see how many people are admiring them. Or maybe, there is a deeper reason. Then there are those who, whatever they see, they want in their homes, and start searching. Worse are those who steal whatever they like to have; and get some sort of satisfaction out of it. So, good behaviour and moral ethics, is a gift of Shri Ganesha’s power within us. Because He has blessed us with Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi, which is Divine Discretion. In Sanskrit there is a couplet – “The Swan is white, and the Crane is also white. How can you distinguish between them?” If you mix milk and water, and place it before the Swan, it will extract, and drink only the milk from the mixture. But the Crane will drink everything. This Divine Discretion manifests in the Hamsa Chakra, which is placed between the eyebrows, and is actually bestowed on us by Shri Ganesha. After coming into Sahaja Yoga, this power of Divine Discretion is established within us by itself. And this happens because the light of Shri Ganesha, who is the embodiment of the Spirit, starts manifesting within us. And in that light we can clearly discriminate between right and wrong, and avoid all that is bad. Now we see Shri Ganesha being worshipped with conch, and bells and lamps; but there is no good effect on those who are doing it. The reason is that we have to worship the Shri Ganesha within ourselves. Inside. Means, the purity and innocence that are his gifts should be established and should shine within us. Now we can ask, “Shri Mataji, how to do this?” All you have to do is meditate on this. By meditation and introspection, all the inner cleansing happens by itself. This works on a level which is beyond human comprehension and understanding. Cleansing the Left Side, pleases Shri Ganesha. You can say that there are two kinds of sin. One is sin against the Mother, and one is sin against the Father. Indians fall into the second category. They always feel that money is very important. So they start accumulating money by cheating, and other dishonest means. They do not realise that our Father is God Almighty, and who can have more wealth than Him. He can support all of us very well. So why should we misappropriate other people’s money by unfair means. This tendency to cheat and steal comes from a sense of insecurity. But when the blessings of Shri Ganesha flow, our attention does not go towards this amassing and hoarding. The sins against the Mother are more serious and offensive. We must understand that this sin destroys us from the inside. All the left sided diseases attack us, and later psychosomatic illnesses. All the incurable diseases that are appearing in modern times, are the direct result of actions against the Ganesh Tattwa (principle). If you are a Sahaja Yogi, then you must meditate every day. First from the left side, and then meditate on the right side, and then on both sides. Diseases of the left side can be cured by using the light element – candle or lamp. Because the light is Shri Ganesha’s element. Removing darkness is his configuration. Shri Ganesha’s power also looks after the intake of food and drink; its digestion, and its excretion from the body. We pay so much attention to outside cleansing, bathing and washing. But more than this we should pay attention to the cleansing of all the dirt and filth within our being. Inside us. We must look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, “What am I doing!” We should respectfully invite Shri Ganesha – “Please come inside us and be seated on Your Throne, not only on Mooladhara, but on every Chakra in my body.” His kingdom extends right up to Agnya. That is why Christ said – “I am the path and I am the gate.” This may have been translated in different ways, but at no time did He say that “I am the destination”. Being the Spirit He could have been the destination, but He left that to Adi Shakti. That She would manage the destination. In every Scripture that you read, in all of them you will find that they have emphasised the importance of purity and holiness. The same purity and chastity are the powers of Shri Ganesha. But when human beings do not honour their own purity and that of Shri Ganesha, and don’t observe the (maryadas) boundaries and decorum; then they get into trouble, because Shri Ganesha abandons them and moves out of their lives. And when He leaves, all His powers also leave, and then we have to face all the diseases and dangers of life alone. Sahaja Yogis must worship and honour Shri Ganesha. And they should be aware of His presence always. Whenever negative thoughts attack us, His purity and holiness cleanses and neutralises it. With this cleansing, and with His help you can reach the destination of which you are all dreaming. So, Shri Ganesha exists. Those who went around, saw Him by their sympathetic activity going round inside the Chakra, and mistook this for Kundalini. And this caused a lot of confusion, which the Tantriks used in a wrong way. So, this treasure which is in our safekeeping, which is our heritage, this purity and holiness, is a very precious thing. We must take care of it. Marriage is the bandhan of that purity. All those who tried to protect dharma, like the Ten Gurus whom we recognise, created an awareness about the holiness of marriages. For example, Mohammed Sahib. Many people question as to why he permitted marrying more than once. This is due to (samayachar), conditions prevailing at a particular time. During the war, most of the young men were killed, and the women had no means of support at all, as there were no jobs where they could work and earn for the family. Job opportunities for women were just not available. What could they do. Marriage was a state in which they could get support and protection. So, Mohammed Sahib sanctioned multiple marriages, so that the chastity and dignity of those women could be ensured, and thus also saved them from going on a wrong path to earn money. To understand this, we can also say that “Why did Shri Krishna have 16000 wives”. Some people keep saying He had 16000 wives, and also 5 more. Now, He was a man, and men get the blame and stigma. I am a mother, and I can have many children, but no one can point a finger at Me. And He was a man. If He kept 16000 women with Him, (who were actually His Shaktis), people would definitely cast aspersions. These 16000 powers of His, and these 5 Elements, had to be by His side, so He thought, best is to marry them. Then no one will be able to have any objections. At any age, and in any situation, men will always be judged and blamed, so He thought the best solution would be to marry them all and look after them. These were His Powers, whom He married. There is a need to understand these things in the right perspective. These incarnations, who are the manifestation of God Almighty, acted in ways that seemed strange and contrary to the norms of society. But why did they do this. Because they are incarnations. They are partial manifestations of the Divine. Whatever they do is not wrong or sinful. Within them Shri Ganesha is in a fully awakened state. So, we should understand that just doing pujas to Shri Ganesha is not enough. To sing His praises and qualities is not enough. Even giving lectures about him is not enough. He is to be fully awakened and manifesting within us. This awakening within all of you has already happened. But sometimes I feel it is a bit wobbly, and as soon as it becomes wobbly, the attention also starts wavering. And, for Sahaja Yogis who become like this, we say that they are half baked Sahaja Yogis. They are still on the fence and have not entered Sahaja Yoga. So, it is our responsibility to preserve this virtuous character which is within us, and not fritter it away by bad attention and unsteady eyes, and indecent exhibition. All this is very wrong and harmful. And this makes the attention crazy and insane. And in this state the attention can go anywhere unchecked. The result can be very dangerous and harmful. So, it is very important for every Sahaja Yogi to recognise and worship Shri Ganesha from the heart. His praises have been sung in many forms. Even Mohammed Sahib sang the praises of Jesus Christ as Issa Masih, because he knew He was (Nishkalank) spotless and unblemished. We should also strive to become like this. That we will keep ourselves clean and pure, and spotless. But when doing this we should not use our intelligence, because then it will appear like a very difficult task. Actually it is very simple. Just relax. Leave everything. Just tell yourself, your attention, not to focus on wrong things. If you make a firm resolution that we are not going to do any wrong and sinful deeds, anything that is dirty and filthy; then no power on earth can shake you from this resolve. That is why I tell you the easiest way is to become innocent like children. Their way of showing love. Their innocence, their simplicity. I am seeing now, in the outside countries, there is an attack on the innocence of children. I really don’t know what horrible things they are doing to destroy the innocence of the children. This means there is some very big negative force which is at work to destroy everything that is pure and innocent. And that is why we people in India should be wary and alert that this negativity does not creep into this country. We have a very beautiful culture and moral discipline, and our children grow firmly into this foundation. But it is your responsibility to be cautious and alert about yourselves and your children. Parents have to advise and guide the children that these are wrong things, and you must not do them. These are bad, and in Sahaja Yoga we do not do such things. There is no harm in saying this. The modern belief is that too many restrictions deprive the children of freedom; and in foreign countries children are free to do as they like. Then why were children not born like fruits, hanging from trees? Why were we given the responsibility of giving them birth. What is your duty towards them. What do you have to do. You have to tell the children that I will not support you and pay for your bad habits and wrong behaviour; and you must live within the boundaries of good conduct. If we do not do this, our society will become just like the outside countries. We have not adopted some of their useful and progressive ideas; but all the bad habits and morally destructive lifestyle, we have quickly copied. I hope all of you will understand how important the function of Shri Ganesha is for all of us in our lives. Because He is the one who gives you the (Jagruti), spiritual awakening, and cleanses your chakras and makes them pure. He puts light into the chakras’ awareness, and always turns your attention towards the light. You have to make this a part of your being and make a firm resolve that we will never insult Shri Ganesha at any time in our lives. I hope that after this Ganesha Puja all of you who are in Delhi, will establish a new Dharma. The new Dharma is (Shubh) auspiciousness. This auspiciousness should evolve and become so powerful that a single glance of yours can transform and correct another person. Just one glance is enough. And that glance is “Kataksh, Kataksh Nirikshan” means like a flash of Divine supervision cum correcting light. Your memory improves; all left sided problems get cured, and all this happens when you awaken the Shri Ganesha power within you. This is not an outside happening. It is inside. May all of you receive this blessing. May His light enlighten you, and in this entire creation may there be an awareness of His power and energy; and may people recognise and accept Him. This is My blessing to all of you. Just talking about Shri Ganesha has taken Me into meditation. The attention has been completely pulled inwards. Look at these children who are playing here. The attention is automatically drawn towards them. In the same way the attention is drawn inside towards Shri Ganesha. This fondness is felt because He Himself is so lovable. I trust all of you will also feel this loving fondness, which is His gift of innocence and purity. Eternal Blessings to all of you.
Shri Ganesha Puja. Delhi (India), 5 December 1993. [Translation from Hindi to English] Today we are going to perform Puja to Shri Ganesha. We are starting the tour, and it is important to begin it with a Puja to Shri Ganesha. Especially in Delhi, Ganesha Puja is very necessary. Though we know very little about Shri Ganesha, in Maharashtra there are eight Ganeshas (Ashta Vinayaka), and there is Maha Ganesha in Ganapatiphule. And that is why they worship Shri Ganesha a lot. But what is his essential existence; and who exactly is Shri Ganesha – very few people know this. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about Shri Ganesha, being Sahaja Yogis, you will understand. But other people cannot understand. The rest of the world, especially intellectuals who claim to be wise and intelligent, can perceive Sahaja Yoga, but the fact that the Gods and Goddesses are involved in actualising Sahaja Yoga, they are not prepared to accept. Even they cannot comprehend Param Chaitanya; and try to explain it by calling it Cosmic Energy. But whether they understand this or not; whether they accept this or not; in the beginning, even before this world came into existence, Paramatma (the God Almighty) and Adi Shakti felt that first, purity and auspiciousness should be established. If holiness is put into the creation first, and it spreads all over the Cosmos, then only Chaitanya (vibrations) will start to flow. For example, if Chaitanya spreads all over the creation, it will become effective only if there is holiness and purity within yourself. If you are not holy and pure, if your thoughts are not chaste and clean; or you are only superficial and without depth, you cannot get absorbed or immersed into Sahaja Yoga. This subtlety that you have acquired in Sahaja Yoga, has been achieved for you by Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is the embodiment of the existing reality of Param Chaitanya; or Shri Ganesha is the manifestation of the invisible Param Chaitanya. And He establishes this perception on every chakra. Unless and until (Nirmalta), immaculateness, exists in every chakra, only holiness shines from every chakra; rising of the Kundalini is highly improbable. Even if She rises, She keeps falling each time. The relationship between Kundalini and Shri Ganesha is that of Mother and Child. You already know the story, that when Shri Parvati was getting ready for Her bath, the fragrant paste that She rubbed off Her body, which of course was full of vibrations; She used it to form Shri Ganesha. And She made him sit outside Her bathing chamber. One important point should be noted, that in the making of Shri Ganesha, Shri Shiva had no part at all. God Almighty had no hand in this. Adi Shakti, and Adi Shakti alone, created Shri Ganesha. In the same way, when the announcement of the birth of Jesus Christ was made to Mary by the Angel Gabriel, She was a virgin maid. For a virgin to become with child is not considered a holy state by our society. So this most holy and auspicious child, Shri Ganesha, was created by Shri Parvati in the absence of Shri Shiva. In the identical state of pure virginity, the most chaste Jesus Christ was created. This fact is easily understood and accepted by Indians. But in other countries they are unable to understand and accept, because they bring the Divine down to the human level. They cannot rise above this. And that is why they cannot accept this ultimate reality of Immaculate Conception. They are still ensnared in this controversy, and their attention is immersed in this. Now you are Sahaja Yogis and you have witnessed innumerable miracles of vibrations (Chaitanya). This has had its effect on all of you, and your vision of the Creation has changed. And when you look at the state of the world you realise that it is all a Maya (illusion), and there is definitely a world of truth beyond this. Only Sahaja Yogis can experience this. They can understand that the manner in which Shri Ganesha manifested or was created, is verily the truth. In Greece there is Athena, (Ath means Primordial), who is the incarnation of Adi Shakti. When I went to Persepolis to see the Temple of Athena, they showed me a place outside the temple, where they said, there resides a “Child God”. Most surprising! They are not aware who this Child God is. This was due to the invasion by many outsiders who came and ruined their heritage. That is the reason they don’t believe this, nor do they put their attention on it. Fortunately this did not happen in India, and our heritage is still alive and intact. There is another place called Delphi in Greece, where they showed us a flat round rock, and told us this is the Nabhi. A lot of vibrations were flowing out of that stone. And when I turned around to see where the vibrations were coming from, there was a Ganesha sitting there, made of stone. Sadly they do not know what Ganesha is. I was amazed to see this. It was a Swayambhu! (produced by Mother Earth), and so full of vibrations. But in the absence of Sahaja Yoga it becomes difficult to talk about Shri Ganesha. But the people who came later, and who were honestly seeking dharma and desiring that it should be established in the world, had their attention mainly on dharma (customs or laws regarded as duty in religion), and were strict about virtues, righteousness, and ways to improve and correct the people. For example, Moses gave them the Ten Commandments so that people could prepare and improve themselves. Even in our country we had great gurus, like Guru Nanak, who worked hard towards establishing Dharma in the people. They did this by giving them good morals and balanced principles conforming to the standards of righteous behaviour, so that when faced with right and wrong, they could make the right choice. Shri Ganesha works in a different way. Shri Ganesha uses His own Shakti (energy) to purify. His biggest strength is his innocence. His head, being that of an animal shows that unlike human beings, there is no ego or superego in it. And he is a child. And His incarnation is Jesus Christ or Issa Masih. We have subjected this divine fact to scientific scrutiny, to find proof. As I have said before, Shri Ganesha is a Shakti, and whether you look at Him in the subtle, or in the gross, He looks like Shri Ganesha. And if we have within us innocence, humility, chastity and simplicity, then in this state of Nirmal (pure) grace, Shri Ganesha awakens inside. Without the presence of Shri Ganesha, Kundalini cannot rise. Because Kundalini is Gauri, and only Shri Ganesha can be with Her at all times to guard and protect Her. Not only this, but as Kundalini rises above one Chakra, He augments (closes) and prevents Kundalini from slipping down. Now this Shri Ganesha is within us, seated on the Mooladhara Chakra. In this itself people have made mistakes. The supposition that Mooladhara Chakra is inside the triangular bone is a major mistake. Inside the Mooladhar (triangular bone) only Kundalini resides. And below this Mooladhar, is the Mooladhara Chakra. And on this Mooladhara Chakra, presides Shri Ganesha. And what his functions are, you are well aware. You must have seen some of My photographs where Shri Ganesha is standing behind Me, or even Shri Ganesha in front of Me. In the same way other deities have also been seen in some of My photographs. The Shri Ganesha Shakti, which is of pure holiness, is recognised by everyone in this country as a beautiful quality that we should all possess. This is not so in other parts of the world. They are called mlechh, which means, tendency to immorality. Shri Ganesha is Nirmal, pure. All Indians have a desire to possess this quality of Nirmalta (purity). And even if they do not, at least they make an outward show of being pure. The advantage of this pretence is, that at least it is hidden and does not infect others in the society. But in other countries they feel proud to openly profess immorality, as if they are responding to some call for participation and thus supporting a big cause. To accept wrong things as good, and to feel that we are undertaking some great adventure, and be fully absorbed in it, according to us is considered stupidity. If you go to America, you will not find Shri Ganesha. Does not exist in anyone. Means that innocent wisdom does not exist. And now when the immoral and indecent lifestyles are showing their destructive consequences, they are saying that they should become sinless and clean. They speak like that, but it is not having any effect now. Without Sahaja Yoga they cannot change. But you people have this treasure – wealth. Of course here also there are some people who have taken to the wrong path, and do evil and wicked deeds, sometimes openly and brazenly. We know fully well that society will not support or appreciate us, and might even ostracise us. You will find this kind of permissive lifestyle among those who have lived abroad and returned to the home country. They behave in a very immoral way, and take pride in their newfound freedom of expression, as if they are a special category of people. The strength of a pure person is his innocence. Means there is no sin or evil whatsoever within him. He is a perfectly clean and pure person. Jesus Christ had said that “when the time comes for our resurrection you will become innocent like children.” At that time Shri Ganesha stops all his other functions, and fills you with innocence and purity, which helps you to get your realisation. When you speak to a self-certified intelligent man, he just cannot understand why Shri Ganesha is such an important deity for us. The way to explain this is, that until you become subtle, you will not be able to recognise that all these deities exist within you. Shri Ganesha has four arms. I had mentioned that the Carbon Atom also has four valencies. It also has four arms. In nirakar, (subtle, formless state) when you look at Him from the left side, you see Him in the form of a Swastika. I had told them to photograph a carbon atom, and to take the photo from four angles. The left side showed the Swastika. When we look at it from the right side, He shows up as Omkara --- many omkaras – as many omkaras as there are carbon atoms, will be seen. If you look at it from the underside towards the top, then the Greek letters Alpha and Omega, threaded into one integrated form which are used as symbols, become visible. Jesus Christ had said, “I am the Alpha, and I am the Omega”. Alpha means the beginning, and Omega means the end. How is it that these two symbols mentioned by Christ, can clearly be seen in the carbon atom! When I said this, scientists in foreign countries immediately started researching, and found out that this was a fact. They saw that when they took photos of the carbon atom from three different angles, they got exactly these three forms. From this it is clear that Jesus Christ became the Alpha and the Omega, and Shri Ganesha the Swastika and the Omkara. So, it has been conclusively proved that Jesus Christ and Shri Ganesha are the same. Even Hitler used the Swastika. He was probably told about it by the Dalai Lama and was advised to use the Swastika. If Swastika is formed correctly, whose movement is towards the right side, that Swastika is (pragati sheel) means constructive. It manifests innocence. But if the Swastika takes a left sided motion, means if it is reversed, then it can herald the destruction of a person. He can get all kinds of illness, especially incurable diseases. For example, yesterday a man came,, whose muscles in the body had become lax, loose, and inert. Myelitis they call it, and a whole lot of other names. In this illness, a man’s muscles lose their elasticity and become loose and lax, and he can never be cured. Slowly his muscles become weaker and weaker. This happens when we act in opposition or against Shri Ganesha’s qualities. Hitler was afflicted with this same disease. Hitler, in an effort to make use of Shri Ganesha’s powers, made a Swastika. He made a stencil of it. As long as the stencil was turned in the right direction they got success in their activities. But they turned the stencil in the reverse, and started using it to make reverse Swastikas. It was the use of this reversed Swastika that caused Hitler to lose the war. This is the significant importance of the Swastika. A lot of people did not know the significance of the Swastika, and they felt that if Hitler used it, anyone can use it. After all Shri Ganesha is innocent. But He also shows His powerful effect. I had warned the people in Pune, three or four times, to have respect and awe for Shri Ganesha; and in His presence, do only auspicious deeds, as He does not like dirty, obscene acts. There is a Ganesha festival which is celebrated all over Maharashtra for ten days. This was suggested by Mr. Tilak, that Shri Ganesha should be worshipped in this way. In Pune I was shocked to see that after completing the aarti on the final day, and while they were going in procession to immerse Shri Ganesha, they were singing all kinds of immoral and offensive songs; and doing dirty dancing in front of Shri Ganesha. Even the women were dressed immodestly in revealing clothes, with no sense of shame. And most of them were smoking tobacco and drunk on alcohol. I told them to stop all this at once, and behave with respect and reverence towards Shri Ganesha. He is a blazing and lustrous God, and one should be cautions how you behave in His presence. I had even warned them in many lectures that Shri Ganesha is a distillation of the Earth Element; and if they disrespected Him in this way, they will bring down the wrath of Mother Earth, in the form of an earthquake. And that is exactly what happened. When they returned after the immersion, in an intoxicated condition, before they realised what was happening, the earthquake struck, and there was destruction and devastation everywhere. We see this irresponsible and sinful behaviour happening regularly in the West and they feel there is nothing wrong in it. If we try to advise or correct them they reply, ”What’s wrong!” And now all the worst diseases have erupted there, including the dreaded Aids. Thousands are getting destroyed from within. In these countries the power of destruction is acting from inside. Sitting here we can understand the seriousness. I had warned that by the age of 35 the people of America will become old and senile. There is a disease called Schizophrenia in which a person becomes like mad – he gets hallucinations, abnormalities of thought, and a distorted perception of reality; and other innumerable diseases we have not even heard of. In our country we have worms, and insects, and mosquitos; and all variety of pollution. BUT the people are clean. Ofcourse in these modern times one does not know what sins people are indulging into. This can be termed as – going against the principles of Shri Ganesha is the same as committing sins against the Mother or going against the Holy and Virtuous Power of the Mother. In the West a certain Mr. Freud rose up and pronounced that it was not necessary to respect the relationship between mother and son, as sacred and holy. Observing purity and chastity in relationships with the mother is all a myth, and nothing will happen. As such there is no need to maintain pure and holy relations with the mother. They accepted Freud instead of Jesus Christ, and worshipped him. He of course suffered and died a horrible death from cancer. We should worship and respect Shri Ganesha. All psychosomatic diseases (means incurable diseases which doctors cannot handle, they can only cure physical or somatic ailments), can be cured if Shri Ganesha is awakened and fully manifesting within us. Those who are not Sahaja Yogis cannot accept this fact. They feel that these people are worshipping an elephant, and this doesn’t seem right. But that is a symbol; and symbols are created when a concept cannot be described in words, nor can it be understood. That is why symbols are created. They also say that this is a contrived, fictitious notion, and we have succumbed to believing in a myth. But in Sahaja Yoga it has been proved that this symbol is a reality and He does exist. He who was only a symbol, has come before you in a form that is perceivable through your senses, and it has become apparent that he does exist. How far can a person’s intelligence go? It has its limitations. And it cannot comprehend some of the mysteries that have been written a long time ago. Now, those who have difficulties in accepting these facts, should close their eyes, go within themselves, and admit that with this human awareness I am not going to be able to go into this area and fathom this mystery. And if I desire to comprehend it, I have to go beyond, into some other, higher realm. For this reason I felt that for the people of Delhi a Ganesha Puja is very necessary. The relationship between Shri Ganesha and Shri Gauri is eternal. And until and unless this Shri Ganesh principle is established in Delhi, there can be no solution, particularly to the political problems of this country. For this we need people who are holy and pure, and who are innocent like children. Some may say, “How can people with childlike innocence undertake administration. Lots of people can say this. But where can we find such innocent people. And if and when they do come into the field of administration, Shri Ganesha, who is of course already the giver of intelligence, will give a new dimension and transform this intelligence into Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi. He also confers wisdom, reasoning, discretion, discrimination, judicious prudence, and Divine principles. What is Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi? This is His blessing, that a person who gets this gift will always choose the truth and will stand by it with his heart, soul, and life breath. This thing called sin, or acts of immoral indulgence, is the main reason why people want to amass money. Because money is required to pay for indulgence into bad habits like wine, women, gambling, and an indolent and wasteful lifestyle. But if you are a devotee of Shri Ganesha you will never become greedy, dissatisfied, and dishonest. When Jesus Christ incarnated, as you know in the brain, in the Agnya Chakra, He opened two windows, one in front and one at the back. From the window in the front, we can see. It controls the movement of the eyes. The person who does not worship Shri Ganesha, his eyes are not still. They are constantly moving about. Jesus Christ said something that was more subtle than what Adi Guru Moses said. Moses gave the Ten Commandments, that you should not kill, you shall not steal, you should not covet another man’s wife, and so on… But not Christ. He commanded that “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes”. That means that your eyes should not have lust, infatuation, spiritual ignorance and delusion, in which you have excessive desire to possess whatever you see. The eyes should be absolutely pure. Just imagine, if you go to countries in the West, you will not find many people with pure eyes. Most of them have eyes that are moving from one side to another. This definitely has an effect on the attention. The eyes move about for so many reasons. For instance, some people who are walking on the road, will look at every advertisement. And if they have missed any, they will turn around to look. Some men will look at every woman; and some women will look at every man. Or some have the notion that they are famous or special and look around to see how many people are admiring them. Or maybe, there is a deeper reason. Then there are those who, whatever they see, they want in their homes, and start searching. Worse are those who steal whatever they like to have; and get some sort of satisfaction out of it. So, good behaviour and moral ethics, is a gift of Shri Ganesha’s power within us. Because He has blessed us with Sat Asat Vivek Buddhi, which is Divine Discretion. In Sanskrit there is a couplet – “The Swan is white, and the Crane is also white. How can you distinguish between them?” If you mix milk and water, and place it before the Swan, it will extract, and drink only the milk from the mixture. But the Crane will drink everything. This Divine Discretion manifests in the Hamsa Chakra, which is placed between the eyebrows, and is actually bestowed on us by Shri Ganesha. After coming into Sahaja Yoga, this power of Divine Discretion is established within us by itself. And this happens because the light of Shri Ganesha, who is the embodiment of the Spirit, starts manifesting within us. And in that light we can clearly discriminate between right and wrong, and avoid all that is bad. Now we see Shri Ganesha being worshipped with conch, and bells and lamps; but there is no good effect on those who are doing it. The reason is that we have to worship the Shri Ganesha within ourselves. Inside. Means, the purity and innocence that are his gifts should be established and should shine within us. Now we can ask, “Shri Mataji, how to do this?” All you have to do is meditate on this. By meditation and introspection, all the inner cleansing happens by itself. This works on a level which is beyond human comprehension and understanding. Cleansing the Left Side, pleases Shri Ganesha. You can say that there are two kinds of sin. One is sin against the Mother, and one is sin against the Father. Indians fall into the second category. They always feel that money is very important. So they start accumulating money by cheating, and other dishonest means. They do not realise that our Father is God Almighty, and who can have more wealth than Him. He can support all of us very well. So why should we misappropriate other people’s money by unfair means. This tendency to cheat and steal comes from a sense of insecurity. But when the blessings of Shri Ganesha flow, our attention does not go towards this amassing and hoarding. The sins against the Mother are more serious and offensive. We must understand that this sin destroys us from the inside. All the left sided diseases attack us, and later psychosomatic illnesses. All the incurable diseases that are appearing in modern times, are the direct result of actions against the Ganesh Tattwa (principle). If you are a Sahaja Yogi, then you must meditate every day. First from the left side, and then meditate on the right side, and then on both sides. Diseases of the left side can be cured by using the light element – candle or lamp. Because the light is Shri Ganesha’s element. Removing darkness is his configuration. Shri Ganesha’s power also looks after the intake of food and drink; its digestion, and its excretion from the body. We pay so much attention to outside cleansing, bathing and washing. But more than this we should pay attention to the cleansing of all the dirt and filth within our being. Inside us. We must look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, “What am I doing!” We should respectfully invite Shri Ganesha – “Please come inside us and be seated on Your Throne, not only on Mooladhara, but on every Chakra in my body.” His kingdom extends right up to Agnya. That is why Christ said – “I am the path and I am the gate.” This may have been translated in different ways, but at no time did He say that “I am the destination”. Being the Spirit He could have been the destination, but He left that to Adi Shakti. That She would manage the destination. In every Scripture that you read, in all of them you will find that they have emphasised the importance of purity and holiness. The same purity and chastity are the powers of Shri Ganesha. But when human beings do not honour their own purity and that of Shri Ganesha, and don’t observe the (maryadas) boundaries and decorum; then they get into trouble, because Shri Ganesha abandons them and moves out of their lives. And when He leaves, all His powers also leave, and then we have to face all the diseases and dangers of life alone. Sahaja Yogis must worship and honour Shri Ganesha. And they should be aware of His presence always. Whenever negative thoughts attack us, His purity and holiness cleanses and neutralises it. With this cleansing, and with His help you can reach the destination of which you are all dreaming. So, Shri Ganesha exists. Those who went around, saw Him by their sympathetic activity going round inside the Chakra, and mistook this for Kundalini. And this caused a lot of confusion, which the Tantriks used in a wrong way. So, this treasure which is in our safekeeping, which is our heritage, this purity and holiness, is a very precious thing. We must take care of it. Marriage is the bandhan of that purity. All those who tried to protect dharma, like the Ten Gurus whom we recognise, created an awareness about the holiness of marriages. For example, Mohammed Sahib. Many people question as to why he permitted marrying more than once. This is due to (samayachar), conditions prevailing at a particular time. During the war, most of the young men were killed, and the women had no means of support at all, as there were no jobs where they could work and earn for the family. Job opportunities for women were just not available. What could they do. Marriage was a state in which they could get support and protection. So, Mohammed Sahib sanctioned multiple marriages, so that the chastity and dignity of those women could be ensured, and thus also saved them from going on a wrong path to earn money. To understand this, we can also say that “Why did Shri Krishna have 16000 wives”. Some people keep saying He had 16000 wives, and also 5 more. Now, He was a man, and men get the blame and stigma. I am a mother, and I can have many children, but no one can point a finger at Me. And He was a man. If He kept 16000 women with Him, (who were actually His Shaktis), people would definitely cast aspersions. These 16000 powers of His, and these 5 Elements, had to be by His side, so He thought, best is to marry them. Then no one will be able to have any objections. At any age, and in any situation, men will always be judged and blamed, so He thought the best solution would be to marry them all and look after them. These were His Powers, whom He married. There is a need to understand these things in the right perspective. These incarnations, who are the manifestation of God Almighty, acted in ways that seemed strange and contrary to the norms of society. But why did they do this. Because they are incarnations. They are partial manifestations of the Divine. Whatever they do is not wrong or sinful. Within them Shri Ganesha is in a fully awakened state. So, we should understand that just doing pujas to Shri Ganesha is not enough. To sing His praises and qualities is not enough. Even giving lectures about him is not enough. He is to be fully awakened and manifesting within us. This awakening within all of you has already happened. But sometimes I feel it is a bit wobbly, and as soon as it becomes wobbly, the attention also starts wavering. And, for Sahaja Yogis who become like this, we say that they are half baked Sahaja Yogis. They are still on the fence and have not entered Sahaja Yoga. So, it is our responsibility to preserve this virtuous character which is within us, and not fritter it away by bad attention and unsteady eyes, and indecent exhibition. All this is very wrong and harmful. And this makes the attention crazy and insane. And in this state the attention can go anywhere unchecked. The result can be very dangerous and harmful. So, it is very important for every Sahaja Yogi to recognise and worship Shri Ganesha from the heart. His praises have been sung in many forms. Even Mohammed Sahib sang the praises of Jesus Christ as Issa Masih, because he knew He was (Nishkalank) spotless and unblemished. We should also strive to become like this. That we will keep ourselves clean and pure, and spotless. But when doing this we should not use our intelligence, because then it will appear like a very difficult task. Actually it is very simple. Just relax. Leave everything. Just tell yourself, your attention, not to focus on wrong things. If you make a firm resolution that we are not going to do any wrong and sinful deeds, anything that is dirty and filthy; then no power on earth can shake you from this resolve. That is why I tell you the easiest way is to become innocent like children. Their way of showing love. Their innocence, their simplicity. I am seeing now, in the outside countries, there is an attack on the innocence of children. I really don’t know what horrible things they are doing to destroy the innocence of the children. This means there is some very big negative force which is at work to destroy everything that is pure and innocent. And that is why we people in India should be wary and alert that this negativity does not creep into this country. We have a very beautiful culture and moral discipline, and our children grow firmly into this foundation. But it is your responsibility to be cautious and alert about yourselves and your children. Parents have to advise and guide the children that these are wrong things, and you must not do them. These are bad, and in Sahaja Yoga we do not do such things. There is no harm in saying this. The modern belief is that too many restrictions deprive the children of freedom; and in foreign countries children are free to do as they like. Then why were children not born like fruits, hanging from trees? Why were we given the responsibility of giving them birth. What is your duty towards them. What do you have to do. You have to tell the children that I will not support you and pay for your bad habits and wrong behaviour; and you must live within the boundaries of good conduct. If we do not do this, our society will become just like the outside countries. We have not adopted some of their useful and progressive ideas; but all the bad habits and morally destructive lifestyle, we have quickly copied. I hope all of you will understand how important the function of Shri Ganesha is for all of us in our lives. Because He is the one who gives you the (Jagruti), spiritual awakening, and cleanses your chakras and makes them pure. He puts light into the chakras’ awareness, and always turns your attention towards the light. You have to make this a part of your being and make a firm resolve that we will never insult Shri Ganesha at any time in our lives. I hope that after this Ganesha Puja all of you who are in Delhi, will establish a new Dharma. The new Dharma is (Shubh) auspiciousness. This auspiciousness should evolve and become so powerful that a single glance of yours can transform and correct another person. Just one glance is enough. And that glance is “Kataksh, Kataksh Nirikshan” means like a flash of Divine supervision cum correcting light. Your memory improves; all left sided problems get cured, and all this happens when you awaken the Shri Ganesha power within you. This is not an outside happening. It is inside. May all of you receive this blessing. May His light enlighten you, and in this entire creation may there be an awareness of His power and energy; and may people recognise and accept Him. This is My blessing to all of you. Just talking about Shri Ganesha has taken Me into meditation. The attention has been completely pulled inwards. Look at these children who are playing here. The attention is automatically drawn towards them. In the same way the attention is drawn inside towards Shri Ganesha. This fondness is felt because He Himself is so lovable. I trust all of you will also feel this loving fondness, which is His gift of innocence and purity. Eternal Blessings to all of you.
Public Program: Parmatma ki Science
Public Program
PARMATAMA KI SCIENCE-PUBLIC PROGRAMME KURUKSHETRA: DEC 8, 1993 [Translation from Hindi to English] Sahaja yogi (Anchor): My first request to you that we will run the programme as long as you wish. if you say half an hour it will be half an hour. if you wish for one hour, it will be one hour or afterwards. While Shri Mataji tells about Sahaja Yoga, if it’s continuity breaks, she does not like it. The second request is for the brothers who have come to listen only, should sit with love. And people who have come as spectator only. Then its of no use. They will disturb others also. They are requested to go out. They may listen from outside. But, if they are standing inside the pandal, then they are requested to sit down. All my foreign brothers and sisters, I would like to explain little constraints in Kurukshetra. But straight away, I beg your pardon for two small mistakes that young boys did here. One- by mistake they issued some vouchers for which I am very sorry because this was a mistake. These boys, young boys who are managing the program here, are very young. Below 24 years of age. It was the duty of the Yamunanagar and Karnal Sahaj Yogis to come and help them here but for some reason they had to go to Hathini Kund, and they could not come here. I am sure that you will excuse us for this small mistake. And I am also very sorry for the chilies in the food and I promise to you that the green chilies, the box of green chilies and red chilies have already been thrown in the dustbin by me personally. And I am sure that you will excuse me for this. And next meal would be much better than the first one. I am sure that you will excuse me for this. Thank you very much. (Arrival of Shri Mataji) Sahaja Yogi anchor- Shri Mataji! On behalf of the brothers and sisters present here, and your children, remembering you day and night From the sixty countries. They love you, you are (not clear). Whatever they are, very pure at heart. Shri Mataji! Since last two years, these thousands flowers, in front of you, are being collected and now being conferred at your lotus feet. On behalf of all Sahaji brothers and sisters, I request you to tell us about the Sahaja Yoga and give us self-realisation. (applause) (Hindi Bhajan) We request you Mother to grant us love (2) We are the children of Sahajayoga Compassionate mother is giver of comfort(2) Give us comfort Mother Nirmal Whole country is praising Mother (2) We are the children of Sahaja Yoga(2) Mother Nirmal! You are the giver of knowledge (2) Mother! Please grant us pure knowledge We get up daily to sing in your praise (2) We are the Children of Sahaja Yoga (2) We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are the children of Sahaja Yoga (2) give us place at your lotus feet Mother (3) Raise Kundalini Mother We are water, you are sandal wood (2) We are children of Sahajayoga (2) We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are children of Sahaja Yoga Give us place at Sahasrara Mother (2) We love Nirmal religion (dharma) You are Eternal (Nitya) Mother, eternal truth We are children of Sahaja yoga We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are children of Sahaja yoga (3) Shri Mataji- This is my body, these are my emotions, this is my mind, this is my hand, this is my head. Saying ‘my-my', who am I? This only is truth. And second truth I am going to tell you. I am watching these beautiful flowers lying here and I am admiring its glory. After looking at the beauty of these flowers, this question should always come in mind that how these flowers came so simply from this Earth? Who created them? Our heart pulsates by itself. Doctors say that it is an autonomous nervous system. It is self- propelled. What is 'self' here? We have never learnt about 'self' till now. But the power that runs this 'self', runs this universe in active or inactive form. Which is formless, universal, and known as ‘Paramchaitanya'. We have never learned about this power till now. Learning about this power and being one with it, is Sahaja Yoga. ‘Saha' means with you and ‘ja' means born. This right of yours is born with you. It is the right of every human being that he should receive (feel) this all-pervading power, be one with it. This is yoga. This is the goal of human life. Till the time, it does not happens, you will never get solutions, whatever you do. Sometimes human think, “if I get money or political power, then I will be satisfied.” Never! Solution of satisfaction is lying within your soul. This ocean of joy flows from there only. Your soul was watching all your activities as witness till now. You have not got the light of your soul within your attention till now. That is the reason we were ignorant. That is why we were blind. That is the reason Kabirdas said, “how to explain? Whole world is blind”. Saints had faced this problem. But now the time has come when we can achieve that insight. It is very simple now. It is possible in a very simple way (Sahaja way). People have worked on Kundalini since beginning of the creation. Now what I am doing or saying is not a new thing. The only difference in present time is that it can be done collectively. But previously among Nagpanthies (a community in India) , one Guru use to have only one disciple (who was taught about the Kundalini). And this was not told to anyone else. In twelfth century, Saint Gyaneshwar had taken permission from his Guru, “please allow me to write about it. What is wrong in writing?” Then he wrote in the sixth chapter of his book titled ‘Gyaneshwari' about the Kundalini. But all the leaders of religion of that time, were not at all aware about Kundalini. So they refused to accept it and banned it’s discussions. Then, you all know that there were many saints born in sixteenth century. Many saints were born in Maharashtra itself. Many real gurus like Guru Nanak were born in our Indian soil. Our Indian soil is fertile soil (from spiritual point of view). And Kurukshetra is the first word of Gita. This is the place where Shri Krishna had come and this is the place where war between Dharma and Adharma took place. Dharma won the battle. But slowly everything was forgotten in our country. We kept forgetting everything till now. And we have reached so far that what all we had earned in the past is not at all visible. It is still there. You all don’t know how strong Param Chaitanya here is? I felt very happy when I was informed about the program at Kurukshetra. I know that this part of the Earth is emitting lot of vibrations. You all don’t know the fact that if you are born in India, it is a great virtue. Virtues of your earlier births have given you a chance to be born in India. And you will actually feel it right now. You were told about the Sahaja Yoga. The power called Kundalini is inside you. When this power awakens, it pierces six chakras, six not seven. After piercing six chakras, it reaches Brahmarandhra. and there it pierces your vertex and becomes one with the power that is present all around. It is known as yoga. Thing to understand here is that we all know that if we sow a seed on this mother Earth, then it automatically germinates. How it grows? Because that seed has the power and mother Earth also has the power and she awakens it. Shri Ramdas Swami who was guru of Shivaji, was asked by someone that how much time does it take to awaken the Kundalini. He answered ‘within a second’. Only eligible receiver and giver are required. I see that everywhere in India, people are religious. We cannot understand by sitting here that how bad internal condition of the people outside India is. They are empty inside. I cannot explain their poor condition in this small talk. Those poor people are very pathetic because there is no Dharma in their culture itself. No thought of God is left. No fear of God is left. They do whatever they like because they think they are free (swatantra) to do anything. Meaning of Swatantra is Swa and Tantra. Swa means one’s own soul, tantra means system. Knowing the system of one’s own soul is known as Swatantrata that is freedom. Till the time you are not aware of the system of your own soul, you are not free. So, the reason of joy today is the arrival of so many people in Kurukshetra for Sahaja Yoga. I had thought that sometime I will have to go to Haryana. And this event took place. It is a blessing for me because attention goes again and again on a particular thing or place, till the time you work for it or get it settled accordingly. There was feeling that this state (Haryana) is still left. I need to look into it. I need to go there. It worked out today. This is the reason of joy. There is no mind game in it. No need to think the reason behind it. Kundalini is your own mother. Everybody has his own mother. It is your individual mother. And it knows everything about you. She knows about your earlier births. She knows what you are. She knows your problems and mistakes also. And she is very eager about your rebirth (self-realisation). I do not have any personal gain in it. I am like a light which can lit another light. You will also be able to do this once you become a light. You also will be able to do the work of realising or lighting others. You have this power. You have got many powers. You are not aware of the things you can do. First of all, Kundalini awakening can improve your physical problems. It is true that with Sahaja Yoga, all kind of diseases can be cured. No one can guess about it or no one else can say this. Second thing is psychological problems and it can lead you to mental diseases. They can be cured through Sahaja Yoga. Thirdly, diseases which are known as psychosomatic because they cause mental and physical both problems. They also can be cured through Sahaja Yoga. There is no doubt about it that they can be cured and they should be cured. Because we think that whatever questions, problems, doubts exist in this world is mainly because of human being. And whatever problems are there in human beings are because of their chakra. If your chakras get cleared and cured then your questions can surely be solved. But, if you get collective consciousness after awakening. I mean if you feel others chakras also, then you can cure people all over the world sitting here itself. First you have to find out your own problems, you can cure it. Then you find out other people’s problems and can cure them. Muhammad Sahib has said that when Siama will come. It is written in Kuran, Bible and other holy books. They have written that the time of resurrection will come. It is written in Guru Granth Sahib also that resurrection time will come. There is no holy book exist which said that time of your resurrection will not come. The time will come which will take you to the state of deliverance. That time has arrived now. This work is being done at this time, because it has to be done at this time only. All the works are being accomplished on its time only. The time of Shri Krishna was different. Time of saints was different. Time of Christ was different and today’s time is this. At this time your deliverance is very necessary. Muhammad Sahib has said it clearly that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. Your hands will witness against you. I mean will know on your fingertips that which chakra of the other person is in bad condition. Which of your chakras are not well. Such a wonderful thing he told. And you can understand your own defects. Your hand will speak against you. Now time has come to fulfill whatever they told you. Lets talk about Science. I have heard that there are many people sitting here who are highly educated and good in science. Firstly there is no place of morality in Science. There is no thought of moral values in Science. Secondly, things that relate with Science are very destructive. It should be called very superficial. For example electricity has come because of Science. So what? People lived without electricity also. This is not the last thing. Since the arrival of Science, people became very restless. In the places where Science has reached to very high level, they are at the verge of destruction due to restlessness. We have done the mistake of running behind one thing only. Now if you think of Science keep your mind open. There is Science of God beyond Science. Science is something that keeps changing. Today somebody may certify some hypothesis correct and later he or somebody else may deny it. Science may change but Science of God does not change at all. When government of God gets activated, it is perfect. We should go in the kingdom of God. At present, you are sitting within a very small ambit. You have many questions in front of you. Once this ambit gets broken and mix with higher ambit. Which is known as True Court (Sachein Darabar). Then you will wonder that how glorious and important powers you have. And how important you yourself is. Once you realise what all powers you have inside then you will understand that you are not a common person. You are human. And being human you have full right to get your self-realisation. But, people all over the world will keep saying that you are a sinner this and that. But people who are saying this are sinner themselves. You are human beings not God. Human being can make mistakes. If it is God then I would have said something but you are humans. Making mistakes is the nature of humans. The all pervading power (Param Chaitanya), I am talking about, is ocean of forgiveness. What mistake you can make which cannot be dissolved completely. You cannot commit any such mistake. Whatever sins or mistakes you have inside that can be destroyed completely. People who wonder how can they get self-realisation as they are not worth due to mistakes, they had committed. Stop thinking all this. It is very wrong perception that humans think themselves as lower due to the mistakes he has done in the past. Whatever mistake done should be rectified and ignored. Second problem of humans is lack of forgiveness. He cannot forgive. Whether you forgive or not, cannot do anything. What can you do? But if you do not forgive then you get into wrong hands. Because you will keep thinking about the person whom you have not forgiven and trouble yourself. You are not able to do anything. So its better to forgive and leave it in the hands of God. People find it very difficult. But what is difficult here. You are holding something false, Leave it. You will be surprised that all the things that are disastrous for you gets destroyed themselves in Sahaja Yoga. If I say you should leave this and that then half of the people will get up and go away. I don’t ask you to leave anything. When you will enlighten within, you will leave yourself. For example I am holding a snake in the darkness, you will tell me that it’s a snake. But I will say “No! It’s a cord. Understand. I will keep holding it till it bites me. But if I get even little light there, I will immediately leave it. In the same way, all the wrong you have inside will be removed automatically. So many foreigners are sitting here. Many of them were addicted to drug. Too much drugs. They left taking drugs in one night. Because we are not capable of leaving anything. We don’t have power. But all the problems get over automatically. All problems get problem themselves and run away automatically. It happens because you transformed as a complete capable spirit. And you are in relation with Chaitanya who does every work, who knows everything and thinks about everyone. See this rose grows from the rose plant only and rose plant grows till a particular height only. And mango tree grows till a particular height. And you also grow till a particular height. Who does all these works? Chaitanya, who is capable of doing such complicated and intelligent work, when flows from you and guides you then you become your own Guru. Gurus only have made their place within us. But they are not awakened till now. When they get awakened then only you will know that how much blessings they bestowed on us. These are the real Gurus. Full of vibrations. Once Saint Namdev went to meet Gora Kumhar ( Kumhar means potterman). Namdev was a tailor and Gora was a potter man. They never went to any university or college. They were not able to read and write. Portman was crushing the soil at that time. As soon as Namdev reached there and saw him, he spoke spontaneously in Marathi which means “I came here to see the formless God, but God is within you in physical form.” No human can understand other human in this way until he is not a saint. When Namdev went to Panjab, Guru Nanak Sahib understood who he is, though he was a tailor. And he understood his maid Janabai also. Guru Nanak told him to learn Panjabi Language and write in Panjabi. He wrote such a big book. Guru Granth Sahib also has many of his poems in Panjabi language. This kind of understanding and internal desire to make people aware of the truth is quality of a saint. They had put all their efforts and powers to work for truth in Indian soil. In the same way lot of work has been done in other parts of the world. I believe England also had a great poet called William Blake. He opened the truth to the people. Everywhere such great poets were born who reached the state where truth and reality can be understood. They wrote clearly what to achieve. But humans are influenced by materialism. He is slowly decaying due to this. When we look at our children we get worried. When we look at the world we start worrying. It’s reason is that we have not yet understood our spirit till now. Once you will know the nature of your spirit, all your problems and worries will be solved. I want to tell you that there is a big unemployment problem in England. But not a single Sahajayogi is unemployed there. Everyone’s problem can be managed easily. But people don’t understand. Solution need to be established within human being. You see that so many desires are existing in this world. One desire fulfills, second starts, then third. Whatever desire gets fulfilled, his soul will never get peace. But one desire that is known as true desire or pure desire, whether you know or not, exists within you. It resides within you. This is your Kundalini. It is the power of pure desire. Now you can know about Kundalini, your inner self and your Chakras easily. Nothing is hidden now. Anytime you have any doubt in mind, ask me immediately. All these things shall be opened in front of you. First you should be awakened. Secondly, this work, as he told you, is going on in 60-62 countries. All this work is a collective organization and lively too. It is as lively as our body. It is a lively organization. Your brothers and sisters are sitting in the whole world. But they all are realised and awakened. If one of our nails breaks, it can not grow. But if you become part of collective you will realise that you are diving in the ocean of joy. There are so many people came from all over the world. Many of them are Indian also. I have never seen them fighting or abusing each other. So much love. They don’t even know the language of each other. Now I am speaking in Hindi language. I told them to excuse me because I am speaking in Hindi language. They speak English or many other language. They said language does not matter, “ we enjoy meditation”. I asked them, ‘why'? They replied “we become thoughtless”. So, your first stage is thoughtlessness. You are in present when you are thoughtless. Normally you are either in future or in the past. You get their thoughts only. But the moment Kundalini gets awakened, you get stable at the point between these two thoughts, where present exists. In this thoughtlessness, you are completely aware. At that moment you grow spiritually. So, you have to do meditation. You get into meditation. While meditating you become thoughtless. At that moment you will feel peace. People search for peace in the whole world. They say need peace, need peace. And so many people got award for peace. But how can one give peace who has no peace inside. You achieve the state of peace inside you. Many things you can get in this way. You can understand the truth. You are enlighten with light of truth. You will be surprised to know that this truth is love of God. This is the utter truth that God loves you very much. When we become aware of this truth then we be delighted with joy. Our soul is called Satchidananda (truth, consciousness and joy). I hope you all will achieve this state today. And we will again establish rule of dharma in Kurukshetra. No one can become religious by doing religious rituals mechanically. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian or follower of any other religion can do any kind of sin but not a Sahaja Yogi. Because Dharma is awakened inside him. Internal religion should be awakened. It is awakened by the awakening of the Kundalini. I am hoping that after today’s awakening you all please come in the collectivity. And learn everything about the Sahaja Yoga. Firstly, you will learn about it with your mind. But after that you will reach the state of Nirvikalpa. First you will reach the state of thoughtless (Nirvichaar) Samadhi. Then you will reach the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. After reaching this state you can give realisation to thousands of people. You can cure them and get solutions. Try to understand that by the time earthen lamp is not lit, it always eager to get enlightened. Even if it gets enlightened, may shake by the wind or something. But slowly it gets a state where it’s thread keeps burning. In the same way, this instrument (our body) is of no use and value till the time connection is not established with the main ( God). Similar state is with humans. When he gets connected and become one with all pervading power surrounding him. When his all powers become one with the powers of the Almighty. And when he gets completely connected with Param Chaitanya, then this thing starts flowing from his hands. Then he becomes very powerful. This was called ‘Khalis' (Pure) by Guru Nanak. Khalistan is made by us. Where pure people can live. How people who are not pure, can make Khalistan. Similarly, may people have described it in different ways. Now, the time has come that you all get this meditative state. I wish to tell you one small thing that have respect towards yourself. I am sure that you all can get self-realisation. I can not work if you don’t believe yourself. Second thing is, that no one can force you. You have got the freedom to go towards hell or heaven. No one can force you and no work can be done forcefully. For example you can’t forcefully tell a seed to get sprouted. In the same way your freedom is fully respected here. And you also respect it. And understand that you can be this respectful personality. It’s very easy. Believe within yourself. People who don’t wish to get self-realisation. Who do not want to get awakened. They can leave now. And those who wish to get self-realisation, are being requested to sit. It is matter of ten minutes. Indians get self-realisation very quickly. I feel that they’re standing exactly at the shore if ocean and suddenly start floating in ocean of joy. Indian soil is very powerful. When these people (foreigners) come to India, they kiss it’s soil at the airport. They say, “Mother! We are able to see Chaitanya here. And we don’t know where we are”. The day this will happen we will reach at the religion that is above all the religions. Where we will not have any dirt within us. We will not have any doubt inside us. All these misunderstandings are created by us. And we will immediately be one. Be part of the collective and will be related to the whole world. (Shri Mataji speaking in English) It’s very kind of you to come all the way here. Sorry I am speaking the language which so many of you don’t know. Hindi language. But, there is no language for love. No need to have any language for love. Only love has vibrations that’s what I hope you are all enjoy here. There are so many brothers and sisters putting down here anxious to have self-realisation. By your good wishes, I am sure that It will work out. May God bless you. (Shri Mataji speaking in Hindi language) Now put your both hands towards me like this. Because these five, six, and seven points are at the end of the sympathetic nervous system. This seven and this seven. These seven from left and seven from right get combined to make Chakra in this way. When you are putting your hand towards me then you have opened your chakra in this way. Put little bit down. All of you. Raise your hand like this. Not very high. Which you can tolerate. All of you. Everyone do it please. We are sitting in the Kurukshetra, so it seems very easy. Now you all close your eyes. Everybody close your eyes. It’s better to remove your spectacles because it improves your eyesight also. Please close your eyes. Close your eyes son! Close your eyes. And remove your spectacles also if needed. (Shri Mataji blows seven times) Now don’t doubt about yourself. Please open your eyes. Now, keep your left hand towards me. Bent your neck towards me. And see that if there is cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Fontanel bone area, left hand towards me. Bent your neck. Right hand. Bent your head and check with your right hand that hot Or cool breeze coming from your fontanel bone area. Check with your right hand. Please bent your heads. I think everybody has to forgive. Please forgive. Forgive everyone. Hot breeze is coming due to this only. Forgive everyone. Please put your right hand towards me. Bent your neck. Check with your left hand whether hot or cold breeze is coming from your fontanel bone area? Don’t keep your hand on the head. Keep it above the head. Move your hand little bit. Sometimes it comes from near or sometimes it comes from far. It may be cool or hot breeze. If it is hot don’t feel scared. Hot breeze will keep coming until you don’t forgive. Your anger will completely pacify by forgiving. Now left hand. Keep your left hand towards me and check with your right hand. Please put your left hand towards me and keep your right hand on top of your head. Check whether hot or cool breeze is coming. Please bend your heads. Now put your both hands towards sky. And turn your head backwards. I mean look at the sky. Please put your hands up and bend your heads backward please. Look at the sky. Now ask a question in your mind. Three times. “Mother! Is this the breeze of the Param Chaitanya? Is it power of Param Chaitanya? Is this all pervading power of divine love?” Ask three times. Ask three times. Now put your hands down. Now see there is no breeze around. It’s only coming from your hands and head. Now see. Don’t doubt. Now, whoever is feeling cool breeze from hands, or fingers or fontanel bone area,, raise your both the hands. When people have gone to wrong gurus, they don’t get the self-realisation. But most of the people get it. My unending blessings to all. Some times it happens that some people who have gone to wrong gurus or not sound in health, or some other reason, don’t get their self-realisation. All such people should come to collectivity. Now, people who have not felt cool or hot breeze in hand, or fingers or head, raise your hands. (Pause) now is it felt? Now see. Those who are feeling now, keep your hands down. It will come don’t doubt. Very small number of people are there who have not felt it. But don’t worry. Now you come this side, these foreigners will make you feel the vibrations. They (Shri Mataji laughing) don’t know anything about religion. People did not even heard about God in Russia. People appear more than ten times comparing here in the programs conducted there. And they get their self-realisation. Now this will be nice if they give you self-realisation and after that you go and give them self-realisation. People who have really not felt. Should come they will help you and work on you. By the time some songs can be played. Come come, this is something that can be availed should be availed. Who are organising the work? foreigners can come and give them realisation. All of you come here and sit in a line. Everyone should get self-realisation. Definitely should get it. (Calling) come come wow. You sit here. Sit here, sit here. Now, you are sitting here with authority (to get self-realisation) ( volunteers trying to settle down seekers, Shri Mataji laughingly telling to volunteers) ask them to go back. Sit-sit everybody will get. (Music started) (singer asks permission to sing from Sri Mataji) Hindi Bhajan- “My mind is coloured in the colour of the Mother(4) I am always engrossed in the rhythm of the Mother(2) My mind… Mother’s love is shadowed upon us My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother Mother Temple of my mind is enlightened with light (2) Power is awakened in the name of the Mother (2) We have shadow of the Mother’s love (2) My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother (2) I am engrossed in mother’s rhythm (2) Nectar is flowing from my hands (2) Mother has given support to the falling people (2) Whole life is flowing in bliss (niranand) (2) My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother(2) I am engrossed in the mother’s rhythm (2) My mind… Pot of my life is filled with nectar Since I got ocean of Mother’s love(4) We have been purified by the sight of the mother My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother (2) I am engrossed in the rhythm of the mother (2) Another Hindi Bhajan People think that I am mad but I am your fan mother (2) I came wearing red stola which is your symbol mother People think… .. … Fulfill my heartiest desire mother I am thirsty for your sight We pray for your victory Nirmala Maa (jai ho) (2) People… . I come… .. Neither I have money mother Nor I have any resource(2) Mother you are maker of my destiny We pray for your victory Goddess Mother I came wearing…. … I left the whole world And arrived at your door Mother(4) I surrender my whole life to you mother (Not clear) Enlighten the whole world Mother You are the lamp Mother People think… I came wearing… (4) (Shri Mataji talking to people in bacground) (Another Hindi Bhajan) Mother is lover of devotion (bhaktipriya), Mother is desireless (Nishkama), she is beyond Gunas and sins We hail Nirmal, the creator of whole Universe We hail Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali We hail Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Say Jai of Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Jai to Mahalakshmi, Jai to Mahasaraswati Jai to Mahakali Mother is Nishkala (indivisible-complete), Mother is Nirmala (pure) Shri Mataji is continuous Hail (Jai to) Shri Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi We hail Malakshmi, Mahasaraswati Mahakali Mother is untouched by various karma( Nirlepa), Mother is Unstained by any limitations whatsoever (Niranjana) We Hail… . .. Mother is Supreme creator of illusion and confusion ( Mahamaya) Mother is the mother of whole Universe Mother is creator of auspiciousness Mother takes away sorrows Hail mother who holds the Universe. Hail the giver of self realisation spontaneously Hail Mahalkshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali Hail Adi Shakti…
PARMATAMA KI SCIENCE-PUBLIC PROGRAMME KURUKSHETRA: DEC 8, 1993 [Translation from Hindi to English] Sahaja yogi (Anchor): My first request to you that we will run the programme as long as you wish. if you say half an hour it will be half an hour. if you wish for one hour, it will be one hour or afterwards. While Shri Mataji tells about Sahaja Yoga, if it’s continuity breaks, she does not like it. The second request is for the brothers who have come to listen only, should sit with love. And people who have come as spectator only. Then its of no use. They will disturb others also. They are requested to go out. They may listen from outside. But, if they are standing inside the pandal, then they are requested to sit down. All my foreign brothers and sisters, I would like to explain little constraints in Kurukshetra. But straight away, I beg your pardon for two small mistakes that young boys did here. One- by mistake they issued some vouchers for which I am very sorry because this was a mistake. These boys, young boys who are managing the program here, are very young. Below 24 years of age. It was the duty of the Yamunanagar and Karnal Sahaj Yogis to come and help them here but for some reason they had to go to Hathini Kund, and they could not come here. I am sure that you will excuse us for this small mistake. And I am also very sorry for the chilies in the food and I promise to you that the green chilies, the box of green chilies and red chilies have already been thrown in the dustbin by me personally. And I am sure that you will excuse me for this. And next meal would be much better than the first one. I am sure that you will excuse me for this. Thank you very much. (Arrival of Shri Mataji) Sahaja Yogi anchor- Shri Mataji! On behalf of the brothers and sisters present here, and your children, remembering you day and night From the sixty countries. They love you, you are (not clear). Whatever they are, very pure at heart. Shri Mataji! Since last two years, these thousands flowers, in front of you, are being collected and now being conferred at your lotus feet. On behalf of all Sahaji brothers and sisters, I request you to tell us about the Sahaja Yoga and give us self-realisation. (applause) (Hindi Bhajan) We request you Mother to grant us love (2) We are the children of Sahajayoga Compassionate mother is giver of comfort(2) Give us comfort Mother Nirmal Whole country is praising Mother (2) We are the children of Sahaja Yoga(2) Mother Nirmal! You are the giver of knowledge (2) Mother! Please grant us pure knowledge We get up daily to sing in your praise (2) We are the Children of Sahaja Yoga (2) We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are the children of Sahaja Yoga (2) give us place at your lotus feet Mother (3) Raise Kundalini Mother We are water, you are sandal wood (2) We are children of Sahajayoga (2) We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are children of Sahaja Yoga Give us place at Sahasrara Mother (2) We love Nirmal religion (dharma) You are Eternal (Nitya) Mother, eternal truth We are children of Sahaja yoga We request you mother to grant us love (2) We are children of Sahaja yoga (3) Shri Mataji- This is my body, these are my emotions, this is my mind, this is my hand, this is my head. Saying ‘my-my', who am I? This only is truth. And second truth I am going to tell you. I am watching these beautiful flowers lying here and I am admiring its glory. After looking at the beauty of these flowers, this question should always come in mind that how these flowers came so simply from this Earth? Who created them? Our heart pulsates by itself. Doctors say that it is an autonomous nervous system. It is self- propelled. What is 'self' here? We have never learnt about 'self' till now. But the power that runs this 'self', runs this universe in active or inactive form. Which is formless, universal, and known as ‘Paramchaitanya'. We have never learned about this power till now. Learning about this power and being one with it, is Sahaja Yoga. ‘Saha' means with you and ‘ja' means born. This right of yours is born with you. It is the right of every human being that he should receive (feel) this all-pervading power, be one with it. This is yoga. This is the goal of human life. Till the time, it does not happens, you will never get solutions, whatever you do. Sometimes human think, “if I get money or political power, then I will be satisfied.” Never! Solution of satisfaction is lying within your soul. This ocean of joy flows from there only. Your soul was watching all your activities as witness till now. You have not got the light of your soul within your attention till now. That is the reason we were ignorant. That is why we were blind. That is the reason Kabirdas said, “how to explain? Whole world is blind”. Saints had faced this problem. But now the time has come when we can achieve that insight. It is very simple now. It is possible in a very simple way (Sahaja way). People have worked on Kundalini since beginning of the creation. Now what I am doing or saying is not a new thing. The only difference in present time is that it can be done collectively. But previously among Nagpanthies (a community in India) , one Guru use to have only one disciple (who was taught about the Kundalini). And this was not told to anyone else. In twelfth century, Saint Gyaneshwar had taken permission from his Guru, “please allow me to write about it. What is wrong in writing?” Then he wrote in the sixth chapter of his book titled ‘Gyaneshwari' about the Kundalini. But all the leaders of religion of that time, were not at all aware about Kundalini. So they refused to accept it and banned it’s discussions. Then, you all know that there were many saints born in sixteenth century. Many saints were born in Maharashtra itself. Many real gurus like Guru Nanak were born in our Indian soil. Our Indian soil is fertile soil (from spiritual point of view). And Kurukshetra is the first word of Gita. This is the place where Shri Krishna had come and this is the place where war between Dharma and Adharma took place. Dharma won the battle. But slowly everything was forgotten in our country. We kept forgetting everything till now. And we have reached so far that what all we had earned in the past is not at all visible. It is still there. You all don’t know how strong Param Chaitanya here is? I felt very happy when I was informed about the program at Kurukshetra. I know that this part of the Earth is emitting lot of vibrations. You all don’t know the fact that if you are born in India, it is a great virtue. Virtues of your earlier births have given you a chance to be born in India. And you will actually feel it right now. You were told about the Sahaja Yoga. The power called Kundalini is inside you. When this power awakens, it pierces six chakras, six not seven. After piercing six chakras, it reaches Brahmarandhra. and there it pierces your vertex and becomes one with the power that is present all around. It is known as yoga. Thing to understand here is that we all know that if we sow a seed on this mother Earth, then it automatically germinates. How it grows? Because that seed has the power and mother Earth also has the power and she awakens it. Shri Ramdas Swami who was guru of Shivaji, was asked by someone that how much time does it take to awaken the Kundalini. He answered ‘within a second’. Only eligible receiver and giver are required. I see that everywhere in India, people are religious. We cannot understand by sitting here that how bad internal condition of the people outside India is. They are empty inside. I cannot explain their poor condition in this small talk. Those poor people are very pathetic because there is no Dharma in their culture itself. No thought of God is left. No fear of God is left. They do whatever they like because they think they are free (swatantra) to do anything. Meaning of Swatantra is Swa and Tantra. Swa means one’s own soul, tantra means system. Knowing the system of one’s own soul is known as Swatantrata that is freedom. Till the time you are not aware of the system of your own soul, you are not free. So, the reason of joy today is the arrival of so many people in Kurukshetra for Sahaja Yoga. I had thought that sometime I will have to go to Haryana. And this event took place. It is a blessing for me because attention goes again and again on a particular thing or place, till the time you work for it or get it settled accordingly. There was feeling that this state (Haryana) is still left. I need to look into it. I need to go there. It worked out today. This is the reason of joy. There is no mind game in it. No need to think the reason behind it. Kundalini is your own mother. Everybody has his own mother. It is your individual mother. And it knows everything about you. She knows about your earlier births. She knows what you are. She knows your problems and mistakes also. And she is very eager about your rebirth (self-realisation). I do not have any personal gain in it. I am like a light which can lit another light. You will also be able to do this once you become a light. You also will be able to do the work of realising or lighting others. You have this power. You have got many powers. You are not aware of the things you can do. First of all, Kundalini awakening can improve your physical problems. It is true that with Sahaja Yoga, all kind of diseases can be cured. No one can guess about it or no one else can say this. Second thing is psychological problems and it can lead you to mental diseases. They can be cured through Sahaja Yoga. Thirdly, diseases which are known as psychosomatic because they cause mental and physical both problems. They also can be cured through Sahaja Yoga. There is no doubt about it that they can be cured and they should be cured. Because we think that whatever questions, problems, doubts exist in this world is mainly because of human being. And whatever problems are there in human beings are because of their chakra. If your chakras get cleared and cured then your questions can surely be solved. But, if you get collective consciousness after awakening. I mean if you feel others chakras also, then you can cure people all over the world sitting here itself. First you have to find out your own problems, you can cure it. Then you find out other people’s problems and can cure them. Muhammad Sahib has said that when Siama will come. It is written in Kuran, Bible and other holy books. They have written that the time of resurrection will come. It is written in Guru Granth Sahib also that resurrection time will come. There is no holy book exist which said that time of your resurrection will not come. The time will come which will take you to the state of deliverance. That time has arrived now. This work is being done at this time, because it has to be done at this time only. All the works are being accomplished on its time only. The time of Shri Krishna was different. Time of saints was different. Time of Christ was different and today’s time is this. At this time your deliverance is very necessary. Muhammad Sahib has said it clearly that at the time of resurrection your hands will speak. Your hands will witness against you. I mean will know on your fingertips that which chakra of the other person is in bad condition. Which of your chakras are not well. Such a wonderful thing he told. And you can understand your own defects. Your hand will speak against you. Now time has come to fulfill whatever they told you. Lets talk about Science. I have heard that there are many people sitting here who are highly educated and good in science. Firstly there is no place of morality in Science. There is no thought of moral values in Science. Secondly, things that relate with Science are very destructive. It should be called very superficial. For example electricity has come because of Science. So what? People lived without electricity also. This is not the last thing. Since the arrival of Science, people became very restless. In the places where Science has reached to very high level, they are at the verge of destruction due to restlessness. We have done the mistake of running behind one thing only. Now if you think of Science keep your mind open. There is Science of God beyond Science. Science is something that keeps changing. Today somebody may certify some hypothesis correct and later he or somebody else may deny it. Science may change but Science of God does not change at all. When government of God gets activated, it is perfect. We should go in the kingdom of God. At present, you are sitting within a very small ambit. You have many questions in front of you. Once this ambit gets broken and mix with higher ambit. Which is known as True Court (Sachein Darabar). Then you will wonder that how glorious and important powers you have. And how important you yourself is. Once you realise what all powers you have inside then you will understand that you are not a common person. You are human. And being human you have full right to get your self-realisation. But, people all over the world will keep saying that you are a sinner this and that. But people who are saying this are sinner themselves. You are human beings not God. Human being can make mistakes. If it is God then I would have said something but you are humans. Making mistakes is the nature of humans. The all pervading power (Param Chaitanya), I am talking about, is ocean of forgiveness. What mistake you can make which cannot be dissolved completely. You cannot commit any such mistake. Whatever sins or mistakes you have inside that can be destroyed completely. People who wonder how can they get self-realisation as they are not worth due to mistakes, they had committed. Stop thinking all this. It is very wrong perception that humans think themselves as lower due to the mistakes he has done in the past. Whatever mistake done should be rectified and ignored. Second problem of humans is lack of forgiveness. He cannot forgive. Whether you forgive or not, cannot do anything. What can you do? But if you do not forgive then you get into wrong hands. Because you will keep thinking about the person whom you have not forgiven and trouble yourself. You are not able to do anything. So its better to forgive and leave it in the hands of God. People find it very difficult. But what is difficult here. You are holding something false, Leave it. You will be surprised that all the things that are disastrous for you gets destroyed themselves in Sahaja Yoga. If I say you should leave this and that then half of the people will get up and go away. I don’t ask you to leave anything. When you will enlighten within, you will leave yourself. For example I am holding a snake in the darkness, you will tell me that it’s a snake. But I will say “No! It’s a cord. Understand. I will keep holding it till it bites me. But if I get even little light there, I will immediately leave it. In the same way, all the wrong you have inside will be removed automatically. So many foreigners are sitting here. Many of them were addicted to drug. Too much drugs. They left taking drugs in one night. Because we are not capable of leaving anything. We don’t have power. But all the problems get over automatically. All problems get problem themselves and run away automatically. It happens because you transformed as a complete capable spirit. And you are in relation with Chaitanya who does every work, who knows everything and thinks about everyone. See this rose grows from the rose plant only and rose plant grows till a particular height only. And mango tree grows till a particular height. And you also grow till a particular height. Who does all these works? Chaitanya, who is capable of doing such complicated and intelligent work, when flows from you and guides you then you become your own Guru. Gurus only have made their place within us. But they are not awakened till now. When they get awakened then only you will know that how much blessings they bestowed on us. These are the real Gurus. Full of vibrations. Once Saint Namdev went to meet Gora Kumhar ( Kumhar means potterman). Namdev was a tailor and Gora was a potter man. They never went to any university or college. They were not able to read and write. Portman was crushing the soil at that time. As soon as Namdev reached there and saw him, he spoke spontaneously in Marathi which means “I came here to see the formless God, but God is within you in physical form.” No human can understand other human in this way until he is not a saint. When Namdev went to Panjab, Guru Nanak Sahib understood who he is, though he was a tailor. And he understood his maid Janabai also. Guru Nanak told him to learn Panjabi Language and write in Panjabi. He wrote such a big book. Guru Granth Sahib also has many of his poems in Panjabi language. This kind of understanding and internal desire to make people aware of the truth is quality of a saint. They had put all their efforts and powers to work for truth in Indian soil. In the same way lot of work has been done in other parts of the world. I believe England also had a great poet called William Blake. He opened the truth to the people. Everywhere such great poets were born who reached the state where truth and reality can be understood. They wrote clearly what to achieve. But humans are influenced by materialism. He is slowly decaying due to this. When we look at our children we get worried. When we look at the world we start worrying. It’s reason is that we have not yet understood our spirit till now. Once you will know the nature of your spirit, all your problems and worries will be solved. I want to tell you that there is a big unemployment problem in England. But not a single Sahajayogi is unemployed there. Everyone’s problem can be managed easily. But people don’t understand. Solution need to be established within human being. You see that so many desires are existing in this world. One desire fulfills, second starts, then third. Whatever desire gets fulfilled, his soul will never get peace. But one desire that is known as true desire or pure desire, whether you know or not, exists within you. It resides within you. This is your Kundalini. It is the power of pure desire. Now you can know about Kundalini, your inner self and your Chakras easily. Nothing is hidden now. Anytime you have any doubt in mind, ask me immediately. All these things shall be opened in front of you. First you should be awakened. Secondly, this work, as he told you, is going on in 60-62 countries. All this work is a collective organization and lively too. It is as lively as our body. It is a lively organization. Your brothers and sisters are sitting in the whole world. But they all are realised and awakened. If one of our nails breaks, it can not grow. But if you become part of collective you will realise that you are diving in the ocean of joy. There are so many people came from all over the world. Many of them are Indian also. I have never seen them fighting or abusing each other. So much love. They don’t even know the language of each other. Now I am speaking in Hindi language. I told them to excuse me because I am speaking in Hindi language. They speak English or many other language. They said language does not matter, “ we enjoy meditation”. I asked them, ‘why'? They replied “we become thoughtless”. So, your first stage is thoughtlessness. You are in present when you are thoughtless. Normally you are either in future or in the past. You get their thoughts only. But the moment Kundalini gets awakened, you get stable at the point between these two thoughts, where present exists. In this thoughtlessness, you are completely aware. At that moment you grow spiritually. So, you have to do meditation. You get into meditation. While meditating you become thoughtless. At that moment you will feel peace. People search for peace in the whole world. They say need peace, need peace. And so many people got award for peace. But how can one give peace who has no peace inside. You achieve the state of peace inside you. Many things you can get in this way. You can understand the truth. You are enlighten with light of truth. You will be surprised to know that this truth is love of God. This is the utter truth that God loves you very much. When we become aware of this truth then we be delighted with joy. Our soul is called Satchidananda (truth, consciousness and joy). I hope you all will achieve this state today. And we will again establish rule of dharma in Kurukshetra. No one can become religious by doing religious rituals mechanically. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian or follower of any other religion can do any kind of sin but not a Sahaja Yogi. Because Dharma is awakened inside him. Internal religion should be awakened. It is awakened by the awakening of the Kundalini. I am hoping that after today’s awakening you all please come in the collectivity. And learn everything about the Sahaja Yoga. Firstly, you will learn about it with your mind. But after that you will reach the state of Nirvikalpa. First you will reach the state of thoughtless (Nirvichaar) Samadhi. Then you will reach the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi. After reaching this state you can give realisation to thousands of people. You can cure them and get solutions. Try to understand that by the time earthen lamp is not lit, it always eager to get enlightened. Even if it gets enlightened, may shake by the wind or something. But slowly it gets a state where it’s thread keeps burning. In the same way, this instrument (our body) is of no use and value till the time connection is not established with the main ( God). Similar state is with humans. When he gets connected and become one with all pervading power surrounding him. When his all powers become one with the powers of the Almighty. And when he gets completely connected with Param Chaitanya, then this thing starts flowing from his hands. Then he becomes very powerful. This was called ‘Khalis' (Pure) by Guru Nanak. Khalistan is made by us. Where pure people can live. How people who are not pure, can make Khalistan. Similarly, may people have described it in different ways. Now, the time has come that you all get this meditative state. I wish to tell you one small thing that have respect towards yourself. I am sure that you all can get self-realisation. I can not work if you don’t believe yourself. Second thing is, that no one can force you. You have got the freedom to go towards hell or heaven. No one can force you and no work can be done forcefully. For example you can’t forcefully tell a seed to get sprouted. In the same way your freedom is fully respected here. And you also respect it. And understand that you can be this respectful personality. It’s very easy. Believe within yourself. People who don’t wish to get self-realisation. Who do not want to get awakened. They can leave now. And those who wish to get self-realisation, are being requested to sit. It is matter of ten minutes. Indians get self-realisation very quickly. I feel that they’re standing exactly at the shore if ocean and suddenly start floating in ocean of joy. Indian soil is very powerful. When these people (foreigners) come to India, they kiss it’s soil at the airport. They say, “Mother! We are able to see Chaitanya here. And we don’t know where we are”. The day this will happen we will reach at the religion that is above all the religions. Where we will not have any dirt within us. We will not have any doubt inside us. All these misunderstandings are created by us. And we will immediately be one. Be part of the collective and will be related to the whole world. (Shri Mataji speaking in English) It’s very kind of you to come all the way here. Sorry I am speaking the language which so many of you don’t know. Hindi language. But, there is no language for love. No need to have any language for love. Only love has vibrations that’s what I hope you are all enjoy here. There are so many brothers and sisters putting down here anxious to have self-realisation. By your good wishes, I am sure that It will work out. May God bless you. (Shri Mataji speaking in Hindi language) Now put your both hands towards me like this. Because these five, six, and seven points are at the end of the sympathetic nervous system. This seven and this seven. These seven from left and seven from right get combined to make Chakra in this way. When you are putting your hand towards me then you have opened your chakra in this way. Put little bit down. All of you. Raise your hand like this. Not very high. Which you can tolerate. All of you. Everyone do it please. We are sitting in the Kurukshetra, so it seems very easy. Now you all close your eyes. Everybody close your eyes. It’s better to remove your spectacles because it improves your eyesight also. Please close your eyes. Close your eyes son! Close your eyes. And remove your spectacles also if needed. (Shri Mataji blows seven times) Now don’t doubt about yourself. Please open your eyes. Now, keep your left hand towards me. Bent your neck towards me. And see that if there is cool or hot breeze coming from your head. Fontanel bone area, left hand towards me. Bent your neck. Right hand. Bent your head and check with your right hand that hot Or cool breeze coming from your fontanel bone area. Check with your right hand. Please bent your heads. I think everybody has to forgive. Please forgive. Forgive everyone. Hot breeze is coming due to this only. Forgive everyone. Please put your right hand towards me. Bent your neck. Check with your left hand whether hot or cold breeze is coming from your fontanel bone area? Don’t keep your hand on the head. Keep it above the head. Move your hand little bit. Sometimes it comes from near or sometimes it comes from far. It may be cool or hot breeze. If it is hot don’t feel scared. Hot breeze will keep coming until you don’t forgive. Your anger will completely pacify by forgiving. Now left hand. Keep your left hand towards me and check with your right hand. Please put your left hand towards me and keep your right hand on top of your head. Check whether hot or cool breeze is coming. Please bend your heads. Now put your both hands towards sky. And turn your head backwards. I mean look at the sky. Please put your hands up and bend your heads backward please. Look at the sky. Now ask a question in your mind. Three times. “Mother! Is this the breeze of the Param Chaitanya? Is it power of Param Chaitanya? Is this all pervading power of divine love?” Ask three times. Ask three times. Now put your hands down. Now see there is no breeze around. It’s only coming from your hands and head. Now see. Don’t doubt. Now, whoever is feeling cool breeze from hands, or fingers or fontanel bone area,, raise your both the hands. When people have gone to wrong gurus, they don’t get the self-realisation. But most of the people get it. My unending blessings to all. Some times it happens that some people who have gone to wrong gurus or not sound in health, or some other reason, don’t get their self-realisation. All such people should come to collectivity. Now, people who have not felt cool or hot breeze in hand, or fingers or head, raise your hands. (Pause) now is it felt? Now see. Those who are feeling now, keep your hands down. It will come don’t doubt. Very small number of people are there who have not felt it. But don’t worry. Now you come this side, these foreigners will make you feel the vibrations. They (Shri Mataji laughing) don’t know anything about religion. People did not even heard about God in Russia. People appear more than ten times comparing here in the programs conducted there. And they get their self-realisation. Now this will be nice if they give you self-realisation and after that you go and give them self-realisation. People who have really not felt. Should come they will help you and work on you. By the time some songs can be played. Come come, this is something that can be availed should be availed. Who are organising the work? foreigners can come and give them realisation. All of you come here and sit in a line. Everyone should get self-realisation. Definitely should get it. (Calling) come come wow. You sit here. Sit here, sit here. Now, you are sitting here with authority (to get self-realisation) ( volunteers trying to settle down seekers, Shri Mataji laughingly telling to volunteers) ask them to go back. Sit-sit everybody will get. (Music started) (singer asks permission to sing from Sri Mataji) Hindi Bhajan- “My mind is coloured in the colour of the Mother(4) I am always engrossed in the rhythm of the Mother(2) My mind… Mother’s love is shadowed upon us My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother Mother Temple of my mind is enlightened with light (2) Power is awakened in the name of the Mother (2) We have shadow of the Mother’s love (2) My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother (2) I am engrossed in mother’s rhythm (2) Nectar is flowing from my hands (2) Mother has given support to the falling people (2) Whole life is flowing in bliss (niranand) (2) My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother(2) I am engrossed in the mother’s rhythm (2) My mind… Pot of my life is filled with nectar Since I got ocean of Mother’s love(4) We have been purified by the sight of the mother My mind is coloured in the colour of the mother (2) I am engrossed in the rhythm of the mother (2) Another Hindi Bhajan People think that I am mad but I am your fan mother (2) I came wearing red stola which is your symbol mother People think… .. … Fulfill my heartiest desire mother I am thirsty for your sight We pray for your victory Nirmala Maa (jai ho) (2) People… . I come… .. Neither I have money mother Nor I have any resource(2) Mother you are maker of my destiny We pray for your victory Goddess Mother I came wearing…. … I left the whole world And arrived at your door Mother(4) I surrender my whole life to you mother (Not clear) Enlighten the whole world Mother You are the lamp Mother People think… I came wearing… (4) (Shri Mataji talking to people in bacground) (Another Hindi Bhajan) Mother is lover of devotion (bhaktipriya), Mother is desireless (Nishkama), she is beyond Gunas and sins We hail Nirmal, the creator of whole Universe We hail Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali We hail Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Say Jai of Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Jai to Mahalakshmi, Jai to Mahasaraswati Jai to Mahakali Mother is Nishkala (indivisible-complete), Mother is Nirmala (pure) Shri Mataji is continuous Hail (Jai to) Shri Adishakti Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi We hail Malakshmi, Mahasaraswati Mahakali Mother is untouched by various karma( Nirlepa), Mother is Unstained by any limitations whatsoever (Niranjana) We Hail… . .. Mother is Supreme creator of illusion and confusion ( Mahamaya) Mother is the mother of whole Universe Mother is creator of auspiciousness Mother takes away sorrows Hail mother who holds the Universe. Hail the giver of self realisation spontaneously Hail Mahalkshmi, Mahasaraswati, Mahakali Hail Adi Shakti…
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