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Mahashivaratri Puja
Mahashivaratri Puja. Glenrock Lagoon, Newcastle (Australia), 29 February 1992. It’s very nice to see all of you here, so many of you from Australia, to worship Shiva, Sadashiva.I think this is a very important occasion. Is important, because Sadashiva, the God Almighty, who is One, is expressed on your heart as Spirit, the Shiva. We have to understand that so many people came on this earth at different times, in different countries, and they talked to different people about righteousness, that is dharma, about how to elevate yourself, and all of them have said that you have to be reborn, that is, you have to become the Spirit. They have all said the same thing because they knew, without the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, you will not be able to understand spirituality.You have the Spirit within you, which is all the time in a witness state. Why all the religions have failed? Because they did not get their Self-Realization. They did not become the Spirit. So there's a tremendous difference between you and all others who profess something. It looks as if they are hypocrites. They intellectualize it as you know, they explain it very well, but you can see very clearly that they haven't absorbed spirituality. That absorption was impossible without Self-Realization. This everybody felt. Buddha went to this limit and Mahavira both, to say that, forget about God, forget about God Almighty, you just get your Self, your Self-Realization. So they are called as atheist in Idikshavadi, they don't believe in Ishwara, but they felt that the way people are just talking about God Almighty and what the books have said. These books also speak of righteousness, except in some books there has been some sort of interference, but most of them speak of spirituality and what you have to achieve, what is the purpose of religion. All that is spoken very well, written very well. They'll tell you, “You have to be this, you have to be that, this is not good, that is not good.” So even the first state, where the dharma has to be established, was not established: where people are not supposed to cheat each other, there has to be justice, there has to be collectivity, there has to be love and understanding, no jealousies, no hypocrisy; where it's a different race, a different community, we can call it a different civilization is to be created. Everybody claims that they are the chosen ones, but they are just the same. There's a tremendous achievement of Sahaja Yogis that they have achieved this state of Spirit. So now you can absorb dharma without any difficulties, without any difficulties. You would not like to cheat anyone, you'd not like to kill anyone, you'd not like to be violent with anyone. You will stick on to the truth, the truth, very few people can stick on to the truth. Then you are not people who are going to rob others, you have no intention at all, doesn't come into your mind that you are tempted to take away things from others. First of all, which is the most important thing, that you have a rapport with God Almighty; that you are, in a way, in awe about God. There is awe, not I would say fear, because fear is all dispelled, there's no more fear for you, but you have awe for God, that He is God Almighty. You won't cheat people, you won't cheat Sahaja Yoga for money, you won't fight for power or for something that is material. All your attention will be towards the expansion of your awareness in the light of the Spirit. This is the vision of your Mother, because Shiva is just a witness, Sadashiva is just witnessing all this play. He doesn't have any visions about it, but now He must have lots of hopes after seeing the kind of people that are created out of Sahaja Yoga. Very unique, very beautiful, wonderful angel-like people have been created. Now only problem is that you have to keep to your angelic foundations; but I find that sometimes it happens, doesn't matter, that you fall, and falter. Again, you rise into your awareness and try to locate the new dimensions that are available to you, that you can find out. All this is possible because now you belong really to the chosen ones’ race. You must know also that you are very special people. It is not realized sometimes by Sahaja Yogis. They have no self-esteem as to what they have got. Once you have self-esteem, you will have the wisdom to understand what is your role in this lifetime. This self-esteem is only possible if you see other people who are lost in the mire of nonsense. Now you are a special community I said, you are the one who are going to create that great community. Now whatever are the dharma’s points, or we can say dharma’s aspects, you can imbibe them Sahaj. “Sahaj” has a very special meaning: spontaneously, you do not have to exert, you do not have to go into a penance or work it out. In a Sahaj way you can do it. “Sahaj” also means easy. You can have it in your heart, all these qualities, without any difficulty whatsoever. It's the easiest thing for you to be righteous than to be otherwise. It's easier for you to be honest than to be otherwise. So this speciality that you have got is the vision of all the saints, of all the prophets, of all the seers, of all the Incarnations, is you. There are lectures and lectures people give, “You must do like this, you must do that way.” They think that by educating people into these principles people will be all right, they cannot. If you try to educate them, it will go as an ego into their heads, because you get educated only through your ego. Is not Sahaj, is not Sahaj sustenance, Sahaja dharana, it is something that is put onto you from outside, but for you it is very easy, that you can imbibe all the aspects of dharma very easily. You don't have to do anything, you will not just do it. I've known people who used to take drugs, who used to abuse people, beat. There's one fellow, he said he used to carry a revolver always with him. He's become such a quiet, silent, beautiful person that unbelievable, but his wife tells Me that he was like this. So now you are that special people, and those people who have not got their Realization cannot get to dharma easily. Then the second point which is very easy for you is to love another person, to care for another person. Is very easy, you would love to do that. You would love to care for people who are Sahaja Yogis, also who are non-Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yoga is quite flexible. If you see somebody who is a non-Sahaja Yogi and also suffering, you would immediately jump to see that that person gets help from you. I have seen people in Sahaja Yoga, very interesting they are. One gentleman came to Me and said, “Mother I have no money, I want to go and do some work for Sahaja Yoga but I have no money, even I have no money for the household.” I said, “All right, that's very good, you come tomorrow, I'll give you the money.” Next day he never came. I said, “What's the matter?” He said, “There was somebody sitting with You that time when I was talking with You, if You remember.” I said, “I don't remember so clearly.” “All right, I also don't know him, as soon as I went out he said, ‘How much money do you want?’ I told him, ‘At least this much.’ Immediately he took out the money and gave it to me.” So who haven't got something in Sahaja Yoga, who hasn't got money, immediately we run to help that person. Like you'll be amazed that there are these six countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, all these countries, even Hungary, have been helped by one country or other, even the East Asian countries are helped by Australians. I never told them, I never asked them, I never said that, “You have to help.” They just came forward that “Mother, somehow we have to help them, we'll arrange, we'll get to them, we'll manage this, we'll do that.” It's very surprising, how they could just think of helping those countries. Then they made tickets for them, they brought them to India. They looked after, Russians came to India, were looked after. Everybody was so full of compassion and love but without feeling they have done anything, without feeling in any way that they have done any obligation to someone. Nobody expected them to thank them and write letters of thanks or anything. Whatever is done is finished now, that's.. Nobody ever asked how much money was given, how much was spent, how much we had to give, nothing of the kind. At that spur of the moment everybody come forward, they gave the money and the thing worked out. It was very surprising. For example France, France is looking after Romania. I didn't know they had done so much of work in Romania. I reached Hungary and suddenly I find hundred-and-twenty-five Romanians there. My heart was really filled with such joy. I said, “How are you here?” “French have arranged everything for us, Mother.” “Really?” There were no French people there, no-one from France. And Romanians were singing so well that the Indians felt that, “Oh wah, what is this, a new group has started?” All of them, and they never used books, without using the books they were singing, these Romanians. So I said, “Where are you going to stay in the night?” “We'll stay in a garden Mother, it's all right.” But I said, “How?” “We'll stay there, doesn't matter.” How secretly they helped. If I had not asked them, I would not have known how they have come. So this, to help the people who do not have, you can call them sort of a, you can say those who are poorer than us. I have seen also people, how individually they look after others, and bring things for their friends, presents and beautiful things, just for their own satisfaction, not to oblige anyone or to later on say, “Oh I brought this sari for you.” Nothing, just to see that sari on another Sahaja Yogi. It's such a beautiful thing. Imagine these countries like England, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, very aggressive, very aggressive people. When they went out, not to help anyone but to establish their empire or to destroy people, or to convert them or do all kinds of things in the name of religion, in the name of God. But, when you go to other countries, you just want to help, give them all the help that is needed. I am Myself amazed how it works out so spontaneous in your heart that you should do this and you should work it out. This transformation that has taken place within you has brought out all the beauty of your heart, of your compassion, of your love. And you give, want to give security to others, without expecting anything, without demanding anything. And you all enjoy it, doing that, living in a simple place like this, under a tent, sitting, listening to Me, you don't want any comfort, just seek the comfort of your Spirit and enjoy the whole place, the Nature. Gradually I have seen also Sahaja Yogis are becoming extremely conscious of the ecological problem all over the world. They have started using things which are natural, which are artistic. It's something so surprising that suddenly they have taken to artistic things. I know of a gentleman who had arms, ammunitions in his house, everything like that, but now he has beautiful things. Of course the arms and ammunition are on one side but such beautiful artistic things he has collected. So I said, “How did you get this?” He said, “Mother I was thinking that You would like to see them and You'll feel happy, so I have bought for You to see, and if You want You can take anything.” I said, “I don't want anything, you can keep it to yourself.” So this generosity, we’ll call it adhari, is a sign of an Incarnation. But this generosity is among My own children now. They’re extremely generous, and they enjoy giving things to other, than to in keeping things to themselves. It has happened not only in Australia, it has happened all over the world. If you see the Sahaja Yogis, how they are sacrificing their time, their money and everything to spread Sahaja Yoga, to help others, and to accommodate all kinds of things, all kinds of people within themselves. Such wisdom, such collective wisdom is there. We don't have to take any consensus. We don't have to say that “You all must say this” or “What is your opinion? Will you vote for it?” Everyone votes for the same. If somebody says, “All right, we have to give some help to, say, Bulgaria”, in Italy, immediately all the Italians brought out their ornaments, everything there. “Mother, how much should we send?” I said,” It's your lookout.” And the Bulgarians are surprised also that, “What have we done for these Italians that they should come down all the way to help us out with money, every kind of thing?” So this compassion, this love, this feeling of oneness, as if they are part and parcel of us, we are not separate. For Russia, you'll be surprised that they sent a television from America. Now America had nothing to do with Russia, but must be the Spirit of Shri Krishna trying to help the Spirit of right Agnya, must be. Such enthusiasm about Russia, it's unbelievable. They came in the buses, they came in the trains, they went all the way to all these places, to far-fetched places, and they've achieved tremendous results. It's not only in Europe they're working it out around their own cities, but all the way they are working in Turkey, they are working in Nepal, and now somebody has gone to Japan. He is actually not a Japanese, he is from Rio and he has gone to Japan, is a physicist, but he is using some sort of a pantomime show on the streets to attract the people and telling them about Sahaja Yoga. He telephoned to Me three, four times, “Mother, You have been to Australia so many times. Why don't You come to Japan this time?” I said, ”All right, next time I will definitely come to Japan,” I promised him, “but this time I'm already programmed you see, by Sahaja Yogis, so I can't help it. They have fixed Me up everywhere”; and I don't mind because it’s so Sahaj, to Me it comes Sahaj. Many people ask Me, “Mother, You are traveling so much,” they say. I never think about it. Also, the collectivity you have now is tremendous. It's not only in Australia you have the collectivity, but the other day I telephoned to someone in India and told them, “I'm buying an ashram in Brisbane.” They said, “ Mother it's a very great thing. We are very happy.” Now for an Indian, what is there to be happy if we buy an ashram in Brisbane? So overjoyed about it. To them Brisbane is the same as Bombay or Delhi. The Heart has become so large, because Shiva is shining there, the Spirit is shining. It has become such a large Heart that it encompasses the whole universe, I think, the way people look at it, that's why you all have become universal people. You don't only read about Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, you don't only know about it through your mind, you don't only try to follow it, but you have imbibed it within yourself, which is so Sahaj, which you are not aware of it, how in a Sahaj way it has come to you. Now you know Australia was full of racialism once upon a time, nobody was come, allowed to come in here, might be fifty years back or so, but today in Australia what a change it is! Though they talked of Christianity and all those things, but they didn’t think what Christ has said, they were just the opposite of what Christianity should be. Islam is the same, Islam talks of very great things, but it has to be confessed that the Muslims have nothing to do with Islam. Is absolutely from outside, if you see Christianity you have a very, very funny idea about it. If you ask any Hindu gentleman about Christianity they will say they are the worst possible people, very cunning, very aggressive and it takes them no time to kill each other. Imagine, disciples of Christ; but if you ask a Christian about a Muslim he will tell you, “Oh, these Muslims are the most quarrelsome, dirtiest people ever born, fundamentalist.” They are all fundamentalist, whether it's a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anyone, they're fundamentalist because they are reading one book and that too, just reading. The book also doesn't go, if the book goes inside they will realize that all these books are telling the same thing under different names, that's all. But that universal thing you have got, thanks to your Spirit, that was there quite intact and which has started shining within you. So we have now a new community, a new civilization of people who are extremely honest with themselves, honest to each other. They are extremely righteous and good people, they are absolutely non-violent, absolutely law-abiding, very loving, affectionate, at the same time extremely constructive, and at the same time very intelligent. They understand Sahaja Yoga, it's such a subtle subject. Sahaja Yoga is such a subtle subject, because you know everybody has failed to make people understand anything about truth. It’s an impossible situation. But this was the trick, your Spirit. Once your Spirit is enlightened it goes into your head without any difficulties, absolutely Sahaj. You don't know how difficult is this subject of Sahaja Yoga. It is such a fulfilment for the desire of the Divine that your Divinity is now expressing itself. When you are collective, you are more enjoying each other, you enjoy collective life. Individualism is against the spirit of the whole, but we have our own varieties. The way you live in other countries, in other atmospheres, with other traditions, that's how you are living. But among ourselves we have the same faith, the faith which is enlightened, which is not blind faith, enlightened faith, firstly that you are realized souls, secondly that there is an all-pervading Power. We have the same type of worship, whether it is Christ, whether it is Mohammed Sahib or whether it is Shiva. We all worship it the same way, we do not have a sort of a difference of opinion on that, like one church becoming ten churches and one Hinduism becoming ten Hinduisms. It's not like that. We are all Sahaja Yogis and we have all got the same principle binding us in a Sahaj manner. We don't have to say, “Oh we have to be principled, we have to be on this principle, we are Sahaja Yogis.” You have to be there, absolutely, because you have to be there. You just can't help it, because in your nature now the Spirit is shining. Also, you are becoming archetypes, I should say, in the real sense of the word, for the people who are not in Sahaj. Such people are not available anywhere. When people will see you they will think that what a model it is, what a model of life. They don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't boast of it, they don't hate anyone, they love anyone, they are so dynamic, they are so creative, they are so constructive, they are so self-contented. They are not at all competitive, they cause no problem to Nature, they cause no problem to anything. They have become such beautiful people. Who are these people? Such beautiful people are the models. So now, individually you have to understand this part, that we have to be models in this country of Australia. Model of good behavior, good language, decent life, decorous life, not fighting with husband, fighting with wife, you see you open any television, just get a headache, I mean there's, there's no other thing but a husband fighting wife and a wife fighting husband. There should be wisdom about it. Fighting among yourselves, you see if so many people have gather in a pub what will happen that pub will burst out. They can never sit silently. The mayor of Cabella told Me, “It surprises me that in the church we are sitting for half an hour then we start nudging each other. ‘How long is it going to take now? Better get out.’ You get tired; and what are these people doing for hours together with You? How are they so spellbound? They don't feel tired. I think they are special people.” I said, “They are, they are.” “But what do they do?” “They don't do anything, they are just enjoying.” He couldn't understand that once we had a Puja, Guru Puja, for about six hours altogether, and they were surprised that how these people are sitting; and all the people they were, all the villagers, mostly they are elderly, they thought that these angels have come from somewhere, they are angelic people: they don't trouble you, they don't torture you, they look after you, they try to be kind to you, not only that but they try to bring joy to you. They were so surprised in that village. First they used to call Me “Princess”. Then they started calling Me “Goddess”, then they said,” You are Madonna.” Whatever they could think of the best, they started saying all those things. They want now to come to Sahaja Yoga, but I said, “Let us see now.” After some time, we'll work it out for them also. They are so nice now by seeing how the Sahaja Yogis are, because I seldom go out; but seeing the way Sahaja Yogis are, that the land behind the house was not even given to Prince Doria who was willing to pay lot of money, because he wanted to have a road that way; but to Me they rushed forward and at a very nominal price they gave Me that land. They said, “It is for You only, please have it.” The whole village is getting into transformation. But the dedication you have is very remarkable, surprises Me, really surprises Me. I have never taught you much, but the way you are dedicated in everything! Everyone who is not a Sahaja Yogi will be charmed the way you are dedicated to Sahaja Yoga, to Me. Sometimes I think, “What have I done? I have done nothing.” You had your Kundalini, you had your Spirit, that's all, but such a difference, with little distance you covered, and such a difference! Can you imagine an Indian woman coming to Australia, finding this love, this affection and this dedication? Unbelievable! They all think that I must be mesmerizing you. Nobody can believe that you could be that dedicated, take so much trouble, so much care; I mean just imagine the flowers that you have brought, just imagine all this you have done, I mean just imagine the way they brought another big car so that your Mother should be brought here without any difficulty. All this love, all this affection, this care, I never asked for anything. I could have walked down, if you had said we have to walk, I would have walked, I would never have said no. I never expected all this thing. But the way you want to express your love to Me, this dedication is so much and you sacrifice so much for that. Really you are sacrificing quite a lot, your time, your effort, to come all the way to this far-off place for this Puja. All the gain that you have from Puja is only possible when you are a realized soul, otherwise it is useless to do any Puja, any worship. People go to church, sing few hymns and come back. They are just the same and afterwards go to the pub, because they think pub is the only place where they can get some joy. One has to exert, one has to sacrifice, though I may say that Sahaja Yoga is the easiest thing. You don't have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads and all that, but still you have to sacrifice your time, your attention. Formerly you might be going to some rock music, you might be going to some pubs also, you might be enjoying all these things; but you have given up everything, without My telling you, just have given up and you are so pure now. Your attention is so pure you can't enjoy all these things. Don't you think it's very remarkable that this has happened? This community, I don't have to tell you, I don't have to educate, I must say that all these things you have given up. Suddenly I find all of you have become so clean, so beautiful, your chakras so clean. Is it that these are your purva punyas that is working out? But still I would say you must know your self-esteem, that you are Sahaja Yogis, and how can you behave like this if you are a Sahaja Yogi? You cannot. Now you are a Sahaja Yogi, so that dignity, that wisdom has to be there; the compassion, the love, the unity of purpose should be there. All over the world you have brothers and sisters, this brotherhood and sisterhood is everywhere. You have rakhi sisters, you have very pure relationships. Anything impure is just thrown out in a Sahaj manner. Those who do not fit into it just get out of it. We have now very beautiful families, very beautiful children, it's, just think of it. Moses saved some Jews but what are they good for, nothing, what's the use of saving such people? Then Christ came and talked about this thing, and this is what has happened to Christianity. Mohammed came and talked of very nice things, I must tell you. He never made it a rigid religion, never. It was very flexible, and He said, “You must get the knowledge.” So according to them, knowledge was to read the book and to interpret it and to be an intellectual. After that came Guru Nanaka also, you know that. What has happened to Sikhs, where they have gone? “Sikh” means the person who has learnt, learnt the Divine laws. If I say you have to follow the Divine laws, how? You are not connected, you don't know what are the Divine laws are. Just follow: “We want to follow Divine laws.” Now you are hanging somewhere on this earth, the Divine laws are working there, how are you going to work out the Divine laws if you are not connected? But you know immediately what are the Divine laws; you are going against it, as soon as you go against it you know you can feel it on your central nervous system. You can feel it on your hands, that you are doing something against the Divine laws. Immediately you know and if you are alert you'll immediately try to change. You'll think, “That's not correct, this is the truth about myself.” You start judging yourself all the time and you want to put yourself right because you don't like it that way. So many ideas you have about your personal life are that, you see, there should be “a wife who should spoil me” or “a husband who should spoil me”, “My child should be like this”, and - all finished now. What do you want? “I want a real Sahaja Yogini”, “I want a real Sahaja Yogi to marry”, and after that the marriage becomes a blessing. How? How these flowers have come out, that's how. It's all innately built within you, all this beauty. You just start showing, but it has to sprout, it has to come up. This penance, so-called, is no penance to you. They say “We are enjoying this place”, I mean it's a place for penance only, the way things are here, there are not even closed bathrooms. People are finding it rather difficult to take a bath even. It's quite a penance to come to such a far-fetched place, or to travel in Maharashtra is another big penance. But you enjoy it, I mean you were missing; they said, “We are missing our buses.” I said, “Really? I thought you would be happy. “No, no, Mother we are missing.” I mean it was an adventure for them, they liked the way they were jostled and they were given hiccups, they’re very happy about it, that all this was, this was like an adventure. Everything which we call as tapasya or as the penance becomes an adventure for them, and the way they describe is very interesting. Like these musicians, they went to Russia and got lost, and when they came back, and they were describing the whole thing with such description, as if God was just taking them from places to places. And how they were helped every moment, how they came to Italy sudden and how they came to Milan, to the ashram. The whole description is tremendous. Now think of what you have achieved, but you can't even think, you just achieve. Without thinking you achieve things, is the blessing of your Spirit, blessing of Shiva. The Spirit is the witness and you develop that witness state. To you all this looks like a funny stage where people are doing this and that, politics, economics, you see as something absurd. I went down to Russia, there were so many Russians. I told them that there's a very bad shape the politics is here now and you are having very bad times with your food. “No, Mother, we have no problem with food or anything, but what do we care? We have got the spiritual food, let these people fight, do whatever, we are not bothered.” They were least bothered as there was a coup or anything, least bothered. “Let them fight, let them do what they like, we are in a different situation.” I said, “Which situation you are?” “We are in the Kingdom of God,” they told Me, “We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we worry about these kingdoms and things, let them fight.” Such contented people, so very beautiful. You have so many brothers and sisters there. Early in the morning I got up and they had, I don't know when, planted flowers on the road of My house there, flowers all along, rows after rows. I don't know when they came, when they did it and disappeared. So sweet, I tell you, except for crying with joy I didn't know what to say. If this happens all over, what a world we can have. There are of course some people who are exceptional, who are troublesome, who are not all right; it's all right, forget about them. So now, you are the people who have understood what is God, what is Sadashiva. Now you have faith in Him which is not blind, you also know that His powers work, that His laws work, all other laws are useless, only His laws works. You have seen, experienced in your lifetime how miracles are taking place, how things are working out. A simple miracle I would say, it was desired that Shiva Puja should be around some hills, but they couldn't arrange, they were trying for some other place which could not be arranged, so you are here. You desire and it works, as if your desire acts. But we have some people who are still mediocre, who are behaving in a mediocre manner, very dull, some of them are very dull people. They cannot understand Sahaj, they don't understand how much they can gain out of it. So you shouldn't worry about them. Then you have to think about the whole collective which is good and one or two useless people, forget about them. If they come up well and good, if they don't come up, we are not going to force them. We'll be getting more and more people, more and more people. I'm sure it will happen. But the greatest thing you have got is the complete integration within your being: your heart, your mind, your liver I should say, your attention, are all integrated. There's no quarrel, there's no struggle between your heart and your mind, heart and your brain. Whatever your brain thinks, your heart accepts, whatever your heart wants, your brain accepts, whatever your attention is there, is completely integrated with your heart and with your brain. You must see the other people, they don't want to do something but they have to do it because they’re habituated. So many people told Me: “We want to give up this, we can't.” Once you have got the Spirit, you get that power that you can surpass all the said temptations, not only temptations, also the differentiations that you always make: “This is that, this is that.” But you integrate, you integrate among yourselves, you integrate among different states, you integrate among different countries. The whole cosmos seems to be integrated, woven and governed by the Divine laws. This integration gives you a complete understanding of Sahaja Yoga, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s not by some sort of a brain-washing or bombarding, but just through the light of Spirit you have seen the truth and you have understood it. Also you have so many powers. You do not want to exert, that's a different point altogether, but just try. One word of prayer from you is very powerful than hundreds of prayers of these people. One asking is much more powerful than thousands of these askings. You have never tried that; try that, you are extremely powerful, whatever you desire works out. You have other powers of giving Realization, also curing, you have so many powers but most of the time you'll bring somebody to Me to be cured. No, no, there's no need. You have given all powers; you have all the powers, use them. Don't be afraid, use these powers, and you will be amazed how these power work out, and how you become more and more embedded in your faith, in yourself. Of course there are Sahaja Yogis who are made to sit on the throne but still they are begging, what can you do about it? You are so very powerful in collective and also individually. Whatever you want, you can have it. I am desireless because the Divine, the Divine power is working for Me, everything - I don't have to desire - it knows. I don't desire anything, but you have to desire, you have to pray, you have to ask. And the wider you become your prayers will be wider, for a wider world, wider vision, not limited to your children, not limited to your family, not limited to one place, but unlimited areas you'll cover. So we become very conscious and alert about whatever is happening in the world to put our attention there. We try to find out what's wrong with this and what's wrong with that. We are not just worried about a small little ashram, but we are worried about the whole world to find out what's wrong, what can we do, what can we desire, because if we have the power, and if we can operate the Divine power, then why not we work it out ourselves? We can. So your attention can go to any place. It can go to Nicaragua, it can go to Israel, it can go to Saddam Hussein, to any place that you want to work it out. It moves, it's mobile, it's universal. Just start expanding your heart, your mind and your attention. Your faith in Me, I must say, is great. I am Myself surprised at that. I am quite a camouflage. It's not easy to understand Me, I don't understand Myself! On one side of course I'm Divine, no doubt, on the other side, I am very human. Even in a film, if I see somebody suffering, I start crying, can't bear. I can't cure children because I can't see their sufferings. It's another aspect of Mine. I’ve made Myself extremely human, and this Divinity of Mine also is just Sahaj. I've done nothing, I've been like this and I'm like this, I've not achieved anything. If I've achieved anything, is understanding of human beings, because I always felt that all these Incarnations and all these prophets never understood human beings. They never knew that they are not enlightened people and no use talking to them of these great things, it’s all a waste. It's like a blind person, you explain to him all the colors and the beauty of the stage. And so this human realization, I should, that I had, is so beautiful. Now I understand what is the joy of bhakti, what is the joy of gnyana, what is the joy of karma, because a person who doesn't do anything, who is Nishkriya, a person who has no bhakti and who has no gnyana is just wakened completely. I had to fill in Myself with all these things that I have to know the gnyana, not the gnyana of the Divine because after all that is, that is not difficult, because if I am that, I know that, but the gnyana of the human beings, the problems of the human beings, I had to study for years the human beings to work it out. But once it has worked, that's what is said that there is Divinity in you has started expressing itself, and such beautiful Divine lights are sitting before Me. I bless you all from My heart where resides the Shiva, the Sadashiva, and Sadashiva blesses you. He is a innocent personality, absolutely innocent. He is the One who is beyond any attachments, absolutely beyond any attachments. He is the One who is watching, watching all of you with such admiration, His joy knows no bounds, it's tremendous, as if He is dancing with joy. It's a great day for us to celebrate this Shiva Puja here. I hope all of you respect the principle of Shiva within you, that's the most important. And look after your vibrations, which pulsates in your being, because the Spirit has awakened in your attention, in your central nervous system. That's the most important thing you have to do. The rest of it is Sahaj. The rest of it is absolutely Sahaj. May God bless you all.
Mahashivaratri Puja. Glenrock Lagoon, Newcastle (Australia), 29 February 1992. It’s very nice to see all of you here, so many of you from Australia, to worship Shiva, Sadashiva.I think this is a very important occasion. Is important, because Sadashiva, the God Almighty, who is One, is expressed on your heart as Spirit, the Shiva. We have to understand that so many people came on this earth at different times, in different countries, and they talked to different people about righteousness, that is dharma, about how to elevate yourself, and all of them have said that you have to be reborn, that is, you have to become the Spirit. They have all said the same thing because they knew, without the attention is filled with the light of the Spirit, you will not be able to understand spirituality.You have the Spirit within you, which is all the time in a witness state. Why all the religions have failed? Because they did not get their Self-Realization. They did not become the Spirit. So there's a tremendous difference between you and all others who profess something. It looks as if they are hypocrites. They intellectualize it as you know, they explain it very well, but you can see very clearly that they haven't absorbed spirituality. That absorption was impossible without Self-Realization. This everybody felt. Buddha went to this limit and Mahavira both, to say that, forget about God, forget about God Almighty, you just get your Self, your Self-Realization. So they are called as atheist in Idikshavadi, they don't believe in Ishwara, but they felt that the way people are just talking about God Almighty and what the books have said. These books also speak of righteousness, except in some books there has been some sort of interference, but most of them speak of spirituality and what you have to achieve, what is the purpose of religion. All that is spoken very well, written very well. They'll tell you, “You have to be this, you have to be that, this is not good, that is not good.” So even the first state, where the dharma has to be established, was not established: where people are not supposed to cheat each other, there has to be justice, there has to be collectivity, there has to be love and understanding, no jealousies, no hypocrisy; where it's a different race, a different community, we can call it a different civilization is to be created. Everybody claims that they are the chosen ones, but they are just the same. There's a tremendous achievement of Sahaja Yogis that they have achieved this state of Spirit. So now you can absorb dharma without any difficulties, without any difficulties. You would not like to cheat anyone, you'd not like to kill anyone, you'd not like to be violent with anyone. You will stick on to the truth, the truth, very few people can stick on to the truth. Then you are not people who are going to rob others, you have no intention at all, doesn't come into your mind that you are tempted to take away things from others. First of all, which is the most important thing, that you have a rapport with God Almighty; that you are, in a way, in awe about God. There is awe, not I would say fear, because fear is all dispelled, there's no more fear for you, but you have awe for God, that He is God Almighty. You won't cheat people, you won't cheat Sahaja Yoga for money, you won't fight for power or for something that is material. All your attention will be towards the expansion of your awareness in the light of the Spirit. This is the vision of your Mother, because Shiva is just a witness, Sadashiva is just witnessing all this play. He doesn't have any visions about it, but now He must have lots of hopes after seeing the kind of people that are created out of Sahaja Yoga. Very unique, very beautiful, wonderful angel-like people have been created. Now only problem is that you have to keep to your angelic foundations; but I find that sometimes it happens, doesn't matter, that you fall, and falter. Again, you rise into your awareness and try to locate the new dimensions that are available to you, that you can find out. All this is possible because now you belong really to the chosen ones’ race. You must know also that you are very special people. It is not realized sometimes by Sahaja Yogis. They have no self-esteem as to what they have got. Once you have self-esteem, you will have the wisdom to understand what is your role in this lifetime. This self-esteem is only possible if you see other people who are lost in the mire of nonsense. Now you are a special community I said, you are the one who are going to create that great community. Now whatever are the dharma’s points, or we can say dharma’s aspects, you can imbibe them Sahaj. “Sahaj” has a very special meaning: spontaneously, you do not have to exert, you do not have to go into a penance or work it out. In a Sahaj way you can do it. “Sahaj” also means easy. You can have it in your heart, all these qualities, without any difficulty whatsoever. It's the easiest thing for you to be righteous than to be otherwise. It's easier for you to be honest than to be otherwise. So this speciality that you have got is the vision of all the saints, of all the prophets, of all the seers, of all the Incarnations, is you. There are lectures and lectures people give, “You must do like this, you must do that way.” They think that by educating people into these principles people will be all right, they cannot. If you try to educate them, it will go as an ego into their heads, because you get educated only through your ego. Is not Sahaj, is not Sahaj sustenance, Sahaja dharana, it is something that is put onto you from outside, but for you it is very easy, that you can imbibe all the aspects of dharma very easily. You don't have to do anything, you will not just do it. I've known people who used to take drugs, who used to abuse people, beat. There's one fellow, he said he used to carry a revolver always with him. He's become such a quiet, silent, beautiful person that unbelievable, but his wife tells Me that he was like this. So now you are that special people, and those people who have not got their Realization cannot get to dharma easily. Then the second point which is very easy for you is to love another person, to care for another person. Is very easy, you would love to do that. You would love to care for people who are Sahaja Yogis, also who are non-Sahaja Yogis. Sahaja Yoga is quite flexible. If you see somebody who is a non-Sahaja Yogi and also suffering, you would immediately jump to see that that person gets help from you. I have seen people in Sahaja Yoga, very interesting they are. One gentleman came to Me and said, “Mother I have no money, I want to go and do some work for Sahaja Yoga but I have no money, even I have no money for the household.” I said, “All right, that's very good, you come tomorrow, I'll give you the money.” Next day he never came. I said, “What's the matter?” He said, “There was somebody sitting with You that time when I was talking with You, if You remember.” I said, “I don't remember so clearly.” “All right, I also don't know him, as soon as I went out he said, ‘How much money do you want?’ I told him, ‘At least this much.’ Immediately he took out the money and gave it to me.” So who haven't got something in Sahaja Yoga, who hasn't got money, immediately we run to help that person. Like you'll be amazed that there are these six countries like Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, all these countries, even Hungary, have been helped by one country or other, even the East Asian countries are helped by Australians. I never told them, I never asked them, I never said that, “You have to help.” They just came forward that “Mother, somehow we have to help them, we'll arrange, we'll get to them, we'll manage this, we'll do that.” It's very surprising, how they could just think of helping those countries. Then they made tickets for them, they brought them to India. They looked after, Russians came to India, were looked after. Everybody was so full of compassion and love but without feeling they have done anything, without feeling in any way that they have done any obligation to someone. Nobody expected them to thank them and write letters of thanks or anything. Whatever is done is finished now, that's.. Nobody ever asked how much money was given, how much was spent, how much we had to give, nothing of the kind. At that spur of the moment everybody come forward, they gave the money and the thing worked out. It was very surprising. For example France, France is looking after Romania. I didn't know they had done so much of work in Romania. I reached Hungary and suddenly I find hundred-and-twenty-five Romanians there. My heart was really filled with such joy. I said, “How are you here?” “French have arranged everything for us, Mother.” “Really?” There were no French people there, no-one from France. And Romanians were singing so well that the Indians felt that, “Oh wah, what is this, a new group has started?” All of them, and they never used books, without using the books they were singing, these Romanians. So I said, “Where are you going to stay in the night?” “We'll stay in a garden Mother, it's all right.” But I said, “How?” “We'll stay there, doesn't matter.” How secretly they helped. If I had not asked them, I would not have known how they have come. So this, to help the people who do not have, you can call them sort of a, you can say those who are poorer than us. I have seen also people, how individually they look after others, and bring things for their friends, presents and beautiful things, just for their own satisfaction, not to oblige anyone or to later on say, “Oh I brought this sari for you.” Nothing, just to see that sari on another Sahaja Yogi. It's such a beautiful thing. Imagine these countries like England, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, very aggressive, very aggressive people. When they went out, not to help anyone but to establish their empire or to destroy people, or to convert them or do all kinds of things in the name of religion, in the name of God. But, when you go to other countries, you just want to help, give them all the help that is needed. I am Myself amazed how it works out so spontaneous in your heart that you should do this and you should work it out. This transformation that has taken place within you has brought out all the beauty of your heart, of your compassion, of your love. And you give, want to give security to others, without expecting anything, without demanding anything. And you all enjoy it, doing that, living in a simple place like this, under a tent, sitting, listening to Me, you don't want any comfort, just seek the comfort of your Spirit and enjoy the whole place, the Nature. Gradually I have seen also Sahaja Yogis are becoming extremely conscious of the ecological problem all over the world. They have started using things which are natural, which are artistic. It's something so surprising that suddenly they have taken to artistic things. I know of a gentleman who had arms, ammunitions in his house, everything like that, but now he has beautiful things. Of course the arms and ammunition are on one side but such beautiful artistic things he has collected. So I said, “How did you get this?” He said, “Mother I was thinking that You would like to see them and You'll feel happy, so I have bought for You to see, and if You want You can take anything.” I said, “I don't want anything, you can keep it to yourself.” So this generosity, we’ll call it adhari, is a sign of an Incarnation. But this generosity is among My own children now. They’re extremely generous, and they enjoy giving things to other, than to in keeping things to themselves. It has happened not only in Australia, it has happened all over the world. If you see the Sahaja Yogis, how they are sacrificing their time, their money and everything to spread Sahaja Yoga, to help others, and to accommodate all kinds of things, all kinds of people within themselves. Such wisdom, such collective wisdom is there. We don't have to take any consensus. We don't have to say that “You all must say this” or “What is your opinion? Will you vote for it?” Everyone votes for the same. If somebody says, “All right, we have to give some help to, say, Bulgaria”, in Italy, immediately all the Italians brought out their ornaments, everything there. “Mother, how much should we send?” I said,” It's your lookout.” And the Bulgarians are surprised also that, “What have we done for these Italians that they should come down all the way to help us out with money, every kind of thing?” So this compassion, this love, this feeling of oneness, as if they are part and parcel of us, we are not separate. For Russia, you'll be surprised that they sent a television from America. Now America had nothing to do with Russia, but must be the Spirit of Shri Krishna trying to help the Spirit of right Agnya, must be. Such enthusiasm about Russia, it's unbelievable. They came in the buses, they came in the trains, they went all the way to all these places, to far-fetched places, and they've achieved tremendous results. It's not only in Europe they're working it out around their own cities, but all the way they are working in Turkey, they are working in Nepal, and now somebody has gone to Japan. He is actually not a Japanese, he is from Rio and he has gone to Japan, is a physicist, but he is using some sort of a pantomime show on the streets to attract the people and telling them about Sahaja Yoga. He telephoned to Me three, four times, “Mother, You have been to Australia so many times. Why don't You come to Japan this time?” I said, ”All right, next time I will definitely come to Japan,” I promised him, “but this time I'm already programmed you see, by Sahaja Yogis, so I can't help it. They have fixed Me up everywhere”; and I don't mind because it’s so Sahaj, to Me it comes Sahaj. Many people ask Me, “Mother, You are traveling so much,” they say. I never think about it. Also, the collectivity you have now is tremendous. It's not only in Australia you have the collectivity, but the other day I telephoned to someone in India and told them, “I'm buying an ashram in Brisbane.” They said, “ Mother it's a very great thing. We are very happy.” Now for an Indian, what is there to be happy if we buy an ashram in Brisbane? So overjoyed about it. To them Brisbane is the same as Bombay or Delhi. The Heart has become so large, because Shiva is shining there, the Spirit is shining. It has become such a large Heart that it encompasses the whole universe, I think, the way people look at it, that's why you all have become universal people. You don't only read about Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, you don't only know about it through your mind, you don't only try to follow it, but you have imbibed it within yourself, which is so Sahaj, which you are not aware of it, how in a Sahaj way it has come to you. Now you know Australia was full of racialism once upon a time, nobody was come, allowed to come in here, might be fifty years back or so, but today in Australia what a change it is! Though they talked of Christianity and all those things, but they didn’t think what Christ has said, they were just the opposite of what Christianity should be. Islam is the same, Islam talks of very great things, but it has to be confessed that the Muslims have nothing to do with Islam. Is absolutely from outside, if you see Christianity you have a very, very funny idea about it. If you ask any Hindu gentleman about Christianity they will say they are the worst possible people, very cunning, very aggressive and it takes them no time to kill each other. Imagine, disciples of Christ; but if you ask a Christian about a Muslim he will tell you, “Oh, these Muslims are the most quarrelsome, dirtiest people ever born, fundamentalist.” They are all fundamentalist, whether it's a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anyone, they're fundamentalist because they are reading one book and that too, just reading. The book also doesn't go, if the book goes inside they will realize that all these books are telling the same thing under different names, that's all. But that universal thing you have got, thanks to your Spirit, that was there quite intact and which has started shining within you. So we have now a new community, a new civilization of people who are extremely honest with themselves, honest to each other. They are extremely righteous and good people, they are absolutely non-violent, absolutely law-abiding, very loving, affectionate, at the same time extremely constructive, and at the same time very intelligent. They understand Sahaja Yoga, it's such a subtle subject. Sahaja Yoga is such a subtle subject, because you know everybody has failed to make people understand anything about truth. It’s an impossible situation. But this was the trick, your Spirit. Once your Spirit is enlightened it goes into your head without any difficulties, absolutely Sahaj. You don't know how difficult is this subject of Sahaja Yoga. It is such a fulfilment for the desire of the Divine that your Divinity is now expressing itself. When you are collective, you are more enjoying each other, you enjoy collective life. Individualism is against the spirit of the whole, but we have our own varieties. The way you live in other countries, in other atmospheres, with other traditions, that's how you are living. But among ourselves we have the same faith, the faith which is enlightened, which is not blind faith, enlightened faith, firstly that you are realized souls, secondly that there is an all-pervading Power. We have the same type of worship, whether it is Christ, whether it is Mohammed Sahib or whether it is Shiva. We all worship it the same way, we do not have a sort of a difference of opinion on that, like one church becoming ten churches and one Hinduism becoming ten Hinduisms. It's not like that. We are all Sahaja Yogis and we have all got the same principle binding us in a Sahaj manner. We don't have to say, “Oh we have to be principled, we have to be on this principle, we are Sahaja Yogis.” You have to be there, absolutely, because you have to be there. You just can't help it, because in your nature now the Spirit is shining. Also, you are becoming archetypes, I should say, in the real sense of the word, for the people who are not in Sahaj. Such people are not available anywhere. When people will see you they will think that what a model it is, what a model of life. They don't drink, they don't smoke, they don't boast of it, they don't hate anyone, they love anyone, they are so dynamic, they are so creative, they are so constructive, they are so self-contented. They are not at all competitive, they cause no problem to Nature, they cause no problem to anything. They have become such beautiful people. Who are these people? Such beautiful people are the models. So now, individually you have to understand this part, that we have to be models in this country of Australia. Model of good behavior, good language, decent life, decorous life, not fighting with husband, fighting with wife, you see you open any television, just get a headache, I mean there's, there's no other thing but a husband fighting wife and a wife fighting husband. There should be wisdom about it. Fighting among yourselves, you see if so many people have gather in a pub what will happen that pub will burst out. They can never sit silently. The mayor of Cabella told Me, “It surprises me that in the church we are sitting for half an hour then we start nudging each other. ‘How long is it going to take now? Better get out.’ You get tired; and what are these people doing for hours together with You? How are they so spellbound? They don't feel tired. I think they are special people.” I said, “They are, they are.” “But what do they do?” “They don't do anything, they are just enjoying.” He couldn't understand that once we had a Puja, Guru Puja, for about six hours altogether, and they were surprised that how these people are sitting; and all the people they were, all the villagers, mostly they are elderly, they thought that these angels have come from somewhere, they are angelic people: they don't trouble you, they don't torture you, they look after you, they try to be kind to you, not only that but they try to bring joy to you. They were so surprised in that village. First they used to call Me “Princess”. Then they started calling Me “Goddess”, then they said,” You are Madonna.” Whatever they could think of the best, they started saying all those things. They want now to come to Sahaja Yoga, but I said, “Let us see now.” After some time, we'll work it out for them also. They are so nice now by seeing how the Sahaja Yogis are, because I seldom go out; but seeing the way Sahaja Yogis are, that the land behind the house was not even given to Prince Doria who was willing to pay lot of money, because he wanted to have a road that way; but to Me they rushed forward and at a very nominal price they gave Me that land. They said, “It is for You only, please have it.” The whole village is getting into transformation. But the dedication you have is very remarkable, surprises Me, really surprises Me. I have never taught you much, but the way you are dedicated in everything! Everyone who is not a Sahaja Yogi will be charmed the way you are dedicated to Sahaja Yoga, to Me. Sometimes I think, “What have I done? I have done nothing.” You had your Kundalini, you had your Spirit, that's all, but such a difference, with little distance you covered, and such a difference! Can you imagine an Indian woman coming to Australia, finding this love, this affection and this dedication? Unbelievable! They all think that I must be mesmerizing you. Nobody can believe that you could be that dedicated, take so much trouble, so much care; I mean just imagine the flowers that you have brought, just imagine all this you have done, I mean just imagine the way they brought another big car so that your Mother should be brought here without any difficulty. All this love, all this affection, this care, I never asked for anything. I could have walked down, if you had said we have to walk, I would have walked, I would never have said no. I never expected all this thing. But the way you want to express your love to Me, this dedication is so much and you sacrifice so much for that. Really you are sacrificing quite a lot, your time, your effort, to come all the way to this far-off place for this Puja. All the gain that you have from Puja is only possible when you are a realized soul, otherwise it is useless to do any Puja, any worship. People go to church, sing few hymns and come back. They are just the same and afterwards go to the pub, because they think pub is the only place where they can get some joy. One has to exert, one has to sacrifice, though I may say that Sahaja Yoga is the easiest thing. You don't have to go to Himalayas to stand on your heads and all that, but still you have to sacrifice your time, your attention. Formerly you might be going to some rock music, you might be going to some pubs also, you might be enjoying all these things; but you have given up everything, without My telling you, just have given up and you are so pure now. Your attention is so pure you can't enjoy all these things. Don't you think it's very remarkable that this has happened? This community, I don't have to tell you, I don't have to educate, I must say that all these things you have given up. Suddenly I find all of you have become so clean, so beautiful, your chakras so clean. Is it that these are your purva punyas that is working out? But still I would say you must know your self-esteem, that you are Sahaja Yogis, and how can you behave like this if you are a Sahaja Yogi? You cannot. Now you are a Sahaja Yogi, so that dignity, that wisdom has to be there; the compassion, the love, the unity of purpose should be there. All over the world you have brothers and sisters, this brotherhood and sisterhood is everywhere. You have rakhi sisters, you have very pure relationships. Anything impure is just thrown out in a Sahaj manner. Those who do not fit into it just get out of it. We have now very beautiful families, very beautiful children, it's, just think of it. Moses saved some Jews but what are they good for, nothing, what's the use of saving such people? Then Christ came and talked about this thing, and this is what has happened to Christianity. Mohammed came and talked of very nice things, I must tell you. He never made it a rigid religion, never. It was very flexible, and He said, “You must get the knowledge.” So according to them, knowledge was to read the book and to interpret it and to be an intellectual. After that came Guru Nanaka also, you know that. What has happened to Sikhs, where they have gone? “Sikh” means the person who has learnt, learnt the Divine laws. If I say you have to follow the Divine laws, how? You are not connected, you don't know what are the Divine laws are. Just follow: “We want to follow Divine laws.” Now you are hanging somewhere on this earth, the Divine laws are working there, how are you going to work out the Divine laws if you are not connected? But you know immediately what are the Divine laws; you are going against it, as soon as you go against it you know you can feel it on your central nervous system. You can feel it on your hands, that you are doing something against the Divine laws. Immediately you know and if you are alert you'll immediately try to change. You'll think, “That's not correct, this is the truth about myself.” You start judging yourself all the time and you want to put yourself right because you don't like it that way. So many ideas you have about your personal life are that, you see, there should be “a wife who should spoil me” or “a husband who should spoil me”, “My child should be like this”, and - all finished now. What do you want? “I want a real Sahaja Yogini”, “I want a real Sahaja Yogi to marry”, and after that the marriage becomes a blessing. How? How these flowers have come out, that's how. It's all innately built within you, all this beauty. You just start showing, but it has to sprout, it has to come up. This penance, so-called, is no penance to you. They say “We are enjoying this place”, I mean it's a place for penance only, the way things are here, there are not even closed bathrooms. People are finding it rather difficult to take a bath even. It's quite a penance to come to such a far-fetched place, or to travel in Maharashtra is another big penance. But you enjoy it, I mean you were missing; they said, “We are missing our buses.” I said, “Really? I thought you would be happy. “No, no, Mother we are missing.” I mean it was an adventure for them, they liked the way they were jostled and they were given hiccups, they’re very happy about it, that all this was, this was like an adventure. Everything which we call as tapasya or as the penance becomes an adventure for them, and the way they describe is very interesting. Like these musicians, they went to Russia and got lost, and when they came back, and they were describing the whole thing with such description, as if God was just taking them from places to places. And how they were helped every moment, how they came to Italy sudden and how they came to Milan, to the ashram. The whole description is tremendous. Now think of what you have achieved, but you can't even think, you just achieve. Without thinking you achieve things, is the blessing of your Spirit, blessing of Shiva. The Spirit is the witness and you develop that witness state. To you all this looks like a funny stage where people are doing this and that, politics, economics, you see as something absurd. I went down to Russia, there were so many Russians. I told them that there's a very bad shape the politics is here now and you are having very bad times with your food. “No, Mother, we have no problem with food or anything, but what do we care? We have got the spiritual food, let these people fight, do whatever, we are not bothered.” They were least bothered as there was a coup or anything, least bothered. “Let them fight, let them do what they like, we are in a different situation.” I said, “Which situation you are?” “We are in the Kingdom of God,” they told Me, “We are in the Kingdom of God, why should we worry about these kingdoms and things, let them fight.” Such contented people, so very beautiful. You have so many brothers and sisters there. Early in the morning I got up and they had, I don't know when, planted flowers on the road of My house there, flowers all along, rows after rows. I don't know when they came, when they did it and disappeared. So sweet, I tell you, except for crying with joy I didn't know what to say. If this happens all over, what a world we can have. There are of course some people who are exceptional, who are troublesome, who are not all right; it's all right, forget about them. So now, you are the people who have understood what is God, what is Sadashiva. Now you have faith in Him which is not blind, you also know that His powers work, that His laws work, all other laws are useless, only His laws works. You have seen, experienced in your lifetime how miracles are taking place, how things are working out. A simple miracle I would say, it was desired that Shiva Puja should be around some hills, but they couldn't arrange, they were trying for some other place which could not be arranged, so you are here. You desire and it works, as if your desire acts. But we have some people who are still mediocre, who are behaving in a mediocre manner, very dull, some of them are very dull people. They cannot understand Sahaj, they don't understand how much they can gain out of it. So you shouldn't worry about them. Then you have to think about the whole collective which is good and one or two useless people, forget about them. If they come up well and good, if they don't come up, we are not going to force them. We'll be getting more and more people, more and more people. I'm sure it will happen. But the greatest thing you have got is the complete integration within your being: your heart, your mind, your liver I should say, your attention, are all integrated. There's no quarrel, there's no struggle between your heart and your mind, heart and your brain. Whatever your brain thinks, your heart accepts, whatever your heart wants, your brain accepts, whatever your attention is there, is completely integrated with your heart and with your brain. You must see the other people, they don't want to do something but they have to do it because they’re habituated. So many people told Me: “We want to give up this, we can't.” Once you have got the Spirit, you get that power that you can surpass all the said temptations, not only temptations, also the differentiations that you always make: “This is that, this is that.” But you integrate, you integrate among yourselves, you integrate among different states, you integrate among different countries. The whole cosmos seems to be integrated, woven and governed by the Divine laws. This integration gives you a complete understanding of Sahaja Yoga, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. It’s not by some sort of a brain-washing or bombarding, but just through the light of Spirit you have seen the truth and you have understood it. Also you have so many powers. You do not want to exert, that's a different point altogether, but just try. One word of prayer from you is very powerful than hundreds of prayers of these people. One asking is much more powerful than thousands of these askings. You have never tried that; try that, you are extremely powerful, whatever you desire works out. You have other powers of giving Realization, also curing, you have so many powers but most of the time you'll bring somebody to Me to be cured. No, no, there's no need. You have given all powers; you have all the powers, use them. Don't be afraid, use these powers, and you will be amazed how these power work out, and how you become more and more embedded in your faith, in yourself. Of course there are Sahaja Yogis who are made to sit on the throne but still they are begging, what can you do about it? You are so very powerful in collective and also individually. Whatever you want, you can have it. I am desireless because the Divine, the Divine power is working for Me, everything - I don't have to desire - it knows. I don't desire anything, but you have to desire, you have to pray, you have to ask. And the wider you become your prayers will be wider, for a wider world, wider vision, not limited to your children, not limited to your family, not limited to one place, but unlimited areas you'll cover. So we become very conscious and alert about whatever is happening in the world to put our attention there. We try to find out what's wrong with this and what's wrong with that. We are not just worried about a small little ashram, but we are worried about the whole world to find out what's wrong, what can we do, what can we desire, because if we have the power, and if we can operate the Divine power, then why not we work it out ourselves? We can. So your attention can go to any place. It can go to Nicaragua, it can go to Israel, it can go to Saddam Hussein, to any place that you want to work it out. It moves, it's mobile, it's universal. Just start expanding your heart, your mind and your attention. Your faith in Me, I must say, is great. I am Myself surprised at that. I am quite a camouflage. It's not easy to understand Me, I don't understand Myself! On one side of course I'm Divine, no doubt, on the other side, I am very human. Even in a film, if I see somebody suffering, I start crying, can't bear. I can't cure children because I can't see their sufferings. It's another aspect of Mine. I’ve made Myself extremely human, and this Divinity of Mine also is just Sahaj. I've done nothing, I've been like this and I'm like this, I've not achieved anything. If I've achieved anything, is understanding of human beings, because I always felt that all these Incarnations and all these prophets never understood human beings. They never knew that they are not enlightened people and no use talking to them of these great things, it’s all a waste. It's like a blind person, you explain to him all the colors and the beauty of the stage. And so this human realization, I should, that I had, is so beautiful. Now I understand what is the joy of bhakti, what is the joy of gnyana, what is the joy of karma, because a person who doesn't do anything, who is Nishkriya, a person who has no bhakti and who has no gnyana is just wakened completely. I had to fill in Myself with all these things that I have to know the gnyana, not the gnyana of the Divine because after all that is, that is not difficult, because if I am that, I know that, but the gnyana of the human beings, the problems of the human beings, I had to study for years the human beings to work it out. But once it has worked, that's what is said that there is Divinity in you has started expressing itself, and such beautiful Divine lights are sitting before Me. I bless you all from My heart where resides the Shiva, the Sadashiva, and Sadashiva blesses you. He is a innocent personality, absolutely innocent. He is the One who is beyond any attachments, absolutely beyond any attachments. He is the One who is watching, watching all of you with such admiration, His joy knows no bounds, it's tremendous, as if He is dancing with joy. It's a great day for us to celebrate this Shiva Puja here. I hope all of you respect the principle of Shiva within you, that's the most important. And look after your vibrations, which pulsates in your being, because the Spirit has awakened in your attention, in your central nervous system. That's the most important thing you have to do. The rest of it is Sahaj. The rest of it is absolutely Sahaj. May God bless you all.
Evening Program and Talk to Sahaja Yogis The Day after Mahashivaratri Puja
Evening Program
Day after Shivaratri Puja, Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Laguna of Glenrock, Newcastle, (Australia), March 1st, 1992 I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s puja very much. Today I wanted to talk to you about certain matters where people get quite confused. There are certain things we must understand in Sahaja Yoga. First point there is no fundamentalism in Sahaja Yoga. Nobody should use My words or say: ‘Mother said so’, nobody should. That is how all this hierarchies have been built, in the churches, everywhere. Everybody can read, everybody can find out. There is no way of controlling people by saying: ‘Mother said so’. That shows that you are trying to use My Words to tell people off. You are not in charge. If I say something in the program of Sahaja Yogis, I say it because it is heart to heart talk between My children and Myself, you see. And it should not be just sent over through your computers all over the world without consulting, without censoring it by the leader. There’s no haste in Sahaja Yoga. So that should not be done. Now this I have said, definitely. Whatever I’ve said nobody remembers, only they use My Name. Mother said so in 1970. In 1970 I never spoke in English. So all this historical utterances should not be used. We live in the present. That time maybe, the situation was such I might have said something, but today the situation is different. Maybe because Sahaja Yogis were just coming to Sahaja Yoga, maybe they needed some sort of a guideline. It’s a journey, first of all. It’s a journey. You are passing, supposing passing through a slope, then you have to use a different type of method. Now you are walking on a plain land, then you don’t behave as if you are climbing a mountain. So it’s a journey, journey of Sahaja Yoga to our destination. The destination is that we have to emancipate maximum number of human beings into Sahaja Yoga. But that should not be taken over. I again tell you, nobody should take over things from the leaders. I have appointed the leaders just to co-ordinate with you people, but you have a direct, always a direct relationship with Me. So far all these people who believed in God had no direct connection, but now you have: so why not use Me? And if there are leaders, you have to ask the leaders. Nobody should take things upon themselves and start preaching people. We don’t like preaching. We have had enough of it. There’s no need to preach other, if you have to preach, preach yourself, but not to others. One has to understand that it’s a living process. We can understand from a cell at the end of a root. It has intelligence, it is completely in control of itself and it has a direct connection with the Divine Power. So it moves by itself, but the attention is on the collective, collective means the tree. It moves in such a direction, that there is no argument, there is no quarrelling, in the sense there is no obstacle, moves. Now supposing, there is a big obstacle, like a stone, it goes round it, encircles it many-a-times for the future tree that has to come. So from the past what do you get, is the relative idea as to where you have reached. And from the future you have to know how far you have to go. This is very important to understand because these things creep into the western mind very easily. They don’t want to have direct relations with Me. That’s how then you’ll start forming groups. One person will stand up: ‘Mother says so.’ Finished. One tent is raised. Another one say: ‘Mother says so.’ Somebody will use My tapes. Anything. There’s no need at all for you to get to these things and listen to them. If they want to create something, they should talk to Me directly, and not to do it themselves on their own, which is a very wrong attitude towards Sahaja Yoga. So first of all, we must know it’s a living process. You cannot put on it artificial types of things, which will curb the growth of Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important to understand. There where I find that people don’t understand Sahaj Yoga. You cannot mould into any pattern. It moulds by itself. Works by itself. So we cannot have any hierarchy, never. These hierarchies ultimately become a barrier between you and Me, which I don’t like. All the leaders are told that whatever letters you get, whatever things you have, you should send it over to Me. I would like to see them Myself. But sometimes they do, some of the leaders, specially in Australia I had a very bad experience. But now you have a very wise leader here, and a very sensible person. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. Only thing, I think he’s rather too mild sometimes with some people. He should have told. Yesterday I had to suffer so much because of two ladies, because he never told them how horrible they were. So I had to absorb all their nonsense quite a lot. Because if a leader is not mild, you’ll sit on his head. If he’s little strict, you’ll get after him. Only thing one has to realize, that everything is a living process, and through some sort of a coordinator Mother is trying to work out, in a more simpler manner. For example if everybody writes to Me for a small little thing... I mean, they write for everything, I must tell you. Absolutely something so useless sometimes that I really laugh. There’s no need to ask Me like: ‘Mother, we cannot get Indian spices here’. All these stupid things. Then second is about the husbands or about the wives. Because you should not see those films or those televisions, which if you see invariably show the fight between husband and wife. So if you go on seeing that you will learn, you’ll pick it up. It’s like a parrot, you know. You pick up all the words which are to be said to your husband, harsh words, or to your wife, and then you work it out that way. And so many questions could have been easily solved. I think, to work out the marriage is only question of a woman, not so much of man. Normally men don’t want to marry, normally. Though they have no responsibility, they don’t have to produce children, anything. But still they don’t want to marry. They are sort of little bit afraid also, in the west specially, not in India. In India men want to marry because they get somebody who will spoil them, who will never answer them, listen to them, be humble. So they want to have, see they marry. But here in the west I’ve seen men don’t want to marry. One fellow I told him that you have to get married, he disappeared for three days. So this marriage problem... we have to have marriages. But this marriage problem comes when women don’t know how to adjust, mainly, I must tell you. The first thing is you have to really spoil your husbands. Actually, they should entirely depend on you for everything. Then what will they do? But in a loving manner. Not in an oppressive manner. Do not demand anything. Do not expect anything. Just be gentle, kind, express your love. Then they get used to it, they can’t live without it. These tricks should have told to you by your parents, but they might have been the same as you are, so you don’t know the tricks of the trade. After marriage we have to say: ‘We are, we’. Shouldn’t say: ‘I’. And also understand, you see, men are different from women. They are different. You are the preserver of the society. They are the creator, but you are the preserver, and you have to have much more patience and compassion which you have, no doubt. You must take to your feminine qualities and you’ll be amazed that you are shakti, for men. You are the power for men. That’s why men must respect women. If they don’t respect women, not their romanticism and nonsense, but as personality. If they don’t respect, then they suffer every way. Specially materially. Materially they suffer and also reputation-wise. Some women are extremely demanding and expecting too much. Perhaps maybe they see those pictures of Romeo, Juliet and things like that. But if you see Romeo, Juliet, you will see what Shakespeare wanted to communicate. He was an avadhuta. He wanted to communicate that these are all futile enterprises. Both of them died. They could never enjoy companionship. We had so many problems like this in England also, so I told them: ‘What books you read?’ Most of them read books of romance, all right, but romance before marriage. There are no books about romance after the marriage, can you imagine?! So naturally, there’s a problem. After marriage is quarrelling, before marriage romance. So why marry? And when I said that man is the head of the family, it doesn’t mean that man should dominate a woman. Never. You interprete also, sometimes I think, some of the brains are other way round. What I was saying that he is head of the family. Supposing I say he is your leader. That doesn’t mean that he should dominate you. If head of the family start dominating, if the brain of the body starts dominating what will happen to this body? It’s stupid to conclude like that. But you are the heart of the family. Brain can die, but heart dies the last. So try to understand, there should be a complete integration between heart and brain. And children are the attention, in the society of Sahaj Yoga. So here, how can you have such an idea that if I say the head, then he dominates the heart. How can it? So they pick up few words from here and there and use it for justifying their own weaknesses in Sahaj Yoga. But this kind of escape is not going to help you to rise. You are going against yourself, is not for your benevolence. What I’m telling you, is that if you try to accept all these outdated ideas in Sahaj Yoga, you’ll go down, you’ll rot. No use coming to Sahaj Yoga. We are fresh, we are new and we are living. We don’t accept these kind of ideas about men or women. But when I said that man is the head of the family, that doesn’t mean that you dominate your wife and torture her. Nor does it mean that the leaders should dominate, never. They should never dominate. They should use their wisdom, their love, compassion and guide you in a proper way. I’ve received a letter which is very funny, that one leader’s wife, not the leader, the wife forbid one of the Sahaj Yoginis not to come to the house and to the program because I could not go to her house. Can you imagine? This is absurd. Now if I tell her, she’ll be more harsh on that person. But by doing that, she doesn’t know how much she’s missing points in Sahaj Yoga. I mean, I’m a whimsical person. I can go anywhere I feel like. But she should have taken the blame upon herself, if she thinks I did not go to her house, instead of on the another person. Also, there’s a thing that: ‘This is my house’. This is the biggest nonsense. ‘Mother should come to my house’. With Indian specially, it’s too much. ‘Please come to my house, Mother. Come and have dinner with me’. Who are you? You are a Sahaj Yogi. So your house is Mine, you are Mine, everything is Mine. What is there to come to your house? Then you separate. This is also an Indian mind, I must confess. ‘My house’. This is nonsense, all your houses are Mine. If I go there, it doesn’t mean that I love you more than anybody else. Doesn’t mean that. I have to go somewhere, you know. Like somebody asked Me: ‘Why did you take your birth in Christian religion?’ I said: ‘I had to take My Birth somewhere’. But better was for Christians because Christians are absolutely fundamentalists mentally. Mentally they are absolute fundamentalists. Mentally. That’s more dangerous. Muslims you can make them out they are fundamentalists because they do not have that finesse about them. Openly they are fundamentalists, but Christians are very great fundamentalists. But they go into somebody’s house now is becoming a problem for Me. Because if I go to somebody’s house that person gets the ego: ‘Oh, She came to my house’. So again you are not to say that: ‘Mother, this is my house. Mother, this is your house’. If I go there well and good, if I don’t go there well and good, what does it matter? Now again I tell you, nothing has to be sent through your IBM or anything without the consultation and censoring by the leader. It can land Me into great difficulties and tomorrow I could be in jail. Why don’t you understand? I mean, you write whatever you feel like. So this kind of irresponsible behaviour is, I can’t understand, and things I never said also can be said. This shows immaturity and haste. Such things should be consulted, and use your discretion. Main thing is discretion. What you need to consult your leader which are vital, important. Specially things which are written down and published, things which circulate, is extremely important to be seen by the leaders. There is no hurry about it. Any book written, any tapes to be released, anything, should be done with the complete consent and understanding of the leader. I would say, the leader must sign those papers. Then I can hold him responsible. But if you are arbitrary and start doing things, then it could be dangerous. Simple things I’ll tell you what, they asked Me: ‘Mother, what do you think of starting a Vishwa Nirmala Dharma in Melbourne?’ I said: ‘All right’. I didn’t know that it’s going to be an association. There is going to be an election and all, nothing. Just I said: ‘All right, just to start is all right’. Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is everywhere, but they don’t have any association, nothing. It’s just a kind of a society, which is just spreading Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. There is no sort of a, any organization about it. We only have Trust, and we don’t want to have any electioning or all that. Again if some wrong type of people get in, then Sahaja Yoga will be ousted completely. So you can only have Trust, and if you want to do something else you can form it separately, but it should not be Vishwa Nirmala Dharma or Sahaj Yoga. Nothing doing. Because I said: ‘Yes’ that doesn’t mean that you should go that far with forming this, that association, and all that. It’s a news to Me. All right, whatever has been done, has to be rectified. Absolutely to be rectified. And we have to bring it down to a proper level, and should be there people, who should be elected as good people who are in Sahaj Yoga, who have so far have been doing everything in a straightforward manner and who have been very very sensible about it. There’s also a suggestion that we should project ourselves to outside things. If it means that we have to go to other organizations, is wrong. All these organizations are dead organizations, they are not living organizations. But if they want to come to us, all right. But we should not go and break our heads with them, because you’ll land up not only with opposition, but you will catch from them, negativity. Try to understand. We don’t have to grow that fast that we get all the lunatics in Sahaj Yoga. We have to be very careful. You can only have Sahaja Yogis who are seekers, who are honest, who are humble, who do not want any money or power, out of Sahaj Yoga. It will grow. It has grown, just imagine. Two people came from Australia and see how many are there. It will definitely grow, no doubt, but do not try to organize it. You cannot organize. Once you start organizing, then the growth can be stunted. Like you have seen bonsai. Bonsai, when they cut it and organize it, it becomes a small tree, but I haven’t seen any tree which grows, if it is organized grows more, never. At the most you can nourish it, at the most you can water it, at the most you can see the needs of this, but you cannot just make it grow more. All organizations cut the growth. In the beginning, it may look that by organizing it, it has increased. We can say Christianity, what is this? Like a pumpkin, has no meaning. Absolutely empty hollow nonsense. Like Islam. Another nonsense. I mean, they admit that Islam is different from Muslims. It is being admitted now. What is Buddhism? Another nonsense. So this kind of an artificial growth if you want, you can take to artificial methods. We really want substantial people, substantial dharma, innate within ourselves. We don’t have to take to these artificial things. We are using lots of artificial manure now, and people are revolting against it because they think that all these artificial things are harmful to us. So allow it to work out through the grace of this Divine Power in a more natural manner than putting artificial organizations, artificial this and that. I think, some of you must have been to Harvard or something to learn how to grow the business, and that’s how you try to grow, but ultimately comes to recession. All those, who had education in Harvard, are responsible all over the world, and all over the world there is recession. I think, this university should be closed down. [Hindi: Shri Mataji says something about the glass.] So now, regarding your children. I have been really studying the nature of western children. Now the nature of western children is, that their attention is never on the right things. Not on studies. I should say, not at all on studies. Now, on food yes. Like in England they asked for baked beans in the morning. Now these horrible tinned baked beans, which you have been giving to them, are not at all suitable for Indian climate and they are no good. You see if you see a western health of a person, I mean, when you go to India you get diarrhea. You cannot stand heat, you cannot stand cold, anything that changes, you feel so much the sickness. Apart from that, all the time you are tired. You must introspect. Little work you’ll do, and you are tired. I mean, you see in the films or anywhere I’ve seen, even in the television, they’ll came and sit down, huhh. What work have they done, God knows. All the time, huhh. What is the reason? The reason is to think too much. Same with your marriages. You start thinking: ‘What are my priorities, what should I do? Start analyzing. Just do it what you want to do. This thinking too much is responsible for your susceptibility to diseases. Of course, Mooladhara is one of the most important chakra, no doubt. If the Mooladhara is weak, you can catch any disease, for example: cancer, aids, schizophrenia, yuppies disease, also the secret diseases, herpes and all these things are very common in the west. But not in India, very few, because of a strong Mooladhara. So now, first problem is how to strengthen your Mooladhara? The second one is the kind of food you are eating here is not so fresh. Try to eat fresh food. At least in Australia you can get it, as far as possible. Take to more carbohydrates, if you are thinking too much, best is to take to carbohydrates. You are so much worried about putting on weight or this thing. I don’t know why you want to be skinny. What is the need? On the contrary, a person who has little plumpness, absorbs vibrations much better. But do you know that vibrations sit on the fat? Medhastitha - they sit on the fat. And that’s why they go on the nerves because nerve is made of fat. Your brain is also made of fat. So this new idea of having mosquitoes around... Sometimes, you know, I get frightened in a way, I think, next moment that person is going to fall on the ground. So whatever is pumped into your head, you accept. That’s why the entrepreneurs are definitely controlling you. You have no idea! Because we don’t have that wisdom to see. Now they said: ‘All right, you shouldn’t put any oil in your head, all right? Never put any oil.’ So you become bald. So they can sell wigs. All such things are there. You can put oil before, previous night, just to make your hair grow properly, you must give them nourishment. Why do you starve them? What’s wrong with oil I just don’t understand? You must massage your body also with oil. It’s very important. Sometimes, Saturday if you use oil to massage your body, is a very good idea. Also massage your head, you must look after yourself. But just because there’s a fashion not to put oil, so you just not have any oil anywhere near. They all used to put oil if you see films about say thirty years back, they were all nicely… Nobody had dry hair, all shining nice hair. They were supposed to be quite good-looking. And this bhootish type of hair then, when you have, all the bhoots will take over because they’ll think: ‘This is the head for me’. So try to understand what is good for your body, and what you should do. Massaging your body is a very good thing. I think, without oil I cannot exist, really. Because My work is on Sahasrara and if I starve My Hair, either I’ll become completely bald or mad; one of the two. It’s very soothing to massage your hair, very soothing for your nerves, everything, and you are realized souls, there’s vibrations flowing. You should massage your head nicely. Take about an hour, on a Saturday. Saturday is the day of shani, is the day of Saturn, the day of Shri Krishna. He is so fond of butter and oil. All these small small things should be understood. Also you people are very fond of sun, I can understand that. But I don’t know why in Australia you are so fond of sun, when it is so much? But because it’s a fashion in the west, we are all going to the sun, to the sea and spoiling your skin. Your skin cannot have the glow, while you see, if you do not use sun bathing as some sort of a treatment. It’s all right, there’s lot of sun, you can move about. Indians used to wonder about the English, and there was a saying that an Englishman and a mad dog in the sun. Even a sane dog won’t go. All such things should be understood. Personal hygiene also has to be seen. Use lot of water to wash your hands, and when you are using toilets, water should be used every time. Very important. Otherwise, your Mooladhara can never be all right. Your children, I’m surprised, they don’t want to brush their teeth. And if you tell them you have to brush, they start crying. If you tell them you have to have a bath, they start crying. Imagine, in that sweltering heat of India, they don’t want to have a bath and they smell. But when you tell them: ‘Our parents also smell like that’. Their mouths smell. In India at least twice we must brush, once in the morning, once in the evening. Minimum. Evening time, we all brush our teeth, in India. Is very important. Now these are such small small things, which I think, our culture in India has already taught us long time back. I mean we don’t have to tell anyone like that, they’ll say, "What are you telling us this nonsense". But they should be fond of doing this, so the way is that when your children are growing, you take them in the bathroom, make a fun out of it. Now let’s see, we’ll brush our teeth. You brush your teeth I’ll brush my teeth. Now see whose are whiter, like that. Make a fun out of it. You are the one who can teach them good hygiene. Then bathing. All these little little things are very important for you and for your children. So the hygiene part is very poor, personal hygiene. Of course, your house is very very clean, absolutely. If anything falls on the carpet, immediately you’ll pick it up, because this carpet maybe sold later on. Whatever is saleable, you look after. Now your teeth also can be saleable, you need not neglect them, but you will not be careful. Whatever is saleable, you’re very careful, your house - very careful, your carpets - very careful, but whatever is not saleable, is not worth anything. Now in Sahaj Yoga, we should know that nothing is saleable. Whatever we have and own, we’ll keep it with ourself or give it to our children, or give it as presents to others. You are not going to sell anything. Everybody is a seller. House is to be sold, very particular about the house. If something goes wrong, you’ll shout at children. We were surprised that these children were more careful about nonsensical things like carpets than their teeth. Something fell down on the carpet, immediately they all rushed and cleaned the carpet so we started wondering what’s the matter with them. That’s not their job. That’s the training they have. Whatever is saleable, they try to put right. So we must change our mind and say that: ‘Whatever we own, we are not going to sell it,’ or sometimes you have to sell the house, all right, but it’s not so important. In any way, whether the house is clean or dirty, you’ll fetch the same price, that’s My experience. Whether you decorate or not, on the contrary, undecorated houses they like, because of their ego, very surprising. We had bought a house, in Hounslow, and one side belonged to one of the Sahaja Yoginis, one side to Me. I had no time to decorate or anything, and she, poor thing, spent so much money to decorate it and all that, and some people lived also. Of course, she made little money out of it, whatever it is. But My house sold for a higher price than hers. Why? They said: ‘It’s already done, we can’t do anything about it’. So also the ego is there, that we should be able to do something, in the house. And thus, it doesn’t make difference. In any way, they don’t pay for your carpets and don't pay for your thing. But people are so particular about their furniture, about everything. So now, this is what is materialism. Is absolute materialism, that we try to get things just for selling off. On the contrary, we have to look out, what are the beautiful things made by hand. What can we have, whatever is made by hand by people. Can have few, and that can be given to your children, to the progeny. Also sometimes, the idea of antique… Who is this child? Please take away. Who is the child? Who is the child crying? You must find out why the child is crying in My Program. Must be something wrong. Must be some baddha. If a child cries in My Presence or is afraid, that means there’s some sort of a baddha, which you should try to remove. So now, we have to change our attitude towards ourselves. We are specially blessed people, we have to look after our body, look after our children. We have to look after things, which are of much greater importance than material things, that is the spirit. So ultimately, we come to the point that the spirit which has given us all this beauty, which has given us such moonlight in our life, such sunshine in our work, she has made us so sweet. After all, what we have done for the spirit to satisfy it, to enjoy it? So the most important thing for us is our spirit, and we should seek the comfort of the spirit. The more you think about your spirit, the deeper you’ll go, and the joy you’ll get will be also very deep, and you’ll settle down, very nicely embedded in spirituality. So you have to, all the time think: ‘Am I doing this for my spiritual growth?’ I mean, in a place like England people get up at four o’clock to meditate. Nothing doing. This time there was a big number. I told so many English that, 'You have been coming every time to Ganapatipule. Can you not reduce your number?' They felt very sad. ‘Mother, we need it. We have to.’ But I said: ‘This time you can avoid, there are so many people coming. If we have too many people...’, because about hundred and fifty people came from other countries, you see, who were not even paying and who were not such Sahaja Yogis. So I said, 'We have to work it out with them'. They said: ‘Mother, but we can’t help it. We have to be there. We can’t do without it.’ So this kind of understanding, I’m so happy that you all managed to come all this way here and you are settled so well. You are living in tents and enjoying this discomfort because you have got the comfort of your heart, comfort of your spirit. So as it is we have suddenly come up, very high up, and whatever I said yesterday was not in any way to pamper your vanity but the truth. I just told you the truth. It’s truth for at least ninety-five percent people of Sahaj Yoga. But they should also go deeper and deeper and enjoy themselves and enjoy the collectivity. Now in general, I can talk to you about things, that firstly that you have to ask your leaders if you have to do anything extraordinary. Now is your discretion. And the last but not the least is this: all the leaders complain that no one wants to pay any money whatsoever for Sahaj Yoga. Now you see, actually, as you know that, whatever money you give Me for pujas, I buy silver for you, and you are given the equal amount of silver as one would give to Europeans. But as far as the puja money is concerned, it’s very low. First they used to just give Me one dollar. Of course, that was all in coins, which I have brought it back, but otherwise whatever is there, is… I’m not using it for Myself, I don’t need it. I should normally, because it’s given to Me, but I just thought, that instead of that, if I give you silver, you will have silver for puja, which is very important, and that it will be very auspicious. But the way people want to pay is rather reluctant. I agree that you people are now running into problem about money, but maybe one of the reasons may be that. Do you know you pay the lowest in the whole world? No one pays so low as that. At least, they pay twenty-one and eleven, even in India. Minimum. So whatever it is, whatever suits you, I’m not going to say anything. Whether you collect less or more, I’m going to give you the silver because you are so many people, and I have to do that. I always put the maximum amount between you and Europe. You are also a continent, as Europe is, but one has to understand, that at least, we should really think of doing something for Sahaj Yoga. What can we do for Sahaj Yoga? As you know very well, that I’ve used My husband’s money quite a lot, and again I’m going to work out something in Australia, because I think in Australia it will be very good for people, and I can involve My money with them. But despite all that, people don’t understand that why My husband allows Me to do that, because he knows it gives him all the blessings. He told Me many-a-times, he told group of people, he told openly to Sahaj Yogis that: 'All these awards I’ve got because of my Wife, but She is working for God'. But I wanted to say also you donated a lot of money. It’s the generosity and if you donate,then you get it also from another thing. But I don’t want it for My Personal thing at all, but is a sign of your generosity. That is a common thing from all the leaders... Melbourne leader says that nobody wants to pay. Only they want to take advantage of Sahaja Yoga. This is not a very good thing from Lakshmi point of view. Also one has to understand that once you joined Sahaj Yoga, whether you pay or not pay or anything, you think you are a liability, that’s very wrong also. For every small thing they want help. Of course, they are to be helped. We try to help people who are, who haven’t got money or who are… but they become sort of liabilities and then they expect so much from other Sahaj Yogis, or from Me also, that one can’t understand, I mean. You marry someone, then that person becomes a headache: letters after letters, telephones after telephones. Is not proper. Of course, some child is sick, all right, you can inform Me. But a child is hot-tempered, is misbehaving, is on My Head. Maybe you have been hot-tempered, maybe you are fighting with your wife or your wife is fighting with you, may be that. Why not correct that part? Even the smallest thing they think, should be done by Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga must look after this thing, Sahaja Yoga must do that. So one should understand that to you Sahaja Yoga as a liability, not you are a liability to Sahaja Yoga. That’s the best attitude. Of course, in a way you are a liability. But what should be your attitude? Now you’re matured enough. When the son grows up and matures, then he looks after the parents. In the same way, you have to look after the Sahaja Yoga, than Sahaja Yoga looking after you all the time and pestering Sahaja Yogis about it. This has to be understood very well, that Sahaja Yoga is not liable for you. You are liable for Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga has given you so much. God has done so much for you, what have we done for God? Always think like that. If you start thinking like that, the more work you put in for Sahaja Yoga, the more you exert your mind for Sahaja Yoga, in a proper living, balanced manner, the more you are helped, the more you grow, the more you enjoy. It’s like that. And so, today’s lecture is for all of you in a way, because I don’t know what applies to whom. But you should not put it on somebody else, but take it for yourself that we are not going to be liabilities on Sahaja Yoga, but a support. We have to look after Sahaja Yoga, which is a very, very beautiful attitude. That’s My attitude is. I don’t need Sahaja Yoga at all. Not at all. Why do I need? I don’t have to do Sahaja Yoga. But I am worried about Sahaja Yoga, about Sahaja Yogis. To Me they are all My liabilities. I have to look after them, I have to worry about them, I have to listen to them. I receive letters and all that. I mean, this kind of work if somebody has to do, nobody would accept. In every way I have to support, because My Spirit gets satisfied. It’s for the satisfaction, My own satisfaction, I’m not doing for your satisfaction, I’m doing for My own satisfaction. Is selfishness. So when you reach that selfhood, you will understand what this self needs and you’ll put your mind to it and you’ll be surprised that when you start doing something for others, for Sahaja Yoga, it’s very much rewarding and very much like a prayer. Everything is a prayer in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever you do for Sahaja Yoga is a prayer, is a rapport. Is the oneness with God. Is what we can call the worship. And once you start doing that, you’ll not bother as to who criticizes you, what people say to you, nothing. But you’ll feel such relationship and understanding. I’m sure, this Shiva Puja will definitely establish you at a much higher level, I’m sure. And you will know where you are. I’m very happy about it, that a Shiva Puja was arranged here. Once it was arranged in Europe. It was all full of storms and snowfall, and everything. But so many came to Rome for the Shiva Puja. They all asked Me: ‘Mother, we should have one Shiva Puja.’ And the whole thing was so surprising, that people came from Greece and everywhere, driving down, I don’t know. And there was always report of snowfall is there, flood is there, and they were all there. And suddenly, I found a level had risen, because here we are in direct contact with our spirit. Here we know about our Spirit. We are obliged to our spirit what it has done to us, we respect it. And that’s how I’ve seen the certain change, and a very great height suddenly they achieved. And I am sure, this will happen to Australians. Now forget your small differences, fighting for power, fighting for money nonsense. Try to be all right. There are some people who got caught up, because of this nonsense in Melbourne. They should all cleanse themselves out, put themselves right and look after themselves. All My blessings with you. May God bless you. [Hindi: If you all want to sing some songs and then we will move.] So I’ll be bidding you farewell. [Hindi: Did you bring the gifts?] At the parting I want to give something small for all the leaders, because I want them to write the diary. So it is for other leaders, apart from our main leader, the National leader. This is for everyone. Yogi: John Henshaw, Melbourne. Shri Mataji: Are you all right, John? All right now, try to keep your blood pressure low by not discussing, talking to all nonsense, all right? And just put your right hand towards the Photograph and you know the right hand treatment. So may God bless you. Shri Mataji: Brian Bell. Yogi: Brian Bell. Shri Mataji: Yes. May God bless you. Yogi: (Inaudible name). Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Yogi: (Inaudible name). Yogi: John Fisher. Shri Mataji: Is only for the people where I visited and also for the different states as you have. But you see, your Customs are so funny, you’d better give them a bandhan, that I can’t bring any presents for all of you. That’s the only thing I didn’t like about Australia. Because they are very strict and really funny people. In every country presents are allowed except in yours. So now... [Hindi: If you want to sing anything?]. Then we’ll have to go. I’ll have to go back, going back to...[Hindi: What time is it?]. I have to leave for Sydney now. [Hindi: Sing what pleases you.] Yogi: All the musicians take their place as quickly as possible. Yogini: (gives a photograph as a present) Mother, please have it. Shri Mataji: Oh, the children are reflected in it. It’s a beautiful photograph I must say. I’m so happy with them. Thank you very much, it’s beautiful. (The video continues with a musical program, during which many yogis go to speak to Shri Mataji one after another.)
Day after Shivaratri Puja, Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Laguna of Glenrock, Newcastle, (Australia), March 1st, 1992 I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s puja very much. Today I wanted to talk to you about certain matters where people get quite confused. There are certain things we must understand in Sahaja Yoga. First point there is no fundamentalism in Sahaja Yoga. Nobody should use My words or say: ‘Mother said so’, nobody should. That is how all this hierarchies have been built, in the churches, everywhere. Everybody can read, everybody can find out. There is no way of controlling people by saying: ‘Mother said so’. That shows that you are trying to use My Words to tell people off. You are not in charge. If I say something in the program of Sahaja Yogis, I say it because it is heart to heart talk between My children and Myself, you see. And it should not be just sent over through your computers all over the world without consulting, without censoring it by the leader. There’s no haste in Sahaja Yoga. So that should not be done. Now this I have said, definitely. Whatever I’ve said nobody remembers, only they use My Name. Mother said so in 1970. In 1970 I never spoke in English. So all this historical utterances should not be used. We live in the present. That time maybe, the situation was such I might have said something, but today the situation is different. Maybe because Sahaja Yogis were just coming to Sahaja Yoga, maybe they needed some sort of a guideline. It’s a journey, first of all. It’s a journey. You are passing, supposing passing through a slope, then you have to use a different type of method. Now you are walking on a plain land, then you don’t behave as if you are climbing a mountain. So it’s a journey, journey of Sahaja Yoga to our destination. The destination is that we have to emancipate maximum number of human beings into Sahaja Yoga. But that should not be taken over. I again tell you, nobody should take over things from the leaders. I have appointed the leaders just to co-ordinate with you people, but you have a direct, always a direct relationship with Me. So far all these people who believed in God had no direct connection, but now you have: so why not use Me? And if there are leaders, you have to ask the leaders. Nobody should take things upon themselves and start preaching people. We don’t like preaching. We have had enough of it. There’s no need to preach other, if you have to preach, preach yourself, but not to others. One has to understand that it’s a living process. We can understand from a cell at the end of a root. It has intelligence, it is completely in control of itself and it has a direct connection with the Divine Power. So it moves by itself, but the attention is on the collective, collective means the tree. It moves in such a direction, that there is no argument, there is no quarrelling, in the sense there is no obstacle, moves. Now supposing, there is a big obstacle, like a stone, it goes round it, encircles it many-a-times for the future tree that has to come. So from the past what do you get, is the relative idea as to where you have reached. And from the future you have to know how far you have to go. This is very important to understand because these things creep into the western mind very easily. They don’t want to have direct relations with Me. That’s how then you’ll start forming groups. One person will stand up: ‘Mother says so.’ Finished. One tent is raised. Another one say: ‘Mother says so.’ Somebody will use My tapes. Anything. There’s no need at all for you to get to these things and listen to them. If they want to create something, they should talk to Me directly, and not to do it themselves on their own, which is a very wrong attitude towards Sahaja Yoga. So first of all, we must know it’s a living process. You cannot put on it artificial types of things, which will curb the growth of Sahaja Yoga. It’s very important to understand. There where I find that people don’t understand Sahaj Yoga. You cannot mould into any pattern. It moulds by itself. Works by itself. So we cannot have any hierarchy, never. These hierarchies ultimately become a barrier between you and Me, which I don’t like. All the leaders are told that whatever letters you get, whatever things you have, you should send it over to Me. I would like to see them Myself. But sometimes they do, some of the leaders, specially in Australia I had a very bad experience. But now you have a very wise leader here, and a very sensible person. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him. Only thing, I think he’s rather too mild sometimes with some people. He should have told. Yesterday I had to suffer so much because of two ladies, because he never told them how horrible they were. So I had to absorb all their nonsense quite a lot. Because if a leader is not mild, you’ll sit on his head. If he’s little strict, you’ll get after him. Only thing one has to realize, that everything is a living process, and through some sort of a coordinator Mother is trying to work out, in a more simpler manner. For example if everybody writes to Me for a small little thing... I mean, they write for everything, I must tell you. Absolutely something so useless sometimes that I really laugh. There’s no need to ask Me like: ‘Mother, we cannot get Indian spices here’. All these stupid things. Then second is about the husbands or about the wives. Because you should not see those films or those televisions, which if you see invariably show the fight between husband and wife. So if you go on seeing that you will learn, you’ll pick it up. It’s like a parrot, you know. You pick up all the words which are to be said to your husband, harsh words, or to your wife, and then you work it out that way. And so many questions could have been easily solved. I think, to work out the marriage is only question of a woman, not so much of man. Normally men don’t want to marry, normally. Though they have no responsibility, they don’t have to produce children, anything. But still they don’t want to marry. They are sort of little bit afraid also, in the west specially, not in India. In India men want to marry because they get somebody who will spoil them, who will never answer them, listen to them, be humble. So they want to have, see they marry. But here in the west I’ve seen men don’t want to marry. One fellow I told him that you have to get married, he disappeared for three days. So this marriage problem... we have to have marriages. But this marriage problem comes when women don’t know how to adjust, mainly, I must tell you. The first thing is you have to really spoil your husbands. Actually, they should entirely depend on you for everything. Then what will they do? But in a loving manner. Not in an oppressive manner. Do not demand anything. Do not expect anything. Just be gentle, kind, express your love. Then they get used to it, they can’t live without it. These tricks should have told to you by your parents, but they might have been the same as you are, so you don’t know the tricks of the trade. After marriage we have to say: ‘We are, we’. Shouldn’t say: ‘I’. And also understand, you see, men are different from women. They are different. You are the preserver of the society. They are the creator, but you are the preserver, and you have to have much more patience and compassion which you have, no doubt. You must take to your feminine qualities and you’ll be amazed that you are shakti, for men. You are the power for men. That’s why men must respect women. If they don’t respect women, not their romanticism and nonsense, but as personality. If they don’t respect, then they suffer every way. Specially materially. Materially they suffer and also reputation-wise. Some women are extremely demanding and expecting too much. Perhaps maybe they see those pictures of Romeo, Juliet and things like that. But if you see Romeo, Juliet, you will see what Shakespeare wanted to communicate. He was an avadhuta. He wanted to communicate that these are all futile enterprises. Both of them died. They could never enjoy companionship. We had so many problems like this in England also, so I told them: ‘What books you read?’ Most of them read books of romance, all right, but romance before marriage. There are no books about romance after the marriage, can you imagine?! So naturally, there’s a problem. After marriage is quarrelling, before marriage romance. So why marry? And when I said that man is the head of the family, it doesn’t mean that man should dominate a woman. Never. You interprete also, sometimes I think, some of the brains are other way round. What I was saying that he is head of the family. Supposing I say he is your leader. That doesn’t mean that he should dominate you. If head of the family start dominating, if the brain of the body starts dominating what will happen to this body? It’s stupid to conclude like that. But you are the heart of the family. Brain can die, but heart dies the last. So try to understand, there should be a complete integration between heart and brain. And children are the attention, in the society of Sahaj Yoga. So here, how can you have such an idea that if I say the head, then he dominates the heart. How can it? So they pick up few words from here and there and use it for justifying their own weaknesses in Sahaj Yoga. But this kind of escape is not going to help you to rise. You are going against yourself, is not for your benevolence. What I’m telling you, is that if you try to accept all these outdated ideas in Sahaj Yoga, you’ll go down, you’ll rot. No use coming to Sahaj Yoga. We are fresh, we are new and we are living. We don’t accept these kind of ideas about men or women. But when I said that man is the head of the family, that doesn’t mean that you dominate your wife and torture her. Nor does it mean that the leaders should dominate, never. They should never dominate. They should use their wisdom, their love, compassion and guide you in a proper way. I’ve received a letter which is very funny, that one leader’s wife, not the leader, the wife forbid one of the Sahaj Yoginis not to come to the house and to the program because I could not go to her house. Can you imagine? This is absurd. Now if I tell her, she’ll be more harsh on that person. But by doing that, she doesn’t know how much she’s missing points in Sahaj Yoga. I mean, I’m a whimsical person. I can go anywhere I feel like. But she should have taken the blame upon herself, if she thinks I did not go to her house, instead of on the another person. Also, there’s a thing that: ‘This is my house’. This is the biggest nonsense. ‘Mother should come to my house’. With Indian specially, it’s too much. ‘Please come to my house, Mother. Come and have dinner with me’. Who are you? You are a Sahaj Yogi. So your house is Mine, you are Mine, everything is Mine. What is there to come to your house? Then you separate. This is also an Indian mind, I must confess. ‘My house’. This is nonsense, all your houses are Mine. If I go there, it doesn’t mean that I love you more than anybody else. Doesn’t mean that. I have to go somewhere, you know. Like somebody asked Me: ‘Why did you take your birth in Christian religion?’ I said: ‘I had to take My Birth somewhere’. But better was for Christians because Christians are absolutely fundamentalists mentally. Mentally they are absolute fundamentalists. Mentally. That’s more dangerous. Muslims you can make them out they are fundamentalists because they do not have that finesse about them. Openly they are fundamentalists, but Christians are very great fundamentalists. But they go into somebody’s house now is becoming a problem for Me. Because if I go to somebody’s house that person gets the ego: ‘Oh, She came to my house’. So again you are not to say that: ‘Mother, this is my house. Mother, this is your house’. If I go there well and good, if I don’t go there well and good, what does it matter? Now again I tell you, nothing has to be sent through your IBM or anything without the consultation and censoring by the leader. It can land Me into great difficulties and tomorrow I could be in jail. Why don’t you understand? I mean, you write whatever you feel like. So this kind of irresponsible behaviour is, I can’t understand, and things I never said also can be said. This shows immaturity and haste. Such things should be consulted, and use your discretion. Main thing is discretion. What you need to consult your leader which are vital, important. Specially things which are written down and published, things which circulate, is extremely important to be seen by the leaders. There is no hurry about it. Any book written, any tapes to be released, anything, should be done with the complete consent and understanding of the leader. I would say, the leader must sign those papers. Then I can hold him responsible. But if you are arbitrary and start doing things, then it could be dangerous. Simple things I’ll tell you what, they asked Me: ‘Mother, what do you think of starting a Vishwa Nirmala Dharma in Melbourne?’ I said: ‘All right’. I didn’t know that it’s going to be an association. There is going to be an election and all, nothing. Just I said: ‘All right, just to start is all right’. Vishwa Nirmala Dharma is everywhere, but they don’t have any association, nothing. It’s just a kind of a society, which is just spreading Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. There is no sort of a, any organization about it. We only have Trust, and we don’t want to have any electioning or all that. Again if some wrong type of people get in, then Sahaja Yoga will be ousted completely. So you can only have Trust, and if you want to do something else you can form it separately, but it should not be Vishwa Nirmala Dharma or Sahaj Yoga. Nothing doing. Because I said: ‘Yes’ that doesn’t mean that you should go that far with forming this, that association, and all that. It’s a news to Me. All right, whatever has been done, has to be rectified. Absolutely to be rectified. And we have to bring it down to a proper level, and should be there people, who should be elected as good people who are in Sahaj Yoga, who have so far have been doing everything in a straightforward manner and who have been very very sensible about it. There’s also a suggestion that we should project ourselves to outside things. If it means that we have to go to other organizations, is wrong. All these organizations are dead organizations, they are not living organizations. But if they want to come to us, all right. But we should not go and break our heads with them, because you’ll land up not only with opposition, but you will catch from them, negativity. Try to understand. We don’t have to grow that fast that we get all the lunatics in Sahaj Yoga. We have to be very careful. You can only have Sahaja Yogis who are seekers, who are honest, who are humble, who do not want any money or power, out of Sahaj Yoga. It will grow. It has grown, just imagine. Two people came from Australia and see how many are there. It will definitely grow, no doubt, but do not try to organize it. You cannot organize. Once you start organizing, then the growth can be stunted. Like you have seen bonsai. Bonsai, when they cut it and organize it, it becomes a small tree, but I haven’t seen any tree which grows, if it is organized grows more, never. At the most you can nourish it, at the most you can water it, at the most you can see the needs of this, but you cannot just make it grow more. All organizations cut the growth. In the beginning, it may look that by organizing it, it has increased. We can say Christianity, what is this? Like a pumpkin, has no meaning. Absolutely empty hollow nonsense. Like Islam. Another nonsense. I mean, they admit that Islam is different from Muslims. It is being admitted now. What is Buddhism? Another nonsense. So this kind of an artificial growth if you want, you can take to artificial methods. We really want substantial people, substantial dharma, innate within ourselves. We don’t have to take to these artificial things. We are using lots of artificial manure now, and people are revolting against it because they think that all these artificial things are harmful to us. So allow it to work out through the grace of this Divine Power in a more natural manner than putting artificial organizations, artificial this and that. I think, some of you must have been to Harvard or something to learn how to grow the business, and that’s how you try to grow, but ultimately comes to recession. All those, who had education in Harvard, are responsible all over the world, and all over the world there is recession. I think, this university should be closed down. [Hindi: Shri Mataji says something about the glass.] So now, regarding your children. I have been really studying the nature of western children. Now the nature of western children is, that their attention is never on the right things. Not on studies. I should say, not at all on studies. Now, on food yes. Like in England they asked for baked beans in the morning. Now these horrible tinned baked beans, which you have been giving to them, are not at all suitable for Indian climate and they are no good. You see if you see a western health of a person, I mean, when you go to India you get diarrhea. You cannot stand heat, you cannot stand cold, anything that changes, you feel so much the sickness. Apart from that, all the time you are tired. You must introspect. Little work you’ll do, and you are tired. I mean, you see in the films or anywhere I’ve seen, even in the television, they’ll came and sit down, huhh. What work have they done, God knows. All the time, huhh. What is the reason? The reason is to think too much. Same with your marriages. You start thinking: ‘What are my priorities, what should I do? Start analyzing. Just do it what you want to do. This thinking too much is responsible for your susceptibility to diseases. Of course, Mooladhara is one of the most important chakra, no doubt. If the Mooladhara is weak, you can catch any disease, for example: cancer, aids, schizophrenia, yuppies disease, also the secret diseases, herpes and all these things are very common in the west. But not in India, very few, because of a strong Mooladhara. So now, first problem is how to strengthen your Mooladhara? The second one is the kind of food you are eating here is not so fresh. Try to eat fresh food. At least in Australia you can get it, as far as possible. Take to more carbohydrates, if you are thinking too much, best is to take to carbohydrates. You are so much worried about putting on weight or this thing. I don’t know why you want to be skinny. What is the need? On the contrary, a person who has little plumpness, absorbs vibrations much better. But do you know that vibrations sit on the fat? Medhastitha - they sit on the fat. And that’s why they go on the nerves because nerve is made of fat. Your brain is also made of fat. So this new idea of having mosquitoes around... Sometimes, you know, I get frightened in a way, I think, next moment that person is going to fall on the ground. So whatever is pumped into your head, you accept. That’s why the entrepreneurs are definitely controlling you. You have no idea! Because we don’t have that wisdom to see. Now they said: ‘All right, you shouldn’t put any oil in your head, all right? Never put any oil.’ So you become bald. So they can sell wigs. All such things are there. You can put oil before, previous night, just to make your hair grow properly, you must give them nourishment. Why do you starve them? What’s wrong with oil I just don’t understand? You must massage your body also with oil. It’s very important. Sometimes, Saturday if you use oil to massage your body, is a very good idea. Also massage your head, you must look after yourself. But just because there’s a fashion not to put oil, so you just not have any oil anywhere near. They all used to put oil if you see films about say thirty years back, they were all nicely… Nobody had dry hair, all shining nice hair. They were supposed to be quite good-looking. And this bhootish type of hair then, when you have, all the bhoots will take over because they’ll think: ‘This is the head for me’. So try to understand what is good for your body, and what you should do. Massaging your body is a very good thing. I think, without oil I cannot exist, really. Because My work is on Sahasrara and if I starve My Hair, either I’ll become completely bald or mad; one of the two. It’s very soothing to massage your hair, very soothing for your nerves, everything, and you are realized souls, there’s vibrations flowing. You should massage your head nicely. Take about an hour, on a Saturday. Saturday is the day of shani, is the day of Saturn, the day of Shri Krishna. He is so fond of butter and oil. All these small small things should be understood. Also you people are very fond of sun, I can understand that. But I don’t know why in Australia you are so fond of sun, when it is so much? But because it’s a fashion in the west, we are all going to the sun, to the sea and spoiling your skin. Your skin cannot have the glow, while you see, if you do not use sun bathing as some sort of a treatment. It’s all right, there’s lot of sun, you can move about. Indians used to wonder about the English, and there was a saying that an Englishman and a mad dog in the sun. Even a sane dog won’t go. All such things should be understood. Personal hygiene also has to be seen. Use lot of water to wash your hands, and when you are using toilets, water should be used every time. Very important. Otherwise, your Mooladhara can never be all right. Your children, I’m surprised, they don’t want to brush their teeth. And if you tell them you have to brush, they start crying. If you tell them you have to have a bath, they start crying. Imagine, in that sweltering heat of India, they don’t want to have a bath and they smell. But when you tell them: ‘Our parents also smell like that’. Their mouths smell. In India at least twice we must brush, once in the morning, once in the evening. Minimum. Evening time, we all brush our teeth, in India. Is very important. Now these are such small small things, which I think, our culture in India has already taught us long time back. I mean we don’t have to tell anyone like that, they’ll say, "What are you telling us this nonsense". But they should be fond of doing this, so the way is that when your children are growing, you take them in the bathroom, make a fun out of it. Now let’s see, we’ll brush our teeth. You brush your teeth I’ll brush my teeth. Now see whose are whiter, like that. Make a fun out of it. You are the one who can teach them good hygiene. Then bathing. All these little little things are very important for you and for your children. So the hygiene part is very poor, personal hygiene. Of course, your house is very very clean, absolutely. If anything falls on the carpet, immediately you’ll pick it up, because this carpet maybe sold later on. Whatever is saleable, you look after. Now your teeth also can be saleable, you need not neglect them, but you will not be careful. Whatever is saleable, you’re very careful, your house - very careful, your carpets - very careful, but whatever is not saleable, is not worth anything. Now in Sahaj Yoga, we should know that nothing is saleable. Whatever we have and own, we’ll keep it with ourself or give it to our children, or give it as presents to others. You are not going to sell anything. Everybody is a seller. House is to be sold, very particular about the house. If something goes wrong, you’ll shout at children. We were surprised that these children were more careful about nonsensical things like carpets than their teeth. Something fell down on the carpet, immediately they all rushed and cleaned the carpet so we started wondering what’s the matter with them. That’s not their job. That’s the training they have. Whatever is saleable, they try to put right. So we must change our mind and say that: ‘Whatever we own, we are not going to sell it,’ or sometimes you have to sell the house, all right, but it’s not so important. In any way, whether the house is clean or dirty, you’ll fetch the same price, that’s My experience. Whether you decorate or not, on the contrary, undecorated houses they like, because of their ego, very surprising. We had bought a house, in Hounslow, and one side belonged to one of the Sahaja Yoginis, one side to Me. I had no time to decorate or anything, and she, poor thing, spent so much money to decorate it and all that, and some people lived also. Of course, she made little money out of it, whatever it is. But My house sold for a higher price than hers. Why? They said: ‘It’s already done, we can’t do anything about it’. So also the ego is there, that we should be able to do something, in the house. And thus, it doesn’t make difference. In any way, they don’t pay for your carpets and don't pay for your thing. But people are so particular about their furniture, about everything. So now, this is what is materialism. Is absolute materialism, that we try to get things just for selling off. On the contrary, we have to look out, what are the beautiful things made by hand. What can we have, whatever is made by hand by people. Can have few, and that can be given to your children, to the progeny. Also sometimes, the idea of antique… Who is this child? Please take away. Who is the child? Who is the child crying? You must find out why the child is crying in My Program. Must be something wrong. Must be some baddha. If a child cries in My Presence or is afraid, that means there’s some sort of a baddha, which you should try to remove. So now, we have to change our attitude towards ourselves. We are specially blessed people, we have to look after our body, look after our children. We have to look after things, which are of much greater importance than material things, that is the spirit. So ultimately, we come to the point that the spirit which has given us all this beauty, which has given us such moonlight in our life, such sunshine in our work, she has made us so sweet. After all, what we have done for the spirit to satisfy it, to enjoy it? So the most important thing for us is our spirit, and we should seek the comfort of the spirit. The more you think about your spirit, the deeper you’ll go, and the joy you’ll get will be also very deep, and you’ll settle down, very nicely embedded in spirituality. So you have to, all the time think: ‘Am I doing this for my spiritual growth?’ I mean, in a place like England people get up at four o’clock to meditate. Nothing doing. This time there was a big number. I told so many English that, 'You have been coming every time to Ganapatipule. Can you not reduce your number?' They felt very sad. ‘Mother, we need it. We have to.’ But I said: ‘This time you can avoid, there are so many people coming. If we have too many people...’, because about hundred and fifty people came from other countries, you see, who were not even paying and who were not such Sahaja Yogis. So I said, 'We have to work it out with them'. They said: ‘Mother, but we can’t help it. We have to be there. We can’t do without it.’ So this kind of understanding, I’m so happy that you all managed to come all this way here and you are settled so well. You are living in tents and enjoying this discomfort because you have got the comfort of your heart, comfort of your spirit. So as it is we have suddenly come up, very high up, and whatever I said yesterday was not in any way to pamper your vanity but the truth. I just told you the truth. It’s truth for at least ninety-five percent people of Sahaj Yoga. But they should also go deeper and deeper and enjoy themselves and enjoy the collectivity. Now in general, I can talk to you about things, that firstly that you have to ask your leaders if you have to do anything extraordinary. Now is your discretion. And the last but not the least is this: all the leaders complain that no one wants to pay any money whatsoever for Sahaj Yoga. Now you see, actually, as you know that, whatever money you give Me for pujas, I buy silver for you, and you are given the equal amount of silver as one would give to Europeans. But as far as the puja money is concerned, it’s very low. First they used to just give Me one dollar. Of course, that was all in coins, which I have brought it back, but otherwise whatever is there, is… I’m not using it for Myself, I don’t need it. I should normally, because it’s given to Me, but I just thought, that instead of that, if I give you silver, you will have silver for puja, which is very important, and that it will be very auspicious. But the way people want to pay is rather reluctant. I agree that you people are now running into problem about money, but maybe one of the reasons may be that. Do you know you pay the lowest in the whole world? No one pays so low as that. At least, they pay twenty-one and eleven, even in India. Minimum. So whatever it is, whatever suits you, I’m not going to say anything. Whether you collect less or more, I’m going to give you the silver because you are so many people, and I have to do that. I always put the maximum amount between you and Europe. You are also a continent, as Europe is, but one has to understand, that at least, we should really think of doing something for Sahaj Yoga. What can we do for Sahaj Yoga? As you know very well, that I’ve used My husband’s money quite a lot, and again I’m going to work out something in Australia, because I think in Australia it will be very good for people, and I can involve My money with them. But despite all that, people don’t understand that why My husband allows Me to do that, because he knows it gives him all the blessings. He told Me many-a-times, he told group of people, he told openly to Sahaj Yogis that: 'All these awards I’ve got because of my Wife, but She is working for God'. But I wanted to say also you donated a lot of money. It’s the generosity and if you donate,then you get it also from another thing. But I don’t want it for My Personal thing at all, but is a sign of your generosity. That is a common thing from all the leaders... Melbourne leader says that nobody wants to pay. Only they want to take advantage of Sahaja Yoga. This is not a very good thing from Lakshmi point of view. Also one has to understand that once you joined Sahaj Yoga, whether you pay or not pay or anything, you think you are a liability, that’s very wrong also. For every small thing they want help. Of course, they are to be helped. We try to help people who are, who haven’t got money or who are… but they become sort of liabilities and then they expect so much from other Sahaj Yogis, or from Me also, that one can’t understand, I mean. You marry someone, then that person becomes a headache: letters after letters, telephones after telephones. Is not proper. Of course, some child is sick, all right, you can inform Me. But a child is hot-tempered, is misbehaving, is on My Head. Maybe you have been hot-tempered, maybe you are fighting with your wife or your wife is fighting with you, may be that. Why not correct that part? Even the smallest thing they think, should be done by Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga must look after this thing, Sahaja Yoga must do that. So one should understand that to you Sahaja Yoga as a liability, not you are a liability to Sahaja Yoga. That’s the best attitude. Of course, in a way you are a liability. But what should be your attitude? Now you’re matured enough. When the son grows up and matures, then he looks after the parents. In the same way, you have to look after the Sahaja Yoga, than Sahaja Yoga looking after you all the time and pestering Sahaja Yogis about it. This has to be understood very well, that Sahaja Yoga is not liable for you. You are liable for Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga has given you so much. God has done so much for you, what have we done for God? Always think like that. If you start thinking like that, the more work you put in for Sahaja Yoga, the more you exert your mind for Sahaja Yoga, in a proper living, balanced manner, the more you are helped, the more you grow, the more you enjoy. It’s like that. And so, today’s lecture is for all of you in a way, because I don’t know what applies to whom. But you should not put it on somebody else, but take it for yourself that we are not going to be liabilities on Sahaja Yoga, but a support. We have to look after Sahaja Yoga, which is a very, very beautiful attitude. That’s My attitude is. I don’t need Sahaja Yoga at all. Not at all. Why do I need? I don’t have to do Sahaja Yoga. But I am worried about Sahaja Yoga, about Sahaja Yogis. To Me they are all My liabilities. I have to look after them, I have to worry about them, I have to listen to them. I receive letters and all that. I mean, this kind of work if somebody has to do, nobody would accept. In every way I have to support, because My Spirit gets satisfied. It’s for the satisfaction, My own satisfaction, I’m not doing for your satisfaction, I’m doing for My own satisfaction. Is selfishness. So when you reach that selfhood, you will understand what this self needs and you’ll put your mind to it and you’ll be surprised that when you start doing something for others, for Sahaja Yoga, it’s very much rewarding and very much like a prayer. Everything is a prayer in Sahaja Yoga. Whatever you do for Sahaja Yoga is a prayer, is a rapport. Is the oneness with God. Is what we can call the worship. And once you start doing that, you’ll not bother as to who criticizes you, what people say to you, nothing. But you’ll feel such relationship and understanding. I’m sure, this Shiva Puja will definitely establish you at a much higher level, I’m sure. And you will know where you are. I’m very happy about it, that a Shiva Puja was arranged here. Once it was arranged in Europe. It was all full of storms and snowfall, and everything. But so many came to Rome for the Shiva Puja. They all asked Me: ‘Mother, we should have one Shiva Puja.’ And the whole thing was so surprising, that people came from Greece and everywhere, driving down, I don’t know. And there was always report of snowfall is there, flood is there, and they were all there. And suddenly, I found a level had risen, because here we are in direct contact with our spirit. Here we know about our Spirit. We are obliged to our spirit what it has done to us, we respect it. And that’s how I’ve seen the certain change, and a very great height suddenly they achieved. And I am sure, this will happen to Australians. Now forget your small differences, fighting for power, fighting for money nonsense. Try to be all right. There are some people who got caught up, because of this nonsense in Melbourne. They should all cleanse themselves out, put themselves right and look after themselves. All My blessings with you. May God bless you. [Hindi: If you all want to sing some songs and then we will move.] So I’ll be bidding you farewell. [Hindi: Did you bring the gifts?] At the parting I want to give something small for all the leaders, because I want them to write the diary. So it is for other leaders, apart from our main leader, the National leader. This is for everyone. Yogi: John Henshaw, Melbourne. Shri Mataji: Are you all right, John? All right now, try to keep your blood pressure low by not discussing, talking to all nonsense, all right? And just put your right hand towards the Photograph and you know the right hand treatment. So may God bless you. Shri Mataji: Brian Bell. Yogi: Brian Bell. Shri Mataji: Yes. May God bless you. Yogi: (Inaudible name). Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Yogi: (Inaudible name). Yogi: John Fisher. Shri Mataji: Is only for the people where I visited and also for the different states as you have. But you see, your Customs are so funny, you’d better give them a bandhan, that I can’t bring any presents for all of you. That’s the only thing I didn’t like about Australia. Because they are very strict and really funny people. In every country presents are allowed except in yours. So now... [Hindi: If you want to sing anything?]. Then we’ll have to go. I’ll have to go back, going back to...[Hindi: What time is it?]. I have to leave for Sydney now. [Hindi: Sing what pleases you.] Yogi: All the musicians take their place as quickly as possible. Yogini: (gives a photograph as a present) Mother, please have it. Shri Mataji: Oh, the children are reflected in it. It’s a beautiful photograph I must say. I’m so happy with them. Thank you very much, it’s beautiful. (The video continues with a musical program, during which many yogis go to speak to Shri Mataji one after another.)
Sensitivity to Spirituality is Important
Public Program
Public Program Day 1. Sydney (Australia), 2 March 1992. Welcoming address by Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney Mr. Henry Tsang. [Shri Mataji speaks from minute 16:26.] I would like to thank you very much, the Deputy Mayor, sir, for your kind introduction to the subject of yoga. In Sahaja Yoga... Yoga means your connection with the all-pervading power of God's love which we call as "Self-realisation" which is really very important because once it happens, automatically all those things that are promised in the yoga system of Buddhism or yoga system in Zen, Tao, anything - is the same as being practiced in ancient times in India in yoga. It is called as Sahaja Yoga: "sahaj" means "spontaneous" because it is the yoga of the living process of your evolutionary process. That's why it is called as "sahaj". Sahaj means "born with you": Born with you is the right to have this spontaneous union with the divine power which is all-pervading. As it is we are not aware of this power but it exists. If you see these flowers, you see yourself - how you are made? Who has done this great job of evolutionary process? It has been done by some power and that power is the all-pervading power of God's love which is described in all the scriptures everywhere. Buddha was so anxious about the Self-realisation and meditation that he said, "First let us not talk only of God. Let us not talk. Let us talk of the Spirit first." That is the first step we have to take: that we should first understand ourselves because unless and until we understand ourselves we cannot understand God. And as I told you, any religion you want to follow, unless and until you have got Self-realisation you cannot follow because you do not have absorption. You cannot absorb things inside yourself and it cannot become innately within you. It has to be innately within you. And now we have found: after people have come to Sahaja Yoga automatically they become sahaja yogis, automatically they give up drinks and what you call alcoholism, they give up also horrible things like drugs and so many things just disappear. But most surprisingly that so many diseases are cured with Sahaja Yoga. We have got now, as I told you, there are three doctors who have got MD for three diseases they tried: one is the blood cancer, on epilepsy and then the third one was asthma. But there are so many diseases which are automatically cured by your own power. It is your own divinity, it is within you and nobody has to feel obliged about it. It is just within, it’s built-in within you. All this system that you see there is all built-in within you. This is Tree of Life and once this power awakens it just passes through six centers, pierces through your fontanel bone area: this is actually the actualization of baptism, or Self-realisation. In Sanskrit it's called as Brahmarandhra: this is called as the "hole which opens to the Brahma" - means this all-pervading power. So the words are different but have the same interpretation. Now the days are such that we are understanding that we have gone into lot of imbalances within us. Also in nature, as he said, it is very important to understand what is our relationship with the nature, what is our rapport with the nature. As it is, we are [UNCLEAR 20:29] because of too much of materialism perhaps that we have gone out of control. But whatever it is, once you get your Realisation, you are just immediately established. As I said, this is an instrument [the microphone]: it's made nicely, all build-in, but unless and until you put to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way you have to be put to the mains. Now there are so many lights here, you see them. Now if I try to tell you about all the lights, how they came, electricity how it came and all those things it’ll be quite a headache. But if I just say that there is a switch, "you just put on, it will work out because it is built-in." Because it is built-in in you it can be done with great ease without any difficulties: that means "sahaja" - also means "simple, easy". Also it means "spontaneous" because it's a living process. It's just there ant it works in no time. It is remarkable how people get their realisaiton so fast. And I tell you, sir, that Chinese are one of the best Sahaja yogis you have come across. They are wonderful people. Now we have to thank you very much for coming now. And he has to go to a meeting, he found out time to come here and help us so we should give him a hand, I think. Thank you very much, thank you. As it is, lot of introduction is there about Sahaja Yoga. And I've been coming to Sydney many a times and it has worked wonders, I must say. So many people have got their Self-realisation, not only in Sydney but in so many places and it is taking roots now. Still, I told you that I was surprised that in Russia it is spreading like fire, spreading really like fire. In one place called Tolyatti we have 21 000 sahaja yogis who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. It's very remarkable: so many doctors, scientists, all very very educated people. Also there are many others who are farmers and who are doing other kind of work. It's very surprising this Tolyatti, even in the state now where so many people have got Realisation. It is the sensitivity to spirituality which is important. You see, people get money with false leads, tell stories, "we'll do this", they claim this, claim that. And we get interested in it. They have money, they get money: they can go to television, they can put a big poster, they can do lots of advertising and these are the days of advertisement. Any hope [23:40 UNCLEAR], if it is advertised we just take to it. But we must understand that it's not the advertisement that should be appealing but one simple understanding should be there: that if it God's love, if it is divine power, if it is a living energy, then how can you pay for it? You cannot pay for it. But it is so much in our mind that you have to pay for everything. Unless and until you pay for something people think it's not worth it. Also all the religions that people have being following: as he said Buddhism is there, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, anything - all religions, I must tell you, are all wonderful thing. If we read them, we would be amazed we have very wrong ideas about Islam, wrong ideas about Judaism, very wrong ideas about Christianity and wrong ideas about Hinduism. If you read their books, scriptures, you'll be amazed whatever they are saying is absolute truth. But where are we going round is that we cannot absorb them. There's such a disparity between a Muslim and the Islam; there is such a disparity between a Christian and Christ. I mean, you just can't imagine how can that be. Now just imagine, now in Azerbaijan - you must have heard about it - these people, who are supposed to be Christians, are Armenians who have killed thousands and thousands of people in Azerbaijan. How can they do it? They are Christians, how can they do it? Vice versa, Muslims have killed so many. Hindus have done, if not so much killing, but they have what we call as the caste system. When it is said again and again, and again, that everybody has the Spirit within their heart. Everybody is a spiritual personality. So how can you have caste system? So all these things have deviated from the right path and that's why people feel frustrated. I was surprised, I heard that people now here are so frustrated that they go taking to Islam religion or to Buddhism from Christianity. It's just the same; there is no difference what's so ever because you will never be able to follow these religions because they cannot be absorbed by you. Religion is within us, as you see there, this green part there, ten petals as you see there. That's the Void: it's the area where we have our valences. As carbon has four valences, we have ten valences. And these valences once enlightened you just become righteous, you just enjoy your righteousness. You don't have to think about it, that whether "I'm righteous or not", you just become - automatically. And this is what is your own power which has to be just awakened. Like this instrument [the microphone] without the connection has no meaning, you cannot use it but as soon as you connect it, it becomes useful. In the same way your own personality, the glory of that, the beauty of that start expressing and manifesting and you are amazed at yourself: "I never knew I was like this." All these conditionings you have had so far through religion maybe, politics maybe, economics maybe - whatever it is, these conditionings are just your mental projections which are linear: they move back and they boomerang also. You can see: you produced so many things - now recession. If you produce science, out of science something, then hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb, this bomb, that one, atomic bomb. This is what happens because when you start thinking from your mind, you have no balance. It doesn't move all sides. But Spirit is something, the light of the Spirit moves everywhere. So today we are having the first program today. They said I should introduce Sahaja Yoga to you and tomorrow I'll be telling you in details about the Spirit: what is the nature of the Spirit and how it acts and how it is benevolent to you, to your family, to your country and to the whole world all over. It is something that has to be done with understanding, with an open mind like a scientist. Whatever I'm telling you today should be not followed blindfolded but what you have to do is to keep your mind open. Whatever I'm saying should be a hypothesis and if it is proved and you find it works out then you must accept because this is for your good. What is the need to be identified with this group, that group or this name, or this brand? These are all brands. You are a human being and you have to become a super human being. In a simple thing as that you should not have any brands on your head. So the Sahaja Yoga is just a natural way of achieving that higher state of spirituality which we call the Spirit. And this Spirit when it starts manifesting in your attention you are amazed at yourself that how you could do all these things. First of all you get a state where we call it as "thoughtless awareness" when it crosses this center [Agnya], as you see there when it crosses this one [Shri Mataji shows with her hands]. Thoughtless awareness means you are completely aware but you are without thoughts. For the thoughts rise and fall, again thoughts rise and fall and you are jumping on the cusp of the thought. But supposing you try to be in the present - you cannot. You are either on the future or on the past. You cannot be on your present because you are jumping on these cusps of these thoughts which come from your future or from your past. So now how to come to that point when you would be in the present? To come to that point is very simple: that when this Kundalini passes through this center [Agnya] she takes down these two institutions which you see there - left and right, which are conditioning and ego - and makes you stand in the present, into thoughtless awareness. Then whatever you think comes as original thoughts, as spiritual, awaken thoughts, as inspirations, as new ideas. It's tremendous because this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge and once you are connected with it all that knowledge starts flowing through you. Then the second thing: when it pierces through your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, you become what we call "doubtlessly aware" - means that you have no more doubts, you are sure about it, you know that you have achieved it. You can feel it on your fingertips. This all-pervading power which you have never felt you can feel it on your fingertips and you can feel your Kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone area. But this connection has to be established. And to establish this connection one has to little bit know what's wrong with yourself and what is to be done. That takes hardly any time once this connection is established. With some people it is established in no time. Some people think too much, argue too much - it is beyond mind - then it takes little time but you get it and then you are amazed at yourself. It's already a very huge, big society where there are 62 nations, people from all over who have become beautiful, very beautiful: such brotherhood, such sisterhood relations, they are becoming dynamic. Look at these these Australians singing Sanskrit and Marathi songs. Hindi which is the easiest language but the English who lived there for 300 years could not say one sentence. We had to break our heads with them, "Now say this." They couldn't pronounce, their tongues were so thick, I should say. They said, "This is a tongue-twister language." Whatever you may call it, they couldn't just say it. And look at these boys and these girls: how easily they are singing, how did they get this dynamic force within themselves. Apart from that we have got, even in Australia some people became very well-known artists, they became very good musicians. Everywhere it is showing results. In India we have got some great musicians who are now world-famous. So it’s not ... it's just as a by-product you get it. It is just as a by-product of this awakening of the Kundalini you get all this. But the main thing you get is the Spirit. And the Spirit is the source of joy, source of absolute knowledge. Of course, about this I've told you that I'll tell you about it - it's just tomorrow. But one thing one has to know that it's such a unique thing to know yourself. We don't know ourselves. It's important that once you know yourself - you know your centres - you know yourself what's wrong with you. And if you know how to correct it you will be all right. But you also know others because you get a new awareness called as "collective consciousness" where you can feel what's wrong with other people, what's wrong with you. And again, if you know how to correct the problems of other people, 99% people you can help and cure them. If they get Realisation you can also cure them. Above all, you can give Realisation to people, you can change them, you can help. I mean, I cannot go to the 62 countries, you can imagine at this age. But it's working like this: that one light gets enlightened then that light can enlighten another. That's how many people have been enlightened. But for that one has to understand: in Sahaja Yoga you have to be collective. We don't have elaborate things that people have - these big places, because they make money out of it. But we have humble nice places where you come forgetting what your position is, what your standards are. Just as ordinary seekers you come there and you become a master of this art. Once you become the master, anyone, any race, anyone can become the master and can make so many people “yogis” - means realised souls. This is the blessing of the modern times. It could not have been possible in the olden times. You see, it's a myth, you can call it the illusion and the whole stress and things, as he was saying: all this put together has brought forth the necessity for people to seek something beyond. And that's how you are here as chosen ones who want to have your Self-realisation. This is for the introduction today but tomorrow I would like to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. The collectivity is the only way you can be cleansed out, there is no other way out. But very simple ... Formerly people had to go to the Himalayas, standing on your one leg, on your head for years together, do this, do that. No penance, no sacrifice, no sufferings, nothing but you have to come to the collective. You have to give some time to yourself and to your Realisation. Now about meditation: you don't have to meditate - you are IN mediation where you become thoughtlessly aware. When you are in the present spirituality starts growing. So the meditation is only to achieve that state which is very easy also in Sahaja Yoga. So you are in meditation, you do not have to meditate. This is what it is and also, as he said about Buddhism, Buddha also said that the future Buddha will be bodhisattva. Bodhisattva means not that they only will get enlightenment but that they will spread it to their society, to their country. And this is what it is, today’s Buddhism. I hope the Buddhists understand that and get the benefit of it instead of thinking of sacrificing and becoming ascetics. There is no need to that: those days are gone. You have already done all these things in previous lives. In this life now you enjoy the fruits of that. Thank you very much. Of course, today is the first day and I would like you to ask me some questions about Sahaja Yoga, anything like that. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi from minute 38:47 to 40:20] All right. If you have any questions, please ask them. Question referred: They would like a little more explanation of the superego, top of the left channel. These are actually psychological terminology but in the actual Sanskrit scriptures they are called as some other name. But in psychological terminology it is expressed like this. Especially Jung has done lot of work on it: that the mother is nursing the child and the child is very happy. So then the mother wants to take the child from one side to another side so the child feels getting hurt, his ego is hurt - he is enjoying something - so his ego develops. Then he says, "Don't do that to me." so the conditioning comes in, so the conditioning develops. But actually it has something more scientific then that which I will explain to people what happens. Because our brain is like a prism and when the rays of awareness pass through it, it goes into refraction. And because of refraction the right-side rays go to the left and left-side rays go to the right. That's why if there's paralysis of the brain on the right side your left side gets paralyzed. But the central path is straight forward and that's how the Kundalini goes down and settles there. Because of this refraction we have a problem. This refraction if it is broken into two resultants: one goes inside the spinal cord as left sympathetic or right sympathetic and another goes out. And the one which goes out reacts, especially in human beings because their brain is more conical and has refracting quality. So when you see something you start reacting. And this reaction builds upon on one side, it builds up from this side, from the left side whatever comes in builds up the right side thing, what we call as the "superego", and from the right side whatever has entered builds up the ego. But it’s quite a long theme and can be explained to you much more. When you come to Sahaja Yoga, you would be amazed that it explains this Chinese idea also of the brain very clearly. Question: How do we get into meditation without being quiet? So the question is how can we get into meditation without becoming quiet. This is what I've explained already but I will explain again that brain is all the time bombarded with thoughts - that's why we are not quiet, isn't it? And these thoughts are coming to us from the past or the future and we are in between. The problem is that we are jumping on these thoughts so we are not quiet, we cannot be quiet - agreed. But when this Kundalini rises she pierces through this area as I told you, this Agnya chakra, she pierces through then she sucks in those two areas - conditioning and ego - and you become quiet as a result of that. And you then stand in the present, not in the future or past so you automatically become quiet. Yes, you’ll will, just now. Question: Are you saying that no matter what is going on, you can sit down and raise the Kundalini and you will be in meditation? Of course. You become a witness, you become a witness of the whole thing. Another analogy I'll give you. If you are in the water and there are waves, you are afraid of them. But supposing you get into a boat: when you see those waves you are not disturbed. But supposing you become a great swimmer, you can go down and get many more in the boat - it's like this. It happens like this: it quietens you, absolutely. That's the first thing happens that you become thoughtlessly aware. All right? May God bless you. It's a very good question because many people say, "we meditate, meditate". Without quietening you, how can you meditate? When you are meditating you are thinking, "I'll miss the bus.", "I'll do this, I'll do that." [UNCLEAR 47:23]. How can you meditate? People are worried about "what's going to happen to my chairs", "what's going to happen to that" and at that time you are thinking of meditating. You cannot meditate, it's not possible. But this quietness you and it gives you a state what we call the "witness state" where you start see everything as a drama and a play because you are away from those problems, you see them clearly. And then, because you can see them, you can solve them also. That is the state you have to achieve, that’s all. And very simple it is. You just automatically achieve it because it's built-in within you. Question: How can one cope with the pain of witnessing violence and difficult things happening in the society? Because you must learn how to protect yourself. After Realisation they'll tell you how to protect yourself, to begin with. Afterwards you are protected automatically. You don't know how to protect yourself is the point. It's very important. Question: There must have been a state in our lives when we were connected with this power. How did we lose it? We lost it long time back, that's it. We were connected, that's true but these Adam and Even - that's the point: when we lost God we had to take to this course of evolution. They won't accept it so we had to go through this long process. Question: If the body is in a worn state, if it is unhealthy and parts of the body are worn out can the Kundalini repair this damage? Yes, it does, that's what I said, of course. You see, all our health, all our mental being, physical being, emotional being, spiritual being - is all managed, nourished by these centres. Because they go out of gear: for example, this is the left and the right side center links [Shri Mataji shows with her hands], and once you start using them too much there is a constriction, it can sometimes break also, then all these psychosomatic diseases start. But the Kundalini passes through this and this [Shri Mataji again shows with her hands] and just nourishes them so it's all right. Question: [Seeker complains about the acoustics.] How does one start the practice of meditation? What can one do? Oh, very good question. You are a real seeker, I must say that's why I could hear you so clearly also. That we will do just now. We are starting just now. It's nothing, it's just to connect you, that's all. And that will take no time and then, of course, you have to go to our collective to know what's the problem it’s there. But connection is not difficult. Question: But I fail to hear anything myself. I find that I’m not meditating at the present moment, I don't see how anybody else can, quite honestly, with all due respect. You can't hear me? All right. Can you come this side, lots of [UNCLEAR 52:39], please come this side. Is everybody finding it difficult to hear? In this area it’s difficult? Such a big hall you have made it, I don't know. All right, come along, just you stay here because you are a great seeker. Come along. It's all right because I think that area is ..... [Shri Mataji asks a question in Hindi 53:01 ] She can hear, she says she can hear. You should move into this line, I think that this line may not be ... What do you say there, you can hear me that side? Not Sahaja yogis, they always hear, but otherwise. If you can just go one seat inside, maybe. All right? Please come, you are a great seeker, I must say. The question is for good. Now can you hear me? It's better now? [Seeker expresses concern about the acoustics.] I know, it is but what to do now. You know this hall is so famous, you have no idea. I went to New York and they told me, "Mother, they want to call you to Harlem. Will you go there?" I said, "Why not?" They said, "No, it's very dangerous." So I said, “There is no danger for me, I am just ready to go." I went there and they were having a television show out of me and the hall was just like this, I was surprised. And then they showed me the picture, the gentleman who was the compere, he said, "Mataji was in this hall in Sydney" which is the absolute copy of our Harlem." Some American came and did this, imagine. And they were telling me that this hall is exactly, every bit of it, is what is in Harlem. And I thought it would be a good idea to be here but I'm sorry if you can't hear me sitting in a such world famous place. Must be something told to these people that they should do for acoustics. Question referred: A lady would like to know more about the left side of the body, the feminine side. She has pain in that area. You want to know everything today only, is it? You'll know everything, all right? But just for God there is nothing like feminine and masculine, that's our quarrel. The power of God is the feminine. Without the feminine God is just a witness, just like the Moon and the moonlight. Will you differentiate between the two? It's only human error that we differentiate them. Between God and his Power there is no differentiation. So this problem of feminine and masculine is our mental problem: comes from both sides. But after Sahaja Yoga you know what it is: it's nothing, it's just a myth. Indians, we don't have this problem at all, much. Of course, there are some men who are very oppressive and all that but the girls are taught how to handle these men also. Because you see, men are like children, really. And women have to be more deft in handling household because they are the preservers. They have to preserve the society; they are responsible for the society. There is nothing wrong if a husband says, "do like this" and "do that". You see, it's all right, just like a child after all, doesn't matter. But the way things are now is we don't know how to handle them. Now we are lost a little bit. Doesn't matter. In Sahaja Yoga you will learn everything. Such nice relations we have, beautiful families, beautiful children: you would be amazed to see this society. Once in a while, of course, there could be divorce, once in a while there could be something wrong but mostly they are wonderful people: very loyal, very family loving, beautiful people. This problem gets solved because it's out of ignorance we see it that way. All right? This problem just gets resolved in Sahaja Yoga completely. [UNCLEAR 58:31]. Question: What is your position on "Shaktipat"? Now that's, It's now becoming a misnomer - "Shaktipat", since Shaktipat has become like a dead spirit being put into people. Shaktipat means the person who is powerful: through her power or through his power can awaken the Kundalini. But it doesn't happen like that - it's always a spirit. They put a spirit on the person and the person starts behaving like a mesmerized personality: gives away all his money, gives away everything, he suffers bodily. What about TM? See now, TM takes such a lot of money. That is one of the worst type of exploiters. I came to know about it because the director of the TM, of the Flying Academy, came to me. It's an absurd stuff. And he, his wife, his deputy director and his daughter: all were suffering from serious type of epilepsy. They got cured of course, then they told me the story which was horrifying. This gentleman was a diamond merchant and his wife was the granddaughter of a duke, very rich people. Because it came as the first thing to them and big promises, they joined. In the beginning so many people - even barristers in England - so many people joined thinking that something new is going to happen to them. And this happened in such a manner that they were all enamored by it. So first they said they would be given mantras: they've never heard the word of "mantra" or anything. Poor English, you see, so many years they lived in India, they didn't know the meaning of "mantra" also. I wish they had learned something: would have not been so much deceived by these people. So they gave three mantras, one or the other; which were not Sanskrit, which were not mantras and they paid 3000 pounds at the gate for these mantras. Three thousand pounds. And the mantras were "inga", "pinga", "tinga". Now any Indian would know it is: nonsensical. It's not Sanskrit, it's in some local thing. "Inga" means the "bite of a scorpion". Then "pinga" means when the person goes round and round and "tinga" means you show like this [Shri Mataji shows her right thumb up]. Can you imagine paying 3000? All right, this was over. Then they said, "We can make you fly about 3 feet higher than the ground." I don't know why should we fly at that level, what is the use? In any case you are flying. I mean, if you want to fly you can fly anywhere in the world but these 3 feet I didn't understand. Already we have a jam on the road and these 3-feet people flying, what could have happened? So, I mean, the English could be that stupid, you know. I can understand other people but English? So many of them went to Switzerland in a remote place and there they were given some foam mattresses to jump on with some mantras. They had to pay 6000 pounds that time. And for six days they drank the water which had boiled the potatoes. Then the seventh day they ate the rind of the potatoes and the eighth day they were given the potatoes: for 6000 pounds. And they were jumping on these foams and they broke their bottoms, many, and then they put a case against TM and you would be amazed that TM has paid them. So every time they started a new stuff like Rajeev, you see - from one to another - so ultimately now they are on Ayurveda. Now, why should you have TM for that? If you want to have Ayurvedacentre, anybody can have it directly. All these stupid things they are doing and people go to them. It's absolutely wrong. First of all you must see, before going to anyone of them, what is the achievement of a person who has been there. What did he gain? Firstly. This is first question and second is: why did they take money? They have collected billions and billions of pounds and these Rolls-Royces. I mean, what is the interest of a saintly person in Rolls-Royce, tell me. It is equal to the dust of his feet. This life I am sort of born in a royal family and married to a rich man and all that thing, he has cars and this. But it makes no difference to me what car I use, where I sleep. I don't have to seek any comfort as long as there is the comfort of my Spirit. It's very surprising that how you people really fell into these traps. The best part: they would say that, "But Mother, how could he tell us lies?" Oh, Indians are very good at that. They were not, they've learned it from English only but very good at it. Telling lies is very easy for them. There are some who have to at least tell 100 lies morning till evening otherwise they won't eat their food that time. So what is there? How could you be that naive? That's what I told them. So many have now become just recluses because all were mesmerized, they were all possessed, they are in a very bad shape. They couldn't even see a garlic or a lemon: they shake. I don't know what sort of spirits they are possessed with. Of course, these people are cured now. That fellow become bankrupt so he has gone to South Africa. His wife is also there. It's a fact. He is writing a book. Somebody tried to kill him also. So one has to understand: what do you want? And you are not to ask any questions, just "you pay the money otherwise you can't get it." This is what has happened with religions also. They have become money-oriented or power-oriented so they have deviated from reality. I have to tell you the truth. Now, I am not here to collect anything from you but to give you something substantial that's your own. What’s it you want to say? Question: Other people, such as Satyananda and Muktananda and Yogananda have all taught Kundalini techniques and initiated people into Kriya yoga. All nonsense. If you ask me Muktananda, better - there is a very good article on him - better read it and you would be horrified, all of them. If you have got .... Now, see, once you get the Kundalini raising then you don't go into funny gestures and things. You become the most normal person and knowledgeable: you should know how to raise the Kundalini, you should know what the chakras are, how they are working it. You have to become a Self-realised personality. Just because you brand something you don't become anything. You must respect yourself, you must have self-esteem. What did you get out if it? Why are you retaining someone like that? It's important. Why should we stick onto someone? What have you got? Have you got powers to raise Kundalini? Can you feel the chakras of others? Can you feel your own chakras? That's it. All right. So you should know your own powers. It's no use talking about these people because I've got so many people sick from them. I just don't want to say but if you want I'll send you all the articles that are published now against them. Horrible ones, what they have done, especially this Satyanand... Nityananda - Nityananda was a realised soul – Muktananda. Question: Are their techniques false? Absolutely. They are false, they have no techniques, nothing. They just put a spirit in you, simple as that. We call it as "preta-vidya", "smashana-vidya" - means the "knowledge of the dead". That's what they do - mesmerize. Even your Charismatic is the same and this Pentecostal is the same. They are all the same. What powers you get is the point. What did you get? I am a mother so I say, "My child, what did you get?" All right? May God bless you. Thank you. Who else is there? Yes, gentleman. Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger? Ah, that's a good question. First you will get your Realisation. Then you go to the collective and the Kundalini will rise by itself. And there are people - Sydney, especially, is a very good place for becoming a master of Sahaja Yoga, very good. So we have already arranged, they are very anxious, they'll do it all free of charge. It's not like one introduction is free and then, "Come along, give the money" - nothing of the kind. All free they will work it out. They are not even aware of it that they are doing all. It's all right for me but what about them? They are doing all this work for taking no money. These Sahaja Yogis are not even aware of that. I might be the only one, crazy one, doing that but what about them? They are so anxious to work it out: they know how to raise Kundalini, they know how to strengthen Kundalini, they know how to detect your problems and they are there to help you, out and out. All right? May God bless you. Question: What is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and other meditations, such as Buddhist meditation, TM, etc? The Buddhist meditation is the meditation that was followed at the time of Buddha. That time you had to renounce everything and go to his stupa where is the place to meditate. "Now the time has come that you have to get your Realisation.": that is how you prepared the Buddhists to get their Self-realisation. All right? So that was the beginning. Every religion, every religion said, "You must pray, you must balance yourself." Every religion wanted to do that. That is at that state [Shri Mataji points out of the screen.] but now you have to get your Self-realisation for which you have worked. Because he has talked of a future Buddha know as Matreya and also Bodhisattva. So this state is there so that meditation is just a ladder to reach the state where you can get the your Self-realisation. All right? There is nothing wrong with that but you have to go further beyond. Question: What about Bhakti Yoga? You see, bhakti also has no meaning without connection. Supposing you have no connection on the telephone and you are telephoning - what's the use? Bhakti is only possible when you are connected. Question referred: In Canada there is guru and they go into meditation and leave the body. That's very wrong, absolutely. Where is it described as meditation? It is the body is taken away by the spirit: it's a very wrong thing to do. It's very very wrong, absolutely. If your body is removed from your soul, it's very dangerous: you cannot sometimes return. And you know in many countries the children are being taken away by spirits like that, especially in Switzerland. The children are sleeping in another room and suddenly they die. Nobody knows, because the Spirit is taken away and the Spirit is kept away like that. It's a very bad thing to do: is to remove the soul from the body. Instead of that you must give Realisation to the person so that his soul is enlightened. It's a very dangerous thing: never try that trick. You see, all those people who do like that get into trouble, very much, great trouble. I must warn you because I’ve had cases like that. All right? May God bless you. Question: Once you have awakened the Kundalini how do you control it? How do you control? You know about it, you know on your central nervous system. This is what should happen in evolutionary process: that you should know everything on your central nervous system. So it is only in your conscious mind, you can control it. You can control your complete parasympathetic nervous system. That's what (it is): first you get it and then you'll be amazed. But if you've done too much guru shopping, I don't know how far it will work out but let’s see now. Now I think it's going to be late. Sahaja Yogi: Can we have one more? I'll take it. It's all right. Question: At what age is it good for a child to get Self-realisation? Any, there is nothing, no limits on age at all. Any age. Even when the mother is pregnant they get Realisation. Yes, there is no age limit on it. Now I would like to say that I've been answering questions, I've been answering these kind of questions for the last 21 years, or 22 years I should say. And I'm quite an expert now. I can answer most of your questions very well but that's just a mental field, you must understand. If you have to have your Realisation then there is no guarantee about it: that you will get your Realisation. There is no guarantee. I may answer your question but that doesn't give you the guarantee. Kundalini is something very different: she is your mother, she is anxious to give you Realisation and it takes you beyond the mind. So this mental field is not the way that you can get your Realisation. So what should you do? It’s to desire, first and foremost thing, that, "I should get my Self-realisation." The pure desire, that is the pure desire: the Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires, as you know, are not satiable in general. So there has to be some desire which is pure desire: when it is satisfied you get the complete contentment. And this is what, and this is the power of pure desire within you because Kundalini is the reflection of the power of God which we call as "Holy Ghost" in Christianity, "Ruh" in some other Islamic places, "Brahma-chaitanya" in Sanskrit language - that is "all-pervading power", and the reflection of that within us is this Kundalini. So you too should have just pure desire, "I should get my Self-realisation.", that's all. All these discussions and arguments are of no help. But why I allow you? Because you have freedom to ask me questions, first of all, and secondly, you have to go to the ultimate freedom. Another thing is very important: that while we are raising your Kundalini, your minds should not say why didn't you ask this question. That's why, it's better to satisfy it. But I would say that by asking question it is not going to work out. It's going to work out spontaneously, by itself. It's a spontaneous, living process and you should only desire that it should happen. It is very simple but if you complicate it then it may not work out. So now, we'll have now the session for Realisation. It will take about ten minutes: much less than questioning and all that. But I've to tell you at the very outset that I cannot force Self-realisation on you. I respect your freedom. You have been given freedom to choose whether you want your ascend or not. Nobody can force it on you. So those who do not want to have should please leave the hall. But those who want to have are very much welcome. But those who don't want to have should please leave in all civility so that they don't watch the other people all the time. But you want to have your Self-realisation, if you are a seeker, should just desire for it and you'll get it. Because you have been doing something before don't stick to it, don't worry about it. What you need is your Self-realisation, that's all. So there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you should be absolutely confident about yourself that you all can get Self-realisation, whatever you might have done. Whatever wrong you might have committed, whatever it can be: doesn't matter, you all can get your Self-realisation. Most of you will get tonight, if not - tomorrow. But be confident, don't doubt yourself, "How can I get this? I never got it. How can I get it?" So please have full confidence. This is first condition. Then the second condition is: you forget your past. Means you don't blame yourself, don't think that you are guilty, that you have done anything wrong. You are not to feel guilty, not at all at this moment. Whatever has happened is the past, it's finished and at this moment you are not guilty in my eyes and in the eyes of the divine. You are absolutely all right, there is nothing to feel guilty about anything. This is very important because if you feel guilty then you catch on this center here, on the left side [Shri Mataji touches her left Vishuddhi]. Also with mantras you also catch it, but it is guilt. And as a result you develop a kind of a funny disease called as angina, also spondylitis, also your organs become very, very lethargic. It's such a dangerous thing to feel guilty. Those who have told you, "you are sinner" and all that - forget it. It's nonsense to say like this to human beings. You are human beings after all, you are not gods. If you have made mistakes it's all right: to error is human and to forgive divine. It's all forgiven and you'll be surprised that how we have burdened ourselves with this idea of guilt. And it goes to any extend. Like one gentleman said, "I feel very guilty because so many are killed in Vietnam." I said, "How are you related to that? Why do you feel guilty about it?" I mean, something far-fetched, he is feeling guilty all the time. All right. So this is the second condition and the third is even easier: that you have to forgive everyone in general. Now see logically: whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive than you play into wrong hands. The person who might have troubled you, tortured you, whatever he might have done, he is quite happy or she is quite happy, and you are the one who is torturing yourself on their behalf. So what's the use torturing yourself? But apart from torturing yourself, which is this center - Agnya chakra, this one, is like this absolutely, completely blocked, you can say very constricted chakra [Shri Mataji shows with her hands]. It has to open out and for opening this you have to forgive everyone. Otherwise all you life you have tortured yourself and you'll miss out your Self-realisation. What is the logic for this kind of thing? It's all a mental idea, it's just mental. Throw it away. Forgive everyone in general. You are not punishing them, you are punishing yourself. This is the third condition you have to do. That's all. But I hope I've been able to convince you: don't feel guilty, forgive everyone - don't even think about them, in general, don't think about them, in general- and the third thing, as I said the first one: you have to be absolutely confident about you. So on the whole, you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should be absolutely pleasantly placed towards yourself because you are glorious. You have to discover your glory, that's all. Now what do you have to do? Few things. It's all spontaneous but I would like to show you the way you can give Realisation to yourself, work it out. This is only for today, maybe tomorrow and then you don't have to do all this. So now, as the left side - I will talk about the left and the right tomorrow - but the left side is the power of your ordinary desire. So you put your left hand towards me like this, you can keep it on your lap, symbolizing that you want to have, you desire to have your Self-realisation. Comfortably. In Sahaja Yoga you have to be seated very comfortably: not bending too much, not bending backwards too much but in a comfortable manner. Don't turn your head left or right, just you sit in a straight manner. Then you have to use your right hand which is the power of action to nourish yourcentress on the left-hand side. It's very simple, we'll show you now how do you do it. So first you have to take out your shoes to take help from the Mother Earth. It will be very helpful to you to take out your shoes and the tightness on the feet is not all right. Just take it out. Now both the feet should be apart from each other as they are left and right. Now the left hand is just like this, simple, there is nothing to be done much, not much. Now, be pleasantly placed towards yourself, again I'm telling you. There is nothing to be serious about anything. This is a spontaneous thing, living process which works automatically. Don't be serious about it. Just watch. Don't try to control your thoughts, don't try to make some sort of a sound or any mantras, nothing. Just keep quiet. Put your left hand towards me. Please now, first thing you have to do is to put your right hand on your heart. Now they are telling you what is to be done later on but just now you see first and you can do it. Now, in the heart resides the Spirit, it resides in the heart. If you are the Spirit you become your own guide, you become your own master. So now you take down your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. This is the center of your mastery. Then you take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side and push it hard. This is the center for pure knowledge. Surprisingly people are sometimes shocked to hear that the knowledge is near here sitting. This is the fat which is transformed to the brain and conveys the knowledge that is enlightened knowledge. So this centre gives you the pure knowledge of the divine laws which you automatically follow. Then you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now take it on your heart again. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder you put your right hand and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about thiscentrer - which is really catching very much tonight here - not to feel guilty. Now please take your right hand onto your forehead and put your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and try to take down your head as far as possible. This is thecentrer where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you will have to later on ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last centre, it's very important. Stretch your hand, stretch your palm fully. Now put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Press it hard. Now put down your head. And the most important thing is that push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on yourscalp. Now put down your head and please now move your right hand slowly clockwise seven times. It is not the hand but the scalp you have to move. That's all you'll have to do. Now, please close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles and till I tell you, please don't open your eyes. Till I tell you don't open your eyes. So please take out your spectacles. Please put both your feet apart from each other, put left hand towards me on your lap and the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Not with any stress or any strain, just slowly close your eyes. And you have to put your head in straight manner, that's all. Here now, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me "Mother" or you can call me "Shri Mataji", whatever you like. Now please ask the question in your heart - all the questions are to be asked in your heart, not loudly, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" This is a very fundamental truth about yourself. As I said, if you are the Spirit you become your master. Now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you ask another fundamental question, "Mother, am I my own master?" This centre is created by very great saints. We can call them as the real prophets, the people who were truthful prophets. Now again, I cannot cross your freedom, I respect it. I cannot force pure knowledge on you so you have to ask for it. Please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals, you have to ask six times humbly, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge. Mother, please give me pure knowledge." Please ask six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So you have to open the upper chakras, upper centres, with your self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, press it. And here you have to say with self-confidence, full self-confidence you have to say ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Say ten times with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am my own master." You have to know that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, your emotions but you are the pure Spirit. Raise your right hand on your heart, on your heart, and say twelve times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Put your hand on your heart. This all-pervading power of God's love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever wrong you may do it has the power to dissolve all your mistakes. So now please raise your right hand into the corner of our neck and your shoulder and forgive yourself. Turn your head to your right and just say with full confidence sixteen times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Say sixteen times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." with full confidence. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So you have to forgive everyone in general even without thinking about them because they are the ones who have tortured you and now you are torturing yourself. Plus, if you do not forgive Agnya chakra won't open and the Kundalini won't rise and you won't get your Self-realisation. That's how you'll miss the greatest opportunity of getting your Self-realisation. So now please take your hand onto your forehead across, put your thumb on one side and the fingers on the other and press it hard on both the sides of the temples. And now put it down, your head, as far as possible, put it down as far as possible. Here again, as I told you, you have to say from your heart - not how many times, from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Please say it from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general. I forgive everyone in general." Please take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say again from your heart - not how many times, "Mother ...", or you can say, "Oh, Divine power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me. If I've done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me, oh Divine power." Please say this from your heart. Now the last center. Please stretch your hand and your palm. Put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please try to put down your head. Stretch your fingers, again I say, stretch your fingers. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. So you have to ask for your Self-realisation, I cannot force you. So move your hand clockwise slowly, pressing hard on the scalp and seven times you just say, "Mother, please give me my Self-realisation." Just say that. Please put down your head properly and please move your scalp seven times slowly. Now please open your eyes, take down your hands and put them up out like this towards me and watch me. Please put your hands like this, sit straight and just watch me without thinking. Now, put your right hand towards me now and bend your head a little bit and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now you have to take the hand little away from the head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a warm breeze coming out of your head. Now put your left hand like this and put down again your head and see for yourself with your right hand if you can feel cool, warm or hot breeze, like wind, coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it very far, some get it very close. You have to move your hand and see for yourself. Now the right hand again please. Again with the left hand see if there is a cool or a warm breeze. All right. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and put your head backwards, towards the sky and ask the question, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or another question "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God's love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times in your heart. Now see. Bring down your hands. Put them like this, without thinking. All those who have felt cool or warm, or hot breeze-like thing in the hands, left or right, or out of the fontanel bone area, on their hands or on their fingertips, please raise both your hands. The whole of Sydney. I bow to you, you all have become saintly people. Some have not got it, doesn't matter, but you'll get tomorrow. Doesn't matter, maybe some sort of an obstinacy is there, maybe something, it will work out, I'm sure. Please forgive yourself for that. I hope tomorrow I'll be here and will not have any questioning now anymore. If you have any questions, you write them and give it to them beforehand so that I'll answer them in my lecture. Now, it cannot be discussed, cannot be talked about so be silent. Now you are silent within yourself so keep the silence on. Tomorrow again I'll explain to you what is the Spirit and how it manifests. Apart from that, you can telephone to your friends - this is the best thing you can invite them for - and they can come along tomorrow and we can work it out. Enjoy now, enjoy. May God bless you.
Public Program Day 1. Sydney (Australia), 2 March 1992. Welcoming address by Deputy Lord Mayor of Sydney Mr. Henry Tsang. [Shri Mataji speaks from minute 16:26.] I would like to thank you very much, the Deputy Mayor, sir, for your kind introduction to the subject of yoga. In Sahaja Yoga... Yoga means your connection with the all-pervading power of God's love which we call as "Self-realisation" which is really very important because once it happens, automatically all those things that are promised in the yoga system of Buddhism or yoga system in Zen, Tao, anything - is the same as being practiced in ancient times in India in yoga. It is called as Sahaja Yoga: "sahaj" means "spontaneous" because it is the yoga of the living process of your evolutionary process. That's why it is called as "sahaj". Sahaj means "born with you": Born with you is the right to have this spontaneous union with the divine power which is all-pervading. As it is we are not aware of this power but it exists. If you see these flowers, you see yourself - how you are made? Who has done this great job of evolutionary process? It has been done by some power and that power is the all-pervading power of God's love which is described in all the scriptures everywhere. Buddha was so anxious about the Self-realisation and meditation that he said, "First let us not talk only of God. Let us not talk. Let us talk of the Spirit first." That is the first step we have to take: that we should first understand ourselves because unless and until we understand ourselves we cannot understand God. And as I told you, any religion you want to follow, unless and until you have got Self-realisation you cannot follow because you do not have absorption. You cannot absorb things inside yourself and it cannot become innately within you. It has to be innately within you. And now we have found: after people have come to Sahaja Yoga automatically they become sahaja yogis, automatically they give up drinks and what you call alcoholism, they give up also horrible things like drugs and so many things just disappear. But most surprisingly that so many diseases are cured with Sahaja Yoga. We have got now, as I told you, there are three doctors who have got MD for three diseases they tried: one is the blood cancer, on epilepsy and then the third one was asthma. But there are so many diseases which are automatically cured by your own power. It is your own divinity, it is within you and nobody has to feel obliged about it. It is just within, it’s built-in within you. All this system that you see there is all built-in within you. This is Tree of Life and once this power awakens it just passes through six centers, pierces through your fontanel bone area: this is actually the actualization of baptism, or Self-realisation. In Sanskrit it's called as Brahmarandhra: this is called as the "hole which opens to the Brahma" - means this all-pervading power. So the words are different but have the same interpretation. Now the days are such that we are understanding that we have gone into lot of imbalances within us. Also in nature, as he said, it is very important to understand what is our relationship with the nature, what is our rapport with the nature. As it is, we are [UNCLEAR 20:29] because of too much of materialism perhaps that we have gone out of control. But whatever it is, once you get your Realisation, you are just immediately established. As I said, this is an instrument [the microphone]: it's made nicely, all build-in, but unless and until you put to the mains it has no meaning. In the same way you have to be put to the mains. Now there are so many lights here, you see them. Now if I try to tell you about all the lights, how they came, electricity how it came and all those things it’ll be quite a headache. But if I just say that there is a switch, "you just put on, it will work out because it is built-in." Because it is built-in in you it can be done with great ease without any difficulties: that means "sahaja" - also means "simple, easy". Also it means "spontaneous" because it's a living process. It's just there ant it works in no time. It is remarkable how people get their realisaiton so fast. And I tell you, sir, that Chinese are one of the best Sahaja yogis you have come across. They are wonderful people. Now we have to thank you very much for coming now. And he has to go to a meeting, he found out time to come here and help us so we should give him a hand, I think. Thank you very much, thank you. As it is, lot of introduction is there about Sahaja Yoga. And I've been coming to Sydney many a times and it has worked wonders, I must say. So many people have got their Self-realisation, not only in Sydney but in so many places and it is taking roots now. Still, I told you that I was surprised that in Russia it is spreading like fire, spreading really like fire. In one place called Tolyatti we have 21 000 sahaja yogis who are practicing Sahaja Yoga. It's very remarkable: so many doctors, scientists, all very very educated people. Also there are many others who are farmers and who are doing other kind of work. It's very surprising this Tolyatti, even in the state now where so many people have got Realisation. It is the sensitivity to spirituality which is important. You see, people get money with false leads, tell stories, "we'll do this", they claim this, claim that. And we get interested in it. They have money, they get money: they can go to television, they can put a big poster, they can do lots of advertising and these are the days of advertisement. Any hope [23:40 UNCLEAR], if it is advertised we just take to it. But we must understand that it's not the advertisement that should be appealing but one simple understanding should be there: that if it God's love, if it is divine power, if it is a living energy, then how can you pay for it? You cannot pay for it. But it is so much in our mind that you have to pay for everything. Unless and until you pay for something people think it's not worth it. Also all the religions that people have being following: as he said Buddhism is there, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, anything - all religions, I must tell you, are all wonderful thing. If we read them, we would be amazed we have very wrong ideas about Islam, wrong ideas about Judaism, very wrong ideas about Christianity and wrong ideas about Hinduism. If you read their books, scriptures, you'll be amazed whatever they are saying is absolute truth. But where are we going round is that we cannot absorb them. There's such a disparity between a Muslim and the Islam; there is such a disparity between a Christian and Christ. I mean, you just can't imagine how can that be. Now just imagine, now in Azerbaijan - you must have heard about it - these people, who are supposed to be Christians, are Armenians who have killed thousands and thousands of people in Azerbaijan. How can they do it? They are Christians, how can they do it? Vice versa, Muslims have killed so many. Hindus have done, if not so much killing, but they have what we call as the caste system. When it is said again and again, and again, that everybody has the Spirit within their heart. Everybody is a spiritual personality. So how can you have caste system? So all these things have deviated from the right path and that's why people feel frustrated. I was surprised, I heard that people now here are so frustrated that they go taking to Islam religion or to Buddhism from Christianity. It's just the same; there is no difference what's so ever because you will never be able to follow these religions because they cannot be absorbed by you. Religion is within us, as you see there, this green part there, ten petals as you see there. That's the Void: it's the area where we have our valences. As carbon has four valences, we have ten valences. And these valences once enlightened you just become righteous, you just enjoy your righteousness. You don't have to think about it, that whether "I'm righteous or not", you just become - automatically. And this is what is your own power which has to be just awakened. Like this instrument [the microphone] without the connection has no meaning, you cannot use it but as soon as you connect it, it becomes useful. In the same way your own personality, the glory of that, the beauty of that start expressing and manifesting and you are amazed at yourself: "I never knew I was like this." All these conditionings you have had so far through religion maybe, politics maybe, economics maybe - whatever it is, these conditionings are just your mental projections which are linear: they move back and they boomerang also. You can see: you produced so many things - now recession. If you produce science, out of science something, then hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb, this bomb, that one, atomic bomb. This is what happens because when you start thinking from your mind, you have no balance. It doesn't move all sides. But Spirit is something, the light of the Spirit moves everywhere. So today we are having the first program today. They said I should introduce Sahaja Yoga to you and tomorrow I'll be telling you in details about the Spirit: what is the nature of the Spirit and how it acts and how it is benevolent to you, to your family, to your country and to the whole world all over. It is something that has to be done with understanding, with an open mind like a scientist. Whatever I'm telling you today should be not followed blindfolded but what you have to do is to keep your mind open. Whatever I'm saying should be a hypothesis and if it is proved and you find it works out then you must accept because this is for your good. What is the need to be identified with this group, that group or this name, or this brand? These are all brands. You are a human being and you have to become a super human being. In a simple thing as that you should not have any brands on your head. So the Sahaja Yoga is just a natural way of achieving that higher state of spirituality which we call the Spirit. And this Spirit when it starts manifesting in your attention you are amazed at yourself that how you could do all these things. First of all you get a state where we call it as "thoughtless awareness" when it crosses this center [Agnya], as you see there when it crosses this one [Shri Mataji shows with her hands]. Thoughtless awareness means you are completely aware but you are without thoughts. For the thoughts rise and fall, again thoughts rise and fall and you are jumping on the cusp of the thought. But supposing you try to be in the present - you cannot. You are either on the future or on the past. You cannot be on your present because you are jumping on these cusps of these thoughts which come from your future or from your past. So now how to come to that point when you would be in the present? To come to that point is very simple: that when this Kundalini passes through this center [Agnya] she takes down these two institutions which you see there - left and right, which are conditioning and ego - and makes you stand in the present, into thoughtless awareness. Then whatever you think comes as original thoughts, as spiritual, awaken thoughts, as inspirations, as new ideas. It's tremendous because this all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge and once you are connected with it all that knowledge starts flowing through you. Then the second thing: when it pierces through your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood, you become what we call "doubtlessly aware" - means that you have no more doubts, you are sure about it, you know that you have achieved it. You can feel it on your fingertips. This all-pervading power which you have never felt you can feel it on your fingertips and you can feel your Kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone area. But this connection has to be established. And to establish this connection one has to little bit know what's wrong with yourself and what is to be done. That takes hardly any time once this connection is established. With some people it is established in no time. Some people think too much, argue too much - it is beyond mind - then it takes little time but you get it and then you are amazed at yourself. It's already a very huge, big society where there are 62 nations, people from all over who have become beautiful, very beautiful: such brotherhood, such sisterhood relations, they are becoming dynamic. Look at these these Australians singing Sanskrit and Marathi songs. Hindi which is the easiest language but the English who lived there for 300 years could not say one sentence. We had to break our heads with them, "Now say this." They couldn't pronounce, their tongues were so thick, I should say. They said, "This is a tongue-twister language." Whatever you may call it, they couldn't just say it. And look at these boys and these girls: how easily they are singing, how did they get this dynamic force within themselves. Apart from that we have got, even in Australia some people became very well-known artists, they became very good musicians. Everywhere it is showing results. In India we have got some great musicians who are now world-famous. So it’s not ... it's just as a by-product you get it. It is just as a by-product of this awakening of the Kundalini you get all this. But the main thing you get is the Spirit. And the Spirit is the source of joy, source of absolute knowledge. Of course, about this I've told you that I'll tell you about it - it's just tomorrow. But one thing one has to know that it's such a unique thing to know yourself. We don't know ourselves. It's important that once you know yourself - you know your centres - you know yourself what's wrong with you. And if you know how to correct it you will be all right. But you also know others because you get a new awareness called as "collective consciousness" where you can feel what's wrong with other people, what's wrong with you. And again, if you know how to correct the problems of other people, 99% people you can help and cure them. If they get Realisation you can also cure them. Above all, you can give Realisation to people, you can change them, you can help. I mean, I cannot go to the 62 countries, you can imagine at this age. But it's working like this: that one light gets enlightened then that light can enlighten another. That's how many people have been enlightened. But for that one has to understand: in Sahaja Yoga you have to be collective. We don't have elaborate things that people have - these big places, because they make money out of it. But we have humble nice places where you come forgetting what your position is, what your standards are. Just as ordinary seekers you come there and you become a master of this art. Once you become the master, anyone, any race, anyone can become the master and can make so many people “yogis” - means realised souls. This is the blessing of the modern times. It could not have been possible in the olden times. You see, it's a myth, you can call it the illusion and the whole stress and things, as he was saying: all this put together has brought forth the necessity for people to seek something beyond. And that's how you are here as chosen ones who want to have your Self-realisation. This is for the introduction today but tomorrow I would like to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. The collectivity is the only way you can be cleansed out, there is no other way out. But very simple ... Formerly people had to go to the Himalayas, standing on your one leg, on your head for years together, do this, do that. No penance, no sacrifice, no sufferings, nothing but you have to come to the collective. You have to give some time to yourself and to your Realisation. Now about meditation: you don't have to meditate - you are IN mediation where you become thoughtlessly aware. When you are in the present spirituality starts growing. So the meditation is only to achieve that state which is very easy also in Sahaja Yoga. So you are in meditation, you do not have to meditate. This is what it is and also, as he said about Buddhism, Buddha also said that the future Buddha will be bodhisattva. Bodhisattva means not that they only will get enlightenment but that they will spread it to their society, to their country. And this is what it is, today’s Buddhism. I hope the Buddhists understand that and get the benefit of it instead of thinking of sacrificing and becoming ascetics. There is no need to that: those days are gone. You have already done all these things in previous lives. In this life now you enjoy the fruits of that. Thank you very much. Of course, today is the first day and I would like you to ask me some questions about Sahaja Yoga, anything like that. [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi from minute 38:47 to 40:20] All right. If you have any questions, please ask them. Question referred: They would like a little more explanation of the superego, top of the left channel. These are actually psychological terminology but in the actual Sanskrit scriptures they are called as some other name. But in psychological terminology it is expressed like this. Especially Jung has done lot of work on it: that the mother is nursing the child and the child is very happy. So then the mother wants to take the child from one side to another side so the child feels getting hurt, his ego is hurt - he is enjoying something - so his ego develops. Then he says, "Don't do that to me." so the conditioning comes in, so the conditioning develops. But actually it has something more scientific then that which I will explain to people what happens. Because our brain is like a prism and when the rays of awareness pass through it, it goes into refraction. And because of refraction the right-side rays go to the left and left-side rays go to the right. That's why if there's paralysis of the brain on the right side your left side gets paralyzed. But the central path is straight forward and that's how the Kundalini goes down and settles there. Because of this refraction we have a problem. This refraction if it is broken into two resultants: one goes inside the spinal cord as left sympathetic or right sympathetic and another goes out. And the one which goes out reacts, especially in human beings because their brain is more conical and has refracting quality. So when you see something you start reacting. And this reaction builds upon on one side, it builds up from this side, from the left side whatever comes in builds up the right side thing, what we call as the "superego", and from the right side whatever has entered builds up the ego. But it’s quite a long theme and can be explained to you much more. When you come to Sahaja Yoga, you would be amazed that it explains this Chinese idea also of the brain very clearly. Question: How do we get into meditation without being quiet? So the question is how can we get into meditation without becoming quiet. This is what I've explained already but I will explain again that brain is all the time bombarded with thoughts - that's why we are not quiet, isn't it? And these thoughts are coming to us from the past or the future and we are in between. The problem is that we are jumping on these thoughts so we are not quiet, we cannot be quiet - agreed. But when this Kundalini rises she pierces through this area as I told you, this Agnya chakra, she pierces through then she sucks in those two areas - conditioning and ego - and you become quiet as a result of that. And you then stand in the present, not in the future or past so you automatically become quiet. Yes, you’ll will, just now. Question: Are you saying that no matter what is going on, you can sit down and raise the Kundalini and you will be in meditation? Of course. You become a witness, you become a witness of the whole thing. Another analogy I'll give you. If you are in the water and there are waves, you are afraid of them. But supposing you get into a boat: when you see those waves you are not disturbed. But supposing you become a great swimmer, you can go down and get many more in the boat - it's like this. It happens like this: it quietens you, absolutely. That's the first thing happens that you become thoughtlessly aware. All right? May God bless you. It's a very good question because many people say, "we meditate, meditate". Without quietening you, how can you meditate? When you are meditating you are thinking, "I'll miss the bus.", "I'll do this, I'll do that." [UNCLEAR 47:23]. How can you meditate? People are worried about "what's going to happen to my chairs", "what's going to happen to that" and at that time you are thinking of meditating. You cannot meditate, it's not possible. But this quietness you and it gives you a state what we call the "witness state" where you start see everything as a drama and a play because you are away from those problems, you see them clearly. And then, because you can see them, you can solve them also. That is the state you have to achieve, that’s all. And very simple it is. You just automatically achieve it because it's built-in within you. Question: How can one cope with the pain of witnessing violence and difficult things happening in the society? Because you must learn how to protect yourself. After Realisation they'll tell you how to protect yourself, to begin with. Afterwards you are protected automatically. You don't know how to protect yourself is the point. It's very important. Question: There must have been a state in our lives when we were connected with this power. How did we lose it? We lost it long time back, that's it. We were connected, that's true but these Adam and Even - that's the point: when we lost God we had to take to this course of evolution. They won't accept it so we had to go through this long process. Question: If the body is in a worn state, if it is unhealthy and parts of the body are worn out can the Kundalini repair this damage? Yes, it does, that's what I said, of course. You see, all our health, all our mental being, physical being, emotional being, spiritual being - is all managed, nourished by these centres. Because they go out of gear: for example, this is the left and the right side center links [Shri Mataji shows with her hands], and once you start using them too much there is a constriction, it can sometimes break also, then all these psychosomatic diseases start. But the Kundalini passes through this and this [Shri Mataji again shows with her hands] and just nourishes them so it's all right. Question: [Seeker complains about the acoustics.] How does one start the practice of meditation? What can one do? Oh, very good question. You are a real seeker, I must say that's why I could hear you so clearly also. That we will do just now. We are starting just now. It's nothing, it's just to connect you, that's all. And that will take no time and then, of course, you have to go to our collective to know what's the problem it’s there. But connection is not difficult. Question: But I fail to hear anything myself. I find that I’m not meditating at the present moment, I don't see how anybody else can, quite honestly, with all due respect. You can't hear me? All right. Can you come this side, lots of [UNCLEAR 52:39], please come this side. Is everybody finding it difficult to hear? In this area it’s difficult? Such a big hall you have made it, I don't know. All right, come along, just you stay here because you are a great seeker. Come along. It's all right because I think that area is ..... [Shri Mataji asks a question in Hindi 53:01 ] She can hear, she says she can hear. You should move into this line, I think that this line may not be ... What do you say there, you can hear me that side? Not Sahaja yogis, they always hear, but otherwise. If you can just go one seat inside, maybe. All right? Please come, you are a great seeker, I must say. The question is for good. Now can you hear me? It's better now? [Seeker expresses concern about the acoustics.] I know, it is but what to do now. You know this hall is so famous, you have no idea. I went to New York and they told me, "Mother, they want to call you to Harlem. Will you go there?" I said, "Why not?" They said, "No, it's very dangerous." So I said, “There is no danger for me, I am just ready to go." I went there and they were having a television show out of me and the hall was just like this, I was surprised. And then they showed me the picture, the gentleman who was the compere, he said, "Mataji was in this hall in Sydney" which is the absolute copy of our Harlem." Some American came and did this, imagine. And they were telling me that this hall is exactly, every bit of it, is what is in Harlem. And I thought it would be a good idea to be here but I'm sorry if you can't hear me sitting in a such world famous place. Must be something told to these people that they should do for acoustics. Question referred: A lady would like to know more about the left side of the body, the feminine side. She has pain in that area. You want to know everything today only, is it? You'll know everything, all right? But just for God there is nothing like feminine and masculine, that's our quarrel. The power of God is the feminine. Without the feminine God is just a witness, just like the Moon and the moonlight. Will you differentiate between the two? It's only human error that we differentiate them. Between God and his Power there is no differentiation. So this problem of feminine and masculine is our mental problem: comes from both sides. But after Sahaja Yoga you know what it is: it's nothing, it's just a myth. Indians, we don't have this problem at all, much. Of course, there are some men who are very oppressive and all that but the girls are taught how to handle these men also. Because you see, men are like children, really. And women have to be more deft in handling household because they are the preservers. They have to preserve the society; they are responsible for the society. There is nothing wrong if a husband says, "do like this" and "do that". You see, it's all right, just like a child after all, doesn't matter. But the way things are now is we don't know how to handle them. Now we are lost a little bit. Doesn't matter. In Sahaja Yoga you will learn everything. Such nice relations we have, beautiful families, beautiful children: you would be amazed to see this society. Once in a while, of course, there could be divorce, once in a while there could be something wrong but mostly they are wonderful people: very loyal, very family loving, beautiful people. This problem gets solved because it's out of ignorance we see it that way. All right? This problem just gets resolved in Sahaja Yoga completely. [UNCLEAR 58:31]. Question: What is your position on "Shaktipat"? Now that's, It's now becoming a misnomer - "Shaktipat", since Shaktipat has become like a dead spirit being put into people. Shaktipat means the person who is powerful: through her power or through his power can awaken the Kundalini. But it doesn't happen like that - it's always a spirit. They put a spirit on the person and the person starts behaving like a mesmerized personality: gives away all his money, gives away everything, he suffers bodily. What about TM? See now, TM takes such a lot of money. That is one of the worst type of exploiters. I came to know about it because the director of the TM, of the Flying Academy, came to me. It's an absurd stuff. And he, his wife, his deputy director and his daughter: all were suffering from serious type of epilepsy. They got cured of course, then they told me the story which was horrifying. This gentleman was a diamond merchant and his wife was the granddaughter of a duke, very rich people. Because it came as the first thing to them and big promises, they joined. In the beginning so many people - even barristers in England - so many people joined thinking that something new is going to happen to them. And this happened in such a manner that they were all enamored by it. So first they said they would be given mantras: they've never heard the word of "mantra" or anything. Poor English, you see, so many years they lived in India, they didn't know the meaning of "mantra" also. I wish they had learned something: would have not been so much deceived by these people. So they gave three mantras, one or the other; which were not Sanskrit, which were not mantras and they paid 3000 pounds at the gate for these mantras. Three thousand pounds. And the mantras were "inga", "pinga", "tinga". Now any Indian would know it is: nonsensical. It's not Sanskrit, it's in some local thing. "Inga" means the "bite of a scorpion". Then "pinga" means when the person goes round and round and "tinga" means you show like this [Shri Mataji shows her right thumb up]. Can you imagine paying 3000? All right, this was over. Then they said, "We can make you fly about 3 feet higher than the ground." I don't know why should we fly at that level, what is the use? In any case you are flying. I mean, if you want to fly you can fly anywhere in the world but these 3 feet I didn't understand. Already we have a jam on the road and these 3-feet people flying, what could have happened? So, I mean, the English could be that stupid, you know. I can understand other people but English? So many of them went to Switzerland in a remote place and there they were given some foam mattresses to jump on with some mantras. They had to pay 6000 pounds that time. And for six days they drank the water which had boiled the potatoes. Then the seventh day they ate the rind of the potatoes and the eighth day they were given the potatoes: for 6000 pounds. And they were jumping on these foams and they broke their bottoms, many, and then they put a case against TM and you would be amazed that TM has paid them. So every time they started a new stuff like Rajeev, you see - from one to another - so ultimately now they are on Ayurveda. Now, why should you have TM for that? If you want to have Ayurvedacentre, anybody can have it directly. All these stupid things they are doing and people go to them. It's absolutely wrong. First of all you must see, before going to anyone of them, what is the achievement of a person who has been there. What did he gain? Firstly. This is first question and second is: why did they take money? They have collected billions and billions of pounds and these Rolls-Royces. I mean, what is the interest of a saintly person in Rolls-Royce, tell me. It is equal to the dust of his feet. This life I am sort of born in a royal family and married to a rich man and all that thing, he has cars and this. But it makes no difference to me what car I use, where I sleep. I don't have to seek any comfort as long as there is the comfort of my Spirit. It's very surprising that how you people really fell into these traps. The best part: they would say that, "But Mother, how could he tell us lies?" Oh, Indians are very good at that. They were not, they've learned it from English only but very good at it. Telling lies is very easy for them. There are some who have to at least tell 100 lies morning till evening otherwise they won't eat their food that time. So what is there? How could you be that naive? That's what I told them. So many have now become just recluses because all were mesmerized, they were all possessed, they are in a very bad shape. They couldn't even see a garlic or a lemon: they shake. I don't know what sort of spirits they are possessed with. Of course, these people are cured now. That fellow become bankrupt so he has gone to South Africa. His wife is also there. It's a fact. He is writing a book. Somebody tried to kill him also. So one has to understand: what do you want? And you are not to ask any questions, just "you pay the money otherwise you can't get it." This is what has happened with religions also. They have become money-oriented or power-oriented so they have deviated from reality. I have to tell you the truth. Now, I am not here to collect anything from you but to give you something substantial that's your own. What’s it you want to say? Question: Other people, such as Satyananda and Muktananda and Yogananda have all taught Kundalini techniques and initiated people into Kriya yoga. All nonsense. If you ask me Muktananda, better - there is a very good article on him - better read it and you would be horrified, all of them. If you have got .... Now, see, once you get the Kundalini raising then you don't go into funny gestures and things. You become the most normal person and knowledgeable: you should know how to raise the Kundalini, you should know what the chakras are, how they are working it. You have to become a Self-realised personality. Just because you brand something you don't become anything. You must respect yourself, you must have self-esteem. What did you get out if it? Why are you retaining someone like that? It's important. Why should we stick onto someone? What have you got? Have you got powers to raise Kundalini? Can you feel the chakras of others? Can you feel your own chakras? That's it. All right. So you should know your own powers. It's no use talking about these people because I've got so many people sick from them. I just don't want to say but if you want I'll send you all the articles that are published now against them. Horrible ones, what they have done, especially this Satyanand... Nityananda - Nityananda was a realised soul – Muktananda. Question: Are their techniques false? Absolutely. They are false, they have no techniques, nothing. They just put a spirit in you, simple as that. We call it as "preta-vidya", "smashana-vidya" - means the "knowledge of the dead". That's what they do - mesmerize. Even your Charismatic is the same and this Pentecostal is the same. They are all the same. What powers you get is the point. What did you get? I am a mother so I say, "My child, what did you get?" All right? May God bless you. Thank you. Who else is there? Yes, gentleman. Question: How do you make the Kundalini stronger? Ah, that's a good question. First you will get your Realisation. Then you go to the collective and the Kundalini will rise by itself. And there are people - Sydney, especially, is a very good place for becoming a master of Sahaja Yoga, very good. So we have already arranged, they are very anxious, they'll do it all free of charge. It's not like one introduction is free and then, "Come along, give the money" - nothing of the kind. All free they will work it out. They are not even aware of it that they are doing all. It's all right for me but what about them? They are doing all this work for taking no money. These Sahaja Yogis are not even aware of that. I might be the only one, crazy one, doing that but what about them? They are so anxious to work it out: they know how to raise Kundalini, they know how to strengthen Kundalini, they know how to detect your problems and they are there to help you, out and out. All right? May God bless you. Question: What is the difference between Sahaja Yoga and other meditations, such as Buddhist meditation, TM, etc? The Buddhist meditation is the meditation that was followed at the time of Buddha. That time you had to renounce everything and go to his stupa where is the place to meditate. "Now the time has come that you have to get your Realisation.": that is how you prepared the Buddhists to get their Self-realisation. All right? So that was the beginning. Every religion, every religion said, "You must pray, you must balance yourself." Every religion wanted to do that. That is at that state [Shri Mataji points out of the screen.] but now you have to get your Self-realisation for which you have worked. Because he has talked of a future Buddha know as Matreya and also Bodhisattva. So this state is there so that meditation is just a ladder to reach the state where you can get the your Self-realisation. All right? There is nothing wrong with that but you have to go further beyond. Question: What about Bhakti Yoga? You see, bhakti also has no meaning without connection. Supposing you have no connection on the telephone and you are telephoning - what's the use? Bhakti is only possible when you are connected. Question referred: In Canada there is guru and they go into meditation and leave the body. That's very wrong, absolutely. Where is it described as meditation? It is the body is taken away by the spirit: it's a very wrong thing to do. It's very very wrong, absolutely. If your body is removed from your soul, it's very dangerous: you cannot sometimes return. And you know in many countries the children are being taken away by spirits like that, especially in Switzerland. The children are sleeping in another room and suddenly they die. Nobody knows, because the Spirit is taken away and the Spirit is kept away like that. It's a very bad thing to do: is to remove the soul from the body. Instead of that you must give Realisation to the person so that his soul is enlightened. It's a very dangerous thing: never try that trick. You see, all those people who do like that get into trouble, very much, great trouble. I must warn you because I’ve had cases like that. All right? May God bless you. Question: Once you have awakened the Kundalini how do you control it? How do you control? You know about it, you know on your central nervous system. This is what should happen in evolutionary process: that you should know everything on your central nervous system. So it is only in your conscious mind, you can control it. You can control your complete parasympathetic nervous system. That's what (it is): first you get it and then you'll be amazed. But if you've done too much guru shopping, I don't know how far it will work out but let’s see now. Now I think it's going to be late. Sahaja Yogi: Can we have one more? I'll take it. It's all right. Question: At what age is it good for a child to get Self-realisation? Any, there is nothing, no limits on age at all. Any age. Even when the mother is pregnant they get Realisation. Yes, there is no age limit on it. Now I would like to say that I've been answering questions, I've been answering these kind of questions for the last 21 years, or 22 years I should say. And I'm quite an expert now. I can answer most of your questions very well but that's just a mental field, you must understand. If you have to have your Realisation then there is no guarantee about it: that you will get your Realisation. There is no guarantee. I may answer your question but that doesn't give you the guarantee. Kundalini is something very different: she is your mother, she is anxious to give you Realisation and it takes you beyond the mind. So this mental field is not the way that you can get your Realisation. So what should you do? It’s to desire, first and foremost thing, that, "I should get my Self-realisation." The pure desire, that is the pure desire: the Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires, as you know, are not satiable in general. So there has to be some desire which is pure desire: when it is satisfied you get the complete contentment. And this is what, and this is the power of pure desire within you because Kundalini is the reflection of the power of God which we call as "Holy Ghost" in Christianity, "Ruh" in some other Islamic places, "Brahma-chaitanya" in Sanskrit language - that is "all-pervading power", and the reflection of that within us is this Kundalini. So you too should have just pure desire, "I should get my Self-realisation.", that's all. All these discussions and arguments are of no help. But why I allow you? Because you have freedom to ask me questions, first of all, and secondly, you have to go to the ultimate freedom. Another thing is very important: that while we are raising your Kundalini, your minds should not say why didn't you ask this question. That's why, it's better to satisfy it. But I would say that by asking question it is not going to work out. It's going to work out spontaneously, by itself. It's a spontaneous, living process and you should only desire that it should happen. It is very simple but if you complicate it then it may not work out. So now, we'll have now the session for Realisation. It will take about ten minutes: much less than questioning and all that. But I've to tell you at the very outset that I cannot force Self-realisation on you. I respect your freedom. You have been given freedom to choose whether you want your ascend or not. Nobody can force it on you. So those who do not want to have should please leave the hall. But those who want to have are very much welcome. But those who don't want to have should please leave in all civility so that they don't watch the other people all the time. But you want to have your Self-realisation, if you are a seeker, should just desire for it and you'll get it. Because you have been doing something before don't stick to it, don't worry about it. What you need is your Self-realisation, that's all. So there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you should be absolutely confident about yourself that you all can get Self-realisation, whatever you might have done. Whatever wrong you might have committed, whatever it can be: doesn't matter, you all can get your Self-realisation. Most of you will get tonight, if not - tomorrow. But be confident, don't doubt yourself, "How can I get this? I never got it. How can I get it?" So please have full confidence. This is first condition. Then the second condition is: you forget your past. Means you don't blame yourself, don't think that you are guilty, that you have done anything wrong. You are not to feel guilty, not at all at this moment. Whatever has happened is the past, it's finished and at this moment you are not guilty in my eyes and in the eyes of the divine. You are absolutely all right, there is nothing to feel guilty about anything. This is very important because if you feel guilty then you catch on this center here, on the left side [Shri Mataji touches her left Vishuddhi]. Also with mantras you also catch it, but it is guilt. And as a result you develop a kind of a funny disease called as angina, also spondylitis, also your organs become very, very lethargic. It's such a dangerous thing to feel guilty. Those who have told you, "you are sinner" and all that - forget it. It's nonsense to say like this to human beings. You are human beings after all, you are not gods. If you have made mistakes it's all right: to error is human and to forgive divine. It's all forgiven and you'll be surprised that how we have burdened ourselves with this idea of guilt. And it goes to any extend. Like one gentleman said, "I feel very guilty because so many are killed in Vietnam." I said, "How are you related to that? Why do you feel guilty about it?" I mean, something far-fetched, he is feeling guilty all the time. All right. So this is the second condition and the third is even easier: that you have to forgive everyone in general. Now see logically: whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But if you don't forgive than you play into wrong hands. The person who might have troubled you, tortured you, whatever he might have done, he is quite happy or she is quite happy, and you are the one who is torturing yourself on their behalf. So what's the use torturing yourself? But apart from torturing yourself, which is this center - Agnya chakra, this one, is like this absolutely, completely blocked, you can say very constricted chakra [Shri Mataji shows with her hands]. It has to open out and for opening this you have to forgive everyone. Otherwise all you life you have tortured yourself and you'll miss out your Self-realisation. What is the logic for this kind of thing? It's all a mental idea, it's just mental. Throw it away. Forgive everyone in general. You are not punishing them, you are punishing yourself. This is the third condition you have to do. That's all. But I hope I've been able to convince you: don't feel guilty, forgive everyone - don't even think about them, in general, don't think about them, in general- and the third thing, as I said the first one: you have to be absolutely confident about you. So on the whole, you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should be absolutely pleasantly placed towards yourself because you are glorious. You have to discover your glory, that's all. Now what do you have to do? Few things. It's all spontaneous but I would like to show you the way you can give Realisation to yourself, work it out. This is only for today, maybe tomorrow and then you don't have to do all this. So now, as the left side - I will talk about the left and the right tomorrow - but the left side is the power of your ordinary desire. So you put your left hand towards me like this, you can keep it on your lap, symbolizing that you want to have, you desire to have your Self-realisation. Comfortably. In Sahaja Yoga you have to be seated very comfortably: not bending too much, not bending backwards too much but in a comfortable manner. Don't turn your head left or right, just you sit in a straight manner. Then you have to use your right hand which is the power of action to nourish yourcentress on the left-hand side. It's very simple, we'll show you now how do you do it. So first you have to take out your shoes to take help from the Mother Earth. It will be very helpful to you to take out your shoes and the tightness on the feet is not all right. Just take it out. Now both the feet should be apart from each other as they are left and right. Now the left hand is just like this, simple, there is nothing to be done much, not much. Now, be pleasantly placed towards yourself, again I'm telling you. There is nothing to be serious about anything. This is a spontaneous thing, living process which works automatically. Don't be serious about it. Just watch. Don't try to control your thoughts, don't try to make some sort of a sound or any mantras, nothing. Just keep quiet. Put your left hand towards me. Please now, first thing you have to do is to put your right hand on your heart. Now they are telling you what is to be done later on but just now you see first and you can do it. Now, in the heart resides the Spirit, it resides in the heart. If you are the Spirit you become your own guide, you become your own master. So now you take down your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. This is the center of your mastery. Then you take down your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side and push it hard. This is the center for pure knowledge. Surprisingly people are sometimes shocked to hear that the knowledge is near here sitting. This is the fat which is transformed to the brain and conveys the knowledge that is enlightened knowledge. So this centre gives you the pure knowledge of the divine laws which you automatically follow. Then you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now take it on your heart again. Then in the corner of your neck and shoulder you put your right hand and turn your head to your right. I've already told you about thiscentrer - which is really catching very much tonight here - not to feel guilty. Now please take your right hand onto your forehead and put your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and try to take down your head as far as possible. This is thecentrer where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you will have to later on ask forgiveness from the divine power. Now the last centre, it's very important. Stretch your hand, stretch your palm fully. Now put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Press it hard. Now put down your head. And the most important thing is that push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on yourscalp. Now put down your head and please now move your right hand slowly clockwise seven times. It is not the hand but the scalp you have to move. That's all you'll have to do. Now, please close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles and till I tell you, please don't open your eyes. Till I tell you don't open your eyes. So please take out your spectacles. Please put both your feet apart from each other, put left hand towards me on your lap and the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Not with any stress or any strain, just slowly close your eyes. And you have to put your head in straight manner, that's all. Here now, you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, very fundamental question about yourself. You can call me "Mother" or you can call me "Shri Mataji", whatever you like. Now please ask the question in your heart - all the questions are to be asked in your heart, not loudly, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Ask this question three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" This is a very fundamental truth about yourself. As I said, if you are the Spirit you become your master. Now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you ask another fundamental question, "Mother, am I my own master?" This centre is created by very great saints. We can call them as the real prophets, the people who were truthful prophets. Now again, I cannot cross your freedom, I respect it. I cannot force pure knowledge on you so you have to ask for it. Please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals, you have to ask six times humbly, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge. Mother, please give me pure knowledge." Please ask six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So you have to open the upper chakras, upper centres, with your self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, press it. And here you have to say with self-confidence, full self-confidence you have to say ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Say ten times with full confidence in yourself, "Mother, I am my own master." You have to know that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, your emotions but you are the pure Spirit. Raise your right hand on your heart, on your heart, and say twelve times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Put your hand on your heart. This all-pervading power of God's love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever wrong you may do it has the power to dissolve all your mistakes. So now please raise your right hand into the corner of our neck and your shoulder and forgive yourself. Turn your head to your right and just say with full confidence sixteen times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Say sixteen times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." with full confidence. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So you have to forgive everyone in general even without thinking about them because they are the ones who have tortured you and now you are torturing yourself. Plus, if you do not forgive Agnya chakra won't open and the Kundalini won't rise and you won't get your Self-realisation. That's how you'll miss the greatest opportunity of getting your Self-realisation. So now please take your hand onto your forehead across, put your thumb on one side and the fingers on the other and press it hard on both the sides of the temples. And now put it down, your head, as far as possible, put it down as far as possible. Here again, as I told you, you have to say from your heart - not how many times, from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Please say it from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general. I forgive everyone in general." Please take your right hand to the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say again from your heart - not how many times, "Mother ...", or you can say, "Oh, Divine power, if I've done any mistakes, please forgive me. If I've done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me, oh Divine power." Please say this from your heart. Now the last center. Please stretch your hand and your palm. Put the centre of your palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please try to put down your head. Stretch your fingers, again I say, stretch your fingers. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. So you have to ask for your Self-realisation, I cannot force you. So move your hand clockwise slowly, pressing hard on the scalp and seven times you just say, "Mother, please give me my Self-realisation." Just say that. Please put down your head properly and please move your scalp seven times slowly. Now please open your eyes, take down your hands and put them up out like this towards me and watch me. Please put your hands like this, sit straight and just watch me without thinking. Now, put your right hand towards me now and bend your head a little bit and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now you have to take the hand little away from the head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a warm breeze coming out of your head. Now put your left hand like this and put down again your head and see for yourself with your right hand if you can feel cool, warm or hot breeze, like wind, coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it very far, some get it very close. You have to move your hand and see for yourself. Now the right hand again please. Again with the left hand see if there is a cool or a warm breeze. All right. Now, please put both your hands towards the sky like this and put your head backwards, towards the sky and ask the question, "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or another question "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God's love?" or "Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times in your heart. Now see. Bring down your hands. Put them like this, without thinking. All those who have felt cool or warm, or hot breeze-like thing in the hands, left or right, or out of the fontanel bone area, on their hands or on their fingertips, please raise both your hands. The whole of Sydney. I bow to you, you all have become saintly people. Some have not got it, doesn't matter, but you'll get tomorrow. Doesn't matter, maybe some sort of an obstinacy is there, maybe something, it will work out, I'm sure. Please forgive yourself for that. I hope tomorrow I'll be here and will not have any questioning now anymore. If you have any questions, you write them and give it to them beforehand so that I'll answer them in my lecture. Now, it cannot be discussed, cannot be talked about so be silent. Now you are silent within yourself so keep the silence on. Tomorrow again I'll explain to you what is the Spirit and how it manifests. Apart from that, you can telephone to your friends - this is the best thing you can invite them for - and they can come along tomorrow and we can work it out. Enjoy now, enjoy. May God bless you.
After Self-Realization you speak the language of the Chakras
Public Program
Public Program Day 2. Sydney (Australia), 3 March 1992. [Sahaja Yogis sing the great mantras then the song “Vishwa vandita”] [Talk starts at 11:38] I’m happy that they could sing all this. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. [No sound up to 12:42] … absolute Truth. Now, the truth is that there is an All-pervading power of God’s love which does all the living work in this Universe. The second truth is that we are not this body, mind, this intellect or this ego or conditionings but we are the pure Spirit. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers it of course, integrates your being. That is, there’s no quarrel between your mind, your heart and your attention. You become completely integrated and so empowered that you can enjoy their integration. When you become the Spirit, what happens to us – to understand that we have to understand the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty on our heart. We are the reflectors. These reflectors start working since we were stones, we can call them or matter, then living creatures, till we reach a state when we are human beings, the Spirit is expressed in our heart, in the best way. But it is still in a witness state watching us all the time what we are doing. It doesn’t come into our attention – He’s just watching but when the Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area – so this is the seat of the God Almighty and the reflection of the Spirit is in your heart. So first of all, it connects your brain with your heart, as a result, a kind of a pulsation – in Sanskrit it’s called as ‘Spanda’ – starts flowing on your central nervous system, which you can call it as cool vibrations. Also, it is co-related with the All-pervading Power which is flowing within our being because of this connection. The Spirit is the one that is the Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth means there is no other truth than that. For example, if you have ten children and tie up their eyes and ask them, “What is the matter with this gentleman?” they will all raise the same finger. Supposing, there is this finger or this finger, any finger. Like the other day, somebody asked Me, “Mother, why they were they all asking, ‘What is your relationship with your father?'” because there is indication on this finger, on the right hand that there’s something wrong with the fatherhood. Either you are not a good son or he’s not a good father; It could be even the husband. And you ask the gentleman, he’ll be surprised that how do you know. So the Truth, which is Absolute, comes to you on your finger-tips. You immediately know what’s wrong with the other person and what’s wrong with you. Now you don’t talk the language like English or Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit but you speak the language of the centers. This is what happened when the disciples of Christ were blessed by Holy Ghost and they got their Realization, that they started speaking the language of the centers. So you don’t say that this center of yours is bad because you have got ego – you don’t have to say that way. You just have to say that Agnya is not working alright. Sahaja yogis would come and tell Me, “Mother, please solve my problem of Agnya.” “What’s the matter?” “I can’t bear it, it’s a headache.” So he doesn’t see it as ego but he sees it as a causal of it. The cause of his headache is his ego and he sees it as Agnya chakra. So he comes and tells Me – actually if you see in short – it is, he says, “I’ve got too much ego, please remove it Mother from my head.” So you reach that subtler state when you understand what is fundamentally, basically wrong with you because these are the fundamentals on which our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being rests or is nourished. So immediately you know basically what’s wrong with you and you know yourself, nobody has to tell you. Now supposing, somebody is very much conditioned so his chakra, at the backside, goes off. Now, if you tell that person, “You are a conditioned person,” he’ll not like it but he himself, after Realization, will say, “Mother, please solve my problem of the back Agnya,” means there’s some conditioning – could be coming from anything. And you face yourself directly. You don’t have to, sort of, sit down and analyze yourself but you just see it clearly on your centers what’s wrong with you and if you can relate one center, another center, the combinations of these centers and actually what is the matter with you, immediately you will know what’s the problem is. so you know the absolute truth. Now you have known from India many people have come as false gurus and everybody tells Me about them, they are just here to make money. These are quite a camouflage they have but still with Realization you immediately know that he is a cheat or he’s a demon, demonic person – you have to just put your hands like this and you can feel it – the vibrations which are not pulsations of tremor or anything but cool breeze like things that flow, suddenly becomes hot. Sometimes they might create a little blister also for the time being because you become like a barometer and Absolute things you know. Even if you have a painting, which is a copy of a real painting, and people don’t know. Only by putting hands towards it, immediately you’ll know if it is of the real one or not. Any fundamental question can be asked and you get the answer on your finger-tips and you know what is the truth. So the your attention itself becomes enlightened. With this attention, which is enlightened, you can feel the vibrations of another person, the chakras of another person. But apart from that, second thing, that this enlightened attention is dynamic. Sitting down here, if you put attention to something, it works. It works. Of course you have to develop that state, that higher state of doubtless awareness. Anywhere you put your attention, it works. So the connection with the Divine is that this attention, wherever you put it, like a remote control it works. A person, who is a realized soul, is extremely compassionate and extremely dynamic. Of course, you never feel your age, you never get tired, you work very hard because all the time the energy is flowing. You become an expert on understanding what is falsehood and what is truth. The discrimination, the Divine discrimination is so acute and so penetrating that it cannot find faults with it. I know of a person, who came to Me after Realization, I told you that, “Why don’t you take to the interior decoration of ships?” He said, “I don’t know from one timber to another timber.” I said, “Just start.” And he became very rich with that. He somehow or the other, he said, “I knew this was this timber, I knew this one was that timber.” So you just know, after a certain state that you reach, that this is this, this is this. Because your attention is so pure and clear, you become extremely creative. Many people, who have never spoken on the stage, have never said a sentence on the stage, who had stage fear and all that, are great orators today. Any walk of life you enter into, you are absolutely confident of yourself and you know you are properly guided. And the nature of the Spirit is, that it gives you an attention that doesn’t fritter away; It don’t look at things which are of no use. But once you see something, the whole picture is in your mind – like a photogenic picture. Whenever you want to think about it, you get the whole thing. Even the folds of the clothes and everything, the face, everything comes to you absolutely clear. The memory becomes so sharp, even at an old age, that people are surprised. And you do not try to memorize too many things – it’s just there. One lady in America got Realization, she had a shop, Indian lady. She said, “I meticulously knew every bit of my shop and I knew what has consignment has come, what has gone – everything. I don’t know anything now but I’m making big profits.” I said, “That it! Why should you break your neck with all this burden, just you should have the profit – finished.” And she was amazed how she’s making so much money when she is not knowing all these things and she is living in complete joy. So the another attribute of Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness; If your ego is pampered, then you feel happy. When it is not pampered, you feel unhappy. Joy is a state where you just enjoy everything because you are beyond thoughts. Just see this beautiful carpet – beyond thought. The one, who has created this, has put all his joy in it in creation and that joy becomes so abstract and starts falling on your being and soothes you down. Such a person is extremely relaxed, not agitated. He doesn’t waste his energy in unnecessary things. As it is happening these days people are become overactive, overanxious, stressed and all those things. As a result of that people have now developed a horrible disease called as Yuppies disease. In this disease your conscious mind absolutely gets tired and fagged out. All the time watching the time, all the time running. Specially in America, I told about this disease about ten years back and now it’s there. And I’ve seen those people they are carried just like reptiles like a big fish on the shoulder of people. They think alright but they cannot lift their hand, they cannot lift their legs if it is to be done consciously but unconsciously they may. What a disease! So this over-alertness and too much of worry and these things, the norms of modern life are so telling upon our nerves that our nerves themselves become tired and ultimately the conscious mind becomes, becomes tired. I’ve to tell you, that in Sahaja Yoga, we have cured one Australian of AIDS – one, only one. I should say, we cured five but they all got lost; They couldn’t get over their bad habits. One we have cured. He’s still living and kicking seven years but we don’t want to say that we cure, it can be cured with your Kundalini because if we start saying, all of them will pour down but they have no will to live and they had no will-power to overcome that bad habit because we tried it with people, they again went back to the same bad habits – they couldn’t get out of it. But it happens because the Spirit has the power to cure you also when it is connected through this Kundalini to the Divine. It cures you completely, you feel very healthy and all the time you feel very fresh. You do not run after things like – manufacturer starts something – now today this dress, tomorrow that dress, today this nothing of the kind. You don’t run amuck, you have discretion. You know what to wear, what to use; That’s how you solve your ecological problem. Because a new dimension also comes into your awareness, which we call as Collective Consciousness but also you become an universal being because Spirit is universal. So you don’t worry about yourself only – you worry about the whole Universe; Worry in the sense that you want to do something about it. Immediately your attention will go to something that’s happening now and you’ll try to think and pray that, “This should be alright,” and it works out. You definitely become a much wider personality. It’s not only limited to one little person but it is a universal thing. A new religion, we can call, is enlightened into your valencies, which we call, as the pure innate universal religion which encompasses all the principles of all the religions, all the people of the world and you go beyond these wrong ideas of different religions and races and this and that and that. You just start feeling you are part and parcel of the whole. It’s not, again, thinking, it’s the feeling. Thinking can be temporary but feeling is permanent and not emotional but is the feeling on your Central Nervous System. It’s such a relationship of brotherhood and sisterhood develops because this is a Universal being which is enlightening your whole life and you are completely changed. You are surprised at yourself. Your temper, your greed, your lust – all these things absolutely drop out and you see clearly, what is your need, what you need to be spiritually alright – you seek your comfort of your Spirit. You become extremely dynamic, extremely creative and extremely compassionate. You will be surprised, when I went to Russia first, there were 25 Germans who came rushing to Russia. You won’t believe, if you see those German sahaja yogis you won’t believe they are from the same Gestapo or nothing. They are so gentle, the gentlest of all people, I think, so gentle they are. So was amazed, I said, “How is it you are all here?” He said, “Mother, are we not duty bound to rectify ourselves of these people who have suffered on account of our forefathers?” I went to Canada, I was surprised, there’s Canadian told Me, Canadian sahaja yogis – very surprising, “Mother, don’t You think we have been plunderers?” I said, “Why?” “We came to Canada, we plundered them, we have taken away their lands, we have killed all of them and now we are nicely settled down here as great people. We are the worst. We are not only migrants but we are the worst. We are the plunderers. We came in their land and plundered them.” This awakening, this awareness is very rare. I was so surprised that they should think that way that, “We have plundered these people. We have no business to take away all their lands.” Said, “At least some part must be given to them as their own. They don’t own any land while the whole thing belongs to them.” I was surprised at the Spanish in South America; They felt the same thing. All of them feel the same way about it. They said, “What about the Spaniards who came here? What they have done to America. To South America and to North America, they are all these Spaniards and then others who came and plundered these people, killed them, finished them, took away all their land and now these people have no place to go to.” This awareness, I was so shocked. How could they get this awareness into their head? This comes when you think that we have something to do for these people who are downtrodden. Because of us they are downtrodden. We have to help them to raise them at a higher level. So the attention goes to the poor, attention goes to the downtrodden, the attention goes to the people who don’t have and when attention goes it works out, it definitely works out and their solutions come out. After all, we cannot live with prosperity if there is poverty anywhere. We can never live. There will be complications, there will be problems so we have to think about universal understanding and that communism is not the, is the solution, neither capitalism but sahaja yoga. In sahaja yoga you start feeling oneness with everyone and if people who get Realization, they feel such oneness, such understanding, such love, such friendship, such help I’m amazed at them. Such beautiful people they are! I mean, it’s alright, I don’t take money, after all I come from a rich family; We have lots of money of our own but what about these sahaja yogis who don’t take a single pie from anyone, work so hard. They have being going all round Australia and working it out and quietly – it’s not advertised, “We do not claim anything,” – nothing. Very quietly they are working it out. And this is something one has to realize that this new race has to come or if you want to go on with what sort of a world we had then, we might have a war, we might all get finished – anything is possible. Because that is ignorance but when there is light, we start seeing the whole relationship. Supposing, it all becomes dark and you all start running helter-skelter you’ll trample on other people, you’ll jump on other people, you may not know what to do – that’s what happens when the stampede takes place. So the quietude inside, the balance inside, is achieving it’s enlightenment and that’s what has to happen to all of us. Is a very important thing that is happening all over the world. I saw so many people walking in, people walking and I felt what is their direction, what is the purpose of their life, where are they going? We all have a purpose, we all have a meaning and we have all that glory and beauty within ourselves. Now if it is free, if it is your own, why not express that Divinity fully and manifest it? So, this is some of the aspects of Spirit, I have told you. The aspect of this All-Pervading power is tremendous and miraculous. If I tell you, you won’t believe, but somehow it works out. It works out, it knows how to work it out. When you are in the Kingdom of God – it’s not the Kingdom of Australia, India or England – it’s such an efficient government that any problem you have, anything you have just solves in no time. It is so blissful. You’ll be amazed how everything works out, how enemies become friends, how families become one, how children respect their parents and parents love their children. All misunderstandings vanish. And this new generation is really so special, I must say, that we all should aspire to be there to enjoy. May God bless you! [Applause] No questions? Nobody has given questions in writing, so far? Yes. You’ve given in writing? Seeker: [Inaudible.] On the dark brain there is fire, why? Shri Mataji: No, no it’s not fire. Seeker: When I meditate, I get a feeling as if I’m in flames. Shri Mataji: What’s it? Sahaja Yogi: He says when he meditates, he gets a sensation of being on fire, in flames. Shri Mataji: Oh, that’s not. Then in the meditation there's something wrong. There’s something wrong with your meditation definitely. It is just shown as your heart and to show the warmth of the heart, they have put that color, it’s not fire, just the warmth of the heart. They had to show this color just to show that it's not, it’s on the contrary extremely cooling. In Sahaja Yoga, when you will meditate, heart is the first thing that cools down. So the meditation you’re doing is in a way not correct. And you cannot do meditation, you have to be in meditation. That’s the point is. So, when the Kundalini rises, she creates a state of thoughtless awareness. That is the state one has to achieve. Then, you are stationed in your present, not in the past or the future. I think, you’re not here yesterday I told about it. But in any case, you come and see. Just now only, you will see that you will have a very soothing feeling within yourself. So, there is no fire at all. It’s a very soothing flames, extremely soothing. In the Bible, it’s written, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.” Now, these tongues of flames, if you see, they are, they are flames, look like flames, but they are very soothing, cooling. It’s just the opposite of what we know of fire. Seeker: How do You trigger the awakening of the Kundalini? Sahaja Yogi: How can You trigger the awakening of the Kundalini? Shri Mataji: That’s what we are going to do now. Very good question! I’m happy to know. That’s very good. Sahaja Yogi: There was one question, Shri. There was a question. There was a family with two children who cannot speak and wonder what the problem was. Shri Mataji: They have to come to the ashram then we’ll try on them because there were a family in India also whose children never spoke but they have started speaking now. They should come to our ashram – we’ll work it out. We can solve all this problem if you come to the collective and these things can be solved. It’s not so difficult. But depends on. If it is something from the very childhood or birth or something, then sometimes doesn’t work out. It is worth trying. You see, like any medicine you cannot guarantee hundred percent, you cannot say hundred percent. But most of the diseases are cured. Specially incurable diseases are cured, no doubt. Seeker: When I was doing meditation I felt like I'm [Inaudible]. But when I am at work or when I get a new realtionship and the person make me feel that I am not in that state. I get mindfullness or things come up in my mind. Is there anything to do [unsure]? Sahaja Yogi: When he is in meditation, Shri Mataji, he feels very thoughtlessly aware. Shri Mataji: Hmm. Sahaja Yogi: But when he is at work and perhaps things are going too well, then he loses this. He wonders why? Shri Mataji: You see, it is a question of your connection being established fully. Supposing, this connection is not all right, you have to just establish it. That’s the point. With little assiduity, you should establish this connection. Once it is established, then you will never go down. That’s the main thing is that you should try to achieve the state of doubtless awareness. I takes hardly - some people in only in three, four sittings they do it. Some people take one month but most of them get by one month, they are there. So one has to work it out. Shri Mataji: I’ll see. Sahaja Yogi: He says, “Shri Mataji, I’m frightened to get close to people, I’m frightened to see my own death. I have…” [Shri Mataji takes a letter and reads it.] Shri Mataji: So I understand. That’s why he’s written it down, so we should not read. Now this can be solved, my child, all right? Because this is the power of love. All right? This is nothing difficult, very simple. It’s due to some conditionings in your life, maybe. Yes? Seeker: How to communicate with people who are restricted by dogma and faith and they don't want to ear [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: How do you communicate with people who are bound by their dogma and belief? Shri Mataji: Who are? Sahaja Yogi: Bound by dogma and belief. They are rigid in their beliefs. [Shri Mataji laughs.] Shri Mataji: You see, love can melt anything, isn’t it? And there is a way. First, you have to logically talk to them. Divine logic is very convincing but if somebody is a stone, there is no need to break your head with the stone. But logically you can explain and if they have dogmas they will melt because you can ask them a simple question, “What did you get out of it? What powers did you get out of it?” A simple question should be asked and that’s how the dogmas will fall. But mostly it happens like this, I’ve seen, if there are many friends and all family, everybody gets to Sahaja Yoga and they see the way they are, then automatically they come. Mostly, dogmas are fashions. So it’s a fashion and these people who have dogmas are people who do not seek Truth. But once they see also, sometimes they come but we cannot guarantee that everybody will be there. According to John he just said 144 thousand – we have already crossed that limit. So, I don’t know how many will be there. It’s a question of one’s own seeking and also they have to deserve it. You should be worthy of it. Shri Mataji: Yes Madam? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: Can Sahaja Yoga help someone with mental illness like schizophrenia? Shri Mataji: Yes, it has helped many. Schizophrenia is due to possessions which comes and goes. It has helped many people. First, the frequency starts enlarging and after some time we can get rid of it. It has helped many people, I should say. Specially in America so many people are suffering from schizophrenia. It can be, epilepsy, schizophrenia, these two we have tried. Sahaja Yogi: There are three questions here on meditation, Shri Mataji. Is there any special position or place to meditate? Shri Mataji: No, nothing of the kind. Sahaja Yogi: How do you control the flow of thoughts as they keep flowing? Shri Mataji: Yes, that is what you don’t have to do, your Kundalini will do it. Your Kundalini will create that situation for you, you don’t have to do it. Sahaja Yogi: And should I meditate on something? Should I meditate on something? Shri Mataji: No, you don’t have to meditate. But the best is that you have to come and see these people and they will tell you how to meditate. It’s only minimum of five minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening. Not more than that. It starts with five minutes but later on one can go on meditating for longer period, you start enjoying yourself. Shri Mataji: What does she says? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] allergies' probelsm. Is there anything that you can [inaidible]?– Shri Mataji: Yes. Yes, it is curable. It is due to liver. It’s a liver problem. Allergies are due to liver but also it’s triggering from the left side and so it can be cured. We have cured that. It can be cured. All right? Yes. Some people take more time and some people take less time but I’ve seen most of them get cured, most of them. Seeker: Seems to be a model of, of an intimate relationship with the Supreme Intelligence. You just mentioned possessions and things like that. Could You tell me more about that sort of things? Sahaja Yogi: He sees this as a model of a relationship with the Divine. You mentioned possessions, what did You mean by that? Shri Mataji: Well that’s another subject which I’ve not touched so far. But we have on two sides, left side and right side, if you see. The left side looks after our past and the right side looks after our future. Left side is the power of our desire, the right side is the power of our action. So, when we start moving towards the left too much – people are feeling sad and all the time crying and weeping and talking of their past and all sorts of depressions they get, then they start moving towards the left. On the left side is all your past, means your subconscious, subconscious of today whatever has happened, subconscious of this month, of this year, then of this life, subconscious of previous life also. Ultimately there is the Collective Subconscious on the left hand side, where everything that is dead since our creation, is stored up. If you enter into that area, you might get possessed by viruses, so you get diseases which are caused by viruses, like cancer or you might get possessed and some people can put – if you are a weak minded person also – can possess you through mesmerism and things like that. So this is the left side. The right side is where you start moving into future, very future planning and all that, then you enter into supraconscious area and then into Collective Supraconscious. In that area you are possessed by people who are extremely ambitious, who died without fulfilling your ambitions and they’re making you very ambitious also and ultimately you become a recluse because you can’t bear so many personalities on top of one personality. So, in short I’ve told you but it’s a very large subject. So, schizophrenia also is a kind of a possession. Also all kind of mental problems are due to possessions which can be cured. Only thing, your attention has to be brought to the center and that is done by the Kundalini awakening. Say, this is a sari of mine like an attention and the Kundalini is coming up like that. So She pulls the sari [Shri Mataji puts her hand under the sari and raises it]. And when She pierces here, then the Divine light starts flowing on all the sides of this attention. So only thing, if your attention is too much is on the left side, you are in trouble or if too much on the right side, you become overactive, very futuristic and you have other problems. Specially like liver problems you get, you get - what you call- heart problems, you get asthma, also kidney problems. All these come from too much right-sided behaviour, means very futuristic people get these troubles. Diabetes also comes to them. Sahaja Yogi: A lady has a son who is now nine years old and has a skin disorder since he was a baby. Can Kundalini raising help that? Shri Mataji: What does he have? Sahaja Yogi: Just a skin disorder, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What is it called? [It is written on a paper] Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes. This is alright, yes, this is alright. We have some doctors luckily here, who are Sahaja Yogis, very well-qualified doctors we have here, who are Sahaja Yogis, you’ll be surprised. And thank God, in this country we can have alternate treatment. Of course, I mean, we don’t give any medicines or anything so nobody can charge us with anything, but it works. Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: What’s he said? Sahaja Yogi: It’s a Christian, Shri Ma. Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi: It is a Christian, Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: Are you a real Christian or just baptized by church? A Christian must get his Realization to understand Christ. How will you recognize Christ? Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: This Christianity has done no good to us, Sir. [Applause] Shri Mataji: Has done no good to us and if you belong to that, you can go ahead with it but if you want to have your Realization, you can stay here. If you are happy with Christians, you go. What about killing so many Azerbaijans? These Christians have done it. Spaniards who went there, they were Christians only and the ones who ruled us for three hundred, were Christians. They were Christians killing people. When did Christ teach you that? Christians are on the other side of Christ. They have nothing to do with Christ – just talking big. [Applause] Hypnotism should never be encouraged. This is not alright. I’ve seen, all people who get into hypnosis suffer quite a lot. There’s no need to hypnotise. I just don’t know why even the doctors should hypnotise people. There’s no need at all to hypnotise anyone. Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: How do I stay open to the way of God? Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi:How do I stay open to the way of God? Shri Mataji: Out of the way? Sahaja Yogi: No, in a way of God. How do I stay open to God. Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi: She’s asking, “How do I stay open to the way to God?” I think, through the raising of the Kundalini, Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: You see, this is what I’m telling you that you have to have your Realization. Once you get your Realization, then you are connected to God otherwise you are not connected. That’s why, these people who say, “We are Christians, we are Muslims, we are this and that and that, ” are nowhere, there’s no religion there. Once you get your Realization, then you are in contact with this All-Pervading power. Terrible things are happening. You must see what things are happening in Christian community. It’s terrible things. This is nothing. If you see in Canada there were, there was a school of some Bishops. They abused the children regularly and now they are under arrest. There are priests in Austria, there's a book on that in German language, who was- who has confessed that most of the priests have keeps who are married women and they have children from them. Can you imagine all these things happening in the name of Christ, who said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” How can they say they are Christians? I can’t understand. [Shri Mataji reads a question written on a paper] I just don’t understand why they are behaving like this, I’m sorry. But I love you very much, all right? You’ll get all that love you never got. May God bless you! [Applause] Maybe they are, some of them are really demonic people, absolutely demonic. In England, can you imagine, two children are killed by their parents. What is this child abuse nonsense going on? Can you, I mean, impossible to understand for any body who is a human being. How can you torture your children like this! Two children are killed by every week by the parents, who are legal children. They have no patience for their children. That’s the reason, I think, in India most of the children are born and we are having a population problem. I just don’t understand. How could you do that to any child, anyone? [Shri Mataji takes the paper and says aside] Thank God you are alive – all right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: There’s one here, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Such cruelties, from where does it come in this? And mostly they are Christians! And Christ has said, “Let the children come to me.” “If you have to go to the Kingdom of God, you have to become like children.” Where is that love that He talked about, just money-makers? [Shri Mataji reads a question written on a paper] Shri Mataji: All right, this part is of diet and exercises and all that. We will tell you when you'll come because according to the centers, we’ll tell you. Supposing you are a liver patient, you are right-sided, you have to take a diet. If you are left-sided, you have to take a diet. But that we’ll tell you when you come to us, very clearly and you will really enjoy your health. Where is this dogma fellow is going? Come along. [Shri Mataji is laughting.] Now, don’t ask any more questions. I think we have had enough, now people must be tired, all right? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: What the effect of? I think, there’s too many questions. Only Sydney people are very questioning type, I think. [Shri Mataji is laughting.] Sahaja Yogi: There’s a young lady wants to say: “Is it true that the human being is entering a new phase in it’s evolution to Spirituality.” Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, you’ve seen the point. What she said is true that we are entering into a new evolutionary phase. That’s it. [Applause] You have seen the point. Let us see how many want to enter into it. Yes. Now, I think, see all these personal questions, all these questions can be very easily answered – everything but as I told you, “I want to ask Me questions,” because you are free to ask – it’s complete freedom. But also you know, should know, that I’ve been doing this kind of a job for the last 21 – 22 years, so I’m quite an expert Myself. And I know the style of questions and what they ask. But the main thing is now is that, it’s a mental feat. What we have to have is our Kundalini awakening. For that, this mental feat is not necessary. So, even if I answer your questions all right, there’s no guarantee that your Kundalini will rise. So, forget about all these questions and answers and everything – even My lecture you can forget, if you want to, and just now we will have our session of Realization. So before we start, as I told yesterday, again I have to tell you because some people are absolutely new today that there are three conditions which you have to fulfill. The first condition is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself that you will get your Realization – absolutely confident. You shouldn’t doubt yourself at all, whatever you might have done. That’s for sure. Be confident all of you that you will get your Realization. The second condition is that, please do not feel guilty at all at this point for anything – please don’t feel guilty. Meaning, forget your past, you are here in the present and in My eyes and in the eyes of the Divine, you are not guilty. See, after all, as I said yesterday, we are all human beings and if we have done any mistakes, it’s alright – we are not Gods. So please don’t feel guilty for anything, whatsoever. When you feel guilty you catch on the center, on the left side, here, which is a very risky thing. You don’t know with that catching you get, what you call, a disease called angina, you get also spondylitis, also your organs might become lethargic. So please don’t feel guilty; It’s a dangerous thing physically also. We’ll explain to you, later on, how it happens but just now please listen to Me. Don’t feel guilty. And thirdly, which is also a very simple condition, is that you have to forgive everyone in general. Some people say, it’s very difficult but logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Do you do anything? Nothing. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself while the person who has troubled you is very very happy and you are torturing on his behalf. But the worst thing is that this center Agnya – this one is like this – crossed; It won’t open like this – it has to open otherwise the Kundalini won’t pass through unless and until you forgive. And you don’t even have to think about them because it’s sometimes very painful to even think about them. Just have to say in your heart, “I forgive all of them.” You’ll feel much lighter. Immediately you’ll feel lighter. You just say, “I forgive all of them.” Forget it, forget the past. In short, you should be very pleasantly placed to yourself that you’re human beings, that you are seekers of Truth and that you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself; In Sanskrit they say, “Prasannachitt.” that is going to help us very much. Now this Kundalini is the power of pure desire so you must have pure desire within yourself that you want to have Self-realization – that’s all. If that desire is there, it will all work out. But in any case, even if you get Realization, you must remember this is the beginning and you have to develop this sprouting into a tree. For that, you don’t have to pay anything. It can work out very easily but you have to come to the collective. This is the only thing you have to do for your cleansing for anything, you have to be just in the collective – it’s so simple. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to stand on your feet, one foot or on your head – nothing of the kind – you don’t have to starve, sacrifice, suffer, nothing. Only thing you have to take some time out to be in the collective and they will tell you what sort of meditation you require as your problem may be – please do that. Next year I want, at least, all of you to be grown up like very matured, beautiful, personalities of sahaja yoga – absolutely knowledgeable. So, these are very simple, three conditions I have told you. Now, you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Both the feet have to be apart from each other because I told you left and right are two different powers. One thing I must confess, that I cannot force Self-realization on you. You have to ask for it; I respect your freedom. If you do not want to have it then you should leave the hall but should not sit down here and watch other people – it’s not civil. So those who want to have their Self-realization, should be here, those who do not want to have, should leave the hall; It will be very kind of them to do that but those who want to have it, are very welcome So now, please put your left hand towards Me, like this, which means that you are desirous of having Self-realization. Now, you have to put your right hand on your heart because right hand is the power of action and in the heart resides the Spirit. So, first we put our right hand on our heart. With this hand we are going to enrich our centers with our full Self-confidence If you are the Spirit, you are the guide, you become in that light the guide of your life so you become the master. So now, take your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side – you’re only working on the left hand side. Now, this center is for your mastery, is created by the great prophets and great real masters in the ancient times, which is to be enlightened. Then you take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side is the center of pure knowledge. Pure knowledge, is the knowledge of the Divine laws and how to work them out. Now, you move your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, again and again you have to move your right hand on your heart. Now in the corner of your left shoulder and neck and turn your head to your right, as far as possible. I’ve already told you about this center that if you feel guilty, this goes out of order and it’s, I think, today again, I feel, there is a lot of it here, so please, forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty. Now, you have to take your right hand on top of your forehead in such a manner, that your fingers on one side and thumb on the other side of the temple and put down your head slowly, as far as possible. Here, you have to ask or you have to say that you are forgiving everyone, in general. Now, take back your right hand on the backside of your head – just now you don’t have to say anything – later on Now here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. We’ll do that later on, I’m just showing you now. Now, stretch your hand fully – right hand – left hand on your lap comfortably. Now here, is the seventh center, which you have to open out with your self-confidence Stretch your palm fully, put it on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, put down your head. This is the actualisation of your baptism – is actualisation. Put down your head and now move your scalp. With the fingers stretched out, you can have a good pressure. Please stretch out your fingers – this is very important – put down your head and now you have to move your scalp, very slowly, seven times clockwise, seven times clockwise. That’s all we’ll have to do, that’s all. Now you have to sit, not very uncomfortably but very comfortably, little straight not bending too much and not bending forward to begin with. You can take out your spectacles, if you want because in any case you have to close your eyes so, better take out your spectacles and don’t open your eyes till I tell you. I hope you have put your both feet apart from each other. Now, please put your right hand on your heart and now please close your eyes, not very tightly just in a simple way as we sleep. Here now, you can call Me “Mother “or you can call Me “Shri Mataji”, whatever you feel like. You have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself; three times, please ask, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” If you are the Spirit, you are your master. So now, please take down your right hand, in the upper portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side and here you ask another question “Mother, am I my own master,” ask three times please, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, so you have to say six times, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge.” Six times you have to ask. When you asked for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward so we have to nourish our upper centers with our full confidence. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it and please here you say twelve times with full confidence in yourself, “Mother, I am my own master.” Please say it with full confidence, “Mother, I am my own master.” So now, one has to understand that the fundamental truth about you is, that you are not this body, not this mind, not this ego, not this conditionings nor this intelligence and not these emotions but you are the Pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on to your heart and here again with full confidence please say twelve times, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.” Please say it with full confidence, twelve times, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.” Now, raise your right hand on – to say it, first, twelve times – you haven’t said it on to the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all. Mother, I am not guilty at all.” You have to know that this All-pervading Power of God’s love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion is the ocean of bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please, forgive yourself and say with full confidence, sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” If you do not say it from your heart, this center won’t open to allow the Kundalini to rise. So have faith in Me and faith in yourself. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across with the fingers on one side and thumb on the other side and now try to put your head down, as far as possible. Here again, with full confidence, you have to say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart – this is very important – “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” I’ve already told you, that if you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive now, the Kundalini won’t rise so please, forgive all of them without even thinking about them. Now, take back your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head, as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes – just for your satisfaction, please say, “Oh, Divine power, if I’ve done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Say it again from your heart, not how many times, “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Now, now the last chakra is very important. Please stretch your hand and stretch your palm fully. Please stretch your palm fully and put it on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please stretch your fingers backwards. Please stretch your fingers backwards, as much as you can – this is important – and now put down your head as far as possible. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom because I respect it, so you have to ask for your Self-realization – I cannot force on you. So now, you move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise, saying seven times, “Mother, please give me my Self-realization.” [Shri Mataji blows into the mike.] Now, please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put your hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Now, please, put the right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a warm or hot air like waves, breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, don’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself, if there is a cool breeze coming or a warm breeze or some sort of a hot breeze is coming out of your own head. Some people get it little far away. Now, with the left hand, now you put it towards Me, like this. Now put down your head again, please and see for yourself, if there is, if there is, a cool or a warm or a hot breeze coming like waves out of your own fontanel bone area. Now again once with your right hand. Please put down your head and see for yourself, if there is cool, warm or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. If it is hot, means you have not forgiven Please forgive, now please forgive everyone – you are not going to miss your Self-realization. Alright. Keep away from the head. If you keep on top, you won’t feel. Now, please put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and here you ask a question three times. One question you ask three times; Anyone of these three questions which I tell you. “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of God’s love?” or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, please put down your heads, put down your hands. Now, put both the hands towards Me like this. Those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze out of their fontanel bone area or on their finger-tips or on their hands, please raise both your hands. Ahhh, you got it all of you! May God bless you! May God… This is what you are feeling for the first time this All-pervading Power – first time. First time you are feeling. You have never felt it before. I bow to you, to all of you now, your saintly life has started but I again and again request you that whenever I’m there, there are crowds and many people come in but there are very few who really try to become what they have to become. Sahaja yoga cannot be a certificate – it’s a becoming. It’s very important at this time of evolutionary phase that we are in, is a great responsibility upon all of us, to become the Spirit and transform the whole world. and help the whole world to solve it’s problems. May God bless you all! [Applause] Like yesterday, all those who have not felt, can come on this side but I’ll take your leave, if you don’t mind. I’ve to do some cooking for sahaja yogis today. When you leave the hall, there is a pamphlet here which tells you about the follow-up program here in the Town Hall on Friday, the 6th of March 7:30pm, in the lower Town Hall – the Peace Hall. It also has information on various centers around Sydney so if you want more information or you want to proceed with what you received tonight, there are many people, in many districts, who can give you a hand to do so. So this you find at the entrance you came in.
Public Program Day 2. Sydney (Australia), 3 March 1992. [Sahaja Yogis sing the great mantras then the song “Vishwa vandita”] [Talk starts at 11:38] I’m happy that they could sing all this. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. [No sound up to 12:42] … absolute Truth. Now, the truth is that there is an All-pervading power of God’s love which does all the living work in this Universe. The second truth is that we are not this body, mind, this intellect or this ego or conditionings but we are the pure Spirit. When the Kundalini rises through these six centers it of course, integrates your being. That is, there’s no quarrel between your mind, your heart and your attention. You become completely integrated and so empowered that you can enjoy their integration. When you become the Spirit, what happens to us – to understand that we have to understand the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty on our heart. We are the reflectors. These reflectors start working since we were stones, we can call them or matter, then living creatures, till we reach a state when we are human beings, the Spirit is expressed in our heart, in the best way. But it is still in a witness state watching us all the time what we are doing. It doesn’t come into our attention – He’s just watching but when the Kundalini rises and pierces through your fontanel bone area – so this is the seat of the God Almighty and the reflection of the Spirit is in your heart. So first of all, it connects your brain with your heart, as a result, a kind of a pulsation – in Sanskrit it’s called as ‘Spanda’ – starts flowing on your central nervous system, which you can call it as cool vibrations. Also, it is co-related with the All-pervading Power which is flowing within our being because of this connection. The Spirit is the one that is the Absolute Truth. Absolute Truth means there is no other truth than that. For example, if you have ten children and tie up their eyes and ask them, “What is the matter with this gentleman?” they will all raise the same finger. Supposing, there is this finger or this finger, any finger. Like the other day, somebody asked Me, “Mother, why they were they all asking, ‘What is your relationship with your father?'” because there is indication on this finger, on the right hand that there’s something wrong with the fatherhood. Either you are not a good son or he’s not a good father; It could be even the husband. And you ask the gentleman, he’ll be surprised that how do you know. So the Truth, which is Absolute, comes to you on your finger-tips. You immediately know what’s wrong with the other person and what’s wrong with you. Now you don’t talk the language like English or Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit but you speak the language of the centers. This is what happened when the disciples of Christ were blessed by Holy Ghost and they got their Realization, that they started speaking the language of the centers. So you don’t say that this center of yours is bad because you have got ego – you don’t have to say that way. You just have to say that Agnya is not working alright. Sahaja yogis would come and tell Me, “Mother, please solve my problem of Agnya.” “What’s the matter?” “I can’t bear it, it’s a headache.” So he doesn’t see it as ego but he sees it as a causal of it. The cause of his headache is his ego and he sees it as Agnya chakra. So he comes and tells Me – actually if you see in short – it is, he says, “I’ve got too much ego, please remove it Mother from my head.” So you reach that subtler state when you understand what is fundamentally, basically wrong with you because these are the fundamentals on which our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being rests or is nourished. So immediately you know basically what’s wrong with you and you know yourself, nobody has to tell you. Now supposing, somebody is very much conditioned so his chakra, at the backside, goes off. Now, if you tell that person, “You are a conditioned person,” he’ll not like it but he himself, after Realization, will say, “Mother, please solve my problem of the back Agnya,” means there’s some conditioning – could be coming from anything. And you face yourself directly. You don’t have to, sort of, sit down and analyze yourself but you just see it clearly on your centers what’s wrong with you and if you can relate one center, another center, the combinations of these centers and actually what is the matter with you, immediately you will know what’s the problem is. so you know the absolute truth. Now you have known from India many people have come as false gurus and everybody tells Me about them, they are just here to make money. These are quite a camouflage they have but still with Realization you immediately know that he is a cheat or he’s a demon, demonic person – you have to just put your hands like this and you can feel it – the vibrations which are not pulsations of tremor or anything but cool breeze like things that flow, suddenly becomes hot. Sometimes they might create a little blister also for the time being because you become like a barometer and Absolute things you know. Even if you have a painting, which is a copy of a real painting, and people don’t know. Only by putting hands towards it, immediately you’ll know if it is of the real one or not. Any fundamental question can be asked and you get the answer on your finger-tips and you know what is the truth. So the your attention itself becomes enlightened. With this attention, which is enlightened, you can feel the vibrations of another person, the chakras of another person. But apart from that, second thing, that this enlightened attention is dynamic. Sitting down here, if you put attention to something, it works. It works. Of course you have to develop that state, that higher state of doubtless awareness. Anywhere you put your attention, it works. So the connection with the Divine is that this attention, wherever you put it, like a remote control it works. A person, who is a realized soul, is extremely compassionate and extremely dynamic. Of course, you never feel your age, you never get tired, you work very hard because all the time the energy is flowing. You become an expert on understanding what is falsehood and what is truth. The discrimination, the Divine discrimination is so acute and so penetrating that it cannot find faults with it. I know of a person, who came to Me after Realization, I told you that, “Why don’t you take to the interior decoration of ships?” He said, “I don’t know from one timber to another timber.” I said, “Just start.” And he became very rich with that. He somehow or the other, he said, “I knew this was this timber, I knew this one was that timber.” So you just know, after a certain state that you reach, that this is this, this is this. Because your attention is so pure and clear, you become extremely creative. Many people, who have never spoken on the stage, have never said a sentence on the stage, who had stage fear and all that, are great orators today. Any walk of life you enter into, you are absolutely confident of yourself and you know you are properly guided. And the nature of the Spirit is, that it gives you an attention that doesn’t fritter away; It don’t look at things which are of no use. But once you see something, the whole picture is in your mind – like a photogenic picture. Whenever you want to think about it, you get the whole thing. Even the folds of the clothes and everything, the face, everything comes to you absolutely clear. The memory becomes so sharp, even at an old age, that people are surprised. And you do not try to memorize too many things – it’s just there. One lady in America got Realization, she had a shop, Indian lady. She said, “I meticulously knew every bit of my shop and I knew what has consignment has come, what has gone – everything. I don’t know anything now but I’m making big profits.” I said, “That it! Why should you break your neck with all this burden, just you should have the profit – finished.” And she was amazed how she’s making so much money when she is not knowing all these things and she is living in complete joy. So the another attribute of Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Joy is not like happiness and unhappiness; If your ego is pampered, then you feel happy. When it is not pampered, you feel unhappy. Joy is a state where you just enjoy everything because you are beyond thoughts. Just see this beautiful carpet – beyond thought. The one, who has created this, has put all his joy in it in creation and that joy becomes so abstract and starts falling on your being and soothes you down. Such a person is extremely relaxed, not agitated. He doesn’t waste his energy in unnecessary things. As it is happening these days people are become overactive, overanxious, stressed and all those things. As a result of that people have now developed a horrible disease called as Yuppies disease. In this disease your conscious mind absolutely gets tired and fagged out. All the time watching the time, all the time running. Specially in America, I told about this disease about ten years back and now it’s there. And I’ve seen those people they are carried just like reptiles like a big fish on the shoulder of people. They think alright but they cannot lift their hand, they cannot lift their legs if it is to be done consciously but unconsciously they may. What a disease! So this over-alertness and too much of worry and these things, the norms of modern life are so telling upon our nerves that our nerves themselves become tired and ultimately the conscious mind becomes, becomes tired. I’ve to tell you, that in Sahaja Yoga, we have cured one Australian of AIDS – one, only one. I should say, we cured five but they all got lost; They couldn’t get over their bad habits. One we have cured. He’s still living and kicking seven years but we don’t want to say that we cure, it can be cured with your Kundalini because if we start saying, all of them will pour down but they have no will to live and they had no will-power to overcome that bad habit because we tried it with people, they again went back to the same bad habits – they couldn’t get out of it. But it happens because the Spirit has the power to cure you also when it is connected through this Kundalini to the Divine. It cures you completely, you feel very healthy and all the time you feel very fresh. You do not run after things like – manufacturer starts something – now today this dress, tomorrow that dress, today this nothing of the kind. You don’t run amuck, you have discretion. You know what to wear, what to use; That’s how you solve your ecological problem. Because a new dimension also comes into your awareness, which we call as Collective Consciousness but also you become an universal being because Spirit is universal. So you don’t worry about yourself only – you worry about the whole Universe; Worry in the sense that you want to do something about it. Immediately your attention will go to something that’s happening now and you’ll try to think and pray that, “This should be alright,” and it works out. You definitely become a much wider personality. It’s not only limited to one little person but it is a universal thing. A new religion, we can call, is enlightened into your valencies, which we call, as the pure innate universal religion which encompasses all the principles of all the religions, all the people of the world and you go beyond these wrong ideas of different religions and races and this and that and that. You just start feeling you are part and parcel of the whole. It’s not, again, thinking, it’s the feeling. Thinking can be temporary but feeling is permanent and not emotional but is the feeling on your Central Nervous System. It’s such a relationship of brotherhood and sisterhood develops because this is a Universal being which is enlightening your whole life and you are completely changed. You are surprised at yourself. Your temper, your greed, your lust – all these things absolutely drop out and you see clearly, what is your need, what you need to be spiritually alright – you seek your comfort of your Spirit. You become extremely dynamic, extremely creative and extremely compassionate. You will be surprised, when I went to Russia first, there were 25 Germans who came rushing to Russia. You won’t believe, if you see those German sahaja yogis you won’t believe they are from the same Gestapo or nothing. They are so gentle, the gentlest of all people, I think, so gentle they are. So was amazed, I said, “How is it you are all here?” He said, “Mother, are we not duty bound to rectify ourselves of these people who have suffered on account of our forefathers?” I went to Canada, I was surprised, there’s Canadian told Me, Canadian sahaja yogis – very surprising, “Mother, don’t You think we have been plunderers?” I said, “Why?” “We came to Canada, we plundered them, we have taken away their lands, we have killed all of them and now we are nicely settled down here as great people. We are the worst. We are not only migrants but we are the worst. We are the plunderers. We came in their land and plundered them.” This awakening, this awareness is very rare. I was so surprised that they should think that way that, “We have plundered these people. We have no business to take away all their lands.” Said, “At least some part must be given to them as their own. They don’t own any land while the whole thing belongs to them.” I was surprised at the Spanish in South America; They felt the same thing. All of them feel the same way about it. They said, “What about the Spaniards who came here? What they have done to America. To South America and to North America, they are all these Spaniards and then others who came and plundered these people, killed them, finished them, took away all their land and now these people have no place to go to.” This awareness, I was so shocked. How could they get this awareness into their head? This comes when you think that we have something to do for these people who are downtrodden. Because of us they are downtrodden. We have to help them to raise them at a higher level. So the attention goes to the poor, attention goes to the downtrodden, the attention goes to the people who don’t have and when attention goes it works out, it definitely works out and their solutions come out. After all, we cannot live with prosperity if there is poverty anywhere. We can never live. There will be complications, there will be problems so we have to think about universal understanding and that communism is not the, is the solution, neither capitalism but sahaja yoga. In sahaja yoga you start feeling oneness with everyone and if people who get Realization, they feel such oneness, such understanding, such love, such friendship, such help I’m amazed at them. Such beautiful people they are! I mean, it’s alright, I don’t take money, after all I come from a rich family; We have lots of money of our own but what about these sahaja yogis who don’t take a single pie from anyone, work so hard. They have being going all round Australia and working it out and quietly – it’s not advertised, “We do not claim anything,” – nothing. Very quietly they are working it out. And this is something one has to realize that this new race has to come or if you want to go on with what sort of a world we had then, we might have a war, we might all get finished – anything is possible. Because that is ignorance but when there is light, we start seeing the whole relationship. Supposing, it all becomes dark and you all start running helter-skelter you’ll trample on other people, you’ll jump on other people, you may not know what to do – that’s what happens when the stampede takes place. So the quietude inside, the balance inside, is achieving it’s enlightenment and that’s what has to happen to all of us. Is a very important thing that is happening all over the world. I saw so many people walking in, people walking and I felt what is their direction, what is the purpose of their life, where are they going? We all have a purpose, we all have a meaning and we have all that glory and beauty within ourselves. Now if it is free, if it is your own, why not express that Divinity fully and manifest it? So, this is some of the aspects of Spirit, I have told you. The aspect of this All-Pervading power is tremendous and miraculous. If I tell you, you won’t believe, but somehow it works out. It works out, it knows how to work it out. When you are in the Kingdom of God – it’s not the Kingdom of Australia, India or England – it’s such an efficient government that any problem you have, anything you have just solves in no time. It is so blissful. You’ll be amazed how everything works out, how enemies become friends, how families become one, how children respect their parents and parents love their children. All misunderstandings vanish. And this new generation is really so special, I must say, that we all should aspire to be there to enjoy. May God bless you! [Applause] No questions? Nobody has given questions in writing, so far? Yes. You’ve given in writing? Seeker: [Inaudible.] On the dark brain there is fire, why? Shri Mataji: No, no it’s not fire. Seeker: When I meditate, I get a feeling as if I’m in flames. Shri Mataji: What’s it? Sahaja Yogi: He says when he meditates, he gets a sensation of being on fire, in flames. Shri Mataji: Oh, that’s not. Then in the meditation there's something wrong. There’s something wrong with your meditation definitely. It is just shown as your heart and to show the warmth of the heart, they have put that color, it’s not fire, just the warmth of the heart. They had to show this color just to show that it's not, it’s on the contrary extremely cooling. In Sahaja Yoga, when you will meditate, heart is the first thing that cools down. So the meditation you’re doing is in a way not correct. And you cannot do meditation, you have to be in meditation. That’s the point is. So, when the Kundalini rises, she creates a state of thoughtless awareness. That is the state one has to achieve. Then, you are stationed in your present, not in the past or the future. I think, you’re not here yesterday I told about it. But in any case, you come and see. Just now only, you will see that you will have a very soothing feeling within yourself. So, there is no fire at all. It’s a very soothing flames, extremely soothing. In the Bible, it’s written, “I will appear before you like tongues of flames.” Now, these tongues of flames, if you see, they are, they are flames, look like flames, but they are very soothing, cooling. It’s just the opposite of what we know of fire. Seeker: How do You trigger the awakening of the Kundalini? Sahaja Yogi: How can You trigger the awakening of the Kundalini? Shri Mataji: That’s what we are going to do now. Very good question! I’m happy to know. That’s very good. Sahaja Yogi: There was one question, Shri. There was a question. There was a family with two children who cannot speak and wonder what the problem was. Shri Mataji: They have to come to the ashram then we’ll try on them because there were a family in India also whose children never spoke but they have started speaking now. They should come to our ashram – we’ll work it out. We can solve all this problem if you come to the collective and these things can be solved. It’s not so difficult. But depends on. If it is something from the very childhood or birth or something, then sometimes doesn’t work out. It is worth trying. You see, like any medicine you cannot guarantee hundred percent, you cannot say hundred percent. But most of the diseases are cured. Specially incurable diseases are cured, no doubt. Seeker: When I was doing meditation I felt like I'm [Inaudible]. But when I am at work or when I get a new realtionship and the person make me feel that I am not in that state. I get mindfullness or things come up in my mind. Is there anything to do [unsure]? Sahaja Yogi: When he is in meditation, Shri Mataji, he feels very thoughtlessly aware. Shri Mataji: Hmm. Sahaja Yogi: But when he is at work and perhaps things are going too well, then he loses this. He wonders why? Shri Mataji: You see, it is a question of your connection being established fully. Supposing, this connection is not all right, you have to just establish it. That’s the point. With little assiduity, you should establish this connection. Once it is established, then you will never go down. That’s the main thing is that you should try to achieve the state of doubtless awareness. I takes hardly - some people in only in three, four sittings they do it. Some people take one month but most of them get by one month, they are there. So one has to work it out. Shri Mataji: I’ll see. Sahaja Yogi: He says, “Shri Mataji, I’m frightened to get close to people, I’m frightened to see my own death. I have…” [Shri Mataji takes a letter and reads it.] Shri Mataji: So I understand. That’s why he’s written it down, so we should not read. Now this can be solved, my child, all right? Because this is the power of love. All right? This is nothing difficult, very simple. It’s due to some conditionings in your life, maybe. Yes? Seeker: How to communicate with people who are restricted by dogma and faith and they don't want to ear [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: How do you communicate with people who are bound by their dogma and belief? Shri Mataji: Who are? Sahaja Yogi: Bound by dogma and belief. They are rigid in their beliefs. [Shri Mataji laughs.] Shri Mataji: You see, love can melt anything, isn’t it? And there is a way. First, you have to logically talk to them. Divine logic is very convincing but if somebody is a stone, there is no need to break your head with the stone. But logically you can explain and if they have dogmas they will melt because you can ask them a simple question, “What did you get out of it? What powers did you get out of it?” A simple question should be asked and that’s how the dogmas will fall. But mostly it happens like this, I’ve seen, if there are many friends and all family, everybody gets to Sahaja Yoga and they see the way they are, then automatically they come. Mostly, dogmas are fashions. So it’s a fashion and these people who have dogmas are people who do not seek Truth. But once they see also, sometimes they come but we cannot guarantee that everybody will be there. According to John he just said 144 thousand – we have already crossed that limit. So, I don’t know how many will be there. It’s a question of one’s own seeking and also they have to deserve it. You should be worthy of it. Shri Mataji: Yes Madam? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: Can Sahaja Yoga help someone with mental illness like schizophrenia? Shri Mataji: Yes, it has helped many. Schizophrenia is due to possessions which comes and goes. It has helped many people. First, the frequency starts enlarging and after some time we can get rid of it. It has helped many people, I should say. Specially in America so many people are suffering from schizophrenia. It can be, epilepsy, schizophrenia, these two we have tried. Sahaja Yogi: There are three questions here on meditation, Shri Mataji. Is there any special position or place to meditate? Shri Mataji: No, nothing of the kind. Sahaja Yogi: How do you control the flow of thoughts as they keep flowing? Shri Mataji: Yes, that is what you don’t have to do, your Kundalini will do it. Your Kundalini will create that situation for you, you don’t have to do it. Sahaja Yogi: And should I meditate on something? Should I meditate on something? Shri Mataji: No, you don’t have to meditate. But the best is that you have to come and see these people and they will tell you how to meditate. It’s only minimum of five minutes in the morning and ten minutes in the evening. Not more than that. It starts with five minutes but later on one can go on meditating for longer period, you start enjoying yourself. Shri Mataji: What does she says? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] allergies' probelsm. Is there anything that you can [inaidible]?– Shri Mataji: Yes. Yes, it is curable. It is due to liver. It’s a liver problem. Allergies are due to liver but also it’s triggering from the left side and so it can be cured. We have cured that. It can be cured. All right? Yes. Some people take more time and some people take less time but I’ve seen most of them get cured, most of them. Seeker: Seems to be a model of, of an intimate relationship with the Supreme Intelligence. You just mentioned possessions and things like that. Could You tell me more about that sort of things? Sahaja Yogi: He sees this as a model of a relationship with the Divine. You mentioned possessions, what did You mean by that? Shri Mataji: Well that’s another subject which I’ve not touched so far. But we have on two sides, left side and right side, if you see. The left side looks after our past and the right side looks after our future. Left side is the power of our desire, the right side is the power of our action. So, when we start moving towards the left too much – people are feeling sad and all the time crying and weeping and talking of their past and all sorts of depressions they get, then they start moving towards the left. On the left side is all your past, means your subconscious, subconscious of today whatever has happened, subconscious of this month, of this year, then of this life, subconscious of previous life also. Ultimately there is the Collective Subconscious on the left hand side, where everything that is dead since our creation, is stored up. If you enter into that area, you might get possessed by viruses, so you get diseases which are caused by viruses, like cancer or you might get possessed and some people can put – if you are a weak minded person also – can possess you through mesmerism and things like that. So this is the left side. The right side is where you start moving into future, very future planning and all that, then you enter into supraconscious area and then into Collective Supraconscious. In that area you are possessed by people who are extremely ambitious, who died without fulfilling your ambitions and they’re making you very ambitious also and ultimately you become a recluse because you can’t bear so many personalities on top of one personality. So, in short I’ve told you but it’s a very large subject. So, schizophrenia also is a kind of a possession. Also all kind of mental problems are due to possessions which can be cured. Only thing, your attention has to be brought to the center and that is done by the Kundalini awakening. Say, this is a sari of mine like an attention and the Kundalini is coming up like that. So She pulls the sari [Shri Mataji puts her hand under the sari and raises it]. And when She pierces here, then the Divine light starts flowing on all the sides of this attention. So only thing, if your attention is too much is on the left side, you are in trouble or if too much on the right side, you become overactive, very futuristic and you have other problems. Specially like liver problems you get, you get - what you call- heart problems, you get asthma, also kidney problems. All these come from too much right-sided behaviour, means very futuristic people get these troubles. Diabetes also comes to them. Sahaja Yogi: A lady has a son who is now nine years old and has a skin disorder since he was a baby. Can Kundalini raising help that? Shri Mataji: What does he have? Sahaja Yogi: Just a skin disorder, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: What is it called? [It is written on a paper] Yeah, yeah. Yes, yes. This is alright, yes, this is alright. We have some doctors luckily here, who are Sahaja Yogis, very well-qualified doctors we have here, who are Sahaja Yogis, you’ll be surprised. And thank God, in this country we can have alternate treatment. Of course, I mean, we don’t give any medicines or anything so nobody can charge us with anything, but it works. Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: What’s he said? Sahaja Yogi: It’s a Christian, Shri Ma. Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi: It is a Christian, Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: Are you a real Christian or just baptized by church? A Christian must get his Realization to understand Christ. How will you recognize Christ? Seeker: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: This Christianity has done no good to us, Sir. [Applause] Shri Mataji: Has done no good to us and if you belong to that, you can go ahead with it but if you want to have your Realization, you can stay here. If you are happy with Christians, you go. What about killing so many Azerbaijans? These Christians have done it. Spaniards who went there, they were Christians only and the ones who ruled us for three hundred, were Christians. They were Christians killing people. When did Christ teach you that? Christians are on the other side of Christ. They have nothing to do with Christ – just talking big. [Applause] Hypnotism should never be encouraged. This is not alright. I’ve seen, all people who get into hypnosis suffer quite a lot. There’s no need to hypnotise. I just don’t know why even the doctors should hypnotise people. There’s no need at all to hypnotise anyone. Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogi: How do I stay open to the way of God? Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi:How do I stay open to the way of God? Shri Mataji: Out of the way? Sahaja Yogi: No, in a way of God. How do I stay open to God. Shri Mataji: Ah? Sahaja Yogi: She’s asking, “How do I stay open to the way to God?” I think, through the raising of the Kundalini, Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: You see, this is what I’m telling you that you have to have your Realization. Once you get your Realization, then you are connected to God otherwise you are not connected. That’s why, these people who say, “We are Christians, we are Muslims, we are this and that and that, ” are nowhere, there’s no religion there. Once you get your Realization, then you are in contact with this All-Pervading power. Terrible things are happening. You must see what things are happening in Christian community. It’s terrible things. This is nothing. If you see in Canada there were, there was a school of some Bishops. They abused the children regularly and now they are under arrest. There are priests in Austria, there's a book on that in German language, who was- who has confessed that most of the priests have keeps who are married women and they have children from them. Can you imagine all these things happening in the name of Christ, who said, “Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes.” How can they say they are Christians? I can’t understand. [Shri Mataji reads a question written on a paper] I just don’t understand why they are behaving like this, I’m sorry. But I love you very much, all right? You’ll get all that love you never got. May God bless you! [Applause] Maybe they are, some of them are really demonic people, absolutely demonic. In England, can you imagine, two children are killed by their parents. What is this child abuse nonsense going on? Can you, I mean, impossible to understand for any body who is a human being. How can you torture your children like this! Two children are killed by every week by the parents, who are legal children. They have no patience for their children. That’s the reason, I think, in India most of the children are born and we are having a population problem. I just don’t understand. How could you do that to any child, anyone? [Shri Mataji takes the paper and says aside] Thank God you are alive – all right? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: There’s one here, Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Such cruelties, from where does it come in this? And mostly they are Christians! And Christ has said, “Let the children come to me.” “If you have to go to the Kingdom of God, you have to become like children.” Where is that love that He talked about, just money-makers? [Shri Mataji reads a question written on a paper] Shri Mataji: All right, this part is of diet and exercises and all that. We will tell you when you'll come because according to the centers, we’ll tell you. Supposing you are a liver patient, you are right-sided, you have to take a diet. If you are left-sided, you have to take a diet. But that we’ll tell you when you come to us, very clearly and you will really enjoy your health. Where is this dogma fellow is going? Come along. [Shri Mataji is laughting.] Now, don’t ask any more questions. I think we have had enough, now people must be tired, all right? Seeker lady: [Inaudible] Shri Mataji: What the effect of? I think, there’s too many questions. Only Sydney people are very questioning type, I think. [Shri Mataji is laughting.] Sahaja Yogi: There’s a young lady wants to say: “Is it true that the human being is entering a new phase in it’s evolution to Spirituality.” Shri Mataji: Of course, of course, you’ve seen the point. What she said is true that we are entering into a new evolutionary phase. That’s it. [Applause] You have seen the point. Let us see how many want to enter into it. Yes. Now, I think, see all these personal questions, all these questions can be very easily answered – everything but as I told you, “I want to ask Me questions,” because you are free to ask – it’s complete freedom. But also you know, should know, that I’ve been doing this kind of a job for the last 21 – 22 years, so I’m quite an expert Myself. And I know the style of questions and what they ask. But the main thing is now is that, it’s a mental feat. What we have to have is our Kundalini awakening. For that, this mental feat is not necessary. So, even if I answer your questions all right, there’s no guarantee that your Kundalini will rise. So, forget about all these questions and answers and everything – even My lecture you can forget, if you want to, and just now we will have our session of Realization. So before we start, as I told yesterday, again I have to tell you because some people are absolutely new today that there are three conditions which you have to fulfill. The first condition is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself that you will get your Realization – absolutely confident. You shouldn’t doubt yourself at all, whatever you might have done. That’s for sure. Be confident all of you that you will get your Realization. The second condition is that, please do not feel guilty at all at this point for anything – please don’t feel guilty. Meaning, forget your past, you are here in the present and in My eyes and in the eyes of the Divine, you are not guilty. See, after all, as I said yesterday, we are all human beings and if we have done any mistakes, it’s alright – we are not Gods. So please don’t feel guilty for anything, whatsoever. When you feel guilty you catch on the center, on the left side, here, which is a very risky thing. You don’t know with that catching you get, what you call, a disease called angina, you get also spondylitis, also your organs might become lethargic. So please don’t feel guilty; It’s a dangerous thing physically also. We’ll explain to you, later on, how it happens but just now please listen to Me. Don’t feel guilty. And thirdly, which is also a very simple condition, is that you have to forgive everyone in general. Some people say, it’s very difficult but logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. Do you do anything? Nothing. But when you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself while the person who has troubled you is very very happy and you are torturing on his behalf. But the worst thing is that this center Agnya – this one is like this – crossed; It won’t open like this – it has to open otherwise the Kundalini won’t pass through unless and until you forgive. And you don’t even have to think about them because it’s sometimes very painful to even think about them. Just have to say in your heart, “I forgive all of them.” You’ll feel much lighter. Immediately you’ll feel lighter. You just say, “I forgive all of them.” Forget it, forget the past. In short, you should be very pleasantly placed to yourself that you’re human beings, that you are seekers of Truth and that you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself; In Sanskrit they say, “Prasannachitt.” that is going to help us very much. Now this Kundalini is the power of pure desire so you must have pure desire within yourself that you want to have Self-realization – that’s all. If that desire is there, it will all work out. But in any case, even if you get Realization, you must remember this is the beginning and you have to develop this sprouting into a tree. For that, you don’t have to pay anything. It can work out very easily but you have to come to the collective. This is the only thing you have to do for your cleansing for anything, you have to be just in the collective – it’s so simple. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to stand on your feet, one foot or on your head – nothing of the kind – you don’t have to starve, sacrifice, suffer, nothing. Only thing you have to take some time out to be in the collective and they will tell you what sort of meditation you require as your problem may be – please do that. Next year I want, at least, all of you to be grown up like very matured, beautiful, personalities of sahaja yoga – absolutely knowledgeable. So, these are very simple, three conditions I have told you. Now, you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Both the feet have to be apart from each other because I told you left and right are two different powers. One thing I must confess, that I cannot force Self-realization on you. You have to ask for it; I respect your freedom. If you do not want to have it then you should leave the hall but should not sit down here and watch other people – it’s not civil. So those who want to have their Self-realization, should be here, those who do not want to have, should leave the hall; It will be very kind of them to do that but those who want to have it, are very welcome So now, please put your left hand towards Me, like this, which means that you are desirous of having Self-realization. Now, you have to put your right hand on your heart because right hand is the power of action and in the heart resides the Spirit. So, first we put our right hand on our heart. With this hand we are going to enrich our centers with our full Self-confidence If you are the Spirit, you are the guide, you become in that light the guide of your life so you become the master. So now, take your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side – you’re only working on the left hand side. Now, this center is for your mastery, is created by the great prophets and great real masters in the ancient times, which is to be enlightened. Then you take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side is the center of pure knowledge. Pure knowledge, is the knowledge of the Divine laws and how to work them out. Now, you move your right hand, in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, again and again you have to move your right hand on your heart. Now in the corner of your left shoulder and neck and turn your head to your right, as far as possible. I’ve already told you about this center that if you feel guilty, this goes out of order and it’s, I think, today again, I feel, there is a lot of it here, so please, forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty. Now, you have to take your right hand on top of your forehead in such a manner, that your fingers on one side and thumb on the other side of the temple and put down your head slowly, as far as possible. Here, you have to ask or you have to say that you are forgiving everyone, in general. Now, take back your right hand on the backside of your head – just now you don’t have to say anything – later on Now here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. We’ll do that later on, I’m just showing you now. Now, stretch your hand fully – right hand – left hand on your lap comfortably. Now here, is the seventh center, which you have to open out with your self-confidence Stretch your palm fully, put it on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, put down your head. This is the actualisation of your baptism – is actualisation. Put down your head and now move your scalp. With the fingers stretched out, you can have a good pressure. Please stretch out your fingers – this is very important – put down your head and now you have to move your scalp, very slowly, seven times clockwise, seven times clockwise. That’s all we’ll have to do, that’s all. Now you have to sit, not very uncomfortably but very comfortably, little straight not bending too much and not bending forward to begin with. You can take out your spectacles, if you want because in any case you have to close your eyes so, better take out your spectacles and don’t open your eyes till I tell you. I hope you have put your both feet apart from each other. Now, please put your right hand on your heart and now please close your eyes, not very tightly just in a simple way as we sleep. Here now, you can call Me “Mother “or you can call Me “Shri Mataji”, whatever you feel like. You have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself; three times, please ask, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” If you are the Spirit, you are your master. So now, please take down your right hand, in the upper portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side and here you ask another question “Mother, am I my own master,” ask three times please, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, so you have to say six times, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge.” Six times you have to ask. When you asked for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward so we have to nourish our upper centers with our full confidence. So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, press it and please here you say twelve times with full confidence in yourself, “Mother, I am my own master.” Please say it with full confidence, “Mother, I am my own master.” So now, one has to understand that the fundamental truth about you is, that you are not this body, not this mind, not this ego, not this conditionings nor this intelligence and not these emotions but you are the Pure Spirit. So now, raise your right hand on to your heart and here again with full confidence please say twelve times, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.” Please say it with full confidence, twelve times, “Mother, I am the Pure Spirit.” Now, raise your right hand on – to say it, first, twelve times – you haven’t said it on to the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all. Mother, I am not guilty at all.” You have to know that this All-pervading Power of God’s love is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion is the ocean of bliss but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please, forgive yourself and say with full confidence, sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” If you do not say it from your heart, this center won’t open to allow the Kundalini to rise. So have faith in Me and faith in yourself. Now, take your right hand on top of your forehead across with the fingers on one side and thumb on the other side and now try to put your head down, as far as possible. Here again, with full confidence, you have to say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart – this is very important – “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” I’ve already told you, that if you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive now, the Kundalini won’t rise so please, forgive all of them without even thinking about them. Now, take back your right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head, as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes – just for your satisfaction, please say, “Oh, Divine power, if I’ve done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Say it again from your heart, not how many times, “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Now, now the last chakra is very important. Please stretch your hand and stretch your palm fully. Please stretch your palm fully and put it on top of your fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, please stretch your fingers backwards. Please stretch your fingers backwards, as much as you can – this is important – and now put down your head as far as possible. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom because I respect it, so you have to ask for your Self-realization – I cannot force on you. So now, you move your scalp seven times, slowly, clockwise, saying seven times, “Mother, please give me my Self-realization.” [Shri Mataji blows into the mike.] Now, please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put your hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Watch Me without thinking. Now, please, put the right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool or a warm or hot air like waves, breeze is coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now, don’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself, if there is a cool breeze coming or a warm breeze or some sort of a hot breeze is coming out of your own head. Some people get it little far away. Now, with the left hand, now you put it towards Me, like this. Now put down your head again, please and see for yourself, if there is, if there is, a cool or a warm or a hot breeze coming like waves out of your own fontanel bone area. Now again once with your right hand. Please put down your head and see for yourself, if there is cool, warm or hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. If it is hot, means you have not forgiven Please forgive, now please forgive everyone – you are not going to miss your Self-realization. Alright. Keep away from the head. If you keep on top, you won’t feel. Now, please put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head and here you ask a question three times. One question you ask three times; Anyone of these three questions which I tell you. “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of God’s love?” or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” Ask anyone of these questions three times. Now, please put down your heads, put down your hands. Now, put both the hands towards Me like this. Those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze out of their fontanel bone area or on their finger-tips or on their hands, please raise both your hands. Ahhh, you got it all of you! May God bless you! May God… This is what you are feeling for the first time this All-pervading Power – first time. First time you are feeling. You have never felt it before. I bow to you, to all of you now, your saintly life has started but I again and again request you that whenever I’m there, there are crowds and many people come in but there are very few who really try to become what they have to become. Sahaja yoga cannot be a certificate – it’s a becoming. It’s very important at this time of evolutionary phase that we are in, is a great responsibility upon all of us, to become the Spirit and transform the whole world. and help the whole world to solve it’s problems. May God bless you all! [Applause] Like yesterday, all those who have not felt, can come on this side but I’ll take your leave, if you don’t mind. I’ve to do some cooking for sahaja yogis today. When you leave the hall, there is a pamphlet here which tells you about the follow-up program here in the Town Hall on Friday, the 6th of March 7:30pm, in the lower Town Hall – the Peace Hall. It also has information on various centers around Sydney so if you want more information or you want to proceed with what you received tonight, there are many people, in many districts, who can give you a hand to do so. So this you find at the entrance you came in.
The whole ocean of knowledge is within yourself
Public Program
Public Program. University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia), 4 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. The absolute truth cannot be changed, cannot be conceptualized. Above all, unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot feel it and we cannot understand it. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about yourself you have to take a scientific attitude and keep a open mind. If it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people because this is for your benevolence, your emancipation, for the emancipation of the whole world. We have science, all faculties of sciences, but all these human endeavors have boomeranged on us in the way we have produced hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb,atomic bomb on one side and on the other side a lot of artificial things which are dangerous for us. So where did we go wrong? Why should it happen to us, because the mental process is linear? It moves in one line and after some time it gives way and turns down. So, it has to be something beyond that mental process that should give us the wisdom and the balance, and that's how we have today so many people who are seeking the truth honestly. Of course, some are identified with some dogmas or something and want to carry on like that. That's a different point. But there are some people who are intelligent enough to see that there is something wrong. We have to find out what's wrong. And if you see all our problems, like ecological problem, political problems, economic problems, family problems and all types of problems which can be very secret also. Physical in the sense, sickness. Why these problems are there when human beings are at the epitome of evolution. Is it that our evolution is finished? Or still we have to go one step forward, if somehow we can transform human beings into higher state of spirit, as all scriptures have said. All the scriptures have said, "You have to be the spirit." Then maybe some solution could be found out, and it has worked out in many countries now that there is a power within you which passes through six centers and gives you what we call as Self-realization. Can't hear Me, can you? All of you can hear Me? All right. Now the truth is that you are not this body, mind, your ego, your conditionings, intelligence, emotions, but you are the spirit. That's the truth and that's what we are seeking, knowingly or unknowingly. Another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power around us which does all the living work. I call it the All-pervading Power of God's love. This living work is done. You see it every day. You see these beautiful flowers here, but we accept them, take it for granted. We never even think how these beautiful flowers are grown; how the trees are grown up to a certain height and no more; how they are kept in control completely. Look at our eye also. Look at our brain, which is such a great computer. The eye is such a great camera. We take it, everything, for granted. But is it that there is some power which is working it out our evolution from amoeba to this state? By law of chance you could not have achieved even a state of a reptile. So how is it in such a short time you have been able to achieve the state of human beings? If you start introspecting it then you will understand that something we have not yet known which we have to know. And that knowledge is possible because the whole ocean of knowledge is within yourself. Only thing a very part of your brain is exposed which has no connection with your heart, and has no connection with your attention. Now so we turn to religion. Many people are becoming now fundamentalists. It can be Islam fundamentalism; it can be Christian fundamentalism, or Hindu fundamentalism. All these -isms are coming up, because they are mentally trying to sort out the problem. But you take any Muslim, take any Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, anyone; they are capable of committing any sin. See Azerbaijan people are killed, one thousand, by Christians. Can you imagine? Christians following Christ. Not only have they done lots of things much more, much worse. Then there are Islam. They have killed so many people. There are Hindus who believe that everybody has the Spirit within themselves but they have caste system. They can commit any sin whatever brand they may carry. So there is no truthful [unclear] about it. They are just adhering to something because perhaps they are born in it or perhaps they have taken to it mentally. It's all mental and all these mental ideas can drop out in no time. We have not been able to absorb these beautiful religions which were created. here's nothing wrong with the prophets, nothing wrong with the incarnations and nothing wrong with religions which were primordially created. Of course, some people have meddled with that also, with the books also, but nobody has absorbed it. It has not become in innate part of your being. So what has gone wrong with us is simple, that we haven't got that power to absorb it. We are still human beings and still our spiritual power has not grown which has to grow. Now this is a mechanism within you which works out the last connection. Like this instrument is here. It's all built in, but it has to be connected. Unless and until you are connected to the mains you have no meaning. Young people especially find it very difficult to find their identity; so, they stick on to this or to that, sometimes fundamentalist, sometimes to some sort of a group or something. But it is only because they want to belong to something. That's human nature. But to belong to reality and to truth is the best way to be a universal personality because spiritual is the universal being within us. Now Sahaja Yoga has been working in about sixty-two countries - I must say I am surprised at it - and there are fifty countries at least, or fifty one countries, who have lots of centers working it out. I was surprised at Russia. I never expected that they would be so sensitive to reality. Russians, whatever their governments were, whatever they did to them. One thing for definite, they are extremely sensitive to spirituality, extremely. Of course, I knew one thing. If you read Tolstoy or if you have read "Crime and Punishment" or any of these books written by the Russians you will find they are very introspective. Even the hero, if he falls in love with somebody, he introspects, "Why? Why am I doing this?" That quality of introspection is so great that even the scientists. Two hundred scientists were in the conference with me, and when I started talking about science they said, "Mother, no more science. We want to know about spirituality." I was amazed. In one place called Togliatti you will be amazed to know, there are twenty-one thousand Sahaj Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga seriously - in one place. It's an industrial town started by one gentleman called Togliatti who revolted against Italy and went down and settled there and started a company for motor cars. They are not bothered as to what they are happening, their country or what is it. They said, "We have sufficient food to eat. It's just a, people are talking so much." They are very, very deep people. They are - somehow or other I think one day they will be one of the most powerful people in the whole world, and extremely humble, extremely humble. It is surprising how they have developed this humility in that country because even the media there, they came and saw Me. If you read what they have written it is very surprising the way they have discovered things about Sahaja Yoga. Apart from that they said, "Mother, we are so poor in spirituality. How can we come up to that?" Imagine. Also they now ..... I must say this embassy in India, Russian Embassy, wants to honor me for what work I have done there. Many people were cured by, just by Sahaja Yoga. I didn't do anything by this Kundalini awakening. In a big crowd of sixteen to eighteen thousand, people got cured just like that. And they came and said, "Mother, our sins are forgiven." I said, "Why do you say like that?" "Because we are cured." Now there are three doctors in Delhi who have got their MD; they did their MBBs, MD in Sahaja Yoga. Three doctors. I mean, it's authentic. One of them is gone now in America. It's not some hocus pocus or fraud. After all, why should I do fraud? I don't take any money from you. I don't need any. Why should people do fraud in Sahaja Yoga? What is the need to do it? So the attention of young people should be at this evolution. When we were ruled by British it was the young people who fought it and got back their independence, and if you really want to be really free in the real sense of the word, where you can rule yourself nicely also, you are in charge of yourself, then the best thing is to join the revolution which is silent, which is inner revolution, which is now the last step, I would say, in the evolutionary process. It works. I has worked with so many here. We have here some doctors. Some very, very well-educated. A professor was a Sahaja Yogi. There are so many people who are Sahaj Yogis. They are all sensible people and they have achieved it. They have achieved their Divinity. That is, you are the Spirit. You have Divinity. You are glorious. You have to see your beauty. You have never felt it which you have to feel and understand. Just by reading some books or doing something here and there, it's not going to work out. It's a happening. It's a becoming that's important because it is a living process. Like this Mother Earth, you have to sow a seed and it spontaneously grows. In the same way it's a living process for which you cannot pay. Mother Earth doesn't understand. It just grows spontaneously within you and gives you your Self-realization. It works marvelously and miraculously but it's important for you to have an open mind. Don't adhere to any fundamentalism and try tricks with yourself and play games. Try to open up; after all, it is for your good. I have nothing to take from you, nor nothing to give you either. It's your own power which is going to work it out. When it is your own power, then why not do it? Now there are people, say, who are following Christianity, Buddhism, this, that, all kinds of things, and they are worried that some people might shift from Buddhism to Christianity, Christianity to Buddhism, or to Islam to Hinduism. This is just the same. There is no difference between any one of them. Now what Buddha has said that there will be Bodhisattva. That's it. Missed the point. What is Bodhisattva? Very clearly is there, people will be enlightened and that they will contribute their enlightment to the whole society, to the whole world. That is Bodhisattva. All the sufferings you have done is finished. Whatever you have tried is finished. Now step up. That was on the ladder you were crossing. Now you have to step up and come up to the stage where you are a Bodhisattva now, means the one who contributes to the society, to your country, to the whole world. We missed the points like this. Every time if it is missed, that's how we find that people go astray. Either they become power-oriented or they become money-oriented. That's why religions have failed. They are not Spirit-oriented. One has to be Spirit-oriented. That's very important and all the religions have said the same thing, but sometimes when you look at the people who follow the religions they are poles apart. So it is this All-pervading Power of God's Love that brings the truth to us, and you really become a very powerful person. I can't think of any Sahaja Yogi killing any other by [unclear] - impossible. They are such beautiful angelic people now. They are really just like you all. So beautiful you won't believe. We have seminars in India - when people come from all over the country and such love, such brotherhood, such sisterlyhood. There's no lust and greed which spoils the society. They're so very beautiful, and they do all this work for free. If I do it it's all right but they also do all this work free. Everybody wants that all the people should get realization. That all. That's their desire, is because they are enjoying their Spirit they want them also to jump into the ocean of joy. It is important that Sahaja Yoga has to be taken in a very serious manner, but actually it is working when you are pleasantly placed towards yourself. When I say, "You are the Spirit," then I also say that you are the Master. If your Spirit is the guiding line then you become your own master, because in the light you can see everything. Supposing there's complete darkness and people are pushed together, there would be be stampede. All this happens because of ignorance. This ignorance has to go, and how will it go unless and until there is the light of the Spirit. It is a very simple thing to understand, and these are the fundamentals of our being. These are the ones, these centers are the ones, are the energy centers which look after our emotional, physical, mental, spiritual being. If they are nourished by this Kundalini they will be all right. Now, as you are students I will be able to tell you something about what problems you might feel. It is very important that if you understand it, what problems a student can face when he is studying very hard, and it is very important that he should study, but with Sahaja Yoga these problems won't arise. Now there's a centre here, the second centre as you see, the yellow one is the centre which has many functions to do. It has to look after your liver. It has to look after your pancreas. It has to look after your spleen. It has to look after your kidneys and it has to look after your bowels. All this has to be done by this one centre. But the most important thing for it is to supply energy for the use of brain, because when you are using gray cells, these gray cells get worn out and to replace them with the energy you have to have some mechanism in your body and this is the centre that converts the fat cells from the body and gives it to the brain. So you must know that the brain is made of fat. That of course you must be knowing. So this conversion takes place and when this conversion takes place you will be amazed that how much energy you are spending in reading, studying and working. With this thing only we have been able, with this principle only, we have been able to cure so many diseases. If you apply this disease you can find out. One of the persons who did work on asthma, one of the doctors, has used the same theory, and it has worked wonders. So many people are cured of asthma. Now, so what is the principle? We must keep an open mind as students. When you come in the university you have to keep an open mind but if you are already worked up it won't go into your head. So please listen to Me. This center - of course these doctors do not know of course. I have done medicine Myself. They don't know this, but in a subtler way you can know many things. Now this center you use too much, all the time. After all, you are studying, working very hard, thinking too much. As a result you might develop a bad liver, a heated liver. The liver, you see, is the worst enemy of human beings because it absorbs, the liver absorbs all the heat of the body and releases it. That heat comes as poison into the blood stream. But supposing this liver is neglected because of the over activity of this center. For thinking people, for futuristic people, studying people also, this heat can start rising higher. As a result of that, this centre that you see on the left side of the heart gets heated up, and that is the center which looks after your breathing, and that's how one can develop asthma. This heat can even reach your heart and can really engulf the heart so badly that if there is a heart attack in young age it's always fatal, even the first one. Supposing some people are working very hard as students, also playing very hard, because the right side is affected by too much physical and also by too much mental activity and drinks, plays tennis or some sort of a very fast games, plus studies, is very hard and puts too much pressure on his right side. Then what happens? Then this heat starts traveling to the heart also on the left side and completely gives you a massive heart attack, and at young age these heart attacks are always fatal. You cannot save people from this. Very seldom it does happen. Another thing is this heat now travels to your pancreas. As a result the pancreas goes out of order and people get diabetes. In India, in villages, unless and until you put so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at a perpendicular angle, they don't think it is tea. They drink so much of sugar in the villages but nobody gets diabetes. Only the bureaucrats and sedentary people who sit and write and think too much and plan, plans which never come through and work out lots of this thinking and rigmaroles, they are the ones who get diabetes. Or the ones who plan too much. Even the housewife. She is a big planner; she might get diabetes. Then the third disease is even worse because of the spleen. Now spleen is a speedometer in our lives and it has a certain rhythm. Whenever we are in emergency the spleen liberates or creates lot of RBCs, means red blood corpuscles, for the use of emergency. But if a person is a hectic type, as our life is very hectic. Say, early in the morning you get up after a hang-over maybe, I don't know how, and then you start just somehow or other dressing up, getting into the car, you have not taken your breakfast or you are carrying breakfast, eating it at the same time. Then you see a jam. Then you get again upset. But if you read newspaper it is even worse. So the whole system is in a jeopardy. Not only that, it's so hectic, the life is so hectic that this poor spleen doesn't know how to carry on with this crazy personality which suddenly starts becoming very emergent. Suddenly it demands more RBCs; so, it becomes vulnerable and any attack from the left side you can get blood cancer. You will be happy to know Sahaja Yoga has cured many blood cancer patients. Has cured. I'm not saying I have cured. It's your own Kundalini, and one of the boys has got MD in that subject. So it is already recognized in India because this is an ancient science from India. This is the science of the roots while you have the science of the whole civilization. But you don't know the roots. We have to know the roots and if it is coming from India it doesn't matter. Not only in India it has been said, even in the Bible. Tree of life is mentioned and appear before you like tongues of flames. These centers look like really beautiful, very soothing tongues of flames. We call them as petals in India. So then this heat can travel up to your kidneys and the coagulation of the kidney takes place. When the coagulation takes place they put you on the dialysis but I assure you nobody can be saved out of it. All your life you go on spending money on this dialysis. It's a horrible thing, and after some time they have to die. It has to be accepted. Then the worst is the bowels. You get into a funny situation where you might get a bilious temperament where all the time you feel nauseating, you can't eat food and you vomit out some bile all the time. Your attention is never happy. Then the last one is this constipation because of the heat. All these things are because of one center. So it is very important that we should understand about our being inside and get into balance, and must know how to get it cured and how to work it out. It's all our knowledge and is our body and we can do it without going through that MBBS course which takes you out like [unclear]. It's very simple to keep yourself all right. But with this you develop a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, and this collective consciousness gives you the complete indication of pure centers because of selfhood and self-knowledge on your fingertips. So these are five, six and seven on the left side, five six and seven on the right side. This is one, five and seven and you can feel it. Of course, in the medical science they do say that the sympathetic nervous endings are at the end of the fingers; that they say. But you can feel it. Even children. You tie their eyes with some sort of a handkerchief or something and you ask them, "What's wrong with this center?" They will raise the same finger, or maybe two fingers. You ask this gentleman because it is decoded, "Are you suffering from this disease?" and he will say, "Yes, but how do you know?" "The children have told us." So you can diagnose yourself. People can become mad without knowing they are becoming mad. People develop cancer without knowing they are developing cancer. All kinds of things happen to you without knowing what is wrong with you, but with this you will immediately know what is wrong with you and you can correct yourself. You can correct yourself and with this collective consciousness you can feel the centers of others also. But you have to reach a certain state which we call as Doubtless Awareness. Is Nirvikalpa Samadhi as said in Sanskrit language. Once we have reached that state, in that state you can feel anybody's centers and most of the Sahaja Yogis here are quite capable. The other day we had one gentleman who came from some newspaper. He was so hot they were just burning their hands and were very frantic about him. I was also feeling the heat, but what to do with this gentleman, how to tell him frankly, "You are so hot." He was like a cancer patient, hot. I tell you, he was a terribly hot fellow. Must be very hot-tempered also. But we didn't know how to tell him, that he is, after all, a newspaper man and this media, you know how powerful they are. They can tell anything. They can lie anything. They have no fear. So we were trying to work it out but all our hands were burning, especially of the boys were working on them. Their hands were burning. They were giving me signals, "Mother, it's too much, too much." I said, "All right, all right. I just try to pacify him." So you can know about the other person, his centers, and you can work it out. Sitting down, your attention is so enlightened that you can know about anyone, what are the centers that he is catching. Even if somebody is dead, you can find out. You can find out if somebody was a realized soul or not. You can find out if this person was a man who came to preach the falsehood or reality, whether he is a devil or a Satan. It is very easy to make it out. You don't have to find out from his bio data. You just get it on your hands and you will know the person. And that's how you can really help the whole world. So, in Sahaja Yoga, because we believe in all the religions on the principles, every fundamentalist has to be against us because they are sticking on to one thing. Is natural and we accept it. Because of ignorance, they don't know that all these things the prophets came on the Tree of Life at different times and according to the time, is called the "samayachara". They solved the problems, and did whatever was necessary, and gave their wisdom to the whole world. They are like the flowers on the same Tree of Life and everybody plucked them. "This is my flower. This is my flower and fight." But in essence, they are all expressing the same Divine Love, but when we have these ideas we think we are the chosen ones. This is all a misunderstanding. First, you must get your Realization and work it out and I am sure you will know what lies within yourself is beauty, is glory. So I will say, may God bless you and you have wisdom and I hope you will come to our programs. They have very nice program now and they will tell you all about it. Everything is real. It's not like this TM business that one introduction is free and the rest is all [sounds like :lynch.] All horrible people and they are giving horrible mantras which have no meaning at all and taking three hundred pounds and then six thousand pounds for flying. What is the need to fly in the air? I don't understand. Half way above three feet you want to fly and they are taking six thousand and nobody has flown except for breaking their bottoms. All these kinds of stupid things are going on and people are taking to it. Surprising because they know how to advertise in a big way, have a band show or something like that. But reality doesn't trick [unclear] but you have to be worthy of reality. You have to be worthy and honest about it. If you are not honest we cannot help you. Nobody can help you. If you want to cheat yourself how can anybody help you? So may God bless you. I am very happy to see you all here so many young people and many of your problems you can discuss with Sahaja Yogis here and you can always write to Me. I am always traveling and if you write to Me I will be very happy to answer those.Thank you very much
Public Program. University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia), 4 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. The absolute truth cannot be changed, cannot be conceptualized. Above all, unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot feel it and we cannot understand it. Now, whatever I am going to tell you about yourself you have to take a scientific attitude and keep a open mind. If it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people because this is for your benevolence, your emancipation, for the emancipation of the whole world. We have science, all faculties of sciences, but all these human endeavors have boomeranged on us in the way we have produced hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb,atomic bomb on one side and on the other side a lot of artificial things which are dangerous for us. So where did we go wrong? Why should it happen to us, because the mental process is linear? It moves in one line and after some time it gives way and turns down. So, it has to be something beyond that mental process that should give us the wisdom and the balance, and that's how we have today so many people who are seeking the truth honestly. Of course, some are identified with some dogmas or something and want to carry on like that. That's a different point. But there are some people who are intelligent enough to see that there is something wrong. We have to find out what's wrong. And if you see all our problems, like ecological problem, political problems, economic problems, family problems and all types of problems which can be very secret also. Physical in the sense, sickness. Why these problems are there when human beings are at the epitome of evolution. Is it that our evolution is finished? Or still we have to go one step forward, if somehow we can transform human beings into higher state of spirit, as all scriptures have said. All the scriptures have said, "You have to be the spirit." Then maybe some solution could be found out, and it has worked out in many countries now that there is a power within you which passes through six centers and gives you what we call as Self-realization. Can't hear Me, can you? All of you can hear Me? All right. Now the truth is that you are not this body, mind, your ego, your conditionings, intelligence, emotions, but you are the spirit. That's the truth and that's what we are seeking, knowingly or unknowingly. Another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power around us which does all the living work. I call it the All-pervading Power of God's love. This living work is done. You see it every day. You see these beautiful flowers here, but we accept them, take it for granted. We never even think how these beautiful flowers are grown; how the trees are grown up to a certain height and no more; how they are kept in control completely. Look at our eye also. Look at our brain, which is such a great computer. The eye is such a great camera. We take it, everything, for granted. But is it that there is some power which is working it out our evolution from amoeba to this state? By law of chance you could not have achieved even a state of a reptile. So how is it in such a short time you have been able to achieve the state of human beings? If you start introspecting it then you will understand that something we have not yet known which we have to know. And that knowledge is possible because the whole ocean of knowledge is within yourself. Only thing a very part of your brain is exposed which has no connection with your heart, and has no connection with your attention. Now so we turn to religion. Many people are becoming now fundamentalists. It can be Islam fundamentalism; it can be Christian fundamentalism, or Hindu fundamentalism. All these -isms are coming up, because they are mentally trying to sort out the problem. But you take any Muslim, take any Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, anyone; they are capable of committing any sin. See Azerbaijan people are killed, one thousand, by Christians. Can you imagine? Christians following Christ. Not only have they done lots of things much more, much worse. Then there are Islam. They have killed so many people. There are Hindus who believe that everybody has the Spirit within themselves but they have caste system. They can commit any sin whatever brand they may carry. So there is no truthful [unclear] about it. They are just adhering to something because perhaps they are born in it or perhaps they have taken to it mentally. It's all mental and all these mental ideas can drop out in no time. We have not been able to absorb these beautiful religions which were created. here's nothing wrong with the prophets, nothing wrong with the incarnations and nothing wrong with religions which were primordially created. Of course, some people have meddled with that also, with the books also, but nobody has absorbed it. It has not become in innate part of your being. So what has gone wrong with us is simple, that we haven't got that power to absorb it. We are still human beings and still our spiritual power has not grown which has to grow. Now this is a mechanism within you which works out the last connection. Like this instrument is here. It's all built in, but it has to be connected. Unless and until you are connected to the mains you have no meaning. Young people especially find it very difficult to find their identity; so, they stick on to this or to that, sometimes fundamentalist, sometimes to some sort of a group or something. But it is only because they want to belong to something. That's human nature. But to belong to reality and to truth is the best way to be a universal personality because spiritual is the universal being within us. Now Sahaja Yoga has been working in about sixty-two countries - I must say I am surprised at it - and there are fifty countries at least, or fifty one countries, who have lots of centers working it out. I was surprised at Russia. I never expected that they would be so sensitive to reality. Russians, whatever their governments were, whatever they did to them. One thing for definite, they are extremely sensitive to spirituality, extremely. Of course, I knew one thing. If you read Tolstoy or if you have read "Crime and Punishment" or any of these books written by the Russians you will find they are very introspective. Even the hero, if he falls in love with somebody, he introspects, "Why? Why am I doing this?" That quality of introspection is so great that even the scientists. Two hundred scientists were in the conference with me, and when I started talking about science they said, "Mother, no more science. We want to know about spirituality." I was amazed. In one place called Togliatti you will be amazed to know, there are twenty-one thousand Sahaj Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga seriously - in one place. It's an industrial town started by one gentleman called Togliatti who revolted against Italy and went down and settled there and started a company for motor cars. They are not bothered as to what they are happening, their country or what is it. They said, "We have sufficient food to eat. It's just a, people are talking so much." They are very, very deep people. They are - somehow or other I think one day they will be one of the most powerful people in the whole world, and extremely humble, extremely humble. It is surprising how they have developed this humility in that country because even the media there, they came and saw Me. If you read what they have written it is very surprising the way they have discovered things about Sahaja Yoga. Apart from that they said, "Mother, we are so poor in spirituality. How can we come up to that?" Imagine. Also they now ..... I must say this embassy in India, Russian Embassy, wants to honor me for what work I have done there. Many people were cured by, just by Sahaja Yoga. I didn't do anything by this Kundalini awakening. In a big crowd of sixteen to eighteen thousand, people got cured just like that. And they came and said, "Mother, our sins are forgiven." I said, "Why do you say like that?" "Because we are cured." Now there are three doctors in Delhi who have got their MD; they did their MBBs, MD in Sahaja Yoga. Three doctors. I mean, it's authentic. One of them is gone now in America. It's not some hocus pocus or fraud. After all, why should I do fraud? I don't take any money from you. I don't need any. Why should people do fraud in Sahaja Yoga? What is the need to do it? So the attention of young people should be at this evolution. When we were ruled by British it was the young people who fought it and got back their independence, and if you really want to be really free in the real sense of the word, where you can rule yourself nicely also, you are in charge of yourself, then the best thing is to join the revolution which is silent, which is inner revolution, which is now the last step, I would say, in the evolutionary process. It works. I has worked with so many here. We have here some doctors. Some very, very well-educated. A professor was a Sahaja Yogi. There are so many people who are Sahaj Yogis. They are all sensible people and they have achieved it. They have achieved their Divinity. That is, you are the Spirit. You have Divinity. You are glorious. You have to see your beauty. You have never felt it which you have to feel and understand. Just by reading some books or doing something here and there, it's not going to work out. It's a happening. It's a becoming that's important because it is a living process. Like this Mother Earth, you have to sow a seed and it spontaneously grows. In the same way it's a living process for which you cannot pay. Mother Earth doesn't understand. It just grows spontaneously within you and gives you your Self-realization. It works marvelously and miraculously but it's important for you to have an open mind. Don't adhere to any fundamentalism and try tricks with yourself and play games. Try to open up; after all, it is for your good. I have nothing to take from you, nor nothing to give you either. It's your own power which is going to work it out. When it is your own power, then why not do it? Now there are people, say, who are following Christianity, Buddhism, this, that, all kinds of things, and they are worried that some people might shift from Buddhism to Christianity, Christianity to Buddhism, or to Islam to Hinduism. This is just the same. There is no difference between any one of them. Now what Buddha has said that there will be Bodhisattva. That's it. Missed the point. What is Bodhisattva? Very clearly is there, people will be enlightened and that they will contribute their enlightment to the whole society, to the whole world. That is Bodhisattva. All the sufferings you have done is finished. Whatever you have tried is finished. Now step up. That was on the ladder you were crossing. Now you have to step up and come up to the stage where you are a Bodhisattva now, means the one who contributes to the society, to your country, to the whole world. We missed the points like this. Every time if it is missed, that's how we find that people go astray. Either they become power-oriented or they become money-oriented. That's why religions have failed. They are not Spirit-oriented. One has to be Spirit-oriented. That's very important and all the religions have said the same thing, but sometimes when you look at the people who follow the religions they are poles apart. So it is this All-pervading Power of God's Love that brings the truth to us, and you really become a very powerful person. I can't think of any Sahaja Yogi killing any other by [unclear] - impossible. They are such beautiful angelic people now. They are really just like you all. So beautiful you won't believe. We have seminars in India - when people come from all over the country and such love, such brotherhood, such sisterlyhood. There's no lust and greed which spoils the society. They're so very beautiful, and they do all this work for free. If I do it it's all right but they also do all this work free. Everybody wants that all the people should get realization. That all. That's their desire, is because they are enjoying their Spirit they want them also to jump into the ocean of joy. It is important that Sahaja Yoga has to be taken in a very serious manner, but actually it is working when you are pleasantly placed towards yourself. When I say, "You are the Spirit," then I also say that you are the Master. If your Spirit is the guiding line then you become your own master, because in the light you can see everything. Supposing there's complete darkness and people are pushed together, there would be be stampede. All this happens because of ignorance. This ignorance has to go, and how will it go unless and until there is the light of the Spirit. It is a very simple thing to understand, and these are the fundamentals of our being. These are the ones, these centers are the ones, are the energy centers which look after our emotional, physical, mental, spiritual being. If they are nourished by this Kundalini they will be all right. Now, as you are students I will be able to tell you something about what problems you might feel. It is very important that if you understand it, what problems a student can face when he is studying very hard, and it is very important that he should study, but with Sahaja Yoga these problems won't arise. Now there's a centre here, the second centre as you see, the yellow one is the centre which has many functions to do. It has to look after your liver. It has to look after your pancreas. It has to look after your spleen. It has to look after your kidneys and it has to look after your bowels. All this has to be done by this one centre. But the most important thing for it is to supply energy for the use of brain, because when you are using gray cells, these gray cells get worn out and to replace them with the energy you have to have some mechanism in your body and this is the centre that converts the fat cells from the body and gives it to the brain. So you must know that the brain is made of fat. That of course you must be knowing. So this conversion takes place and when this conversion takes place you will be amazed that how much energy you are spending in reading, studying and working. With this thing only we have been able, with this principle only, we have been able to cure so many diseases. If you apply this disease you can find out. One of the persons who did work on asthma, one of the doctors, has used the same theory, and it has worked wonders. So many people are cured of asthma. Now, so what is the principle? We must keep an open mind as students. When you come in the university you have to keep an open mind but if you are already worked up it won't go into your head. So please listen to Me. This center - of course these doctors do not know of course. I have done medicine Myself. They don't know this, but in a subtler way you can know many things. Now this center you use too much, all the time. After all, you are studying, working very hard, thinking too much. As a result you might develop a bad liver, a heated liver. The liver, you see, is the worst enemy of human beings because it absorbs, the liver absorbs all the heat of the body and releases it. That heat comes as poison into the blood stream. But supposing this liver is neglected because of the over activity of this center. For thinking people, for futuristic people, studying people also, this heat can start rising higher. As a result of that, this centre that you see on the left side of the heart gets heated up, and that is the center which looks after your breathing, and that's how one can develop asthma. This heat can even reach your heart and can really engulf the heart so badly that if there is a heart attack in young age it's always fatal, even the first one. Supposing some people are working very hard as students, also playing very hard, because the right side is affected by too much physical and also by too much mental activity and drinks, plays tennis or some sort of a very fast games, plus studies, is very hard and puts too much pressure on his right side. Then what happens? Then this heat starts traveling to the heart also on the left side and completely gives you a massive heart attack, and at young age these heart attacks are always fatal. You cannot save people from this. Very seldom it does happen. Another thing is this heat now travels to your pancreas. As a result the pancreas goes out of order and people get diabetes. In India, in villages, unless and until you put so much sugar that the spoon has to stand at a perpendicular angle, they don't think it is tea. They drink so much of sugar in the villages but nobody gets diabetes. Only the bureaucrats and sedentary people who sit and write and think too much and plan, plans which never come through and work out lots of this thinking and rigmaroles, they are the ones who get diabetes. Or the ones who plan too much. Even the housewife. She is a big planner; she might get diabetes. Then the third disease is even worse because of the spleen. Now spleen is a speedometer in our lives and it has a certain rhythm. Whenever we are in emergency the spleen liberates or creates lot of RBCs, means red blood corpuscles, for the use of emergency. But if a person is a hectic type, as our life is very hectic. Say, early in the morning you get up after a hang-over maybe, I don't know how, and then you start just somehow or other dressing up, getting into the car, you have not taken your breakfast or you are carrying breakfast, eating it at the same time. Then you see a jam. Then you get again upset. But if you read newspaper it is even worse. So the whole system is in a jeopardy. Not only that, it's so hectic, the life is so hectic that this poor spleen doesn't know how to carry on with this crazy personality which suddenly starts becoming very emergent. Suddenly it demands more RBCs; so, it becomes vulnerable and any attack from the left side you can get blood cancer. You will be happy to know Sahaja Yoga has cured many blood cancer patients. Has cured. I'm not saying I have cured. It's your own Kundalini, and one of the boys has got MD in that subject. So it is already recognized in India because this is an ancient science from India. This is the science of the roots while you have the science of the whole civilization. But you don't know the roots. We have to know the roots and if it is coming from India it doesn't matter. Not only in India it has been said, even in the Bible. Tree of life is mentioned and appear before you like tongues of flames. These centers look like really beautiful, very soothing tongues of flames. We call them as petals in India. So then this heat can travel up to your kidneys and the coagulation of the kidney takes place. When the coagulation takes place they put you on the dialysis but I assure you nobody can be saved out of it. All your life you go on spending money on this dialysis. It's a horrible thing, and after some time they have to die. It has to be accepted. Then the worst is the bowels. You get into a funny situation where you might get a bilious temperament where all the time you feel nauseating, you can't eat food and you vomit out some bile all the time. Your attention is never happy. Then the last one is this constipation because of the heat. All these things are because of one center. So it is very important that we should understand about our being inside and get into balance, and must know how to get it cured and how to work it out. It's all our knowledge and is our body and we can do it without going through that MBBS course which takes you out like [unclear]. It's very simple to keep yourself all right. But with this you develop a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, and this collective consciousness gives you the complete indication of pure centers because of selfhood and self-knowledge on your fingertips. So these are five, six and seven on the left side, five six and seven on the right side. This is one, five and seven and you can feel it. Of course, in the medical science they do say that the sympathetic nervous endings are at the end of the fingers; that they say. But you can feel it. Even children. You tie their eyes with some sort of a handkerchief or something and you ask them, "What's wrong with this center?" They will raise the same finger, or maybe two fingers. You ask this gentleman because it is decoded, "Are you suffering from this disease?" and he will say, "Yes, but how do you know?" "The children have told us." So you can diagnose yourself. People can become mad without knowing they are becoming mad. People develop cancer without knowing they are developing cancer. All kinds of things happen to you without knowing what is wrong with you, but with this you will immediately know what is wrong with you and you can correct yourself. You can correct yourself and with this collective consciousness you can feel the centers of others also. But you have to reach a certain state which we call as Doubtless Awareness. Is Nirvikalpa Samadhi as said in Sanskrit language. Once we have reached that state, in that state you can feel anybody's centers and most of the Sahaja Yogis here are quite capable. The other day we had one gentleman who came from some newspaper. He was so hot they were just burning their hands and were very frantic about him. I was also feeling the heat, but what to do with this gentleman, how to tell him frankly, "You are so hot." He was like a cancer patient, hot. I tell you, he was a terribly hot fellow. Must be very hot-tempered also. But we didn't know how to tell him, that he is, after all, a newspaper man and this media, you know how powerful they are. They can tell anything. They can lie anything. They have no fear. So we were trying to work it out but all our hands were burning, especially of the boys were working on them. Their hands were burning. They were giving me signals, "Mother, it's too much, too much." I said, "All right, all right. I just try to pacify him." So you can know about the other person, his centers, and you can work it out. Sitting down, your attention is so enlightened that you can know about anyone, what are the centers that he is catching. Even if somebody is dead, you can find out. You can find out if somebody was a realized soul or not. You can find out if this person was a man who came to preach the falsehood or reality, whether he is a devil or a Satan. It is very easy to make it out. You don't have to find out from his bio data. You just get it on your hands and you will know the person. And that's how you can really help the whole world. So, in Sahaja Yoga, because we believe in all the religions on the principles, every fundamentalist has to be against us because they are sticking on to one thing. Is natural and we accept it. Because of ignorance, they don't know that all these things the prophets came on the Tree of Life at different times and according to the time, is called the "samayachara". They solved the problems, and did whatever was necessary, and gave their wisdom to the whole world. They are like the flowers on the same Tree of Life and everybody plucked them. "This is my flower. This is my flower and fight." But in essence, they are all expressing the same Divine Love, but when we have these ideas we think we are the chosen ones. This is all a misunderstanding. First, you must get your Realization and work it out and I am sure you will know what lies within yourself is beauty, is glory. So I will say, may God bless you and you have wisdom and I hope you will come to our programs. They have very nice program now and they will tell you all about it. Everything is real. It's not like this TM business that one introduction is free and the rest is all [sounds like :lynch.] All horrible people and they are giving horrible mantras which have no meaning at all and taking three hundred pounds and then six thousand pounds for flying. What is the need to fly in the air? I don't understand. Half way above three feet you want to fly and they are taking six thousand and nobody has flown except for breaking their bottoms. All these kinds of stupid things are going on and people are taking to it. Surprising because they know how to advertise in a big way, have a band show or something like that. But reality doesn't trick [unclear] but you have to be worthy of reality. You have to be worthy and honest about it. If you are not honest we cannot help you. Nobody can help you. If you want to cheat yourself how can anybody help you? So may God bless you. I am very happy to see you all here so many young people and many of your problems you can discuss with Sahaja Yogis here and you can always write to Me. I am always traveling and if you write to Me I will be very happy to answer those.Thank you very much
Chakras soothe you
Public Program
Public Program, Wollongong (Australia), 4 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change, it we cannot transform it, unfortunately we cannot also know it at human awareness. Whatever they have told you about this mechanism with in us and whatever I am going to tell you about yourself you have to treat it like a hypothesis and you have to keep your mind open like a scientist. If it is proved that as honest people I hope, you will recognise it. This instrument definitely lies within us. We are not aware of it. Of course, in the medical science they have talked about the plexuses at different levels of our spinal cord. And also, in the brain, they have talked about the crossing of the optic chiasma. Above that as the limbic area which we call as the one thousand petaled lotus.In the Bible it is described that, "I will appear before you like tongues of flames ". These tongues of flames are like petals, beautifully coloured as you see here, there are different colours to every set and they are extremely soothing to look at. They look like flames but they don’t burn. They soothe you. As it is now, we have to understand that there is a fundamental truth about yourself and that is you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, this intelligence, emotions, but you are the Spirit. So, you have to rise to the level of selfhood as every scripture has said that you have to be born again. that you have to be born again. In Sanskrit language a Realized soul is called as "dvijaha", meaning twice born. And also, a bird is called as "dvijaha". Again, meaning twice born. So, first a bird is born as an egg, a closed personality, and when it develops and matures then a bird is born out of the same egg. The same idea they have used about human beings, that first we are human beings where these two ‘institutions’ as you see are covered. But after Realisation, when the residual power of Kundalini rises and pierces through your optic chiasma which is called as Agnya Chakra, then these two ‘institutions’ are sucked in and ultimately it passes through your fontanelle bone area. The second truth is that this whole cosmos is completely covered with the divine love, the Power of God’s love. We do not know about it. We are not aware of it though we have heard about it. Every scripture has described it. This All-pervading Power of God’s love is the one we have never felt, but you can see the living work, see the beautiful flowers we have here and the beautifully leaves to match them. How they have come from mother earth? We take everything for granted. Such beautiful things are done by nature. Even ourselves! See our heart pulsates, pulsates without we doing anything about it. Look at our eyes, they are beautiful cameras and the brain is a beautiful computer. Who has made this? Then we have evolved from amoeba to human stage. Who has done that? We do not even think. We take it for granted whatever has come to us from this All-pervading divine Power which does all the living work. This Power is the one which has evolved us to the human level. And the reflection of the same Power is this Kundalini within us which has to rise like a premule in a seed. It has to sprout. And once it is done you get connected to this All-pervading Power. Like this instrument is here and unless and until it is connected to the mains it has no meaning. In a same way we have no meaning. Our life has no meaning till we are connected to the mains. That is the reason that all the problems like ecological problems, political problems, economic problems, family problems, problems, problems, problems, I mean all human problems are created by human beings. So, we have missed out somewhere and we haven’t got the absolute truth with us, that’s why we are quarrelling. If you knew the absolute truth there’s no question of quarrelling. So, we have missed out somewhere. Even in Science when we start developing something, we have seen that it boomerangs. Like we have got atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb is created like devil sitting on our heads anytime we all could be finished. In any walk of life when we use our mental processes it is in a linear way. After sometime it loses its power and boomerangs and that’s how you find in every, every enterprise we take up, there is some after effect of that. So, we do not know how far to go. But the nature knows. The nature knows how far the tree is going to grow, how far a bush is going to grow and how far the grass is going to grow. But we don’t know and we have got the freedom to choose whichever way we want to go. If you want to go to hell we can go. If you want to go to heaven we can. So now, it is wise for us to think that where have we missed? People I know who are very deft in scriptures whether it is Christian or it is Islamic, or it is Hindu, any scripture, anyone who belongs to all these different religions can commit any crime. There is no control, there is no understanding. Just recently you have the one thousand people at least were killed, these Azerbaijans, by Christians, can you imagine Christians doing that? In the same way the Muslims have done it. Even the Hindus those who believe that there is a Spirit in every person, then how can they have caste system? How can they look down upon some people who belong to lower caste and higher caste? So, they all have missed some point. Mostly they have become either power oriented or money oriented. None of them seem to be Spirit oriented and so the whole effort is in a wrong direction and that’s how I think we have missed the point where we had to go through the absorption of these religions. We have not been able to absorb. It has not become an innate experience with us. It has to be a very innate experience within our being which is not, which is outside. Today we are reading some book, some scripture and tomorrow we can go and do anything which is sinful, which is wrong which is destructive. What is the matter? Why it has happened? Because the power of absorption can only come when you become the Spirit. Spirit is the light when it enters into your attention, then you absorb religion which is innate within you because religion is not outside, it is within as Christ has said that, "The kingdom of God is within yourself". Now this religion within us which is enlightened by the Spirit is like our valency. Carbon has four valencies while human beings have ten valencies. And when these ten valencies are enlightened within us, then we don’t have to worry about creating some sin or getting some sort of a punishment for something. We automatically become, automatically, spontaneously, become righteous and the righteousness starts manifesting itself. But apart from that the attention which is being enlightened by the Spirit becomes extremely dynamic. Now see your seen this Australians singing Indian songs and Sanskrit songs and Marathi. I must say Marathi is one of the most difficult languages to think of, but worse is Sanskrit, you see.From childhood Indians are not allowed to eat betel nut because they think they can’t pronounce these tongue twisters, you see. Imagine these Australians singing so beautifully that from outside nobody can know who is singing. It looks like some Indians are singing this song and the same vice versa. Indians sing also English songs very well. How they have learnt? The English were ruling us for 300 years. They couldn’t pronounce one sentence in ordinary Hindi language. We had to work out with them some sort of thing like, they wanted to know: "Please close the door" So, how to say? They can’t say that in Hindi language. So, we used to all right say, "There was a cold day". Then they would say "There was a cold day" meaning, say that ‘darwaza khole dey’ in Hindi. It was such a terrible situation to teach them even one sentence of English, while how these children are playing so well. They become so dynamic. There are many artists in India who came to Sahaja Yoga and have become world famous. Otherwise also, even in Australia we have some painters and artists who have become very famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Because the attention becomes very concentrated and deep into any subject you enter it, you get the deftness of it. You become the master of it. Any subject you want to do it and that’s how we have people who have done very well even materially in Sahaja Yoga. But at the same time, Spirit is the witness, witness of the whole play. But when it comes into the attention, we also become the witness. We see everything as a drama, as a play. Today while coming to your city we lost our way three times. And they were saying, "I don’t know when we are going to reach". I said, "Don’t worry. We are supposed to go there, accept it. We are supposed to go to all these places that is why we went there. And we'll be there in time, you shouldn’t worry about that". So, it is a kind of a witness. Really, we saw some beautiful things because we were lost, [laughter] which normally we would never have seen. When you become the witness, to you the whole thing is just a play and you are not involved into it. The state that is achieved through Self-realisation is first as we call it, is thoughtless awareness.The other day many people asked us, "Mother we go on thinking, how are we going to meditate?" I said, "You are not to meditate. You are in meditation". "How?" "Because when this Kundalini passes through the centre of Agnya then its sucks in the thought process". For example, the thoughts are coming either from the future or from the past. If I say, "Now you stand in your present", you cannot. We do not know the present. Either it is the future we are thinking about or we are thinking about the past. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time from one to another. Some people really go mad and in Switzerland one doctor told me, "You cut my throat or do what you like but stop my thinking". So, sometimes this bombardment is too much. But when this Kundalini rises, what she does, these thoughts which rise and fall and rise and fall, there is a space in between, and she stops us at that space, which is the present and is the silence. It’s the silence within us. Gradually it starts increasing and we develop that state of thoughtless awareness. When our spirituality starts growing higher than that state when the kundalini processes through your fontanelle bone area and your connection is well established. Because the Kundalini comes down, if you are sick, you have liver problems, it comes down, cures you, again goes up. Then you have a problem, it goes up and down, up and down, like a yo-yo and then ultimately, it has to fix it itself. Once it is fixed, then you reach a state which we call as doubtless awareness, "nirvikalpa samadhi". At that state, you develop all the powers of a Realised soul. To say that, "I am twice born, I am born again" is just another brand to put on your head, whether you put the brand of a Christian, Hindu, Muslim is just a brand. It has nothing to do with it and for that to make it reality, once you are a Realized soul automatically you understand that you are ‘that’. There is no doubt about it. You are a Christian, you are a Muslim, you are a Hindu at the same time. Because all the essence of these religions are the same. We fight because we don’t know the absolute problem. How can all these religions be born in an absurd way that "this fights that and that fights that"? How can it be? If it is one God, if it is Divinity, how can it? Logically it cannot. This is the biggest problem now. The world has to face is fundamentalism. Some are very sophisticated fundamentalists and some are very open exposed fundamentalists but they are fundamentalists, because they cannot see the good points of another religion. They think they are the best but they are not! You can see in their lives they are just like anybody else. And when people cling on to some dogmas or some sort of a clan like that, it is an impossible situation because they are so much mesmerized with the idea that they do not think of their benevolence. I just asked, "My child, your father did the same, his father did the same. You are doing the same. Now what is the gain, what did you achieve?" As a result of Self-realization, it’s not a brand but you get the powers. First power you get that you can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips. Then on your hands it starts. This movement has a sort of a computer quality that you can find out what’s wrong with you, with your centres. As shown here, you will see which is 1, these are 5, 6, and 7 centres on the left. In the same way on the right hand. These centres relate to the power of a desire we can say to the left side to our subconscious and collective subconscious, to our past. And these centres relate to our physical and to our mental being, to our future and to the futuristic ideas. So, we can feel it on our fingertips. As you say, you should have knowledge on your fingertips. So, you really get the knowledge on your fingertips. And you start feeling what’s wrong with you, also, you can feel what’s wrong with anyone. Because you develop a new consciousness, a new power of Collective Consciousness. Who is the other? When a drop becomes the ocean, when the microcosm becomes the macrocosm, then who is the other?You can feel another person on your fingertips. Only thing you have to know how to improve, to correct and heal these centres which are in jeopardy, who are in trouble. So, we, start talking in the language of centres. So, we, start talking in the language of centres. We don’t say, "Something wrong with you, you are egoistic". No. We say, "Your Agnya is catching". And a person who is suffering himself will come and say. He will not feel shy. He will say, “Mother my Agnya is catching means I am very egoistical”. Nobody will say like that to anyone, never confess. But It gives you a headache. So, he says, "All right, better correct it. Mother I have got a headache with this Agnya". It becomes an innate feeling and innate religion within yourself. So, nobody has to tell you because in the light of the Spirit the Spirit becomes your master. So, you become your own master. It can guide you. It shows you the way and you don’t know you go to the Eternity. How far you will grow into it? One can’t say. But I’ve seen people. Now, as they have told me, we are working in 62 countries. I haven’t visited all of them. And also, I know of at least 52 countries who always come to India. We have a seminar of these people who come down. It is very surprising, such beautiful angelic people they are. There is no question of quarrel, fights. There is no question of lust. Somebody’s wife running with somebody, somebody’s husband running with somebody, flirting with someone. Nothing of the kind. Very pure relationships. As they say "khalis", "there's a Khalistan" you see, but the word came from Nanaka. He said, "You have to be khalis", means pure. Such purified lives they have! And such love, such brotherhood, such sisterhood beautiful understanding and they are so powerful that they can raise the Kundalini of people that they can cure people and they are so knowledgeable. Such a society has been already formed. Such a unique race has been already there. Now we have to see how many more would like to join, to enjoy themselves the Spirit that is within themselves. In this little lecture, I don’t think I’ll be able to tell you all about it. Only thing I have to tell you as in this hall there are many lights and if you have to put the lights on, you just have to tell somebody that, "All right, this is the switch. Put on and it’s all done because it is built in”. All this is built in within you. I don’t have to do anything. It’s your own power which will be awakened. Of course, you can’t pay for it. It is a living process like the Mother Earth. She sprouts these flowers. How much do we pay her? We don’t pay her anything. She doesn’t understand money, she doesn’t understand banking. She doesn’t understand even recession. That is our headache. That mother earth is innocent. That’s her job is just to sprout these flowers in the same way that kundalini gets sprouted. There is no obligation, you cannot pay for it. For awakening you cannot pay, for the knowledge you cannot pay for it, you cannot pay for anything. Of course, you have to pay for this hall for which I’m sure some Sahaja Yogis have paid or we have a Trustee that must have paid for this hall. But you cannot pay for a Spiritual life. One has to understand this very clearly. But I don’t know how everybody has become so money oriented that it has penetrated into also our religious groups and religious movements. It cannot be. It’s absolutely wrong. Anybody who says that he pays, you have to pay for a certain kind of emancipation or some kind of an awareness like TM and all those nonsensical things, beware them. It is absolutely nonsensical. I must warn you that all kinds of thugs have come out of India and are absolutely leeching them.It is such a serious thing. They have not only taken money. After all, there are so many thuggeries going on, doesn’t matter. Once upon a time the English came and looted us so they are going on looting English, but that’s a different thing. There are looters all over the world. But these are not only that way, they spoil your kundalini. They spoil your basic fundamental thing and that’s why you have to be very careful that first of all you should find out that what are the disciples like. How are they? How do they talk? How do they live? What is their style is? And then once it has happened that you have seen that it is perfectly all right, they are wonderful people, they have something special, then you should go to any such group.Instead of just like a fashion there is something, advertisement comes, so we are running after that. Because they make money so they can advertise better. They have ways and methods. They have great advertising departments. But these are advertising departments to Hell. One has to be very careful because you are seekers of truth and these are born in this modern times. As William Blake has rightly said that, "Men of God will be born and they will become godly and make others saintly". This is what is Sahaja Yoga in short. I am sorry I wouldn’t be able to tell you in details about it. But you have to be collective and I am very happy to know that we have got a nice centre here and you can learn a lot whatever you want to know, how to fix your connection with the divine Power. This is Yoga. Yoga means the connection with divine Power. As it is, I would like you to ask me some questions but the question should not be aggressive. I have not come here to take away anything from you. I have come here to give you what is your own. So, it should be a relevant question and should not be a big lecture to people. Sometimes I find somebody is coming from some fundamentalist thing and starts giving a big lecture bigger than mine, and people want to run away. And I have to show all the patience. So, please, be wise and ask sensible questions. One thing I must say, that 22 years I have been facing people of different types of different cultures, and different natures. What I find that I can answer all the questions very well. No because it is the training now, I’ve learnt, but answering the question also is a mental feat. That doesn’t guarantee the awakening of the kundalini. It’s something very different because it is beyond your mind. You have to go beyond your mind. It is not the work of the mind that you can do through your mind but is beyond your mind. So, even if I answer you there is no guarantee that that will be all right for your Kundalini awakening. It will, of course, work out, I am sure, that it is going to work out for all of you. So, if you have any sensible questions, I would definitely like to answer them because when the kundalini will be rising, I don't want your mind to come out and say that, "Come along, we did not ask this question". So, and you have freedom to ask the question. Sahaja Yogi: He is asking how significant the colours are in the chakras.Shri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogi: How significant are the colours to the chakras, cause he has read sometimes that they are different colours.Shri Mataji: These are the colours which you see actually in the chakras. But supposing something wrong with the chakras is, then maybe it may not look the same colour. When they are healthy chakras they look of this colour. Sahaja Yogi: He says there seems to be a conflict in what he has read, some of these chakras are represented as different colours altogether.Shri Mataji: That is not so important, my child. You see, what you have to have is your Realization. That’s the main thing. Now supposing I am here, I am seeing you all, isn’t? I am inside. In the same way, when you’re crossing through all these chakras, you just know you are inside it. But you don’t see any colours, nothing. You just see as if you are passing. Like I was coming now here, I was just coming to Wollongong. And I didn't see what was around, supposing. And even if I see, is not important, I have to reach. So, that is not so important. The first thing you must get your Realization. All right? Sahaja yogi: He wants to know a little more about what we mean by the Spirit and what, how that is related to our consciousness and how the two things are linked by Self-realization?Shri Mataji: It’s a good question. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within us. He said that, He has made human beings in his own image. Now we should not get confused with the word image. Image means the reflection. So, we reflect God Almighty. We are not God but we reflect. Image is different from the actual thing. So, now when you are as a human being then the Spirit is just a witness in the heart watching you. And the seat of the God Almighty is here and He is reflecting in the human heart. He is just watching. He is a witness. He doesn’t come into your attention. He's watching you. But when Realization takes place, when Kundalini pierces through this, then it starts flowing into our attention, the light of the Spirit. The attention that we have is the consciousness. We have general consciousness a human consciousness you can say, which is expressed through our central nervous system. For example, in our evolution, we have a consciousness which is much deeper and higher than that of animals. Like a dog or somebody, if you want to put him into some sort of a dirty place it would stay there, it won’t have any problems to pass through. But a human being cannot because he can feel. We can feel the beauty, we can feel the colours, we can see so many things much subtler than animals do and this is all through our central nervous system. So, whatever we achieve in our evolution is recorded on our central nervous system which manifests it. But when I am talking about Self-realization then the Spirit manifests all our conscious mind, and this conscious mind becomes a special type of an enlightened conscious mind. And that conscious mind then, when is completely in contact with his divine Power, can control the parasympathetic nervous system which is within us. I do not know how many of you are medically equipped. But I will tell you what parasympathetic is. We have got a central nervous system and also we have another system called as autonomous nervous system. Now nobody knows what this "auto" is, but they named it "auto". Now, this system has got three other systems left and right sympathetic and the central system which we call as the parasympathetic. So, whenever we are in an emergency, we use these two sympathetic nervous systems left and right. Supposing we want to run then we run and our heart starts beating fast. This happens to the sympathetic activity but the parasympathetic activity brings it to the normal. We cannot bring it to the normal. So, what happens after this [Realization], your conscious mind which is enlightened can control your parasympathetic activities. Supposing a person is enlightened and another person, he meets, who has hurt himself and his bone has become crooked. He puts his hand on that bone and slowly the bone starts melting away and going to the normal state. After some time, he doesn’t even have to put [the hand] just attention. With the attention also he can do very simple things, because now your attention which is the conscious mind becomes enlightened. On the other hand, if you use your conscious mind too much, all the time thinking, planning futuristic thing going on, then what happens, this conscious mind becomes very, very sluggish weak or you can say extremely weak. And this I told people in America about 8-10 years but that you will get a disease by which your conscious mind will become absolutely good for nothing. And that’s what has happened now, called as the yuppy's disease, where the conscious mind doesn’t work. Unconsciously one may walk, one may lift the hand, one may do anything, but consciously he cannot. So, they just become like reptiles if you see them. On the television, I saw, it is shocking. They are just carried like big fishes on the shoulders of people. They can sit if they are fixed for sitting posture, they cannot talk but they think, they cannot write, they cannot do anything with the conscious mind. On the contrary, when the conscious mind is enlightened, it becomes a dynamic force and gradually your beauty, your glory starts opening and recording what you are on your conscious mind which is an enlightened one. It is a very good question but it requires more time but as it is I would say first you get your Realization and gradually you will know how your conscious mind has become so alert. Sahaja Yogi: For the awakening of Kundalini can you suggest the best form of meditation?Shri Mataji: You see I was saying that we will be doing that process now and the Kundalini will be awakened. But as it is you have to be in meditation, you don’t have to do meditation. So first, I will do that today I’m sure all of you will get your Realization tonight definitely. After that, you have to come to the collective. Of course, you don’t have to pay anything there, but then you will know what are the problems you are having within yourself and how to solve them. And once your connection is established, then there’s no question of you not realizing what you are and how many powers you have. That I am going to do just now. [Realization process] All right, so I think we can have the process of Kundalini awakening which is a very, very simple thing. Very simple. It’s spontaneous, it works automatically but still, I’ll tell you how to nourish your own centres and how you can yourself awaken your Kundalini in a way. But there are certain conditions which I must tell you. The first condition is that I cannot force Self-realisation on you. You are absolutely free. If you want to have your awakening you can have it, but I cannot force it. It is your desire. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure because once you get one thing you want to have another thing, another thing, another thing. But this kundalini when she rises then you are absolutely self-content. So, this is the desire which is the pure desire and you have to have pure desire to get your Realisation, otherwise it won’t work out. If you are trying to be cunning or if you are cheating it won’t work out because it knows. Your kundalini knows you very well. She is your mother. She is your individual mother. Like a tape recorder, she knows everything about you. Like your mother as when she gave you your birth, she took up all the labour and all the trouble in the same way this Kundali manages and she awakens by itself. You don’t have to worry about anything. You don’t have to think about it. It is absolutely spontaneous. But one thing is there that you should have a desire to have kundalini awakening and your Self-realisation it cannot be forced. It cannot be forced. The second condition is that you have to be sure. You should be absolutely self-confident that all of you can get your Self-realisation. Absolutely. There is no question. You do not know what sort of special seekers you are and that’s why don’t doubt yourself. Not at all. The third condition is that you should not feel guilty at all. I don’t know why people feel very guilty. You should never feel guilty. If you feel guilty the centre here on the left side catches, and this is a very bad thing because if it happens you get diseases like angina, spondylitis also your organs become lethargic. So, you should not by any chance feel guilty which is a very easy thing to do. It is just the mental idea that you are guilty. Is just mental. Is your own imagination that you are guilty about something. The third one is you have to forgive everyone in general. Logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. Actually, the people who have troubled you, who have made you unhappy are quite happy. Why you are torturing yourself and playing into their hands? So, what’s the use of carrying on this. Moreover, this centre that I’ve told you about is this, the Agnya is like this and it has to be opened out is only possible if you really forgive everyone just to say, and don’t think of people whom you want to forgive, because that’s also unnecessary and will give you a headache. So, the best thing is to forgive everyone, in general. It is the easiest thing to do if you know it is just your mental myth in your head. So, these are the few conditions that you have to follow which are very simple and it would be very easy for you to get your Realisation, no problem. Now one thing one has to do is to take out the shoes because this Mother Earth is very helpful to us. She sucks in our problem so if it is easy to take out your shoes will be a good idea. You will feel comfortable also. Again, I would say those who do not want to have their Realisation should leave the hall in all civility because it is not proper to disturb others. It will hardly take ten minutes but one should not disturb others, look at others and not at yourself. This is the first time you are going to look at yourself which is beautiful. [So one who asked the question is the first to leave. Big problems sometimes. See now. Mother laughs. Big long question and that’s what they are. Mental people]. All right? So, now we have to, I will show you what is to be done which is very simple. Put your left hand towards me on your lap which is suggestive, comfortably, you have to sit comfortably don’t have to go to the Himalayas, stand on your head, or on one leg nothing of that kind. Just be comfortable. You should not, of course, slouch back and also sort of bend, that is not the thing but sit comfortably with the left hand. All right, now put your left hand towards me like that simple as that, which suggests that you are desirous of having your Self-realisation. You have to put both your feet apart from each other because there are two powers. One is the power of desire left side and the power of action, on the right side. So now the left hand you put towards myself, it suggests that symbolically you want to have your Self-realisation. We use the right hand to nourish our centres and to show our self-confidence. So now first we put our hand on the right hand. I will show so you now and later we will close the eyes. This is the centre as I told you is where the Spirit resides. Now if you are the Spirit then in the light of the Spirit you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. This is the centre on the left-hand side, which is your mastery. When you become the Spirit gradually you become the master of yourself and the master of all this knowledge. This is created by great prophets and great Masters, Real Masters for us. Then we take down our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure knowledge, surprisingly, that the centre of pure knowledge is here. Once you get a pure knowledge you will know what are the laws which are divine, also you will know how to use them, and how to act according to them. Now raise your hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen and then again on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder here and turn your head to your right. At this point again I have to say that you are not to feel guilty, this centre is catching quite a lot so please don’t feel guilty. You are not going to miss your Realisation by that. Now you are to take your right hand on top of your forehead with your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and press it hard and put it down as far as possible. This is the centre for forgiving everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the backside of the head and push back to our heads as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power of God’s love. Now here is your hand again, you stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of your palm on the centre of Fontenelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. This is for the actualizing of your baptism through which the kundalini will come out, will pierce through. This is very important centre. Now, remember to push back your fingers as far as possible. Now put down your head and push back your fingers and move your scalp slowly 7 times clockwise. Please push back your fingers. That is very important so that you put good pressure on your scalp and more it 7 times clockwise slowly. That’s all we have to do. That’s all. Now we have to close our eyes and you can take out your spectacles because you shouldn’t open your eyes till I tell you. Also if you have something very tight on your waist, very tight or on your back then you can little bit reduce the pressure on these two centres. Whatever I have told you all these conditions in short means you should be very pleasantly placed towards your self because you are going to enter into the kingdom of God. So you have to be very pleasantly placed towards your self. Now please put left hand like this towards me. Both the feet apart from each other and put the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about you to me you can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji, whatever you like. Please ask a question three times in your heart, all these questions are to be asked in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?". Ask this question, three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" As I told you if you are the Spirit you get the guide to yourself so you become a master of yourself. The Spirit becomes your master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here ask another fundamentally question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" "Mother, am I my own master?" "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question 3 times, please. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and pure knowledge cannot be forced on you. Please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. The centre has got 6 petals so please ask 6 times, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", 6 times. When you ask pure knowledge the Kundalini starts moving upward so we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here again, you have to say with full confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master". Please say it with full confidence 10 times "Mother, I am my own master". I have already told you the fundamental truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, you are not this conditionings and the ego, nor these emotions and intelligence, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top your heart and here with full confidence please say 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Please say it, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Please say it 12 times. Now one has to understand that this all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, love and peace, is the ocean of truth but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever wrong you might have done, this ocean of forgiveness can completely forgive you. It is that powerful. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand into the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to again say it with full confidence 16times full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all". "Mother, I am not guilty at all". Please say it 16 times with full confidence. I have already told you whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into the wrong hands so you have to forgive. If you don’t forgive as it is all your life you are playing into wrong hands and if you don’t forgive you’ll also miss out your Realisation because this centre won’t open, so please forgive. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, put your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and press it hard on the temples and now put it down your head as far as possible. Here again, you have to say with full confidence from your heart not how many times, but from your heart, Mother I forgive everyone in general. "Mother, I forgive everyone in general". This is very important. Without your forgiving, I cannot forgive you. You have to forgive yourself. Now please take your right hand now at the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now here you have to say again with full confidence and from your heart, not how many times, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, just for your satisfaction you have to say, "O all-pervading power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". "O all-pervading power if I have done anything wrong knowingly or not knowingly please forgive me". Say it with full confidence. Now the last centre which is very important, please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your head on the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now put down your head as far as possible and push back your fingers please this is very important that please push back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force Self-realisation on you because I respect your freedom, I cannot cross over it so move your hand now 7 times slowly clockwise saying 7 times, "Mother please give me Self-realization". "Mother, please give me Self-realisation". Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes. You can wear your glasses. Now put your hand towards me please like this. Just watch me without thinking. Let us see. Please watch me without thinking. Now please put the right hand forward like this, and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a warm or hot breeze like waves are coming from your Fontenelle bone area, but don’t put the hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself. Sometimes you get it very far, sometimes quite close. So just feel if there is cool or hot or warm Breeze like waves are coming. It is, you have to certify yourself. Now put the left hand towards me. Now again put down your head and see for yourself again if there is a cool breeze or a warm or hot breeze is coming. It is warm or hot because you have not forgiven perhaps or maybe you have a liver problem or some other problem. But doesn’t matter at least you must forgive. Please forgive to help me and help yourself. Please forgive. Again, we put your right hand towards me and put down your left hand on top of your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or hot or a warm breeze coming out of your head. Bend your head. Bend. If you don’t bend it won’t be so much clear. Just bend. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and turn your head towards the sky upwards. Here you have to ask me a question. Any one of these 3 questions you can ask any question 3 times, "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? " Or, "Mother is this the all-pervading power of God’s Love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Put your hands up and your head upwards and just ask this question in your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze like the thing out of their Fontenelle, or their fingertips please raise put your hands. May God bless you. What seekers, what great people, May God bless you. Your sainthood has started. It is like the sprouting of the seed now. Christ has said a parable and this is the parable again I tell you. The seeds which have sprouted have to grow into trees. It takes no time what so ever. But you have to come to the collective. You enjoy this peace, you enjoy this joy within yourself but you have to come to the collective. This is the only way you will be cleansed. In Sahaja yoga, it is very simple. You have to give some time in a week to come to the collective and they will tell you how to meditate for 5 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. The minimum that much is needed but if you like it you can do it more. It is a very simple method, has to be simple because it is very [UNCLEAR]. You are now joining a big revolution in the whole world which has to bring forth the Spirituality into the whole humanity transforming it. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Public Program, Wollongong (Australia), 4 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change, it we cannot transform it, unfortunately we cannot also know it at human awareness. Whatever they have told you about this mechanism with in us and whatever I am going to tell you about yourself you have to treat it like a hypothesis and you have to keep your mind open like a scientist. If it is proved that as honest people I hope, you will recognise it. This instrument definitely lies within us. We are not aware of it. Of course, in the medical science they have talked about the plexuses at different levels of our spinal cord. And also, in the brain, they have talked about the crossing of the optic chiasma. Above that as the limbic area which we call as the one thousand petaled lotus.In the Bible it is described that, "I will appear before you like tongues of flames ". These tongues of flames are like petals, beautifully coloured as you see here, there are different colours to every set and they are extremely soothing to look at. They look like flames but they don’t burn. They soothe you. As it is now, we have to understand that there is a fundamental truth about yourself and that is you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, this intelligence, emotions, but you are the Spirit. So, you have to rise to the level of selfhood as every scripture has said that you have to be born again. that you have to be born again. In Sanskrit language a Realized soul is called as "dvijaha", meaning twice born. And also, a bird is called as "dvijaha". Again, meaning twice born. So, first a bird is born as an egg, a closed personality, and when it develops and matures then a bird is born out of the same egg. The same idea they have used about human beings, that first we are human beings where these two ‘institutions’ as you see are covered. But after Realisation, when the residual power of Kundalini rises and pierces through your optic chiasma which is called as Agnya Chakra, then these two ‘institutions’ are sucked in and ultimately it passes through your fontanelle bone area. The second truth is that this whole cosmos is completely covered with the divine love, the Power of God’s love. We do not know about it. We are not aware of it though we have heard about it. Every scripture has described it. This All-pervading Power of God’s love is the one we have never felt, but you can see the living work, see the beautiful flowers we have here and the beautifully leaves to match them. How they have come from mother earth? We take everything for granted. Such beautiful things are done by nature. Even ourselves! See our heart pulsates, pulsates without we doing anything about it. Look at our eyes, they are beautiful cameras and the brain is a beautiful computer. Who has made this? Then we have evolved from amoeba to human stage. Who has done that? We do not even think. We take it for granted whatever has come to us from this All-pervading divine Power which does all the living work. This Power is the one which has evolved us to the human level. And the reflection of the same Power is this Kundalini within us which has to rise like a premule in a seed. It has to sprout. And once it is done you get connected to this All-pervading Power. Like this instrument is here and unless and until it is connected to the mains it has no meaning. In a same way we have no meaning. Our life has no meaning till we are connected to the mains. That is the reason that all the problems like ecological problems, political problems, economic problems, family problems, problems, problems, problems, I mean all human problems are created by human beings. So, we have missed out somewhere and we haven’t got the absolute truth with us, that’s why we are quarrelling. If you knew the absolute truth there’s no question of quarrelling. So, we have missed out somewhere. Even in Science when we start developing something, we have seen that it boomerangs. Like we have got atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb, oxygen bomb is created like devil sitting on our heads anytime we all could be finished. In any walk of life when we use our mental processes it is in a linear way. After sometime it loses its power and boomerangs and that’s how you find in every, every enterprise we take up, there is some after effect of that. So, we do not know how far to go. But the nature knows. The nature knows how far the tree is going to grow, how far a bush is going to grow and how far the grass is going to grow. But we don’t know and we have got the freedom to choose whichever way we want to go. If you want to go to hell we can go. If you want to go to heaven we can. So now, it is wise for us to think that where have we missed? People I know who are very deft in scriptures whether it is Christian or it is Islamic, or it is Hindu, any scripture, anyone who belongs to all these different religions can commit any crime. There is no control, there is no understanding. Just recently you have the one thousand people at least were killed, these Azerbaijans, by Christians, can you imagine Christians doing that? In the same way the Muslims have done it. Even the Hindus those who believe that there is a Spirit in every person, then how can they have caste system? How can they look down upon some people who belong to lower caste and higher caste? So, they all have missed some point. Mostly they have become either power oriented or money oriented. None of them seem to be Spirit oriented and so the whole effort is in a wrong direction and that’s how I think we have missed the point where we had to go through the absorption of these religions. We have not been able to absorb. It has not become an innate experience with us. It has to be a very innate experience within our being which is not, which is outside. Today we are reading some book, some scripture and tomorrow we can go and do anything which is sinful, which is wrong which is destructive. What is the matter? Why it has happened? Because the power of absorption can only come when you become the Spirit. Spirit is the light when it enters into your attention, then you absorb religion which is innate within you because religion is not outside, it is within as Christ has said that, "The kingdom of God is within yourself". Now this religion within us which is enlightened by the Spirit is like our valency. Carbon has four valencies while human beings have ten valencies. And when these ten valencies are enlightened within us, then we don’t have to worry about creating some sin or getting some sort of a punishment for something. We automatically become, automatically, spontaneously, become righteous and the righteousness starts manifesting itself. But apart from that the attention which is being enlightened by the Spirit becomes extremely dynamic. Now see your seen this Australians singing Indian songs and Sanskrit songs and Marathi. I must say Marathi is one of the most difficult languages to think of, but worse is Sanskrit, you see.From childhood Indians are not allowed to eat betel nut because they think they can’t pronounce these tongue twisters, you see. Imagine these Australians singing so beautifully that from outside nobody can know who is singing. It looks like some Indians are singing this song and the same vice versa. Indians sing also English songs very well. How they have learnt? The English were ruling us for 300 years. They couldn’t pronounce one sentence in ordinary Hindi language. We had to work out with them some sort of thing like, they wanted to know: "Please close the door" So, how to say? They can’t say that in Hindi language. So, we used to all right say, "There was a cold day". Then they would say "There was a cold day" meaning, say that ‘darwaza khole dey’ in Hindi. It was such a terrible situation to teach them even one sentence of English, while how these children are playing so well. They become so dynamic. There are many artists in India who came to Sahaja Yoga and have become world famous. Otherwise also, even in Australia we have some painters and artists who have become very famous after coming to Sahaja Yoga. Because the attention becomes very concentrated and deep into any subject you enter it, you get the deftness of it. You become the master of it. Any subject you want to do it and that’s how we have people who have done very well even materially in Sahaja Yoga. But at the same time, Spirit is the witness, witness of the whole play. But when it comes into the attention, we also become the witness. We see everything as a drama, as a play. Today while coming to your city we lost our way three times. And they were saying, "I don’t know when we are going to reach". I said, "Don’t worry. We are supposed to go there, accept it. We are supposed to go to all these places that is why we went there. And we'll be there in time, you shouldn’t worry about that". So, it is a kind of a witness. Really, we saw some beautiful things because we were lost, [laughter] which normally we would never have seen. When you become the witness, to you the whole thing is just a play and you are not involved into it. The state that is achieved through Self-realisation is first as we call it, is thoughtless awareness.The other day many people asked us, "Mother we go on thinking, how are we going to meditate?" I said, "You are not to meditate. You are in meditation". "How?" "Because when this Kundalini passes through the centre of Agnya then its sucks in the thought process". For example, the thoughts are coming either from the future or from the past. If I say, "Now you stand in your present", you cannot. We do not know the present. Either it is the future we are thinking about or we are thinking about the past. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts all the time from one to another. Some people really go mad and in Switzerland one doctor told me, "You cut my throat or do what you like but stop my thinking". So, sometimes this bombardment is too much. But when this Kundalini rises, what she does, these thoughts which rise and fall and rise and fall, there is a space in between, and she stops us at that space, which is the present and is the silence. It’s the silence within us. Gradually it starts increasing and we develop that state of thoughtless awareness. When our spirituality starts growing higher than that state when the kundalini processes through your fontanelle bone area and your connection is well established. Because the Kundalini comes down, if you are sick, you have liver problems, it comes down, cures you, again goes up. Then you have a problem, it goes up and down, up and down, like a yo-yo and then ultimately, it has to fix it itself. Once it is fixed, then you reach a state which we call as doubtless awareness, "nirvikalpa samadhi". At that state, you develop all the powers of a Realised soul. To say that, "I am twice born, I am born again" is just another brand to put on your head, whether you put the brand of a Christian, Hindu, Muslim is just a brand. It has nothing to do with it and for that to make it reality, once you are a Realized soul automatically you understand that you are ‘that’. There is no doubt about it. You are a Christian, you are a Muslim, you are a Hindu at the same time. Because all the essence of these religions are the same. We fight because we don’t know the absolute problem. How can all these religions be born in an absurd way that "this fights that and that fights that"? How can it be? If it is one God, if it is Divinity, how can it? Logically it cannot. This is the biggest problem now. The world has to face is fundamentalism. Some are very sophisticated fundamentalists and some are very open exposed fundamentalists but they are fundamentalists, because they cannot see the good points of another religion. They think they are the best but they are not! You can see in their lives they are just like anybody else. And when people cling on to some dogmas or some sort of a clan like that, it is an impossible situation because they are so much mesmerized with the idea that they do not think of their benevolence. I just asked, "My child, your father did the same, his father did the same. You are doing the same. Now what is the gain, what did you achieve?" As a result of Self-realization, it’s not a brand but you get the powers. First power you get that you can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips. Then on your hands it starts. This movement has a sort of a computer quality that you can find out what’s wrong with you, with your centres. As shown here, you will see which is 1, these are 5, 6, and 7 centres on the left. In the same way on the right hand. These centres relate to the power of a desire we can say to the left side to our subconscious and collective subconscious, to our past. And these centres relate to our physical and to our mental being, to our future and to the futuristic ideas. So, we can feel it on our fingertips. As you say, you should have knowledge on your fingertips. So, you really get the knowledge on your fingertips. And you start feeling what’s wrong with you, also, you can feel what’s wrong with anyone. Because you develop a new consciousness, a new power of Collective Consciousness. Who is the other? When a drop becomes the ocean, when the microcosm becomes the macrocosm, then who is the other?You can feel another person on your fingertips. Only thing you have to know how to improve, to correct and heal these centres which are in jeopardy, who are in trouble. So, we, start talking in the language of centres. So, we, start talking in the language of centres. We don’t say, "Something wrong with you, you are egoistic". No. We say, "Your Agnya is catching". And a person who is suffering himself will come and say. He will not feel shy. He will say, “Mother my Agnya is catching means I am very egoistical”. Nobody will say like that to anyone, never confess. But It gives you a headache. So, he says, "All right, better correct it. Mother I have got a headache with this Agnya". It becomes an innate feeling and innate religion within yourself. So, nobody has to tell you because in the light of the Spirit the Spirit becomes your master. So, you become your own master. It can guide you. It shows you the way and you don’t know you go to the Eternity. How far you will grow into it? One can’t say. But I’ve seen people. Now, as they have told me, we are working in 62 countries. I haven’t visited all of them. And also, I know of at least 52 countries who always come to India. We have a seminar of these people who come down. It is very surprising, such beautiful angelic people they are. There is no question of quarrel, fights. There is no question of lust. Somebody’s wife running with somebody, somebody’s husband running with somebody, flirting with someone. Nothing of the kind. Very pure relationships. As they say "khalis", "there's a Khalistan" you see, but the word came from Nanaka. He said, "You have to be khalis", means pure. Such purified lives they have! And such love, such brotherhood, such sisterhood beautiful understanding and they are so powerful that they can raise the Kundalini of people that they can cure people and they are so knowledgeable. Such a society has been already formed. Such a unique race has been already there. Now we have to see how many more would like to join, to enjoy themselves the Spirit that is within themselves. In this little lecture, I don’t think I’ll be able to tell you all about it. Only thing I have to tell you as in this hall there are many lights and if you have to put the lights on, you just have to tell somebody that, "All right, this is the switch. Put on and it’s all done because it is built in”. All this is built in within you. I don’t have to do anything. It’s your own power which will be awakened. Of course, you can’t pay for it. It is a living process like the Mother Earth. She sprouts these flowers. How much do we pay her? We don’t pay her anything. She doesn’t understand money, she doesn’t understand banking. She doesn’t understand even recession. That is our headache. That mother earth is innocent. That’s her job is just to sprout these flowers in the same way that kundalini gets sprouted. There is no obligation, you cannot pay for it. For awakening you cannot pay, for the knowledge you cannot pay for it, you cannot pay for anything. Of course, you have to pay for this hall for which I’m sure some Sahaja Yogis have paid or we have a Trustee that must have paid for this hall. But you cannot pay for a Spiritual life. One has to understand this very clearly. But I don’t know how everybody has become so money oriented that it has penetrated into also our religious groups and religious movements. It cannot be. It’s absolutely wrong. Anybody who says that he pays, you have to pay for a certain kind of emancipation or some kind of an awareness like TM and all those nonsensical things, beware them. It is absolutely nonsensical. I must warn you that all kinds of thugs have come out of India and are absolutely leeching them.It is such a serious thing. They have not only taken money. After all, there are so many thuggeries going on, doesn’t matter. Once upon a time the English came and looted us so they are going on looting English, but that’s a different thing. There are looters all over the world. But these are not only that way, they spoil your kundalini. They spoil your basic fundamental thing and that’s why you have to be very careful that first of all you should find out that what are the disciples like. How are they? How do they talk? How do they live? What is their style is? And then once it has happened that you have seen that it is perfectly all right, they are wonderful people, they have something special, then you should go to any such group.Instead of just like a fashion there is something, advertisement comes, so we are running after that. Because they make money so they can advertise better. They have ways and methods. They have great advertising departments. But these are advertising departments to Hell. One has to be very careful because you are seekers of truth and these are born in this modern times. As William Blake has rightly said that, "Men of God will be born and they will become godly and make others saintly". This is what is Sahaja Yoga in short. I am sorry I wouldn’t be able to tell you in details about it. But you have to be collective and I am very happy to know that we have got a nice centre here and you can learn a lot whatever you want to know, how to fix your connection with the divine Power. This is Yoga. Yoga means the connection with divine Power. As it is, I would like you to ask me some questions but the question should not be aggressive. I have not come here to take away anything from you. I have come here to give you what is your own. So, it should be a relevant question and should not be a big lecture to people. Sometimes I find somebody is coming from some fundamentalist thing and starts giving a big lecture bigger than mine, and people want to run away. And I have to show all the patience. So, please, be wise and ask sensible questions. One thing I must say, that 22 years I have been facing people of different types of different cultures, and different natures. What I find that I can answer all the questions very well. No because it is the training now, I’ve learnt, but answering the question also is a mental feat. That doesn’t guarantee the awakening of the kundalini. It’s something very different because it is beyond your mind. You have to go beyond your mind. It is not the work of the mind that you can do through your mind but is beyond your mind. So, even if I answer you there is no guarantee that that will be all right for your Kundalini awakening. It will, of course, work out, I am sure, that it is going to work out for all of you. So, if you have any sensible questions, I would definitely like to answer them because when the kundalini will be rising, I don't want your mind to come out and say that, "Come along, we did not ask this question". So, and you have freedom to ask the question. Sahaja Yogi: He is asking how significant the colours are in the chakras.Shri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogi: How significant are the colours to the chakras, cause he has read sometimes that they are different colours.Shri Mataji: These are the colours which you see actually in the chakras. But supposing something wrong with the chakras is, then maybe it may not look the same colour. When they are healthy chakras they look of this colour. Sahaja Yogi: He says there seems to be a conflict in what he has read, some of these chakras are represented as different colours altogether.Shri Mataji: That is not so important, my child. You see, what you have to have is your Realization. That’s the main thing. Now supposing I am here, I am seeing you all, isn’t? I am inside. In the same way, when you’re crossing through all these chakras, you just know you are inside it. But you don’t see any colours, nothing. You just see as if you are passing. Like I was coming now here, I was just coming to Wollongong. And I didn't see what was around, supposing. And even if I see, is not important, I have to reach. So, that is not so important. The first thing you must get your Realization. All right? Sahaja yogi: He wants to know a little more about what we mean by the Spirit and what, how that is related to our consciousness and how the two things are linked by Self-realization?Shri Mataji: It’s a good question. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty within us. He said that, He has made human beings in his own image. Now we should not get confused with the word image. Image means the reflection. So, we reflect God Almighty. We are not God but we reflect. Image is different from the actual thing. So, now when you are as a human being then the Spirit is just a witness in the heart watching you. And the seat of the God Almighty is here and He is reflecting in the human heart. He is just watching. He is a witness. He doesn’t come into your attention. He's watching you. But when Realization takes place, when Kundalini pierces through this, then it starts flowing into our attention, the light of the Spirit. The attention that we have is the consciousness. We have general consciousness a human consciousness you can say, which is expressed through our central nervous system. For example, in our evolution, we have a consciousness which is much deeper and higher than that of animals. Like a dog or somebody, if you want to put him into some sort of a dirty place it would stay there, it won’t have any problems to pass through. But a human being cannot because he can feel. We can feel the beauty, we can feel the colours, we can see so many things much subtler than animals do and this is all through our central nervous system. So, whatever we achieve in our evolution is recorded on our central nervous system which manifests it. But when I am talking about Self-realization then the Spirit manifests all our conscious mind, and this conscious mind becomes a special type of an enlightened conscious mind. And that conscious mind then, when is completely in contact with his divine Power, can control the parasympathetic nervous system which is within us. I do not know how many of you are medically equipped. But I will tell you what parasympathetic is. We have got a central nervous system and also we have another system called as autonomous nervous system. Now nobody knows what this "auto" is, but they named it "auto". Now, this system has got three other systems left and right sympathetic and the central system which we call as the parasympathetic. So, whenever we are in an emergency, we use these two sympathetic nervous systems left and right. Supposing we want to run then we run and our heart starts beating fast. This happens to the sympathetic activity but the parasympathetic activity brings it to the normal. We cannot bring it to the normal. So, what happens after this [Realization], your conscious mind which is enlightened can control your parasympathetic activities. Supposing a person is enlightened and another person, he meets, who has hurt himself and his bone has become crooked. He puts his hand on that bone and slowly the bone starts melting away and going to the normal state. After some time, he doesn’t even have to put [the hand] just attention. With the attention also he can do very simple things, because now your attention which is the conscious mind becomes enlightened. On the other hand, if you use your conscious mind too much, all the time thinking, planning futuristic thing going on, then what happens, this conscious mind becomes very, very sluggish weak or you can say extremely weak. And this I told people in America about 8-10 years but that you will get a disease by which your conscious mind will become absolutely good for nothing. And that’s what has happened now, called as the yuppy's disease, where the conscious mind doesn’t work. Unconsciously one may walk, one may lift the hand, one may do anything, but consciously he cannot. So, they just become like reptiles if you see them. On the television, I saw, it is shocking. They are just carried like big fishes on the shoulders of people. They can sit if they are fixed for sitting posture, they cannot talk but they think, they cannot write, they cannot do anything with the conscious mind. On the contrary, when the conscious mind is enlightened, it becomes a dynamic force and gradually your beauty, your glory starts opening and recording what you are on your conscious mind which is an enlightened one. It is a very good question but it requires more time but as it is I would say first you get your Realization and gradually you will know how your conscious mind has become so alert. Sahaja Yogi: For the awakening of Kundalini can you suggest the best form of meditation?Shri Mataji: You see I was saying that we will be doing that process now and the Kundalini will be awakened. But as it is you have to be in meditation, you don’t have to do meditation. So first, I will do that today I’m sure all of you will get your Realization tonight definitely. After that, you have to come to the collective. Of course, you don’t have to pay anything there, but then you will know what are the problems you are having within yourself and how to solve them. And once your connection is established, then there’s no question of you not realizing what you are and how many powers you have. That I am going to do just now. [Realization process] All right, so I think we can have the process of Kundalini awakening which is a very, very simple thing. Very simple. It’s spontaneous, it works automatically but still, I’ll tell you how to nourish your own centres and how you can yourself awaken your Kundalini in a way. But there are certain conditions which I must tell you. The first condition is that I cannot force Self-realisation on you. You are absolutely free. If you want to have your awakening you can have it, but I cannot force it. It is your desire. This Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure because once you get one thing you want to have another thing, another thing, another thing. But this kundalini when she rises then you are absolutely self-content. So, this is the desire which is the pure desire and you have to have pure desire to get your Realisation, otherwise it won’t work out. If you are trying to be cunning or if you are cheating it won’t work out because it knows. Your kundalini knows you very well. She is your mother. She is your individual mother. Like a tape recorder, she knows everything about you. Like your mother as when she gave you your birth, she took up all the labour and all the trouble in the same way this Kundali manages and she awakens by itself. You don’t have to worry about anything. You don’t have to think about it. It is absolutely spontaneous. But one thing is there that you should have a desire to have kundalini awakening and your Self-realisation it cannot be forced. It cannot be forced. The second condition is that you have to be sure. You should be absolutely self-confident that all of you can get your Self-realisation. Absolutely. There is no question. You do not know what sort of special seekers you are and that’s why don’t doubt yourself. Not at all. The third condition is that you should not feel guilty at all. I don’t know why people feel very guilty. You should never feel guilty. If you feel guilty the centre here on the left side catches, and this is a very bad thing because if it happens you get diseases like angina, spondylitis also your organs become lethargic. So, you should not by any chance feel guilty which is a very easy thing to do. It is just the mental idea that you are guilty. Is just mental. Is your own imagination that you are guilty about something. The third one is you have to forgive everyone in general. Logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. You don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. Actually, the people who have troubled you, who have made you unhappy are quite happy. Why you are torturing yourself and playing into their hands? So, what’s the use of carrying on this. Moreover, this centre that I’ve told you about is this, the Agnya is like this and it has to be opened out is only possible if you really forgive everyone just to say, and don’t think of people whom you want to forgive, because that’s also unnecessary and will give you a headache. So, the best thing is to forgive everyone, in general. It is the easiest thing to do if you know it is just your mental myth in your head. So, these are the few conditions that you have to follow which are very simple and it would be very easy for you to get your Realisation, no problem. Now one thing one has to do is to take out the shoes because this Mother Earth is very helpful to us. She sucks in our problem so if it is easy to take out your shoes will be a good idea. You will feel comfortable also. Again, I would say those who do not want to have their Realisation should leave the hall in all civility because it is not proper to disturb others. It will hardly take ten minutes but one should not disturb others, look at others and not at yourself. This is the first time you are going to look at yourself which is beautiful. [So one who asked the question is the first to leave. Big problems sometimes. See now. Mother laughs. Big long question and that’s what they are. Mental people]. All right? So, now we have to, I will show you what is to be done which is very simple. Put your left hand towards me on your lap which is suggestive, comfortably, you have to sit comfortably don’t have to go to the Himalayas, stand on your head, or on one leg nothing of that kind. Just be comfortable. You should not, of course, slouch back and also sort of bend, that is not the thing but sit comfortably with the left hand. All right, now put your left hand towards me like that simple as that, which suggests that you are desirous of having your Self-realisation. You have to put both your feet apart from each other because there are two powers. One is the power of desire left side and the power of action, on the right side. So now the left hand you put towards myself, it suggests that symbolically you want to have your Self-realisation. We use the right hand to nourish our centres and to show our self-confidence. So now first we put our hand on the right hand. I will show so you now and later we will close the eyes. This is the centre as I told you is where the Spirit resides. Now if you are the Spirit then in the light of the Spirit you become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. This is the centre on the left-hand side, which is your mastery. When you become the Spirit gradually you become the master of yourself and the master of all this knowledge. This is created by great prophets and great Masters, Real Masters for us. Then we take down our hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure knowledge, surprisingly, that the centre of pure knowledge is here. Once you get a pure knowledge you will know what are the laws which are divine, also you will know how to use them, and how to act according to them. Now raise your hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen and then again on your heart, now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder here and turn your head to your right. At this point again I have to say that you are not to feel guilty, this centre is catching quite a lot so please don’t feel guilty. You are not going to miss your Realisation by that. Now you are to take your right hand on top of your forehead with your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and press it hard and put it down as far as possible. This is the centre for forgiving everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the backside of the head and push back to our heads as far as possible. This is the centre where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from this all-pervading power of God’s love. Now here is your hand again, you stretch your palm fully. Put the centre of your palm on the centre of Fontenelle bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. This is for the actualizing of your baptism through which the kundalini will come out, will pierce through. This is very important centre. Now, remember to push back your fingers as far as possible. Now put down your head and push back your fingers and move your scalp slowly 7 times clockwise. Please push back your fingers. That is very important so that you put good pressure on your scalp and more it 7 times clockwise slowly. That’s all we have to do. That’s all. Now we have to close our eyes and you can take out your spectacles because you shouldn’t open your eyes till I tell you. Also if you have something very tight on your waist, very tight or on your back then you can little bit reduce the pressure on these two centres. Whatever I have told you all these conditions in short means you should be very pleasantly placed towards your self because you are going to enter into the kingdom of God. So you have to be very pleasantly placed towards your self. Now please put left hand like this towards me. Both the feet apart from each other and put the right hand on your heart and now close your eyes. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about you to me you can call me Mother or you can call me Shri Mataji, whatever you like. Please ask a question three times in your heart, all these questions are to be asked in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?". Ask this question, three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" As I told you if you are the Spirit you get the guide to yourself so you become a master of yourself. The Spirit becomes your master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Here ask another fundamentally question three times, "Mother, am I my own master?" "Mother, am I my own master?" "Mother, am I my own master?" Ask this question 3 times, please. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and pure knowledge cannot be forced on you. Please take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. The centre has got 6 petals so please ask 6 times, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", 6 times. When you ask pure knowledge the Kundalini starts moving upward so we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So please raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here again, you have to say with full confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master". Please say it with full confidence 10 times "Mother, I am my own master". I have already told you the fundamental truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, you are not this conditionings and the ego, nor these emotions and intelligence, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top your heart and here with full confidence please say 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Please say it, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit". Please say it 12 times. Now one has to understand that this all pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion, love and peace, is the ocean of truth but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever wrong you might have done, this ocean of forgiveness can completely forgive you. It is that powerful. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand into the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here you have to again say it with full confidence 16times full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all". "Mother, I am not guilty at all". Please say it 16 times with full confidence. I have already told you whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything but if you don’t forgive then you play into the wrong hands so you have to forgive. If you don’t forgive as it is all your life you are playing into wrong hands and if you don’t forgive you’ll also miss out your Realisation because this centre won’t open, so please forgive. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, put your fingers on one side and your thumb on the other and press it hard on the temples and now put it down your head as far as possible. Here again, you have to say with full confidence from your heart not how many times, but from your heart, Mother I forgive everyone in general. "Mother, I forgive everyone in general". This is very important. Without your forgiving, I cannot forgive you. You have to forgive yourself. Now please take your right hand now at the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Now here you have to say again with full confidence and from your heart, not how many times, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, just for your satisfaction you have to say, "O all-pervading power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". "O all-pervading power if I have done anything wrong knowingly or not knowingly please forgive me". Say it with full confidence. Now the last centre which is very important, please stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of your head on the fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now put down your head as far as possible and push back your fingers please this is very important that please push back your fingers. Here again, I cannot force Self-realisation on you because I respect your freedom, I cannot cross over it so move your hand now 7 times slowly clockwise saying 7 times, "Mother please give me Self-realization". "Mother, please give me Self-realisation". Now please take down your hands. Open your eyes. You can wear your glasses. Now put your hand towards me please like this. Just watch me without thinking. Let us see. Please watch me without thinking. Now please put the right hand forward like this, and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a warm or hot breeze like waves are coming from your Fontenelle bone area, but don’t put the hand on top of your head but away from it and see for yourself. Sometimes you get it very far, sometimes quite close. So just feel if there is cool or hot or warm Breeze like waves are coming. It is, you have to certify yourself. Now put the left hand towards me. Now again put down your head and see for yourself again if there is a cool breeze or a warm or hot breeze is coming. It is warm or hot because you have not forgiven perhaps or maybe you have a liver problem or some other problem. But doesn’t matter at least you must forgive. Please forgive to help me and help yourself. Please forgive. Again, we put your right hand towards me and put down your left hand on top of your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or hot or a warm breeze coming out of your head. Bend your head. Bend. If you don’t bend it won’t be so much clear. Just bend. Now raise your both the hands towards the sky like this and turn your head towards the sky upwards. Here you have to ask me a question. Any one of these 3 questions you can ask any question 3 times, "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? " Or, "Mother is this the all-pervading power of God’s Love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask any one of these questions three times. Put your hands up and your head upwards and just ask this question in your heart. Now please take down your hands. Put your hands like this. All those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze like the thing out of their Fontenelle, or their fingertips please raise put your hands. May God bless you. What seekers, what great people, May God bless you. Your sainthood has started. It is like the sprouting of the seed now. Christ has said a parable and this is the parable again I tell you. The seeds which have sprouted have to grow into trees. It takes no time what so ever. But you have to come to the collective. You enjoy this peace, you enjoy this joy within yourself but you have to come to the collective. This is the only way you will be cleansed. In Sahaja yoga, it is very simple. You have to give some time in a week to come to the collective and they will tell you how to meditate for 5 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening. The minimum that much is needed but if you like it you can do it more. It is a very simple method, has to be simple because it is very [UNCLEAR]. You are now joining a big revolution in the whole world which has to bring forth the Spirituality into the whole humanity transforming it. May God bless you all. Thank you very much.
Final Talk of Australia Tour
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Final Talk of Australian Tour before Departure. Burwood Ashram Sydney (Australia), 5 March 1992. So, the time has come to say farewell to all of you. I must say this time our Tour has been really very successful. There have been no obstructions no problems nothing, except for one stupid article, we had no problem and which they are going to look after. On the whole, we have learnt a lot this time and I think everybody has been feeling very much better because of Shivratri Puja. I've got reports from other countries that they said Mother: 'What did You do this time on Shivratri that we all felt so much higher and better'. Now the, few things I have to tell you that, luckily you have a very good National leader here, who has brought you all round very wise person, and he is a very gentle as well as very sensible person, and who has done, such a good work that really I must say it's very remarkable, and now I have decided to separate his work with National. See we Indians feel very hot anywhere. We have too much of sun within us I think. So, there, one has to be thankful for that, that you have such a nice leader here. Now I have to tell all the people specially from Melbourne, that you should not take things into your hands, and start another sort of an organization, arbitrarily doing something under some lady like that Trish. If you have any problems you can always write to Me I've told so many times, but Australians don't write to Me is My main complaint about them. And they should not start anything. I'm surprised that there are so many Indian girls in Melbourne and they also did not understand that they have to write to Me. So, once you are caught up you get lost, you get vibrations in a very funny way so much so that I can't even really treat them in this short time. So there is a list of people. Can you bring the list? I've made the list now, please write it down. Is there anybody from Melbourne here? Yes. Go and tell them, that you have to get all these people every day, to sit down, Sunday morning maybe, and see what sort of vibrations you have. You can see it on the candle, there's not to go anywhere, just on the candle you can understand, what's wrong with you, and, you are getting caught up. I'm surprised that you are supposed to be Sahaja Yogi how could you not feel the vibrations of this woman Trish. It took Me not even a second to know that she is a bhoot. But there's a fraternity I think, that's why such nice Sahaj Yogis beautiful Sahaj Yogis, got involved into it. So this is a very serious thing and I hope this doesn't happen next time. Now the list is like this. I made the list. Can somebody read it for Me. Please, take it. It's a serious thing, otherwise you'll be lost, I'm telling you. Leader: Michael Davies, Jackie Hodge, Peter Hodge, Shri Mataji: Go slowly. Leader: Mother shall we give them a photocopy of this? Shri Mataji: Still you read it. Leader: John Poulianakis, Fred Millar, Ian Lowry, Greg Bradshaw, Lyndon DeValle, Philip Noone, Martin Purcell, Colin Berry, Jeff Platford, Bruno Archello, Glen Pulolovich, Ben Flora, Savita Noone, Cheryl Bradshaw and Helen Platford. Shri Mataji: They are all first class Sahaj Yogis I tell you, all of them. And it's really beyond Me, even when he's reading the thing I'm getting on the left, you just see, you'll feel it, terrible. Getting the pain here. Now how are they going to be all right? I'm worried about them. Now also in Melbourne, I thought I'm sending a very very good sensible leader. But I don't know why people, got after him, and formed a group outside. If I am sending somebody, I should know that I know what I am doing. So you become anti Me or what? So please all those people, who have got, these problems, work it out every night, every morning on the three candle treatment, and you can go in the garden, sit down there, also say Ganesha's mantras. It will take some time for you to be all right, I can tell you. Even taking their names you get left Swadishthana, aren't you getting left Swadishthana, the whole left. This can happen to anyone, because somebody like that comes up and starts her own. Anything without the leader should not be done. They went to such a limit, that they have taken out the name out of the list of telephone of these people, can you imagine. This is too arbitrary, it's very dangerous. It should not happen anymore. People are very good at combining together when it is some sort of a, negativity. You see if you want to hate someone, immediately, fundamentalists will join together to hate someone. Now for Adelaide I would say, Adelaide has one problem also people are very arbitrary, they have given Me lots of trouble before, and if they want Me to come back, now I have asked Michael Sweet, because he's quite good at organizing, to organize all the people in Adelaide. And please support him. Now don't get after his life now. That shows that the leaders who are unscrupulous, who are dishonest, are more appreciated and, can dominate people, while those who are good nice people, are to be dominated. So please in Adelaide, unless and until you have an Ashram I'm not going to come there. Get an Ashram, all of you shift to the Ashram and work it out. If twenty-five people Sahaj Yogis cannot live together, how do I expect the whole world to be there? Just think of our vision. Then Wollongong, another thing, the other day we had very nice people, I don't know how Sahaj Yogis are working out Wollongong. They have to have, a proper Ashram, no individual houses. Same in Newcastle. You all can have a big house. Now these are the best days when you can take a house on rent. It's such a God sent thing now for us, that you can really get a house for a such a cheap price. Take a big house outside, outside the city somewhere, not in the city, and sit down with your meditation. I hope you must have realized, that a very great work, we are doing in Sahaj Yoga, the greatest of greatest, and you are all part and parcel, of that work. So please try, to find out methods by which you all could be closer, and understanding each other, loving each other. Also beware of Indian girls, in this respect, they have a tendency, that's what everybody's informing, that they always want to separate out and Indian boys also. Otherwise they are all right. But one of the reasons I know now why it is, that you see the girls, or the boys, from the west have led a different type of a life a very different culture, and we can say it's not Sahaj, and they try to tell them, what kind of a life they have led, and that makes, them very miserable and they develop a nausea with that. Then they are frightened. We don't have to discuss these things with anyone, past is past is finished why do you want to talk of that, filth now? So, nobody has to discuss about the filth through which they have come out. Do you mean to say that when the lotuses come out, do they talk, or do they smell of the filth out of which they have come out. No. They spread fragrance. In the same way now you are lotuses, try to assume your powers. Even if you put somebody on the throne and make him king, still he is in a beggarish way. Everybody comes, he says; 'Give me one dollar.' Then what to say? It's the same situation. Now you are out of it, finished now, so don't discuss these dirty things and filthy things, that's why these Indians are frightened. Because there is a cultural difference, and they want to run away. So if you don't talk about it, they'll be all right. Don't discuss. It's filthy it's dirty why to discuss it? I've told hundred times when you are getting married, not to talk about your past. There's no confession and all that in Sahaja Yoga, you know very well, and people write to Me and you'll be surprised twelve pages fourteen pages, of their confessions. 'I'm trying I'm trying'. I don't read even one word out of it because immediately I know the filth is there. Burn it off. So no use writing to Me also, I don't want to know. Finished. I don't know what is the need for you to write all these things. There's no need to write. All right? After all you are My children, how you are born, is important than from where you came is not important. You are all beautiful people. I've already told you what you are. Believe Me, you can check out whatever I've said is true or not. Also I've told you as I work without taking any money, you too work without taking any money don't you? So please don't discuss these things. It's not worth discussing talking, filth. If some outsider starts tell them now we don't want to talk about. It's finished now, it's gone. That's how things are working out now properly. You see I depend on you very much for one reason that you are from Ganesha's country. If you just know how to forget it, it can be worked out. You are Shri Ganeshas in the sense, that you are now innocent. Innocence is born within you, there's a fragrance of innocence. Why do you want to remember those dirty things. Now I'm telling you again, if I hear from anyone, that anyone is discussing this, then we'll ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. Because why do they want to remember the filth? Again go back to the same filth then. All right? This is not to be done again, please. So now we'll come to another point of schooling the children. I find that, still people are very money oriented, as far as the school is concerned. Very money oriented. Very. Now for Indian schools we have calculated, how much money will be needed and we have to also, spend some money for equipping that to equip, that school. Nobody is eating money there, for heaven's sake. As soon as it comes to Indians immediately we'll say, he eats money. And when so many have eaten money in schools here, Australians, nobody even thought they will eat money. So, try to understand, is much less the price that you are paying here, even for preschool. While, not only it's education, but also food, also other amenities they have to travel and this. There is some little profit if they get will be good idea so that we can equip them. Now we have to build a high school. Who is going to pay for the building? Is school for your children, not for Indian children. Who is going to pay? So that is it. We have to have for, even for middle school that is after the sixth of seventh that, what you call this sixth class you call it or fifth class, we have to have computer. They have to learn about computer. Indian schools are not like this. They have to have a science laboratory. If you see the subjects they have to learn you'll be amazed. English they have to know grammar very well, they must have proper spellings, proper handwritings. This is the minimum, I'm saying the minimum of minimum. My grandson was studying in a school, it's a very well know school [INDIAN NAME] School and they were paying much more there it's a very famous... We have private schools which we call them as public schools and they're all, somewhere away from the cities. He was paying much more. But when he joined another school in Delhi, which is a day scholar, he had to pay seventy-five thousand rupees only to enrol himself, and every month he is paying ten thousand rupees when he is just a day scholar, in Delhi. And this school is going to be much better, much more equipped, various things we'll be doing. But every time I find such a money orientation about schools. Same about preschool I've seen it. See we must understand that children are to be educated by us. The first thing is you should never doubt the teachers, no way. You must respect. This is what is lacking in your education here. That's why children have no respect for anyone. I told you the story, again I'll tell you the same story. That my father, had a, generous habits of educating boys from poor classes. That all we do, if we have money we just don't put it for ourselves and indulge into it but, we always try to help our poor relations or poor people. So he always had four five boys studying. They stayed in our house and they looked after them. One of them, did his matriculation then he was doing his intermediate. He felt little obliged and he said: 'Sir if you allow me I would like to teach your children'. He said: 'All right go ahead'. We had two, gates to enter the house one, which went through the, courtyard another through his office. One day I don't know why he came through his office and immediately my father stood up for him. Know he was extremely embarrassed you see, he didn't know, just thought, everybody got up. Who is this gentleman has come? Then he went inside, and he told My mother that: 'I touch your feet but tell Sahib not to get up for me it is too much I can't just bear it'. My father came in and he said: 'Why should you be embarrassed? If I don't respect you, then my children won't respect you.' You must try to be nobler people, it's ignoble habits, should be given up otherwise your children will be ignoble. Now whatever has to be paid to the teachers has to be paid. Apart from that sometimes, you must in the presence of children you must try to give them some presents or some flowers, respect them. That's what they do in India, and why most of the rich people donate money. Absolutely if they have more money they donate, money to the schools, that's a sign of a noble person. For a Sahaja Yogi it is important. Supposing now we have somebody who doesn't have money or maybe not a job, and he cannot educate. Now this is a good Sahaja Yogi who has been in Sahaja Yoga for two three years, has been giving realizations to people but he doesn't have a job. It's our duty in a way, to support his children to be educated. See when this hand is self-supporting is all right. I mean this is self-supporting is all right, but in case it needs the support of this, this has to give the support. As we call scholarships or sometimes we call, now we have got at least five or six children in our school there, who are absolutely free, absolutely. Food, some of them I am supporting, some of them Yogi's supporting and some of them are absolutely free, absolutely hundred percent. Will not tell you the names. Their food their clothes everything and nobody knows. We don't want them to develop a feeling [INAUDIBLE around?]. So all the time, to be very calculating about things is bad. I've seen a complete, manifesto typed [INAUDIBLE] I don't know what, about having a committee on top of this little preschool. That is not proper. It's conditioning, everything, even if you have to put these, balloons you'll have a committee. This committee on top of that another committee another. Trust, trust and trust. We have now one committee I had to do it, is called as the finance committee all right. They are all audits, experts and accountants and they will be here in Sydney. That doesn't mean Sydney is dominating as someone. Some subjects have to be central, as in any government. That you should understand, and that these can go and see your accounts if they're all right or not. But nobody has to dominate in Sahaja Yoga, we have to help support and trust. Now in this preschool I find there are only seven children of that age group who are studying. There are smaller children also. I have suggested to him that why not use this area for the school there's a school there. And I would like children to be in My Room than anybody else. So use this. You save money like that and children will feel comforted. Everybody should see if they have time what can I do for children, can I come and help you. Instead of that, how much money you spend this that. You see there's no income tax in Sahaja Yoga, is there? We want to get rid of these kind of things. Everybody feels frightened and insecure, all the time. Forget about these things. Trust. You don't know how many thousands of dollars I've lost, by trusting people. Thousands. But we have to trust. What can you do? We have to pay for our principles. The main principle is trusting and not to ask about money where is what what is right. The second is a very bad situation here is, because every parent can go and interfere with the teacher. Because they think they are paying for it. You'll spoil your children completely. Should never never interfere with the teachers, never. With the school. I mean if you don't have money all right. Again you can have a committee, to find out if they really don't have money or not. But if somebody says I have no money I have no job all right. Somebody should help them But it should not be a kind of a police force behind these teachers, or behind the school or behind the leader. Where is the money gone where is that gone this that? Those who worry too much of money will never have money I tell you. Though I lose money quite a lot, but I get double I tell you, never a problem. I never have a problem of money, never never never. One must trust. I'll tell you one example, very nice example, which shows how Sahaja Yoga works out things. I went down to Rome, and we wanted to start a school in Rome. We saw the land everything is very nice, but we had to deposit the money immediately. And Guido said: 'Mother we need about sixteen thousand pounds worth of liras to deposit this'. I said: 'I don't know if I have that money with Me in the bank or not. I'll have to see, but doesn't matter'. I reached the airport and I was leaving. Suddenly, Sandra came with a packet and she said: 'Mother this I have saved for You'. I said: 'What is this?' 'This is money, liras'. I said: 'But why I don't need I don't take any money why why do you give Me?'. Suddenly it struck Me. 'How much it is? What is the value?' She said: 'Sixteen thousand pounds'. I said: 'That's it'. So I got that money from her. I said: 'All right give Me give Me I'll take it, and give it to Guido'. I said: 'Guido go and book your... He booked that. Then it so happened that, the whole thing fizzled out, and he got back his money again, like a bad penny. So we were starting this Shudy Camps. I went there. Guido said: 'Mother don't change your money. I have got all these liras with me. All the things that I had to buy were bathroom fittings and all the, what you call the wc's and all that, plus the, all the marble and all the curtains and what not, every sort of thing. And do you know, in one day I did all that, for such a big place like Shudy, in one day, really. It was a fast movement. And after that, I told them that you pay them and send Me the bill what ever it is. I also gave them hundred pounds more I said: 'These curtains are very nice also get some more for Me maybe, because they're dark shade'. And can you imagine when the bill came it was sixteen thousand one hundred pounds. Exactly. So I had forgotten about hundred. I said: 'How is it sixteen thousand, what have you done? Must be some manipulation'. They said: 'Mother no it's, grace of God it has worked out'. I said: 'Then this one hundred from where?' 'It's Yours. You gave us. You forgot, this is Yours'. Then we bought the land and sold it for double the price and now they have an Ashram. But where people are stingy about money, think about money, things do not work out. And also worth knowing, when we bought these two very big Ashrams in Rome, I don't know if anybody has seen them, here, very big, two Ashrams we've got them. That too, I told him just be on the lookout. So he said: 'Mother there is one advertisement for a house, nearer the main road or something'. I said: 'Main road won't be good'. 'No no it's quite in the inside but it's away from the main city. I said: 'Have you seen it?' 'No'. I said: 'I have no time now, you're telling Me now, and I have to catch the plane'. He said: 'Mother I had no time to tell You'. Luckily that day we heard that the plane was cancelled because there was some trouble. I said: 'Very good, now we have got one day'. I said: 'Can you talk to the owner and ask him if he would like to show Me the place'. The owner accepted, and We went there about, three o'clock, reached there about three. My plane was about eight, to India. So immediately I saw this, and that amount which we had spent, I mean, for the buying of the land had doubled and we could buy both the houses. And it's such a big land. Immediately I said: 'Buy it now.' We bought it and I caught My plane and went to India. Nobody will believe that in such a short time we got that beautiful, it's a very very beautiful school, and also very beautiful area. Just see it worked out. So I have a feeling that, when you start worrying about money it slips out somehow, nothing works out. To feel the grace is to leave everything to God, now you do it I don't know. You'll be amazed how things work out. It's beautifully, it works out and you're amazed because that's how you know that you have the blessings, how God has blessed you. Money is what, is the dust of His Feet. So, I told you when I came these people Customs troubled Me I said: 'I don't know what they are going to have now here in recession'. But doesn't matter. It's not going to affect you at all, if you are in a witness state you can see all that, and things will work out, everybody will have sufficient money, but don't worry. And the more money people have, the more they are worried about money I have seen that. Those who have less in any case they know that they have less so what is there to worry, like Me. But about school now, we have three classes and I've already talked to Stephan, let him solve the problem. If you find anything wrong, you can tell them, but no parents should go and disturb the teachers, absolutely. You have no right to do that. Even I would say, Indian school. Nicely all the people go, stay there this, in which school is it allowed like this? After this, all those who have to see their children have to stay in a hotel and see them only on a particular date which is being told that you have to see. You'll be disturbing your children all the time. It's not that anybody can go anytime live there nicely, and interfere with the working of the school. We have to bring some system into it, otherwise your children will suffer. Even the Dharamshala school was really absolutely there were a visitation, of all these bhootish people, they tortured the lives of these teachers there. This is never done. So now next time, nobody is going to go there like this. I have told him, that if they're going to Dharamshala then they should stay in a hostel, and the children can also stay with you, not hostel we can call it a kind of a, inn or it is a, can call it, what is it a, it's not a big hotel but a kind of a inn sort of thing. You can take your children there with you, but you should not go to the school all the time, and sit with them, because even there they have to study. The trouble is, Indian standards are very high. All the children, though they have holidays, only take holidays for one month and the rest of the time they are all studying. You'll see how your children will improve, they don't know even how to spell c-a-t cat. Because of the interference of the parents children are so bad. So now if you have real love for your children allow them to grow properly, and you'll see how they'll come up. Another thing they have no immunity for anything. Like if there's any jaundice, they are the first to get it, if there's malaria they are the first to get it, if there's typhoid they are first to get it. While Indian children have that immunity, because I have seen here also, everybody is carrying the child. Don't touch the child all the time. Keep the child away from your body, has that, warmth which goes to the child also. Yes sometimes you have to look after the child, the child must know you love the child, but all the time carrying the child like this, I have seen many ladies who are in my lecture also, doing like this. Why what is the need? You make the child so much conditioned, and the child cannot remain quiet unless you do like this. Massage the child nicely. Massaging is very good. You should massage yourselves also, but at least the child. Let them learn how to take bath everyday. Everyday they must be cleansed, so that they develop the habit of cleanliness. They never wash their hands, they don't want to wash their hands, and their hands smell, they just use paper. Whatever you tell them they'll use paper never wash their hands. The hands smell, mouth smells. With all your development, children have no sense of personal cleanliness. We have to know that they're born-realized children, and that they have to have, a very different type of attitude towards life, as the same way as the parents have to have, a very different attitude towards the school. It's a very patronizing, and you should be proud that you have such a school here. Thank God, they are not in the same mess as you have been. It's so much protection to them. So change your attitude entirely about the schools, about the children, and look after them as if you are their trustees. They are in your trust and also, they should know that you love them very much, as anybody else also loves them. They must learn how to respect. They must have good manners. This can be done when the children are here, because they don't know how to say namaste, they don't want to say thank you, they don't want to say sorry, nothing of the kind. All the time they'll go on asking why, why, and the Indian teachers start looking, Indian children would not. Here they have no right to ask. They will all be brats here, I tell you all the children who are going to all these schools whether private or to the municipal schools. But the other schools that are where there's, horrible schools are there here I know. Because anybody who comes from those schools, we don't want to admit them. We have had three of them, we sent them back. It's cheaper all right, but we can't admit. Three children have been sent away. If you feel that you must share your money with your children, then see that they get proper education, proper grounding. Of course I am going to make a proper complete sketch of how with the teachers, how to deal with the children, how to make them understand, how to put them into proper way. But this is a very important age from three to five years I think. Till one year they should be with the mother and father. But mother should not too much also all the time, handle the child, and should look after the child, in a way as if it is in her trust, massage the child, look after the child. I've seen some children just go on crying. I don't know maybe the mothers must have been very unhappy, when they were bearing the child maybe they had a bad time, with the mother-in-law maybe with the husband whatever it is. All the time crying. All right that can be corrected, but they are our property and we have to look after them. But again I say that doesn't mean, that a mother should expect others to give bath or look after them all the time it's not so. So I hope you'll use your discretion now as far as your children are concerned. I am very much concerned about them. Now the story goes about, people start talking like that. About the Indian school there's lot of criticism. I would like to know how much you have paid for the school, to build. It's only your children studying there, nobody else's. How much money did you pay to buy the land? Nobody enquired. How much it has cost to build this school? Nobody enquired. But if you are sending about, ten dollars for their food and everything. Hundred and fifty dollars for four weeks, where they eat their food, live there, they have all facilities, everything, plus their education. But that will be very much discussed. You have to know that it's a very big headache to teach the western children in India because every money has to be accounted for our FERanies Foreign Exchange Regulations, and every six months we have to give the report, to the Reserve Bank of India, how we are spending this foreign exchange. And they are experts. Despite all that, the people loose-tonguers are saying: 'Somebody is eating the money there'. It's very difficult, you don't know, to manage the western children in India, first of all as they are, and then secondly, that the government is on top of our head, they're sitting. Then third is about food. Your children are used to tinned foods. Like they'll say we want baked beans in the morning. We want this, we want that, every child wants something else. Now the people will go crazy cooking for all of them separately. You have agreed to such a thing, all right you want this habit. You should not compromise: 'No, better eat this'. He won't eat today, he'll eat tomorrow. Whatever is cooked for everybody in the family please have it. And these tinned fruits I am absolutely against it and I am sure you also don't want them to have tinned fruits. They want to have, fried fish and baked beans and potato chips. That's all they know about food nothing more, or less. So don't send them any tinned fruits, foods, tinned fruits. I think you better not send them any food, is a better idea. Because if you send them chocolates, their liver will be spoiled. They are getting everything there, so please if you have to give you can give them clothes or anything, but not something to eat. Somebody brought lots of chocolates. That's how they got this, problem. Chocolates should be avoided for children up to some age, and also ice cream, but ice cream still is not so much fat, but chocolate specially. You can have lollipops and all those things they are perfectly all right, lollies are all right. Be careful as to what habits you give to them. And tinned food should never be given to children. It's very bad. There's some preservation, and for that preservation they put some chemicals and that's why the children are very susceptible. They have no immunity. It's easy to get fresh things here. Not difficult specially in Australia, you have no problem. Get them fresh things, fresh fruits, fresh food. You should give them. If you form that habit and not from restaurants and thing. See everything you get it in the market bring it home, and just shove it into thing and give them. No. For children be careful. Once you spoil their stomachs it's difficult to make them all right. So be very very careful as to what kind of food you are giving, even if you have to give something, then you should read what is in it you see. If there are anything artificial things please try to avoid. These are very precious children we have, and we have to look after them. Again and again I would request you, to be very kind, to Me by looking after them in a proper sensible manner, till they are with you. Also you have to give them some discipline. It's very important. By giving them self-esteem: 'You are Sahaja Yogis you are this'. If you give them, they have no self-esteem at all. If you give them the self-esteem you'll be surprised they'll start behaving very well. By saying that see: 'You are special children, you are Sahaj Yogis, you can't behave like that,' how they have to be. There has to be some discipline, otherwise at the age of six years you cannot start, and even if you start it, it takes some time. It's exhausting, absolutely exhausting. Some children are very exhausting. So I hope you'll remember this. We have to be kind and nice, discreet, sweet to them, but first we should know what is going to be helpful to them, what is benevolent for them. And just some book comes about children, you read it, done. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to read all such books. I'm already going to write and I've already told you these things. Just in a wider way, you use your discretion. After all you are all realized souls and the spirit within you, can see in the light of that, what is good for your child. But avoid tinned food as far as possible. Anything tinned is horrible and please don't take that for your children. I think you people all need not also have tinned food what is the need?. This cancer and all that so rampant, in the west. In India, thank God at least what ever poor they may be they don't eat tin food. We can't afford. In tin food is more expensive in India than fresh food, because tin is expensive, luckily. All right, so now this is we have done, I have a little present for your, leader. You're an inch short of one pen, so I borrowed his, and he said that: 'Mother You have already given me a pen'. I forget. I hope I have never given you a watch. I never gave you a watch so you can't say anything. All right this is one and today is his wife's birthday. So let us sing something for her, and a little present for her. May God bless. What a nice day to be here when it's your birthday. May God bless. Now last but not the least, very important thing is that the senior people in Sahaja Yoga should not be called by their names. We can say Uncle or something Uncle Tom, is to be done. It's very important, and even I've heard some Indian girls calling somebody: 'John'. I said: 'What? He's like your father. How can you call like that?' 'Our husbands insist.' No, please, call them with some sort of a uncle and aunty. Shouldn't say like that, it's not proper, doesn't look nice. Or address to elders always: 'Sir' is a better idea. Shows you have some culture. We are not brats, first of all. And also we are not people who are hippies, you see. We have to respect the elders. Very important, it is that we have to respect all the elders, that are within you. That's how you will be respected also. See to it that those ladies or gentlemen who are senior people always call them by, either 'Mr' or 'Uncle' or 'Aunt'. He was all the time with Me but I somehow or other sneaked out tying. Ah beautiful. Suits your hand very well. It's really very [INAUDIBLE] Very very [INAUDIBLE] All right, so on a very happy note we should end up now. Feel very sorry that I have to leave you all here, and there are people waiting, as you know in the eastern Asian countries for Me, counting every minute, so I have to go. Leader: Shri Mother before you go. It's not quite over. We have a little presentation for You. Shri Mataji: Ah no. You see you can't... Leader: Although it is Your... Shri Mataji: It's not My Birthday. Leader: No Shri Mataji. But as it is the month of March Shri Mother we feel that we can celebrate Your Birthday in a small way but... Shri Mataji: You have already given Me. Oh chandan. Leader: First we would like to.. Shri Mataji: Oh maa. It's the, beautiful. How can I blow so many candles. I think you'd better do it for Me. Leader: It's a map of Australia Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: Is it? Ah. Leader: Including Tasmania. Shri Mataji: May God bless you all. Thank you very much. So beautiful it is. So beautiful. Now come along, all the children, come along, do for Me. This side also. I'll be entering now My seventy years of age. This is beautiful. He will have to read it out. What's that supposed to be? Leader: This is the card. To Our Beloved Mother, it is You Who is our Shield. It is You Who is the Focus of our devotion. It is You who as Head of Your world wide Sahaja Family, draws us together envelops us with love and concern for one another. Beloved Shri Mataji we your children of the great south land, wish you a happy, gracious and triumphant beginning to your seventieth year. On behalf of all your children I bow to Your Lotus Feet. Shri Mataji: And the second part also. Very nice. Leader: A little piece on the side. We vow to You to spread Your work, to live the precepts of Sahaj. We vow to You to live as one, a great society of saints at large. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Beautiful, beautiful. Children, you must see what Austrians have sent Me is beautiful things, and they wanted Me to be there for My Birthday but I don't know how I'll do it. In any case you can have a look at the way they have wished Me. Oh, this is very beautiful. Children have done it? Oh My. What's that? Leader: I'm not sure Shri Mother. I'm trying to find my way into it. Shri Mataji: Prohibited. So beautiful it is. It's too much, much too much. I don't know what to say because, pearls are, the Adoration of the Sahasrara you know that. There are stones on different chakras of which, every chakra is made and the pearls are for the Sahasrara. So beautiful of you to think of that. It's very kind. Thank you. Thank you very much. Now you've bought it but I'm now going to cancel also pearls from My list. Leader: And one final thing Shri Mother You travel so much You have so many things to remember we noticed You looked at one of these and You thought it might be useful. Shri Mataji: Ah. I'll need somebody to operate it. Just imagine. Budget planning period. What a joke. Now then this, morning meetings. As soon as You come out of Your bed it starts. Then lunch engagements. Plan next meetings. Then interviews. Finished. Leaders: Not for those Shri Mother but for telephone numbers and, all those sort of things that You have to keep somewhere. Shri Mataji: It's quite a lot of things I must say. I am very bad at, but somebody has to look after it, because I don't understand, how will I work it out. [HINDI] Two thousand five hundred ninety names and numbers, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty scheduled appointments. Large forty character by eight line display. What are these characters are? Leader: We have one appointment to put in there straight away Shri Mother and that is for the early part of next year in Australia. Shri Mataji: Oh My. And the best part is, that built in help, screens available, for major functions at the touch of a button but how do you find the button. You see these buttons are so soft You just touch anywhere, they work. All right so thank you very much I hope I'll learn something. Thank you very much thank you. What these are doughnuts? Yogi: Profiteroles. Profiteroles. Shri Mataji: Oh. Oh My. Nobody has eaten so far I'm the only One. [INAUDIBLE] Thank you very much. I must thank you all for really making everyday new things for Me, taking so much trouble looking after Me so well. I feel very comfortable, all the time with My children and, I was driven around in a very comfortable car. I've really enjoyed. And I don't look as if I've done the tour already, I'm quite fresh. Leader: Disappeared strangely Shri Mother none of us know quite how it came about but it's all bits of Australia. We thought You might like it. It's a calendar. Of the Snowy Mountains. Doesn't look real does it. Shri Mataji: It's very nice. What colours, very colourful country. Just imagine. Unbelievable. Thank you very much, thank you. It's beautiful. Thank you very much, beautiful photographs. I will take your leave now.
Final Talk of Australian Tour before Departure. Burwood Ashram Sydney (Australia), 5 March 1992. So, the time has come to say farewell to all of you. I must say this time our Tour has been really very successful. There have been no obstructions no problems nothing, except for one stupid article, we had no problem and which they are going to look after. On the whole, we have learnt a lot this time and I think everybody has been feeling very much better because of Shivratri Puja. I've got reports from other countries that they said Mother: 'What did You do this time on Shivratri that we all felt so much higher and better'. Now the, few things I have to tell you that, luckily you have a very good National leader here, who has brought you all round very wise person, and he is a very gentle as well as very sensible person, and who has done, such a good work that really I must say it's very remarkable, and now I have decided to separate his work with National. See we Indians feel very hot anywhere. We have too much of sun within us I think. So, there, one has to be thankful for that, that you have such a nice leader here. Now I have to tell all the people specially from Melbourne, that you should not take things into your hands, and start another sort of an organization, arbitrarily doing something under some lady like that Trish. If you have any problems you can always write to Me I've told so many times, but Australians don't write to Me is My main complaint about them. And they should not start anything. I'm surprised that there are so many Indian girls in Melbourne and they also did not understand that they have to write to Me. So, once you are caught up you get lost, you get vibrations in a very funny way so much so that I can't even really treat them in this short time. So there is a list of people. Can you bring the list? I've made the list now, please write it down. Is there anybody from Melbourne here? Yes. Go and tell them, that you have to get all these people every day, to sit down, Sunday morning maybe, and see what sort of vibrations you have. You can see it on the candle, there's not to go anywhere, just on the candle you can understand, what's wrong with you, and, you are getting caught up. I'm surprised that you are supposed to be Sahaja Yogi how could you not feel the vibrations of this woman Trish. It took Me not even a second to know that she is a bhoot. But there's a fraternity I think, that's why such nice Sahaj Yogis beautiful Sahaj Yogis, got involved into it. So this is a very serious thing and I hope this doesn't happen next time. Now the list is like this. I made the list. Can somebody read it for Me. Please, take it. It's a serious thing, otherwise you'll be lost, I'm telling you. Leader: Michael Davies, Jackie Hodge, Peter Hodge, Shri Mataji: Go slowly. Leader: Mother shall we give them a photocopy of this? Shri Mataji: Still you read it. Leader: John Poulianakis, Fred Millar, Ian Lowry, Greg Bradshaw, Lyndon DeValle, Philip Noone, Martin Purcell, Colin Berry, Jeff Platford, Bruno Archello, Glen Pulolovich, Ben Flora, Savita Noone, Cheryl Bradshaw and Helen Platford. Shri Mataji: They are all first class Sahaj Yogis I tell you, all of them. And it's really beyond Me, even when he's reading the thing I'm getting on the left, you just see, you'll feel it, terrible. Getting the pain here. Now how are they going to be all right? I'm worried about them. Now also in Melbourne, I thought I'm sending a very very good sensible leader. But I don't know why people, got after him, and formed a group outside. If I am sending somebody, I should know that I know what I am doing. So you become anti Me or what? So please all those people, who have got, these problems, work it out every night, every morning on the three candle treatment, and you can go in the garden, sit down there, also say Ganesha's mantras. It will take some time for you to be all right, I can tell you. Even taking their names you get left Swadishthana, aren't you getting left Swadishthana, the whole left. This can happen to anyone, because somebody like that comes up and starts her own. Anything without the leader should not be done. They went to such a limit, that they have taken out the name out of the list of telephone of these people, can you imagine. This is too arbitrary, it's very dangerous. It should not happen anymore. People are very good at combining together when it is some sort of a, negativity. You see if you want to hate someone, immediately, fundamentalists will join together to hate someone. Now for Adelaide I would say, Adelaide has one problem also people are very arbitrary, they have given Me lots of trouble before, and if they want Me to come back, now I have asked Michael Sweet, because he's quite good at organizing, to organize all the people in Adelaide. And please support him. Now don't get after his life now. That shows that the leaders who are unscrupulous, who are dishonest, are more appreciated and, can dominate people, while those who are good nice people, are to be dominated. So please in Adelaide, unless and until you have an Ashram I'm not going to come there. Get an Ashram, all of you shift to the Ashram and work it out. If twenty-five people Sahaj Yogis cannot live together, how do I expect the whole world to be there? Just think of our vision. Then Wollongong, another thing, the other day we had very nice people, I don't know how Sahaj Yogis are working out Wollongong. They have to have, a proper Ashram, no individual houses. Same in Newcastle. You all can have a big house. Now these are the best days when you can take a house on rent. It's such a God sent thing now for us, that you can really get a house for a such a cheap price. Take a big house outside, outside the city somewhere, not in the city, and sit down with your meditation. I hope you must have realized, that a very great work, we are doing in Sahaj Yoga, the greatest of greatest, and you are all part and parcel, of that work. So please try, to find out methods by which you all could be closer, and understanding each other, loving each other. Also beware of Indian girls, in this respect, they have a tendency, that's what everybody's informing, that they always want to separate out and Indian boys also. Otherwise they are all right. But one of the reasons I know now why it is, that you see the girls, or the boys, from the west have led a different type of a life a very different culture, and we can say it's not Sahaj, and they try to tell them, what kind of a life they have led, and that makes, them very miserable and they develop a nausea with that. Then they are frightened. We don't have to discuss these things with anyone, past is past is finished why do you want to talk of that, filth now? So, nobody has to discuss about the filth through which they have come out. Do you mean to say that when the lotuses come out, do they talk, or do they smell of the filth out of which they have come out. No. They spread fragrance. In the same way now you are lotuses, try to assume your powers. Even if you put somebody on the throne and make him king, still he is in a beggarish way. Everybody comes, he says; 'Give me one dollar.' Then what to say? It's the same situation. Now you are out of it, finished now, so don't discuss these dirty things and filthy things, that's why these Indians are frightened. Because there is a cultural difference, and they want to run away. So if you don't talk about it, they'll be all right. Don't discuss. It's filthy it's dirty why to discuss it? I've told hundred times when you are getting married, not to talk about your past. There's no confession and all that in Sahaja Yoga, you know very well, and people write to Me and you'll be surprised twelve pages fourteen pages, of their confessions. 'I'm trying I'm trying'. I don't read even one word out of it because immediately I know the filth is there. Burn it off. So no use writing to Me also, I don't want to know. Finished. I don't know what is the need for you to write all these things. There's no need to write. All right? After all you are My children, how you are born, is important than from where you came is not important. You are all beautiful people. I've already told you what you are. Believe Me, you can check out whatever I've said is true or not. Also I've told you as I work without taking any money, you too work without taking any money don't you? So please don't discuss these things. It's not worth discussing talking, filth. If some outsider starts tell them now we don't want to talk about. It's finished now, it's gone. That's how things are working out now properly. You see I depend on you very much for one reason that you are from Ganesha's country. If you just know how to forget it, it can be worked out. You are Shri Ganeshas in the sense, that you are now innocent. Innocence is born within you, there's a fragrance of innocence. Why do you want to remember those dirty things. Now I'm telling you again, if I hear from anyone, that anyone is discussing this, then we'll ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga. Because why do they want to remember the filth? Again go back to the same filth then. All right? This is not to be done again, please. So now we'll come to another point of schooling the children. I find that, still people are very money oriented, as far as the school is concerned. Very money oriented. Very. Now for Indian schools we have calculated, how much money will be needed and we have to also, spend some money for equipping that to equip, that school. Nobody is eating money there, for heaven's sake. As soon as it comes to Indians immediately we'll say, he eats money. And when so many have eaten money in schools here, Australians, nobody even thought they will eat money. So, try to understand, is much less the price that you are paying here, even for preschool. While, not only it's education, but also food, also other amenities they have to travel and this. There is some little profit if they get will be good idea so that we can equip them. Now we have to build a high school. Who is going to pay for the building? Is school for your children, not for Indian children. Who is going to pay? So that is it. We have to have for, even for middle school that is after the sixth of seventh that, what you call this sixth class you call it or fifth class, we have to have computer. They have to learn about computer. Indian schools are not like this. They have to have a science laboratory. If you see the subjects they have to learn you'll be amazed. English they have to know grammar very well, they must have proper spellings, proper handwritings. This is the minimum, I'm saying the minimum of minimum. My grandson was studying in a school, it's a very well know school [INDIAN NAME] School and they were paying much more there it's a very famous... We have private schools which we call them as public schools and they're all, somewhere away from the cities. He was paying much more. But when he joined another school in Delhi, which is a day scholar, he had to pay seventy-five thousand rupees only to enrol himself, and every month he is paying ten thousand rupees when he is just a day scholar, in Delhi. And this school is going to be much better, much more equipped, various things we'll be doing. But every time I find such a money orientation about schools. Same about preschool I've seen it. See we must understand that children are to be educated by us. The first thing is you should never doubt the teachers, no way. You must respect. This is what is lacking in your education here. That's why children have no respect for anyone. I told you the story, again I'll tell you the same story. That my father, had a, generous habits of educating boys from poor classes. That all we do, if we have money we just don't put it for ourselves and indulge into it but, we always try to help our poor relations or poor people. So he always had four five boys studying. They stayed in our house and they looked after them. One of them, did his matriculation then he was doing his intermediate. He felt little obliged and he said: 'Sir if you allow me I would like to teach your children'. He said: 'All right go ahead'. We had two, gates to enter the house one, which went through the, courtyard another through his office. One day I don't know why he came through his office and immediately my father stood up for him. Know he was extremely embarrassed you see, he didn't know, just thought, everybody got up. Who is this gentleman has come? Then he went inside, and he told My mother that: 'I touch your feet but tell Sahib not to get up for me it is too much I can't just bear it'. My father came in and he said: 'Why should you be embarrassed? If I don't respect you, then my children won't respect you.' You must try to be nobler people, it's ignoble habits, should be given up otherwise your children will be ignoble. Now whatever has to be paid to the teachers has to be paid. Apart from that sometimes, you must in the presence of children you must try to give them some presents or some flowers, respect them. That's what they do in India, and why most of the rich people donate money. Absolutely if they have more money they donate, money to the schools, that's a sign of a noble person. For a Sahaja Yogi it is important. Supposing now we have somebody who doesn't have money or maybe not a job, and he cannot educate. Now this is a good Sahaja Yogi who has been in Sahaja Yoga for two three years, has been giving realizations to people but he doesn't have a job. It's our duty in a way, to support his children to be educated. See when this hand is self-supporting is all right. I mean this is self-supporting is all right, but in case it needs the support of this, this has to give the support. As we call scholarships or sometimes we call, now we have got at least five or six children in our school there, who are absolutely free, absolutely. Food, some of them I am supporting, some of them Yogi's supporting and some of them are absolutely free, absolutely hundred percent. Will not tell you the names. Their food their clothes everything and nobody knows. We don't want them to develop a feeling [INAUDIBLE around?]. So all the time, to be very calculating about things is bad. I've seen a complete, manifesto typed [INAUDIBLE] I don't know what, about having a committee on top of this little preschool. That is not proper. It's conditioning, everything, even if you have to put these, balloons you'll have a committee. This committee on top of that another committee another. Trust, trust and trust. We have now one committee I had to do it, is called as the finance committee all right. They are all audits, experts and accountants and they will be here in Sydney. That doesn't mean Sydney is dominating as someone. Some subjects have to be central, as in any government. That you should understand, and that these can go and see your accounts if they're all right or not. But nobody has to dominate in Sahaja Yoga, we have to help support and trust. Now in this preschool I find there are only seven children of that age group who are studying. There are smaller children also. I have suggested to him that why not use this area for the school there's a school there. And I would like children to be in My Room than anybody else. So use this. You save money like that and children will feel comforted. Everybody should see if they have time what can I do for children, can I come and help you. Instead of that, how much money you spend this that. You see there's no income tax in Sahaja Yoga, is there? We want to get rid of these kind of things. Everybody feels frightened and insecure, all the time. Forget about these things. Trust. You don't know how many thousands of dollars I've lost, by trusting people. Thousands. But we have to trust. What can you do? We have to pay for our principles. The main principle is trusting and not to ask about money where is what what is right. The second is a very bad situation here is, because every parent can go and interfere with the teacher. Because they think they are paying for it. You'll spoil your children completely. Should never never interfere with the teachers, never. With the school. I mean if you don't have money all right. Again you can have a committee, to find out if they really don't have money or not. But if somebody says I have no money I have no job all right. Somebody should help them But it should not be a kind of a police force behind these teachers, or behind the school or behind the leader. Where is the money gone where is that gone this that? Those who worry too much of money will never have money I tell you. Though I lose money quite a lot, but I get double I tell you, never a problem. I never have a problem of money, never never never. One must trust. I'll tell you one example, very nice example, which shows how Sahaja Yoga works out things. I went down to Rome, and we wanted to start a school in Rome. We saw the land everything is very nice, but we had to deposit the money immediately. And Guido said: 'Mother we need about sixteen thousand pounds worth of liras to deposit this'. I said: 'I don't know if I have that money with Me in the bank or not. I'll have to see, but doesn't matter'. I reached the airport and I was leaving. Suddenly, Sandra came with a packet and she said: 'Mother this I have saved for You'. I said: 'What is this?' 'This is money, liras'. I said: 'But why I don't need I don't take any money why why do you give Me?'. Suddenly it struck Me. 'How much it is? What is the value?' She said: 'Sixteen thousand pounds'. I said: 'That's it'. So I got that money from her. I said: 'All right give Me give Me I'll take it, and give it to Guido'. I said: 'Guido go and book your... He booked that. Then it so happened that, the whole thing fizzled out, and he got back his money again, like a bad penny. So we were starting this Shudy Camps. I went there. Guido said: 'Mother don't change your money. I have got all these liras with me. All the things that I had to buy were bathroom fittings and all the, what you call the wc's and all that, plus the, all the marble and all the curtains and what not, every sort of thing. And do you know, in one day I did all that, for such a big place like Shudy, in one day, really. It was a fast movement. And after that, I told them that you pay them and send Me the bill what ever it is. I also gave them hundred pounds more I said: 'These curtains are very nice also get some more for Me maybe, because they're dark shade'. And can you imagine when the bill came it was sixteen thousand one hundred pounds. Exactly. So I had forgotten about hundred. I said: 'How is it sixteen thousand, what have you done? Must be some manipulation'. They said: 'Mother no it's, grace of God it has worked out'. I said: 'Then this one hundred from where?' 'It's Yours. You gave us. You forgot, this is Yours'. Then we bought the land and sold it for double the price and now they have an Ashram. But where people are stingy about money, think about money, things do not work out. And also worth knowing, when we bought these two very big Ashrams in Rome, I don't know if anybody has seen them, here, very big, two Ashrams we've got them. That too, I told him just be on the lookout. So he said: 'Mother there is one advertisement for a house, nearer the main road or something'. I said: 'Main road won't be good'. 'No no it's quite in the inside but it's away from the main city. I said: 'Have you seen it?' 'No'. I said: 'I have no time now, you're telling Me now, and I have to catch the plane'. He said: 'Mother I had no time to tell You'. Luckily that day we heard that the plane was cancelled because there was some trouble. I said: 'Very good, now we have got one day'. I said: 'Can you talk to the owner and ask him if he would like to show Me the place'. The owner accepted, and We went there about, three o'clock, reached there about three. My plane was about eight, to India. So immediately I saw this, and that amount which we had spent, I mean, for the buying of the land had doubled and we could buy both the houses. And it's such a big land. Immediately I said: 'Buy it now.' We bought it and I caught My plane and went to India. Nobody will believe that in such a short time we got that beautiful, it's a very very beautiful school, and also very beautiful area. Just see it worked out. So I have a feeling that, when you start worrying about money it slips out somehow, nothing works out. To feel the grace is to leave everything to God, now you do it I don't know. You'll be amazed how things work out. It's beautifully, it works out and you're amazed because that's how you know that you have the blessings, how God has blessed you. Money is what, is the dust of His Feet. So, I told you when I came these people Customs troubled Me I said: 'I don't know what they are going to have now here in recession'. But doesn't matter. It's not going to affect you at all, if you are in a witness state you can see all that, and things will work out, everybody will have sufficient money, but don't worry. And the more money people have, the more they are worried about money I have seen that. Those who have less in any case they know that they have less so what is there to worry, like Me. But about school now, we have three classes and I've already talked to Stephan, let him solve the problem. If you find anything wrong, you can tell them, but no parents should go and disturb the teachers, absolutely. You have no right to do that. Even I would say, Indian school. Nicely all the people go, stay there this, in which school is it allowed like this? After this, all those who have to see their children have to stay in a hotel and see them only on a particular date which is being told that you have to see. You'll be disturbing your children all the time. It's not that anybody can go anytime live there nicely, and interfere with the working of the school. We have to bring some system into it, otherwise your children will suffer. Even the Dharamshala school was really absolutely there were a visitation, of all these bhootish people, they tortured the lives of these teachers there. This is never done. So now next time, nobody is going to go there like this. I have told him, that if they're going to Dharamshala then they should stay in a hostel, and the children can also stay with you, not hostel we can call it a kind of a, inn or it is a, can call it, what is it a, it's not a big hotel but a kind of a inn sort of thing. You can take your children there with you, but you should not go to the school all the time, and sit with them, because even there they have to study. The trouble is, Indian standards are very high. All the children, though they have holidays, only take holidays for one month and the rest of the time they are all studying. You'll see how your children will improve, they don't know even how to spell c-a-t cat. Because of the interference of the parents children are so bad. So now if you have real love for your children allow them to grow properly, and you'll see how they'll come up. Another thing they have no immunity for anything. Like if there's any jaundice, they are the first to get it, if there's malaria they are the first to get it, if there's typhoid they are first to get it. While Indian children have that immunity, because I have seen here also, everybody is carrying the child. Don't touch the child all the time. Keep the child away from your body, has that, warmth which goes to the child also. Yes sometimes you have to look after the child, the child must know you love the child, but all the time carrying the child like this, I have seen many ladies who are in my lecture also, doing like this. Why what is the need? You make the child so much conditioned, and the child cannot remain quiet unless you do like this. Massage the child nicely. Massaging is very good. You should massage yourselves also, but at least the child. Let them learn how to take bath everyday. Everyday they must be cleansed, so that they develop the habit of cleanliness. They never wash their hands, they don't want to wash their hands, and their hands smell, they just use paper. Whatever you tell them they'll use paper never wash their hands. The hands smell, mouth smells. With all your development, children have no sense of personal cleanliness. We have to know that they're born-realized children, and that they have to have, a very different type of attitude towards life, as the same way as the parents have to have, a very different attitude towards the school. It's a very patronizing, and you should be proud that you have such a school here. Thank God, they are not in the same mess as you have been. It's so much protection to them. So change your attitude entirely about the schools, about the children, and look after them as if you are their trustees. They are in your trust and also, they should know that you love them very much, as anybody else also loves them. They must learn how to respect. They must have good manners. This can be done when the children are here, because they don't know how to say namaste, they don't want to say thank you, they don't want to say sorry, nothing of the kind. All the time they'll go on asking why, why, and the Indian teachers start looking, Indian children would not. Here they have no right to ask. They will all be brats here, I tell you all the children who are going to all these schools whether private or to the municipal schools. But the other schools that are where there's, horrible schools are there here I know. Because anybody who comes from those schools, we don't want to admit them. We have had three of them, we sent them back. It's cheaper all right, but we can't admit. Three children have been sent away. If you feel that you must share your money with your children, then see that they get proper education, proper grounding. Of course I am going to make a proper complete sketch of how with the teachers, how to deal with the children, how to make them understand, how to put them into proper way. But this is a very important age from three to five years I think. Till one year they should be with the mother and father. But mother should not too much also all the time, handle the child, and should look after the child, in a way as if it is in her trust, massage the child, look after the child. I've seen some children just go on crying. I don't know maybe the mothers must have been very unhappy, when they were bearing the child maybe they had a bad time, with the mother-in-law maybe with the husband whatever it is. All the time crying. All right that can be corrected, but they are our property and we have to look after them. But again I say that doesn't mean, that a mother should expect others to give bath or look after them all the time it's not so. So I hope you'll use your discretion now as far as your children are concerned. I am very much concerned about them. Now the story goes about, people start talking like that. About the Indian school there's lot of criticism. I would like to know how much you have paid for the school, to build. It's only your children studying there, nobody else's. How much money did you pay to buy the land? Nobody enquired. How much it has cost to build this school? Nobody enquired. But if you are sending about, ten dollars for their food and everything. Hundred and fifty dollars for four weeks, where they eat their food, live there, they have all facilities, everything, plus their education. But that will be very much discussed. You have to know that it's a very big headache to teach the western children in India because every money has to be accounted for our FERanies Foreign Exchange Regulations, and every six months we have to give the report, to the Reserve Bank of India, how we are spending this foreign exchange. And they are experts. Despite all that, the people loose-tonguers are saying: 'Somebody is eating the money there'. It's very difficult, you don't know, to manage the western children in India, first of all as they are, and then secondly, that the government is on top of our head, they're sitting. Then third is about food. Your children are used to tinned foods. Like they'll say we want baked beans in the morning. We want this, we want that, every child wants something else. Now the people will go crazy cooking for all of them separately. You have agreed to such a thing, all right you want this habit. You should not compromise: 'No, better eat this'. He won't eat today, he'll eat tomorrow. Whatever is cooked for everybody in the family please have it. And these tinned fruits I am absolutely against it and I am sure you also don't want them to have tinned fruits. They want to have, fried fish and baked beans and potato chips. That's all they know about food nothing more, or less. So don't send them any tinned fruits, foods, tinned fruits. I think you better not send them any food, is a better idea. Because if you send them chocolates, their liver will be spoiled. They are getting everything there, so please if you have to give you can give them clothes or anything, but not something to eat. Somebody brought lots of chocolates. That's how they got this, problem. Chocolates should be avoided for children up to some age, and also ice cream, but ice cream still is not so much fat, but chocolate specially. You can have lollipops and all those things they are perfectly all right, lollies are all right. Be careful as to what habits you give to them. And tinned food should never be given to children. It's very bad. There's some preservation, and for that preservation they put some chemicals and that's why the children are very susceptible. They have no immunity. It's easy to get fresh things here. Not difficult specially in Australia, you have no problem. Get them fresh things, fresh fruits, fresh food. You should give them. If you form that habit and not from restaurants and thing. See everything you get it in the market bring it home, and just shove it into thing and give them. No. For children be careful. Once you spoil their stomachs it's difficult to make them all right. So be very very careful as to what kind of food you are giving, even if you have to give something, then you should read what is in it you see. If there are anything artificial things please try to avoid. These are very precious children we have, and we have to look after them. Again and again I would request you, to be very kind, to Me by looking after them in a proper sensible manner, till they are with you. Also you have to give them some discipline. It's very important. By giving them self-esteem: 'You are Sahaja Yogis you are this'. If you give them, they have no self-esteem at all. If you give them the self-esteem you'll be surprised they'll start behaving very well. By saying that see: 'You are special children, you are Sahaj Yogis, you can't behave like that,' how they have to be. There has to be some discipline, otherwise at the age of six years you cannot start, and even if you start it, it takes some time. It's exhausting, absolutely exhausting. Some children are very exhausting. So I hope you'll remember this. We have to be kind and nice, discreet, sweet to them, but first we should know what is going to be helpful to them, what is benevolent for them. And just some book comes about children, you read it, done. In Sahaja Yoga you don't have to read all such books. I'm already going to write and I've already told you these things. Just in a wider way, you use your discretion. After all you are all realized souls and the spirit within you, can see in the light of that, what is good for your child. But avoid tinned food as far as possible. Anything tinned is horrible and please don't take that for your children. I think you people all need not also have tinned food what is the need?. This cancer and all that so rampant, in the west. In India, thank God at least what ever poor they may be they don't eat tin food. We can't afford. In tin food is more expensive in India than fresh food, because tin is expensive, luckily. All right, so now this is we have done, I have a little present for your, leader. You're an inch short of one pen, so I borrowed his, and he said that: 'Mother You have already given me a pen'. I forget. I hope I have never given you a watch. I never gave you a watch so you can't say anything. All right this is one and today is his wife's birthday. So let us sing something for her, and a little present for her. May God bless. What a nice day to be here when it's your birthday. May God bless. Now last but not the least, very important thing is that the senior people in Sahaja Yoga should not be called by their names. We can say Uncle or something Uncle Tom, is to be done. It's very important, and even I've heard some Indian girls calling somebody: 'John'. I said: 'What? He's like your father. How can you call like that?' 'Our husbands insist.' No, please, call them with some sort of a uncle and aunty. Shouldn't say like that, it's not proper, doesn't look nice. Or address to elders always: 'Sir' is a better idea. Shows you have some culture. We are not brats, first of all. And also we are not people who are hippies, you see. We have to respect the elders. Very important, it is that we have to respect all the elders, that are within you. That's how you will be respected also. See to it that those ladies or gentlemen who are senior people always call them by, either 'Mr' or 'Uncle' or 'Aunt'. He was all the time with Me but I somehow or other sneaked out tying. Ah beautiful. Suits your hand very well. It's really very [INAUDIBLE] Very very [INAUDIBLE] All right, so on a very happy note we should end up now. Feel very sorry that I have to leave you all here, and there are people waiting, as you know in the eastern Asian countries for Me, counting every minute, so I have to go. Leader: Shri Mother before you go. It's not quite over. We have a little presentation for You. Shri Mataji: Ah no. You see you can't... Leader: Although it is Your... Shri Mataji: It's not My Birthday. Leader: No Shri Mataji. But as it is the month of March Shri Mother we feel that we can celebrate Your Birthday in a small way but... Shri Mataji: You have already given Me. Oh chandan. Leader: First we would like to.. Shri Mataji: Oh maa. It's the, beautiful. How can I blow so many candles. I think you'd better do it for Me. Leader: It's a map of Australia Shri Mother. Shri Mataji: Is it? Ah. Leader: Including Tasmania. Shri Mataji: May God bless you all. Thank you very much. So beautiful it is. So beautiful. Now come along, all the children, come along, do for Me. This side also. I'll be entering now My seventy years of age. This is beautiful. He will have to read it out. What's that supposed to be? Leader: This is the card. To Our Beloved Mother, it is You Who is our Shield. It is You Who is the Focus of our devotion. It is You who as Head of Your world wide Sahaja Family, draws us together envelops us with love and concern for one another. Beloved Shri Mataji we your children of the great south land, wish you a happy, gracious and triumphant beginning to your seventieth year. On behalf of all your children I bow to Your Lotus Feet. Shri Mataji: And the second part also. Very nice. Leader: A little piece on the side. We vow to You to spread Your work, to live the precepts of Sahaj. We vow to You to live as one, a great society of saints at large. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much. Beautiful, beautiful. Children, you must see what Austrians have sent Me is beautiful things, and they wanted Me to be there for My Birthday but I don't know how I'll do it. In any case you can have a look at the way they have wished Me. Oh, this is very beautiful. Children have done it? Oh My. What's that? Leader: I'm not sure Shri Mother. I'm trying to find my way into it. Shri Mataji: Prohibited. So beautiful it is. It's too much, much too much. I don't know what to say because, pearls are, the Adoration of the Sahasrara you know that. There are stones on different chakras of which, every chakra is made and the pearls are for the Sahasrara. So beautiful of you to think of that. It's very kind. Thank you. Thank you very much. Now you've bought it but I'm now going to cancel also pearls from My list. Leader: And one final thing Shri Mother You travel so much You have so many things to remember we noticed You looked at one of these and You thought it might be useful. Shri Mataji: Ah. I'll need somebody to operate it. Just imagine. Budget planning period. What a joke. Now then this, morning meetings. As soon as You come out of Your bed it starts. Then lunch engagements. Plan next meetings. Then interviews. Finished. Leaders: Not for those Shri Mother but for telephone numbers and, all those sort of things that You have to keep somewhere. Shri Mataji: It's quite a lot of things I must say. I am very bad at, but somebody has to look after it, because I don't understand, how will I work it out. [HINDI] Two thousand five hundred ninety names and numbers, and one thousand eight hundred and twenty scheduled appointments. Large forty character by eight line display. What are these characters are? Leader: We have one appointment to put in there straight away Shri Mother and that is for the early part of next year in Australia. Shri Mataji: Oh My. And the best part is, that built in help, screens available, for major functions at the touch of a button but how do you find the button. You see these buttons are so soft You just touch anywhere, they work. All right so thank you very much I hope I'll learn something. Thank you very much thank you. What these are doughnuts? Yogi: Profiteroles. Profiteroles. Shri Mataji: Oh. Oh My. Nobody has eaten so far I'm the only One. [INAUDIBLE] Thank you very much. I must thank you all for really making everyday new things for Me, taking so much trouble looking after Me so well. I feel very comfortable, all the time with My children and, I was driven around in a very comfortable car. I've really enjoyed. And I don't look as if I've done the tour already, I'm quite fresh. Leader: Disappeared strangely Shri Mother none of us know quite how it came about but it's all bits of Australia. We thought You might like it. It's a calendar. Of the Snowy Mountains. Doesn't look real does it. Shri Mataji: It's very nice. What colours, very colourful country. Just imagine. Unbelievable. Thank you very much, thank you. It's beautiful. Thank you very much, beautiful photographs. I will take your leave now.
Radio Interview
Hong Kong
6 March 1992, Radio Interview, Hong Kong, China Interviewer: Shri Mataji, from the information I've read about You, You were born in India, a Christian. How was that? Shri Mataji: I mean, I was just born a Christian, that's all. Interviewer: There couldn’t be very many Christian Indian families in that country. Shri Mataji: No, there are lots of Christians. Apart from that, with purpose I was born a Christian. Interviewer: Which part of India do you truly come from? Shri Mataji: Just the centre of India. Absolutely the central point. Interviewer: Is there anything specific, do You think, about this being the central point? Shri Mataji: It is the central point because I have to be in the centre to do My job. And that's why I was born in the centre of India. Interviewer: When You were a child though, being born in the centre of India, did that mean anything to You, as a young girl, say? Shri Mataji: I didn’t know that it was the centre or anything to be discussed about it, because I just knew what My mission was, what I was to do. I knew I would be born at the right point, where I had to be born. So I took all these things for granted because I knew this was to be so. I knew this very well. Interviewer: How old were You when you realised that You had this mission? Shri Mataji: All My life. You see, it’s just like as you realise you are a human being, in the same way I knew that I was to do all this. I knew I was different. Interviewer: And did You start fulfilling this mission ever since You can remember? Shri Mataji: Yes of course. I knew I had healing powers and I knew I had curing powers. I knew I could raise the Kundalini; all that I knew. But I wanted to do something by which I knew all the permutations and combinations of the problems of human beings. And that's how I studied that and I wanted to find out a proper time when I could find out a method by which a mass happening could happen by which one could achieve it. And on the 5th of May, I was sitting near the sea where I decided that it should happen, and it worked out that the last centre - as we call it, the last centre, where the limbic is placed - you see, above that resides the opening for the Divine, what we call in the Bible say, is the baptism. The baptism that we have is just a sort of a ritual, where it’s not the real baptism. The real baptism is that, when this residual force within us, called as Kundalini, when it rises and pierces this area, this fontanel bone area, which is a soft bone when you are a child, that time is the real baptism and this baptism was to be achieved. But I wanted to make a way by which we could achieve a mass happening of this: en masse. Because, you see, if it happened to one person, say, Christ was a realised soul, a great – He was an incarnation, according to Me, He was the Son of God, no doubt, but nobody recognised Him. And when He tried to explain to them, they would not understand because He was at such a height that people could not understand what He was seeing, what He was talking about and ultimately, what a stupid thing it was to... Absolutely it was very wrong to crucify a man of that calibre, who was nothing but the incarnation. Interviewer: Hmm. So it was on the 5th of May, of which particular year that you decided to...? Shri Mataji: 1970. Interviewer: Let's go back to when You were a child. Was there anything special about the way You were brought up that might have led You...? Shri Mataji: Very much. From My very childhood, I mean when I was to be conceived by My mother only, they told Me lots of things, what happened to My mother and she dreamt of some things. But one of the main things, one of the remarkable ones which I remember now is this that, she wanted to go and see a tiger when she was eight months pregnant and My father said, ‘It’s funny that you want to go and see a tiger at this advanced stage of pregnancy.’ But she said, ‘No, I must go and see a tiger.’ And so My father was a big well-known hunter of Shikhari [hunting guide] in those days and one of the Rajas sent him a word saying that, ‘There’s man-eater perhaps in the forest and we would like you to come and help us.’ So he said, ‘See now I've got a message and now I have to go.’ And My mother said, ‘All right, if you have to go, I am coming with you.’ ‘How will you come at this stage?’ ‘No, I must come to see the tiger moving.’ Then he went there and she also. And they - we use a kind of platform on top, they build it up on top of a tree, which is called as machan. And these, all these villagers, you see, they drive the animal towards the hunter, and My father and mother always sitting on top of the machan. And suddenly My mother saw the big, huge tiger. My father said he had never seen such a big one before, and just coming in the moonlight and walking very stealthily in his own grace and dignity. And My mother was so enamoured, you see, that she just looked at it and she was so happy as if her child has seen. She felt very happy, she said. Then My father wanted to kill the animal and she said, ‘No, if you kill the animal, I am going to jump out of this place. You are not going to kill the animal.’ And they said that the tiger disappeared, they don't know where the tiger went. So My father knew that it would be some sort of a powerful personality that is going to be born. And My father, being a realised soul, also knew that I was something extraordinary. Interviewer: What about when You were actually a child though? Did they treat You as something very special and teach You maybe some, even special things to help You fulfil this mission of Yours? Shri Mataji: No, not like that. You see, it was a very free sort of an expression of a personality which people accepted, because I was extremely loving, compassionate, generous - I was a unique type of person as a child, so they knew,’She was different,’ that’s all. But only thing I would say that, My father understood Me much better because he was a realised soul. And when grew up he told Me that, ‘No use talking about it to anyone, because they will never understand. You must first of all find out a method by which you get an en masse realisation . That is Your work, as You know. And so, unless and until You find that, there's no use talking about it, because You’ll create another Qaran or Bible, what's the use? You must give them an experience otherwise they will never understand.’ Interviewer: Did You continue this idea of Yours of trying to get this masse experience going, through Your work with Mahatma Gandhi? Shri Mataji: No, no, that time it was very different, it was an emergency. Of course, in a small way I contributed also, because he loved Me very much. He used to call Me Nepali, you see. Nepali is our face, you see; the Chinese face is a Nepali face, you see - because I have broad...this thing - and he always used to call Me Nepali. He loved Me very much. But he was a man born for an emergency and when our country was to be politically independent, and that was his thing. But one thing I must say, though he was a political leader and a political leader need not worry about spirit and religion and all that, but he considered our country to be a land of Yoga, and he always based his theories and philosophies and also his activities on the fibre that was India. That the fibre is we are a very religious people and to understand what is religion is, and how to create an atmosphere of satisfaction in the people. So he had that within him, but he didn't talk of realisation at that time and as I – I was just a little child of seven years, you see, so I used to play about with him and he was very fond of oranges, so I would make some orange juice for him and give him orange juice and this and that. And he used to discuss with Me sometimes small, small things. And I remember once I told him that, ‘Why do you make everyone get up so early? If you want to get up you can get up, but why do you make everyone get up early?’ He said, ‘But You get up very early.’ I said, ‘It's all right for Me, but everybody cannot get up very early?’ He said, ‘No, they must be made to get up.’ I said, ‘But why should we make them do that?’ He said that, ‘You see just now, we are passing through crisis. We have to fight the British and we have to get our independence and if people are lethargic, then how are we going to do it? So we have to be disciplined, you see.’ So he said, ‘We must have discipline, otherwise and it won’t be all right.’ And then I told him that, ‘A day will come when we will have our inner discipline; that would be much better.’ So he knew I was a very wise person, and he used to love Me and also respect Me, but in a very, I should say in a very, very fatherly manner. And he would discuss things with Me which was... I would say he impressed Me by many things. One of them is his sense of integrity; sense of integrity within himself, you see. He was absolutely honest to himself. That’s something so great about him which I appreciated. He never cheated himself. This is the greatest thing about him. And in money matters, anything, he was so integrated that, whatever he said he did; he criticised himself, he looked at himself, he watched himself. But for him, realisation was not the problem - that was not the problem at that time; the problem was different. But after independence, we should have taken to realisation; that was the main problem we had. But after realisation [perhaps Shri Mataji meant to say ‘independence’ here], we had problems of, say, partition and other things. And the diversion of the whole attention, the whole nation, you see, was on the wrong things. We had to solve this problem and solve that problem and nobody thought of realisation at that time. Normally, it should be so. Interviewer: How much do You think Mahatma Gandhi influenced the way You developed Your Sahaja Yoga, Your way of thinking now, Your technique maybe? Shri Mataji: You see, it was no question of influence because, you see this is another realm I am talking about. Sahaja Yoga takes you to another realm where these problems do not exist, you see. You work out with Divine Power, not with human powers, but you work out with Divine Power. And Divine power are tremendous and they work out everything in such a smooth manner that there was no need to use all these human powers, I think personally. But his main contribution, I think, was to establish balance in people. You see, balance in people was the thing that he brought in, and make them more Indian and to take out all the slavish mentalities that had trickled down into us, to make us feel our self-respect; all these things were there. But the realm at which I was, was very different from his. So the question of influence doesn't come in. But, I would say that, certain things were influenced – I would say My choice of, say, different prayers. I told him according to the centres within us, and - I didn’t tell him, these are according, but I said, ‘You put this first and then this one, and this one, ’ and he said, ‘All right, it's a good idea,’ and he changed the sequence, like that. But it was so smooth and so silently done that it was not made obvious to people that in any way we had any rapport on these things, nor did he ever ask Me about Spirit nor did he ever meditate. He did not meditate because he was not realised, he was not realised at that time. He was not a realised soul and his main attention was for this, and he will be born again and he will be realised, because he was a great soul, no doubt. He was very, very great. I mean, he was extremely great as a human being, but realisation is very different. It's another realm into which human beings go, the awareness is different. And his meditation was just to ponder about things and to guide oneself and all that, but not the kind of a meditation I talk of, where we become thoughtlessly aware. It's a different dimension in your awareness. Interviewer: Is this then what Self-Realisation means, what You mean by a realised soul? Shri Mataji: Yes, Self-Realisation means when the Self, which is talked about in all the scriptures and all that, starts emitting its manifestation in our conscious mind. Means that time, we become aware of it, to this extent that our central nervous system starts recording the power of our Spirit, of our Self, and we start feeling the breeze-like vibrations of the Spirit, which is called in the Bible as the cool breeze of the Holy Spirit. Interviewer: You're saying then that, when a person is realised, he feels some actual physical things? Shri Mataji: Yes, the energy that's flowing through him he can feel it. It's flowing through his body. Not only that but he becomes. Again I say, he becomes - it's not lecturing or any brainwashing. He actually becomes collectively conscious, means in his awareness he can start feeling another person's centres and also his own centres and he can start correcting it. Interviewer: Is it like finding what one can loosely describe, or what people have loosely described, as the soul inside one? Shri Mataji: Yes, but they are quite confused people. They don't know what is Soul, what is Spirit, that these are all precise things. Soul is the thing which is not only the Spirit but is the body, the personality, except for the element of earth in it. We are made of five elements, all right? Out of which, the element of earth drops out; then you become the Soul, because you cannot be seen, but you exist in another plane. Interviewer: Was it before You decided to start Your, truly start Your mission, that You also took courses in medicine? Shri Mataji: Yes, I did some medicine because I knew I had to talk to doctors and explain to them what is all this, because I knew what it is, but I didn't know what they called it you see, because the names are given by human beings. So I had to study and I also studied one dictionary on psychology because I knew I had to talk to psychologists, and scientists and doctors, so I have to know about it: what they say, what they call it, you see. Interviewer: And the theory by, say scientists, that man came from a little cell from heaven knows where, how did you feel about those, and relate to them? Shri Mataji: It's a fact, that's a fact. He came from a cell, evolved through a cell. But how did he evolve, why did he evolve, what is the purpose of his life is not all answered by science. And what is the Power that makes you evolve? Also that is not answered. So in Sahaja Yoga, you know all that – with what Power you evolve. And with the same Power, not only you evolve up to this stage, but you go higher with that. Interviewer: What is Your theory about that then? Why are we here, or, why have we been so long in the process? Shri Mataji: You see, anything that you create, even human beings for example, you have created this beautiful lamp. Now why is it there? To give us the light, isn't it, to give that power. So that's how God has created us, to give His Power to us, so that we feel Him and know Him in our awareness. We understand Him and we emit His powers and enjoy it. To say in the words of Christ: ‘To enter into the Kingdom of God.’ Interviewer: Are You talking about the same God as every religion talks about? Shri Mataji: Absolutely, there's nothing else. Interviewer: Is Sahaja Yoga then a sort of new religion? Shri Mataji: No, it is the integration of all the religion, I should say. It's the enlightenment that proves all the religions and all the incarnations and their integration. Interviewer: How do You mean it proves it? Shri Mataji: It’s the light, in the sense that, now see in this room there are many things. But when it's dark, you see this thing as something different and there’s another thing as something different, and you say that, ‘This is mine, that’s it, this is mine, this is the truth,’ because you see that and another sees another thing. But when there is light, you see the whole thing belongs to the same. Sahaja Yoga just gives you that light of the Spirit by which you start seeing that it's all just the same. For example, now, once you are connected to your Spirit, you start getting those cool vibrations in your hand. Now, you want to ask any question: ‘Is there God?’ you’ll immediately get a lot of vibrations coming to you. Whatever are Absolute questions are answered like this. You start feeling them, and every question, whenever you have a problem, you can ask and you can know because now you are connected to the Absolute. All such – now whatever questions you are asking, say you are a realised soul, you can get the answers on the hands and you can know that whether this is true or not. Whether Christ was - now they say He was the Son of God. People can challenge, I can understand that because they were not realised souls, and that's why they couldn't understand that time. But now when you're realised, you just ask: ‘Was He the Son of God?’ and you'll see that the vibrations will start flowing. You will know who was really a real saint or a prophet, or who was a fake one. Everything you can find out through these vibrations, because a rapport is established; now you are connected. Like this [speaker] is connected to the mains. Unless and until this speaker is connected to the mains it is useless. You are to be connected to the mains. Unless and until this instrument, that is created from amoeba stage to this stage, is connected to the mains, you are not going to know yourself. You are not going to know your meaning, neither you are going to function for which you are created. Interviewer: Surely it's a matter of what stage in your development you are, that you can even start to question about these things. Shri Mataji: No, not necessarily, because the time has come. There's no need to have a question. But the time has come; it’s everywhere. I find it in different styles, for example affluent countries have problems; they have their own problems they are facing. They are so speedy, they have problems. Cancer is one of the [unclear] which is, only can be cured after Self-Realisation , otherwise you cannot cure cancer. So many things are there. I mean on, say, developing countries have their own problems and then they start thinking: ‘Now, what about us? How are we to...?’ For example like India, we have problems and people get so confused. They don't know how to solve the problems. They try to solve one problem, they jump into another... So they start thinking about it, ‘Now what is it, what's going wrong?’ Because you do not have the light. You are walking in the darkness and you are bumping at each other for nothing at all. Interviewer: Will people be able to handle this Self-Realisation, do You think? Shri Mataji: Yes, by all means. You see once you are Self-Realised you have to, a little bit, establish yourself that's true. You take about, at the most, one month or two months. Once you are established, you become so powerful and so wise that the vibrations tell you and you just don't do wrong things. If you start doing it you don't like it because you start getting pain in the fingers, something happens to you, you don’t like it; you enjoy this, because it’s so blissful. Interviewer: Don't You think that perhaps it might go the same way, say, for instance, if we talk about Christ teaching His love ideal, and how we should love everybody, that some people just didn't accept that. Shri Mataji: It doesn’t matter, but that may not be possible now because those who will not accept will have problems. They’ll have problems; they will have to accept it otherwise they’ll have problems. Gradually they will all, perhaps accept it. This is because this is the solution to all of the problems; because you have problems you have to accept, otherwise human beings are not easy thing to accept anything. Christ, you see, at that time, didn't come for Self-Realisation. He just came to prove that there is spiritual Power, which cannot be killed. Resurrection is His message. My message is not resurrection or anything. Mine if your resurrection. The resurrection of the whole human race, you see; their evolution is My message. This is My job. Interviewer: How are You going to convince hard-boiled cynics that this is the right way to go about things? Shri Mataji: You see, this nature will work it out in so many ways. These cynics are there. They are cynics because of certain reasons. They would not be so, because they are conditioned, very much conditioned. You can find out because they must be having problems with that, mental problems, also problems in the family - cynics will have always problems in the family, and some sort of a thing will be there. And I mean, I do not say that, always they have problems; there are some people who say that those who are unhappy can only come to... Not necessarily, because there’s a category of seekers. There is a category of people who are seekers. First I have to worry about them, those who are really seekers - it's a category. And that's why they are very unhappy because they are a different category. They cannot be satisfied with anything. They’ll try everything, you see, they’ll try to get some money, they’ll try to get some power. They'll try this, that. But they'll not be happy, because they are a different category, so they’ll seek again God. When they’ll seek God also, they'll go to wrong people and spend money here, and do this and do that - everything they'll try, and then they'll find out. Still they haven't found out what they were finding, so they'll come to Sahaja Yoga. So first, My attention is on the seekers themselves; it's a category which is, as I told you, I mean these people know that William Blake has written about them, this is the... He calls them, ‘Men of God, and these men of God,’ he says, ‘will become prophets.’ And these prophets have a special power by which they will be giving realisations to others and making them into prophets. Interviewer: Are You saying then that William Blake was a realised soul? Shri Mataji: Oh, of course, very much. Interviewer: How can one be a realised soul when You're here now? Shri Mataji [laughing]: You see, there were many realised souls before also, and it's the Power, is all-pervading, is eternal, is always existing. All of these great saints, like we can say that, John the Baptist was a realised soul, and the same way, William Blake - Shakespeare was a great realised soul. He was really tremendous, the way he tried to show the futility of life. He definitely was a realised soul. And this you will know by feeling the vibrations of these people, whether they were realised or not. You can feel their vibrations that, they were realised souls. And these realised souls were something - we can say thousands of years back, we had realised souls. There were one or two - like on a tree, you see, there are only one or two flowers to begin with, then gradually the blossom times comes in and then there are many flowers and there are many fruits, for growth. Interviewer: What does it take to be a realised soul? Is it a mature person, or is it somebody who appreciates mankind for what it is? Shri Mataji: No, it's not a mental status that's important. It is the desire within you, the pure desire to be one with God, to be one with beyond. This pure desire; it may exist, also the desire that... You see, it's not everything. It's a drama, you see, you get fed up and you get bored. You say, ‘Yes all right,’ I mean, you try everything, but you say, ‘No, no, but I’m not happy about it.’ You see, it's the pure desire, to be one with your Spirit. That’s the quality, that you need not be educated, that you might be just a street urchin. You could be living in a village somewhere in a little remote place still, the pure desire may be in you, completely existing, and that works it out. But you are not aware of the pure desire, but that works it out. Because you do not feel happy with other things you know, you just feel frustrated. And whatever you try, so what? Bu it's an economic science that, you see, in particular, you may satisfy a want but in general they are not satiable. So even the matter teaches you. Interviewer: Two very interesting thoughts come to my head at this particular point. One, is it through being realised that one gets a little knowledge of what's on the other side of death, as it were. And two, whether one really - through this realisation - finds a little bit of God inside oneself. Shri Mataji: That's the point. Second point is correct, that you find God within yourself, and then your priorities change about your knowing about things. You don't want to know what is beyond life because you come in the present. You are not worried about the past or the future. But of course, that also you’ll know, because gradually when your vision improves, you start seeing what happens after death, because you see the patients coming to you and you start seeing they are possessed, and their spirits and this and that, and they are possessed by the spirits. And then you talk and find out such a lot about them, what all that is. So that also comes to you as an experimentation with your truth that you have found out. But the main thing that happens to you is that you start feeling that universality within you, you just start feeling in the sense that, it becomes a part and parcel of your awareness. Just a part and parcel of your awareness. As, as a human being, you have a special awareness say, for flowers, you have awareness for cleanliness, but animals don't have. In the same way, you go to a point where you just become aware of that, that you start feeling them around. You start feeling even what is right and wrong. For example, if I tell people, ‘This is sin,’ then they will do it a hundred times, all right? But if I give them realisation, they will not just do it, because they know it is because they start seeing it. Like, in the night you see, I am sleeping in this room and there is a snake up here and somebody said, ‘There’s a snake,’ and so I‘ll say, ’No, I can’t see, it's not there. I can't see it.’ But if you put on the light, I'll just know it's a snake and I will run away from it. Interviewer: How does one know what's right and what's wrong though? Shri Mataji: You see, because you have not found the Absolute that's why there's a problem. But if you have found the Absolute, you'll just know it. Because it is not knowledge by your rationality, but in your being. You just feel it on your fingers. You just know it is there, you just know what it is, happening to another person. You start feeling it. Just start feeling, ‘This is not good.’ You go to any house, you know there’s something wrong in this house, you don’t feel all right and there's some centres catching on your fingers: you feel them. You ask the person and you find out, ‘Yes, there was something wrong.’ Interviewer: You're talking about feeling things now through the fingers, a part of the body. How did you come about this particular idea that, it’s through the fingers that one has such knowledge of oneself? Shri Mataji: I know all these things beforehand. What to say now? [laughing] It is too, too audacious to say, but it’s true, I know that. You see, I knew this. It’s... that’s My knowledge, I should say, as I know all this. Interviewer: You feel then that You are sent here by God or, say, as the next prophet in line? Shri Mataji: I don't want to say all that, you see because I don't want to get crucified for nothing at all. No, I am quite wise. But there is something special, no doubt. Yes, there is something very great, I must say, but according to human beings. But for Me, it's nothing great. It's just the same. I mean, say as the sun gives you light. So what is so great about it? It has got the light, so it gives light. Supposing, if I have this Power, I can do it. For example, if I have to do radio work, I cannot do. I cannot even play My own radio, I am so hopelessly bad. But I know Kundalini. I know how to do this work, you see, so there's nothing to feel that I am higher, lower or anything. This is My job. I know the... I am here for that job, finished, that’s all. Interviewer: A lot of people, in the last few years particularly, have come up with ideas that have been, you know, along Your lines. A lot of yogas, a lot of yogis. You know, people have got this misconception about yoga. Shri Mataji: You see, very much this thing is so. You see yoga means, in simple words, means union with God, with Spirit. All other things is nonsense. All other things are nonsense, you see: you stand on your head or you do this thing. It's a spontaneous process. It's a living process of the living God. It has to happen within you, just like a sprouting of the seed. Now, for sprouting a seed, if you stand on your head, can you sprout the seed? Can you transform a flower into a fruit; can you? By standing on the head or doing some sort of an exercise? You see, this Hatha Yoga also was practised in India, about thousands of years back, when we had another system of life, where students were sent to the guru, to the teacher and the students lived with the teacher in a forest, where some students were selected and they were given this self-knowledge. But the first thing in the real Patanjali Yoga is this, that you must have Ishwar Pranidhan – means, you must establish your God. If you have not established your God - Ishwar Pranidhan – then all these exercise is nothing but people becoming actors and actresses, that’s all. It is never so important. You see, all these - also exercises - are just like different corrections of your different centres - for corrections, physical corrections - and they are to be used at a particular time, at a particular trouble. You see, if you have a certain troubles here of the neck, what’s the use of doing the exercise of your stomach? But the way people do these days this Hatha Yoga is, as if like taking the whole medicine box at the same time, you see. And by that, they thin down. And the thinning down they think is very healthy is not correct, because this kind of thinning down actually comes because they become dry people. You see, they get... all right, because you are paying attention to your health. But health is not everything. Such people become very dry, they become very fidgety, they become very nervy. And also they can be very hot-tempered or they can be [unclear/terrific.] So you see - very big bores also. They could divorce their wives and beat their children and all sorts of things they can do. We had such yogis in our India in ancient times. Also they used to just curse people to die, you see. Is this the way to achieve yoga? Interviewer: So this misconception of yoga, or malpractice maybe even, of yoga...? Shri Mataji: No, this is, I would not say malpractice because I am a Mother, I won’t say that. I must give them benefit of the doubt. They didn’t have the complete knowledge so they went on one side, you see, doing one thing, then another went on the other side. Like, you see, devotion – some people you know are dancing and singing in the name of God. Now, I mean, going mad with it. I have seen people really getting mad with it. Just, that's another extreme. One extreme is this side, is to become a sort of a fanatic and what you call, an ascetic sort of a thing, and then other extremes start. But God is in between. He's not in extremes. Interviewer: People, being what they are, they tend to be distrustful and some people might say, ‘Well how are we to know She that She’s not going to rip us off or lead us down another blind path?’ Shri Mataji: Very true. I should, I would be very happy if they do not trust people. But they do; if they are mesmerised, they are. Very much there... moreover, if somebody asks for money, then they are much more for there - there's a competition, you see. A competition is set in. Recently we had somebody in India who has made twenty-one crores of Rupees out of such people, you see. And that’s why I said it's not that they do not trust, but they are stupid. They have always, always doubted the people who have been real and always have trusted the people who are unreal. They have been stupid about it. There are certain things by which we can judge a person if he's true or not. First and foremost thing is, you cannot sell God. You cannot make money out of God. No, you cannot. You cannot sell your vibrations. You cannot sell these things. This is very precious. You cannot value it. It is invaluable. It is God's love. So you cannot have a regular organisation by which you sell it in the market. It’s so shameful and so insulting to God. You just do it because you love them. They are part and parcel of your being. That’s why you just cure them, because they are part and parcel. You don't say that, if I cure this hand with this hand, or give a little relief, do I pay that hand? Or do I feel any obligation, or anything? Nothing. You just do it because they are part and parcel of your being, so it has to be compassion, and it cannot be money and all these nonsensical things that are going around. People are more enamoured by these things, you see. And all the circuses people will have, and the hypocrisies you see, if they dress up, a kind of dress and move about - people are very much impressed by that. You see, people care more for superficial things. If you go in a sort of square and sit down with one loincloth, and you see the snow is falling, ‘Oh, such a great saint has come,’ you see, so everybody’s running to that. What do we have to do with the ascetics when we are living in a household. We have nothing to do with them. If they are ascetics, we should have nothing to do with ascetics, because we are householders, and householders are the best people suited for Sahaja Yoga. And those who have run away from their lives, let them go to Himalayas and station themselves. They have no reason to come here and live like parasites on our earnings. They are parasites of the worst type. You see, dealing in opium, [unclear/means] other people's money. That's what they are. And they have no self-respect, they are without any self-respect. And some of them are so cruel. They have made people so poor and they have taken away all the money. Not only that – I don’t mind, even let there be smugglers, this that, doesn't matter. But they have put such spirits into people that, they are falling with epilepsy, they are having heart troubles, they’re having kidney trouble. They are having all kinds of troubles. These horrible people, they are Satanic. Interviewer: You are devoting Yourself completely then to Your mission – heart, soul, mind, body and finances? Shri Mataji: You see, I would say that I'm only one person. I'm not heart, soul and all that, so whatever I do, I do with whole thing. I'm not separated. There's no question. As far as finances are concerned, I don't need much finances. And My travelling and all that, mostly My husband pays for Me. Or sometimes, even those people who have called Me pay for it, because I think My husband should not pay for their salvation. It's a bit too much, you see. That, also they will become also parasitic. [laughs] Even that is to be paid. It's all right, I mean if they pay Me for My travelling at the most, and My needs are very little and by God’s grace, you see, in this lifetime I am not a carpenter's wife. But I am a wife of quite a well-to-do gentleman, so it's all right. Interviewer: You are now then, on Your mission to try to inform more of the world about Sahaja Yoga. How many followers do You have presently? Shri Mataji: I have no record. I have no record. I mean I really can’t say. If you ask Me - like for example, this gentleman [points to a Sahaja Yogi], you met him here. I would never say that, I would never remember that he's one of them or something, because I don't keep any record. You see, it’s My love. You don't count every leaf you give light. You just don't do it. You just like to give it, that's all. You don't count; for what? For what are you going to count? You see, you don't want to take anything, you want to just give, so why count? If you want to just give, now you take a person who just wants to give. Now they don’t count. Now see these flowers are giving fragrance. Do they count how many people have taken fragrance? Anybody who has been here will come and will take fragrance from them. Their job is to give fragrance so they are giving fragrance. It's very simple. Interviewer: Won't You destroy some of that giving factor if you put Yourself on a pedestal, which is probably what You might be doing if You start to approach a wider audience, a larger group of people? Shri Mataji: I never think of these things. It always works out in such a way that I have managed so far, in the amount of people. Now the other day, in a village, we had six thousand people and they all got realisation. Just like lightening, they all got. All of them. They all got realisation, all of them. Can you believe it? So that's not the thing, it’s not... You see, think of this Divine Power that converts flowers into fruits. Now the flower of a mango will become a mango. How these things are worked out? Into what details, how delicately? And how every character is preserved? If I'm talking of that power, why should I worry? Interviewer: This Divine Power, this God, why did He put us here? Shri Mataji: Oh, He loved you so much, that's why He’s put you here. And just in a little transition, you had to learn what is good and what is bad. That's all, just to make you grow a little, that's all. In this little thing, you all got so frightened. There’s nothing to be frightened, after all, He has given us such a nice thing: we don't want to see. We don't want to see anything, you see, that's the trouble. Interviewer: But why even put us in such a situation? Why not just create us like Himself, or Herself? Shri Mataji: Or whatever it is. You see, the thing is you have to grow, isn't it? Now, it would be like a little bird is born to the mother bird. Now the mother bird has to teach the little bird to fly, isn't it? Now she makes the bird fly by calling the little bird. And the bird says, ‘Why not make me like that, as you are?’ Then how will you learn? You have to master it. How will you do it? Unless and until you learn yourself. I mean, one can cook for you, all right, put it in your mouth, but you have to eat and taste it. It is for you to taste. If you do not have any taste buds, how will you enjoy? Just to develop your taste buds that He has to make you... You have to grow, that growth is necessary. Interviewer: What are we growing towards? Shri Mataji: You are going to be the lights of God; the beacons of light of God's love that is going to flow in this world. Interviewer: Are we eventually supposed to grow to be just like Him? Shri Mataji: Yes, very much. He's made you in His image, of course, in His Collectivity and all that. The drop has to become the ocean by just becoming the ocean: falling into it. Interviewer: How do we seem to grow, or do we really grow? I mean, after all these years for instance, we haven't learned very much about war. Shri Mataji: War. Gradually, you see, whatever you say about war, and we haven't learned – that’s a very good situation man has reached, that he hasn’t learned much, because if God had told you before that you haven't learned anything, you would not have believed it because you have freedom to decide. Now, in that freedom, you have learned that, ‘No, we haven't learned much,’ so now you settle down. You see, that's one of the styles of God, to make human beings learn, otherwise they would not. If you had not created an atom bomb, you would never have learned what nonsense we have done by all our experimentation with science. Now, because atom bomb is there, it is sitting like a Satan on your head, so now you know what you have done to yourself, so you come back. All these shocks are important, otherwise you may never go to God, never think of it, because this freedom gives you ego and people become so ego-oriented that - there are many people who just don't believe in God. They think it's trash. Interviewer: Are we going to have so much freedom that eventually we'll destroy ourselves? Shri Mataji: No, you can never destroy. It’s God's creation. He has created you and He's not the one who is going to destroy His own creation. You don't do anything whatsoever. You just don't do anything. You see, this is the wrong impression human beings have got, that they do. What they do is a dead work. Something is dead, now see, the flowers are dead so you have arranged them. The tree is dead so you have made the furniture; that is all. Dead to the dead. Any living work can you do? Any living work? Nothing. Only after realisation you can do it, by awakening the Kundalini. Then you can do it. Then you are entitled to become the master. Interviewer: Then we can create things? Shri Mataji: Yes of course. You start creating. You start creating a new awareness in a personality by raising the Kundalini. Interviewer: What is achieved once this awakening happens? I mean, why are we better for it? Shri Mataji: You see like, as I told you, that you are like a light which is not enlightened. Now when you are enlightened what happens to you, you see the light; in the light you see yourself. All confusion is finished. You know the Truth, and you feel so blissful and happy because you know everything. There is no chaos, nothing. You are so relaxed and the power starts flowing through you all the time. It is never lost and you see in that light whatever is good and whatever is bad. And you understand everything so well. And when you become the light, what do you do? Is to give light to others so that they should be enlightened also. But this dead light cannot give light to others in such a way that, that can give light to others. But you can; once you are realised, you can make others enlightened and they can make others enlightened. The whole confusion, the problem of disintegration, the problem of all these quarrels and these political problems and these economic problems and religion - everything will subside. Absolutely, when you are enlightened. Human beings have to be enlightened because they are in darkness. That's why all these problems are there. Interviewer: The heaven that is so talked about in religious books. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s it. That is promised is to be now brought in and apart from that, everything they have said is to be proved. All that is the job Sahaja Yoga has to do. And that's why it’s a Maha Yoga. Is the great Yoga. Interviewer: How long is it going to take us to get us there? Shri Mataji: You see, it depends on human beings, how they work it out. That's all. It's for them to decide now. You see, they have to take a decision. That’s the only problem where God cannot cross over. He has given you freedom and He’s not going to take away your freedom. Now let’s see, I’m sure human beings are going to work out faster. They’re going to be much wiser. Interviewer: Especially if you’re in a dead end, right? [Shri Mataji laughs] [recording fades out]
6 March 1992, Radio Interview, Hong Kong, China Interviewer: Shri Mataji, from the information I've read about You, You were born in India, a Christian. How was that? Shri Mataji: I mean, I was just born a Christian, that's all. Interviewer: There couldn’t be very many Christian Indian families in that country. Shri Mataji: No, there are lots of Christians. Apart from that, with purpose I was born a Christian. Interviewer: Which part of India do you truly come from? Shri Mataji: Just the centre of India. Absolutely the central point. Interviewer: Is there anything specific, do You think, about this being the central point? Shri Mataji: It is the central point because I have to be in the centre to do My job. And that's why I was born in the centre of India. Interviewer: When You were a child though, being born in the centre of India, did that mean anything to You, as a young girl, say? Shri Mataji: I didn’t know that it was the centre or anything to be discussed about it, because I just knew what My mission was, what I was to do. I knew I would be born at the right point, where I had to be born. So I took all these things for granted because I knew this was to be so. I knew this very well. Interviewer: How old were You when you realised that You had this mission? Shri Mataji: All My life. You see, it’s just like as you realise you are a human being, in the same way I knew that I was to do all this. I knew I was different. Interviewer: And did You start fulfilling this mission ever since You can remember? Shri Mataji: Yes of course. I knew I had healing powers and I knew I had curing powers. I knew I could raise the Kundalini; all that I knew. But I wanted to do something by which I knew all the permutations and combinations of the problems of human beings. And that's how I studied that and I wanted to find out a proper time when I could find out a method by which a mass happening could happen by which one could achieve it. And on the 5th of May, I was sitting near the sea where I decided that it should happen, and it worked out that the last centre - as we call it, the last centre, where the limbic is placed - you see, above that resides the opening for the Divine, what we call in the Bible say, is the baptism. The baptism that we have is just a sort of a ritual, where it’s not the real baptism. The real baptism is that, when this residual force within us, called as Kundalini, when it rises and pierces this area, this fontanel bone area, which is a soft bone when you are a child, that time is the real baptism and this baptism was to be achieved. But I wanted to make a way by which we could achieve a mass happening of this: en masse. Because, you see, if it happened to one person, say, Christ was a realised soul, a great – He was an incarnation, according to Me, He was the Son of God, no doubt, but nobody recognised Him. And when He tried to explain to them, they would not understand because He was at such a height that people could not understand what He was seeing, what He was talking about and ultimately, what a stupid thing it was to... Absolutely it was very wrong to crucify a man of that calibre, who was nothing but the incarnation. Interviewer: Hmm. So it was on the 5th of May, of which particular year that you decided to...? Shri Mataji: 1970. Interviewer: Let's go back to when You were a child. Was there anything special about the way You were brought up that might have led You...? Shri Mataji: Very much. From My very childhood, I mean when I was to be conceived by My mother only, they told Me lots of things, what happened to My mother and she dreamt of some things. But one of the main things, one of the remarkable ones which I remember now is this that, she wanted to go and see a tiger when she was eight months pregnant and My father said, ‘It’s funny that you want to go and see a tiger at this advanced stage of pregnancy.’ But she said, ‘No, I must go and see a tiger.’ And so My father was a big well-known hunter of Shikhari [hunting guide] in those days and one of the Rajas sent him a word saying that, ‘There’s man-eater perhaps in the forest and we would like you to come and help us.’ So he said, ‘See now I've got a message and now I have to go.’ And My mother said, ‘All right, if you have to go, I am coming with you.’ ‘How will you come at this stage?’ ‘No, I must come to see the tiger moving.’ Then he went there and she also. And they - we use a kind of platform on top, they build it up on top of a tree, which is called as machan. And these, all these villagers, you see, they drive the animal towards the hunter, and My father and mother always sitting on top of the machan. And suddenly My mother saw the big, huge tiger. My father said he had never seen such a big one before, and just coming in the moonlight and walking very stealthily in his own grace and dignity. And My mother was so enamoured, you see, that she just looked at it and she was so happy as if her child has seen. She felt very happy, she said. Then My father wanted to kill the animal and she said, ‘No, if you kill the animal, I am going to jump out of this place. You are not going to kill the animal.’ And they said that the tiger disappeared, they don't know where the tiger went. So My father knew that it would be some sort of a powerful personality that is going to be born. And My father, being a realised soul, also knew that I was something extraordinary. Interviewer: What about when You were actually a child though? Did they treat You as something very special and teach You maybe some, even special things to help You fulfil this mission of Yours? Shri Mataji: No, not like that. You see, it was a very free sort of an expression of a personality which people accepted, because I was extremely loving, compassionate, generous - I was a unique type of person as a child, so they knew,’She was different,’ that’s all. But only thing I would say that, My father understood Me much better because he was a realised soul. And when grew up he told Me that, ‘No use talking about it to anyone, because they will never understand. You must first of all find out a method by which you get an en masse realisation . That is Your work, as You know. And so, unless and until You find that, there's no use talking about it, because You’ll create another Qaran or Bible, what's the use? You must give them an experience otherwise they will never understand.’ Interviewer: Did You continue this idea of Yours of trying to get this masse experience going, through Your work with Mahatma Gandhi? Shri Mataji: No, no, that time it was very different, it was an emergency. Of course, in a small way I contributed also, because he loved Me very much. He used to call Me Nepali, you see. Nepali is our face, you see; the Chinese face is a Nepali face, you see - because I have broad...this thing - and he always used to call Me Nepali. He loved Me very much. But he was a man born for an emergency and when our country was to be politically independent, and that was his thing. But one thing I must say, though he was a political leader and a political leader need not worry about spirit and religion and all that, but he considered our country to be a land of Yoga, and he always based his theories and philosophies and also his activities on the fibre that was India. That the fibre is we are a very religious people and to understand what is religion is, and how to create an atmosphere of satisfaction in the people. So he had that within him, but he didn't talk of realisation at that time and as I – I was just a little child of seven years, you see, so I used to play about with him and he was very fond of oranges, so I would make some orange juice for him and give him orange juice and this and that. And he used to discuss with Me sometimes small, small things. And I remember once I told him that, ‘Why do you make everyone get up so early? If you want to get up you can get up, but why do you make everyone get up early?’ He said, ‘But You get up very early.’ I said, ‘It's all right for Me, but everybody cannot get up very early?’ He said, ‘No, they must be made to get up.’ I said, ‘But why should we make them do that?’ He said that, ‘You see just now, we are passing through crisis. We have to fight the British and we have to get our independence and if people are lethargic, then how are we going to do it? So we have to be disciplined, you see.’ So he said, ‘We must have discipline, otherwise and it won’t be all right.’ And then I told him that, ‘A day will come when we will have our inner discipline; that would be much better.’ So he knew I was a very wise person, and he used to love Me and also respect Me, but in a very, I should say in a very, very fatherly manner. And he would discuss things with Me which was... I would say he impressed Me by many things. One of them is his sense of integrity; sense of integrity within himself, you see. He was absolutely honest to himself. That’s something so great about him which I appreciated. He never cheated himself. This is the greatest thing about him. And in money matters, anything, he was so integrated that, whatever he said he did; he criticised himself, he looked at himself, he watched himself. But for him, realisation was not the problem - that was not the problem at that time; the problem was different. But after independence, we should have taken to realisation; that was the main problem we had. But after realisation [perhaps Shri Mataji meant to say ‘independence’ here], we had problems of, say, partition and other things. And the diversion of the whole attention, the whole nation, you see, was on the wrong things. We had to solve this problem and solve that problem and nobody thought of realisation at that time. Normally, it should be so. Interviewer: How much do You think Mahatma Gandhi influenced the way You developed Your Sahaja Yoga, Your way of thinking now, Your technique maybe? Shri Mataji: You see, it was no question of influence because, you see this is another realm I am talking about. Sahaja Yoga takes you to another realm where these problems do not exist, you see. You work out with Divine Power, not with human powers, but you work out with Divine Power. And Divine power are tremendous and they work out everything in such a smooth manner that there was no need to use all these human powers, I think personally. But his main contribution, I think, was to establish balance in people. You see, balance in people was the thing that he brought in, and make them more Indian and to take out all the slavish mentalities that had trickled down into us, to make us feel our self-respect; all these things were there. But the realm at which I was, was very different from his. So the question of influence doesn't come in. But, I would say that, certain things were influenced – I would say My choice of, say, different prayers. I told him according to the centres within us, and - I didn’t tell him, these are according, but I said, ‘You put this first and then this one, and this one, ’ and he said, ‘All right, it's a good idea,’ and he changed the sequence, like that. But it was so smooth and so silently done that it was not made obvious to people that in any way we had any rapport on these things, nor did he ever ask Me about Spirit nor did he ever meditate. He did not meditate because he was not realised, he was not realised at that time. He was not a realised soul and his main attention was for this, and he will be born again and he will be realised, because he was a great soul, no doubt. He was very, very great. I mean, he was extremely great as a human being, but realisation is very different. It's another realm into which human beings go, the awareness is different. And his meditation was just to ponder about things and to guide oneself and all that, but not the kind of a meditation I talk of, where we become thoughtlessly aware. It's a different dimension in your awareness. Interviewer: Is this then what Self-Realisation means, what You mean by a realised soul? Shri Mataji: Yes, Self-Realisation means when the Self, which is talked about in all the scriptures and all that, starts emitting its manifestation in our conscious mind. Means that time, we become aware of it, to this extent that our central nervous system starts recording the power of our Spirit, of our Self, and we start feeling the breeze-like vibrations of the Spirit, which is called in the Bible as the cool breeze of the Holy Spirit. Interviewer: You're saying then that, when a person is realised, he feels some actual physical things? Shri Mataji: Yes, the energy that's flowing through him he can feel it. It's flowing through his body. Not only that but he becomes. Again I say, he becomes - it's not lecturing or any brainwashing. He actually becomes collectively conscious, means in his awareness he can start feeling another person's centres and also his own centres and he can start correcting it. Interviewer: Is it like finding what one can loosely describe, or what people have loosely described, as the soul inside one? Shri Mataji: Yes, but they are quite confused people. They don't know what is Soul, what is Spirit, that these are all precise things. Soul is the thing which is not only the Spirit but is the body, the personality, except for the element of earth in it. We are made of five elements, all right? Out of which, the element of earth drops out; then you become the Soul, because you cannot be seen, but you exist in another plane. Interviewer: Was it before You decided to start Your, truly start Your mission, that You also took courses in medicine? Shri Mataji: Yes, I did some medicine because I knew I had to talk to doctors and explain to them what is all this, because I knew what it is, but I didn't know what they called it you see, because the names are given by human beings. So I had to study and I also studied one dictionary on psychology because I knew I had to talk to psychologists, and scientists and doctors, so I have to know about it: what they say, what they call it, you see. Interviewer: And the theory by, say scientists, that man came from a little cell from heaven knows where, how did you feel about those, and relate to them? Shri Mataji: It's a fact, that's a fact. He came from a cell, evolved through a cell. But how did he evolve, why did he evolve, what is the purpose of his life is not all answered by science. And what is the Power that makes you evolve? Also that is not answered. So in Sahaja Yoga, you know all that – with what Power you evolve. And with the same Power, not only you evolve up to this stage, but you go higher with that. Interviewer: What is Your theory about that then? Why are we here, or, why have we been so long in the process? Shri Mataji: You see, anything that you create, even human beings for example, you have created this beautiful lamp. Now why is it there? To give us the light, isn't it, to give that power. So that's how God has created us, to give His Power to us, so that we feel Him and know Him in our awareness. We understand Him and we emit His powers and enjoy it. To say in the words of Christ: ‘To enter into the Kingdom of God.’ Interviewer: Are You talking about the same God as every religion talks about? Shri Mataji: Absolutely, there's nothing else. Interviewer: Is Sahaja Yoga then a sort of new religion? Shri Mataji: No, it is the integration of all the religion, I should say. It's the enlightenment that proves all the religions and all the incarnations and their integration. Interviewer: How do You mean it proves it? Shri Mataji: It’s the light, in the sense that, now see in this room there are many things. But when it's dark, you see this thing as something different and there’s another thing as something different, and you say that, ‘This is mine, that’s it, this is mine, this is the truth,’ because you see that and another sees another thing. But when there is light, you see the whole thing belongs to the same. Sahaja Yoga just gives you that light of the Spirit by which you start seeing that it's all just the same. For example, now, once you are connected to your Spirit, you start getting those cool vibrations in your hand. Now, you want to ask any question: ‘Is there God?’ you’ll immediately get a lot of vibrations coming to you. Whatever are Absolute questions are answered like this. You start feeling them, and every question, whenever you have a problem, you can ask and you can know because now you are connected to the Absolute. All such – now whatever questions you are asking, say you are a realised soul, you can get the answers on the hands and you can know that whether this is true or not. Whether Christ was - now they say He was the Son of God. People can challenge, I can understand that because they were not realised souls, and that's why they couldn't understand that time. But now when you're realised, you just ask: ‘Was He the Son of God?’ and you'll see that the vibrations will start flowing. You will know who was really a real saint or a prophet, or who was a fake one. Everything you can find out through these vibrations, because a rapport is established; now you are connected. Like this [speaker] is connected to the mains. Unless and until this speaker is connected to the mains it is useless. You are to be connected to the mains. Unless and until this instrument, that is created from amoeba stage to this stage, is connected to the mains, you are not going to know yourself. You are not going to know your meaning, neither you are going to function for which you are created. Interviewer: Surely it's a matter of what stage in your development you are, that you can even start to question about these things. Shri Mataji: No, not necessarily, because the time has come. There's no need to have a question. But the time has come; it’s everywhere. I find it in different styles, for example affluent countries have problems; they have their own problems they are facing. They are so speedy, they have problems. Cancer is one of the [unclear] which is, only can be cured after Self-Realisation , otherwise you cannot cure cancer. So many things are there. I mean on, say, developing countries have their own problems and then they start thinking: ‘Now, what about us? How are we to...?’ For example like India, we have problems and people get so confused. They don't know how to solve the problems. They try to solve one problem, they jump into another... So they start thinking about it, ‘Now what is it, what's going wrong?’ Because you do not have the light. You are walking in the darkness and you are bumping at each other for nothing at all. Interviewer: Will people be able to handle this Self-Realisation, do You think? Shri Mataji: Yes, by all means. You see once you are Self-Realised you have to, a little bit, establish yourself that's true. You take about, at the most, one month or two months. Once you are established, you become so powerful and so wise that the vibrations tell you and you just don't do wrong things. If you start doing it you don't like it because you start getting pain in the fingers, something happens to you, you don’t like it; you enjoy this, because it’s so blissful. Interviewer: Don't You think that perhaps it might go the same way, say, for instance, if we talk about Christ teaching His love ideal, and how we should love everybody, that some people just didn't accept that. Shri Mataji: It doesn’t matter, but that may not be possible now because those who will not accept will have problems. They’ll have problems; they will have to accept it otherwise they’ll have problems. Gradually they will all, perhaps accept it. This is because this is the solution to all of the problems; because you have problems you have to accept, otherwise human beings are not easy thing to accept anything. Christ, you see, at that time, didn't come for Self-Realisation. He just came to prove that there is spiritual Power, which cannot be killed. Resurrection is His message. My message is not resurrection or anything. Mine if your resurrection. The resurrection of the whole human race, you see; their evolution is My message. This is My job. Interviewer: How are You going to convince hard-boiled cynics that this is the right way to go about things? Shri Mataji: You see, this nature will work it out in so many ways. These cynics are there. They are cynics because of certain reasons. They would not be so, because they are conditioned, very much conditioned. You can find out because they must be having problems with that, mental problems, also problems in the family - cynics will have always problems in the family, and some sort of a thing will be there. And I mean, I do not say that, always they have problems; there are some people who say that those who are unhappy can only come to... Not necessarily, because there’s a category of seekers. There is a category of people who are seekers. First I have to worry about them, those who are really seekers - it's a category. And that's why they are very unhappy because they are a different category. They cannot be satisfied with anything. They’ll try everything, you see, they’ll try to get some money, they’ll try to get some power. They'll try this, that. But they'll not be happy, because they are a different category, so they’ll seek again God. When they’ll seek God also, they'll go to wrong people and spend money here, and do this and do that - everything they'll try, and then they'll find out. Still they haven't found out what they were finding, so they'll come to Sahaja Yoga. So first, My attention is on the seekers themselves; it's a category which is, as I told you, I mean these people know that William Blake has written about them, this is the... He calls them, ‘Men of God, and these men of God,’ he says, ‘will become prophets.’ And these prophets have a special power by which they will be giving realisations to others and making them into prophets. Interviewer: Are You saying then that William Blake was a realised soul? Shri Mataji: Oh, of course, very much. Interviewer: How can one be a realised soul when You're here now? Shri Mataji [laughing]: You see, there were many realised souls before also, and it's the Power, is all-pervading, is eternal, is always existing. All of these great saints, like we can say that, John the Baptist was a realised soul, and the same way, William Blake - Shakespeare was a great realised soul. He was really tremendous, the way he tried to show the futility of life. He definitely was a realised soul. And this you will know by feeling the vibrations of these people, whether they were realised or not. You can feel their vibrations that, they were realised souls. And these realised souls were something - we can say thousands of years back, we had realised souls. There were one or two - like on a tree, you see, there are only one or two flowers to begin with, then gradually the blossom times comes in and then there are many flowers and there are many fruits, for growth. Interviewer: What does it take to be a realised soul? Is it a mature person, or is it somebody who appreciates mankind for what it is? Shri Mataji: No, it's not a mental status that's important. It is the desire within you, the pure desire to be one with God, to be one with beyond. This pure desire; it may exist, also the desire that... You see, it's not everything. It's a drama, you see, you get fed up and you get bored. You say, ‘Yes all right,’ I mean, you try everything, but you say, ‘No, no, but I’m not happy about it.’ You see, it's the pure desire, to be one with your Spirit. That’s the quality, that you need not be educated, that you might be just a street urchin. You could be living in a village somewhere in a little remote place still, the pure desire may be in you, completely existing, and that works it out. But you are not aware of the pure desire, but that works it out. Because you do not feel happy with other things you know, you just feel frustrated. And whatever you try, so what? Bu it's an economic science that, you see, in particular, you may satisfy a want but in general they are not satiable. So even the matter teaches you. Interviewer: Two very interesting thoughts come to my head at this particular point. One, is it through being realised that one gets a little knowledge of what's on the other side of death, as it were. And two, whether one really - through this realisation - finds a little bit of God inside oneself. Shri Mataji: That's the point. Second point is correct, that you find God within yourself, and then your priorities change about your knowing about things. You don't want to know what is beyond life because you come in the present. You are not worried about the past or the future. But of course, that also you’ll know, because gradually when your vision improves, you start seeing what happens after death, because you see the patients coming to you and you start seeing they are possessed, and their spirits and this and that, and they are possessed by the spirits. And then you talk and find out such a lot about them, what all that is. So that also comes to you as an experimentation with your truth that you have found out. But the main thing that happens to you is that you start feeling that universality within you, you just start feeling in the sense that, it becomes a part and parcel of your awareness. Just a part and parcel of your awareness. As, as a human being, you have a special awareness say, for flowers, you have awareness for cleanliness, but animals don't have. In the same way, you go to a point where you just become aware of that, that you start feeling them around. You start feeling even what is right and wrong. For example, if I tell people, ‘This is sin,’ then they will do it a hundred times, all right? But if I give them realisation, they will not just do it, because they know it is because they start seeing it. Like, in the night you see, I am sleeping in this room and there is a snake up here and somebody said, ‘There’s a snake,’ and so I‘ll say, ’No, I can’t see, it's not there. I can't see it.’ But if you put on the light, I'll just know it's a snake and I will run away from it. Interviewer: How does one know what's right and what's wrong though? Shri Mataji: You see, because you have not found the Absolute that's why there's a problem. But if you have found the Absolute, you'll just know it. Because it is not knowledge by your rationality, but in your being. You just feel it on your fingers. You just know it is there, you just know what it is, happening to another person. You start feeling it. Just start feeling, ‘This is not good.’ You go to any house, you know there’s something wrong in this house, you don’t feel all right and there's some centres catching on your fingers: you feel them. You ask the person and you find out, ‘Yes, there was something wrong.’ Interviewer: You're talking about feeling things now through the fingers, a part of the body. How did you come about this particular idea that, it’s through the fingers that one has such knowledge of oneself? Shri Mataji: I know all these things beforehand. What to say now? [laughing] It is too, too audacious to say, but it’s true, I know that. You see, I knew this. It’s... that’s My knowledge, I should say, as I know all this. Interviewer: You feel then that You are sent here by God or, say, as the next prophet in line? Shri Mataji: I don't want to say all that, you see because I don't want to get crucified for nothing at all. No, I am quite wise. But there is something special, no doubt. Yes, there is something very great, I must say, but according to human beings. But for Me, it's nothing great. It's just the same. I mean, say as the sun gives you light. So what is so great about it? It has got the light, so it gives light. Supposing, if I have this Power, I can do it. For example, if I have to do radio work, I cannot do. I cannot even play My own radio, I am so hopelessly bad. But I know Kundalini. I know how to do this work, you see, so there's nothing to feel that I am higher, lower or anything. This is My job. I know the... I am here for that job, finished, that’s all. Interviewer: A lot of people, in the last few years particularly, have come up with ideas that have been, you know, along Your lines. A lot of yogas, a lot of yogis. You know, people have got this misconception about yoga. Shri Mataji: You see, very much this thing is so. You see yoga means, in simple words, means union with God, with Spirit. All other things is nonsense. All other things are nonsense, you see: you stand on your head or you do this thing. It's a spontaneous process. It's a living process of the living God. It has to happen within you, just like a sprouting of the seed. Now, for sprouting a seed, if you stand on your head, can you sprout the seed? Can you transform a flower into a fruit; can you? By standing on the head or doing some sort of an exercise? You see, this Hatha Yoga also was practised in India, about thousands of years back, when we had another system of life, where students were sent to the guru, to the teacher and the students lived with the teacher in a forest, where some students were selected and they were given this self-knowledge. But the first thing in the real Patanjali Yoga is this, that you must have Ishwar Pranidhan – means, you must establish your God. If you have not established your God - Ishwar Pranidhan – then all these exercise is nothing but people becoming actors and actresses, that’s all. It is never so important. You see, all these - also exercises - are just like different corrections of your different centres - for corrections, physical corrections - and they are to be used at a particular time, at a particular trouble. You see, if you have a certain troubles here of the neck, what’s the use of doing the exercise of your stomach? But the way people do these days this Hatha Yoga is, as if like taking the whole medicine box at the same time, you see. And by that, they thin down. And the thinning down they think is very healthy is not correct, because this kind of thinning down actually comes because they become dry people. You see, they get... all right, because you are paying attention to your health. But health is not everything. Such people become very dry, they become very fidgety, they become very nervy. And also they can be very hot-tempered or they can be [unclear/terrific.] So you see - very big bores also. They could divorce their wives and beat their children and all sorts of things they can do. We had such yogis in our India in ancient times. Also they used to just curse people to die, you see. Is this the way to achieve yoga? Interviewer: So this misconception of yoga, or malpractice maybe even, of yoga...? Shri Mataji: No, this is, I would not say malpractice because I am a Mother, I won’t say that. I must give them benefit of the doubt. They didn’t have the complete knowledge so they went on one side, you see, doing one thing, then another went on the other side. Like, you see, devotion – some people you know are dancing and singing in the name of God. Now, I mean, going mad with it. I have seen people really getting mad with it. Just, that's another extreme. One extreme is this side, is to become a sort of a fanatic and what you call, an ascetic sort of a thing, and then other extremes start. But God is in between. He's not in extremes. Interviewer: People, being what they are, they tend to be distrustful and some people might say, ‘Well how are we to know She that She’s not going to rip us off or lead us down another blind path?’ Shri Mataji: Very true. I should, I would be very happy if they do not trust people. But they do; if they are mesmerised, they are. Very much there... moreover, if somebody asks for money, then they are much more for there - there's a competition, you see. A competition is set in. Recently we had somebody in India who has made twenty-one crores of Rupees out of such people, you see. And that’s why I said it's not that they do not trust, but they are stupid. They have always, always doubted the people who have been real and always have trusted the people who are unreal. They have been stupid about it. There are certain things by which we can judge a person if he's true or not. First and foremost thing is, you cannot sell God. You cannot make money out of God. No, you cannot. You cannot sell your vibrations. You cannot sell these things. This is very precious. You cannot value it. It is invaluable. It is God's love. So you cannot have a regular organisation by which you sell it in the market. It’s so shameful and so insulting to God. You just do it because you love them. They are part and parcel of your being. That’s why you just cure them, because they are part and parcel. You don't say that, if I cure this hand with this hand, or give a little relief, do I pay that hand? Or do I feel any obligation, or anything? Nothing. You just do it because they are part and parcel of your being, so it has to be compassion, and it cannot be money and all these nonsensical things that are going around. People are more enamoured by these things, you see. And all the circuses people will have, and the hypocrisies you see, if they dress up, a kind of dress and move about - people are very much impressed by that. You see, people care more for superficial things. If you go in a sort of square and sit down with one loincloth, and you see the snow is falling, ‘Oh, such a great saint has come,’ you see, so everybody’s running to that. What do we have to do with the ascetics when we are living in a household. We have nothing to do with them. If they are ascetics, we should have nothing to do with ascetics, because we are householders, and householders are the best people suited for Sahaja Yoga. And those who have run away from their lives, let them go to Himalayas and station themselves. They have no reason to come here and live like parasites on our earnings. They are parasites of the worst type. You see, dealing in opium, [unclear/means] other people's money. That's what they are. And they have no self-respect, they are without any self-respect. And some of them are so cruel. They have made people so poor and they have taken away all the money. Not only that – I don’t mind, even let there be smugglers, this that, doesn't matter. But they have put such spirits into people that, they are falling with epilepsy, they are having heart troubles, they’re having kidney trouble. They are having all kinds of troubles. These horrible people, they are Satanic. Interviewer: You are devoting Yourself completely then to Your mission – heart, soul, mind, body and finances? Shri Mataji: You see, I would say that I'm only one person. I'm not heart, soul and all that, so whatever I do, I do with whole thing. I'm not separated. There's no question. As far as finances are concerned, I don't need much finances. And My travelling and all that, mostly My husband pays for Me. Or sometimes, even those people who have called Me pay for it, because I think My husband should not pay for their salvation. It's a bit too much, you see. That, also they will become also parasitic. [laughs] Even that is to be paid. It's all right, I mean if they pay Me for My travelling at the most, and My needs are very little and by God’s grace, you see, in this lifetime I am not a carpenter's wife. But I am a wife of quite a well-to-do gentleman, so it's all right. Interviewer: You are now then, on Your mission to try to inform more of the world about Sahaja Yoga. How many followers do You have presently? Shri Mataji: I have no record. I have no record. I mean I really can’t say. If you ask Me - like for example, this gentleman [points to a Sahaja Yogi], you met him here. I would never say that, I would never remember that he's one of them or something, because I don't keep any record. You see, it’s My love. You don't count every leaf you give light. You just don't do it. You just like to give it, that's all. You don't count; for what? For what are you going to count? You see, you don't want to take anything, you want to just give, so why count? If you want to just give, now you take a person who just wants to give. Now they don’t count. Now see these flowers are giving fragrance. Do they count how many people have taken fragrance? Anybody who has been here will come and will take fragrance from them. Their job is to give fragrance so they are giving fragrance. It's very simple. Interviewer: Won't You destroy some of that giving factor if you put Yourself on a pedestal, which is probably what You might be doing if You start to approach a wider audience, a larger group of people? Shri Mataji: I never think of these things. It always works out in such a way that I have managed so far, in the amount of people. Now the other day, in a village, we had six thousand people and they all got realisation. Just like lightening, they all got. All of them. They all got realisation, all of them. Can you believe it? So that's not the thing, it’s not... You see, think of this Divine Power that converts flowers into fruits. Now the flower of a mango will become a mango. How these things are worked out? Into what details, how delicately? And how every character is preserved? If I'm talking of that power, why should I worry? Interviewer: This Divine Power, this God, why did He put us here? Shri Mataji: Oh, He loved you so much, that's why He’s put you here. And just in a little transition, you had to learn what is good and what is bad. That's all, just to make you grow a little, that's all. In this little thing, you all got so frightened. There’s nothing to be frightened, after all, He has given us such a nice thing: we don't want to see. We don't want to see anything, you see, that's the trouble. Interviewer: But why even put us in such a situation? Why not just create us like Himself, or Herself? Shri Mataji: Or whatever it is. You see, the thing is you have to grow, isn't it? Now, it would be like a little bird is born to the mother bird. Now the mother bird has to teach the little bird to fly, isn't it? Now she makes the bird fly by calling the little bird. And the bird says, ‘Why not make me like that, as you are?’ Then how will you learn? You have to master it. How will you do it? Unless and until you learn yourself. I mean, one can cook for you, all right, put it in your mouth, but you have to eat and taste it. It is for you to taste. If you do not have any taste buds, how will you enjoy? Just to develop your taste buds that He has to make you... You have to grow, that growth is necessary. Interviewer: What are we growing towards? Shri Mataji: You are going to be the lights of God; the beacons of light of God's love that is going to flow in this world. Interviewer: Are we eventually supposed to grow to be just like Him? Shri Mataji: Yes, very much. He's made you in His image, of course, in His Collectivity and all that. The drop has to become the ocean by just becoming the ocean: falling into it. Interviewer: How do we seem to grow, or do we really grow? I mean, after all these years for instance, we haven't learned very much about war. Shri Mataji: War. Gradually, you see, whatever you say about war, and we haven't learned – that’s a very good situation man has reached, that he hasn’t learned much, because if God had told you before that you haven't learned anything, you would not have believed it because you have freedom to decide. Now, in that freedom, you have learned that, ‘No, we haven't learned much,’ so now you settle down. You see, that's one of the styles of God, to make human beings learn, otherwise they would not. If you had not created an atom bomb, you would never have learned what nonsense we have done by all our experimentation with science. Now, because atom bomb is there, it is sitting like a Satan on your head, so now you know what you have done to yourself, so you come back. All these shocks are important, otherwise you may never go to God, never think of it, because this freedom gives you ego and people become so ego-oriented that - there are many people who just don't believe in God. They think it's trash. Interviewer: Are we going to have so much freedom that eventually we'll destroy ourselves? Shri Mataji: No, you can never destroy. It’s God's creation. He has created you and He's not the one who is going to destroy His own creation. You don't do anything whatsoever. You just don't do anything. You see, this is the wrong impression human beings have got, that they do. What they do is a dead work. Something is dead, now see, the flowers are dead so you have arranged them. The tree is dead so you have made the furniture; that is all. Dead to the dead. Any living work can you do? Any living work? Nothing. Only after realisation you can do it, by awakening the Kundalini. Then you can do it. Then you are entitled to become the master. Interviewer: Then we can create things? Shri Mataji: Yes of course. You start creating. You start creating a new awareness in a personality by raising the Kundalini. Interviewer: What is achieved once this awakening happens? I mean, why are we better for it? Shri Mataji: You see like, as I told you, that you are like a light which is not enlightened. Now when you are enlightened what happens to you, you see the light; in the light you see yourself. All confusion is finished. You know the Truth, and you feel so blissful and happy because you know everything. There is no chaos, nothing. You are so relaxed and the power starts flowing through you all the time. It is never lost and you see in that light whatever is good and whatever is bad. And you understand everything so well. And when you become the light, what do you do? Is to give light to others so that they should be enlightened also. But this dead light cannot give light to others in such a way that, that can give light to others. But you can; once you are realised, you can make others enlightened and they can make others enlightened. The whole confusion, the problem of disintegration, the problem of all these quarrels and these political problems and these economic problems and religion - everything will subside. Absolutely, when you are enlightened. Human beings have to be enlightened because they are in darkness. That's why all these problems are there. Interviewer: The heaven that is so talked about in religious books. Shri Mataji: Yes, that’s it. That is promised is to be now brought in and apart from that, everything they have said is to be proved. All that is the job Sahaja Yoga has to do. And that's why it’s a Maha Yoga. Is the great Yoga. Interviewer: How long is it going to take us to get us there? Shri Mataji: You see, it depends on human beings, how they work it out. That's all. It's for them to decide now. You see, they have to take a decision. That’s the only problem where God cannot cross over. He has given you freedom and He’s not going to take away your freedom. Now let’s see, I’m sure human beings are going to work out faster. They’re going to be much wiser. Interviewer: Especially if you’re in a dead end, right? [Shri Mataji laughs] [recording fades out]
Public Program
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Public Program
Public Programme Bangkok, Thailand March 11, 1992 Can you hear me there? At the back? It's alright? But one must know that you cannot change the truth and you cannot transform it, unfortunately also at human awareness, you cannot know the truth. So, you have to get enlightenment. You have to get 'Bodha' as Buddha has got it. You have to have your self-realization, your selfhood. Without that, you cannot know the truth. Now, whatever I am going to tell you, you need not believe with your blind faith. But if it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people because this is for your benevolence and benevolence of the whole world. You see we have ecological problems, economic problems, political problems, family problems, personal problems, but if you see it is only because of human beings. So, the human beings have to be transformed to overcome these problems. And inside you is placed this subtle body to transform you. Even there are religious problems and spiritual problems. You may follow any religion. You may be a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian but anyone can commit any sin. Nothing to stop them. You have seen how people have been killing each other in the name of God. Also, those who have been following Buddhism have been quite violent. And the Christians, Muslims all of them just the same. Same with Hindus, nobody is an exception. So, we have missed the point and that is that we are not yet the Spirit. All these incarnations tried that people should first have their self-realization. People like Buddha, Mahavira, Mohammad they talked of the abstract power. (Shri Mataji repeats here for the yogini translating) they talked about the abstract power. The Buddha, Mahavira did not even want to talk about God. They said first get your self-realization. But Buddha has said about the future Buddha. He called it as Matrayeya. And he said it is Boddhisatva. Boddhisatva is the power which will enlighten people and these enlightened people will enlighten others. Same is said by a great seer William Blake in England. So, now the time has come for the people to get their enlightenment. We take everything for granted which is the living work. We see beautiful flowers we take them for granted. We don't even think what a miracle it is! Look at our eye! what a camera it is! Look at our brain! What a computer it is! But we take it for granted. So, the truth is there is an all-pervading power of love, of pure love which does all this living work. How did we become human beings from amoeba? Nobody thinks! And our evolution is not yet complete. And our evolution is not yet complete (Shri Mataji repeats the line for the benefit of yogini translating her speech) because we have not reached the absolute point. If we would have reached the absolute point there would have been no quarrel, no war. In absoluteness, everybody sees the same point. One has to realize that this is the living process of a living energy. And you cannot pay for this work. How much do we pay to mother earth for her work? She does not even understand money and banking. That Is the headache of human beings. So, now one has to understand that we have still to become the spirit as said by all scriptures. This is the fundamental truth about it and secondly, there is this all-pervading power of pure love and we have to get in contact with it. We have to feel it on our Central Nervous system. Whatever we have got in our evolution we feel on our Central Nervous system. It is not mental. Many people think that by reading scriptures they can achieve spirituality but scriptures are just prescriptions, they are not the medicines. You have to take the medicine and not read the prescriptions all the time. I am happy you have already been told about the Subtle System. And now only my job is to see that you all get your self-realization. As a result of that when this Kundalini passes through this center which we call as Agnya chakra, you become thoughtlessly aware means you are in the Present. You are either in the future or in the past. The thoughts come to us from the future or from the past and we are jumping on the curps of these thoughts. But if I ask you, you be in present you cannot be. Present is the reality. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. Then only you are in Meditation. You do not have to meditate but you are in meditation. But when this Kundalini passes through this center of Sahasrara of thousand petals then you can feel the cool breeze coming out of your own head. You can also feel the cool breeze around yourself. This cool breeze first time you feel is the all-pervading power of love, but then you have to establish this connection. You become absolutely peaceful and you see everything as a witness, as a witness. Everything looks like a drama. Supposing you are standing in the seawater you are afraid of the waves. But if you get into the boat then you can watch these. But supposing you know how to swim you can jump and save many others. As a result of the Kundalini awakening, you get your centers completely cleansed out. As a result, you get cured. In Delhi, there are three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. The subjects were Epilepsy, Blood cancer, and Asthma. So many other diseases have been cured but is done by your own Kundalini. It is not something you do that you don't understand. You know everything about yourself, about your centers. About your centers and also you jump into another dimension of your awareness. You develop a new dimension called as Collective Consciousness, that means you can also feel on your fingertips centers of others. and if you know how to correct yourself or others you can help them. This is your own power. This is your own divinity which expresses, which manifests. Thus you become a transformed personality. On your fingertips, you can know the absolute Truth. As you must be knowing Sahaja yoga is working now in sixty-two countries and surprisingly, we get people in India once a month, once a year from at least fifty two countries. I've never seen them quarreling, fighting in the collective. They have dropped their habits, bad habits of drugs, and everything. They are leading a very righteous life as if they have absorbed the good points of religion within themselves. They are just like Angels. For Thailand, you will be happy to know, that we have got people from France from Switzerland to help the enlightenment of Thailand. The new race has been created of enlightenment and they have power to raise the Kundalini. They have power to cure others. They are always in Joy. The attention also is so enlightened, that wherever they put attention it acts. (Shri Mataji repeats for the yogini translating ) wherever they put attention it acts. Attention is not there in Thai language? Can you suggest a word for attention? Now say, I say you pay attention to me, but if I say pay attention to yourself you cannot. Our attention is outside not inside and that happens, that we can know ourselves and we can know others in a very deeper way. There are so many things one can say about Sahaja Yoga. In this one lecture not easy to cover all the subject. In this hall there are beautiful lights but to put the lights on you have to just put one switch and it's there because it is all built-in but if I have to tell you all about the electricity how it came here, how Bangkok was electrified, it will be so boring. But if it is built-in you can enlighten people first and in that light, they can see themselves. So, I hope now we will have a session of realization for about 10 minutes but before that, I don't mind if you ask me some questions but it should not be some lecture. I have not come here to take anything from you, but I have come here to give you what is your own, what is your own property, what is your own beauty and glory. Also, I am a very great expert in answering. For 22 years I have been doing this work, but even if I answer you that's not a guarantee that your Kundalini will rise because questioning and answering is just a mental feed. But you have to be beyond the mind. May God bless you! Please tell me questions to be asked. Sahaj yogini: (translating the question asked by a lady from the audience) This lady would like to know if Sahaja Yoga is basic realization. Shri Mataji: it's a very ancient thing. Thousands of years. It was a tradition for one master to give realization to only one person. Sri Rama's father-in-law Raja Janaka gave realization to only one person called Nachiketa. Fourteen thousand years back Markandeya has written about it in Sanskrit language. But what I have done is that I have found out a method by which en mass realization can be given. You do not have to do any more penance or sufferings. You have already done it in your last lives, but you are just ready to get your realization. In Sanskrit, it is called Samadhi. Is to become yourself to get your selfhood. To become the absolute, to know the truth. Actually, you become so dynamic because all the power starts flowing within you, all the vital powers. At the same time, you become very compassionate. Now, this instrument is made. It is useless if it is not connected to the mains. It has no meaning. In the same way unless and until human beings are connected to this all pervading power, it has no meaning. It's alright? An audience: (unclear) Shri Mataji: What is he saying? Sahaj Yogini: This experience that you do here (unclear) Shri Mataji: Of course! Self-confidence in the sense that you know yourself. It's not an ego. It's not in ignorance but in knowledge. An audience: (unclear) Sahaj Yogini: What is that thing in the big green circle? Shri Mataji: This we call as Void but this is not the one as described in Zen. This is the area where our valancies are there which are ten. Once these valencies are enlightened you become automatically 'dharmik' you become automatically religious which is innate. Religion is innate. The innate religion is awakened. I would say you will know all about it. We have a nice center here. We have very good people who will tell you all about it, for which you do not have to pay at all, but you have to come to the collective. Now, you do not have to go to the Himalayas, you will not have to do any ascetic practices. Only thing you have to come to the collective and you become cleansed automatically. Alright! Now, let us have realization! What is it? An audience: Thank you my master! Is the same as enlightenment (unclear) Shri Mataji: Of Course! Of course! Same! Same! Same! I mean I mean you sit down here just now I'll give you! (The audience start laughing) Be comfortable! Be comfortable! All of you, have to be comfortable! Let us have a realization. The audience: thank you for (unclear) Sahaja Yogini: He wants to thank you for your realization. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much! It's very kind! It's very kind of you! First, you get your realization then you can thank me! Is he a journalist? Sahaj yogini: Medicine! medicine! Shri Mataji: You see we should think of the present. From that, you can achieve the highest. But as Buddha has said first get your self-realization. That is first thing is very important. Then you will know. The second state we call as doubtless awareness. When you have no doubts and you become a master. Now, so, first of all, I have to tell you that I cannot force self-realization on you, I cannot force it because I respect your freedom. Now, those who do not want to have realization should leave the hall. Now, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you all should have full confidence that you will get your realization. The second one is very simple again, that you should not feel guilty about anything at this moment. Please do not think you have committed this sin and that sin. You are not to think about yourself in this manner. Do you know, if you feel guilty then this center catches here on the left-hand side. Now, and if this center catches on the left-hand side then you get problems physical also. You get a disease called Angina of the heart. You also may feel a, you can call a terrible spondylitis, spondylitis, spondylitis. What do you say to spondylitis here? a bone goes out like that. Spondylitis! Is there any doctor? Where the bones are shifted here especially. Also rheumatic lethargic organs. Lethargic organs. So, one has not to feel guilty at all. You are not Gods. In short, you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Forgive yourself and forget the past. The third one is even simpler, that is to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive, but logically if you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? You don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. When you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands! Also the centre here is like this absolutely constricted the Optic chasma. If you don't forgive it won't open. So, Kundalini cannot rise. So, as it is you are torturing yourself by not forgiving, and also you will not get your self-realization. So please forgive everyone and also don't think about them because it's a headache. Just forgive in general! You will feel much lighter. So, now you don't have to do much! it's very simple! We'll tell you how first, you keep your eyes open, how you will nourish your own centres. Before that, I would request you to take down your shoes. You can't see me? Please take down! Please come now! It's alright! You sit in front if you can't hear, if you can't see! Alright! Please take out your shoes! Those who are sitting on the chair have to put both their feet away from each other. Come in if you want! Come in front! Come along! Come along! it's alright! Come along! Come along! If you want to come, come along! There is a lot of space here! (Shri Mataji whispering to the Sahaja Yogini) Such beauty I tell you! beautiful! beautiful! It's good! Now, in the left side is our power of desire and the right side is the power of action. Now, put your left hand towards me like this! Keep it on your lap! Just left hand towards me! Just simple! This symbolizes that you desire to have your self-realization. Just put your hand on your lap! Now, with the right hand, we will nourish our left-hand side centres. So, first, we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide. You become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left and side! Alright now, this is the centre is for your mastery. This is created by great masters. This is created by great masters. Then you please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! They can't see it! Lower portion! Can you see it? Now, this is the centre for pure knowledge. Later on, you will know how the pure knowledge goes to the brain from here. Pure knowledge is that by which you know the divine laws. Also, you develop the power to use those divine powers. So, now raise again your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Now, on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you this center is that, when you feel guilty. So, now take your right hand on top of your forehead. Now bend your head as far as possible! Bend! Here you have to forgive everyone in general. Now, you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now, stretch your hand for the last center! Stretch your palm! Put the center of your palm on the top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood! Now, please remember to push back your fingers so there is good pressure on your scalp. Put down your head as far as possible! Now, Move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise! Not your hand but your scalp seven times clockwise! Thats all one has to do! Very simple! Now we have to close our eyes! You can take out your glasses! It might help your eyesight! When I tell you only then open your eyes. Alright! so now remember to keep your feet apart from each other, those were sitting on the chair and you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, please put left hand towards me! Close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart! Now, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself! You can call me M or you can call me Shri Mataji. Please ask a question 3 times! Mother, Am I the spirit? Mother Am I the Spirit? Ask three times! If you are the spirit you become your master. So, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! Here you ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Mother, am I my own Master? I've already told you that I respect your freedom. I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So, here is the center of pure knowledge. You have to say six times because this center has got six petals. Six times you have to say. Mother, please give me pure knowledge! As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, Kundalini starts rising. So, you have to nourish your upper centres with your self-confidence. So, now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! Here, now you have to say with full confidence ten times, Mother, I am my own master! Please say ten times, Mother, I am my master! You have to know that the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego, you are not these conditionings, you are not these emotions, you are not these desires, but you are pure Spirit. So, now raise your right hand on your heart, and please say with full confidence twelve times, Mother, I am the pure Spirit! You have to know that this all-pervading power of love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you may commit, can be easily dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So, please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and you shoulder. Now, turn your head to your right! Now, please here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times, Mother I am not guilty at all! I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. Also, this centre is very constricted so if you don't forgive Kundalini cannot rise. So, you will miss your self-realization. Now, raise your right hand on top of your head, on your forehead across and bend your head as far as possible! Now, here with full confidence, you have to say, Mother, I forgive everyone! It is from your heart to be said not how many times. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from divine power. So, now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible! Here, you have to say again from your heart not how many times. Oh, Divine power! if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me! Say it from your heart! Now, the last centre is the most important where you have to stretch your palm fully and put your hand on the top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head as far as possible! Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So, now please move your scalp seven times clockwise, seven times saying Mother, please give me my self-realization! Move it slowly slowly with pressure! (Shri Mataji blows into microphone seven times) Now, please take down your hands! Slowly open your eyes! Please put both the hands towards me like this and now do not think! You can do it! Now, put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Don't put the hand on top of your head but away from it! Is could be warm, cool breeze like waves warm or cool breeze like waves. Bend your heads! You have to certify yourself! Bend your head fully! It is on top of the head not in front! Now, put the left hand towards me! Put again your head down and see on top of your head, top of your head you see if there is a cool or warm breeze coming out. Some people get it very far and some get it very near. Now, put your right hand towards me bend your head and from the left hand see for yourself! Now, raise both your hands and watch towards the sky! Now, ask a question, is this the cool breeze of the pure love of divinity? Ask this question three times! Now, please take your hands down! All those who have felt cool breeze on their heads or warm breeze in their fingertips or in their hands or on top of their heads please raise both your hands! Please raise both your hands, please! Those who have felt cool breeze out of your heads or on your fingertips. Doesn't matter! Please raise both your hands! May God bless you! Most of you have felt it. Some have not felt doesn't matter! They can feel also. All of them can feel it. Some have not felt it. Something not wrong but something has not worked out. So, it is important that you all should feel it. So, I would request you all to come to our follow on to the collective thing and I am sure all of you can feel it. Some of you must be doubting, must be due to their conditioning. But how can you get cool breeze out of your head? Alright! Now, have faith in yourself! I'll be coming definitely after one year here. But as it is we have very nice people here who know a lot about Sahaj yoga. Then in the follow on in which you must come. Sahaj yogi: Follow up session will be on Saturday at 4 'o clock at Gate institute and every Saturday and Thursday at Gate institute. Sahaj yogini: On Saturday it will be in the evening at 4 'o clock and every Thursday at 7.30. Gate institute you know it is a German, Thai German (unclear) centre inside (unclear, she continues in her language for the benefit of the audience) Shri Mataji: Please look after it! (audience applause) please have self-esteem and look after your self-realization! This is very important! You have to grow now! Sahaja Yogi: The address of the follow up is written on the papers. You can see them on the papers and keep these papers that you have got and then you can come for the follow-up programme. It's very important! (Voices can be heard of Shri Mataji and the audience) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Public Programme Bangkok, Thailand March 11, 1992 Can you hear me there? At the back? It's alright? But one must know that you cannot change the truth and you cannot transform it, unfortunately also at human awareness, you cannot know the truth. So, you have to get enlightenment. You have to get 'Bodha' as Buddha has got it. You have to have your self-realization, your selfhood. Without that, you cannot know the truth. Now, whatever I am going to tell you, you need not believe with your blind faith. But if it is proved, then you have to accept as honest people because this is for your benevolence and benevolence of the whole world. You see we have ecological problems, economic problems, political problems, family problems, personal problems, but if you see it is only because of human beings. So, the human beings have to be transformed to overcome these problems. And inside you is placed this subtle body to transform you. Even there are religious problems and spiritual problems. You may follow any religion. You may be a Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian but anyone can commit any sin. Nothing to stop them. You have seen how people have been killing each other in the name of God. Also, those who have been following Buddhism have been quite violent. And the Christians, Muslims all of them just the same. Same with Hindus, nobody is an exception. So, we have missed the point and that is that we are not yet the Spirit. All these incarnations tried that people should first have their self-realization. People like Buddha, Mahavira, Mohammad they talked of the abstract power. (Shri Mataji repeats here for the yogini translating) they talked about the abstract power. The Buddha, Mahavira did not even want to talk about God. They said first get your self-realization. But Buddha has said about the future Buddha. He called it as Matrayeya. And he said it is Boddhisatva. Boddhisatva is the power which will enlighten people and these enlightened people will enlighten others. Same is said by a great seer William Blake in England. So, now the time has come for the people to get their enlightenment. We take everything for granted which is the living work. We see beautiful flowers we take them for granted. We don't even think what a miracle it is! Look at our eye! what a camera it is! Look at our brain! What a computer it is! But we take it for granted. So, the truth is there is an all-pervading power of love, of pure love which does all this living work. How did we become human beings from amoeba? Nobody thinks! And our evolution is not yet complete. And our evolution is not yet complete (Shri Mataji repeats the line for the benefit of yogini translating her speech) because we have not reached the absolute point. If we would have reached the absolute point there would have been no quarrel, no war. In absoluteness, everybody sees the same point. One has to realize that this is the living process of a living energy. And you cannot pay for this work. How much do we pay to mother earth for her work? She does not even understand money and banking. That Is the headache of human beings. So, now one has to understand that we have still to become the spirit as said by all scriptures. This is the fundamental truth about it and secondly, there is this all-pervading power of pure love and we have to get in contact with it. We have to feel it on our Central Nervous system. Whatever we have got in our evolution we feel on our Central Nervous system. It is not mental. Many people think that by reading scriptures they can achieve spirituality but scriptures are just prescriptions, they are not the medicines. You have to take the medicine and not read the prescriptions all the time. I am happy you have already been told about the Subtle System. And now only my job is to see that you all get your self-realization. As a result of that when this Kundalini passes through this center which we call as Agnya chakra, you become thoughtlessly aware means you are in the Present. You are either in the future or in the past. The thoughts come to us from the future or from the past and we are jumping on the curps of these thoughts. But if I ask you, you be in present you cannot be. Present is the reality. The past is finished and the future doesn't exist. Then only you are in Meditation. You do not have to meditate but you are in meditation. But when this Kundalini passes through this center of Sahasrara of thousand petals then you can feel the cool breeze coming out of your own head. You can also feel the cool breeze around yourself. This cool breeze first time you feel is the all-pervading power of love, but then you have to establish this connection. You become absolutely peaceful and you see everything as a witness, as a witness. Everything looks like a drama. Supposing you are standing in the seawater you are afraid of the waves. But if you get into the boat then you can watch these. But supposing you know how to swim you can jump and save many others. As a result of the Kundalini awakening, you get your centers completely cleansed out. As a result, you get cured. In Delhi, there are three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. The subjects were Epilepsy, Blood cancer, and Asthma. So many other diseases have been cured but is done by your own Kundalini. It is not something you do that you don't understand. You know everything about yourself, about your centers. About your centers and also you jump into another dimension of your awareness. You develop a new dimension called as Collective Consciousness, that means you can also feel on your fingertips centers of others. and if you know how to correct yourself or others you can help them. This is your own power. This is your own divinity which expresses, which manifests. Thus you become a transformed personality. On your fingertips, you can know the absolute Truth. As you must be knowing Sahaja yoga is working now in sixty-two countries and surprisingly, we get people in India once a month, once a year from at least fifty two countries. I've never seen them quarreling, fighting in the collective. They have dropped their habits, bad habits of drugs, and everything. They are leading a very righteous life as if they have absorbed the good points of religion within themselves. They are just like Angels. For Thailand, you will be happy to know, that we have got people from France from Switzerland to help the enlightenment of Thailand. The new race has been created of enlightenment and they have power to raise the Kundalini. They have power to cure others. They are always in Joy. The attention also is so enlightened, that wherever they put attention it acts. (Shri Mataji repeats for the yogini translating ) wherever they put attention it acts. Attention is not there in Thai language? Can you suggest a word for attention? Now say, I say you pay attention to me, but if I say pay attention to yourself you cannot. Our attention is outside not inside and that happens, that we can know ourselves and we can know others in a very deeper way. There are so many things one can say about Sahaja Yoga. In this one lecture not easy to cover all the subject. In this hall there are beautiful lights but to put the lights on you have to just put one switch and it's there because it is all built-in but if I have to tell you all about the electricity how it came here, how Bangkok was electrified, it will be so boring. But if it is built-in you can enlighten people first and in that light, they can see themselves. So, I hope now we will have a session of realization for about 10 minutes but before that, I don't mind if you ask me some questions but it should not be some lecture. I have not come here to take anything from you, but I have come here to give you what is your own, what is your own property, what is your own beauty and glory. Also, I am a very great expert in answering. For 22 years I have been doing this work, but even if I answer you that's not a guarantee that your Kundalini will rise because questioning and answering is just a mental feed. But you have to be beyond the mind. May God bless you! Please tell me questions to be asked. Sahaj yogini: (translating the question asked by a lady from the audience) This lady would like to know if Sahaja Yoga is basic realization. Shri Mataji: it's a very ancient thing. Thousands of years. It was a tradition for one master to give realization to only one person. Sri Rama's father-in-law Raja Janaka gave realization to only one person called Nachiketa. Fourteen thousand years back Markandeya has written about it in Sanskrit language. But what I have done is that I have found out a method by which en mass realization can be given. You do not have to do any more penance or sufferings. You have already done it in your last lives, but you are just ready to get your realization. In Sanskrit, it is called Samadhi. Is to become yourself to get your selfhood. To become the absolute, to know the truth. Actually, you become so dynamic because all the power starts flowing within you, all the vital powers. At the same time, you become very compassionate. Now, this instrument is made. It is useless if it is not connected to the mains. It has no meaning. In the same way unless and until human beings are connected to this all pervading power, it has no meaning. It's alright? An audience: (unclear) Shri Mataji: What is he saying? Sahaj Yogini: This experience that you do here (unclear) Shri Mataji: Of course! Self-confidence in the sense that you know yourself. It's not an ego. It's not in ignorance but in knowledge. An audience: (unclear) Sahaj Yogini: What is that thing in the big green circle? Shri Mataji: This we call as Void but this is not the one as described in Zen. This is the area where our valancies are there which are ten. Once these valencies are enlightened you become automatically 'dharmik' you become automatically religious which is innate. Religion is innate. The innate religion is awakened. I would say you will know all about it. We have a nice center here. We have very good people who will tell you all about it, for which you do not have to pay at all, but you have to come to the collective. Now, you do not have to go to the Himalayas, you will not have to do any ascetic practices. Only thing you have to come to the collective and you become cleansed automatically. Alright! Now, let us have realization! What is it? An audience: Thank you my master! Is the same as enlightenment (unclear) Shri Mataji: Of Course! Of course! Same! Same! Same! I mean I mean you sit down here just now I'll give you! (The audience start laughing) Be comfortable! Be comfortable! All of you, have to be comfortable! Let us have a realization. The audience: thank you for (unclear) Sahaja Yogini: He wants to thank you for your realization. Shri Mataji: Thank you very much! It's very kind! It's very kind of you! First, you get your realization then you can thank me! Is he a journalist? Sahaj yogini: Medicine! medicine! Shri Mataji: You see we should think of the present. From that, you can achieve the highest. But as Buddha has said first get your self-realization. That is first thing is very important. Then you will know. The second state we call as doubtless awareness. When you have no doubts and you become a master. Now, so, first of all, I have to tell you that I cannot force self-realization on you, I cannot force it because I respect your freedom. Now, those who do not want to have realization should leave the hall. Now, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you all should have full confidence that you will get your realization. The second one is very simple again, that you should not feel guilty about anything at this moment. Please do not think you have committed this sin and that sin. You are not to think about yourself in this manner. Do you know, if you feel guilty then this center catches here on the left-hand side. Now, and if this center catches on the left-hand side then you get problems physical also. You get a disease called Angina of the heart. You also may feel a, you can call a terrible spondylitis, spondylitis, spondylitis. What do you say to spondylitis here? a bone goes out like that. Spondylitis! Is there any doctor? Where the bones are shifted here especially. Also rheumatic lethargic organs. Lethargic organs. So, one has not to feel guilty at all. You are not Gods. In short, you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Forgive yourself and forget the past. The third one is even simpler, that is to forgive everyone. Some people say it is very difficult to forgive, but logically if you forgive or don't forgive what do you do? You don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. When you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands! Also the centre here is like this absolutely constricted the Optic chasma. If you don't forgive it won't open. So, Kundalini cannot rise. So, as it is you are torturing yourself by not forgiving, and also you will not get your self-realization. So please forgive everyone and also don't think about them because it's a headache. Just forgive in general! You will feel much lighter. So, now you don't have to do much! it's very simple! We'll tell you how first, you keep your eyes open, how you will nourish your own centres. Before that, I would request you to take down your shoes. You can't see me? Please take down! Please come now! It's alright! You sit in front if you can't hear, if you can't see! Alright! Please take out your shoes! Those who are sitting on the chair have to put both their feet away from each other. Come in if you want! Come in front! Come along! Come along! it's alright! Come along! Come along! If you want to come, come along! There is a lot of space here! (Shri Mataji whispering to the Sahaja Yogini) Such beauty I tell you! beautiful! beautiful! It's good! Now, in the left side is our power of desire and the right side is the power of action. Now, put your left hand towards me like this! Keep it on your lap! Just left hand towards me! Just simple! This symbolizes that you desire to have your self-realization. Just put your hand on your lap! Now, with the right hand, we will nourish our left-hand side centres. So, first, we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide. You become your own master. So now take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left and side! Alright now, this is the centre is for your mastery. This is created by great masters. This is created by great masters. Then you please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! They can't see it! Lower portion! Can you see it? Now, this is the centre for pure knowledge. Later on, you will know how the pure knowledge goes to the brain from here. Pure knowledge is that by which you know the divine laws. Also, you develop the power to use those divine powers. So, now raise again your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen. Now, on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you this center is that, when you feel guilty. So, now take your right hand on top of your forehead. Now bend your head as far as possible! Bend! Here you have to forgive everyone in general. Now, you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now, stretch your hand for the last center! Stretch your palm! Put the center of your palm on the top of your fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood! Now, please remember to push back your fingers so there is good pressure on your scalp. Put down your head as far as possible! Now, Move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise! Not your hand but your scalp seven times clockwise! Thats all one has to do! Very simple! Now we have to close our eyes! You can take out your glasses! It might help your eyesight! When I tell you only then open your eyes. Alright! so now remember to keep your feet apart from each other, those were sitting on the chair and you have to be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, please put left hand towards me! Close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart! Now, here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself! You can call me M or you can call me Shri Mataji. Please ask a question 3 times! Mother, Am I the spirit? Mother Am I the Spirit? Ask three times! If you are the spirit you become your master. So, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! Here you ask another fundamental question about yourself three times. Mother, am I my own Master? I've already told you that I respect your freedom. I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So, here is the center of pure knowledge. You have to say six times because this center has got six petals. Six times you have to say. Mother, please give me pure knowledge! As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, Kundalini starts rising. So, you have to nourish your upper centres with your self-confidence. So, now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side! Here, now you have to say with full confidence ten times, Mother, I am my own master! Please say ten times, Mother, I am my master! You have to know that the truth is that you are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego, you are not these conditionings, you are not these emotions, you are not these desires, but you are pure Spirit. So, now raise your right hand on your heart, and please say with full confidence twelve times, Mother, I am the pure Spirit! You have to know that this all-pervading power of love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you may commit, can be easily dissolved by this power of forgiveness. So, please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and you shoulder. Now, turn your head to your right! Now, please here you have to say with full confidence sixteen times, Mother I am not guilty at all! I have already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive you play into wrong hands. Also, this centre is very constricted so if you don't forgive Kundalini cannot rise. So, you will miss your self-realization. Now, raise your right hand on top of your head, on your forehead across and bend your head as far as possible! Now, here with full confidence, you have to say, Mother, I forgive everyone! It is from your heart to be said not how many times. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from divine power. So, now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible! Here, you have to say again from your heart not how many times. Oh, Divine power! if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly please forgive me! Say it from your heart! Now, the last centre is the most important where you have to stretch your palm fully and put your hand on the top of your fontanelle bone area which was a soft bone in your childhood. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head as far as possible! Here again, I cannot force self-realization on you. You have to ask for it. So, now please move your scalp seven times clockwise, seven times saying Mother, please give me my self-realization! Move it slowly slowly with pressure! (Shri Mataji blows into microphone seven times) Now, please take down your hands! Slowly open your eyes! Please put both the hands towards me like this and now do not think! You can do it! Now, put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself, if there is a cool breeze coming out of your fontanelle bone area. Don't put the hand on top of your head but away from it! Is could be warm, cool breeze like waves warm or cool breeze like waves. Bend your heads! You have to certify yourself! Bend your head fully! It is on top of the head not in front! Now, put the left hand towards me! Put again your head down and see on top of your head, top of your head you see if there is a cool or warm breeze coming out. Some people get it very far and some get it very near. Now, put your right hand towards me bend your head and from the left hand see for yourself! Now, raise both your hands and watch towards the sky! Now, ask a question, is this the cool breeze of the pure love of divinity? Ask this question three times! Now, please take your hands down! All those who have felt cool breeze on their heads or warm breeze in their fingertips or in their hands or on top of their heads please raise both your hands! Please raise both your hands, please! Those who have felt cool breeze out of your heads or on your fingertips. Doesn't matter! Please raise both your hands! May God bless you! Most of you have felt it. Some have not felt doesn't matter! They can feel also. All of them can feel it. Some have not felt it. Something not wrong but something has not worked out. So, it is important that you all should feel it. So, I would request you all to come to our follow on to the collective thing and I am sure all of you can feel it. Some of you must be doubting, must be due to their conditioning. But how can you get cool breeze out of your head? Alright! Now, have faith in yourself! I'll be coming definitely after one year here. But as it is we have very nice people here who know a lot about Sahaj yoga. Then in the follow on in which you must come. Sahaj yogi: Follow up session will be on Saturday at 4 'o clock at Gate institute and every Saturday and Thursday at Gate institute. Sahaj yogini: On Saturday it will be in the evening at 4 'o clock and every Thursday at 7.30. Gate institute you know it is a German, Thai German (unclear) centre inside (unclear, she continues in her language for the benefit of the audience) Shri Mataji: Please look after it! (audience applause) please have self-esteem and look after your self-realization! This is very important! You have to grow now! Sahaja Yogi: The address of the follow up is written on the papers. You can see them on the papers and keep these papers that you have got and then you can come for the follow-up programme. It's very important! (Voices can be heard of Shri Mataji and the audience) Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Birthday Puja Talk
Birthday Puja Date 17th March 1992, Mumbai [English translation from Hindi, scanned from English Divine Cool breeze] You have celebrated my birthday with so much love. You got your self realisation, and the special thing is that you became something and gained something. I am what I am. I don't have to become anything. It is such a great thing that you got self enlightened through your Spirit. All Sahaja Yogis have now become so good and dharmic. If you see people who belong to other religions they follow their rules and regulations with great difficulty: they fast, go to the Himalaya stand on their heads and do various things but still their Spirit is not enlightened. They will believe in some guru or God, but do they try to become like that guru? To believe means nothing when their gurus' shaktis and qualities have not enlightened them. No religion is bad in itself. It is the way people have followed them. Some went into the.right and some into the left. dead body. Even in Nepal the left side has grown so much that they do tantrik vidya, bhoot and shamshan vidya. Thus two types of people were created in Buddha Dharma. Buddha has no connection with them and vice versa. The same thing is there in Christianity. They wanted to gain some powers within so they crucified people and did all sorts of things in the name of Christ. Even now you will see in Armenia how they killed thousands of people in Azerbaijan. When they used to kill they would take the Pble in one hand as if God was with them. and they think that only their religion is correct and the Muslims are bad. The Muslims do the same thing. Islam is beautiful and a tremendous religion., Even great Muslim scholars say that there is a lot of difference between Muslims and Islam. They feel it is because they are not educated. But education also creates foolish people. Like Kabir has said "By reading the pandits have become foolish." Till the spirit is not enlightened nothing is going to happen. You cannot imbibe any religion within. It will not enter. It will just remain on the outside and then you will get lost. Either you become money oriented or power-oriented. But never spirit The right sided ones became ascetics. They made very laborious and complicated paths. They thought if Buddha got enlightened through so much suffering and through a very difficult path why should we not follow the same if not more laborious paths. So many people became entangled in these paths. Eating only once, sleeping on the ground, living in cold weather with little clothing, staying alone etc. They completely suppressed what was given to them by nature. By suppressing their natural instincts and behaviour patterns one becomes very iritable and aggressive. Such people have a lot of anger in them. By suppressing anger it grows more. Such people sometimes go into the supra-conscious. They may then gain such powers or siddhis by which they can dominate others. For example Hitler. Hitler's guru was a Lama monk and he learnt from him how to control and subdue people. Buddha had created such a high dharma on how to reach Nirvana and that religion went into the right side. oriented. When the Spirit gels enlighted then a person unexpectedly finds that tattwa within himself. He does not have to struggle. This feeling comes within spontaneously, In Hinduism it is told that the same spirit resides in everyone. Then how can we have class and caste consciousness? One should think that the one who wrote Ramayana was a robber and a fisherman. Ram did not write the Ramayana, Ram ate the half eaten berries of Shabari who was a low caste woman. The Gita was also written by Vyas who was the illegitimate son of a low caste woman. All this was done to show that there is something ourselves that we have created castes and class, The one who is inclined towards God and knows Him is a Brahmin. So then Valmiki was a Brahmin. Great incarnations came and refuted this again and again that you are a Brahmin by birth. Kabir's lacking within Then the other type of people went into the left side and tantrism was born. There are places in Ladakh where they will pray to the hand of a guru was a Brahmin and he accepted Kabir a weaver as his disciple. Namdev was a great poet saint of Maharashtra who was a tailor. Namdev's will not do it. You do not listen to dirty nonsense because now you have become so pure. If you do have to go to some such dirty place you will go OS wilness looking at it as a drama. You have now got the witnessing power within you. There is lot of love for each other. You may go anywhere in the world and you will find Sahaja Yogis will look after you with so much joy. Of course some people take advantage and tell lies. Even then they are looked after. One person went to Madras and told them lies that Shri Mataji has sent him. He asked for a horse, for various things and they gave it to him with great love. Later on I got to know that this rogue had gone there on his own, Ihave seen that people bear it even though they sufter, but will never complain. But I have seen that if sormeone says anythirig against me you cannot bear it. And this is the proof of your love for me. poems are included in the Granth Sahib, the holy Book of the Sikhs. Guru Nanak recognized all this because he was an enlightened soul. The ones who reach there understand who is real and who is false. We should have compassion towards the people who are following these false things in the name of religion because we know they are blind. Like Kabir has said "How can l explain when the whole world is blind. Some will say I am Christian, Hindu or Muslim. You are making yourselves seporate. In Sahaja Yoga you have understood that the essence of all religions is the same. When we believe in all religions then this fundamentalism which is spreading in the world will finish off. You should not only realise thot all religions are one but it should be imbibed within. It should sink within. In You have given me so much love and I have great faith that the dream I had of the whole world getting realisation will be fulfilled. Till this does not happen the world will not improve. We have all sorts of problems. Ecclogical, economic, political and family problerns. The responsibility of this lies with human beings because they have created these problems. But when man changes and universal brotherhood enters within him then Sahaja Yoga there are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists: When you beleve in one Vishva Dharma then ali the religious are in that one religion. This is the wisdom. And then you believe in all the incarnations and saints. You cannot make intellectualising. It happens by the light of the spirit which sinks deep within you, then you don't need to say. You are Sahaja Yogis so you just cannot tell lles, steal, torture or kill anyone. Now you cannot do anything that is bad. You do not try to pull anyone down or get into competitions. You are sitting in profound satisfaction and meditation and know that everything is getting done. Even in your married life there is deep understanding between husband and wife and no husband or wife will look at other men or women even though there are many beautiful women and handsome men. This outer attraction which happens to others does not touch you. You have respect for yourself. Your eyes are steady now and even such thoughts do not enter your mind. Even other people are impressed by you. How you live in such peace and harmony. it happen by talking or what would be the need to fight. Then all these problems will get solved by themselves. Whenever you read the paper you should collectively desire that the Punjab problem be solved and it will be solved. The problems of poverty will not be removed by shouting 'remove poverty.' We are in the middle of the river. Neither are we too rich or too poor. When this current grows then the poor and the rich will both come in. And in this way our problem will be solved. All your faces shine so much. The kind of love we have in Sahaja Yoga is not there in any society. The followers of other gurus look like they are just about to enter into a hospital. That is why you should have self respect and there should be something special about you. You pray to me and tell me that you have benefited. But you are behind these beneficial pujas. If you were not like this you could go on praying and it would not have worked out. Are there less prayers or Pujas in temples? But nothing goes inside. They do so much offering to the Devi and Gods but still it does not go in. They are just the same. They go on committing sins and atrocities. There is nothing, People tell me that I cure so many and do not take any money. But neither do you take money. You will not kill, steal or make anyone a widow. You connot kidnap anyone's child. You do not smoke or drink or take drugs. You will not go to any dirty places or make obscene paintings or read dirty books. I don't need to say. You yourself special about them. Now Sahaja Yoga has spread so many countries, I never thought that in my lifetime it would happen. The dream thatI had has really come true. So we must remember that we are not, just simple Sahaja Yogis but we are special. We should try to make as many people yogis as possible. Then only can the world benefit and we will benefit. all have these powers. And I desire that all my powers also come within you. A mother always thinks that all her powers come within her children and they all become great stalwarts. You are sitting in such joy and taking the pleasures of Nirvana for which many had to struggle. All this has come to you in such a Sahaja Way. This is your punyas of previous lives, My blessings are always with you but this thought is always there that when I leave you my heart is wrenched. But when I think of the people in the other places waiting for me then I feel that those are my children., I travel a lot but when I see you my heart fills with joy and I never have time to think of my age. Today is my birthday but your birthday should also be celebrated. At every birthday you grow in age but with this growth in age if maturity does not come then its no use. You are also growing in Sahaja Yoga but it is important that we grow in maturity. Once you are mature you will become like a large tree and benefif others. You May God Bless You.
Birthday Puja Date 17th March 1992, Mumbai [English translation from Hindi, scanned from English Divine Cool breeze] You have celebrated my birthday with so much love. You got your self realisation, and the special thing is that you became something and gained something. I am what I am. I don't have to become anything. It is such a great thing that you got self enlightened through your Spirit. All Sahaja Yogis have now become so good and dharmic. If you see people who belong to other religions they follow their rules and regulations with great difficulty: they fast, go to the Himalaya stand on their heads and do various things but still their Spirit is not enlightened. They will believe in some guru or God, but do they try to become like that guru? To believe means nothing when their gurus' shaktis and qualities have not enlightened them. No religion is bad in itself. It is the way people have followed them. Some went into the.right and some into the left. dead body. Even in Nepal the left side has grown so much that they do tantrik vidya, bhoot and shamshan vidya. Thus two types of people were created in Buddha Dharma. Buddha has no connection with them and vice versa. The same thing is there in Christianity. They wanted to gain some powers within so they crucified people and did all sorts of things in the name of Christ. Even now you will see in Armenia how they killed thousands of people in Azerbaijan. When they used to kill they would take the Pble in one hand as if God was with them. and they think that only their religion is correct and the Muslims are bad. The Muslims do the same thing. Islam is beautiful and a tremendous religion., Even great Muslim scholars say that there is a lot of difference between Muslims and Islam. They feel it is because they are not educated. But education also creates foolish people. Like Kabir has said "By reading the pandits have become foolish." Till the spirit is not enlightened nothing is going to happen. You cannot imbibe any religion within. It will not enter. It will just remain on the outside and then you will get lost. Either you become money oriented or power-oriented. But never spirit The right sided ones became ascetics. They made very laborious and complicated paths. They thought if Buddha got enlightened through so much suffering and through a very difficult path why should we not follow the same if not more laborious paths. So many people became entangled in these paths. Eating only once, sleeping on the ground, living in cold weather with little clothing, staying alone etc. They completely suppressed what was given to them by nature. By suppressing their natural instincts and behaviour patterns one becomes very iritable and aggressive. Such people have a lot of anger in them. By suppressing anger it grows more. Such people sometimes go into the supra-conscious. They may then gain such powers or siddhis by which they can dominate others. For example Hitler. Hitler's guru was a Lama monk and he learnt from him how to control and subdue people. Buddha had created such a high dharma on how to reach Nirvana and that religion went into the right side. oriented. When the Spirit gels enlighted then a person unexpectedly finds that tattwa within himself. He does not have to struggle. This feeling comes within spontaneously, In Hinduism it is told that the same spirit resides in everyone. Then how can we have class and caste consciousness? One should think that the one who wrote Ramayana was a robber and a fisherman. Ram did not write the Ramayana, Ram ate the half eaten berries of Shabari who was a low caste woman. The Gita was also written by Vyas who was the illegitimate son of a low caste woman. All this was done to show that there is something ourselves that we have created castes and class, The one who is inclined towards God and knows Him is a Brahmin. So then Valmiki was a Brahmin. Great incarnations came and refuted this again and again that you are a Brahmin by birth. Kabir's lacking within Then the other type of people went into the left side and tantrism was born. There are places in Ladakh where they will pray to the hand of a guru was a Brahmin and he accepted Kabir a weaver as his disciple. Namdev was a great poet saint of Maharashtra who was a tailor. Namdev's will not do it. You do not listen to dirty nonsense because now you have become so pure. If you do have to go to some such dirty place you will go OS wilness looking at it as a drama. You have now got the witnessing power within you. There is lot of love for each other. You may go anywhere in the world and you will find Sahaja Yogis will look after you with so much joy. Of course some people take advantage and tell lies. Even then they are looked after. One person went to Madras and told them lies that Shri Mataji has sent him. He asked for a horse, for various things and they gave it to him with great love. Later on I got to know that this rogue had gone there on his own, Ihave seen that people bear it even though they sufter, but will never complain. But I have seen that if sormeone says anythirig against me you cannot bear it. And this is the proof of your love for me. poems are included in the Granth Sahib, the holy Book of the Sikhs. Guru Nanak recognized all this because he was an enlightened soul. The ones who reach there understand who is real and who is false. We should have compassion towards the people who are following these false things in the name of religion because we know they are blind. Like Kabir has said "How can l explain when the whole world is blind. Some will say I am Christian, Hindu or Muslim. You are making yourselves seporate. In Sahaja Yoga you have understood that the essence of all religions is the same. When we believe in all religions then this fundamentalism which is spreading in the world will finish off. You should not only realise thot all religions are one but it should be imbibed within. It should sink within. In You have given me so much love and I have great faith that the dream I had of the whole world getting realisation will be fulfilled. Till this does not happen the world will not improve. We have all sorts of problems. Ecclogical, economic, political and family problerns. The responsibility of this lies with human beings because they have created these problems. But when man changes and universal brotherhood enters within him then Sahaja Yoga there are Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Buddhists: When you beleve in one Vishva Dharma then ali the religious are in that one religion. This is the wisdom. And then you believe in all the incarnations and saints. You cannot make intellectualising. It happens by the light of the spirit which sinks deep within you, then you don't need to say. You are Sahaja Yogis so you just cannot tell lles, steal, torture or kill anyone. Now you cannot do anything that is bad. You do not try to pull anyone down or get into competitions. You are sitting in profound satisfaction and meditation and know that everything is getting done. Even in your married life there is deep understanding between husband and wife and no husband or wife will look at other men or women even though there are many beautiful women and handsome men. This outer attraction which happens to others does not touch you. You have respect for yourself. Your eyes are steady now and even such thoughts do not enter your mind. Even other people are impressed by you. How you live in such peace and harmony. it happen by talking or what would be the need to fight. Then all these problems will get solved by themselves. Whenever you read the paper you should collectively desire that the Punjab problem be solved and it will be solved. The problems of poverty will not be removed by shouting 'remove poverty.' We are in the middle of the river. Neither are we too rich or too poor. When this current grows then the poor and the rich will both come in. And in this way our problem will be solved. All your faces shine so much. The kind of love we have in Sahaja Yoga is not there in any society. The followers of other gurus look like they are just about to enter into a hospital. That is why you should have self respect and there should be something special about you. You pray to me and tell me that you have benefited. But you are behind these beneficial pujas. If you were not like this you could go on praying and it would not have worked out. Are there less prayers or Pujas in temples? But nothing goes inside. They do so much offering to the Devi and Gods but still it does not go in. They are just the same. They go on committing sins and atrocities. There is nothing, People tell me that I cure so many and do not take any money. But neither do you take money. You will not kill, steal or make anyone a widow. You connot kidnap anyone's child. You do not smoke or drink or take drugs. You will not go to any dirty places or make obscene paintings or read dirty books. I don't need to say. You yourself special about them. Now Sahaja Yoga has spread so many countries, I never thought that in my lifetime it would happen. The dream thatI had has really come true. So we must remember that we are not, just simple Sahaja Yogis but we are special. We should try to make as many people yogis as possible. Then only can the world benefit and we will benefit. all have these powers. And I desire that all my powers also come within you. A mother always thinks that all her powers come within her children and they all become great stalwarts. You are sitting in such joy and taking the pleasures of Nirvana for which many had to struggle. All this has come to you in such a Sahaja Way. This is your punyas of previous lives, My blessings are always with you but this thought is always there that when I leave you my heart is wrenched. But when I think of the people in the other places waiting for me then I feel that those are my children., I travel a lot but when I see you my heart fills with joy and I never have time to think of my age. Today is my birthday but your birthday should also be celebrated. At every birthday you grow in age but with this growth in age if maturity does not come then its no use. You are also growing in Sahaja Yoga but it is important that we grow in maturity. Once you are mature you will become like a large tree and benefif others. You May God Bless You.
Birthday Puja: You can absorb the essence of all the religions
New Delhi
English, Hindi
Birthday Puja. Delhi, India. 21 March 1992. Translation from Hindi You people have celebrated this birthday, with so much love and affection, that I do not understand what to say. It is true that you all have got self-realization in Sahaja Yoga, and I might have told you about this, but the energy is yours alone. Your energy got awakened, and you achieved it due to your own energy. So, I don't think there are many contributions from my side. You have to think one more thing that I am, whatever I am, there was no need for me to become anything, but It is your specialty that you all became something special. You received and achieved something which was your own. It is such a great thing, that you got enlightened by your own spirit. Earlier, it was told that only the Masters got enlightened, but today all the Sahaja Yogis have got enlightened. And also, think that Sahaja Yogis have become such nice people, how honest you all have become. People follow different religions and follow all the rules and regulations religiously, they do fasting, go to the Himalayas, stand upside down, they do different things, but there is no enlightenment of the spirit inside them. That is why, whatever religion they follow, Whatever system they follow, whichever Guru (master) they are with, there is no light within them. For example, you may accept a Guru, but you cannot become like him. You have just accepted him. Like you have just accepted the God. And the meaning of accepting him is that, the powers in him and his personality does not reflect inside us. We just accepted them because they are on a higher level. Now whichever religion you consider, no religion is bad. Like supposing there is Buddhism, I have read about Buddhism, and I was really surprised that center path (Madhya Marg) was mentioned in that. But later people took it to the left and right. People who went to the right became ascetics or sanyasis, completely. And formed very difficult rules and difficult path. Very difficult path. The reason behind this was, they thought "since Buddha has become an ascetic, and achieved self-realization after following a very difficult path, we also should do the same thing". But they made it so difficult that most of the people, were finished in this process. By following the rules like eating once a day, sleeping on the floor, living in the cold weather, by doing several things like this, they suppressed their basic natural requirements. And, when a person is pressurized this way, his nature becomes agitated. Not only that, but his nature becomes aggressive also. And he becomes a very angry person. Our anger increases when we try to suppress it. And this kind of people goes to the state of supra-conscious, where they can achieve certain paranormal powers by which they can influence others. This is what happened with Hitler. Hitler's Guru was a llama. And from this llama, Hitler learned how to possess other people, and make them accept him. So, the great religion which was made by Buddha, for us to achieve a state of freedom from all sufferings (nirvana), that religion got carried away by the right side. Some others thought, let us move towards the left side, as a result of which many occultists originated. Apart from this occultists, in places like Ladakh, people started things like, if a person is dead, his hands should be worshipped, and things like this, I saw in Nepal also. Like this, people started going toward the left so much that, people started believing in spirits and ghosts, and started practicing "smashan vidya". So like this, two kinds of people were generated from Buddhism. Neither Buddha havs any connection with this, nor religion of Buddha has anything to do with this. If you take Christian religion, In that also people thought that let us acquire some power in the first place. Weather so the Crusades started hitting and thrashing people, and did all sorts of things. Jesus Christ had taught that a Christian should forgive others, even after going to the cross. This is happening today also. You must have heard that recently Armenians killed thousands of Azerbaijan Muslims, and before going to kill them, Armenians used to read a bible and go. And after reading the Bible they used to kill the Muslims, as if God is on their side and whatever they are doing is spiritual work. And they started thinking that our religion (Christian) is the best and Muslim religion is bad. Same is the case with Muslims. If you read about Muslim religion you will feel as if it is the best religion. This is something amazing. And, the certain rationalist in Muslim religion also believes that there is a lot of difference between the Muslim and Islam. That is because they are not educated. Once they get educated they will be alright. Even with education, nothing is going to happen like " too much education leads to stupidity". Until your spirit is awakened, you cannot absorb any religion within you, you cannot manifest it inside you. A person cannot turn inwards, his attention will always remain outside, and with this external attention he gets carried away and becomes either power oriented or money oriented, that is, he runs behind money. He does not turn towards the spirit. He does not become spirit oriented. When he gets enlightened by his spirit, a person suddenly finds that the essence of religion has been established in him. He does not take any effort to do so, this happens in a Sahaj or easy way, like a deep spiritual Bliss, which happens effortlessly. This feeling manifests inside you without any effort. In Hinduism, it has been told that there is spirit inside everyone. The spirit resides in every person, then how can their cast and Creed be different? We should give it a thought. Who was Valmiki, who wrote Ramayan? He was a dacoit. He was a dacoit and he was a fisherman. Shri Rama made him write Ramayana. He ate the berries which were already tasted by a tribal woman. And the Geeta also was written by a person, who was an illegitimate child of a tribal woman. All this he did just to show us that, the caste and creed by which we are separating one-another, is an aptitude within us. only a person whose aptitude is towards the God can be called as Brahmin. According to the rule, Valmiki was a Brahmin and Vyas also was a Brahmin. So, the cast according to the deed was accepted much later here. And it was again and again rejected by the great incarnations. You know about Kabir Das Ji that he was a Brahmin. One day Kabir went and lay down on the way of his Guru. And when the Guru stepped over him, he caught hold of his feet. Because the Guru was a great personality, he took Kabir along with him, and accepted him as his disciple and gave him importance. So, Namdev was a great poet, in Maharashtra, who was a tailor. His maidservant, who might have belonged to a low caste, But her poems also are found in Granth Sahib. and Namdev's poems are anyway there. Guru Nanak Ji recognized all this because he was a great personality. whoever reaches that heights, understands, who is fake and who is genuine. so, the fake religions, because of which we get disturbed, we should be merciful towards them. We should be kind towards them because they are blind. Like Kabir Das Ji said, " how do I make them understand, there is blindness everywhere". these blind people remain in their blindness. One will say "I am Muslim". "Another will say I am Hindu". Another will say "I am Sikh". The moment you say "I am this", you separate yourself from the others. But in Sahaja Yoga, you have understood that the essence of all the religion is one. We accept all the religion. As soon as we start accepting all the religions, then the fundamentalism, which is today's major issue, That is what is today's problem, religion and Bigotry. whatever dispute is prevailing due to this, will end within no time, as soon as you start understanding that the essence of all the religion is same. But, just to understand also is not sufficient, this should get absorbed inside us, should get manifested inside us. And that has happened in all of you. This has happened all over the world. You know in Sahaja Yoga there are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhist, all kinds of people are there. And all of them are following their own religion, and along with that, they are following the "Vishwa Dharma" (world religion) also. When you have started following Vishwa dharma, all religions are there in that one Vishwa Dharma, and to respect all the religions is the wise thing to do, clever thing to do. And also we should respect all the Incarnations, all the saints, seers, and sages who have taken birth till now. This doesn't happen just by saying or making one understand. In the enlightenment of the spirit, this quality gets manifested by itself. There is no need to tell anyone, anything after that. Now you understand that you have become Sahaja Yogis, meaning you have become excellent people. You see, you cannot murder anyone, you cannot kill anyone, you cannot snatch anything from anyone, you cannot indulge into stealing things, you cannot do, means, you don't do. You don't backbite anyone, you don't try to pull down anyone and you don't get involved in any competitions. You never feel that you should sit on someone's head, and slit his throat. Where ever you are, you are sitting peacefully and ascending by yourself. You don't ill-treat anyone. You see, there is mother-in-law, there is daughter-in-law. Sometimes mother-in-law troubles the daughter-in-law, and sometimes daughter-in-law ill-treats the mother-in-law. But in Sahaja Yoga, this is very rare. Almost invisible. Same way in your family, men and women have a unique position. Between the husband and wife, there is a kind of tuning where a husband does not look at any other women and a wife does not look at any other man. There is so much of purity. Here, there are many Sahaja Yogis, and Sahaja Yoginis, some of them are good looking, some are not, Some men are handsome looking, some are not. The external attraction does not bother you because You are in your own pride, your own self-respect. Your eyes have become steady now. It is no more adulterous. It doesn't roam here and there. It has steadied by itself. And now your attention does not go on these things. This does not come to your mind also. Not only you, but your children have also become like this. And when your parents see you in this state, they get surprised and overwhelmed, that” see how these people have changed so much that they don't steal, They don't tell lies, they don't fight with anyone, they don't get into any dispute with anyone”. You all have become very peaceful and very joyous people. And people tell me that” you are curing so many diseases but you don't take money from us”. And you also are not taking any money. You are doing all the Sahaja work, free of cost. I have not seen anyone taking any money for Sahaja work. You write one poem better than the other, you sing excellent songs, but I have never seen anyone demanding any money for this. You have given Awakening in so many people, you have given realization to so many people, you have established so many centers. But I have never heard anyone saying that " mother! We have given realization to so many people, so you give us money for that or give us some title for that like " people with 108 realizations" or "1008 realization". Nothing like that. And this sentence makes you laugh also that" what is all this"? You have come above all these external things. And You do not know anything about yourself. I really get surprised to see that you do not know about yourself, and you are giving me all the credits. I don't understand, what have I done to receive this kind of respect from you. Your own energy has awakened inside you because of which, you attained your spirit and in the enlightenment of your spirit, everything has happened. And, it is such a respectable thing that you achieved your glory. You'll never take a revolver and kill anyone, you will never rob anyone,s house. You will never make any lady a widow, you will never kidnap anyone's child. You can never do all these things. Not because I'm asking you to do so. You can never consume liquor, never take drugs. so many dirty things I happening in this world, but you will never go to any dirty place, you will not see any dirty picture, you will not read any dirty book. I don't have to tell you anything, you yourself will not read it. If anyone is talking anything Dirty, you will never listen to it. You will not like it at all. How pure you have become. And you are maintaining your purity with patience. And you have not understood your patience. You will run away from places, where something wrong is happening, and if you are forced to go to such places, you will watch everything as a witness. Many people tell me that, I went to that place and I saw how people were behaving after drinking, and they tell me what all they were doing and how they were behaving with women. They come and describe everything to me. So, this Witness state has come inside you casually. Secondly, the feeling of love among one another, about which there has been a lot of talk in Islam, about the Brotherhood and sisterhood for women also has he mentioned, which can be seen in among you. A long time ago, a girl from England had gone to Sicily. It's not known if she had gone there On some work or she went as a tourist. Another girl from France also arrived there. Both of them were in the scene restaurant eating something. Suddenly they looked at each other, both of them felt that they were emitting vibrations. One got up and went to the other and asked " has Shri Mataji given you the Realization?". She said "yes, and she has given you also, right"? And they hugged each other. Where ever you go, whether you go to America or any other place, a Sahaja Yogi always tries to take care of the other, by thinking "where to accommodate them"," how to serve them" and how to keep them”. I have never heard that any Sahaja yogi has troubled the other, anywhere. Sometimes, people take advantage, tell lies and stay somewhere, but still Sahaja yogis will Show hospitality towards them. They will never ask anyone if you have any Authority to come here, or who you are? They will simply serve them. Everywhere. One person went to Madras and told that Mataji has sent me and I am going to work here. They didn't ask me, and when he said he wanted a horse they got him that also. He said I want this and they simply gave him that. Later, I came to know that this fraud has gone there on his own and I have no connection with him. So, this kind of love overflows in people. And secondly, if a person has some problems in his chakras also, people (Sahaja yogis) deal with him very affectionately. Yes, they tolerate him until his condition becomes intolerable. There may be problems with this man, problems with that man, but they still tolerate. Sometimes I get really surprised that some people come with plenty of catches, but still, no one complains that this person is totally caught, so send him out of Sahaja Yoga. I have only noticed that if somebody talks ill of me, then you people can not tolerate that. Then your tolerance level comes to an end, that I have seen. And this is the indication that you all love me very much. And, you have given me so much of love, that I have developed a lot of trust in you. I had a thought that self-awakening should spread all over the world. Until the Awakening happens, the problems of the world cannot come to an end. Because you see, we have all ecological problems, Economical problems, political problems, problems of the whole world, family problems, this problem that problem, problems, problems, nowadays we have only problems. And who is responsible for this? It is a human being. A human being has raised all these problems. And if the human beings change, and if universality gets established inside him, then that is all! where is the reason for any dispute? And if everyone understands the same thing, and knows the same thing, then where is the reason for any fights? And then, all these problems which are there, get solved by themselves. Now see, how beautifully your ashram has been built. Your desire and your wish is a great thing. Whenever you read a newspaper, always desire collectively that "mother, all the problems of Punjab should get dissolved". It'll happen. Something or other will happen. If you have any other problems like penury, which is a major problem of our country. That will not go if we just say "penury, penury". For example, we are in the center of the river stream. We are neither too rich nor too poor. When the center of the stream will widen, then the rich from one side and the poor from another side will start fitting in the center. And this is how our problems come to an end. Many people want poverty to continue so that their influence remain intact. Now, you all see your faces, how radiant it has become. When people see you in the airport, they say that " whose disciple are these people, whose faces are shining so much"? I have seen many people who wear saffron clothes, with cut hairstyle, but they look as if they going to the hospital straight away. And some of them look so angry, that you feel you should talk to them from a distance, otherwise, so much of heat comes from them that, you feel they may slap you. So, you will not find this kind of affection, this kind of graciousness, this kind of love, In any other Society, but in Sahaja Yoga, it is there. And for this, you people should be complemented, and you should be merited. You people are paying homage to me, and you say that you are benefited by that. What can I say about this? But I can definitely say that, you people are behind this honor. If you people were not like this, then how much ever worshipping takes place, like in the temples is there anything less happening, there are many swyambhus, which are being worshipped, and so many other things are happening but nothing is going inside people's mind. So many things, like washing Devi's idol with water, honey etc is happening everywhere, but it doesn't get into their head at all. They are the same as ever. Whatever mistakes they were doing, they continue to do. There is nothing unique about them. But Sahaja Yoga is a very unique thing. Today you see, Sahaja Yoga has spread in so many countries. It has spread in so many countries that, I get very surprised. I never thought this much could happen. I had thought that some people will get a realization and they will carry it forward. But I never thought, In my lifetime, these many people will attain realization. And the dream which was there in my mind has become true today. And, now whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you try to do, always remember that we are saints, we are not ordinary People. We Saints are unique, and we should look at others with unique vision. And, We should see to it, that as many people as possible should become saints. This is what is going to emancipate the whole world, and this is what is going to emancipate us also. Today, on my birthday, I have to tell you that you are to have taken rebirth. With each birthday, your age increases. With increasing age, if your maturity does not increase, then there is no use in increased age. You are also now growing in Sahaja Yoga, but it is important that the maturity also comes inside us. When once you become mature in this, then you yourself like a huge tree can be beneficial to many other people. You all have got this power, and I wish that whatever power I have according to you, should come in you also and I want you all to become, one greater than the other. A mother always thinks that her children should always get more than what she has, and should get more happiness. It is a pleasure to see you all sitting so happily, and enjoying the state of total freedom, for which many people tried different methods, and you have achieved it in a very Sahaj way. This is also because of your previous Good Deeds. My boundless blessings are always with you, but I also keep thinking you all, keep thinking of every place. Whenever I leave you all and go, I feel as if someone has pulled out my heart. But then I think whatever I have to visit next, many will be waiting for me, and when I see them I feel okay! I have children here also and children there also, and everything will be satisfactory. This is how it is going on, and a lot of traveling also is happening, and I don't feel that I have become 70 years old. After seeing you all, I feel so delighted that I don't find time to think of my age. My infinite blessings to you all. ENGLISH PART I had to speak in Hindi language because most of them understand only Hindi language, not English. Whatever I have said is very simple that because you have got your realisation you can absorb the essence of all the religions and once you understand that essence of all the religions is same and that we worship all the incarnations and all the saints there will not be any more fundamentalism left. It is the end of fundamentalism. Because we believe in all the religions. We believe in all the incarnations. With Sahaja Yoga the transformation of human beings has taken place so the problems which are ecological, economic, political and all that are automatically solved as soon as you get your transformation. Moreover it is very creditable for you to become something. I have not become anything. I am like this. I have been like this and I will be like this. But you have become something. So it is very creditable. And moreover Sahaja Yogi does not know, how great he is. How beautiful he is. He does not know his glory. He is not like other people who shoot others, who kill others, who are thieves, who plunder others and in the name of God they murder others, make money, torture others in the name of religion. They are very unkind. You are not like that. You are changed completely. You cannot do that. Moreover people are extremely immoral. They talk of God. They will go to church and temples while they will have eyes on other's women and they will have very immoral attitude towards life. And they will deceive their husbands or wives and do all kinds of things.But those who have come to Sahaja Yoga now have got very innocent eyes, very pure. Their life has become so pure now. You are not even aware of it. Many people say that I cured so many people and I don't take money. But I would like to tell you that you also do the same. You also don’t take any money for doing Sahaja Yoga work. You spend your own money and work it out because you are enjoying it. So what a great thing it is that you have become the spirit. These religions are not spirit oriented. They are power oriented or money oriented. They are no religions. They are nowhere near what they have been preaching about, nowhere near their religions and they call themselves religious. They are not.So the fundamentalists are really anti-religion. While we are the people who have found the essence of all the religions, the same. And that's how we have finished this problem of fundamentalism. Once it happens we will have no problem at all, of these people, fighting each other. Like I was told that when these Ajarbaijan people were killed by the christians-Armenians, they used to read Bible first and do that. And Ajarbaijan had also done the same that they would read their Koran, do their namaz and then go and kill people. How can that be connected with righteous people, who believe in God and who believe in the Truth? The love also that is being told everywhere, the kind of brotherhood, that is also absolutely with you. Spontaneously you are so kind, nice and affectionate to each other. I don't have to tell you anything. How nicely you organise everything among yourselves just as if its one body that’s organising itself. So beautiful it is and such understanding, such wisdom, such maturity. I am very proud of all of you, all over the world.May God bless you all.
Birthday Puja. Delhi, India. 21 March 1992. Translation from Hindi You people have celebrated this birthday, with so much love and affection, that I do not understand what to say. It is true that you all have got self-realization in Sahaja Yoga, and I might have told you about this, but the energy is yours alone. Your energy got awakened, and you achieved it due to your own energy. So, I don't think there are many contributions from my side. You have to think one more thing that I am, whatever I am, there was no need for me to become anything, but It is your specialty that you all became something special. You received and achieved something which was your own. It is such a great thing, that you got enlightened by your own spirit. Earlier, it was told that only the Masters got enlightened, but today all the Sahaja Yogis have got enlightened. And also, think that Sahaja Yogis have become such nice people, how honest you all have become. People follow different religions and follow all the rules and regulations religiously, they do fasting, go to the Himalayas, stand upside down, they do different things, but there is no enlightenment of the spirit inside them. That is why, whatever religion they follow, Whatever system they follow, whichever Guru (master) they are with, there is no light within them. For example, you may accept a Guru, but you cannot become like him. You have just accepted him. Like you have just accepted the God. And the meaning of accepting him is that, the powers in him and his personality does not reflect inside us. We just accepted them because they are on a higher level. Now whichever religion you consider, no religion is bad. Like supposing there is Buddhism, I have read about Buddhism, and I was really surprised that center path (Madhya Marg) was mentioned in that. But later people took it to the left and right. People who went to the right became ascetics or sanyasis, completely. And formed very difficult rules and difficult path. Very difficult path. The reason behind this was, they thought "since Buddha has become an ascetic, and achieved self-realization after following a very difficult path, we also should do the same thing". But they made it so difficult that most of the people, were finished in this process. By following the rules like eating once a day, sleeping on the floor, living in the cold weather, by doing several things like this, they suppressed their basic natural requirements. And, when a person is pressurized this way, his nature becomes agitated. Not only that, but his nature becomes aggressive also. And he becomes a very angry person. Our anger increases when we try to suppress it. And this kind of people goes to the state of supra-conscious, where they can achieve certain paranormal powers by which they can influence others. This is what happened with Hitler. Hitler's Guru was a llama. And from this llama, Hitler learned how to possess other people, and make them accept him. So, the great religion which was made by Buddha, for us to achieve a state of freedom from all sufferings (nirvana), that religion got carried away by the right side. Some others thought, let us move towards the left side, as a result of which many occultists originated. Apart from this occultists, in places like Ladakh, people started things like, if a person is dead, his hands should be worshipped, and things like this, I saw in Nepal also. Like this, people started going toward the left so much that, people started believing in spirits and ghosts, and started practicing "smashan vidya". So like this, two kinds of people were generated from Buddhism. Neither Buddha havs any connection with this, nor religion of Buddha has anything to do with this. If you take Christian religion, In that also people thought that let us acquire some power in the first place. Weather so the Crusades started hitting and thrashing people, and did all sorts of things. Jesus Christ had taught that a Christian should forgive others, even after going to the cross. This is happening today also. You must have heard that recently Armenians killed thousands of Azerbaijan Muslims, and before going to kill them, Armenians used to read a bible and go. And after reading the Bible they used to kill the Muslims, as if God is on their side and whatever they are doing is spiritual work. And they started thinking that our religion (Christian) is the best and Muslim religion is bad. Same is the case with Muslims. If you read about Muslim religion you will feel as if it is the best religion. This is something amazing. And, the certain rationalist in Muslim religion also believes that there is a lot of difference between the Muslim and Islam. That is because they are not educated. Once they get educated they will be alright. Even with education, nothing is going to happen like " too much education leads to stupidity". Until your spirit is awakened, you cannot absorb any religion within you, you cannot manifest it inside you. A person cannot turn inwards, his attention will always remain outside, and with this external attention he gets carried away and becomes either power oriented or money oriented, that is, he runs behind money. He does not turn towards the spirit. He does not become spirit oriented. When he gets enlightened by his spirit, a person suddenly finds that the essence of religion has been established in him. He does not take any effort to do so, this happens in a Sahaj or easy way, like a deep spiritual Bliss, which happens effortlessly. This feeling manifests inside you without any effort. In Hinduism, it has been told that there is spirit inside everyone. The spirit resides in every person, then how can their cast and Creed be different? We should give it a thought. Who was Valmiki, who wrote Ramayan? He was a dacoit. He was a dacoit and he was a fisherman. Shri Rama made him write Ramayana. He ate the berries which were already tasted by a tribal woman. And the Geeta also was written by a person, who was an illegitimate child of a tribal woman. All this he did just to show us that, the caste and creed by which we are separating one-another, is an aptitude within us. only a person whose aptitude is towards the God can be called as Brahmin. According to the rule, Valmiki was a Brahmin and Vyas also was a Brahmin. So, the cast according to the deed was accepted much later here. And it was again and again rejected by the great incarnations. You know about Kabir Das Ji that he was a Brahmin. One day Kabir went and lay down on the way of his Guru. And when the Guru stepped over him, he caught hold of his feet. Because the Guru was a great personality, he took Kabir along with him, and accepted him as his disciple and gave him importance. So, Namdev was a great poet, in Maharashtra, who was a tailor. His maidservant, who might have belonged to a low caste, But her poems also are found in Granth Sahib. and Namdev's poems are anyway there. Guru Nanak Ji recognized all this because he was a great personality. whoever reaches that heights, understands, who is fake and who is genuine. so, the fake religions, because of which we get disturbed, we should be merciful towards them. We should be kind towards them because they are blind. Like Kabir Das Ji said, " how do I make them understand, there is blindness everywhere". these blind people remain in their blindness. One will say "I am Muslim". "Another will say I am Hindu". Another will say "I am Sikh". The moment you say "I am this", you separate yourself from the others. But in Sahaja Yoga, you have understood that the essence of all the religion is one. We accept all the religion. As soon as we start accepting all the religions, then the fundamentalism, which is today's major issue, That is what is today's problem, religion and Bigotry. whatever dispute is prevailing due to this, will end within no time, as soon as you start understanding that the essence of all the religion is same. But, just to understand also is not sufficient, this should get absorbed inside us, should get manifested inside us. And that has happened in all of you. This has happened all over the world. You know in Sahaja Yoga there are Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhist, all kinds of people are there. And all of them are following their own religion, and along with that, they are following the "Vishwa Dharma" (world religion) also. When you have started following Vishwa dharma, all religions are there in that one Vishwa Dharma, and to respect all the religions is the wise thing to do, clever thing to do. And also we should respect all the Incarnations, all the saints, seers, and sages who have taken birth till now. This doesn't happen just by saying or making one understand. In the enlightenment of the spirit, this quality gets manifested by itself. There is no need to tell anyone, anything after that. Now you understand that you have become Sahaja Yogis, meaning you have become excellent people. You see, you cannot murder anyone, you cannot kill anyone, you cannot snatch anything from anyone, you cannot indulge into stealing things, you cannot do, means, you don't do. You don't backbite anyone, you don't try to pull down anyone and you don't get involved in any competitions. You never feel that you should sit on someone's head, and slit his throat. Where ever you are, you are sitting peacefully and ascending by yourself. You don't ill-treat anyone. You see, there is mother-in-law, there is daughter-in-law. Sometimes mother-in-law troubles the daughter-in-law, and sometimes daughter-in-law ill-treats the mother-in-law. But in Sahaja Yoga, this is very rare. Almost invisible. Same way in your family, men and women have a unique position. Between the husband and wife, there is a kind of tuning where a husband does not look at any other women and a wife does not look at any other man. There is so much of purity. Here, there are many Sahaja Yogis, and Sahaja Yoginis, some of them are good looking, some are not, Some men are handsome looking, some are not. The external attraction does not bother you because You are in your own pride, your own self-respect. Your eyes have become steady now. It is no more adulterous. It doesn't roam here and there. It has steadied by itself. And now your attention does not go on these things. This does not come to your mind also. Not only you, but your children have also become like this. And when your parents see you in this state, they get surprised and overwhelmed, that” see how these people have changed so much that they don't steal, They don't tell lies, they don't fight with anyone, they don't get into any dispute with anyone”. You all have become very peaceful and very joyous people. And people tell me that” you are curing so many diseases but you don't take money from us”. And you also are not taking any money. You are doing all the Sahaja work, free of cost. I have not seen anyone taking any money for Sahaja work. You write one poem better than the other, you sing excellent songs, but I have never seen anyone demanding any money for this. You have given Awakening in so many people, you have given realization to so many people, you have established so many centers. But I have never heard anyone saying that " mother! We have given realization to so many people, so you give us money for that or give us some title for that like " people with 108 realizations" or "1008 realization". Nothing like that. And this sentence makes you laugh also that" what is all this"? You have come above all these external things. And You do not know anything about yourself. I really get surprised to see that you do not know about yourself, and you are giving me all the credits. I don't understand, what have I done to receive this kind of respect from you. Your own energy has awakened inside you because of which, you attained your spirit and in the enlightenment of your spirit, everything has happened. And, it is such a respectable thing that you achieved your glory. You'll never take a revolver and kill anyone, you will never rob anyone,s house. You will never make any lady a widow, you will never kidnap anyone's child. You can never do all these things. Not because I'm asking you to do so. You can never consume liquor, never take drugs. so many dirty things I happening in this world, but you will never go to any dirty place, you will not see any dirty picture, you will not read any dirty book. I don't have to tell you anything, you yourself will not read it. If anyone is talking anything Dirty, you will never listen to it. You will not like it at all. How pure you have become. And you are maintaining your purity with patience. And you have not understood your patience. You will run away from places, where something wrong is happening, and if you are forced to go to such places, you will watch everything as a witness. Many people tell me that, I went to that place and I saw how people were behaving after drinking, and they tell me what all they were doing and how they were behaving with women. They come and describe everything to me. So, this Witness state has come inside you casually. Secondly, the feeling of love among one another, about which there has been a lot of talk in Islam, about the Brotherhood and sisterhood for women also has he mentioned, which can be seen in among you. A long time ago, a girl from England had gone to Sicily. It's not known if she had gone there On some work or she went as a tourist. Another girl from France also arrived there. Both of them were in the scene restaurant eating something. Suddenly they looked at each other, both of them felt that they were emitting vibrations. One got up and went to the other and asked " has Shri Mataji given you the Realization?". She said "yes, and she has given you also, right"? And they hugged each other. Where ever you go, whether you go to America or any other place, a Sahaja Yogi always tries to take care of the other, by thinking "where to accommodate them"," how to serve them" and how to keep them”. I have never heard that any Sahaja yogi has troubled the other, anywhere. Sometimes, people take advantage, tell lies and stay somewhere, but still Sahaja yogis will Show hospitality towards them. They will never ask anyone if you have any Authority to come here, or who you are? They will simply serve them. Everywhere. One person went to Madras and told that Mataji has sent me and I am going to work here. They didn't ask me, and when he said he wanted a horse they got him that also. He said I want this and they simply gave him that. Later, I came to know that this fraud has gone there on his own and I have no connection with him. So, this kind of love overflows in people. And secondly, if a person has some problems in his chakras also, people (Sahaja yogis) deal with him very affectionately. Yes, they tolerate him until his condition becomes intolerable. There may be problems with this man, problems with that man, but they still tolerate. Sometimes I get really surprised that some people come with plenty of catches, but still, no one complains that this person is totally caught, so send him out of Sahaja Yoga. I have only noticed that if somebody talks ill of me, then you people can not tolerate that. Then your tolerance level comes to an end, that I have seen. And this is the indication that you all love me very much. And, you have given me so much of love, that I have developed a lot of trust in you. I had a thought that self-awakening should spread all over the world. Until the Awakening happens, the problems of the world cannot come to an end. Because you see, we have all ecological problems, Economical problems, political problems, problems of the whole world, family problems, this problem that problem, problems, problems, nowadays we have only problems. And who is responsible for this? It is a human being. A human being has raised all these problems. And if the human beings change, and if universality gets established inside him, then that is all! where is the reason for any dispute? And if everyone understands the same thing, and knows the same thing, then where is the reason for any fights? And then, all these problems which are there, get solved by themselves. Now see, how beautifully your ashram has been built. Your desire and your wish is a great thing. Whenever you read a newspaper, always desire collectively that "mother, all the problems of Punjab should get dissolved". It'll happen. Something or other will happen. If you have any other problems like penury, which is a major problem of our country. That will not go if we just say "penury, penury". For example, we are in the center of the river stream. We are neither too rich nor too poor. When the center of the stream will widen, then the rich from one side and the poor from another side will start fitting in the center. And this is how our problems come to an end. Many people want poverty to continue so that their influence remain intact. Now, you all see your faces, how radiant it has become. When people see you in the airport, they say that " whose disciple are these people, whose faces are shining so much"? I have seen many people who wear saffron clothes, with cut hairstyle, but they look as if they going to the hospital straight away. And some of them look so angry, that you feel you should talk to them from a distance, otherwise, so much of heat comes from them that, you feel they may slap you. So, you will not find this kind of affection, this kind of graciousness, this kind of love, In any other Society, but in Sahaja Yoga, it is there. And for this, you people should be complemented, and you should be merited. You people are paying homage to me, and you say that you are benefited by that. What can I say about this? But I can definitely say that, you people are behind this honor. If you people were not like this, then how much ever worshipping takes place, like in the temples is there anything less happening, there are many swyambhus, which are being worshipped, and so many other things are happening but nothing is going inside people's mind. So many things, like washing Devi's idol with water, honey etc is happening everywhere, but it doesn't get into their head at all. They are the same as ever. Whatever mistakes they were doing, they continue to do. There is nothing unique about them. But Sahaja Yoga is a very unique thing. Today you see, Sahaja Yoga has spread in so many countries. It has spread in so many countries that, I get very surprised. I never thought this much could happen. I had thought that some people will get a realization and they will carry it forward. But I never thought, In my lifetime, these many people will attain realization. And the dream which was there in my mind has become true today. And, now whatever you do, whatever you think, whatever you try to do, always remember that we are saints, we are not ordinary People. We Saints are unique, and we should look at others with unique vision. And, We should see to it, that as many people as possible should become saints. This is what is going to emancipate the whole world, and this is what is going to emancipate us also. Today, on my birthday, I have to tell you that you are to have taken rebirth. With each birthday, your age increases. With increasing age, if your maturity does not increase, then there is no use in increased age. You are also now growing in Sahaja Yoga, but it is important that the maturity also comes inside us. When once you become mature in this, then you yourself like a huge tree can be beneficial to many other people. You all have got this power, and I wish that whatever power I have according to you, should come in you also and I want you all to become, one greater than the other. A mother always thinks that her children should always get more than what she has, and should get more happiness. It is a pleasure to see you all sitting so happily, and enjoying the state of total freedom, for which many people tried different methods, and you have achieved it in a very Sahaj way. This is also because of your previous Good Deeds. My boundless blessings are always with you, but I also keep thinking you all, keep thinking of every place. Whenever I leave you all and go, I feel as if someone has pulled out my heart. But then I think whatever I have to visit next, many will be waiting for me, and when I see them I feel okay! I have children here also and children there also, and everything will be satisfactory. This is how it is going on, and a lot of traveling also is happening, and I don't feel that I have become 70 years old. After seeing you all, I feel so delighted that I don't find time to think of my age. My infinite blessings to you all. ENGLISH PART I had to speak in Hindi language because most of them understand only Hindi language, not English. Whatever I have said is very simple that because you have got your realisation you can absorb the essence of all the religions and once you understand that essence of all the religions is same and that we worship all the incarnations and all the saints there will not be any more fundamentalism left. It is the end of fundamentalism. Because we believe in all the religions. We believe in all the incarnations. With Sahaja Yoga the transformation of human beings has taken place so the problems which are ecological, economic, political and all that are automatically solved as soon as you get your transformation. Moreover it is very creditable for you to become something. I have not become anything. I am like this. I have been like this and I will be like this. But you have become something. So it is very creditable. And moreover Sahaja Yogi does not know, how great he is. How beautiful he is. He does not know his glory. He is not like other people who shoot others, who kill others, who are thieves, who plunder others and in the name of God they murder others, make money, torture others in the name of religion. They are very unkind. You are not like that. You are changed completely. You cannot do that. Moreover people are extremely immoral. They talk of God. They will go to church and temples while they will have eyes on other's women and they will have very immoral attitude towards life. And they will deceive their husbands or wives and do all kinds of things.But those who have come to Sahaja Yoga now have got very innocent eyes, very pure. Their life has become so pure now. You are not even aware of it. Many people say that I cured so many people and I don't take money. But I would like to tell you that you also do the same. You also don’t take any money for doing Sahaja Yoga work. You spend your own money and work it out because you are enjoying it. So what a great thing it is that you have become the spirit. These religions are not spirit oriented. They are power oriented or money oriented. They are no religions. They are nowhere near what they have been preaching about, nowhere near their religions and they call themselves religious. They are not.So the fundamentalists are really anti-religion. While we are the people who have found the essence of all the religions, the same. And that's how we have finished this problem of fundamentalism. Once it happens we will have no problem at all, of these people, fighting each other. Like I was told that when these Ajarbaijan people were killed by the christians-Armenians, they used to read Bible first and do that. And Ajarbaijan had also done the same that they would read their Koran, do their namaz and then go and kill people. How can that be connected with righteous people, who believe in God and who believe in the Truth? The love also that is being told everywhere, the kind of brotherhood, that is also absolutely with you. Spontaneously you are so kind, nice and affectionate to each other. I don't have to tell you anything. How nicely you organise everything among yourselves just as if its one body that’s organising itself. So beautiful it is and such understanding, such wisdom, such maturity. I am very proud of all of you, all over the world.May God bless you all.
Birthday Felicitations
New Delhi
Birthday Felicitations
Birthday Felicitation Program. Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi (India), 22 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it; we cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness level, we cannot know the truth. We have to become the Spirit. Whatever I am telling you today need not be accepted, no need to have blind faith because all of them have praised Sahaja Yoga so much. But keep your mind open like scientist and I have put before you this hypothesis, and if it works, as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. I am so very joyous to see these flowers from all the countries where I have so many children. It fills my heart to see the harmony between these flowers, the way they are so harmonious. We have people from all kinds of races, all kinds of religions, all kinds of nationalities, all kinds of political systems - but there is such a beautiful brotherhood and sisterhood among them. Without any effort, it has been achieved - automatically. They have become so beautiful because there is between ourselves and the reality a very little distance. If we can cover that distance and if we could absorb the reality, then you'll be amazed how you are so fantastic, so glorious, so wonderful. If we see the world, we have problems - ecological problems, political problems, economic problems, family problems, all kinds of problems - but the center point of all these problems is one: that's the human being. And if, somehow, we can transform this human being into a new awareness of universality, then all these problems can be solved. As we had saints in our country, as we had great philosophers in so many countries, all of them have talked about the Spirit. All the scriptures also have talked about becoming the Spirit. But in reality, all these religions, which were very great, which were very pure, were absolutely real, got into mess because people who followed them were either money-oriented or power-oriented. They were never Spirit-oriented. They never bothered as to how to achieve this ascent. Take the example of Buddha, Mahavira - both of them did not want to talk of God almighty because they thought if you start talking of God almighty, people just start thinking they belong to this religion, that religion. "So let us talk about something which is formless" - that is the Spirit - and they insisted that you should have your self-realization. Without self-realization, they did not want to talk about anything. Same with Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib - they all talked about the formless Divinity, reason being the same. But whether you talk of the form or the formless, it is a talk. Like: if you talk about the flowers, you don't get the honey. And if you also talk of the honey, you don't get the honey. Talks are talks. These are words. In Sanskrit, Adi Shankaracharya called this as 'Shabda Jalam' - is the web of the words. How to go beyond the web of the words? Of course, Kundalini awakening is not a new thing in this country. Sahaja Yoga also is not a new thing. And it has been expressed in all the scriptures that unless and until you become the Spirit, unless and until you are reborn, you cannot know the religion. That doesn't mean you know it by your mental efforts. Mentally everybody knows what is their religion is, or what is their philosophy is - everybody knows mentally. But, as you see, recently, I was shocked to hear that so many people - Armenians - killed Azerbaijans because they are Muslims. But before going to kill them, they used to read the Bible. How can it be? Just imagine, Christians doing that. If you read also about Islam, it's one of the best religions, is so beautiful, is so good. But nobody has understood what Mohammed Sahib has said: that you have to know it. Now the 'know' word comes from the word 'gna' - as in Sanskrit - means to know - 'gna'. Early Christians were called Gnostics - because they knew. 'Knew' means to know on your central nervous system. Not to know mentally, but to know on your central nervous system. That's why, when as soon as this Paul took over, Christ's disciples ran away. And when Thomas came to India, he hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar in Egypt, and then he came down. Why? Because he would have been persecuted by people who were interested in organizing religion, in making money out of it. As a result of all this nonsense, people said, "Better not talk of religion. If you talk of religion, that means there's a quarrel, there's a fight, there's - I belong to this religion, you belong to that religion, so let us fight." As if religion means you have to fight. Killing people, murdering people - how can it be a religious act? Impossible. But it has become - because human beings are like that. They can make a mess of everything, if you allow them. And if they have made a mess of this, I am not surprised the way they have been killing people, they have been making money, they have been smuggling things... I mean all sorts of things which thugs and dacoits won't do, they are doing - in the name of God. But, that doesn't mean there is no divinity, there is no reality. Now, this was a big problem. Some people who got realization, very few, at the time of Rama, Shri Rama's father-in-law was Janaka. And He gave realization to one person - Nachiketa. So, it was a very slow process. And the tradition in this country was to give realization only to one person. One master had one person to give realization to - among the Nath Panthis in the area of Maharashtra. But then, in the twelfth century, Gynaneshwara requested his guru that, "At least allow me to write about it." In his book he wrote, the sixth chapter of Gynaneshwari, he wrote about Kundalini. But the people who were in-charge of the religion said, "No. no, no. Don't read the sixth chapter. This is not allowed - 'Nishiddha' [Sanskrit/Hindi word meaning prohibited]." That's how people did not read that, nor did they try to understand because that was the only thing written in a local language. Of course, this is written in... about, I think, fourteen thousand years back by Markandeya in Sanskrit, but a very difficult Sanskrit language. Then also Shankaracharya at... in the sixth century. But this was brought to the public by Gyaneshwara. But that also was denied. In the villages of Maharashtra, they all sing Namdeva's poem saying that, "O Mother, give me the Yoga, give me the connection with the Divine power." They are all singing. From ages they have been singing, not knowing what they are singing about. Then the development came through Guru Nanak Sahib, Kabirdas, Ramdas Swami, Tukaram. All these great saints in this country talked, specially Kabirdas and also Nanak Sahib, very clearly they talked about Kundalini - very, very clearly. But still people misunderstood because there was no way to know it. So, in these modern times... only thing - if I have really done anything, if it is worth it - that I thought that whatever is a discovery for one person has to be for the masses - that people should know about it. Only one person knowing on the central nervous system cannot be accepted; he cannot be accepted. That's why they were crucified, poisoned. When they died, of course, then they built temples, they built big mosques, they built this, that, but till they lived, nobody accepted them. Somehow or other I could manage a method by which you could raise the Kundalini of masses. So when the Kundalini rises, what She does - She connects you to this all-pervading power. Now this all-pervading power is doing all living work. Look at these flowers - we take them for granted. Look at our eye - we take it for granted. It's a big work, great work of a very delicate camera. What about your brain? - Which is another great computer, already programmed. But we just accept it... or we just know it, and do not want to know how it works. All the living processes we accept blind folded and we are not at all concerned as to know how, how these flowers have come out of the mother earth, how their heights are maintained, how their colors are reproduced - from a small little seed. All this comes to us because we do not know about it. But this all-pervading power which they are talking about - pure love, that pure love is the one, that energy that does all these beautiful delicate things. Once you are connected with that, your Spirit gets enlightened - in the sense it is an enlightenment, but it enlightens your attention. As your attention enlightens, you become a different personality altogether. First of all, you become collectively conscious - means you know about others also; you know about your own centers on your fingertips, also you know about others- their subtle centers; what is their problem. Now these centers are the ones which are the foundations of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When you put these centers right, you are all right. That's how you know he had... in Delhi we have two doctors, and third one is coming up, who have got their M.D. in cures of Sahaja Yoga. Many diseases, which are supposed to be incurable, can be easily cured in Sahaja Yoga. Because this Kundalini, when She passes through these six centers, She enlightens those centers, nourishes those center and integrates them - so in totality you are all right. It's not like, that one part of the body is treated, another part is neglected - in totality, in the whole balance. And She puts you in the central path of balance. Of course, with this light you become, definitely, a very wise person because your mind - you can empty it any time, which we call as thoughtless awareness. At that time, you become absolutely peaceful. After little working out, this connection... when it is established well, then you become a person, which we call as full of doubtless awareness. Means you become so powerful - you can give realization to others, you can cure people, you can talk about Sahaja Yoga as your own knowledge. It's true: I have guided whenever they asked Me questions and things about it. But so much has come from within, and the enlightenment has [incomplete recoding on side A?]. [Tape - side B continues from here] I don't have to tell them, "Don't do, don't do." All their bad habits drop out. I have seen one boy who came to Me, who was a drug addict. He couldn't see Me even. He was... you can say, half coma condition. Next morning he gave up his drugs, completely. Now for drug you'll have this thing, that thing. I mean people are appointing military to fight drug. No need. Just awaken them. In awakening, in that little light, you see yourself - what's wrong with you - and also you have the power to throw it away, so you throw it away in no time. I always give an example of a snake in your hand. If it is darkness, you might say that, "This is not a snake, but it is a rope." And if you are obstinate, you'll accept that only. Anybody might tell you, but you won't listen. But if there's little light, you'll see this is a snake and you'll throw it away. That's how it has worked. I must say in Delhi also... I must give My full appreciation and congratulations to the doctors. Here there are so many doctors who have done wonders, who have taken up Sahaja Yoga as a scientific system of the Divine. And they have brought it down to the level of the medical science of the parasympathetic. I am amazed the way they are working out. Even in Canada we have another doctor who has worked it out how the dead souls act and all that is... so beautifully. There are some scientists who have worked out the carbon and how the carbon is on Mooladhara and how it works. It's really remarkable how these scientists have taken it up seriously and are trying to work it out. Everywhere they are working. I am amazed at people. There are some Muslims who are now trying to write Koran Enlightened. Somebody has written already Gita Enlightened. All these efforts are done for no payment at all. Of course, I don't take any money - is all right - because after all, for a living work... how much money do we pay to the Mother Earth? Nothing. So you can't pay for it. But all of them also: They don't take any money; they are working very hard; they are going all over the world to help us. We have one... another great doctor who has worked very hard in Russia. He is a gentleman from Australia, but parents are Russians. So he went there. When I went to Russia, I was surprised how Germans rushed there to help Me. And I said, "How are you all here?" They said, "Mother, don't you think it's our duty? What our forefathers have done, we have to rectify." - Such love, such attention. You can't believe these are Germans. They are so... so beautiful; so delicately they handled all the people. It is something so beautiful within yourself. It's so magnanimous, righteous; it's so moral. All that starts manifesting. That is how humanity has to emancipate. All this credit they are giving to Me, but I would say, also, credit to them because they are very honest and intelligent people. They could see the point, very clearly. In these modern days when people just talk of science and of technology, to accept the divine technology is a very difficult thing. But when they see the results, they are honest to accept it and to understand it. That is how we are going to work out the problems of this world: specially the problem... political problems. Thank God, to Mr. Gorbachev, that it is now subsided... quite a lot. But now we have another problem - of fundamentalism. And Sahaja Yoga is the only way we can solve it because we believe in all the religions, in all the saints, all the prophets and all the incarnations and all the essences of it and we worship all of them. So how can we fight? There cannot be fundamentalism. This is the solution today for all the people who believe in one religion. The rest of them are all wrong. This is how the second problem, which is facing us now, can be easily solved through Sahaja Yoga. I am very happy... I am very thankful to all of those who have sent Me all these beautiful flowers reminding Me of their love for Me. Every airport I leave, I feel My heart is wrenched with all the people who are there, and I start thinking, "Now when will I meet them again?" And when I go to another airport, I see all of them there standing and singing... I said, "All right, I have to be here also." It's such a satisfying thing. I never feel, actually, My age or anything - no work. It is so satisfying. It is such a energy giving thing, so energy giving to see that so many people are enjoying their life, their children, their family life, their social life. We have to create this new world, a beautiful world. We are not going to allow this world to be destroyed by the stupidity of few people, but wisdom has to come to all of us. On this day I was born... and actually I did not know that I will achieve anything in My lifetime. Really, I tell you, My father, who was a realized soul, used to always tell Me, "Don't talk about any reality. Don't say anything. Till You have found out the en-masse evolution of people, just don't say a word because You will create another Koran or Bible or something - it is useless. So You first of all see to it that You achieve that state for human beings." And, I am so happy that it is spreading so fast, not because of Me. It is because of all of them - that once they get the light, they enlighten other people. So, also, I thank you all very much for this celebration and in My heart I also celebrate the way you people have come up. You have achieved so much. For your achievements, I congratulate you all. Thank you very much.
Birthday Felicitation Program. Siri Fort Auditorium, Delhi (India), 22 March 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it; we cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. Unfortunately, at this human awareness level, we cannot know the truth. We have to become the Spirit. Whatever I am telling you today need not be accepted, no need to have blind faith because all of them have praised Sahaja Yoga so much. But keep your mind open like scientist and I have put before you this hypothesis, and if it works, as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. I am so very joyous to see these flowers from all the countries where I have so many children. It fills my heart to see the harmony between these flowers, the way they are so harmonious. We have people from all kinds of races, all kinds of religions, all kinds of nationalities, all kinds of political systems - but there is such a beautiful brotherhood and sisterhood among them. Without any effort, it has been achieved - automatically. They have become so beautiful because there is between ourselves and the reality a very little distance. If we can cover that distance and if we could absorb the reality, then you'll be amazed how you are so fantastic, so glorious, so wonderful. If we see the world, we have problems - ecological problems, political problems, economic problems, family problems, all kinds of problems - but the center point of all these problems is one: that's the human being. And if, somehow, we can transform this human being into a new awareness of universality, then all these problems can be solved. As we had saints in our country, as we had great philosophers in so many countries, all of them have talked about the Spirit. All the scriptures also have talked about becoming the Spirit. But in reality, all these religions, which were very great, which were very pure, were absolutely real, got into mess because people who followed them were either money-oriented or power-oriented. They were never Spirit-oriented. They never bothered as to how to achieve this ascent. Take the example of Buddha, Mahavira - both of them did not want to talk of God almighty because they thought if you start talking of God almighty, people just start thinking they belong to this religion, that religion. "So let us talk about something which is formless" - that is the Spirit - and they insisted that you should have your self-realization. Without self-realization, they did not want to talk about anything. Same with Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib - they all talked about the formless Divinity, reason being the same. But whether you talk of the form or the formless, it is a talk. Like: if you talk about the flowers, you don't get the honey. And if you also talk of the honey, you don't get the honey. Talks are talks. These are words. In Sanskrit, Adi Shankaracharya called this as 'Shabda Jalam' - is the web of the words. How to go beyond the web of the words? Of course, Kundalini awakening is not a new thing in this country. Sahaja Yoga also is not a new thing. And it has been expressed in all the scriptures that unless and until you become the Spirit, unless and until you are reborn, you cannot know the religion. That doesn't mean you know it by your mental efforts. Mentally everybody knows what is their religion is, or what is their philosophy is - everybody knows mentally. But, as you see, recently, I was shocked to hear that so many people - Armenians - killed Azerbaijans because they are Muslims. But before going to kill them, they used to read the Bible. How can it be? Just imagine, Christians doing that. If you read also about Islam, it's one of the best religions, is so beautiful, is so good. But nobody has understood what Mohammed Sahib has said: that you have to know it. Now the 'know' word comes from the word 'gna' - as in Sanskrit - means to know - 'gna'. Early Christians were called Gnostics - because they knew. 'Knew' means to know on your central nervous system. Not to know mentally, but to know on your central nervous system. That's why, when as soon as this Paul took over, Christ's disciples ran away. And when Thomas came to India, he hid all the knowledge about reality in a jar in Egypt, and then he came down. Why? Because he would have been persecuted by people who were interested in organizing religion, in making money out of it. As a result of all this nonsense, people said, "Better not talk of religion. If you talk of religion, that means there's a quarrel, there's a fight, there's - I belong to this religion, you belong to that religion, so let us fight." As if religion means you have to fight. Killing people, murdering people - how can it be a religious act? Impossible. But it has become - because human beings are like that. They can make a mess of everything, if you allow them. And if they have made a mess of this, I am not surprised the way they have been killing people, they have been making money, they have been smuggling things... I mean all sorts of things which thugs and dacoits won't do, they are doing - in the name of God. But, that doesn't mean there is no divinity, there is no reality. Now, this was a big problem. Some people who got realization, very few, at the time of Rama, Shri Rama's father-in-law was Janaka. And He gave realization to one person - Nachiketa. So, it was a very slow process. And the tradition in this country was to give realization only to one person. One master had one person to give realization to - among the Nath Panthis in the area of Maharashtra. But then, in the twelfth century, Gynaneshwara requested his guru that, "At least allow me to write about it." In his book he wrote, the sixth chapter of Gynaneshwari, he wrote about Kundalini. But the people who were in-charge of the religion said, "No. no, no. Don't read the sixth chapter. This is not allowed - 'Nishiddha' [Sanskrit/Hindi word meaning prohibited]." That's how people did not read that, nor did they try to understand because that was the only thing written in a local language. Of course, this is written in... about, I think, fourteen thousand years back by Markandeya in Sanskrit, but a very difficult Sanskrit language. Then also Shankaracharya at... in the sixth century. But this was brought to the public by Gyaneshwara. But that also was denied. In the villages of Maharashtra, they all sing Namdeva's poem saying that, "O Mother, give me the Yoga, give me the connection with the Divine power." They are all singing. From ages they have been singing, not knowing what they are singing about. Then the development came through Guru Nanak Sahib, Kabirdas, Ramdas Swami, Tukaram. All these great saints in this country talked, specially Kabirdas and also Nanak Sahib, very clearly they talked about Kundalini - very, very clearly. But still people misunderstood because there was no way to know it. So, in these modern times... only thing - if I have really done anything, if it is worth it - that I thought that whatever is a discovery for one person has to be for the masses - that people should know about it. Only one person knowing on the central nervous system cannot be accepted; he cannot be accepted. That's why they were crucified, poisoned. When they died, of course, then they built temples, they built big mosques, they built this, that, but till they lived, nobody accepted them. Somehow or other I could manage a method by which you could raise the Kundalini of masses. So when the Kundalini rises, what She does - She connects you to this all-pervading power. Now this all-pervading power is doing all living work. Look at these flowers - we take them for granted. Look at our eye - we take it for granted. It's a big work, great work of a very delicate camera. What about your brain? - Which is another great computer, already programmed. But we just accept it... or we just know it, and do not want to know how it works. All the living processes we accept blind folded and we are not at all concerned as to know how, how these flowers have come out of the mother earth, how their heights are maintained, how their colors are reproduced - from a small little seed. All this comes to us because we do not know about it. But this all-pervading power which they are talking about - pure love, that pure love is the one, that energy that does all these beautiful delicate things. Once you are connected with that, your Spirit gets enlightened - in the sense it is an enlightenment, but it enlightens your attention. As your attention enlightens, you become a different personality altogether. First of all, you become collectively conscious - means you know about others also; you know about your own centers on your fingertips, also you know about others- their subtle centers; what is their problem. Now these centers are the ones which are the foundations of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being. When you put these centers right, you are all right. That's how you know he had... in Delhi we have two doctors, and third one is coming up, who have got their M.D. in cures of Sahaja Yoga. Many diseases, which are supposed to be incurable, can be easily cured in Sahaja Yoga. Because this Kundalini, when She passes through these six centers, She enlightens those centers, nourishes those center and integrates them - so in totality you are all right. It's not like, that one part of the body is treated, another part is neglected - in totality, in the whole balance. And She puts you in the central path of balance. Of course, with this light you become, definitely, a very wise person because your mind - you can empty it any time, which we call as thoughtless awareness. At that time, you become absolutely peaceful. After little working out, this connection... when it is established well, then you become a person, which we call as full of doubtless awareness. Means you become so powerful - you can give realization to others, you can cure people, you can talk about Sahaja Yoga as your own knowledge. It's true: I have guided whenever they asked Me questions and things about it. But so much has come from within, and the enlightenment has [incomplete recoding on side A?]. [Tape - side B continues from here] I don't have to tell them, "Don't do, don't do." All their bad habits drop out. I have seen one boy who came to Me, who was a drug addict. He couldn't see Me even. He was... you can say, half coma condition. Next morning he gave up his drugs, completely. Now for drug you'll have this thing, that thing. I mean people are appointing military to fight drug. No need. Just awaken them. In awakening, in that little light, you see yourself - what's wrong with you - and also you have the power to throw it away, so you throw it away in no time. I always give an example of a snake in your hand. If it is darkness, you might say that, "This is not a snake, but it is a rope." And if you are obstinate, you'll accept that only. Anybody might tell you, but you won't listen. But if there's little light, you'll see this is a snake and you'll throw it away. That's how it has worked. I must say in Delhi also... I must give My full appreciation and congratulations to the doctors. Here there are so many doctors who have done wonders, who have taken up Sahaja Yoga as a scientific system of the Divine. And they have brought it down to the level of the medical science of the parasympathetic. I am amazed the way they are working out. Even in Canada we have another doctor who has worked it out how the dead souls act and all that is... so beautifully. There are some scientists who have worked out the carbon and how the carbon is on Mooladhara and how it works. It's really remarkable how these scientists have taken it up seriously and are trying to work it out. Everywhere they are working. I am amazed at people. There are some Muslims who are now trying to write Koran Enlightened. Somebody has written already Gita Enlightened. All these efforts are done for no payment at all. Of course, I don't take any money - is all right - because after all, for a living work... how much money do we pay to the Mother Earth? Nothing. So you can't pay for it. But all of them also: They don't take any money; they are working very hard; they are going all over the world to help us. We have one... another great doctor who has worked very hard in Russia. He is a gentleman from Australia, but parents are Russians. So he went there. When I went to Russia, I was surprised how Germans rushed there to help Me. And I said, "How are you all here?" They said, "Mother, don't you think it's our duty? What our forefathers have done, we have to rectify." - Such love, such attention. You can't believe these are Germans. They are so... so beautiful; so delicately they handled all the people. It is something so beautiful within yourself. It's so magnanimous, righteous; it's so moral. All that starts manifesting. That is how humanity has to emancipate. All this credit they are giving to Me, but I would say, also, credit to them because they are very honest and intelligent people. They could see the point, very clearly. In these modern days when people just talk of science and of technology, to accept the divine technology is a very difficult thing. But when they see the results, they are honest to accept it and to understand it. That is how we are going to work out the problems of this world: specially the problem... political problems. Thank God, to Mr. Gorbachev, that it is now subsided... quite a lot. But now we have another problem - of fundamentalism. And Sahaja Yoga is the only way we can solve it because we believe in all the religions, in all the saints, all the prophets and all the incarnations and all the essences of it and we worship all of them. So how can we fight? There cannot be fundamentalism. This is the solution today for all the people who believe in one religion. The rest of them are all wrong. This is how the second problem, which is facing us now, can be easily solved through Sahaja Yoga. I am very happy... I am very thankful to all of those who have sent Me all these beautiful flowers reminding Me of their love for Me. Every airport I leave, I feel My heart is wrenched with all the people who are there, and I start thinking, "Now when will I meet them again?" And when I go to another airport, I see all of them there standing and singing... I said, "All right, I have to be here also." It's such a satisfying thing. I never feel, actually, My age or anything - no work. It is so satisfying. It is such a energy giving thing, so energy giving to see that so many people are enjoying their life, their children, their family life, their social life. We have to create this new world, a beautiful world. We are not going to allow this world to be destroyed by the stupidity of few people, but wisdom has to come to all of us. On this day I was born... and actually I did not know that I will achieve anything in My lifetime. Really, I tell you, My father, who was a realized soul, used to always tell Me, "Don't talk about any reality. Don't say anything. Till You have found out the en-masse evolution of people, just don't say a word because You will create another Koran or Bible or something - it is useless. So You first of all see to it that You achieve that state for human beings." And, I am so happy that it is spreading so fast, not because of Me. It is because of all of them - that once they get the light, they enlighten other people. So, also, I thank you all very much for this celebration and in My heart I also celebrate the way you people have come up. You have achieved so much. For your achievements, I congratulate you all. Thank you very much.
Public Program Day 1
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program Day 1 23.3.1992 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to accept that till now we have not got the truth, i.e absolute truth we have not got. If we accept most humbly that we have not achieved that absolute truth, which is established in the same way, same thoughts and same emotions inside everyone. Whatever be the reason for this, we can see that later but if we think about ourselves, then human beings have not achieved the status yet that they can know only absolute truth. If he had known about the truth, then today so many types of quarrels, so many conflicts and so many different types of opinion and systems would not have started. If everyone had followed the same thing, because we do not know the absolute truth, just like in blindness, six blind people had gone to look for an elephant, and in their blindness, they all understood in six different ways, just like that we do not know the truth, the reality. And that is why all these disasters are there. Just like there are so many questions in front of us and everyone thinks there is no solution to this. Like today we have environment problem, ecological problem is there, political problem is there, economic problem is there, family problems are there and we have our own personal problems. Physical, mental, material and also spiritual problems are there. For everything there is a question. Life has become a question. When we try to solve these problems with our wisdom, we fall into the trap of words. If we try to solve something with our thoughts, then we become more entangled. Because slowly thoughts try to build new buildings and in those buildings, we get lost. This illusion is like a blessing in this Kaliyuga. And because of this illusion, today human beings want to come out of darkness to light and want to achieve this light because now they cannot tolerate this torture any more. Everyone feels this and now want to somehow escape from this difficult situation and come to a life where we can witness all these drama in witness state. When we move towards science and find Western countries so forward and its progress, it mesmerizes our eyes. But you will be surprised when you go and visit those countries and find that we are very happy and content. We do not know what is the gift of this great India or land of Yoga that till now in our country, we do not have these type of diseases. It is said that in America after some years, minimum 65% of people will be inflicted from some secret diseases. And because of the blessings of India, our moral standards are very high. You won’t believe this, the maturity, the progress which is seen from outside will take you to the path of complete destruction and if human beings have to progress in such a way, it is better that they do not progress at all. Last time I had told you about how the progress is taking place. In London, every week parents kill at least two children. Then you can imagine how people will be living in such a place. Lot more dirty things are happening with children about which you cannot think or imagine. You have not progressed so much still. If you people go to New York, you cannot wear any gold ornaments. It is said America is so prosperous country. They have so much gold reserve, etc., etc., etc. But if you wear a small gold thing and go there, they will cut your throat. You cannot wear watches even. There is no arrangement for wearing even Mangalsutra. So much chaos is there. Such anarchism is happening in so big progressive countries. Such stupid and foolish people are there that we cannot describe their foolishness. Like one actress got married for the eighth time, eighth, in our country if someone is getting married for the second time, people will not look at their face or allow them to come home, this actress got married for the eighth time and to see their honeymoon, there were lot more people in numbers than you are here. People were parachuting from ten helicopters to click their photos and they came and started falling on the spectators below who were wanting to click pictures. Some came and fell on these people and some got stuck in the palm. No one will think of such foolishness in our country. You have no idea about the maturity which is seen in people in India. We feel like laughing at those people who say every time “I hate him”. Think if people say this in our country, you will say “He is mad. Let me put him in mental hospital”. It is a sin to hate anyone and in our country, everyone knows this. Have you heard of anyone who will tell this every time either in Hindi, in Urdu, in Marathi or in Tamil who will say “ I hate you”. There everyone will say this. Till today, I have not understood their culture and they are going towards dirt. You cannot talk about any morality nor can anyone understand it. Ninety year old actor and actress were going for a shake dance. This was being shown in television and when they got down from their car, they were shaking so much that I said what more shake dance they will do now. If you watch their misery in a witness state, you will understand that lot of maturity is there in our country. No one can talk about foolish things in our country and if someone does it, immediately people will take care of him. Some effect has come among us also. As it is, there is no dearth of foolish people. Ghalib says he meets thousands of foolish people. But if thousands can be seen in India, crores of people are there in other countries. Even though we have this maturity, we are still caught in other things. And because of this catch, even we are not able to rise to the truth which will give us light and the catch we have is blind faith. If we believe in something, that becomes absolute belief. Whether you believe in some one or not, unless you search something, till then it will not be of any use, whether you believe in something or if you do not believe, then also it is of no use. So when we have started in the search of truth, we must understand first what is the truth. If you see this truth also, it is said in every religion. There is nothing wrong in any religion. If you read Islam, you will think what a great religion it is. If you read about Hinduism, you will say what a good religion. How great is Sikh religion, how great is Buddhism, how good is Jainism. But all these best flowers which were in one religious tree, have today been plucked by everyone and for all these broken, withered, dead flowers, they are fighting that this is ours, this is ours. There is one reason for this also, why these living flowers have been broken, is that this religion or any religion is either behind money, money oriented and or behind power, power oriented. But no one has paid attention towards Spirit, which is said in every religion that without experiencing the Spirit, you cannot know what is the Truth. So much so that Mahavir and Budha did not talk about God Almighty and they came into atheism, leave God Almighty, first you know about your Spirit. Everyone said, one after the other, how many people said this, not only in our country but also in other countries, so many poets, Girter is there, William Blake is there, Louise is there, lot of people have discussed about the Spirit that unless you know your Spirit, you cannot know the truth. In Christianity, it is clearly written that unless you are born again, you cannot know the God. So they put a slogan on their head that that they are born again. Only put the party’s name, I am Christian, I am Muslim etc. I am so and so. But Christian, Muslim or from any other religion, he can commit all the sin. He can commit any sin then what is the necessity of putting a brand on your head. It is not effective at all. And then with the same thing, he can fight also. Like I heard now, that Ajar Bhaijan, people who were there, Armenians killed Ajar Bhaijan and before killing, they used to read Bible. Tell me, Jesus Christ, who forgave everyone in the Cross, those Christians used to go and kill everyone after reading Bible because you are a Muslim. The only reason for this foolishness is that the foundation of religion is not based on Truth but on falsehood. This was the case during Budha’s time, After Christ also, this was the case. The real disciples of Christ ran away from there, and there a wrong person by name Paul, came and spoiled everything. Like this, in Budha religion, leaving the central path, some went to left and some went to right. Those who went to right, became such that they were not eating, or drinking and sleep on thorns. They were so angry people that if you go near them, you will feel that some oven is burning here. And if you want to talk to them, talk from a distance otherwise they may slap you. This is called aesthetism. This is not necessary at all. Budha did this at that time because lot of work was to be done. Some have become tantriks. I have heard in Delhi lot of tantriks have come and everyone is worshipping at the feet of these tantriks but when you get the fruits of this worship, you will not be able to bear this. You will get lot of catches from these tantriks also. You should be careful of all these people, they spread such diseases and create so many problems. It is all a question of money. Every one wants money. “If you keep hundred rupees here or two hundred rupees, or keep thousand rupees, then I will send one cow to your mother in heaven. Where is such an aeroplane which will do this type of work? But there are people among us who believe in such things. We have done this type of work. It is necessary to come out of this condition also. Human beings have to understand that to know the truth, they have to understand their Spirit. Every one has said “why are you searching for this in the forest. It is every where, in every place, every time, it is in you also. Like in front of flowers, they smile, similarly it is with you every moment, search for him inside you. The God which is inside you is outside also. This is what our Teacher is telling us. If Guru Nanak had not told us this, we would not have known. If you do not understand your Spirit, you cannot be pure. Putting a brand in you will not make you pure. Meaning of khalis is to become pure and to make you pure, Kundalini is there. This is really written. Kabirdasji has written so much but people take it also in their own way. Only Kundalini can make you pure. And this Mother Kundalini is, who will make you pure is inside you. And when this light of Spirit is awakened inside you, then you will understand the essence of all the religion and accept them, and you will recognize, respect and worship all the incarnations, all the great people, all the scholars and prophets. In Sahaja Yoga, we have lot of Muslims and more than them, we have Jews, who do not believe in Hizbul Mohammad Saheb or Christ but both pray to Mohammed Saheb and Christ. Similarly Hindus also respect all the religion. When all the religion becomes one, then with what will you fight, where will your fundamentalism go then? But in today’s special time, we know that Gorbachev has reduced the political problem because he is also a realized soul. But the question of fundamentalism will be broken by Sahaja Yoga. Without Sahaja Yoga, this question cannot be broken and I cannot see any other way by which people can get light in their brain that all the religions are standing in the same fact. The basis of all the fact is inside them and that is we should have balance in our life and because of balance we can get our self realization. These confusions, blind faith and all the wrong ideas we have in our brain will all go away. It is very necessary. When we are progressing, it is seen by everyone. Everyone can see its light. Its effect also come on everyone. Today whatever has been told to you about chakras, it is really a ready made instrument inside you. From the time you are created to the time of your evolution, everything is in these chakras and now in the end, you have to move a little further, little. When your Kundalini is awakened and pierces your fontanelle bone area, simultaneously, it does all your physical, mental, material and religious work also. That is why the moment, Kundalini is awakened in all these chakras, it will nourish them and integrate them. It will integrate the chakras, string them in a thread, meaning you will have integration and you can feel them in your central nervous system. You can feel, you can feel the truth. Now what is the truth? One thing is, you are not this body, mind, brain, ego etc. you are pure spirit. It is a very great thing. It is a very dignified and a very beautiful thing. You are such a great person but this is covered up due to ignorance. And second truth is, you call this Holy Ghost, All Pervading Power, Power of God, or all pervading power of God’s love or whatever name you want to call it, or if you want to talk about this formless energy, these beautiful flowers are created, all living work which this energy does, for the first time, you can feel them in your fingertips. Meaning your awareness gets a new dimension in which you can feel the energy, which you have never felt before. Only after Kundalini awakening, you can know this energy. Then with this energy only, you get self realization and acquire self knowledge. Meaning, you get to know about your chakras completely and, all these three great things you get, only truth, attention getting enlightenment and third, life with happiness. You get all these three things. Apart from this, you achieve a witness state because when Kundalini awakens and crosses this chakra, then you achieve thoughtless awareness state. Budha has said this as empty your brain, empty mind. Empty your brain because these thoughts do not come from present. And from where does it come? It comes from future or from past. It does not come from present. And in present, you cannot come. If I tell you to go in present, you cannot do so and present is the only truth and everything else is false because whatever has happened is over and we do not know what is going to happen. And when Kundalini comes to this chakra, you become thoughtless because these two things which is shown here, Ego and Superego, your conditionings and your ego both gets pulled and then your fontanelle bone area, which we call as Talu, opens up and the moment it opens, Kundalini crosses the same. All these are built in inside you like now you see you all have come here, so many bulbs are there, and to light it you just press on the switch there and all the lights are illuminated. How does it happen? Because all these are made up. All these are made up inside you. Just like how many saplings or how many trees are going to grow from one seed is all mapped out, you put the seeds in Mother Earth and it will grow. Now what have you done? Did you stand upside down or put all your strength for this or did you go to Himalayas? Nothing. In this earth, so much energy is there. It is Mother Earth. You put the seed in this and it grew. We don’t feel surprised about this. We take it for granted. Similarly, this is the living process of evolution. Today we have become human beings from amoeba. Ok. How did we become. Who made this? How did it happen? We don’t think at all. We have become human beings. That is all. We have to think if anything further is from here. There has to be something ahead of this otherwise we would not be in so much confusion, why are we in so much chaos. Have we become human beings to fall into this chaos? Lot of people think we should commit suicide so that we get rid of this life. Is this life? If this life is not going to be happy, if in human form, we are not going to feel happy, then this life is not worth. Something has to be ahead of this life and what is that? That is God’s Kingdom. You don’t have to achieve that. You are all invited there. You all come there, you all have been called there. That is why you all are seekers because you are all seeking something and that is why you will achieve these things. At this time, you will get a new dimension inside you which is called collective consciousness. Meaning of collective consciousness is that just like you can feel your chakras, similarly you can also feel the chakras of others. Not only that, who are these others when you all are part and parcel of the same human form? Is this finger different from other fingers, if there is any problem in one hand, doesn’t the other hand immediately comes to the help of this hand? Like this you become enlightened in this great human being, in that vastness, in that Akbar and then you are surprised that you are not in the collective but the whole world has become ours. When I had gone to Russia, what to say about Russian people, I must say they are far better than us. We know about religion more than is necessary that this Kundalini does not work and in Russia, you think where they do not know anything about religion, do not know anything about God and neither are they so much materialistic but for them Sahaja Yoga is so easy that in every program at least 16000 people attend and everyone gets realization and settle down and give respect. In India it is easy to get realization but just like they do not have respect for their freedom, they don’t have respect for their self-realization. We are hanging on to them and keep doing the same thing and they have settled so well that in one town, Tariyati, there are twenty two thousand Sahaja Yogis. One day Russia will become a great country and we will be nowhere. Same going to temples, going to Mosques and going to Gurudwara, Oh Brother, if you go to hospital, will you be cured. If you read the prescription, will you become alright? Take medicine, medicine. Without taking the medicine, going on reading the prescription. It is written in the prescription take this medicine. Meaning if you go on reading, will illusions fade away? Someone is reading Bible here, there someone is reading Quran and there someone is reading Granth Saheb and someone is reading something else. Nothing is going into your brain because your Spirit is not awakened inside you. After your Spirit is awakened, religion automatically comes inside you and religion is established. You will be surprised, you know how people in London are, how much hard their mind is. There whoever got realization, next day they quit drugs, drinking, quit everything. I don’t tell anyone that don’t drink because more than half the people will go away. My God, it is very bad to say don’t drink alcohol or don’t smoke. I don’t say anything. You will leave all these on your own. I tell them come to this street and then we shall see. You will leave everything on your own because you get the strength to see that alcohol is bad. I don’t have to say anything. Leave this or leave that. You leave everything and become straightforward. Do I tell you to leave anger? Anger itself runs away from self realized people. So we have to achieve this energy and after getting this energy, you will be surprised that thousands of people in this world have been enlightened by this energy. This is not my energy. This is your own energy, your own Mother. You have to achieve this dignity. I am like one lit lamp which lights another lamp. I light your lamp. Then you go on lighting the lamp of others. You will get the energy then you can raise kundalini of others and cure others and you will get an ocean of knowledge. Pure knowledge. You can know immediately in your fingertips what is true and what is untrue. Kundalini will move on your signal. You have such energy inside you. Now you will say “Mother earlier only one person used to get realization”. Whoever were seeking earlier are all sitting here and everyone has to get this. Only you should have self confidence that you all will get realization. And second is you should have the determination, strong determination that after getting realization, we will grow further in this and shall move forward and grow totally in this. Otherwise, just like a seed after sprouting becomes waste, like that in India, people get realization very fast. I don’t have to do anything. This is the blessing of your Earth. Outside I have to work very hard. In India I don’t have to work hard. People get realization just like that. His Kundalini gets awakened very fast. Because of blessings of so many people you are born in this country. Lot of blessing. That is why you are born in this country. Now you will understand how fast your Kundalini rises. But after that you have to grow in this. Once the connection is established with this divine energy, union takes place. What has Shri Krishna said “Yogakshema Vahamyaham”. He did not say “kshema yoga”. Just now someone was telling ‘I take Shri Krishna’s name so much my throat is spoiled’. I told her “Krishna is sitting in your throat only. Why is your throat spoiled ’? Because you do not have a right. You have not got the union. Till your connection with the union is established, what is the use of telephoning, if you do not have the connection? That is why your throat is spoiled and may be Shri Krishna is also angry with you. Is he your servant that you take his name always. Like if someone calls your name ten times, you will say ‘has some mad dog bitten him? why is he taking my name like this’? Here if you take the name of your President and reach somewhere, police will arrest you. There has to be some reason. Unnecessarily you are taking His name. He Himself is angry with you. Just by taking the name, you will not get God. And many people have inserted things like this in our scriptures that go on taking the name. Probably they must have said instead of going here and there, go on taking the name. Now leave everything. You have come to the end of the steps and still you are hanging on to the same steps. Leave it and move further. It is a very simple and easy thing. It is said to do sahaj Samadhi means concentration happens very easily. They have not been a hermit who left their wife, children, this worldly life, nothing. Very simple. Same wife and children become beautiful. In your heart lotus blooms because everything is in your body. Only Kundalini has to be awakened and then with lot of respect towards it, you should keep this Kundalini connected with the divine energy. The union should be established. In Delhi lot of centres have started. I had never thought that in Delhi, Sahaja Yoga can be established because I have always been with government servants and I always used to say “Oh God, these government servants think only of their government job and government. Except these, they cannot think of any third thing. How can they think about God. When they are working, they think of promotion and when they retire, they think how much pension they will get. Except these, they do not think about anything.” But in same Delhi so many lotuses have bloomed so nicely that I am surprised that in this Delhi from where so many wonderful people have come. This is also from some past life that even in this Delhi so many seekers with great devotion are there and want that they should get the blessings of this Kundalini. What is the time? 8.30. I had thought that today some time is there and if you want to ask questions, you may ask because people in Delhi think a little more and their mind also works more. You should also ask questions because when later we are raising your Kundalini, at that time your mind will say “ask the question. Ask the question.” That is why you must ask question. Second thing is you are totally independent. If you want, you can get realization. If you do not want, I cannot give the realization. Impossible. If you want, then only you can get realization because you are totally independent and I have to respect your independence. You are going to get absolute freedom and I have to respect this freedom. Whoever wants realization, please stay back and those who do not want may please leave this place. I cannot force anything. And that is why I have said you may ask any question in your freedom. And second thing I want to tell you is for the past twenty two years, I have been doing this same thing. Someone has said “You told me you will get well on Friday.” There is some misunderstanding. I can never say something like this. It has nothing to do with Friday or Saturday. You can be cured at any time. And if you think you are getting very angry or something even now, you should understand how to take the treatment and you will be cured completely. But Friday, Saturday has nothing to do with this. You become beyond time. What is this Friday, Saturday. You have become confused. Please understand properly and you will be alright. It is alright. You understand completely how to get cured. Who is doing your treatment . Dr. Shailendra Kumar. Ok. I will talk to him. He is in Ranchi. In Ranchi. For the past 13 years I am taking treatment. Who is Dr. Shailendra Kumar. Do you all know him? Ok. Since you are a Sahaja Yogi, better take Sahaja Yoga treatment. I don’t know who is this Shailendra Kumar. Today I am hearing his name. Alright. You take Sahaja Yoga treatment. This Shailendra Kumar I cannot say what he will do though the name is very big. Take Sahaja Yoga treatment, Son. Seeker: Do we have to become vegetarian? Shri Mataji: Nothing, Nothing. You don’t have to become anything. All these are nonsense, only outwardly things. Actually you have to go according to your nature. If someone needs protein more, he should eat more protein in any form. If someone is in need of carbohydrate, he should eat carbohydrate. This is purely a scientific thing. There is nothing like you should become vegetarian or you shouldn’t kill even mosquitoes, or keep bedbugs as pets. There is nothing like this. Such foolishness is not there in Sahaja Yoga. Someone has asked She has considered someone as her Guru. Can she come in Sahaj and take deeksha. In Sahaj, there is nothing like deeksha. But if you have considered someone as Guru and he is a real Guru, your Kundalini will awaken on its own definitely. Then you need not have any Guru. When your Spirit gets enlightened, you will become your own Guru. There is no need to make anyone Guru. Gurus have only made this special chakra inside you so that you become your own Guru. Please enlighten us on Past life and next life and secondly what happens to a human being after he dies. Ok. Now you sit down. Answer to this is either you are thinking of past or of future. I told you just now you have to be in present. What will you gain if I tell you in your past life you were this. There should be something logical. Whatever you were, how does it matter. Even if you were King Bhoj, then what. What are you today? This discussion itself is useless and when the time of death comes, if you are a realized soul, you will make fun of it. Death is like changing clothes. All these are useless talks. Past life etc. There are people who make money saying you were so and so in past life. You were such great king. “Oh really”. In this life also, if you give me some money, you can become great even though now a days there are no kings. But foolish people will go and give money. It makes no sense really. It will make no difference. If you get realization, it is because of your good work and you can take birth anytime you want. I have blood cancer. Ok. It is seen that in Sahaja Yoga blood cancer is cured. If someone has blood cancer, definitely meet Sahaja yogis. In Delhi, we have got seven eight good doctors and blood cancer definitely gets cured in Sahaj. You belong to which state in India? You tell me. You can never say. Meaning where I was born. It was in a hill. Think I am a hilly person. This person has asked how many people’s Kundalini is awakened till now. Look here. I do not know to count. Whoever has asked this question, if he wants to count, he can come. People say thousands. Thousands have been awakened but I do not know. Whoever’s has happened, has happened. I do not know. I don’t have time to go on counting. Which is the best food? Whatever food your mother makes and feeds you is the best food. Who will feed you with so much love except mother. Wife also. It does not mean wife doesn’t. Someone’s child is sick for the last twelve years. Please go to the centre and take treatment. Yes. Sahaja Yoga treatment. Now you have brought Tulsidas in between. Says Tulsidasji has emphasized on taking names. Yes. I told you. Tulsidas must have thought instead of mind wavering here and there, it is better to take the name. But he did not know. I am saying even Saints did not know about human beings, like mad people they will take the name every where. He has even said whoever reads one word of love, he is like a scholar. This is the love about which I am saying. Someone is saying he is very much aggrieved by his situation. Should we change the situations or remove them ourselves. The moment you change, your situation also changes automatically. Only today, a couple had come to me and said “Mother our whole situation has changed and how much we have also changed ”. First thing is you have to change yourself on your own. Seeker: What is the difference between spreading of Sahaja Yoga and the yogas by Mahesh Yogi, Dheerendra Brahmachari, Acharya Rajneesh? Shri Mataji: Now what to say. First thing is I do not spread Yoga. I donate yoga. I only want to tell about Mahesh Yogi is that whatever work he has done, God will never forgive him. I knew him like this. One gentleman, by name Peter Piers, who was a Director of a Flying Academy in Scotland, he, his wife, his child and his deputy Director, all had problem of epilepsy. In those days, my husband was not in London. He had gone somewhere. At that time these people came to me in a very pathetic condition. I treated them then. This Peter Piers, was a diamond merchant , a very rich man and used to stay in big hotels etc., he was caught and his wife was the grand daughter of a Duke. Everyone had lot of money. Mahesh Yogi told him in Runoff, Runoff is a very big place, a big pond is there, you open a center there. I will send you people there. You give them training there. Training for what? That you would fly three feet in air. I say why people listen to such nonsense. What will you do if you fly three feet. As it is, there was so much traffic jam on the road today and if people start flying three feet, what will happen? However, I will tell you what he said. I am not afraid of anyone. He told me,” in the beginning, we were told, we will give one mantra and for that you will have to pay 300 pounds. First you deposit 300 pounds and then you go inside.” After crossing seven doors, when he went inside there this four feet Guru was sitting. He will tell you a mantra in your ears and you have to give him kerchief, this and that. Three hundred pounds was given outside. You should not tell the mantra to anyone. It is a very secret mantra. Inga or Pinga or thinga. Really. If he tells this to any one from India, he will tell what is this? This is not even Sanskrit. We have in India such intellectuals who are very intelligent and they will go behind Inga Pinga or thinga. They were given mantra for Rama, Krishna’s mantra was given and were fooled. Ok. This was one. Second was that you can fly from the ground. He called everyone in a place, which is this place, in Switzerland. There he took an old hotel and put big foam beds and asked people to jump on it. It was broken from bottom and people broke their bones. They filed cases against him and he had to give money for it. He gave food. For six days, the water was only boiled potato water. And 7th day they gave the skin of potato and 8th day gave potato. And the fees for this was 6000 pounds. Now a days, one pound is 45 rupees. At that time it must have been 21 or 22. Now you tell me. This is your great Mahesh Yogi. Now he has started new new things. Now one new thing is Ayurved, now why Mahesh Yogi is needed for Ayurved. He told all intellectuals and government servants that he can increase their working capacity. And these people went there to increase their working capacity. They underwent so many problems. If you ask them, they will tell you the whole body is broken and so many people are now hiding and living somehow. In London, so many people have sold their houses, removed the children from schools to pay this man. It is a real disgrace for our country. Second Rajneesh. There are no words to describe him. He is such a dirty man. I have a film of him. Someone had recorded this while hiding himself. It was worse than hell itself. Slowly he got out from there, then became this and then that. First he was God then he became this and now he is OSHO because he wanted to extract money from Japanese. I went to see, he was behind me saying you are Bhagwati, you are Adishakthi. I thought how does he know this. So I went to see him. I was so surprised how this man is mesmerizing everyone. He is ten years younger than me. Look at his age and look at my age. In America he was arrested. He was not allowed to stay in any country. He came to our country and settled down here. And even now lot of people are running behind him. Stupid people. He has taught such dirty things that Indians can never accept them. He has spoiled the life of so many people. He has made so many people impotent. I became tired of treating these people and even now the condition is if some people come from Rajneesh Ashram, they will fall unconscious before me. I don’t want them to come. It has happened once in Delhi. Now you all know about Dheerendra Brahmachari. I don’t have to tell you anything. He is your own man from Delhi. Today you have asked so I had to tell you. You cannot pay for any living process. How much money have you paid to this earth that so many beautiful flowers have bloomed? Does it know about money or bank? These are our doing. So wherever they ask money in the name of God, you should not go there at all. God does not understand money. If you make this as a stipulation, 99% of these Gurujis will run away. Now 1% are remaining. You see in them what their disciples have achieved. Have their disciples got some power or not? Have they got some knowledge within them? This doctor, who was giving a speech in front of you, was also caught up in a web. His whole family was getting spoiled and he broke away from there and came to Sahaja Yoga. See how much knowledge he has. If you see any Sahaja yogi, see how much knowledge he has, what is his lifestyle, what is his nature. Sahaja yogis will never do any harm to any one, will not trouble any one, will not kill any one or will not torture anyone. You will be surprised Germans who are so hard, if they come into Sahaj, you will feel some angels are standing in front of you. They are so exquisite and talk so lovingly that no one can say they are Germans. This is the miracle of Sahaja Yoga but in reality, it is your own miracle. One doctor has written “when I take your name and give vibrations to any patient, he becomes alright but after that I feel I become weak. What is the reason”. First is “you must first take bandhan and protect yourself. Secondly, you must think Mother is doing everything and not I. Then weakness will come on me and not you.” It is better you surrender everything to God. Then all the problems will come on Him. Someone is talking about Mahavir. What to say. He was Mahavir. There is no time now but one day I will tell you about Him. They have made an specimen out of him. They are not ashamed. One day he was sitting in meditation and when he got up, his cloth got caught in a bush. He tore half his cloth. He was a Prince. When he was walking with half cloth, Krishna decided to test him. He said “you are a Prince. You will get clothes but I don’t have anything. Give me this cloth”. He gave the cloth and from there only took some leaves, covered his body and went to the Palace. Now people are making his idols so dirty and walk on the road also in nude. Are they showing greatness of Mahavir or degrading him? And secondly, they make one Brahmin sit in a hut and put lot of bugs and when the bug sucks away his blood, they give money to Brahmin. Am I going to give realization these bugs or mosquitoes or these hens or these goats? Instead of taking care of these bugs so much, if these people take care of human beings, it will be a very good thing. Moreover, Jains keep the cloth shops the most and they don’t have cloth for Mahavirji. It is an insult to him. All the time they are fighting with each other and roaming on the streets naked. They all should be caught and beaten. It is such a shameful thing for women. They think they are great hermits but behind them their dirty mind works. Is this religion? Where is Mahavir and where are his followers. This is said for all the people. I was reading a book just now on Islam. In that all the learned people have said there is no oneness between Islam and Muslims. Both are entirely different. It is the same for all the religion. Same condition is for Sikhs and Christians are the worst hit. What can I tell you about Christians? You all don’t know. In Vatican, they printed 9 million dollar counterfeit, fake notes and distributed it through their Vatican bank. Just now one gentleman told me that he is a Mafia man and he murdered someone but the money was given by Vatican. This is the condition of Christians. No one knows how many people were tortured or murdered. And what can I say about Hindus. When everyone’s Spirit is inside them, from where does caste and other things come. For their own selfish reasons, man has created this difference between caste and other things. Shri Ram ate the already tasted fruit of a tribal woman. And who wrote Ramayana? A robber who was a fisherman. Didn’t they get any Brahmin? And Shri Krishna went and ate food in Vidhur’s home, went and ate food in Vidhur’s home who was a maid’s son but he was a spiritual man and a realized soul. And His Geeta, who has written. Vyas. Vyas was the illegitimate son of a fisherwoman. Brahman is the one who has understood Brahm. Until we recognize the caste according to the work done, the problem of our country will not go. There is new thing they are starting now in the name of Caste, is very wrong. There is no need to fight but it needs to be revised. There should be divisions only between who has and who has not, ‘have and have nots’. All the other things will go away. Mr Mandal who was such a rich man himself who can say he was from a backward class. Do you know when he was a student, he owned a car and no one else had a car. And he was from a backward class. And poor Brahmin children who were studying there, they became forward class. Since you asked me I am telling you. Caste, creed etc are also false and hypocrisy. According to your karma, today Brahmin, is the one who is a Sahaja Yogi. Or who are real Saints. If there is some Saint like this. Sahaja Yogi means though they are not only enlightened, they know everything about Kundalini and Sahaja yogis can awaken the kundalini of others. Whoever can awaken the Kundalini are only they are called Sahaja yogis. You all become Sahaja Yogis. I have told you after Kundalini is awakened, how the behavior of man becomes. Extremely subtle and loving, very dynamic and very compassionate. He never gets tired. You all know I am now 70 years old. Yesterday I slept at 4 O’ clock and got up at 6 and here I am in your presence. Because the whole time energy is working. There is no question of getting tired. You should absorb such source. Why should you stop for anything, I don’t understand. Lot of people think our Guru has said this. Alright. What has your Guru given you? I am a Mother. I will ask what have you got from your Guru. Mother will always ask. What have you got Son. What have you got from your Guru? Except emptying your pocket, what has your Guru given you. Or if you are from a particular religion, have you become religious. No. Then awaken your Kundalini and then follow the religion. That is why in Sahaj Yog, we follow Universal religion. We follow Vishwa Nirmal Dharma. It does not matter from which religion they are. All are pure. He may be of any caste, any country, any color, or of any guise all are from one religion. We call it Vishwa Nirmal Dharm. In this a man’s behavior becomes pure on its own becomes bright and becomes loving. Some Sahaja Yogis who have come recently, it is possible they may still be wavering. It does not mean that in Sahaja yoga people are like that. Once they progress in Sahaja Yoga, they immerse into it. But I don’t take money. No Sahaja Yogi has taken money. They work so hard day and night but no one has taken any money ever. You will be surprised the Chartered Accountant of our Trust says he has never seen such clean Trust. Indians have become so honest. Because in Sahaja Yoga there is no need for any bribery. God does not understand any bribery etc. He understands only love and when you have true desire, Kundalini will definitely rise. Now everyone is telling Mother please give realization. Someone has said “I want to touch your feet”. First of all, what have I given that you want to touch my feet. This is first question. It is better you end this culture of “touching feet”. Otherwise I see if someone becomes a Minister, they touch his feet and when his Ministry goes, they beat him with a shoe. There is no need to touch feet. Whatever you are, try to achieve that. No need to touch feet. Seeker: What is the connection between Gyan yog and Bhakti yog. Which gyan yog. Shri Mataji: Yes. I will tell you this and then we will give realization. Shri Krishna was a Divine Diplomat. He knew how a man’s mind is upside down. Whatever his words are, you should see it very minutely. He was not a business man. So first thing he said is gain knowledge. Now the meaning of knowledge can never be reading, writing, books. etc. Kabirdasji has said those who read too much becomes fools. Earlier I never understood this. Now I see them a lot. By reading, I have told you earlier, you cannot get knowledge. The word Gna means feel, means when you feel this divine vibration in your central nervous system, then you have acquired knowledge. That is why He has explained first about ‘being wise’. If by reading, no one can become wise, I have seen so many scholars when they come to give lecture, it will look as if they have come from some war and if you look at their own life it is so dirty. Nothing has gone inside, everything is outside and they will go on talking like a radio. The word Budha is derived from the word bodh and the word Gna. Thomas, who was the disciple of Jesus Christ, who came to India later, said Gnostics , Gna, Gnostics, who acquired knowledge. Knowledge means who attained enlightenment. Shri Krishna said this first. Several people are reading Geeta, byhearting them or keeping 500 500 coins. This is not knowledge. Second thing He said is be devoted. But, I have told you he is a Diplomat, he will not talk straight. Pushpam falam means you give Him flowers, you give him water or fruits, he will accept it but how should the devotion be, in this He has created confusion, He was a confusion Master. Where He confused everyone? He said do Bhakti, which should be Ananya Bhakti. Ananya means second to none. When your union takes place, He has also said Yogakshema Vahamyaham. First union then welfare. He said this clearly. He confused in Ananya. People think Ananya means from the heart. You cannot do anything from the heart because you are outside. You can do this only when your Spirit is awakened in your heart. So do Ananya Bhakti. You are going on chanting His name. What did you get? And there are lot of type of devotion. So strange, My God don’t ask. Because of that Vishuddhi gets caught in people. They are moving around saying Hare Rama Hare Krishna and beg. Shameless people. They wear a dress called dhoti and that also it looks it will fall any time. It is available in even Super Markets. They have made Krishna’s condition in such a way. One minute. I am answering. Till then sit quietly. Secondly he has said about devotion is that there should not be blind faith. Faith comes only after self realization. At that time you don’t get entertainment but your Spirit gets entertainment. This is real devotion. The devotion after enlightenment of Spirit is the real devotion because think if your telephone is not connected, whom are you telephoning. This is straight calculation. On the other hand, you end up in loss by this devotion. He has said unconditional devotion. You only concentrate on this. Then he has said a very good thing on Karma (action). Whatever work you do, surrender it to my feet. One murderer was a devotee of Krishna. He was a murderer and a devotee. “My father was a lawyer”. He came to my father and told him “I am a devotee of Krishna. I murdered someone and surrendered it to His feet. I have left it to God. So God has murdered him. I have done nothing.” Krishna said “do the work and surrender it to my feet.” This can never happen. Till ego is inside us, this cannot happen. Whatever work you do, you will know you have done it. This impression is only in human beings that “I have done it”. Animals don’t behave like this that I have done this. But after Sahaja Yoga when your Spirit is enlightened, you don’t say “I am doing this”. Then what will you say. “This Kundalini is not raising. His this chakra is catching. This chakra of mine is catching. This Nirmala, like this you start talking in third person like children. You will never say “I have given realization to so many people but “Mother so many people have got realization. So many have been realized. You don’t use word My. ‘My feeling’ leaves. Krishna talked about this Karma but lot of people believe that whatever they do, they should leave it to God. This is misconception. If you are in this misconception, you are cheating yourself. Until your Spirit is enlightened, this cannot happen. So He created such impossible situations, made such conditions that if you want to get out, like lot of people say Mother whatever I do I leave it to God, even profit I leave it to God, everything I gain I leave it to Him. So I said “Ok. When you don’t have connection with Him, without connection how are you leaving it to Him.” God only told me but you do not have connection, how did HE say. First thing is getting the connection, isn’t it. Once the connection is established, then you have proof. There is no certificate but the vibrations flow from your hands. You feel vibrations all around you, you can give realization to others. There are so many things about which if I go on telling you, it will not end at all because you go into endless situation. Seeker lady: This body is made up of seven elements which means Spirit is God. This is devotion. Is Sahaja Yoga also devotion? In Sahaja Yoga, we see that we are giving realization from our Spirit. That means we have two spirits. It means I am a devotee of God and I have come into this. Shri Mataji: Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Don’t get caught into the web of words. You understand. If you get caught in the web of words, you will end up in loss. Like if someone is singing the songs on separation, people feel very nice. How nicely he is singing on separation. If you want to enjoy separation, then do it. The word divider and devotee are completely different. When you divide the word devotee, you yourself understand the meaning of this. When you divide the word devotee, devotee means oneness and divider means breaking. You yourself understand the meaning of your words. Meaning of bhakta is united. That is why we put V before the word Vibhakta, like Mata, vimata. Exactly this is the reason. You can manipulate it in any way. Straight calculation. When you put V, meaning becomes different. Being devotee and divider. Devotion means oneness with God and vibhakt means going away from it. If divider people are devotees, you will never get any results. There are lot of people who are doing this. Ask people in our Maharashtra. In Pandari, they go on chanting Vithala, Viithala, Vithala and they will chew tobacco. Vithala hates Tobacco. These people go there and bow down. What did they get. I am a Mother. First question I ask is what did you get. In Bhakti, you feel very joyous, entertainment but not the entertainment of the Spirit. You should get the entertainment of the Spirit. Understand. Why are you doing all this bhakti. Because you want to achieve it. Now you say “God when will I meet you”? I want to meet you. Okay. Even if God comes and stands in front of you, you will say “God when can I meet you?” Like Tulsidas was grinding sandalwood on the banks of Chitrakoot when Shri Ram comes in the form of a Prince and asks Tulsidas to apply sandal on His forehead, Tulsidas did not recognize Shri Ram. He did not recognize Shri Ram for whom he was making the sandal paste. What is the use of such bhakti? If you don’t recognize when God himself comes and stands in front of you, what is the use. Even then you will go on chanting Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram. You only spoil your throat. The throat which is the place of Lord Krishna himself gets spoiled. This is only entertainment. Don’t get involved in petty things. Someone said the moment I go to sleep, Shri Krishna comes and talks to me. So I asked what does He say. Oh He says “I am very healthy”. Then I said “what is this joke Son”. Afterwords I found he is getting fits. Which ghost comes and tells him don’t know. Such devotees of Krishna are there now. In Sahaja there is no separation. Songs of separation, once Surdasji went to ashtachap and sang the songs on separation first. Alright. He sang the song of separation. Why are you imploring. You have to understand like this that we have to get this at any cost. You should have complete faith that you will get this and you should get it. In Sahaja you get this. Then you get self confidence. You should have confidence in yourself first. It is very important. Now stop questions. You Delhi people want to go on asking question or you want to achieve. Yesterday I heard you and I have become a Sahaja yogi yesterday. Ok. Very good. This is not a question. You are telling a beautiful experience. All the speeches are correct if you see the speeches properly. Everything is correct. I don’t say anything wrong at any time. Same things I tell in different ways according to situation. And this society, society of Delhi is special. You should know I have stayed in Delhi for a long time and I know Delhi society very well. First thing, don’t take any burden on your head. This is not something very difficult. This is very easy and simple thing. First of all, you should have total self confidence in yourself that today you will get realization. Whatever religion you are from, forget what I told you today. You may think you are going to some Guru. Forget everything. In this present situation, you are only a seeker to me. Whatever your past is, forget everything. Have total self confidence. Second thing is lot of people are told “You are a sinner”. Like this there are lot of system. Do fasting today. You are a sinner. Your this is this and that is that. All these are very wrong. Oh. You are a human being and not God. You can make mistakes and if you were an evil person, you would be in jail now. Why would you come here. Please remove all types of guilt from your mind. Absolutely nothing. You are a seeker and you should get the fruits of your seeking. Third thing is you must forgive everyone together. Lot of people think “This is very difficult Mother to forgive everyone together.” But I ask you one thing whether you forgive someone or not, what are you doing. You do nothing. But if you don’t forgive the person who has been troubling you, you are playing in his hands and in his place you are torturing yourself. So what is the use? This is logical. You only say this in your mind “I forgive everyone”. That is all. Meaning you should have a happier attitude towards yourself. It is not that you are putting down yourself or feel unhappy. But your attitude should be happy. At the moment you are divider but you will become a devotee. This is a very easy thing to get. All of you please remove your shoes and you don’t have to do anything. Now I will tell you a specialty about Indian soil. Put your hands towards me like this and look at me but don’t think anything. Your thoughts will stop. You will immediately go into thoughtless awareness. First have confidence in yourself. Don’t doubt. Now put your right hand towards me and bend your head and put your left hand on top of fontanelle bone area. On top like this. your left hand and first forgive everyone. Otherwise nothing will happen. Now see if you are getting cool or hot vibrations. Some will get cool and some will get hot vibrations. If you don’t forgive, you will get hot vibrations. Forgive every one including yourself. Now put your left hand towards me and again bend your head and see. Bend your head and see. Some people feel right on top. Because this is a very subtle thing. Now again see with your right hand. Now again feel from your left hand. Bend your head. If you want you can remove your glasses. Now put both your hands towards the sky and bend your head backwards. Ask one question. “Mother is this Divine vibration? Is this Brahma Chaitanya? Ask any one question. Is this the power of God’s love? Ask. Your head should be towards the sky. Ask the question three times. Now bring your hands down. Put your hands towards me. Those who are getting cool or hot vibrations in their fingers or hands, or head, please raise your hands. This is our Indian Earth. My greetings to all. This is the miracle of the earth you are sitting on otherwise I will have to work for at least half an hour on each chakra but you all have got your self realization. Most of you, may be some are not. But most of you have got your realization. Now to grow into this, you will have to come to our centres. As it is, my program is in three four places. You all come there and understand that this knows your thoughts so there is no argument. You all have to come because you have a responsibility towards Indian soil. Whatever you want to know about this, you can learn all this without spending any money. This has no value. This is priceless. See. See. You are getting vibrations even now. You can feel the same in each other’s head also. Shouldn’t have any doubt. That is all. You will feel joyous. I have seen lot of people start laughing. Kabirdas says it is a very happy occasion. Please sing the song of those who have sung the song of union because you are also sitting in unity. My blessings to all the Saints.
Public Program Day 1 23.3.1992 I bow to all the seekers of Truth. We have to accept that till now we have not got the truth, i.e absolute truth we have not got. If we accept most humbly that we have not achieved that absolute truth, which is established in the same way, same thoughts and same emotions inside everyone. Whatever be the reason for this, we can see that later but if we think about ourselves, then human beings have not achieved the status yet that they can know only absolute truth. If he had known about the truth, then today so many types of quarrels, so many conflicts and so many different types of opinion and systems would not have started. If everyone had followed the same thing, because we do not know the absolute truth, just like in blindness, six blind people had gone to look for an elephant, and in their blindness, they all understood in six different ways, just like that we do not know the truth, the reality. And that is why all these disasters are there. Just like there are so many questions in front of us and everyone thinks there is no solution to this. Like today we have environment problem, ecological problem is there, political problem is there, economic problem is there, family problems are there and we have our own personal problems. Physical, mental, material and also spiritual problems are there. For everything there is a question. Life has become a question. When we try to solve these problems with our wisdom, we fall into the trap of words. If we try to solve something with our thoughts, then we become more entangled. Because slowly thoughts try to build new buildings and in those buildings, we get lost. This illusion is like a blessing in this Kaliyuga. And because of this illusion, today human beings want to come out of darkness to light and want to achieve this light because now they cannot tolerate this torture any more. Everyone feels this and now want to somehow escape from this difficult situation and come to a life where we can witness all these drama in witness state. When we move towards science and find Western countries so forward and its progress, it mesmerizes our eyes. But you will be surprised when you go and visit those countries and find that we are very happy and content. We do not know what is the gift of this great India or land of Yoga that till now in our country, we do not have these type of diseases. It is said that in America after some years, minimum 65% of people will be inflicted from some secret diseases. And because of the blessings of India, our moral standards are very high. You won’t believe this, the maturity, the progress which is seen from outside will take you to the path of complete destruction and if human beings have to progress in such a way, it is better that they do not progress at all. Last time I had told you about how the progress is taking place. In London, every week parents kill at least two children. Then you can imagine how people will be living in such a place. Lot more dirty things are happening with children about which you cannot think or imagine. You have not progressed so much still. If you people go to New York, you cannot wear any gold ornaments. It is said America is so prosperous country. They have so much gold reserve, etc., etc., etc. But if you wear a small gold thing and go there, they will cut your throat. You cannot wear watches even. There is no arrangement for wearing even Mangalsutra. So much chaos is there. Such anarchism is happening in so big progressive countries. Such stupid and foolish people are there that we cannot describe their foolishness. Like one actress got married for the eighth time, eighth, in our country if someone is getting married for the second time, people will not look at their face or allow them to come home, this actress got married for the eighth time and to see their honeymoon, there were lot more people in numbers than you are here. People were parachuting from ten helicopters to click their photos and they came and started falling on the spectators below who were wanting to click pictures. Some came and fell on these people and some got stuck in the palm. No one will think of such foolishness in our country. You have no idea about the maturity which is seen in people in India. We feel like laughing at those people who say every time “I hate him”. Think if people say this in our country, you will say “He is mad. Let me put him in mental hospital”. It is a sin to hate anyone and in our country, everyone knows this. Have you heard of anyone who will tell this every time either in Hindi, in Urdu, in Marathi or in Tamil who will say “ I hate you”. There everyone will say this. Till today, I have not understood their culture and they are going towards dirt. You cannot talk about any morality nor can anyone understand it. Ninety year old actor and actress were going for a shake dance. This was being shown in television and when they got down from their car, they were shaking so much that I said what more shake dance they will do now. If you watch their misery in a witness state, you will understand that lot of maturity is there in our country. No one can talk about foolish things in our country and if someone does it, immediately people will take care of him. Some effect has come among us also. As it is, there is no dearth of foolish people. Ghalib says he meets thousands of foolish people. But if thousands can be seen in India, crores of people are there in other countries. Even though we have this maturity, we are still caught in other things. And because of this catch, even we are not able to rise to the truth which will give us light and the catch we have is blind faith. If we believe in something, that becomes absolute belief. Whether you believe in some one or not, unless you search something, till then it will not be of any use, whether you believe in something or if you do not believe, then also it is of no use. So when we have started in the search of truth, we must understand first what is the truth. If you see this truth also, it is said in every religion. There is nothing wrong in any religion. If you read Islam, you will think what a great religion it is. If you read about Hinduism, you will say what a good religion. How great is Sikh religion, how great is Buddhism, how good is Jainism. But all these best flowers which were in one religious tree, have today been plucked by everyone and for all these broken, withered, dead flowers, they are fighting that this is ours, this is ours. There is one reason for this also, why these living flowers have been broken, is that this religion or any religion is either behind money, money oriented and or behind power, power oriented. But no one has paid attention towards Spirit, which is said in every religion that without experiencing the Spirit, you cannot know what is the Truth. So much so that Mahavir and Budha did not talk about God Almighty and they came into atheism, leave God Almighty, first you know about your Spirit. Everyone said, one after the other, how many people said this, not only in our country but also in other countries, so many poets, Girter is there, William Blake is there, Louise is there, lot of people have discussed about the Spirit that unless you know your Spirit, you cannot know the truth. In Christianity, it is clearly written that unless you are born again, you cannot know the God. So they put a slogan on their head that that they are born again. Only put the party’s name, I am Christian, I am Muslim etc. I am so and so. But Christian, Muslim or from any other religion, he can commit all the sin. He can commit any sin then what is the necessity of putting a brand on your head. It is not effective at all. And then with the same thing, he can fight also. Like I heard now, that Ajar Bhaijan, people who were there, Armenians killed Ajar Bhaijan and before killing, they used to read Bible. Tell me, Jesus Christ, who forgave everyone in the Cross, those Christians used to go and kill everyone after reading Bible because you are a Muslim. The only reason for this foolishness is that the foundation of religion is not based on Truth but on falsehood. This was the case during Budha’s time, After Christ also, this was the case. The real disciples of Christ ran away from there, and there a wrong person by name Paul, came and spoiled everything. Like this, in Budha religion, leaving the central path, some went to left and some went to right. Those who went to right, became such that they were not eating, or drinking and sleep on thorns. They were so angry people that if you go near them, you will feel that some oven is burning here. And if you want to talk to them, talk from a distance otherwise they may slap you. This is called aesthetism. This is not necessary at all. Budha did this at that time because lot of work was to be done. Some have become tantriks. I have heard in Delhi lot of tantriks have come and everyone is worshipping at the feet of these tantriks but when you get the fruits of this worship, you will not be able to bear this. You will get lot of catches from these tantriks also. You should be careful of all these people, they spread such diseases and create so many problems. It is all a question of money. Every one wants money. “If you keep hundred rupees here or two hundred rupees, or keep thousand rupees, then I will send one cow to your mother in heaven. Where is such an aeroplane which will do this type of work? But there are people among us who believe in such things. We have done this type of work. It is necessary to come out of this condition also. Human beings have to understand that to know the truth, they have to understand their Spirit. Every one has said “why are you searching for this in the forest. It is every where, in every place, every time, it is in you also. Like in front of flowers, they smile, similarly it is with you every moment, search for him inside you. The God which is inside you is outside also. This is what our Teacher is telling us. If Guru Nanak had not told us this, we would not have known. If you do not understand your Spirit, you cannot be pure. Putting a brand in you will not make you pure. Meaning of khalis is to become pure and to make you pure, Kundalini is there. This is really written. Kabirdasji has written so much but people take it also in their own way. Only Kundalini can make you pure. And this Mother Kundalini is, who will make you pure is inside you. And when this light of Spirit is awakened inside you, then you will understand the essence of all the religion and accept them, and you will recognize, respect and worship all the incarnations, all the great people, all the scholars and prophets. In Sahaja Yoga, we have lot of Muslims and more than them, we have Jews, who do not believe in Hizbul Mohammad Saheb or Christ but both pray to Mohammed Saheb and Christ. Similarly Hindus also respect all the religion. When all the religion becomes one, then with what will you fight, where will your fundamentalism go then? But in today’s special time, we know that Gorbachev has reduced the political problem because he is also a realized soul. But the question of fundamentalism will be broken by Sahaja Yoga. Without Sahaja Yoga, this question cannot be broken and I cannot see any other way by which people can get light in their brain that all the religions are standing in the same fact. The basis of all the fact is inside them and that is we should have balance in our life and because of balance we can get our self realization. These confusions, blind faith and all the wrong ideas we have in our brain will all go away. It is very necessary. When we are progressing, it is seen by everyone. Everyone can see its light. Its effect also come on everyone. Today whatever has been told to you about chakras, it is really a ready made instrument inside you. From the time you are created to the time of your evolution, everything is in these chakras and now in the end, you have to move a little further, little. When your Kundalini is awakened and pierces your fontanelle bone area, simultaneously, it does all your physical, mental, material and religious work also. That is why the moment, Kundalini is awakened in all these chakras, it will nourish them and integrate them. It will integrate the chakras, string them in a thread, meaning you will have integration and you can feel them in your central nervous system. You can feel, you can feel the truth. Now what is the truth? One thing is, you are not this body, mind, brain, ego etc. you are pure spirit. It is a very great thing. It is a very dignified and a very beautiful thing. You are such a great person but this is covered up due to ignorance. And second truth is, you call this Holy Ghost, All Pervading Power, Power of God, or all pervading power of God’s love or whatever name you want to call it, or if you want to talk about this formless energy, these beautiful flowers are created, all living work which this energy does, for the first time, you can feel them in your fingertips. Meaning your awareness gets a new dimension in which you can feel the energy, which you have never felt before. Only after Kundalini awakening, you can know this energy. Then with this energy only, you get self realization and acquire self knowledge. Meaning, you get to know about your chakras completely and, all these three great things you get, only truth, attention getting enlightenment and third, life with happiness. You get all these three things. Apart from this, you achieve a witness state because when Kundalini awakens and crosses this chakra, then you achieve thoughtless awareness state. Budha has said this as empty your brain, empty mind. Empty your brain because these thoughts do not come from present. And from where does it come? It comes from future or from past. It does not come from present. And in present, you cannot come. If I tell you to go in present, you cannot do so and present is the only truth and everything else is false because whatever has happened is over and we do not know what is going to happen. And when Kundalini comes to this chakra, you become thoughtless because these two things which is shown here, Ego and Superego, your conditionings and your ego both gets pulled and then your fontanelle bone area, which we call as Talu, opens up and the moment it opens, Kundalini crosses the same. All these are built in inside you like now you see you all have come here, so many bulbs are there, and to light it you just press on the switch there and all the lights are illuminated. How does it happen? Because all these are made up. All these are made up inside you. Just like how many saplings or how many trees are going to grow from one seed is all mapped out, you put the seeds in Mother Earth and it will grow. Now what have you done? Did you stand upside down or put all your strength for this or did you go to Himalayas? Nothing. In this earth, so much energy is there. It is Mother Earth. You put the seed in this and it grew. We don’t feel surprised about this. We take it for granted. Similarly, this is the living process of evolution. Today we have become human beings from amoeba. Ok. How did we become. Who made this? How did it happen? We don’t think at all. We have become human beings. That is all. We have to think if anything further is from here. There has to be something ahead of this otherwise we would not be in so much confusion, why are we in so much chaos. Have we become human beings to fall into this chaos? Lot of people think we should commit suicide so that we get rid of this life. Is this life? If this life is not going to be happy, if in human form, we are not going to feel happy, then this life is not worth. Something has to be ahead of this life and what is that? That is God’s Kingdom. You don’t have to achieve that. You are all invited there. You all come there, you all have been called there. That is why you all are seekers because you are all seeking something and that is why you will achieve these things. At this time, you will get a new dimension inside you which is called collective consciousness. Meaning of collective consciousness is that just like you can feel your chakras, similarly you can also feel the chakras of others. Not only that, who are these others when you all are part and parcel of the same human form? Is this finger different from other fingers, if there is any problem in one hand, doesn’t the other hand immediately comes to the help of this hand? Like this you become enlightened in this great human being, in that vastness, in that Akbar and then you are surprised that you are not in the collective but the whole world has become ours. When I had gone to Russia, what to say about Russian people, I must say they are far better than us. We know about religion more than is necessary that this Kundalini does not work and in Russia, you think where they do not know anything about religion, do not know anything about God and neither are they so much materialistic but for them Sahaja Yoga is so easy that in every program at least 16000 people attend and everyone gets realization and settle down and give respect. In India it is easy to get realization but just like they do not have respect for their freedom, they don’t have respect for their self-realization. We are hanging on to them and keep doing the same thing and they have settled so well that in one town, Tariyati, there are twenty two thousand Sahaja Yogis. One day Russia will become a great country and we will be nowhere. Same going to temples, going to Mosques and going to Gurudwara, Oh Brother, if you go to hospital, will you be cured. If you read the prescription, will you become alright? Take medicine, medicine. Without taking the medicine, going on reading the prescription. It is written in the prescription take this medicine. Meaning if you go on reading, will illusions fade away? Someone is reading Bible here, there someone is reading Quran and there someone is reading Granth Saheb and someone is reading something else. Nothing is going into your brain because your Spirit is not awakened inside you. After your Spirit is awakened, religion automatically comes inside you and religion is established. You will be surprised, you know how people in London are, how much hard their mind is. There whoever got realization, next day they quit drugs, drinking, quit everything. I don’t tell anyone that don’t drink because more than half the people will go away. My God, it is very bad to say don’t drink alcohol or don’t smoke. I don’t say anything. You will leave all these on your own. I tell them come to this street and then we shall see. You will leave everything on your own because you get the strength to see that alcohol is bad. I don’t have to say anything. Leave this or leave that. You leave everything and become straightforward. Do I tell you to leave anger? Anger itself runs away from self realized people. So we have to achieve this energy and after getting this energy, you will be surprised that thousands of people in this world have been enlightened by this energy. This is not my energy. This is your own energy, your own Mother. You have to achieve this dignity. I am like one lit lamp which lights another lamp. I light your lamp. Then you go on lighting the lamp of others. You will get the energy then you can raise kundalini of others and cure others and you will get an ocean of knowledge. Pure knowledge. You can know immediately in your fingertips what is true and what is untrue. Kundalini will move on your signal. You have such energy inside you. Now you will say “Mother earlier only one person used to get realization”. Whoever were seeking earlier are all sitting here and everyone has to get this. Only you should have self confidence that you all will get realization. And second is you should have the determination, strong determination that after getting realization, we will grow further in this and shall move forward and grow totally in this. Otherwise, just like a seed after sprouting becomes waste, like that in India, people get realization very fast. I don’t have to do anything. This is the blessing of your Earth. Outside I have to work very hard. In India I don’t have to work hard. People get realization just like that. His Kundalini gets awakened very fast. Because of blessings of so many people you are born in this country. Lot of blessing. That is why you are born in this country. Now you will understand how fast your Kundalini rises. But after that you have to grow in this. Once the connection is established with this divine energy, union takes place. What has Shri Krishna said “Yogakshema Vahamyaham”. He did not say “kshema yoga”. Just now someone was telling ‘I take Shri Krishna’s name so much my throat is spoiled’. I told her “Krishna is sitting in your throat only. Why is your throat spoiled ’? Because you do not have a right. You have not got the union. Till your connection with the union is established, what is the use of telephoning, if you do not have the connection? That is why your throat is spoiled and may be Shri Krishna is also angry with you. Is he your servant that you take his name always. Like if someone calls your name ten times, you will say ‘has some mad dog bitten him? why is he taking my name like this’? Here if you take the name of your President and reach somewhere, police will arrest you. There has to be some reason. Unnecessarily you are taking His name. He Himself is angry with you. Just by taking the name, you will not get God. And many people have inserted things like this in our scriptures that go on taking the name. Probably they must have said instead of going here and there, go on taking the name. Now leave everything. You have come to the end of the steps and still you are hanging on to the same steps. Leave it and move further. It is a very simple and easy thing. It is said to do sahaj Samadhi means concentration happens very easily. They have not been a hermit who left their wife, children, this worldly life, nothing. Very simple. Same wife and children become beautiful. In your heart lotus blooms because everything is in your body. Only Kundalini has to be awakened and then with lot of respect towards it, you should keep this Kundalini connected with the divine energy. The union should be established. In Delhi lot of centres have started. I had never thought that in Delhi, Sahaja Yoga can be established because I have always been with government servants and I always used to say “Oh God, these government servants think only of their government job and government. Except these, they cannot think of any third thing. How can they think about God. When they are working, they think of promotion and when they retire, they think how much pension they will get. Except these, they do not think about anything.” But in same Delhi so many lotuses have bloomed so nicely that I am surprised that in this Delhi from where so many wonderful people have come. This is also from some past life that even in this Delhi so many seekers with great devotion are there and want that they should get the blessings of this Kundalini. What is the time? 8.30. I had thought that today some time is there and if you want to ask questions, you may ask because people in Delhi think a little more and their mind also works more. You should also ask questions because when later we are raising your Kundalini, at that time your mind will say “ask the question. Ask the question.” That is why you must ask question. Second thing is you are totally independent. If you want, you can get realization. If you do not want, I cannot give the realization. Impossible. If you want, then only you can get realization because you are totally independent and I have to respect your independence. You are going to get absolute freedom and I have to respect this freedom. Whoever wants realization, please stay back and those who do not want may please leave this place. I cannot force anything. And that is why I have said you may ask any question in your freedom. And second thing I want to tell you is for the past twenty two years, I have been doing this same thing. Someone has said “You told me you will get well on Friday.” There is some misunderstanding. I can never say something like this. It has nothing to do with Friday or Saturday. You can be cured at any time. And if you think you are getting very angry or something even now, you should understand how to take the treatment and you will be cured completely. But Friday, Saturday has nothing to do with this. You become beyond time. What is this Friday, Saturday. You have become confused. Please understand properly and you will be alright. It is alright. You understand completely how to get cured. Who is doing your treatment . Dr. Shailendra Kumar. Ok. I will talk to him. He is in Ranchi. In Ranchi. For the past 13 years I am taking treatment. Who is Dr. Shailendra Kumar. Do you all know him? Ok. Since you are a Sahaja Yogi, better take Sahaja Yoga treatment. I don’t know who is this Shailendra Kumar. Today I am hearing his name. Alright. You take Sahaja Yoga treatment. This Shailendra Kumar I cannot say what he will do though the name is very big. Take Sahaja Yoga treatment, Son. Seeker: Do we have to become vegetarian? Shri Mataji: Nothing, Nothing. You don’t have to become anything. All these are nonsense, only outwardly things. Actually you have to go according to your nature. If someone needs protein more, he should eat more protein in any form. If someone is in need of carbohydrate, he should eat carbohydrate. This is purely a scientific thing. There is nothing like you should become vegetarian or you shouldn’t kill even mosquitoes, or keep bedbugs as pets. There is nothing like this. Such foolishness is not there in Sahaja Yoga. Someone has asked She has considered someone as her Guru. Can she come in Sahaj and take deeksha. In Sahaj, there is nothing like deeksha. But if you have considered someone as Guru and he is a real Guru, your Kundalini will awaken on its own definitely. Then you need not have any Guru. When your Spirit gets enlightened, you will become your own Guru. There is no need to make anyone Guru. Gurus have only made this special chakra inside you so that you become your own Guru. Please enlighten us on Past life and next life and secondly what happens to a human being after he dies. Ok. Now you sit down. Answer to this is either you are thinking of past or of future. I told you just now you have to be in present. What will you gain if I tell you in your past life you were this. There should be something logical. Whatever you were, how does it matter. Even if you were King Bhoj, then what. What are you today? This discussion itself is useless and when the time of death comes, if you are a realized soul, you will make fun of it. Death is like changing clothes. All these are useless talks. Past life etc. There are people who make money saying you were so and so in past life. You were such great king. “Oh really”. In this life also, if you give me some money, you can become great even though now a days there are no kings. But foolish people will go and give money. It makes no sense really. It will make no difference. If you get realization, it is because of your good work and you can take birth anytime you want. I have blood cancer. Ok. It is seen that in Sahaja Yoga blood cancer is cured. If someone has blood cancer, definitely meet Sahaja yogis. In Delhi, we have got seven eight good doctors and blood cancer definitely gets cured in Sahaj. You belong to which state in India? You tell me. You can never say. Meaning where I was born. It was in a hill. Think I am a hilly person. This person has asked how many people’s Kundalini is awakened till now. Look here. I do not know to count. Whoever has asked this question, if he wants to count, he can come. People say thousands. Thousands have been awakened but I do not know. Whoever’s has happened, has happened. I do not know. I don’t have time to go on counting. Which is the best food? Whatever food your mother makes and feeds you is the best food. Who will feed you with so much love except mother. Wife also. It does not mean wife doesn’t. Someone’s child is sick for the last twelve years. Please go to the centre and take treatment. Yes. Sahaja Yoga treatment. Now you have brought Tulsidas in between. Says Tulsidasji has emphasized on taking names. Yes. I told you. Tulsidas must have thought instead of mind wavering here and there, it is better to take the name. But he did not know. I am saying even Saints did not know about human beings, like mad people they will take the name every where. He has even said whoever reads one word of love, he is like a scholar. This is the love about which I am saying. Someone is saying he is very much aggrieved by his situation. Should we change the situations or remove them ourselves. The moment you change, your situation also changes automatically. Only today, a couple had come to me and said “Mother our whole situation has changed and how much we have also changed ”. First thing is you have to change yourself on your own. Seeker: What is the difference between spreading of Sahaja Yoga and the yogas by Mahesh Yogi, Dheerendra Brahmachari, Acharya Rajneesh? Shri Mataji: Now what to say. First thing is I do not spread Yoga. I donate yoga. I only want to tell about Mahesh Yogi is that whatever work he has done, God will never forgive him. I knew him like this. One gentleman, by name Peter Piers, who was a Director of a Flying Academy in Scotland, he, his wife, his child and his deputy Director, all had problem of epilepsy. In those days, my husband was not in London. He had gone somewhere. At that time these people came to me in a very pathetic condition. I treated them then. This Peter Piers, was a diamond merchant , a very rich man and used to stay in big hotels etc., he was caught and his wife was the grand daughter of a Duke. Everyone had lot of money. Mahesh Yogi told him in Runoff, Runoff is a very big place, a big pond is there, you open a center there. I will send you people there. You give them training there. Training for what? That you would fly three feet in air. I say why people listen to such nonsense. What will you do if you fly three feet. As it is, there was so much traffic jam on the road today and if people start flying three feet, what will happen? However, I will tell you what he said. I am not afraid of anyone. He told me,” in the beginning, we were told, we will give one mantra and for that you will have to pay 300 pounds. First you deposit 300 pounds and then you go inside.” After crossing seven doors, when he went inside there this four feet Guru was sitting. He will tell you a mantra in your ears and you have to give him kerchief, this and that. Three hundred pounds was given outside. You should not tell the mantra to anyone. It is a very secret mantra. Inga or Pinga or thinga. Really. If he tells this to any one from India, he will tell what is this? This is not even Sanskrit. We have in India such intellectuals who are very intelligent and they will go behind Inga Pinga or thinga. They were given mantra for Rama, Krishna’s mantra was given and were fooled. Ok. This was one. Second was that you can fly from the ground. He called everyone in a place, which is this place, in Switzerland. There he took an old hotel and put big foam beds and asked people to jump on it. It was broken from bottom and people broke their bones. They filed cases against him and he had to give money for it. He gave food. For six days, the water was only boiled potato water. And 7th day they gave the skin of potato and 8th day gave potato. And the fees for this was 6000 pounds. Now a days, one pound is 45 rupees. At that time it must have been 21 or 22. Now you tell me. This is your great Mahesh Yogi. Now he has started new new things. Now one new thing is Ayurved, now why Mahesh Yogi is needed for Ayurved. He told all intellectuals and government servants that he can increase their working capacity. And these people went there to increase their working capacity. They underwent so many problems. If you ask them, they will tell you the whole body is broken and so many people are now hiding and living somehow. In London, so many people have sold their houses, removed the children from schools to pay this man. It is a real disgrace for our country. Second Rajneesh. There are no words to describe him. He is such a dirty man. I have a film of him. Someone had recorded this while hiding himself. It was worse than hell itself. Slowly he got out from there, then became this and then that. First he was God then he became this and now he is OSHO because he wanted to extract money from Japanese. I went to see, he was behind me saying you are Bhagwati, you are Adishakthi. I thought how does he know this. So I went to see him. I was so surprised how this man is mesmerizing everyone. He is ten years younger than me. Look at his age and look at my age. In America he was arrested. He was not allowed to stay in any country. He came to our country and settled down here. And even now lot of people are running behind him. Stupid people. He has taught such dirty things that Indians can never accept them. He has spoiled the life of so many people. He has made so many people impotent. I became tired of treating these people and even now the condition is if some people come from Rajneesh Ashram, they will fall unconscious before me. I don’t want them to come. It has happened once in Delhi. Now you all know about Dheerendra Brahmachari. I don’t have to tell you anything. He is your own man from Delhi. Today you have asked so I had to tell you. You cannot pay for any living process. How much money have you paid to this earth that so many beautiful flowers have bloomed? Does it know about money or bank? These are our doing. So wherever they ask money in the name of God, you should not go there at all. God does not understand money. If you make this as a stipulation, 99% of these Gurujis will run away. Now 1% are remaining. You see in them what their disciples have achieved. Have their disciples got some power or not? Have they got some knowledge within them? This doctor, who was giving a speech in front of you, was also caught up in a web. His whole family was getting spoiled and he broke away from there and came to Sahaja Yoga. See how much knowledge he has. If you see any Sahaja yogi, see how much knowledge he has, what is his lifestyle, what is his nature. Sahaja yogis will never do any harm to any one, will not trouble any one, will not kill any one or will not torture anyone. You will be surprised Germans who are so hard, if they come into Sahaj, you will feel some angels are standing in front of you. They are so exquisite and talk so lovingly that no one can say they are Germans. This is the miracle of Sahaja Yoga but in reality, it is your own miracle. One doctor has written “when I take your name and give vibrations to any patient, he becomes alright but after that I feel I become weak. What is the reason”. First is “you must first take bandhan and protect yourself. Secondly, you must think Mother is doing everything and not I. Then weakness will come on me and not you.” It is better you surrender everything to God. Then all the problems will come on Him. Someone is talking about Mahavir. What to say. He was Mahavir. There is no time now but one day I will tell you about Him. They have made an specimen out of him. They are not ashamed. One day he was sitting in meditation and when he got up, his cloth got caught in a bush. He tore half his cloth. He was a Prince. When he was walking with half cloth, Krishna decided to test him. He said “you are a Prince. You will get clothes but I don’t have anything. Give me this cloth”. He gave the cloth and from there only took some leaves, covered his body and went to the Palace. Now people are making his idols so dirty and walk on the road also in nude. Are they showing greatness of Mahavir or degrading him? And secondly, they make one Brahmin sit in a hut and put lot of bugs and when the bug sucks away his blood, they give money to Brahmin. Am I going to give realization these bugs or mosquitoes or these hens or these goats? Instead of taking care of these bugs so much, if these people take care of human beings, it will be a very good thing. Moreover, Jains keep the cloth shops the most and they don’t have cloth for Mahavirji. It is an insult to him. All the time they are fighting with each other and roaming on the streets naked. They all should be caught and beaten. It is such a shameful thing for women. They think they are great hermits but behind them their dirty mind works. Is this religion? Where is Mahavir and where are his followers. This is said for all the people. I was reading a book just now on Islam. In that all the learned people have said there is no oneness between Islam and Muslims. Both are entirely different. It is the same for all the religion. Same condition is for Sikhs and Christians are the worst hit. What can I tell you about Christians? You all don’t know. In Vatican, they printed 9 million dollar counterfeit, fake notes and distributed it through their Vatican bank. Just now one gentleman told me that he is a Mafia man and he murdered someone but the money was given by Vatican. This is the condition of Christians. No one knows how many people were tortured or murdered. And what can I say about Hindus. When everyone’s Spirit is inside them, from where does caste and other things come. For their own selfish reasons, man has created this difference between caste and other things. Shri Ram ate the already tasted fruit of a tribal woman. And who wrote Ramayana? A robber who was a fisherman. Didn’t they get any Brahmin? And Shri Krishna went and ate food in Vidhur’s home, went and ate food in Vidhur’s home who was a maid’s son but he was a spiritual man and a realized soul. And His Geeta, who has written. Vyas. Vyas was the illegitimate son of a fisherwoman. Brahman is the one who has understood Brahm. Until we recognize the caste according to the work done, the problem of our country will not go. There is new thing they are starting now in the name of Caste, is very wrong. There is no need to fight but it needs to be revised. There should be divisions only between who has and who has not, ‘have and have nots’. All the other things will go away. Mr Mandal who was such a rich man himself who can say he was from a backward class. Do you know when he was a student, he owned a car and no one else had a car. And he was from a backward class. And poor Brahmin children who were studying there, they became forward class. Since you asked me I am telling you. Caste, creed etc are also false and hypocrisy. According to your karma, today Brahmin, is the one who is a Sahaja Yogi. Or who are real Saints. If there is some Saint like this. Sahaja Yogi means though they are not only enlightened, they know everything about Kundalini and Sahaja yogis can awaken the kundalini of others. Whoever can awaken the Kundalini are only they are called Sahaja yogis. You all become Sahaja Yogis. I have told you after Kundalini is awakened, how the behavior of man becomes. Extremely subtle and loving, very dynamic and very compassionate. He never gets tired. You all know I am now 70 years old. Yesterday I slept at 4 O’ clock and got up at 6 and here I am in your presence. Because the whole time energy is working. There is no question of getting tired. You should absorb such source. Why should you stop for anything, I don’t understand. Lot of people think our Guru has said this. Alright. What has your Guru given you? I am a Mother. I will ask what have you got from your Guru. Mother will always ask. What have you got Son. What have you got from your Guru? Except emptying your pocket, what has your Guru given you. Or if you are from a particular religion, have you become religious. No. Then awaken your Kundalini and then follow the religion. That is why in Sahaj Yog, we follow Universal religion. We follow Vishwa Nirmal Dharma. It does not matter from which religion they are. All are pure. He may be of any caste, any country, any color, or of any guise all are from one religion. We call it Vishwa Nirmal Dharm. In this a man’s behavior becomes pure on its own becomes bright and becomes loving. Some Sahaja Yogis who have come recently, it is possible they may still be wavering. It does not mean that in Sahaja yoga people are like that. Once they progress in Sahaja Yoga, they immerse into it. But I don’t take money. No Sahaja Yogi has taken money. They work so hard day and night but no one has taken any money ever. You will be surprised the Chartered Accountant of our Trust says he has never seen such clean Trust. Indians have become so honest. Because in Sahaja Yoga there is no need for any bribery. God does not understand any bribery etc. He understands only love and when you have true desire, Kundalini will definitely rise. Now everyone is telling Mother please give realization. Someone has said “I want to touch your feet”. First of all, what have I given that you want to touch my feet. This is first question. It is better you end this culture of “touching feet”. Otherwise I see if someone becomes a Minister, they touch his feet and when his Ministry goes, they beat him with a shoe. There is no need to touch feet. Whatever you are, try to achieve that. No need to touch feet. Seeker: What is the connection between Gyan yog and Bhakti yog. Which gyan yog. Shri Mataji: Yes. I will tell you this and then we will give realization. Shri Krishna was a Divine Diplomat. He knew how a man’s mind is upside down. Whatever his words are, you should see it very minutely. He was not a business man. So first thing he said is gain knowledge. Now the meaning of knowledge can never be reading, writing, books. etc. Kabirdasji has said those who read too much becomes fools. Earlier I never understood this. Now I see them a lot. By reading, I have told you earlier, you cannot get knowledge. The word Gna means feel, means when you feel this divine vibration in your central nervous system, then you have acquired knowledge. That is why He has explained first about ‘being wise’. If by reading, no one can become wise, I have seen so many scholars when they come to give lecture, it will look as if they have come from some war and if you look at their own life it is so dirty. Nothing has gone inside, everything is outside and they will go on talking like a radio. The word Budha is derived from the word bodh and the word Gna. Thomas, who was the disciple of Jesus Christ, who came to India later, said Gnostics , Gna, Gnostics, who acquired knowledge. Knowledge means who attained enlightenment. Shri Krishna said this first. Several people are reading Geeta, byhearting them or keeping 500 500 coins. This is not knowledge. Second thing He said is be devoted. But, I have told you he is a Diplomat, he will not talk straight. Pushpam falam means you give Him flowers, you give him water or fruits, he will accept it but how should the devotion be, in this He has created confusion, He was a confusion Master. Where He confused everyone? He said do Bhakti, which should be Ananya Bhakti. Ananya means second to none. When your union takes place, He has also said Yogakshema Vahamyaham. First union then welfare. He said this clearly. He confused in Ananya. People think Ananya means from the heart. You cannot do anything from the heart because you are outside. You can do this only when your Spirit is awakened in your heart. So do Ananya Bhakti. You are going on chanting His name. What did you get? And there are lot of type of devotion. So strange, My God don’t ask. Because of that Vishuddhi gets caught in people. They are moving around saying Hare Rama Hare Krishna and beg. Shameless people. They wear a dress called dhoti and that also it looks it will fall any time. It is available in even Super Markets. They have made Krishna’s condition in such a way. One minute. I am answering. Till then sit quietly. Secondly he has said about devotion is that there should not be blind faith. Faith comes only after self realization. At that time you don’t get entertainment but your Spirit gets entertainment. This is real devotion. The devotion after enlightenment of Spirit is the real devotion because think if your telephone is not connected, whom are you telephoning. This is straight calculation. On the other hand, you end up in loss by this devotion. He has said unconditional devotion. You only concentrate on this. Then he has said a very good thing on Karma (action). Whatever work you do, surrender it to my feet. One murderer was a devotee of Krishna. He was a murderer and a devotee. “My father was a lawyer”. He came to my father and told him “I am a devotee of Krishna. I murdered someone and surrendered it to His feet. I have left it to God. So God has murdered him. I have done nothing.” Krishna said “do the work and surrender it to my feet.” This can never happen. Till ego is inside us, this cannot happen. Whatever work you do, you will know you have done it. This impression is only in human beings that “I have done it”. Animals don’t behave like this that I have done this. But after Sahaja Yoga when your Spirit is enlightened, you don’t say “I am doing this”. Then what will you say. “This Kundalini is not raising. His this chakra is catching. This chakra of mine is catching. This Nirmala, like this you start talking in third person like children. You will never say “I have given realization to so many people but “Mother so many people have got realization. So many have been realized. You don’t use word My. ‘My feeling’ leaves. Krishna talked about this Karma but lot of people believe that whatever they do, they should leave it to God. This is misconception. If you are in this misconception, you are cheating yourself. Until your Spirit is enlightened, this cannot happen. So He created such impossible situations, made such conditions that if you want to get out, like lot of people say Mother whatever I do I leave it to God, even profit I leave it to God, everything I gain I leave it to Him. So I said “Ok. When you don’t have connection with Him, without connection how are you leaving it to Him.” God only told me but you do not have connection, how did HE say. First thing is getting the connection, isn’t it. Once the connection is established, then you have proof. There is no certificate but the vibrations flow from your hands. You feel vibrations all around you, you can give realization to others. There are so many things about which if I go on telling you, it will not end at all because you go into endless situation. Seeker lady: This body is made up of seven elements which means Spirit is God. This is devotion. Is Sahaja Yoga also devotion? In Sahaja Yoga, we see that we are giving realization from our Spirit. That means we have two spirits. It means I am a devotee of God and I have come into this. Shri Mataji: Sit down. Sit down. Sit down. Don’t get caught into the web of words. You understand. If you get caught in the web of words, you will end up in loss. Like if someone is singing the songs on separation, people feel very nice. How nicely he is singing on separation. If you want to enjoy separation, then do it. The word divider and devotee are completely different. When you divide the word devotee, you yourself understand the meaning of this. When you divide the word devotee, devotee means oneness and divider means breaking. You yourself understand the meaning of your words. Meaning of bhakta is united. That is why we put V before the word Vibhakta, like Mata, vimata. Exactly this is the reason. You can manipulate it in any way. Straight calculation. When you put V, meaning becomes different. Being devotee and divider. Devotion means oneness with God and vibhakt means going away from it. If divider people are devotees, you will never get any results. There are lot of people who are doing this. Ask people in our Maharashtra. In Pandari, they go on chanting Vithala, Viithala, Vithala and they will chew tobacco. Vithala hates Tobacco. These people go there and bow down. What did they get. I am a Mother. First question I ask is what did you get. In Bhakti, you feel very joyous, entertainment but not the entertainment of the Spirit. You should get the entertainment of the Spirit. Understand. Why are you doing all this bhakti. Because you want to achieve it. Now you say “God when will I meet you”? I want to meet you. Okay. Even if God comes and stands in front of you, you will say “God when can I meet you?” Like Tulsidas was grinding sandalwood on the banks of Chitrakoot when Shri Ram comes in the form of a Prince and asks Tulsidas to apply sandal on His forehead, Tulsidas did not recognize Shri Ram. He did not recognize Shri Ram for whom he was making the sandal paste. What is the use of such bhakti? If you don’t recognize when God himself comes and stands in front of you, what is the use. Even then you will go on chanting Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Hare Ram. You only spoil your throat. The throat which is the place of Lord Krishna himself gets spoiled. This is only entertainment. Don’t get involved in petty things. Someone said the moment I go to sleep, Shri Krishna comes and talks to me. So I asked what does He say. Oh He says “I am very healthy”. Then I said “what is this joke Son”. Afterwords I found he is getting fits. Which ghost comes and tells him don’t know. Such devotees of Krishna are there now. In Sahaja there is no separation. Songs of separation, once Surdasji went to ashtachap and sang the songs on separation first. Alright. He sang the song of separation. Why are you imploring. You have to understand like this that we have to get this at any cost. You should have complete faith that you will get this and you should get it. In Sahaja you get this. Then you get self confidence. You should have confidence in yourself first. It is very important. Now stop questions. You Delhi people want to go on asking question or you want to achieve. Yesterday I heard you and I have become a Sahaja yogi yesterday. Ok. Very good. This is not a question. You are telling a beautiful experience. All the speeches are correct if you see the speeches properly. Everything is correct. I don’t say anything wrong at any time. Same things I tell in different ways according to situation. And this society, society of Delhi is special. You should know I have stayed in Delhi for a long time and I know Delhi society very well. First thing, don’t take any burden on your head. This is not something very difficult. This is very easy and simple thing. First of all, you should have total self confidence in yourself that today you will get realization. Whatever religion you are from, forget what I told you today. You may think you are going to some Guru. Forget everything. In this present situation, you are only a seeker to me. Whatever your past is, forget everything. Have total self confidence. Second thing is lot of people are told “You are a sinner”. Like this there are lot of system. Do fasting today. You are a sinner. Your this is this and that is that. All these are very wrong. Oh. You are a human being and not God. You can make mistakes and if you were an evil person, you would be in jail now. Why would you come here. Please remove all types of guilt from your mind. Absolutely nothing. You are a seeker and you should get the fruits of your seeking. Third thing is you must forgive everyone together. Lot of people think “This is very difficult Mother to forgive everyone together.” But I ask you one thing whether you forgive someone or not, what are you doing. You do nothing. But if you don’t forgive the person who has been troubling you, you are playing in his hands and in his place you are torturing yourself. So what is the use? This is logical. You only say this in your mind “I forgive everyone”. That is all. Meaning you should have a happier attitude towards yourself. It is not that you are putting down yourself or feel unhappy. But your attitude should be happy. At the moment you are divider but you will become a devotee. This is a very easy thing to get. All of you please remove your shoes and you don’t have to do anything. Now I will tell you a specialty about Indian soil. Put your hands towards me like this and look at me but don’t think anything. Your thoughts will stop. You will immediately go into thoughtless awareness. First have confidence in yourself. Don’t doubt. Now put your right hand towards me and bend your head and put your left hand on top of fontanelle bone area. On top like this. your left hand and first forgive everyone. Otherwise nothing will happen. Now see if you are getting cool or hot vibrations. Some will get cool and some will get hot vibrations. If you don’t forgive, you will get hot vibrations. Forgive every one including yourself. Now put your left hand towards me and again bend your head and see. Bend your head and see. Some people feel right on top. Because this is a very subtle thing. Now again see with your right hand. Now again feel from your left hand. Bend your head. If you want you can remove your glasses. Now put both your hands towards the sky and bend your head backwards. Ask one question. “Mother is this Divine vibration? Is this Brahma Chaitanya? Ask any one question. Is this the power of God’s love? Ask. Your head should be towards the sky. Ask the question three times. Now bring your hands down. Put your hands towards me. Those who are getting cool or hot vibrations in their fingers or hands, or head, please raise your hands. This is our Indian Earth. My greetings to all. This is the miracle of the earth you are sitting on otherwise I will have to work for at least half an hour on each chakra but you all have got your self realization. Most of you, may be some are not. But most of you have got your realization. Now to grow into this, you will have to come to our centres. As it is, my program is in three four places. You all come there and understand that this knows your thoughts so there is no argument. You all have to come because you have a responsibility towards Indian soil. Whatever you want to know about this, you can learn all this without spending any money. This has no value. This is priceless. See. See. You are getting vibrations even now. You can feel the same in each other’s head also. Shouldn’t have any doubt. That is all. You will feel joyous. I have seen lot of people start laughing. Kabirdas says it is a very happy occasion. Please sing the song of those who have sung the song of union because you are also sitting in unity. My blessings to all the Saints.
Public Program Day 2: Sub Dharm Eak hai
New Delhi
Public Program
Public Program: Sahaja Yoga ka Gyan
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Public Program
Shri Saraswati Puja Talk
Yamuna Nagar
Shri Saraswati Puja, 2nd April 1992, Yamuna Nagar, Translation from Hindi We should worship Shri Saraswati. Shri Saraswati’s work is very great. MahaSaraswati made the Space(antariksh) first. In this, the earth element is special. The earth is placed in between the sun and the moon so that all kinds of a living organism can grow there easily. From this living organism gradually evolved human beings. But we must understand the great power of ourselves. That power in us which is called srajan shakti, the creative power in us. This power is the blessing of Shri Saraswati due to which all the various art forms originated. The outback of art is due to the blessings of Shri Saraswati. I am very happy that today the Saraswati puja is in a college. In the neighbourhood, there are also many schools and colleges. Seems like this place is specially made for Saraswati puja. Our children learn in schools. But we have to pay attention that without Self realization, (without the attainment of the soul, Atma) all the education, learning is not learning. Without( Atmasakshatkar), self-realization whether we study science or economics we cannot understand that fully nor can we bring about any creativity in it. Children are of two types. Children who are interested in studies and children who are not interested in studying. Some children have less intelligence /brain and some more.Brains(buddhi) is the gift of Shri Saraswati but from the spirit(Atma) Man develops good sense. Until the knowledge gained from the brains is weighed with good-sense, the knowledge acquired becomes harmful. Because of this many people think if you make the children study they all become useless, “ they will become “white collar” and will not do farming. They will consider themselves special and be under this false illusion. On the contrary, a person who is realized becomes discreet, wise (Vivek) with education. They understand what is good and what is bad. What to learn and what to not learn. Before that, they do not have limits/dignity (maryada). Man can take any path and turn towards any bad /dangerous habits and can indulge in any bad /dangerous things. Nowadays you all know the possibility of small children getting prone to a lot of bad things and the older children experiencing it like drugs and all sorts of bad things of the world and getting trapped into all kinds of trouble. The only way for curing all these things is through soul searching inside and through Self-realization (Atmasakshatkar). With the realization of the Atma itself, the brain gets the incandescent of Shri Saraswati and even the children who are weak in reading and writing start doing good work. After this, the growth of art begins. If one wants to develop art without Self-realization the art is not treated with respect/is unrecognised and there is no name or sign of it and is eventually lost. So, first of all, getting the Self-realization and then doing Saraswati puja is in itself a great thing. As you all know today is the first day of Navratri and it is also the first day of “Shalivahan’s couch”. Meaning that this work is being done on a very auspicious day. So we should not be indifferent towards Shri Saraswati. I have seen that the people who are doing farming gradually get associated with nature and then they try to portray the beauty of nature. The one who is an artist also looks at the beauty of nature and then tries to literally produce it in his own art. Whatever you all have made here is very artistic. The chakra made here is so beautiful and the Shri Ganesh. When you start accomplishing aesthetic sense and comprehend the good feelings of art (Shub Samvedna) then you all will be for aesthetic, artistic things only. People make a lot of things but it is only in a few things that have the flow of vibrations. Lots of ‘self-manifested’ idols (swayambhu) come from the earth element (Prithvi Tatva) but if a self-realized person makes any artistic things then the vibration starts coming out from it. Along with the beauty of the artwork you get some kind of infinite power also. Art from an ordinary artist dies out very fast. People do not have any faith or esteem towards this artist but if the artist is Self-realized then the art lives infinitely because he has the infinite power (Ananth ki Shakthi) inherent in him. Whatever he has made, he has made from the feelings of the soul (Atma ki Anubhuti), liking of the soul. He makes soul pleasing things which please the soul. This kind of art made by man thrives beautifully and all, this kind of art which is made is recognized and valued forever in this world. Outside India also I have seen that the art from a self-realized person is valued by the people. One great and well person artist was Micheal Angelo. He made beautiful compositions/creations. Everything he made is beautiful. Even to this day, he is looked upon with respect and pride by everybody. The art of the self-realized person is flooded with the infinite power within them. So now you have all become Self-realized.In Haryana, there are lots of people who are Self-realized and now a lot more people will come and they will also like you all become Sahajayogi and will be able to understand what is Sahaja yoga. But now that you are Sahaja yogi you should pay attention to the art side. If you direct your attention on art, firstly you bring beauty in your life and your life becomes charming and the way you live also becomes beautiful. For this, you do not have to spend a lot of money. Even the soul is filled with art. Even if you made something from the soul it can be artistic. In our hustle-bustle life, a little bit of artistry gives us happiness and joy. That is why if people pay attention to art it will be really good for everyone. The people here should try making some artistic things. The vibrations flow in the things which are made by hand. Too much mechanization has made the environment polluted. The cure for this is to move towards artistic things made by hand. When people move towards artistic things then a kind of faith, adoration(Shradha) will develop for art. The great thing is, we will stop buying thousands of useless things which we used to buy. When we give things made by hand to others we dedicate the heartfelt joy from our hearts. These flowers are decorated very artistically. Looking at it itself makes us go into thoughtlessness(Nirvichar) immediately. I have no thoughts coming and am watching with unrestrained thoughtlessness. The happiness went into it to make it flow abundantly from' My head' like the flowing Gangaji. With that, you at once get a lot of peace and a feeling of happiness. Until we have artistic things, our thoughts will keep on working. Aesthetic things will at once make you go into a complete state of thoughtless awareness (Nirvicharita) and its beauty makes you feel that you are in thoughtless awareness because seeing beauty itself the vibration starts flowing. That is why Sri Adi Shankaracharya called this ''The waves of beauty''. Now how to establish this beauty (Soundarya) has to be found out. First of all, it should be novel, it should have a variety. If the God Almighty had made everyone's face the same how will we all look? We all wear different varieties of clothes. All the women wear different styles and colours of saree in our country. This is unique only in our country. In developed countries, females wear the dress in the same manner as slaves (Gulam) they all have the same hairstyles. There is no difference found in them. The Atma inside them is suppressed. They do not have variety nor creativity power. Even their art is in the same condition. In foreign countries, good art creations produced are not many. Only critics are present. Critics indulging in criticizing other critics. Now artists are scared because whatever they produce, there are critics sitting who check whether it is right or not. And secondly, tell as to how much the work will fetch. When the work of art is compared to money then the Atma (spirit) of the work itself is finished. Art should give pleasure, joy, not weighed or valued by money. When your belief and aim becomes this, then the Atma gives you the inspiration to make beautiful things which were not made in the past or future, things never made before or will be made hereafter. People will make artistic things one better than the other and the peaceful nature-loving village people will be able to create it. Without being peaceful and in a meditative mood the art of creativity is incomplete or devoid of dignity. You should know the doctrine and systems (tantra) and technique of art. When you are self-realized then your ability to create art increases. We have seen that once you come to Sahaja Joga lots of singers have become world-famous. People who are chartered accountants familiar with maths have become poets. They have never written poetry before. Similarly, people who have never been on stage have started giving speeches, people who never sang before have started singing beautifully. In Australia, one Sahajayogini was an ordinary artist but today her name is all over the world and she has become famous. In this way when you have the blessings of Shri Saraswati then you become an artist and that to a self-realized artist. When you become a Self-realized artist then your whole personality changes, and whatever creativity you do that has the power, the power which I call 'infinite power.' That power is contained in them and things made with this power, any work is done with this power the value of the things become eternal, everlasting and till the end, the beauty manifests itself permanently. Even if the artist has died a thousand years before the art remains forever and the people see the art and say how beautiful it is. It is very essential for Sahajayogies to get down to the skills of art and understand art. May you always have the blessings of Shri Saraswati. Especially the one who has got self-realization today, it is a very good thing that after getting self-realized if art is taken up, then it becomes very fragrant and beautiful in the hands of Sahaja Yoga. Like the children who come to our school from abroad, they never did any drawing, they did not know anything. They come directly here and now from the time they received self-realization they all of a sudden did well in learning. One, they have learnt Hindi language, then they draw beautifully and now they have started to make pots out of clay. Now they feel what to make next. They made a house and then constructed a top floor and were busy making all kinds of different things. Like this, the imagination which comes from within us is due to Sahaja yoga, and the power to fulfil this power of inspiration also comes from Sahaja yoga. Infinite blessings to you all!
Shri Saraswati Puja, 2nd April 1992, Yamuna Nagar, Translation from Hindi We should worship Shri Saraswati. Shri Saraswati’s work is very great. MahaSaraswati made the Space(antariksh) first. In this, the earth element is special. The earth is placed in between the sun and the moon so that all kinds of a living organism can grow there easily. From this living organism gradually evolved human beings. But we must understand the great power of ourselves. That power in us which is called srajan shakti, the creative power in us. This power is the blessing of Shri Saraswati due to which all the various art forms originated. The outback of art is due to the blessings of Shri Saraswati. I am very happy that today the Saraswati puja is in a college. In the neighbourhood, there are also many schools and colleges. Seems like this place is specially made for Saraswati puja. Our children learn in schools. But we have to pay attention that without Self realization, (without the attainment of the soul, Atma) all the education, learning is not learning. Without( Atmasakshatkar), self-realization whether we study science or economics we cannot understand that fully nor can we bring about any creativity in it. Children are of two types. Children who are interested in studies and children who are not interested in studying. Some children have less intelligence /brain and some more.Brains(buddhi) is the gift of Shri Saraswati but from the spirit(Atma) Man develops good sense. Until the knowledge gained from the brains is weighed with good-sense, the knowledge acquired becomes harmful. Because of this many people think if you make the children study they all become useless, “ they will become “white collar” and will not do farming. They will consider themselves special and be under this false illusion. On the contrary, a person who is realized becomes discreet, wise (Vivek) with education. They understand what is good and what is bad. What to learn and what to not learn. Before that, they do not have limits/dignity (maryada). Man can take any path and turn towards any bad /dangerous habits and can indulge in any bad /dangerous things. Nowadays you all know the possibility of small children getting prone to a lot of bad things and the older children experiencing it like drugs and all sorts of bad things of the world and getting trapped into all kinds of trouble. The only way for curing all these things is through soul searching inside and through Self-realization (Atmasakshatkar). With the realization of the Atma itself, the brain gets the incandescent of Shri Saraswati and even the children who are weak in reading and writing start doing good work. After this, the growth of art begins. If one wants to develop art without Self-realization the art is not treated with respect/is unrecognised and there is no name or sign of it and is eventually lost. So, first of all, getting the Self-realization and then doing Saraswati puja is in itself a great thing. As you all know today is the first day of Navratri and it is also the first day of “Shalivahan’s couch”. Meaning that this work is being done on a very auspicious day. So we should not be indifferent towards Shri Saraswati. I have seen that the people who are doing farming gradually get associated with nature and then they try to portray the beauty of nature. The one who is an artist also looks at the beauty of nature and then tries to literally produce it in his own art. Whatever you all have made here is very artistic. The chakra made here is so beautiful and the Shri Ganesh. When you start accomplishing aesthetic sense and comprehend the good feelings of art (Shub Samvedna) then you all will be for aesthetic, artistic things only. People make a lot of things but it is only in a few things that have the flow of vibrations. Lots of ‘self-manifested’ idols (swayambhu) come from the earth element (Prithvi Tatva) but if a self-realized person makes any artistic things then the vibration starts coming out from it. Along with the beauty of the artwork you get some kind of infinite power also. Art from an ordinary artist dies out very fast. People do not have any faith or esteem towards this artist but if the artist is Self-realized then the art lives infinitely because he has the infinite power (Ananth ki Shakthi) inherent in him. Whatever he has made, he has made from the feelings of the soul (Atma ki Anubhuti), liking of the soul. He makes soul pleasing things which please the soul. This kind of art made by man thrives beautifully and all, this kind of art which is made is recognized and valued forever in this world. Outside India also I have seen that the art from a self-realized person is valued by the people. One great and well person artist was Micheal Angelo. He made beautiful compositions/creations. Everything he made is beautiful. Even to this day, he is looked upon with respect and pride by everybody. The art of the self-realized person is flooded with the infinite power within them. So now you have all become Self-realized.In Haryana, there are lots of people who are Self-realized and now a lot more people will come and they will also like you all become Sahajayogi and will be able to understand what is Sahaja yoga. But now that you are Sahaja yogi you should pay attention to the art side. If you direct your attention on art, firstly you bring beauty in your life and your life becomes charming and the way you live also becomes beautiful. For this, you do not have to spend a lot of money. Even the soul is filled with art. Even if you made something from the soul it can be artistic. In our hustle-bustle life, a little bit of artistry gives us happiness and joy. That is why if people pay attention to art it will be really good for everyone. The people here should try making some artistic things. The vibrations flow in the things which are made by hand. Too much mechanization has made the environment polluted. The cure for this is to move towards artistic things made by hand. When people move towards artistic things then a kind of faith, adoration(Shradha) will develop for art. The great thing is, we will stop buying thousands of useless things which we used to buy. When we give things made by hand to others we dedicate the heartfelt joy from our hearts. These flowers are decorated very artistically. Looking at it itself makes us go into thoughtlessness(Nirvichar) immediately. I have no thoughts coming and am watching with unrestrained thoughtlessness. The happiness went into it to make it flow abundantly from' My head' like the flowing Gangaji. With that, you at once get a lot of peace and a feeling of happiness. Until we have artistic things, our thoughts will keep on working. Aesthetic things will at once make you go into a complete state of thoughtless awareness (Nirvicharita) and its beauty makes you feel that you are in thoughtless awareness because seeing beauty itself the vibration starts flowing. That is why Sri Adi Shankaracharya called this ''The waves of beauty''. Now how to establish this beauty (Soundarya) has to be found out. First of all, it should be novel, it should have a variety. If the God Almighty had made everyone's face the same how will we all look? We all wear different varieties of clothes. All the women wear different styles and colours of saree in our country. This is unique only in our country. In developed countries, females wear the dress in the same manner as slaves (Gulam) they all have the same hairstyles. There is no difference found in them. The Atma inside them is suppressed. They do not have variety nor creativity power. Even their art is in the same condition. In foreign countries, good art creations produced are not many. Only critics are present. Critics indulging in criticizing other critics. Now artists are scared because whatever they produce, there are critics sitting who check whether it is right or not. And secondly, tell as to how much the work will fetch. When the work of art is compared to money then the Atma (spirit) of the work itself is finished. Art should give pleasure, joy, not weighed or valued by money. When your belief and aim becomes this, then the Atma gives you the inspiration to make beautiful things which were not made in the past or future, things never made before or will be made hereafter. People will make artistic things one better than the other and the peaceful nature-loving village people will be able to create it. Without being peaceful and in a meditative mood the art of creativity is incomplete or devoid of dignity. You should know the doctrine and systems (tantra) and technique of art. When you are self-realized then your ability to create art increases. We have seen that once you come to Sahaja Joga lots of singers have become world-famous. People who are chartered accountants familiar with maths have become poets. They have never written poetry before. Similarly, people who have never been on stage have started giving speeches, people who never sang before have started singing beautifully. In Australia, one Sahajayogini was an ordinary artist but today her name is all over the world and she has become famous. In this way when you have the blessings of Shri Saraswati then you become an artist and that to a self-realized artist. When you become a Self-realized artist then your whole personality changes, and whatever creativity you do that has the power, the power which I call 'infinite power.' That power is contained in them and things made with this power, any work is done with this power the value of the things become eternal, everlasting and till the end, the beauty manifests itself permanently. Even if the artist has died a thousand years before the art remains forever and the people see the art and say how beautiful it is. It is very essential for Sahajayogies to get down to the skills of art and understand art. May you always have the blessings of Shri Saraswati. Especially the one who has got self-realization today, it is a very good thing that after getting self-realized if art is taken up, then it becomes very fragrant and beautiful in the hands of Sahaja Yoga. Like the children who come to our school from abroad, they never did any drawing, they did not know anything. They come directly here and now from the time they received self-realization they all of a sudden did well in learning. One, they have learnt Hindi language, then they draw beautifully and now they have started to make pots out of clay. Now they feel what to make next. They made a house and then constructed a top floor and were busy making all kinds of different things. Like this, the imagination which comes from within us is due to Sahaja yoga, and the power to fulfil this power of inspiration also comes from Sahaja yoga. Infinite blessings to you all!
Public Program: Satya Apni Jagah Adig Hai
Yamuna Nagar
Public Program
SATYA APNI JAGAH ADIG HAI 3.4.1992 (TRUTH IS FIRM IN ITS PLACE) I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to understand that Truth is firm in its place, which we cannot change, about which we cannot even imagine and we cannot know it in this human awareness. Today, whatever questions are in front of us, all those questions are focused in human mind. Man has raised these questions and he is standing in his own belief. In darkness, in his ignorance, man cannot see and because of this, he adopts all types of destruction and all types of problems. By giving lecture or advice or speech, it will make no difference to him. As such, lot of people give speech and everyone starts talking about Truth and give lectures. They read some books and start giving lectures on this. But, it is very difficult for human mind to accept this. The reality is that we have still not achieved the status where we can imbibe all this in us and know the truth. That awareness has to be awakened within us and that Truth is established in our heart in the form of Spirit which watches us as to what we are doing and keeps an eye on all our activities and what is its effect on human mind. That is why it is not in our attention. To bring it to our attention, there is only one way God has created and that is you have to establish your connection with the God and that incident can be achieved only through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja means you all know Saha means with us and ja means born and you all have the right to this union. Truth about which I am going to tell you, it is not necessary that you should accept it in blind faith but there is no other way. Once you get the proof, you should accept it in all honesty, because in this only you will benefit, and your country will benefit and is beneficial to the whole world. If this is not done, we cannot imagine to which hell the world will fall into. Truth is, you are not this body, mind, intelligence, ego. So much so that the religion which you follow is also not integrated in you. You are only pure Spirit and since you have not reached there yet, you are in darkness. And also the second truth is God’s love is surrounding us from all the four sides. Brahma Chaitanya from all the sides. That is why when you look at the sky, so much light is there. All this light is of that Brahma Chaitanya, which is doing all the work, however minute, at every moment, every hour, every place. We are not able to understand this. So much greenery is there and we look at all the work being done but we never think how such great miracles happen. We leave all this on this Mother Earth and She grows it and gives us fruit. We don’t even think about this. It is said we are transformed from amoeba stage. Which is that energy which has made us into human beings? Who is doing all this work? Everything has its own limitations. Understand it like this. One mango tree, it will grow to an extent only, or a rose plant. It will grow to a certain height only. Similarly human being also grow to an extent only. Which is the energy which produces this? Who is doing all this? How is our heart beating? In our heart, Anahat chakra is situated. In Anahat chakra when two different type of things collide with each other, then sound comes. That is natural. But without any reason, when the sound comes from our heart, from where does it come? Doctors also do not know the source of this and they in all honesty say that “ we do not know anything about this and we do not know about parasympathetic nervous system”. When we do some work or run, our breathing becomes faster, then our heart beat grows but we don’t know how the parasympathetic nervous system brings it to normal. They do not have any answer for this. It is its religion. In all the religion, it is written that you must first get self realization. In all the religion, it is written but no religion follows this because they do not know how this has to be done. Slowly when the great religion came to the forefront, very great people started talking about chakras and that religion became strong and only those religion survived because they did not run behind power or money. When we do not have power to control ourselves, what should we do with acquiring power of others. And to become slave of money, we cannot explain about human being. Therefore, it is necessary that we should think that Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or from any religion, from Sikh religion or from Hindu religion, he can commit any type of sin. It has no connection with the religion. He has no religion inside him. Then what is the reason we are becoming mad about religion and are talking so much about religion? Then what is the reason that we cannot become secular. What is the way by which we can become secular. One thing is, unless our Spirit is enlightened inside us, we cannot have intimacy and have oneness with everyone. Whatever religion you want to adopt, it will flow inside you but it is necessary that to achieve this, you must first get self realization and to get this, it is not difficult at all. It is very simple. Sahaj Samadhi. Saha ja You can achieve all this through Sahaj only. It should be very simple. If it is very difficult, then no one can do this work. But because people do not have a right to this, there is no knowledge and do not know about this and are running behind money and power, they can not get this. That is why, they are told ok. You take this name that name, do this, do that. But no one gets benefit of this. No one gets anything. Every type of problem comes. People say ”Mother, We are doing so much even then we are we having so much problem in our home? Our country has so much problem? The reason for this is there is no knowledge inside us. Nothing is inside. Everything is outside Everything is being talked about outside. That is why we must understand that first we must get self realization. I cannot describe the amount of benefit human beings can get out of this. I am surprised myself that people are benefitting so much and so fast from this. So people have never thought or got idea to correct this that it should be done like this. From time immemorial, it is written about this in scriptures. Though one thing is certain that awakening of Kundalini is described in all the scriptures but no one has been able to do this. It is said that Raja Janak once gave self realization to one dancer and then till 12th century, only one Guru was able to awaken the kundalini of one of his disciple. This was the culture for a long time. In 12th century Sant Gyaneshwar, in his own language, for the first time wrote about this. Before that only in Sanskrit language it was written and no one understood Sanskrit language. Whoever understood could give self realization to only one disciple. When Gyneshwar wrote about this in Gyneshwari that there is energy called Kundalini within us and it can be awakened, union takes place, then every one thought that it is not our cup of tea and said read Gyaneshwari but don’t read 6th chapter where this is described. Like this, even that was not followed. Here in North India, no one had heard the name of Kundalini. In the beginning when I talked about Kundalini, they thought I am talking about Kundli (horoscope). There is lot of difference between the two. It is also written that Kundalini is established within us and how it can be awakened. The awakening of Kundalini is very limited but today this is happening in thousands of people. If this is not done and the special energies which are inside human being are not reflected, then human beings will be lost. So much energy is hidden inside a human being, so much power that it is absolutely necessary for it to be awakened. Today we have become human from Amoeba and now we have to rise a little above human so that we can get self realization. That light, the light of our Spirit will show us the difference between what we were and what we are. First of all, you will get into thoughtless awareness. Meaning in your mind you won’t get thoughts and peace will be established. Like thoughts will be rising and falling, again some thoughts are rising and falling and we are floating on top of the thoughts. The thoughts come either of future or from the past and if I tell you to stay in present, you cannot do so. We have to be in present because past is over and no one knows what is in future. Therefore, present moment, this moment is the truth. This is the reality. We are not able to settle down in present. That is why, when Kundalini is awakened during Self Realisation, these thoughts become longer and longer and the gap between the two thoughts is called vilamb (delay). There the present comes and stays. From this, mind becomes totally free without any thought. Totally open. Budha has called this language of love. Once this comes, you get into a state which is called Doubtless state. Here if you establish yourself a little and become indestructible, doubtless state comes on its own. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state where a man is not concerned about anything and all the energies start flowing on its own, inside and outside. Inside you get self realized and know about all the chakras on your fingertips. Not only that, from inside you start imbibing everything. You become totally clean. Like one wheel is moving on its centre point. This is from outside also. Similarly your mind which was moving in all direction, will settle down at one point on its axis. From there, you watch everything peacefully. You only watch it and do not get agitated with it. You get so much energy that when you watch, from inside all the questions get answered. Like, think if you are standing in water and you are afraid of the flow of water and are going deeper but somehow if you climb a boat, you are able to watch the waves but if you become a swimmer, you can swim yourself and save thousands of others too. Similarly, when you are enlightened, you reach a stage where you can enlighten others also. If you get established in your realization, you can give realization to others also, you can give them mental peace and not only that, you can establish them in total happiness which is spiritually ultimate. And to achieve this happiness, man starts leaving behind all unwanted things. This does not mean that you leave your home, you leave your family. You don’t have to leave anything. Nothing like this leaves you but all the unwanted things which are stuck within us, you start leaving them and not only that you start establishing a balance between husband and a wife and your children and a very sweet relationship is established. Like this there are lot of families in the world who have, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, are leading a very smooth and balanced life. It is really surprising that everything happens so easily. I don’t say anything to anyone like the Saints used to say “don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke”. Some have said don’t do this, don’t do that. I don’t say anything to anyone. I only say “awaken their Kundalini”. Once they get some light within themselves, they will leave everything on their own and will get established. Then you become your own Guru and start understanding yourself. You look at yourself and realize that this is wrong, this should not be done, and leave it. Not only this, you get so much energy that if you desire something, it happens immediately, instantly. I have seen such Sahaja Yogis also that they wished for something and because of that, I don’t know how so much will power was there in their wish that their desire worked out instantly. Once you become a realized soul, your thought process also changes and your desire also changes and everyone stays happily in the ocean of happiness. The second thing that happens is you come into collective consciousness. Today if you see, you may not even know about yourself, what sickness you have or what is gripping you. You cannot understand but after realization, you will immediately understand which chakra is spoiled. You will start knowing about chakras of others also. If you learn how to correct the chakras, you can help others. This collective consciousness comes into our nerves from which we can understand what is the status of his chakras. Like if this hand has some problem, immediately the other hand will know and come to its help. Similarly if some Sahaja yogi gets into trouble, all the Sahaja yogis in the world will know and everyone will come running to help. When I had gone to Russia for the first time, I was surprised, I saw 25 Sahaja yogis from Germany there. German Sahaja Yogis are entirely different from the way we imagine Germans. I have found that German Sahaja Yogis are the most responsible and intelligent, very humble and very loving people. They will talk to you so humbly and sweetly, you will think from where your relatives from past life have come here. All the way, they came from Germany to Russia. When I asked them “how come you are all here”. They said “Mother don’t you think this is our responsibility. Our ancestors had created so much havoc here, we only have to correct it. Who else can do it. I was filled with happiness that such wonderful thoughts are coming into them that Germans have come and killed Russians earlier and today it is our responsibility to correct them and help them. Such type of goodwill which is worldwide gets awakened in you and such worldwide thoughts come in you like all the Incarnations, Prophets and all great people, I will say all the Saints are also integrated in them. Like this in this worldwide religion, you won’t start disrespecting any Incarnations or any Sadgurus but you will start worshipping them. You will be surprised that Christians worship Mohammed Saheb and Buddhists worship Christ. Like this, Muslims worship Ganapati and Hindus worship Mohammed Saheb. You must have heard such things but this miracles happen once you are enlightened when you see that all these flowers have come from one spiritual tree and we have broken them from the tree and we are claiming all these dead flowers as our own although we do not have any such religion and proof. We realise that the fragrance is spiritual and once we turn towards Spiritualism, then you understand that these people have done all the work, as a result of which you are growing and sitting here like a Seeker seeking the Spiritual ascent. At that time only you realise that how much we should be grateful to them and how much we should be thankful that these people have been tortured and suffered so much for us and every time have tried to establish Dharma but we have only not understood it and have broken it into many parts and have started to fight. All these things will vanish once you get your self realization when you will become pure, refined absolutely pure. Nanak sahib has talked about this purity only. Whoever is clean is really pure. If someone puts a brand on them that they are self realized, Saints or sages, no one becomes saints by this, no one becomes pure. In reality, until this happens, you will not become a Saint or pure even if you put a brand in you. I even heard that in Haryana, very great Sadhu is sitting, who is robbing everyone. You all are so innocent and simple. I see lot of people from Haryana are sitting here. So much so that even young children are not able to talk. They have brought so many young children with them. I see lot of children with so many problems. All these problems have come to them from this man because he is doing black magic etc. and he calls all these people which affects the whole community. Going to him once or twice or taking help from him is also very wrong. If you have any problem at any time, don’t go to such people. I am telling you very clearly. I am a Mother and I know how wrong these people are. In Switzerland they have spread such diseases that small children die in their bed. All these are black magic. It is a very bad vidya. They do all these only to make money. If only making money is the main thing, it is better they become robber or do something else or get into black money racket but why become a Tantrik (occulist). From this, you will also go to hell and those on whom you do all your black magic will also go to hell. It is really sad that because of these people Kundalini of many people is also spoiled. Such type of people are spread over in so many places. You see them once and decide to go as far away as possible from them. You all are very simple and easygoing people. In Haryana, because of agriculture, people have lot of respect. I see people are very simple and straightforward and it is very easy to rob such innocent people. But you innocent people will make great Sahaja yogis. Like this, in Europe, there is a place called Austria. There also lot of people do agriculture. There are very great Sahaja yogis. They are so devoted that I am surprised myself that from where so good people have gathered. They are very focused and also educated and are doing so much for Sahaja Yoga that except Sahaja Yoga, nothing is important to them. They are doing all the work in a very Sahaj way. Though they are married, have children, everything is alright. But their attention is always on Sahaj and their desire is that in the whole world, Sahaja Yoga should spread. And for this whatever is possible, they are doing. Like this, here also such people will become ready who will go to the whole world and spread Sahaja. I am very happy to see you all that so many people are here who are seeking the truth. But while seeking the truth, you must remember one or two things. One thing is while seeking the truth, you must be humble. If you catch my neck and ask me to awaken your Kundalini, Kundalini can never be awakened. You have to be very humble and ask to give you self realization. Very humbly. You must be worried how is it possible. But you don’t have to worry. You don’t have to spend any money. Moreover, for such a priceless thing, what money can you give? This is a living process. Can anyone know this or can anyone understand this? In this money does not work. What works is your strong desire than anything else. Only you must have pure desire. You all know that where you are sitting, this is a yoga bhumi, karma bhumi and on this earth, we don’t know how many Saints and Sages have worked? How many incarnations have come? You are sitting on this Bhumi, this Yoga Bhumi, it is very easy you will get this benefit. I have told you earlier in this, there is no role of mind. So don’t fall into the trap of mind. This is beyond mind. That is why it is said, “you must surrender”. Until you surrender your ego, how can Kundalini rise. It does not mean you must surrender money to me. I don’t want anything. And to surrender oneself in front of this all pervading power. What have we achieved till now? We have learnt to talk, apart from this, what have we gained in this world? As far as achieving is concerned, we must realise that we should humbly request. If there is no humbleness, it is very difficult. With humbleness, you must accept this and experiencing this. Whoever does not want this experience, you may please leave and go home because sitting here and looking at others is wrong and it is not good culture. That is why whoever do not want, may please go home because this cannot be forced on you and you have total freedom to experience this or not. We have to recognise this and respect. We cannot ignore your freedom in any way. You are free. If you want only, please take self realization and if you don’t want, don’t take. Tell me like this, can you get any living process by force. That is why human beings have total freedom and we have to respect that freedom and that is why whoever do not want, please leave and go. I have told you keep your hands towards me like this and sit. This is a very great yoga bhumi and from time immemorial, lot of Saints have done lot of work here and we get the benefit of that. The greatest benefit is that, Kundalini awakens very fast and rises very fast. After Kundalini is awakened, people don’t get established which is very wrong. Once your Kundalini is awakened, you must establish yourself. I hope after getting self realization, you all will definitely try to establish yourself in this and you will see within one month, you will rise from where to where. It is my request to you all that you should respect your self realization and respect yourself too. In this, there are three conditions. One condition is that we must have total self-confidence within us that we shall get self realization today. This confidence you must have. You must not think that you are a Sinner or you have committed sin or such wrong thoughts. First remove these from your mind that you are guilty. To think you are guilty in everything is also wrong, because of this, this chakra here gets caught and if this chakra is caught, you may get spondylitis, or angina. All the organs in your body are weak. That is why, don’t think you have committed this sin or are guilty. Just think you are going to get self realization with total confidence in yourself and second thing is don’t think you are guilty at all. Whatever is past is over and today you are sitting in the present. And in this present only this self realization is going to take place. So please forget about your past and settle in your present. You must be some great seeker in your past life. That is why you are sitting here to get self realisaiton. And the third simple thing is you forgive everyone together. Forgive everyone together. No need to think about anyone. Even though it will not matter whether you forgive anyone or not but think. If you don’t forgive anyone, what are we doing. Nothing. On the other hand, if we don’t forgive, we fall prey into wrong hands. And by this we torture ourselves. Whole life, we have been torturing ourselves and whoever has tortured us, they are happy doing something else and we are thinking about their behavior. Second thing is this Agnya chakra is twisted like a cross here and to open this chakra, it is important to forgive everyone. If you do not forgive, Kundalini will not rise upward. Whole of your life you have troubled yourself and now during self realization also if you don’t forgive, your Agnya chakra will not open. You don’t have to think about anyone. All you have to do is say “Mother I forgive everyone from my heart.” These three things I have told you. I hope you will keep them in your heart. Now all of you put both your hands towards me like this. First remove your shoes and slippers. Keep your hands like this. Keep your right hand towards me and your left hand on your Talu, that is fontanelle bone which was very soft in your childhood. Put your left hand on this, not on top of this but a little above and watch if you are getting any cool vibrations or hot vibrations from there. This is the effect of Kundalini coming to your fontanelle bone area. Keep moving your hand because some people get it very near fontanelle bone area and some get a little away. Keep watching. Now the other hand. Put your left hand towards me and keep your right hand on your fontanelle bone area and watch. If you think you are guilty, even after rising, Kundalini will fall again. That is why with full confidence, tell in your mind “I am not guilty. I have not done anything wrong”. Now again right hand. You don’t have to touch it. Some people get it very far. If you don’t forgive, you will get very hot air. So again say “I forgive everyone”. Bend your head. Now put your right hand towards me and check the vibrations with your left hand. Now put both your hands towards the Sky and bend your head backwards and ask one question in your mind. Ask any one question which I tell you. Ask this question in your mind three times. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. “Mother is this all pervading power? Or “Mother is this God’s power of love”. Ask any question three times in your mind. Now put your hands down and keep both your hands towards me and don’t think. Now whoever got cool vibrations in your hands, fingers or palms, head, please raise your hands. This is param Chaitanya which you have experienced for the first time today. Now whoever got cool or hot vibrations, please raise your hands. Blessings to all! All Saints and Sages are sitting here in Haryana.
SATYA APNI JAGAH ADIG HAI 3.4.1992 (TRUTH IS FIRM IN ITS PLACE) I bow to all the seekers of truth. First of all, we have to understand that Truth is firm in its place, which we cannot change, about which we cannot even imagine and we cannot know it in this human awareness. Today, whatever questions are in front of us, all those questions are focused in human mind. Man has raised these questions and he is standing in his own belief. In darkness, in his ignorance, man cannot see and because of this, he adopts all types of destruction and all types of problems. By giving lecture or advice or speech, it will make no difference to him. As such, lot of people give speech and everyone starts talking about Truth and give lectures. They read some books and start giving lectures on this. But, it is very difficult for human mind to accept this. The reality is that we have still not achieved the status where we can imbibe all this in us and know the truth. That awareness has to be awakened within us and that Truth is established in our heart in the form of Spirit which watches us as to what we are doing and keeps an eye on all our activities and what is its effect on human mind. That is why it is not in our attention. To bring it to our attention, there is only one way God has created and that is you have to establish your connection with the God and that incident can be achieved only through Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja means you all know Saha means with us and ja means born and you all have the right to this union. Truth about which I am going to tell you, it is not necessary that you should accept it in blind faith but there is no other way. Once you get the proof, you should accept it in all honesty, because in this only you will benefit, and your country will benefit and is beneficial to the whole world. If this is not done, we cannot imagine to which hell the world will fall into. Truth is, you are not this body, mind, intelligence, ego. So much so that the religion which you follow is also not integrated in you. You are only pure Spirit and since you have not reached there yet, you are in darkness. And also the second truth is God’s love is surrounding us from all the four sides. Brahma Chaitanya from all the sides. That is why when you look at the sky, so much light is there. All this light is of that Brahma Chaitanya, which is doing all the work, however minute, at every moment, every hour, every place. We are not able to understand this. So much greenery is there and we look at all the work being done but we never think how such great miracles happen. We leave all this on this Mother Earth and She grows it and gives us fruit. We don’t even think about this. It is said we are transformed from amoeba stage. Which is that energy which has made us into human beings? Who is doing all this work? Everything has its own limitations. Understand it like this. One mango tree, it will grow to an extent only, or a rose plant. It will grow to a certain height only. Similarly human being also grow to an extent only. Which is the energy which produces this? Who is doing all this? How is our heart beating? In our heart, Anahat chakra is situated. In Anahat chakra when two different type of things collide with each other, then sound comes. That is natural. But without any reason, when the sound comes from our heart, from where does it come? Doctors also do not know the source of this and they in all honesty say that “ we do not know anything about this and we do not know about parasympathetic nervous system”. When we do some work or run, our breathing becomes faster, then our heart beat grows but we don’t know how the parasympathetic nervous system brings it to normal. They do not have any answer for this. It is its religion. In all the religion, it is written that you must first get self realization. In all the religion, it is written but no religion follows this because they do not know how this has to be done. Slowly when the great religion came to the forefront, very great people started talking about chakras and that religion became strong and only those religion survived because they did not run behind power or money. When we do not have power to control ourselves, what should we do with acquiring power of others. And to become slave of money, we cannot explain about human being. Therefore, it is necessary that we should think that Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or from any religion, from Sikh religion or from Hindu religion, he can commit any type of sin. It has no connection with the religion. He has no religion inside him. Then what is the reason we are becoming mad about religion and are talking so much about religion? Then what is the reason that we cannot become secular. What is the way by which we can become secular. One thing is, unless our Spirit is enlightened inside us, we cannot have intimacy and have oneness with everyone. Whatever religion you want to adopt, it will flow inside you but it is necessary that to achieve this, you must first get self realization and to get this, it is not difficult at all. It is very simple. Sahaj Samadhi. Saha ja You can achieve all this through Sahaj only. It should be very simple. If it is very difficult, then no one can do this work. But because people do not have a right to this, there is no knowledge and do not know about this and are running behind money and power, they can not get this. That is why, they are told ok. You take this name that name, do this, do that. But no one gets benefit of this. No one gets anything. Every type of problem comes. People say ”Mother, We are doing so much even then we are we having so much problem in our home? Our country has so much problem? The reason for this is there is no knowledge inside us. Nothing is inside. Everything is outside Everything is being talked about outside. That is why we must understand that first we must get self realization. I cannot describe the amount of benefit human beings can get out of this. I am surprised myself that people are benefitting so much and so fast from this. So people have never thought or got idea to correct this that it should be done like this. From time immemorial, it is written about this in scriptures. Though one thing is certain that awakening of Kundalini is described in all the scriptures but no one has been able to do this. It is said that Raja Janak once gave self realization to one dancer and then till 12th century, only one Guru was able to awaken the kundalini of one of his disciple. This was the culture for a long time. In 12th century Sant Gyaneshwar, in his own language, for the first time wrote about this. Before that only in Sanskrit language it was written and no one understood Sanskrit language. Whoever understood could give self realization to only one disciple. When Gyneshwar wrote about this in Gyneshwari that there is energy called Kundalini within us and it can be awakened, union takes place, then every one thought that it is not our cup of tea and said read Gyaneshwari but don’t read 6th chapter where this is described. Like this, even that was not followed. Here in North India, no one had heard the name of Kundalini. In the beginning when I talked about Kundalini, they thought I am talking about Kundli (horoscope). There is lot of difference between the two. It is also written that Kundalini is established within us and how it can be awakened. The awakening of Kundalini is very limited but today this is happening in thousands of people. If this is not done and the special energies which are inside human being are not reflected, then human beings will be lost. So much energy is hidden inside a human being, so much power that it is absolutely necessary for it to be awakened. Today we have become human from Amoeba and now we have to rise a little above human so that we can get self realization. That light, the light of our Spirit will show us the difference between what we were and what we are. First of all, you will get into thoughtless awareness. Meaning in your mind you won’t get thoughts and peace will be established. Like thoughts will be rising and falling, again some thoughts are rising and falling and we are floating on top of the thoughts. The thoughts come either of future or from the past and if I tell you to stay in present, you cannot do so. We have to be in present because past is over and no one knows what is in future. Therefore, present moment, this moment is the truth. This is the reality. We are not able to settle down in present. That is why, when Kundalini is awakened during Self Realisation, these thoughts become longer and longer and the gap between the two thoughts is called vilamb (delay). There the present comes and stays. From this, mind becomes totally free without any thought. Totally open. Budha has called this language of love. Once this comes, you get into a state which is called Doubtless state. Here if you establish yourself a little and become indestructible, doubtless state comes on its own. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is a state where a man is not concerned about anything and all the energies start flowing on its own, inside and outside. Inside you get self realized and know about all the chakras on your fingertips. Not only that, from inside you start imbibing everything. You become totally clean. Like one wheel is moving on its centre point. This is from outside also. Similarly your mind which was moving in all direction, will settle down at one point on its axis. From there, you watch everything peacefully. You only watch it and do not get agitated with it. You get so much energy that when you watch, from inside all the questions get answered. Like, think if you are standing in water and you are afraid of the flow of water and are going deeper but somehow if you climb a boat, you are able to watch the waves but if you become a swimmer, you can swim yourself and save thousands of others too. Similarly, when you are enlightened, you reach a stage where you can enlighten others also. If you get established in your realization, you can give realization to others also, you can give them mental peace and not only that, you can establish them in total happiness which is spiritually ultimate. And to achieve this happiness, man starts leaving behind all unwanted things. This does not mean that you leave your home, you leave your family. You don’t have to leave anything. Nothing like this leaves you but all the unwanted things which are stuck within us, you start leaving them and not only that you start establishing a balance between husband and a wife and your children and a very sweet relationship is established. Like this there are lot of families in the world who have, after coming to Sahaja Yoga, are leading a very smooth and balanced life. It is really surprising that everything happens so easily. I don’t say anything to anyone like the Saints used to say “don’t drink alcohol, don’t smoke”. Some have said don’t do this, don’t do that. I don’t say anything to anyone. I only say “awaken their Kundalini”. Once they get some light within themselves, they will leave everything on their own and will get established. Then you become your own Guru and start understanding yourself. You look at yourself and realize that this is wrong, this should not be done, and leave it. Not only this, you get so much energy that if you desire something, it happens immediately, instantly. I have seen such Sahaja Yogis also that they wished for something and because of that, I don’t know how so much will power was there in their wish that their desire worked out instantly. Once you become a realized soul, your thought process also changes and your desire also changes and everyone stays happily in the ocean of happiness. The second thing that happens is you come into collective consciousness. Today if you see, you may not even know about yourself, what sickness you have or what is gripping you. You cannot understand but after realization, you will immediately understand which chakra is spoiled. You will start knowing about chakras of others also. If you learn how to correct the chakras, you can help others. This collective consciousness comes into our nerves from which we can understand what is the status of his chakras. Like if this hand has some problem, immediately the other hand will know and come to its help. Similarly if some Sahaja yogi gets into trouble, all the Sahaja yogis in the world will know and everyone will come running to help. When I had gone to Russia for the first time, I was surprised, I saw 25 Sahaja yogis from Germany there. German Sahaja Yogis are entirely different from the way we imagine Germans. I have found that German Sahaja Yogis are the most responsible and intelligent, very humble and very loving people. They will talk to you so humbly and sweetly, you will think from where your relatives from past life have come here. All the way, they came from Germany to Russia. When I asked them “how come you are all here”. They said “Mother don’t you think this is our responsibility. Our ancestors had created so much havoc here, we only have to correct it. Who else can do it. I was filled with happiness that such wonderful thoughts are coming into them that Germans have come and killed Russians earlier and today it is our responsibility to correct them and help them. Such type of goodwill which is worldwide gets awakened in you and such worldwide thoughts come in you like all the Incarnations, Prophets and all great people, I will say all the Saints are also integrated in them. Like this in this worldwide religion, you won’t start disrespecting any Incarnations or any Sadgurus but you will start worshipping them. You will be surprised that Christians worship Mohammed Saheb and Buddhists worship Christ. Like this, Muslims worship Ganapati and Hindus worship Mohammed Saheb. You must have heard such things but this miracles happen once you are enlightened when you see that all these flowers have come from one spiritual tree and we have broken them from the tree and we are claiming all these dead flowers as our own although we do not have any such religion and proof. We realise that the fragrance is spiritual and once we turn towards Spiritualism, then you understand that these people have done all the work, as a result of which you are growing and sitting here like a Seeker seeking the Spiritual ascent. At that time only you realise that how much we should be grateful to them and how much we should be thankful that these people have been tortured and suffered so much for us and every time have tried to establish Dharma but we have only not understood it and have broken it into many parts and have started to fight. All these things will vanish once you get your self realization when you will become pure, refined absolutely pure. Nanak sahib has talked about this purity only. Whoever is clean is really pure. If someone puts a brand on them that they are self realized, Saints or sages, no one becomes saints by this, no one becomes pure. In reality, until this happens, you will not become a Saint or pure even if you put a brand in you. I even heard that in Haryana, very great Sadhu is sitting, who is robbing everyone. You all are so innocent and simple. I see lot of people from Haryana are sitting here. So much so that even young children are not able to talk. They have brought so many young children with them. I see lot of children with so many problems. All these problems have come to them from this man because he is doing black magic etc. and he calls all these people which affects the whole community. Going to him once or twice or taking help from him is also very wrong. If you have any problem at any time, don’t go to such people. I am telling you very clearly. I am a Mother and I know how wrong these people are. In Switzerland they have spread such diseases that small children die in their bed. All these are black magic. It is a very bad vidya. They do all these only to make money. If only making money is the main thing, it is better they become robber or do something else or get into black money racket but why become a Tantrik (occulist). From this, you will also go to hell and those on whom you do all your black magic will also go to hell. It is really sad that because of these people Kundalini of many people is also spoiled. Such type of people are spread over in so many places. You see them once and decide to go as far away as possible from them. You all are very simple and easygoing people. In Haryana, because of agriculture, people have lot of respect. I see people are very simple and straightforward and it is very easy to rob such innocent people. But you innocent people will make great Sahaja yogis. Like this, in Europe, there is a place called Austria. There also lot of people do agriculture. There are very great Sahaja yogis. They are so devoted that I am surprised myself that from where so good people have gathered. They are very focused and also educated and are doing so much for Sahaja Yoga that except Sahaja Yoga, nothing is important to them. They are doing all the work in a very Sahaj way. Though they are married, have children, everything is alright. But their attention is always on Sahaj and their desire is that in the whole world, Sahaja Yoga should spread. And for this whatever is possible, they are doing. Like this, here also such people will become ready who will go to the whole world and spread Sahaja. I am very happy to see you all that so many people are here who are seeking the truth. But while seeking the truth, you must remember one or two things. One thing is while seeking the truth, you must be humble. If you catch my neck and ask me to awaken your Kundalini, Kundalini can never be awakened. You have to be very humble and ask to give you self realization. Very humbly. You must be worried how is it possible. But you don’t have to worry. You don’t have to spend any money. Moreover, for such a priceless thing, what money can you give? This is a living process. Can anyone know this or can anyone understand this? In this money does not work. What works is your strong desire than anything else. Only you must have pure desire. You all know that where you are sitting, this is a yoga bhumi, karma bhumi and on this earth, we don’t know how many Saints and Sages have worked? How many incarnations have come? You are sitting on this Bhumi, this Yoga Bhumi, it is very easy you will get this benefit. I have told you earlier in this, there is no role of mind. So don’t fall into the trap of mind. This is beyond mind. That is why it is said, “you must surrender”. Until you surrender your ego, how can Kundalini rise. It does not mean you must surrender money to me. I don’t want anything. And to surrender oneself in front of this all pervading power. What have we achieved till now? We have learnt to talk, apart from this, what have we gained in this world? As far as achieving is concerned, we must realise that we should humbly request. If there is no humbleness, it is very difficult. With humbleness, you must accept this and experiencing this. Whoever does not want this experience, you may please leave and go home because sitting here and looking at others is wrong and it is not good culture. That is why whoever do not want, may please go home because this cannot be forced on you and you have total freedom to experience this or not. We have to recognise this and respect. We cannot ignore your freedom in any way. You are free. If you want only, please take self realization and if you don’t want, don’t take. Tell me like this, can you get any living process by force. That is why human beings have total freedom and we have to respect that freedom and that is why whoever do not want, please leave and go. I have told you keep your hands towards me like this and sit. This is a very great yoga bhumi and from time immemorial, lot of Saints have done lot of work here and we get the benefit of that. The greatest benefit is that, Kundalini awakens very fast and rises very fast. After Kundalini is awakened, people don’t get established which is very wrong. Once your Kundalini is awakened, you must establish yourself. I hope after getting self realization, you all will definitely try to establish yourself in this and you will see within one month, you will rise from where to where. It is my request to you all that you should respect your self realization and respect yourself too. In this, there are three conditions. One condition is that we must have total self-confidence within us that we shall get self realization today. This confidence you must have. You must not think that you are a Sinner or you have committed sin or such wrong thoughts. First remove these from your mind that you are guilty. To think you are guilty in everything is also wrong, because of this, this chakra here gets caught and if this chakra is caught, you may get spondylitis, or angina. All the organs in your body are weak. That is why, don’t think you have committed this sin or are guilty. Just think you are going to get self realization with total confidence in yourself and second thing is don’t think you are guilty at all. Whatever is past is over and today you are sitting in the present. And in this present only this self realization is going to take place. So please forget about your past and settle in your present. You must be some great seeker in your past life. That is why you are sitting here to get self realisaiton. And the third simple thing is you forgive everyone together. Forgive everyone together. No need to think about anyone. Even though it will not matter whether you forgive anyone or not but think. If you don’t forgive anyone, what are we doing. Nothing. On the other hand, if we don’t forgive, we fall prey into wrong hands. And by this we torture ourselves. Whole life, we have been torturing ourselves and whoever has tortured us, they are happy doing something else and we are thinking about their behavior. Second thing is this Agnya chakra is twisted like a cross here and to open this chakra, it is important to forgive everyone. If you do not forgive, Kundalini will not rise upward. Whole of your life you have troubled yourself and now during self realization also if you don’t forgive, your Agnya chakra will not open. You don’t have to think about anyone. All you have to do is say “Mother I forgive everyone from my heart.” These three things I have told you. I hope you will keep them in your heart. Now all of you put both your hands towards me like this. First remove your shoes and slippers. Keep your hands like this. Keep your right hand towards me and your left hand on your Talu, that is fontanelle bone which was very soft in your childhood. Put your left hand on this, not on top of this but a little above and watch if you are getting any cool vibrations or hot vibrations from there. This is the effect of Kundalini coming to your fontanelle bone area. Keep moving your hand because some people get it very near fontanelle bone area and some get a little away. Keep watching. Now the other hand. Put your left hand towards me and keep your right hand on your fontanelle bone area and watch. If you think you are guilty, even after rising, Kundalini will fall again. That is why with full confidence, tell in your mind “I am not guilty. I have not done anything wrong”. Now again right hand. You don’t have to touch it. Some people get it very far. If you don’t forgive, you will get very hot air. So again say “I forgive everyone”. Bend your head. Now put your right hand towards me and check the vibrations with your left hand. Now put both your hands towards the Sky and bend your head backwards and ask one question in your mind. Ask any one question which I tell you. Ask this question in your mind three times. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji. “Mother is this all pervading power? Or “Mother is this God’s power of love”. Ask any question three times in your mind. Now put your hands down and keep both your hands towards me and don’t think. Now whoever got cool vibrations in your hands, fingers or palms, head, please raise your hands. This is param Chaitanya which you have experienced for the first time today. Now whoever got cool or hot vibrations, please raise your hands. Blessings to all! All Saints and Sages are sitting here in Haryana.
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program
Arrival and Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Advises in Rome ashram, April, 15 1992 All the Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Adi Shaki Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki jai!Shri Mataji: Ah. All right. All right. Sit down, sit down. All the children sit down. Here. All right. All right. It’s such a surprise. Shri Mataji [ to the children]: You are happy?Children: Yes. [cut in the video]Shri Mataji: It’s such a surprise to see you. So, many people coming from the outside Rome. Such surprise and such joy. Now what I find, all over the world, that the Sahaja Yogis are getting very responsible. Very responsible and trying to plan out how to increase the numbers and also how to increase the quality. And the improvement is tremendous. So, what we have to remember that it is not only if we have regard and respect for Mataji, also it is not sufficient that we are surrendered absolutely. Also, that you now have identified me well, still is not sufficient. You see as you know, there are people in other religions also, they all are surrendered say, to Christ. They respect Christ and accept that he was the son of God. But they haven’t achieved much. For your ascent, because you are Realized souls, you have to know that your own powers must increase. That means you have to trust yourself fully and work it out. Because only through you, people are going to come to Sahaja Yoga. When they see you only, they will think there is something great about it. So, you have to work it out properly by intensive meditation and by collective work. So, this will only help you, help Sahaja Yoga and help the whole world. Of course, by your ‘shraddha’ by your faith, you will have very great power over the - I mean you can have a great, you can say, a connection with this All-pervading power. And that you will be able to get all the blessings. But that should make you more sort of confident, that you have to give it to others. And when it comes to giving to others, then it is important for you to develop your depths, your dimensions. And there are so many dimensions within us, we still have to found out, are to be developed. Unless and until you can manage that, spend time on that, introspect, you cannot grow. That is what it is, we have to work out ourselves on our own powers. Of course, you have to meditate daily, no doubt. Also, you have to be very collective. But also, you have to think, how you will spread Sahaja Yoga and how you will impart this knowledge to others. Christ had only twelve disciples and most of them ran away because of Paul. And it fell only into the hands of Paul and Peter, who Christ has described as satanic. So, it is Paul who has manufactured all those things, that he will give the key and that the church will be established on the rock. It’s all manufactured by this Mr. Paul on Peter because he is such a weak, weak disciple of Christ. So, that’s how we have to understand, that these crooks can spread Christianity so much, why not we, so many pure saints like you? So, the responsibility has to be taken over with wisdom and with your powers. That is my message for all the Sahaja Yogis. The first thing is to know English because it’s important. Second one is to know certain songs by heart. You can compete with each other. This is something simple. Thirdly, look after your body properly, your chakras, your Sahasrara, your hair, everything. It’s so important. Now about the children also. They have found out, that the children in the West are very wild and I think it is better to keep these children in Dharamsala because also their immunity system is very poor. What I learnt that, from their very childhood, people start, doctors start giving them antibiotics. That is how they develop this immunity system in such a, I mean such a bad shape and it’s very dangerous because they catch everything. One coughing they start coughing. Somebody has a cold, they catch a cold. I mean everything. So, their immunity system we try to develop. So, you must remember not to hand any medicine, Homeopathic or say any other alternatives medicine or allopathic medicine, unless and until you have consulted the leader or me. All the leaders. So, that you will know if you can take certain medications or not. But try to give vibrations. Try to practice vibrations. Have faith in vibrations and faith in yourself. This is going to help you a lot. I hope you people are all meditating morning and evening. Because Sahaja Yoga is such a thing, that even the smallest drop of the ocean you start enjoying. But we have to not only enjoy ourselves but make the whole world enjoy. Otherwise, you will be selfish. All right. I am coming back again for the Easter Puja. And then we’ll go to places like Italy, southern Italy, various places like Napoli and Dolores. You all should organize it before coming. Now, what is the program? You want a sing a song? Let’s have a song. One song and then I have to go. Without [Shri Mataji is saying ‘without’ for the songbook I .e.sing without seeing the book] All right. You have pain now? [To some Sahaja Yogi]. Still, pain? Put your left hand there. Here on this site, where you have the pain. Left side, Left hand where you have the pain. left hand, wherever you have the pain. Put the right hand. Sit down. [Sahaja Yogis start singing bhajan] Now one song from the children. [to the Sahaja Yogi who has pain] Now feeling better? [Unclear] Sahaja Yogi: There is a Sahaja Yogi from Peru. Has composed a song for you Shri Mataji. [Song starts] Shri Mataji: Who has done this? [she is asking about the song] Sahaja Yogi: Who has done this song? Shri Mataji: Now the children. Which one do you want to sing? [Children start singing] Shri Mataji :[after the song is over] Very sweet. Very beautiful. Shri Mataji: So, now I’ll take your leave and I hope to see you all from the 18th, 17th. 17th I’ll be there. [Unclear]. May God bless you.Sahaja Yogis: Jai! [Unclear] You have to telephone to Shanti. Also, you have to telephone me and we’ll find out about it. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Children: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Very good. Very good. Very good. May God bless you. Are you better now? Better? [Ice creams are being distributed. All the children get up to take them.] Shri Mataji to children: Sit down. You are not beggars. Sit properly. You are like a princes and princess. Sit and wait. Sit down. Sit down. All of you. [Shri Mataji is given ice cream to eat] Shri Mataji: I am eating. Annie, You didn’t get one? Who didn’t get?It’s very good. Excellent. Is it good now? Is it good? Give it to her. There is one there. She didn’t get. To her. One child there. Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible][Talking to Sahaja Yogis] Ah. I didn’t see you. How are you?Sahaja Yogini: Thank you, Mother.Sahaja Yogi: Just came a few days back. Shri Mataji: I haven’t seen but somebody told me and I am very happy to know he is here. May God bless you.How is the situation there? Still the same?Sahaja Yogini: Mother. It’s much better. Everything is working slowly, slowly. The country is changing.Shri Mataji: They must have learnt a lesson from this Iraq. Sahaja Yogini: And Mother. We put your picture on the TV. The whole programme on TV has changed.Shri Mataji: My picture on the TV?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. On top of the TV. So, the whole program in the TV has changed. It was so terrible, especially with children. Because.Shri Mataji: Teaching them violence.Sahaja Yogini: Yes. And all left side stories.Shri Mataji: About what?Shri Mataji: To make them upset to make them cry. All left side stories for children. Shri Mataji: How did they allow you to come here? Did they allow you? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, with the papers. They are very strict. Shri Mataji: If Iran could change. What’s that? [Seeing the big socks ] Very big people. sometimes they increase sometimes they decrease. [Inaudible] But in America, there are lots of Iranians, who will take to Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yogini: Also, in Iran, all Sahaja Yogis are Armenian from Russia.Shri Mataji: How are they?Sahaja Yogini: All are good. Especially the new ones. We have a new group of young people and they want to meditate and come for every day. Shri Mataji: Really? Did you go there?Sahaja Yogi: She was there. She just came from there.Shri Mataji: Iraq?Both Yogi and Sahaja Yogini: No Iran. Iran.Shri Mataji: In Iran? I heard Iraq.Both Yogi and Sahaja Yogini: No. No. Iran.Shri Mataji: Iran. Do they come all the way?Sahaja Yogi: No. These Armenians, they are from Russia but they have contacted her mother. So, they come for meditation to their house. But they are all from Russia. Ya. They are coming for meditation. Shri Mataji: They are allowed for coming to Iraq?Sahaja Yogini: Not to Iraq. It is in Iran in my house in Persia.Sahaja Yogi: Persia. Persia. They are in Persia.Shri Mataji: Persia.Sahaja Yogi: Russian Armenians. They go every day to her mother’s house for meditation. Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogini: Yeah. And they would be very glad if you could come to Turkey. Shri Mataji: No. Armenia is more towards Iraq.Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Iran and Turkey.Shri Mataji: Turkey. If I go to Turkey, I might be able to see them. They can come to Turkey easily?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. They can come. They don’t have any problems.Sahaja Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji. No problem.Shri Mataji: But they are accepted as Turkish? No, not yet? They are like refugees.Sahaja Yogini: No. They are living in Iran.Shri Mataji: But they are refugees?Sahaja Yogini: No, no, no. They are not refugees. They live there after the war that happened between Armenia and Turkey. Shri Mataji: Long time back.Sahaja Yogini: Long time back. Some went to America, some came to [inaudible] some went to Europe. So, these are the ones that live in Iran and the nice thing is, that after they went to Russia the vibrations from there collected all the Russian Armenians. You see they are all connected with Russia. They are Armenians but from Russia. So, and also, we have one Persian Sahaja Yogini. She is half Russian half Persian. Shri Mataji: It’s quite interesting. But these are Armenians are against the Muslim people, same Russians.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They were Christians. These are not.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They are Christians or Muslims?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. All Armenians are Christians.Shri Mataji: They are living in Iraq?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. I am Armenian.Shri Mataji: Eh?Sahaja Yogini: I am Armenian. Shri Mataji: But you are Christian?Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: I see. There is no objection for Christians living there in Iraq? Sahaja Yogini: No. There are some Zarathustra and some Jews. Some Armenians, some Bahais, some Australians. Shri Mataji: Bahais they have tortured there, I think.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They don’t like Bahais.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji there was an Armenian who came to Geneva. He came to Swiss. And he got realization in Geneva about six months ago and he went back through Moscow. He is staying with Bogdan for a month and he when he returned to Armenia, he organized a programme. There were more than two hundred people for the program, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Yes. Shri Mataji: How do you go to Armenia?Sahaja Yogi: I guess the best will be through Iran but otherwise you go to Russia, to Russia Shri Mataji and Bogdan has been Bogdan has control over there because he got realization in Geneva. He went back through Moscow to Armenia and we have contact with him. So, if you wish to be in Armenia Mother, we know how to get in touch with him.Shri Mataji: Yes. Of course. Of course.Sahaja Yogi: He was very much afraid of organizing the programme but he finally did organize it and two hundred people showed up.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: So, it was very successful. Bogdan is in touch with them.Shri Mataji: Eh?Sahaja Yogi’ Bogdan is in touch with these Armenians.Shri Mataji: All right. So, that’s when I go to Russia, we can contact him. [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogini: Also, my mother is going to come to Russia.Shri Mataji: Really? She can?Sahaja Yogini: Her brother is living in Russia.Shri Mataji: Is he?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. So, first she is going to come first to Russia to her brother.Shri Mataji: I hope we get all of them there from this Azerbaijan. Sahaja Yogini: We don’t really know about them, but this worry is because now Iran is against Azerbaijan. They give them, they give grants to Armenians and they give petrol to them. So, Armenians fight instead of Iranians and Turkish. And one of those belongs to Armenian people which was taken away by Turkish people and now they want him back. Shri Mataji: Do you think when I go? What about Azerbaijan?Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: So, many were killed.Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear] Russian Azerbaijan want to be one country. [unclear] Shri Mataji: Somebody has to go and talk to them. Some sensible person. [unclear] just playing into the hands of the government. Sahaja Yogi:[unclear] Shri Mataji. They are very nice people. It is very difficult to talk to these people. Shri Mataji: Let me see I go down. They have done meticulously. The Russian ambassador invited me, he honoured me. He said we are very thankful for what you have done. Now don’t want anything. We don’t want any kingdoms. We don’t want any [unclear] any money. Nothing. What we want that in our country people should be pure-hearted clean type as you have described. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji. [He is talking in another language] Shri Mataji: Russia it works out I’ll go round. Good idea. Yogi: We have also a gentleman from Cuba Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: From Where?Sahaja Yogi: Cuba. Cuba.Shri Mataji: Eh? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: They are related to Sandra. This is Sandra’s sister and her husband and this gentleman just came from Cuba Mr.Santiago. [A Sahaja family comes forward to pay respects to Shri Mataji] Shri Mataji: From Cuba?New Sahaja Yogini: I am [unclear] and run away to Alabama and we have come back to Cuba [unclear]And he also the son of my sister. He also has come from Cuba three years ago and he is teaching there in Cuba now.New Yogi: [unclear]New Sahaja Yogini: In Cuba, he says the situation is very, very difficult. They cannot bring [unclear]Sahaja Yogi: Have a Bandhan to Cuba.Shri Mataji: Did they have as many [unclear] but ultimately the situation is so bad everywhere especially in Cuba. New Sahaja Yogini: [talking to Yogis from Cuba in her language]Shri Mataji: [unclear] They will have to do it.Sahaja Yogi: To Sahaja Yoga.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language]Shri Mataji: And because this Communism has failed and these Cubans are trying to keep it up but it will all be blasted off. New Sahaja Yogini: [unclear]Shri Mataji: First of all, I can go. Of course. I would love to go. My husband has been there three times because Cuba President was having a problem with his wife. So, I said give a very beautiful statute of so big size out of sandalwood and of Shiva and Parvati but they are divorced.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language]Shri Mataji: This Castro you see. Before was D[unclear] Baker their president. D[unclear] Baker was their president.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language] Shri Mataji: He must be having that statue of Shiva and Parvati. My attention has been there. My attention has been very much in Cuba. Another Sahaja Yogini: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: The first one?New Sahaja Yogini: Yes, it’s the first one and he has got his realization and is now coming back to Cuba and he will stay there for[unclear]Shri Mataji: It’s all right. I’ll come.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language] [Shri Mataji gets up to leave.]Sahaja Yogis: Jai!Children: Thank you Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: it’s quite a sunny day.Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [unclear] outside is thereSahaja Yogis: [unclear]Shri Mataji: All right. May God bless you.Children: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Thank you all of you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now all of them are going to work it. One Sahaja Yogi: This way Shri Mataji. [One Sahaja Yogini put garland to Shri Mataji and another does aarti] All Sahaja Yogis: Sakshat Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha. Shri Mataji: I hope to see you all [unclear] in all the programmes.Hello Sir. How are you? [addressing the dog] [Laughter] One Sahaja Yogi: Better. He is much better. Shri Mataji: Much better now. Even another one is happy.Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Another Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: [talking to Yogis, Inaudible] Thank you. bye-bye. Bolo Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki Jai!
Advises in Rome ashram, April, 15 1992 All the Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Adi Shaki Shri Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki jai!Shri Mataji: Ah. All right. All right. Sit down, sit down. All the children sit down. Here. All right. All right. It’s such a surprise. Shri Mataji [ to the children]: You are happy?Children: Yes. [cut in the video]Shri Mataji: It’s such a surprise to see you. So, many people coming from the outside Rome. Such surprise and such joy. Now what I find, all over the world, that the Sahaja Yogis are getting very responsible. Very responsible and trying to plan out how to increase the numbers and also how to increase the quality. And the improvement is tremendous. So, what we have to remember that it is not only if we have regard and respect for Mataji, also it is not sufficient that we are surrendered absolutely. Also, that you now have identified me well, still is not sufficient. You see as you know, there are people in other religions also, they all are surrendered say, to Christ. They respect Christ and accept that he was the son of God. But they haven’t achieved much. For your ascent, because you are Realized souls, you have to know that your own powers must increase. That means you have to trust yourself fully and work it out. Because only through you, people are going to come to Sahaja Yoga. When they see you only, they will think there is something great about it. So, you have to work it out properly by intensive meditation and by collective work. So, this will only help you, help Sahaja Yoga and help the whole world. Of course, by your ‘shraddha’ by your faith, you will have very great power over the - I mean you can have a great, you can say, a connection with this All-pervading power. And that you will be able to get all the blessings. But that should make you more sort of confident, that you have to give it to others. And when it comes to giving to others, then it is important for you to develop your depths, your dimensions. And there are so many dimensions within us, we still have to found out, are to be developed. Unless and until you can manage that, spend time on that, introspect, you cannot grow. That is what it is, we have to work out ourselves on our own powers. Of course, you have to meditate daily, no doubt. Also, you have to be very collective. But also, you have to think, how you will spread Sahaja Yoga and how you will impart this knowledge to others. Christ had only twelve disciples and most of them ran away because of Paul. And it fell only into the hands of Paul and Peter, who Christ has described as satanic. So, it is Paul who has manufactured all those things, that he will give the key and that the church will be established on the rock. It’s all manufactured by this Mr. Paul on Peter because he is such a weak, weak disciple of Christ. So, that’s how we have to understand, that these crooks can spread Christianity so much, why not we, so many pure saints like you? So, the responsibility has to be taken over with wisdom and with your powers. That is my message for all the Sahaja Yogis. The first thing is to know English because it’s important. Second one is to know certain songs by heart. You can compete with each other. This is something simple. Thirdly, look after your body properly, your chakras, your Sahasrara, your hair, everything. It’s so important. Now about the children also. They have found out, that the children in the West are very wild and I think it is better to keep these children in Dharamsala because also their immunity system is very poor. What I learnt that, from their very childhood, people start, doctors start giving them antibiotics. That is how they develop this immunity system in such a, I mean such a bad shape and it’s very dangerous because they catch everything. One coughing they start coughing. Somebody has a cold, they catch a cold. I mean everything. So, their immunity system we try to develop. So, you must remember not to hand any medicine, Homeopathic or say any other alternatives medicine or allopathic medicine, unless and until you have consulted the leader or me. All the leaders. So, that you will know if you can take certain medications or not. But try to give vibrations. Try to practice vibrations. Have faith in vibrations and faith in yourself. This is going to help you a lot. I hope you people are all meditating morning and evening. Because Sahaja Yoga is such a thing, that even the smallest drop of the ocean you start enjoying. But we have to not only enjoy ourselves but make the whole world enjoy. Otherwise, you will be selfish. All right. I am coming back again for the Easter Puja. And then we’ll go to places like Italy, southern Italy, various places like Napoli and Dolores. You all should organize it before coming. Now, what is the program? You want a sing a song? Let’s have a song. One song and then I have to go. Without [Shri Mataji is saying ‘without’ for the songbook I .e.sing without seeing the book] All right. You have pain now? [To some Sahaja Yogi]. Still, pain? Put your left hand there. Here on this site, where you have the pain. Left side, Left hand where you have the pain. left hand, wherever you have the pain. Put the right hand. Sit down. [Sahaja Yogis start singing bhajan] Now one song from the children. [to the Sahaja Yogi who has pain] Now feeling better? [Unclear] Sahaja Yogi: There is a Sahaja Yogi from Peru. Has composed a song for you Shri Mataji. [Song starts] Shri Mataji: Who has done this? [she is asking about the song] Sahaja Yogi: Who has done this song? Shri Mataji: Now the children. Which one do you want to sing? [Children start singing] Shri Mataji :[after the song is over] Very sweet. Very beautiful. Shri Mataji: So, now I’ll take your leave and I hope to see you all from the 18th, 17th. 17th I’ll be there. [Unclear]. May God bless you.Sahaja Yogis: Jai! [Unclear] You have to telephone to Shanti. Also, you have to telephone me and we’ll find out about it. May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Children: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: May God bless you. Very good. Very good. Very good. May God bless you. Are you better now? Better? [Ice creams are being distributed. All the children get up to take them.] Shri Mataji to children: Sit down. You are not beggars. Sit properly. You are like a princes and princess. Sit and wait. Sit down. Sit down. All of you. [Shri Mataji is given ice cream to eat] Shri Mataji: I am eating. Annie, You didn’t get one? Who didn’t get?It’s very good. Excellent. Is it good now? Is it good? Give it to her. There is one there. She didn’t get. To her. One child there. Sahaja Yogi: [Inaudible][Talking to Sahaja Yogis] Ah. I didn’t see you. How are you?Sahaja Yogini: Thank you, Mother.Sahaja Yogi: Just came a few days back. Shri Mataji: I haven’t seen but somebody told me and I am very happy to know he is here. May God bless you.How is the situation there? Still the same?Sahaja Yogini: Mother. It’s much better. Everything is working slowly, slowly. The country is changing.Shri Mataji: They must have learnt a lesson from this Iraq. Sahaja Yogini: And Mother. We put your picture on the TV. The whole programme on TV has changed.Shri Mataji: My picture on the TV?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. On top of the TV. So, the whole program in the TV has changed. It was so terrible, especially with children. Because.Shri Mataji: Teaching them violence.Sahaja Yogini: Yes. And all left side stories.Shri Mataji: About what?Shri Mataji: To make them upset to make them cry. All left side stories for children. Shri Mataji: How did they allow you to come here? Did they allow you? Sahaja Yogini: Yes, with the papers. They are very strict. Shri Mataji: If Iran could change. What’s that? [Seeing the big socks ] Very big people. sometimes they increase sometimes they decrease. [Inaudible] But in America, there are lots of Iranians, who will take to Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yogini: Also, in Iran, all Sahaja Yogis are Armenian from Russia.Shri Mataji: How are they?Sahaja Yogini: All are good. Especially the new ones. We have a new group of young people and they want to meditate and come for every day. Shri Mataji: Really? Did you go there?Sahaja Yogi: She was there. She just came from there.Shri Mataji: Iraq?Both Yogi and Sahaja Yogini: No Iran. Iran.Shri Mataji: In Iran? I heard Iraq.Both Yogi and Sahaja Yogini: No. No. Iran.Shri Mataji: Iran. Do they come all the way?Sahaja Yogi: No. These Armenians, they are from Russia but they have contacted her mother. So, they come for meditation to their house. But they are all from Russia. Ya. They are coming for meditation. Shri Mataji: They are allowed for coming to Iraq?Sahaja Yogini: Not to Iraq. It is in Iran in my house in Persia.Sahaja Yogi: Persia. Persia. They are in Persia.Shri Mataji: Persia.Sahaja Yogi: Russian Armenians. They go every day to her mother’s house for meditation. Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogini: Yeah. And they would be very glad if you could come to Turkey. Shri Mataji: No. Armenia is more towards Iraq.Sahaja Yogini: Yes. Iran and Turkey.Shri Mataji: Turkey. If I go to Turkey, I might be able to see them. They can come to Turkey easily?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. They can come. They don’t have any problems.Sahaja Yogi: Jai Shri Mataji. No problem.Shri Mataji: But they are accepted as Turkish? No, not yet? They are like refugees.Sahaja Yogini: No. They are living in Iran.Shri Mataji: But they are refugees?Sahaja Yogini: No, no, no. They are not refugees. They live there after the war that happened between Armenia and Turkey. Shri Mataji: Long time back.Sahaja Yogini: Long time back. Some went to America, some came to [inaudible] some went to Europe. So, these are the ones that live in Iran and the nice thing is, that after they went to Russia the vibrations from there collected all the Russian Armenians. You see they are all connected with Russia. They are Armenians but from Russia. So, and also, we have one Persian Sahaja Yogini. She is half Russian half Persian. Shri Mataji: It’s quite interesting. But these are Armenians are against the Muslim people, same Russians.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They were Christians. These are not.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They are Christians or Muslims?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. All Armenians are Christians.Shri Mataji: They are living in Iraq?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. I am Armenian.Shri Mataji: Eh?Sahaja Yogini: I am Armenian. Shri Mataji: But you are Christian?Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: I see. There is no objection for Christians living there in Iraq? Sahaja Yogini: No. There are some Zarathustra and some Jews. Some Armenians, some Bahais, some Australians. Shri Mataji: Bahais they have tortured there, I think.Sahaja Yogini: Yes.Shri Mataji: They don’t like Bahais.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji there was an Armenian who came to Geneva. He came to Swiss. And he got realization in Geneva about six months ago and he went back through Moscow. He is staying with Bogdan for a month and he when he returned to Armenia, he organized a programme. There were more than two hundred people for the program, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Yes. Shri Mataji: How do you go to Armenia?Sahaja Yogi: I guess the best will be through Iran but otherwise you go to Russia, to Russia Shri Mataji and Bogdan has been Bogdan has control over there because he got realization in Geneva. He went back through Moscow to Armenia and we have contact with him. So, if you wish to be in Armenia Mother, we know how to get in touch with him.Shri Mataji: Yes. Of course. Of course.Sahaja Yogi: He was very much afraid of organizing the programme but he finally did organize it and two hundred people showed up.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: So, it was very successful. Bogdan is in touch with them.Shri Mataji: Eh?Sahaja Yogi’ Bogdan is in touch with these Armenians.Shri Mataji: All right. So, that’s when I go to Russia, we can contact him. [Inaudible] Sahaja Yogini: Also, my mother is going to come to Russia.Shri Mataji: Really? She can?Sahaja Yogini: Her brother is living in Russia.Shri Mataji: Is he?Sahaja Yogini: Yes. So, first she is going to come first to Russia to her brother.Shri Mataji: I hope we get all of them there from this Azerbaijan. Sahaja Yogini: We don’t really know about them, but this worry is because now Iran is against Azerbaijan. They give them, they give grants to Armenians and they give petrol to them. So, Armenians fight instead of Iranians and Turkish. And one of those belongs to Armenian people which was taken away by Turkish people and now they want him back. Shri Mataji: Do you think when I go? What about Azerbaijan?Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: So, many were killed.Sahaja Yogi: [Unclear] Russian Azerbaijan want to be one country. [unclear] Shri Mataji: Somebody has to go and talk to them. Some sensible person. [unclear] just playing into the hands of the government. Sahaja Yogi:[unclear] Shri Mataji. They are very nice people. It is very difficult to talk to these people. Shri Mataji: Let me see I go down. They have done meticulously. The Russian ambassador invited me, he honoured me. He said we are very thankful for what you have done. Now don’t want anything. We don’t want any kingdoms. We don’t want any [unclear] any money. Nothing. What we want that in our country people should be pure-hearted clean type as you have described. Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji. [He is talking in another language] Shri Mataji: Russia it works out I’ll go round. Good idea. Yogi: We have also a gentleman from Cuba Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: From Where?Sahaja Yogi: Cuba. Cuba.Shri Mataji: Eh? May God bless you. Sahaja Yogi: They are related to Sandra. This is Sandra’s sister and her husband and this gentleman just came from Cuba Mr.Santiago. [A Sahaja family comes forward to pay respects to Shri Mataji] Shri Mataji: From Cuba?New Sahaja Yogini: I am [unclear] and run away to Alabama and we have come back to Cuba [unclear]And he also the son of my sister. He also has come from Cuba three years ago and he is teaching there in Cuba now.New Yogi: [unclear]New Sahaja Yogini: In Cuba, he says the situation is very, very difficult. They cannot bring [unclear]Sahaja Yogi: Have a Bandhan to Cuba.Shri Mataji: Did they have as many [unclear] but ultimately the situation is so bad everywhere especially in Cuba. New Sahaja Yogini: [talking to Yogis from Cuba in her language]Shri Mataji: [unclear] They will have to do it.Sahaja Yogi: To Sahaja Yoga.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language]Shri Mataji: And because this Communism has failed and these Cubans are trying to keep it up but it will all be blasted off. New Sahaja Yogini: [unclear]Shri Mataji: First of all, I can go. Of course. I would love to go. My husband has been there three times because Cuba President was having a problem with his wife. So, I said give a very beautiful statute of so big size out of sandalwood and of Shiva and Parvati but they are divorced.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language]Shri Mataji: This Castro you see. Before was D[unclear] Baker their president. D[unclear] Baker was their president.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language] Shri Mataji: He must be having that statue of Shiva and Parvati. My attention has been there. My attention has been very much in Cuba. Another Sahaja Yogini: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: The first one?New Sahaja Yogini: Yes, it’s the first one and he has got his realization and is now coming back to Cuba and he will stay there for[unclear]Shri Mataji: It’s all right. I’ll come.New Sahaja Yogini: [speaking in her language] [Shri Mataji gets up to leave.]Sahaja Yogis: Jai!Children: Thank you Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: it’s quite a sunny day.Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: [unclear] outside is thereSahaja Yogis: [unclear]Shri Mataji: All right. May God bless you.Children: Thank you Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: Thank you. Thank you all of you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now all of them are going to work it. One Sahaja Yogi: This way Shri Mataji. [One Sahaja Yogini put garland to Shri Mataji and another does aarti] All Sahaja Yogis: Sakshat Shri Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Namo Namaha. Shri Mataji: I hope to see you all [unclear] in all the programmes.Hello Sir. How are you? [addressing the dog] [Laughter] One Sahaja Yogi: Better. He is much better. Shri Mataji: Much better now. Even another one is happy.Sahaja Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Another Yogi: Thank you Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: [talking to Yogis, Inaudible] Thank you. bye-bye. Bolo Adishakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi ki Jai, ki Jai, ki Jai!
Evening Program and Talk: Nothing Can Dominate Us, Eve Of Easter Puja
Magliano Sabina
Evening Program
Talk Evening Before Easter Puja, Magliano Sabina (Italy), 18 April 1992. It was really very enjoyable today, to see all of you, in such a happy mood. What happiness what joy Sahaja Yoga has brought to all of you. It's really, I could never have imagined, that people could be that joyous and, that relaxed, as you were this evening. Also it shows, how much you have understood, the stupidity of this hypocrisy going on in the Name of God. Not only that, that you have understood, but, the way you have depicted it, showed also your great, art of acting, art of bringing out the salient points of all this hypocrisy. There are many people who can see this point, not that only we see, many people must be knowing about it also, but you have the power now, to, accept it, understand it, and realize it, as the truth, that they are really hypocrites. We have human beings, who of course, do not want to accept, do not want to see. They have closed their eyes, blind faith in all those hypocritical people, somehow or other, they lack reasoning, understanding, logic. But there are some who understand, who have this, full image of these people in different countries, in different, religions and all these guru people. They understand it. But still, they cannot, go against it, they dare not say anything against it, and even if they say, it will be in a very, hush-hush manner, not so openly as we did it today. Though it was very hilarious, and very enjoyable, but behind all this comedy I felt the tragedy, because, there are so many, who are suffering, who are being looted, who are being cheated, who are being used, morally who have been crushed. And I don't know how many, cruel things are going behind the scene in the Name of God. Such a tragedy that, is still going on in these modern times. But you are all very lucky and fortunate people, that you have dropped all this nonsense, all the shackles of blind faith and now, you are all enjoying the freedom of your Spirit. It's something I enjoyed the most. You have to understand, that we are now in the Kingdom of God, so we can see the reality, very clearly, and in the Kingdom of the God we are looked after, all the time by the Divine Power. How it works out, how it looks after us, is extremely remarkable. As you saw one drama, the one after all these actors coming on the stage, we actually, saw ourselves a drama in India, without organizing, very spontaneous, just like it was today, but without any organization, a beautiful drama we saw which I must tell you, so that you will understand how much this Divine Power is working it out. You remember we had a very bad time in Angapur when these people threw stones and so many were hurt, if you remember that night, and we were in trouble. And we had filed a case, but the case was not somehow or other started, and it was the date, something, where I could not be there, but still the case was there and we didn't know what was happening. There was one man who had come when we were having this program. His name was Anant Beransbe and he told Me that he's from the television and he wants to have his Realization. So I said: 'I cannot just now I have to speak, so you can go on the back side and sit down and we'll see if we can manage your Realization.' When these people, you heard the story, that it was they who had arranged this man from television to come, those who had been throwing stones at us, these [SOUNDS LIKE: andar sadar molan] people. And we didn't know what to do, so, a son-in-law of our Home Minister, came to My house in Pradisthan and asked for Realization. I was quite surprised this man coming down for Realization. And then I told him what is happening to us. He said: 'No no you can go and see this Home Minister. ' Now this Home Minister is a great disciple of our asatya Baba, imagine. I said: 'It's really; I don't know how it will work out this stupid fellow, this disciple of asatya Sai Baba. So just see the drama. He was quite hesitant, and with Me Rajesh Shah, Yogi Mahajan and one Nirvika who is from the same area as this Minister who had arranged this meeting. So we went there. So the private secretary had a great respect for Me, so he called the car inside, we couldn't understand. Then he came and touched My Feet. I was quite surprised. Then I went and sat with this Home Minister, and his wife came in and she touched My Feet. I was quite surprised, and she said: 'You don't remember me?' I said: 'I think I've seen you somewhere.' She said: 'You've forgotten we had gone together to London.' There was a, offer from Air India for people who have been doing social work, as a sort of a reward that we could go to England and come back. So there were quite a lot of ladies who went and the Chief Minister's wife also came and she was, actually he's Chief Minister at that time and she's his wife. They were very well known to My family. Actually their marriage was arranged by My father also. So they were, all sort of, they were new this western culture, very old-fashioned ladies, all old ladies you see, traveling with Me to London. There you see they were so shocked at the dance they saw and everything, they said: 'What are these dirty people doing here? Why are they showing us these dirty things, and we are not dirty women.' And like that you see they were. I had to tell them all right: 'They have this kind of dances only. If you don't want to see we can go out.' Went out and all of them started vomiting there. So it was such a bad condition with them. So they stuck on to Me in London, all of them, and one of them was the wife of this gentleman, and she said: 'That if You remember we all stuck on to You.' They were all older than Me, because they couldn't understand what's happening in these countries because they had never seen such dances, such women, such men. She said: 'But why are these Air India people troubling us like this? Why do they want to shock us?' I said: 'It's all right. That is their entertainment style doesn't matter and all.' But inside I was laughing: 'I said from where these old-fashioned women have come here and they can't stand all this nonsense. But this lady said that: 'See how You supported us, how You helped us, otherwise we are all collapsing you see there.' So this lady was very sweet and then she started telling her husband: 'You know She was quite young but She was very wise and She looked after us, and She did this and She was the youngest and all.' Then suddenly one girl, now one by one on the stage, first of all the wife came in, then they announced: 'There's a lady called Nirmala Deshbande who wants to meet her. So they said: 'No no just now I'm talking to Shri Mataji. I'll see her later.' 'No,' I said: 'You call her, she knows Me very well.' So this Nirmala Deshbande was with Me in 1942 Movement - imagine the drama. She should come that day only, in the morning time. Actually the whole, I mean our, interview was fixed for the previous evening but it was postponed for next morning and next morning one by one how these people are coming on the stage. First his wife, and we are already given a nice ulta bandhan, the other way round, to this two photographs of Mr Narakasura, lest he starts pouring some pribhooties from his photographs. Then this lady this Nirmala Deshbande she came. As soon as she saw Me she just fell at My Feet, she started hugging Me. She said: 'How long we have... are meeting now this that.' She even forgot the Home Minister was sitting there, nothing of the kind, and they all started looking at her. 'Oh you don't know her? She was our Leader, you see She was like a real Shakti how She faced the Britishers you have no idea. You people have become Ministers but this is the Lady who fought for the freedom.' And all she gave a big lecture to the Home Minister and Home Minister - like this. But this is not the end. Then, she wouldn't talk to him. She was just talking to Me and she said: 'Oh You have been doing great work. I have heard about You. I've been longing to meet You, but just imagine, today I've come and You are here after such a long time. Oh you don't know what a loving Lady She is. She was so sweet to us. She was much younger to me in age and we were so many girls you see, boys, all of them She organized and She was so young and still She was so brave.' And she was describing everything. I was quite embarrassed. So the Minister didn't know why she had come there, then. Then I said: 'All right now I'm going. I told him the whole story, gave him all the papers and he couldn't help it, he had to sign all right: 'Please do something about it or something'. He wrote to the main man in Maharashtra. I told him about all these and how Rajneesh has planned this, and all this was done by Rajneesh people, because we have proof of that. Then we came out. We came out and there was one lady who again touched My Feet, in the verandah. I couldn't recognize her very well. She said: 'Have You forgotten? I'm the Maharani of Satara', where this incident had taken - you know Angapur is close to Satara. 'Ah I remember.' 'You came in 1972. We had a nice meeting in our palace and my mother-in-law the Rajmata invited You, she washed Your Feet.' I said: 'Yes yes I remember.' 'But You forgot us. You never met us after that. Now You have to come to the wedding of my son. I've come to invite the Home Minister. You have to come to the wedding of my son.' I said: 'I'm going away tomorrow to Rome.' She said: 'No no no I'll take You. I'll do this. So all right, at least You must ask this Home Minister to come. He'll listen to You, I'm sure he'll listen to You.' I just kept quiet. So, then you see there was a gentleman standing with her. So she went inside. He said: 'Shri Mataji,' he touched My Feet, 'I've met You before, and You have given me Realization.' I said: 'What's your name?' He said: 'My name is Anant Beransbe.' I said: 'What?' 'I met You in Angapur. I'm Anant Beransbe. I was there. You remember?' I said: 'Yes of course. Why did you come to Angapur?' He said: 'Only a Sahaja Yoga brought me there.' 'But you were not brought by the [Sounds Like: andar sadar]?' He said: 'No never, why would I come with these horrible people?' 'So what happened?' He said: 'Only four days back I was in Satara and the case started and they had taken me there. So I told them that, I saw seven people being hit by these [SOUNDS LIKE: andar sadar] people. And they were all bleeding. And I was so upset with it that I couldn't bear it. I ran away from there. But one thing I must say: 'Mataji was telling everybody: 'Keep quiet, doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Some stones are coming. Just keep quiet. Don't throw any stones. Don't do anything.' He told there in the Court. Can you imagine this fellow, in our absence? And after one year I met him and then they started saying: 'Oh Mataji must have given him laques of rupees that's why he's talking like this.' They thought he was their witness, just imagine. I said: 'Really?' Immediately I told that private secretary: 'Bring our petition.' And we cut out all that was written against this Anant Beransbe, otherwise he would have been in trouble. Imagine. And then said: 'Really?' Then this lady came out she said: 'Why don't You come in and tell the Home Minister to come to attend my son's wedding? At least he should do Mother.' So I went with her and this fellow also came Anant Beransbe and I said: 'This is that same fellow Anant Beransbe, but he's telling something else. And then he started telling them, how they hit and how they were this thing. He said this Dr [SOUNDS LIKE: Tabuker?] he's a devil. And all we had written against him in that, imagine. Can you imagine such a story? This fellow, this Anant Beransbe, who was mentioned in that petition of ours, should be there on that morning there standing, waiting for Me. Then he asked him two-three questions, the Home Minister: 'What are they doing?' 'Nothing. They were hitting one after another seven people I saw and I got such a fright I ran away with my camera, couldn't bear it and Mataji was telling them: 'Don't hit, don't hit'. She was so quiet.' So, the Home Minister was quite surprised at this. So went we came out, despite that he was a disciple of asatya Sai Baba and all that, how things worked out that first his wife should know Me, then Nirmala Deshbande comes in, then this Maharani comes in, and then after that, and the Maharani herself praising Me a lot, that I cured her mother-in-law and all. And then comes in Mr, this Anant Beransbe, and he told them the whole story, and this Home Minister didn't know where to look. Asatya Sai Baba and whole thing was finished into nowhere. So see how the drama worked, and we were so amazed at the whole thing. When we came out Rajesh said: 'Mother it was Mahasahaja Yoga.' So in Sahaja Yoga everything works out. You must know that it all works out. But you must also know that you must have faith in paramachaitanya. Also faith in yourself that you are in the Kingdom of God. I was very happy today the way you enjoyed all that and understood it but, one thing is there, that you all should, not that only enjoy this but feel it, as a responsibility. We have to, point it out to the whole world, how hypocritical they are, how they are using the name of God, and how they are ruining people, by their, tricks. So today I don't want to tell you lots of things. Today is a day still the Christ has not Risen as they say but I don't know at this time, He must have come out of His grave already, as it is because, He came out and He was standing outside when His Mother came and asked Him: 'Who are You?' She couldn't even Recognize Him. She couldn't even believe that Christ has Risen. In the same way we also forget that we have Risen and that we are completely transformed, and we are free, absolutely free people. Nothing can dominate us, none of our conditionings, none of our ego, nothing can dominate us, none of our habits. Everything has died out and we are free birds to fly and to enjoy our flights. This is what we have to realize. May God bless you. I've been telling you that you shouldn't give Me any prizes, nothing. It's too much. It is too much of presentations. I mean I don't know why you are giving Me all these things all the time, but you think that, that's only your privilege that so you have to do it. So I have to have certain privileges, I can also give you presents. So I have bought some very small ones for all of you, those who are here in Rome. For Cabella people I bought last time, but I'll also do it when they come there. And for other countries also I'll be giving them whenever I go there but just now it is for the people of Rome and the leaders. Leaders, I'm also afraid of them, because sometimes you see, if they get angry they can form a union against Me you know. So One has to be careful with them. So there's little presents for all of them and I hope they'll accept it and so...
Talk Evening Before Easter Puja, Magliano Sabina (Italy), 18 April 1992. It was really very enjoyable today, to see all of you, in such a happy mood. What happiness what joy Sahaja Yoga has brought to all of you. It's really, I could never have imagined, that people could be that joyous and, that relaxed, as you were this evening. Also it shows, how much you have understood, the stupidity of this hypocrisy going on in the Name of God. Not only that, that you have understood, but, the way you have depicted it, showed also your great, art of acting, art of bringing out the salient points of all this hypocrisy. There are many people who can see this point, not that only we see, many people must be knowing about it also, but you have the power now, to, accept it, understand it, and realize it, as the truth, that they are really hypocrites. We have human beings, who of course, do not want to accept, do not want to see. They have closed their eyes, blind faith in all those hypocritical people, somehow or other, they lack reasoning, understanding, logic. But there are some who understand, who have this, full image of these people in different countries, in different, religions and all these guru people. They understand it. But still, they cannot, go against it, they dare not say anything against it, and even if they say, it will be in a very, hush-hush manner, not so openly as we did it today. Though it was very hilarious, and very enjoyable, but behind all this comedy I felt the tragedy, because, there are so many, who are suffering, who are being looted, who are being cheated, who are being used, morally who have been crushed. And I don't know how many, cruel things are going behind the scene in the Name of God. Such a tragedy that, is still going on in these modern times. But you are all very lucky and fortunate people, that you have dropped all this nonsense, all the shackles of blind faith and now, you are all enjoying the freedom of your Spirit. It's something I enjoyed the most. You have to understand, that we are now in the Kingdom of God, so we can see the reality, very clearly, and in the Kingdom of the God we are looked after, all the time by the Divine Power. How it works out, how it looks after us, is extremely remarkable. As you saw one drama, the one after all these actors coming on the stage, we actually, saw ourselves a drama in India, without organizing, very spontaneous, just like it was today, but without any organization, a beautiful drama we saw which I must tell you, so that you will understand how much this Divine Power is working it out. You remember we had a very bad time in Angapur when these people threw stones and so many were hurt, if you remember that night, and we were in trouble. And we had filed a case, but the case was not somehow or other started, and it was the date, something, where I could not be there, but still the case was there and we didn't know what was happening. There was one man who had come when we were having this program. His name was Anant Beransbe and he told Me that he's from the television and he wants to have his Realization. So I said: 'I cannot just now I have to speak, so you can go on the back side and sit down and we'll see if we can manage your Realization.' When these people, you heard the story, that it was they who had arranged this man from television to come, those who had been throwing stones at us, these [SOUNDS LIKE: andar sadar molan] people. And we didn't know what to do, so, a son-in-law of our Home Minister, came to My house in Pradisthan and asked for Realization. I was quite surprised this man coming down for Realization. And then I told him what is happening to us. He said: 'No no you can go and see this Home Minister. ' Now this Home Minister is a great disciple of our asatya Baba, imagine. I said: 'It's really; I don't know how it will work out this stupid fellow, this disciple of asatya Sai Baba. So just see the drama. He was quite hesitant, and with Me Rajesh Shah, Yogi Mahajan and one Nirvika who is from the same area as this Minister who had arranged this meeting. So we went there. So the private secretary had a great respect for Me, so he called the car inside, we couldn't understand. Then he came and touched My Feet. I was quite surprised. Then I went and sat with this Home Minister, and his wife came in and she touched My Feet. I was quite surprised, and she said: 'You don't remember me?' I said: 'I think I've seen you somewhere.' She said: 'You've forgotten we had gone together to London.' There was a, offer from Air India for people who have been doing social work, as a sort of a reward that we could go to England and come back. So there were quite a lot of ladies who went and the Chief Minister's wife also came and she was, actually he's Chief Minister at that time and she's his wife. They were very well known to My family. Actually their marriage was arranged by My father also. So they were, all sort of, they were new this western culture, very old-fashioned ladies, all old ladies you see, traveling with Me to London. There you see they were so shocked at the dance they saw and everything, they said: 'What are these dirty people doing here? Why are they showing us these dirty things, and we are not dirty women.' And like that you see they were. I had to tell them all right: 'They have this kind of dances only. If you don't want to see we can go out.' Went out and all of them started vomiting there. So it was such a bad condition with them. So they stuck on to Me in London, all of them, and one of them was the wife of this gentleman, and she said: 'That if You remember we all stuck on to You.' They were all older than Me, because they couldn't understand what's happening in these countries because they had never seen such dances, such women, such men. She said: 'But why are these Air India people troubling us like this? Why do they want to shock us?' I said: 'It's all right. That is their entertainment style doesn't matter and all.' But inside I was laughing: 'I said from where these old-fashioned women have come here and they can't stand all this nonsense. But this lady said that: 'See how You supported us, how You helped us, otherwise we are all collapsing you see there.' So this lady was very sweet and then she started telling her husband: 'You know She was quite young but She was very wise and She looked after us, and She did this and She was the youngest and all.' Then suddenly one girl, now one by one on the stage, first of all the wife came in, then they announced: 'There's a lady called Nirmala Deshbande who wants to meet her. So they said: 'No no just now I'm talking to Shri Mataji. I'll see her later.' 'No,' I said: 'You call her, she knows Me very well.' So this Nirmala Deshbande was with Me in 1942 Movement - imagine the drama. She should come that day only, in the morning time. Actually the whole, I mean our, interview was fixed for the previous evening but it was postponed for next morning and next morning one by one how these people are coming on the stage. First his wife, and we are already given a nice ulta bandhan, the other way round, to this two photographs of Mr Narakasura, lest he starts pouring some pribhooties from his photographs. Then this lady this Nirmala Deshbande she came. As soon as she saw Me she just fell at My Feet, she started hugging Me. She said: 'How long we have... are meeting now this that.' She even forgot the Home Minister was sitting there, nothing of the kind, and they all started looking at her. 'Oh you don't know her? She was our Leader, you see She was like a real Shakti how She faced the Britishers you have no idea. You people have become Ministers but this is the Lady who fought for the freedom.' And all she gave a big lecture to the Home Minister and Home Minister - like this. But this is not the end. Then, she wouldn't talk to him. She was just talking to Me and she said: 'Oh You have been doing great work. I have heard about You. I've been longing to meet You, but just imagine, today I've come and You are here after such a long time. Oh you don't know what a loving Lady She is. She was so sweet to us. She was much younger to me in age and we were so many girls you see, boys, all of them She organized and She was so young and still She was so brave.' And she was describing everything. I was quite embarrassed. So the Minister didn't know why she had come there, then. Then I said: 'All right now I'm going. I told him the whole story, gave him all the papers and he couldn't help it, he had to sign all right: 'Please do something about it or something'. He wrote to the main man in Maharashtra. I told him about all these and how Rajneesh has planned this, and all this was done by Rajneesh people, because we have proof of that. Then we came out. We came out and there was one lady who again touched My Feet, in the verandah. I couldn't recognize her very well. She said: 'Have You forgotten? I'm the Maharani of Satara', where this incident had taken - you know Angapur is close to Satara. 'Ah I remember.' 'You came in 1972. We had a nice meeting in our palace and my mother-in-law the Rajmata invited You, she washed Your Feet.' I said: 'Yes yes I remember.' 'But You forgot us. You never met us after that. Now You have to come to the wedding of my son. I've come to invite the Home Minister. You have to come to the wedding of my son.' I said: 'I'm going away tomorrow to Rome.' She said: 'No no no I'll take You. I'll do this. So all right, at least You must ask this Home Minister to come. He'll listen to You, I'm sure he'll listen to You.' I just kept quiet. So, then you see there was a gentleman standing with her. So she went inside. He said: 'Shri Mataji,' he touched My Feet, 'I've met You before, and You have given me Realization.' I said: 'What's your name?' He said: 'My name is Anant Beransbe.' I said: 'What?' 'I met You in Angapur. I'm Anant Beransbe. I was there. You remember?' I said: 'Yes of course. Why did you come to Angapur?' He said: 'Only a Sahaja Yoga brought me there.' 'But you were not brought by the [Sounds Like: andar sadar]?' He said: 'No never, why would I come with these horrible people?' 'So what happened?' He said: 'Only four days back I was in Satara and the case started and they had taken me there. So I told them that, I saw seven people being hit by these [SOUNDS LIKE: andar sadar] people. And they were all bleeding. And I was so upset with it that I couldn't bear it. I ran away from there. But one thing I must say: 'Mataji was telling everybody: 'Keep quiet, doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Some stones are coming. Just keep quiet. Don't throw any stones. Don't do anything.' He told there in the Court. Can you imagine this fellow, in our absence? And after one year I met him and then they started saying: 'Oh Mataji must have given him laques of rupees that's why he's talking like this.' They thought he was their witness, just imagine. I said: 'Really?' Immediately I told that private secretary: 'Bring our petition.' And we cut out all that was written against this Anant Beransbe, otherwise he would have been in trouble. Imagine. And then said: 'Really?' Then this lady came out she said: 'Why don't You come in and tell the Home Minister to come to attend my son's wedding? At least he should do Mother.' So I went with her and this fellow also came Anant Beransbe and I said: 'This is that same fellow Anant Beransbe, but he's telling something else. And then he started telling them, how they hit and how they were this thing. He said this Dr [SOUNDS LIKE: Tabuker?] he's a devil. And all we had written against him in that, imagine. Can you imagine such a story? This fellow, this Anant Beransbe, who was mentioned in that petition of ours, should be there on that morning there standing, waiting for Me. Then he asked him two-three questions, the Home Minister: 'What are they doing?' 'Nothing. They were hitting one after another seven people I saw and I got such a fright I ran away with my camera, couldn't bear it and Mataji was telling them: 'Don't hit, don't hit'. She was so quiet.' So, the Home Minister was quite surprised at this. So went we came out, despite that he was a disciple of asatya Sai Baba and all that, how things worked out that first his wife should know Me, then Nirmala Deshbande comes in, then this Maharani comes in, and then after that, and the Maharani herself praising Me a lot, that I cured her mother-in-law and all. And then comes in Mr, this Anant Beransbe, and he told them the whole story, and this Home Minister didn't know where to look. Asatya Sai Baba and whole thing was finished into nowhere. So see how the drama worked, and we were so amazed at the whole thing. When we came out Rajesh said: 'Mother it was Mahasahaja Yoga.' So in Sahaja Yoga everything works out. You must know that it all works out. But you must also know that you must have faith in paramachaitanya. Also faith in yourself that you are in the Kingdom of God. I was very happy today the way you enjoyed all that and understood it but, one thing is there, that you all should, not that only enjoy this but feel it, as a responsibility. We have to, point it out to the whole world, how hypocritical they are, how they are using the name of God, and how they are ruining people, by their, tricks. So today I don't want to tell you lots of things. Today is a day still the Christ has not Risen as they say but I don't know at this time, He must have come out of His grave already, as it is because, He came out and He was standing outside when His Mother came and asked Him: 'Who are You?' She couldn't even Recognize Him. She couldn't even believe that Christ has Risen. In the same way we also forget that we have Risen and that we are completely transformed, and we are free, absolutely free people. Nothing can dominate us, none of our conditionings, none of our ego, nothing can dominate us, none of our habits. Everything has died out and we are free birds to fly and to enjoy our flights. This is what we have to realize. May God bless you. I've been telling you that you shouldn't give Me any prizes, nothing. It's too much. It is too much of presentations. I mean I don't know why you are giving Me all these things all the time, but you think that, that's only your privilege that so you have to do it. So I have to have certain privileges, I can also give you presents. So I have bought some very small ones for all of you, those who are here in Rome. For Cabella people I bought last time, but I'll also do it when they come there. And for other countries also I'll be giving them whenever I go there but just now it is for the people of Rome and the leaders. Leaders, I'm also afraid of them, because sometimes you see, if they get angry they can form a union against Me you know. So One has to be careful with them. So there's little presents for all of them and I hope they'll accept it and so...
Easter Puja: You have to grow and take up the responsibility
Magliano Sabina
Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 19 April 1992. This is a great day for all of us to rejoice and to enjoy this Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ took place to open our Agnya center because it was a very subtle center as you know, very complicated with the ideas people had from their conditioning and from their ego, were so much clogging the Agnya Chakra that Kundalini could have been impossible to pass through. So all the play of Resurrection took place, and as Christ was nothing but chaitanya, He was resurrected from death so-called. In this death of Christ, we have to also understand that we have achieved our resurrection. We have achieved our resurrection, also whatever was supposed to be the past has died, is finished now. So, this repentance that we have, the conditionings we have are dead. But still it is very surprising that among the Christian nations, the ego did not subside as it should have been, perhaps may be that Christ was never worshipped in the right way. The ego in the West was absolutely, so dominating that nobody could see what they are doing, and how far they are going. Unnecessarily they are repenting about something that is far fetched. But repentance was meant for our ego. It's very shocking sometimes, when you see how the Christian nations invaded other countries, completely annihilated, completely finished and destroyed races after races. They were Christians, followers of Christ, taking Bible in their hand, can you imagine? Such a horrible things these so-called Christians have done in the name of Christ. Why is it, we have to understand, this ego worked so much in the Western countries or in the countries where they followed Christianity. Anywhere if they are Christians they are extremely aggressive, extremely violent and they think that the whole world belongs to them. Even Hitler believed in the Catholic religion. Sort of this great sacrifice of Christ never taught them any lesson, as if it was all obliterated from their memory, as if it has no meaning to them, it conveyed nothing to them, and they became so violent. Not only that but they thought they have a right to rule the whole world, plunder everyone, destroy everyone. Why? Because they were Christians. What a contrast it is to the life of Christ who resurrected out of the so-called death. But the ego still remained, not only but it blew up, blew up to such an extent that today we see the Christians have lost their sense of maryadas completely. The way the Christian churches are behaving. It's shocking. There is no morality of any kind left in them. They have no respect for law, no respect for God, no respect also for the chastity, which was the main point of Christ, main guna of Christ. This shocked Me when I was a child, because I saw, I was born in a Christian family, and I found the Christians in India were the most dogmatic, most dominating people. And it surprised Me. How have they taken Christ for granted? And why are they using His name to dominate others? Unfortunately at that time we had the British ruling us. British also maneuvered the whole thing in such a manner that the Indians believed that Christ was born in England. They used to dress up like English, they called themselves sahibs. They used to behave in a very arrogant manner, and they had places in the government. They joined hands with government. Had no loyalties to Indians. Even when My father was arrested they threw us out of the Christian community. They threw Me out of the school when I was just a six, seven year-old girl because My father was a Congressman. So this side of Christianity so far nobody has seen, I personally think, that all the Christian nations have been extremely cruel, extremely dominating, and they are today at the helm of affairs. This subtle ego has now, which was once the property of some monarchs, but has now in democratic countries have become very much available to all the ordinary people and all these countries we find are full of destruction. It's not only that the European did like this, but even Americans are extremely dominating, extremely egoistical, to such an extent that they are idiotic. Imagine, they follow Christ, who was wisdom, the source of wisdom, and His disciples should be so stupid and idiotic cannot be explained. Why it happens like that? So we have to see to the history of religion that is Christianity. There was as you know, Peter. Peter was a very egoistical fellow, and once Christ said that, "You are a satan." Said clearly. And also said that, "You will deny Me, three times." That's the time this Paul came up, and he thought it's a very good chance to get hold of somebody who is a weak person, who is satanic, who is in a way anti-Christ and he found Peter. He being a great bureaucrat wooed him, managed him, and took him into his own confidence and told him that, "You join hands with me, so I will make you the main person." And then he told all the other disciples that, "You are not so educated. I'm a great educated man, and I know what to write what not to write, so we shouldn't write all the things that you have written, we should edit it." He edited the Bible, this sinister fellow Paul. He edited the Bible. The whole work of Christ went into the hands of this devil. He started editing it, and when he edited, if you read him you'll be surprised it's full of ego. His organizing is full of ego whatever he writes, absolutely. But he cut down many things which should have been there. Christ must have mentioned about Kundalini I'm sure. But not a word about all these things, he avoided it, though that you are to be born again and all these things Christ said, Matthew's insisted. But he fought with Matthew's, and he couldn't accept the Immaculate Conception. He had no idea about the truth, about the reality, about the miracles that exist with Divinity. So he denied, but still Matthew stuck onto his own Gospel. But John ran away. He started his own style which we call people as Gnostics, and the other disciples, out of them Thomas went away. So, he edited Luke's Gospel and Matthew's Gospel and with great struggle they could retain certain original things in that. So this devil entered into the arena of such a great religion as Christianity, and the whole thing became upside down. And that's how Bible, which they use now as authority has such words that people start thinking no end of themselves. The first one suggesting that if you become the members of a church, you are chosen. But first of all he saw, that it should be written that Peter will start this church and he will have the key, that's what Christ has said. And put him on a rock and he will start the church. Impossible. Then put Me in the place of Christ. Will I ask the wickedest man to do such a thing? Will I appoint one person to look after the whole thing? This part of the Bible is absolutely blasphemy, and that's how once he put it there, Peter got into his own ego, thinking no end of himself. It was just maneuvering, and managing everything. This was all done with his bureaucratic brains but Peter played into it because he was a very weak disciple of Christ. As you know in Sahaja Yoga also we have really twelve types of Sahaja yogis. And some of them are very weak. They are weak because they have too much ego. They cannot carry on with anyone. They shout at people. They disturb others, they think no end of themselves, they're all always aggressive, they cannot be collective. They never show any love for each other. So this type of Sahaja yogis are there, which are one by one are showing their colors but some of them are learning, and are understanding that this is something is wrong, should not be. Christ had hardly three and a half years to work out all this, but I didn't know that out of these twelve, one would be such a sinister fellow that, of course one got Him caught also, but this Peter could be such a horrible fellow that for his own glory, for his own self-interest, he would put such words in the Bible, and have a great authority. It has happened also with Mohammed Sahib. Firstly, that Mohammed Sahib has said that there will be a Resurrection time. That means He talked of the future. So how can it be that He was the last? If He was last then how are you going to have the Resurrection? But the Seal of Prophet, doesn't mean that it's sealed now, no prophet can come down. It means seal, means a kind of a brand you can call it, and He was Adi Guru so He called Himself, "I am the Seal." He didn't say that, "I have sealed," but crooked people take advantage of these little, little words and start using them for their own purposes because they are very self-centered. So another type of Sahaja yogis are extremely self-centered. Some of them are quite self-centered in the sense that they know their own wives, their children and their house and this and that. To them it is very important to be busy with their children. You'll be amazed some people came to Bombay with their children didn't come for the puja in Delhi. What sort of Sahaja yogis they are? So this kind of Sahaja yogis exist that they are more worried about their children than about Sahaja Yoga, more about their own emancipation, worried about their family, their household. Some women are quite good at it. They try to remove their husbands from the ashrams. They try to find out excuses how to get out of the collectivity. We are judged all the time and you judge yourself, clearly. Now do not think of others when I'm saying this but put it to yourself. You must know that Christ was crucified. And who crucified them? They were not crucified by Jews, is a wrong idea. How can all the Jews who were just like slaves, could crucify Christ? It was the Roman Empire that time wanted to crucify because they thought He's becoming very powerful. And when they tried to crucify, they didn't even think that Christ is crucified because Jews wanted it. The blame was put on them just to avoid the blame from the people who were rulers, and the rulers can always do such a thing is to make crucifixion of anyone and putting the blame on anyone. So the Christians, the early Christians were mostly Jews. Christ Himself was a Jew, so to say that Jews crucified Christ, how can it be? So the blame was put on the Jews, and then Christians thought that they have every right to hate the Jews because Christ was crucified by Jews. This is another idea which has worked out through Mr. Paul because he didn't want to take any blame on the Roman administration. So Pilate washes his hands, and he washes his hands, there very significant, he washes his hands. So he's doing it not with his authority but he's doing it with the authorities of the Jew, this drama was played. And then all the Christians were busy hating the Jews and thinking that they have crucified Christ, I mean imagine, those are thousands of years when it had happened. And in thousand of years, somebody crucified somebody, for that they are hated. I mean in that way all the white race must be hated, for generations together, if that is the criteria because they have not only crucified one man. Millions and millions they have crucified. Are we going to blame their children and their children? So this is third type of Sahaja yogis we have, who try to blame somebody else all the time, not themselves. Such people when they start blaming others can never improve. They should introspect. But introspection is missing very much in the western countries except in Russia, because there is no way out. It's nowhere written that you introspect yourself. Only thing if you go to church and confess it to some deaf and dumb priest you are saved. So nobody introspects. Let us face it ourselves, do we introspect or not? Or we are that kind of people, Sahaja yogis who are not so much self-centered, but are self-opinionated and self-glorified, who do not want to find out what's wrong with them. Now we have another kind, fourth kind, which is very interesting to see that they are worshipping Mataji in the house but they can't come to collective. No they can't, because it's little far away. But if they have to go to meet their son they will go miles together. If they have to do something for their family they'll do it. Not only that but supposing they have to do some business, they will travel. In Sahaja Yoga nobody is asked to give up their jobs, to give up their lives, lifestyles, nothing of the kind, but priority is to be seen. They are very busy with their work, with earnings, with whatever they are doing, and they are just after earning a name, working very hard, doing artistic work, maybe creative work, they are very busy, they have no time for themselves, no time for God. This kind of people also, "Oh we worship Mother, before our creative work we bow to Mother, take help from Her, and we want all the protection from Her for our work, for our creativity." And there are some Sahaja yogis who still think that money is very important, still think. It is not. In Sahaja Yoga we get money whenever we want. Some of them, "I'm starting a business because .001 percent I want to give to Sahaja Yoga." And if you say, "Why are you giving?" "It's all Yours Mother .001 percent. It's all Yours. After all what are we doing, it's all Yours." This kind of attitude comes when you think that money is very important. Money is very important for such people who cannot see God beyond this, who cannot see subtler advantage of this money. They calculate every pai, meticulously, they don't want that their hard-earned money should be wasted about their spirituality. Or we have people who won't buy a book of Sahaja Yoga. Wouldn't buy a tape, they'll copy it, saving you know, save pounds or save dollars. They wouldn't buy something that is needed. They wouldn't buy a photograph but they would like to ask somebody to make a photograph out of it and we can have that. It's not that it is necessary to spend but the attitude of mind. If you can save some money very good, if you can save some time, very good, but that this time that is saved is for Sahaja Yoga they seldom understand. If you read any, I was reading the Buddhist religion and I was amazed, there are so many don'ts, that if I put even one to Sahaja yogis you'll all run away. First is you cannot make any profit, no profit. You cannot buy any land. You can only eat your food once a day, you have to be vegetarian absolutely. You cannot kill anyone. I mean you may kill human beings, that's not written. But you cannot kill any animal, you cannot kill any fish, you cannot kill even a mosquito. So this kind of religion is there which is - they say Buddha talked about, I don't think so Buddha could have said. So all these people the followers of all these great incarnations, have done so much wrong to the people who brought beautiful religions to us, and that's why we are absolutely deviated from the path of truth. So those who really are honest and want to adhere to the path of truth, have to all the time introspect and find out within yourself, how far we are on the truth. So now we have another kind of Sahaja yogis also, who are, more sort of, I should say like, enjoy festivals you see, clubbing together, because we have a feeling of belonging, we should belong to something. We should belong to this group or to that group or to that group. Either you go to Christianity or to the Jews or to the Islam and other to some politics. Say for in England they'll ask you question, "What is your politics?" Asked Me what is My politics. I couldn't understand this question. Everybody must have a brand of a politics. I said, "What do you mean by that?" Said, "Are you a communist?" "No, no I'm not." "Are you a conservative?" "No, no." "Are you a socialist?" "I'm not." "Then what are you?" "I am a human being." They couldn't understand I am just a human being, without any politics on My head. So, the idea of belonging, I must belong to this cult or to this sect or to this so-called religions. Then you start getting involved into all kinds of conditionings, all kinds of rules and regulations and things and you start binding yourself and you're very happy, very happy. You ask some sects, "Why are you clean-shaven?" "Oh in our religion we are supposed to have a clean-shave head." "What is this?" Or something like that, stupid. Like you must have beard, or you must have moustaches, some sort of a clannishness, not understanding that reality is full of varieties. There has to be variety. That is how it is aesthetics and saundariya. If you do not have variety, how can you be a personality? How can be a person who is bound by this nonsensical outside ideas, be a person who has a personality? If religion cannot give you a personality is better to do away with such a thing. It gives you an inner personality, and also an outer personality. And this personality, when you start enjoying, then only one would say you are a Sahaja yogi, where you are not told not to steal, not to hit someone, not to be aggressive with anyone, not to be egoistical, never said like that, but a personality that watches oneself. But normally people watch others, not themselves. This is also another problem of the West that you watch others, never watch yourself. But all this goes on and on and on, till we really become slaves of our own ideas about a personality and we start projecting that personality through our ego and try to show that we are something very special. Just the opposite is Sahaja Yoga. Try to understand this very clearly. We are all a personality, you are all persons, you are all saints and are to be respected as saints. We need not have the same type of personality. Everybody must have to... I mean it has to be, different types of styles of talking, styles of delivering things, styles of expression of divine Love. So we do not form a kind of a regimental people, because we are free. We are absolutely free, because we have the light. We know how far we have to go, what is the right way, which way to go. Immediately you know what is correct, if that light is there nicely burning within yourself, you don't have to ask Me, ask anyone. When such people come up, understanding that Sahaja Yoga is complete freedom, but, this complete freedom is there because you have the light. Without the light the freedom is nonsense, it has no meaning. You hurt everyone, you trouble everyone, torture everyone, but with the light, firstly great thing happens to us that religions which are preached by these great prophets and incarnations just become part and parcel of ourselves. Here it is, the Japanese will say we are Buddhists and kill as many people as they like. Or the Christians as I said, are just the opposite of what they are. So then you really became a real Christian and a real Muslim and a real Hindu. And then you realize all religions are really like a part of the ocean and you no more identify yourself with any particular one but you just jump in the ocean of religion and you are, in a way, the real religious personality. I don't have to tell you about your morality, you just see, watch, how you have dropped out so many of these wrong things which you were doing. So many used to write to Me also, but I never read them, so I used to just burn off everything. I don't want to know about it. We are a free person. In that freedom, you see that you have imbibed all these religions. Before realization no one, no one can be religious. They can profess, they can have a brand, they may say something but is all outside, not only that but they are just the opposite of the religion they are professing. Just the opposite. And they deviate, not only that, but pollute the basis of religion. And the basis of religion is the ascent. If the religion cannot give you the balance to ascent it's better to have no religion. Atheists are better like Russians, who have no religion, who are only worried about their ascent. That's why maybe that Christ and Mahavira didn't want to talk about God. So then we have people who have the light, and they worry about their own light and they want that this light should be there all the time burning, and this light not only should enlighten them, but enlighten others, and they work for it. They take up responsibility in a way. They do not sit in a jungle meditating. No, you have to work, you have to work, in this world. You have to work it out, Sahaja Yoga for others. You have to give them, this beautiful feeling of oneness with the Divine. You have to enjoy all that. Sahaja Yoga is not only for your enjoyment, like some drunkards sitting and drinking together. It is to fill up your cups to be given to others, to many others who are there. So they take up this responsibility, and the basis is the truth that they know about. They do not think that they are like a liability of Sahaja Yoga. They do not come to Me for small, small things, "How can I grow the hair of my father's baldness?" Sort of nonsensical question. They even write to Me such nonsensical things. I'm amazed what do they think Sahaja Yoga is meant to be a beauty parlor or what? Their vision is very different. The vision is of that great universe, the great universe that has to be enlightened. They are part and parcel of that. And this universal religion is to be brought into the lives of people through realization, through awakening of kundalini. They work very hard, they spare no efforts to see that people receive realization. But here also, a little of this ego subtly is there. That I am doing this, I am doing that. So many people ask Me, "Mother You travel so much, You do so much, how is it that You manage at this age so well?" First of all I don't know what is My age is, I don't care. And secondly I don't do anything. If I'm not doing anything how can I be tired? I'm not doing anything whatsoever. It's all working out, I just watch and see and enjoy. So they also think, "We are doing this work, we are doing that work." And become very conscious of it. Then again this Mr. Ego, which is subtly still there flickering, flame becomes a big one. It's an anti-Christ activity, absolutely. So the construction of the mind starts you see, this one is not working, that one is this, this is, they start criticizing others. Still watching others not themselves. Then there are Sahaja yogis who do not feel that way. They realize that Paramchaitanya is working everything, and working through them. They are the instrument, and sometimes of course, if it fails they start doubting. "Then how is it Mother this thing has happened like this? If it is so, then how is it Gorbachev had to leave?" I have to explain why Gorbachev had to leave politics, imagine. That's My responsibility. Of course we can ask God any questions. That's human beings think they have a right to ask any question to God, to curse Him, to say whatever they feel like to God as if He is a person who has taken your liability. So this still lingers on a little bit when even they are quite surrendered about it still, there are certain doubts, in the minds. But then there are people who do not doubt anything. They understand there is Paramchaitanya which is helping. They know that behind all these miracles there is Paramchaitanya. But above all of them, are the ones start realizing that we have got powers, definitely, and that we are connected with the Divine. We have powers. Of course sometimes they also doubt, if we really have powers. I mean, I have known some people they said, I said, "Why don't you help there?" "Because I'm afraid my ego will come up." "Why don't you do this?" "Because my ego will come up." They are frightened of their ego so this ego follows very subtly, and better not risk, not too much you see, it's too much. Let us go little slowly, not to sort of believe that I have powers. But there are people, who know they have been blessed with powers, and these powers can be discovered more and more within yourself. They have faith in themselves, they have faith in Sahaja Yoga, and they have complete faith in Me and in this Paramchaitanya. And they work out, very simple people. Extremely simple people they are, very simple-hearted innocent people. I've seen in the villages. I've seen many also here, there are many sitting of that kind. So this is the twelve types of Sahaja yogis I have described but, there's one, that is the one, which is fully empowered, also. They discover their own powers. In that introspection they see and they are sure about it, no doubts. That is the state of nirvikalpa. They have no doubts about themselves. To have faith in Me, to worship Me, to receive something from Me, but know that I have made you also something great, and that you have to develop your powers also. Don't only depend on the powers that I have. Just do not try to extract powers which are from your Mother, but try to rise onto the same levels. You can. I wouldn't say how many will, but try. And for that, first and foremost thing, first and most important thing is complete humility. Of course, you are surrendered to Me so you are humble. Mohammed Sahib talked of surrender. I said surrender yourself to your Self. If your Self is the Spirit, why not surrender your self to your Self. But make that Self shine. Just become one with that light. Whole life should be a light, light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty. So you have to work out through introspection, you have got all these powers within yourself. So many powers you have. Of course, depending on Mother is nice thing but now you grow, you have to grow. You have to grow and take up the responsibility without feeling responsible. The personality should be such. I hope we have to go ahead of all the other disciples. Unless and until we do that, can we, possibly I don't know, we might drown Sahaja Yoga into another ocean of nonsense. So we have to also develop our personalities, through our introspection, through our understandings, through our proofs of reality. I'm sorry today I have to tell about these things but I had no other chance to talk to you about it except for today that how the disciples of Christ were deceived by this Peter and Paul company and I sometimes think of human beings, how they are and how clever and cunning they are and how they can try to bring down Sahaja Yoga, which is so important today. Today is the day of our resurrection. We have to pass through these twelve stages to reach the higher state, and they call it the fourteenth stage is the highest, where you are just an instrument, absolutely insensitive about what you are, playing into the hands of Paramchaitanya. Is a very good auspicious day today. This is what Christ has done. He accepted His crucifixion because He had to play that role. And, it was a terrible thing. But when He was carrying the Cross, they were worried about Him, then He said, "Don't worry about Me, you'd better worry about yourself." Despite all this mutilation in the Bible, lots of truths have been there still. So we are not to hate anyone because they have crucified Christ - that's what they say, but hate that kind of an authority if it comes to us we should not try to crucify others. But the subtle ego that works, starts in a very funny manner, and in the collectivity it starts showing up. Try to reduce it, try to reduce. And you'll be amazed, as soon as this 'I'ness is finished, all the powers will start coming up. It's like a flute which has got hollowness within it, if there's any obstruction, it cannot play. So all these ideas we have, all these conditionings we had, the worst of all this so-called ego that, "I am doing that," should go away, because you can never enjoy if you think that way. You cannot enjoy your work, and you really cannot jump into the ocean of joy as long as in you that, "I am doing it." So also there are certain questions about the school they have been asking, but I've already told that it's a very big task to run a school and we have found out that the Western children have got a very poor immune system, very poor. Maybe they were given antibiotics or they have been given such food, tinned food maybe or maybe some sort of a protected things. I don't know why or maybe they have seen lots of these ghost stories or maybe the films or something that their immune system is very, very weak, with the slightest thing they catch. If something is wrong with another person they catch it. This is a new discovery we had. Also I think with the heat their brains start boiling because already they are on the ego trips. So we have decided to take them down now from Vashi to Dharamsala. Dharamsala you'll be surprised that Yogi has donated ten acres of land. Also I have donated some land. Also lot of money has been donated by Indians and we are going to develop a school. You don't worry on that, what sort of a school we are going to have, what we are going to do there, you have to leave things to us. This is one thing. Accordingly because they were going to have the school in December it was not decided, it was discovered when the month April started, that children started getting sick. With little dust they would start coughing, coughing, coughing, allergies, all kinds. Then we decided that let them be in a cooler place, so they will be in Dharamsala and let them be there. Now for all the parents they have to know one thing, if they want their children to come up properly they have to leave them to the school to manage. You are not going to interfere with that. Of course because according to the first plan there would have been three months holidays in the summer time and they would have been in Dharamsala, but now as they are taking up the same course there's no holiday for them and their school has started. So please don't go to Dharamsala. Immediately parents are rushing. Please cancel your tickets. Only you can meet your children in Sheri where they'll be there for three and a half months. You come and stay there during wintertime, that's the only time you should meet your children. Apart from health their education is very poor. So many of them even at the age of eight years don't know how to write properly. Absolutely they are completely neglected, pampered children. So let the school look after them. They don't want to study, they have no sense of future. They have no sense as to why are they on this earth. So let them handle. Please, some parents might not have gone for sometime maybe, but that doesn't mean as soon as you get money or a provision you rush there. Try to understand that you shouldn't disturb discipline of the school and the discipline of the children. Because if there's one parent coming or two parents coming, all the children start feeling bad and their attention is spoiled. So the first thing we have to imbibe today the wisdom of Christ. Wisdom. Wisdom should tell you that, "leave the children". We are trying our level best to do the best for them. We are not yet asking you for any help so far, we are working it out. It's very surprising how these children are very intelligent, and they grasp things very well, but they just don't want to sit down anywhere. All the time they want to be out. They don't want to study. So we have to find out ways and methods by which they have self-esteem that they think they have to do something in life. The parents first of all are in the West known to be very negligent about their children - they even kill their children and all that. But in Sahaja Yoga they just get attached like a glue. From one side they are left and they become glued, the whole family is glued, they can't get over it. And this kind of love is the death of love. So, please try to understand that these are the children of Sahaja Yoga, and they are looked after. Everything is going to be worked out very well for them. And have the wisdom to enjoy this development of your children. If you have any problems about it, you shouldn't trouble the people there. All your attention is on your child, is a very wrong thing. I think that person is not a Sahaja yogi at all. Because you do not think that God is responsible for them. You think you are responsible then you are not a Sahaja yogi at all, by any chance. You love your own children but you don't love other children. You're not bothered about their problems, their situations. Supposing one father, mother, go there, then all the rest of the children going to feel bad. Then why should you go? Then also sending presents, some people start sending presents, tinned fruit. Now anybody sends tinned food we are going to throw it in the sea. Chocolates. There's no need to send anything like that. If you have to send something then send something that is good for them for the whole school. Otherwise just don't send. Only for your child please don't send. You are Sahaja yogis, you are not like other people. You are special people. So if you have to send something, send for all the children but not chocolates or not things that will spoil their immune system as it is already in a very bad shape. Tinned fruit you should never send. Any kind of tinned food we are going to throw them out. And it's gone so bad, that we had to import tinned food for these children to eat. "I don't like it. I won't have it." So if you really want your children to be strong, healthy, wise, sensible Sahaja yogis then you must have wisdom yourself, to be parents. These are all realized souls born to you. Special blessings. So be kind to them, be nice to them. The harshness is not only the harshness of showing anger to the children but also of showing too much love, also is a kind of harshness because it hurts other children, also it hurts your child. Because that child starts thinking, "Oh I'm something very special. I need not study. I need not do anything." So there should be a balanced attitude towards the children. That's what somebody told Me that you already are booked to go to Dharamsala. I'm sorry, please don't go. They are doing well, they are looked after. There's all possibility of their coming down with such beautiful personalities that you'll be proud of them. Try to understand. Try to realize that whatever effort Sahaja Yoga is putting for them should be fully materialized. I hope none of you are sort of, going to disturb them. And when you write letters always in the letter you must write, "I want you to study very well, I want you to come up very well. You are a good Sahaja yogi." Like this. Instead of that, "I love you very much, I miss you, I'm crying morning till evening for you." This not the way. This is Greek tragedy. So we have to be encouraging them and that you want to see your children to be like this. Give them some self-esteem, some vision of their own, and you'll see that this will be very encouraging and the teachers will feel very happy. Because some of the letters when the teachers also read they start crying. There's no need to say all these things to your children. I mean you are grown-up people. And one child brought a letter, "Oh my father and mother both are crying. What am I to do?" I mean he became the grandfather. With all these happenings one has to learn that, we are changing the whole world, we are changing ourselves and our children are going to come up to help us. Of course all the children cannot go because they think that it's an expensive school or whatever it is. We can reduce the fees later on, not now. Because so many things are to be done for them. There's so much compulsion of teachers, compulsion of this. But, if you see that once these children are brought up all right it's an experiment, then we might be able to start some schools here somewhere in a proper way, where children could be educated, properly. But here the expense will be much more, that's it. In Rome ashram you have to spend more than you have to spend. They can't help it. So expense-wise it will be the same. So you have to be reasonable about it, and if possible we should try to have some school somewhere. I don't know which country will take the responsibility. Maybe in Russia would be good idea. Cheaper. Let there be food first of all, then we can think about it. So it's an experiment and you should all try to help, all the school people. Now is there any other problem that I have to discuss with you, better tell Me. So today we are talking about our resurrection through these fourteen planes that are within us. One after another. And then we burst through all these and come out as beautiful lotuses. That's what is Easter for, is suggestive of eggs being offered and these eggs are offered so that these eggs can became the birds. Thank you. May God bless you.
Easter Puja. Magliano Sabina, Rome (Italy), 19 April 1992. This is a great day for all of us to rejoice and to enjoy this Resurrection of Christ. The Resurrection of Christ took place to open our Agnya center because it was a very subtle center as you know, very complicated with the ideas people had from their conditioning and from their ego, were so much clogging the Agnya Chakra that Kundalini could have been impossible to pass through. So all the play of Resurrection took place, and as Christ was nothing but chaitanya, He was resurrected from death so-called. In this death of Christ, we have to also understand that we have achieved our resurrection. We have achieved our resurrection, also whatever was supposed to be the past has died, is finished now. So, this repentance that we have, the conditionings we have are dead. But still it is very surprising that among the Christian nations, the ego did not subside as it should have been, perhaps may be that Christ was never worshipped in the right way. The ego in the West was absolutely, so dominating that nobody could see what they are doing, and how far they are going. Unnecessarily they are repenting about something that is far fetched. But repentance was meant for our ego. It's very shocking sometimes, when you see how the Christian nations invaded other countries, completely annihilated, completely finished and destroyed races after races. They were Christians, followers of Christ, taking Bible in their hand, can you imagine? Such a horrible things these so-called Christians have done in the name of Christ. Why is it, we have to understand, this ego worked so much in the Western countries or in the countries where they followed Christianity. Anywhere if they are Christians they are extremely aggressive, extremely violent and they think that the whole world belongs to them. Even Hitler believed in the Catholic religion. Sort of this great sacrifice of Christ never taught them any lesson, as if it was all obliterated from their memory, as if it has no meaning to them, it conveyed nothing to them, and they became so violent. Not only that but they thought they have a right to rule the whole world, plunder everyone, destroy everyone. Why? Because they were Christians. What a contrast it is to the life of Christ who resurrected out of the so-called death. But the ego still remained, not only but it blew up, blew up to such an extent that today we see the Christians have lost their sense of maryadas completely. The way the Christian churches are behaving. It's shocking. There is no morality of any kind left in them. They have no respect for law, no respect for God, no respect also for the chastity, which was the main point of Christ, main guna of Christ. This shocked Me when I was a child, because I saw, I was born in a Christian family, and I found the Christians in India were the most dogmatic, most dominating people. And it surprised Me. How have they taken Christ for granted? And why are they using His name to dominate others? Unfortunately at that time we had the British ruling us. British also maneuvered the whole thing in such a manner that the Indians believed that Christ was born in England. They used to dress up like English, they called themselves sahibs. They used to behave in a very arrogant manner, and they had places in the government. They joined hands with government. Had no loyalties to Indians. Even when My father was arrested they threw us out of the Christian community. They threw Me out of the school when I was just a six, seven year-old girl because My father was a Congressman. So this side of Christianity so far nobody has seen, I personally think, that all the Christian nations have been extremely cruel, extremely dominating, and they are today at the helm of affairs. This subtle ego has now, which was once the property of some monarchs, but has now in democratic countries have become very much available to all the ordinary people and all these countries we find are full of destruction. It's not only that the European did like this, but even Americans are extremely dominating, extremely egoistical, to such an extent that they are idiotic. Imagine, they follow Christ, who was wisdom, the source of wisdom, and His disciples should be so stupid and idiotic cannot be explained. Why it happens like that? So we have to see to the history of religion that is Christianity. There was as you know, Peter. Peter was a very egoistical fellow, and once Christ said that, "You are a satan." Said clearly. And also said that, "You will deny Me, three times." That's the time this Paul came up, and he thought it's a very good chance to get hold of somebody who is a weak person, who is satanic, who is in a way anti-Christ and he found Peter. He being a great bureaucrat wooed him, managed him, and took him into his own confidence and told him that, "You join hands with me, so I will make you the main person." And then he told all the other disciples that, "You are not so educated. I'm a great educated man, and I know what to write what not to write, so we shouldn't write all the things that you have written, we should edit it." He edited the Bible, this sinister fellow Paul. He edited the Bible. The whole work of Christ went into the hands of this devil. He started editing it, and when he edited, if you read him you'll be surprised it's full of ego. His organizing is full of ego whatever he writes, absolutely. But he cut down many things which should have been there. Christ must have mentioned about Kundalini I'm sure. But not a word about all these things, he avoided it, though that you are to be born again and all these things Christ said, Matthew's insisted. But he fought with Matthew's, and he couldn't accept the Immaculate Conception. He had no idea about the truth, about the reality, about the miracles that exist with Divinity. So he denied, but still Matthew stuck onto his own Gospel. But John ran away. He started his own style which we call people as Gnostics, and the other disciples, out of them Thomas went away. So, he edited Luke's Gospel and Matthew's Gospel and with great struggle they could retain certain original things in that. So this devil entered into the arena of such a great religion as Christianity, and the whole thing became upside down. And that's how Bible, which they use now as authority has such words that people start thinking no end of themselves. The first one suggesting that if you become the members of a church, you are chosen. But first of all he saw, that it should be written that Peter will start this church and he will have the key, that's what Christ has said. And put him on a rock and he will start the church. Impossible. Then put Me in the place of Christ. Will I ask the wickedest man to do such a thing? Will I appoint one person to look after the whole thing? This part of the Bible is absolutely blasphemy, and that's how once he put it there, Peter got into his own ego, thinking no end of himself. It was just maneuvering, and managing everything. This was all done with his bureaucratic brains but Peter played into it because he was a very weak disciple of Christ. As you know in Sahaja Yoga also we have really twelve types of Sahaja yogis. And some of them are very weak. They are weak because they have too much ego. They cannot carry on with anyone. They shout at people. They disturb others, they think no end of themselves, they're all always aggressive, they cannot be collective. They never show any love for each other. So this type of Sahaja yogis are there, which are one by one are showing their colors but some of them are learning, and are understanding that this is something is wrong, should not be. Christ had hardly three and a half years to work out all this, but I didn't know that out of these twelve, one would be such a sinister fellow that, of course one got Him caught also, but this Peter could be such a horrible fellow that for his own glory, for his own self-interest, he would put such words in the Bible, and have a great authority. It has happened also with Mohammed Sahib. Firstly, that Mohammed Sahib has said that there will be a Resurrection time. That means He talked of the future. So how can it be that He was the last? If He was last then how are you going to have the Resurrection? But the Seal of Prophet, doesn't mean that it's sealed now, no prophet can come down. It means seal, means a kind of a brand you can call it, and He was Adi Guru so He called Himself, "I am the Seal." He didn't say that, "I have sealed," but crooked people take advantage of these little, little words and start using them for their own purposes because they are very self-centered. So another type of Sahaja yogis are extremely self-centered. Some of them are quite self-centered in the sense that they know their own wives, their children and their house and this and that. To them it is very important to be busy with their children. You'll be amazed some people came to Bombay with their children didn't come for the puja in Delhi. What sort of Sahaja yogis they are? So this kind of Sahaja yogis exist that they are more worried about their children than about Sahaja Yoga, more about their own emancipation, worried about their family, their household. Some women are quite good at it. They try to remove their husbands from the ashrams. They try to find out excuses how to get out of the collectivity. We are judged all the time and you judge yourself, clearly. Now do not think of others when I'm saying this but put it to yourself. You must know that Christ was crucified. And who crucified them? They were not crucified by Jews, is a wrong idea. How can all the Jews who were just like slaves, could crucify Christ? It was the Roman Empire that time wanted to crucify because they thought He's becoming very powerful. And when they tried to crucify, they didn't even think that Christ is crucified because Jews wanted it. The blame was put on them just to avoid the blame from the people who were rulers, and the rulers can always do such a thing is to make crucifixion of anyone and putting the blame on anyone. So the Christians, the early Christians were mostly Jews. Christ Himself was a Jew, so to say that Jews crucified Christ, how can it be? So the blame was put on the Jews, and then Christians thought that they have every right to hate the Jews because Christ was crucified by Jews. This is another idea which has worked out through Mr. Paul because he didn't want to take any blame on the Roman administration. So Pilate washes his hands, and he washes his hands, there very significant, he washes his hands. So he's doing it not with his authority but he's doing it with the authorities of the Jew, this drama was played. And then all the Christians were busy hating the Jews and thinking that they have crucified Christ, I mean imagine, those are thousands of years when it had happened. And in thousand of years, somebody crucified somebody, for that they are hated. I mean in that way all the white race must be hated, for generations together, if that is the criteria because they have not only crucified one man. Millions and millions they have crucified. Are we going to blame their children and their children? So this is third type of Sahaja yogis we have, who try to blame somebody else all the time, not themselves. Such people when they start blaming others can never improve. They should introspect. But introspection is missing very much in the western countries except in Russia, because there is no way out. It's nowhere written that you introspect yourself. Only thing if you go to church and confess it to some deaf and dumb priest you are saved. So nobody introspects. Let us face it ourselves, do we introspect or not? Or we are that kind of people, Sahaja yogis who are not so much self-centered, but are self-opinionated and self-glorified, who do not want to find out what's wrong with them. Now we have another kind, fourth kind, which is very interesting to see that they are worshipping Mataji in the house but they can't come to collective. No they can't, because it's little far away. But if they have to go to meet their son they will go miles together. If they have to do something for their family they'll do it. Not only that but supposing they have to do some business, they will travel. In Sahaja Yoga nobody is asked to give up their jobs, to give up their lives, lifestyles, nothing of the kind, but priority is to be seen. They are very busy with their work, with earnings, with whatever they are doing, and they are just after earning a name, working very hard, doing artistic work, maybe creative work, they are very busy, they have no time for themselves, no time for God. This kind of people also, "Oh we worship Mother, before our creative work we bow to Mother, take help from Her, and we want all the protection from Her for our work, for our creativity." And there are some Sahaja yogis who still think that money is very important, still think. It is not. In Sahaja Yoga we get money whenever we want. Some of them, "I'm starting a business because .001 percent I want to give to Sahaja Yoga." And if you say, "Why are you giving?" "It's all Yours Mother .001 percent. It's all Yours. After all what are we doing, it's all Yours." This kind of attitude comes when you think that money is very important. Money is very important for such people who cannot see God beyond this, who cannot see subtler advantage of this money. They calculate every pai, meticulously, they don't want that their hard-earned money should be wasted about their spirituality. Or we have people who won't buy a book of Sahaja Yoga. Wouldn't buy a tape, they'll copy it, saving you know, save pounds or save dollars. They wouldn't buy something that is needed. They wouldn't buy a photograph but they would like to ask somebody to make a photograph out of it and we can have that. It's not that it is necessary to spend but the attitude of mind. If you can save some money very good, if you can save some time, very good, but that this time that is saved is for Sahaja Yoga they seldom understand. If you read any, I was reading the Buddhist religion and I was amazed, there are so many don'ts, that if I put even one to Sahaja yogis you'll all run away. First is you cannot make any profit, no profit. You cannot buy any land. You can only eat your food once a day, you have to be vegetarian absolutely. You cannot kill anyone. I mean you may kill human beings, that's not written. But you cannot kill any animal, you cannot kill any fish, you cannot kill even a mosquito. So this kind of religion is there which is - they say Buddha talked about, I don't think so Buddha could have said. So all these people the followers of all these great incarnations, have done so much wrong to the people who brought beautiful religions to us, and that's why we are absolutely deviated from the path of truth. So those who really are honest and want to adhere to the path of truth, have to all the time introspect and find out within yourself, how far we are on the truth. So now we have another kind of Sahaja yogis also, who are, more sort of, I should say like, enjoy festivals you see, clubbing together, because we have a feeling of belonging, we should belong to something. We should belong to this group or to that group or to that group. Either you go to Christianity or to the Jews or to the Islam and other to some politics. Say for in England they'll ask you question, "What is your politics?" Asked Me what is My politics. I couldn't understand this question. Everybody must have a brand of a politics. I said, "What do you mean by that?" Said, "Are you a communist?" "No, no I'm not." "Are you a conservative?" "No, no." "Are you a socialist?" "I'm not." "Then what are you?" "I am a human being." They couldn't understand I am just a human being, without any politics on My head. So, the idea of belonging, I must belong to this cult or to this sect or to this so-called religions. Then you start getting involved into all kinds of conditionings, all kinds of rules and regulations and things and you start binding yourself and you're very happy, very happy. You ask some sects, "Why are you clean-shaven?" "Oh in our religion we are supposed to have a clean-shave head." "What is this?" Or something like that, stupid. Like you must have beard, or you must have moustaches, some sort of a clannishness, not understanding that reality is full of varieties. There has to be variety. That is how it is aesthetics and saundariya. If you do not have variety, how can you be a personality? How can be a person who is bound by this nonsensical outside ideas, be a person who has a personality? If religion cannot give you a personality is better to do away with such a thing. It gives you an inner personality, and also an outer personality. And this personality, when you start enjoying, then only one would say you are a Sahaja yogi, where you are not told not to steal, not to hit someone, not to be aggressive with anyone, not to be egoistical, never said like that, but a personality that watches oneself. But normally people watch others, not themselves. This is also another problem of the West that you watch others, never watch yourself. But all this goes on and on and on, till we really become slaves of our own ideas about a personality and we start projecting that personality through our ego and try to show that we are something very special. Just the opposite is Sahaja Yoga. Try to understand this very clearly. We are all a personality, you are all persons, you are all saints and are to be respected as saints. We need not have the same type of personality. Everybody must have to... I mean it has to be, different types of styles of talking, styles of delivering things, styles of expression of divine Love. So we do not form a kind of a regimental people, because we are free. We are absolutely free, because we have the light. We know how far we have to go, what is the right way, which way to go. Immediately you know what is correct, if that light is there nicely burning within yourself, you don't have to ask Me, ask anyone. When such people come up, understanding that Sahaja Yoga is complete freedom, but, this complete freedom is there because you have the light. Without the light the freedom is nonsense, it has no meaning. You hurt everyone, you trouble everyone, torture everyone, but with the light, firstly great thing happens to us that religions which are preached by these great prophets and incarnations just become part and parcel of ourselves. Here it is, the Japanese will say we are Buddhists and kill as many people as they like. Or the Christians as I said, are just the opposite of what they are. So then you really became a real Christian and a real Muslim and a real Hindu. And then you realize all religions are really like a part of the ocean and you no more identify yourself with any particular one but you just jump in the ocean of religion and you are, in a way, the real religious personality. I don't have to tell you about your morality, you just see, watch, how you have dropped out so many of these wrong things which you were doing. So many used to write to Me also, but I never read them, so I used to just burn off everything. I don't want to know about it. We are a free person. In that freedom, you see that you have imbibed all these religions. Before realization no one, no one can be religious. They can profess, they can have a brand, they may say something but is all outside, not only that but they are just the opposite of the religion they are professing. Just the opposite. And they deviate, not only that, but pollute the basis of religion. And the basis of religion is the ascent. If the religion cannot give you the balance to ascent it's better to have no religion. Atheists are better like Russians, who have no religion, who are only worried about their ascent. That's why maybe that Christ and Mahavira didn't want to talk about God. So then we have people who have the light, and they worry about their own light and they want that this light should be there all the time burning, and this light not only should enlighten them, but enlighten others, and they work for it. They take up responsibility in a way. They do not sit in a jungle meditating. No, you have to work, you have to work, in this world. You have to work it out, Sahaja Yoga for others. You have to give them, this beautiful feeling of oneness with the Divine. You have to enjoy all that. Sahaja Yoga is not only for your enjoyment, like some drunkards sitting and drinking together. It is to fill up your cups to be given to others, to many others who are there. So they take up this responsibility, and the basis is the truth that they know about. They do not think that they are like a liability of Sahaja Yoga. They do not come to Me for small, small things, "How can I grow the hair of my father's baldness?" Sort of nonsensical question. They even write to Me such nonsensical things. I'm amazed what do they think Sahaja Yoga is meant to be a beauty parlor or what? Their vision is very different. The vision is of that great universe, the great universe that has to be enlightened. They are part and parcel of that. And this universal religion is to be brought into the lives of people through realization, through awakening of kundalini. They work very hard, they spare no efforts to see that people receive realization. But here also, a little of this ego subtly is there. That I am doing this, I am doing that. So many people ask Me, "Mother You travel so much, You do so much, how is it that You manage at this age so well?" First of all I don't know what is My age is, I don't care. And secondly I don't do anything. If I'm not doing anything how can I be tired? I'm not doing anything whatsoever. It's all working out, I just watch and see and enjoy. So they also think, "We are doing this work, we are doing that work." And become very conscious of it. Then again this Mr. Ego, which is subtly still there flickering, flame becomes a big one. It's an anti-Christ activity, absolutely. So the construction of the mind starts you see, this one is not working, that one is this, this is, they start criticizing others. Still watching others not themselves. Then there are Sahaja yogis who do not feel that way. They realize that Paramchaitanya is working everything, and working through them. They are the instrument, and sometimes of course, if it fails they start doubting. "Then how is it Mother this thing has happened like this? If it is so, then how is it Gorbachev had to leave?" I have to explain why Gorbachev had to leave politics, imagine. That's My responsibility. Of course we can ask God any questions. That's human beings think they have a right to ask any question to God, to curse Him, to say whatever they feel like to God as if He is a person who has taken your liability. So this still lingers on a little bit when even they are quite surrendered about it still, there are certain doubts, in the minds. But then there are people who do not doubt anything. They understand there is Paramchaitanya which is helping. They know that behind all these miracles there is Paramchaitanya. But above all of them, are the ones start realizing that we have got powers, definitely, and that we are connected with the Divine. We have powers. Of course sometimes they also doubt, if we really have powers. I mean, I have known some people they said, I said, "Why don't you help there?" "Because I'm afraid my ego will come up." "Why don't you do this?" "Because my ego will come up." They are frightened of their ego so this ego follows very subtly, and better not risk, not too much you see, it's too much. Let us go little slowly, not to sort of believe that I have powers. But there are people, who know they have been blessed with powers, and these powers can be discovered more and more within yourself. They have faith in themselves, they have faith in Sahaja Yoga, and they have complete faith in Me and in this Paramchaitanya. And they work out, very simple people. Extremely simple people they are, very simple-hearted innocent people. I've seen in the villages. I've seen many also here, there are many sitting of that kind. So this is the twelve types of Sahaja yogis I have described but, there's one, that is the one, which is fully empowered, also. They discover their own powers. In that introspection they see and they are sure about it, no doubts. That is the state of nirvikalpa. They have no doubts about themselves. To have faith in Me, to worship Me, to receive something from Me, but know that I have made you also something great, and that you have to develop your powers also. Don't only depend on the powers that I have. Just do not try to extract powers which are from your Mother, but try to rise onto the same levels. You can. I wouldn't say how many will, but try. And for that, first and foremost thing, first and most important thing is complete humility. Of course, you are surrendered to Me so you are humble. Mohammed Sahib talked of surrender. I said surrender yourself to your Self. If your Self is the Spirit, why not surrender your self to your Self. But make that Self shine. Just become one with that light. Whole life should be a light, light of love, light of Divinity, light of beauty. So you have to work out through introspection, you have got all these powers within yourself. So many powers you have. Of course, depending on Mother is nice thing but now you grow, you have to grow. You have to grow and take up the responsibility without feeling responsible. The personality should be such. I hope we have to go ahead of all the other disciples. Unless and until we do that, can we, possibly I don't know, we might drown Sahaja Yoga into another ocean of nonsense. So we have to also develop our personalities, through our introspection, through our understandings, through our proofs of reality. I'm sorry today I have to tell about these things but I had no other chance to talk to you about it except for today that how the disciples of Christ were deceived by this Peter and Paul company and I sometimes think of human beings, how they are and how clever and cunning they are and how they can try to bring down Sahaja Yoga, which is so important today. Today is the day of our resurrection. We have to pass through these twelve stages to reach the higher state, and they call it the fourteenth stage is the highest, where you are just an instrument, absolutely insensitive about what you are, playing into the hands of Paramchaitanya. Is a very good auspicious day today. This is what Christ has done. He accepted His crucifixion because He had to play that role. And, it was a terrible thing. But when He was carrying the Cross, they were worried about Him, then He said, "Don't worry about Me, you'd better worry about yourself." Despite all this mutilation in the Bible, lots of truths have been there still. So we are not to hate anyone because they have crucified Christ - that's what they say, but hate that kind of an authority if it comes to us we should not try to crucify others. But the subtle ego that works, starts in a very funny manner, and in the collectivity it starts showing up. Try to reduce it, try to reduce. And you'll be amazed, as soon as this 'I'ness is finished, all the powers will start coming up. It's like a flute which has got hollowness within it, if there's any obstruction, it cannot play. So all these ideas we have, all these conditionings we had, the worst of all this so-called ego that, "I am doing that," should go away, because you can never enjoy if you think that way. You cannot enjoy your work, and you really cannot jump into the ocean of joy as long as in you that, "I am doing it." So also there are certain questions about the school they have been asking, but I've already told that it's a very big task to run a school and we have found out that the Western children have got a very poor immune system, very poor. Maybe they were given antibiotics or they have been given such food, tinned food maybe or maybe some sort of a protected things. I don't know why or maybe they have seen lots of these ghost stories or maybe the films or something that their immune system is very, very weak, with the slightest thing they catch. If something is wrong with another person they catch it. This is a new discovery we had. Also I think with the heat their brains start boiling because already they are on the ego trips. So we have decided to take them down now from Vashi to Dharamsala. Dharamsala you'll be surprised that Yogi has donated ten acres of land. Also I have donated some land. Also lot of money has been donated by Indians and we are going to develop a school. You don't worry on that, what sort of a school we are going to have, what we are going to do there, you have to leave things to us. This is one thing. Accordingly because they were going to have the school in December it was not decided, it was discovered when the month April started, that children started getting sick. With little dust they would start coughing, coughing, coughing, allergies, all kinds. Then we decided that let them be in a cooler place, so they will be in Dharamsala and let them be there. Now for all the parents they have to know one thing, if they want their children to come up properly they have to leave them to the school to manage. You are not going to interfere with that. Of course because according to the first plan there would have been three months holidays in the summer time and they would have been in Dharamsala, but now as they are taking up the same course there's no holiday for them and their school has started. So please don't go to Dharamsala. Immediately parents are rushing. Please cancel your tickets. Only you can meet your children in Sheri where they'll be there for three and a half months. You come and stay there during wintertime, that's the only time you should meet your children. Apart from health their education is very poor. So many of them even at the age of eight years don't know how to write properly. Absolutely they are completely neglected, pampered children. So let the school look after them. They don't want to study, they have no sense of future. They have no sense as to why are they on this earth. So let them handle. Please, some parents might not have gone for sometime maybe, but that doesn't mean as soon as you get money or a provision you rush there. Try to understand that you shouldn't disturb discipline of the school and the discipline of the children. Because if there's one parent coming or two parents coming, all the children start feeling bad and their attention is spoiled. So the first thing we have to imbibe today the wisdom of Christ. Wisdom. Wisdom should tell you that, "leave the children". We are trying our level best to do the best for them. We are not yet asking you for any help so far, we are working it out. It's very surprising how these children are very intelligent, and they grasp things very well, but they just don't want to sit down anywhere. All the time they want to be out. They don't want to study. So we have to find out ways and methods by which they have self-esteem that they think they have to do something in life. The parents first of all are in the West known to be very negligent about their children - they even kill their children and all that. But in Sahaja Yoga they just get attached like a glue. From one side they are left and they become glued, the whole family is glued, they can't get over it. And this kind of love is the death of love. So, please try to understand that these are the children of Sahaja Yoga, and they are looked after. Everything is going to be worked out very well for them. And have the wisdom to enjoy this development of your children. If you have any problems about it, you shouldn't trouble the people there. All your attention is on your child, is a very wrong thing. I think that person is not a Sahaja yogi at all. Because you do not think that God is responsible for them. You think you are responsible then you are not a Sahaja yogi at all, by any chance. You love your own children but you don't love other children. You're not bothered about their problems, their situations. Supposing one father, mother, go there, then all the rest of the children going to feel bad. Then why should you go? Then also sending presents, some people start sending presents, tinned fruit. Now anybody sends tinned food we are going to throw it in the sea. Chocolates. There's no need to send anything like that. If you have to send something then send something that is good for them for the whole school. Otherwise just don't send. Only for your child please don't send. You are Sahaja yogis, you are not like other people. You are special people. So if you have to send something, send for all the children but not chocolates or not things that will spoil their immune system as it is already in a very bad shape. Tinned fruit you should never send. Any kind of tinned food we are going to throw them out. And it's gone so bad, that we had to import tinned food for these children to eat. "I don't like it. I won't have it." So if you really want your children to be strong, healthy, wise, sensible Sahaja yogis then you must have wisdom yourself, to be parents. These are all realized souls born to you. Special blessings. So be kind to them, be nice to them. The harshness is not only the harshness of showing anger to the children but also of showing too much love, also is a kind of harshness because it hurts other children, also it hurts your child. Because that child starts thinking, "Oh I'm something very special. I need not study. I need not do anything." So there should be a balanced attitude towards the children. That's what somebody told Me that you already are booked to go to Dharamsala. I'm sorry, please don't go. They are doing well, they are looked after. There's all possibility of their coming down with such beautiful personalities that you'll be proud of them. Try to understand. Try to realize that whatever effort Sahaja Yoga is putting for them should be fully materialized. I hope none of you are sort of, going to disturb them. And when you write letters always in the letter you must write, "I want you to study very well, I want you to come up very well. You are a good Sahaja yogi." Like this. Instead of that, "I love you very much, I miss you, I'm crying morning till evening for you." This not the way. This is Greek tragedy. So we have to be encouraging them and that you want to see your children to be like this. Give them some self-esteem, some vision of their own, and you'll see that this will be very encouraging and the teachers will feel very happy. Because some of the letters when the teachers also read they start crying. There's no need to say all these things to your children. I mean you are grown-up people. And one child brought a letter, "Oh my father and mother both are crying. What am I to do?" I mean he became the grandfather. With all these happenings one has to learn that, we are changing the whole world, we are changing ourselves and our children are going to come up to help us. Of course all the children cannot go because they think that it's an expensive school or whatever it is. We can reduce the fees later on, not now. Because so many things are to be done for them. There's so much compulsion of teachers, compulsion of this. But, if you see that once these children are brought up all right it's an experiment, then we might be able to start some schools here somewhere in a proper way, where children could be educated, properly. But here the expense will be much more, that's it. In Rome ashram you have to spend more than you have to spend. They can't help it. So expense-wise it will be the same. So you have to be reasonable about it, and if possible we should try to have some school somewhere. I don't know which country will take the responsibility. Maybe in Russia would be good idea. Cheaper. Let there be food first of all, then we can think about it. So it's an experiment and you should all try to help, all the school people. Now is there any other problem that I have to discuss with you, better tell Me. So today we are talking about our resurrection through these fourteen planes that are within us. One after another. And then we burst through all these and come out as beautiful lotuses. That's what is Easter for, is suggestive of eggs being offered and these eggs are offered so that these eggs can became the birds. Thank you. May God bless you.
Shri Mataji in a train
Public Program (incomplete)
Public Program
It is the easiest to feel your divinity
Public Program
Public Program. Florence (Firenze) (Italy), 1992-0423. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualise it. We cannot know it through the flight of our imagination. Unfortunately, we cannot also know at this human level, human awareness. Because it is subtler than human awareness. Within all of you there is divinity. But because of ignorance, you do not know it. Is not difficult. On the contrary, is the easiest to feel your divinity. Now whatever is told to you about this machinery within you, and whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to understand it with an open mind. Like a scientist, you must know that whatever I’m saying is a hypothesis. And when you find out that that is the truth, then you must accept, as honest people. So believe Me, that every human being is capable of achieving his divinity. Every scripture has said that you are to be born again. And it is said that you have to know yourself: “Know thyself.” But it is not some sort of a artificial baptism, or artificial certificate, that you become a realised soul. But it is a living process of evolution. Like this in the triangular bone is placed this power for your ascent. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother, the Feminine Power, God’s desire. We talk of God the Father, God the Son, and not of the Mother. How can it be a child there, and not the mother? So we talk of the Holy Ghost as a dove. But dove is just a symbol. But despite everything, people do believe in Madonna. So She is the Goddess and people worship Her. This power is the reflection of the same power. And when she is awakened, she passes through six centres, piercing through the fontanel bone area, giving you the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the modern times, there are so many seekers of truth. But they have been misled. Because there is in the market lots of people who want to make money. But you cannot pay any money for your evolution. Because it’s a living process. When you became a human being from amoeba state, how much money did you pay? Or else, how much money do we pay to the Mother Earth who sprouts all the seeds? So, one has to remember that it is your birthright to have this union with the all-pervading power. So, there are two truths you have to know. One of them is that you should know that you are the Spirit. Not to know it mentally, but on your central nervous system. The second truth is to know that there is an all-pervading power which does all the living work. So, unless and until you feel that subtle power which does all living work, you are not to believe that you are a self-realised soul. This is how you have to be honest… this is how you have to be honest to yourself. I hope tonight all of you will get your realisation. This knowledge is endless, is limitless. But best thing is first to have the light within you, and then try to understand this subtle knowledge. In the meanwhile, I would like you to ask Me some questions for about five, ten minutes, if you have any. But I’ve not come here to take anything from you. But to give you what is your own. So there should be no argument about something that should upset you. So please, ask Me questions which are relevant. And even if I answer, it is just a mental feat, that doesn’t guarantee your self-realisation. So I would like you to ask Me some questions, and then I will give you self-realisation. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido perché non si sente): Come si fa a fare dello yoga oggi quando si è così presi da questa vita forsennata? (Shri Mataji laughs): It is only in the frantic world we start seeking the truth. Is only in the stagnated pools the lotuses grow. Have faith in yourself. It has been predicted that all the seekers of truth will be born in those modern times. Domanda (ripetuta da Antonio Saracino): La domanda è questa: poiché Shri Mataji ha detto prima che la consapevolezza non ha limiti, il signore notava che c’è come una contraddizione, perché se si ottiene la realizzazione si ha la conoscenza completa; quindi come può essere questa conoscenza senza limiti, se è completa? Shri Mataji: Like a drop becomes the ocean. Our limits are broken, and we become limitless. All right? That’s good (?). Very good questions, I must say. They are all great seekers sitting here. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido): In order to awaken the Kundalini, is some kind of a spiritual preparation needed? Shri Mataji: Is all… you see those who do not know the job try to escape. You please don’t judge yourself, your Kundalini will judge you. This is the time of Last Judgement. She is your individual Mother, she knows everything about you. As your own mother took up all the problems upon herself, and gave you your birth, in the same way She looks after you. So please be confident. Because this is the resurrection (time?). You will be resurrected. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido): What should we do against those people who ask for money for the self-realisation? (Shri Mataji laughs): You see, those who are asking money for self-realisation – you should not give them, that’s all, they’ll all run away. (Laughter). This lady, raising her hand, just see what does she say. Domanda (ripetuta da A. Saracino): Come mai in politica sono sempre gli ignoranti, e mai gli illuminati, che emergono, che hanno il potere? (Shri Mataji laughs): You only let them! (Laughter and applause) Domanda: Qual è la via adatta per mettere in comunione il sé piccolo con il Sé supremo? Shri Mataji: This is what we are going to do, like this instrument (microphone) has got this chord, you see? To be connected to the mains. In the same way we have Kundalini within us, which will have to be just awakened and you’ll get connected. It is like a seed, when you put it in the Mother Earth, the Mother Earth has the capacity to sprout it automatically. Domanda: Perché per Milarepa è stato così duro e per noi è così facile? Shri Mataji: You are special people! (Applause) They must have passed.. just say…you have to say that…just a minute (problems with microphone) ….you have gone through all this in your previous lives. (Problems with microphone). All right? Domanda: Io volevo chiedere, per favore: se con delle tecniche, con della gestualità, si può veramente muovere queste energie, se non c’è una dovuta presa di coscienza, non potrebbero essere usate male? Shri Mataji: It is never dangerous, never dangerous. But is better that you know, after your realisation. I hope there will be some courses given to you to tell you how to use it, and how to perfect yourself, free of cost. Domanda: Io non ho una domanda speciale, però volevo dire questo: da poche persone sento parlare di Madre, mentre sentiamo solo parlare di Padre. E volevo semplicemente che Lei mi dicesse, se può, qualcosa di più sulla Madre. Shri Mataji: You see, I’m so happy that in Italy people have so much respect for their mother and also for Madonna. It’s rather surprising why they did not describe about Christ’s Mother in the Bible. The last words spoken of Christ where He says: “Behold the Mother.” In all other scriptures of the world, this Primordial Mother is discussed, and everybody has talked about that that She is the Power, She is the Shakti. Domanda: Io volevo chiedere questo: da una decina d’anni seguo queste filosofie. Mi sono accorto che c’è un gran movimento di filosofie orientali verso l’Occidente, anche qui in Italia ne abbiamo diverse: lo Zen (…) Non si rischia di creare una certa confusione? Cioè, non si perde di vista qual è la retta via da apprendere? Shri Mataji: That is quite true. You see, when the market started in the West, they all got themselves exported to make money. I’m sorry for that, and I feel ashamed as an Indian. They took advantage of you people. But if you are a seeker, you will get your realisation. Don’t you worry about anybody else. Have faith in yourself. Domanda: Perché Buddha è grasso e Cristo è magro? Shri Mataji: You see, that’s a mistake, Christ was never a thin man. Because they were so happy people, such joyous. Only Michelangelo could see Him clearly, in his Sistine Chapel he has put (?) Him properly like a huge big man. But on the table down below they have put a skeleton of Christ, with skin on top of that. Is absolutely horrible! That is just to excite your sympathy, I think. With that kind of a body, like a skeleton, can you carry the cross over the Calvary? Domanda: When the strength is coming from within, we can …mountains… Shri Mataji: No, that is true, but such people, you see, mostly thin people suffer from liver. Or over-activity. Also the Mother of Christ is always shown as a fat person. Now these are modern fashions that you should become like a mosquito. Mona Lisa is a famous painting, Mona Lisa: she was a very fat woman! Is all the craze of the entrepreneurs you are playing into. They are making a fool out of everyone. Also, a divine personality needs water to protect these centres, the chakras. If you want to become actors or actresses then it’s different (laughs), but for a divine person you don’t worry about your body much. Say, now, I’m sixty-eight, I’ll be sixty-nine years of age, and I’m every day travelling. Domanda: Volevo sapere se secondo Lei, secondo voi, questo è l’unico sistema per la realizzazione del sé, o se viene accettato anche il ricorso ad altre forme di meditazione come Kriya Yoga, Yogananda ecc. Shri Mataji: No, the only way is that the Kundalini has to be awakened, like this one (microphone) only way to make it start is to put to the mains. Is there any other way? Domanda: Io vorrei chiedere che differenza c’è, fra questo Yoga - se c’è - e gli altri yoga che vengono effettuati, le dottrine yoga che ci sono ormai da molto tempo in Italia. Shri Mataji: See, others are not Yoga: Yoga means union with the divine. Now, should we have our self-realisation? At the very outset, I’ve to tell you that you cannot force self-realisation on anyone. Because I respect your freedom. Those who do not want to have self-realisation, should leave the hall. It will hardly take about ten minutes. Not more than ten minutes, and you will feel the all-pervading power. There are two conditions to be followed: one of them is that you are not to feel guilty at all about anything whatsoever. At this moment, you should forget the past. And have respect for yourself, because you are human beings. You are not God, so if you make mistakes, doesn’t matter. Because the Divine is ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, He is capable of dissolving it completely. If you feel guilty, then this centre on the left hand side catches very badly. And sometimes with this catching you might get a disease called angina. Is a disease of the heart. You might get the cancer of the cervical. Cancer of the cervical, cervical bone, here. Or you might get spondylitis. Or else you might also get lethargic organs on the left side. So please do not feel guilty at all, be happy with yourself. Forgive yourself. All right. The other condition is that you have to forgive everyone. I have seen that Italians find it very difficult to forgive (Shri Mataji laughs). The other day I was sitting till four o’clock in the morning - they came to Me and they said: “Mother, we can’t feel it.” And all of them had not forgiven others. Now logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, we don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself, while the person who has troubled you is quite a happy person. So is the greatest weapon we have is to forgive, so nobody can torture you. This is the second condition. I hope you note it down, because otherwise later on you will all say, ‘I didn’t feel it.’ Now. Simple thing is now is to see how we are to help ourselves and raise our own Kundalini, and then we’ll close our eyes. We have to sit not with any strain, neither bending nor backwards nor forwards, with both the feet apart from each other. You will know there are two powers, left and right. The left is the power of desire and the right is the power of action. Now. Can I request you also to take out your shoes, so that this Mother Earth can help us a lot to suck in our problems. Let them all be seated, they all should sit down. This lady also, ask her to sit down. What did she say? All right. Now show them. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. (…) on your lap. Now. This is symbolic of your desire to have self-realisation. Then, please use your hand for nourishing your centres as we tell you. Put your right hand on your heart. There resides the Spirit. Then put your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Because when you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. Then take down your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the knowledge, this is the power of – or we can say the centre – of the pure knowledge, which works out all the divine work. Now raise your hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now raise your right hand onto your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. I’ve told you that you catch this centre when you feel guilty. Now. Take your right hand on your forehead across. And bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive others. Now. Take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre where, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power of God’s love. Now. Stretch your hand fully. Put the centre part of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which is the soft bone in your childhood. Now, put down your head as far as possible, push back your fingers, and press it hard. And now start moving your scalp seven times clockwise. Bend your heads, bend your heads. All right. Now. You can take out your spectacles because you have to close your eyes. If anything is tight on your stomach, or on your back, you can loosen it a little bit, or on your neck. Put your both the feet apart from each other. Now. Please put your left hand towards Me, and right hand on your heart. Now, please close your eyes, and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to say, or ask a very fundamental question to Me – you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji – so you have to say, ask a question: “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times. Now. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. Now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, now, you have to ask another fundamental question to Me, three times: “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom, and I cannot force pure knowledge on you, so you have to ask for it. All right. So now please take your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen and put, press it hard with your fingers, and ask six times – because this centre has got six petals. Now. Please ask Me six times: “Mother, please, give me pure knowledge.” When you are asking this question, the Kundalini starts rising slowly. So now, we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, and press it hard on the left hand side. We are working on your left hand side. Here you have to say, with full confidence, ten times: “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the greatest truth about you is that you are the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego or your conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on top of your heart. With full confidence you have to say twelve times: “Mother, I am the Spirit.” This divine power of God’s love is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of absolute truth and knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you might have committed in the past, can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So now. Raise your hand and put it onto the angle between your shoulder and your neck, and press it hard, push back as much as possible, and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” (Shri Mataji asks Guido to massage Her Vishuddhi, and while he does so, She says: “It’s terrible. Little lower, little lower. That’s good). I’ve already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands, and torture yourself and suffer yourself. But those who have troubled you are happy people, and you are playing into their hands! So now please raise your right hand, put it on your forehead across, and bend your head (Guido puts his hand on the back agnya of Shri Mataji). Bend your head, and now you have to say with full confidence, from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone.” Please bend your heads. (Shri Mataji moves Guido’s hand from Her back agnya to the left side of Her head). Bend your heads, please bend your heads. Say from your heart. Now. Please take back you right hand onto the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, not how many times: “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Say it again from your heart. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm, your hand fully. Now. Put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and press it hard. Push back your fingers. Push back your fingers and put down your head properly. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your self-realisation. So you have to say seven times, moving your hand on your scalp clockwise, moving your scalp with a force, say: “Mother, please, give me my self-realisation.” (Shri Mataji puts Guido’s hand on Her Sahasrara. Shri Mataji blows into the microphone.) Now. Please take down your hands. Open your eyes. Put your right hand towards Me like this. Bend your head. And see with your left hand if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Sometimes it can be hot. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now. Please put your left hand – now see with the right hand if there’s a cool breeze over your heads. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Not on top. Away. Sometimes you get quite far away. Now. Again put your right hand towards Me, and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now. Put your both the hands towards the sky, and bend your head backwards. Look upwards. Ask a question now three times, anyone of these questions: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Or: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God’s Love? Or: is this the Paramachaitanya? Anyone of these questions you can ask three times. Now put down your hands please. Put your hands towards Me like this, little higher. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their hands, or out of their fontanel bone area, cool or hot breeze, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. I bow to all of you. So now the new growth of your saintliness has started. Now you have to know how to fix up your realisation. The musicians have to come here on the stage. Now. Those who want to meet Me are welcome on the stage. (Applause).
Public Program. Florence (Firenze) (Italy), 1992-0423. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot conceptualise it. We cannot know it through the flight of our imagination. Unfortunately, we cannot also know at this human level, human awareness. Because it is subtler than human awareness. Within all of you there is divinity. But because of ignorance, you do not know it. Is not difficult. On the contrary, is the easiest to feel your divinity. Now whatever is told to you about this machinery within you, and whatever I’m going to tell you, you have to understand it with an open mind. Like a scientist, you must know that whatever I’m saying is a hypothesis. And when you find out that that is the truth, then you must accept, as honest people. So believe Me, that every human being is capable of achieving his divinity. Every scripture has said that you are to be born again. And it is said that you have to know yourself: “Know thyself.” But it is not some sort of a artificial baptism, or artificial certificate, that you become a realised soul. But it is a living process of evolution. Like this in the triangular bone is placed this power for your ascent. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother, the Feminine Power, God’s desire. We talk of God the Father, God the Son, and not of the Mother. How can it be a child there, and not the mother? So we talk of the Holy Ghost as a dove. But dove is just a symbol. But despite everything, people do believe in Madonna. So She is the Goddess and people worship Her. This power is the reflection of the same power. And when she is awakened, she passes through six centres, piercing through the fontanel bone area, giving you the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the modern times, there are so many seekers of truth. But they have been misled. Because there is in the market lots of people who want to make money. But you cannot pay any money for your evolution. Because it’s a living process. When you became a human being from amoeba state, how much money did you pay? Or else, how much money do we pay to the Mother Earth who sprouts all the seeds? So, one has to remember that it is your birthright to have this union with the all-pervading power. So, there are two truths you have to know. One of them is that you should know that you are the Spirit. Not to know it mentally, but on your central nervous system. The second truth is to know that there is an all-pervading power which does all the living work. So, unless and until you feel that subtle power which does all living work, you are not to believe that you are a self-realised soul. This is how you have to be honest… this is how you have to be honest to yourself. I hope tonight all of you will get your realisation. This knowledge is endless, is limitless. But best thing is first to have the light within you, and then try to understand this subtle knowledge. In the meanwhile, I would like you to ask Me some questions for about five, ten minutes, if you have any. But I’ve not come here to take anything from you. But to give you what is your own. So there should be no argument about something that should upset you. So please, ask Me questions which are relevant. And even if I answer, it is just a mental feat, that doesn’t guarantee your self-realisation. So I would like you to ask Me some questions, and then I will give you self-realisation. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido perché non si sente): Come si fa a fare dello yoga oggi quando si è così presi da questa vita forsennata? (Shri Mataji laughs): It is only in the frantic world we start seeking the truth. Is only in the stagnated pools the lotuses grow. Have faith in yourself. It has been predicted that all the seekers of truth will be born in those modern times. Domanda (ripetuta da Antonio Saracino): La domanda è questa: poiché Shri Mataji ha detto prima che la consapevolezza non ha limiti, il signore notava che c’è come una contraddizione, perché se si ottiene la realizzazione si ha la conoscenza completa; quindi come può essere questa conoscenza senza limiti, se è completa? Shri Mataji: Like a drop becomes the ocean. Our limits are broken, and we become limitless. All right? That’s good (?). Very good questions, I must say. They are all great seekers sitting here. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido): In order to awaken the Kundalini, is some kind of a spiritual preparation needed? Shri Mataji: Is all… you see those who do not know the job try to escape. You please don’t judge yourself, your Kundalini will judge you. This is the time of Last Judgement. She is your individual Mother, she knows everything about you. As your own mother took up all the problems upon herself, and gave you your birth, in the same way She looks after you. So please be confident. Because this is the resurrection (time?). You will be resurrected. Domanda (ripetuta da Guido): What should we do against those people who ask for money for the self-realisation? (Shri Mataji laughs): You see, those who are asking money for self-realisation – you should not give them, that’s all, they’ll all run away. (Laughter). This lady, raising her hand, just see what does she say. Domanda (ripetuta da A. Saracino): Come mai in politica sono sempre gli ignoranti, e mai gli illuminati, che emergono, che hanno il potere? (Shri Mataji laughs): You only let them! (Laughter and applause) Domanda: Qual è la via adatta per mettere in comunione il sé piccolo con il Sé supremo? Shri Mataji: This is what we are going to do, like this instrument (microphone) has got this chord, you see? To be connected to the mains. In the same way we have Kundalini within us, which will have to be just awakened and you’ll get connected. It is like a seed, when you put it in the Mother Earth, the Mother Earth has the capacity to sprout it automatically. Domanda: Perché per Milarepa è stato così duro e per noi è così facile? Shri Mataji: You are special people! (Applause) They must have passed.. just say…you have to say that…just a minute (problems with microphone) ….you have gone through all this in your previous lives. (Problems with microphone). All right? Domanda: Io volevo chiedere, per favore: se con delle tecniche, con della gestualità, si può veramente muovere queste energie, se non c’è una dovuta presa di coscienza, non potrebbero essere usate male? Shri Mataji: It is never dangerous, never dangerous. But is better that you know, after your realisation. I hope there will be some courses given to you to tell you how to use it, and how to perfect yourself, free of cost. Domanda: Io non ho una domanda speciale, però volevo dire questo: da poche persone sento parlare di Madre, mentre sentiamo solo parlare di Padre. E volevo semplicemente che Lei mi dicesse, se può, qualcosa di più sulla Madre. Shri Mataji: You see, I’m so happy that in Italy people have so much respect for their mother and also for Madonna. It’s rather surprising why they did not describe about Christ’s Mother in the Bible. The last words spoken of Christ where He says: “Behold the Mother.” In all other scriptures of the world, this Primordial Mother is discussed, and everybody has talked about that that She is the Power, She is the Shakti. Domanda: Io volevo chiedere questo: da una decina d’anni seguo queste filosofie. Mi sono accorto che c’è un gran movimento di filosofie orientali verso l’Occidente, anche qui in Italia ne abbiamo diverse: lo Zen (…) Non si rischia di creare una certa confusione? Cioè, non si perde di vista qual è la retta via da apprendere? Shri Mataji: That is quite true. You see, when the market started in the West, they all got themselves exported to make money. I’m sorry for that, and I feel ashamed as an Indian. They took advantage of you people. But if you are a seeker, you will get your realisation. Don’t you worry about anybody else. Have faith in yourself. Domanda: Perché Buddha è grasso e Cristo è magro? Shri Mataji: You see, that’s a mistake, Christ was never a thin man. Because they were so happy people, such joyous. Only Michelangelo could see Him clearly, in his Sistine Chapel he has put (?) Him properly like a huge big man. But on the table down below they have put a skeleton of Christ, with skin on top of that. Is absolutely horrible! That is just to excite your sympathy, I think. With that kind of a body, like a skeleton, can you carry the cross over the Calvary? Domanda: When the strength is coming from within, we can …mountains… Shri Mataji: No, that is true, but such people, you see, mostly thin people suffer from liver. Or over-activity. Also the Mother of Christ is always shown as a fat person. Now these are modern fashions that you should become like a mosquito. Mona Lisa is a famous painting, Mona Lisa: she was a very fat woman! Is all the craze of the entrepreneurs you are playing into. They are making a fool out of everyone. Also, a divine personality needs water to protect these centres, the chakras. If you want to become actors or actresses then it’s different (laughs), but for a divine person you don’t worry about your body much. Say, now, I’m sixty-eight, I’ll be sixty-nine years of age, and I’m every day travelling. Domanda: Volevo sapere se secondo Lei, secondo voi, questo è l’unico sistema per la realizzazione del sé, o se viene accettato anche il ricorso ad altre forme di meditazione come Kriya Yoga, Yogananda ecc. Shri Mataji: No, the only way is that the Kundalini has to be awakened, like this one (microphone) only way to make it start is to put to the mains. Is there any other way? Domanda: Io vorrei chiedere che differenza c’è, fra questo Yoga - se c’è - e gli altri yoga che vengono effettuati, le dottrine yoga che ci sono ormai da molto tempo in Italia. Shri Mataji: See, others are not Yoga: Yoga means union with the divine. Now, should we have our self-realisation? At the very outset, I’ve to tell you that you cannot force self-realisation on anyone. Because I respect your freedom. Those who do not want to have self-realisation, should leave the hall. It will hardly take about ten minutes. Not more than ten minutes, and you will feel the all-pervading power. There are two conditions to be followed: one of them is that you are not to feel guilty at all about anything whatsoever. At this moment, you should forget the past. And have respect for yourself, because you are human beings. You are not God, so if you make mistakes, doesn’t matter. Because the Divine is ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, He is capable of dissolving it completely. If you feel guilty, then this centre on the left hand side catches very badly. And sometimes with this catching you might get a disease called angina. Is a disease of the heart. You might get the cancer of the cervical. Cancer of the cervical, cervical bone, here. Or you might get spondylitis. Or else you might also get lethargic organs on the left side. So please do not feel guilty at all, be happy with yourself. Forgive yourself. All right. The other condition is that you have to forgive everyone. I have seen that Italians find it very difficult to forgive (Shri Mataji laughs). The other day I was sitting till four o’clock in the morning - they came to Me and they said: “Mother, we can’t feel it.” And all of them had not forgiven others. Now logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, we don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself, while the person who has troubled you is quite a happy person. So is the greatest weapon we have is to forgive, so nobody can torture you. This is the second condition. I hope you note it down, because otherwise later on you will all say, ‘I didn’t feel it.’ Now. Simple thing is now is to see how we are to help ourselves and raise our own Kundalini, and then we’ll close our eyes. We have to sit not with any strain, neither bending nor backwards nor forwards, with both the feet apart from each other. You will know there are two powers, left and right. The left is the power of desire and the right is the power of action. Now. Can I request you also to take out your shoes, so that this Mother Earth can help us a lot to suck in our problems. Let them all be seated, they all should sit down. This lady also, ask her to sit down. What did she say? All right. Now show them. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. (…) on your lap. Now. This is symbolic of your desire to have self-realisation. Then, please use your hand for nourishing your centres as we tell you. Put your right hand on your heart. There resides the Spirit. Then put your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Because when you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. Then take down your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the knowledge, this is the power of – or we can say the centre – of the pure knowledge, which works out all the divine work. Now raise your hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now raise your right hand onto your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. I’ve told you that you catch this centre when you feel guilty. Now. Take your right hand on your forehead across. And bend your head as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive others. Now. Take back your hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. This is the centre where, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading divine power of God’s love. Now. Stretch your hand fully. Put the centre part of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which is the soft bone in your childhood. Now, put down your head as far as possible, push back your fingers, and press it hard. And now start moving your scalp seven times clockwise. Bend your heads, bend your heads. All right. Now. You can take out your spectacles because you have to close your eyes. If anything is tight on your stomach, or on your back, you can loosen it a little bit, or on your neck. Put your both the feet apart from each other. Now. Please put your left hand towards Me, and right hand on your heart. Now, please close your eyes, and don’t open them till I tell you. Here you have to say, or ask a very fundamental question to Me – you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji – so you have to say, ask a question: “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Ask this question three times. Now. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. Now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard. Here, now, you have to ask another fundamental question to Me, three times: “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom, and I cannot force pure knowledge on you, so you have to ask for it. All right. So now please take your right hand in the low portion of your abdomen and put, press it hard with your fingers, and ask six times – because this centre has got six petals. Now. Please ask Me six times: “Mother, please, give me pure knowledge.” When you are asking this question, the Kundalini starts rising slowly. So now, we have to nourish our upper centres with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, and press it hard on the left hand side. We are working on your left hand side. Here you have to say, with full confidence, ten times: “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the greatest truth about you is that you are the Spirit. You are not this body, you are not this mind, you are not this ego or your conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. So now, please raise your right hand on top of your heart. With full confidence you have to say twelve times: “Mother, I am the Spirit.” This divine power of God’s love is the ocean of compassion, is the ocean of absolute truth and knowledge. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So, whatever mistakes you might have committed in the past, can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So now. Raise your hand and put it onto the angle between your shoulder and your neck, and press it hard, push back as much as possible, and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” (Shri Mataji asks Guido to massage Her Vishuddhi, and while he does so, She says: “It’s terrible. Little lower, little lower. That’s good). I’ve already told you that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands, and torture yourself and suffer yourself. But those who have troubled you are happy people, and you are playing into their hands! So now please raise your right hand, put it on your forehead across, and bend your head (Guido puts his hand on the back agnya of Shri Mataji). Bend your head, and now you have to say with full confidence, from your heart, not how many times: “Mother, I forgive everyone.” Please bend your heads. (Shri Mataji moves Guido’s hand from Her back agnya to the left side of Her head). Bend your heads, please bend your heads. Say from your heart. Now. Please take back you right hand onto the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say again from your heart, not how many times: “Oh Divine power, if I have done anything wrong, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.” Say it again from your heart. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm, your hand fully. Now. Put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and press it hard. Push back your fingers. Push back your fingers and put down your head properly. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your self-realisation. So you have to say seven times, moving your hand on your scalp clockwise, moving your scalp with a force, say: “Mother, please, give me my self-realisation.” (Shri Mataji puts Guido’s hand on Her Sahasrara. Shri Mataji blows into the microphone.) Now. Please take down your hands. Open your eyes. Put your right hand towards Me like this. Bend your head. And see with your left hand if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Sometimes it can be hot. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Now. Please put your left hand – now see with the right hand if there’s a cool breeze over your heads. Bend your heads, bend your heads. Not on top. Away. Sometimes you get quite far away. Now. Again put your right hand towards Me, and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head. Now. Put your both the hands towards the sky, and bend your head backwards. Look upwards. Ask a question now three times, anyone of these questions: Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? Or: Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God’s Love? Or: is this the Paramachaitanya? Anyone of these questions you can ask three times. Now put down your hands please. Put your hands towards Me like this, little higher. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze out of their hands, or out of their fontanel bone area, cool or hot breeze, please raise both your hands. May God bless you. I bow to all of you. So now the new growth of your saintliness has started. Now you have to know how to fix up your realisation. The musicians have to come here on the stage. Now. Those who want to meet Me are welcome on the stage. (Applause).
Public Program (excerpt from TV archive)
Public Program
Cabella Ligure
Debu Chaudhari Concert eve of Sahasrara Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Debu Chaudhari Concert eve of Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy, 1992-05-09 [2:33:43] We all have to thank our Sahaja yogi brother, brothers we should say, Debu Chaudhari and [UNCLEAR]. I'm very proud of them. [2:34:35] As you know that vibrations travel through music and today I felt the ecstasy of enjoyment, you all were enjoying it so much. It's a blessing that you are all realised souls, no doubt but it's a greater blessing that music is so close to the spirit and that it acts in such a beautiful manner that though I mean some of you do not know Indian music, some of you know a few ragas some of them - you know very well. But the way, even enjoying the whole thing, completely rapport. It's nothing but a spiritual flow of beautiful river of roads. Sometimes it used to be a very silent, simple stream then it would become like a big waterfall then suddenly it would explode then again it would smooth down. Sometimes on the tabla, sometimes on the sitar. I was just watching the flow of the beauty of these ragas especially the [UNCLEAR raga name] which you all appreciate very much. Has a great depth in it and it was played in the courts of great kings, long time back. But the beauty of this has to [be] understood because so many times who have understood that [UNCLEAR raga name] raga is very entertaining, is elevating and also makes you feel very majestic. In this raga the one you have to understand first of all, I don't know if you know that. First the lower notes that are called [UNCLEAR] is the lower notes are first built up. That is the foundation is built up very beautifully. And the other style in it which is, which really helps you very much, is this; that you got to the [UNCLEAR - Tal?] means the [UNCLEAR] and then suddenly with the same note you come to the lowest. And that makes you feel the swing of the whole thing. And that really creates the feeling of this majesty. From this to that, that to this. So all these things without even understanding the intricacy of this music, the way you appreciate. [2:37:24] I must say I also have never learnt any music. I never known any music, I've never studied any music but my family is so full of it that I couldn't help listening to all that all my life and from my childhood, I've been listening to all the great musicians and that's how I developed such a taste and such a love for it. But apart from that it is really the spiritual ascend that you achieve, really easily become thoughtless and you just enter into the Kingdom of God and start enjoying it and that's the beauty of it. Especially that both of them have got their realisation very well. So they play in such a manner that a good rapport is established with all of you. And you all enjoyed it and you must be wondering why is it you are going into some other realm of unimaginable depth. It's very meditative as well as expressing of your beauty, of your glory within yourself. And I'm thankful to them because I didn't ask this time, Debu Chaudhari about it because I thought he was become a very big man now, he's got a big title from the government. So I didn't want to ask him, I said 'he may say that Mother I have no time or something' but it was so sweet of him that he offered his own [UNCLEAR]...all the way he came from Bombay just to come to this program. 2:38:53 It's so much obliging on us that really we don't know how to really thank him and to really award him for all this sweetness he has showered upon us. Only thing what we can do is little flowers to you and these kind words that I feel, that I must say that we are all very very much thankful to you. [UNCLEAR hindi?] [2:40:18] I don't know if you understand the tabla also; the way you played with the big mathematics you know. Big mathematics, sometimes he played one and a half times and two, two and a half times with one hand another with another hand another it's a big, big, big mathematics you see. Only Indians can do this mathematics I think. Ahcha [unclear copies] you want a copy of this music, they will have it. [Unclear they keep copies of it, hindi] automatically... recording [hindi] [2:42:04] So what is your plan now to have some nice dinner? Debu: Yeah. Shri Mataji: They will have afterwards. Debu: After dinner? Shri Mataji: Dinner, yes. After dinner we can have some music. Babamama is not here but still, Debu was missing him very much. Debu: Very much. Mr Babamama I think there's a void [unclear].... [Hindi or marathi] 2:42:38 Yogi: Babamama is coming in July, that is what he requested. Shri Mataji: Yes, July we have him. [Hindi or marathi] 2:42:43 to 2:43:07 Shri Mataji: Now this one was another thing is that Debu was wearing a dhoti another dhoti when I saw him. And he told me that this is all you have given me, the dress. But I thought the dhoti was rather old and it's not good for him to wear it for this... award he was going to get from the resident of India, I said it's rather old. So you see, I think it's Mother's love so I said I should find a dhoti for him somehow must get it. Can you imagine in my, in my suitcase this dhoti was there. Sahaj I tell you, really. And immediately I sent somebody early in the morning, I said he must be busy. That you better give this dhoti to him and let him wear and even the president remarked that where did you get this dress. But just imagine the Sahaj part of it. It was, I mean I don't understand how it was in my suitcase. A dhoti in my suitcase, I can't imagine. [Applause] [Shri Krishna .....Hindi or marathi] [2:44:33] Shri Mataji: This is the [unclear] of Shri Krishna in which we described, the [unclear], that's the one, the [unclear]. But most remarkable thing was that I don't know how I must of put this dhoti in my suitcase. I couldn't understand I just opened it and it was there but I was thinking of [Debu's] dhoti's not all right, I wish I had another dhoti for him. And I sent it in the morning... [Hindi or marathi] 2:45:03 [2:45:07] Shri Mataji: Rajesh will tell you another story. He calls it a Mahasahajyog that had happened. And it was really very remarkable. [Hindi or marathi] 2:45:18 Shri Mataji: It's a sweet story but a very remarkable. We went to the Home minister of India. He's a disciple of [UNCLEAR Sapdee Saibab?] also horrible thing. But we went there and the two photographs were there and I said ''Now what are we going to do here? We are going to tell him what happen in Anangpur.'' And there's no case and the case is not yet decided. I would think like a drama, you know. We were to go in the evening but he called us in the morning, he said ''Evening there's no time.'' So we went in the morning and the drama took place. First of all his wife said ''Do you recognised me?'' I said ''Err I think I recognise you.'' She said ''You don't know we went together to London so many of us.'' That time I was supposed to be a social worker so we had all gone to London together and all these ladies were orthodox from a very protected families. And when they was the condition of London things, you know. They got such a fright, they all started vomiting. So these people what are they doing, all these dirty dresses and all that. So I looked after them. She was telling me then how you looked after me and everything and I was wondering. There was about twenty five ladies so I didn't remember her exactly who she was. [2:46:40] Then she started praising me to her husband then a lady came, her name was Nirmala [UNCLEAR last name] [UNCLEAR they sent a word] I said call her she knows me very well. So when I was in 1942 a leader, supposed to be a [unclear] she was very young girl that time. She came and she saw me and just she forgot about the Home minster and then she just grasp me and she said ''Oh after such a long time, I seen..'' and she started praising Me to the Home minister. ''How she was a leader, how she fought the British and what happened and everything''. So the minister, the Home minister was quite surprised you see, this side of my life he didn't know. But then we were thinking how will this Home minister accept anything, you see after all a disciple of [UNCLEAR Sapdee Saibaba?]. So then we told him about Anangpur and everything and we had also complain about the person who had come with his camera from the [UNCLEAR]. We all thought had he's from the other party who was brought there. [2:47:33] And I was wondering can a government servant come like that so I went out and there was Maharani of [unclear]. She touched my feet and she [said] 'Mother you have forgotten, you had come to [unclear], to her palace and I have got your photograph, I worship you. And my son's marriage is there. It's such a nice thing I've met you, you must come, you must come for one day'. I said 'All right I'll see but I now have to go to Rome'. So she gave me the card, she said 'Can you tell this Home minister, he will listen to you, he may not listen to me'. I said ' All right, you go ahead and give him the invitation'. [2:48:06] So there was another gentleman standing there, he just touched my feet and he said 'Mother do you remember me?', I said 'No, when did we meet?'. He said 'In Anangpur', I was surprised. He said 'I am [UNCLEAR]'. I said 'Really? You are the same [UNCLEAR. You came from [unclear], who called you?'. He said 'Only you called me', I said 'I?'. [Unclear said] Yes, one Sahaja yogi told me, so I came and I have given a witness now about these people when they had a meet - they had a big case in Anangpur. I told them that I saw about seven people where very badly wounded and I got such a fright and Mataji was all the time saying 'Don't do anything, just sit down, you have to bear. Let them, stoners do what they like'. So the whole case turn to our side where we had complained about this man, can you imagine? In the appeal to the Home minister. Immediately I called that private secretary, I said 'No, no cancel this all, this man is on our side. We didn't know that because they said that he was on our side'. And when he gave his witness, they said that Mataji must have given him, three, four [unclear lacks] rupees that he's telling all these lies. And I was only meeting him that time, can you imagine? On the stage there so we cancelled. He said 'No, come along I'll tell the home minister', so he took me inside and he told the Home minister that I was there and this happened and all that. And this doctor [unclear] who is a horrible fellow and everything and he didn't know what to do then and this gentleman, Mr.[unclear[ who is our Home minister wrote down that please looked into the matter serious. So can you imagine how these things happen? I mean one after another, they all appeared on the stage. One after another. It was very surprising and they all started praising Me and telling things to him. He was quite stunned, you know. So then Rajesh said 'This is Maha Sahaja yoga'. It's not, I would not say it's a coincidence but it is all organise by someone. All these things are organised and that is what we have to understand that there is God above everything else and He organises everything. We don't have to organise anything, he does everything for us. So I think now the food is organised for you, better have your dinner. And I'll come back again so thank you very much. [2:50:47] hindi or marathi
Debu Chaudhari Concert eve of Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy, 1992-05-09 [2:33:43] We all have to thank our Sahaja yogi brother, brothers we should say, Debu Chaudhari and [UNCLEAR]. I'm very proud of them. [2:34:35] As you know that vibrations travel through music and today I felt the ecstasy of enjoyment, you all were enjoying it so much. It's a blessing that you are all realised souls, no doubt but it's a greater blessing that music is so close to the spirit and that it acts in such a beautiful manner that though I mean some of you do not know Indian music, some of you know a few ragas some of them - you know very well. But the way, even enjoying the whole thing, completely rapport. It's nothing but a spiritual flow of beautiful river of roads. Sometimes it used to be a very silent, simple stream then it would become like a big waterfall then suddenly it would explode then again it would smooth down. Sometimes on the tabla, sometimes on the sitar. I was just watching the flow of the beauty of these ragas especially the [UNCLEAR raga name] which you all appreciate very much. Has a great depth in it and it was played in the courts of great kings, long time back. But the beauty of this has to [be] understood because so many times who have understood that [UNCLEAR raga name] raga is very entertaining, is elevating and also makes you feel very majestic. In this raga the one you have to understand first of all, I don't know if you know that. First the lower notes that are called [UNCLEAR] is the lower notes are first built up. That is the foundation is built up very beautifully. And the other style in it which is, which really helps you very much, is this; that you got to the [UNCLEAR - Tal?] means the [UNCLEAR] and then suddenly with the same note you come to the lowest. And that makes you feel the swing of the whole thing. And that really creates the feeling of this majesty. From this to that, that to this. So all these things without even understanding the intricacy of this music, the way you appreciate. [2:37:24] I must say I also have never learnt any music. I never known any music, I've never studied any music but my family is so full of it that I couldn't help listening to all that all my life and from my childhood, I've been listening to all the great musicians and that's how I developed such a taste and such a love for it. But apart from that it is really the spiritual ascend that you achieve, really easily become thoughtless and you just enter into the Kingdom of God and start enjoying it and that's the beauty of it. Especially that both of them have got their realisation very well. So they play in such a manner that a good rapport is established with all of you. And you all enjoyed it and you must be wondering why is it you are going into some other realm of unimaginable depth. It's very meditative as well as expressing of your beauty, of your glory within yourself. And I'm thankful to them because I didn't ask this time, Debu Chaudhari about it because I thought he was become a very big man now, he's got a big title from the government. So I didn't want to ask him, I said 'he may say that Mother I have no time or something' but it was so sweet of him that he offered his own [UNCLEAR]...all the way he came from Bombay just to come to this program. 2:38:53 It's so much obliging on us that really we don't know how to really thank him and to really award him for all this sweetness he has showered upon us. Only thing what we can do is little flowers to you and these kind words that I feel, that I must say that we are all very very much thankful to you. [UNCLEAR hindi?] [2:40:18] I don't know if you understand the tabla also; the way you played with the big mathematics you know. Big mathematics, sometimes he played one and a half times and two, two and a half times with one hand another with another hand another it's a big, big, big mathematics you see. Only Indians can do this mathematics I think. Ahcha [unclear copies] you want a copy of this music, they will have it. [Unclear they keep copies of it, hindi] automatically... recording [hindi] [2:42:04] So what is your plan now to have some nice dinner? Debu: Yeah. Shri Mataji: They will have afterwards. Debu: After dinner? Shri Mataji: Dinner, yes. After dinner we can have some music. Babamama is not here but still, Debu was missing him very much. Debu: Very much. Mr Babamama I think there's a void [unclear].... [Hindi or marathi] 2:42:38 Yogi: Babamama is coming in July, that is what he requested. Shri Mataji: Yes, July we have him. [Hindi or marathi] 2:42:43 to 2:43:07 Shri Mataji: Now this one was another thing is that Debu was wearing a dhoti another dhoti when I saw him. And he told me that this is all you have given me, the dress. But I thought the dhoti was rather old and it's not good for him to wear it for this... award he was going to get from the resident of India, I said it's rather old. So you see, I think it's Mother's love so I said I should find a dhoti for him somehow must get it. Can you imagine in my, in my suitcase this dhoti was there. Sahaj I tell you, really. And immediately I sent somebody early in the morning, I said he must be busy. That you better give this dhoti to him and let him wear and even the president remarked that where did you get this dress. But just imagine the Sahaj part of it. It was, I mean I don't understand how it was in my suitcase. A dhoti in my suitcase, I can't imagine. [Applause] [Shri Krishna .....Hindi or marathi] [2:44:33] Shri Mataji: This is the [unclear] of Shri Krishna in which we described, the [unclear], that's the one, the [unclear]. But most remarkable thing was that I don't know how I must of put this dhoti in my suitcase. I couldn't understand I just opened it and it was there but I was thinking of [Debu's] dhoti's not all right, I wish I had another dhoti for him. And I sent it in the morning... [Hindi or marathi] 2:45:03 [2:45:07] Shri Mataji: Rajesh will tell you another story. He calls it a Mahasahajyog that had happened. And it was really very remarkable. [Hindi or marathi] 2:45:18 Shri Mataji: It's a sweet story but a very remarkable. We went to the Home minister of India. He's a disciple of [UNCLEAR Sapdee Saibab?] also horrible thing. But we went there and the two photographs were there and I said ''Now what are we going to do here? We are going to tell him what happen in Anangpur.'' And there's no case and the case is not yet decided. I would think like a drama, you know. We were to go in the evening but he called us in the morning, he said ''Evening there's no time.'' So we went in the morning and the drama took place. First of all his wife said ''Do you recognised me?'' I said ''Err I think I recognise you.'' She said ''You don't know we went together to London so many of us.'' That time I was supposed to be a social worker so we had all gone to London together and all these ladies were orthodox from a very protected families. And when they was the condition of London things, you know. They got such a fright, they all started vomiting. So these people what are they doing, all these dirty dresses and all that. So I looked after them. She was telling me then how you looked after me and everything and I was wondering. There was about twenty five ladies so I didn't remember her exactly who she was. [2:46:40] Then she started praising me to her husband then a lady came, her name was Nirmala [UNCLEAR last name] [UNCLEAR they sent a word] I said call her she knows me very well. So when I was in 1942 a leader, supposed to be a [unclear] she was very young girl that time. She came and she saw me and just she forgot about the Home minster and then she just grasp me and she said ''Oh after such a long time, I seen..'' and she started praising Me to the Home minister. ''How she was a leader, how she fought the British and what happened and everything''. So the minister, the Home minister was quite surprised you see, this side of my life he didn't know. But then we were thinking how will this Home minister accept anything, you see after all a disciple of [UNCLEAR Sapdee Saibaba?]. So then we told him about Anangpur and everything and we had also complain about the person who had come with his camera from the [UNCLEAR]. We all thought had he's from the other party who was brought there. [2:47:33] And I was wondering can a government servant come like that so I went out and there was Maharani of [unclear]. She touched my feet and she [said] 'Mother you have forgotten, you had come to [unclear], to her palace and I have got your photograph, I worship you. And my son's marriage is there. It's such a nice thing I've met you, you must come, you must come for one day'. I said 'All right I'll see but I now have to go to Rome'. So she gave me the card, she said 'Can you tell this Home minister, he will listen to you, he may not listen to me'. I said ' All right, you go ahead and give him the invitation'. [2:48:06] So there was another gentleman standing there, he just touched my feet and he said 'Mother do you remember me?', I said 'No, when did we meet?'. He said 'In Anangpur', I was surprised. He said 'I am [UNCLEAR]'. I said 'Really? You are the same [UNCLEAR. You came from [unclear], who called you?'. He said 'Only you called me', I said 'I?'. [Unclear said] Yes, one Sahaja yogi told me, so I came and I have given a witness now about these people when they had a meet - they had a big case in Anangpur. I told them that I saw about seven people where very badly wounded and I got such a fright and Mataji was all the time saying 'Don't do anything, just sit down, you have to bear. Let them, stoners do what they like'. So the whole case turn to our side where we had complained about this man, can you imagine? In the appeal to the Home minister. Immediately I called that private secretary, I said 'No, no cancel this all, this man is on our side. We didn't know that because they said that he was on our side'. And when he gave his witness, they said that Mataji must have given him, three, four [unclear lacks] rupees that he's telling all these lies. And I was only meeting him that time, can you imagine? On the stage there so we cancelled. He said 'No, come along I'll tell the home minister', so he took me inside and he told the Home minister that I was there and this happened and all that. And this doctor [unclear] who is a horrible fellow and everything and he didn't know what to do then and this gentleman, Mr.[unclear[ who is our Home minister wrote down that please looked into the matter serious. So can you imagine how these things happen? I mean one after another, they all appeared on the stage. One after another. It was very surprising and they all started praising Me and telling things to him. He was quite stunned, you know. So then Rajesh said 'This is Maha Sahaja yoga'. It's not, I would not say it's a coincidence but it is all organise by someone. All these things are organised and that is what we have to understand that there is God above everything else and He organises everything. We don't have to organise anything, he does everything for us. So I think now the food is organised for you, better have your dinner. And I'll come back again so thank you very much. [2:50:47] hindi or marathi
Sahasrara Puja: The Will of God
Cabella Ligure
Sahasrara Puja, “The Will of God”. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 10 May 1992. Today we are celebrating Sahasrara day. Perhaps we have not realised what a day it must have been. Without opening the Sahasrara, God Itself was a myth, religion itself was a myth, and all talk about Divinity was a myth. People believed in it but it was just a belief. And the science, as it was put forward, was about to obliterate all the value system, all the proof of God Almighty. If you see, in the history, one after another, when science established itself, the people who are so-called in charge of the helm of affairs in religion, in different religions tried to cope with the findings of science. They tried to show that: “All right, if it is said this much – is in the Bible, and if it is wrong we should correct it.” Especially Augustine did that, and it started looking as if it’s all a stupidity this, these scriptures were just mythical. At least the Koran itself, though, had lots of things which were describing the biology of today. They could not believe that human beings were specially created by God. They thought it was a matter of chance that, one after another, the animals acquired a situation by which they became human beings. Thus all the time Divinity was challenged and there was no way of giving a proof of whatever is said in the Bible or in the Koran or in the Gita or in the Upanishadas or in the Torah. Any one of these things could not be proved because it was still just a faith. Very, very few people got their Realisation and when they talked, people did not believe them and thought that they are just trying to say something which they are using to propound their own theories. So the whole thing became a kind of dead science. There was no science of religion. People started thinking that, “What’s the use of following these Ten Commandments or these strict rules of life, because by following that you gain nothing, you lose all the fun of the life, and why think of gaining some punyas also?” And that is how all the time there was a big derailment of human value system. Also these organised religions, this monolithic organised religions started taking to [a] course of gaining power, or gaining money, because they thought that’s the only way you can control people and can go on. They were least bothered as to deliver the goods, whatever have been described in the Bible. Bible of course was tampered [with] very much and has been lot of changes in that. And a person like Paul, and Peter, who joined together, tried to spoil most of the Truth. Though Koran was not so much touched but still it dealt with more the right side, with the reproductive system and all those things, and so many things are still ambiguous. Now simultaneously two things have happened, I don’t know if you are aware of it or not. First thing that has happened is that now we have a new science of microbiology in which we have discovered that every cell has got a DNA tape, every cell has got a programme in it. As we have in a computer a chip, every cell has got a tape in it, in a way, that it is programmed, and according to that programme a development takes place. Now imagine the intricacy of the whole thing! So many computers are already programmed and all these cells have these in them. So a very mysterious sort of a thing has come up before the scientists and they cannot explain it. They cannot explain many things but one of them is this. Now what Sahaja Yoga has done is that it has proved that it is the Will of God, it is the desire of God, the Will of God, which is doing all the work, and it has been proved. All these Chaitanya, Adi Shakti, is nothing but the Will of God, and Will of God is the One is working out everything very harmoniously. I don’t know if some of you must have read my book, first book (‘Book of Adi Shakti’), where I have described how this Earth was created. There was a bang, but it was very harmonious, and how it developed is through the Will of God. So everything was done in a way that God’s Will was working it out. Now, the Will of God, you are feeling it on your finger tips. After Realisation, now, you have discovered the absolute science, which is the Will of God, which is an absolute science. You people know that we have cured people through Sahaja Yoga. You also know giving bandhan, and all that, things work out. So many things work out automatically after Realisation that people don’t want to believe. In the beginning people would not believe when the scientists told them something, but now it is, you can see, the science is always in the flux, all the time changing. One theory is again challenged, another theory’s again challenged. But Sahaja Yoga has exposed you to that Great Truth of science which cannot be challenged, which is all there. So, anybody who comes out with any new proposal about defaming God, or saying that there is no God, we can prove, not [only] that there is God, but that everything, the creation of this Earth, the creation of human beings and everything was done harmoniously by the Will of God. If Will of God has done everything, the human beings should not take any credit for discovering some things which were created by God. Supposing this carpet is made by somebody and we start discovering all the colours, what is so great? It is all there. You cannot create. So, it is not the creation part of it [that’s] so much important but the fashioning of this world. Whole thing was done by the Will of God. Now if the Will of God is so important, it has to be proved, and now through Sahaja Yoga, after the breaking of the Sahasrara, you have now, for the first time, felt the Will of God, which is such an important thing but for us it is come to us so sahaj that we don’t understand. We just give the bandhan and the things work out and we feel that the things have worked out, so it is bandhan which has worked out, and we have managed everything – it’s not so, it’s much more than that. We have now become part and parcel of that Big Computer of that Will of God, we have become the medium, or we can say the channels, of that Will of God. We are connected with that Will of God which created all this Universe. So everything we can manage because we have got the Absolute Science in our hand. The Absolute Science which will work out the betterment of the whole world. We can prove it to the scientist that there is a Will of God which has done all this Creation. Even evolutionary process is the Will of God. Without His Will nothing could have happened. So many people used to say that “not even a blade of grass moves without the Will of God”, which is a very true thing. And you have seen now that the Will of God we have got as our own power, we can use it, so how important it is to be a sahaja yogi! Perhaps we don’t realise how important it is to be a sahaja yogi. Sahaja Yoga is not only for saying “Mother, I am full of joy, I am enjoying myself. I got purified. Everything is fine”. But for what? Why did you get all these blessings? Why you have been cleansed? So that this knowledge of the Will of God should be apparent in you, not only that, should be a part and parcel of you. So we have to raise our level, we have to come up. For mediocre and ordinary people it is really useless to give them Sahaja Yoga because they are good for nothing. They are not going to help us in any way because what is needed is now, today, that we should have people who can really manifest and reflect the Will of God. And for that, you can understand, we have to have very strong people because this Will has created the whole Universe, the Cosmos, this Mother Earth, everything is created by this Will of God. So now we are exposed to a new dimension and that dimension is that we are the ones who are channels of that Will of God. So then, what is our duty and what should we do about it? As a result of Sahasrara being opened out, one thing [has happened]: the illusions have vanished, what you call [in] Sanskrit is bhranti. Illusions have vanished. You should have no illusion as to the existence of God Almighty, the Power of His Will and the truth about Sahaja Yoga. You should have no doubts at all! Minimum of minimum should be like that. But while using this Power you should be aware that this Power is given to you because you are capable of handling it. This is the Highest Power you could think of. Take any governor, take any minister, anyone, they can be removed tomorrow, they can become corrupt, they can become absolutely devoid of any knowledge of their own powers. There are many people who just get elected without knowing what they have to do. So this is not just a conversion of people, it’s not only even transformation, but it is a new fashioning of a new human being which has come forward and which is capable of carrying the Will of God further. So as a result of your Realisation, what you have got? The first thing that has happened is that your illusions have gone. You should have no illusions about God Almighty, His Will and that He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. All His omnipotence has done this work, and as a Collective Consciousness you should also know that you are also omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Omniscient is the thing, that He sees everything, knows everything. Part of it, that Power, is also within you. So to prove His omnipresence you have to all the time be aware that you are sahaja yogis. When I find, even now, sahaja yogis struggling about their wives, their children, their house, their jobs, I start wondering what is their level now? Where are they? When are they going to take up the role of what they have got? So the Omnipotent God who is everywhere, who has done all this, the Will of God that has worked it out, has to work through you people and you have to be very strong, very sensible, very wise, also very effective people. The more effective you become the more energy you will get. But still I feel that the sahaja yogis are more, not taking the responsibility of understanding that they have to represent this God Almighty who is omnipresent, omniscient, who knows everything, who sees everything and who is potent, means Almighty. If you understand that this is what has happened after opening the Sahasrara, that you have now got the power which has these three qualities in it. Say now this big thing has to be supported by strong pillars, but supposing if they are not strong, it will fall down. In the same way such a Great Power which has come to you. For that we don’t need very successful people, we don’t need people who have a big name or those who have lots of money, what we need [is] people of character, people of understanding, of wisdom and of strength, that “Whatever may come I will stand by it, I will take to it, I’ll cope with it, I’ll change myself and improve myself”. So now illusion has been dispelled: I hope you all have got rid of your illusions. Also you should have no illusions about yourself. If you have any illusions you should leave Sahaja Yoga. But know that you are chosen for this purpose by God’s Will, that’s why you are here and you have to take it up, the responsibility of understanding of this science which is absolute. And working it out yourself, for yourself as well as for others. You have felt My love, but your love must also be felt, because God is love. So your love must be felt by others. Other must feel that you are compassionate, loving, understanding, that all the time this Will of God is flowing through you. And you have to work it out in such a manner that people should know that you are a saint, that this power is flowing through you. Then the second thing that has happened to you is that, not the illusion about God and about yourself, second thing that has happened [is] that you have understood the integration, that in the world there is complete integration which is existing. Normally if you see the children, they have their own natural, innate understanding. They know. If you see, normally, a good child would always like to share his things, would like to love another child, if there’s another little child is there, would like to protect that child – naturally! It won’t think whether it has black hair or red hair or blue hair. Naturally, innately a child feels that way. Also, if you take another child, supposing, who is a little baby, they know that one should be careful about the privacy of the body. Children don’t want to be made nude before others. No child likes it. Innately they know. So all these innate qualities are within you. Children don’t like to steal anything. They don’t know what is stealing is. They have no idea of stealing. I’ve also seen also children that, if they go to a place which is very beautiful, in somebody’s house, they will always try to keep the beauty of that place, but if it is already shabby they don’t mind. So, innately, all these qualities are there. I think the countries which are supposed to be underdeveloped have so many of these qualities within them, which are innately built within us. Innocence is innately built. So the Will of God built up, first and foremost thing was, innocence, the auspiciousness. The first thing He did was to create Shri Ganesha, or I would say, She, because the Will of God is Adi Shakti. And all this was created first of all to make the whole world very beautiful. All these innate qualities were also placed within you. All those Deities were placed within you. [They] were specially made, human beings, that they should become saintly people, that they should have their saintly, innate sense. But it happened in the countries which developed, that our brain was bombarded by all kinds of television, all kind of things, and we became very, we can say, we became very vulnerable. We started getting into the ideas of others. Anybody who is dominating could dominate us. It’s not only Hitler who dominated people. We also see today how much we are dominated, if you really detach yourself from this world. For example, fashions. Certain things that come up, people cannot give up at any cost, they cannot take to something that is sensible because it’s a fashion. For example, nowadays there’s a fashion, say to have such a small skirt. You can’t get a long skirt anywhere. Everybody has to wear that kind of a skirt otherwise you are not ‘in’, you are not in the madhouse! Now this kind of thing is bombarded on us morning till evening so, first of all, we become slaves of these entrepreneurs, whatever they give us. Now, I was told that in Belgium you cannot get anything fresh, you have to take everything from the supermarket, which is all tinned. Gradually what is happening to us – we are getting absolutely artificial. The food is artificial, the dress is artificial, our whole attitude becomes artificial because we are so much bombarded by advertisement, by all kinds of outside influences that we just get lost and we forget what is our innate sense which is being dominated by all these modern things. So, adding up to the science also, there is a a big progress in another direction, that we can call, the money became very important. Once money becomes important, then all your entrepreneurs become important, because they know how to make money and befool you all the time. Today you have this thing, tomorrow you have that thing. Today you change this and have this thing. But those people who are innately built, they do not change! They have their dresses of the same type, they do not change. On the contrary they find it very difficult to get out of their traditional achievements and they don’t want to change themselves. So, for sahaja yogis, it is important to see and watch if they are getting this slavery from the entrepreneurs in modern times. Then, the thoughts: so many books we read, which gives you thoughts, which are some mad rambling, I would say, of some madman, like Freud. How could Freud influence the West? Because you have lost your innate sense and you accepted. You accepted that and that’s how Freud became your, sort of a, Jesus Christ. He became the most important thing. Sex became the most important thing. I mean it’s so simple, with little common sense you can understand that, at every moment, we are put into this kind of a domination by these few domineering people who have certain ideas, and they put [these ideas] forward. Anybody puts any idea, for example, Sade (the Marquis de Sade) or Sartre or anyone, [then] that idea starts becoming “Oh he said it”. Who is he? What is his life? Just see for yourself what sort of a man he is. With little common sense. But with your will that you have now, Will of God, which has fashioned the whole world, which has fashioned you. Every cell within you has been fashioned by God Almighty and what you are doing is to play into the hands of these entrepreneurs. They have realised that these vulnerable people are very good for having as their disciples, I should say, to make money, to befool them. Now on this side, you have such a Great Power, you are chosen for a, such a great thing, and on the other side you have this kind of slavery. So try to understand that your innate qualities were lost. But luckily, by the Kundalini awakening and by the breaking of the Sahasrara, all these innate qualities which looked like lost, like your innocence, like your creativity, like your religion within, like your compassion and love for the humanity, like your power of judgement, wisdom, all these great qualities which we thought were lost were nothing but they were in a dormant state [and] they all got awakened one by one. I don’t have to tell you “Don’t drink this! Don’t eat this! Don’t do that!”. You yourself realise that this is wrong, you yourself know what is good for you, and still if you want to do wrong you can go ahead. But already there is a light within you to see for yourself what is good and what is bad. It has come because of this Sahasrara being opened out to this – a new dimension of new knowledge. And this is not new, it is all innately built within you. Now all those innate qualities are manifesting and you are enjoying them. So now you have to get out of your petty ideas and petty things. People are reporting to Me something very funny – I can’t believe sahaja yogis can do like that – that they run away with the plates that I have bought, or they run away with the cups, they throw things here and there, all over the places they are throwing things. How can you behave like this? I mean this is so stupid and so insipid. If you do not have a proper discipline of life yourself, you cannot carry the Will of God, you cannot. But I’m not going to tell you “Do this or do that!” I respect your freedom and I just want that your own Kundalini should awaken that wisdom in you, that greatness in you, that glory in you and you start understanding what is our innate quality. So it will purify you. Once you are purified completely, like you see, if you have some gold which is not pure you put it in the fire, the gold is separated. In the same way, the fire of Kundalini cleanses you completely, makes you absolutely clean, and you start seeing your own glory, your own nature, your own greatness. So the integration part comes to you easily. You start integrating. First of all, we used to have sahaja yogis, say from, some from England, some from Spain, some from here. They would always have different groups, they would never sit together. You could make out this is English sitting here, they are sitting here, they are sitting here, and they would form a group but now it’s not so, now I find they all are becoming integrated. The integration of human beings is the most important thing for Sahaja Yoga. That comes by understanding, not by your intelligence, but by innate understanding that all human beings are made by God, by His will, and we have no right to despise anyone. The second integration that has come within you is that all religions, all religions, are born on the same tree of spiritual life. That all religions are to be worshipped, all incarnations, all prophets, all scriptures are to be worshipped. There are defects, there are problems with those scriptures which can be corrected. So, gradually you start entering into the subtler side of Divinity, to understand that all these people have worked hard to create, today, the atmosphere for Sahaja Yoga, and no religion is to be despised and no religion is to be attacked, which is a very, very, absolutely a unreal thing and you are working out a very unreal theory which doesn’t exist in the Divine plan. So, this is how we finish all fundamentalism. Fundamentalists are the ones who believed that, “this is written in this book, this is written in this book,” and that “we, because we read this book, we are something better.” Anybody can read any book, what is so great? Same, I would say, in Sahaja Yoga people should not become fundamentalist. Be very careful! Because that’s what you are – born like that, I mean, I don’t know, it’s not your innate quality but the way you are made that way, you have fashioned yourself that way, that you start also making Sahaja Yoga sometimes a fundamental. “Mother said so.” Do not use Me anywhere! “Mother said so,” is a way you want to dominate others. You yourself say because now you have a right, you have an individuality in Sahaja Yoga, you can say what you have to say yourself, but don’t say that “Mother has said it!” Because anybody can start it like that: “Christ said it!”. A clergyman or, a say, pope can stand up on his own platform and say that Christ has said it, they can just arbitrarily use all these things. So nobody has business to use Me arbitrarily. Whatever you have to say you say yourself but don’t ever quote Me as that: “Mother has said it,” or, “In this book such and such is written, so this is the line, that is important.” You are not bound by any line [nor] by whatever I say. It is you who has to stand up and see for yourself what you have to say, because you have to use now your will and for that you have to develop yourself to have Pure Will, the Pure Desire of God Almighty. The integration not only outward, but inward. Like first of all, whatever we did, our mind used to say one thing, our heart used to say another thing, our brain used to say another thing. Now what has happened that all these 3 things have become one, so whatever your brain says is absolutely acceptable to your heart, absolutely acceptable to your attention. So you yourself, you have become now integrated. Many people write “Mother I want to do it, but I can’t do it,” “Mother it was my desire to do it, but I can’t do it.” Not now! Now you are completely integrated and you can easily do the whole thing very well. If you want to examine yourself, you should try to find out “Am I integrated or not? Whatever I’m doing, am I doing with my full heart or not, with my full attention or not?” I’ve seen that you do with full heart and full intelligence but full attention is not there. Still the attention, which is the first thing that was enlightened, is not fully used. So the whole attention should be absolutely there, that, “I have to do this thing with full attention,” otherwise, the integration is not complete, integration is partial. So these three things have to be completely integrated. So the integration of all the chakras comes in. Like whatever you do has to be auspicious, whatever you do has to be with full attention, whatever you do has to be absolutely religious. So like that, all these centres are being absolutely, one integrated power that you have. So the whole life should be integrated. Now, say somebody’s husband is not that level or somebody’s wife is not of that level, you shouldn’t bother, you should just bother about yourself. Don’t expect anything from anybody else. It is your duty which is important. You have to fulfil your duty and you have to work it out yourself. Unless and until you understand that it is your individual being which has achieved it, and it’s the individual being which has to realise it, is the individual being that has to become one, integrated with the rest of them. If you start putting things, like many a times I’ve seen [that] if I say something people start thinking that I am saying for somebody else, they never take it for themselves. So, not we have to see what is my gain: “I’ve got financial gain,” say, “I’ve got physical gains, I’ve got mental gains, I’ve got joy, happiness,” that’s not the only thing. That should not be the only criteria. But what you should have is the understanding of your own personality which is being specially fashioned [through] many, many lives for you to come in this life to get your Realisation, to do the further work of Will of God. Every moment when you see a miracle taking place, you do realise that it’s all done by Paramchaitanya but what is Paramchaitanya? Is the will of Adi Shakti. And what is Adi Shakti? Is the Will of God. So, is all, whatever is done, is all ‘fixed entities’, we can call them, or these vibrations are like, we can say, DNA tapes, they all know how they have to fashion you. See, today it’s very sunny. Everybody is surprised how can they have. So many things happen like this. The other day, we had havan, it was absolutely sunny. So, the whole Cosmos is working for you. You are on the stage now and you have to see to it, but if you don’t have faith in yourself, if you are not confident as to what you are, how can you help? How can you work out yourself and work out all the problems of the world, which are created only by human beings? So we have to absolutely overthrow all these dominations on us. First from science. We can prove everything that Sahaja Yoga, whatever it has said about science, has been proved. So, we can throw science which is just always, all the time, in the flux, it’s changing all the time. Then the so-called religions that we have. So-called religions because people who have been Catholics, who have been Protestants, who have been Hindus or Muslims, or this and that, they all have got that thing on their heads. And this has to be thrown away. We have to become a new personality. After Realisation, as I said, you become like a lotuses from the mud. So, now you have become lotuses and the lotuses have to throw away all this dead mud, otherwise fragrance won’t be there. That, one has to achieve, is to throw away all these shackles which are, which are killing you, which are of no use, but a burden. And beautiful lotuses as you are, you have to understand that the whole fashioning has been done so carefully, with such sweetness, with such delicacy. So first of all, we must have respect for ourselves, we must have affection and love for others and we must have respect, means we must have discipline. We have to have the discipline because if you respect yourself you’ll definitely discipline yourself and you’ll make it available. Now as you can realise, that from My life itself, that I work very hard, travel a lot, much more than any one of you can do, because I have the will that – I have to bring this world to that state of enjoyment, to that state of happiness, to that state of Divinity, where they realise what is their glory, what is the glory of their Father. So, I work very hard and I never even think that something will go wrong with Me, or “This will happen”, “What will happen?” I never have bothered you about My family life, about My children, about anyone. Whatever problems I had, I am dealing with them Myself. But here I get such big, big letters from sahaja yogis, writing about their daughter, their son, this thing, that thing. Another thing is attachment to family is the biggest burden on your heads and all the time you are worried about your children, you are worried about this, you are worried about that. That’s not your responsibility. Please try to understand. That’s the responsibility of God Almighty. You can’t do better than Him can you? But when you try to take the responsibility He says “All right, look after!” and the problems start. ‘Detachment’ is the word one should understand in a proper sense. When I ask people why do you throw things here and there, they say “We are detached!”- wonderful way! And what about your children? You cling on to them. What about your own things? You cling on to them. For a small little thing, they’ll bother My head and when it belongs to Me or to Sahaja Yoga then they’ll have a very nice time with it and throw it away wherever they feel like. I mean this kind of irresponsibility, how can you call them divine? How can they be saintly people? Saintly people not only are responsible for themselves, but for everyone. Very slowly, smoothly, sweetly, with great affection, I have brought you to this level. I didn’t ask you to go to Himalayas or stand on your heads or to donate all your properties to Me, nothing of the kind. We have managed it in a very, very beautiful manner. Now, further, when you have to go further, then you have to understand that your duties are to be fulfilled by you and by nobody else. But these duties are done by you, are towards your family, towards your house, towards this, towards that. No duties towards Sahaja Yoga. So when you were, before Sahaja Yoga, you were not attached to anyone, in the sense [that] you were only attached to yourself, self-centred. Now you have widened yourself a little more, that now you are attached to your wife, to your children. But that’s just the same. That is also selfish, because they are your children, you think. They are not your children, they are the children of God. I hope all of you are intelligent enough to understand your responsibility and work it out. This is a very important thing that has happened to you that Sahasrara has opened. Now you can prove the existence of God, His Will, everything, to the whole world. Nobody can challenge Sahaja Yoga. Those scientist who will challenge can be told. Anybody, whether you’re a scientist, economist, politician, anything, everything can be explained in the light of Sahaja Yoga and can be proved that there’s only one politics – that is of God, one economics – that is of God, and there is only one religion – that is of God, is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. It can be proved, there’s nothing to be afraid of or to worry about. This all can be proved to the scientist and to the other intellectuals and to some few people if they want to listen to us. If they don’t want to listen to us, forget it because we are so powerful, why should you worry about them? But, if they are willing to listen to us, then is better that we tell them “Now we have discovered this Great Power”, and if it works out, if this Great Power works out, then only we can really fashion the whole world in a new way. I have great hopes from you people, but the seriousness with which you should take Sahaja Yoga, for example even meditation, people don’t do. A simple thing like meditation, you people don’t do, I can’t understand. How will you grow without meditation? Unless and until you become thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow. So, you have to, you have to at least meditate morning, evening. There are many people who are not even collective by temperament. If they are staying in an ashram they just think that ashram life is no good. Such people should really get out of Sahaja Yoga because they have not yet understood what this Sahaja Yoga is. Without collectivity how will you grow? How will you assemble your power? You see, you know very well that in a sangha, in a group, in combining together only, you can be strong. Is a fact that if you have one stick you can break it, but if you put many sticks together you cannot break it. But there are still people I know who are still not so much in collectivity. Shows how poor they are in their understanding of their own Self, and they are telling Me that “Mother, we don’t want to stay in the Ashram now anywhere more.” So they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. Without the collectivity, you cannot grow. Without the discipline of Sahaja Yoga, you cannot grow. It’s better to have ten people of good quality than to have thousand useless people. That’s what is the Will of God. So now, as you are today here, so many people, I am really enamoured to see so many people are there. And we have done so much of our growth and grown out of all those nonsensical things that we were following. But today we have to take a vow that – “I’ll now fashion my life according to the Will of God, absolutely, and dedicate myself to that.” No family, no other considerations. Just forget it! Nothing so important. Everything can be looked after by Will of God. So if you just try to follow the Will of God, your children will be looked after, everything will be looked after, you don’t have to worry for anything. And that works. Just try to understand that you have problems because you don’t want to give those problems to God, you want to keep it to yourselves, that’s why you have problems. If you decide that “No, I just want to give these problems to the God’s Will,” Finished! Also there are some who want to say that “We are not so capable Mother, we can’t do it.” Saying like this also is stupid. You test yourself, you see for yourself. So first of all, one has to understand why do we say such a thing? Maybe that we are very money-oriented, that we want to have money to ourselves, or something like that. Or some people are there who talk of business also in Sahaja Yoga. There must be something like a money orientation, or some sort of a material attachment that they say that “We are not capable, we cannot change.” The second could be this mamatwa, as they call it, the attachment to your family, children, this, that. Or, “This is mine, this is mine, this is mine.” This could be the second reason that you think that you are not bold enough or you are not strong enough to do Sahaja Yoga. Thirdly could be that you are still playing with your old habits and that you are enjoying your life without virtues. There can be some reason like that. So just try to locate, “Why am I behaving like this? Why am I not getting into the same beautiful path of my ascent as everybody has got it.” If we introspect, you’ll find out that “There’s something wrong with me that I think I am not capable of doing.” You are capable of doing everything! You just try this and enjoy it. So, most important thing now [that] remains is that you should become a proper, strong, compassionate vehicle of God’s Will. So. Then, what is most important of course, I agree, that you do My puja, because that helps you a lot, no doubt. But other things are not important. So many other things you people tell Me is not of importance. Main thing is that you should all ascend higher and higher and compete with each other in getting into higher situation. As it is, I think in such a short time we have achieved a lot, no doubt, but still we have to speed up and work it out. I am sure that this new science, or we can say, the, which is the absolute science will one day out-shadow the other science, and tell people that: this is what it is. It is in your hands, you work it out. So today is the day we are celebrating by which we have opened absolutely a new dimension, absolutely a venue of great Divinity, of the proofs of Divine. And this is something so great that we can really finish all the illusions they have about themselves, about their ego. We can manage them. That power you all have. May God Bless You.
Sahasrara Puja, “The Will of God”. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 10 May 1992. Today we are celebrating Sahasrara day. Perhaps we have not realised what a day it must have been. Without opening the Sahasrara, God Itself was a myth, religion itself was a myth, and all talk about Divinity was a myth. People believed in it but it was just a belief. And the science, as it was put forward, was about to obliterate all the value system, all the proof of God Almighty. If you see, in the history, one after another, when science established itself, the people who are so-called in charge of the helm of affairs in religion, in different religions tried to cope with the findings of science. They tried to show that: “All right, if it is said this much – is in the Bible, and if it is wrong we should correct it.” Especially Augustine did that, and it started looking as if it’s all a stupidity this, these scriptures were just mythical. At least the Koran itself, though, had lots of things which were describing the biology of today. They could not believe that human beings were specially created by God. They thought it was a matter of chance that, one after another, the animals acquired a situation by which they became human beings. Thus all the time Divinity was challenged and there was no way of giving a proof of whatever is said in the Bible or in the Koran or in the Gita or in the Upanishadas or in the Torah. Any one of these things could not be proved because it was still just a faith. Very, very few people got their Realisation and when they talked, people did not believe them and thought that they are just trying to say something which they are using to propound their own theories. So the whole thing became a kind of dead science. There was no science of religion. People started thinking that, “What’s the use of following these Ten Commandments or these strict rules of life, because by following that you gain nothing, you lose all the fun of the life, and why think of gaining some punyas also?” And that is how all the time there was a big derailment of human value system. Also these organised religions, this monolithic organised religions started taking to [a] course of gaining power, or gaining money, because they thought that’s the only way you can control people and can go on. They were least bothered as to deliver the goods, whatever have been described in the Bible. Bible of course was tampered [with] very much and has been lot of changes in that. And a person like Paul, and Peter, who joined together, tried to spoil most of the Truth. Though Koran was not so much touched but still it dealt with more the right side, with the reproductive system and all those things, and so many things are still ambiguous. Now simultaneously two things have happened, I don’t know if you are aware of it or not. First thing that has happened is that now we have a new science of microbiology in which we have discovered that every cell has got a DNA tape, every cell has got a programme in it. As we have in a computer a chip, every cell has got a tape in it, in a way, that it is programmed, and according to that programme a development takes place. Now imagine the intricacy of the whole thing! So many computers are already programmed and all these cells have these in them. So a very mysterious sort of a thing has come up before the scientists and they cannot explain it. They cannot explain many things but one of them is this. Now what Sahaja Yoga has done is that it has proved that it is the Will of God, it is the desire of God, the Will of God, which is doing all the work, and it has been proved. All these Chaitanya, Adi Shakti, is nothing but the Will of God, and Will of God is the One is working out everything very harmoniously. I don’t know if some of you must have read my book, first book (‘Book of Adi Shakti’), where I have described how this Earth was created. There was a bang, but it was very harmonious, and how it developed is through the Will of God. So everything was done in a way that God’s Will was working it out. Now, the Will of God, you are feeling it on your finger tips. After Realisation, now, you have discovered the absolute science, which is the Will of God, which is an absolute science. You people know that we have cured people through Sahaja Yoga. You also know giving bandhan, and all that, things work out. So many things work out automatically after Realisation that people don’t want to believe. In the beginning people would not believe when the scientists told them something, but now it is, you can see, the science is always in the flux, all the time changing. One theory is again challenged, another theory’s again challenged. But Sahaja Yoga has exposed you to that Great Truth of science which cannot be challenged, which is all there. So, anybody who comes out with any new proposal about defaming God, or saying that there is no God, we can prove, not [only] that there is God, but that everything, the creation of this Earth, the creation of human beings and everything was done harmoniously by the Will of God. If Will of God has done everything, the human beings should not take any credit for discovering some things which were created by God. Supposing this carpet is made by somebody and we start discovering all the colours, what is so great? It is all there. You cannot create. So, it is not the creation part of it [that’s] so much important but the fashioning of this world. Whole thing was done by the Will of God. Now if the Will of God is so important, it has to be proved, and now through Sahaja Yoga, after the breaking of the Sahasrara, you have now, for the first time, felt the Will of God, which is such an important thing but for us it is come to us so sahaj that we don’t understand. We just give the bandhan and the things work out and we feel that the things have worked out, so it is bandhan which has worked out, and we have managed everything – it’s not so, it’s much more than that. We have now become part and parcel of that Big Computer of that Will of God, we have become the medium, or we can say the channels, of that Will of God. We are connected with that Will of God which created all this Universe. So everything we can manage because we have got the Absolute Science in our hand. The Absolute Science which will work out the betterment of the whole world. We can prove it to the scientist that there is a Will of God which has done all this Creation. Even evolutionary process is the Will of God. Without His Will nothing could have happened. So many people used to say that “not even a blade of grass moves without the Will of God”, which is a very true thing. And you have seen now that the Will of God we have got as our own power, we can use it, so how important it is to be a sahaja yogi! Perhaps we don’t realise how important it is to be a sahaja yogi. Sahaja Yoga is not only for saying “Mother, I am full of joy, I am enjoying myself. I got purified. Everything is fine”. But for what? Why did you get all these blessings? Why you have been cleansed? So that this knowledge of the Will of God should be apparent in you, not only that, should be a part and parcel of you. So we have to raise our level, we have to come up. For mediocre and ordinary people it is really useless to give them Sahaja Yoga because they are good for nothing. They are not going to help us in any way because what is needed is now, today, that we should have people who can really manifest and reflect the Will of God. And for that, you can understand, we have to have very strong people because this Will has created the whole Universe, the Cosmos, this Mother Earth, everything is created by this Will of God. So now we are exposed to a new dimension and that dimension is that we are the ones who are channels of that Will of God. So then, what is our duty and what should we do about it? As a result of Sahasrara being opened out, one thing [has happened]: the illusions have vanished, what you call [in] Sanskrit is bhranti. Illusions have vanished. You should have no illusion as to the existence of God Almighty, the Power of His Will and the truth about Sahaja Yoga. You should have no doubts at all! Minimum of minimum should be like that. But while using this Power you should be aware that this Power is given to you because you are capable of handling it. This is the Highest Power you could think of. Take any governor, take any minister, anyone, they can be removed tomorrow, they can become corrupt, they can become absolutely devoid of any knowledge of their own powers. There are many people who just get elected without knowing what they have to do. So this is not just a conversion of people, it’s not only even transformation, but it is a new fashioning of a new human being which has come forward and which is capable of carrying the Will of God further. So as a result of your Realisation, what you have got? The first thing that has happened is that your illusions have gone. You should have no illusions about God Almighty, His Will and that He is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. All His omnipotence has done this work, and as a Collective Consciousness you should also know that you are also omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Omniscient is the thing, that He sees everything, knows everything. Part of it, that Power, is also within you. So to prove His omnipresence you have to all the time be aware that you are sahaja yogis. When I find, even now, sahaja yogis struggling about their wives, their children, their house, their jobs, I start wondering what is their level now? Where are they? When are they going to take up the role of what they have got? So the Omnipotent God who is everywhere, who has done all this, the Will of God that has worked it out, has to work through you people and you have to be very strong, very sensible, very wise, also very effective people. The more effective you become the more energy you will get. But still I feel that the sahaja yogis are more, not taking the responsibility of understanding that they have to represent this God Almighty who is omnipresent, omniscient, who knows everything, who sees everything and who is potent, means Almighty. If you understand that this is what has happened after opening the Sahasrara, that you have now got the power which has these three qualities in it. Say now this big thing has to be supported by strong pillars, but supposing if they are not strong, it will fall down. In the same way such a Great Power which has come to you. For that we don’t need very successful people, we don’t need people who have a big name or those who have lots of money, what we need [is] people of character, people of understanding, of wisdom and of strength, that “Whatever may come I will stand by it, I will take to it, I’ll cope with it, I’ll change myself and improve myself”. So now illusion has been dispelled: I hope you all have got rid of your illusions. Also you should have no illusions about yourself. If you have any illusions you should leave Sahaja Yoga. But know that you are chosen for this purpose by God’s Will, that’s why you are here and you have to take it up, the responsibility of understanding of this science which is absolute. And working it out yourself, for yourself as well as for others. You have felt My love, but your love must also be felt, because God is love. So your love must be felt by others. Other must feel that you are compassionate, loving, understanding, that all the time this Will of God is flowing through you. And you have to work it out in such a manner that people should know that you are a saint, that this power is flowing through you. Then the second thing that has happened to you is that, not the illusion about God and about yourself, second thing that has happened [is] that you have understood the integration, that in the world there is complete integration which is existing. Normally if you see the children, they have their own natural, innate understanding. They know. If you see, normally, a good child would always like to share his things, would like to love another child, if there’s another little child is there, would like to protect that child – naturally! It won’t think whether it has black hair or red hair or blue hair. Naturally, innately a child feels that way. Also, if you take another child, supposing, who is a little baby, they know that one should be careful about the privacy of the body. Children don’t want to be made nude before others. No child likes it. Innately they know. So all these innate qualities are within you. Children don’t like to steal anything. They don’t know what is stealing is. They have no idea of stealing. I’ve also seen also children that, if they go to a place which is very beautiful, in somebody’s house, they will always try to keep the beauty of that place, but if it is already shabby they don’t mind. So, innately, all these qualities are there. I think the countries which are supposed to be underdeveloped have so many of these qualities within them, which are innately built within us. Innocence is innately built. So the Will of God built up, first and foremost thing was, innocence, the auspiciousness. The first thing He did was to create Shri Ganesha, or I would say, She, because the Will of God is Adi Shakti. And all this was created first of all to make the whole world very beautiful. All these innate qualities were also placed within you. All those Deities were placed within you. [They] were specially made, human beings, that they should become saintly people, that they should have their saintly, innate sense. But it happened in the countries which developed, that our brain was bombarded by all kinds of television, all kind of things, and we became very, we can say, we became very vulnerable. We started getting into the ideas of others. Anybody who is dominating could dominate us. It’s not only Hitler who dominated people. We also see today how much we are dominated, if you really detach yourself from this world. For example, fashions. Certain things that come up, people cannot give up at any cost, they cannot take to something that is sensible because it’s a fashion. For example, nowadays there’s a fashion, say to have such a small skirt. You can’t get a long skirt anywhere. Everybody has to wear that kind of a skirt otherwise you are not ‘in’, you are not in the madhouse! Now this kind of thing is bombarded on us morning till evening so, first of all, we become slaves of these entrepreneurs, whatever they give us. Now, I was told that in Belgium you cannot get anything fresh, you have to take everything from the supermarket, which is all tinned. Gradually what is happening to us – we are getting absolutely artificial. The food is artificial, the dress is artificial, our whole attitude becomes artificial because we are so much bombarded by advertisement, by all kinds of outside influences that we just get lost and we forget what is our innate sense which is being dominated by all these modern things. So, adding up to the science also, there is a a big progress in another direction, that we can call, the money became very important. Once money becomes important, then all your entrepreneurs become important, because they know how to make money and befool you all the time. Today you have this thing, tomorrow you have that thing. Today you change this and have this thing. But those people who are innately built, they do not change! They have their dresses of the same type, they do not change. On the contrary they find it very difficult to get out of their traditional achievements and they don’t want to change themselves. So, for sahaja yogis, it is important to see and watch if they are getting this slavery from the entrepreneurs in modern times. Then, the thoughts: so many books we read, which gives you thoughts, which are some mad rambling, I would say, of some madman, like Freud. How could Freud influence the West? Because you have lost your innate sense and you accepted. You accepted that and that’s how Freud became your, sort of a, Jesus Christ. He became the most important thing. Sex became the most important thing. I mean it’s so simple, with little common sense you can understand that, at every moment, we are put into this kind of a domination by these few domineering people who have certain ideas, and they put [these ideas] forward. Anybody puts any idea, for example, Sade (the Marquis de Sade) or Sartre or anyone, [then] that idea starts becoming “Oh he said it”. Who is he? What is his life? Just see for yourself what sort of a man he is. With little common sense. But with your will that you have now, Will of God, which has fashioned the whole world, which has fashioned you. Every cell within you has been fashioned by God Almighty and what you are doing is to play into the hands of these entrepreneurs. They have realised that these vulnerable people are very good for having as their disciples, I should say, to make money, to befool them. Now on this side, you have such a Great Power, you are chosen for a, such a great thing, and on the other side you have this kind of slavery. So try to understand that your innate qualities were lost. But luckily, by the Kundalini awakening and by the breaking of the Sahasrara, all these innate qualities which looked like lost, like your innocence, like your creativity, like your religion within, like your compassion and love for the humanity, like your power of judgement, wisdom, all these great qualities which we thought were lost were nothing but they were in a dormant state [and] they all got awakened one by one. I don’t have to tell you “Don’t drink this! Don’t eat this! Don’t do that!”. You yourself realise that this is wrong, you yourself know what is good for you, and still if you want to do wrong you can go ahead. But already there is a light within you to see for yourself what is good and what is bad. It has come because of this Sahasrara being opened out to this – a new dimension of new knowledge. And this is not new, it is all innately built within you. Now all those innate qualities are manifesting and you are enjoying them. So now you have to get out of your petty ideas and petty things. People are reporting to Me something very funny – I can’t believe sahaja yogis can do like that – that they run away with the plates that I have bought, or they run away with the cups, they throw things here and there, all over the places they are throwing things. How can you behave like this? I mean this is so stupid and so insipid. If you do not have a proper discipline of life yourself, you cannot carry the Will of God, you cannot. But I’m not going to tell you “Do this or do that!” I respect your freedom and I just want that your own Kundalini should awaken that wisdom in you, that greatness in you, that glory in you and you start understanding what is our innate quality. So it will purify you. Once you are purified completely, like you see, if you have some gold which is not pure you put it in the fire, the gold is separated. In the same way, the fire of Kundalini cleanses you completely, makes you absolutely clean, and you start seeing your own glory, your own nature, your own greatness. So the integration part comes to you easily. You start integrating. First of all, we used to have sahaja yogis, say from, some from England, some from Spain, some from here. They would always have different groups, they would never sit together. You could make out this is English sitting here, they are sitting here, they are sitting here, and they would form a group but now it’s not so, now I find they all are becoming integrated. The integration of human beings is the most important thing for Sahaja Yoga. That comes by understanding, not by your intelligence, but by innate understanding that all human beings are made by God, by His will, and we have no right to despise anyone. The second integration that has come within you is that all religions, all religions, are born on the same tree of spiritual life. That all religions are to be worshipped, all incarnations, all prophets, all scriptures are to be worshipped. There are defects, there are problems with those scriptures which can be corrected. So, gradually you start entering into the subtler side of Divinity, to understand that all these people have worked hard to create, today, the atmosphere for Sahaja Yoga, and no religion is to be despised and no religion is to be attacked, which is a very, very, absolutely a unreal thing and you are working out a very unreal theory which doesn’t exist in the Divine plan. So, this is how we finish all fundamentalism. Fundamentalists are the ones who believed that, “this is written in this book, this is written in this book,” and that “we, because we read this book, we are something better.” Anybody can read any book, what is so great? Same, I would say, in Sahaja Yoga people should not become fundamentalist. Be very careful! Because that’s what you are – born like that, I mean, I don’t know, it’s not your innate quality but the way you are made that way, you have fashioned yourself that way, that you start also making Sahaja Yoga sometimes a fundamental. “Mother said so.” Do not use Me anywhere! “Mother said so,” is a way you want to dominate others. You yourself say because now you have a right, you have an individuality in Sahaja Yoga, you can say what you have to say yourself, but don’t say that “Mother has said it!” Because anybody can start it like that: “Christ said it!”. A clergyman or, a say, pope can stand up on his own platform and say that Christ has said it, they can just arbitrarily use all these things. So nobody has business to use Me arbitrarily. Whatever you have to say you say yourself but don’t ever quote Me as that: “Mother has said it,” or, “In this book such and such is written, so this is the line, that is important.” You are not bound by any line [nor] by whatever I say. It is you who has to stand up and see for yourself what you have to say, because you have to use now your will and for that you have to develop yourself to have Pure Will, the Pure Desire of God Almighty. The integration not only outward, but inward. Like first of all, whatever we did, our mind used to say one thing, our heart used to say another thing, our brain used to say another thing. Now what has happened that all these 3 things have become one, so whatever your brain says is absolutely acceptable to your heart, absolutely acceptable to your attention. So you yourself, you have become now integrated. Many people write “Mother I want to do it, but I can’t do it,” “Mother it was my desire to do it, but I can’t do it.” Not now! Now you are completely integrated and you can easily do the whole thing very well. If you want to examine yourself, you should try to find out “Am I integrated or not? Whatever I’m doing, am I doing with my full heart or not, with my full attention or not?” I’ve seen that you do with full heart and full intelligence but full attention is not there. Still the attention, which is the first thing that was enlightened, is not fully used. So the whole attention should be absolutely there, that, “I have to do this thing with full attention,” otherwise, the integration is not complete, integration is partial. So these three things have to be completely integrated. So the integration of all the chakras comes in. Like whatever you do has to be auspicious, whatever you do has to be with full attention, whatever you do has to be absolutely religious. So like that, all these centres are being absolutely, one integrated power that you have. So the whole life should be integrated. Now, say somebody’s husband is not that level or somebody’s wife is not of that level, you shouldn’t bother, you should just bother about yourself. Don’t expect anything from anybody else. It is your duty which is important. You have to fulfil your duty and you have to work it out yourself. Unless and until you understand that it is your individual being which has achieved it, and it’s the individual being which has to realise it, is the individual being that has to become one, integrated with the rest of them. If you start putting things, like many a times I’ve seen [that] if I say something people start thinking that I am saying for somebody else, they never take it for themselves. So, not we have to see what is my gain: “I’ve got financial gain,” say, “I’ve got physical gains, I’ve got mental gains, I’ve got joy, happiness,” that’s not the only thing. That should not be the only criteria. But what you should have is the understanding of your own personality which is being specially fashioned [through] many, many lives for you to come in this life to get your Realisation, to do the further work of Will of God. Every moment when you see a miracle taking place, you do realise that it’s all done by Paramchaitanya but what is Paramchaitanya? Is the will of Adi Shakti. And what is Adi Shakti? Is the Will of God. So, is all, whatever is done, is all ‘fixed entities’, we can call them, or these vibrations are like, we can say, DNA tapes, they all know how they have to fashion you. See, today it’s very sunny. Everybody is surprised how can they have. So many things happen like this. The other day, we had havan, it was absolutely sunny. So, the whole Cosmos is working for you. You are on the stage now and you have to see to it, but if you don’t have faith in yourself, if you are not confident as to what you are, how can you help? How can you work out yourself and work out all the problems of the world, which are created only by human beings? So we have to absolutely overthrow all these dominations on us. First from science. We can prove everything that Sahaja Yoga, whatever it has said about science, has been proved. So, we can throw science which is just always, all the time, in the flux, it’s changing all the time. Then the so-called religions that we have. So-called religions because people who have been Catholics, who have been Protestants, who have been Hindus or Muslims, or this and that, they all have got that thing on their heads. And this has to be thrown away. We have to become a new personality. After Realisation, as I said, you become like a lotuses from the mud. So, now you have become lotuses and the lotuses have to throw away all this dead mud, otherwise fragrance won’t be there. That, one has to achieve, is to throw away all these shackles which are, which are killing you, which are of no use, but a burden. And beautiful lotuses as you are, you have to understand that the whole fashioning has been done so carefully, with such sweetness, with such delicacy. So first of all, we must have respect for ourselves, we must have affection and love for others and we must have respect, means we must have discipline. We have to have the discipline because if you respect yourself you’ll definitely discipline yourself and you’ll make it available. Now as you can realise, that from My life itself, that I work very hard, travel a lot, much more than any one of you can do, because I have the will that – I have to bring this world to that state of enjoyment, to that state of happiness, to that state of Divinity, where they realise what is their glory, what is the glory of their Father. So, I work very hard and I never even think that something will go wrong with Me, or “This will happen”, “What will happen?” I never have bothered you about My family life, about My children, about anyone. Whatever problems I had, I am dealing with them Myself. But here I get such big, big letters from sahaja yogis, writing about their daughter, their son, this thing, that thing. Another thing is attachment to family is the biggest burden on your heads and all the time you are worried about your children, you are worried about this, you are worried about that. That’s not your responsibility. Please try to understand. That’s the responsibility of God Almighty. You can’t do better than Him can you? But when you try to take the responsibility He says “All right, look after!” and the problems start. ‘Detachment’ is the word one should understand in a proper sense. When I ask people why do you throw things here and there, they say “We are detached!”- wonderful way! And what about your children? You cling on to them. What about your own things? You cling on to them. For a small little thing, they’ll bother My head and when it belongs to Me or to Sahaja Yoga then they’ll have a very nice time with it and throw it away wherever they feel like. I mean this kind of irresponsibility, how can you call them divine? How can they be saintly people? Saintly people not only are responsible for themselves, but for everyone. Very slowly, smoothly, sweetly, with great affection, I have brought you to this level. I didn’t ask you to go to Himalayas or stand on your heads or to donate all your properties to Me, nothing of the kind. We have managed it in a very, very beautiful manner. Now, further, when you have to go further, then you have to understand that your duties are to be fulfilled by you and by nobody else. But these duties are done by you, are towards your family, towards your house, towards this, towards that. No duties towards Sahaja Yoga. So when you were, before Sahaja Yoga, you were not attached to anyone, in the sense [that] you were only attached to yourself, self-centred. Now you have widened yourself a little more, that now you are attached to your wife, to your children. But that’s just the same. That is also selfish, because they are your children, you think. They are not your children, they are the children of God. I hope all of you are intelligent enough to understand your responsibility and work it out. This is a very important thing that has happened to you that Sahasrara has opened. Now you can prove the existence of God, His Will, everything, to the whole world. Nobody can challenge Sahaja Yoga. Those scientist who will challenge can be told. Anybody, whether you’re a scientist, economist, politician, anything, everything can be explained in the light of Sahaja Yoga and can be proved that there’s only one politics – that is of God, one economics – that is of God, and there is only one religion – that is of God, is Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. It can be proved, there’s nothing to be afraid of or to worry about. This all can be proved to the scientist and to the other intellectuals and to some few people if they want to listen to us. If they don’t want to listen to us, forget it because we are so powerful, why should you worry about them? But, if they are willing to listen to us, then is better that we tell them “Now we have discovered this Great Power”, and if it works out, if this Great Power works out, then only we can really fashion the whole world in a new way. I have great hopes from you people, but the seriousness with which you should take Sahaja Yoga, for example even meditation, people don’t do. A simple thing like meditation, you people don’t do, I can’t understand. How will you grow without meditation? Unless and until you become thoughtlessly aware, you cannot grow. So, you have to, you have to at least meditate morning, evening. There are many people who are not even collective by temperament. If they are staying in an ashram they just think that ashram life is no good. Such people should really get out of Sahaja Yoga because they have not yet understood what this Sahaja Yoga is. Without collectivity how will you grow? How will you assemble your power? You see, you know very well that in a sangha, in a group, in combining together only, you can be strong. Is a fact that if you have one stick you can break it, but if you put many sticks together you cannot break it. But there are still people I know who are still not so much in collectivity. Shows how poor they are in their understanding of their own Self, and they are telling Me that “Mother, we don’t want to stay in the Ashram now anywhere more.” So they should get out of Sahaja Yoga. Without the collectivity, you cannot grow. Without the discipline of Sahaja Yoga, you cannot grow. It’s better to have ten people of good quality than to have thousand useless people. That’s what is the Will of God. So now, as you are today here, so many people, I am really enamoured to see so many people are there. And we have done so much of our growth and grown out of all those nonsensical things that we were following. But today we have to take a vow that – “I’ll now fashion my life according to the Will of God, absolutely, and dedicate myself to that.” No family, no other considerations. Just forget it! Nothing so important. Everything can be looked after by Will of God. So if you just try to follow the Will of God, your children will be looked after, everything will be looked after, you don’t have to worry for anything. And that works. Just try to understand that you have problems because you don’t want to give those problems to God, you want to keep it to yourselves, that’s why you have problems. If you decide that “No, I just want to give these problems to the God’s Will,” Finished! Also there are some who want to say that “We are not so capable Mother, we can’t do it.” Saying like this also is stupid. You test yourself, you see for yourself. So first of all, one has to understand why do we say such a thing? Maybe that we are very money-oriented, that we want to have money to ourselves, or something like that. Or some people are there who talk of business also in Sahaja Yoga. There must be something like a money orientation, or some sort of a material attachment that they say that “We are not capable, we cannot change.” The second could be this mamatwa, as they call it, the attachment to your family, children, this, that. Or, “This is mine, this is mine, this is mine.” This could be the second reason that you think that you are not bold enough or you are not strong enough to do Sahaja Yoga. Thirdly could be that you are still playing with your old habits and that you are enjoying your life without virtues. There can be some reason like that. So just try to locate, “Why am I behaving like this? Why am I not getting into the same beautiful path of my ascent as everybody has got it.” If we introspect, you’ll find out that “There’s something wrong with me that I think I am not capable of doing.” You are capable of doing everything! You just try this and enjoy it. So, most important thing now [that] remains is that you should become a proper, strong, compassionate vehicle of God’s Will. So. Then, what is most important of course, I agree, that you do My puja, because that helps you a lot, no doubt. But other things are not important. So many other things you people tell Me is not of importance. Main thing is that you should all ascend higher and higher and compete with each other in getting into higher situation. As it is, I think in such a short time we have achieved a lot, no doubt, but still we have to speed up and work it out. I am sure that this new science, or we can say, the, which is the absolute science will one day out-shadow the other science, and tell people that: this is what it is. It is in your hands, you work it out. So today is the day we are celebrating by which we have opened absolutely a new dimension, absolutely a venue of great Divinity, of the proofs of Divine. And this is something so great that we can really finish all the illusions they have about themselves, about their ego. We can manage them. That power you all have. May God Bless You.
Shri Buddha Puja Talk: The Search for the Absolute
Shudy Camps
Shri Buddha Puja. Shudy Camps, near Cambridge (England). 31 May 1992. Today we have assembled here to do Shri Buddha Puja. I don't know how many of you have read of Buddha's life, and how ultimately He achieved His enlightenment. I don't know how many of you have really seen the Buddhists or have met them, those who call themselves Buddhist. As in every religion, all of them got lost into some sort of a fundamentalism, because none of them got realisation. And that's why everybody established their own style of religion, even you can say that Tao of Lao Tse also, or Zen of Bodhidharma, all of them are off-shoots of the same. We have to see how He first felt that one has to seek something beyond life, once we are very much satisfied with whatever we have. Because He was a king's son, He had a very nice wife, He had a son, and naturally anybody in that position would be quite satisfied. But He saw a very sick man one day, He saw a beggar and also He saw a dead man, and everybody crying for that dead person. He couldn't understand how this misery has come and what is the need to have this misery. So He gave up His family, He gave up His luxuries of life, everything He gave up and went in search of the truth, as many of you have done. He would have been lost also, I would say, because He read all the Upanishadas, and He read all the books that were possible for Him to say what is the truth is. But He couldn't get anything. He took a complete sanyasa in the sense, as far as the food is concerned, as far as entertainment is concerned, everything He gave up. And ultimately He was lying under a banyan tree and suddenly the Adi Shakti gave Him realisation, because He was so true and was one of the one marked for a special place in the Virata. He had to achieve that. Of course, I need not tell you about His previous lives, perhaps in so many of My lectures I have already talked about it, what was His previous life and how He achieved His own enlightenment about Himself. But what we have to see from His life is that He discovered and He found out that want is the reason, the desire is the reason of all the miseries. But He didn't know what was the real want, what was the pure want, what was the pure desire. And that's how He could not explain to people that they have to take to their awakening through their Kundalini. As He had followed such a ascetic life, that became the code for the Buddhists. The other day I was reading about Buddha when I was in Thailand, and I was surprised that the bhikshus – that means, the bhikshu is, actually in Sanskrit it means bhikshus, means the one who asks for alms, or a beggar you can call it, but religious beggar. So He used to carry thousands of people with Him, at least minimum of thousand – bare feet, without any provision for food, without any arrangements for stay, nothing – and they were supposed to shave off their heads completely, no moustaches, no hair on the body at all. And moreover, they were supposed to wear only one dress, one long dress they had to tie up like this and cover themselves, whether it was cold season or it was a warm season, whatever it was. They were not allowed to sing or to dance, or to entertain themselves by anything. And food was just collected from the village, whatever they visited, whatever they got, very minimum. Whatever they got, that was cooked for them, and they would offer their guru first and then eat that food. Imagine, thousand people going like that, bare feet, in the scorching heat or in the mud, or in rain, in all season they used to walk, giving up all their family relationships. Even if the husband and wife, both of them joined the sangha, then they were not supposed to live like husband and wife. So to give up all other physical wants, mental wants, emotional wants was the way they tried to follow, because He said the want creates it. But if you see the Buddhists, they do all these things. You’ll be amazed, even if he is a king he does that. And many kings who joined at that time –one of them was Ashok, from India – he dressed up like that, he became like that, he started travelling in the same manner and tried to lead a complete ascetic life. Very difficult life it was, and they thought that by doing all that they will achieve their realisation. They say that two of His disciples did achieve, their names are Moggallana and Sariputta. These two people got their realisation. But the whole thing was absolutely a life dry and insipid; it had no fun in it. No children were allowed, no family life was allowed. So it became a very secluded, very harsh, I can say, very dry life. Though it was called as a sangha, means the collectivity; but in that collectivity there was no rapport as such because they were not supposed to talk too much, they were not supposed to discuss anything about, say, politics or economics or anything. Only they could talk about meditation, of achieving the highest life. So you can imagine what sort of life they had to lead to become enlightened, and that idea continued in so many religions. Specially, it then started making people take away the money of the householders by saying that you have to give up everything. Of course, at the time of Buddha also they had to give up everything and join the sangha; but here it was a genuine effort of Buddha to take them to enlightenment, to make them people who were knowledgeable about the absolute realities. But did not happen, and that is the reason why we find that Buddhists have gone into different types of funny Buddhism. For example, now we have some Buddhism, say, in Japan, where it was not allowed to kill any animal. So they said, “All right, we are not killing any animal but we can eat killed animals,” you see. They found out a solution out of that. Then also, then they can, they could kill human beings, because “it’s not allowed to kill animals, but we can kill human beings.” So Japanese become experts in killing human beings, you see. How people find out loopholes, you can see this very clearly. Then the second type of Buddhism came, where this Lao Tse taught about Tao. But Tao actually is – He’s the only one who started talking about Kundalini. Tao is the Kundalini. But that, too, was too much for these people. They just couldn't understand what He was talking about. But the way He expressed Himself in paintings and other things, just to deviate from that kind of a harsh Buddhism. But somehow, despite that, it never took proper roots; and I have met people who follow Tao and absolutely don't understand how these people are following the path of Kundalini. There's a river called Yangtze by which, when you travel, you find variety of things. After every five minutes the scene changes, all the beautiful mountains take another form, and you have lots of waterfalls, and it’s very interesting. That is the Kundalini. Tao is that river. But it’s said that you should not divert your attention to these temptations which are outside. You should see them, but move. And that is what is Tao, which He brought in. But they got lost because they started painting all those things and doing all kinds of, more into art. Basically, Buddha never thought of any art, He never wanted to have any art, and He didn't want to do anything with art. He said, “Only thing is that you have to introspect and go within and deep down, and find out what is the absolute truth.” So the whole thing started deviating like this. Then this Zen system was the same as mixed up with kundalini, which Viditama, one of His great disciples, who started in Japan. Now the Zen system is that they used to put – I mean, I sometimes hit also on the back of the, what you call the spinal cord, on the charkas - and they would try to raise the kundalini. All kinds of horrible things, in the Zen system they developed very harsh methods of raising the kundalini. It went to such a limit that I have met people who have broken their spinal cords. Then kundalini will never rise in any case, if the spinal cord-[Shri Mataji to someone on Her right hand side:] Please pay attention here. One lady walks out, then attention goes out. I mean, if your attention is so poor ! Please pay attention here, do you understand that? If one person walks out your attention should not go; and please don’t come inside to disturb. You see, the trouble is we must understand that our attention has to be steady. Any lady walks out, if your attention moves out, then understand that you have to meditate more. Please keep the attention. So now, then this Viditama Zen also took a very different form. I met with the head of the Viditama Zen system, and I was surprised because – they called Me because he was very sick, so they said: “Mother, please help him to cure.”But I found he was not at all a Realized soul and did not know a word about kundalini. So I said, “How are you the head? How is it that you have become the head when you do not know the meaning of kundalini?”So he said: “What is kundalini?” He couldn’t understand anything.I said : “What is Zen?”“Zen is to meditate, dhyana.”I said, “All right, but what about it?”“Yes, yes, there is.”I mean, so confused he was. Then I asked him, “You are not a Realized soul, then how is it you are the head?”He said, “We never had any Realized soul for, now, ages. Only for six centuries we had some kashyapas” – they call them kashyapas – “and after that we had no Realized souls at all.” So just think, under what circumstances you got your Realization. Without sacrificing anything, without giving up anything, without working out any one of these tapasyas – penances. Because Buddha is the tapah. These three deities on your Agnya Chakra: Christ, Mahavira and Buddha, three of them are tapah. “Tapah” means penance. You have to do penance. And penance now in Sahaja Yoga doesn’t mean that you give up your wife or give up your husband, give up your children, give up your family; but here tapah means meditation. And for meditation, you must know when to get up, that should be the most important thing for a Sahaja Yogi. The rest of the thing automatically will work out, and you’ll understand: to grow your depth you have to meditate, is a absolutely simple thing. You don’t have to shave your head, you don’t have to starve yourself, you don’t have to walk bare feet. You can sing, you can dance; I mean, you can entertain yourself with music.There you are not even allowed to see a drama or a play or anything like that. I mean, so many things, if you see the list you’d go really crazy: how could people exist? But there were thousand peoples with Him who were traveling with Him, and they became so poor, they were just wearing rags. Ultimately, a big trader was passing by and he saw them and he thought, “What poor people these are, just beggars. God knows, they are lepers or what are they?” And he had a great feeling for them. And he gave them some food to eat and everything, and still he did not know that it was the Tagata – means it was Buddha who was going.So the Buddha's main thing – “buddha” itself means “bodh”, from “bodh.” And the “bodh” means, “to know the reality on your central nervous system” is the bodh. You all have become now buddhas without giving up anything, because whatever He gave up was all nonsense. It was a myth. If it was a myth, what's the use of giving up the myth? What does it matter if you listen to music, what does it matter if you dance? It doesn't matter at all. But these ideas went so deep into these people that you really feel such pity and such compassion, that “look at them, where are they getting lost?” They don't eat their food, they have their food only once in a while and they are starving, they look like really worse than TB patients. But while you people look like really roses, beautifully all of you are enjoying life and everything is there. But still one has to know that we have to have that principle of Buddha within ourselves. And what is that principle of Buddha is that we have to do tapah. Tapah doesn't mean, I don't say you starve yourself. But also if you have too much interest in food, is better to take to little fasting. I never said that you should not enjoy music, never. No question – you should. But then you should enjoy music which is for your emancipation, for your awakening, for your ascent. I don't say “don't do” because yourself now, you are a buddha. Buddha was not to be told anything. He told everyone, but He was not to be told. In the same way, I don't have to tell you. It is only you have to understand. But sometimes we are really bound by so many conditionings that I find very difficult for people to understand what is the spirit. Spirit is boundless. It is a free expression of God's love. So when it comes to the free expression of God's love, the compassion, the love, then one has to understand, do we do that or not? Even now there are many conditionings which are still working in us. For example, some of you are like this that “I belong to this nationality, to that nationality. I am this, I am that.” We are very proud of that. We cannot mix up with other people, we are too high for the other people – or something like that. You are now become a universal being; so you, how can you have these stupid limitations which are mythical again? So one must see, introspect and find out if you are having- [What’s the matter with her? Take her away.] Also with your children you must see, you see, very important how they behave, if they are aggressive or how they behave. Is very important because they are also buddhas, they are also Realised souls. But they have certain conditionings in them, and they are behaving according to those conditioning. Now as it is, we can see there is light within us. What happens, that we start seeing what's wrong with us and we just drop it out. But even when you see that, if you cannot drop it out then must know that you need more of power. Then you must learn how to raise your Kundalini, how to be connected with the divine Power all the time, so that you are in thoughtless awareness and that you grow within yourself inner depth. I find the conditioning that is very much lurking still is “my and mine” in, still in Sahaja Yogis. Like before this what I had heard about, say, English or all Western people – because I am talking to the Western people here – that they didn't care for their family, their wives, their children; every third day they were divorcing, or fourth day they are running off with some other husbands or something like that. Now I find they stick like glue. Wife becomes very important, husband becomes very important, “my house” becomes very important, “my children” become very important; and first they were not interested in children, now they are sticking onto children like as if with some glue. It's impossible for them, to tell that “See, children belong to the sangha, to the collectivity.” You don't think this is your child. Once you start thinking like that, then you are limiting yourself and getting into problems. The country-wise also, the problems are reducing very much, I should say. Also we are, we don't like to be racist. I know people hate those who are racist, they want racialism to go away. As in India I’ve seen Sahaja yogis want all the caste system must go away, because these are self-destructive. So we start seeing in ourselves what is self-destructive: what will destroy me, then what will destroy my family, then what will destroy my country, and what will destroy the whole world. All these ventures which are just the opposite of your constructive life, you start seeing. You see your derailment, you see you are going towards destruction, and you can stop it. And that is very important – only possible if you try to introspect yourself and meditate, and see: have I got this quality? Some of them are very proud of their certain temperaments, like “I am like this; what to do, Mother? I am like this.” No more! Now all your beautiful qualities have been awakened by your Kundalini. Shows that nothing was dead, nothing was finished, they were all there intact; and when the Kundalini started rising, she just awakened all those beautiful qualities. Apart from that, in the Guru Puja I'll tell you what all has happened. Of course, you must have seen in Sahasrara Puja I told you about yourself, that what you have achieved – you have no idea as to what powers you have got. But in Guru Puja I'll definitely tell you what is the thing that is Sahaja Yoga. It's one of the most precious thing that a human being should have known long time back. It is not only talking about God, it is not only saying there's divinity within you, but the effectiveness of that. So you don't need any science – you have any problem: all right, give a bandhan, finished. So simple! If you want anything just give a bandhan, it’s finished. You want to give realisation, you raise that; that’s Kundalini is raised. Everything that you can do with science, you can do with Sahaja Yoga. We are also computers. Sometimes I say something – say, “Mother, how do You know?” I say, “I am a computer, no doubt.” But you all are computers, only thing you have to develop your depth. Now you are on the right lines, so we don't need this science which can destroy all of us. Everything can be done through Sahaja Yoga. And this is what I'll explain to you in Guru Puja, how you become so capable. So please have self-esteem. You must have self-esteem and understand that you are a Sahaja yogi now. First and foremost you are a Sahaja yogi, and as Sahaja yogi you have to achieve that state where you become absolutely capable of doing whatever science can do, whatever anybody could do. This is the real siddhi, means you become a embodiment of all the powers. There's some people who come and tell Me, “Mother, we can’t open our heart.” I mean, I don't say you have an open heart surgery! But “to open my heart” means just see what's wrong with you. Can't you feel compassion? But I’ve seen people having an open heart for a dog or for a cat, but they don't have open heart for their children sometimes. Now, how can you not have open heart in Sahaja Yoga? That's the first place where the spirit exists and it emits its light, and when it emits its light that's the first place where you see the life of a person who is full of love. So how can it be, there is this problem that “I can't open my heart”? This must be coming because you have only ego but no self-esteem. So, Buddha is the one who is the killer of ego. He's the killer of ego. He is, as you have seen it, He is moving on your Pingala Nadi and comes and then settles down on this side, the left side. He's the one who is the controller of our ego, and how He has tried to compensate this right side. First of all, you must have seen the laughing Buddha. He’s very fat; and a person who’s right-sided is very thin. He’s never laughing, never smiles even – even if you tickle, he may not! So they have shown Buddha as a person, and He'll have many children sitting on His stomach, all over His body and everywhere, and He’ll be laughing. So just see how they have shown the compensation of Buddha, the one who is the controller of our right side. So, how He controls our right side, just laughs out of it. He makes fun of Himself, He makes fun of everything, anything they see. For example now, as He said, “Don't see any drama.” All right. I say, “You see every drama.” But in that you see with your enlightened consciousness, you can see the stupidity of it and enjoy the stupidity. For example, this Elisabeth lady was married eight times, or something – nine, I don't know how many times she was married, I’ve lost count. So these stupid people went there – three, four thousand, imagine, more than you people – and were standing around, and there were helicopters who were sending parachutes, you see, down and everybody was so much enamored. And the parachuters were falling on the trees, sometimes falling on the people. And it was all in the newspaper, a big news for these Americans, you see. So you should see the stupidity of that. If you could see the stupidity, then it's all right. But if you become one of those spectators and think that “Oh, what a thing is the – what a luck that I have been able to see this lady” – such an inauspicious person – “going for her honeymoon,” you see. Then, you see, anything you see: now, say, I went to Rio and I, they showed Me the way they are having carnival – My God, I felt like vomiting, it’s so repulsive. So how you react to thing depends on your attention – buddha chitta, means the one which is enlightened attention – how you react. Of course, if it is something divine then you have a rapt attention. Absolutely you won't put your attention in there. To you it does not matter, whatever may happen in the whole world; a complete attention on that. But if it is something stupid you can see the essence of it, if it is something humorous you can see the essence of it. So what happens with that attention that you see to the essence of the whole thing, related to reality: compared to reality, it is stupid. In the light of reality, it is stupid. It can be mythical, it could be false, it could be hypocritical; all kinds of things which are not reality. But if you are a Sahaja yogi, you should be able to see that point and enjoy. I've seen children do that very easily and they understand up to a certain age, then I don't know what happens to them. But, say, when I had My children, they used to go to see a Ramlila, you see. Very small they were, they were school-care students. Every day they would go with our servant to see. All the servants would have a Ramlila and they would go and see, and they would come back and tell Me all the fun about it. And they said, “Today Dasarath and his wife, you see, had such a fight, and suddenly we discovered both were men in that fight, you know! They were fighting each other.” Something like that, and every time they used to tell Me the fun of it. But My servant said, “Look at our …” – this “baby” they call them – “the babies. See how they were enjoying! All the time they were laughing, they were so enjoying this Ramlila as we were enjoying.” You see, see the difference? These girls were laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole thing, while this fellow was thinking that they were really enjoying it and all that whole thing. So this is the understanding. Same thing when you see what is your reaction. That depends on your chitta, on your attention which is enlightened. An enlightened attention reacts in a very different manner than a stupid attention or a confused attention, or the attention which is full of negativity. So, one has to judge how you react. Like I saw one funny punk fellow coming to Me, and I said, “Why do you do like this?” So one Sahaja yogi said, “Mother, You shouldn't say like that.” I said, “Why?” “You see, after all, that’s his religion.” I said, “Really, this is his religion?” So the fellow says, “What's wrong?” I said, “Wrong is that you have no identity. You have no self-esteem, that's why you try to paint yourself and try to show that you are this and you are that, which you are not. Why don't you become what you are?” And that fellow became a Sahaja yogi later. And this is what we have to see, that we have to accept what we are, and we are the spirit. If we are the spirit, then we have to live and enjoy and do whatever is necessary. But there are four things which Buddha has said very nicely, which all of you should say every morning, I think, to understand. So first He says, “Buddham sharanam gacchami” – “I surrender myself to Buddha”: means “I surrender myself to my awakened attention, to my awakened consciousness. Buddham sharanam gacchami.” Is very important to know that He said it again and again. Then He said, “Dhammam sharanam gacchami.” That is, “I surrender myself to my dharma.” Dharma is not what is outside – these religions which are mythical and which are gone into some sort of a perversions – but the religion within myself, the innate religion. I surrender myself to that: which is righteousness, which you know very well what are the real things within us, which gives us all the value system. Then the third thing He has said, "Sangham sharanam gacchami." “I surrender myself to collective.” You have to meet. I’m trying My level best to get some place where you can all meet, even in the name of a picnic or anything, at least once a month. “Sangham sharanam gacchami” is very important, because then you’ll know that you are part and parcel of the whole; that a microcosm has become the macrocosm; that you are a part and parcel of the Virat – that you become aware of it. And that is how things work out very fast, that is how we help each other. That is how we discover a person who is negative, that's how we discover who is not. We discover a person who is egoist, who is not egoist. That's how we discover the people who are not at all Sahaja yogis, claim themselves to be Sahaja yogis, and we just give them up, we understand. Without coming to the collective, without being collective, you can never understand the value of collectivity. It is so great. It gives you so many powers, it gives you so much satisfaction and joy that one must in Sahaja Yoga first pay attention to collectivity. Even supposing there's something missing, doesn't matter; you just become collective. While coming to collective you don't have to criticise others, you don't have to call names of others, you don't find faults with them. But you introspect yourself and know that “Why, when everybody is enjoying themselves, why am I the one sitting down and trying to find faults? Must be something wrong with me.” If you can just pay attention to yourself as far as the defects are concerned, then I am sure you will become much more collective than when you start seeing the defects in other people. And no use, I mean no use seeing. Supposing I have a spot on My sari, I better clean it. But if you have a spot on your sari, what's the use of looking at it? I cannot clean it; you have to do it yourself. Is a simple thing, it’s a very practical thing, and this kind of a practical … (Can you hear Me, all of you?) It’s such a practical thing has to be done to understand that Sahaja Yoga is the most practical, is the most practical, because it is absolute reality. So with all these powers, with all these understandings, with all this compassionate love, you have to be sure about yourself, and know that you are all the time protected, guided, looked after, nourished, and helped to grow by this divine Power, which is all-pervading. May God bless you all. (Please, can you send somebody? They would like to come; they must be ready by now.)
Shri Buddha Puja. Shudy Camps, near Cambridge (England). 31 May 1992. Today we have assembled here to do Shri Buddha Puja. I don't know how many of you have read of Buddha's life, and how ultimately He achieved His enlightenment. I don't know how many of you have really seen the Buddhists or have met them, those who call themselves Buddhist. As in every religion, all of them got lost into some sort of a fundamentalism, because none of them got realisation. And that's why everybody established their own style of religion, even you can say that Tao of Lao Tse also, or Zen of Bodhidharma, all of them are off-shoots of the same. We have to see how He first felt that one has to seek something beyond life, once we are very much satisfied with whatever we have. Because He was a king's son, He had a very nice wife, He had a son, and naturally anybody in that position would be quite satisfied. But He saw a very sick man one day, He saw a beggar and also He saw a dead man, and everybody crying for that dead person. He couldn't understand how this misery has come and what is the need to have this misery. So He gave up His family, He gave up His luxuries of life, everything He gave up and went in search of the truth, as many of you have done. He would have been lost also, I would say, because He read all the Upanishadas, and He read all the books that were possible for Him to say what is the truth is. But He couldn't get anything. He took a complete sanyasa in the sense, as far as the food is concerned, as far as entertainment is concerned, everything He gave up. And ultimately He was lying under a banyan tree and suddenly the Adi Shakti gave Him realisation, because He was so true and was one of the one marked for a special place in the Virata. He had to achieve that. Of course, I need not tell you about His previous lives, perhaps in so many of My lectures I have already talked about it, what was His previous life and how He achieved His own enlightenment about Himself. But what we have to see from His life is that He discovered and He found out that want is the reason, the desire is the reason of all the miseries. But He didn't know what was the real want, what was the pure want, what was the pure desire. And that's how He could not explain to people that they have to take to their awakening through their Kundalini. As He had followed such a ascetic life, that became the code for the Buddhists. The other day I was reading about Buddha when I was in Thailand, and I was surprised that the bhikshus – that means, the bhikshu is, actually in Sanskrit it means bhikshus, means the one who asks for alms, or a beggar you can call it, but religious beggar. So He used to carry thousands of people with Him, at least minimum of thousand – bare feet, without any provision for food, without any arrangements for stay, nothing – and they were supposed to shave off their heads completely, no moustaches, no hair on the body at all. And moreover, they were supposed to wear only one dress, one long dress they had to tie up like this and cover themselves, whether it was cold season or it was a warm season, whatever it was. They were not allowed to sing or to dance, or to entertain themselves by anything. And food was just collected from the village, whatever they visited, whatever they got, very minimum. Whatever they got, that was cooked for them, and they would offer their guru first and then eat that food. Imagine, thousand people going like that, bare feet, in the scorching heat or in the mud, or in rain, in all season they used to walk, giving up all their family relationships. Even if the husband and wife, both of them joined the sangha, then they were not supposed to live like husband and wife. So to give up all other physical wants, mental wants, emotional wants was the way they tried to follow, because He said the want creates it. But if you see the Buddhists, they do all these things. You’ll be amazed, even if he is a king he does that. And many kings who joined at that time –one of them was Ashok, from India – he dressed up like that, he became like that, he started travelling in the same manner and tried to lead a complete ascetic life. Very difficult life it was, and they thought that by doing all that they will achieve their realisation. They say that two of His disciples did achieve, their names are Moggallana and Sariputta. These two people got their realisation. But the whole thing was absolutely a life dry and insipid; it had no fun in it. No children were allowed, no family life was allowed. So it became a very secluded, very harsh, I can say, very dry life. Though it was called as a sangha, means the collectivity; but in that collectivity there was no rapport as such because they were not supposed to talk too much, they were not supposed to discuss anything about, say, politics or economics or anything. Only they could talk about meditation, of achieving the highest life. So you can imagine what sort of life they had to lead to become enlightened, and that idea continued in so many religions. Specially, it then started making people take away the money of the householders by saying that you have to give up everything. Of course, at the time of Buddha also they had to give up everything and join the sangha; but here it was a genuine effort of Buddha to take them to enlightenment, to make them people who were knowledgeable about the absolute realities. But did not happen, and that is the reason why we find that Buddhists have gone into different types of funny Buddhism. For example, now we have some Buddhism, say, in Japan, where it was not allowed to kill any animal. So they said, “All right, we are not killing any animal but we can eat killed animals,” you see. They found out a solution out of that. Then also, then they can, they could kill human beings, because “it’s not allowed to kill animals, but we can kill human beings.” So Japanese become experts in killing human beings, you see. How people find out loopholes, you can see this very clearly. Then the second type of Buddhism came, where this Lao Tse taught about Tao. But Tao actually is – He’s the only one who started talking about Kundalini. Tao is the Kundalini. But that, too, was too much for these people. They just couldn't understand what He was talking about. But the way He expressed Himself in paintings and other things, just to deviate from that kind of a harsh Buddhism. But somehow, despite that, it never took proper roots; and I have met people who follow Tao and absolutely don't understand how these people are following the path of Kundalini. There's a river called Yangtze by which, when you travel, you find variety of things. After every five minutes the scene changes, all the beautiful mountains take another form, and you have lots of waterfalls, and it’s very interesting. That is the Kundalini. Tao is that river. But it’s said that you should not divert your attention to these temptations which are outside. You should see them, but move. And that is what is Tao, which He brought in. But they got lost because they started painting all those things and doing all kinds of, more into art. Basically, Buddha never thought of any art, He never wanted to have any art, and He didn't want to do anything with art. He said, “Only thing is that you have to introspect and go within and deep down, and find out what is the absolute truth.” So the whole thing started deviating like this. Then this Zen system was the same as mixed up with kundalini, which Viditama, one of His great disciples, who started in Japan. Now the Zen system is that they used to put – I mean, I sometimes hit also on the back of the, what you call the spinal cord, on the charkas - and they would try to raise the kundalini. All kinds of horrible things, in the Zen system they developed very harsh methods of raising the kundalini. It went to such a limit that I have met people who have broken their spinal cords. Then kundalini will never rise in any case, if the spinal cord-[Shri Mataji to someone on Her right hand side:] Please pay attention here. One lady walks out, then attention goes out. I mean, if your attention is so poor ! Please pay attention here, do you understand that? If one person walks out your attention should not go; and please don’t come inside to disturb. You see, the trouble is we must understand that our attention has to be steady. Any lady walks out, if your attention moves out, then understand that you have to meditate more. Please keep the attention. So now, then this Viditama Zen also took a very different form. I met with the head of the Viditama Zen system, and I was surprised because – they called Me because he was very sick, so they said: “Mother, please help him to cure.”But I found he was not at all a Realized soul and did not know a word about kundalini. So I said, “How are you the head? How is it that you have become the head when you do not know the meaning of kundalini?”So he said: “What is kundalini?” He couldn’t understand anything.I said : “What is Zen?”“Zen is to meditate, dhyana.”I said, “All right, but what about it?”“Yes, yes, there is.”I mean, so confused he was. Then I asked him, “You are not a Realized soul, then how is it you are the head?”He said, “We never had any Realized soul for, now, ages. Only for six centuries we had some kashyapas” – they call them kashyapas – “and after that we had no Realized souls at all.” So just think, under what circumstances you got your Realization. Without sacrificing anything, without giving up anything, without working out any one of these tapasyas – penances. Because Buddha is the tapah. These three deities on your Agnya Chakra: Christ, Mahavira and Buddha, three of them are tapah. “Tapah” means penance. You have to do penance. And penance now in Sahaja Yoga doesn’t mean that you give up your wife or give up your husband, give up your children, give up your family; but here tapah means meditation. And for meditation, you must know when to get up, that should be the most important thing for a Sahaja Yogi. The rest of the thing automatically will work out, and you’ll understand: to grow your depth you have to meditate, is a absolutely simple thing. You don’t have to shave your head, you don’t have to starve yourself, you don’t have to walk bare feet. You can sing, you can dance; I mean, you can entertain yourself with music.There you are not even allowed to see a drama or a play or anything like that. I mean, so many things, if you see the list you’d go really crazy: how could people exist? But there were thousand peoples with Him who were traveling with Him, and they became so poor, they were just wearing rags. Ultimately, a big trader was passing by and he saw them and he thought, “What poor people these are, just beggars. God knows, they are lepers or what are they?” And he had a great feeling for them. And he gave them some food to eat and everything, and still he did not know that it was the Tagata – means it was Buddha who was going.So the Buddha's main thing – “buddha” itself means “bodh”, from “bodh.” And the “bodh” means, “to know the reality on your central nervous system” is the bodh. You all have become now buddhas without giving up anything, because whatever He gave up was all nonsense. It was a myth. If it was a myth, what's the use of giving up the myth? What does it matter if you listen to music, what does it matter if you dance? It doesn't matter at all. But these ideas went so deep into these people that you really feel such pity and such compassion, that “look at them, where are they getting lost?” They don't eat their food, they have their food only once in a while and they are starving, they look like really worse than TB patients. But while you people look like really roses, beautifully all of you are enjoying life and everything is there. But still one has to know that we have to have that principle of Buddha within ourselves. And what is that principle of Buddha is that we have to do tapah. Tapah doesn't mean, I don't say you starve yourself. But also if you have too much interest in food, is better to take to little fasting. I never said that you should not enjoy music, never. No question – you should. But then you should enjoy music which is for your emancipation, for your awakening, for your ascent. I don't say “don't do” because yourself now, you are a buddha. Buddha was not to be told anything. He told everyone, but He was not to be told. In the same way, I don't have to tell you. It is only you have to understand. But sometimes we are really bound by so many conditionings that I find very difficult for people to understand what is the spirit. Spirit is boundless. It is a free expression of God's love. So when it comes to the free expression of God's love, the compassion, the love, then one has to understand, do we do that or not? Even now there are many conditionings which are still working in us. For example, some of you are like this that “I belong to this nationality, to that nationality. I am this, I am that.” We are very proud of that. We cannot mix up with other people, we are too high for the other people – or something like that. You are now become a universal being; so you, how can you have these stupid limitations which are mythical again? So one must see, introspect and find out if you are having- [What’s the matter with her? Take her away.] Also with your children you must see, you see, very important how they behave, if they are aggressive or how they behave. Is very important because they are also buddhas, they are also Realised souls. But they have certain conditionings in them, and they are behaving according to those conditioning. Now as it is, we can see there is light within us. What happens, that we start seeing what's wrong with us and we just drop it out. But even when you see that, if you cannot drop it out then must know that you need more of power. Then you must learn how to raise your Kundalini, how to be connected with the divine Power all the time, so that you are in thoughtless awareness and that you grow within yourself inner depth. I find the conditioning that is very much lurking still is “my and mine” in, still in Sahaja Yogis. Like before this what I had heard about, say, English or all Western people – because I am talking to the Western people here – that they didn't care for their family, their wives, their children; every third day they were divorcing, or fourth day they are running off with some other husbands or something like that. Now I find they stick like glue. Wife becomes very important, husband becomes very important, “my house” becomes very important, “my children” become very important; and first they were not interested in children, now they are sticking onto children like as if with some glue. It's impossible for them, to tell that “See, children belong to the sangha, to the collectivity.” You don't think this is your child. Once you start thinking like that, then you are limiting yourself and getting into problems. The country-wise also, the problems are reducing very much, I should say. Also we are, we don't like to be racist. I know people hate those who are racist, they want racialism to go away. As in India I’ve seen Sahaja yogis want all the caste system must go away, because these are self-destructive. So we start seeing in ourselves what is self-destructive: what will destroy me, then what will destroy my family, then what will destroy my country, and what will destroy the whole world. All these ventures which are just the opposite of your constructive life, you start seeing. You see your derailment, you see you are going towards destruction, and you can stop it. And that is very important – only possible if you try to introspect yourself and meditate, and see: have I got this quality? Some of them are very proud of their certain temperaments, like “I am like this; what to do, Mother? I am like this.” No more! Now all your beautiful qualities have been awakened by your Kundalini. Shows that nothing was dead, nothing was finished, they were all there intact; and when the Kundalini started rising, she just awakened all those beautiful qualities. Apart from that, in the Guru Puja I'll tell you what all has happened. Of course, you must have seen in Sahasrara Puja I told you about yourself, that what you have achieved – you have no idea as to what powers you have got. But in Guru Puja I'll definitely tell you what is the thing that is Sahaja Yoga. It's one of the most precious thing that a human being should have known long time back. It is not only talking about God, it is not only saying there's divinity within you, but the effectiveness of that. So you don't need any science – you have any problem: all right, give a bandhan, finished. So simple! If you want anything just give a bandhan, it’s finished. You want to give realisation, you raise that; that’s Kundalini is raised. Everything that you can do with science, you can do with Sahaja Yoga. We are also computers. Sometimes I say something – say, “Mother, how do You know?” I say, “I am a computer, no doubt.” But you all are computers, only thing you have to develop your depth. Now you are on the right lines, so we don't need this science which can destroy all of us. Everything can be done through Sahaja Yoga. And this is what I'll explain to you in Guru Puja, how you become so capable. So please have self-esteem. You must have self-esteem and understand that you are a Sahaja yogi now. First and foremost you are a Sahaja yogi, and as Sahaja yogi you have to achieve that state where you become absolutely capable of doing whatever science can do, whatever anybody could do. This is the real siddhi, means you become a embodiment of all the powers. There's some people who come and tell Me, “Mother, we can’t open our heart.” I mean, I don't say you have an open heart surgery! But “to open my heart” means just see what's wrong with you. Can't you feel compassion? But I’ve seen people having an open heart for a dog or for a cat, but they don't have open heart for their children sometimes. Now, how can you not have open heart in Sahaja Yoga? That's the first place where the spirit exists and it emits its light, and when it emits its light that's the first place where you see the life of a person who is full of love. So how can it be, there is this problem that “I can't open my heart”? This must be coming because you have only ego but no self-esteem. So, Buddha is the one who is the killer of ego. He's the killer of ego. He is, as you have seen it, He is moving on your Pingala Nadi and comes and then settles down on this side, the left side. He's the one who is the controller of our ego, and how He has tried to compensate this right side. First of all, you must have seen the laughing Buddha. He’s very fat; and a person who’s right-sided is very thin. He’s never laughing, never smiles even – even if you tickle, he may not! So they have shown Buddha as a person, and He'll have many children sitting on His stomach, all over His body and everywhere, and He’ll be laughing. So just see how they have shown the compensation of Buddha, the one who is the controller of our right side. So, how He controls our right side, just laughs out of it. He makes fun of Himself, He makes fun of everything, anything they see. For example now, as He said, “Don't see any drama.” All right. I say, “You see every drama.” But in that you see with your enlightened consciousness, you can see the stupidity of it and enjoy the stupidity. For example, this Elisabeth lady was married eight times, or something – nine, I don't know how many times she was married, I’ve lost count. So these stupid people went there – three, four thousand, imagine, more than you people – and were standing around, and there were helicopters who were sending parachutes, you see, down and everybody was so much enamored. And the parachuters were falling on the trees, sometimes falling on the people. And it was all in the newspaper, a big news for these Americans, you see. So you should see the stupidity of that. If you could see the stupidity, then it's all right. But if you become one of those spectators and think that “Oh, what a thing is the – what a luck that I have been able to see this lady” – such an inauspicious person – “going for her honeymoon,” you see. Then, you see, anything you see: now, say, I went to Rio and I, they showed Me the way they are having carnival – My God, I felt like vomiting, it’s so repulsive. So how you react to thing depends on your attention – buddha chitta, means the one which is enlightened attention – how you react. Of course, if it is something divine then you have a rapt attention. Absolutely you won't put your attention in there. To you it does not matter, whatever may happen in the whole world; a complete attention on that. But if it is something stupid you can see the essence of it, if it is something humorous you can see the essence of it. So what happens with that attention that you see to the essence of the whole thing, related to reality: compared to reality, it is stupid. In the light of reality, it is stupid. It can be mythical, it could be false, it could be hypocritical; all kinds of things which are not reality. But if you are a Sahaja yogi, you should be able to see that point and enjoy. I've seen children do that very easily and they understand up to a certain age, then I don't know what happens to them. But, say, when I had My children, they used to go to see a Ramlila, you see. Very small they were, they were school-care students. Every day they would go with our servant to see. All the servants would have a Ramlila and they would go and see, and they would come back and tell Me all the fun about it. And they said, “Today Dasarath and his wife, you see, had such a fight, and suddenly we discovered both were men in that fight, you know! They were fighting each other.” Something like that, and every time they used to tell Me the fun of it. But My servant said, “Look at our …” – this “baby” they call them – “the babies. See how they were enjoying! All the time they were laughing, they were so enjoying this Ramlila as we were enjoying.” You see, see the difference? These girls were laughing at the ridiculousness of the whole thing, while this fellow was thinking that they were really enjoying it and all that whole thing. So this is the understanding. Same thing when you see what is your reaction. That depends on your chitta, on your attention which is enlightened. An enlightened attention reacts in a very different manner than a stupid attention or a confused attention, or the attention which is full of negativity. So, one has to judge how you react. Like I saw one funny punk fellow coming to Me, and I said, “Why do you do like this?” So one Sahaja yogi said, “Mother, You shouldn't say like that.” I said, “Why?” “You see, after all, that’s his religion.” I said, “Really, this is his religion?” So the fellow says, “What's wrong?” I said, “Wrong is that you have no identity. You have no self-esteem, that's why you try to paint yourself and try to show that you are this and you are that, which you are not. Why don't you become what you are?” And that fellow became a Sahaja yogi later. And this is what we have to see, that we have to accept what we are, and we are the spirit. If we are the spirit, then we have to live and enjoy and do whatever is necessary. But there are four things which Buddha has said very nicely, which all of you should say every morning, I think, to understand. So first He says, “Buddham sharanam gacchami” – “I surrender myself to Buddha”: means “I surrender myself to my awakened attention, to my awakened consciousness. Buddham sharanam gacchami.” Is very important to know that He said it again and again. Then He said, “Dhammam sharanam gacchami.” That is, “I surrender myself to my dharma.” Dharma is not what is outside – these religions which are mythical and which are gone into some sort of a perversions – but the religion within myself, the innate religion. I surrender myself to that: which is righteousness, which you know very well what are the real things within us, which gives us all the value system. Then the third thing He has said, "Sangham sharanam gacchami." “I surrender myself to collective.” You have to meet. I’m trying My level best to get some place where you can all meet, even in the name of a picnic or anything, at least once a month. “Sangham sharanam gacchami” is very important, because then you’ll know that you are part and parcel of the whole; that a microcosm has become the macrocosm; that you are a part and parcel of the Virat – that you become aware of it. And that is how things work out very fast, that is how we help each other. That is how we discover a person who is negative, that's how we discover who is not. We discover a person who is egoist, who is not egoist. That's how we discover the people who are not at all Sahaja yogis, claim themselves to be Sahaja yogis, and we just give them up, we understand. Without coming to the collective, without being collective, you can never understand the value of collectivity. It is so great. It gives you so many powers, it gives you so much satisfaction and joy that one must in Sahaja Yoga first pay attention to collectivity. Even supposing there's something missing, doesn't matter; you just become collective. While coming to collective you don't have to criticise others, you don't have to call names of others, you don't find faults with them. But you introspect yourself and know that “Why, when everybody is enjoying themselves, why am I the one sitting down and trying to find faults? Must be something wrong with me.” If you can just pay attention to yourself as far as the defects are concerned, then I am sure you will become much more collective than when you start seeing the defects in other people. And no use, I mean no use seeing. Supposing I have a spot on My sari, I better clean it. But if you have a spot on your sari, what's the use of looking at it? I cannot clean it; you have to do it yourself. Is a simple thing, it’s a very practical thing, and this kind of a practical … (Can you hear Me, all of you?) It’s such a practical thing has to be done to understand that Sahaja Yoga is the most practical, is the most practical, because it is absolute reality. So with all these powers, with all these understandings, with all this compassionate love, you have to be sure about yourself, and know that you are all the time protected, guided, looked after, nourished, and helped to grow by this divine Power, which is all-pervading. May God bless you all. (Please, can you send somebody? They would like to come; they must be ready by now.)
The Inner Force is Teaching Us
Public Program
Public Program Day 1. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 11 June 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. For example, today science has become our God. But you can't know truth through science. It may solve some problems, one by one, but it is not conclusive. It doesn't reach you anywhere. It has created this problem, as you know, the conference in New York from where the Goddess [sounds like a person's name] has come just now. [?] was telling Me the story that they don't know what to do, how to solve the problem. Then the violence. It cannot stop violence because it is amoral. It has no morality in it. It doesn't tell you how to transcend. It doesn't tell you that you are a spirit. He doesn't know we can say it does not know what the soul is. It does work out in a way, but I must say Sahaja Yoga works out much faster, in a much simpler way. And if you take to Sahaja Yoga you'll be convinced, despite all your conditionings and cynicism, that Sahaja Yoga is the Meta Science, is above science, above. With Sahaja Yoga, once you get your realization automatically you get cured, automatically. This Kundalini which is your Mother, individual Mother, She rises, passes through these centers and these centers are the basics within us because when they are in your body you get all these troubles, sicknesses, cancer, all kinds of incurable diseases, all kinds of mental troubles and spiritual problems due to wrong seeking. I have seen people in England itself, so many of them got rid of their drug addiction overnight with Kundalini awakening. It is their own power which has worked it out. It does work. There are three doctors in Delhi University who have got their MD in curing incurable diseases. We have people definitely suffering from all kinds of problems of muscular disabilities or cancers of various types, even AIDS, I would say. It has worked wonders with that. No doubt it works. How? There is another science beyond this science. There is another world beyond this world which we do not know, about which all the saints have told us. The vision of that great life is described by a great seer. We call it a [Brachta?], a great visionary, William Blake of this country. He said the sleeping Albion, the sleeping country, has to awake and arise. That was not imagination. That was his real penetration into the reality which he described. But science cannot go into that dimension. That exists for all of us but we are so conditioned that we cannot accept it that such a thing can exist. I don't know when it started the deviation, maybe Galileo's invention of a telescope, maybe. I don't know what happened that people started giving up philosophy and taking to science, to economics, and now everything has become nothing but economics and money, everything. You can't find truth by paying. But one has to think there must be something else; otherwise are we all going to be destroyed by these unlimited endeavors we have in all kinds of destructive areas. Science was all right to begin with but it has no limitation. It doesn't keep to that point where now we have started derailing into our destruction. Where have we gone wrong? We have no control. We have no discretion. So people turn, say, to religion. Now religion is also, as you know, is a farce because it is also money-oriented or it is power-oriented. It is not at all spirit-oriented. No religion is now today. Take any religion, whether they like it or not. Of course the prophets, the incarnations, the seers, the saints, sages, all of them knew the truth. They were absolutely there where we have to go. But later on people thought it is not reality; what we discovered through science is reality. If it is so, why such problems are coming to us? Why all our enterprises are boomeranging on us? We don't even realize that we are becoming now slaves of this so-called modern scientific world. We can't calculate two plus two. Also it's very surprising that we do not realize how we are playing into the hands of entrepreneurs. My granddaughters were with Me in Italy and they wanted to buy some nice long skirts because they are still, you see, not so much sophisticated. And you'll be surprised; no shop had any skirts of that kind. They had now only of six inches and eight inches because somebody, some mad person, must have taken out this idea in Paris and we have to wear those dresses. Otherwise we are not in. People will laugh at us. If you wear long [Shri Mataji said "long" but She meant to say "short"] dresses in this cold, imagine! Especially in England. What's the sense in wearing these short dresses? I can't understand. I can understand in a place on the Equator where it is so hot. Nonsensical inventions come out and we think, "Oh, it's great because it is new." What are we going to do with these telescopes? What is the need to go to the moon? What did you achieve? Did you solve the problem of poverty in our country? [She said first "in this" then corrected "in our country".] Wasted so much money. So there is an inborn force in all our adventures which tries to bring us down, put us down. Now the psychological problem is another. That's a force, inner force which is working out and teaching us. Sickness is another. When you do things which are not natural, go to the extremes, sickness comes in. There is no discretion. There is no direction. We do not know what is our future is. Now science has discovered DNA. Of course, scientist are quite shocked by that. It's a big question mark for them. But they'll go to DNA. They'll try to find out what was the origin of man. What is the need to know the origin of man? We should know the future of man now. If you know what is the origin, what are you going to gain out of that? Have you to become now animals? Or have you to become something higher? In this great country of England there have been great seers who have talked about, who have wrote about the great visions they had about the English, the Wales, the Scots. But they were considered as mad people because our conditionings are such that we don't think it is mad to become punk or to become a hippy. We don't think that way. The other day I saw a gentleman with big holes in his pant. I asked him, "What's this going on?"He said, "It's a holey pant." [Indian words sounds like jailwai]". And I said, "But mister, this holey pant will give you some sort of trouble because it's a very cold country." "No, we are having a holey pant." To dress up funny, to make your hair in a funny way, is that's the way you are going to change yourself inside? What is the reason? Why we cannot solve our ecological problem? Is the human being, he has to transform himself. And when he is transformed, the first thing which happens to him that he becomes collectively conscious. You start feeling others on your fingertips, you can feel others their centers, you can feel others, and an upsurge of compassion, upsurge. I went to Russia and I was surprised in Russia that so many Germans, Germans Sahaja yogis flew to help Me out. So surprised at them. I said, "You're given up your jobs or something?"They said, "No, we are taking a leave and come." I said, "Why?" "Mother, don't you think it is our responsibility? What our forefathers have done we have to rectify. We have to help them." We talk of democracy, this liberal democracy. Churchill himself has said that is the worst type of government is democratic, but I don't know anything of better; so better have it. All these things make you abnormal when you have so many choices. Choices of what? Choices of clothes, choices of food, choices of these stones and ashes. What about the choice of our future life? What about the progeny that is going to come? What are we going to give them? Plastics? Then some people intelligent, you have to have superior type of intelligence. Think about it. There must be some solution; so they become seekers. William Blake has said, he called them men of God, and they will seek and they will become Divine and they'll make others Divine. He has prophesized it. All his prophecies can be absolutely executed, can be manifested in this great country of Great Britain. But first we should get out of our conditionings. The first conditioning is that anything which comes from East is stupid, while anything that comes from West is the best. Of course, one has to learn about science. One has to learn about so many things. There are so many good things about West. But if in the East there is something good, after all we human beings only separate East, West, North, South, Black, White, this, that. God does not. So if there is something that is going to nourish our roots, whether it comes from East, North, South, anywhere, why not take it? Whatever is good for our benevolence, why not accept it? All right. Then people came out with these ideas, and I am sorry to say from our India lots of horrible people were exported. And thousands and thousands joined these hypocritical people. But for Sahaja Yoga, no. Because what is the basic difference in Sahaja Yoga and any other nonsensical thing like that is that here you cannot pay. You have to become. What is important is what you become. You cannot become a member of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot. We do not have any organization like that. You have to become yourself ,and there is divinity all within yourself. I verily say to you that, "Don't condemn yourself." By no means. You are at the epitome of evolution, and what you have to get is just humble down and see for yourself that in your heart resides the spirit. And you have all the divinity, all the powers which are above this science. For a diagnosis of a person, they will kill that person with that diagnosis in the medical profession. But in Sahaja Yoga anybody can tell you what's wrong with you on the fingertips. It's a fact. It's the truth. But how many years it's going to take for people to accept the truth? As it is I've been here for eighteen years; no, this is the nineteen year I am here. Whatever one may say what Marx has done, Marxism, one has to ask question. He could have been right in some ways, and when I went to Russia I did feel that one thing he did was take out the attention of people from materialism. It's a fact. We always had sixteen thousand, twenty thousand people and in one place called [Togliati] there are twenty thousand Sahaja Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga. One day this Russia will be the greatest country, if not India. If we have lost our soul, if we have lost our connection with that Divine Power which is the Power of God Almighty, then what are we going to be left with? What are we going to win? Drug addicts? AIDS? Homosexual? This nonsense? That nonsense? We should have our self-esteem. We must know that God has not created us to be wasted like this. It's the first time I allowed them to show some of these pictures because I know the mind here is so clever that they can cheat themselves. They start saying, "Oh, this must be arranged. This must be organized." For what should we arrange and organize logically? We are well-off people. We have nothing to gain from you. We don't need any money. The people now who have come to Sahaja Yoga are angelic people; you'll be surprised. We have no difference of races, no difference of religion, no difference of nationality and all these things that create problems. We believe in all the prophets and all the religions but we do not hate any religion. We are not fundamentalist. That's why all the fundamentalists are angry with us, because how dare you love all the religions, because they are all one. Fundamentally they are one, which you can understand once you get your realization. After realization you can feel the truth on your fingertips and you can find out all these people who they were. Christ Himself has said, "Those who are not against Me, are with Me." Who are those? All this fundamentalism has created a problem today and that is the greatest problem, as good as ecological problem, I think. We have people from all the religions, as I told you, and the compassion and love that they have. I've never seen them fighting, quarrelling, hitting, violent, abusing. Such decent, beautiful citizen they have become. Honest. We all have to be like that. Only thing you must know your own powers. You must know what you are. And the truth is that you are the spirit. You are not this body, not this mind. You are the spirit which you have to become. And the another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power which you may call by any name, like "Ruh", like the All-pervading Power of Divine Love, or Brahmachaitanya. Call by any name, it's there. You have to just get connected with it. All the powers start flowing through you. Do you mean to say that all these great saints and incarnations and prophets were telling us lies? But not just reading their books, not by reciting their names, not by being fundamentalist; but by becoming a realized soul that you understand every one of them. You integrate within yourself and without. Tomorrow I am going to tell you what the spirit works out in you when you get your Self-realization, and also we'll have a session of Self-realization. Today not, tomorrow. First, you just don't be thinking about it, arguing about it. You cannot argue. It is beyond your mind. And it is not Aristotle did say that there is a world beyond the moon and one below the moon. We live in the below the moon. But there is another world beyond which we have to know. All of you have the right to know. And Sahaja means born with you. Is the right to get union with that All-pervading Power. Is your birthright and you all can have it. So why not have it? Of course, there are many fundamentalists who may write against us, because they think we go against them. It's not a fact. They do not want you to change. They want you to belong to their clubs by which they could fight, denounce others. The whole world is created by One God. How can we fight in the name of God? Not only fighting. They are doing all kind of things. You know that. All kinds of horrible things they are doing in the name of God. But after realization, we don't have to tell you anything. You just do what is righteous. You become that kind of a personality, so powerful as that, I assure you. Tomorrow, please, all of you come along again. Today there was a bomb scare. Imagine! What a stupid thing people are doing wasting their life. For what did you come on this earth? To create bombs, scare, kill people, murder someone? I mean, they are worse than animals sometimes. Tomorrow call also your friends, everyone. First time in England we have spoken so openly about Sahaja Yoga, because they always said, "Mother ,if You say something very openly, they will never understand. You should not tell them. You should try to pamper their ego all the time and should not say much about Sahaja Yoga. Let them get their realization." And you will be surprised; the reaction was that we may have people about, say, three hundred, four hundred, out of which two would come to the program. Even Indians here are, I must say. Not in India. In India thousands, thousands have taken to Sahaja Yoga, thousands. It is their heritage, but they have also lost their heritage and they are doing such a tremendous work. With Sahaja Yoga you can nourish crops; you can nourish your animals. In science you cannot do. You have to play into the hands of organizations who produce seeds for you, hybrid seeds. In Sahaja Yoga none hybrid seeds can be vibrated, and you can get much more crops than you get from these hybrid seeds. Then we eat those hybrid seeds, hybrid animals, and our attention also becomes hybrid. We are no more natural then. How it is done is very simple because once you are connected to the mains, for example, this is connected to the mains and you can hear Me. How it is done? Because it is built in. It is built in within you, this power. It acts and it works. Only thing is that first of all this connection has to be little bit fixed. Of course, you don't have to pay for anything, one thing for sure. We have tried and tried and tried in this country. And do you know that England is the heart of the universe? Whatever happens here circulates. It's a great responsibility on all the residents of this country to understand what is their work and they have to take to something which is so important in these modern times. Thank you very much. Tomorrow I hope to see you all. Those who will be real honest seekers will definitely come, I am sure, and bring your friends and invite them. There is nothing more is to be given, nothing higher to be given. It's the highest where you get your peace, joy, compassion and complete security. This is how you enter into the Kingdom of God which has been promised. All the promises are to be fulfilled. Please remember that to doubt is a very good idea because that means you are free, but to get Self-realization is the best because you become absolutely a free person. Nothing can dominate you. Real freedom is only after Self-realization. I hope all of you will respect yourself and come tomorrow, and I am sure we will definitely work it out. We can see these people coming from different countries. They sing Sanskrit songs. They haven't sang today. Even the Indians can't sing like that. Adi Shankaracharya has completely think that they can sing, how can they? I mean, I had never known English people speaking Indian language so easily. In olden days when they were there rahaj they had for one sentence, you know you had to break your head with them. If you have to say, "Open the door," they say â€' they couldn't say that; that is Darwaja Khol Dey â€' so they used to say, "There was a cold day." In English they would say this, meaning Darwaja Khol Dey. It was so difficult. But look at their tongues, what has happened to them. There are many musicians, artists who have risen very high in life after coming to Sahaja Yoga. So for all the artists, musicians it's a kind of a temptation I am giving but that's just a temptation. Actually you have [just] to achieve that supreme position from where you can give it to others and you are in power. May God bless you all.
Public Program Day 1. Royal Albert Hall, London (UK), 11 June 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot conceptualize it. We have to know it. For example, today science has become our God. But you can't know truth through science. It may solve some problems, one by one, but it is not conclusive. It doesn't reach you anywhere. It has created this problem, as you know, the conference in New York from where the Goddess [sounds like a person's name] has come just now. [?] was telling Me the story that they don't know what to do, how to solve the problem. Then the violence. It cannot stop violence because it is amoral. It has no morality in it. It doesn't tell you how to transcend. It doesn't tell you that you are a spirit. He doesn't know we can say it does not know what the soul is. It does work out in a way, but I must say Sahaja Yoga works out much faster, in a much simpler way. And if you take to Sahaja Yoga you'll be convinced, despite all your conditionings and cynicism, that Sahaja Yoga is the Meta Science, is above science, above. With Sahaja Yoga, once you get your realization automatically you get cured, automatically. This Kundalini which is your Mother, individual Mother, She rises, passes through these centers and these centers are the basics within us because when they are in your body you get all these troubles, sicknesses, cancer, all kinds of incurable diseases, all kinds of mental troubles and spiritual problems due to wrong seeking. I have seen people in England itself, so many of them got rid of their drug addiction overnight with Kundalini awakening. It is their own power which has worked it out. It does work. There are three doctors in Delhi University who have got their MD in curing incurable diseases. We have people definitely suffering from all kinds of problems of muscular disabilities or cancers of various types, even AIDS, I would say. It has worked wonders with that. No doubt it works. How? There is another science beyond this science. There is another world beyond this world which we do not know, about which all the saints have told us. The vision of that great life is described by a great seer. We call it a [Brachta?], a great visionary, William Blake of this country. He said the sleeping Albion, the sleeping country, has to awake and arise. That was not imagination. That was his real penetration into the reality which he described. But science cannot go into that dimension. That exists for all of us but we are so conditioned that we cannot accept it that such a thing can exist. I don't know when it started the deviation, maybe Galileo's invention of a telescope, maybe. I don't know what happened that people started giving up philosophy and taking to science, to economics, and now everything has become nothing but economics and money, everything. You can't find truth by paying. But one has to think there must be something else; otherwise are we all going to be destroyed by these unlimited endeavors we have in all kinds of destructive areas. Science was all right to begin with but it has no limitation. It doesn't keep to that point where now we have started derailing into our destruction. Where have we gone wrong? We have no control. We have no discretion. So people turn, say, to religion. Now religion is also, as you know, is a farce because it is also money-oriented or it is power-oriented. It is not at all spirit-oriented. No religion is now today. Take any religion, whether they like it or not. Of course the prophets, the incarnations, the seers, the saints, sages, all of them knew the truth. They were absolutely there where we have to go. But later on people thought it is not reality; what we discovered through science is reality. If it is so, why such problems are coming to us? Why all our enterprises are boomeranging on us? We don't even realize that we are becoming now slaves of this so-called modern scientific world. We can't calculate two plus two. Also it's very surprising that we do not realize how we are playing into the hands of entrepreneurs. My granddaughters were with Me in Italy and they wanted to buy some nice long skirts because they are still, you see, not so much sophisticated. And you'll be surprised; no shop had any skirts of that kind. They had now only of six inches and eight inches because somebody, some mad person, must have taken out this idea in Paris and we have to wear those dresses. Otherwise we are not in. People will laugh at us. If you wear long [Shri Mataji said "long" but She meant to say "short"] dresses in this cold, imagine! Especially in England. What's the sense in wearing these short dresses? I can't understand. I can understand in a place on the Equator where it is so hot. Nonsensical inventions come out and we think, "Oh, it's great because it is new." What are we going to do with these telescopes? What is the need to go to the moon? What did you achieve? Did you solve the problem of poverty in our country? [She said first "in this" then corrected "in our country".] Wasted so much money. So there is an inborn force in all our adventures which tries to bring us down, put us down. Now the psychological problem is another. That's a force, inner force which is working out and teaching us. Sickness is another. When you do things which are not natural, go to the extremes, sickness comes in. There is no discretion. There is no direction. We do not know what is our future is. Now science has discovered DNA. Of course, scientist are quite shocked by that. It's a big question mark for them. But they'll go to DNA. They'll try to find out what was the origin of man. What is the need to know the origin of man? We should know the future of man now. If you know what is the origin, what are you going to gain out of that? Have you to become now animals? Or have you to become something higher? In this great country of England there have been great seers who have talked about, who have wrote about the great visions they had about the English, the Wales, the Scots. But they were considered as mad people because our conditionings are such that we don't think it is mad to become punk or to become a hippy. We don't think that way. The other day I saw a gentleman with big holes in his pant. I asked him, "What's this going on?"He said, "It's a holey pant." [Indian words sounds like jailwai]". And I said, "But mister, this holey pant will give you some sort of trouble because it's a very cold country." "No, we are having a holey pant." To dress up funny, to make your hair in a funny way, is that's the way you are going to change yourself inside? What is the reason? Why we cannot solve our ecological problem? Is the human being, he has to transform himself. And when he is transformed, the first thing which happens to him that he becomes collectively conscious. You start feeling others on your fingertips, you can feel others their centers, you can feel others, and an upsurge of compassion, upsurge. I went to Russia and I was surprised in Russia that so many Germans, Germans Sahaja yogis flew to help Me out. So surprised at them. I said, "You're given up your jobs or something?"They said, "No, we are taking a leave and come." I said, "Why?" "Mother, don't you think it is our responsibility? What our forefathers have done we have to rectify. We have to help them." We talk of democracy, this liberal democracy. Churchill himself has said that is the worst type of government is democratic, but I don't know anything of better; so better have it. All these things make you abnormal when you have so many choices. Choices of what? Choices of clothes, choices of food, choices of these stones and ashes. What about the choice of our future life? What about the progeny that is going to come? What are we going to give them? Plastics? Then some people intelligent, you have to have superior type of intelligence. Think about it. There must be some solution; so they become seekers. William Blake has said, he called them men of God, and they will seek and they will become Divine and they'll make others Divine. He has prophesized it. All his prophecies can be absolutely executed, can be manifested in this great country of Great Britain. But first we should get out of our conditionings. The first conditioning is that anything which comes from East is stupid, while anything that comes from West is the best. Of course, one has to learn about science. One has to learn about so many things. There are so many good things about West. But if in the East there is something good, after all we human beings only separate East, West, North, South, Black, White, this, that. God does not. So if there is something that is going to nourish our roots, whether it comes from East, North, South, anywhere, why not take it? Whatever is good for our benevolence, why not accept it? All right. Then people came out with these ideas, and I am sorry to say from our India lots of horrible people were exported. And thousands and thousands joined these hypocritical people. But for Sahaja Yoga, no. Because what is the basic difference in Sahaja Yoga and any other nonsensical thing like that is that here you cannot pay. You have to become. What is important is what you become. You cannot become a member of Sahaja Yoga. You cannot. We do not have any organization like that. You have to become yourself ,and there is divinity all within yourself. I verily say to you that, "Don't condemn yourself." By no means. You are at the epitome of evolution, and what you have to get is just humble down and see for yourself that in your heart resides the spirit. And you have all the divinity, all the powers which are above this science. For a diagnosis of a person, they will kill that person with that diagnosis in the medical profession. But in Sahaja Yoga anybody can tell you what's wrong with you on the fingertips. It's a fact. It's the truth. But how many years it's going to take for people to accept the truth? As it is I've been here for eighteen years; no, this is the nineteen year I am here. Whatever one may say what Marx has done, Marxism, one has to ask question. He could have been right in some ways, and when I went to Russia I did feel that one thing he did was take out the attention of people from materialism. It's a fact. We always had sixteen thousand, twenty thousand people and in one place called [Togliati] there are twenty thousand Sahaja Yogis practicing Sahaja Yoga. One day this Russia will be the greatest country, if not India. If we have lost our soul, if we have lost our connection with that Divine Power which is the Power of God Almighty, then what are we going to be left with? What are we going to win? Drug addicts? AIDS? Homosexual? This nonsense? That nonsense? We should have our self-esteem. We must know that God has not created us to be wasted like this. It's the first time I allowed them to show some of these pictures because I know the mind here is so clever that they can cheat themselves. They start saying, "Oh, this must be arranged. This must be organized." For what should we arrange and organize logically? We are well-off people. We have nothing to gain from you. We don't need any money. The people now who have come to Sahaja Yoga are angelic people; you'll be surprised. We have no difference of races, no difference of religion, no difference of nationality and all these things that create problems. We believe in all the prophets and all the religions but we do not hate any religion. We are not fundamentalist. That's why all the fundamentalists are angry with us, because how dare you love all the religions, because they are all one. Fundamentally they are one, which you can understand once you get your realization. After realization you can feel the truth on your fingertips and you can find out all these people who they were. Christ Himself has said, "Those who are not against Me, are with Me." Who are those? All this fundamentalism has created a problem today and that is the greatest problem, as good as ecological problem, I think. We have people from all the religions, as I told you, and the compassion and love that they have. I've never seen them fighting, quarrelling, hitting, violent, abusing. Such decent, beautiful citizen they have become. Honest. We all have to be like that. Only thing you must know your own powers. You must know what you are. And the truth is that you are the spirit. You are not this body, not this mind. You are the spirit which you have to become. And the another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power which you may call by any name, like "Ruh", like the All-pervading Power of Divine Love, or Brahmachaitanya. Call by any name, it's there. You have to just get connected with it. All the powers start flowing through you. Do you mean to say that all these great saints and incarnations and prophets were telling us lies? But not just reading their books, not by reciting their names, not by being fundamentalist; but by becoming a realized soul that you understand every one of them. You integrate within yourself and without. Tomorrow I am going to tell you what the spirit works out in you when you get your Self-realization, and also we'll have a session of Self-realization. Today not, tomorrow. First, you just don't be thinking about it, arguing about it. You cannot argue. It is beyond your mind. And it is not Aristotle did say that there is a world beyond the moon and one below the moon. We live in the below the moon. But there is another world beyond which we have to know. All of you have the right to know. And Sahaja means born with you. Is the right to get union with that All-pervading Power. Is your birthright and you all can have it. So why not have it? Of course, there are many fundamentalists who may write against us, because they think we go against them. It's not a fact. They do not want you to change. They want you to belong to their clubs by which they could fight, denounce others. The whole world is created by One God. How can we fight in the name of God? Not only fighting. They are doing all kind of things. You know that. All kinds of horrible things they are doing in the name of God. But after realization, we don't have to tell you anything. You just do what is righteous. You become that kind of a personality, so powerful as that, I assure you. Tomorrow, please, all of you come along again. Today there was a bomb scare. Imagine! What a stupid thing people are doing wasting their life. For what did you come on this earth? To create bombs, scare, kill people, murder someone? I mean, they are worse than animals sometimes. Tomorrow call also your friends, everyone. First time in England we have spoken so openly about Sahaja Yoga, because they always said, "Mother ,if You say something very openly, they will never understand. You should not tell them. You should try to pamper their ego all the time and should not say much about Sahaja Yoga. Let them get their realization." And you will be surprised; the reaction was that we may have people about, say, three hundred, four hundred, out of which two would come to the program. Even Indians here are, I must say. Not in India. In India thousands, thousands have taken to Sahaja Yoga, thousands. It is their heritage, but they have also lost their heritage and they are doing such a tremendous work. With Sahaja Yoga you can nourish crops; you can nourish your animals. In science you cannot do. You have to play into the hands of organizations who produce seeds for you, hybrid seeds. In Sahaja Yoga none hybrid seeds can be vibrated, and you can get much more crops than you get from these hybrid seeds. Then we eat those hybrid seeds, hybrid animals, and our attention also becomes hybrid. We are no more natural then. How it is done is very simple because once you are connected to the mains, for example, this is connected to the mains and you can hear Me. How it is done? Because it is built in. It is built in within you, this power. It acts and it works. Only thing is that first of all this connection has to be little bit fixed. Of course, you don't have to pay for anything, one thing for sure. We have tried and tried and tried in this country. And do you know that England is the heart of the universe? Whatever happens here circulates. It's a great responsibility on all the residents of this country to understand what is their work and they have to take to something which is so important in these modern times. Thank you very much. Tomorrow I hope to see you all. Those who will be real honest seekers will definitely come, I am sure, and bring your friends and invite them. There is nothing more is to be given, nothing higher to be given. It's the highest where you get your peace, joy, compassion and complete security. This is how you enter into the Kingdom of God which has been promised. All the promises are to be fulfilled. Please remember that to doubt is a very good idea because that means you are free, but to get Self-realization is the best because you become absolutely a free person. Nothing can dominate you. Real freedom is only after Self-realization. I hope all of you will respect yourself and come tomorrow, and I am sure we will definitely work it out. We can see these people coming from different countries. They sing Sanskrit songs. They haven't sang today. Even the Indians can't sing like that. Adi Shankaracharya has completely think that they can sing, how can they? I mean, I had never known English people speaking Indian language so easily. In olden days when they were there rahaj they had for one sentence, you know you had to break your head with them. If you have to say, "Open the door," they say â€' they couldn't say that; that is Darwaja Khol Dey â€' so they used to say, "There was a cold day." In English they would say this, meaning Darwaja Khol Dey. It was so difficult. But look at their tongues, what has happened to them. There are many musicians, artists who have risen very high in life after coming to Sahaja Yoga. So for all the artists, musicians it's a kind of a temptation I am giving but that's just a temptation. Actually you have [just] to achieve that supreme position from where you can give it to others and you are in power. May God bless you all.
The last judgement is here now and the kundalini is going to judge you
Public Program
Public Program Day 2, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK) June 12th 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth.I’ve already told you that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. With this human perspective, we cannot know it. If this is the case, then we have to understand that in our evolutionary process that something more has to happen. Because as we see, take case of religions. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh anyone, you can be branded as anything when you are born into any family, but you are capable of doing any sin. Any sin can be committed. There is nothing to debar you. So as if this religion that we are proclaiming is outside, it’s not within us, it’s not innate.Yesterday I told you about science (unclear). That it is (unclear), it does not relate to your spirit, to your soul, it does not give you any human dimension. For science, you are not a human being, you are a robot. Same with modern psychology, you are not a human being but you are a sex point. With medical science, as I told you yesterday, the advent of this theory of DNA, they will just tell you what is your origin but they cannot tell you what is your future, and the future is so great, which we have to know. We don’t have to go to our past. There’s a gentleman, a muslim gentleman, I’m happy he asked me a very nice question about Imam Hussain Saab, son of Ali. The mother was Fatimabai. He was killed in the war, where they were absolutely correct, what they said was correct no doubt. Both the brothers were killed and he said we have to fight our enemies. It was alright for them to know who was their enemy because they were realised souls, we are not. We do not know who are our enemies. These are age old things also, we need not carry it on.If you really become a realised soul, then what happens? You get the awareness, a new dimension, it is called collective consciousness, meaning you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm, it happens, it’s not a question of just giving a big lecture. It actualises. Then who is the other? When the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, then you can feel it in your fingertips. The all pervading power, which tells you what is wrong with you, that is self knowledge, also it tells you what’s wrong with others. Who is the other, you can feel everyone on your fingertips.Especially, Mohamed Sahib has said one thing. He said at the time of qayamat, this is the time of qamayat…resurrection time…your hands will speak. But where are the muslims? What are they doing? For Sikhs, Nanak sahib has said that you have to be khalis. Khalis means pure. You have to be pure people, where are the pure ones? Here at least in England I find all of them drink more than any Englishman can drink. Then about the hindus it is said very clearly that in everybody’s heart resides the Spirit. Then how can there be a caste system? If everybody has the same Spirit reflected in them, how can there be a caste system? What about Christians? Christ has said ‘thou shalt not have adulterous eyes’. The essence of all Christian nations I’ve seen is this, to see and to be seen. Just the opposite of what Christ has said. To see every woman, to see every man with lust and greed and make yourself in such a manner that others should see you with the same. I mean, imagine this is what they are doing in the name of Christ. So everywhere, what we find, that in the case of religion also, not only that it is money oriented, that it is power oriented, also escapes have been found out. Compromises have been found out and people justify it.It is not the book which is important, it is not important what is written in the book, but what is important is what it has given you. Like supposing I have a headache and a doctor gives me a prescription that you go and take some paracetamol and I go on reading ‘I take paracetamol’ will I be alright?Islam is a very great religion, no doubt about it and many intellectuals can talk big about it. Same about Christianity, same about any other religion that you tell me. Mahavira’s religion Jainism, Buddhism, all of them and they all tried their level best to bring the truth to us, but we have made a farce out of it, all of us and we are living with that farce and then we are fighting. But now the time has come, the qayamat time has come, the resurrection time has come, the last judgement is here now and the kundalini is going to judge you. He said that your hands will speak and they’ll give witness against you. Clearly, you see that. So let us face up to it. Where have we gone wrong? We have to seek our Spirit. In seeking the Spirit, also we had lots of people, fake people, who came here making money, because we are used to all religions where people make money, we never even doubted that how can they take money? God doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t understand your banks, he doesn’t know all these things that we do. It’s our headache. Alright you can pay, say for this hall you can pay but you cannot pay for your self realisation, you cannot.You cannot pay to ascend, how much did we pay to become human beings? To inherit this Earth? But when you become a realised soul, then you become a universal being, because the Spirit is the universal being within you. Innately we are built in that way, God has made us like that, we are special people. He has made it with all these divine qualities, they are all within us, dormant, we have also supressed them. The surroundings have, the cultures have, we can say so many intellectuals like Freud and all those people. Then there are other people who are just trying to make money and producing some theories, and we believe them. Anything black and white, we want to believe, anything black and white. That is how we are conditioned. Anything on the television, we want to believe. It’s not true. Everything is not the truth. How will you know if it’s the truth or not? First of all we must achieve that state where we know the absolute truth. If we know the absolute truth, how can we fight? If we know everybody knows this is the absolute truth, now you see these flowers here. You see them, they are flowers, everybody sees them as flowers, nobody is going to fight that they are not flowers. So those who find the truth cannot fight because they see the same thing, they know the same thing, how can there be arguments? All of you have got this potential within you, every one of you have got it, but either you are sticking onto some sort of a religious idea which is not religious. Some sort of a cult, some sort of a sect, I think all of them are sects and nothing else.We have achieved nothing out of this farcical life, and nobody wants to get out of it. So it is important for us to understand what is the aim of our life, why are we here? Especially in these modern times. You all have the right to get your self realisation by which all your innate qualities will rise. Now they’ve talked about (free yog? Unclear) The basic problem is they are not innately compassionate. If you are innately compassionate, you will do it. You will achieve it, there’s no hypocrisy about it because you are innately involved. All the saints were innately compassionate people. Why not you all become saints? The fun that you are having is so transitory, the things that you enjoy sometimes are so stupid. I mean some things idiotic also, like this lady Elizabeth Taylor getting married and there were parachuters and 3000 people there to watch her going somewhere, can you imagine? Only idiots can do that. I mean, can’t understatnd and people came from all over America just to see her. No sense of proportion, no sense of auspiciousness, no sense of holiness but all of them are existing within us. They are all there. Nothing is lost, nothing is destroyed because these are eternal qualities, they cannot be lost. Your innocence is absolutely intact, believe me. All these powers are there, just your kundalini has to be awakened, that’s all. This power, when it is enlightened, or when it is awakened it enlightens all these beautiful things with which you are built. All the fragrance of your glory just starts manifesting so beautifully, I’ve seen people overnight change! I’ve seen it.As my husband has told you, he couldn’t believe me, always used to say you are a saint, you are an (oudia? Unclear) but you can’t make others. Now he’s surprised. I’m not doing anything, I really tell you. If something like a light is a candle, it is enlightened can enlighten another light. All these Sahaja yogis sitting here, those who are dressed up just like you, who talk like you, they are just like normal human beings. They all can raise your kundalini, I’m not necessary. But see how humble they are. I've seen these fake gurus, they don’t know a word about kundalini, they don’t know anything about divinity, they only know how to make money and befool people and how bombastic they are, they talk so big, no love, no compassion.So all these qualities which are dormant, which are already placed within you, human beings were specially created by God, special people. This speciality has to be just manifested. If it is manifested, you’ll be amazed. First of all you should get rid of your conditionings. You belong to this organisation, that organisation. They have organisations here that have a (unclear left side or right side) we have a tendency to club together, but we club together under artificial ideas and artificial circumstances. In Sahaja Yoga you do not club together, you are aware that you are part and parcel of the whole. Like this finger, if it is hurt, the whole body is bothered about this little finger. Such concern, in that concern there is no hypocrisy, there is no obligation, there is no way you will find people are jealous. Supposing somebody knows better, I’ve not seen Sahaja Yogis getting jealous of that person, but will go and ask, how do you do it? How do you manage it? Let’s know it. The other person, the one who knows, will say, alright this is how it is, nobody keeps secret, there’s no secret in Sahaja Yoga. There’s no secret knowledge. You know about yourself, self knowledge. You know about others. This is the minimum. Then you know what are these negative forces. I was told they are starting a parapsychology institution here, they should be careful. There was one parapsychology organisation I saw in San Diego in 1972 and they wanted me to address them. I frankly told them, don’t indulge into all these nonsensical things you will be in trouble. They were very angry you see, they said that you were our guest you should not have said that. I said I didn’t even take tea from you, I didn’t even charge you money for anything but you did make money out of me. How I was your guest? But I had to tell you the truth and you will be surprised, the founder of that became mad. The lady, his wife, such a nice person, she got a horrible disease, she died in Australia and all the members were suffering from terrible mental problems. What are these negative forces that are acting? You will know about them in Sahaja Yoga, exactly what it is and you can find out also who has got these negative forces. Also you will know how to throw them away and work it out. Just by saying there are no negative forces, we are living in darkness then, there are. Then there are also forces which compel us to do things, like I told you yesterday, like a six inch skirt or eight inch skirt. We are not aware that these forces are trying to push us down because they have money, they can advertise better and our children also. Our children, when they see television, they must immediately ask for this toy or that toy, we want this, they are headaches. All the time they start asking why? Why? Why? Now what’s the solution? Very simple solution is you ask your child, what question you asked me yesterday, you write it down and what answer I gave you, you write it down. Then they are alright.So all this aggressiveness that has come into our character somehow or other is another very very destructive force that is acting in us, which has the word ‘I like’There was a lady who was suffering from cancer and her husband was my professor in my medical college and I used to treat her. She was alright with Sahaja Yoga but she said ‘I like my sherry’ I don’t know what sherry is, ‘I like my whiskey’…but you are not well? But ‘I like’, it’s like I like Satan, alright have it. This is how these forces, hidden forces which act upon us and we accept it, we think it is fun, it is not. These are destructive. They destroy you, they destroy your prodigy. This is the destruction standing just outside, it can grab you anytime. It’s a big shock we are waiting for. And as you know, there have been prophecies about America, about the western people, what is going to happen to them if they go about like this. While they are the cream, and that’s the concern. It’s not the number of Sahaja Yogis that matters with me, I know if I go to Russia or to India, this whole hall will be full or must be at least thrice more than this. You can’t have a programme in India like this. I know India, we can manage in no time, but what about the people who are so much in need of it? And they are seekers, Indians are not such seekers as you are. You are real seekers, I know you are real seekers. Many people took drugs because they were seeking. You are seeking your Spirit, know that, and with that so many things happen.First of all your attention becomes enlightened. With the attention being enlightened, you put your attention anywhere, it works, it acts. A person who is a realised soul, very steady, steady stage, even one glance of such a person can create benevolence for others. The eyes become pure. In Sahaja Yoga we never have this problem, somebody’s wife running away with somebody’s husband, running with somebody, all the time living on shoestrings, nothing of the kind. You’ll be surprised in this country where there is so much unemployment, it’s hard to find a Sahaja Yogi who has no job. Because we must know God is almighty. You are entering into his kingdom, there’s no dirth of anything. It is of course, self contentment is there no doubt but also Divine discretion, one knows how far to go, how far not to go. Where is the danger? Where is not the danger? People are there, who say there is no God, alright, after realisation you just put your hands and ask the question simple. Is there God? The cool breeze will start blowing completely.Now you may say that, how can you say that this is the truth? Supposing you get a cancer patient, put your hands towards that, all your hands will start burning, especially where he has cancer, that finger will burn much more. You bring a mad man, immediately you will feel that he is mad. Bring a cheat, you can make it out. He may be dressed well, he may be wearing saffron coloured clothes, you will know immediately that he is a cheat, because you know the absolute truth.This attention, when it becomes enlightened, it can feel the centres of others. This is what happened to the disciples of Christ when they had blessings from the Holy Ghost and they became realised souls. They didn’t speak some language which was like latin or greek, but they spoke the language of chakras, the centres. That’s what the Sahaja Yogi’s also speak. You are not considered by what your position is in life, what is your dress or how you live, whether you are in Belgravia or somewhere else. You are not judged by that, you are judged by your centres. And you can judge yourself, that’s the best part of it. Like somebody came this morning and said to me, Mother please remove my agnya, it’s horrible, I have a headache. What does that mean? The ego has gone into my head. Nobody will say I’ve got ego in my head, nobody would say but Sahaja Yogi would say definitely because it would hurt him. Mother please remove this, it’s too much. Another will say Mother can you stop my thinking. You can. You get that empty mind, thoughtless awareness, which is described by Buddha as empty mind. Everybody has described about it. When the kundalini rises, the thoughts become elongated and there’s a little space between where you stand and here you become thoughtless. See this hall, thinking about it, you’ll go mad. Because it’s so beautiful, there’s nothing to think, just to enjoy without any thought, just to enjoy. In complete silence, the joy that created this hall just starts pouring on you. That joy, that (unclear), the artist, the architect, the builders who have put into it starts flowing through and absolutely relaxes. All these new diseases of tensions and all that, they disappear because everything is taken over by the Divine power. It is much much more but you won’t believe if I tell you. So it’s better if you experience it and know what greatness lies within you. How great you are, what you have. Achieve it. One has to have sincerity about it, it’s very important. It should not be just one guru’s lecture you have come, then another, it’s not like guru shopping.If you are honest yourself and you really care for yourself and if you have self esteem, you must really find out all the beautiful properties you have. All the powers you have and all the opportunities of enjoying every moment of your life. It is important, of course, we must all have self realisation. There’s no end to lectures, I don’t know how many thousands of lectures I’ve given only in English language, but it is still outside. So I think we should not so much worry about understanding Sahaja Yoga but imbibing it. I assure you, you are all capable of getting your self realisation, absolutely and why not? Why not have it?I promised yesterday, today we will have the session of realisation. Of course there’s one thing I must tell you, it cannot be forced. I didn’t even force my own children, I didn’t even force my husband, I didn’t force anybody, it cannot be forced. You have to ask for it. You have to humble down, if you are arrogant it won’t work out. I want to have it, you have to have that desire. Because kundalini is the pure desire within you, and this pure desire is not like other desires which are in general not satiable. This desire is the complete connection with the all pervading power, then you don’t even have to desire, it just works. Your desires change, your (unclear) change, you are a transformed personality, no doubt about it.So we’ll have now the session for Sahaja Yoga. Those who do not want to have should leave the hall please, in a civil manner.The song they sang about the rising of ‘ambe’ means kundalini, in the Mahalaxmi temple they sing it. They have been singing since the 16th century, but nobody got realisation. So it is a happening, it’s the actualisation. Some people may not get, may not, but that doesn’t mean something wrong with them. Everyone who has tried, has got realisation. You should not have any worry on that part. So many people are also diffident. I assure you, you will all get your self realisation. Some of you are also being, I don’t know how but they make you feel guilty for nothing at all. You are a sinner, you have done this, you have done that, nothing of the kind. At this moment, you are not a sinner, you have done nothing wrong, at this moment you are seeking the truth, that’s all. So don’t have any diffidence, don’t have any complexes about it, just know that you all are going to get it. This confidence is very important, without that confidence, it may not work out. So don’t try to any way condemn yourself, or please don’t feel guilty. Feeling guilty is the worst thing. It’s just imagination to feel guilty also.So there are three conditions before we start. The first one is that you have to have self confidence, you will get your self realisation. Whatever you might have done, forget the past.The second one is that you are not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. I mean people are really funny, there was war going on in Yugoslavia and they are feeling guilty here, I said why? Because I’m a human being, I should feel guilty. One should not feel guilty at all, it is a myth. Of course you have made mistakes, you are not Gods, only human beings can make mistakes and God can forgive. What mistakes can you commit which cannot be dissolved in the ocean of his compassion and love. So just completely forgive yourself.The third one is that you forgive everyone else, absolutely. You have to forgive everybody else because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But those who have troubled you or tortured you, who you cannot forgive are enjoying their lives, while you are the one who’s suffering. Playing into their hands, so logically, why should you not forgive? Just forgive and you’ll feel much lighter, forgive all of them, don’t even think of them. In general, you forgive everyone. It’s a very simple method of getting rid of half of your problems, if you just say ‘I forgive you’ finished!So one must have a very pleasant attitude towards oneself, one should not condemn, we are going to enter into the kingdom of God, how can we be guilty? It’s not auto suggestion, but it is the way we clear out our centres. We ourselves can clear out our centres, by these suggestions, and that works out well. So all of you should follow what I’m going to tell you, just before that I will request Dr Wells to come and show them how to treat every chakra.This one is a very well known doctor for all kinds of addictions. He cures them. So now, first a humble request, I hope you don’t mind if I say we have to take off our shoes because we have to take help from our Mother Earth. I hope you don’t mind taking off the shoes, sometimes that also used to make people upset. Why should we take off our shoes? Situation is not that bad now. If you have something tight on your waist or your neck, very tight, then you can reduce because it should be done in comfort. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to shave off your head, you don’t have to starve yourself, nothing of the kind, it should be done in complete comfort and peace. So you have to be comfortable, sitting on your chairs you have to get your realisation.So now, before closing your eyes, doctor will show you how to nourish your own centres yourself. Where are these centres, it’s very simple. Very very simple.Now please put your left hand towards me like this. In this short lecture, I couldn’t tell you what is left and right but the left is the power of desire, ordinary desire and the right is the power of action. So when you put the left hand towards me, means that symbolically you want to have your self realisation. Now we use the right hand for nourishing our centres, doctor will show you. So first we put our hand on our heart, in the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own guru, your own master.So now we put our right hand on the upper portion of our abdomen, this is the centre of your mastery, which is built in by great prophets, great masters.Then you have to put your hand on the lower portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side. You will be surprised, this is the centre of pure knowledge, can you imagine? But it is. You will know about it, how it works out.Then we raise our right hand again on the left hand side of our abdomen, the upper part and then we raise our hand onto our heart again.Now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This centre is in trouble when we feel guilty and we develop a disease, many diseases but one of them is angina. Another is spondylitis and also the organs become very lethargic. So imagine this feeling guilty, how terrible it is. So you have to put your left hand towards me and right hand here (as shown) and turn your head to the right fully.Now we have to take our right hand onto our forehead across, like that (as shown) and put your head down as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive, everyone. Then you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here is the centre, where, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power, for your satisfaction.Now the last centre, which is very important. Put your palm like this, stretch it. Stretch back your fingers. Please now take the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area on your head, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now press it hard but pushing your fingers outwards, this is important. Now put down your head as far as possible. Here now, press your scalp nicely and move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. Put down your head please, bend it as far as possible. That’s all. That all we all have to do. Now, we have to close our eyes, please don't open them till I tell you and you have to take out your spectacles. Now, both the feet should be away from each other because these are two powers, left and right.Please put the left hand towards me. Be pleasantly placed towards yourself and have all the confidence and put your right hand on your heart. Here, close your eyes, please close your eyes. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, about which I’ve already told you. The truth about you. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji in your heart, you don’t have to say loudly.‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ ask this question three times. It’s just like a computer. Now if you are the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guru. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard, on the left hand side.Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times, ‘Mother am I my own master?’ please ask this question three times. ‘Mother am I my own guru?’I’ve already told that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take down your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen and here you ask for pure knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals ‘Mother please give me pure knowledge’.As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your kundalini starts rising upwards. So now we have to nourish our upper centres, to allow the kundalini to rise without difficulties. So now raise your right hand to your upper portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side.Here you have to say ten times with full confidence ‘Mother, I am my own master’ you have to say it with full confidence. I’ve already told you that the fundamental truth about you is that you are the Spirit. Not this body, not this mind, not these emotions, not this ego, neither those conditionings but you are the pure Spirit.So please raise your right hand onto your heart. Here you have to say, again with full confidence in yourself. ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit’ please say it twelve times. You are the pure Spirit, believe me, you are.Please say it with full confidence. This all pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love and bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you must have committed, you think to be very bad, all of them can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness.So now raise your right hand on the corner of your neck on the left hand side and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence, you have to say ‘Mother I am not guilty at all’. Please say it sixteen times. I’ve already told you that if you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything, but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So better to forgive once and for all, in general, not to think about them individually. It is not at all difficult to forgive because it is just to be said that I forgive everyone.Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, press it on both the sides. Please put down your head and you say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart you have to say ‘Mother I forgive everyone’ please say it. Without this, this centre is such a constricted one, it’s the cross, it won’t open. So please say it, as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and now by not forgiving, you will be missing your self realisation. Just say it from your heart, ‘Mother I forgive everyone’.Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your satisfaction, you have to say ‘oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me’ This you have to say again from your heart, not how many time, from your heart, please say this.Now, the last centre, please stretch your palm. Please put your left hand towards me and see that your feet are apart from each other. Stretch your palm and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and now please put down your head, as far as possible. Now it’s very important to push back your fingers…..(Shri Mataji blows into microphone)Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards me and watch me without thinking, you can do it. You are quite aware but you can watch me without thinking.Now please put your right hand towards me like this and bend your head and see for yourself with your left hand, if there’s a cool breeze or a warm breeze or hot air coming from your fontanelle bone area. You just bend it and see for yourself. Just put your hands a little away or on the sides and see for yourself. Maybe it can be quite closer or quite far away, please put down your head and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head.Now please put your left hand towards me and put down your head and see for yourself, with your right hand if there’s again, a cool breeze coming or a hot breeze, doesn’t matter, whatever it is, because if there’s some heat, it has to come out. Could be quite hot also might come out, with some people, not with everyone. See for yourself.Now again, put your right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself with your left hand.Now put both your hands towards the sky and ask a question, any one of these questions you can ask three times:‘Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’‘Mother is this the all pervading power of God’s Love?’‘Mother is this the Paramchaitanya?’Ask one of these questions three times.Now bring down your hands and again put hands towards me like this…and watch me without thinking. When we are without thoughts, we are in meditation. We cannot do meditation, we have to be in meditation and that is the time when spiritual growth takes place.Now all those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze on their hands or out of their heads, please raise both your hands.May God bless you, all of you, so many of you, may God bless you.Again the request is, respect your self realisation, it’s a very great thing that has happened. Let us see how many are going to grow like great trees of spirituality because the whole world is waiting for you. The emancipation of this world is not for the people who are supposed to be in charge but for the people who are meek. They will inherit the Earth as Christ has said. So it is our duty to ourselves and others that we develop our self realisation. Very much thankful to you.May God bless you.Now you know that you have gone beyond mind and you are aware so there’s no discussion about it. Just be at peace with yourself and just enjoy. Enjoy yourself and everything else. The whole thing will change in your attitudes, in your understandings, everything will change because now have the light. You can see in the light everything very clearly, so may God bless you.
Public Program Day 2, Royal Albert Hall, London (UK) June 12th 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth.I’ve already told you that truth is what it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. With this human perspective, we cannot know it. If this is the case, then we have to understand that in our evolutionary process that something more has to happen. Because as we see, take case of religions. You may be Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh anyone, you can be branded as anything when you are born into any family, but you are capable of doing any sin. Any sin can be committed. There is nothing to debar you. So as if this religion that we are proclaiming is outside, it’s not within us, it’s not innate.Yesterday I told you about science (unclear). That it is (unclear), it does not relate to your spirit, to your soul, it does not give you any human dimension. For science, you are not a human being, you are a robot. Same with modern psychology, you are not a human being but you are a sex point. With medical science, as I told you yesterday, the advent of this theory of DNA, they will just tell you what is your origin but they cannot tell you what is your future, and the future is so great, which we have to know. We don’t have to go to our past. There’s a gentleman, a muslim gentleman, I’m happy he asked me a very nice question about Imam Hussain Saab, son of Ali. The mother was Fatimabai. He was killed in the war, where they were absolutely correct, what they said was correct no doubt. Both the brothers were killed and he said we have to fight our enemies. It was alright for them to know who was their enemy because they were realised souls, we are not. We do not know who are our enemies. These are age old things also, we need not carry it on.If you really become a realised soul, then what happens? You get the awareness, a new dimension, it is called collective consciousness, meaning you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm, it happens, it’s not a question of just giving a big lecture. It actualises. Then who is the other? When the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, then you can feel it in your fingertips. The all pervading power, which tells you what is wrong with you, that is self knowledge, also it tells you what’s wrong with others. Who is the other, you can feel everyone on your fingertips.Especially, Mohamed Sahib has said one thing. He said at the time of qayamat, this is the time of qamayat…resurrection time…your hands will speak. But where are the muslims? What are they doing? For Sikhs, Nanak sahib has said that you have to be khalis. Khalis means pure. You have to be pure people, where are the pure ones? Here at least in England I find all of them drink more than any Englishman can drink. Then about the hindus it is said very clearly that in everybody’s heart resides the Spirit. Then how can there be a caste system? If everybody has the same Spirit reflected in them, how can there be a caste system? What about Christians? Christ has said ‘thou shalt not have adulterous eyes’. The essence of all Christian nations I’ve seen is this, to see and to be seen. Just the opposite of what Christ has said. To see every woman, to see every man with lust and greed and make yourself in such a manner that others should see you with the same. I mean, imagine this is what they are doing in the name of Christ. So everywhere, what we find, that in the case of religion also, not only that it is money oriented, that it is power oriented, also escapes have been found out. Compromises have been found out and people justify it.It is not the book which is important, it is not important what is written in the book, but what is important is what it has given you. Like supposing I have a headache and a doctor gives me a prescription that you go and take some paracetamol and I go on reading ‘I take paracetamol’ will I be alright?Islam is a very great religion, no doubt about it and many intellectuals can talk big about it. Same about Christianity, same about any other religion that you tell me. Mahavira’s religion Jainism, Buddhism, all of them and they all tried their level best to bring the truth to us, but we have made a farce out of it, all of us and we are living with that farce and then we are fighting. But now the time has come, the qayamat time has come, the resurrection time has come, the last judgement is here now and the kundalini is going to judge you. He said that your hands will speak and they’ll give witness against you. Clearly, you see that. So let us face up to it. Where have we gone wrong? We have to seek our Spirit. In seeking the Spirit, also we had lots of people, fake people, who came here making money, because we are used to all religions where people make money, we never even doubted that how can they take money? God doesn’t understand money. He doesn’t understand your banks, he doesn’t know all these things that we do. It’s our headache. Alright you can pay, say for this hall you can pay but you cannot pay for your self realisation, you cannot.You cannot pay to ascend, how much did we pay to become human beings? To inherit this Earth? But when you become a realised soul, then you become a universal being, because the Spirit is the universal being within you. Innately we are built in that way, God has made us like that, we are special people. He has made it with all these divine qualities, they are all within us, dormant, we have also supressed them. The surroundings have, the cultures have, we can say so many intellectuals like Freud and all those people. Then there are other people who are just trying to make money and producing some theories, and we believe them. Anything black and white, we want to believe, anything black and white. That is how we are conditioned. Anything on the television, we want to believe. It’s not true. Everything is not the truth. How will you know if it’s the truth or not? First of all we must achieve that state where we know the absolute truth. If we know the absolute truth, how can we fight? If we know everybody knows this is the absolute truth, now you see these flowers here. You see them, they are flowers, everybody sees them as flowers, nobody is going to fight that they are not flowers. So those who find the truth cannot fight because they see the same thing, they know the same thing, how can there be arguments? All of you have got this potential within you, every one of you have got it, but either you are sticking onto some sort of a religious idea which is not religious. Some sort of a cult, some sort of a sect, I think all of them are sects and nothing else.We have achieved nothing out of this farcical life, and nobody wants to get out of it. So it is important for us to understand what is the aim of our life, why are we here? Especially in these modern times. You all have the right to get your self realisation by which all your innate qualities will rise. Now they’ve talked about (free yog? Unclear) The basic problem is they are not innately compassionate. If you are innately compassionate, you will do it. You will achieve it, there’s no hypocrisy about it because you are innately involved. All the saints were innately compassionate people. Why not you all become saints? The fun that you are having is so transitory, the things that you enjoy sometimes are so stupid. I mean some things idiotic also, like this lady Elizabeth Taylor getting married and there were parachuters and 3000 people there to watch her going somewhere, can you imagine? Only idiots can do that. I mean, can’t understatnd and people came from all over America just to see her. No sense of proportion, no sense of auspiciousness, no sense of holiness but all of them are existing within us. They are all there. Nothing is lost, nothing is destroyed because these are eternal qualities, they cannot be lost. Your innocence is absolutely intact, believe me. All these powers are there, just your kundalini has to be awakened, that’s all. This power, when it is enlightened, or when it is awakened it enlightens all these beautiful things with which you are built. All the fragrance of your glory just starts manifesting so beautifully, I’ve seen people overnight change! I’ve seen it.As my husband has told you, he couldn’t believe me, always used to say you are a saint, you are an (oudia? Unclear) but you can’t make others. Now he’s surprised. I’m not doing anything, I really tell you. If something like a light is a candle, it is enlightened can enlighten another light. All these Sahaja yogis sitting here, those who are dressed up just like you, who talk like you, they are just like normal human beings. They all can raise your kundalini, I’m not necessary. But see how humble they are. I've seen these fake gurus, they don’t know a word about kundalini, they don’t know anything about divinity, they only know how to make money and befool people and how bombastic they are, they talk so big, no love, no compassion.So all these qualities which are dormant, which are already placed within you, human beings were specially created by God, special people. This speciality has to be just manifested. If it is manifested, you’ll be amazed. First of all you should get rid of your conditionings. You belong to this organisation, that organisation. They have organisations here that have a (unclear left side or right side) we have a tendency to club together, but we club together under artificial ideas and artificial circumstances. In Sahaja Yoga you do not club together, you are aware that you are part and parcel of the whole. Like this finger, if it is hurt, the whole body is bothered about this little finger. Such concern, in that concern there is no hypocrisy, there is no obligation, there is no way you will find people are jealous. Supposing somebody knows better, I’ve not seen Sahaja Yogis getting jealous of that person, but will go and ask, how do you do it? How do you manage it? Let’s know it. The other person, the one who knows, will say, alright this is how it is, nobody keeps secret, there’s no secret in Sahaja Yoga. There’s no secret knowledge. You know about yourself, self knowledge. You know about others. This is the minimum. Then you know what are these negative forces. I was told they are starting a parapsychology institution here, they should be careful. There was one parapsychology organisation I saw in San Diego in 1972 and they wanted me to address them. I frankly told them, don’t indulge into all these nonsensical things you will be in trouble. They were very angry you see, they said that you were our guest you should not have said that. I said I didn’t even take tea from you, I didn’t even charge you money for anything but you did make money out of me. How I was your guest? But I had to tell you the truth and you will be surprised, the founder of that became mad. The lady, his wife, such a nice person, she got a horrible disease, she died in Australia and all the members were suffering from terrible mental problems. What are these negative forces that are acting? You will know about them in Sahaja Yoga, exactly what it is and you can find out also who has got these negative forces. Also you will know how to throw them away and work it out. Just by saying there are no negative forces, we are living in darkness then, there are. Then there are also forces which compel us to do things, like I told you yesterday, like a six inch skirt or eight inch skirt. We are not aware that these forces are trying to push us down because they have money, they can advertise better and our children also. Our children, when they see television, they must immediately ask for this toy or that toy, we want this, they are headaches. All the time they start asking why? Why? Why? Now what’s the solution? Very simple solution is you ask your child, what question you asked me yesterday, you write it down and what answer I gave you, you write it down. Then they are alright.So all this aggressiveness that has come into our character somehow or other is another very very destructive force that is acting in us, which has the word ‘I like’There was a lady who was suffering from cancer and her husband was my professor in my medical college and I used to treat her. She was alright with Sahaja Yoga but she said ‘I like my sherry’ I don’t know what sherry is, ‘I like my whiskey’…but you are not well? But ‘I like’, it’s like I like Satan, alright have it. This is how these forces, hidden forces which act upon us and we accept it, we think it is fun, it is not. These are destructive. They destroy you, they destroy your prodigy. This is the destruction standing just outside, it can grab you anytime. It’s a big shock we are waiting for. And as you know, there have been prophecies about America, about the western people, what is going to happen to them if they go about like this. While they are the cream, and that’s the concern. It’s not the number of Sahaja Yogis that matters with me, I know if I go to Russia or to India, this whole hall will be full or must be at least thrice more than this. You can’t have a programme in India like this. I know India, we can manage in no time, but what about the people who are so much in need of it? And they are seekers, Indians are not such seekers as you are. You are real seekers, I know you are real seekers. Many people took drugs because they were seeking. You are seeking your Spirit, know that, and with that so many things happen.First of all your attention becomes enlightened. With the attention being enlightened, you put your attention anywhere, it works, it acts. A person who is a realised soul, very steady, steady stage, even one glance of such a person can create benevolence for others. The eyes become pure. In Sahaja Yoga we never have this problem, somebody’s wife running away with somebody’s husband, running with somebody, all the time living on shoestrings, nothing of the kind. You’ll be surprised in this country where there is so much unemployment, it’s hard to find a Sahaja Yogi who has no job. Because we must know God is almighty. You are entering into his kingdom, there’s no dirth of anything. It is of course, self contentment is there no doubt but also Divine discretion, one knows how far to go, how far not to go. Where is the danger? Where is not the danger? People are there, who say there is no God, alright, after realisation you just put your hands and ask the question simple. Is there God? The cool breeze will start blowing completely.Now you may say that, how can you say that this is the truth? Supposing you get a cancer patient, put your hands towards that, all your hands will start burning, especially where he has cancer, that finger will burn much more. You bring a mad man, immediately you will feel that he is mad. Bring a cheat, you can make it out. He may be dressed well, he may be wearing saffron coloured clothes, you will know immediately that he is a cheat, because you know the absolute truth.This attention, when it becomes enlightened, it can feel the centres of others. This is what happened to the disciples of Christ when they had blessings from the Holy Ghost and they became realised souls. They didn’t speak some language which was like latin or greek, but they spoke the language of chakras, the centres. That’s what the Sahaja Yogi’s also speak. You are not considered by what your position is in life, what is your dress or how you live, whether you are in Belgravia or somewhere else. You are not judged by that, you are judged by your centres. And you can judge yourself, that’s the best part of it. Like somebody came this morning and said to me, Mother please remove my agnya, it’s horrible, I have a headache. What does that mean? The ego has gone into my head. Nobody will say I’ve got ego in my head, nobody would say but Sahaja Yogi would say definitely because it would hurt him. Mother please remove this, it’s too much. Another will say Mother can you stop my thinking. You can. You get that empty mind, thoughtless awareness, which is described by Buddha as empty mind. Everybody has described about it. When the kundalini rises, the thoughts become elongated and there’s a little space between where you stand and here you become thoughtless. See this hall, thinking about it, you’ll go mad. Because it’s so beautiful, there’s nothing to think, just to enjoy without any thought, just to enjoy. In complete silence, the joy that created this hall just starts pouring on you. That joy, that (unclear), the artist, the architect, the builders who have put into it starts flowing through and absolutely relaxes. All these new diseases of tensions and all that, they disappear because everything is taken over by the Divine power. It is much much more but you won’t believe if I tell you. So it’s better if you experience it and know what greatness lies within you. How great you are, what you have. Achieve it. One has to have sincerity about it, it’s very important. It should not be just one guru’s lecture you have come, then another, it’s not like guru shopping.If you are honest yourself and you really care for yourself and if you have self esteem, you must really find out all the beautiful properties you have. All the powers you have and all the opportunities of enjoying every moment of your life. It is important, of course, we must all have self realisation. There’s no end to lectures, I don’t know how many thousands of lectures I’ve given only in English language, but it is still outside. So I think we should not so much worry about understanding Sahaja Yoga but imbibing it. I assure you, you are all capable of getting your self realisation, absolutely and why not? Why not have it?I promised yesterday, today we will have the session of realisation. Of course there’s one thing I must tell you, it cannot be forced. I didn’t even force my own children, I didn’t even force my husband, I didn’t force anybody, it cannot be forced. You have to ask for it. You have to humble down, if you are arrogant it won’t work out. I want to have it, you have to have that desire. Because kundalini is the pure desire within you, and this pure desire is not like other desires which are in general not satiable. This desire is the complete connection with the all pervading power, then you don’t even have to desire, it just works. Your desires change, your (unclear) change, you are a transformed personality, no doubt about it.So we’ll have now the session for Sahaja Yoga. Those who do not want to have should leave the hall please, in a civil manner.The song they sang about the rising of ‘ambe’ means kundalini, in the Mahalaxmi temple they sing it. They have been singing since the 16th century, but nobody got realisation. So it is a happening, it’s the actualisation. Some people may not get, may not, but that doesn’t mean something wrong with them. Everyone who has tried, has got realisation. You should not have any worry on that part. So many people are also diffident. I assure you, you will all get your self realisation. Some of you are also being, I don’t know how but they make you feel guilty for nothing at all. You are a sinner, you have done this, you have done that, nothing of the kind. At this moment, you are not a sinner, you have done nothing wrong, at this moment you are seeking the truth, that’s all. So don’t have any diffidence, don’t have any complexes about it, just know that you all are going to get it. This confidence is very important, without that confidence, it may not work out. So don’t try to any way condemn yourself, or please don’t feel guilty. Feeling guilty is the worst thing. It’s just imagination to feel guilty also.So there are three conditions before we start. The first one is that you have to have self confidence, you will get your self realisation. Whatever you might have done, forget the past.The second one is that you are not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. I mean people are really funny, there was war going on in Yugoslavia and they are feeling guilty here, I said why? Because I’m a human being, I should feel guilty. One should not feel guilty at all, it is a myth. Of course you have made mistakes, you are not Gods, only human beings can make mistakes and God can forgive. What mistakes can you commit which cannot be dissolved in the ocean of his compassion and love. So just completely forgive yourself.The third one is that you forgive everyone else, absolutely. You have to forgive everybody else because whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. What do you do? Nothing. But those who have troubled you or tortured you, who you cannot forgive are enjoying their lives, while you are the one who’s suffering. Playing into their hands, so logically, why should you not forgive? Just forgive and you’ll feel much lighter, forgive all of them, don’t even think of them. In general, you forgive everyone. It’s a very simple method of getting rid of half of your problems, if you just say ‘I forgive you’ finished!So one must have a very pleasant attitude towards oneself, one should not condemn, we are going to enter into the kingdom of God, how can we be guilty? It’s not auto suggestion, but it is the way we clear out our centres. We ourselves can clear out our centres, by these suggestions, and that works out well. So all of you should follow what I’m going to tell you, just before that I will request Dr Wells to come and show them how to treat every chakra.This one is a very well known doctor for all kinds of addictions. He cures them. So now, first a humble request, I hope you don’t mind if I say we have to take off our shoes because we have to take help from our Mother Earth. I hope you don’t mind taking off the shoes, sometimes that also used to make people upset. Why should we take off our shoes? Situation is not that bad now. If you have something tight on your waist or your neck, very tight, then you can reduce because it should be done in comfort. You don’t have to go to Himalayas, you don’t have to shave off your head, you don’t have to starve yourself, nothing of the kind, it should be done in complete comfort and peace. So you have to be comfortable, sitting on your chairs you have to get your realisation.So now, before closing your eyes, doctor will show you how to nourish your own centres yourself. Where are these centres, it’s very simple. Very very simple.Now please put your left hand towards me like this. In this short lecture, I couldn’t tell you what is left and right but the left is the power of desire, ordinary desire and the right is the power of action. So when you put the left hand towards me, means that symbolically you want to have your self realisation. Now we use the right hand for nourishing our centres, doctor will show you. So first we put our hand on our heart, in the heart resides the Spirit. Now if you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own guru, your own master.So now we put our right hand on the upper portion of our abdomen, this is the centre of your mastery, which is built in by great prophets, great masters.Then you have to put your hand on the lower portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side. You will be surprised, this is the centre of pure knowledge, can you imagine? But it is. You will know about it, how it works out.Then we raise our right hand again on the left hand side of our abdomen, the upper part and then we raise our hand onto our heart again.Now you have to put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. This centre is in trouble when we feel guilty and we develop a disease, many diseases but one of them is angina. Another is spondylitis and also the organs become very lethargic. So imagine this feeling guilty, how terrible it is. So you have to put your left hand towards me and right hand here (as shown) and turn your head to the right fully.Now we have to take our right hand onto our forehead across, like that (as shown) and put your head down as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive, everyone. Then you have to take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here is the centre, where, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power, for your satisfaction.Now the last centre, which is very important. Put your palm like this, stretch it. Stretch back your fingers. Please now take the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area on your head, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now press it hard but pushing your fingers outwards, this is important. Now put down your head as far as possible. Here now, press your scalp nicely and move your scalp slowly seven times clockwise. Put down your head please, bend it as far as possible. That’s all. That all we all have to do. Now, we have to close our eyes, please don't open them till I tell you and you have to take out your spectacles. Now, both the feet should be away from each other because these are two powers, left and right.Please put the left hand towards me. Be pleasantly placed towards yourself and have all the confidence and put your right hand on your heart. Here, close your eyes, please close your eyes. Here you have to ask me a very fundamental question about yourself, about which I’ve already told you. The truth about you. You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji in your heart, you don’t have to say loudly.‘Mother am I the Spirit?’ ask this question three times. It’s just like a computer. Now if you are the Spirit, you become your own master, your own guru. So now please put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen and press it hard, on the left hand side.Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times, ‘Mother am I my own master?’ please ask this question three times. ‘Mother am I my own guru?’I’ve already told that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take down your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen and here you ask for pure knowledge six times because this centre has got six petals ‘Mother please give me pure knowledge’.As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your kundalini starts rising upwards. So now we have to nourish our upper centres, to allow the kundalini to rise without difficulties. So now raise your right hand to your upper portion of the abdomen, on the left hand side.Here you have to say ten times with full confidence ‘Mother, I am my own master’ you have to say it with full confidence. I’ve already told you that the fundamental truth about you is that you are the Spirit. Not this body, not this mind, not these emotions, not this ego, neither those conditionings but you are the pure Spirit.So please raise your right hand onto your heart. Here you have to say, again with full confidence in yourself. ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit’ please say it twelve times. You are the pure Spirit, believe me, you are.Please say it with full confidence. This all pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of love and bliss and joy. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you must have committed, you think to be very bad, all of them can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness.So now raise your right hand on the corner of your neck on the left hand side and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence, you have to say ‘Mother I am not guilty at all’. Please say it sixteen times. I’ve already told you that if you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything, but if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So better to forgive once and for all, in general, not to think about them individually. It is not at all difficult to forgive because it is just to be said that I forgive everyone.Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across, press it on both the sides. Please put down your head and you say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart you have to say ‘Mother I forgive everyone’ please say it. Without this, this centre is such a constricted one, it’s the cross, it won’t open. So please say it, as it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and now by not forgiving, you will be missing your self realisation. Just say it from your heart, ‘Mother I forgive everyone’.Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say for your own satisfaction, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes. Just for your satisfaction, you have to say ‘oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me’ This you have to say again from your heart, not how many time, from your heart, please say this.Now, the last centre, please stretch your palm. Please put your left hand towards me and see that your feet are apart from each other. Stretch your palm and put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanelle bone area and now please put down your head, as far as possible. Now it’s very important to push back your fingers…..(Shri Mataji blows into microphone)Now please take down your hands and open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards me and watch me without thinking, you can do it. You are quite aware but you can watch me without thinking.Now please put your right hand towards me like this and bend your head and see for yourself with your left hand, if there’s a cool breeze or a warm breeze or hot air coming from your fontanelle bone area. You just bend it and see for yourself. Just put your hands a little away or on the sides and see for yourself. Maybe it can be quite closer or quite far away, please put down your head and see for yourself if there’s a cool breeze coming out of your head.Now please put your left hand towards me and put down your head and see for yourself, with your right hand if there’s again, a cool breeze coming or a hot breeze, doesn’t matter, whatever it is, because if there’s some heat, it has to come out. Could be quite hot also might come out, with some people, not with everyone. See for yourself.Now again, put your right hand towards me and put down your head again and see for yourself with your left hand.Now put both your hands towards the sky and ask a question, any one of these questions you can ask three times:‘Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’‘Mother is this the all pervading power of God’s Love?’‘Mother is this the Paramchaitanya?’Ask one of these questions three times.Now bring down your hands and again put hands towards me like this…and watch me without thinking. When we are without thoughts, we are in meditation. We cannot do meditation, we have to be in meditation and that is the time when spiritual growth takes place.Now all those who have felt cool, warm or hot breeze on their hands or out of their heads, please raise both your hands.May God bless you, all of you, so many of you, may God bless you.Again the request is, respect your self realisation, it’s a very great thing that has happened. Let us see how many are going to grow like great trees of spirituality because the whole world is waiting for you. The emancipation of this world is not for the people who are supposed to be in charge but for the people who are meek. They will inherit the Earth as Christ has said. So it is our duty to ourselves and others that we develop our self realisation. Very much thankful to you.May God bless you.Now you know that you have gone beyond mind and you are aware so there’s no discussion about it. Just be at peace with yourself and just enjoy. Enjoy yourself and everything else. The whole thing will change in your attitudes, in your understandings, everything will change because now have the light. You can see in the light everything very clearly, so may God bless you.
Evening Program eve of Kundalini Puja, He has Such Subtle Ideas About Describing Me
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Adi Kundalini Puja: Pure Love
Cabella Ligure
Kundalini puja, Cabella Ligure (italy), 21 June 1992. Today we have gathered here to worship the Adi Kundalini and your own Kundalini, both of them, because your Kundalini is the reflection of the Adi Kundalini. We have understood a lot about Kundalini and also we know that through Her awakening only, through Her ascent only, we have ascended into a very higher realm of consciousness. It's not only that we have risen to a very higher realm of awareness but that it has granted us so many powers that, never before in the history of spirituality people had this power of awakening of Kundalini. As soon as they got their awakening perhaps, they went more on to the left or to the right, and tried to achieve powers which were not so much for the benevolence of others. Buddha has written clearly that, "When the incarnation of future Buddha, that is Maitreya, three Mothers put together, comes in, that time it will be used for the benevolence of people." This is one of the signs, "of the people", not only of Sahaja Yogis but of the people. So how can it be unless and until those who are Buddhas, means those who are Realized souls know the science of Kundalini? Those people who had very little knowledge about Kundalini, who must have read in some scriptures or somewhere which is being described, started misusing it and so they became tantrikas. But tantra, as you know very well, is the mechanism of Kundalini, and the yantra is the Kundalini itself, is the machine. Today I think, as we know so much about Kundalini, how it passes through different centers, how it rises, all those things as we know, we should find out how we can nourish our Kundalini. That's very important to know. First of all there's a big difference between you people and other people who got their Realization. First big difference is this, that this power you have achieved Sahaj, easily. Others had to go to Himalayas, stand in the cold air for days together, so many died, live in the caves, eating fruits, sometimes nothing. Even Buddha's time they had to use only one piece of cloth to cover their body and they had to ask for alms in the villages and somehow cook some food and eat it - whether it was cold or hot, no comforts. On the contrary, He taught them that you should give up all our comforts because you can live without comforts. But none of them got Realization and none of them could do the work of awakening of Kundalini. So the difference is too much, the way you got your Realization, the way your Kundalini, in a very Sahaj manner, was awakened and the way you are manifesting those powers that you have got. For example you can give Realization to others, you can cure others, you can feel the vibrations of others, there are some Sahaja Yogis who can control rain, sun, moon, everything. Sahaja Yogis, some of them, have tremendous powers of prayers. Just by praying they have saved the lives of many people. And these powers were available to some of them, even to the rishis and great munis on those days, but their powers were not based on love and compassion. This is your special field because you have to work for the benevolence of the people. Their field was to protect themselves or to destroy. So they developed powers of curses, like sharp, they could curse people. You haven't got that power; you cannot curse anyone. Very nicely that power I have cancelled. Nor do I curse, I can, but I never curse anyone, because our basis is love and compassion and tenderliness. They were very hot-tempered people, most of them, extremely hot temper, and sometimes they used also terrible harsh languages whenever they spoke about the people who were not realized or who were troubling them. This was very funny the way they were angry with the society, the way they described them. Some of them did not look at the society, did not denounce the society, did not say bad things about the society but they were only satisfied with themselves or they wrote about the blessings that they are having. But you have a new dimension; you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people. So also, your Kundalini was awakened so Sahaj; it is because of the love and compassion of your Mother. So this time, we should say, your Kundalini can only be nourished if you develop within yourself the sense of pure love and pure compassion. First I've used the word "pure", that's My name also. That means you have to be innocent to begin with. If you are not innocent then you have certain problems, maybe with your lust. Maybe your love might be directed towards some person, only. Kundalini is not like that. She rises, She goes to all the chakras, She doesn't get involved into any, She tries to cure every chakra, nourish that chakra, and She is only worried about Her ascent. In the same way a Sahaja Yogi should not get involved into any relationship as such. Is possible. You don't have to become like Buddha's disciples. For example, as I have always told you, the sap in the tree rises and goes to various parts of the tree and then evaporates or comes back. So this passage should be kept open, and once this passage is kept open the Kundalini can rise very easily without any trouble. But this passage can be closed, in case you get too much involved into one thing, because there are some people who get involved, say in their parents to begin with. All right, in the beginning I know, those who come in the beginning to Sahaja Yoga, will start saying, "Mother, my father's, sister's, husband's, this things, that, is sick, so will you please cure that person." Very common. They'll write long, long letters describing the relationship and I really lose the connection - who is this one? Without writing the names they will give all the connections that they have. These are all artificial connections. Tomorrow some calamity comes on you, these relationships are of no use; on the contrary you'll find they'll take advantage of it. You cannot depend on these relations of yours, in what family you were born, in what religion you were born, in what country you are born, because now you are a universal being. So you are no more related through these artificial relationships but you are related through your spiritual relationships. Unless and until we establish that within ourselves - that doesn't mean you give up your husband, give up your wife, give up your children, nothing of the kind; but that means that if we have to give up our conditionings we have to give up all these things. There are all kinds of conditionings we have. If there are some good conditionings, still we should give up in the sense they should not be conditionings but we should be master of them. For example Indians have one good conditioning, in a way, in their own country, that they must have their bath early in the morning. I used to do the same. Then England is horrible for that. It takes its respite, if you do that in England, it's a cursed country, you just can't do that. You have to take your bath in the night otherwise give up bathing; and one has to change. But if you have that conditioning, then you will feel very sad, "Oh, oh, I've missed my bath, I'm feeling, I can't sleep now, I can't feel all right, I am not normal." It's a good conditioning but still it is enslaving you. So whether it is good or bad, if it is a conditioning you should try to see it clearly, it's a conditioning. That doesn't mean that you should go in the opposite direction, that, "All right I'll never have my bath", that's not the way. It is that, "All right if it doesn't suit in the morning I'll have it in the evening, also doesn't matter once in a while I'll miss it. The bath cannot control me, I'll control the bath." Nothing should control you, then the Kundalini moves for us, because you must have complete liberty. If you do not have complete liberty then the Kundalini won't move. We have conditionings of our families, of our religion, of our country. These conditionings, as far as possible, is to be seen clearly that we have got it through our family. If you are born a Christian you'll always be more attached to Christ. Christ you have not seen, you don't know whether He existed or not, whether this Bible is true or not but you'll be more attached to Bible. Now if you are a Hindu, you'll be more attached to Gita or to Vedas or something. This creates imbalance, because we must have the same attitude towards all the religions, towards all the scriptures; that's the sign of a saint. So this conditioning has to go. In what country you are born is another conditioning which has to be fought out; very important it is. I don't want to discuss the conditionings of different countries but you know very well. After Realization when you rise higher than your society which is surrounding you, you start understanding and you start describing. I've come to know about the stupidity of all these countries through the people who belong to that country. For example a Frenchman will say, "Mother, this is typical French mind, he's a French otherwise born." Or a Hindu will say, "Mother, this is typically a Hindu man, he will do like this." So then you understand that you are not typifying that country, you are a universal being and you are living like a universal being. Once you become the universal being then also you realize that this skin-deep complexion makes no difference in the world. So then you don't start hating somebody who is darker than you or who is fairer than you; both ways it works. It's not only the people who are fair hate the darker ones, but "darkers" also hate equally. And mutually they believe that they are all absolutely wrong. If you ask a fanatic about another religion he'll say, that's the worst religion, his is the best. And you ask the another fanatic, he will say his is the best, the rest of it is the worst. That means all of them are the worst, in a general opinion. Everybody seems to be the worst, all the fanatics are the worst, if you take a general consensus, you see. Nobody will say that, "All right, my religion is all right and at least one another is all right", nobody. If you ask an Englishman he'll say, "Mother, this is typically English, you can't help it." They get so angry, I've seen the English getting angry with the other English for misbehaving or doing something towards Me, but I don't, because they are blind. So here the compassion should come within you, as a universal being, that by God's grace you have risen higher in the real sense of the word. It is not just you are certified, you are realized souls, no. You are realized souls, no doubt, you are - sakshat. So then, as it is now, you are absolutely certified by God that you are realized souls. Naturally you must change everything. No use typifying yourself, identifying yourself with something that is now, you have given up. For example, from the egg now you have become the birds. Now birds don't identify themselves with the eggs and settle down in only one place, they fly. Now they have become birds, they are no more eggs. In the same way we should accept our position. We should accept ourselves as realized souls with self-esteem and understanding as to what is our purpose of life now; it is changed completely, entirely. Once you understand the purpose of your life, innately, not outside because I am saying, or is a mental process, but inside you feel responsible. You have got Realization to spread it all over the world and to emancipate the whole world. Once you realize this point then automatically you take up responsibilities and the Kundalini will rise. I know of many people who said, "Mother, we cannot speak, You know we have a stage fright." All right, you just stand up, that's all. And they started giving lectures; I had to stop them. There are many who said that, "We cannot write any poems Mother, we are no good, we cannot sing." I know of a girl who used to sing so horribly bad that people had to tell her that you... because she would always go out of tune and very loudly she would sing; then they had to tell her, "Now you better keep at the back and don't sing now any more." Now she is the one who is sort of leading the group. So all these beautiful things start manifesting which you should accept that they have come to you, and give up all that you call as fear. All kinds of fear we have. These are all left-sided things as you have seen yesterday, left-sided man what he should do. But what a left-sided man has to know that he is now an enlightened soul and no one can touch him, leave alone destroy. No saint will be destroyed. Those who will try to destroy you will, in a very interesting manner, will be finished. Not destroyed but very interesting manner, very jocular manner. You'll laugh at that and you will enjoy the way things are working out. Like there's a saying in Sanskrit "Vinaasha kale vipreet buddhi" means their destruction will start by their own stupid methods. They'll become stupid. And at every stage, you'll see they are becoming stupid and by their stupidity they are destroying themselves, you don't have to worry about that part. So that's why you don't need any destructive powers. It will all be done by this All-pervading Divine power. So that part you have to give up. You just forgive that person. As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts and then Kundalini rises. You don't have to carry any malice, anything against him but just laugh because they are blind, because they are stupid, they are foolish. What do we do if you see an idiot. We may not laugh in his presence but we do, isn't it, at his back because he's an idiot. So they become idiotic and you see them becoming idiotic and then you just start, you see that's the humour of Sahaja Yoga. You have to have some humour also isn't it? And then you start seeing these jokers, you see, behaving in that manner and the whole circus they do is nothing but jocular. So there's nothing to have any fear from any human being; same about organizations or anything. Naturally you have to know one thing: that as you are Realized souls, you have seen the truth, you are in the light so they are going to oppose you, they are going to oppose you. They did this, isn't it, to others; everybody suffered so much. But now no more sufferings to you, only thing you can enjoy the humor. Just understand this point, that nothing will destroy you, no one can touch you but they are there just to supply some humor for you. If you take such a light attitude towards them, all this fear and left side will go away. What are these baddhas, and what are these bhoots, and what are these tantrikas? Nothing. You are so powerful. Just with one glance you can see them dancing on their heads, the other way round. As long as you'll have fear Kundalini won't rise because She doesn't rise for people who are cowards. Cowardice She is not going to support. If you are a coward She said, "All right". You are walking on the street, normally people are afraid if there's darkness, afraid that somebody might attack, but a Sahaja Yogi does not, if he's a real Sahaja Yogi, because he knows there are ganas and there are angels around him. No one can touch him, and the one who will try, these ganas will make such a fool out of that person that you'll have a nice chance to laugh at him. Now you watch and see. So this left side or this fear should go. Once this fear will go all your slyness, all your intrigues, all your jealousies will just disappear. That's how the Kundalini will rise very well. Then another problem is for the awakening of the Kundalini, is your ego. That's tremendous, I must admit, rather too much for people who follow Christ, is very surprising and those who follow Buddha, because they are anti-Christ, because they are anti-Buddha. The one who on the cross said that, "Oh Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"; if you are following Him how can you have ego? Now the forgiveness should be absolutely spontaneous within. There should be no ripple even of anger because you are so powerful. What can anybody harm you? But if you catch on your Agnya, only you are harming yourself. If you want to harm yourself nobody can help it. So this anger, which comes from liver and settles down in your Agnya, has to be looked into. That's a very important thing where Kundalini stops, in the West specially. Because this whole culture here has created two problems. The first one is acquisition instinct, what you call as greed. The more greed you have the more these machines can run and you can have industrial development of plastics, and then have a conference against ecology. In Spain I saw, I don't know, there must be three, four car factories because every car had only one driver because it had to be there. And so many cars that you just don't know how to move. For your program also is impossible, you must start two hours earlier when you can just take fifteen minutes. In France is another thing, Paris. Paris, if you want to go somewhere you should start at four o'clock in the morning, otherwise you cannot reach that place. Same about Milan and same about Rome. The worst is Switzerland, I don't know what to say about Switzerland, the name itself is rather, very dangerous, because they are making all ugly money, they are doing all these things, I mean every kind of sin they have got in the name of acquisition. For them nothing like sin, taking somebody's money nicely, keeping that there, extracting money from poor countries, keeping, they don't feel there's anything wrong, I mean, they have become immune. So this acquisition instinct that we have and which has been very much fanned and has been made into a big sort of a quality in the West, we should try to see it clearly. In the olden days in the same European countries this was used for creating art, for producing artist, for supporting artist. Even in our country, artists were supported by the kings and all the big empires that we had. These days there's no question, no government is willing to support the artist. You know that Mozart was called by the queen herself to play before her. So the governments were not only looking after the collection of taxes but they were looking after the artists, musicians, painters and people who did creative art. Like in France you can see how their queen collected beautiful artistic things and encouraged artists to do artistic work, spent her money in that, and now, you know that she was killed by people. By killing her they have killed the art of France. And now the French themselves have become bourgeois, those whom they condemned, they have become that. So acquisition instinct has to be taken to the acquisition of art. That also should not be plastic otherwise tomorrow we might start buying plastic artistic things. Genuinely made, hand made things. Or the music also which is very deep, classical, singing the songs of the Divine; not the cheap type music which just makes you mad or makes you full of lust and greed. So this is one of the problems of your culture which gives you this kind of a ego. I mean, people if they have say, a Rolls Royce then of course nobody can talk to them, their brain has blown out of their hats, completely. But even the driver of the Rolls Royce who doesn't own the Rolls Royce, he drives it, his head is off. He has a different gait, he walks in a different way, he talks in a different way. So this acquisition instinct gives you so much of ego. I mean, you go to somebody's house, like some stupid Indians who are now in England - I went to their house; they're sadarjis - means following the path of Guru Nanaka where drinking is not allowed. So as soon as you rise he shows us a pub in his house. "My God," I said. I went back three, four steps, you see. He says, "See my pubu," as he says, and from the pub he takes out a soda thing and shows us how it pumps out the soda, just imagine and he wouldn't talk, you know. And when we said, "We don't drink," he thought we were sinners of the worst type, that we don't drink. So this acquisition instinct is now ending up into something which is very cheap, vulgar and immoral. The fondness for showing off is so much that you are sometimes shocked, the way people try to show off. Like a American lady came from America and she asked Me, "Mrs. Srivastava, how many pubs You have seen in London?" I said, "None." "Oh, You are good for nothing, useless, absolutely. You haven't seen any pub. The best houses in any village, any city in England is a pub." I said, "From outside I have seen." All right, just to satisfy; I thought she's artistic. "No, no, no, no. Do You know the best pub in London?" She gave Me the list, you know. I said, "Which one is the best?" "There was one called Hermit's Pub." I said: "What is this supposed to be?" "You know, the man who was living in this house died and nobody knew that he's dead, so for months together nobody went in and the whole place was filled with that stink, and lots of cobwebs were there. Then they removed that dead body from there, and the stink is still there and the cobwebs, absolutely intact, you know. You have to be careful that you don't break them. And there, that is the best pub, for which you have to pay quite a lot. And I have seen that." So proud. So where does it end then? This acquisition instinct ends in where? In rottening things, in putrefying, you may call it fermenting. It has to end up because the reaction of the ego comes and you start enjoying things which are rotten. Like cheese of France, never eat that, I tell you, you'll burn your finger, you will burn your throat and you'll burn your stomach. It is very rotten, and the more rotten it is the better. The wine, the wine is the rotten grape juice, absolutely rotten, you can't take it, it smells, I've seen smells like a rotten cork. I asked somebody, "How does it smell?" He said, "It's very fine." I said, "Does it smell like rotten cork?" "I've never smelt a cork." That's why I said - if he had smelt a rotten cork he would never have taken to wine; so all things that are rotten. You know the discovery of cheese, what had happened, how it started, do you know that? There was a big snowfall and milk was left in one cave. So because of the snowfall everybody forgot about the milk, it was left there, then summer time the milk became rotten, then it became more rotten, more rotten. After twelve years or so, somebody went and saw this there. Thank God I have not taken My food today. And so they took that milk, they called it cheese. In India cheez is used in Urdu language specially, for something which is, something special thing, something very special, and also as you know in music they use it for some special composition, cheez. But here the cheese is the most rotten milk which no human beings or animals should eat. Worms may, so they gave it to worms, and I know in Holland and also in Sweden I think, yah, they had cheese with worms and they were eating the worms; can you beat it, it is true; not only the cheese but also the worms. I mean see where we have ended up into our acquisition instinct. The wine has to be hundred year old, certified, that's the best. Such rotten things we are eating, they smell, I tell you, they smell of it. That's why, once I was surprised that, they go to the bathroom, don't even wash their hands. We get such horrible smells, they don't get because if you take that cheese you cannot smell anything rotten. Even if you put them in the gutters they won't feel anything rotten because it's all that dirty smell, they are used to. Is the filth, I mean even if they go to hell they won't feel bad because the smell will be the same. So where should we put them? They are so immune to that dirty smell which is absolutely sub-human. So this acquisition instinct in any elite society - once upon a time French society was regarded as elite - so the most elite society was the French society was most diplomatic in every way. Their food was made with wine, everything was wine, and this diplomatic society once upon... ruled the whole diplomatic areas. But they never realized that the whole culture was nothing but eating and drinking. Nothing else but eating and drinking. And later on maybe little politics started. But this eating and drinking went to such a limit that now they have gone out of diplomatic areas; no one wants them because they never think in the right way. Any diplomat, French diplomat is anywhere, people say, "Is he French?" "Yes." "Then better not call him for this meeting, you know, he'll put his own ideas." They went out. So now that eliteness is shifted in America. So the most elite are taking to drugs. What is it after all? Drugs is creation of this acquisition instinct only. Why should you blame Colombians or anybody else? They are making their money, all right as you are all making, but the one they are feeding is America, and America is the main thing now in acquisition instinct. And what are they acquiring? I have been in that society, they only talk of drugs. All right, drugs they talk not only that but it's like a shopping of drugs. They all know where you get drugs, all these so-called ambassadors and these people, and their wives. With all their dresses have become simpler now, they do not dress up the way formerly the ambassadors' wives used to dress up. I will not be surprised if they come in holey pants. So this acquisition instinct you can see in the elite society has ended up into drugs, and if not, into gurus - false gurus. Those who got fed up with this went to false gurus because they have no discrimination to know what is right and what is wrong. See, step by step, how it has gone into the rotten state, this ego, in the West. So this is the first point, is the acquisition instinct you have. In that then somebody's wife is good-looking, then every man has a right to look at her. Or some man is good-looking, maybe anybody's husband - every woman has right to look at him. Not look at her own husband but another man, what's the use? I've never been able to understand, "What's the use of looking at another man who is not your husband?" This acquisition instinct has gone into complete immoral life, immoral society and they have lost sense of respect of their age. A ninety-year-old woman having a love affair with a grandson who is eighteen-year-old; just think of that, such stupidity, such nonsense. How is it possible unless and until we have some sort of a perverted acquisition instinct? Even art has gone into perversion, everything has gone into perversion - because the curse of the Western society is that there is no maryada. And Kundalini rises in its own maryada, it brings back your maryadas, it keeps you into your maryadas. You are a human being, don't live like animals, even worse than animals. You have no right to do that. God has not created you to be sub-human but to be super-human being. So, this is how it works out. You can now think about it, how far it goes this acquisition instinct, about things. But the second very bad curse of the Western acquisition instinct is that they want to acquire, aggress, others. Aggression, the aggressiveness. They think they have a right to aggress other countries, I mean they aggressed our country for three hundred years. Why? Why did they aggress? We are not bad people. Because we had gold, we had diamonds, we had pearls, we had lots of things which were just material things for which they aggressed us, and they didn't take any spirituality from India. So the French aggressed, these aggressed, all the time aggressing. Japanese are also following you. This aggression then moves the whole society into a very destructive force. You can see every day the wars are going on, this is fighting that, that is fighting that, they want this, they want that. And this aggression has also penetrated the developing countries, the third world also. So, nicely the disease is on. But Kundalini kills that acquisition. How? By giving you joy. You enjoy everything. You are sitting in a jungle, you are enjoying, here in uncomfortable conditions, you enjoy because you seek the comfort of your spirit, because that gives you joy - ultimately that's what you get out of everything. You think you get joy by acquisition; you do not. But through Kundalini awakening you get that joy, and in that joy you don't want anything, you don't ask for anything; you just enjoy yourself; you are the property of enjoyment. Sanskrit they say, "Atmanyeva atmane ahrushta" - "The Spirit is satisfied by its own spirit." So into small things you must see joy, and you must watch it, the whole universe, with that thing. I mean when I am traveling I'll ask, "What is this tree?" "Mother, we don't know." "Well, you lived here for so many years, you don't know?" "No Mother, we don't know much about trees." I say, "What are these flowers?" "We don't know." I mean what are you doing, what have you been doing, you don't know what are the trees, every day you watch them; you don't know what is the tree is? But if you ask them, "Where do you get this wine?" they will know. "Mother, this is the place where they produced the best wines." "All right, I'll see to it." And next year they had no fermentation. So, this is the acquisition instinct which is very, sort of a, which becomes a political asset that you go and aggress other countries, aggress other people and use all kinds of things; and that really is killing. So the whole attitude of human beings changes, they think we are the Lord, we can hate anyone, we can aggress anyone, we could be arrogant with anyone, we can demand anything, we can take away anybody's wife, take away anybody's child, take away anything, we can kill our children. As a result the love is lost; no question of compassion. Love is lost, compassion is lost; no love. And with that you also developed "my" and "mine", sense of "my and mine" - is that this is my child, this is my country, this is... As you know in Yugoslavia what they are doing. I don't know who gave the name of Yugo, Yugo means Yoga. This is the Yoga people, fighting among themselves. This has come from the same root that, "This is mine, this is my country". Why? How is it your country? You can't create one leaf, so who are you? You can't create little mud, can you? How do you say, "This is my country?" How dare? This all belongs to God. He has created, or you can say Adi Shakti has created. You have not created even so much; how do you say, "This is mine and I should have it?" So the "my" and "mine" thing also develops, very strong. And the same thing happens with, sometimes, Sahaja Yogis, very much. "My children", this is the first curse. "These are my children, my wife, my family", it starts growing like that. Then the heart shrinks. For a large-hearted man the whole world is the universe, the whole thing is within, the whole thing is yours. When such a heart you experience within yourself then Kundalini just shoots off because, as you know, the Sahasrara is the Heart Chakra. No question of Sahasrara catching if you have a large heart. And to keep the Sahasrara open - is just develop that sense, that wisdom, that: "Nobody's mine, everybody belongs to God. Who is mine? Whatever God wants, let Him do." So get out of this small feeling. Sahaja Yogis do, I must say, I have seen it. They get confined to their families. "My son hasn't got Realization, my brother hasn't got Realization, my this thing." After that it moves, when they get Realization, "This is my son, my brother, my sister, this thing." This "my" has to drop, which is very, very subtle thing, and that's why the Sahasrara catches. Everyone is yours because the Kundalini of Sahaja Yogis is made of love, pure love. The pure love has only pure desire, is to love, love everyone equally. When you say it is difficult that means you are not trying Sahaja Yoga. Enlarge your heart; you'll never feel lost. To Me, when I was leaving England I was really, little bit, I mean happens like that, like a moon sucks in the sea, you see, I felt My heart was just pulled out, but I reach here, again I see My children waiting for Me, so it's over, finished. It's there I felt, now here I feel that pull of My heart was released. You are also My children here and they are also My children. For a Mother like this, how can I say, "Oh, say this is Mine, this is Mine?" So like this, try to break away from this conditioning. First, in the West people don't care for family; they'll divorce ten times and advertise it, "I am tenth time divorced lady." Now they don't divorce but so get attached with their family, with their husbands; like glue I tell you, like glue. Sometimes I start wondering, "What have I done to make them like this?" So now it is important to see these points, and ultimately the heart is the Sahasrara, or you can call the Brahmarandra, then we have to come to heart. Do not reason out, do not argue it out, don't work it out mentally from books or anywhere, but through your heart, if you work it out, you'll understand that nothing is more important than to love someone. And the highest thing is to love everyone equally. Of course in love you might have to say something to a person. The other day I had to say something to some Sahaja Yogini, so My husband said, "Don't say, she'll become Your enemy." I said, "Let her become My enemy, it doesn't matter. It's My duty to tell her that this is wrong, otherwise I become her enemy because I don't... told her the truth and she will suffer." So this is what it gives you discretion; and love is truth. So to this Kundalini, which is nothing but, is the river, as yesterday they described nirvaj, which doesn't accept any compensation. The river of that pure love which has awakened us with such love, kindness and tenderness, we should try to use that power within ourselves to be like that because our job is, She has given us Realization for the emancipation of the whole world, not only our own. So everyone has to give Realization to others otherwise their Kundalini will settle back. Talk about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is not part time, it is not a side issue, it should be always with you. Wherever you get a chance you have to talk about Sahaja Yoga, you have to work it out, you have to give Realization, otherwise no use. May God bless you all.
Kundalini puja, Cabella Ligure (italy), 21 June 1992. Today we have gathered here to worship the Adi Kundalini and your own Kundalini, both of them, because your Kundalini is the reflection of the Adi Kundalini. We have understood a lot about Kundalini and also we know that through Her awakening only, through Her ascent only, we have ascended into a very higher realm of consciousness. It's not only that we have risen to a very higher realm of awareness but that it has granted us so many powers that, never before in the history of spirituality people had this power of awakening of Kundalini. As soon as they got their awakening perhaps, they went more on to the left or to the right, and tried to achieve powers which were not so much for the benevolence of others. Buddha has written clearly that, "When the incarnation of future Buddha, that is Maitreya, three Mothers put together, comes in, that time it will be used for the benevolence of people." This is one of the signs, "of the people", not only of Sahaja Yogis but of the people. So how can it be unless and until those who are Buddhas, means those who are Realized souls know the science of Kundalini? Those people who had very little knowledge about Kundalini, who must have read in some scriptures or somewhere which is being described, started misusing it and so they became tantrikas. But tantra, as you know very well, is the mechanism of Kundalini, and the yantra is the Kundalini itself, is the machine. Today I think, as we know so much about Kundalini, how it passes through different centers, how it rises, all those things as we know, we should find out how we can nourish our Kundalini. That's very important to know. First of all there's a big difference between you people and other people who got their Realization. First big difference is this, that this power you have achieved Sahaj, easily. Others had to go to Himalayas, stand in the cold air for days together, so many died, live in the caves, eating fruits, sometimes nothing. Even Buddha's time they had to use only one piece of cloth to cover their body and they had to ask for alms in the villages and somehow cook some food and eat it - whether it was cold or hot, no comforts. On the contrary, He taught them that you should give up all our comforts because you can live without comforts. But none of them got Realization and none of them could do the work of awakening of Kundalini. So the difference is too much, the way you got your Realization, the way your Kundalini, in a very Sahaj manner, was awakened and the way you are manifesting those powers that you have got. For example you can give Realization to others, you can cure others, you can feel the vibrations of others, there are some Sahaja Yogis who can control rain, sun, moon, everything. Sahaja Yogis, some of them, have tremendous powers of prayers. Just by praying they have saved the lives of many people. And these powers were available to some of them, even to the rishis and great munis on those days, but their powers were not based on love and compassion. This is your special field because you have to work for the benevolence of the people. Their field was to protect themselves or to destroy. So they developed powers of curses, like sharp, they could curse people. You haven't got that power; you cannot curse anyone. Very nicely that power I have cancelled. Nor do I curse, I can, but I never curse anyone, because our basis is love and compassion and tenderliness. They were very hot-tempered people, most of them, extremely hot temper, and sometimes they used also terrible harsh languages whenever they spoke about the people who were not realized or who were troubling them. This was very funny the way they were angry with the society, the way they described them. Some of them did not look at the society, did not denounce the society, did not say bad things about the society but they were only satisfied with themselves or they wrote about the blessings that they are having. But you have a new dimension; you have to use your powers for the benevolence of the people. So also, your Kundalini was awakened so Sahaj; it is because of the love and compassion of your Mother. So this time, we should say, your Kundalini can only be nourished if you develop within yourself the sense of pure love and pure compassion. First I've used the word "pure", that's My name also. That means you have to be innocent to begin with. If you are not innocent then you have certain problems, maybe with your lust. Maybe your love might be directed towards some person, only. Kundalini is not like that. She rises, She goes to all the chakras, She doesn't get involved into any, She tries to cure every chakra, nourish that chakra, and She is only worried about Her ascent. In the same way a Sahaja Yogi should not get involved into any relationship as such. Is possible. You don't have to become like Buddha's disciples. For example, as I have always told you, the sap in the tree rises and goes to various parts of the tree and then evaporates or comes back. So this passage should be kept open, and once this passage is kept open the Kundalini can rise very easily without any trouble. But this passage can be closed, in case you get too much involved into one thing, because there are some people who get involved, say in their parents to begin with. All right, in the beginning I know, those who come in the beginning to Sahaja Yoga, will start saying, "Mother, my father's, sister's, husband's, this things, that, is sick, so will you please cure that person." Very common. They'll write long, long letters describing the relationship and I really lose the connection - who is this one? Without writing the names they will give all the connections that they have. These are all artificial connections. Tomorrow some calamity comes on you, these relationships are of no use; on the contrary you'll find they'll take advantage of it. You cannot depend on these relations of yours, in what family you were born, in what religion you were born, in what country you are born, because now you are a universal being. So you are no more related through these artificial relationships but you are related through your spiritual relationships. Unless and until we establish that within ourselves - that doesn't mean you give up your husband, give up your wife, give up your children, nothing of the kind; but that means that if we have to give up our conditionings we have to give up all these things. There are all kinds of conditionings we have. If there are some good conditionings, still we should give up in the sense they should not be conditionings but we should be master of them. For example Indians have one good conditioning, in a way, in their own country, that they must have their bath early in the morning. I used to do the same. Then England is horrible for that. It takes its respite, if you do that in England, it's a cursed country, you just can't do that. You have to take your bath in the night otherwise give up bathing; and one has to change. But if you have that conditioning, then you will feel very sad, "Oh, oh, I've missed my bath, I'm feeling, I can't sleep now, I can't feel all right, I am not normal." It's a good conditioning but still it is enslaving you. So whether it is good or bad, if it is a conditioning you should try to see it clearly, it's a conditioning. That doesn't mean that you should go in the opposite direction, that, "All right I'll never have my bath", that's not the way. It is that, "All right if it doesn't suit in the morning I'll have it in the evening, also doesn't matter once in a while I'll miss it. The bath cannot control me, I'll control the bath." Nothing should control you, then the Kundalini moves for us, because you must have complete liberty. If you do not have complete liberty then the Kundalini won't move. We have conditionings of our families, of our religion, of our country. These conditionings, as far as possible, is to be seen clearly that we have got it through our family. If you are born a Christian you'll always be more attached to Christ. Christ you have not seen, you don't know whether He existed or not, whether this Bible is true or not but you'll be more attached to Bible. Now if you are a Hindu, you'll be more attached to Gita or to Vedas or something. This creates imbalance, because we must have the same attitude towards all the religions, towards all the scriptures; that's the sign of a saint. So this conditioning has to go. In what country you are born is another conditioning which has to be fought out; very important it is. I don't want to discuss the conditionings of different countries but you know very well. After Realization when you rise higher than your society which is surrounding you, you start understanding and you start describing. I've come to know about the stupidity of all these countries through the people who belong to that country. For example a Frenchman will say, "Mother, this is typical French mind, he's a French otherwise born." Or a Hindu will say, "Mother, this is typically a Hindu man, he will do like this." So then you understand that you are not typifying that country, you are a universal being and you are living like a universal being. Once you become the universal being then also you realize that this skin-deep complexion makes no difference in the world. So then you don't start hating somebody who is darker than you or who is fairer than you; both ways it works. It's not only the people who are fair hate the darker ones, but "darkers" also hate equally. And mutually they believe that they are all absolutely wrong. If you ask a fanatic about another religion he'll say, that's the worst religion, his is the best. And you ask the another fanatic, he will say his is the best, the rest of it is the worst. That means all of them are the worst, in a general opinion. Everybody seems to be the worst, all the fanatics are the worst, if you take a general consensus, you see. Nobody will say that, "All right, my religion is all right and at least one another is all right", nobody. If you ask an Englishman he'll say, "Mother, this is typically English, you can't help it." They get so angry, I've seen the English getting angry with the other English for misbehaving or doing something towards Me, but I don't, because they are blind. So here the compassion should come within you, as a universal being, that by God's grace you have risen higher in the real sense of the word. It is not just you are certified, you are realized souls, no. You are realized souls, no doubt, you are - sakshat. So then, as it is now, you are absolutely certified by God that you are realized souls. Naturally you must change everything. No use typifying yourself, identifying yourself with something that is now, you have given up. For example, from the egg now you have become the birds. Now birds don't identify themselves with the eggs and settle down in only one place, they fly. Now they have become birds, they are no more eggs. In the same way we should accept our position. We should accept ourselves as realized souls with self-esteem and understanding as to what is our purpose of life now; it is changed completely, entirely. Once you understand the purpose of your life, innately, not outside because I am saying, or is a mental process, but inside you feel responsible. You have got Realization to spread it all over the world and to emancipate the whole world. Once you realize this point then automatically you take up responsibilities and the Kundalini will rise. I know of many people who said, "Mother, we cannot speak, You know we have a stage fright." All right, you just stand up, that's all. And they started giving lectures; I had to stop them. There are many who said that, "We cannot write any poems Mother, we are no good, we cannot sing." I know of a girl who used to sing so horribly bad that people had to tell her that you... because she would always go out of tune and very loudly she would sing; then they had to tell her, "Now you better keep at the back and don't sing now any more." Now she is the one who is sort of leading the group. So all these beautiful things start manifesting which you should accept that they have come to you, and give up all that you call as fear. All kinds of fear we have. These are all left-sided things as you have seen yesterday, left-sided man what he should do. But what a left-sided man has to know that he is now an enlightened soul and no one can touch him, leave alone destroy. No saint will be destroyed. Those who will try to destroy you will, in a very interesting manner, will be finished. Not destroyed but very interesting manner, very jocular manner. You'll laugh at that and you will enjoy the way things are working out. Like there's a saying in Sanskrit "Vinaasha kale vipreet buddhi" means their destruction will start by their own stupid methods. They'll become stupid. And at every stage, you'll see they are becoming stupid and by their stupidity they are destroying themselves, you don't have to worry about that part. So that's why you don't need any destructive powers. It will all be done by this All-pervading Divine power. So that part you have to give up. You just forgive that person. As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts and then Kundalini rises. You don't have to carry any malice, anything against him but just laugh because they are blind, because they are stupid, they are foolish. What do we do if you see an idiot. We may not laugh in his presence but we do, isn't it, at his back because he's an idiot. So they become idiotic and you see them becoming idiotic and then you just start, you see that's the humour of Sahaja Yoga. You have to have some humour also isn't it? And then you start seeing these jokers, you see, behaving in that manner and the whole circus they do is nothing but jocular. So there's nothing to have any fear from any human being; same about organizations or anything. Naturally you have to know one thing: that as you are Realized souls, you have seen the truth, you are in the light so they are going to oppose you, they are going to oppose you. They did this, isn't it, to others; everybody suffered so much. But now no more sufferings to you, only thing you can enjoy the humor. Just understand this point, that nothing will destroy you, no one can touch you but they are there just to supply some humor for you. If you take such a light attitude towards them, all this fear and left side will go away. What are these baddhas, and what are these bhoots, and what are these tantrikas? Nothing. You are so powerful. Just with one glance you can see them dancing on their heads, the other way round. As long as you'll have fear Kundalini won't rise because She doesn't rise for people who are cowards. Cowardice She is not going to support. If you are a coward She said, "All right". You are walking on the street, normally people are afraid if there's darkness, afraid that somebody might attack, but a Sahaja Yogi does not, if he's a real Sahaja Yogi, because he knows there are ganas and there are angels around him. No one can touch him, and the one who will try, these ganas will make such a fool out of that person that you'll have a nice chance to laugh at him. Now you watch and see. So this left side or this fear should go. Once this fear will go all your slyness, all your intrigues, all your jealousies will just disappear. That's how the Kundalini will rise very well. Then another problem is for the awakening of the Kundalini, is your ego. That's tremendous, I must admit, rather too much for people who follow Christ, is very surprising and those who follow Buddha, because they are anti-Christ, because they are anti-Buddha. The one who on the cross said that, "Oh Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"; if you are following Him how can you have ego? Now the forgiveness should be absolutely spontaneous within. There should be no ripple even of anger because you are so powerful. What can anybody harm you? But if you catch on your Agnya, only you are harming yourself. If you want to harm yourself nobody can help it. So this anger, which comes from liver and settles down in your Agnya, has to be looked into. That's a very important thing where Kundalini stops, in the West specially. Because this whole culture here has created two problems. The first one is acquisition instinct, what you call as greed. The more greed you have the more these machines can run and you can have industrial development of plastics, and then have a conference against ecology. In Spain I saw, I don't know, there must be three, four car factories because every car had only one driver because it had to be there. And so many cars that you just don't know how to move. For your program also is impossible, you must start two hours earlier when you can just take fifteen minutes. In France is another thing, Paris. Paris, if you want to go somewhere you should start at four o'clock in the morning, otherwise you cannot reach that place. Same about Milan and same about Rome. The worst is Switzerland, I don't know what to say about Switzerland, the name itself is rather, very dangerous, because they are making all ugly money, they are doing all these things, I mean every kind of sin they have got in the name of acquisition. For them nothing like sin, taking somebody's money nicely, keeping that there, extracting money from poor countries, keeping, they don't feel there's anything wrong, I mean, they have become immune. So this acquisition instinct that we have and which has been very much fanned and has been made into a big sort of a quality in the West, we should try to see it clearly. In the olden days in the same European countries this was used for creating art, for producing artist, for supporting artist. Even in our country, artists were supported by the kings and all the big empires that we had. These days there's no question, no government is willing to support the artist. You know that Mozart was called by the queen herself to play before her. So the governments were not only looking after the collection of taxes but they were looking after the artists, musicians, painters and people who did creative art. Like in France you can see how their queen collected beautiful artistic things and encouraged artists to do artistic work, spent her money in that, and now, you know that she was killed by people. By killing her they have killed the art of France. And now the French themselves have become bourgeois, those whom they condemned, they have become that. So acquisition instinct has to be taken to the acquisition of art. That also should not be plastic otherwise tomorrow we might start buying plastic artistic things. Genuinely made, hand made things. Or the music also which is very deep, classical, singing the songs of the Divine; not the cheap type music which just makes you mad or makes you full of lust and greed. So this is one of the problems of your culture which gives you this kind of a ego. I mean, people if they have say, a Rolls Royce then of course nobody can talk to them, their brain has blown out of their hats, completely. But even the driver of the Rolls Royce who doesn't own the Rolls Royce, he drives it, his head is off. He has a different gait, he walks in a different way, he talks in a different way. So this acquisition instinct gives you so much of ego. I mean, you go to somebody's house, like some stupid Indians who are now in England - I went to their house; they're sadarjis - means following the path of Guru Nanaka where drinking is not allowed. So as soon as you rise he shows us a pub in his house. "My God," I said. I went back three, four steps, you see. He says, "See my pubu," as he says, and from the pub he takes out a soda thing and shows us how it pumps out the soda, just imagine and he wouldn't talk, you know. And when we said, "We don't drink," he thought we were sinners of the worst type, that we don't drink. So this acquisition instinct is now ending up into something which is very cheap, vulgar and immoral. The fondness for showing off is so much that you are sometimes shocked, the way people try to show off. Like a American lady came from America and she asked Me, "Mrs. Srivastava, how many pubs You have seen in London?" I said, "None." "Oh, You are good for nothing, useless, absolutely. You haven't seen any pub. The best houses in any village, any city in England is a pub." I said, "From outside I have seen." All right, just to satisfy; I thought she's artistic. "No, no, no, no. Do You know the best pub in London?" She gave Me the list, you know. I said, "Which one is the best?" "There was one called Hermit's Pub." I said: "What is this supposed to be?" "You know, the man who was living in this house died and nobody knew that he's dead, so for months together nobody went in and the whole place was filled with that stink, and lots of cobwebs were there. Then they removed that dead body from there, and the stink is still there and the cobwebs, absolutely intact, you know. You have to be careful that you don't break them. And there, that is the best pub, for which you have to pay quite a lot. And I have seen that." So proud. So where does it end then? This acquisition instinct ends in where? In rottening things, in putrefying, you may call it fermenting. It has to end up because the reaction of the ego comes and you start enjoying things which are rotten. Like cheese of France, never eat that, I tell you, you'll burn your finger, you will burn your throat and you'll burn your stomach. It is very rotten, and the more rotten it is the better. The wine, the wine is the rotten grape juice, absolutely rotten, you can't take it, it smells, I've seen smells like a rotten cork. I asked somebody, "How does it smell?" He said, "It's very fine." I said, "Does it smell like rotten cork?" "I've never smelt a cork." That's why I said - if he had smelt a rotten cork he would never have taken to wine; so all things that are rotten. You know the discovery of cheese, what had happened, how it started, do you know that? There was a big snowfall and milk was left in one cave. So because of the snowfall everybody forgot about the milk, it was left there, then summer time the milk became rotten, then it became more rotten, more rotten. After twelve years or so, somebody went and saw this there. Thank God I have not taken My food today. And so they took that milk, they called it cheese. In India cheez is used in Urdu language specially, for something which is, something special thing, something very special, and also as you know in music they use it for some special composition, cheez. But here the cheese is the most rotten milk which no human beings or animals should eat. Worms may, so they gave it to worms, and I know in Holland and also in Sweden I think, yah, they had cheese with worms and they were eating the worms; can you beat it, it is true; not only the cheese but also the worms. I mean see where we have ended up into our acquisition instinct. The wine has to be hundred year old, certified, that's the best. Such rotten things we are eating, they smell, I tell you, they smell of it. That's why, once I was surprised that, they go to the bathroom, don't even wash their hands. We get such horrible smells, they don't get because if you take that cheese you cannot smell anything rotten. Even if you put them in the gutters they won't feel anything rotten because it's all that dirty smell, they are used to. Is the filth, I mean even if they go to hell they won't feel bad because the smell will be the same. So where should we put them? They are so immune to that dirty smell which is absolutely sub-human. So this acquisition instinct in any elite society - once upon a time French society was regarded as elite - so the most elite society was the French society was most diplomatic in every way. Their food was made with wine, everything was wine, and this diplomatic society once upon... ruled the whole diplomatic areas. But they never realized that the whole culture was nothing but eating and drinking. Nothing else but eating and drinking. And later on maybe little politics started. But this eating and drinking went to such a limit that now they have gone out of diplomatic areas; no one wants them because they never think in the right way. Any diplomat, French diplomat is anywhere, people say, "Is he French?" "Yes." "Then better not call him for this meeting, you know, he'll put his own ideas." They went out. So now that eliteness is shifted in America. So the most elite are taking to drugs. What is it after all? Drugs is creation of this acquisition instinct only. Why should you blame Colombians or anybody else? They are making their money, all right as you are all making, but the one they are feeding is America, and America is the main thing now in acquisition instinct. And what are they acquiring? I have been in that society, they only talk of drugs. All right, drugs they talk not only that but it's like a shopping of drugs. They all know where you get drugs, all these so-called ambassadors and these people, and their wives. With all their dresses have become simpler now, they do not dress up the way formerly the ambassadors' wives used to dress up. I will not be surprised if they come in holey pants. So this acquisition instinct you can see in the elite society has ended up into drugs, and if not, into gurus - false gurus. Those who got fed up with this went to false gurus because they have no discrimination to know what is right and what is wrong. See, step by step, how it has gone into the rotten state, this ego, in the West. So this is the first point, is the acquisition instinct you have. In that then somebody's wife is good-looking, then every man has a right to look at her. Or some man is good-looking, maybe anybody's husband - every woman has right to look at him. Not look at her own husband but another man, what's the use? I've never been able to understand, "What's the use of looking at another man who is not your husband?" This acquisition instinct has gone into complete immoral life, immoral society and they have lost sense of respect of their age. A ninety-year-old woman having a love affair with a grandson who is eighteen-year-old; just think of that, such stupidity, such nonsense. How is it possible unless and until we have some sort of a perverted acquisition instinct? Even art has gone into perversion, everything has gone into perversion - because the curse of the Western society is that there is no maryada. And Kundalini rises in its own maryada, it brings back your maryadas, it keeps you into your maryadas. You are a human being, don't live like animals, even worse than animals. You have no right to do that. God has not created you to be sub-human but to be super-human being. So, this is how it works out. You can now think about it, how far it goes this acquisition instinct, about things. But the second very bad curse of the Western acquisition instinct is that they want to acquire, aggress, others. Aggression, the aggressiveness. They think they have a right to aggress other countries, I mean they aggressed our country for three hundred years. Why? Why did they aggress? We are not bad people. Because we had gold, we had diamonds, we had pearls, we had lots of things which were just material things for which they aggressed us, and they didn't take any spirituality from India. So the French aggressed, these aggressed, all the time aggressing. Japanese are also following you. This aggression then moves the whole society into a very destructive force. You can see every day the wars are going on, this is fighting that, that is fighting that, they want this, they want that. And this aggression has also penetrated the developing countries, the third world also. So, nicely the disease is on. But Kundalini kills that acquisition. How? By giving you joy. You enjoy everything. You are sitting in a jungle, you are enjoying, here in uncomfortable conditions, you enjoy because you seek the comfort of your spirit, because that gives you joy - ultimately that's what you get out of everything. You think you get joy by acquisition; you do not. But through Kundalini awakening you get that joy, and in that joy you don't want anything, you don't ask for anything; you just enjoy yourself; you are the property of enjoyment. Sanskrit they say, "Atmanyeva atmane ahrushta" - "The Spirit is satisfied by its own spirit." So into small things you must see joy, and you must watch it, the whole universe, with that thing. I mean when I am traveling I'll ask, "What is this tree?" "Mother, we don't know." "Well, you lived here for so many years, you don't know?" "No Mother, we don't know much about trees." I say, "What are these flowers?" "We don't know." I mean what are you doing, what have you been doing, you don't know what are the trees, every day you watch them; you don't know what is the tree is? But if you ask them, "Where do you get this wine?" they will know. "Mother, this is the place where they produced the best wines." "All right, I'll see to it." And next year they had no fermentation. So, this is the acquisition instinct which is very, sort of a, which becomes a political asset that you go and aggress other countries, aggress other people and use all kinds of things; and that really is killing. So the whole attitude of human beings changes, they think we are the Lord, we can hate anyone, we can aggress anyone, we could be arrogant with anyone, we can demand anything, we can take away anybody's wife, take away anybody's child, take away anything, we can kill our children. As a result the love is lost; no question of compassion. Love is lost, compassion is lost; no love. And with that you also developed "my" and "mine", sense of "my and mine" - is that this is my child, this is my country, this is... As you know in Yugoslavia what they are doing. I don't know who gave the name of Yugo, Yugo means Yoga. This is the Yoga people, fighting among themselves. This has come from the same root that, "This is mine, this is my country". Why? How is it your country? You can't create one leaf, so who are you? You can't create little mud, can you? How do you say, "This is my country?" How dare? This all belongs to God. He has created, or you can say Adi Shakti has created. You have not created even so much; how do you say, "This is mine and I should have it?" So the "my" and "mine" thing also develops, very strong. And the same thing happens with, sometimes, Sahaja Yogis, very much. "My children", this is the first curse. "These are my children, my wife, my family", it starts growing like that. Then the heart shrinks. For a large-hearted man the whole world is the universe, the whole thing is within, the whole thing is yours. When such a heart you experience within yourself then Kundalini just shoots off because, as you know, the Sahasrara is the Heart Chakra. No question of Sahasrara catching if you have a large heart. And to keep the Sahasrara open - is just develop that sense, that wisdom, that: "Nobody's mine, everybody belongs to God. Who is mine? Whatever God wants, let Him do." So get out of this small feeling. Sahaja Yogis do, I must say, I have seen it. They get confined to their families. "My son hasn't got Realization, my brother hasn't got Realization, my this thing." After that it moves, when they get Realization, "This is my son, my brother, my sister, this thing." This "my" has to drop, which is very, very subtle thing, and that's why the Sahasrara catches. Everyone is yours because the Kundalini of Sahaja Yogis is made of love, pure love. The pure love has only pure desire, is to love, love everyone equally. When you say it is difficult that means you are not trying Sahaja Yoga. Enlarge your heart; you'll never feel lost. To Me, when I was leaving England I was really, little bit, I mean happens like that, like a moon sucks in the sea, you see, I felt My heart was just pulled out, but I reach here, again I see My children waiting for Me, so it's over, finished. It's there I felt, now here I feel that pull of My heart was released. You are also My children here and they are also My children. For a Mother like this, how can I say, "Oh, say this is Mine, this is Mine?" So like this, try to break away from this conditioning. First, in the West people don't care for family; they'll divorce ten times and advertise it, "I am tenth time divorced lady." Now they don't divorce but so get attached with their family, with their husbands; like glue I tell you, like glue. Sometimes I start wondering, "What have I done to make them like this?" So now it is important to see these points, and ultimately the heart is the Sahasrara, or you can call the Brahmarandra, then we have to come to heart. Do not reason out, do not argue it out, don't work it out mentally from books or anywhere, but through your heart, if you work it out, you'll understand that nothing is more important than to love someone. And the highest thing is to love everyone equally. Of course in love you might have to say something to a person. The other day I had to say something to some Sahaja Yogini, so My husband said, "Don't say, she'll become Your enemy." I said, "Let her become My enemy, it doesn't matter. It's My duty to tell her that this is wrong, otherwise I become her enemy because I don't... told her the truth and she will suffer." So this is what it gives you discretion; and love is truth. So to this Kundalini, which is nothing but, is the river, as yesterday they described nirvaj, which doesn't accept any compensation. The river of that pure love which has awakened us with such love, kindness and tenderness, we should try to use that power within ourselves to be like that because our job is, She has given us Realization for the emancipation of the whole world, not only our own. So everyone has to give Realization to others otherwise their Kundalini will settle back. Talk about Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga is not part time, it is not a side issue, it should be always with you. Wherever you get a chance you have to talk about Sahaja Yoga, you have to work it out, you have to give Realization, otherwise no use. May God bless you all.
The culmination of our evolution
Public Program
Public Program Day 1, First Evening, “Artemis Arts Centre”, Amsterdam, 1st July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset one has to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to accept it as it is. Unfortunately, at the human level you cannot know the truth. You have to become the Spirit. It is not just saying that you have to be the Spirit, but you have to become. It is an actualization for which there is a mechanism beautifully placed within you. And it’s the culmination of our evolution now. I see you all here as seekers of truth. This is a new category of people. As William Blake has described; "Men of God will be born on this earth, and they will know God, they will know divinity; and they will have the power to give divinity to others." And this is the time when one has to get to your Self-realisation. When I see western people seeking, I find that there is a basic reason why there is such a strong desire to seek, because we are born with a faith within ourselves. It is there, innately built in. We have faith in our future, and innately we have the faith that there is something divine. While in the East we have so much talk about the ascent; but in the West, when science challenged your faith, you did not know how to cope with it. Also religion could not provide the answer, and people started asking questions. This mental process made them struggle to use some means by which they could resolve this struggle between their faith and these challenges. And they had no alternatives. So when such a market started expressing itself, people from the East, and also from the West came as fake masters. Because you were not aware as to what is to be sought, what is to be achieved, they just made money out of you and didn’t give you anything that they were claiming. Like all the religions, they were money-oriented or power-oriented. Because of this deviation all the religions became fundamentalist. They could not see that all religions are born like flowers on a tree - the tree of spirituality - at different times. But they plucked the flowers and started fighting among themselves with those dead flowers, that "This is mine, this is mine." And if you talk to a Muslim he thinks Jews and Christians are hopeless cases. And if you talk to Jews they will say that the Muslims and the Christians are hopeless cases. And if you talk to Christians they will say that all the Hindus and all the others are absolutely hopeless cases - we are the chosen ones. But those who follow any one of these religions - whether Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or any type - can commit any sin. Muslims can do the same, Christians can do, and Hindus can do - anything. And then you see horrible things being done in the name of religion. Then you start losing faith in religion - and also in God. But there is God and there is truth within ourselves. This divinity is within all of you and it is trying to manifest. If you do not allow it to manifest, it will always keep you in a struggle. But the conditioning is so great in our minds that we think that by fasting, or by starving, or by suffering, we rise higher. That means that all the people of Ethiopia must reach God's kingdom! So logically, one should understand that there is something more that has to happen to us, to achieve that state of spirituality. Sahaja Yoga means ‘born with you’; ‘saha’ means with, ‘ja’ means born. Born with you is the right to have this union with the divine power which is all-pervading. You have not yet felt this all-pervading power. You may call it the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You may call it the all-pervading power of God's love. Or you may call it "Brahma Chaitanya." Whatever you may call it, this all-pervading power does all the living work. See these beautiful flowers. We take them for granted. Especially Holland is known for flowers, but we never even think how a little seed can produce such beautiful things. We don’t even doubt…look at our eyes, such beautiful cameras they are, and our brain is a big computer, but we never think who does this job. In medical science also, it is very ambiguous to say that it is the autonomous nervous system that runs your heart. So who runs your heart? Who is this ‘auto’? For this you have to rise above this human awareness. Once you get your Self-realisation, you will be amazed that you go beyond science. It is meta-science. Not only that you feel peaceful, healthy and joyous, but you really become what is known as "the witness of the play"; and you become empowered to raise the Kundalini of others. You can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. You can do the diagnosis of a person only on the fingertips just like this.1 Medically, if you have to do diagnosis, you have to go through hell! You can give vibrations to these flowers, to these trees, to the crops; and you are amazed - the multiple of the crops come up, everything comes up in a very big way. You don’t have to use hybrid seed, you don’t have to give artificial manure, just your hands; it starts flowing through your hands. You have all this within yourself. It is your own power. The only thing is that you should get your Self-realisation. You must get this ‘yoga’, this union, with the divine power. Then the energy starts flowing through you and then you really become righteous. Nobody has to preach to you, you become your own master. Of course you don’t have to pay for it. How much did we pay for our evolution as human beings? God doesn’t understand money, banking; that’s your headache. Of course, for this hall you may have to pay, but not for your Self-realisation. This is how you can cancel out all the false people, because they are interested only in your purse. They are not Spirit-oriented. They just talk big and give nothing. We have people now from fifty-five countries coming to Sahaja Yoga, and in Russia we have thousands and thousands of people who have got their Realisation. Bulgaria, Romania, Poland - in all these Eastern Bloc countries are such great seekers. Now after so many years of freedom, you have become aware of materialism, and this materialism has given us a big problem. So much of our energy was wasted in choosing what sort of a bathroom we should have – on a choice of this, and a choice of that, all kinds of choices; and by that we have wasted our energy. But they didn’t have to choose anything, luckily, so their energy is quite preserved I think. But after that, because of you being seekers, you have realised that you have to go beyond materialism. There is something beyond - and that is what we have to do - is to achieve a state which is called Self-realisation. In this short lecture it is very difficult to talk on that subtle subject in detail. But tomorrow definitely I’ll tell you the nature of the Spirit. Now luckily, we have three doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They have shown that certain incurable diseases can be cured through Sahaja Yoga, and one of them has been called in America. Of course, in Russia, we are going to have a very big conference of doctors and scientists. Because they accepted science as religion and they want to go beyond it now. They don’t want to hear anything about science. Because, firstly, science is amoral; there is no morality in it. It is not conclusive. It just gives certain solutions one after another, but the theories always change. Even if you get a telescope, and even if you get a good kitchen out of science, you can never be satisfied with that. What you need is your Self to be expressing, manifesting your own powers. For that, as Christ has said, that the meek in heart will inherit the earth. So the people who are extremely successful, or extremely appreciated as great, may not take to Sahaja Yoga. I was myself surprised that this Hemalata2 took to Sahaja Yoga. Because apart from anything she was a seeker and she has done all kinds of nonsense in the name of God. And such a lot of money she has spent on gurus. And I was surprised at Ravindra Jain, who is such a famous composer and he is a poet, a music director. He is a very well-known man. He is blind, absolutely blind. He met me only twice, got his realisation and this poetry, all these poems, he has written. It is very surprising how things happen. And you have seen these miraculous slides3 which are many; numerous. But that is not of importance. I never allowed them to be shown before because the western mind is so sceptical that they can never believe anything. But it is a thing; you must have faith in yourself to begin with. And you should not also have blind faith in me. Till you get Self-realisation you can consider me to be just like you. But keep your mind open and humble and I am sure that you can all get your Self-realisation. Once this sprouting takes place, after that, you have to look after your Self-realisation and respect it. Some people have this connection a little loose, I must say, so they have to fix it up. But for all this you don’t have to pay. And all the knowledge about yourself and about divinity - the absolute knowledge - you can know through your Self. You can verify everything on your fingertips. You will have the proof of everything, but for this you have to have your Self-realisation. Last time we had a programme in the Royal Albert Hall in London and we had lots of people. And it became a little late because there was some bomb scare, so it was very difficult for people to come. So, I promised them that if you come tomorrow, I‘ll give you realisation, and it really worked wonders. So today, I think we’ll do the same thing. (Laughter) Of course, it takes only ten to fifteen minutes; but I would say that, let us postpone it till tomorrow. If you are genuine seekers you will come. This is meant only for genuine seekers. You cannot force this on anyone. This has to be accepted with an open mind; otherwise you cannot force people to do it. And I know that you have some questions also, I can see that. I would say that if you can write your questions and bring them tomorrow, definitely I’ll answer them. Now I have been doing this work for the last, I think, twenty years - actually twenty-two years by now, in 1970 I started, twenty-two years - and now I am going to be seventy years old myself; and I hope to do it for some more time. So it is more important that you must have a genuine desire to get your Self-realisation. Only there are three conditions. Firstly, you should be all confident that you all can get your Self-realisation, all of you. Don’t doubt yourself. Now the second point is that we always feel guilty for nothing at all. I don’t know from where it has come. The Catholics are the worst. I do not know from where they get it. Like my grand-daughter is going to a convent and she seriously asked me, "Grandma, what sort of sin do I commit? Because in my school they say that you have to confess. Now what am I to confess? The only thing is that I sometimes eat too much ice-cream." (Laughter) So, this feeling guilty is nonsense. You are seekers, and you are welcome in the Kingdom of God - very much; so in no way condemn yourself, please. When you are going home, tell every tree that you are not guilty at all! And do you know, when you feel guilty, this centre catches on the left side? As a result you get spondylitis! Or you get angina and your organs become lethargic. So, this idea of feeling guilty is absolute nonsense. And the third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. This means that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. On the contrary, if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you and have tortured you are having a nice time, but by not forgiving you are torturing yourself. So, another thing that you have to tell on your way back home is that, "I forgive everyone." And also don’t think about them individually. Don’t think about them. In general, you have to forgive. Even thinking about them is a headache. With these three conditions tonight you sleep and tomorrow I promise you, you’ll have your Self-realisation. [Laughter]. So, don’t be miserable any more. When I went to France for the first time they said, “Mother, you look so happy. People will think you are an ignoramus." So, they said, "It is fashionable to look very miserable." [Laughter]. So, I started my lecture with "Les Misérables." [Laughter] Now they have changed. You should meet the French Sahaja Yogis, they are wonderful people. But not the French, I would say, they are still waiting for doomsday. So, that is what I want you to have: a very sweet feeling towards yourself. Forget whatever mistakes you have committed or wrongs you have done, forget it! Because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. So, you can’t commit any mistake, which cannot be completely dissolved by this ocean of compassion. I hope tomorrow I’ll have more time to talk to you and give you Self-realisation. You have to inform your friends and get them here - I am here only for tomorrow – and also I’ll meet you individually. I hope you are not very unhappy about it. (Quiet laughter) All right. May God bless you. They have already got it. You can put your hands and see for yourself, if you are feeling the cool breeze or not. You don’t have to go to the Himalayas. (Laughter) Feeling it? Just forgive, just forgive - because your thoughts are there that is why. Just forgive. Forgive everyone. All right? Are you feeling? Good. Now put your hand here and see, through your fontanel bone. You are getting your baptism. All right? There will be heat coming out at first, then the cool. All right? Now put your right hand towards me, let’s see. Just bend your head, it might be better. Ha, see, better now? All right. How many of you have felt the cool or the hot breeze coming out of your head or in your hands? Please raise both your hands, both the hands. You have already got it! (Laughter) But tomorrow please come along because we have to establish it. Now you ask the question in your heart, "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" You can put your hands up and ask. Put up your heads. And ask the question, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or you can ask, “Is this the all-pervading power of love, of God's love?” You can ask this three times - any one of these. Put your heads up. Now, all right? (Laughter and people saying they can feel it) Apart from that you can watch me without thinking. Now, just put your hands like this. Just in a play you got it! Just in a play! Now don’t think. This is the first state that we call ‘thoughtless awareness’ meaning ‘nirvichar samadhi’. Now, it’s all right for today. Tomorrow get your friends, more people, and we have to work it out. You have all now started a new life. I bow to all of you as saints. (Sri Mataji leaving, talking to some people and laughing) May God bless you all. You are very good people. You are real seekers. That is why you got it so easily. 1 By holding out your hands to that person 2 Indian lady, who sings in Indian films, who sang before the programme 3 Slides showing lights, which were shown before Sri Mataji came. 4 The left Vishuddhi chakra 5 Inflamation of the vertebrae
Public Program Day 1, First Evening, “Artemis Arts Centre”, Amsterdam, 1st July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset one has to know that truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to accept it as it is. Unfortunately, at the human level you cannot know the truth. You have to become the Spirit. It is not just saying that you have to be the Spirit, but you have to become. It is an actualization for which there is a mechanism beautifully placed within you. And it’s the culmination of our evolution now. I see you all here as seekers of truth. This is a new category of people. As William Blake has described; "Men of God will be born on this earth, and they will know God, they will know divinity; and they will have the power to give divinity to others." And this is the time when one has to get to your Self-realisation. When I see western people seeking, I find that there is a basic reason why there is such a strong desire to seek, because we are born with a faith within ourselves. It is there, innately built in. We have faith in our future, and innately we have the faith that there is something divine. While in the East we have so much talk about the ascent; but in the West, when science challenged your faith, you did not know how to cope with it. Also religion could not provide the answer, and people started asking questions. This mental process made them struggle to use some means by which they could resolve this struggle between their faith and these challenges. And they had no alternatives. So when such a market started expressing itself, people from the East, and also from the West came as fake masters. Because you were not aware as to what is to be sought, what is to be achieved, they just made money out of you and didn’t give you anything that they were claiming. Like all the religions, they were money-oriented or power-oriented. Because of this deviation all the religions became fundamentalist. They could not see that all religions are born like flowers on a tree - the tree of spirituality - at different times. But they plucked the flowers and started fighting among themselves with those dead flowers, that "This is mine, this is mine." And if you talk to a Muslim he thinks Jews and Christians are hopeless cases. And if you talk to Jews they will say that the Muslims and the Christians are hopeless cases. And if you talk to Christians they will say that all the Hindus and all the others are absolutely hopeless cases - we are the chosen ones. But those who follow any one of these religions - whether Hindu, Christian, Muslim, or any type - can commit any sin. Muslims can do the same, Christians can do, and Hindus can do - anything. And then you see horrible things being done in the name of religion. Then you start losing faith in religion - and also in God. But there is God and there is truth within ourselves. This divinity is within all of you and it is trying to manifest. If you do not allow it to manifest, it will always keep you in a struggle. But the conditioning is so great in our minds that we think that by fasting, or by starving, or by suffering, we rise higher. That means that all the people of Ethiopia must reach God's kingdom! So logically, one should understand that there is something more that has to happen to us, to achieve that state of spirituality. Sahaja Yoga means ‘born with you’; ‘saha’ means with, ‘ja’ means born. Born with you is the right to have this union with the divine power which is all-pervading. You have not yet felt this all-pervading power. You may call it the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. You may call it the all-pervading power of God's love. Or you may call it "Brahma Chaitanya." Whatever you may call it, this all-pervading power does all the living work. See these beautiful flowers. We take them for granted. Especially Holland is known for flowers, but we never even think how a little seed can produce such beautiful things. We don’t even doubt…look at our eyes, such beautiful cameras they are, and our brain is a big computer, but we never think who does this job. In medical science also, it is very ambiguous to say that it is the autonomous nervous system that runs your heart. So who runs your heart? Who is this ‘auto’? For this you have to rise above this human awareness. Once you get your Self-realisation, you will be amazed that you go beyond science. It is meta-science. Not only that you feel peaceful, healthy and joyous, but you really become what is known as "the witness of the play"; and you become empowered to raise the Kundalini of others. You can feel the centres of others on your fingertips. You can do the diagnosis of a person only on the fingertips just like this.1 Medically, if you have to do diagnosis, you have to go through hell! You can give vibrations to these flowers, to these trees, to the crops; and you are amazed - the multiple of the crops come up, everything comes up in a very big way. You don’t have to use hybrid seed, you don’t have to give artificial manure, just your hands; it starts flowing through your hands. You have all this within yourself. It is your own power. The only thing is that you should get your Self-realisation. You must get this ‘yoga’, this union, with the divine power. Then the energy starts flowing through you and then you really become righteous. Nobody has to preach to you, you become your own master. Of course you don’t have to pay for it. How much did we pay for our evolution as human beings? God doesn’t understand money, banking; that’s your headache. Of course, for this hall you may have to pay, but not for your Self-realisation. This is how you can cancel out all the false people, because they are interested only in your purse. They are not Spirit-oriented. They just talk big and give nothing. We have people now from fifty-five countries coming to Sahaja Yoga, and in Russia we have thousands and thousands of people who have got their Realisation. Bulgaria, Romania, Poland - in all these Eastern Bloc countries are such great seekers. Now after so many years of freedom, you have become aware of materialism, and this materialism has given us a big problem. So much of our energy was wasted in choosing what sort of a bathroom we should have – on a choice of this, and a choice of that, all kinds of choices; and by that we have wasted our energy. But they didn’t have to choose anything, luckily, so their energy is quite preserved I think. But after that, because of you being seekers, you have realised that you have to go beyond materialism. There is something beyond - and that is what we have to do - is to achieve a state which is called Self-realisation. In this short lecture it is very difficult to talk on that subtle subject in detail. But tomorrow definitely I’ll tell you the nature of the Spirit. Now luckily, we have three doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga. They have shown that certain incurable diseases can be cured through Sahaja Yoga, and one of them has been called in America. Of course, in Russia, we are going to have a very big conference of doctors and scientists. Because they accepted science as religion and they want to go beyond it now. They don’t want to hear anything about science. Because, firstly, science is amoral; there is no morality in it. It is not conclusive. It just gives certain solutions one after another, but the theories always change. Even if you get a telescope, and even if you get a good kitchen out of science, you can never be satisfied with that. What you need is your Self to be expressing, manifesting your own powers. For that, as Christ has said, that the meek in heart will inherit the earth. So the people who are extremely successful, or extremely appreciated as great, may not take to Sahaja Yoga. I was myself surprised that this Hemalata2 took to Sahaja Yoga. Because apart from anything she was a seeker and she has done all kinds of nonsense in the name of God. And such a lot of money she has spent on gurus. And I was surprised at Ravindra Jain, who is such a famous composer and he is a poet, a music director. He is a very well-known man. He is blind, absolutely blind. He met me only twice, got his realisation and this poetry, all these poems, he has written. It is very surprising how things happen. And you have seen these miraculous slides3 which are many; numerous. But that is not of importance. I never allowed them to be shown before because the western mind is so sceptical that they can never believe anything. But it is a thing; you must have faith in yourself to begin with. And you should not also have blind faith in me. Till you get Self-realisation you can consider me to be just like you. But keep your mind open and humble and I am sure that you can all get your Self-realisation. Once this sprouting takes place, after that, you have to look after your Self-realisation and respect it. Some people have this connection a little loose, I must say, so they have to fix it up. But for all this you don’t have to pay. And all the knowledge about yourself and about divinity - the absolute knowledge - you can know through your Self. You can verify everything on your fingertips. You will have the proof of everything, but for this you have to have your Self-realisation. Last time we had a programme in the Royal Albert Hall in London and we had lots of people. And it became a little late because there was some bomb scare, so it was very difficult for people to come. So, I promised them that if you come tomorrow, I‘ll give you realisation, and it really worked wonders. So today, I think we’ll do the same thing. (Laughter) Of course, it takes only ten to fifteen minutes; but I would say that, let us postpone it till tomorrow. If you are genuine seekers you will come. This is meant only for genuine seekers. You cannot force this on anyone. This has to be accepted with an open mind; otherwise you cannot force people to do it. And I know that you have some questions also, I can see that. I would say that if you can write your questions and bring them tomorrow, definitely I’ll answer them. Now I have been doing this work for the last, I think, twenty years - actually twenty-two years by now, in 1970 I started, twenty-two years - and now I am going to be seventy years old myself; and I hope to do it for some more time. So it is more important that you must have a genuine desire to get your Self-realisation. Only there are three conditions. Firstly, you should be all confident that you all can get your Self-realisation, all of you. Don’t doubt yourself. Now the second point is that we always feel guilty for nothing at all. I don’t know from where it has come. The Catholics are the worst. I do not know from where they get it. Like my grand-daughter is going to a convent and she seriously asked me, "Grandma, what sort of sin do I commit? Because in my school they say that you have to confess. Now what am I to confess? The only thing is that I sometimes eat too much ice-cream." (Laughter) So, this feeling guilty is nonsense. You are seekers, and you are welcome in the Kingdom of God - very much; so in no way condemn yourself, please. When you are going home, tell every tree that you are not guilty at all! And do you know, when you feel guilty, this centre catches on the left side? As a result you get spondylitis! Or you get angina and your organs become lethargic. So, this idea of feeling guilty is absolute nonsense. And the third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. This means that whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. On the contrary, if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you and have tortured you are having a nice time, but by not forgiving you are torturing yourself. So, another thing that you have to tell on your way back home is that, "I forgive everyone." And also don’t think about them individually. Don’t think about them. In general, you have to forgive. Even thinking about them is a headache. With these three conditions tonight you sleep and tomorrow I promise you, you’ll have your Self-realisation. [Laughter]. So, don’t be miserable any more. When I went to France for the first time they said, “Mother, you look so happy. People will think you are an ignoramus." So, they said, "It is fashionable to look very miserable." [Laughter]. So, I started my lecture with "Les Misérables." [Laughter] Now they have changed. You should meet the French Sahaja Yogis, they are wonderful people. But not the French, I would say, they are still waiting for doomsday. So, that is what I want you to have: a very sweet feeling towards yourself. Forget whatever mistakes you have committed or wrongs you have done, forget it! Because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. So, you can’t commit any mistake, which cannot be completely dissolved by this ocean of compassion. I hope tomorrow I’ll have more time to talk to you and give you Self-realisation. You have to inform your friends and get them here - I am here only for tomorrow – and also I’ll meet you individually. I hope you are not very unhappy about it. (Quiet laughter) All right. May God bless you. They have already got it. You can put your hands and see for yourself, if you are feeling the cool breeze or not. You don’t have to go to the Himalayas. (Laughter) Feeling it? Just forgive, just forgive - because your thoughts are there that is why. Just forgive. Forgive everyone. All right? Are you feeling? Good. Now put your hand here and see, through your fontanel bone. You are getting your baptism. All right? There will be heat coming out at first, then the cool. All right? Now put your right hand towards me, let’s see. Just bend your head, it might be better. Ha, see, better now? All right. How many of you have felt the cool or the hot breeze coming out of your head or in your hands? Please raise both your hands, both the hands. You have already got it! (Laughter) But tomorrow please come along because we have to establish it. Now you ask the question in your heart, "Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" You can put your hands up and ask. Put up your heads. And ask the question, “Is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or you can ask, “Is this the all-pervading power of love, of God's love?” You can ask this three times - any one of these. Put your heads up. Now, all right? (Laughter and people saying they can feel it) Apart from that you can watch me without thinking. Now, just put your hands like this. Just in a play you got it! Just in a play! Now don’t think. This is the first state that we call ‘thoughtless awareness’ meaning ‘nirvichar samadhi’. Now, it’s all right for today. Tomorrow get your friends, more people, and we have to work it out. You have all now started a new life. I bow to all of you as saints. (Sri Mataji leaving, talking to some people and laughing) May God bless you all. You are very good people. You are real seekers. That is why you got it so easily. 1 By holding out your hands to that person 2 Indian lady, who sings in Indian films, who sang before the programme 3 Slides showing lights, which were shown before Sri Mataji came. 4 The left Vishuddhi chakra 5 Inflamation of the vertebrae
What is the practical advantage of getting self-realisation?
Public Program
Public Program Day 2, Second Evening, Artemis, Amsterdam, 2nd July 1992 At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it and also, at this human level, we cannot feel it. That means at (the level of) human awareness, we have to humbly accept that we have not reached that stage where our awareness can feel the truth. Once we realise that something more has to be done, something more has to happen, if we are seeking the truth, then you jump into a new category of human beings; and this category of people are called the seekers of truth. And yesterday you saw how so many of you felt the truth. So what is the truth? Firstly, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings; but you are the pure Spirit. And the second thing is, that there is an all-pervading power of God's love which does all the living work. So when we talk of yoga it doesn’t mean standing on your heads. But it means your connection established with that all-pervading power. Like this instrument was made beautifully, but it has to be connected to the mains - otherwise it has no meaning. That is what people start thinking when they cannot find the truth, that “What is the meaning of their life? What is the purpose of their life?” They bang their heads here and there; try every sort of thing - feel frustrated - but they have to know that there is, already placed within us, a proper system. Just like every seed has got a primule, in the same way every human being has got this connecting power, which is the Kundalini. Now when the questions are, "What is the practical advantage of getting Sahaja Yoga, or getting your realisation?" All the world's problems are because of human beings, and all human being’s problems are because of their chakras. If your chakras are put right, and are integrated, then there can be no physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problems. And above all, if you are connected with that divine power, you get enlightenment on your central nervous system, which means that your central nervous system itself gets a new dimension which is known as collective consciousness. That means not only that you can feel your centres, but you can feel the centres of others. Now what happens inside is very important to know. The Spirit gets into your attention; the light spreads into your attention. The Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. As the Kundalini rises and gives you realisation you become a beautiful reflector of God Almighty. This Kundalini is your divine mother. She is your individual, divine mother. She knows everything about you, and with great delicacy she rises and gives you your second birth. We can say that a human being is completely closed and can be compared to an egg. He has mental capacities, emotional capacities, but he cannot go beyond that. That is why, in the Sanskrit language, a realised soul is called ‘vijaha’. A bird is also called vijaha, which means born twice. So when in your seeking you mature, this egg opens out and you become a free bird. Now the nature of the Spirit also manifests within you. The first nature is that it enlightens your attention. Our attention is still confused. We do not know how to discriminate between good and bad, between nourishing and destructive. But once this light comes in, you can feel it on your fingertips, the truth; the absolute truth. Supposing you ask, when you are realised all of you, "Is there God?", immediately you'll find this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost starts flowing into your hands, "Yes, there is." Now supposing you put your hands towards someone and you start getting pain in this finger; that means that the person whom you are facing feels very much guilty, and he might have spondylitis also. So all these fingers denote your physical, mental, emotional side, but they are to be enlightened so you can feel it. Also the power with which you are connected starts flowing through you. With this power you can raise the Kundalini of another person; you can give realisation to others. Now this enlightened attention makes you innocent. The eyes which are full of lust and greed just become innocent. As we have got divinity within us, the innocence within us is never destroyed. Whatever one may try, it's there, and once you get your self realisation it manifests. Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." But in most of the Christian nations whatever I have visited I was surprised, there’s no innocence in their eyes. But it automatically happens, for that we need not read the Bible. It spontaneously happens because your chakras get cleansed and your eyes become very powerful. Their power is such that, such a person when he looks at someone even then, he can just create peace in that personality. Even with a glance you can cure people. Such a person, who is a realised soul, when the Spirit expresses itself, as I’ve told you that you get collective consciousness, means who is "the other"? You become part and parcel of the whole. A drop becomes the ocean. Like if this hand is in trouble, the other hand immediately feels it and tries to help it. Somebody has asked me, "Why don't we help each other?" Because of ignorance. Once you become one with the whole, automatically you help each other. You lose these boundaries of a small drop because the nature of the Spirit is that it is a universal being, and that it is the peace within. Many people talk of peace. I've seen they have got peace awards and things like that. They have a "Foundation of Peace" and big, big things, you see, but there is no peace within. It's just an outward show. You can only achieve pure peace by self realisation, because you go into the state of peacefulness, into a new state. It is like this, I can give you an example, like a wheel. When you see a wheel there is also the axis of the wheel which is absolutely peaceful. If your attention is on the periphery of the wheel you are moving all the time, but supposing your attention jumps onto the wheel then you are at peace and you watch the whole thing as a witness. Otherwise another example could be that when we are watching, say, a drama we get lost in it, but when the drama is over, you know that it was a drama. So the whole thing then starts becoming like a drama, like just a play. This state is called ‘turiya’, which means the fourth dimension. In the West we have grown like a big tree. That was good, but we must find out (about) our roots, and Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots. And once you get to your roots, you can nourish this life with spirituality. So the first thing is that your physical being gets completely alright because of the nourishment of your centres on the physical level. So many people suffering from schizophrenia, mental depressions and other mental disorders have been cured in Sahaja Yoga. Many of them have been possessed and destroyed by false gurus. Many have been destroyed by drugs, we can say. They all not only get rid of these problems but they get cured and they can cure others. These are your powers (which are) within you as potential. It's not anything to do with your age, or nationality, or your race; it’s every human being can get it. But one has to know that we have to get it. There is no organisation in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership. You have to become a Sahaja Yogi, it's the becoming. Like a seed has to become the tree, you cannot just certify that you are a realised soul or a born again (person), you cannot. As a Sahaja Yogi you manifest your powers of tremendous love and compassion. You get divine discretion and tremendous creativity. The kind of wisdom that you have makes you your own master and you can tell others with great conviction what you have found. So this is the last breakthrough of our evolution. Human beings are at the epitome of evolution and this breakthrough has to take place. You cannot pay for it. You cannot put in efforts. Like some people think that they can starve for one year or one month and they will reach God. No, they will just die that's all. Or somebody was saying that if you go to the Gobi Desert you will reach some sort of a "nirvana" and people believe it. There are so many who went to the Gobi Desert and they all died. You cannot get your self realisation when you are dead. You have to get it when you are living as a human being. So all kinds of funny ideas people give you, but nobody so far, I know, has shown how we can achieve truth. Because they are fake, they are just making money, that's all. Now another quality of the Spirit is that you know the absolute truth. Because we do not know the absolute truth, that's why everybody has a different idea. Now I'm sitting before you, you can see me sitting here, so all of you know that I'm sitting here. All of you know the same thing. There is no quarrel about it; there is no argument about it. By realisation all of you know the absolute truth. Like one gentleman came to me and asked me, "Why is everybody asking me, what is my relationship with my father?" I said, "I would also ask the same question, because they are feeling the same chakra in you, so they will ask the same question." If there are ten children who are realised souls and you tie up their eyes and ask them “What is this gentleman suffering from?” they will all raise one finger like this. (Index finger) That means this gentleman has trouble with his throat. So you ask him, "Have you got a problem with your throat?" He'll say, "How do you know?" So you go beyond science; you become the master of science. Your brain becomes like a divine computer and you can predict, you can say what's wrong with another person. And all of them will say the same thing. Now if you want to know about say somebody who is claiming to be a great master, whether he is real or not, even his photograph, even his name - you just put your hands like this and ask, "Is it a real genuine master?" Immediately your hands will start burning if he's a fake person. You may even get a little blister, but just indicatively, and then you'll know that he's a devil. So all of you know the absolute truth about religion, the incarnations, the prophets and the seers. You realise that all religions are the same. They are like flowers on the same tree of spirituality. Thus fundamentalism is finished. No-one says that this is my religion and it is the best. As it is nobody follows religion they just have a brand. But after realisation you become righteous, you become. I don't have to tell you. I don't have to tell you the Ten Commandments, you just become. For example, supposing you are holding a snake in your hand and it is complete darkness, you can't see anything and somebody tells you it's a snake, you will say, "No, it's a rope." But if there is a little light you will immediately throw away the snake because you will see the snake. That is how you see the evil. And you see yourself, I don't have to tell you. You yourself know what is wrong and what is right. So in your light you ascend. You get a direction and a complete understanding of your being and of the being of others. As it is, we start seeing how we have been conditioned - we see it very clearly - and how we are enslaved. For example, we are enslaved by entrepreneurs all the time. Say the fashion starts that ladies should wear only six-inch skirts. So the entrepreneur saves money and you have to pay more! That's how he makes money. But we feel we have been very much ‘in’ - in the fashion. As a result we develop varicose veins, so the doctors get the money. Then we have problems with our feet...I mean it can go on. So the weaknesses in human beings are exploited and one after another we start succumbing to them and we start losing all the money, all the control over ourselves. For example they started a new thing that you should have a ‘punk head’. I asked him, "Why, what is the need?" They said, "What's wrong?" I said, "How much did you pay for this punkiness?" He said, "Only fifty pounds." "But do you know that by applying this kind of a thing you may become blind?" They said, "No it's very sexy." or something sort of a thing out of the blue. Whatever ideas they put into you through the television, through all this advertising and all that, we just start absorbing, and (we develop) such a slavish mentality that we cannot think for ourselves. But as a realised soul you become absolutely free and if anybody tries to tell such things you say, "All right. Get lost!" You won't accept anything that is nonsensical because you develop divine wisdom. Do you think Christ could have ever accepted this punk business? No, because he was wisdom personified. (It's) as if you all become saints. Apart from this, the special quality of the Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. If our ego is pampered we feel happy; if the ego is a little bit disturbed we feel unhappy. But joy is an experience which has no duality. You feel joyous about anything. Supposing there's a beautiful carpet here, if it is beautiful and I'm not realised I will say, "Now, what a nice carpet. Can I steal it?" (Laughter) Or I may think," Where can I buy this?" If this belongs to me it's a greater headache because I'll be worried that people will spoil it, or I must insure it and all kinds of headaches with it. But if I am a realised soul, then I see this carpet without any thought, in thoughtless awareness, and I enjoy all the joy that was put (into it) by its creator. This joy becomes like an abstract thing, it just relaxes completely - it flows down like that. So this idea of possession, "mine" and this and that just drops out. With the divine discretion you know where to go, where to get good things, where to meet good friends - just you know, you are guided. You can feel the persons who were really realised souls in the past also. Like Abraham Lincoln was a realised soul, you can feel it. Mozart was a realised soul, you can feel it. So many of these people were realised souls but they were lonely. And the saints were also lonely. That is why they were tortured. Sahaja Yoga is not a new system. Sri Rama’s father-in-law, Sita’s father, gave realisation to one fellow, Nachiketa. The only difference is now today, in modern times, that you can get ‘en masse’ realisation.... (something missing - tape turned) Like in Russia where we always have to hire a complete stadium because about sixteen (before here missing) to eighteen thousand people come and so many are waiting outside, and they all get their realisation. If somebody asks me how many Sahaja Yogis there are in the world I really cannot tell you. But it depends on the conditionings of the people. There is a question somebody has asked, "Is it because of this or because of that, or because of that?” But I think the modernism is very much responsible; and this so called democracy, which has become now a "demonocracy", also has made us mad. Of course I am absolutely against communism because it's a forced conditioning. But after Sahaja Yoga you become the capitalist because you have all the powers - you also solve your financial problems I must say - but at the same time you become a communist, because you cannot help it, you want to give it to others all the time, to share it with others all the time. So these theories of communism and capitalism really take their substantial meaning in a human being. But this is the time of the last judgement. Not after death, before death. If you want, you can go to hell. If you want, you can enter into the kingdom of God. All these false gurus and false ideas of fundamentalism; all this is there just to test you. They create evil but still you want to go there - you go that way. Nobody can be forced in Sahaja Yoga. You have to ask for your realisation. If you are arrogant I can’t give you self realisation. You have to be humble about it. Then it works. It is the meek who will inherit the earth, not the so called rich or the so called successful people. They will inherit because they are so pure and reflecting Gods love. There will be so many miracles in your life that now people say, "Mother, in Sahaja Yoga (the word) miracle has lost its own value and its meaning too." I said, "Alright, you are writing every day that this miracle has taken place, that miracle has taken place." So I appointed somebody that “You write all the miracles that all these people are sending (letters about).” After a month he told me that the (piles of) miracle papers had gone up to his head on both the sides of the table. "What should I do? How can I choose? I mean, I cannot write volumes." So I said, "Forget it!" Now these lights that you have seen1 are very interesting; to me these cameras seem to be something miraculous also. It is all worked through this divine power. Once we had a festival on Christmas Day and the Madonna appeared before me in her form. Of course I can see that, but other people can’t see. But the cameras did record it, so many. It's very surprising how these cameras can catch this very subtle light. So all these things that are being produced by science, are going to help us very much to give the proof of reality. I am really surprised that there have been very few questions and that people are... One question was a little funny, "Can one find truth in Sahaja Yoga?" What else are you here for? That's what Sahaja Yoga is - that you become the Spirit and you can feel this all-pervading power. Not only that but it manifests through you and you can handle it and you can know everything about it. And that you can become your own master. Do you think there are some more questions? Alright, please. (Sri Mataji reads a question) It's a very good question. It’s quite personal. Now I have to tell you one thing; that everything that is born has to die. Death we have to take as a change of clothes. And once somebody is dead he is in the other world and we should not try to keep contact with the dead. Firstly, once we are in contact with them we are also in contact with the collective subconscious which is a dangerous area. All right. About these things you will know in Sahaja Yoga, completely. Also, we have to be in the present because whatever is dead is finished and if we try to contact the dead we are also not allowing them to have their freedom. So whatever may be your feelings, one must understand that the first feeling should be - say it's your father - you have to tell your father, "You can take your birth, I'm alright. Don't worry about me." So he gets his freedom. This prayer is the best way you can really give freedom to those who are dead. Also the future doesn't exist. But we have to be in the present. It's difficult to be in the present because we are either in the past or in the future. The thoughts are coming either from the past or from the future and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. Only when the Kundalini rises these thoughts get elongated. We can see the thought rising, and falling we do not see. But when these thoughts are elongated, the space between them is called ‘vilamba’ which means pause. So now your attention is in that state of pause, so you are thoughtless but you are aware - thoughtlessly aware, in the present. And when you are in that state, only in the present, you grow spiritually. It is very easy to establish that state. One should not doubt oneself. So today again we'll try now to establish the realisation you got yesterday, and those who have come for the first time also will feel it. But one has to remember that Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure. You know in economics that desires on the whole cannot be satisfied. Once you have one desire that is fulfilled, you want to have another desire, another desire - so that means it is not a pure desire. So whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, there is this pure desire within us to become one with the Divine Power. And this pure desire is within you as Kundalini. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the power - is the Primordial Mother - of God Almighty; is the pure desire of God Almighty, and this power is the Primordial Mother. In Greek they call her Athena, and in India she is called the Adi Shakti. So this power rises and connects you to the mains as well as it connects you to the Spirit. The Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, and the Holy Ghost is the reflection of the Primordial Mother. So the Primordial Father is God Almighty and the Primordial Mother is the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they have tried to make it very ambiguous. There is the Father, there is the Son and the Mother is missing. She is a dove! How can a dove have a son? Perhaps, I don't know, they must have done it with a purpose, because if you tell that there is a feminine divine power, people don't like it. So they must have said it is better to say it is a dove. I was myself born in a Protestant Christian family and I was surprised at many things. One of them was Mr Paul being there. He was not Christ’s disciple. He only killed so many Christians. He also killed a disciple of Christ, Stephen. How was he there? And Kahil Gibran also has said the same thing. I asked my father, "How is this Mr Paul there?" Because my father was a great realised soul himself. He told me he was a squatter! You see he was a bureaucrat - and I know bureaucracy very well - and when he saw such a good platform for himself, he wanted to jump on the platform. And he wanted to use someone very weak - and he found Peter. Peter was the weakest disciple of Christ. Imagine Christ telling Peter of all people that, "You will form your Church on the rocks." I mean Christ, who was wisdom personified, how could he do such a thing? Also he said, "Satan won’t enter your gates." Somebody asked me a question that, "Mother, Christ said so, and how… Satan has already entered the Catholic Church! So was Christ wrong?” I said, "No, Christ never did that. He never appointed him. He could never have." Because this Paul organised the religion: the Christian Religion - you cannot organise religion - and so the whole idea of ascent, of a higher life, was lost. Also Paul fought with Matthew, and Thomas ran away to India. But if you read Thomas’ treatise, you will be surprised - he has talked of Sahaj only, everything about Sahaj. He (Paul) didn't want to talk of Immaculate Conception and Matthew insisted. You see he is God. One must understand, he is God Almighty and he can do anything. He is not a human being. He can have Immaculate Conception, he can have anything. How can we judge God with our limited intelligence? So like this, even poor John suffered a lot, and he wouldn't write anything, his treatises, he asked somebody else to write. But still, I must say, despite all efforts, though it was edited, the Bible, lots of truths are still there, lots of truths. So you should not judge Christ by what the Christians are doing, or by what the authorities are doing, no. And don't judge Islam by the Muslims. All these religions came to establish balance within you and the righteousness and the indication of an ascent. So we should not get upset whatever has gone wrong with the people. They were all great incarnations, great prophets and great saints. We have to now become real Christians, real Hindus, real Muslims and real religious people, within ourselves. It is very easy. Sahaj also means easy. So now I think we can have our self realisation all of us. At the very outset, as I told you, there are three conditions. The first one is that you must have full confidence in yourself that you can get your self realisation. All of you! That is the first condition. Then the second condition is that you should not feel guilty and think of the past. To feel guilty is nonsense. If you have made any mistakes alright, you are human beings after all. Only human beings can commit mistakes, not the Gods. You are not God. You can correct your mistakes but you should not feel guilty all the time to nourish that mistake all the time. As a result of feeling guilty I told you that you develop this centre on the left hand side of your throat. It gets so badly spoilt that you might get spondylitis, you might get angina and you might get lethargic organs. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should not condemn yourself for anything because as I told you, you are at the epitome of evolution. You are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. How can you be guilty? Now the third condition is very simple; is to forgive everyone. Somebody has asked me a question; "How do we control the anger?" You don't have to control anything. As soon as you get realisation you become a peaceful personality and the anger disappears automatically. It becomes a joke. And that is how you just forgive because you know it is ignorance, it is stupidity. That’s how it works, beautifully. But you don't have to think about these people also whom you have to forgive, because that’s also a headache, as I told you yesterday. Later on you will know how these chakras are responsible for different types of manifestations. All the knowledge you'll get free. It is not like this is the introduction, it’s free, and then when you come you are charged money. (Laughing) You cannot market it. Alright, so here we are just with these three conditions, which you please accept. Can I ask you to take off your shoes, if you don’t mind, to take the help from this Mother Earth? Now I will teach you how we can get realisation ourselves, by ourselves. There’s no obligation on anyone. It’s your own right that you are getting your realisation. Self Realisation May God bless you all. So many of you have felt it. Some have not felt it, it does not matter. They might have come for the first time also. It does not matter. It will work out. So now you have felt this cool breeze, which is the all-pervading power. Now only you have to grow. Sahaja Yoga today is a collective happening. It is not individual. So you have to come to the collective, otherwise you will never grow. I have known people who say, "Mother, we are doing all this at home." It doesn’t work out. So you have to come to the collective. All those who did not get realisation today will also get it. All of you can get realisation. All of you can become masters. I’ll definitely come next year and I want to see all of you grown as big trees of knowledge. Luckily we have very good Sahaja Yogis here who would like to help you very much and guide you. Don’t doubt them. They say, “When you find water in one place, dig the well there.” But Sahaja Yoga is not in the least a guru shopping. So please respect your self realisation. Have your self esteem. You are all capable of rising very much higher in life; because Sahaja Yoga is not only for your benevolence but for the emancipation of the whole world. Now if some people want to meet me, I can meet them individually. If some people want to meet me, it is quite late, but those who want to meet me, can meet me. I think I should go down, it would be better. (Hemlata sings while Sri Mataji works on people who come to meet her) 1 Photos with lights on them in the slide show before Sri Mataji arrived.
Public Program Day 2, Second Evening, Artemis, Amsterdam, 2nd July 1992 At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it and also, at this human level, we cannot feel it. That means at (the level of) human awareness, we have to humbly accept that we have not reached that stage where our awareness can feel the truth. Once we realise that something more has to be done, something more has to happen, if we are seeking the truth, then you jump into a new category of human beings; and this category of people are called the seekers of truth. And yesterday you saw how so many of you felt the truth. So what is the truth? Firstly, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings; but you are the pure Spirit. And the second thing is, that there is an all-pervading power of God's love which does all the living work. So when we talk of yoga it doesn’t mean standing on your heads. But it means your connection established with that all-pervading power. Like this instrument was made beautifully, but it has to be connected to the mains - otherwise it has no meaning. That is what people start thinking when they cannot find the truth, that “What is the meaning of their life? What is the purpose of their life?” They bang their heads here and there; try every sort of thing - feel frustrated - but they have to know that there is, already placed within us, a proper system. Just like every seed has got a primule, in the same way every human being has got this connecting power, which is the Kundalini. Now when the questions are, "What is the practical advantage of getting Sahaja Yoga, or getting your realisation?" All the world's problems are because of human beings, and all human being’s problems are because of their chakras. If your chakras are put right, and are integrated, then there can be no physical, mental, emotional or spiritual problems. And above all, if you are connected with that divine power, you get enlightenment on your central nervous system, which means that your central nervous system itself gets a new dimension which is known as collective consciousness. That means not only that you can feel your centres, but you can feel the centres of others. Now what happens inside is very important to know. The Spirit gets into your attention; the light spreads into your attention. The Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. As the Kundalini rises and gives you realisation you become a beautiful reflector of God Almighty. This Kundalini is your divine mother. She is your individual, divine mother. She knows everything about you, and with great delicacy she rises and gives you your second birth. We can say that a human being is completely closed and can be compared to an egg. He has mental capacities, emotional capacities, but he cannot go beyond that. That is why, in the Sanskrit language, a realised soul is called ‘vijaha’. A bird is also called vijaha, which means born twice. So when in your seeking you mature, this egg opens out and you become a free bird. Now the nature of the Spirit also manifests within you. The first nature is that it enlightens your attention. Our attention is still confused. We do not know how to discriminate between good and bad, between nourishing and destructive. But once this light comes in, you can feel it on your fingertips, the truth; the absolute truth. Supposing you ask, when you are realised all of you, "Is there God?", immediately you'll find this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost starts flowing into your hands, "Yes, there is." Now supposing you put your hands towards someone and you start getting pain in this finger; that means that the person whom you are facing feels very much guilty, and he might have spondylitis also. So all these fingers denote your physical, mental, emotional side, but they are to be enlightened so you can feel it. Also the power with which you are connected starts flowing through you. With this power you can raise the Kundalini of another person; you can give realisation to others. Now this enlightened attention makes you innocent. The eyes which are full of lust and greed just become innocent. As we have got divinity within us, the innocence within us is never destroyed. Whatever one may try, it's there, and once you get your self realisation it manifests. Christ has said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." But in most of the Christian nations whatever I have visited I was surprised, there’s no innocence in their eyes. But it automatically happens, for that we need not read the Bible. It spontaneously happens because your chakras get cleansed and your eyes become very powerful. Their power is such that, such a person when he looks at someone even then, he can just create peace in that personality. Even with a glance you can cure people. Such a person, who is a realised soul, when the Spirit expresses itself, as I’ve told you that you get collective consciousness, means who is "the other"? You become part and parcel of the whole. A drop becomes the ocean. Like if this hand is in trouble, the other hand immediately feels it and tries to help it. Somebody has asked me, "Why don't we help each other?" Because of ignorance. Once you become one with the whole, automatically you help each other. You lose these boundaries of a small drop because the nature of the Spirit is that it is a universal being, and that it is the peace within. Many people talk of peace. I've seen they have got peace awards and things like that. They have a "Foundation of Peace" and big, big things, you see, but there is no peace within. It's just an outward show. You can only achieve pure peace by self realisation, because you go into the state of peacefulness, into a new state. It is like this, I can give you an example, like a wheel. When you see a wheel there is also the axis of the wheel which is absolutely peaceful. If your attention is on the periphery of the wheel you are moving all the time, but supposing your attention jumps onto the wheel then you are at peace and you watch the whole thing as a witness. Otherwise another example could be that when we are watching, say, a drama we get lost in it, but when the drama is over, you know that it was a drama. So the whole thing then starts becoming like a drama, like just a play. This state is called ‘turiya’, which means the fourth dimension. In the West we have grown like a big tree. That was good, but we must find out (about) our roots, and Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots. And once you get to your roots, you can nourish this life with spirituality. So the first thing is that your physical being gets completely alright because of the nourishment of your centres on the physical level. So many people suffering from schizophrenia, mental depressions and other mental disorders have been cured in Sahaja Yoga. Many of them have been possessed and destroyed by false gurus. Many have been destroyed by drugs, we can say. They all not only get rid of these problems but they get cured and they can cure others. These are your powers (which are) within you as potential. It's not anything to do with your age, or nationality, or your race; it’s every human being can get it. But one has to know that we have to get it. There is no organisation in Sahaja Yoga. There is no membership. You have to become a Sahaja Yogi, it's the becoming. Like a seed has to become the tree, you cannot just certify that you are a realised soul or a born again (person), you cannot. As a Sahaja Yogi you manifest your powers of tremendous love and compassion. You get divine discretion and tremendous creativity. The kind of wisdom that you have makes you your own master and you can tell others with great conviction what you have found. So this is the last breakthrough of our evolution. Human beings are at the epitome of evolution and this breakthrough has to take place. You cannot pay for it. You cannot put in efforts. Like some people think that they can starve for one year or one month and they will reach God. No, they will just die that's all. Or somebody was saying that if you go to the Gobi Desert you will reach some sort of a "nirvana" and people believe it. There are so many who went to the Gobi Desert and they all died. You cannot get your self realisation when you are dead. You have to get it when you are living as a human being. So all kinds of funny ideas people give you, but nobody so far, I know, has shown how we can achieve truth. Because they are fake, they are just making money, that's all. Now another quality of the Spirit is that you know the absolute truth. Because we do not know the absolute truth, that's why everybody has a different idea. Now I'm sitting before you, you can see me sitting here, so all of you know that I'm sitting here. All of you know the same thing. There is no quarrel about it; there is no argument about it. By realisation all of you know the absolute truth. Like one gentleman came to me and asked me, "Why is everybody asking me, what is my relationship with my father?" I said, "I would also ask the same question, because they are feeling the same chakra in you, so they will ask the same question." If there are ten children who are realised souls and you tie up their eyes and ask them “What is this gentleman suffering from?” they will all raise one finger like this. (Index finger) That means this gentleman has trouble with his throat. So you ask him, "Have you got a problem with your throat?" He'll say, "How do you know?" So you go beyond science; you become the master of science. Your brain becomes like a divine computer and you can predict, you can say what's wrong with another person. And all of them will say the same thing. Now if you want to know about say somebody who is claiming to be a great master, whether he is real or not, even his photograph, even his name - you just put your hands like this and ask, "Is it a real genuine master?" Immediately your hands will start burning if he's a fake person. You may even get a little blister, but just indicatively, and then you'll know that he's a devil. So all of you know the absolute truth about religion, the incarnations, the prophets and the seers. You realise that all religions are the same. They are like flowers on the same tree of spirituality. Thus fundamentalism is finished. No-one says that this is my religion and it is the best. As it is nobody follows religion they just have a brand. But after realisation you become righteous, you become. I don't have to tell you. I don't have to tell you the Ten Commandments, you just become. For example, supposing you are holding a snake in your hand and it is complete darkness, you can't see anything and somebody tells you it's a snake, you will say, "No, it's a rope." But if there is a little light you will immediately throw away the snake because you will see the snake. That is how you see the evil. And you see yourself, I don't have to tell you. You yourself know what is wrong and what is right. So in your light you ascend. You get a direction and a complete understanding of your being and of the being of others. As it is, we start seeing how we have been conditioned - we see it very clearly - and how we are enslaved. For example, we are enslaved by entrepreneurs all the time. Say the fashion starts that ladies should wear only six-inch skirts. So the entrepreneur saves money and you have to pay more! That's how he makes money. But we feel we have been very much ‘in’ - in the fashion. As a result we develop varicose veins, so the doctors get the money. Then we have problems with our feet...I mean it can go on. So the weaknesses in human beings are exploited and one after another we start succumbing to them and we start losing all the money, all the control over ourselves. For example they started a new thing that you should have a ‘punk head’. I asked him, "Why, what is the need?" They said, "What's wrong?" I said, "How much did you pay for this punkiness?" He said, "Only fifty pounds." "But do you know that by applying this kind of a thing you may become blind?" They said, "No it's very sexy." or something sort of a thing out of the blue. Whatever ideas they put into you through the television, through all this advertising and all that, we just start absorbing, and (we develop) such a slavish mentality that we cannot think for ourselves. But as a realised soul you become absolutely free and if anybody tries to tell such things you say, "All right. Get lost!" You won't accept anything that is nonsensical because you develop divine wisdom. Do you think Christ could have ever accepted this punk business? No, because he was wisdom personified. (It's) as if you all become saints. Apart from this, the special quality of the Spirit is that it is the source of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. If our ego is pampered we feel happy; if the ego is a little bit disturbed we feel unhappy. But joy is an experience which has no duality. You feel joyous about anything. Supposing there's a beautiful carpet here, if it is beautiful and I'm not realised I will say, "Now, what a nice carpet. Can I steal it?" (Laughter) Or I may think," Where can I buy this?" If this belongs to me it's a greater headache because I'll be worried that people will spoil it, or I must insure it and all kinds of headaches with it. But if I am a realised soul, then I see this carpet without any thought, in thoughtless awareness, and I enjoy all the joy that was put (into it) by its creator. This joy becomes like an abstract thing, it just relaxes completely - it flows down like that. So this idea of possession, "mine" and this and that just drops out. With the divine discretion you know where to go, where to get good things, where to meet good friends - just you know, you are guided. You can feel the persons who were really realised souls in the past also. Like Abraham Lincoln was a realised soul, you can feel it. Mozart was a realised soul, you can feel it. So many of these people were realised souls but they were lonely. And the saints were also lonely. That is why they were tortured. Sahaja Yoga is not a new system. Sri Rama’s father-in-law, Sita’s father, gave realisation to one fellow, Nachiketa. The only difference is now today, in modern times, that you can get ‘en masse’ realisation.... (something missing - tape turned) Like in Russia where we always have to hire a complete stadium because about sixteen (before here missing) to eighteen thousand people come and so many are waiting outside, and they all get their realisation. If somebody asks me how many Sahaja Yogis there are in the world I really cannot tell you. But it depends on the conditionings of the people. There is a question somebody has asked, "Is it because of this or because of that, or because of that?” But I think the modernism is very much responsible; and this so called democracy, which has become now a "demonocracy", also has made us mad. Of course I am absolutely against communism because it's a forced conditioning. But after Sahaja Yoga you become the capitalist because you have all the powers - you also solve your financial problems I must say - but at the same time you become a communist, because you cannot help it, you want to give it to others all the time, to share it with others all the time. So these theories of communism and capitalism really take their substantial meaning in a human being. But this is the time of the last judgement. Not after death, before death. If you want, you can go to hell. If you want, you can enter into the kingdom of God. All these false gurus and false ideas of fundamentalism; all this is there just to test you. They create evil but still you want to go there - you go that way. Nobody can be forced in Sahaja Yoga. You have to ask for your realisation. If you are arrogant I can’t give you self realisation. You have to be humble about it. Then it works. It is the meek who will inherit the earth, not the so called rich or the so called successful people. They will inherit because they are so pure and reflecting Gods love. There will be so many miracles in your life that now people say, "Mother, in Sahaja Yoga (the word) miracle has lost its own value and its meaning too." I said, "Alright, you are writing every day that this miracle has taken place, that miracle has taken place." So I appointed somebody that “You write all the miracles that all these people are sending (letters about).” After a month he told me that the (piles of) miracle papers had gone up to his head on both the sides of the table. "What should I do? How can I choose? I mean, I cannot write volumes." So I said, "Forget it!" Now these lights that you have seen1 are very interesting; to me these cameras seem to be something miraculous also. It is all worked through this divine power. Once we had a festival on Christmas Day and the Madonna appeared before me in her form. Of course I can see that, but other people can’t see. But the cameras did record it, so many. It's very surprising how these cameras can catch this very subtle light. So all these things that are being produced by science, are going to help us very much to give the proof of reality. I am really surprised that there have been very few questions and that people are... One question was a little funny, "Can one find truth in Sahaja Yoga?" What else are you here for? That's what Sahaja Yoga is - that you become the Spirit and you can feel this all-pervading power. Not only that but it manifests through you and you can handle it and you can know everything about it. And that you can become your own master. Do you think there are some more questions? Alright, please. (Sri Mataji reads a question) It's a very good question. It’s quite personal. Now I have to tell you one thing; that everything that is born has to die. Death we have to take as a change of clothes. And once somebody is dead he is in the other world and we should not try to keep contact with the dead. Firstly, once we are in contact with them we are also in contact with the collective subconscious which is a dangerous area. All right. About these things you will know in Sahaja Yoga, completely. Also, we have to be in the present because whatever is dead is finished and if we try to contact the dead we are also not allowing them to have their freedom. So whatever may be your feelings, one must understand that the first feeling should be - say it's your father - you have to tell your father, "You can take your birth, I'm alright. Don't worry about me." So he gets his freedom. This prayer is the best way you can really give freedom to those who are dead. Also the future doesn't exist. But we have to be in the present. It's difficult to be in the present because we are either in the past or in the future. The thoughts are coming either from the past or from the future and we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. Only when the Kundalini rises these thoughts get elongated. We can see the thought rising, and falling we do not see. But when these thoughts are elongated, the space between them is called ‘vilamba’ which means pause. So now your attention is in that state of pause, so you are thoughtless but you are aware - thoughtlessly aware, in the present. And when you are in that state, only in the present, you grow spiritually. It is very easy to establish that state. One should not doubt oneself. So today again we'll try now to establish the realisation you got yesterday, and those who have come for the first time also will feel it. But one has to remember that Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are impure. You know in economics that desires on the whole cannot be satisfied. Once you have one desire that is fulfilled, you want to have another desire, another desire - so that means it is not a pure desire. So whether you know it or not, whether you are aware of it or not, there is this pure desire within us to become one with the Divine Power. And this pure desire is within you as Kundalini. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is the power - is the Primordial Mother - of God Almighty; is the pure desire of God Almighty, and this power is the Primordial Mother. In Greek they call her Athena, and in India she is called the Adi Shakti. So this power rises and connects you to the mains as well as it connects you to the Spirit. The Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, and the Holy Ghost is the reflection of the Primordial Mother. So the Primordial Father is God Almighty and the Primordial Mother is the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they have tried to make it very ambiguous. There is the Father, there is the Son and the Mother is missing. She is a dove! How can a dove have a son? Perhaps, I don't know, they must have done it with a purpose, because if you tell that there is a feminine divine power, people don't like it. So they must have said it is better to say it is a dove. I was myself born in a Protestant Christian family and I was surprised at many things. One of them was Mr Paul being there. He was not Christ’s disciple. He only killed so many Christians. He also killed a disciple of Christ, Stephen. How was he there? And Kahil Gibran also has said the same thing. I asked my father, "How is this Mr Paul there?" Because my father was a great realised soul himself. He told me he was a squatter! You see he was a bureaucrat - and I know bureaucracy very well - and when he saw such a good platform for himself, he wanted to jump on the platform. And he wanted to use someone very weak - and he found Peter. Peter was the weakest disciple of Christ. Imagine Christ telling Peter of all people that, "You will form your Church on the rocks." I mean Christ, who was wisdom personified, how could he do such a thing? Also he said, "Satan won’t enter your gates." Somebody asked me a question that, "Mother, Christ said so, and how… Satan has already entered the Catholic Church! So was Christ wrong?” I said, "No, Christ never did that. He never appointed him. He could never have." Because this Paul organised the religion: the Christian Religion - you cannot organise religion - and so the whole idea of ascent, of a higher life, was lost. Also Paul fought with Matthew, and Thomas ran away to India. But if you read Thomas’ treatise, you will be surprised - he has talked of Sahaj only, everything about Sahaj. He (Paul) didn't want to talk of Immaculate Conception and Matthew insisted. You see he is God. One must understand, he is God Almighty and he can do anything. He is not a human being. He can have Immaculate Conception, he can have anything. How can we judge God with our limited intelligence? So like this, even poor John suffered a lot, and he wouldn't write anything, his treatises, he asked somebody else to write. But still, I must say, despite all efforts, though it was edited, the Bible, lots of truths are still there, lots of truths. So you should not judge Christ by what the Christians are doing, or by what the authorities are doing, no. And don't judge Islam by the Muslims. All these religions came to establish balance within you and the righteousness and the indication of an ascent. So we should not get upset whatever has gone wrong with the people. They were all great incarnations, great prophets and great saints. We have to now become real Christians, real Hindus, real Muslims and real religious people, within ourselves. It is very easy. Sahaj also means easy. So now I think we can have our self realisation all of us. At the very outset, as I told you, there are three conditions. The first one is that you must have full confidence in yourself that you can get your self realisation. All of you! That is the first condition. Then the second condition is that you should not feel guilty and think of the past. To feel guilty is nonsense. If you have made any mistakes alright, you are human beings after all. Only human beings can commit mistakes, not the Gods. You are not God. You can correct your mistakes but you should not feel guilty all the time to nourish that mistake all the time. As a result of feeling guilty I told you that you develop this centre on the left hand side of your throat. It gets so badly spoilt that you might get spondylitis, you might get angina and you might get lethargic organs. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. You should not condemn yourself for anything because as I told you, you are at the epitome of evolution. You are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. How can you be guilty? Now the third condition is very simple; is to forgive everyone. Somebody has asked me a question; "How do we control the anger?" You don't have to control anything. As soon as you get realisation you become a peaceful personality and the anger disappears automatically. It becomes a joke. And that is how you just forgive because you know it is ignorance, it is stupidity. That’s how it works, beautifully. But you don't have to think about these people also whom you have to forgive, because that’s also a headache, as I told you yesterday. Later on you will know how these chakras are responsible for different types of manifestations. All the knowledge you'll get free. It is not like this is the introduction, it’s free, and then when you come you are charged money. (Laughing) You cannot market it. Alright, so here we are just with these three conditions, which you please accept. Can I ask you to take off your shoes, if you don’t mind, to take the help from this Mother Earth? Now I will teach you how we can get realisation ourselves, by ourselves. There’s no obligation on anyone. It’s your own right that you are getting your realisation. Self Realisation May God bless you all. So many of you have felt it. Some have not felt it, it does not matter. They might have come for the first time also. It does not matter. It will work out. So now you have felt this cool breeze, which is the all-pervading power. Now only you have to grow. Sahaja Yoga today is a collective happening. It is not individual. So you have to come to the collective, otherwise you will never grow. I have known people who say, "Mother, we are doing all this at home." It doesn’t work out. So you have to come to the collective. All those who did not get realisation today will also get it. All of you can get realisation. All of you can become masters. I’ll definitely come next year and I want to see all of you grown as big trees of knowledge. Luckily we have very good Sahaja Yogis here who would like to help you very much and guide you. Don’t doubt them. They say, “When you find water in one place, dig the well there.” But Sahaja Yoga is not in the least a guru shopping. So please respect your self realisation. Have your self esteem. You are all capable of rising very much higher in life; because Sahaja Yoga is not only for your benevolence but for the emancipation of the whole world. Now if some people want to meet me, I can meet them individually. If some people want to meet me, it is quite late, but those who want to meet me, can meet me. I think I should go down, it would be better. (Hemlata sings while Sri Mataji works on people who come to meet her) 1 Photos with lights on them in the slide show before Sri Mataji arrived.
How to feel the present?
Public Program
Public Program: Day 1 Yogi [aside to Shri Mataji]: These people do not understand Dutch. Shri Mataji: All right. The French, how many are French? Ah, English – how many understand English? [Yogis ask audience in Dutch and French] All right, we could have in three languages. [laughter and applause] I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. [microphone is adjusted, as Shri Mataji says, laughing: No-one understands English, so what’s the use?] And unfortunately, with this human awareness, we cannot feel the truth. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution, we can feel it. For example, if you take a dog through a dirty, smelling place, he doesn’t feel anything bad. But human beings are different. They have a sense of colour, they have a sense of beauty and they can think for themselves, and also can make implements for themselves. Now whatever I’m going to tell you, you don’t have to believe it with blind faith, but you have to treat it as a hypothesis and if it is proved, you must accept as honest people. Because it is not only for your benevolence, but for the benevolence of the whole world. It is not only for your emancipation, but for the emancipation of the whole world. The truth is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that, there is an all-pervading Power of God’s love which does all the living work. We see these flowers are so beautiful and we take them for granted. We don’t even think that, how they have come up from the Mother Earth? So, all things that we don’t know, we take it for granted. Our heartbeat is said to be, according to medical terminology, is done by autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We cannot answer all the questions, because we have not reached at that place where we can find the absolute truth. To find the absolute truth, you have to become a subtler being. All the scriptures have said that, you are to be born again. By just taking a brand that: ‘We are born again,’ we are not. In Sanskrit, a realised soul, or an enlightened soul is called as a dvijaha, as well as a bird is called a dvijaha. Dvijaha means twice born; first the bird is like an egg, then it matures and becomes a bird, and the bird is very different from the egg and it is absolutely free to fly. This is what has to happen: actually. This is the actualisation – your baptism. Just by putting some water, by a person who is not enlightened, you cannot become baptised. You may belong to any religion – you may call yourself, Hindu, Moslem, Christian or anything – you are capable of committing any sin. So we have to humbly understand that there is something missing. Christ has said, ‘Meek in the heart will inherit the earth,’ so we have to be meek in heart and see for ourselves if it works out or not. We have to keep ourselves open, like a scientist. Now, you must have heard that in India, there were three doctors who got their M.D. – means doctorate – after their graduation, in Sahaja Yoga. They have dealt with subjects like asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, tensions and they have proved, through Sahaja Yoga, you can cure all these diseases very easily. So when this Power, which I call as Kundalini, gets awakened, She passes through your six centres, which are the basics of your being. Thus it nourishes all these centres and integrates, with each other. All world problems are because of human beings, because of their ignorance. And all the problems – which are human – are because of their bad chakras. Like this instrument [microphone] is here and is connected to the mains. Without the connection it has no meaning, it has no purpose. So you have to have your connection with this all-pervading Power. Now, we have to see what is our situation at this time. In these modern times, there are many people who are born with the faith within themself that, there is something beyond all that we see. This understanding should be there but they do not know how to cope, because they are all the time challenged. The faith is all the time challenged by science of modern times, and then by the religion, though all the religions are absolutely all right; there’s nothing wrong with them. The only problem is, the people who have organised them and the ones who are following are not spirit-oriented. They are either money-oriented or power-oriented. Actually, all the religions came out of very great incarnations and very great prophets, saints and seers. These people, whatever they said, is not followed, because the first thing they have said that: you have to have your Self-Realisation, your self-knowledge. So all the religions think that they are the best. According to Christians, Jews and Muslims are no good as religions. And according to Islam – Islamic people I mean, not the Islam, but Islamic people – Christianity and Jews are their enemies. Hindus also think the same. So as we can say, they all live in their fool’s paradise. And then, they form fundamentalism; they become fundamentalists and fight in the name of God. They make horrible money secretly, in the name of God, they kill people, they create bombs – I mean, they do everything in the name of God. Thus, our faith is challenged. We cannot believe how these people can do these things in the name of God. And then we start feeling defeated; we don’t know how to defend our faith within ourself. As you know, science is amoral; it is inconclusive. It goes on, solving little problems here and there. It does not attack issues in total. For example, we have one doctor for one eye, another doctor for another eye. [laughter and applause, before translations are given] I think you all understand English, what I say. [more laughter] Now, with this kind of nonsense going on around us, with ecological problems, with political problems, with economic problems, we don’t know where is this faith. Then we talk of God Almighty, or the Divinity and we can’t understand; how can it be? Because if there is divinity, if there is God, how all these horrible things they are doing in the name of God? The reason is they are ignorant. There is divinity in each person; all of you have got divinity within yourself, specially you people who are seekers, and the seekers are a special category of people. They are the ones who never got any answer, so they have found out their individual methods or individual pursuits of truth. So a market is created and all kinds of fake gurus, false prophets, they are exported everywhere. From the year 1970, I have been telling about these fake gurus – their... even names. They never talk against each other; they are all combined together. Christ has rightly said that, Satan doesn’t speak against its own house. They are all in the same business, befooling people, mesmerising them, destroying their chakras and making money out of them. I mean there are institutions – yesterday we discovered one lady who had been to some authorised institution for some sort of a psychological analysis. And she paid a lot of money, and what she got is a body which shakes in a very funny way all the time and she cannot stand. This Mr Freud is also another horrible fellow, he was respected more than even Christ, in the West. And they followed him more than they could follow Christ. These are funny intellectuals – they take out some yarn out of their head, write books, even right from, I would say, from Tolstoy even [corrects to ‘Christ’s first disciple’ during Dutch translation. Shri Mataji then refers to Aristotle] – so many people in every country have taken out some sort of a yarn and have impressed people. He has really twisted the whole thing. The worst was, I think that Paul has ruined Christianity. He himself was epileptic and he had killed a disciple of Christ called Stephen and he was a very cruel bureaucrat: Roman. So he tried to find out the weakest disciple of Christ, who was Peter, and Peter is the one who was told by Christ that, ‘Satan will take over and he’ll deny Me three times.’ These two put together, edited the Bible. They fought with Mathews, Thomas ran away to India, and John would not write his treatises. On his way, Thomas put all his treatises in a big jar and buried them in Egypt. This was discovered only fifty years back and was rather decoded, but it is out now, as I am told, as a book. I had read the articles, of what they have translated, and I was amazed that he's talking of the spiritual experience of Self-Realisation throughout. But he called the people who got realisation as Gnostics. Gn comes from Sanskrit – gn means knowledge, from which it comes the word gyana; gyana means the knowledge on your central nervous system. But not only reading, Kabira has said that people have become idiotic by reading too much. I had that experience now. [laughs] So it's not learning, it's not a mental process but it is a state. It is a state you have to achieve. At this time it's so important to understand that whatever has been said in the scriptures, we can prove it. As in the Quran, it is written that at the time of Qiyamah, which is a resurrection, your hands will speak and give witness against you. That’s exactly what happens to you; when you get your realisation your fingers, as is shown here, get enlightened. First of all, you feel this all-pervading Power of God's love as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they have described about Trinity – God the Father, God the Son. You have the Father and the Son, but Mother is missing, and not only that but She is made into a dove. I mean, in Indian culture woman is the power, the shakti. And Holy Ghost is the Power of God, which is the Adi Shakti, the primordial Mother. A woman could be a priest, she could be a philosopher, she could be a guru; she is respected much more than I would say even saints, if she's, she is a shakti. Because She's a Mother, She is the primordial Mother. Also in Greece, they have Athena who was the primordial Mother. Surprisingly ‘atha' means primordial in the Sanskrit language. So many similarities, but then I don't know why, they forgot about it, maybe the way they moulded the idea of primordial Mother. So there are many fundamentalists who hate us, and try to say things which are absolutely false against us. Because we believe in all religions and they cannot stand this truth. And another thing is that we say that you cannot take any money for spiritual work, because it is divine love and you cannot pay for it. They don't like this aspect at all. This is how, but it has been always. Even Thomas had to, I mean, face such horrible times, because the Gnostics were also troubled by clergies; everywhere it happens when the reality comes, all these fundamentalists try to suppress. But if you are a seeker, you must find the truth. You should not identify yourself with all these things because these are conditionings. You have to seek your Spirit. William Blake has already prophesised that: ’Men of God will be born at this time and they will become godly and make others also godly.’ So that time has come now. Tomorrow I'll tell you more about the nature of the Spirit. But today I have to tell you one thing that, when this Kundalini pierces through your fontanel area and you get connected to this all-pervading Power, you start feeling the cool breeze in your hand, very gentle, soothing, relaxing. Also, to begin with, you feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Maybe you might feel little heat also coming out from your fontanel bone, as if the funnel is open. So, a new state is established within you to begin with, that you become thoughtlessly aware. So, when you become thoughtlessly aware, you feel the present. You are either in the future or in the past, and our thoughts come to us from either from the future or from the past. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But if I say, now take your attention inside, you cannot. That's only possible when you stand in the present. But when the Kundalini rises, She pulls down all your attention inward and She pierces through this fontanel and you are surprised that there's no thought. You are absolutely peaceful. You are absolutely integrated. All the inner struggle is over and you watch the whole life as a big drama, like a witness. But you are fully aware. And if you want to think you can think, but this time your thinking is inspiration. This Kundalini, which goes through these centres, corrects your physical problem, solves your mental problems, your spiritual problem, your economic problems, political problems, marriage problems: everything, in totality. Because now you are connected with the divine Power. Now you have entered into the Kingdom of God, and your life is filled with miracles and blessings. So many people write to Me every day, lots of letters about their miracles. They can't believe that their divinity is manifesting it. It has nothing to do with Me, it's your own. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten many candles, you can also raise the Kundalini of others and you can also give realisations to others. You can change the whole world. Because Spirit is the universal being within you. So you develop on your central nervous system a new dimension of awareness, which we call it as collective consciousness. As you become like a drop in the ocean, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. That means your being becomes the whole, the total. You become part and parcel of the whole. Say for example if that, this hand is hurt, another one will immediately look after it. In one body who is the other? But supposing this hand is dead, it doesn't feel anything, then whatever may happen to this hand it won't act. I must tell you a very sweet experience of Mine, when I was in Russia for the first time, twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis came to help Me. I asked them ‘How is it you are here?’ They said, ‘Mother don't you think it is our responsibility to come and correct what our forefathers have done to Russians?’ You'll be amazed now, if you meet, German Sahaja Yogis are the gentlest. They are very good people. Now the Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five countries – South America, North America, Russia, all the five EU countries which make the European community, plus as you know Holland, Belgium, all the European countries and England. All east Asian countries, Japan and Australia. So you have brothers and sisters everywhere, and they are people of universal understanding. One has to understand that in the West, the whole civilisation has grown like a very big tree, because of science. But science doesn't talk of ascent, of soul. So we have to find out our souls, our roots. Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of your roots. It is not a new movement, it has been there in, I would say thousands of years in practice, but very few people used to get their Self-Realisation. For example, at the time of Shri Rama, about eight thousand years before, His father-in-law gave realisation to one person, Nachiketa. Modern Sahaja Yoga is for giving realisation to masses. It is a movement of en masse realisation, so it is a collective work. So we have to be in collective after getting our realisation so that we are established properly in our state. Luckily in Belgium, we have very good Sahaja Yogis and also a very good ashram. But you don't have to pay anything whatsoever. All the knowledge about the divine laws, everything you will know in no time – within one month's time you can be a master. But you have to have a pure desire in your heart. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost, it's the desire Power of God. She's your individual Mother, She knows each and everything about you. Like your mother gave you... gave you birth without giving any trouble to you, She does beautifully. And it happens spontaneously; that's the meaning of sahaj. The knowledge about Kundalini is unlimited. I, the spiritual ascent, realisation, all these subjects I have dealt in with so many languages for twenty-two years now. Thousands of lectures I have given. But see now this electricity, if I have to tell you about its history, and who invented it and how it was brought to Brussels and then to you, you will be bored stiff. But when you come here, they tell you, just switch on one switch and the whole hall comes on. In the same way, why not get it? Why not have your light first and then talk about it. It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes, let's try, I’m sure you all will get your realisation today. But there's one thing I have to tell you that you cannot force, cannot force Self-Realisation on anyone, you have to ask for it with a big heart. Those who do not want to have their Self-Realisation have to leave the hall. You have to be comfortable. Absolutely. There are three conditions. First one is that all of you should be fully self-confident that you are all going to get your Self-Realisation today. There is no need to doubt about it. Then second condition is to forget about what mistakes you have committed before. In short, you do not have to feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty do you know what happens? This centre on the left-hand catches very badly, and you’ll get tension, you’ll get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get all your organs very lethargic. To feel guilty is a human fashion. This all-pervading Power is the power of knowledge, all the knowledge, absolute knowledge. Also, it is the ocean of compassion and blessings. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and it has the power to dissolve all your so-called small little mistakes. It does not think you are sinners or anything, it does not. You are human beings, you are not gods and only human beings can make mistakes. So I am trying to convince you that, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all, you are at the epitome of evolution. Only a little journey has to be done, at the most three and a half feet or four feet. But if you have this chakra [left Vishuddhi] caught up, Kundalini won't come up. So, this is the second condition. The third condition is very simple, that you have to forgive everyone, in general. You don't have to think about the people who have troubled. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything, do you? But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are happy, and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. And then this centre, on the optic chiasma inside the brain, is a very constricted cross. And if you don't forgive, this chakra will never open. As it is you have tortured yourself all your life, and why do you want to miss out in your Self-Realisation? So don't say it's difficult, just say it out, ‘I forgive everyone of them,’ you'll feel much lighter. These are the three conditions you have to fulfil. I have to request you to take out your shoes so that we can have a contact with the Mother Earth and She sucks in our problems very well. That's all. [aside, as She puts out Her hands: Already they have got it.] It will take about ten, fifteen minutes but please don't disturb others at this time. So, you have to put both your hands like this towards Me. And put both your feet away from each other. You will realise in Sahaja Yoga that there are two powers within us, one on the left and one on the right. The left power is the power of desire, ordinary desire. And right is the power of action. Now, so with the left hand, when you put it on your lap, very comfortably, be comfortable – put it on your lap if you want to, whatever you are comfortable – which is symbolic that you desire to have your Self-Realisation. Now please put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap, very comfortably, and we will use our right hand to nourish our own centres. This exercise only you have to do in My presence now. Later on, you don't have to worry, but when you go to the collective, they will tell you how to get this connection fixed. Now they will show you how we are going to nourish our centres one by one. [aside to the two Yogis translating: He will show, and you can also show. You can come forward. You take that for... And both of you should speak loudly, otherwise they’ll miss it out.] So, first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, who is called as Holy Ghost. If you become the Spirit, then you have the light and you become your own guide, your own master. Now you take your hand down in the upper portion of the abdomen, which is the centre of your mastery, being created by many prophets. First, you should see then you can close your eyes. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge upon you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your left hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. This is the centre which gives you divine pure knowledge. Now you have to raise your right hand again on your abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part. Then you have to raise it to your heart again. Then you have to raise it in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. I have already told you about this centre. Then you have to put your hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head as far as possible; this is the centre where you have to forgive everyone, in general. Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and hold it tight and push it back. Please put your head upward as far as possible and here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. Now the last centre, stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area on top of your head. Now please put down your head. Here it is very important to press back, press back your fingers – stretch them backwards so that there’s a good pressure on your scalp. Now press your scalp and move it seven times clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now you will have to close your eyes, so please take out your spectacles. If you have anything tight on your neck or on your waist, you can loosen it a little bit. And please put both your feet away from each other. Put the left hand on your lap towards Me. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Here, you have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. Here you have to say – you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever you like. Now at this chakra, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ Now if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So now take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left side, and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask silently: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Ask this three times. I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now take your right in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here, you have to ask six times, because this centre has got six petals, please say: ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge,’ six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward, so we have to nourish our upper centres with our full self-confidence. [aside to Yogini translating into French: Loudly, loudly. Loudly, because they can’t hear, I think.] So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here, you have to say ten times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Now raise your right hand on... I have already told you that the truth about is that, you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am the Spirit.’ I have already told you that this all-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed, you to have to know that it will be dissolved completely by this ocean of forgiveness. So first forgive yourself and forget that you are guilty. So now please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you that logically, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into very wrong hands and torture yourself. So you have to just say that you forgive everyone and this centre will open very fast. So now please put your right hand on your forehead across and you bend your head fully. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone.’ From your heart, not how many times. Now, take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say from your heart, not how many times: ‘Oh divine Power, forgive us if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly.’ Now the last chakra, you should stretch your palm, and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Put down your head please, put down your head, and do not hold your head with your fingers but push them backwards. Now again, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So move your scalp seven times clockwise with a pressure, saying in your heart: ‘Mother, please give me Self-Realisation.’ Please bend your head, bend your head. [Shri Mataji blows into microphone] Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me. Now don't think watching Me, don’t think. Now, put your right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own head – you can feel it on your left hand. Now, the hand should be a little away from the head. Now put the left hand towards Me, again bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool breeze coming up. Now again with the right hand, once more, feel with the left hand – right hand towards Me and left hand you feel it. You must bend your head, bend it a little, then you can feel it. Now put both your hand towards the sky like this and ask one of these questions three times – put both, put your head towards the sky. Now ask the question: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ or ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of God's love?’ or ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of them three times, the question. Now please bring down your hands and again watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze in their hands or fingers or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Don’t doubt, don’t doubt. I bow to you all, all of you are saints now. Now the saintly life has started. But you must know that this is a collective growth. You cannot grow alone, so all of you have to grow. I will again come next year, and also tomorrow. [applause] Maybe overnight you will grow, very much. So now please call your friends, other people; this is the greatest thing you have to give to them. We have such nice people here, very beautiful. May God bless you all. Tomorrow I’ll explain to you about nature of the Spirit. Thank you very much. Also tomorrow, I’ll meet you all individually.
Public Program: Day 1 Yogi [aside to Shri Mataji]: These people do not understand Dutch. Shri Mataji: All right. The French, how many are French? Ah, English – how many understand English? [Yogis ask audience in Dutch and French] All right, we could have in three languages. [laughter and applause] I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. [microphone is adjusted, as Shri Mataji says, laughing: No-one understands English, so what’s the use?] And unfortunately, with this human awareness, we cannot feel the truth. Whatever we have achieved in our evolution, we can feel it. For example, if you take a dog through a dirty, smelling place, he doesn’t feel anything bad. But human beings are different. They have a sense of colour, they have a sense of beauty and they can think for themselves, and also can make implements for themselves. Now whatever I’m going to tell you, you don’t have to believe it with blind faith, but you have to treat it as a hypothesis and if it is proved, you must accept as honest people. Because it is not only for your benevolence, but for the benevolence of the whole world. It is not only for your emancipation, but for the emancipation of the whole world. The truth is that, you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that, there is an all-pervading Power of God’s love which does all the living work. We see these flowers are so beautiful and we take them for granted. We don’t even think that, how they have come up from the Mother Earth? So, all things that we don’t know, we take it for granted. Our heartbeat is said to be, according to medical terminology, is done by autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We cannot answer all the questions, because we have not reached at that place where we can find the absolute truth. To find the absolute truth, you have to become a subtler being. All the scriptures have said that, you are to be born again. By just taking a brand that: ‘We are born again,’ we are not. In Sanskrit, a realised soul, or an enlightened soul is called as a dvijaha, as well as a bird is called a dvijaha. Dvijaha means twice born; first the bird is like an egg, then it matures and becomes a bird, and the bird is very different from the egg and it is absolutely free to fly. This is what has to happen: actually. This is the actualisation – your baptism. Just by putting some water, by a person who is not enlightened, you cannot become baptised. You may belong to any religion – you may call yourself, Hindu, Moslem, Christian or anything – you are capable of committing any sin. So we have to humbly understand that there is something missing. Christ has said, ‘Meek in the heart will inherit the earth,’ so we have to be meek in heart and see for ourselves if it works out or not. We have to keep ourselves open, like a scientist. Now, you must have heard that in India, there were three doctors who got their M.D. – means doctorate – after their graduation, in Sahaja Yoga. They have dealt with subjects like asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, tensions and they have proved, through Sahaja Yoga, you can cure all these diseases very easily. So when this Power, which I call as Kundalini, gets awakened, She passes through your six centres, which are the basics of your being. Thus it nourishes all these centres and integrates, with each other. All world problems are because of human beings, because of their ignorance. And all the problems – which are human – are because of their bad chakras. Like this instrument [microphone] is here and is connected to the mains. Without the connection it has no meaning, it has no purpose. So you have to have your connection with this all-pervading Power. Now, we have to see what is our situation at this time. In these modern times, there are many people who are born with the faith within themself that, there is something beyond all that we see. This understanding should be there but they do not know how to cope, because they are all the time challenged. The faith is all the time challenged by science of modern times, and then by the religion, though all the religions are absolutely all right; there’s nothing wrong with them. The only problem is, the people who have organised them and the ones who are following are not spirit-oriented. They are either money-oriented or power-oriented. Actually, all the religions came out of very great incarnations and very great prophets, saints and seers. These people, whatever they said, is not followed, because the first thing they have said that: you have to have your Self-Realisation, your self-knowledge. So all the religions think that they are the best. According to Christians, Jews and Muslims are no good as religions. And according to Islam – Islamic people I mean, not the Islam, but Islamic people – Christianity and Jews are their enemies. Hindus also think the same. So as we can say, they all live in their fool’s paradise. And then, they form fundamentalism; they become fundamentalists and fight in the name of God. They make horrible money secretly, in the name of God, they kill people, they create bombs – I mean, they do everything in the name of God. Thus, our faith is challenged. We cannot believe how these people can do these things in the name of God. And then we start feeling defeated; we don’t know how to defend our faith within ourself. As you know, science is amoral; it is inconclusive. It goes on, solving little problems here and there. It does not attack issues in total. For example, we have one doctor for one eye, another doctor for another eye. [laughter and applause, before translations are given] I think you all understand English, what I say. [more laughter] Now, with this kind of nonsense going on around us, with ecological problems, with political problems, with economic problems, we don’t know where is this faith. Then we talk of God Almighty, or the Divinity and we can’t understand; how can it be? Because if there is divinity, if there is God, how all these horrible things they are doing in the name of God? The reason is they are ignorant. There is divinity in each person; all of you have got divinity within yourself, specially you people who are seekers, and the seekers are a special category of people. They are the ones who never got any answer, so they have found out their individual methods or individual pursuits of truth. So a market is created and all kinds of fake gurus, false prophets, they are exported everywhere. From the year 1970, I have been telling about these fake gurus – their... even names. They never talk against each other; they are all combined together. Christ has rightly said that, Satan doesn’t speak against its own house. They are all in the same business, befooling people, mesmerising them, destroying their chakras and making money out of them. I mean there are institutions – yesterday we discovered one lady who had been to some authorised institution for some sort of a psychological analysis. And she paid a lot of money, and what she got is a body which shakes in a very funny way all the time and she cannot stand. This Mr Freud is also another horrible fellow, he was respected more than even Christ, in the West. And they followed him more than they could follow Christ. These are funny intellectuals – they take out some yarn out of their head, write books, even right from, I would say, from Tolstoy even [corrects to ‘Christ’s first disciple’ during Dutch translation. Shri Mataji then refers to Aristotle] – so many people in every country have taken out some sort of a yarn and have impressed people. He has really twisted the whole thing. The worst was, I think that Paul has ruined Christianity. He himself was epileptic and he had killed a disciple of Christ called Stephen and he was a very cruel bureaucrat: Roman. So he tried to find out the weakest disciple of Christ, who was Peter, and Peter is the one who was told by Christ that, ‘Satan will take over and he’ll deny Me three times.’ These two put together, edited the Bible. They fought with Mathews, Thomas ran away to India, and John would not write his treatises. On his way, Thomas put all his treatises in a big jar and buried them in Egypt. This was discovered only fifty years back and was rather decoded, but it is out now, as I am told, as a book. I had read the articles, of what they have translated, and I was amazed that he's talking of the spiritual experience of Self-Realisation throughout. But he called the people who got realisation as Gnostics. Gn comes from Sanskrit – gn means knowledge, from which it comes the word gyana; gyana means the knowledge on your central nervous system. But not only reading, Kabira has said that people have become idiotic by reading too much. I had that experience now. [laughs] So it's not learning, it's not a mental process but it is a state. It is a state you have to achieve. At this time it's so important to understand that whatever has been said in the scriptures, we can prove it. As in the Quran, it is written that at the time of Qiyamah, which is a resurrection, your hands will speak and give witness against you. That’s exactly what happens to you; when you get your realisation your fingers, as is shown here, get enlightened. First of all, you feel this all-pervading Power of God's love as cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they have described about Trinity – God the Father, God the Son. You have the Father and the Son, but Mother is missing, and not only that but She is made into a dove. I mean, in Indian culture woman is the power, the shakti. And Holy Ghost is the Power of God, which is the Adi Shakti, the primordial Mother. A woman could be a priest, she could be a philosopher, she could be a guru; she is respected much more than I would say even saints, if she's, she is a shakti. Because She's a Mother, She is the primordial Mother. Also in Greece, they have Athena who was the primordial Mother. Surprisingly ‘atha' means primordial in the Sanskrit language. So many similarities, but then I don't know why, they forgot about it, maybe the way they moulded the idea of primordial Mother. So there are many fundamentalists who hate us, and try to say things which are absolutely false against us. Because we believe in all religions and they cannot stand this truth. And another thing is that we say that you cannot take any money for spiritual work, because it is divine love and you cannot pay for it. They don't like this aspect at all. This is how, but it has been always. Even Thomas had to, I mean, face such horrible times, because the Gnostics were also troubled by clergies; everywhere it happens when the reality comes, all these fundamentalists try to suppress. But if you are a seeker, you must find the truth. You should not identify yourself with all these things because these are conditionings. You have to seek your Spirit. William Blake has already prophesised that: ’Men of God will be born at this time and they will become godly and make others also godly.’ So that time has come now. Tomorrow I'll tell you more about the nature of the Spirit. But today I have to tell you one thing that, when this Kundalini pierces through your fontanel area and you get connected to this all-pervading Power, you start feeling the cool breeze in your hand, very gentle, soothing, relaxing. Also, to begin with, you feel the cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Maybe you might feel little heat also coming out from your fontanel bone, as if the funnel is open. So, a new state is established within you to begin with, that you become thoughtlessly aware. So, when you become thoughtlessly aware, you feel the present. You are either in the future or in the past, and our thoughts come to us from either from the future or from the past. And we are jumping on the cusp of these thoughts. But if I say, now take your attention inside, you cannot. That's only possible when you stand in the present. But when the Kundalini rises, She pulls down all your attention inward and She pierces through this fontanel and you are surprised that there's no thought. You are absolutely peaceful. You are absolutely integrated. All the inner struggle is over and you watch the whole life as a big drama, like a witness. But you are fully aware. And if you want to think you can think, but this time your thinking is inspiration. This Kundalini, which goes through these centres, corrects your physical problem, solves your mental problems, your spiritual problem, your economic problems, political problems, marriage problems: everything, in totality. Because now you are connected with the divine Power. Now you have entered into the Kingdom of God, and your life is filled with miracles and blessings. So many people write to Me every day, lots of letters about their miracles. They can't believe that their divinity is manifesting it. It has nothing to do with Me, it's your own. Like one candle which is enlightened can enlighten many candles, you can also raise the Kundalini of others and you can also give realisations to others. You can change the whole world. Because Spirit is the universal being within you. So you develop on your central nervous system a new dimension of awareness, which we call it as collective consciousness. As you become like a drop in the ocean, the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. That means your being becomes the whole, the total. You become part and parcel of the whole. Say for example if that, this hand is hurt, another one will immediately look after it. In one body who is the other? But supposing this hand is dead, it doesn't feel anything, then whatever may happen to this hand it won't act. I must tell you a very sweet experience of Mine, when I was in Russia for the first time, twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis came to help Me. I asked them ‘How is it you are here?’ They said, ‘Mother don't you think it is our responsibility to come and correct what our forefathers have done to Russians?’ You'll be amazed now, if you meet, German Sahaja Yogis are the gentlest. They are very good people. Now the Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five countries – South America, North America, Russia, all the five EU countries which make the European community, plus as you know Holland, Belgium, all the European countries and England. All east Asian countries, Japan and Australia. So you have brothers and sisters everywhere, and they are people of universal understanding. One has to understand that in the West, the whole civilisation has grown like a very big tree, because of science. But science doesn't talk of ascent, of soul. So we have to find out our souls, our roots. Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of your roots. It is not a new movement, it has been there in, I would say thousands of years in practice, but very few people used to get their Self-Realisation. For example, at the time of Shri Rama, about eight thousand years before, His father-in-law gave realisation to one person, Nachiketa. Modern Sahaja Yoga is for giving realisation to masses. It is a movement of en masse realisation, so it is a collective work. So we have to be in collective after getting our realisation so that we are established properly in our state. Luckily in Belgium, we have very good Sahaja Yogis and also a very good ashram. But you don't have to pay anything whatsoever. All the knowledge about the divine laws, everything you will know in no time – within one month's time you can be a master. But you have to have a pure desire in your heart. This Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost, it's the desire Power of God. She's your individual Mother, She knows each and everything about you. Like your mother gave you... gave you birth without giving any trouble to you, She does beautifully. And it happens spontaneously; that's the meaning of sahaj. The knowledge about Kundalini is unlimited. I, the spiritual ascent, realisation, all these subjects I have dealt in with so many languages for twenty-two years now. Thousands of lectures I have given. But see now this electricity, if I have to tell you about its history, and who invented it and how it was brought to Brussels and then to you, you will be bored stiff. But when you come here, they tell you, just switch on one switch and the whole hall comes on. In the same way, why not get it? Why not have your light first and then talk about it. It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes, let's try, I’m sure you all will get your realisation today. But there's one thing I have to tell you that you cannot force, cannot force Self-Realisation on anyone, you have to ask for it with a big heart. Those who do not want to have their Self-Realisation have to leave the hall. You have to be comfortable. Absolutely. There are three conditions. First one is that all of you should be fully self-confident that you are all going to get your Self-Realisation today. There is no need to doubt about it. Then second condition is to forget about what mistakes you have committed before. In short, you do not have to feel guilty at all. If you feel guilty do you know what happens? This centre on the left-hand catches very badly, and you’ll get tension, you’ll get spondylitis, you might get angina, you might get all your organs very lethargic. To feel guilty is a human fashion. This all-pervading Power is the power of knowledge, all the knowledge, absolute knowledge. Also, it is the ocean of compassion and blessings. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness, and it has the power to dissolve all your so-called small little mistakes. It does not think you are sinners or anything, it does not. You are human beings, you are not gods and only human beings can make mistakes. So I am trying to convince you that, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. After all, you are at the epitome of evolution. Only a little journey has to be done, at the most three and a half feet or four feet. But if you have this chakra [left Vishuddhi] caught up, Kundalini won't come up. So, this is the second condition. The third condition is very simple, that you have to forgive everyone, in general. You don't have to think about the people who have troubled. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything, do you? But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are happy, and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. And then this centre, on the optic chiasma inside the brain, is a very constricted cross. And if you don't forgive, this chakra will never open. As it is you have tortured yourself all your life, and why do you want to miss out in your Self-Realisation? So don't say it's difficult, just say it out, ‘I forgive everyone of them,’ you'll feel much lighter. These are the three conditions you have to fulfil. I have to request you to take out your shoes so that we can have a contact with the Mother Earth and She sucks in our problems very well. That's all. [aside, as She puts out Her hands: Already they have got it.] It will take about ten, fifteen minutes but please don't disturb others at this time. So, you have to put both your hands like this towards Me. And put both your feet away from each other. You will realise in Sahaja Yoga that there are two powers within us, one on the left and one on the right. The left power is the power of desire, ordinary desire. And right is the power of action. Now, so with the left hand, when you put it on your lap, very comfortably, be comfortable – put it on your lap if you want to, whatever you are comfortable – which is symbolic that you desire to have your Self-Realisation. Now please put your left hand towards Me like this on your lap, very comfortably, and we will use our right hand to nourish our own centres. This exercise only you have to do in My presence now. Later on, you don't have to worry, but when you go to the collective, they will tell you how to get this connection fixed. Now they will show you how we are going to nourish our centres one by one. [aside to the two Yogis translating: He will show, and you can also show. You can come forward. You take that for... And both of you should speak loudly, otherwise they’ll miss it out.] So, first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty, and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, who is called as Holy Ghost. If you become the Spirit, then you have the light and you become your own guide, your own master. Now you take your hand down in the upper portion of the abdomen, which is the centre of your mastery, being created by many prophets. First, you should see then you can close your eyes. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge upon you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your left hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and press it hard. This is the centre which gives you divine pure knowledge. Now you have to raise your right hand again on your abdomen on the left-hand side in the upper part. Then you have to raise it to your heart again. Then you have to raise it in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to the right. I have already told you about this centre. Then you have to put your hand on top of your forehead across, and put down your head as far as possible; this is the centre where you have to forgive everyone, in general. Now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and hold it tight and push it back. Please put your head upward as far as possible and here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. Now the last centre, stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area on top of your head. Now please put down your head. Here it is very important to press back, press back your fingers – stretch them backwards so that there’s a good pressure on your scalp. Now press your scalp and move it seven times clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now you will have to close your eyes, so please take out your spectacles. If you have anything tight on your neck or on your waist, you can loosen it a little bit. And please put both your feet away from each other. Put the left hand on your lap towards Me. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Here, you have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. Here you have to say – you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whatever you like. Now at this chakra, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. Please ask three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ Now if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So now take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left side, and here you ask another fundamental question about yourself. Please ask silently: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Ask this three times. I have already told you that I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now take your right in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here, you have to ask six times, because this centre has got six petals, please say: ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge,’ six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts moving upward, so we have to nourish our upper centres with our full self-confidence. [aside to Yogini translating into French: Loudly, loudly. Loudly, because they can’t hear, I think.] So now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. Here, you have to say ten times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Now raise your right hand on... I have already told you that the truth about is that, you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am the Spirit.’ I have already told you that this all-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you have committed, you to have to know that it will be dissolved completely by this ocean of forgiveness. So first forgive yourself and forget that you are guilty. So now please put your right hand in the corner of your neck and turn your head to the right. Here you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you that logically, if you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you do not forgive, then you play into very wrong hands and torture yourself. So you have to just say that you forgive everyone and this centre will open very fast. So now please put your right hand on your forehead across and you bend your head fully. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, from your heart: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone.’ From your heart, not how many times. Now, take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say from your heart, not how many times: ‘Oh divine Power, forgive us if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly.’ Now the last chakra, you should stretch your palm, and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Put down your head please, put down your head, and do not hold your head with your fingers but push them backwards. Now again, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you, you have to ask for it. So move your scalp seven times clockwise with a pressure, saying in your heart: ‘Mother, please give me Self-Realisation.’ Please bend your head, bend your head. [Shri Mataji blows into microphone] Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes slowly. Put both the hands towards Me. Now don't think watching Me, don’t think. Now, put your right hand towards Me like this, put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool or a hot breeze coming out of your own head – you can feel it on your left hand. Now, the hand should be a little away from the head. Now put the left hand towards Me, again bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a cool breeze coming up. Now again with the right hand, once more, feel with the left hand – right hand towards Me and left hand you feel it. You must bend your head, bend it a little, then you can feel it. Now put both your hand towards the sky like this and ask one of these questions three times – put both, put your head towards the sky. Now ask the question: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ or ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of God's love?’ or ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of them three times, the question. Now please bring down your hands and again watch Me without thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze in their hands or fingers or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Don’t doubt, don’t doubt. I bow to you all, all of you are saints now. Now the saintly life has started. But you must know that this is a collective growth. You cannot grow alone, so all of you have to grow. I will again come next year, and also tomorrow. [applause] Maybe overnight you will grow, very much. So now please call your friends, other people; this is the greatest thing you have to give to them. We have such nice people here, very beautiful. May God bless you all. Tomorrow I’ll explain to you about nature of the Spirit. Thank you very much. Also tomorrow, I’ll meet you all individually.
Shri Vishnumaya Puja: She is the daughter of Mahakali
Shri Vishnumaya Puja, Ashram Everbeek (Belgium), 4 July 1992. Talk starts at 17:44 on video It’s a unique opportunity today to do Vishnumaya Puja because She entered into this house [Shri Mataji laughing], we have to worship Her.First we should know who is Vishnumaya. It’s very important to know because in the Devi Mahatmyam She is only described as the Incarnation of the Goddess: "Vishnumaya iti shabdita" [chant 5], She is called as Vishnumaya.But let’s see who is She? After all, this Vishnumaya is who? So Vishnumaya is the Kali, we can say, and is the daughter of Mahakali. She came on this earth and killed many, many devils and many rakshasas to save the saints from their aggression and She always acts in that manner to kill all the negativity of the world. She is very quick at it, I should say, and She knows where is the negativity and She tries to burn that negativity as fast as possible.Now the origin is like this that this Vishnumaya was the daughter of Mahakali who was created by Mahakali Herself to fight these demons, but also She was given special weapons to do this work.But at the time of Shri Krishna She was born as the sister of Shri Krishna, and instead of Shri Krishna being killed by Her uncle, as you know the story is, She was exchanged, She was actually the daughter of Yeshoda, exchanged for Shri Krishna. And this girl, little girl was killed by the uncle of Shri Krishna, who became the lightning in the sky and announced that “Shri Krishna has already incarnated, and your destiny is in His hands and He is going to kill you,” She told Kamsa. So this is the Vishnumaya. Then again She took Her birth at the time of Shri Krishna when He was the King of Dwarika, and She married, I should say, these five Pandavas. Because She was Draupadi. There’s a significance in that, that this is the one who joins five elements. And these five Pandavas represented that five elements and so She joined them as one wife because She’s the one who joins all the five elements that have created this material universe.Thus, we have a relationship established with Shri Krishna, and Shri Krishna as you know that, treated Her as a sister.Now once when you know that they tried to insult Draupadi by pulling out Her saris, it was Shri Krishna who helped Her because She was His sister and such a powerful lady. She’s also responsible for the Mahabharata. She’s the one who brought forth, She’s the one who told that: “You have to fight these Pandavas.” She absolutely told them very clearly that: “You have to fight the Kauravas and in such a way that they should be defeated not only but they should be destroyed.”Because the chastity of woman is very important and in India anybody who tries to molest the chastity of woman is to be cursed, is to be destroyed. And this was a very great message of Mahabharata that only because She was insulted so much, all the war took place and all of them were destroyed. So this is the story of Vishnumaya. But as all the Deities are now in Adi Shakti residing, She is on your left Vishuddhi, reflected. And the left Vishuddhi is very important because we have problems of our ego. And you really need someone to remind us that we should not have this ego to oppress others. So this reminder comes to us maybe from our conscience or wherever it is, you may say, from our upbringing, and settles down in our left Vishuddhi as the clouds of guilt. Also, as you know, Catholic Church and all these people, every religion start saying that “You are a sinner” and all this settles down in the left side of your Vishuddhi chakra. So the guilt is there. Now the guilt is there, then it is there, She is sitting down. This guilt when rubs against each other as the clouds in the sky, Vishnumaya gives you a feeling of burning, She burns the bhoots there, She burns our guilt and also She removes our doubts about ourselves with Her light.But in the beginning in Sahaja Yoga, as you’ve seen, when the Kundalini rises you feel always the left side, very clearly, the pain or sometimes the burning. And sometimes people say, “Mother, why am I feeling such burning here [left Vishuddhi] when the Kundalini is rising?” Because is the Vishnumaya, She’s trying to burn them out. This is one of Her capacities, to burn some of them. Like we can say, the water element can dissolve, then the ice can soothe you down, but Vishnumaya is an element like electricity, which really puts you into proper shape by burning away your negativities. Is very surprising that this power of Vishnumaya is of the left side and despite that it has that fire in itself that it can burn away the, I should say, the negativity bhoots on the left hand side. Now let us see how we develop these left hand side bhoots, it’s very interesting, because as we are dealing with Vishnumaya we should cooperate with Her and should not have any more pains upon us.It comes to us, specially in the west, I mean in India I don’t think anybody feels guilty about anything. It’s something that very surprising, I’ve never seen any Indian feeling guilty. The reason is that, if they have done a mistake in India – as it is, you know, the culture is such that this is bad manners, that is bad manners, like that. Now if somebody by mistake does something, then he can bear a grudge against that person, but he’ll never feel guilty that, “I’ve hurt that person,” or “I’ve said something wrong,” or “I should not have said that,” because in the whole culture there is nothing like “sorry” and “thank you”. It’s funny culture Indian is. There’s nothing like saying “sorry” and so much “thank you” also they don’t say. And all the time saying, “Thank you”, and “Good morning”, “Good evening”, I mean all the time, it’s more sort of a artificial thing for us.Even in Maharashtra the women never even say “Namaste” except to the Goddess or to God or to Incarnations, or in the temples. They’ll never say to some man, “Namaskar” like this [joined hands]– just like this or they might just smile, that’s all. So it is because we have to only bow to God. Why should we say “Good morning” to everyone, “Good evening” to everyone? We should we say, “Good morning” only to God. You see that’s the situation, [Shri Mataji laughs] it is the way it is being done. 27 :32 Now if you have done anything wrong, say in the East, I mean in India, as it is – if you have done anything in a way that you should not have done. So there are only two ways they deal with it, either they will confess it and go that person, that “I have done this wrong, now you can cut my throat, do what you like. Whatever punishment you give me I am willing to do.” This is the first thing, they’ll admit it, that “If you think that I have done wrong you can slap me immediately, I can pick up the slap.”Supposing you say something rude to your father. It’s not to be said, is bad manners because he is elder. If any elderly person has been insulted then it is wrong, then you will go and touch the feet of that person and say, “I am sorry, I’ve said this and I hope you forgive me.” So the other person says after that, “I forgive you.” I’ll give an example. We were in Russia and a little problem started between two persons. One was much younger and one was much older, Sahaja Yogis. So the reaction I’m telling you how it was.So the elder one came and complained at two o’clock in the night that this man said that, “You don’t know what I’m capable of.” I said, “Really. That’s, he should not have said such a thing to you.” So I called that fellow, woke him up at about 2:30. [Laughter] I said, “Why did you say such a thing to him? You should not have said. He is your elder, you cannot say like that.” “Because he said that, Mother, he talked to me as if he would talk to his own servant. He didn’t talk to me in the way he should have talked to me, so I said this.” But I said, “Despite that you cannot say this to your elders, you cannot say like that.” “Yes, of course, I know I made a mistake and actually I was not sleeping, I was not awakened, I was not sleeping, I was thinking I should tomorrow morning go and ask for his forgiveness and finish it.” I said, “Just now.” Immediately he got up and got hold of his feet and he said, “Now forgive me, because you were also too much of it.” He said, “I agree, that was my mistake so you also forgive me.” Finished! And in the West, formerly, it was not so bad also. What they used to do supposing there’s a quarrel between two men, they would use their boxing, box each other nicely and everybody will box each other. Finished! [Laughter]Nowadays you cannot box anyone, you cannot ask for forgiveness, and it’s too much of prestige, this, that, all these artificial things have made you feel guilty because you are supposed to do that. If anybody – it’s natural – if anybody has said anything to you, you’ll just go and box him and say, “Why did you say such a thing to me?” and that fellow will box you back and finished. [Laughter] Was a very common style, you see in all these old American pictures you see all this, I’ve seen it all the time. [Laughter]Shri Mataji aside: Let the -Indian musicians can come this side. But this guilt business has come because of sophistication. I used to think, “Why do they feel guilty for everything?”First is sophistication, first reason is. Because you cannot go and say somebody, “Oh I’m sorry I’ve said this and please forgive me,” and another person may not even forgive. So, this is due to sophistication and no communication. There’s no communication. I mean in a country like India people will fight and next thing, you’ll see them hugging each other. It doesn’t last long very much.But if there is any, sort of a very big problem between the families or someone said to an ancient one, then they’ll keep it up. They will not talk to that person, they’ll keep their distance, they’ll keep it all the time. But here it is not so. Superficially, they’ll meet everyone. Superficially, they’ll talk to everyone but inside they have that guilt.So because of this superficial sophistication what has happened that we suffer from this left Vishuddhi. And then Vishnumaya gets angry. That’s why most of the people in the west, I have seen, have left Vishuddhi and even I have got it from you all. It’s like that.So it’s nothing, it’s artificial, it is mythical, nothing to feel guilty about. After all even if you have done anything wrong you would have been in jail. You are sitting here, so how can you be guilty ?So this guilt business has killed our growth in Sahaja Yoga very much, I know that. So first of all, how to overcome your ego is the problem. Ego is there and when you see your ego and you cannot say that you are egoistical, you have to put the result of that as a left Vishuddhi problem. So the first thing you have to do is to see that you have ego. All right, then you stand before the mirror, separate yourself from your reflection and start telling off your own reflection: “Now what do you mean by having ego in yourself? You are a Sahaja Yogi, you have no business to have any ego.”But if you have the guilt, you will never see you have the ego. You will just feel the guilt but never see you have the ego. And that’s how ego remains and the left Vishuddhi also remains. Both things can be easily conquered if you face yourself, just see yourself. “It is from my ego? Yes. Why should I have ego?”Now there are ways of removing all these imbalances within ourselves through Sahaja Yoga. It’s not difficult. And has been removed. So you know right side, left side, it’s so simple. Sahaja Yoga is just movement of your fingers and hands, that’s all. It’s not a thing diagnosis, where they take out your blood, take out your tongue, take out your eyes and declare that you are healthy. It’s not that way. It just, you can feel it, that you are all right, you are in balance. Once that balance is established there is no problem with Vishnumaya.So this Vishnumaya who was the sister of Shri Krishna and later on came as Draupadi and all that, is today also existing in this light, and in your left Vishuddhi. But people do not want to see what’s wrong with them. This is the big problem.Like in York they had a church where a bishop of Durham, useless fellow, he declared that Christ was an ordinary man and he could have been a homosexual. Can you imagine, such a thing to say, I mean, even to hear is too much! And we should make some experiments, we should find out through some discoveries. Can you imagine such a hopeless thing he should say in the church ?So when the whole thing was ceremonious, he said it, then our Archbishop of Canterbury, who is another one, was so enamoured by the new discovery of this fellow that he honoured him in a church in York. And then after the thing the whole working was about to be over or something, they saw lightning looming round the church, around it. When the all the people were out this lightning completely fell on that thing and destroyed the whole of the church, except for the lower part. Now instead of seeing that what they did was wrong, what they said that: “See, look at the grace of God, and the grace of our faith that the lower portion of the church was not burned.” [Shri Mataji laughs] Such an explanation to be given! So then explanation come.I’ve seen is very common here, because mind is very intelligent here: “I did this because I thought like this, I thought like that.” Always there is an explanation for everything that you did wrong. “I thought like this.” But why did you think like that, is the point nobody wants to see.If you think, “Why did I think like that?” So this is an escape from the assertion of your ego that has harmed others or also it has harmed some Gods. It’s just an explanation, and people wriggle out. Actually there are so many wrigglers I’e seen like Mr Waldheim, they just wriggle out of all these – all the problems they have created, all the bad things they have done, I mean, somehow or other, they know how to wriggle out.Because this method they have developed, is to just to say something that would somehow or other give them a little capacity to escape. But they don’t want to face it. So now, we have to understand that we must face it. And I know of Sahaja Yogis also say there are certain, whom you tell them by now: "what, why tell that? "-"I thought"-"But why did you think? You should have seen the vibrations. You are not on the thinking level, you are now on the vibration level. Why not use your vibratory awareness?""I thought. " Once this "I thought" comes in your attention is on something that is mythical. The reality is that you have committed a mistake, all right admit it’s a mistake and is to be corrected.Now take a car, now there’s a car. If the car gets out of order or something, the car doesn’t think, “I thought”, does it? And we also don’t think that the car thought, never. What we do is to correct the car, finished! If we have to drive the car we correct the car.In the same way, this mind which says “I thought” should on the contrary correct itself.So this sentence of “I thought” should be out of the language of Sahaja Yogis. So we don’t think, you know, we are in thoughtless awareness.And then things work out, properly. When you start thinking that: "I think I am responsible" finished! When you start thinking: "I am not responsible, it’s all done by God, I’m not responsible for anything". If some mistake is done it’s God’s mistake, let Him have this left Vishuddhi. [Laughter] "But I haven’t done anything wrong". But when I say "I thought" means I take the responsibility and I create my own problems. So to take a decision you should be in that state of thoughtless awareness.Many times I see all these things happening like a drama around Me. I keep quiet. I say: “All right, all right, everyone all right.” I take the consensus. But whatever has to be done is done according to God’s will.But it doesn’t amazes people now, it used to once upon a time, because it corrects people, it is fruitful, it achieves results. Ultimately now they have accepted that whatever Mother decides is the best. But I don’t decide, actually, to be very frank I don’t do anything. But I see it so clearly, so evidently that this is the right thing one should do, so why do wrong things?That’s how you have to develop yourself, to get over this problem of Vishuddhi. But Vishnumaya has to be worshipped, has to be really remembered every day, because that is a common failing in the West. Now if your Vishnumaya is bad, angry with you, then what happens? You go on adding guilt after guilt, guilt after guilt, guilt after guilt. But all the time if you are alert and keep your Vishnumaya intact, then what happens? That She looks after you, She doesn’t allow any guilt to come in. And then the enjoyment of your Spirit is maximum.with the guilt, it’s a dent in it. You see, you [say]: “Ah, I am so happy Mother, happy, very happy, I rejoice,” And suddenly what happened? “Oh, I did that wrong.” I have seen people getting upset for small things, I mean, of course I have another life also, a very sophisticated world. One gentleman was eating all right, and suddenly, “Uh!” “What happened?” “Oh, I was supposed to telephone to that person and I did not telephone.” “But now you eat your food, now. Why are you worried about that?” “No, I should have.” “But what is going to happen in any case? You have not telephoned so you have not telephoned now. It’s all right, now you better have your food and telephone.” Then he finds out that the man was not there at all, he could never have got him.So all these things are, sort of, have created a kind of a norms in our life and these are so artificial norms. Now I was supposed to be there, say at this time, I am not there, so what? I should have been there, but if you are not there what’s the use of feeling bad about it? I should have reached the place. You’ll be surprised, the planes will wait, the man will wait, everything will be there even if you reach eight hours later. It would all happen that way.But first you must get in tune with this All-Pervading Power, with Vishnumaya. If you are tuned with that, attuned with Her then you will never fight, it’s all in front of you. It’s just there because remember now you have entered into the Kingdom of God, just test it!But on the contrary you are all the time using your human ignorance, and then you get deceived.Try to know that you are enlightened people, that you are not any more ordinary. But unless and until you use your powers what’s the use? It’s like some beggar – you put him on the throne. And when people come to Me, he begs: [Shri Mataji mimes a beggar presenting a plate] "Whatever is all right." "But Baba you are made the king, why are you begging?" So not to feel guilty is our religion. Not to feel guilty. We have to face it. If we have done any mistake with open heart we should accept we've done this mistake, go and tell the person, do the thing or correct it, or attend to it, instead of making a capital out of it and putting it down on your Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem in the west and I was surprised that it is very much on the increase and they are very proud, "Oh, I'm so guilty!" (Laughter) Better go to jail. All your pleasant temperament, all your joyous temperament absolutely gets poisoned by this guilt which has no meaning. Neither it can help you nor can it help anyone. I'm telling you with such earnestness, because I know it's a, in the beginning of course, all the Sahaja Yogis whom I've met in the west had this guilt.Also Catholicism is another one. In the Catholic Church you are supposed to confess.But I have seen Protestants very badly guilty. Protestants are no less. But in India you take any Catholic or a Protestant - nobody is guilty there.As I told you the other day a story My granddaughter asked Me, "Grandma, what sins You think I am committing?" I said, "What?" "I didn't commit any sin, but can You tell me if I am committing any sin?" I said, "I don't see any sin in you." She said, "But You know in our school they asked me to confess my sins - so what should I confess?" (Laughter) I said, "What will you say?" "Oh, only thing I ate two ice-creams." So I said, "Go and tell them." (Laughter) So it's so stupid as that. If you see the point it is very stupid and this stupidity you should, Sahaja Yogis should not engulf. Keep yourself happy, makes no difference whatsoever. And sometimes I make mistakes. Like suddenly, I don’t know why, I, Aristotle, I confused with Tolstoy? I don’t know why Tolstoy came into My mind, though I don’t think Tolstoy was anywhere near Aristotle or Aristotle was any near like that. But I did commit mistake and I’ve been thinking, “Why, why it was so?”Still it is very important. Even these people, you see, when they are described like – you see Aristotle had no influence on Tolstoy at all, is a fact. He had no influence. Aristotle was a man with politics and all that and he displaced all the philosophy on one side. Here is Tolstoy who tried to show how a person can resurrect.I don’t know if you have read him or not, but I think he is one of the great writers of those days. And the other day only I was comparing both of them and I said : “Look at this man, he is absolutely different from Aristotle, absolutely, two ends of the thing we can say, and how is it that he never read Aristotle? He was such a learned man, he never read Aristotle.” Then I just felt it’s a Russian mind, and Russian mind is extremely introspective and this introspection was missing in Mr Aristotle, was taking out everything out of his head, the yarn, and putting people on the other line altogether of this politics.Plato was even in a way worse than him, but this one is another.So Socrates was finished and Aristotle became everything. But because I have been judging both of them on their merits, that how is it Tolstoy? Because Tolstoy was a born Realised soul.So he saw life very differently. If you have read Anna Karenina there they have shown this lady, Anna Karenina, carrying on with another man, when she was a married lady and her husband very tolerant, working very hard and all that and could not give her sufficient time so she thought she has a right to be romantic. And then at the end he proves that she was never happy. But her husband was very peaceful, very forgiving, but she was never happy and ultimately she had to commit suicide. I mean these are old writers, used to write like this – specially those who were Realised souls. But if you give the same thing to somebody who is a modern writer he would show that the husband committed suicide, not the wife.And that’s what now we are in the modern times and that’s how we are, that we feel guilty for none of our faults. Here is a wife carrying on with another man and the man feels that I am guilty because I am not so attractive, that’s why she’s carrying on with another man and he commits suicide. It’s not so. It is the wife who is wrong – not the man. So also there is a shift of guilt or wrong from one to another by our perverted thinking.I have seen some men who are just like cabbages before their wives – specially in America. Just cabbages! I said : “Why are you such a cabbage?” So they say, “Mother, You see it was our guilt – the way we suppressed women.” “But why do you allow your women to suppress you? That’s also wrong.”So they allow their women to suppress them because they think their forefathers suppressed the women. I mean, doing the same thing, I mean, you are imbalancing yourself. Because you feel guilty. For whom? For your forefathers. I mean they are dead and gone – you are different.Like that we try to make ourselves guilty, it’s a fashion, you know, like dressing up in a funny way. All the time try to find out what wrong we have done is a typical Western mind.And then you become “Les Miserables”. How can you be happy people?All the time you start blaming yourself, putting yourself down. All these theories and all those things that have come to you have just made you miserable people, without going to jail you are in jail. Now this I was telling you about the dresses. There’s a six inches skirts have come. Now girls feel guilty if they don’t wear six inches. So actually it is wrong to wear that – but they feel guilty that they are not wearing. Because these are funny norms we have created that whatever the entrepreneurs take out we should be slaves to them. Immediately we should start throwing away all our clothes, take new style, another style. It is in Paris something comes up everybody should wear.On the contrary if India anybody starts such tricks, we’ll never accept. “Get lost! We don’t want all this nonsense.” So by that we throw away all the tradition which has grown us to this level. All our traditions we lose – because these entrepreneurs are working on us, we are playing into their hands and all these people are putting their yarns every day, all kinds of theories coming up from all over, we start accepting. If we do not accept we feel guilty.It’s very surprising how people accept nonsense. There’s a very painful experience of Mine when I went to America once and there was a little child of eight years and she said, “He takes drugs,” the mother. I said, “Really?” I felt so shocked I just took the child to My Heart and I said, “Why do you take drugs?” He looked up at Me. He said, “My mother never hugs me like this.” I asked her, “Why don’t you hug your child like that?” She said, “Because I’ll develop a guilt.” I said, “How?” “According to Freud it would be a guilt.” Now Freud is dictating that it’s a guilt to hug your child, so you develop a guilt.So from where is it coming this guilt to you? It’s from these books that you are reading, these useless people who are guiding you, they have no character, they have no sense, they have no idea of reality and that’s what you accept as Bible ? Then naturally you will be guilty.If a little coffee spills in a party, “Oh My God!” then I think you are worse than a criminal. Or else, somebody’s carpet is spoiled then of course, I mean, you should go to jail immediately. [Laughter]More on very superficial things these norms are made, on very superficial behaviours these norms are made and then you start feeling guilty.You don’t feel guilty that you are a racist, you don’t feel guilty about the things about which you have to feel guilty. That you aggress people – in America killed thousands and thousands of people, millions of people there – nobody feels guilty about that. Or you dominated the whole world – nobody feels guilty about that. You feel guilty about things which are extremely superficial. But for Sahaja Yogis, they are so deep, so deep that if they have to feel really bad about anything it is- I have to find out now what they have to feel bad. [Laughter]So I’ve found out a simple solution if you feel bad please pull your ears, finished! Or if you feel guilty just pull your ears and the Vishuddhi will be all right. It’s a very simple method just pull your ears like this, finished! But sometimes I find people all the time walking before me like this [Shri Mataji pulls Her ears and laughs] [Big laughter& applause], then I think what have I done to them now? [Shri Mataji bursts into laughter]Even while dancing they’ll do the same. this [Shri Mataji pulls Her ears and laughs] [Big laughter] It’s too much.This is a bit too much for Me to see these people feeling. So I mean, in Sahaja Yoga it’s not such a hard and fast rule about anything. I mean you are absolutely free people and you have to use all the freedom, absolutely. You are not to sort of be guided by some hard and fast rule that all the time you keep your ears pulled down like that. Just to overcome this nonsense of your guilt I said, “All right you can pull your ears.” And every time I see people just pulling their ears.Yesterday one girl was wearing a big earring and she was pulling her earrings, you see, I was quite worried it might… [Big laughter] Sahaja Yoga is just a play, just an enjoyment it is not this kind of hard and fast laws and regulations as you see. Because you are now innately religious, you’ve got your Spirit to see. What mistakes can you commit?But where you have to be careful you are not. For example, I say that before going out please take a bandhan. It’s a kavach, we call it a kavach. Means, kavach, in English there’s a word for Kavach?Sahaja Yogi: ProtectionShri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogi: Protection, protect.That’s rather, protection is abstract, but this is a protection of the Mother is a concrete stuff, you see, kavach. So you take the kavach. Kavach is something you can say, that people wear those, hum-Sahaja Yogi: ArmorShri Mataji: Armor, inside, you see that sort of a thing, is kavach. So you must take that before going out or talking to somebody. That you don’t do. Then I find there are, I said: "From where are you coming?""Oh Mother, I went to see my one- I went to a cemetery."I said: "For what?""Somebody died so I went there.""So did you take your kavach?""No."And you can see all the bhoots dancing here on the head. [Laughter]This is the thing is that where you are– and then you pull your ears, what’s the use? It’s just a simple thing, take your kavach when you are going out. It’s so simple, I mean, in Sahaja Yoga we don’t have to do horrible rituals that people do, nothing of the kind. Just take your bandhan in the morning when you are going out and if somebody is argumentative, just give a bandhan. Anything, little bandhan can work out so many things. But we forget that we have entered into the Kingdom of God and all the Saints and all the angels and Ganas are at your disposal. Now you have to believe in yourself. How am I to tell you that believe in yourself now? So this human nonsense of feeling guilty should vanish from every Sahaja Yogi. That’s why today we are having this Vishnumaya.Now you see – for example the Vishnumaya entered into this house, because it’s a new, dilapidated, old house and it was a brewery. It was wrong to have the Havan outside they should have had it inside. Not to feel guilty about it; But again, I think they will also [Shri Mataji pulls her ears - laughter]. So, but this was wrong.So Vishnumaya saw that you had committed a mistake She Herself came and cleaned out everything. She didn’t think that you should feel guilty, She thought, “These are children, still don’t know anything about it, they don’t know how many bhoots are inside. Better I go and do the job.” And She cleansed it. That’s all, there’s nothing to feel guilty about it. She knows better than you, naturally, so She’s done the job. So, a Sahaja Yogi is not like a person who looks as if somebody has died in his family. See like a very serious, he can’t smile, even if you tickle he won’t smile, you see, he’s so much "above" everything, that sort of a person he is not. He’s always bubbling with enjoyment and love and understanding and friendship. Everything he enjoys, that’s why he’s a Sahaja Yogi.If you ever feel guilty - now of course better pull your ears, that I would not cancel, because then it might be much more there [inside the left Vishuddhi]. But ever feel guilty you say: "Why I’m feeling guilty?" Just introspect. And this is the difference between Aristotle and Tolstoy. And yesterday I just realised that why I thought of Tolstoy instead of Aristotle.Now our Vishnumaya principle is to be always kept very alert because it helps us in many ways. First of all, it helps us to pass the messages from your heart to your head. It is the one by which we integrate. Our heart and head is integrated by the Vishnumaya principle more than the Vishuddhi on the right side.Vishuddhi on the right side can create collectivity, can create understanding with each other but on the left side, [it] helps you to keep a complete integration between your heart and your head.If there is a guilt, you just think of it and analyse it, it means that there’s a struggle between you in your heart and your mind, isn’t it? Simple as that. If it was integrated you would not feel guilty. And that is why all these artificial theories that have come, all these artificial yarns that you have read and all that, you forget it. You are a Sahaja Yogi and you have entered into the Kingdom of God – enjoy! That’s all you have to do. But you have to get to that state of enjoyment and understanding that you are above all.Even you can’t say that: "You should not be like Buddha who’s sitting silently". Nothing of the kind. Buddha was sitting silently only when he was doing meditation. Otherwise you have seen the fat Buddha with all the children and laughing Buddha. That means ego must laugh at itself. That’s how this filth of this guilt won’t be there. Just laugh at yourself. "How I did like this!" Laughing at yourself is a very good way of understanding yourself. Try to find out: "What nonsense I do? How I behave?" Like there’s a lady, she always feels responsible for everything. No. I call her "Goverdhari", means the one who held the mountain Govardhan in his hand, like that, she thinks she’s responsible for everything. And I try to outwit her in all her responsibilities, just to make her understand that she’s not responsible. And when she feels she’s responsible she’s all the time accumulating this guilt in her. Because firstly she’s not responsible and secondly being responsible, she’s definitely going to commit some sort of mistakes and then she’s going to take the responsibility of the mistakes and feel guilty. Then Vishnumaya gets angry and if She gets angry then you have problem of the left side. And left side is so important that it doesn’t show, it doesn’t express itself but it is painful to you. Left side is your own, it is painful to you, is troublesome to you.If there is ego others are troubled but if there is left side, you feel bad. So don’t feel bad for anything. I mean, some people feel bad because they were late for puja, doesn’t matter, that’s the time you had to come. Some people feel that they couldn’t bring something for puja, doesn’t matter. I never say: “You didn’t bring this, you didn’t do that.” I’ve never said anything about the puja, never – even once. that: "You did this wrong, or you should not have done this wrong, should have got it."Gradually you all have learned. What was the need to tell you? Otherwise there would have been another big well of this guilt in your heads. So you have to learn, you have never known pujas before, you don’t know what puja means, you don’t know anything of that kind, how it helps you. So, whatever was done, you are growing, after all children when they are growing they’ll do mistakes. Only My job is to protect you and that I am doing.But now don’t try to destroy yourself by feeling guilty. That’s why we are today doing the Puja of Vishnumaya. She is Kali who is the sister of Shri Krishna and who was Draupadi. Who is the one who is all the time for our protection and for telling us that we should not feel guilty at all and enjoy life.May God Bless you.
Shri Vishnumaya Puja, Ashram Everbeek (Belgium), 4 July 1992. Talk starts at 17:44 on video It’s a unique opportunity today to do Vishnumaya Puja because She entered into this house [Shri Mataji laughing], we have to worship Her.First we should know who is Vishnumaya. It’s very important to know because in the Devi Mahatmyam She is only described as the Incarnation of the Goddess: "Vishnumaya iti shabdita" [chant 5], She is called as Vishnumaya.But let’s see who is She? After all, this Vishnumaya is who? So Vishnumaya is the Kali, we can say, and is the daughter of Mahakali. She came on this earth and killed many, many devils and many rakshasas to save the saints from their aggression and She always acts in that manner to kill all the negativity of the world. She is very quick at it, I should say, and She knows where is the negativity and She tries to burn that negativity as fast as possible.Now the origin is like this that this Vishnumaya was the daughter of Mahakali who was created by Mahakali Herself to fight these demons, but also She was given special weapons to do this work.But at the time of Shri Krishna She was born as the sister of Shri Krishna, and instead of Shri Krishna being killed by Her uncle, as you know the story is, She was exchanged, She was actually the daughter of Yeshoda, exchanged for Shri Krishna. And this girl, little girl was killed by the uncle of Shri Krishna, who became the lightning in the sky and announced that “Shri Krishna has already incarnated, and your destiny is in His hands and He is going to kill you,” She told Kamsa. So this is the Vishnumaya. Then again She took Her birth at the time of Shri Krishna when He was the King of Dwarika, and She married, I should say, these five Pandavas. Because She was Draupadi. There’s a significance in that, that this is the one who joins five elements. And these five Pandavas represented that five elements and so She joined them as one wife because She’s the one who joins all the five elements that have created this material universe.Thus, we have a relationship established with Shri Krishna, and Shri Krishna as you know that, treated Her as a sister.Now once when you know that they tried to insult Draupadi by pulling out Her saris, it was Shri Krishna who helped Her because She was His sister and such a powerful lady. She’s also responsible for the Mahabharata. She’s the one who brought forth, She’s the one who told that: “You have to fight these Pandavas.” She absolutely told them very clearly that: “You have to fight the Kauravas and in such a way that they should be defeated not only but they should be destroyed.”Because the chastity of woman is very important and in India anybody who tries to molest the chastity of woman is to be cursed, is to be destroyed. And this was a very great message of Mahabharata that only because She was insulted so much, all the war took place and all of them were destroyed. So this is the story of Vishnumaya. But as all the Deities are now in Adi Shakti residing, She is on your left Vishuddhi, reflected. And the left Vishuddhi is very important because we have problems of our ego. And you really need someone to remind us that we should not have this ego to oppress others. So this reminder comes to us maybe from our conscience or wherever it is, you may say, from our upbringing, and settles down in our left Vishuddhi as the clouds of guilt. Also, as you know, Catholic Church and all these people, every religion start saying that “You are a sinner” and all this settles down in the left side of your Vishuddhi chakra. So the guilt is there. Now the guilt is there, then it is there, She is sitting down. This guilt when rubs against each other as the clouds in the sky, Vishnumaya gives you a feeling of burning, She burns the bhoots there, She burns our guilt and also She removes our doubts about ourselves with Her light.But in the beginning in Sahaja Yoga, as you’ve seen, when the Kundalini rises you feel always the left side, very clearly, the pain or sometimes the burning. And sometimes people say, “Mother, why am I feeling such burning here [left Vishuddhi] when the Kundalini is rising?” Because is the Vishnumaya, She’s trying to burn them out. This is one of Her capacities, to burn some of them. Like we can say, the water element can dissolve, then the ice can soothe you down, but Vishnumaya is an element like electricity, which really puts you into proper shape by burning away your negativities. Is very surprising that this power of Vishnumaya is of the left side and despite that it has that fire in itself that it can burn away the, I should say, the negativity bhoots on the left hand side. Now let us see how we develop these left hand side bhoots, it’s very interesting, because as we are dealing with Vishnumaya we should cooperate with Her and should not have any more pains upon us.It comes to us, specially in the west, I mean in India I don’t think anybody feels guilty about anything. It’s something that very surprising, I’ve never seen any Indian feeling guilty. The reason is that, if they have done a mistake in India – as it is, you know, the culture is such that this is bad manners, that is bad manners, like that. Now if somebody by mistake does something, then he can bear a grudge against that person, but he’ll never feel guilty that, “I’ve hurt that person,” or “I’ve said something wrong,” or “I should not have said that,” because in the whole culture there is nothing like “sorry” and “thank you”. It’s funny culture Indian is. There’s nothing like saying “sorry” and so much “thank you” also they don’t say. And all the time saying, “Thank you”, and “Good morning”, “Good evening”, I mean all the time, it’s more sort of a artificial thing for us.Even in Maharashtra the women never even say “Namaste” except to the Goddess or to God or to Incarnations, or in the temples. They’ll never say to some man, “Namaskar” like this [joined hands]– just like this or they might just smile, that’s all. So it is because we have to only bow to God. Why should we say “Good morning” to everyone, “Good evening” to everyone? We should we say, “Good morning” only to God. You see that’s the situation, [Shri Mataji laughs] it is the way it is being done. 27 :32 Now if you have done anything wrong, say in the East, I mean in India, as it is – if you have done anything in a way that you should not have done. So there are only two ways they deal with it, either they will confess it and go that person, that “I have done this wrong, now you can cut my throat, do what you like. Whatever punishment you give me I am willing to do.” This is the first thing, they’ll admit it, that “If you think that I have done wrong you can slap me immediately, I can pick up the slap.”Supposing you say something rude to your father. It’s not to be said, is bad manners because he is elder. If any elderly person has been insulted then it is wrong, then you will go and touch the feet of that person and say, “I am sorry, I’ve said this and I hope you forgive me.” So the other person says after that, “I forgive you.” I’ll give an example. We were in Russia and a little problem started between two persons. One was much younger and one was much older, Sahaja Yogis. So the reaction I’m telling you how it was.So the elder one came and complained at two o’clock in the night that this man said that, “You don’t know what I’m capable of.” I said, “Really. That’s, he should not have said such a thing to you.” So I called that fellow, woke him up at about 2:30. [Laughter] I said, “Why did you say such a thing to him? You should not have said. He is your elder, you cannot say like that.” “Because he said that, Mother, he talked to me as if he would talk to his own servant. He didn’t talk to me in the way he should have talked to me, so I said this.” But I said, “Despite that you cannot say this to your elders, you cannot say like that.” “Yes, of course, I know I made a mistake and actually I was not sleeping, I was not awakened, I was not sleeping, I was thinking I should tomorrow morning go and ask for his forgiveness and finish it.” I said, “Just now.” Immediately he got up and got hold of his feet and he said, “Now forgive me, because you were also too much of it.” He said, “I agree, that was my mistake so you also forgive me.” Finished! And in the West, formerly, it was not so bad also. What they used to do supposing there’s a quarrel between two men, they would use their boxing, box each other nicely and everybody will box each other. Finished! [Laughter]Nowadays you cannot box anyone, you cannot ask for forgiveness, and it’s too much of prestige, this, that, all these artificial things have made you feel guilty because you are supposed to do that. If anybody – it’s natural – if anybody has said anything to you, you’ll just go and box him and say, “Why did you say such a thing to me?” and that fellow will box you back and finished. [Laughter] Was a very common style, you see in all these old American pictures you see all this, I’ve seen it all the time. [Laughter]Shri Mataji aside: Let the -Indian musicians can come this side. But this guilt business has come because of sophistication. I used to think, “Why do they feel guilty for everything?”First is sophistication, first reason is. Because you cannot go and say somebody, “Oh I’m sorry I’ve said this and please forgive me,” and another person may not even forgive. So, this is due to sophistication and no communication. There’s no communication. I mean in a country like India people will fight and next thing, you’ll see them hugging each other. It doesn’t last long very much.But if there is any, sort of a very big problem between the families or someone said to an ancient one, then they’ll keep it up. They will not talk to that person, they’ll keep their distance, they’ll keep it all the time. But here it is not so. Superficially, they’ll meet everyone. Superficially, they’ll talk to everyone but inside they have that guilt.So because of this superficial sophistication what has happened that we suffer from this left Vishuddhi. And then Vishnumaya gets angry. That’s why most of the people in the west, I have seen, have left Vishuddhi and even I have got it from you all. It’s like that.So it’s nothing, it’s artificial, it is mythical, nothing to feel guilty about. After all even if you have done anything wrong you would have been in jail. You are sitting here, so how can you be guilty ?So this guilt business has killed our growth in Sahaja Yoga very much, I know that. So first of all, how to overcome your ego is the problem. Ego is there and when you see your ego and you cannot say that you are egoistical, you have to put the result of that as a left Vishuddhi problem. So the first thing you have to do is to see that you have ego. All right, then you stand before the mirror, separate yourself from your reflection and start telling off your own reflection: “Now what do you mean by having ego in yourself? You are a Sahaja Yogi, you have no business to have any ego.”But if you have the guilt, you will never see you have the ego. You will just feel the guilt but never see you have the ego. And that’s how ego remains and the left Vishuddhi also remains. Both things can be easily conquered if you face yourself, just see yourself. “It is from my ego? Yes. Why should I have ego?”Now there are ways of removing all these imbalances within ourselves through Sahaja Yoga. It’s not difficult. And has been removed. So you know right side, left side, it’s so simple. Sahaja Yoga is just movement of your fingers and hands, that’s all. It’s not a thing diagnosis, where they take out your blood, take out your tongue, take out your eyes and declare that you are healthy. It’s not that way. It just, you can feel it, that you are all right, you are in balance. Once that balance is established there is no problem with Vishnumaya.So this Vishnumaya who was the sister of Shri Krishna and later on came as Draupadi and all that, is today also existing in this light, and in your left Vishuddhi. But people do not want to see what’s wrong with them. This is the big problem.Like in York they had a church where a bishop of Durham, useless fellow, he declared that Christ was an ordinary man and he could have been a homosexual. Can you imagine, such a thing to say, I mean, even to hear is too much! And we should make some experiments, we should find out through some discoveries. Can you imagine such a hopeless thing he should say in the church ?So when the whole thing was ceremonious, he said it, then our Archbishop of Canterbury, who is another one, was so enamoured by the new discovery of this fellow that he honoured him in a church in York. And then after the thing the whole working was about to be over or something, they saw lightning looming round the church, around it. When the all the people were out this lightning completely fell on that thing and destroyed the whole of the church, except for the lower part. Now instead of seeing that what they did was wrong, what they said that: “See, look at the grace of God, and the grace of our faith that the lower portion of the church was not burned.” [Shri Mataji laughs] Such an explanation to be given! So then explanation come.I’ve seen is very common here, because mind is very intelligent here: “I did this because I thought like this, I thought like that.” Always there is an explanation for everything that you did wrong. “I thought like this.” But why did you think like that, is the point nobody wants to see.If you think, “Why did I think like that?” So this is an escape from the assertion of your ego that has harmed others or also it has harmed some Gods. It’s just an explanation, and people wriggle out. Actually there are so many wrigglers I’e seen like Mr Waldheim, they just wriggle out of all these – all the problems they have created, all the bad things they have done, I mean, somehow or other, they know how to wriggle out.Because this method they have developed, is to just to say something that would somehow or other give them a little capacity to escape. But they don’t want to face it. So now, we have to understand that we must face it. And I know of Sahaja Yogis also say there are certain, whom you tell them by now: "what, why tell that? "-"I thought"-"But why did you think? You should have seen the vibrations. You are not on the thinking level, you are now on the vibration level. Why not use your vibratory awareness?""I thought. " Once this "I thought" comes in your attention is on something that is mythical. The reality is that you have committed a mistake, all right admit it’s a mistake and is to be corrected.Now take a car, now there’s a car. If the car gets out of order or something, the car doesn’t think, “I thought”, does it? And we also don’t think that the car thought, never. What we do is to correct the car, finished! If we have to drive the car we correct the car.In the same way, this mind which says “I thought” should on the contrary correct itself.So this sentence of “I thought” should be out of the language of Sahaja Yogis. So we don’t think, you know, we are in thoughtless awareness.And then things work out, properly. When you start thinking that: "I think I am responsible" finished! When you start thinking: "I am not responsible, it’s all done by God, I’m not responsible for anything". If some mistake is done it’s God’s mistake, let Him have this left Vishuddhi. [Laughter] "But I haven’t done anything wrong". But when I say "I thought" means I take the responsibility and I create my own problems. So to take a decision you should be in that state of thoughtless awareness.Many times I see all these things happening like a drama around Me. I keep quiet. I say: “All right, all right, everyone all right.” I take the consensus. But whatever has to be done is done according to God’s will.But it doesn’t amazes people now, it used to once upon a time, because it corrects people, it is fruitful, it achieves results. Ultimately now they have accepted that whatever Mother decides is the best. But I don’t decide, actually, to be very frank I don’t do anything. But I see it so clearly, so evidently that this is the right thing one should do, so why do wrong things?That’s how you have to develop yourself, to get over this problem of Vishuddhi. But Vishnumaya has to be worshipped, has to be really remembered every day, because that is a common failing in the West. Now if your Vishnumaya is bad, angry with you, then what happens? You go on adding guilt after guilt, guilt after guilt, guilt after guilt. But all the time if you are alert and keep your Vishnumaya intact, then what happens? That She looks after you, She doesn’t allow any guilt to come in. And then the enjoyment of your Spirit is maximum.with the guilt, it’s a dent in it. You see, you [say]: “Ah, I am so happy Mother, happy, very happy, I rejoice,” And suddenly what happened? “Oh, I did that wrong.” I have seen people getting upset for small things, I mean, of course I have another life also, a very sophisticated world. One gentleman was eating all right, and suddenly, “Uh!” “What happened?” “Oh, I was supposed to telephone to that person and I did not telephone.” “But now you eat your food, now. Why are you worried about that?” “No, I should have.” “But what is going to happen in any case? You have not telephoned so you have not telephoned now. It’s all right, now you better have your food and telephone.” Then he finds out that the man was not there at all, he could never have got him.So all these things are, sort of, have created a kind of a norms in our life and these are so artificial norms. Now I was supposed to be there, say at this time, I am not there, so what? I should have been there, but if you are not there what’s the use of feeling bad about it? I should have reached the place. You’ll be surprised, the planes will wait, the man will wait, everything will be there even if you reach eight hours later. It would all happen that way.But first you must get in tune with this All-Pervading Power, with Vishnumaya. If you are tuned with that, attuned with Her then you will never fight, it’s all in front of you. It’s just there because remember now you have entered into the Kingdom of God, just test it!But on the contrary you are all the time using your human ignorance, and then you get deceived.Try to know that you are enlightened people, that you are not any more ordinary. But unless and until you use your powers what’s the use? It’s like some beggar – you put him on the throne. And when people come to Me, he begs: [Shri Mataji mimes a beggar presenting a plate] "Whatever is all right." "But Baba you are made the king, why are you begging?" So not to feel guilty is our religion. Not to feel guilty. We have to face it. If we have done any mistake with open heart we should accept we've done this mistake, go and tell the person, do the thing or correct it, or attend to it, instead of making a capital out of it and putting it down on your Vishuddhi. It is a very big problem in the west and I was surprised that it is very much on the increase and they are very proud, "Oh, I'm so guilty!" (Laughter) Better go to jail. All your pleasant temperament, all your joyous temperament absolutely gets poisoned by this guilt which has no meaning. Neither it can help you nor can it help anyone. I'm telling you with such earnestness, because I know it's a, in the beginning of course, all the Sahaja Yogis whom I've met in the west had this guilt.Also Catholicism is another one. In the Catholic Church you are supposed to confess.But I have seen Protestants very badly guilty. Protestants are no less. But in India you take any Catholic or a Protestant - nobody is guilty there.As I told you the other day a story My granddaughter asked Me, "Grandma, what sins You think I am committing?" I said, "What?" "I didn't commit any sin, but can You tell me if I am committing any sin?" I said, "I don't see any sin in you." She said, "But You know in our school they asked me to confess my sins - so what should I confess?" (Laughter) I said, "What will you say?" "Oh, only thing I ate two ice-creams." So I said, "Go and tell them." (Laughter) So it's so stupid as that. If you see the point it is very stupid and this stupidity you should, Sahaja Yogis should not engulf. Keep yourself happy, makes no difference whatsoever. And sometimes I make mistakes. Like suddenly, I don’t know why, I, Aristotle, I confused with Tolstoy? I don’t know why Tolstoy came into My mind, though I don’t think Tolstoy was anywhere near Aristotle or Aristotle was any near like that. But I did commit mistake and I’ve been thinking, “Why, why it was so?”Still it is very important. Even these people, you see, when they are described like – you see Aristotle had no influence on Tolstoy at all, is a fact. He had no influence. Aristotle was a man with politics and all that and he displaced all the philosophy on one side. Here is Tolstoy who tried to show how a person can resurrect.I don’t know if you have read him or not, but I think he is one of the great writers of those days. And the other day only I was comparing both of them and I said : “Look at this man, he is absolutely different from Aristotle, absolutely, two ends of the thing we can say, and how is it that he never read Aristotle? He was such a learned man, he never read Aristotle.” Then I just felt it’s a Russian mind, and Russian mind is extremely introspective and this introspection was missing in Mr Aristotle, was taking out everything out of his head, the yarn, and putting people on the other line altogether of this politics.Plato was even in a way worse than him, but this one is another.So Socrates was finished and Aristotle became everything. But because I have been judging both of them on their merits, that how is it Tolstoy? Because Tolstoy was a born Realised soul.So he saw life very differently. If you have read Anna Karenina there they have shown this lady, Anna Karenina, carrying on with another man, when she was a married lady and her husband very tolerant, working very hard and all that and could not give her sufficient time so she thought she has a right to be romantic. And then at the end he proves that she was never happy. But her husband was very peaceful, very forgiving, but she was never happy and ultimately she had to commit suicide. I mean these are old writers, used to write like this – specially those who were Realised souls. But if you give the same thing to somebody who is a modern writer he would show that the husband committed suicide, not the wife.And that’s what now we are in the modern times and that’s how we are, that we feel guilty for none of our faults. Here is a wife carrying on with another man and the man feels that I am guilty because I am not so attractive, that’s why she’s carrying on with another man and he commits suicide. It’s not so. It is the wife who is wrong – not the man. So also there is a shift of guilt or wrong from one to another by our perverted thinking.I have seen some men who are just like cabbages before their wives – specially in America. Just cabbages! I said : “Why are you such a cabbage?” So they say, “Mother, You see it was our guilt – the way we suppressed women.” “But why do you allow your women to suppress you? That’s also wrong.”So they allow their women to suppress them because they think their forefathers suppressed the women. I mean, doing the same thing, I mean, you are imbalancing yourself. Because you feel guilty. For whom? For your forefathers. I mean they are dead and gone – you are different.Like that we try to make ourselves guilty, it’s a fashion, you know, like dressing up in a funny way. All the time try to find out what wrong we have done is a typical Western mind.And then you become “Les Miserables”. How can you be happy people?All the time you start blaming yourself, putting yourself down. All these theories and all those things that have come to you have just made you miserable people, without going to jail you are in jail. Now this I was telling you about the dresses. There’s a six inches skirts have come. Now girls feel guilty if they don’t wear six inches. So actually it is wrong to wear that – but they feel guilty that they are not wearing. Because these are funny norms we have created that whatever the entrepreneurs take out we should be slaves to them. Immediately we should start throwing away all our clothes, take new style, another style. It is in Paris something comes up everybody should wear.On the contrary if India anybody starts such tricks, we’ll never accept. “Get lost! We don’t want all this nonsense.” So by that we throw away all the tradition which has grown us to this level. All our traditions we lose – because these entrepreneurs are working on us, we are playing into their hands and all these people are putting their yarns every day, all kinds of theories coming up from all over, we start accepting. If we do not accept we feel guilty.It’s very surprising how people accept nonsense. There’s a very painful experience of Mine when I went to America once and there was a little child of eight years and she said, “He takes drugs,” the mother. I said, “Really?” I felt so shocked I just took the child to My Heart and I said, “Why do you take drugs?” He looked up at Me. He said, “My mother never hugs me like this.” I asked her, “Why don’t you hug your child like that?” She said, “Because I’ll develop a guilt.” I said, “How?” “According to Freud it would be a guilt.” Now Freud is dictating that it’s a guilt to hug your child, so you develop a guilt.So from where is it coming this guilt to you? It’s from these books that you are reading, these useless people who are guiding you, they have no character, they have no sense, they have no idea of reality and that’s what you accept as Bible ? Then naturally you will be guilty.If a little coffee spills in a party, “Oh My God!” then I think you are worse than a criminal. Or else, somebody’s carpet is spoiled then of course, I mean, you should go to jail immediately. [Laughter]More on very superficial things these norms are made, on very superficial behaviours these norms are made and then you start feeling guilty.You don’t feel guilty that you are a racist, you don’t feel guilty about the things about which you have to feel guilty. That you aggress people – in America killed thousands and thousands of people, millions of people there – nobody feels guilty about that. Or you dominated the whole world – nobody feels guilty about that. You feel guilty about things which are extremely superficial. But for Sahaja Yogis, they are so deep, so deep that if they have to feel really bad about anything it is- I have to find out now what they have to feel bad. [Laughter]So I’ve found out a simple solution if you feel bad please pull your ears, finished! Or if you feel guilty just pull your ears and the Vishuddhi will be all right. It’s a very simple method just pull your ears like this, finished! But sometimes I find people all the time walking before me like this [Shri Mataji pulls Her ears and laughs] [Big laughter& applause], then I think what have I done to them now? [Shri Mataji bursts into laughter]Even while dancing they’ll do the same. this [Shri Mataji pulls Her ears and laughs] [Big laughter] It’s too much.This is a bit too much for Me to see these people feeling. So I mean, in Sahaja Yoga it’s not such a hard and fast rule about anything. I mean you are absolutely free people and you have to use all the freedom, absolutely. You are not to sort of be guided by some hard and fast rule that all the time you keep your ears pulled down like that. Just to overcome this nonsense of your guilt I said, “All right you can pull your ears.” And every time I see people just pulling their ears.Yesterday one girl was wearing a big earring and she was pulling her earrings, you see, I was quite worried it might… [Big laughter] Sahaja Yoga is just a play, just an enjoyment it is not this kind of hard and fast laws and regulations as you see. Because you are now innately religious, you’ve got your Spirit to see. What mistakes can you commit?But where you have to be careful you are not. For example, I say that before going out please take a bandhan. It’s a kavach, we call it a kavach. Means, kavach, in English there’s a word for Kavach?Sahaja Yogi: ProtectionShri Mataji: Hum?Sahaja Yogi: Protection, protect.That’s rather, protection is abstract, but this is a protection of the Mother is a concrete stuff, you see, kavach. So you take the kavach. Kavach is something you can say, that people wear those, hum-Sahaja Yogi: ArmorShri Mataji: Armor, inside, you see that sort of a thing, is kavach. So you must take that before going out or talking to somebody. That you don’t do. Then I find there are, I said: "From where are you coming?""Oh Mother, I went to see my one- I went to a cemetery."I said: "For what?""Somebody died so I went there.""So did you take your kavach?""No."And you can see all the bhoots dancing here on the head. [Laughter]This is the thing is that where you are– and then you pull your ears, what’s the use? It’s just a simple thing, take your kavach when you are going out. It’s so simple, I mean, in Sahaja Yoga we don’t have to do horrible rituals that people do, nothing of the kind. Just take your bandhan in the morning when you are going out and if somebody is argumentative, just give a bandhan. Anything, little bandhan can work out so many things. But we forget that we have entered into the Kingdom of God and all the Saints and all the angels and Ganas are at your disposal. Now you have to believe in yourself. How am I to tell you that believe in yourself now? So this human nonsense of feeling guilty should vanish from every Sahaja Yogi. That’s why today we are having this Vishnumaya.Now you see – for example the Vishnumaya entered into this house, because it’s a new, dilapidated, old house and it was a brewery. It was wrong to have the Havan outside they should have had it inside. Not to feel guilty about it; But again, I think they will also [Shri Mataji pulls her ears - laughter]. So, but this was wrong.So Vishnumaya saw that you had committed a mistake She Herself came and cleaned out everything. She didn’t think that you should feel guilty, She thought, “These are children, still don’t know anything about it, they don’t know how many bhoots are inside. Better I go and do the job.” And She cleansed it. That’s all, there’s nothing to feel guilty about it. She knows better than you, naturally, so She’s done the job. So, a Sahaja Yogi is not like a person who looks as if somebody has died in his family. See like a very serious, he can’t smile, even if you tickle he won’t smile, you see, he’s so much "above" everything, that sort of a person he is not. He’s always bubbling with enjoyment and love and understanding and friendship. Everything he enjoys, that’s why he’s a Sahaja Yogi.If you ever feel guilty - now of course better pull your ears, that I would not cancel, because then it might be much more there [inside the left Vishuddhi]. But ever feel guilty you say: "Why I’m feeling guilty?" Just introspect. And this is the difference between Aristotle and Tolstoy. And yesterday I just realised that why I thought of Tolstoy instead of Aristotle.Now our Vishnumaya principle is to be always kept very alert because it helps us in many ways. First of all, it helps us to pass the messages from your heart to your head. It is the one by which we integrate. Our heart and head is integrated by the Vishnumaya principle more than the Vishuddhi on the right side.Vishuddhi on the right side can create collectivity, can create understanding with each other but on the left side, [it] helps you to keep a complete integration between your heart and your head.If there is a guilt, you just think of it and analyse it, it means that there’s a struggle between you in your heart and your mind, isn’t it? Simple as that. If it was integrated you would not feel guilty. And that is why all these artificial theories that have come, all these artificial yarns that you have read and all that, you forget it. You are a Sahaja Yogi and you have entered into the Kingdom of God – enjoy! That’s all you have to do. But you have to get to that state of enjoyment and understanding that you are above all.Even you can’t say that: "You should not be like Buddha who’s sitting silently". Nothing of the kind. Buddha was sitting silently only when he was doing meditation. Otherwise you have seen the fat Buddha with all the children and laughing Buddha. That means ego must laugh at itself. That’s how this filth of this guilt won’t be there. Just laugh at yourself. "How I did like this!" Laughing at yourself is a very good way of understanding yourself. Try to find out: "What nonsense I do? How I behave?" Like there’s a lady, she always feels responsible for everything. No. I call her "Goverdhari", means the one who held the mountain Govardhan in his hand, like that, she thinks she’s responsible for everything. And I try to outwit her in all her responsibilities, just to make her understand that she’s not responsible. And when she feels she’s responsible she’s all the time accumulating this guilt in her. Because firstly she’s not responsible and secondly being responsible, she’s definitely going to commit some sort of mistakes and then she’s going to take the responsibility of the mistakes and feel guilty. Then Vishnumaya gets angry and if She gets angry then you have problem of the left side. And left side is so important that it doesn’t show, it doesn’t express itself but it is painful to you. Left side is your own, it is painful to you, is troublesome to you.If there is ego others are troubled but if there is left side, you feel bad. So don’t feel bad for anything. I mean, some people feel bad because they were late for puja, doesn’t matter, that’s the time you had to come. Some people feel that they couldn’t bring something for puja, doesn’t matter. I never say: “You didn’t bring this, you didn’t do that.” I’ve never said anything about the puja, never – even once. that: "You did this wrong, or you should not have done this wrong, should have got it."Gradually you all have learned. What was the need to tell you? Otherwise there would have been another big well of this guilt in your heads. So you have to learn, you have never known pujas before, you don’t know what puja means, you don’t know anything of that kind, how it helps you. So, whatever was done, you are growing, after all children when they are growing they’ll do mistakes. Only My job is to protect you and that I am doing.But now don’t try to destroy yourself by feeling guilty. That’s why we are today doing the Puja of Vishnumaya. She is Kali who is the sister of Shri Krishna and who was Draupadi. Who is the one who is all the time for our protection and for telling us that we should not feel guilty at all and enjoy life.May God Bless you.
The Nature of the Spirit
Public Program
Public Program: Day 2 I bow to all the seekers of truth. [aside: Why don't you sit here, it'll be better, they are all trying to see your faces, sit here.] All right, you all can see him now? Yesterday I told you at the very outset that, truth is where it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also, we cannot pay for it and we cannot put in any human effort to achieve it. Unfortunately also, we cannot know or feel the truth at human awareness with this human awareness. Yesterday I had told you that I will tell you the nature of the Spirit. But today I find lots of new faces also, so I would like to say that we have to become the Spirit, a stage, a state by which we can know the truth. And this is what has been said in all the scriptures. And yesterday I told you how your faith is challenged by the science, discoveries and also by the so-called religions, which are money-oriented or power-oriented. So today we have to know what is the state in which we have to rise. Yesterday I told you that, when this power of Kundalini rises, then you achieve a state of thoughtless awareness, where you are in the present. In that state you can feel your own self, your own centres, thus you get self-knowledge. And the second manifestation is that, on your central nervous system, you develop a new awareness, which is called as collective consciousness. Then only you have to know how to correct your centres and the centres of others. So Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots, and the science of the roots. It is a complete science, conclusive. It makes you your own guide, and you become the master of this science. It's a very subtle knowledge, but as soon as you become the Spirit, you become subtle. The Spirit is the universal being within us. It is the reflection of God Almighty on your heart. When the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, automatically you start losing all the barriers of human mind, because it is the universal being within us. You lose all the identity with a particular group you belong to, the particular religion you belong to, the particular nation you belong to, but you see the unity of all those. That means your problems of fundamentalism, your problems of national struggle and all these things which create differences and distances among human beings just disappear. [re translation into French and Flemish - which was a lot shorter] Sometimes the French is so long and this is so small, and sometimes the Flemish is so long and the Dutch so small. [laughter] And then you start speaking the language of love. [applause] And this compassion is love, that is the main nectar of the Spirit, overpowering your temperament and flows all over. When it happens, you just understand another human being as he is and without any reservation, without any lust or greed or any hope of any return, you just feel another personality. It is said that God is love and God is truth. That means that, if you love then you know all the truth about that person. So this love which is so pure, which is divine love, penetrates into personality, towards yourself and towards others. Inside it gives you peace, relief and complete satisfaction. Outside, to others it gives comfort, counsels and it redeems. So this love is within us, we are the storehouse of that love. And we have no awareness of it. We do not want, we do not know how to manifest it. As I told you yesterday that, your divinity is intact there. With the ascent of the Kundalini, not only that your physical, mental emotional and other problems are solved, but you can solve the problem of others because you get the power. You get the power to awaken the Kundalini. And also you get complete knowledge about the divine forces and divine laws which are perfect. Your attention becomes so enlightened and so powerful that, anybody who puts attention on another person, if he is a realised soul, it has an effect of benevolence. Your eyes become clean; what Christ has said, ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes,’ this happens to you. And innocence from your eyes is so powerful that it creates innocence in another person. The second very important thing is to understand that, once you become the Spirit, you know the absolute truth. There are so many theories, so many nonsensical things are coming out of the brains of the people, and we don't know which is true, which is not. So also, we see so many fake people coming and talking of big things, and promising so much, claiming so much and doing nothing about it. Because we become subtle, you can see the subtleties of all the religions also, which are so great. You find out that all the religions are flowers born on the same Tree of Life of spirituality. Out of ignorance and out of misleading people they have spoiled the name of religions. Your attention starts flowing through your fingertips. As I told you yesterday that, in the Quran it is written that when the Qiyamah, the resurrection, will take place, your hands will speak and give witness against you. So, in every scripture, this Last Judgement has been described. And that's how we have to judge what is the truth and what is not the truth. So, we have to have our self-knowledge, our Self-Realisation so that we can know what is the truth and what is not the truth. There is no need for us to use bombs, and use weapons and things to transform people, even one glance can transform them. So, this transformation makes you a saint, or as we call in our Sanskrit language as a sadhu or a yogi. Also, he's called as wali, a – by Sufi people they call it wali, or else in other scriptures, you’ll find them described as enlightened people, or buddhas. Now the time has come for many many people to become that. Thus, you find that a new blossoming time has come by which we can prove all the great scriptures, what they have said. As it is, Sahaja Yoga is now working in fifty-five countries. We have no organisation, we have no membership, but it's working. It is spreading everywhere, like one enlightened light can enlighten another. But the greatest thing that you get when you get your Self-Realisation is that, you enter into the Kingdom of God. And His administration and His government is absolutely perfect and extremely efficient. But you have to enter into the kingdom, you have to become the citizen of that kingdom, which you are not. And once you experience that, you start developing a real faith of enlightenment into the Kingdom of God. You automatically, spontaneously become righteous, because the innate religion within you are awakened. And the blessings are that you experience the divine joy. This joy is indescribable. This joy is beyond happiness and unhappiness. You enjoy your virtues, you enjoy other Yogis, you enjoy every leaf that is being created. It is so practical also, somehow that now, a country like England where there are so many people unemployed, but not one single Sahaja Yogi you can find without a job; it's very difficult. It's amazing that we were not aware of the powers of divinity within us. And that is how we have lost faith in ourselves. But it is not just talking, it is not just saying something, but it's a happening, it's an actualisation that has to take place. It is becoming which is important. Now, the becoming means becoming the Yogi, means the connection with the Divine, plus Sahaja Yogi means the one who knows everything about divine life. You do not have to suffer, you do not have to fast or starve anymore. You'll feel that the journey of seeking is over. So now we'll have the experience of Self-Realisation, which is very simple. It will hardly take ten, fifteen minutes. But later on, you have to come to the collective. We have very good Sahaja Yogis even in Belgium and Holland and you have to just come to the collective and try to fix your connection with the Divine. For your Self-Realisation or for all this divine knowledge, you cannot pay because it is invaluable. So I think we should have now the realisation or there are some questions asked, or no? Now one thing is there that I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom. [Yogi is handed a note: Shri Mataji, should I read the question?] No, no what is it, you tell Me? If it is worth it, otherwise forget it. It’s personal? All right, personal questions we can deal, later on, but it's not a general question. So as I told you, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom, because you have to ultimately get your complete freedom and complete mastery. So your freedom is first absolutely respected. Now those who do not want to have Self-Realisation are welcome to leave the hall. So first, as I told you yesterday, again I'll repeat the three conditions. The first condition is that you all should be self-confident that you will receive your Self-Realisation. Don't doubt yourself. You are all seekers of truth, that's why you are here. The second very important thing is, whatever you might have done your lifetime makes no difference, you are not to feel guilty about it. I told you yesterday that if you feel guilty the left side of this chakra catches and gets very much in trouble. As a result, you may develop a disease of spondylitis, maybe angina, maybe lethargy of all the organs. So, guilt is a myth and you should not feel guilty at all, because God Almighty is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, after all, you are human beings, you are not gods, everything can be dissolved in the power of that ocean of forgiveness. In short, you forget the past and know that you are here to enter into the Kingdom of God. That means you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, the third condition, as I said is extremely simple but you can make it difficult, is to forgive each and every person, even without thinking about them. Because logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Moreover, the Kundalini has to pass through this Agnya Chakra, which is placed in the optic chiasma and is a very constricted cross thing. And if you do not really forgive from your heart – I mean, don’t have to do anything, just have to say, ‘I forgive everyone from my heart’ – if you do not do that, then this centre doesn't open and the Kundalini doesn't rise. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now you want to miss out on your Self-Realisation; this is no wisdom. These are the only three simple conditions. Now, can I request you to take out your shoes, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those who are standing can come and sit here, it would be helpful. Yes just sit down, it's all right, it can work anywhere you are. I told you yesterday that there are two powers, sympathetic powers, within us; one is the left, another is the right. So the left one is the power of ordinary desire and the right one is the power of action. So those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but those who are sitting on the chair have to put their both the feet apart from each other. Now, you have to put your left hand on your lap very comfortably – everything is very comfortable. This represents that you desire to have your Self-Realisation. And the right hand we are going to use ourselves to nourish our own centres. He will now show you, you should all watch carefully and then we have to close our eyes. First, you watch it's very simple, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Now in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So you take your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, where it is the centre of your mastery, which is created and looked after by the great prophets. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge, which is pure knowledge, on you; you have to ask for it. So now you have to put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. You'll be amazed to know that for the pure knowledge, this is the centre. Now, raise your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen, now raise your right hand again on your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Put your head to your right. Now please take your right hand and put it on your forehead across, and put down your head; this is the centre to forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power at this centre. [aside to a Yogi: ‘Take out My socks, would be better idea, it’s very hot for everyone.’ Shri Mataji raises Her left side and brings down energy to Her right.] Now, the last centre which is very important; stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, now push back your fingers as far as possible. Push back your fingers so that there is good pressure on your scalp. Now, move your scalp seven times clockwise with pressure by bending your head, first is bend your head. Seven times clockwise, push back your fingers, otherwise there is no pressure. Don't hold your head, and bend your head. Now, now please see that your feet are away from each other and that you’ve got your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. You have to sit comfortably but erect, not bending too much or bending backwards. If you have anything tight on your waist or your neck, please try to remove the tightness. Now, in this centre of your heart, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself – you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whichever way you like. Close your eyes. Better close your eyes all of you. Now, here you have to ask a question three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ Ask this question three times in your heart. Now if you are the Spirit, you are your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side, and press it. Here you have to again ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, please ask: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you, so now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge.’ As soon as you ask this question, your Kundalini starts rising so you have to nourish the above centres with your self-confidence. So now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say with full self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Please say it ten times. Now, I have already told you that you are the pure Spirit and not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here you have to say again with self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ Say it twelve times, please. I have already told you that the divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss, peace and joy, but above all, it is the power of forgiveness. So you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this power of forgiveness, so you have to forgive yourself, and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. So turn your head to your right and say sixteen times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands, so it is important that you have to forgive everyone, in general. You don't have to think about them, because it's a headache, so just say: ‘Mother, I forgive all of them in general,’ by putting your right on top of your forehead and bend your head. It is not how many times but from your heart. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. So now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head on it as far as possible and look upwards. Here you have to say, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me,’ say it from your heart, not how many times. Now the last chakra, please stretch your palm fully, push your... put your hand or your palm, on the centre of your fontanel area, the centre of your palm on the centre of fontanel bone area. And now push back your fingers as far as possible and bend your head. Here again... Here again, I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. So now please, move your scalp with pressure saying: ‘Mother, please give me Self-Realisation,’ seven times: move it seven times. Bend your head, please bend your head, push back your fingers, put a nice pressure, don't hold your head. Seven times. Now that's all you have to do. Open your eyes, please. Put both your hand towards Me like this. I hope you have forgiven, and that you are not feeling guilty at all – I can feel you are feeling still guilty for nothing at all. All right now, put your right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself with the left hand, if there's a cool or hot breeze-like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Keep your hand away from the head, not on top. You move your hand – sometimes you have to move the hand little further, also some people get it little away from the head. Now please put your left hand towards Me, and now put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head or hot breeze is coming out of your head, with your right hand. Now please again put your right hand and see with your left hand – bend your head, see carefully if there is a hot or cool breeze. Now if it is not cool enough, that means you have not forgiven, so forgive, the time has come to forgive. It's good. Now, please put both your hand towards the sky and push back your head like this. Now you have to ask one of these questions three times: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ Ask this question three times or: ‘Is this the all-pervading Power of God’s love?’ or ‘Is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now take down your hands, please. You put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. You are aware, but you are not thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on their fingers or on their fontanel bone area, please raise your hands. Imagine this Belgium, all of you have become saints now, I bow to you. See that, they all have become now saints, the saintly life has started. You can also feel in each other’s heads also; you can feel it's there. Now don't doubt it. And you have to grow, you have to come to the collective to grow, to be able to help the rest of the humanity. Such an experience for Me also. [aside to Yogis: Today was puja, no? That’s why.]
Public Program: Day 2 I bow to all the seekers of truth. [aside: Why don't you sit here, it'll be better, they are all trying to see your faces, sit here.] All right, you all can see him now? Yesterday I told you at the very outset that, truth is where it is, we cannot change it, we cannot conceptualise it. Also, we cannot pay for it and we cannot put in any human effort to achieve it. Unfortunately also, we cannot know or feel the truth at human awareness with this human awareness. Yesterday I had told you that I will tell you the nature of the Spirit. But today I find lots of new faces also, so I would like to say that we have to become the Spirit, a stage, a state by which we can know the truth. And this is what has been said in all the scriptures. And yesterday I told you how your faith is challenged by the science, discoveries and also by the so-called religions, which are money-oriented or power-oriented. So today we have to know what is the state in which we have to rise. Yesterday I told you that, when this power of Kundalini rises, then you achieve a state of thoughtless awareness, where you are in the present. In that state you can feel your own self, your own centres, thus you get self-knowledge. And the second manifestation is that, on your central nervous system, you develop a new awareness, which is called as collective consciousness. Then only you have to know how to correct your centres and the centres of others. So Sahaja Yoga is the knowledge of the roots, and the science of the roots. It is a complete science, conclusive. It makes you your own guide, and you become the master of this science. It's a very subtle knowledge, but as soon as you become the Spirit, you become subtle. The Spirit is the universal being within us. It is the reflection of God Almighty on your heart. When the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, automatically you start losing all the barriers of human mind, because it is the universal being within us. You lose all the identity with a particular group you belong to, the particular religion you belong to, the particular nation you belong to, but you see the unity of all those. That means your problems of fundamentalism, your problems of national struggle and all these things which create differences and distances among human beings just disappear. [re translation into French and Flemish - which was a lot shorter] Sometimes the French is so long and this is so small, and sometimes the Flemish is so long and the Dutch so small. [laughter] And then you start speaking the language of love. [applause] And this compassion is love, that is the main nectar of the Spirit, overpowering your temperament and flows all over. When it happens, you just understand another human being as he is and without any reservation, without any lust or greed or any hope of any return, you just feel another personality. It is said that God is love and God is truth. That means that, if you love then you know all the truth about that person. So this love which is so pure, which is divine love, penetrates into personality, towards yourself and towards others. Inside it gives you peace, relief and complete satisfaction. Outside, to others it gives comfort, counsels and it redeems. So this love is within us, we are the storehouse of that love. And we have no awareness of it. We do not want, we do not know how to manifest it. As I told you yesterday that, your divinity is intact there. With the ascent of the Kundalini, not only that your physical, mental emotional and other problems are solved, but you can solve the problem of others because you get the power. You get the power to awaken the Kundalini. And also you get complete knowledge about the divine forces and divine laws which are perfect. Your attention becomes so enlightened and so powerful that, anybody who puts attention on another person, if he is a realised soul, it has an effect of benevolence. Your eyes become clean; what Christ has said, ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes,’ this happens to you. And innocence from your eyes is so powerful that it creates innocence in another person. The second very important thing is to understand that, once you become the Spirit, you know the absolute truth. There are so many theories, so many nonsensical things are coming out of the brains of the people, and we don't know which is true, which is not. So also, we see so many fake people coming and talking of big things, and promising so much, claiming so much and doing nothing about it. Because we become subtle, you can see the subtleties of all the religions also, which are so great. You find out that all the religions are flowers born on the same Tree of Life of spirituality. Out of ignorance and out of misleading people they have spoiled the name of religions. Your attention starts flowing through your fingertips. As I told you yesterday that, in the Quran it is written that when the Qiyamah, the resurrection, will take place, your hands will speak and give witness against you. So, in every scripture, this Last Judgement has been described. And that's how we have to judge what is the truth and what is not the truth. So, we have to have our self-knowledge, our Self-Realisation so that we can know what is the truth and what is not the truth. There is no need for us to use bombs, and use weapons and things to transform people, even one glance can transform them. So, this transformation makes you a saint, or as we call in our Sanskrit language as a sadhu or a yogi. Also, he's called as wali, a – by Sufi people they call it wali, or else in other scriptures, you’ll find them described as enlightened people, or buddhas. Now the time has come for many many people to become that. Thus, you find that a new blossoming time has come by which we can prove all the great scriptures, what they have said. As it is, Sahaja Yoga is now working in fifty-five countries. We have no organisation, we have no membership, but it's working. It is spreading everywhere, like one enlightened light can enlighten another. But the greatest thing that you get when you get your Self-Realisation is that, you enter into the Kingdom of God. And His administration and His government is absolutely perfect and extremely efficient. But you have to enter into the kingdom, you have to become the citizen of that kingdom, which you are not. And once you experience that, you start developing a real faith of enlightenment into the Kingdom of God. You automatically, spontaneously become righteous, because the innate religion within you are awakened. And the blessings are that you experience the divine joy. This joy is indescribable. This joy is beyond happiness and unhappiness. You enjoy your virtues, you enjoy other Yogis, you enjoy every leaf that is being created. It is so practical also, somehow that now, a country like England where there are so many people unemployed, but not one single Sahaja Yogi you can find without a job; it's very difficult. It's amazing that we were not aware of the powers of divinity within us. And that is how we have lost faith in ourselves. But it is not just talking, it is not just saying something, but it's a happening, it's an actualisation that has to take place. It is becoming which is important. Now, the becoming means becoming the Yogi, means the connection with the Divine, plus Sahaja Yogi means the one who knows everything about divine life. You do not have to suffer, you do not have to fast or starve anymore. You'll feel that the journey of seeking is over. So now we'll have the experience of Self-Realisation, which is very simple. It will hardly take ten, fifteen minutes. But later on, you have to come to the collective. We have very good Sahaja Yogis even in Belgium and Holland and you have to just come to the collective and try to fix your connection with the Divine. For your Self-Realisation or for all this divine knowledge, you cannot pay because it is invaluable. So I think we should have now the realisation or there are some questions asked, or no? Now one thing is there that I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom. [Yogi is handed a note: Shri Mataji, should I read the question?] No, no what is it, you tell Me? If it is worth it, otherwise forget it. It’s personal? All right, personal questions we can deal, later on, but it's not a general question. So as I told you, I cannot force Self-Realisation on you because I respect your freedom, because you have to ultimately get your complete freedom and complete mastery. So your freedom is first absolutely respected. Now those who do not want to have Self-Realisation are welcome to leave the hall. So first, as I told you yesterday, again I'll repeat the three conditions. The first condition is that you all should be self-confident that you will receive your Self-Realisation. Don't doubt yourself. You are all seekers of truth, that's why you are here. The second very important thing is, whatever you might have done your lifetime makes no difference, you are not to feel guilty about it. I told you yesterday that if you feel guilty the left side of this chakra catches and gets very much in trouble. As a result, you may develop a disease of spondylitis, maybe angina, maybe lethargy of all the organs. So, guilt is a myth and you should not feel guilty at all, because God Almighty is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, after all, you are human beings, you are not gods, everything can be dissolved in the power of that ocean of forgiveness. In short, you forget the past and know that you are here to enter into the Kingdom of God. That means you must be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, the third condition, as I said is extremely simple but you can make it difficult, is to forgive each and every person, even without thinking about them. Because logically whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Moreover, the Kundalini has to pass through this Agnya Chakra, which is placed in the optic chiasma and is a very constricted cross thing. And if you do not really forgive from your heart – I mean, don’t have to do anything, just have to say, ‘I forgive everyone from my heart’ – if you do not do that, then this centre doesn't open and the Kundalini doesn't rise. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now you want to miss out on your Self-Realisation; this is no wisdom. These are the only three simple conditions. Now, can I request you to take out your shoes, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Those who are standing can come and sit here, it would be helpful. Yes just sit down, it's all right, it can work anywhere you are. I told you yesterday that there are two powers, sympathetic powers, within us; one is the left, another is the right. So the left one is the power of ordinary desire and the right one is the power of action. So those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but those who are sitting on the chair have to put their both the feet apart from each other. Now, you have to put your left hand on your lap very comfortably – everything is very comfortable. This represents that you desire to have your Self-Realisation. And the right hand we are going to use ourselves to nourish our own centres. He will now show you, you should all watch carefully and then we have to close our eyes. First, you watch it's very simple, put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Now in the heart resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So you take your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, where it is the centre of your mastery, which is created and looked after by the great prophets. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine knowledge, which is pure knowledge, on you; you have to ask for it. So now you have to put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. You'll be amazed to know that for the pure knowledge, this is the centre. Now, raise your right hand now on the upper portion of your abdomen, now raise your right hand again on your heart. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you about this centre. Put your head to your right. Now please take your right hand and put it on your forehead across, and put down your head; this is the centre to forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power at this centre. [aside to a Yogi: ‘Take out My socks, would be better idea, it’s very hot for everyone.’ Shri Mataji raises Her left side and brings down energy to Her right.] Now, the last centre which is very important; stretch your palm fully, put the centre of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area, now push back your fingers as far as possible. Push back your fingers so that there is good pressure on your scalp. Now, move your scalp seven times clockwise with pressure by bending your head, first is bend your head. Seven times clockwise, push back your fingers, otherwise there is no pressure. Don't hold your head, and bend your head. Now, now please see that your feet are away from each other and that you’ve got your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. You have to sit comfortably but erect, not bending too much or bending backwards. If you have anything tight on your waist or your neck, please try to remove the tightness. Now, in this centre of your heart, you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself – you can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother, whichever way you like. Close your eyes. Better close your eyes all of you. Now, here you have to ask a question three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ Ask this question three times in your heart. Now if you are the Spirit, you are your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side, and press it. Here you have to again ask another fundamental question about yourself, three times, please ask: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you, so now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen and here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge.’ As soon as you ask this question, your Kundalini starts rising so you have to nourish the above centres with your self-confidence. So now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say with full self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ Please say it ten times. Now, I have already told you that you are the pure Spirit and not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here you have to say again with self-confidence: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ Say it twelve times, please. I have already told you that the divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss, peace and joy, but above all, it is the power of forgiveness. So you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this power of forgiveness, so you have to forgive yourself, and raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. So turn your head to your right and say sixteen times, with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you, whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands, so it is important that you have to forgive everyone, in general. You don't have to think about them, because it's a headache, so just say: ‘Mother, I forgive all of them in general,’ by putting your right on top of your forehead and bend your head. It is not how many times but from your heart. Now, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. So now, please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head on it as far as possible and look upwards. Here you have to say, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me,’ say it from your heart, not how many times. Now the last chakra, please stretch your palm fully, push your... put your hand or your palm, on the centre of your fontanel area, the centre of your palm on the centre of fontanel bone area. And now push back your fingers as far as possible and bend your head. Here again... Here again, I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self-Realisation on you. So now please, move your scalp with pressure saying: ‘Mother, please give me Self-Realisation,’ seven times: move it seven times. Bend your head, please bend your head, push back your fingers, put a nice pressure, don't hold your head. Seven times. Now that's all you have to do. Open your eyes, please. Put both your hand towards Me like this. I hope you have forgiven, and that you are not feeling guilty at all – I can feel you are feeling still guilty for nothing at all. All right now, put your right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself with the left hand, if there's a cool or hot breeze-like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Keep your hand away from the head, not on top. You move your hand – sometimes you have to move the hand little further, also some people get it little away from the head. Now please put your left hand towards Me, and now put down your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze coming out of your head or hot breeze is coming out of your head, with your right hand. Now please again put your right hand and see with your left hand – bend your head, see carefully if there is a hot or cool breeze. Now if it is not cool enough, that means you have not forgiven, so forgive, the time has come to forgive. It's good. Now, please put both your hand towards the sky and push back your head like this. Now you have to ask one of these questions three times: ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ Ask this question three times or: ‘Is this the all-pervading Power of God’s love?’ or ‘Is this the Paramchaitanya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now take down your hands, please. You put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. You are aware, but you are not thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their hands, on their fingers or on their fontanel bone area, please raise your hands. Imagine this Belgium, all of you have become saints now, I bow to you. See that, they all have become now saints, the saintly life has started. You can also feel in each other’s heads also; you can feel it's there. Now don't doubt it. And you have to grow, you have to come to the collective to grow, to be able to help the rest of the humanity. Such an experience for Me also. [aside to Yogis: Today was puja, no? That’s why.]
Evening Program Two Plays: Blake Play, The Seekers Eve Of Guru Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Evening Program, Eve of Guru puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 18/07/1992 I have to make a little request to all of you that, this program is hosted by Italians and Germans, so they are the hosts. So allow other people to sit in front, would be better, they are your guests, specially people who are coming from far away, like we have people coming from all the way – like Canada, America. Also this side, we have people from England, also people who are coming from Turkey, India, Hong Kong, Australia; they should be given some better place to sit down. And the ladies who are – especially ladies –who are from Italy and Germany, should move more out a little bit, so they get a better chance to come forward. And of course, the leaders have to be in front no doubt. [Shri Mataji giggles] And also the musicians should be in front. [Yogi takes microphone and announces more countries and individual names to come in front, at Shri Mataji’s request. Program resumes] Babamama: Before we commence the singing, I have a confession to make before you all. As a brother of Shri Mataji, I have known Her for fifty-nine years now, and I can tell you that, this aspect of Her was not known to me till today, or till yesterday, and I was quite taken aback – as a brother – when I saw that She was composing so beautifully, and in chaste Hindustani classical music. And She of course, in all Her humility, ascribed it to the hammering of the music that is in the family, but I can tell you that this is a facet which She never revealed to us also, to the brothers and sisters. We are so grateful to Her to reveal it now. Jai Shri Mataji. [applause] As She has said today that, She has to tell us as to what we should ask from the Guru. So, we also do not know in Her benevolence, in Her love and in Her affection, as to what we should ask from Her. So this is what Her love has to done to us, so we must also thank Her for giving us so much of love that we have forgotten to ask what we should ask from Her. But anyway, thank you Shri Mataji for reminding us, and we will definitely keep on asking You. Jai Shri Mataji. [He translates the words of Binati Suniye] It is a mixture of Raag Kafi and Raag Bageshree, purely created by Shri Mataji. [Nirmal Sangeet Sarita perform premiere of Binati Suniye] The next song is composed by Shri Mataji, in Raag Bhairavi, and She has also edited the lyrics. It has been written by Nirmal [sounds like/Kanta] It is in praise of the Mother of Shri Ganesh. [Translation and performance of Jai Jai Janani Shri Ganeshki] We are repeating the first song, and we will repeat every line twice so that you can also follow us. Shri Mataji wants total collectivity, and you must sing along with us; all of you. And you can – that’s a big assurance of Shri Mataji. [Binati Suniye repeated] This is a demand from everyone to Shri Mataji. It doesn’t mean that this is the end of the demands. You must ask to the Guru whatever you want to, in order to achieve your ascent – not complaints about your ill health, no, but about your ascent, about the joy of Spirit. That is what the demand is. You have asked the Guru Pada, which means you have achieved the status of a guru yourself, so then what is there to be asked. Thank You Shri Mataji, thank You very much. [a bhajan by Western Yogis. Gap in audio followed by a sketch] [William Blake Play performed by Sahaja Yogis ] These English young artists have really rendered it. It’s so remarkable, beautiful. My heart is really full of joy. All these things, if we can really somehow or other put into the heads of people who are lost, the ignorance in which they are just getting drowned, you just forgive them, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing now. But I’m sure what he has prophesised will come true, hundred per cent. May God bless you, may God bless England.[Applause] It’s tremendous. We have had a very, very serious sort of a play [Shri Mataji laughs] and it’s good, because you see, hundred years back how could this great poet see the vision of today, you see? Not only that, he has described the house which will be built by the Golden Builders. The house was on Brompton Square, and he said it’s on a brook. So somehow we had to open it out and we went down, we found there was a brook there. It was built on the two shores, you can say, two – [Shri Mataji in Hindi:’kya kehetha hai’ ‘how do we say?’ About the shore of the brook] − on the two sides of the brook. And the whole span was covered with trusses so long as eighty feet, ninety feet [24 to 27 meters]. So you can imagine, there was a brook running down below. All the description of the house, everything, is absolutely correct. Then he has also described our first ashram, Chelsham Road, where he said will be shattered by a bomb – it’s a fact. There was. Everything that he’s described, I mean, he’s such a detailed visionary he was. Another is C. S. Lewis, is another great visionary who has described our procession in India, into such details that it’s impossible to believe. So not that they were only scholarly, but they really were visionaries, and it’s not just imagination but is the imagination which enters through the Divine Power. And then it reaches to reality, so clearly. I don’t know how much these people have worked hard for us, how much they have done for us. Even as we have Namadeva, who has sung that: ‘Oh Mother, give me my Yoga,’ all of them have talked about this, sung about it. But somehow or other, in the Kali Yuga, people have gone into darkness, into ignorance. So forgive them. And I’m sure many will come out of it, I’m very sure, and their visions were absolutely correct and all those visions will be completely fulfilled. May God bless you. Now, the last one should be little more joyous note we should have, and it’s a small little drama, but I think I don’t know how much they have expanded it. Because I just gave them a sort of a, you can say the framework. But they said it has now become international, so I don’t know how many people are acting and how it is working out. But they said that we have to go, people had to go through the false gurus to know Mother. This was their theme they had given Me and it has worked out, well I think so. I don’t know what they have done about it. [laughs] I just gave them the framework. [‘The Seekers’ play’ is performed] [Nirmal Sangeet Sarita play more bhajans with Babamama giving translations in between]
Evening Program, Eve of Guru puja, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 18/07/1992 I have to make a little request to all of you that, this program is hosted by Italians and Germans, so they are the hosts. So allow other people to sit in front, would be better, they are your guests, specially people who are coming from far away, like we have people coming from all the way – like Canada, America. Also this side, we have people from England, also people who are coming from Turkey, India, Hong Kong, Australia; they should be given some better place to sit down. And the ladies who are – especially ladies –who are from Italy and Germany, should move more out a little bit, so they get a better chance to come forward. And of course, the leaders have to be in front no doubt. [Shri Mataji giggles] And also the musicians should be in front. [Yogi takes microphone and announces more countries and individual names to come in front, at Shri Mataji’s request. Program resumes] Babamama: Before we commence the singing, I have a confession to make before you all. As a brother of Shri Mataji, I have known Her for fifty-nine years now, and I can tell you that, this aspect of Her was not known to me till today, or till yesterday, and I was quite taken aback – as a brother – when I saw that She was composing so beautifully, and in chaste Hindustani classical music. And She of course, in all Her humility, ascribed it to the hammering of the music that is in the family, but I can tell you that this is a facet which She never revealed to us also, to the brothers and sisters. We are so grateful to Her to reveal it now. Jai Shri Mataji. [applause] As She has said today that, She has to tell us as to what we should ask from the Guru. So, we also do not know in Her benevolence, in Her love and in Her affection, as to what we should ask from Her. So this is what Her love has to done to us, so we must also thank Her for giving us so much of love that we have forgotten to ask what we should ask from Her. But anyway, thank you Shri Mataji for reminding us, and we will definitely keep on asking You. Jai Shri Mataji. [He translates the words of Binati Suniye] It is a mixture of Raag Kafi and Raag Bageshree, purely created by Shri Mataji. [Nirmal Sangeet Sarita perform premiere of Binati Suniye] The next song is composed by Shri Mataji, in Raag Bhairavi, and She has also edited the lyrics. It has been written by Nirmal [sounds like/Kanta] It is in praise of the Mother of Shri Ganesh. [Translation and performance of Jai Jai Janani Shri Ganeshki] We are repeating the first song, and we will repeat every line twice so that you can also follow us. Shri Mataji wants total collectivity, and you must sing along with us; all of you. And you can – that’s a big assurance of Shri Mataji. [Binati Suniye repeated] This is a demand from everyone to Shri Mataji. It doesn’t mean that this is the end of the demands. You must ask to the Guru whatever you want to, in order to achieve your ascent – not complaints about your ill health, no, but about your ascent, about the joy of Spirit. That is what the demand is. You have asked the Guru Pada, which means you have achieved the status of a guru yourself, so then what is there to be asked. Thank You Shri Mataji, thank You very much. [a bhajan by Western Yogis. Gap in audio followed by a sketch] [William Blake Play performed by Sahaja Yogis ] These English young artists have really rendered it. It’s so remarkable, beautiful. My heart is really full of joy. All these things, if we can really somehow or other put into the heads of people who are lost, the ignorance in which they are just getting drowned, you just forgive them, forgive them, because they don’t know what they are doing now. But I’m sure what he has prophesised will come true, hundred per cent. May God bless you, may God bless England.[Applause] It’s tremendous. We have had a very, very serious sort of a play [Shri Mataji laughs] and it’s good, because you see, hundred years back how could this great poet see the vision of today, you see? Not only that, he has described the house which will be built by the Golden Builders. The house was on Brompton Square, and he said it’s on a brook. So somehow we had to open it out and we went down, we found there was a brook there. It was built on the two shores, you can say, two – [Shri Mataji in Hindi:’kya kehetha hai’ ‘how do we say?’ About the shore of the brook] − on the two sides of the brook. And the whole span was covered with trusses so long as eighty feet, ninety feet [24 to 27 meters]. So you can imagine, there was a brook running down below. All the description of the house, everything, is absolutely correct. Then he has also described our first ashram, Chelsham Road, where he said will be shattered by a bomb – it’s a fact. There was. Everything that he’s described, I mean, he’s such a detailed visionary he was. Another is C. S. Lewis, is another great visionary who has described our procession in India, into such details that it’s impossible to believe. So not that they were only scholarly, but they really were visionaries, and it’s not just imagination but is the imagination which enters through the Divine Power. And then it reaches to reality, so clearly. I don’t know how much these people have worked hard for us, how much they have done for us. Even as we have Namadeva, who has sung that: ‘Oh Mother, give me my Yoga,’ all of them have talked about this, sung about it. But somehow or other, in the Kali Yuga, people have gone into darkness, into ignorance. So forgive them. And I’m sure many will come out of it, I’m very sure, and their visions were absolutely correct and all those visions will be completely fulfilled. May God bless you. Now, the last one should be little more joyous note we should have, and it’s a small little drama, but I think I don’t know how much they have expanded it. Because I just gave them a sort of a, you can say the framework. But they said it has now become international, so I don’t know how many people are acting and how it is working out. But they said that we have to go, people had to go through the false gurus to know Mother. This was their theme they had given Me and it has worked out, well I think so. I don’t know what they have done about it. [laughs] I just gave them the framework. [‘The Seekers’ play’ is performed] [Nirmal Sangeet Sarita play more bhajans with Babamama giving translations in between]
Guru Puja: Gravity
Cabella Ligure
Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 19 July 1992. Yesterday, you had asked me for the status of a Guru. It's a state, It is not a status because status is external, can be bestowed upon anyone, and anybody can say that, “This is your status.” For something external merit, or something, you can give a status to a person. It is a state. ‘State’ means the innate being, evolved to that level that you become the master. Of course, you have to be your own master to begin with. No doubt about it. If you are not even your own master then how you can achieve that state? Now as I say it is innate; then one starts thinking, “If it is innate, in a Sahaj way, how do we achieve it?” There are certain faculties which we have to develop to begin with. The first faculty is if we can become thoughtless. In meditation you can become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this short time should go on increasing - that you are without any thought. This happens also as we can say is a state, but how do we achieve that, again? Because human beings cannot understand that anything can happen spontaneously it has to be done some…something has to be done. For that, in Sahaj, we have something very, very simple, that you have got a mantra as ‘nirvichar’. So now you watch anything saying the mantra, “Twameva sakshat nirvichar,” then you'll start seeing that, witnessing that, without thinking. Just see, witness. Just seeing itself creates that state within us the first state, is very important, that you become the witness, the sakshi. As soon as you become a sakshi, the whole thing whatever you are seeing gives you a complete idea, subtle as well as gross, of that thing. You see it and you know it and, as a Sahaja Yogi, it becomes your knowledge. We can say, in the modern terminology, that you see something, it gets recorded in your mind and it manifests joy, it manifests knowledge, it manifests compassion, whatever may [be] the situation. Because now you have many dimensions which you have to develop, these dimensions are to be developed. Now supposing you go and meet someone with whom you have to deal. He's talking, talking, talking. Just become thoughtless. So now, what is the thing that will happen as soon as you become thoughtless? First his thoughts, his bombardment, will not touch you because you are in a different realm altogether. But in that realm your power will manifest: it may cool him down, it may shut him down or maybe he may just feel tremendous love for you. So the word ‘guru’ means gravity: that the Mother Earth has gravity. In the same way a person who is a guru has to have the gravity. But how do you develop this gravity? Some people just artificially become very grave and sometimes show that they are very serious or something like that. Gravity is within yourself. In the second state, we should say, of guru pada, is your gravity [which] must manifest. As you become the witness your gravity starts expressing itself. It will not show as temper or seriousness or anything like that. But it will manifest in a way that the whole thing will become extremely dignified and majestic. It will just manifest by itself. So the state in which you rise, now, becomes effective. Before this it was not. You had to all the time manipulate, say this, say that. But in your silence you can manifest your gravity, and this gravity is extremely [magnetic]… it acts like a magnet. As you know there’s a magnet in the Mother Earth. That we call as the gravity, by which people are attracted. We are resting on this Mother Earth because of her gravity. Everything is attracted to Mother Earth because of her gravity. So you get a magnetic temperament, magnetic character, magnetic personality. And this magnetic personality that you develop, immediately shows that it is manifesting its power. Try to understand. Like the light now is coming on me: it’s just giving light, but it is not manifesting anything. We can see the sun's rays, is the best example. Sun's rays when they fall onto the leaves, the rays, which look simple, manifest their power of making it into chlorophyll. In the same way, when you are at that height or at that state, then without saying anything, without doing anything, even [with] a glance - you manifest. But not only that but you record everything. So many people must have noticed that I seldom forget things. Like once I was travelling and I saw some red stones near Sangamner, and when I said that why not we have some red stones for Pratishtan. They said, “But there are no red stones in the whole of Maharashtra.” I said, “There are.” “Where?” I said, “Go on the way of…you'll find them near Sangamner.” They said, “We have travelled so much that way, we’ve never seen it.” I said, “I don't know what you are seeing, you know, what you are watching, I have definitely seen.” When they went there they saw mountains and mountains of these red stones and they never noticed it even! So now, when you start witnessing something without thought there’s no obstruction for absorbing the knowledge about that thing because there’s no thought. It's complete absorption takes place. And then it manifests. This is how the Divine Power works within us. So with our gravity what we do is to touch that depth within us, which can carry the Divine Power and manifest it. Unless and until we touch that depth within us, Sahaja yoga is like ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ [cult]. Nothing better than that! And that's why I find so many Sahaja Yogis, sometimes, really go off their rails suddenly. Because they have no gravity to go down into their own being and to feel the beauty and the glory of their own being and to use that gravity for manifesting divine Power. We could say that, supposing there is a vehicle which is very weak, which is not yet properly fixed, [it] can not be used for something substantial. And the most substantial thing in your lives is this divine Power; which looks very light. You never feel the weight of this divine Power. You'll never feel the pressure of this divine Power. But if you are not clean, if your channel is not clean, then this divine Power cannot flow properly, it cannot manifest. So when we say that we are the instrument of God Almighty then, like this instrument [the mike] we are. Now we are connected to the mains: if this instrument is not all right, then it cannot manifest whatever it is supposed to do. But we are much above all these ordinary instruments, even the most complicated, even the most advanced and developed by science. Because we reach a state where we ourselves become the science. Science of truth and absolute truth. So, what is needed for a guru is self-esteem. This is a very important point [which] people don't realise: the self-esteem. To achieve the self-esteem we have to introspect and know that, “Today, I am not what I was before. I am a Realised soul. I have got powers. Of course, I have powers! Powers of love, powers of compassion, powers of grasping things, powers of creativity, powers of giving Realisations to others.” Nobody had these powers! But somehow or other in Sahaja Yoga we are not self-conscious. And we should not be self-conscious because that can give you ego. But we should have self-esteem, “I am a Guru. I’m a guru. I am not an ordinary person. I am not on the street. I am something special. I am on the shores of truth. I have to salvage the people who are blind, who are mad”. All kinds of things. In the most chaotic conditions, this world is today. So at that time a kind of a silence will come within you. When there will be any such crisis, immediately you will become extremely silent. But this is again a state, I am telling you. So now, if there is something that makes you upset or makes you unhappy, try to reach that point, that axis, which is just silence. And this silence will make you really powerful because this silence is not only yours. When you are in that silence you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you. You are in connection with that cosmic Power, we can call it. But it's more than that, it's divine Power, I should say: Divine power which is working all the cosmos also. So, if you just become silent within yourself, know that you are sitting in the Kingdom of God. It's like this: when, say, you get the great honour of becoming a king then you walk up to your throne and you sit down and look around and you feel the silence of this state that, now, you are the king. This silence is the sign that you are definitely, definitely, you are now in contact with the Divine. You are silent because the Divine is going to look after everything. You don't have to do anything: just keep silent. But not forcibly. It’s, again, a state. You see, if any turmoil takes place, any problem takes place, suddenly your attention will jump on to that silence. And once you jump onto that silence, you'll be in contact with this whole All-pervading Power. And when I talk about All-pervading Power, we still don't understand what it is. What it means, this All-pervading Power of love? Is it some sort of an energy floating around? Or is it some sort of a river? Or some sort of a ether? It is the complete, the totality of reality. Complete totality of reality is this All-pervading Power. Others, other things are unreal. And the Reality is so efficient (The electricity stops working and Mother touches the mic to check it’s working), It is so efficient, It never fails, like this mic (microphone). It's such a tremendous, we can call - the intertwined process; which we cannot even imagine with this human understanding, how It controls, how It works. I mean, for example [if] you see the trees. A rose bush will give roses only, it won't give apples. It will grow up to a certain height, it won't grow like a coconut tree. All the character of this nature is maintained, nourished, looked after, controlled absolutely; at the right time, at the right seasons that's why in Sanskrit this is called as ‘Rutumbara Pragnya’. ‘Rutu’ means seasons, and [Rutumbara Pragnya means] the One which looks after the seasons , that knowledge which is enlightened: simple definition (laughing). But still it doesn't explain because it is so complicated for a human brain that they cannot understand how it works. Now all the miracles you have described I have seen. I mean, there are so many still to be recorded: is just a play of this Power which thinks, understands, co-operates, co-ordinates and loves and looks after you. [It] is at your disposal, at your disposal. Wherever you go the connection is maintained. It's like a governor travelling, you see, the security travels with him. So they are all around. Not only with Me but with you also. You are already booked there. And They know you are the one they have to look after, They won't look after anybody else, They won't do anything for anybody else but for you people. Now try to understand the self esteem part! You are Sahaja Yogis, means you are such special people that this Divine Power, wherever you may be, whether you are sleeping, you are walking or you are sitting under the tree or in your house, wherever you are, that connection is maintained. Like a talkie-walkie you can call it, at the most. But you don't have to talk, you don't have to say anything you don't have to command, you don't have to request. Nothing! It is at your disposal. Because already you are one of the governors in the Realm of God. So all the protocol that is yours. Anybody who tries to insult you or trouble you has to pay for that kind of an action. So you should never worry. You should never think of those things on the mundane level. On the contrary I would say, better forgive, because God knows what will happen to that person who misbehaves. It is not only compassion, also It is wrathful, It is wrathful. You are special people; only thing [is] you have to have your self-esteem and you must try to maintain your balance. Once you come in balance, the job of a Guru is to give balance to others. It balances everything. It will balance the nature, climate, atmosphere, society, human beings. It is there to balance you. And that balance comes from the Guru Principle which balances you. If you have Guru Principle in you, you get into balance - automatically! Automatically you become a balanced personality. Nobody has to tell you, “Now you balance,” you are balanced. So now, how do we develop that balance? Of course in the ancient times they had very severe methods - is not to eat much, to starve yourself and go to Himalayas, stand on your heads and do all kinds of things. This will bring great imbalance. If you become an austere personality it will make you such a dry person that nobody would like to stand near you; I mean, you'll be burning, absolutely. So the ascetic ideas, I don't know from where it has come, whatever it has come. Maybe because they wanted people to pay more attention to their Spirit. But a Guru is not ascetic by nature. But he’s so detached that he's ascetic. He may be the king or he may be a beggar or he may be a big personality somewhere or he may be just an ordinary person. If he is a Guru then in every state he’s in complete balance. Nothing can disturb him. Supposing you put a crown on his head - so what? Whether it is a cardboard crown, silver or gold or diamonds or anything, it can never impress him and he can never go into imbalances. Food for example; food is one of the weak points I think. A Guru who might eat quite a lot, and may not eat at all; may like something to eat, something not to eat. Whatever it is, but nothing can dominate this Guru. So the symptom is that you are in balance and you can not be dominated by food or by power or by wealth or money or anything - nothing can dominate you. You are above all these things. And once you know that you are above all these things then you are not afraid. No more you are afraid. Fearlessness comes into you, you become absolutely fearless. Nothing can put you into imbalance. Nothing can dominate you. Nothing can weaken you. Nothing can make you an addict. Nothing is tempting. There's nothing like temptation left anymore. When you reach that state, beyond temptation, beyond any greed, beyond any lust, then there is no problem. Nothing, nothing can really bring you down. You may wear ordinary tulsi (Indian basil) garland or you may wear pearls or diamonds or anything. That doesn't touch you. But you don't run away from anything. Because when you run away from something you become an ascetic artificially. Asceticism is within yourself - innate. So nothing can hamper you, nothing can matter. That state we have to see, but mostly what happens with people [is] they'll say, “Mother I don't think I'm a Guru.” I said, “Why?” “Because what symptom you told me, all they are there. I still want to eat this food, I still [do] this thing.” You are going the other way round! You shouldn't try to weigh upon what I am telling you or try to judge yourself. Don't judge! You just gradually rise. Appreciate yourself! And gradually you rise and settle down on the position that you have achieved. Instead of that you'll feel very diffident and you’ll feel very much depressed if you start judging, “Oh, Mother has said that we must have this, Mother has said we must have this.” If you all the time start judging yourself: this will not help you. You are self-assured. You are sure about yourself. There is nothing to judge, yourself or to tally. Sometimes I see some people go on saying, “Mother said so!” I might have said, might not have said, out of reference, whatever it is. What is it? Now, I have said so. What are you saying? Because this is a very good way of troubling others “Mother said so!” “What did she say?” “That you should not take your food every day!” I never said it! But somebody can start something like that, stupid. Supposing even if I have said it - doesn’t matter - what do you have to say? So you even out-grow, into your own experience, what is good. You wouldn't believe that as a human being I am useless. Really it was very difficult. Actually my Father used to tell me so many things about human beings. What sort of things they are and how I should appear. And it’s very difficult [for me] to be a human being, very, very difficult. First I didn't know why the reactions are like this, why people behave like this and what to do with them, how to manage them. It's quite difficult. You can say even William Blake had the same problem. But when you reach that state then you’re just enjoying yourself. For you, you have a greater enjoyment than mine. Because you are already human beings so you know about human beings; and then you see your ascent and it’s much easier for you to appreciate [that]. For me it is…I don't know, because I have never known temptations, I've never known all these qualities that you had, so I don't know how to judge what is coming out of it, you see. If you don't have any problems, if you never had any, say, temptations. As you were you are [still] - what is so great? But from something human you have come to a higher level, is very creditable. And you can enjoy much more than I could enjoy or Christ could enjoy or Sri Krishna could enjoy. Because the one who has risen and has grown now feels the fragrance of his virtues and qualities and his greatness then he enjoys himself. “So what? I am sitting here,” he'll say, “alright, I am sitting here, why are you bothered? I am alright!” To him a proper understanding of this change comes. And he understands other human beings much better who don't have your capacity, your knowledge, your depth, your gravity. Because you have been a human being, now you are Divine; because you have been a human being you understand other people. So a Guru like me, I don't know, it's a very different situation here because I am a Mother and I have seen these Gurus, the real Gurus; they are very harsh people, I must say. I couldn't understand how they beat people, how they thrash them, how they hang them on the (water) well; do all kinds of things. I couldn't understand why do they do it. But they have come out from the human level, with struggles and fights, so they think that, “Why should others get it so easily? Why not they also have the problem?” But you didn't get it on to all these problems. You are different from those gurus. You got it sahaj. In a very simple manner, you didn't do anything. Sahaj you got it, absolutely sahaj. You didn't do anything about it. So your role as a guru is different from those gurus who struggled so much to become a evolved soul. So your attitude towards things has to be more compassionate, more understanding, more loving. As you got it sahaj others can also get it from you. Don't have to do something horrible, don't have to shout at them. Some people who met me told me, and which is very sad, that some sahaja yogis said something harsh to them so they had to leave Sahaja yoga. A sahaja yogi should never say anything harsh to anyone; he has no right to say. Because without saying anything to you, you got you realisation, absolutely free. Without doing anything you have got your realisation and if somebody is coming to you for realisation you must do it in the same manner. You didn't get it through some sort of a austere, we can say, training. So this attitude must be changed. And I have seen that if you have this attitude then you could be a guru but not sahaj. So now try to understand there is a difference between a sahaja guru and a non-sahaj guru. They are very hot tempered, very. And a sahaj guru has no business to be hot tempered. Everything so nice, so beautiful we have, all enjoying this beautiful atmosphere. Such love, such compassion, such respect for each other. No competition, no politics. Just if you understand one thing that you have got everything in sahaj manner and in the same sahaj manner you can give it to others and you'll respect others [in] the same manner. I think you will be able to… There’s a gentleman who's taking photographs, see who he is, he is not supposed to take photographs of all these things. Without permission he should not take. Reel margunya tenchya basna. Te reel margunya. (marathi: get the film reel from them) These are mischievous people you know. So now we are in a sahaj style. You all know that you got all the powers, that you are all gurus, that you have achieved so much, you can do so much. Then you have to be sahaj. You got it sahaj, so you have no business to be harsh, horrible, hot tempered or strict gurus. But it crawls up! I have seen sometimes quite a lot of military business starts in Sahaja Yoga also: military sort of treatment. That cannot be. No disciplining is needed. They'll be disciplined by themselves. They are gurus, who can discipline a guru? And then they are sahaj. So your style is very different. None of these gurus knew how to even give realisation. I am telling you frankly. They never knew that Kundalini can rise with their hands. Very few people historically have given realisation - so far. But you people are giving left and right to anybody who comes you know. Just now I said, “Alright, come along, look at this person. So all of you sit down,” “This is it, this is it.” You have crossed the limits of science now. You have become science yourself of the Divine and you know each and everything about it, “This chakra is catching, that is catching, I am catching, you are catching.” But the way we deal with others is the guru pada: kindness, sweetness, concern. That’s what your Mother has given you -concern. The concern that flows; about each and every person. You have to have concern. But these gurus [say], “No you go, die! Kill yourself! Eat grass.” No not that way. So you also have to be a motherly guru, a sweet guru, extremely sweet, kindly and understanding, forgiving. Because what is the purpose? What is the purpose? The purpose is to spread Sahaja Yoga. That's the main thing we miss out: that the purpose of our realisation or of our birth is to give realisation to others, to spread Sahaja Yoga, to emancipate others. By that to emancipate the whole world. It’s our responsibility. If you are responsible then how do you behave? So no more we have priesthood, no more. Nor that one person says so, that person says so, this has happened, Nothing of the kind. What you have to say you say it to that person. and you yourself will see how you are reflecting your personality on another person, how he reacts and he, how he behaves. Gradually I have seen our collectivity is learning all this. Gradually I find all those horrible dominating people have run away from Sahaja Yoga. Also I find that people are extremely loving and kindly to each other and also to others. Because you are embodiment of goodness, embodiment of righteousness, you are embodiment of patience, compassion, love and concern. So it is not how you can do it, you are all ready. But you shouldn't just give up. I said, “Just look at something and watch.” Nobody can do that, but you all can do it. So the self-esteem and then assumption. Assume your powers. If you are a guru then assume your power. You do not assume you power. You still think, “God knows if I have the powers or not.” This, that. That means you are just the beginner still. “No! I am the guru! Alright.” We do say, “Mother I am my own guru,” that's all. But is just saying from the lips. Not only that you are your own guru but of the whole world. It's a collective ‘gurudom’ we have, I should say, collective. And nothing can escape us now, we are formidable, absolutely formidable. Nothing can escape us. If this is understood that we have to assume. Here now, they elect somebody who is a very cruel man, put some clothes on him and say he's the pope. Alright he's the pope. But he's not, he's just acting but inside he's not. That he's infallible! He's fallible, 100 times. That is not with us. We have all these things within ourselves. We've got them, they are there, we are the possessors of that, only thing you assume. Once you start assuming all badhas will run away, everything will run away and you'll be surprised. Who can stand a person who's a saint, who is a guru and who knows he's a guru? Nobody can stand. They'll run away. But you have to have introspection to see that your self-esteem is completely correct. It's not just [that] you are thinking you are a guru. I have known some real gurus and I would never allow you to go to them because God knows if you can come back in one piece or not! And I have told them, that they are real gurus, I know, but don't go near them. Because what they lack is this compassion, this sahaj style. Because they think they have worked very hard so why should these people not work very hard. You may be anything. You can be doing this work, that work. You may be educated, not educated. Makes no difference. Whether you are rich, poor, makes no difference at all, as long as you know that you are the guru and you assume your power. In that assumption as if any talent, if you know music, you know you know music. If you know how to cook, you know how to cook, if you are an administrator and if you know administration, you know administration. But that could be also not totally absolute. But you are already Absolute Totality of Reality. The Reality is at your disposal. But you [must] assume it. You are not ordinary at all. You can say you are extraordinary in ordinary. In that you will just drop out all that is nonsensical, just drop out. Others will see you and will be surprised: What sort of people these are? What sort of a life they lead, how nice they are, how kind they are. And the knowledge is so subtle and so great and of such a highest degree. But you never feel bloated up with ego. I have not seen any sahaja yogi who says, “Oh, I know all about chakras and this and that. How dare you say like that!” With the moustaches upward (Laughter). No! With all this knowledge you bend down like the tree which is laden with fruits bends down. And that humility, that simplicity and that humility gives you the special edge which can pierce into any heart. Thus you became apostles of Truth. We can become prophets like William Blake. You can. So many things you'll be manifesting and you won't believe yourself. But believe, you are one with that Great Power which is God Almighty. They were discussing for ages I think about the immaculate conception of Christ. Such stupid people I have never seen. But He's God! He’s God Almighty he’s not a human being! He can do anything! How can you judge Him? And judge His powers and his working? How can you? To discuss about God, have you got His brains? I mean, it’s something, a person like me discussing about banking! (laughter) After say one or two sentences I go off. In the same way when you start discussing God you must know you do not have that capacity to discuss about God, what His relations are, how He got a son, this and that. Who are you? What's your own position that you can discuss? And then in that humility you realise: it’s God Almighty, He’s Almighty. He can do anything! Then that faith [comes in], not blind, but a real faith in that feeling that God is Almighty and that now you have become the messenger of that God Almighty, gives you all the strength, all the courage, everything, and His compassion, His love, His attention and His understanding. So this faith should be absolutely one with you. Once I went to meet one real guru. Oh he was a very horrid fellow otherwise! He has slapped so many people, thrown so many people down from the hills and all that kinds of things he has done, no doubt. But still for me he has tremendous regards. I went to him, so he just started talking to me as if he would talk to a Goddess. He said, “How do you find these worldly people here?” I said, “Alright, after all I have created them!” (laughter) “Ah but,” he said, “Still but, you are God, with your power why don't you change them a little bit?” I said, “That’s what is the problem. I have given them freedom. I have said, ‘alright it's freedom to you. You can choose if you want to get transformed or not,’ I cannot force. ” He said, “But God Almighty you are, you can do anything.” I said, “I can do everything but I do not want to do certain things; and one of them is to take away the freedom from them. That is their freedom to choose. That’s given to them because, if they are to have the ultimate freedom, they should have this little freedom intact.” So he was quarrelling with me about this, he said, “But when you are God Almighty there could be some other method these horrible people, what to do?” I said, “Your concern is alright and I understand because you are a guru, but when I am God Almighty supposing, then, my style is different. I can't be like you.” Then he said, “That’s true! You can't be like me.” That is what I found in him. He was talking to me only as if I am God standing before him. And then he told all the disciples, “You see, you praise, you praise the Lord, you praise Her, ‘suti kara’, because God is fond of praise.” I said, “Really?” “Yes! (laughter) If you praise the Lord then He gives you everything, I have seen that. I always praise him. Whenever I want something to be done I just praise him and he does it for me.” So, I said, “It’s true, I must accept it.” because He’s bhakti gamya (achieved through devotion) . You cannot get to Mother unless and until you have really bhakti from your heart. Is all already sort of a built in restriction. What can you do? If you don't have bhakti you cannot get to Mother, no you cannot. You cannot get to God. But if you have bhakti then you can get to Mother. Is written bhakti gamya. If somebody says, “Alright. Raise my Kundalini!” I cannot raise his Kundalini, not [only that] but for seven lives he won't have realisation! But if somebody says, “Mother will you please give me realisation.” Once! So not only humility but bhakti. And bhakti is only possible if you have your faith. That's the thing is the faith which is challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid people; intellectuals, these horrible people who are taking out yarns out of their head, or also by science and this so-called ‘Catholic Church’ and this Church and that Church. So your faith in God has to be absolutely, absolutely untarnishable. Nothing can disturb that. That's very important. You have seen all the miracles of God, you have seen how you’re working out his powers. You have known all these things. But still the faith in God is missing. The person who has complete faith on God is called as the one ... is God himself they say. Is called as Paramchaitanya. The guru is called as the one who is himself Brahmachaitanya. So when this faith in God is absolutely established in you that, “There is God Almighty. He’s Almighty, and that I am the messenger of that God.” Just this understanding, when it becomes absolutely firm in you, then you are in the Guru pada. I bless you today that all of you achieve that state that you reside in that Guru pada state. And wherever you are, whatever may be your position, whatever you may do, the faith in the God Almighty that is so truly within you will express itself. Not only [that] but that it will manifest, it will act; just like God. So many things can be said. I have said so many things before. And so many can be said later on also but today we have to remember one thing that we must have complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the powers of God Almighty, complete faith, and then in ourselves. May God bless you.
Guru Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 19 July 1992. Yesterday, you had asked me for the status of a Guru. It's a state, It is not a status because status is external, can be bestowed upon anyone, and anybody can say that, “This is your status.” For something external merit, or something, you can give a status to a person. It is a state. ‘State’ means the innate being, evolved to that level that you become the master. Of course, you have to be your own master to begin with. No doubt about it. If you are not even your own master then how you can achieve that state? Now as I say it is innate; then one starts thinking, “If it is innate, in a Sahaj way, how do we achieve it?” There are certain faculties which we have to develop to begin with. The first faculty is if we can become thoughtless. In meditation you can become thoughtless for a short time. Gradually this short time should go on increasing - that you are without any thought. This happens also as we can say is a state, but how do we achieve that, again? Because human beings cannot understand that anything can happen spontaneously it has to be done some…something has to be done. For that, in Sahaj, we have something very, very simple, that you have got a mantra as ‘nirvichar’. So now you watch anything saying the mantra, “Twameva sakshat nirvichar,” then you'll start seeing that, witnessing that, without thinking. Just see, witness. Just seeing itself creates that state within us the first state, is very important, that you become the witness, the sakshi. As soon as you become a sakshi, the whole thing whatever you are seeing gives you a complete idea, subtle as well as gross, of that thing. You see it and you know it and, as a Sahaja Yogi, it becomes your knowledge. We can say, in the modern terminology, that you see something, it gets recorded in your mind and it manifests joy, it manifests knowledge, it manifests compassion, whatever may [be] the situation. Because now you have many dimensions which you have to develop, these dimensions are to be developed. Now supposing you go and meet someone with whom you have to deal. He's talking, talking, talking. Just become thoughtless. So now, what is the thing that will happen as soon as you become thoughtless? First his thoughts, his bombardment, will not touch you because you are in a different realm altogether. But in that realm your power will manifest: it may cool him down, it may shut him down or maybe he may just feel tremendous love for you. So the word ‘guru’ means gravity: that the Mother Earth has gravity. In the same way a person who is a guru has to have the gravity. But how do you develop this gravity? Some people just artificially become very grave and sometimes show that they are very serious or something like that. Gravity is within yourself. In the second state, we should say, of guru pada, is your gravity [which] must manifest. As you become the witness your gravity starts expressing itself. It will not show as temper or seriousness or anything like that. But it will manifest in a way that the whole thing will become extremely dignified and majestic. It will just manifest by itself. So the state in which you rise, now, becomes effective. Before this it was not. You had to all the time manipulate, say this, say that. But in your silence you can manifest your gravity, and this gravity is extremely [magnetic]… it acts like a magnet. As you know there’s a magnet in the Mother Earth. That we call as the gravity, by which people are attracted. We are resting on this Mother Earth because of her gravity. Everything is attracted to Mother Earth because of her gravity. So you get a magnetic temperament, magnetic character, magnetic personality. And this magnetic personality that you develop, immediately shows that it is manifesting its power. Try to understand. Like the light now is coming on me: it’s just giving light, but it is not manifesting anything. We can see the sun's rays, is the best example. Sun's rays when they fall onto the leaves, the rays, which look simple, manifest their power of making it into chlorophyll. In the same way, when you are at that height or at that state, then without saying anything, without doing anything, even [with] a glance - you manifest. But not only that but you record everything. So many people must have noticed that I seldom forget things. Like once I was travelling and I saw some red stones near Sangamner, and when I said that why not we have some red stones for Pratishtan. They said, “But there are no red stones in the whole of Maharashtra.” I said, “There are.” “Where?” I said, “Go on the way of…you'll find them near Sangamner.” They said, “We have travelled so much that way, we’ve never seen it.” I said, “I don't know what you are seeing, you know, what you are watching, I have definitely seen.” When they went there they saw mountains and mountains of these red stones and they never noticed it even! So now, when you start witnessing something without thought there’s no obstruction for absorbing the knowledge about that thing because there’s no thought. It's complete absorption takes place. And then it manifests. This is how the Divine Power works within us. So with our gravity what we do is to touch that depth within us, which can carry the Divine Power and manifest it. Unless and until we touch that depth within us, Sahaja yoga is like ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ [cult]. Nothing better than that! And that's why I find so many Sahaja Yogis, sometimes, really go off their rails suddenly. Because they have no gravity to go down into their own being and to feel the beauty and the glory of their own being and to use that gravity for manifesting divine Power. We could say that, supposing there is a vehicle which is very weak, which is not yet properly fixed, [it] can not be used for something substantial. And the most substantial thing in your lives is this divine Power; which looks very light. You never feel the weight of this divine Power. You'll never feel the pressure of this divine Power. But if you are not clean, if your channel is not clean, then this divine Power cannot flow properly, it cannot manifest. So when we say that we are the instrument of God Almighty then, like this instrument [the mike] we are. Now we are connected to the mains: if this instrument is not all right, then it cannot manifest whatever it is supposed to do. But we are much above all these ordinary instruments, even the most complicated, even the most advanced and developed by science. Because we reach a state where we ourselves become the science. Science of truth and absolute truth. So, what is needed for a guru is self-esteem. This is a very important point [which] people don't realise: the self-esteem. To achieve the self-esteem we have to introspect and know that, “Today, I am not what I was before. I am a Realised soul. I have got powers. Of course, I have powers! Powers of love, powers of compassion, powers of grasping things, powers of creativity, powers of giving Realisations to others.” Nobody had these powers! But somehow or other in Sahaja Yoga we are not self-conscious. And we should not be self-conscious because that can give you ego. But we should have self-esteem, “I am a Guru. I’m a guru. I am not an ordinary person. I am not on the street. I am something special. I am on the shores of truth. I have to salvage the people who are blind, who are mad”. All kinds of things. In the most chaotic conditions, this world is today. So at that time a kind of a silence will come within you. When there will be any such crisis, immediately you will become extremely silent. But this is again a state, I am telling you. So now, if there is something that makes you upset or makes you unhappy, try to reach that point, that axis, which is just silence. And this silence will make you really powerful because this silence is not only yours. When you are in that silence you are in the silence of the cosmos, silence of the cosmos. And the silence of the cosmos works for you. You are in connection with that cosmic Power, we can call it. But it's more than that, it's divine Power, I should say: Divine power which is working all the cosmos also. So, if you just become silent within yourself, know that you are sitting in the Kingdom of God. It's like this: when, say, you get the great honour of becoming a king then you walk up to your throne and you sit down and look around and you feel the silence of this state that, now, you are the king. This silence is the sign that you are definitely, definitely, you are now in contact with the Divine. You are silent because the Divine is going to look after everything. You don't have to do anything: just keep silent. But not forcibly. It’s, again, a state. You see, if any turmoil takes place, any problem takes place, suddenly your attention will jump on to that silence. And once you jump onto that silence, you'll be in contact with this whole All-pervading Power. And when I talk about All-pervading Power, we still don't understand what it is. What it means, this All-pervading Power of love? Is it some sort of an energy floating around? Or is it some sort of a river? Or some sort of a ether? It is the complete, the totality of reality. Complete totality of reality is this All-pervading Power. Others, other things are unreal. And the Reality is so efficient (The electricity stops working and Mother touches the mic to check it’s working), It is so efficient, It never fails, like this mic (microphone). It's such a tremendous, we can call - the intertwined process; which we cannot even imagine with this human understanding, how It controls, how It works. I mean, for example [if] you see the trees. A rose bush will give roses only, it won't give apples. It will grow up to a certain height, it won't grow like a coconut tree. All the character of this nature is maintained, nourished, looked after, controlled absolutely; at the right time, at the right seasons that's why in Sanskrit this is called as ‘Rutumbara Pragnya’. ‘Rutu’ means seasons, and [Rutumbara Pragnya means] the One which looks after the seasons , that knowledge which is enlightened: simple definition (laughing). But still it doesn't explain because it is so complicated for a human brain that they cannot understand how it works. Now all the miracles you have described I have seen. I mean, there are so many still to be recorded: is just a play of this Power which thinks, understands, co-operates, co-ordinates and loves and looks after you. [It] is at your disposal, at your disposal. Wherever you go the connection is maintained. It's like a governor travelling, you see, the security travels with him. So they are all around. Not only with Me but with you also. You are already booked there. And They know you are the one they have to look after, They won't look after anybody else, They won't do anything for anybody else but for you people. Now try to understand the self esteem part! You are Sahaja Yogis, means you are such special people that this Divine Power, wherever you may be, whether you are sleeping, you are walking or you are sitting under the tree or in your house, wherever you are, that connection is maintained. Like a talkie-walkie you can call it, at the most. But you don't have to talk, you don't have to say anything you don't have to command, you don't have to request. Nothing! It is at your disposal. Because already you are one of the governors in the Realm of God. So all the protocol that is yours. Anybody who tries to insult you or trouble you has to pay for that kind of an action. So you should never worry. You should never think of those things on the mundane level. On the contrary I would say, better forgive, because God knows what will happen to that person who misbehaves. It is not only compassion, also It is wrathful, It is wrathful. You are special people; only thing [is] you have to have your self-esteem and you must try to maintain your balance. Once you come in balance, the job of a Guru is to give balance to others. It balances everything. It will balance the nature, climate, atmosphere, society, human beings. It is there to balance you. And that balance comes from the Guru Principle which balances you. If you have Guru Principle in you, you get into balance - automatically! Automatically you become a balanced personality. Nobody has to tell you, “Now you balance,” you are balanced. So now, how do we develop that balance? Of course in the ancient times they had very severe methods - is not to eat much, to starve yourself and go to Himalayas, stand on your heads and do all kinds of things. This will bring great imbalance. If you become an austere personality it will make you such a dry person that nobody would like to stand near you; I mean, you'll be burning, absolutely. So the ascetic ideas, I don't know from where it has come, whatever it has come. Maybe because they wanted people to pay more attention to their Spirit. But a Guru is not ascetic by nature. But he’s so detached that he's ascetic. He may be the king or he may be a beggar or he may be a big personality somewhere or he may be just an ordinary person. If he is a Guru then in every state he’s in complete balance. Nothing can disturb him. Supposing you put a crown on his head - so what? Whether it is a cardboard crown, silver or gold or diamonds or anything, it can never impress him and he can never go into imbalances. Food for example; food is one of the weak points I think. A Guru who might eat quite a lot, and may not eat at all; may like something to eat, something not to eat. Whatever it is, but nothing can dominate this Guru. So the symptom is that you are in balance and you can not be dominated by food or by power or by wealth or money or anything - nothing can dominate you. You are above all these things. And once you know that you are above all these things then you are not afraid. No more you are afraid. Fearlessness comes into you, you become absolutely fearless. Nothing can put you into imbalance. Nothing can dominate you. Nothing can weaken you. Nothing can make you an addict. Nothing is tempting. There's nothing like temptation left anymore. When you reach that state, beyond temptation, beyond any greed, beyond any lust, then there is no problem. Nothing, nothing can really bring you down. You may wear ordinary tulsi (Indian basil) garland or you may wear pearls or diamonds or anything. That doesn't touch you. But you don't run away from anything. Because when you run away from something you become an ascetic artificially. Asceticism is within yourself - innate. So nothing can hamper you, nothing can matter. That state we have to see, but mostly what happens with people [is] they'll say, “Mother I don't think I'm a Guru.” I said, “Why?” “Because what symptom you told me, all they are there. I still want to eat this food, I still [do] this thing.” You are going the other way round! You shouldn't try to weigh upon what I am telling you or try to judge yourself. Don't judge! You just gradually rise. Appreciate yourself! And gradually you rise and settle down on the position that you have achieved. Instead of that you'll feel very diffident and you’ll feel very much depressed if you start judging, “Oh, Mother has said that we must have this, Mother has said we must have this.” If you all the time start judging yourself: this will not help you. You are self-assured. You are sure about yourself. There is nothing to judge, yourself or to tally. Sometimes I see some people go on saying, “Mother said so!” I might have said, might not have said, out of reference, whatever it is. What is it? Now, I have said so. What are you saying? Because this is a very good way of troubling others “Mother said so!” “What did she say?” “That you should not take your food every day!” I never said it! But somebody can start something like that, stupid. Supposing even if I have said it - doesn’t matter - what do you have to say? So you even out-grow, into your own experience, what is good. You wouldn't believe that as a human being I am useless. Really it was very difficult. Actually my Father used to tell me so many things about human beings. What sort of things they are and how I should appear. And it’s very difficult [for me] to be a human being, very, very difficult. First I didn't know why the reactions are like this, why people behave like this and what to do with them, how to manage them. It's quite difficult. You can say even William Blake had the same problem. But when you reach that state then you’re just enjoying yourself. For you, you have a greater enjoyment than mine. Because you are already human beings so you know about human beings; and then you see your ascent and it’s much easier for you to appreciate [that]. For me it is…I don't know, because I have never known temptations, I've never known all these qualities that you had, so I don't know how to judge what is coming out of it, you see. If you don't have any problems, if you never had any, say, temptations. As you were you are [still] - what is so great? But from something human you have come to a higher level, is very creditable. And you can enjoy much more than I could enjoy or Christ could enjoy or Sri Krishna could enjoy. Because the one who has risen and has grown now feels the fragrance of his virtues and qualities and his greatness then he enjoys himself. “So what? I am sitting here,” he'll say, “alright, I am sitting here, why are you bothered? I am alright!” To him a proper understanding of this change comes. And he understands other human beings much better who don't have your capacity, your knowledge, your depth, your gravity. Because you have been a human being, now you are Divine; because you have been a human being you understand other people. So a Guru like me, I don't know, it's a very different situation here because I am a Mother and I have seen these Gurus, the real Gurus; they are very harsh people, I must say. I couldn't understand how they beat people, how they thrash them, how they hang them on the (water) well; do all kinds of things. I couldn't understand why do they do it. But they have come out from the human level, with struggles and fights, so they think that, “Why should others get it so easily? Why not they also have the problem?” But you didn't get it on to all these problems. You are different from those gurus. You got it sahaj. In a very simple manner, you didn't do anything. Sahaj you got it, absolutely sahaj. You didn't do anything about it. So your role as a guru is different from those gurus who struggled so much to become a evolved soul. So your attitude towards things has to be more compassionate, more understanding, more loving. As you got it sahaj others can also get it from you. Don't have to do something horrible, don't have to shout at them. Some people who met me told me, and which is very sad, that some sahaja yogis said something harsh to them so they had to leave Sahaja yoga. A sahaja yogi should never say anything harsh to anyone; he has no right to say. Because without saying anything to you, you got you realisation, absolutely free. Without doing anything you have got your realisation and if somebody is coming to you for realisation you must do it in the same manner. You didn't get it through some sort of a austere, we can say, training. So this attitude must be changed. And I have seen that if you have this attitude then you could be a guru but not sahaj. So now try to understand there is a difference between a sahaja guru and a non-sahaj guru. They are very hot tempered, very. And a sahaj guru has no business to be hot tempered. Everything so nice, so beautiful we have, all enjoying this beautiful atmosphere. Such love, such compassion, such respect for each other. No competition, no politics. Just if you understand one thing that you have got everything in sahaj manner and in the same sahaj manner you can give it to others and you'll respect others [in] the same manner. I think you will be able to… There’s a gentleman who's taking photographs, see who he is, he is not supposed to take photographs of all these things. Without permission he should not take. Reel margunya tenchya basna. Te reel margunya. (marathi: get the film reel from them) These are mischievous people you know. So now we are in a sahaj style. You all know that you got all the powers, that you are all gurus, that you have achieved so much, you can do so much. Then you have to be sahaj. You got it sahaj, so you have no business to be harsh, horrible, hot tempered or strict gurus. But it crawls up! I have seen sometimes quite a lot of military business starts in Sahaja Yoga also: military sort of treatment. That cannot be. No disciplining is needed. They'll be disciplined by themselves. They are gurus, who can discipline a guru? And then they are sahaj. So your style is very different. None of these gurus knew how to even give realisation. I am telling you frankly. They never knew that Kundalini can rise with their hands. Very few people historically have given realisation - so far. But you people are giving left and right to anybody who comes you know. Just now I said, “Alright, come along, look at this person. So all of you sit down,” “This is it, this is it.” You have crossed the limits of science now. You have become science yourself of the Divine and you know each and everything about it, “This chakra is catching, that is catching, I am catching, you are catching.” But the way we deal with others is the guru pada: kindness, sweetness, concern. That’s what your Mother has given you -concern. The concern that flows; about each and every person. You have to have concern. But these gurus [say], “No you go, die! Kill yourself! Eat grass.” No not that way. So you also have to be a motherly guru, a sweet guru, extremely sweet, kindly and understanding, forgiving. Because what is the purpose? What is the purpose? The purpose is to spread Sahaja Yoga. That's the main thing we miss out: that the purpose of our realisation or of our birth is to give realisation to others, to spread Sahaja Yoga, to emancipate others. By that to emancipate the whole world. It’s our responsibility. If you are responsible then how do you behave? So no more we have priesthood, no more. Nor that one person says so, that person says so, this has happened, Nothing of the kind. What you have to say you say it to that person. and you yourself will see how you are reflecting your personality on another person, how he reacts and he, how he behaves. Gradually I have seen our collectivity is learning all this. Gradually I find all those horrible dominating people have run away from Sahaja Yoga. Also I find that people are extremely loving and kindly to each other and also to others. Because you are embodiment of goodness, embodiment of righteousness, you are embodiment of patience, compassion, love and concern. So it is not how you can do it, you are all ready. But you shouldn't just give up. I said, “Just look at something and watch.” Nobody can do that, but you all can do it. So the self-esteem and then assumption. Assume your powers. If you are a guru then assume your power. You do not assume you power. You still think, “God knows if I have the powers or not.” This, that. That means you are just the beginner still. “No! I am the guru! Alright.” We do say, “Mother I am my own guru,” that's all. But is just saying from the lips. Not only that you are your own guru but of the whole world. It's a collective ‘gurudom’ we have, I should say, collective. And nothing can escape us now, we are formidable, absolutely formidable. Nothing can escape us. If this is understood that we have to assume. Here now, they elect somebody who is a very cruel man, put some clothes on him and say he's the pope. Alright he's the pope. But he's not, he's just acting but inside he's not. That he's infallible! He's fallible, 100 times. That is not with us. We have all these things within ourselves. We've got them, they are there, we are the possessors of that, only thing you assume. Once you start assuming all badhas will run away, everything will run away and you'll be surprised. Who can stand a person who's a saint, who is a guru and who knows he's a guru? Nobody can stand. They'll run away. But you have to have introspection to see that your self-esteem is completely correct. It's not just [that] you are thinking you are a guru. I have known some real gurus and I would never allow you to go to them because God knows if you can come back in one piece or not! And I have told them, that they are real gurus, I know, but don't go near them. Because what they lack is this compassion, this sahaj style. Because they think they have worked very hard so why should these people not work very hard. You may be anything. You can be doing this work, that work. You may be educated, not educated. Makes no difference. Whether you are rich, poor, makes no difference at all, as long as you know that you are the guru and you assume your power. In that assumption as if any talent, if you know music, you know you know music. If you know how to cook, you know how to cook, if you are an administrator and if you know administration, you know administration. But that could be also not totally absolute. But you are already Absolute Totality of Reality. The Reality is at your disposal. But you [must] assume it. You are not ordinary at all. You can say you are extraordinary in ordinary. In that you will just drop out all that is nonsensical, just drop out. Others will see you and will be surprised: What sort of people these are? What sort of a life they lead, how nice they are, how kind they are. And the knowledge is so subtle and so great and of such a highest degree. But you never feel bloated up with ego. I have not seen any sahaja yogi who says, “Oh, I know all about chakras and this and that. How dare you say like that!” With the moustaches upward (Laughter). No! With all this knowledge you bend down like the tree which is laden with fruits bends down. And that humility, that simplicity and that humility gives you the special edge which can pierce into any heart. Thus you became apostles of Truth. We can become prophets like William Blake. You can. So many things you'll be manifesting and you won't believe yourself. But believe, you are one with that Great Power which is God Almighty. They were discussing for ages I think about the immaculate conception of Christ. Such stupid people I have never seen. But He's God! He’s God Almighty he’s not a human being! He can do anything! How can you judge Him? And judge His powers and his working? How can you? To discuss about God, have you got His brains? I mean, it’s something, a person like me discussing about banking! (laughter) After say one or two sentences I go off. In the same way when you start discussing God you must know you do not have that capacity to discuss about God, what His relations are, how He got a son, this and that. Who are you? What's your own position that you can discuss? And then in that humility you realise: it’s God Almighty, He’s Almighty. He can do anything! Then that faith [comes in], not blind, but a real faith in that feeling that God is Almighty and that now you have become the messenger of that God Almighty, gives you all the strength, all the courage, everything, and His compassion, His love, His attention and His understanding. So this faith should be absolutely one with you. Once I went to meet one real guru. Oh he was a very horrid fellow otherwise! He has slapped so many people, thrown so many people down from the hills and all that kinds of things he has done, no doubt. But still for me he has tremendous regards. I went to him, so he just started talking to me as if he would talk to a Goddess. He said, “How do you find these worldly people here?” I said, “Alright, after all I have created them!” (laughter) “Ah but,” he said, “Still but, you are God, with your power why don't you change them a little bit?” I said, “That’s what is the problem. I have given them freedom. I have said, ‘alright it's freedom to you. You can choose if you want to get transformed or not,’ I cannot force. ” He said, “But God Almighty you are, you can do anything.” I said, “I can do everything but I do not want to do certain things; and one of them is to take away the freedom from them. That is their freedom to choose. That’s given to them because, if they are to have the ultimate freedom, they should have this little freedom intact.” So he was quarrelling with me about this, he said, “But when you are God Almighty there could be some other method these horrible people, what to do?” I said, “Your concern is alright and I understand because you are a guru, but when I am God Almighty supposing, then, my style is different. I can't be like you.” Then he said, “That’s true! You can't be like me.” That is what I found in him. He was talking to me only as if I am God standing before him. And then he told all the disciples, “You see, you praise, you praise the Lord, you praise Her, ‘suti kara’, because God is fond of praise.” I said, “Really?” “Yes! (laughter) If you praise the Lord then He gives you everything, I have seen that. I always praise him. Whenever I want something to be done I just praise him and he does it for me.” So, I said, “It’s true, I must accept it.” because He’s bhakti gamya (achieved through devotion) . You cannot get to Mother unless and until you have really bhakti from your heart. Is all already sort of a built in restriction. What can you do? If you don't have bhakti you cannot get to Mother, no you cannot. You cannot get to God. But if you have bhakti then you can get to Mother. Is written bhakti gamya. If somebody says, “Alright. Raise my Kundalini!” I cannot raise his Kundalini, not [only that] but for seven lives he won't have realisation! But if somebody says, “Mother will you please give me realisation.” Once! So not only humility but bhakti. And bhakti is only possible if you have your faith. That's the thing is the faith which is challenged nowadays by all kinds of stupid people; intellectuals, these horrible people who are taking out yarns out of their head, or also by science and this so-called ‘Catholic Church’ and this Church and that Church. So your faith in God has to be absolutely, absolutely untarnishable. Nothing can disturb that. That's very important. You have seen all the miracles of God, you have seen how you’re working out his powers. You have known all these things. But still the faith in God is missing. The person who has complete faith on God is called as the one ... is God himself they say. Is called as Paramchaitanya. The guru is called as the one who is himself Brahmachaitanya. So when this faith in God is absolutely established in you that, “There is God Almighty. He’s Almighty, and that I am the messenger of that God.” Just this understanding, when it becomes absolutely firm in you, then you are in the Guru pada. I bless you today that all of you achieve that state that you reside in that Guru pada state. And wherever you are, whatever may be your position, whatever you may do, the faith in the God Almighty that is so truly within you will express itself. Not only [that] but that it will manifest, it will act; just like God. So many things can be said. I have said so many things before. And so many can be said later on also but today we have to remember one thing that we must have complete faith in the Kingdom of God and in the powers of God Almighty, complete faith, and then in ourselves. May God bless you.
Arrival at and departure for the Public Program
Arrival at and departure for the Public Program, 21st of july, 1992 TC 00:27 Shri Mataji:So they are all waiting here. Inside. (Foreign language chatter) TC 01:17 Shri Mataji: So they are already there. Sorry you told her So he he said yes She announced it very late Just avoid her They are very
Arrival at and departure for the Public Program, 21st of july, 1992 TC 00:27 Shri Mataji:So they are all waiting here. Inside. (Foreign language chatter) TC 01:17 Shri Mataji: So they are already there. Sorry you told her So he he said yes She announced it very late Just avoid her They are very
Every human being is born with this potential faith in Divinity
Public Program
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 21 July 1992. ...It has to happen to you. It's described in all the Scriptures that you are to be born again and every human being is born with this potential faith in Divinity. Whatever one may try to attack it, it exists there all the time. So, potentially you are all divine and the truth is that you are the Spirit. But gradually how our faith is challenged, in these modern times there are so many ways our faith is challenged. First of all, there are many false prophets called as gurus from every country, specially from India. They have destroyed not only your faith but also possibility of your achieving your ascent. These are the special times, when you are born. This is the time of Last Judgment. You have to keep your mind open like a scientist because this is the time you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is your special privilege. Whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed, your spirituality, your divinity is intact. Second attack you can say is from the so-called religions, because these religions are not Spirit-oriented, they are money-oriented or power-oriented. Take any religion, it may be a Hindu, Muslim, Christians, any one, everybody is capable of committing any sin. It has not created those special people who are described as evolved souls. On the contrary, they are all fundamentalists and fighting with each other. They do not want to see the good in others. Today, the main problem is fundamentalism. It has mesmerized people. They have achieved nothing but still they are sticking on to this old-fashioned nonsense. Of course, I'm happy you are saved from lots of the European problems. Recently I was reading a book called as "Fraudulent Freud." He has been a real fraud from the very beginning and I've been telling about this for the last two years, but people didn't like it. One side was this Catholic Christianity which says that there is original sin a human being has created. And even they were discussing if Mother Mary was a person born out of sin or not. For generations they did this nonsense. In the original Bible there is no mention of the original sin, there is nothing like original sin. Otherwise, why should Christ attend a wedding? Did He want to promote original sins? That means all great incarnations like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Mohammad Sahib, Nanaka, all of them were sinners. This suppression by the Catholic Church made all these horrible people like Freud to prosper. They took one from one extreme to another extreme. And what is the result today? We have AIDS, we have all kinds of serious secret diseases and is estimated that sixty-five percent people, whites in America will die within ten years time. So between these two, European countries were lost. But the path of ascent is in the center, neither in this extreme or that extreme. We have to understand that God Almighty is the greatest organizer. Also the second truth is that there is a all-pervading Power penetrating into every living work. You see these beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted. We don't even think how they have come out of small seed. Look at your eye, it's such a beautiful camera, who has made it? Your brain is a computer, what a wonderful computer, who has made it? So that we have a kind of a confused ideologies all over. There is no definite authority to tell us that what is the absolute truth. Within you lies the Spirit, which is the source of that absolute truth. That absolute truth has to manifest in our attention. But if you are still carrying on with all kinds of nonsense, this ascent is not meant for stupid fools. Like a bully boy shouting at Me, "Jesus, Jesus." He doesn't know what he's talking, through his hat. If you call Him "Jesus, Jesus" will you meet Jesus? Or saying "Rama, Rama" will you meet Rama? How many people have been doing that? They have even developed cancer of the throat doing all that. You have to be connected. Like a telephone has to be connected, otherwise what's the use of ringing? You are to be connected, to ascend into a new realm of spirituality. This is what is the second birth. Not just to certify that " I'm born again." By this certificate you are deceiving yourself. If you are born again you have certain powers. I'm sorry I'm here only for one day and I won't be able to say much about this subtle system, which is built within us. But I would like to tell you what is this nature of the Spirit. You should not believe Me blind-folded, but keep your mind open as a scientist, because it is for your benevolence; it is for the benevolence of your country and the world at large. Like one gentleman in England wanted to ask a question about these photographs, but at the end of the program he got his Self Realization and in his own photograph, he got lights coming out of Me. So, this is not any trick. For what? I'm not coming here to take anything from you; I have come here to give you what is your own. So far, all the people have been misled even by the medias, by telling lies. The reason is they are paid for it. It's all money. Only thing is how much you are willing to pay. How many people there are who are really honest in this world? Unless and until you are honest, you cannot talk about God Almighty. And this honesty can only come when your Spirit comes into your attention. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. But before your ascent, it is just watching you, it's a witness. And this power, which is within us, called as Kundalini, is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. If you ask anyone what is Holy Ghost, they don't know. Now, we have a Father, God Almighty; we have a Son who is the Son of the Almighty and we have no Mother. Why this Mother is missing? It's a dove. It's ambiguous. And we believe in it. In the West, everyone believes in this kind of a story. We must use our brains. In India if somebody says that Holy Ghost means a dove they'll say, "Get lost." They said if Freud had come to India and told these dirty stories about his mother's love, he would have been beaten up and thrown in the Arabian Sea. The intelligence here is not on all the people who call them as intellectuals. The intellectuals have taken out some yarn out of their head and you all follow it. I used to say there is no scientific basis for this fraudulent Freud and now it's proved by a very well- know doctor. And he says psychoanalysis is hocus-pocus. Now, after so many years, when it has done its damage to the culture and thought of people. Third curse you do not have of the democratic countries - of entrepreneurs. In Paris they decide what everybody has to wear. Recently they have said that only six inches of skirts should be worn by women, six inches. Imagine what will be their situation. In the cold of London wear six inches of skirts, they'll develop varicose veins. But people here believe into all these things. Anything comes from Paris is treated as Bible. I mean immorality oozes out of France. I mean they have no sense of morality and immorality. Even a housewife can become a prostitute, by law there's no prohibition. They are using little children, abusing them, doing all kinds of things. And they think they are very developed people. Thank God, Indians are not so rich to be stupid. And you, also. Thank your stars that you are not very rich. You also could have become equally stupid. In America there's another stupidity, all kinds of stupidities going on. It is becoming a demonocracy there, not democracy. I don't know how to describe one after another. Only best way is to... I will be describing in a book all out I've seen the stupidity. So the ascent is not meant for stupid, it is meant for the sensible ones. You have to be meek in heart. Christ has said, "The meek in heart will inherit the Earth." and not the arrogant, not the cunning, not the ones who think themselves to be very successful. But the innocent. Like children. Now, the nature of the Spirit I'll try to tell you in a very short manner. First of all, when the Kundalini rises into these six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area, you start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost out of your fontanel bone area, you feel. This is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. As a result, these centers are nourished, are integrated and put in contact with the all-pervading Power. So, the world problems are due to the human beings and human problems are due to these fundamental centers. If they are corrected, if these centers are nourished and also integrated with this Divine Power, all our problems are solved. So all our physical, our mental, emotional and spiritual, all powers get solved. In India there are three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga from Delhi University. They have theirs in subjects like cancer, blood cancer, epilepsy and tensions and blood pressure. But here, don't get influenced by the way the western people have gone headlong into something that does know it suits. This is the knowledge of the roots. So, the first thing happens that you get rid of your physical, mental, emotional problems and secondly you become a powerful personality which does not keep any addictions. People have given up drugs overnight. Overnight many people have been cured. But that's not so important. More important is what you get. First of all your attention becomes enlightened. For example you pay any attention anywhere, that attention acts. Such a person has such innocent eyes that even a glance of such a person can solve the problems because through their attention this Divine Power flows. They feel this Cool Breeze on their central nervous system. That means they can feel this all-pervading Power on their fingertips. You are all capable of feeling that. You feel it on your fingertips, your own centers through self knowledge and also the centers of others through collective consciousness. This is the new dimension you acquire in your awareness. Thus, you can help so many people. Means you can raise the Kundalini of others. With your hands. It all happens spontaneously. You don't have to pay for this. This is just evolution. Why did we evolve? Because God Almighty loved us. He wanted us to enter into His kingdom. And now it is going to happen spontaneously. You can't pay for it. You also must know you can't work it out yourself. It works spontaneously, like a seed sprouts by itself. As the seed has the built-in power, built-in power, to sprout, you too, you have the built-in power to achieve that state. But as the Mother Earth has to do the job, somebody who is a evolved soul has to do it. The second great thing that happens to you, that you know the absolute truth. Supposing you say you don't believe in God, all right, after Realization you just you put your hands and ask a question, "Is there God?" Immediately you will start getting a Cool Breeze, sometimes a big wind proves it. Also all about these bad people if you ask them, you will get horrible heat or sometimes even a little blister. Even small children, if you tie their eyes and if they are realized souls, all will tell the same thing - what the other person is suffering in front of them. But if you want to live with falsehood go ahead, nobody can force you because you are free to choose truth or falsehood. If you want to go to hell, go ahead. Or, if you want to enter into the Kingdom of God, you're welcome. It is your choice, you will judge yourselves, not Me, not God. And the compassion that you feel is active because this is the light of compassion. And for no money, for no gain, you want to help everyone. First time when I went to Russia there were twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis arrived together. I was surprised, I said, "How come you came here?" They said, "Mother, is it not our duty that we should do something to undo what our forefathers have done?" For example, your country was ruled by French and today the French are taking such a interest. They are the one who came here and started Sahaja Yoga and they are all the time worried about you. Such compassion, such love. It is without any lust or greed. Fills your heart and you become a personality of dynamism with compassion. It is absolutely energy-giving, untiring task. I'm Myself seventy years of age and I'm traveling every day from country to country. In fifteen days I'll be visiting about twelve countries. By God's grace, I'm very happily married, and family, very good family, but I can't live without giving this love. And My family also understands, they pay such a lot, they have paid much more before. This compassion acts, as I said that if you just put attention, this compassion acts and gives such remarkable results, that you cannot understand. So this is meta-science, above science. For diagnosis, if you have to go to some doctor, he'll take out your eyes, your nose, everything and say that "You are perfectly all right." You might be dead with pain in the diagnosis itself. But with Sahaja Yoga, one can easily say who has got what disease. And science is not conclusive. Today they find one thing, tomorrow they find another thing, third day find anything but doesn't attack a total issue. And whatever made out of science, may take one to extremes because they have no limitations. It reacts. But not your Spirit. Spirit doesn't move in one line, it spreads all over. And the light moves, penetrates and enlightens every part of your being, and the part of others so you see your beauty and your glory because you get into a state where you are in the present. Either you are in the future or in the past. But by ascent, you can remain in the present, in a state of thoughtless awareness. In that state, you grow spiritually and then you and become your own master. Your wisdom is your light. Above all, you get the experience of joy. I asked them, "What is Bucharest?" They said "Buchar" means joy. If this is the state of joy, you can very easily achieve. And the state of joy, it hasn't got duality, it is not happiness and unhappiness, but it is just absolute joy. In that state of joy, you just enjoy your Spirit, you don't need any physical comforts, physical joy. But you do not become an abnormal personality. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You have to stay here, have normal food, normal family life, everything normal. There are many great souls who want to be born, they will be born to you once you have your Self Realization. Now whatever I've said can work out in no time. It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes. But one thing I must tell you very frankly, that it cannot be forced on you and you have to be humble in your heart. If you are arrogant, then it won't work out. So those who do not want to have Self Realization should please leave this hall. It will be very civil of them. There are three conditions, which we have to fulfill, which are very simple. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. Means that whatever wrong you have done, forget it. This Divine Power is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever wrong you might have committed, it can dissolve all your mistakes. And after all, you are all human beings you are not God. So, please forgive yourselves entirely, not to feel guilty at all. If you have done any mistakes you should face it and finish it. But at this moment none of you are guilty. I verily say to you that you are seekers of truth and you will find the truth. So please forgive yourselves entirely. The second condition is, is even easier to forgive everyone. Many say that it is difficult to forgive, but logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. So, when you do not forgive, you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are enjoying the lifestyle and you are torturing yourself. So you just have to feel that, understand that, and you have to just say that "I forgive all of them." You don't have to think about them individually, but in general you have to say, "I forgive all of them," because it's a headache to think of them. If you don't forgive, then this center between the optic chiasm becomes, you see like this... and when you forgive it opens out like that. If you don't forgive, then the Kundalini won't rise. As it is you have tortured yourself and now you want to miss out all your Self Realization? So please, you have to forgive in general everyone. Third condition is that you all should be self-confident that you all will get your Self Realization wherever you are seated. You should not doubt it. And I'm sure it will work out. One thing I have to request you, if you could take out your shoes, not those who are sitting, can take out the shoes and put your feet apart from each other, not those who are sitting on the ground, can take out the shoes, that's all because this Mother Earth sucks in our problems. So please take out your shoes. All of you will have to do what I tell you. If you don't want to do it, please leave the hall. It is not civil to watch others while you are not doing anything. Taking photographs afterwards if you don't mind. During meditation please do not disturb others by photograph or by walking out. This takes hardly any time. Now, I don't know how far they have told you about the subtle system but you will know each and every thing once you go to the collectivity. Modern Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening, it cannot work out individually. So, after getting your Realization, you must have self esteem, respect your Realization and attain the highest in life. So, also know that there's no charge for knowing all this Divine Knowledge. You don't have to pay anything, but of course little time you have to give for your ascent. In short, you have to be placed very... towards yourself very pleasantly. Whatever may be your age, whatever may be your past, forget it. Now, there are two sides, left and right sympathetic nervous system, that work within us. So, the left side is symbolic of our mundane desire, but Kundalini is the pure desire. So, you should have pure desire that you want your Realization. And the right is the power of action. So, please put both your feet, those who are sitting on the chair, not otherwise you are all right, away from each other. Now, please put left hand towards Me, on your lap comfortably, comfortably on your lap. Like this, He can show you. That means you want your Self Realization. Now, we have to use right hand for action. So, please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit you become your own light, your own master. So, you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center for your mastery, which is created by all the great prophets. Now, please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then, on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to right. This center when is in trouble, you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So what's the use of feeling guilty, because when you feel guilty you catch this. Now, please raise your right hand on top of your head. Now, put down your head. Here, now, is the center to forgive everyone. Now, take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, we do this later on, after closing eyes, just now we are showing you how to place it. Now, this hand is to be stretched like this and now put your center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. And now, push back your fingers as far as possible and now put down your head as far as possible. Now with a good pressure on your scalp, move it clockwise three times. Press back your fingers please. This is the last center. That's all we have to do. Now, you have to be placed pleasantly towards yourself. Now please put the left hand towards Me and both the feet away of each other. You have to now close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles but you need not open your eyes till I tell you. Now close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart, please. Here, you have to ask for a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. You can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji," whatever you like. Please ask three times in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" As you become the Spirit, you become your masters. Please put your right hand on the left hand side, the upper portion of your abdomen and press it with fingers. And here, you ask again three times fundamental question, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force your knowledge on you. So, you have to ask for it. So, please put your left hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here, you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you asked for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now, you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here, with full confidence you have to ask ten times, "Mother, am I my own master?" Now as you have asked this question, you have to say ten times with full confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." I have already told you that the truth is you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So, raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." As I told you that this Divine Power, though it is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss and ocean of joy, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourselves and take your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put the right hand, your head on the right side. Here, you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Why don't you do it? This gentleman. You can come later for your questions, please. Get out. Better leave now. Thank you. All right, You do it. Close your eyes. Put your head to your right, please. Now, I've already told you that you have to forgive everyone in general and if you do not forgive or forgive, you don't do anything. But if you forgive you don't play in wrong hands. So raise your right hand, now, on top of your forehead and bend your head and here please say with confidence, from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone." It's very important that you forgive in general, don't think about them. Now, take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, here, you say not how many times but from your heart, "Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, please stretch your hand, your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your head, on the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers and put down your head. Here, again, I cannot cross your freedom, which I respect, so you have to ask for Self Realization. I cannot force on you. So, here, move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me Self Realization." Now, please take down your hands. Please, open your eyes. Please, put both the hands towards Me, like this, little higher. Now, with right hand like this and the hand bent down, try to see if there's a cool or a hot breeze, coming out of your head, with the left hand. Please, do not put your hand on the head but above it, it can be quite far away also sometimes we feel. And do not doubt it. It's not from the air-conditioning, but from your head. Don't feel guilty, some are still feeling guilty. Now, please, put your left hand towards Me and with the right hand and bend your head and see for yourself. Now, if you have not forgiven, also you get hot breeze. So, please forgive now. Just have to say it. Now again with the right hand. Please, bend your head now. Please forgive. Now, please, put both hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. Now, please raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and ask a question three times, anyone of those. You can say, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or you can say three times, "Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of God, God's Love?" Now, you can ask another question if you want, three times, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Now, take down your hands please. Please, put your hands like this. All those who have felt Cool Breeze on their fingertips, in their hands, or hot breeze on their hands, fingertips or their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. That is Bucharest. These two people didn't get it because you didn't do it. You are the only two people who didn't get it. All of you got it. I bow to you all, your saintly lives have started. Please, achieve the highest. I'll definitely come next year. And you are all welcome to Italy, to see Me there, in the month of October. Please, develop yourself. It will solve all your problems. May God bless you. Now, you have achieved it without thinking so do not discuss or argue. This is a state beyond the mind, because Divine intelligence and Divine discretion, which you must respect.
Public Program. Bucharest (Romania), 21 July 1992. ...It has to happen to you. It's described in all the Scriptures that you are to be born again and every human being is born with this potential faith in Divinity. Whatever one may try to attack it, it exists there all the time. So, potentially you are all divine and the truth is that you are the Spirit. But gradually how our faith is challenged, in these modern times there are so many ways our faith is challenged. First of all, there are many false prophets called as gurus from every country, specially from India. They have destroyed not only your faith but also possibility of your achieving your ascent. These are the special times, when you are born. This is the time of Last Judgment. You have to keep your mind open like a scientist because this is the time you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is your special privilege. Whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed, your spirituality, your divinity is intact. Second attack you can say is from the so-called religions, because these religions are not Spirit-oriented, they are money-oriented or power-oriented. Take any religion, it may be a Hindu, Muslim, Christians, any one, everybody is capable of committing any sin. It has not created those special people who are described as evolved souls. On the contrary, they are all fundamentalists and fighting with each other. They do not want to see the good in others. Today, the main problem is fundamentalism. It has mesmerized people. They have achieved nothing but still they are sticking on to this old-fashioned nonsense. Of course, I'm happy you are saved from lots of the European problems. Recently I was reading a book called as "Fraudulent Freud." He has been a real fraud from the very beginning and I've been telling about this for the last two years, but people didn't like it. One side was this Catholic Christianity which says that there is original sin a human being has created. And even they were discussing if Mother Mary was a person born out of sin or not. For generations they did this nonsense. In the original Bible there is no mention of the original sin, there is nothing like original sin. Otherwise, why should Christ attend a wedding? Did He want to promote original sins? That means all great incarnations like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Mohammad Sahib, Nanaka, all of them were sinners. This suppression by the Catholic Church made all these horrible people like Freud to prosper. They took one from one extreme to another extreme. And what is the result today? We have AIDS, we have all kinds of serious secret diseases and is estimated that sixty-five percent people, whites in America will die within ten years time. So between these two, European countries were lost. But the path of ascent is in the center, neither in this extreme or that extreme. We have to understand that God Almighty is the greatest organizer. Also the second truth is that there is a all-pervading Power penetrating into every living work. You see these beautiful flowers here, we take them for granted. We don't even think how they have come out of small seed. Look at your eye, it's such a beautiful camera, who has made it? Your brain is a computer, what a wonderful computer, who has made it? So that we have a kind of a confused ideologies all over. There is no definite authority to tell us that what is the absolute truth. Within you lies the Spirit, which is the source of that absolute truth. That absolute truth has to manifest in our attention. But if you are still carrying on with all kinds of nonsense, this ascent is not meant for stupid fools. Like a bully boy shouting at Me, "Jesus, Jesus." He doesn't know what he's talking, through his hat. If you call Him "Jesus, Jesus" will you meet Jesus? Or saying "Rama, Rama" will you meet Rama? How many people have been doing that? They have even developed cancer of the throat doing all that. You have to be connected. Like a telephone has to be connected, otherwise what's the use of ringing? You are to be connected, to ascend into a new realm of spirituality. This is what is the second birth. Not just to certify that " I'm born again." By this certificate you are deceiving yourself. If you are born again you have certain powers. I'm sorry I'm here only for one day and I won't be able to say much about this subtle system, which is built within us. But I would like to tell you what is this nature of the Spirit. You should not believe Me blind-folded, but keep your mind open as a scientist, because it is for your benevolence; it is for the benevolence of your country and the world at large. Like one gentleman in England wanted to ask a question about these photographs, but at the end of the program he got his Self Realization and in his own photograph, he got lights coming out of Me. So, this is not any trick. For what? I'm not coming here to take anything from you; I have come here to give you what is your own. So far, all the people have been misled even by the medias, by telling lies. The reason is they are paid for it. It's all money. Only thing is how much you are willing to pay. How many people there are who are really honest in this world? Unless and until you are honest, you cannot talk about God Almighty. And this honesty can only come when your Spirit comes into your attention. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty in your heart. But before your ascent, it is just watching you, it's a witness. And this power, which is within us, called as Kundalini, is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. If you ask anyone what is Holy Ghost, they don't know. Now, we have a Father, God Almighty; we have a Son who is the Son of the Almighty and we have no Mother. Why this Mother is missing? It's a dove. It's ambiguous. And we believe in it. In the West, everyone believes in this kind of a story. We must use our brains. In India if somebody says that Holy Ghost means a dove they'll say, "Get lost." They said if Freud had come to India and told these dirty stories about his mother's love, he would have been beaten up and thrown in the Arabian Sea. The intelligence here is not on all the people who call them as intellectuals. The intellectuals have taken out some yarn out of their head and you all follow it. I used to say there is no scientific basis for this fraudulent Freud and now it's proved by a very well- know doctor. And he says psychoanalysis is hocus-pocus. Now, after so many years, when it has done its damage to the culture and thought of people. Third curse you do not have of the democratic countries - of entrepreneurs. In Paris they decide what everybody has to wear. Recently they have said that only six inches of skirts should be worn by women, six inches. Imagine what will be their situation. In the cold of London wear six inches of skirts, they'll develop varicose veins. But people here believe into all these things. Anything comes from Paris is treated as Bible. I mean immorality oozes out of France. I mean they have no sense of morality and immorality. Even a housewife can become a prostitute, by law there's no prohibition. They are using little children, abusing them, doing all kinds of things. And they think they are very developed people. Thank God, Indians are not so rich to be stupid. And you, also. Thank your stars that you are not very rich. You also could have become equally stupid. In America there's another stupidity, all kinds of stupidities going on. It is becoming a demonocracy there, not democracy. I don't know how to describe one after another. Only best way is to... I will be describing in a book all out I've seen the stupidity. So the ascent is not meant for stupid, it is meant for the sensible ones. You have to be meek in heart. Christ has said, "The meek in heart will inherit the Earth." and not the arrogant, not the cunning, not the ones who think themselves to be very successful. But the innocent. Like children. Now, the nature of the Spirit I'll try to tell you in a very short manner. First of all, when the Kundalini rises into these six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area, you start feeling the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost out of your fontanel bone area, you feel. This is the actualization of your baptism, actualization. As a result, these centers are nourished, are integrated and put in contact with the all-pervading Power. So, the world problems are due to the human beings and human problems are due to these fundamental centers. If they are corrected, if these centers are nourished and also integrated with this Divine Power, all our problems are solved. So all our physical, our mental, emotional and spiritual, all powers get solved. In India there are three doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga from Delhi University. They have theirs in subjects like cancer, blood cancer, epilepsy and tensions and blood pressure. But here, don't get influenced by the way the western people have gone headlong into something that does know it suits. This is the knowledge of the roots. So, the first thing happens that you get rid of your physical, mental, emotional problems and secondly you become a powerful personality which does not keep any addictions. People have given up drugs overnight. Overnight many people have been cured. But that's not so important. More important is what you get. First of all your attention becomes enlightened. For example you pay any attention anywhere, that attention acts. Such a person has such innocent eyes that even a glance of such a person can solve the problems because through their attention this Divine Power flows. They feel this Cool Breeze on their central nervous system. That means they can feel this all-pervading Power on their fingertips. You are all capable of feeling that. You feel it on your fingertips, your own centers through self knowledge and also the centers of others through collective consciousness. This is the new dimension you acquire in your awareness. Thus, you can help so many people. Means you can raise the Kundalini of others. With your hands. It all happens spontaneously. You don't have to pay for this. This is just evolution. Why did we evolve? Because God Almighty loved us. He wanted us to enter into His kingdom. And now it is going to happen spontaneously. You can't pay for it. You also must know you can't work it out yourself. It works spontaneously, like a seed sprouts by itself. As the seed has the built-in power, built-in power, to sprout, you too, you have the built-in power to achieve that state. But as the Mother Earth has to do the job, somebody who is a evolved soul has to do it. The second great thing that happens to you, that you know the absolute truth. Supposing you say you don't believe in God, all right, after Realization you just you put your hands and ask a question, "Is there God?" Immediately you will start getting a Cool Breeze, sometimes a big wind proves it. Also all about these bad people if you ask them, you will get horrible heat or sometimes even a little blister. Even small children, if you tie their eyes and if they are realized souls, all will tell the same thing - what the other person is suffering in front of them. But if you want to live with falsehood go ahead, nobody can force you because you are free to choose truth or falsehood. If you want to go to hell, go ahead. Or, if you want to enter into the Kingdom of God, you're welcome. It is your choice, you will judge yourselves, not Me, not God. And the compassion that you feel is active because this is the light of compassion. And for no money, for no gain, you want to help everyone. First time when I went to Russia there were twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis arrived together. I was surprised, I said, "How come you came here?" They said, "Mother, is it not our duty that we should do something to undo what our forefathers have done?" For example, your country was ruled by French and today the French are taking such a interest. They are the one who came here and started Sahaja Yoga and they are all the time worried about you. Such compassion, such love. It is without any lust or greed. Fills your heart and you become a personality of dynamism with compassion. It is absolutely energy-giving, untiring task. I'm Myself seventy years of age and I'm traveling every day from country to country. In fifteen days I'll be visiting about twelve countries. By God's grace, I'm very happily married, and family, very good family, but I can't live without giving this love. And My family also understands, they pay such a lot, they have paid much more before. This compassion acts, as I said that if you just put attention, this compassion acts and gives such remarkable results, that you cannot understand. So this is meta-science, above science. For diagnosis, if you have to go to some doctor, he'll take out your eyes, your nose, everything and say that "You are perfectly all right." You might be dead with pain in the diagnosis itself. But with Sahaja Yoga, one can easily say who has got what disease. And science is not conclusive. Today they find one thing, tomorrow they find another thing, third day find anything but doesn't attack a total issue. And whatever made out of science, may take one to extremes because they have no limitations. It reacts. But not your Spirit. Spirit doesn't move in one line, it spreads all over. And the light moves, penetrates and enlightens every part of your being, and the part of others so you see your beauty and your glory because you get into a state where you are in the present. Either you are in the future or in the past. But by ascent, you can remain in the present, in a state of thoughtless awareness. In that state, you grow spiritually and then you and become your own master. Your wisdom is your light. Above all, you get the experience of joy. I asked them, "What is Bucharest?" They said "Buchar" means joy. If this is the state of joy, you can very easily achieve. And the state of joy, it hasn't got duality, it is not happiness and unhappiness, but it is just absolute joy. In that state of joy, you just enjoy your Spirit, you don't need any physical comforts, physical joy. But you do not become an abnormal personality. You don't have to go to Himalayas. You have to stay here, have normal food, normal family life, everything normal. There are many great souls who want to be born, they will be born to you once you have your Self Realization. Now whatever I've said can work out in no time. It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes. But one thing I must tell you very frankly, that it cannot be forced on you and you have to be humble in your heart. If you are arrogant, then it won't work out. So those who do not want to have Self Realization should please leave this hall. It will be very civil of them. There are three conditions, which we have to fulfill, which are very simple. The first one is that you should not feel guilty at all. Means that whatever wrong you have done, forget it. This Divine Power is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever wrong you might have committed, it can dissolve all your mistakes. And after all, you are all human beings you are not God. So, please forgive yourselves entirely, not to feel guilty at all. If you have done any mistakes you should face it and finish it. But at this moment none of you are guilty. I verily say to you that you are seekers of truth and you will find the truth. So please forgive yourselves entirely. The second condition is, is even easier to forgive everyone. Many say that it is difficult to forgive, but logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. So, when you do not forgive, you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are enjoying the lifestyle and you are torturing yourself. So you just have to feel that, understand that, and you have to just say that "I forgive all of them." You don't have to think about them individually, but in general you have to say, "I forgive all of them," because it's a headache to think of them. If you don't forgive, then this center between the optic chiasm becomes, you see like this... and when you forgive it opens out like that. If you don't forgive, then the Kundalini won't rise. As it is you have tortured yourself and now you want to miss out all your Self Realization? So please, you have to forgive in general everyone. Third condition is that you all should be self-confident that you all will get your Self Realization wherever you are seated. You should not doubt it. And I'm sure it will work out. One thing I have to request you, if you could take out your shoes, not those who are sitting, can take out the shoes and put your feet apart from each other, not those who are sitting on the ground, can take out the shoes, that's all because this Mother Earth sucks in our problems. So please take out your shoes. All of you will have to do what I tell you. If you don't want to do it, please leave the hall. It is not civil to watch others while you are not doing anything. Taking photographs afterwards if you don't mind. During meditation please do not disturb others by photograph or by walking out. This takes hardly any time. Now, I don't know how far they have told you about the subtle system but you will know each and every thing once you go to the collectivity. Modern Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening, it cannot work out individually. So, after getting your Realization, you must have self esteem, respect your Realization and attain the highest in life. So, also know that there's no charge for knowing all this Divine Knowledge. You don't have to pay anything, but of course little time you have to give for your ascent. In short, you have to be placed very... towards yourself very pleasantly. Whatever may be your age, whatever may be your past, forget it. Now, there are two sides, left and right sympathetic nervous system, that work within us. So, the left side is symbolic of our mundane desire, but Kundalini is the pure desire. So, you should have pure desire that you want your Realization. And the right is the power of action. So, please put both your feet, those who are sitting on the chair, not otherwise you are all right, away from each other. Now, please put left hand towards Me, on your lap comfortably, comfortably on your lap. Like this, He can show you. That means you want your Self Realization. Now, we have to use right hand for action. So, please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit you become your own light, your own master. So, you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center for your mastery, which is created by all the great prophets. Now, please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen. Then, on your heart. Now, in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to right. This center when is in trouble, you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So what's the use of feeling guilty, because when you feel guilty you catch this. Now, please raise your right hand on top of your head. Now, put down your head. Here, now, is the center to forgive everyone. Now, take back your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, we do this later on, after closing eyes, just now we are showing you how to place it. Now, this hand is to be stretched like this and now put your center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. And now, push back your fingers as far as possible and now put down your head as far as possible. Now with a good pressure on your scalp, move it clockwise three times. Press back your fingers please. This is the last center. That's all we have to do. Now, you have to be placed pleasantly towards yourself. Now please put the left hand towards Me and both the feet away of each other. You have to now close your eyes. You can take out your spectacles but you need not open your eyes till I tell you. Now close your eyes and put your right hand on your heart, please. Here, you have to ask for a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. You can call Me "Mother" or you can call Me "Shri Mataji," whatever you like. Please ask three times in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" As you become the Spirit, you become your masters. Please put your right hand on the left hand side, the upper portion of your abdomen and press it with fingers. And here, you ask again three times fundamental question, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force your knowledge on you. So, you have to ask for it. So, please put your left hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here, you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you asked for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now, you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Here, with full confidence you have to ask ten times, "Mother, am I my own master?" Now as you have asked this question, you have to say ten times with full confidence, "Mother, I am my own master." I have already told you that the truth is you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So, raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say twelve times with full confidence, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." As I told you that this Divine Power, though it is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of bliss and ocean of joy, it is the ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourselves and take your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put the right hand, your head on the right side. Here, you have to say sixteen times, with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." Why don't you do it? This gentleman. You can come later for your questions, please. Get out. Better leave now. Thank you. All right, You do it. Close your eyes. Put your head to your right, please. Now, I've already told you that you have to forgive everyone in general and if you do not forgive or forgive, you don't do anything. But if you forgive you don't play in wrong hands. So raise your right hand, now, on top of your forehead and bend your head and here please say with confidence, from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone." It's very important that you forgive in general, don't think about them. Now, take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now, here, you say not how many times but from your heart, "Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." Now, please stretch your hand, your palm and put the center of your palm on top of your head, on the fontanel bone area and push back your fingers and put down your head. Here, again, I cannot cross your freedom, which I respect, so you have to ask for Self Realization. I cannot force on you. So, here, move your scalp seven times, clockwise, saying seven times, "Mother, please give me Self Realization." Now, please take down your hands. Please, open your eyes. Please, put both the hands towards Me, like this, little higher. Now, with right hand like this and the hand bent down, try to see if there's a cool or a hot breeze, coming out of your head, with the left hand. Please, do not put your hand on the head but above it, it can be quite far away also sometimes we feel. And do not doubt it. It's not from the air-conditioning, but from your head. Don't feel guilty, some are still feeling guilty. Now, please, put your left hand towards Me and with the right hand and bend your head and see for yourself. Now, if you have not forgiven, also you get hot breeze. So, please forgive now. Just have to say it. Now again with the right hand. Please, bend your head now. Please forgive. Now, please, put both hands towards Me like this, and watch Me without thinking. Now, please raise both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and ask a question three times, anyone of those. You can say, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or you can say three times, "Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of God, God's Love?" Now, you can ask another question if you want, three times, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Now, take down your hands please. Please, put your hands like this. All those who have felt Cool Breeze on their fingertips, in their hands, or hot breeze on their hands, fingertips or their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. That is Bucharest. These two people didn't get it because you didn't do it. You are the only two people who didn't get it. All of you got it. I bow to you all, your saintly lives have started. Please, achieve the highest. I'll definitely come next year. And you are all welcome to Italy, to see Me there, in the month of October. Please, develop yourself. It will solve all your problems. May God bless you. Now, you have achieved it without thinking so do not discuss or argue. This is a state beyond the mind, because Divine intelligence and Divine discretion, which you must respect.
Conversation with Sahaja Yogis around
Yogini: We hoped you really like that Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: So Beautiful. Yogi: Thank you, Mother. Shri Mataji: It's beautiful. Thank you very much. This cannot be opened out? Inaudible, laughter. Shri Mataji: I see, so this you can bring it. Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is for yourself? Yogi's: No, (unclear). Shri Mataji: How much time more? Yogini: Ten minutes after them, ten minutes after them. Another Yogini: Ten! Yogini: So we have to not leave in one hour. Yogini: Less than an hour. Yogini: In half an hour. Yogini: In half an hour we have to leave. (Unclear.)
Yogini: We hoped you really like that Shri Mataji. Shri Mataji: So Beautiful. Yogi: Thank you, Mother. Shri Mataji: It's beautiful. Thank you very much. This cannot be opened out? Inaudible, laughter. Shri Mataji: I see, so this you can bring it. Yogini: Yes. Shri Mataji: This is for yourself? Yogi's: No, (unclear). Shri Mataji: How much time more? Yogini: Ten minutes after them, ten minutes after them. Another Yogini: Ten! Yogini: So we have to not leave in one hour. Yogini: Less than an hour. Yogini: In half an hour. Yogini: In half an hour we have to leave. (Unclear.)
Arriving at and Visiting the Sahaja Yoga Exhibition
Talk at Sahaja Yoga Exhibition, Bucharest (Romania), 22 July 1992 The talk starts at 00:18:30 Very happy to meet all of you again here. I'm sorry I'm here for a very short time, but I have to travel to many countries. You people are something very unique type of Sahaja Yogis. Everybody is impressed the way you know all the songs by heart and the pronunciations also are so accurate. I hope you understand the meaning of these. To hear the last song - it is recent, very recent. Mr. Costian: It was the top on the Indian tour, Vishwa Vandita. Shri Mataji: Yes, it was. It is written by a blind poet, very famous. [Ravindra Jain] And he has written also, he has composed and written poetry for Ramayana, epic film. It's a ... I can't understand this man, because he just met Me three times and he has seen such things very deeply about Me that really I was amazed. He has described Me in such a manner that some people have not seen those points which he has seen. I think you have got the complete tape of Vishwavandita. Also you seem very much in tune now. Something remarkable. Now, we have to meditate. You must find some time. Not now. I mean, unless and until you meditate, you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. Not only individually, but in collectivity. Then only you grow well. Really, I don't know how to express My joy after seeing you all. It's such a surprise, such a surprise to see you all here. Any problems you have, you can tell on My photograph, then it will work out. You are very powerful people. You will be surprised how miracles work through you. Just assume your powers. Like, supposing we ask a person who thinks he is a beggar to sit on a throne, then he still begs. But forget it, you are now really sitting on the throne. Now you have become. So now you become the citizens of God's Kingdom. Just assert your powers. May God bless you all. Also, you will develop confidence. Don't be afraid, don't be shy. Just take a bandhan before doing that. That's the protection. May God bless you all.
Talk at Sahaja Yoga Exhibition, Bucharest (Romania), 22 July 1992 The talk starts at 00:18:30 Very happy to meet all of you again here. I'm sorry I'm here for a very short time, but I have to travel to many countries. You people are something very unique type of Sahaja Yogis. Everybody is impressed the way you know all the songs by heart and the pronunciations also are so accurate. I hope you understand the meaning of these. To hear the last song - it is recent, very recent. Mr. Costian: It was the top on the Indian tour, Vishwa Vandita. Shri Mataji: Yes, it was. It is written by a blind poet, very famous. [Ravindra Jain] And he has written also, he has composed and written poetry for Ramayana, epic film. It's a ... I can't understand this man, because he just met Me three times and he has seen such things very deeply about Me that really I was amazed. He has described Me in such a manner that some people have not seen those points which he has seen. I think you have got the complete tape of Vishwavandita. Also you seem very much in tune now. Something remarkable. Now, we have to meditate. You must find some time. Not now. I mean, unless and until you meditate, you cannot grow in Sahaja Yoga. Not only individually, but in collectivity. Then only you grow well. Really, I don't know how to express My joy after seeing you all. It's such a surprise, such a surprise to see you all here. Any problems you have, you can tell on My photograph, then it will work out. You are very powerful people. You will be surprised how miracles work through you. Just assume your powers. Like, supposing we ask a person who thinks he is a beggar to sit on a throne, then he still begs. But forget it, you are now really sitting on the throne. Now you have become. So now you become the citizens of God's Kingdom. Just assert your powers. May God bless you all. Also, you will develop confidence. Don't be afraid, don't be shy. Just take a bandhan before doing that. That's the protection. May God bless you all.
You have to be honestly seekers of truth
Public Program
Public Program. Sofia (Bulgaria), 23 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, but you have to experience it. This is the time specially for you to get that state in which you can feel the truth, the reality. These are the most confusing times and in these times only you will find the truth. But you have to be honestly seekers of truth, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. We have come up to a state... Sorry...We have come up to a state, which is a human but is not absolute, it's a relative awareness we have. We do not know what is truth, what is reality. We do not know why are we on this earth. Every human being whatever country he may belong to is born with a faith within himself. This faith is in the Divinity or any such thing which is higher that is above human awareness. All of you have got this Divinity potentially and nothing can change it. It is only clouded because of conditionings. This faith is challenged. There are so many things that challenges the faith. First we go to religions. Then we find that one may follow any religion, they are capable of doing anything wrong, anything sinful. So the religion is also mental. Moreover the religion that we see or these religions, they are money oriented or Spirit oriented. And that is what makes us doubt those who started the religions. But all those incarnations, prophets, all of them were absolutely real. But from childhood we are bombarded by false ideas and we got lost. For example we'll take the case of Christ. Christ was The Son of God but His followers fell into a trap. This Paul who was a bureaucrat and a very cruel man thought that this is a very good platform to use for his own fame and he got hold of the weakest disciple of Christ, Peter. While Christ has predicted that: "You'll be taken over by Satan". These two put together tried to harass other disciples. One of them ran away to India, Thomas. Mathews had to fight and John could not give his part of the story. There is simple thing to understand that how could Christ ask Peter to form his church? That is how they edited the Bible and put wrong ideas. I was Myself born in a Christian religion but I was shocked. I didn't know how this Paul was there and I asked My Father who was a Realized soul and he said: "He's a squatter". The first wrong idea he started was that of original sin. How can it be original sin when He attended the wedding? How can marriage be an original sin? He attended the wedding that means, did He want to encourage the original sin? That means all those who got married have been committing original sins: Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, Mohammed [SAAB or SAHIB], Nanak [SAAB or SAHIB], Lao Tse; all of them got married, they were all sinners. On absolutely wrong premises. And then you should see the way the priests are. In Canada there's a very big book that has come out where priests were abusing small children, twelve to fourteen years of age. Christ has said: "You'll be calling Me Jesus, Jesus. I won't recognize you". These are the people who are just trying to make money. Once I was in Honolulu and at about eleven o'clock we came back from the program and we started seeing the television and I've never seen such a blatant program. There was one evangelist standing with a hundred dollar note. And he was saying: "You must release these hundred dollars and then God will give you everything". He said that: "One lady had collected hundred dollars for her grocery and she released it to us and next day she got all the grocery in front of her house." Only Americans can believe such stories, I tell you. Even the Indian false gurus have given horrible stories, which now they have confessed. You shouldn't believe into what they say. Even the media is mischievous. Anybody who pays them money, they want to publish that. These people who are standing on falsehood are afraid of Sahaja Yoga. It is very sad that they don't understand their own benevolence. They have to understand that so far they have not achieved their salvation. So what's the use of doing that thing again and again? Christ has said: "You are to be born again", but that does not mean that you put a certificate "we are born again" and think you are born again. In Sanskrit language a Realized soul, a born again soul is called as "dvijaha". This "dvija" means born again, twice, born twice. Also a bird is called as "dvijaha" because it is first born as an egg and then it becomes a bird. In the same way we are born as human beings and then we become a Realized soul, a evolved soul. But you cannot call an egg as a bird. Bird has its own powers. This divinity is within you this power is within you. You do not have to pay for it because you cannot pay for it. It's an evolutionary process, which is a living work. Why should you be identified with anything, which had done no good to you? He has already told you about the subtle centers we have within ourselves. This is the tree of life described, but so many things in the Bible are ambiguous because there was very short time Christ lived. And I feel that many things that He must have said were edited by this Mr. Paul. He has clearly said: "Know thyself", clearly. Do we know ourselves? He has said: "Thou shall have not adulterous eyes." Do we have those innocent eyes? Then that means something more has to be done. These religions are not at all Spirit oriented. They are making money all the time they are worried about money. And also they mesmerize people, I think. The another wrong thing is that you must [THIS or THUS] confess. This has made people suffer so much. One girl, little girl she goes to a government school, asked Me: "Do I commit any sins?" I said: "None". But she said that: "In the school they asked me to confess. What should I confess?" So we are still...we should understanding it, what Christ has said has not been achieved at all. We have to get to our salvation and that is very easy. It will take no time for you to get your Realization because you have the power. There's another thing which surprises Me, that they said there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost is a dove. How can you have Father and a Son and no Mother? This Paul was a hater of women. And also for Christ's Mother he [SAID or SAYS]: "Woman", he never said Madonna, he never used the word Madonna for Her. And five generations of popes were discussing the sin of Mother Mary. Such unholy things to say. They questioned the Immaculate Conception. After all that is God Almighty. He can do anything, He's not a human being. Who runs your hearts? Look at these eyes, they are such a good camera and look at this brain, it's such a computer. Who has made these? It is God Almighty. We call Him Almighty but we don't understand that He can do anything. Nowadays we have a new type of an atmosphere that has started in these modern times. In India we say this is Kali Yuga means these are the worst times for human beings. But before the age of truth comes, there is another in between age, which we call as Krita Yuga. So the All Pervading Power of God's Love becomes active within that time. It has become active and that is how you are going to get your Self Realization. These miraculous photographs you have seen, they are also the work of this Divine Power. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, mind and conditionings, ego but you are the pure Spirit. The another truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. We do not even think this miracle, just imagine. Who does this living work? This All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Patanjali has called this as Ritambhara PrAgnya. It is known by many names. Is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. So who is the Holy Ghost? Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. In the Bible She's called as the Holy Ghost or the Cool Breeze, which the disciples felt, but nothing more. But the Greeks call this Athena. Atha means primordial. That is how one has to understand that this Kundalini, this Power is the reflection of this Holy Ghost within us. And the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. First you have to have your Realization and then only you have to know what you are, about everything, that's all. It is all built in within you. Like in a seed it is built in to sprout and the Mother Earth it is built in that she can sprout. This happening when it takes place, all these centers get nourished. All world problems are due to human beings and all human problems are due to these chakras. If your chakras are put right, all your problems can be solved. So the first thing that happens to you that you get your physical, mental and your emotional being absolutely into balance. People of cancer and many other incurable diseases had been cured of Sahaja Yoga, with Sahaja Yoga. There are three doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga where they cured incurable diseases. But media in India is very sensible and wise. They don't believe in scandals. So all the big newspapers and weeklies have written articles and articles about Sahaja Yoga and Indian people have taken to Sahaja Yoga very easily because we don't have intellectuals like Freud in India. Recently I was reading a book called "Fraudulent Freud". It is all hocus-pocus. I used to say this, for the last twenty-two years I've been saying and people didn't like it. Now there's a very well known doctor who has researched and he said there's no scientific basis for his theories, no scientific basis. What he says it has already got a very malignant effect on the culture and thought of the western mind and it cannot be repaired. I think he doesn't know about Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga with your ascent everything that is stupid, harmful, distractive just settles down. Overnight people have given up drugs, overnight they are leading a very moral life. Look at these people singing Indian songs, which are very difficult to sing, specially the English - such hard [TIMES or SNAG, NUG] - and they are so good. I can't imagine how these people have become so creative. So we should know the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the universal being within us. So what happens to you that you become an universal being. In the light of the Spirit you see that all religions are branches of the same tree. They are the beautiful flowers on the same tree of life. But we have plucked the flowers and we are fighting: this is mine, this is mine with the dead flowers. So because we believe in all the religions as Mahatma Gandhi did, fundamentalists don't like us, they want to fight us all the time. So be careful about them. Even they can purchase the media. We have to be very careful. Even same type of things, the early disciples of Christ had to suffer, because they had the real knowledge. They were called as Gnostics. The word gna comes from Sanskrit. That means pure knowledge. This pure knowledge is your own. You don't need a big degree or anything, because it is so innate. Just as you can see Me sitting here you can feel the truth, the All Pervading Power. But when the light of the Spirit comes into your attention it starts flowing on your nerves and you can feel, actualize, you feel the All Pervading Power. You don't have to go and ask somebody else, you yourself know and you can find out anything whether it is true or false with these cool vibrations you get. You don't have to believe into anything blind-folded, you just put your hands and ask a question: "Is there God?" and you start getting the cool breeze quite a lot. You ask a question: "Was Christ the Son of God?" Yes, you start getting the cool breeze in your hands. But if you want to know about Hitler or Stalin you might get little burning, maybe blisters also. Even the children can tell. So you know the absolute truth. It is not relative. Everyone knows the same thing and knows for definite. So why will there be any fights, wars, anything? But the first thing that happens to you that you come into present. You live into future or into past but by this happening you come into present and there is no thought, complete silence, complete peace. This state is called as thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit it is called as Nirvichara Samadhi. This can be easily attended and in this state only you grow, spiritually. Then the second state is where you become absolutely doubtless that is you become doubtless about yourself, doubtless about all this power. But it's not mental, it's a state. You can raise the Kundalini of others. One man can give Realization to thousands. You can cure people, you can solve so many problems, your own and others'. And you become dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. When this attention becomes enlightened into your eyes you get those eyes that Christ has described, innocent eyes without greed and lust. And wherever you put your attention it acts, this attention acts. You become that powerful, you can control rain, you can control the atmosphere, but above all you become absolutely righteous, virtuous and no way egoist. It's such a satisfaction you derive from the Spirit. So you know the absolute truth, your attention becomes enlightened and thirdly you enter into the realm of joy. Joy is not duality like happiness and unhappiness. But is a state, again, that you become a witness of the whole drama and you enjoy yourself and enjoy others. The miseries are over. This has been promised that you are to enter into the Kingdom of God and this is the time when you are going to enter. You are so fortunate to be born at this time and I am so fortunate that you are born at this time, that there are so many seekers. William Blake has said - a great poet whom the English called as mad man. He has said: "The men of God will be born and they can make themselves divine and make others also divine." This is not a sermon or a lecture, you have to just understand that this is your own power and it has to be just awakened. This is the actualization. People mislead because they want to make money out of it or they want to have power out of it. But if it is for your good, for your benevolence why not have it? And when it is your own, what is the harm? Tomorrow there is going to be the greatest age of enlightenment and you have to be just entered into that. In short I've tried to explain, because I'm here only for one day. I was [ENAMORED] the way you people from Bulgaria have taken to your seeking. You are very wise people, I must say. Also the people in Romania, they [UNCLEAR]. But not in America, they are absolutely stupid. They have too much money so they have taken to false gurus and to drugs, all destructive things. I'm so happy to be here and I promise next year I'll be here again. But one thing must understand that Sahaja Yoga is not an individual happening, is not that one person can sit at home and do Sahaja Yoga. Of course you have to meditate at home for a short time but you have to be collective because it's a collective happening. As you become part and parcel of the whole, as the whole body, you see if there's something wrong with one finger the whole body looks after it. The whole world, wherever Sahaja Yogis are, are your brothers and sisters, they are your real brothers and sisters. Any problem they'll run up to. I must tell you when I first went to Russia twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis came rushing. I was surprised. I asked them: "Why have you all come here?". They had tears in their eyes and they said: "Mother don't You think it is our responsibility to rectify what our forefathers have done?". You will not believe these Germans have become the softest people you could think of. They are so compassionate, so loving. Just imagine a stone has become like a flower, like a lotus, which is fragrant. That's what it is, they are all so beautiful within and you all have to get it. You have to have little patience with yourself, that's all. So I think we can have now the meditation. It is for ten, fifteen minutes more and you can enter into the Kingdom of God. Those who do not want to have their Self Realization should leave the hall because we cannot force it. We respect the freedom of human beings. You have to ask for it, ask for pure knowledge and ask for Self Realization. There are three conditions, which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to have complete confidence in yourself that today you are going to get your Self Realization. Secondly you have to have full understanding that this All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the Ocean of Forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, forget your past and know that you are no more a sinner. Have full faith in yourself. In short, you have to be placed very pleasantly towards yourself. Thirdly you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. You may say that is difficult but logically if you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy while you are the one who's suffering. Moreover the center, which is formed by the optic chiasm, is like this, very, very constricted. This center can only open like this if you forgive everyone. Otherwise you will miss because Kundalini won't rise. So please forgive everyone without thinking about them because it's a headache to think of them. I hope you will forgive, you'll feel much lighter. These are the only three conditions. I would request people sitting on the chairs can remove their shoes and also those who are sitting on the ground please remove your chairs. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, She sucks in our problems. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those who are sitting on the chairs have to put their both the feet on both the sides because there are two powers, left and right. The left power is the power of ordinary human desire and the right is the power of action. But the Kundalini, which is your Mother, individual Mother, is the power of pure desire. So please have the pure desire in your heart that you should get your Realization. So now you have to put your left hand towards Me like this, which is very symbolic that you want your Self Realization and with the right hand you have to nourish your centers on the left hand side. This only you have to do today, not all the time. So before you close your eyes we'll tell you how you will nourish your centers. So please put you left hand towards Me like that, comfortably and put your right hand on your heart. Everybody should do it. Those who don't want to do it should go away and not watch other people, it's not very civil. If you don't do it you will not get your Self Realization and why miss it? For what? When you are entitled. Please sit down, please be seated. Better sit down, be comfortable. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit then you are your guide, your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center for your mastery. This is created by great prophets within you. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge, the divine knowledge. Take back your hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center you catch when you feel guilty. But with this you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. Then you have to take your right hand and put it across on your forehead like this and now please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Take back this right hand now to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last center is important. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm just on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone. Now push back your fingers and put down your head. This you have to move round your scalp, pressurizing, scalp, seven times clock-wise. Push back your fingers, push back... Seven times. Please do it otherwise you won't get your Realization. You see, if you make fun, you'll be left behind. If you have come here to make fun you better go away. Stupid people cannot get Sahaja Yoga, anything. That's it. Now that's all we have to do. These two ladies should be asked to go because they are all the time troubling. They have no brains, I think. Now, please put your left hand towards Me like this and have your self esteem that you are all going to get your Realization. Please put your right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Please [UNCLEAR] put your both feet away from each other, those who are sitting on the chairs. You can take out your spectacles because you'll have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. Now, the first question is: "Mother am I the Spirit?" Please close your eyes now and ask a question: "Mother am I the Spirit?", three times. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. So now please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times "Mother...." Please keep your eyes shut. Here ask a question again three times: "Mother am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and the pure knowledge, the divine knowledge cannot be forced on you. So now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals: "Mother please give me pure knowledge." Now raise your right hand again on to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini has started rising. So you have to now nourish your upper centers with your self-confidence. At this point you have to say ten times with full confidence: "Mother I am my own master". Now, raise ten times left side, ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and ego but you are pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: "Mother I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Compassion and Ocean of Joy but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness and you cannot commit any mistake, which cannot be dissolved by the Power of this Ocean of Forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, with full confidence you have to say sixteen times: "Mother I'm not guilty at all". I've already told you that if you do not forgive your Agnya chakra won't open out and logically it makes no difference whether you forgive or don't forgive. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head, fully. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You do not have to think of them at all, just say it from your heart: "Mother I forgive them fully". Now take back your hand, back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, again from your heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Please do not count your mistakes. Now just stretch your palm nicely, put your right hand on top of your head and push back your fingers. Please put down your head. Now please push back your fingers, very important. And now move your scalp seven times, but you have to know one thing that I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times, saying: "Mother please give me Self Realization". Press it hard. Now please take down your hands. Please put both your hands towards Me like this. Now don't think, you can do it. Please don't think. Now put the right hand like this towards Me, bend your heads and see with your left hand if you are feeling the cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area. It could be also hot, hot breeze if you have not forgiven, but you can feel it. Now please put your left hand towards Me and bend your head and see. [UNCLEAR] Some people get it far, some people get it nearer. Then again put your right hand towards Me and see with left hand if there's a cool breeze or a hot air. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and now ask a question, anyone of these questions three times: "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? or "Mother is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Please ask three times from your heart anyone of these questions. Now please bring it down, put your hands [UNCLEAR]. You'll fell very peaceful and pleased. Don't think about it. It's beyond mental, it is beyond mental. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze in their hands, fingers or out of their fontanel bone area please raise your both the hands. Again, loudly. Oh, the whole of Bulgaria! I bow to all of you. Your saintly life has started. Have respect for yourself and for your Self Realization. Please, remember that you have to come to the collective to grow. You don't have to pay for it. In your own right you have got your Realization. So please respect it and grow. Your problems will be solved like miracles. May God bless you! (That's all right. Everyone got it. They are all in silence.) Next year again I'll be here. We have to just know what we are now and you'll enjoy your own glory and your own beauty. Now to protect yourself only you put your left hand like this and move your right hand like this, every morning like this, three times. Just to protect, from negative forces. And now enjoy yourself.
Public Program. Sofia (Bulgaria), 23 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, but you have to experience it. This is the time specially for you to get that state in which you can feel the truth, the reality. These are the most confusing times and in these times only you will find the truth. But you have to be honestly seekers of truth, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. We have come up to a state... Sorry...We have come up to a state, which is a human but is not absolute, it's a relative awareness we have. We do not know what is truth, what is reality. We do not know why are we on this earth. Every human being whatever country he may belong to is born with a faith within himself. This faith is in the Divinity or any such thing which is higher that is above human awareness. All of you have got this Divinity potentially and nothing can change it. It is only clouded because of conditionings. This faith is challenged. There are so many things that challenges the faith. First we go to religions. Then we find that one may follow any religion, they are capable of doing anything wrong, anything sinful. So the religion is also mental. Moreover the religion that we see or these religions, they are money oriented or Spirit oriented. And that is what makes us doubt those who started the religions. But all those incarnations, prophets, all of them were absolutely real. But from childhood we are bombarded by false ideas and we got lost. For example we'll take the case of Christ. Christ was The Son of God but His followers fell into a trap. This Paul who was a bureaucrat and a very cruel man thought that this is a very good platform to use for his own fame and he got hold of the weakest disciple of Christ, Peter. While Christ has predicted that: "You'll be taken over by Satan". These two put together tried to harass other disciples. One of them ran away to India, Thomas. Mathews had to fight and John could not give his part of the story. There is simple thing to understand that how could Christ ask Peter to form his church? That is how they edited the Bible and put wrong ideas. I was Myself born in a Christian religion but I was shocked. I didn't know how this Paul was there and I asked My Father who was a Realized soul and he said: "He's a squatter". The first wrong idea he started was that of original sin. How can it be original sin when He attended the wedding? How can marriage be an original sin? He attended the wedding that means, did He want to encourage the original sin? That means all those who got married have been committing original sins: Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, Mohammed [SAAB or SAHIB], Nanak [SAAB or SAHIB], Lao Tse; all of them got married, they were all sinners. On absolutely wrong premises. And then you should see the way the priests are. In Canada there's a very big book that has come out where priests were abusing small children, twelve to fourteen years of age. Christ has said: "You'll be calling Me Jesus, Jesus. I won't recognize you". These are the people who are just trying to make money. Once I was in Honolulu and at about eleven o'clock we came back from the program and we started seeing the television and I've never seen such a blatant program. There was one evangelist standing with a hundred dollar note. And he was saying: "You must release these hundred dollars and then God will give you everything". He said that: "One lady had collected hundred dollars for her grocery and she released it to us and next day she got all the grocery in front of her house." Only Americans can believe such stories, I tell you. Even the Indian false gurus have given horrible stories, which now they have confessed. You shouldn't believe into what they say. Even the media is mischievous. Anybody who pays them money, they want to publish that. These people who are standing on falsehood are afraid of Sahaja Yoga. It is very sad that they don't understand their own benevolence. They have to understand that so far they have not achieved their salvation. So what's the use of doing that thing again and again? Christ has said: "You are to be born again", but that does not mean that you put a certificate "we are born again" and think you are born again. In Sanskrit language a Realized soul, a born again soul is called as "dvijaha". This "dvija" means born again, twice, born twice. Also a bird is called as "dvijaha" because it is first born as an egg and then it becomes a bird. In the same way we are born as human beings and then we become a Realized soul, a evolved soul. But you cannot call an egg as a bird. Bird has its own powers. This divinity is within you this power is within you. You do not have to pay for it because you cannot pay for it. It's an evolutionary process, which is a living work. Why should you be identified with anything, which had done no good to you? He has already told you about the subtle centers we have within ourselves. This is the tree of life described, but so many things in the Bible are ambiguous because there was very short time Christ lived. And I feel that many things that He must have said were edited by this Mr. Paul. He has clearly said: "Know thyself", clearly. Do we know ourselves? He has said: "Thou shall have not adulterous eyes." Do we have those innocent eyes? Then that means something more has to be done. These religions are not at all Spirit oriented. They are making money all the time they are worried about money. And also they mesmerize people, I think. The another wrong thing is that you must [THIS or THUS] confess. This has made people suffer so much. One girl, little girl she goes to a government school, asked Me: "Do I commit any sins?" I said: "None". But she said that: "In the school they asked me to confess. What should I confess?" So we are still...we should understanding it, what Christ has said has not been achieved at all. We have to get to our salvation and that is very easy. It will take no time for you to get your Realization because you have the power. There's another thing which surprises Me, that they said there is the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost is a dove. How can you have Father and a Son and no Mother? This Paul was a hater of women. And also for Christ's Mother he [SAID or SAYS]: "Woman", he never said Madonna, he never used the word Madonna for Her. And five generations of popes were discussing the sin of Mother Mary. Such unholy things to say. They questioned the Immaculate Conception. After all that is God Almighty. He can do anything, He's not a human being. Who runs your hearts? Look at these eyes, they are such a good camera and look at this brain, it's such a computer. Who has made these? It is God Almighty. We call Him Almighty but we don't understand that He can do anything. Nowadays we have a new type of an atmosphere that has started in these modern times. In India we say this is Kali Yuga means these are the worst times for human beings. But before the age of truth comes, there is another in between age, which we call as Krita Yuga. So the All Pervading Power of God's Love becomes active within that time. It has become active and that is how you are going to get your Self Realization. These miraculous photographs you have seen, they are also the work of this Divine Power. So what is the truth? The truth is that you are not this body, mind and conditionings, ego but you are the pure Spirit. The another truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. We do not even think this miracle, just imagine. Who does this living work? This All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Patanjali has called this as Ritambhara PrAgnya. It is known by many names. Is the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. So who is the Holy Ghost? Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. In the Bible She's called as the Holy Ghost or the Cool Breeze, which the disciples felt, but nothing more. But the Greeks call this Athena. Atha means primordial. That is how one has to understand that this Kundalini, this Power is the reflection of this Holy Ghost within us. And the Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. First you have to have your Realization and then only you have to know what you are, about everything, that's all. It is all built in within you. Like in a seed it is built in to sprout and the Mother Earth it is built in that she can sprout. This happening when it takes place, all these centers get nourished. All world problems are due to human beings and all human problems are due to these chakras. If your chakras are put right, all your problems can be solved. So the first thing that happens to you that you get your physical, mental and your emotional being absolutely into balance. People of cancer and many other incurable diseases had been cured of Sahaja Yoga, with Sahaja Yoga. There are three doctors in India who have got their MD in Sahaja Yoga where they cured incurable diseases. But media in India is very sensible and wise. They don't believe in scandals. So all the big newspapers and weeklies have written articles and articles about Sahaja Yoga and Indian people have taken to Sahaja Yoga very easily because we don't have intellectuals like Freud in India. Recently I was reading a book called "Fraudulent Freud". It is all hocus-pocus. I used to say this, for the last twenty-two years I've been saying and people didn't like it. Now there's a very well known doctor who has researched and he said there's no scientific basis for his theories, no scientific basis. What he says it has already got a very malignant effect on the culture and thought of the western mind and it cannot be repaired. I think he doesn't know about Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga with your ascent everything that is stupid, harmful, distractive just settles down. Overnight people have given up drugs, overnight they are leading a very moral life. Look at these people singing Indian songs, which are very difficult to sing, specially the English - such hard [TIMES or SNAG, NUG] - and they are so good. I can't imagine how these people have become so creative. So we should know the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the universal being within us. So what happens to you that you become an universal being. In the light of the Spirit you see that all religions are branches of the same tree. They are the beautiful flowers on the same tree of life. But we have plucked the flowers and we are fighting: this is mine, this is mine with the dead flowers. So because we believe in all the religions as Mahatma Gandhi did, fundamentalists don't like us, they want to fight us all the time. So be careful about them. Even they can purchase the media. We have to be very careful. Even same type of things, the early disciples of Christ had to suffer, because they had the real knowledge. They were called as Gnostics. The word gna comes from Sanskrit. That means pure knowledge. This pure knowledge is your own. You don't need a big degree or anything, because it is so innate. Just as you can see Me sitting here you can feel the truth, the All Pervading Power. But when the light of the Spirit comes into your attention it starts flowing on your nerves and you can feel, actualize, you feel the All Pervading Power. You don't have to go and ask somebody else, you yourself know and you can find out anything whether it is true or false with these cool vibrations you get. You don't have to believe into anything blind-folded, you just put your hands and ask a question: "Is there God?" and you start getting the cool breeze quite a lot. You ask a question: "Was Christ the Son of God?" Yes, you start getting the cool breeze in your hands. But if you want to know about Hitler or Stalin you might get little burning, maybe blisters also. Even the children can tell. So you know the absolute truth. It is not relative. Everyone knows the same thing and knows for definite. So why will there be any fights, wars, anything? But the first thing that happens to you that you come into present. You live into future or into past but by this happening you come into present and there is no thought, complete silence, complete peace. This state is called as thoughtless awareness. In Sanskrit it is called as Nirvichara Samadhi. This can be easily attended and in this state only you grow, spiritually. Then the second state is where you become absolutely doubtless that is you become doubtless about yourself, doubtless about all this power. But it's not mental, it's a state. You can raise the Kundalini of others. One man can give Realization to thousands. You can cure people, you can solve so many problems, your own and others'. And you become dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. When this attention becomes enlightened into your eyes you get those eyes that Christ has described, innocent eyes without greed and lust. And wherever you put your attention it acts, this attention acts. You become that powerful, you can control rain, you can control the atmosphere, but above all you become absolutely righteous, virtuous and no way egoist. It's such a satisfaction you derive from the Spirit. So you know the absolute truth, your attention becomes enlightened and thirdly you enter into the realm of joy. Joy is not duality like happiness and unhappiness. But is a state, again, that you become a witness of the whole drama and you enjoy yourself and enjoy others. The miseries are over. This has been promised that you are to enter into the Kingdom of God and this is the time when you are going to enter. You are so fortunate to be born at this time and I am so fortunate that you are born at this time, that there are so many seekers. William Blake has said - a great poet whom the English called as mad man. He has said: "The men of God will be born and they can make themselves divine and make others also divine." This is not a sermon or a lecture, you have to just understand that this is your own power and it has to be just awakened. This is the actualization. People mislead because they want to make money out of it or they want to have power out of it. But if it is for your good, for your benevolence why not have it? And when it is your own, what is the harm? Tomorrow there is going to be the greatest age of enlightenment and you have to be just entered into that. In short I've tried to explain, because I'm here only for one day. I was [ENAMORED] the way you people from Bulgaria have taken to your seeking. You are very wise people, I must say. Also the people in Romania, they [UNCLEAR]. But not in America, they are absolutely stupid. They have too much money so they have taken to false gurus and to drugs, all destructive things. I'm so happy to be here and I promise next year I'll be here again. But one thing must understand that Sahaja Yoga is not an individual happening, is not that one person can sit at home and do Sahaja Yoga. Of course you have to meditate at home for a short time but you have to be collective because it's a collective happening. As you become part and parcel of the whole, as the whole body, you see if there's something wrong with one finger the whole body looks after it. The whole world, wherever Sahaja Yogis are, are your brothers and sisters, they are your real brothers and sisters. Any problem they'll run up to. I must tell you when I first went to Russia twenty-five German Sahaja Yogis came rushing. I was surprised. I asked them: "Why have you all come here?". They had tears in their eyes and they said: "Mother don't You think it is our responsibility to rectify what our forefathers have done?". You will not believe these Germans have become the softest people you could think of. They are so compassionate, so loving. Just imagine a stone has become like a flower, like a lotus, which is fragrant. That's what it is, they are all so beautiful within and you all have to get it. You have to have little patience with yourself, that's all. So I think we can have now the meditation. It is for ten, fifteen minutes more and you can enter into the Kingdom of God. Those who do not want to have their Self Realization should leave the hall because we cannot force it. We respect the freedom of human beings. You have to ask for it, ask for pure knowledge and ask for Self Realization. There are three conditions, which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to have complete confidence in yourself that today you are going to get your Self Realization. Secondly you have to have full understanding that this All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the Ocean of Forgiveness. So please forgive yourself, forget your past and know that you are no more a sinner. Have full faith in yourself. In short, you have to be placed very pleasantly towards yourself. Thirdly you have to forgive everyone without thinking about them. You may say that is difficult but logically if you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy while you are the one who's suffering. Moreover the center, which is formed by the optic chiasm, is like this, very, very constricted. This center can only open like this if you forgive everyone. Otherwise you will miss because Kundalini won't rise. So please forgive everyone without thinking about them because it's a headache to think of them. I hope you will forgive, you'll feel much lighter. These are the only three conditions. I would request people sitting on the chairs can remove their shoes and also those who are sitting on the ground please remove your chairs. Because this Mother Earth helps us a lot, She sucks in our problems. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those who are sitting on the chairs have to put their both the feet on both the sides because there are two powers, left and right. The left power is the power of ordinary human desire and the right is the power of action. But the Kundalini, which is your Mother, individual Mother, is the power of pure desire. So please have the pure desire in your heart that you should get your Realization. So now you have to put your left hand towards Me like this, which is very symbolic that you want your Self Realization and with the right hand you have to nourish your centers on the left hand side. This only you have to do today, not all the time. So before you close your eyes we'll tell you how you will nourish your centers. So please put you left hand towards Me like that, comfortably and put your right hand on your heart. Everybody should do it. Those who don't want to do it should go away and not watch other people, it's not very civil. If you don't do it you will not get your Self Realization and why miss it? For what? When you are entitled. Please sit down, please be seated. Better sit down, be comfortable. In the heart resides the Spirit. If you are the Spirit then you are your guide, your own master. So take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center for your mastery. This is created by great prophets within you. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge, the divine knowledge. Take back your hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center you catch when you feel guilty. But with this you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. Then you have to take your right hand and put it across on your forehead like this and now please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Take back this right hand now to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last center is important. Stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm just on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone. Now push back your fingers and put down your head. This you have to move round your scalp, pressurizing, scalp, seven times clock-wise. Push back your fingers, push back... Seven times. Please do it otherwise you won't get your Realization. You see, if you make fun, you'll be left behind. If you have come here to make fun you better go away. Stupid people cannot get Sahaja Yoga, anything. That's it. Now that's all we have to do. These two ladies should be asked to go because they are all the time troubling. They have no brains, I think. Now, please put your left hand towards Me like this and have your self esteem that you are all going to get your Realization. Please put your right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother or you can call Me Shri Mataji. Please [UNCLEAR] put your both feet away from each other, those who are sitting on the chairs. You can take out your spectacles because you'll have to close your eyes and please don't open them till I tell you. Now, the first question is: "Mother am I the Spirit?" Please close your eyes now and ask a question: "Mother am I the Spirit?", three times. If you are the Spirit, you are your master. So now please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times "Mother...." Please keep your eyes shut. Here ask a question again three times: "Mother am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and the pure knowledge, the divine knowledge cannot be forced on you. So now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. Here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals: "Mother please give me pure knowledge." Now raise your right hand again on to the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini has started rising. So you have to now nourish your upper centers with your self-confidence. At this point you have to say ten times with full confidence: "Mother I am my own master". Now, raise ten times left side, ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings and ego but you are pure Spirit. So now raise your right hand on your heart and here you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: "Mother I am the pure Spirit". This All Pervading Power is the Ocean of Knowledge, Ocean of Compassion and Ocean of Joy but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness and you cannot commit any mistake, which cannot be dissolved by the Power of this Ocean of Forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here, with full confidence you have to say sixteen times: "Mother I'm not guilty at all". I've already told you that if you do not forgive your Agnya chakra won't open out and logically it makes no difference whether you forgive or don't forgive. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head, fully. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." You do not have to think of them at all, just say it from your heart: "Mother I forgive them fully". Now take back your hand, back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say, again from your heart, not how many times: "Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me". Please do not count your mistakes. Now just stretch your palm nicely, put your right hand on top of your head and push back your fingers. Please put down your head. Now please push back your fingers, very important. And now move your scalp seven times, but you have to know one thing that I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it, you have to ask for it. So now move your scalp seven times, saying: "Mother please give me Self Realization". Press it hard. Now please take down your hands. Please put both your hands towards Me like this. Now don't think, you can do it. Please don't think. Now put the right hand like this towards Me, bend your heads and see with your left hand if you are feeling the cool breeze out of your fontanel bone area. It could be also hot, hot breeze if you have not forgiven, but you can feel it. Now please put your left hand towards Me and bend your head and see. [UNCLEAR] Some people get it far, some people get it nearer. Then again put your right hand towards Me and see with left hand if there's a cool breeze or a hot air. Now please put both the hands towards the sky like this and push back your head and now ask a question, anyone of these questions three times: "Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost? or "Mother is this the All Pervading Power of God's Love?" or "Mother is this the Paramachaitanya?" Please ask three times from your heart anyone of these questions. Now please bring it down, put your hands [UNCLEAR]. You'll fell very peaceful and pleased. Don't think about it. It's beyond mental, it is beyond mental. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze in their hands, fingers or out of their fontanel bone area please raise your both the hands. Again, loudly. Oh, the whole of Bulgaria! I bow to all of you. Your saintly life has started. Have respect for yourself and for your Self Realization. Please, remember that you have to come to the collective to grow. You don't have to pay for it. In your own right you have got your Realization. So please respect it and grow. Your problems will be solved like miracles. May God bless you! (That's all right. Everyone got it. They are all in silence.) Next year again I'll be here. We have to just know what we are now and you'll enjoy your own glory and your own beauty. Now to protect yourself only you put your left hand like this and move your right hand like this, every morning like this, three times. Just to protect, from negative forces. And now enjoy yourself.
All of you were born with a innate faith of divinity within you
Public Program
Public Program, Paris Gaveau, France. 24 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level we cannot feel it, we cannot know it. We have to be the Spirit to know the truth. Whatever I am going to tell you today you have not to believe blindfolded. But as scientists, keep your mind open and treat this as a hypothesis. In case it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. All world problems are due to human beings and all human problems are due to these subtle centers which are within you. When these centers get blocked, then you have physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual problems. But all of you, believe Me, were born with a innate faith of divinity within you. This innate faith within you was there but it was challenged later on and you got confused. This challenge could have come from various sources. One of them, surprisingly, is coming from religion. Many people who have come to Sahaja Yoga have told Me that they were very much disappointed in their religions because these religions are money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not spirit-oriented. The second challenge comes to you from science. Science is something which is not conclusive, nor it is a solution of totality. It does not talk of your ascent. It does not talk of higher life. So from religion if you turn to science and say that we do not believe in God, we believe in science, it is not going to take you to reality because science also moves in a linear direction and after some time it cannot sustain itself because there is no reality and it is coiling back, and coiling back or boomerangs on you. Specially in the West in the modern times they have produced lots of intellectuals like Freud. Last 22 years I have been telling that he is a hocus pocus and don't believe his theories, it has no scientific basis. Now there is a very good book written by a very well-known expert doctor who says the same thing and he has clearly shown how Freud has ruined the culture and the thought of Americans, I think of the whole world. So when people following say, a religion like Catholic religion, who lived with funny ideas of original sin could not bear it any more because it was so unnatural, so they fell for thing like Freud very fast. William Blake, a great poet from England, has said that this idea of original sin has been invented by some devil. According to this, everybody and every incarnation like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib, Lao Tse, everybody is a sinner. Such an absurd thing that was put forward and because it was a very dominating religion, was the official religion behaving like a juridical king, people had to accept. Those people who did not believe in it were boiled, were roasted in the huts. In the name of religions, how many people have killed? Not only Catholics, all types have been killed in the name of God. And in modern times they are all busy collecting money somehow. They are cavorting with the politicians, or with the kings, not with the saints. The original sin was such a ridiculous idea that they discussed the Immaculate Conception of Mary for generations. They wanted to find out Her virginity and the virginity of all Her ancestors. That shows they had no idea of God. He is God Almighty. He can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him. It's an absurd thing to sit down and discuss about God when you have no connection with reality. This is how they are all preparing for hell for themselves. It is easy to talk like this but you must remember, it's a wrathful God. While Mohammed Sahib has talked so much about Mary, not even in the Bible they have not talked, they have just called Her a woman. Even the idea of Madonna has come from the pagan religion, it's not mentioned in the Bible. Khalil Gibran has said that, "I don't know what is this Paul is there in the Bible; what is he doing?" He has written a complete chapter about this Paul. I Myself was surprised, I was born myself in a Christian family, to see this gentleman Mr Paul in the Bible so prominent. He, he was not the disciple of Christ. He killed a very great disciple of Christ, Stephen, and he was a epileptic fellow. We have proved in Sahaja Yoga epilepsy comes to people who are possessed and he was very clever because what he did very nicely is to select the worst disciple of Christ. Christ has told Peter that Satan will take over, that means, supposing among the Sahaja Yogis who's the worst Sahaja Yogi, will you give him the key of the church? Mr Paul thought it was a good platform to come on to and to manage all the people and put all the blame on the Jews and he got hold of this weakest disciple of Christ, Peter, and completely changed the essence of Christ's life and we are slavishly, blindfoldedly are not understanding that Christ's life was for salvation, not for killing people, not for destroying but for giving them salvation He came on this earth. But there is no talk of salvation, no words to talk of ascent. It's not only in Christianity but in every religion this is the situation. One has to remember very clearly that these are special times. Modern times are called as Kali Yuga in Sanskrit and it will be followed by Satya Yuga, means the Age of Truth. But in between these two eras is called as the Krita Yuga. It's a very special one. In this Yuga, the all-pervading power of God's divinity is acting and it is said that everybody will get their karma phal, means their awards for what good or bad they have done. Paul has described it as polarity. If you do something wrong to someone it reacts on you and at this time it is well to work out because this is the time of Last Judgment. All these false people, false gurus are there for you to judge who is the real and who is not. The falsehood will be exposed, but those who will still identify themselves with falsehood, will be punished. The only solution is to ascend, to get over it. Those who want to ascend, this divine power is the ocean of compassion and love. Not with the people who are identified with false things like fundamentalism: that is how you separate people from one to another. That is how you are fighting with each other in the name of God. It is time for all of us to awaken and to introspect. We have already wasted a lot of our time on nonsensical things. When are we going to understand what is reality? In the name of self-knowledge so much nonsense has been done, even by intellectuals, as if a kind of slavery which is brainwashing us all the time. To add to it we have entrepreneurs, especially in Paris. They said last year they decided to have six inches of skirts for ladies, six inches, and everywhere you cannot get longer skirts, you have to wear six inches only, you have to buy only six inches. All longer skirts are thrown away and now six inches they are buying. In the cold, in the wintry time they are buying these six inches of skirts. I just don't know what has happened to their brains. Have they no intelligence of their own? Have they no personality of their own that they take to all kinds of nonsensical things without even thinking how destructive it is? He was, Paul was, a hater of women. He never respected them. But now in Greece, in Greece, Athena is the primordial Mother. They talked of God Almighty, and His Son and no Mother. Mother is missing, She is a dove, not in Greece, in Greece Athena is the primordial Mother. In India She is the Adi Shakti, also in England She was the white Goddess. She was, she was not mentioned as Madonna but as a woman. Big controversies. Madonna is accepted by people who are faithful, they could feel. Now this Kundalini that you have within you is the reflection of that primordial Mother, and the Spirit is in our heart, is the reflection of God Almighty. You have to have the actualization of self-realization. Sermons and lectures and all that we have had enough of it. Now the time has come for you to ascend and to achieve reality. The truth is, first one, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings or ego but you are pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of Divine love which works out all the living work. You see beautiful flowers? You take them for granted. What a miracle! Look at our eyes. What a miracle, what a camera! Look at our brain. What a computer it is! Who runs our heart? Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? We take everything for granted. So the second truth is that there is a divine power of love which does all these things and that power has become now very powerful in the sense that it has become acting now, it is acting because also this is the Last Judgment. It's nonsense to say that when you will die you will be called and you'll be judged. Dead bodies are not going to be judged. How can you believe these things? Only you will be judged when you are living. Mohammed Sahib has said clearly that, "When the resurrection time will come your hands will speak." This is exactly what Sahaja Yoga is. They want to call a sect, Sahaja Yoga. Sect means, in English language, I don't know French, but in English language, it means that you separate, that one body gets out of another body but in Sahaja Yoga we have the synthesis of all the religions. We believe in all the religions, in all the races, in all the nations. We have so many Jews who worship Christ, and we have so many Hindus who worship Mohammed. It is impossible to understand how you can find faults with something which is absolute falsehood. Christ has said one thing which is very important. "The meek in the heart will inherit the earth", meek in the heart, humble, humble in the heart will inherit the earth. Now who are meek? Anglo Saxons? Who are meek people? That's a good idea. If you think you are meek, then please try to understand I have met them. They live in places where are developing countries. They live in the countries like Bulgaria, Romania, in Poland, even in Russia. They live in South America. They are humble people, they are not arrogant. They do not think that, "We are the best, we are the grand people," no, and there where Sahaja Yoga is working the best because in Sahaja Yoga we do not take any money, but in the countries all kinds of false gurus, all kinds of false religions are prospering because you think you can purchase God, you can purchase ascent and a seat in the Heaven by paying money. Only the people who are humble in heart will inherit the earth. This arrogance is not going to help and this kind of domination also is not going to help. Is the humility to achieve the ascent. Ascent is not meant for arrogant people at all. When arrogant people will face God, He'll say, "Your place is not here." Their place is not at the Lotus feet of God Almighty. Look at Jesus Himself. What a humble man He was and He said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." I would like to see how many Christians have those innocent eyes. I'm here to assure you, whatever you have done, whatever has gone wrong with you, you shouldn't worry. All your divinity, all your blessing is within yourself, is absolutely safe. It is of eternal value, nothing can destroy it, whatever you might have tried. It's all within you, this power is within you, this mechanism is within you and you are the one who are going to ascend. Nothing is destroyed within you. You don't have to confess anything because these are eternal things built within you by God Almighty and you are going to get your reward. Have faith in yourself but, as I said, you have to be humble and you have to have pure desire to ascend. After you get your self-realization, the manifestation of Spirit is a miracle. First of all you get a power to give realizations to others. You become a real saint, you can cure people. You become virtuous, righteous automatically. I don't have to tell you because you are so beautiful within. This Kundalini is your own Mother, individual Mother. When She ascends, She cleanses you completely and all your goodness start coming in a very victorious way. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 countries and it is surprising how some people have understood the divine laws so well, because it is innate within us. All these centers, once they are innately awakened and nourished, you become a very different person, absolutely free from all weaknesses as human beings. I have seen people have given up drugs overnight. So many things have happened that I call Sahaja yogis as angels. Of course, we have had very few funny people also and we had to ask them to get out. We don't want to force anybody because Sahaja Yoga is what you say, whatever is your precept has to be the practice. It's not like this that you call yourself Hindu, Muslim, Christian and all kinds of things and you all can commit any sin. You have brothers and sisters waiting for you. You have to enter into that realm which is the kingdom of God. It is for you to achieve it, to get it. In this short time, I'm sorry I won't be able to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. When you come in this room you have to just switch on one light and everything works out because it is built in. In the same way it is built in within you. So what's the use of talking about the theories and things? Better actualize it, better get your enlightenment that you deserve. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for people who do not want their salvation. It's meant for people who really want their salvation. There is no fees for it, there's no payment, there's no effort. You do not have to starve and fast and go to Himalayas to stand on your heads. You have every right to get it here on your chairs. Please believe Me, all of you can get your self-realization. But those who do not want, we respect their freedom. They should leave the hall and be civil to others. It will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes, so just desire that you want your salvation. This is something that will happen tonight, but you must know that it is a collective happening. You cannot say that, "I'm practicing it at home." You have to be in the collective like a drop becomes the ocean, the microcosm becomes a macrocosm, like this finger is hurt the whole body feels it. In the same way everywhere there's a Sahaja yogi is part and parcel of the whole. If you want to know the reality, you have to become the Spirit. There is no other way. Now those who do not want should leave the hall, please. Will all the people who are standing, sit down, you can come and sit here also. Come in front, please, anywhere. You can come here also. Oh, better take the dog out, whose dog is this? Better be seated. He'll be in meditation also! (Yogi: The lady is blind.) Ah? (Yogi: The lady is blind.) All right. Also those who are standing there, please come. Some Sahaja Yogis are standing there. I think some of them are Sahaja Yogis. Please be seated. I'm sorry the hall is rather small. You could come up here, some of you can come up here. There's a lot of space. Good. I'm very happy. That's very nice. Anybody who can say, God bless you. Anybody, you can come from the other side. So many seekers of truth. I must tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to have complete confidence in yourself that you all will get your self-realization tonight. The second one is that you should not feel guilty about anything. After all, you are human beings. Only human beings can commit such mistakes. You are not Gods. What God can do is to forgive and He is the ocean of forgiveness. If you are seeking your ascent, He forgives everything that you call as mistakes. That means that you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourselves. I must say that when I first came to France, they told Me, "Mother, You are such a joyous person. But French don't like it. They think you are ignoramus." So I started my lecture with Les Misérables. So now forget those imaginary miseries. And the third very important but simple condition is that you have to forgive each and every person. Many of you would say that it's very difficult. But it's logical [illogical?]. If you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now the center at your optic chiasma in your brain is like this, absolutely constructed like this, and if you don't forgive, it won't open and you'll miss the chance of self-realization. First you have tortured yourself and now you want to miss out. But if you forgive, it opens like this, so nicely. So please believe Me, just with your heart, you've just to say, "I forgive everyone of them." Don't even think about them because that's a headache. In general you should say, "I forgive everyone." Immediately you feel lighter. Now if these conditions, if you follow, it will be very much easier for you to ascend. All right, now those who are sitting on the chairs or sitting on the ground, all of you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is very helpful to us. All of you. Just help the gentleman, he needs. Just help him. He's taking out his shoes. Those who are sitting on the chair, sitting on the ground they're all right, have to put both their feet apart from each other, but those who are sitting on the ground are all right because the left and the right represent sympathetic, two sympathetic nervous systems, left and right. Left side represents the power of desire, ordinary desire and the right side the power of action. So first please put your left hand towards Me very comfortably on your lap. Sit comfortably, comfortably, the Shavasana. You do asanas? Shavasana is spread out, comfortably spread out. Now put all right. This is symbolic that you want your self-realization, is your desire. With the right hand only today you have to do nourishment of your centers yourself. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit and if you are the Spirit, you are your master, your guide. So then you put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We work only on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of your mastery created by great prophets. Now, then you have to take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Again you raise the hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Then you raise your hand again on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center gets into trouble when you feel guilty and then you develop diseases like spondylitis, like angina and lethargic hormones. Now please take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the center for forgiving others. Now take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now, last center, very important. Stretch your palm fully, push back your fingers, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers. That's very important. So there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now you have to move your scalp slowly six, seven times, clockwise. That's all you'll have to do. Now we start by loosening, if there's anything tight on your neck or on your waist, can loosen a little. In short, you have to be comfortable, but you should not bend nor should push back too much but sit straight. So now we start our journey. Please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Now put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You may call Me 'Mother' or 'Shri Mataji'. So please ask three times in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Loudly. As I told you, if you are the Spirit, you are your guide, your master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here please ask Me another question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Three times. All right. I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, six times, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, this power of Kundalini starts rising. You will not feel anything till it reaches and pierces through the last center. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here with full confidence you have to say 10 times, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this egos, but you are the pure Spirit. (To translator: Loudly, you have to speak otherwise they can't hear you talk.) So now please raise your hand on your heart again and here you have to say it with full confidence, 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So completely forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put your right hand, head to your right side. Turn to your right. Here now you have to say 16 times with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." 16 times. Now I've already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. At this time if you don't forgive, your Agnya chakra won't open, your center won't open. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Put it down on top of your forehead. Now here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, push back your head. For your own satisfaction, you have to say, "O, Divine power, if I have done something wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." It's from heart, not how many times, from your heart. Now last center. Stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now here put down your head. Put it on your head. Put down your head. Again, I respect your freedom and I cannot force self-realization on you. Push back your fingers, push back your fingers and here now you move your scalp seven times clockwise, saying, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Put down, put down your head. (Mother blows into the microphone seven times.) Now please take down your hands. Please put both the hands towards Me. Please put the right hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot air, like breeze coming from your fontanel bone area. See with your left hand. Please don't put your hand on top of your head and don't doubt it. It's not air-conditioning from your head coming out. Now please put left hand towards Me and again bend your head and see for yourself if there's a hot or a cool breeze coming out of your head. Some people get it far away. Don't put your hand on the head but little away. Now if you have still not really forgiven it will be hot coming out. Now please put your right hand again once for all and now put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze coming out of your head, or a hot breeze. Bend your head, bend. Now raise both your hands, put them up like this, and push back your head. Here you can ask any one of these three questions three times, firstly "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God's love?" or, "Mother, is it Paramchaitanya?" Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now take down your hands, please. Please put your hands towards Me. You'll become thoughtless and relaxed. This is the first state, where you become thoughtlessly aware.
Public Program, Paris Gaveau, France. 24 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level we cannot feel it, we cannot know it. We have to be the Spirit to know the truth. Whatever I am going to tell you today you have not to believe blindfolded. But as scientists, keep your mind open and treat this as a hypothesis. In case it is proved then as honest people you have to accept it because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your country and it is for the benevolence of the whole world. All world problems are due to human beings and all human problems are due to these subtle centers which are within you. When these centers get blocked, then you have physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual problems. But all of you, believe Me, were born with a innate faith of divinity within you. This innate faith within you was there but it was challenged later on and you got confused. This challenge could have come from various sources. One of them, surprisingly, is coming from religion. Many people who have come to Sahaja Yoga have told Me that they were very much disappointed in their religions because these religions are money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not spirit-oriented. The second challenge comes to you from science. Science is something which is not conclusive, nor it is a solution of totality. It does not talk of your ascent. It does not talk of higher life. So from religion if you turn to science and say that we do not believe in God, we believe in science, it is not going to take you to reality because science also moves in a linear direction and after some time it cannot sustain itself because there is no reality and it is coiling back, and coiling back or boomerangs on you. Specially in the West in the modern times they have produced lots of intellectuals like Freud. Last 22 years I have been telling that he is a hocus pocus and don't believe his theories, it has no scientific basis. Now there is a very good book written by a very well-known expert doctor who says the same thing and he has clearly shown how Freud has ruined the culture and the thought of Americans, I think of the whole world. So when people following say, a religion like Catholic religion, who lived with funny ideas of original sin could not bear it any more because it was so unnatural, so they fell for thing like Freud very fast. William Blake, a great poet from England, has said that this idea of original sin has been invented by some devil. According to this, everybody and every incarnation like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Mohammed Sahib, Nanak Sahib, Lao Tse, everybody is a sinner. Such an absurd thing that was put forward and because it was a very dominating religion, was the official religion behaving like a juridical king, people had to accept. Those people who did not believe in it were boiled, were roasted in the huts. In the name of religions, how many people have killed? Not only Catholics, all types have been killed in the name of God. And in modern times they are all busy collecting money somehow. They are cavorting with the politicians, or with the kings, not with the saints. The original sin was such a ridiculous idea that they discussed the Immaculate Conception of Mary for generations. They wanted to find out Her virginity and the virginity of all Her ancestors. That shows they had no idea of God. He is God Almighty. He can do anything. Nothing is impossible for Him. It's an absurd thing to sit down and discuss about God when you have no connection with reality. This is how they are all preparing for hell for themselves. It is easy to talk like this but you must remember, it's a wrathful God. While Mohammed Sahib has talked so much about Mary, not even in the Bible they have not talked, they have just called Her a woman. Even the idea of Madonna has come from the pagan religion, it's not mentioned in the Bible. Khalil Gibran has said that, "I don't know what is this Paul is there in the Bible; what is he doing?" He has written a complete chapter about this Paul. I Myself was surprised, I was born myself in a Christian family, to see this gentleman Mr Paul in the Bible so prominent. He, he was not the disciple of Christ. He killed a very great disciple of Christ, Stephen, and he was a epileptic fellow. We have proved in Sahaja Yoga epilepsy comes to people who are possessed and he was very clever because what he did very nicely is to select the worst disciple of Christ. Christ has told Peter that Satan will take over, that means, supposing among the Sahaja Yogis who's the worst Sahaja Yogi, will you give him the key of the church? Mr Paul thought it was a good platform to come on to and to manage all the people and put all the blame on the Jews and he got hold of this weakest disciple of Christ, Peter, and completely changed the essence of Christ's life and we are slavishly, blindfoldedly are not understanding that Christ's life was for salvation, not for killing people, not for destroying but for giving them salvation He came on this earth. But there is no talk of salvation, no words to talk of ascent. It's not only in Christianity but in every religion this is the situation. One has to remember very clearly that these are special times. Modern times are called as Kali Yuga in Sanskrit and it will be followed by Satya Yuga, means the Age of Truth. But in between these two eras is called as the Krita Yuga. It's a very special one. In this Yuga, the all-pervading power of God's divinity is acting and it is said that everybody will get their karma phal, means their awards for what good or bad they have done. Paul has described it as polarity. If you do something wrong to someone it reacts on you and at this time it is well to work out because this is the time of Last Judgment. All these false people, false gurus are there for you to judge who is the real and who is not. The falsehood will be exposed, but those who will still identify themselves with falsehood, will be punished. The only solution is to ascend, to get over it. Those who want to ascend, this divine power is the ocean of compassion and love. Not with the people who are identified with false things like fundamentalism: that is how you separate people from one to another. That is how you are fighting with each other in the name of God. It is time for all of us to awaken and to introspect. We have already wasted a lot of our time on nonsensical things. When are we going to understand what is reality? In the name of self-knowledge so much nonsense has been done, even by intellectuals, as if a kind of slavery which is brainwashing us all the time. To add to it we have entrepreneurs, especially in Paris. They said last year they decided to have six inches of skirts for ladies, six inches, and everywhere you cannot get longer skirts, you have to wear six inches only, you have to buy only six inches. All longer skirts are thrown away and now six inches they are buying. In the cold, in the wintry time they are buying these six inches of skirts. I just don't know what has happened to their brains. Have they no intelligence of their own? Have they no personality of their own that they take to all kinds of nonsensical things without even thinking how destructive it is? He was, Paul was, a hater of women. He never respected them. But now in Greece, in Greece, Athena is the primordial Mother. They talked of God Almighty, and His Son and no Mother. Mother is missing, She is a dove, not in Greece, in Greece Athena is the primordial Mother. In India She is the Adi Shakti, also in England She was the white Goddess. She was, she was not mentioned as Madonna but as a woman. Big controversies. Madonna is accepted by people who are faithful, they could feel. Now this Kundalini that you have within you is the reflection of that primordial Mother, and the Spirit is in our heart, is the reflection of God Almighty. You have to have the actualization of self-realization. Sermons and lectures and all that we have had enough of it. Now the time has come for you to ascend and to achieve reality. The truth is, first one, that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings or ego but you are pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a all-pervading power of Divine love which works out all the living work. You see beautiful flowers? You take them for granted. What a miracle! Look at our eyes. What a miracle, what a camera! Look at our brain. What a computer it is! Who runs our heart? Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? We take everything for granted. So the second truth is that there is a divine power of love which does all these things and that power has become now very powerful in the sense that it has become acting now, it is acting because also this is the Last Judgment. It's nonsense to say that when you will die you will be called and you'll be judged. Dead bodies are not going to be judged. How can you believe these things? Only you will be judged when you are living. Mohammed Sahib has said clearly that, "When the resurrection time will come your hands will speak." This is exactly what Sahaja Yoga is. They want to call a sect, Sahaja Yoga. Sect means, in English language, I don't know French, but in English language, it means that you separate, that one body gets out of another body but in Sahaja Yoga we have the synthesis of all the religions. We believe in all the religions, in all the races, in all the nations. We have so many Jews who worship Christ, and we have so many Hindus who worship Mohammed. It is impossible to understand how you can find faults with something which is absolute falsehood. Christ has said one thing which is very important. "The meek in the heart will inherit the earth", meek in the heart, humble, humble in the heart will inherit the earth. Now who are meek? Anglo Saxons? Who are meek people? That's a good idea. If you think you are meek, then please try to understand I have met them. They live in places where are developing countries. They live in the countries like Bulgaria, Romania, in Poland, even in Russia. They live in South America. They are humble people, they are not arrogant. They do not think that, "We are the best, we are the grand people," no, and there where Sahaja Yoga is working the best because in Sahaja Yoga we do not take any money, but in the countries all kinds of false gurus, all kinds of false religions are prospering because you think you can purchase God, you can purchase ascent and a seat in the Heaven by paying money. Only the people who are humble in heart will inherit the earth. This arrogance is not going to help and this kind of domination also is not going to help. Is the humility to achieve the ascent. Ascent is not meant for arrogant people at all. When arrogant people will face God, He'll say, "Your place is not here." Their place is not at the Lotus feet of God Almighty. Look at Jesus Himself. What a humble man He was and He said, "Thou shalt not have adulterous eyes." I would like to see how many Christians have those innocent eyes. I'm here to assure you, whatever you have done, whatever has gone wrong with you, you shouldn't worry. All your divinity, all your blessing is within yourself, is absolutely safe. It is of eternal value, nothing can destroy it, whatever you might have tried. It's all within you, this power is within you, this mechanism is within you and you are the one who are going to ascend. Nothing is destroyed within you. You don't have to confess anything because these are eternal things built within you by God Almighty and you are going to get your reward. Have faith in yourself but, as I said, you have to be humble and you have to have pure desire to ascend. After you get your self-realization, the manifestation of Spirit is a miracle. First of all you get a power to give realizations to others. You become a real saint, you can cure people. You become virtuous, righteous automatically. I don't have to tell you because you are so beautiful within. This Kundalini is your own Mother, individual Mother. When She ascends, She cleanses you completely and all your goodness start coming in a very victorious way. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 countries and it is surprising how some people have understood the divine laws so well, because it is innate within us. All these centers, once they are innately awakened and nourished, you become a very different person, absolutely free from all weaknesses as human beings. I have seen people have given up drugs overnight. So many things have happened that I call Sahaja yogis as angels. Of course, we have had very few funny people also and we had to ask them to get out. We don't want to force anybody because Sahaja Yoga is what you say, whatever is your precept has to be the practice. It's not like this that you call yourself Hindu, Muslim, Christian and all kinds of things and you all can commit any sin. You have brothers and sisters waiting for you. You have to enter into that realm which is the kingdom of God. It is for you to achieve it, to get it. In this short time, I'm sorry I won't be able to tell you all about Sahaja Yoga. When you come in this room you have to just switch on one light and everything works out because it is built in. In the same way it is built in within you. So what's the use of talking about the theories and things? Better actualize it, better get your enlightenment that you deserve. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for people who do not want their salvation. It's meant for people who really want their salvation. There is no fees for it, there's no payment, there's no effort. You do not have to starve and fast and go to Himalayas to stand on your heads. You have every right to get it here on your chairs. Please believe Me, all of you can get your self-realization. But those who do not want, we respect their freedom. They should leave the hall and be civil to others. It will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes, so just desire that you want your salvation. This is something that will happen tonight, but you must know that it is a collective happening. You cannot say that, "I'm practicing it at home." You have to be in the collective like a drop becomes the ocean, the microcosm becomes a macrocosm, like this finger is hurt the whole body feels it. In the same way everywhere there's a Sahaja yogi is part and parcel of the whole. If you want to know the reality, you have to become the Spirit. There is no other way. Now those who do not want should leave the hall, please. Will all the people who are standing, sit down, you can come and sit here also. Come in front, please, anywhere. You can come here also. Oh, better take the dog out, whose dog is this? Better be seated. He'll be in meditation also! (Yogi: The lady is blind.) Ah? (Yogi: The lady is blind.) All right. Also those who are standing there, please come. Some Sahaja Yogis are standing there. I think some of them are Sahaja Yogis. Please be seated. I'm sorry the hall is rather small. You could come up here, some of you can come up here. There's a lot of space. Good. I'm very happy. That's very nice. Anybody who can say, God bless you. Anybody, you can come from the other side. So many seekers of truth. I must tell you that there are three conditions which are very simple. The first one is that you all have to have complete confidence in yourself that you all will get your self-realization tonight. The second one is that you should not feel guilty about anything. After all, you are human beings. Only human beings can commit such mistakes. You are not Gods. What God can do is to forgive and He is the ocean of forgiveness. If you are seeking your ascent, He forgives everything that you call as mistakes. That means that you have to be very pleasantly placed towards yourselves. I must say that when I first came to France, they told Me, "Mother, You are such a joyous person. But French don't like it. They think you are ignoramus." So I started my lecture with Les Misérables. So now forget those imaginary miseries. And the third very important but simple condition is that you have to forgive each and every person. Many of you would say that it's very difficult. But it's logical [illogical?]. If you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands and torture yourself. Now the center at your optic chiasma in your brain is like this, absolutely constructed like this, and if you don't forgive, it won't open and you'll miss the chance of self-realization. First you have tortured yourself and now you want to miss out. But if you forgive, it opens like this, so nicely. So please believe Me, just with your heart, you've just to say, "I forgive everyone of them." Don't even think about them because that's a headache. In general you should say, "I forgive everyone." Immediately you feel lighter. Now if these conditions, if you follow, it will be very much easier for you to ascend. All right, now those who are sitting on the chairs or sitting on the ground, all of you have to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is very helpful to us. All of you. Just help the gentleman, he needs. Just help him. He's taking out his shoes. Those who are sitting on the chair, sitting on the ground they're all right, have to put both their feet apart from each other, but those who are sitting on the ground are all right because the left and the right represent sympathetic, two sympathetic nervous systems, left and right. Left side represents the power of desire, ordinary desire and the right side the power of action. So first please put your left hand towards Me very comfortably on your lap. Sit comfortably, comfortably, the Shavasana. You do asanas? Shavasana is spread out, comfortably spread out. Now put all right. This is symbolic that you want your self-realization, is your desire. With the right hand only today you have to do nourishment of your centers yourself. So please put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit and if you are the Spirit, you are your master, your guide. So then you put your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We work only on the left-hand side. Now this is the center of your mastery created by great prophets. Now, then you have to take your hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Again you raise the hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Then you raise your hand again on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. This is the center gets into trouble when you feel guilty and then you develop diseases like spondylitis, like angina and lethargic hormones. Now please take your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head as far as possible. This is the center for forgiving others. Now take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine power. Now, last center, very important. Stretch your palm fully, push back your fingers, and put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now push back your fingers. That's very important. So there's a good pressure on your scalp. Now you have to move your scalp slowly six, seven times, clockwise. That's all you'll have to do. Now we start by loosening, if there's anything tight on your neck or on your waist, can loosen a little. In short, you have to be comfortable, but you should not bend nor should push back too much but sit straight. So now we start our journey. Please close your eyes and don't open them till I tell you. Now put your left hand towards Me and right hand on your heart. Now you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself three times. You may call Me 'Mother' or 'Shri Mataji'. So please ask three times in your heart, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" Loudly. As I told you, if you are the Spirit, you are your guide, your master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here please ask Me another question: "Mother, am I my own master?" Three times. All right. I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say six times because this center has got six petals, six times, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, this power of Kundalini starts rising. You will not feel anything till it reaches and pierces through the last center. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here with full confidence you have to say 10 times, "Mother, am I my own master?" I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this egos, but you are the pure Spirit. (To translator: Loudly, you have to speak otherwise they can't hear you talk.) So now please raise your hand on your heart again and here you have to say it with full confidence, 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This all-pervading power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you have committed can be easily dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness. So completely forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and put your right hand, head to your right side. Turn to your right. Here now you have to say 16 times with full confidence, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." 16 times. Now I've already told you that whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. At this time if you don't forgive, your Agnya chakra won't open, your center won't open. So now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Put it down on top of your forehead. Now here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, push back your head. For your own satisfaction, you have to say, "O, Divine power, if I have done something wrong knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me." It's from heart, not how many times, from your heart. Now last center. Stretch your palm fully. Put the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area which is a soft bone in your childhood. Now here put down your head. Put it on your head. Put down your head. Again, I respect your freedom and I cannot force self-realization on you. Push back your fingers, push back your fingers and here now you move your scalp seven times clockwise, saying, "Mother, please give me self-realization." Put down, put down your head. (Mother blows into the microphone seven times.) Now please take down your hands. Please put both the hands towards Me. Please put the right hand towards Me. Bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool or a hot air, like breeze coming from your fontanel bone area. See with your left hand. Please don't put your hand on top of your head and don't doubt it. It's not air-conditioning from your head coming out. Now please put left hand towards Me and again bend your head and see for yourself if there's a hot or a cool breeze coming out of your head. Some people get it far away. Don't put your hand on the head but little away. Now if you have still not really forgiven it will be hot coming out. Now please put your right hand again once for all and now put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze coming out of your head, or a hot breeze. Bend your head, bend. Now raise both your hands, put them up like this, and push back your head. Here you can ask any one of these three questions three times, firstly "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" or, "Mother, is this the all-pervading power of God's love?" or, "Mother, is it Paramchaitanya?" Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now take down your hands, please. Please put your hands towards Me. You'll become thoughtless and relaxed. This is the first state, where you become thoughtlessly aware.
Shri Durga Mahakali Puja: France is going down and down
Shri Durga Mahakali Puja, Paris (France), 25 July 1992. [A little child calls loudly: “Mataji! Jai!”. Shri Mataji smiles, Yogis laugh] Today’s puja we have arranged of Durga or the Kali. That is the destroying form of the Goddess of all the evil and negativity. This we had to do it in France, because I feel very strongly that day by day, in general, France is going down and down and down. While you people are coming up, the rest of the France is in the most pitiable condition. Firstly, as you understand, is the Catholic church, which – perhaps you are not aware of, perhaps maybe – because you don’t read any other languages, you just read French compulsorily by this country. So you have no international views or international news that this Catholic church has done so many horrible things in the past, that it is unbelievable that they have anything to do with God. They burnt many cardinals in the hearth – roasted them. Not only that, they killed so many people who ever tried to utter a word about them. They were much worse than Muslim people. They went to other countries like South America, America – all these places they’re all Catholics – even our country. And they killed millions and millions of people. Now as this is Kruta Yuga that has started, one of the things as I said yesterday is that: you will have to pay for whatever you have done, on mass scale or individual scale. If that is the case, then one must know that France has to pay a lot and this Catholic church has to pay more. Catholic church has just taken out yarns out of their heads and started a theory of original sin. That’s how to condemn every other Incarnation, every other Prophet – that they were all with original sin. And even they said Mary was born with original sin, for many popes they were discussing it. This shows that this whole hocus-pocus religion of Catholic church had to establish itself by forcing people, by torturing them, by taking all their ideas into their own control, give them funny ideas like original sin. Another is that you must confess, giving them the left Vishuddhis. They treated women as nothing and to Mother of Mary they called Her a woman. And this Paul, as I told you yesterday, is a fact. Now it’s necessary for Sahaja Yogis to understand how this Catholic church is so dangerous and has been doing such harm. As there has been so many books about it – that you people don’t read, because it’s not in French. There are English books from America – you must learn English. It’s very important now I feel, that all the French must know English, they must read English. French will not give you the international personality that you are supposed to acquire. You had some scholarship, not much. The real scholarship comes from England and also from America in English language, and also from India. One gentleman who tried to translate all these things in UNESCO, was thrown out by your media. Your media is taking full advantage that you don’t read any other newspapers; they are doing whatever they feel like. All kinds of scandals, all kinds of sensationalization – whatever they want to write, they write in free press. On one side there’s suppression of natural life of human beings, let them to go to Freud. When Freud is the dirtiest man you could think of, who has put his ideas into your head. But as if you are already brainwashed people that you accepted all that. How could you accept Freud? If Freud had come to India, they would have killed him in no time! I mean, what happens is that, somehow or other – I don’t know what is the reason, I don’t know where to place it, but the wisdom is not there. There is no maturity, there is no wisdom. America I can understand because it is only two-three hundred years old. But what about the French? They have not been able to mature but they have become extremely frivolous. Maturity is finished. One of the reasons could be that they want that you should be always young. In India, young people are called as stupid: you call it gadha pachisi, means at 25 years they are donkeys. They are never regarded as sensible people to be followed. And gradually by this movement from Catholic church to Freud, what has happened that you haven’t got your own personality to understand what is right and what is wrong. Of course I must say Sahaja Yogis must have done lots of punyas and must be very courageous people to be born in this country. Otherwise I don’t know how you could have taken your birth here. The law is so funny that they said it depends on the mood of the magistrate, as if, you see, the magistrate doesn’t know the law. Such a stupid country in modern times I’ve never known. Nowhere in the world there’s such a stupid law as it is here. Of course in America, there is no justice, they do what they like. But here is so-called modern people. What is their condition is that they have no sense of law. If you ask them, “What is the law?” They don’t care. It’s the mood of the magistrate. Now supposing he has had a big drink in the last night, second day he comes with a hangover, so finished. And then he will be very much biased towards the drunkards only. So here it is becoming such a horrible society that Indians would be shocked, beyond doubt, but nothing but prostitution. To see and to be seen. Why? Every woman has to dress up in such a way that she should be attractive, for what? Is she a prostitute? All kinds of bathroom cultures developed. For example French bath, you know what it means, all over the world. It’s a very dirty habit of laziness, it comes because of drinking. If you drink too much, next morning you are so lethargic that you take just a French bath and go away. So, please try to remember as French Sahaja Yogis, that your task is much more difficult than the task of other countries, because it lacks completely wisdom. Neither you’ll find in your institutions, nor in your government, nor in any education. It’s lacking wisdom completely. And to have wisdom, according to these Freudian people, is that you are egoistical! They have such funny ideas from the yarn of Mr. Freud that no sensible man would accept. But people have lost their senses, and like blotting paper, whatever is filthy, destructive, horrible, subhuman they try to absorb. Supposed to be Christian nation. Please, all Sahaja Yogis must understand: you must get hold of books and find out, where are we? I worked very hard in France, you know that very well. I used to think, this is the gate of hell. But it is much worse than that, it’s a mire of filth. And you are born here and you have become like lotuses, so fragrant and beautiful, you’ll have to fight it out. I am always with you, all My powers with you. But remember that you have to fight the society, you have to save so many people, you have to rescue them. Children are given liberty, “Do what you like.” They have no sense of liberty! Supposing there’s an aeroplane, which was not fixed properly and made to fly. What will happen to the aeroplane? If the children are given liberty without the right sense of their duty and the right sense about themselves, what will happen to them? Why children are born to parents? It is – to get spoiled, to have liberty or to get some guidance? You cannot guide your children. They are so rude, they are so arrogant. They have gone off, completely. You know for one month we had to struggle with these western children. And we had come to the point of urge of closing down that school because they were really violent children, as if coming from some jungle. Even the jungle animals have some sense. So you have to think about your children. What’s going to happen to your children? What is going to be their situation? If they are going to live in the same manner in this dirt, these children will turn out to be waste, just a waste! They will have no education, no character, no personality, they’ll end up with AIDS or with drugs or something like that. I do not see any future for the children of France, no future. And you have to fight that, “We want to have future for our children, we don’t want them to be ruined.” And you must have courage, to fight it. It’s very important to have courage. If you do not have the courage, you cannot fight it. And today’s puja is to give that courage in your hearts. See it all around you, what’s happening? You are all nicely enjoying yourself in the realm of God, [Shri Mataji smiling] you have entered into the Kingdom of God. But what about the rest of the people? The majority of the people, where are they going? What is going to be the future of this horrible Mooladhara place? Now Freud has been discovered as a fraudulent man, and now there are books after so many years, when he has already ruined the people all over the world. But the worst of all they have ruined here. It’s a responsibility specially of the women I think, because they are responsible for the society. The society of France has gone to dogs and for you to now take up upon yourself to talk against this kind of anarchy that is working out the destruction of your families. If the women decide, I am sure, they can very, very easily work it out. Instead of asking for liberation nonsensical, you better ask for the ascent of this country. I know I’ve worked very hard and you are all there. I am very happy to see that you all are there to fulfil the desires of the Divine. Because now you should know in a very big way, masses of masses of people will be destroyed. Not from without but from within. Suddenly you’ll hear so many millions disappear with this disease. Also you must protect yourself, all of you: always give yourself a bandhan; always lead a clean life. There are certain hygienic rules of Sahaja Yoga, please try to follow them. Do not neglect it. If somebody gets AIDS, you’ll not have him in Sahaja Yoga, whatever may be the conditions, whatever may be the reason. You have to be very careful, also I would say never treat a AIDS patient. Like the one yesterday who was arguing with Me, actually because they have only two types of people: one who are arrogant and another one which always think that it’s better they should die. They have no will to live. So there are only two types of people, either right-sided or left-sided. And they can never ascend. We have tried, we have tried. Of course one person is living for the last seven years, but still. He has no faith in himself. Maybe next generation might be better off, if they come back. But as far as this generation is concerned, you should know your responsibility is very great. All the Sahaja Yogis must take a vow that they’ll fight this society and try to save their country and their countrymen from a complete disaster. There is going to be no war, only they will fight themselves and die. It’s a very serious matter. For that, we decided to have this puja of Durga today that all negativity should be destroyed. So many Deities build up the body of Kali. Every part of Her body was created by a Deity, looked after by a Deity, and is also, later on, is reflected in you all. So they say that God has made human beings in His own image, I would say, I’ve made you in My own image. All the Deities at your disposal. They are all with you, and they have created you – if you see it minutely – it is the Deities who have brought forth all the beauty that you had. They have made all this beautiful congregation, beautiful transformation, and they have created such angelic people out of you. They are always working it out, but one thing you have to do is to have the drive. You had pure desire to ascend, but for what? You want to have the light, but for what? You want to become gurus, for what? To save people, for their salvation. Only through your channels I can work out Sahaja Yoga. If I could work out Myself, I would have. It’s not question of killing one rakshasa. That God knows how many there are, rakshasas and rakshasas. And they are everywhere, even within you they were. Now they have gone away. So you have to do full justice to Sahaja Yoga, that’s very important. I knew the puja would be very late, because Kali’s puja is always done in the night, after twelve. So it had to be this way. Though last night I slept at four o’clock and I, tonight, I don’t know what time I will sleep – it all works out. It’s all worked out. But you have to have deliberations and you have to think, “What can we do to change this?” Why not write some books, why not write some experiences? Get them published in French only. Let the French know what’s happening outside. Get some of the books translated – some American books, some English books. At least give quotations from there. How they are unaware. First this Catholic church has to go away. It will, no doubt, I am sure about it. They are literally frightened of us. And we have to now really show them what we are capable of. And the funniest thing is that a president has chosen his lady-friend as the prime minister. I mean, it’s not possible in any sensible country. It’s never heard of. I must say, English are thousand times better. They are really very good. At least, as far as administration is concerned, as far as their parliament is concerned. Their justice is not stupid like this, it’s based on law, not based on the mood of a magistrate. How you are still continuing with such stupidity which are really even before medieval age: primitive, people are absolutely primitive to accept such laws. At least you can write a book about the strange laws of French, one title. How it has harmed. There is a very nice book, “Fraudulent Freud”. Please read that, and see how Freud has ruined the French, how their brains are twisted, how they have twisted ideas. You are all so intelligent, clever people. So if not with the sword, Kali has to work through the pen. I never knew it was in that bad shape, though I knew it was. So this is a challenge for all of us, and let Me see what you can write, all of you, put together your experiences: how the French parents behave, how the grandparents behave, what’s happening in this country and all that. They are living in fool’s paradise. They don’t know how destruction is just hanging over their heads. Though you are all saved, but you have to think of others, that is what Sahaja Yoga is, that is not only that we care for the bhaktas – like Kali just wanted to protect the bhaktas, the sadhakas. But you have to protect many, many more people. You have all the powers, just assume them and use them. You can do it. Your media is the worst of all and we can start a newspaper also calling it anti-media. What can they do to us? Or some sort of an independent name, we can give it. And it should be open for people who are suffering from media sensationalization. They can write: how the media is harming them, how they are giving false reports and things. We can! Why not? I am sure it will work out. Think it over what you can do with your pen. Whatever you have gained, whatever you are enjoying: beautiful music, all the pujas, everything. But think of others. They are already drunk and tossing their heads on their pillows. Think of them. They, when will they feel this joy? I simply feel pity for them that they should have taken to all these bad things, because of the suppression of the Catholic church. It’s the Catholic church which has suppressed them, that’s why they have come to this. No other way – reason why they should accept this kind of thing. In Sahaja Yoga, we do not do all these things, we are in the centre. We do not have this kind of problems, because we don’t suppress anyone, nor do we go to the other extreme of indulgences. I think the whole Europe can be divided into two types of people: one are Anglo-Saxons, and others are Latins. Anglo-Saxons are right-sided and the Latins are left-sided: they cry, weep, miserable, they indulge into dirt and filth. Just these two types they are. Now, unluckily you are in the Latin side. So here, Catholic church is prospering. Now, if you see to the Latin side and understand to what extent they have gone to the left side, and getting to the left side what diseases you get, very nicely, make a list of them. So what I said will work out in France: the left-sided incurable diseases. As it is, you walk on the street, you find at least three, four mad people, lunatic people walking, you’ll find them. Very simple it is. You don’t have to go to the lunatic asylum, on the street! They’ll be all talking and saying things, but it’s all there. “That’s why they drink, that’s why they are miserable”. I do not know what are the statistics of the diseases. So the problem is extremely grave, very grave. And you have to work it out, with the gravity of your Gurupada which you have asked Me the other day – you asked for the status of a guru, for ladies as well as for men. And I said, “All right, start!” I hope you all have heard the song I’ve made, for asking. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] All right, once they will sing that song. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] All right. They will sing that song to you. There are different requests from the Mother, and in this the last one is that: “Mother, now you give us the Gurupada, the status of a guru.” But every guru has a duty: to cleanse the society in which he lives. It’s his duty, he has to fight it. Christ fought it alone, so many saints fought it alone, they were treated very badly, put in jail, given poisons, things, but they fought it. In the same way you stand on Truth, and you have to fight it. Because you are saints. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] They’ll repeat it twice, so you can also. I don’t think all of you have heard it, because those who came to Guru puja must have. [Yogis sing: “Binati Suniye Adishakti Meri”.]
Shri Durga Mahakali Puja, Paris (France), 25 July 1992. [A little child calls loudly: “Mataji! Jai!”. Shri Mataji smiles, Yogis laugh] Today’s puja we have arranged of Durga or the Kali. That is the destroying form of the Goddess of all the evil and negativity. This we had to do it in France, because I feel very strongly that day by day, in general, France is going down and down and down. While you people are coming up, the rest of the France is in the most pitiable condition. Firstly, as you understand, is the Catholic church, which – perhaps you are not aware of, perhaps maybe – because you don’t read any other languages, you just read French compulsorily by this country. So you have no international views or international news that this Catholic church has done so many horrible things in the past, that it is unbelievable that they have anything to do with God. They burnt many cardinals in the hearth – roasted them. Not only that, they killed so many people who ever tried to utter a word about them. They were much worse than Muslim people. They went to other countries like South America, America – all these places they’re all Catholics – even our country. And they killed millions and millions of people. Now as this is Kruta Yuga that has started, one of the things as I said yesterday is that: you will have to pay for whatever you have done, on mass scale or individual scale. If that is the case, then one must know that France has to pay a lot and this Catholic church has to pay more. Catholic church has just taken out yarns out of their heads and started a theory of original sin. That’s how to condemn every other Incarnation, every other Prophet – that they were all with original sin. And even they said Mary was born with original sin, for many popes they were discussing it. This shows that this whole hocus-pocus religion of Catholic church had to establish itself by forcing people, by torturing them, by taking all their ideas into their own control, give them funny ideas like original sin. Another is that you must confess, giving them the left Vishuddhis. They treated women as nothing and to Mother of Mary they called Her a woman. And this Paul, as I told you yesterday, is a fact. Now it’s necessary for Sahaja Yogis to understand how this Catholic church is so dangerous and has been doing such harm. As there has been so many books about it – that you people don’t read, because it’s not in French. There are English books from America – you must learn English. It’s very important now I feel, that all the French must know English, they must read English. French will not give you the international personality that you are supposed to acquire. You had some scholarship, not much. The real scholarship comes from England and also from America in English language, and also from India. One gentleman who tried to translate all these things in UNESCO, was thrown out by your media. Your media is taking full advantage that you don’t read any other newspapers; they are doing whatever they feel like. All kinds of scandals, all kinds of sensationalization – whatever they want to write, they write in free press. On one side there’s suppression of natural life of human beings, let them to go to Freud. When Freud is the dirtiest man you could think of, who has put his ideas into your head. But as if you are already brainwashed people that you accepted all that. How could you accept Freud? If Freud had come to India, they would have killed him in no time! I mean, what happens is that, somehow or other – I don’t know what is the reason, I don’t know where to place it, but the wisdom is not there. There is no maturity, there is no wisdom. America I can understand because it is only two-three hundred years old. But what about the French? They have not been able to mature but they have become extremely frivolous. Maturity is finished. One of the reasons could be that they want that you should be always young. In India, young people are called as stupid: you call it gadha pachisi, means at 25 years they are donkeys. They are never regarded as sensible people to be followed. And gradually by this movement from Catholic church to Freud, what has happened that you haven’t got your own personality to understand what is right and what is wrong. Of course I must say Sahaja Yogis must have done lots of punyas and must be very courageous people to be born in this country. Otherwise I don’t know how you could have taken your birth here. The law is so funny that they said it depends on the mood of the magistrate, as if, you see, the magistrate doesn’t know the law. Such a stupid country in modern times I’ve never known. Nowhere in the world there’s such a stupid law as it is here. Of course in America, there is no justice, they do what they like. But here is so-called modern people. What is their condition is that they have no sense of law. If you ask them, “What is the law?” They don’t care. It’s the mood of the magistrate. Now supposing he has had a big drink in the last night, second day he comes with a hangover, so finished. And then he will be very much biased towards the drunkards only. So here it is becoming such a horrible society that Indians would be shocked, beyond doubt, but nothing but prostitution. To see and to be seen. Why? Every woman has to dress up in such a way that she should be attractive, for what? Is she a prostitute? All kinds of bathroom cultures developed. For example French bath, you know what it means, all over the world. It’s a very dirty habit of laziness, it comes because of drinking. If you drink too much, next morning you are so lethargic that you take just a French bath and go away. So, please try to remember as French Sahaja Yogis, that your task is much more difficult than the task of other countries, because it lacks completely wisdom. Neither you’ll find in your institutions, nor in your government, nor in any education. It’s lacking wisdom completely. And to have wisdom, according to these Freudian people, is that you are egoistical! They have such funny ideas from the yarn of Mr. Freud that no sensible man would accept. But people have lost their senses, and like blotting paper, whatever is filthy, destructive, horrible, subhuman they try to absorb. Supposed to be Christian nation. Please, all Sahaja Yogis must understand: you must get hold of books and find out, where are we? I worked very hard in France, you know that very well. I used to think, this is the gate of hell. But it is much worse than that, it’s a mire of filth. And you are born here and you have become like lotuses, so fragrant and beautiful, you’ll have to fight it out. I am always with you, all My powers with you. But remember that you have to fight the society, you have to save so many people, you have to rescue them. Children are given liberty, “Do what you like.” They have no sense of liberty! Supposing there’s an aeroplane, which was not fixed properly and made to fly. What will happen to the aeroplane? If the children are given liberty without the right sense of their duty and the right sense about themselves, what will happen to them? Why children are born to parents? It is – to get spoiled, to have liberty or to get some guidance? You cannot guide your children. They are so rude, they are so arrogant. They have gone off, completely. You know for one month we had to struggle with these western children. And we had come to the point of urge of closing down that school because they were really violent children, as if coming from some jungle. Even the jungle animals have some sense. So you have to think about your children. What’s going to happen to your children? What is going to be their situation? If they are going to live in the same manner in this dirt, these children will turn out to be waste, just a waste! They will have no education, no character, no personality, they’ll end up with AIDS or with drugs or something like that. I do not see any future for the children of France, no future. And you have to fight that, “We want to have future for our children, we don’t want them to be ruined.” And you must have courage, to fight it. It’s very important to have courage. If you do not have the courage, you cannot fight it. And today’s puja is to give that courage in your hearts. See it all around you, what’s happening? You are all nicely enjoying yourself in the realm of God, [Shri Mataji smiling] you have entered into the Kingdom of God. But what about the rest of the people? The majority of the people, where are they going? What is going to be the future of this horrible Mooladhara place? Now Freud has been discovered as a fraudulent man, and now there are books after so many years, when he has already ruined the people all over the world. But the worst of all they have ruined here. It’s a responsibility specially of the women I think, because they are responsible for the society. The society of France has gone to dogs and for you to now take up upon yourself to talk against this kind of anarchy that is working out the destruction of your families. If the women decide, I am sure, they can very, very easily work it out. Instead of asking for liberation nonsensical, you better ask for the ascent of this country. I know I’ve worked very hard and you are all there. I am very happy to see that you all are there to fulfil the desires of the Divine. Because now you should know in a very big way, masses of masses of people will be destroyed. Not from without but from within. Suddenly you’ll hear so many millions disappear with this disease. Also you must protect yourself, all of you: always give yourself a bandhan; always lead a clean life. There are certain hygienic rules of Sahaja Yoga, please try to follow them. Do not neglect it. If somebody gets AIDS, you’ll not have him in Sahaja Yoga, whatever may be the conditions, whatever may be the reason. You have to be very careful, also I would say never treat a AIDS patient. Like the one yesterday who was arguing with Me, actually because they have only two types of people: one who are arrogant and another one which always think that it’s better they should die. They have no will to live. So there are only two types of people, either right-sided or left-sided. And they can never ascend. We have tried, we have tried. Of course one person is living for the last seven years, but still. He has no faith in himself. Maybe next generation might be better off, if they come back. But as far as this generation is concerned, you should know your responsibility is very great. All the Sahaja Yogis must take a vow that they’ll fight this society and try to save their country and their countrymen from a complete disaster. There is going to be no war, only they will fight themselves and die. It’s a very serious matter. For that, we decided to have this puja of Durga today that all negativity should be destroyed. So many Deities build up the body of Kali. Every part of Her body was created by a Deity, looked after by a Deity, and is also, later on, is reflected in you all. So they say that God has made human beings in His own image, I would say, I’ve made you in My own image. All the Deities at your disposal. They are all with you, and they have created you – if you see it minutely – it is the Deities who have brought forth all the beauty that you had. They have made all this beautiful congregation, beautiful transformation, and they have created such angelic people out of you. They are always working it out, but one thing you have to do is to have the drive. You had pure desire to ascend, but for what? You want to have the light, but for what? You want to become gurus, for what? To save people, for their salvation. Only through your channels I can work out Sahaja Yoga. If I could work out Myself, I would have. It’s not question of killing one rakshasa. That God knows how many there are, rakshasas and rakshasas. And they are everywhere, even within you they were. Now they have gone away. So you have to do full justice to Sahaja Yoga, that’s very important. I knew the puja would be very late, because Kali’s puja is always done in the night, after twelve. So it had to be this way. Though last night I slept at four o’clock and I, tonight, I don’t know what time I will sleep – it all works out. It’s all worked out. But you have to have deliberations and you have to think, “What can we do to change this?” Why not write some books, why not write some experiences? Get them published in French only. Let the French know what’s happening outside. Get some of the books translated – some American books, some English books. At least give quotations from there. How they are unaware. First this Catholic church has to go away. It will, no doubt, I am sure about it. They are literally frightened of us. And we have to now really show them what we are capable of. And the funniest thing is that a president has chosen his lady-friend as the prime minister. I mean, it’s not possible in any sensible country. It’s never heard of. I must say, English are thousand times better. They are really very good. At least, as far as administration is concerned, as far as their parliament is concerned. Their justice is not stupid like this, it’s based on law, not based on the mood of a magistrate. How you are still continuing with such stupidity which are really even before medieval age: primitive, people are absolutely primitive to accept such laws. At least you can write a book about the strange laws of French, one title. How it has harmed. There is a very nice book, “Fraudulent Freud”. Please read that, and see how Freud has ruined the French, how their brains are twisted, how they have twisted ideas. You are all so intelligent, clever people. So if not with the sword, Kali has to work through the pen. I never knew it was in that bad shape, though I knew it was. So this is a challenge for all of us, and let Me see what you can write, all of you, put together your experiences: how the French parents behave, how the grandparents behave, what’s happening in this country and all that. They are living in fool’s paradise. They don’t know how destruction is just hanging over their heads. Though you are all saved, but you have to think of others, that is what Sahaja Yoga is, that is not only that we care for the bhaktas – like Kali just wanted to protect the bhaktas, the sadhakas. But you have to protect many, many more people. You have all the powers, just assume them and use them. You can do it. Your media is the worst of all and we can start a newspaper also calling it anti-media. What can they do to us? Or some sort of an independent name, we can give it. And it should be open for people who are suffering from media sensationalization. They can write: how the media is harming them, how they are giving false reports and things. We can! Why not? I am sure it will work out. Think it over what you can do with your pen. Whatever you have gained, whatever you are enjoying: beautiful music, all the pujas, everything. But think of others. They are already drunk and tossing their heads on their pillows. Think of them. They, when will they feel this joy? I simply feel pity for them that they should have taken to all these bad things, because of the suppression of the Catholic church. It’s the Catholic church which has suppressed them, that’s why they have come to this. No other way – reason why they should accept this kind of thing. In Sahaja Yoga, we do not do all these things, we are in the centre. We do not have this kind of problems, because we don’t suppress anyone, nor do we go to the other extreme of indulgences. I think the whole Europe can be divided into two types of people: one are Anglo-Saxons, and others are Latins. Anglo-Saxons are right-sided and the Latins are left-sided: they cry, weep, miserable, they indulge into dirt and filth. Just these two types they are. Now, unluckily you are in the Latin side. So here, Catholic church is prospering. Now, if you see to the Latin side and understand to what extent they have gone to the left side, and getting to the left side what diseases you get, very nicely, make a list of them. So what I said will work out in France: the left-sided incurable diseases. As it is, you walk on the street, you find at least three, four mad people, lunatic people walking, you’ll find them. Very simple it is. You don’t have to go to the lunatic asylum, on the street! They’ll be all talking and saying things, but it’s all there. “That’s why they drink, that’s why they are miserable”. I do not know what are the statistics of the diseases. So the problem is extremely grave, very grave. And you have to work it out, with the gravity of your Gurupada which you have asked Me the other day – you asked for the status of a guru, for ladies as well as for men. And I said, “All right, start!” I hope you all have heard the song I’ve made, for asking. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] All right, once they will sing that song. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] All right. They will sing that song to you. There are different requests from the Mother, and in this the last one is that: “Mother, now you give us the Gurupada, the status of a guru.” But every guru has a duty: to cleanse the society in which he lives. It’s his duty, he has to fight it. Christ fought it alone, so many saints fought it alone, they were treated very badly, put in jail, given poisons, things, but they fought it. In the same way you stand on Truth, and you have to fight it. Because you are saints. May God bless you. [Shri Mataji speaks aside in Marathi] They’ll repeat it twice, so you can also. I don’t think all of you have heard it, because those who came to Guru puja must have. [Yogis sing: “Binati Suniye Adishakti Meri”.]
The Age of Aquarius
Public Program
Public Program. 'Festsaal' of the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein Landstraße 49/Bismarckstraße 1-3, 4020 Linz, (Austria), 26 July 1992. Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot think about it and we cannot conceptualize it. And at this human awareness we cannot feel it. So to know the reality we have to become a subtler personality, the spiritual personality. That means we have to become the Spirit. Now whatever we are telling you here need not be accepted blindfolded, but should be accepted as a hypothesis, with a open mind like a scientist and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as truth. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of your country and the whole world. Most of the world problems come from human beings and most of the human problems come from these centers when they are somehow or other disturbed. This is a very special time, I call it the Blossomtime. Some people call it Last Judgment or in the Koran it's called as Kiyama, means Resurrection Times. Also some call it as Age of Aquarius. According to Indian scriptures these are Kali Yuga. And this scripture says that, "At this time human beings will be very much confused and they will find the reality." Now every human being is innately born with Divinity within himself, in a potential state. This Divinity all the time gives you a faith in a higher life. But this faith gets challenged later on as we grown on. The first challenge comes when we see that the religions are money-oriented or power-oriented. And they are not Spirit-oriented. They want to collect money or to collect power. The second challenge comes to us through science. Science goes to a point to say, "There is no God, there is no Divinity, there is no spiritual life." Science itself doesn't talk of ascent. Science is not conclusive. It goes on changing all the time and solves very mundane materialistic problem. Even science when it goes to the extreme it boomerangs on us. So through science we have created lots of problems. We have created atombomb, hydrogenbomb, these ecological problems, but still we believe in science because it is so visible. Of course there is science but it cannot take you to reality. It cannot give you that jump to breakthrough through your evolutionary process. The third challenge comes - specially in the West - through the so called intellectuals like Freud. About - since at least 22 years I've been telling that this Freud theory is very dangerous. Now a book has come out, a very scholarly book written by a very scholarly doctor and he says that all this is hocus-pocus. He has discussed the malignant effect of Freudian - he calls him "Fraudulent Freud". But it's too late now, according to him also people are already finished with it. Let us see how Freud became so important and worshipped like Christ, in the West. Can you hear her there? Can you hear her? The first thing was the idea of original sin. William Blake, a great poet said that this idea has come through the head of some satan. According to this theory everyone of us is a sinner, all the incarnations like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama - they were sinners. Prophets like Mohammed, Nanaka, Lao-Tze - all of them were sinners. When this kind of an artificial idea is pushed onto your head then natural things start coming out and that's how they took to Freud. That is how Freud became a very great person. Now what he has given us according to this book is AIDS and all kinds of secret diseases which are dangerous. Thus we have to introspect our society. Child abuse is so common, [UNCLEAR: in-sex / insane ?] relationships are so common, because of this free love business. And I don't know why people accepted him. I mean, if he had come to India he would have been killed. Nobody would have listened to him. (Shri Mataji laughing) Because Indian culture comes from saints, from seers. And they would not listen to all such nonsense. The fourth domination comes to us from entrepreneurs. Like recently in Paris they said that ladies should wear only six inches of skirts, (Shri Mataji laughing) and nobody could wear long skirts. This kind of idea people immediately accept, without even thinking how it will harm us to our body. In England a fad came out for Punks. All started painting their hair and they became blind, some of them. Every month they were paying 50 to 100 pounds to paint their hair. And when I asked them, "Why do you do it? You are all becoming blind." They said, "What's wrong in becoming blind?" So this is how we are playing into the hands of these people who are not interested in our benevolence but interested in exploiting us. In addition to that we have other problems which are very serious like drugs. They said that in Amsterdam one million people take to drugs and thousands are killed with AIDS. So we should find out at least if there is a solution? Solution to this problems. Are we going to get destroyed completely? Are we created only to get destroyed? There must be a purpose in our evolution. And the purpose within us is to ascend. To ascend into a realm of God's Kingdom. There is a complete system built in within us during our evolutionary process which has been already explained to you. So there are two truths which you should know. One is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a All pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these flowers so beautiful, we take them for granted. We don't even think, what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, what a miraculous camera. Look at our brain, what a great computer. Who runs your heart? They say autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So the first thing you should have is self knowledge. You should know about yourself not only mentally but innately. And how do you know? Is a very simple thing. Innately within you this beautiful system is built in. And whatever you might have done, whatever so called mistakes you might have committed this system is absolutely intact, nothing is lost. Your innocence is intact, your Divinity is intact, because it is eternal. Nothing can destroy it. Is all within you. And these are the special times when you have to know it. What is the Nature of Spirit? First of all let us see what happens when this Kundalini rises through these six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area. She is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you and when She rises She nourishes these centers. She integrates them. Thus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being comes into balance. It is nourished and it starts manifesting its nourishment. No doubt, by the ascent of the Kundalini people have been cured of very serious diseases like cancer, blood cancer. And once you get established you cannot get any diseases easily. Because this Kundalini attaches you, which is yoga, unites you with this All-pervading Power. And this All-pervading Power starts nourishing you with all vitality. As this instrument should be connected to the mains we are to be connected to the mains. Many people say that, "We pray to God but it is of no avail." But you are not connected. If your telephone is not connected how can you get connection? This connection is what we call Yoga, means the union. It is not standing on your head. In the Patanjali yoga is a very wee part which we can also practice sometimes. When there is a physical problem on the spinal cord we may also little bit use it. But the Kundalini is awakened spontaneously - means Sahaja. Sahaja means born with you. As a seed sprouts spontaneously this Kundalini also is awakened spontaneously. You can't pay for it. It's a living process as in the seed there is a built in quality to sprout. And as the Mother Earth has the built in quality to sprout the seed. It works spontaneously. You don't have to read anything. It's very simple. Also it has become very much simpler, because as I said this is a Blossomtime. As many of you have to ascend into that realm of complete reality. We live in the relative world but when we get connected with this absolute power we know the absolute truth. You start feeling a kind of a Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as this power. You can feel them on your fingertips. And if you know how to decode what you are feeling on your fingertips you know what they mean. It's an innate knowledge. You know about yourself, about your centers and also you know about others. Thus you jump into a new awareness what we call as collective consciousness. Sitting down here you can find out what's wrong with the chakras of anyone. Even anyone who is dead. So thus you know about yourself. Now if you know how to correct your centers you are all right! And if you know how to correct the centers of others then there is no problem. The Spirit is the universal being within us. And we experience that all the religions were created on the same Tree of Spirituality. Then you respect every religion. Thus fundamentalism is finished. There is no race problem, no boundaries because you become a universal being. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and they are all become your brothers and sisters. This is the state that we call as a saint. But you become a saint, it's not that you are forced into it, you just become. You become righteous, you become dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. This happening is so simple without any trouble. This power is your own. As just one light can enlighten another light, you can also after your enlightenment enlighten other people. Your attention becomes active. That means when you put your attention to something then it acts there. Because it touches the universal cosmic power. Like the ether. And you are amazed about the miracles that you can create. You are amazed at your own glory. And you cannot believe it, you cannot believe it that you are performing all these beautiful acts. The best of all is that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy has no duality like unhappiness and happiness, it is absolute. I agree that so far very few have felt the reality but this modern Sahaja Yoga is for en-masse Realization. Apart from India, in Russia we get people sixty thousand to eighty thousand. And they get all their Realization. You all should have full confidence that tonight you are all going to get your Self Realization. I know some of you are overly read, they have read too much, and they have so many questions in their heads. You see these beautiful lights here. You have to just press one button and all the lights are coming, because it is all built in. If I start telling you about the history of electricity and then how it was brought to Linz you will be bored stiff. So the best thing is to have the lights on. Of course there are thousands of My lectures which you can listen to, but just now I think best is to have your Realization. In this one visit this Ocean of Knowledge cannot be expressed. But when you become the Spirit you jump into the Ocean of Knowledge and then you know what is the truth and what is not, because you develop a Divine discretion. But one thing I must tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot be done individually. It is a collective happening like a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like you become part and parcel of one whole. Like if this finger has a problem the whole body helps it. In this collective happening you are all the time helped, looked after and is a thing of concern for everyone. So today - tonight those who want to have their Realization should stay back. It will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes at the most. But those who do not want should leave the hall because I cannot force it on you, it cannot be forced. Because I respect your freedom. To achieve the ultimate freedom I have to respect your freedom. You have to ask for it otherwise I cannot force on you. All those who have questions in their mind can also write it down and tomorrow in Vienna we have a program I'll answer them. For the time being try to get your Self Realization. The first state you achieve is called as thoughtless awareness. We are living in the past or in the future, but we cannot live in the present. All the thoughts are bombarding us from left or right, from the past and the future. After Realization there's a place in between the past and the future and you stand in the present. At that time you are thoughtless, but completely aware. Now whenever you want to think you can think, whenever you don't want to think you are in silence. Thus you attain peace within yourself. There are so many things that you have to experience, you get vitality. Now you won't believe I am 70 years of age and I'm travelling every day. When this energy is flowing all the time, what is there to be tired? So now again I will request those who do not want to have Self Realization should leave the hall and not to disturb others. It will give you no trouble, no problem. I'm so happy to see that in this place there are so many seekers of truth. And if you are genuine and honest I'm sure you'll all get your Realization. So please have full confidence. We have three conditions before we start. They are very simple conditions. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself. The second one is not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. If you have done any mistakes after all you are human beings, you are not Gods. And if one makes mistakes you should face it, what's the use of being guilty and torturing yourself? Moreover physically defects, it gives you spondylitis, it can give you angina, it can give you lethargic organs. Because this is the center on the left hand side gets completely ruined. Don't believe people who call you sinners and all that. You are seekers of truth and you have every right to find the truth. The third condition is even simpler. The third condition is that you must forgive everyone. Forgive everyone in the sense that logically we can understand that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy, but you are torturing yourself on their behalf. Now, the center on the optic chiasma inside the brain is like this - absolutely like a constricted cross. Constricted. Now if you don't forgive it won't open. And the Kundalini won't go through it. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and now you'll miss your Self Realization by not forgiving. But if you really forgive, it will open like that. Also don't think of them, because it's a headache to think of them. You must forgive in general. Not to think of anyone, forgive everyone of them. It's not worth it. So now first we'll show you how you have to nourish your centers yourself. Then you'll have to close your eyes and the Kundalini will, I'm sure, will connect you to the Divine. It will pierce through your fontanel bone area and you'll get the actualization - actualization of baptism. I'm saying again actualization, not just a sermon lecture and somebody putting his hand here, no, it's actualization. Aside: Better to open the doors on the sides, because it's very hot for them, I think. Now you'll have to take out your shoes if you don't mind, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Not only She helps us in farming but She helps us in our ascent. She absorbs all our negativity. Now as he has told you the left side and the right side we have to know that we have two powers. Left side is the power of desire, ordinary desire. And Kundalini is the pure desire. And the right side is the power of action. So those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but those who are sitting on the chair should put their both the feet apart from each other. Now you have to put your left hand towards Me like this. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self Realization. That it is your desire. Then you have to use your right hand for nourishing your centers. So you have to use your right hand in a way that you first put your right hand on your heart where resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery, which was created by great prophets in the past. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, lower most. This is the center for your pure knowledge. Pure knowledge of Divine power which works through this center surprisingly. Now, again you raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, then raise your right hand on your heart. Now please put your right hand on your heart and then now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you that this center catches when you feel guilty. Turn your head to your right please. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead and put your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center for you to ask forgiveness from the Divine power without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, just for your satisfaction. Now take your right hand and stretch it fully. Now the last center. Put the right hand, the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and put down your head as far as possible. Now put down your head as far as possible. Now you can move your scalp with a pressure 7 times. That's all we have to do. That's all. Please remember to push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. All right. Now you have to close your eyes, but you can take out your spectacles and don't open them till I tell you. Now again please put both your feet apart from each other and put the left hand towards Me. We are only working on the left hand side. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Please close your eyes. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. So ask the question in your heart three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that if you are the Spirit you become your master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you ask another question. Three times please ask in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" Now I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Divine pure knowledge on you. So please now put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. And ask Me six times because there are six petals, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts moving upward, so you have to open your upper centers with self confidence. Without doubting yourself please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here with full confidence you have to say 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." You have to know that this All pervading Divine Power is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss, but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit can be easily dissolved by the power of this Ocean of Forgiveness. So now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence you have to say 16 times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you that logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. And we have to forgive so that our Agnya chakra opens. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say with full confidence from your heart, not how many times, from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Do it from your heart. Now you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here again from your heart not counting how many times please say, "Oh Divine Power, forgive me if I've done anything wrong." Please do not count your mistakes and don't feel guilty, is for your satisfaction you have to say, from your heart. Now, please stretch your hand fully, your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of - on your fontanel bone area. Please put down your heads. Now push back your fingers, please push back your fingers. Don't hold your head, push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. And now please move your scalp seven times. But here again I cannot take away your freedom, you have to ask for Self Realization. So please say 7 times moving clockwise, "Mother, please give me Self Realization." (Shri Mataji blowing into microphone) Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Now watch Me without thinking. Like this, like this, not higher like this. Watch Me without thinking. Now please put right hand like this, bend your head and with the left hand see if there's a Cool or a hot Breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put your hand on top of the head but away from it, some people get it further. Bend your head. Now please put your left hand towards Me, again bend your head properly. And see with right hand if there is a cool or a hot air like waves coming from your brain, from your head, feel it with the right hand. If you are not forgiven, it will be also hot. So forgive now. Again once more put your right hand towards Me, please put down your head, and see with the left hand. Now you have to put both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions, anyone of them three times which I'll tell you. One of them is, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" The second one is, "Mother, is this the All pervading Power of Divine Love?" And the third one is, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these three questions. Anyone of them three times. Now please take down your hands. Please put your hands like this. You will feel very relaxed and thoughtless, thoughtlessly aware. All those who have felt Cool or hot Breeze on their fingertips or through their fontanel bone area or on their palms please raise both your hands. Those who have felt Cool Breeze out of their head or on their fingertips or hot - hot or cool, please raise both your hands. Both your hands. I bow to all the people who are here from Austria, you have entered into the Kingdom of God. Your saintly life has started, enjoy your peace within. We have a very nice center here and people who know a lot about Sahaja Yoga. They'll tell you all about the Divine knowledge, every aspect of it. This is your own. There is no obligation of any kind. Please respect your Self Realization. May God bless you! 75:00 (...after working on seekers individually for more than one hour...) Shri Mataji: When I was coming here to this beautiful place, I tell you, I was amazed. We have come to the most beautiful place I could expect. Such wonderful seekers. May God bless you! Very nice, beautiful. It's too much, can't believe it. Austria is such - I mean, everyone is a great seeker, everyone. So humble in heart, so beautiful. Maybe they are close to the Mother Earth, they are farmers, maybe. Even the elderly ladies, so beautiful [inaudible... ?] I must say. May God bless you! May God bless you! What a place to come to! May God bless you all! May God bless you! Thank you for the music! I am sorry I have to go to Vienna now, I was to stay here. I am sorry I have to go to Vienna. Look after this place, wonderful people there are, I [don't know ?]. [inaudible... ?] They are tremendous, even elderly ladies are so beautiful. Some of them went away, but the rest is so beautiful. Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki Jai!
Public Program. 'Festsaal' of the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein Landstraße 49/Bismarckstraße 1-3, 4020 Linz, (Austria), 26 July 1992. Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot think about it and we cannot conceptualize it. And at this human awareness we cannot feel it. So to know the reality we have to become a subtler personality, the spiritual personality. That means we have to become the Spirit. Now whatever we are telling you here need not be accepted blindfolded, but should be accepted as a hypothesis, with a open mind like a scientist and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as truth. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of your country and the whole world. Most of the world problems come from human beings and most of the human problems come from these centers when they are somehow or other disturbed. This is a very special time, I call it the Blossomtime. Some people call it Last Judgment or in the Koran it's called as Kiyama, means Resurrection Times. Also some call it as Age of Aquarius. According to Indian scriptures these are Kali Yuga. And this scripture says that, "At this time human beings will be very much confused and they will find the reality." Now every human being is innately born with Divinity within himself, in a potential state. This Divinity all the time gives you a faith in a higher life. But this faith gets challenged later on as we grown on. The first challenge comes when we see that the religions are money-oriented or power-oriented. And they are not Spirit-oriented. They want to collect money or to collect power. The second challenge comes to us through science. Science goes to a point to say, "There is no God, there is no Divinity, there is no spiritual life." Science itself doesn't talk of ascent. Science is not conclusive. It goes on changing all the time and solves very mundane materialistic problem. Even science when it goes to the extreme it boomerangs on us. So through science we have created lots of problems. We have created atombomb, hydrogenbomb, these ecological problems, but still we believe in science because it is so visible. Of course there is science but it cannot take you to reality. It cannot give you that jump to breakthrough through your evolutionary process. The third challenge comes - specially in the West - through the so called intellectuals like Freud. About - since at least 22 years I've been telling that this Freud theory is very dangerous. Now a book has come out, a very scholarly book written by a very scholarly doctor and he says that all this is hocus-pocus. He has discussed the malignant effect of Freudian - he calls him "Fraudulent Freud". But it's too late now, according to him also people are already finished with it. Let us see how Freud became so important and worshipped like Christ, in the West. Can you hear her there? Can you hear her? The first thing was the idea of original sin. William Blake, a great poet said that this idea has come through the head of some satan. According to this theory everyone of us is a sinner, all the incarnations like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama - they were sinners. Prophets like Mohammed, Nanaka, Lao-Tze - all of them were sinners. When this kind of an artificial idea is pushed onto your head then natural things start coming out and that's how they took to Freud. That is how Freud became a very great person. Now what he has given us according to this book is AIDS and all kinds of secret diseases which are dangerous. Thus we have to introspect our society. Child abuse is so common, [UNCLEAR: in-sex / insane ?] relationships are so common, because of this free love business. And I don't know why people accepted him. I mean, if he had come to India he would have been killed. Nobody would have listened to him. (Shri Mataji laughing) Because Indian culture comes from saints, from seers. And they would not listen to all such nonsense. The fourth domination comes to us from entrepreneurs. Like recently in Paris they said that ladies should wear only six inches of skirts, (Shri Mataji laughing) and nobody could wear long skirts. This kind of idea people immediately accept, without even thinking how it will harm us to our body. In England a fad came out for Punks. All started painting their hair and they became blind, some of them. Every month they were paying 50 to 100 pounds to paint their hair. And when I asked them, "Why do you do it? You are all becoming blind." They said, "What's wrong in becoming blind?" So this is how we are playing into the hands of these people who are not interested in our benevolence but interested in exploiting us. In addition to that we have other problems which are very serious like drugs. They said that in Amsterdam one million people take to drugs and thousands are killed with AIDS. So we should find out at least if there is a solution? Solution to this problems. Are we going to get destroyed completely? Are we created only to get destroyed? There must be a purpose in our evolution. And the purpose within us is to ascend. To ascend into a realm of God's Kingdom. There is a complete system built in within us during our evolutionary process which has been already explained to you. So there are two truths which you should know. One is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is a All pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these flowers so beautiful, we take them for granted. We don't even think, what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, what a miraculous camera. Look at our brain, what a great computer. Who runs your heart? They say autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So the first thing you should have is self knowledge. You should know about yourself not only mentally but innately. And how do you know? Is a very simple thing. Innately within you this beautiful system is built in. And whatever you might have done, whatever so called mistakes you might have committed this system is absolutely intact, nothing is lost. Your innocence is intact, your Divinity is intact, because it is eternal. Nothing can destroy it. Is all within you. And these are the special times when you have to know it. What is the Nature of Spirit? First of all let us see what happens when this Kundalini rises through these six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area. She is your individual Mother. She knows everything about you and when She rises She nourishes these centers. She integrates them. Thus your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being comes into balance. It is nourished and it starts manifesting its nourishment. No doubt, by the ascent of the Kundalini people have been cured of very serious diseases like cancer, blood cancer. And once you get established you cannot get any diseases easily. Because this Kundalini attaches you, which is yoga, unites you with this All-pervading Power. And this All-pervading Power starts nourishing you with all vitality. As this instrument should be connected to the mains we are to be connected to the mains. Many people say that, "We pray to God but it is of no avail." But you are not connected. If your telephone is not connected how can you get connection? This connection is what we call Yoga, means the union. It is not standing on your head. In the Patanjali yoga is a very wee part which we can also practice sometimes. When there is a physical problem on the spinal cord we may also little bit use it. But the Kundalini is awakened spontaneously - means Sahaja. Sahaja means born with you. As a seed sprouts spontaneously this Kundalini also is awakened spontaneously. You can't pay for it. It's a living process as in the seed there is a built in quality to sprout. And as the Mother Earth has the built in quality to sprout the seed. It works spontaneously. You don't have to read anything. It's very simple. Also it has become very much simpler, because as I said this is a Blossomtime. As many of you have to ascend into that realm of complete reality. We live in the relative world but when we get connected with this absolute power we know the absolute truth. You start feeling a kind of a Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost as this power. You can feel them on your fingertips. And if you know how to decode what you are feeling on your fingertips you know what they mean. It's an innate knowledge. You know about yourself, about your centers and also you know about others. Thus you jump into a new awareness what we call as collective consciousness. Sitting down here you can find out what's wrong with the chakras of anyone. Even anyone who is dead. So thus you know about yourself. Now if you know how to correct your centers you are all right! And if you know how to correct the centers of others then there is no problem. The Spirit is the universal being within us. And we experience that all the religions were created on the same Tree of Spirituality. Then you respect every religion. Thus fundamentalism is finished. There is no race problem, no boundaries because you become a universal being. Sahaja Yoga is working in 55 nations and they are all become your brothers and sisters. This is the state that we call as a saint. But you become a saint, it's not that you are forced into it, you just become. You become righteous, you become dynamic, at the same time extremely compassionate. This happening is so simple without any trouble. This power is your own. As just one light can enlighten another light, you can also after your enlightenment enlighten other people. Your attention becomes active. That means when you put your attention to something then it acts there. Because it touches the universal cosmic power. Like the ether. And you are amazed about the miracles that you can create. You are amazed at your own glory. And you cannot believe it, you cannot believe it that you are performing all these beautiful acts. The best of all is that you jump into the Ocean of Joy. Joy has no duality like unhappiness and happiness, it is absolute. I agree that so far very few have felt the reality but this modern Sahaja Yoga is for en-masse Realization. Apart from India, in Russia we get people sixty thousand to eighty thousand. And they get all their Realization. You all should have full confidence that tonight you are all going to get your Self Realization. I know some of you are overly read, they have read too much, and they have so many questions in their heads. You see these beautiful lights here. You have to just press one button and all the lights are coming, because it is all built in. If I start telling you about the history of electricity and then how it was brought to Linz you will be bored stiff. So the best thing is to have the lights on. Of course there are thousands of My lectures which you can listen to, but just now I think best is to have your Realization. In this one visit this Ocean of Knowledge cannot be expressed. But when you become the Spirit you jump into the Ocean of Knowledge and then you know what is the truth and what is not, because you develop a Divine discretion. But one thing I must tell you that Sahaja Yoga cannot be done individually. It is a collective happening like a microcosm becomes the macrocosm. Like you become part and parcel of one whole. Like if this finger has a problem the whole body helps it. In this collective happening you are all the time helped, looked after and is a thing of concern for everyone. So today - tonight those who want to have their Realization should stay back. It will take hardly 10 to 15 minutes at the most. But those who do not want should leave the hall because I cannot force it on you, it cannot be forced. Because I respect your freedom. To achieve the ultimate freedom I have to respect your freedom. You have to ask for it otherwise I cannot force on you. All those who have questions in their mind can also write it down and tomorrow in Vienna we have a program I'll answer them. For the time being try to get your Self Realization. The first state you achieve is called as thoughtless awareness. We are living in the past or in the future, but we cannot live in the present. All the thoughts are bombarding us from left or right, from the past and the future. After Realization there's a place in between the past and the future and you stand in the present. At that time you are thoughtless, but completely aware. Now whenever you want to think you can think, whenever you don't want to think you are in silence. Thus you attain peace within yourself. There are so many things that you have to experience, you get vitality. Now you won't believe I am 70 years of age and I'm travelling every day. When this energy is flowing all the time, what is there to be tired? So now again I will request those who do not want to have Self Realization should leave the hall and not to disturb others. It will give you no trouble, no problem. I'm so happy to see that in this place there are so many seekers of truth. And if you are genuine and honest I'm sure you'll all get your Realization. So please have full confidence. We have three conditions before we start. They are very simple conditions. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself. The second one is not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. If you have done any mistakes after all you are human beings, you are not Gods. And if one makes mistakes you should face it, what's the use of being guilty and torturing yourself? Moreover physically defects, it gives you spondylitis, it can give you angina, it can give you lethargic organs. Because this is the center on the left hand side gets completely ruined. Don't believe people who call you sinners and all that. You are seekers of truth and you have every right to find the truth. The third condition is even simpler. The third condition is that you must forgive everyone. Forgive everyone in the sense that logically we can understand that whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy, but you are torturing yourself on their behalf. Now, the center on the optic chiasma inside the brain is like this - absolutely like a constricted cross. Constricted. Now if you don't forgive it won't open. And the Kundalini won't go through it. As it is you have tortured yourself by not forgiving and now you'll miss your Self Realization by not forgiving. But if you really forgive, it will open like that. Also don't think of them, because it's a headache to think of them. You must forgive in general. Not to think of anyone, forgive everyone of them. It's not worth it. So now first we'll show you how you have to nourish your centers yourself. Then you'll have to close your eyes and the Kundalini will, I'm sure, will connect you to the Divine. It will pierce through your fontanel bone area and you'll get the actualization - actualization of baptism. I'm saying again actualization, not just a sermon lecture and somebody putting his hand here, no, it's actualization. Aside: Better to open the doors on the sides, because it's very hot for them, I think. Now you'll have to take out your shoes if you don't mind, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Not only She helps us in farming but She helps us in our ascent. She absorbs all our negativity. Now as he has told you the left side and the right side we have to know that we have two powers. Left side is the power of desire, ordinary desire. And Kundalini is the pure desire. And the right side is the power of action. So those who are sitting on the ground are all right, but those who are sitting on the chair should put their both the feet apart from each other. Now you have to put your left hand towards Me like this. This is symbolic that you want to have your Self Realization. That it is your desire. Then you have to use your right hand for nourishing your centers. So you have to use your right hand in a way that you first put your right hand on your heart where resides the Spirit. If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery, which was created by great prophets in the past. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, lower most. This is the center for your pure knowledge. Pure knowledge of Divine power which works through this center surprisingly. Now, again you raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, then raise your right hand on your heart. Now please put your right hand on your heart and then now in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you that this center catches when you feel guilty. Turn your head to your right please. Now take your right hand on top of your forehead and put your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center for you to ask forgiveness from the Divine power without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, just for your satisfaction. Now take your right hand and stretch it fully. Now the last center. Put the right hand, the center of your palm on top of your fontanel bone area and put down your head as far as possible. Now put down your head as far as possible. Now you can move your scalp with a pressure 7 times. That's all we have to do. That's all. Please remember to push back your fingers so there's a good pressure on your scalp. All right. Now you have to close your eyes, but you can take out your spectacles and don't open them till I tell you. Now again please put both your feet apart from each other and put the left hand towards Me. We are only working on the left hand side. Now please put your right hand on your heart. Please close your eyes. Here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. So ask the question in your heart three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've told you that if you are the Spirit you become your master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you ask another question. Three times please ask in your heart, "Mother, am I my own master?" Now I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Divine pure knowledge on you. So please now put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. And ask Me six times because there are six petals, "Mother, please give me pure knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts moving upward, so you have to open your upper centers with self confidence. Without doubting yourself please put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence 10 times, "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on top of your heart. And here with full confidence you have to say 12 times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." You have to know that this All pervading Divine Power is the Ocean of Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss, but above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit can be easily dissolved by the power of this Ocean of Forgiveness. So now please raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence you have to say 16 times, "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you that logically whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything, but if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. And we have to forgive so that our Agnya chakra opens. So now please put your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say with full confidence from your heart, not how many times, from your heart, "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Do it from your heart. Now you have to take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here again from your heart not counting how many times please say, "Oh Divine Power, forgive me if I've done anything wrong." Please do not count your mistakes and don't feel guilty, is for your satisfaction you have to say, from your heart. Now, please stretch your hand fully, your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of - on your fontanel bone area. Please put down your heads. Now push back your fingers, please push back your fingers. Don't hold your head, push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. And now please move your scalp seven times. But here again I cannot take away your freedom, you have to ask for Self Realization. So please say 7 times moving clockwise, "Mother, please give me Self Realization." (Shri Mataji blowing into microphone) Now please take down your hands. Please open your eyes. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Now watch Me without thinking. Like this, like this, not higher like this. Watch Me without thinking. Now please put right hand like this, bend your head and with the left hand see if there's a Cool or a hot Breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put your hand on top of the head but away from it, some people get it further. Bend your head. Now please put your left hand towards Me, again bend your head properly. And see with right hand if there is a cool or a hot air like waves coming from your brain, from your head, feel it with the right hand. If you are not forgiven, it will be also hot. So forgive now. Again once more put your right hand towards Me, please put down your head, and see with the left hand. Now you have to put both your hands towards the sky like this and push back your head. And ask one of these three questions, anyone of them three times which I'll tell you. One of them is, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" The second one is, "Mother, is this the All pervading Power of Divine Love?" And the third one is, "Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these three questions. Anyone of them three times. Now please take down your hands. Please put your hands like this. You will feel very relaxed and thoughtless, thoughtlessly aware. All those who have felt Cool or hot Breeze on their fingertips or through their fontanel bone area or on their palms please raise both your hands. Those who have felt Cool Breeze out of their head or on their fingertips or hot - hot or cool, please raise both your hands. Both your hands. I bow to all the people who are here from Austria, you have entered into the Kingdom of God. Your saintly life has started, enjoy your peace within. We have a very nice center here and people who know a lot about Sahaja Yoga. They'll tell you all about the Divine knowledge, every aspect of it. This is your own. There is no obligation of any kind. Please respect your Self Realization. May God bless you! 75:00 (...after working on seekers individually for more than one hour...) Shri Mataji: When I was coming here to this beautiful place, I tell you, I was amazed. We have come to the most beautiful place I could expect. Such wonderful seekers. May God bless you! Very nice, beautiful. It's too much, can't believe it. Austria is such - I mean, everyone is a great seeker, everyone. So humble in heart, so beautiful. Maybe they are close to the Mother Earth, they are farmers, maybe. Even the elderly ladies, so beautiful [inaudible... ?] I must say. May God bless you! May God bless you! What a place to come to! May God bless you all! May God bless you! Thank you for the music! I am sorry I have to go to Vienna now, I was to stay here. I am sorry I have to go to Vienna. Look after this place, wonderful people there are, I [don't know ?]. [inaudible... ?] They are tremendous, even elderly ladies are so beautiful. Some of them went away, but the rest is so beautiful. Sahaja Yogis: Bolo Shri Adi Shakti Mataji Shri Nirmala Devi Ki Jai!
Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit
Public Program
Public Program. Vienna (Austria), 27 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot imagine about it, think about it or conceptualize it. Also unfortunately, at this human level we cannot feel it. We have to become a subtler being to feel our subtle being. We have to be the Spirit. Otherwise whatever we think about it is not reality. Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit. Now, let us know what is the truth. The truth is you are not this body, this mind - this is not your conditionings, nor your ego, emotions, but it is pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers - it's a miracle, but we take it for granted. Look at our eyes, which is a miracle itself - it's a camera. Look at our brain, which is such a computer. But we take it for granted and do not think about it. Who does this work? Who runs our heart? We call it in medical terminology that autonomous nervous system runs the heart. But who is this auto? All this living work is done by this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Whatever I'm telling you, you need not take it blindfolded. But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it as a hypothesis. And if you find that it is true then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. So now, within us is based this mechanism, which has been shown to you and about which they have told you. And there is this power which is going to connect you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. We are all born with that Divinity within us in a potential state. And it is quite intact. Whatever you might have done, whatever so called mistakes you might have committed - this faith of Divinity is also within us. We had this faith from our childhood, but gradually we lost it. We had faith that there is something beyond and that's what we have lost it. All we are misled. We have to understand that this Divinity is absolutely there, untarnished, without any problem, because it is of eternal nature. Like clouds, maybe some of the actions in our life might have covered it. But you'll be amazed to see that it is there - alive. Now, the second problem we have to understand that all world problems come from human beings. And all human problems come from these fundamental centers within us. When these fundamental centers go into problems we get all kinds of physical, mental, emotional, social, political and also spiritual problems. And economical and social. So, if these centers could be corrected, nourished, made healthy all the problems will be solved. The time has come for us to achieve that state of Spirit. Is a special time - I call it the Blossomtime. In the Bible they called it the Last Judgment. In the ''Puranas'' also it is described as ''Satya Yuga''. And in the Koran it is described as ''Kiyama'', meaning Resurrection time. It is fortunate that at this time you are all born and that you are seekers of truth. Sahaja Yoga - ''Saha'' means 'with you' is born the right to achieve the state of Spirit. '''Ja''' is born. So, this right you have - all of you have got that right. And you have to achieve that state of Spirit. In short I'll tell you what is the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So, it is a universal being. It exists as a witness in our heart. It watches whatever we are doing. But when it manifests in our attention then we can feel our centers and the centers of others. Thus we get self knowledge - selfhood. And also we develop a new dimension in our awareness called as Collective Consciousness. When you can feel the centers of others. If you can understand and master the art of Divine working you can cure your centers and you can cure the centers of others. When this Kundalini pierces through your fontanel bone area it connects you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Just like this instrument (''Ed: microphone'') has got this connection with the mains - in the same way you get connected with that power. Once this connection is fully established all the time this dynamic energy starts flowing through you. You become dynamic - at the same time extremely compassionate. You become very wise with Divine discretion. On your fingertips you can feel your centers and the centers of others. Everybody feels the same. If you want to know this is wrong or right you can feel it on your fingertips. Thus you know the absolute Truth. If everyone feels the same way, then how can there be quarrels? How can there be wars also? So, this is a new awareness, a new dimension, which manifests within us. And it takes us much beyond mental activity, where your thoughts cannot overpower you. Thoughts come from the future or from the past and we are dancing on the cusp of the thoughts. But with this happening we enter into our present. In between these thoughts there is a space where there is peace and we enter into our peace. In this state you become thoughtlessly aware. When you start growing in your spiritual being then the second thing that happens to you is that you become one with reality. All kinds of falsehood start dropping out. And you know that you have become a saint. And you become extremely confident with your knowledge. The Spirit is the source of joy. And you'll jump into the ocean of joy. Joy has no duality. It does not have happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. All this is your own. You have to just get it. It's a very easy thing, it's very spontaneous, it's a living process. For this process you don't have to pay. You don't have to put in any efforts, it's spontaneous. It spontaneously sprouts, you have to only look after it like a gardener. Whatever I am telling you is not a sermon or a lecture, it's the actualization of the experience. And actualization of your baptism. Because you feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And Kundalini is the Primordial Mother. This is what is reflected in you as your own individual mother. And she gives you your second birth. Christ has said, "Humble in heart will inherit the Earth." So one has to be humble. If you are arrogant about it your own Kundalini won't rise. Moreover this Kundalini knows all about you. She does not give you any trouble. And just spontaneously She manages to connect you to that all-pervading Divine Power. And for the first time you start feeling on your fingertips this all-pervading Power as Cool Breeze. I respect your freedom, and your Self Realization cannot be forced on you. Those who really want it in a humble way can have it. Those who do not want are not forced - cannot be forced. All such people should please leave the hall. It will take about ten or 15 minutes to get your Realization. In this short time you should appreciate I cannot tell you everything about his vast knowledge, but if you get your enlightenment you'll understand this subtle knowledge very easily. So, those who do not want can leave the hall. It will hardly take ten to 15 minutes. ''Aside'': The lights are very dim, I can't see the people. I know, some of you have questions - just now keep them away from yourself. And you can write them down and we'll try to answer them later on. ''Aside'': Can't see them. There are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you all have to have full confidence that you will all get your Self Realization tonight. Second is you are not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. This idea of sin - please take it out of your mind. This gives you a guilt, which makes your left Vishuddhi here - this chakra - very weak. And this causes a disease called angina, spondylitis and a lethargy of the organs. If you have done mistakes it's all right, after all you are human beings, you are not God. And if you have done mistakes you should face them. Instead of putting them as guilt here (''Ed: left Vishuddhi'') and torture yourself. In short: forgive yourself and be very pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This Divine Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness. The third condition is also very simple. Third ccondition is that you have to forgive everyone. You have to forgive in general, you don't have to think about each one of them. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have tortured you, or troubled you are happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So, what's the use of not forgiving? Moreover, the chakra which we call as the Agnya chakra in the optic chiasma is closed like this - constricted like this. It won't open unless and until you forgive. But once you forgive it opens like this. You have to just say, "I forgive everyone of them." Don't even think of them, because it's a headache. These are the only three conditions. If you really accept them it will work out very fast. You have to cooperate with Me. Now we have to take out our shoes. That will help us a lot, because this Mother Earth sucks in our problems. Now, they have already told you about the left and right side. And as they are two powers we have to put both the feet a little away from each other. You don't have to stay in yourself, you have to be comfortable - only thing, don't bend yourself too much or don't stretch yourself too much till I tell you. You have to be very comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas for that. And you don't have to suffer. Christ has suffered for us already. Just have faith in yourself. Don't be doubts about yourself. I assure you, you all can get your Self Realization tonight. So, now we'll show you how we'll nourish our own centers, you will nourish your own centers. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. This is symbolic that you want your Self Realization, because left side is the power of ordinary desire. All of you have to do it. Those who don't want to do should go away. Then we have the second power, the power of action on the right hand side, with which we'll be nourishing our centers. Third is the power of Kundalini which is the power of Pure Desire. So, all of you should have Pure Desire in your heart that you should all get your Self Realization. So, just put your left hand towards Me like this, very comfortably on your lap or on your legs, resting like this. Now, with the right hand we'll be nourishing our centers on the left hand side. First we'll show you and then we close our eyes and the process will start. Please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where the Spirit resides. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your guide, your master. Then you put your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. This is being created by great prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Lower, lower, lower here. This is the center for Pure Divine Knowledge. Again we raise our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then we raise our right hand on our heart. Now we raise our right hand in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn our head to our right. This is the center as I told you - I told you this center gets in trouble when you feel guilty. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to ask forgiveness - where you have to forgive others, I am sorry. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center which is important. Please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, very important is to push back your fingers, that there is a good pressure - there should be a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head. Here now you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. And till I tell you please don't open your eyes. Put both the feet away from each other. Now please take out your spectacles. Put your right hand on your heart. ''Aside'': It's terrible, such heat I'm absorbing from all of them. Terrible heat they have. All right, doesn't matter. Please put your right hand on your heart. Here now you have to ask Me a very fundamental question - three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. I've already told you that if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So, now please take your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say again another question. Three times please ask, "Mother am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals. Please say, "Mother, give me pure knowledge. Please Mother, give me pure knowledge." Six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge your Kundalini starts moving upward. So now, we have to nourish our higher centers so that Kundalini can pass easily through them. It has to be nourished with our self confidence. So, now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. And here you have to say in full confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say it ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. So, now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here with full confidence say twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." The all-pervading Divine Power is the Ocean of Divine Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss. But above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. So whatever mistake you have committed can be easily dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness. So, now please raise your hand on to the corner of - between your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence please say 16 times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Please turn your head to your right. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. So. Please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone in general, not how many times, but from your heart. If you do not forgive then you will also miss your Self Realization, because Kundalini cannot pass through the constricted Agnya chakra. Now, please take back your hand on the back side of your head and put it up as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to say, "Oh Divine Power, please forgive me, if I have done any mistakes." Now, this has to be said from your heart, not how many times. Now, please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers. Why are you not doing, madam? Why is she not doing it - this lady? Yogini: She wants to listen only. '''Shri Mataji:''' Then let her go away. She should go. She should not try to be arrogant like that, not proper. All right. Now put your right hand on your fontanel bone area and please put down your head. Here now, you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise. But here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for your Self Realization. So while moving your scalp seven times you should just say, "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." Seven times please. ''(Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone)'' Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this towards Me. Open your eyes. Watch Me. Watch Me without thinking, you can do it. Now please put right hand towards Me. And put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a Cool or a warm Breeze coming out of your head. You shouldn't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. Now please put your left hand towards Me. And now bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a Cool or a hot Breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put your right hand towards Me again and with the left hand you can see it again. Now raise both your hands towards the sky and ask a question - one of these three questions, anyone of them, three times. Push back your head and ask the question, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of Divine Love?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the ''Paramachaitanya''?" Please take down your hands. Aside: It's hot. All those who have felt Cool Breeze or hot Breeze from their fontanel bone area or on their fingertips or on their palms please raise both your hands. The whole of Austria. May God bless you all! May God bless you! May God bless you! Vienna! I bow to you all. You have now started your saintly life. Now respect your Self Realization. Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. You cannot do it individually. Of course, at home you can meditate, but you have to come to collective to grow. Like this finger, if it is sick, the whole body runs for the help of this. In the same way now you have become the whole. The microcosm has become the macrocosm. You'll have so many blessings and so many miracles that you may not believe them even. And you'll be amazed how fantastically you are so glorious. But you must learn how to use this power. You'll hardly take a month to master it. You don't have to pay for this at all. No one is going to pay for it, only thing you have to give little time for your Self Realization. May God bless you all! Aside: Such beautiful people there! Now, would like them to meet Me?
Public Program. Vienna (Austria), 27 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot imagine about it, think about it or conceptualize it. Also unfortunately, at this human level we cannot feel it. We have to become a subtler being to feel our subtle being. We have to be the Spirit. Otherwise whatever we think about it is not reality. Reality has to be known by ascending to another state of Spirit. Now, let us know what is the truth. The truth is you are not this body, this mind - this is not your conditionings, nor your ego, emotions, but it is pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers - it's a miracle, but we take it for granted. Look at our eyes, which is a miracle itself - it's a camera. Look at our brain, which is such a computer. But we take it for granted and do not think about it. Who does this work? Who runs our heart? We call it in medical terminology that autonomous nervous system runs the heart. But who is this auto? All this living work is done by this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Whatever I'm telling you, you need not take it blindfolded. But you have to keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it as a hypothesis. And if you find that it is true then you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. So now, within us is based this mechanism, which has been shown to you and about which they have told you. And there is this power which is going to connect you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. We are all born with that Divinity within us in a potential state. And it is quite intact. Whatever you might have done, whatever so called mistakes you might have committed - this faith of Divinity is also within us. We had this faith from our childhood, but gradually we lost it. We had faith that there is something beyond and that's what we have lost it. All we are misled. We have to understand that this Divinity is absolutely there, untarnished, without any problem, because it is of eternal nature. Like clouds, maybe some of the actions in our life might have covered it. But you'll be amazed to see that it is there - alive. Now, the second problem we have to understand that all world problems come from human beings. And all human problems come from these fundamental centers within us. When these fundamental centers go into problems we get all kinds of physical, mental, emotional, social, political and also spiritual problems. And economical and social. So, if these centers could be corrected, nourished, made healthy all the problems will be solved. The time has come for us to achieve that state of Spirit. Is a special time - I call it the Blossomtime. In the Bible they called it the Last Judgment. In the ''Puranas'' also it is described as ''Satya Yuga''. And in the Koran it is described as ''Kiyama'', meaning Resurrection time. It is fortunate that at this time you are all born and that you are seekers of truth. Sahaja Yoga - ''Saha'' means 'with you' is born the right to achieve the state of Spirit. '''Ja''' is born. So, this right you have - all of you have got that right. And you have to achieve that state of Spirit. In short I'll tell you what is the nature of the Spirit. Spirit is the reflection of God Almighty. So, it is a universal being. It exists as a witness in our heart. It watches whatever we are doing. But when it manifests in our attention then we can feel our centers and the centers of others. Thus we get self knowledge - selfhood. And also we develop a new dimension in our awareness called as Collective Consciousness. When you can feel the centers of others. If you can understand and master the art of Divine working you can cure your centers and you can cure the centers of others. When this Kundalini pierces through your fontanel bone area it connects you to this all-pervading Power of Divine Love. Just like this instrument (''Ed: microphone'') has got this connection with the mains - in the same way you get connected with that power. Once this connection is fully established all the time this dynamic energy starts flowing through you. You become dynamic - at the same time extremely compassionate. You become very wise with Divine discretion. On your fingertips you can feel your centers and the centers of others. Everybody feels the same. If you want to know this is wrong or right you can feel it on your fingertips. Thus you know the absolute Truth. If everyone feels the same way, then how can there be quarrels? How can there be wars also? So, this is a new awareness, a new dimension, which manifests within us. And it takes us much beyond mental activity, where your thoughts cannot overpower you. Thoughts come from the future or from the past and we are dancing on the cusp of the thoughts. But with this happening we enter into our present. In between these thoughts there is a space where there is peace and we enter into our peace. In this state you become thoughtlessly aware. When you start growing in your spiritual being then the second thing that happens to you is that you become one with reality. All kinds of falsehood start dropping out. And you know that you have become a saint. And you become extremely confident with your knowledge. The Spirit is the source of joy. And you'll jump into the ocean of joy. Joy has no duality. It does not have happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. All this is your own. You have to just get it. It's a very easy thing, it's very spontaneous, it's a living process. For this process you don't have to pay. You don't have to put in any efforts, it's spontaneous. It spontaneously sprouts, you have to only look after it like a gardener. Whatever I am telling you is not a sermon or a lecture, it's the actualization of the experience. And actualization of your baptism. Because you feel the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head. Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And Kundalini is the Primordial Mother. This is what is reflected in you as your own individual mother. And she gives you your second birth. Christ has said, "Humble in heart will inherit the Earth." So one has to be humble. If you are arrogant about it your own Kundalini won't rise. Moreover this Kundalini knows all about you. She does not give you any trouble. And just spontaneously She manages to connect you to that all-pervading Divine Power. And for the first time you start feeling on your fingertips this all-pervading Power as Cool Breeze. I respect your freedom, and your Self Realization cannot be forced on you. Those who really want it in a humble way can have it. Those who do not want are not forced - cannot be forced. All such people should please leave the hall. It will take about ten or 15 minutes to get your Realization. In this short time you should appreciate I cannot tell you everything about his vast knowledge, but if you get your enlightenment you'll understand this subtle knowledge very easily. So, those who do not want can leave the hall. It will hardly take ten to 15 minutes. ''Aside'': The lights are very dim, I can't see the people. I know, some of you have questions - just now keep them away from yourself. And you can write them down and we'll try to answer them later on. ''Aside'': Can't see them. There are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you all have to have full confidence that you will all get your Self Realization tonight. Second is you are not to feel guilty about anything whatsoever. This idea of sin - please take it out of your mind. This gives you a guilt, which makes your left Vishuddhi here - this chakra - very weak. And this causes a disease called angina, spondylitis and a lethargy of the organs. If you have done mistakes it's all right, after all you are human beings, you are not God. And if you have done mistakes you should face them. Instead of putting them as guilt here (''Ed: left Vishuddhi'') and torture yourself. In short: forgive yourself and be very pleasantly placed towards yourself, because you are going to enter into the Kingdom of God. This Divine Power is the Ocean of Forgiveness. And you cannot commit any mistake that cannot be dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness. The third condition is also very simple. Third ccondition is that you have to forgive everyone. You have to forgive in general, you don't have to think about each one of them. Logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Those who have tortured you, or troubled you are happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So, what's the use of not forgiving? Moreover, the chakra which we call as the Agnya chakra in the optic chiasma is closed like this - constricted like this. It won't open unless and until you forgive. But once you forgive it opens like this. You have to just say, "I forgive everyone of them." Don't even think of them, because it's a headache. These are the only three conditions. If you really accept them it will work out very fast. You have to cooperate with Me. Now we have to take out our shoes. That will help us a lot, because this Mother Earth sucks in our problems. Now, they have already told you about the left and right side. And as they are two powers we have to put both the feet a little away from each other. You don't have to stay in yourself, you have to be comfortable - only thing, don't bend yourself too much or don't stretch yourself too much till I tell you. You have to be very comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas for that. And you don't have to suffer. Christ has suffered for us already. Just have faith in yourself. Don't be doubts about yourself. I assure you, you all can get your Self Realization tonight. So, now we'll show you how we'll nourish our own centers, you will nourish your own centers. Please put your left hand towards Me like this. This is symbolic that you want your Self Realization, because left side is the power of ordinary desire. All of you have to do it. Those who don't want to do should go away. Then we have the second power, the power of action on the right hand side, with which we'll be nourishing our centers. Third is the power of Kundalini which is the power of Pure Desire. So, all of you should have Pure Desire in your heart that you should all get your Self Realization. So, just put your left hand towards Me like this, very comfortably on your lap or on your legs, resting like this. Now, with the right hand we'll be nourishing our centers on the left hand side. First we'll show you and then we close our eyes and the process will start. Please put your right hand on your heart. This is the center where the Spirit resides. If you become the Spirit, in the light of the Spirit you become your guide, your master. Then you put your hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. This is being created by great prophets. We have to just enlighten it. Now, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Lower, lower, lower here. This is the center for Pure Divine Knowledge. Again we raise our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then we raise our right hand on our heart. Now we raise our right hand in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn our head to our right. This is the center as I told you - I told you this center gets in trouble when you feel guilty. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. This is the center where you have to ask forgiveness - where you have to forgive others, I am sorry. This is the center where you have to forgive others. Now please take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask for forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine Power. Now, the last center which is important. Please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now, very important is to push back your fingers, that there is a good pressure - there should be a good pressure on your scalp. Now, please put down your head. Here now you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise. That's all we have to do. Now you have to close your eyes. And till I tell you please don't open your eyes. Put both the feet away from each other. Now please take out your spectacles. Put your right hand on your heart. ''Aside'': It's terrible, such heat I'm absorbing from all of them. Terrible heat they have. All right, doesn't matter. Please put your right hand on your heart. Here now you have to ask Me a very fundamental question - three times, "Mother, am I the Spirit?" You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. I've already told you that if you become the Spirit you become your own master. So, now please take your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say again another question. Three times please ask, "Mother am I my own master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom. And I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So, please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here you have to ask six times, because this center has got six petals. Please say, "Mother, give me pure knowledge. Please Mother, give me pure knowledge." Six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge your Kundalini starts moving upward. So now, we have to nourish our higher centers so that Kundalini can pass easily through them. It has to be nourished with our self confidence. So, now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. And here you have to say in full confidence ten times, "Mother, I am my own master." Please say it ten times. I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. So, now please raise your right hand on your heart. And here with full confidence say twelve times, "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." The all-pervading Divine Power is the Ocean of Divine Knowledge. It is the Ocean of Compassion and Bliss. But above all it is the Ocean of Forgiveness. So whatever mistake you have committed can be easily dissolved by this Ocean of Forgiveness. So, now please raise your hand on to the corner of - between your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Here now with full confidence please say 16 times, "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Please turn your head to your right. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But you torture yourself and play into wrong hands. So. Please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head. Here you have to forgive everyone in general, not how many times, but from your heart. If you do not forgive then you will also miss your Self Realization, because Kundalini cannot pass through the constricted Agnya chakra. Now, please take back your hand on the back side of your head and put it up as far as possible. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to say, "Oh Divine Power, please forgive me, if I have done any mistakes." Now, this has to be said from your heart, not how many times. Now, please stretch your palm fully. And put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Push back your fingers. Why are you not doing, madam? Why is she not doing it - this lady? Yogini: She wants to listen only. '''Shri Mataji:''' Then let her go away. She should go. She should not try to be arrogant like that, not proper. All right. Now put your right hand on your fontanel bone area and please put down your head. Here now, you have to move your scalp seven times clockwise. But here again I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for your Self Realization. So while moving your scalp seven times you should just say, "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." Seven times please. ''(Shri Mataji is blowing into the microphone)'' Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands like this towards Me. Open your eyes. Watch Me. Watch Me without thinking, you can do it. Now please put right hand towards Me. And put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a Cool or a warm Breeze coming out of your head. You shouldn't put your hand on top of your head, but away from it. Now please put your left hand towards Me. And now bend your head and see with your right hand if there's a Cool or a hot Breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Now please put your right hand towards Me again and with the left hand you can see it again. Now raise both your hands towards the sky and ask a question - one of these three questions, anyone of them, three times. Push back your head and ask the question, "Mother, is this the Cool Breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of Divine Love?" Or ask the question three times, "Mother, is this the ''Paramachaitanya''?" Please take down your hands. Aside: It's hot. All those who have felt Cool Breeze or hot Breeze from their fontanel bone area or on their fingertips or on their palms please raise both your hands. The whole of Austria. May God bless you all! May God bless you! May God bless you! Vienna! I bow to you all. You have now started your saintly life. Now respect your Self Realization. Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. You cannot do it individually. Of course, at home you can meditate, but you have to come to collective to grow. Like this finger, if it is sick, the whole body runs for the help of this. In the same way now you have become the whole. The microcosm has become the macrocosm. You'll have so many blessings and so many miracles that you may not believe them even. And you'll be amazed how fantastically you are so glorious. But you must learn how to use this power. You'll hardly take a month to master it. You don't have to pay for this at all. No one is going to pay for it, only thing you have to give little time for your Self Realization. May God bless you all! Aside: Such beautiful people there! Now, would like them to meet Me?
How to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality?
Public Program
Public Program. Budapest (Hungary), 28 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot think about it, you cannot imagine about it, also at human awareness you cannot conceptualize it. Also you cannot understand it through books, because it's all mental. For that you have to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality. That means you have to become the Spirit. You have been already told about this mechanism that's within you. But you should not blindfolded believe in it, but keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it like a hypothesis. If it is true, as honest people, you must accept it, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, this ego or conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers, we take them for granted. It's a miracle. We see our eyes, which is a wonderful camera, a miracle, this brain, which is a computer. We take everything for granted. Who has created them? Who runs our heart? They say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So far we had no self-knowledge. All world problems are because of human beings and all the human problems are because of their chakras, centers. It means that these centers can be put right then there should be no problems. Moreover at this human awareness we do not know the absolute truth. That it is why we are fighting with each other. Some people believe that this kind of government is good, some believe that kind of government is good, because we do not know the unity that exists within us. Now the greatest problem which we face, it is fundamentalism, because fundamentalists want to say their religion is the best. And they want to keep many religions, they want to keep many religions. And when we say that all religions were got on one tree of spirituality and there should be only one universal religion they don't like it. As long as there will become fundamentalism, there will be wars, there will be violence, there will be [CLAIM]. We have to find within ourselves what are we. The nature of the Spirit is that it's an universal being. As it is, outside, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way, we feel the same way. We are feeling from inside the same, all of us. We are not different people, only outwardly we may look different. So unless until we understand that we are universally born, we cannot get over wars. For that you have to become the Spirit. First thing that happens to you when this Kundalini rises that your physical, mental, emotional problems will solve. It is a fact that there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in curing incurable diseases, by this Kundalini awakening. This power is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Those who do not believe in Primordial Mother are not understanding that She is the One who has created all these universes. In the Greek mythology She is called as Athena. I also saw a statue of Athena here, in Budapest, and as Adi Shakti in Sanskrit language. Even Mohamed Saab has said that paradise lies at the feet of the Mother. In the Gospel of Thomas he writes authentically Christ said, "This is the Mother who has bore Me in Her womb but I have another One with a great M capital." So this is the reflection of the Primordial Mother in your triangular bone, as you see there. She is your individual Mother and She knows all about you. And She is the One who gives you your second birth. As your Mother took all the problems when you were born, She looks after you. And we do not get any trouble whatsoever. On the contrary you can correct it with this All Pervading Power. As this instrument is connected to the mains you also get connected and then you have a meaning to your life, an identity to yourself. But it's a living process, an actualization; it is not just putting hand on your head and saying that actualization or baptism has taken place. It's actualization. And you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head, your head. Also for the first time you see, feel this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or the All Pervading Power of God's Love on your fingertips. This actually happens to you. It is an experience. As soon as this happens to you, you develop a new personality, which we call as collective consciousness. You become collective. It is not just saying you have to be collective, but you just become. And you can feel the centers of others also on your fingers tips. You can feel your own centers, you can feel the centers of others. Now if you know how to correct these centers then you solve the problems for yourselves and for others. But you take the power to raise the Kundalini. It's you, your own. You always have this power potentially within you and whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed it is all there. This Divinity is of eternal value. It's all the time there, existing. And only thing It has to be awaken to manifest Itself. Another thing that happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware, means you become thoughtless, but you are aware. That means you become one with the present and in that state you grow spiritually. Whenever you want to think, you can think, whenever you don't want to think you can switch off your mind. Thus you jump into your own peace. It's not just artificial. I've known many people who have got Peace prizes, International Peace prizes, but there is no peace within. Is just they are certified, without any peace within. Thus for the first time we know the reality and we enter into the Kingdom of God. Of course we become extremely dynamic and the same time very compassionate. In Austria they have found out that ninety five per cent people who came to Sahaja Yoga gave up drugs completely without any difficulty, spontaneously. There are so many advantages of becoming the Spirit because that's the last breakthrough of your evolution. But one thing is there one cannot force you. Your freedom is respected, because you have to get your ultimate freedom. Nor can you pay for it. What do we pay to Mother Earth for creating these flowers? Nor do you have to put in any effort like standing on your head. Christ has said: "Humble in heart will own this Earth." So we have to be humble about it. Is not meant for people who are stupid or arrogant. For people who are seeking the truth, it is their right to have it. In this short time as you know it's very difficult to talk about this ocean of knowledge. But that is what you are. It's just take ten minutes, fifteen minutes to jump into the Kingdom of God. But as I said I cannot force on you. Those who do not want to have, I cannot force. Such people should leave the hall. But those who want to have it, will have it. I know some of you have lots of questions in your head. I'm quite clever; I can answer all your questions. But just now if you can keep your questions on one side and I came down send it over, we'll try to answer them nicely. Better to get your Enlightenment. Now there are three conditions. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself that you all will get your Self Realization tonight. This is one condition. Secondly not to feel guilty at all. You are all human beings and if you have committed mistakes it's all right. You are not Gods. So the most important thing is to understand that if you feel guilty, it's an artificial idea. If you have a mistake better face it. But if you feel guilty then the center on the left hand side this Vishuddhi gets caught. And as a result you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? That means you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God. The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. So many say it is very difficult. That's the most easy thing if you understand that logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. Those who have troubled you are quite happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So best is to forgive and don't even think about it because it's a headache. That it really make you feel very much lighter. Also the center here, in the brain as you see there, in the optic chiasm, crosses over like this, and is such a constricted one. Now if you do not forgive, it will not open. So you have to forgive to open it like this. That's all. It's very simple. So I said it will take hardly ten minutes more. You should not see the watches and nobody should get up to disturb others. So now we'll tell you how we are going ourselves to nourish our own centers. Firstly it would be better to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. You have been told that there are two powers within us of sympathetic nervous system: one is the left, another is the right. The left side is the power of desire, of common desire. So you put your left hand on your lap comfortably symbolizing that you want your Self Realization. This you have to do only today. You need not remember also. Then your right hand is the power of action with which we will nourish our centers on the left hand side. Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So you must have pure desire that you want to have your Self Realization. So now we put our hand on our heart, right hand on your heart and both the feet are kept apart from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the enlightenment of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, which is the center of pure mastery. This is the center created by great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, please. And now raise your right hand on your heart again. Take your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your face to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty this center gets spoilt. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand, back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now last center, very important. Stretch your palm [UNCLEAR] Stretch your palm. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head. Now very important is to press back your fingers so that is a good pressure on your scalp. Here, you have to press the scalp and move it slowly, seven times, clock-wise. Don't move your hand, move your scalp by pressing out your fingers. Now please take down your hands and now you have to close your eyes. Please see that both your feet are apart from each other and there's nothing very, very tied on your waist or on your neck. Now please put your left hand on your lap. Now you have to close your eyes. Please don't open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Please now put left hand towards Me, on your lap and right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. The question can be asked, you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So please ask a question in your heart, three times:" Mother, am I the Spirit?" If you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to ask another question, three times:" Mother, am I my own Master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So you have to ask for it. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you press it and ask Me six times because this center has got six petals:" Mother please give me Pure, Divine Knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here now you have to nourish this upper center with your self-confidence. So you have to say with full confidence, ten times: " Mother, I am my own master". Ten times. "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your hand, right hand on your heart and ask here with full confidence, or say it that "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it ten times. I've told you that this Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss and compassion. But above all It is the ocean of compassion. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right and know that whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So now here you say sixteen times: "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Now raise your right hand, sixteen times you have to say, put it on your, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, turn to your right properly. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times, from your heart "Mother, I forgive everyone." You put your right hand on your head, on your forehead across and put down your head. Put down your head. Here you have to say: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Say it from your heart. Now take this hand, right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, please say: "Oh, Divine Power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." Now the most important, last center. Please stretch your palm fully, please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Press back with your fingers. Please put down your head. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. You have to ask for Self Realization. I cannot force it. So now please put down your head and move your scalp slowly, seven times, clock-wise saying: "Mother, please give me Self Realization." Now please take down your hands and open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards Me, like this. Now, please put your right hand towards Me like this and with the left hand see if there is a cool or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area, see with the left hand. Don't put your hand on the top of your head. Please bend your head you'll see better. Now please put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see with right hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it close some far away. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Please forgive. All right. Now, put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, or above this. Now, please put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and look up. Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions, three times. Please ask three times "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?", or "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times, anyone. Now please bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you all saints. Now you have started your saintly life. Please look after it. We have very good center here where you all can meet and we have to grow into spirituality. Within a month you can become masters. Sahaja Yoga is not an individual movement, but a collective movement. You cannot just practice it at home, alone. You have to please come to the collective. All the subtle knowledge of the Divine you can master. But you must give little time. I hope you'll respect your Self Realization and grow. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five nations and people have become masters. Spirit is the source of joy, so just enjoy yourself. May God bless you all!
Public Program. Budapest (Hungary), 28 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset you have to know that truth is what it is. You cannot think about it, you cannot imagine about it, also at human awareness you cannot conceptualize it. Also you cannot understand it through books, because it's all mental. For that you have to enter into another realm of awareness, which is spirituality. That means you have to become the Spirit. You have been already told about this mechanism that's within you. But you should not blindfolded believe in it, but keep your mind open like a scientist and treat it like a hypothesis. If it is true, as honest people, you must accept it, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. The truth is that you are not this body, mind, this ego or conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. And the second truth is that there is an All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers, we take them for granted. It's a miracle. We see our eyes, which is a wonderful camera, a miracle, this brain, which is a computer. We take everything for granted. Who has created them? Who runs our heart? They say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? So far we had no self-knowledge. All world problems are because of human beings and all the human problems are because of their chakras, centers. It means that these centers can be put right then there should be no problems. Moreover at this human awareness we do not know the absolute truth. That it is why we are fighting with each other. Some people believe that this kind of government is good, some believe that kind of government is good, because we do not know the unity that exists within us. Now the greatest problem which we face, it is fundamentalism, because fundamentalists want to say their religion is the best. And they want to keep many religions, they want to keep many religions. And when we say that all religions were got on one tree of spirituality and there should be only one universal religion they don't like it. As long as there will become fundamentalism, there will be wars, there will be violence, there will be [CLAIM]. We have to find within ourselves what are we. The nature of the Spirit is that it's an universal being. As it is, outside, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way, we feel the same way. We are feeling from inside the same, all of us. We are not different people, only outwardly we may look different. So unless until we understand that we are universally born, we cannot get over wars. For that you have to become the Spirit. First thing that happens to you when this Kundalini rises that your physical, mental, emotional problems will solve. It is a fact that there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in curing incurable diseases, by this Kundalini awakening. This power is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Those who do not believe in Primordial Mother are not understanding that She is the One who has created all these universes. In the Greek mythology She is called as Athena. I also saw a statue of Athena here, in Budapest, and as Adi Shakti in Sanskrit language. Even Mohamed Saab has said that paradise lies at the feet of the Mother. In the Gospel of Thomas he writes authentically Christ said, "This is the Mother who has bore Me in Her womb but I have another One with a great M capital." So this is the reflection of the Primordial Mother in your triangular bone, as you see there. She is your individual Mother and She knows all about you. And She is the One who gives you your second birth. As your Mother took all the problems when you were born, She looks after you. And we do not get any trouble whatsoever. On the contrary you can correct it with this All Pervading Power. As this instrument is connected to the mains you also get connected and then you have a meaning to your life, an identity to yourself. But it's a living process, an actualization; it is not just putting hand on your head and saying that actualization or baptism has taken place. It's actualization. And you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out of your head, your head. Also for the first time you see, feel this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost or the All Pervading Power of God's Love on your fingertips. This actually happens to you. It is an experience. As soon as this happens to you, you develop a new personality, which we call as collective consciousness. You become collective. It is not just saying you have to be collective, but you just become. And you can feel the centers of others also on your fingers tips. You can feel your own centers, you can feel the centers of others. Now if you know how to correct these centers then you solve the problems for yourselves and for others. But you take the power to raise the Kundalini. It's you, your own. You always have this power potentially within you and whatever you might have done, whatever mistakes you might have committed it is all there. This Divinity is of eternal value. It's all the time there, existing. And only thing It has to be awaken to manifest Itself. Another thing that happens to you that you become thoughtlessly aware, means you become thoughtless, but you are aware. That means you become one with the present and in that state you grow spiritually. Whenever you want to think, you can think, whenever you don't want to think you can switch off your mind. Thus you jump into your own peace. It's not just artificial. I've known many people who have got Peace prizes, International Peace prizes, but there is no peace within. Is just they are certified, without any peace within. Thus for the first time we know the reality and we enter into the Kingdom of God. Of course we become extremely dynamic and the same time very compassionate. In Austria they have found out that ninety five per cent people who came to Sahaja Yoga gave up drugs completely without any difficulty, spontaneously. There are so many advantages of becoming the Spirit because that's the last breakthrough of your evolution. But one thing is there one cannot force you. Your freedom is respected, because you have to get your ultimate freedom. Nor can you pay for it. What do we pay to Mother Earth for creating these flowers? Nor do you have to put in any effort like standing on your head. Christ has said: "Humble in heart will own this Earth." So we have to be humble about it. Is not meant for people who are stupid or arrogant. For people who are seeking the truth, it is their right to have it. In this short time as you know it's very difficult to talk about this ocean of knowledge. But that is what you are. It's just take ten minutes, fifteen minutes to jump into the Kingdom of God. But as I said I cannot force on you. Those who do not want to have, I cannot force. Such people should leave the hall. But those who want to have it, will have it. I know some of you have lots of questions in your head. I'm quite clever; I can answer all your questions. But just now if you can keep your questions on one side and I came down send it over, we'll try to answer them nicely. Better to get your Enlightenment. Now there are three conditions. The first one is that you have to be absolutely confident about yourself that you all will get your Self Realization tonight. This is one condition. Secondly not to feel guilty at all. You are all human beings and if you have committed mistakes it's all right. You are not Gods. So the most important thing is to understand that if you feel guilty, it's an artificial idea. If you have a mistake better face it. But if you feel guilty then the center on the left hand side this Vishuddhi gets caught. And as a result you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and lethargic organs. So why to feel guilty? That means you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God. The third condition is very simple. The third condition is that you have to forgive everyone. So many say it is very difficult. That's the most easy thing if you understand that logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. Those who have troubled you are quite happy and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So best is to forgive and don't even think about it because it's a headache. That it really make you feel very much lighter. Also the center here, in the brain as you see there, in the optic chiasm, crosses over like this, and is such a constricted one. Now if you do not forgive, it will not open. So you have to forgive to open it like this. That's all. It's very simple. So I said it will take hardly ten minutes more. You should not see the watches and nobody should get up to disturb others. So now we'll tell you how we are going ourselves to nourish our own centers. Firstly it would be better to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. You have been told that there are two powers within us of sympathetic nervous system: one is the left, another is the right. The left side is the power of desire, of common desire. So you put your left hand on your lap comfortably symbolizing that you want your Self Realization. This you have to do only today. You need not remember also. Then your right hand is the power of action with which we will nourish our centers on the left hand side. Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So you must have pure desire that you want to have your Self Realization. So now we put our hand on our heart, right hand on your heart and both the feet are kept apart from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit. If you become the Spirit, in the enlightenment of the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side, which is the center of pure mastery. This is the center created by great prophets. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of pure knowledge. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side, please. And now raise your right hand on your heart again. Take your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your face to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty this center gets spoilt. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and please put down your head. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand, back side of your head and push back your head. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now last center, very important. Stretch your palm [UNCLEAR] Stretch your palm. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head. Now very important is to press back your fingers so that is a good pressure on your scalp. Here, you have to press the scalp and move it slowly, seven times, clock-wise. Don't move your hand, move your scalp by pressing out your fingers. Now please take down your hands and now you have to close your eyes. Please see that both your feet are apart from each other and there's nothing very, very tied on your waist or on your neck. Now please put your left hand on your lap. Now you have to close your eyes. Please don't open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Please now put left hand towards Me, on your lap and right hand on your heart. Here you have to ask a very fundamental question about yourself. The question can be asked, you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So please ask a question in your heart, three times:" Mother, am I the Spirit?" If you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen and here you have to ask another question, three times:" Mother, am I my own Master?" I've already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So you have to ask for it. Please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left hand side. Here you press it and ask Me six times because this center has got six petals:" Mother please give me Pure, Divine Knowledge." As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising. So please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here now you have to nourish this upper center with your self-confidence. So you have to say with full confidence, ten times: " Mother, I am my own master". Ten times. "Mother, I am my own master." I've already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your hand, right hand on your heart and ask here with full confidence, or say it that "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." Please say it ten times. I've told you that this Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, bliss and compassion. But above all It is the ocean of compassion. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right and know that whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So now here you say sixteen times: "Mother, I'm not guilty at all." Now raise your right hand, sixteen times you have to say, put it on your, in the corner of your neck and shoulder, turn to your right properly. I've already told you whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. Here you have to say with full confidence, not how many times, from your heart "Mother, I forgive everyone." You put your right hand on your head, on your forehead across and put down your head. Put down your head. Here you have to say: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Say it from your heart. Now take this hand, right hand to the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say again from your heart, not how many times, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, please say: "Oh, Divine Power please forgive me if I have done any mistakes, knowingly or unknowingly." Now the most important, last center. Please stretch your palm fully, please stretch your palm fully and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Press back with your fingers. Please put down your head. Here again I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. You have to ask for Self Realization. I cannot force it. So now please put down your head and move your scalp slowly, seven times, clock-wise saying: "Mother, please give me Self Realization." Now please take down your hands and open your eyes. Put both the hands like this towards Me, like this. Now, please put your right hand towards Me like this and with the left hand see if there is a cool or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area, see with the left hand. Don't put your hand on the top of your head. Please bend your head you'll see better. Now please put your left hand towards Me and put down your head and see with right hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area. Some people get it close some far away. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Please forgive. All right. Now, put your right hand towards Me and put down your head and see with your left hand if there's a cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area, or above this. Now, please put your hands like this and watch Me without thinking. Now raise both your hands towards the sky like this and look up. Here you have to ask anyone of these three questions, three times. Please ask three times "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?", or "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?", or "Is this the Paramachaitanya?" Ask anyone of these questions three times, anyone. Now please bring down your hands. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palms or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I bow to you all saints. Now you have started your saintly life. Please look after it. We have very good center here where you all can meet and we have to grow into spirituality. Within a month you can become masters. Sahaja Yoga is not an individual movement, but a collective movement. You cannot just practice it at home, alone. You have to please come to the collective. All the subtle knowledge of the Divine you can master. But you must give little time. I hope you'll respect your Self Realization and grow. Now Sahaja Yoga is working in fifty-five nations and people have become masters. Spirit is the source of joy, so just enjoy yourself. May God bless you all!
You should not accept anything blindfolded
Czech Republic
Public Program
Public Program. Prague (Czech Republic), 29 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to realize that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot imagine it. And at this human awareness, this state, we cannot know it. We have to become a subtler being; we have to be the Spirit. So it is important to understand what is the truth. Here I am telling you about something which you should listen to with an open mind of a scientist. And if is true and it works out, then as honest people you have to accept it. You should not accept anything blindfolded. So the first truth is that you have to be the Spirit. Actually you are the Spirit. You have to become the Spirit. And the second truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. It's a miracle. (Little louder. People can't hear it. Little louder.) It's a miracle. What about our eyes which is a miracle, it's a wonderful camera? What about our brain which is a miracle, it's a computer. (Tell her not to take my photographs while I'm speaking!). But we take everything for granted. Who runs our heart? We say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? We all have got this divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. It is in a potential state and it is indestructible. Cannot be destroyed. Whatever you might have done, what your mistakes so called you must have committed your Divinity is absolutely intact. In the beginning we are aware of it also sometimes. We believe that there is something higher, a force, which is looking after us. But this faith gets challenged. This faith gets challenged. The first challenge may be coming when we discover that the religions, which are talking of higher life are only money oriented or power oriented. We all want to believe in something. Now you have been in a communist regime. At least there is one nice thing has happened that you did not take to fundamentalism. But as soon as you give up your faith in one thing, you'll jump on to another and maybe you might take to fundamentalism. Is a very dangerous thing. All the fundamentalists believe that there cannot be a universal religion. They have to have different religions; they have to have. And as long as there will be different religions, there will be wars, there will be fightings and no end to our struggles. We have to now understand that there is innate religion within us, which is a universal one, because the Spirit is the universal being within ourselves. As it is universally whatever country we may belong to, whatever race we may belong to, we all laugh the same way, smile the same way, cry the same way. Our whole body is made inside the skin the same way. Also all of us have got... (You don't have a chart here, didn't have a chart. All right. Is this one? There is one. All right.) All of us have these centers within us universally the same thing. All of us, all of us have the same power Kundalini within us. There is no difference in the construction of this universal mechanism within us. But when you become the Spirit, then you realize that all the religions are born out of one tree of spirituality. They were born at different times, were created by great Incarnations and prophets. These religions have the same principle behind it that we all have to become the Spirit. Otherwise we do not get into our ascent. The second challenge comes to us from science. But the science is not conclusive. Up to a point is all right, but when we go to extremes it boomerangs on us. It cannot give us our ascent, it cannot give us truth, it cannot give us reality. Please listen to what I'm saying. That is much more important than photographs. And the third one is a challenge from intellectuals, like Freud. Now they have discovered that Freud was a fraud. Freud was a fraud. And that it has created such a malignant effect on the culture and thought of the Western people. By his stupid ideas he has given us AIDS and so many other diseases, which are secret. Actually he has created a very complex personality, devoid of any wisdom. But people worshipped him more than they worshipped Christ. This might be because of the Catholic Church, which talked of the original sin. So people from that austerity jumped into another mess of Mr. Freud. William Blake, a great poet in London has said that this idea of original sin has come from some Satan. And they discussed and discussed about the sin of Mother Mary. And also then we find a kind of a reaction to it. That means all other prophets, all other incarnations were sinners. Once when you get your Self Knowledge, you will know that none of you are sinners. The eternal quality of spirituality is quite intact within you. All these dogmas and all these theories are, I think for frightening people, and also for making money out of them. Our ascent is a natural process of evolution for which you cannot pay. You cannot put in an effort. As a seed sprouts by itself you get your ascent, absolutely spontaneously. You don't have to stand on your head, or you don't have to starve and fast and go to Himalayas. And tonight we are going to, all of us, going to receive Self Realization. As a result of this happening the Kundalini, which passes through these six centers, nourishes them. All the world problems are because of human beings. And all the human problems are because their centers are not all right. If these centers could be put right, all problems can be solved. But with this happening you achieve a state by which you become powerful yourself and you can give Realizations to others. As one enlightened light can enlighten many, once you get your enlightenment, you can enlighten many. This is the age of Blossoming Times. This is the age that we call it as the Last Judgment. You will have to judge between the truth and untruth. You'll have to find out who are the false people and who are the real people. Even in Koran it is said that at the time of Resurrection, Kiyama, your hands will speak. Is exactly what happens to you, that you can feel your own centers and the centers of others. Now, if you know how to correct these centers, you solve the problems. This Kundalini is like this connection, which is connected to the mains. Unless and until you are connected to this All Pervading Power we have no meaning, no identity to ourselves. You may call yourself by any name, but it is all artificial, for you may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim. You can commit any sin, you can do any wrong. So, all these stamps that we are carrying has no meaning at all inside. Something has to work out inside. And this is what is what we call as Self Knowledge. But once you get Self Knowledge, you also get the knowledge about others. So, you develop a new dimension in your awareness called as collective consciousness. Also when Kundalini rises, you become thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts are coming from the past or the future and we are jumping on the cusp of the thought. There is a little space in between these thoughts, which is the present. And when the Kundalini rises, you stand in the present. At that time you become absolutely thoughtless. But you are absolutely aware. And then inspiration start coming to you. As you know very well and I also admire the art and the aesthetics of Czechoslovakian people. This beautiful creation of this say hall or anything in your country is coming from some, definitely from some realized souls. After Realization you'll be surprised how creative you become, in every field of art. You become a very peaceful personality. You become extremely dynamic but at the same time you are extremely compassionate. In the light of the Spirit you become your own master. These are all your own qualities, which start manifesting. This is not a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of the spirithood, is the experience of the All Pervading Power you get as cool breeze on your hands. Cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they are ambiguous about Holy Ghost. They have the Father and the Son, but no Mother. And the Mother is the Holy Ghost. She is the Primordial Mother. In the Greek mythology they call Her Athena; in India they call Her Adi Shakti. Even Mohamed Saab has said that there is paradise at the Lotus Feet of the Mother. In the Gospel of Thomas, He tells about Christ who said, "This is my Mother who bore me, but I have another Mother with the M capital who is the Mother of the whole world". So now this Primordial Mother is reflected in you as the Kundalini in the sacrum bone. And God Almighty is reflected in your heart as the Spirit. You may not believe in God, but once you feel the experience of the truth, then you can easily find out if there is God or not. So now we will have the experience. (Loudly, they can't hear. That's why so many are going out). It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes. You can't pay for it, you can't think about it. It's a spontaneous happening, without any trouble to you. First you will feel thoughtlessly aware and then you will feel this All Pervading Power for the first time. You'll also feel the Kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone area. You can feel It, as cool breeze. Is very simple. I know some people have some questions in their mind. I would say there are so many of My lectures about it, because it's the ocean of knowledge. In this short time I cannot explain to you everything. But first, best is to get your Enlightenment and then you can think about It. Before we start I must tell you that it cannot be forced on anyone. I respect your freedom. Only those who really want Self Realization should be in the hall, otherwise they should leave the hall. No doubt all of you can get Realization, but as Christ has said that humble in heart will inherit the Earth. So, we have to be humble about it. If you are arrogant, the Kundalini won't rise. You have to ask for it, because Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So, you should have pure desire to ascent. There are three conditions before we started. The first one is that you all have to be absolutely self-confident that you all are going to get your Self Realization tonight. But you have to be little attentive. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes, it's all right. After all you are human beings, you are not Gods. If you have committed mistakes, then just face them and don't put them as guilt in you. Because if you feel guilty, this center on the left side gets absolutely into trouble and then you can get diseases like angina, or spondylitis, or lethargic organs. So, why feel guilty? Forget the past! In short you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself, if you have to enter into the Kingdom of God. Forgive yourself. Now, the third condition is to forgive everyone in general. Many people say it is difficult to forgive. But logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? You do not do anything. On the contrary when you don't forgive, you play into wrong hands. Those who have tortured you, those who have troubled you are nicely enjoying themselves. And you are torturing yourself on their behalf. Also the center on the optic chiasm is like this, very constricted. If you do not forgive, it won't open. And the Kundalini won't get through and you'll miss your Self Realization. As it is you're torture yourself all your life, and now are you going to miss your Self Realization? So if you forgive, it opens like this. These are the three simple conditions which if you fulfill I'm sure you all will get your Realization tonight. All of you should be sited, would be better not to stand, but please be sited. You all have to be comfortable. You shouldn't bend, nor you should stretch yourself too much, but sit comfortably. Those who want to go and don't want to do should leave the hall, now, and should not disturb later on. Now we'll show you first how you are going to nourish your own centers. As it is there are two powers, one is on the left, one on the right. So, will you please put both your feet away from each other? But before that, please take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is going to suck our problems. Please put both the feet apart from each other. Is very simple. All right. Please put your left hand towards Me, like this. This is symbolically suggesting that you want to have your Self Realization because left side is the power of desire. And the power of pure desire is Kundalini. Now, right side is the power of action. So we'll put our left hand on our lap comfortably and with the right hand we'll nourish our centers. So, now please put your right hand on your heart. Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. You don't have to do this again. In the heart resides the Spirit as I told you. So if you become the Spirit, you also become your master, your guide. So, you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We work on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Then you take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now, this is the center of pure knowledge, Pure Divine Knowledge. Now, you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Again on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty this center goes into trouble. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now, please take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center for asking forgiveness from the Divine Power, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction. Now the last center: stretch your palm fully. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Now press back your fingers. Please put down your head as far as possible. Stretch back your fingers because there should be a sufficient pressure on your scalp. Now, please move your scalp seven times clock-wise slowly. Press back your fingers otherwise there won't be any pressure. That's all we have to do. Now we start again and we close our eyes. Please close your eyes. Here you ask Me a fundamental question about you, three times. You may call Me Mother or you may call Me Shri Mataji. Now ask a question in your heart three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've already told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So, now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" I've told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the Pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for It. So, now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here, now ask six times, because this center has got six petals: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now we have to nourish our upper centers with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here with full confidence you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." (Loudly) I've told you that the fundamental truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So, now please raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence say twelve times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the Power of this ocean of forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right and say it sixteen times with full confidence: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You do not have to think about these people, but raise now your hand on top of your forehead and bend your forehead. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now please take your right hand the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: "Oh, Divine Power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last center, please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Now push back your fingers as far as possible. Now please bend your head. You have to, now, know that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now please bend your head and push back your fingers and move your scalp slowly seven times saying: "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards Me, like this. Watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put your head down and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put your hand on the head, away from it. Some people get it far away. Do not doubt it. It's coming from your head. Now please put your left hand towards Me and again put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area by the right hand. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. So, please forgive everyone. Now, take your right hand and put down your head. Please put down your head. Like this right hand and put down your head again and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like wave coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Now raise both your hands towards the sky, like this and push back your head. Here you ask a question three times, anyone of these. Ask a question three times: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or you can ask three times: "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" Or you can ask a question three times:" Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Now please take down your hands. Put your hands towards Me like this and don't think. It is beyond thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or through the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Everybody [does?] do it please. I bow to you all. Your saintly life has started. Very few people did not get it, but all of them can have it. There is never a doubt about it. You must know that this is a collective happening and only you cannot do it individually, that you become part and parcel of the whole. And you must know your brothers and sisters in fifty-five nations. Please, within one-month time I'm sure you'll be all masters for which you don't have to pay, but you have to give some attention and little time. I hope you'll respect your Self Realization and grow into it. All such Sahaja Yogis who have achieved a certain depth are invited to come to Cabella where I live, in Italy, to celebrate "The Festival of Lights." You don't have to pay for your stay there. So you can meet so many people from other countries. It will be only for three days. Thank you very much. This gentleman with the camera didn't get it so you can give him Realization. So thank you very much. I'll come next year again to Prague.
Public Program. Prague (Czech Republic), 29 July 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth.At the very outset we have to realize that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot imagine it. And at this human awareness, this state, we cannot know it. We have to become a subtler being; we have to be the Spirit. So it is important to understand what is the truth. Here I am telling you about something which you should listen to with an open mind of a scientist. And if is true and it works out, then as honest people you have to accept it. You should not accept anything blindfolded. So the first truth is that you have to be the Spirit. Actually you are the Spirit. You have to become the Spirit. And the second truth is that there is All Pervading Power of Divine Love, which does all the living work. We see beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. It's a miracle. (Little louder. People can't hear it. Little louder.) It's a miracle. What about our eyes which is a miracle, it's a wonderful camera? What about our brain which is a miracle, it's a computer. (Tell her not to take my photographs while I'm speaking!). But we take everything for granted. Who runs our heart? We say it is autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto? We all have got this divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. It is in a potential state and it is indestructible. Cannot be destroyed. Whatever you might have done, what your mistakes so called you must have committed your Divinity is absolutely intact. In the beginning we are aware of it also sometimes. We believe that there is something higher, a force, which is looking after us. But this faith gets challenged. This faith gets challenged. The first challenge may be coming when we discover that the religions, which are talking of higher life are only money oriented or power oriented. We all want to believe in something. Now you have been in a communist regime. At least there is one nice thing has happened that you did not take to fundamentalism. But as soon as you give up your faith in one thing, you'll jump on to another and maybe you might take to fundamentalism. Is a very dangerous thing. All the fundamentalists believe that there cannot be a universal religion. They have to have different religions; they have to have. And as long as there will be different religions, there will be wars, there will be fightings and no end to our struggles. We have to now understand that there is innate religion within us, which is a universal one, because the Spirit is the universal being within ourselves. As it is universally whatever country we may belong to, whatever race we may belong to, we all laugh the same way, smile the same way, cry the same way. Our whole body is made inside the skin the same way. Also all of us have got... (You don't have a chart here, didn't have a chart. All right. Is this one? There is one. All right.) All of us have these centers within us universally the same thing. All of us, all of us have the same power Kundalini within us. There is no difference in the construction of this universal mechanism within us. But when you become the Spirit, then you realize that all the religions are born out of one tree of spirituality. They were born at different times, were created by great Incarnations and prophets. These religions have the same principle behind it that we all have to become the Spirit. Otherwise we do not get into our ascent. The second challenge comes to us from science. But the science is not conclusive. Up to a point is all right, but when we go to extremes it boomerangs on us. It cannot give us our ascent, it cannot give us truth, it cannot give us reality. Please listen to what I'm saying. That is much more important than photographs. And the third one is a challenge from intellectuals, like Freud. Now they have discovered that Freud was a fraud. Freud was a fraud. And that it has created such a malignant effect on the culture and thought of the Western people. By his stupid ideas he has given us AIDS and so many other diseases, which are secret. Actually he has created a very complex personality, devoid of any wisdom. But people worshipped him more than they worshipped Christ. This might be because of the Catholic Church, which talked of the original sin. So people from that austerity jumped into another mess of Mr. Freud. William Blake, a great poet in London has said that this idea of original sin has come from some Satan. And they discussed and discussed about the sin of Mother Mary. And also then we find a kind of a reaction to it. That means all other prophets, all other incarnations were sinners. Once when you get your Self Knowledge, you will know that none of you are sinners. The eternal quality of spirituality is quite intact within you. All these dogmas and all these theories are, I think for frightening people, and also for making money out of them. Our ascent is a natural process of evolution for which you cannot pay. You cannot put in an effort. As a seed sprouts by itself you get your ascent, absolutely spontaneously. You don't have to stand on your head, or you don't have to starve and fast and go to Himalayas. And tonight we are going to, all of us, going to receive Self Realization. As a result of this happening the Kundalini, which passes through these six centers, nourishes them. All the world problems are because of human beings. And all the human problems are because their centers are not all right. If these centers could be put right, all problems can be solved. But with this happening you achieve a state by which you become powerful yourself and you can give Realizations to others. As one enlightened light can enlighten many, once you get your enlightenment, you can enlighten many. This is the age of Blossoming Times. This is the age that we call it as the Last Judgment. You will have to judge between the truth and untruth. You'll have to find out who are the false people and who are the real people. Even in Koran it is said that at the time of Resurrection, Kiyama, your hands will speak. Is exactly what happens to you, that you can feel your own centers and the centers of others. Now, if you know how to correct these centers, you solve the problems. This Kundalini is like this connection, which is connected to the mains. Unless and until you are connected to this All Pervading Power we have no meaning, no identity to ourselves. You may call yourself by any name, but it is all artificial, for you may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim. You can commit any sin, you can do any wrong. So, all these stamps that we are carrying has no meaning at all inside. Something has to work out inside. And this is what is what we call as Self Knowledge. But once you get Self Knowledge, you also get the knowledge about others. So, you develop a new dimension in your awareness called as collective consciousness. Also when Kundalini rises, you become thoughtlessly aware. The thoughts are coming from the past or the future and we are jumping on the cusp of the thought. There is a little space in between these thoughts, which is the present. And when the Kundalini rises, you stand in the present. At that time you become absolutely thoughtless. But you are absolutely aware. And then inspiration start coming to you. As you know very well and I also admire the art and the aesthetics of Czechoslovakian people. This beautiful creation of this say hall or anything in your country is coming from some, definitely from some realized souls. After Realization you'll be surprised how creative you become, in every field of art. You become a very peaceful personality. You become extremely dynamic but at the same time you are extremely compassionate. In the light of the Spirit you become your own master. These are all your own qualities, which start manifesting. This is not a sermon or a lecture, but it is the actualization of the spirithood, is the experience of the All Pervading Power you get as cool breeze on your hands. Cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. In the Bible they are ambiguous about Holy Ghost. They have the Father and the Son, but no Mother. And the Mother is the Holy Ghost. She is the Primordial Mother. In the Greek mythology they call Her Athena; in India they call Her Adi Shakti. Even Mohamed Saab has said that there is paradise at the Lotus Feet of the Mother. In the Gospel of Thomas, He tells about Christ who said, "This is my Mother who bore me, but I have another Mother with the M capital who is the Mother of the whole world". So now this Primordial Mother is reflected in you as the Kundalini in the sacrum bone. And God Almighty is reflected in your heart as the Spirit. You may not believe in God, but once you feel the experience of the truth, then you can easily find out if there is God or not. So now we will have the experience. (Loudly, they can't hear. That's why so many are going out). It will take hardly ten to fifteen minutes. You can't pay for it, you can't think about it. It's a spontaneous happening, without any trouble to you. First you will feel thoughtlessly aware and then you will feel this All Pervading Power for the first time. You'll also feel the Kundalini coming out of your fontanel bone area. You can feel It, as cool breeze. Is very simple. I know some people have some questions in their mind. I would say there are so many of My lectures about it, because it's the ocean of knowledge. In this short time I cannot explain to you everything. But first, best is to get your Enlightenment and then you can think about It. Before we start I must tell you that it cannot be forced on anyone. I respect your freedom. Only those who really want Self Realization should be in the hall, otherwise they should leave the hall. No doubt all of you can get Realization, but as Christ has said that humble in heart will inherit the Earth. So, we have to be humble about it. If you are arrogant, the Kundalini won't rise. You have to ask for it, because Kundalini is the power of pure desire. So, you should have pure desire to ascent. There are three conditions before we started. The first one is that you all have to be absolutely self-confident that you all are going to get your Self Realization tonight. But you have to be little attentive. The second condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes, it's all right. After all you are human beings, you are not Gods. If you have committed mistakes, then just face them and don't put them as guilt in you. Because if you feel guilty, this center on the left side gets absolutely into trouble and then you can get diseases like angina, or spondylitis, or lethargic organs. So, why feel guilty? Forget the past! In short you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself, if you have to enter into the Kingdom of God. Forgive yourself. Now, the third condition is to forgive everyone in general. Many people say it is difficult to forgive. But logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, what do you do? You do not do anything. On the contrary when you don't forgive, you play into wrong hands. Those who have tortured you, those who have troubled you are nicely enjoying themselves. And you are torturing yourself on their behalf. Also the center on the optic chiasm is like this, very constricted. If you do not forgive, it won't open. And the Kundalini won't get through and you'll miss your Self Realization. As it is you're torture yourself all your life, and now are you going to miss your Self Realization? So if you forgive, it opens like this. These are the three simple conditions which if you fulfill I'm sure you all will get your Realization tonight. All of you should be sited, would be better not to stand, but please be sited. You all have to be comfortable. You shouldn't bend, nor you should stretch yourself too much, but sit comfortably. Those who want to go and don't want to do should leave the hall, now, and should not disturb later on. Now we'll show you first how you are going to nourish your own centers. As it is there are two powers, one is on the left, one on the right. So, will you please put both your feet away from each other? But before that, please take out your shoes because this Mother Earth is going to suck our problems. Please put both the feet apart from each other. Is very simple. All right. Please put your left hand towards Me, like this. This is symbolically suggesting that you want to have your Self Realization because left side is the power of desire. And the power of pure desire is Kundalini. Now, right side is the power of action. So we'll put our left hand on our lap comfortably and with the right hand we'll nourish our centers. So, now please put your right hand on your heart. Left hand towards Me and right hand on the heart. You don't have to do this again. In the heart resides the Spirit as I told you. So if you become the Spirit, you also become your master, your guide. So, you take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. We work on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Then you take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Now, this is the center of pure knowledge, Pure Divine Knowledge. Now, you raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Again on your heart. Now in the corner of your neck and shoulder and put your head to your right. I've already told you that when you feel guilty this center goes into trouble. Now, please take your right hand on top of your forehead and bend your head. This is the center for forgiving everyone in general. Now, please take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center for asking forgiveness from the Divine Power, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction. Now the last center: stretch your palm fully. Now put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Now press back your fingers. Please put down your head as far as possible. Stretch back your fingers because there should be a sufficient pressure on your scalp. Now, please move your scalp seven times clock-wise slowly. Press back your fingers otherwise there won't be any pressure. That's all we have to do. Now we start again and we close our eyes. Please close your eyes. Here you ask Me a fundamental question about you, three times. You may call Me Mother or you may call Me Shri Mataji. Now ask a question in your heart three times: "Mother, am I the Spirit?" I've already told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own guide, your own master. So, now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side; press it hard. Here you have to ask another fundamental question, three times: "Mother, am I my own master?" I've told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force the Pure Divine Knowledge on you. You have to ask for It. So, now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and press it hard. Here, now ask six times, because this center has got six petals: "Mother, please give me pure knowledge", six times. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So now we have to nourish our upper centers with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here with full confidence you have to say ten times: "Mother, I am my own master." (Loudly) I've told you that the fundamental truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. So, now please raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence say twelve times: "Mother, I am the pure Spirit." This Divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by the Power of this ocean of forgiveness. So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right and say it sixteen times with full confidence: "Mother, I am not guilty at all." I've already told you whether you forgive or you don't forgive, you don't do anything. But when you don't forgive then you play into wrong hands. You do not have to think about these people, but raise now your hand on top of your forehead and bend your forehead. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times: "Mother, I forgive everyone in general." Now please take your right hand the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction: "Oh, Divine Power please forgive me if I have done anything wrong knowingly or unknowingly". Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last center, please stretch your palm and put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Now push back your fingers as far as possible. Now please bend your head. You have to, now, know that I respect your freedom and I cannot force Self Realization on you. You have to ask for it. So now please bend your head and push back your fingers and move your scalp slowly seven times saying: "Mother, please give me my Self Realization." Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards Me, like this. Watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Now put the right hand towards Me like this and put your head down and see with your left hand if there's a cool or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your fontanel bone area. Don't put your hand on the head, away from it. Some people get it far away. Do not doubt it. It's coming from your head. Now please put your left hand towards Me and again put down your head and see for yourself if there's a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area by the right hand. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. So, please forgive everyone. Now, take your right hand and put down your head. Please put down your head. Like this right hand and put down your head again and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze like wave coming out of your own fontanel bone area. Now raise both your hands towards the sky, like this and push back your head. Here you ask a question three times, anyone of these. Ask a question three times: "Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?" Or you can ask three times: "Mother, is this the All Pervading Power of Divine Love?" Or you can ask a question three times:" Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?" Now please take down your hands. Put your hands towards Me like this and don't think. It is beyond thinking. All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palm, or through the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Everybody [does?] do it please. I bow to you all. Your saintly life has started. Very few people did not get it, but all of them can have it. There is never a doubt about it. You must know that this is a collective happening and only you cannot do it individually, that you become part and parcel of the whole. And you must know your brothers and sisters in fifty-five nations. Please, within one-month time I'm sure you'll be all masters for which you don't have to pay, but you have to give some attention and little time. I hope you'll respect your Self Realization and grow into it. All such Sahaja Yogis who have achieved a certain depth are invited to come to Cabella where I live, in Italy, to celebrate "The Festival of Lights." You don't have to pay for your stay there. So you can meet so many people from other countries. It will be only for three days. Thank you very much. This gentleman with the camera didn't get it so you can give him Realization. So thank you very much. I'll come next year again to Prague.
Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system
Public Program
Public Program, Warsaw, Poland, 31 July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualise it and we cannot read about it. At this human awareness, unfortunately we cannot know it. You have to go to a subtler state of becoming a Spirit otherwise you will not know what is the truth. Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system. It is not mental knowledge. Now, I will tell you what is the truth. You have to keep your mind open like scientists and treat whatever I am saying as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. They are a miracle. We see with these eyes: it’s a miracle, it's a camera. Wonderful. What about this human brain? It's a computer. All these things we take for granted. Who runs your heart? The doctors say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We have to find out now about our self and this all-pervading Power. Now, this instrument [microphone] is nice, but if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. [aside: There is room here this side, let these people come here. You can move a little that side.] All the world's problems are because of human beings. And all the human problems are because of these centres when they are out of gear. So, if we can put these centres right and get connected to this all-pervading Power, which is union or we can say, the yoga, then all the problems can be solved. Everyone who is born wants to believe in something. There is some sort of a feeling of faith in something. Especially for you people, who have gone through communism. Now, you believed in communism once upon a time. But now, once it is over what are you going to believe? Are we going to believe in fundamentalism? In the democratic countries, the fundamentalists have ruined them completely. Any religion is so-called. There is no truth about it because it is money-oriented or power-oriented. It is not spiritual, but all these religions were born on the same universal tree of spirituality. Now they have plucked the flowers – ‘this is mine, this is mine,’ – fighting with the dead flowers. So now the problem, world problem is fundamentalism. And these fundamentalists are not going to allow you to believe into an universal religion because they want to fight. They want to have wars. But innately within us, there is a universal being which is the Spirit. Whether we are Polish, English or Indian, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way and all the children behave in the same manner. But when they are grown up, they are conditioned. Sometimes they are brainwashed. That is how these problems have arisen, that there are divisive ideas in the minds of the people. So, I want to warn you, now be careful. Believe now in your Spirit. All these so-called leaders will be exposed very soon because this is the Last Judgment. This is the blossom time, that's what I say. But also this is a time, according to Indian scriptures is a special time, when this all-pervading Power will become active and it is exposing everything that is falsehood. One good thing happened to you through communism, I must say, that you didn’t fall into the trap of fundamentalism, and still your value system is not as much disturbed as far as the socialism is concerned. But in the democratic countries, you do not [unclear] what demnocracy is. They are gone to another extreme of nonsense. For example, in France, it’s a conventional law that a housewife could be a prostitute and money has taken over. There is somebody taking photographs. Please, don't take photographs when I am talking. Please. Now, in the democratic countries, there are some horrible intellectuals who are born, like Freud. Recently I have read a book called Fraudulent Freud by a very, very learned doctor. It has been found out by many eminent people – doctors, philosophers – that his theory of this psychoanlysis is absolutely hocus-pocus. It had no scientific basis but it had such a malignant effect on the culture and thought of America, that it is shocking sometimes to see how they are destroying their lives. They have got AIDS, they have got diseases, schizophrenia. You cannot think that, after ten years there will be even thirty percent white-skinned Americans still remaining. They are so much brainwashed with those advertisements that anybody starts some sort of a yarn [unclear/of his,] they just accept it, without even thinking. They have no wisdom. They have no discretion. It is a, it’s a very dangerous thing they are. They have churches of, so-called, of God, also of devils, also witches, openly. You don't have many here, I think. [Shri Mataji laughs] Such absurd things they do. Some fashion starts, like in France, somebody says wear six inches of skirts, so in the whole of London, they are wearing six inches of skirts because, whatever comes from Paris is more than Bible. They have no brains of their own. Any stupid trend starts, it starts growing. Indians may be poor, compared to that, but they are very wise. If anybody suggests like that they will say, ‘Get lost.’ So, you must know what are you now facing. The drugs are pouring in. This Mr. Columbus went to America and all the American Indians were killed nicely. They plundered the whole country and now it's their own country. Some of the older people ran up to Colombia and Bolivia. Now, this is the time one has to also face the punishment of what you have done. In Sanskrit, we call it [कमफल] karmaphal. But also Tao has called it polarity. So now, can you imagine, that from Bolivia only we are getting all these horrible drugs coming down to Americans, nicely. And so-called, the elite societies of America are indulging into drugs very nicely, and to add to their stupidity, many false gurus have arrived from India and also from the other countries. If some guru says that, you can float in the air six feet high, they are willing to pay thousands and thousands of Pounds. All such stupid things they accept blindfolded. So, I want you to be careful. We have to understand that within us is this power. The divinity within us is absolutely intact. It is not destroyed, whatever mistakes you might have committed, because the nature is eternal, it cannot be destroyed. Is all there, very well settled. This Kundalini is your individual Mother and She knows everything about you. Now, we have God the Father, God the Son and there is no Mother, just the Holy Ghost, who is a dove. This is all from Mr Paul, I think. Another nonsense they talk about is original sin. And Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ, whom Christ has said that: ‘Satan will follow you, will catch you,’ he got hold of Peter, and Paul edited the Bible, and he wrote there that: ‘I will make your church on top of a rock and give you the keys.’ Why did...why would Christ give it to Peter? That is how all these wrong ideas are put. That's why Christ has said: 'You’ll be calling Me Christ, Christ, I will not recognise you.’ He has said: ‘Those who are not against Me are with Me.’ Who are those? So, now it's better you know God or Christ after you have achieved your Self-Realisation. You cannot know Him through sermons, lectures, and also through books. He has said: 'You have to be born again.' So, there are some Americans who call themselves 'born again' as if they have some self-certificate. You cannot create a certificate like that. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, or Muslim, you can commit any sin because you haven't got innately. So, now I will tell you in short what happens when you get selfhood. First of all, when this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centres and nourishes them and She integrates you. Ultimately, She breaks through your fontanel bone area and gives you the actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not just some sort of a certificate that you have become a Christian but actually, you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out. So, who is the Holy Ghost? Is not a dove but is the Primordial Mother. Paul also [unclear] everywhere. He called Christ's Mother a human; he had no respect for Her. It is the people who called Her Madonna. For five generations, the popes were discussing whether this Mary was born under original sin or not, can you imagine? So, why did Christ go to attend the church, attend the wedding? Was He trying to encourage the original sin? That means all incarnations – like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama or say Mohammed Sahib or say Nanaka, anyone – they are all sinners. Only the Cardinals are not sinners because they are not married. What is the logic? So, now we have to see when this Kundalini rises, how She nourishes our centres and solves our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. Now in India, there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga for curing incurable diseases. This relates to science also. But through science, you cannot reach reality. It is not conclusive. It doesn't solve the totality of issues. So, one has to understand that there is something else beyond all these things that we have to achieve. So, when the Kundalini passes through this centre, [Agnya Chakra] the first thing that happens to you, that you become thoughtlessly aware. You live in the past or in the future but if I say live in the present, you cannot. So, when this Kundalini passes through this centre, from both the sides, these two institutions of ego and superego open out. And then you become absolutely thoughtless, but you are aware and you are in the present. If you want, if you want to think, you can think. If you don't want to think, you’ll not think. Then your inspiration, your creativity, your dynamism starts manifesting and your peace, you feel your peace. There are many people I have known who have got peace prizes. I have seen them, I have met them, but they have no peace within. They have got Nobel prizes; imagine, they have no peace within. But when your attention is enlightened by your Spirit, then it becomes active. Your attention becomes innocent. The greed and lust drops out automatically. Wherever you pay attention, you can feel on your fingertips what the problem is. So, you develop a new dimension in your awareness which is called as collective consciousness. So that, you start feeling another person's centres also, not only yours. Now, if you know how to correct your centres and others’ centres, so there is no problem left: solved. This is the only way that you will know absolute truth. So far we live in relative life, relative understanding, but then you absolutely know the same thing. Now, supposing you take ten children, tie up their eyes, and ask them a question: ‘What's wrong with this man? [Shri Mataji pointing towards someone in audience: Let her be seated. Let her sit. Is she all right? All right, you sit comfortably. It’s all right. ] So, thus you can help others and you can help yourself. So you get your health and you can help others to get cured also. The first thing that happens to you, that you develop a divine discretion. All these ten children will say that this is the finger [Shri Mataji shows right Vishuddhi finger] that’s catching, means they have got trouble with the throat on the right-hand side. Once you know the absolute truth, there is no question of quarrelling, fighting, discussions – nothing. We are working in fifty-five nations. For example in Russia, in one place, Togliatti, we have twenty-two thousand Sahaj Yogis. Also, I think about sixteen thousand in Leningrad. Many scientists, many doctors are going to have a medical seminar but the thing is, first you must know that you have to find the truth. And you should not be satisfied with all that is yet not the truth. The most beautiful thing that happens that, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. It is a state to be experienced. It cannot be described. So, you become extremely dynamic and you become extremely compassionate: loving. [Sahaja Yogi translating Shri Mataji’s speech explains to Her something about the word 'compassionate' in Polish. Laughter and applause] See I am seventy years of age and every day, I am travelling, having program, every day. And I’m quite all right. Now, I have a family, very good husband, very good children, grandchildren, but in a way, I am really a communist because I can't live without giving it to others, sharing with others and I am the greatest capitalist because I have the powers. You also get the spiritual powers. You get spiritual powers, by which you can awaken the Kundalini of others, give them realisation. You can transform people. And you'll be surprised at yourself that, you become like an angel yourself. That's what is there potentially within you. Only thing you have to get your realisation. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes for you to enter into the Kingdom of God. It's only about three to four feet you have to travel. That's all. [Shri Mataji laughs] Now one thing for sure, that I cannot force on you your Self-Realisation. As Christ has said: 'Humble in heart will inherit the earth,' but if you are arrogant, it won't work. Those who do not want to have Self-Realisation should leave the hall. Now, there are three conditions. The first one is that, you all have to be absolutely confident that you will all get your realisation now. That's very important. Also, you should have a pure desire to get your Self-Realisation, because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. Now, the second condition is very simple that, you should not feel guilty about anything. You are all human beings; if you have done mistakes, nothing wrong with you. After all, you are not God, and this all-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might commit, the Power of this ocean can completely dissolve it. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this centre here on the left-hand side [left Vishuddhi] by which you develop, can develop, diseases called angina, of the heart. You might develop also spondylitis or lethargic organs. If you have done mistakes, all right, face it and don't put it as guilt and forget it. Now, the third condition is even easier, that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are happy, while you are now torturing yourself [unclear] So, you have to forgive all of them. Even don't think of them, it's a headache. These are the only three conditions. Now before starting, I would request you if you can take out your shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those on... everybody is to take out their shoes, that’s fine. Because this Mother Earth sucks in all the problems. I must say, first time when I came to Poland, it was a sad day. [to Yogi translating] Can you remember? [unclear reply] I know, and I should come again. [Yogi: Exactly. [unclear]] I should come here, and when I saw the way they have built up the whole place I said, ‘This is a resurrection.’ So, we'll tell you now, we'll explain to you. Be comfortable. Be comfortable, all of you be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas, don't have to fast and you don't have to stand on your head. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me, which is symbolic that you are desiring your Self-Realisation because the left side is the power of desire. You can put it on your lap also or you can keep it on the table. On the table, it will be all right. I mean comfortable like this. Like this. All right. So the right hand is the power of action. [Translator says the word ‘siła’ in Polish which sounds like Shiva and Shri Mataji asks what it means. Translator explains that ‘siła’ means ‘power’. She smiles at the coincidence.] So, the right hand is the power of action, so we nourish our centres on the left-hand side with the right hand. First, we put our right hand on our heart. Please put both your feet away from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit, and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost. Now, if you become the Spirit then you become your own guide, your own master. So, now you take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side: we are working on the left-hand side. Here, please put it here. This is the centre of your mastery. Now I tell you, I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. Now, you put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge which manifests in your central nervous system. Then raise your left hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then again on your heart, then on your shoulder, the corner of your shoulder and neck and turn your head to your right. Turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens when this centre is blocked. All of you should do it. This is to be done only for today: night. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put it down as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. We'll do all these things later on. Now, stretch your palm. Now, this is the last centre. This is the last centre. Put the centre of your palm on top of your head and push back your fingers and put down your head. Push back your fingers, to put pressure on your scalp. Push down your head, push back. Put down. Please put down your head, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, not your hand; your scalp, seven times clockwise. That's all you have to do. Now, you have to see that your feet are apart from each other – not [sounds like/sitting people, otherwise.] Your left hand towards Me and your right hand on your heart. And now please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Till I tell you, don't open your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question, three times. You can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother. So now, please ask three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I've already told you that, when you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you ask another fundamental question: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So now, please take your right hand in the lower part of your abdomen and press it. And here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.’ [to translator: Loudly.] As soon as you start asking for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So your Kundalini [unclear/ provides] your higher centres with self-confidence. So, now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, and here you have to say ten times with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ [to translator: You have to give the full instruction, then you translate.] Now, I have told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. So, now you have to raise your right hand on your heart and you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ [to translator: Again.] Now this divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit, this ocean can dissolve all your mistakes. So, forgive yourself. So now, raise your hand into the corner of your neck and shoulder. Turn your head to your right and here, with full confidence, you have to say sixteen times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have told you that logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you do not first forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Moreover, this centre at the optic chiasma is a very constricted one, and if you do not forgive, it will not open and you will not get your Self-Realisation. So you should not miss that as well. As it is, you are torturing yourself. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and please put down your head. Please put down. Now, and here, from your heart not how many times, you have to say: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now, you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and raise your head, as far back as possible. Here, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, you have to say: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done some mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.’ This also you say from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last centre is very important. You stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your Self-Realisation. So, now you move your scalp, seven times clockwise, saying: ‘Mother, please give me my Self-Realisation,’ seven times. Put down the head. [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone seven times] Now, please take down your hands. Please put both your hands like this towards Me and watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Raise them, raise your hands. Now, please put right hand like this, put down your head and with the left hand, you see above your head, through the fontanel, is there is a cool or warm breeze-like waves coming out. Some of you get it close some get it far. Now, put the left hand towards Me, again bend your head, and see with the right hand. Now, if you have not forgiven everyone, then you may feel hot still. So, please forgive everyone now. Now, again last time with the right hand. You see with the left hand if the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is coming out. Now, please raise both your hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here you have to ask a question three times, any one of these three questions I tell you. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ That’s the first question. Or: ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine love?’ Or: ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitnya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. All those – please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze in their hands, or hot breeze – hot or cool – in their hands, or in their fingers, or on their palm or on top of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Both the hands. Those who have felt the cool breeze. I bow to you all. Your saintly life has started. But some people were little arrogant and [unclear] they thought much about themselves so they didn't get it. But most of you have got it. From my heart, I bless you. You have to know one thing, that Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. Like one finger gets into trouble, the whole body runs for it. You'll be happy to know that we have people from England, and also from Switzerland, from Germany, from Austria. They all have come to help you. So, you have brothers and sisters all over the world. Some of those who have not got it will ask questions, but asking questions you cannot. It is beyond the mind. You have to get it. Luckily we have a very good centre here and very good Sahaja Yogis who will give you all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. [workshop with seekers follows]
Public Program, Warsaw, Poland, 31 July 1992 I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualise it and we cannot read about it. At this human awareness, unfortunately we cannot know it. You have to go to a subtler state of becoming a Spirit otherwise you will not know what is the truth. Truth is to be known as the evolutionary process on your central nervous system. It is not mental knowledge. Now, I will tell you what is the truth. You have to keep your mind open like scientists and treat whatever I am saying as a hypothesis and if it is proved, then you have to accept it as honest people, because it is for your benevolence and for the benevolence of the whole world. Now, the truth is that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. Another truth is that there is an all-pervading Power of divine love which does all the living work. We see these beautiful flowers and we take them for granted. They are a miracle. We see with these eyes: it’s a miracle, it's a camera. Wonderful. What about this human brain? It's a computer. All these things we take for granted. Who runs your heart? The doctors say it’s an autonomous nervous system. But who is this ‘auto’? We have to find out now about our self and this all-pervading Power. Now, this instrument [microphone] is nice, but if it is not connected to the mains, it has no meaning. [aside: There is room here this side, let these people come here. You can move a little that side.] All the world's problems are because of human beings. And all the human problems are because of these centres when they are out of gear. So, if we can put these centres right and get connected to this all-pervading Power, which is union or we can say, the yoga, then all the problems can be solved. Everyone who is born wants to believe in something. There is some sort of a feeling of faith in something. Especially for you people, who have gone through communism. Now, you believed in communism once upon a time. But now, once it is over what are you going to believe? Are we going to believe in fundamentalism? In the democratic countries, the fundamentalists have ruined them completely. Any religion is so-called. There is no truth about it because it is money-oriented or power-oriented. It is not spiritual, but all these religions were born on the same universal tree of spirituality. Now they have plucked the flowers – ‘this is mine, this is mine,’ – fighting with the dead flowers. So now the problem, world problem is fundamentalism. And these fundamentalists are not going to allow you to believe into an universal religion because they want to fight. They want to have wars. But innately within us, there is a universal being which is the Spirit. Whether we are Polish, English or Indian, we laugh the same way, we cry the same way and all the children behave in the same manner. But when they are grown up, they are conditioned. Sometimes they are brainwashed. That is how these problems have arisen, that there are divisive ideas in the minds of the people. So, I want to warn you, now be careful. Believe now in your Spirit. All these so-called leaders will be exposed very soon because this is the Last Judgment. This is the blossom time, that's what I say. But also this is a time, according to Indian scriptures is a special time, when this all-pervading Power will become active and it is exposing everything that is falsehood. One good thing happened to you through communism, I must say, that you didn’t fall into the trap of fundamentalism, and still your value system is not as much disturbed as far as the socialism is concerned. But in the democratic countries, you do not [unclear] what demnocracy is. They are gone to another extreme of nonsense. For example, in France, it’s a conventional law that a housewife could be a prostitute and money has taken over. There is somebody taking photographs. Please, don't take photographs when I am talking. Please. Now, in the democratic countries, there are some horrible intellectuals who are born, like Freud. Recently I have read a book called Fraudulent Freud by a very, very learned doctor. It has been found out by many eminent people – doctors, philosophers – that his theory of this psychoanlysis is absolutely hocus-pocus. It had no scientific basis but it had such a malignant effect on the culture and thought of America, that it is shocking sometimes to see how they are destroying their lives. They have got AIDS, they have got diseases, schizophrenia. You cannot think that, after ten years there will be even thirty percent white-skinned Americans still remaining. They are so much brainwashed with those advertisements that anybody starts some sort of a yarn [unclear/of his,] they just accept it, without even thinking. They have no wisdom. They have no discretion. It is a, it’s a very dangerous thing they are. They have churches of, so-called, of God, also of devils, also witches, openly. You don't have many here, I think. [Shri Mataji laughs] Such absurd things they do. Some fashion starts, like in France, somebody says wear six inches of skirts, so in the whole of London, they are wearing six inches of skirts because, whatever comes from Paris is more than Bible. They have no brains of their own. Any stupid trend starts, it starts growing. Indians may be poor, compared to that, but they are very wise. If anybody suggests like that they will say, ‘Get lost.’ So, you must know what are you now facing. The drugs are pouring in. This Mr. Columbus went to America and all the American Indians were killed nicely. They plundered the whole country and now it's their own country. Some of the older people ran up to Colombia and Bolivia. Now, this is the time one has to also face the punishment of what you have done. In Sanskrit, we call it [कमफल] karmaphal. But also Tao has called it polarity. So now, can you imagine, that from Bolivia only we are getting all these horrible drugs coming down to Americans, nicely. And so-called, the elite societies of America are indulging into drugs very nicely, and to add to their stupidity, many false gurus have arrived from India and also from the other countries. If some guru says that, you can float in the air six feet high, they are willing to pay thousands and thousands of Pounds. All such stupid things they accept blindfolded. So, I want you to be careful. We have to understand that within us is this power. The divinity within us is absolutely intact. It is not destroyed, whatever mistakes you might have committed, because the nature is eternal, it cannot be destroyed. Is all there, very well settled. This Kundalini is your individual Mother and She knows everything about you. Now, we have God the Father, God the Son and there is no Mother, just the Holy Ghost, who is a dove. This is all from Mr Paul, I think. Another nonsense they talk about is original sin. And Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ, whom Christ has said that: ‘Satan will follow you, will catch you,’ he got hold of Peter, and Paul edited the Bible, and he wrote there that: ‘I will make your church on top of a rock and give you the keys.’ Why did...why would Christ give it to Peter? That is how all these wrong ideas are put. That's why Christ has said: 'You’ll be calling Me Christ, Christ, I will not recognise you.’ He has said: ‘Those who are not against Me are with Me.’ Who are those? So, now it's better you know God or Christ after you have achieved your Self-Realisation. You cannot know Him through sermons, lectures, and also through books. He has said: 'You have to be born again.' So, there are some Americans who call themselves 'born again' as if they have some self-certificate. You cannot create a certificate like that. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, or Muslim, you can commit any sin because you haven't got innately. So, now I will tell you in short what happens when you get selfhood. First of all, when this Kundalini rises, She passes through these centres and nourishes them and She integrates you. Ultimately, She breaks through your fontanel bone area and gives you the actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not just some sort of a certificate that you have become a Christian but actually, you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming out. So, who is the Holy Ghost? Is not a dove but is the Primordial Mother. Paul also [unclear] everywhere. He called Christ's Mother a human; he had no respect for Her. It is the people who called Her Madonna. For five generations, the popes were discussing whether this Mary was born under original sin or not, can you imagine? So, why did Christ go to attend the church, attend the wedding? Was He trying to encourage the original sin? That means all incarnations – like Shri Krishna, Shri Rama or say Mohammed Sahib or say Nanaka, anyone – they are all sinners. Only the Cardinals are not sinners because they are not married. What is the logic? So, now we have to see when this Kundalini rises, how She nourishes our centres and solves our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems. Now in India, there are three doctors who have got their M.D. in Sahaja Yoga for curing incurable diseases. This relates to science also. But through science, you cannot reach reality. It is not conclusive. It doesn't solve the totality of issues. So, one has to understand that there is something else beyond all these things that we have to achieve. So, when the Kundalini passes through this centre, [Agnya Chakra] the first thing that happens to you, that you become thoughtlessly aware. You live in the past or in the future but if I say live in the present, you cannot. So, when this Kundalini passes through this centre, from both the sides, these two institutions of ego and superego open out. And then you become absolutely thoughtless, but you are aware and you are in the present. If you want, if you want to think, you can think. If you don't want to think, you’ll not think. Then your inspiration, your creativity, your dynamism starts manifesting and your peace, you feel your peace. There are many people I have known who have got peace prizes. I have seen them, I have met them, but they have no peace within. They have got Nobel prizes; imagine, they have no peace within. But when your attention is enlightened by your Spirit, then it becomes active. Your attention becomes innocent. The greed and lust drops out automatically. Wherever you pay attention, you can feel on your fingertips what the problem is. So, you develop a new dimension in your awareness which is called as collective consciousness. So that, you start feeling another person's centres also, not only yours. Now, if you know how to correct your centres and others’ centres, so there is no problem left: solved. This is the only way that you will know absolute truth. So far we live in relative life, relative understanding, but then you absolutely know the same thing. Now, supposing you take ten children, tie up their eyes, and ask them a question: ‘What's wrong with this man? [Shri Mataji pointing towards someone in audience: Let her be seated. Let her sit. Is she all right? All right, you sit comfortably. It’s all right. ] So, thus you can help others and you can help yourself. So you get your health and you can help others to get cured also. The first thing that happens to you, that you develop a divine discretion. All these ten children will say that this is the finger [Shri Mataji shows right Vishuddhi finger] that’s catching, means they have got trouble with the throat on the right-hand side. Once you know the absolute truth, there is no question of quarrelling, fighting, discussions – nothing. We are working in fifty-five nations. For example in Russia, in one place, Togliatti, we have twenty-two thousand Sahaj Yogis. Also, I think about sixteen thousand in Leningrad. Many scientists, many doctors are going to have a medical seminar but the thing is, first you must know that you have to find the truth. And you should not be satisfied with all that is yet not the truth. The most beautiful thing that happens that, you jump into the ocean of joy. Joy is not happiness and unhappiness. It is absolute. It is a state to be experienced. It cannot be described. So, you become extremely dynamic and you become extremely compassionate: loving. [Sahaja Yogi translating Shri Mataji’s speech explains to Her something about the word 'compassionate' in Polish. Laughter and applause] See I am seventy years of age and every day, I am travelling, having program, every day. And I’m quite all right. Now, I have a family, very good husband, very good children, grandchildren, but in a way, I am really a communist because I can't live without giving it to others, sharing with others and I am the greatest capitalist because I have the powers. You also get the spiritual powers. You get spiritual powers, by which you can awaken the Kundalini of others, give them realisation. You can transform people. And you'll be surprised at yourself that, you become like an angel yourself. That's what is there potentially within you. Only thing you have to get your realisation. It will hardly take ten to fifteen minutes for you to enter into the Kingdom of God. It's only about three to four feet you have to travel. That's all. [Shri Mataji laughs] Now one thing for sure, that I cannot force on you your Self-Realisation. As Christ has said: 'Humble in heart will inherit the earth,' but if you are arrogant, it won't work. Those who do not want to have Self-Realisation should leave the hall. Now, there are three conditions. The first one is that, you all have to be absolutely confident that you will all get your realisation now. That's very important. Also, you should have a pure desire to get your Self-Realisation, because this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. Now, the second condition is very simple that, you should not feel guilty about anything. You are all human beings; if you have done mistakes, nothing wrong with you. After all, you are not God, and this all-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might commit, the Power of this ocean can completely dissolve it. But if you feel guilty, then you catch on this centre here on the left-hand side [left Vishuddhi] by which you develop, can develop, diseases called angina, of the heart. You might develop also spondylitis or lethargic organs. If you have done mistakes, all right, face it and don't put it as guilt and forget it. Now, the third condition is even easier, that you have to forgive everyone without even thinking about them. Whether you forgive or don't forgive, logically you don't do anything but if you don't forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are happy, while you are now torturing yourself [unclear] So, you have to forgive all of them. Even don't think of them, it's a headache. These are the only three conditions. Now before starting, I would request you if you can take out your shoes. Those who are sitting on the ground are all right but those on... everybody is to take out their shoes, that’s fine. Because this Mother Earth sucks in all the problems. I must say, first time when I came to Poland, it was a sad day. [to Yogi translating] Can you remember? [unclear reply] I know, and I should come again. [Yogi: Exactly. [unclear]] I should come here, and when I saw the way they have built up the whole place I said, ‘This is a resurrection.’ So, we'll tell you now, we'll explain to you. Be comfortable. Be comfortable, all of you be comfortable. You don't have to go to Himalayas, don't have to fast and you don't have to stand on your head. That means you should be pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now, please put your left hand towards Me, which is symbolic that you are desiring your Self-Realisation because the left side is the power of desire. You can put it on your lap also or you can keep it on the table. On the table, it will be all right. I mean comfortable like this. Like this. All right. So the right hand is the power of action. [Translator says the word ‘siła’ in Polish which sounds like Shiva and Shri Mataji asks what it means. Translator explains that ‘siła’ means ‘power’. She smiles at the coincidence.] So, the right hand is the power of action, so we nourish our centres on the left-hand side with the right hand. First, we put our right hand on our heart. Please put both your feet away from each other. In the heart is the reflection of God Almighty as Spirit, and Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother, the Holy Ghost. Now, if you become the Spirit then you become your own guide, your own master. So, now you take your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side: we are working on the left-hand side. Here, please put it here. This is the centre of your mastery. Now I tell you, I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. Now, you put your right hand on the lower portion of your abdomen, on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge which manifests in your central nervous system. Then raise your left hand again on the upper portion of your abdomen, then again on your heart, then on your shoulder, the corner of your shoulder and neck and turn your head to your right. Turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens when this centre is blocked. All of you should do it. This is to be done only for today: night. Now please take your right hand on top of your forehead and put it down as far as possible. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now take back your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your own satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the divine Power. We'll do all these things later on. Now, stretch your palm. Now, this is the last centre. This is the last centre. Put the centre of your palm on top of your head and push back your fingers and put down your head. Push back your fingers, to put pressure on your scalp. Push down your head, push back. Put down. Please put down your head, put down your head. Here you have to move your scalp, not your hand; your scalp, seven times clockwise. That's all you have to do. Now, you have to see that your feet are apart from each other – not [sounds like/sitting people, otherwise.] Your left hand towards Me and your right hand on your heart. And now please close your eyes. Please close your eyes. Till I tell you, don't open your eyes. You can take out your spectacles. Now, here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question, three times. You can call Me Shri Mataji or Mother. So now, please ask three times: ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I've already told you that, when you are the Spirit, you become your guide, your master. So now, please take your right hand on the upper part of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you ask another fundamental question: ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Ask this question three times. I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge on you. So now, please take your right hand in the lower part of your abdomen and press it. And here you ask six times, because this centre has got six petals: ‘Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.’ [to translator: Loudly.] As soon as you start asking for divine knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising. So your Kundalini [unclear/ provides] your higher centres with self-confidence. So, now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side, and here you have to say ten times with full confidence: ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ [to translator: You have to give the full instruction, then you translate.] Now, I have told you that you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego but you are the pure Spirit. So, now you have to raise your right hand on your heart and you have to say with full confidence, twelve times: ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ [to translator: Again.] Now this divine Power is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss, but above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness and whatever mistakes you might commit, this ocean can dissolve all your mistakes. So, forgive yourself. So now, raise your hand into the corner of your neck and shoulder. Turn your head to your right and here, with full confidence, you have to say sixteen times: ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have told you that logically, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you don't do anything. But if you do not first forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Moreover, this centre at the optic chiasma is a very constricted one, and if you do not forgive, it will not open and you will not get your Self-Realisation. So you should not miss that as well. As it is, you are torturing yourself. Now raise your right hand on top of your forehead and please put down your head. Please put down. Now, and here, from your heart not how many times, you have to say: ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Now, you have to take back your hand on the back side of your head and raise your head, as far back as possible. Here, without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction, you have to say: ‘Oh divine Power, if I have done some mistake, knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.’ This also you say from your heart, not how many times. Now, the last centre is very important. You stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again, I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your Self-Realisation. So, now you move your scalp, seven times clockwise, saying: ‘Mother, please give me my Self-Realisation,’ seven times. Put down the head. [Shri Mataji blows into the microphone seven times] Now, please take down your hands. Please put both your hands like this towards Me and watch Me without thinking. You can do it. Raise them, raise your hands. Now, please put right hand like this, put down your head and with the left hand, you see above your head, through the fontanel, is there is a cool or warm breeze-like waves coming out. Some of you get it close some get it far. Now, put the left hand towards Me, again bend your head, and see with the right hand. Now, if you have not forgiven everyone, then you may feel hot still. So, please forgive everyone now. Now, again last time with the right hand. You see with the left hand if the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost is coming out. Now, please raise both your hands towards the sky and push back your head. Here you have to ask a question three times, any one of these three questions I tell you. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ That’s the first question. Or: ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine love?’ Or: ‘Mother, is this the Paramchaitnya?’ Ask any one of these questions three times. Now, take down your hands. All those – please take down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze in their hands, or hot breeze – hot or cool – in their hands, or in their fingers, or on their palm or on top of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. Both the hands. Those who have felt the cool breeze. I bow to you all. Your saintly life has started. But some people were little arrogant and [unclear] they thought much about themselves so they didn't get it. But most of you have got it. From my heart, I bless you. You have to know one thing, that Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. Like one finger gets into trouble, the whole body runs for it. You'll be happy to know that we have people from England, and also from Switzerland, from Germany, from Austria. They all have come to help you. So, you have brothers and sisters all over the world. Some of those who have not got it will ask questions, but asking questions you cannot. It is beyond the mind. You have to get it. Luckily we have a very good centre here and very good Sahaja Yogis who will give you all the knowledge about Sahaja Yoga. [workshop with seekers follows]
In this era all that has been done wrong will be exposed
Public Program
1992-0801 Public Program Day 1, Moscow, Russia [Talk starts at 25:51 minutes] I bow to all seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot understand it, we can not think about it and we can not conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level, we have to understand that it can not be felt, what is the truth. We have to become something, 'subtler being'. We have to become the 'Spirit'. All the religions have said that we have to be ' born again'. First as human beings and then as Spirit. Now, these are the special days which I call as 'blossom time.' But in our Indian scriptures, it is described as Kalyuga, means the worst times and after that will be followed, Satyuga, 'the age of truth'.But between these two there is another kind of era working out which we call as Tritayuga. This era or this time is very important because in this era all that has been done wrong will be exposed. All those who have done wrong to others will be punished, and all those who are falsely talking about God will be exposed and punished. At the same time, this era has got a speciality. That is, this 'all-pervading power of divine love' will become active and by its activitiy, you will know the truth. Many people will get their realisation through 'Kundalini awakening' and they will get their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems solved. Let us see how it punishes. For example, these people Anglo-Saxons and Spanish went to America and killed so many Red Indians and inhabitants, thousands of them, and occupied that land saying that this is our land. You can not even find one single Indian or Aboriginal anywhere in America, also in South America. Now, these Aboriginals ran up to the very high mountains in Colombia and Bolivia, and in that place, Bolivia and Colombia you must have heard now that they are making the worst possible drugs. These drugs are called as cracks and so many other things and now something latest has come also and that has all got marketed now in America and even in the elite societies in the parties they take drugs openly. This is how they have to pay which is in Tao called as 'polarity' for their misdeeds. In every country where ever they have tried to divide, like India, the British tried to divide us. Divided us nicely into three pieces. Now their own country is getting divided into three pieces and there is always a bomb scare all the time even in the city of London. Such violence is coming back, boomeranging on them. So whatever all we have done to others in a mass scale or individually can be seen today returned back to us. The only solution for this is to ascent to a higher level of spirituality. This is the only way we can achieve a status. As if you are standing in the waters, you are afraid of the waves but you get on to a boat. As it is, it is said that in every class 65 per cent people would be suffering from either AIDS or some secretive diseases or from schizophrenia, madness and so many other diseases. So now we have to be wise as Russians I think, are very wise people to understand that we have to now ascend into spirituality which is a very, very easy thing to do. Unless and until it happens all of these countries and all of these people will have to suffer. All world problems are due to human beings. And all human problems are due to this Chakras and these centres which are within us. If we can somehow solve the problems of our centres and these Chakras we can solve our problems and solve the problems of the whole world. I will give you a little idea about the West. We have a very great idea about this democracies but they are quite demonocracies. First of all, they are challenged by all these so-called religions. Their faith is challenged. Like Christianity. It has nothing to do with Christ. It is all made up by Mr Paul and his friend Peter. Paul was a bureaucrat and he caught hold of this Peter and re-edited the whole Bible and the idea was brought in which was called as the 'original sin'.That means the relationship between the husband and wife is the original sin. Then why did Christ attend the wedding? Was he supporting the 'original sin'?That means all great incarnations like Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, Mohammed Saheb, all of them were sinners.Except for these Cardinals who have so many women kept as wives. So because of this suppression, people thought that it is too much, they took to another kind of a mental yarn, of Mr Freud. And then they started believing in 'free love'. Also in Russia, there are many people who believe in stupid fellow Freud. And now after so many years received a letter, a book, which says 'fraudulent Freud'.This book says that it had a very malignant effect on the culture and thought of America. Not only Americans, everyone, but worst are the French. In France, there is an unwritten law that a housewife could be a prostitute. Too much of publicity, too much of propaganda by television has really emptied their minds completely. Anything they suggest, immediately these people accept without even thinking. They have no wisdom as you have. Like one nonsense started that you cut all your hair and make a little sort of big growth in the centre, put some red colour on it call it as UNCLEAR..and they all started doing it. I asked them, 'why do you do it, your eyes are becoming blind', so they said, 'what's wrong, they are free to do what they like'.So freedom without wisdom is also very dangerous. All kinds of stupid things they do. Now from India these HareRama people have come, and they have brought 'Geetha' just like these people took Bible.By reading book you can not know the reality. You have to become Self- Realised. It is another state you have to achieve. Now in Oxford street in London these people shave off their heads, and wearing Indian dresses they can't, and just jumping and everything, sarees falling off. Another one is called Transcendental, Mahesh Yogi. He has made people jump. And they paid six thousand pounds for each jumping of this kind and they all broke their bottoms. All this kind of nonsense they are bringing and please be careful not to get into this kind of nonsense. Communism has done one thing to you, very good, was this that it has taken away fundamentalism.Fundamentalist do not want to have one religion. They want to have many religions so that they can fight nicely. They want to have wars in the name of God. But please try to understand within ours the Universal religion, the Universal being, that is the Spirit. We have to keep our wisdom intact and should not allow anything to enter our minds which is like a publicity or as pressure from outside. These are very very important times. This is the last judgement. You have to decide whether you want to ascend or you want to descend. Sahaja yoga is a very simple innate system. It is just within you. It is your own. Is your own divinity which is manifested, which will express itself, which gives you powers to give realisation to others. You know about the modus operandi as to how these centres work. In India, there are three doctors who have got their realisation and then they worked out and they got their M.D. in curing incurable diseases. There are many Sahajayogies also in Russia and also in Ukraine who have seen how Sahaja yoga helps you to cure yourself. You should not think that your divinity in any way is harmed by whatever you have done because it is eternal. Nothing can destroy it. When you become the spirit the quality of spirit starts manifesting in you. Firstly your spirit, when it comes in your attention, then you get enlightened, your attention becomes active. By putting your attention to someone also you can help that person but if you do not put your attention to your spirit then your attention goes to things which are of no use to you. Your attention not only becomes enlightened but it gives you the 'absolute truth.' We live in the world of relativity but by this achievement, we know the 'Absolute Truth'. We become absolutely peaceful within. So many people have got peace prizes but there is no peace within them. They have got noble prizes but there is no peace within them. So by this happening you become absolutely peaceful with your self.No more conflicts, no more tensions in your mind. Many children who are supposed to be dull in class become extremely intelligent and obedient. By this happening, you can raise the Kundalini of others. You have the full knowledge of your own centres and of the others and if you know how to correct them, you can correct your centres as well as the centres of others. Sahaja is not an organisation. You cannot organize God's love. You have to 'Become'.As you see these flowers we take them for granted, but what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, what a miraculous camera it is, and look at our brain, what a computer it is. All these things we take for granted. Who runs our heart? They say, doctors say,' Autonomous Nervous System'. But who is this 'auto'? That they can't say. That is this, 'all-pervading power of Divine love', which we have not yet felt. Only we have to feel it. We have to be connected. Once we are connected we become empowered. We get the identity, and we understand that we are part and parcel of the whole. Now Sahaja Yoga is spreading in fifty-five countries and your brothers and sisters in fifty-five countries. Once you become the spirit you will realise that all religions are born in the same 'tree of life' and that people have taken away those flowers from that tree of life and that they are fighting with the dead flowers. Then we realise the beauty of the essence of all the religions. You can feel it on your fingertips, the truth, the absolute truth. This is what is, 'your right to have' and you should have it. But it is not meant for stupid people. It is meant for people who are wise and who understand the importance of their life. As you know there are so many Sahajayogies sitting here, I can see them. Their faces are like beautiful flowers. They were all bubbling with joy at the airport. Others who were there were asking, 'how are there so many in such joy'?This is your right to have it and you are going to get it, all those who are here tonight. There is no end to this knowledge. But one thing I have to tell you that Sahaja yoga works only collectively. It doesn't work individually. It doesn't work if there are groups. If groups are formed then Sahaja yoga goes down. So one has to be very careful not to indulge into this kind of divisive methods. It will take hardly about 10 minutes for you to attain that level of spirituality. But those who do not want must know that I can not force it on you. I respect your freedom. Freedom of your choice. All those who do not want should really leave the hall.( That is, 'Russian wisdom'.(laughing)) So now there are 3 conditions before we start this process. The first condition is that you all should be absolutely confident that you all will get your self-realisation today, tonight. And those who have already got it will get to their higher state. As I told you this is the work of Divine love. So you cannot regiment people, you cannot discipline them, the discipline has to come from within. So this is an 'actual happening' and not the sermon. So the second condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. If you had done mistakes it's alright, you are human beings. You are not Gods. And no use feeling guilty, if you have done mistakes, just face it. What is the use of putting it here, your guilt? But by feeling guilty, what happens is that this centre here on your left side gets blocked. If this centre gets blocked you can get diseases like angina, like spondylitis, like lethargic organs. So, why to feel guilty? Actually, you should be very much pleasantly placed towards yourself and you have to forget the past. At this moment you must know that this 'Divine power of love' is an 'ocean of forgiveness'. And this 'ocean of forgiveness' can dissolve all the mistakes that you have committed in no time. So please forgive yourself. Then the third condition is even easier. That you have to forgive everyone. Some say it is very difficult to forgive. It is not, because logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into the wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy. But when you do not forgive then you torture your self on their behalf. You should not even think of those people. It is a headache. In general, you must forgive everyone. It is very very simple. Only these three conditions. Also, you have to take out your shoes because your mother earth helps you a lot. Those who are sitting on the chairs have to be comfortable but they have to keep their left and right feet away from each other. As you know that there are two powers within us left and right. One of them is the left side which is the power of desire and another one is the right side which is your power of action. But Kundalini is the power of 'pure desire'. So you have to have a pure desire to get your Self Realisation. I hope you have forgiven everyone. Because the centre here and the Optic Chasma inside the brain is like this, very constricted and if you don't forgive then it won't open. So to open that you have to forgive, so that Kundalini can rise and give you Realisation. As it is you have tortured yourself by playing into wrong hands and now you should not miss your self-realisation which is so important. You have to be very comfortable sitting. You don't have to go to the Himalayas or to fast your self or to suffer. Now will show you first of all what is the way you will nourish your own centres and your Kundalini will be awakened. First of all, you must put your left hand towards Me like this, on your lap. Then you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit which is the reflection of the God Almighty. While Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost which is the Primordial Mother. If you become the Spirit you become your own master. So now please bring your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Now please take your hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure Divine Knowledge. I can not force on you this knowledge. You have to ask for it. Christ has said, "humble in the heart will inherit the earth".So you have to be humble. Now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen again on the left-hand side. Then raise your right hand on top of your heart again. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right from the front. All of you, raise your hand not on the heart but in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens to you when you feel guilty, that this centre gets blocked. So now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. Please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre which is for, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine Power. Now last centre is very important. Just stretch your hand fully. Stretch the palm. Now put the centre of your palm on top of your Fontenelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your hands. Please push back your fingers. Please push back. You will get the actualisation of Baptism. It is not just saying, 'Jesus, Jesus' but actually getting the Baptism yourself. The Christ has said that 'you will be calling me, 'Jesus', 'Jesus', I won't recognise you'.Now press back your fingers and put down your head. It is very important. Now move your scalp..Don't hold your head. Don't hold your head. And move it slowly 7 times. Put down your head. Put down your head. That's all we have to do. (There is one gentleman who is not doing anything should leave the hall please, with a band. The gentleman with a band, he is not doing anything should leave the hall. You should not watch other people. It's not good for him and for others. The one with the black band. It is not civil to watch others. Here he is sitting there. Further, further. That's the one. Please you can't sit down and watch others. It is not proper. He doesn't want his realisation, he can leave. The only one like that. Don't get disturbed. Don't pay attention that side. Now I have already told you, the ones who do not want the realisation should leave the hall. Why should you be aggressive like that? You have to be humble.) Alright, so now we pleasantly place ourselves. (laughing)You have to put now your left hand on your lap on the left side.And your both feet away from each other.The ones sitting on the ground can sit comfortably, but you should not put your feet towards Me, that's all.Not towards Me.Alright.Now those sitting on the chairs have to put both your feet away from each other.You have to put your right hand on your heart.Now you have to close your eyes and not to open them till I tell you.Better to remove your glasses.So now close your eyes.Left hand towards Me suggests that you want your desire, your Self-Realisation, and with the right hand, we do the action.So we put our right hand on our heart and left hand towards Me, and close our eyes.Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself.You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji.Now you ask a question, 'Mother am I the Spirit'? ask this question 3 times.In your heart.Now if you are the spirit you become your own guru.So now you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard and here you have to ask another fundamental question,3 times, 'Mother am I my own master'?I have already told you that I respect your freedom and that I cannot force this 'Divine Knowledge' on you.You have to ask for it.So now you can ask 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals,'Mother please give me pure Divine Knowledge'.As soon as you start asking the Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising.So you have to nourish your hand centres with your self-confidence.So now please raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say 10 times,'Mother I am my own guru.I am my own master', say it with full confidence.I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit.So now raise your right hand on your heart.Now here again with full confidence say 12 times,'Mother I am the pure Spirit.' Now, this 'all-pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge.' 'Ocean of compassion and bliss'.But above all, it is the 'ocean of forgiveness' and whatever mistakes you might have committed can be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness.So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right.Now here you have to say with full confidence 16 times,'Mother I am not at all guilty'.Now I have already told you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you do not do anything.But if you don't forgive then you play into the wrong hands.Moreover, your Agnya Chakra which is in the Optic Charisma will not open if you do not forgive so you will also miss the chance of getting your self-realisation.So please forgive everyone in general.So raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head.Here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart,'Mother, I forgive everyone in general'.Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power.Now place your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible.Here now you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes,'Oh Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.' Say it from your heart, not how many times.Now the last centre is very important.You have to stretch your palm fully and put your right hand, the centre of your palm, on the Fontenelle bone area which was a soft bone.Now put down your head and stretch back your fingers, this is important to stretch back your fingers to have a proper pressure on your scalp.Now, here again, I cannot cross over your freedom so you have to ask for Self-Realisation.Now move your scalp 7 times saying, 'Mother please give me Self Realisation'.Say it 7 times.Now please take down your hands and open your eyes.Now please put both your hands towards Me like this.Now watch Me without thinking.This is the first stage where you become thoughtlessly aware.Now put the right hand towards Me, like this, bend your head and with the left hand, you see if there is a cool or hot breeze like a wave coming out of your head, Fontenelle bone area.Right hand towards Me.With the left hand. Bend your head.Now please take your left hand like this.Now with your right hand, you see.Bend your head and see if there is a cool breeze like thing coming out from your head.Now again once more with your right hand, do the same thing but if you have not forgiven it will be a hot breeze, so please forgive now.Now bend your head and see with your left hand.Now raise both your hands towards the sky and push back your head.Now here you have to ask one of these questions 3 times.Anyone of these questions.' Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?.' or 'Mother is this the Divine power of God's Love'?.or ' Mother is this Paramachaitanya?.' Ask anyone of these questions 3 times.Now please take down your hands.All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their Fontenelle bone area, please raise both your hands.Moscow has become a Moksha now.Completely .,.I bow to you.Your saintly life has started.But you have to grow and I am sure it will work out.We have a centre here and Dr.UNCLEAR is in charge.I already told you that this is the beginning where the sprouting has taken place and you have to grow indeed.Please be collective.Please attend the program that is arranged by Dr UNCLEAR.Thank you very much.May God bless you all.Next year again I will come to Moscow.(Clapping) Just a minute. Just one minute, please.Address and phone number. Let them write it down. Also, tell them we are having a program in Leningrad.
1992-0801 Public Program Day 1, Moscow, Russia [Talk starts at 25:51 minutes] I bow to all seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot understand it, we can not think about it and we can not conceptualize it. Unfortunately at this human level, we have to understand that it can not be felt, what is the truth. We have to become something, 'subtler being'. We have to become the 'Spirit'. All the religions have said that we have to be ' born again'. First as human beings and then as Spirit. Now, these are the special days which I call as 'blossom time.' But in our Indian scriptures, it is described as Kalyuga, means the worst times and after that will be followed, Satyuga, 'the age of truth'.But between these two there is another kind of era working out which we call as Tritayuga. This era or this time is very important because in this era all that has been done wrong will be exposed. All those who have done wrong to others will be punished, and all those who are falsely talking about God will be exposed and punished. At the same time, this era has got a speciality. That is, this 'all-pervading power of divine love' will become active and by its activitiy, you will know the truth. Many people will get their realisation through 'Kundalini awakening' and they will get their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual problems solved. Let us see how it punishes. For example, these people Anglo-Saxons and Spanish went to America and killed so many Red Indians and inhabitants, thousands of them, and occupied that land saying that this is our land. You can not even find one single Indian or Aboriginal anywhere in America, also in South America. Now, these Aboriginals ran up to the very high mountains in Colombia and Bolivia, and in that place, Bolivia and Colombia you must have heard now that they are making the worst possible drugs. These drugs are called as cracks and so many other things and now something latest has come also and that has all got marketed now in America and even in the elite societies in the parties they take drugs openly. This is how they have to pay which is in Tao called as 'polarity' for their misdeeds. In every country where ever they have tried to divide, like India, the British tried to divide us. Divided us nicely into three pieces. Now their own country is getting divided into three pieces and there is always a bomb scare all the time even in the city of London. Such violence is coming back, boomeranging on them. So whatever all we have done to others in a mass scale or individually can be seen today returned back to us. The only solution for this is to ascent to a higher level of spirituality. This is the only way we can achieve a status. As if you are standing in the waters, you are afraid of the waves but you get on to a boat. As it is, it is said that in every class 65 per cent people would be suffering from either AIDS or some secretive diseases or from schizophrenia, madness and so many other diseases. So now we have to be wise as Russians I think, are very wise people to understand that we have to now ascend into spirituality which is a very, very easy thing to do. Unless and until it happens all of these countries and all of these people will have to suffer. All world problems are due to human beings. And all human problems are due to this Chakras and these centres which are within us. If we can somehow solve the problems of our centres and these Chakras we can solve our problems and solve the problems of the whole world. I will give you a little idea about the West. We have a very great idea about this democracies but they are quite demonocracies. First of all, they are challenged by all these so-called religions. Their faith is challenged. Like Christianity. It has nothing to do with Christ. It is all made up by Mr Paul and his friend Peter. Paul was a bureaucrat and he caught hold of this Peter and re-edited the whole Bible and the idea was brought in which was called as the 'original sin'.That means the relationship between the husband and wife is the original sin. Then why did Christ attend the wedding? Was he supporting the 'original sin'?That means all great incarnations like Shri Rama, Shri Krishna, Mohammed Saheb, all of them were sinners.Except for these Cardinals who have so many women kept as wives. So because of this suppression, people thought that it is too much, they took to another kind of a mental yarn, of Mr Freud. And then they started believing in 'free love'. Also in Russia, there are many people who believe in stupid fellow Freud. And now after so many years received a letter, a book, which says 'fraudulent Freud'.This book says that it had a very malignant effect on the culture and thought of America. Not only Americans, everyone, but worst are the French. In France, there is an unwritten law that a housewife could be a prostitute. Too much of publicity, too much of propaganda by television has really emptied their minds completely. Anything they suggest, immediately these people accept without even thinking. They have no wisdom as you have. Like one nonsense started that you cut all your hair and make a little sort of big growth in the centre, put some red colour on it call it as UNCLEAR..and they all started doing it. I asked them, 'why do you do it, your eyes are becoming blind', so they said, 'what's wrong, they are free to do what they like'.So freedom without wisdom is also very dangerous. All kinds of stupid things they do. Now from India these HareRama people have come, and they have brought 'Geetha' just like these people took Bible.By reading book you can not know the reality. You have to become Self- Realised. It is another state you have to achieve. Now in Oxford street in London these people shave off their heads, and wearing Indian dresses they can't, and just jumping and everything, sarees falling off. Another one is called Transcendental, Mahesh Yogi. He has made people jump. And they paid six thousand pounds for each jumping of this kind and they all broke their bottoms. All this kind of nonsense they are bringing and please be careful not to get into this kind of nonsense. Communism has done one thing to you, very good, was this that it has taken away fundamentalism.Fundamentalist do not want to have one religion. They want to have many religions so that they can fight nicely. They want to have wars in the name of God. But please try to understand within ours the Universal religion, the Universal being, that is the Spirit. We have to keep our wisdom intact and should not allow anything to enter our minds which is like a publicity or as pressure from outside. These are very very important times. This is the last judgement. You have to decide whether you want to ascend or you want to descend. Sahaja yoga is a very simple innate system. It is just within you. It is your own. Is your own divinity which is manifested, which will express itself, which gives you powers to give realisation to others. You know about the modus operandi as to how these centres work. In India, there are three doctors who have got their realisation and then they worked out and they got their M.D. in curing incurable diseases. There are many Sahajayogies also in Russia and also in Ukraine who have seen how Sahaja yoga helps you to cure yourself. You should not think that your divinity in any way is harmed by whatever you have done because it is eternal. Nothing can destroy it. When you become the spirit the quality of spirit starts manifesting in you. Firstly your spirit, when it comes in your attention, then you get enlightened, your attention becomes active. By putting your attention to someone also you can help that person but if you do not put your attention to your spirit then your attention goes to things which are of no use to you. Your attention not only becomes enlightened but it gives you the 'absolute truth.' We live in the world of relativity but by this achievement, we know the 'Absolute Truth'. We become absolutely peaceful within. So many people have got peace prizes but there is no peace within them. They have got noble prizes but there is no peace within them. So by this happening you become absolutely peaceful with your self.No more conflicts, no more tensions in your mind. Many children who are supposed to be dull in class become extremely intelligent and obedient. By this happening, you can raise the Kundalini of others. You have the full knowledge of your own centres and of the others and if you know how to correct them, you can correct your centres as well as the centres of others. Sahaja is not an organisation. You cannot organize God's love. You have to 'Become'.As you see these flowers we take them for granted, but what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, what a miraculous camera it is, and look at our brain, what a computer it is. All these things we take for granted. Who runs our heart? They say, doctors say,' Autonomous Nervous System'. But who is this 'auto'? That they can't say. That is this, 'all-pervading power of Divine love', which we have not yet felt. Only we have to feel it. We have to be connected. Once we are connected we become empowered. We get the identity, and we understand that we are part and parcel of the whole. Now Sahaja Yoga is spreading in fifty-five countries and your brothers and sisters in fifty-five countries. Once you become the spirit you will realise that all religions are born in the same 'tree of life' and that people have taken away those flowers from that tree of life and that they are fighting with the dead flowers. Then we realise the beauty of the essence of all the religions. You can feel it on your fingertips, the truth, the absolute truth. This is what is, 'your right to have' and you should have it. But it is not meant for stupid people. It is meant for people who are wise and who understand the importance of their life. As you know there are so many Sahajayogies sitting here, I can see them. Their faces are like beautiful flowers. They were all bubbling with joy at the airport. Others who were there were asking, 'how are there so many in such joy'?This is your right to have it and you are going to get it, all those who are here tonight. There is no end to this knowledge. But one thing I have to tell you that Sahaja yoga works only collectively. It doesn't work individually. It doesn't work if there are groups. If groups are formed then Sahaja yoga goes down. So one has to be very careful not to indulge into this kind of divisive methods. It will take hardly about 10 minutes for you to attain that level of spirituality. But those who do not want must know that I can not force it on you. I respect your freedom. Freedom of your choice. All those who do not want should really leave the hall.( That is, 'Russian wisdom'.(laughing)) So now there are 3 conditions before we start this process. The first condition is that you all should be absolutely confident that you all will get your self-realisation today, tonight. And those who have already got it will get to their higher state. As I told you this is the work of Divine love. So you cannot regiment people, you cannot discipline them, the discipline has to come from within. So this is an 'actual happening' and not the sermon. So the second condition is that you are not to feel guilty at all. If you had done mistakes it's alright, you are human beings. You are not Gods. And no use feeling guilty, if you have done mistakes, just face it. What is the use of putting it here, your guilt? But by feeling guilty, what happens is that this centre here on your left side gets blocked. If this centre gets blocked you can get diseases like angina, like spondylitis, like lethargic organs. So, why to feel guilty? Actually, you should be very much pleasantly placed towards yourself and you have to forget the past. At this moment you must know that this 'Divine power of love' is an 'ocean of forgiveness'. And this 'ocean of forgiveness' can dissolve all the mistakes that you have committed in no time. So please forgive yourself. Then the third condition is even easier. That you have to forgive everyone. Some say it is very difficult to forgive. It is not, because logically whether you forgive or don't forgive you don't do anything. But if you don't forgive then you play into the wrong hands. Those who have troubled you are very happy. But when you do not forgive then you torture your self on their behalf. You should not even think of those people. It is a headache. In general, you must forgive everyone. It is very very simple. Only these three conditions. Also, you have to take out your shoes because your mother earth helps you a lot. Those who are sitting on the chairs have to be comfortable but they have to keep their left and right feet away from each other. As you know that there are two powers within us left and right. One of them is the left side which is the power of desire and another one is the right side which is your power of action. But Kundalini is the power of 'pure desire'. So you have to have a pure desire to get your Self Realisation. I hope you have forgiven everyone. Because the centre here and the Optic Chasma inside the brain is like this, very constricted and if you don't forgive then it won't open. So to open that you have to forgive, so that Kundalini can rise and give you Realisation. As it is you have tortured yourself by playing into wrong hands and now you should not miss your self-realisation which is so important. You have to be very comfortable sitting. You don't have to go to the Himalayas or to fast your self or to suffer. Now will show you first of all what is the way you will nourish your own centres and your Kundalini will be awakened. First of all, you must put your left hand towards Me like this, on your lap. Then you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit which is the reflection of the God Almighty. While Kundalini is the reflection of the Holy Ghost which is the Primordial Mother. If you become the Spirit you become your own master. So now please bring your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. This is the centre of your mastery. Now please take your hand on the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. This is the centre of pure Divine Knowledge. I can not force on you this knowledge. You have to ask for it. Christ has said, "humble in the heart will inherit the earth".So you have to be humble. Now raise your right hand on the upper portion of your abdomen again on the left-hand side. Then raise your right hand on top of your heart again. Now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right from the front. All of you, raise your hand not on the heart but in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. I have already told you what happens to you when you feel guilty, that this centre gets blocked. So now please take your right hand on top of your forehead across and put down your head. Please put down your head. This is the centre where you have to forgive everyone in general. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the centre which is for, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your own satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from this Divine Power. Now last centre is very important. Just stretch your hand fully. Stretch the palm. Now put the centre of your palm on top of your Fontenelle bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please push back your hands. Please push back your fingers. Please push back. You will get the actualisation of Baptism. It is not just saying, 'Jesus, Jesus' but actually getting the Baptism yourself. The Christ has said that 'you will be calling me, 'Jesus', 'Jesus', I won't recognise you'.Now press back your fingers and put down your head. It is very important. Now move your scalp..Don't hold your head. Don't hold your head. And move it slowly 7 times. Put down your head. Put down your head. That's all we have to do. (There is one gentleman who is not doing anything should leave the hall please, with a band. The gentleman with a band, he is not doing anything should leave the hall. You should not watch other people. It's not good for him and for others. The one with the black band. It is not civil to watch others. Here he is sitting there. Further, further. That's the one. Please you can't sit down and watch others. It is not proper. He doesn't want his realisation, he can leave. The only one like that. Don't get disturbed. Don't pay attention that side. Now I have already told you, the ones who do not want the realisation should leave the hall. Why should you be aggressive like that? You have to be humble.) Alright, so now we pleasantly place ourselves. (laughing)You have to put now your left hand on your lap on the left side.And your both feet away from each other.The ones sitting on the ground can sit comfortably, but you should not put your feet towards Me, that's all.Not towards Me.Alright.Now those sitting on the chairs have to put both your feet away from each other.You have to put your right hand on your heart.Now you have to close your eyes and not to open them till I tell you.Better to remove your glasses.So now close your eyes.Left hand towards Me suggests that you want your desire, your Self-Realisation, and with the right hand, we do the action.So we put our right hand on our heart and left hand towards Me, and close our eyes.Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself.You can call me Mother or Shri Mataji.Now you ask a question, 'Mother am I the Spirit'? ask this question 3 times.In your heart.Now if you are the spirit you become your own guru.So now you put your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard and here you have to ask another fundamental question,3 times, 'Mother am I my own master'?I have already told you that I respect your freedom and that I cannot force this 'Divine Knowledge' on you.You have to ask for it.So now you can ask 6 times because this centre has got 6 petals,'Mother please give me pure Divine Knowledge'.As soon as you start asking the Divine Knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising.So you have to nourish your hand centres with your self-confidence.So now please raise your hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and here you have to say 10 times,'Mother I am my own guru.I am my own master', say it with full confidence.I have already told you that you are not this body, this mind, this conditioning, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit.So now raise your right hand on your heart.Now here again with full confidence say 12 times,'Mother I am the pure Spirit.' Now, this 'all-pervading Divine power is the ocean of knowledge.' 'Ocean of compassion and bliss'.But above all, it is the 'ocean of forgiveness' and whatever mistakes you might have committed can be completely dissolved by the power of this ocean of forgiveness.So now raise your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right.Now here you have to say with full confidence 16 times,'Mother I am not at all guilty'.Now I have already told you, whether you forgive or don't forgive, you do not do anything.But if you don't forgive then you play into the wrong hands.Moreover, your Agnya Chakra which is in the Optic Charisma will not open if you do not forgive so you will also miss the chance of getting your self-realisation.So please forgive everyone in general.So raise your right hand on top of your forehead and put down your head.Here you have to say, not how many times but from your heart,'Mother, I forgive everyone in general'.Now without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask forgiveness from the all-pervading Divine power.Now place your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible.Here now you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes,'Oh Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly.' Say it from your heart, not how many times.Now the last centre is very important.You have to stretch your palm fully and put your right hand, the centre of your palm, on the Fontenelle bone area which was a soft bone.Now put down your head and stretch back your fingers, this is important to stretch back your fingers to have a proper pressure on your scalp.Now, here again, I cannot cross over your freedom so you have to ask for Self-Realisation.Now move your scalp 7 times saying, 'Mother please give me Self Realisation'.Say it 7 times.Now please take down your hands and open your eyes.Now please put both your hands towards Me like this.Now watch Me without thinking.This is the first stage where you become thoughtlessly aware.Now put the right hand towards Me, like this, bend your head and with the left hand, you see if there is a cool or hot breeze like a wave coming out of your head, Fontenelle bone area.Right hand towards Me.With the left hand. Bend your head.Now please take your left hand like this.Now with your right hand, you see.Bend your head and see if there is a cool breeze like thing coming out from your head.Now again once more with your right hand, do the same thing but if you have not forgiven it will be a hot breeze, so please forgive now.Now bend your head and see with your left hand.Now raise both your hands towards the sky and push back your head.Now here you have to ask one of these questions 3 times.Anyone of these questions.' Mother is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?.' or 'Mother is this the Divine power of God's Love'?.or ' Mother is this Paramachaitanya?.' Ask anyone of these questions 3 times.Now please take down your hands.All those who have felt a cool or hot breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their Fontenelle bone area, please raise both your hands.Moscow has become a Moksha now.Completely .,.I bow to you.Your saintly life has started.But you have to grow and I am sure it will work out.We have a centre here and Dr.UNCLEAR is in charge.I already told you that this is the beginning where the sprouting has taken place and you have to grow indeed.Please be collective.Please attend the program that is arranged by Dr UNCLEAR.Thank you very much.May God bless you all.Next year again I will come to Moscow.(Clapping) Just a minute. Just one minute, please.Address and phone number. Let them write it down. Also, tell them we are having a program in Leningrad.
Talk on Arrival: Within us is the universal religion
Welcome Talk, Airport Shri Mataji:I am overjoyed to be here with all of you. I did not know that Russians were that sensitive to spirituality. Spirituality is the only thing which leads us to reality and to truth and not anything else…And only through our self-knowledge, we can emancipate our self and also emancipate the whole world for which you don't have to pay anything as you know and you don't have to put any effort. It is within you. The divinity is within you which will manifest. Everyone has that faith within oneself to believe in something but you believe in reality…These days the problem is fundamentalism. Be careful.Now you have given up the faith into communism don't jump into fundamentalism that's another greatest curse of the whole world… You have to know that within us is the universal religion…And we don't have to have so many religions. But fundamentalist wants their religions separated so that they can fight and have wars and create problems for human beings.Only by your ascend into the self-realisation that you will realize that we all human beings are just the same and we have one universal religion within ourselves…All the world problems are because of human beings, and human beings have problems because of their centres (chakras). If they can be cured …The whole world problems can be solved…And this divinity is within you which is eternal … untarnishable! It is not destroyed at all. It's all there intact. Through Sahaja Yoga, it will manifest…and as you are enjoying the whole of Russia should enjoy and the whole of the world should enjoy themselves and the whole world.You all are looking just like flowers to me and really it is the blossom time …May God bless you all …
Welcome Talk, Airport Shri Mataji:I am overjoyed to be here with all of you. I did not know that Russians were that sensitive to spirituality. Spirituality is the only thing which leads us to reality and to truth and not anything else…And only through our self-knowledge, we can emancipate our self and also emancipate the whole world for which you don't have to pay anything as you know and you don't have to put any effort. It is within you. The divinity is within you which will manifest. Everyone has that faith within oneself to believe in something but you believe in reality…These days the problem is fundamentalism. Be careful.Now you have given up the faith into communism don't jump into fundamentalism that's another greatest curse of the whole world… You have to know that within us is the universal religion…And we don't have to have so many religions. But fundamentalist wants their religions separated so that they can fight and have wars and create problems for human beings.Only by your ascend into the self-realisation that you will realize that we all human beings are just the same and we have one universal religion within ourselves…All the world problems are because of human beings, and human beings have problems because of their centres (chakras). If they can be cured …The whole world problems can be solved…And this divinity is within you which is eternal … untarnishable! It is not destroyed at all. It's all there intact. Through Sahaja Yoga, it will manifest…and as you are enjoying the whole of Russia should enjoy and the whole of the world should enjoy themselves and the whole world.You all are looking just like flowers to me and really it is the blossom time …May God bless you all …
We are here to feel the truth
Public Program
Public Program Day 2, Moscow Russia 1992-08-02 [Full speech - 17:00 till 45:00] I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth has to be felt on your central nervous system. By doing something only mentally just by your own mental innocence is not the truth. Actually, you have to feel it, and this is what we are here to feel the truth. Now the truth is that you are the spirit. (What’s the matter? What is the problem?). Mentally you may think that this is the truth, but that is our own imagination, our own conditioning, our own ego. The actualization of the truth is the aim of our lives. As I told you the truth is, you are the spirit and the another truth is that all this living work is done, all this creation is created by a very subtle power which is all-pervading. We do not feel it, this all-pervading power we don’t feel till we have been connected. So that power we have to feel which is source of everything. We have come from amoeba to this stage and there is a little more we have to travel to get to that position. To achieve that state, one must know that is spontaneous, it is a living process. Yesterday I told you that I will tell you about the mechanism, specially about the kundalini. The kundalini is a energy within us of pure desire. She lies in this triangular bone known as sacrum. This bone is called as sacrum, so the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. 23.06 We all human beings have this Kundalini in the triangular bone. There have been many books which have been very misleading that kundalini awakening causes all kinds of troubles. But I would like to tell you that it is absolutely false. Because she is your Mother. She is your individual Mother and she is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. The Primordial Mother energy has created all this universe, has created all the stars, all the cosmos and then created living things up to human level. And she is now reflected in our being as kundalini. So the only simple thing one has to do is to raise the kundalini, to connect you individually with that all-pervading power. So that when it passes through your fontanel bone you get the actualization of Baptism. 26.02. So Sahaja yoga is the real Hindu religion, it is the real Christian religion, it is the real Islam. There is no money orientation, there is no power orientation. There are no pretentions of wearing some funny dresses and something different from others. There is no question of suffering. There is no question of karmas. There is nothing like sin. If those who talk of God, religion if they cannot get over your sin, what is the use of they being there. If they cannot get rid of your sins it is better they should not to talk of it. They want you to be frightened, to feel defendant 28.27 and it has created such a problem even in the affluent 28.37 countries. In the affluent countries which are well known like Switzerland, Sweden, Norway. They are the most affluent. They are all competing in committing suicide, with all the affluence they have, with all the money they have, with all the conveniences they have and they want to commit suicide. That means unless and until you reach the state of spirit you can never be happy, you cannot get joy. People talk of peace, there are many people I know who got Nobel prize in peace or peace but none of them have peace within. It is just a self-certificate, which is false. So first of all we must decide that we do not accept anything that is false. And when the truth is established, we are going to accept it with full heart. Now this kundalini has gone to pass through six centres. You know all about these centres, you have heard a lot and there are books you can read in them, what these centre are like and what do they do. And how this Kundalini nourishes all these centres. But yesterday when you asked me a question, many questions regarding the health and the cure how do I cure them? I have already talked to some doctors yesterday morning but I will try to explain you in very simple language. We have three channels of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Two channels of sympathetic and one of parasympathetic in the centre. The left looks after our past and right one looks after our future. And the centre one is for the present. Now those people who have got only physical problem suffer from the right side. Those who think too much, who plan too much, who work physically are troubled on the right side. People who are overactive suffer from the right side. As a result of that, we develop the right side problem which is the ego. Ego is the bi-product of over activity of our brain that becomes like balloon on our head. And the people who are left sided are the ones who are lethargic, think about the past and emotional. They pay more attention to their emotions than their rationality. The right side people are very dry and they have a kind of a temperament which we can call, a very hot temperament. They may express it, may not express it. The left sided people are more indulgent and are more emotional and very attached to children, father, mother, to someone like too much attached, like possession. But they start moving sometimes too much to the right and sometimes too much to the left. So they develop diseases of the physical side and, or, of the right side. Like a heart attack, high blood pressure, breathing trouble and what you can call a very dry body, very thin body. Now the people who are on the left side suffer, go to the extremes, suffer from mental troubles. They may get disease like schizophrenia, lunacy all these kind of thing, mental problems, depression. So the right side is the somatic side and left side is the psychic side and when these two combine also then we get a psychosomatic problem. So from the psyche, there are viruses who are there since our creation. It could be (the) some sort of vegetables, animals, human beings who have died or gone out of the circulation of evolution. So they attack, when they go to the left too much they attack you and you get these diseases. These people who mesmerize you or do all these tricks are also using the left side. People like Hitler who use the right side to dominate you are the right sided, go to extremes. So the psychosomatic diseases are the ones doctors cannot cure. Even psychic say that. So now you have to understand that there are only three channels you have to put them right. And that is what you are going to learn when you come to our follow on programs and to our centres, they will tell you how to correct these three channels, that’s all. All your problems, whether physical, mental, emotional, financial, political, social, all can be solved once you get transformed. Because all these problems are caused by human beings. And when a human being gets transformed, he becomes collectively conscious. That means he can feel another person on his fingertips. He can also feel himself on his fingertips means his chakras, centres. It is such a simple thing to understand, because it deals with the basics. So today as I told you I will answer your questions also, I will also like to meet some of you who are sick. This knowledge is unending. Only in English language I must have given at least five thousand speeches, minimum. So you can always listen to them. As they are so many lights here, we come in this stadium and we have to just put on one switch all the lights come in. Because it is built-in. It is all there, already fixed. In the same way it is all there built-in within you. Unless and until it is very much damaged you all should get your realization. And which is going to work out very quickly. But what is the use of telling you about the history of electricity, who discovered it? Who brought this to Moscow? From where it is coming? It's a headache. So best thing is to get to the light. You get your enlightenment and then (then) you can know all about it. That is the reason we don't give books to begin with, because once you read it, again you become a bookworm. So nothing is to be there. Now, we think we will do some questions for a while because I must today see some of you who are seeking and also I would like to meet the Sahajayogis afterwards. (46.40). Sahaja yogi : Christ told people about the Holy Ghost. Are you the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji: (Laughs) Alright. (I have) I have already told you that I am not going to tell you what I am. You should find out. But if you try to see it clearly, you will know who I am. I must be something like that. But even if I say I am the Holy Ghost why should you believe me? That would be a blind faith. But if you get your realization and then you can ask a question "Mother, are you the Holy Ghost?" Then you get the answer. You can ask any question. You can ask a question if Mr. Gorbachev is a realized soul? And you put the hands and you will find you get the vibrations. Cool breeze in your hands. You say yes he is. So to do things against a person like that is sinful, is wrong. But unless and until you get your realization, how will you know the truth? So first thing I want you to get your self-realization. If I am the Holy Ghost so what? So what? What have I given you after all? Why should you believe me? Only because I say I am the Holy Ghost. Not at all. Not at all. You have to get your self-realization. Again you will commit the same mistake, of blindly following me. First you have the experience, actualize it, grow into it and then you will know about everyone, who was Christ, who was Krishna, who was Rama. Everything you will know. So just don't believe into anything. First you find out. It was a very direct question but I would say that it is proper that you should find it out yourself. (Question-52:30 ) Those who have got the problems of sickness can be looked after later on. Who are really sick I can see them in the room, but please do not crowd here. Because I don't want you to be crushed or in any way be harmed when I am here. (Question) Somebody has asked does smoking marijuana affects the practice of Sahaja yoga? Any kind of addiction. Any kind of habit (is) can be overcome with Sahaja yoga. Any kind. Sahaja Yogi : In Christianity we know devils. How Sahaja yoga deals with those dark forces? Shri Mataji : The dark forces are there, there is darkness and there is evil and they are also devils no doubt. But when the light comes all darkness disappears. When you will be enlightened all the devils and all the darkness will run away, will be frightened of you. You should not be afraid of darkness. You have to remove the darkness. How can you be afraid? Sahaja yoga makes you brave and Sahaja yoga is meant for brave people. Russians fought the Germans so bravely in every street, in every lane, where are those Germans gone now? And where are those Russians? So think of the past in this way that you have to be again very brave and you have to fight all these dark forces with your light without any difficulty, without any harm to you. (Question) The question is what does it mean by love and how can we direct our love? Love is like the sap in the tree, which rises. It goes to the trunk, to the branches, to the leaves, to the flowers, to the fruits and comes back. It does not get stuck or attached to any flower because it likes it. If it gets stuck then the tree will die and also the flower will die. That is pure love. And this all-pervading power which is the truth which gives you truth is the power of pure love. So this pure love starts shining in our attention when we are enlightened, because the spirit shines in our attention. The spirit is the source of this pure love. Also it purifies your attention. And when this purified attention is put onto anyone even a glance of such person, can do wonders. It can make another person very peaceful, happy, joyous and can cure also. Such an attention is pure because it does not get attached. It doesn't react. In Sanskrit it's called as Niranjan. Such an attention is so powerful that it can act thousands of miles. Just like we can receive anything from this ether on our television. This is the love that is the subtle of all the elements, even of the ether. That is pure love. And you never feel tired loving because it's so spontaneous, just flows. We can pay this attention to anyone and like the sun which just shines without feeling it's shine. (1.02.40-Question: What do you think about masculine part of the human being. Don’t you think that between a women be kept more psychicly sick__exist one theory that in 21st century will come__your heart. May be difference between different sexes will disappear). Shri Mataji: No no. See the kundalini is the primordial Mother. She does all the job. Mother only can have the patience. She can only have that love for her children. So the Mother we love is the climax of a women's life. She has to also mother her husband. But you could also become the Mother of the whole world. Or could be the Mother of the whole universe. So you can start expanding only from your children, you go on expanding because of pure love. So the man is the child of the mother. And the woman is the daughter of the mother. Now when they are marrying they are like two wheels of a chariot. Both are important. They are equal but not similar. Because the right side of the wheel has to be on the right side, the left has to be on the left side. Women are becoming more psychic, you can call more depressed these days because firstly they are very much dominating. Then they will react to that domination and try to put down men. But women are the powerful energies like the Mother Earth. Their power lies in giving everything. They are so powerful that by this power that they use of giving love they can encompass the whole family, encompass the whole country, encompass the whole world. May be you might find some of the mothers suffer. But they have a tremendous capacity to suffer. But their enjoyment is in giving and loving. I asked my two granddaughters what do you want to be in future? They are very small. So they said we want to be a nurse or to be an air hostess. I said why do you want to be nurse and to be an air hostess? They said, ‘Grandma, only in these two professions you can give people to eat food, you can feed them also.’ Such a nice feeling that like a bird feeding the little birdies. So to be able to love, itself is such a joy giving thing. That it can surpass all the troubles and the sufferings. But there is a saying in Sanskrit that ‘where the women are respectable and respected there remain the Gods.’ So women have to be respectable. They have to be dignified. They have to have their personality. Then they create beautiful children. Behind every great man there has been a very great woman. She may not seem that way. She is potential, like this Mother Earth. These lights are here you see them, the lights, they are the kinetic, they are there, but it is coming from the source and if the source is cut out who are they? So no use fighting with men. (You can't do without them) You can't do without them. And they can't do without you. So best is to nourish them, to love them, to understand them and treat them as if they are very important. Just let them feel that way, doesn't matter. But you know who’s important.
Public Program Day 2, Moscow Russia 1992-08-02 [Full speech - 17:00 till 45:00] I bow to all the seekers of truth. As I told you yesterday that truth has to be felt on your central nervous system. By doing something only mentally just by your own mental innocence is not the truth. Actually, you have to feel it, and this is what we are here to feel the truth. Now the truth is that you are the spirit. (What’s the matter? What is the problem?). Mentally you may think that this is the truth, but that is our own imagination, our own conditioning, our own ego. The actualization of the truth is the aim of our lives. As I told you the truth is, you are the spirit and the another truth is that all this living work is done, all this creation is created by a very subtle power which is all-pervading. We do not feel it, this all-pervading power we don’t feel till we have been connected. So that power we have to feel which is source of everything. We have come from amoeba to this stage and there is a little more we have to travel to get to that position. To achieve that state, one must know that is spontaneous, it is a living process. Yesterday I told you that I will tell you about the mechanism, specially about the kundalini. The kundalini is a energy within us of pure desire. She lies in this triangular bone known as sacrum. This bone is called as sacrum, so the Greeks knew it’s a sacred bone. 23.06 We all human beings have this Kundalini in the triangular bone. There have been many books which have been very misleading that kundalini awakening causes all kinds of troubles. But I would like to tell you that it is absolutely false. Because she is your Mother. She is your individual Mother and she is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. The Primordial Mother energy has created all this universe, has created all the stars, all the cosmos and then created living things up to human level. And she is now reflected in our being as kundalini. So the only simple thing one has to do is to raise the kundalini, to connect you individually with that all-pervading power. So that when it passes through your fontanel bone you get the actualization of Baptism. 26.02. So Sahaja yoga is the real Hindu religion, it is the real Christian religion, it is the real Islam. There is no money orientation, there is no power orientation. There are no pretentions of wearing some funny dresses and something different from others. There is no question of suffering. There is no question of karmas. There is nothing like sin. If those who talk of God, religion if they cannot get over your sin, what is the use of they being there. If they cannot get rid of your sins it is better they should not to talk of it. They want you to be frightened, to feel defendant 28.27 and it has created such a problem even in the affluent 28.37 countries. In the affluent countries which are well known like Switzerland, Sweden, Norway. They are the most affluent. They are all competing in committing suicide, with all the affluence they have, with all the money they have, with all the conveniences they have and they want to commit suicide. That means unless and until you reach the state of spirit you can never be happy, you cannot get joy. People talk of peace, there are many people I know who got Nobel prize in peace or peace but none of them have peace within. It is just a self-certificate, which is false. So first of all we must decide that we do not accept anything that is false. And when the truth is established, we are going to accept it with full heart. Now this kundalini has gone to pass through six centres. You know all about these centres, you have heard a lot and there are books you can read in them, what these centre are like and what do they do. And how this Kundalini nourishes all these centres. But yesterday when you asked me a question, many questions regarding the health and the cure how do I cure them? I have already talked to some doctors yesterday morning but I will try to explain you in very simple language. We have three channels of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Two channels of sympathetic and one of parasympathetic in the centre. The left looks after our past and right one looks after our future. And the centre one is for the present. Now those people who have got only physical problem suffer from the right side. Those who think too much, who plan too much, who work physically are troubled on the right side. People who are overactive suffer from the right side. As a result of that, we develop the right side problem which is the ego. Ego is the bi-product of over activity of our brain that becomes like balloon on our head. And the people who are left sided are the ones who are lethargic, think about the past and emotional. They pay more attention to their emotions than their rationality. The right side people are very dry and they have a kind of a temperament which we can call, a very hot temperament. They may express it, may not express it. The left sided people are more indulgent and are more emotional and very attached to children, father, mother, to someone like too much attached, like possession. But they start moving sometimes too much to the right and sometimes too much to the left. So they develop diseases of the physical side and, or, of the right side. Like a heart attack, high blood pressure, breathing trouble and what you can call a very dry body, very thin body. Now the people who are on the left side suffer, go to the extremes, suffer from mental troubles. They may get disease like schizophrenia, lunacy all these kind of thing, mental problems, depression. So the right side is the somatic side and left side is the psychic side and when these two combine also then we get a psychosomatic problem. So from the psyche, there are viruses who are there since our creation. It could be (the) some sort of vegetables, animals, human beings who have died or gone out of the circulation of evolution. So they attack, when they go to the left too much they attack you and you get these diseases. These people who mesmerize you or do all these tricks are also using the left side. People like Hitler who use the right side to dominate you are the right sided, go to extremes. So the psychosomatic diseases are the ones doctors cannot cure. Even psychic say that. So now you have to understand that there are only three channels you have to put them right. And that is what you are going to learn when you come to our follow on programs and to our centres, they will tell you how to correct these three channels, that’s all. All your problems, whether physical, mental, emotional, financial, political, social, all can be solved once you get transformed. Because all these problems are caused by human beings. And when a human being gets transformed, he becomes collectively conscious. That means he can feel another person on his fingertips. He can also feel himself on his fingertips means his chakras, centres. It is such a simple thing to understand, because it deals with the basics. So today as I told you I will answer your questions also, I will also like to meet some of you who are sick. This knowledge is unending. Only in English language I must have given at least five thousand speeches, minimum. So you can always listen to them. As they are so many lights here, we come in this stadium and we have to just put on one switch all the lights come in. Because it is built-in. It is all there, already fixed. In the same way it is all there built-in within you. Unless and until it is very much damaged you all should get your realization. And which is going to work out very quickly. But what is the use of telling you about the history of electricity, who discovered it? Who brought this to Moscow? From where it is coming? It's a headache. So best thing is to get to the light. You get your enlightenment and then (then) you can know all about it. That is the reason we don't give books to begin with, because once you read it, again you become a bookworm. So nothing is to be there. Now, we think we will do some questions for a while because I must today see some of you who are seeking and also I would like to meet the Sahajayogis afterwards. (46.40). Sahaja yogi : Christ told people about the Holy Ghost. Are you the Holy Ghost? Shri Mataji: (Laughs) Alright. (I have) I have already told you that I am not going to tell you what I am. You should find out. But if you try to see it clearly, you will know who I am. I must be something like that. But even if I say I am the Holy Ghost why should you believe me? That would be a blind faith. But if you get your realization and then you can ask a question "Mother, are you the Holy Ghost?" Then you get the answer. You can ask any question. You can ask a question if Mr. Gorbachev is a realized soul? And you put the hands and you will find you get the vibrations. Cool breeze in your hands. You say yes he is. So to do things against a person like that is sinful, is wrong. But unless and until you get your realization, how will you know the truth? So first thing I want you to get your self-realization. If I am the Holy Ghost so what? So what? What have I given you after all? Why should you believe me? Only because I say I am the Holy Ghost. Not at all. Not at all. You have to get your self-realization. Again you will commit the same mistake, of blindly following me. First you have the experience, actualize it, grow into it and then you will know about everyone, who was Christ, who was Krishna, who was Rama. Everything you will know. So just don't believe into anything. First you find out. It was a very direct question but I would say that it is proper that you should find it out yourself. (Question-52:30 ) Those who have got the problems of sickness can be looked after later on. Who are really sick I can see them in the room, but please do not crowd here. Because I don't want you to be crushed or in any way be harmed when I am here. (Question) Somebody has asked does smoking marijuana affects the practice of Sahaja yoga? Any kind of addiction. Any kind of habit (is) can be overcome with Sahaja yoga. Any kind. Sahaja Yogi : In Christianity we know devils. How Sahaja yoga deals with those dark forces? Shri Mataji : The dark forces are there, there is darkness and there is evil and they are also devils no doubt. But when the light comes all darkness disappears. When you will be enlightened all the devils and all the darkness will run away, will be frightened of you. You should not be afraid of darkness. You have to remove the darkness. How can you be afraid? Sahaja yoga makes you brave and Sahaja yoga is meant for brave people. Russians fought the Germans so bravely in every street, in every lane, where are those Germans gone now? And where are those Russians? So think of the past in this way that you have to be again very brave and you have to fight all these dark forces with your light without any difficulty, without any harm to you. (Question) The question is what does it mean by love and how can we direct our love? Love is like the sap in the tree, which rises. It goes to the trunk, to the branches, to the leaves, to the flowers, to the fruits and comes back. It does not get stuck or attached to any flower because it likes it. If it gets stuck then the tree will die and also the flower will die. That is pure love. And this all-pervading power which is the truth which gives you truth is the power of pure love. So this pure love starts shining in our attention when we are enlightened, because the spirit shines in our attention. The spirit is the source of this pure love. Also it purifies your attention. And when this purified attention is put onto anyone even a glance of such person, can do wonders. It can make another person very peaceful, happy, joyous and can cure also. Such an attention is pure because it does not get attached. It doesn't react. In Sanskrit it's called as Niranjan. Such an attention is so powerful that it can act thousands of miles. Just like we can receive anything from this ether on our television. This is the love that is the subtle of all the elements, even of the ether. That is pure love. And you never feel tired loving because it's so spontaneous, just flows. We can pay this attention to anyone and like the sun which just shines without feeling it's shine. (1.02.40-Question: What do you think about masculine part of the human being. Don’t you think that between a women be kept more psychicly sick__exist one theory that in 21st century will come__your heart. May be difference between different sexes will disappear). Shri Mataji: No no. See the kundalini is the primordial Mother. She does all the job. Mother only can have the patience. She can only have that love for her children. So the Mother we love is the climax of a women's life. She has to also mother her husband. But you could also become the Mother of the whole world. Or could be the Mother of the whole universe. So you can start expanding only from your children, you go on expanding because of pure love. So the man is the child of the mother. And the woman is the daughter of the mother. Now when they are marrying they are like two wheels of a chariot. Both are important. They are equal but not similar. Because the right side of the wheel has to be on the right side, the left has to be on the left side. Women are becoming more psychic, you can call more depressed these days because firstly they are very much dominating. Then they will react to that domination and try to put down men. But women are the powerful energies like the Mother Earth. Their power lies in giving everything. They are so powerful that by this power that they use of giving love they can encompass the whole family, encompass the whole country, encompass the whole world. May be you might find some of the mothers suffer. But they have a tremendous capacity to suffer. But their enjoyment is in giving and loving. I asked my two granddaughters what do you want to be in future? They are very small. So they said we want to be a nurse or to be an air hostess. I said why do you want to be nurse and to be an air hostess? They said, ‘Grandma, only in these two professions you can give people to eat food, you can feed them also.’ Such a nice feeling that like a bird feeding the little birdies. So to be able to love, itself is such a joy giving thing. That it can surpass all the troubles and the sufferings. But there is a saying in Sanskrit that ‘where the women are respectable and respected there remain the Gods.’ So women have to be respectable. They have to be dignified. They have to have their personality. Then they create beautiful children. Behind every great man there has been a very great woman. She may not seem that way. She is potential, like this Mother Earth. These lights are here you see them, the lights, they are the kinetic, they are there, but it is coming from the source and if the source is cut out who are they? So no use fighting with men. (You can't do without them) You can't do without them. And they can't do without you. So best is to nourish them, to love them, to understand them and treat them as if they are very important. Just let them feel that way, doesn't matter. But you know who’s important.
Medical Conference
1992-08-03 Medical Conference, Moscow Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. And as I always say that the truth is what it is. And if you know the totality, then only you should say we know the truth. There are all scientists here. And I had to just say that whatever I have to tell you if you treat it as a hypothesis and if it is the truth then as honest people you must accept it. We have science also of medical studies by which we know what we see. And We have discovered all these years one after another many tricks. And the medicine is developed when we find it's injurious, We give up than other medicine they develop, to cure some diseases. As we studied medicine, first you have to know about the human body. But We do not know what runs this body, What runs our heart. We call it an autonomous nervous system But who is this auto... Now We have a subtle system within ourselves which is shown here too. You see a system Which exists in the spinal cord as you see & also in the brain. And it has to be activated. Otherwise what we do is with the limited. Limited Knowledge! That is why Science is not Conclusive. It treats something today, then it gives up ...Like it goes on changing. But this is Meta Science. This is the science of the roots. Not the science that you see. But is the science that you know. We can see with our eyes without thinking about it you can see I am sitting here. But When it is not totality when you see, you can be very wrong ! And if you do not know the roots then it would be even worse. Supposing a tree is sick, and you want to take the tree from the leaves or flowers, You can not. You have to go to its roots. So this is the knowledge of the roots. She has told you about the centres. But also there are three channels as you see them clearly. These are the left and right sympathetic nervous system You call them and the central one is called parasympathetic. We can say these are the three subtle channels, Which look after the autonomous nervous system. Now Whatever We have achieved in our evolution is on the central nervous system. Now this central nervous system, as far as human awareness is concerned, is also limited. But When the knowledge of these roots you know then you can treat any patient at the root level. But there are certain things which one has to first accept as a hypothesis. First of all, I will give an example of one centre. The second centre which is called the swadishtan, the yellow one. We can say I don't know what you call in modern medicine when I studied medicine it was called as Aortic Plexus. Aortic Plexus ...It looks after our aortic plexus in our physical side. Now this centre I would like you to tell you about ...This one centre... Now in medical science, we do not know how? When we think all the time our brain says [unclear] energy. We do not even think about it. Now I would like to state Which you should accept only as a hypothesis that the fat cells of the abdomen are converted for the use of the brain, by this particular Swadishtan Chakra. Of course, it is not said in medical science. But by curing one centre how we can cure so many diseases, is I will tell you now. Now this centre has the most important work is to transform the fat cells for the use of the brain... But it has also the other activities that it has to look after the liver, it has to look after the pancreas, the spleen, and kidneys & also the part of the intestines. All this work is to be done by one centre. Now the most important work is to transfer the fat cells for the brain ...So those people who are very futuristic, Who plan too much, think too much have to use only this one particular centre, for that activity. As you doctors have to do quite a lot. So all other functions get neglected. When they are neglected, the liver can go out of order. Now the liver's job is to emit all the poison Which is like heat into the blood. And through circulation, it should be emitted out. But when this liver is out of order it keeps all the heat within itself. So one develops a liver problem. In medical science, it's not easy to locate first of all the liver problem... too much early ...[unclear] The symptoms are like this ...A person starts eating less, and he feels very heated up. He is very hot-tempered. He gets very nervous type. He feels nausea in the morning time. He cannot see the sun because the sun gives more heat. Then this heat travels upward. When this heat goes upward, to the heart centre ...We have left and the right heart centres ...This heat also blocks the heart centre on the right side Thus we develop asthma. The other day a doctor was telling me how bronchial asthma can be easily cured...So if this blockage is cleared out, bronchial asthma or any kind of asthma can be cured ...Then this heat can also pass to the left side towards the heart ...If at a young age some people are playing tennis or something hard games like tennis and also drinking too much, then their liver is very upset and this heat can give a very massive heart attack at a young age which is always fit. Now then we go to the pancreas So the pancreas is also neglected of all the thinking people. Because they sit on the table, write all the time, think all the time ...Every day they are...say in India ...If we will not take history unless and until the [spoon stands ] at right angles on the sugar ...So much sugar they take... Who takes it? (some medical person asks ) The villagers in India. But he doesn't get diabetes ...The reason is he never thinks much...He lives in a very free life. He earns his money, he sleeps off. He does not have to worry about insurance or anything. But When a person is thinking too much and very futuristic, if his pancreas goes out he gets diabetes. Now the third thing Which is also very very dangerous is the spleen. Spleen is like a speedometer within us. As you know very well whenever there is an emergency the sympathetic nervous system goes into action. So that time if you are in an emergency this spleen starts emitting RBC's (Red Blood Corpuscles ) to meet the necessity of the emergency. Supposing you are eating food and you run out, you get a pain in the spleen... If the gentlemen or the lady who is very hectic for eg- in modern life People sleep very late in the night. Get up very late in the morning. Then they read the newspaper. A kind of shock in the newspaper because most newspapers have something sensational. So the spleen starts working. Then he goes out of the house, in such a speed to attend his work and there is jam on the street (there is the traffic ) Now we are slaves of the watch. And we start becoming upset and worried. Then the spleen again starts pumping out more and then you go to the office there is a boss shouting at you again the spleen starts pumping more on this ...We don't even take our breakfast properly. We just take our breakfast in the car running some or other eating something ...After some time the spleen does not understand what sort of a hectic personality, this one is. And it becomes hectic. It becomes vulnerable now. Now all the viruses come from the left side ...And When you are vulnerable it attacks. That's how you get blood cancer ...We have had many cases of blood cancer being cured, completely. One gentleman's blood cancer was cleared 8 years back. He is perfectly alright. Unfortunately, mostly I have seen people who get blood cancer are professionals like architects, doctors, lawyers, Because they are always in an emergency ...Then the intestines also get [unclear]. And people get constipated...And as a result of constipation, there are other complications... So the unnatural behaviour is too much thinking. And this thinking can not be stopped ...There is no way. One doctor asked me in Switzerland, You can cut my throat or do what you like but stop this thinking. Now how will you stop this thing ...So when this Kundalini rises She nourishes the centres, makes it strong and passes through this optic chiasm which sucks in these 2 institutions which we call ego and superego So now we live in the future or the past. One thought rises and falls down, another thought rises and falls down and we jump on the cusp of the thoughts...So now When the Kundalini rises then there is a space in between. So these thoughts become elongated and the space increases and we are in the present. And When we are in the present we don't think. We are absolutely aware ...We know everything, We remember everything like a photo memory. But We don't think and if we have to think then you can think also but if you want to stop your thinking you can stop your thinking. So you feel absolutely relaxed and peaceful. Like the periphery of the wheel is moving, but the axis is absolutely silent. So you jump from your periphery onto your axes. We cannot say that -Supposing you are standing in the water you are frightened with the waves, but you jump into the boat, then you can see the waves. But you are not bothered, you are not worried, But in Sahaja yoga, if you become a master then you can jump into that water, into these problems and save people ...This is how I have told you about one centre that is how we have cured many many patients of most of these diseases Which I have described. So first of all, those doctors who want to practice Sahaja Yoga should get their Self Knowledge. And then only when you are their master then you can very easily guide people. For example - Dialysis you can do in your fingertips ...You know very well what it is ...for diagnosis the people have to go through, by diagnosis and then they declare that nothing is wrong with you. So here you can feel on the fingertips this 5,6, and 7 centres on the left and 5,6, and 7 centres on the right ...You can know which centre is in trouble ..Thus you can ...If you have the knowledge that how to correct your centres you can correct yourself and correct others ...But it's not only medical science we have to deal it but also mental science which we call as psychology I call the psychology is a very child science. Also, it's quite a mental [unclear /yarn] it's nothing scientific. Recently I read a book saying that Forbil and Floyd mean Floyd was a fraud ...There are many [unclear/after him who are saying this ] but this book is remarkable. Are we saying this from the last 22 years but people didn't want to believe it? In that book, they have shown how it has ruined the culture and thought ...the malignant effect of this Floydal thought. So this is Meta Science beyond Science because it deals with totality. And you become the doctor, you make the diagnosis and you are the one who gives the medicine ...Because once you get connected with this all-pervading power then you become empowered...You do not have to pay anything for it and it is absolutely absolutely totally effective. It doesn't harm anyone. We have some doctors here, from India and England, Who have gone into the research of Sahaja Yoga ...And they will explain to you all about it. But one thing I have to just request you that medical science is very good but it does give a kind of an ego. And so many people say that why should we learn anything from India. Because Your science also has come from various countries. Whatever you know is about the tree ...But you don't know about the root. And if that knowledge comes from anywhere you must accept ...Because it is for the benevolence of the people and you can treat people without money ...You can treat people in masses ...It's such a big moon or such a big blessing for us, that you are doctors and you can understand through your medical science this meta-science.So I wish you all of you that you all get your self-realization and also the doctors will tell you about What is ...What have they done on their research? Thank you very much!
1992-08-03 Medical Conference, Moscow Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. And as I always say that the truth is what it is. And if you know the totality, then only you should say we know the truth. There are all scientists here. And I had to just say that whatever I have to tell you if you treat it as a hypothesis and if it is the truth then as honest people you must accept it. We have science also of medical studies by which we know what we see. And We have discovered all these years one after another many tricks. And the medicine is developed when we find it's injurious, We give up than other medicine they develop, to cure some diseases. As we studied medicine, first you have to know about the human body. But We do not know what runs this body, What runs our heart. We call it an autonomous nervous system But who is this auto... Now We have a subtle system within ourselves which is shown here too. You see a system Which exists in the spinal cord as you see & also in the brain. And it has to be activated. Otherwise what we do is with the limited. Limited Knowledge! That is why Science is not Conclusive. It treats something today, then it gives up ...Like it goes on changing. But this is Meta Science. This is the science of the roots. Not the science that you see. But is the science that you know. We can see with our eyes without thinking about it you can see I am sitting here. But When it is not totality when you see, you can be very wrong ! And if you do not know the roots then it would be even worse. Supposing a tree is sick, and you want to take the tree from the leaves or flowers, You can not. You have to go to its roots. So this is the knowledge of the roots. She has told you about the centres. But also there are three channels as you see them clearly. These are the left and right sympathetic nervous system You call them and the central one is called parasympathetic. We can say these are the three subtle channels, Which look after the autonomous nervous system. Now Whatever We have achieved in our evolution is on the central nervous system. Now this central nervous system, as far as human awareness is concerned, is also limited. But When the knowledge of these roots you know then you can treat any patient at the root level. But there are certain things which one has to first accept as a hypothesis. First of all, I will give an example of one centre. The second centre which is called the swadishtan, the yellow one. We can say I don't know what you call in modern medicine when I studied medicine it was called as Aortic Plexus. Aortic Plexus ...It looks after our aortic plexus in our physical side. Now this centre I would like you to tell you about ...This one centre... Now in medical science, we do not know how? When we think all the time our brain says [unclear] energy. We do not even think about it. Now I would like to state Which you should accept only as a hypothesis that the fat cells of the abdomen are converted for the use of the brain, by this particular Swadishtan Chakra. Of course, it is not said in medical science. But by curing one centre how we can cure so many diseases, is I will tell you now. Now this centre has the most important work is to transform the fat cells for the use of the brain... But it has also the other activities that it has to look after the liver, it has to look after the pancreas, the spleen, and kidneys & also the part of the intestines. All this work is to be done by one centre. Now the most important work is to transfer the fat cells for the brain ...So those people who are very futuristic, Who plan too much, think too much have to use only this one particular centre, for that activity. As you doctors have to do quite a lot. So all other functions get neglected. When they are neglected, the liver can go out of order. Now the liver's job is to emit all the poison Which is like heat into the blood. And through circulation, it should be emitted out. But when this liver is out of order it keeps all the heat within itself. So one develops a liver problem. In medical science, it's not easy to locate first of all the liver problem... too much early ...[unclear] The symptoms are like this ...A person starts eating less, and he feels very heated up. He is very hot-tempered. He gets very nervous type. He feels nausea in the morning time. He cannot see the sun because the sun gives more heat. Then this heat travels upward. When this heat goes upward, to the heart centre ...We have left and the right heart centres ...This heat also blocks the heart centre on the right side Thus we develop asthma. The other day a doctor was telling me how bronchial asthma can be easily cured...So if this blockage is cleared out, bronchial asthma or any kind of asthma can be cured ...Then this heat can also pass to the left side towards the heart ...If at a young age some people are playing tennis or something hard games like tennis and also drinking too much, then their liver is very upset and this heat can give a very massive heart attack at a young age which is always fit. Now then we go to the pancreas So the pancreas is also neglected of all the thinking people. Because they sit on the table, write all the time, think all the time ...Every day they are...say in India ...If we will not take history unless and until the [spoon stands ] at right angles on the sugar ...So much sugar they take... Who takes it? (some medical person asks ) The villagers in India. But he doesn't get diabetes ...The reason is he never thinks much...He lives in a very free life. He earns his money, he sleeps off. He does not have to worry about insurance or anything. But When a person is thinking too much and very futuristic, if his pancreas goes out he gets diabetes. Now the third thing Which is also very very dangerous is the spleen. Spleen is like a speedometer within us. As you know very well whenever there is an emergency the sympathetic nervous system goes into action. So that time if you are in an emergency this spleen starts emitting RBC's (Red Blood Corpuscles ) to meet the necessity of the emergency. Supposing you are eating food and you run out, you get a pain in the spleen... If the gentlemen or the lady who is very hectic for eg- in modern life People sleep very late in the night. Get up very late in the morning. Then they read the newspaper. A kind of shock in the newspaper because most newspapers have something sensational. So the spleen starts working. Then he goes out of the house, in such a speed to attend his work and there is jam on the street (there is the traffic ) Now we are slaves of the watch. And we start becoming upset and worried. Then the spleen again starts pumping out more and then you go to the office there is a boss shouting at you again the spleen starts pumping more on this ...We don't even take our breakfast properly. We just take our breakfast in the car running some or other eating something ...After some time the spleen does not understand what sort of a hectic personality, this one is. And it becomes hectic. It becomes vulnerable now. Now all the viruses come from the left side ...And When you are vulnerable it attacks. That's how you get blood cancer ...We have had many cases of blood cancer being cured, completely. One gentleman's blood cancer was cleared 8 years back. He is perfectly alright. Unfortunately, mostly I have seen people who get blood cancer are professionals like architects, doctors, lawyers, Because they are always in an emergency ...Then the intestines also get [unclear]. And people get constipated...And as a result of constipation, there are other complications... So the unnatural behaviour is too much thinking. And this thinking can not be stopped ...There is no way. One doctor asked me in Switzerland, You can cut my throat or do what you like but stop this thinking. Now how will you stop this thing ...So when this Kundalini rises She nourishes the centres, makes it strong and passes through this optic chiasm which sucks in these 2 institutions which we call ego and superego So now we live in the future or the past. One thought rises and falls down, another thought rises and falls down and we jump on the cusp of the thoughts...So now When the Kundalini rises then there is a space in between. So these thoughts become elongated and the space increases and we are in the present. And When we are in the present we don't think. We are absolutely aware ...We know everything, We remember everything like a photo memory. But We don't think and if we have to think then you can think also but if you want to stop your thinking you can stop your thinking. So you feel absolutely relaxed and peaceful. Like the periphery of the wheel is moving, but the axis is absolutely silent. So you jump from your periphery onto your axes. We cannot say that -Supposing you are standing in the water you are frightened with the waves, but you jump into the boat, then you can see the waves. But you are not bothered, you are not worried, But in Sahaja yoga, if you become a master then you can jump into that water, into these problems and save people ...This is how I have told you about one centre that is how we have cured many many patients of most of these diseases Which I have described. So first of all, those doctors who want to practice Sahaja Yoga should get their Self Knowledge. And then only when you are their master then you can very easily guide people. For example - Dialysis you can do in your fingertips ...You know very well what it is ...for diagnosis the people have to go through, by diagnosis and then they declare that nothing is wrong with you. So here you can feel on the fingertips this 5,6, and 7 centres on the left and 5,6, and 7 centres on the right ...You can know which centre is in trouble ..Thus you can ...If you have the knowledge that how to correct your centres you can correct yourself and correct others ...But it's not only medical science we have to deal it but also mental science which we call as psychology I call the psychology is a very child science. Also, it's quite a mental [unclear /yarn] it's nothing scientific. Recently I read a book saying that Forbil and Floyd mean Floyd was a fraud ...There are many [unclear/after him who are saying this ] but this book is remarkable. Are we saying this from the last 22 years but people didn't want to believe it? In that book, they have shown how it has ruined the culture and thought ...the malignant effect of this Floydal thought. So this is Meta Science beyond Science because it deals with totality. And you become the doctor, you make the diagnosis and you are the one who gives the medicine ...Because once you get connected with this all-pervading power then you become empowered...You do not have to pay anything for it and it is absolutely absolutely totally effective. It doesn't harm anyone. We have some doctors here, from India and England, Who have gone into the research of Sahaja Yoga ...And they will explain to you all about it. But one thing I have to just request you that medical science is very good but it does give a kind of an ego. And so many people say that why should we learn anything from India. Because Your science also has come from various countries. Whatever you know is about the tree ...But you don't know about the root. And if that knowledge comes from anywhere you must accept ...Because it is for the benevolence of the people and you can treat people without money ...You can treat people in masses ...It's such a big moon or such a big blessing for us, that you are doctors and you can understand through your medical science this meta-science.So I wish you all of you that you all get your self-realization and also the doctors will tell you about What is ...What have they done on their research? Thank you very much!
Public Program
Public Program
Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, conceptualize it. It is beyond our thinking, beyond our mind. So now you have to just open your hearts to what I want to tell you and you need not believe Me blindfolded. You need not also close your mind. You have to be like a scientist and see for yourself [whether] what I am saying is true or not. And when it is proved, you have to believe as honest people. [To someone in the audience] Do you mind taking photographs after the program? Thank you. Because it is for your benevolence. And it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is all -whatever I am saying is the truth and you can verify it. It is absolutely tangible. Whatever is said about the centres that you have within yourself, is the subtle knowledge of your roots. If we grow just like a tree and do not know about our roots, we can be destroyed. All of us are born with a sense of faith in someone. The sense of faith is, can be for anything. Also, we have our divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. Whether you have belief in it or not, it is there. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, it cannot be destroyed. Because it is absolutely eternal in nature. Every one of you can feel that divinity. This is so important today, specially in Russia. Because communism has gone and there is a vacuum and people don’t know [not clear, probably ‘what to believe’]. I have to warn you that be careful that ideas you have about democracy, democratic countries, are not absolutely correct. There are no moral values, there are no human values left in those countries. In France, a housewife could be a prostitute [not clear]. And the children at the very young age of 12 years, or eight years, are taking to drugs. They say that 65% people in America within 10 years will suffer from some horrible secret disease like epilepsy, like AIDS, and also schizophrenia. All these problems have come because they had no idea about freedom. Their freedom is like abandonment. Supposing an aeroplane is not fixed properly and has no sense of direction, it will disintegrate as soon as it goes in the air. In the same way they have fallen, and the society is extremely decadent. They follow some sort of religions, but these religions are also money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not Spirit-oriented. Luckily now you have gone out of this kind of a fundamentalism. This is the blessing of communism. But you must understand that in this condition of vacuum, these fundamentalists will take over. Whatever may be the religion, they are all fundamentalist. All these religions were born on one tree of life at different times. They were born as living flowers, but people have plucked it saying this is mine, this is mine, and are now having dead flowers with them. But within us lies the universal religion. We all laugh the same way and weep the same way. This religion is within ourselves. It is an innate religion. Whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or anyone, you can commit any sin. But now when you have come out of communism, understand that you don’t jump into this fundamentalists. They will never accept one universal religion because they want to fight, they want to have wars and separate people. Also, I was not surprised to hear that there are many false masters who have come from India to this country. They are mostly money-oriented. But some of them have come as missionaries, who came to India to give you food and tried to entice you. So you have to be very careful that these people are trying to convert you. Conversion is a farce. You have to get your transformation, your resurrection through the awakening of the Kundalini, which is your own. She is your own Mother. She is your individual Mother. She knows each and everything about you. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is nobody else but the primordial Mother. In the Bible, there is no word like Madonna. They called Mother Mary as a woman, and even now there is no respect for Her. There is another wrong idea Paul has put in that we are born of original sin. This is absolutely, absolutely wrong. In that case, Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Nanak Sahib, Mohammed Sahib, all of them were sinners. How can they be sinners? So, one has to understand very clearly [missing portion in recording]. And that is how this Koran has come. So, nothing seems to be so authentic that they should stick on to one book. They stick on to one book and fight with each other. Even Gita has been changed, it can be proved. So, by reading you cannot achieve your ascent. The second problem is of science. Science will make you robots. It is not conclusive. And it does not know the totality. It can never give you your ascent because it does not talk about your spirituality and your soul. Plus, we have here in Russia a very dangerous system of ESP. Be very careful. It attacks the left-side, and you get possessed. You can easily get any disease of the left-side which are incurable – like cancer, like AIDS, like all the disabilities of the muscles called as 'mellitus'. There are so many diseases – even epilepsy, madness. All these then come to you, thus you cannot produce children. So, please be careful about these ESP people. This vacuum that you have got, please try to fill it up with truth. You have to be the Spirit. You are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. The nature of Spirit is that it enlightens your attention. And it connects you to this All-pervading Power of divine Love. You see all these beautiful flowers. All this living work is done by this All-pervading Power. And this power once you get connected, which is the yoga, you become empowered yourself. This is the last breakthrough of your evolutionary process. You can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips. Thus, you can know your own centers, which you know that are on the left and right hand. And you can feel the centers of others. All world problems are because of these centers. And human beings are the ones who create problems because they have done something wrong with their centers. By Kundalini awakening, you can correct all problems of your centers. And you can be connected with this All-pervading Power. The another quality of the Spirit is that it manifests absolutely. We live in a world of relativity. Then we jump into absoluteness. All of us know the same truth. So how can we fight, how can there be wars? And when you know the centers of others, you get a new awareness called as collective consciousness. When the Kundalini passes through this optic chiasma, you become thoughtlessly aware. You come in the present and you become absolutely peaceful. You become dynamic, absolutely healthy and at the same time extremely compassionate. Because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy and ocean of blessings. Thus, you enter into the kingdom of God. It is nice to see there are so many people from Togliatti who are such good seekers. You are very honest and sincere seekers. Just you can feel now, please put your hands like this [towards Shri Mataji]. If you put your hands like this, all of you, you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Raise your both hands towards the sky and ask a question. Push back your head. Ask a question, either ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ three times. Or you can ask another question, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love?’ Ask three times. Or you can ask another question, ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Now take down your hands. And put your hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Please put them [hands] up a little higher. Without thinking you just watch Me. Now please put right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You have to forgive everyone and forgive yourself. Don’t feel guilty. If you have done mistakes, it’s all right. You are a human being. And this Power is the ocean of forgiveness. So all your mistakes can be dissolved. Now please put your left hand like this and put down your head. And see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven, you have to forgive. Now I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. Please put your right hand towards Me and put your left hand [above the head]. You have to ask for your Self Realization, I cannot force it on you. So just please pray in your heart, seven times, ‘Mother, please give me my Self Realization, give me Self Realization’. Now, those who have felt cool breeze out of their head on their fontanelle bone area, or hot, or on their fingertips, or on their palms, please raise both your hands. I bow to all the saints of Togliatti, to all the Sahaja Yogis. Now your saintly life has started. Now you have got the light. You can give it to others and transform others. Give them this beautiful gift of Self Realization. You know it is a collective work, it is not individual. You must know how to use this Power, and you work it out. All your problems will be solved and you will be absolutely residing in the realm of joy. May God bless you. I would like to hear them sing. Translator: Musicians from Donetsk, Shri Mataji would like to hear you sing. And Sahaja Yogis from Togliatti, please come on stage and join the musicians.
Public Program. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, conceptualize it. It is beyond our thinking, beyond our mind. So now you have to just open your hearts to what I want to tell you and you need not believe Me blindfolded. You need not also close your mind. You have to be like a scientist and see for yourself [whether] what I am saying is true or not. And when it is proved, you have to believe as honest people. [To someone in the audience] Do you mind taking photographs after the program? Thank you. Because it is for your benevolence. And it is for the benevolence of the whole world. It is all -whatever I am saying is the truth and you can verify it. It is absolutely tangible. Whatever is said about the centres that you have within yourself, is the subtle knowledge of your roots. If we grow just like a tree and do not know about our roots, we can be destroyed. All of us are born with a sense of faith in someone. The sense of faith is, can be for anything. Also, we have our divinity absolutely intact within ourselves. Whether you have belief in it or not, it is there. Whatever mistakes you might have committed, it cannot be destroyed. Because it is absolutely eternal in nature. Every one of you can feel that divinity. This is so important today, specially in Russia. Because communism has gone and there is a vacuum and people don’t know [not clear, probably ‘what to believe’]. I have to warn you that be careful that ideas you have about democracy, democratic countries, are not absolutely correct. There are no moral values, there are no human values left in those countries. In France, a housewife could be a prostitute [not clear]. And the children at the very young age of 12 years, or eight years, are taking to drugs. They say that 65% people in America within 10 years will suffer from some horrible secret disease like epilepsy, like AIDS, and also schizophrenia. All these problems have come because they had no idea about freedom. Their freedom is like abandonment. Supposing an aeroplane is not fixed properly and has no sense of direction, it will disintegrate as soon as it goes in the air. In the same way they have fallen, and the society is extremely decadent. They follow some sort of religions, but these religions are also money-oriented or power-oriented. They are not Spirit-oriented. Luckily now you have gone out of this kind of a fundamentalism. This is the blessing of communism. But you must understand that in this condition of vacuum, these fundamentalists will take over. Whatever may be the religion, they are all fundamentalist. All these religions were born on one tree of life at different times. They were born as living flowers, but people have plucked it saying this is mine, this is mine, and are now having dead flowers with them. But within us lies the universal religion. We all laugh the same way and weep the same way. This religion is within ourselves. It is an innate religion. Whether you are Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or anyone, you can commit any sin. But now when you have come out of communism, understand that you don’t jump into this fundamentalists. They will never accept one universal religion because they want to fight, they want to have wars and separate people. Also, I was not surprised to hear that there are many false masters who have come from India to this country. They are mostly money-oriented. But some of them have come as missionaries, who came to India to give you food and tried to entice you. So you have to be very careful that these people are trying to convert you. Conversion is a farce. You have to get your transformation, your resurrection through the awakening of the Kundalini, which is your own. She is your own Mother. She is your individual Mother. She knows each and everything about you. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost. And the Holy Ghost is nobody else but the primordial Mother. In the Bible, there is no word like Madonna. They called Mother Mary as a woman, and even now there is no respect for Her. There is another wrong idea Paul has put in that we are born of original sin. This is absolutely, absolutely wrong. In that case, Shri Krishna, Shri Rama, Nanak Sahib, Mohammed Sahib, all of them were sinners. How can they be sinners? So, one has to understand very clearly [missing portion in recording]. And that is how this Koran has come. So, nothing seems to be so authentic that they should stick on to one book. They stick on to one book and fight with each other. Even Gita has been changed, it can be proved. So, by reading you cannot achieve your ascent. The second problem is of science. Science will make you robots. It is not conclusive. And it does not know the totality. It can never give you your ascent because it does not talk about your spirituality and your soul. Plus, we have here in Russia a very dangerous system of ESP. Be very careful. It attacks the left-side, and you get possessed. You can easily get any disease of the left-side which are incurable – like cancer, like AIDS, like all the disabilities of the muscles called as 'mellitus'. There are so many diseases – even epilepsy, madness. All these then come to you, thus you cannot produce children. So, please be careful about these ESP people. This vacuum that you have got, please try to fill it up with truth. You have to be the Spirit. You are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. The nature of Spirit is that it enlightens your attention. And it connects you to this All-pervading Power of divine Love. You see all these beautiful flowers. All this living work is done by this All-pervading Power. And this power once you get connected, which is the yoga, you become empowered yourself. This is the last breakthrough of your evolutionary process. You can feel this All-pervading Power on your fingertips. Thus, you can know your own centers, which you know that are on the left and right hand. And you can feel the centers of others. All world problems are because of these centers. And human beings are the ones who create problems because they have done something wrong with their centers. By Kundalini awakening, you can correct all problems of your centers. And you can be connected with this All-pervading Power. The another quality of the Spirit is that it manifests absolutely. We live in a world of relativity. Then we jump into absoluteness. All of us know the same truth. So how can we fight, how can there be wars? And when you know the centers of others, you get a new awareness called as collective consciousness. When the Kundalini passes through this optic chiasma, you become thoughtlessly aware. You come in the present and you become absolutely peaceful. You become dynamic, absolutely healthy and at the same time extremely compassionate. Because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of knowledge, ocean of joy and ocean of blessings. Thus, you enter into the kingdom of God. It is nice to see there are so many people from Togliatti who are such good seekers. You are very honest and sincere seekers. Just you can feel now, please put your hands like this [towards Shri Mataji]. If you put your hands like this, all of you, you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. Raise your both hands towards the sky and ask a question. Push back your head. Ask a question, either ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ three times. Or you can ask another question, ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love?’ Ask three times. Or you can ask another question, ‘Mother, is this the Paramachaitanya?’ Now take down your hands. And put your hands towards Me like this and watch Me without thinking. Please put them [hands] up a little higher. Without thinking you just watch Me. Now please put right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You have to forgive everyone and forgive yourself. Don’t feel guilty. If you have done mistakes, it’s all right. You are a human being. And this Power is the ocean of forgiveness. So all your mistakes can be dissolved. Now please put your left hand like this and put down your head. And see for yourself if there is a cool breeze or a hot breeze coming out of your head. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven, you have to forgive. Now I cannot cross over your freedom, I respect it. Please put your right hand towards Me and put your left hand [above the head]. You have to ask for your Self Realization, I cannot force it on you. So just please pray in your heart, seven times, ‘Mother, please give me my Self Realization, give me Self Realization’. Now, those who have felt cool breeze out of their head on their fontanelle bone area, or hot, or on their fingertips, or on their palms, please raise both your hands. I bow to all the saints of Togliatti, to all the Sahaja Yogis. Now your saintly life has started. Now you have got the light. You can give it to others and transform others. Give them this beautiful gift of Self Realization. You know it is a collective work, it is not individual. You must know how to use this Power, and you work it out. All your problems will be solved and you will be absolutely residing in the realm of joy. May God bless you. I would like to hear them sing. Translator: Musicians from Donetsk, Shri Mataji would like to hear you sing. And Sahaja Yogis from Togliatti, please come on stage and join the musicians.
Arrival & Interview
Arrival & Interview. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. Interviewer : Вы хорошо живете? (Do you live well? Are you pleased with your life?) Shri Mataji: Very Much! Now I am 70 years of age.. Interviewer: А что это значит для вас хорошо жить? (And what does it mean for you to live well?) Shri Mataji: To do good to others (делать добро другим людям) Interviewer: А в чём это проявляется? Вы можете сказать? (and what is it? what do you mean by this?) Shri Mataji: It’s a long story (Об этом можно очень много говорить) Interviewer: В 2 словах можно? (Just In 2 words for them) Shri Mataji: You see you have to ascend you to higher realms of spirituality (Люди должны всё время расти духовно) ( actual translation: Вы должны подняться на более высокие планы духовности) The tape is cut... Shri Mataji: And it is a source of knowledge (И именно это и есть источник знаний - духовность) Source of pure love (Это источник чистой любви) A source of pure blessings (Источник чистого благословения всем людям) And joy (И Радости) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи, о вас говорят, что вы много знаете наперёд, что вы чувствуете Вы можете сейчас сказать, как вас встретят? Как пройдет этот визит в Тольятти? (People say that you know everything beforehand in advance. Is it possible for you to say that everything here in Togliyati will be ok? That everything will please you can you say it? ( actual translation: Shri Mataji, they say you know everything in advance that you sense things. Can you tell how well will they receive you? How will this visit to Togliati go?) Shri Mataji: Of course (конечно) If there is love everything is alright (Если есть любовь то тогда всё будет хорошо) Interviewer: Планируете ли вы экскурсию по городу, встречу с руководителями города? (Do you plan an excursion around the City and do you want to meet local authorities?) Shri Mataji: I don't know what they have planned whatever they do I do it accordingly (Я сама лично нет я не знаю что у них предстоит) ( Actual translation: Я не знаю, что они запланировали я сделаю соответственно их планам.) But we have two programs (у нас будет 2 программы) Interviewer: Какие? Shri Mataji: One is the seminar i think, one is the public program Interpreter: So two public programs? Shri Mataji: I don't know what their plans are ( я не знаю, какие у них планы ) Interpreter: Две публичных программы будет сегодня и завтра и семинар (Two public programs today and tomorrow and a seminar) Shri Mataji: In the open space Interpreter: На открытой местности, то есть на тур базе будет программа (In the open space in the tourist base we will have a public program) Interviewer: Что вы обычно едите на завтрак? Interpreter: Such a question! What do you usually have for your breakfast? So curious they are ! Shri Mataji: Whatever you give Me ! (Все, что Мне дадут, то я и буду есть) Interviewer: Для Вас значения не имеет? (It does not matter for you?) Shri Mataji: No (Нет) laughing Interviewer: Трудно быть Матерью стольких детей? (Is it difficult to be a Mother of so many children?) Tape is cut... Shri Mataji: But when I came here all sadness is gone (но когда я приехала сюда здесь все изменилось так как здесь тоже любящие все люди) ( actual translation: Когда Я приехала сюда, вся грусть прошла) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи России - это христианская страна вы не встречаетесь здесь препятствие от каких-либо Традиционных конфессий? Мусульманства христианства? Interpreter: Russian is traditionally a christian country orthodox church. Cant you meet here any obstacles? Shri Mataji: No No No because I believe in all the religions (Я верю во все религии То есть это всё совмещает) Christ is very important for us. (Христос Очень важен для нас) Without your sel-realisation you can not know Christ (Но без самореализацией и Иисуса Христа не сможете познать) If you follow one book or one religion then fundamentalism comes (Если вы преследуете одну конкретную религию то тогда вы не сможете обрести себя ) (Actual translation: Если Вы следуете только одной книге или одной религии тогда приходит фундаментализм) And fundamentalists will only create wars. (А если тогда в целом познать всю то тогда это и будет познание себя и вселенной) (actual translation: а фундаменталисты только и могут что создавать военные конфликты) Interviewer: Приходилось ли вам встречаться со скептическим отношением к вашему учению? ( have you ever met sceptical attitude towards your feeling towards your learning?) (actual translation: have you ever had to deal with scepticism toward your teachings? Shri Mataji: Yes of course (Да, конечно) Voice: поблагодарите (Please, Thank Shri Mataji) Interviewer: хорошо спасибо ! (OK, thank you Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: Thank you.
Arrival & Interview. Togliatti (Russia), 5 August 1992. Interviewer : Вы хорошо живете? (Do you live well? Are you pleased with your life?) Shri Mataji: Very Much! Now I am 70 years of age.. Interviewer: А что это значит для вас хорошо жить? (And what does it mean for you to live well?) Shri Mataji: To do good to others (делать добро другим людям) Interviewer: А в чём это проявляется? Вы можете сказать? (and what is it? what do you mean by this?) Shri Mataji: It’s a long story (Об этом можно очень много говорить) Interviewer: В 2 словах можно? (Just In 2 words for them) Shri Mataji: You see you have to ascend you to higher realms of spirituality (Люди должны всё время расти духовно) ( actual translation: Вы должны подняться на более высокие планы духовности) The tape is cut... Shri Mataji: And it is a source of knowledge (И именно это и есть источник знаний - духовность) Source of pure love (Это источник чистой любви) A source of pure blessings (Источник чистого благословения всем людям) And joy (И Радости) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи, о вас говорят, что вы много знаете наперёд, что вы чувствуете Вы можете сейчас сказать, как вас встретят? Как пройдет этот визит в Тольятти? (People say that you know everything beforehand in advance. Is it possible for you to say that everything here in Togliyati will be ok? That everything will please you can you say it? ( actual translation: Shri Mataji, they say you know everything in advance that you sense things. Can you tell how well will they receive you? How will this visit to Togliati go?) Shri Mataji: Of course (конечно) If there is love everything is alright (Если есть любовь то тогда всё будет хорошо) Interviewer: Планируете ли вы экскурсию по городу, встречу с руководителями города? (Do you plan an excursion around the City and do you want to meet local authorities?) Shri Mataji: I don't know what they have planned whatever they do I do it accordingly (Я сама лично нет я не знаю что у них предстоит) ( Actual translation: Я не знаю, что они запланировали я сделаю соответственно их планам.) But we have two programs (у нас будет 2 программы) Interviewer: Какие? Shri Mataji: One is the seminar i think, one is the public program Interpreter: So two public programs? Shri Mataji: I don't know what their plans are ( я не знаю, какие у них планы ) Interpreter: Две публичных программы будет сегодня и завтра и семинар (Two public programs today and tomorrow and a seminar) Shri Mataji: In the open space Interpreter: На открытой местности, то есть на тур базе будет программа (In the open space in the tourist base we will have a public program) Interviewer: Что вы обычно едите на завтрак? Interpreter: Such a question! What do you usually have for your breakfast? So curious they are ! Shri Mataji: Whatever you give Me ! (Все, что Мне дадут, то я и буду есть) Interviewer: Для Вас значения не имеет? (It does not matter for you?) Shri Mataji: No (Нет) laughing Interviewer: Трудно быть Матерью стольких детей? (Is it difficult to be a Mother of so many children?) Tape is cut... Shri Mataji: But when I came here all sadness is gone (но когда я приехала сюда здесь все изменилось так как здесь тоже любящие все люди) ( actual translation: Когда Я приехала сюда, вся грусть прошла) Interviewer: Шри Матаджи России - это христианская страна вы не встречаетесь здесь препятствие от каких-либо Традиционных конфессий? Мусульманства христианства? Interpreter: Russian is traditionally a christian country orthodox church. Cant you meet here any obstacles? Shri Mataji: No No No because I believe in all the religions (Я верю во все религии То есть это всё совмещает) Christ is very important for us. (Христос Очень важен для нас) Without your sel-realisation you can not know Christ (Но без самореализацией и Иисуса Христа не сможете познать) If you follow one book or one religion then fundamentalism comes (Если вы преследуете одну конкретную религию то тогда вы не сможете обрести себя ) (Actual translation: Если Вы следуете только одной книге или одной религии тогда приходит фундаментализм) And fundamentalists will only create wars. (А если тогда в целом познать всю то тогда это и будет познание себя и вселенной) (actual translation: а фундаменталисты только и могут что создавать военные конфликты) Interviewer: Приходилось ли вам встречаться со скептическим отношением к вашему учению? ( have you ever met sceptical attitude towards your feeling towards your learning?) (actual translation: have you ever had to deal with scepticism toward your teachings? Shri Mataji: Yes of course (Да, конечно) Voice: поблагодарите (Please, Thank Shri Mataji) Interviewer: хорошо спасибо ! (OK, thank you Shri Mataji) Shri Mataji: Thank you.
Arrival and Seminar near Togliatti
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
1992-08-06 Seminar near Togliatti, Russia, Shri Mataji : …is a singer, she is another singer, I see all of you singing.Male Voice : Just asking for blessingsShri Mataji : Ofcourse.,Female Voice : Do you want Shri Mataji to bless you? to help you?Female Voice to Shri Mataji : She is asking to help, she got mooladhara problem, she has got mooladhara problem.Shri Mataji : Tell herMale Voice : Tell HER we told her three candle treatment.Shri Mataji : Did you goto ESP? you will be alright. Try three candle treatmentShri Mataji : Erika Erika Where ever you have (unclear@@)Shri Mataji : Alright ? It's alright, No, I mean no problem. It's alright.Male Voice : Please stay there where you are. Shri Mataji: Cool breeze will come, don't worry. (Mixed voice) No leaves are moving, but this is moving.Then come forward. Move forward, not too much.There is a beautiful forest on the bank of river Volga. So many saints have gathered together. Your songs and your dancing is vibrating the whole area. One day this place might become a pilgrimage for many. So many of you are here, who have achieved your self realization. Your country as it is a very beautiful country and very rich in their resources. Now, only thing we have to remember as Sahajayogis that we have to work hard to build up this country again. Some things that are very good done by communism also some things that have been really not so kind. Yesterday I told you how you have got out of fundamentalism. Because all those who believe in one religion and fight with another are anti-Christ. These are all people with western interests. They have no interest in your emancipation or your benevolence. But these are special times of last judgment. You have to choose the truth instead of falsehood. In the Bible it is clearly written that you will know them by the work they do. So people can find out from your life how truthful you are and how this truth has brought joy to you. We believe in one universal religion. Which is innately within us. Which makes us really righteous. It is not preaching something and doing something. Whatever you preach, you practice in your life and it is very easy to follow because you are standing on a rock of truth. Because truth is not only the strength but also wisdom and also compassion. Most of you here are SahajaYogis. The way SahajaYoga is growing in Togliatti I am sure the whole of Togliatti will become SahajaYogis very near. But you have to meditate at home, and you have to be collective. Sometimes people from other places should come to Togliatti and you also should go there. So that Russian collectivity is completed. I have to again warn you against these extrasensory perception people. Yesterday we had patients, all of them have been to this extrasensory perception people. They all try to mesmerize through the dead spirits. People develop all kinds of funny diseases. First is Epilepsy. Epilepsy is now been cured through SahajaYoga and one doctor has got his MD, doctorate of medicine on that subject. This Epilepsy is a common disease I think for small children I have seen now have Epilepsy. So you have to be extremely careful that you should not go to anyone like that who comes and makes a program, because that is not at all divine. I was told that people from Tarkar and all that come here and have programs and one lady developed a funny type of swelling of her knees and all kinds of aah, you can say boils coming out from the sides. You are all my children. I want you all to be very healthy, happy and joyous. So be careful. Especially with children. Look after them. In the churches also they have those what you call church arcs where they bury the dead in the churches. You have to understand that these dead bodies who are think to be, we think them to be dead but their souls are sometimes hangy aah, hanging around them. There was once a phone call from India, saying that lady told me that her husband is dead and doctors also saying that he is dead in the hospital and I just put my attention and the spirit was hovering around that body. So I caught hold of the spirit and put it back and the fellow came to life. So we have to understand properly how to deal with the dead. If somebody is dead then we should not then cry for that person. But on the contrary we should always say that I am alright, you take your birth and you take your realization. By saying that you will give freedom to the dead body. All these false gurus and all these false people, ESP also use these dead spirits. They can not explain how they work it out sometimes. But SahajaYoga can be explained fully, scientifically. So, I have to really request you to avoid all such people. We had an experience of a lady coming aah, a young girl coming from Africa. She was saying that SahajaYoga has given me pains in the body to her mother and the mother also came all the way from Africa to see me, and I was amazed because it is not possible. Then we discovered that after getting Sahaja Yoga, she was staying with a lady who was doing ESP work. So then we cured her no doubt. So please avoid going to this ESP. You develop your own powers. In Sahaja yoga it is very easy to develop your own powers for which you don’t have to pay. Supposing if you put one leg in the mouth of a crocodile and one to come out in the boat, how is it possible? Yesterday I kept feeling that some people had an effect in the ESP in the group. That’s why I have to tell you today. All this you can know about very fast from SahajaYoga, what is left side? and what is right side? Because of communism may be you are more on the left and you may feel insecure. So you may go to wrong things. But one has to be very careful. I wish I could invite all of you to India. But one day you may I am sure you all will come. The way you are singing Indian songs no one can believe the Russians deliver voice, everything, pronunciation was so correct. That means you are so capable. So capable. Now today they say there is a seminar. So in the seminar only one person can not speak. I would be happy if you ask me some questions now and later on we can also see the certain slides we have brought to see you, see they are miraculous photographs. So if you have any questions please ask me.Translator: Is it possible?Shri Mataji: He is here, Of course next year definitely. Translator : Sakshi (unclear) is asking you to give your attention to the, to give your attention to the volga river.Shri Mataji: I see that, You have to go and wash your feet in Volga and it will become Holy like Ganges. Where I live Cabella, they said the river and because all these Sahaja Yogis go and they bathe in the river, which really becomes like river Ganges in Cabella, Italy. Because the newspaper people wrote that there was one man who came with arthritis trouble, had a bath in the river and he got completely cured. Also somebody who came with a squint eyes, and his eyes became alright. Squint. Like Cross Eyes. That’s how Volga has to become. There is somebody who has been troubled by ESP, Extra Sensory Perception, and she suffered. She wants to come here, but I would say that now coming here everybody gets bad vibrations from her. But what she has to do is to have three candle treatment and she will be alright. But you all have to promise that you will not go to these nonsensical Extra Sensory Perception people. Raise your hands to promise. Thank you very much, thank you.Translator: There are lot of citizens suffering from alcohol and (unclear)Shri Mataji: For alcohol, the simple thing is to take a drop of vibrated water and put it in alcohol. You can increase the vibrated water. But do it secretly. Ecology problem is there I believe and what you have to do is to put vibrated water on these trees. Also if you can pin your badges on these trees, they can emit vibrations to clear out ecology problems.Translator: May be quite possible to use the same way you recommended now for smokers, for heavy smokersShri Mataji: Laughs, yes, you couldTranslator: Shri Mataji what is your attitude to the idea over universal language which will be one for all the people in the worldShri Mataji: See, the universal language is that of love. If you learn how to love, you will learn everything else.Translator: Shri Mataji, will you tell us please, Satya Sai Baba, is he a realized person?(repetition)Shri Mataji: Haan?Translator: Satya Sai Baba, is he a realized person?Shri Mataji: Not at all, this Satya Sai Baba is a devil. He is a devil from ancient times who has been incarnated and people get heart attacks with it.Shri Mataji: Yeah yeah of course, it's true. This is true, it's true. For SahajaYogis it won't happen. Because..(No Audio)Some lady: Our president, is he a realized man?Shri Mataji: No, But he will get his realization I am sure, very soon.Translator: Can you explain how one can act to the people coming from other planetsShri Mataji: There are no planets coming. It’s a story.Translator: How can you explain the (Inaudible) Shri Mataji: I will tell, I will tell you the whole story, I have to tell you the whole story about the Bible. First is that Paul, Saint Paul he was never with Christ, but he was a beaurocrat, in charge officer and he had killed one disciple of Christ named Steven....
1992-08-06 Seminar near Togliatti, Russia, Shri Mataji : …is a singer, she is another singer, I see all of you singing.Male Voice : Just asking for blessingsShri Mataji : Ofcourse.,Female Voice : Do you want Shri Mataji to bless you? to help you?Female Voice to Shri Mataji : She is asking to help, she got mooladhara problem, she has got mooladhara problem.Shri Mataji : Tell herMale Voice : Tell HER we told her three candle treatment.Shri Mataji : Did you goto ESP? you will be alright. Try three candle treatmentShri Mataji : Erika Erika Where ever you have (unclear@@)Shri Mataji : Alright ? It's alright, No, I mean no problem. It's alright.Male Voice : Please stay there where you are. Shri Mataji: Cool breeze will come, don't worry. (Mixed voice) No leaves are moving, but this is moving.Then come forward. Move forward, not too much.There is a beautiful forest on the bank of river Volga. So many saints have gathered together. Your songs and your dancing is vibrating the whole area. One day this place might become a pilgrimage for many. So many of you are here, who have achieved your self realization. Your country as it is a very beautiful country and very rich in their resources. Now, only thing we have to remember as Sahajayogis that we have to work hard to build up this country again. Some things that are very good done by communism also some things that have been really not so kind. Yesterday I told you how you have got out of fundamentalism. Because all those who believe in one religion and fight with another are anti-Christ. These are all people with western interests. They have no interest in your emancipation or your benevolence. But these are special times of last judgment. You have to choose the truth instead of falsehood. In the Bible it is clearly written that you will know them by the work they do. So people can find out from your life how truthful you are and how this truth has brought joy to you. We believe in one universal religion. Which is innately within us. Which makes us really righteous. It is not preaching something and doing something. Whatever you preach, you practice in your life and it is very easy to follow because you are standing on a rock of truth. Because truth is not only the strength but also wisdom and also compassion. Most of you here are SahajaYogis. The way SahajaYoga is growing in Togliatti I am sure the whole of Togliatti will become SahajaYogis very near. But you have to meditate at home, and you have to be collective. Sometimes people from other places should come to Togliatti and you also should go there. So that Russian collectivity is completed. I have to again warn you against these extrasensory perception people. Yesterday we had patients, all of them have been to this extrasensory perception people. They all try to mesmerize through the dead spirits. People develop all kinds of funny diseases. First is Epilepsy. Epilepsy is now been cured through SahajaYoga and one doctor has got his MD, doctorate of medicine on that subject. This Epilepsy is a common disease I think for small children I have seen now have Epilepsy. So you have to be extremely careful that you should not go to anyone like that who comes and makes a program, because that is not at all divine. I was told that people from Tarkar and all that come here and have programs and one lady developed a funny type of swelling of her knees and all kinds of aah, you can say boils coming out from the sides. You are all my children. I want you all to be very healthy, happy and joyous. So be careful. Especially with children. Look after them. In the churches also they have those what you call church arcs where they bury the dead in the churches. You have to understand that these dead bodies who are think to be, we think them to be dead but their souls are sometimes hangy aah, hanging around them. There was once a phone call from India, saying that lady told me that her husband is dead and doctors also saying that he is dead in the hospital and I just put my attention and the spirit was hovering around that body. So I caught hold of the spirit and put it back and the fellow came to life. So we have to understand properly how to deal with the dead. If somebody is dead then we should not then cry for that person. But on the contrary we should always say that I am alright, you take your birth and you take your realization. By saying that you will give freedom to the dead body. All these false gurus and all these false people, ESP also use these dead spirits. They can not explain how they work it out sometimes. But SahajaYoga can be explained fully, scientifically. So, I have to really request you to avoid all such people. We had an experience of a lady coming aah, a young girl coming from Africa. She was saying that SahajaYoga has given me pains in the body to her mother and the mother also came all the way from Africa to see me, and I was amazed because it is not possible. Then we discovered that after getting Sahaja Yoga, she was staying with a lady who was doing ESP work. So then we cured her no doubt. So please avoid going to this ESP. You develop your own powers. In Sahaja yoga it is very easy to develop your own powers for which you don’t have to pay. Supposing if you put one leg in the mouth of a crocodile and one to come out in the boat, how is it possible? Yesterday I kept feeling that some people had an effect in the ESP in the group. That’s why I have to tell you today. All this you can know about very fast from SahajaYoga, what is left side? and what is right side? Because of communism may be you are more on the left and you may feel insecure. So you may go to wrong things. But one has to be very careful. I wish I could invite all of you to India. But one day you may I am sure you all will come. The way you are singing Indian songs no one can believe the Russians deliver voice, everything, pronunciation was so correct. That means you are so capable. So capable. Now today they say there is a seminar. So in the seminar only one person can not speak. I would be happy if you ask me some questions now and later on we can also see the certain slides we have brought to see you, see they are miraculous photographs. So if you have any questions please ask me.Translator: Is it possible?Shri Mataji: He is here, Of course next year definitely. Translator : Sakshi (unclear) is asking you to give your attention to the, to give your attention to the volga river.Shri Mataji: I see that, You have to go and wash your feet in Volga and it will become Holy like Ganges. Where I live Cabella, they said the river and because all these Sahaja Yogis go and they bathe in the river, which really becomes like river Ganges in Cabella, Italy. Because the newspaper people wrote that there was one man who came with arthritis trouble, had a bath in the river and he got completely cured. Also somebody who came with a squint eyes, and his eyes became alright. Squint. Like Cross Eyes. That’s how Volga has to become. There is somebody who has been troubled by ESP, Extra Sensory Perception, and she suffered. She wants to come here, but I would say that now coming here everybody gets bad vibrations from her. But what she has to do is to have three candle treatment and she will be alright. But you all have to promise that you will not go to these nonsensical Extra Sensory Perception people. Raise your hands to promise. Thank you very much, thank you.Translator: There are lot of citizens suffering from alcohol and (unclear)Shri Mataji: For alcohol, the simple thing is to take a drop of vibrated water and put it in alcohol. You can increase the vibrated water. But do it secretly. Ecology problem is there I believe and what you have to do is to put vibrated water on these trees. Also if you can pin your badges on these trees, they can emit vibrations to clear out ecology problems.Translator: May be quite possible to use the same way you recommended now for smokers, for heavy smokersShri Mataji: Laughs, yes, you couldTranslator: Shri Mataji what is your attitude to the idea over universal language which will be one for all the people in the worldShri Mataji: See, the universal language is that of love. If you learn how to love, you will learn everything else.Translator: Shri Mataji, will you tell us please, Satya Sai Baba, is he a realized person?(repetition)Shri Mataji: Haan?Translator: Satya Sai Baba, is he a realized person?Shri Mataji: Not at all, this Satya Sai Baba is a devil. He is a devil from ancient times who has been incarnated and people get heart attacks with it.Shri Mataji: Yeah yeah of course, it's true. This is true, it's true. For SahajaYogis it won't happen. Because..(No Audio)Some lady: Our president, is he a realized man?Shri Mataji: No, But he will get his realization I am sure, very soon.Translator: Can you explain how one can act to the people coming from other planetsShri Mataji: There are no planets coming. It’s a story.Translator: How can you explain the (Inaudible) Shri Mataji: I will tell, I will tell you the whole story, I have to tell you the whole story about the Bible. First is that Paul, Saint Paul he was never with Christ, but he was a beaurocrat, in charge officer and he had killed one disciple of Christ named Steven....
We have to be subtler, to be in the state of Spirit to feel the Truth
Public Program
Public program, 1992-0806, Dynamo stadium, Kyiv, Ukraine I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We can not think about it, imagine about it or change it. (To the interpreter, “Your’s [microphone – ed.] is a more sort of a echoes, echo, little. Mine is all right.” Then they change their microphones.) … level also we can not feel the truth. We have to be subtler, to be in the state of Spirit to feel the Truth. And to become the Spirit there is a complete machinery within us which works it out. Already built within us during our evolutionary process. Now, it is the time, a special time, when you all can have that state of Spirit. This is your rebirth. As it is said that you are to be born again. But it is not just a certificate that we are born again but something has to happen within. And for that happening you are all absolutely ready. Within us lies the sense of faith in something. We had this faith that there must be something beyond. But it has been challenged or diverted. So we started seeking truth in areas where it does not lie. For example the first attack came to us we can say in Ukraine through communism. So we had our faith in communism. It has done one thing good that it did not allowed you to have faith in fundamentalism. But today the greatest danger is that there is a vacuum in Russia and also in Ukraine and we may jump into some sort of a fundamentalism. I’m told there are people who have come to convert into Hinduism. They are giving food and trying to entice as the missioners did in India. By conversion you do not receive truth. You have to have your transformation, not conversion. Any fundamentalism whether it is Christianity, or Hinduism, or Islam are very dangerous. There is a universal religion within us. Because all these religions were born on the tree of spirituality at different times. On the same tree of spirituality. Then people pluck these flowers and started saying, “These are mine, these are mine”. They are fighting with these dead flowers. As long as there will be one following, one book to be followed, then there will be always quarrels. In the name of God how many people were killed in these fights? This kind of just a feeling or a kind of a concept that we are the chosen ones is extremely dangerous. We have to now understand these are the most important times of spirituality. I call it a blossom time. But it is said that these are the Last Judgments. That means you have to use your wisdom to judge what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is false is not going to help us at all, it has not helped any one so far. What is going to help is your own ascend. Another challenge comes to us from science. Sahaja Yoga is Meta science. Because it is conclusive. It gives you the exact results. It is absolutely verifiable. And that you become enlightened to verify it yourself. And you know all the modus operandi means how to operate. You get all the knowledge about yourself. You have within yourself such a beautiful machinery. Now whatever I’m telling you, you have to accept it as a hypothesis and open your mind like a scientist and see for yourself if it is true. If it is true then you must accept as honest people. Because it gives you solutions for all problems. All problems, world problems are because of humane beings. And all humane problems are because of their subtle centers within themselves. I wanted you to see the picture of this machinery but unfortunately there is light so you can not see there’s lights[1], but later on they will show you. So there are seven centers within us placed at different places in the spinal cord and in the brain. They are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual activity. If somehow we can correct whose centers then all our problems can be solved. But at the base of the spine there’s a triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone. So this Kundalini is a power, which is residing in that sacrum bone. This is like a primula in a seed. If it is awakened it passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area giving you the actualization of baptism. Actualization means it is a happening. Kundalini is the pure desire of God Almighty. And is reflected within us through the reflection of the Primordial Mother – the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Paul did not want to talk about women because he hated them, saint Paul. So he said that it is the Holy Ghost is a dove. They talked about the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost which is a dove. You have a Father and a Son. And what about the Mother? The Mother is the Primordial Mother and Greeks called this as Athena. And in India it is called as Adi Shakti. In the pagan religion they called Her as White Goddess. In every religion there is the mention of the Primordial Mother. Thomas, Saint Thomas’s Gospel had described how Christ has said that, “I have another Mother”. So now the proof is that we have the Kundalini in our triangular bone. In some people we can see it pulsating if there is problem in the higher centers. But in most of the people it just shoots off and pierces through the fontanel bone area. And thus we get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. When this Kundalini rises you don’t feel anything that hurts you. She integrates all the centers, nourishes them and ultimately She connects you to this All Pervading Power of the Divine Love. So the Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego and conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. The second thing is that there is All Pervading Subtle Power of Divine Love. We see these flowers; it’s a miracle how they have grown out of small seeds. But we take it for granted. Our eyes are beautiful cameras, it’s a miracle. Our brain is a computer and we just do not even think about it. Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system, the doctors will say, “Autonomous nervous system”. But this “auto” who is he? So now we come to the point how do we get this Kundalini awakening. Now there are two more channels of sympathetic nervous systems, which are manifested by two other channels – the Right and the Left. So now what we have to correct are these six centers and these channels. So the whole problem is reduced to twenty one points at the most. Now supposing you can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. Then you know what’s wrong with you and you can know what’s wrong with others. Supposing you know how to correct these centers then you can solve your problem. Because Spirit is a universal being you also develop a new awareness, you develop, you become aware of the centers of other people through collective consciousness and new awareness that you develop. It is becoming, it is not just a lecture or a kind of a sermon. It happens and if you know how to correct your centers and the centers of others you can solve all the problems. Now we have in India three doctors who have cured some incurable diseases and they have got their master of I mean what you call the doctorate in medicine. And there are seven doctors in England as well as in Australia, Thailand or Taiwan who are making record of people who have been cured through Sahaja Yoga. Yesterday only in a program a lady who was suffering from arthritis and could not walk without crutches completely got all right in five minutes. Some people ask Me, “Chernobyl problem – can it be solved?” Why not, we have helped some people definitely, no doubt. It can be easily corrected. So you become the Spirit. And when you become the Spirit, then the first thing happens to you that your thoughts stop, you can stop your thoughts. That means you are thoughtlessly aware. And at that stage you are in the present. You are not in the future or in the past. But you are in the present. Thus you find your peace with yourself. Many people who have got Peace Nobel Prizes have no peace within. Say, this instrument. If it is not connected to mains it is useless, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to the Mains we have no meaning, we have no identity. So it is very important that this should happened to all of us. Of course you can not pay for it. Also you don’t have to put in any effort. Only thing you have to give some time. You have to respect your Self-Realization. Also it is a collective happening. It can not be worked out at home; you have to come to the collective. So please remember that there are many anti Christ in the name of God. Also there are people like Freud who just without understanding any foundation of science started giving ideas of free love. For the last twenty-two years I’ve been telling that he’s a fraud. Now there is one doctor who has researched it and he calls it a “Fraudulent Freud”, he’s given a book like that. Now this free love is a very dangerous thing. It has given AIDS and lots of secret diseases to people. The family system is ruined. And the children have become orphans. I was shocked the other day in a program a sixteen year old girl came and told Me she has some venereal disease. And she said, “There are many like me”. So one has to understand that once you become the Spirit in that light you will know that what is righteousness, what is holiness. These intellectuals have taken advantage of our ignorance and have misled us into complete hell. Then we have our own personality and wisdom and we can judge them better. But in Sahaja Yoga you have to grow. Today of course you’ll all get your Realization, no doubt. But you have to grow later on. I’ll now tell you the nature of Spirit in short. The Spirit when it enlightens your attention, your attention becomes active. Attention, when you put attention onto someone or on any question you can definitely help. Without doing anything. Also it gives you the full idea as to what sort of a person you are dealing with. Because you start feeling on your fingertips your centers and the center of others. And when you start feeling the centers of yours or anybody else’s you know for definite what is the situation. Thus you know absolutely the Absolute Truth. You can ask the question and you get the answer on your fingertips. So this is the time of resurrection as described by Mohammed Sahib Kiyama. He said that at the time of Kiyama your hands will speak and will give evidence about yourself. So this time is here and you all have to get your Realization and I’m sure you’ll all get it tonight. If all of you know the truth as one how can there will be quarrel, how can there be discussion? Also with the Spirit the experience you have is of joy. Because it is the source of joy. Joy is not a duality like happiness and unhappiness, it is just pure joy. And as we enter into the Kingdom of God we get all the blessings of that. So many miracles take place that we do not know how to even write them in a book because they are piling up. All these things that I’m telling you can happen tonight to you. But you must have pure desire to get your Realization. It will take about ten to fifteen minutes. But whose who do not want to have their Self-Realizations should really leave the hall, leave the stadium. Because I respect your freedom. If you choose to be the Self-Realized personality you could stay. But those who do not want I can not force Self-Realization on them. And such people should not also force their presence here on others. So I would request all of them, such people who do not want their Self-Realization to leave the hall. All of you should sit down somehow because standing up it will be difficult. Please be seated. There are also some seats I think for you to sit down. It will not take more than fifteen minutes. I have told you that there are two powers within us – left and right. Left is the power of desire, of common desire. And the right is the power of action. But Kundalini is the power of pure desire. Now there are three conditions, which I will tell you, which are very simple. The first one is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you will get your Self-Realization. Wherever you are sitting, wherever you are. You all will get your Realization if you fulfill the conditions. The second condition is that you have not to feel guilty for anything. Please believe Me there is nothing like what you call this “original sin”. This is not even in the Bible. But they have started it just to frighten people. So don’t believe that they tell you, “you are a sinner and you have to confess”. You do not have to feel guilty at all. You are not guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes it’s all right because you are a humane being. You are not God. So if you have committed any mistakes you just forgive yourself. You have to face yourself and correct the mistake, instead of that you feel guilty. Thus you put the guilt in the center on the left side here. And that is very dangerous. If this side of the center is blocked then you can get a disease called angina. You can get spondylitis or lethargic organs. So please just now forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty. Now the third condition is even simpler. That you have to forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. As it is those who have troubled you are happy people. But you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So there’s no sense in it. No wisdom. Moreover, the center which is in the optic chiasm gets closed like this, absolutely [INAUDIBLE – constricted ?] .... As it is you have tortured yourself. And if you now do not forgive then you will miss such a great thing. And you should not think about those people because that’s also headache. These are the only three simple conditions. Now I would request you to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us. (To the interpreter, “ Are they already sitting without shoes?” The interpreter, “Yes”) Now those who are sitting on the chairs are to remember that they put both their feet away from each other. But sitting on the ground they are perfectly all right. This Mother Earth helps us a lot. So now you have to put your left hand on your lap like this. And we will show you how to nourish your own centers and awaken your own Kundalini; this is to be done only today. Please put your left hand on your lap, which is symbolic that you want to have your or desiring to have your Self-Realization. Now with the right hand we have to nourish the centers on our left hand side. So first you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit, which is the reflection of God Almighty. And the Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother. You have to sit comfortably but you shouldn’t bend too much or bend backward but comfortably in a relaxed way. So in the heart resides the Spirit. And if you become the Spirit then you become your guide, your own master. So now please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Which is the center of your mastery, which was created by all the great prophets in the past. Now please all of you do it otherwise you can go. All of you should do please. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. This is the center left side; this is the center for pure Divine knowledge. This is the center, which works out all the Divine laws. So now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now raise it again to your heart. Now raise it into the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. I’ve already told you that this center gets block when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on your forehead across. And now bend your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Divine Power. Now the last center, which is very important. Please, stretch your palm fully. Now take the center of your palm on top of your head. And now put it down, your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now you will have to close your eyes. Don’t open your eyes till I’ll tell you. You can take out your spectacles. If there’s anything tight on your neck or on your waist please loose it a little bit. You have to be comfortable. Now, just have the left hand on your lap and the right hand on your heart. Those who are sitting on a chair should remember to keep their feet apart from each other. Now please close your eyes. And please don’t open them till I’ll tell you. All right. Now put your hand on your heart and here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question. Please, ask a question about yourself, you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So now ask a question in your heart three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” If you are the Spirit you are your guide, so take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here you ask another fundamental question, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. And here you ask a question or you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to open our higher centers with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here with full confidence say ten times, “Mother, I am my own master”. I’ve already told you that the fundamental Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So please put your right hand on your heart and here with full self-confidence say twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This All Pervading Divine Power is the knowledge, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss. It is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes we might commit the power of this ocean of forgiveness can completely dissolve it. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. Now turn your head to your right and you have to say sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Say it with full confidence. I’ve already explained to you whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So also the danger is that if you do not forgive the Kundalini can not pass through this center of Agnya. Because it is a constricted center. So now raise your hand to your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say not how many times but from your heart that, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart. Now please take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible and here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to say, “O, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes”. Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now stretch you palm fully and put the center of your palm on the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head. Here again I can not cross over your freedom, which I respect. I can not force Self-Realization on you; you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times saying seven times, “Mother, please give me Self-Realization”. Please put down your heads, please. Please push back your fingers. Don’t hold your head but please push back your fingers and put a pressure on your scalp and slowly move it. (Shri Mataji blows into the microphone 7 times.) Now please take down your hand. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Little higher. Now please put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and with the left hand you see if there’s a cool breeze or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your head. Bend your head, bend your head. Now please put left hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area; it could be also hot. If you have not forgiven it will be hot. Also those who have not forgiven may not get at all. So now please now forgive. Some people will get it little higher, much higher, and some get it closer to the head. Now again put your left hand towards Me. I’m sorry, right hand, right hand towards Me and with the left hand again see if there’s a cool breeze or a hot breeze like thing coming from your heads. Please bend your head, please. Now, raise both your hands above your head like this. And you have to ask a question, anyone of these three questions, anyone of them three times. Put back your head completely looking at the sky. Ask a question either, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask this question three times in your heart. Or else you can ask a second question three times, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Divine Love?” Or you can ask this question three times, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. (Shri Mataji whispers, “O, Mine”). O, Mine. I bow to you all. Now you saintly life has started, your saintly life has started. Is the proof that you have got your Self-Realization. And please have respect for your Self-Realization. Beware very careful about bad influences, negative forces. Everywhere in Russia I found people suffering from these people who have been doing extra… What you call it? – ESP, yes. They develop boils all over body or they had a crooked joints, it’s horrible. Of course it is curable. But why go to these negative people, for what? When Sahaja Yoga can give you all the blessings. May God bless you. I hope you people will look after your Self-Realization and will come, come up next year, when I come, as great trees of spirituality. You have to use this power, then only you will know what it is. And you’ll be amazed how it helps you. It is beyond your mind, so do not discuss, argue with anyone. But just work it out. May God bless you all. All of them got it, even there they got it. It’s very surprising. Even the children there, the people who are sitting there they got it. And here up to here they got it. (The audience is going to sing) They are going to sing? Well, I want to judge them. Your people are going to sing? After all, I’ve never heard them. [1] It was an open-air meeting and the bright sunlight did not allow seeing the pictures projected on the screen. – ed.
Public program, 1992-0806, Dynamo stadium, Kyiv, Ukraine I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We can not think about it, imagine about it or change it. (To the interpreter, “Your’s [microphone – ed.] is a more sort of a echoes, echo, little. Mine is all right.” Then they change their microphones.) … level also we can not feel the truth. We have to be subtler, to be in the state of Spirit to feel the Truth. And to become the Spirit there is a complete machinery within us which works it out. Already built within us during our evolutionary process. Now, it is the time, a special time, when you all can have that state of Spirit. This is your rebirth. As it is said that you are to be born again. But it is not just a certificate that we are born again but something has to happen within. And for that happening you are all absolutely ready. Within us lies the sense of faith in something. We had this faith that there must be something beyond. But it has been challenged or diverted. So we started seeking truth in areas where it does not lie. For example the first attack came to us we can say in Ukraine through communism. So we had our faith in communism. It has done one thing good that it did not allowed you to have faith in fundamentalism. But today the greatest danger is that there is a vacuum in Russia and also in Ukraine and we may jump into some sort of a fundamentalism. I’m told there are people who have come to convert into Hinduism. They are giving food and trying to entice as the missioners did in India. By conversion you do not receive truth. You have to have your transformation, not conversion. Any fundamentalism whether it is Christianity, or Hinduism, or Islam are very dangerous. There is a universal religion within us. Because all these religions were born on the tree of spirituality at different times. On the same tree of spirituality. Then people pluck these flowers and started saying, “These are mine, these are mine”. They are fighting with these dead flowers. As long as there will be one following, one book to be followed, then there will be always quarrels. In the name of God how many people were killed in these fights? This kind of just a feeling or a kind of a concept that we are the chosen ones is extremely dangerous. We have to now understand these are the most important times of spirituality. I call it a blossom time. But it is said that these are the Last Judgments. That means you have to use your wisdom to judge what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is false is not going to help us at all, it has not helped any one so far. What is going to help is your own ascend. Another challenge comes to us from science. Sahaja Yoga is Meta science. Because it is conclusive. It gives you the exact results. It is absolutely verifiable. And that you become enlightened to verify it yourself. And you know all the modus operandi means how to operate. You get all the knowledge about yourself. You have within yourself such a beautiful machinery. Now whatever I’m telling you, you have to accept it as a hypothesis and open your mind like a scientist and see for yourself if it is true. If it is true then you must accept as honest people. Because it gives you solutions for all problems. All problems, world problems are because of humane beings. And all humane problems are because of their subtle centers within themselves. I wanted you to see the picture of this machinery but unfortunately there is light so you can not see there’s lights[1], but later on they will show you. So there are seven centers within us placed at different places in the spinal cord and in the brain. They are responsible for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual activity. If somehow we can correct whose centers then all our problems can be solved. But at the base of the spine there’s a triangular bone called as sacrum. That means the Greeks knew that it is a sacred bone. So this Kundalini is a power, which is residing in that sacrum bone. This is like a primula in a seed. If it is awakened it passes through six centers and pierces through your fontanel bone area giving you the actualization of baptism. Actualization means it is a happening. Kundalini is the pure desire of God Almighty. And is reflected within us through the reflection of the Primordial Mother – the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. Paul did not want to talk about women because he hated them, saint Paul. So he said that it is the Holy Ghost is a dove. They talked about the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost which is a dove. You have a Father and a Son. And what about the Mother? The Mother is the Primordial Mother and Greeks called this as Athena. And in India it is called as Adi Shakti. In the pagan religion they called Her as White Goddess. In every religion there is the mention of the Primordial Mother. Thomas, Saint Thomas’s Gospel had described how Christ has said that, “I have another Mother”. So now the proof is that we have the Kundalini in our triangular bone. In some people we can see it pulsating if there is problem in the higher centers. But in most of the people it just shoots off and pierces through the fontanel bone area. And thus we get the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. When this Kundalini rises you don’t feel anything that hurts you. She integrates all the centers, nourishes them and ultimately She connects you to this All Pervading Power of the Divine Love. So the Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego and conditionings. But you are the pure Spirit. The second thing is that there is All Pervading Subtle Power of Divine Love. We see these flowers; it’s a miracle how they have grown out of small seeds. But we take it for granted. Our eyes are beautiful cameras, it’s a miracle. Our brain is a computer and we just do not even think about it. Who runs our heart? They say it is the autonomous nervous system, the doctors will say, “Autonomous nervous system”. But this “auto” who is he? So now we come to the point how do we get this Kundalini awakening. Now there are two more channels of sympathetic nervous systems, which are manifested by two other channels – the Right and the Left. So now what we have to correct are these six centers and these channels. So the whole problem is reduced to twenty one points at the most. Now supposing you can feel the centers of others on your fingertips. Then you know what’s wrong with you and you can know what’s wrong with others. Supposing you know how to correct these centers then you can solve your problem. Because Spirit is a universal being you also develop a new awareness, you develop, you become aware of the centers of other people through collective consciousness and new awareness that you develop. It is becoming, it is not just a lecture or a kind of a sermon. It happens and if you know how to correct your centers and the centers of others you can solve all the problems. Now we have in India three doctors who have cured some incurable diseases and they have got their master of I mean what you call the doctorate in medicine. And there are seven doctors in England as well as in Australia, Thailand or Taiwan who are making record of people who have been cured through Sahaja Yoga. Yesterday only in a program a lady who was suffering from arthritis and could not walk without crutches completely got all right in five minutes. Some people ask Me, “Chernobyl problem – can it be solved?” Why not, we have helped some people definitely, no doubt. It can be easily corrected. So you become the Spirit. And when you become the Spirit, then the first thing happens to you that your thoughts stop, you can stop your thoughts. That means you are thoughtlessly aware. And at that stage you are in the present. You are not in the future or in the past. But you are in the present. Thus you find your peace with yourself. Many people who have got Peace Nobel Prizes have no peace within. Say, this instrument. If it is not connected to mains it is useless, it has no meaning. In the same way if we are not connected to the Mains we have no meaning, we have no identity. So it is very important that this should happened to all of us. Of course you can not pay for it. Also you don’t have to put in any effort. Only thing you have to give some time. You have to respect your Self-Realization. Also it is a collective happening. It can not be worked out at home; you have to come to the collective. So please remember that there are many anti Christ in the name of God. Also there are people like Freud who just without understanding any foundation of science started giving ideas of free love. For the last twenty-two years I’ve been telling that he’s a fraud. Now there is one doctor who has researched it and he calls it a “Fraudulent Freud”, he’s given a book like that. Now this free love is a very dangerous thing. It has given AIDS and lots of secret diseases to people. The family system is ruined. And the children have become orphans. I was shocked the other day in a program a sixteen year old girl came and told Me she has some venereal disease. And she said, “There are many like me”. So one has to understand that once you become the Spirit in that light you will know that what is righteousness, what is holiness. These intellectuals have taken advantage of our ignorance and have misled us into complete hell. Then we have our own personality and wisdom and we can judge them better. But in Sahaja Yoga you have to grow. Today of course you’ll all get your Realization, no doubt. But you have to grow later on. I’ll now tell you the nature of Spirit in short. The Spirit when it enlightens your attention, your attention becomes active. Attention, when you put attention onto someone or on any question you can definitely help. Without doing anything. Also it gives you the full idea as to what sort of a person you are dealing with. Because you start feeling on your fingertips your centers and the center of others. And when you start feeling the centers of yours or anybody else’s you know for definite what is the situation. Thus you know absolutely the Absolute Truth. You can ask the question and you get the answer on your fingertips. So this is the time of resurrection as described by Mohammed Sahib Kiyama. He said that at the time of Kiyama your hands will speak and will give evidence about yourself. So this time is here and you all have to get your Realization and I’m sure you’ll all get it tonight. If all of you know the truth as one how can there will be quarrel, how can there be discussion? Also with the Spirit the experience you have is of joy. Because it is the source of joy. Joy is not a duality like happiness and unhappiness, it is just pure joy. And as we enter into the Kingdom of God we get all the blessings of that. So many miracles take place that we do not know how to even write them in a book because they are piling up. All these things that I’m telling you can happen tonight to you. But you must have pure desire to get your Realization. It will take about ten to fifteen minutes. But whose who do not want to have their Self-Realizations should really leave the hall, leave the stadium. Because I respect your freedom. If you choose to be the Self-Realized personality you could stay. But those who do not want I can not force Self-Realization on them. And such people should not also force their presence here on others. So I would request all of them, such people who do not want their Self-Realization to leave the hall. All of you should sit down somehow because standing up it will be difficult. Please be seated. There are also some seats I think for you to sit down. It will not take more than fifteen minutes. I have told you that there are two powers within us – left and right. Left is the power of desire, of common desire. And the right is the power of action. But Kundalini is the power of pure desire. Now there are three conditions, which I will tell you, which are very simple. The first one is that you have to be absolutely self-confident that you will get your Self-Realization. Wherever you are sitting, wherever you are. You all will get your Realization if you fulfill the conditions. The second condition is that you have not to feel guilty for anything. Please believe Me there is nothing like what you call this “original sin”. This is not even in the Bible. But they have started it just to frighten people. So don’t believe that they tell you, “you are a sinner and you have to confess”. You do not have to feel guilty at all. You are not guilty at all. If you have committed mistakes it’s all right because you are a humane being. You are not God. So if you have committed any mistakes you just forgive yourself. You have to face yourself and correct the mistake, instead of that you feel guilty. Thus you put the guilt in the center on the left side here. And that is very dangerous. If this side of the center is blocked then you can get a disease called angina. You can get spondylitis or lethargic organs. So please just now forgive yourself and don’t feel guilty. Now the third condition is even simpler. That you have to forgive everyone. Even not to think about them. Logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. As it is those who have troubled you are happy people. But you are torturing yourself on their behalf. So there’s no sense in it. No wisdom. Moreover, the center which is in the optic chiasm gets closed like this, absolutely [INAUDIBLE – constricted ?] .... As it is you have tortured yourself. And if you now do not forgive then you will miss such a great thing. And you should not think about those people because that’s also headache. These are the only three simple conditions. Now I would request you to take out your shoes because this Mother Earth also helps us. (To the interpreter, “ Are they already sitting without shoes?” The interpreter, “Yes”) Now those who are sitting on the chairs are to remember that they put both their feet away from each other. But sitting on the ground they are perfectly all right. This Mother Earth helps us a lot. So now you have to put your left hand on your lap like this. And we will show you how to nourish your own centers and awaken your own Kundalini; this is to be done only today. Please put your left hand on your lap, which is symbolic that you want to have your or desiring to have your Self-Realization. Now with the right hand we have to nourish the centers on our left hand side. So first you have to put your right hand on your heart. In the heart resides the Spirit, which is the reflection of God Almighty. And the Kundalini is the reflection of the Primordial Mother. You have to sit comfortably but you shouldn’t bend too much or bend backward but comfortably in a relaxed way. So in the heart resides the Spirit. And if you become the Spirit then you become your guide, your own master. So now please take down your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Which is the center of your mastery, which was created by all the great prophets in the past. Now please all of you do it otherwise you can go. All of you should do please. Now take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen. This is the center left side; this is the center for pure Divine knowledge. This is the center, which works out all the Divine laws. So now raise your right hand again in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. Now raise it again to your heart. Now raise it into the corner of your neck and your shoulder. And turn your head to your right. I’ve already told you that this center gets block when you feel guilty. Now raise your right hand on your forehead across. And now bend your head as far as possible. This is the center where you have to forgive everyone in general without thinking about them. Now please take your right hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. This is the center where without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the All Pervading Divine Power. Now the last center, which is very important. Please, stretch your palm fully. Now take the center of your palm on top of your head. And now put it down, your head as far as possible. Push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Now please move your scalp seven times clockwise. That’s all we have to do. Now you will have to close your eyes. Don’t open your eyes till I’ll tell you. You can take out your spectacles. If there’s anything tight on your neck or on your waist please loose it a little bit. You have to be comfortable. Now, just have the left hand on your lap and the right hand on your heart. Those who are sitting on a chair should remember to keep their feet apart from each other. Now please close your eyes. And please don’t open them till I’ll tell you. All right. Now put your hand on your heart and here you have to ask Me a very fundamental question. Please, ask a question about yourself, you can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji, whatever you like. So now ask a question in your heart three times, “Mother, am I the Spirit?” If you are the Spirit you are your guide, so take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here you ask another fundamental question, “Mother, am I my own master?” I’ve already told you that I respect your freedom and I can not force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please put your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. And here you ask a question or you have to ask six times because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure knowledge”. As soon as you ask for pure knowledge the Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to open our higher centers with our self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side and here with full confidence say ten times, “Mother, I am my own master”. I’ve already told you that the fundamental Truth is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. So please put your right hand on your heart and here with full self-confidence say twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit”. This All Pervading Divine Power is the knowledge, is the ocean of knowledge, is the ocean of compassion and bliss. It is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes we might commit the power of this ocean of forgiveness can completely dissolve it. So please forgive yourself and put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder. Now turn your head to your right and you have to say sixteen times, “Mother, I am not guilty at all”. Say it with full confidence. I’ve already explained to you whether you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands. So also the danger is that if you do not forgive the Kundalini can not pass through this center of Agnya. Because it is a constricted center. So now raise your hand to your forehead and put down your head as far as possible. Here you have to say not how many times but from your heart that, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general”. Say it from your heart. Now please take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible and here you have to say without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, for your satisfaction you have to say, “O, Divine Power, please forgive me if I have done any mistakes”. Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now stretch you palm fully and put the center of your palm on the fontanel bone area, which was the soft bone in your childhood. Now please put down your head. Here again I can not cross over your freedom, which I respect. I can not force Self-Realization on you; you have to ask for it. So please move your scalp seven times saying seven times, “Mother, please give me Self-Realization”. Please put down your heads, please. Please push back your fingers. Don’t hold your head but please push back your fingers and put a pressure on your scalp and slowly move it. (Shri Mataji blows into the microphone 7 times.) Now please take down your hand. Put both the hands towards Me like this. Little higher. Now please put the right hand towards Me and bend your head and with the left hand you see if there’s a cool breeze or a hot breeze like waves coming out of your head. Bend your head, bend your head. Now please put left hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself if there is cool breeze coming out of your fontanel bone area; it could be also hot. If you have not forgiven it will be hot. Also those who have not forgiven may not get at all. So now please now forgive. Some people will get it little higher, much higher, and some get it closer to the head. Now again put your left hand towards Me. I’m sorry, right hand, right hand towards Me and with the left hand again see if there’s a cool breeze or a hot breeze like thing coming from your heads. Please bend your head, please. Now, raise both your hands above your head like this. And you have to ask a question, anyone of these three questions, anyone of them three times. Put back your head completely looking at the sky. Ask a question either, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” Ask this question three times in your heart. Or else you can ask a second question three times, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Divine Love?” Or you can ask this question three times, “Mother, is this the Parama Chaitanya?” Now, please put down your hands. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips or on their palm or out of their fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. (Shri Mataji whispers, “O, Mine”). O, Mine. I bow to you all. Now you saintly life has started, your saintly life has started. Is the proof that you have got your Self-Realization. And please have respect for your Self-Realization. Beware very careful about bad influences, negative forces. Everywhere in Russia I found people suffering from these people who have been doing extra… What you call it? – ESP, yes. They develop boils all over body or they had a crooked joints, it’s horrible. Of course it is curable. But why go to these negative people, for what? When Sahaja Yoga can give you all the blessings. May God bless you. I hope you people will look after your Self-Realization and will come, come up next year, when I come, as great trees of spirituality. You have to use this power, then only you will know what it is. And you’ll be amazed how it helps you. It is beyond your mind, so do not discuss, argue with anyone. But just work it out. May God bless you all. All of them got it, even there they got it. It’s very surprising. Even the children there, the people who are sitting there they got it. And here up to here they got it. (The audience is going to sing) They are going to sing? Well, I want to judge them. Your people are going to sing? After all, I’ve never heard them. [1] It was an open-air meeting and the bright sunlight did not allow seeing the pictures projected on the screen. – ed.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: Morality is extremely important
St. Petersburg
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Russia, 1922-08-09 Today we are going to worship Mahalakshmi principle within us. As we know very well Mahalakshmi Principle resides in the central part of our being. Through which Kundalini has to rise. But Kundalini enters our body in the left side. In the sense that its the residual power of deity everything left side right side and then She enters into our sacrum. So in the Mahalakshmi temple in Kulamlpur they sing a song of Kundalini ambe that oh Amba please rise, kundalini please rise. In the Mahalakshmi temple, they have to do it because through Mahalakshmi channel she rises. Now the Mahalakshmi principle within us starts manifesting when our Lakshmi principle is complete. Mahalakshmi principle is ascent above all material seeking. Lakshmi principle is when people are seeking more material wealth. But there is no end to Lakshmi principle also. as the economics says that wants in general are nor satiable. So well want something today we get it but we are not satisfied and we want to have another thing and we are not satisfied so we go on asking for more and more. But once we realise that this mad pace is too much then we start thinking what should be the next. Communism has brought lots of things to you. You may be angry with people who brought communism but actually they have done so much good to you, you have no idea. First of all, you did not have idea of freedom which was abandonment. And also freedom before self-realisation is not easy for human beings to bear. People will go hamac will go running after material things to such an extent that they really become mad. They have so much choice like in America every bathroom who is differently made. So much of individualism that you should ask for what sort of a bath you need otherwise you will land in difficulties. Every car has a different handle and you should point out how to open it. So much energy is wasted in deciding what to buy, what not to buy. Worse than the French. For 45 minutes they decide what they will have in a restaurant. And very seriously they can discuss these philosophical questions. And ultimately they just get drunk before they eat. So the energy is wasted in nonsensical things and you form a very bad habit of using all the time of using even small things. And they start telling about what they like and what they don't like even without considering if the other person is bad about it. Because of this wasteful effort all their life they become absolutely useless for spirit jobs. The importance is given to useless worthless things and not to the spirit. this is the reason now that you have lost communism you are in the vacuum. But you are just in the Mahalakshmi principle already there. Because you just care for your assent. and very satisfied with your realisation. Last time when I came here there was a political problem. I asked sahaja yogis not to worry. But they said Mother now we are in the Kindom of God why should we worry. Such answer would not be possible for people who are really high in spirituality. Such a lot of potential in this country and also in Ukraine that I think after some time this country will become one of the strongest countries in the whole world. Like communism {inaudible} we have to climb on Sahaja yoga stairs and leave it behind. In the same way you have to leave behind what desires you had before realisation automatically. Once you are in the whole you already left the steps automatically. Already this Mahalakshmi principle is manifested. There must be 25-30% of people who may not be on this life. Like I have seen I was travelling by the taxi the driver asked me if I had Marlborough cigarettes or another fellow asked me something like that. But they are very few people. And such people have to still evolve to your level. But when there is vacuum all kinds of things are sucked in. I feel there are many things from the West are sucked in also like drugs like this mad music AIDs and other diseases but the worst is the Freud's ideas of free love which are very much malignant. I think the communist government did not want to be bothered about your morality at all. They wanted to enjoy their power so they said do what you like, we don’t care as long as you allow us to have the power. So this free love business has gone to far also in Russia and in Ukraine. But those who are on the Mahalakshmi Principle have to know one thing that morality is the basis of your country. That is the strength of Shri Ganesha. If this strength is not manifested one will never go up to a point which is Virat. So in our sahaj culture, we have to understand that morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle. Because of the western culture just coming into this vacuum is very dangerous I have to tell you, again and again, be careful. Many people who came to Sahaja yoga not in Russia have fallen off because of immoral attachments. But in a very sahaj manner, you can be moral. You do not have to force yourself or compel yourself but spontaneously you will manifest morality in your lifestyle. In India we have some immoral behaviour no doubt but it is not their lifestyle so some people may be immoral but they are not the whole of the society. Moreover, the responsibility is more on women who respect their chastity. If a woman is moral then the children become moral and the husband also comes to morality but if the woman is immoral then the whole society is finished. So the responsibility of keeping the social balance in society is entirely of women. It means you have to be alert that you do not deviate from the balance of Mahalakshmi principle into something that is destructive. All the prophets have created a sense of balance, righteousness, of dharma. The reason is that they were in the Void in Bhava Sagara. Moreover the more rigid is the religion, like Catholic or Islamic, then people tend to be immoral because they are suppressed so they want to take out their oppression in this way that they just go amok. So we should also understand that the sense of morality is given to us it's already innately placed within us. Even if you see small girls or small boys they have a great sense of shame. This innate sense keeps the children innocent and they do not like things which are repulsive or destructive spontaneously. But as you grow suddenly this Mahalakshmi principle starts to go away from the central path. Another horrible temptation or we can say manifestation is that of anger. If you are an angry person then you can not maintain your connection with the divine power. It is important to be very watchful to see that when you are moving in the central path you do not get diverted. I must say that the Russians are not so hot-tempered as other western people are. The boasted so much about their way that they are some higher race but you should see what have they achieved? They are at a very low level of spirituality that means their race itself is a low level. Because anger aggressiveness hot temper are not the signs of saintliness. The way they aggressed other countries the way they killed so many people the way they dominated other people is very surprising. And they are very self .... That they are the higher race. I mean what is their scale of measurement there I don't know. So this anger business can also just come into this vacuum. Sahaja Yogis should be very careful to see that they are not captured by this anger. From anger rise so many problems, But anger comes also physically from the liver. And also jealousy the Ego wants to overpower people because they are jealous. So this anger is to be seen to be watched all the time. Because its a killer of joy. Understanding is only possible when you are alert and watch yourself see yourself why does anger come to us? Anger makes our discretion absolutely miserable. It makes our agnya absolutely {inaudible}. So the solution of anger is love. If the ego is hurt people get anger. People always try to take the advantage of angry people. Pampering your Ego you can create hatred for another race. {inaudible} that he thought (Hitler) that his race was higher than other races. He thought them to be worse than animals. How can you think that you are an evolved person or a higher race? So the discretion is lost. {inaudible} understand. And he starts speaking that I am right with the agnya or with Ego you think only that I am right. Because of Ego you do not hurt yourself you hurt only others so you are not at a disadvantage. That means this Ego can make a beast out of you. And Mahalakshmi principle can become lost. Firstly must be understood that to keep in the centre we should take peaceful decorous life. In Sahaja yoga it is easy to understand once your agnya is caught up you get a headache then you want to clear it out (that agnya). It is sometimes so painful that you feel like breaking your head. So this Ego which is ou hidden enemy always takes us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Also we have some conditionings which take us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Many people believe that if you have to achieve God you must suffer. Then you unnecessarily try to torture yourself. You try to fast and to sleep on the open grounds and do all kinds of things to your body. So with Ego you pamper your body care too much for your comfort and with conditionings, you try to torture yourself. In Sahaja yoga we care fro the comfort of the spirit. There are no more sufferings needed nothing is needed you are just there enjoy! if you can not enjoy in Sahaja yoga then you should know that you are not manifesting Mahalakshmi principle. This is what happened when people come to Sahaja Yoga and here they find that people are enjoying laughing and singing dancing they are amazed. So it is important to understand that whatever is extreme is not sahaj also the greed can keep you away from the right path. People who are greedy are never respected by anyone. They are miserly and they always want to think about their own problems. Now there are many I know who always tell Me about it that they want this they want this that is to be done but what I find that their attention is more on something that is not necessary. It is very surprising sometimes to find how in Sahaja yoga people start manifesting greed. But the best to overcome greed is to give away. When you give away the joy of giving away things is so great that you can not get out of acquiring things. So one has to understand that our main object is to reach that state of doubtless awareness where we all the time absolutely enjoying ourselves. {Hindi} the spirit is satisfied by spirit. So the enjoyment by the spirit of the spirit so what is there to complain because your spirit is enlightened. The more you grow in Sahaja yoga you will be amazed to see how you enjoy collectivity. If the person can not enjoy collectivity he thinks he is very highly placed he has a special job or he is something great and he can not talk with other sahaja yogis with the same level the same love then he is not a sahaja yogi. So now we understand that it is important for a sahaja yogi to keep to the central path all the time. Through meditation every evening you can come into the central path and to try to stay there in the Nirvichar Samadhi means thoughtless awareness. That state of thoughtless awareness does not allow any of these things to disturb. So as sahaja yogi one has to meditate to achieve that state of thoughtless awareness for a quite a long duration. So the transformation that has come in you now is taking you into a very different direction {inaudible}. It is not going to work out for the satisfaction of ego or satisfaction of greed or lust. But it is going to work out the sensitivity. Sensitivity to joy. All other pursuits are joyless pursuits. Why do we do other pursuits? Because of ignorance. Because after all whatever we do we want to have happiness. Actually, whatever we do it does not give us happiness it can give us sometimes little happiness but may be later on some unhappiness then some embitterment it may not all the time give you that joy. So now we are at a very different level. Till you are not enlightened you are asking for enlightenment also you ask for family for other things which are not spiritual up to a point. You can see clearly if you do not keep your level you can slip down. If all life pursuits are futile the why not have Mahalakshmi principle to manifest? So why do we wonder about? If our achievement is already there why do we run after something else? Now in Sahaja yoga whatever work you are doing for Sahaja yoga many people start thing oh I'm doing so much work and they lose all joy. As soon as you feel that you are doing some work you'd better give up. It is the idea that I am doing this work I am doing that work can be very sickening can be very tiring and might completely take away your joy. So enjoyment that we enjoy onto our spirit is the nectar of the Mahalakshmi principle. So you going to understand how important this Mahalakshmi principle is. Now the best way to be in this Mahalakshmi principle is to surrender yourself. So when you are absolutely in that state of bliss you emit bliss. People are enjoying your company. This is what that your power becomes blissful. What else do we surrender it is only Ego and our conditionings. Nothing else is to be surrendered only our ego and our conditionings so that the Sahasrara opens out. Then what will you lose? Nothing! Some people are frightened when they are told that you have to surrender they are frightened. Because you are enjoying reality then why should you bother about the Myth. That is how sahaja yogis become extremely balanced personalities. You do not go to extremes neither you try to correct others all the time but you just watch like a witness. Actually, this Vishuddh state is so beautiful is so silent it is so fulfilling that you do not want to have anything else. Surprisingly when you are in that state you are looked after by this divine power. But what we have achieved we have to reserve it as the greatest treasure and then go ahead. Every moment it will fill you down every moment. Small things will make you very happy. You would like to do for others and when you have done something sensible you feel extremely glad. So all whatever you were worried before whatever you were hankering after all go just feel fulfilled! So you have all the lights everything there! If you are in a blissful state everything is available. I find I have lost the way somewhere. Then I feel there must be so the reason I have to be there. Now supposing I am late somewhere. I only think there must be some reason. First time I told Sahaja yogis that you have got power you can to work it out but they would not search anything. On the Nasik road, I got very late because our car failed. And I was nicely sitting and enjoying myself there. And the other Sahaja yogi accompanying me was worrying Mother you are not worried you have to reach there. If I have to we will reach whenever we'll reach. We were late by 2 hours. What had happened the Sahaja yogi who was looking after the public had to start otherwise the people would have beaten them up. That is how they started working. Once it happened we were going by car I was going by car and other Sahaja yogis by bus and the bus had failed, in a village. So they were worried about what will they eat and what will happen. And I said it's all right now you are here. Wherever you are it's all right. And all the villagers came round. And then the word spread that Mataji has come here. So they came here and said while the bus is repaired let us have some program here. And then we had a program and now we have a very strong centre there. With this experience, only Sahaja yogis started going to villages and started their centre. So Mahalakshmi principle what does it give? Gives you a kind of blissful satisfaction. Now whether you are in the palace or you are in the wilderness you are satisfied. You have the light within yourself and this light then you can spread anywhere because you are a satisfied person. The whole role of life changes. Like the drunkard cannot enjoy to drink alone you also do not enjoy Sahaja yoga alone. So whenever you go you start spreading Sahaja yoga. And people are surprised that you are the way you are satisfied. There is no chance to complain. About what? when there is so much joy pouring in you why should you complain? About what you complain? Otherwise, some so-called "normal" person will go on complaining about everything and have a headache himself. Like they find faults with this carpet, this thing that thing all the time finding faults. Either blaming others or blaming himself. But then its joy everywhere why don't you enjoy? You can do what you like if you want to spread this way that way do what you like but why to complain? This Mahalakshmi principle in your Sahasrara then there are no words that one can express how it brings the divine light in you. You know that you know the truth you know it very well. You know what is reality. You are so knowledgeable. Still, you don't look down upon people who are ignorant. So in Sahasrara is manifested compassion tremendous compassion. Now, one may say how can brain have compassion? But the kundalini comes out of this heart centre. That heart centre enlightens your heart. And the first thing that shows in you is the feeling of tremendous compassion. You don't worry about yourself you do not think about yourself all the time you are thinking about others realisation. And as soon as you start paying attention to that person gets alright. You are on firm grounds and you are so confident but at the same time, you are extremely humble, kind and gentle. Once I met a gentleman who was our prime minister. And he said this lady is supposed to be so spiritually developed and she is so simple. So all complications have fallen off so you are...Normally those why are false gurus they will have bull horns coming out of their head. And those why are not realised souls will wear some sort of dresses to show that they are very great ascetics. But with Mahalakshmi principle, you are so enriched what is there to show? I mean if somebody is a really a king he does not call I am a king I am a king he IS a king so its all right. Some people say, I am Christ, I am Mother Mary, I am Shri Krishna all kinds of things. Another one say I am Sai Baba. Means Sai Baba is reality. If you are sai Baba why should you put this ... before you why do you want to certify yourself? Supposing my name is Nirmala. Then I say I'm Nirmala and finished. But if I say I am Satya Nirmala there is something wrong there. And these hypocricies then drop out all this falsehood drops out these complications drop out. Your worry about money absolutely drop out. If you need money Money is there. You don't have to know banking you do not have to know accounting, nothing needed. Sakshat Lakshmi is at your feet why should you worry about money? Why should you worry about anything? The one who has created always thinks. He is worried about you so why should you worry? So now in Sahasrara, if you are sitting at the lotus of your Sahasrara there are seven chakras that are at your feet. All the 7 deities are there and all their ganas all their angels all of them are at your disposal, just ask for it. Such a personality that does not show off does not try to impress others because if you impress some people too much then you will be pressed also later on. You do not have to certify the person. Just people know. And those who do not know will never know so why worry. All kinds of beautiful thoughts and waves of joy that fills your life. I wish for all the Russians Ukrainians and also people from Finland this Mahalakshmi principle will fully manifest in their life. It should manifest in the whole world wherever there is Sahaja Yoga. When its manifests improve health wealth everything when you are truth then you start spreading it. You feel only responsible that you have to give light. Because you realise you are this light and you are the one who is going to remove the darkness. And new vibrations come up to you by which you want to have it resolved you want to have a kind of determination that I am going to do this. And you go on nourishing it's your own energy! In this lecture I wanted you to understand where you are, you are very different from the people and you are responsible for them. You are very powerful and you are the one who is going to transform. Millions and millions and emancipate the whole world. Actually, Mahalakshmi Puja is very short. And that's why I had to give you a long lecture today who you are now. The Mahalakshmi principle gives you self-awareness not only self-knowledge but also self-awareness. And above all self-esteem. Your role is no more... it is unlimited. I hope next year when I come you will have many many more people coming from other places. You have to go to schools colleges universities. They are the young people, young people are attacked from the west or like Hari Rama Hari Krishna. Shri Krishna is a Kubera is the God of wealth and they are begging rupees. I want to have a full assurance from all of your that you are now going to manifest Mahalakshmi principle in the whole of Russia, Ukraine, Finland. And those who came from other countries should also take a responsibility they can do it. You can do it I know. If one person like me can do it in a foreign country like Russia. Why those who belong to that country can not do it? Just have your desire and decide that we are going to do something every day. May God bless you.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Russia, 1922-08-09 Today we are going to worship Mahalakshmi principle within us. As we know very well Mahalakshmi Principle resides in the central part of our being. Through which Kundalini has to rise. But Kundalini enters our body in the left side. In the sense that its the residual power of deity everything left side right side and then She enters into our sacrum. So in the Mahalakshmi temple in Kulamlpur they sing a song of Kundalini ambe that oh Amba please rise, kundalini please rise. In the Mahalakshmi temple, they have to do it because through Mahalakshmi channel she rises. Now the Mahalakshmi principle within us starts manifesting when our Lakshmi principle is complete. Mahalakshmi principle is ascent above all material seeking. Lakshmi principle is when people are seeking more material wealth. But there is no end to Lakshmi principle also. as the economics says that wants in general are nor satiable. So well want something today we get it but we are not satisfied and we want to have another thing and we are not satisfied so we go on asking for more and more. But once we realise that this mad pace is too much then we start thinking what should be the next. Communism has brought lots of things to you. You may be angry with people who brought communism but actually they have done so much good to you, you have no idea. First of all, you did not have idea of freedom which was abandonment. And also freedom before self-realisation is not easy for human beings to bear. People will go hamac will go running after material things to such an extent that they really become mad. They have so much choice like in America every bathroom who is differently made. So much of individualism that you should ask for what sort of a bath you need otherwise you will land in difficulties. Every car has a different handle and you should point out how to open it. So much energy is wasted in deciding what to buy, what not to buy. Worse than the French. For 45 minutes they decide what they will have in a restaurant. And very seriously they can discuss these philosophical questions. And ultimately they just get drunk before they eat. So the energy is wasted in nonsensical things and you form a very bad habit of using all the time of using even small things. And they start telling about what they like and what they don't like even without considering if the other person is bad about it. Because of this wasteful effort all their life they become absolutely useless for spirit jobs. The importance is given to useless worthless things and not to the spirit. this is the reason now that you have lost communism you are in the vacuum. But you are just in the Mahalakshmi principle already there. Because you just care for your assent. and very satisfied with your realisation. Last time when I came here there was a political problem. I asked sahaja yogis not to worry. But they said Mother now we are in the Kindom of God why should we worry. Such answer would not be possible for people who are really high in spirituality. Such a lot of potential in this country and also in Ukraine that I think after some time this country will become one of the strongest countries in the whole world. Like communism {inaudible} we have to climb on Sahaja yoga stairs and leave it behind. In the same way you have to leave behind what desires you had before realisation automatically. Once you are in the whole you already left the steps automatically. Already this Mahalakshmi principle is manifested. There must be 25-30% of people who may not be on this life. Like I have seen I was travelling by the taxi the driver asked me if I had Marlborough cigarettes or another fellow asked me something like that. But they are very few people. And such people have to still evolve to your level. But when there is vacuum all kinds of things are sucked in. I feel there are many things from the West are sucked in also like drugs like this mad music AIDs and other diseases but the worst is the Freud's ideas of free love which are very much malignant. I think the communist government did not want to be bothered about your morality at all. They wanted to enjoy their power so they said do what you like, we don’t care as long as you allow us to have the power. So this free love business has gone to far also in Russia and in Ukraine. But those who are on the Mahalakshmi Principle have to know one thing that morality is the basis of your country. That is the strength of Shri Ganesha. If this strength is not manifested one will never go up to a point which is Virat. So in our sahaj culture, we have to understand that morality is extremely important for Mahalakshmi principle. Because of the western culture just coming into this vacuum is very dangerous I have to tell you, again and again, be careful. Many people who came to Sahaja yoga not in Russia have fallen off because of immoral attachments. But in a very sahaj manner, you can be moral. You do not have to force yourself or compel yourself but spontaneously you will manifest morality in your lifestyle. In India we have some immoral behaviour no doubt but it is not their lifestyle so some people may be immoral but they are not the whole of the society. Moreover, the responsibility is more on women who respect their chastity. If a woman is moral then the children become moral and the husband also comes to morality but if the woman is immoral then the whole society is finished. So the responsibility of keeping the social balance in society is entirely of women. It means you have to be alert that you do not deviate from the balance of Mahalakshmi principle into something that is destructive. All the prophets have created a sense of balance, righteousness, of dharma. The reason is that they were in the Void in Bhava Sagara. Moreover the more rigid is the religion, like Catholic or Islamic, then people tend to be immoral because they are suppressed so they want to take out their oppression in this way that they just go amok. So we should also understand that the sense of morality is given to us it's already innately placed within us. Even if you see small girls or small boys they have a great sense of shame. This innate sense keeps the children innocent and they do not like things which are repulsive or destructive spontaneously. But as you grow suddenly this Mahalakshmi principle starts to go away from the central path. Another horrible temptation or we can say manifestation is that of anger. If you are an angry person then you can not maintain your connection with the divine power. It is important to be very watchful to see that when you are moving in the central path you do not get diverted. I must say that the Russians are not so hot-tempered as other western people are. The boasted so much about their way that they are some higher race but you should see what have they achieved? They are at a very low level of spirituality that means their race itself is a low level. Because anger aggressiveness hot temper are not the signs of saintliness. The way they aggressed other countries the way they killed so many people the way they dominated other people is very surprising. And they are very self .... That they are the higher race. I mean what is their scale of measurement there I don't know. So this anger business can also just come into this vacuum. Sahaja Yogis should be very careful to see that they are not captured by this anger. From anger rise so many problems, But anger comes also physically from the liver. And also jealousy the Ego wants to overpower people because they are jealous. So this anger is to be seen to be watched all the time. Because its a killer of joy. Understanding is only possible when you are alert and watch yourself see yourself why does anger come to us? Anger makes our discretion absolutely miserable. It makes our agnya absolutely {inaudible}. So the solution of anger is love. If the ego is hurt people get anger. People always try to take the advantage of angry people. Pampering your Ego you can create hatred for another race. {inaudible} that he thought (Hitler) that his race was higher than other races. He thought them to be worse than animals. How can you think that you are an evolved person or a higher race? So the discretion is lost. {inaudible} understand. And he starts speaking that I am right with the agnya or with Ego you think only that I am right. Because of Ego you do not hurt yourself you hurt only others so you are not at a disadvantage. That means this Ego can make a beast out of you. And Mahalakshmi principle can become lost. Firstly must be understood that to keep in the centre we should take peaceful decorous life. In Sahaja yoga it is easy to understand once your agnya is caught up you get a headache then you want to clear it out (that agnya). It is sometimes so painful that you feel like breaking your head. So this Ego which is ou hidden enemy always takes us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Also we have some conditionings which take us away from Mahalakshmi principle. Many people believe that if you have to achieve God you must suffer. Then you unnecessarily try to torture yourself. You try to fast and to sleep on the open grounds and do all kinds of things to your body. So with Ego you pamper your body care too much for your comfort and with conditionings, you try to torture yourself. In Sahaja yoga we care fro the comfort of the spirit. There are no more sufferings needed nothing is needed you are just there enjoy! if you can not enjoy in Sahaja yoga then you should know that you are not manifesting Mahalakshmi principle. This is what happened when people come to Sahaja Yoga and here they find that people are enjoying laughing and singing dancing they are amazed. So it is important to understand that whatever is extreme is not sahaj also the greed can keep you away from the right path. People who are greedy are never respected by anyone. They are miserly and they always want to think about their own problems. Now there are many I know who always tell Me about it that they want this they want this that is to be done but what I find that their attention is more on something that is not necessary. It is very surprising sometimes to find how in Sahaja yoga people start manifesting greed. But the best to overcome greed is to give away. When you give away the joy of giving away things is so great that you can not get out of acquiring things. So one has to understand that our main object is to reach that state of doubtless awareness where we all the time absolutely enjoying ourselves. {Hindi} the spirit is satisfied by spirit. So the enjoyment by the spirit of the spirit so what is there to complain because your spirit is enlightened. The more you grow in Sahaja yoga you will be amazed to see how you enjoy collectivity. If the person can not enjoy collectivity he thinks he is very highly placed he has a special job or he is something great and he can not talk with other sahaja yogis with the same level the same love then he is not a sahaja yogi. So now we understand that it is important for a sahaja yogi to keep to the central path all the time. Through meditation every evening you can come into the central path and to try to stay there in the Nirvichar Samadhi means thoughtless awareness. That state of thoughtless awareness does not allow any of these things to disturb. So as sahaja yogi one has to meditate to achieve that state of thoughtless awareness for a quite a long duration. So the transformation that has come in you now is taking you into a very different direction {inaudible}. It is not going to work out for the satisfaction of ego or satisfaction of greed or lust. But it is going to work out the sensitivity. Sensitivity to joy. All other pursuits are joyless pursuits. Why do we do other pursuits? Because of ignorance. Because after all whatever we do we want to have happiness. Actually, whatever we do it does not give us happiness it can give us sometimes little happiness but may be later on some unhappiness then some embitterment it may not all the time give you that joy. So now we are at a very different level. Till you are not enlightened you are asking for enlightenment also you ask for family for other things which are not spiritual up to a point. You can see clearly if you do not keep your level you can slip down. If all life pursuits are futile the why not have Mahalakshmi principle to manifest? So why do we wonder about? If our achievement is already there why do we run after something else? Now in Sahaja yoga whatever work you are doing for Sahaja yoga many people start thing oh I'm doing so much work and they lose all joy. As soon as you feel that you are doing some work you'd better give up. It is the idea that I am doing this work I am doing that work can be very sickening can be very tiring and might completely take away your joy. So enjoyment that we enjoy onto our spirit is the nectar of the Mahalakshmi principle. So you going to understand how important this Mahalakshmi principle is. Now the best way to be in this Mahalakshmi principle is to surrender yourself. So when you are absolutely in that state of bliss you emit bliss. People are enjoying your company. This is what that your power becomes blissful. What else do we surrender it is only Ego and our conditionings. Nothing else is to be surrendered only our ego and our conditionings so that the Sahasrara opens out. Then what will you lose? Nothing! Some people are frightened when they are told that you have to surrender they are frightened. Because you are enjoying reality then why should you bother about the Myth. That is how sahaja yogis become extremely balanced personalities. You do not go to extremes neither you try to correct others all the time but you just watch like a witness. Actually, this Vishuddh state is so beautiful is so silent it is so fulfilling that you do not want to have anything else. Surprisingly when you are in that state you are looked after by this divine power. But what we have achieved we have to reserve it as the greatest treasure and then go ahead. Every moment it will fill you down every moment. Small things will make you very happy. You would like to do for others and when you have done something sensible you feel extremely glad. So all whatever you were worried before whatever you were hankering after all go just feel fulfilled! So you have all the lights everything there! If you are in a blissful state everything is available. I find I have lost the way somewhere. Then I feel there must be so the reason I have to be there. Now supposing I am late somewhere. I only think there must be some reason. First time I told Sahaja yogis that you have got power you can to work it out but they would not search anything. On the Nasik road, I got very late because our car failed. And I was nicely sitting and enjoying myself there. And the other Sahaja yogi accompanying me was worrying Mother you are not worried you have to reach there. If I have to we will reach whenever we'll reach. We were late by 2 hours. What had happened the Sahaja yogi who was looking after the public had to start otherwise the people would have beaten them up. That is how they started working. Once it happened we were going by car I was going by car and other Sahaja yogis by bus and the bus had failed, in a village. So they were worried about what will they eat and what will happen. And I said it's all right now you are here. Wherever you are it's all right. And all the villagers came round. And then the word spread that Mataji has come here. So they came here and said while the bus is repaired let us have some program here. And then we had a program and now we have a very strong centre there. With this experience, only Sahaja yogis started going to villages and started their centre. So Mahalakshmi principle what does it give? Gives you a kind of blissful satisfaction. Now whether you are in the palace or you are in the wilderness you are satisfied. You have the light within yourself and this light then you can spread anywhere because you are a satisfied person. The whole role of life changes. Like the drunkard cannot enjoy to drink alone you also do not enjoy Sahaja yoga alone. So whenever you go you start spreading Sahaja yoga. And people are surprised that you are the way you are satisfied. There is no chance to complain. About what? when there is so much joy pouring in you why should you complain? About what you complain? Otherwise, some so-called "normal" person will go on complaining about everything and have a headache himself. Like they find faults with this carpet, this thing that thing all the time finding faults. Either blaming others or blaming himself. But then its joy everywhere why don't you enjoy? You can do what you like if you want to spread this way that way do what you like but why to complain? This Mahalakshmi principle in your Sahasrara then there are no words that one can express how it brings the divine light in you. You know that you know the truth you know it very well. You know what is reality. You are so knowledgeable. Still, you don't look down upon people who are ignorant. So in Sahasrara is manifested compassion tremendous compassion. Now, one may say how can brain have compassion? But the kundalini comes out of this heart centre. That heart centre enlightens your heart. And the first thing that shows in you is the feeling of tremendous compassion. You don't worry about yourself you do not think about yourself all the time you are thinking about others realisation. And as soon as you start paying attention to that person gets alright. You are on firm grounds and you are so confident but at the same time, you are extremely humble, kind and gentle. Once I met a gentleman who was our prime minister. And he said this lady is supposed to be so spiritually developed and she is so simple. So all complications have fallen off so you are...Normally those why are false gurus they will have bull horns coming out of their head. And those why are not realised souls will wear some sort of dresses to show that they are very great ascetics. But with Mahalakshmi principle, you are so enriched what is there to show? I mean if somebody is a really a king he does not call I am a king I am a king he IS a king so its all right. Some people say, I am Christ, I am Mother Mary, I am Shri Krishna all kinds of things. Another one say I am Sai Baba. Means Sai Baba is reality. If you are sai Baba why should you put this ... before you why do you want to certify yourself? Supposing my name is Nirmala. Then I say I'm Nirmala and finished. But if I say I am Satya Nirmala there is something wrong there. And these hypocricies then drop out all this falsehood drops out these complications drop out. Your worry about money absolutely drop out. If you need money Money is there. You don't have to know banking you do not have to know accounting, nothing needed. Sakshat Lakshmi is at your feet why should you worry about money? Why should you worry about anything? The one who has created always thinks. He is worried about you so why should you worry? So now in Sahasrara, if you are sitting at the lotus of your Sahasrara there are seven chakras that are at your feet. All the 7 deities are there and all their ganas all their angels all of them are at your disposal, just ask for it. Such a personality that does not show off does not try to impress others because if you impress some people too much then you will be pressed also later on. You do not have to certify the person. Just people know. And those who do not know will never know so why worry. All kinds of beautiful thoughts and waves of joy that fills your life. I wish for all the Russians Ukrainians and also people from Finland this Mahalakshmi principle will fully manifest in their life. It should manifest in the whole world wherever there is Sahaja Yoga. When its manifests improve health wealth everything when you are truth then you start spreading it. You feel only responsible that you have to give light. Because you realise you are this light and you are the one who is going to remove the darkness. And new vibrations come up to you by which you want to have it resolved you want to have a kind of determination that I am going to do this. And you go on nourishing it's your own energy! In this lecture I wanted you to understand where you are, you are very different from the people and you are responsible for them. You are very powerful and you are the one who is going to transform. Millions and millions and emancipate the whole world. Actually, Mahalakshmi Puja is very short. And that's why I had to give you a long lecture today who you are now. The Mahalakshmi principle gives you self-awareness not only self-knowledge but also self-awareness. And above all self-esteem. Your role is no more... it is unlimited. I hope next year when I come you will have many many more people coming from other places. You have to go to schools colleges universities. They are the young people, young people are attacked from the west or like Hari Rama Hari Krishna. Shri Krishna is a Kubera is the God of wealth and they are begging rupees. I want to have a full assurance from all of your that you are now going to manifest Mahalakshmi principle in the whole of Russia, Ukraine, Finland. And those who came from other countries should also take a responsibility they can do it. You can do it I know. If one person like me can do it in a foreign country like Russia. Why those who belong to that country can not do it? Just have your desire and decide that we are going to do something every day. May God bless you.
We are here to seek the truth
Public Program
Public Program, Congress Centre Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland, 1992-0812 Please, be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to remember that we are here to seek the truth. It’s not a sermon, it’s not a lecture. It’s not fundamentalism. I am happy to see that there are so many seekers in this country.Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot read about it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to feel it, you have to become. I was also born in a Protestant family in India. And that’s how I know much more about Christianity than anyone of you can know. And I feel we have missed the point. Because you cannot seek Christianity and also truth. Christianity is very different from Christ. It’s absolutely mental. And especially, I have attended Lutheran Church and I treated many of them, Lutheran Church. Of course, one has to understand that all the seers, our forefathers have been following Christianity. Especially in my country, Christians came with the Bible in one hand and a revolver in another, gun in hand. And the kind of aggressiveness we see, thank God, Columbus luckily went to America, otherwise I wouldn’t have been here. No Indian would have been spared. You will be amazed that in Argentina and Chile, I have been to. You can’t find a single aboriginal resident, not one! You have to go to the museum to see them. Is that what Christ has taught us?He has said on the cross that, “Oh Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. He never wanted any fundamentalism. He has said that, “Those who are not against us are with us “. People allowed him to leave only for three and a half year. Only in that short period he had to talk to people. It is too short for people, it’s too short in time to talk to people about divinity, about subtleties. Too short! Because people are so ignorant. And they live with that ignorance, in sin. They belong to some church, some association, that’s all! When I went to London first, it took Me four years to talk to people, seven people only, educated, about Sahaja Yoga. Four years! I must say English are hard nuts, no doubt. They are hard nuts; English are hard nuts. But they opened themselves, opened to such an extent that today the best Sahaja Yogis we are having are English. Because they realised that we have to have something within us which is universal. How can we fight in the name of God when God has created all of us? How can we fight?It is surprising how everybody’s message has been so much being put into some sort of a mess. I have studied Bible and I realised that Paul had nothing to do with Christ! My father, who was a scholar and also a Realised soul, I asked him, "What is this Paul doing here?" He said that, "Paul is a squatter." Firstly, he was suffering from epilepsy. Now we have proved that epilepsy comes to people when they are possessed. In India, three doctors have got MD (Doctor of Medicine) for curing people through Sahaja Yoga, of incurable disease. They have done MD, Master, and one them getting epilepsy. And he found that his epilepsy comes from possessions. And if the possession is removed, the person can be cured. Thus, with Sahaja Yoga, people suffering from blood cancer have been cured. All kind of incurable diseases have been cured automatically. By this happening, Christ has clearly said that you are to be born again. Even in Sanskrit we call a Realised soul as a “dvija” the one who is born again. And even a bird called “dvija”, meaning the same, “bird born again” “twice”. Born twice, born bird. Now it is not just some priest puts water on your head and say, "You are born again". William Blake, a great poet from England, has written, "Once a priest cursed on my fontanel area" [The Caterpillar].But it is the happening that has to take place. Like an egg becomes a bird, is a different personality, you have to get your transformation. That may be the reason Christ has said in the second chapter, Mathews, 2nd verse, "You will be calling me ‘Jesus, Jesus’! I will not recognise you!" That’s what exactly is the situation today. And also, you can see, it’s very clear-cut that you might be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything: you can all commit any sin. You can do any harm to anyone. How can that be? There is no saving from these brands, these are brands artificially put on you. But if you are really a Christian then the whole universe is yours. For within us lies the Spirit. He said it so. And that you have to be the Spirit. He said it so. Once you become the Spirit, there is a complete transformation of personalities. I think Christ has said quite a lot in these three and a half years of his public life. He has done so many things for us about which we are not even aware. You will know what he has done within ourselves, what he has created within ourselves. And you can only understand Christ if you get your Self-realisation! We have now people who are Jews, who are Muslims, Hindus, all worship Christ. We are working in fifty-five nations. Because, firstly, this Paul chose Peter who was the worst disciple of the Christ! Christ has said about him that, "A devil will take over you. Satan, Satan will take over you", Christ said. So, he put in the name of Peter that Christ has said that, "You will build a temple or a church in his name and he will give you the keys". He gives you the keys through Peter.How can that be? The disciple who was the worst of all, how can he make the head of a church? There is no logic. Then, also, this organisation that started became power-oriented and money-oriented. This power is worldly power, is what for Christ? What is the value of this worldly power to Him? And what is this money after which these churches, and these temples and all this people are running? Very surprised that these false people are now becoming much more experts in falsehood.Like in Orthodox church, now in Russia, one of the politicians told Me there is a vacuum and then this church is- what you call- a black order of that church that Greek Orthodox, they are making all women nude and putting them in some sort of a pond to baptise. If you are a seeker of truth, you are born in the right moment. All the seekers of truth think that there is something beyond us. They also react to falsehood. But their faith is very much shattered. So, they need something like hippieism, this, that, anti-culture, all kind of things. But that’s not the way. They took to drugs and then to other things. Then in the West, intellectuals like Freud came in. In the Christian countries, how could they tolerate Freud? If he had come to India, I don’t know where he would have landed, poor man, he would have- they would have killed him immediately. He- I have been telling about him. Recently I’ve seen a very beautiful book written by an American doctor. He calls it, "Freudian Fraud" [E. Fuller Torrey, 1992]. Freud became Christ for people!I was told for 35 years people were fighting to become nude! Maybe, maybe for a higher race, I don’t know. But for us Indian it is stupid. Christ has said that, "Thou Shall not have adulterous eyes"; to such a subtle morality He has got that in your eyes, there should not be lust and greed, that’s what He said. When I first came to England, I was surprised, everyone’s looking at everyone. I mean, I didn’t know what they were doing, what are they up to? So, I asked Lili, I said, "What are they doing? She said, "This is flirting".[Laughter]I said, "But what’s the use, looking at someone who is not your wife? What’s the use? I don’t understand logically. Maybe we Indians are not so intelligent. So, the second shock comes, your faith is challenged by these people like Freud who take out yearns out of their heads. In this book "Freudian Fraud", he has given the names of so many scientists who have proved that he was- he had no scientific proof for psychoanalysis and for psychiatry [unsure]. And he said, "Nobody would publish their papers". Now, in his book he has proved absolutely that it has nothing to do with mother and child, the child behaviour, nothing of the kind. So now, we are at a juncture to see what is our goal, what do we have to achieve. Are we going to be just calling "Jesus, Jesus"? Or we are going to know him actually? Now there is a way within us, this is the tree of life which is described in the Bible. And also, he (Jesus) said I will appear before you like tongues of flames. And when you get Self-realisation, you see these centres, chakras as tongues of flames. Really you see them within yourself. But we have no self-knowledge. We have to be humble about it. All the world problems are from human beings. And all human problems are because of their fundamental centres. Now if you can somehow correct these centres within yourselves and connecting with the All-pervading power of God almighty then there is no problem! That way atheists are better, like Russians, because they have no conditionings. They are free people. They are [?]. So, now these centres reside within you and whatever I am telling you, you should not also believe me blindfolded. But, feel all this as a say hypothesis. And if it is proved, then as honest people should accept it. Because it is not only for your benevolence but it is benevolence of the whole world. Also, the third problem is that lots of false people have come from India. They are also money oriented. We have this from Hare Rama (Hare Krishna). In India everybody says that so what! But I ask the people in India who are supporting them “why are you supporting these people which is all false”? They are fundamentalist. They said that why they asked you to convert to Christianity? So, we now want to convert them to Hinduism. I said some donkeys were first converted to donkeys, and now some donkeys are then are going to converted as donkeys. By changing these brands are they going to achieve it? But they think about the whole world, of totality. They think about themselves. They think that they are the best. The all think that they are the best. If you have to ask about a Jew, go and ask a Christian. And if you want to know about a Christian, go and ask a Muslim. You ask a Muslim he will tell you to [?] about a Muslim. Ask Me about a Hindu. One better than the other. There is no religion. There is no God within them. They are all fighting dogs. Want to find out of some way of fighting. They talk of peace without peace within. They have to find peace within themselves.So now, this kundalini, it is your own mother. Everybody has their individual mother. And she gives you your second birth. There is another problem which I face always that most of the western people think that Christ was born in England. He was brown white. Maybe from Helsinki [Laughter] Because any knowledge coming from India, they want to [?]. They want to [?] all knowledge coming for India or East. I think that the western civilisation has grown like a big tree. But it does not know its roots. Even Christ went to India. And you will be amazed that one of my forefathers, long, long time back, he was a king of country; Shalivahan. He met Christ in Kashmir. It’s a historical, I mean whatever is written down (the conversation ) is there.He (Shalivahan) asked “What’s your name?”.He (Christ) said “My name is Issah”.Shalivahan: Are you some foreigner?Christ: I am not in this (India) country. But in my country, I am a foreigner. They cannot understand me.Also his mother died in India. [not clear]. Temper cannot be Godly. So now here are these centres and when this kundalini rises, she nourishes all this centres; passes through that crossing point where resides Christ at the optic chiasma. He is the ‘Gate’. And when the kundalini awakens in, he sucks in two institutions which are formed by these two channel, ego and superego. You can call ego and conditionings. That is “he died for our sins”. Because he sucks in all the karmas, all the [?] sucks. And also sucks whatever for is our conditioning. Then by that sucking the top of the fontanelle opens out. And a cool breeze starts coming out from your being. Also, you can feel all this cool breeze which is “holy ghost”, her power of love.Now about this Holy Ghost is another mis[?]. This archbishop of Canterbury was asked, “Who is the holy ghost?” by somebody on the television. I saw it myself. [not clear]. And he said I am agnostic; archbishop of Canterbury says. Agnostic means not knowledgeable. I watched on television. He (archbishop of canterbury) says “I am not knowledgeable”. So, this interviewer, a good man, asks him then what are you doing here? So, he (A Bishop of C) said “I am doing my job and you are doing your job”.Christ’s first disciple were Gnostics. “gna” comes from the word, in Sanskrit ‘gna’ means ‘knowledge’. It is not mental; it is not bookish knowledge. But knowledge where you evolve and feel this All-pervading power. So, who is this holy ghost? They have ‘the father’ and ‘the son’ and a dove. Why not the mother? Because, Paul hated women. The problem of this church is how to appoint a woman as a priest. Biggest problem! Because of ‘Mr. Paul’. This (pointing towards kundalini on chart) primordial Mother is a feminine within you. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost of the primordial mother. Greeks are much better. They call her Athena, the primordial mother. Atha’ mean primordial in Sanskrit. [Unclear]. Of course, we call her Adishakti’ means the primordial power. ‘She’ is the power of desire of the God Almighty. She creates the whole universe and the God Almighty is the witness. Later on, you will know a lot about Christ. Before they [?], what was before his [?], who was he. In our scriptures about Goddess, it’s all written. But Christians wouldn’t see. They have blinkers, not supposed to see here and there [?]. Thank God my mother and father both were scholars of Sanskrit.Now, this kundalini rises, pierces through this fontanelle bone area and she nourishes all these centres, because she is the vital force. As this instrument (mike) has to be connected to the mains, in the same way we have to be connected to the mains. So, this kundalini is also the pure desire. Our Pure Desire! So, when these centre goes out of order, they are formed by left and right sympathetic at the parasympathetic centre. When you start using this power they get constricted, the centres become constricted. And their energy is exhausted. And all these viruses come from left-side, from the subconscious, from the collective subconscious. Sometimes when they break, it starts working on its own; this side. All these incurable diseases are, we call of the left-sided attack of the viruses. And these viruses are the animals, the plants, and human being who have gone into the ‘collective subconscious’. Of course, now doctors have reached to a point to say that these viruses come from area which is built within us since our creation. For cancer they have viruses 53, like that. They have numbers. That’s all. They are only numbers [?]. But they are honest; because they don’t know anything more. So, the left side are emotional problems, right side are our physical and mental problems and centre ones are our spiritual problems. If these problems can be solved, and if you are all connected to this power, then there is no question of having any problem whatsoever. Then you realise that all those religions that we know were created on the same tree of life. The Tree of spirituality! But we pluck the flowers and say this is my, this is my, fighting for the dead flowers. All the incarnations, all the prophets, all the seers are on the same frequency. Then we realise that there is a universal religion within us. Because that spirit is reflected in our heart, it is the reflection of the God almighty. And this spirit is a universal being. You will be amazed to know that we have 55 nations who are working out Sahaja Yoga.Also in Russia we had people 16000 – 22000 and all of them got Realization. So, what you find, people from all these countries, how they are unition. There is no fight, there is no argument, just they enjoy each [?]. And they talk the language of chakras, centres. They do not talk like this, like this and that; as we think the disciples of Christ did. They did not. When they got Realization, they started talking the language of the centres (chakras). Now, if this (Agnya) chakra is catching, that means one has terrible Ego. That is the centre of Christ. And sometimes I think Christians have the worst of this Aagnya). So, the person will come and tell me, my Agnya chakra is catching, meaning I have ego terrible ego. Normally nobody would do that. They would never say that I have terrible ego, nobody will say like that. Or else you become your awareness, becomes collectively conscious. This is your evolution. You evolve into the higher state of awareness. You can feel on your fingertips. The Jesus of other people. The problem of other people. I have shown here clearly. These are the centres denoting on the left, same on the right. Today I met a very great scientist from Russia. I told him Sahaja Yoga is about meta science, above science. He said how? I said see with my fingers I can see what his man is suffering from. But for diagnosis [?] doctors will kill you before diagnosis. And surprising Mohammad sahib has said in his Quran that at the time of Resurrection, qiyamah, your hands will speak and will give witness again you. But Muslims never want to talk of qiyamah, they never want to talk of Resurrection. Because when he said I am the seal, means the stamp of a prophet. They want to say seal means seal off. Then how did he talk of qiyamah? But Muslims are very much away from Mohammad sahib. At least, their intellectuals say that, they say that at least (about qiyamah). So, now with these things that happen to you, you become collectively conscious. As if you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. So, who is the other? Then what is there to fight. But spirit is the source of pure knowledge and truth. The absolute knowledge. So, when you put your fingers, hands like this, you get cold [?] through this All-pervading power and you know the absolute thing. And when you get absolute truth, if everybody body feels the same way, what is there to fight, what for? Even the small children know. Now, there is supposing false person has come; how will you recognise? Some false person come and says “I am Jesus”; how will you recognise him? Ask him to walk on the water. That’s simply test. But, if you have vibrations, you can make out each and every person. Because this power is the power of love, of pure love. We have never used this power. Even in religion we have not used it. We have used the power of hatred. So, once you get this power [?] you become empowered yourself. You can give realization to others. You can cure people. And this power is the ocean of knowledge of pure divine knowledge. Then you understand bible was [?], then you understand Christ [?]. Then you understand all of them. Our subtle eyes have to be opened. But if you are satisfied with your ignorance, nobody can force you. Unless and until you ask for it, it wouldn’t work out. Christ has said “the meek will inherit the earth”. So only those who are humble will get realisation. Those who are arrogant can never get it. I is not meant for arrogant, not meant for stupid people or slavish. We do not know how much slavery we have. These entrepreneurs have made us slaves. If they say you have to wear 6” of skirt, all ladies will wear 6” of skirt weather it is cold or not. We have no self-esteem I would say or we do not have our own personality to check why to where this nonsense. We have given up all the good traditions just out of this people barging our head with publicity and all that. I hope you all get your realisation today. It is Sahaja. It is Sahaja, saha mean ‘with’ ja is ‘born’. It is spontaneous. We have flowers here, see what a miracle they are. Our eyes, what a miracle. We take everything for granted. This have come out spontaneously. In the same way this works. This is evolutionary process, the last breakthrough, which is spontaneous. It is absolutely spontaneous and is your own. This divinity is all the time within yourself in a potential state. Is all the time there. Because it is eternal. Whatever you might have learnt it cannot be tarnished, it cannot be destroyed. Its all your own. Its all your own. Like a seed has its premule, in the same way you have this kundalini. And it works. It has worked for thousands and it should work for you also. But in this auspicious time. I call it a blossom time. But this is the last judgment. It is nonsense to say that when you will die and then you will come and you will be judged. What your bones will be there or what? Just discussions, discussions, discussions. Just empty words. So, this spontaneous happening has to work out within you. If it works out, then you have to see that a connection is established. For this living process you can’t pay. You can’t pay. How much you pay to mother earth, [?] flowers. It is all built in within you, built in you. And it will work also, I am sure tonight.I know some of you have some questions. I can see. Now become quiet an expert in answering all kinds of questions. But that’s a mental acrobat [?]. Why not have your realisation! See in this beautiful hall we have these lights. And if you want to put the light, theres a switch, you press it and all the lights will come. Because it is all built in. But supposing I have to tell you the history of electricity and how it came here, [?] in this hall; it will [?]. I know in English language I would have given 4-5000 lectures. Apart from the other languages. So far, I have not written any book as such. Because again they will say, mother says so… So, best is for yourself is you get your realisation. And if you have any questions you will write it down and let us know, we will answer them in writing. [?] … As it is I have told you that if you ask for it, it’s your own you will get it! But I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom. Because ultimately you have to have complete freedom. You will be amazed people overnight dropped their drugs, alcoholism. Overnight, in a place like London! It is a difficult place. But now they are very different. You have got some of them here now. They have come from England also to help Me.All right. This is a very nice and [?] questioned.All right. So, now are you all prepared to get your own realisation or not? Those who do not want to have should leave the hall. If you want to have your realisation should know that it’s a very simple thing to do. But if you are complicated then it takes time. But ultimately you get it. So those who do not want leave the hall. Please, thank you. And you will have to do whatever I tell you because it’s not sitting to watch other people like aaa… When they are meditating, they are going to work it out. I would request you to cooperate with everyone. But if you want it, you can leave the hall. But please disturb others by looking at others. Now whatever I will be suggesting now I will be doing now, you need [?]Seeker: [Inaudible] [about karma]Shri Mataji: Of course, but we get over dharmas/karmas [?][?]. Very good question. Karmas are there. Only human beings have karmas because of their ego. Animals think that they are doing anything wrong, in anything, because they are bound. [?] And it is only the human beings because they think they are doing something, thats why, because of the ego; I am doing. But after realisation you say I am doing something. You just say it is not going, it is not.. in third person you start talking. You just say it is going, it is working. It is happening. You say I am doing, I , I disappears. I have already told you that Christ sucks in all our karmas. Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: Diet is that there is nothing isms’ in Sahaja Yoga. Of course, one should not eat animals which are bigger than them like horses or mules or something. Because they spoil the teeth. There muscles spoil the teeth. Those who need more protein should have more proteins. Those who need more carbohydrates should have more carbohydrates. What is the use of saving the chickens? I can’t give them Realization, can I? As simple as that. All right. This is another fad. Vegetarianism, another fad. It may suit in the west because they [?]. They have taken too much of meat. Balance. So, you have to understand later on what you have to eat. That’s all. And they [?]. Lastly, before we start, Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. Today you will get realisation and you will all feel top of world. But you have to come to collective. So that in totality, understands Sahaja Yoga. You master it. And that you all the time remain in the realm of kingdom of God. It doesn’t take any much time. Sometimes I have seen in 8 days people have become masters. But you have to be collective because must master it. You are the people who have to help your countrymen. And later on, the whole world. John, in his revelation, has said only 44000 will be Realised. I think, must be [?], for we have many more than that. And we hope to have many more also. There are seekers and seekers. So, one simple request, if you mind very much because in the beginning English felt very bad when I told them to take out their shoes. Because these feet, when they touch the ground, the mother earth sucks in our problems. As I told you there is left and right side and the left side is the power of ordinary desire. And the right side is the power of action. Today only we have to do it. Never again. Is to nourish our centres ourselves. (to the translator- Somethings are very short when you translate and some bigger, interesting.)You have to be very comfortable first of all. Be comfortable. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. Be [?] comfortable. Now the left hand is to be put properly like this. So, now, this is symbolic, that you are desirous of having your Self-realization, is symbolic. And the right hand is to be used for nourishing your centres. So, first we put our right-hand on our heart. If you are wearing a coat, its better to put inside it, it’s all right, on the heart, little lower is the heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of God almighty. Now, if you become the Spirit, in the light of Spirit you become your own guide. You become your own master. Please take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. Now this the centre of your mastery created by all the great prophets. Now take the right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Push with your fingers. Push with your fingers. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. If you are [?] it is placed here. Later on, you know everything. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Now place it on top of your heart again. Now when we feel guilty, we create a very big problem for ourselves. If you have made any mistake you should face it and finish it off. But when you feel guilty the centre here on the left side gets completely blocked. And you get diseases like angina and spondylitis or lethargic [?]. So, please, put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now no use feeling guilty now, As I told you. Moreover, you are human beings only human beings can make mistakes, you are not Gods. Then you have to know you have to forgive everyone in general. For that you have to put your right hand on top of your forehead and put down the head. Forehead across. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, you play into wrong hands. And those who have troubled you are having a nice time. Moreover, this centre is very constricted. And if you do not forgive it will never open and you miss your Self-realization. Now please take you right hand on the back side of your head and push back you head as far as possible. In this centre without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all Divine Power. This is the Agnya chakra when Christ resides and in the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Now stretch your palms. This is the last centre and put the centre of the palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft born in childhood. Now you please put down your head. At this time push back your fingers as far as possible and put pressure on your scalp and move it 7 times clock wise. That’s it. That’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. Before that I will tell you there are three conditions. First, is that you should be all very confident that you will all get Realisation. That means do not feel guilty, do not think of your bad karma, nothing of the kind. Forget it. At this moment you are absolutely all right. In short you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the second condition is. The third now. Because the first condition is that you should be confident, second thing is that you should not be guilty and the third one is that you have to forgive everyone. You even have to think about it. Because it’s a headache. You have to just in general, you will have to say later on when I tell you just to forgive everyone. Now you will have to put left hand like this with both the feet apart from each other and put your right hand on your heart. Now if you are wearing glasses you can take them out because now you have to close your eyes. Till I tell you open them, please. So, please close your eyes. Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Now the questions: “Am I the Spirit”? Ask this question three times. So, if you are the Spirit you become your own master. So, please take you right hand in upper portion of abdomen on left hand side. Her ask another fundamental question, three time in your heart; “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. You have to ask 6 times, as this centre has got 6 petals; you should say “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. This divine knowledge works through your nerves, nervous system. Now, as soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen in the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with full confidence, to open this centre, with full confidence 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. I have to tell you that actually you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego; but you are the pure Spirit. So, now raise your right hand on your heart, and say with full self-confidence, “Mother I am pure Spirit”. Please say this 12 times. This All-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, this power of ocean of forgiveness can dissolve it. So, have faith in yourself. And forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now, here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to say 16 times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already told you, logically, if you forgive or forgive you don’t do anything. But if you forgive then you play into wrong hands. Moreover, this centre is, Agnya centre, is very constricted and if you forgive kundalini will never rise and you will miss your Self-realisation. So, forgive everyone in general. think about them. Please put your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone“. Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now take back your hand on the back side on your head. Here you have to say without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake please forgive me”. Please say it from your heart, not how many times. Please push back your head little bit. Push back towards the sky. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of the palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again I cannot force Self-realisation. You have to humbly ask for it. Please put down your head and ask 7 times “Mother please give me Self-realization” and move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards me, like this. And watch me without thinking. You achieve a state called thoughtless awareness. Where you can stop your thinking and if you want to think can think. Now watch me without thinking. Please, put your right hand towards Me and put down you head. And see with left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze like thing coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You should not put your hand on top, but you should keep above your head. Some people get it far away. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Now, please put left hand towards Me, bend your head, and see with your right hand if you can feel cool or hot breeze like [?] coming out of fontanelle bone area. Now, take your right hand towards Me, please put your right hand towards Me, bend your head and see for yourself again with the left hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head for the last time. Please put both your hands towards the sky and head towards the sky and ask any one of these three questions three times; the first question you can ask three times “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?” Or you can ask “Mother is this the Divine power of God’s love” Or else you can ask three times “Mother is this the Param Chaitanya?” Now please bring both your hands towards Me like this. You will feel very relaxed. You can put on your glasses. You will feel very relaxed. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area please raise both your hands. That’s really Finland! May God bless you. You, your saintly life has started. Look after, look after it. Please care for it. Respect it. You don’t have to pay for anything, whatsoever. Love yourself. Respect yourself.May God bless you. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Some people have suddenly changed, you know. So be careful. It’s not mental. It is beyond mind. You don’t argue. If you arguing, it will come down. Your attention has gone beyond mind. This is the actualisation of baptism. Now you can baptize many people. Only think humbly, you have to learn this. We have a very good leader in Finland. And you are welcome to know everything about it.And those who have to work also shouldn´t worry. I don´t mind meeting them, also is time, I can meet them. Anyone who wants to meet Me, come along, all of you. You go that way. You are all welcome.
Public Program, Congress Centre Paasitorni, Helsinki, Finland, 1992-0812 Please, be seated. I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to remember that we are here to seek the truth. It’s not a sermon, it’s not a lecture. It’s not fundamentalism. I am happy to see that there are so many seekers in this country.Truth is what it is. You cannot change it. You cannot transform it. You cannot read about it. You cannot conceptualise it. You have to feel it, you have to become. I was also born in a Protestant family in India. And that’s how I know much more about Christianity than anyone of you can know. And I feel we have missed the point. Because you cannot seek Christianity and also truth. Christianity is very different from Christ. It’s absolutely mental. And especially, I have attended Lutheran Church and I treated many of them, Lutheran Church. Of course, one has to understand that all the seers, our forefathers have been following Christianity. Especially in my country, Christians came with the Bible in one hand and a revolver in another, gun in hand. And the kind of aggressiveness we see, thank God, Columbus luckily went to America, otherwise I wouldn’t have been here. No Indian would have been spared. You will be amazed that in Argentina and Chile, I have been to. You can’t find a single aboriginal resident, not one! You have to go to the museum to see them. Is that what Christ has taught us?He has said on the cross that, “Oh Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”. He never wanted any fundamentalism. He has said that, “Those who are not against us are with us “. People allowed him to leave only for three and a half year. Only in that short period he had to talk to people. It is too short for people, it’s too short in time to talk to people about divinity, about subtleties. Too short! Because people are so ignorant. And they live with that ignorance, in sin. They belong to some church, some association, that’s all! When I went to London first, it took Me four years to talk to people, seven people only, educated, about Sahaja Yoga. Four years! I must say English are hard nuts, no doubt. They are hard nuts; English are hard nuts. But they opened themselves, opened to such an extent that today the best Sahaja Yogis we are having are English. Because they realised that we have to have something within us which is universal. How can we fight in the name of God when God has created all of us? How can we fight?It is surprising how everybody’s message has been so much being put into some sort of a mess. I have studied Bible and I realised that Paul had nothing to do with Christ! My father, who was a scholar and also a Realised soul, I asked him, "What is this Paul doing here?" He said that, "Paul is a squatter." Firstly, he was suffering from epilepsy. Now we have proved that epilepsy comes to people when they are possessed. In India, three doctors have got MD (Doctor of Medicine) for curing people through Sahaja Yoga, of incurable disease. They have done MD, Master, and one them getting epilepsy. And he found that his epilepsy comes from possessions. And if the possession is removed, the person can be cured. Thus, with Sahaja Yoga, people suffering from blood cancer have been cured. All kind of incurable diseases have been cured automatically. By this happening, Christ has clearly said that you are to be born again. Even in Sanskrit we call a Realised soul as a “dvija” the one who is born again. And even a bird called “dvija”, meaning the same, “bird born again” “twice”. Born twice, born bird. Now it is not just some priest puts water on your head and say, "You are born again". William Blake, a great poet from England, has written, "Once a priest cursed on my fontanel area" [The Caterpillar].But it is the happening that has to take place. Like an egg becomes a bird, is a different personality, you have to get your transformation. That may be the reason Christ has said in the second chapter, Mathews, 2nd verse, "You will be calling me ‘Jesus, Jesus’! I will not recognise you!" That’s what exactly is the situation today. And also, you can see, it’s very clear-cut that you might be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything: you can all commit any sin. You can do any harm to anyone. How can that be? There is no saving from these brands, these are brands artificially put on you. But if you are really a Christian then the whole universe is yours. For within us lies the Spirit. He said it so. And that you have to be the Spirit. He said it so. Once you become the Spirit, there is a complete transformation of personalities. I think Christ has said quite a lot in these three and a half years of his public life. He has done so many things for us about which we are not even aware. You will know what he has done within ourselves, what he has created within ourselves. And you can only understand Christ if you get your Self-realisation! We have now people who are Jews, who are Muslims, Hindus, all worship Christ. We are working in fifty-five nations. Because, firstly, this Paul chose Peter who was the worst disciple of the Christ! Christ has said about him that, "A devil will take over you. Satan, Satan will take over you", Christ said. So, he put in the name of Peter that Christ has said that, "You will build a temple or a church in his name and he will give you the keys". He gives you the keys through Peter.How can that be? The disciple who was the worst of all, how can he make the head of a church? There is no logic. Then, also, this organisation that started became power-oriented and money-oriented. This power is worldly power, is what for Christ? What is the value of this worldly power to Him? And what is this money after which these churches, and these temples and all this people are running? Very surprised that these false people are now becoming much more experts in falsehood.Like in Orthodox church, now in Russia, one of the politicians told Me there is a vacuum and then this church is- what you call- a black order of that church that Greek Orthodox, they are making all women nude and putting them in some sort of a pond to baptise. If you are a seeker of truth, you are born in the right moment. All the seekers of truth think that there is something beyond us. They also react to falsehood. But their faith is very much shattered. So, they need something like hippieism, this, that, anti-culture, all kind of things. But that’s not the way. They took to drugs and then to other things. Then in the West, intellectuals like Freud came in. In the Christian countries, how could they tolerate Freud? If he had come to India, I don’t know where he would have landed, poor man, he would have- they would have killed him immediately. He- I have been telling about him. Recently I’ve seen a very beautiful book written by an American doctor. He calls it, "Freudian Fraud" [E. Fuller Torrey, 1992]. Freud became Christ for people!I was told for 35 years people were fighting to become nude! Maybe, maybe for a higher race, I don’t know. But for us Indian it is stupid. Christ has said that, "Thou Shall not have adulterous eyes"; to such a subtle morality He has got that in your eyes, there should not be lust and greed, that’s what He said. When I first came to England, I was surprised, everyone’s looking at everyone. I mean, I didn’t know what they were doing, what are they up to? So, I asked Lili, I said, "What are they doing? She said, "This is flirting".[Laughter]I said, "But what’s the use, looking at someone who is not your wife? What’s the use? I don’t understand logically. Maybe we Indians are not so intelligent. So, the second shock comes, your faith is challenged by these people like Freud who take out yearns out of their heads. In this book "Freudian Fraud", he has given the names of so many scientists who have proved that he was- he had no scientific proof for psychoanalysis and for psychiatry [unsure]. And he said, "Nobody would publish their papers". Now, in his book he has proved absolutely that it has nothing to do with mother and child, the child behaviour, nothing of the kind. So now, we are at a juncture to see what is our goal, what do we have to achieve. Are we going to be just calling "Jesus, Jesus"? Or we are going to know him actually? Now there is a way within us, this is the tree of life which is described in the Bible. And also, he (Jesus) said I will appear before you like tongues of flames. And when you get Self-realisation, you see these centres, chakras as tongues of flames. Really you see them within yourself. But we have no self-knowledge. We have to be humble about it. All the world problems are from human beings. And all human problems are because of their fundamental centres. Now if you can somehow correct these centres within yourselves and connecting with the All-pervading power of God almighty then there is no problem! That way atheists are better, like Russians, because they have no conditionings. They are free people. They are [?]. So, now these centres reside within you and whatever I am telling you, you should not also believe me blindfolded. But, feel all this as a say hypothesis. And if it is proved, then as honest people should accept it. Because it is not only for your benevolence but it is benevolence of the whole world. Also, the third problem is that lots of false people have come from India. They are also money oriented. We have this from Hare Rama (Hare Krishna). In India everybody says that so what! But I ask the people in India who are supporting them “why are you supporting these people which is all false”? They are fundamentalist. They said that why they asked you to convert to Christianity? So, we now want to convert them to Hinduism. I said some donkeys were first converted to donkeys, and now some donkeys are then are going to converted as donkeys. By changing these brands are they going to achieve it? But they think about the whole world, of totality. They think about themselves. They think that they are the best. The all think that they are the best. If you have to ask about a Jew, go and ask a Christian. And if you want to know about a Christian, go and ask a Muslim. You ask a Muslim he will tell you to [?] about a Muslim. Ask Me about a Hindu. One better than the other. There is no religion. There is no God within them. They are all fighting dogs. Want to find out of some way of fighting. They talk of peace without peace within. They have to find peace within themselves.So now, this kundalini, it is your own mother. Everybody has their individual mother. And she gives you your second birth. There is another problem which I face always that most of the western people think that Christ was born in England. He was brown white. Maybe from Helsinki [Laughter] Because any knowledge coming from India, they want to [?]. They want to [?] all knowledge coming for India or East. I think that the western civilisation has grown like a big tree. But it does not know its roots. Even Christ went to India. And you will be amazed that one of my forefathers, long, long time back, he was a king of country; Shalivahan. He met Christ in Kashmir. It’s a historical, I mean whatever is written down (the conversation ) is there.He (Shalivahan) asked “What’s your name?”.He (Christ) said “My name is Issah”.Shalivahan: Are you some foreigner?Christ: I am not in this (India) country. But in my country, I am a foreigner. They cannot understand me.Also his mother died in India. [not clear]. Temper cannot be Godly. So now here are these centres and when this kundalini rises, she nourishes all this centres; passes through that crossing point where resides Christ at the optic chiasma. He is the ‘Gate’. And when the kundalini awakens in, he sucks in two institutions which are formed by these two channel, ego and superego. You can call ego and conditionings. That is “he died for our sins”. Because he sucks in all the karmas, all the [?] sucks. And also sucks whatever for is our conditioning. Then by that sucking the top of the fontanelle opens out. And a cool breeze starts coming out from your being. Also, you can feel all this cool breeze which is “holy ghost”, her power of love.Now about this Holy Ghost is another mis[?]. This archbishop of Canterbury was asked, “Who is the holy ghost?” by somebody on the television. I saw it myself. [not clear]. And he said I am agnostic; archbishop of Canterbury says. Agnostic means not knowledgeable. I watched on television. He (archbishop of canterbury) says “I am not knowledgeable”. So, this interviewer, a good man, asks him then what are you doing here? So, he (A Bishop of C) said “I am doing my job and you are doing your job”.Christ’s first disciple were Gnostics. “gna” comes from the word, in Sanskrit ‘gna’ means ‘knowledge’. It is not mental; it is not bookish knowledge. But knowledge where you evolve and feel this All-pervading power. So, who is this holy ghost? They have ‘the father’ and ‘the son’ and a dove. Why not the mother? Because, Paul hated women. The problem of this church is how to appoint a woman as a priest. Biggest problem! Because of ‘Mr. Paul’. This (pointing towards kundalini on chart) primordial Mother is a feminine within you. She is the reflection of the Holy Ghost of the primordial mother. Greeks are much better. They call her Athena, the primordial mother. Atha’ mean primordial in Sanskrit. [Unclear]. Of course, we call her Adishakti’ means the primordial power. ‘She’ is the power of desire of the God Almighty. She creates the whole universe and the God Almighty is the witness. Later on, you will know a lot about Christ. Before they [?], what was before his [?], who was he. In our scriptures about Goddess, it’s all written. But Christians wouldn’t see. They have blinkers, not supposed to see here and there [?]. Thank God my mother and father both were scholars of Sanskrit.Now, this kundalini rises, pierces through this fontanelle bone area and she nourishes all these centres, because she is the vital force. As this instrument (mike) has to be connected to the mains, in the same way we have to be connected to the mains. So, this kundalini is also the pure desire. Our Pure Desire! So, when these centre goes out of order, they are formed by left and right sympathetic at the parasympathetic centre. When you start using this power they get constricted, the centres become constricted. And their energy is exhausted. And all these viruses come from left-side, from the subconscious, from the collective subconscious. Sometimes when they break, it starts working on its own; this side. All these incurable diseases are, we call of the left-sided attack of the viruses. And these viruses are the animals, the plants, and human being who have gone into the ‘collective subconscious’. Of course, now doctors have reached to a point to say that these viruses come from area which is built within us since our creation. For cancer they have viruses 53, like that. They have numbers. That’s all. They are only numbers [?]. But they are honest; because they don’t know anything more. So, the left side are emotional problems, right side are our physical and mental problems and centre ones are our spiritual problems. If these problems can be solved, and if you are all connected to this power, then there is no question of having any problem whatsoever. Then you realise that all those religions that we know were created on the same tree of life. The Tree of spirituality! But we pluck the flowers and say this is my, this is my, fighting for the dead flowers. All the incarnations, all the prophets, all the seers are on the same frequency. Then we realise that there is a universal religion within us. Because that spirit is reflected in our heart, it is the reflection of the God almighty. And this spirit is a universal being. You will be amazed to know that we have 55 nations who are working out Sahaja Yoga.Also in Russia we had people 16000 – 22000 and all of them got Realization. So, what you find, people from all these countries, how they are unition. There is no fight, there is no argument, just they enjoy each [?]. And they talk the language of chakras, centres. They do not talk like this, like this and that; as we think the disciples of Christ did. They did not. When they got Realization, they started talking the language of the centres (chakras). Now, if this (Agnya) chakra is catching, that means one has terrible Ego. That is the centre of Christ. And sometimes I think Christians have the worst of this Aagnya). So, the person will come and tell me, my Agnya chakra is catching, meaning I have ego terrible ego. Normally nobody would do that. They would never say that I have terrible ego, nobody will say like that. Or else you become your awareness, becomes collectively conscious. This is your evolution. You evolve into the higher state of awareness. You can feel on your fingertips. The Jesus of other people. The problem of other people. I have shown here clearly. These are the centres denoting on the left, same on the right. Today I met a very great scientist from Russia. I told him Sahaja Yoga is about meta science, above science. He said how? I said see with my fingers I can see what his man is suffering from. But for diagnosis [?] doctors will kill you before diagnosis. And surprising Mohammad sahib has said in his Quran that at the time of Resurrection, qiyamah, your hands will speak and will give witness again you. But Muslims never want to talk of qiyamah, they never want to talk of Resurrection. Because when he said I am the seal, means the stamp of a prophet. They want to say seal means seal off. Then how did he talk of qiyamah? But Muslims are very much away from Mohammad sahib. At least, their intellectuals say that, they say that at least (about qiyamah). So, now with these things that happen to you, you become collectively conscious. As if you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. So, who is the other? Then what is there to fight. But spirit is the source of pure knowledge and truth. The absolute knowledge. So, when you put your fingers, hands like this, you get cold [?] through this All-pervading power and you know the absolute thing. And when you get absolute truth, if everybody body feels the same way, what is there to fight, what for? Even the small children know. Now, there is supposing false person has come; how will you recognise? Some false person come and says “I am Jesus”; how will you recognise him? Ask him to walk on the water. That’s simply test. But, if you have vibrations, you can make out each and every person. Because this power is the power of love, of pure love. We have never used this power. Even in religion we have not used it. We have used the power of hatred. So, once you get this power [?] you become empowered yourself. You can give realization to others. You can cure people. And this power is the ocean of knowledge of pure divine knowledge. Then you understand bible was [?], then you understand Christ [?]. Then you understand all of them. Our subtle eyes have to be opened. But if you are satisfied with your ignorance, nobody can force you. Unless and until you ask for it, it wouldn’t work out. Christ has said “the meek will inherit the earth”. So only those who are humble will get realisation. Those who are arrogant can never get it. I is not meant for arrogant, not meant for stupid people or slavish. We do not know how much slavery we have. These entrepreneurs have made us slaves. If they say you have to wear 6” of skirt, all ladies will wear 6” of skirt weather it is cold or not. We have no self-esteem I would say or we do not have our own personality to check why to where this nonsense. We have given up all the good traditions just out of this people barging our head with publicity and all that. I hope you all get your realisation today. It is Sahaja. It is Sahaja, saha mean ‘with’ ja is ‘born’. It is spontaneous. We have flowers here, see what a miracle they are. Our eyes, what a miracle. We take everything for granted. This have come out spontaneously. In the same way this works. This is evolutionary process, the last breakthrough, which is spontaneous. It is absolutely spontaneous and is your own. This divinity is all the time within yourself in a potential state. Is all the time there. Because it is eternal. Whatever you might have learnt it cannot be tarnished, it cannot be destroyed. Its all your own. Its all your own. Like a seed has its premule, in the same way you have this kundalini. And it works. It has worked for thousands and it should work for you also. But in this auspicious time. I call it a blossom time. But this is the last judgment. It is nonsense to say that when you will die and then you will come and you will be judged. What your bones will be there or what? Just discussions, discussions, discussions. Just empty words. So, this spontaneous happening has to work out within you. If it works out, then you have to see that a connection is established. For this living process you can’t pay. You can’t pay. How much you pay to mother earth, [?] flowers. It is all built in within you, built in you. And it will work also, I am sure tonight.I know some of you have some questions. I can see. Now become quiet an expert in answering all kinds of questions. But that’s a mental acrobat [?]. Why not have your realisation! See in this beautiful hall we have these lights. And if you want to put the light, theres a switch, you press it and all the lights will come. Because it is all built in. But supposing I have to tell you the history of electricity and how it came here, [?] in this hall; it will [?]. I know in English language I would have given 4-5000 lectures. Apart from the other languages. So far, I have not written any book as such. Because again they will say, mother says so… So, best is for yourself is you get your realisation. And if you have any questions you will write it down and let us know, we will answer them in writing. [?] … As it is I have told you that if you ask for it, it’s your own you will get it! But I cannot force it on you. I respect your freedom. Because ultimately you have to have complete freedom. You will be amazed people overnight dropped their drugs, alcoholism. Overnight, in a place like London! It is a difficult place. But now they are very different. You have got some of them here now. They have come from England also to help Me.All right. This is a very nice and [?] questioned.All right. So, now are you all prepared to get your own realisation or not? Those who do not want to have should leave the hall. If you want to have your realisation should know that it’s a very simple thing to do. But if you are complicated then it takes time. But ultimately you get it. So those who do not want leave the hall. Please, thank you. And you will have to do whatever I tell you because it’s not sitting to watch other people like aaa… When they are meditating, they are going to work it out. I would request you to cooperate with everyone. But if you want it, you can leave the hall. But please disturb others by looking at others. Now whatever I will be suggesting now I will be doing now, you need [?]Seeker: [Inaudible] [about karma]Shri Mataji: Of course, but we get over dharmas/karmas [?][?]. Very good question. Karmas are there. Only human beings have karmas because of their ego. Animals think that they are doing anything wrong, in anything, because they are bound. [?] And it is only the human beings because they think they are doing something, thats why, because of the ego; I am doing. But after realisation you say I am doing something. You just say it is not going, it is not.. in third person you start talking. You just say it is going, it is working. It is happening. You say I am doing, I , I disappears. I have already told you that Christ sucks in all our karmas. Seeker: [Inaudible]Shri Mataji: Diet is that there is nothing isms’ in Sahaja Yoga. Of course, one should not eat animals which are bigger than them like horses or mules or something. Because they spoil the teeth. There muscles spoil the teeth. Those who need more protein should have more proteins. Those who need more carbohydrates should have more carbohydrates. What is the use of saving the chickens? I can’t give them Realization, can I? As simple as that. All right. This is another fad. Vegetarianism, another fad. It may suit in the west because they [?]. They have taken too much of meat. Balance. So, you have to understand later on what you have to eat. That’s all. And they [?]. Lastly, before we start, Sahaja Yoga is a collective happening. Today you will get realisation and you will all feel top of world. But you have to come to collective. So that in totality, understands Sahaja Yoga. You master it. And that you all the time remain in the realm of kingdom of God. It doesn’t take any much time. Sometimes I have seen in 8 days people have become masters. But you have to be collective because must master it. You are the people who have to help your countrymen. And later on, the whole world. John, in his revelation, has said only 44000 will be Realised. I think, must be [?], for we have many more than that. And we hope to have many more also. There are seekers and seekers. So, one simple request, if you mind very much because in the beginning English felt very bad when I told them to take out their shoes. Because these feet, when they touch the ground, the mother earth sucks in our problems. As I told you there is left and right side and the left side is the power of ordinary desire. And the right side is the power of action. Today only we have to do it. Never again. Is to nourish our centres ourselves. (to the translator- Somethings are very short when you translate and some bigger, interesting.)You have to be very comfortable first of all. Be comfortable. You don’t have to go to Himalayas to, stand on your heads, nothing of the kind. Be [?] comfortable. Now the left hand is to be put properly like this. So, now, this is symbolic, that you are desirous of having your Self-realization, is symbolic. And the right hand is to be used for nourishing your centres. So, first we put our right-hand on our heart. If you are wearing a coat, its better to put inside it, it’s all right, on the heart, little lower is the heart. In the heart resides the spirit which is the reflection of God almighty. Now, if you become the Spirit, in the light of Spirit you become your own guide. You become your own master. Please take your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. Now this the centre of your mastery created by all the great prophets. Now take the right hand in the lower portion of the abdomen on the left-hand side. Push with your fingers. Push with your fingers. This is the centre of pure divine knowledge. If you are [?] it is placed here. Later on, you know everything. Now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen. Now place it on top of your heart again. Now when we feel guilty, we create a very big problem for ourselves. If you have made any mistake you should face it and finish it off. But when you feel guilty the centre here on the left side gets completely blocked. And you get diseases like angina and spondylitis or lethargic [?]. So, please, put your right hand in the corner of your neck and shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now no use feeling guilty now, As I told you. Moreover, you are human beings only human beings can make mistakes, you are not Gods. Then you have to know you have to forgive everyone in general. For that you have to put your right hand on top of your forehead and put down the head. Forehead across. Logically you forgive or don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, you play into wrong hands. And those who have troubled you are having a nice time. Moreover, this centre is very constricted. And if you do not forgive it will never open and you miss your Self-realization. Now please take you right hand on the back side of your head and push back you head as far as possible. In this centre without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to ask forgiveness from the all Divine Power. This is the Agnya chakra when Christ resides and in the Lord’s Prayer, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Now stretch your palms. This is the last centre and put the centre of the palm on the fontanel bone area which was a soft born in childhood. Now you please put down your head. At this time push back your fingers as far as possible and put pressure on your scalp and move it 7 times clock wise. That’s it. That’s all we have to do. Now we have to close our eyes. Before that I will tell you there are three conditions. First, is that you should be all very confident that you will all get Realisation. That means do not feel guilty, do not think of your bad karma, nothing of the kind. Forget it. At this moment you are absolutely all right. In short you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself. Now the second condition is. The third now. Because the first condition is that you should be confident, second thing is that you should not be guilty and the third one is that you have to forgive everyone. You even have to think about it. Because it’s a headache. You have to just in general, you will have to say later on when I tell you just to forgive everyone. Now you will have to put left hand like this with both the feet apart from each other and put your right hand on your heart. Now if you are wearing glasses you can take them out because now you have to close your eyes. Till I tell you open them, please. So, please close your eyes. Now here you have to ask Me a fundamental question about yourself. You can call Me Mother or Shri Mataji. Now the questions: “Am I the Spirit”? Ask this question three times. So, if you are the Spirit you become your own master. So, please take you right hand in upper portion of abdomen on left hand side. Her ask another fundamental question, three time in your heart; “Mother am I my own master?” I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force divine pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it. So now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it hard. You have to ask 6 times, as this centre has got 6 petals; you should say “Mother please give me pure divine knowledge”. This divine knowledge works through your nerves, nervous system. Now, as soon as you ask for divine knowledge, the kundalini starts rising. Now, raise your right hand in the upper portion of the abdomen in the left-hand side and press it hard. Here you have to say with full confidence, to open this centre, with full confidence 10 times “Mother I am my own master”. I have to tell you that actually you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego; but you are the pure Spirit. So, now raise your right hand on your heart, and say with full self-confidence, “Mother I am pure Spirit”. Please say this 12 times. This All-pervading divine power is the ocean of knowledge compassion and bliss. But above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. And whatever mistakes you might commit, this power of ocean of forgiveness can dissolve it. So, have faith in yourself. And forgive yourself. Now put your right hand in the corner of your neck and your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Now, here without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, you have to say 16 times “Mother I am not guilty at all”. I have already told you, logically, if you forgive or forgive you don’t do anything. But if you forgive then you play into wrong hands. Moreover, this centre is, Agnya centre, is very constricted and if you forgive kundalini will never rise and you will miss your Self-realisation. So, forgive everyone in general. think about them. Please put your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say “Mother I forgive everyone“. Say it from your heart. Not how many times. Now take back your hand on the back side on your head. Here you have to say without counting your mistakes, without feeling guilty, for your own satisfaction “Oh Divine power, if I have done any mistake please forgive me”. Please say it from your heart, not how many times. Please push back your head little bit. Push back towards the sky. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of the palm on the top of the fontanelle bone area. Stretch back your fingers and put down your head. Here again I cannot force Self-realisation. You have to humbly ask for it. Please put down your head and ask 7 times “Mother please give me Self-realization” and move your scalp seven times clockwise slowly. Now please take down your hands. Put both the hands towards me, like this. And watch me without thinking. You achieve a state called thoughtless awareness. Where you can stop your thinking and if you want to think can think. Now watch me without thinking. Please, put your right hand towards Me and put down you head. And see with left hand if there is a cool or hot breeze like thing coming out of your fontanelle bone area. You should not put your hand on top, but you should keep above your head. Some people get it far away. If it is hot that means you have not forgiven. Now, please put left hand towards Me, bend your head, and see with your right hand if you can feel cool or hot breeze like [?] coming out of fontanelle bone area. Now, take your right hand towards Me, please put your right hand towards Me, bend your head and see for yourself again with the left hand, if there is a cool or hot breeze coming out of your head for the last time. Please put both your hands towards the sky and head towards the sky and ask any one of these three questions three times; the first question you can ask three times “Mother is this the cool breeze of the holy ghost?” Or you can ask “Mother is this the Divine power of God’s love” Or else you can ask three times “Mother is this the Param Chaitanya?” Now please bring both your hands towards Me like this. You will feel very relaxed. You can put on your glasses. You will feel very relaxed. All those who have felt cool breeze or hot breeze on their finger tips or on their palms or out of their fontanelle bone area please raise both your hands. That’s really Finland! May God bless you. You, your saintly life has started. Look after, look after it. Please care for it. Respect it. You don’t have to pay for anything, whatsoever. Love yourself. Respect yourself.May God bless you. May God bless you all. May God bless you. Some people have suddenly changed, you know. So be careful. It’s not mental. It is beyond mind. You don’t argue. If you arguing, it will come down. Your attention has gone beyond mind. This is the actualisation of baptism. Now you can baptize many people. Only think humbly, you have to learn this. We have a very good leader in Finland. And you are welcome to know everything about it.And those who have to work also shouldn´t worry. I don´t mind meeting them, also is time, I can meet them. Anyone who wants to meet Me, come along, all of you. You go that way. You are all welcome.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis (partially transcribed)
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, 5th August 1992, Ashram in Niittykumpu, Espoo, Finland Sahaja Yogi: Now, I should study French. Shri Mataji: Now you talk like kids. [Shri Mataji laughs] Hello, everyone! Locating your presents, was the problem. Locating, locating we found. Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: Sorry for late. We are searching for your presents. Go ahead [Shri Mataji says that to the Yogi]. Beautiful place they have. ...And he was telling Me that the [sauree? inaudible] language is very near Sanskrit. Please be seated. The sound was just like Indian sounds. I was surprised. Just like Indian. Some places it was, I feel that you don't know which word to combine [unsure] but the sound, isn't it? Absolutely. Sorry, we took so much time. We were busy locating your presents. Shri Mataji: They'll bring it. Sahaja Yogini: Hum? Sahaja Yogi: You can go downstairs Shri Mataji: Somebody should go, somebody who knows. You should ask them. [Cut in the video] Because sometimes he's saying, you can learn German. What else? Sahaja Yogi: French. Shri Mataji: French. Sahaja Yogi: Marastrian. Shri Mataji: Marastrian. You'll all become linguists. And you know, if you know these languages, so many, you will become a translator and so highly paid job. Hello [to a young girl], what happened to you yesterday to you? Come along. Now, will you eat something? Take this. I'll give you another one. Come along, just take it. [Cut in the video] She couldn't feel the vibrations. And she told Me that she had been a disciple of this a disciple of that. They have still their disciples such as Sai Baba. Sahaja Yogi: No, no, Rajneesh. Shri Mataji: Rajneesh! Rajneesh was very popular here, was he? Sahaja Yogi: I don't think very popular, not so. No. Shri Mataji: Some people do. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: Yesterday there was one, another fellow who asked Me. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. He had only read, he had only seen the book. Shri Mataji: Rajneesh's style was like this: you get a book, then he will put his own ideas and [inaudible]. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: Always like this he used to do. And that's how you see, he wrote lots of books. He knows that people read and they will read and like, they will get into their heads all these things. So that was his trick. And there was a regular, I mean, organization which was doing this. Just taping him and whatever he said, they just translated it and distributed it. Because he knew that people are very book-oriented. He was like Freud, you see, Freud. He was like, absolutely like Freud. But he knew that in India he could not be so open, like Freud, because they'll throw him out. So, he took a little camouflage, I would say. A little camouflage, hiding. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: And ultimately, it came out, the truth, when he had these foreign disciples he started talking about the free sex, mass sex which even Freud had not said, mass sex. And this mass sex business really exposed him. There's an English man who went there and he made a hole in a window. Sahaja Yogi: What? Shri Mataji: A hole, hole in a window. Sahaja Yogi: Ah, ah, in a window. [Shri Mataji laughs.] Shri Mataji: And he puts his camera through this, very, very sensitive camera. And he photographed all that mass business very clearly. So, then it was brought to London and shown on BBC: God [unsure] to run away. The name of the- Sahaja Yogi: God [unsure] to run away. Shri Mataji: Run away. Because he went away from there, India, to America. And some English Sahaja Yogis taped it, they taped it. That program, they taped it. Sahaja Yogi: Some? Shri Mataji: Some English Sahaja Yogis got it on the tape that day's program from the BBC. But then he bought it at the BBC at a very high price and said that you cannot show it publicly. But we have got it. [Laughter.] [Cut in the video] It is your duty to look after them.The programs should be such, that you should work them out, inside Helsinki, as well as you should go out into smaller cities.And one thing is very important, how you live with the group. It’s very important. You must get rid of your egos, first of all. And in Sahaja Yoga you should never say: “You are a bhoot”, or things like that. Or, “You are possessed.” Just talk on chakras. That this chakra is caught, that chakra is caught.Also you should cleanse yourself at home. And also in the collectivity. All the ladies, specially, must know everything about Sahaja Yoga. Men know everything, but women are the – they are more emotional. You must know each and everything, which chakra is where, on the feet where they are, on the body where they are, inside where they are, what are they, everything. So you could have a course like that. You’ll have to be very gentle, compassionate, and not to say things that will hurt them. That will really make them feel that these are different people. Moreover, Sahaja Yogis should never contradict among themselves. But when it comes to argument, better not have it with others. But somebody is aggressive, then you all should join together. Do not support the other one, because he is negative.Support your leader, always. Support the leader. If I find anything wrong with the leader, I’ll remove him. But you don’t fight with your leader.Luckily, you have a very good leader, I would say. Any problems, anything, you can always write to me.And you should try to cure people, but don’t touch them, use the photograph.You can give balance, you can give to chakras bandhans, but don’t touch them. The most important thing is taking a bandhan. Very important.Before going out of the house, before sleeping, before addressing the people. Or treating someone: when you are treating somebody, take yourself a bandhan, give that person a bandhan, and then treat him. That will help you.Now for example, if her sisters are doing like that [the translator explains that they are going to a wrong guru] you take her name, and give her a bandhan. It will work out. You’ve got one sister only?Sahaja Yogi: Two sisters.Shri Mataji: Instead of arguing, let just to give bandhan.Now, there are some little presents I could manage to bring. It’s travelling of six countries all around and in Russia I found a suitcase and I‘ve been able to save some things.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, this is all, all too much for anything.Shri Mataji: No, no, no. It’s is a just, I – just a small. [Cut in the video] Shri Mataji [getting a present]: Thank you very much.Sahaja Yogi: And then, Shri Mataji, Thou said in Kundalini Puja, when we were giving that silver kumbha as the puja present, and there was a duck. Thou said that, “In Finland there are lot of ducks, and even the ducks could not have that much discrimination.”[Shri Mataji laughs].After this, we have got this much discrimination that we are willing to give Thou a swan. [Yogi gives a figurine of swan to Shri Mataji.] Here are You!Shri Mataji: You have swans.Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: You have had the maximum number of swans. So the “nishanga” [absence of attachment] should be much more like swans. Swans are more. As they say there is a couplet in Sanskrit. Beautiful!Beautiful! What a balance.What a balance.And the- there‘s a couplet, very beautiful: “Hamsah shwetah bakah.” In Sanskrit. “Hamsah shwetah bakah. Soje [?] dudh, hamsa baka hai.” The – what is that bird which, which stands on one foot?Sahaja Yogi: It’s “haikara”. [Finnish word for “stork”]Shri Mataji: So the stork is white and the swan is also white. What is the difference between these two?Hamsaha, Hamsa is swan. Hamsaha- and Hamsa chakra. Hamsa are swans. And bakaha are the stork. But I can’t remember the name. It’s another one. [“baka” means “crane” but also “stork”.]So they are all white. But what is the difference between the two? The difference is: “Nira kshira viveku.” [nira: water; kshira: milk; viveka: discrimination] If you put water and milk together, a swan will just take the milk. When the discretion between the water and the milk is to be done, then “Hamsaja hamsaja baka hap[?].” Then hamsa remains hamsa, “baka ri [?]”. When it is the discretion between water and milk. That’s why it’s swan. Swan is in India respected very much. Because it is divine bird. It has discretion. It can separate the water from milk.And that’s why I told him that: “For swan’s discretion, you should look at Finland!”Sahaja Yogi: What did you say?Shri Mataji: You should look at Finland for divine discretion. It’s a Hamsa chakra here. It’s a Hamsa chakra.Sahaja Yogi: Finland?Shri Mataji: Aa! [meaning yes]Sahaja Yogi: What?Shri Mataji: It’s a Hamsa charka Finland.Sahaja Yogi: Finland?Sahaja Yogini: Finland.Shri Mataji: Aa!Sahaja Yogi: You know, I thought this is Agnya.Shri Mataji: Ha? No, no, no, no. Agnya is only in Russia and China.But it’s here Hamsa chakra. [A Sahaja Yogini is bringing something to Shri Mataji]Shri Mataji: Marion, you got something for- oh…! Very creative ...That's so well... See this one...Very creative you people are... So he is a poet also . You are from where ? Sahaja Yogi: From Finland ... But Why should Devi come to you and [unclear38:33 ] The only trouble with the popstars are that what they sings no body hears.You shoud be more clear . They won't ..You see mostly those people who like this kind of a thing are mostly drug addicts. The sensible people would like something very clear. You have written about green sari I am also wearing green sari ...See what a combination ! Can you read it out loudly ... (Then the poem is read by sahaj yogi) That is the power of your love ... That creates all those coincidences ! I tell you an instance recently I told you about ...He is such a strong Sahaja yogi & a very controlled.He wass the physical teacher of all the piolets 42:53 then he dicovered that it is at 9:30. He rushed to the airport & sent me [unclear 43:17 ] So we reached the airport 15 minutes late And the lady at the ground she just started shouting at me...I mean it was too much ... That's why i now realized that when people have to g to airport they become mad ...because any body can shout at you !.... That's why now I realised that when people have to go to the airport, they take the name of the airport they become mad because anybody can shout at you! If they want they should take away their plane. Who wants their plane. They can take away their plane. Why should they shout? This lady shouted and he felt very sad. Then we went and sat on the plane. And UNCLEAR saw him crying, tears in his eyes. He is a very strong person you see, so she told him,' no, don't feel bad,' that, 'it's alright, it's alright'. And more than fifty Sahajayogi were standing on the balcony watching us, and they felt a very big wind came from the plane and threw vibrations, and they felt so peaceful they closed their eyes. They never had such an experience before and in a second, the whole sky was covered with cloud. In a second. There was not a single cloud even like this. In a second. They were amazed how so many black clouds and then the engineer told us that the plane has been out of order for the past half an hour and they cannot go. And when we went to the airport, at the airport they said all flights cancelled. Then he got after that woman. He said, 'we all should shout at you'.You have no business to UNCLEAR but it is Sahajayogi s they asked me, 'Mother what had happened'.I said, 'this is the power of Divine Love'.' Love for Being'.You do not know your powers. How tremendous it is and it had not rained in Prague all these months. They were waiting for the rain. And it rained and rained and rained. In English, we say it rained cats and dogs, like that and days together. So this is what it is.Try to understand your powers. Now, this green saree must-have. UNCLEAR (laughing)So thank you very much for everything. May God bless you.l was thinking you can keep the saree for UNCLEAR. Another one(laughing)I hope you like the small presents. There are some extra ones if you get some other people you can give them. For the little children also give them. Chocolate. What are these flowers, they are beautiful? These we do not get anywhere. Sahaja yogi: I don't know. What is the name? Shri Mataji: I have never seen one like this. They look something like we call Morning Glory which is blue in colour. Beautiful. It is nice. (They are seeing some things) You buy here? You have butter here? How much is butter here? Sahaja yogi: Four or five pounds. Shri Mataji: It is expensive here. Sahaja yogi: Yes, because they exported here. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Otherwise, it is expensive. England is much cheaper.UNCLEAR Ah, must be that. Foreign exchange. Put it in a bottle and every morning one drop in the nose for Hamsa Chakra. The bottle should be held under a hot water tap and heat it a little. Olive oil is good for hair. For the hair. (Talking to a Sahaja yogi.) For the hair because you are a cold person. Heat it up a little. For UNCLEAR it is coconut oil. This water is also good for the skin. Water for the skin is very good. We have other things what we call in India, we have prepared for allergies. They will be in Cabella. Also for pimples and UNCLEAR automatically but still if you need. What else do we need. For pains and all that? Do you buy anything? ' Moov' in India.UNCLEAR( laughing) for liver we have, comes from Russia. When you come to India we will organise this. Travelling like traders. (Sahajayogi talking,UNCLEAR) Indians are very nice. They are very kind. In India, foreigners are respected like God's. It is one of the cultures, that those who are coming from outside are Gods, so must look after them. Also, those who are your guests of course. It is a very different type of culture. Ladies would love to cook for you and serve you. You say I am willing to eat out. They get very angry. It is the culture. Sahaja yogi: I saw and changed my view. Shri Mataji: No people don't know about this.This time they are very excited about your coming. From Delhi, we are going to Haryana. Such an excitement. They want to take you to Agra to see Taj Mahal, to Jaipur, near Ahmedabad, Abu. Near Ahmedabad a beautiful temple in Abu.Marble.Near Ahmedabad beautiful temple.Such a marble work of say 12 feet height, vault, 20 cubic feet or maybe more and inside all carvings.Very beautiful. Taj Mahal, also we had lots of these precious stones, semi-precious stones taken away by the English. Once upon a time, it was a very rich country. Very rich. Mohammed Ghajini looted us. One part, Mohammed Ghajanabhi looted our country. Plundered and thousand camels caravan and it is in Iran now. It is called as the richest site in Teheran. All these things are kept in a place and are called the richest site in the world. Richest region of the world. I went there. The door itself is 6 feet thick and only six people can enter and two guards. There are no armed guards inside. Now you see the diamonds. It is 100 metres by 100metre big hall. Diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, pearls all kept in caskets like this just like UNCLEAR..all over. They also have our peacock which has got seven steps of gold. And whatever is remaining out of that, they have made the big dome of 20 metres all gold and wherever they have snow peaks they are shown with diamonds, peaks covered with snow, shown with diamonds. Rubies for Mother earth and the green for forest, emeralds and two sapphire and also pearls. Such big, big pearls I have seen, all from India. So many big diamonds. One of them was taken by the English.One by the Germans. The big one is called UNCLEAR, cut half. Still, we have so many things. In Mysore you did not see, there is a big elephant of gold in Mysore. I don't think you saw that when you went to Mysore because you were late.UNCLEAR..he has got gold cutlery, crockery for 500 people and nobody steals. So much..and even the poor people have seen them. There is no competition in India. Now see, if I give a diamond to my servant she UNCLEAR...It is symbolic of different jobs, status. But they don't have competition, they don't have jealousies. This mangal family. UNCLEAR Another family also. Another family of class, nobody feels competitive. That's how we manage.No competition, no class consciousness and everybody is respected according to age. Like we had servants in my family, who were serving the father of my husband. So we all had to touch his feet, my husband also had to touch his feet. Any elderly person comes in, they had to be given respect, older than you, you are not to answer back. It's like that. A son may be Prime Minister, he has to touch the feet of his father. When I went to see our President at UNCLEAR he sat on the ground, he won't sit on the chair because I am a Saint. Even the Governors or anyone, they will not sit at the same level. Even one Prime Minister I have to say sat, and my husband was working with the Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, he used to open the door of my car. He was sitting opposite. I suggested it's too hot. There was one Sardarji, he was Foreign Minister he asked him to sit. When Shastri Ji said.. UNCLEAR supposed to be Godly and they are so hot. So they have that sense you see. UNCLEAR..Even the customs in India, if you are wearing my batch they will never question. In Delhi, one lady was bringing some silver. That time it was not allowed to bring silver in a bag and one customs officer stopped her and asked to open the bag and my photograph was on the top. They all have respect. They all want to have Realisation'.They are very God-fearing people. Even the Muslims are very God-fearing in India. But we all see UNCLEAR materialism and we also fall in the trap. If Sahaja yoga doesn't establish Indians can go down. One has to be very careful. Very happy I could come and talk to you today. That is why I told you, don't have a morning flight, have .. because I wanted to meet you. May God bless you. For Diwali, all people can come and pay ... UNCLEAR.You can come by a boat. You can go to Russia and then take this Russian flight. I will ask him because they are coming by bus from Russia. Is it alright? Sahaja yogi: But the border from Ukraine to Poland is a problem. They have their Mafia. They have people the queue and then try to...150 dollars... border. Shri Mataji; But if you can go to Leningrad by boat and then take the bus. It is much better that way. And the train is also very cheap from there. There the train is very cheap. I think you can ask UNCLEAR. Russian visa you get here, alright. For that, there is a lot of time. He can arrange it don't go directly, you go to Leningrad and also what is that called, Easy Air, is easier. Leningrad you can get a train, overnight train, it will take you right up to Moscow, even further up to the end of UNCLEAR. We can arrange it but your passport number and photograph must be sent. You have to pass one more country.UNCLEAR. Czechoslovakia is alright. Yugoslavia. We will find out. Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji there is a seminar. (Some person has come with some health problems and Shri Mataji is curing her.)There is a cut. We call it fissure. Does she get constipated? Constipation issue? Sahaja yogi: No, no constipation. Shri Mataji: How can it be. You can reach your hand there? On the left side or right? Working on her. Put your left hand towards Me. Feel her chakras. There is pain now?. Press it.No pain. Put your right hand towards Me. Press it. Press it. Sahaja yogi: Not much. Shri Mataji: You are feeling the cool breeze in your hands now? Little lower this side. Are you feeling the cool breeze? With the candle, water, and move the hands towards me. Her cheeks have become red.Two, three days she should be alright. Keep on meditating. Sahaja yogi: It is smelling. Shri Mataji: It is not wine. Sahaja yogi: No, it is Kataya. We call ourselves kataya which means we are like this tree. We bend but we do not break. Shri Mataji: What is the bark…
Talk to Sahaja Yogis, 5th August 1992, Ashram in Niittykumpu, Espoo, Finland Sahaja Yogi: Now, I should study French. Shri Mataji: Now you talk like kids. [Shri Mataji laughs] Hello, everyone! Locating your presents, was the problem. Locating, locating we found. Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: Sorry for late. We are searching for your presents. Go ahead [Shri Mataji says that to the Yogi]. Beautiful place they have. ...And he was telling Me that the [sauree? inaudible] language is very near Sanskrit. Please be seated. The sound was just like Indian sounds. I was surprised. Just like Indian. Some places it was, I feel that you don't know which word to combine [unsure] but the sound, isn't it? Absolutely. Sorry, we took so much time. We were busy locating your presents. Shri Mataji: They'll bring it. Sahaja Yogini: Hum? Sahaja Yogi: You can go downstairs Shri Mataji: Somebody should go, somebody who knows. You should ask them. [Cut in the video] Because sometimes he's saying, you can learn German. What else? Sahaja Yogi: French. Shri Mataji: French. Sahaja Yogi: Marastrian. Shri Mataji: Marastrian. You'll all become linguists. And you know, if you know these languages, so many, you will become a translator and so highly paid job. Hello [to a young girl], what happened to you yesterday to you? Come along. Now, will you eat something? Take this. I'll give you another one. Come along, just take it. [Cut in the video] She couldn't feel the vibrations. And she told Me that she had been a disciple of this a disciple of that. They have still their disciples such as Sai Baba. Sahaja Yogi: No, no, Rajneesh. Shri Mataji: Rajneesh! Rajneesh was very popular here, was he? Sahaja Yogi: I don't think very popular, not so. No. Shri Mataji: Some people do. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: Yesterday there was one, another fellow who asked Me. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. He had only read, he had only seen the book. Shri Mataji: Rajneesh's style was like this: you get a book, then he will put his own ideas and [inaudible]. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: Always like this he used to do. And that's how you see, he wrote lots of books. He knows that people read and they will read and like, they will get into their heads all these things. So that was his trick. And there was a regular, I mean, organization which was doing this. Just taping him and whatever he said, they just translated it and distributed it. Because he knew that people are very book-oriented. He was like Freud, you see, Freud. He was like, absolutely like Freud. But he knew that in India he could not be so open, like Freud, because they'll throw him out. So, he took a little camouflage, I would say. A little camouflage, hiding. Sahaja Yogi: Yes. Shri Mataji: And ultimately, it came out, the truth, when he had these foreign disciples he started talking about the free sex, mass sex which even Freud had not said, mass sex. And this mass sex business really exposed him. There's an English man who went there and he made a hole in a window. Sahaja Yogi: What? Shri Mataji: A hole, hole in a window. Sahaja Yogi: Ah, ah, in a window. [Shri Mataji laughs.] Shri Mataji: And he puts his camera through this, very, very sensitive camera. And he photographed all that mass business very clearly. So, then it was brought to London and shown on BBC: God [unsure] to run away. The name of the- Sahaja Yogi: God [unsure] to run away. Shri Mataji: Run away. Because he went away from there, India, to America. And some English Sahaja Yogis taped it, they taped it. That program, they taped it. Sahaja Yogi: Some? Shri Mataji: Some English Sahaja Yogis got it on the tape that day's program from the BBC. But then he bought it at the BBC at a very high price and said that you cannot show it publicly. But we have got it. [Laughter.] [Cut in the video] It is your duty to look after them.The programs should be such, that you should work them out, inside Helsinki, as well as you should go out into smaller cities.And one thing is very important, how you live with the group. It’s very important. You must get rid of your egos, first of all. And in Sahaja Yoga you should never say: “You are a bhoot”, or things like that. Or, “You are possessed.” Just talk on chakras. That this chakra is caught, that chakra is caught.Also you should cleanse yourself at home. And also in the collectivity. All the ladies, specially, must know everything about Sahaja Yoga. Men know everything, but women are the – they are more emotional. You must know each and everything, which chakra is where, on the feet where they are, on the body where they are, inside where they are, what are they, everything. So you could have a course like that. You’ll have to be very gentle, compassionate, and not to say things that will hurt them. That will really make them feel that these are different people. Moreover, Sahaja Yogis should never contradict among themselves. But when it comes to argument, better not have it with others. But somebody is aggressive, then you all should join together. Do not support the other one, because he is negative.Support your leader, always. Support the leader. If I find anything wrong with the leader, I’ll remove him. But you don’t fight with your leader.Luckily, you have a very good leader, I would say. Any problems, anything, you can always write to me.And you should try to cure people, but don’t touch them, use the photograph.You can give balance, you can give to chakras bandhans, but don’t touch them. The most important thing is taking a bandhan. Very important.Before going out of the house, before sleeping, before addressing the people. Or treating someone: when you are treating somebody, take yourself a bandhan, give that person a bandhan, and then treat him. That will help you.Now for example, if her sisters are doing like that [the translator explains that they are going to a wrong guru] you take her name, and give her a bandhan. It will work out. You’ve got one sister only?Sahaja Yogi: Two sisters.Shri Mataji: Instead of arguing, let just to give bandhan.Now, there are some little presents I could manage to bring. It’s travelling of six countries all around and in Russia I found a suitcase and I‘ve been able to save some things.Sahaja Yogi: Shri Mataji, this is all, all too much for anything.Shri Mataji: No, no, no. It’s is a just, I – just a small. [Cut in the video] Shri Mataji [getting a present]: Thank you very much.Sahaja Yogi: And then, Shri Mataji, Thou said in Kundalini Puja, when we were giving that silver kumbha as the puja present, and there was a duck. Thou said that, “In Finland there are lot of ducks, and even the ducks could not have that much discrimination.”[Shri Mataji laughs].After this, we have got this much discrimination that we are willing to give Thou a swan. [Yogi gives a figurine of swan to Shri Mataji.] Here are You!Shri Mataji: You have swans.Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: You have had the maximum number of swans. So the “nishanga” [absence of attachment] should be much more like swans. Swans are more. As they say there is a couplet in Sanskrit. Beautiful!Beautiful! What a balance.What a balance.And the- there‘s a couplet, very beautiful: “Hamsah shwetah bakah.” In Sanskrit. “Hamsah shwetah bakah. Soje [?] dudh, hamsa baka hai.” The – what is that bird which, which stands on one foot?Sahaja Yogi: It’s “haikara”. [Finnish word for “stork”]Shri Mataji: So the stork is white and the swan is also white. What is the difference between these two?Hamsaha, Hamsa is swan. Hamsaha- and Hamsa chakra. Hamsa are swans. And bakaha are the stork. But I can’t remember the name. It’s another one. [“baka” means “crane” but also “stork”.]So they are all white. But what is the difference between the two? The difference is: “Nira kshira viveku.” [nira: water; kshira: milk; viveka: discrimination] If you put water and milk together, a swan will just take the milk. When the discretion between the water and the milk is to be done, then “Hamsaja hamsaja baka hap[?].” Then hamsa remains hamsa, “baka ri [?]”. When it is the discretion between water and milk. That’s why it’s swan. Swan is in India respected very much. Because it is divine bird. It has discretion. It can separate the water from milk.And that’s why I told him that: “For swan’s discretion, you should look at Finland!”Sahaja Yogi: What did you say?Shri Mataji: You should look at Finland for divine discretion. It’s a Hamsa chakra here. It’s a Hamsa chakra.Sahaja Yogi: Finland?Shri Mataji: Aa! [meaning yes]Sahaja Yogi: What?Shri Mataji: It’s a Hamsa charka Finland.Sahaja Yogi: Finland?Sahaja Yogini: Finland.Shri Mataji: Aa!Sahaja Yogi: You know, I thought this is Agnya.Shri Mataji: Ha? No, no, no, no. Agnya is only in Russia and China.But it’s here Hamsa chakra. [A Sahaja Yogini is bringing something to Shri Mataji]Shri Mataji: Marion, you got something for- oh…! Very creative ...That's so well... See this one...Very creative you people are... So he is a poet also . You are from where ? Sahaja Yogi: From Finland ... But Why should Devi come to you and [unclear38:33 ] The only trouble with the popstars are that what they sings no body hears.You shoud be more clear . They won't ..You see mostly those people who like this kind of a thing are mostly drug addicts. The sensible people would like something very clear. You have written about green sari I am also wearing green sari ...See what a combination ! Can you read it out loudly ... (Then the poem is read by sahaj yogi) That is the power of your love ... That creates all those coincidences ! I tell you an instance recently I told you about ...He is such a strong Sahaja yogi & a very controlled.He wass the physical teacher of all the piolets 42:53 then he dicovered that it is at 9:30. He rushed to the airport & sent me [unclear 43:17 ] So we reached the airport 15 minutes late And the lady at the ground she just started shouting at me...I mean it was too much ... That's why i now realized that when people have to g to airport they become mad ...because any body can shout at you !.... That's why now I realised that when people have to go to the airport, they take the name of the airport they become mad because anybody can shout at you! If they want they should take away their plane. Who wants their plane. They can take away their plane. Why should they shout? This lady shouted and he felt very sad. Then we went and sat on the plane. And UNCLEAR saw him crying, tears in his eyes. He is a very strong person you see, so she told him,' no, don't feel bad,' that, 'it's alright, it's alright'. And more than fifty Sahajayogi were standing on the balcony watching us, and they felt a very big wind came from the plane and threw vibrations, and they felt so peaceful they closed their eyes. They never had such an experience before and in a second, the whole sky was covered with cloud. In a second. There was not a single cloud even like this. In a second. They were amazed how so many black clouds and then the engineer told us that the plane has been out of order for the past half an hour and they cannot go. And when we went to the airport, at the airport they said all flights cancelled. Then he got after that woman. He said, 'we all should shout at you'.You have no business to UNCLEAR but it is Sahajayogi s they asked me, 'Mother what had happened'.I said, 'this is the power of Divine Love'.' Love for Being'.You do not know your powers. How tremendous it is and it had not rained in Prague all these months. They were waiting for the rain. And it rained and rained and rained. In English, we say it rained cats and dogs, like that and days together. So this is what it is.Try to understand your powers. Now, this green saree must-have. UNCLEAR (laughing)So thank you very much for everything. May God bless you.l was thinking you can keep the saree for UNCLEAR. Another one(laughing)I hope you like the small presents. There are some extra ones if you get some other people you can give them. For the little children also give them. Chocolate. What are these flowers, they are beautiful? These we do not get anywhere. Sahaja yogi: I don't know. What is the name? Shri Mataji: I have never seen one like this. They look something like we call Morning Glory which is blue in colour. Beautiful. It is nice. (They are seeing some things) You buy here? You have butter here? How much is butter here? Sahaja yogi: Four or five pounds. Shri Mataji: It is expensive here. Sahaja yogi: Yes, because they exported here. Shri Mataji: Oh, I see. Otherwise, it is expensive. England is much cheaper.UNCLEAR Ah, must be that. Foreign exchange. Put it in a bottle and every morning one drop in the nose for Hamsa Chakra. The bottle should be held under a hot water tap and heat it a little. Olive oil is good for hair. For the hair. (Talking to a Sahaja yogi.) For the hair because you are a cold person. Heat it up a little. For UNCLEAR it is coconut oil. This water is also good for the skin. Water for the skin is very good. We have other things what we call in India, we have prepared for allergies. They will be in Cabella. Also for pimples and UNCLEAR automatically but still if you need. What else do we need. For pains and all that? Do you buy anything? ' Moov' in India.UNCLEAR( laughing) for liver we have, comes from Russia. When you come to India we will organise this. Travelling like traders. (Sahajayogi talking,UNCLEAR) Indians are very nice. They are very kind. In India, foreigners are respected like God's. It is one of the cultures, that those who are coming from outside are Gods, so must look after them. Also, those who are your guests of course. It is a very different type of culture. Ladies would love to cook for you and serve you. You say I am willing to eat out. They get very angry. It is the culture. Sahaja yogi: I saw and changed my view. Shri Mataji: No people don't know about this.This time they are very excited about your coming. From Delhi, we are going to Haryana. Such an excitement. They want to take you to Agra to see Taj Mahal, to Jaipur, near Ahmedabad, Abu. Near Ahmedabad a beautiful temple in Abu.Marble.Near Ahmedabad beautiful temple.Such a marble work of say 12 feet height, vault, 20 cubic feet or maybe more and inside all carvings.Very beautiful. Taj Mahal, also we had lots of these precious stones, semi-precious stones taken away by the English. Once upon a time, it was a very rich country. Very rich. Mohammed Ghajini looted us. One part, Mohammed Ghajanabhi looted our country. Plundered and thousand camels caravan and it is in Iran now. It is called as the richest site in Teheran. All these things are kept in a place and are called the richest site in the world. Richest region of the world. I went there. The door itself is 6 feet thick and only six people can enter and two guards. There are no armed guards inside. Now you see the diamonds. It is 100 metres by 100metre big hall. Diamonds, rubies, and emeralds, pearls all kept in caskets like this just like UNCLEAR..all over. They also have our peacock which has got seven steps of gold. And whatever is remaining out of that, they have made the big dome of 20 metres all gold and wherever they have snow peaks they are shown with diamonds, peaks covered with snow, shown with diamonds. Rubies for Mother earth and the green for forest, emeralds and two sapphire and also pearls. Such big, big pearls I have seen, all from India. So many big diamonds. One of them was taken by the English.One by the Germans. The big one is called UNCLEAR, cut half. Still, we have so many things. In Mysore you did not see, there is a big elephant of gold in Mysore. I don't think you saw that when you went to Mysore because you were late.UNCLEAR..he has got gold cutlery, crockery for 500 people and nobody steals. So much..and even the poor people have seen them. There is no competition in India. Now see, if I give a diamond to my servant she UNCLEAR...It is symbolic of different jobs, status. But they don't have competition, they don't have jealousies. This mangal family. UNCLEAR Another family also. Another family of class, nobody feels competitive. That's how we manage.No competition, no class consciousness and everybody is respected according to age. Like we had servants in my family, who were serving the father of my husband. So we all had to touch his feet, my husband also had to touch his feet. Any elderly person comes in, they had to be given respect, older than you, you are not to answer back. It's like that. A son may be Prime Minister, he has to touch the feet of his father. When I went to see our President at UNCLEAR he sat on the ground, he won't sit on the chair because I am a Saint. Even the Governors or anyone, they will not sit at the same level. Even one Prime Minister I have to say sat, and my husband was working with the Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri, he used to open the door of my car. He was sitting opposite. I suggested it's too hot. There was one Sardarji, he was Foreign Minister he asked him to sit. When Shastri Ji said.. UNCLEAR supposed to be Godly and they are so hot. So they have that sense you see. UNCLEAR..Even the customs in India, if you are wearing my batch they will never question. In Delhi, one lady was bringing some silver. That time it was not allowed to bring silver in a bag and one customs officer stopped her and asked to open the bag and my photograph was on the top. They all have respect. They all want to have Realisation'.They are very God-fearing people. Even the Muslims are very God-fearing in India. But we all see UNCLEAR materialism and we also fall in the trap. If Sahaja yoga doesn't establish Indians can go down. One has to be very careful. Very happy I could come and talk to you today. That is why I told you, don't have a morning flight, have .. because I wanted to meet you. May God bless you. For Diwali, all people can come and pay ... UNCLEAR.You can come by a boat. You can go to Russia and then take this Russian flight. I will ask him because they are coming by bus from Russia. Is it alright? Sahaja yogi: But the border from Ukraine to Poland is a problem. They have their Mafia. They have people the queue and then try to...150 dollars... border. Shri Mataji; But if you can go to Leningrad by boat and then take the bus. It is much better that way. And the train is also very cheap from there. There the train is very cheap. I think you can ask UNCLEAR. Russian visa you get here, alright. For that, there is a lot of time. He can arrange it don't go directly, you go to Leningrad and also what is that called, Easy Air, is easier. Leningrad you can get a train, overnight train, it will take you right up to Moscow, even further up to the end of UNCLEAR. We can arrange it but your passport number and photograph must be sent. You have to pass one more country.UNCLEAR. Czechoslovakia is alright. Yugoslavia. We will find out. Sahaja yogi: Shri Mataji there is a seminar. (Some person has come with some health problems and Shri Mataji is curing her.)There is a cut. We call it fissure. Does she get constipated? Constipation issue? Sahaja yogi: No, no constipation. Shri Mataji: How can it be. You can reach your hand there? On the left side or right? Working on her. Put your left hand towards Me. Feel her chakras. There is pain now?. Press it.No pain. Put your right hand towards Me. Press it. Press it. Sahaja yogi: Not much. Shri Mataji: You are feeling the cool breeze in your hands now? Little lower this side. Are you feeling the cool breeze? With the candle, water, and move the hands towards me. Her cheeks have become red.Two, three days she should be alright. Keep on meditating. Sahaja yogi: It is smelling. Shri Mataji: It is not wine. Sahaja yogi: No, it is Kataya. We call ourselves kataya which means we are like this tree. We bend but we do not break. Shri Mataji: What is the bark…
Shri Krishna Puja: Ascending beyond the Vishuddhi, The Viraata State
Cabella Ligure
Shri Krishna puja. Ascending beyond the Vishuddhi, The Viraata State, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 August 1992. Today we have decided to have the puja of Shri Krishna. We have many a times done this puja and have understood the essence of Shri Krishna's advent, which was six thousand years back. And now, what His manifestation was, what He wanted to be accomplished has to be done in this Kali Yuga. As it is, this Kali Yuga is going into a new realm of Satya Yuga, but in between there is Krita Yuga where this Brahmachaitanya, or we can say the all-pervading Power of God's love, is going to act. At this time, what is going to happen with Shri Krishna's powers - this is what we have to see. Shri Krishna, as I told you, was the incarnation also of diplomacy. So He plays around quite a lot, and ultimately He brings forth the untruth and the falsehood; but in doing that He judges people. So it's very important that Shri Krishna's powers of His diplomacy were to be manifesting at this time, when it is the Last Judgment. So now whatever we have done wrong before, whatever karmas which have been done in ignorance maybe, or maybe deliberately, all of them will be paid back. Those punyas which you have done in previous lives, this life, will be also rewarded. This is all done through Shri Krishna's principles of collectivity, where He collectively sees the situation. For example, as I told you last time also that Columbus luckily went to America; luckily, so we were saved, otherwise we would not have been here. And then these Spanish people, bullfighters, they went and started fighting the poor, unarmed people who were just very simple owners of that land. But they went and occupied those lands, and killed every one of them. So in America you can't find anyone, no doubt, but even in South America you have to go to Colombia or to Bolivia, to great heights, to see some aboriginals there; otherwise most of them are finished. So now in Krita Yuga all these diseases have started cropping up. But the best part is the drug addiction. These drugs are made, for your information, in Bolivia and in Colombia. You drove them down there, so now you have the drugs and very nicely you are very welcoming them. People went in Nicaragua to help them and brought back all these horrible drugs to Washington; and in every elite society they are just discussing which is the best drug, where is the sale on and where should they buy the drugs. So the all of America is now worried how much drug they can import, and kill themselves and destroy themselves. So this destruction has started from inside. Then in addition to that, when I went there first I told them not to indulge into these Freudian practices but keep to morality, otherwise you'll have problems. So they had first AIDS, secondly now yuppie's disease, and all kinds of secret diseases they have. Among ten people there would be at least one person who is suffering from that, and among twenty people there'll be at least one person who must be suffering from schizophrenia. Because they made every person, every other country nervous, so now they are getting schizophrenia. Like this we can see even in England. Now in England they came to India as traders, ordinary traders, and plundered us completely, no doubt, ruled us for three hundred years - as I say, it's gracious hospitality they had - and then they left us in three pieces. And now in their own country there are problems, all kinds. First of all nobody wants to call themselves as English; they all call themselves Welsh or Scots, or specially the Irish. And there is always a bomb scare in London, every time, and for our first program also there was a bomb scare. So you can imagine these English who tried to divide us are automatically divided among themselves, and now fighting each other. But there are other problems also like AIDS and immoral life, everything like that. Same with the French. French tried to sell their wine all over, and bring their horrible bathroom culture everywhere. Now they are suffering from it. For example, most of the time they're drunk and they have lost all moorings, I mean, they have no sense left in their heads. Like a housewife could be a prostitute - allowed by law. All such things are happening. Now they are paying, and the worst that they are paying, all these countries who think no end of themselves, are recession. This is also Shri Krishna's power, because He's Kubera. He's the one who is the power of wealth. He gave lot of wealth to all these countries, and now they don't know what to do with themselves. We can see in these fifty years how many things have happened, but specially these twenty years have been really remarkable. All over the world you can find out there has been some sort of a complete change, or an exposure. Even in Italy you see every day this Vatican is here exposed, or some mafia connections are there, or this what you call, people from the government are exposed. I am doing nothing, I'm just sitting here, but it is working out that way. Since I have been here I don't know how many people have gone to jail, God knows. (I don't know if she's not brought My throat pastilles. I had a bath early in the morning, so a little bit ... This is, Shri Krishna is trying to fill Me up!) We Indians are also suffering,because our past deeds - like we had a caste system. So now the caste system has become the greatest headache for us in India, that's the greatest cancer for us. Like that, everywhere these twenty years or twenty-one years have been ... ( ... I don't know, because morning. Also reaction on Me ... ) So like that in every country, you'll see gradually, every country will have to face for what it has done. Also Shri Krishna's own style was that He can never believe in caste system. He Himself was born in a caste which is a, what you call is a milkman's caste, and then He became a king, of course; but to begin with, and He lived like an ordinary person. He used to take the cows outside, look after them and bring them home. Now if you see His life you'll find He is absolutely very human, the way He used to tease His mother, tease other ladies. All this is extremely human and childlike, and extremely sweet. But behind that also there was a great significance. For example, Shri Radha - as you know, She was Mahalakshmi - and as Mahalakshmi She used to put Her feet, take bath in the river Yamuna, and the ladies would take water from the same river, carry on their head the pitchers. Now Shri Krishna wanted to raise their kundalini, so He used to hit them from the back so that the water falls on their back, and that vibrated water would raise their kundalini. This was His childish trick, but it had a meaning. Another one, when we see Him in ras - "ra" means energy. Radha: "ra" is "energy," "dha" means "the one who sustains it" - so it is Radhaji who had the energy. "Sa" means "with," so when they played ras, was nothing but to play with the energy. And that's how He wanted to have a collective awakening of people, of gopa and gopis, and He did it. But then He had to leave and fight this Kamsa. In His own lifetime, as a child or grown-up, He punished all kinds of devils and women devils who were like Putna, and all that. He did it, and in this Kali Yuga also He's active. We have seen how gradually He has finished so many false gurus, one by one; somebody who called himself Shri Krishna, somebody who called himself as God, something else, something else. He finished them all, exposed them nicely, and now we have very few people in the arena left for us to fight. They themselves are trembling and they are quite frightened of us, because we are standing on truth. So now, when we have to think about Shri Krishna who is residing in our Vishuddhi Chakra. Many people have this problem of left Vishuddhi. That is because we are more sort of very social people. Now in the Western society, the social system is so rigid that anybody can collapse with that, or used to be; now better because of the, maybe the revolt, anti-culture. But otherwise if you could put one spoon from here to there, then you are finished. If you start your food with, say, not with the fish knife but with an ordinary knife, then you're finished, you are no good. And these French have made even much worse by using a big science out of alcohol. For this alcohol this is the glass, for that alcohol that is the glass, and all that. So the whole collective was made so rigid. It's much more rigid than in India. I used to think Indian collective is quite rigid because of certain conditionings we have, but after coming to the West I was surprised that it is such a conditioning in the heads of the people, that some of the conditionings you cannot remove - say from Catholic Church, you might say, or from wherever it is. But when it comes from somebody like Freud who was absolutely a devil, they just give up all these conditionings and take to that. I cannot understand any country where there is Catholic Church so predominant, they are following Freud. So this collective rigidity, which was then because maybe Shri Rama was a very formal person, because of Him maybe the collective rigidity might have been in India. But in the West it is all mental, it's absolutely mental. If you make this kind of hair then you are all right, if you put oil then you are absolutely lunatic: all kinds of funny ideas were given, and people started doing like this. If you don't put oil at all you'll become bald. If you become bald, then they will have a business of their wigs. So the whole thing was money-oriented, and everything was made so fixed that you had to do it so that they could sell their things. England was, as you know, is tailcoat: you have to wear a tailcoat if you have to see the Queen. I don't know why you have to wear a tailcoat to see the Queen, but it's compulsory, and if you don't wear then you are not allowed. So they have to borrow these tailcoats and all that from one shop, which can be tight, which can be loose, and everybody looks like Charlie Chaplin to Me! They can't walk straight. So this kind of stupid rigidity that came into the West has really made them very nervous. People are so nervous here. If you tell some lady that "I am going to come and have food with you," she will collapse. God knows what she thinks, I mean, it is caring for the public opinion, or her own conditioning. But in an Indian, a housewife, if you tell her you are going to come, she'll be the happiest person. She'll be very happy that you are coming to her house for dinner. But here even if you say, "I would like to come and see you in the evening," they'll say, "All right, come in the pub." Because they're so nervous, they're not sure of themself; and this has come, I think, perhaps from these norms that there have been created in the West. In India also we had lots of these ritualism that came up very serious. Like we had people, Jainis who'd pick up their hair with their hands. They are not supposed to use any knives or any scissors or any barbers, so they were supposed to pick up their hair on their own. So from their beard, from their this thing, they would pick up all the time. That went to such a horrible conditioning that they would say that if you, even if you breathe then you can, you might consume some animals. So they would put some sort of a cloth before their mouth, and all kinds of nonsense they did. At that time Shri Krishna came in. His own cousin was a tirthankara, you'll be surprised, Neminath. He became a tirthankara, and that made Shri Krishna think about it, that this kind of stupid ritualism that we have. Like in the morning women will get up, in their sleep they will go, put some water for tulsi, do this thing, that thing, throw water here and there. And also the untouchables and touchables; and you can't take water from this, you can't eat this, you can't move like that - all kinds of restrictions, timing, everything. This time is not good, that time is not good, this you should not do, that you should not do, to such an extent that the whole movement of our country was round these rituals. I had nephews who used to come to Bombay for their work. Every time they went to Lucknow, they would come with shaven heads. I said, "What's the matter?" He said, "There are many people in our family who are old, and when they die we have to shave our heads." So every time they went there somebody died, so they came with shaven heads. Like that such horrible rituals existed, and even now in the South India there is a lot of rituals are there, terrible rituals, and they cannot get out of it, they're frightened. If they get out of it then they might be sinners, or they will go to hell. So the Indian conditioning was, as far as these rigidities were concerned for religion, to be on the right side in such a way that we should not be caught up without doing this. So early in the morning they'll get up and do the rituals, just without even thinking about what they're doing. But in the West the lifestyle is nothing but rigidity, the whole lifestyle is; there's no freedom anywhere. And all that then was rewarded by these hippies and other people, and all of them, and they fought it, and that thing went to another extremes. So from one extreme to another extreme they went. Now, how Shri Krishna's advent changed it. When Shri Krishna came on this Earth, He said this is all a leela, it is just a play. Because you are involved into it, you cannot see the play. But if you ascend - if you are in the water you are afraid of the water, but if you get into the boat you can see the water, and if you know how to swim you can even save the people who are in the water. So He says that if you develop a witness state, sakshi swarupata, if you develop that state then you see the whole thing as a drama. Nothing affects you. Nothing matters, you don't worry about anything, you see the problem above; you are, and you see the problem, and because you are out of it, you can solve the problem. This was His great advent, I would say, that has taught the first step towards the ascent, is that you have to become a sakshi. You have to become the witness. Now let's see in Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga there are different types of people come from different areas, from different cultures, because the door is open to everyone. Now if an Indian comes in, he will be all the time watchful about others, and will say that "Mother, this man is not doing this, this man is not doing that. He should have done footsoaking." He'll find faults with others, all the time saying that this man is not doing like this, and you know. But in the West they start finding faults with themselves. And I receive letters, ten to twelve pages sometimes, confessing what wrong they have done. Who is interested to know, what wrongs you have done? I mean, if a lotus is born, nobody wants to know how many filthy things are inside the pond. You are now a lotus. But it's so common that they think we must confess, we must tell Mother what wrong we have done. Every moment you are changing, so what is there to confess? And the life is so formal, as I told you, that people suffer from guilt for anything. Apart from the influence of this Catholic Church has conditioned you so much that even if you are not a Catholic, you're a Protestant, still you have guilt, and as a guilt you develop this left Vishuddhi. So then this left Vishuddhi is Vishnumaya - means what? Once you have this left Vishuddhi you develop all the problems of the Vishnumaya, and one of them is the heart. Because Vishnumaya is an active thing, She is like electricity; and if you have Vishnumaya problem, then you become lethargic. "Oh, I'm so guilty." You become depressed. That Vishnumaya Principle disappears from you. She's the one who's quick, fast, and She gives the light, and announces to the whole world what Shri Krishna is. While what happens with such people, Sahaja yogis who come in, who feel guilty, they say, "Mother, You know, we thought that if we do this then our ego will come up. If we do any work outside and work in some fields or in some villages, then our ego will come up. So we don't want to do it." This is absurd. It's like you give light to some light, and the light says that "I don't want to give the light, because maybe this light might develop an ego." It is absurd. But such absurd things Sahaja yogis tell Me. For them one has to understand, to get out of this left Vishuddhi is to become absolutely dynamic in Sahaja Yoga, go all out into Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise they can't get rid of their left Vishuddhis. Left Vishuddhi is a thing that's a very depressive action on the whole being, and a person who has left Vishuddhi is always a very slow person to do anything for Sahaja Yoga. You have not been given light to hide it. Christ has said that you don't put light under the table. So you have been given light to work it out, to be dynamic, to think what to do, how to arrange, how to organize. But if you are guilty, then you will all the time say, "Oh Mother, it's very difficult, You know, this . . ." Always you'll find the other side of the whole joke, just to avoid. Now for a Sahaja yogi is to witness himself, first of all. That is the introspection. He should see for himself, "Where was I, and I have come here." Don't indulge too much in the past, but see the distance you have crossed in such a short time. Now you have come into the Kingdom of God, you have all the powers. I don't tell lies - it's a fact. I'll give you an example, if Wolfgang allows Me to say that. Wolfgang was with Me when we were traveling from Prague to Vienna and the plane, you see, he told Me that the plane is at ten-thirty, but it was at nine-thirty; it was a mistake. It's all right, there can be mistake, of course, that also is Shri Krishna's style. You can always do mistakes, doesn't matter. So we reached - I mean, why all these things happen, see, to create an event, a ghatna. So he was very upset about it that he told Me a wrong time, and I reached there about fifteen minutes late. And there was a ground hostess, horrible, she started shouting at Me, saying all kinds, "It's not fair, You don't know," this, that and everything. I just didn't bother about it because I knew that it was out of mistake we've done it. And they could have taken away their plane instead of shouting, but they kept the plane and shouted at Me, because she wanted to shout, you see. Then the plane was filled in with people and it would not leave, so I asked the engineers. They said, "It has been like this for the half-an-hour. We are trying to correct it. It's like this." So it's all right. He said that "We'll have to wait till we put it right." But because she shouted at Me, Wolfgang was full of tears, you see; just look at this German having so many tears in his eyes! Then Alga was telling him that "It's all right, doesn't matter. It's not your mistake." He was feeling so sad that Mother has been insulted like this by this lady, because of my mistake - I mean, it's love. Now the power of his love was so great. At the same moment there were so many, to about fifty people, Sahaja yogis standing on the balcony watching us. We also felt and they also felt, but they felt a tremendous cool breeze like a big blow came to them and blew upon them vibrations, and they just got enamored. And suddenly when they opened their eyes what they find, the whole sky was filled with clouds. There was not a single cloud. In one second, in one second from where the clouds came, God knows. It was all completely filled with them. Then they asked us to get out because they could not do anything. So when we came back it started raining. When we came in, he got after that lady. He said, "Now, whom are we to shout? We can't catch our planes now." And then they announced that all the flights are cancelled. So see the power of his love for his Mother that the whole sky couldn't bear it, you see, the, his eyes became the sky. And in a second they said, "Mother, we have never seen such a miracle, that there is not one single thing and the whole thing was filled with this." So you must know your powers. That is what is - first of all witness yourself, is the introspection. See for yourself how many powers you have got. Now with your left Vishuddhi you will always conclude, "Oh, how can I have any powers? After all, I have done this, I have done that." Even if you give somebody hundred pounds and you tell him that now you go to the market, buy something, he'll say, "Oh, what's the use of this hundred pounds?" this, that. Use it! As simple as that. But then Sahaja yogis start saying that "No, no, no, no. Mother says, but how can I have? How can I have these powers, after all? It's not possible. I'm no good." Because that left Vishuddhi's all the time telling that you are good for nothing. It's like a leaking hole in your brain that takes away all the sense, and you accept it. So first thing is to introspect yourself, and see for yourself how many powers you have got. Like in the beginning no Sahaja Yogi would give realization, in India. Nobody would even touch anyone. It so happened that My car failed and I was late two hours, luckily, and there was a big meeting and they didn't know what to do, so they started giving realization to people. And then they realized they can give realization; otherwise they would not touch anyone. Now you know that what you can do. You also know that whatever you say happens. Whatever you want you can get it. Try, try, try! But if you don't do it, then you'll be all the time half-baked. Take the experience of your powers, see how dynamic you are. Don't have formalities about it, just use it fully, and you will be amazed that you have so many powers. Somebody told Me that "Mother, You have given a siddhi to Guido." I have given siddhi to all of you. I never discriminate; but it's only he is very brave, he's used it left and right. He uses left and right. If you do not use your siddhis, what can I do? I've given you all the siddhis, no doubt about it, so try. Like in the beginning Baba Mama told Me that "How can I write a poem? I feel like writing but I am rather frightened, because I could not even write an essay." I used to write essay for all My brothers, you see, when they were studying. I was very good at languages. But that's what he said, and now look at him! I told him, "You go ahead and write whatever you write." He said, "I may write something wrong." "It doesn't matter. Write it." In the same way, somebody wants to paint something, one should not think how they will criticize or anything - just paint. If you want to sing, just sing. If you want to do anything, any manifestation, just do it boldly. Go in a big way. You'll be amazed at yourself how you have achieved it and how you are doing it. It has worked with so many artists, you know that. That day Debu told you about himself, and in so many they can tell you that this has happened to them. So now the first thing is to know that you have powers. Now believe in them. Have faith in yourself. If you have left Vishuddhi, this Vishnumaya won't work out. But be like Vishnumaya. Just give up this guilt. "No, I am a Sahaja yogi. I'm not an ordinary person." People sometimes talk to Me and I say, "Do you know what you are?" "What, Mother?" "You are a Sahaja yogi." "Oh, I forgot." "Now go and do it." And the another style of this left Vishuddhi is this, which one must understand, that it tries to give an explanation. As I told you many a time, you tell somebody that telephone to someone. First they will say, "He may not be there, Mother." "Baba, you telephone! First find out if he may be there or may not be there." But they would not. They would just avoid, and that is another thing. Vishnumaya never avoids, you have seen that. Once She has to shine She shines, wherever She is, whatever She is. So in the same way we have to be like that. We have to know that we are special people, we are chosen, we are angelic and that we have entered into the Kingdom of God, and it will all work out. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for useless people. As I told you, in Marathi, Tukaram has said, "Yeddya gabalyache kam nave." It's not meant for lunatics and lousy people. It's meant for somebody who has tyala pahijet jatiche. You need people of character. I know that there cannot be many like that, but there is no place in God's realm for many people, for all these useless people. It's only for something special. These seats are reserved and you have got your realization now, somehow. So now try to understand that this Vishnumaya Principle has to be expressed and has to be shown, and you introspect yourself, "Have I done that or not?" Don't be afraid that they say that "But our ego will come up." Doesn't matter. You will also see your ego. This is the second part of Shri Krishna's play, that in this Krita Yuga you see your ego. There was a lady who was rather not very kind to some Maharashtrian ladies. So I told her, "You have got right side." She wouldn't believe. She came to see Me in Rome, and she fell down on right side, completely. Then she realized that her right side was not all right. So to know that, whether you have a right or a left, there's a very good method, is of meditation. Now the third situation is that you must accept whatever is wrong with you. If you do not accept, then you have not been kind to yourself. That is the central part of it, that you must accept, "Yes, this is something wrong with me. I have gone in this part I'm wrong, of my Vishuddhi, or that part I'm wrong. So now I have to improve." Now, right Vishuddhi people will always try to correct Me. I've seen it. It's very simple for them. If I say anything, "No." First words. Different types "no's" there are. Sometimes, "No!" Sometimes it is "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" They will contradict Me or try to put their own idea, and then they discover that it was wrong; they should not have said it. Say for example, if I say, "I saw these things lying here." They said, "No." I said, "I saw with My own eyes and once I see something, you know, it's registered, it's there." "No." I say, "All right, just try to find out." "It's there! How is it we didn't see?" I said, "Because your 'no' was written on your eyes, I think, you couldn't see anything." And then they'll pull their ears - that's the best. But if you see that, "This is a habit I have of saying 'no' to things." So first of all, I also test you. Supposing I say, "It is just now nine o'clock in the night", you just say "yes", let's see what happens. Try to see. You see, I test you many a times like this and then I see that some people, if I say so, "All right, if it's so, if Mother has said, it is so." And then it starts building up their faith very well. I can see they're, clearly how they are coming into the realm of real faith, and there when I say something absurd they'll just smile. They know, "It is Mother is just testing us", you see, so they just smile. They wouldn't do anything, but they'll just smile. And then if it is so and if they don't know, they'll say, "Yes, it must be. Mother must have done this or said so." So your testing time is there. You have to test yourself. As Mohammed Sahib has said, that your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you. So, on your hands you will know. Now these hands are the blessings of Shri Krishna. They come out from the same Vishuddhi, and as you know the pelvic nerves serves it on all that. And there are two chakras of one Lalita, another Shri Chakra, all on these both sides; they also play into the hands of Shri Krishna. With these hands we can feel the vibrations. Now if your right Vishuddhi's too strong you may not feel, if your left Vishuddhi's too strong you may not feel, but that doesn't mean that you haven't got realization. You have got. You just work out your hands. Now for working your hands, you have to see that you don't use them for useless things. That's very important, because you have special hands. These hands are the ones with which you spread the collectivity. Now for example, Italy example, this: here the people when they talk, they'll go on ... They don't know anything what they are saying, they only know their own, all their gestures, and they only can depict. For a person who doesn't know them, they'll go on like this, like this, all the time. So this should be reduced. There's no need to use your hands so much all the time, like this, like that. Little bit, but while using the hands also it should be decent, it should be regulated, it should be very indicative and useful. Just showing off your hands is not good. It is some sort of a theory came out, I was told, that you must put your gestures into your hands and speak. Is all right for people like Hitler, but not for us. For us we should be decent. We should, whenever we have to say - now for example, you want to point out something to someone, shouldn't say "do this." This is Shri Krishna's finger, you can't use it like that. Let them do, means supporting everything. This looks better. These hands are to be used for collectivity. See, we say "namaste" when we meet others. To thousands of people we can say "namaste." But I don't like the shaking hands business because it's no good. Shaking hands doesn't create any collectivity. On the contrary, you might get all kinds of pins and needles and all kinds of problems from others. But when you talk to people also, with these hands only you can feel them; with these hands only you can care for your children; with these hands only you can suggest your softness, your sweetness, and also with the mouth - which is of course is a part of the Vishuddhi, that's different - but specially hands. Your gestures and everything should show very heartfelt emotions, and then only these gestures have some meaning. Now in Sahaja Yoga as you know, you hold each other's hands and the vibration starts flowing among yourselves. And you can also hear the tabla on your throbbings, so that shows that they are the communication. So these hands, which are really the beginning of the collectivity - most important, I would say the most important things are the hands, which act for your collectivity. As far as you are concerned there are many other angels and other ganas who are standing behind you. They also, they extend their help to you whenever you want to communicate something, they also do your jobs very well. So whatever is expressed in your hand or through your hand, they immediately pick up. As you know that Vishuddhi has sixteen petals, and all ear, nose, throat, eyes, all are guided by this. Also the sub-plexus of this Vishuddhi is this one, is the Hamsa Chakra. So we have these eyes to see, eyes to communicate. The pure eyes communicate pure love, purity. With the pure eyes you can cleanse people, with the pure eyes you can help others, you can bring peace. The purification of the eyes takes place through your Vishuddhi and Agnya. Here both things have to work out. The nose is very important. Nose has to be pure, in the sense that you should be able to discard whatever is smelling badly, and you should be able to accept whatever is fragrant. It's very important, because nose is the speciality of Shri Krishna, I would say, in the sense that He's the Kubera, and the Kubera has given the nose to the Goddess. Some people have a bad habit of moving their nose just to show disapproval or something like this, they go on doing like that. This is very wrong, because then you are insulting yourself, you're insulting your Kubera power. So you have to keep your nose in a dignified manner. It should be a dignified nose. It should not be used for doing something which is undignified, or which expresses contempt. Then your teeth are very important. You have thirty-two teeth, see, sixteen of Krishna's powers divided in two, you can say thirty-two. These are your teeth on both the sides. The right side is on top and the left down below. That is one thing we neglect very much in the West, I must say. In India it is not. It is very much we neglect, and that's what we have to look after. The reason for neglect is that, I would say, is laziness, must be the laziness, but at least twice or thrice you must brush your teeth. Is important, that I need not say, but more important is to change the brush. Also you have to use butter, or salt and oil to rub your gums. If you rub your gums properly, you will never have problems with your teeth and your gums. Moreover, every time in the evening you must again brush your teeth. I've seen many people who come to Me in the evening in the program, such a horrible smell from their mouth comes out. It is not that it's a disease but it is, only thing is that they have not cleansed their teeth. Also there are people who will not even brush their teeth, and start eating breakfast. I don't know, it was another theory started, I think, that you can eat your food without brushing. Teeth are very important, and one must look after them. On the teeth it depends all the qualities of your Vishuddhi. So one has to look after the teeth in a proper way, and should never clench and never show temper with the teeth. It's a very bad habit. Also here is a gesture I have seen that if they don't like something, they just go on like this. It's a very wrong thing. One should avoid that kind of a gesture, and it's very dangerous for your teeth. So today's lecture is more sort of medical, I must say. A person who is spiritually endowed has an expression which can never be aggressive. He may not be good-looking, may not be very, a sort of a attractive personality, but the expression on the face is absolutely saintly. That is also the blessings of Shri Krishna. I have seen people after one year of realization, and I was surprised how their faces were changed, that I could not recognize them who they were. The whole thing becomes absolutely mild, soft, peaceful and very joyous. All the qualities of Shri Krishna can be expressed on your face. You can be sometimes mischievous to look at. So many expressions there are which come on the face, and give you a very sweet feeling. But some people have a habit of looking in the mirror all the time, which is very wrong, because it gives you a kind of a funny ego. Is better to look at Shri Krishna's photograph than to look at your own faces, so that your face will become like that of Shri Krishna; instead of you start looking in the mirror all the time. What will become of you, God knows, because maybe if you go to your past, God knows what you'll become. So also I'm thankful to psychiatrists that they don't like narcissism. But it's very dangerous to all the time watch your face in the mirror, very dangerous. It creates a very funny personality, that you start telling yourself, "Oh, I'm Napoleon." So you become Napoleon, and start behaving like Napoleon. Next day you find one Napoleon walks out of the bathroom! So one has to be careful not to pay so much attention and importance to your own self, but to your Self which is within, which is your Spirit. And if you look after that side, then all these things will happen in such a beautiful manner. Also the hair are looked after by Shri Krishna. Now you see, you know that He's very fond of anything that is like butter, so you have to put either butter or oil or something in your hair. If you don't put it you'll become bald. What can - I mean it is after all a karma phala. If you don't put oil, you'll become bald. So you have to put oil, and oil was put always before in the West. I see all these old films and all that, they're all oiled people. But now of course, if you don't want to put oil in the daytime you can wash it off, but at least once a week you must oil your head. Shri Krishna's star is Saturn, Shani. They say that if He gets after somebody, then nobody can be saved. If Shri Krishna gets after someone, then nobody can be saved. In the same way, if Saturn gets after someone then that person is finished, so we say it's for sometimes, it is seven years He's after you, or sometimes two-and-a-half years after you. So this Saturn of Shri Krishna is a, it's a quality within us that, supposing if somebody troubles us or does something, we don't have to do anything. Now this Shri Krishna policy, this, we can say, the Shri Krishna's nature will work it out. It will inform this all-pervading Power, and through that this man or this woman, or this party or this organization which is trying to trouble us will be hounded, while we'll be just sitting doing nothing. They'll be just hounded till they jump in the sea. Automatically it will happen. But you have to know that you have the powers of Shri Krishna by which, if He gets after someone, then nobody can save them. He's the last one who plays around, but He doesn't forgive. He doesn't believe in forgiveness. He says, "Now, you had enough of it." He gives a big, big long rope to hang yourself, but He never forgives. One thing for definite, He never forgives. As you must have seen in Mahabharata His own judgment of things, you see, He doesn't forgive. He says, "You have to pay. You have to pay for it." Except when, when you transcend. If you become a Sahaja yogi, if you have transcended Vishuddhi, then He cannot do anything like that to you. But if you have not, if there's no ascent you cannot be saved, you cannot be saved from Him. They say once Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni]came to loot our country - I mean, it's a story about the village folk. And there he's looted Somnath, a big temple of ours, which had lots of gold, jewellery, everything in it. So these brahmins were, you see, taking money from all these people and looting them, and putting them in the temple and using them, and the rest of the people were very poor. So it was sort of a reaction in them, and the story they tell like this: so this Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni] looted Somnath, is the temple of Mahadeva. Now Mahadeva never needs any ornaments or anything, but they had put this there. So Hanumana saw that Mahadeva got out of the temple and was running, so Hanumana ran after Him. Then at one point Mahadeva sat down, and Hanumana came. He said, "You are the God of Gods. Why are You running? What are You afraid of?" He said, "You don't know this Mohammed Gajani?" [Ghazni] He said, "No I don't know." "All right, hide behind a tree." They hid behind a tree. So this Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni] came and sat down - this is the folklore I'm telling, folk people tell - sat down under that tree. And [Mahadeva] turning to Shri Krishna [Hanumana?], He said, "This horrible thing, if He gets after someone, who can be saved? Under My nose these brahmins were making money and all that, putting it in Somnath temple, which was not to be done. I couldn't do anything, so He came, and with this fellow after Me I cannot be saved either, so I am running away from the temple." So this is the story given by the villagers, but which shows that if Shri Krishna is after somebody, then nobody can save that person, he has to run away; because He has so many tricks and so many styles that you can't get out of it. He'll use His brains in so many manners, and that He'll put that person right who is trying to trouble you. So you must have complete faith in the powers of Shri Krishna which is within yourself, which is being aware now. And also if you have ascended fully out of this, then He will not trouble; but if you have left Vishuddhi He will trouble you, definitely. If you have left Vishuddhi Shri Krishna will definitely trouble you, and be careful. So get rid of your left Vishuddhis now. That's very important. Because then Shri Krishna will take your test and will make you so miserable that you will not know why. "Mother, You see, I did this, I did this puja, I did this till, let's see now, this is the situation in my family. This is what happened." "All right, are you a Catholic?" "Yes." "Feel guilty?" "Yes." "So have it." What can I do? Shri Krishna cannot be controlled by anyone. He does whatever He thinks proper and He is meant to really punish much more than the Mother, I can tell you. They say that She's Adi Rudra, Adi Saumya: She's the one who's very hard and also very, very soft, but up to a point. He is not. Nothing can convince Him. Once you get into His control, that He'll see to it that you are put right, left, right, any way He'll make you all right. So one thing is there, that you should be sure that you should have your Vishuddhis all right, first of all, and also get Shri Krishna manifesting on others. You don't have to do anything. He'll look after you, everything, and work it out. But left Vishuddhi is a disease of the West. I also feel so much from you all that I sometimes feel like running away to India, because in India nobody feels guilty. They don't believe in feeling guilty. "What is there? We have not murdered anyone. Why should we feel guilty?" Here it is a disease with everyone, "I feel guilty." I don't know who has introduced this idea, maybe this Catholic Church, but carried too far. So then we come to the Virata's point, is here. Before that we have to cross the Hamsa; without that you cannot reach the Virat point. So Hamsa is as you know very well, is the discretion, divine discretion, which must be within you. Once you develop that, then you don't commit mistakes. You never commit mistakes - mistakes in the sense you don't do things which are again pushed back on you, or for which you have to pay. It's just a very straightforward life. "It's so? It's so." With this discretion, absolutely you have a complete understanding as to what has to be done and what not to be done. And if that is established, a discretion is established. In many Sahaja yogis, I must say, discretion has come even with their left Vishuddhi. Even if they have left Vishuddhi they have this discretion, they know what is right and what is wrong. With that divine discretion, the first thing that happens is that people get impressed by you. It's real collectivity, it impresses the collectivity. A person who has divine discretion, people immediately see the wisdom of that person and think, "See now, this man, how could he be? He's so young, how could he be? He's such a child, how could he be?" So this divine discretion which is the, here, Hamsa Chakra's speciality, when it starts manifesting then automatically you impress, automatically you impress the collectivity. This is a very important point one has to know. While introspecting yourself, you just see if you have developed this quality of divine discretion or not. For example, there are many I have seen when they come to the program, they come and tell Me, "Mother, some Sahaja Yogi told me that, ‘You have a bhoot.' Have I got a bhoot in me?" I said, "Not at all. How can there be any bhoot in you?" He may be having, but the divine discretion is not to tell him just now, but to remove it. So divine discretion gives you a complete understanding what is the way to handle another personality, what is the way to handle a collective, how to talk to others, how to impress on them the right things. It's a very, very expansive manifestation in so many directions. If you have no divine discretion, you'll start speaking what you should not speak, you'll start saying at a time when you should not say. I mean, you'll have no sense at all of any direction. So to have divine discretion is very important, for which as you know, Hamsa Chakra physically as well mentally and also spiritually must be kept all right. In My Hamsa's - we had one puja where I talked about it. The last is the Virat: that is the state you have to reach. Is the Virat is here in front [just above the Agnya], as you know. And I was surprised when I went to Nepal, which is a temple of Shiva there: despite they were worshipping Shiva they were putting all the kumkum here. So I thought that they don't know why they are putting, because even if you worship Shiva you must also worship here, the Virata. They don't put it here [at Agnya], [but] here [just above the Agnya]. Because they're absolutely hundred percent only Shiva worshippers, so why should they put it here [above the Agnya]? Because somebody who knows, who was gnostic, has told them that this is the place of Virat. Once you get into Virata, then all your ideas of separating or differentiating goes away. You do not have any more ideas of races left, of nationality, of your city, of your village or anything. At that stage you don't belong to any place. You belong to every place, and you don't belong to every place. Such a situation comes in when you don't hanker after any particular food, you don't like any particular type of people, you can adjust yourself into any circumstances, into any families, into any kind of people. You can live with drunkards. I mean I have lived with drunkards - "lived" means I have shaken hands at least with so many of them. You can be with any kind of person. Nothing bothers you because you are in the Virata state; because everything is absorbed by the Virat, and you do not feel anything. Whatever sort of person may be, you do not feel it. The Virat has to suffer, not you, and that is what is the best state where I want all of you to reach, and to become absolutely free. Nothing can impress you, nothing can influence you, nothing can dissuade you, but you stand on your self-esteem and understanding about yourself, that you're a Sahaja Yogi and that you are connected with this power, and you are a citizen of Kingdom of God. At the Virata state there's no doubt left about it, no doubt, because you become part and parcel of the whole, absolutely, and you can affect anywhere. If this finger is hurt, then this finger can feel it. In the same way such a person is felt everywhere, and not only that, but that person can be effective everywhere. For that state of reaching to Virat, one should try to slowly, gradually, "Ya neti neti vachanaih nirgama avochu" say. You have to go on saying, "This is not my sister. This is not my brother. They are all my brothers. They're all my sisters. I love them the same as my sisters and my brothers. This is not my family. The whole Sahaja Yoga is my family." The whole attention should move like that. "This is not only mine, it is everybody's. It belongs to everyone. Everybody has a right." That sort of a thing, when it starts growing from individual, what we call is the "vestiti tu sumestiti" in Sanskrit, they say "vestiti tu sumestiti", from individual to collective. And such a personality then is the most effective one for any kind of collective work. I think for today it's quite sufficient for you to know about Vishuddhi Chakra. I mean, I have talked about it thousands and thousands of times, and now this is one of the sides which I wanted to say, because I find that still there are people who do not understand that they have to rise above Vishuddhi. Otherwise, if they do not ascend over Vishuddhi they can never be proper Sahaja yogis, they'll be always half-baked. So we must try to rise above the Vishuddhi, the discretion part. Then at that point we can never doubt Sahaja Yoga, can never doubt, and that's how the doubtless awareness can come to us. May God bless you. All right. Shri Krishna Puja is very small that way, not such a long thing.
Shri Krishna puja. Ascending beyond the Vishuddhi, The Viraata State, Cabella Ligure (Italy), 16 August 1992. Today we have decided to have the puja of Shri Krishna. We have many a times done this puja and have understood the essence of Shri Krishna's advent, which was six thousand years back. And now, what His manifestation was, what He wanted to be accomplished has to be done in this Kali Yuga. As it is, this Kali Yuga is going into a new realm of Satya Yuga, but in between there is Krita Yuga where this Brahmachaitanya, or we can say the all-pervading Power of God's love, is going to act. At this time, what is going to happen with Shri Krishna's powers - this is what we have to see. Shri Krishna, as I told you, was the incarnation also of diplomacy. So He plays around quite a lot, and ultimately He brings forth the untruth and the falsehood; but in doing that He judges people. So it's very important that Shri Krishna's powers of His diplomacy were to be manifesting at this time, when it is the Last Judgment. So now whatever we have done wrong before, whatever karmas which have been done in ignorance maybe, or maybe deliberately, all of them will be paid back. Those punyas which you have done in previous lives, this life, will be also rewarded. This is all done through Shri Krishna's principles of collectivity, where He collectively sees the situation. For example, as I told you last time also that Columbus luckily went to America; luckily, so we were saved, otherwise we would not have been here. And then these Spanish people, bullfighters, they went and started fighting the poor, unarmed people who were just very simple owners of that land. But they went and occupied those lands, and killed every one of them. So in America you can't find anyone, no doubt, but even in South America you have to go to Colombia or to Bolivia, to great heights, to see some aboriginals there; otherwise most of them are finished. So now in Krita Yuga all these diseases have started cropping up. But the best part is the drug addiction. These drugs are made, for your information, in Bolivia and in Colombia. You drove them down there, so now you have the drugs and very nicely you are very welcoming them. People went in Nicaragua to help them and brought back all these horrible drugs to Washington; and in every elite society they are just discussing which is the best drug, where is the sale on and where should they buy the drugs. So the all of America is now worried how much drug they can import, and kill themselves and destroy themselves. So this destruction has started from inside. Then in addition to that, when I went there first I told them not to indulge into these Freudian practices but keep to morality, otherwise you'll have problems. So they had first AIDS, secondly now yuppie's disease, and all kinds of secret diseases they have. Among ten people there would be at least one person who is suffering from that, and among twenty people there'll be at least one person who must be suffering from schizophrenia. Because they made every person, every other country nervous, so now they are getting schizophrenia. Like this we can see even in England. Now in England they came to India as traders, ordinary traders, and plundered us completely, no doubt, ruled us for three hundred years - as I say, it's gracious hospitality they had - and then they left us in three pieces. And now in their own country there are problems, all kinds. First of all nobody wants to call themselves as English; they all call themselves Welsh or Scots, or specially the Irish. And there is always a bomb scare in London, every time, and for our first program also there was a bomb scare. So you can imagine these English who tried to divide us are automatically divided among themselves, and now fighting each other. But there are other problems also like AIDS and immoral life, everything like that. Same with the French. French tried to sell their wine all over, and bring their horrible bathroom culture everywhere. Now they are suffering from it. For example, most of the time they're drunk and they have lost all moorings, I mean, they have no sense left in their heads. Like a housewife could be a prostitute - allowed by law. All such things are happening. Now they are paying, and the worst that they are paying, all these countries who think no end of themselves, are recession. This is also Shri Krishna's power, because He's Kubera. He's the one who is the power of wealth. He gave lot of wealth to all these countries, and now they don't know what to do with themselves. We can see in these fifty years how many things have happened, but specially these twenty years have been really remarkable. All over the world you can find out there has been some sort of a complete change, or an exposure. Even in Italy you see every day this Vatican is here exposed, or some mafia connections are there, or this what you call, people from the government are exposed. I am doing nothing, I'm just sitting here, but it is working out that way. Since I have been here I don't know how many people have gone to jail, God knows. (I don't know if she's not brought My throat pastilles. I had a bath early in the morning, so a little bit ... This is, Shri Krishna is trying to fill Me up!) We Indians are also suffering,because our past deeds - like we had a caste system. So now the caste system has become the greatest headache for us in India, that's the greatest cancer for us. Like that, everywhere these twenty years or twenty-one years have been ... ( ... I don't know, because morning. Also reaction on Me ... ) So like that in every country, you'll see gradually, every country will have to face for what it has done. Also Shri Krishna's own style was that He can never believe in caste system. He Himself was born in a caste which is a, what you call is a milkman's caste, and then He became a king, of course; but to begin with, and He lived like an ordinary person. He used to take the cows outside, look after them and bring them home. Now if you see His life you'll find He is absolutely very human, the way He used to tease His mother, tease other ladies. All this is extremely human and childlike, and extremely sweet. But behind that also there was a great significance. For example, Shri Radha - as you know, She was Mahalakshmi - and as Mahalakshmi She used to put Her feet, take bath in the river Yamuna, and the ladies would take water from the same river, carry on their head the pitchers. Now Shri Krishna wanted to raise their kundalini, so He used to hit them from the back so that the water falls on their back, and that vibrated water would raise their kundalini. This was His childish trick, but it had a meaning. Another one, when we see Him in ras - "ra" means energy. Radha: "ra" is "energy," "dha" means "the one who sustains it" - so it is Radhaji who had the energy. "Sa" means "with," so when they played ras, was nothing but to play with the energy. And that's how He wanted to have a collective awakening of people, of gopa and gopis, and He did it. But then He had to leave and fight this Kamsa. In His own lifetime, as a child or grown-up, He punished all kinds of devils and women devils who were like Putna, and all that. He did it, and in this Kali Yuga also He's active. We have seen how gradually He has finished so many false gurus, one by one; somebody who called himself Shri Krishna, somebody who called himself as God, something else, something else. He finished them all, exposed them nicely, and now we have very few people in the arena left for us to fight. They themselves are trembling and they are quite frightened of us, because we are standing on truth. So now, when we have to think about Shri Krishna who is residing in our Vishuddhi Chakra. Many people have this problem of left Vishuddhi. That is because we are more sort of very social people. Now in the Western society, the social system is so rigid that anybody can collapse with that, or used to be; now better because of the, maybe the revolt, anti-culture. But otherwise if you could put one spoon from here to there, then you are finished. If you start your food with, say, not with the fish knife but with an ordinary knife, then you're finished, you are no good. And these French have made even much worse by using a big science out of alcohol. For this alcohol this is the glass, for that alcohol that is the glass, and all that. So the whole collective was made so rigid. It's much more rigid than in India. I used to think Indian collective is quite rigid because of certain conditionings we have, but after coming to the West I was surprised that it is such a conditioning in the heads of the people, that some of the conditionings you cannot remove - say from Catholic Church, you might say, or from wherever it is. But when it comes from somebody like Freud who was absolutely a devil, they just give up all these conditionings and take to that. I cannot understand any country where there is Catholic Church so predominant, they are following Freud. So this collective rigidity, which was then because maybe Shri Rama was a very formal person, because of Him maybe the collective rigidity might have been in India. But in the West it is all mental, it's absolutely mental. If you make this kind of hair then you are all right, if you put oil then you are absolutely lunatic: all kinds of funny ideas were given, and people started doing like this. If you don't put oil at all you'll become bald. If you become bald, then they will have a business of their wigs. So the whole thing was money-oriented, and everything was made so fixed that you had to do it so that they could sell their things. England was, as you know, is tailcoat: you have to wear a tailcoat if you have to see the Queen. I don't know why you have to wear a tailcoat to see the Queen, but it's compulsory, and if you don't wear then you are not allowed. So they have to borrow these tailcoats and all that from one shop, which can be tight, which can be loose, and everybody looks like Charlie Chaplin to Me! They can't walk straight. So this kind of stupid rigidity that came into the West has really made them very nervous. People are so nervous here. If you tell some lady that "I am going to come and have food with you," she will collapse. God knows what she thinks, I mean, it is caring for the public opinion, or her own conditioning. But in an Indian, a housewife, if you tell her you are going to come, she'll be the happiest person. She'll be very happy that you are coming to her house for dinner. But here even if you say, "I would like to come and see you in the evening," they'll say, "All right, come in the pub." Because they're so nervous, they're not sure of themself; and this has come, I think, perhaps from these norms that there have been created in the West. In India also we had lots of these ritualism that came up very serious. Like we had people, Jainis who'd pick up their hair with their hands. They are not supposed to use any knives or any scissors or any barbers, so they were supposed to pick up their hair on their own. So from their beard, from their this thing, they would pick up all the time. That went to such a horrible conditioning that they would say that if you, even if you breathe then you can, you might consume some animals. So they would put some sort of a cloth before their mouth, and all kinds of nonsense they did. At that time Shri Krishna came in. His own cousin was a tirthankara, you'll be surprised, Neminath. He became a tirthankara, and that made Shri Krishna think about it, that this kind of stupid ritualism that we have. Like in the morning women will get up, in their sleep they will go, put some water for tulsi, do this thing, that thing, throw water here and there. And also the untouchables and touchables; and you can't take water from this, you can't eat this, you can't move like that - all kinds of restrictions, timing, everything. This time is not good, that time is not good, this you should not do, that you should not do, to such an extent that the whole movement of our country was round these rituals. I had nephews who used to come to Bombay for their work. Every time they went to Lucknow, they would come with shaven heads. I said, "What's the matter?" He said, "There are many people in our family who are old, and when they die we have to shave our heads." So every time they went there somebody died, so they came with shaven heads. Like that such horrible rituals existed, and even now in the South India there is a lot of rituals are there, terrible rituals, and they cannot get out of it, they're frightened. If they get out of it then they might be sinners, or they will go to hell. So the Indian conditioning was, as far as these rigidities were concerned for religion, to be on the right side in such a way that we should not be caught up without doing this. So early in the morning they'll get up and do the rituals, just without even thinking about what they're doing. But in the West the lifestyle is nothing but rigidity, the whole lifestyle is; there's no freedom anywhere. And all that then was rewarded by these hippies and other people, and all of them, and they fought it, and that thing went to another extremes. So from one extreme to another extreme they went. Now, how Shri Krishna's advent changed it. When Shri Krishna came on this Earth, He said this is all a leela, it is just a play. Because you are involved into it, you cannot see the play. But if you ascend - if you are in the water you are afraid of the water, but if you get into the boat you can see the water, and if you know how to swim you can even save the people who are in the water. So He says that if you develop a witness state, sakshi swarupata, if you develop that state then you see the whole thing as a drama. Nothing affects you. Nothing matters, you don't worry about anything, you see the problem above; you are, and you see the problem, and because you are out of it, you can solve the problem. This was His great advent, I would say, that has taught the first step towards the ascent, is that you have to become a sakshi. You have to become the witness. Now let's see in Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga there are different types of people come from different areas, from different cultures, because the door is open to everyone. Now if an Indian comes in, he will be all the time watchful about others, and will say that "Mother, this man is not doing this, this man is not doing that. He should have done footsoaking." He'll find faults with others, all the time saying that this man is not doing like this, and you know. But in the West they start finding faults with themselves. And I receive letters, ten to twelve pages sometimes, confessing what wrong they have done. Who is interested to know, what wrongs you have done? I mean, if a lotus is born, nobody wants to know how many filthy things are inside the pond. You are now a lotus. But it's so common that they think we must confess, we must tell Mother what wrong we have done. Every moment you are changing, so what is there to confess? And the life is so formal, as I told you, that people suffer from guilt for anything. Apart from the influence of this Catholic Church has conditioned you so much that even if you are not a Catholic, you're a Protestant, still you have guilt, and as a guilt you develop this left Vishuddhi. So then this left Vishuddhi is Vishnumaya - means what? Once you have this left Vishuddhi you develop all the problems of the Vishnumaya, and one of them is the heart. Because Vishnumaya is an active thing, She is like electricity; and if you have Vishnumaya problem, then you become lethargic. "Oh, I'm so guilty." You become depressed. That Vishnumaya Principle disappears from you. She's the one who's quick, fast, and She gives the light, and announces to the whole world what Shri Krishna is. While what happens with such people, Sahaja yogis who come in, who feel guilty, they say, "Mother, You know, we thought that if we do this then our ego will come up. If we do any work outside and work in some fields or in some villages, then our ego will come up. So we don't want to do it." This is absurd. It's like you give light to some light, and the light says that "I don't want to give the light, because maybe this light might develop an ego." It is absurd. But such absurd things Sahaja yogis tell Me. For them one has to understand, to get out of this left Vishuddhi is to become absolutely dynamic in Sahaja Yoga, go all out into Sahaja Yoga. Otherwise they can't get rid of their left Vishuddhis. Left Vishuddhi is a thing that's a very depressive action on the whole being, and a person who has left Vishuddhi is always a very slow person to do anything for Sahaja Yoga. You have not been given light to hide it. Christ has said that you don't put light under the table. So you have been given light to work it out, to be dynamic, to think what to do, how to arrange, how to organize. But if you are guilty, then you will all the time say, "Oh Mother, it's very difficult, You know, this . . ." Always you'll find the other side of the whole joke, just to avoid. Now for a Sahaja yogi is to witness himself, first of all. That is the introspection. He should see for himself, "Where was I, and I have come here." Don't indulge too much in the past, but see the distance you have crossed in such a short time. Now you have come into the Kingdom of God, you have all the powers. I don't tell lies - it's a fact. I'll give you an example, if Wolfgang allows Me to say that. Wolfgang was with Me when we were traveling from Prague to Vienna and the plane, you see, he told Me that the plane is at ten-thirty, but it was at nine-thirty; it was a mistake. It's all right, there can be mistake, of course, that also is Shri Krishna's style. You can always do mistakes, doesn't matter. So we reached - I mean, why all these things happen, see, to create an event, a ghatna. So he was very upset about it that he told Me a wrong time, and I reached there about fifteen minutes late. And there was a ground hostess, horrible, she started shouting at Me, saying all kinds, "It's not fair, You don't know," this, that and everything. I just didn't bother about it because I knew that it was out of mistake we've done it. And they could have taken away their plane instead of shouting, but they kept the plane and shouted at Me, because she wanted to shout, you see. Then the plane was filled in with people and it would not leave, so I asked the engineers. They said, "It has been like this for the half-an-hour. We are trying to correct it. It's like this." So it's all right. He said that "We'll have to wait till we put it right." But because she shouted at Me, Wolfgang was full of tears, you see; just look at this German having so many tears in his eyes! Then Alga was telling him that "It's all right, doesn't matter. It's not your mistake." He was feeling so sad that Mother has been insulted like this by this lady, because of my mistake - I mean, it's love. Now the power of his love was so great. At the same moment there were so many, to about fifty people, Sahaja yogis standing on the balcony watching us. We also felt and they also felt, but they felt a tremendous cool breeze like a big blow came to them and blew upon them vibrations, and they just got enamored. And suddenly when they opened their eyes what they find, the whole sky was filled with clouds. There was not a single cloud. In one second, in one second from where the clouds came, God knows. It was all completely filled with them. Then they asked us to get out because they could not do anything. So when we came back it started raining. When we came in, he got after that lady. He said, "Now, whom are we to shout? We can't catch our planes now." And then they announced that all the flights are cancelled. So see the power of his love for his Mother that the whole sky couldn't bear it, you see, the, his eyes became the sky. And in a second they said, "Mother, we have never seen such a miracle, that there is not one single thing and the whole thing was filled with this." So you must know your powers. That is what is - first of all witness yourself, is the introspection. See for yourself how many powers you have got. Now with your left Vishuddhi you will always conclude, "Oh, how can I have any powers? After all, I have done this, I have done that." Even if you give somebody hundred pounds and you tell him that now you go to the market, buy something, he'll say, "Oh, what's the use of this hundred pounds?" this, that. Use it! As simple as that. But then Sahaja yogis start saying that "No, no, no, no. Mother says, but how can I have? How can I have these powers, after all? It's not possible. I'm no good." Because that left Vishuddhi's all the time telling that you are good for nothing. It's like a leaking hole in your brain that takes away all the sense, and you accept it. So first thing is to introspect yourself, and see for yourself how many powers you have got. Like in the beginning no Sahaja Yogi would give realization, in India. Nobody would even touch anyone. It so happened that My car failed and I was late two hours, luckily, and there was a big meeting and they didn't know what to do, so they started giving realization to people. And then they realized they can give realization; otherwise they would not touch anyone. Now you know that what you can do. You also know that whatever you say happens. Whatever you want you can get it. Try, try, try! But if you don't do it, then you'll be all the time half-baked. Take the experience of your powers, see how dynamic you are. Don't have formalities about it, just use it fully, and you will be amazed that you have so many powers. Somebody told Me that "Mother, You have given a siddhi to Guido." I have given siddhi to all of you. I never discriminate; but it's only he is very brave, he's used it left and right. He uses left and right. If you do not use your siddhis, what can I do? I've given you all the siddhis, no doubt about it, so try. Like in the beginning Baba Mama told Me that "How can I write a poem? I feel like writing but I am rather frightened, because I could not even write an essay." I used to write essay for all My brothers, you see, when they were studying. I was very good at languages. But that's what he said, and now look at him! I told him, "You go ahead and write whatever you write." He said, "I may write something wrong." "It doesn't matter. Write it." In the same way, somebody wants to paint something, one should not think how they will criticize or anything - just paint. If you want to sing, just sing. If you want to do anything, any manifestation, just do it boldly. Go in a big way. You'll be amazed at yourself how you have achieved it and how you are doing it. It has worked with so many artists, you know that. That day Debu told you about himself, and in so many they can tell you that this has happened to them. So now the first thing is to know that you have powers. Now believe in them. Have faith in yourself. If you have left Vishuddhi, this Vishnumaya won't work out. But be like Vishnumaya. Just give up this guilt. "No, I am a Sahaja yogi. I'm not an ordinary person." People sometimes talk to Me and I say, "Do you know what you are?" "What, Mother?" "You are a Sahaja yogi." "Oh, I forgot." "Now go and do it." And the another style of this left Vishuddhi is this, which one must understand, that it tries to give an explanation. As I told you many a time, you tell somebody that telephone to someone. First they will say, "He may not be there, Mother." "Baba, you telephone! First find out if he may be there or may not be there." But they would not. They would just avoid, and that is another thing. Vishnumaya never avoids, you have seen that. Once She has to shine She shines, wherever She is, whatever She is. So in the same way we have to be like that. We have to know that we are special people, we are chosen, we are angelic and that we have entered into the Kingdom of God, and it will all work out. Sahaja Yoga is not meant for useless people. As I told you, in Marathi, Tukaram has said, "Yeddya gabalyache kam nave." It's not meant for lunatics and lousy people. It's meant for somebody who has tyala pahijet jatiche. You need people of character. I know that there cannot be many like that, but there is no place in God's realm for many people, for all these useless people. It's only for something special. These seats are reserved and you have got your realization now, somehow. So now try to understand that this Vishnumaya Principle has to be expressed and has to be shown, and you introspect yourself, "Have I done that or not?" Don't be afraid that they say that "But our ego will come up." Doesn't matter. You will also see your ego. This is the second part of Shri Krishna's play, that in this Krita Yuga you see your ego. There was a lady who was rather not very kind to some Maharashtrian ladies. So I told her, "You have got right side." She wouldn't believe. She came to see Me in Rome, and she fell down on right side, completely. Then she realized that her right side was not all right. So to know that, whether you have a right or a left, there's a very good method, is of meditation. Now the third situation is that you must accept whatever is wrong with you. If you do not accept, then you have not been kind to yourself. That is the central part of it, that you must accept, "Yes, this is something wrong with me. I have gone in this part I'm wrong, of my Vishuddhi, or that part I'm wrong. So now I have to improve." Now, right Vishuddhi people will always try to correct Me. I've seen it. It's very simple for them. If I say anything, "No." First words. Different types "no's" there are. Sometimes, "No!" Sometimes it is "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" They will contradict Me or try to put their own idea, and then they discover that it was wrong; they should not have said it. Say for example, if I say, "I saw these things lying here." They said, "No." I said, "I saw with My own eyes and once I see something, you know, it's registered, it's there." "No." I say, "All right, just try to find out." "It's there! How is it we didn't see?" I said, "Because your 'no' was written on your eyes, I think, you couldn't see anything." And then they'll pull their ears - that's the best. But if you see that, "This is a habit I have of saying 'no' to things." So first of all, I also test you. Supposing I say, "It is just now nine o'clock in the night", you just say "yes", let's see what happens. Try to see. You see, I test you many a times like this and then I see that some people, if I say so, "All right, if it's so, if Mother has said, it is so." And then it starts building up their faith very well. I can see they're, clearly how they are coming into the realm of real faith, and there when I say something absurd they'll just smile. They know, "It is Mother is just testing us", you see, so they just smile. They wouldn't do anything, but they'll just smile. And then if it is so and if they don't know, they'll say, "Yes, it must be. Mother must have done this or said so." So your testing time is there. You have to test yourself. As Mohammed Sahib has said, that your hands will speak and they'll give witness against you. So, on your hands you will know. Now these hands are the blessings of Shri Krishna. They come out from the same Vishuddhi, and as you know the pelvic nerves serves it on all that. And there are two chakras of one Lalita, another Shri Chakra, all on these both sides; they also play into the hands of Shri Krishna. With these hands we can feel the vibrations. Now if your right Vishuddhi's too strong you may not feel, if your left Vishuddhi's too strong you may not feel, but that doesn't mean that you haven't got realization. You have got. You just work out your hands. Now for working your hands, you have to see that you don't use them for useless things. That's very important, because you have special hands. These hands are the ones with which you spread the collectivity. Now for example, Italy example, this: here the people when they talk, they'll go on ... They don't know anything what they are saying, they only know their own, all their gestures, and they only can depict. For a person who doesn't know them, they'll go on like this, like this, all the time. So this should be reduced. There's no need to use your hands so much all the time, like this, like that. Little bit, but while using the hands also it should be decent, it should be regulated, it should be very indicative and useful. Just showing off your hands is not good. It is some sort of a theory came out, I was told, that you must put your gestures into your hands and speak. Is all right for people like Hitler, but not for us. For us we should be decent. We should, whenever we have to say - now for example, you want to point out something to someone, shouldn't say "do this." This is Shri Krishna's finger, you can't use it like that. Let them do, means supporting everything. This looks better. These hands are to be used for collectivity. See, we say "namaste" when we meet others. To thousands of people we can say "namaste." But I don't like the shaking hands business because it's no good. Shaking hands doesn't create any collectivity. On the contrary, you might get all kinds of pins and needles and all kinds of problems from others. But when you talk to people also, with these hands only you can feel them; with these hands only you can care for your children; with these hands only you can suggest your softness, your sweetness, and also with the mouth - which is of course is a part of the Vishuddhi, that's different - but specially hands. Your gestures and everything should show very heartfelt emotions, and then only these gestures have some meaning. Now in Sahaja Yoga as you know, you hold each other's hands and the vibration starts flowing among yourselves. And you can also hear the tabla on your throbbings, so that shows that they are the communication. So these hands, which are really the beginning of the collectivity - most important, I would say the most important things are the hands, which act for your collectivity. As far as you are concerned there are many other angels and other ganas who are standing behind you. They also, they extend their help to you whenever you want to communicate something, they also do your jobs very well. So whatever is expressed in your hand or through your hand, they immediately pick up. As you know that Vishuddhi has sixteen petals, and all ear, nose, throat, eyes, all are guided by this. Also the sub-plexus of this Vishuddhi is this one, is the Hamsa Chakra. So we have these eyes to see, eyes to communicate. The pure eyes communicate pure love, purity. With the pure eyes you can cleanse people, with the pure eyes you can help others, you can bring peace. The purification of the eyes takes place through your Vishuddhi and Agnya. Here both things have to work out. The nose is very important. Nose has to be pure, in the sense that you should be able to discard whatever is smelling badly, and you should be able to accept whatever is fragrant. It's very important, because nose is the speciality of Shri Krishna, I would say, in the sense that He's the Kubera, and the Kubera has given the nose to the Goddess. Some people have a bad habit of moving their nose just to show disapproval or something like this, they go on doing like that. This is very wrong, because then you are insulting yourself, you're insulting your Kubera power. So you have to keep your nose in a dignified manner. It should be a dignified nose. It should not be used for doing something which is undignified, or which expresses contempt. Then your teeth are very important. You have thirty-two teeth, see, sixteen of Krishna's powers divided in two, you can say thirty-two. These are your teeth on both the sides. The right side is on top and the left down below. That is one thing we neglect very much in the West, I must say. In India it is not. It is very much we neglect, and that's what we have to look after. The reason for neglect is that, I would say, is laziness, must be the laziness, but at least twice or thrice you must brush your teeth. Is important, that I need not say, but more important is to change the brush. Also you have to use butter, or salt and oil to rub your gums. If you rub your gums properly, you will never have problems with your teeth and your gums. Moreover, every time in the evening you must again brush your teeth. I've seen many people who come to Me in the evening in the program, such a horrible smell from their mouth comes out. It is not that it's a disease but it is, only thing is that they have not cleansed their teeth. Also there are people who will not even brush their teeth, and start eating breakfast. I don't know, it was another theory started, I think, that you can eat your food without brushing. Teeth are very important, and one must look after them. On the teeth it depends all the qualities of your Vishuddhi. So one has to look after the teeth in a proper way, and should never clench and never show temper with the teeth. It's a very bad habit. Also here is a gesture I have seen that if they don't like something, they just go on like this. It's a very wrong thing. One should avoid that kind of a gesture, and it's very dangerous for your teeth. So today's lecture is more sort of medical, I must say. A person who is spiritually endowed has an expression which can never be aggressive. He may not be good-looking, may not be very, a sort of a attractive personality, but the expression on the face is absolutely saintly. That is also the blessings of Shri Krishna. I have seen people after one year of realization, and I was surprised how their faces were changed, that I could not recognize them who they were. The whole thing becomes absolutely mild, soft, peaceful and very joyous. All the qualities of Shri Krishna can be expressed on your face. You can be sometimes mischievous to look at. So many expressions there are which come on the face, and give you a very sweet feeling. But some people have a habit of looking in the mirror all the time, which is very wrong, because it gives you a kind of a funny ego. Is better to look at Shri Krishna's photograph than to look at your own faces, so that your face will become like that of Shri Krishna; instead of you start looking in the mirror all the time. What will become of you, God knows, because maybe if you go to your past, God knows what you'll become. So also I'm thankful to psychiatrists that they don't like narcissism. But it's very dangerous to all the time watch your face in the mirror, very dangerous. It creates a very funny personality, that you start telling yourself, "Oh, I'm Napoleon." So you become Napoleon, and start behaving like Napoleon. Next day you find one Napoleon walks out of the bathroom! So one has to be careful not to pay so much attention and importance to your own self, but to your Self which is within, which is your Spirit. And if you look after that side, then all these things will happen in such a beautiful manner. Also the hair are looked after by Shri Krishna. Now you see, you know that He's very fond of anything that is like butter, so you have to put either butter or oil or something in your hair. If you don't put it you'll become bald. What can - I mean it is after all a karma phala. If you don't put oil, you'll become bald. So you have to put oil, and oil was put always before in the West. I see all these old films and all that, they're all oiled people. But now of course, if you don't want to put oil in the daytime you can wash it off, but at least once a week you must oil your head. Shri Krishna's star is Saturn, Shani. They say that if He gets after somebody, then nobody can be saved. If Shri Krishna gets after someone, then nobody can be saved. In the same way, if Saturn gets after someone then that person is finished, so we say it's for sometimes, it is seven years He's after you, or sometimes two-and-a-half years after you. So this Saturn of Shri Krishna is a, it's a quality within us that, supposing if somebody troubles us or does something, we don't have to do anything. Now this Shri Krishna policy, this, we can say, the Shri Krishna's nature will work it out. It will inform this all-pervading Power, and through that this man or this woman, or this party or this organization which is trying to trouble us will be hounded, while we'll be just sitting doing nothing. They'll be just hounded till they jump in the sea. Automatically it will happen. But you have to know that you have the powers of Shri Krishna by which, if He gets after someone, then nobody can save them. He's the last one who plays around, but He doesn't forgive. He doesn't believe in forgiveness. He says, "Now, you had enough of it." He gives a big, big long rope to hang yourself, but He never forgives. One thing for definite, He never forgives. As you must have seen in Mahabharata His own judgment of things, you see, He doesn't forgive. He says, "You have to pay. You have to pay for it." Except when, when you transcend. If you become a Sahaja yogi, if you have transcended Vishuddhi, then He cannot do anything like that to you. But if you have not, if there's no ascent you cannot be saved, you cannot be saved from Him. They say once Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni]came to loot our country - I mean, it's a story about the village folk. And there he's looted Somnath, a big temple of ours, which had lots of gold, jewellery, everything in it. So these brahmins were, you see, taking money from all these people and looting them, and putting them in the temple and using them, and the rest of the people were very poor. So it was sort of a reaction in them, and the story they tell like this: so this Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni] looted Somnath, is the temple of Mahadeva. Now Mahadeva never needs any ornaments or anything, but they had put this there. So Hanumana saw that Mahadeva got out of the temple and was running, so Hanumana ran after Him. Then at one point Mahadeva sat down, and Hanumana came. He said, "You are the God of Gods. Why are You running? What are You afraid of?" He said, "You don't know this Mohammed Gajani?" [Ghazni] He said, "No I don't know." "All right, hide behind a tree." They hid behind a tree. So this Mohammed Gajani [Ghazni] came and sat down - this is the folklore I'm telling, folk people tell - sat down under that tree. And [Mahadeva] turning to Shri Krishna [Hanumana?], He said, "This horrible thing, if He gets after someone, who can be saved? Under My nose these brahmins were making money and all that, putting it in Somnath temple, which was not to be done. I couldn't do anything, so He came, and with this fellow after Me I cannot be saved either, so I am running away from the temple." So this is the story given by the villagers, but which shows that if Shri Krishna is after somebody, then nobody can save that person, he has to run away; because He has so many tricks and so many styles that you can't get out of it. He'll use His brains in so many manners, and that He'll put that person right who is trying to trouble you. So you must have complete faith in the powers of Shri Krishna which is within yourself, which is being aware now. And also if you have ascended fully out of this, then He will not trouble; but if you have left Vishuddhi He will trouble you, definitely. If you have left Vishuddhi Shri Krishna will definitely trouble you, and be careful. So get rid of your left Vishuddhis now. That's very important. Because then Shri Krishna will take your test and will make you so miserable that you will not know why. "Mother, You see, I did this, I did this puja, I did this till, let's see now, this is the situation in my family. This is what happened." "All right, are you a Catholic?" "Yes." "Feel guilty?" "Yes." "So have it." What can I do? Shri Krishna cannot be controlled by anyone. He does whatever He thinks proper and He is meant to really punish much more than the Mother, I can tell you. They say that She's Adi Rudra, Adi Saumya: She's the one who's very hard and also very, very soft, but up to a point. He is not. Nothing can convince Him. Once you get into His control, that He'll see to it that you are put right, left, right, any way He'll make you all right. So one thing is there, that you should be sure that you should have your Vishuddhis all right, first of all, and also get Shri Krishna manifesting on others. You don't have to do anything. He'll look after you, everything, and work it out. But left Vishuddhi is a disease of the West. I also feel so much from you all that I sometimes feel like running away to India, because in India nobody feels guilty. They don't believe in feeling guilty. "What is there? We have not murdered anyone. Why should we feel guilty?" Here it is a disease with everyone, "I feel guilty." I don't know who has introduced this idea, maybe this Catholic Church, but carried too far. So then we come to the Virata's point, is here. Before that we have to cross the Hamsa; without that you cannot reach the Virat point. So Hamsa is as you know very well, is the discretion, divine discretion, which must be within you. Once you develop that, then you don't commit mistakes. You never commit mistakes - mistakes in the sense you don't do things which are again pushed back on you, or for which you have to pay. It's just a very straightforward life. "It's so? It's so." With this discretion, absolutely you have a complete understanding as to what has to be done and what not to be done. And if that is established, a discretion is established. In many Sahaja yogis, I must say, discretion has come even with their left Vishuddhi. Even if they have left Vishuddhi they have this discretion, they know what is right and what is wrong. With that divine discretion, the first thing that happens is that people get impressed by you. It's real collectivity, it impresses the collectivity. A person who has divine discretion, people immediately see the wisdom of that person and think, "See now, this man, how could he be? He's so young, how could he be? He's such a child, how could he be?" So this divine discretion which is the, here, Hamsa Chakra's speciality, when it starts manifesting then automatically you impress, automatically you impress the collectivity. This is a very important point one has to know. While introspecting yourself, you just see if you have developed this quality of divine discretion or not. For example, there are many I have seen when they come to the program, they come and tell Me, "Mother, some Sahaja Yogi told me that, ‘You have a bhoot.' Have I got a bhoot in me?" I said, "Not at all. How can there be any bhoot in you?" He may be having, but the divine discretion is not to tell him just now, but to remove it. So divine discretion gives you a complete understanding what is the way to handle another personality, what is the way to handle a collective, how to talk to others, how to impress on them the right things. It's a very, very expansive manifestation in so many directions. If you have no divine discretion, you'll start speaking what you should not speak, you'll start saying at a time when you should not say. I mean, you'll have no sense at all of any direction. So to have divine discretion is very important, for which as you know, Hamsa Chakra physically as well mentally and also spiritually must be kept all right. In My Hamsa's - we had one puja where I talked about it. The last is the Virat: that is the state you have to reach. Is the Virat is here in front [just above the Agnya], as you know. And I was surprised when I went to Nepal, which is a temple of Shiva there: despite they were worshipping Shiva they were putting all the kumkum here. So I thought that they don't know why they are putting, because even if you worship Shiva you must also worship here, the Virata. They don't put it here [at Agnya], [but] here [just above the Agnya]. Because they're absolutely hundred percent only Shiva worshippers, so why should they put it here [above the Agnya]? Because somebody who knows, who was gnostic, has told them that this is the place of Virat. Once you get into Virata, then all your ideas of separating or differentiating goes away. You do not have any more ideas of races left, of nationality, of your city, of your village or anything. At that stage you don't belong to any place. You belong to every place, and you don't belong to every place. Such a situation comes in when you don't hanker after any particular food, you don't like any particular type of people, you can adjust yourself into any circumstances, into any families, into any kind of people. You can live with drunkards. I mean I have lived with drunkards - "lived" means I have shaken hands at least with so many of them. You can be with any kind of person. Nothing bothers you because you are in the Virata state; because everything is absorbed by the Virat, and you do not feel anything. Whatever sort of person may be, you do not feel it. The Virat has to suffer, not you, and that is what is the best state where I want all of you to reach, and to become absolutely free. Nothing can impress you, nothing can influence you, nothing can dissuade you, but you stand on your self-esteem and understanding about yourself, that you're a Sahaja Yogi and that you are connected with this power, and you are a citizen of Kingdom of God. At the Virata state there's no doubt left about it, no doubt, because you become part and parcel of the whole, absolutely, and you can affect anywhere. If this finger is hurt, then this finger can feel it. In the same way such a person is felt everywhere, and not only that, but that person can be effective everywhere. For that state of reaching to Virat, one should try to slowly, gradually, "Ya neti neti vachanaih nirgama avochu" say. You have to go on saying, "This is not my sister. This is not my brother. They are all my brothers. They're all my sisters. I love them the same as my sisters and my brothers. This is not my family. The whole Sahaja Yoga is my family." The whole attention should move like that. "This is not only mine, it is everybody's. It belongs to everyone. Everybody has a right." That sort of a thing, when it starts growing from individual, what we call is the "vestiti tu sumestiti" in Sanskrit, they say "vestiti tu sumestiti", from individual to collective. And such a personality then is the most effective one for any kind of collective work. I think for today it's quite sufficient for you to know about Vishuddhi Chakra. I mean, I have talked about it thousands and thousands of times, and now this is one of the sides which I wanted to say, because I find that still there are people who do not understand that they have to rise above Vishuddhi. Otherwise, if they do not ascend over Vishuddhi they can never be proper Sahaja yogis, they'll be always half-baked. So we must try to rise above the Vishuddhi, the discretion part. Then at that point we can never doubt Sahaja Yoga, can never doubt, and that's how the doubtless awareness can come to us. May God bless you. All right. Shri Krishna Puja is very small that way, not such a long thing.
One has to rise above your physical, emotional and mental side
Public Program
Public Program. Geneva (Switzerland), 24 August 1992. Shri Mataji: It’s all right, it’s ? I don’t need, I don’t need. It’s all right. Shri Mataji: You can ask them, all of them, to sit; I think there are chairs here and there. Standing, what you can see here also? On the, on the? they can come on the stage. It’s a big stage, you know. They can come here, on the stage. Please come. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, at the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot read about it and we cannot conceptualize it. And also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel it; we cannot know it. One has to rise above your physical, emotional and mental side. We have reached a stage of this human awareness through our evolution, but we do not know the absolute truth. This is the reason why there are so many theories coming up, so many dogmas, and there are fights, wars, all kinds of problems in this world. Thanks to Mr. Gorbachev that the political wars may not take place. But fundamentalism is the biggest problem today. And we do not know how they work out their fundamentalism on our minds. It is very important now to understand because this is going to be the greatest problem for us and for our children. To get over the fundamentalism, the only way is your ascent. Then you will realize that all these great incarnations and these prophets all were born on the same tree of spirituality. They were born at different times but teaching the same principles of a universal religion. But the fundamentalist do not like to have, accept, the religion which is one in the whole world, which is a religion which is innate, which is within us. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything; you can commit any sin. What have people achieved by following a particular religion, I don’t understand. Let us take the case of Christianity. I was Myself born in the Christian religion and I was surprised to see Mr. Paul in the Bible. He was not the apostle of Christ. He had nothing to do with Christ and he is occupying such an important position. He had killed a disciple of Christ stealing and also he was epileptic. We can show that epilepsy comes only through possessions. But when he saw such a good platform for him, he decided to use it for his own fame. So he wanted to find out somebody who would be weak enough to join him in doing all kinds of wrong things. The weakest disciple of Christ was Peter. Christ [has/had] told him that a Satan will take over, and it did happen that this Paul took over him. And he made such an ado out of him, saying that Christ gave him the keys to build the church. He made a big ado out of him to say that the Christ told Peter that, “You build your church and I give you the key.” Now see the logic: how can Christ ask the weakest disciple whom he had said that Satan will take over, appoint him as the head of a church? Between these two persons, they decided to [re-edit] Bible. Of course, they had done lot of wrong but despite that there are lots of truths also in the Bible. They [opposed mad things/ opposed matters] for Immaculate Conception. Thomas had to run away to India because he could not bear it. He wrote his treatise and put them in Cairo which are now found out, and you’ll be surprised to see that Bible that he [had/has] written is very, very different. He has talked about the Primordial Mother. Also he has talked about Sahaja Yoga in a way that [which/this] has to be a spontaneous experience. Then poor John, he wouldn’t write the treatise. So they made somebody else to write. They made somebody else write, but also there is lot of truth in what he has written. So now when these fundamentalist say that there is no place for women, they are absolutely wrong. In the Bible they showed no respect for Mary, for Mother Mary. She was born Madonna, by the religions which were before that, like pagan religions. They, too, were describing a Goddess, and that is why they called Her Madonna. And She was Goddess ? much higher than all these popes put together. But it was denied. They had God the Father and God the Son. No Mother. They couldn’t accept a feminine, who could be a divine personality, who could be God. Another nonsense they wrote was about, was the original sin. Christ went to attend a wedding, in that short period. Was he there to support a original sin? And He did not make the wine; he touched the water and it became grape juice. It can be done. And you know very well that wine means it has to ferment and [rot/rotten] for some time. A very great poet and a great divine personality in London, who was very well-regarded as a mad person in those days, is William Blake. He said, “A priest has cursed me on my fontanel.” Same about Hindu scriptures. In the Hindu Scriptures it is described that everybody has the Spirit in their heart. If everybody has the Spirit, how can you have caste system? Even Shri Krishna has said very clearly that this, they write it, [did/ hint] that, you see, it’s such a, that it is prenatal, the caste is prenatal, means you are born with the caste. How can it be? Because the one who wrote “Gita” himself was an illegitimate child of a fisherwoman. She was not a Brahmin. He was not a Brahmin. Same with “Ramayana”. Rama’s episode was written by Valmiki, who was another dacoit who became a good man, transformed himself and wrote “Ramayana”. He was a dacoit. So, even Koran was not written by Mohamed Sahib. For forty years it was remembered by his friends in their brains and afterwards they couldn’t, again, they couldn’t put it down because they did not know how to write. So they told their children to write it down, after forty years. Still Mohammed Sahib was a great incarnation. They all have talked of second birth, of Self-realization. When Christ has said, “You have to be born again,” clearly He said it. So some people take a brand, “We are born again”, “We are Christians”, “We are Hindus”. It’s just a brand. It has nothing to do with that. In Sanskrit, there is a word for “twice born”; is 'dvijaha', means “twice born”. A bird is called dvijaha, also a person who is a realized soul, because bird is born as an egg, then it becomes a bird; actually becomes a bird. Also a human being is born with a limited awareness. Then he becomes unlimited. That is the second birth. But you are satisfied with some kind of a brand on your heads. Go ahead. That is not going to give you peace, contentment and the joy of the Divine. One has to achieve that state of Self-realization. Sahaja Yoga is a very simple method of attaining that state, by which you become the Spirit. Before Realization, your Spirit is a witness of your behaviour. And after Realization, then your Spirit comes into, manifest into your attention. When it manifests in your attention, then your attention itself becomes active. For example, a person who is a Realized soul, his eyes become pure and innocent. Christ has said, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” It’s very difficult to find a Christian with a, not adulterous eyes, it's difficult. So, these eyes which are all the time filled with lust and greed, suddenly quieten and they become pure, innocent and powerful. This is the Power of divine love. When such a person even glances at someone, he can raise the Kundalini of that person. He can give satisfaction to that person. He can give the meaning of life to that person. So the truth is, you are not this body, this mind, these thoughts, these emotions, these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. And another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love, which does all divine work, all living work. See now we have beautiful flowers here. We take them for granted. It’s a miracle. We don’t even think. Look at our eyes. What a camera! Look at our brain. What a computer! But we just take it for granted. For us these are not miracles. Who does this work? Doctors say that our heart is run by autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? Who is the one who does all this living work? All genes, who produces? There must be some power. After Realization, the Kundalini connects you to that power. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, has no meaning. We have no meaning unless and until we feel that All-pervading Power. It is not a mental thing, but it’s a happening and it is also becoming. And that becoming, if takes place, then you all have the power to raise the Kundalini, to cure the people, to do so many things, that I think I cannot describe in this short lecture. Those people who have now ascended have solved all their problems. We have three doctors in India who have got MD showing how some of the incurable diseases are cured by them. Sahaja Yoga definitely can cure cancer and many other diseases which cannot be cured. You’ll know on your finger tips all the problems that you have in your centers. All the world problems are because of human beings, and all the human problems are because of these centers. If you can know, if you can find out how to cure these centers, you have solved your problem and you can solve the problem of others. Sometimes it acts very fast. I’ve seen people getting rid of their drugs and other habits overnight, overnight. And for all this we don’t have to pay. You can’t pay it. God doesn’t send money to Swiss Bank. He doesn’t know banks. You don’t have to pay for it because it is a living process. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for creating these flowers? It is built-in, in Her nature, built-in in the seeds that you get the results. Why all the religions have failed? Because they became money-orientated or power-orientated. They were never, never spirit-orientated. With this kind of an approach, how can you reach the state of Spirit ? You may have money, you may mint money, you may counterfeit money, but you cannot counterfeit the Spirit . So the interest of people who are thinking that there must be something beyond is to seek the truth. There are many seekers of truth; in Russia especially ? I was surprised ? in thousands. They know their main problem is now because they have now no faith in communism. So they think they will fall into fundamentalism. And also many communist Arabs have approached Me that, “Now we have lost faith in communism and we don’t want to fall into fundamentalism to fight with this Saddam Hussein.” We have had the freedom, so-called, in the democracies. Freedom without wisdom is very dangerous. I’ve met a lady in a very elite personality, in one of the parties, and I asked her, “Why are you now taking to drugs?” So she said that, “It is new. That is why I am taking drugs and I’m free to take it.” Same with Freud; people took to Freud headlong. He was the greatest fraud ever born. There’s an organization called [ADFI], which is a fundamentalist organization, that is, they are Catholic Church, but they consult Freudian, what you call, psychologist – is Freudian. And the Freudian believe in freedom which is anti-Christ. So what a contradiction it is. Where there is Christianity they accepted Freud, and it became way of life. It became the style of life and it has created such a malignant effect on the culture. I’ve never ever thought. There is a very nice book, after so many years, has come out about fraudulent Freud. Can you believe that this kind of a theory that he started and had psychoanalyses has no scientific bases at all? He himself was a possessed man and he was possessed by someone that he had relations with his own mother. One gentleman said, ‘Thank God that he did not come to India. Otherwise we would have made pieces out of his body and throw him in the sea.” How dare he say about the holy relationships between the son and the mother? There is no wisdom in this kind of nonsense, that we accept everything that comes. It is complete slavery. Like in Paris they have six inches now of skirts. So in the cold weather also they’re wearing six inches of skirts to get varicose veins. You can’t get long skirts, even in winter. They say you are Turkish if you wear long skirts; can you imagine? All kinds of nonsense that starts, people just accept it. Perhaps daily I think too much of television and bombardment on our heads. Our heads are becoming absolutely empty. Not only in this, but also in so many respects our freedom has been ruined our society. Also I think the effect of Hollywood. Translator: Hollywood? Shri Mataji: I mean, they’re all right for acting, but as far as brains are concerned, they are stupid people. Ninety-year-old people going for a dance from Hollywood, shake dance. They’re already shaking. Even art, so vulgar, because they have no artistic talent, so vulgar. In Russia I met so many foreigners who came from Europe to see Rembrandt, because there are twenty-six Rembrandts in the Hermitage, twenty-six. Just to see Rembrandt which is bigger. Even today Mona Lisa is so popular. But what about these modern artists [who are doing /working] all vulgarity? Where will it take you tomorrow? So one has to understand that [there’s/ if] something [you/we] are missing [even/ is] our own personality. How could we accept all this nonsense, all these? The only way we can now really have our wisdom is by ascent. We can get out of all kinds of ignorance only by our ascent. Firstly, you know absolute truth. Now here there are many Sahaja yogis. You ask them about one person, what is he suffering from, they’ll all say the same thing, same thing. No question of dispute or argument. They have been all, in these, all these problems, but they have become like angels. It’s not Me; it’s they. Their own power has made them. All of you have this dignity and this innocence in you, absolutely intact. If you are really seeking the truth from your heart you will find it. It is not a sermon, it is not a lecture but it is a promise to you, that today you will find it. Then you just jump into the ocean of joy. You become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate and very powerful. Now I am seventy years of age and I am traveling every day. So that’s what happens. You feel that you have now no problems, no worries, nothing. And you start looking after others. It’s like one candle can enlighten another candle. You can enlighten thousands of them. I’ll say that Geneva is like the sternum bone where the center heart is, where the immunity system is built in and where there are all the anti-bodies created. Surprisingly, from Geneva people have gone even to South America, like Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, from Geneva. Even to Russia and to all the places, people have come from Geneva. They got their Realization here and they went. They were mostly foreigners. Swiss were less, I must say also. But now I see lots of Swiss and I hope they will understand their responsibility living in Geneva and it will work out. In this little time I can’t tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. Only in English language I must be having about four to five thousand tapes. I’ve not yet written any book because book means again you become book-worm. So, one has to just get the enlightenment. See these lights on top of your head: you have to just switch on. One switch and they all come, because it is all built in. But if I have to tell you everything about electricity, how it has come till you are, it will be very boring. So the best thing is to ask for your enlightenment. I said “ask” because I cannot cross over your freedom of choice, because I respect your freedom. If you have to have the ultimate freedom about everything, then your human freedom has to be respected. So it will take about ten to fifteen minutes for you to get your Self-realization, but after that you must remember that this is a collective happening. That means it’s like you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. You have to come to the collective and work it out, your connection, in such a way that it is established. And then you’ll be amazed how many things you know and how deeply you can understand this subtle subject. At the very outset I have to tell you that those who do not want to have their Self-Realization should please leave this hall and not to disturb others. I was told that there are some people who came outside just to disturb our way. They can take a hall and talk. We don’t do that. We don’t go to this cheap type of obstructions. This is, this is hooliganism. If you want to talk about yourself or to propagate your ideas, you can take a hall and do it and see how many people come. But what’s the use of coming like football hooligans and disturbing people who want to have their realization? So those who want to have their Self-Realization should be here, because I respect your freedom. But during the time of realization, please don’t disturb others. And all of you have to do this process. At least you will yourself nourish your own centers. You have to nourish your own centers and that can be done very easily. The difference between Russians and Europeans is so great that I am really shocked at that. I mean, they would not have those [gurus/,Rajnesh]. They would not have these fake gurus ? none of them. No [guru] and they, you will be surprised that they have never heard My name, nothing, first time I went to Leningrad. And the hall was for four thousand; it was all full and outside there were five thousand waiting. And they all got realization. But the outside ones still sitting out. I said, they said, “What about us, Mother?” I said, “All right, come tomorrow in the morning and we’ll have it in the grounds here.” And those five thousand sitting outside and four thousand sitting inside, all of them came with more. And they all sat on the ground and got their Realization and they are all there. I was quite surprised because I said, “How is it you have accepted Me so fast?” They said, “We have, we have sensitivity to spirituality.” Also, they’re very introspective, very introspective. And in Russia also there is freedom, but it is not a lifestyle. Freedom is allowed, but it is not a lifestyle at all. The whole of Eastern bloc and Russia, you won’t believe, the people are so sensitive. In one small place called Togliatti there are twenty-two thousand Sahaja yogis practicing. I’ve been only there thrice and Geneva, I don’t know, sixteen times I must have been or maybe more. A day may come that this Eastern bloc will take over. It looks like that. They have a very good divine discretion. It’s very remarkable. All right. So now, first, I must tell you there are three conditions. First is that you all should be confident that you will all get your Self-Realization and that too, tonight. Now do not have any melancholic ideas about yourself. Now do not feel guilty. This is a Catholic Church blessings, that you feel guilty. Nobody has to feel guilty just [calm/now], because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean. Do you know, when you feel guilty the center here on the left side catches and you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and also lethargic organs. Also Kundalini won’t rise because the chakra will become completely constricted. To feel guilty, it’s just mental. When you think you have committed mistake just face it and finish down. Don’t put it here. Also is a fashion to indulge or to enjoy, indulge into sort of a tragedy or what you call the Greek tragedy. Now we are entering into the Kingdom of God. So please I request you not to feel guilty at all. After all, you are human beings; you are not gods. If you have done mistakes, it’s all right. So just forgive yourself, and have full confidence in yourself. The third condition is even simple[r], that you have to forgive each and every person, without thinking about them, in general. Actually, logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all. Those who have troubled you are very happy and you are torturing yourself [unsure: unendingly]. Logically it is nonsense. It is just a mental, mental thing we are [torturing/ tortured]. And also don’t think about them; it’s a headache. Moreover, if you do not forgive, this center of the optic chiasma is like that, on the optic chiasma in the brain, is like this, is very constricted, very constricted. But when you forgive it opens like this, opens like this, and also you will feel very light, when you forgive all of them. If this center doesn’t open the Kundalini will not piece through the fontanel. As soon as She pierces through this Agnya Chakra, then you become thoughtlessly aware. And then the air comes out of your head and you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming. Because Holy Ghost is not a dogma; it’s a Primordial Mother, and She’s reflected in us as Kundalini. Is the pure desire, which once awakened, you become one with this All-pervading Power. This Kundalini is your individual, your own Mother. She knows everything about you and She is very anxious to give you realization. So these are three conditions. If you follow, then it will take hardly any time for you to get realization, and your life-long search will be over. You have to have pure desire. It is not meant for arrogant people but for humble people. Christ has said that earth will be owned by the people who are humble in heart. All right. So now we have to take out our shoes. It helps a lot. This Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now you have to be comfortable. Don’t have to go to Himalayas, don’t have to fast, don’t have to do anything. It’s just within you. Now we have, I don’t know if you have been told that we have three, three channels, right and left. The left channel is the one that is the power of desire, of ordinary desire, and the right one is the power of action. So our left and right foot we keep apart from each other. We sit comfortably, straight, neither slouching on behind. Put your left hand towards Me; that symbolically means that you want to have realization. Please put your left hand left hand towards Me like this, comfortably on your lap. If you like you can put it on these benches or you can, on the bench is all right. And the right hand is to be used for nourishing your centers. First we put our right hand on the heart, because in the heart is reflected God Almighty as Spirit . If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. So now we put our hand ? we work only on the left hand side ? on the upper portion of our abdominal on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Now you move your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of divine knowledge, of pure knowledge. All right. Again we take our right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then we take our right hand to our heart. Now in the corner of our neck and shoulder, as I told you, and we turn our head to our right. Now we take our hand on top of our forehead across like this and put down our head. Put it down. This is the center to forgive everyone. We do it later fully. Just now I will tell you how to do it. Then we take our right hand on the back side of [our/ the] head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the center where, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now stretch your hand fully, all of you. Please do it. Why don’t you do it? Stretch your hand. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Right hand, right hand, not [delete: the] left, right one. Now push back your fingers, nicely. And please put down your head. Now here you have to move the scalp with the pressure, clockwise, slowly, seven times. Please move it. Push back your fingers; push back. Put down your head; put down your head. Seven times, move it, one, two, like that. Not the hand, as the scalp, more. That’s all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, and please don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and both the feet apart from each other. And now put right hand on your heart and please close your eyes. Here, I’ve already told you, resides the Spirit . You can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji, and ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. So ask a question, “Mother, am I the Spirit ?” Ask three times this question, in your heart. I’ve told you that when you become the Spirit , you become your own master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdominal on the left hand side and press it. Here again you have to ask a question three times, in your heart, “Mother, am I my own master?” Now I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it, because I respect your freedom. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdominal and push it, put your fingers inside. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence, ten times, “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the truth is, you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit . So now raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence, please say, twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit .” This All-pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, love and blessings, it is the ocean of knowledge and joy, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, it can be easily dissolved in this power of, ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand to the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have already told you logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. So now please raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” If you don’t say and if you don’t forgive, then this center won’t open. The Kundalini won’t enter into your brain. Now take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, “Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me.” Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now take your right hand and stretch it and put the center of your right hand, right palm, on top of your fontanel bone area. Now put down your head. Please put down your head. Push back your fingers ? very, very important. Now move your hands seven times, clockwise, but here again I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your Self-realization. So while moving your hand please say seven times, “Mother, please give me Self-realization.” [Mother blows seven times into the microphone]. Now please take down your hands. Now put your right hand and left hand, like this, towards Me. Open your eyes and now put your right hand and left hand like this and watch Me without thinking. Like this, not like this, like this, not like this, this way. Now please put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like waves, coming out of your fontanel bone area, and right hand towards Me. And also the right hand towards Me. Now please put the left hand towards Me. And now bend your head again and see with your right hand. Sometimes you get quite close to your head and sometimes far away. If it is hot coming out, that means, if it is coming out hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. So please forgive. Now again, once more, right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself with left hand. Bend your head is important. Now, good, now please put both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and please ask a question, any one of these questions, three times, any one, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of Divine Love?” or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” Any one of these you can ask, three times. Now bring down your hands, just put like that. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingers or hot breeze on their fingers or on their palm or through the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. That’s Geneva. I bow to you. Your saintly life has started. Please come to the collective and know all about it. I will come after one year now. But I’m sure you will all grow like big trees of spirituality. You don’t have to pay for anything, whatsoever, but you have to respect your Self-realization. May God Bless you! It’s your own. May God Bless you all! [Mother speaks aside: So many people, I must say….already eleven o’ clock…There were so many, I can’t still imagine]. If you have any questions, you can write down the questions and bring [it to/ in] the collective. But please go to the collective, I am telling you. Otherwise you will lose your vibrations. You’ll lose this feeling. This is the first time you have felt this All-pervading Power.
Public Program. Geneva (Switzerland), 24 August 1992. Shri Mataji: It’s all right, it’s ? I don’t need, I don’t need. It’s all right. Shri Mataji: You can ask them, all of them, to sit; I think there are chairs here and there. Standing, what you can see here also? On the, on the? they can come on the stage. It’s a big stage, you know. They can come here, on the stage. Please come. I bow to all the seekers of Truth. At the very outset, at the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot think about it, we cannot read about it and we cannot conceptualize it. And also unfortunately at this human awareness we cannot feel it; we cannot know it. One has to rise above your physical, emotional and mental side. We have reached a stage of this human awareness through our evolution, but we do not know the absolute truth. This is the reason why there are so many theories coming up, so many dogmas, and there are fights, wars, all kinds of problems in this world. Thanks to Mr. Gorbachev that the political wars may not take place. But fundamentalism is the biggest problem today. And we do not know how they work out their fundamentalism on our minds. It is very important now to understand because this is going to be the greatest problem for us and for our children. To get over the fundamentalism, the only way is your ascent. Then you will realize that all these great incarnations and these prophets all were born on the same tree of spirituality. They were born at different times but teaching the same principles of a universal religion. But the fundamentalist do not like to have, accept, the religion which is one in the whole world, which is a religion which is innate, which is within us. You may be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything; you can commit any sin. What have people achieved by following a particular religion, I don’t understand. Let us take the case of Christianity. I was Myself born in the Christian religion and I was surprised to see Mr. Paul in the Bible. He was not the apostle of Christ. He had nothing to do with Christ and he is occupying such an important position. He had killed a disciple of Christ stealing and also he was epileptic. We can show that epilepsy comes only through possessions. But when he saw such a good platform for him, he decided to use it for his own fame. So he wanted to find out somebody who would be weak enough to join him in doing all kinds of wrong things. The weakest disciple of Christ was Peter. Christ [has/had] told him that a Satan will take over, and it did happen that this Paul took over him. And he made such an ado out of him, saying that Christ gave him the keys to build the church. He made a big ado out of him to say that the Christ told Peter that, “You build your church and I give you the key.” Now see the logic: how can Christ ask the weakest disciple whom he had said that Satan will take over, appoint him as the head of a church? Between these two persons, they decided to [re-edit] Bible. Of course, they had done lot of wrong but despite that there are lots of truths also in the Bible. They [opposed mad things/ opposed matters] for Immaculate Conception. Thomas had to run away to India because he could not bear it. He wrote his treatise and put them in Cairo which are now found out, and you’ll be surprised to see that Bible that he [had/has] written is very, very different. He has talked about the Primordial Mother. Also he has talked about Sahaja Yoga in a way that [which/this] has to be a spontaneous experience. Then poor John, he wouldn’t write the treatise. So they made somebody else to write. They made somebody else write, but also there is lot of truth in what he has written. So now when these fundamentalist say that there is no place for women, they are absolutely wrong. In the Bible they showed no respect for Mary, for Mother Mary. She was born Madonna, by the religions which were before that, like pagan religions. They, too, were describing a Goddess, and that is why they called Her Madonna. And She was Goddess ? much higher than all these popes put together. But it was denied. They had God the Father and God the Son. No Mother. They couldn’t accept a feminine, who could be a divine personality, who could be God. Another nonsense they wrote was about, was the original sin. Christ went to attend a wedding, in that short period. Was he there to support a original sin? And He did not make the wine; he touched the water and it became grape juice. It can be done. And you know very well that wine means it has to ferment and [rot/rotten] for some time. A very great poet and a great divine personality in London, who was very well-regarded as a mad person in those days, is William Blake. He said, “A priest has cursed me on my fontanel.” Same about Hindu scriptures. In the Hindu Scriptures it is described that everybody has the Spirit in their heart. If everybody has the Spirit, how can you have caste system? Even Shri Krishna has said very clearly that this, they write it, [did/ hint] that, you see, it’s such a, that it is prenatal, the caste is prenatal, means you are born with the caste. How can it be? Because the one who wrote “Gita” himself was an illegitimate child of a fisherwoman. She was not a Brahmin. He was not a Brahmin. Same with “Ramayana”. Rama’s episode was written by Valmiki, who was another dacoit who became a good man, transformed himself and wrote “Ramayana”. He was a dacoit. So, even Koran was not written by Mohamed Sahib. For forty years it was remembered by his friends in their brains and afterwards they couldn’t, again, they couldn’t put it down because they did not know how to write. So they told their children to write it down, after forty years. Still Mohammed Sahib was a great incarnation. They all have talked of second birth, of Self-realization. When Christ has said, “You have to be born again,” clearly He said it. So some people take a brand, “We are born again”, “We are Christians”, “We are Hindus”. It’s just a brand. It has nothing to do with that. In Sanskrit, there is a word for “twice born”; is 'dvijaha', means “twice born”. A bird is called dvijaha, also a person who is a realized soul, because bird is born as an egg, then it becomes a bird; actually becomes a bird. Also a human being is born with a limited awareness. Then he becomes unlimited. That is the second birth. But you are satisfied with some kind of a brand on your heads. Go ahead. That is not going to give you peace, contentment and the joy of the Divine. One has to achieve that state of Self-realization. Sahaja Yoga is a very simple method of attaining that state, by which you become the Spirit. Before Realization, your Spirit is a witness of your behaviour. And after Realization, then your Spirit comes into, manifest into your attention. When it manifests in your attention, then your attention itself becomes active. For example, a person who is a Realized soul, his eyes become pure and innocent. Christ has said, “Thou shall not have adulterous eyes.” It’s very difficult to find a Christian with a, not adulterous eyes, it's difficult. So, these eyes which are all the time filled with lust and greed, suddenly quieten and they become pure, innocent and powerful. This is the Power of divine love. When such a person even glances at someone, he can raise the Kundalini of that person. He can give satisfaction to that person. He can give the meaning of life to that person. So the truth is, you are not this body, this mind, these thoughts, these emotions, these conditionings, but you are pure Spirit. And another truth is that there is an All-pervading Power of divine love, which does all divine work, all living work. See now we have beautiful flowers here. We take them for granted. It’s a miracle. We don’t even think. Look at our eyes. What a camera! Look at our brain. What a computer! But we just take it for granted. For us these are not miracles. Who does this work? Doctors say that our heart is run by autonomous nervous system. Who is this auto? Who is the one who does all this living work? All genes, who produces? There must be some power. After Realization, the Kundalini connects you to that power. Like this instrument, if it is not connected to the mains, has no meaning. We have no meaning unless and until we feel that All-pervading Power. It is not a mental thing, but it’s a happening and it is also becoming. And that becoming, if takes place, then you all have the power to raise the Kundalini, to cure the people, to do so many things, that I think I cannot describe in this short lecture. Those people who have now ascended have solved all their problems. We have three doctors in India who have got MD showing how some of the incurable diseases are cured by them. Sahaja Yoga definitely can cure cancer and many other diseases which cannot be cured. You’ll know on your finger tips all the problems that you have in your centers. All the world problems are because of human beings, and all the human problems are because of these centers. If you can know, if you can find out how to cure these centers, you have solved your problem and you can solve the problem of others. Sometimes it acts very fast. I’ve seen people getting rid of their drugs and other habits overnight, overnight. And for all this we don’t have to pay. You can’t pay it. God doesn’t send money to Swiss Bank. He doesn’t know banks. You don’t have to pay for it because it is a living process. How much do we pay to Mother Earth for creating these flowers? It is built-in, in Her nature, built-in in the seeds that you get the results. Why all the religions have failed? Because they became money-orientated or power-orientated. They were never, never spirit-orientated. With this kind of an approach, how can you reach the state of Spirit ? You may have money, you may mint money, you may counterfeit money, but you cannot counterfeit the Spirit . So the interest of people who are thinking that there must be something beyond is to seek the truth. There are many seekers of truth; in Russia especially ? I was surprised ? in thousands. They know their main problem is now because they have now no faith in communism. So they think they will fall into fundamentalism. And also many communist Arabs have approached Me that, “Now we have lost faith in communism and we don’t want to fall into fundamentalism to fight with this Saddam Hussein.” We have had the freedom, so-called, in the democracies. Freedom without wisdom is very dangerous. I’ve met a lady in a very elite personality, in one of the parties, and I asked her, “Why are you now taking to drugs?” So she said that, “It is new. That is why I am taking drugs and I’m free to take it.” Same with Freud; people took to Freud headlong. He was the greatest fraud ever born. There’s an organization called [ADFI], which is a fundamentalist organization, that is, they are Catholic Church, but they consult Freudian, what you call, psychologist – is Freudian. And the Freudian believe in freedom which is anti-Christ. So what a contradiction it is. Where there is Christianity they accepted Freud, and it became way of life. It became the style of life and it has created such a malignant effect on the culture. I’ve never ever thought. There is a very nice book, after so many years, has come out about fraudulent Freud. Can you believe that this kind of a theory that he started and had psychoanalyses has no scientific bases at all? He himself was a possessed man and he was possessed by someone that he had relations with his own mother. One gentleman said, ‘Thank God that he did not come to India. Otherwise we would have made pieces out of his body and throw him in the sea.” How dare he say about the holy relationships between the son and the mother? There is no wisdom in this kind of nonsense, that we accept everything that comes. It is complete slavery. Like in Paris they have six inches now of skirts. So in the cold weather also they’re wearing six inches of skirts to get varicose veins. You can’t get long skirts, even in winter. They say you are Turkish if you wear long skirts; can you imagine? All kinds of nonsense that starts, people just accept it. Perhaps daily I think too much of television and bombardment on our heads. Our heads are becoming absolutely empty. Not only in this, but also in so many respects our freedom has been ruined our society. Also I think the effect of Hollywood. Translator: Hollywood? Shri Mataji: I mean, they’re all right for acting, but as far as brains are concerned, they are stupid people. Ninety-year-old people going for a dance from Hollywood, shake dance. They’re already shaking. Even art, so vulgar, because they have no artistic talent, so vulgar. In Russia I met so many foreigners who came from Europe to see Rembrandt, because there are twenty-six Rembrandts in the Hermitage, twenty-six. Just to see Rembrandt which is bigger. Even today Mona Lisa is so popular. But what about these modern artists [who are doing /working] all vulgarity? Where will it take you tomorrow? So one has to understand that [there’s/ if] something [you/we] are missing [even/ is] our own personality. How could we accept all this nonsense, all these? The only way we can now really have our wisdom is by ascent. We can get out of all kinds of ignorance only by our ascent. Firstly, you know absolute truth. Now here there are many Sahaja yogis. You ask them about one person, what is he suffering from, they’ll all say the same thing, same thing. No question of dispute or argument. They have been all, in these, all these problems, but they have become like angels. It’s not Me; it’s they. Their own power has made them. All of you have this dignity and this innocence in you, absolutely intact. If you are really seeking the truth from your heart you will find it. It is not a sermon, it is not a lecture but it is a promise to you, that today you will find it. Then you just jump into the ocean of joy. You become extremely dynamic and extremely compassionate and very powerful. Now I am seventy years of age and I am traveling every day. So that’s what happens. You feel that you have now no problems, no worries, nothing. And you start looking after others. It’s like one candle can enlighten another candle. You can enlighten thousands of them. I’ll say that Geneva is like the sternum bone where the center heart is, where the immunity system is built in and where there are all the anti-bodies created. Surprisingly, from Geneva people have gone even to South America, like Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Brazil, from Geneva. Even to Russia and to all the places, people have come from Geneva. They got their Realization here and they went. They were mostly foreigners. Swiss were less, I must say also. But now I see lots of Swiss and I hope they will understand their responsibility living in Geneva and it will work out. In this little time I can’t tell you everything about Sahaja Yoga. Only in English language I must be having about four to five thousand tapes. I’ve not yet written any book because book means again you become book-worm. So, one has to just get the enlightenment. See these lights on top of your head: you have to just switch on. One switch and they all come, because it is all built in. But if I have to tell you everything about electricity, how it has come till you are, it will be very boring. So the best thing is to ask for your enlightenment. I said “ask” because I cannot cross over your freedom of choice, because I respect your freedom. If you have to have the ultimate freedom about everything, then your human freedom has to be respected. So it will take about ten to fifteen minutes for you to get your Self-realization, but after that you must remember that this is a collective happening. That means it’s like you become part and parcel of the whole. The microcosm becomes the macrocosm. You have to come to the collective and work it out, your connection, in such a way that it is established. And then you’ll be amazed how many things you know and how deeply you can understand this subtle subject. At the very outset I have to tell you that those who do not want to have their Self-Realization should please leave this hall and not to disturb others. I was told that there are some people who came outside just to disturb our way. They can take a hall and talk. We don’t do that. We don’t go to this cheap type of obstructions. This is, this is hooliganism. If you want to talk about yourself or to propagate your ideas, you can take a hall and do it and see how many people come. But what’s the use of coming like football hooligans and disturbing people who want to have their realization? So those who want to have their Self-Realization should be here, because I respect your freedom. But during the time of realization, please don’t disturb others. And all of you have to do this process. At least you will yourself nourish your own centers. You have to nourish your own centers and that can be done very easily. The difference between Russians and Europeans is so great that I am really shocked at that. I mean, they would not have those [gurus/,Rajnesh]. They would not have these fake gurus ? none of them. No [guru] and they, you will be surprised that they have never heard My name, nothing, first time I went to Leningrad. And the hall was for four thousand; it was all full and outside there were five thousand waiting. And they all got realization. But the outside ones still sitting out. I said, they said, “What about us, Mother?” I said, “All right, come tomorrow in the morning and we’ll have it in the grounds here.” And those five thousand sitting outside and four thousand sitting inside, all of them came with more. And they all sat on the ground and got their Realization and they are all there. I was quite surprised because I said, “How is it you have accepted Me so fast?” They said, “We have, we have sensitivity to spirituality.” Also, they’re very introspective, very introspective. And in Russia also there is freedom, but it is not a lifestyle. Freedom is allowed, but it is not a lifestyle at all. The whole of Eastern bloc and Russia, you won’t believe, the people are so sensitive. In one small place called Togliatti there are twenty-two thousand Sahaja yogis practicing. I’ve been only there thrice and Geneva, I don’t know, sixteen times I must have been or maybe more. A day may come that this Eastern bloc will take over. It looks like that. They have a very good divine discretion. It’s very remarkable. All right. So now, first, I must tell you there are three conditions. First is that you all should be confident that you will all get your Self-Realization and that too, tonight. Now do not have any melancholic ideas about yourself. Now do not feel guilty. This is a Catholic Church blessings, that you feel guilty. Nobody has to feel guilty just [calm/now], because this All-pervading Power is the ocean of forgiveness. Whatever mistakes you might have committed can be easily dissolved by this ocean. Do you know, when you feel guilty the center here on the left side catches and you get diseases like angina, spondylitis and also lethargic organs. Also Kundalini won’t rise because the chakra will become completely constricted. To feel guilty, it’s just mental. When you think you have committed mistake just face it and finish down. Don’t put it here. Also is a fashion to indulge or to enjoy, indulge into sort of a tragedy or what you call the Greek tragedy. Now we are entering into the Kingdom of God. So please I request you not to feel guilty at all. After all, you are human beings; you are not gods. If you have done mistakes, it’s all right. So just forgive yourself, and have full confidence in yourself. The third condition is even simple[r], that you have to forgive each and every person, without thinking about them, in general. Actually, logically whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. You torture yourself for nothing at all. Those who have troubled you are very happy and you are torturing yourself [unsure: unendingly]. Logically it is nonsense. It is just a mental, mental thing we are [torturing/ tortured]. And also don’t think about them; it’s a headache. Moreover, if you do not forgive, this center of the optic chiasma is like that, on the optic chiasma in the brain, is like this, is very constricted, very constricted. But when you forgive it opens like this, opens like this, and also you will feel very light, when you forgive all of them. If this center doesn’t open the Kundalini will not piece through the fontanel. As soon as She pierces through this Agnya Chakra, then you become thoughtlessly aware. And then the air comes out of your head and you can feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost coming. Because Holy Ghost is not a dogma; it’s a Primordial Mother, and She’s reflected in us as Kundalini. Is the pure desire, which once awakened, you become one with this All-pervading Power. This Kundalini is your individual, your own Mother. She knows everything about you and She is very anxious to give you realization. So these are three conditions. If you follow, then it will take hardly any time for you to get realization, and your life-long search will be over. You have to have pure desire. It is not meant for arrogant people but for humble people. Christ has said that earth will be owned by the people who are humble in heart. All right. So now we have to take out our shoes. It helps a lot. This Mother Earth helps us a lot. Now you have to be comfortable. Don’t have to go to Himalayas, don’t have to fast, don’t have to do anything. It’s just within you. Now we have, I don’t know if you have been told that we have three, three channels, right and left. The left channel is the one that is the power of desire, of ordinary desire, and the right one is the power of action. So our left and right foot we keep apart from each other. We sit comfortably, straight, neither slouching on behind. Put your left hand towards Me; that symbolically means that you want to have realization. Please put your left hand left hand towards Me like this, comfortably on your lap. If you like you can put it on these benches or you can, on the bench is all right. And the right hand is to be used for nourishing your centers. First we put our right hand on the heart, because in the heart is reflected God Almighty as Spirit . If you become the Spirit you become your own guide, your own master, your own guru. So now we put our hand ? we work only on the left hand side ? on the upper portion of our abdominal on the left hand side. This is the center of your mastery. Now you move your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. This is the center of divine knowledge, of pure knowledge. All right. Again we take our right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then we take our right hand to our heart. Now in the corner of our neck and shoulder, as I told you, and we turn our head to our right. Now we take our hand on top of our forehead across like this and put down our head. Put it down. This is the center to forgive everyone. We do it later fully. Just now I will tell you how to do it. Then we take our right hand on the back side of [our/ the] head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the center where, without feeling guilty, without counting mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to ask for forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now stretch your hand fully, all of you. Please do it. Why don’t you do it? Stretch your hand. Put the center of your palm on top of the fontanel bone area. Right hand, right hand, not [delete: the] left, right one. Now push back your fingers, nicely. And please put down your head. Now here you have to move the scalp with the pressure, clockwise, slowly, seven times. Please move it. Push back your fingers; push back. Put down your head; put down your head. Seven times, move it, one, two, like that. Not the hand, as the scalp, more. That’s all you have to do. Now we have to close our eyes, and please don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out your spectacles. Now, please put your left hand towards Me and both the feet apart from each other. And now put right hand on your heart and please close your eyes. Here, I’ve already told you, resides the Spirit . You can call Me Mother, or you can call Me Shri Mataji, and ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself, three times. So ask a question, “Mother, am I the Spirit ?” Ask three times this question, in your heart. I’ve told you that when you become the Spirit , you become your own master. So now, please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdominal on the left hand side and press it. Here again you have to ask a question three times, in your heart, “Mother, am I my own master?” Now I cannot force pure knowledge on you. You have to ask for it, because I respect your freedom. Now please take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdominal and push it, put your fingers inside. Here you have to say six times, because this center has got six petals, “Mother, please give me pure divine knowledge.” As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, the Kundalini starts rising upward. So we have to nourish our upper centers with our full confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left hand side. Here you have to say with full confidence, ten times, “Mother, I am my own master.” I’ve already told you that the truth is, you are not this body, this mind, these conditionings, this ego, but you are the pure Spirit . So now raise your right hand on your heart and with full confidence, please say, twelve times, “Mother, I am the pure Spirit .” This All-pervading Power is the ocean of compassion, love and blessings, it is the ocean of knowledge and joy, but above all it is the ocean of forgiveness. So whatever mistakes you might have committed, it can be easily dissolved in this power of, ocean of forgiveness. So forgive yourself and raise your right hand to the corner of your neck and turn your head to your right. Here you have to say sixteen times with full confidence, “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” I have already told you logically, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive then you play into wrong hands and you torture yourself. So now please raise your right hand on your forehead across and put down your head. Here you have to say from your heart, not how many times, “Mother, I forgive everyone in general.” If you don’t say and if you don’t forgive, then this center won’t open. The Kundalini won’t enter into your brain. Now take your right hand on the back side of your head and push back your head. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction, you have to say, “Oh, Divine Power, if I have done any mistakes, please forgive me.” Say it from your heart, not how many times. Now take your right hand and stretch it and put the center of your right hand, right palm, on top of your fontanel bone area. Now put down your head. Please put down your head. Push back your fingers ? very, very important. Now move your hands seven times, clockwise, but here again I cannot cross over your freedom. You have to ask for your Self-realization. So while moving your hand please say seven times, “Mother, please give me Self-realization.” [Mother blows seven times into the microphone]. Now please take down your hands. Now put your right hand and left hand, like this, towards Me. Open your eyes and now put your right hand and left hand like this and watch Me without thinking. Like this, not like this, like this, not like this, this way. Now please put down your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool or a hot breeze, like waves, coming out of your fontanel bone area, and right hand towards Me. And also the right hand towards Me. Now please put the left hand towards Me. And now bend your head again and see with your right hand. Sometimes you get quite close to your head and sometimes far away. If it is hot coming out, that means, if it is coming out hot, that means you have not yet forgiven. So please forgive. Now again, once more, right hand towards Me and bend your head and see for yourself with left hand. Bend your head is important. Now, good, now please put both your hands towards the sky, push back your head and please ask a question, any one of these questions, three times, any one, “Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?” or “Mother, is this the All-pervading Power of Divine Love?” or “Mother, is this the Paramchaitanya?” Any one of these you can ask, three times. Now bring down your hands, just put like that. All those who have felt cool breeze on their fingers or hot breeze on their fingers or on their palm or through the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. That’s Geneva. I bow to you. Your saintly life has started. Please come to the collective and know all about it. I will come after one year now. But I’m sure you will all grow like big trees of spirituality. You don’t have to pay for anything, whatsoever, but you have to respect your Self-realization. May God Bless you! It’s your own. May God Bless you all! [Mother speaks aside: So many people, I must say….already eleven o’ clock…There were so many, I can’t still imagine]. If you have any questions, you can write down the questions and bring [it to/ in] the collective. But please go to the collective, I am telling you. Otherwise you will lose your vibrations. You’ll lose this feeling. This is the first time you have felt this All-pervading Power.
Evening Program, The Sleeping Beauty Play, eve of Shri Ganesha Puja
Cabella Ligure
Evening Program
Shri Ganesha Puja: Genetics of Wisdom
Cabella Ligure
Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 30 August 1992. Last time you had asked Me for Gurupada, and you should know that the essence of guru is Shri Ganesha, the innocence. You must be knowing the story of a very devoted wife, faithful wife, of a sati. Her name was Anasuya, and she was so religious and so dedicated that they say that the wives of all the gods – Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha – got very jealous of her. So they told their husbands that, “You must go and test her, if she’s really a woman with chastity or not.” So all of them came down as sadhus, dressed up like sanyasis. And she said she wanted to serve them, give them something. They said, “No, we want to have food.” She said, “All right, come and sit down.” She cooked food for them. So they said, “No, we will not have the food unless and until you take out all your clothes. We’ll only have the food if you take out all your clothes.” She said, “Is it so?” They said, “Yes.” So she made them into little, little children, three little children, and then she became nude, because the innocent doesn’t understand anything about it. And then she joined them together, their three innocents were joined together, and they got their Gurupada. That’s how the Adi Guru was created. So the first thing is that if you want your Gurupad, you have to be innocent. “Innocent” is a very vague term, very vague, and it’s difficult to really understand what is innocent. But what is the nature of innocence? That we can understand from Shri Ganesha’s innocence. First of all, He’s endowed with wisdom, and He puts wisdom into us. It’s a nice thing now in modern times we have discovered genetics, and genetics determine our behaviour and our races. It is He who puts genetics in us. He selects and puts it within us, our genetics, and when He puts wisdom in us, then we are wise. There is definitely a genetic of wisdom which is lacking, as we can see very clearly, in many races. They have no wisdom. They do things without wisdom. They do things just for their destruction, destroying their society. They may call themselves the highest society, highest races, whatever it is – you may brand yourself with anything – but you can see from their behaviour that they have no wisdom at all. So He’s the one who puts that wisdom in us. In some people who are not yet evolved – certain races are not yet evolved to that extent – this wisdom is lacking. Apart from that, this wisdom gives us the sense of freedom. So we keep aloof from all kinds of intoxicants, all kinds of bad habits. We don’t like to look at nudity. It can never become the lifestyle of people who have wisdom. Never. We don’t indulge into extramarital nonsense. Whatever is absolutely in the centre, which is dharmic, we accept. So we can see that the seed of wisdom put into us makes us dharmic people when we grow, automatically. We are automatically dharmic. We don’t kill others, we don’t aggress others, we don’t torture others. We do not occupy anybody else’s land or house or take away anything, another’s property, or another’s things. This wisdom comes to you through Shri Ganesh. In short, He makes you absolutely ready for Self-Realization. It is He only, ultimately, who looks after us at the time of our nirvana, at the time of our realization, because He stops all other activities of excretion when you are ascending into a new realm. You have seen, I’m sitting here for nine hours, ten hours. Once I sat down for eighteen hours together, didn’t go at all, even to the bathroom. Because it is He who stops all these activities—even when Kundalini is rising it stops. So this wisdom is innate. It just happens that when the Kundalini is rising, He becomes manifested in us – I should say, He makes us like a child. And that’s what Christ has said, that you have to be like children if you have to enter into the Kingdom of God. You become the child, at that time you become a child. And with the Kundalini rising, that wisdom then comes into your brain, because He’s sitting on the Kundalini itself. He’s the power in the Kundalini. He gives wisdom in the brain. Once you get that wisdom, you drop out all bad habits. All your attachments which are wrong, all adharmic things that you do, everything drops out. He changes, your genetics are changed. The genetics of Sahaja Yogis are that all of them will be the same. About the same, I would say. And the genetics of other people would be different. Maybe Indians might have closer to it, because Indians normally are very wise people. They won’t—I mean, I would say if you see the superiority of races from wisdom point of view, Indians are very wise—they just won’t do some nonsensical things at all. No question. Even the children I have seen, children from the West when they go to India –they went for this school – they are doing all kinds of destructive things to themselves. Nobody could understand. Once they jumped into a dirty pond: they got malaria. Then they ran out of the house, of the school, and came out and went to the roads, went to the shops. So they put a gate. When they put the gate, the newspaper is criticizing us. There’s no sense in it; every school has a gate. So all these unwise, stupid things they do because they lack wisdom. A child who has wisdom is extremely cautious, he understands the importance of his life. He respects his parents, he respects everything – automatically. You don’t have to tell them. Automatically they know what dharma is, you don’t have to tell them. That wisdom, this great deity of Ganesha gives you. He took His form as Jesus Christ. And you all accepted Him as the Lord, which is true also. But because your Ganesh principle was not so much developed in these Western countries, people took to stupid things. This pornography and this kind of an interest in nude women shows that there is no wisdom in them, there is no Ganesha in them. Though they follow Christ, it’s just a lip service going to the church. I don’t know if the church also has any Ganesha in them. They have no Ganesha. The way they lead their life, nobody can say they have any sense of holiness and auspiciousness. As soon as you get wisdom, you understand holiness and auspiciousness. Before that, you just call “holy father,” and holy father is doing all kinds of things which can create holes in the organization—who takes money, bribes, creates bombs, has women, I mean everything; how can he be holy? So this wisdom part is so important, and that’s what we should ask Ganesha: to make us like children. Children basically have wisdom, but not all the children. This is the thing, is that children in which Shri Ganesha has activated, has put this genetic of wisdom, it is there. This is one of the greatest things we have to think about: is it wise, it is sane? It’s not to be logically; logically if you believe in something, then you can go wrong because there’s no strength from within. But innately if it becomes that, you won’t do it at any cost. Now you know yourself, all the Sahaja Yogis are so different: they behave differently, they stand differently, they talk differently, they think differently. Everything is different. Suddenly they have become like that. And you can’t understand, how is it we have become like this? They were drinking, they were smoking, drug-taking, everything they did. But how is it that suddenly you changed? Because Shri Ganesha has put this wisdom in you. Now if you see His character, it’s very interesting to watch. He’s a child, and He’s entirely dedicated to His Mother. He doesn’t know any other god, anything else—complete dedication. But is it so with us? There also sometimes I find some of the Sahaja Yogis are lacking. They lack sincerity, loyalties. And I’m shocked sometimes at the periphery they are like that. That means they have to ascend still. People who have worked with Me, I have always tried to pay them sufficiently. There’s no need to pay, because after all I have done so much for your building, your body; why should I pay you? But I always pay sumptuously, I look after them, give them . . . My loyalties to you and love cannot be challenged. But I find them being very selfish sometimes, extremely selfish. They’ll do half the work and run away, sometimes they are . . . their problems, their own problems are much more important. Or they just try to find some excuse. So many Sahaja Yogis are also like that. They are not sincere. Sahaja Yoga has given them so much. We have to always find out: are we sincere to Sahaja Yoga? What are we doing for Sahaja Yoga? What have we achieved and what are we doing? On the contrary, they become liabilities on Sahaja Yoga. Ganesha is never a liability on His Mother. For example, someone becomes sick. All right, Sahaja Yoga can help you – may be, may not be; may be cured, may not be cured. If they are not cured, then they will say that, “See now, I was not cured. I’m going to leave Sahaja Yoga.” Then one has to say, “Please leave.” With the slightest thing they go off, not understanding what is important. Then they are liabilities. Like, somebody gets married, comes here: “I don’t like this wife.” Now do what you like, the wife sits on My head, and the husband also. All kinds of liabilities come in: “My husband doesn’t do Sahaja Yoga, what should I do?” You solve the problem with your husband. You solve the problem with your children. You have the power to do it; have patience, work it out. They’ll put us into cases – this, that. It is only Sahaja Yogis who can harm Sahaja Yoga, can you believe that? Nobody else can touch it. Unless and until a Sahaja Yogi misbehaves, nobody can touch Sahaja Yoga. So we have many cases like that. I mean, they have seen My photographs, they have seen miraculous photographs, they have had realization, everything happened to them, they have been so many times helped. But suddenly they say, “I want to leave Sahaja Yoga.” “Very good,” I say. “Those who have to leave should leave immediately.” As it is, there’s very little space left in the heaven, and no place for such half-hearted people. If they have to leave, they should leave. You have to have Ganesha as your ideal. It should not be that: “I worship Ganesha,” that way you were worshipping Christ, you were worshipping this, worshipping that. But what has come inside you, is the point: Have you got Shri Ganesha within you? Are you following Shri Ganesha with the same devotion, dedication? But you are made after the pattern of Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesha was made with immaculate conception. You are also made the same way. Your Kundalini was raised, was given you the realization, and you got your second birth, and now you are Sahaja Yogis. All these things have happened to you without having a father. If I had not told you that you have a Father, you would never have known. Like, other gurus, you see, they don’t want to give credit to anyone. So this actually has happened with you, you are being made in the same manner as Shri Ganesh. Of course you must be having something, you know, otherwise I could not have made. That’s also true. Supposing the Kundalini was missing, now what could I have done? If not missing, if it was absolutely crooked; if not crooked, supposing there were some chakras which were horribly damaged. So, you were also people just ready to have your realization, that you were seeking it truly, that you had the pure desire to become Sahaja Yogis, no doubt. Still, when the growth is taking place, you must watch. You must see how much sincerity we are giving, with what dedication we are working out. Now, we have people who must have gone for postering somewhere, some places – not now, it’s a long time back – so they charged Me for their coffee also. I said, “All right.” Thank God they were not smoking, otherwise they would have charged Me. So from that level, now we are very much changed, and some of them have become perfect Sahaja Yogis. But still we have people on the periphery, and they get nervous at the smallest thing. Yesterday there was a storm. [There] has to be a storm. You don’t know, when Christ was carrying His disciples, there was a very big storm. And then He stopped it. Yesterday when you started singing the songs, then only the storm stopped, just to prove that these songs have such power. If such things don’t happen, how will you know that these songs have the power? You think you are just singing just because you are singing. No. It has a power, these are mantras, these are all awakened songs. And then it stopped. They were saying, “Should we say mantras?” I said, “No, nothing.” I didn’t say things, what you have to do. Suddenly they thought of singing, and then it worked out. Because every time if I have to suggest, then when will you use your power? All such incidents take place. Now it was Shri Ganesha’s special trick. He’s the real judge for you. You must know because you have seen in the Sistine Chapel: He is standing there and moving you left and right. So there is a testing point also. In Sahaja Yoga the door is open, this way. But there’s a bigger door on the back side to throw out people. And the judgment is not done by Me so much as by this Ganesha. He judges you, and then you are thrown out. Then to come back is very difficult. Even if you come back, you are suspicious of yourself, and others are also suspicious of you. So you see, what you have to understand is that this is a judgment point. Introspect yourself, find out: Am I wise? If I’m doing this, am I doing wise things? Is it wise for me to do? Is it all right for me as a Sahaja Yogi to do it? Should I do it or not? At every point you should see. I mean, you know that I don’t want any money, and I don’t want any presents – I’ve said a hundred times, but they won’t listen. Now they are saying that “Mother if you stop giving us presents, we’ll stop.” I said, “You stop first, then I’ll stop.” But despite all this quarrel and fight, there’s one thing definitely: there’s love, and you want to express it. But love here is not attached; it’s detached love, where it flows to its greatest extent, takes all the responsibility. There are people who go on criticizing other Sahaja Yogis. I have seen this, it’s very common. That’s a sign of a very low type of a Sahaja Yogi, because he doesn’t see what’s wrong with him. He’s trying to criticize others. Does he see what is wrong with him? There are other kinds of Sahaja Yogis who do not realize that they are like ganas. They are like ganas, and imagine the ganas, how quick they are. The Ganesha is creating those ganas, and they are in the sternum bones first, and then they go all over the body. As soon as this Centre Heart, the Mother’s place, starts little bit vibrating, they get alerted. So we have to be alert. It’s very important that we have to be alert. For about twelve years of your age these ganas stay there in the sternum bone, and then they go to the whole body, because they are matured enough. They are kept there till they are completely matured, to fight the enemies. And they know what kind of enemies they have. They know everything: what kind of fighting is needed, what kind of opposition is there. They will just select and they will appoint themselves: who should fight whom, who should do this. But they just don’t sit all the time in the Mother’s house. So, we have to go to the people. We have to go into the Virata’s body. We have to move out, we have to go all out. Without having any fear, you have to fight them. Not to sit at home crying like a baby; now you are all grown-up people. So this is what is written in the Buddha’s future life, that He becomes Matreya, means He has three Mothers in Him: Ma treya. But also that He goes all out in the society, He goes out everywhere, and He changes people. When you asked for Gurupada, you don’t know, you were in trouble. Guru doesn’t sit at home. He has to go all out, meet all kinds of people, tell them about Sahaja Yoga. Not to be afraid. You have to live in the society, you don’t have to have an exclusive society where we enjoy bhajans and things; that’s over now. I mean, of course we’ll always have bhajans, it doesn’t mean that. But you have to go beyond. Not only to be involved only in your own problems, which are being now solved – so only in Sahaja Yoga, but Sahaja Yogis – but you have to go all out, meet other people, tell them about Sahaja Yoga. The best is to wear badges so people ask, “Who is this?” Then you can talk to them, your friends, your society. You don’t have to give up anything. Don’t have to give up anything. You are detached, you just go and see for yourself: this is wrong. Like yesterday they showed all kinds of things, also disco dance they showed. You should go to the disco and give them the pamphlets, show them [and ask], “What are you doing, are you mad?” Or do this kind of a disco more there so they’ll say, “What’s wrong with them?” Then you say, “We are copying you.” That will put them down. You see a lady who is, say, smoking and this and that, standing with a pose, go and stand before her with a pose and smoking like this. She’ll stop it. So by copying them, one way, showing them what they are. Another [way]: writing. You must have writing. It’s very important to write and answer. I must tell that there’s a very nice article which has come now with Me, and the English Sahaja Yogis should take it from Me and answer the gentleman. It’s very important. It’s in My room, I’ll give it to them. You must know what’s happening all around—what’s happening in Bosnia, what’s happening in Italy, what’s happening here. You should read newspapers. You can see television also, now, when you are matured. Otherwise if you see television, you’ll go mad like other television people are. So what’s the use of seeing the television? But if you see the television with a detached mind, you’ll immediately get the point where you have to hit. Otherwise you are sitting in the house nicely covered up: “Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother.” That’s not so. Ganesha gives powers to these ganas, and they fight. That’s why He’s called as Ganapati. If you want to call Me Ganapati, then you have to be like ganas, you have to be like ganas, who go all out, and work it out in so many ways. There are so many tricks which you can play on these people and try to bring them to Sahaja Yoga. And with you is this all-pervading Power. You should not shun them. For example, the laws of your countries are so horrible. Some of the laws are so horrible, the peculiar type. You should write. There’s no equity, there’s no sense in so many laws that you have, which are money-oriented. Say, in France they have very, very funny laws. And they never maintain the law, they don’t believe in it. There are no morals, there are no laws. You write to them. You must go and see newspaper people, tell them about it. Try to now assert yourself. Unless and until you do that, nobody is going to get to Sahaja Yoga. You might get very great people out of that. You can invite some people, you can call them. The modus operandi of these gurus I have seen. They write very nice letters to all these big, big johnnies, as soon as they go to some house. Then they seek an interview, go and see that person, talk to him. They carry, you see, a sort of a – a kind of a negotiations, you can call it, or some sort of a panel will go and see them. It’s all that level. And then they show them books: “See now this is happening, why don’t you take to it? We don’t want money,” this thing, that thing. You might get lots of people. But you have to invite them, because unless and until you invite them, they’ll not come to you. So you have to invite them, and you have to tell them that, “We want to meet you. This is it.” Out of at least hundred, if not, at least twenty will reply. They would like to meet you. You should say, “We found out this, we found out that.” So now today as Ganesha’s ganas, you have to do this special work, is to understand now you are matured enough, you have to go in the society. Now if you get upset: “Mother, I went there and this happened and that happened,” it doesn’t matter. You are not going to be crucified, you are not going to be murdered. And do you know there’s all the time My protection on you? If you want, you can see a photograph we have, with him, you can see that. Complete protection. It follows you. You have seen light on your heads. You are the marked people, who are already sitting in the Kingdom of God. Why should you be afraid? Why should you not meet people? Then also I said, “Make some music.” Like yesterday’s [music], I liked the way they were singing. At least, you see, whatever they were singing, it may not be pop music sort or something, but it was clear. The message should be clear—you can use pop style, doesn’t matter—but the message should be clear, it should not be – I can never understand what they are singing. So every word should be clear-cut. We can go all out to have real publicity, but for that we need people who are really matured enough. Otherwise, with the slightest provocation they get upset, start fighting—finished. Also we should not say that, “You are intellectual, you cannot understand.” You say: “You can, mentally also you can understand, we can explain to you.” Prepare yourself. We can even have some sort of seminars or classes where we can discuss about these things. In the pujas you can have some sort of a – morning time is always free – some sort of a seminar or a discussion, or they call it a brain trust or whatever it is. And there you can discuss things: how we can proceed, what we can do. Now the time has come. It’s over now, all this preparation is over, you are prepared for it. Now you have to go all out, tell people. You know these people from this Brahma Kumari what they tell: “Now the doomsday has come. You are all going to be doomed” – openly – “and so that you give us money, you’ll be saved.” So now you have to say that, “This is the last judgment. You take your realization, otherwise you’ll be doomed.” Unless and until you take your realization, without your ascent you cannot get out of your genetic problems. All these genetic problems can be only solved if you get your realization. So you have to tell others, “Get out of your personal problems.” “Mother, my wife has no children”—it doesn’t matter. There are so many children in this world, you are doing a good work by not having a child. And if you want to have a child, you can adopt a child. Then: “My child is like this, my child is like that, my child.” So much attachment to children, I’ve never seen. Before marriage, if they have children, I’ve seen people treat them better. But if they are married, they kill their children. So many people kill their children, abuse their children, do all kinds of things. But once they are Sahaja Yogis, from this end to that end they just get glued to their children. So there should be a detached attitude towards everything. And no attachments. Then only you’ll be free. But that doesn’t mean that you are not doing your duty, your nourishment that is needed. You have to give love to everyone, you have to care for everyone, but you shouldn’t get attached. I have seen people, they get attached even to Sahaja Yogis. One Sahaja Yogi misbehaved and went out of Sahaja Yoga, and ten Sahaja Yogis went away with him. They are not attached to Me but to that stupid Sahaja Yogi. He went to Nepal, he learnt some avidya, he came back, and they went away with him. That shows you have not developed your personality. How dare anybody influence you and say that, “Get out of Sahaja Yoga.” If you have a matured personality and responsibility, you will say: “I have to do Sahaja Yoga work. That’s the main thing I have to do.” You must know that though you look like ordinary people, but God has chosen you. If any one of you does not do Sahaja Yoga work, who will be blamed? In every aspect of life, one should understand. You see, I don’t say that you give Me money or anything. I don’t want anything from you; as it is, you know how much I am spending. But definitely if money is needed somewhere, you must go all out to help with money also. People will spend money on, say, races or spend money on some sort of a pub. All that money is saved now, you don’t have to go to a pub, nothing. So if money is needed, you have to spend. Then another thing is, people just start asking: “Why is it so expensive? Why this, why that?” In Sahaja Yoga, everybody knows accounts. Everybody has accounts, there’s nothing secret – where money goes, what we are using it for. How do you have this tent? How do you have this land? How do you have Daglio? Just think. And nobody thinks like that: from where does Mother get money to do all these things? I don’t need such a big castle, do I? For what? I’ve already bought another house in London from My own money. Why? It’s—already you have spent so much money for this Shudy Camp—it’s giving no money at all. Well, I don’t need Sahaja Yoga, it is you people who need it. And if you start saving money on that also, then I don’t know what to say to you. It doesn’t mean like in the church they say you must give money and all that, but your dedication. If you have the dedication, then you will yourself think: “That is my responsibility.” On the contrary, you’ll say, “Oh, you need money? All right.” Now a school has to be built. Who has built Vashi? Who has built this Ganapatipule? Who has built such a big ashram now you’ll see in Delhi? Who has donated money for Sahaja Yoga so far? You all have prospered in life, you all have got sufficient money, but what are you doing? So, in this aspect, you have to see that you do your level best for Sahaja Yoga. Another side is your creativity. There have been very great artists who came out of Sahaja Yoga. If they have to give any present, they’ll give the smallest possible, the cheapest possible. The most expensive one they keep with themselves and sell it. If they could give even one piece like that, we can sell it in the market, just for Sahaja Yoga. But they’ll give something very cheapish which cannot be used. It’s just adding up to My personal archives. But if they give something sensible, it can be sold. Then musicians who go abroad, they can give their programs and things and can make some money. And also, if it is needed, that money can be used. Do you know, I just asked once, that: collect some money for India project. One year, in Sahasrara. You must know that there were only five thousand pounds collected. And I was so ashamed that they are still there as it is, in the bank. How can you send five thousand to India? What will they think of you? Even the school is for you, it is for your children, not for Indian children. But still it will be built by Indians, I know that – or by Me. Thus, we should realize that if we are wasting some money somewhere, we can utilize some money for Sahaja Yoga. We should have some money for our organization. Otherwise, this is how whatever we save on food or anything, that’s a very little amount. But still we are managing. Every guru takes money outside first, and then: come to the puja. Outside. And that, too, a real sumptuous one [puja]. I don’t need any money. Even your puja money, everything, you know it goes into silver, because you cannot have puja with plastics. So to understand this, you have to have auspiciousness, holiness. Now, you call Me “Holy Mother,” but are you respectful like that? Do you know what I am? Ganesha knew. Once, His Father said that, “Whosoever goes round the Mother Earth first, I’ll give that person a present.” So another brother, Kartikeya, He had a nice vahana – a nice vehicle – who was a peacock, while Ganesha had just a little rat, a mouse. He could never have competed with Him. So He said, “Who is greater than My Mother? She is the greatest of all. What is this Mother Earth or anyone? She can create so many Mother Earths like that.” So He just went round Her and He got the prize. And this Kartikeya was still flying. So that is what it is, to understand the auspiciousness. Though, I must say, I’m a Mahamaya. No doubt, it’s not easy—you will never know Me fully. Never. That should not be, because then you won’t sit here, you’ll all run away. But despite that, try to understand. As Ganesha has understood His Mother, you have to understand. That extent is rather difficult, but still try: that this is the Power sitting before you. How we behave, how we talk, how we take decisions, what we do, is all wrong. If this doesn’t penetrate into your brains, that means Kundalini has not come there. People could not raise even one Kundalini, one person’s Kundalini. Even this artist who came, she said, “How can it be possible? I’m not so – I’ve done nothing. I’m not a person who is a saint. How can I get realization?” She was telling Me like this, “How can it be, Mother?” But you all got it, no doubt. None of you have doubts about it. And not only that it’s happening through Me, but you also can do it now. Who can do this kind of a thing, in the history of spirituality? But I keep a kind of an image of Myself: I joke, I make fun, I do everything just like a normal mother. But that should not give you liberties. That should not. Some people have written very rude letters to Me. I must tell you: be careful. You can’t write rude letters to Me. Better not. When you suffer then you’ll say, “Mother, this has happened, that has happened.” You have no business to write rude letters to Me. And though I read them, and I forgive. No doubt. Because you are ignorant. But you must have knowledge, you must understand this, that: to whom are you writing and what you are writing. This side is, of course, we have to see that Shri Ganesha has also a parasha in his hand. He is one of the most strict deities. Very strict. Others may hesitate a little bit, but He cannot tolerate. That’s why Christ has said that “I will tolerate anything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost.” Clearly He has warned – clearly – because He has a parasha in His hand. And people get punished, no doubt. So this is another thing one has to understand, that Shri Ganesha has this parasha. And you too all have this parasha in your hand, which you don’t know. Anybody who will try to trouble you will be in trouble. But what is missing is the faith. Not blind, but enlightened faith. If you have enlightened faith, then it works. There’s one gentleman working in London airport. He’s an Indian, but I think he was looked after by some Western foreigner people. Very good man. So he cannot come to the programs, he is very busy and all that, he cannot. But if I am in the airport, he knows I am there. Some people tried to trouble him. So he said, “Don’t trouble me. My Mother is very strong, you know. Don’t trouble me.” They wouldn’t listen, three of them. And the three of them the next day lost their jobs. He said, “Why?” They said, “We don’t know. The boss told us, ‘You get out of the jobs.’ We don’t know how we lost our jobs.” And still today they haven’t got jobs. He said, “I had told you.” They said, “Who is your Mother? Let us meet Her also. You see, this is what has happened to us, sorry we did this to you.” But nothing works out now. So you must have full faith in Sahaja Yoga, in Me, and in yourself. Those who do not have faith in themselves, how can they have faith in others? This is another one thing you must understand: that you have tremendous powers. Tremendous powers, if you have faith. You’ll just pray, “Mother, I want this gentleman to be cured, or this lady to be cured.” It will be cured; you don’t have to even touch that person. But your faith. Like yesterday they brought one lady. I was very busy, I was talking, doing this—these are only two, three days when I have to really work very hard with all the problems, and I couldn’t see her. I said, “Why don’t you go and cure? You can cure.” Why should any Sahaja Yogi suffer from anything when there are other Sahaja Yogis? Why should I cure anymore? You all just put your hands and see if you can cure or not. Even your prayers are so powerful, you have no idea. Just pray. You have got the parasha in your hand, and nobody can harm you. And you have got the hand that can bless others. You have got that. You start your generosity and see: the Lakshmi will flow. But if you are not generous, calculating each and every pai – finished. Why should you? The Lakshmi will serve you. Know your powers, as Shri Ganesha knew it very well. He never bothered. Even with an elephant head, He managed so many things. With human heads you should manage much better. Or do you need elephant heads? Then another thing He has, is that He’s a satisfied person. Extremely satisfied. And what He eats is a modaka—they have given [this to] Me just now here—is the modaka He eats. So that means that He eats something which is substantial, which has got all these dry fruits and everything in it, that’s what He eats. And that is one capacity He has, to eat. Because you can please Him by giving Him things. But Mine is just the other way round: I can’t eat much, and you want to give Me. I don’t know, He has taken all My capacity to eat, I think. But He can eat well. And whatever you eat, if you think of Him: “Shri Ganesha, I offer you this food also,” you’ll never find dearth of food at all, never. Anything you want. Like the other day, it was very hot. They said, “Mother, cool it down.” I said, “All right.” As soon as it cooled down, left to the right Shri Ganesha comes up. So He came with full force. He cooled it down, and rained and rained and rained, brought water also, because there was no water in these streams—you had to do your footsoaking, so water came also. And what a testing! In one thing, how much happened. He tested you, He saw you, nothing happened. Even a little tent was not blown off. It was all fun. This is what it is, that you are also a testing ground for others. Immediately you will know what sort of a man it is. You are so powerful. Use your powers. Use your powers. But what happens if your attention is on other things, it’s not pure. The attention is on others. Keep attention on Shri Ganesh, keep attention on Me. Everything will work out. Why should you work when He is there to work out everything for you, His ganas are there to work out for you? So put your attention in such a way that you know you are alert – daksha – you are alert, you know where your attention is going. And then you see the attention, how it works. I never expected that I’ll mature you so fast, but you have matured. But unless and until you know yourself fully, what you have got, how am I to give you certificate? Even if I give certificate, you won’t believe. Like they say you have graduated. Now you are not only graduated, but you are masters. Otherwise I would never have told you to ask for Gurupada. You are praveenas now. “Praveen” means a master. Use your mastery. But still you are sitting at home, this, that: “My father is sick.” Go and treat him – you are a master. Like Shri Ganesha, such a little thing like that is the master, you are also masters. The ladies also should know they are also masters. Instead of getting involved into smaller things and brickbats and all that, rise! Another great quality of Him is that He uses His teeth to write. Teeth come to you from Shri Krishna—wisdom of Shri Krishna which becomes the Virat, the brain. So He uses the teeth to write. He wrote Mahabharata with His teeth. So it is said that you must use your brain with the enlightenment of Shri Krishna, and write, write, and write, and produce it into books. All these gurus have been successful because they created books. And these books were read by people and they were so much impressed, because anything black and white becomes something great. You can also make nice dramas, as you have made. You can approach the televisions and things, that: “We have a nice drama for children.” Now think about going in to people. Live in the society, live with them, deliver to them what you have got. It’s your duty. It’s not only that, but it is also a special privilege to you. I mean, for today, as it is we had to delay, and I’ve tried to give you some points about Shri Ganesh. I think even if you give Me a hundred lectures I cannot finish it, it’s so great. It’s like an ocean to Me. So I hope you will understand the essential, the fundamental principles of Shri Ganesha, and what innocence is. The first is wisdom. May God bless you all.
Shri Ganesha Puja. Cabella (Italy), 30 August 1992. Last time you had asked Me for Gurupada, and you should know that the essence of guru is Shri Ganesha, the innocence. You must be knowing the story of a very devoted wife, faithful wife, of a sati. Her name was Anasuya, and she was so religious and so dedicated that they say that the wives of all the gods – Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha – got very jealous of her. So they told their husbands that, “You must go and test her, if she’s really a woman with chastity or not.” So all of them came down as sadhus, dressed up like sanyasis. And she said she wanted to serve them, give them something. They said, “No, we want to have food.” She said, “All right, come and sit down.” She cooked food for them. So they said, “No, we will not have the food unless and until you take out all your clothes. We’ll only have the food if you take out all your clothes.” She said, “Is it so?” They said, “Yes.” So she made them into little, little children, three little children, and then she became nude, because the innocent doesn’t understand anything about it. And then she joined them together, their three innocents were joined together, and they got their Gurupada. That’s how the Adi Guru was created. So the first thing is that if you want your Gurupad, you have to be innocent. “Innocent” is a very vague term, very vague, and it’s difficult to really understand what is innocent. But what is the nature of innocence? That we can understand from Shri Ganesha’s innocence. First of all, He’s endowed with wisdom, and He puts wisdom into us. It’s a nice thing now in modern times we have discovered genetics, and genetics determine our behaviour and our races. It is He who puts genetics in us. He selects and puts it within us, our genetics, and when He puts wisdom in us, then we are wise. There is definitely a genetic of wisdom which is lacking, as we can see very clearly, in many races. They have no wisdom. They do things without wisdom. They do things just for their destruction, destroying their society. They may call themselves the highest society, highest races, whatever it is – you may brand yourself with anything – but you can see from their behaviour that they have no wisdom at all. So He’s the one who puts that wisdom in us. In some people who are not yet evolved – certain races are not yet evolved to that extent – this wisdom is lacking. Apart from that, this wisdom gives us the sense of freedom. So we keep aloof from all kinds of intoxicants, all kinds of bad habits. We don’t like to look at nudity. It can never become the lifestyle of people who have wisdom. Never. We don’t indulge into extramarital nonsense. Whatever is absolutely in the centre, which is dharmic, we accept. So we can see that the seed of wisdom put into us makes us dharmic people when we grow, automatically. We are automatically dharmic. We don’t kill others, we don’t aggress others, we don’t torture others. We do not occupy anybody else’s land or house or take away anything, another’s property, or another’s things. This wisdom comes to you through Shri Ganesh. In short, He makes you absolutely ready for Self-Realization. It is He only, ultimately, who looks after us at the time of our nirvana, at the time of our realization, because He stops all other activities of excretion when you are ascending into a new realm. You have seen, I’m sitting here for nine hours, ten hours. Once I sat down for eighteen hours together, didn’t go at all, even to the bathroom. Because it is He who stops all these activities—even when Kundalini is rising it stops. So this wisdom is innate. It just happens that when the Kundalini is rising, He becomes manifested in us – I should say, He makes us like a child. And that’s what Christ has said, that you have to be like children if you have to enter into the Kingdom of God. You become the child, at that time you become a child. And with the Kundalini rising, that wisdom then comes into your brain, because He’s sitting on the Kundalini itself. He’s the power in the Kundalini. He gives wisdom in the brain. Once you get that wisdom, you drop out all bad habits. All your attachments which are wrong, all adharmic things that you do, everything drops out. He changes, your genetics are changed. The genetics of Sahaja Yogis are that all of them will be the same. About the same, I would say. And the genetics of other people would be different. Maybe Indians might have closer to it, because Indians normally are very wise people. They won’t—I mean, I would say if you see the superiority of races from wisdom point of view, Indians are very wise—they just won’t do some nonsensical things at all. No question. Even the children I have seen, children from the West when they go to India –they went for this school – they are doing all kinds of destructive things to themselves. Nobody could understand. Once they jumped into a dirty pond: they got malaria. Then they ran out of the house, of the school, and came out and went to the roads, went to the shops. So they put a gate. When they put the gate, the newspaper is criticizing us. There’s no sense in it; every school has a gate. So all these unwise, stupid things they do because they lack wisdom. A child who has wisdom is extremely cautious, he understands the importance of his life. He respects his parents, he respects everything – automatically. You don’t have to tell them. Automatically they know what dharma is, you don’t have to tell them. That wisdom, this great deity of Ganesha gives you. He took His form as Jesus Christ. And you all accepted Him as the Lord, which is true also. But because your Ganesh principle was not so much developed in these Western countries, people took to stupid things. This pornography and this kind of an interest in nude women shows that there is no wisdom in them, there is no Ganesha in them. Though they follow Christ, it’s just a lip service going to the church. I don’t know if the church also has any Ganesha in them. They have no Ganesha. The way they lead their life, nobody can say they have any sense of holiness and auspiciousness. As soon as you get wisdom, you understand holiness and auspiciousness. Before that, you just call “holy father,” and holy father is doing all kinds of things which can create holes in the organization—who takes money, bribes, creates bombs, has women, I mean everything; how can he be holy? So this wisdom part is so important, and that’s what we should ask Ganesha: to make us like children. Children basically have wisdom, but not all the children. This is the thing, is that children in which Shri Ganesha has activated, has put this genetic of wisdom, it is there. This is one of the greatest things we have to think about: is it wise, it is sane? It’s not to be logically; logically if you believe in something, then you can go wrong because there’s no strength from within. But innately if it becomes that, you won’t do it at any cost. Now you know yourself, all the Sahaja Yogis are so different: they behave differently, they stand differently, they talk differently, they think differently. Everything is different. Suddenly they have become like that. And you can’t understand, how is it we have become like this? They were drinking, they were smoking, drug-taking, everything they did. But how is it that suddenly you changed? Because Shri Ganesha has put this wisdom in you. Now if you see His character, it’s very interesting to watch. He’s a child, and He’s entirely dedicated to His Mother. He doesn’t know any other god, anything else—complete dedication. But is it so with us? There also sometimes I find some of the Sahaja Yogis are lacking. They lack sincerity, loyalties. And I’m shocked sometimes at the periphery they are like that. That means they have to ascend still. People who have worked with Me, I have always tried to pay them sufficiently. There’s no need to pay, because after all I have done so much for your building, your body; why should I pay you? But I always pay sumptuously, I look after them, give them . . . My loyalties to you and love cannot be challenged. But I find them being very selfish sometimes, extremely selfish. They’ll do half the work and run away, sometimes they are . . . their problems, their own problems are much more important. Or they just try to find some excuse. So many Sahaja Yogis are also like that. They are not sincere. Sahaja Yoga has given them so much. We have to always find out: are we sincere to Sahaja Yoga? What are we doing for Sahaja Yoga? What have we achieved and what are we doing? On the contrary, they become liabilities on Sahaja Yoga. Ganesha is never a liability on His Mother. For example, someone becomes sick. All right, Sahaja Yoga can help you – may be, may not be; may be cured, may not be cured. If they are not cured, then they will say that, “See now, I was not cured. I’m going to leave Sahaja Yoga.” Then one has to say, “Please leave.” With the slightest thing they go off, not understanding what is important. Then they are liabilities. Like, somebody gets married, comes here: “I don’t like this wife.” Now do what you like, the wife sits on My head, and the husband also. All kinds of liabilities come in: “My husband doesn’t do Sahaja Yoga, what should I do?” You solve the problem with your husband. You solve the problem with your children. You have the power to do it; have patience, work it out. They’ll put us into cases – this, that. It is only Sahaja Yogis who can harm Sahaja Yoga, can you believe that? Nobody else can touch it. Unless and until a Sahaja Yogi misbehaves, nobody can touch Sahaja Yoga. So we have many cases like that. I mean, they have seen My photographs, they have seen miraculous photographs, they have had realization, everything happened to them, they have been so many times helped. But suddenly they say, “I want to leave Sahaja Yoga.” “Very good,” I say. “Those who have to leave should leave immediately.” As it is, there’s very little space left in the heaven, and no place for such half-hearted people. If they have to leave, they should leave. You have to have Ganesha as your ideal. It should not be that: “I worship Ganesha,” that way you were worshipping Christ, you were worshipping this, worshipping that. But what has come inside you, is the point: Have you got Shri Ganesha within you? Are you following Shri Ganesha with the same devotion, dedication? But you are made after the pattern of Shri Ganesh. Shri Ganesha was made with immaculate conception. You are also made the same way. Your Kundalini was raised, was given you the realization, and you got your second birth, and now you are Sahaja Yogis. All these things have happened to you without having a father. If I had not told you that you have a Father, you would never have known. Like, other gurus, you see, they don’t want to give credit to anyone. So this actually has happened with you, you are being made in the same manner as Shri Ganesh. Of course you must be having something, you know, otherwise I could not have made. That’s also true. Supposing the Kundalini was missing, now what could I have done? If not missing, if it was absolutely crooked; if not crooked, supposing there were some chakras which were horribly damaged. So, you were also people just ready to have your realization, that you were seeking it truly, that you had the pure desire to become Sahaja Yogis, no doubt. Still, when the growth is taking place, you must watch. You must see how much sincerity we are giving, with what dedication we are working out. Now, we have people who must have gone for postering somewhere, some places – not now, it’s a long time back – so they charged Me for their coffee also. I said, “All right.” Thank God they were not smoking, otherwise they would have charged Me. So from that level, now we are very much changed, and some of them have become perfect Sahaja Yogis. But still we have people on the periphery, and they get nervous at the smallest thing. Yesterday there was a storm. [There] has to be a storm. You don’t know, when Christ was carrying His disciples, there was a very big storm. And then He stopped it. Yesterday when you started singing the songs, then only the storm stopped, just to prove that these songs have such power. If such things don’t happen, how will you know that these songs have the power? You think you are just singing just because you are singing. No. It has a power, these are mantras, these are all awakened songs. And then it stopped. They were saying, “Should we say mantras?” I said, “No, nothing.” I didn’t say things, what you have to do. Suddenly they thought of singing, and then it worked out. Because every time if I have to suggest, then when will you use your power? All such incidents take place. Now it was Shri Ganesha’s special trick. He’s the real judge for you. You must know because you have seen in the Sistine Chapel: He is standing there and moving you left and right. So there is a testing point also. In Sahaja Yoga the door is open, this way. But there’s a bigger door on the back side to throw out people. And the judgment is not done by Me so much as by this Ganesha. He judges you, and then you are thrown out. Then to come back is very difficult. Even if you come back, you are suspicious of yourself, and others are also suspicious of you. So you see, what you have to understand is that this is a judgment point. Introspect yourself, find out: Am I wise? If I’m doing this, am I doing wise things? Is it wise for me to do? Is it all right for me as a Sahaja Yogi to do it? Should I do it or not? At every point you should see. I mean, you know that I don’t want any money, and I don’t want any presents – I’ve said a hundred times, but they won’t listen. Now they are saying that “Mother if you stop giving us presents, we’ll stop.” I said, “You stop first, then I’ll stop.” But despite all this quarrel and fight, there’s one thing definitely: there’s love, and you want to express it. But love here is not attached; it’s detached love, where it flows to its greatest extent, takes all the responsibility. There are people who go on criticizing other Sahaja Yogis. I have seen this, it’s very common. That’s a sign of a very low type of a Sahaja Yogi, because he doesn’t see what’s wrong with him. He’s trying to criticize others. Does he see what is wrong with him? There are other kinds of Sahaja Yogis who do not realize that they are like ganas. They are like ganas, and imagine the ganas, how quick they are. The Ganesha is creating those ganas, and they are in the sternum bones first, and then they go all over the body. As soon as this Centre Heart, the Mother’s place, starts little bit vibrating, they get alerted. So we have to be alert. It’s very important that we have to be alert. For about twelve years of your age these ganas stay there in the sternum bone, and then they go to the whole body, because they are matured enough. They are kept there till they are completely matured, to fight the enemies. And they know what kind of enemies they have. They know everything: what kind of fighting is needed, what kind of opposition is there. They will just select and they will appoint themselves: who should fight whom, who should do this. But they just don’t sit all the time in the Mother’s house. So, we have to go to the people. We have to go into the Virata’s body. We have to move out, we have to go all out. Without having any fear, you have to fight them. Not to sit at home crying like a baby; now you are all grown-up people. So this is what is written in the Buddha’s future life, that He becomes Matreya, means He has three Mothers in Him: Ma treya. But also that He goes all out in the society, He goes out everywhere, and He changes people. When you asked for Gurupada, you don’t know, you were in trouble. Guru doesn’t sit at home. He has to go all out, meet all kinds of people, tell them about Sahaja Yoga. Not to be afraid. You have to live in the society, you don’t have to have an exclusive society where we enjoy bhajans and things; that’s over now. I mean, of course we’ll always have bhajans, it doesn’t mean that. But you have to go beyond. Not only to be involved only in your own problems, which are being now solved – so only in Sahaja Yoga, but Sahaja Yogis – but you have to go all out, meet other people, tell them about Sahaja Yoga. The best is to wear badges so people ask, “Who is this?” Then you can talk to them, your friends, your society. You don’t have to give up anything. Don’t have to give up anything. You are detached, you just go and see for yourself: this is wrong. Like yesterday they showed all kinds of things, also disco dance they showed. You should go to the disco and give them the pamphlets, show them [and ask], “What are you doing, are you mad?” Or do this kind of a disco more there so they’ll say, “What’s wrong with them?” Then you say, “We are copying you.” That will put them down. You see a lady who is, say, smoking and this and that, standing with a pose, go and stand before her with a pose and smoking like this. She’ll stop it. So by copying them, one way, showing them what they are. Another [way]: writing. You must have writing. It’s very important to write and answer. I must tell that there’s a very nice article which has come now with Me, and the English Sahaja Yogis should take it from Me and answer the gentleman. It’s very important. It’s in My room, I’ll give it to them. You must know what’s happening all around—what’s happening in Bosnia, what’s happening in Italy, what’s happening here. You should read newspapers. You can see television also, now, when you are matured. Otherwise if you see television, you’ll go mad like other television people are. So what’s the use of seeing the television? But if you see the television with a detached mind, you’ll immediately get the point where you have to hit. Otherwise you are sitting in the house nicely covered up: “Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother, Mother.” That’s not so. Ganesha gives powers to these ganas, and they fight. That’s why He’s called as Ganapati. If you want to call Me Ganapati, then you have to be like ganas, you have to be like ganas, who go all out, and work it out in so many ways. There are so many tricks which you can play on these people and try to bring them to Sahaja Yoga. And with you is this all-pervading Power. You should not shun them. For example, the laws of your countries are so horrible. Some of the laws are so horrible, the peculiar type. You should write. There’s no equity, there’s no sense in so many laws that you have, which are money-oriented. Say, in France they have very, very funny laws. And they never maintain the law, they don’t believe in it. There are no morals, there are no laws. You write to them. You must go and see newspaper people, tell them about it. Try to now assert yourself. Unless and until you do that, nobody is going to get to Sahaja Yoga. You might get very great people out of that. You can invite some people, you can call them. The modus operandi of these gurus I have seen. They write very nice letters to all these big, big johnnies, as soon as they go to some house. Then they seek an interview, go and see that person, talk to him. They carry, you see, a sort of a – a kind of a negotiations, you can call it, or some sort of a panel will go and see them. It’s all that level. And then they show them books: “See now this is happening, why don’t you take to it? We don’t want money,” this thing, that thing. You might get lots of people. But you have to invite them, because unless and until you invite them, they’ll not come to you. So you have to invite them, and you have to tell them that, “We want to meet you. This is it.” Out of at least hundred, if not, at least twenty will reply. They would like to meet you. You should say, “We found out this, we found out that.” So now today as Ganesha’s ganas, you have to do this special work, is to understand now you are matured enough, you have to go in the society. Now if you get upset: “Mother, I went there and this happened and that happened,” it doesn’t matter. You are not going to be crucified, you are not going to be murdered. And do you know there’s all the time My protection on you? If you want, you can see a photograph we have, with him, you can see that. Complete protection. It follows you. You have seen light on your heads. You are the marked people, who are already sitting in the Kingdom of God. Why should you be afraid? Why should you not meet people? Then also I said, “Make some music.” Like yesterday’s [music], I liked the way they were singing. At least, you see, whatever they were singing, it may not be pop music sort or something, but it was clear. The message should be clear—you can use pop style, doesn’t matter—but the message should be clear, it should not be – I can never understand what they are singing. So every word should be clear-cut. We can go all out to have real publicity, but for that we need people who are really matured enough. Otherwise, with the slightest provocation they get upset, start fighting—finished. Also we should not say that, “You are intellectual, you cannot understand.” You say: “You can, mentally also you can understand, we can explain to you.” Prepare yourself. We can even have some sort of seminars or classes where we can discuss about these things. In the pujas you can have some sort of a – morning time is always free – some sort of a seminar or a discussion, or they call it a brain trust or whatever it is. And there you can discuss things: how we can proceed, what we can do. Now the time has come. It’s over now, all this preparation is over, you are prepared for it. Now you have to go all out, tell people. You know these people from this Brahma Kumari what they tell: “Now the doomsday has come. You are all going to be doomed” – openly – “and so that you give us money, you’ll be saved.” So now you have to say that, “This is the last judgment. You take your realization, otherwise you’ll be doomed.” Unless and until you take your realization, without your ascent you cannot get out of your genetic problems. All these genetic problems can be only solved if you get your realization. So you have to tell others, “Get out of your personal problems.” “Mother, my wife has no children”—it doesn’t matter. There are so many children in this world, you are doing a good work by not having a child. And if you want to have a child, you can adopt a child. Then: “My child is like this, my child is like that, my child.” So much attachment to children, I’ve never seen. Before marriage, if they have children, I’ve seen people treat them better. But if they are married, they kill their children. So many people kill their children, abuse their children, do all kinds of things. But once they are Sahaja Yogis, from this end to that end they just get glued to their children. So there should be a detached attitude towards everything. And no attachments. Then only you’ll be free. But that doesn’t mean that you are not doing your duty, your nourishment that is needed. You have to give love to everyone, you have to care for everyone, but you shouldn’t get attached. I have seen people, they get attached even to Sahaja Yogis. One Sahaja Yogi misbehaved and went out of Sahaja Yoga, and ten Sahaja Yogis went away with him. They are not attached to Me but to that stupid Sahaja Yogi. He went to Nepal, he learnt some avidya, he came back, and they went away with him. That shows you have not developed your personality. How dare anybody influence you and say that, “Get out of Sahaja Yoga.” If you have a matured personality and responsibility, you will say: “I have to do Sahaja Yoga work. That’s the main thing I have to do.” You must know that though you look like ordinary people, but God has chosen you. If any one of you does not do Sahaja Yoga work, who will be blamed? In every aspect of life, one should understand. You see, I don’t say that you give Me money or anything. I don’t want anything from you; as it is, you know how much I am spending. But definitely if money is needed somewhere, you must go all out to help with money also. People will spend money on, say, races or spend money on some sort of a pub. All that money is saved now, you don’t have to go to a pub, nothing. So if money is needed, you have to spend. Then another thing is, people just start asking: “Why is it so expensive? Why this, why that?” In Sahaja Yoga, everybody knows accounts. Everybody has accounts, there’s nothing secret – where money goes, what we are using it for. How do you have this tent? How do you have this land? How do you have Daglio? Just think. And nobody thinks like that: from where does Mother get money to do all these things? I don’t need such a big castle, do I? For what? I’ve already bought another house in London from My own money. Why? It’s—already you have spent so much money for this Shudy Camp—it’s giving no money at all. Well, I don’t need Sahaja Yoga, it is you people who need it. And if you start saving money on that also, then I don’t know what to say to you. It doesn’t mean like in the church they say you must give money and all that, but your dedication. If you have the dedication, then you will yourself think: “That is my responsibility.” On the contrary, you’ll say, “Oh, you need money? All right.” Now a school has to be built. Who has built Vashi? Who has built this Ganapatipule? Who has built such a big ashram now you’ll see in Delhi? Who has donated money for Sahaja Yoga so far? You all have prospered in life, you all have got sufficient money, but what are you doing? So, in this aspect, you have to see that you do your level best for Sahaja Yoga. Another side is your creativity. There have been very great artists who came out of Sahaja Yoga. If they have to give any present, they’ll give the smallest possible, the cheapest possible. The most expensive one they keep with themselves and sell it. If they could give even one piece like that, we can sell it in the market, just for Sahaja Yoga. But they’ll give something very cheapish which cannot be used. It’s just adding up to My personal archives. But if they give something sensible, it can be sold. Then musicians who go abroad, they can give their programs and things and can make some money. And also, if it is needed, that money can be used. Do you know, I just asked once, that: collect some money for India project. One year, in Sahasrara. You must know that there were only five thousand pounds collected. And I was so ashamed that they are still there as it is, in the bank. How can you send five thousand to India? What will they think of you? Even the school is for you, it is for your children, not for Indian children. But still it will be built by Indians, I know that – or by Me. Thus, we should realize that if we are wasting some money somewhere, we can utilize some money for Sahaja Yoga. We should have some money for our organization. Otherwise, this is how whatever we save on food or anything, that’s a very little amount. But still we are managing. Every guru takes money outside first, and then: come to the puja. Outside. And that, too, a real sumptuous one [puja]. I don’t need any money. Even your puja money, everything, you know it goes into silver, because you cannot have puja with plastics. So to understand this, you have to have auspiciousness, holiness. Now, you call Me “Holy Mother,” but are you respectful like that? Do you know what I am? Ganesha knew. Once, His Father said that, “Whosoever goes round the Mother Earth first, I’ll give that person a present.” So another brother, Kartikeya, He had a nice vahana – a nice vehicle – who was a peacock, while Ganesha had just a little rat, a mouse. He could never have competed with Him. So He said, “Who is greater than My Mother? She is the greatest of all. What is this Mother Earth or anyone? She can create so many Mother Earths like that.” So He just went round Her and He got the prize. And this Kartikeya was still flying. So that is what it is, to understand the auspiciousness. Though, I must say, I’m a Mahamaya. No doubt, it’s not easy—you will never know Me fully. Never. That should not be, because then you won’t sit here, you’ll all run away. But despite that, try to understand. As Ganesha has understood His Mother, you have to understand. That extent is rather difficult, but still try: that this is the Power sitting before you. How we behave, how we talk, how we take decisions, what we do, is all wrong. If this doesn’t penetrate into your brains, that means Kundalini has not come there. People could not raise even one Kundalini, one person’s Kundalini. Even this artist who came, she said, “How can it be possible? I’m not so – I’ve done nothing. I’m not a person who is a saint. How can I get realization?” She was telling Me like this, “How can it be, Mother?” But you all got it, no doubt. None of you have doubts about it. And not only that it’s happening through Me, but you also can do it now. Who can do this kind of a thing, in the history of spirituality? But I keep a kind of an image of Myself: I joke, I make fun, I do everything just like a normal mother. But that should not give you liberties. That should not. Some people have written very rude letters to Me. I must tell you: be careful. You can’t write rude letters to Me. Better not. When you suffer then you’ll say, “Mother, this has happened, that has happened.” You have no business to write rude letters to Me. And though I read them, and I forgive. No doubt. Because you are ignorant. But you must have knowledge, you must understand this, that: to whom are you writing and what you are writing. This side is, of course, we have to see that Shri Ganesha has also a parasha in his hand. He is one of the most strict deities. Very strict. Others may hesitate a little bit, but He cannot tolerate. That’s why Christ has said that “I will tolerate anything against Me, but nothing against the Holy Ghost.” Clearly He has warned – clearly – because He has a parasha in His hand. And people get punished, no doubt. So this is another thing one has to understand, that Shri Ganesha has this parasha. And you too all have this parasha in your hand, which you don’t know. Anybody who will try to trouble you will be in trouble. But what is missing is the faith. Not blind, but enlightened faith. If you have enlightened faith, then it works. There’s one gentleman working in London airport. He’s an Indian, but I think he was looked after by some Western foreigner people. Very good man. So he cannot come to the programs, he is very busy and all that, he cannot. But if I am in the airport, he knows I am there. Some people tried to trouble him. So he said, “Don’t trouble me. My Mother is very strong, you know. Don’t trouble me.” They wouldn’t listen, three of them. And the three of them the next day lost their jobs. He said, “Why?” They said, “We don’t know. The boss told us, ‘You get out of the jobs.’ We don’t know how we lost our jobs.” And still today they haven’t got jobs. He said, “I had told you.” They said, “Who is your Mother? Let us meet Her also. You see, this is what has happened to us, sorry we did this to you.” But nothing works out now. So you must have full faith in Sahaja Yoga, in Me, and in yourself. Those who do not have faith in themselves, how can they have faith in others? This is another one thing you must understand: that you have tremendous powers. Tremendous powers, if you have faith. You’ll just pray, “Mother, I want this gentleman to be cured, or this lady to be cured.” It will be cured; you don’t have to even touch that person. But your faith. Like yesterday they brought one lady. I was very busy, I was talking, doing this—these are only two, three days when I have to really work very hard with all the problems, and I couldn’t see her. I said, “Why don’t you go and cure? You can cure.” Why should any Sahaja Yogi suffer from anything when there are other Sahaja Yogis? Why should I cure anymore? You all just put your hands and see if you can cure or not. Even your prayers are so powerful, you have no idea. Just pray. You have got the parasha in your hand, and nobody can harm you. And you have got the hand that can bless others. You have got that. You start your generosity and see: the Lakshmi will flow. But if you are not generous, calculating each and every pai – finished. Why should you? The Lakshmi will serve you. Know your powers, as Shri Ganesha knew it very well. He never bothered. Even with an elephant head, He managed so many things. With human heads you should manage much better. Or do you need elephant heads? Then another thing He has, is that He’s a satisfied person. Extremely satisfied. And what He eats is a modaka—they have given [this to] Me just now here—is the modaka He eats. So that means that He eats something which is substantial, which has got all these dry fruits and everything in it, that’s what He eats. And that is one capacity He has, to eat. Because you can please Him by giving Him things. But Mine is just the other way round: I can’t eat much, and you want to give Me. I don’t know, He has taken all My capacity to eat, I think. But He can eat well. And whatever you eat, if you think of Him: “Shri Ganesha, I offer you this food also,” you’ll never find dearth of food at all, never. Anything you want. Like the other day, it was very hot. They said, “Mother, cool it down.” I said, “All right.” As soon as it cooled down, left to the right Shri Ganesha comes up. So He came with full force. He cooled it down, and rained and rained and rained, brought water also, because there was no water in these streams—you had to do your footsoaking, so water came also. And what a testing! In one thing, how much happened. He tested you, He saw you, nothing happened. Even a little tent was not blown off. It was all fun. This is what it is, that you are also a testing ground for others. Immediately you will know what sort of a man it is. You are so powerful. Use your powers. Use your powers. But what happens if your attention is on other things, it’s not pure. The attention is on others. Keep attention on Shri Ganesh, keep attention on Me. Everything will work out. Why should you work when He is there to work out everything for you, His ganas are there to work out for you? So put your attention in such a way that you know you are alert – daksha – you are alert, you know where your attention is going. And then you see the attention, how it works. I never expected that I’ll mature you so fast, but you have matured. But unless and until you know yourself fully, what you have got, how am I to give you certificate? Even if I give certificate, you won’t believe. Like they say you have graduated. Now you are not only graduated, but you are masters. Otherwise I would never have told you to ask for Gurupada. You are praveenas now. “Praveen” means a master. Use your mastery. But still you are sitting at home, this, that: “My father is sick.” Go and treat him – you are a master. Like Shri Ganesha, such a little thing like that is the master, you are also masters. The ladies also should know they are also masters. Instead of getting involved into smaller things and brickbats and all that, rise! Another great quality of Him is that He uses His teeth to write. Teeth come to you from Shri Krishna—wisdom of Shri Krishna which becomes the Virat, the brain. So He uses the teeth to write. He wrote Mahabharata with His teeth. So it is said that you must use your brain with the enlightenment of Shri Krishna, and write, write, and write, and produce it into books. All these gurus have been successful because they created books. And these books were read by people and they were so much impressed, because anything black and white becomes something great. You can also make nice dramas, as you have made. You can approach the televisions and things, that: “We have a nice drama for children.” Now think about going in to people. Live in the society, live with them, deliver to them what you have got. It’s your duty. It’s not only that, but it is also a special privilege to you. I mean, for today, as it is we had to delay, and I’ve tried to give you some points about Shri Ganesh. I think even if you give Me a hundred lectures I cannot finish it, it’s so great. It’s like an ocean to Me. So I hope you will understand the essential, the fundamental principles of Shri Ganesha, and what innocence is. The first is wisdom. May God bless you all.
Unless and until you have the actualisation of this experience, you cannot become divine
United States
New York City
Public Program
Public Program [note = There are 5 audio tracks out of which 4&5 is realisation which is excluded from transcription here, (SR part on Video)] Track 1Shri Mataji: At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot describe it, but, truth is that you have to feel this all pervading power of divine love on your central nervous system. Another truth is, fundamental one, that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but, you are pure spirit. This is what you have to become. You have to get to your selfhood. Just giving sermons and lectures or talking about it, it is not going to work out. It is the actualisation which is important. Unless and until you have the actualisation of this experience, you cannot become divine. The divinity within you is absolutely there intact. Nothing can disturb it because it is eternal. But it has been through our thinking, may be be our ignorance, call it anything, is covered as the sun can be covered with clouds. It is all there. But you are here, you are here as seekers and I respect you and I bow to you because you are seekers, seekers of truth. What do you have to find? You have to become the spirit. This is the most important point we have missed in our seeking. I know in this New York when I first came, I was really surprised that such advertisement and such falsehood and so much money was going on in the name of God. And people are so naive, so simple, and so faithful that they accepted all these false people from India, who came from everywhere. But one has to know that God doesn’t understand money, you cannot purchase it. We live with money, we deal with money, but not God. The divine does not know your banks, your affluence and recession, doesn’t know. So first of all we have to respect ourselves as seekers. This is where I think we have failed. We are not ??. Sometimes we lack that dignity of a seeker. Ofcourse, some of them have gone to any extent of torture , I know that. But some of them have been very frivelous about it. Like you have shopping here, massive store, this store, that store, so they are going from one place to another to another to another. And I was stunned the way people liked all these showmanship. That time I did tell them that don’t take to unnatural life and I told them that you will develop a disease like AIDS. About 10 years back I told them you will develop a disease, ?? but they don’t like it. You have to pamper their ego to say that no, no, you are great you are already there in the heavens, you are already twic born. It’s not so. I can’t tell lies. But this is what has filed us, all these ??. Though I must say American are excellent people, very knowledgeable. So before you go to any guru, you should first find out the disciples, their lifestyle, how are they, what are they doing. Now most of them are exposed, of course now. But still new people are coming up. And so blatantly they are telling things that I don’t know what happens to our intelligence that we can’t find out that they are just marketing it. How can you market God? Its turning away from, all these, now people may take to fundamentalism. Is true. Because they have to have faith in something. So they take to fundamentalism. But just look at these religions also, what they have done in the name of God. Christ has said, you will be calling me calling me Christ Christ, I wouldn’t recognize you. So with all these kind of people coming up, though I have been telling them by names, I described them by names, I told people who were they before and what are they now and how are they going to get at it. But they would not listen to me. It’s impossible to understand how such intelligent people like americans can get so mesmerised and so very easily. And bombardment of these advertisement, advertisement, really. First I refused to have any posters put in America. I thought if there are seekers they will come. But doesn’t work out that way, doesn’t work out that way. And so now before I tell you about it, I have to tell you one thing that you have to be serious about it. You must respect yourself. Not only that human beings but you are seekers of truth. You have been seeking in your last lives and now where there is chance for you to get it, at this time you should be serious; and not treat as another show going on. This they asked me permission to show this, I said alright do it. I mean if that is going to help you. But why should you even believe that? Why should you also believe me? At least you must know that I want you to know yourself. And if you don’t know yourself, you should have no faith in me. But you have to come forward. When I started my work in England, you the English are known for their snobbishness, they are snobbish, but their scholarship nobody can match. That’s another thing with their snobbishness, they are scholars. And there suddenly it clicked with them and they came along. So there is one thing we have to remember, Christ has said it that the meek in heart will inherit the earth. We have to be humble about it, that we have not known so far and that we have to know. That’s all. You don’t have to surrender your money to me, surrender these ??. Only things is that we have not known so far, I have been a seeker, I have been running all over the places, I haven’t fund it and let me now find it, for final. 9.50 So in us lies this kundalini in the triangular bone (at the base of spine). Its a very ancient knowledge. Its not nothing new as such. But in those days the tradition was to have only one disciple and one master. We had people who were devotional, we had people who were doing research sort of thing and we can say they were, with vedas, they were trying to find out how to master the material life or you can say the five elements. But we have people in our country since long who wanted that we should know ourselves, self knowledge, selfrealisation -’atmasakshatkar’. If this knowledge comes to you from India, what’s the harm? After all the whole scientific knowledge has come to us from the West. And also Christ was also not born in England. Anywhere we get the knowledge we should respect it. The reason is we were so busy in the West, developing ourselved outside that we didn’t tried to find out our roots; and this is the knowledge of the roots. All this knowledge can be yours, you can’t pay for it. That’s one thing please remember. Its so invaluable. All this knowledge can be yours and you could master it, you all can become masters; but for that you have to have a quality. It is not meant for stupid, idiots and lousy people. And also for shifty people. You have to be solid sahaja yogis for that only thing what is need is pure desire to become the spirit, the pure desire. Because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. You know the law of economics is that ‘no want is satiable’ in the sense that in general wnats are not satiable. Today you want to have this, tomorrow you want to have that, then that, it goes no moving from one to another. So whatever desires we have are all mundane. But the pure desire if you are aware of it or not is to know yourself. Without knowing yourself you cannot know the divine, you cannnot know almighty. No use talking about God, giving big big lectures and surmons and this and that. It’s all a yarn out the heads of the people that is coming out. It has no substance in it. First of all we have to know ourselves. Get ourself, then only we will know what is the truth or what is not. I don’t know what Gregoire has told you about kundalini. But when it rises, it is spontaneous. No we should understand what is spontaneous. We have flowers here, we see them so beautiful they are. They come from this mother earth. How? Isn’t it a miracle? Look at our eyes, which is a camera, and the brain is a computer; how did we get all these things? We take everything for granted. Who does all this living work? We never ever think. And Science cannot answer. Scinece has its own limitations. It cannot say why are you here and what is your purpose of life? It cannot, it cannot answer this. Unless and untill you get this answer you will be restless, you will be nervous, you will be upset, you will be insecure till you find out the answer why are we here. So these miracles takes place spontaneously because the seed has the built in quality to sprout and the mother earth has the built in quality to sprout it. It just works out. We can say that mother earth is a living thing. Seed is also potentially living. Whatever it is, the most important thing is you born in those special days when you have to get what you have been seeking. So when this kundalini rises, whatever may be your genetics, whatever may be your race, your this and that, all the problems that come out of conditioning and your ego and your enterprises into various aspects of life, whatever it has been, there is one thing for sure that everything can change with your ascent because spirit is a universal being. It cannot be conditioned and you will jump into a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, about which (Carl) Jung has written. But Jung knew little bit about it, not the full of it. He has written about the collective consciousness means you start feelings others on your being. You will be surprised in Quran, Mohammad Sahab has said that at the time of Qiyama, means resurrection, your hands will speak. But who is bothered to see about the Qiyama. They are just fighting. All these religions have become money oriented or power oriented. None of them are spirit oriented. Whatever they may say about themselves. And they don’t know how to retain their existence. So they are trying all kinds of things. Whatever is false has to be destroyed. That time has come. So now, when this ascent takes place, first thing that happens to you that you become collectively conscious. Means on central nervous system you can feel the centres of others. Your own centres and the centres of others. This is the beginning of it. But that doesn’t mean spiritually you are fully evolved. First state of evolution takes place when you cross over on this centre, optic chiasma, where you become thoughtlessly aware ‘nirvichar samadhi’. Thoughtlessly aware. It has to happen. For eg. We live all the time in the past or in future and our mind is all the time jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts could be very trouble some. But when kundalini rises she pushes these thoughts on one side and in between there is a little space or vilamba in sanskrit, it’s a pause where there is the present. So in the present you don’t think. And unless and until you are in the present, you cannot grow spiritually. And if I say you stand in the present, you cannot. As the result of this first establishment of your state you become extremely kind, peaceful, relaxed, and atleast drop 20 years of your age (looks youger). All your wrinkles drop, all your twitching and nervousness drops out. You become extremely calm. Like if you are on the periphery of the wheel, moving, moving, moving, but the axis of the wheel is quiet. Has to be. It can’t move. If it start moving, cart will never move, the car will never move. So you jump on the axis of your being. From there you see everything. You become the witness. Like when you are watching some drama, suddenly you see Napoleon, you think you are also Napoleon. You see you also get into that mode. 20.05 But when the drama is over, what do you find? It was drama, it’s over! In the same way all this becomes like a drama and you become the witness of that. Moreover, all those problems which were troubling you, you can see them now. Like in water you are afraid getting drowned. But, supposingly you get up somehow or the other into a boat, you can watch these waves. But, if you become a swimmer, you can save so many. The second state where it breaks through from your fontanelle bone area, this is the actualisation of baptism. Not that some priest put water on your head and say ‘now you are baptised’. William Blake has said ‘a priest cursed me on my fontanelle’; and people call him mad. You see if every body is mad, a sane person also looks like mad then. And this is what we should not accept. And then you can feel a cool breeze coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. You start doubting, is there a aircondition in my head or what, how it’s coming out? But first mostly it is hot, then it goes down. The reason is all the heat of the body. But with some cancer patients I have seen even in London the room can get heated up. But when this kundalini rises she nourishes these centres on the left and the right side. You have the sympathetic nervous system which we use, left and right side, they join together and a centre is form, like this. When you start using the energy, what happens there is constriction of these and sometimes it breaks. When it breaks there is no connection with the whole. That's how you develop all these incurable diseases, specially cancer. You will be happy to know even blood cancer has been cured through Sahaja yoga. We don’t want to advertise too much because all the blood cancer (patients) will be coming on our heads. What we want sane, good, healthy people first become doctors and then they can cure others. There are three doctors in delhi university where they have got their MD in Sahaja yoga. We have one here now. On their thesis on Sahaja yoga, how they have cured incurable diseases. I think asthma and epilepsies, things like that. I mean India is very sensitive to spirituality, I must say. We have lots of hypocrites, lots of wrong people also, but on the whole our life style is very steady. We would have never accepted this Freud in India. I told somebody what Freud was saying about the mother. And the fellow said, ‘really he said so’? I said, yes he did. If he would have come to India we would have chopped him off and threw him in the sea. But here we accepted this horrible devil of a Freud. And now after so many years they are talking against him. It is also I must say the suppression of the catholic church may be, that is the original sin. I mean, imagine Christ attended a wedding, was he trying to encourage a original sin? There is no logic in this. All this yarn has come out of Paul’s mind and he used this Peter the weakest disciple of Christ, to completely destroy the work of Christ. This yarn which came out thier heads that it’s a original sin, i mean so we are all sinners (according to them). So these special people who are supposed to be the in charge of affairs are not sinners (?) They can take money from us. But why take money from sinners? We must use our logic when we follow something. What has it given to us? Its not only Christianity, Hinduism same thing I tell you. Horrible. Krishna has said that spirit is in every one. How can they have caste sytem then? And who wrote Gita, Vyasa, who was illegitimate child of a fisher woman. But in the Gita they have changed it and put it that your caste is prenate. It is absolutely a very superficial garment people are wearing as religion which has no connection with them. So first we have to become alert and see for ourselves and introspect, what religion are we following, what do we believe in, what we have accepted, how far it is correct? So, when the kundalini is out and this connection is established, even for a short time, you can feel on your finger tips the all pervading power of divine love. If I talk of God in these modern times because science and dollar has become our God, people don’t like it. But I can talk of divinity. You can then feel that there is this divine power which is doing all this living work. Now imagine you become one with that divine power, then what happens? What is this divine power made of? It has all the vital power, what you call as prana, it has all the mental powers, is called as manasa, and it has all the redeeming power in it. All the knowledge is within us and the whole knowledge starts manifesting itself. We have no idea what we are. Just see this instrument (mike) is made, and it is not put to mains (power connection), it has no meaning. It has to be put to the mains. In the same way once we are connected with this power, we become one with the divine. Or, we can say that we enter into the kingdom of God. Even when they enter, they don’t belive in them. They will say take your seat now this is a thrown for you, still a person looks around. See because if he is begging on street and if you make him a King suddenly, he can’t believe it you see. He sits on the thrown and he is asking (begging). It happens. Doesn’t matter. But gradually you realise that you are extremely powerful, you are extremely dynamic and at the same time you are extremely compassionate. So we have never used the power of love. Always the power of hatred has been used by human beings. It comes from animals I think. Not from the divine. So, in the nature of spirit, when the spirit starts manifesting in your attention, first as I told you, you can feel the centres of others and your centres very clearly. And all of them feel the same. You take 5 children who are realised souls, tie (on) their eyes and ask them, ‘What is this man suffering from’? They will raise the same finger, all of them. And you ask that person ‘have you got a heart trouble?’. Yes, how do you know? This finger (little). It is meta science I am talking to you about, that you become the science itself. You don’t have to go for your diagnosis somewhere. Some people die only in diagnosis, leave alone the further treatment. You can diagnose others, you can diagnose yourself and you know what is wrong within. If you know how to correct our self, you are alright. All the world problems comes from human beings. Must admit. And all the human problems come from their centres. And if you can put these centres alright, you can solve your problem without paying any money, without having any discussions, and arguments, and fightings, and wars; nothing. Because you become a universal being, your universal religion come up. I am surprised, Dalai Lama who is begging all over. Specially in America, lot of money, that’s all they do; has developed such wrinkles all over his face, begging. He told that we can’t have a universal religion because we are all different people. They are now against having a universal religion. But actually all these religions outside which create such barriers between human beings cannot be religion. Within us then rises that universal religion which integrates all the religion and all the beautiful principles of ?? religion. Mahatma Gandhi believed in that and so many people do believe, because he was realised soul. These religions came as beautiful flowers on the tree of spirituality and people have plucked them and now they are marketing those dead flowers and fighting. So you understand all these religions come out of one tree of spirituality. And you see the beauty of it; and also you see the nonsense that people have done in the name of God. Now the first thing you know is the absolute truth about everything. You just put your hands (palms upwards as if asking). Those who don’t believe in God can ask ‘is there God?’ If you are realised soul, vibrations will start cool vibrations in the hand, moving. Supposing a crook is there sitting like a big acetic and you ask ‘is he a real guru?’ Your hand will burn. Not only, sometimes, you might get blister from some of them. So you know the absolute truth. And if everyone knows the same absolute truth then how can there be quarrel, how can there be fight? We have, I don’t know, thousands of people who have got realisation; but about 3000 people come to India for seminar we have; and I am amazed they are from all communities, all races, from all over the world, they never quarrel, no fight, no violence, nothing. They meet each other, no brother can meet like that. No sex problems, like this man running after that woman, that married woman is running after (that man), nothing of the kind. This all. They become pure people, pure. Really they become angels I tell you. They have lived in the same society, enjoying the same nonsense, but suddenly they enjoy their virtues and shy like angels. You all can become angels. This is one thing I promise. But you must know that you can become and you must respect yourself. Whatever may be your birth, your creed, your nation, anything, makes no difference. These are different varieties that God has created to create beauty. That’s all. But every human being can get his selfrealisation because it is inevitable and end of evolution. This is the last breakthrough you have to have. In the beginning American discarded me because I was not charging any money. I couldn’t understand that. I didn’t know how to talk to them. But I hope, its better, the situation is better now. The second very important thing about the spirit is that it brings light in your life, that you see things you are not upset, you don’t get into tensions. Apart from your physical, mental, emotional problems are solved, your spiritual problems are solved. You become like a saint or become a saint. That’s what happens. It’s unbelievable, its so fantastic. But you are fantastic. Supposing I take a little, a television to some remote village and tell them that you can see some films in this, they will say ‘ohh, oh this box?’ We also think we are just boxes, but if you put if you put to the mains we can see what fantasy is and you will be really amazed at yourself. All this otential qualities are expressed because of the light of the spirit within you. Not that, you get back your innocence, but you get back all your powers. In the sense that you can give realisation to others. If there is an enlightened candle it can enlighten another candle. But those who think that now supposing this candle is not enlightened and it thinks that I can get enlightened by myself, it cannot. That’s another ego. An enlightened person can only enlighten another person and when another person is enlightened he can enlighten another person. This is another ego which is killing us. This is a wrong idea. And above all you jump into the ocean of joy. You should understand what joy is. Joy is not duality like happiness and unhappiness. If our ego is pampered you are happy, If it is disturbed we are unhappy. But joy is a state which is singular, which is absolute. It cannot be described, it can be enjoyed. And such a person becomes such a source of peace and simplicity, innocence and love, that you are amazed. Now on the material side also I should tell you that first of all that your creativity starts manifesting. 38.35 I know some people who were Chartered Accountants have become great poets. Imagine a Chartered Accountant dealing with accounts becoming poets. Musician, very great musicians, those who you know, are Sahaja yogis from India. Amjad Ali you must be knowing, ??, Debut Chaudhary, they are all Sahaja yogis. Then because you get wisdom within you, you have right choices and you are blessed by the divine. Your material problems are solved. In England, you will be surprised, we have the highest record of unemployment but not single sahaja yogis are unemployed; its impossible to find. Your wasteful habits are dropped out. So many drug addicts, overnight they have given up drugs. I never tell them don’t do. I never tell them don’t do this. Otherwise, half of them will walk out. Just it happens. Because if you are holding on to a snake, somebody ?? it’s a snake, they will not like it. Bring the light, immediately they will drop out the snake. So all self destructive things that we have acquired, just drops out and we become extremely constructive. Aesthetically we become very rich and we understand that righteousness is the only way we can live happily. We just become righteous. Christ has said ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’; what a subtle thing he has said. Even the eyes should not have any lust and greed. Actually thats what happens. And these innocent eyes are so powerful, that even a glance can do a lot. This mastery I don’t want to tell you too much because you wouldn’t be able to bear it; what mastery you can reach. But, the greatest thing that happens to you that by knowing yourself you are absolutely confident of yourself but you do not agress anyone and do not take anybody’s aggression. You develop such a personality that no body can aggress you. Neither you aggress anyone. And if anybody aggresses you, you take it just as a joke. You don’t take it seriously. This kind of personality is within you which is trying to manifest. Some people who never used to sing started singing so beautifully. Can you imagine these English who stayed in India for 300 years, didn’t know how to say one sentence of Hindi language. Its impossible. Now they are singing sanskrit songs. Can’t understand ?? very beautifully. If you just close the door don’t see them, you wouldn’t believe. Even the Indians can’t sing the way they are singing.Because you have become universal, you start understanding. The whole alertness helps you because one has to understand that there is divine power which is working it out everything. Whatever you saw in this ?? is the work of divine power. And you feel amazed that at every step how they help you. How you get rid of your diseases. In Sahaja yoga no body gets sick. Very rarely. Even if they start getting sick, they know why this is happening, they can correct themselves. On the agricultural side we have experimented, if you give vibrated water or if a sahaja yogi does the cultivation, sometimes this yield could be 10 times more than normal and with non-hybrid seeds. Even with animals, with animal husbandry, so many professors have experimented. Except for this country everyone has taken Sahaja yoga very seriously. Scientists, doctors; in London there are 7 doctors who are doing recording of so many people have been cured of so many diseases. 43.42 Track 2 There are scientists in Switzerland who have found out so many things. All this happens just because you yourself have the power to do it. This science is not conclusive. Today you find out something to bake your cake easily, then you do something how to shave fast, then something else, something else, but nothing about yourself. Goes on like that. You go to moon, you go to this place, you go there, what you get? Why not go to yourself? If all these things are contained many more, why not allow our spirituality to come up. Ofcourse you don’t have to give money, but, you have to give some time. Because the whole thing is now working on a collective basis not on individual basis. If you say alright, I am doing myself meditation, mother has told ?? I am doing at home, it wouldn’t work out. You have to be in the collective. Say a nail is cut out of the finger it wouldn’t grow. So you have to belong the whole body. Once you become collective you will never leave it, because its so enjoyable. Such pure joy. Example, first when I went to Russia, there were 25 Germans who came to help me. I was really touched. I asked them ‘how is it you all have come’? So they said mother ‘don’t you think we bear responsibility for what our forefathers have done.’ with the tears in their eyes. If you see these Germans, they are the gentlest people you could think of, very gentle. This is time for us to change. It’s all working out. Russia is of course as he said. India I need not tell you because India is tremendous. Also I think so many Arabic countries will now jump into it because they are fedup with fundamentalism. Russia may be one day a very very great country because they are very solid people, very introspective, very satisfied. There are 30% who are just minial workers and things, they will ask you for American gene or something like that, but 70% are, every third person is a doctor of this and doctor of that. 200 scientists invited me to address them and they said ‘Mother don’t tell us about science - we know, tell us about divine science. Which absolutely conclusive, not only that but which is absolutely absolute. You cannot imporve on it. It’s so efficient, it’s so definite, so meticulous and its so beautiful. It’s all there. There are so many other things that you can discover and I leave it to you. Now to get to it. Track 3 because Sahaja yogis are now here are fed up. They say that 100 will come to our program and 2 will stay then 1 will stick. I can’t believe it that Americans can’t take things seriously. Can’t believe it, where people like Abraham Lincoln, great people who gave democracy to whole world and there is so much for you to give. You will be held responsible in a way because you are here, I have told you the truth, and if you do not get to it, it’s your responsibility. I cannot force on you, its your freedom. If you don’t want to have it, how can I force? It cannot be forced. I have seen all the gurus, they will write letters to all the people inviting them, all those who have money and all – please come to uor program. They have delegations to meet them. No, its for seekers. Not for the rich or the poor or politicians, for bureaucrats, for anything, or for any successful musicians; its meant only for seekers. If you are true seeker you should get it. It’s your right to get it. Sahaja- ‘saha’ means with you, ‘ja’ is born, this right to get this yoga-union with the divine. I am happy to see so many Indians here. It is there heritage. But I think dollar system might have little bit clouded their eyes. This is their heritage. And they should take to it. But it is the right of every human being to have it. 300 years of British rule in India has changed our country a lot. We lost all our old knowledge which is 1000s and 1000s of years old. Markandeya (sage) wrote about it this 14000 years back. Then Adi Shankaracharya in 6th century, 12th century Gyaneshwara, then Nanaka. Guru Nanaka has so clearly said it. Where are they? I hope in this visit of mine in New York many of you will take to it seriously. I must tell you now I am 70 years of age, I don’t know, every day I am travelling. I don’t know how long will I continue in my life time I would like New York people settle down nicely in Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all.
Public Program [note = There are 5 audio tracks out of which 4&5 is realisation which is excluded from transcription here, (SR part on Video)] Track 1Shri Mataji: At the very outset we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, we cannot describe it, but, truth is that you have to feel this all pervading power of divine love on your central nervous system. Another truth is, fundamental one, that you are not this body, this mind, these emotions, this ego, these conditionings, but, you are pure spirit. This is what you have to become. You have to get to your selfhood. Just giving sermons and lectures or talking about it, it is not going to work out. It is the actualisation which is important. Unless and until you have the actualisation of this experience, you cannot become divine. The divinity within you is absolutely there intact. Nothing can disturb it because it is eternal. But it has been through our thinking, may be be our ignorance, call it anything, is covered as the sun can be covered with clouds. It is all there. But you are here, you are here as seekers and I respect you and I bow to you because you are seekers, seekers of truth. What do you have to find? You have to become the spirit. This is the most important point we have missed in our seeking. I know in this New York when I first came, I was really surprised that such advertisement and such falsehood and so much money was going on in the name of God. And people are so naive, so simple, and so faithful that they accepted all these false people from India, who came from everywhere. But one has to know that God doesn’t understand money, you cannot purchase it. We live with money, we deal with money, but not God. The divine does not know your banks, your affluence and recession, doesn’t know. So first of all we have to respect ourselves as seekers. This is where I think we have failed. We are not ??. Sometimes we lack that dignity of a seeker. Ofcourse, some of them have gone to any extent of torture , I know that. But some of them have been very frivelous about it. Like you have shopping here, massive store, this store, that store, so they are going from one place to another to another to another. And I was stunned the way people liked all these showmanship. That time I did tell them that don’t take to unnatural life and I told them that you will develop a disease like AIDS. About 10 years back I told them you will develop a disease, ?? but they don’t like it. You have to pamper their ego to say that no, no, you are great you are already there in the heavens, you are already twic born. It’s not so. I can’t tell lies. But this is what has filed us, all these ??. Though I must say American are excellent people, very knowledgeable. So before you go to any guru, you should first find out the disciples, their lifestyle, how are they, what are they doing. Now most of them are exposed, of course now. But still new people are coming up. And so blatantly they are telling things that I don’t know what happens to our intelligence that we can’t find out that they are just marketing it. How can you market God? Its turning away from, all these, now people may take to fundamentalism. Is true. Because they have to have faith in something. So they take to fundamentalism. But just look at these religions also, what they have done in the name of God. Christ has said, you will be calling me calling me Christ Christ, I wouldn’t recognize you. So with all these kind of people coming up, though I have been telling them by names, I described them by names, I told people who were they before and what are they now and how are they going to get at it. But they would not listen to me. It’s impossible to understand how such intelligent people like americans can get so mesmerised and so very easily. And bombardment of these advertisement, advertisement, really. First I refused to have any posters put in America. I thought if there are seekers they will come. But doesn’t work out that way, doesn’t work out that way. And so now before I tell you about it, I have to tell you one thing that you have to be serious about it. You must respect yourself. Not only that human beings but you are seekers of truth. You have been seeking in your last lives and now where there is chance for you to get it, at this time you should be serious; and not treat as another show going on. This they asked me permission to show this, I said alright do it. I mean if that is going to help you. But why should you even believe that? Why should you also believe me? At least you must know that I want you to know yourself. And if you don’t know yourself, you should have no faith in me. But you have to come forward. When I started my work in England, you the English are known for their snobbishness, they are snobbish, but their scholarship nobody can match. That’s another thing with their snobbishness, they are scholars. And there suddenly it clicked with them and they came along. So there is one thing we have to remember, Christ has said it that the meek in heart will inherit the earth. We have to be humble about it, that we have not known so far and that we have to know. That’s all. You don’t have to surrender your money to me, surrender these ??. Only things is that we have not known so far, I have been a seeker, I have been running all over the places, I haven’t fund it and let me now find it, for final. 9.50 So in us lies this kundalini in the triangular bone (at the base of spine). Its a very ancient knowledge. Its not nothing new as such. But in those days the tradition was to have only one disciple and one master. We had people who were devotional, we had people who were doing research sort of thing and we can say they were, with vedas, they were trying to find out how to master the material life or you can say the five elements. But we have people in our country since long who wanted that we should know ourselves, self knowledge, selfrealisation -’atmasakshatkar’. If this knowledge comes to you from India, what’s the harm? After all the whole scientific knowledge has come to us from the West. And also Christ was also not born in England. Anywhere we get the knowledge we should respect it. The reason is we were so busy in the West, developing ourselved outside that we didn’t tried to find out our roots; and this is the knowledge of the roots. All this knowledge can be yours, you can’t pay for it. That’s one thing please remember. Its so invaluable. All this knowledge can be yours and you could master it, you all can become masters; but for that you have to have a quality. It is not meant for stupid, idiots and lousy people. And also for shifty people. You have to be solid sahaja yogis for that only thing what is need is pure desire to become the spirit, the pure desire. Because this kundalini is the power of pure desire. You know the law of economics is that ‘no want is satiable’ in the sense that in general wnats are not satiable. Today you want to have this, tomorrow you want to have that, then that, it goes no moving from one to another. So whatever desires we have are all mundane. But the pure desire if you are aware of it or not is to know yourself. Without knowing yourself you cannot know the divine, you cannnot know almighty. No use talking about God, giving big big lectures and surmons and this and that. It’s all a yarn out the heads of the people that is coming out. It has no substance in it. First of all we have to know ourselves. Get ourself, then only we will know what is the truth or what is not. I don’t know what Gregoire has told you about kundalini. But when it rises, it is spontaneous. No we should understand what is spontaneous. We have flowers here, we see them so beautiful they are. They come from this mother earth. How? Isn’t it a miracle? Look at our eyes, which is a camera, and the brain is a computer; how did we get all these things? We take everything for granted. Who does all this living work? We never ever think. And Science cannot answer. Scinece has its own limitations. It cannot say why are you here and what is your purpose of life? It cannot, it cannot answer this. Unless and untill you get this answer you will be restless, you will be nervous, you will be upset, you will be insecure till you find out the answer why are we here. So these miracles takes place spontaneously because the seed has the built in quality to sprout and the mother earth has the built in quality to sprout it. It just works out. We can say that mother earth is a living thing. Seed is also potentially living. Whatever it is, the most important thing is you born in those special days when you have to get what you have been seeking. So when this kundalini rises, whatever may be your genetics, whatever may be your race, your this and that, all the problems that come out of conditioning and your ego and your enterprises into various aspects of life, whatever it has been, there is one thing for sure that everything can change with your ascent because spirit is a universal being. It cannot be conditioned and you will jump into a new awareness which we call as collective consciousness, about which (Carl) Jung has written. But Jung knew little bit about it, not the full of it. He has written about the collective consciousness means you start feelings others on your being. You will be surprised in Quran, Mohammad Sahab has said that at the time of Qiyama, means resurrection, your hands will speak. But who is bothered to see about the Qiyama. They are just fighting. All these religions have become money oriented or power oriented. None of them are spirit oriented. Whatever they may say about themselves. And they don’t know how to retain their existence. So they are trying all kinds of things. Whatever is false has to be destroyed. That time has come. So now, when this ascent takes place, first thing that happens to you that you become collectively conscious. Means on central nervous system you can feel the centres of others. Your own centres and the centres of others. This is the beginning of it. But that doesn’t mean spiritually you are fully evolved. First state of evolution takes place when you cross over on this centre, optic chiasma, where you become thoughtlessly aware ‘nirvichar samadhi’. Thoughtlessly aware. It has to happen. For eg. We live all the time in the past or in future and our mind is all the time jumping on the cusps of these thoughts. Sometimes these thoughts could be very trouble some. But when kundalini rises she pushes these thoughts on one side and in between there is a little space or vilamba in sanskrit, it’s a pause where there is the present. So in the present you don’t think. And unless and until you are in the present, you cannot grow spiritually. And if I say you stand in the present, you cannot. As the result of this first establishment of your state you become extremely kind, peaceful, relaxed, and atleast drop 20 years of your age (looks youger). All your wrinkles drop, all your twitching and nervousness drops out. You become extremely calm. Like if you are on the periphery of the wheel, moving, moving, moving, but the axis of the wheel is quiet. Has to be. It can’t move. If it start moving, cart will never move, the car will never move. So you jump on the axis of your being. From there you see everything. You become the witness. Like when you are watching some drama, suddenly you see Napoleon, you think you are also Napoleon. You see you also get into that mode. 20.05 But when the drama is over, what do you find? It was drama, it’s over! In the same way all this becomes like a drama and you become the witness of that. Moreover, all those problems which were troubling you, you can see them now. Like in water you are afraid getting drowned. But, supposingly you get up somehow or the other into a boat, you can watch these waves. But, if you become a swimmer, you can save so many. The second state where it breaks through from your fontanelle bone area, this is the actualisation of baptism. Not that some priest put water on your head and say ‘now you are baptised’. William Blake has said ‘a priest cursed me on my fontanelle’; and people call him mad. You see if every body is mad, a sane person also looks like mad then. And this is what we should not accept. And then you can feel a cool breeze coming out of your own fontanelle bone area. You start doubting, is there a aircondition in my head or what, how it’s coming out? But first mostly it is hot, then it goes down. The reason is all the heat of the body. But with some cancer patients I have seen even in London the room can get heated up. But when this kundalini rises she nourishes these centres on the left and the right side. You have the sympathetic nervous system which we use, left and right side, they join together and a centre is form, like this. When you start using the energy, what happens there is constriction of these and sometimes it breaks. When it breaks there is no connection with the whole. That's how you develop all these incurable diseases, specially cancer. You will be happy to know even blood cancer has been cured through Sahaja yoga. We don’t want to advertise too much because all the blood cancer (patients) will be coming on our heads. What we want sane, good, healthy people first become doctors and then they can cure others. There are three doctors in delhi university where they have got their MD in Sahaja yoga. We have one here now. On their thesis on Sahaja yoga, how they have cured incurable diseases. I think asthma and epilepsies, things like that. I mean India is very sensitive to spirituality, I must say. We have lots of hypocrites, lots of wrong people also, but on the whole our life style is very steady. We would have never accepted this Freud in India. I told somebody what Freud was saying about the mother. And the fellow said, ‘really he said so’? I said, yes he did. If he would have come to India we would have chopped him off and threw him in the sea. But here we accepted this horrible devil of a Freud. And now after so many years they are talking against him. It is also I must say the suppression of the catholic church may be, that is the original sin. I mean, imagine Christ attended a wedding, was he trying to encourage a original sin? There is no logic in this. All this yarn has come out of Paul’s mind and he used this Peter the weakest disciple of Christ, to completely destroy the work of Christ. This yarn which came out thier heads that it’s a original sin, i mean so we are all sinners (according to them). So these special people who are supposed to be the in charge of affairs are not sinners (?) They can take money from us. But why take money from sinners? We must use our logic when we follow something. What has it given to us? Its not only Christianity, Hinduism same thing I tell you. Horrible. Krishna has said that spirit is in every one. How can they have caste sytem then? And who wrote Gita, Vyasa, who was illegitimate child of a fisher woman. But in the Gita they have changed it and put it that your caste is prenate. It is absolutely a very superficial garment people are wearing as religion which has no connection with them. So first we have to become alert and see for ourselves and introspect, what religion are we following, what do we believe in, what we have accepted, how far it is correct? So, when the kundalini is out and this connection is established, even for a short time, you can feel on your finger tips the all pervading power of divine love. If I talk of God in these modern times because science and dollar has become our God, people don’t like it. But I can talk of divinity. You can then feel that there is this divine power which is doing all this living work. Now imagine you become one with that divine power, then what happens? What is this divine power made of? It has all the vital power, what you call as prana, it has all the mental powers, is called as manasa, and it has all the redeeming power in it. All the knowledge is within us and the whole knowledge starts manifesting itself. We have no idea what we are. Just see this instrument (mike) is made, and it is not put to mains (power connection), it has no meaning. It has to be put to the mains. In the same way once we are connected with this power, we become one with the divine. Or, we can say that we enter into the kingdom of God. Even when they enter, they don’t belive in them. They will say take your seat now this is a thrown for you, still a person looks around. See because if he is begging on street and if you make him a King suddenly, he can’t believe it you see. He sits on the thrown and he is asking (begging). It happens. Doesn’t matter. But gradually you realise that you are extremely powerful, you are extremely dynamic and at the same time you are extremely compassionate. So we have never used the power of love. Always the power of hatred has been used by human beings. It comes from animals I think. Not from the divine. So, in the nature of spirit, when the spirit starts manifesting in your attention, first as I told you, you can feel the centres of others and your centres very clearly. And all of them feel the same. You take 5 children who are realised souls, tie (on) their eyes and ask them, ‘What is this man suffering from’? They will raise the same finger, all of them. And you ask that person ‘have you got a heart trouble?’. Yes, how do you know? This finger (little). It is meta science I am talking to you about, that you become the science itself. You don’t have to go for your diagnosis somewhere. Some people die only in diagnosis, leave alone the further treatment. You can diagnose others, you can diagnose yourself and you know what is wrong within. If you know how to correct our self, you are alright. All the world problems comes from human beings. Must admit. And all the human problems come from their centres. And if you can put these centres alright, you can solve your problem without paying any money, without having any discussions, and arguments, and fightings, and wars; nothing. Because you become a universal being, your universal religion come up. I am surprised, Dalai Lama who is begging all over. Specially in America, lot of money, that’s all they do; has developed such wrinkles all over his face, begging. He told that we can’t have a universal religion because we are all different people. They are now against having a universal religion. But actually all these religions outside which create such barriers between human beings cannot be religion. Within us then rises that universal religion which integrates all the religion and all the beautiful principles of ?? religion. Mahatma Gandhi believed in that and so many people do believe, because he was realised soul. These religions came as beautiful flowers on the tree of spirituality and people have plucked them and now they are marketing those dead flowers and fighting. So you understand all these religions come out of one tree of spirituality. And you see the beauty of it; and also you see the nonsense that people have done in the name of God. Now the first thing you know is the absolute truth about everything. You just put your hands (palms upwards as if asking). Those who don’t believe in God can ask ‘is there God?’ If you are realised soul, vibrations will start cool vibrations in the hand, moving. Supposing a crook is there sitting like a big acetic and you ask ‘is he a real guru?’ Your hand will burn. Not only, sometimes, you might get blister from some of them. So you know the absolute truth. And if everyone knows the same absolute truth then how can there be quarrel, how can there be fight? We have, I don’t know, thousands of people who have got realisation; but about 3000 people come to India for seminar we have; and I am amazed they are from all communities, all races, from all over the world, they never quarrel, no fight, no violence, nothing. They meet each other, no brother can meet like that. No sex problems, like this man running after that woman, that married woman is running after (that man), nothing of the kind. This all. They become pure people, pure. Really they become angels I tell you. They have lived in the same society, enjoying the same nonsense, but suddenly they enjoy their virtues and shy like angels. You all can become angels. This is one thing I promise. But you must know that you can become and you must respect yourself. Whatever may be your birth, your creed, your nation, anything, makes no difference. These are different varieties that God has created to create beauty. That’s all. But every human being can get his selfrealisation because it is inevitable and end of evolution. This is the last breakthrough you have to have. In the beginning American discarded me because I was not charging any money. I couldn’t understand that. I didn’t know how to talk to them. But I hope, its better, the situation is better now. The second very important thing about the spirit is that it brings light in your life, that you see things you are not upset, you don’t get into tensions. Apart from your physical, mental, emotional problems are solved, your spiritual problems are solved. You become like a saint or become a saint. That’s what happens. It’s unbelievable, its so fantastic. But you are fantastic. Supposing I take a little, a television to some remote village and tell them that you can see some films in this, they will say ‘ohh, oh this box?’ We also think we are just boxes, but if you put if you put to the mains we can see what fantasy is and you will be really amazed at yourself. All this otential qualities are expressed because of the light of the spirit within you. Not that, you get back your innocence, but you get back all your powers. In the sense that you can give realisation to others. If there is an enlightened candle it can enlighten another candle. But those who think that now supposing this candle is not enlightened and it thinks that I can get enlightened by myself, it cannot. That’s another ego. An enlightened person can only enlighten another person and when another person is enlightened he can enlighten another person. This is another ego which is killing us. This is a wrong idea. And above all you jump into the ocean of joy. You should understand what joy is. Joy is not duality like happiness and unhappiness. If our ego is pampered you are happy, If it is disturbed we are unhappy. But joy is a state which is singular, which is absolute. It cannot be described, it can be enjoyed. And such a person becomes such a source of peace and simplicity, innocence and love, that you are amazed. Now on the material side also I should tell you that first of all that your creativity starts manifesting. 38.35 I know some people who were Chartered Accountants have become great poets. Imagine a Chartered Accountant dealing with accounts becoming poets. Musician, very great musicians, those who you know, are Sahaja yogis from India. Amjad Ali you must be knowing, ??, Debut Chaudhary, they are all Sahaja yogis. Then because you get wisdom within you, you have right choices and you are blessed by the divine. Your material problems are solved. In England, you will be surprised, we have the highest record of unemployment but not single sahaja yogis are unemployed; its impossible to find. Your wasteful habits are dropped out. So many drug addicts, overnight they have given up drugs. I never tell them don’t do. I never tell them don’t do this. Otherwise, half of them will walk out. Just it happens. Because if you are holding on to a snake, somebody ?? it’s a snake, they will not like it. Bring the light, immediately they will drop out the snake. So all self destructive things that we have acquired, just drops out and we become extremely constructive. Aesthetically we become very rich and we understand that righteousness is the only way we can live happily. We just become righteous. Christ has said ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’; what a subtle thing he has said. Even the eyes should not have any lust and greed. Actually thats what happens. And these innocent eyes are so powerful, that even a glance can do a lot. This mastery I don’t want to tell you too much because you wouldn’t be able to bear it; what mastery you can reach. But, the greatest thing that happens to you that by knowing yourself you are absolutely confident of yourself but you do not agress anyone and do not take anybody’s aggression. You develop such a personality that no body can aggress you. Neither you aggress anyone. And if anybody aggresses you, you take it just as a joke. You don’t take it seriously. This kind of personality is within you which is trying to manifest. Some people who never used to sing started singing so beautifully. Can you imagine these English who stayed in India for 300 years, didn’t know how to say one sentence of Hindi language. Its impossible. Now they are singing sanskrit songs. Can’t understand ?? very beautifully. If you just close the door don’t see them, you wouldn’t believe. Even the Indians can’t sing the way they are singing.Because you have become universal, you start understanding. The whole alertness helps you because one has to understand that there is divine power which is working it out everything. Whatever you saw in this ?? is the work of divine power. And you feel amazed that at every step how they help you. How you get rid of your diseases. In Sahaja yoga no body gets sick. Very rarely. Even if they start getting sick, they know why this is happening, they can correct themselves. On the agricultural side we have experimented, if you give vibrated water or if a sahaja yogi does the cultivation, sometimes this yield could be 10 times more than normal and with non-hybrid seeds. Even with animals, with animal husbandry, so many professors have experimented. Except for this country everyone has taken Sahaja yoga very seriously. Scientists, doctors; in London there are 7 doctors who are doing recording of so many people have been cured of so many diseases. 43.42 Track 2 There are scientists in Switzerland who have found out so many things. All this happens just because you yourself have the power to do it. This science is not conclusive. Today you find out something to bake your cake easily, then you do something how to shave fast, then something else, something else, but nothing about yourself. Goes on like that. You go to moon, you go to this place, you go there, what you get? Why not go to yourself? If all these things are contained many more, why not allow our spirituality to come up. Ofcourse you don’t have to give money, but, you have to give some time. Because the whole thing is now working on a collective basis not on individual basis. If you say alright, I am doing myself meditation, mother has told ?? I am doing at home, it wouldn’t work out. You have to be in the collective. Say a nail is cut out of the finger it wouldn’t grow. So you have to belong the whole body. Once you become collective you will never leave it, because its so enjoyable. Such pure joy. Example, first when I went to Russia, there were 25 Germans who came to help me. I was really touched. I asked them ‘how is it you all have come’? So they said mother ‘don’t you think we bear responsibility for what our forefathers have done.’ with the tears in their eyes. If you see these Germans, they are the gentlest people you could think of, very gentle. This is time for us to change. It’s all working out. Russia is of course as he said. India I need not tell you because India is tremendous. Also I think so many Arabic countries will now jump into it because they are fedup with fundamentalism. Russia may be one day a very very great country because they are very solid people, very introspective, very satisfied. There are 30% who are just minial workers and things, they will ask you for American gene or something like that, but 70% are, every third person is a doctor of this and doctor of that. 200 scientists invited me to address them and they said ‘Mother don’t tell us about science - we know, tell us about divine science. Which absolutely conclusive, not only that but which is absolutely absolute. You cannot imporve on it. It’s so efficient, it’s so definite, so meticulous and its so beautiful. It’s all there. There are so many other things that you can discover and I leave it to you. Now to get to it. Track 3 because Sahaja yogis are now here are fed up. They say that 100 will come to our program and 2 will stay then 1 will stick. I can’t believe it that Americans can’t take things seriously. Can’t believe it, where people like Abraham Lincoln, great people who gave democracy to whole world and there is so much for you to give. You will be held responsible in a way because you are here, I have told you the truth, and if you do not get to it, it’s your responsibility. I cannot force on you, its your freedom. If you don’t want to have it, how can I force? It cannot be forced. I have seen all the gurus, they will write letters to all the people inviting them, all those who have money and all – please come to uor program. They have delegations to meet them. No, its for seekers. Not for the rich or the poor or politicians, for bureaucrats, for anything, or for any successful musicians; its meant only for seekers. If you are true seeker you should get it. It’s your right to get it. Sahaja- ‘saha’ means with you, ‘ja’ is born, this right to get this yoga-union with the divine. I am happy to see so many Indians here. It is there heritage. But I think dollar system might have little bit clouded their eyes. This is their heritage. And they should take to it. But it is the right of every human being to have it. 300 years of British rule in India has changed our country a lot. We lost all our old knowledge which is 1000s and 1000s of years old. Markandeya (sage) wrote about it this 14000 years back. Then Adi Shankaracharya in 6th century, 12th century Gyaneshwara, then Nanaka. Guru Nanaka has so clearly said it. Where are they? I hope in this visit of mine in New York many of you will take to it seriously. I must tell you now I am 70 years of age, I don’t know, every day I am travelling. I don’t know how long will I continue in my life time I would like New York people settle down nicely in Sahaja Yoga. May God bless you all.
How to transform the human awareness into another dimension?
Public Program
1992-09-13 Public Program in Vancouver I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. It is something that we cannot know with this human awareness, we cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot read about it. So, this human awareness has to be transformed into another dimension, then only we will know what is the truth. We have to know the absolute truth, which cannot be challenged by anyone and which cannot be questioned by anyone and all those who know it has the same feeling, have the same understanding. As I am sitting before you, all of you can see I am sitting before you, that's the truth. If this is the absolute thing, then there should be no quarrel about it, no fighting about it. So, today's problems, which we call as severe ones, which are very disturbing, are mostly coming from human beings, humbly we must admit that, and all these problems are coming to us from our centres, which are placed within us, which we have used by our imbalances, we have brought forward all these problems. Now, whatever I want to tell you today you should not accept me blindfolded. This blind faith has not helped anyone so far, so just treat it as a hypothesis and keep an open mind like a scientist, if it is truth, then as honest people you have to accept, because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your fellowmen, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. Now, within us are these centres which are being described to you. And these centres are the ones which supply energy for our spiritual, physical, mental being. Apart from this, we must know what is the truth, we do not know what we are finding. The truth is, that you are not this body, not this mind, not these conditionings, not this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. This is the fundamental truth about it. Because you are not yet the Spirit, all these problems are there. The second truth is, I would say, that those we have got their realization before, those who were realized souls before, those who were really the saints have said the same things. All the scriptures have said that you are to be born again. But it is not like this to put a certificate on your head that I am born again, it is just a certificate, it's self-opinionated ideas, is not the truth. Supposing I say I am the Premier of British Columbia, do I become? If I become the Premier, then I have some powers, so just by certifying yourself, if you are satisfied, no one can help you. I call them the seekers of truth who are not yet satisfied with themselves, they want to find out the meaning of their lives. They are not just identified with some organizations, with some ideologies, with some dogmas which later on may be exposed, but those who want to know what is beyond this human awareness, is there something more? So, Sahaja means, Saha means with, ja means born, born with you is this right to get this union. Now, what is the union? Another truth is that there is an all-pervading power of Divine Love. We have never used the power of love, always of hatred, even in the name of religion we have hated each other, in the name of God we have hated each other, never used the power of love. The truth is there is a subtle power of Divine Love. See here there are beautiful flowers, you see them, we take them for granted, we never even think what a miracle it is this different type of colours, a different type of fragrances and these beautiful flowers are created by this Mother Earth. How does she do it, is she a living being, how does she manage, we take it for granted all these things. Look at our eye, what a camera it is, look at this brain, what a computer it is, but we take everything for granted, we don't even want to think that there must be some power which has done this. We talk of evolution, we talk that we are evolved, who has done that? So, there is this all-pervading power of divine love, which does all living work, so this yoga the union is between you and this all-pervading power. Once this connection is established, all this union is established, then you are an evolved soul, you are a realized soul, you are twice-born personality, is not just a certificate and that can happen to all of you. I have to tell you that your Divinity is there all intact, please believe me, whatever you may try, whatever you may think you have done wrong or sinned or all kinds of things your Divinity is not disturbed, is not impaired by any means it is absolutely intact, because it is Eternal thing, it is of Eternal nature, nothing can destroy it, let people say what they like, but the fact is that your divinity is absolutely intact. Now, only thing is that this Divinity has to manifest, for that it is to be understood that our Creator is the greatest organizer and he has created this beautiful instrument within us and then this residual power, which in Sanskrit they called as Kundalini, but she is the reflection of the primordial mother, whom we call as the Holy Ghost. When we talk of God, He is God Almighty and He has a Son and no Mother. She, Holy Ghost is a dove, how can that be? Is a divergent from reality, but in all the scriptures there is the Primordial Mother. Even Thomas while going to India wrote these treaties and put them in a jar in Egypt it was found out , now after 50 years they have been able to decode it , there it is, Christ said this is a Mother who conceived me, but I have a great mother with M capital and at the Cross what did Christ say, Behold the Mother, look out for the Mother. Despite that, the way it is played down the role of Mother has been a very dangerous thing. We have created problems by not respecting the feminine part of our country, then they reacted, action has a reaction, if you treat somebody then they'll treat you. Now, this power which is within us, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother who, Indian Scriptures call as Adi Shakti and to who even Greeks called her Athena, Atha means Primordial, actually in the Bible is surprising that Paul hated women and he didn't want to show any respect even to Mother of Christ, the word Madonna has come to from the Pagan religion, it is it not from The Bible, but Madonna word comes from the Italian pagan religion, which was later on adopted by other people, but Mohamad Sahib in Quran has praised Mother Mary and said nobody dared talk against her chastity, because he knew what she was, not only that, but in the Quran he has said that at the time of Qama, means Resurrection time, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga that when you get your Self Realization, then your finger tips get enlightened, which are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system and you can feel your own centers and the centers of another persons. Because of self knowledge you know what's wrong with your centers. Now, by understanding how you will be able to cure or to improve these centers you can cure yourself and you can cure others also. So, a new dimension is dawned upon you in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness by which you can feel the other, now who is the other, when you become part and parcel of the whole, the Microcosmos becoming the Macro cosmos, then who is the other, with whom are you going to fight and this what you have to, first of all, feel your centres and centres of others. This is remarkable how it happens in such a short time because as I told you your Divinity is intact, not only that, but you are just ready for it. The time has come. Of course, this is the Resurrection time, this is the Last Judgment, but I call it the Blossom time because there are many flowers who can become fruits now, they are just ready. When this Kundalini passes through these centres, she not only nourishes them but integrates them, by this integration your problems of your internal struggles are over. And when the connection takes place and when you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your finger tips for the first time you feel this All-pervading power of Divine Love on your fingertips then at that time your Spirit starts manifesting into your attention. Your attention means your central nervous system. After Realization when your connection is established then your attention becomes pure, you are purified and your attention becomes pure and the greed and lust that has been torturing you just drops out. Christ has said "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes" I would like to know how many Christians can say that? In the same way in the Indian scriptures or the Buddhist scriptures anywhere you go, take Lao Tse or any one of them, the description of a religious man is very different from the people who practice so-called that religion, there is such a difference and they are a myth, they are all myth also. Why there is so much difference? for example, somebody is a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist whatever it is, anyone can commit any sin, anyone can kill anyone, anyone can hate anyone, nobody stops because he follows a particular religion, or because there is righteousness in his character, so there is no innate righteousness within us. So, the first thing that happens is that you develop a complete balance in your life. Ecological problems as you know has come out of your imbalances, we develop a complete balance we don't go to extremes, automatically we are in the centre part that Buddha has described, automatically. I never tell anybody don't do that, I never tell, because half of them they walk out. But just with this light of the Spirit just stick to it. All night I have seen people have given up drugs, is a fact, we have many who have given up drugs overnight but some of them overnight, because in the light they see that this is a snake we are carrying in our hand, just throw it away, whatever is destructive suddenly is given up and whatever is constructive we see for the benevolence of ourselves and others. It just happens automatically and there is no need to preach, there is no need to tell them because you become your own master. The so-called virtues about which we can give big lectures in our own lifestyle they are not there, but they become our lifestyle, because innately in the light this spirit we see that this is the truth that this is what is going to give us that meaning which we have been seeking. The attention which becomes pure is not only that it is purified but it is effective. Such a person that just think of someone and he can feel their centres on their fingertips. Now if you know how to cure them sitting down here you can help that man. It sounds very fantastic, but you are fantastic, you are not created to waste your life, not at all, but you have a very great meaning. For example, if I take a small little television in a village, remote village and tell them that this is a fantastic thing and you can see all kinds of films in this. They say what this box, we also think of ourselves to just box, but when it is connected to the mains when they see how fantastic it is. All this divinity is built in within you, it's all there, it's only a little bit covered we would say clouded with like the sun can be clouded with clouds, but the sun is there. In the same way, once your spirit starts emitting light in your being you become a righteous person innately, you become virtuous innately and you enjoy that, but you don't dominate others for that, on the contrary, you become extremely compassionate and you want that others should also get this beauty, why not. Then, when you become the spirit, you all feel the absolute truth; everyone feels the same truth as I told you. Now, we have said you can take 10 small little children who are realized souls and tie them up, their eyes and ask them what is this gentleman suffering from and they will all raise say one finger like that and you ask the gentleman have you heart trouble, yes but how do you know and the children also know, because this is being decoded now and you don't have to do any diagnosis any further, you immediately know what's wrong with you and once you know what's wrong with you, and once you know how to cure yourself, you are absolutely master of yourself. You feel completely secured and the experiences of the blessing of this all-pervading power are such that you know you are looked after; you know you are protected you know all the time all your problems are solved. We have never taken any help from this divine power without having any source without having any guns or bombs you are absolutely protected; nobody can touch you. I am telling you the truth; I'm not claiming something, because I have nothing to gain from you. I have come here to give you what is your own. What you have to enjoy. So, this Spirit gives you the absolute truth. Now, once everyone has that absolute truth then what is there to quarrel, what is there to fight, no dogmas, no theories, no yarns, which come out and then they are exposed and then you say oh God I was following this horrible thing have happened, you yourself experience it, is not any sermon, lecture or anything, but you yourself can feel it, it's so tangible that you can verify yourself. The problem of peace is such that people who talk of peace have no peace within themselves. I know for some of them because of my other life, who got prizes for peace but they have no peace within. They are very hot-tempered people. Some of them are so hot-tempered that you have to take a birch pool to meet them. They call themselves people of peace, I don't know what peace they have and what peace they can give to anyone except for intimidating others.This peace is within ourselves and that position once we achieve, that state we achieve is like when you are moving on a wheel, you are on a periphery, but supposing you can jump on the axis, which has to be silent then you can see the whole periphery, you can witness the whole thing and then you start witnessing all this as a drama, you think is a drama. I will give you an example like this, supposing you are standing in the waves, you are afraid of getting drown, but supposing by chance you get onto a boat then you look at those waves and you enjoy them you are not frightened, but in case you know how to swim well you can jump into the same waves and save so many people. We are living either in the past or in the future, all our thoughts are from the past or from the future, we cannot be in the present. We're jumping on the crest of the past and the future, but when this Kundalini rises she moves these thoughts aside and there's a space in between, which is the present where there is no thought, thus you become thoughtlessly aware, you are aware, but no thoughts. Whenever you want to think, you can think, if you don't want to think, you can switch up your mind. That is the time when you grow spiritually when you are thoughtlessly aware when you are in that state, we call it in Sanskrit language Nirvichar Samadhi. At that state, you become spiritually more awakened. This first state has to be achieved and can be achieved very easily not by you, but by your Kundalini. She is your individual mother. Everyone's Kundalini is the individual mother of that particular individual and when she rises, she knows you very well. Like your mother when she gave you birth, she didn't give you any troubles she took all the trouble upon herself. In the same way, this Kundalini rises and gives you your second birth. She is so anxious to do it; she is so equipped to do it. But this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Because today we desire to have said a car, tomorrow a house, then a helicopter, and then maybe an airplane and I don't know how far it goes. And we are never satisfied. It is said in the Economics, Science of Economics that in general once are not satiable, but this is the point, this is the desire, which is the pure desire and this pure desire has to be felt within us, that we have to become the Spirit. Whether you know or not, it is there and this awakening is all so spontaneous that you don't even feel anything about it some people say you start jumping, some people say you get heat, nothing of the kind. Now I have been to so many countries thousands of people, I have never seen these things happen to anyone, but some people may be frightened that you might get your realization and they may go out of business, maybe, they must be telling stories like this. But I haven't seen anything happening like that. At the most, sometimes, you do feel little heat on your hands and maybe heat coming out of your head. But after some time, it subsides and you do get a very nice soothing cool breeze coming out from your own fontanelle bone area, which is the actualization of baptism. It is not just you take some water and put somebody's head and say now you are baptized. The one who does that he is not even baptized how can he baptize anybody else. Only an enlightened light can enlighten another light. The one which is not enlightened cannot enlighten another light, is a simple thing as that. And then, just calling the name of God many people come to tell me Mother see now we are Shiva baptized and we've got heart trouble. You say Shiva resides in the heart then how did we get a heart attack. But you cannot take the name of God, He is not in your pocket, He is not your servant, you have to have a protocol, you have to have the right. Unless and until you enter into the kingdom of God. Say for example if you start taking the name of your Prime Minister and shouting his name, people will arrest you. But He is God Almighty, how you can take the name of God in vain, first enter into this kingdom then, even once if you remember all his powers are at your disposal, remember that he is your Father and He is the most loving compassionate Father you have, He is not a wrathful Father for his own children, but of course for the devils He is. These things whatever are told or described are to be fulfilled and that's what you are going to understand that you are not ordinary people, you are the ones, you may not be very successful in life, you may not be very well known all over, not necessary at all. Christ has said meek in heart will inherit the, one must understand this, meek in heart, not arrogant people. If you are meek in heart and if you asking in your heart for your self-realization that's all. That's all is needed and it works. Now, the highest thing that happens to you, the highest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy, now joy cannot be described, it's an experience of ecstasy. We are happy or unhappy, supposing our Ego is pampered you are happy, if our Ego is hurt, we are unhappy. You become egoless, you enjoy each and everything, you always sucking the ambrosia out of everything. But you have to be a bee, just talking about flowers or talking about the honey forms or formless you are not going to get to that ambrosia. You have to be a bee and that means that you have to be the spirit. It's a very simple thing I have to tell you one thing that I must have I don't know how many thousands of lectures I have given only in English language and many others; I don't know. But this ocean of knowledge will be available to you, whenever you want to, know about it, but if you see around yourselves there are so many lights, if you are coming to this hall you just switch on the lights and they all come out. I don't have to tell you about the history of electricity, then how it came to Vancouver, then to this hall, not necessary. Only there is a switch because it's all built in, and in the same way, it's all built in within. You don't have to know everything just now, first if you get your light, in that light will understand what you are, and what is the aim of your life what is the meaning of your life, what's the identity of your life. This is for the transformation of the whole world, they call it the age of enlightenment, age of Aquarius, it's a fact. But those who claim it never get self-realization, without doing that, just talking about it, what's the use, just talk, talk, talk, also reading about it, people have read so much that all has gone into their head. They are nowhere, they are just lost. They become scatterbrained, I have seen people who are over it, so that's also of no use, what is needed is a simple understanding that you are spirit and that you have every right to get into union with this all-pervading power, which is the ocean of knowledge, which is the ocean of compassion, ocean of bliss, bliss and above all is the ocean of forgiveness. This power is understanding all of you, individually, this power coordinates cooperates, organizes everything. Look at these flowers, you can see from it, thank God genetics have now come to our help, even if you see the endocrines there are target cells which attack the targets, can you imagine the amount of organization it is to what details it works? And is a special time when you are born, you are special people, people think that you must suffer, Christ has already suffered for us, are we going to suffer more for? This is another theory. Some people told me that if you go to Gobi Desert and walk for 2 miles, you'll get your Nirvana, I said automatically you die. There's no need to worry I mean that you can do very easily. Or you fast for so many days you suffer like this and give all the money to all these people. There is nothing to suffer, you already have done all these things in your past lives, now this is the time you have to get the reward for what you have done, for your seeking and no more to suffer. Imagine, if it is God Almighty, who is your Father, which Father would like his son to suffer because he wants to enter into his kingdom? So no sufferings are needed, what is needed is just a simple faith within yourself that you are the spirit and that you have to become an evolved soul. If this much you accept, it will all work out. This beautiful hall and all of you being here, I'm so very happy because I always felt that America and Canada are 2 countries, they cannot take to reality, I really felt that. All kinds of horrible gurus came here. They took so much money from you. When I came first thing, they branded me something useless because I was not taking money. And imagine I came in the year 1972, to begin with. They wouldn't accept me, because I would not take any money. Then, so many of these people came here, 9 years I did not come and I don't know why you believe them, for example, if somebody says you can fly at 3 feet level, I mean what is the need, something stupid. After all, we are already having this traffic jams, to fly at 3 feet. Somebody says something else, and you blindly follow it. After that, following I don't mind, if they wanted money alright if people wanted money because is such a money-oriented world. But now they spoilt your kundalini, they have spoilt you, your chakras and how can you pay for it, how much did you pay for your evolution, how can you pay for God, fine you can pay for this hall alright. First thing you must understand that when you go to anybody as a spiritual person, first see the disciples, what they are. In America, I have seen something very blatant I must tell you. That a fellow took out a 100 $ note saying that "release this" if you release this, then you will get 10 times more. Release it to them. I mean is such blatant nonsense and then they told a story a lady who released this 100 $ she had for her groceries and the next day she found all the groceries at her doorstep. Just imagine, and the third day from her roof all the groceries were falling down. Just now you have heard David. He was with me and he couldn't bear it. I said this is going on the television for one hour. How could you listen to this kind of nonsense? So, I have to make a very humble request to you, that Sahaja Yoga is forgetting to the truth, is not for all kinds of nonsensical things, but once you get to the truth, you get everything in it, everything, because you become so dynamic. I mean, you can imagine, I am a 70-year-old woman and I am travelling every day from places to places. And I am alright, you become extremely dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate, your whole personality changes, your whole understanding of life changes, you get transformed into beautiful citizens, beautiful people. From your face, people will make out that there is something special about you. The way you stand, the way you talk, because it is the power of love, we are using which nobody has used so far. We have sometimes in India every year a seminar. There are at least 3K people who will come to that seminar, on that seashore. They come from 55 countries. I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, all kinds of places, all kinds of, they are in such joy, of course, they pull each other's legs sometimes, that I have seen, but it's nice, lot of fun. Life becomes fun. This is what you are in for and I am sure tonight you all will get your realization. Absolutely I'm very sure about it and you also be sure that you all will get your realization. We've had enough of deceptions, enough of illusions and frustrations, forget it, it doesn't matter. Today is an auspicious day for you to get the reward of your seeking. May God Bless you all Now what it is the television people, just wanted to record my, wanted to record my lectures, so they can go now.
1992-09-13 Public Program in Vancouver I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. It is something that we cannot know with this human awareness, we cannot think about it, we cannot conceptualize it, we cannot read about it. So, this human awareness has to be transformed into another dimension, then only we will know what is the truth. We have to know the absolute truth, which cannot be challenged by anyone and which cannot be questioned by anyone and all those who know it has the same feeling, have the same understanding. As I am sitting before you, all of you can see I am sitting before you, that's the truth. If this is the absolute thing, then there should be no quarrel about it, no fighting about it. So, today's problems, which we call as severe ones, which are very disturbing, are mostly coming from human beings, humbly we must admit that, and all these problems are coming to us from our centres, which are placed within us, which we have used by our imbalances, we have brought forward all these problems. Now, whatever I want to tell you today you should not accept me blindfolded. This blind faith has not helped anyone so far, so just treat it as a hypothesis and keep an open mind like a scientist, if it is truth, then as honest people you have to accept, because it is for your benevolence, it is for the benevolence of your fellowmen, for the benevolence of your country and for the benevolence of the whole world. Now, within us are these centres which are being described to you. And these centres are the ones which supply energy for our spiritual, physical, mental being. Apart from this, we must know what is the truth, we do not know what we are finding. The truth is, that you are not this body, not this mind, not these conditionings, not this ego, but you are the pure Spirit. This is the fundamental truth about it. Because you are not yet the Spirit, all these problems are there. The second truth is, I would say, that those we have got their realization before, those who were realized souls before, those who were really the saints have said the same things. All the scriptures have said that you are to be born again. But it is not like this to put a certificate on your head that I am born again, it is just a certificate, it's self-opinionated ideas, is not the truth. Supposing I say I am the Premier of British Columbia, do I become? If I become the Premier, then I have some powers, so just by certifying yourself, if you are satisfied, no one can help you. I call them the seekers of truth who are not yet satisfied with themselves, they want to find out the meaning of their lives. They are not just identified with some organizations, with some ideologies, with some dogmas which later on may be exposed, but those who want to know what is beyond this human awareness, is there something more? So, Sahaja means, Saha means with, ja means born, born with you is this right to get this union. Now, what is the union? Another truth is that there is an all-pervading power of Divine Love. We have never used the power of love, always of hatred, even in the name of religion we have hated each other, in the name of God we have hated each other, never used the power of love. The truth is there is a subtle power of Divine Love. See here there are beautiful flowers, you see them, we take them for granted, we never even think what a miracle it is this different type of colours, a different type of fragrances and these beautiful flowers are created by this Mother Earth. How does she do it, is she a living being, how does she manage, we take it for granted all these things. Look at our eye, what a camera it is, look at this brain, what a computer it is, but we take everything for granted, we don't even want to think that there must be some power which has done this. We talk of evolution, we talk that we are evolved, who has done that? So, there is this all-pervading power of divine love, which does all living work, so this yoga the union is between you and this all-pervading power. Once this connection is established, all this union is established, then you are an evolved soul, you are a realized soul, you are twice-born personality, is not just a certificate and that can happen to all of you. I have to tell you that your Divinity is there all intact, please believe me, whatever you may try, whatever you may think you have done wrong or sinned or all kinds of things your Divinity is not disturbed, is not impaired by any means it is absolutely intact, because it is Eternal thing, it is of Eternal nature, nothing can destroy it, let people say what they like, but the fact is that your divinity is absolutely intact. Now, only thing is that this Divinity has to manifest, for that it is to be understood that our Creator is the greatest organizer and he has created this beautiful instrument within us and then this residual power, which in Sanskrit they called as Kundalini, but she is the reflection of the primordial mother, whom we call as the Holy Ghost. When we talk of God, He is God Almighty and He has a Son and no Mother. She, Holy Ghost is a dove, how can that be? Is a divergent from reality, but in all the scriptures there is the Primordial Mother. Even Thomas while going to India wrote these treaties and put them in a jar in Egypt it was found out , now after 50 years they have been able to decode it , there it is, Christ said this is a Mother who conceived me, but I have a great mother with M capital and at the Cross what did Christ say, Behold the Mother, look out for the Mother. Despite that, the way it is played down the role of Mother has been a very dangerous thing. We have created problems by not respecting the feminine part of our country, then they reacted, action has a reaction, if you treat somebody then they'll treat you. Now, this power which is within us, is the reflection of the Primordial Mother who, Indian Scriptures call as Adi Shakti and to who even Greeks called her Athena, Atha means Primordial, actually in the Bible is surprising that Paul hated women and he didn't want to show any respect even to Mother of Christ, the word Madonna has come to from the Pagan religion, it is it not from The Bible, but Madonna word comes from the Italian pagan religion, which was later on adopted by other people, but Mohamad Sahib in Quran has praised Mother Mary and said nobody dared talk against her chastity, because he knew what she was, not only that, but in the Quran he has said that at the time of Qama, means Resurrection time, your hands will speak and they will give witness against you. This is exactly what happens in Sahaja yoga that when you get your Self Realization, then your finger tips get enlightened, which are the endings of the sympathetic nervous system and you can feel your own centers and the centers of another persons. Because of self knowledge you know what's wrong with your centers. Now, by understanding how you will be able to cure or to improve these centers you can cure yourself and you can cure others also. So, a new dimension is dawned upon you in your awareness, which we call as collective consciousness by which you can feel the other, now who is the other, when you become part and parcel of the whole, the Microcosmos becoming the Macro cosmos, then who is the other, with whom are you going to fight and this what you have to, first of all, feel your centres and centres of others. This is remarkable how it happens in such a short time because as I told you your Divinity is intact, not only that, but you are just ready for it. The time has come. Of course, this is the Resurrection time, this is the Last Judgment, but I call it the Blossom time because there are many flowers who can become fruits now, they are just ready. When this Kundalini passes through these centres, she not only nourishes them but integrates them, by this integration your problems of your internal struggles are over. And when the connection takes place and when you feel the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost on your finger tips for the first time you feel this All-pervading power of Divine Love on your fingertips then at that time your Spirit starts manifesting into your attention. Your attention means your central nervous system. After Realization when your connection is established then your attention becomes pure, you are purified and your attention becomes pure and the greed and lust that has been torturing you just drops out. Christ has said "Thou shall not have adulterous eyes" I would like to know how many Christians can say that? In the same way in the Indian scriptures or the Buddhist scriptures anywhere you go, take Lao Tse or any one of them, the description of a religious man is very different from the people who practice so-called that religion, there is such a difference and they are a myth, they are all myth also. Why there is so much difference? for example, somebody is a Christian, Hindu, Buddhist whatever it is, anyone can commit any sin, anyone can kill anyone, anyone can hate anyone, nobody stops because he follows a particular religion, or because there is righteousness in his character, so there is no innate righteousness within us. So, the first thing that happens is that you develop a complete balance in your life. Ecological problems as you know has come out of your imbalances, we develop a complete balance we don't go to extremes, automatically we are in the centre part that Buddha has described, automatically. I never tell anybody don't do that, I never tell, because half of them they walk out. But just with this light of the Spirit just stick to it. All night I have seen people have given up drugs, is a fact, we have many who have given up drugs overnight but some of them overnight, because in the light they see that this is a snake we are carrying in our hand, just throw it away, whatever is destructive suddenly is given up and whatever is constructive we see for the benevolence of ourselves and others. It just happens automatically and there is no need to preach, there is no need to tell them because you become your own master. The so-called virtues about which we can give big lectures in our own lifestyle they are not there, but they become our lifestyle, because innately in the light this spirit we see that this is the truth that this is what is going to give us that meaning which we have been seeking. The attention which becomes pure is not only that it is purified but it is effective. Such a person that just think of someone and he can feel their centres on their fingertips. Now if you know how to cure them sitting down here you can help that man. It sounds very fantastic, but you are fantastic, you are not created to waste your life, not at all, but you have a very great meaning. For example, if I take a small little television in a village, remote village and tell them that this is a fantastic thing and you can see all kinds of films in this. They say what this box, we also think of ourselves to just box, but when it is connected to the mains when they see how fantastic it is. All this divinity is built in within you, it's all there, it's only a little bit covered we would say clouded with like the sun can be clouded with clouds, but the sun is there. In the same way, once your spirit starts emitting light in your being you become a righteous person innately, you become virtuous innately and you enjoy that, but you don't dominate others for that, on the contrary, you become extremely compassionate and you want that others should also get this beauty, why not. Then, when you become the spirit, you all feel the absolute truth; everyone feels the same truth as I told you. Now, we have said you can take 10 small little children who are realized souls and tie them up, their eyes and ask them what is this gentleman suffering from and they will all raise say one finger like that and you ask the gentleman have you heart trouble, yes but how do you know and the children also know, because this is being decoded now and you don't have to do any diagnosis any further, you immediately know what's wrong with you and once you know what's wrong with you, and once you know how to cure yourself, you are absolutely master of yourself. You feel completely secured and the experiences of the blessing of this all-pervading power are such that you know you are looked after; you know you are protected you know all the time all your problems are solved. We have never taken any help from this divine power without having any source without having any guns or bombs you are absolutely protected; nobody can touch you. I am telling you the truth; I'm not claiming something, because I have nothing to gain from you. I have come here to give you what is your own. What you have to enjoy. So, this Spirit gives you the absolute truth. Now, once everyone has that absolute truth then what is there to quarrel, what is there to fight, no dogmas, no theories, no yarns, which come out and then they are exposed and then you say oh God I was following this horrible thing have happened, you yourself experience it, is not any sermon, lecture or anything, but you yourself can feel it, it's so tangible that you can verify yourself. The problem of peace is such that people who talk of peace have no peace within themselves. I know for some of them because of my other life, who got prizes for peace but they have no peace within. They are very hot-tempered people. Some of them are so hot-tempered that you have to take a birch pool to meet them. They call themselves people of peace, I don't know what peace they have and what peace they can give to anyone except for intimidating others.This peace is within ourselves and that position once we achieve, that state we achieve is like when you are moving on a wheel, you are on a periphery, but supposing you can jump on the axis, which has to be silent then you can see the whole periphery, you can witness the whole thing and then you start witnessing all this as a drama, you think is a drama. I will give you an example like this, supposing you are standing in the waves, you are afraid of getting drown, but supposing by chance you get onto a boat then you look at those waves and you enjoy them you are not frightened, but in case you know how to swim well you can jump into the same waves and save so many people. We are living either in the past or in the future, all our thoughts are from the past or from the future, we cannot be in the present. We're jumping on the crest of the past and the future, but when this Kundalini rises she moves these thoughts aside and there's a space in between, which is the present where there is no thought, thus you become thoughtlessly aware, you are aware, but no thoughts. Whenever you want to think, you can think, if you don't want to think, you can switch up your mind. That is the time when you grow spiritually when you are thoughtlessly aware when you are in that state, we call it in Sanskrit language Nirvichar Samadhi. At that state, you become spiritually more awakened. This first state has to be achieved and can be achieved very easily not by you, but by your Kundalini. She is your individual mother. Everyone's Kundalini is the individual mother of that particular individual and when she rises, she knows you very well. Like your mother when she gave you birth, she didn't give you any troubles she took all the trouble upon herself. In the same way, this Kundalini rises and gives you your second birth. She is so anxious to do it; she is so equipped to do it. But this Kundalini is the power of pure desire. All other desires are not pure. Because today we desire to have said a car, tomorrow a house, then a helicopter, and then maybe an airplane and I don't know how far it goes. And we are never satisfied. It is said in the Economics, Science of Economics that in general once are not satiable, but this is the point, this is the desire, which is the pure desire and this pure desire has to be felt within us, that we have to become the Spirit. Whether you know or not, it is there and this awakening is all so spontaneous that you don't even feel anything about it some people say you start jumping, some people say you get heat, nothing of the kind. Now I have been to so many countries thousands of people, I have never seen these things happen to anyone, but some people may be frightened that you might get your realization and they may go out of business, maybe, they must be telling stories like this. But I haven't seen anything happening like that. At the most, sometimes, you do feel little heat on your hands and maybe heat coming out of your head. But after some time, it subsides and you do get a very nice soothing cool breeze coming out from your own fontanelle bone area, which is the actualization of baptism. It is not just you take some water and put somebody's head and say now you are baptized. The one who does that he is not even baptized how can he baptize anybody else. Only an enlightened light can enlighten another light. The one which is not enlightened cannot enlighten another light, is a simple thing as that. And then, just calling the name of God many people come to tell me Mother see now we are Shiva baptized and we've got heart trouble. You say Shiva resides in the heart then how did we get a heart attack. But you cannot take the name of God, He is not in your pocket, He is not your servant, you have to have a protocol, you have to have the right. Unless and until you enter into the kingdom of God. Say for example if you start taking the name of your Prime Minister and shouting his name, people will arrest you. But He is God Almighty, how you can take the name of God in vain, first enter into this kingdom then, even once if you remember all his powers are at your disposal, remember that he is your Father and He is the most loving compassionate Father you have, He is not a wrathful Father for his own children, but of course for the devils He is. These things whatever are told or described are to be fulfilled and that's what you are going to understand that you are not ordinary people, you are the ones, you may not be very successful in life, you may not be very well known all over, not necessary at all. Christ has said meek in heart will inherit the, one must understand this, meek in heart, not arrogant people. If you are meek in heart and if you asking in your heart for your self-realization that's all. That's all is needed and it works. Now, the highest thing that happens to you, the highest thing that happens to you is that you jump into the ocean of joy, now joy cannot be described, it's an experience of ecstasy. We are happy or unhappy, supposing our Ego is pampered you are happy, if our Ego is hurt, we are unhappy. You become egoless, you enjoy each and everything, you always sucking the ambrosia out of everything. But you have to be a bee, just talking about flowers or talking about the honey forms or formless you are not going to get to that ambrosia. You have to be a bee and that means that you have to be the spirit. It's a very simple thing I have to tell you one thing that I must have I don't know how many thousands of lectures I have given only in English language and many others; I don't know. But this ocean of knowledge will be available to you, whenever you want to, know about it, but if you see around yourselves there are so many lights, if you are coming to this hall you just switch on the lights and they all come out. I don't have to tell you about the history of electricity, then how it came to Vancouver, then to this hall, not necessary. Only there is a switch because it's all built in, and in the same way, it's all built in within. You don't have to know everything just now, first if you get your light, in that light will understand what you are, and what is the aim of your life what is the meaning of your life, what's the identity of your life. This is for the transformation of the whole world, they call it the age of enlightenment, age of Aquarius, it's a fact. But those who claim it never get self-realization, without doing that, just talking about it, what's the use, just talk, talk, talk, also reading about it, people have read so much that all has gone into their head. They are nowhere, they are just lost. They become scatterbrained, I have seen people who are over it, so that's also of no use, what is needed is a simple understanding that you are spirit and that you have every right to get into union with this all-pervading power, which is the ocean of knowledge, which is the ocean of compassion, ocean of bliss, bliss and above all is the ocean of forgiveness. This power is understanding all of you, individually, this power coordinates cooperates, organizes everything. Look at these flowers, you can see from it, thank God genetics have now come to our help, even if you see the endocrines there are target cells which attack the targets, can you imagine the amount of organization it is to what details it works? And is a special time when you are born, you are special people, people think that you must suffer, Christ has already suffered for us, are we going to suffer more for? This is another theory. Some people told me that if you go to Gobi Desert and walk for 2 miles, you'll get your Nirvana, I said automatically you die. There's no need to worry I mean that you can do very easily. Or you fast for so many days you suffer like this and give all the money to all these people. There is nothing to suffer, you already have done all these things in your past lives, now this is the time you have to get the reward for what you have done, for your seeking and no more to suffer. Imagine, if it is God Almighty, who is your Father, which Father would like his son to suffer because he wants to enter into his kingdom? So no sufferings are needed, what is needed is just a simple faith within yourself that you are the spirit and that you have to become an evolved soul. If this much you accept, it will all work out. This beautiful hall and all of you being here, I'm so very happy because I always felt that America and Canada are 2 countries, they cannot take to reality, I really felt that. All kinds of horrible gurus came here. They took so much money from you. When I came first thing, they branded me something useless because I was not taking money. And imagine I came in the year 1972, to begin with. They wouldn't accept me, because I would not take any money. Then, so many of these people came here, 9 years I did not come and I don't know why you believe them, for example, if somebody says you can fly at 3 feet level, I mean what is the need, something stupid. After all, we are already having this traffic jams, to fly at 3 feet. Somebody says something else, and you blindly follow it. After that, following I don't mind, if they wanted money alright if people wanted money because is such a money-oriented world. But now they spoilt your kundalini, they have spoilt you, your chakras and how can you pay for it, how much did you pay for your evolution, how can you pay for God, fine you can pay for this hall alright. First thing you must understand that when you go to anybody as a spiritual person, first see the disciples, what they are. In America, I have seen something very blatant I must tell you. That a fellow took out a 100 $ note saying that "release this" if you release this, then you will get 10 times more. Release it to them. I mean is such blatant nonsense and then they told a story a lady who released this 100 $ she had for her groceries and the next day she found all the groceries at her doorstep. Just imagine, and the third day from her roof all the groceries were falling down. Just now you have heard David. He was with me and he couldn't bear it. I said this is going on the television for one hour. How could you listen to this kind of nonsense? So, I have to make a very humble request to you, that Sahaja Yoga is forgetting to the truth, is not for all kinds of nonsensical things, but once you get to the truth, you get everything in it, everything, because you become so dynamic. I mean, you can imagine, I am a 70-year-old woman and I am travelling every day from places to places. And I am alright, you become extremely dynamic at the same time extremely compassionate, your whole personality changes, your whole understanding of life changes, you get transformed into beautiful citizens, beautiful people. From your face, people will make out that there is something special about you. The way you stand, the way you talk, because it is the power of love, we are using which nobody has used so far. We have sometimes in India every year a seminar. There are at least 3K people who will come to that seminar, on that seashore. They come from 55 countries. I've never seen them quarrelling, fighting, all kinds of places, all kinds of, they are in such joy, of course, they pull each other's legs sometimes, that I have seen, but it's nice, lot of fun. Life becomes fun. This is what you are in for and I am sure tonight you all will get your realization. Absolutely I'm very sure about it and you also be sure that you all will get your realization. We've had enough of deceptions, enough of illusions and frustrations, forget it, it doesn't matter. Today is an auspicious day for you to get the reward of your seeking. May God Bless you all Now what it is the television people, just wanted to record my, wanted to record my lectures, so they can go now.
Hamsa Chakra Puja
Hamsa Chakra
Hamsa Chakra Puja, Vancouver (Canada), 13 September 1992. Today we are going to worship the Hamsa Chakra. So far we have been always worshipping a Deity and this is the second time you are worshipping this centre of Hamsa. Now this chakra is, it is, you know, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra. Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion. I think it is a part of the genetics that people have discretion between good and bad, destructive and constructive. It is basically, has to be there, but we can easily spoil it by all these organs which are collecting the conditionings and the ego from outside. That's why this centre is very vulnerable. Other centres are not so much connected outside as this centre is connected, and receives all the information from, all these organs. For example, the eyes, now, we have. Eyes are very important because, they say it, this is the window of the Spirit. And you have seen that when Kundalini rises, and Spirit starts shining, there is a dilatation of the pupils and you look like an innocent child and there's a twinkle in your eyes. But the way that we play with our eyes all the time, the way we use it indiscreetly with our lust and greed we can spoil this centre very badly. Once we start taking to destructive things in our life, we immediately become akin, or we start accepting, whatever is wrong, whatever is destructive, very easily. I feel this is some sort of a genetic defect because, in certain people, they will not accept anything that is stupid, idiotic or destructive. But in certain people they're very prone and very easily can be taken to things which are absurd, which are stupid and which are definitely destructive. This can become a very collective acceptance also and once it becomes a collective acceptance, it starts penetrating throughout. It does not only have the effect of absorption, but also it has an effect of affecting other things. Say a person whose eyes are what we call flirtish or roving eyes, such a person, if he goes to one group of people who do not know what flirting is, do not know what roving eyes is, with very steady eyes, he can influence those people and can make some of them of the same kind. So what happens, really, is this, that, this is a very good door for all kinds of bhoots to enter, entities to enter, and when you start projecting it back, the same bhoots can pass into another person and can create the same kind of vacuum or same kind of vulnerability in the Hamsa Chakra of other people. So that's why eyes have to be very, very clean, innocent. Another, you can see, is what you hear. Some people, if they hear something nonsensical, they'll just put their hands to their ears. They don't want to hear anything. But there are some people who like it and go on enjoying it. Ultimately, they become servile or, we can say, conditioned, that they like all these horrible things that normally a human being won't like. Now, also you must have seen that people who, like French people, I think they have no discretion of smell. They smell so awful, but they eat all rotten food, rotten cheese, rotten, absolutely rotten wines, but they never smell it. Anybody in their company can smell it. Even their hands smell of their rotten cheese, you can’t just [bare to] smell it. But they have lost the power. In the same way, in our country we have a caste called sweepers who do all the cleaning of dirty things with their hands. They have no sense of smell. They have lost the sense of smell. The nose has lost that smell sense. They cannot smell anything dirty. That's how they can do their work. So if you start also not being alert to fragrance - I've seen also there are certain things people use made of tobacco, they are supposed to be very good, very famous brands of perfumes like ‘Tabac’ and all that. So once they start liking that kind of a thing, then they have other things like 'Poison' and other horrible things, which, it’s horrible smell in it. Apart from that, first [thing] you smell is alcohol, is a spirit! But they don't mind because they see in that a very congenial type of a pleasure. But these pleasures, ultimately, can kill all the cells of the nose and afterwards one may even lose the sense of smell. One of the joy-giving organ is the sense of smell. When the Kundalini rises in many people they get a fragrance of many things. Some people get of guggul or sometimes they get a fragrance of sandalwood or something, which is a very natural essence of flowers or maybe of some woods. But these unnaturally made things which are actually destructive to your cells of smelling, that is what they start using, and once you start using these kind of things then what happens is that you don't feel any bad smell anywhere, like animals. But so many animals can smell, if not they don't call it bad or good, but they can smell. Even that sensitivity of good and bad smell which we human beings have got is lost. So whatever is our ascent, as human beings, at what a level we have gone, start completely disappearing, gradually, one by one. Then same with the throat. If the throat is using bad languages and is being used for abusing people, showing temper on people or anything of aggression or sometimes people take things which can also spoil the throat by their destructive qualities, like alcohol; specially the smoking. If you smoke then the throat gets vulnerable and the sweetness of your voice is lost. Then they speak with a hoarse voice. But this is all external. It starts becoming external. Mouth smells with that and also the teeth react to all such things, which we take without discretion about it, because that's the fashion, because it is marketing well, because it is advertised! That means we have not got our own wisdom, our own personality. But when this centre is awakened, then what you develop is a discretion. As I was telling them yesterday how the word Hamsa has come for this centre. Because there's a Sanskrit, very beautiful, couplet, which says that a swan is white and a crane is a white bird. What is the difference between the swan and a crane? The answer is that when you mix milk with water, the swan will just suck in the milk while the crane has no discretion, no vivek. This discretionary power, once we start losing, we start becoming just like robots, I would say, because we have no personality. Anybody can brainwash us and the more they tell us about our discretion we listen to them. That explains why people, so many thousands of people, go to all these false gurus. Thousands of people, why did they take to homosexuality and got into AIDS? Why thousands of people have taken to drugs? It is unbelievable! Incredible! Why people have taken to all these things [and] are destroying their life. They see a man going into the pub, coming out and falling down on the ground with all his purse being emptied. But they go with the purse, see that they have sufficient money to go inside the pub, again come out to fall down on the street. Whatever idiotic or nonsensical [things] other people are doing, when you see they're idiotic, you pay money to become idiotic. One pays money to destroy oneself, go out of the way. It is so unnatural for anyone. I mean even a dog or a cat, or any animal, knows where is the danger is. They can smell the danger and they run away because they have to preserve their lives. They think their lives are precious and they must live and live well. But this ordinary, common sense starts missing and they will say, "What's wrong? What's wrong in this? What's wrong in that?" That means the genetics of the Hamsa are missing. Now you should see there is no Deity on the Hamsa Chakra, but it is the formless energy of so many organs which are looked after by Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Shri Krishna - four of them, managed by Shri Ganesha. So these genetics are put by Shri Ganesha because He is the source of the Wisdom. So first, once they spoil their Mooladhara, the wisdom is finished: [the] basis, the fundamentals, are finished. That's why immoral life is very detrimental to our life because we lose our discretion, the discretion is lost. Then if you can awaken Shri Ganesha in the Hamsa Chakra, then suddenly you belong to the higher race of Sahaja Yogis. It's surprising. I've seen people overnight give up their drugs, very immoral people become extremely moral because of this chakra being suddenly awakened and the light of the Spirit is best expressed through this chakra in everyday life, in the collective life also. One starts then seeing the point, as we say. Like now, in Sahaja Yogas, we have different problems, also. Say, when people first come to Sahaja Yoga, they start watching other people and starting finding their faults, what's wrong with them. They never see what they are here for. They are not here to find out faults with others, but to correct your own defects. So they say, "Oh, this man is no good. That man is no good. This is wrong." They start creating problems, you see. They'll talk to each other, saying, "Oh this man is not good. That man is not good," try create groups and things. They're here to offer what? Or create a politics or for your ascent? Some of them, if they do not do all this, then they think we should start to make some money out of it or some sort of a thing, or some start criticising others about something, which is not their concern. So they forget because they are just now coming to Sahaja Yoga and their genetics are not established of their wisdom. They start worrying about things, which are not their worry, which they should not bother about. Then some of them start thinking, "Oh, I am the leader!" or "Why am I not the leader?" So they start finding fault with the leadership. Sometimes leader also can feel, "Oh, I am the leader. I can be very stern, very disciplinary and I can control people. I can do this." They have come here to learn how to love, to be compassionate, to be tolerant. The sense of leadership and also of obedience - both are discretionary. If somebody says something to you and if you obey that person for your benevolence, you will subtly understand that it is for your good. If some leader says that "This is wrong with you," try to see if it is wrong, instead of feeling hurt about it. "Yes, it is wrong with me. So what should I do? How can I improve myself?" Ask the leader or you can write to Me or do anything. But no! They will not do it. Immediately they will write a letter to Me saying, "This leader is such-and-such, bad fellow. He’s so this thing. He ate that money. He ate that thing!” and all kinds of things. Or else they may tell people, "Oh, Mother listens to this fellow. He's no good. He's just telling Mother stories and Mother listens!" Mother is not such a fool. She knows about everything. So all these things that we have gathered from our previous life, even after our second birth we carry little bit. Like an egg becomes a bird but still lots of things of the egg are hanging on to his body, so you have to cleanse it. So, at this point, when you have got your realisation, the first discretion should be, "How am I going to achieve that state of Spirit?” The Pure Spirit! Instead of that, also, people get lost because they have no discretion. With this enlightenment, first thing that happens, I've seen with people: Their eyes are fixed. They don't rove their eyes much now. They have very innocent eyes. Otherwise they are really mad, those people who go on looking at everything like this. There's no difference between madman and him. You put one madman, he does the same and a person who is like that does the same. And it's such a crazy thing to do, but immediately...I mean, it is such a spontaneous thing. It's like the light coming in the room. It is so spontaneous that you start seeing things clearly - "No, no. This is not good!" Before in the garden, you would go and collect all the thorns and put them in your body. That was the situation. Never looked at the flowers. And suddenly, after realisation, you will be amazed, you just see flowers and don't bother about thorns, or if you find you take them out. There is joy even before realisation and after realisation, but there is no capacity to enjoy. That capacity comes to you after realisation and the main thing that happens to you is the discretion. Then, like the swan, you just take the milk of everything. At everything your attitude becomes very different, you start seeing things in a different angle. Like once we had to go to one very ancient temple to see some art. Me, my son-in-law and my daughter, we were walking up up, we had to walk for miles, up the hill and they were very tired so we went into one temple and just laid down ourselves. They were so tired. At that time I said, "See these elephants, see how beautiful they are, every one has a different type of a tail and a different type of a trunk, the poses are different. So many of them are like that." My son-in-law said, "Babaa! We are so tired. How are you looking at these things?" Because attention didn't go to my tiredness but to those beautiful things. Same thing, you start sucking in the milk. There is joy but you cannot feel the joy because the power, that subtle power of Divine Discretion is not there. Once that comes in, you start enjoying everything. It's just the same, [your] life is just the same, nothing has changed: same house, same family, same city, same environment. But you start enjoying because the sensitivity of your Hamsa Chakra is now only for Divine Discretion and you immediately know and then you don't want to do anything with the thorns, only want to gather flowers and you know how to gather flowers and you are in joy. So the light of the Spirit, which shines through your Hamsa Chakra, gives you wisdom. Wisdom doesn't mean that you know how to argue things or you fight with people. No, it doesn't mean that! Wisdom means how you take to the good side of everything, to enjoy it, this is Wisdom. And that you avoid all destructive things and take to something constructive. Now you are going, say, on a road and is written there - there's danger. Before realisation they will say, "All right. Let's see what is danger." They'll jump into it and say that, “We have got nirvana” by killing themselves. Such explanations! But a sensible man will say, "All right, danger? Go back. What's the harm, after all?" He preserves himself. He respects his life because he knows now [that] he has become the instrument of God. So Wisdom comes to you automatically, but through experience. Then you know this is the right path. Through experience you start understanding. Nowadays I am telling all these things to you. Say, if, twenty years back, I never talked of these things to them, [it was] because I knew if I start talking, they'll say, "Oh, She's talking something out of the blue. God knows if it is true or not." But once the wisdom becomes transparent and you start seeing through it, everything, very clearly, makes your mind absolutely clear then, anybody who then tells things of wisdom, you never feel bad about it, on the contrary, you thank that “I'm so lucky that I can hear about these things, such a nice things!” And also those sayings start giving you joy. So, with the ear you hear so many things. Used to hear the same things, might [be] hearing so much music, everything - before also - but never gave you joy. Now, because of this transformation, the same music, which you heard before, now makes you feel as if you are in the seventh heaven. It gives you ecstasy. The poetry, which was quite mundane, ordinary, people told Me, "Mother, it was such a headache to read William Blake in those days. But now we love it. We read it like Bible!" Because now you have developed new sight, new hearing power. All these are called in Sanskrit ‘atindrya’, means ‘the organs which are subtle organs within us’. So eyes have a subtle organ, ears have a subtle organ and these subtle organs then start emitting such responses to all the surroundings that you just gather whatever is beautiful. Say it is very dark. Normally, you'll be frightened. But if it is very dark, you say, "Oh, it’s very good. How we are enjoying here na? It's such venturesome thing!” You’ll go slowly, slowly holding each other's hands. Supposing it is very hot: Then maybe somebody would say, people may start, I don't know what they would do! Another would just say, "It’s quite nice day, you see, it's nice sometimes to also have hot. It's also very good!” - like that. If it is cold, the other way round. So, thus you start enjoying every aspect which is supposed to be very, very bad for others, [but] to you, you know the aspect of that, what is to be enjoyed, that part which is to be enjoyed, and once you know how to do it, then you say, "We are swimming in the Ocean of Joy." The Ocean is the same, but now you just achieve those beautiful drops of ambrosia which are in that Ocean and the rest are worried of getting drowned. Same Ocean! Same world! That's why they say it's a maya. But after this discretion is shining there's no maya - you start enjoying. It's like this, supposing you drop somebody in the ocean, he'll be so frightened and he'll die before even he’s sunk really! But supposing a person there is, with all his things to watch and he is the one who is going to see all the beauty of the underworld. He's very nicely secured. He's got big, beautiful glasses and all that and he's wearing nice paddles. He doesn't have to bother. He just goes there, nicely enjoys everything, takes photographs. The ocean is the same for him or for the one who is dropped in the ocean. But the one who is secured, the one who has all the equipments, the one who knows what is to be seen is enjoying it. In the same way, you are equipped with wisdom, with security and you know what you are doing, and the same thing starts becoming so very beautiful and enjoyable. I have seen how Sahaja Yogis enjoy everything. Even if somebody is shouting or saying something in a hall, I've seen all the Sahaja Yogis start laughing, laughing, laughing, you know. He's, poor man, trying his level best to condemn everything, and here all the Sahaja Yogis - just laughing at him, doing nothing, and that fellow runs away. It is something so...I mean they're enjoying his stupidity. So the whole attitude of life is so changed because of this Hamsa Chakra and you are not even aware that you have developed that Wisdom...automatically! Then you start also consolidating it and making it your own enlightened faith because every time you see [that] whatever you believe in just works out. You see, suddenly you find that things are brought to you without your knowledge, without any effort, which you have been trying to get. People suddenly meet you and you are helped. So many things happen. Recently, somebody came from India and he had said that, "I would like to meet somebody at Milan station". So we sent somebody, but he was wearing a very small, little badge so this gentleman couldn't see, and he was watching for somebody there. Suddenly, he saw one gentleman standing, like a Sahaja Yogi, very relaxed, watching everybody, not running, not upset. He went and asked him, "Did you come for me?" "Yes, yes, yes. I was wondering. I thought it is you only who has come." So, you make them out because their styles are different, their standing methods are different, their talking is different, the way they behave. It's all, you see, is a miracle the way the whole life and personality is changed. Once my husband had taken a Sahaja Yogi to a library, a British library and people are very rude there. So they were late by about one or two minutes and it was closing time. The fellow just started shouting at him. So the Sahaja Yogi said, "Yes, I agree. You see, we are late, but these traffics don't understand any laws that this library closes at this time, you know. They don't understand - the traffic, you see. They wouldn't listen to us. We told them the library's closing, you see," Fellow started looking at them! "But they wouldn't understand it. So important. You know, the traffic was stopping us and we are sorry we are here so late, but next time we'll not do like that." The fellow got absolutely so flabbergasted and the whole thing melted away. He said, "All right, come along." He opened the library for one hour after that. So the wisdom of handling people, wisdom of talking to them, wisdom of handling your jobs, everything starts working out. And if it doesn't work, you don't feel bad. You think, "What to do? The other fellow is not a Sahaja Yogi”. You tried it’s...what can be done? Like this time, when we were coming, there was a nice gentleman who is something like a manager in the KLM and all that. So he came and told Me, "There's a little difficulty that there's no seat for others. Only three persons first class can go. It's impossible. He's a friend of mine. He just can't help you." I said, "All right." I went and sat on the chair. I did like this (bandhan) only I think, three times must have. "Oh, there are six seats already there! From where did they come up?" So then you start seeing one point very clearly ki (that) there is this All-Pervading Power which is very active, which is watching us. All the great saints are managing things. Or sometimes you feel as if the angels are with you, how they're guiding things, how they're helping us, how they're there, how it is working out. Then you start seeing all that, then you start knowing it and believing in it, then this discretion settles down. Till that state it is settled down, it's quite possible that Sahaja Yogis might slip out of Sahaja Yoga. I have known many that, they come to Sahaja Yoga and just slip out on small, small points like that. Some other Sahaja Yogi, of their style only, can say something harsh to them and they slip out. Because on the periphery we have all kinds of people and on the periphery if you stop and somebody says something to you, then they drop out because they have not reached that state of discretion that, "This is the right place I'm in. If another is wrong, he'll get out. Why should I get out?" The growth is only possible when your Hamsa is put right. Without that till you are completely there, it's very difficult. But once the Hamsa is established, I have seen people become really very dedicated. As you know, it is very big organisation we have, all over the world. I have no secretary, I have no organisation, I have nothing like an office also. But everything, everybody's my secretary, everybody's working it out on their own. They're identified with it. They are responsible for it. I don't have...I'm like a plug, they put Me here, alright, there, there. It's all right wherever they put! Only this much of discretion, that they're my children, they'll not do anything to harm Me, they'll look after Me. Sometimes, of course, it could be quite hectic, could be very fast movement, whatever it is, but I don't mind because they are doing so much for Sahaja Yoga and they want to do it more and more and they are so responsible. So I respect it. Sometimes people say, "Mother, what a horrible schedule You have. We can't bear to see it, you see, it is too much. How will You do this?" I can do it!! Because I have absolute faith in their identification with Sahaja Yoga. They are not cheats. They are not hypocrites. They're not doing for their own being, own self, but they're doing it to help Sahaja Yoga, to help others. So the identification that you develop with other wrong things just drops out, then you start identifying yourself with beautiful things because you start getting the fragrance of the beauty. Then you start enjoying that beauty and your heart starts opening out. All this joy and all these things are not possible if your Hamsa is still infected with ego or with conditionings. We have so many conditionings like Hindus, like Christians, like this, like that. These conditionings are so much. Such false things we are following. But once we give up all these conditionings in the faith that we are doing it for our benevolence, this Agnya, this chakra opens out very well. Without this, Agnya cannot open. I mean, you see, it's an entry to Agnya, it's the entry to Vishuddhi, it's the entry to all the chakras of your head, the peethas that are there. So it's so important to keep your Hamsa Chakra clean! I've also told lots of things that can keep the Hamsa Chakra clean, which you all should use, I mean on the physical level. Also on the mental level I've told you what you have to do: is to steady your mind, see the beauty of anything and not the vulgarity of it, not the utility of it, but the beauty. Slowly, slowly you'll find your eyes will become cleaner and cleaner. People are now so much in Sahaja Yoga because of their depth maybe, because of their seeking maybe, because of their janmas (births) maybe or whatever it is. But this Hamsa Chakra does the greatest thing about which I do not know if you are aware or not, that, whatever are your karma phalas (fruits of your actions) are finished. You are not responsible for your forefather's karma phalas, your country's karma phalas or your own personal karma phalas. Whatever wrong you have done is finished, as if you are cut off from your past completely. Once this is established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings, not only of you, of your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your country, of this world, anything, doesn't touch you. You are aloof from it. And in this Krita Yuga where this Brahmachaitanya is trying to expose and to punish people for their past karmas - collectively also, country-wise also - will not be able to even touch you because the light of this centre is extremely powerful and you will be redeemed of all the fears of whatever you have done before. You'll just be beautiful like lotuses, which have come out of the mire, and you'll emit beautiful fragrance all around the world. May God bless you all.
Hamsa Chakra Puja, Vancouver (Canada), 13 September 1992. Today we are going to worship the Hamsa Chakra. So far we have been always worshipping a Deity and this is the second time you are worshipping this centre of Hamsa. Now this chakra is, it is, you know, placed between the two eyebrows and two eyes represent the left and the right side. So this centre is very much guided by our eyes, by our ears, by our nose, tongue, teeth, throat. Is a very important centre because the Vishuddhi, which has to look after sixteen petals, which, sixteen petals, which look after all these ear, nose, throat, different, different organs within us, also it has to communicate with the Viraat. So it has to pass through this centre of Hamsa Chakra. Hamsa Chakra is the very pivotal centre, which expresses auspiciousness in our awareness. That means, if this centre is alert and awakened, then we immediately know what is auspicious and what is not auspicious, or we can call it, we get the Divine Discretion. I think it is a part of the genetics that people have discretion between good and bad, destructive and constructive. It is basically, has to be there, but we can easily spoil it by all these organs which are collecting the conditionings and the ego from outside. That's why this centre is very vulnerable. Other centres are not so much connected outside as this centre is connected, and receives all the information from, all these organs. For example, the eyes, now, we have. Eyes are very important because, they say it, this is the window of the Spirit. And you have seen that when Kundalini rises, and Spirit starts shining, there is a dilatation of the pupils and you look like an innocent child and there's a twinkle in your eyes. But the way that we play with our eyes all the time, the way we use it indiscreetly with our lust and greed we can spoil this centre very badly. Once we start taking to destructive things in our life, we immediately become akin, or we start accepting, whatever is wrong, whatever is destructive, very easily. I feel this is some sort of a genetic defect because, in certain people, they will not accept anything that is stupid, idiotic or destructive. But in certain people they're very prone and very easily can be taken to things which are absurd, which are stupid and which are definitely destructive. This can become a very collective acceptance also and once it becomes a collective acceptance, it starts penetrating throughout. It does not only have the effect of absorption, but also it has an effect of affecting other things. Say a person whose eyes are what we call flirtish or roving eyes, such a person, if he goes to one group of people who do not know what flirting is, do not know what roving eyes is, with very steady eyes, he can influence those people and can make some of them of the same kind. So what happens, really, is this, that, this is a very good door for all kinds of bhoots to enter, entities to enter, and when you start projecting it back, the same bhoots can pass into another person and can create the same kind of vacuum or same kind of vulnerability in the Hamsa Chakra of other people. So that's why eyes have to be very, very clean, innocent. Another, you can see, is what you hear. Some people, if they hear something nonsensical, they'll just put their hands to their ears. They don't want to hear anything. But there are some people who like it and go on enjoying it. Ultimately, they become servile or, we can say, conditioned, that they like all these horrible things that normally a human being won't like. Now, also you must have seen that people who, like French people, I think they have no discretion of smell. They smell so awful, but they eat all rotten food, rotten cheese, rotten, absolutely rotten wines, but they never smell it. Anybody in their company can smell it. Even their hands smell of their rotten cheese, you can’t just [bare to] smell it. But they have lost the power. In the same way, in our country we have a caste called sweepers who do all the cleaning of dirty things with their hands. They have no sense of smell. They have lost the sense of smell. The nose has lost that smell sense. They cannot smell anything dirty. That's how they can do their work. So if you start also not being alert to fragrance - I've seen also there are certain things people use made of tobacco, they are supposed to be very good, very famous brands of perfumes like ‘Tabac’ and all that. So once they start liking that kind of a thing, then they have other things like 'Poison' and other horrible things, which, it’s horrible smell in it. Apart from that, first [thing] you smell is alcohol, is a spirit! But they don't mind because they see in that a very congenial type of a pleasure. But these pleasures, ultimately, can kill all the cells of the nose and afterwards one may even lose the sense of smell. One of the joy-giving organ is the sense of smell. When the Kundalini rises in many people they get a fragrance of many things. Some people get of guggul or sometimes they get a fragrance of sandalwood or something, which is a very natural essence of flowers or maybe of some woods. But these unnaturally made things which are actually destructive to your cells of smelling, that is what they start using, and once you start using these kind of things then what happens is that you don't feel any bad smell anywhere, like animals. But so many animals can smell, if not they don't call it bad or good, but they can smell. Even that sensitivity of good and bad smell which we human beings have got is lost. So whatever is our ascent, as human beings, at what a level we have gone, start completely disappearing, gradually, one by one. Then same with the throat. If the throat is using bad languages and is being used for abusing people, showing temper on people or anything of aggression or sometimes people take things which can also spoil the throat by their destructive qualities, like alcohol; specially the smoking. If you smoke then the throat gets vulnerable and the sweetness of your voice is lost. Then they speak with a hoarse voice. But this is all external. It starts becoming external. Mouth smells with that and also the teeth react to all such things, which we take without discretion about it, because that's the fashion, because it is marketing well, because it is advertised! That means we have not got our own wisdom, our own personality. But when this centre is awakened, then what you develop is a discretion. As I was telling them yesterday how the word Hamsa has come for this centre. Because there's a Sanskrit, very beautiful, couplet, which says that a swan is white and a crane is a white bird. What is the difference between the swan and a crane? The answer is that when you mix milk with water, the swan will just suck in the milk while the crane has no discretion, no vivek. This discretionary power, once we start losing, we start becoming just like robots, I would say, because we have no personality. Anybody can brainwash us and the more they tell us about our discretion we listen to them. That explains why people, so many thousands of people, go to all these false gurus. Thousands of people, why did they take to homosexuality and got into AIDS? Why thousands of people have taken to drugs? It is unbelievable! Incredible! Why people have taken to all these things [and] are destroying their life. They see a man going into the pub, coming out and falling down on the ground with all his purse being emptied. But they go with the purse, see that they have sufficient money to go inside the pub, again come out to fall down on the street. Whatever idiotic or nonsensical [things] other people are doing, when you see they're idiotic, you pay money to become idiotic. One pays money to destroy oneself, go out of the way. It is so unnatural for anyone. I mean even a dog or a cat, or any animal, knows where is the danger is. They can smell the danger and they run away because they have to preserve their lives. They think their lives are precious and they must live and live well. But this ordinary, common sense starts missing and they will say, "What's wrong? What's wrong in this? What's wrong in that?" That means the genetics of the Hamsa are missing. Now you should see there is no Deity on the Hamsa Chakra, but it is the formless energy of so many organs which are looked after by Buddha, Mahavira, Christ, Shri Krishna - four of them, managed by Shri Ganesha. So these genetics are put by Shri Ganesha because He is the source of the Wisdom. So first, once they spoil their Mooladhara, the wisdom is finished: [the] basis, the fundamentals, are finished. That's why immoral life is very detrimental to our life because we lose our discretion, the discretion is lost. Then if you can awaken Shri Ganesha in the Hamsa Chakra, then suddenly you belong to the higher race of Sahaja Yogis. It's surprising. I've seen people overnight give up their drugs, very immoral people become extremely moral because of this chakra being suddenly awakened and the light of the Spirit is best expressed through this chakra in everyday life, in the collective life also. One starts then seeing the point, as we say. Like now, in Sahaja Yogas, we have different problems, also. Say, when people first come to Sahaja Yoga, they start watching other people and starting finding their faults, what's wrong with them. They never see what they are here for. They are not here to find out faults with others, but to correct your own defects. So they say, "Oh, this man is no good. That man is no good. This is wrong." They start creating problems, you see. They'll talk to each other, saying, "Oh this man is not good. That man is not good," try create groups and things. They're here to offer what? Or create a politics or for your ascent? Some of them, if they do not do all this, then they think we should start to make some money out of it or some sort of a thing, or some start criticising others about something, which is not their concern. So they forget because they are just now coming to Sahaja Yoga and their genetics are not established of their wisdom. They start worrying about things, which are not their worry, which they should not bother about. Then some of them start thinking, "Oh, I am the leader!" or "Why am I not the leader?" So they start finding fault with the leadership. Sometimes leader also can feel, "Oh, I am the leader. I can be very stern, very disciplinary and I can control people. I can do this." They have come here to learn how to love, to be compassionate, to be tolerant. The sense of leadership and also of obedience - both are discretionary. If somebody says something to you and if you obey that person for your benevolence, you will subtly understand that it is for your good. If some leader says that "This is wrong with you," try to see if it is wrong, instead of feeling hurt about it. "Yes, it is wrong with me. So what should I do? How can I improve myself?" Ask the leader or you can write to Me or do anything. But no! They will not do it. Immediately they will write a letter to Me saying, "This leader is such-and-such, bad fellow. He’s so this thing. He ate that money. He ate that thing!” and all kinds of things. Or else they may tell people, "Oh, Mother listens to this fellow. He's no good. He's just telling Mother stories and Mother listens!" Mother is not such a fool. She knows about everything. So all these things that we have gathered from our previous life, even after our second birth we carry little bit. Like an egg becomes a bird but still lots of things of the egg are hanging on to his body, so you have to cleanse it. So, at this point, when you have got your realisation, the first discretion should be, "How am I going to achieve that state of Spirit?” The Pure Spirit! Instead of that, also, people get lost because they have no discretion. With this enlightenment, first thing that happens, I've seen with people: Their eyes are fixed. They don't rove their eyes much now. They have very innocent eyes. Otherwise they are really mad, those people who go on looking at everything like this. There's no difference between madman and him. You put one madman, he does the same and a person who is like that does the same. And it's such a crazy thing to do, but immediately...I mean, it is such a spontaneous thing. It's like the light coming in the room. It is so spontaneous that you start seeing things clearly - "No, no. This is not good!" Before in the garden, you would go and collect all the thorns and put them in your body. That was the situation. Never looked at the flowers. And suddenly, after realisation, you will be amazed, you just see flowers and don't bother about thorns, or if you find you take them out. There is joy even before realisation and after realisation, but there is no capacity to enjoy. That capacity comes to you after realisation and the main thing that happens to you is the discretion. Then, like the swan, you just take the milk of everything. At everything your attitude becomes very different, you start seeing things in a different angle. Like once we had to go to one very ancient temple to see some art. Me, my son-in-law and my daughter, we were walking up up, we had to walk for miles, up the hill and they were very tired so we went into one temple and just laid down ourselves. They were so tired. At that time I said, "See these elephants, see how beautiful they are, every one has a different type of a tail and a different type of a trunk, the poses are different. So many of them are like that." My son-in-law said, "Babaa! We are so tired. How are you looking at these things?" Because attention didn't go to my tiredness but to those beautiful things. Same thing, you start sucking in the milk. There is joy but you cannot feel the joy because the power, that subtle power of Divine Discretion is not there. Once that comes in, you start enjoying everything. It's just the same, [your] life is just the same, nothing has changed: same house, same family, same city, same environment. But you start enjoying because the sensitivity of your Hamsa Chakra is now only for Divine Discretion and you immediately know and then you don't want to do anything with the thorns, only want to gather flowers and you know how to gather flowers and you are in joy. So the light of the Spirit, which shines through your Hamsa Chakra, gives you wisdom. Wisdom doesn't mean that you know how to argue things or you fight with people. No, it doesn't mean that! Wisdom means how you take to the good side of everything, to enjoy it, this is Wisdom. And that you avoid all destructive things and take to something constructive. Now you are going, say, on a road and is written there - there's danger. Before realisation they will say, "All right. Let's see what is danger." They'll jump into it and say that, “We have got nirvana” by killing themselves. Such explanations! But a sensible man will say, "All right, danger? Go back. What's the harm, after all?" He preserves himself. He respects his life because he knows now [that] he has become the instrument of God. So Wisdom comes to you automatically, but through experience. Then you know this is the right path. Through experience you start understanding. Nowadays I am telling all these things to you. Say, if, twenty years back, I never talked of these things to them, [it was] because I knew if I start talking, they'll say, "Oh, She's talking something out of the blue. God knows if it is true or not." But once the wisdom becomes transparent and you start seeing through it, everything, very clearly, makes your mind absolutely clear then, anybody who then tells things of wisdom, you never feel bad about it, on the contrary, you thank that “I'm so lucky that I can hear about these things, such a nice things!” And also those sayings start giving you joy. So, with the ear you hear so many things. Used to hear the same things, might [be] hearing so much music, everything - before also - but never gave you joy. Now, because of this transformation, the same music, which you heard before, now makes you feel as if you are in the seventh heaven. It gives you ecstasy. The poetry, which was quite mundane, ordinary, people told Me, "Mother, it was such a headache to read William Blake in those days. But now we love it. We read it like Bible!" Because now you have developed new sight, new hearing power. All these are called in Sanskrit ‘atindrya’, means ‘the organs which are subtle organs within us’. So eyes have a subtle organ, ears have a subtle organ and these subtle organs then start emitting such responses to all the surroundings that you just gather whatever is beautiful. Say it is very dark. Normally, you'll be frightened. But if it is very dark, you say, "Oh, it’s very good. How we are enjoying here na? It's such venturesome thing!” You’ll go slowly, slowly holding each other's hands. Supposing it is very hot: Then maybe somebody would say, people may start, I don't know what they would do! Another would just say, "It’s quite nice day, you see, it's nice sometimes to also have hot. It's also very good!” - like that. If it is cold, the other way round. So, thus you start enjoying every aspect which is supposed to be very, very bad for others, [but] to you, you know the aspect of that, what is to be enjoyed, that part which is to be enjoyed, and once you know how to do it, then you say, "We are swimming in the Ocean of Joy." The Ocean is the same, but now you just achieve those beautiful drops of ambrosia which are in that Ocean and the rest are worried of getting drowned. Same Ocean! Same world! That's why they say it's a maya. But after this discretion is shining there's no maya - you start enjoying. It's like this, supposing you drop somebody in the ocean, he'll be so frightened and he'll die before even he’s sunk really! But supposing a person there is, with all his things to watch and he is the one who is going to see all the beauty of the underworld. He's very nicely secured. He's got big, beautiful glasses and all that and he's wearing nice paddles. He doesn't have to bother. He just goes there, nicely enjoys everything, takes photographs. The ocean is the same for him or for the one who is dropped in the ocean. But the one who is secured, the one who has all the equipments, the one who knows what is to be seen is enjoying it. In the same way, you are equipped with wisdom, with security and you know what you are doing, and the same thing starts becoming so very beautiful and enjoyable. I have seen how Sahaja Yogis enjoy everything. Even if somebody is shouting or saying something in a hall, I've seen all the Sahaja Yogis start laughing, laughing, laughing, you know. He's, poor man, trying his level best to condemn everything, and here all the Sahaja Yogis - just laughing at him, doing nothing, and that fellow runs away. It is something so...I mean they're enjoying his stupidity. So the whole attitude of life is so changed because of this Hamsa Chakra and you are not even aware that you have developed that Wisdom...automatically! Then you start also consolidating it and making it your own enlightened faith because every time you see [that] whatever you believe in just works out. You see, suddenly you find that things are brought to you without your knowledge, without any effort, which you have been trying to get. People suddenly meet you and you are helped. So many things happen. Recently, somebody came from India and he had said that, "I would like to meet somebody at Milan station". So we sent somebody, but he was wearing a very small, little badge so this gentleman couldn't see, and he was watching for somebody there. Suddenly, he saw one gentleman standing, like a Sahaja Yogi, very relaxed, watching everybody, not running, not upset. He went and asked him, "Did you come for me?" "Yes, yes, yes. I was wondering. I thought it is you only who has come." So, you make them out because their styles are different, their standing methods are different, their talking is different, the way they behave. It's all, you see, is a miracle the way the whole life and personality is changed. Once my husband had taken a Sahaja Yogi to a library, a British library and people are very rude there. So they were late by about one or two minutes and it was closing time. The fellow just started shouting at him. So the Sahaja Yogi said, "Yes, I agree. You see, we are late, but these traffics don't understand any laws that this library closes at this time, you know. They don't understand - the traffic, you see. They wouldn't listen to us. We told them the library's closing, you see," Fellow started looking at them! "But they wouldn't understand it. So important. You know, the traffic was stopping us and we are sorry we are here so late, but next time we'll not do like that." The fellow got absolutely so flabbergasted and the whole thing melted away. He said, "All right, come along." He opened the library for one hour after that. So the wisdom of handling people, wisdom of talking to them, wisdom of handling your jobs, everything starts working out. And if it doesn't work, you don't feel bad. You think, "What to do? The other fellow is not a Sahaja Yogi”. You tried it’s...what can be done? Like this time, when we were coming, there was a nice gentleman who is something like a manager in the KLM and all that. So he came and told Me, "There's a little difficulty that there's no seat for others. Only three persons first class can go. It's impossible. He's a friend of mine. He just can't help you." I said, "All right." I went and sat on the chair. I did like this (bandhan) only I think, three times must have. "Oh, there are six seats already there! From where did they come up?" So then you start seeing one point very clearly ki (that) there is this All-Pervading Power which is very active, which is watching us. All the great saints are managing things. Or sometimes you feel as if the angels are with you, how they're guiding things, how they're helping us, how they're there, how it is working out. Then you start seeing all that, then you start knowing it and believing in it, then this discretion settles down. Till that state it is settled down, it's quite possible that Sahaja Yogis might slip out of Sahaja Yoga. I have known many that, they come to Sahaja Yoga and just slip out on small, small points like that. Some other Sahaja Yogi, of their style only, can say something harsh to them and they slip out. Because on the periphery we have all kinds of people and on the periphery if you stop and somebody says something to you, then they drop out because they have not reached that state of discretion that, "This is the right place I'm in. If another is wrong, he'll get out. Why should I get out?" The growth is only possible when your Hamsa is put right. Without that till you are completely there, it's very difficult. But once the Hamsa is established, I have seen people become really very dedicated. As you know, it is very big organisation we have, all over the world. I have no secretary, I have no organisation, I have nothing like an office also. But everything, everybody's my secretary, everybody's working it out on their own. They're identified with it. They are responsible for it. I don't have...I'm like a plug, they put Me here, alright, there, there. It's all right wherever they put! Only this much of discretion, that they're my children, they'll not do anything to harm Me, they'll look after Me. Sometimes, of course, it could be quite hectic, could be very fast movement, whatever it is, but I don't mind because they are doing so much for Sahaja Yoga and they want to do it more and more and they are so responsible. So I respect it. Sometimes people say, "Mother, what a horrible schedule You have. We can't bear to see it, you see, it is too much. How will You do this?" I can do it!! Because I have absolute faith in their identification with Sahaja Yoga. They are not cheats. They are not hypocrites. They're not doing for their own being, own self, but they're doing it to help Sahaja Yoga, to help others. So the identification that you develop with other wrong things just drops out, then you start identifying yourself with beautiful things because you start getting the fragrance of the beauty. Then you start enjoying that beauty and your heart starts opening out. All this joy and all these things are not possible if your Hamsa is still infected with ego or with conditionings. We have so many conditionings like Hindus, like Christians, like this, like that. These conditionings are so much. Such false things we are following. But once we give up all these conditionings in the faith that we are doing it for our benevolence, this Agnya, this chakra opens out very well. Without this, Agnya cannot open. I mean, you see, it's an entry to Agnya, it's the entry to Vishuddhi, it's the entry to all the chakras of your head, the peethas that are there. So it's so important to keep your Hamsa Chakra clean! I've also told lots of things that can keep the Hamsa Chakra clean, which you all should use, I mean on the physical level. Also on the mental level I've told you what you have to do: is to steady your mind, see the beauty of anything and not the vulgarity of it, not the utility of it, but the beauty. Slowly, slowly you'll find your eyes will become cleaner and cleaner. People are now so much in Sahaja Yoga because of their depth maybe, because of their seeking maybe, because of their janmas (births) maybe or whatever it is. But this Hamsa Chakra does the greatest thing about which I do not know if you are aware or not, that, whatever are your karma phalas (fruits of your actions) are finished. You are not responsible for your forefather's karma phalas, your country's karma phalas or your own personal karma phalas. Whatever wrong you have done is finished, as if you are cut off from your past completely. Once this is established, then all mistakes, all wrong-doings, not only of you, of your relations, of your forefathers, of your family, of your country, of this world, anything, doesn't touch you. You are aloof from it. And in this Krita Yuga where this Brahmachaitanya is trying to expose and to punish people for their past karmas - collectively also, country-wise also - will not be able to even touch you because the light of this centre is extremely powerful and you will be redeemed of all the fears of whatever you have done before. You'll just be beautiful like lotuses, which have come out of the mire, and you'll emit beautiful fragrance all around the world. May God bless you all.
Public Program
United States
Public Program
God can never make some people available to religion and others not
United States
Los Angeles
Public Program
1992-0915 Persian Public Program, Ashram, Los Angeles I am very happy to see you all here. I went to Iran in the year 1971, and I was surprised that the people there were just prepared to get their realization; and at that time, you had this king ruling there. We had a program in some hall and many people got their realization. And after that, all these problems came in and I couldn’t keep contact with them at all; but they must be somewhere, all of them who got their realization at that time. Also some people were cured with Sahaja Yoga. Now the time has come for us to be awakened. All these problems of fundamentalism, which have not only troubled you – they have fundamentalism everywhere, the whole world – there are Christians who are fundamentalists, there are Jews who are fundamentalists, all kinds of things they are doing. As you have seen that, how so many Muslims were killed in Yugoslavia, and now many Muslims are killing. It’s going on between this and that area. Nobody has business to kill anyone, but it is happening. The reason is that it has gone into their heads that they are perfect, they have got everything. This is the worst thing that has happened in the name of God. God can never make some people available to religion and others not. These are all great saints, seers, prophets, incarnations, born on the same tree of life. Only people pluck those flowers, and they are fighting with these dead flowers. Everybody is in danger of this. Everybody. Now these Shias who are in Iraq are in danger; they are hounded out by this Saddam Hussein. For no reason. Kurds are in another trouble; it is impossible to understand that they never see that they are doing such horrible things in the name of God. So, awakening is needed. Unless and until you are awakened, you never understand it. Now there’s a Sahaja Yogi who is a Muslim, and his wife is a French lady. They have written a very nice book explaining Koran very clearly. We had about 62 people from different countries, like Algeria, all these other countries around Mediterranean Sea, African countries – Senegal – who were communists, and they think now they have lost their faith in communism, so maybe the people might fall into fundamentalism, and they are very much worried about it. So they are all coming to India for about five days, they are going to have a proper understanding of Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of all the religions. As Mohammed Sahab has said, “You have to be a wali.” He has talked about resurrection, Kiyama, a complete chapter is there. But they don’t want to talk about it. And the shariat that they are using is actually from the five angels from the five books. The third book of Jeremiah, where in English they call it Jeremiah, where Moses is the one who talked of this shariat because when He came from the mountain of Toor he found the people were absolutely getting into complete decadence conditions, absolutely. All kinds of horrible things they were doing. He got a fright. He said, “How can I tell them about these Ten Commandments; they will never listen to Me, they have gone beyond any redemption.” So then, because they were so badly o , He made these rules of shariat. For the Jews, not for the Muslims. That time there were no Muslims. But the Muslims took all these five angels as a part of their religion. Out of that, they picked up this and they started using this shariat. Shariat is not in Koran. Mohammed Sahab did not take a note of it, I think. Shariat is in this another five books of the Old Testament. So this was taken over so much by the Muslims because other religions are more money-oriented. Christian religion is more money-oriented. They want to make money in the name of God. But Muslims thought better to take to power. So they made it power-oriented. To make it power-oriented, they had to suppress the people, they had to tell them that, “You can’t do this, you can’t do that, this is not proper, that is not proper, otherwise if you do like this, we’ll cut your throat or your hands will be cut.” And they do all these things, no doubt, because I’ve been to Iraq. On every Friday people are buried alive in the hot sand. Only their heads are kept out, and so may people go to watch it. They really enjoy watching them. So horrible it is. They are just burning inside, the hot sand is burning them, they can’t get out, and only you can see their faces and then they ultimately die. This kind of cruelty, how can’t be possible for God to do, because He is Rahimmath, He is Rahim. And it is even worse than gas chamber I can tell you, because you see in front of you somebody dying like that. But when they are there, they don’t drink, they don’t smoke. They do it; secretly they do.Once I was traveling from Riyadh to London and I slept o . When I opened My eyes they were all in burka. They had come in burka, they had covered themselves up and everything. When I got up I saw very fashionable ladies, very fashionable. I thought we stopped somewhere, or what. So I asked the air hostess, “Did we stop somewhere?” Said, “No, it’s a direct fight.” I said, “How these ladies, how have they come in?” They said, “They are the same. You see they are wearing the burka and all that.” Now see, this is what, they were painting themselves, they were all doing everything. So this is unnatural. Mohammed Sahab was a very practical man. He would never have said something unnatural. Is very unnatural. Of course, he asked the women to cover themselves up. Also one of the reasons is that the place is full of dust. Even the men cover their heads bound like that. So full of dust. And He respected women so much. He thought that the women should not be abused as prostitutes, so He said whatever it is because there were very few men, very few. Most of the young men had died. And so many women. He said, “You marry five times will be alright, but marry. Don’t have women who are like prostitutes.” So, to give importance to marriage, He married himself. And He made others also marry. But it’s not compulsory that you should marry. Under those circumstances –in Sanskrit we call it samayachar, the time, that was the time – and according to the time, these people found out things, what is to be done for that particular time. Now for example, now we have drugs. They didn’t have drugs at that time. Even Mohammed Sahab time, there was no smoking. He, of course, He knew about the alcohol, so He said no more alcohol. But there was no smoking, so Muslims think that if you smoke, it’s alright because it’s allowed. It’s an escape, you know, just an escape. Now the drugs also, I was surprised in these Arabic countries they’re taking drugs. Young people are taking drugs. Quite a lot. Even ladies take drugs there. It’s very surprising. The reason for that is again, that in the Koran there’s no word of drugs.Now Koran itself was not written at the time of Mohammed Sahab as you know very well. There’s a very great scholar who has written about it, that Mohammed Sahab got all these inspirations, and He told people to write who were of His age group, his friends and things, very reliable people. But they couldn’t write anything. So they remembered everything by heart. Forty years, they didn’t write. Then they were getting old, so they asked their children to learn how to write, and they told the children. So now from Mohammed Sahab to these people, which was kept in their memory, then it was even to the children. So you can imagine there is authenticity of Koran could be also little bit doubted, because maybe there are certain things that have gone wrong. I tell you, the biggest mistake was this, that it was said that Mohammed Sahab said that I am the last prophet. He never said that. If He had said it, why should He talk about Kiyama? About the future? If He was the last, He should have done with the Kiyama part, why did He keep it hanging in the air? That shows He never said it. But apart from that, their word is that He was the seal. It means also stamp. Even in Arabic language it means stamp. So He is one of the stamps. Like in the Indian scriptures, we have the Primordial Master. Then we have this Master incarnates, like in Iran, you had Zoroaster. According to Sahaja Yog, Zoroaster was the same. Five Zoroasters came there to preach about God and religion. These were the people who are now in India, who ran away from there, we call them Iranians, you see. They ran away. This is Persepolis, you know that where Shiraz, near Shiraz, where the capital was there, at that time. Now all that was over and then they didn’t want to say that Mohammed Sahab was one of the incarnations of the Primordial Master. They wouldn’t say that. What they said, that He was the last. Now logically we must understand, if He was the last, then why did He talk about resurrection? About the future? Also He showed tremendous respect for Christ and His Mother. Even in the Bible there is no respect at all. She is called as a ’woman’ in the Bible. But He said that nobody dare say anything against Her character. Because He knew what She was. Many things could not be explained that time. Also all the time the war was going on, you know that, and there were tribes who were attacking them; He had to go from here to there and they were all destroyed. Quite a lot of people were destroyed there. So many people were destroyed in these wars and in these big invasions of the other people. Even Mohammed Sahab was given poison. All the time people were after His life. And in that whatever was possible, He has explained it, whatever was possible in that short time. Beautiful things. I mean Islam is one of the highest things you can think of. But, Muslims are nowhere near Islam. Muslims are here, Islam is there. Like in any religion.I will tell you about Christianity. Christianity, when Christ died, this fellow Mr. Paul, who was a Roman executive, or bureaucrat, working with the government. So, he thought that all the blame of the death of Christ will fall upon the Roman government. So first thing He said, that Christ was killed by Jews, so condemn them. Poor things, for years together, these Jews were condemned, and every action has a reaction: because they were condemned, so now they have become aggressive. Then this Paul thought that this is a very good platform, he can jump on it. And he found this fellow whose name was Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ. Christ had said that the Satan will take you over. Had said it. In the Bible it is. So he got hold of this fellow, Peter, and both have joined hands, and they re-edited Bible. Despite that there are lots of truths there left, but they re-edited, and in that, He said that Christ said that Peter will establish a church, and I give him the key. It’s impossible.See now, we have so many Sahaja Yogis. Among them, the one who is the weakest, good for nothing, for whom I say that Satan will take over, do you think he will be appointed as the head? Not possible! That’s how this horrible Roman Catholic church started. Now the less said the better about Roman Catholic. They are, firstly, very money-oriented people. So many things are coming out about them that’s shocking. Very licentious, horrible people; they have been abusing children, their priests have been doing all kinds of things, and their church itself has counterfeited ten million dollars. Counterfeited. And distributed this through their bank. Why should any divine person think of having a bank? They have a bank of their own. Can you imagine? And in the bank they use the counterfeited money. And that counterfeited money is distributed. I have now, recently, living in Italy, so many things are coming out about this church. Now the latest is that this Pope has taken five hundred thousand pounds as a kickback from one man. This man was arrested. And he said that, “This man has taken a kickback from me, but I have been giving him since long.” And now, it was also said that, I mean it’s there, that he has a keep. He had her there in Warsaw, and he has brought her here. And this book, there is one book, ‘In The Name of God’ where this author, English author, American, he’s American, he has pointed out that this Pope murdered the previous Pope. He has been a politician, he has sent lots of, of course it was in time also, lots of bombs and things to Warsaw, to Poland, and many people were killed. I mean a divine person, why should any divine person do all these things? This shows that all these, even Hindus are terrible people if you want to hear about them also, it’s terrible. I don’t know how they are Hindus, because it’s written in the Gita, that in everybody’s heart, there is the Spirit. So how can you have caste system? And his own book, that is Gita, was written by an illegitimate child of a sherwoman. So this caste system was created later on by these so-called Brahmins who never knew what is Brahma is. Then Buddhists, another nonsense they are, terrible.Recently this Dalai Lama, he’s a beggar, he’s begging everywhere money, you see, he has got so many wrinkles that you can count them. He said, surprisingly, that we cannot have one universal religion because we are all different people. Because they want to fight. Because if you are one religion, then who will fight? They want to fight and kill others. So this great power of killing others will be lost once you become one religion. So he says, we don’t believe in universal religion. We are all different people. How are we different?See, if you cut your hand, the same bone, the same nerves, the same arteries, veins, everything in everyone, whether you are Irani, India, English, America. There is no difference at all, it is skin deep, absolutely skin deep. What is the difference? We laugh the same way, we cry the same way. We don’t cry from our ears. We cry from our eyes only. All of us. What is the difference is? All our hair, you see, grow out of our head. They don’t grow through our nose or something like that. It’s a funny thing, you know, that “we are different.” We are not. I mean it’s surprising. How can they say such a thing about God that He created us different? Of course, there’s a skin difference. It is, after all, supposing you wear all just the same. It would have been so boring. Everybody looks the same like a laboratory, you see, there’s no expression of anything, the same nose, the same eyes, and you wouldn’t be able to make out who is who. So the variety was created, the variety was created, just to create beauty. Is important that there should be variety. Whatever God has done for our good, we always make a mess out of it. That’s specialty of human beings. Whatever good things He creates or does that, we can easily make a mess out of it.So it’s important we all should get our realization first. We all have to become the ‘wali.’ Wali you have to be. And once that happens, then you will be surprised, you will know Mohammed Sahab much better, you know Islam much better, and you know all the religions, that are contained together. So many things happen now. Tomorrow’s lecture I am going to tell you all about it, what great things are going to come once we all become one with this Ruh, with all this All-pervading. They have talked about Ruh. But Islam is only nothing but Ruh, while the Muslims [are] least bothered. Where is the Ruh? They never find out. Only thing they know is to kill somebody, or to ... this thing. Really, it is impossible to understand this fighting business – is so much. Go on fighting. They are, actually I should say, little naive, so their fundamentalism is open. Christians are no less fundamentalists. Tremendous fundamentalists they are. In England, there’s only one religion, is this Church of England. Other religions are not religions at all, only Church of England. Great fundamentalists. Apart from Catholic Church. Now, how far they are going, they are very liberal. First they said, some of them said, that Christ was a homosexual. Can you imagine such a thing to be said? Alright. So now they are having homosexual marriages. In the Church. This is the situation of all the religions today. All kinds of stupid things they are doing in the name of God. How can in the church you marry such things, and then you can adopt a child and do like that? Because, reason is, they want money. So, now, if you want to have money, you have to, it’s like an election, you, like the votes. So far, these votes, you have to accept whatever they say. There are no fundamental principles, there is no fundamental value system. Whatever people say, “Alright, we’ll do that.”This is how the religion has been to this time. And I don’t know how many more stupid things they are going to do, and how many people they are going to kill in the name of God. All of them think that God is in their pocket. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything. One can commit any sin. There’s no restriction. But a Sahaja Yogi cannot. Sahaja Yogi has to practice what he preaches. If he doesn’t do it, he gets out of Sahaja Yoga. But he does it. I don’t have to say, “These are Ten Commandments,” nothing. You get the light of your spirit, and you yourself look after yourself, I don’t have to bother. You become your own masters, your prophets, and you look after yourself. I don’t have to bother about it. It is as simple as that. And nowhere, in all these religions, there is even an essence of love that is God. Whether it is this or that.They are all full of greed and lust. Absolutely. Sometimes I feel at the helm of a airs, we have people who are much worse than us. Much worse than even ordinary people. They do all kinds of nonsensical things. In Riyadh, you have todo five times namaz. These mutawahs, they are standing with hunters, you see, they close all the shops, five times. Now, if any lady is there or somebody, if she doesn’t cover her head fully, they’ll come and hit you. They may not be Muslims, but you are supposed to cover your head. Such injustice, and no freedom of any kind. While the prince and princess with their horrible life they are leading, horrible. And the other people also, the sheiks, are ... you know what kind of people they are. They have no right to call themselves Islamic. No right. No character, nothing. Horrible people. So now, we have to understand now that all of us should take to something that is reality, and must awaken ourselves to that reality, to enjoy life. Now time has come for you to enjoy. We have had enough of this nonsense. Now we can stop it and finish it o .Doctor must have told you how physical, emotional, mental problems can be solved so easily with this. Also material problems can be solved. All of you understand the importance of your own personalities, because you are Iranians here. If you want to save your people, you have to work it out yourself. We have already some Iranians who are Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know if you have met them. There are some Sahaja Yogis already – Iranians – they come to Turkey and go back. We are going to have a Diwali Pūjā in Turkey, where all these Eastern Block and Russians are going to come, and all these Muslims might come also. They have given us a very nice place also, might have that there. Will be a good idea to meet all of the people who are enlightened. One good thing about Russians and these Communist countries is that their government may be bad, but you see, they are very open-hearted. I mean they are so sensitive to spirituality. In one place called Togliatti, there are 22,000 Sahaja Yogis practicing. Just like that. Spreading so fast. They are so open-minded. They are so susceptible, they are so sensitive. Just seeing My photograph, can you imagine, thousands of them came. I said how? They said it is, you can see Mother. And all these people, Rajneesh, they just threw them out. Except for these Azerbaijanis. Poor things, they smuggle Koran there. And this is, Americans are doing this trick. You see, Americans are very clever, they want to create problems. So they gave them these Korans, and they were smuggling. Saddam Hussein they are trying to reclaim somehow or other. They could have arrested him long time back. But he’s still there. What are they up to, these Americans? They themselves gave him so many ships and things, and later on they are bombarding their own ships. The Germans built his bunk, and they said this bunk, you cannot destroy because we have built it, we know what it is. So all the European countries have this Mr. Saddam Hussein, and now he is on their back. So, it’s a big game of politics – nonsense that’s going on. All these things will soon be disappearing because people know now. Everybody’s getting exposed. And I’m sure some sensible people will stand up and say that stop all this nonsense now, let’s stick to reality.If you have any questions, I would like to answer you also.Man spoke. Was worried that the situation in Iran is affecting the people’s spirituality. They no longer believe in Koran. A woman he knows whose children and grandchildren were killed has stopped praying altogether.Actually you must get your connection. You should get connected to God Almighty. Then there’s no need even to pray, just you desire, it works out. I want you Iranians to really get in connection with God Almighty, and all your desires will be fulfilled. But first the connection must be there. Without the connection, if you are praying, what’s the use? Many people in Iran also think the same way as you are saying, very much. But they are little helpless because they are not free, you see.I have this great feeling for Iran. Fatima was there. Her two children were killed there. That’s a very sad story. And now, despite all oil and everything, I have heard that people are getting very poor there, and even small children of 12 years or so are carrying guns in their hands. It’s a mad world. We have a company of shipping, Indo–Iran. And the officers who go there and come tell us the story about it. Already there is one doctor who has married an Indian girl who is a Sahaja Yogi. But they are all afraid to talk about Sahaja Yoga. Because, you see, it’s a military rule there. You cannot say anything. But there are. But outside Iran, you can work it out. It’s a very silent revolution that’s going on in the whole world. Now in Sahaja Yoga there are fifty-five countries. Fifty-five countries. And they all love each other. Never a problem of any quarreling, fighting, nothing. Tremendous love. So all this racialism, all these artificial barriers which separates human beings, is absolutely finished, and you will be amazed that you have friends everywhere. We have one Iranian girl who came from Iran to Rome. She went to the ashram. Immediately they said, “Yes, yes, come along.” She’s staying there. And then she met Me. Because she had her realization in, I think, in Turkey. Then she went back, then she came, and she came to this ashram. She is very nicely settled there. So, all over the world, people are there, your brothers and sisters will be very happy to help you in every way that is possible. It is not for any money, for any favor, anything, but it is for love.Any other question? They have all got realization! Your namaz is nothing but realization, that’s what it is. Islam means surrender. Islam itself means surrender. And the whole namaz is nothing but awakening of the Kundalini. But they don’t understand. Like a physical exercise they do namaz. Nothing goes in the heart. The religion is not inside. It’s all outside. Without love, what is religion? Because God is love. He is truth. But truth is love.Everywhere we are getting one or two Iranians coming to the program. Everywhere. But in Turkey we had many. They come to Turkey – they’re allowed – I think, to come for holidays or something. So we had many there and now they have gone back. And secretly they are spreading Sahaja Yoga there, giving realizations to people. Also in ancient times, the son of Rama went through Iran. His name was Luv. He went to Caucasus. That’s why the Russians are called as Slavs. You see, his name was Luv – slav – with love. Now this is said in our Puranas, that when He went there, there was a temple of a Goddess called Hindulika, on the way, in Iran itself, there was this temple but I don’t know the exact spot where it is, and they used to worship the goddess in those days. But then the whole thing was very different. They used to worship women, mothers, very much in those days.Question: Is there a center in Israel?Shri Mataji: We have a center in Israel. There is a center in Israel. There are 20 people who are Sahaja Yogis. What happened, from Russia, those Jews who went there, they started a center.Lady: [worried about the problems in that region affecting people, in the same way as in Iran.]Shri Mataji: They have gone o their heads, I think. They have suffered so much, and that reaction is there. And so many bad things they are doing, you see. So what happens, always anger always begets anger. They got it from Hitler, so now they are giving it back. Horrible things are happening there. But gradually I’m sure the election was good they said, the Premier is a good person. But it’s wrong. It’s wrong to behave like that. They also suffered a lot. All the sufferings are now coming out. It’s all human creation, this kind of hatred. First of all, that they killed Christ, so they were treated as something very low. Also they were regarded as a low race. They suffered a lot. This Freud, he was a Jew. And what he did, that he thought that in Christian religion, there is this original sin, so he started his own theory. So many jumped on him and they started worshipping him. Of all kinds of things, it is very difficult. But do you know that the Jews ultimately lost everything. They came to India and settled in Kashmir. And they are even now called as Kashman Jew. Their surnames are ‘Jew.’ And also Moses died in India. He died in India.So I’ll take your leave now. May God bless you. Very nice to have met you. Now I can see great hope for Iran. Very great hope.
1992-0915 Persian Public Program, Ashram, Los Angeles I am very happy to see you all here. I went to Iran in the year 1971, and I was surprised that the people there were just prepared to get their realization; and at that time, you had this king ruling there. We had a program in some hall and many people got their realization. And after that, all these problems came in and I couldn’t keep contact with them at all; but they must be somewhere, all of them who got their realization at that time. Also some people were cured with Sahaja Yoga. Now the time has come for us to be awakened. All these problems of fundamentalism, which have not only troubled you – they have fundamentalism everywhere, the whole world – there are Christians who are fundamentalists, there are Jews who are fundamentalists, all kinds of things they are doing. As you have seen that, how so many Muslims were killed in Yugoslavia, and now many Muslims are killing. It’s going on between this and that area. Nobody has business to kill anyone, but it is happening. The reason is that it has gone into their heads that they are perfect, they have got everything. This is the worst thing that has happened in the name of God. God can never make some people available to religion and others not. These are all great saints, seers, prophets, incarnations, born on the same tree of life. Only people pluck those flowers, and they are fighting with these dead flowers. Everybody is in danger of this. Everybody. Now these Shias who are in Iraq are in danger; they are hounded out by this Saddam Hussein. For no reason. Kurds are in another trouble; it is impossible to understand that they never see that they are doing such horrible things in the name of God. So, awakening is needed. Unless and until you are awakened, you never understand it. Now there’s a Sahaja Yogi who is a Muslim, and his wife is a French lady. They have written a very nice book explaining Koran very clearly. We had about 62 people from different countries, like Algeria, all these other countries around Mediterranean Sea, African countries – Senegal – who were communists, and they think now they have lost their faith in communism, so maybe the people might fall into fundamentalism, and they are very much worried about it. So they are all coming to India for about five days, they are going to have a proper understanding of Sahaja Yoga.Sahaja Yoga is the culmination of all the religions. As Mohammed Sahab has said, “You have to be a wali.” He has talked about resurrection, Kiyama, a complete chapter is there. But they don’t want to talk about it. And the shariat that they are using is actually from the five angels from the five books. The third book of Jeremiah, where in English they call it Jeremiah, where Moses is the one who talked of this shariat because when He came from the mountain of Toor he found the people were absolutely getting into complete decadence conditions, absolutely. All kinds of horrible things they were doing. He got a fright. He said, “How can I tell them about these Ten Commandments; they will never listen to Me, they have gone beyond any redemption.” So then, because they were so badly o , He made these rules of shariat. For the Jews, not for the Muslims. That time there were no Muslims. But the Muslims took all these five angels as a part of their religion. Out of that, they picked up this and they started using this shariat. Shariat is not in Koran. Mohammed Sahab did not take a note of it, I think. Shariat is in this another five books of the Old Testament. So this was taken over so much by the Muslims because other religions are more money-oriented. Christian religion is more money-oriented. They want to make money in the name of God. But Muslims thought better to take to power. So they made it power-oriented. To make it power-oriented, they had to suppress the people, they had to tell them that, “You can’t do this, you can’t do that, this is not proper, that is not proper, otherwise if you do like this, we’ll cut your throat or your hands will be cut.” And they do all these things, no doubt, because I’ve been to Iraq. On every Friday people are buried alive in the hot sand. Only their heads are kept out, and so may people go to watch it. They really enjoy watching them. So horrible it is. They are just burning inside, the hot sand is burning them, they can’t get out, and only you can see their faces and then they ultimately die. This kind of cruelty, how can’t be possible for God to do, because He is Rahimmath, He is Rahim. And it is even worse than gas chamber I can tell you, because you see in front of you somebody dying like that. But when they are there, they don’t drink, they don’t smoke. They do it; secretly they do.Once I was traveling from Riyadh to London and I slept o . When I opened My eyes they were all in burka. They had come in burka, they had covered themselves up and everything. When I got up I saw very fashionable ladies, very fashionable. I thought we stopped somewhere, or what. So I asked the air hostess, “Did we stop somewhere?” Said, “No, it’s a direct fight.” I said, “How these ladies, how have they come in?” They said, “They are the same. You see they are wearing the burka and all that.” Now see, this is what, they were painting themselves, they were all doing everything. So this is unnatural. Mohammed Sahab was a very practical man. He would never have said something unnatural. Is very unnatural. Of course, he asked the women to cover themselves up. Also one of the reasons is that the place is full of dust. Even the men cover their heads bound like that. So full of dust. And He respected women so much. He thought that the women should not be abused as prostitutes, so He said whatever it is because there were very few men, very few. Most of the young men had died. And so many women. He said, “You marry five times will be alright, but marry. Don’t have women who are like prostitutes.” So, to give importance to marriage, He married himself. And He made others also marry. But it’s not compulsory that you should marry. Under those circumstances –in Sanskrit we call it samayachar, the time, that was the time – and according to the time, these people found out things, what is to be done for that particular time. Now for example, now we have drugs. They didn’t have drugs at that time. Even Mohammed Sahab time, there was no smoking. He, of course, He knew about the alcohol, so He said no more alcohol. But there was no smoking, so Muslims think that if you smoke, it’s alright because it’s allowed. It’s an escape, you know, just an escape. Now the drugs also, I was surprised in these Arabic countries they’re taking drugs. Young people are taking drugs. Quite a lot. Even ladies take drugs there. It’s very surprising. The reason for that is again, that in the Koran there’s no word of drugs.Now Koran itself was not written at the time of Mohammed Sahab as you know very well. There’s a very great scholar who has written about it, that Mohammed Sahab got all these inspirations, and He told people to write who were of His age group, his friends and things, very reliable people. But they couldn’t write anything. So they remembered everything by heart. Forty years, they didn’t write. Then they were getting old, so they asked their children to learn how to write, and they told the children. So now from Mohammed Sahab to these people, which was kept in their memory, then it was even to the children. So you can imagine there is authenticity of Koran could be also little bit doubted, because maybe there are certain things that have gone wrong. I tell you, the biggest mistake was this, that it was said that Mohammed Sahab said that I am the last prophet. He never said that. If He had said it, why should He talk about Kiyama? About the future? If He was the last, He should have done with the Kiyama part, why did He keep it hanging in the air? That shows He never said it. But apart from that, their word is that He was the seal. It means also stamp. Even in Arabic language it means stamp. So He is one of the stamps. Like in the Indian scriptures, we have the Primordial Master. Then we have this Master incarnates, like in Iran, you had Zoroaster. According to Sahaja Yog, Zoroaster was the same. Five Zoroasters came there to preach about God and religion. These were the people who are now in India, who ran away from there, we call them Iranians, you see. They ran away. This is Persepolis, you know that where Shiraz, near Shiraz, where the capital was there, at that time. Now all that was over and then they didn’t want to say that Mohammed Sahab was one of the incarnations of the Primordial Master. They wouldn’t say that. What they said, that He was the last. Now logically we must understand, if He was the last, then why did He talk about resurrection? About the future? Also He showed tremendous respect for Christ and His Mother. Even in the Bible there is no respect at all. She is called as a ’woman’ in the Bible. But He said that nobody dare say anything against Her character. Because He knew what She was. Many things could not be explained that time. Also all the time the war was going on, you know that, and there were tribes who were attacking them; He had to go from here to there and they were all destroyed. Quite a lot of people were destroyed there. So many people were destroyed in these wars and in these big invasions of the other people. Even Mohammed Sahab was given poison. All the time people were after His life. And in that whatever was possible, He has explained it, whatever was possible in that short time. Beautiful things. I mean Islam is one of the highest things you can think of. But, Muslims are nowhere near Islam. Muslims are here, Islam is there. Like in any religion.I will tell you about Christianity. Christianity, when Christ died, this fellow Mr. Paul, who was a Roman executive, or bureaucrat, working with the government. So, he thought that all the blame of the death of Christ will fall upon the Roman government. So first thing He said, that Christ was killed by Jews, so condemn them. Poor things, for years together, these Jews were condemned, and every action has a reaction: because they were condemned, so now they have become aggressive. Then this Paul thought that this is a very good platform, he can jump on it. And he found this fellow whose name was Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ. Christ had said that the Satan will take you over. Had said it. In the Bible it is. So he got hold of this fellow, Peter, and both have joined hands, and they re-edited Bible. Despite that there are lots of truths there left, but they re-edited, and in that, He said that Christ said that Peter will establish a church, and I give him the key. It’s impossible.See now, we have so many Sahaja Yogis. Among them, the one who is the weakest, good for nothing, for whom I say that Satan will take over, do you think he will be appointed as the head? Not possible! That’s how this horrible Roman Catholic church started. Now the less said the better about Roman Catholic. They are, firstly, very money-oriented people. So many things are coming out about them that’s shocking. Very licentious, horrible people; they have been abusing children, their priests have been doing all kinds of things, and their church itself has counterfeited ten million dollars. Counterfeited. And distributed this through their bank. Why should any divine person think of having a bank? They have a bank of their own. Can you imagine? And in the bank they use the counterfeited money. And that counterfeited money is distributed. I have now, recently, living in Italy, so many things are coming out about this church. Now the latest is that this Pope has taken five hundred thousand pounds as a kickback from one man. This man was arrested. And he said that, “This man has taken a kickback from me, but I have been giving him since long.” And now, it was also said that, I mean it’s there, that he has a keep. He had her there in Warsaw, and he has brought her here. And this book, there is one book, ‘In The Name of God’ where this author, English author, American, he’s American, he has pointed out that this Pope murdered the previous Pope. He has been a politician, he has sent lots of, of course it was in time also, lots of bombs and things to Warsaw, to Poland, and many people were killed. I mean a divine person, why should any divine person do all these things? This shows that all these, even Hindus are terrible people if you want to hear about them also, it’s terrible. I don’t know how they are Hindus, because it’s written in the Gita, that in everybody’s heart, there is the Spirit. So how can you have caste system? And his own book, that is Gita, was written by an illegitimate child of a sherwoman. So this caste system was created later on by these so-called Brahmins who never knew what is Brahma is. Then Buddhists, another nonsense they are, terrible.Recently this Dalai Lama, he’s a beggar, he’s begging everywhere money, you see, he has got so many wrinkles that you can count them. He said, surprisingly, that we cannot have one universal religion because we are all different people. Because they want to fight. Because if you are one religion, then who will fight? They want to fight and kill others. So this great power of killing others will be lost once you become one religion. So he says, we don’t believe in universal religion. We are all different people. How are we different?See, if you cut your hand, the same bone, the same nerves, the same arteries, veins, everything in everyone, whether you are Irani, India, English, America. There is no difference at all, it is skin deep, absolutely skin deep. What is the difference? We laugh the same way, we cry the same way. We don’t cry from our ears. We cry from our eyes only. All of us. What is the difference is? All our hair, you see, grow out of our head. They don’t grow through our nose or something like that. It’s a funny thing, you know, that “we are different.” We are not. I mean it’s surprising. How can they say such a thing about God that He created us different? Of course, there’s a skin difference. It is, after all, supposing you wear all just the same. It would have been so boring. Everybody looks the same like a laboratory, you see, there’s no expression of anything, the same nose, the same eyes, and you wouldn’t be able to make out who is who. So the variety was created, the variety was created, just to create beauty. Is important that there should be variety. Whatever God has done for our good, we always make a mess out of it. That’s specialty of human beings. Whatever good things He creates or does that, we can easily make a mess out of it.So it’s important we all should get our realization first. We all have to become the ‘wali.’ Wali you have to be. And once that happens, then you will be surprised, you will know Mohammed Sahab much better, you know Islam much better, and you know all the religions, that are contained together. So many things happen now. Tomorrow’s lecture I am going to tell you all about it, what great things are going to come once we all become one with this Ruh, with all this All-pervading. They have talked about Ruh. But Islam is only nothing but Ruh, while the Muslims [are] least bothered. Where is the Ruh? They never find out. Only thing they know is to kill somebody, or to ... this thing. Really, it is impossible to understand this fighting business – is so much. Go on fighting. They are, actually I should say, little naive, so their fundamentalism is open. Christians are no less fundamentalists. Tremendous fundamentalists they are. In England, there’s only one religion, is this Church of England. Other religions are not religions at all, only Church of England. Great fundamentalists. Apart from Catholic Church. Now, how far they are going, they are very liberal. First they said, some of them said, that Christ was a homosexual. Can you imagine such a thing to be said? Alright. So now they are having homosexual marriages. In the Church. This is the situation of all the religions today. All kinds of stupid things they are doing in the name of God. How can in the church you marry such things, and then you can adopt a child and do like that? Because, reason is, they want money. So, now, if you want to have money, you have to, it’s like an election, you, like the votes. So far, these votes, you have to accept whatever they say. There are no fundamental principles, there is no fundamental value system. Whatever people say, “Alright, we’ll do that.”This is how the religion has been to this time. And I don’t know how many more stupid things they are going to do, and how many people they are going to kill in the name of God. All of them think that God is in their pocket. Whether you are Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything. One can commit any sin. There’s no restriction. But a Sahaja Yogi cannot. Sahaja Yogi has to practice what he preaches. If he doesn’t do it, he gets out of Sahaja Yoga. But he does it. I don’t have to say, “These are Ten Commandments,” nothing. You get the light of your spirit, and you yourself look after yourself, I don’t have to bother. You become your own masters, your prophets, and you look after yourself. I don’t have to bother about it. It is as simple as that. And nowhere, in all these religions, there is even an essence of love that is God. Whether it is this or that.They are all full of greed and lust. Absolutely. Sometimes I feel at the helm of a airs, we have people who are much worse than us. Much worse than even ordinary people. They do all kinds of nonsensical things. In Riyadh, you have todo five times namaz. These mutawahs, they are standing with hunters, you see, they close all the shops, five times. Now, if any lady is there or somebody, if she doesn’t cover her head fully, they’ll come and hit you. They may not be Muslims, but you are supposed to cover your head. Such injustice, and no freedom of any kind. While the prince and princess with their horrible life they are leading, horrible. And the other people also, the sheiks, are ... you know what kind of people they are. They have no right to call themselves Islamic. No right. No character, nothing. Horrible people. So now, we have to understand now that all of us should take to something that is reality, and must awaken ourselves to that reality, to enjoy life. Now time has come for you to enjoy. We have had enough of this nonsense. Now we can stop it and finish it o .Doctor must have told you how physical, emotional, mental problems can be solved so easily with this. Also material problems can be solved. All of you understand the importance of your own personalities, because you are Iranians here. If you want to save your people, you have to work it out yourself. We have already some Iranians who are Sahaja Yogis. I don’t know if you have met them. There are some Sahaja Yogis already – Iranians – they come to Turkey and go back. We are going to have a Diwali Pūjā in Turkey, where all these Eastern Block and Russians are going to come, and all these Muslims might come also. They have given us a very nice place also, might have that there. Will be a good idea to meet all of the people who are enlightened. One good thing about Russians and these Communist countries is that their government may be bad, but you see, they are very open-hearted. I mean they are so sensitive to spirituality. In one place called Togliatti, there are 22,000 Sahaja Yogis practicing. Just like that. Spreading so fast. They are so open-minded. They are so susceptible, they are so sensitive. Just seeing My photograph, can you imagine, thousands of them came. I said how? They said it is, you can see Mother. And all these people, Rajneesh, they just threw them out. Except for these Azerbaijanis. Poor things, they smuggle Koran there. And this is, Americans are doing this trick. You see, Americans are very clever, they want to create problems. So they gave them these Korans, and they were smuggling. Saddam Hussein they are trying to reclaim somehow or other. They could have arrested him long time back. But he’s still there. What are they up to, these Americans? They themselves gave him so many ships and things, and later on they are bombarding their own ships. The Germans built his bunk, and they said this bunk, you cannot destroy because we have built it, we know what it is. So all the European countries have this Mr. Saddam Hussein, and now he is on their back. So, it’s a big game of politics – nonsense that’s going on. All these things will soon be disappearing because people know now. Everybody’s getting exposed. And I’m sure some sensible people will stand up and say that stop all this nonsense now, let’s stick to reality.If you have any questions, I would like to answer you also.Man spoke. Was worried that the situation in Iran is affecting the people’s spirituality. They no longer believe in Koran. A woman he knows whose children and grandchildren were killed has stopped praying altogether.Actually you must get your connection. You should get connected to God Almighty. Then there’s no need even to pray, just you desire, it works out. I want you Iranians to really get in connection with God Almighty, and all your desires will be fulfilled. But first the connection must be there. Without the connection, if you are praying, what’s the use? Many people in Iran also think the same way as you are saying, very much. But they are little helpless because they are not free, you see.I have this great feeling for Iran. Fatima was there. Her two children were killed there. That’s a very sad story. And now, despite all oil and everything, I have heard that people are getting very poor there, and even small children of 12 years or so are carrying guns in their hands. It’s a mad world. We have a company of shipping, Indo–Iran. And the officers who go there and come tell us the story about it. Already there is one doctor who has married an Indian girl who is a Sahaja Yogi. But they are all afraid to talk about Sahaja Yoga. Because, you see, it’s a military rule there. You cannot say anything. But there are. But outside Iran, you can work it out. It’s a very silent revolution that’s going on in the whole world. Now in Sahaja Yoga there are fifty-five countries. Fifty-five countries. And they all love each other. Never a problem of any quarreling, fighting, nothing. Tremendous love. So all this racialism, all these artificial barriers which separates human beings, is absolutely finished, and you will be amazed that you have friends everywhere. We have one Iranian girl who came from Iran to Rome. She went to the ashram. Immediately they said, “Yes, yes, come along.” She’s staying there. And then she met Me. Because she had her realization in, I think, in Turkey. Then she went back, then she came, and she came to this ashram. She is very nicely settled there. So, all over the world, people are there, your brothers and sisters will be very happy to help you in every way that is possible. It is not for any money, for any favor, anything, but it is for love.Any other question? They have all got realization! Your namaz is nothing but realization, that’s what it is. Islam means surrender. Islam itself means surrender. And the whole namaz is nothing but awakening of the Kundalini. But they don’t understand. Like a physical exercise they do namaz. Nothing goes in the heart. The religion is not inside. It’s all outside. Without love, what is religion? Because God is love. He is truth. But truth is love.Everywhere we are getting one or two Iranians coming to the program. Everywhere. But in Turkey we had many. They come to Turkey – they’re allowed – I think, to come for holidays or something. So we had many there and now they have gone back. And secretly they are spreading Sahaja Yoga there, giving realizations to people. Also in ancient times, the son of Rama went through Iran. His name was Luv. He went to Caucasus. That’s why the Russians are called as Slavs. You see, his name was Luv – slav – with love. Now this is said in our Puranas, that when He went there, there was a temple of a Goddess called Hindulika, on the way, in Iran itself, there was this temple but I don’t know the exact spot where it is, and they used to worship the goddess in those days. But then the whole thing was very different. They used to worship women, mothers, very much in those days.Question: Is there a center in Israel?Shri Mataji: We have a center in Israel. There is a center in Israel. There are 20 people who are Sahaja Yogis. What happened, from Russia, those Jews who went there, they started a center.Lady: [worried about the problems in that region affecting people, in the same way as in Iran.]Shri Mataji: They have gone o their heads, I think. They have suffered so much, and that reaction is there. And so many bad things they are doing, you see. So what happens, always anger always begets anger. They got it from Hitler, so now they are giving it back. Horrible things are happening there. But gradually I’m sure the election was good they said, the Premier is a good person. But it’s wrong. It’s wrong to behave like that. They also suffered a lot. All the sufferings are now coming out. It’s all human creation, this kind of hatred. First of all, that they killed Christ, so they were treated as something very low. Also they were regarded as a low race. They suffered a lot. This Freud, he was a Jew. And what he did, that he thought that in Christian religion, there is this original sin, so he started his own theory. So many jumped on him and they started worshipping him. Of all kinds of things, it is very difficult. But do you know that the Jews ultimately lost everything. They came to India and settled in Kashmir. And they are even now called as Kashman Jew. Their surnames are ‘Jew.’ And also Moses died in India. He died in India.So I’ll take your leave now. May God bless you. Very nice to have met you. Now I can see great hope for Iran. Very great hope.
Sitar Concert by Debu Chauduri with Talks of Shri Mataji, Eve Of Shri Vishnumaya Puja
United States
Shawnee on Delaware
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Sitar Concert by Debu Chauduri with Talks of Shri Mataji, Eve Of Shri Vishnumaya Puja I have never studied music but somehow in my family there is so much of music that only it is an ocean of music, so only listening to it you know so much. So now he is going to play to you as you know Darbari Kannada. This raga was composed by a very great musician called Tansen and is the majestic raga where you describe the court of the Goddess or of God or of a king. So it has that majesty in it. And also in this raga first they play the lower notes, that is the beauty about it. So are you settled down well in the understanding of that particular raga, in the sense that it creates a feeling of that dignity of that majestic nature in you. First by playing the lower notes in a very deep way. Then this raga is expanded more, later on. The beauty of this is that very high notes are suddenly brought down to a lower note. So that is a kind of a movement of your attention from the higher notes to the lower notes. It’s a remarkable feat also on this instrument. So he was telling me that his fingers are full of grooves which sometimes bleed and this bleeding was so much that I had to stop it, his bleeding. So he plays for you, he is suffering here with pain and here you are enjoying. So both ways if you see his finger also it’s swollen up on both the sides that they use for playing also is in a different way. Otherwise, you see in other things they hold it in the hand. So this sitar and especially in these two notes are less so that also he has in his own Gharana that is in his family, it’s tradition so he has to jolly well use the same kind of sitar missing two notes below, so which he pulls up that’s called as mindh. So sitar has as a player I think it has more advantage in a way, not for the player but the listeners. That the small-small little changes in the note can be shown by pulling the string which we call as mindh and this is really remarkable. And he was saying that next time I will be playing only santoor next life, this life I have played sitar because my [finger is] paining too much. But today I saw him playing the chimta also quite good. So I was saying what about chimta then? [Sahaja Yogis laugh] This very difficult thing is the sitar and now I have seen some modern boys have taken to your guitar to be used as a sitar. But it cannot, it has its own problems but it’s the most melodious thing and you can see when they mindh it just pulls your heart you know, you feel that way. And little-little sounds can be created out of that. Now this raga is specially played before a dignitary or somebody who has a court. Now my court is sitting here so he is going to play this for your enjoyment, this raga of respect, of majesty of sitting in a very grand place facing somebody who is, I should say, who is like a king or a queen. May God bless you. I hope you enjoy this. In this raga, this is Darbari Kannada. So some people say play Darbari. That means he is playing Darbari Kannada. He is not half way you see. It’s a complete raga. Now the one we have composed of this Guru Puja is a mixture of this raga and Kaphi. That somehow I did it. I don't know how I did it but I did it. Here he is a dean of the faculty of music. He has given me the certificate [that] it is very good so it must be. [Sahaja Yogis applaud]
Sitar Concert by Debu Chauduri with Talks of Shri Mataji, Eve Of Shri Vishnumaya Puja I have never studied music but somehow in my family there is so much of music that only it is an ocean of music, so only listening to it you know so much. So now he is going to play to you as you know Darbari Kannada. This raga was composed by a very great musician called Tansen and is the majestic raga where you describe the court of the Goddess or of God or of a king. So it has that majesty in it. And also in this raga first they play the lower notes, that is the beauty about it. So are you settled down well in the understanding of that particular raga, in the sense that it creates a feeling of that dignity of that majestic nature in you. First by playing the lower notes in a very deep way. Then this raga is expanded more, later on. The beauty of this is that very high notes are suddenly brought down to a lower note. So that is a kind of a movement of your attention from the higher notes to the lower notes. It’s a remarkable feat also on this instrument. So he was telling me that his fingers are full of grooves which sometimes bleed and this bleeding was so much that I had to stop it, his bleeding. So he plays for you, he is suffering here with pain and here you are enjoying. So both ways if you see his finger also it’s swollen up on both the sides that they use for playing also is in a different way. Otherwise, you see in other things they hold it in the hand. So this sitar and especially in these two notes are less so that also he has in his own Gharana that is in his family, it’s tradition so he has to jolly well use the same kind of sitar missing two notes below, so which he pulls up that’s called as mindh. So sitar has as a player I think it has more advantage in a way, not for the player but the listeners. That the small-small little changes in the note can be shown by pulling the string which we call as mindh and this is really remarkable. And he was saying that next time I will be playing only santoor next life, this life I have played sitar because my [finger is] paining too much. But today I saw him playing the chimta also quite good. So I was saying what about chimta then? [Sahaja Yogis laugh] This very difficult thing is the sitar and now I have seen some modern boys have taken to your guitar to be used as a sitar. But it cannot, it has its own problems but it’s the most melodious thing and you can see when they mindh it just pulls your heart you know, you feel that way. And little-little sounds can be created out of that. Now this raga is specially played before a dignitary or somebody who has a court. Now my court is sitting here so he is going to play this for your enjoyment, this raga of respect, of majesty of sitting in a very grand place facing somebody who is, I should say, who is like a king or a queen. May God bless you. I hope you enjoy this. In this raga, this is Darbari Kannada. So some people say play Darbari. That means he is playing Darbari Kannada. He is not half way you see. It’s a complete raga. Now the one we have composed of this Guru Puja is a mixture of this raga and Kaphi. That somehow I did it. I don't know how I did it but I did it. Here he is a dean of the faculty of music. He has given me the certificate [that] it is very good so it must be. [Sahaja Yogis applaud]
Shri Vishnumaya Puja: Stop Feeling Guilty
United States
Shawnee on Delaware
Shri Vishnumaya puja. Shawnee, Pennsylvania (USA), 20 September 1992. Today, we have decided to have a Vishnumaya Puja. In this context, one has to know who is this Vishnumaya and what is Her - you can call it mythological [Shri Mataji laughs gently] - but a historical relationship. I have told you that America is the country of Shri Krishna and He’s Kubera, as well as He’s Yama. Because He’s Kubera, people have got their affluence, they are rich people, they have money, more than anywhere else, but if you do not remember, that you have to have balance and that Shri Krishna’s power is of Mahalakshmi. So, Mahalakshmi Principle is such that where seeking is important, Vishnu Principle is there when Shri Lakshmi is His power. After getting the Lakshmi up to a certain point, then you jump into a new awareness or a new sort of a seeking which is the seeking of the spirit where the Mahalakshmi principle starts, the central path. That far, of course, in America it started, the Mahalakshmi Principle, but people did not know, they had no discretion to know which way to go for their seeking and so many got enamoured by false advertisements, by all kinds of promises, claims and things and I came here long time back at that moment where I knew that the seeking now is showing results and that all the people from all over the world will try to come down here because there was a market for them and their marketing will start in such a manner that these people who are used to marketing will fall into it. I came, I tried, I told them. So, this is exactly what happened in America, that I came here - I think I was the first to arrive - I warned them, I told them names of the people who will be doing all this kind of work. Also I told them what were they in their last lives, what kind of a thing they did, what kind of work they did, what are their negatives powers and how they tried to manipulate. But nobody would listen to Me. Because these people found out that the weaknesses of Americans, if you can pamper them, pamper their ego, and tell them that this is something very important, that you should do something – ah- that is very superficial but something looks fantastic as I told you that they said: you can fly three feet height. And the Americans took to it.All such absurd ideas, they took to it because they thought it was something new, something different and they wouldn’t listen to Me because I said I won’t take money. And they told Me very clearly that “Nobody will understand You if You don’t take money.” So I said how much will you pay Me which is so invaluable? How much money are you going to pay Me?” And they had no answer.So those people who were still money-oriented, so the Mahalakshmi Principle was not in them to understand that if you have to seek the truth, you cannot pay for it. They couldn’t understand that and that is how they had to go through all this circle of facing all kinds of false gurus, all types, all superficial things. Ultimately now, I think, first year I feel everything has come up very well, but one of the chakras of this Vishuddhi is, as you know, very important, is the Left Vishuddhi. And the Left Vishuddhi is the centre, if it is caught up, you get angina, you get spondylitis and also you get lethargic organs. So this Left Vishuddhi has been a sort of a fashion with the Western people, maybe because of Christianity where you had to confess and you have to say you’re a sinner and you’re a born sinner, an original sinner, all kinds of things.So, as you are branded as sinner, you see, you always felt guilty and that guilt was built in, in the Left Vishuddhi. I think this is one of the greatest drawbacks, even today, that people in America feel extremely guilty for very small things, because they have no confidence in themselves. Firstly, they think that “We are a very young nation. We had no tradition – basically”. They may look arrogant, they may look to be very show-offs, but basically, inside, they feel that: “We have had no tradition. We are a very young nation.” Like they think that: "The English are too over sophisticated or the French are very sophisticated and we are not, compared to them. We are primitive.” This kind of funny ideas they have. And because of this, you see, they try to make up. To make it up, the path they followed ended up into all kinds of things and it built up a very huge Left Vishuddhi in them. That’s why Americans are having so many problems of the Left Vishuddhi. First of all, this centre catches when you do not want to face your mistakes. “I’ve committed this mistake all right, I’ve committed it, now I’m not going to do it, and why I've committed it and why it happened, just face it.” They don’t want to. They will feel guilty that we have done this or I’ll put it here. [Shri Mataji puts Her hand on Her left shoulder, close to the neck] Like, they go on amassing, like very black clouds of guilt.Then this Vishnumaya, who is the thunder, we can call, who is the electrical charge, which is liberated by the friction of these black clouds, which actually is a catalyst for rain. It’s a catalyst for rain. This starts acting on such people, that is, they suddenly get a shock. They become extremely sensitive people. They get nervous and this nervousness can make, makes them think “Why are we nervous? What is the problem?” Like the exposure of their guilt comes through the Vishnumaya Power. Now I have to tell you about also the origin of Vishnumaya, which is very interesting. Vishnumaya was the sister of Shri Krishna, who was born after Shri Krishna was born. Actually, She was not His own sister, but She was a daughter of Nanda. And when Shri Krishna was taken over and was put in the care of Nand and Yeshoda they gave their own daughter in His place and the father of Shri Krishna brought it back [in the castle]. So when Kamsa came – the uncle- you all know about the story – to ask about the eighth child, they said, “This is the child.” He said, “But this’s not a man. This is a woman.” He took the child in his hand and did like this and threw it in the sky. And there She went and there She announced that: “Shri Krishna is already incarnated, He is living and He is your killer.” So She is the announcer. She is the announcer of the incarnations. She is the announcer of something good that is going to happen to you. Also, She’s the one who can burn things, which are not spiritually all right. At the time of Mahabharata, She was born as Draupadi and this Draupadi was the sister of Shri Rama and when, as you know in Mahabharata – all of you know the story of Mahabharata, I need not tell that – Duryodhana tried to take out Her clothes. Then She called for Krishna. First She said, “Kri.” She had put Her teeth like this [Shri Mataji holds her own sari with her teeth]. Till She had said, “Krish,” [the sari] it was there. Because She was thinking if She said “shna,” the thing will fall down and She'll become exposed. As soon as She said, “Krishna” the thing fell down and that’s the time Shri Krishna came all the way from Dwarika and Tulsida has here described it very well in Hindi language: “Dwarika me Shabad gayo [message went to Dwarika]”. In Dwarika, there was a big – big noise, you can call it or what I don’t know. “Shor bhayo, shor bhayo bhare [caused comotion; shora: noise, bhare: to fill] – tremendous, what you call the - thunder, you can call it, because She was the one who’s responsible for thunder. “Shor bhayo bhare, Shankha (conch) Chakra (disc) Gada Padma (weapon) Garuda le sidhare” With the shankar, with Chakra, with Garuda, with Padma, all of them, He came on the Garuda. With all His weapons, He came on a Garuda to help Her. He started supplying the saris to Her and this Duryodhana got absolutely – Dushansana did that - got absolutely tired and he fell on the ground. So now here, Vishnumaya is the one who is the virgin. Not only that She is a virgin, but She exists in all the five elements as shown that She married five Pandavas and that this power of virginity in Her used to expose people to the dangers of these horrible Kauravas who were going to rule and destroy the dharma. So She stood back and She is the one who said that “You have to fight. You have to fight for dharma, whatever may happen” and Krishna always supported Her. So as a brother, Shri Krishna supported Her, so the relationship between brother and sister are very important in India. Also should be with Sahaja Yogis because we have raki bandhan. You also have what you call the bhaiya duj [Hindi; Bhau bij in Marathi], where on Diwali day we tie up a raki to the Brother. Now this raki is nothing but the Vishnumaya’s power, which protects the brother. Actually, there the brother protected Her and now the sister’s love protects the brother. So the relationship between brother and sister is much more important than any other relationship because it’s so pure, it’s so protective, it’s so loving and also it is of an equal age. For example, between the parents and the children, cannot be that or say, between the grandparents and the children can be quite imbalanced also. But between the brother and sister, they’re of the same age group, same understanding and this relationship is maintained by this Vishnumaya. We have a very good incident of that in India, which I must tell you, how this Rakhi Bandhan or this relationship between brother and sister is respected. I mean nobody will believe because in these countries where there is no relationship which is respected, we won’t understand. But when Alexander the Great came to India, he conquered our country quite a lot. But there was one king Poru, who defeated him and put him in jail. Alexander had married an Indian lady. So it was a day of this Rakhi Purnima. She put one rakhi in one plate and covered it up and sent it to this king Poru. So they said: “a rakhi has come.” So the King said: “All right, tie up the rakhi.” He didn’t know whose rakhi it was and it was tied. He said: “Who’s rakhi it was?” “It’s your sister’s.” “Who is my sister?” “She is the wife of this King Alexander.” “Oh, my God! How could I do such a thing? He is my brother-in-law.” He immediately went to the jail and prostrated before him. He said: “I’m sorry. Whatever I -”. This is the graciousness, you understand. “How could I be – how could I be so stupid as to arrest you?” Alexander was flabbergasted. He couldn’t understand this reaction. He said: “What’s this going on?” And he said that: “Now, I ask for your forgiveness and please come out.” With great pomp and show, with ornaments for his sister and all that, he sent the brother-in-law home. Now this Alexander could not understand. He went in and his wife was smiling. He said: “What’s the matter? How am I here?” She said, “Do you know, I have saved you with one thread?” She showed him a rakhi. "With this thread you saved me? How?” She said: “You know what is today? Is a day when a sister can tie this to a brother and the brother has to do what sister wants. So I said I sent it to this Poru, the king, and he has released you." Alexander thought, “What sort people these Indians are? On one thread they release such an enemy like me. How can I rule this people? They’ll put me out any time, so symbolic they are.” He said, “All right, I am sorry.” He took one fellow called Bardai, Chanda Bardai, took him down – he was a poet with him, and he said: “Now, you write poetry because Indians are very subtle people and I can’t understand how can they release such a horrible enemy like me, only on a thread?” Such trust, such understanding of a brother for a sister and the sister has to keep the trust also. So now when we go deeper into it and see for ourselves, our Vishuddhi problems is this that we always try, in the West, to feel guilty and get out of our mistakes. For small, small things feel guilty, people, because the norms in the West - Western life are so rigid, like if you put a spoon on the other side, finished. I mean what does it matter? You can take it on this side and eat it. If you spill some coffee, then that guilt will last all your life. After all coffee is to be spilt. [big laughs]If it is hot, it can happen, some accident can take place. And the guilt business is so great that nobody corrects oneself, just go on feeling guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. And all the subtleties of life you start missing. In Sahaja Yoga, specially, to feel guilty means all your left side is caught up. You cannot feel the vibrations properly because this is the cervical nerve on which your guilt is sitting and it’s just clamping it, you cannot feel the left side. You start catching on the left side till you receive some sort of a horrible disease, then you realize. The subtler part of this Vishnumaya is that She knows the truth. When She shines you can see everything out of Her. Even for a short time, She exposes in the darkness everything. In the same way, when Vishnumaya starts acting on you, then She exposes the truth to you. But supposing you continue with your left Vishuddhi too much, then She just disappears. She’s not there to correct you, to help you in any way or to expose you. Then you don’t feel anything. You become numb on the left side, absolutely numb on the left side and the left side is, know, is the indicator of all kinds of left side diseases. This is one of the reasons that we have the maximum number of left-sided diseases in the West than in India. Indian diseases are from right side while the left-sided diseases come from this left Vishuddhi. So to feel guilty, itself is wrong and is a mythical thing. Now you feel guilty for something, what’s the use of feeling guilty? It’s just a myth. It’s an empty thing you are carrying upon yourself. No use feeling guilty. If you think you have done something wrong, just face it, that: “I have done this wrong and I will not do it again.” But if you feel guilty, then, you see, it’s like a stored up stuff there and then again you do the same mistake. Again you do the same mistake and you become immune, immunity you develop. Then we start not even feeling that it is wrong, you know? People do wrong things even without thinking that it is wrong. Even that consciousness or, you can say, that alertness is finished. Then you think, “What’s wrong?” For anything, this is a very good answer: “What’s wrong?” It's like a drunkard, he starts drinking. First, he feels: “Oh, I should not have done.” Then he starts little bit more, then little bit more, little bit more. Ultimately, he says, “What’s wrong? If I’m drinking, it's perfect.”Anything of that kind starts with left Vishuddhi because we do not face the mistake. It’s not true that because your tradition has been very short or anything, it’s only thing your attitude. Because it is Krishna’s place, especially for Americans, it is very important to face their mistakes and to admit: “All right, I have done this mistake and I’m not going to do it.”So because they do not want to admit, they put up this arrogant behaviour. I know underneath this arrogant there’s somebody who is very guilty. They are, actually, here very collective, also, very collective, in the sense they will be worried about Vietnam, Korea, everything. Anything happens in the world they are worried about. They are, they are the ones who started U.N. and every sort of thing, you see. Everything is there. But despite all that, this guilt business makes them very insensitive, very insensitive to things which are reality. Anything, which is negative, they should face that thing as negative that they don’t face. They will support a country which is despotic despite the fact they are democratic country. All such things, not only in politics, but also in day-to-day life. Then the whole thing becomes such a lifestyle, it becomes a lifestyle, the whole thing becomes collective. Nobody ever can come and say that: "This is something we are doing wrong and we should stop it." If somebody says that or they say he’s mad, he’s no good. For Freud, I was telling you that Freud was denounced by many people and people gave some papers, everything happened, but nobody would listen to them. And the same thing happened with Sahaja Yoga also. They would not listen to Me because they have developed a immunity against reality. In everything, whatever is real they become immune to it. They do not want to face it. “That’s too much, much too much for me.” With this kind of an attitude, they had to work out something else and in that they have gone to the right side. With that they have developed all kind of machinery, science, all this, everything. But science is not conclusive. It cannot give you the totality. It cannot give the reality. So this Vishnumaya shows Her strength. She does lots of things by which people are frightened. She can enter into any, any element. She can permeate. Supposing She enters into a water element, She can create a typhoon. She can create any kind of disasters. She can enter into Mother Earth and She can create a earthquake. She can do anything because She has a power to enter into anything. You know that She can enter into Mother Earth very easily. She can enter into water very easily and when She gets into it, She becomes the catalyst. And all these problems that you are facing today in America are because of left Vishuddhi, because of Vishnumaya.I'm happy today's program has been arranged for Vishnumaya because this is the power which you Sahaja Yogis should be able to harness and should be able to worship so that She sees all of you there and She looks after you and She maintains your life and looks after you. Now the most difficult thing is to convince people in America that money's not everything. You may have any amount of money, you may have any amount of so-called pleasures, everything, but still, you can never be satisfied and you can never be at peace with yourself and you cannot generate peace.Money cannot replace reality. It's just there.Now the problem is that people become so addicted to this money that all value systems start flowing down. I was surprised I knew somebody here who took his own sister for prostitution. So I said, "What's this? What are you doing?""What's wrong? We'll get money." So whatever can get money, they indulge into. So there's no chastity which is the basics, which is the foundation of human beings. As a result, when you insult this virginity of Vishnumaya, then the Maya - means the - Her play is that you get AIDS, you get all kinds of other diseases which are incurable and which are what you can call as the secret diseases. Because She's the virgin and because She respects the virginity. And those who go against, not that virginity is meant only for women, also meant for men, because everybody has here left Vishuddhi. Here the idea is that only the virginity is valued for women only. It's not. Even the men who do not respect their virginity, their chastity are attacked by Vishnumaya in different ways. I'm not surprised that Los Angeles, they say, is in danger all the time, because of your cinemas you produce, all these things you produce. I mean, of course, I mean now with the Sahaja Yoga being established very well in Los Angeles, things may be averted, but still it’s very dangerous. Cause it’s one of the most powerful Shakti is this of Vishnumaya because She plays the illusion. She creates the Maya also. Also She breaks the Maya and She can burn anything. Your forest is burning now. Sixty-five hectares of land is burning. Who has done this? It is nothing but Vishnumaya. Nobody has to take any matchbox for that. She can burn anything and is- Her burning gives you the feeling that if there’s an electrical charge, as if burnt with electrical charge. This is very true in so many cases I’ve seen. Those who came to Me with problems of left Vishuddhi, that they said that: “We think that there’s some electrical charge coming out of here” [left shoulder] as if it’s the burning of an electrical shock. This is Vishnumaya’s doing and She’s the one who is the corrector. She corrects. Don’t feel guilty, face your problems. It’s, sort of, when we hide our mistakes in the name of guilt, when we try to camouflage it, She’s the one who exposes it on individual level, on collective level, on national level, international level, because She can permeate into anything. And this permeation of Hers gives Her such subtleties, but people cannot relate disaster to their mistakes, they cannot. They don’t understand why such a disaster has taken place, what has happened. There was a big typhoon that came, came up to a point and suddenly turned towards Kauai. Now what was the reason for that, to go and hit Kauai? In Kauai there is a Swayambu of Shiva. It’s a fact. People are making money out of it, quite a lot of money and deceiving people. There’s big business going on in the name of Shiva. So Kauai was hit, not Hawaii so much as Kauai and it turned suddenly, no one can understand that. So all these thundering things that are coming from nature, anything, whether it is earthquake or it is landslide or it could be floods or it could be typhoon, anything is the work of this Vishnumaya or we can say all natural catastrophes are brought about by this Vishnumaya. She has this power to do it. This is the only way they can shock people. But despite all that shocking, people have to relate these disasters to their mistakes they have committed and have nicely kept it here [left shoulder], not facing. I have heard from some Indian students that when they came to America some boys asked them to take drugs and do all other things also. So they wouldn’t do, they said: “You are goody-goodies,” this, that. You know, they just pumped it into their head that you have to do it. “You are cowards. You cannot do it.” And all that.So some of them said: “All right, we’ll try,” but what surprised them that they knew it was wrong while those who were telling them never thought it was wrong. They thought they have been great martyrs or they have been liberators and they have got liberties. They couldn’t understand this.This kind of liberty that they were boasting of was so destructive. They never understood that this is destructive. So once your left Vishuddhi is absolutely jammed, you lose complete discretion of the chakra here, which we call as Hamsa chakra and then you do not know what is destructive, what is constructive. You start accepting mostly the destructive thing if your left Vishuddhi is bad. Escape. “So what. What's wrong?” That is how violence has come. That is how all kind of cheating, corruption has come. What’s wrong? Because if you do anything wrong you put it there, finished. It's stored up. Again, you do anything, you put it there and till you become absolutely immune to all destructive action, you go on doing it. So to get out of it, what to do? To get out of this horrible state where you do not feel anything wrong, what is the thing is only is to take to Sahaja Yoga in a right fashion. First of all, you must face yourself. If you start facing yourself, you’ll realize that you have committed a mistake. “So this is the mistake I have committed. Doesn’t matter. I am not going to feel guilty about it. If I ever have to do this, I will not do it and I’m not guilty for whatever has happened. It’s the past. Finished.”With this faith in yourself, you can definitely get rid of your left Vishuddhi. The problem is, even if I tell you something, I am worried that you start feeling guilty about it also. I mean, I am telling you for something for your correction, then you start guilty that, “Oh, I – Mother is saying, so you see, I did this. And now-” But you did!At this moment what I am telling you, never to do it again and face it. Whatever you did is finished and gone and is forgiven completely, otherwise Vishnumaya will take over. This is very important because one side is a Lila, it’s a play and it is “all the world is beautiful.” Another side is the guilt.So we think that by just feeling guilty, we are solving all our problems and this side we are enjoying ourselves and this, the guilt part, is just like a storehouse of a garbage we put there. But we never think this garbage what it is wrong it is doing to us. And this is what it is that Vishnumaya has to burn this garbage, then She works in Her own ways, in Her own Maya ways and so many things happen. Like there was a lady and she was very right-sided. She used to dominate everyone, but nobody dared tell her that because, if you tell her, she would come back on you. So nobody wanted to tell her what’s wrong with her. They said: "All right. Let it be now."But I told her that: "See, you are very right-sided. You are dominating everyone. Everybody’s frightened of you."So she said: "No, Mother, I’m not.""It's all right I’m telling you. You better believe Me or really you are in for trouble."And that very day, she was getting down from the staircase and she fell from top to bottom she came down and all her right side [was hurt]. She came to Me: "Mother, you see. My right hand is broken. My right leg is broken. This is broken. That is broken."I said: "Then you know what happened?" "I now know why it has happened." Then I cured her. She was all right. But what I am trying to tell you, that she wouldn’t listen to Me. So the right-sided people have a special capacity to put everything here [in the left Vishuddhi]. So I always say that it is the by-product of ego. Those people who try to dominate, who try to be angry, try to control everyone, they put it down there and then the whole thing works against them. This is to be understood in a very serious manner, that feeling guilty is not that you are harming yourself, but you are harming all others.Also this Vishnumaya gets very upset with two other things. One of the things is smoking. If you smoke too much, then this Vishnumaya gets very angry. She is the one who then causes cancer. She can spoil your throat. I mean, all kinds of ear, nose, throat problems can come in with the smoking because She doesn’t like that smoke. She – once, twice, thrice, but once you start smoking and after some time: “Oh, what’s wrong?” They will quote such and such man who is eighty-three, he still smokes. [Laughter]See, quoting like this, they have ideals like that. Then you have also some cinema's heroes. “Such and such man, see, he murdered his wife. He’s not – see, he’s going along.” So we should also murder. We should also smoke. So the all ideals, which have destroyed themselves, become our ideals and we start exactly doing what they are doing without knowing that how they are destroyed, we’ll be also destroyed. So this understanding about Vishnumaya’s powers should be there with us. That if we try to continue with our mistakes and putting them here, then first thing we become vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. With that if you are smoking, you can become also very much vulnerable to cancer of the throat. Another thing, which people do not know, is the mantras. If you go on saying any mantra – I mean in India there are people who will every day, morning get up and say some mantra for about, say, hundred times, some say it at least three hundred times, five hundred times. They go on measuring, mantra, mantra, mantra, mantra, like that. Now She’s the Mantrika. She’s the one who gives the power to the mantra. Now if you are not connected to this Divine Power, then there’s a short circuiting takes place and if you go on saying this mantra, you develop all the troubles of the throat, throat cancer. You can develop also stomach, it's the stomach problems because it is Krishna and Vishnu are the same. You might develop also the problem of Virata. Because you are reciting a mantra like this, you see – a telephone, if it is not connected, I go on using it, the telephone will go out of order. In the same way, if you are doing wrong mantras in the sense that the mantras which are said before your connection with the Divine, then they can spoil your left Vishuddhi very much. This is the style they use in India. Supposing you are a businessman in India. Now a big business man, you have made a lot of money, now you feel guilty about it because you have made by bad means, also by all kinds of black-market and all that sort of things. So they’ll make a big temple of Vishnu. [Laughter]Not Vishuddhi, but they’ll make a very big temple of Shri Vishnu and they will create a kind of a image that they are great religious people or they’ll have karat [in the palm], means they will distribute food to people or distribute some things to people and feel satisfied. Here you go on committing any amount of sins, any amount of nonsense and then out of that money you make a little contribution to Shri Vishnu thinking that Shri Vishnu will be very happy and will not punish them. But He’s Kubera, what can you give it to him? He’s the Kubera! He gives you all the money. He does everything. So how can you give anything to Kubera who is Himself the Lord of wealth. It’s a very common thing in India, like there was a “bhumdan” [bhumidan, to donate land] thing, I knew of a man who was very corrupt, very bad person, I mean really, he was really very, very bad man and he had taken away so much land from the poor farmers and all that. So he gave one land to Mahatma Gandhi [Shri Mataji laughs].And this land, this “bhumdan” land was known, it was I think, you know, why he gave. This land was so bad that you could not put even cactus there!And he was telling everybody: “I have given so much land to “bhumdan”, I have given so much land to “bhumdan”. So trying to sort of justify himself for taking all the land from the poor and flinching them and then to do this kind of a generosity. So this is another escape people have, that do what you like and ultimately be generous. This kind of gracious covering of your mistakes can be very misleading. It doesn’t work with Vishnumaya. She knows you out and out and if you try all these tricks with Her, She will show Her own powers. I would say all our left side problems come because of Vishnumaya power. She punishes you, as well as She exposes, as well as She gives you light, as well as She corrects you. With all these powers of Vishnumaya, we should be very thankful that today we are celebrating Her special puja because I think it is one of the curses of the West, especially of Americans to feel guilty.So today you all have to promise in your heart that the mantra is – now She also understands English perhaps – you can say that: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” That’s all. If that is said, She will be very happy. “I’m not guilty at all. I’m not going to feel guilty.” Once you stop feeling guilty you will not do wrong things because how will you manage. Because you are not doing, you cannot put it as guilt, so what’s the use of doing anything wrong. If you do wrong, it comes on your head, you cannot put it in your left Vishuddhi, so you won’t do anything wrong. You will immediately understand that: "If I have to do wrong, I have to face it." But if there’s a space here [in the left Vishuddhi], kept where you can put your guilt for your wrong doings available, then you don’t mind so much.Supposing somebody has a small house, no place to store, then somebody brings something. Says, “No, no, no, no space here. I am already very full.” It’s like that! [Laughter]So the best thing is to have no guilt at any cost. I will have no guilt. If I have done mistake, all right I’ll admit I have done the mistake and I’ll have no guilt at all about it. I’ll face it. You’ll be surprised. You’ll stop doing wrong things. Definitely you’ll stop because there’s no space left. So this is very important today to do Vishnumaya’s thing, and I am sure now very happy with the tour of America. This time I’m really happy because I think it has worked in most of the places very well and, if it has not worked, one should not feel guilty, but face the problem, why it has not worked and the problem lies with Sahaja Yogis and nobody else. You shouldn’t blame anybody else for it. Just see yourself, what mistakes you must have committed. Could be a small or big mistake, whatever it is, face it. There’s no harm in saying, “I have done mistake.” But if you say, “Sorry,” means it goes there [in the left Vishuddhi], straight forward. No, “I have committed a mistake.” To admit that is very gracious, very beautiful and very kind to yourself for your benevolence. In Sahaja Yoga it’s one of the biggest mantras for all the Western people. They should all the time say to all the trees, all the nature around “I am not guilty”. Your ecological problem will improve because then you won’t do wrong things to spoil your ecology, you’ll be careful because you spoil it and you’ll feel guilty, “Oh, I should not have done this. Oh, I should not.” But why did you do in the first place is the point. So now, next time you are not going to do it. So many of our problems will be solved if we face them and correct them boldly. It’s possible for Sahaja Yogis because you are separated from your being; you’re away from it. You can see your body, you can see your mind, you can see your ego, you can see all of those things and you know how to put them right. You are not that, you know, so you are the Spirit and with the light of the Spirit you can correct all these things. But this guilt is something where it stops you completely from correcting or doing anything better about it or bringing any constructive thing to your own mind.This will solve many problems for America, as well as for all the Western world. Same with the Indians, that they should not think that if they are generous a little bit they can get rid of their mistakes, you see, they have to face it. It’s a different style, Indians are very clever, you know, they know how to find excuses and escapes. But, after all, it is Vishnumaya. She will show you that there is no escape, just face it. There’s no need to condemn yourself, no need to, in any way, degrade yourself or to feel inferior, but to be superior as the spirit, “Oh, I see, I watch.” Like I would say, “All right, Nirmala, I see you very well now, ah you did this.”Separate yourself from yourself. You can talk on the mirror. You can go to the river and talk there or you can go to an ocean and tell them that: “See, I’ve done this mistake and now I’m not going to do it.” You can make promises to all of these elements. Once you make these promises, this Vishnumaya will receive the message and She won’t enter into any one of these elements to disturb you. So you have to go and tell the ocean that: “All right, America is not guilty for whatever they have done.” Say it like that. If you say is all right, not other people because I told your genetics are changed. You are different people. Whatever you say, Vishnumaya will always believe in and everything will work out very well.But this is a special time, as I told you before where we call it, is the Krita Yuga, where between the Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga this time is so important, that whatever mistakes we have committed, we have to pay for it. Is a "karmaphala". It won’t work out by just putting it here. [in the left Vishuddhi],So one has to get to Realization, change the genetics completely and then you can go and tell the nature that: “All right, we are not guilty now. We’ve got our Realization.” And it will work, I am sure. So many of catastrophes of this country can be avoided by you Sahaja Yogis. May God bless you.
Shri Vishnumaya puja. Shawnee, Pennsylvania (USA), 20 September 1992. Today, we have decided to have a Vishnumaya Puja. In this context, one has to know who is this Vishnumaya and what is Her - you can call it mythological [Shri Mataji laughs gently] - but a historical relationship. I have told you that America is the country of Shri Krishna and He’s Kubera, as well as He’s Yama. Because He’s Kubera, people have got their affluence, they are rich people, they have money, more than anywhere else, but if you do not remember, that you have to have balance and that Shri Krishna’s power is of Mahalakshmi. So, Mahalakshmi Principle is such that where seeking is important, Vishnu Principle is there when Shri Lakshmi is His power. After getting the Lakshmi up to a certain point, then you jump into a new awareness or a new sort of a seeking which is the seeking of the spirit where the Mahalakshmi principle starts, the central path. That far, of course, in America it started, the Mahalakshmi Principle, but people did not know, they had no discretion to know which way to go for their seeking and so many got enamoured by false advertisements, by all kinds of promises, claims and things and I came here long time back at that moment where I knew that the seeking now is showing results and that all the people from all over the world will try to come down here because there was a market for them and their marketing will start in such a manner that these people who are used to marketing will fall into it. I came, I tried, I told them. So, this is exactly what happened in America, that I came here - I think I was the first to arrive - I warned them, I told them names of the people who will be doing all this kind of work. Also I told them what were they in their last lives, what kind of a thing they did, what kind of work they did, what are their negatives powers and how they tried to manipulate. But nobody would listen to Me. Because these people found out that the weaknesses of Americans, if you can pamper them, pamper their ego, and tell them that this is something very important, that you should do something – ah- that is very superficial but something looks fantastic as I told you that they said: you can fly three feet height. And the Americans took to it.All such absurd ideas, they took to it because they thought it was something new, something different and they wouldn’t listen to Me because I said I won’t take money. And they told Me very clearly that “Nobody will understand You if You don’t take money.” So I said how much will you pay Me which is so invaluable? How much money are you going to pay Me?” And they had no answer.So those people who were still money-oriented, so the Mahalakshmi Principle was not in them to understand that if you have to seek the truth, you cannot pay for it. They couldn’t understand that and that is how they had to go through all this circle of facing all kinds of false gurus, all types, all superficial things. Ultimately now, I think, first year I feel everything has come up very well, but one of the chakras of this Vishuddhi is, as you know, very important, is the Left Vishuddhi. And the Left Vishuddhi is the centre, if it is caught up, you get angina, you get spondylitis and also you get lethargic organs. So this Left Vishuddhi has been a sort of a fashion with the Western people, maybe because of Christianity where you had to confess and you have to say you’re a sinner and you’re a born sinner, an original sinner, all kinds of things.So, as you are branded as sinner, you see, you always felt guilty and that guilt was built in, in the Left Vishuddhi. I think this is one of the greatest drawbacks, even today, that people in America feel extremely guilty for very small things, because they have no confidence in themselves. Firstly, they think that “We are a very young nation. We had no tradition – basically”. They may look arrogant, they may look to be very show-offs, but basically, inside, they feel that: “We have had no tradition. We are a very young nation.” Like they think that: "The English are too over sophisticated or the French are very sophisticated and we are not, compared to them. We are primitive.” This kind of funny ideas they have. And because of this, you see, they try to make up. To make it up, the path they followed ended up into all kinds of things and it built up a very huge Left Vishuddhi in them. That’s why Americans are having so many problems of the Left Vishuddhi. First of all, this centre catches when you do not want to face your mistakes. “I’ve committed this mistake all right, I’ve committed it, now I’m not going to do it, and why I've committed it and why it happened, just face it.” They don’t want to. They will feel guilty that we have done this or I’ll put it here. [Shri Mataji puts Her hand on Her left shoulder, close to the neck] Like, they go on amassing, like very black clouds of guilt.Then this Vishnumaya, who is the thunder, we can call, who is the electrical charge, which is liberated by the friction of these black clouds, which actually is a catalyst for rain. It’s a catalyst for rain. This starts acting on such people, that is, they suddenly get a shock. They become extremely sensitive people. They get nervous and this nervousness can make, makes them think “Why are we nervous? What is the problem?” Like the exposure of their guilt comes through the Vishnumaya Power. Now I have to tell you about also the origin of Vishnumaya, which is very interesting. Vishnumaya was the sister of Shri Krishna, who was born after Shri Krishna was born. Actually, She was not His own sister, but She was a daughter of Nanda. And when Shri Krishna was taken over and was put in the care of Nand and Yeshoda they gave their own daughter in His place and the father of Shri Krishna brought it back [in the castle]. So when Kamsa came – the uncle- you all know about the story – to ask about the eighth child, they said, “This is the child.” He said, “But this’s not a man. This is a woman.” He took the child in his hand and did like this and threw it in the sky. And there She went and there She announced that: “Shri Krishna is already incarnated, He is living and He is your killer.” So She is the announcer. She is the announcer of the incarnations. She is the announcer of something good that is going to happen to you. Also, She’s the one who can burn things, which are not spiritually all right. At the time of Mahabharata, She was born as Draupadi and this Draupadi was the sister of Shri Rama and when, as you know in Mahabharata – all of you know the story of Mahabharata, I need not tell that – Duryodhana tried to take out Her clothes. Then She called for Krishna. First She said, “Kri.” She had put Her teeth like this [Shri Mataji holds her own sari with her teeth]. Till She had said, “Krish,” [the sari] it was there. Because She was thinking if She said “shna,” the thing will fall down and She'll become exposed. As soon as She said, “Krishna” the thing fell down and that’s the time Shri Krishna came all the way from Dwarika and Tulsida has here described it very well in Hindi language: “Dwarika me Shabad gayo [message went to Dwarika]”. In Dwarika, there was a big – big noise, you can call it or what I don’t know. “Shor bhayo, shor bhayo bhare [caused comotion; shora: noise, bhare: to fill] – tremendous, what you call the - thunder, you can call it, because She was the one who’s responsible for thunder. “Shor bhayo bhare, Shankha (conch) Chakra (disc) Gada Padma (weapon) Garuda le sidhare” With the shankar, with Chakra, with Garuda, with Padma, all of them, He came on the Garuda. With all His weapons, He came on a Garuda to help Her. He started supplying the saris to Her and this Duryodhana got absolutely – Dushansana did that - got absolutely tired and he fell on the ground. So now here, Vishnumaya is the one who is the virgin. Not only that She is a virgin, but She exists in all the five elements as shown that She married five Pandavas and that this power of virginity in Her used to expose people to the dangers of these horrible Kauravas who were going to rule and destroy the dharma. So She stood back and She is the one who said that “You have to fight. You have to fight for dharma, whatever may happen” and Krishna always supported Her. So as a brother, Shri Krishna supported Her, so the relationship between brother and sister are very important in India. Also should be with Sahaja Yogis because we have raki bandhan. You also have what you call the bhaiya duj [Hindi; Bhau bij in Marathi], where on Diwali day we tie up a raki to the Brother. Now this raki is nothing but the Vishnumaya’s power, which protects the brother. Actually, there the brother protected Her and now the sister’s love protects the brother. So the relationship between brother and sister is much more important than any other relationship because it’s so pure, it’s so protective, it’s so loving and also it is of an equal age. For example, between the parents and the children, cannot be that or say, between the grandparents and the children can be quite imbalanced also. But between the brother and sister, they’re of the same age group, same understanding and this relationship is maintained by this Vishnumaya. We have a very good incident of that in India, which I must tell you, how this Rakhi Bandhan or this relationship between brother and sister is respected. I mean nobody will believe because in these countries where there is no relationship which is respected, we won’t understand. But when Alexander the Great came to India, he conquered our country quite a lot. But there was one king Poru, who defeated him and put him in jail. Alexander had married an Indian lady. So it was a day of this Rakhi Purnima. She put one rakhi in one plate and covered it up and sent it to this king Poru. So they said: “a rakhi has come.” So the King said: “All right, tie up the rakhi.” He didn’t know whose rakhi it was and it was tied. He said: “Who’s rakhi it was?” “It’s your sister’s.” “Who is my sister?” “She is the wife of this King Alexander.” “Oh, my God! How could I do such a thing? He is my brother-in-law.” He immediately went to the jail and prostrated before him. He said: “I’m sorry. Whatever I -”. This is the graciousness, you understand. “How could I be – how could I be so stupid as to arrest you?” Alexander was flabbergasted. He couldn’t understand this reaction. He said: “What’s this going on?” And he said that: “Now, I ask for your forgiveness and please come out.” With great pomp and show, with ornaments for his sister and all that, he sent the brother-in-law home. Now this Alexander could not understand. He went in and his wife was smiling. He said: “What’s the matter? How am I here?” She said, “Do you know, I have saved you with one thread?” She showed him a rakhi. "With this thread you saved me? How?” She said: “You know what is today? Is a day when a sister can tie this to a brother and the brother has to do what sister wants. So I said I sent it to this Poru, the king, and he has released you." Alexander thought, “What sort people these Indians are? On one thread they release such an enemy like me. How can I rule this people? They’ll put me out any time, so symbolic they are.” He said, “All right, I am sorry.” He took one fellow called Bardai, Chanda Bardai, took him down – he was a poet with him, and he said: “Now, you write poetry because Indians are very subtle people and I can’t understand how can they release such a horrible enemy like me, only on a thread?” Such trust, such understanding of a brother for a sister and the sister has to keep the trust also. So now when we go deeper into it and see for ourselves, our Vishuddhi problems is this that we always try, in the West, to feel guilty and get out of our mistakes. For small, small things feel guilty, people, because the norms in the West - Western life are so rigid, like if you put a spoon on the other side, finished. I mean what does it matter? You can take it on this side and eat it. If you spill some coffee, then that guilt will last all your life. After all coffee is to be spilt. [big laughs]If it is hot, it can happen, some accident can take place. And the guilt business is so great that nobody corrects oneself, just go on feeling guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty. And all the subtleties of life you start missing. In Sahaja Yoga, specially, to feel guilty means all your left side is caught up. You cannot feel the vibrations properly because this is the cervical nerve on which your guilt is sitting and it’s just clamping it, you cannot feel the left side. You start catching on the left side till you receive some sort of a horrible disease, then you realize. The subtler part of this Vishnumaya is that She knows the truth. When She shines you can see everything out of Her. Even for a short time, She exposes in the darkness everything. In the same way, when Vishnumaya starts acting on you, then She exposes the truth to you. But supposing you continue with your left Vishuddhi too much, then She just disappears. She’s not there to correct you, to help you in any way or to expose you. Then you don’t feel anything. You become numb on the left side, absolutely numb on the left side and the left side is, know, is the indicator of all kinds of left side diseases. This is one of the reasons that we have the maximum number of left-sided diseases in the West than in India. Indian diseases are from right side while the left-sided diseases come from this left Vishuddhi. So to feel guilty, itself is wrong and is a mythical thing. Now you feel guilty for something, what’s the use of feeling guilty? It’s just a myth. It’s an empty thing you are carrying upon yourself. No use feeling guilty. If you think you have done something wrong, just face it, that: “I have done this wrong and I will not do it again.” But if you feel guilty, then, you see, it’s like a stored up stuff there and then again you do the same mistake. Again you do the same mistake and you become immune, immunity you develop. Then we start not even feeling that it is wrong, you know? People do wrong things even without thinking that it is wrong. Even that consciousness or, you can say, that alertness is finished. Then you think, “What’s wrong?” For anything, this is a very good answer: “What’s wrong?” It's like a drunkard, he starts drinking. First, he feels: “Oh, I should not have done.” Then he starts little bit more, then little bit more, little bit more. Ultimately, he says, “What’s wrong? If I’m drinking, it's perfect.”Anything of that kind starts with left Vishuddhi because we do not face the mistake. It’s not true that because your tradition has been very short or anything, it’s only thing your attitude. Because it is Krishna’s place, especially for Americans, it is very important to face their mistakes and to admit: “All right, I have done this mistake and I’m not going to do it.”So because they do not want to admit, they put up this arrogant behaviour. I know underneath this arrogant there’s somebody who is very guilty. They are, actually, here very collective, also, very collective, in the sense they will be worried about Vietnam, Korea, everything. Anything happens in the world they are worried about. They are, they are the ones who started U.N. and every sort of thing, you see. Everything is there. But despite all that, this guilt business makes them very insensitive, very insensitive to things which are reality. Anything, which is negative, they should face that thing as negative that they don’t face. They will support a country which is despotic despite the fact they are democratic country. All such things, not only in politics, but also in day-to-day life. Then the whole thing becomes such a lifestyle, it becomes a lifestyle, the whole thing becomes collective. Nobody ever can come and say that: "This is something we are doing wrong and we should stop it." If somebody says that or they say he’s mad, he’s no good. For Freud, I was telling you that Freud was denounced by many people and people gave some papers, everything happened, but nobody would listen to them. And the same thing happened with Sahaja Yoga also. They would not listen to Me because they have developed a immunity against reality. In everything, whatever is real they become immune to it. They do not want to face it. “That’s too much, much too much for me.” With this kind of an attitude, they had to work out something else and in that they have gone to the right side. With that they have developed all kind of machinery, science, all this, everything. But science is not conclusive. It cannot give you the totality. It cannot give the reality. So this Vishnumaya shows Her strength. She does lots of things by which people are frightened. She can enter into any, any element. She can permeate. Supposing She enters into a water element, She can create a typhoon. She can create any kind of disasters. She can enter into Mother Earth and She can create a earthquake. She can do anything because She has a power to enter into anything. You know that She can enter into Mother Earth very easily. She can enter into water very easily and when She gets into it, She becomes the catalyst. And all these problems that you are facing today in America are because of left Vishuddhi, because of Vishnumaya.I'm happy today's program has been arranged for Vishnumaya because this is the power which you Sahaja Yogis should be able to harness and should be able to worship so that She sees all of you there and She looks after you and She maintains your life and looks after you. Now the most difficult thing is to convince people in America that money's not everything. You may have any amount of money, you may have any amount of so-called pleasures, everything, but still, you can never be satisfied and you can never be at peace with yourself and you cannot generate peace.Money cannot replace reality. It's just there.Now the problem is that people become so addicted to this money that all value systems start flowing down. I was surprised I knew somebody here who took his own sister for prostitution. So I said, "What's this? What are you doing?""What's wrong? We'll get money." So whatever can get money, they indulge into. So there's no chastity which is the basics, which is the foundation of human beings. As a result, when you insult this virginity of Vishnumaya, then the Maya - means the - Her play is that you get AIDS, you get all kinds of other diseases which are incurable and which are what you can call as the secret diseases. Because She's the virgin and because She respects the virginity. And those who go against, not that virginity is meant only for women, also meant for men, because everybody has here left Vishuddhi. Here the idea is that only the virginity is valued for women only. It's not. Even the men who do not respect their virginity, their chastity are attacked by Vishnumaya in different ways. I'm not surprised that Los Angeles, they say, is in danger all the time, because of your cinemas you produce, all these things you produce. I mean, of course, I mean now with the Sahaja Yoga being established very well in Los Angeles, things may be averted, but still it’s very dangerous. Cause it’s one of the most powerful Shakti is this of Vishnumaya because She plays the illusion. She creates the Maya also. Also She breaks the Maya and She can burn anything. Your forest is burning now. Sixty-five hectares of land is burning. Who has done this? It is nothing but Vishnumaya. Nobody has to take any matchbox for that. She can burn anything and is- Her burning gives you the feeling that if there’s an electrical charge, as if burnt with electrical charge. This is very true in so many cases I’ve seen. Those who came to Me with problems of left Vishuddhi, that they said that: “We think that there’s some electrical charge coming out of here” [left shoulder] as if it’s the burning of an electrical shock. This is Vishnumaya’s doing and She’s the one who is the corrector. She corrects. Don’t feel guilty, face your problems. It’s, sort of, when we hide our mistakes in the name of guilt, when we try to camouflage it, She’s the one who exposes it on individual level, on collective level, on national level, international level, because She can permeate into anything. And this permeation of Hers gives Her such subtleties, but people cannot relate disaster to their mistakes, they cannot. They don’t understand why such a disaster has taken place, what has happened. There was a big typhoon that came, came up to a point and suddenly turned towards Kauai. Now what was the reason for that, to go and hit Kauai? In Kauai there is a Swayambu of Shiva. It’s a fact. People are making money out of it, quite a lot of money and deceiving people. There’s big business going on in the name of Shiva. So Kauai was hit, not Hawaii so much as Kauai and it turned suddenly, no one can understand that. So all these thundering things that are coming from nature, anything, whether it is earthquake or it is landslide or it could be floods or it could be typhoon, anything is the work of this Vishnumaya or we can say all natural catastrophes are brought about by this Vishnumaya. She has this power to do it. This is the only way they can shock people. But despite all that shocking, people have to relate these disasters to their mistakes they have committed and have nicely kept it here [left shoulder], not facing. I have heard from some Indian students that when they came to America some boys asked them to take drugs and do all other things also. So they wouldn’t do, they said: “You are goody-goodies,” this, that. You know, they just pumped it into their head that you have to do it. “You are cowards. You cannot do it.” And all that.So some of them said: “All right, we’ll try,” but what surprised them that they knew it was wrong while those who were telling them never thought it was wrong. They thought they have been great martyrs or they have been liberators and they have got liberties. They couldn’t understand this.This kind of liberty that they were boasting of was so destructive. They never understood that this is destructive. So once your left Vishuddhi is absolutely jammed, you lose complete discretion of the chakra here, which we call as Hamsa chakra and then you do not know what is destructive, what is constructive. You start accepting mostly the destructive thing if your left Vishuddhi is bad. Escape. “So what. What's wrong?” That is how violence has come. That is how all kind of cheating, corruption has come. What’s wrong? Because if you do anything wrong you put it there, finished. It's stored up. Again, you do anything, you put it there and till you become absolutely immune to all destructive action, you go on doing it. So to get out of it, what to do? To get out of this horrible state where you do not feel anything wrong, what is the thing is only is to take to Sahaja Yoga in a right fashion. First of all, you must face yourself. If you start facing yourself, you’ll realize that you have committed a mistake. “So this is the mistake I have committed. Doesn’t matter. I am not going to feel guilty about it. If I ever have to do this, I will not do it and I’m not guilty for whatever has happened. It’s the past. Finished.”With this faith in yourself, you can definitely get rid of your left Vishuddhi. The problem is, even if I tell you something, I am worried that you start feeling guilty about it also. I mean, I am telling you for something for your correction, then you start guilty that, “Oh, I – Mother is saying, so you see, I did this. And now-” But you did!At this moment what I am telling you, never to do it again and face it. Whatever you did is finished and gone and is forgiven completely, otherwise Vishnumaya will take over. This is very important because one side is a Lila, it’s a play and it is “all the world is beautiful.” Another side is the guilt.So we think that by just feeling guilty, we are solving all our problems and this side we are enjoying ourselves and this, the guilt part, is just like a storehouse of a garbage we put there. But we never think this garbage what it is wrong it is doing to us. And this is what it is that Vishnumaya has to burn this garbage, then She works in Her own ways, in Her own Maya ways and so many things happen. Like there was a lady and she was very right-sided. She used to dominate everyone, but nobody dared tell her that because, if you tell her, she would come back on you. So nobody wanted to tell her what’s wrong with her. They said: "All right. Let it be now."But I told her that: "See, you are very right-sided. You are dominating everyone. Everybody’s frightened of you."So she said: "No, Mother, I’m not.""It's all right I’m telling you. You better believe Me or really you are in for trouble."And that very day, she was getting down from the staircase and she fell from top to bottom she came down and all her right side [was hurt]. She came to Me: "Mother, you see. My right hand is broken. My right leg is broken. This is broken. That is broken."I said: "Then you know what happened?" "I now know why it has happened." Then I cured her. She was all right. But what I am trying to tell you, that she wouldn’t listen to Me. So the right-sided people have a special capacity to put everything here [in the left Vishuddhi]. So I always say that it is the by-product of ego. Those people who try to dominate, who try to be angry, try to control everyone, they put it down there and then the whole thing works against them. This is to be understood in a very serious manner, that feeling guilty is not that you are harming yourself, but you are harming all others.Also this Vishnumaya gets very upset with two other things. One of the things is smoking. If you smoke too much, then this Vishnumaya gets very angry. She is the one who then causes cancer. She can spoil your throat. I mean, all kinds of ear, nose, throat problems can come in with the smoking because She doesn’t like that smoke. She – once, twice, thrice, but once you start smoking and after some time: “Oh, what’s wrong?” They will quote such and such man who is eighty-three, he still smokes. [Laughter]See, quoting like this, they have ideals like that. Then you have also some cinema's heroes. “Such and such man, see, he murdered his wife. He’s not – see, he’s going along.” So we should also murder. We should also smoke. So the all ideals, which have destroyed themselves, become our ideals and we start exactly doing what they are doing without knowing that how they are destroyed, we’ll be also destroyed. So this understanding about Vishnumaya’s powers should be there with us. That if we try to continue with our mistakes and putting them here, then first thing we become vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. With that if you are smoking, you can become also very much vulnerable to cancer of the throat. Another thing, which people do not know, is the mantras. If you go on saying any mantra – I mean in India there are people who will every day, morning get up and say some mantra for about, say, hundred times, some say it at least three hundred times, five hundred times. They go on measuring, mantra, mantra, mantra, mantra, like that. Now She’s the Mantrika. She’s the one who gives the power to the mantra. Now if you are not connected to this Divine Power, then there’s a short circuiting takes place and if you go on saying this mantra, you develop all the troubles of the throat, throat cancer. You can develop also stomach, it's the stomach problems because it is Krishna and Vishnu are the same. You might develop also the problem of Virata. Because you are reciting a mantra like this, you see – a telephone, if it is not connected, I go on using it, the telephone will go out of order. In the same way, if you are doing wrong mantras in the sense that the mantras which are said before your connection with the Divine, then they can spoil your left Vishuddhi very much. This is the style they use in India. Supposing you are a businessman in India. Now a big business man, you have made a lot of money, now you feel guilty about it because you have made by bad means, also by all kinds of black-market and all that sort of things. So they’ll make a big temple of Vishnu. [Laughter]Not Vishuddhi, but they’ll make a very big temple of Shri Vishnu and they will create a kind of a image that they are great religious people or they’ll have karat [in the palm], means they will distribute food to people or distribute some things to people and feel satisfied. Here you go on committing any amount of sins, any amount of nonsense and then out of that money you make a little contribution to Shri Vishnu thinking that Shri Vishnu will be very happy and will not punish them. But He’s Kubera, what can you give it to him? He’s the Kubera! He gives you all the money. He does everything. So how can you give anything to Kubera who is Himself the Lord of wealth. It’s a very common thing in India, like there was a “bhumdan” [bhumidan, to donate land] thing, I knew of a man who was very corrupt, very bad person, I mean really, he was really very, very bad man and he had taken away so much land from the poor farmers and all that. So he gave one land to Mahatma Gandhi [Shri Mataji laughs].And this land, this “bhumdan” land was known, it was I think, you know, why he gave. This land was so bad that you could not put even cactus there!And he was telling everybody: “I have given so much land to “bhumdan”, I have given so much land to “bhumdan”. So trying to sort of justify himself for taking all the land from the poor and flinching them and then to do this kind of a generosity. So this is another escape people have, that do what you like and ultimately be generous. This kind of gracious covering of your mistakes can be very misleading. It doesn’t work with Vishnumaya. She knows you out and out and if you try all these tricks with Her, She will show Her own powers. I would say all our left side problems come because of Vishnumaya power. She punishes you, as well as She exposes, as well as She gives you light, as well as She corrects you. With all these powers of Vishnumaya, we should be very thankful that today we are celebrating Her special puja because I think it is one of the curses of the West, especially of Americans to feel guilty.So today you all have to promise in your heart that the mantra is – now She also understands English perhaps – you can say that: “Mother, I am not guilty at all.” That’s all. If that is said, She will be very happy. “I’m not guilty at all. I’m not going to feel guilty.” Once you stop feeling guilty you will not do wrong things because how will you manage. Because you are not doing, you cannot put it as guilt, so what’s the use of doing anything wrong. If you do wrong, it comes on your head, you cannot put it in your left Vishuddhi, so you won’t do anything wrong. You will immediately understand that: "If I have to do wrong, I have to face it." But if there’s a space here [in the left Vishuddhi], kept where you can put your guilt for your wrong doings available, then you don’t mind so much.Supposing somebody has a small house, no place to store, then somebody brings something. Says, “No, no, no, no space here. I am already very full.” It’s like that! [Laughter]So the best thing is to have no guilt at any cost. I will have no guilt. If I have done mistake, all right I’ll admit I have done the mistake and I’ll have no guilt at all about it. I’ll face it. You’ll be surprised. You’ll stop doing wrong things. Definitely you’ll stop because there’s no space left. So this is very important today to do Vishnumaya’s thing, and I am sure now very happy with the tour of America. This time I’m really happy because I think it has worked in most of the places very well and, if it has not worked, one should not feel guilty, but face the problem, why it has not worked and the problem lies with Sahaja Yogis and nobody else. You shouldn’t blame anybody else for it. Just see yourself, what mistakes you must have committed. Could be a small or big mistake, whatever it is, face it. There’s no harm in saying, “I have done mistake.” But if you say, “Sorry,” means it goes there [in the left Vishuddhi], straight forward. No, “I have committed a mistake.” To admit that is very gracious, very beautiful and very kind to yourself for your benevolence. In Sahaja Yoga it’s one of the biggest mantras for all the Western people. They should all the time say to all the trees, all the nature around “I am not guilty”. Your ecological problem will improve because then you won’t do wrong things to spoil your ecology, you’ll be careful because you spoil it and you’ll feel guilty, “Oh, I should not have done this. Oh, I should not.” But why did you do in the first place is the point. So now, next time you are not going to do it. So many of our problems will be solved if we face them and correct them boldly. It’s possible for Sahaja Yogis because you are separated from your being; you’re away from it. You can see your body, you can see your mind, you can see your ego, you can see all of those things and you know how to put them right. You are not that, you know, so you are the Spirit and with the light of the Spirit you can correct all these things. But this guilt is something where it stops you completely from correcting or doing anything better about it or bringing any constructive thing to your own mind.This will solve many problems for America, as well as for all the Western world. Same with the Indians, that they should not think that if they are generous a little bit they can get rid of their mistakes, you see, they have to face it. It’s a different style, Indians are very clever, you know, they know how to find excuses and escapes. But, after all, it is Vishnumaya. She will show you that there is no escape, just face it. There’s no need to condemn yourself, no need to, in any way, degrade yourself or to feel inferior, but to be superior as the spirit, “Oh, I see, I watch.” Like I would say, “All right, Nirmala, I see you very well now, ah you did this.”Separate yourself from yourself. You can talk on the mirror. You can go to the river and talk there or you can go to an ocean and tell them that: “See, I’ve done this mistake and now I’m not going to do it.” You can make promises to all of these elements. Once you make these promises, this Vishnumaya will receive the message and She won’t enter into any one of these elements to disturb you. So you have to go and tell the ocean that: “All right, America is not guilty for whatever they have done.” Say it like that. If you say is all right, not other people because I told your genetics are changed. You are different people. Whatever you say, Vishnumaya will always believe in and everything will work out very well.But this is a special time, as I told you before where we call it, is the Krita Yuga, where between the Kali Yuga and Satya Yuga this time is so important, that whatever mistakes we have committed, we have to pay for it. Is a "karmaphala". It won’t work out by just putting it here. [in the left Vishuddhi],So one has to get to Realization, change the genetics completely and then you can go and tell the nature that: “All right, we are not guilty now. We’ve got our Realization.” And it will work, I am sure. So many of catastrophes of this country can be avoided by you Sahaja Yogis. May God bless you.
1st Day of Navaratri, 10th Position
Cabella Ligure
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 27 September 1992. Today is the first day of Navaratri. And when I found that the rain was there and all kinds of problems, and Vishnumaya was suggesting some things, I just consulted the calendar, and you will be amazed to know that in the calendar it is written that till five forty-five it’s not auspicious – it’s inauspicious. After five forty-five only the right thing starts, so just imagine, by calculation how it was correct that five forty-five we had to have this puja, after five forty-five. That is, the first day of Navaratri starts in Italy or in Europe after five forty-five. So it is something one must understand that the Chaitanya is working out everything, and it is giving all the suggestions; because I had not at all seen the, what you call the tithi, but I just felt that, I said that we’ll have it in the evening. And when I said it, I said “Let’s see this,” and there it was. There’s so many things we have to see, that whatever has been revealed to you, you can verify it. For example, I had said long time back that Mooladhara Chakra is made out of carbon, carbon atom, and if you see it from left to the right – right to the left, left side you see nothing but a swastika. So, now you see from left to the right, then you see Omkara; and once you see from down below upward, you see the alpha and omega. Now see, Christ has said that “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” So this swastika becomes Omkara, also becomes Christ. You can see it very clearly. Now we have got a beautiful picture of that, we have a tape, and I wanted to see you all that, but I don’t know how we can manage here. But I wish you all could see it, it’s so clear-cut. So alpha and omega, also these mathematical things have come to us from inside, from the Divine. This is not we have created. This was found out by some mathematicians who were realized souls, and they used this alpha and omega. It’s surprising how it shows so clearly that swastika becoming Omkar, and Omkar then becoming alpha and omega. So everything in Sahaja Yoga is tangible and can be verified. Now you are worshipping today the Durga, or all the nine forms of the Goddess. She came nine times on this Earth, according to this, that She fought all the people who were destroying the seekers, who were trying to make a mess of their lives. And these tortured saints, when they prayed to the Goddess – because none of the gods could do anything, and Sadashiva is never interfering with what the Goddess is doing – so they worshipped the Bhagawati, and then the incarnation of Hers came nine times, according to the need of the time. So every time you find Her confronting people who are extremely arrogant, self-opinionated, thinking no end of themselves; and the bhaktas are tortured by these self-opinionated horrible rakshasas. Now, in India when we cast the horoscope of a person, we have three categories of people: one are the devas, they’re called dev; the second ones are the ones which are manavas, means human beings; and the third ones are rakshasas. So I think I have got all of you from the dev categories, because you could not have taken to Sahaja Yoga that seriously unless and until you were there. After all, why should you believe Me also that when I say that there was the Durga, and there was this thing, and She did this and did that? It’s not that from one faith you have come out and now you are jumping onto another faith; it’s not like that. It is actually been proved – you can feel. For example, when you are raising the kundalini on the center Heart, you can feel that on the center Heart if there is a catch, you have to take name of the Jagadamba. Unless and until you take Her name it won’t open out. Also when I am clearing out your center Heart, I have to also say, “Now I am in reality Jagadamba,” and then the Jagadamba within you awakens. So now you have verified it much more than the scientists have done. The scientists are going from outside, and they are not conclusive at all. Now if you have one problem, they will work it out; another problem – they work out problems, but they don’t know the basics, what the problems are, and where lies the solution. While you can see that once the Amba, this Kundalini who is the reflection of the Holy Ghost, of the Adi Shakti within you, when She rises through these different chakras, She gives them power because She’s the Power, She’s the Shakti. She is the desire power of Sadashiva. She is the complete power of Sadashiva. And so She gives the power totally to every chakra, by which all these chakras are enlightened and all the deities are awakened. Supposing we have no power of life, we’ll be like dead people. So these centers when they receive this power, thisShakti, then they are awakened. Now you have seen it, you can do it yourself. It’s all tangible, you can verify it. I have told you that She resides on the Heart center. Now see how Heart center is placed – also very interesting to see. While She is Jagadamba; but the Amba, means the pure form of power, resides in the triangular bone, like kundalini. But Her form which is Jagadamba, where She is the Mother of the Universe, She resides on the Heart center. Now this Heart center is very important. When – I have already told you this, that when a child is about, till the twelve years of age, this center produces the ganas. Ganas are the workers on the left-hand side. They are like, we can say St. Michael is their leader, but their king is Ganapati, Ganesha. So first She has done is the ghatasthapana. “Ghatasthapana” means – you have done here now, this is the ghatasthapana. This is the kumbha. Now this kumbha She has established first: that is the triangular bone. Now this is Her first work, that to establish this, your Mooladhara. So She established within you is innocence. She established innocence within you to begin with. So She has put this ghata in which She is staying as kundalini now. So the first is that to establish the kundalini in the triangular bone, and then to establish Shri Ganesha. This is the first work, by which whatever She is going to create now – all the universes, the Earth, everything – whatever She is going to create has to be filled with innocence. Now if you see the stones, they’re innocent. If you hit the stone you’ll get the hit, otherwise it doesn’t come up and hit you. They’re innocent. If you see the rivers, they’re innocent. Everything that has been created as matter is innocent. It is not cunning, it is not manipulating, it is not aggressive – nothing of the kind. They’re innocent, means they’re under the complete order of God Almighty. They do not have their own free will to do what they like. Whatever is done is with the absolutely under complete command of God Almighty, and so they are, we can say they’re innocent, because they have no free will to do what they like. So then if you see to animals also, they also are innocent, except for very few. Most of them are innocent, innocent in the sense that they are called as “pashu”– means they are completely under the control, pasha, of God Almighty. A tiger will behave like a tiger, and a snake will behave like a snake. But in human beings somebody will behave like a tiger, tomorrow like a snake and third day like a worm. There’s no steadiness. For this you cannot say that this gentleman is today tiger, so tomorrow he will not be a snake. They have no free will to change their individuality. They are left alone. So that is not the job of the Shakti to bother. That’s already been created, they are there, and they are existing. They have a purpose, that’s why they are there; and the purpose is only one, is to support human beings, because you are at the epitome of evolution. So She has created all these things just for you to be created, and ultimately to get your Self-realization; to have meaning for your life, to get connected to this all-pervading Power, to enter into the Kingdom of God. All is Her work. So we can say nine times She came, and the tenth time She is supposed to give realization to all of you. But at the tenth time, all these three powers are joined together – that’s why it’s called Trigunatmika. That’s why Buddha has said “Matreya”– means three Mothers put together. So this Power when it starts acting, it has the complete control over all your three channels and seven centers – complete control, as if without the permission or without the taking the name of this Power, you cannot achieve anything. Is a fact, and that is where human beings fail, because they have a free will, and they don’t know why to obey anyone or why to listen to anyone, and why to accept anyone. That’s why, though you have to be given Self-realization, the task is very difficult; because you are not used to a way where you don’t have to use your free will. Specially in the Western countries, people have choices even for their cereals. I was told that in America there are 126 types of cereals. This kind of nonsense if you are doing, your ego definitely bloats out, and you think that “We have a right to decide for ourself.” And you cannot accept somebody who can tell you that this is not right, and this is not right. So the same Power has now been awakened in the Paramachaitanya. Now, this awakening into the Paramachaitanya is doing marvellous work, which you can see clearly. Firstly, you have seen My photographs. You see My photographs, you are stunned, you are surprised. I mean, I Myself don’t know what is this Paramachaitanya is busy with. It is so activated that all the time it is working out to convince you people about the truth. If it was so active at the time of Christ, would have been much better. But it had to be this way, because human beings are the most difficult things to manage. They have been given freedom; that too, you’d be amazed, that the freedom was given to Adam and Eve, but how it was achieved, we should understand this. In the Gnostics Bible it has come out what I’ve been saying, that Adam and Eve, both of them were like pashus, under the complete control of God – no free will. They would have lived in the nude in the garden of Eden, would not have even thought of knowing anything more than that, but to eat, live like animals. They were just like animals. Then it is the Shakti itself took the form of a snake, and went and told them that “You must have the fruit of knowledge.” She wanted to evolve. That was not the idea of God Almighty, because it’s quite a headache, you know, to do such a thing. He thought, “What is the need to have such headaches around Me?” But Shakti knew Her own style. She knew that She is capable of lots of miracles, and She can make these human beings understand the knowledge, and She can really make them knowledgeable. So She said, “You must eat this fruit, and you must try to know the knowledge.” So a new type of human race started, which wanted to know what is the knowledge. You have seen that we had all kinds of primitive people before. Then they started evolving, evolving. Now, I have to say that the first creation which took place before that, there were other higher creations which were planned by Adi Shakti to plan out the whole thing. So She created Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha, and She created their lokas, their atmospheres or you can say their areas. In that all the planning was done, how we can achieve this to make these animals realized souls, from animal to human beings, and from human beings to realized souls. It was a very big problem. That’s how they created, you see – as you know that Vishnu had His own loka, Mahesha had His own loka, and Brahmadeva had His own loka. And they decided among themselves how best we can do it. Because these three channels were created in human beings later on. Out of the three channels came out these three Shaktis: Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. They produced two children, one shakti and one the brother, and then intermarriage and all that took place, in a way – marriage not in the human way, not in the human way we should say, but they were, the energy was given to the potential man. So the woman, who was the energy representing, was given to a man. All these things happened, and they chose to work it out in human beings. It happened like this, that the first working somehow or other was very effective in India. Or maybe they chose India because Indian climate is so good. I mean, you know definitely there are six seasons. It’s not like this anytime, like this irrational rain comes in, like London you have to play football also with an umbrella on your head! So there are exactly six seasons in India, and they are so well balanced. That’s why this Paramachaitanya is also called as “Ritambhara PrAgnya” in India – not here, we cannot say. “Ritambhara PrAgnya” means the one which is the knowledge, prAgnya, means the one enlightened knowledge, of the one which makes seasons. Because here Ritambhara PrAgnya is in a doldrum. It’s not at all understanding, because of the human beings as they are. They are so much scatterbrain, I should say, that even the nature has become scatterbrain here, and cannot understand how to deal with such human beings – is a fact. But in India it is the six seasons are there, and these six seasons are absolutely known. One has not studied the astrology of India, but they have their own astrology – of course, I don’t believe in it. But the, at the level of a human level you can see how they depict and how they can exactly say when it will rain, when it will not rain; what will happen, that will happen. Even about the stars, that such a star will be coming. Now this has been done in thousands of years back. They will exactly say what time which star will be coming nearer, what star are today governing, tomorrow what will be the star there. In those olden days they had studied all these things. When I see here, I don’t know what was the situation at that time in these Western countries, whether there were human beings or not I don’t know; but historically I think it was not such a developed place. So then all this arrangement was made, and human beings were made to understand that there is God. The saints were respected – I’m telling you in India – real saints were respected, and they made different observations. Now when I read say, Adi Shankaracharya, I am amazed how he knows so many things about Me. He knows how My knee looks like, he knows how many lines I have on My back, how many – I mean, it is very amazing how this man knows everything about Me. That means through his meditative power he could envisage Me – he never saw Me. The description and everything is so clear-cut. Now if you say the thousand names of the Goddess, thousand names of the Goddess are so precise. I mean, you can verify them in Me, I am just like that. Whatever it is, good or bad, whatever is said about Me is there, is a fact. And it is the knowledge of these people is most remarkable: how did they know that a Goddess is like that? Certain of My things which I also don’t know, but they are there, and they have described. It’s very surprising. So their meditative power in India was great. The reason was, our seasons were disciplined, people are disciplined. In India most of the people get up early in the morning, do their pujas, everything, take their baths, and they go for work, come home, be with the family, have their food, and then sing some songs and bhajans, and then sleep off – normally. Very disciplined. They don’t go on holidays, they don’t get into drinking and things like that. Normally in the family, no question, if somebody drinks he’s thrown out of the house. He’s condemned as a leper. He’s called as a daruda, means he is a drunkard. And even nowadays some people are drinking, but they too, they hide their drinking. Nobody drinks in the presence of others. I mean, I don’t know, their influence might increase and people will start openly drinking, but normally they don’t. So because of these six seasons being absolutely in discipline, we knew what to do when, and how to do it. Now, people could live in the jungles. Like in England, if you have to go out it takes fifteen, twenty minutes: you have to wear your shoes, socks, your coat, your under- this thing, that thing; otherwise you can’t get out. And you start from one place; reaching another place you’ll find it is raining heavily, you have nothing, you get drenched. But this is not so in India. It’s so balanced that when you come, all of you come in winter-time, you have seen it. It doesn’t rain suddenly, it doesn’t happen like that at a wrong time. You can stay outside as long as you want. So these people could live in the jungles, in the sense we didn’t have so much idea of comfort at all. In a simple little hut they could live: a little protection from the sun, and protection from the rain for rainy season, that’s all. And they had very little needs of life. And we didn’t use plastics – I mean, there were no plastics that time, or even now we don’t use plastics. And we used to have few thalis and things. In a small family also they’ll have just thalis, which were just permanently with the family. Now I find that such a difference there is. You see, in simple living what happens, that you do not take out all the wealth from the Mother Earth. There’s no ecological problem there. But by having as you are saying so many glasses for this, so many glasses for that, all this kind of thing that you produce has no aesthetic value, and has no durability. So then you have mountains and mountains of these huge big plastics which cannot be burnt, which cannot be thrown away, if you throw away in the sea it floats, and such problems are there. So this Shakti that was working in those days was in them to make them seekers; because they didn’t have to do anything else, you know. It’s all right, you have food to eat, you have place to sleep, finished – not much to be done, living so happily. With all these comforts in the way that so little a demand on your time. They had time, lot of time. And with that time, what did they do? They didn’t go, say, for that, for a swimming or ballroom dancing, or nothing of the kind. With that time they meditated. And when that time meditation started, then they started realizing what is the divine Power, what is Divinity, what is God. For example I’ll tell you, here people discuss even the private life of Christ, and say all kinds of things; I mean, it’s impossible in India, nobody does that. It never comes to their head that how Krishna had sixteen thousand wives – must be some reason, He is God after all. God is God, you are a human being – how can you know about God, because you have come through Him? They don’t discuss such nonsensical things, must be that. And now when I told them these are His powers, sixteen thousand, they said, “Yes.” Then, the five wives were the five elements – “Yes.” They are God. Nobody discusses these things. God is – how can you understand God? Can you understand Me? You can’t. Try – you can’t understand Me. Very difficult. So you can’t understand, you can’t understand God. Please understand one thing, that for to understand God is an impossibility. But you can be in connection with God, you can be in the company of God, you can be blessed by God, you can be looked after by God, you can know lots of things about God; but you cannot understand. This is another thing one has to know, that you cannot understand why God does these things, why He does this, why He does that. You cannot understand, you cannot explain it. I mean, somebody can even say here, “Why did He make swastika?” Then, “Why did He make Omkara?” I mean here the people are so arrogant that they can even ask God, “Why did You exist?” They can go to that limit, you know, there’s nothing surprising. So this arrogance, this ego has blinded us from God. We think no end of ourselves, we are very self-opinionated, and we do not know much about it. So this Power, this Shakti is the one which has given you Self-realization, will also give you God-realization; but still you will not understand God. You have to go above God to understand Him. How will you understand? Supposing there’s something below you, you can understand; but something above you, how will you understand? Supposing somebody is down below in Cabella and wants to understand about My house, will he understand? He has to go above the Cabella to see My house. So the Source from which we have come, we cannot understand that. We cannot judge, we cannot say why; that is God’s wish, God’s desire, whatever He does. So what we have to say: whatever His wish, we’ll be happy with that. And the power that is within you is Amba, is the desire power of God itself. So whatever your wish is, means that His wish is that you should enter into His Kingdom. Now you enter into the Kingdom of God. Then the Shakti makes you sit on different beautiful positions, and some are sitting in the Heart of God, some are sitting in the Sahasrara of God, in the Kingdom of God. Now you should assume your power. On Navaratri now, you should understand that it has now crossed the limit and now we are on the tenth position, where you must assume. I have told you many a times, now believe that you are Sahaja yogis. Believe that you are, you have entered into the Kingdom of God. You cannot judge God, you cannot say why She does that, why She does that, why He does that. You cannot say that – that’s different. But when you sit there, then it is not an assembly, it is not like a politician fighting, no; it is that you have entered into the Kingdom of God, blessed by God, looked after, protected, nourished, and made knowledgeable. But still this arrogance has to go down, that we can understand why it happens. That humility is very important for us; otherwise this power cannot take you beyond. Now as it is, it has crossed the Sahasrara, now this power has to go higher and higher. For that, first you should be humble. “Humble” doesn’t mean that it should be something artificial humility of a businessman, or a politician. It is a humbleness is within your heart, that “Oh God, we don’t want to understand You, You are too great. But let us know ourselves.” And then you’ll be amazed that He has made you like His own image. That means He has given you all the powers. He has made you. When He has made you, you cannot make Him. He is the Source, you cannot make Him. He has made you in His own image. Now, what you can do is to make others in His image. These powers are with you. But the first thing you have to have, the discipline within yourself, that is missing. People cannot discipline themselves – means if they cannot control themselves, how can they control anyone? No discipline means you cannot control yourself. So the discipline should be that first you must see that you control yourself, because now you are in the Kingdom of God. Have you seen a film called “Mr. Bean” where they show a stupid man, you see? So what happens that when you are now come to the court of the Goddess, when you have entered into the Kingdom of God, you are made to sit on your throne in a dignified way. But you start behaving like Mr. Bean, you see. You don’t know how to sit on your seat, you want to sit on the sides, you want to sit on the wall or do all kinds of things. There’s no discipline. You have to have the discipline. Where are you sitting? You are sitting in the Kingdom of God. So you should have that dignity, you should have that affection, you should have that compassion, you must have that love, and the dedication. But if it is not there, then this power is useless, because you are the vehicle of that power. Supposing I have to take water, I have to have glass which is emptied inside. If it is already full with ego, what can you put inside that? Or if it is a stone, you can’t drink water out of that, you’ll have to dig in the space for putting the water. So if you are already filled with your own ideas, with your own conveniences, with your own progress or whatever it is, only that, then you cannot rise very high. You have to surrender fully, to say that “Mother, whatever is Your desire, that… we do not want to have any our individual desire.” Then the desire of God will work. You want kundalini to work for you which is the desire of God, not your desire, which is independent of your desire, but is the one which will fulfill your complete so-called desires, without even your knowledge. Miracles after miracles will happen, so many miracles that now we do not know how to compile the book even on miracles. But these miracles are coming to you because you are realized souls. Your attention should be all right, you must see and introspect yourself. “I am sitting in the Kingdom of God, now what is my situation? Is it worth it, am I worth it, am I behaving in the same manner, or still I don’t believe?” If you don’t believe, how can you rise? “Believe” means that you have seen something, you have known something which is tangible, you have got the experience of it. Still you are not surrendered. If you surrender to the will of God, then everything is taken charge. It will never let you down, no question; and everything, all things which look like mountains of difficulties and obstructions you will surpass, just like an aeroplane goes over it. You won’t have any problem whatsoever. So one thing today, I am very happy that this puja is done by the people from a country which is discipline is very important – that is, Switzerland. But their discipline is for bad things, not for good. For example, they have a military: who is going to go to that far-fetchedplace, you see, to attack? No one. Why do they have military? And compulsory military, do you know that? Because they have looted other people’s money and kept them there, like thugs. So all that money is in their banks, and they are worried that any time, you see, any person can come up and demand the money, and may start using the power of destruction on us. So, because they are doing wrong, that’s why they have a military – out of fear, just out of fear. There is no need to have any military there. But everybody has to go to military and join the military, because they are thieves of the worst type. Then secondly, they have also very much slavery of the watch, which human beings have made, God has not made them. So the watch is important, because they are making watches. If they are making watches and if they do not slave under the watches, who will buy their watches? They will say, “What’s the use of you all have watches, and the way you are.” So they are very disciplined. Not only, they also are, I mean extremely as they’ve shown yesterday, they’re really too much of cleanliness in them. Some of the girls who were married – I must say I’m sorry to say this, but it is a fact – were married from Switzerland, and the reports have come that, “Mother, they must have been maid-servants or bar-maids.”So I said, “Why?” “If something falls down somewhere, immediately, they’ll pick it up and keep there. If something even – it’s just like, like in the guests, you see the guests are sitting and they have no time to talk. There’s no question of talking to each other, there’s nothing; all the time they are worried about this thing, this is getting dirty, that is getting dirty, like maid-servants.” Can you imagine? This has also come from the same horrible disciplining that they have. This disciplining is not divine disciplining. Nature is not like that. If you see the nature, see how the nature is beautiful, the – you’ll never find any smell there. Ha, but if human beings go and live there, then all smells start. But there is no smell. Nature looks after itself, it cleanses itself, it does everything. So for everything there’s a time, it must be done with a little leisure. I mean, once if you have to clean the house, so clean the house. But all the time if your attention is cleaning this, cleaning this, make this clean, put this right – you are good for nothing, you are like a Hoover machine! And who can love such a woman who’s just a Hoover machine all the time? But again as the, you know the Devi has the, all the extremes, so this is one extreme. And the another extreme is that absolutely lousiest people, that in England – absolutely lousy, very lousy. They can live with all kinds of lousiness, and that is going too far. So this is in between one has to be. Cleanliness is for us, we are not for cleanliness. You are not paid for that, you are not maid-servants. So cleanliness has to be there. We like it so we’ll make it clean, but it should not be that everybody should be panicked about it; to be in a situation that you have no time to talk to anyone, to be nice to anyone, also no time even to meditate. Even meditating they will be seeing round if something is falling here, “Oh my God!” and they will go and pick up. I wouldn’t be surprised that even in the church they start doing that! There’s no discipline of meditation, discipline of meditation, of divine work, discipline of following the will of God – that’s not there. Unless and that discipline comes in, what you are doing is something so mundane and stupid, useless wastage of your life, have no dignity for yourself. So now as Sahaja Yogis we have to have that discipline of meditation. Then the Power, this Amba, She knows you so well: She knows your past, and She knows what sort of a person you are. Once you start introspecting and seeing it within yourself, “What is wrong with me?” and to reach that state of complete equilibrium, “What have I to do?” – is to first of all, you have to meditate. There is no way out, I must tell you, there is no way. Somebody said, “Mother, I have given up eating this, I have given up eating that” – nothing. “Mother, I do this and I stand on my head” – nothing. You must meditate, and the meditation should be little bit in the morning and little bit in the evening. And don’t see your watch when you are meditating. The time has to be kept for meditation, whatever it is. It takes hardly any time. I mean, even I have seen women take so much time to get ready that even one tenth of that time if you can give for your meditation, you will be, you’ll not need much make-up. Your skin will improve, your hair will improve, your face will improve, everything will work out. You don’t have to use anything, don’t have to use any perfumes or anything whatsoever, your body itself will be full of perfume. Everything will be supplied. So what we have to do is to first of all see a surrender to the will of the God. For Sahaja yogis it’s very important. Once you surrender, all your problems will be solved. You surrender your problems also. “I leave it to You. God, You solve the problem. You do this.” It is such a precise, such an effective, such an efficient Power. And above all it loves you, cares for you, it forgives you. Even if you make mistakes it forgives, “All right, it will be all right.” It is wanting you all to be properly seated in your thrones, enjoying your power. So whatever is needed is done with great care. So Navaratri’s – now, the tenth day of Navaratri, which is the most important for all of you, is where this Paramchaitanya has become active. And by its activity you should know it is become very powerful, and that now anybody who tries to be nasty with you, tries to trouble you – “I don’t have to worry at all.” It will take care of it. All wrong things you have done, all bad karmas you have done, you will be rewarded for that, no doubt. But if you are a Realized soul, finished; you are not on that level. Like we can say that ordinary people can be charged with criminality, but supposing you rise to a higher status of kinghood, then nobody can charge you. You are above the law. In the same way, it has happened with you that nobody can touch you, nobody can destroy you, and nobody can hamper your progress. Only it is you who can do it. And nobody can harm Me, no rakshasa can harm Me and has never done so. But it is you who can harm Me; because in this life I have taken you into My body, and I am working it out in My body, everything, your cleansing, everything, which is a difficult task. But in the beginning only, this Power went to Adam and Eve and told them that “you must have the knowledge.” So that promise has to be fulfilled and that has to be done, though it’s a very hazardous task. Specially in the West, I find it is very hazardous to make people understand that they are the part and parcel of the whole; it’s a very difficult task. They talk of big, big things. I have seen people write articles nowadays that nothing is substantial, this science is so limited, it has not solved our problem. All these big, big books they are writing. But if you write to them now that we have found out something, they don’t want to see you. They don’t want to meet you. They have nothing to do with it. So I don’t know what sort of seekers they are, with such a big ego balloon in front, and they are seekers. What are they seeking? The ego, the balloon – supposing you have a big balloon and you drop in the water, what will happen, the balloon will take here and there and there and here, you have no destination. In the same way, they are without any destination, saying that “We are seeking, we are doing this, we are doing that” – without any destination, without any understanding, without any meaning to their life, absolutely useless people. They are worth nothing. We have to try, as much as possible, how many we can save. But those who do not want to come, there’s no need, there’s no need for us. They have to ask for it, they have to humble down and they have to say that, “We want to come to you” – then only we’ll have. I never write any letter to anyone, “Please come to My program.” All these gurus used to write to all the actors and musicians and all that; I never write. It’s just I am advertising Myself, if you want to come you can come. This advertisement also, I was not willing. So, you can imagine that we have now brought to the fruitfulness of the promise given long time back, that you will have the knowledge. And you have the knowledge. But with this knowledge you should be identified, and you should know that you have this knowledge, and that this knowledge can be given to others. And we can transform this world into a beautiful world, and fulfill the vision of Adi Shakti. She created you for this purpose, brought you out from human level to the superhuman level for this purpose, and that is what you have to do it. And if you are today worshipping Me as the Jagadamba, then know that the Jagadamba itself is nothing else but Adi Shakti. And unless and until you people rise to that level of disciplining yourself in divine way – like some people are still smoking, “Oh, it’s all right, you know, we are ordinary people, we can’t do it.” All right, get out. Don’t worry about such people. They’ll be left behind, useless people, where will they go? They’ll be, I think, hanging in the limbo, because there isn’t much place now left even in the hell, so what is going to happen to them? But all this is available to you; only thing you must know how to control yourself, control your senses. In small, small things also we cannot control ourselves. If we cannot control our own horses, how can we reach that stage where we have to reach? So in all these small things don’t waste your energies. Just think, you have to meditate, you have to rise, and you have to give it to others. This is very much possible if you really love yourself. If you love yourself, then you have to understand that, “See my body, see my mind, everything is given to me by God. How beautiful it is. And now it’s such a beautiful one, and it will be used by God for such a great purpose.” You are moulded, you are made like that up to this point. But now it is your free will, and with this free will you have to rise. With this free will, you have to understand what is to be done, and how to achieve that state. It is nature’s reaction to things. Always nature reacts to human beings. Nature has no free will but God reacts, and when the reaction of the God comes in, then we find all these things happening. And I wish you could listen to My tape on Vishnumaya, which is very, very well explaining why all these calamities come, why people die of these calamities. It was a very good lecture, I hope you all will listen to it, and listen to it again and again. My lectures should not be just for nice one evening, but should be something you should try to understand. Now whatever I am saying is the truth, is absolute truth and is a subtle thing, which none of them have said so far. Because you have got your realization, because you are Sahaja Yogi, I can say this to you. May God bless you.
Navaratri Puja. Cabella Ligure (Italy), 27 September 1992. Today is the first day of Navaratri. And when I found that the rain was there and all kinds of problems, and Vishnumaya was suggesting some things, I just consulted the calendar, and you will be amazed to know that in the calendar it is written that till five forty-five it’s not auspicious – it’s inauspicious. After five forty-five only the right thing starts, so just imagine, by calculation how it was correct that five forty-five we had to have this puja, after five forty-five. That is, the first day of Navaratri starts in Italy or in Europe after five forty-five. So it is something one must understand that the Chaitanya is working out everything, and it is giving all the suggestions; because I had not at all seen the, what you call the tithi, but I just felt that, I said that we’ll have it in the evening. And when I said it, I said “Let’s see this,” and there it was. There’s so many things we have to see, that whatever has been revealed to you, you can verify it. For example, I had said long time back that Mooladhara Chakra is made out of carbon, carbon atom, and if you see it from left to the right – right to the left, left side you see nothing but a swastika. So, now you see from left to the right, then you see Omkara; and once you see from down below upward, you see the alpha and omega. Now see, Christ has said that “I am the Alpha and the Omega.” So this swastika becomes Omkara, also becomes Christ. You can see it very clearly. Now we have got a beautiful picture of that, we have a tape, and I wanted to see you all that, but I don’t know how we can manage here. But I wish you all could see it, it’s so clear-cut. So alpha and omega, also these mathematical things have come to us from inside, from the Divine. This is not we have created. This was found out by some mathematicians who were realized souls, and they used this alpha and omega. It’s surprising how it shows so clearly that swastika becoming Omkar, and Omkar then becoming alpha and omega. So everything in Sahaja Yoga is tangible and can be verified. Now you are worshipping today the Durga, or all the nine forms of the Goddess. She came nine times on this Earth, according to this, that She fought all the people who were destroying the seekers, who were trying to make a mess of their lives. And these tortured saints, when they prayed to the Goddess – because none of the gods could do anything, and Sadashiva is never interfering with what the Goddess is doing – so they worshipped the Bhagawati, and then the incarnation of Hers came nine times, according to the need of the time. So every time you find Her confronting people who are extremely arrogant, self-opinionated, thinking no end of themselves; and the bhaktas are tortured by these self-opinionated horrible rakshasas. Now, in India when we cast the horoscope of a person, we have three categories of people: one are the devas, they’re called dev; the second ones are the ones which are manavas, means human beings; and the third ones are rakshasas. So I think I have got all of you from the dev categories, because you could not have taken to Sahaja Yoga that seriously unless and until you were there. After all, why should you believe Me also that when I say that there was the Durga, and there was this thing, and She did this and did that? It’s not that from one faith you have come out and now you are jumping onto another faith; it’s not like that. It is actually been proved – you can feel. For example, when you are raising the kundalini on the center Heart, you can feel that on the center Heart if there is a catch, you have to take name of the Jagadamba. Unless and until you take Her name it won’t open out. Also when I am clearing out your center Heart, I have to also say, “Now I am in reality Jagadamba,” and then the Jagadamba within you awakens. So now you have verified it much more than the scientists have done. The scientists are going from outside, and they are not conclusive at all. Now if you have one problem, they will work it out; another problem – they work out problems, but they don’t know the basics, what the problems are, and where lies the solution. While you can see that once the Amba, this Kundalini who is the reflection of the Holy Ghost, of the Adi Shakti within you, when She rises through these different chakras, She gives them power because She’s the Power, She’s the Shakti. She is the desire power of Sadashiva. She is the complete power of Sadashiva. And so She gives the power totally to every chakra, by which all these chakras are enlightened and all the deities are awakened. Supposing we have no power of life, we’ll be like dead people. So these centers when they receive this power, thisShakti, then they are awakened. Now you have seen it, you can do it yourself. It’s all tangible, you can verify it. I have told you that She resides on the Heart center. Now see how Heart center is placed – also very interesting to see. While She is Jagadamba; but the Amba, means the pure form of power, resides in the triangular bone, like kundalini. But Her form which is Jagadamba, where She is the Mother of the Universe, She resides on the Heart center. Now this Heart center is very important. When – I have already told you this, that when a child is about, till the twelve years of age, this center produces the ganas. Ganas are the workers on the left-hand side. They are like, we can say St. Michael is their leader, but their king is Ganapati, Ganesha. So first She has done is the ghatasthapana. “Ghatasthapana” means – you have done here now, this is the ghatasthapana. This is the kumbha. Now this kumbha She has established first: that is the triangular bone. Now this is Her first work, that to establish this, your Mooladhara. So She established within you is innocence. She established innocence within you to begin with. So She has put this ghata in which She is staying as kundalini now. So the first is that to establish the kundalini in the triangular bone, and then to establish Shri Ganesha. This is the first work, by which whatever She is going to create now – all the universes, the Earth, everything – whatever She is going to create has to be filled with innocence. Now if you see the stones, they’re innocent. If you hit the stone you’ll get the hit, otherwise it doesn’t come up and hit you. They’re innocent. If you see the rivers, they’re innocent. Everything that has been created as matter is innocent. It is not cunning, it is not manipulating, it is not aggressive – nothing of the kind. They’re innocent, means they’re under the complete order of God Almighty. They do not have their own free will to do what they like. Whatever is done is with the absolutely under complete command of God Almighty, and so they are, we can say they’re innocent, because they have no free will to do what they like. So then if you see to animals also, they also are innocent, except for very few. Most of them are innocent, innocent in the sense that they are called as “pashu”– means they are completely under the control, pasha, of God Almighty. A tiger will behave like a tiger, and a snake will behave like a snake. But in human beings somebody will behave like a tiger, tomorrow like a snake and third day like a worm. There’s no steadiness. For this you cannot say that this gentleman is today tiger, so tomorrow he will not be a snake. They have no free will to change their individuality. They are left alone. So that is not the job of the Shakti to bother. That’s already been created, they are there, and they are existing. They have a purpose, that’s why they are there; and the purpose is only one, is to support human beings, because you are at the epitome of evolution. So She has created all these things just for you to be created, and ultimately to get your Self-realization; to have meaning for your life, to get connected to this all-pervading Power, to enter into the Kingdom of God. All is Her work. So we can say nine times She came, and the tenth time She is supposed to give realization to all of you. But at the tenth time, all these three powers are joined together – that’s why it’s called Trigunatmika. That’s why Buddha has said “Matreya”– means three Mothers put together. So this Power when it starts acting, it has the complete control over all your three channels and seven centers – complete control, as if without the permission or without the taking the name of this Power, you cannot achieve anything. Is a fact, and that is where human beings fail, because they have a free will, and they don’t know why to obey anyone or why to listen to anyone, and why to accept anyone. That’s why, though you have to be given Self-realization, the task is very difficult; because you are not used to a way where you don’t have to use your free will. Specially in the Western countries, people have choices even for their cereals. I was told that in America there are 126 types of cereals. This kind of nonsense if you are doing, your ego definitely bloats out, and you think that “We have a right to decide for ourself.” And you cannot accept somebody who can tell you that this is not right, and this is not right. So the same Power has now been awakened in the Paramachaitanya. Now, this awakening into the Paramachaitanya is doing marvellous work, which you can see clearly. Firstly, you have seen My photographs. You see My photographs, you are stunned, you are surprised. I mean, I Myself don’t know what is this Paramachaitanya is busy with. It is so activated that all the time it is working out to convince you people about the truth. If it was so active at the time of Christ, would have been much better. But it had to be this way, because human beings are the most difficult things to manage. They have been given freedom; that too, you’d be amazed, that the freedom was given to Adam and Eve, but how it was achieved, we should understand this. In the Gnostics Bible it has come out what I’ve been saying, that Adam and Eve, both of them were like pashus, under the complete control of God – no free will. They would have lived in the nude in the garden of Eden, would not have even thought of knowing anything more than that, but to eat, live like animals. They were just like animals. Then it is the Shakti itself took the form of a snake, and went and told them that “You must have the fruit of knowledge.” She wanted to evolve. That was not the idea of God Almighty, because it’s quite a headache, you know, to do such a thing. He thought, “What is the need to have such headaches around Me?” But Shakti knew Her own style. She knew that She is capable of lots of miracles, and She can make these human beings understand the knowledge, and She can really make them knowledgeable. So She said, “You must eat this fruit, and you must try to know the knowledge.” So a new type of human race started, which wanted to know what is the knowledge. You have seen that we had all kinds of primitive people before. Then they started evolving, evolving. Now, I have to say that the first creation which took place before that, there were other higher creations which were planned by Adi Shakti to plan out the whole thing. So She created Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesha, and She created their lokas, their atmospheres or you can say their areas. In that all the planning was done, how we can achieve this to make these animals realized souls, from animal to human beings, and from human beings to realized souls. It was a very big problem. That’s how they created, you see – as you know that Vishnu had His own loka, Mahesha had His own loka, and Brahmadeva had His own loka. And they decided among themselves how best we can do it. Because these three channels were created in human beings later on. Out of the three channels came out these three Shaktis: Mahakali, Mahalakshmi, Mahasaraswati. They produced two children, one shakti and one the brother, and then intermarriage and all that took place, in a way – marriage not in the human way, not in the human way we should say, but they were, the energy was given to the potential man. So the woman, who was the energy representing, was given to a man. All these things happened, and they chose to work it out in human beings. It happened like this, that the first working somehow or other was very effective in India. Or maybe they chose India because Indian climate is so good. I mean, you know definitely there are six seasons. It’s not like this anytime, like this irrational rain comes in, like London you have to play football also with an umbrella on your head! So there are exactly six seasons in India, and they are so well balanced. That’s why this Paramachaitanya is also called as “Ritambhara PrAgnya” in India – not here, we cannot say. “Ritambhara PrAgnya” means the one which is the knowledge, prAgnya, means the one enlightened knowledge, of the one which makes seasons. Because here Ritambhara PrAgnya is in a doldrum. It’s not at all understanding, because of the human beings as they are. They are so much scatterbrain, I should say, that even the nature has become scatterbrain here, and cannot understand how to deal with such human beings – is a fact. But in India it is the six seasons are there, and these six seasons are absolutely known. One has not studied the astrology of India, but they have their own astrology – of course, I don’t believe in it. But the, at the level of a human level you can see how they depict and how they can exactly say when it will rain, when it will not rain; what will happen, that will happen. Even about the stars, that such a star will be coming. Now this has been done in thousands of years back. They will exactly say what time which star will be coming nearer, what star are today governing, tomorrow what will be the star there. In those olden days they had studied all these things. When I see here, I don’t know what was the situation at that time in these Western countries, whether there were human beings or not I don’t know; but historically I think it was not such a developed place. So then all this arrangement was made, and human beings were made to understand that there is God. The saints were respected – I’m telling you in India – real saints were respected, and they made different observations. Now when I read say, Adi Shankaracharya, I am amazed how he knows so many things about Me. He knows how My knee looks like, he knows how many lines I have on My back, how many – I mean, it is very amazing how this man knows everything about Me. That means through his meditative power he could envisage Me – he never saw Me. The description and everything is so clear-cut. Now if you say the thousand names of the Goddess, thousand names of the Goddess are so precise. I mean, you can verify them in Me, I am just like that. Whatever it is, good or bad, whatever is said about Me is there, is a fact. And it is the knowledge of these people is most remarkable: how did they know that a Goddess is like that? Certain of My things which I also don’t know, but they are there, and they have described. It’s very surprising. So their meditative power in India was great. The reason was, our seasons were disciplined, people are disciplined. In India most of the people get up early in the morning, do their pujas, everything, take their baths, and they go for work, come home, be with the family, have their food, and then sing some songs and bhajans, and then sleep off – normally. Very disciplined. They don’t go on holidays, they don’t get into drinking and things like that. Normally in the family, no question, if somebody drinks he’s thrown out of the house. He’s condemned as a leper. He’s called as a daruda, means he is a drunkard. And even nowadays some people are drinking, but they too, they hide their drinking. Nobody drinks in the presence of others. I mean, I don’t know, their influence might increase and people will start openly drinking, but normally they don’t. So because of these six seasons being absolutely in discipline, we knew what to do when, and how to do it. Now, people could live in the jungles. Like in England, if you have to go out it takes fifteen, twenty minutes: you have to wear your shoes, socks, your coat, your under- this thing, that thing; otherwise you can’t get out. And you start from one place; reaching another place you’ll find it is raining heavily, you have nothing, you get drenched. But this is not so in India. It’s so balanced that when you come, all of you come in winter-time, you have seen it. It doesn’t rain suddenly, it doesn’t happen like that at a wrong time. You can stay outside as long as you want. So these people could live in the jungles, in the sense we didn’t have so much idea of comfort at all. In a simple little hut they could live: a little protection from the sun, and protection from the rain for rainy season, that’s all. And they had very little needs of life. And we didn’t use plastics – I mean, there were no plastics that time, or even now we don’t use plastics. And we used to have few thalis and things. In a small family also they’ll have just thalis, which were just permanently with the family. Now I find that such a difference there is. You see, in simple living what happens, that you do not take out all the wealth from the Mother Earth. There’s no ecological problem there. But by having as you are saying so many glasses for this, so many glasses for that, all this kind of thing that you produce has no aesthetic value, and has no durability. So then you have mountains and mountains of these huge big plastics which cannot be burnt, which cannot be thrown away, if you throw away in the sea it floats, and such problems are there. So this Shakti that was working in those days was in them to make them seekers; because they didn’t have to do anything else, you know. It’s all right, you have food to eat, you have place to sleep, finished – not much to be done, living so happily. With all these comforts in the way that so little a demand on your time. They had time, lot of time. And with that time, what did they do? They didn’t go, say, for that, for a swimming or ballroom dancing, or nothing of the kind. With that time they meditated. And when that time meditation started, then they started realizing what is the divine Power, what is Divinity, what is God. For example I’ll tell you, here people discuss even the private life of Christ, and say all kinds of things; I mean, it’s impossible in India, nobody does that. It never comes to their head that how Krishna had sixteen thousand wives – must be some reason, He is God after all. God is God, you are a human being – how can you know about God, because you have come through Him? They don’t discuss such nonsensical things, must be that. And now when I told them these are His powers, sixteen thousand, they said, “Yes.” Then, the five wives were the five elements – “Yes.” They are God. Nobody discusses these things. God is – how can you understand God? Can you understand Me? You can’t. Try – you can’t understand Me. Very difficult. So you can’t understand, you can’t understand God. Please understand one thing, that for to understand God is an impossibility. But you can be in connection with God, you can be in the company of God, you can be blessed by God, you can be looked after by God, you can know lots of things about God; but you cannot understand. This is another thing one has to know, that you cannot understand why God does these things, why He does this, why He does that. You cannot understand, you cannot explain it. I mean, somebody can even say here, “Why did He make swastika?” Then, “Why did He make Omkara?” I mean here the people are so arrogant that they can even ask God, “Why did You exist?” They can go to that limit, you know, there’s nothing surprising. So this arrogance, this ego has blinded us from God. We think no end of ourselves, we are very self-opinionated, and we do not know much about it. So this Power, this Shakti is the one which has given you Self-realization, will also give you God-realization; but still you will not understand God. You have to go above God to understand Him. How will you understand? Supposing there’s something below you, you can understand; but something above you, how will you understand? Supposing somebody is down below in Cabella and wants to understand about My house, will he understand? He has to go above the Cabella to see My house. So the Source from which we have come, we cannot understand that. We cannot judge, we cannot say why; that is God’s wish, God’s desire, whatever He does. So what we have to say: whatever His wish, we’ll be happy with that. And the power that is within you is Amba, is the desire power of God itself. So whatever your wish is, means that His wish is that you should enter into His Kingdom. Now you enter into the Kingdom of God. Then the Shakti makes you sit on different beautiful positions, and some are sitting in the Heart of God, some are sitting in the Sahasrara of God, in the Kingdom of God. Now you should assume your power. On Navaratri now, you should understand that it has now crossed the limit and now we are on the tenth position, where you must assume. I have told you many a times, now believe that you are Sahaja yogis. Believe that you are, you have entered into the Kingdom of God. You cannot judge God, you cannot say why She does that, why She does that, why He does that. You cannot say that – that’s different. But when you sit there, then it is not an assembly, it is not like a politician fighting, no; it is that you have entered into the Kingdom of God, blessed by God, looked after, protected, nourished, and made knowledgeable. But still this arrogance has to go down, that we can understand why it happens. That humility is very important for us; otherwise this power cannot take you beyond. Now as it is, it has crossed the Sahasrara, now this power has to go higher and higher. For that, first you should be humble. “Humble” doesn’t mean that it should be something artificial humility of a businessman, or a politician. It is a humbleness is within your heart, that “Oh God, we don’t want to understand You, You are too great. But let us know ourselves.” And then you’ll be amazed that He has made you like His own image. That means He has given you all the powers. He has made you. When He has made you, you cannot make Him. He is the Source, you cannot make Him. He has made you in His own image. Now, what you can do is to make others in His image. These powers are with you. But the first thing you have to have, the discipline within yourself, that is missing. People cannot discipline themselves – means if they cannot control themselves, how can they control anyone? No discipline means you cannot control yourself. So the discipline should be that first you must see that you control yourself, because now you are in the Kingdom of God. Have you seen a film called “Mr. Bean” where they show a stupid man, you see? So what happens that when you are now come to the court of the Goddess, when you have entered into the Kingdom of God, you are made to sit on your throne in a dignified way. But you start behaving like Mr. Bean, you see. You don’t know how to sit on your seat, you want to sit on the sides, you want to sit on the wall or do all kinds of things. There’s no discipline. You have to have the discipline. Where are you sitting? You are sitting in the Kingdom of God. So you should have that dignity, you should have that affection, you should have that compassion, you must have that love, and the dedication. But if it is not there, then this power is useless, because you are the vehicle of that power. Supposing I have to take water, I have to have glass which is emptied inside. If it is already full with ego, what can you put inside that? Or if it is a stone, you can’t drink water out of that, you’ll have to dig in the space for putting the water. So if you are already filled with your own ideas, with your own conveniences, with your own progress or whatever it is, only that, then you cannot rise very high. You have to surrender fully, to say that “Mother, whatever is Your desire, that… we do not want to have any our individual desire.” Then the desire of God will work. You want kundalini to work for you which is the desire of God, not your desire, which is independent of your desire, but is the one which will fulfill your complete so-called desires, without even your knowledge. Miracles after miracles will happen, so many miracles that now we do not know how to compile the book even on miracles. But these miracles are coming to you because you are realized souls. Your attention should be all right, you must see and introspect yourself. “I am sitting in the Kingdom of God, now what is my situation? Is it worth it, am I worth it, am I behaving in the same manner, or still I don’t believe?” If you don’t believe, how can you rise? “Believe” means that you have seen something, you have known something which is tangible, you have got the experience of it. Still you are not surrendered. If you surrender to the will of God, then everything is taken charge. It will never let you down, no question; and everything, all things which look like mountains of difficulties and obstructions you will surpass, just like an aeroplane goes over it. You won’t have any problem whatsoever. So one thing today, I am very happy that this puja is done by the people from a country which is discipline is very important – that is, Switzerland. But their discipline is for bad things, not for good. For example, they have a military: who is going to go to that far-fetchedplace, you see, to attack? No one. Why do they have military? And compulsory military, do you know that? Because they have looted other people’s money and kept them there, like thugs. So all that money is in their banks, and they are worried that any time, you see, any person can come up and demand the money, and may start using the power of destruction on us. So, because they are doing wrong, that’s why they have a military – out of fear, just out of fear. There is no need to have any military there. But everybody has to go to military and join the military, because they are thieves of the worst type. Then secondly, they have also very much slavery of the watch, which human beings have made, God has not made them. So the watch is important, because they are making watches. If they are making watches and if they do not slave under the watches, who will buy their watches? They will say, “What’s the use of you all have watches, and the way you are.” So they are very disciplined. Not only, they also are, I mean extremely as they’ve shown yesterday, they’re really too much of cleanliness in them. Some of the girls who were married – I must say I’m sorry to say this, but it is a fact – were married from Switzerland, and the reports have come that, “Mother, they must have been maid-servants or bar-maids.”So I said, “Why?” “If something falls down somewhere, immediately, they’ll pick it up and keep there. If something even – it’s just like, like in the guests, you see the guests are sitting and they have no time to talk. There’s no question of talking to each other, there’s nothing; all the time they are worried about this thing, this is getting dirty, that is getting dirty, like maid-servants.” Can you imagine? This has also come from the same horrible disciplining that they have. This disciplining is not divine disciplining. Nature is not like that. If you see the nature, see how the nature is beautiful, the – you’ll never find any smell there. Ha, but if human beings go and live there, then all smells start. But there is no smell. Nature looks after itself, it cleanses itself, it does everything. So for everything there’s a time, it must be done with a little leisure. I mean, once if you have to clean the house, so clean the house. But all the time if your attention is cleaning this, cleaning this, make this clean, put this right – you are good for nothing, you are like a Hoover machine! And who can love such a woman who’s just a Hoover machine all the time? But again as the, you know the Devi has the, all the extremes, so this is one extreme. And the another extreme is that absolutely lousiest people, that in England – absolutely lousy, very lousy. They can live with all kinds of lousiness, and that is going too far. So this is in between one has to be. Cleanliness is for us, we are not for cleanliness. You are not paid for that, you are not maid-servants. So cleanliness has to be there. We like it so we’ll make it clean, but it should not be that everybody should be panicked about it; to be in a situation that you have no time to talk to anyone, to be nice to anyone, also no time even to meditate. Even meditating they will be seeing round if something is falling here, “Oh my God!” and they will go and pick up. I wouldn’t be surprised that even in the church they start doing that! There’s no discipline of meditation, discipline of meditation, of divine work, discipline of following the will of God – that’s not there. Unless and that discipline comes in, what you are doing is something so mundane and stupid, useless wastage of your life, have no dignity for yourself. So now as Sahaja Yogis we have to have that discipline of meditation. Then the Power, this Amba, She knows you so well: She knows your past, and She knows what sort of a person you are. Once you start introspecting and seeing it within yourself, “What is wrong with me?” and to reach that state of complete equilibrium, “What have I to do?” – is to first of all, you have to meditate. There is no way out, I must tell you, there is no way. Somebody said, “Mother, I have given up eating this, I have given up eating that” – nothing. “Mother, I do this and I stand on my head” – nothing. You must meditate, and the meditation should be little bit in the morning and little bit in the evening. And don’t see your watch when you are meditating. The time has to be kept for meditation, whatever it is. It takes hardly any time. I mean, even I have seen women take so much time to get ready that even one tenth of that time if you can give for your meditation, you will be, you’ll not need much make-up. Your skin will improve, your hair will improve, your face will improve, everything will work out. You don’t have to use anything, don’t have to use any perfumes or anything whatsoever, your body itself will be full of perfume. Everything will be supplied. So what we have to do is to first of all see a surrender to the will of the God. For Sahaja yogis it’s very important. Once you surrender, all your problems will be solved. You surrender your problems also. “I leave it to You. God, You solve the problem. You do this.” It is such a precise, such an effective, such an efficient Power. And above all it loves you, cares for you, it forgives you. Even if you make mistakes it forgives, “All right, it will be all right.” It is wanting you all to be properly seated in your thrones, enjoying your power. So whatever is needed is done with great care. So Navaratri’s – now, the tenth day of Navaratri, which is the most important for all of you, is where this Paramchaitanya has become active. And by its activity you should know it is become very powerful, and that now anybody who tries to be nasty with you, tries to trouble you – “I don’t have to worry at all.” It will take care of it. All wrong things you have done, all bad karmas you have done, you will be rewarded for that, no doubt. But if you are a Realized soul, finished; you are not on that level. Like we can say that ordinary people can be charged with criminality, but supposing you rise to a higher status of kinghood, then nobody can charge you. You are above the law. In the same way, it has happened with you that nobody can touch you, nobody can destroy you, and nobody can hamper your progress. Only it is you who can do it. And nobody can harm Me, no rakshasa can harm Me and has never done so. But it is you who can harm Me; because in this life I have taken you into My body, and I am working it out in My body, everything, your cleansing, everything, which is a difficult task. But in the beginning only, this Power went to Adam and Eve and told them that “you must have the knowledge.” So that promise has to be fulfilled and that has to be done, though it’s a very hazardous task. Specially in the West, I find it is very hazardous to make people understand that they are the part and parcel of the whole; it’s a very difficult task. They talk of big, big things. I have seen people write articles nowadays that nothing is substantial, this science is so limited, it has not solved our problem. All these big, big books they are writing. But if you write to them now that we have found out something, they don’t want to see you. They don’t want to meet you. They have nothing to do with it. So I don’t know what sort of seekers they are, with such a big ego balloon in front, and they are seekers. What are they seeking? The ego, the balloon – supposing you have a big balloon and you drop in the water, what will happen, the balloon will take here and there and there and here, you have no destination. In the same way, they are without any destination, saying that “We are seeking, we are doing this, we are doing that” – without any destination, without any understanding, without any meaning to their life, absolutely useless people. They are worth nothing. We have to try, as much as possible, how many we can save. But those who do not want to come, there’s no need, there’s no need for us. They have to ask for it, they have to humble down and they have to say that, “We want to come to you” – then only we’ll have. I never write any letter to anyone, “Please come to My program.” All these gurus used to write to all the actors and musicians and all that; I never write. It’s just I am advertising Myself, if you want to come you can come. This advertisement also, I was not willing. So, you can imagine that we have now brought to the fruitfulness of the promise given long time back, that you will have the knowledge. And you have the knowledge. But with this knowledge you should be identified, and you should know that you have this knowledge, and that this knowledge can be given to others. And we can transform this world into a beautiful world, and fulfill the vision of Adi Shakti. She created you for this purpose, brought you out from human level to the superhuman level for this purpose, and that is what you have to do it. And if you are today worshipping Me as the Jagadamba, then know that the Jagadamba itself is nothing else but Adi Shakti. And unless and until you people rise to that level of disciplining yourself in divine way – like some people are still smoking, “Oh, it’s all right, you know, we are ordinary people, we can’t do it.” All right, get out. Don’t worry about such people. They’ll be left behind, useless people, where will they go? They’ll be, I think, hanging in the limbo, because there isn’t much place now left even in the hell, so what is going to happen to them? But all this is available to you; only thing you must know how to control yourself, control your senses. In small, small things also we cannot control ourselves. If we cannot control our own horses, how can we reach that stage where we have to reach? So in all these small things don’t waste your energies. Just think, you have to meditate, you have to rise, and you have to give it to others. This is very much possible if you really love yourself. If you love yourself, then you have to understand that, “See my body, see my mind, everything is given to me by God. How beautiful it is. And now it’s such a beautiful one, and it will be used by God for such a great purpose.” You are moulded, you are made like that up to this point. But now it is your free will, and with this free will you have to rise. With this free will, you have to understand what is to be done, and how to achieve that state. It is nature’s reaction to things. Always nature reacts to human beings. Nature has no free will but God reacts, and when the reaction of the God comes in, then we find all these things happening. And I wish you could listen to My tape on Vishnumaya, which is very, very well explaining why all these calamities come, why people die of these calamities. It was a very good lecture, I hope you all will listen to it, and listen to it again and again. My lectures should not be just for nice one evening, but should be something you should try to understand. Now whatever I am saying is the truth, is absolute truth and is a subtle thing, which none of them have said so far. Because you have got your realization, because you are Sahaja Yogi, I can say this to you. May God bless you.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja: Keep your Mahalakshmi principle intact
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Barcelona (Spain) 30 September 1992. Today we have gathered here to do Mahalakshmi Puja. Mahalakshmi principle is a very important principle within us. When in the countries or in the families or in individual lives, we find- (Somebody must translate, I think better because they don't understand). So this Mahalakshmi principle is the most important thing for our ascent. This principle is within us but is not awakened before we have achieved a certain amount of situation where we find that we are not yet satisfied with our life. Like in the West now, you had blessings of the Laxmi principle, in the sense there is affluence, people are alright, everybody has food and are sufficient in their every day to day life. But countries which are very poverty stricken or who are in very bad shape, like you can say now Yugoslavia these days is like that, in a very bad shape, or a country, Somalia, which is very, so poor and they have no spiritual background either. So for them, this life is just meant for somehow or other to survive, just to survive. Like this is a life of crisis they have, they have still to exist in their lives, you see, so it's a crisis for them. But in the affluent countries, it so happens that people start feeling that now, we have got this money, we've got all the comfort of life, but still it's not giving us the joy of life. Like India is a country who has a spiritual background from the very beginning, and it's a Yoga Bhoomi, and people know that your have to ascend - that's the thing that you have to achieve. You don't have to tell an Indian that, "What is the aim of your life?" He'll say that, "I want to achieve Self-realization." They won't mind poverty or any kind of so-called dearth of things, because to them, that's not so important. It's most important thing is that they have to get their Moksha, they have to get their realization, that's the most important thing. So, India was a country [which] was very rich once upon a time and so many people invaded that country, and it became poor. But they still, despite all that, they still did not bother about what there is lost is lost. The most important thing is that their Spirit is still intact, and that's what they have to find out, the Spirit. But you see, the politicians everywhere are funny, and you should never judge any country by the government, but by the common people. So the urge to find out new things through science, or to go into other countries and invade and dominate, all that was there in the western countries. Like Columbus went to America and, I mean, killed so many people. The Spanish killed so many people. But then after some years we should say, people started thinking,"What was the use of all this, what did we get? We have food to eat, we have clothes, we have houses, there is science, but nothing is conclusive." And then, the basic principle questions: "Why am I on this earth? Is it just to be born and make some money and then die?" When such questions start coming into the minds of the people, then this Mahalakshmi principle gets awakened and the seeking starts, and they become Sadakas - means seekers.So this principle cannot be forced on anyone. It is something just as innately it starts manifesting. When you try to find what is beyond, after all, what is the purpose of my life? Because you start respecting yourself. Also you see around yourself people who are indulging into pleasures of life, but there is nothing joyful in them. So this kind of thing, that is your atmosphere you can call, your national life, your family life, everything starts giving you questions. That questioning itself, you see, all the time, makes you seek the answers to these questions. Then you start reading books, you hear from somebody that you can get spiritual training, you go to that place, I mean, you just turn to those things. Now is the West, you see, the biggest problem was Christianity, because Christianity, what Christ gave to people was completely twisted by Paul, and he got a very nice platform for himself, he was a bureaucrat, so he wanted to jump on the platform. He was not a disciple of Christ. He had never met Christ, nothing of the kind, and, he thought the weakest disciple of Christ is Peter. Christ has said that, "A Satan will take over you." So, he edited the Bible, and in that he put it that Christ told Peter, it's absolute falsehood, that, "You will form your church." That's how Christianity started, and there are so many things he brought in: for example, he didn't want anything to be mentioned about Christ's Mother, about Madonna, or about the Primordial Mother. So when with this Mahalakshmi principle, people went to Christianity and found that it was absurd, they had no answers, they didn't know what was Holy Ghost. To such a limit that there was one Pope, I have read recently, who was asked, "Supposing you make somebody a saint after his death, then does he feel the divinity just when you make it, in the grave?" So this Pope said, "Yes of course, as soon as we make him the saint in the church he can feel it in the grave." Then the second Pope which came in, he said, "No, no, it's not true. Even if you make them the saint, they have to wait for the Last Judgement and at that time all these dead bodies will come out, and they will feel the Divine."(laughter) By that time, only the bones will be there in the grave. So the idea of reincarnation also they did not accept. The worst was the idea that there is a original sin. In this puja at this time, I told them about the original sin. I don't know how many of you were there for this puja, this last puja, Navaratri puja. (Xavier: There was only one person Mother, Fernando) So I'll tell you what happened really. That all the animals are called as "pashu", means they are under the complete control of God Almighty and they have no awareness. So idea of the Father was to make human beings, alright, who would not look like animals, but who would be completely under His control. Because it's a headache you know, to give freedom to your children. But the Primordial Mother thought that this is not alright. The children must know the knowledge. So She became the snake and told them that you better eat the fruit of knowledge. Otherwise if She had not told, we would have been less (more?) like animals. By that, human beings got their freedom. Of course they make mistakes. They have made lots of mistakes in their choices, doesn't matter, but they all can get their Realization. So this is the culmination of that desire of the Primordial Mother, that people should get their Self-realization and they should know everything. That is how you are all Sahaja Yogis now. But if this had not come into your head, that there is no answer to many questions in Christianity, or in any religion, you would not have taken to Mahalakshmi principle. And [with] the Mahalakshmi principle which started manifesting in you, you started seeking the truth.This principle was very active from the last fifty years, I should say and a new era started, that is the Kali Yuga, and now it is the Krita Yuga - means this All-pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the power of the Primordial Mother, became active, simultaneously with the people who suddenly became aware that they have to seek, so many of them. So this Kruta Yuga has started and it is doing many things which were never done in any incarnation. The first thing is during this time everybody will get their "Karma phalas" (fruits of their actions), means whatever they have done wrong they will have to pay for it. Phala means the fruit. Only through self-realization the Karma phalas can be completely finished. So now we have collective, also, karma phalas. See now for example, so many Americans killed the poor, simple people who were in America, like Red Indians and these poor things, you know, they're completely, completely destroyed, devastated. They could not fight the guns of the white-skinned Anglo-Saxons, and the Spanish. So, as a result of that, some of them just ran up to the hills, like Bolivia and all these places, hid there. So now in Bolivia they have discovered this drug (Cocaine), and this drug is now coming to America, and people are dying. They have to pay for their sins. Why Americans are so fond of these drugs? Why are they smuggling so much drug and why of all the things, from Bolivia it is coming? Because they are paying for their sins. Also the drugs are coming mainly to Spain, to begin with, and they are distributed from here all over. Like that, all these karma phalas are to be paid for whether it is collective or individual. Like now Indians, we had these English people. For three hundred years they stayed in our country. They came without any visa, without anything and now if any Indian goes without a visa, they arrest him. And they divided our country into three parts. But now their country is divided into four parts. Every day there is a bomb-scare, and they don't know how to manage these four countries which are saying that, "We are not English." One has to pay. Very surprisingly they were very, very insensitive people who came to India, because they never bothered to find out about spirituality. Doesn't matter, now one has to face it! In the same way our individual karma phalas also we'll have to pay now. You see AIDS are coming, 65% [of] people are supposed to be nervous wrecks in America. You see so many divorces, and the way the society is ruined, the way the women have become so funny. It's very, very sad that all these beautiful people have taken to a destructive life. They are taking to destruction. Nobody tells them, but they just, if they see - this is the best way you can destroy yourself, they do it. If anybody gets some money, he'll immediately go to a pub. Or else he might buy drugs. Or he may start the business of drug. So all the time they are thinking of how to destroy your body. They will take to smoking, or to drinking or to drugs and all such destructive things. In Spain before this, people used to, I mean even now, kill a bull. Now they are killing themselves by taking all these nonsensical things and running after all these nonsensical things, they are killing themselves. By leading an immoral life they are destroying their own children, their own family, their own wives. So why do they take to all these destructive things? They see somebody who is going to the pub and comes out, and he falls down, again they go and pay money to become like him, again you come out and fall down. They don't even think that, "We are paying money for this nonsense." So, this is a sort of a reaction I would say, a karma phalas, that whatever sins they have committed are coming to them. They tried to destroy other countries, so now they are destroying themselves. Like I went to China, sitting next to the prime minister's wife. She asked me, "What about the English, how are they?" I said, "They are alright." "But, what about drugs?" she said. I said, "That is too much because in the south of London there are children of twelve years, who are two thousand, who are taking drugs, at that time." So she said, "I am quite happy, very good, because they drugged us with opium. Now let them all have drug and nicely sleep off." And it's, really speaking, these overactive English now have become extremely lethargic and lousy. So when you see all this then suddenly you start thinking, "No, I don't want to be part of this society. It's something funny." So then you take to, say, anti-culture, like the hippies did, but that was very superficial. It was just a way how to dominate others. They said they were primitive, becoming primitive, but their brains were modern. So then, we come to a point where we understand that all this kind of hypocritical behavior is of no use. Because whatever you may try, whatever you may accept, unless and until you feel that joy within yourself, you are seeking still. So, as it is, you are here because there was Mahalakshmi principle which was awakened, also you are here because you are Sahaja Yogis, and thus now, you have powers to raise the Kundalini of others, to give realization to others, to cure people, and you have self-knowledge. You know everything about your own centers also. But we must understand how to keep our Mahalakshmi principle intact. The first thing is that we get our Realization so easily, that we don't understand the value of it, how tremendous it is, how glorifying it is. But supposing if I had asked you to go on the Himalayas, fast for one month, and then die, and come next life, might be, you might have felt just the right thing! But My style was that no, no, no, let them first have little light in their Mahalakshmi principle and with a little light only they can see what is wrong with them. I don't have to tell them, they themselves can see. So this Mahalakshmi principle within us only, in the sushumna nadi, has managed to show you what is wrong with you, because you discover what chakra is in problem about yourself, then you don't like it and you want to get it corrected also. If I tell somebody that, "Your agnya is catching," I mean to say it is ego, but I don't say that way, I just say "Your agnya is catching." Immediately that person will say, "Yes, yes, I know, Mother, I have my agnya is very bad." So with this knowledge you can keep your central path opened. For that, one has to have balance, balance means moderation. Say whatever was your previous life, some of you might have been very much interested in sports, or maybe in food. So with the advent of Sahaja Yoga, now you can see yourself where you are going wrong and what should be done to put it right. There are very few principles which you have to accept in Sahaja Yoga. One of them is to forgive everyone because this forgiveness is at a very crucial point of the agnya chakra. Now, if you don't forgive, your Kundalini won't rise, you have seen that. So your Kundalini itself works out all the problems of your chakras. So what a blessing it is now that we know about ourselves, also we know how to cure ourselves. This is a very big insight we get and that's how we start introspection. And we don't feel shy that we have to see, ourselves, what's wrong with us, we don't feel shy about it. Because with this Mahalakshmi principle, you have ascended to a state of your Spirit which just sees, which knows and when you just see things then you understand what's wrong and how you can help it. You understand also other people. To keep yourself aloof or undisturbed by the problems of others, you know how to protect yourself. But still I would say ego is a very big enemy of a Sahaja Yogi. It is to be understood that if we cannot get rid of our ego, we can never rise into the Sahasrara. So through your meditation, through your dedication, you can keep your Kundalini in the central path of evolution. You have to watch, you have to be really watchful, as to what is the thing that is in me is lacking, what is it that is conditioning me? So, the Mahalakshmi principle which is for your ascent, has to be used mainly for your ascent. It is to be understood, that we are going to keep our Mahalakshmi principle awakened. Because it's this principle which has brought you to truth, to totality and if you want to really go ahead, really if you want to go ahead with your ascent, then please remember that the most important thing is to look after your Mahalakshmi principle. When you realize that Mahalakshmi principle is the most important thing for you, you neglect all other things. Then, to you, the most important thing is Mahalakshmi. You always try to keep your centers clean, you meditate nicely, you put the Kundalini up on the fontanelle bone area, and all the time you are watchful about yourself. With this kind of understanding about yourself, you can perfect yourself in Sahaja Yoga, alone. It is not necessary for you to give up anything to renounce anything to run away from your family, nothing! But you have to grow yourself, so powerful in your compassion and your spirituality, that there will be no obstruction to whatever you want to do. In the Mahalakshmi principle, there are certain cautions we have to take. One of the cautions is that when you come to Sahaja Yoga you should not think that, "Why shouldn't I be a leader," you see sort of, "Why shouldn't I be something great?" And this competition then starts, and you are brought down from your Mahalakshmi principle to some sort of a power game. So this development, the strength within, when it starts manifesting, you have no doubts about yourself, you have no doubts about anything whatsoever. So you reach such a pure state of consciousness where nothing can spoil your consciousness. And you become so original about everything, you become so dynamic and so original, whatever you do or whatever you say, people are impressed by that. So, all the principles of Mahalakshmi must be understood fully, well. Also, I have to say that once your Mahalakshmi principle gets all right, everybody in the family, or in your circles, everybody feels that this is some sort of a different personality. All your gestures, all your behaviours, everything automatically changes. I don't tell anything anywhere, it just changes automatically, and then you develop a personality which is very congenial with Sahaja Yoga. What I mean that you select things which are congenial to your Sahaj living.So this Mahalakshmi principle is the one that gives you the ascent and the Kundalini is kept up there. But when, again, the Kundalini sometimes goes down, you should know that there is something wrong with your Mahalakshmi principle, that's why it's coming down. Of course, the collective helps you, of course all pujas help you, but it's your complete understanding which is very important. Because it's a very subtle body within you. It can get disturbed by any small thing. When I meet some of them I am surprised that there's a little thing that has come in between like, the father had a guru, or some sort of very small thing and it spoils the... Say now a little thing goes into your eyes, you cannot see anything. It's a very subtle thing. So you have to be watchful: "Why, why my vibrations are not alright? Why do I feel my agnya or my nabhi? Why?" And logically you must find out, what's the matter. I mean of course it is for your benevolence, for your joy, for complete transformation, everything, the Mahalakshmi principle is there. But something small is not there, and that is why you are not getting your doubtless awareness. For example, once your have your doubtless awareness, you know that you are just like a barometer and if you are catching it is just giving you information and you are not identified anymore with doubts about it, and most important thing, to you, becomes the flow of vibrations all the time, that's the most important thing. This is the state where I say you are doubtlessly aware, where you have no doubts about yourself, about Sahaja Yoga, about the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. But in some people this ascent is very fast and they keep it, they have maintained it, but in some people it's very slow, they get disturbed by small, small things. Like some Sahaja Yogi, supposing has money in the bank, and pesetas have fallen - immediately he becomes as if something, the whole earth, has fallen down or God knows what happened. That time one should know that, "No, I am not yet a Sahaja Yogi. I am not on doubtless awareness," because such a person will just laugh you see "Must be something in it, must be I was playing with money, and doing all these nonsensical things, that's why." That is the sign of a Sahaja Yogi who is doubtlessly aware, and everybody knows that he is like that. You don't have to ask for a certificate; everybody knows that this man is now a gone case in Sahaja Yoga. In that state, then you find everything works out, works out just. So many miracles, so many miracles that you are amazed how these things are working out. And these miracles go on happening to you and then you start thinking that “See now, why should I worry about anything, after all, everything is worked out for me by the Divine Power, why should I worry?” You meet the right person at the right time and the right things happen. But when you forget that you are a Sahaja Yogi, you still go on fighting, saying bad things, cannot adjust in collectivity -all kinds of nonsense. You just don't know how to manage your principle of Mahalakshmi. So the principle of Mahalakshmi is that you are very gracious. You are forgiving. You are not disturbed. But you are very anxious to help others. You are never tired doing good to others, and you never ask for any reward. You don't watch your watches. Time is at your feet. So you go beyond time, you go beyond your gunas, and you become a personality which is something so unique, which not only gives joy to yourself but to everyone. Now see the beautiful Nature around you, it's so beautiful that I am getting meditative all the time. It's so joy giving. If you can see and absorb that joy that is in the nature, it's like a picture, beautiful, then you are nourishing your Mahalakshmi principle. In small, small things you should see the beauty and the joy. And in small, small things, what others are doing, you should find joy. It's a kind of a very beautiful mind which is as if creating joy. Now when I came here, I saw this one, I felt very joyous to see even this (puja pendal in the nature), I don't know why. Once I had gone to a place called Paritana which we had to walk for miles together up on the hill, and my son-in-law and my daughter both were absolutely tired and fagged out. And there were many temples, just empty ones, marble temples. They just laid down there. But I saw beautiful elephants with different, different tails, you see, every elephant had a different tail. So I said, "See, what beautiful work they have done, every elephant's tail is differently twisted." So my son-in-law said, "Mummy, we are dead. Where are you going to see these elephants?" So this is the difference, that you never feel tired. In every leaf, in every grass-blade, in the sky, all around, you feel there is joy, and when you are alone, you are enjoying yourself. You are never bored, and you never bore anyone. But if you are not alright with your Mahalakshmi principle, then such people are very difficult. I feel sorry [that] we have to ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga and this and that. I don't like it, but what to do? So, please, we must remember that we have to nourish our Mahalakshmi principle, which has given you the seeking, which has brought forth your Realization, because the Mahalakshmi, only through the Mahalakshmi, the Kundalini rises. In the temple of Mahalakshmi, in Kholapur, I asked them, "Why are you singing the song of Jogawa, of Amba?" They didn't understand, they didn't know. You can understand that it is in the Mahalakshmi temple of yours, the Amba is the Kundalini which rises. So your Mahalakshmi temple is not limited to yourself but is the whole universe. If you can enter into the essence of that Mahalakshmi principle of everything, the whole thing is nothing but joy. Today, I am very happy that in Spain we are having this Mahalakshmi principle, by which people will now divert their attention from material nonsense to spirituality. Like every man has one car and still he wants to have another car and wants to have another car and there's no room now for anywhere to keep them. They'll have to put them on their heads. So these things are never joy-giving. You know the principle of economics, they are never joy-giving. They are never satiable. So we turn to spirituality and where we find complete satisfaction. Everything is vibrant with joy, but if the instrument of your Mahalakshmi, shushumna, is not clear, your heart is not clear, then there is no music. As you know that through this only you get your creativity, everything. Your poetry, righteousness, your peace, everything you get through your central path of shushumna. So it's so important that Mahalakshmi came on this earth, first as Sita, then as Radha, then as Mother Mary, and that the joy of Motherhood they give you, that you are protected, you are nourished, you are loved by your Mother which is the Mahalakshmi. Ultimately, in the brain, She becomes Viratangana, Viratangana She is called as, means the power of Virata. So many things I can say but, about Mahalakshmi principle, I think for today that's sufficient. I hope you will meditate on that and keep your Mahalakshmi Tattwa expanding. May God bless you.
Shri Mahalakshmi Puja. Barcelona (Spain) 30 September 1992. Today we have gathered here to do Mahalakshmi Puja. Mahalakshmi principle is a very important principle within us. When in the countries or in the families or in individual lives, we find- (Somebody must translate, I think better because they don't understand). So this Mahalakshmi principle is the most important thing for our ascent. This principle is within us but is not awakened before we have achieved a certain amount of situation where we find that we are not yet satisfied with our life. Like in the West now, you had blessings of the Laxmi principle, in the sense there is affluence, people are alright, everybody has food and are sufficient in their every day to day life. But countries which are very poverty stricken or who are in very bad shape, like you can say now Yugoslavia these days is like that, in a very bad shape, or a country, Somalia, which is very, so poor and they have no spiritual background either. So for them, this life is just meant for somehow or other to survive, just to survive. Like this is a life of crisis they have, they have still to exist in their lives, you see, so it's a crisis for them. But in the affluent countries, it so happens that people start feeling that now, we have got this money, we've got all the comfort of life, but still it's not giving us the joy of life. Like India is a country who has a spiritual background from the very beginning, and it's a Yoga Bhoomi, and people know that your have to ascend - that's the thing that you have to achieve. You don't have to tell an Indian that, "What is the aim of your life?" He'll say that, "I want to achieve Self-realization." They won't mind poverty or any kind of so-called dearth of things, because to them, that's not so important. It's most important thing is that they have to get their Moksha, they have to get their realization, that's the most important thing. So, India was a country [which] was very rich once upon a time and so many people invaded that country, and it became poor. But they still, despite all that, they still did not bother about what there is lost is lost. The most important thing is that their Spirit is still intact, and that's what they have to find out, the Spirit. But you see, the politicians everywhere are funny, and you should never judge any country by the government, but by the common people. So the urge to find out new things through science, or to go into other countries and invade and dominate, all that was there in the western countries. Like Columbus went to America and, I mean, killed so many people. The Spanish killed so many people. But then after some years we should say, people started thinking,"What was the use of all this, what did we get? We have food to eat, we have clothes, we have houses, there is science, but nothing is conclusive." And then, the basic principle questions: "Why am I on this earth? Is it just to be born and make some money and then die?" When such questions start coming into the minds of the people, then this Mahalakshmi principle gets awakened and the seeking starts, and they become Sadakas - means seekers.So this principle cannot be forced on anyone. It is something just as innately it starts manifesting. When you try to find what is beyond, after all, what is the purpose of my life? Because you start respecting yourself. Also you see around yourself people who are indulging into pleasures of life, but there is nothing joyful in them. So this kind of thing, that is your atmosphere you can call, your national life, your family life, everything starts giving you questions. That questioning itself, you see, all the time, makes you seek the answers to these questions. Then you start reading books, you hear from somebody that you can get spiritual training, you go to that place, I mean, you just turn to those things. Now is the West, you see, the biggest problem was Christianity, because Christianity, what Christ gave to people was completely twisted by Paul, and he got a very nice platform for himself, he was a bureaucrat, so he wanted to jump on the platform. He was not a disciple of Christ. He had never met Christ, nothing of the kind, and, he thought the weakest disciple of Christ is Peter. Christ has said that, "A Satan will take over you." So, he edited the Bible, and in that he put it that Christ told Peter, it's absolute falsehood, that, "You will form your church." That's how Christianity started, and there are so many things he brought in: for example, he didn't want anything to be mentioned about Christ's Mother, about Madonna, or about the Primordial Mother. So when with this Mahalakshmi principle, people went to Christianity and found that it was absurd, they had no answers, they didn't know what was Holy Ghost. To such a limit that there was one Pope, I have read recently, who was asked, "Supposing you make somebody a saint after his death, then does he feel the divinity just when you make it, in the grave?" So this Pope said, "Yes of course, as soon as we make him the saint in the church he can feel it in the grave." Then the second Pope which came in, he said, "No, no, it's not true. Even if you make them the saint, they have to wait for the Last Judgement and at that time all these dead bodies will come out, and they will feel the Divine."(laughter) By that time, only the bones will be there in the grave. So the idea of reincarnation also they did not accept. The worst was the idea that there is a original sin. In this puja at this time, I told them about the original sin. I don't know how many of you were there for this puja, this last puja, Navaratri puja. (Xavier: There was only one person Mother, Fernando) So I'll tell you what happened really. That all the animals are called as "pashu", means they are under the complete control of God Almighty and they have no awareness. So idea of the Father was to make human beings, alright, who would not look like animals, but who would be completely under His control. Because it's a headache you know, to give freedom to your children. But the Primordial Mother thought that this is not alright. The children must know the knowledge. So She became the snake and told them that you better eat the fruit of knowledge. Otherwise if She had not told, we would have been less (more?) like animals. By that, human beings got their freedom. Of course they make mistakes. They have made lots of mistakes in their choices, doesn't matter, but they all can get their Realization. So this is the culmination of that desire of the Primordial Mother, that people should get their Self-realization and they should know everything. That is how you are all Sahaja Yogis now. But if this had not come into your head, that there is no answer to many questions in Christianity, or in any religion, you would not have taken to Mahalakshmi principle. And [with] the Mahalakshmi principle which started manifesting in you, you started seeking the truth.This principle was very active from the last fifty years, I should say and a new era started, that is the Kali Yuga, and now it is the Krita Yuga - means this All-pervading Power of Divine Love, which is the power of the Primordial Mother, became active, simultaneously with the people who suddenly became aware that they have to seek, so many of them. So this Kruta Yuga has started and it is doing many things which were never done in any incarnation. The first thing is during this time everybody will get their "Karma phalas" (fruits of their actions), means whatever they have done wrong they will have to pay for it. Phala means the fruit. Only through self-realization the Karma phalas can be completely finished. So now we have collective, also, karma phalas. See now for example, so many Americans killed the poor, simple people who were in America, like Red Indians and these poor things, you know, they're completely, completely destroyed, devastated. They could not fight the guns of the white-skinned Anglo-Saxons, and the Spanish. So, as a result of that, some of them just ran up to the hills, like Bolivia and all these places, hid there. So now in Bolivia they have discovered this drug (Cocaine), and this drug is now coming to America, and people are dying. They have to pay for their sins. Why Americans are so fond of these drugs? Why are they smuggling so much drug and why of all the things, from Bolivia it is coming? Because they are paying for their sins. Also the drugs are coming mainly to Spain, to begin with, and they are distributed from here all over. Like that, all these karma phalas are to be paid for whether it is collective or individual. Like now Indians, we had these English people. For three hundred years they stayed in our country. They came without any visa, without anything and now if any Indian goes without a visa, they arrest him. And they divided our country into three parts. But now their country is divided into four parts. Every day there is a bomb-scare, and they don't know how to manage these four countries which are saying that, "We are not English." One has to pay. Very surprisingly they were very, very insensitive people who came to India, because they never bothered to find out about spirituality. Doesn't matter, now one has to face it! In the same way our individual karma phalas also we'll have to pay now. You see AIDS are coming, 65% [of] people are supposed to be nervous wrecks in America. You see so many divorces, and the way the society is ruined, the way the women have become so funny. It's very, very sad that all these beautiful people have taken to a destructive life. They are taking to destruction. Nobody tells them, but they just, if they see - this is the best way you can destroy yourself, they do it. If anybody gets some money, he'll immediately go to a pub. Or else he might buy drugs. Or he may start the business of drug. So all the time they are thinking of how to destroy your body. They will take to smoking, or to drinking or to drugs and all such destructive things. In Spain before this, people used to, I mean even now, kill a bull. Now they are killing themselves by taking all these nonsensical things and running after all these nonsensical things, they are killing themselves. By leading an immoral life they are destroying their own children, their own family, their own wives. So why do they take to all these destructive things? They see somebody who is going to the pub and comes out, and he falls down, again they go and pay money to become like him, again you come out and fall down. They don't even think that, "We are paying money for this nonsense." So, this is a sort of a reaction I would say, a karma phalas, that whatever sins they have committed are coming to them. They tried to destroy other countries, so now they are destroying themselves. Like I went to China, sitting next to the prime minister's wife. She asked me, "What about the English, how are they?" I said, "They are alright." "But, what about drugs?" she said. I said, "That is too much because in the south of London there are children of twelve years, who are two thousand, who are taking drugs, at that time." So she said, "I am quite happy, very good, because they drugged us with opium. Now let them all have drug and nicely sleep off." And it's, really speaking, these overactive English now have become extremely lethargic and lousy. So when you see all this then suddenly you start thinking, "No, I don't want to be part of this society. It's something funny." So then you take to, say, anti-culture, like the hippies did, but that was very superficial. It was just a way how to dominate others. They said they were primitive, becoming primitive, but their brains were modern. So then, we come to a point where we understand that all this kind of hypocritical behavior is of no use. Because whatever you may try, whatever you may accept, unless and until you feel that joy within yourself, you are seeking still. So, as it is, you are here because there was Mahalakshmi principle which was awakened, also you are here because you are Sahaja Yogis, and thus now, you have powers to raise the Kundalini of others, to give realization to others, to cure people, and you have self-knowledge. You know everything about your own centers also. But we must understand how to keep our Mahalakshmi principle intact. The first thing is that we get our Realization so easily, that we don't understand the value of it, how tremendous it is, how glorifying it is. But supposing if I had asked you to go on the Himalayas, fast for one month, and then die, and come next life, might be, you might have felt just the right thing! But My style was that no, no, no, let them first have little light in their Mahalakshmi principle and with a little light only they can see what is wrong with them. I don't have to tell them, they themselves can see. So this Mahalakshmi principle within us only, in the sushumna nadi, has managed to show you what is wrong with you, because you discover what chakra is in problem about yourself, then you don't like it and you want to get it corrected also. If I tell somebody that, "Your agnya is catching," I mean to say it is ego, but I don't say that way, I just say "Your agnya is catching." Immediately that person will say, "Yes, yes, I know, Mother, I have my agnya is very bad." So with this knowledge you can keep your central path opened. For that, one has to have balance, balance means moderation. Say whatever was your previous life, some of you might have been very much interested in sports, or maybe in food. So with the advent of Sahaja Yoga, now you can see yourself where you are going wrong and what should be done to put it right. There are very few principles which you have to accept in Sahaja Yoga. One of them is to forgive everyone because this forgiveness is at a very crucial point of the agnya chakra. Now, if you don't forgive, your Kundalini won't rise, you have seen that. So your Kundalini itself works out all the problems of your chakras. So what a blessing it is now that we know about ourselves, also we know how to cure ourselves. This is a very big insight we get and that's how we start introspection. And we don't feel shy that we have to see, ourselves, what's wrong with us, we don't feel shy about it. Because with this Mahalakshmi principle, you have ascended to a state of your Spirit which just sees, which knows and when you just see things then you understand what's wrong and how you can help it. You understand also other people. To keep yourself aloof or undisturbed by the problems of others, you know how to protect yourself. But still I would say ego is a very big enemy of a Sahaja Yogi. It is to be understood that if we cannot get rid of our ego, we can never rise into the Sahasrara. So through your meditation, through your dedication, you can keep your Kundalini in the central path of evolution. You have to watch, you have to be really watchful, as to what is the thing that is in me is lacking, what is it that is conditioning me? So, the Mahalakshmi principle which is for your ascent, has to be used mainly for your ascent. It is to be understood, that we are going to keep our Mahalakshmi principle awakened. Because it's this principle which has brought you to truth, to totality and if you want to really go ahead, really if you want to go ahead with your ascent, then please remember that the most important thing is to look after your Mahalakshmi principle. When you realize that Mahalakshmi principle is the most important thing for you, you neglect all other things. Then, to you, the most important thing is Mahalakshmi. You always try to keep your centers clean, you meditate nicely, you put the Kundalini up on the fontanelle bone area, and all the time you are watchful about yourself. With this kind of understanding about yourself, you can perfect yourself in Sahaja Yoga, alone. It is not necessary for you to give up anything to renounce anything to run away from your family, nothing! But you have to grow yourself, so powerful in your compassion and your spirituality, that there will be no obstruction to whatever you want to do. In the Mahalakshmi principle, there are certain cautions we have to take. One of the cautions is that when you come to Sahaja Yoga you should not think that, "Why shouldn't I be a leader," you see sort of, "Why shouldn't I be something great?" And this competition then starts, and you are brought down from your Mahalakshmi principle to some sort of a power game. So this development, the strength within, when it starts manifesting, you have no doubts about yourself, you have no doubts about anything whatsoever. So you reach such a pure state of consciousness where nothing can spoil your consciousness. And you become so original about everything, you become so dynamic and so original, whatever you do or whatever you say, people are impressed by that. So, all the principles of Mahalakshmi must be understood fully, well. Also, I have to say that once your Mahalakshmi principle gets all right, everybody in the family, or in your circles, everybody feels that this is some sort of a different personality. All your gestures, all your behaviours, everything automatically changes. I don't tell anything anywhere, it just changes automatically, and then you develop a personality which is very congenial with Sahaja Yoga. What I mean that you select things which are congenial to your Sahaj living.So this Mahalakshmi principle is the one that gives you the ascent and the Kundalini is kept up there. But when, again, the Kundalini sometimes goes down, you should know that there is something wrong with your Mahalakshmi principle, that's why it's coming down. Of course, the collective helps you, of course all pujas help you, but it's your complete understanding which is very important. Because it's a very subtle body within you. It can get disturbed by any small thing. When I meet some of them I am surprised that there's a little thing that has come in between like, the father had a guru, or some sort of very small thing and it spoils the... Say now a little thing goes into your eyes, you cannot see anything. It's a very subtle thing. So you have to be watchful: "Why, why my vibrations are not alright? Why do I feel my agnya or my nabhi? Why?" And logically you must find out, what's the matter. I mean of course it is for your benevolence, for your joy, for complete transformation, everything, the Mahalakshmi principle is there. But something small is not there, and that is why you are not getting your doubtless awareness. For example, once your have your doubtless awareness, you know that you are just like a barometer and if you are catching it is just giving you information and you are not identified anymore with doubts about it, and most important thing, to you, becomes the flow of vibrations all the time, that's the most important thing. This is the state where I say you are doubtlessly aware, where you have no doubts about yourself, about Sahaja Yoga, about the knowledge of Sahaja Yoga. But in some people this ascent is very fast and they keep it, they have maintained it, but in some people it's very slow, they get disturbed by small, small things. Like some Sahaja Yogi, supposing has money in the bank, and pesetas have fallen - immediately he becomes as if something, the whole earth, has fallen down or God knows what happened. That time one should know that, "No, I am not yet a Sahaja Yogi. I am not on doubtless awareness," because such a person will just laugh you see "Must be something in it, must be I was playing with money, and doing all these nonsensical things, that's why." That is the sign of a Sahaja Yogi who is doubtlessly aware, and everybody knows that he is like that. You don't have to ask for a certificate; everybody knows that this man is now a gone case in Sahaja Yoga. In that state, then you find everything works out, works out just. So many miracles, so many miracles that you are amazed how these things are working out. And these miracles go on happening to you and then you start thinking that “See now, why should I worry about anything, after all, everything is worked out for me by the Divine Power, why should I worry?” You meet the right person at the right time and the right things happen. But when you forget that you are a Sahaja Yogi, you still go on fighting, saying bad things, cannot adjust in collectivity -all kinds of nonsense. You just don't know how to manage your principle of Mahalakshmi. So the principle of Mahalakshmi is that you are very gracious. You are forgiving. You are not disturbed. But you are very anxious to help others. You are never tired doing good to others, and you never ask for any reward. You don't watch your watches. Time is at your feet. So you go beyond time, you go beyond your gunas, and you become a personality which is something so unique, which not only gives joy to yourself but to everyone. Now see the beautiful Nature around you, it's so beautiful that I am getting meditative all the time. It's so joy giving. If you can see and absorb that joy that is in the nature, it's like a picture, beautiful, then you are nourishing your Mahalakshmi principle. In small, small things you should see the beauty and the joy. And in small, small things, what others are doing, you should find joy. It's a kind of a very beautiful mind which is as if creating joy. Now when I came here, I saw this one, I felt very joyous to see even this (puja pendal in the nature), I don't know why. Once I had gone to a place called Paritana which we had to walk for miles together up on the hill, and my son-in-law and my daughter both were absolutely tired and fagged out. And there were many temples, just empty ones, marble temples. They just laid down there. But I saw beautiful elephants with different, different tails, you see, every elephant had a different tail. So I said, "See, what beautiful work they have done, every elephant's tail is differently twisted." So my son-in-law said, "Mummy, we are dead. Where are you going to see these elephants?" So this is the difference, that you never feel tired. In every leaf, in every grass-blade, in the sky, all around, you feel there is joy, and when you are alone, you are enjoying yourself. You are never bored, and you never bore anyone. But if you are not alright with your Mahalakshmi principle, then such people are very difficult. I feel sorry [that] we have to ask them to get out of Sahaja Yoga and this and that. I don't like it, but what to do? So, please, we must remember that we have to nourish our Mahalakshmi principle, which has given you the seeking, which has brought forth your Realization, because the Mahalakshmi, only through the Mahalakshmi, the Kundalini rises. In the temple of Mahalakshmi, in Kholapur, I asked them, "Why are you singing the song of Jogawa, of Amba?" They didn't understand, they didn't know. You can understand that it is in the Mahalakshmi temple of yours, the Amba is the Kundalini which rises. So your Mahalakshmi temple is not limited to yourself but is the whole universe. If you can enter into the essence of that Mahalakshmi principle of everything, the whole thing is nothing but joy. Today, I am very happy that in Spain we are having this Mahalakshmi principle, by which people will now divert their attention from material nonsense to spirituality. Like every man has one car and still he wants to have another car and wants to have another car and there's no room now for anywhere to keep them. They'll have to put them on their heads. So these things are never joy-giving. You know the principle of economics, they are never joy-giving. They are never satiable. So we turn to spirituality and where we find complete satisfaction. Everything is vibrant with joy, but if the instrument of your Mahalakshmi, shushumna, is not clear, your heart is not clear, then there is no music. As you know that through this only you get your creativity, everything. Your poetry, righteousness, your peace, everything you get through your central path of shushumna. So it's so important that Mahalakshmi came on this earth, first as Sita, then as Radha, then as Mother Mary, and that the joy of Motherhood they give you, that you are protected, you are nourished, you are loved by your Mother which is the Mahalakshmi. Ultimately, in the brain, She becomes Viratangana, Viratangana She is called as, means the power of Virata. So many things I can say but, about Mahalakshmi principle, I think for today that's sufficient. I hope you will meditate on that and keep your Mahalakshmi Tattwa expanding. May God bless you.
Kundalini and the Holy Ghost
Public Program
Public Program 44.15 Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, nor can we know at this human awareness. That's is why something has to happen to us, that is we have to become a subtler being. At this human awareness, we cannot feel the truth. That’s why it is said that you have to born again. That doesn’t mean that we can just take a certificate to ourselves and say we are born again. None of these certificates are of any use. It is an actualisation of a mystic experience which one should have; which is described by many mystics and by many saints and by many seers. It is not that you can pay for it. Because it is the last jump or last breakthrough of your evolution. And that is what one has to seek, those who are honestly seeking the truth. Now, I have to tell you that all of you have your divinity intact within yourself. It is all there. Nothing can destroy it because it is of eternal nature. Maybe some clouds might have covered it. But it always existed, it’s always there. So, first of all, we have to realise that by talking about it or reading about it we are not going to get it. They have already told you about the subtle system that is within us. Now, this subtle system is beautifully placed within our being which helps you to achieve that state. Now we have, say in Christian religion father, the son and the holy ghost and no mother. After all, how can have a son and a father without mother? Holy Ghost is the primordial mother. Thou in the bible which is not mentioned. Even the mother of Christ is not called as Madonna. She is just called as a woman. So it is such a misleading thing for us that we don’t understand that the primordial mother, which is the shakti, which is the power, which does all the creative work of ??. So this kundalini is the reflection of that shakti, that primordial mother holy ghost. And she is your individual mother. She knows everything about you, and she wants to give you your second birth – your selfrealisation. But when she ascends through these centres, she does lot of things, like, first of all, she puts us in balance. If you understand there are problems in the whole world, perhaps most of them are because of human beings. And human beings have problems because they have problem in their centres (chakras). If you can cure these chakras, these centres, then there will be no human problem and there will be no world problem either. So it gives you first of all physical, mental, emotional balance and nourishment. Thus you will be surprised to know that in India there are 3 doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja yoga. It’s a fact that the awakening of kundalini can cure diseases like cancer; it’s a fact. It can cure mentally retarded children, also people who suffer mentally. Also, it is a fact that when awakening takes place then you feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost coming out of your head itself; cool breeze. This is the actualisation, you can say, actualisation of the experience of the holy ghost. When this kundalini crosses over this point (Agnya) of optic chiasma then you become absolutely peaceful. And a new dimension of awareness called as thoughtless awareness starts manifesting. This thoughtless awareness is such a state where you are in the present, neither in the future nor in the past. And whenever you want to think you can think, if you don’t want to think you don’t think. Now the truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but, you are the pure spirit. The another truth is that there is a subtle all pervading power of divine love. ?? at this beautiful flowers, we take it for granted. We don’t even think what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, they are beautiful camera. We just take it for granted. Look at our brain, which is computer; we just take it for granted. If you ask a doctor, who runs your heart, they will say it’s autonomous nervous system. But if you ask who is this auto, they don’t know. So this all pervading power of divine love does all the living work. It exists in every atom, molecule, everywhere. Only after selfrealisation, you can feel this all pervading power for the first time. Now I would like to tell you, one is the spirit. Whatever I am telling you, you shouldn’t accept it blindfolded. You must get the experience and then you have to believe honestly, as honest people. The spirit is the reflection of God almighty in your heart. But its a ‘peetha’ as we call it, the main office resides on top of your head. So when you get you realisation you get actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not just talking or giving sermon. Now, when this connection is established, then you jump into another awareness, which we call as doubtless awareness. At that time you become powerful and you can give realisation to others. You can cure people and you will know all the absolute truth on your fingertips. Mohammad Sahab has said that at the time of your resurrection your hands will speak. So this is the resurrection time, this is the last judgement, this is the age of Aquarius as they say. And at this time you are going to achieve your selfrealisation. Now the spirit, when it shines in your attention then you become enlightened personality. Means your attention wherever it goes, it acts. It brings you all the information wherever it goes. For eg. You put your hands like this and ask, is this a good man or a bad man? If he is a good man then you will get cool breeze in your hand, but if he is a bad man your hands will start tingling. Not only that, but also your fingers are denoting different centres, so you will know what centre is wrong in this gentleman. This knowledge is absolute. You all see me standing here, in the same way all of them will feel the same way (on fingertips). So there is no question of fighting, no question of argument because everybody will see the same thing. How can they have wars? They can’t have wars. It’s ?? universal being within you. So you will then know that you are a universal being. Then you abhor fundamentalism. Then you don’t say this religion is good, that religion is good. All religions are good. How many wars are going on in the name of God! It’s shameful. Horrible things people are doing in the name of God. It's absolutely sinful. Because you become a universal being, you forget the limitations of your race, your caste, your religion’ outside religion I should say; and also country. You become one one with everyone. But the fundamentalists don’t like it. Because they want to have fights. Because they want to have wars. So they don’t like a universal religion. Because these religions were all born on the same tree of spirituality at different times. All those incarnations, all those prophets were absolutely ??. But we have plucked the flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. And that’s how the wars are going on. So when you become a selfrealised soul, then you respect all the religion and understand that the essence of every religion is the same. We have got now among ourselves some Jews, lots of Jews, who worship Christ. And so many Hindus who worship Mohammad sahab, because you know the truth behind them. But the fundamentalists have put a very twisted picture, very twisted picture before us. And thus we stick to them and get into problems. So its high time you have to know the truth. Now this attention which is so powerful that immediately tell you what is in for you, what ??, because we develop a divine descretion. Then once you are the spirit you become full ?? because spirit is the source of joy. Then you say that you are swimming in the ocean of joy. Such freindship, such pure love exists between the different sahaja yogis. My husband used to say that alright I(Shri Mataji) am a realised soul but I can’t make anybody else as myself. But now he has seen these sahaja yogis. He says they are angels. They become righteous innately. I don’t have to tell them don’t do this, don’t do that. They just ??. Because in the light of kundalini they see what is good and what is bad for them. Say you might be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything; you can commit any sin. Because this religion is outside not inside. But once you become the spirit when this new?? then you cannot commit sin. Whatever you do is for the betterment of yourself, betterment of country, betterment of the whole world. Not only that you achieve your benevolence but also you see that other people also achieve benevolence through you. You cannot pay for it. Please understand this is very important. You cannot tax anyone in the name of God or religion. You cannot put in any effort in it. It’s a living process. Like in the mother earth you put one seed, it sprouts by itself. Because the seed has the built in quality to sprout and mother earth has the built in quality to sprout it. In the same way you also have built in quality within you to achieve your selfrealisation. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes for you to achieve your realisation. It is very simple. Has to be simple because it is so ??. This is how this world is going to be transformed. Already we have 1,000 of people who are sahaja yogis. In Russia, only in one city of Togliatti, we have 22,000 sahaja yogis. Whatever was there- government, people are very spiritual. There are scientists, doctors, so many of them. I am sorry to say that Spain is the weakest. They come to my lecture, but never ever establish themsleves. On the contrary, we have Spanish people in Colombia, Spanish people in Argentina, they are in thousands. I don’t know what is the preconcieved idea in Spain that some or the other it never works out. Why don’t you want your selfrealisation. Don’t you think it,'s very important? This is the most important time that you are born. Don’t you think that you have to love yourself and respect yourself; that you must get your benevolence? I am sorry to say this. But it is, how many times I have come here I cannot count, long time back I have been coming here. Every year. But I don’t know what’s the matter. So before giving realisation, I have to ask you that after getting realisation you have to establish yourself. Otherwise, it would be the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the rocks and some fell on the marshy land and nothing happens. 1.14.35 We have had enough of materialism, we have had enough of all these nonsense. Banking, money all that is nonsense, I don’t know what is happening. Recession, ?? falling down; all these things are reactions. Now you take spiritual ?? so that all your problems can be solved. I am concerned very much for Spain and for people living here. Somebody told me that they are mixtures of many countries. Then it should be better because they will be cosmopolitan people. I still don’t understand why do Spanish do not take to spirituality in the true sense. So again I am- just request you very humbly, once you get your selfrealisation please see to it that you establish your connection with the all pervading divine power. And then you will see so many miracles in your own life. You will be amazed. Because this divine power is the most efficient, most compassionate ??. But you have to enter into the kingdom of God, otherwise, why will God will worry about you. I hope today all of you will get your selfrealisation. But then you have to grow and establish your yoga, your union with this all pervading power. Thank you very much. 1.17.24
Public Program 44.15 Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to tell you that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it, nor can we know at this human awareness. That's is why something has to happen to us, that is we have to become a subtler being. At this human awareness, we cannot feel the truth. That’s why it is said that you have to born again. That doesn’t mean that we can just take a certificate to ourselves and say we are born again. None of these certificates are of any use. It is an actualisation of a mystic experience which one should have; which is described by many mystics and by many saints and by many seers. It is not that you can pay for it. Because it is the last jump or last breakthrough of your evolution. And that is what one has to seek, those who are honestly seeking the truth. Now, I have to tell you that all of you have your divinity intact within yourself. It is all there. Nothing can destroy it because it is of eternal nature. Maybe some clouds might have covered it. But it always existed, it’s always there. So, first of all, we have to realise that by talking about it or reading about it we are not going to get it. They have already told you about the subtle system that is within us. Now, this subtle system is beautifully placed within our being which helps you to achieve that state. Now we have, say in Christian religion father, the son and the holy ghost and no mother. After all, how can have a son and a father without mother? Holy Ghost is the primordial mother. Thou in the bible which is not mentioned. Even the mother of Christ is not called as Madonna. She is just called as a woman. So it is such a misleading thing for us that we don’t understand that the primordial mother, which is the shakti, which is the power, which does all the creative work of ??. So this kundalini is the reflection of that shakti, that primordial mother holy ghost. And she is your individual mother. She knows everything about you, and she wants to give you your second birth – your selfrealisation. But when she ascends through these centres, she does lot of things, like, first of all, she puts us in balance. If you understand there are problems in the whole world, perhaps most of them are because of human beings. And human beings have problems because they have problem in their centres (chakras). If you can cure these chakras, these centres, then there will be no human problem and there will be no world problem either. So it gives you first of all physical, mental, emotional balance and nourishment. Thus you will be surprised to know that in India there are 3 doctors who have got their MD in Sahaja yoga. It’s a fact that the awakening of kundalini can cure diseases like cancer; it’s a fact. It can cure mentally retarded children, also people who suffer mentally. Also, it is a fact that when awakening takes place then you feel the cool breeze of the holy ghost coming out of your head itself; cool breeze. This is the actualisation, you can say, actualisation of the experience of the holy ghost. When this kundalini crosses over this point (Agnya) of optic chiasma then you become absolutely peaceful. And a new dimension of awareness called as thoughtless awareness starts manifesting. This thoughtless awareness is such a state where you are in the present, neither in the future nor in the past. And whenever you want to think you can think, if you don’t want to think you don’t think. Now the truth about you is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but, you are the pure spirit. The another truth is that there is a subtle all pervading power of divine love. ?? at this beautiful flowers, we take it for granted. We don’t even think what a miracle they are. Look at our eyes, they are beautiful camera. We just take it for granted. Look at our brain, which is computer; we just take it for granted. If you ask a doctor, who runs your heart, they will say it’s autonomous nervous system. But if you ask who is this auto, they don’t know. So this all pervading power of divine love does all the living work. It exists in every atom, molecule, everywhere. Only after selfrealisation, you can feel this all pervading power for the first time. Now I would like to tell you, one is the spirit. Whatever I am telling you, you shouldn’t accept it blindfolded. You must get the experience and then you have to believe honestly, as honest people. The spirit is the reflection of God almighty in your heart. But its a ‘peetha’ as we call it, the main office resides on top of your head. So when you get you realisation you get actualisation of baptism, actualisation. It is not just talking or giving sermon. Now, when this connection is established, then you jump into another awareness, which we call as doubtless awareness. At that time you become powerful and you can give realisation to others. You can cure people and you will know all the absolute truth on your fingertips. Mohammad Sahab has said that at the time of your resurrection your hands will speak. So this is the resurrection time, this is the last judgement, this is the age of Aquarius as they say. And at this time you are going to achieve your selfrealisation. Now the spirit, when it shines in your attention then you become enlightened personality. Means your attention wherever it goes, it acts. It brings you all the information wherever it goes. For eg. You put your hands like this and ask, is this a good man or a bad man? If he is a good man then you will get cool breeze in your hand, but if he is a bad man your hands will start tingling. Not only that, but also your fingers are denoting different centres, so you will know what centre is wrong in this gentleman. This knowledge is absolute. You all see me standing here, in the same way all of them will feel the same way (on fingertips). So there is no question of fighting, no question of argument because everybody will see the same thing. How can they have wars? They can’t have wars. It’s ?? universal being within you. So you will then know that you are a universal being. Then you abhor fundamentalism. Then you don’t say this religion is good, that religion is good. All religions are good. How many wars are going on in the name of God! It’s shameful. Horrible things people are doing in the name of God. It's absolutely sinful. Because you become a universal being, you forget the limitations of your race, your caste, your religion’ outside religion I should say; and also country. You become one one with everyone. But the fundamentalists don’t like it. Because they want to have fights. Because they want to have wars. So they don’t like a universal religion. Because these religions were all born on the same tree of spirituality at different times. All those incarnations, all those prophets were absolutely ??. But we have plucked the flowers and now we are fighting with the dead flowers. And that’s how the wars are going on. So when you become a selfrealised soul, then you respect all the religion and understand that the essence of every religion is the same. We have got now among ourselves some Jews, lots of Jews, who worship Christ. And so many Hindus who worship Mohammad sahab, because you know the truth behind them. But the fundamentalists have put a very twisted picture, very twisted picture before us. And thus we stick to them and get into problems. So its high time you have to know the truth. Now this attention which is so powerful that immediately tell you what is in for you, what ??, because we develop a divine descretion. Then once you are the spirit you become full ?? because spirit is the source of joy. Then you say that you are swimming in the ocean of joy. Such freindship, such pure love exists between the different sahaja yogis. My husband used to say that alright I(Shri Mataji) am a realised soul but I can’t make anybody else as myself. But now he has seen these sahaja yogis. He says they are angels. They become righteous innately. I don’t have to tell them don’t do this, don’t do that. They just ??. Because in the light of kundalini they see what is good and what is bad for them. Say you might be a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, anything; you can commit any sin. Because this religion is outside not inside. But once you become the spirit when this new?? then you cannot commit sin. Whatever you do is for the betterment of yourself, betterment of country, betterment of the whole world. Not only that you achieve your benevolence but also you see that other people also achieve benevolence through you. You cannot pay for it. Please understand this is very important. You cannot tax anyone in the name of God or religion. You cannot put in any effort in it. It’s a living process. Like in the mother earth you put one seed, it sprouts by itself. Because the seed has the built in quality to sprout and mother earth has the built in quality to sprout it. In the same way you also have built in quality within you to achieve your selfrealisation. It will hardly take 10-15 minutes for you to achieve your realisation. It is very simple. Has to be simple because it is so ??. This is how this world is going to be transformed. Already we have 1,000 of people who are sahaja yogis. In Russia, only in one city of Togliatti, we have 22,000 sahaja yogis. Whatever was there- government, people are very spiritual. There are scientists, doctors, so many of them. I am sorry to say that Spain is the weakest. They come to my lecture, but never ever establish themsleves. On the contrary, we have Spanish people in Colombia, Spanish people in Argentina, they are in thousands. I don’t know what is the preconcieved idea in Spain that some or the other it never works out. Why don’t you want your selfrealisation. Don’t you think it,'s very important? This is the most important time that you are born. Don’t you think that you have to love yourself and respect yourself; that you must get your benevolence? I am sorry to say this. But it is, how many times I have come here I cannot count, long time back I have been coming here. Every year. But I don’t know what’s the matter. So before giving realisation, I have to ask you that after getting realisation you have to establish yourself. Otherwise, it would be the parable of Christ that some seeds fell on the rocks and some fell on the marshy land and nothing happens. 1.14.35 We have had enough of materialism, we have had enough of all these nonsense. Banking, money all that is nonsense, I don’t know what is happening. Recession, ?? falling down; all these things are reactions. Now you take spiritual ?? so that all your problems can be solved. I am concerned very much for Spain and for people living here. Somebody told me that they are mixtures of many countries. Then it should be better because they will be cosmopolitan people. I still don’t understand why do Spanish do not take to spirituality in the true sense. So again I am- just request you very humbly, once you get your selfrealisation please see to it that you establish your connection with the all pervading divine power. And then you will see so many miracles in your own life. You will be amazed. Because this divine power is the most efficient, most compassionate ??. But you have to enter into the kingdom of God, otherwise, why will God will worry about you. I hope today all of you will get your selfrealisation. But then you have to grow and establish your yoga, your union with this all pervading power. Thank you very much. 1.17.24
Public Program
Public Program
Devi Puja: The seventh day
Shri Devi puja, seminar resort, Sasaima, (Colombia), October the 6th 1992 I’m very happy to be with you all here as if you already know about "sahaj". Today I must tell you that the Goddess has come nine times on this earth before. And she came - today is the seventh day of her worship, of the nine. And the seventh day is for tremendous activity, tremendous creativity and also for prosperity. And so, it is so coincident that we have the condor for their symbol. And I asked them, "Why do you have a condor as their symbol for shipping?" So, they said that, "Mother, it is a deity of the old people, our forefathers told us that a god called Vishnu came from your country on a condor, we call him Garuda". My husband was there and [unclear]. And also, the ornaments that you make here, which are all Indian style. So, they said that the ornaments are made by the Indians who came from India. Now I feel these deities must have visited these countries, specially Colombia. It must have been. But on what the red Indians have said, what they talk of wisdom and God shows that they knew about Sahaja. Or else maybe that this country was called by some other name, in those days of twenty-one thousand years. And they have passed all that knowledge to you. That’s why you people are so receptive. Now, America is the Vishuddhi chakra. And the right side is the North America and the South is the [unclear, left side?]. So, [the principle] what is that rules the left side of Vishuddhi chakra is Vishnumaya, who was the sister of Shri Krishna and also who was a virgin. She became the lightening and announced the coming, the existence of Shri Krishna. I find a very special sensitivity among the Colombians, compared to Argentinians or Chileans, or even Brazilians. First thing is that the virginity is very respected in this country. And that gives you the blessings because it is innocence that you try to preserve. In Russia or other countries in the eastern world they also are not materialistic and they also have good sensibility. Just seeing my photograph they knew who I was. But you people are very deep within. Because you live with nature, you see every day miracle of the nature. And you see those flowers and the beauty of nature and that is how you understand the beauty of reality. I have a very, very strong feeling for you and an earnest desire that somehow Sahaja Yoga should start very deeply in Colombia. When I came here, also because I came with my husband, it was a different kind of people I met. But still they were all the time asking about spirituality. And one gentleman asked me “Mother, these Americans are exploiting us, you must do something for us so that we can also punish them”. “They must pay for what they have done to us” “They are exploiting us and we can never become better off because most of our money spending, money spent usually goes to America” And I said “all right, something will happen”. Is very surprising just after one year this drug business started here. Of course, I did not create drugs like that, but the Mother Earth must have thought: ‘to punish these Americans, better start something to undo this’, like that.That is why. They killed so many people here in Colombia and most of them ran out to Bolivia because it is very high and the Spanish could not enter there, so they went there. There were innocent Bolivians, their blood was all flowing on these lands and so many of them were completely finished. To such an extent that if you go to Brazil or if you go to Argentina, Chile, you don’t find even a single aboriginal. And you cannot see these beautiful dancing…[unclear]. People are very heavy. Say in Rio they are having funny type of these carnivals and all that, all horrible things like this. But such innocent beautiful expression of your joy, you don’t find it. You think that you are very away from other countries but you are not. When I told them that in Colombia there are very deep Sahaja Yogis, they really felt that they are very close to them. And the Goddess was always worshipped in this country. That’s why they are so creative, they are so beautiful and they are so open, their hearts so open. Now the only thing is that when left Vishuddhi -you see- catches…, like when you feel guilty. So, that is why I have to tell you that you should never feel guilty about it. You have done nothing wrong. You have not committed any sins. Your divinity is all there. You see, the Goddess did not created races or anything. She created beautiful human beings, that’s all. But these are mental ideas: that there are races, there are different types of people. But I think in the West, people have lost all value systems. God doesn’t need money; the Goddess doesn’t have money. But in the West money is so important! And no love, no affection, no compassion. And you have such a beautiful character, such a beautiful personality which is very close to reality. And your music and your expression of your art, everything is so sweet. All these things are so very sweet. This will definitely please God. But don’t take to the western ideas. You do not know in what mess the Western people are. There are horrible diseases now in America like AIDS (UNCLEAR) So, they say that within 10 years’ time 65% people in America who are white will get some horrible disease. Now all these drugs are growing here but where they are used is in America. So, the divinity is within you. Is there all the time, but in you it is manifested, in them it is not. And for Me it is very difficult to go to these western countries and to work there. Is very difficult. They cannot, they do not have a lifestyle which can please the Goddess.Say, in Spain, they are still busy with bull fighting. Thousands and thousands go to see the bullfighting… And drugs, drugs are so much in Spain. So, they take to everything that it is destroying them, not constructing them.But if you -as said yesterday about the wisdom- if you know the reality, the reality is so beautiful… so enchanting. So, this power within you, which is divinity (UNCLEAR), is the power of the Holy Ghost, of the primordial Mother. And that is so much manifesting in you already. Only thing, now you have to be able to decode. You have to be able to relate it through the actuality of reality. That is only possible when you are connected with this all-pervading Power. And that is [what] you all have got already.In the West, the Sahaja Yogis go like this, yoyo, up and down all the time (laughs). They all right then they are not, … very disappointing. But not in here! Because these conditions are good. You have the blessings of the God. Because you already suffered so much and God is with them who are so humble. Christ has said that the humble in heart, the meek in heart will be the lords of this earth, will inherit the earth. So, not these arrogant people but the humble, like Colombians. Sahaja Yoga is spreading very fast, it is in 65 nations and I’m so happy to see you all so deeply into Sahaja Yoga. It is your evolutionary process and the blessings of the Goddess works on you, by which you get your Realization and you know the reality. But there are so many blessings that come, first thing you become extremely creative.Also, you become very wise and sensitive, peaceful. And you get the power yourself, you can give Realization to others. This Colombia seems to be the land Christ has described when He was talking about the parable of the seed, this the land which is so [fantastic?] I wish I could arrange something for all of you to come to India sometime. Maybe something will work out, I’m sure. Now regarding meditation, one has to understand that we have to be in thoughtless awareness. When you are thinking then you are in the future or in the past. But you are not in the present. But when you start meditating you have to say the mantra Nirvichara. It’s thoughtless awareness. So, your thoughts will elongate and there will be a space in between. That is the present. And when the Kundalini rises, she also makes it wider. Then you can grow much faster in your spirituality. And that is the real way of growing. This power is within you. It’s there already existing and is working it out, also. But we have to meditate collectively as well as individually. Collectively because is a work of the whole. Like I say, one finger is taken out of your body or if a nail is taken out of your body, it’ll never grow. So, you have to be in the collective and try to feel others, their love of brothers and sisters. They are all over the world. In 65 five nations.This time, when I tell of your progress maybe so many will wish to come see you, to see your dancing and to see your music and [unclear]. What does a mother want? She wants her children to be happy, that’s all. Enjoying themselves with [the] beauty of reality. I wish in the public program we have lots of people and you have to look after them. Last time also we had lots of people but they did not stick with it. So, it depends on you to make them understand the [unclear, maybe ‘progress’?] because there is so much miraculous life waiting for you. You entered in to the Kingdom of God and once you are settled down, whatever you want, whatever you wish it just works out. Physically, mentally, emotionally, every way you’ll be cured. No doubt Sahaja Yoga has cured illnesses like cancer, definitely. And there are three doctors in India who have got their MD, also. But these Americans will go to Amazon, in the interior to do the research to see how to cure cancer, they won’t listen [to us?]. And specially they take to all false gurus. What a difference it is between the right Vishuddhi and the left Vishuddhi, just think about it. There is no sweetness, which is the essence of Vishuddhi and Shri Krishna. But He is Kubera, see He is the God of prosperity. So, He has given prosperity to them because of their right sidedness. But they are lost. And now the time has come to expose everything and get your [unclear] means ‘the fruit of your actions’. Because, you see the especial time called as Krita Yuga, it is neither Kali Yuga nor it is Satya Yuga. Kali Yuga is the era of confusion and the second is the Krita Yuga and the last is the Satya Yuga when you know the truth. So, the Last Judgement has begun in this time, this Krita Yuga, and people will be exposed, all criminals, all bad people, everybody will be exposed. And they’ll have to pay for their bad actions. Like now you see this Vishnumaya, She can enter into any element. She does punishment. Indirectly, that you can say that Colombia and Bolivia are now punishing these people. So, in America you know there has been a riot and there has been a big earthquake. Especially they are there in Hollywood, you see, all these problems are there. Because in Hollywood they always try to show that the Red Indians were very bad, cruel [unclear]. Always. As if they were the best, the English, the Spanish and the Anglo-Saxons and the Red Indians were the ones that were really bad. Also there is a forest of 65,000 hectares of land which is now burnt. And then you know what they are doing in Miami, this killing people and all that, so in Miami there was an earthquake. But they do not relate these calamities to their bad doings. Because they are not sensitive like you. But I’m sure they will start thinking about it. I know that Colombians are not as rich as they are but they have their joy in themselves. After all, what is money for? what is everything for? Is for joy. And if you have everything and if you don’t have the joy, what is the use of having everything? The food is there contaminated, the atmosphere is contaminated, the water is contaminated, everything [is] contaminated.In Spain, we were going and I had a very bad smell. I said what is this going on there? Is there a sugar factory? No, they said is the river that smells like that, imagine the whole river [unclear]. So, what is important is the inner satisfaction. Which you people have now. Now you should try to spread it because [when] one light gets enlightened, this light has to enlighten other candles. You are very well-educated people compared to so many others. And you can do this work very well. Unless and until you use your powers you will not know how fantastic you are, how powerful you are, you will not. So, you must use your powers and get more people to Sahaja Yoga. The greatest joy is giving Realization to others. And everything works out automatically. You see, I don’t understand money [unclear], I don’t know even how to write a check [unclear]. All this money the Sahaja Yogis have, they can do what they like. With the puja money I buy all the silver and all that [unclear]. Because you cannot do Puja with plastic [laughs]. So, this is how the whole thing is becoming so beautiful and so divine. Yesterday when I was coming the Vishnumaya was over there [unclear]. And they said that it will bring rain and I said that [unclear, maybe: when I will go] then I will call it. Whatever you ask for, you will get. Believe now the nature is at your feet. Only thing you have to have faith in yourself. And you should never feel guilty. Which has come from Catholic Church, feeling guilty… nonsense. All nonsense they have been teaching you….in the name of Christ. Christ never said that you have to confess, never said that you are guilty. What He said [is] that you must be born again. So, they just put a label and 'born again', not that way. They just put you some water on the head and say, "You become Christian", not that way. They don’t follow Christ at all. He said that, "Thou not shall have adulterous eyes". That means there should be no lust and greed in your eyes, but innocence. Those who preach, are they like that? And those also who say they are religious, are they religious? But in Sahaja Yoga automatically you become religious. Because in the light of the Spirit you see what is reality, what is good for you. And that transforms human beings. So, you should never feel also guilty or unhappy or morose, it’s not proper. So, much of beauty, so much of love and compassion of God, and why should we feel unhappy? This is just our imagination, I think. I’m sure one day Colombia will become a very strong spiritual nation. I hope today’s puja will mean a greater advancement and ascent in your spirituality. You have not only to save Colombia but you have to save the whole world.You have to get stronger and stronger and master this art which is freely available. It is a blessing in a way that you are not so affluent as the Americans that all the false gurus did not come. Otherwise, I have to work very hard with these people who have been to false gurus. But today we have to do this puja which is really very suitable, absolutely spontaneously arranged. It was not so many days I was going to be there. But just spontaneously there was no plane [play?] going. So, I feel [unclear] suitable with all of us. This much time I don’t even stay in Cabella. [Shri Mataji laughs.] It is surprising your love, your love and devotion.May God bless you.
Shri Devi puja, seminar resort, Sasaima, (Colombia), October the 6th 1992 I’m very happy to be with you all here as if you already know about "sahaj". Today I must tell you that the Goddess has come nine times on this earth before. And she came - today is the seventh day of her worship, of the nine. And the seventh day is for tremendous activity, tremendous creativity and also for prosperity. And so, it is so coincident that we have the condor for their symbol. And I asked them, "Why do you have a condor as their symbol for shipping?" So, they said that, "Mother, it is a deity of the old people, our forefathers told us that a god called Vishnu came from your country on a condor, we call him Garuda". My husband was there and [unclear]. And also, the ornaments that you make here, which are all Indian style. So, they said that the ornaments are made by the Indians who came from India. Now I feel these deities must have visited these countries, specially Colombia. It must have been. But on what the red Indians have said, what they talk of wisdom and God shows that they knew about Sahaja. Or else maybe that this country was called by some other name, in those days of twenty-one thousand years. And they have passed all that knowledge to you. That’s why you people are so receptive. Now, America is the Vishuddhi chakra. And the right side is the North America and the South is the [unclear, left side?]. So, [the principle] what is that rules the left side of Vishuddhi chakra is Vishnumaya, who was the sister of Shri Krishna and also who was a virgin. She became the lightening and announced the coming, the existence of Shri Krishna. I find a very special sensitivity among the Colombians, compared to Argentinians or Chileans, or even Brazilians. First thing is that the virginity is very respected in this country. And that gives you the blessings because it is innocence that you try to preserve. In Russia or other countries in the eastern world they also are not materialistic and they also have good sensibility. Just seeing my photograph they knew who I was. But you people are very deep within. Because you live with nature, you see every day miracle of the nature. And you see those flowers and the beauty of nature and that is how you understand the beauty of reality. I have a very, very strong feeling for you and an earnest desire that somehow Sahaja Yoga should start very deeply in Colombia. When I came here, also because I came with my husband, it was a different kind of people I met. But still they were all the time asking about spirituality. And one gentleman asked me “Mother, these Americans are exploiting us, you must do something for us so that we can also punish them”. “They must pay for what they have done to us” “They are exploiting us and we can never become better off because most of our money spending, money spent usually goes to America” And I said “all right, something will happen”. Is very surprising just after one year this drug business started here. Of course, I did not create drugs like that, but the Mother Earth must have thought: ‘to punish these Americans, better start something to undo this’, like that.That is why. They killed so many people here in Colombia and most of them ran out to Bolivia because it is very high and the Spanish could not enter there, so they went there. There were innocent Bolivians, their blood was all flowing on these lands and so many of them were completely finished. To such an extent that if you go to Brazil or if you go to Argentina, Chile, you don’t find even a single aboriginal. And you cannot see these beautiful dancing…[unclear]. People are very heavy. Say in Rio they are having funny type of these carnivals and all that, all horrible things like this. But such innocent beautiful expression of your joy, you don’t find it. You think that you are very away from other countries but you are not. When I told them that in Colombia there are very deep Sahaja Yogis, they really felt that they are very close to them. And the Goddess was always worshipped in this country. That’s why they are so creative, they are so beautiful and they are so open, their hearts so open. Now the only thing is that when left Vishuddhi -you see- catches…, like when you feel guilty. So, that is why I have to tell you that you should never feel guilty about it. You have done nothing wrong. You have not committed any sins. Your divinity is all there. You see, the Goddess did not created races or anything. She created beautiful human beings, that’s all. But these are mental ideas: that there are races, there are different types of people. But I think in the West, people have lost all value systems. God doesn’t need money; the Goddess doesn’t have money. But in the West money is so important! And no love, no affection, no compassion. And you have such a beautiful character, such a beautiful personality which is very close to reality. And your music and your expression of your art, everything is so sweet. All these things are so very sweet. This will definitely please God. But don’t take to the western ideas. You do not know in what mess the Western people are. There are horrible diseases now in America like AIDS (UNCLEAR) So, they say that within 10 years’ time 65% people in America who are white will get some horrible disease. Now all these drugs are growing here but where they are used is in America. So, the divinity is within you. Is there all the time, but in you it is manifested, in them it is not. And for Me it is very difficult to go to these western countries and to work there. Is very difficult. They cannot, they do not have a lifestyle which can please the Goddess.Say, in Spain, they are still busy with bull fighting. Thousands and thousands go to see the bullfighting… And drugs, drugs are so much in Spain. So, they take to everything that it is destroying them, not constructing them.But if you -as said yesterday about the wisdom- if you know the reality, the reality is so beautiful… so enchanting. So, this power within you, which is divinity (UNCLEAR), is the power of the Holy Ghost, of the primordial Mother. And that is so much manifesting in you already. Only thing, now you have to be able to decode. You have to be able to relate it through the actuality of reality. That is only possible when you are connected with this all-pervading Power. And that is [what] you all have got already.In the West, the Sahaja Yogis go like this, yoyo, up and down all the time (laughs). They all right then they are not, … very disappointing. But not in here! Because these conditions are good. You have the blessings of the God. Because you already suffered so much and God is with them who are so humble. Christ has said that the humble in heart, the meek in heart will be the lords of this earth, will inherit the earth. So, not these arrogant people but the humble, like Colombians. Sahaja Yoga is spreading very fast, it is in 65 nations and I’m so happy to see you all so deeply into Sahaja Yoga. It is your evolutionary process and the blessings of the Goddess works on you, by which you get your Realization and you know the reality. But there are so many blessings that come, first thing you become extremely creative.Also, you become very wise and sensitive, peaceful. And you get the power yourself, you can give Realization to others. This Colombia seems to be the land Christ has described when He was talking about the parable of the seed, this the land which is so [fantastic?] I wish I could arrange something for all of you to come to India sometime. Maybe something will work out, I’m sure. Now regarding meditation, one has to understand that we have to be in thoughtless awareness. When you are thinking then you are in the future or in the past. But you are not in the present. But when you start meditating you have to say the mantra Nirvichara. It’s thoughtless awareness. So, your thoughts will elongate and there will be a space in between. That is the present. And when the Kundalini rises, she also makes it wider. Then you can grow much faster in your spirituality. And that is the real way of growing. This power is within you. It’s there already existing and is working it out, also. But we have to meditate collectively as well as individually. Collectively because is a work of the whole. Like I say, one finger is taken out of your body or if a nail is taken out of your body, it’ll never grow. So, you have to be in the collective and try to feel others, their love of brothers and sisters. They are all over the world. In 65 five nations.This time, when I tell of your progress maybe so many will wish to come see you, to see your dancing and to see your music and [unclear]. What does a mother want? She wants her children to be happy, that’s all. Enjoying themselves with [the] beauty of reality. I wish in the public program we have lots of people and you have to look after them. Last time also we had lots of people but they did not stick with it. So, it depends on you to make them understand the [unclear, maybe ‘progress’?] because there is so much miraculous life waiting for you. You entered in to the Kingdom of God and once you are settled down, whatever you want, whatever you wish it just works out. Physically, mentally, emotionally, every way you’ll be cured. No doubt Sahaja Yoga has cured illnesses like cancer, definitely. And there are three doctors in India who have got their MD, also. But these Americans will go to Amazon, in the interior to do the research to see how to cure cancer, they won’t listen [to us?]. And specially they take to all false gurus. What a difference it is between the right Vishuddhi and the left Vishuddhi, just think about it. There is no sweetness, which is the essence of Vishuddhi and Shri Krishna. But He is Kubera, see He is the God of prosperity. So, He has given prosperity to them because of their right sidedness. But they are lost. And now the time has come to expose everything and get your [unclear] means ‘the fruit of your actions’. Because, you see the especial time called as Krita Yuga, it is neither Kali Yuga nor it is Satya Yuga. Kali Yuga is the era of confusion and the second is the Krita Yuga and the last is the Satya Yuga when you know the truth. So, the Last Judgement has begun in this time, this Krita Yuga, and people will be exposed, all criminals, all bad people, everybody will be exposed. And they’ll have to pay for their bad actions. Like now you see this Vishnumaya, She can enter into any element. She does punishment. Indirectly, that you can say that Colombia and Bolivia are now punishing these people. So, in America you know there has been a riot and there has been a big earthquake. Especially they are there in Hollywood, you see, all these problems are there. Because in Hollywood they always try to show that the Red Indians were very bad, cruel [unclear]. Always. As if they were the best, the English, the Spanish and the Anglo-Saxons and the Red Indians were the ones that were really bad. Also there is a forest of 65,000 hectares of land which is now burnt. And then you know what they are doing in Miami, this killing people and all that, so in Miami there was an earthquake. But they do not relate these calamities to their bad doings. Because they are not sensitive like you. But I’m sure they will start thinking about it. I know that Colombians are not as rich as they are but they have their joy in themselves. After all, what is money for? what is everything for? Is for joy. And if you have everything and if you don’t have the joy, what is the use of having everything? The food is there contaminated, the atmosphere is contaminated, the water is contaminated, everything [is] contaminated.In Spain, we were going and I had a very bad smell. I said what is this going on there? Is there a sugar factory? No, they said is the river that smells like that, imagine the whole river [unclear]. So, what is important is the inner satisfaction. Which you people have now. Now you should try to spread it because [when] one light gets enlightened, this light has to enlighten other candles. You are very well-educated people compared to so many others. And you can do this work very well. Unless and until you use your powers you will not know how fantastic you are, how powerful you are, you will not. So, you must use your powers and get more people to Sahaja Yoga. The greatest joy is giving Realization to others. And everything works out automatically. You see, I don’t understand money [unclear], I don’t know even how to write a check [unclear]. All this money the Sahaja Yogis have, they can do what they like. With the puja money I buy all the silver and all that [unclear]. Because you cannot do Puja with plastic [laughs]. So, this is how the whole thing is becoming so beautiful and so divine. Yesterday when I was coming the Vishnumaya was over there [unclear]. And they said that it will bring rain and I said that [unclear, maybe: when I will go] then I will call it. Whatever you ask for, you will get. Believe now the nature is at your feet. Only thing you have to have faith in yourself. And you should never feel guilty. Which has come from Catholic Church, feeling guilty… nonsense. All nonsense they have been teaching you….in the name of Christ. Christ never said that you have to confess, never said that you are guilty. What He said [is] that you must be born again. So, they just put a label and 'born again', not that way. They just put you some water on the head and say, "You become Christian", not that way. They don’t follow Christ at all. He said that, "Thou not shall have adulterous eyes". That means there should be no lust and greed in your eyes, but innocence. Those who preach, are they like that? And those also who say they are religious, are they religious? But in Sahaja Yoga automatically you become religious. Because in the light of the Spirit you see what is reality, what is good for you. And that transforms human beings. So, you should never feel also guilty or unhappy or morose, it’s not proper. So, much of beauty, so much of love and compassion of God, and why should we feel unhappy? This is just our imagination, I think. I’m sure one day Colombia will become a very strong spiritual nation. I hope today’s puja will mean a greater advancement and ascent in your spirituality. You have not only to save Colombia but you have to save the whole world.You have to get stronger and stronger and master this art which is freely available. It is a blessing in a way that you are not so affluent as the Americans that all the false gurus did not come. Otherwise, I have to work very hard with these people who have been to false gurus. But today we have to do this puja which is really very suitable, absolutely spontaneously arranged. It was not so many days I was going to be there. But just spontaneously there was no plane [play?] going. So, I feel [unclear] suitable with all of us. This much time I don’t even stay in Cabella. [Shri Mataji laughs.] It is surprising your love, your love and devotion.May God bless you.
Shri Mahakali Puja: She is the Holy Ghost
Shri Mahakali Puja, Salvador-Bahia (Brazil), 14 October 1992. It is so nice to be here in Brazil, especially in Salvador. I've been to a gentleman a long time back, from my husband’s office, from Brazil, and his wife was suffering from terrible black magic. And she really was cured of that trouble. So he told me that, "You have to go to Brazil because it is full of lots of negative things specially the black magic, so you must go there somehow". And so it was my great desire to come here and that’s how I came, few years back. Also, Duilio was here and, I mean, things were arranged somehow, Sahaj, so I came here.So, the problem of this country is more, is this black magic that is brought by the people from Africa. So I have thought today, we, let us have Mahakali Puja.Mahakali is the left-side Power in us. So, actually, she is Adi Shakti. Only when she enters into the left side of the Virata we call her Mahakali, but she is the power of pure desire of God. Then she establishes Shri Ganesha herself. Then she goes to the right-side as Mahasaraswati. And then she enters into the centre where she is Mahalakshmi. That is how Adi Shakti takes three forms. But Mahakali is the pure form, because she’s not yet taken- I mean from Adi Shakti, she is Mahakali Power. So, first thing she, before creating this universe or anything, she created Shri Ganesha. And first to spread, manifest not only holiness but also auspiciousness, and purity. So, before anything was created, these spiritual Forces were created, to protect the creation that was to follow. So, this Mahakali force was specially in the purest form to protect people from the negative side.Now when any thought enters our mind, any reasoning comes up to our mind, it is thrown on the left-side by this Mahakali.Sahaja Yogi: Throw out?Shri Mataji: So, goes to the left side.Sahaja Yogi: Ah?Shri Mataji: Subconscious.Sahaja Yogi: Every bad thought ? No.Shri Mataji: You see, whatever thought comes to us.Sahaja Yogi: Ah, whatever.Shri Mataji: Today, there's a thought now, just now, that goes to the left side, [inaudible].And then that is how the present becomes the past, goes to the subconscious. Now the subconscious also has many layers which are on the left side in a parallel way, not horizontally, but parallel. So, there are seven of these layers, and the seventh one ends up into the Collective Subconscious. So, whatever is dead, in the past, and was discarded from the evolutionary process, is thrown into the Collective Subconscious. Now when - say for example, lives which were thrown out of the evolution, microscopic animals, whatever, viruses, then also human beings, animals, everything that was thrown out, like mammoths and all that, these animals were thrown out of the evolution, are [on the left-side]. So the people who are living more in the past, if by any accident or by any unhappy incident in life, are thrown towards that, they catch some of this Collective Subconscious.So also, this lifetime, whatever conditionings we have, also pass into our, they pass into our subconscious mind. For example, a person is sitting in the darkness alone, suddenly starts feeling the fear. Then he is, with that fear, he’s thrown towards the left side and he can catch something, what we call as ‘bhoots’, you see, what we call bhoots. It's some sort of a dead spirit and then he becomes a different person.Also, somebody who is too much right-sided, is always active, thinking too much of the future, his attention moves to the extreme - say, to the right side. Then suddenly if some shock or some fear, or whatever it is, this pendulum like thing, can move to the other side also.So all the people who are very right-sided can get into problems of possessionsSahaja Yogi : Of subconscious?Shri Mataji : Of possessions.Sahaja Yogi : But, of subconscious?Shri Mataji : Subconscious also.Also people who are extremely meticulous, extremely futuristic, can catch on the right side also Collective Supraconscious.[Sahaja Yogi translates Collective Super Conscience]Shri Mataji [corrects him]: Supraconscious. It’s the right side. Futuristic. Now, we have to now understand Mahakali’s powers. Now Mahakali’s powers are such that she is the Holy Ghost. So, firstly she can cure any diseases that come from viruses. Like say from AIDS, you can start from Mooladhara, all Mooladhara diseases, then all Swadishthana diseases, all these diseases. Left Vishuddhi of course, is a combination, because when a man is too right-sided, to balance his ego, he puts it here in the guilt. It could be a combination of both right and left. But all other incurable diseases are left-sided. Like you have cancer. Now see this is the left-side centre and this is the right-side centre, they look like this. [Shri Mataji creates a triangle with her hands and in the middle, She makes a circle with her thumbs.] So, this is left-side, this is right-side, and in the centre, is the centre. Now supposing even if you are working in the right side too much, the energy is driven to the right side. But suddenly something may happen, you see, some accident, some sort of an unhappiness, anything, and this little bit can break like that, from the left side. So, the virus can start flowing into the right side also. Now, when this virus enters into the right side you have no connection with the whole, because it’s broken now. [The triangle is broken.] So, this right side starts working on its own and that’s how you develop this cancer where the cell itself becomes the ego: it gets the ego and it starts multiplying, multiplying.So, this virus can give you any kind of disease which cannot be cured by medical science because medical science deals with the right side of the physical side. But the mental side is dealt with by Mahakali Power, mental side. That is how in Sahaja Yoga we have been able to cure many incurable diseases by using candles. Because the light when it is shown to these viruses, or to the bhoots, they go away. So, by three-candle treatment you can cure any one of these incurable diseases, even AIDS.But when this trouble starts above the Vishuddhi chakra or from the Vishuddhi chakra, then people become mentally handicapped, like they become mad, they get epilepsy or they get what you call schizophrenia. Now what do they do when they use black magic? We should understand. In India, we call it the "preta vidya" or "shmashana (cremation ground)". "Preta vidya" means the dead, knowledge of the dead and "shmashana vidya" is the knowledge of the cemetery.Sahaja Yogi: Preta vidya?Shri Mataji: Si, Preta vidya. Preta.Sahaja Yogi: Preta also in Brazilian means black.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: In Brazilian, black.Shri Mataji: But "preta" means dead.Sahaja Yogi: Dead, ah. And the other is "shmashana vidya" means of the, of the cemetery.So, the way they do it is that when some evil genius is dead, they know that somebody is dead, then these people go there and try to wait until everybody disappears. You know they burn in India, no? They burn the body in India.Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: And when the brain is opened it makes a sound, you see, of the head. After that people go away. So, they [the preta vidya people] are still there. And then they take the skull of that man, or some part of the body with them, maybe some bones, so that the Spirit, which is hovering there, follows them. And then they give some names to these bhoots who are following them and then they, somehow or other, tie them up, you see, they imprison them. And then they use these bhoots to entice someone, to mesmerise someone. And these bhoots can get more bhoots also with them to entice them more if these people want, just because they are now been captured and they are evil geniuses. So, this is what the false gurus do, that they put these bhoots on people, mesmerise them. Through their eyes these bhoots come in and then these people start giving all their money, all the property, everything to them, even the women give up their chastity. Anywhere.Sahaja Yogi: Anywhere, yes, anywhere, I'll say. So, this is how they try to mesmerise. Also, they can use these bhoots for killing somebody or for beating somebody, putting somebody into trouble, all kinds of things. So also, they try to sort of put ideas into people, make them violent and make them very bad people, dirty people. This unnatural sex relationship, like homosexuality and all that, it's also from bhoots. That is, they do everything that is anti, you can say, Mahakali. And that is how they may bring inauspiciousness, unholiness, violence, all kinds of problems. Now supposing, if these bhoots are, say, drunkards, then they make people drink too much. Or if they are, say, cheats or people who have been making money by wrong methods, they can also enter into the heads of people. Like here I think the politicians, they have entered into their heads, so they are like mad people now. And that is how the dharma is not there anymore, there is no dharma, there are no maryadhas, nothing and they do what they like.So, the hundred and eight names of the Goddess or the one thousand names of the Goddess are mostly for the Mahakali, on the left-hand side. Because she killed so many rakshasas. All right? She destroys also viruses and all kinds of things which are inflicted on human beings. Also, she cures many things like conditionings, say for example, of the Catholic church, which has given a conditioning into human beings that they cannot ascend, because of this Catholic church conditioning. So, even if you believe in someone, supposing there is a Sahaja Yogi and you believe that this Sahaja Yogi is God, then also you can catch. If you believe in some Sahaja Yogi that he is God, then they can catch. Because they- if you believe in anybody who has no authority, it is unauthorised "shraddha" [faith], then you get into trouble. So, in Sahaja Yoga nobody should consider somebody as guru because he has given you Realization or something, he is not your guru.And the best way to get rid of it is through the Mother Earth because she sucks in, recedes the left side. The Mother Earth sucks in your problems. So, if you just put your left hand towards the light and your right hand on the Mother Earth, from the light, you see, the negativity runs and goes into the Mother Earth. [Shri Mataji puts her right hand along the left side and to the right side]. They use the same thing, like lemons they will use, you see, in the lemon they will put bhoots and they put this lemon to somebody so that, that person gets possessed. While we remove the lemon that absorbs the bhoots and then put the lemon in the water.Then another thing, that is the light, you see. Supposing you put the light without Me being there, my photograph not being there, then the bhoots start, you see, getting more upset with the light. And it attracts more bhoots to protect itself. But in the presence of my photograph, the photograph emits vibrations which make that bhoots run away. Because the light also, this light, gets awakened in front of my photograph.So, this is the contrast in which we can achieve results of getting rid of problems. But I would suggest that Sahaja Yogis should not directly treat these people. They can put them before my photograph and use the three candles treatment but not to touch them. Before doing anything, they should take a bandhan also. So, whenever you take your bandhan, you are taking the bandhan of Mahakali, because she protects you. After some time, when you have reached a certain stage of ascent, the bhoots run away, if they see you, they run away. Or they will start shaking before you. And ask such a person to put his hands towards the light with my photograph. The light will go up and down and black soot will come out. So, the left side is called as Tamo guna, the right side is Rajo guna and the centre as Satwo guna. Now, Tamo guna means a left-sided personality. He is the one who always runs into some darkness and he’s secretive and he’s sly. And you don’t know how he- what he's up to. And to look at, he looks very humble and he never answers you back but he does certain things at your back. You cannot make out his mischiefs till he may hurt you.Now, a right-sided person is on the contrary extremely aggressive and sort of tries to show off. But the Satwo guna is in the balance. But on your vibrations, you can make it out what are the problems of the person. Last night, for example, my whole Swadishthana was burning. Even the children will show by putting their thumb in the mouth [unsure].So, this is what is the Left Swadishthana and for Left Swadishthana, the mantra is Mahakali’s mantra. And another very important mantra for the Left Swadishthana is that, "Mother, you are the pure knowledge". But for Christians it is better even to say, "Mother you are the Holy Ghost" like the Christ has said it. It is really easy to get rid of these things if you just decide that, "I’m not having anything to do with that." These bhoots are so stupid! That, supposing somebody, they may come to my house, take off their coat, put some other shawl on them, when they go, the bhoots can’t recognize them. They are so stupid.Sahaja Yogi: The bhoots that are in the shawl.Shri Mataji: No, no, no. Somebody comes to meet Me. And I take out the bhoots, you see, he’ll go out somewhere. The bhoots come inside the house also. Then you make him wear something else. So, the person changes his dress. So, they can’t make you out. They are so stupid.[Shri Mataji speaks to a child] Just come here because there is "kana" [food]. Both of you. So, this is Mahakali's great work and I have already told you how she works it out. Now today we are going to worship her, I'm sure she will become very powerful here and she will see to it that all this black magic is finished. These Mahakali’s powers you will start seeing and when she starts manifesting, your politicians will improve, everything will improve, because it is under these wrong powers, you see, that they are doing these things. Also all these bad things like violence and all kinds of bad things people do is only under the influence of negativity. Even if they know this is wrong, it should not be done, they do it compulsively, compulsively. Now a new disease has come where people have compulsive habits, like washing their hands all the time, or I mean all these compulsive habits are done like somebody’s brushing their teeth three hundred times, somebody washing their hands, somebody very particular about everything, all the time cleaning, cleaning. Some women are like that, if anything falls off, they must run, clean, and they have no time to sit down for five minutes. They can’t help it, they can’t help it. Ultimately they get out of society because they are confused. So, I have now tried to tell you the various things that this absence of Mahakali can manifest. So, the Mahakali's manifestation is so important for a country where there are so many negativities. And I hope next time I come, this will be very much reduced [inaudible]. We'll have a much cleaner place. Now you people also now know how to cure Left Swadishthana. Always check up the Left Swadishthana and try to cure it. May God bless you. Shri Mataji: Can you get some children?Sahaja Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: And Ganesha is most important for Mahakali.[Cut in the video][Puja]Shri Mataji: Would you like Me to translate something? Some song, will I translate for them?Sahaja Yogi: It would be nice Shri Mataji.[Cut in the video] [Shri Mataji translates Vishwa Vandita] Shri Mataji: This song [was composed] by a very famous music director, who directed the epic of Ramayana in Ramayana film. And he is a blind man. Now this blind man I don’t know how, he met Me only thrice and then he wrote this song. And he says that in the many names that are not even in Her one thousand names, the first is Vishwa Vandita. The word "vishwa" means the universe and "vandita" means worshiped, worshiped by the whole world. Now I am convinced because is a fact. "Sarva Pujita" means that everyone does her Puja. "Sarva" means everyone is doing her Puja. "Brahma Swarupini" means She is the form of this Bhamachaitanya. This is a new one, now, "Yoga Nirupini" is not in the thousand names. Yoga Nirupini, means she explains and proves the Yoga. It’s not in the thousand names, this a new name again. "Shubadham Varadam" namoh namah, meaning: She is the one who is the giver of auspiciousness and She is the one who is giver of blessings. "Varada", "varad" means blessing. "Namoh namah", you know means, means I worship Her. So, "Jagata Janani Nirmala" means She is the Mother of the whole world. "Moola Prakriti Akileshvaraki". Akileshvara is the God Almighty. And She is the basic nature of God Almighty. "Parashakti Parameshwari". She is "para" means, even beyond the power of God Almighty. Vishwa Dharini Mangala Karini: She is the One who sustains the whole world. Vishwa Ddharini. Mangalakarini : and She makes benevolence of all them. Then again Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namaha, means giver of auspiciousness and also of blessings.Alright.Now Sahaja Yogini Nirmala: She is a Sahaja Yogini Herself. She has got her yoga in a sahaj way, means spontaneous way. She is Sahaja Yogini. Nirashraya Sarveshwari: She is supportless, without any support. But She is the Goddess of everything, Sarveshwari. Premamurti Bhakta Vatsala, She is the image of love and She is very fond of Her bhaktas, devotees. Premamai Mateshvari: She is full of love and the Goddess of all the Mothers. Mateshwari is the Goddess of all the Mothers. Bhakti Pradayini Mukti Pradayini: She is the giver of devotion, Bhakti. She gives Bhakti. And Muktipradayini: She is the one who gives you salvation. Then again Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namaha, means the same thing, giver of auspiciousness and of blessings, we bow to Her. Now Pragata Saguna Nirguna; She is; She, the formless has become manifested in form through Her. Formless. Nirguna is formless. Ridhi Siddhi ki Dhatri hai: means She is the giver of Siddhis. Siddhis means by which you get powers, to give realization to people, to cure people, to manifest all the Divinity, Siddhis. And Riddhi is by which contentment, peace, joy. Means that you grow into that, Riddhi. Saumya Sarala Mahamana, She is a very gentle person and a simple, innocent person and very gentle, Saumya. Mahamana: She is, She is the greatest mind. Patanjali Gunapatri hai. She is the possessor (of ) all the qualities that Patanjali has spoken about. Ghataghata Vasini: Ghata means here - is actually the Kumbha - but here it is meaning She resides in every body’s heart. Atma Vikasini: She expands the Spirit. Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namah, again the same thing. Giver of - She is the giver of auspiciousness and also of blessings, I bow to Her.… [inaudible]Shri Mataji: Have you got the complete tape of it?Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: I’m really surprised now he has described so many things, which are not even in the one thousand names of the Goddess.
Shri Mahakali Puja, Salvador-Bahia (Brazil), 14 October 1992. It is so nice to be here in Brazil, especially in Salvador. I've been to a gentleman a long time back, from my husband’s office, from Brazil, and his wife was suffering from terrible black magic. And she really was cured of that trouble. So he told me that, "You have to go to Brazil because it is full of lots of negative things specially the black magic, so you must go there somehow". And so it was my great desire to come here and that’s how I came, few years back. Also, Duilio was here and, I mean, things were arranged somehow, Sahaj, so I came here.So, the problem of this country is more, is this black magic that is brought by the people from Africa. So I have thought today, we, let us have Mahakali Puja.Mahakali is the left-side Power in us. So, actually, she is Adi Shakti. Only when she enters into the left side of the Virata we call her Mahakali, but she is the power of pure desire of God. Then she establishes Shri Ganesha herself. Then she goes to the right-side as Mahasaraswati. And then she enters into the centre where she is Mahalakshmi. That is how Adi Shakti takes three forms. But Mahakali is the pure form, because she’s not yet taken- I mean from Adi Shakti, she is Mahakali Power. So, first thing she, before creating this universe or anything, she created Shri Ganesha. And first to spread, manifest not only holiness but also auspiciousness, and purity. So, before anything was created, these spiritual Forces were created, to protect the creation that was to follow. So, this Mahakali force was specially in the purest form to protect people from the negative side.Now when any thought enters our mind, any reasoning comes up to our mind, it is thrown on the left-side by this Mahakali.Sahaja Yogi: Throw out?Shri Mataji: So, goes to the left side.Sahaja Yogi: Ah?Shri Mataji: Subconscious.Sahaja Yogi: Every bad thought ? No.Shri Mataji: You see, whatever thought comes to us.Sahaja Yogi: Ah, whatever.Shri Mataji: Today, there's a thought now, just now, that goes to the left side, [inaudible].And then that is how the present becomes the past, goes to the subconscious. Now the subconscious also has many layers which are on the left side in a parallel way, not horizontally, but parallel. So, there are seven of these layers, and the seventh one ends up into the Collective Subconscious. So, whatever is dead, in the past, and was discarded from the evolutionary process, is thrown into the Collective Subconscious. Now when - say for example, lives which were thrown out of the evolution, microscopic animals, whatever, viruses, then also human beings, animals, everything that was thrown out, like mammoths and all that, these animals were thrown out of the evolution, are [on the left-side]. So the people who are living more in the past, if by any accident or by any unhappy incident in life, are thrown towards that, they catch some of this Collective Subconscious.So also, this lifetime, whatever conditionings we have, also pass into our, they pass into our subconscious mind. For example, a person is sitting in the darkness alone, suddenly starts feeling the fear. Then he is, with that fear, he’s thrown towards the left side and he can catch something, what we call as ‘bhoots’, you see, what we call bhoots. It's some sort of a dead spirit and then he becomes a different person.Also, somebody who is too much right-sided, is always active, thinking too much of the future, his attention moves to the extreme - say, to the right side. Then suddenly if some shock or some fear, or whatever it is, this pendulum like thing, can move to the other side also.So all the people who are very right-sided can get into problems of possessionsSahaja Yogi : Of subconscious?Shri Mataji : Of possessions.Sahaja Yogi : But, of subconscious?Shri Mataji : Subconscious also.Also people who are extremely meticulous, extremely futuristic, can catch on the right side also Collective Supraconscious.[Sahaja Yogi translates Collective Super Conscience]Shri Mataji [corrects him]: Supraconscious. It’s the right side. Futuristic. Now, we have to now understand Mahakali’s powers. Now Mahakali’s powers are such that she is the Holy Ghost. So, firstly she can cure any diseases that come from viruses. Like say from AIDS, you can start from Mooladhara, all Mooladhara diseases, then all Swadishthana diseases, all these diseases. Left Vishuddhi of course, is a combination, because when a man is too right-sided, to balance his ego, he puts it here in the guilt. It could be a combination of both right and left. But all other incurable diseases are left-sided. Like you have cancer. Now see this is the left-side centre and this is the right-side centre, they look like this. [Shri Mataji creates a triangle with her hands and in the middle, She makes a circle with her thumbs.] So, this is left-side, this is right-side, and in the centre, is the centre. Now supposing even if you are working in the right side too much, the energy is driven to the right side. But suddenly something may happen, you see, some accident, some sort of an unhappiness, anything, and this little bit can break like that, from the left side. So, the virus can start flowing into the right side also. Now, when this virus enters into the right side you have no connection with the whole, because it’s broken now. [The triangle is broken.] So, this right side starts working on its own and that’s how you develop this cancer where the cell itself becomes the ego: it gets the ego and it starts multiplying, multiplying.So, this virus can give you any kind of disease which cannot be cured by medical science because medical science deals with the right side of the physical side. But the mental side is dealt with by Mahakali Power, mental side. That is how in Sahaja Yoga we have been able to cure many incurable diseases by using candles. Because the light when it is shown to these viruses, or to the bhoots, they go away. So, by three-candle treatment you can cure any one of these incurable diseases, even AIDS.But when this trouble starts above the Vishuddhi chakra or from the Vishuddhi chakra, then people become mentally handicapped, like they become mad, they get epilepsy or they get what you call schizophrenia. Now what do they do when they use black magic? We should understand. In India, we call it the "preta vidya" or "shmashana (cremation ground)". "Preta vidya" means the dead, knowledge of the dead and "shmashana vidya" is the knowledge of the cemetery.Sahaja Yogi: Preta vidya?Shri Mataji: Si, Preta vidya. Preta.Sahaja Yogi: Preta also in Brazilian means black.Shri Mataji: Really?Sahaja Yogi: In Brazilian, black.Shri Mataji: But "preta" means dead.Sahaja Yogi: Dead, ah. And the other is "shmashana vidya" means of the, of the cemetery.So, the way they do it is that when some evil genius is dead, they know that somebody is dead, then these people go there and try to wait until everybody disappears. You know they burn in India, no? They burn the body in India.Sahaja Yogi: Yes.Shri Mataji: And when the brain is opened it makes a sound, you see, of the head. After that people go away. So, they [the preta vidya people] are still there. And then they take the skull of that man, or some part of the body with them, maybe some bones, so that the Spirit, which is hovering there, follows them. And then they give some names to these bhoots who are following them and then they, somehow or other, tie them up, you see, they imprison them. And then they use these bhoots to entice someone, to mesmerise someone. And these bhoots can get more bhoots also with them to entice them more if these people want, just because they are now been captured and they are evil geniuses. So, this is what the false gurus do, that they put these bhoots on people, mesmerise them. Through their eyes these bhoots come in and then these people start giving all their money, all the property, everything to them, even the women give up their chastity. Anywhere.Sahaja Yogi: Anywhere, yes, anywhere, I'll say. So, this is how they try to mesmerise. Also, they can use these bhoots for killing somebody or for beating somebody, putting somebody into trouble, all kinds of things. So also, they try to sort of put ideas into people, make them violent and make them very bad people, dirty people. This unnatural sex relationship, like homosexuality and all that, it's also from bhoots. That is, they do everything that is anti, you can say, Mahakali. And that is how they may bring inauspiciousness, unholiness, violence, all kinds of problems. Now supposing, if these bhoots are, say, drunkards, then they make people drink too much. Or if they are, say, cheats or people who have been making money by wrong methods, they can also enter into the heads of people. Like here I think the politicians, they have entered into their heads, so they are like mad people now. And that is how the dharma is not there anymore, there is no dharma, there are no maryadhas, nothing and they do what they like.So, the hundred and eight names of the Goddess or the one thousand names of the Goddess are mostly for the Mahakali, on the left-hand side. Because she killed so many rakshasas. All right? She destroys also viruses and all kinds of things which are inflicted on human beings. Also, she cures many things like conditionings, say for example, of the Catholic church, which has given a conditioning into human beings that they cannot ascend, because of this Catholic church conditioning. So, even if you believe in someone, supposing there is a Sahaja Yogi and you believe that this Sahaja Yogi is God, then also you can catch. If you believe in some Sahaja Yogi that he is God, then they can catch. Because they- if you believe in anybody who has no authority, it is unauthorised "shraddha" [faith], then you get into trouble. So, in Sahaja Yoga nobody should consider somebody as guru because he has given you Realization or something, he is not your guru.And the best way to get rid of it is through the Mother Earth because she sucks in, recedes the left side. The Mother Earth sucks in your problems. So, if you just put your left hand towards the light and your right hand on the Mother Earth, from the light, you see, the negativity runs and goes into the Mother Earth. [Shri Mataji puts her right hand along the left side and to the right side]. They use the same thing, like lemons they will use, you see, in the lemon they will put bhoots and they put this lemon to somebody so that, that person gets possessed. While we remove the lemon that absorbs the bhoots and then put the lemon in the water.Then another thing, that is the light, you see. Supposing you put the light without Me being there, my photograph not being there, then the bhoots start, you see, getting more upset with the light. And it attracts more bhoots to protect itself. But in the presence of my photograph, the photograph emits vibrations which make that bhoots run away. Because the light also, this light, gets awakened in front of my photograph.So, this is the contrast in which we can achieve results of getting rid of problems. But I would suggest that Sahaja Yogis should not directly treat these people. They can put them before my photograph and use the three candles treatment but not to touch them. Before doing anything, they should take a bandhan also. So, whenever you take your bandhan, you are taking the bandhan of Mahakali, because she protects you. After some time, when you have reached a certain stage of ascent, the bhoots run away, if they see you, they run away. Or they will start shaking before you. And ask such a person to put his hands towards the light with my photograph. The light will go up and down and black soot will come out. So, the left side is called as Tamo guna, the right side is Rajo guna and the centre as Satwo guna. Now, Tamo guna means a left-sided personality. He is the one who always runs into some darkness and he’s secretive and he’s sly. And you don’t know how he- what he's up to. And to look at, he looks very humble and he never answers you back but he does certain things at your back. You cannot make out his mischiefs till he may hurt you.Now, a right-sided person is on the contrary extremely aggressive and sort of tries to show off. But the Satwo guna is in the balance. But on your vibrations, you can make it out what are the problems of the person. Last night, for example, my whole Swadishthana was burning. Even the children will show by putting their thumb in the mouth [unsure].So, this is what is the Left Swadishthana and for Left Swadishthana, the mantra is Mahakali’s mantra. And another very important mantra for the Left Swadishthana is that, "Mother, you are the pure knowledge". But for Christians it is better even to say, "Mother you are the Holy Ghost" like the Christ has said it. It is really easy to get rid of these things if you just decide that, "I’m not having anything to do with that." These bhoots are so stupid! That, supposing somebody, they may come to my house, take off their coat, put some other shawl on them, when they go, the bhoots can’t recognize them. They are so stupid.Sahaja Yogi: The bhoots that are in the shawl.Shri Mataji: No, no, no. Somebody comes to meet Me. And I take out the bhoots, you see, he’ll go out somewhere. The bhoots come inside the house also. Then you make him wear something else. So, the person changes his dress. So, they can’t make you out. They are so stupid.[Shri Mataji speaks to a child] Just come here because there is "kana" [food]. Both of you. So, this is Mahakali's great work and I have already told you how she works it out. Now today we are going to worship her, I'm sure she will become very powerful here and she will see to it that all this black magic is finished. These Mahakali’s powers you will start seeing and when she starts manifesting, your politicians will improve, everything will improve, because it is under these wrong powers, you see, that they are doing these things. Also all these bad things like violence and all kinds of bad things people do is only under the influence of negativity. Even if they know this is wrong, it should not be done, they do it compulsively, compulsively. Now a new disease has come where people have compulsive habits, like washing their hands all the time, or I mean all these compulsive habits are done like somebody’s brushing their teeth three hundred times, somebody washing their hands, somebody very particular about everything, all the time cleaning, cleaning. Some women are like that, if anything falls off, they must run, clean, and they have no time to sit down for five minutes. They can’t help it, they can’t help it. Ultimately they get out of society because they are confused. So, I have now tried to tell you the various things that this absence of Mahakali can manifest. So, the Mahakali's manifestation is so important for a country where there are so many negativities. And I hope next time I come, this will be very much reduced [inaudible]. We'll have a much cleaner place. Now you people also now know how to cure Left Swadishthana. Always check up the Left Swadishthana and try to cure it. May God bless you. Shri Mataji: Can you get some children?Sahaja Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: And Ganesha is most important for Mahakali.[Cut in the video][Puja]Shri Mataji: Would you like Me to translate something? Some song, will I translate for them?Sahaja Yogi: It would be nice Shri Mataji.[Cut in the video] [Shri Mataji translates Vishwa Vandita] Shri Mataji: This song [was composed] by a very famous music director, who directed the epic of Ramayana in Ramayana film. And he is a blind man. Now this blind man I don’t know how, he met Me only thrice and then he wrote this song. And he says that in the many names that are not even in Her one thousand names, the first is Vishwa Vandita. The word "vishwa" means the universe and "vandita" means worshiped, worshiped by the whole world. Now I am convinced because is a fact. "Sarva Pujita" means that everyone does her Puja. "Sarva" means everyone is doing her Puja. "Brahma Swarupini" means She is the form of this Bhamachaitanya. This is a new one, now, "Yoga Nirupini" is not in the thousand names. Yoga Nirupini, means she explains and proves the Yoga. It’s not in the thousand names, this a new name again. "Shubadham Varadam" namoh namah, meaning: She is the one who is the giver of auspiciousness and She is the one who is giver of blessings. "Varada", "varad" means blessing. "Namoh namah", you know means, means I worship Her. So, "Jagata Janani Nirmala" means She is the Mother of the whole world. "Moola Prakriti Akileshvaraki". Akileshvara is the God Almighty. And She is the basic nature of God Almighty. "Parashakti Parameshwari". She is "para" means, even beyond the power of God Almighty. Vishwa Dharini Mangala Karini: She is the One who sustains the whole world. Vishwa Ddharini. Mangalakarini : and She makes benevolence of all them. Then again Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namaha, means giver of auspiciousness and also of blessings.Alright.Now Sahaja Yogini Nirmala: She is a Sahaja Yogini Herself. She has got her yoga in a sahaj way, means spontaneous way. She is Sahaja Yogini. Nirashraya Sarveshwari: She is supportless, without any support. But She is the Goddess of everything, Sarveshwari. Premamurti Bhakta Vatsala, She is the image of love and She is very fond of Her bhaktas, devotees. Premamai Mateshvari: She is full of love and the Goddess of all the Mothers. Mateshwari is the Goddess of all the Mothers. Bhakti Pradayini Mukti Pradayini: She is the giver of devotion, Bhakti. She gives Bhakti. And Muktipradayini: She is the one who gives you salvation. Then again Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namaha, means the same thing, giver of auspiciousness and of blessings, we bow to Her. Now Pragata Saguna Nirguna; She is; She, the formless has become manifested in form through Her. Formless. Nirguna is formless. Ridhi Siddhi ki Dhatri hai: means She is the giver of Siddhis. Siddhis means by which you get powers, to give realization to people, to cure people, to manifest all the Divinity, Siddhis. And Riddhi is by which contentment, peace, joy. Means that you grow into that, Riddhi. Saumya Sarala Mahamana, She is a very gentle person and a simple, innocent person and very gentle, Saumya. Mahamana: She is, She is the greatest mind. Patanjali Gunapatri hai. She is the possessor (of ) all the qualities that Patanjali has spoken about. Ghataghata Vasini: Ghata means here - is actually the Kumbha - but here it is meaning She resides in every body’s heart. Atma Vikasini: She expands the Spirit. Shubadham Varadam Namoh Namah, again the same thing. Giver of - She is the giver of auspiciousness and also of blessings, I bow to Her.… [inaudible]Shri Mataji: Have you got the complete tape of it?Sahaja Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji.Shri Mataji: I’m really surprised now he has described so many things, which are not even in the one thousand names of the Goddess.
Talk to Yogis after TV Programme (poor sound)
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
TV programme
Rio de Janeiro
TV Programme Brasil, 15-10-1992 In a hotel room: [inaudible, Shri Mataji speaks with yoguis inside hotel room] [inaudible, Shri Mataji takes a car with yoguis, recorded from inside hotel room] [yoguis watching TV Programm] [in the TV Programm [yoguini translating Shri Mataji's interview]: Presenter:---What is Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji:---Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous happening within us, which is the last breakthrough of our evolution, by which you ascend into a new awareness, that you become the Spirit. Presenter:---And how one practices Sahaja Yoga? Is it like the commom Yoga ? Shri Mataji:---No, it is not. It is something internal. There is a power within us. It germinates, and gives you this connection with this all-pervading Divine power.It is the Yoga. Presenter:---…a connection with a power that exists within us, which is Divine, isn't it? And how can we get in contact with this power? Shri Mataji:---It is just like a living process. Like we plant a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts. In the same way, it just happens.You have to come to My programm and it will all work out. [laughs around with unkown reason… Shri Mataji looks at Her side for a few seconds] Shri Mataji:---Yesterday we had about two thousand people in Brasilia and everybody turned their hands up that they had felt this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost.They have got this Connection. Presenter[staring at Shri Mataji's bindi]:---What is it in Her forehead? Shri Mataji:---This is a sign of a married lady in India. Presenter:---And it is made out of what? Shri Mataji:---We get a powder for this called tamaris (?? not sure). It has a cooling efect. Presenter:---So I invite people to to know Sahaja Yoga tomorrow at the Rio de Janeiro School of Music . [Presenter explains the address of the School of Music] Presenter:---And this is a class, a demonstration, or what? Shri Mataji:---I will tell them about it, and than just ask them to stretch their hands towards Me and it… It is spontaneous! Presenter:---Might lay people participate? Shri Mataji:---Of course…quest of them. Presenter:---I want to thank Her presence here. She needs to go, She has another appointments. We thank. She is free if needing to leave, ok? Thank you. [Presenter start presenting next interviewee]
TV Programme Brasil, 15-10-1992 In a hotel room: [inaudible, Shri Mataji speaks with yoguis inside hotel room] [inaudible, Shri Mataji takes a car with yoguis, recorded from inside hotel room] [yoguis watching TV Programm] [in the TV Programm [yoguini translating Shri Mataji's interview]: Presenter:---What is Sahaja Yoga? Shri Mataji:---Sahaja Yoga is a spontaneous happening within us, which is the last breakthrough of our evolution, by which you ascend into a new awareness, that you become the Spirit. Presenter:---And how one practices Sahaja Yoga? Is it like the commom Yoga ? Shri Mataji:---No, it is not. It is something internal. There is a power within us. It germinates, and gives you this connection with this all-pervading Divine power.It is the Yoga. Presenter:---…a connection with a power that exists within us, which is Divine, isn't it? And how can we get in contact with this power? Shri Mataji:---It is just like a living process. Like we plant a seed in the Mother Earth and it sprouts. In the same way, it just happens.You have to come to My programm and it will all work out. [laughs around with unkown reason… Shri Mataji looks at Her side for a few seconds] Shri Mataji:---Yesterday we had about two thousand people in Brasilia and everybody turned their hands up that they had felt this cool breeze of the Holy Ghost.They have got this Connection. Presenter[staring at Shri Mataji's bindi]:---What is it in Her forehead? Shri Mataji:---This is a sign of a married lady in India. Presenter:---And it is made out of what? Shri Mataji:---We get a powder for this called tamaris (?? not sure). It has a cooling efect. Presenter:---So I invite people to to know Sahaja Yoga tomorrow at the Rio de Janeiro School of Music . [Presenter explains the address of the School of Music] Presenter:---And this is a class, a demonstration, or what? Shri Mataji:---I will tell them about it, and than just ask them to stretch their hands towards Me and it… It is spontaneous! Presenter:---Might lay people participate? Shri Mataji:---Of course…quest of them. Presenter:---I want to thank Her presence here. She needs to go, She has another appointments. We thank. She is free if needing to leave, ok? Thank you. [Presenter start presenting next interviewee]
Realized person emits peace and neutralizes violence and anger
Public Program
1992-1015 Public Program Brasília, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot read about it. Also, unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot know it. We have to become the Spirit. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe Me blindfolded. But keep your mind open as a scientist has. Treat this as [a] hypothesis. And if it turns [out] to be the truth, you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of your own, benevolence of the country, and benevolence of the whole world. We are born in a very special time today. These are the times when lots of things are going to happen. And people will be in illusion – won’t understand what is right and what is wrong. But at this time only, there are many who are seeking the truth. They are not sticking on to anyone book or sticking on to one ideology, but they want to know what is beyond. They are a special category of people. William Blake, a great poet, has said that men of God will be born in those days and they will find their Divinity, and they will make others Divine. Believe Me, you all have your Divinity intact within yourself. It cannot be tarnished. It cannot be destroyed whatever you might have done to yourself, because it is eternal in nature. Only question is of manifesting this Divinity through your ascent into a new realm of reality. You are all ready for it. There is no more fasting or suffering needed. There is no need to change your dress and your foods. It is the internal happening that is important. You have been already told about the subtle system that works it out. When this power called Kundalini which resides in the sacrum bone awakens, She passes through six centres. The Greeks perhaps knew [that] it was a sacred bone, so they called it a sacrum. And this is awakened just like a seed is sprouted because the seed has a built-in quality to sprout. All living process is spontaneous. So, there are two things we should know when we are seeking the truth. The first one is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading divine Power which does all the living work. You see these beautiful plants – it’s a miracle! But we take it for granted. We have these eyes which is a camera; it’s a miracle but we take it for granted. Then look at our brain which is such a great computer, but we take it for granted. If you ask a doctor, ‘Who runs your heart?’ He will say, ‘It is the autonomous nervous system.’ Now who is this ‘auto’? So there is some power which is working out all these living miracles. So the first truth is that you are the pure Spirit, and the second one is that there is this all-pervading Power of divine Love. We cannot feel it, we cannot see it, but it exists. Now when this Power rises through these centres, it nourishes those centres. All human problems are because of these centres. And if these centres are put right, all your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems can be solved. It is as simple as that. Also, I would like to tell you in short [about] what happens to your awareness. When this Kundalini connects you to the mains, as this instrument [the mike] when connected to the mains, [it] has some meaning. So you too have some meaning. But it makes you stand in the present. We are all the time jumping on the cusp of the thoughts which are coming from the past or from the present. But when the Kundalini rises, She separates those thoughts and the space in between is the present. So you develop a new awareness called as thoughtless awareness. You are aware, fully aware, but there is no thought in your mind to disturb you. Thus you achieve peace within yourself. There are many people who have got prizes for peace, but I have not seen [that] they have peace within themselves. So, this peace within us is existing there, we become that peace. And such a person emits peace and neutralizes violence and anger. Now, the nature of the Spirit is that Spirit is the universal being. We are also universal. If you cut a part of your body, you will find [that] everyone has the same bone, the same muscle, the same artery. So we are all, inside, universal. We laugh the same way, we smile the same. The difference is just skin-deep. That is also just to create variety. Otherwise it would have been boring. But this universal nature within us is manifested when the light of the Spirit comes into our consciousness. We transcend all the barriers of races, caste, community, religion, and nations. In short, you become part and parcel of the whole. Like the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. But it is a becoming. It is not just a lecture, or telling something, or a false certificate. But it is the becoming that is important. And you develop a balance in your life. Moreover, you become innately righteous. For example, you may be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything, [but] you can commit any sin. But once you become the Spirit, you become above everything that is wrong. You get your sense of security and your power. This Power is flowing in you then. With that Power, you become extremely compassionate and extremely dynamic. But when the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, your attention becomes enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, it acts. The another great thing about the Spirit is that it is the source of absolute knowledge. Like you have ten children together, tie their eyes and ask them about somebody [as to] what’s wrong with this person. Now all your centers are on your hand reflected – sympathetic – [Shri Mataji shows the centrescentre on Her hand] five, six, and seven. They all will raise one finger like this [showing the little finger of the left hand]. And [if] you ask the gentleman, ‘Have you got heart trouble?’ He will say, ‘How do you know?’ Because everyone will know the same thing. As you all can see Me sitting here, that’s how you see the same thing. So then there are no dogmas, no theories, nothing of the kind. But actually you see the reality. Then who is going to quarrel? How can there be difference of opinion? There cannot be wars then at all. But the Spirit is the ocean of joy. And after you get your Self Realization, you feel as if you are swimming in the ocean of joy. You get separated from your problems and you see them as a witness. And then you can solve them much better without getting involved into it or upset about it. I am so very happy to be in Brazil, specially in Brasilia. No doubt, this is a very spiritual place. There are great seekers and one day this may become the greatest spiritual nucleus for the whole world. You can get your Realization in hardly ten minutes time. In this short time I cannot tell you all about it. In this hall, say, there are so many lights and only you put on the switch and you get the lights there. Because it is all built in. No use telling you about the history of electricity, how it is brought to Brasilia, it is all boring. So, the best thing is to get your Realization. I know you have some questions in your mind, and I would love to answer them. After your Self Realization, you may change your mind. So why not get your Self Realization? You can’t pay for it. It’s a living process of your evolution. Without this happening, you can never be satisfied with yourself. Anybody who asks [for] money in the name of God, is a hypocrite. Because God doesn’t understand money and banking; it is the headache of human beings. So now I would say that you all can get your Self Realization. But I cannot force [it] on you, because I respect your freedom. Those who want to have [it] can get it. And those who don’t want to have, it cannot be [forced]. Christ has said that the meek will inherit the earth. So Sahaja Yoga is not meant for arrogant people. Nor it is meant for people who are stupid. It is meant for people who are truly seeking the truth. So I would request people who do not want to have their Realization should leave the hall. It would be very kind and also very civil on their part not to sit here and watch others. If you are sticking on to some sort of a ideology, then also is difficult. You must keep your mind open, then it works. So, I said it won’t take much time. I leave about half a minute for you to leave, for those who want to leave. No one wants to. All right. Such a wonderful thing that no one wants to leave. All right. So, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you all have to be absolutely self-confident that you all will get your Self Realization tonight. So, the second one is, follows, that you are not to condemn yourself for anything. You have to forget the past. And don’t feel guilty at all. If you have committed some mistakes, after all you are human beings, you are not gods. And this all-pervading Power is an ocean of forgiveness. So all your mistakes can be easily neutralized by that. So please don’t feel guilty. If you feel guilty, it works against the center on the left-hand side, this centre [indicating the left Vishuddhi] on the left-hand side. And you can get diseases like Angina, like Spondylitis, could be lethargic organs. And at this time if the centres are blocked, how will the Kundalini rise? So as they say in English language, is the pain in the neck you get. So better get rid of that pain in the neck. In short, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself because you are glorious, you are magnificent, you are fantastic. Because you are not connected, you do not know what you are. Like supposing, in an Indian village if I take a television and tell them that you can see lots of films, they will say, ‘What? This box? How can we see films in this?’ But once you get it connected, you can see what a fantastic thing it is. We also think about ourselves that we are just a box. But you do not know how many powers there are within you. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself because now you have to enter into the kingdom of God. That kingdom of God is the most efficient, is the most loving organization. The third condition is even simpler – that you have to forgive everyone. Many people say it is very difficult to forgive. Logically if you see, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you and have tortured you are happy, and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. But also, the centre of optic chiasma is like that [Shri Mataji demonstrates] in the Agnaya Chakra. And this will never open unless and until you forgive. So you have to forgive otherwise this won’t open like this. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now, at this very important moment, you will miss your Self Realization. So just to forgive all of them, even don’t think about them. Even thinking about them is a headache. So in your heart you should forgive all of them in general. These are the only three conditions. First is that you should be fully self-confident that you all will get your Realization. The second one is that you are not guilty at all. And the third one is we have to forgive everyone in general. Now, we have to take out our shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Please sit inside otherwise… You all have to sit down. Please don’t be standing, please. There is some room here behind. Now, those who are sitting on the chairs, not on the ground, have to put both their feet on both the sides because left and right are two different powers. The left-side power is the power of desire, and the right-side one is the power of action. So, now we put our left hand on our lap very comfortably. [Shri Mataji tells the yogis] Somebody has to come and show here. And the right hand we use for nourishing our centres. The left hand suggests that you are desirous of Self Realization, [that] you have a strong desire to have Self Realization. And the right one is for the action. So first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. So now, if you become the Spirit, you become in the light of the Spirit your own guide, your own master. So we take our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of our mastery. Then we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of pure knowledge of divine Laws. Then we raise again the right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then on our heart. Then in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn our head to our right. I’ve already told you about this centre that when you feel guilty it goes out of order. Now we take our right hand and put it across our forehead and put down our head. This is the centre to forgive everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the backside of our head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the centre where – without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction – you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head. Now, very important is to push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Please now move your scalp clockwise seven times slowly. Please put down your heads. That’s all we have to do. We have to now close our eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out your glasses. Now, again please put both the feet apart from each other. Put the left hand like this and the right hand on the heart. And now please close your eyes. Here resides the Spirit. So you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother, or you may call Me Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I have already told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. Here again you have to ask a fundamental question three times, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Now, I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge of Divine on you. You have to ask for it. So now you have to take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. Please say six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge.’ As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts rising. So now you have to enrich your higher centres with your full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here, with full confidence you have to say ten times, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you the fundamental truth about you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading power of divine Love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and ocean of bliss. It is the ocean of miracles. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And all your mistakes can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neckyou’re your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Please turn it to the right. Now here you have to say with full self-confidence, ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you that logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands all your life. And at this juncture if you don’t forgive, your Agnya Chakra won’t open and the Kundalini will not be able to penetrate through it. So, you have already tortured yourself all your life and now, at this great moment, you will miss your Self Realization. So now say in your heart, not how many times but from your heart, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Don’t think about them. Now you have to take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say…. Say it from your heart, not how many times, ‘O divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.’ Now, the last centre very important. We have to stretch our palm fully. And now we have to put our centre of our palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers, that’s important. And please put down your head as far as possible. Here I again cannot cross over your freedom. Again, you have to ask Me to give you Self Realization. So now move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times saying, ‘Mother, please give me Self Realization,’ seven times. [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Ask him to increase the volume. [Shri Mataji blows Pranava into the mike] Please take down your hands and open your eyes please. Please put both the hands towards Me like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates]. Like this, not like this. And watch Me without thinking. Now bend your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool, warm or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your own head. Don’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get it too far. Now please put left hand towards Me like this and bend your head. And now see with your right hand if there is a cool, warm or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If it is warm or hot, it means you have not forgiven. So please forgive. I cannot forgive for you; you have to forgive [by] yourself. Now please put right hand…. Bend your heads. And see with your left hand if there is a cool breeze-like waves, or hot or warm, coming out your fontanelle bone area. Now… Please do it. Put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head. Now ask any one of these three questions – one – three times. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ or ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love?’ or ‘Is it Brahma Chaitanya?’ Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now take down your hands. Put your hands like this. You can feel your silence within yourself. Now all those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or hot or warm breeze on their fingertips, or the same on their hands, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Please raise both [your hands]. That is Brasilia! May God bless you! I bow to you all. You all have begun your saintly life. Everywhere, all of you have got it. May God bless you. It is to be understood that you have gone beyond your mind. So don’t argue and don’t doubt. We have here a very good centre for you where you must learn how to make this connection perfect. And all the knowledge about your subtle system, everything, you will know. But one should know that you can only grow in collectivity. Supposing one nail is cut out of my body, it will never grow. So, you have to be humble about it and you should, all of you, master this art. You will have the powers to raise the Kundalini of others and awaken them. You can cure people. You can do so many things. And for all this, you don’t have to pay at all. You don’t have to be also obliged, because it is your own power which has worked it. It is your honest seeking which has worked out. I will definitely come next year here again for a longer period. I would love you all to grow into your wisdom like great tree of spirituality. May God bless you all.
1992-1015 Public Program Brasília, Brazil I bow to all the seekers of truth. We have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot change it. We cannot transform it. We cannot read about it. Also, unfortunately, at this human awareness we cannot know it. We have to become the Spirit. Whatever I am going to tell you today, you need not believe Me blindfolded. But keep your mind open as a scientist has. Treat this as [a] hypothesis. And if it turns [out] to be the truth, you have to accept it as honest people. Because it is for the benevolence of your own, benevolence of the country, and benevolence of the whole world. We are born in a very special time today. These are the times when lots of things are going to happen. And people will be in illusion – won’t understand what is right and what is wrong. But at this time only, there are many who are seeking the truth. They are not sticking on to anyone book or sticking on to one ideology, but they want to know what is beyond. They are a special category of people. William Blake, a great poet, has said that men of God will be born in those days and they will find their Divinity, and they will make others Divine. Believe Me, you all have your Divinity intact within yourself. It cannot be tarnished. It cannot be destroyed whatever you might have done to yourself, because it is eternal in nature. Only question is of manifesting this Divinity through your ascent into a new realm of reality. You are all ready for it. There is no more fasting or suffering needed. There is no need to change your dress and your foods. It is the internal happening that is important. You have been already told about the subtle system that works it out. When this power called Kundalini which resides in the sacrum bone awakens, She passes through six centres. The Greeks perhaps knew [that] it was a sacred bone, so they called it a sacrum. And this is awakened just like a seed is sprouted because the seed has a built-in quality to sprout. All living process is spontaneous. So, there are two things we should know when we are seeking the truth. The first one is that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but you are the pure Spirit. The second truth is that there is an all-pervading divine Power which does all the living work. You see these beautiful plants – it’s a miracle! But we take it for granted. We have these eyes which is a camera; it’s a miracle but we take it for granted. Then look at our brain which is such a great computer, but we take it for granted. If you ask a doctor, ‘Who runs your heart?’ He will say, ‘It is the autonomous nervous system.’ Now who is this ‘auto’? So there is some power which is working out all these living miracles. So the first truth is that you are the pure Spirit, and the second one is that there is this all-pervading Power of divine Love. We cannot feel it, we cannot see it, but it exists. Now when this Power rises through these centres, it nourishes those centres. All human problems are because of these centres. And if these centres are put right, all your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual problems can be solved. It is as simple as that. Also, I would like to tell you in short [about] what happens to your awareness. When this Kundalini connects you to the mains, as this instrument [the mike] when connected to the mains, [it] has some meaning. So you too have some meaning. But it makes you stand in the present. We are all the time jumping on the cusp of the thoughts which are coming from the past or from the present. But when the Kundalini rises, She separates those thoughts and the space in between is the present. So you develop a new awareness called as thoughtless awareness. You are aware, fully aware, but there is no thought in your mind to disturb you. Thus you achieve peace within yourself. There are many people who have got prizes for peace, but I have not seen [that] they have peace within themselves. So, this peace within us is existing there, we become that peace. And such a person emits peace and neutralizes violence and anger. Now, the nature of the Spirit is that Spirit is the universal being. We are also universal. If you cut a part of your body, you will find [that] everyone has the same bone, the same muscle, the same artery. So we are all, inside, universal. We laugh the same way, we smile the same. The difference is just skin-deep. That is also just to create variety. Otherwise it would have been boring. But this universal nature within us is manifested when the light of the Spirit comes into our consciousness. We transcend all the barriers of races, caste, community, religion, and nations. In short, you become part and parcel of the whole. Like the microcosm becomes the macrocosm. But it is a becoming. It is not just a lecture, or telling something, or a false certificate. But it is the becoming that is important. And you develop a balance in your life. Moreover, you become innately righteous. For example, you may be a Hindu, Christian, Muslim, anything, [but] you can commit any sin. But once you become the Spirit, you become above everything that is wrong. You get your sense of security and your power. This Power is flowing in you then. With that Power, you become extremely compassionate and extremely dynamic. But when the light of the Spirit comes into your attention, your attention becomes enlightened. Wherever you put your attention, it acts. The another great thing about the Spirit is that it is the source of absolute knowledge. Like you have ten children together, tie their eyes and ask them about somebody [as to] what’s wrong with this person. Now all your centers are on your hand reflected – sympathetic – [Shri Mataji shows the centrescentre on Her hand] five, six, and seven. They all will raise one finger like this [showing the little finger of the left hand]. And [if] you ask the gentleman, ‘Have you got heart trouble?’ He will say, ‘How do you know?’ Because everyone will know the same thing. As you all can see Me sitting here, that’s how you see the same thing. So then there are no dogmas, no theories, nothing of the kind. But actually you see the reality. Then who is going to quarrel? How can there be difference of opinion? There cannot be wars then at all. But the Spirit is the ocean of joy. And after you get your Self Realization, you feel as if you are swimming in the ocean of joy. You get separated from your problems and you see them as a witness. And then you can solve them much better without getting involved into it or upset about it. I am so very happy to be in Brazil, specially in Brasilia. No doubt, this is a very spiritual place. There are great seekers and one day this may become the greatest spiritual nucleus for the whole world. You can get your Realization in hardly ten minutes time. In this short time I cannot tell you all about it. In this hall, say, there are so many lights and only you put on the switch and you get the lights there. Because it is all built in. No use telling you about the history of electricity, how it is brought to Brasilia, it is all boring. So, the best thing is to get your Realization. I know you have some questions in your mind, and I would love to answer them. After your Self Realization, you may change your mind. So why not get your Self Realization? You can’t pay for it. It’s a living process of your evolution. Without this happening, you can never be satisfied with yourself. Anybody who asks [for] money in the name of God, is a hypocrite. Because God doesn’t understand money and banking; it is the headache of human beings. So now I would say that you all can get your Self Realization. But I cannot force [it] on you, because I respect your freedom. Those who want to have [it] can get it. And those who don’t want to have, it cannot be [forced]. Christ has said that the meek will inherit the earth. So Sahaja Yoga is not meant for arrogant people. Nor it is meant for people who are stupid. It is meant for people who are truly seeking the truth. So I would request people who do not want to have their Realization should leave the hall. It would be very kind and also very civil on their part not to sit here and watch others. If you are sticking on to some sort of a ideology, then also is difficult. You must keep your mind open, then it works. So, I said it won’t take much time. I leave about half a minute for you to leave, for those who want to leave. No one wants to. All right. Such a wonderful thing that no one wants to leave. All right. So, there are three conditions which are very simple. The first condition is that you all have to be absolutely self-confident that you all will get your Self Realization tonight. So, the second one is, follows, that you are not to condemn yourself for anything. You have to forget the past. And don’t feel guilty at all. If you have committed some mistakes, after all you are human beings, you are not gods. And this all-pervading Power is an ocean of forgiveness. So all your mistakes can be easily neutralized by that. So please don’t feel guilty. If you feel guilty, it works against the center on the left-hand side, this centre [indicating the left Vishuddhi] on the left-hand side. And you can get diseases like Angina, like Spondylitis, could be lethargic organs. And at this time if the centres are blocked, how will the Kundalini rise? So as they say in English language, is the pain in the neck you get. So better get rid of that pain in the neck. In short, you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself because you are glorious, you are magnificent, you are fantastic. Because you are not connected, you do not know what you are. Like supposing, in an Indian village if I take a television and tell them that you can see lots of films, they will say, ‘What? This box? How can we see films in this?’ But once you get it connected, you can see what a fantastic thing it is. We also think about ourselves that we are just a box. But you do not know how many powers there are within you. So you should be very pleasantly placed towards yourself because now you have to enter into the kingdom of God. That kingdom of God is the most efficient, is the most loving organization. The third condition is even simpler – that you have to forgive everyone. Many people say it is very difficult to forgive. Logically if you see, whether you forgive or you don’t forgive, what do you do? You don’t do anything. But when you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands. Those who have troubled you and have tortured you are happy, and you are torturing yourself on their behalf. But also, the centre of optic chiasma is like that [Shri Mataji demonstrates] in the Agnaya Chakra. And this will never open unless and until you forgive. So you have to forgive otherwise this won’t open like this. As it is, you have tortured yourself all your life and now, at this very important moment, you will miss your Self Realization. So just to forgive all of them, even don’t think about them. Even thinking about them is a headache. So in your heart you should forgive all of them in general. These are the only three conditions. First is that you should be fully self-confident that you all will get your Realization. The second one is that you are not guilty at all. And the third one is we have to forgive everyone in general. Now, we have to take out our shoes because this Mother Earth helps us a lot. Please sit inside otherwise… You all have to sit down. Please don’t be standing, please. There is some room here behind. Now, those who are sitting on the chairs, not on the ground, have to put both their feet on both the sides because left and right are two different powers. The left-side power is the power of desire, and the right-side one is the power of action. So, now we put our left hand on our lap very comfortably. [Shri Mataji tells the yogis] Somebody has to come and show here. And the right hand we use for nourishing our centres. The left hand suggests that you are desirous of Self Realization, [that] you have a strong desire to have Self Realization. And the right one is for the action. So first we put our right hand on our heart. In the heart resides the Spirit. So now, if you become the Spirit, you become in the light of the Spirit your own guide, your own master. So we take our hand in the upper portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of our mastery. Then we take our right hand in the lower portion of our abdomen on the left-hand side which is the centre of pure knowledge of divine Laws. Then we raise again the right hand in the upper portion of our abdomen. Then on our heart. Then in the corner of our neck and our shoulder and turn our head to our right. I’ve already told you about this centre that when you feel guilty it goes out of order. Now we take our right hand and put it across our forehead and put down our head. This is the centre to forgive everyone in general. Now we take back our right hand on the backside of our head and push back our head as far as possible. This is the centre where – without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction – you have to ask forgiveness from the Divine Power. Now the last centre. You have to stretch your palm fully and put the centre of your palm on top of the fontanelle bone area, which was a soft bone in your childhood. Now please bend your head. Now, very important is to push back your fingers so there is a good pressure on your scalp. Please now move your scalp clockwise seven times slowly. Please put down your heads. That’s all we have to do. We have to now close our eyes and please don’t open them till I tell you. You can take out your glasses. Now, again please put both the feet apart from each other. Put the left hand like this and the right hand on the heart. And now please close your eyes. Here resides the Spirit. So you have to ask Me a very fundamental question about yourself. You may call Me Mother, or you may call Me Shri Mataji. Please ask three times in your heart, ‘Mother, am I the Spirit?’ I have already told you that if you are the Spirit, you become your own master. So now please take your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side. We are working only on the left-hand side. Here again you have to ask a fundamental question three times, ‘Mother, am I my own master?’ Now, I have already told you that I respect your freedom and I cannot force pure knowledge of Divine on you. You have to ask for it. So now you have to take your right hand in the lower portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. And here you have to ask six times because this centre has got six petals. Please say six times, ‘Mother, please give me pure knowledge.’ As soon as you ask for pure knowledge, your Kundalini starts rising. So now you have to enrich your higher centres with your full self-confidence. So now raise your right hand in the upper portion of your abdomen on the left-hand side and press it. Here, with full confidence you have to say ten times, ‘Mother, I am my own master.’ I have already told you the fundamental truth about you that you are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings but you are the pure Spirit. So now please raise your right hand on top of your heart and here you have to say with full confidence twelve times, ‘Mother, I am the pure Spirit.’ This all-pervading power of divine Love is the ocean of knowledge. It is the ocean of compassion and ocean of bliss. It is the ocean of miracles. But above all, it is the ocean of forgiveness. And all your mistakes can be easily dissolved by this ocean of forgiveness. So please forgive yourself and raise your right hand in the corner of your neckyou’re your shoulder and turn your head to your right. Please turn it to the right. Now here you have to say with full self-confidence, ‘Mother, I am not guilty at all.’ I have already told you that logically, whether you forgive or don’t forgive, you don’t do anything. But if you don’t forgive, then you play into wrong hands all your life. And at this juncture if you don’t forgive, your Agnya Chakra won’t open and the Kundalini will not be able to penetrate through it. So, you have already tortured yourself all your life and now, at this great moment, you will miss your Self Realization. So now say in your heart, not how many times but from your heart, ‘Mother, I forgive everyone in general.’ Don’t think about them. Now you have to take your hand on the backside of your head and push back your head as far as possible. Here, without feeling guilty, without counting your mistakes, just for your satisfaction you have to say…. Say it from your heart, not how many times, ‘O divine Power, if I have done any mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, please forgive me.’ Now, the last centre very important. We have to stretch our palm fully. And now we have to put our centre of our palm on top of the fontanelle bone area. Now stretch back your fingers, that’s important. And please put down your head as far as possible. Here I again cannot cross over your freedom. Again, you have to ask Me to give you Self Realization. So now move your scalp slowly clockwise seven times saying, ‘Mother, please give me Self Realization,’ seven times. [Shri Mataji tells a yogi] Ask him to increase the volume. [Shri Mataji blows Pranava into the mike] Please take down your hands and open your eyes please. Please put both the hands towards Me like this [Shri Mataji demonstrates]. Like this, not like this. And watch Me without thinking. Now bend your head and see with your left hand if there is a cool, warm or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your own head. Don’t put your hand on top of your head but away from it. Some people get it too far. Now please put left hand towards Me like this and bend your head. And now see with your right hand if there is a cool, warm or a hot breeze-like wave coming out of your fontanelle bone area. If it is warm or hot, it means you have not forgiven. So please forgive. I cannot forgive for you; you have to forgive [by] yourself. Now please put right hand…. Bend your heads. And see with your left hand if there is a cool breeze-like waves, or hot or warm, coming out your fontanelle bone area. Now… Please do it. Put both the hands towards the sky and push back your head. Now ask any one of these three questions – one – three times. ‘Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?’ or ‘Mother, is this the all-pervading Power of divine Love?’ or ‘Is it Brahma Chaitanya?’ Any one of these questions you can ask three times. Now take down your hands. Put your hands like this. You can feel your silence within yourself. Now all those who have felt cool breeze on their fingertips, or hot or warm breeze on their fingertips, or the same on their hands, or out of their fontanelle bone area, please raise both your hands. Please raise both [your hands]. That is Brasilia! May God bless you! I bow to you all. You all have begun your saintly life. Everywhere, all of you have got it. May God bless you. It is to be understood that you have gone beyond your mind. So don’t argue and don’t doubt. We have here a very good centre for you where you must learn how to make this connection perfect. And all the knowledge about your subtle system, everything, you will know. But one should know that you can only grow in collectivity. Supposing one nail is cut out of my body, it will never grow. So, you have to be humble about it and you should, all of you, master this art. You will have the powers to raise the Kundalini of others and awaken them. You can cure people. You can do so many things. And for all this, you don’t have to pay at all. You don’t have to be also obliged, because it is your own power which has worked it. It is your honest seeking which has worked out. I will definitely come next year here again for a longer period. I would love you all to grow into your wisdom like great tree of spirituality. May God bless you all.
Informal Talk 1
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Informal Talk 2
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Informal Talk 3
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Private Talk 4, Phone Call
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
English, Marathi
You all have your divinity intact
Rio de Janeiro
Public Program
Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17-10-1992 Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot transform it, change it, and even think about it; unfortunately at this human awareness, we cannot even feel it. You have been already told about the subtle system we have within ourselves. This subtle system works out your ascent. Whatever I am telling you today you need not accept blindfold. But if it is proved, treat it as a hypothesis and if it is true then you have to accept it as honestly. Because it is for the benevolence of you and for the benevolence of the country and for the benevolence of this world. It is the last breakthrough of our evolution into a new awareness that we become the spirit. The first thing you should know that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but we are the pure spirit. And the another truth is that there is this all pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. You see these beautiful flowers, its a miracle. And you see (with) your own eyes, what a camera! And this brain, what a computer. But we take everything for granted. If you ask doctor who runs our heart he will say it’s a autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. There is a power, which is a living power, which does all this living work. This is the power of divine love and this love is the truth. The first thing is to become the spirit, and the second is to feel, to feel the all pervading power of divine love. This is not just a lecture or a sermon, but, it is to tell you that you all have your divinity intact. Your divinity cannot be destroyed. It cannot be touched. Whatever you might have done, your divinity is eternal. So the question is only how to manifest that divinity? When this power, which you call as kundalini, rises, she passes through six centres, ultimately breaks through the seventh centre which we call as the fontanelle bone area. So this the actualisation of your baptism. It is not the false certificate. This power, kundalini power, is the reflection of the holy ghost. Holy ghost is the more ??. When we talk about the God almighty, and about the son, then what about the mother? Mother is a dove, is the holy ghost. It is ??[gnostic], is the primordial mother, which is the holy ghost. In Greece she is called as Athena and in India it is called as the Adishakti. In Gospel of Thomas, Thomas has written that Christ said ‘this is the mother who conceived me. But I have one Great Mother, and when she is with the father, I am also with her.’ So there was a primordial mother. But there is no ?? in the bible also, there is no praise of the Mother of Christ. They did not even say that she was a Goddess or she was Madonna. It was the Pagan religion which was before Christianity which influenced people and praised God??. It seems Paul hated women and he did not want their (Goddess Mary) praise in the bible at all. And he does not, also now they don’t permit women to have the position of priest. But not in the Indian scriptures (in Indian Scriptures) primordial mother is reflected as kundalini in us. And the God almighty is reflected in our heart as spirit. Now when this kundalini rises, you will be amazed to see that she automatically cures yours physical, mental and emotional being. It’s a fact that many diseases have been cured. There are 3 doctors in India, who have now got MD in sahaja yoga, for curing incurable diseases. So when this kundalini is travelling through the centres, she nourishes them, she integrates them and she connects you to this all pervading power. First of all you feel absolutely peaceful because when she passes through your this (agnya) centre, she breaks thoughts and between the thought, there is a pause. Your mind is jumping on the cusp of thoughts, coming from the past or present. So, when the kundalini rises then these thoughts from the past and the future separate and between there is a pause, that is the present. And in the present you don’t think, there is no thought. So you receive your peaceful status. You are aware, fully aware but you are thoughtless. If you want to think, you can think, if you don’t want to think you can be at peace with yourself. The second stage where this connection with all pervading power is fully established, then you receive another awareness called as doubtless awareness. In that state, you become powerful enough to give realisation to others. You can cure others. And your personality emits peace. The nature of spirit which once come into your attention enlightens the attention. When the attention is enlightened, then your attention becomes active. And the attention which is enlightened, can activate in another person this benevolence. This attention becomes innocent. Christ has said, thou shall not have adulterous eyes. How many Christian have eyes which are innocent ? Devoid of lust and greed? But only after your self realisation your eyes start sparkling, and they become absolutely innocent. And they become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can do so much good to another one. Second great point about spirit is that it is a universal being. In a way, we are universal also. If you cut here (any finger) of anyone, you will find the same nerve, the same artery, the same vessel, the same ??. So our differences is only skin deep. But spirit mean the universal being. When it comes into your attention, you become an universal being. Then automatically you transcend all barriers, of caste, of religion, of country, racist; everything automatically. Sahaja yoga is working in 55 nations and we have 1000 and 1000 of sahaja yogis. They come to India for a seminar, I have never seen them fighting, quarrelling on any point whatsoever. Because spirit is the source of the absolute truth. We live on a relative world. There are so many dogmas, there are so many theories, so many ideas, but, once you become the spirit, all of you see the same thing. Supposing you have 10 people, children, whose eyes are tied, and you ask them who is this man, what is he suffering from? They will all raise one finger, say like this (little finger meaning heart trouble). Then you ask that man, are you suffering from some heart trouble? He said ‘yes, but how do you know?’. Because this (little) finger ?? heart trouble. 25.33 So on your fingertips you will know the truth. These days there are many false gurus, prophets, coming also from India. They are only money oriented or power oriented. They can show some sort of a miracle of giving you a Swiss watch or something like that or some rich people diamonds. Those who believe in such things cannot believe in God almighty. Because for God all these things are dust. He doesn’t understand money. Even ?? have become power oriented or money oriented. They are not spirit oriented, as they should be. This is the reason why we have deviated from the real religion which was started. All religions were started by real people. They were like flowers on the same tree of life. But we plucked it and now we are fighting with dead flowers. How can you fight in the name of God? It is illogical. So the spirit is the source of all the knowledge, which is pure knowledge. All whatever I am saying is absolutely tangible, can be proved, can be tested. It is scientific, but it is a metascience. Because the science is a knowledge, say, of the tree that has grown out, but, this is the knowledge of the roots. And if you know the knowldege of the roots it’s very simple and fundamental. Above all spirit is the source of joy. It does not have the duality of happiness and unhappiness. It is a singular thing which you can enjoy but cannot describe. All these divinity is within you, all of you; and nothing is lost. You have to just understand that you all can get your selfrealisation tonight. First of all, I have to tell you that I cannot force self knowledge on you. You become a collective being, by which you know the problems of others. And you should know that most of the problems of this world are because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of these centres. Now if you have centres put right, then all the problems are solved. There cannot be any war, there cannot be any quarrel about anything. Also when you are blessed by this all pervading power, you have many other powers also. Like the agricultre, your country can prosper 10 times more. All living process is expidited. All this sounds very fantastic. But you are fantastic. Because you are not yet connected, you don’t know what you are. As this (mike) instrument when it is not connected, it has no meaning. So this connection is to be established. Again I would say those who do not want to have selfrealisation should leave the hall because it cannot be forced. I respect your freedom. Christ has said, the meek in heart will inherit the earth. So sahaja yoga is not meant for arrogant people, nor it is meant for stupid people and idiotic people. It is meant for people who really desire to have the higher life. You have to have a very pure desire. So again I would request you those who do not want to have their selfrealisation, should leave the hall. It will hardly take 10 minutes. Please be seated all of you. I am very happy to se there are so many seekers of truth in Rio de Janeiro. I have been travelling South America and this is the last program I have. And everywhere there are 1000 of people who have got their realisation. First thing you don’t have to pay for it. It is invaluable. And I have told you that God does not understand money or banking. So today when you have your realisation, please remember that this is the collective happening. You have to come to our collective centre so that this connection is properly established. You don’t have to fast, or suffer, or go to Himalayas. Christ has already suffered for us. Are you going to suffer more than he has suffered? So all these theories of suffering (prevailing after Christ’s resurrection) is all nonsense. In short you should be very pleasantly placed to yourself. Because you are human beings, (which is) epitomy of evolution. And a little more journey you are going to be in the kingdom of God. 38.04 [Realisation follows] 1.15.50 [people gathers near stage and asks questions] Shri Mataji: Keep out all these horrible people. They are just out to make money. That’s all. He too (pointing to translator) was there and how much he suffered. Its all money making. ??. They just mesmerise. That’s why you start giving money, everything. People have perhaps sold their houses for these horrible gurus. There is no modus operandi ?? no.. how, why, what is it? You must know everything, isn’t it? If it is scientific, you should know what are the centres are, how they work out, how to cure them, how to do it…. everything you should know. You just go on paying money to them. Everything should be tangible and logical. You will know everything, everything, about your self and about others (in sahaja yoga). All these things, you should not be ??. Question: Translator: If someone doesn’t feel the breeze very well, what should he do? Shri Mataji: It’s alright. You come and see them (meet them) you will feel it. There must be something wrong here (vishuddhi). Doesn’t matter. Everybody will feel it. May be little (problem) with cervical plexus, something wrong there. The cervical nerves may be little numb. That’s all. Everybody will feel it. Now the thing is that, if they (false gurus) say that you ascent, then you must have some powers and you should know everything. You should have the full knowledge, how it works. Don’t believe into anything that is blind. Q: Translator: She says that she came late tonight, but she felt the breeze. And she can feel her chakras, ?? right side paining, aching. She wants to know what does it mean. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. It will be cured. You must be very futuristic, thinking too much. Q: Translator: The first time he meet you was in Brazilia in 89 and after meditation, he feels much much more. And he is so happy. Shri Mataji: Because you see, I have told you, its a collective. If you are in the collective you grow very fast. So because you were left alone, that’s why. Now you be in the collective you will master it in no time. In 8 days these people mastered it. Overnight people have given up alcohol, everything nonsensical. 1.21.09 Q: Is there any problem to sahaja yoga to eating meat or drinking alcohol Shri Mataji: you just give up whatever is not constructive, because of the light. You see the light, and in the light, you see snake in your hand, you just throw it away yourself. I don’t say anything. You will know how miracles are there. And what blessings you have got. Every moment is a blessing. You will be surprised because this, you know God is very efficient. Question: Translator: when she put her head little back, she felt little round round (infront) Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Might be you are having spondylitis. It’s curable. Question: Translator: How can we learn to forgive. Shri Mataji: It’s nothing. Just say ‘I forgive everyone’. That’s all. Finished. It’s a very innocent question.
Public Program, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 17-10-1992 Shri Mataji: I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, we have to know that truth is what it is. We cannot transform it, change it, and even think about it; unfortunately at this human awareness, we cannot even feel it. You have been already told about the subtle system we have within ourselves. This subtle system works out your ascent. Whatever I am telling you today you need not accept blindfold. But if it is proved, treat it as a hypothesis and if it is true then you have to accept it as honestly. Because it is for the benevolence of you and for the benevolence of the country and for the benevolence of this world. It is the last breakthrough of our evolution into a new awareness that we become the spirit. The first thing you should know that we are not this body, this mind, this ego, these conditionings, but we are the pure spirit. And the another truth is that there is this all pervading power of divine love which does all the living work. You see these beautiful flowers, its a miracle. And you see (with) your own eyes, what a camera! And this brain, what a computer. But we take everything for granted. If you ask doctor who runs our heart he will say it’s a autonomous nervous system. But who is this auto. There is a power, which is a living power, which does all this living work. This is the power of divine love and this love is the truth. The first thing is to become the spirit, and the second is to feel, to feel the all pervading power of divine love. This is not just a lecture or a sermon, but, it is to tell you that you all have your divinity intact. Your divinity cannot be destroyed. It cannot be touched. Whatever you might have done, your divinity is eternal. So the question is only how to manifest that divinity? When this power, which you call as kundalini, rises, she passes through six centres, ultimately breaks through the seventh centre which we call as the fontanelle bone area. So this the actualisation of your baptism. It is not the false certificate. This power, kundalini power, is the reflection of the holy ghost. Holy ghost is the more ??. When we talk about the God almighty, and about the son, then what about the mother? Mother is a dove, is the holy ghost. It is ??[gnostic], is the primordial mother, which is the holy ghost. In Greece she is called as Athena and in India it is called as the Adishakti. In Gospel of Thomas, Thomas has written that Christ said ‘this is the mother who conceived me. But I have one Great Mother, and when she is with the father, I am also with her.’ So there was a primordial mother. But there is no ?? in the bible also, there is no praise of the Mother of Christ. They did not even say that she was a Goddess or she was Madonna. It was the Pagan religion which was before Christianity which influenced people and praised God??. It seems Paul hated women and he did not want their (Goddess Mary) praise in the bible at all. And he does not, also now they don’t permit women to have the position of priest. But not in the Indian scriptures (in Indian Scriptures) primordial mother is reflected as kundalini in us. And the God almighty is reflected in our heart as spirit. Now when this kundalini rises, you will be amazed to see that she automatically cures yours physical, mental and emotional being. It’s a fact that many diseases have been cured. There are 3 doctors in India, who have now got MD in sahaja yoga, for curing incurable diseases. So when this kundalini is travelling through the centres, she nourishes them, she integrates them and she connects you to this all pervading power. First of all you feel absolutely peaceful because when she passes through your this (agnya) centre, she breaks thoughts and between the thought, there is a pause. Your mind is jumping on the cusp of thoughts, coming from the past or present. So, when the kundalini rises then these thoughts from the past and the future separate and between there is a pause, that is the present. And in the present you don’t think, there is no thought. So you receive your peaceful status. You are aware, fully aware but you are thoughtless. If you want to think, you can think, if you don’t want to think you can be at peace with yourself. The second stage where this connection with all pervading power is fully established, then you receive another awareness called as doubtless awareness. In that state, you become powerful enough to give realisation to others. You can cure others. And your personality emits peace. The nature of spirit which once come into your attention enlightens the attention. When the attention is enlightened, then your attention becomes active. And the attention which is enlightened, can activate in another person this benevolence. This attention becomes innocent. Christ has said, thou shall not have adulterous eyes. How many Christian have eyes which are innocent ? Devoid of lust and greed? But only after your self realisation your eyes start sparkling, and they become absolutely innocent. And they become so powerful that even a glance of such a person can do so much good to another one. Second great point about spirit is that it is a universal being. In a way, we are universal also. If you cut here (any finger) of anyone, you will find the same nerve, the same artery, the same vessel, the same ??. So our differences is only skin deep. But spirit mean the universal being. When it comes into your attention, you become an universal being. Then automatically you transcend all barriers, of caste, of religion, of country, racist; everything automatically. Sahaja yoga is working in 55 nations and we have 1000 and 1000 of sahaja yogis. They come to India for a seminar, I have never seen them fighting, quarrelling on any point whatsoever. Because spirit is the source of the absolute truth. We live on a relative world. There are so many dogmas, there are so many theories, so many ideas, but, once you become the spirit, all of you see the same thing. Supposing you have 10 people, children, whose eyes are tied, and you ask them who is this man, what is he suffering from? They will all raise one finger, say like this (little finger meaning heart trouble). Then you ask that man, are you suffering from some heart trouble? He said ‘yes, but how do you know?’. Because this (little) finger ?? heart trouble. 25.33 So on your fingertips you will know the truth. These days there are many false gurus, prophets, coming also from India. They are only money oriented or power oriented. They can show some sort of a miracle of giving you a Swiss watch or something like that or some rich people diamonds. Those who believe in such things cannot believe in God almighty. Because for God all these things are dust. He doesn’t understand money. Even ?? have become power oriented or money oriented. They are not spirit oriented, as they should be. This is the reason why we have deviated from the real religion which was started. All religions were started by real people. They were like flowers on the same tree of life. But we plucked it and now we are fighting with dead flowers. How can you fight in the name of God? It is illogical. So the spirit is the source of all the knowledge, which is pure knowledge. All whatever I am saying is absolutely tangible, can be proved, can be tested. It is scientific, but it is a metascience. Because the science is a knowledge, say, of the tree that has grown out, but, this is the knowledge of the roots. And if you know the knowldege of the roots it’s very simple and fundamental. Above all spirit is the source of joy. It does not have the duality of happiness and unhappiness. It is a singular thing which you can enjoy but cannot describe. All these divinity is within you, all of you; and nothing is lost. You have to just understand that you all can get your selfrealisation tonight. First of all, I have to tell you that I cannot force self knowledge on you. You become a collective being, by which you know the problems of others. And you should know that most of the problems of this world are because of human beings. And most of the human problems are because of these centres. Now if you have centres put right, then all the problems are solved. There cannot be any war, there cannot be any quarrel about anything. Also when you are blessed by this all pervading power, you have many other powers also. Like the agricultre, your country can prosper 10 times more. All living process is expidited. All this sounds very fantastic. But you are fantastic. Because you are not yet connected, you don’t know what you are. As this (mike) instrument when it is not connected, it has no meaning. So this connection is to be established. Again I would say those who do not want to have selfrealisation should leave the hall because it cannot be forced. I respect your freedom. Christ has said, the meek in heart will inherit the earth. So sahaja yoga is not meant for arrogant people, nor it is meant for stupid people and idiotic people. It is meant for people who really desire to have the higher life. You have to have a very pure desire. So again I would request you those who do not want to have their selfrealisation, should leave the hall. It will hardly take 10 minutes. Please be seated all of you. I am very happy to se there are so many seekers of truth in Rio de Janeiro. I have been travelling South America and this is the last program I have. And everywhere there are 1000 of people who have got their realisation. First thing you don’t have to pay for it. It is invaluable. And I have told you that God does not understand money or banking. So today when you have your realisation, please remember that this is the collective happening. You have to come to our collective centre so that this connection is properly established. You don’t have to fast, or suffer, or go to Himalayas. Christ has already suffered for us. Are you going to suffer more than he has suffered? So all these theories of suffering (prevailing after Christ’s resurrection) is all nonsense. In short you should be very pleasantly placed to yourself. Because you are human beings, (which is) epitomy of evolution. And a little more journey you are going to be in the kingdom of God. 38.04 [Realisation follows] 1.15.50 [people gathers near stage and asks questions] Shri Mataji: Keep out all these horrible people. They are just out to make money. That’s all. He too (pointing to translator) was there and how much he suffered. Its all money making. ??. They just mesmerise. That’s why you start giving money, everything. People have perhaps sold their houses for these horrible gurus. There is no modus operandi ?? no.. how, why, what is it? You must know everything, isn’t it? If it is scientific, you should know what are the centres are, how they work out, how to cure them, how to do it…. everything you should know. You just go on paying money to them. Everything should be tangible and logical. You will know everything, everything, about your self and about others (in sahaja yoga). All these things, you should not be ??. Question: Translator: If someone doesn’t feel the breeze very well, what should he do? Shri Mataji: It’s alright. You come and see them (meet them) you will feel it. There must be something wrong here (vishuddhi). Doesn’t matter. Everybody will feel it. May be little (problem) with cervical plexus, something wrong there. The cervical nerves may be little numb. That’s all. Everybody will feel it. Now the thing is that, if they (false gurus) say that you ascent, then you must have some powers and you should know everything. You should have the full knowledge, how it works. Don’t believe into anything that is blind. Q: Translator: She says that she came late tonight, but she felt the breeze. And she can feel her chakras, ?? right side paining, aching. She wants to know what does it mean. Shri Mataji: It’s alright. It will be cured. You must be very futuristic, thinking too much. Q: Translator: The first time he meet you was in Brazilia in 89 and after meditation, he feels much much more. And he is so happy. Shri Mataji: Because you see, I have told you, its a collective. If you are in the collective you grow very fast. So because you were left alone, that’s why. Now you be in the collective you will master it in no time. In 8 days these people mastered it. Overnight people have given up alcohol, everything nonsensical. 1.21.09 Q: Is there any problem to sahaja yoga to eating meat or drinking alcohol Shri Mataji: you just give up whatever is not constructive, because of the light. You see the light, and in the light, you see snake in your hand, you just throw it away yourself. I don’t say anything. You will know how miracles are there. And what blessings you have got. Every moment is a blessing. You will be surprised because this, you know God is very efficient. Question: Translator: when she put her head little back, she felt little round round (infront) Shri Mataji: It’s alright. Might be you are having spondylitis. It’s curable. Question: Translator: How can we learn to forgive. Shri Mataji: It’s nothing. Just say ‘I forgive everyone’. That’s all. Finished. It’s a very innocent question.
After Public Program
Rio de Janeiro
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
After Public Program Shri Mataji: You can go in another way Shri Mataji: You are going to like? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: With whom? Yogi: Only to stay (inaudible) Shri Mataji: Alright Yogi: So beautiful, Mother Shri Mataji: Alright, that's good Shri Mataji: It's a very (inaudible) Shri Mataji: (Inaudible) Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji
After Public Program Shri Mataji: You can go in another way Shri Mataji: You are going to like? Yogi: Yes Shri Mataji: With whom? Yogi: Only to stay (inaudible) Shri Mataji: Alright Yogi: So beautiful, Mother Shri Mataji: Alright, that's good Shri Mataji: It's a very (inaudible) Shri Mataji: (Inaudible) Yogi: Yes, Shri Mataji
Evening Program, eve of Diwali Puja
Evening Program
Diwali Puja
Diwali Puja. Temisoara (Romania), 25 October 1992. So today we are celebrating the Diwali Puja. I think you all can try to learn English which is a very simple language and would be better. I just want to say that you all can learn English language, it's not difficult from my tapes. Of course the language of love is universal for it has no script, that's the problem (Shri Mataji laughs) and no words, and no words. (Translator speaks ed.) Shri Mataji I am sorry, I am so full of emotions, too full of emotions, can't catch your words you see ... everything, all languages in my head, may I ask someone to translate, I feel I can not catch your words. Shri Mataji: No it'll be all right, come along (Laughter and applause). I don't know how to express, I am also full of lots of emotions. it's such a beautiful gathering we have here from all over the world. We are all bound together in such pure love, and Russians also have arrived, luckily, they had to go through some tapasya. The significance of Diwali is spread out in about five days, and they are all together somehow, these five days are all put together. So they have different aspects, but in every aspect there's one common point is that the Goddess plays the main role. Now the first day is the worship of the housewife where you have to buy some sort of a utensil for the kitchen or for the use of the wife or could be a present for the wife, but is said that woman must be respected, but they should be respectable. If they are not respectable how can they be respected. Now I have to warn you all people to be careful with the western influence. In the western influence money has become everything. The morality, the character, all the value system is all finished, so we as Sahaja Yogis have to stop all that. Now the first thing we have to understand that the society is completely dependant on the Gruha Lakshmis, that means a housewife has to be a very lady of great character, respectability and dignity. Society is her responsibility, she is responsible for creating peace, understanding and for giving full idea as to what is love. I think her responsibility is much more difficult, subtler than that of men and she is the Shakti of the family so she should not try to behave in a manner that is not dignified or matured. Say for example every woman wants to become the Mother, but in the western country many woman don't want, especially in America because they think by that their body will be spoiled or something will happen that their husbands may not be attracted towards them. So there's all the time the mad race going on between husband and wife. Husband is running after many women and many woman are, the woman are also running after men or they dominate their husband, in this mad race the children are neglected, the household is neglected and there's always quarrel going on between the two. So women should not try to be so subservient about this kind of mad race, they should keep their dignity, they should keep their character, they should look after their children not bothering about their husbands. Now the worst thing that is very much accepted is a divorce and so they are afraid that men will divorce them and they will be left in the lurch, but always in the west there is a provision, if a husband marries some other woman or something, children and the Mother are given sufficient money to look after them. Under such circumstances the women should try to correct their husbands and fight for it but if they do not come round they should get completely detached. If the husband wants to go to hell let him go, why do you want to do the same. After all you have your Dharma, you have your own life and you should just worry about yourself and if he doesn't understand you forget it. Such an irresponsible and a stupid fellow should be just pitied but one should not follow the footsteps of the husband because you have a much wider responsibility. One should not try to look younger and just all the time make your life miserable by trying to keep your husband attached to you because by that you will lose your powers, your Shakti, but if your husband is a man of character then you must respect him and support him in every way and tolerate him as far as possible. Yesterday I saw many ladies have cut their hair, please do not play into the hands of these entrepreneurs, they know how to befool you. I have seen horrible things happening because these entrepreneurs try to entice by advertisement. Recently in Paris they said we should have six inches of skirts and nowhere we could get long skirts. Imagine in all these cold countries so many got varicose veins. They start styles for hair, for body, for faces, they start all kinds of nonsense but Sahaja Yoginis should understand what are they up to, you should not fall into their traps at all. So you are the Goddess of the family, you have the Shakti and you have to be very careful. Moreover you are Sahaja Yoginis so you shouldn't allow your Sahasrara to be touched by anyone and your power comes from your chastity. Thousands of women in India committed suicide because they didn't want any man to touch their body. Now you are in Sahaj culture and in Sahaj culture we have to behave in a very dignified mature manner. When you are small girls you are also Goddesses, that time you are innocent, then you get married, it's a very big thing that you are a married woman is very auspicious. Then after marriage you have children, is even greater honour for you because you are mothers. We are not actresses, we are mothers and you should be proud of being a mother and you should be proud of your children. Then you become grandmothers, I think this is a very great achievement and you should feel very proud of your age that you are a grandmother. If you will go on struggling for looking young you'll look very old. You see your Mother is seventy years of age and I don't look my age, that's what they say. I have never bothered about my looks, I have no time, I have so many children and I am very proud of my age also. With age you grow, you mature, you are wiser, then you have all the assets of your personality. If you really respect your age people will come to you for advice, help, and then you can spread Sahaja Yoga. There are so many complications with these entrepreneurs the way they try to exploit women. On a Diwali day I don't want to talk about that so I'll try to tell you about the Lakshmi, the symbol of Lakshmi. Shri Lakshmi is the symbol of the completeness of womanhood, she brings wealth, prosperity, auspiciousness, she brings in understanding, generosity, peace and joy, she is the giver of all the blessings. The symbol of Lakshmi is that she stands on the lotus which is pink in colour. Pink colour is the warmth of her Motherhood. In India even a small girl is called as Mother. So in the various aspects of Lakshmi, the symbol is that first she is a very warm person, also in one hand she has the lotus which is also pink in colour, that also suggestive of her warmth. Even a funny type of a moth with all kinds of thorns attached to his body enters into a lotus, he finds a place where he can rest, she makes all the guests to come in her house and have the best bed and the best food. Normally the men bring in a guest and the wife receives him and looks after him. So it is suggestive that we have to look after any type of a guest who comes to our house and should completely devote ourselves to the looking after of the guest who is from outside. She is standing on the lotus and wearing also a pink sari, that is you have to have balance to stand on a thing like lotus because she is surrounded by water, and there are many animals around it, beast like people who try to entice her so she has to have a complete balance, also she has two hands with a lotus and with two other hands she is giving and with another hand she is blessing. This one means that she should be generous, she should be giving always to others not for herself. She should not spend all the money on herself and nothing for the children or for the guests or for others. So it is the Lakshmi who has to give, who has to be generous. I have seen those people in Sahaja Yoga are generous, their wives may not be and then they suffer a lot but if the wife is generous she's rewarded, the whole family is rewarded hundred times. Generosity is like this that you have one door open through which everything is coming in and you open another door by giving, so there's a very good circulation. I enjoy my generosity the most, if it is generosity, and you all should enjoy this generosity, and generosity is so rewarding, so rewarding that it is unbelievable how the Divine forces help a person who is generous. I'll give you an example, I had a friend who said she wanted a sari from the foreign countries, these imported saris, and I had two of them and I told another lady who was very miserly that I would like to give away these two saris to her. So she said you have only these two left now why do you want to give her this sari, she was miserly type. We were talking in the kitchen but somebody rang the bell and I opened the door, he had brought two saris from Africa because some lady who had gone to Africa had sent them. So I said why did she send me saris, he said because you had given her saris when she went so she has sent you these and when I opened the saris they were exactly the same the ones I had with me so I took out both the saris and showed her, see, this is the example. This is how it is, always, everything comes back to you when you are kind to others or if you are generous to others. You will find later on yourself and so many have already found that just money flows to them. They can't understand from where the money is coming. Just it works out that you get money, whenever you want. You should not worry about money, just forget it and it comes to you. People who are meticulously counting their money all the time, every morning, are never satisfied and also they haven't got the blessings of any kind but if you just keep the worry of money to God everything works out. So what do we understand that it is all in the hands of God almighty. After coming to Sahaja Yoga you don't have to worry about anything, leave it in the hands of God and everything will work out. There is no need for you to go on telling people that oh I am so much worried, I have no money, I have no money. That shows that you are not yet Sahaja Yogis. So if you have to improve those who are your neighbours or your friends or your country, first of all you have to be very mature Sahaja Yoginis. So the Lakshmi is already awakened within you. She resides in your Nabhi chakra. So with your Lakshmi awakened why should you worry about money. So then this last symbolic hand says that those who are under your protection you must look after them. That means you have to bless everyone who comes in contact with you and you have to worry about all the people who are under your control. So the Lakshmi symbol is not only for the ladies but more for the men. A man who is in the business has to respect his wife and his wife should be respectable, if she is not then auspiciousness will not come in that family. So you get all these blessings of Lakshmi if your housewife is a good person. This symbol of Lakshmi is expressing a kind of a personality that is expected of a woman or a man who have got the blessings of money. So that is the, I was telling you about the first day what is it, second day what is it, but main thing is that on a Diwali day we have to worship the Lakshmi. So today when we are worshipping Lakshmi the men also have to know that they have to have a complete balance in life, that they should be generous and look after the people who are under their control. So there are, as I said many aspects, but one of them very important is that Shri Rama killed Ravana on ten days before they say and was crowned on the..., I mean today he was crowned today. So his wife was Sita, she was also made the Queen and in their life it is shown how she remained absolutely dedicated to him. So in Sahaj culture we have to be special people, we cannot be like other people who are just running after money and doing everything just to ruin themselves. So that in Sahaj culture we have to meditate, get our satisfaction about everything within ourselves and also we have to be like the Lakshmi children, the children of Lakshmi. So there are two aspects of this thing we have understood is that Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. If all the people from eastern countries could worship the Lakshmi or you can say worship their own Kundalini then whole of this problem of money will be solved and such a change will come that those countries which today appear to be poorer than the rest of the European world will become quite rich by the blessings of Shri Lakshmi. Now I have to take you to a very subtler side of life and that subtler side is that with the blessings of Shri Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi now you have achieved your self realisation. The Mahalakshmi principle has given you this ascent and the Mahalakshmi principle is that you rise much above your mundane life into the realm of self-realisation. So by her blessings you become like lotuses yourselves. Now you become another aspect of Diwali which means the rows of lights. Shri Rama's crowning or any other aspect of Shri Lakshmi here now becomes your own crowning, that is now you have entered into the Kingdom of God and once you are there then automatically as the citizens of Gods Kingdom you are blessed and as you become the lotuses then you start spreading your fragrance all around. Now you do not keep this joy to yourself but you become generous about it and you go all out to give it to others. Generosity at another level, at a lower level is transformed into this universal love. Whatever you gain, whatever joy, satisfaction, vibrations, knowledge, all that you want to give it to others. You want to spread it because now you got the reality and you don't want to keep it to yourself, you think it is very important that everyone in the world should know about reality. This is significant in putting these lights, that now you are the lights. It is the darkest night today, tonight is the darkest night, in the same way these are the darkest days, this is the Kali Yuga and it is the core Kali Yuga, the worst time where the worst things are happening, human beings are going to the worst level and at this time we have to put Sahaja Yoga before them. You know what is the ordeal one has to go through to break the hard nuts of the brains of people, but it is working, it has clicked already, it is working, it has already clicked, it has happened. Now you have to enlighten many lights, we call it Deepawali, Diwali is Deepawali, means the rows of lights, and by celebrating this Diwali with so many of you I'm sure we'll have such a torch of light which will go around the whole world. Just remember you are not a small drop, now you have become the ocean and you have to spread. Now you are sitting on your thrones and assume your powers. You have all the powers within you, you have to just manifest it. You have to just feel yourself, understand yourself what is your responsibility. You have been asking for light now you've got the light, you have become the light, now give light to others. So achieve a state where your light is on your head, on your Sahasrara and that it is in your heart, you are not ordinary people, never think that way, actually in Sahaja yoga only so called ordinary people will come. Christ has said meek in heart will inherit the earth. So you are meek in heart and you always think you are ordinary because you are humble but the extraordinary now is manifesting so accept it and the extraordinary is that you have all the powers and you are absolutely humble people. Now the celebration of Diwali should be that we carry the light all over the world and enlighten people as many as we can. None of our private things, none of our own problems are important, so that is what it is that we have to realise that we have got a certain position which no one has in this world. So once you understand, your own esteem goes up and you see for yourself what you have to do. So then everybody should today decide and take an oath that we'll do everything to spread Sahaja Yoga with humility. So now we'll have the Puja and in this Puja you all should promise to yourself that you will create a Deepawali in every household in every country in the whole world. May God Bless you all.
Diwali Puja. Temisoara (Romania), 25 October 1992. So today we are celebrating the Diwali Puja. I think you all can try to learn English which is a very simple language and would be better. I just want to say that you all can learn English language, it's not difficult from my tapes. Of course the language of love is universal for it has no script, that's the problem (Shri Mataji laughs) and no words, and no words. (Translator speaks ed.) Shri Mataji I am sorry, I am so full of emotions, too full of emotions, can't catch your words you see ... everything, all languages in my head, may I ask someone to translate, I feel I can not catch your words. Shri Mataji: No it'll be all right, come along (Laughter and applause). I don't know how to express, I am also full of lots of emotions. it's such a beautiful gathering we have here from all over the world. We are all bound together in such pure love, and Russians also have arrived, luckily, they had to go through some tapasya. The significance of Diwali is spread out in about five days, and they are all together somehow, these five days are all put together. So they have different aspects, but in every aspect there's one common point is that the Goddess plays the main role. Now the first day is the worship of the housewife where you have to buy some sort of a utensil for the kitchen or for the use of the wife or could be a present for the wife, but is said that woman must be respected, but they should be respectable. If they are not respectable how can they be respected. Now I have to warn you all people to be careful with the western influence. In the western influence money has become everything. The morality, the character, all the value system is all finished, so we as Sahaja Yogis have to stop all that. Now the first thing we have to understand that the society is completely dependant on the Gruha Lakshmis, that means a housewife has to be a very lady of great character, respectability and dignity. Society is her responsibility, she is responsible for creating peace, understanding and for giving full idea as to what is love. I think her responsibility is much more difficult, subtler than that of men and she is the Shakti of the family so she should not try to behave in a manner that is not dignified or matured. Say for example every woman wants to become the Mother, but in the western country many woman don't want, especially in America because they think by that their body will be spoiled or something will happen that their husbands may not be attracted towards them. So there's all the time the mad race going on between husband and wife. Husband is running after many women and many woman are, the woman are also running after men or they dominate their husband, in this mad race the children are neglected, the household is neglected and there's always quarrel going on between the two. So women should not try to be so subservient about this kind of mad race, they should keep their dignity, they should keep their character, they should look after their children not bothering about their husbands. Now the worst thing that is very much accepted is a divorce and so they are afraid that men will divorce them and they will be left in the lurch, but always in the west there is a provision, if a husband marries some other woman or something, children and the Mother are given sufficient money to look after them. Under such circumstances the women should try to correct their husbands and fight for it but if they do not come round they should get completely detached. If the husband wants to go to hell let him go, why do you want to do the same. After all you have your Dharma, you have your own life and you should just worry about yourself and if he doesn't understand you forget it. Such an irresponsible and a stupid fellow should be just pitied but one should not follow the footsteps of the husband because you have a much wider responsibility. One should not try to look younger and just all the time make your life miserable by trying to keep your husband attached to you because by that you will lose your powers, your Shakti, but if your husband is a man of character then you must respect him and support him in every way and tolerate him as far as possible. Yesterday I saw many ladies have cut their hair, please do not play into the hands of these entrepreneurs, they know how to befool you. I have seen horrible things happening because these entrepreneurs try to entice by advertisement. Recently in Paris they said we should have six inches of skirts and nowhere we could get long skirts. Imagine in all these cold countries so many got varicose veins. They start styles for hair, for body, for faces, they start all kinds of nonsense but Sahaja Yoginis should understand what are they up to, you should not fall into their traps at all. So you are the Goddess of the family, you have the Shakti and you have to be very careful. Moreover you are Sahaja Yoginis so you shouldn't allow your Sahasrara to be touched by anyone and your power comes from your chastity. Thousands of women in India committed suicide because they didn't want any man to touch their body. Now you are in Sahaj culture and in Sahaj culture we have to behave in a very dignified mature manner. When you are small girls you are also Goddesses, that time you are innocent, then you get married, it's a very big thing that you are a married woman is very auspicious. Then after marriage you have children, is even greater honour for you because you are mothers. We are not actresses, we are mothers and you should be proud of being a mother and you should be proud of your children. Then you become grandmothers, I think this is a very great achievement and you should feel very proud of your age that you are a grandmother. If you will go on struggling for looking young you'll look very old. You see your Mother is seventy years of age and I don't look my age, that's what they say. I have never bothered about my looks, I have no time, I have so many children and I am very proud of my age also. With age you grow, you mature, you are wiser, then you have all the assets of your personality. If you really respect your age people will come to you for advice, help, and then you can spread Sahaja Yoga. There are so many complications with these entrepreneurs the way they try to exploit women. On a Diwali day I don't want to talk about that so I'll try to tell you about the Lakshmi, the symbol of Lakshmi. Shri Lakshmi is the symbol of the completeness of womanhood, she brings wealth, prosperity, auspiciousness, she brings in understanding, generosity, peace and joy, she is the giver of all the blessings. The symbol of Lakshmi is that she stands on the lotus which is pink in colour. Pink colour is the warmth of her Motherhood. In India even a small girl is called as Mother. So in the various aspects of Lakshmi, the symbol is that first she is a very warm person, also in one hand she has the lotus which is also pink in colour, that also suggestive of her warmth. Even a funny type of a moth with all kinds of thorns attached to his body enters into a lotus, he finds a place where he can rest, she makes all the guests to come in her house and have the best bed and the best food. Normally the men bring in a guest and the wife receives him and looks after him. So it is suggestive that we have to look after any type of a guest who comes to our house and should completely devote ourselves to the looking after of the guest who is from outside. She is standing on the lotus and wearing also a pink sari, that is you have to have balance to stand on a thing like lotus because she is surrounded by water, and there are many animals around it, beast like people who try to entice her so she has to have a complete balance, also she has two hands with a lotus and with two other hands she is giving and with another hand she is blessing. This one means that she should be generous, she should be giving always to others not for herself. She should not spend all the money on herself and nothing for the children or for the guests or for others. So it is the Lakshmi who has to give, who has to be generous. I have seen those people in Sahaja Yoga are generous, their wives may not be and then they suffer a lot but if the wife is generous she's rewarded, the whole family is rewarded hundred times. Generosity is like this that you have one door open through which everything is coming in and you open another door by giving, so there's a very good circulation. I enjoy my generosity the most, if it is generosity, and you all should enjoy this generosity, and generosity is so rewarding, so rewarding that it is unbelievable how the Divine forces help a person who is generous. I'll give you an example, I had a friend who said she wanted a sari from the foreign countries, these imported saris, and I had two of them and I told another lady who was very miserly that I would like to give away these two saris to her. So she said you have only these two left now why do you want to give her this sari, she was miserly type. We were talking in the kitchen but somebody rang the bell and I opened the door, he had brought two saris from Africa because some lady who had gone to Africa had sent them. So I said why did she send me saris, he said because you had given her saris when she went so she has sent you these and when I opened the saris they were exactly the same the ones I had with me so I took out both the saris and showed her, see, this is the example. This is how it is, always, everything comes back to you when you are kind to others or if you are generous to others. You will find later on yourself and so many have already found that just money flows to them. They can't understand from where the money is coming. Just it works out that you get money, whenever you want. You should not worry about money, just forget it and it comes to you. People who are meticulously counting their money all the time, every morning, are never satisfied and also they haven't got the blessings of any kind but if you just keep the worry of money to God everything works out. So what do we understand that it is all in the hands of God almighty. After coming to Sahaja Yoga you don't have to worry about anything, leave it in the hands of God and everything will work out. There is no need for you to go on telling people that oh I am so much worried, I have no money, I have no money. That shows that you are not yet Sahaja Yogis. So if you have to improve those who are your neighbours or your friends or your country, first of all you have to be very mature Sahaja Yoginis. So the Lakshmi is already awakened within you. She resides in your Nabhi chakra. So with your Lakshmi awakened why should you worry about money. So then this last symbolic hand says that those who are under your protection you must look after them. That means you have to bless everyone who comes in contact with you and you have to worry about all the people who are under your control. So the Lakshmi symbol is not only for the ladies but more for the men. A man who is in the business has to respect his wife and his wife should be respectable, if she is not then auspiciousness will not come in that family. So you get all these blessings of Lakshmi if your housewife is a good person. This symbol of Lakshmi is expressing a kind of a personality that is expected of a woman or a man who have got the blessings of money. So that is the, I was telling you about the first day what is it, second day what is it, but main thing is that on a Diwali day we have to worship the Lakshmi. So today when we are worshipping Lakshmi the men also have to know that they have to have a complete balance in life, that they should be generous and look after the people who are under their control. So there are, as I said many aspects, but one of them very important is that Shri Rama killed Ravana on ten days before they say and was crowned on the..., I mean today he was crowned today. So his wife was Sita, she was also made the Queen and in their life it is shown how she remained absolutely dedicated to him. So in Sahaj culture we have to be special people, we cannot be like other people who are just running after money and doing everything just to ruin themselves. So that in Sahaj culture we have to meditate, get our satisfaction about everything within ourselves and also we have to be like the Lakshmi children, the children of Lakshmi. So there are two aspects of this thing we have understood is that Lakshmi fulfils all our monetary needs plus also she gives us all the balance, all the joy, all the bliss in the family. Now the problem is with us that unless and until we meditate, unless and until we reach that state of satisfaction we cannot see the work of this Divine power. If all the people from eastern countries could worship the Lakshmi or you can say worship their own Kundalini then whole of this problem of money will be solved and such a change will come that those countries which today appear to be poorer than the rest of the European world will become quite rich by the blessings of Shri Lakshmi. Now I have to take you to a very subtler side of life and that subtler side is that with the blessings of Shri Lakshmi or Mahalakshmi now you have achieved your self realisation. The Mahalakshmi principle has given you this ascent and the Mahalakshmi principle is that you rise much above your mundane life into the realm of self-realisation. So by her blessings you become like lotuses yourselves. Now you become another aspect of Diwali which means the rows of lights. Shri Rama's crowning or any other aspect of Shri Lakshmi here now becomes your own crowning, that is now you have entered into the Kingdom of God and once you are there then automatically as the citizens of Gods Kingdom you are blessed and as you become the lotuses then you start spreading your fragrance all around. Now you do not keep this joy to yourself but you become generous about it and you go all out to give it to others. Generosity at another level, at a lower level is transformed into this universal love. Whatever you gain, whatever joy, satisfaction, vibrations, knowledge, all that you want to give it to others. You want to spread it because now you got the reality and you don't want to keep it to yourself, you think it is very important that everyone in the world should know about reality. This is significant in putting these lights, that now you are the lights. It is the darkest night today, tonight is the darkest night, in the same way these are the darkest days, this is the Kali Yuga and it is the core Kali Yuga, the worst time where the worst things are happening, human beings are going to the worst level and at this time we have to put Sahaja Yoga before them. You know what is the ordeal one has to go through to break the hard nuts of the brains of people, but it is working, it has clicked already, it is working, it has already clicked, it has happened. Now you have to enlighten many lights, we call it Deepawali, Diwali is Deepawali, means the rows of lights, and by celebrating this Diwali with so many of you I'm sure we'll have such a torch of light which will go around the whole world. Just remember you are not a small drop, now you have become the ocean and you have to spread. Now you are sitting on your thrones and assume your powers. You have all the powers within you, you have to just manifest it. You have to just feel yourself, understand yourself what is your responsibility. You have been asking for light now you've got the light, you have become the light, now give light to others. So achieve a state where your light is on your head, on your Sahasrara and that it is in your heart, you are not ordinary people, never think that way, actually in Sahaja yoga only so called ordinary people will come. Christ has said meek in heart will inherit the earth. So you are meek in heart and you always think you are ordinary because you are humble but the extraordinary now is manifesting so accept it and the extraordinary is that you have all the powers and you are absolutely humble people. Now the celebration of Diwali should be that we carry the light all over the world and enlighten people as many as we can. None of our private things, none of our own problems are important, so that is what it is that we have to realise that we have got a certain position which no one has in this world. So once you understand, your own esteem goes up and you see for yourself what you have to do. So then everybody should today decide and take an oath that we'll do everything to spread Sahaja Yoga with humility. So now we'll have the Puja and in this Puja you all should promise to yourself that you will create a Deepawali in every household in every country in the whole world. May God Bless you all.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis After Diwali
Talk to Sahaja Yogis
Talk to Sahaja Yogis After Diwali I’m sorry it was so such a late time I had to come here. I had to make the food and just after dinner I came and I think the ashram is also very far away. I have to just tell you that we have had a very, very successful tour of South America. And as you must have seen the people of Romania, the people there were extremely surrendered, very surrendered people. And everywhere we had two to three thousand people and everywhere we had more than five hundred people for follow on. So you can imagine, in this short time, this is only the second time I went to Colombia, and we already have got six hundred Sahaja Yogis there. So they are very surrendered people, and though there is so called poverty, in their heart they are very good, very surrendered and they are very fast for accepting pure knowledge. While in the West, as you have seen, they are very slow to accept pure knowledge and also go on doubting till some time. I don’t know what is the reason for this. Why is it that people from countries, which are not democratic to this extent, some of them have been just despotic and quite poor. Even Rio was quite a poor country I would say, where I went. Brazilia is another one, which is coming up. And I was amazed that in Brazil the President of the Senate himself invited Me, got his realization. Apart from that, not only the President of the Senate, but apart from that we had the secretary, the chief secretary of the Cabinet, who got his realization and he might become the President now, because in Brazil, the President was impeached by people. I mean, they are very alert in these things. Of course, there is poverty, and people have problem with the water and all that. But somehow or other I have a feeling that they have some sort of a absorption power by which they understand Sahaja Yoga. It’s not such a mental feat that goes on in the West, to think about it, to understand it with your brains. You cannot. Because it’s a Divine Power, it is beyond your mind. And this creates a big ego in our heads, when we start thinking about it and judging it; it becomes a kind of a big barrier, because with your judgment you cannot understand reality. With your reasoning, you cannot understand truth. You have to go beyond your reasoning, and that’s what I find in Europe is very difficult for people to go beyond thinking. So if we have to take to reality, we have to understand that so far we do not know anything and we do not know through our brains, whatever is a human brain is. So we have to go beyond and that “going beyond” you have achieved, I’m not saying that you have not achieved it, but you have to struggle a lot, because your mind, English language “mind” is funny – but I mean your heart and your brain were all the time quarreling with each other. And that’s why this has happened. So now surrendering means that keep your brain on one side, your reasoning on one side, your discussion on one side, it cannot be discussed. Though Sahaja Yoga is absolutely the truth, is the reality, not only that, but it is absolutely conclusive and it is tangible, you can verify it and you can find out. But if you want to do it through your reasoning process, you can never do it. Now as you all have got realization, now you have come up to that point, what they say is you have to have now an enlightened bhakti, enlightened surrendering. Now what do you surrender? What do I take from you, nothing. But to enjoy it fully, you stop your thinking. You see when this case of Marcus came in I was surprised that people suggested that there are some Sahaja yogis, who are dwindling. I was surprised. You can see he is a fraud, he has been a fraud. And just how many fraudulent things already which we may have not exposed him. And still you start dwindling means what do you think about yourself. You have to think that you have to achieve that spirituality, that height, that greatness, which is absolutely rare. You may pay any amount of money, you may live in the best houses, you may have the best cars. But you cannot achieve that state, that higher state. And I was surprised at these people how they have developed to such an extent, such ordinary people, in say, Romania. Such ordinary people have siddhis. They said, “Mother, whatever we desire, we get. Whatever we want, it happens.” So they have grown so much. Why? They are also professionals, they are also doctors and engineers and all that, all very well-educated people. But they could not develop their ego, because they didn’t have this so-called freedom to develop it. And with that they have achieved a state in which - when they tell Me I was surprised, they tell Me so many things, which I was really surprised. Now, they know all the songs by heart, how they can do it, I can’t understand. Now, nobody has taught them any music, nothing. And some French tried, so French themselves do not know [as they shouldn’t have, they know]. They know all the words in Sanskrit, what to say where. It’s very surprising how they have dedicated themselves to achieving knowledge and vocabulary and how to explain it to others. So that now they are going from villages to villages singing songs and bringing people up. But still we do not have that surrendering. I think so to Sahaja Yoga, so if you want to be benevolent to yourself, now try to understand that so far we never achieved anything. What we have to achieve is this great thing. Now for that, if there is any ego, please remove it. It’s very important. You must have seen how they were surrendered. They know I am Holy Ghost, they know. Now supposing I’m Christ and I’m before you. If Christ is there then what? You would just fall. But I’m the Holy Ghost, no doubt. Christ didn’t give realization to anyone, did He? How long did He live? Only thirty-four years and just went away. I have to continue till you people understand Sahaja Yoga, till you take over. Also we have to now decide that we have to be collective no doubt, we have to be collective. And secondly, that we have to go all out to give realizations to others, to go to villages. Everybody must take it up. You have been granted such a great position and now if you do not use it, it is useless. So you have to go and meet people in villages. Everybody must take up responsibility. And in the villages of Austria it can be done very easily I think, because the people are already getting fed up with the Catholic Church and all that, and so many things are coming now, this Pope is also resigning. He’s also going away; he’s got cancer of the prostrate. So now, you have much better chances and you have to work it out. Another thing is that what I told them in the airport that I would like tell you also. One of the things, which is ruining west is that we are all the time playing into the hands of the entrepreneurs. We should not, as far as possible, purchase anything, which is suggested as a fashion, by any chance. They are befooling us. Try to understand. Take to something that is just made in Austria with hand. Even clothes you should have, which are traditional. No use taking things made in America, made in this place. They are having recession and sending all their junk to you people and you are buying them. Just try to think about it. Now, the hairstyles also, see. I met one fellow from Colombo, who is doing hairstyling. So he asked Me, “Why don’t You come for Your hairstyle?” I said, “I don’t want you to do My hairstyle. I’m all right as it is now.” So he said, “No, no you better come for your Hairstyle, I’ll do this…” I said, “I don’t want to look like a bhoot.” So he said, “No, no, no these are bhoots after all,” He told Me, “but don’t you know that they are mad people here.” I said, “Really?” “Yes. Now we have started a new type of a thing that you put a kind of a wax and pull out the hair like this.” So they are [INAUDIBLE]. Now with this wax all their hair will be finished and there won’t be any hair, and then they’ll become bald. “Then I think it is very bad that you are doing.” “No, then we can sell them wigs.” So, I would suggest that now you look after your hair, because I feel that you will become one day bald, if you don’t look after your hair. Don’t make them starve for oil, must use oil, and once at least on Saturdays, please use oil and your hair should be shiny, if you use oil and wash it once. There should not be any sort of a nourishment less for your hair, which is very important. Otherwise, some time we find all the bald-headed Sahaja Yogis going around. So again and again I’ve requested that please put oil every Saturday, is for your good. Quite a lot of it and wash your hair properly and next day it’s done, it’s clean. But you must put oil for one night, this is very important, because we have to have a decent appearance, not indecent as in these days people are having indecent appearances. We should have very decent appearance, dignified appearance, and for that please try that you look after yourselves. Now these casual clothes that these Americans are making, they are extremely shabby dresses. I don’t like them at all, they are extremely shabby. These coats and things that you have, better you donate them to someone. It’s useless, they become dirty, they smell. Why not have your traditional dresses that you had. They look so nice. And the traditional dresses that you have got in Austria must have come since long and they must be absolutely good, absolutely all right for this climate of yours. Otherwise, why will they have these dresses? They must have tried everything traditionally with this trial and error and error and trial. With that method, they must have got these proper dresses for you. So better take to it. But why have these horrible plastic things and plastic clothes? We are Sahaja yogis, I’m not saying you wear those orange clothes, I’m not saying that. But we should be decently dressed and not indecently that you wear something casual. In America when I went, they were all asking, “Are You foreigner, are You a foreigner?” I couldn’t understand why are they saying that and so then doctor Worlikar told Me that you have to wear casual dresses whether you go to office, whether you go anywhere you have to be casual. One should not, because dress gives you a feeling. Now, supposing, if I’m going for the puja and I’m wearing a casual coat. Well, how will I look like? Everything has a purpose. Everything has a meaning. So you must understand the dignity of your personality that, if you are going, say, for office work, if you are going for your work, then wear a decent dress. This casual dress, I don’t know which is the place you should wear, because in the night when you sleep you wear sleeping dresses and these casual dresses are really good for nothing. Moreover in Cabella, we discovered at least hundred of these coats, ladies’ and gents’, and we didn’t know what to do. They were all smelling. They just threw away here and there and there. So better to have something good, which will last for you at least ten years than to have something that will last you only for three months. So this American idea of every time buying something new is nonsensical, which you should not do. We are not Americans nor we are stupid. So buy something that is lasting. With that, what will happen? Your ecological problems are solved. If you have something, which is, say, one coat and pant, whatever it is, for ten years or for, say, five years. And if you have these casual dresses, you will have ten casual dresses equal to this. Now then throw away these casual dresses. You have a pile and pile of these dresses, of pile and pile of these plastics. So we should avoid using such things, which are easily disposable. Clothes disposable, plates disposable, everything disposable. Tomorrow we’ll have noses disposable, we might get another nose to put in. You can change your – you see these entrepreneurs can find out. Anything is possible, already they are having eyebrows, they are having these eyelashes, everything they are having. They are having lips also. So now after some time you will get noses. If you want to change your Austrian nose to that of Arabic one you can get a nose. So will you start changing your noses also to please these people and to fill their pockets? I would like to see Austrians dressed up as Austrians. It’s nice to see the variety. Otherwise, everybody looks the casual American, smelling awfully with the same foot wearing hundred times and then throwing away. So this is what it is. We have to dress up in a decent manner, not a casual manner. We are not casual people, we are serious people. We are doing serious work. We are not casual, we are not living casually, we cannot afford. We are Sahaja yogis. Our life has a purpose, we know why we are here, what we are supposed to do. So we cannot wear casual dresses. And this is something, it’s so new, it has come, these casual dresses has come new, there was no need to bring them in, but it came only, because they had to run their machinery. Every day you should change, that is their idea. Americans go on changing everything every week. They change cars, it’s a fashion. When I went to Seattle – My husband told Me he has been there twenty-five years back. So My husband told Me that it’s a paradise. I said, “Let’s have a look at the paradise after twenty-five years.” So I went on top of the hill, and like cattle there were cars, cars, cars, cars, cars. Anywhere you saw were cars, cars, cars, cars, thousands and thousands of cars. “My God,” I said, “what has happened to this paradise? It is so much full of cars.” They said, “Mother, this is a market. As you have cattle market, like that it is a market for cars.” I said, “Really?” “Yes. Because Americans are like this, they are changing their cars. ” Now they are in recession, they can’t buy one car from that market. This is how recession also comes. Where is your money going here? You are spending on buying today this cloth, tomorrow that, tomorrow that. This is not the way. See now Indians, Indian women have saris. Now sari as you know is very useful thing, may not be for you, but for us. Because it’s a very hot country so we get all the air nicely and the sari need not be tailored, so we don’t play into the hands of tailors. We don’t pay to the tailor, but we pay to the sari. Now this sari will last Me, My life, maybe three lives more. Then this is used for various purposes, it has multipurpose things. Now if somebody says that you wear some other kind of thing, like in India they brought some mini-saree up to Bombay. The mini-sari was up to the knees, you see, for modern ladies. But even the modern ladies would not accept; they said, “No, no, no. Get lost, we don’t want this.” They gave lots of explanations. They said, “Oh, this is economical, this is very good, this, that.” All this going on. I see they wouldn’t accept, because traditionally we have found out that saris are very suitable for Indian culture and Indian life. So, “Get lost!” Nobody can work it out. Our hair, nobody. Except for few women who have been abroad. They go to the hairdressers, they remove their hair, put new ones. Do. Normally we don’t. On the contrary, people are frightened. One lady told Me, “Never go to these hairdressers. I went to one of them and my hair became grey.” I said, “How can that be?” “Yes, she had put something on my head, she said, ‘Very good for you.’ Next day I get up, my hair has become gray.” “What did she do?” I said, “Why do you place your head in the hands of somebody like that?” So this is what I wanted to tell you that now let us start on a traditional trend, new fashion. In a more sober clothes, lasting clothes, lasting dresses, lasting consumption. Also paper, too much paper we use. I mean I was surprised in America every drawing room has a wastepaper basket. Can you believe that? Even the drawing room has a wastepaper basket. Every drawing room has a wastepaper basket, imagine, in the drawing room, everything, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning with the paper. Also so much cleaning I would say for ladies is madness. Like somebody whom I wanted to marry some Swiss girl. He said, “These Swiss girls I don’t want to marry.” I said, “Why? What’s wrong with them?” He said, “They have no time to talk, they are all the time cleaning. You are sitting there, they are cleaning. Anything falls down, they are cleaning, they are busy cleaning. They have no time to talk about Sahaja Yoga. They are only cleaning.” So according to this gentleman they must have been some maid servants in last lives, all the time with the broom. They have no time to settle down and sit down and talk. The house is a cozy place, it’s not a hospital. The husbands also must be getting upset, because if you sit there, “Don’t sit like this, put your chair like this, sit there.” All the time this kind of thing if it goes on, this is compulsing nonsense. See, let the house be little untidy, it doesn’t matter; you can clean it, but all the time to get after cleaning, cleaning house. After all what is left out of it, it is nothing but a house, which we are going to leave. But this cleaning business is too much; that should be reduced, cleaning the house, cleaning the windows, cleaning this, cleaning that, cleaning husband, cleaning everything. So one should not get involved into these mundane things, because now you are Sahaja yogis. Sahaja yogis have a special value, special people of a special quality; they have no time for all this nonsense. Somebody told Me that “Mother why don’t You go for a slimming thing for three months somewhere?” “I don’t get even three days,” I said,.” Where am I going to go for three months? I have no time. I’m busy with my children. I have to work hard. I have no time for this jogging, this, that. Let it be, I can manage.” So you do not have to do the same things that other stupid people are doing here. And you have to look after one thing is that your own Self-realization and giving Self-realization to another. You have a very special life, extremely special life. And once you realize what a special life you have, you will definitely start expressing it yourself in such dynamic manner that one day we might get the whole of Austria, because Austrians are one of the best Europeans I should say, they are very sensible people. But if you do not have your own assessment, then you may try to follow others. And you may suffer from inferiority complex, and you may just do things, which are not necessary. So I think you can give a very good lead to other Europeans also by becoming, accepting what is good for you, for Sahaja Yoga and for this great work. We must realize that it is such great work, it is meta-science, it is beyond science something we have discovered. So now, what is our duty is to dedicate ourselves fully with mind, with our thinking, with our emotions, what we can do to increase or expand this awareness through out the world. All the world problems can be solved and that’s why I accepted when Amir asked Me to come here that I would like to tell them separately about it that it is very important that you realize your value, realize your position in the European countries. It is a new race full of wisdom and compassion. We belong to another race, which is full of wisdom, which cannot accept nonsense, which is going on in the world. So you see, everything very clearly. I was happy today, when you all got one bottle of brandy and wine, and you started laughing at it. See at least, otherwise if you were not Sahaja yogis you would have immediately opened and drank the whole thing, but you did not. On the contrary, you were laughing as if there’s stupidity going on. Now that shows wisdom is there. We have got the wisdom and compassion. By compassion, we’ll spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. So we must have that. As I’ve always said that the Western culture is to see and to be seen. You must see others and others must see us. What’s the use of this joyless pursuit, nonsensical. All your attention is wasted. It is only some entrepreneurs, who want to make money out of you, have put these ideas. So you have to be very careful as to take to this kind of economic exploitation of modern times. And you people being so wise, I’m telling you this, that you have to give lead to others about it and tell them that this is all nonsensical that we have been doing, we are not going to do that anymore. All this nonsense has started only about twenty years back, twenty-five years back, when they said, “Anti-culture!” Because they had gone too far with the tail coats, this, that, of course that is also not necessary. So as a reaction to that they became hippies, and from hippies the improvement is only that they are casual people. What have the hippies achieved, nothing. And what are we going to achieve by being casual? About Sahaja Yoga also we become casual. I’ve seen people become very casual about Sahaja Yoga. There is one girl, who had problem of the glands here. And I told her, she’s an Indian girl, that you must take your three candle treatment. I tell if she had taken only one week she would have been cured. But she did not. What she did, she took only once and after that they went to the doctor. Doctor operated it one after another. After two operations, and now they are giving her medicine, which is killing her liver. If you have faith in Sahaja Yoga, you must take your full treatment with Sahaja Yog. And she could have gone to the doctor, but she should have continued with three candle treatment. Now that poor thing, she is suffering so much. All such things happen when we become arbitrary and we start doing things without asking the leader or without asking Me also. Now we are going to India, and I’m so happy, so many Austrians are coming. But with your dignity, with your wisdom and with your understanding about life as I have told you, you have to show to others how they should behave and how they should be collective. It’s surprising that in Austrians’ collectivity there is such a good understanding. And this is for which I really congratulate you. Otherwise, in every other place I find there’s a quarrel going on, fighting going on, this is going, that is going on. But here it is something so sensible. This is so important. So as you have learned something from Romanians, people have to learn from you, and that’s why it’s important to accept goodness, accept dignity and to become that, you have to be the leaders like that. One has to do it yourselves, then others will follow. If I cannot keep awake, if I cannot travel, how can I ask anybody to keep awake or travel? So we have had nice time, we enjoyed, because we are in the ocean of joy, but what about others? For others, I think we should really little bit change our attitude towards our personality and we should assert our personality in a very quiet manner. But one of the things is because so many people told Me that Sahaja yogis dress up in a very casual manner, you see and we don’t understand them much. Because, you see, if you have to approach the people, who are, say, the cream of society, then you cannot be in a casual dress. If you have to appear before the students or young people, it’s all right. Because also there is madness that you all want to look young, why? What is the need? I would like to look really very old so that I can impress all of you very well. Because sometimes I don’t look so young, people start taking advantage. I’ve seen it. But if I look old, you dare not. This is something we should be proud of our age, everything and we should not try to look young for what? I mean, one should be very, very lucky to grow old with wisdom, but if you are childish like Americans are; at eighty years also they want to do shake dance, when they are shaking themselves. So all these stupidities of Americans I don’t want you to take. And you’ll be surprised that in the whole of America we have only hundred Sahaja yogis. I don’t know from where also they appear, poor things. They must be all crushed in that stupidity and idiocity that Americans have. So we have nothing to learn from idiots and from unwise people. On the contrary, we have to teach all of them our wisdom, our compassion, because we are at a state, which is much higher than they have. They may say they are the higher race, whatever they might, have their own ideas about themselves, but something missing in all of them. They are extremely cruel, quarrelsome and also very idiotic. We understand who are sensible, who are wise, and we are the ones, who have been given wisdom by Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha has changed your genetics, [I see]. Different people you are.. So now, we don’t have to do anything to please others. At the most, at the most to please others you have to impress them by your dignity, kindness, well-mannered behavior, talking sweetly. It’s very important, you must respect yourself. And in respecting yourself you will be surprised how you can improve in every way the condition of Sahaja Yoga all over the world, which is very important. After going to America I was thinking, “How many years I am going to go so far away, travelling every day, how many years now?” Didn’t know what should I say, but we have to be responsible. Like we have Duelio surprising Me. He spent all his money when they started two ashrams. I mean these two ashrams. He started Sahaja Yoga in Brazil. He impressed the President so much that the President had to invite Me to see him. So we have to go all out to see how we are helping Sahaja yogis and how we are creating sahaja yogis, how we are going around. It’s a special request to all the Sahaja yogis from Austria, because you are the astras – I’ve told you, you are the astras – and they can do a lot. So I hope now you take my words very seriously and work it out. Thank you.
Talk to Sahaja Yogis After Diwali I’m sorry it was so such a late time I had to come here. I had to make the food and just after dinner I came and I think the ashram is also very far away. I have to just tell you that we have had a very, very successful tour of South America. And as you must have seen the people of Romania, the people there were extremely surrendered, very surrendered people. And everywhere we had two to three thousand people and everywhere we had more than five hundred people for follow on. So you can imagine, in this short time, this is only the second time I went to Colombia, and we already have got six hundred Sahaja Yogis there. So they are very surrendered people, and though there is so called poverty, in their heart they are very good, very surrendered and they are very fast for accepting pure knowledge. While in the West, as you have seen, they are very slow to accept pure knowledge and also go on doubting till some time. I don’t know what is the reason for this. Why is it that people from countries, which are not democratic to this extent, some of them have been just despotic and quite poor. Even Rio was quite a poor country I would say, where I went. Brazilia is another one, which is coming up. And I was amazed that in Brazil the President of the Senate himself invited Me, got his realization. Apart from that, not only the President of the Senate, but apart from that we had the secretary, the chief secretary of the Cabinet, who got his realization and he might become the President now, because in Brazil, the President was impeached by people. I mean, they are very alert in these things. Of course, there is poverty, and people have problem with the water and all that. But somehow or other I have a feeling that they have some sort of a absorption power by which they understand Sahaja Yoga. It’s not such a mental feat that goes on in the West, to think about it, to understand it with your brains. You cannot. Because it’s a Divine Power, it is beyond your mind. And this creates a big ego in our heads, when we start thinking about it and judging it; it becomes a kind of a big barrier, because with your judgment you cannot understand reality. With your reasoning, you cannot understand truth. You have to go beyond your reasoning, and that’s what I find in Europe is very difficult for people to go beyond thinking. So if we have to take to reality, we have to understand that so far we do not know anything and we do not know through our brains, whatever is a human brain is. So we have to go beyond and that “going beyond” you have achieved, I’m not saying that you have not achieved it, but you have to struggle a lot, because your mind, English language “mind” is funny – but I mean your heart and your brain were all the time quarreling with each other. And that’s why this has happened. So now surrendering means that keep your brain on one side, your reasoning on one side, your discussion on one side, it cannot be discussed. Though Sahaja Yoga is absolutely the truth, is the reality, not only that, but it is absolutely conclusive and it is tangible, you can verify it and you can find out. But if you want to do it through your reasoning process, you can never do it. Now as you all have got realization, now you have come up to that point, what they say is you have to have now an enlightened bhakti, enlightened surrendering. Now what do you surrender? What do I take from you, nothing. But to enjoy it fully, you stop your thinking. You see when this case of Marcus came in I was surprised that people suggested that there are some Sahaja yogis, who are dwindling. I was surprised. You can see he is a fraud, he has been a fraud. And just how many fraudulent things already which we may have not exposed him. And still you start dwindling means what do you think about yourself. You have to think that you have to achieve that spirituality, that height, that greatness, which is absolutely rare. You may pay any amount of money, you may live in the best houses, you may have the best cars. But you cannot achieve that state, that higher state. And I was surprised at these people how they have developed to such an extent, such ordinary people, in say, Romania. Such ordinary people have siddhis. They said, “Mother, whatever we desire, we get. Whatever we want, it happens.” So they have grown so much. Why? They are also professionals, they are also doctors and engineers and all that, all very well-educated people. But they could not develop their ego, because they didn’t have this so-called freedom to develop it. And with that they have achieved a state in which - when they tell Me I was surprised, they tell Me so many things, which I was really surprised. Now, they know all the songs by heart, how they can do it, I can’t understand. Now, nobody has taught them any music, nothing. And some French tried, so French themselves do not know [as they shouldn’t have, they know]. They know all the words in Sanskrit, what to say where. It’s very surprising how they have dedicated themselves to achieving knowledge and vocabulary and how to explain it to others. So that now they are going from villages to villages singing songs and bringing people up. But still we do not have that surrendering. I think so to Sahaja Yoga, so if you want to be benevolent to yourself, now try to understand that so far we never achieved anything. What we have to achieve is this great thing. Now for that, if there is any ego, please remove it. It’s very important. You must have seen how they were surrendered. They know I am Holy Ghost, they know. Now supposing I’m Christ and I’m before you. If Christ is there then what? You would just fall. But I’m the Holy Ghost, no doubt. Christ didn’t give realization to anyone, did He? How long did He live? Only thirty-four years and just went away. I have to continue till you people understand Sahaja Yoga, till you take over. Also we have to now decide that we have to be collective no doubt, we have to be collective. And secondly, that we have to go all out to give realizations to others, to go to villages. Everybody must take it up. You have been granted such a great position and now if you do not use it, it is useless. So you have to go and meet people in villages. Everybody must take up responsibility. And in the villages of Austria it can be done very easily I think, because the people are already getting fed up with the Catholic Church and all that, and so many things are coming now, this Pope is also resigning. He’s also going away; he’s got cancer of the prostrate. So now, you have much better chances and you have to work it out. Another thing is that what I told them in the airport that I would like tell you also. One of the things, which is ruining west is that we are all the time playing into the hands of the entrepreneurs. We should not, as far as possible, purchase anything, which is suggested as a fashion, by any chance. They are befooling us. Try to understand. Take to something that is just made in Austria with hand. Even clothes you should have, which are traditional. No use taking things made in America, made in this place. They are having recession and sending all their junk to you people and you are buying them. Just try to think about it. Now, the hairstyles also, see. I met one fellow from Colombo, who is doing hairstyling. So he asked Me, “Why don’t You come for Your hairstyle?” I said, “I don’t want you to do My hairstyle. I’m all right as it is now.” So he said, “No, no you better come for your Hairstyle, I’ll do this…” I said, “I don’t want to look like a bhoot.” So he said, “No, no, no these are bhoots after all,” He told Me, “but don’t you know that they are mad people here.” I said, “Really?” “Yes. Now we have started a new type of a thing that you put a kind of a wax and pull out the hair like this.” So they are [INAUDIBLE]. Now with this wax all their hair will be finished and there won’t be any hair, and then they’ll become bald. “Then I think it is very bad that you are doing.” “No, then we can sell them wigs.” So, I would suggest that now you look after your hair, because I feel that you will become one day bald, if you don’t look after your hair. Don’t make them starve for oil, must use oil, and once at least on Saturdays, please use oil and your hair should be shiny, if you use oil and wash it once. There should not be any sort of a nourishment less for your hair, which is very important. Otherwise, some time we find all the bald-headed Sahaja Yogis going around. So again and again I’ve requested that please put oil every Saturday, is for your good. Quite a lot of it and wash your hair properly and next day it’s done, it’s clean. But you must put oil for one night, this is very important, because we have to have a decent appearance, not indecent as in these days people are having indecent appearances. We should have very decent appearance, dignified appearance, and for that please try that you look after yourselves. Now these casual clothes that these Americans are making, they are extremely shabby dresses. I don’t like them at all, they are extremely shabby. These coats and things that you have, better you donate them to someone. It’s useless, they become dirty, they smell. Why not have your traditional dresses that you had. They look so nice. And the traditional dresses that you have got in Austria must have come since long and they must be absolutely good, absolutely all right for this climate of yours. Otherwise, why will they have these dresses? They must have tried everything traditionally with this trial and error and error and trial. With that method, they must have got these proper dresses for you. So better take to it. But why have these horrible plastic things and plastic clothes? We are Sahaja yogis, I’m not saying you wear those orange clothes, I’m not saying that. But we should be decently dressed and not indecently that you wear something casual. In America when I went, they were all asking, “Are You foreigner, are You a foreigner?” I couldn’t understand why are they saying that and so then doctor Worlikar told Me that you have to wear casual dresses whether you go to office, whether you go anywhere you have to be casual. One should not, because dress gives you a feeling. Now, supposing, if I’m going for the puja and I’m wearing a casual coat. Well, how will I look like? Everything has a purpose. Everything has a meaning. So you must understand the dignity of your personality that, if you are going, say, for office work, if you are going for your work, then wear a decent dress. This casual dress, I don’t know which is the place you should wear, because in the night when you sleep you wear sleeping dresses and these casual dresses are really good for nothing. Moreover in Cabella, we discovered at least hundred of these coats, ladies’ and gents’, and we didn’t know what to do. They were all smelling. They just threw away here and there and there. So better to have something good, which will last for you at least ten years than to have something that will last you only for three months. So this American idea of every time buying something new is nonsensical, which you should not do. We are not Americans nor we are stupid. So buy something that is lasting. With that, what will happen? Your ecological problems are solved. If you have something, which is, say, one coat and pant, whatever it is, for ten years or for, say, five years. And if you have these casual dresses, you will have ten casual dresses equal to this. Now then throw away these casual dresses. You have a pile and pile of these dresses, of pile and pile of these plastics. So we should avoid using such things, which are easily disposable. Clothes disposable, plates disposable, everything disposable. Tomorrow we’ll have noses disposable, we might get another nose to put in. You can change your – you see these entrepreneurs can find out. Anything is possible, already they are having eyebrows, they are having these eyelashes, everything they are having. They are having lips also. So now after some time you will get noses. If you want to change your Austrian nose to that of Arabic one you can get a nose. So will you start changing your noses also to please these people and to fill their pockets? I would like to see Austrians dressed up as Austrians. It’s nice to see the variety. Otherwise, everybody looks the casual American, smelling awfully with the same foot wearing hundred times and then throwing away. So this is what it is. We have to dress up in a decent manner, not a casual manner. We are not casual people, we are serious people. We are doing serious work. We are not casual, we are not living casually, we cannot afford. We are Sahaja yogis. Our life has a purpose, we know why we are here, what we are supposed to do. So we cannot wear casual dresses. And this is something, it’s so new, it has come, these casual dresses has come new, there was no need to bring them in, but it came only, because they had to run their machinery. Every day you should change, that is their idea. Americans go on changing everything every week. They change cars, it’s a fashion. When I went to Seattle – My husband told Me he has been there twenty-five years back. So My husband told Me that it’s a paradise. I said, “Let’s have a look at the paradise after twenty-five years.” So I went on top of the hill, and like cattle there were cars, cars, cars, cars, cars. Anywhere you saw were cars, cars, cars, cars, thousands and thousands of cars. “My God,” I said, “what has happened to this paradise? It is so much full of cars.” They said, “Mother, this is a market. As you have cattle market, like that it is a market for cars.” I said, “Really?” “Yes. Because Americans are like this, they are changing their cars. ” Now they are in recession, they can’t buy one car from that market. This is how recession also comes. Where is your money going here? You are spending on buying today this cloth, tomorrow that, tomorrow that. This is not the way. See now Indians, Indian women have saris. Now sari as you know is very useful thing, may not be for you, but for us. Because it’s a very hot country so we get all the air nicely and the sari need not be tailored, so we don’t play into the hands of tailors. We don’t pay to the tailor, but we pay to the sari. Now this sari will last Me, My life, maybe three lives more. Then this is used for various purposes, it has multipurpose things. Now if somebody says that you wear some other kind of thing, like in India they brought some mini-saree up to Bombay. The mini-sari was up to the knees, you see, for modern ladies. But even the modern ladies would not accept; they said, “No, no, no. Get lost, we don’t want this.” They gave lots of explanations. They said, “Oh, this is economical, this is very good, this, that.” All this going on. I see they wouldn’t accept, because traditionally we have found out that saris are very suitable for Indian culture and Indian life. So, “Get lost!” Nobody can work it out. Our hair, nobody. Except for few women who have been abroad. They go to the hairdressers, they remove their hair, put new ones. Do. Normally we don’t. On the contrary, people are frightened. One lady told Me, “Never go to these hairdressers. I went to one of them and my hair became grey.” I said, “How can that be?” “Yes, she had put something on my head, she said, ‘Very good for you.’ Next day I get up, my hair has become gray.” “What did she do?” I said, “Why do you place your head in the hands of somebody like that?” So this is what I wanted to tell you that now let us start on a traditional trend, new fashion. In a more sober clothes, lasting clothes, lasting dresses, lasting consumption. Also paper, too much paper we use. I mean I was surprised in America every drawing room has a wastepaper basket. Can you believe that? Even the drawing room has a wastepaper basket. Every drawing room has a wastepaper basket, imagine, in the drawing room, everything, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning with the paper. Also so much cleaning I would say for ladies is madness. Like somebody whom I wanted to marry some Swiss girl. He said, “These Swiss girls I don’t want to marry.” I said, “Why? What’s wrong with them?” He said, “They have no time to talk, they are all the time cleaning. You are sitting there, they are cleaning. Anything falls down, they are cleaning, they are busy cleaning. They have no time to talk about Sahaja Yoga. They are only cleaning.” So according to this gentleman they must have been some maid servants in last lives, all the time with the broom. They have no time to settle down and sit down and talk. The house is a cozy place, it’s not a hospital. The husbands also must be getting upset, because if you sit there, “Don’t sit like this, put your chair like this, sit there.” All the time this kind of thing if it goes on, this is compulsing nonsense. See, let the house be little untidy, it doesn’t matter; you can clean it, but all the time to get after cleaning, cleaning house. After all what is left out of it, it is nothing but a house, which we are going to leave. But this cleaning business is too much; that should be reduced, cleaning the house, cleaning the windows, cleaning this, cleaning that, cleaning husband, cleaning everything. So one should not get involved into these mundane things, because now you are Sahaja yogis. Sahaja yogis have a special value, special people of a special quality; they have no time for all this nonsense. Somebody told Me that “Mother why don’t You go for a slimming thing for three months somewhere?” “I don’t get even three days,” I said,.” Where am I going to go for three months? I have no time. I’m busy with my children. I have to work hard. I have no time for this jogging, this, that. Let it be, I can manage.” So you do not have to do the same things that other stupid people are doing here. And you have to look after one thing is that your own Self-realization and giving Self-realization to another. You have a very special life, extremely special life. And once you realize what a special life you have, you will definitely start expressing it yourself in such dynamic manner that one day we might get the whole of Austria, because Austrians are one of the best Europeans I should say, they are very sensible people. But if you do not have your own assessment, then you may try to follow others. And you may suffer from inferiority complex, and you may just do things, which are not necessary. So I think you can give a very good lead to other Europeans also by becoming, accepting what is good for you, for Sahaja Yoga and for this great work. We must realize that it is such great work, it is meta-science, it is beyond science something we have discovered. So now, what is our duty is to dedicate ourselves fully with mind, with our thinking, with our emotions, what we can do to increase or expand this awareness through out the world. All the world problems can be solved and that’s why I accepted when Amir asked Me to come here that I would like to tell them separately about it that it is very important that you realize your value, realize your position in the European countries. It is a new race full of wisdom and compassion. We belong to another race, which is full of wisdom, which cannot accept nonsense, which is going on in the world. So you see, everything very clearly. I was happy today, when you all got one bottle of brandy and wine, and you started laughing at it. See at least, otherwise if you were not Sahaja yogis you would have immediately opened and drank the whole thing, but you did not. On the contrary, you were laughing as if there’s stupidity going on. Now that shows wisdom is there. We have got the wisdom and compassion. By compassion, we’ll spread Sahaja Yoga everywhere. So we must have that. As I’ve always said that the Western culture is to see and to be seen. You must see others and others must see us. What’s the use of this joyless pursuit, nonsensical. All your attention is wasted. It is only some entrepreneurs, who want to make money out of you, have put these ideas. So you have to be very careful as to take to this kind of economic exploitation of modern times. And you people being so wise, I’m telling you this, that you have to give lead to others about it and tell them that this is all nonsensical that we have been doing, we are not going to do that anymore. All this nonsense has started only about twenty years back, twenty-five years back, when they said, “Anti-culture!” Because they had gone too far with the tail coats, this, that, of course that is also not necessary. So as a reaction to that they became hippies, and from hippies the improvement is only that they are casual people. What have the hippies achieved, nothing. And what are we going to achieve by being casual? About Sahaja Yoga also we become casual. I’ve seen people become very casual about Sahaja Yoga. There is one girl, who had problem of the glands here. And I told her, she’s an Indian girl, that you must take your three candle treatment. I tell if she had taken only one week she would have been cured. But she did not. What she did, she took only once and after that they went to the doctor. Doctor operated it one after another. After two operations, and now they are giving her medicine, which is killing her liver. If you have faith in Sahaja Yoga, you must take your full treatment with Sahaja Yog. And she could have gone to the doctor, but she should have continued with three candle treatment. Now that poor thing, she is suffering so much. All such things happen when we become arbitrary and we start doing things without asking the leader or without asking Me also. Now we are going to India, and I’m so happy, so many Austrians are coming. But with your dignity, with your wisdom and with your understanding about life as I have told you, you have to show to others how they should behave and how they should be collective. It’s surprising that in Austrians’ collectivity there is such a good understanding. And this is for which I really congratulate you. Otherwise, in every other place I find there’s a quarrel going on, fighting going on, this is going, that is going on. But here it is something so sensible. This is so important. So as you have learned something from Romanians, people have to learn from you, and that’s why it’s important to accept goodness, accept dignity and to become that, you have to be the leaders like that. One has to do it yourselves, then others will follow. If I cannot keep awake, if I cannot travel, how can I ask anybody to keep awake or travel? So we have had nice time, we enjoyed, because we are in the ocean of joy, but what about others? For others, I think we should really little bit change our attitude towards our personality and we should assert our personality in a very quiet manner. But one of the things is because so many people told Me that Sahaja yogis dress up in a very casual manner, you see and we don’t understand them much. Because, you see, if you have to approach the people, who are, say, the cream of society, then you cannot be in a casual dress. If you have to appear before the students or young people, it’s all right. Because also there is madness that you all want to look young, why? What is the need? I would like to look really very old so that I can impress all of you very well. Because sometimes I don’t look so young, people start taking advantage. I’ve seen it. But if I look old, you dare not. This is something we should be proud of our age, everything and we should not try to look young for what? I mean, one should be very, very lucky to grow old with wisdom, but if you are childish like Americans are; at eighty years also they want to do shake dance, when they are shaking themselves. So all these stupidities of Americans I don’t want you to take. And you’ll be surprised that in the whole of America we have only hundred Sahaja yogis. I don’t know from where also they appear, poor things. They must be all crushed in that stupidity and idiocity that Americans have. So we have nothing to learn from idiots and from unwise people. On the contrary, we have to teach all of them our wisdom, our compassion, because we are at a state, which is much higher than they have. They may say they are the higher race, whatever they might, have their own ideas about themselves, but something missing in all of them. They are extremely cruel, quarrelsome and also very idiotic. We understand who are sensible, who are wise, and we are the ones, who have been given wisdom by Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha has changed your genetics, [I see]. Different people you are.. So now, we don’t have to do anything to please others. At the most, at the most to please others you have to impress them by your dignity, kindness, well-mannered behavior, talking sweetly. It’s very important, you must respect yourself. And in respecting yourself you will be surprised how you can improve in every way the condition of Sahaja Yoga all over the world, which is very important. After going to America I was thinking, “How many years I am going to go so far away, travelling every day, how many years now?” Didn’t know what should I say, but we have to be responsible. Like we have Duelio surprising Me. He spent all his money when they started two ashrams. I mean these two ashrams. He started Sahaja Yoga in Brazil. He impressed the President so much that the President had to invite Me to see him. So we have to go all out to see how we are helping Sahaja yogis and how we are creating sahaja yogis, how we are going around. It’s a special request to all the Sahaja yogis from Austria, because you are the astras – I’ve told you, you are the astras – and they can do a lot. So I hope now you take my words very seriously and work it out. Thank you.
Evening, Debu Chaudhuri, Sitar
Evening Program
Evening Program eve of Christmas Puja
Evening Program
Jadish Prasad Concert
Evening Program
Christmas Puja: Express Christ In Your Life
English, Hindi
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 1992. [English translation from Hindi] Today we are here to celebrate the birthday of Shri Jesus Christ. His incarnation was a very great event. And even in the scriptures (“Shastras”) it has been described that how there will be an incarnation of Shri Mahavishnu in this world and that he will be the foundation of the entire world. As the religions went in opposite (“vipareet”) directions, it went into different-different directions and everything plunged into darkness and ignorance. That is why, its units (“ektanata”), one after another in this beautiful tree of the Divine (“Paramatma”) power, the beautiful-beautiful incarnations that had taken place, taking them altogether different types of religions got established, and taking such dead flowers, people made their own religions and started fighting amongst themselves. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. There is a proof for this, and the proof I will explain in English in sometime. But from his life, we need to learn that the life of Jesus Christ was utmost pure. Just as Shri Ganesha is pure, in the same manner after coming in this world, after living in this world as well, he led a life of utmost purity because impurity could not touch him. It was such a special incarnation and because of this incarnation, a very big incident happened in this world that our Agnya Chakra got opened. When he was put on the pedestal (“padastam”), on the cross, our Agnya Chakra opened and this was the great sacrifice (“daan”) he made for us. And he had to do it as it was destined for him and it was like a play for him. At a very young age, he did all this work. But is has had an inversion effect on Christianity religion that people do not understand that the life of a pure person like Jesus Christ which people consider at their sustenance (“aadhaar”), how could they lose their way in such a manner? The reason for this is vitriol (“vidrup”) form of religion. Similarly in our country also, there have been many vitriol forms of Hindu religion, in which there are tantriks and different types of people in holy places, and temples, and have committed a lot of dirty, obscene (“ashleel”) activities. They have spoiled the temples also and have turned the meaning (“bhavana”) of religion inside out. Regarding this, I have to tell only one thing that a lot of work was done by them and they left and they have done such hard work and the way they have bound the tree of Kundalini and the most important element of it is the Agnya Chakra was opened by Jesus Christ through his sacrifice. He has done a tremendous favour to us on this account. [Shri Mataji speaks in English] I have said a lot of things regarding Christ before, and how Jesus Christ is related to Shri Radhaji, that he is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, who was the son of the Adi Shakti to begin with. But then he was given to Shri Radhaji and Shri Radha created as Mahalakshmi, as Mother Mary, this great incarnation of Christ. Now, for western mind, it is impossible to understand how there can be a immaculate conception, because they have no sense at all, no sensitivity at all to spiritual life. We Indians can understand it. It is easy for Indians to understand because we had Shri Ganesha created that way, we just believe it we don’t doubt these things. Whatever is said about God is not to be doubted with this limited brain. That is not done in India. But in the west, from the very birth of Christ, they have had arguments, arguments, arguments, arguments with this limited brain they had, and the whole religion in the name of Christ is just a perversion. Such a horrible things have been said that is unbelievable. His purity, his holiness, his auspiciousness, is never understood in the west I think. Those who follow, follow Christianity, how can they be so debased in their moral character. They are alright for their political, their economical, we can say their legal side. But their moral sense is absolutely missing, it is very surprising. Those who are the followers of Christ should have the greater amount of morality. He has said that ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’. Such a subtle thing, even the eye should not have adultery, should not have lust and greed. Such a subtle thing he has said it and just think, in the west people could not follow it because the whole religion got perverted under the influence of Paul and Peter. It’s a very serious thing that they have done against Christ and still going on. Still this Catholic Church though being exposed so much is still going on in India also, all over, is stupid this Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name they would have brought to Christ? One should see the first and foremost thing he has said that ‘You must enter into the Kingdom of God; that you must be born again.’ So it is all mental that you must be born again, you have a certificate that you are born again, finished. So this mental attitude of the west is responsible for killing the great incarnation of Christ. So I think is another crucifixion. Mentally you cannot understand spirituality. So they were telling me all ‘Brain Trust”, “Brain Trust”. I said brain trusting I cannot understand in Sahaja yoga. In Sahaja yoga what is the brain trust? Where is the brain? In thoughtless awareness, where is the brain? So this brain trust business might be alright for any other place. But for Sahaja yoga, I still don’t understand what do you do in brain trust? Because some people want to come on the stage and speak you see. They have kind of a madness, they can’t get over it. So they might be coming to the brain trust, may be. But it is not brain, it is the heart. It is the heart which has to be opened out. Because, with the brain what we do is all kinds of materialism. All kinds of nonsense has come from human brain only. Not so much from animal’s brain. You can see if you go to any forest, it is clean, nice, feeling so well. But you put one human being there and you will know that this filth, dirt has come from some human being. So, as it is they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, but worst is done to Christ and I feel what a waste it was. So, we must understand Christ in the right sense. He is the eternal child. He is the innocence itself. He is the source of innocence and he is the bestower of all blessings in all chakras. But that doesn’t mean that you are Christians, you should be very proud that ohhhh she is talking about Christ. Many I have seen Sahaja yogis, are still identified with Christ, while they have nothing to do with Christ at all. Now, one has to understand that how Christ in his miraculous life has shown so many miracles. First of all his birth, was immaculate. Every kind of birth is immaculate. They are beyond sins. They are special people. They may come as human beings, they may come as angels, they may come as anything. They are divine, and we should understand that this little brain of ours cannot discuss about them and talk about them. But is to just surrender and worship them. They are much beyond us. So, for the western mind, it is important to understand that the life of Christ was such a blessing for them, that they have lost it, they have wasted it and they have never understood how to respect it. The whole thing became like a political, economical, nonsensical fraud. I had told you long time back that how we can prove that Christ was Ganesha and he was the logos and he was the, what we call is he Bramhanad, the first sound. By looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the Mooladhara, you will see Swastikas, because it is made of carbon atom. If you see from left to the right you can see Omkara, and if you see from down upwards, it looks like Alpha and Omega. In those days, Christ has said “I am the Alpha and I am the Omega”. And now we have made the animation, we have no arrangement to show there. I don’t know if you could arrange it somehow. But you can see it clearly, what I have said can be proved. So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ, in the same manner for all those who worship Ganesha. Because I have seen that the Hindus, they are stuck to Ganesha, and Christians are stuck to Christ. Even after coming to Sahaja yoga, they carry those traits. Ganesha is alright up to a point and then it is important that we must pray to his incarnation that is Christ. In the same way, those who worship Christ, must also worship Ganesha, because he is the source, he is the potential of Christ. All this was in the divine plan, done with divine discretion. Everything was done so beautifully, but as I told you human beings are good at massacring anything that is beautiful. And that’s how it has happened. It is very, very sad, and on his birthday today, we have to decide that he is to be born within us again, in a proper way. That he is the Alpha and the Omega. At that time of his time I didn’t know that anybody knew about these symbols. These symbols also must have come from unconscious to some of the great mathematicians in long time and that’s why these symbols are used exactly like Alpha and Omega, you see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in Sahaja yoga, we can prove so many things, all tangible. How Christ used to cure people, what did he do, it’s all tangible, we can prove it now in Sahaja yoga, how it works out, how these powers work out, but we have to first of all cleanse our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life. I have seen those stalls outside, I had told them not to put up any stalls here, because they are making profits for themselves, not for Sahaja yoga. Once Christ saw like that and he took a hunter and hit all of them. Now, I can’t do that. One should not encourage these people. It’s not a shopping centre here, you have come for meditation. Is all right, if you need anything, we have bought things for you, if you buy them, there might be little profit, may not be, but that will all go to Sahaja yoga, is not going to be used for any private purpose. But these people from outside come and put up a stall and you all run about means you are still hanging around with that thing. You have come here for what? Ine should be all the time meditative in Ganapatipule. All the time you should be in a meditative condition and shouldn’t get to these mundane things, which you always do outside also. But these people know that you still have those weaknesses, that’s why they have put up the stalls. Leaders should stop all this nonsense, I have told not to eat outside. Last time all of you suffered because of that. But still the stalls are on, that means they know that there are some culprits who would like to buy things from them and get sick and bring bad name to Sahaja yoga. So, the first attention of Ganesha is that wisdom and that wisdom we see in the life of Christ. From the very beginning, he was so confident of it that at the age of twelve years, he went and talked to these ‘Farcis’, means the people who were priests. We still have priests and mullahs and these ‘bhatjis’ (brahman priests), and all of them these so-called Dharma Martandas (“Religion Markans”), all over. But he went and argued with them at that young age, and he was just saying “What are you doing here? What is this? What are you talking? All lip service”. He was discussing and talking to them. But his parents were perhaps, were frightened that these people might kill him, so they brought him to India. He came to India for wisdom. I don’t know where is that wisdom missing now from Indians. But must be this country was full of wisdom when he came and stayed in India and we have lots of memories about him. Even King Shalivahana met him, is described in his book that he met a man in Kashmir who was very saintly, and he asked him “What’s your name?” He said “My name is Isa”. See now, imagine “Isa”. “I” (pronounced as “E” in Sanskrit) is the word used in Vedas for the Adi Shakti. “Sa” means with. He said my name is Isa. He said from what country you come? He said I come from a country which is foreign to me, and this is my country. So, this India, the Bharat, the Hindusthan, was the country of spirituality and one should not try to compete and feel inferior to other countries, who have gone up materially higher. You don’t know where they are. But we are spiritually higher. That’s what Christ said, “This is my own country, is clearly written. That means Christ recognised that this country of spirituality, is his own. So, we belong to that country of spirituality, and not to the materialistic or to the mundane or the baser type of life. In his life time, which was so very short, whatever he has said, every word is great. But as I told you that this Paul tried to completely change, re-edit the Bible and he’s put lots of things in there, whatever weakness he has, he has put them nicely. Now recently I got a book which was hidden in a jar in Egypt for about, till fifty years they discovered it, and this book is called as the “Library of Hamadhi”. The place was called Hamadhi where it was discovered, and what Christ has said, what Thomas has written, when Thomas was coming to India he put all these things there, is very interesting. About drinking, he said drinking begets debauchery. It’s a bad word to use and while Christians don’t know. On the contrary they think that drinking is allowed in Christianity, very nicely. Was he mad to allow drinking? How can he allow drinking which goes against your awareness? But they thought it was nice, and that’s what people have been using as a big attraction that you can drink in Christianity. So in the other religion, like Catholic religion, you could have only once the marriage. So, they have one marriage and ten keeps, is all right, is allowed. In the Bible, it is written only you can have one marriage and you cannot divorce, do what you like. No sense of morality and everything came like a derailment towards themselves and they accepted one after another, all kinds of nonsense, and the basic thing of life of Christ is morality. He is on the left side as you can see he’s from Shri Ganesha, and then he establishes himself at Agnya. But morality is the essence of his life, what we call in Indian language is character. Our character is how we lead a life of purity. We indulge into all kinds of nonsense. I mean if you go to the west, you will be amazed what things they do. I mean you cannot even believe it and I cannot even mention it to you, you won’t believe that these so-called advanced countries are advancing towards what. Impossible we cannot even conceive it even, such an impurity, such a horrible, destructive immorality and I don’t know from where it comes. I think something wrong with genetics. From where do they get these ideas? One after another. It’s impossible to believe these people doing all these things and then nicely dress up and go to Church on Sunday, pray to God and come back. Now it is for you to decide. You have to pull out all those people in your own countries and you have to tell them this is all nonsense in the name of Christ, in the name of God. You have to come up and talk about it. Same about Shri Ganesh. I have seen in Pune (“Poona”), I was surprised there was Ganesha festival (“Mahotsav”). Everybody was drinking nicely, the horrible dirty songs, some western songs, some horrible cinema songs put up there and everybody was using as a disco in front of Shri Ganesh. Sahaja Yogis should go and object to this kind of a nonsense they are doing. That how could they dare drink in the presence of Shri Ganesh? No wisdom of Shri Ganesha, no respect for his auspiciousness. Now not only drinking, doing all kinds of things. Shri Ganesha has been shown by these tantrikas as something so horrible, which is also done by so many psychologists, so called, in the west. Thank God, one of them is Mr. Freud is exposed now. So the another quality of Ganesha, is shown in Christ’s life, is a devotion to mother. In that book the Mary is telling them about knowledge, but this Paul objects to it. And she says that this is what you have to achieve. But he doesn’t want to, he is arguing with her, but then Thomas said that what Christ has said on the Cross, “Behold the Mother”. She is the mother of Christ and how dare you insult her? But just the opposite, Paul never respected women. So he appointed, I mean he called her just a woman. No respect for Mahalakshmi, no respect. Can you imagine, just a woman. And a big controversy going on thse so called advanced people, whether the women should be ordained as Priests or not. We think we are very backward, but I think they are so backward in religion, nonsense. We had Gargi, Maitreyi, such people here and we respect the Mother as the “Adi Shakti”. She is the one we call her, the one who has created us, she is the one who looks after us. For us, she is important, Shakti is important. They don’t call her Shakti but a woman and supposed to be very advanced people, and all other nonsenses they do in the name of advancement. It’s impossible to tell, my words feel short, feel so ashamed, in the name of Christ. Today now when we are celebrating the pure life of Christ, he came on this Earth. They can’t believe that he could have been so pure. A criminal cannot believe that others could be non-criminal. So we have to within ourselves see if we have developed that purity of mind that expresses through our eyes. Eyes have to become innocent, otherwise they have no effect. If you are hankering after attracting other people and charming other people and all that, you are not a Sahaja Yogi, there is no need. Once the light is within yourself, people will know. As Sahaja yogis, you have to have the light of Christ in your own life. He was a young man who came on this Earth and how he lived. He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene who was a prostitute. But he stood by truth, and when people started stoning her, he stood up and said “those who have not committed any sin, can throw the stone at me.” What a strength of truth. So not only he was a pure personality, but purity is also expressed in truth and his compassion and love. Such compassion he has expressed, such compassion. I think Shri Ganesha got a little transformation. Shri Ganesha is definitely very compassionate to people who are worshiping him but those who go against them, he hits them hard. He doesn’t spare them. They have to suffer AIDS, this, that, everything comes. But those who are pure people, Shri Ganesha protects. But Christ is compassionate, he forgives because he believes that there could be a transformation. At the level of Shri Ganesha, he thinks is better that let them be killed and be born again, because they are so impure. But Christ had hopes that he can transform people, but he could not. They crucified him. What wonderful people they must have been to crucify Christ. Brainless, we should call them, absolutely without any understanding about spirituality, very insensitive to true knowledge. So, for Sahaja yoga only the wise can follow. It is not meant for stupid, idiotic people, nor it is meant for very smart ones. Some people think they are very smart because they are successful in life, they can say some smart sentences, they can something very, aaahhhh, outstandingly very sharp, it’s not meant for that. For that Christ has said “Meek in heart will inherit the Earth”. Meek in heart, not those who think too much of themselves. But who are meek in heart will inherit the Earth. Amongst Sahaja Yogis also only those who are meek in heart will inherit the blessings of Mother. You have to be meek, you have to be wise and with wisdom you will become meek. Because then you will see where are we into this great cosmos that, you will feel that you have entered into this Kingdom of God, for what? How? How have we come here? How have we entered here? So many tried, thousands of years sacrificing this, sacrificing that, standing on their heads, fasting. How is it suddenly we got this blessing? How are we there? When we start looking at this, we become meek. Is the blessing, is the grace. It’s not through our ego, through our conditionings, but is just the grace, the compassion, the love, the intense compassion (“Sandra Karuna”), and then you enjoy your transformed life, the new dimension of spirituality which is in reality. Now you know reality, you know totality, you know everything, but those who have not known themselves, have not become Sahaja yogis. Tukarama has said in very simple words “Aapnase janlie jyani” – the one who has known himself is the last one. You can judge the chakras of others, but you can’t judge your own chakras. You can introspect others, you can judge others, but you cannot judge yourself. You know everything about others, but about yourself, you don’t know anything, then you are not Sahaja yogis. First thing you must know yourself. What sort of a ego stuff I am doing? What sort of a conditioning I have got? Even now you people have so many conditionings. So there is a new discipline of Sahaja yoga. In the new discipline you have to be meek, humble and you have to be wise. Every step of yours, every talk of yours, everything should express wisdom, and the Sahaja discipline which automatically stop you from doing wrong things. Now say I am walking down and some lady suddenly falls at my feet without even understanding that I am just walking, I may fall down or catches hold of my feet, is all self-oriented. “I should see mother, I should go and meet her, I touched her feet”, is all ego. A Sahaja yogi stands in the back, real Sahaja yogi is at the back. From there he can enjoy because he knows I am everywhere. He doesn’t want to see me, nothing, just like this, standing. He doesn’t force his way in any way. Mother is here. But this is what it is Christ had said “meek in heart”. There’s a very big word “meek” and people don’t understand meek because in the west if you are meek, people say you are weak, you have to be aggressive. If they have to praise somebody, they’ll say, oh he is very good, he is very aggressive. I think their genetics are little lower than normal, must be some animals is in them. Otherwise how can they think that to be aggressive is being something higher? It’s impossible, how can a person who is supposed to be a higher person, could be like a devil? How could Hitler say that he was a higher race when he himself was a devil? Is very nice for a devil to say I am a higher race. So in dealing in Sahaja yoga, the sweetness of natural meekness, not artificial of a businessman, but a natural one that makes you shine with your great, great spirituality. Nobody can touch you, I have told you, except for you. You can only fall down, but nobody can touch you, you are all protected from every angle. But if you want to hit yourself, I can’t help it. So again we come to Tukarama saying, as Christ has said “Know thyself”. First and foremost thing of introspection is “know thyself”. What you are doing, are you trying to look at yourself or not? He has also said that we see a big beam into the eyes of others, then it’ alright. But the beam is in your eyes, and you start seeing the beam in others eyes, that’s the point. So in your meditation you have to sit down and first of all introspect. “Oh Christ, Oh Shri Ganesha, please give me the wisdom to see myself and understand what’s wrong with me, and understand where do I lack all the qualities of a good Sahaja yogi? Just to meditate and you will feel so happy, so joyous, because virtue within you gives you joy. But you don’t say I am virtuous, you dont say that, but the virtue within you when you discover, that gives you joy and not your bad qualities and your hankerings, , your lust and greed, no it does not. So we must really concentrate, even coming to Sahaja yoga people think how I ca use it for say ahhhh fame, leadership you see is another myth. Then they sometimes think why not use it for making some money somehow. Some sort of a business they start. Don’t do any business with Sahaja yoga or with Sahaja yogis. I have told you hundred times, if you do it you will be in trouble and then don’t come and tell me the trouble. Sahaja yoga is only God’s business, that’s all. Everything that you are doing is for God and that’s why you are doing it for yourself. So introspection is very important, criticising others should be less and criticising yourself and laughing at yourself is the best. I laugh at myself many a times and say many things like that, if you have noticed, that makes life so interesting. That will kill your ego. How I am trying to assert myself and where is the meekness that Christ has talked about? It is a natural goodness within us. Once it shines and shows, you become so beautiful, so loveable. Whether you are sitting here near me or there, I know who is that kind. My heart just opens for such a personality. I know who they are. But even I know, I will never tell you, it is better that you know yourself. “Know Thyself” is his message, in the real way not with deception because you are deceiving yourself. Whom are you deceiving? “Know thyself” without any deception, without any lies, with full concentration, see where is your attention going, that’s how you are going to rise. You are not going to rise by seeing the defects of others, but you are going to rise only by seeing your own defects. Exactly this is what Christ has said, I am telling you in very, very simple words. Then he said “love thy neighbour as thyself”, which is a very, very big thing to say. Now it is possible in Sahaja Yoga because you are collective. Those who are not collective, how can they love their neighbour? I mean who is the neighbour then? Nobody is the neighbour, they are outsiders. But as soon as you become collective, see today there are fifty five nations. You are all so collective, so moral, so beautiful, no complications, nothing. I am so overjoyed to see that. But to make it perfect, we should introspect. Socially, collectively you people have improved a lot, but also individually within yourself, you have to improve for your own goodness. So on this great occasion, we have to celebrate because really such a great amount of work was done by Christ, though neutralised by those horrible priests, which is done in every country, in every religion. But now we should take a vow to save others who are taking the name of Christ and doing something just the opposite. If it could be done, if it could be achieved through your lives Christ’s work has been done. You have to now express Christ though your life, this is what it is. Through your life you can express it, through the purity, through the meekness, through the compassion and the wisdom of Christ. Absolutely fearless was he and that’s why you have to be fearless, because you have to be only afraid of God and nobody else. That’s all and if you have done nothing wrong, then there is nothing to be afraid of God also because he loves you very much. So be clear cut about everything, be understanding, you are all lovable people, no doubt, but you should be such that you can adore yourself and love yourself because of the virtues you have. May God bless you all.
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule (India), 25 December 1992. [English translation from Hindi] Today we are here to celebrate the birthday of Shri Jesus Christ. His incarnation was a very great event. And even in the scriptures (“Shastras”) it has been described that how there will be an incarnation of Shri Mahavishnu in this world and that he will be the foundation of the entire world. As the religions went in opposite (“vipareet”) directions, it went into different-different directions and everything plunged into darkness and ignorance. That is why, its units (“ektanata”), one after another in this beautiful tree of the Divine (“Paramatma”) power, the beautiful-beautiful incarnations that had taken place, taking them altogether different types of religions got established, and taking such dead flowers, people made their own religions and started fighting amongst themselves. Jesus Christ is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha. There is a proof for this, and the proof I will explain in English in sometime. But from his life, we need to learn that the life of Jesus Christ was utmost pure. Just as Shri Ganesha is pure, in the same manner after coming in this world, after living in this world as well, he led a life of utmost purity because impurity could not touch him. It was such a special incarnation and because of this incarnation, a very big incident happened in this world that our Agnya Chakra got opened. When he was put on the pedestal (“padastam”), on the cross, our Agnya Chakra opened and this was the great sacrifice (“daan”) he made for us. And he had to do it as it was destined for him and it was like a play for him. At a very young age, he did all this work. But is has had an inversion effect on Christianity religion that people do not understand that the life of a pure person like Jesus Christ which people consider at their sustenance (“aadhaar”), how could they lose their way in such a manner? The reason for this is vitriol (“vidrup”) form of religion. Similarly in our country also, there have been many vitriol forms of Hindu religion, in which there are tantriks and different types of people in holy places, and temples, and have committed a lot of dirty, obscene (“ashleel”) activities. They have spoiled the temples also and have turned the meaning (“bhavana”) of religion inside out. Regarding this, I have to tell only one thing that a lot of work was done by them and they left and they have done such hard work and the way they have bound the tree of Kundalini and the most important element of it is the Agnya Chakra was opened by Jesus Christ through his sacrifice. He has done a tremendous favour to us on this account. [Shri Mataji speaks in English] I have said a lot of things regarding Christ before, and how Jesus Christ is related to Shri Radhaji, that he is the incarnation of Shri Ganesha, who was the son of the Adi Shakti to begin with. But then he was given to Shri Radhaji and Shri Radha created as Mahalakshmi, as Mother Mary, this great incarnation of Christ. Now, for western mind, it is impossible to understand how there can be a immaculate conception, because they have no sense at all, no sensitivity at all to spiritual life. We Indians can understand it. It is easy for Indians to understand because we had Shri Ganesha created that way, we just believe it we don’t doubt these things. Whatever is said about God is not to be doubted with this limited brain. That is not done in India. But in the west, from the very birth of Christ, they have had arguments, arguments, arguments, arguments with this limited brain they had, and the whole religion in the name of Christ is just a perversion. Such a horrible things have been said that is unbelievable. His purity, his holiness, his auspiciousness, is never understood in the west I think. Those who follow, follow Christianity, how can they be so debased in their moral character. They are alright for their political, their economical, we can say their legal side. But their moral sense is absolutely missing, it is very surprising. Those who are the followers of Christ should have the greater amount of morality. He has said that ‘Thou shall not have adulterous eyes’. Such a subtle thing, even the eye should not have adultery, should not have lust and greed. Such a subtle thing he has said it and just think, in the west people could not follow it because the whole religion got perverted under the influence of Paul and Peter. It’s a very serious thing that they have done against Christ and still going on. Still this Catholic Church though being exposed so much is still going on in India also, all over, is stupid this Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name they would have brought to Christ? One should see the first and foremost thing he has said that ‘You must enter into the Kingdom of God; that you must be born again.’ So it is all mental that you must be born again, you have a certificate that you are born again, finished. So this mental attitude of the west is responsible for killing the great incarnation of Christ. So I think is another crucifixion. Mentally you cannot understand spirituality. So they were telling me all ‘Brain Trust”, “Brain Trust”. I said brain trusting I cannot understand in Sahaja yoga. In Sahaja yoga what is the brain trust? Where is the brain? In thoughtless awareness, where is the brain? So this brain trust business might be alright for any other place. But for Sahaja yoga, I still don’t understand what do you do in brain trust? Because some people want to come on the stage and speak you see. They have kind of a madness, they can’t get over it. So they might be coming to the brain trust, may be. But it is not brain, it is the heart. It is the heart which has to be opened out. Because, with the brain what we do is all kinds of materialism. All kinds of nonsense has come from human brain only. Not so much from animal’s brain. You can see if you go to any forest, it is clean, nice, feeling so well. But you put one human being there and you will know that this filth, dirt has come from some human being. So, as it is they have made a mess of all the great incarnations, but worst is done to Christ and I feel what a waste it was. So, we must understand Christ in the right sense. He is the eternal child. He is the innocence itself. He is the source of innocence and he is the bestower of all blessings in all chakras. But that doesn’t mean that you are Christians, you should be very proud that ohhhh she is talking about Christ. Many I have seen Sahaja yogis, are still identified with Christ, while they have nothing to do with Christ at all. Now, one has to understand that how Christ in his miraculous life has shown so many miracles. First of all his birth, was immaculate. Every kind of birth is immaculate. They are beyond sins. They are special people. They may come as human beings, they may come as angels, they may come as anything. They are divine, and we should understand that this little brain of ours cannot discuss about them and talk about them. But is to just surrender and worship them. They are much beyond us. So, for the western mind, it is important to understand that the life of Christ was such a blessing for them, that they have lost it, they have wasted it and they have never understood how to respect it. The whole thing became like a political, economical, nonsensical fraud. I had told you long time back that how we can prove that Christ was Ganesha and he was the logos and he was the, what we call is he Bramhanad, the first sound. By looking at your left side from the right side, if you see the Mooladhara, you will see Swastikas, because it is made of carbon atom. If you see from left to the right you can see Omkara, and if you see from down upwards, it looks like Alpha and Omega. In those days, Christ has said “I am the Alpha and I am the Omega”. And now we have made the animation, we have no arrangement to show there. I don’t know if you could arrange it somehow. But you can see it clearly, what I have said can be proved. So as you worship Ganesha, you must worship Christ, in the same manner for all those who worship Ganesha. Because I have seen that the Hindus, they are stuck to Ganesha, and Christians are stuck to Christ. Even after coming to Sahaja yoga, they carry those traits. Ganesha is alright up to a point and then it is important that we must pray to his incarnation that is Christ. In the same way, those who worship Christ, must also worship Ganesha, because he is the source, he is the potential of Christ. All this was in the divine plan, done with divine discretion. Everything was done so beautifully, but as I told you human beings are good at massacring anything that is beautiful. And that’s how it has happened. It is very, very sad, and on his birthday today, we have to decide that he is to be born within us again, in a proper way. That he is the Alpha and the Omega. At that time of his time I didn’t know that anybody knew about these symbols. These symbols also must have come from unconscious to some of the great mathematicians in long time and that’s why these symbols are used exactly like Alpha and Omega, you see him clearly. It is so clear cut now in Sahaja yoga, we can prove so many things, all tangible. How Christ used to cure people, what did he do, it’s all tangible, we can prove it now in Sahaja yoga, how it works out, how these powers work out, but we have to first of all cleanse our lives. We have to lead a very honest, powerful and pure life. I have seen those stalls outside, I had told them not to put up any stalls here, because they are making profits for themselves, not for Sahaja yoga. Once Christ saw like that and he took a hunter and hit all of them. Now, I can’t do that. One should not encourage these people. It’s not a shopping centre here, you have come for meditation. Is all right, if you need anything, we have bought things for you, if you buy them, there might be little profit, may not be, but that will all go to Sahaja yoga, is not going to be used for any private purpose. But these people from outside come and put up a stall and you all run about means you are still hanging around with that thing. You have come here for what? Ine should be all the time meditative in Ganapatipule. All the time you should be in a meditative condition and shouldn’t get to these mundane things, which you always do outside also. But these people know that you still have those weaknesses, that’s why they have put up the stalls. Leaders should stop all this nonsense, I have told not to eat outside. Last time all of you suffered because of that. But still the stalls are on, that means they know that there are some culprits who would like to buy things from them and get sick and bring bad name to Sahaja yoga. So, the first attention of Ganesha is that wisdom and that wisdom we see in the life of Christ. From the very beginning, he was so confident of it that at the age of twelve years, he went and talked to these ‘Farcis’, means the people who were priests. We still have priests and mullahs and these ‘bhatjis’ (brahman priests), and all of them these so-called Dharma Martandas (“Religion Markans”), all over. But he went and argued with them at that young age, and he was just saying “What are you doing here? What is this? What are you talking? All lip service”. He was discussing and talking to them. But his parents were perhaps, were frightened that these people might kill him, so they brought him to India. He came to India for wisdom. I don’t know where is that wisdom missing now from Indians. But must be this country was full of wisdom when he came and stayed in India and we have lots of memories about him. Even King Shalivahana met him, is described in his book that he met a man in Kashmir who was very saintly, and he asked him “What’s your name?” He said “My name is Isa”. See now, imagine “Isa”. “I” (pronounced as “E” in Sanskrit) is the word used in Vedas for the Adi Shakti. “Sa” means with. He said my name is Isa. He said from what country you come? He said I come from a country which is foreign to me, and this is my country. So, this India, the Bharat, the Hindusthan, was the country of spirituality and one should not try to compete and feel inferior to other countries, who have gone up materially higher. You don’t know where they are. But we are spiritually higher. That’s what Christ said, “This is my own country, is clearly written. That means Christ recognised that this country of spirituality, is his own. So, we belong to that country of spirituality, and not to the materialistic or to the mundane or the baser type of life. In his life time, which was so very short, whatever he has said, every word is great. But as I told you that this Paul tried to completely change, re-edit the Bible and he’s put lots of things in there, whatever weakness he has, he has put them nicely. Now recently I got a book which was hidden in a jar in Egypt for about, till fifty years they discovered it, and this book is called as the “Library of Hamadhi”. The place was called Hamadhi where it was discovered, and what Christ has said, what Thomas has written, when Thomas was coming to India he put all these things there, is very interesting. About drinking, he said drinking begets debauchery. It’s a bad word to use and while Christians don’t know. On the contrary they think that drinking is allowed in Christianity, very nicely. Was he mad to allow drinking? How can he allow drinking which goes against your awareness? But they thought it was nice, and that’s what people have been using as a big attraction that you can drink in Christianity. So in the other religion, like Catholic religion, you could have only once the marriage. So, they have one marriage and ten keeps, is all right, is allowed. In the Bible, it is written only you can have one marriage and you cannot divorce, do what you like. No sense of morality and everything came like a derailment towards themselves and they accepted one after another, all kinds of nonsense, and the basic thing of life of Christ is morality. He is on the left side as you can see he’s from Shri Ganesha, and then he establishes himself at Agnya. But morality is the essence of his life, what we call in Indian language is character. Our character is how we lead a life of purity. We indulge into all kinds of nonsense. I mean if you go to the west, you will be amazed what things they do. I mean you cannot even believe it and I cannot even mention it to you, you won’t believe that these so-called advanced countries are advancing towards what. Impossible we cannot even conceive it even, such an impurity, such a horrible, destructive immorality and I don’t know from where it comes. I think something wrong with genetics. From where do they get these ideas? One after another. It’s impossible to believe these people doing all these things and then nicely dress up and go to Church on Sunday, pray to God and come back. Now it is for you to decide. You have to pull out all those people in your own countries and you have to tell them this is all nonsense in the name of Christ, in the name of God. You have to come up and talk about it. Same about Shri Ganesh. I have seen in Pune (“Poona”), I was surprised there was Ganesha festival (“Mahotsav”). Everybody was drinking nicely, the horrible dirty songs, some western songs, some horrible cinema songs put up there and everybody was using as a disco in front of Shri Ganesh. Sahaja Yogis should go and object to this kind of a nonsense they are doing. That how could they dare drink in the presence of Shri Ganesh? No wisdom of Shri Ganesha, no respect for his auspiciousness. Now not only drinking, doing all kinds of things. Shri Ganesha has been shown by these tantrikas as something so horrible, which is also done by so many psychologists, so called, in the west. Thank God, one of them is Mr. Freud is exposed now. So the another quality of Ganesha, is shown in Christ’s life, is a devotion to mother. In that book the Mary is telling them about knowledge, but this Paul objects to it. And she says that this is what you have to achieve. But he doesn’t want to, he is arguing with her, but then Thomas said that what Christ has said on the Cross, “Behold the Mother”. She is the mother of Christ and how dare you insult her? But just the opposite, Paul never respected women. So he appointed, I mean he called her just a woman. No respect for Mahalakshmi, no respect. Can you imagine, just a woman. And a big controversy going on thse so called advanced people, whether the women should be ordained as Priests or not. We think we are very backward, but I think they are so backward in religion, nonsense. We had Gargi, Maitreyi, such people here and we respect the Mother as the “Adi Shakti”. She is the one we call her, the one who has created us, she is the one who looks after us. For us, she is important, Shakti is important. They don’t call her Shakti but a woman and supposed to be very advanced people, and all other nonsenses they do in the name of advancement. It’s impossible to tell, my words feel short, feel so ashamed, in the name of Christ. Today now when we are celebrating the pure life of Christ, he came on this Earth. They can’t believe that he could have been so pure. A criminal cannot believe that others could be non-criminal. So we have to within ourselves see if we have developed that purity of mind that expresses through our eyes. Eyes have to become innocent, otherwise they have no effect. If you are hankering after attracting other people and charming other people and all that, you are not a Sahaja Yogi, there is no need. Once the light is within yourself, people will know. As Sahaja yogis, you have to have the light of Christ in your own life. He was a young man who came on this Earth and how he lived. He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene who was a prostitute. But he stood by truth, and when people started stoning her, he stood up and said “those who have not committed any sin, can throw the stone at me.” What a strength of truth. So not only he was a pure personality, but purity is also expressed in truth and his compassion and love. Such compassion he has expressed, such compassion. I think Shri Ganesha got a little transformation. Shri Ganesha is definitely very compassionate to people who are worshiping him but those who go against them, he hits them hard. He doesn’t spare them. They have to suffer AIDS, this, that, everything comes. But those who are pure people, Shri Ganesha protects. But Christ is compassionate, he forgives because he believes that there could be a transformation. At the level of Shri Ganesha, he thinks is better that let them be killed and be born again, because they are so impure. But Christ had hopes that he can transform people, but he could not. They crucified him. What wonderful people they must have been to crucify Christ. Brainless, we should call them, absolutely without any understanding about spirituality, very insensitive to true knowledge. So, for Sahaja yoga only the wise can follow. It is not meant for stupid, idiotic people, nor it is meant for very smart ones. Some people think they are very smart because they are successful in life, they can say some smart sentences, they can something very, aaahhhh, outstandingly very sharp, it’s not meant for that. For that Christ has said “Meek in heart will inherit the Earth”. Meek in heart, not those who think too much of themselves. But who are meek in heart will inherit the Earth. Amongst Sahaja Yogis also only those who are meek in heart will inherit the blessings of Mother. You have to be meek, you have to be wise and with wisdom you will become meek. Because then you will see where are we into this great cosmos that, you will feel that you have entered into this Kingdom of God, for what? How? How have we come here? How have we entered here? So many tried, thousands of years sacrificing this, sacrificing that, standing on their heads, fasting. How is it suddenly we got this blessing? How are we there? When we start looking at this, we become meek. Is the blessing, is the grace. It’s not through our ego, through our conditionings, but is just the grace, the compassion, the love, the intense compassion (“Sandra Karuna”), and then you enjoy your transformed life, the new dimension of spirituality which is in reality. Now you know reality, you know totality, you know everything, but those who have not known themselves, have not become Sahaja yogis. Tukarama has said in very simple words “Aapnase janlie jyani” – the one who has known himself is the last one. You can judge the chakras of others, but you can’t judge your own chakras. You can introspect others, you can judge others, but you cannot judge yourself. You know everything about others, but about yourself, you don’t know anything, then you are not Sahaja yogis. First thing you must know yourself. What sort of a ego stuff I am doing? What sort of a conditioning I have got? Even now you people have so many conditionings. So there is a new discipline of Sahaja yoga. In the new discipline you have to be meek, humble and you have to be wise. Every step of yours, every talk of yours, everything should express wisdom, and the Sahaja discipline which automatically stop you from doing wrong things. Now say I am walking down and some lady suddenly falls at my feet without even understanding that I am just walking, I may fall down or catches hold of my feet, is all self-oriented. “I should see mother, I should go and meet her, I touched her feet”, is all ego. A Sahaja yogi stands in the back, real Sahaja yogi is at the back. From there he can enjoy because he knows I am everywhere. He doesn’t want to see me, nothing, just like this, standing. He doesn’t force his way in any way. Mother is here. But this is what it is Christ had said “meek in heart”. There’s a very big word “meek” and people don’t understand meek because in the west if you are meek, people say you are weak, you have to be aggressive. If they have to praise somebody, they’ll say, oh he is very good, he is very aggressive. I think their genetics are little lower than normal, must be some animals is in them. Otherwise how can they think that to be aggressive is being something higher? It’s impossible, how can a person who is supposed to be a higher person, could be like a devil? How could Hitler say that he was a higher race when he himself was a devil? Is very nice for a devil to say I am a higher race. So in dealing in Sahaja yoga, the sweetness of natural meekness, not artificial of a businessman, but a natural one that makes you shine with your great, great spirituality. Nobody can touch you, I have told you, except for you. You can only fall down, but nobody can touch you, you are all protected from every angle. But if you want to hit yourself, I can’t help it. So again we come to Tukarama saying, as Christ has said “Know thyself”. First and foremost thing of introspection is “know thyself”. What you are doing, are you trying to look at yourself or not? He has also said that we see a big beam into the eyes of others, then it’ alright. But the beam is in your eyes, and you start seeing the beam in others eyes, that’s the point. So in your meditation you have to sit down and first of all introspect. “Oh Christ, Oh Shri Ganesha, please give me the wisdom to see myself and understand what’s wrong with me, and understand where do I lack all the qualities of a good Sahaja yogi? Just to meditate and you will feel so happy, so joyous, because virtue within you gives you joy. But you don’t say I am virtuous, you dont say that, but the virtue within you when you discover, that gives you joy and not your bad qualities and your hankerings, , your lust and greed, no it does not. So we must really concentrate, even coming to Sahaja yoga people think how I ca use it for say ahhhh fame, leadership you see is another myth. Then they sometimes think why not use it for making some money somehow. Some sort of a business they start. Don’t do any business with Sahaja yoga or with Sahaja yogis. I have told you hundred times, if you do it you will be in trouble and then don’t come and tell me the trouble. Sahaja yoga is only God’s business, that’s all. Everything that you are doing is for God and that’s why you are doing it for yourself. So introspection is very important, criticising others should be less and criticising yourself and laughing at yourself is the best. I laugh at myself many a times and say many things like that, if you have noticed, that makes life so interesting. That will kill your ego. How I am trying to assert myself and where is the meekness that Christ has talked about? It is a natural goodness within us. Once it shines and shows, you become so beautiful, so loveable. Whether you are sitting here near me or there, I know who is that kind. My heart just opens for such a personality. I know who they are. But even I know, I will never tell you, it is better that you know yourself. “Know Thyself” is his message, in the real way not with deception because you are deceiving yourself. Whom are you deceiving? “Know thyself” without any deception, without any lies, with full concentration, see where is your attention going, that’s how you are going to rise. You are not going to rise by seeing the defects of others, but you are going to rise only by seeing your own defects. Exactly this is what Christ has said, I am telling you in very, very simple words. Then he said “love thy neighbour as thyself”, which is a very, very big thing to say. Now it is possible in Sahaja Yoga because you are collective. Those who are not collective, how can they love their neighbour? I mean who is the neighbour then? Nobody is the neighbour, they are outsiders. But as soon as you become collective, see today there are fifty five nations. You are all so collective, so moral, so beautiful, no complications, nothing. I am so overjoyed to see that. But to make it perfect, we should introspect. Socially, collectively you people have improved a lot, but also individually within yourself, you have to improve for your own goodness. So on this great occasion, we have to celebrate because really such a great amount of work was done by Christ, though neutralised by those horrible priests, which is done in every country, in every religion. But now we should take a vow to save others who are taking the name of Christ and doing something just the opposite. If it could be done, if it could be achieved through your lives Christ’s work has been done. You have to now express Christ though your life, this is what it is. Through your life you can express it, through the purity, through the meekness, through the compassion and the wisdom of Christ. Absolutely fearless was he and that’s why you have to be fearless, because you have to be only afraid of God and nobody else. That’s all and if you have done nothing wrong, then there is nothing to be afraid of God also because he loves you very much. So be clear cut about everything, be understanding, you are all lovable people, no doubt, but you should be such that you can adore yourself and love yourself because of the virtues you have. May God bless you all.