
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2020 Aaron Anderson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson
import order.complete_boolean_algebra
import order.cover
import order.modular_lattice
import data.fintype.basic
# Atoms, Coatoms, and Simple Lattices
This module defines atoms, which are minimal non-`⊥` elements in bounded lattices, simple lattices,
which are lattices with only two elements, and related ideas.
## Main definitions
### Atoms and Coatoms
* `is_atom a` indicates that the only element below `a` is `⊥`.
* `is_coatom a` indicates that the only element above `a` is `⊤`.
### Atomic and Atomistic Lattices
* `is_atomic` indicates that every element other than `⊥` is above an atom.
* `is_coatomic` indicates that every element other than `⊤` is below a coatom.
* `is_atomistic` indicates that every element is the `Sup` of a set of atoms.
* `is_coatomistic` indicates that every element is the `Inf` of a set of coatoms.
### Simple Lattices
* `is_simple_order` indicates that an order has only two unique elements, `⊥` and `⊤`.
* `is_simple_order.bounded_order`
* `is_simple_order.distrib_lattice`
* Given an instance of `is_simple_order`, we provide the following definitions. These are not
made global instances as they contain data :
* `is_simple_order.boolean_algebra`
* `is_simple_order.complete_lattice`
* `is_simple_order.complete_boolean_algebra`
## Main results
* `is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom` and `is_coatom_dual_iff_is_atom` express the (definitional) duality
of `is_atom` and `is_coatom`.
* `is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top` and `is_simple_order_iff_is_coatom_bot` express the
connection between atoms, coatoms, and simple lattices
* `is_compl.is_atom_iff_is_coatom` and `is_compl.is_coatom_if_is_atom`: In a modular
bounded lattice, a complement of an atom is a coatom and vice versa.
* `is_atomic_iff_is_coatomic`: A modular complemented lattice is atomic iff it is coatomic.
* `fintype.to_is_atomic`, `fintype.to_is_coatomic`: Finite partial orders with bottom resp. top
are atomic resp. coatomic.
variable {α : Type*}
section atoms
section is_atom
section preorder
variables [preorder α] [order_bot α] {a b x : α}
/-- An atom of an `order_bot` is an element with no other element between it and `⊥`,
which is not `⊥`. -/
def is_atom (a : α) : Prop := a ≠ ⊥ ∧ (∀ b, b < a → b = ⊥)
lemma is_atom.Iic (ha : is_atom a) (hax : a ≤ x) : is_atom (⟨a, hax⟩ : set.Iic x) :=
⟨λ con, ha.1 (subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 con), λ ⟨b, hb⟩ hba, subtype.mk_eq_mk.2 (ha.2 b hba)⟩
lemma is_atom.of_is_atom_coe_Iic {a : set.Iic x} (ha : is_atom a) : is_atom (a : α) :=
⟨λ con, ha.1 (subtype.ext con), λ b hba, subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 (ha.2 ⟨b, hba.le.trans a.prop⟩ hba)⟩
end preorder
variables [partial_order α] [order_bot α] {a b x : α}
lemma is_atom.lt_iff (h : is_atom a) : x < a ↔ x = ⊥ := ⟨h.2 x, λ hx, hx.symm ▸ h.1.bot_lt⟩
lemma is_atom.le_iff (h : is_atom a) : x ≤ a ↔ x = ⊥ ∨ x = a :=
by rw [le_iff_lt_or_eq, h.lt_iff]
lemma is_atom.Iic_eq (h : is_atom a) : set.Iic a = {⊥, a} := set.ext $ λ x, h.le_iff
@[simp] lemma bot_covby_iff : ⊥ ⋖ a ↔ is_atom a :=
by simp only [covby, bot_lt_iff_ne_bot, is_atom, not_imp_not]
alias bot_covby_iff ↔ covby.is_atom is_atom.bot_covby
end is_atom
section is_coatom
section preorder
variables [preorder α]
/-- A coatom of an `order_top` is an element with no other element between it and `⊤`,
which is not `⊤`. -/
def is_coatom [order_top α] (a : α) : Prop := a ≠ ⊤ ∧ (∀ b, a < b → b = ⊤)
@[simp] lemma is_coatom_dual_iff_is_atom [order_bot α] {a : α}:
is_coatom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_atom a :=
@[simp] lemma is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom [order_top α] {a : α} :
is_atom (order_dual.to_dual a) ↔ is_coatom a :=
alias is_coatom_dual_iff_is_atom ↔ _ is_atom.dual
alias is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom ↔ _ is_coatom.dual
variables [order_top α] {a x : α}
lemma is_coatom.Ici (ha : is_coatom a) (hax : x ≤ a) : is_coatom (⟨a, hax⟩ : set.Ici x) :=
ha.dual.Iic hax
lemma is_coatom.of_is_coatom_coe_Ici {a : set.Ici x} (ha : is_coatom a) :
is_coatom (a : α) :=
@is_atom.of_is_atom_coe_Iic αᵒᵈ _ _ x a ha
end preorder
variables [partial_order α] [order_top α] {a b x : α}
lemma is_coatom.lt_iff (h : is_coatom a) : a < x ↔ x = ⊤ := h.dual.lt_iff
lemma is_coatom.le_iff (h : is_coatom a) : a ≤ x ↔ x = ⊤ ∨ x = a := h.dual.le_iff
lemma is_coatom.Ici_eq (h : is_coatom a) : set.Ici a = {⊤, a} := h.dual.Iic_eq
@[simp] lemma covby_top_iff : a ⋖ ⊤ ↔ is_coatom a :=
to_dual_covby_to_dual_iff.symm.trans bot_covby_iff
alias covby_top_iff ↔ covby.is_coatom is_coatom.covby_top
end is_coatom
section pairwise
lemma is_atom.inf_eq_bot_of_ne [semilattice_inf α] [order_bot α] {a b : α}
(ha : is_atom a) (hb : is_atom b) (hab : a ≠ b) : a ⊓ b = ⊥ :=
hab.not_le_or_not_le.elim (ha.lt_iff.1 ∘ inf_lt_left.2) (hb.lt_iff.1 ∘ inf_lt_right.2)
lemma is_atom.disjoint_of_ne [semilattice_inf α] [order_bot α] {a b : α}
(ha : is_atom a) (hb : is_atom b) (hab : a ≠ b) : disjoint a b :=
disjoint_iff.mpr (is_atom.inf_eq_bot_of_ne ha hb hab)
lemma is_coatom.sup_eq_top_of_ne [semilattice_sup α] [order_top α] {a b : α}
(ha : is_coatom a) (hb : is_coatom b) (hab : a ≠ b) : a ⊔ b = ⊤ :=
ha.dual.inf_eq_bot_of_ne hb.dual hab
end pairwise
end atoms
section atomic
variables [partial_order α] (α)
/-- A lattice is atomic iff every element other than `⊥` has an atom below it. -/
class is_atomic [order_bot α] : Prop :=
(eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le : ∀ (b : α), b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b)
/-- A lattice is coatomic iff every element other than `⊤` has a coatom above it. -/
class is_coatomic [order_top α] : Prop :=
(eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom : ∀ (b : α), b = ⊤ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_coatom a ∧ b ≤ a)
export is_atomic (eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le) is_coatomic (eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom)
variable {α}
@[simp] lemma is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic [order_bot α] : is_coatomic αᵒᵈ ↔ is_atomic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le⟩⟩
@[simp] lemma is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic [order_top α] : is_atomic αᵒᵈ ↔ is_coatomic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom⟩⟩
namespace is_atomic
variables [order_bot α] [is_atomic α]
instance is_coatomic_dual : is_coatomic αᵒᵈ := is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.2 ‹is_atomic α›
instance {x : α} : is_atomic (set.Iic x) :=
⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, (eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le y).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.2
(λ ⟨a, ha, hay⟩, ⟨⟨a, hay.trans hy⟩, ha.Iic (hay.trans hy), hay⟩)⟩
end is_atomic
namespace is_coatomic
variables [order_top α] [is_coatomic α]
instance is_coatomic : is_atomic αᵒᵈ := is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.2 ‹is_coatomic α›
instance {x : α} : is_coatomic (set.Ici x) :=
⟨λ ⟨y, hy⟩, (eq_top_or_exists_le_coatom y).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.2
(λ ⟨a, ha, hay⟩, ⟨⟨a, le_trans hy hay⟩, ha.Ici (le_trans hy hay), hay⟩)⟩
end is_coatomic
theorem is_atomic_iff_forall_is_atomic_Iic [order_bot α] :
is_atomic α ↔ ∀ (x : α), is_atomic (set.Iic x) :=
⟨@is_atomic.set.Iic.is_atomic _ _ _, λ h, ⟨λ x, ((@eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le _ _ _ (h x))
(⊤ : set.Iic x)).imp subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 (exists_imp_exists' coe
(λ ⟨a, ha⟩, and.imp_left (is_atom.of_is_atom_coe_Iic)))⟩⟩
theorem is_coatomic_iff_forall_is_coatomic_Ici [order_top α] :
is_coatomic α ↔ ∀ (x : α), is_coatomic (set.Ici x) :=
is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.symm.trans $ is_atomic_iff_forall_is_atomic_Iic.trans $ forall_congr
(λ x, is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.symm.trans iff.rfl)
section well_founded
lemma is_atomic_of_order_bot_well_founded_lt [order_bot α]
(h : well_founded ((<) : α → α → Prop)) : is_atomic α :=
⟨λ a, or_iff_not_imp_left.2 $
λ ha, let ⟨b, hb, hm⟩ := h.has_min { b | b ≠ ⊥ ∧ b ≤ a } ⟨a, ha, le_rfl⟩ in
⟨b, ⟨hb.1, λ c, not_imp_not.1 $ λ hc hl, hm c ⟨hc, hl.le.trans hb.2⟩ hl⟩, hb.2⟩⟩
lemma is_coatomic_of_order_top_gt_well_founded [order_top α]
(h : well_founded ((>) : α → α → Prop)) : is_coatomic α :=
is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.1 (@is_atomic_of_order_bot_well_founded_lt αᵒᵈ _ _ h)
end well_founded
end atomic
section atomistic
variables (α) [complete_lattice α]
/-- A lattice is atomistic iff every element is a `Sup` of a set of atoms. -/
class is_atomistic : Prop :=
(eq_Sup_atoms : ∀ (b : α), ∃ (s : set α), b = Sup s ∧ ∀ a, a ∈ s → is_atom a)
/-- A lattice is coatomistic iff every element is an `Inf` of a set of coatoms. -/
class is_coatomistic : Prop :=
(eq_Inf_coatoms : ∀ (b : α), ∃ (s : set α), b = Inf s ∧ ∀ a, a ∈ s → is_coatom a)
export is_atomistic (eq_Sup_atoms) is_coatomistic (eq_Inf_coatoms)
variable {α}
theorem is_coatomistic_dual_iff_is_atomistic : is_coatomistic αᵒᵈ ↔ is_atomistic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_Inf_coatoms⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_Sup_atoms⟩⟩
theorem is_atomistic_dual_iff_is_coatomistic : is_atomistic αᵒᵈ ↔ is_coatomistic α :=
⟨λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_Sup_atoms⟩, λ h, ⟨λ b, by apply h.eq_Inf_coatoms⟩⟩
namespace is_atomistic
instance is_coatomistic_dual [h : is_atomistic α] : is_coatomistic αᵒᵈ :=
is_coatomistic_dual_iff_is_atomistic.2 h
variable [is_atomistic α]
@[priority 100]
instance : is_atomic α :=
⟨λ b, by { rcases eq_Sup_atoms b with ⟨s, rfl, hs⟩,
cases s.eq_empty_or_nonempty with h h,
{ simp [h] },
{ exact or.intro_right _ ⟨h.some, hs _ h.some_spec, le_Sup h.some_spec⟩ } } ⟩
end is_atomistic
section is_atomistic
variables [is_atomistic α]
theorem Sup_atoms_le_eq (b : α) : Sup {a : α | is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b} = b :=
rcases eq_Sup_atoms b with ⟨s, rfl, hs⟩,
exact le_antisymm (Sup_le (λ _, and.right)) (Sup_le_Sup (λ a ha, ⟨hs a ha, le_Sup ha⟩)),
theorem Sup_atoms_eq_top : Sup {a : α | is_atom a} = ⊤ :=
refine eq.trans (congr rfl (set.ext (λ x, _))) (Sup_atoms_le_eq ⊤),
exact (and_iff_left le_top).symm,
theorem le_iff_atom_le_imp {a b : α} :
a ≤ b ↔ ∀ c : α, is_atom c → c ≤ a → c ≤ b :=
⟨λ ab c hc ca, le_trans ca ab, λ h, begin
rw [← Sup_atoms_le_eq a, ← Sup_atoms_le_eq b],
exact Sup_le_Sup (λ c hc, ⟨hc.1, h c hc.1 hc.2⟩),
end is_atomistic
namespace is_coatomistic
instance is_atomistic_dual [h : is_coatomistic α] : is_atomistic αᵒᵈ :=
is_atomistic_dual_iff_is_coatomistic.2 h
variable [is_coatomistic α]
@[priority 100]
instance : is_coatomic α :=
⟨λ b, by { rcases eq_Inf_coatoms b with ⟨s, rfl, hs⟩,
cases s.eq_empty_or_nonempty with h h,
{ simp [h] },
{ exact or.intro_right _ ⟨h.some, hs _ h.some_spec, Inf_le h.some_spec⟩ } } ⟩
end is_coatomistic
end atomistic
/-- An order is simple iff it has exactly two elements, `⊥` and `⊤`. -/
class is_simple_order (α : Type*) [has_le α] [bounded_order α] extends nontrivial α : Prop :=
(eq_bot_or_eq_top : ∀ (a : α), a = ⊥ ∨ a = ⊤)
export is_simple_order (eq_bot_or_eq_top)
theorem is_simple_order_iff_is_simple_order_order_dual [has_le α] [bounded_order α] :
is_simple_order α ↔ is_simple_order αᵒᵈ :=
split; intro i; haveI := i,
{ exact { exists_pair_ne := @exists_pair_ne α _,
eq_bot_or_eq_top := λ a, or.symm (eq_bot_or_eq_top ((order_dual.of_dual a)) : _ ∨ _) } },
{ exact { exists_pair_ne := @exists_pair_ne αᵒᵈ _,
eq_bot_or_eq_top := λ a, or.symm (eq_bot_or_eq_top (order_dual.to_dual a)) } }
lemma is_simple_order.bot_ne_top [has_le α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] :
(⊥ : α) ≠ (⊤ : α) :=
obtain ⟨a, b, h⟩ := exists_pair_ne α,
rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top a with rfl|rfl;
rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top b with rfl|rfl;
simpa <|> simpa using h.symm
section is_simple_order
variables [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α]
instance {α} [has_le α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] : is_simple_order αᵒᵈ :=
is_simple_order_iff_is_simple_order_order_dual.1 (by apply_instance)
/-- A simple `bounded_order` induces a preorder. This is not an instance to prevent loops. -/
protected def is_simple_order.preorder {α} [has_le α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] :
preorder α :=
{ le := (≤),
le_refl := λ a, by rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top a with rfl|rfl; simp,
le_trans := λ a b c, begin
rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top a with rfl|rfl,
{ simp },
{ rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top b with rfl|rfl,
{ rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top c with rfl|rfl; simp },
{ simp } }
end }
/-- A simple partial ordered `bounded_order` induces a linear order.
This is not an instance to prevent loops. -/
protected def is_simple_order.linear_order [decidable_eq α] : linear_order α :=
{ le_total := λ a b, by rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top a with rfl|rfl; simp,
decidable_le := λ a b, if ha : a = ⊥ then is_true (ha.le.trans bot_le) else
if hb : b = ⊤ then is_true (le_top.trans else
is_false (λ H, hb (top_unique
(le_trans (top_le_iff.mpr (or.resolve_left (eq_bot_or_eq_top a) ha)) H))),
decidable_eq := by assumption,
..(infer_instance : partial_order α) }
@[simp] lemma is_atom_top : is_atom (⊤ : α) :=
⟨top_ne_bot, λ a ha, or.resolve_right (eq_bot_or_eq_top a) (ne_of_lt ha)⟩
@[simp] lemma is_coatom_bot : is_coatom (⊥ : α) := is_atom_dual_iff_is_coatom.1 is_atom_top
lemma bot_covby_top : (⊥ : α) ⋖ ⊤ := is_atom_top.bot_covby
end is_simple_order
namespace is_simple_order
section preorder
variables [preorder α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] {a b : α} (h : a < b)
lemma eq_bot_of_lt : a = ⊥ := (is_simple_order.eq_bot_or_eq_top _).resolve_right h.ne_top
lemma eq_top_of_lt : b = ⊤ := (is_simple_order.eq_bot_or_eq_top _).resolve_left h.ne_bot
alias eq_bot_of_lt ←
alias eq_top_of_lt ←
end preorder
section bounded_order
variables [lattice α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α]
/-- A simple partial ordered `bounded_order` induces a lattice.
This is not an instance to prevent loops -/
protected def lattice {α} [decidable_eq α] [partial_order α] [bounded_order α]
[is_simple_order α] : lattice α :=
@linear_order.to_lattice α (is_simple_order.linear_order)
/-- A lattice that is a `bounded_order` is a distributive lattice.
This is not an instance to prevent loops -/
protected def distrib_lattice : distrib_lattice α :=
{ le_sup_inf := λ x y z, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl; simp },
.. (infer_instance : lattice α) }
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : is_atomic α :=
⟨λ b, (eq_bot_or_eq_top b).imp_right (λ h, ⟨⊤, ⟨is_atom_top, ge_of_eq h⟩⟩)⟩
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance : is_coatomic α := is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic.1 is_simple_order.is_atomic
end bounded_order
/- It is important that in this section `is_simple_order` is the last type-class argument. -/
section decidable_eq
variables [decidable_eq α] [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α]
/-- Every simple lattice is isomorphic to `bool`, regardless of order. -/
@[simps] def equiv_bool {α} [decidable_eq α] [has_le α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] :
α ≃ bool :=
{ to_fun := λ x, x = ⊤,
inv_fun := λ x, cond x ⊤ ⊥,
left_inv := λ x, by { rcases (eq_bot_or_eq_top x) with rfl | rfl; simp [bot_ne_top] },
right_inv := λ x, by { cases x; simp [bot_ne_top] } }
/-- Every simple lattice over a partial order is order-isomorphic to `bool`. -/
def order_iso_bool : α ≃o bool :=
{ map_rel_iff' := λ a b, begin
rcases (eq_bot_or_eq_top a) with rfl | rfl,
{ simp [bot_ne_top] },
{ rcases (eq_bot_or_eq_top b) with rfl | rfl,
{ simp [bot_ne_top.symm, bot_ne_top, bool.ff_lt_tt] },
{ simp [bot_ne_top] } }
..equiv_bool }
/- It is important that `is_simple_order` is the last type-class argument of this instance,
so that type-class inference fails quickly if it doesn't apply. -/
@[priority 200]
instance {α} [decidable_eq α] [has_le α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] : fintype α :=
fintype.of_equiv bool equiv_bool.symm
/-- A simple `bounded_order` is also a `boolean_algebra`. -/
protected def boolean_algebra {α} [decidable_eq α] [lattice α] [bounded_order α]
[is_simple_order α] : boolean_algebra α :=
{ compl := λ x, if x = ⊥ then ⊤ else ⊥,
sdiff := λ x y, if x = ⊤ ∧ y = ⊥ then ⊤ else ⊥,
sdiff_eq := λ x y, by rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl;
simp [bot_ne_top, has_sdiff.sdiff, compl],
inf_compl_le_bot := λ x, begin
rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ simp },
{ simp only [top_inf_eq],
split_ifs with h h;
simp [h] }
top_le_sup_compl := λ x, by rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl; simp,
.. (show bounded_order α, by apply_instance),
.. is_simple_order.distrib_lattice }
end decidable_eq
variables [lattice α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α]
open_locale classical
/-- A simple `bounded_order` is also complete. -/
protected noncomputable def complete_lattice : complete_lattice α :=
{ Sup := λ s, if ⊤ ∈ s then ⊤ else ⊥,
Inf := λ s, if ⊥ ∈ s then ⊥ else ⊤,
le_Sup := λ s x h, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ exact bot_le },
{ rw if_pos h } },
Sup_le := λ s x h, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ rw if_neg,
intro con,
exact bot_ne_top (eq_top_iff.2 (h ⊤ con)) },
{ exact le_top } },
Inf_le := λ s x h, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ rw if_pos h },
{ exact le_top } },
le_Inf := λ s x h, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ exact bot_le },
{ rw if_neg,
intro con,
exact top_ne_bot (eq_bot_iff.2 (h ⊥ con)) } },
.. (infer_instance : lattice α),
.. (infer_instance : bounded_order α) }
/-- A simple `bounded_order` is also a `complete_boolean_algebra`. -/
protected noncomputable def complete_boolean_algebra : complete_boolean_algebra α :=
{ infi_sup_le_sup_Inf := λ x s, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ simp only [bot_sup_eq, ← Inf_eq_infi], exact le_rfl },
{ simp only [top_sup_eq, le_top] }, },
inf_Sup_le_supr_inf := λ x s, by { rcases eq_bot_or_eq_top x with rfl | rfl,
{ simp only [bot_inf_eq, bot_le] },
{ simp only [top_inf_eq, ← Sup_eq_supr], exact le_rfl } },
.. is_simple_order.complete_lattice,
.. is_simple_order.boolean_algebra }
end is_simple_order
namespace is_simple_order
variables [complete_lattice α] [is_simple_order α]
set_option default_priority 100
instance : is_atomistic α :=
⟨λ b, (eq_bot_or_eq_top b).elim
(λ h, ⟨∅, ⟨h.trans Sup_empty.symm, λ a ha, false.elim (set.not_mem_empty _ ha)⟩⟩)
(λ h, ⟨{⊤}, h.trans Sup_singleton.symm, λ a ha, (set.mem_singleton_iff.1 ha).symm ▸ is_atom_top⟩)⟩
instance : is_coatomistic α := is_atomistic_dual_iff_is_coatomistic.1 is_simple_order.is_atomistic
end is_simple_order
namespace fintype
namespace is_simple_order
variables [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] [is_simple_order α] [decidable_eq α]
lemma univ : (finset.univ : finset α) = {⊤, ⊥} :=
change _ (finset.univ : finset bool) = _,
rw fintype.univ_bool,
simp only [finset.map_insert, function.embedding.coe_fn_mk, finset.map_singleton],
lemma card : fintype.card α = 2 :=
(fintype.of_equiv_card _).trans fintype.card_bool
end is_simple_order
end fintype
namespace bool
instance : is_simple_order bool :=
⟨λ a, begin
rw [← finset.mem_singleton, or.comm, ← finset.mem_insert,
top_eq_tt, bot_eq_ff, ← fintype.univ_bool],
apply finset.mem_univ,
end bool
theorem is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] :
is_simple_order α ↔ is_atom (⊤ : α) :=
⟨λ h, @is_atom_top _ _ _ h, λ h,
{ exists_pair_ne := ⟨⊤, ⊥, h.1⟩,
eq_bot_or_eq_top := λ a, ((eq_or_lt_of_le le_top).imp_right (h.2 a)).symm }⟩
theorem is_simple_order_iff_is_coatom_bot [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] :
is_simple_order α ↔ is_coatom (⊥ : α) :=
is_simple_order_iff_is_simple_order_order_dual.trans is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top
namespace set
theorem is_simple_order_Iic_iff_is_atom [partial_order α] [order_bot α] {a : α} :
is_simple_order (Iic a) ↔ is_atom a :=
is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top.trans $ and_congr (not_congr subtype.mk_eq_mk)
⟨λ h b ab, subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 (h ⟨b, le_of_lt ab⟩ ab),
λ h ⟨b, hab⟩ hbotb, subtype.mk_eq_mk.2 (h b (subtype.mk_lt_mk.1 hbotb))⟩
theorem is_simple_order_Ici_iff_is_coatom [partial_order α] [order_top α] {a : α} :
is_simple_order (Ici a) ↔ is_coatom a :=
is_simple_order_iff_is_coatom_bot.trans $ and_congr (not_congr subtype.mk_eq_mk)
⟨λ h b ab, subtype.mk_eq_mk.1 (h ⟨b, le_of_lt ab⟩ ab),
λ h ⟨b, hab⟩ hbotb, subtype.mk_eq_mk.2 (h b (subtype.mk_lt_mk.1 hbotb))⟩
end set
namespace order_iso
variables {β : Type*}
@[simp] lemma is_atom_iff [partial_order α] [order_bot α] [partial_order β] [order_bot β]
(f : α ≃o β) (a : α) :
is_atom (f a) ↔ is_atom a :=
and_congr (not_congr ⟨λ h, f.injective (f.map_bot.symm ▸ h), λ h, f.map_bot ▸ (congr rfl h)⟩)
⟨λ h b hb, f.injective ((h (f b) ((f : α ↪o β).lt_iff_lt.2 hb)).trans f.map_bot.symm),
λ h b hb, f.symm.injective begin
rw f.symm.map_bot,
apply h,
rw [← f.symm_apply_apply a],
exact (f.symm : β ↪o α).lt_iff_lt.2 hb,
@[simp] lemma is_coatom_iff [partial_order α] [order_top α] [partial_order β] [order_top β]
(f : α ≃o β) (a : α) :
is_coatom (f a) ↔ is_coatom a :=
f.dual.is_atom_iff a
lemma is_simple_order_iff [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] [partial_order β] [bounded_order β]
(f : α ≃o β) :
is_simple_order α ↔ is_simple_order β :=
by rw [is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top, is_simple_order_iff_is_atom_top,
← f.is_atom_iff ⊤, f.map_top]
lemma is_simple_order [partial_order α] [bounded_order α] [partial_order β] [bounded_order β]
[h : is_simple_order β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_simple_order α :=
f.is_simple_order_iff.mpr h
lemma is_atomic_iff [partial_order α] [order_bot α] [partial_order β] [order_bot β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_atomic α ↔ is_atomic β :=
suffices : (∀ b : α, b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : α), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b) ↔
(∀ b : β, b = ⊥ ∨ ∃ (a : β), is_atom a ∧ a ≤ b),
from ⟨λ ⟨p⟩, ⟨ p⟩, λ ⟨p⟩, ⟨this.mpr p⟩⟩,
apply f.to_equiv.forall_congr,
simp_rw [rel_iso.coe_fn_to_equiv],
intro b, apply or_congr,
{ rw [f.apply_eq_iff_eq_symm_apply, map_bot], },
{ split,
{ exact λ ⟨a, ha⟩, ⟨f a, ⟨(f.is_atom_iff a).mpr ha.1, f.le_iff_le.mpr ha.2⟩⟩, },
{ rintros ⟨b, ⟨hb1, hb2⟩⟩,
refine ⟨f.symm b, ⟨(f.symm.is_atom_iff b).mpr hb1, _⟩⟩,
rwa [←f.le_iff_le, f.apply_symm_apply], }, },
lemma is_coatomic_iff [partial_order α] [order_top α] [partial_order β] [order_top β] (f : α ≃o β) :
is_coatomic α ↔ is_coatomic β :=
by { rw [←is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic, ←is_atomic_dual_iff_is_coatomic],
exact f.dual.is_atomic_iff }
end order_iso
section is_modular_lattice
variables [lattice α] [bounded_order α] [is_modular_lattice α]
namespace is_compl
variables {a b : α} (hc : is_compl a b)
include hc
lemma is_atom_iff_is_coatom : is_atom a ↔ is_coatom b :=
set.is_simple_order_Iic_iff_is_atom.symm.trans $ hc.Iic_order_iso_Ici.is_simple_order_iff.trans
lemma is_coatom_iff_is_atom : is_coatom a ↔ is_atom b := hc.symm.is_atom_iff_is_coatom.symm
end is_compl
variables [is_complemented α]
lemma is_coatomic_of_is_atomic_of_is_complemented_of_is_modular [is_atomic α] : is_coatomic α :=
⟨λ x, begin
rcases exists_is_compl x with ⟨y, xy⟩,
apply (eq_bot_or_exists_atom_le y).imp _ _,
{ rintro rfl,
exact eq_top_of_is_compl_bot xy },
{ rintro ⟨a, ha, ay⟩,
rcases exists_is_compl (xy.symm.Iic_order_iso_Ici ⟨a, ay⟩) with ⟨⟨b, xb⟩, hb⟩,
refine ⟨↑(⟨b, xb⟩ : set.Ici x), is_coatom.of_is_coatom_coe_Ici _, xb⟩,
rw [← hb.is_atom_iff_is_coatom, order_iso.is_atom_iff],
apply ha.Iic }
lemma is_atomic_of_is_coatomic_of_is_complemented_of_is_modular [is_coatomic α] : is_atomic α :=
is_coatomic_dual_iff_is_atomic.1 is_coatomic_of_is_atomic_of_is_complemented_of_is_modular
theorem is_atomic_iff_is_coatomic : is_atomic α ↔ is_coatomic α :=
⟨λ h, @is_coatomic_of_is_atomic_of_is_complemented_of_is_modular _ _ _ _ _ h,
λ h, @is_atomic_of_is_coatomic_of_is_complemented_of_is_modular _ _ _ _ _ h⟩
end is_modular_lattice
section fintype
open finset
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance fintype.to_is_coatomic [partial_order α] [order_top α] [fintype α] : is_coatomic α :=
refine (λ b, or_iff_not_imp_left.2 (λ ht, _)),
obtain ⟨c, hc, hmax⟩ := set.finite.exists_maximal_wrt id { x : α | b ≤ x ∧ x ≠ ⊤ }
(set.to_finite _) ⟨b, le_rfl, ht⟩,
refine ⟨c, ⟨hc.2, λ y hcy, _⟩, hc.1⟩,
by_contra hyt,
obtain rfl : c = y := hmax y ⟨hc.1.trans hcy.le, hyt⟩ hcy.le,
exact (lt_self_iff_false _).mp hcy
@[priority 100] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance fintype.to_is_atomic [partial_order α] [order_bot α] [fintype α] : is_atomic α := fintype.to_is_coatomic
end fintype