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\chapter{Things Galois}
%This chapter is mostly optional.
%Read the first two sections and then decide
%whether you want to read the rest of this chapter.
\prototype{$\QQ(\sqrt2)$ and $\QQ(\cbrt{2})$.}
The key idea in Galois theory is that of \emph{embeddings},
which give us another way to get at the idea of the ``conjugate'' we described earlier.
Let $K$ be a number field.
An \vocab{embedding} $\sigma \colon K \injto \CC$,
is an \emph{injective field homomorphism}:
it needs to preserve addition and multiplication,
and in particular it should fix $1$.
Show that in this context, $\sigma(q) = q$ for any rational number $q$.
[Examples of embeddings]
\ii If $K = \QQ(i)$, the two embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$ are
$z \mapsto z$ (the identity) and $z \mapsto \ol z$ (complex conjugation).
\ii If $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$, the two embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$ are
$a+b\sqrt 2 \mapsto a+b\sqrt 2$ (the identity) and $a+b\sqrt 2 \mapsto a-b\sqrt 2$ (conjugation).
\ii If $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$, there are three embeddings:
\ii The identity embedding, which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \cbrt 2$.
\ii An embedding which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \omega \cbrt 2$,
where $\omega$ is a cube root of unity.
Note that this is enough to determine the rest of the embedding.
\ii An embedding which sends $1 \mapsto 1$ and $\cbrt 2 \mapsto \omega^2 \cbrt 2$.
I want to make several observations about these embeddings,
which will form the core ideas of Galois theory.
Pay attention here!
First, you'll notice some duality between roots: in the first example, $i$ gets sent to $\pm i$,
$\sqrt 2$ gets sent to $\pm \sqrt 2$, and $\cbrt 2$ gets sent to the other roots of $x^3-2$.
This is no coincidence, and one can show this occurs in general.
Specifically, suppose $\alpha$ has minimal polynomial
\[ 0 = c_n \alpha^n + c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\alpha + c_0 \]
where the $c_i$ are rational.
Then applying any embedding $\sigma$ to both sides gives
0 &= \sigma(c_n \alpha^n + c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\alpha + c_0) \\
% &= \sigma(c_n \alpha^n) + \sigma(c_{n-1} \alpha^{n-1})
% + \dots + \sigma(c_1\alpha) + \sigma(c_0) \\
&= \sigma(c_n) \sigma(\alpha)^n + \sigma(c_{n-1}) \sigma(\alpha)^{n-1}
+ \dots + \sigma(c_1)\sigma(\alpha) + \sigma(c_0) \\
&= c_n \sigma(\alpha)^n + c_{n-1} \sigma(\alpha)^{n-1} + \dots + c_1\sigma(\alpha) + c_0
where in the last step we have used the fact that $c_i \in \QQ$, so they are fixed by $\sigma$.
\emph{So, roots of minimal polynomials go to other roots of that polynomial.}
Next, I want to draw out a contrast between the second and third examples.
Specifically, in example (b) where we consider embeddings $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$
to $\CC$. The image of these embeddings lands entirely in $K$: that is, we
could just as well have looked at $K \to K$ rather than looking at $K \to \CC$.
However, this is not true in (c): indeed $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \subset \RR$,
but the non-identity embeddings have complex outputs!
The key difference is to again think about conjugates.
Key observation:
The field $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is ``deficient'' because the minimal polynomial $x^3-2$
has two other roots $\omega \cbrt{2}$ and $\omega^2 \cbrt{2}$ not contained in $K$.
On the other hand $K = \QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is just fine because both roots of $x^2-2$ are contained inside $K$.
Finally, one can actually fix the deficiency in $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ by completing it to a field $\QQ(\cbrt 2, \omega)$.
Fields like $\QQ(i)$ or $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ which are ``self-contained'' are called
\emph{Galois extensions}, as we'll explain shortly.
Finally, you'll notice that in the examples above, \emph{the number of embeddings from $K$ to $\CC$
happens to be the degree of $K$}.
This is an important theorem, \Cref{thm:n_embeddings}.
In this chapter we'll develop these ideas in full generality, for any field other than $\QQ$.
\section{Field extensions, algebraic closures, and splitting fields}
\prototype{$\QQ(\cbrt 2)/\QQ$ is an extension, $\CC$ is an algebraic closure of any number field.}
First, we define a notion of one field sitting inside another,
in order to generalize the notion of a number field.
Let $K$ and $F$ be fields.
If $F \subseteq K$, we write $K/F$ and say $K$ is a
\vocab{field extension} of $F$.
Thus $K$ is automatically an $F$-vector space
(just like $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is automatically a $\QQ$-vector space).
The \vocab{degree} is the dimension of this space, denoted $[K:F]$.
If $[K:F]$ is finite, we say $K/F$ is a \vocab{finite (field) extension}.
That's really all. There's nothing tricky at all.
What do you call a finite extension of $\QQ$?
Degrees of finite extensions are multiplicative.
\begin{theorem}[Field extensions have multiplicative degree]
Let $F \subseteq K \subseteq L$ be fields with $L/K$, $K/F$ finite. Then
\[ [L:K][K:F] = [L:F]. \]
Basis bash: you can find a basis of $L$ over $K$,
and then expand that into a basis $L$ over $F$.
(Diligent readers can fill in details.)
Next, given a field (like $\QQ(\cbrt2)$)
we want something to embed it into (in our case $\CC$).
So we just want a field that contains all the roots of all the polynomials:
\begin{theorem}[Algebraic closures]
Let $F$ be a field.
Then there exists a field extension $\ol F$ containing $F$, called an \vocab{algebraic closure},
such that all polynomials in $\ol F[x]$ factor completely.
$\CC$ is an algebraic closure of $\QQ$, $\RR$ and even itself.
Some authors also require the algebraic closure to be \emph{minimal by inclusion}:
for example, given $\QQ$ they would want only $\ol\QQ$ (the algebraic numbers).
It's a theorem that such a minimal algebraic closure is unique,
and so these authors will refer to \emph{the} algebraic closure of $K$.
I like $\CC$, so I'll use the looser definition.
\section{Embeddings into algebraic closures for number fields}
Now that I've defined all these ingredients, I can prove:
\begin{theorem}[The $n$ embeddings of a number field]
Let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$.
Then there are exactly $n$ field homomorphisms $K \injto \CC$,
say $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$ which fix $\QQ$.
Note that a nontrivial homomorphism of fields is necessarily injective
(the kernel is an ideal).
This justifies the use of ``$\injto$'', and we call each $\sigma_i$ an
\vocab{embedding} of $K$ into $\CC$.
This is actually kind of fun!
Recall that any irreducible polynomial over $\QQ$ has distinct roots (\Cref{lem:irred_complex}).
We'll adjoin elements $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_m$ one at a time to $\QQ$,
until we eventually get all of $K$, that is,
\[ K = \QQ(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n). \]
Diagrammatically, this is
\QQ \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\id"']
& \QQ(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\tau_1"']
& \QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, hook, "\tau_2"']
& \dots \ar[r, hook]
& K \ar[d, hook, "\tau_m=\sigma"] \\
\CC \ar[r]
& \CC \ar[r]
& \CC \ar[r]
& \dots \ar[r]
& \CC
First, we claim there are exactly \[ [\QQ(\alpha_1) : \QQ] \] ways to pick $\tau_1$.
Observe that $\tau_1$ is determined by where it sends $\alpha_1$ (since it has to fix $\QQ$).
Letting $p_1$ be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha_1$, we see that there are $\deg p_1$ choices for $\tau_1$,
one for each (distinct) root of $p_1$. That proves the claim.
Similarly, given a choice of $\tau_1$, there are
\[ [\QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : \QQ(\alpha_1)] \]
ways to pick $\tau_2$.
(It's a little different: $\tau_1$ need not be the identity.
But it's still true that $\tau_2$ is determined by where it sends $\alpha_2$,
and as before there are $[\QQ(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : \QQ(\alpha_1)]$ possible ways.)
Multiplying these all together gives the desired $[K:\QQ]$.
The primitive element theorem actually implies that $m = 1$
is sufficient; we don't need to build a whole tower.
This simplifies the proof somewhat.
It's common to see expressions like ``let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$,
and $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$ its $n$ embeddings'' without further explanation.
The relation between these embeddings and the Galois conjugates is given as follows.
\begin{theorem}[Embeddings are evenly distributed over conjugates]
Let $K$ be a number field of degree $n$
with $n$ embeddings $\sigma_1$, \dots, $\sigma_n$,
and let $\alpha \in K$ have $m$ Galois conjugates over $\QQ$.
Then $\sigma_j(\alpha)$ is ``evenly distributed''
over each of these $m$ conjugates: for any Galois conjugate $\beta$,
exactly $\frac nm$ of the embeddings send $\alpha$ to $\beta$.
In the previous proof, adjoin $\alpha_1 = \alpha$ first.
So, now we can define the trace and norm over $\QQ$ in a nice way:
given a number field $K$, we set
\Tr_{K/\QQ}(\alpha) = \sum_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha)
\Norm_{K/\QQ}(\alpha) = \prod_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha)
where $\sigma_i$ are the $n$ embeddings of $K$ into $\CC$.
\section{Everyone hates characteristic 2: separable vs irreducible}
\prototype{$\QQ$ has characteristic zero, hence irreducible polynomials are separable.}
Now, we want a version of the above theorem for any field $F$.
If you read the proof, you'll see that the only thing that ever uses anything about the field $\QQ$
is \Cref{lem:irred_complex}, where we use the fact that
\itshape Irreducible polynomials over $F$ have no double roots.
Let's call a polynomial with no double roots \vocab{separable};
thus we want irreducible polynomials to be separable.
We did this for $\QQ$ in the last chapter by taking derivatives.
Should work for any field, right?
Suppose we took the derivative of some polynomial like $2x^3 + 24x + 9$,
namely $6x^2 + 24$.
In $\CC$ it's obvious that the derivative of a nonconstant polynomial $f'$ isn't zero.
But suppose we considered the above as a polynomial in $\FF_3$, i.e.\ modulo $3$.
Then the derivative is zero.
Oh, no!
We have to impose a condition that prevents something like this from happening.
For a field $F$, the \vocab{characteristic} of $F$ is the smallest
positive integer $p$ such that,
\[ \underbrace{1_F + \dots + 1_F}_{\text{$p$ times}} = 0 \]
or zero if no such integer $p$ exists.
\begin{example}[Field characteristics]
Old friends $\RR$, $\QQ$, $\CC$ all have characteristic zero.
But $\FF_p$, the integers modulo $p$, is a field of characteristic $p$.
Let $F$ be a field of characteristic $p$.
Show that if $p > 0$ then $p$ is a prime number.
(A proof is given next chapter.)
With the assumption of characteristic zero, our earlier proof works.
\begin{lemma}[Separability in characteristic zero]
Any irreducible polynomial in a characteristic zero field is separable.
Unfortunately, this lemma is false if the ``characteristic zero'' condition is dropped.
The reason it's called \emph{separable} is (I think) this picture:
I have a polynomial and I want to break it into irreducible parts.
Normally, if I have a double root in a polynomial, that means it's not irreducible.
But in characteristic $p > 0$ this fails.
So inseparable polynomials are strange when you think about them: somehow
you have double roots that can't be separated from each other.
We can get this to work for any field extension in which separability is not an issue.
A \vocab{separable extension} $K/F$ is one in which every irreducible
polynomial in $F$ is separable (for example, if $F$ has characteristic zero).
A field $F$ is \vocab{perfect} if any finite field extension $K/F$ is separable.
In fact, as we see in the next chapter:
[Finite fields are perfect]
Suppose $F$ is a field with finitely many elements. Then it is perfect.
Thus, we will almost never have to worry about separability
since every field we see in the Napkin is either finite or characteristic $0$.
So the inclusion of the word ``separable'' is mostly a formality.
Proceeding onwards, we obtain
\begin{theorem}[The $n$ embeddings of any separable extension]
Let $K/F$ be a separable extension of degree $n$ and let $\ol F$ be an algebraic closure of $F$.
Then there are exactly $n$ field homomorphisms $K \injto \ol F$,
say $\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_n$, which fix $F$.
In any case, this lets us define the trace for \emph{any} separable normal extension.
Let $K/F$ be a separable extension of degree $n$, and let $\sigma_1$, \dots, $\sigma_n$
be the $n$ embeddings into an algebraic closure of $F$. Then we define
\Tr_{K/F}(\alpha) = \sum_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha)
\Norm_{K/F}(\alpha) = \prod_{i=1}^n \sigma_i(\alpha).
When $F = \QQ$ and the algebraic closure is $\CC$, this coincides with our earlier definition!
\section{Automorphism groups and Galois extensions}
\prototype{$\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is Galois but $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is not.}
We now want to get back at the idea we stated at the beginning of
this section that $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is deficient in a way that $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$ is not.
First, we define the ``internal'' automorphisms.
Suppose $K/F$ is a finite extension.
Then $\Aut(K/F)$ is the set of \emph{field isomorphisms} $\sigma : K \to K$ which fix $F$.
In symbols
\[ \Aut(K/F) =
\sigma : K \to K \mid
\text{$\sigma$ is identity on $F$}
This is a group under function composition!
Note that this time, we have a condition that $F$ is fixed by $\sigma$.
(This was not there before when we considered $F = \QQ$, because we got it for free.)
\begin{example}[Old examples of automorphism groups]
Reprising the example at the beginning of the chapter in the new notation, we have:
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(i) / \QQ) \cong \Zc 2$, with elements $z \mapsto z$ and $z \mapsto \ol z$.
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(\sqrt 2) / \QQ) \cong \Zc 2$ in the same way.
\ii $\Aut(\QQ(\cbrt 2) / \QQ)$ is the trivial group, with only the identity embedding!
\begin{example}[Automorphism group of $\QQ(\sqrt2,\sqrt3)$]
Here's a new example: let $K = \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3)$.
It turns out that $\Aut(K/\QQ) = \{1, \sigma, \tau, \sigma\tau\}$, where
\sigma :
\sqrt2 &\mapsto -\sqrt2 \\
\sqrt3 &\mapsto \sqrt3
\tau :
\sqrt2 &\mapsto \sqrt2 \\
\sqrt3 &\mapsto -\sqrt3.
In other words, $\Aut(K/\QQ)$ is the Klein Four Group.
First, let's repeat the proof of the observation that these embeddings shuffle around roots
(akin to the first observation in the introduction):
[Root shuffling in $\Aut(K/F)$]
Let $f \in F[x]$, suppose $K/F$ is a finite extension,
and assume $\alpha \in K$ is a root of $f$.
Then for any $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$, $\sigma(\alpha)$ is also a root of $f$.
Let $f(x) = c_n x^n + c_{n-1}x^{n-1} + \dots + c_0$,
where $c_i \in F$. Thus,
\[ 0 = \sigma(f(\alpha)) = \sigma\left( c_n\alpha^n + \dots + c_0 \right)
= c_n\sigma(\alpha)^n + \dots + c_0 = f(\sigma(\alpha)). \qedhere \]
In particular, taking $f$ to be the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ we deduce
An embedding $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$ sends an $\alpha \in K$
to one of its various Galois conjugates (over $F$).
Next, let's look again at the ``deficiency'' of certain fields.
Look at $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$.
So, again $K / \QQ$ is deficient for two reasons.
First, while there are three maps $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \injto \CC$,
only one of them lives in $\Aut(K/\QQ)$, namely the identity.
In other words, $\left\lvert \Aut(K/\QQ) \right\rvert$ is \emph{too small}.
Secondly, $K$ is missing some Galois conjugates ($\omega \cbrt 2$ and $\omega^2 \cbrt 2$).
The way to capture the fact that there are missing Galois conjugates
is the notion of a splitting field.
Let $F$ be a field and $p(x) \in F[x]$ a polynomial of degree $n$.
Then $p(x)$ has roots $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$ in an algebraic closure of $F$.
The \vocab{splitting field} of $F$ is defined as $F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$.
In other words, the splitting field is the smallest field in which $p(x)$ splits.
\begin{example}[Examples of splitting fields]
\ii The splitting field of $x^2 - 5$ over $\QQ$ is $\QQ(\sqrt 5)$.
This is a degree $2$ extension.
\ii The splitting field of $x^2+x+1$ over $\QQ$ is $\QQ(\omega)$,
where $\omega$ is a cube root of unity.
This is a degree $3$ extension.
% In particular, the splitting field of $x^3-2$ is a degree \emph{six} extension.
\ii The splitting field of $x^2+3x+2 = (x+1)(x+2)$ is just $\QQ$!
There's nothing to do.
[Splitting fields: a cautionary tale]
The splitting field of $x^3 - 2$ over $\QQ$ is in fact
\[ \QQ( \cbrt 2, \omega ) \]
and not just $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$!
One must really adjoin \emph{all} the roots, and it's not necessarily the case that
these roots will generate each other.
To be clear:
\ii For $x^2-5$, we adjoin $\sqrt 5$ and this will automatically include $-\sqrt 5$.
\ii For $x^2+x+1$, we adjoin $\omega$ and get the other root $\omega^2$ for free.
\ii But for $x^3-2$, if we adjoin $\cbrt 2$,
we do NOT get $\omega\cbrt2$ and $\omega^2\cbrt2$ for free.
Indeed, $\QQ(\cbrt 2) \subset \RR$!
Note that in particular, the splitting field of
$x^3-2$ over $\QQ$ is \emph{degree six}, not just degree three.
In general,
\textbf{the splitting field of a polynomial can be an extension of degree up to $n!$}.
The reason is that if $p(x)$ has $n$ roots and none of them are ``related'' to each other,
then any permutation of the roots will work.
Now, we obtain:
\begin{theorem}[Galois extensions are splitting]
For finite extensions $K/F$,
$\left\lvert \Aut(K/F) \right\rvert$ divides $[K:F]$,
with equality if and only if $K$ is the \emph{splitting field}
of some separable polynomial with coefficients in $F$.
The proof of this is deferred to an optional section at the end of the chapter.
If $K/F$ is a finite extension and $\left\lvert \Aut(K/F) \right\rvert = [K:F]$,
we say the extension $K/F$ is \vocab{Galois}.
In that case, we denote $\Aut(K/F)$ by $\Gal(K/F)$ instead
and call this the \vocab{Galois group} of $K/F$.
[Examples and non-examples of Galois extensions]
\ii The extension $\QQ(\sqrt2) / \QQ$ is Galois,
since it's the splitting field of $x^2-2$ over $\QQ$.
The Galois group has order two, $\sqrt 2 \mapsto \pm \sqrt 2$.
\ii The extension $\QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt 3) / \QQ$ is Galois,
since it's the splitting field of $(x^2-5)^2-6$ over $\QQ$.
As discussed before, the Galois group is $\Zc 2 \times \Zc 2$.
\ii The extension $\QQ(\cbrt{2}) / \QQ$ is \emph{not} Galois.
%Here is some more intuition on what $[K:F]$ actually measures: suppose $K$ is a splitting field
%of some $(x-\alpha_1) \dots (x-\alpha_n)$, meaning $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$.
%Then a permutation $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$ is determined by where it sends each $\alpha_i$.
%The dimension of $[K:F]$ measures how much ``redundancy'' there is among the $\alpha_i$.
%For example, in the case of \[ (x-\sqrt5)(x+\sqrt5) = x^2-5 \]the $\sqrt 5$ and $-\sqrt 5$ were redundant,
%in the sense that knowing $\sigma(\sqrt 5)$ tells you $\sigma(-\sqrt 5) = -\sigma(\sqrt 5)$.
%But in the $x^3-2$ case, knowing $\sigma(\cbrt{2})$ does \emph{not} tell you where
%$\omega\cbrt{2}$ should go; this is reflected in the fact that $[K:F]$ and $\Aut(K/F)$
%are both six rather than three.
To explore $\QQ(\cbrt 2)$ one last time:
[Galois closures, and the automorphism group of $\QQ(\cbrt2, \omega)$]
Let's return to the field $K = \QQ(\cbrt 2, \omega)$,
which is a field with $[K:\QQ] = 6$.
Consider the two automorphisms:
\cbrt 2 &\mapsto \omega \cbrt 2 \\
\omega &\mapsto \omega
\cbrt 2 &\mapsto \cbrt 2 \\
\omega &\mapsto \omega^2.
Notice that $\sigma^3 = \tau^2 = \id$.
From this one can see that the automorphism group of $K$ must have order $6$
(it certainly has order $\le 6$; now use Lagrange's theorem).
So, $K/\QQ$ is Galois! Actually one can check explicitly that
\[ \Gal(K/\QQ) \cong S_3 \]
is the symmetric group on $3$ elements, with order $3! = 6$.
This example illustrates the fact that
given a non-Galois field extension,
one can ``add in'' missing conjugates to make it Galois.
This is called taking a \vocab{Galois closure}.
\section{Fundamental theorem of Galois theory}
After all this stuff about Galois Theory, I might as well tell you the fundamental theorem,
though I won't prove it.
Basically, it says that if $K/F$ is Galois with Galois group $G$, then:
Subgroups of $G$ correspond exactly to fields $E$ with $F \subseteq E \subseteq K$.
To tell you how the bijection goes, I have to define a fixed field.
Let $K$ be a field and $H$ a subgroup of $\Aut(K/F)$.
We define the \vocab{fixed field} of $H$, denoted $K^H$, as
\[ K^H \defeq \left\{ x \in K : \sigma(x)=x \; \forall \sigma \in H \right\}. \]
Verify quickly that $K^H$ is actually a field.
Now let's look at examples again.
Consider $K = \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3)$,
where \[ G = \Gal(K/\QQ) = \{\id, \sigma, \tau, \sigma\tau\} \]
is the Klein four group
(where $\sigma(\sqrt2) = -\sqrt 2$ but $\sigma(\sqrt 3) = \sqrt 3$; $\tau$ goes the other way).
Let $H = \{\id, \sigma\}$. What is $K^H$?
In that case, the diagram of fields between $\QQ$ and $K$
matches exactly with the subgroups of $G$, as follows:
& \QQ(\sqrt2, \sqrt3) \ar[ld, dash] \ar[d, dash] \ar[rd, dash] & \\
\QQ(\sqrt2) \ar[rd, dash] & \QQ(\sqrt6) \ar[d, dash] & \QQ(\sqrt3) \ar[ld, dash] \\
& \QQ &
& \{\id\} \ar[ld, dash] \ar[d, dash] \ar[rd, dash] & \\
\{\id,\tau\} \ar[rd, dash] & \{\id,\sigma\tau\} \ar[d, dash] & \{\id,\sigma\} \ar[ld, dash] \\
& G &
We see that subgroups correspond to fixed fields.
That, and much more, holds in general.
\begin{theorem}[Fundamental theorem of Galois theory]
Let $K/F$ be a Galois extension with Galois group $G = \Gal(K/F)$.
\ii There is a bijection between field towers $F \subseteq E \subseteq K$ and subgroups $H \subseteq G$:
K \\ \mid \\ E \\ \mid \\ F
1 \\ \mid \\ H \\ \mid \\ G
The bijection sends $H$ to its fixed field $K^H$, and hence is inclusion reversing.
\ii Under this bijection, we have $[K:E] = \left\lvert H \right\rvert$ and $[E:F] = [G:H]$.
\ii $K/E$ is always Galois, and its Galois group is $\Gal(K/E) = H$.
\ii $E/F$ is Galois if and only if $H$ is normal in $G$. If so, $\Gal(E/F) = G/H$.
Suppose we apply this theorem for
\[ K = \QQ(\cbrt2, \omega). \]
Verify that the fact $E = \QQ(\cbrt 2)$ is not Galois
corresponds to the fact that $S_3$ does not have normal subgroups of order $2$.
\begin{sproblem}[Galois group of the cyclotomic field]
Let $p$ be an odd rational prime and $\zeta_p$ a primitive $p$th root of unity.
Let $K = \QQ(\zeta_p)$.
Show that \[ \Gal(K/\QQ) \cong (\ZZ/p\ZZ)^\ast. \]
Look at the image of $\zeta_p$.
It's just $\Zc{p-1}$, since $\zeta_p$ needs to get sent
to one (any) of the $p-1$ primitive roots of unity.
\begin{problem}[Greek constructions]
Prove that the three Greek constructions
\ii doubling the cube,
\ii squaring the circle, and
\ii trisecting an angle
are all impossible.
(Assume $\pi$ is transcendental.)
Repeated quadratic extensions have degree $2$, so one can
only get powers of two.
[China Hong Kong Math Olympiad]
Prove that there are no rational numbers $p$, $q$, $r$ satisfying
\[ \cos\left( \frac{2\pi}{7} \right)
= p + \sqrt{q} + \sqrt[3]{r}. \]
A similar (but not identical) problem is solved here:
Show that the only automorphism of $\RR$ is the identity.
Hence $\Aut(\RR)$ is the trivial group.
Hint: $\sigma(x^2) = \sigma(x)^2 \ge 0$ plus Cauchy's Functional Equation.
\begin{problem}[Artin's primitive element theorem]
Let $K$ be a number field.
Show that $K \cong \QQ(\gamma)$ for some $\gamma$.
By induction, suffices to show $\QQ(\alpha, \beta) = \QQ(\gamma)$
for some $\gamma$ in terms of $\alpha$ and $\beta$.
For all but finitely many rational $\lambda$,
the choice $\gamma = \alpha + \lambda \beta$ will work.
\section{(Optional) Proof that Galois extensions are splitting}
We prove \Cref{thm:Galois_splitting}.
First, we extract a useful fragment from the fundamental theorem.
\begin{theorem}[Fixed field theorem]
Let $K$ be a field and $G$ a subgroup of $\Aut(K)$.
Then $[K:K^G] = \left\lvert G \right\rvert$.
The inequality itself is not difficult:
Show that $[K:F] \ge |\Aut(K/F)|$,
and that equality holds if and only if
the set of elements fixed by all $\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$
is exactly $F$.
(Use \Cref{thm:fixed_field_theorem}.)
The equality case is trickier.
The easier direction is when $K$ is a splitting field.
Assume $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$ is the splitting field of some separable polynomial $p \in F[x]$
with $n$ distinct roots $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n$.
Adjoin them one by one:
F \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\id"']
& F(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\tau_1"']
& F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook] \ar[d, "\tau_2"']
& \dots \ar[r, hook]
& K \ar[d, "\tau_n=\sigma"] \\
F \ar[r, hook]
& F(\alpha_1) \ar[r, hook]
& F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \ar[r, hook]
& \dots \ar[r, hook]
& K
(Does this diagram look familiar?)
Every map $K \to K$ which fixes $F$ corresponds to an above commutative diagram.
As before, there are exactly $[F(\alpha_1) : F]$ ways to pick $\tau_1$.
(You need the fact that the minimal polynomial $p_1$ of $\alpha_1$ is separable for this:
there need to be exactly $\deg p_1 = [F(\alpha_1) : F]$ distinct roots to nail $p_1$ into.)
Similarly, given a choice of $\tau_1$, there are $[F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) : F(\alpha_1)]$ ways to pick $\tau_2$.
Multiplying these all together gives the desired $[K:F]$.
Now assume $K/F$ is Galois.
First, we state:
Let $K/F$ be Galois, and $p \in F[x]$ irreducible.
If any root of $p$ (in $\ol F$) lies in $K$, then all of them do,
and in fact $p$ is separable.
Let $\alpha \in K$ be the prescribed root.
Consider the set
\[ S = \left\{ \sigma(\alpha) \mid \sigma \in \Gal(K/F) \right\}. \]
(Note that $\alpha \in S$ since $\Gal(K/F) \ni \id$.)
By construction, any $\tau \in \Gal(K/F)$ fixes $S$.
So if we construct
\[ \tilde p(x) = \prod_{\beta \in S} (x - \beta), \]
then by Vieta's Formulas, we find that all the coefficients of $\tilde p$ are fixed by elements of $\sigma$.
By the \emph{equality case} we specified in the exercise, it follows that $\tilde p$ has coefficients in $F$!
(This is where we use the condition.)
Also, by \Cref{lem:root_shuffle}, $\tilde p$ divides $p$.
Yet $p$ was irreducible, so it is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ in $F[x]$,
and therefore we must have that $p$ divides $\tilde p$.
Hence $p = \tilde p$. Since $\tilde p$ was built to be separable, so is $p$.
Now we're basically done -- pick a basis $\omega_1$, \dots, $\omega_n$ of $K/F$,
and let $p_i$ be their minimal polynomials; by the above, we don't get any roots outside $K$.
Consider $P = p_1 \dots p_n$, removing any repeated factors.
The roots of $P$ are $\omega_1$, \dots, $\omega_n$ and some other guys in $K$.
So $K$ is the splitting field of $P$.