
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
12.1 kB
import topology.metric_space.basic
open_locale classical filter topological_space
namespace lftcm
open filter set
# Filters
## Definition of filters
def principal {Ξ± : Type*} (s : set Ξ±) : filter Ξ± :=
{ sets := {t | s βŠ† t},
univ_sets := begin
sets_of_superset := begin
inter_sets := begin
def at_top : filter β„• :=
{ sets := {s | βˆƒ a, βˆ€ b, a ≀ b β†’ b ∈ s},
univ_sets := begin
sets_of_superset := begin
inter_sets := begin
-- The next exercise is slightly more tricky, you should probably keep it for later
def nhds (x : ℝ) : filter ℝ :=
{ sets := {s | βˆƒ Ξ΅ > 0, Ioo (x - Ξ΅) (x + Ξ΅) βŠ† s},
univ_sets := begin
sets_of_superset := begin
inter_sets := begin
The filter axiom are also available as standalone lemmas where the filter argument is implicit
#check @filter.sets_of_superset
#check @mem_of_superset
-- And analogously:
#check @inter_mem
## Definition of "tends to"
-- We'll practive using tendsto by reproving the composition lemma `tendsto.comp` from mathlib
-- Let's first use the concrete definition recorded by `tendsto_def`
#check @tendsto_def
#check @preimage_comp
example {Ξ± Ξ² Ξ³ : Type*} {A : filter Ξ±} {B : filter Ξ²} {C : filter Ξ³} {f : Ξ± β†’ Ξ²} {g : Ξ² β†’ Ξ³}
(hf : tendsto f A B) (hg : tendsto g B C) : tendsto (g ∘ f) A C :=
-- Now let's get functorial (same statement as above, different proof packaging).
example {Ξ± Ξ² Ξ³ : Type*} {A : filter Ξ±} {B : filter Ξ²} {C : filter Ξ³} {f : Ξ± β†’ Ξ²} {g : Ξ² β†’ Ξ³}
(hf : tendsto f A B) (hg : tendsto g B C) : tendsto (g ∘ f) A C :=
map (g ∘ f) A = map g (map f A) : sorry
... ≀ map g B : sorry
... ≀ C : sorry,
Let's now focus on the pull-back operation `filter.comap` which takes `f : X β†’ Y`
and a filter `G` on `Y` and returns a filter on `X`.
#check @mem_comap -- this is by definition, the proof is `iff.rfl`
-- It also help to record a special case of one implication:
#check @preimage_mem_comap
-- The following exercise, which reproves `comap_ne_bot_iff` can start using
#check @forall_mem_nonempty_iff_ne_bot
example {Ξ± Ξ² : Type*} {f : filter Ξ²} {m : Ξ± β†’ Ξ²} :
(comap m f).ne_bot ↔ βˆ€ t ∈ f, βˆƒ a, m a ∈ t :=
## Properties holding eventually
The next exercise only needs the definition of filters and the fact that
`βˆ€αΆ  x in f, p x` is a notation for `{x | p x} ∈ f`.
It is called `eventually_and` in mathlib, and won't be needed below.
For instance, applied to `Ξ± = β„•` and the `at_top` filter above, it says
that, given two predicates `p` and `q` on natural numbers,
p n and q n for n large enough if and only if p n holds for n large enough
and q n holds for n large enough.
example {Ξ± : Type*} {p q : Ξ± β†’ Prop} {f : filter Ξ±} :
(βˆ€αΆ  x in f, p x ∧ q x) ↔ (βˆ€αΆ  x in f, p x) ∧ (βˆ€αΆ  x in f, q x) :=
##Β Topological spaces
-- This is how we can talk about two topological spaces X and Y
variables {X Y : Type*} [topological_space X] [topological_space Y]
Given a topological space `X` and some `A : set X`, we have the usual zoo of predicates
`is_open A`, `is_closed A`, `is_connected A`, `is_compact A` (and some more)
There are also additional type classes referring to properties of `X` itself,
like `compact_space X` or `connected_space X`
/-- We can talk about continuous functions from `X` to `Y` -/
example (f : X β†’ Y) : continuous f ↔ βˆ€ V, is_open V β†’ is_open (f ⁻¹' V) := continuous_def
/- Each point `x` of a topological space has a neighborhood filter `𝓝 x`
made of sets containing an open set containing `x`.
It is always a proper filter, as recorded by `nhds_ne_bot`
Asking for continuity is the same as asking for continuity at each point
the right-hand side below is known as `continuous_at f x` -/
example (f : X β†’ Y) : continuous f ↔ βˆ€ x, tendsto f (𝓝 x) (𝓝 (f x)) := continuous_iff_continuous_at
/- The topological structure also brings operations on sets.
To each `A : set X`, we can associate `closure A`, `interior A` and `frontier A`.
We'll focus on `closure A`. It is defined as the intersection of closed sets containing `A`
but we can characterize it in terms of neighborhoods. The most concrete version is
`mem_closure_iff_nhds : a ∈ closure A ↔ βˆ€ B ∈ 𝓝 a, (B ∩ A).nonempty`
We'll pratice by reproving the slightly more abstract `mem_closure_iff_comap_ne_bot`.
First let's review sets and subtypes. Fix a type `X` and recall
that `A : set X` is not a type a priori, but Lean coerces automatically when needed to the
type `β†₯A` whose terms are build of a term `x : X` and a proof of `x ∈ A`.
In the other direction, inhabitants of `β†₯A` can be coerced to `X` automatically.
This inclusion coercion map is called `coe : A β†’ X` and `coe a` is also denoted by `↑a`.
Now assume `X` is a topological space, and let's understand the closure of A in terms
of `coe` and the neighborhood filter.
In the next exercise, you can use `simp_rw` instead of `rw` to rewrite inside a quantifier
#check nonempty_inter_iff_exists_right
example {A : set X} {x : X} :
x ∈ closure A ↔ (comap (coe : A β†’ X) (𝓝 x)).ne_bot :=
In elementary contexts, the main property of `closure A` is that a converging sequence
`u : β„• β†’ X` such that `βˆ€ n, u n ∈ A` has its limit in `closure A`.
Note we don't need all the full sequence to be in
`A`, it's enough to ask it for `n` large enough, ie. `βˆ€αΆ  n in at_top, u n ∈ A`.
Also there is no reason to use sequences only, we can use any map and any source filter.
We hence have the important
`mem_closure_of_tendsto` : βˆ€ {f : Ξ² β†’ X} {F : filter Ξ²} {a : X}
{A : set X}, F β‰  βŠ₯ β†’ tendsto f F (𝓝 a) β†’ (βˆ€αΆ  x in F, f x ∈ A) β†’ a ∈ closure A
If `A` is known to be closed then we can replace `closure A` by `A`, this is
We need one last piece of filter technology: bases. By definition, each neighborhood of a point
`x` contains an *open* neighborhood of `x`.
Hence we can often restrict our attention to such neighborhoods.
The general definition recording such a situation is:
`has_basis` (l : filter Ξ±) (p : ΞΉ β†’ Prop) (s : ΞΉ β†’ set Ξ±) : Prop :=
(mem_iff' : βˆ€ t, t ∈ l ↔ βˆƒ i (hi : p i), s i βŠ† t)
You can now inspect three examples of how bases allow to restrict attention to certain elements
of a filter.
#check @has_basis.mem_iff
#check @has_basis.tendsto_left_iff
#check @has_basis.tendsto_right_iff
-- We'll use the following bases:
#check @nhds_basis_opens'
#check @closed_nhds_basis
Our main goal is now to prove the basic theorem which allows extension by continuity.
From Bourbaki's general topology book, I.8.5, Theorem 1 (taking only the non-trivial implication):
Let `X` be a topological space, `A` a dense subset of `X`, `f : A β†’ Y` a mapping of `A` into a
regular space `Y`. If, for each `x` in `X`, `f(y)` tends to a limit in `Y` when `y` tends to `x`
while remaining in `A` then there exists a continuous extension `Ο†` of `f` to `X`.
The regularity assumption on `Y` ensures that each point of `Y` has a basis of *closed*
neighborhoods, this is `closed_nhds_basis`.
It also ensures that `Y` is Hausdorff so limits in `Y` are unique, this is `tendsto_nhds_unique`.
mathlib contains a refinement of the above lemma, `dense_inducing.continuous_at_extend`,
but we'll stick to Bourbaki's version here.
Remember that, given `A : set X`, `β†₯A` is the subtype associated to `A`, and Lean will automatically
insert that funny up arrow when needed. And the (inclusion) coercion map is `coe : A β†’ X`.
The assumption "tends to `x` while remaining in `A`" corresponds to the pull-back filter
`comap coe (𝓝 x)`.
Let's prove first an auxilliary lemma, extracted to simplify the context
(in particular we don't need Y to be a topological space here).
lemma aux {X Y A : Type*} [topological_space X] {c : A β†’ X} {f : A β†’ Y} {x : X} {F : filter Y}
(h : tendsto f (comap c (𝓝 x)) F) {V' : set Y} (V'_in : V' ∈ F) :
βˆƒ V ∈ 𝓝 x, is_open V ∧ c ⁻¹' V βŠ† f ⁻¹' V' :=
Let's now turn to the main proof of the extension by continuity theorem.
When Lean needs a topology on `β†₯A` it will use the induced topology, thanks to the instance
This all happens automatically. The only relevant lemma is
`nhds_induced coe : βˆ€ a : β†₯A, 𝓝 a = comap coe (𝓝 ↑a)`
(this is actually a general lemma about induced topologies).
The proof outline is:
The main assumption and the axiom of choice give a function `Ο†` such that
`βˆ€ x, tendsto f (comap coe $ 𝓝 x) (𝓝 (Ο† x))`
(because `Y` is Hausdorff, `Ο†` is entirely determined, but we won't need that until we try to
prove that `Ο†` indeed extends `f`).
Let's first prove `Ο†` is continuous. Fix any `x : X`.
Since `Y` is regular, it suffices to check that for every *closed* neighborhood
`V'` of `Ο† x`, `Ο† ⁻¹' V' ∈ 𝓝 x`.
The limit assumption gives (through the auxilliary lemma above)
some `V ∈ 𝓝 x` such `is_open V ∧ coe ⁻¹' V βŠ† f ⁻¹' V'`.
Since `V ∈ 𝓝 x`, it suffices to prove `V βŠ† Ο† ⁻¹' V'`, ie `βˆ€ y ∈ V, Ο† y ∈ V'`.
Let's fix `y` in `V`. Because `V` is *open*, it is a neighborhood of `y`.
In particular `coe ⁻¹' V ∈ comap coe (𝓝 y)` and a fortiori `f ⁻¹' V' ∈ comap coe (𝓝 y)`.
In addition `comap coe $ 𝓝 y β‰  βŠ₯` because `A` is dense.
Because we know `tendsto f (comap coe $ 𝓝 y) (𝓝 (Ο† y))` this implies
`Ο† y ∈ closure V'` and, since `V'` is closed, we have proved `Ο† y ∈ V'`.
It remains to prove that `Ο†` extends `f`. This is were continuity of `f` enters the discussion,
together with the fact that `Y` is Hausdorff.
example [t3_space Y] {A : set X} (hA : βˆ€ x, x ∈ closure A)
{f : A β†’ Y} (f_cont : continuous f)
(hf : βˆ€ x : X, βˆƒ c : Y, tendsto f (comap coe $ 𝓝 x) $ 𝓝 c) :
βˆƒ Ο† : X β†’ Y, continuous Ο† ∧ βˆ€ a : A, Ο† a = f a :=
## Metric spaces
We now leave general topology and turn to metric spaces. The distance function is denoted by `dist`.
A slight difficulty here is that, as in Bourbaki, many results you may expect
to see stated for metric spaces are stated for uniform spaces, a more general notion that also
includes topological groups. In this tutorial we will avoid uniform spaces for simplicity.
We will prove that continuous functions from a compact metric space to a
metric space are uniformly continuous. mathlib has a much more general
version (about functions between uniform spaces...).
The lemma `metric.uniform_continuous_iff` allows to translate the general definition
of uniform continuity to the Ξ΅-Ξ΄ definition that works for metric spaces only.
So let's fix `Ξ΅ > 0` and start looking for `Ξ΄`.
We will deduce Heine-Cantor from the fact that a real value continuous function
on a nonempty compact set reaches its infimum. There are several ways to state that,
but here we recommend `is_compact.exists_forall_le`.
Let `Ο† : X Γ— X β†’ ℝ := Ξ» p, dist (f p.1) (f p.2)` and let `K := { p : X Γ— X | Ξ΅ ≀ Ο† p }`.
Observe `Ο†` is continuous by assumption on `f` and using `continuous_dist`.
And `K` is closed using `is_closed_le` hence compact since `X` is compact.
Then we discuss two possibilities using `eq_empty_or_nonempty`.
If `K` is empty then we are clearly done (we can set `Ξ΄ = 1` for instance).
So let's assume `K` is not empty, and choose `(xβ‚€, x₁)` attaining the infimum
of `Ο†` on `K`. We can then set `Ξ΄ = dist xβ‚€ x₁` and check everything works.
example {X : Type*} [metric_space X] [compact_space X] {Y : Type*} [metric_space Y]
{f : X β†’ Y} (hf : continuous f) : uniform_continuous f :=
end lftcm