Text Generation
100K - 1M
import tactic | |
import data.real.basic | |
import number_theory.padics | |
import | |
/-! | |
## Exercises about numbers and casts | |
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/-! | |
## First exercises | |
These first examples are just to get you comfortable with | |
`norm_num`, `norm_cast`, and friends. | |
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example : 12345 < 67890 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example {Ξ± : Type} [linear_ordered_field Ξ±] : 123 + 45 < 67890/3 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example : 17 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
-- prove either this or its negation! | |
example : 7/3 > 2 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example (x : β) (hx : x < 50*50) : x < 25*100 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example (x : β€) (hx : (x : β) < 25*100) : x < 25*100 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example (x : β€) (hx : (x : β) < 2500) : x < 25*100 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example (p q r : β) (h : r < p - q) (hpq : q β€ p) : (r : β) < p - q := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
example (p q r : β) (hr : r < p + 2 - p) : (r : β€) < 5 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |
/-! | |
## Exercise 2 | |
This comes from the development of the p-adic numbers. | |
`norm_cast` is very useful here, since we need to talk about values in | |
β, β€, β, β_p, and β€_p. | |
We've done some work to get you started. You might look for the lemmas: | |
-/ | |
open padic_val_rat | |
#check zpow_le_of_le | |
#check zpow_nonneg | |
#check of_int_multiplicity | |
example {p n : β} (hp : {z : β€} (hd : β(p^n) β£ z) : padic_norm p z β€ βp ^ (-n : β€) := | |
begin | |
-- This lemma will be useful later in the proof. | |
-- Ignore the "inst" argument; just use `apply aux_lemma` when you need it! | |
-- Note that we haven't finished it. Fill in that final sorry. | |
have aux_lemma : β inst, (n : β€) β€ (multiplicity βp z).get inst, | |
{ intro, | |
norm_cast, | |
rw [β part_enat.coe_le_coe, part_enat.coe_get], | |
apply multiplicity.le_multiplicity_of_pow_dvd, | |
sorry }, | |
unfold padic_norm, split_ifs with hz hz, | |
{ sorry }, | |
{ sorry } | |
end | |
/-! | |
## Exercise 3 | |
This seems like a very natural way to write the theorem | |
"If `a` and `b` are coprime, then there are coefficients `u` and `v` such that `u*a + v*b = 1`." | |
But I've made a mistake! What did I do wrong? Correct the statement of the theorem and prove it. | |
I've started you off with a lemma that will be useful. | |
You might find the `specialize` tactic to be handy as well: | |
if you have `h : β (x y : T), R x y` and `a, b : T` in the context, then | |
`specialize h a b` will change the type of `h` to `R a b`. | |
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example (a b : β) (h : nat.coprime a b) : β u v, u*a+v*b = 1 := | |
begin | |
have := nat.gcd_eq_gcd_ab, | |
sorry | |
end | |
/-! | |
## Exercise 4 | |
We did an example together that was similar to this. | |
This one takes a bit more arithmetic work. | |
To save you some time, here are some lemmas that may be useful! | |
(You may not need all of them, depending on how you approach it.) | |
Remember you can also use `library_search` to try to find useful lemmas. | |
A hint: you might find it helpful to do this once you've introduced `n`. | |
``` | |
have n_pos: 0 < n, | |
{ ... } | |
``` | |
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#check sub_le_iff_le_add | |
#check add_le_add_iff_left | |
#check div_le_iff | |
#check mul_one_div_cancel | |
#check mul_le_mul_left | |
notation `|`x`|` := abs x | |
def seq_limit (u : β β β) (l : β) : Prop := | |
β Ξ΅ > 0, β N, β n β₯ N, |u n - l| β€ Ξ΅ | |
example : seq_limit (Ξ» n : β, (n+1)/n) 1 := | |
begin | |
sorry | |
end | |