
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2019 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import topology.uniform_space.completion
import topology.metric_space.isometry
import topology.instances.real
# The completion of a metric space
Completion of uniform spaces are already defined in `topology.uniform_space.completion`. We show
here that the uniform space completion of a metric space inherits a metric space structure,
by extending the distance to the completion and checking that it is indeed a distance, and that
it defines the same uniformity as the already defined uniform structure on the completion
open set filter uniform_space metric
open_locale filter topological_space uniformity
noncomputable theory
universes u v
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} [pseudo_metric_space α]
namespace uniform_space.completion
/-- The distance on the completion is obtained by extending the distance on the original space,
by uniform continuity. -/
instance : has_dist (completion α) :=
⟨completion.extension₂ dist⟩
/-- The new distance is uniformly continuous. -/
protected lemma uniform_continuous_dist :
uniform_continuous (λp:completion α × completion α, dist p.1 p.2) :=
uniform_continuous_extension₂ dist
/-- The new distance is continuous. -/
protected lemma continuous_dist [topological_space β] {f g : β → completion α} (hf : continuous f)
(hg : continuous g) :
continuous (λ x, dist (f x) (g x)) :=
completion.uniform_continuous_dist.continuous.comp (hf.prod_mk hg : _)
/-- The new distance is an extension of the original distance. -/
@[simp] protected lemma dist_eq (x y : α) : dist (x : completion α) y = dist x y :=
completion.extension₂_coe_coe uniform_continuous_dist _ _
/- Let us check that the new distance satisfies the axioms of a distance, by starting from the
properties on α and extending them to `completion α` by continuity. -/
protected lemma dist_self (x : completion α) : dist x x = 0 :=
apply induction_on x,
{ refine is_closed_eq _ continuous_const,
exact completion.continuous_dist continuous_id continuous_id },
{ assume a,
rw [completion.dist_eq, dist_self] }
protected lemma dist_comm (x y : completion α) : dist x y = dist y x :=
apply induction_on₂ x y,
{ exact is_closed_eq (completion.continuous_dist continuous_fst continuous_snd)
(completion.continuous_dist continuous_snd continuous_fst) },
{ assume a b,
rw [completion.dist_eq, completion.dist_eq, dist_comm] }
protected lemma dist_triangle (x y z : completion α) : dist x z ≤ dist x y + dist y z :=
apply induction_on₃ x y z,
{ refine is_closed_le _ (continuous.add _ _);
apply_rules [completion.continuous_dist, continuous.fst, continuous.snd, continuous_id] },
{ assume a b c,
rw [completion.dist_eq, completion.dist_eq, completion.dist_eq],
exact dist_triangle a b c }
/-- Elements of the uniformity (defined generally for completions) can be characterized in terms
of the distance. -/
protected lemma mem_uniformity_dist (s : set (completion α × completion α)) :
s ∈ 𝓤 (completion α) ↔ (∃ε>0, ∀{a b}, dist a b < ε → (a, b) ∈ s) :=
{ /- Start from an entourage `s`. It contains a closed entourage `t`. Its pullback in `α` is an
entourage, so it contains an `ε`-neighborhood of the diagonal by definition of the entourages
in metric spaces. Then `t` contains an `ε`-neighborhood of the diagonal in `completion α`, as
closed properties pass to the completion. -/
assume hs,
rcases mem_uniformity_is_closed hs with ⟨t, ht, ⟨tclosed, ts⟩⟩,
have A : {x : α × α | (coe (x.1), coe (x.2)) ∈ t} ∈ uniformity α :=
uniform_continuous_def.1 (uniform_continuous_coe α) t ht,
rcases mem_uniformity_dist.1 A with ⟨ε, εpos, hε⟩,
refine ⟨ε, εpos, λx y hxy, _⟩,
have : ε ≤ dist x y ∨ (x, y) ∈ t,
{ apply induction_on₂ x y,
{ have : {x : completion α × completion α | ε ≤ dist (x.fst) (x.snd) ∨ (x.fst, x.snd) ∈ t}
= {p : completion α × completion α | ε ≤ dist p.1 p.2} ∪ t, by ext; simp,
rw this,
apply is_closed.union _ tclosed,
exact is_closed_le continuous_const completion.uniform_continuous_dist.continuous },
{ assume x y,
rw completion.dist_eq,
by_cases h : ε ≤ dist x y,
{ exact or.inl h },
{ have Z := hε (not_le.1 h),
simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq] at Z,
exact or.inr Z }}},
simp only [not_le.mpr hxy, false_or, not_le] at this,
exact ts this },
{ /- Start from a set `s` containing an ε-neighborhood of the diagonal in `completion α`. To show
that it is an entourage, we use the fact that `dist` is uniformly continuous on
`completion α × completion α` (this is a general property of the extension of uniformly
continuous functions). Therefore, the preimage of the ε-neighborhood of the diagonal in
is an entourage in `completion α × completion α`. Massaging this property, it follows that
the ε-neighborhood of the diagonal is an entourage in `completion α`, and therefore this is
also the case of `s`. -/
rintros ⟨ε, εpos, hε⟩,
let r : set (ℝ × ℝ) := {p | dist p.1 p.2 < ε},
have : r ∈ uniformity ℝ := metric.dist_mem_uniformity εpos,
have T := uniform_continuous_def.1 (@completion.uniform_continuous_dist α _) r this,
simp only [uniformity_prod_eq_prod, mem_prod_iff, exists_prop,
filter.mem_map, set.mem_set_of_eq] at T,
rcases T with ⟨t1, ht1, t2, ht2, ht⟩,
refine mem_of_superset ht1 _,
have A : ∀a b : completion α, (a, b) ∈ t1 → dist a b < ε,
{ assume a b hab,
have : ((a, b), (a, a)) ∈ t1 ×ˢ t2 := ⟨hab, refl_mem_uniformity ht2⟩,
have I := ht this,
simp [completion.dist_self, real.dist_eq, completion.dist_comm] at I,
exact lt_of_le_of_lt (le_abs_self _) I },
show t1 ⊆ s,
{ rintros ⟨a, b⟩ hp,
have : dist a b < ε := A a b hp,
exact hε this }}
/-- If two points are at distance 0, then they coincide. -/
protected lemma eq_of_dist_eq_zero (x y : completion α) (h : dist x y = 0) : x = y :=
/- This follows from the separation of `completion α` and from the description of
entourages in terms of the distance. -/
have : separated_space (completion α) := by apply_instance,
refine separated_def.1 this x y (λs hs, _),
rcases (completion.mem_uniformity_dist s).1 hs with ⟨ε, εpos, hε⟩,
rw ← h at εpos,
exact hε εpos
/-- Reformulate `completion.mem_uniformity_dist` in terms that are suitable for the definition
of the metric space structure. -/
protected lemma uniformity_dist' :
𝓤 (completion α) = (⨅ε:{ε : ℝ // 0 < ε}, 𝓟 {p | dist p.1 p.2 < ε.val}) :=
ext s, rw mem_infi_of_directed,
{ simp [completion.mem_uniformity_dist, subset_def] },
{ rintro ⟨r, hr⟩ ⟨p, hp⟩, use ⟨min r p, lt_min hr hp⟩,
simp [lt_min_iff, (≥)] {contextual := tt} }
protected lemma uniformity_dist :
𝓤 (completion α) = (⨅ ε>0, 𝓟 {p | dist p.1 p.2 < ε}) :=
by simpa [infi_subtype] using @completion.uniformity_dist' α _
/-- Metric space structure on the completion of a pseudo_metric space. -/
instance : metric_space (completion α) :=
{ dist_self := completion.dist_self,
eq_of_dist_eq_zero := completion.eq_of_dist_eq_zero,
dist_comm := completion.dist_comm,
dist_triangle := completion.dist_triangle,
dist := dist,
to_uniform_space := by apply_instance,
uniformity_dist := completion.uniformity_dist }
/-- The embedding of a metric space in its completion is an isometry. -/
lemma coe_isometry : isometry (coe : α → completion α) :=
isometry.of_dist_eq completion.dist_eq
@[simp] protected lemma edist_eq (x y : α) : edist (x : completion α) y = edist x y :=
coe_isometry x y
end uniform_space.completion