Text Generation
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Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Howes. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Michael Howes | |
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import group_theory.free_group | |
import group_theory.quotient_group | |
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# Defining a group given by generators and relations | |
Given a subset `rels` of relations of the free group on a type `α`, this file constructs the group | |
given by generators `x : α` and relations `r ∈ rels`. | |
## Main definitions | |
* `presented_group rels`: the quotient group of the free group on a type `α` by a subset `rels` of | |
relations of the free group on `α`. | |
* `of`: The canonical map from `α` to a presented group with generators `α`. | |
* `to_group f`: the canonical group homomorphism `presented_group rels → G`, given a function | |
`f : α → G` from a type `α` to a group `G` which satisfies the relations `rels`. | |
## Tags | |
generators, relations, group presentations | |
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variables {α : Type} | |
/-- Given a set of relations, rels, over a type `α`, presented_group constructs the group with | |
generators `x : α` and relations `rels` as a quotient of free_group `α`.-/ | |
def presented_group (rels : set (free_group α)) : Type := | |
free_group α ⧸ subgroup.normal_closure rels | |
namespace presented_group | |
instance (rels : set (free_group α)) : group (presented_group (rels)) := | | _ | |
/-- `of` is the canonical map from `α` to a presented group with generators `x : α`. The term `x` is | |
mapped to the equivalence class of the image of `x` in `free_group α`. -/ | |
def of {rels : set (free_group α)} (x : α) : presented_group rels := | | (free_group.of x) | |
section to_group | |
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Presented groups satisfy a universal property. If `G` is a group and `f : α → G` is a map such that | |
the images of `f` satisfy all the given relations, then `f` extends uniquely to a group homomorphism | |
from `presented_group rels` to `G`. | |
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variables {G : Type} [group G] {f : α → G} {rels : set (free_group α)} | |
local notation `F` := free_group.lift f | |
variable (h : ∀ r ∈ rels, F r = 1) | |
lemma closure_rels_subset_ker : subgroup.normal_closure rels ≤ monoid_hom.ker F := | |
subgroup.normal_closure_le_normal (λ x w, (monoid_hom.mem_ker _).2 (h x w)) | |
lemma to_group_eq_one_of_mem_closure : ∀ x ∈ subgroup.normal_closure rels, F x = 1 := | |
λ x w, (monoid_hom.mem_ker _).1 $ closure_rels_subset_ker h w | |
/-- The extension of a map `f : α → G` that satisfies the given relations to a group homomorphism | |
from `presented_group rels → G`. -/ | |
def to_group : presented_group rels →* G := | |
quotient_group.lift (subgroup.normal_closure rels) F (to_group_eq_one_of_mem_closure h) | |
@[simp] lemma to_group.of {x : α} : to_group h (of x) = f x := free_group.lift.of | |
theorem to_group.unique (g : presented_group rels →* G) | |
(hg : ∀ x : α, g (of x) = f x) : ∀ {x}, g x = to_group h x := | |
λ x, quotient_group.induction_on x | |
(λ _, free_group.lift.unique (g.comp (' _)) hg) | |
end to_group | |
instance (rels : set (free_group α)) : inhabited (presented_group rels) := ⟨1⟩ | |
end presented_group | |