
proof-pile / formal /hol /Minisat /
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
8.72 kB
(*open satCommonTools;;*)
(* translation from terms to DIMACS cnf and back *)
(* mapping from HOL variable names to DIMACS variable numbers
is stored in a global assignable (i.e. reference) variable sat_var_map.
The type of sat_var_map is (int * (term * int) map) ref and
the integer first component is the next available number
(i.e. it is one plus the number of elements in the map)
in th second component (t,n), if n<0 then the literal represented
is ~t (the stored t is never negated)
initialise sat_var_map to integer 1 paired with the empty map
(in DIMACS variable numbering starts from 1 because 0
is the clause separator)
let sat_var_map = ref(1, Termmap.empty)
let sat_var_arr = ref(Array.make 0 t_tm) (* varnum->+ve lit. *)
Reinitialise sat_var_map.
Needs to be done for each translation of a term to DIMACS
as numbers must be an initial segment of 1,2,3,...
(otherwise grasp, zchaff etc may crash)
(*+1 'cos var numbers start at 1*)
let initSatVarMap var_count =
(sat_var_map := (1, Termmap.empty);
sat_var_arr := Array.make (var_count+1) t_tm)
Lookup the var number corresponding to a +ve literal s, possibly extending sat_var_map
let lookup_sat_var s =
let (c,svm) = !sat_var_map in
snd (try Termmap.find s svm with
Not_found ->
let svm' = Termmap.add s (s,c) svm in
let _ = (sat_var_map := (c+1,svm')) in
let _ =
try (Array.set (!sat_var_arr) c s)
with Invalid_argument _ ->
failwith ("lookup_sat_varError: "^(string_of_term s)^"::"^(string_of_int c)^"\n") in
Lookup the +ve lit corresponding to a var number
let lookup_sat_num n =
try (Array.get (!sat_var_arr) n)
with Invalid_argument _ ->
failwith ("lookup_sat_numError: "^(string_of_int n)^"\n")
Show sat_var_map as a list of its elements
let showSatVarMap () =
let (c,st) = !sat_var_map in
(c, snd (tm_listItems st))
Print a term showing types
let all_string_of_term t =
((string_of_term) t^" : "^(string_of_type (type_of t)))
let print_all_term t =
print_string (all_string_of_term t);;
Convert a literal to a (bool * integer) pair, where
the boolean is true iff the literal is negated,
if necessary extend sat_var_map
exception Lit_to_int_err of string
let literalToInt t =
let (sign,v) =
if is_neg t
let t1 = dest_neg t in
if type_of t1 = bool_ty
then (true, t1)
else raise (Lit_to_int_err (all_string_of_term t))
if type_of t = bool_ty
then (false, t)
else raise (Lit_to_int_err (all_string_of_term t)) in
let v_num = lookup_sat_var v in
(sign, v_num)
Convert an integer (a possibly negated var number) to a literal,
raising lookup_sat_numError if the absolute value of
the integer isn't in sat_var_map
let intToLiteral n =
let t = lookup_sat_num (abs n) in
if n>=0 then t else mk_neg t
termToDimacs t
checks t is CNF of the form
``(v11 \/ ... \/ v1p) /\ (v21 \/ ... \/ v2q) /\ ... /\ (vr1 \/ ... \/vrt)``
where vij is a literal, i.e. a boolean variable or a negated
boolean variable.
If t is such a CNF then termToDimacs t returns a list of lists of integers
[[n11,...,n1p],[n21,...,n2q], ... , [nr1,...,nrt]]
If vij is a boolean variable ``v`` then nij is the entry
for v in sat_var_map. If vij is ``~v``, then nij is the negation
of the entry for v in sat_var_map
N.B. Definition of termToDimacs processes last clause first,
so variables are not numbered in the left-to-right order.
Not clear if this matters.
let termToDimacs t =
(fun c d -> ( literalToInt (disjuncts c)) :: d)
(conjuncts t) []
(* Test data
val t1 = ``x:bool``;
val t2 = ``~x``;
val t3 = ``x \/ y \/ ~z \/ w``;
val t4 = ``(x \/ y \/ ~z \/ w) /\ (~w \/ ~x \/ y)``;
val t5 = ``(x \/ y \/ ~z \/ w) /\ !x. (~w \/ ~x \/ y)``;
val t6 = ``(x \/ y \/ ~z \/ w) /\ (~w)``;
val t7 = ``(x \/ y \/ ~z \/ w) /\ (~w) /\ (w \/ x) /\ (p /\ q /\ r)``;
reference containing prefix used to make variables from numbers
when reading DIMACS
let prefix = ref "v"
intToPrefixedLiteral n = ``(!prefix)n``
intToPrefixedLiteral (~n) = ``~(!prefix)n``
let intToPrefixedLiteral n =
if n >= 0
then mk_var(((!prefix) ^ (string_of_int n)), bool_ty)
else mk_neg(mk_var((!prefix) ^ (string_of_int(abs n)), bool_ty))
buildClause [n1,...,np] builds
``(!prefix)np /\ ... /\ (!prefix)n1``
Raises exception Empty on the empty list
let buildClause l =
(fun t n -> mk_disj(intToPrefixedLiteral n, t))
(intToPrefixedLiteral (hd l))
(tl l)
dimacsToTerm l
converts a list of integers
[n11,...,n1p,0,n21,...,n2q,0, ... , 0,nr1,...,nrt,0]
into a term in CNF of the form
``(v11 \/ ... \/ v1p) /\ (v21 \/ ... \/ v2q) /\ ... /\ (vr1 \/ ... \/vrt)``
where vij is a literal, i.e. a boolean variable or a negated boolena variable.
If nij is non-negative then vij is ``(!prefix)nij``;
If nij is negative ~mij then vij is ``~(!prefix)mij``;
(* dimacsToTerm_aux splits off one clause, dimacsToTerm iterates it *)
let rec dimacsToTerm_aux acc = function
[] -> (buildClause acc,[])
| (0::l) -> (buildClause acc,l)
| (x::l) -> dimacsToTerm_aux (x::acc) l
let rec dimacsToTerm l =
let (t,l1) = dimacsToTerm_aux [] l in
if List.length l1 = 0
then t
else mk_conj(t, dimacsToTerm l1)
Convert (true,n) to "-n" and (false,n) to "n"
let literalToString b n =
if b
then ("-" ^ (string_of_int n))
else string_of_int n
termToDimacsFile t
converts t to DIMACS and then writes out a
file into the temporary directory.
the name of the temporary file (without extension ".cnf") is returned.
Refererence containing name of temporary file used
for last invocation of a SAT solver
let tmp_name = ref "undefined"
let termToDimacsFile fname t var_count =
let clause_count = List.length(conjuncts t) in
let _ = initSatVarMap var_count in
let dlist = termToDimacs t in
let tmp = Filename.temp_file "sat" "" in
let tmpname =
match fname with
(Some fname) -> fname^".cnf"
| None -> tmp^".cnf" in
let outstr = open_out tmpname in
let out s = output_string outstr s in
let res = (out "c File "; out tmpname; out " generated by HolSatLib\n";
out "c\n";
out "p cnf ";
out (string_of_int var_count); out " ";
out (string_of_int clause_count); out "\n";
(fun l -> (List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
(out(literalToString x y); out " ")) l;
out "\n0\n"))
close_out outstr;
tmp_name := tmp;
match fname with
(Some _) -> tmpname
| None -> tmp) in
readDimacs filename
reads a DIMACS file called filename and returns
a term in CNF in which each number n in the DIMACS file
is a boolean variable (!prefix)n
Code below by Ken Larsen (replaces earlier implementation by MJCG)
exception Read_dimacs_error;;
let rec dropLine ins =
match Stream.peek ins with
Some '\n' -> Stream.junk ins
| Some _ -> (Stream.junk ins; dropLine ins)
| None -> raise Read_dimacs_error
let rec stripPreamble ins =
match Stream.peek ins with
Some 'c' -> (dropLine ins; stripPreamble ins)
| Some 'p' -> (dropLine ins; stripPreamble ins)
| Some _ -> Some ()
| None -> None
let rec getIntClause lex acc =
(try lex with
Stream.Failure -> Genlex.Kwd "EOF" (* EOF *))
(Genlex.Int 0) -> Some acc
| (Genlex.Int i) -> getIntClause lex (i::acc)
| (Genlex.Kwd "EOF") ->
if List.length acc = 0
then None
else Some acc
| _ -> raise Read_dimacs_error
(* This implementation is inspired by
(and hopefully faithful to) dimacsToTerm.
let getTerms lex =
let rec loop acc =
match getIntClause lex [] with
Some ns -> loop (mk_conj(buildClause ns, acc))
| None -> Some acc in
match getIntClause lex [] with
Some ns -> loop (buildClause ns)
| None -> None
let readTerms ins =
match stripPreamble ins with
Some _ ->
let lex = (Genlex.make_lexer ["EOF"] ins) in
getTerms lex
| None -> None
let readDimacs filename =
(*let val fullfilename = Path.mkAbsolute(filename, FileSys.getDir())*)
let inf = Pervasives.open_in filename in
let ins = Stream.of_channel inf in
let term = readTerms ins in
(close_in inf;
match term with Some t -> t | None -> raise Read_dimacs_error)