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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq div path fintype. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import bigop finset prime fingroup morphism perm automorphism quotient. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import action gproduct gfunctor pgroup cyclic center commutator. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import gseries nilpotent sylow abelian maximal hall. | |
From odd_order | |
Require Import BGsection1 BGsection3 BGsection4 BGsection5 BGsection6. | |
From odd_order | |
Require Import BGsection7 BGsection9. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file covers B & G, section 10, including with the definitions: *) | |
(* \alpha(M) == the primes p such that M has p-rank at least 3. *) | |
(* \beta(M) == the primes p in \alpha(M) such that Sylow p-subgroups of M *) | |
(* are not narrow (see BGsection5), i.e., such that M contains *) | |
(* no maximal elementary abelian subgroups of rank 2. In a *) | |
(* minimal counter-example G, \beta(M) is the intersection of *) | |
(* \alpha(M) and \beta(G). Note that B & G refers to primes in *) | |
(* \beta(G) as ``ideal'' primes, somewhat inconsistently. *) | |
(* \sigma(M) == the primes p such that there exists a p-Sylow subgroup P *) | |
(* of M whose normaliser (in the minimal counter-example) is *) | |
(* contained in M. *) | |
(* M`_\alpha == the \alpha(M)-core of M. *) | |
(* M`_\beta == the \beta(M)-core of M. *) | |
(* M`_\sigma == the \sigma(M)-core of M. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import GroupScope. | |
Reserved Notation "\alpha ( M )" (at level 2, format "\alpha ( M )"). | |
Reserved Notation "\beta ( M )" (at level 2, format "\beta ( M )"). | |
Reserved Notation "\sigma ( M )" (at level 2, format "\sigma ( M )"). | |
Reserved Notation "M `_ \alpha" (at level 3, format "M `_ \alpha"). | |
Reserved Notation "M `_ \beta" (at level 3, format "M `_ \beta"). | |
Reserved Notation "M `_ \sigma" (at level 3, format "M `_ \sigma"). | |
Section Def. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Type p : nat. | |
Variable M : {set gT}. | |
Definition alpha := [pred p | 2 < 'r_p(M)]. | |
Definition alpha_core := 'O_alpha(M). | |
Canonical Structure alpha_core_group := Eval hnf in [group of alpha_core]. | |
Definition beta := | |
[pred p | [forall (P : {group gT} | p.-Sylow(M) P), ~~ p.-narrow P]]. | |
Definition beta_core := 'O_beta(M). | |
Canonical Structure beta_core_group := Eval hnf in [group of beta_core]. | |
Definition sigma := | |
[pred p | [exists (P : {group gT} | p.-Sylow(M) P), 'N(P) \subset M]]. | |
Definition sigma_core := 'O_sigma(M). | |
Canonical Structure sigma_core_group := Eval hnf in [group of sigma_core]. | |
End Def. | |
Notation "\alpha ( M )" := (alpha M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \alpha" := (alpha_core M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \alpha" := (alpha_core_group M) : Group_scope. | |
Notation "\beta ( M )" := (beta M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \beta" := (beta_core M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \beta" := (beta_core_group M) : Group_scope. | |
Notation "\sigma ( M )" := (sigma M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \sigma" := (sigma_core M) : group_scope. | |
Notation "M `_ \sigma" := (sigma_core_group M) : Group_scope. | |
Section CoreTheory. | |
Variable gT : minSimpleOddGroupType. | |
Local Notation G := (TheMinSimpleOddGroup gT). | |
Implicit Type x : gT. | |
Implicit Type P : {group gT}. | |
Section GenericCores. | |
Variables H K : {group gT}. | |
Lemma sigmaJ x : \sigma(H :^ x) =i \sigma(H). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; apply/exists_inP/exists_inP=> [] [P sylP sNH]; last first. | |
by exists (P :^ x)%G; rewrite ?pHallJ2 // normJ conjSg. | |
by exists (P :^ x^-1)%G; rewrite ?normJ ?sub_conjgV // -(pHallJ2 _ _ _ x) actKV. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma MsigmaJ x : (H :^ x)`_\sigma = H`_\sigma :^ x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /sigma_core -(eq_pcore H (sigmaJ x)) pcoreJ. Qed. | |
Lemma alphaJ x : \alpha(H :^ x) =i \alpha(H). | |
Proof. by move=> p; rewrite !inE /= p_rankJ. Qed. | |
Lemma MalphaJ x : (H :^ x)`_\alpha = H`_\alpha :^ x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /alpha_core -(eq_pcore H (alphaJ x)) pcoreJ. Qed. | |
Lemma betaJ x : \beta(H :^ x) =i \beta(H). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; apply/forall_inP/forall_inP=> nnSylH P sylP. | |
by rewrite -(@narrowJ _ _ _ x) nnSylH ?pHallJ2. | |
by rewrite -(@narrowJ _ _ _ x^-1) nnSylH // -(pHallJ2 _ _ _ x) actKV. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma MbetaJ x : (H :^ x)`_\beta = H`_\beta :^ x. | |
Proof. by rewrite /beta_core -(eq_pcore H (betaJ x)) pcoreJ. Qed. | |
End GenericCores. | |
(* This remark appears at the start (p. 70) of B & G, Section 10, just after *) | |
(* the definition of ideal, which we do not include, since it is redundant *) | |
(* with the notation p \in \beta(G) that is used later. *) | |
Remark not_narrow_ideal p P : p.-Sylow(G) P -> ~~ p.-narrow P -> p \in \beta(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sylP nnP; apply/forall_inP=> Q sylQ. | |
by have [x _ ->] := Sylow_trans sylP sylQ; rewrite narrowJ. | |
Qed. | |
Section MaxCores. | |
Variables M : {group gT}. | |
Hypothesis maxM : M \in 'M. | |
(* This is the first inclusion in the remark following the preliminary *) | |
(* definitions in B & G, p. 70. *) | |
Remark beta_sub_alpha : {subset \beta(M) <= \alpha(M)}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; rewrite !inE /= => /forall_inP nnSylM. | |
have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M; have:= nnSylM P sylP. | |
by rewrite negb_imply (p_rank_Sylow sylP) => /andP[]. | |
Qed. | |
Remark alpha_sub_sigma : {subset \alpha(M) <= \sigma(M)}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p a_p; have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M; have [sPM pP _ ] := and3P sylP. | |
have{a_p} rP: 2 < 'r(P) by rewrite (rank_Sylow sylP). | |
apply/exists_inP; exists P; rewrite ?uniq_mmax_norm_sub //. | |
exact: def_uniq_mmax (rank3_Uniqueness (mFT_pgroup_proper pP) rP) maxM sPM. | |
Qed. | |
Remark beta_sub_sigma : {subset \beta(M) <= \sigma(M)}. | |
Proof. by move=> p; move/beta_sub_alpha; apply: alpha_sub_sigma. Qed. | |
Remark Mbeta_sub_Malpha : M`_\beta \subset M`_\alpha. | |
Proof. exact: sub_pcore beta_sub_alpha. Qed. | |
Remark Malpha_sub_Msigma : M`_\alpha \subset M`_\sigma. | |
Proof. exact: sub_pcore alpha_sub_sigma. Qed. | |
Remark Mbeta_sub_Msigma : M`_\beta \subset M`_\sigma. | |
Proof. exact: sub_pcore beta_sub_sigma. Qed. | |
(* This is the first part of the remark just above B & G, Theorem 10.1. *) | |
Remark norm_sigma_Sylow p P : | |
p \in \sigma(M) -> p.-Sylow(M) P -> 'N(P) \subset M. | |
Proof. | |
case/exists_inP=> Q sylQ sNPM sylP. | |
by case: (Sylow_trans sylQ sylP) => m mM ->; rewrite normJ conj_subG. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is the second part of the remark just above B & G, Theorem 10.1. *) | |
Remark sigma_Sylow_G p P : p \in \sigma(M) -> p.-Sylow(M) P -> p.-Sylow(G) P. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sMp sylP; apply: (mmax_sigma_Sylow maxM) => //. | |
exact: norm_sigma_Sylow sMp sylP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sigma_Sylow_neq1 p P : p \in \sigma(M) -> p.-Sylow(M) P -> P :!=: 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sMp /(norm_sigma_Sylow sMp); apply: contraTneq => ->. | |
by rewrite norm1 subTset -properT mmax_proper. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sigma_sub_pi : {subset \sigma(M) <= \pi(M)}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p sMp; have [P sylP]:= Sylow_exists p M. | |
by rewrite -p_rank_gt0 -(rank_Sylow sylP) rank_gt0 (sigma_Sylow_neq1 sMp sylP). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma predI_sigma_alpha : [predI \sigma(M) & \alpha(G)] =i \alpha(M). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; rewrite inE /= -(andb_idl (@alpha_sub_sigma p)). | |
apply: andb_id2l => sMp; have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M. | |
by rewrite !inE -(rank_Sylow sylP) -(rank_Sylow (sigma_Sylow_G sMp sylP)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma predI_sigma_beta : [predI \sigma(M) & \beta(G)] =i \beta(M). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; rewrite inE /= -(andb_idl (@beta_sub_sigma p)). | |
apply: andb_id2l => sMp; apply/idP/forall_inP=> [bGp P sylP | nnSylM]. | |
exact: forall_inP bGp P (sigma_Sylow_G sMp sylP). | |
have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M. | |
exact: not_narrow_ideal (sigma_Sylow_G sMp sylP) (nnSylM P sylP). | |
Qed. | |
End MaxCores. | |
End CoreTheory. | |
Section Ten. | |
Variable gT : minSimpleOddGroupType. | |
Local Notation G := (TheMinSimpleOddGroup gT). | |
Implicit Type p : nat. | |
Implicit Type A E H K M N P Q R S V W X Y : {group gT}. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.1(d); note that we do not assume M is maximal. *) | |
Theorem sigma_Sylow_trans M p X g : | |
p \in \sigma(M) -> p.-Sylow(M) X -> X :^ g \subset M -> g \in M. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sMp sylX sXgM; have pX := pHall_pgroup sylX. | |
have [|h hM /= sXghX] := Sylow_Jsub sylX sXgM; first by rewrite pgroupJ. | |
by rewrite -(groupMr _ hM) (subsetP (norm_sigma_Sylow _ sylX)) ?inE ?conjsgM. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.1 (a, b, c). *) | |
(* Part (e) of Theorem 10.1 is obviously stated incorrectly, and this is *) | |
(* difficult to correct because it is not used in the rest of the proof. *) | |
Theorem sigma_group_trans M p X : | |
M \in 'M -> p \in \sigma(M) -> p.-group X -> | |
[/\ (*a*) forall g, X \subset M -> X :^ g \subset M -> | |
exists2 c, c \in 'C(X) & exists2 m, m \in M & g = c * m, | |
(*b*) [transitive 'C(X), on [set Mg in M :^: G | X \subset Mg] | 'Js ] | |
& (*c*) X \subset M -> 'C(X) * 'N_M(X) = 'N(X)]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> maxM sMp pX; have defNM := norm_mmax maxM. | |
pose OM (Y : {set gT}) : {set {set gT}} := [set Mg in M :^: G | Y \subset Mg]. | |
pose trM (Y : {set gT}) := [transitive 'C(Y), on OM Y | 'Js]. | |
have actsOM Y: [acts 'N(Y), on OM Y | 'Js]. | |
apply/actsP=> z nYz Q; rewrite !inE -{1}(normP nYz) conjSg. | |
by rewrite (acts_act (acts_orbit _ _ _)) ?inE. | |
have OMid Y: (gval M \in OM Y) = (Y \subset M) by rewrite inE orbit_refl. | |
have ntOM Y: p.-group Y -> exists B, gval B \in OM Y. | |
have [S sylS] := Sylow_exists p M; have sSM := pHall_sub sylS. | |
have sylS_G := sigma_Sylow_G maxM sMp sylS. | |
move=> pY; have [g Gg sXSg] := Sylow_subJ sylS_G (subsetT Y) pY. | |
by exists (M :^ g)%G; rewrite inE mem_orbit // (subset_trans sXSg) ?conjSg. | |
have maxOM Y H: gval H \in OM Y -> H \in 'M. | |
by case/setIdP=> /imsetP[g _ /val_inj->]; rewrite mmaxJ. | |
have part_c Y H: trM Y -> gval H \in OM Y -> 'C(Y) * 'N_H(Y) = 'N(Y). | |
move=> trMY O_H; rewrite -(norm_mmax (maxOM Y H O_H)) -(astab1Js H) setIC. | |
have [sCN nCN] := andP (cent_normal Y); rewrite -normC 1?subIset ?nCN //. | |
by apply/(subgroup_transitiveP O_H); rewrite ?(atrans_supgroup sCN) ?actsOM. | |
suffices trMX: trM X. | |
do [split; rewrite // -OMid] => [g O_M sXgM |]; last exact: part_c. | |
have O_Mg': M :^ g^-1 \in OM X by rewrite inE mem_orbit -?sub_conjg ?inE. | |
have [c Cc /= Mc] := atransP2 trMX O_M O_Mg'; exists c^-1; rewrite ?groupV //. | |
by exists (c * g); rewrite ?mulKg // -defNM inE conjsgM -Mc conjsgKV. | |
elim: {X}_.+1 {-2}X (ltnSn (#|G| - #|X|)) => // n IHn X geXn in pX *. | |
have{n IHn geXn} IHX Y: X \proper Y -> p.-group Y -> trM Y. | |
move=> ltXY; apply: IHn; rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ geXn) // ltnS. | |
by rewrite ltn_sub2l ?(leq_trans (proper_card ltXY)) // cardsT max_card. | |
have [-> | ntX] := eqsVneq X 1. | |
rewrite /trM cent1T /OM setIdE (setIidPl _) ?atrans_orbit //. | |
by apply/subsetP=> Mg; case/imsetP=> g _ ->; rewrite inE sub1G. | |
pose L := 'N(X)%G; have ltLG := mFT_norm_proper ntX (mFT_pgroup_proper pX). | |
have IH_L: {in OM X &, forall B B', | |
B != B' -> exists2 X1, X \proper gval X1 & p.-Sylow(B :&: L) X1}. | |
- move=> _ _ /setIdP[/imsetP[a Ga ->] sXMa] /setIdP[/imsetP[b Gb ->] sXMb]. | |
move=> neqMab. | |
have [S sylS sXS] := Sylow_superset sXMa pX; have [sSMa pS _] := and3P sylS. | |
have [defS | ltXS] := eqVproper sXS. | |
case/eqP: neqMab; apply: (canRL (actKV _ _)); apply: (act_inj 'Js a). | |
rewrite /= -conjsgM [_ :^ _]conjGid ?(sigma_Sylow_trans _ sylS) ?sigmaJ //. | |
by rewrite -defS conjsgM conjSg sub_conjgV. | |
have pSL: p.-group (S :&: L) := pgroupS (subsetIl _ _) pS. | |
have [X1 sylX1 sNX1] := Sylow_superset (setSI L sSMa) pSL; exists X1 => //. | |
by rewrite (proper_sub_trans (nilpotent_proper_norm (pgroup_nil pS) _)). | |
have [M1 O_M1] := ntOM X pX; apply/imsetP; exists (gval M1) => //; apply/eqP. | |
rewrite eqEsubset andbC acts_sub_orbit ?(subset_trans (cent_sub X)) // O_M1 /=. | |
apply/subsetP=> M2 O_M2. | |
have [-> | neqM12] := eqsVneq M1 M2; first exact: orbit_refl. | |
have [|X2 ltXX2 sylX2] := IH_L _ _ O_M2 O_M1; first by rewrite eq_sym. | |
have{IH_L neqM12} [X1 ltXX1 sylX1] := IH_L _ _ O_M1 O_M2 neqM12. | |
have [[sX1L1 pX1 _] [sX2L2 pX2 _]] := (and3P sylX1, and3P sylX2). | |
have [[sX1M1 sX1L] [sX2M2 sX2L]] := (subsetIP sX1L1, subsetIP sX2L2). | |
have [P sylP sX1P] := Sylow_superset sX1L pX1; have [sPL pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
have [M0 O_M0] := ntOM P pP; have [MG_M0 sPM0] := setIdP O_M0. | |
have [t Lt sX2Pt] := Sylow_subJ sylP sX2L pX2. | |
have [sX1M0 ltXP] := (subset_trans sX1P sPM0, proper_sub_trans ltXX1 sX1P). | |
have M0C_M1: gval M1 \in orbit 'Js 'C(X) M0. | |
rewrite (subsetP (imsetS _ (centS (proper_sub ltXX1)))) // -orbitE. | |
by rewrite (atransP (IHX _ ltXX1 pX1)) inE ?MG_M0 //; case/setIdP: O_M1 => ->. | |
have M0tC_M2: M2 \in orbit 'Js 'C(X) (M0 :^ t). | |
rewrite (subsetP (imsetS _ (centS (proper_sub ltXX2)))) // -orbitE. | |
rewrite (atransP (IHX _ ltXX2 pX2)) inE; first by case/setIdP: O_M2 => ->. | |
rewrite (acts_act (acts_orbit _ _ _)) ?inE ?MG_M0 //. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sX2Pt) ?conjSg. | |
rewrite (orbit_eqP M0C_M1) (orbit_transl _ M0tC_M2). | |
have maxM0 := maxOM _ _ O_M0; have ltMG := mmax_proper maxM0. | |
have [rPgt2 | rPle2] := ltnP 2 'r(P). | |
have uP: P \in 'U by rewrite rank3_Uniqueness ?(mFT_pgroup_proper pP). | |
have uP_M0: 'M(P) = [set M0] := def_uniq_mmax uP maxM0 sPM0. | |
by rewrite conjGid ?orbit_refl ?(subsetP (sub_uniq_mmax uP_M0 sPL ltLG)). | |
have pl1L: p.-length_1 L. | |
have [oddL]: odd #|L| /\ 'r_p(L) <= 2 by rewrite mFT_odd -(rank_Sylow sylP). | |
by case/rank2_der1_complement; rewrite ?mFT_sol ?plength1_pseries2_quo. | |
have [|u v nLPu Lp'_v ->] := imset2P (_ : t \in 'N_L(P) * 'O_p^'(L)). | |
by rewrite normC ?plength1_Frattini // subIset ?gFnorm. | |
rewrite actM (orbit_transl _ (mem_orbit _ _ _)); last first. | |
have coLp'X: coprime #|'O_p^'(L)| #|X| := p'nat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _) pX. | |
apply: subsetP Lp'_v; have [sLp'L nLp'L] := andP (pcore_normal p^' L). | |
rewrite -subsetIidl -coprime_norm_cent ?subsetIidl //. | |
exact: subset_trans (normG X) nLp'L. | |
have [|w x nM0Pw cPx ->] := imset2P (_ : u \in 'N_M0(P) * 'C(P)). | |
rewrite normC ?part_c ?IHX //; first by case/setIP: nLPu. | |
by rewrite setIC subIset ?cent_norm. | |
rewrite actM /= conjGid ?mem_orbit //; last by case/setIP: nM0Pw. | |
by rewrite (subsetP (centS (subset_trans (proper_sub ltXX1) sX1P))). | |
Qed. | |
Section OneMaximal. | |
Variable M : {group gT}. | |
Hypothesis maxM : M \in 'M. | |
Let ltMG := mmax_proper maxM. | |
Let solM := mmax_sol maxM. | |
Let aMa : \alpha(M).-group (M`_\alpha). Proof. exact: pcore_pgroup. Qed. | |
Let nsMaM : M`_\alpha <| M. Proof. exact: pcore_normal. Qed. | |
Let sMaMs : M`_\alpha \subset M`_\sigma. Proof. exact: Malpha_sub_Msigma. Qed. | |
Let F := 'F(M / M`_\alpha). | |
Let nsFMa : F <| M / M`_\alpha. Proof. exact: Fitting_normal. Qed. | |
Let alpha'F : \alpha(M)^'.-group F. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -[F](nilpotent_pcoreC \alpha(M) (Fitting_nil _)) -Fitting_pcore /=. | |
by rewrite trivg_pcore_quotient (trivgP (Fitting_sub 1)) dprod1g pcore_pgroup. | |
Qed. | |
Let Malpha_quo_sub_Fitting : M^`(1) / M`_\alpha \subset F. | |
Proof. | |
have [/= K defF sMaK nsKM] := inv_quotientN nsMaM nsFMa; rewrite -/F in defF. | |
have [sKM _] := andP nsKM; have nsMaK: M`_\alpha <| K := normalS sMaK sKM nsMaM. | |
have [[_ nMaK] [_ nMaM]] := (andP nsMaK, andP nsMaM). | |
have hallMa: \alpha(M).-Hall(K) M`_\alpha. | |
by rewrite /pHall sMaK pcore_pgroup -card_quotient -?defF. | |
have [H hallH] := Hall_exists \alpha(M)^' (solvableS sKM solM). | |
have{hallH} defK := sdprod_normal_p'HallP nsMaK hallH hallMa. | |
have{defK} [_ sHK defK nMaH tiMaH] := sdprod_context defK. | |
have{defK} isoHF: H \isog F by rewrite [F]defF -defK quotientMidl quotient_isog. | |
have{sHK nMaH} sHM := subset_trans sHK sKM. | |
have{tiMaH isoHF sHM H} rF: 'r(F) <= 2. | |
rewrite -(isog_rank isoHF); have [p p_pr -> /=] := rank_witness H. | |
have [|a_p] := leqP 'r_p(M) 2; first exact: leq_trans (p_rankS p sHM). | |
rewrite 2?leqW // leqNgt p_rank_gt0 /= (card_isog isoHF) /= -/F. | |
exact: contraL (pnatPpi alpha'F) a_p. | |
by rewrite quotient_der // rank2_der1_sub_Fitting ?mFT_quo_odd ?quotient_sol. | |
Qed. | |
Let sigma_Hall_sub_der1 H : \sigma(M).-Hall(M) H -> H \subset M^`(1). | |
Proof. | |
move=> hallH; have [sHM sH _] := and3P hallH. | |
rewrite -(Sylow_gen H) gen_subG; apply/bigcupsP=> P /SylowP[p p_pr sylP]. | |
have [-> | ntP] := eqsVneq P 1; first by rewrite sub1G. | |
have [sPH pP _] := and3P sylP; have{ntP} [_ p_dv_P _] := pgroup_pdiv pP ntP. | |
have{p_dv_P} s_p: p \in \sigma(M) := pgroupP (pgroupS sPH sH) p p_pr p_dv_P. | |
have{} sylP: p.-Sylow(M) P := subHall_Sylow hallH s_p sylP. | |
have [sPM nMP] := (pHall_sub sylP, norm_sigma_Sylow s_p sylP). | |
have sylP_G := sigma_Sylow_G maxM s_p sylP. | |
have defG': G^`(1) = G. | |
have [_ simpG] := simpleP _ (mFT_simple gT). | |
by have [?|//] := simpG _ (der_normal 1 _); case/derG1P: (mFT_nonAbelian gT). | |
rewrite -subsetIidl -{1}(setIT P) -defG'. | |
rewrite (focal_subgroup_gen sylP_G) (focal_subgroup_gen sylP) genS //. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imset2P[x g Px /setIdP[Gg Pxg] ->]. | |
pose X := <[x]>; have sXM : X \subset M by rewrite cycle_subG (subsetP sPM). | |
have sXgM: X :^ g \subset M by rewrite -cycleJ cycle_subG (subsetP sPM). | |
have [trMX _ _] := sigma_group_trans maxM s_p (mem_p_elt pP Px). | |
have [c cXc [m Mm def_g]] := trMX _ sXM sXgM; rewrite cent_cycle in cXc. | |
have def_xg: x ^ g = x ^ m by rewrite def_g conjgM /conjg -(cent1P cXc) mulKg. | |
by rewrite commgEl def_xg -commgEl imset2_f // inE Mm -def_xg. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(a1). *) | |
Theorem Malpha_Hall : \alpha(M).-Hall(M) M`_\alpha. | |
Proof. | |
have [H hallH] := Hall_exists \sigma(M) solM; have [sHM sH _] := and3P hallH. | |
rewrite (subHall_Hall hallH (alpha_sub_sigma maxM)) // /pHall pcore_pgroup /=. | |
rewrite -(card_quotient (subset_trans sHM (normal_norm nsMaM))) -pgroupE. | |
rewrite (subset_trans sMaMs) ?pcore_sub_Hall ?(pgroupS _ alpha'F) //=. | |
exact: subset_trans (quotientS _ (sigma_Hall_sub_der1 hallH)) _. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(b1). *) | |
Theorem Msigma_Hall : \sigma(M).-Hall(M) M`_\sigma. | |
Proof. | |
have [H hallH] := Hall_exists \sigma(M) solM; have [sHM sH _] := and3P hallH. | |
rewrite /M`_\sigma (normal_Hall_pcore hallH) // -(quotientGK nsMaM). | |
rewrite -(quotientGK (normalS _ sHM nsMaM)) ?cosetpre_normal //; last first. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sMaMs) ?pcore_sub_Hall. | |
have hallHa: \sigma(M).-Hall(F) (H / M`_\alpha). | |
apply: pHall_subl (subset_trans _ Malpha_quo_sub_Fitting) (Fitting_sub _) _. | |
by rewrite quotientS ?sigma_Hall_sub_der1. | |
exact: quotient_pHall (subset_trans sHM (normal_norm nsMaM)) hallH. | |
rewrite (nilpotent_Hall_pcore (Fitting_nil _) hallHa) /=. | |
exact: char_normal_trans (pcore_char _ _) nsFMa. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pi_Msigma : \pi(M`_\sigma) =i \sigma(M). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p; apply/idP/idP=> [|s_p /=]; first exact: pnatPpi (pcore_pgroup _ _). | |
by rewrite (card_Hall Msigma_Hall) pi_of_part // inE /= sigma_sub_pi. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(b2). *) | |
Theorem Msigma_Hall_G : \sigma(M).-Hall(G) M`_\sigma. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite pHallE subsetT /= eqn_dvd {1}(card_Hall Msigma_Hall). | |
rewrite partn_dvd ?cardG_gt0 ?cardSg ?subsetT //=. | |
apply/dvdn_partP; rewrite ?part_gt0 // => p. | |
rewrite pi_of_part ?cardG_gt0 // => /andP[_ s_p]. | |
rewrite partn_part => [|q /eqnP-> //]. | |
have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M; have [sPM pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
rewrite -(card_Hall (sigma_Sylow_G _ _ sylP)) ?cardSg //. | |
by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore Msigma_Hall) ?(pi_pgroup pP). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(a2). *) | |
Theorem Malpha_Hall_G : \alpha(M).-Hall(G) M`_\alpha. | |
Proof. | |
apply: subHall_Hall Msigma_Hall_G (alpha_sub_sigma maxM) _. | |
exact: pHall_subl sMaMs (pcore_sub _ _) Malpha_Hall. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(c). *) | |
Theorem Msigma_der1 : M`_\sigma \subset M^`(1). | |
Proof. exact: sigma_Hall_sub_der1 Msigma_Hall. Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(d1). *) | |
Theorem Malpha_quo_rank2 : 'r(M / M`_\alpha) <= 2. | |
Proof. | |
have [p p_pr ->] := rank_witness (M / M`_\alpha). | |
have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p M; have [sPM pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
have nMaP := subset_trans sPM (normal_norm nsMaM). | |
rewrite -(rank_Sylow (quotient_pHall nMaP sylP)) /= leqNgt. | |
have [a_p | a'p] := boolP (p \in \alpha(M)). | |
by rewrite quotientS1 ?rank1 ?(sub_Hall_pcore Malpha_Hall) ?(pi_pgroup pP). | |
rewrite -(isog_rank (quotient_isog _ _)) ?coprime_TIg ?(rank_Sylow sylP) //. | |
exact: pnat_coprime aMa (pi_pnat pP _). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(d2). *) | |
Theorem Malpha_quo_nil : nilpotent (M^`(1) / M`_\alpha). | |
Proof. exact: nilpotentS Malpha_quo_sub_Fitting (Fitting_nil _). Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.2(e). *) | |
Theorem Msigma_neq1 : M`_\sigma :!=: 1. | |
Proof. | |
without loss Ma1: / M`_\alpha = 1. | |
by case: eqP => // Ms1 -> //; apply/trivgP; rewrite -Ms1 Malpha_sub_Msigma. | |
have{Ma1} rFM: 'r('F(M)) <= 2. | |
rewrite (leq_trans _ Malpha_quo_rank2) // Ma1. | |
by rewrite -(isog_rank (quotient1_isog _)) rankS ?Fitting_sub. | |
pose q := max_pdiv #|M|; pose Q := 'O_q(M)%G. | |
have sylQ: q.-Sylow(M) Q := rank2_max_pcore_Sylow (mFT_odd M) solM rFM. | |
have piMq: q \in \pi(M) by rewrite pi_max_pdiv cardG_gt1 mmax_neq1. | |
have{piMq} ntQ: Q :!=: 1 by rewrite -rank_gt0 (rank_Sylow sylQ) p_rank_gt0. | |
rewrite (subG1_contra _ ntQ) ?(sub_Hall_pcore Msigma_Hall) ?pcore_sub //. | |
rewrite (pi_pgroup (pcore_pgroup _ _)) //; apply/exists_inP; exists Q => //. | |
by rewrite (mmax_normal maxM) ?pcore_normal. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.3. *) | |
Theorem cent_alpha'_uniq X : | |
X \subset M -> \alpha(M)^'.-group X -> 'r('C_(M`_\alpha)(X)) >= 2 -> | |
'C_M(X)%G \in 'U. | |
Proof. | |
have ltM_G := sub_proper_trans (subsetIl M _) ltMG. | |
move=> sXM a'X; have [p p_pr -> rCX] := rank_witness 'C_(M`_\alpha)(X). | |
have{rCX} [B EpB] := p_rank_geP rCX; have{EpB} [sBCX abelB dimB] := pnElemP EpB. | |
have [[sBMa cXB] [pB cBB _]] := (subsetIP sBCX, and3P abelB). | |
have rMa: 1 < 'r_p(M`_\alpha) by rewrite -dimB -p_rank_abelem ?p_rankS. | |
have{rMa} a_p: p \in \alpha(M) by rewrite (pnatPpi aMa) // -p_rank_gt0 ltnW. | |
have nBX: X \subset 'N(B) by rewrite cents_norm // centsC. | |
have coMaX: coprime #|M`_\alpha| #|X| := pnat_coprime aMa a'X. | |
have [sMaM nMaM] := andP nsMaM; have solMa := solvableS sMaM solM. | |
have nMaX := subset_trans sXM nMaM. | |
have [P [sylP nPX sBP]] := coprime_Hall_subset nMaX coMaX solMa sBMa pB nBX. | |
have [sPMa pP _] := and3P sylP; have sPM := subset_trans sPMa sMaM. | |
have EpCB: B \in 'E_p^2('C_P(B)) by rewrite !inE subsetI sBP abelB dimB !andbT. | |
have: 1 < 'r_p('C_P(B)) by apply/p_rank_geP; exists B. | |
rewrite leq_eqVlt; case: ltngtP => // rCPB _. | |
apply: (uniq_mmaxS (subset_trans sBCX (setSI _ sMaM))) => //=. | |
have pCPB := pgroupS (subsetIl P 'C(B)) pP; rewrite -rank_pgroup // in rCPB. | |
have: 2 < 'r('C(B)) by rewrite (leq_trans rCPB) ?rankS ?subsetIr. | |
by apply: cent_rank3_Uniqueness; rewrite -dimB -rank_abelem. | |
have cPX: P \subset 'C(X). | |
have EpPB: B \in 'E_p(P) by apply/pElemP. | |
have coPX: coprime #|P| #|X| := coprimeSg sPMa coMaX. | |
rewrite centsC (coprime_odd_faithful_cent_abelem EpPB) ?mFT_odd //. | |
rewrite -(setIid 'C(B)) setIA (pmaxElem_LdivP p_pr _) 1?centsC //. | |
by rewrite (subsetP (p_rankElem_max _ _)) -?rCPB. | |
have sylP_M := subHall_Sylow Malpha_Hall a_p sylP. | |
have{sylP_M} rP: 2 < 'r(P) by rewrite (rank_Sylow sylP_M). | |
by rewrite rank3_Uniqueness ?(leq_trans rP (rankS _)) //= subsetI sPM. | |
Qed. | |
Variable p : nat. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.4(a). *) | |
(* We omit the redundant assumption p \in \pi(M). *) | |
Lemma der1_quo_sigma' : p %| #|M / M^`(1)| -> p \in \sigma(M)^'. | |
Proof. | |
apply: contraL => /= s_p; have piMp := sigma_sub_pi maxM s_p. | |
have p_pr: prime p by move: piMp; rewrite mem_primes; case/andP. | |
rewrite -p'natE ?(pi'_p'nat _ s_p) // -pgroupE -partG_eq1. | |
rewrite -(card_Hall (quotient_pHall _ Msigma_Hall)) /=; last first. | |
exact/gFsub_trans/gFnorm. | |
by rewrite quotientS1 ?cards1 // Msigma_der1. | |
Qed. | |
Hypothesis s'p : p \in \sigma(M)^'. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.4(b). *) | |
(* We do not need the assumption M`_\alpha != 1; the assumption p \in \pi(M) *) | |
(* is restated as P != 1. *) | |
Lemma cent1_sigma'_Zgroup P : | |
p.-Sylow(M) P -> P :!=: 1 -> | |
exists x, | |
[/\ x \in 'Ohm_1('Z(P))^#, 'M('C[x]) != [set M] & Zgroup 'C_(M`_\alpha)[x]]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sylP ntP; have [sPM pP _] := and3P sylP; have nilP := pgroup_nil pP. | |
set T := 'Ohm_1('Z(P)); have charT: T \char P by rewrite !gFchar_trans. | |
suffices [x Tx not_uCx]: exists2 x, x \in T^# & 'M('C[x]) != [set M]. | |
exists x; split=> //; rewrite odd_rank1_Zgroup ?mFT_odd //= leqNgt. | |
apply: contra not_uCx; rewrite -cent_cycle; set X := <[x]> => rCMaX. | |
have{Tx} [ntX Tx] := setD1P Tx; rewrite -cycle_eq1 -/X in ntX. | |
have sXP: X \subset P by rewrite cycle_subG (subsetP (char_sub charT)). | |
rewrite (@def_uniq_mmaxS _ M 'C_M(X)) ?subsetIr ?mFT_cent_proper //. | |
apply: def_uniq_mmax; rewrite ?subsetIl //. | |
rewrite cent_alpha'_uniq ?(subset_trans sXP) ?(pi_pgroup (pgroupS sXP pP)) //. | |
by apply: contra s'p; apply: alpha_sub_sigma. | |
apply/exists_inP; rewrite -negb_forall_in; apply: contra s'p. | |
move/forall_inP => uCT; apply/exists_inP; exists P => //. | |
apply/subsetP=> u nPu; have [y Ty]: exists y, y \in T^#. | |
by apply/set0Pn; rewrite setD_eq0 subG1 Ohm1_eq1 center_nil_eq1. | |
rewrite -(norm_mmax maxM) (sameP normP eqP) (inj_eq (@group_inj gT)) -in_set1. | |
have Tyu: y ^ u \in T^#. | |
by rewrite memJ_norm // normD1 (subsetP (char_norms charT)). | |
by rewrite -(eqP (uCT _ Tyu)) -conjg_set1 normJ mmax_ofJ (eqP (uCT _ Ty)) set11. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.4(c), part 1. *) | |
(* The redundant assumption p \in \pi(M) is omitted. *) | |
Lemma sigma'_rank2_max : 'r_p(M) = 2 -> 'E_p^2(M) \subset 'E*_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> rpM; apply: contraR s'p => /subsetPn[A Ep2A not_maxA]. | |
have{Ep2A} [sAM abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A; have [pA _ _] := and3P abelA. | |
have [P sylP sAP] := Sylow_superset sAM pA; have [_ pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
apply/exists_inP; exists P; rewrite ?uniq_mmax_norm_sub //. | |
apply: def_uniq_mmaxS (mFT_pgroup_proper pP) (def_uniq_mmax _ _ sAM) => //. | |
by rewrite (@nonmaxElem2_Uniqueness _ p) // !(not_maxA, inE) abelA dimA subsetT. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.4(c), part 2 *) | |
(* The redundant assumption p \in \pi(M) is omitted. *) | |
Lemma sigma'_rank2_beta' : 'r_p(M) = 2 -> p \notin \beta(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> rpM; rewrite -[p \in _]negb_exists_in negbK; apply/exists_inP. | |
have [A Ep2A]: exists A, A \in 'E_p^2(M) by apply/p_rank_geP; rewrite rpM. | |
have [_ abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A; have [pA _] := andP abelA. | |
have [P sylP sAP] := Sylow_superset (subsetT _) pA. | |
exists P; rewrite ?inE //; apply/implyP=> _; apply/set0Pn. | |
exists A; rewrite 3!inE abelA dimA sAP (subsetP (pmaxElemS _ (subsetT P))) //. | |
by rewrite inE (subsetP (sigma'_rank2_max rpM)) // inE. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.5, part 1; the condition on X has been weakened, *) | |
(* because the proof of Lemma 12.2(a) requires the stronger result. *) | |
Lemma sigma'_norm_mmax_rank2 X : p.-group X -> 'N(X) \subset M -> 'r_p(M) = 2. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pX sNX_M; have sXM: X \subset M := subset_trans (normG X) sNX_M. | |
have [P sylP sXP] := Sylow_superset sXM pX; have [sPM pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
apply: contraNeq s'p; case: ltngtP => // rM _; last exact: alpha_sub_sigma. | |
apply/exists_inP; exists P; rewrite ?(subset_trans _ sNX_M) ?char_norms //. | |
rewrite sub_cyclic_char // (odd_pgroup_rank1_cyclic pP) ?mFT_odd //. | |
by rewrite (p_rank_Sylow sylP). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.5, part 2. We omit the second claim of B & G 10.5 *) | |
(* as it is an immediate consequence of sigma'_rank2_beta' (i.e., 10.4(c)). *) | |
Lemma sigma'1Elem_sub_p2Elem X : | |
X \in 'E_p^1(G) -> 'N(X) \subset M -> | |
exists2 A, A \in 'E_p^2(G) & X \subset A. | |
Proof. | |
move=> EpX sNXM; have sXM := subset_trans (normG X) sNXM. | |
have [[_ abelX dimX] p_pr] := (pnElemP EpX, pnElem_prime EpX). | |
have pX := abelem_pgroup abelX; have rpM2 := sigma'_norm_mmax_rank2 pX sNXM. | |
have [P sylP sXP] := Sylow_superset sXM pX; have [sPM pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
pose T := 'Ohm_1('Z(P)); pose A := X <*> T; have nilP := pgroup_nil pP. | |
have charT: T \char P by apply/gFchar_trans/gFchar. | |
have neqTX: T != X. | |
apply: contraNneq s'p => defX; apply/exists_inP; exists P => //. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans _ sNXM) // -defX char_norms. | |
have rP: 'r(P) = 2 by rewrite (rank_Sylow sylP) rpM2. | |
have ntT: T != 1 by rewrite Ohm1_eq1 center_nil_eq1 // -rank_gt0 rP. | |
have sAP: A \subset P by rewrite join_subG sXP char_sub. | |
have cTX: T \subset 'C(X) := centSS (Ohm_sub 1 _) sXP (subsetIr P _). | |
have{cTX} defA: X \* T = A by rewrite cprodEY. | |
have{defA} abelA : p.-abelem A. | |
have pZ: p.-group 'Z(P) := pgroupS (center_sub P) pP. | |
by rewrite (cprod_abelem _ defA) abelX Ohm1_abelem ?center_abelian. | |
exists [group of A]; last exact: joing_subl. | |
rewrite !inE subsetT abelA eqn_leq -{1}rP -{1}(rank_abelem abelA) rankS //=. | |
rewrite -dimX (properG_ltn_log (pgroupS sAP pP)) // /proper join_subG subxx. | |
rewrite joing_subl /=; apply: contra ntT => sTX; rewrite eqEsubset sTX in neqTX. | |
by rewrite -(setIidPr sTX) prime_TIg ?(card_pnElem EpX). | |
Qed. | |
End OneMaximal. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 10.6. *) | |
Theorem mFT_proper_plength1 p H : H \proper G -> p.-length_1 H. | |
Proof. | |
case/mmax_exists=> M /setIdP[maxM sHM]. | |
suffices{H sHM}: p.-length_1 M by apply: plength1S. | |
have [solM oddM] := (mmax_sol maxM, mFT_odd M). | |
have [rpMle2 | a_p] := leqP 'r_p(M) 2. | |
by rewrite plength1_pseries2_quo; case/rank2_der1_complement: rpMle2. | |
pose Ma := M`_\alpha; have hallMa: \alpha(M).-Hall(M) Ma := Malpha_Hall maxM. | |
have [[K hallK] [sMaM aMa _]] := (Hall_exists \alpha(M)^' solM, and3P hallMa). | |
have defM: Ma ><| K = M by apply/sdprod_Hall_pcoreP. | |
have{aMa} coMaK: coprime #|Ma| #|K| := pnat_coprime aMa (pHall_pgroup hallK). | |
suffices{a_p hallMa}: p.-length_1 Ma. | |
rewrite !p_elt_gen_length1 /p_elt_gen setIdE /= -/Ma -(setIidPl sMaM) -setIA. | |
rewrite -(setIdE M) (setIidPr _) //; apply/subsetP=> x; case/setIdP=> Mx p_x. | |
by rewrite (mem_Hall_pcore hallMa) /p_elt ?(pi_pnat p_x). | |
have{sMaM} <-: [~: Ma, K] = Ma. | |
have sMaMs: Ma \subset M`_\sigma := Malpha_sub_Msigma maxM. | |
have sMaM': Ma \subset M^`(1) := subset_trans sMaMs (Msigma_der1 maxM). | |
by have [] := coprime_der1_sdprod defM coMaK (solvableS sMaM solM) sMaM'. | |
have [q q_pr q_dv_Mq]: {q | prime q & q %| #|M / M^`(1)| }. | |
apply: pdivP; rewrite card_quotient ?der_norm // indexg_gt1 proper_subn //. | |
by rewrite (sol_der1_proper solM) ?mmax_neq1. | |
have s'q: q \in \sigma(M)^' by apply: der1_quo_sigma' q_dv_Mq. | |
have [Q sylQ] := Sylow_exists q K; have [sQK qQ _] := and3P sylQ. | |
have a'q: q \in \alpha(M)^' by apply: contra s'q; apply: alpha_sub_sigma. | |
have{a'q hallK} sylQ: q.-Sylow(M) Q := subHall_Sylow hallK a'q sylQ. | |
have{q_dv_Mq} ntQ: Q :!=: 1. | |
rewrite -rank_gt0 (rank_Sylow sylQ) p_rank_gt0 mem_primes q_pr cardG_gt0. | |
exact: dvdn_trans q_dv_Mq (dvdn_quotient _ _). | |
have{s'q sylQ ntQ} [x [Q1x _ ZgCx]] := cent1_sigma'_Zgroup maxM s'q sylQ ntQ. | |
have{Q1x} [ntx Q1x] := setD1P Q1x. | |
have sZQ := center_sub Q; have{sQK} sZK := subset_trans sZQ sQK. | |
have{sZK} Kx: x \in K by rewrite (subsetP sZK) // (subsetP (Ohm_sub 1 _)). | |
have{sZQ qQ} abelQ1 := Ohm1_abelem (pgroupS sZQ qQ) (center_abelian Q). | |
have{q q_pr Q abelQ1 Q1x} ox: prime #[x] by rewrite (abelem_order_p abelQ1). | |
move: Kx ox ZgCx; rewrite -cycle_subG -cent_cycle. | |
exact: odd_sdprod_Zgroup_cent_prime_plength1 solM oddM defM coMaK. | |
Qed. | |
Section OneSylow. | |
Variables (p : nat) (P : {group gT}). | |
Hypothesis sylP_G: p.-Sylow(G) P. | |
Let pP : p.-group P := pHall_pgroup sylP_G. | |
(* This is an B & G, Corollary 10.7(a), second part (which does not depend on *) | |
(* a particular complement). *) | |
Corollary mFT_Sylow_der1 : P \subset 'N(P)^`(1). | |
Proof. | |
have [-> | ntP] := eqsVneq P 1; first exact: sub1G. | |
have ltNG: 'N(P) \proper G := mFT_norm_proper ntP (mFT_pgroup_proper pP). | |
have [M /setIdP[/= maxM sNM]] := mmax_exists ltNG. | |
have [ltMG solM] := (mmax_proper maxM, mmax_sol maxM). | |
have [pl1M sPM] := (mFT_proper_plength1 p ltMG, subset_trans (normG P) sNM). | |
have sylP := pHall_subl sPM (subsetT M) sylP_G. | |
have sMp: p \in \sigma(M) by apply/exists_inP; exists P. | |
apply: subset_trans (dergS 1 (subsetIr M 'N(P))) => /=. | |
apply: plength1_Sylow_sub_der1 sylP pl1M (subset_trans _ (Msigma_der1 maxM)). | |
by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore (Msigma_Hall maxM)) ?(pi_pgroup pP). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.7(a), first part. *) | |
Corollary mFT_Sylow_sdprod_commg V : P ><| V = 'N(P) -> [~: P, V] = P. | |
Proof. | |
move=> defV; have sPN' := mFT_Sylow_der1. | |
have sylP := pHall_subl (normG P) (subsetT 'N(P)) sylP_G. | |
have [|//] := coprime_der1_sdprod defV _ (pgroup_sol pP) sPN'. | |
by rewrite (coprime_sdprod_Hall_l defV) // (pHall_Hall sylP). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.7(b). *) | |
Corollary mFT_rank2_Sylow_cprod : | |
'r(P) < 3 -> ~~ abelian P -> | |
exists2 S, [/\ ~~ abelian (gval S), logn p #|S| = 3 & exponent S %| p] | |
& exists2 C, cyclic (gval C) & S \* C = P /\ 'Ohm_1(C) = 'Z(S). | |
Proof. | |
move=> rP not_cPP; have sylP := pHall_subl (normG P) (subsetT 'N(P)) sylP_G. | |
have ntP: P :!=: 1 by apply: contraNneq not_cPP => ->; apply: abelian1. | |
have ltNG: 'N(P) \proper G := mFT_norm_proper ntP (mFT_pgroup_proper pP). | |
have [V hallV] := Hall_exists p^' (mFT_sol ltNG); have [_ p'V _] := and3P hallV. | |
have defNP: P ><| V = 'N(P) := sdprod_normal_p'HallP (normalG P) hallV sylP. | |
have defP: [~: P, V] = P := mFT_Sylow_sdprod_commg defNP. | |
have [_] := rank2_coprime_comm_cprod pP (mFT_odd _) ntP rP defP p'V (mFT_odd _). | |
case=> [/idPn// | [S esS [C [mulSC cycC defC1]]]]. | |
exists S => //; exists C => //; split=> //; rewrite defC1. | |
have sSP: S \subset P by case/cprodP: mulSC => _ /mulG_sub[]. | |
have [[not_cSS dimS _] pS] := (esS, pgroupS sSP pP). | |
by have [||[]] := p3group_extraspecial pS; rewrite ?dimS. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.7(c). *) | |
Corollary mFT_sub_Sylow_trans : forall Q x, | |
Q \subset P -> Q :^ x \subset P -> exists2 y, y \in 'N(P) & Q :^ x = Q :^ y. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Q x; have [-> /trivgP-> /trivgP-> | ntP sQP sQxP] := eqsVneq P 1. | |
by exists 1; rewrite ?group1 ?conjs1g. | |
have ltNG: 'N(P) \proper G := mFT_norm_proper ntP (mFT_pgroup_proper pP). | |
have [M /=] := mmax_exists ltNG; case/setIdP=> maxM sNM. | |
have [ltMG solM] := (mmax_proper maxM, mmax_sol maxM). | |
have [pl1M sPM] := (mFT_proper_plength1 p ltMG, subset_trans (normG P) sNM). | |
have sylP := pHall_subl sPM (subsetT M) sylP_G. | |
have sMp: p \in \sigma(M) by apply/exists_inP; exists P. | |
have [transCQ _ _] := sigma_group_trans maxM sMp (pgroupS sQP pP). | |
have [||q cQq [u Mu defx]] := transCQ x; try exact: subset_trans _ sPM. | |
have nQC := normP (subsetP (cent_sub Q) _ _). | |
have [|q' cMQq' [y nMPy defu]] := plength1_Sylow_trans sylP pl1M solM sQP Mu. | |
by rewrite defx conjsgM nQC in sQxP. | |
have [[_ nPy] [_ cQq']] := (setIP nMPy, setIP cMQq'). | |
by exists y; rewrite // defx defu !conjsgM 2?nQC. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.7(d). *) | |
Corollary mFT_subnorm_Sylow Q : Q \subset P -> p.-Sylow('N(Q)) 'N_P(Q). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sQP; have pQ := pgroupS sQP pP. | |
have [S /= sylS] := Sylow_exists p 'N(Q); have [sNS pS _] := and3P sylS. | |
have sQS: Q \subset S := normal_sub_max_pgroup (Hall_max sylS) pQ (normalG Q). | |
have [x _ sSxP] := Sylow_Jsub sylP_G (subsetT S) pS. | |
have sQxP: Q :^ x \subset P by rewrite (subset_trans _ sSxP) ?conjSg. | |
have [y nPy defQy] := mFT_sub_Sylow_trans sQP sQxP. | |
have nQxy: x * y^-1 \in 'N(Q) by rewrite inE conjsgM defQy actK. | |
have sSxyP: S :^ (x * y^-1) \subset P by rewrite conjsgM sub_conjgV (normP nPy). | |
have sylSxy: p.-Sylow('N(Q)) (S :^ (x * y^-1)) by rewrite pHallJ. | |
have pNPQ: p.-group 'N_P(Q) := pgroupS (subsetIl P 'N(Q)) pP. | |
by rewrite (sub_pHall sylSxy pNPQ) ?subsetIr // subsetI sSxyP (@pHall_sub _ p). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.7(e). *) | |
Corollary mFT_Sylow_normalS Q R : | |
p.-group R -> Q \subset P :&: R -> Q <| 'N(P) -> Q <| 'N(R). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pR /subsetIP[sQP sQR] /andP[nQP nQ_NP]. | |
have [x _ sRxP] := Sylow_Jsub sylP_G (subsetT R) pR. | |
rewrite /normal normsG //; apply/subsetP=> y nRy. | |
have sQxP: Q :^ x \subset P by rewrite (subset_trans _ sRxP) ?conjSg. | |
have sQyxP: Q :^ (y * x) \subset P. | |
by rewrite actM (subset_trans _ sRxP) // -(normP nRy) !conjSg. | |
have [t tNP defQx] := mFT_sub_Sylow_trans sQP sQxP. | |
have [z zNP defQxy] := mFT_sub_Sylow_trans sQP sQyxP. | |
by rewrite inE -(conjSg _ _ x) -actM /= defQx defQxy !(normsP nQ_NP). | |
Qed. | |
End OneSylow. | |
Section AnotherMaximal. | |
Variable M : {group gT}. | |
Hypothesis maxM : M \in 'M. | |
Let solM : solvable M := mmax_sol maxM. | |
Let ltMG : M \proper G := mmax_proper maxM. | |
Let sMbMs : M`_\beta \subset M`_\sigma := Mbeta_sub_Msigma maxM. | |
Let nsMbM : M`_\beta <| M := pcore_normal _ _. | |
Let hallMs : \sigma(M).-Hall(M) M`_\sigma := Msigma_Hall maxM. | |
Let nsMsM : M`_\sigma <| M := pcore_normal _ M. | |
Let sMsM' : M`_\sigma \subset M^`(1) := Msigma_der1 maxM. | |
Lemma Mbeta_der1 : M`_\beta \subset M^`(1). | |
Proof. exact: subset_trans sMbMs sMsM'. Qed. | |
Let sM'M : M^`(1) \subset M := der_sub 1 M. | |
Let nsMsM' : M`_\sigma <| M^`(1) := normalS sMsM' sM'M nsMsM. | |
Let nsMbM' : M`_\beta <| M^`(1) := normalS Mbeta_der1 sM'M nsMbM. | |
Let nMbM' := normal_norm nsMbM'. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.8(c). *) | |
Lemma beta_max_pdiv p : | |
p \notin \beta(M) -> | |
[/\ p^'.-Hall(M^`(1)) 'O_p^'(M^`(1)), | |
p^'.-Hall(M`_\sigma) 'O_p^'(M`_\sigma) | |
& forall q, q \in \pi(M / 'O_p^'(M)) -> q <= p]. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite !inE -negb_exists_in negbK => /exists_inP[P sylP nnP]. | |
have [|ncM' p_max] := narrow_der1_complement_max_pdiv (mFT_odd M) solM sylP nnP. | |
by rewrite mFT_proper_plength1 ?implybT. | |
by rewrite -(pcore_setI_normal _ nsMsM') (Hall_setI_normal nsMsM'). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.8(a), first part. *) | |
Lemma Mbeta_Hall : \beta(M).-Hall(M) M`_\beta. | |
Proof. | |
have [H hallH] := Hall_exists \beta(M) solM; have [sHM bH _]:= and3P hallH. | |
rewrite [M`_\beta](sub_pHall hallH) ?pcore_pgroup ?pcore_sub //=. | |
rewrite -(setIidPl sMbMs) pcore_setI_normal ?pcore_normal //. | |
have sH: \sigma(M).-group H := sub_pgroup (beta_sub_sigma maxM) bH. | |
have sHMs: H \subset M`_\sigma by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore hallMs). | |
rewrite -pcoreNK -bigcap_p'core subsetI sHMs. | |
apply/bigcapsP=> p b'p; have [_ hallKp' _] := beta_max_pdiv b'p. | |
by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore hallKp') ?(pi_p'group bH). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.8(a), second part. *) | |
Lemma Mbeta_Hall_G : \beta(M).-Hall(G) M`_\beta. | |
Proof. | |
apply: (subHall_Hall (Msigma_Hall_G maxM) (beta_sub_sigma maxM)). | |
exact: pHall_subl sMbMs (pcore_sub _ _) Mbeta_Hall. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is an equivalent form of B & G, Lemma 10.8(b), which is used directly *) | |
(* later in the proof (e.g., Corollary 10.9a below, and Lemma 12.11), and is *) | |
(* proved as an intermediate step of the proof of of 12.8(b). *) | |
Lemma Mbeta_quo_nil : nilpotent (M^`(1) / M`_\beta). | |
Proof. | |
have /and3P[_ bMb b'M'Mb] := pHall_subl Mbeta_der1 sM'M Mbeta_Hall. | |
apply: nilpotentS (Fitting_nil (M^`(1) / M`_\beta)) => /=. | |
rewrite -{1}[_ / _]Sylow_gen gen_subG. | |
apply/bigcupsP=> Q /SylowP[q _ /and3P[sQM' qQ _]]. | |
apply: subset_trans (pcore_sub q _). | |
rewrite p_core_Fitting -pcoreNK -bigcap_p'core subsetI sQM' /=. | |
apply/bigcapsP=> [[p /= _] q'p]; have [b_p | b'p] := boolP (p \in \beta(M)). | |
by rewrite pcore_pgroup_id ?(pi'_p'group _ b_p) // /pgroup card_quotient. | |
have p'Mb: p^'.-group M`_\beta := pi_p'group bMb b'p. | |
rewrite sub_Hall_pcore ?(pi_p'group qQ) {Q qQ sQM'}//. | |
rewrite pquotient_pcore ?quotient_pHall 1?gFsub_trans //. | |
by have [-> _ _] := beta_max_pdiv b'p. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.8(b), generalized to arbitrary beta'-subgroups of *) | |
(* M^`(1) (which includes Hall beta'-subgroups of M^`(1) and M`_\beta). *) | |
Lemma beta'_der1_nil H : \beta(M)^'.-group H -> H \subset M^`(1) -> nilpotent H. | |
Proof. | |
move=> b'H sHM'; have [_ bMb _] := and3P Mbeta_Hall. | |
have{b'H} tiMbH: M`_\beta :&: H = 1 := coprime_TIg (pnat_coprime bMb b'H). | |
rewrite {tiMbH}(isog_nil (quotient_isog (subset_trans sHM' nMbM') tiMbH)). | |
exact: nilpotentS (quotientS _ sHM') Mbeta_quo_nil. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.9(a). *) | |
Corollary beta'_cent_Sylow p q X : | |
p \notin \beta(M) -> q \notin \beta(M) -> q.-group X -> | |
(p != q) && (X \subset M^`(1)) || (p < q) && (X \subset M) -> | |
[/\ (*a1*) exists2 P, p.-Sylow(M`_\sigma) (gval P) & X \subset 'C(P), | |
(*a2*) p \in \alpha(M) -> 'C_M(X)%G \in 'U | |
& (*a3*) q.-Sylow(M^`(1)) X -> | |
exists2 P, p.-Sylow(M^`(1)) (gval P) & P \subset 'N_M(X)^`(1)]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> b'p b'q qX q'p_sXM'; pose pq : nat_pred := pred2 p q. | |
have [q'p sXM]: p \in q^' /\ X \subset M. | |
case/orP: q'p_sXM' => /andP[q'p /subset_trans-> //]. | |
by rewrite !inE neq_ltn q'p. | |
have sXM'M: X <*> M^`(1) \subset M by rewrite join_subG sXM. | |
have solXM': solvable (X <*> M^`(1)) := solvableS sXM'M solM. | |
have pqX: pq.-group X by rewrite (pi_pgroup qX) ?inE ?eqxx ?orbT. | |
have{solXM' pqX} [W /= hallW sXW] := Hall_superset solXM' (joing_subl _ _) pqX. | |
have [sWXM' pqW _] := and3P hallW; have sWM := subset_trans sWXM' sXM'M. | |
have{b'q} b'W: \beta(M)^'.-group W. (* GG -- Coq diverges on b'p <> b'q *) | |
by apply: sub_pgroup pqW => r /pred2P[]->; [apply: b'p | apply: b'q]. | |
have nilM'W: nilpotent (M^`(1) :&: W). | |
by rewrite beta'_der1_nil ?subsetIl ?(pgroupS (subsetIr _ _)). | |
have{nilM'W} nilW: nilpotent W. | |
do [case/orP: q'p_sXM'=> /andP[]] => [_ sXM' | lt_pq _]. | |
by rewrite -(setIidPr sWXM') (joing_idPr sXM'). | |
pose Wq := 'O_p^'(M) :&: W; pose Wp := 'O_p(M^`(1) :&: W). | |
have nMp'M := char_norm (pcore_char p^' M). | |
have nMp'W := subset_trans sWM nMp'M. | |
have sylWq: q.-Sylow(W) Wq. | |
have [sWqMp' sWp'W] := subsetIP (subxx Wq). | |
have [Q sylQ] := Sylow_exists q W; have [sQW qQ _] := and3P sylQ. | |
rewrite [Wq](sub_pHall sylQ _ _ (subsetIr _ W)) //= -/Wq. | |
apply/pgroupP=> r r_pr r_dv_Wp'. | |
have:= pgroupP (pgroupS sWqMp' (pcore_pgroup _ _)) r r_pr r_dv_Wp'. | |
by apply/implyP; rewrite implyNb; apply: (pgroupP (pgroupS sWp'W pqW)). | |
have [[_ _ max_p] sQM] := (beta_max_pdiv b'p, subset_trans sQW sWM). | |
rewrite subsetI sQW -quotient_sub1 ?(subset_trans sQM nMp'M) //. | |
apply: contraLR lt_pq; rewrite -leqNgt andbT subG1 -rank_gt0. | |
rewrite (rank_pgroup (quotient_pgroup _ qQ)) p_rank_gt0 => piQb_q. | |
exact: max_p (piSg (quotientS _ sQM) piQb_q). | |
have nM'W: W \subset 'N(M^`(1)) by rewrite (subset_trans sWM) ?der_norm. | |
have qWWM': q.-group (W / (M^`(1) :&: W)). | |
rewrite (isog_pgroup _ (second_isog _)) ?(pgroupS (quotientS _ sWXM')) //=. | |
by rewrite (quotientYidr (subset_trans sXW nM'W)) quotient_pgroup. | |
have{qWWM'} sylWp: p.-Sylow(W) Wp. | |
rewrite /pHall pcore_pgroup gFsub_trans ?subsetIr //=. | |
rewrite -(Lagrange_index (subsetIr _ _) (pcore_sub _ _)) pnatM //. | |
rewrite -(divgS (pcore_sub _ _)) -card_quotient ?normsI ?normG //= -pgroupE. | |
rewrite (pi_p'group qWWM') //= -(dprod_card (nilpotent_pcoreC p nilM'W)). | |
by rewrite mulKn ?cardG_gt0 // -pgroupE pcore_pgroup. | |
have [[sWqW qWq _] [sWpW pWp _]] := (and3P sylWq, and3P sylWp). | |
have <-: Wp * Wq = W. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEcard mul_subG //= -(partnC q (cardG_gt0 W)). | |
rewrite (coprime_cardMg (p'nat_coprime (pi_pnat pWp _) qWq)) //. | |
rewrite (card_Hall sylWp) (card_Hall sylWq) -{2}(part_pnat_id pqW) -partnI. | |
rewrite mulnC (@eq_partn _ p) // => r. | |
by rewrite !inE andb_orl andbN orbF; apply: andb_idr; move/eqP->. | |
apply: nilpotentS (mul_subG _ _) (Fitting_nil W). | |
rewrite Fitting_max ?(pgroup_nil pWp) //. | |
by rewrite gFnormal_trans //= setIC norm_normalI. | |
by rewrite Fitting_max ?(pgroup_nil qWq) //= setIC norm_normalI. | |
have part1: exists2 P : {group gT}, p.-Sylow(M`_\sigma) P & X \subset 'C(P). | |
have sMsXM' := subset_trans sMsM' (joing_subr X _). | |
have nsMsXM': M`_\sigma <| X <*> M^`(1) := normalS sMsXM' sXM'M nsMsM. | |
have sylWp: p.-Hall(M`_\sigma) ('O_p(W) :&: M`_\sigma). | |
rewrite setIC (Sylow_setI_normal nsMsXM') //. | |
exact: subHall_Sylow hallW (predU1l _ _) (nilpotent_pcore_Hall p nilW). | |
have [_ _ cWpWp' _] := dprodP (nilpotent_pcoreC p nilW). | |
exists ('O_p(W) :&: M`_\sigma)%G; rewrite ?(centSS _ _ cWpWp') ?subsetIl //. | |
by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore (nilpotent_pcore_Hall _ _)) ?(pi_p'group qX). | |
split=> // [a_p | {part1}sylX]. | |
have ltCMX_G := sub_proper_trans (subsetIl M 'C(X)) ltMG. | |
have [P sylP cPX] := part1; have s_p := alpha_sub_sigma maxM a_p. | |
have{} sylP := subHall_Sylow hallMs s_p sylP. | |
apply: rank3_Uniqueness ltCMX_G (leq_trans a_p _). | |
by rewrite -(rank_Sylow sylP) rankS //= subsetI (pHall_sub sylP) // centsC. | |
do [move: sWXM'; rewrite (joing_idPr (pHall_sub sylX)) => sWM'] in hallW. | |
have nMbX: X \subset 'N(M`_\beta) := subset_trans sXM (normal_norm nsMbM). | |
have nsMbXM : M`_\beta <*> X <| M. | |
rewrite -{2}(quotientGK nsMbM) -quotientYK ?cosetpre_normal //=. | |
rewrite (eq_Hall_pcore _ (quotient_pHall nMbX sylX)); last first. | |
exact: nilpotent_pcore_Hall Mbeta_quo_nil. | |
by rewrite gFnormal_trans ?quotient_normal ?gFnormal. | |
pose U := 'N_M(X); have defM: M`_\beta * U = M. | |
have sXU : X \subset U by rewrite subsetI sXM normG. | |
rewrite -[U](mulSGid sXU) /= -/U mulgA -norm_joinEr //. | |
apply: Frattini_arg nsMbXM (pHall_subl (joing_subr _ X) _ sylX). | |
by rewrite join_subG Mbeta_der1 (pHall_sub sylX). | |
have sWpU: 'O_p(W) \subset U. | |
rewrite gFsub_trans // subsetI sWM normal_norm //=. | |
have sylX_W: q.-Sylow(W) X := pHall_subl sXW sWM' sylX. | |
by rewrite (eq_Hall_pcore (nilpotent_pcore_Hall q nilW) sylX_W) pcore_normal. | |
have sylWp: p.-Sylow(M^`(1)) 'O_p(W). | |
exact: subHall_Sylow hallW (predU1l _ _) (nilpotent_pcore_Hall p nilW). | |
exists 'O_p(W)%G; rewrite //= -(setIidPl (pHall_sub sylWp)). | |
rewrite (pprod_focal_coprime defM) ?pcore_normal ?subsetIr //. | |
exact: pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _) (pi_pnat (pcore_pgroup _ _) _). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 10.9(b). *) | |
Corollary nonuniq_norm_Sylow_pprod p H S : | |
H \in 'M -> H :!=: M -> p.-Sylow(G) S -> 'N(S) \subset H :&: M -> | |
M`_\beta * (H :&: M) = M /\ \alpha(M) =i \beta(M). | |
Proof. | |
move=> maxH neqHM sylS_G sN_HM; have [sNH sNM] := subsetIP sN_HM. | |
have [sSM sSH] := (subset_trans (normG S) sNM, subset_trans (normG S) sNH). | |
have [sylS pS] := (pHall_subl sSM (subsetT M) sylS_G, pHall_pgroup sylS_G). | |
have sMp: p \in \sigma(M) by apply/exists_inP; exists S. | |
have aM'p: p \in \alpha(M)^'. | |
apply: contra neqHM; rewrite !inE -(rank_Sylow sylS) => rS. | |
have uniqS: S \in 'U := rank3_Uniqueness (mFT_pgroup_proper pS) rS. | |
by rewrite (eq_uniq_mmax (def_uniq_mmax uniqS maxM sSM) maxH sSH). | |
have sSM': S \subset M^`(1). | |
by rewrite (subset_trans _ sMsM') ?(sub_Hall_pcore hallMs) ?(pi_pgroup pS). | |
have nMbS := subset_trans sSM (normal_norm nsMbM). | |
have nMbSM: M`_\beta <*> S <| M. | |
rewrite -{2}(quotientGK nsMbM) -quotientYK ?cosetpre_normal //=. | |
have sylS_M' := pHall_subl sSM' sM'M sylS. | |
rewrite (eq_Hall_pcore _ (quotient_pHall nMbS sylS_M')); last first. | |
exact: nilpotent_pcore_Hall Mbeta_quo_nil. | |
by rewrite gFnormal_trans ?quotient_normal ?gFnormal. | |
have defM: M`_\beta * 'N_M(S) = M. | |
have sSNM: S \subset 'N_M(S) by rewrite subsetI sSM normG. | |
rewrite -(mulSGid sSNM) /= mulgA -norm_joinEr //. | |
by rewrite (Frattini_arg _ (pHall_subl _ _ sylS_G)) ?joing_subr ?subsetT. | |
split=> [|q]. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite setIC eqEsubset mulG_subG subsetIl pcore_sub /=. | |
by rewrite -{1}defM mulgS ?setIS. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [aMq|]; last exact: beta_sub_alpha. | |
apply: contraR neqHM => bM'q; have bM'p := contra (@beta_sub_alpha _ M p) aM'p. | |
have [|_ uniqNM _] := beta'_cent_Sylow bM'q bM'p pS. | |
by apply: contraR aM'p; rewrite sSM'; case: eqP => //= <- _. | |
rewrite (eq_uniq_mmax (def_uniq_mmax (uniqNM aMq) maxM (subsetIl _ _)) maxH) //. | |
by rewrite subIset ?(subset_trans (cent_sub _)) ?orbT. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.10. *) | |
Proposition max_normed_2Elem_signaliser p q (A Q : {group gT}) : | |
p != q -> A \in 'E_p^2(G) :&: 'E*_p(G) -> Q \in |/|*(A; q) -> | |
q %| #|'C(A)| -> | |
exists2 P : {group gT}, p.-Sylow(G) P /\ A \subset P | |
& [/\ (*a*) 'O_p^'('C(P)) * ('N(P) :&: 'N(Q)) = 'N(P), | |
(*b*) P \subset 'N(Q)^`(1) | |
& (*c*) q.-narrow Q -> P \subset 'C(Q)]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> neq_pq /setIP[Ep2A EpmA] maxQ piCAq. | |
have [_ abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A; have [pA cAA _] := and3P abelA. | |
have [p_pr oA] := (pnElem_prime Ep2A, card_pnElem Ep2A). | |
have{dimA} rA2: 'r(A) = 2 by rewrite (rank_abelem abelA). | |
have{EpmA} ncA: normed_constrained A. | |
have ntA: A :!=: 1 by rewrite -rank_gt0 rA2. | |
exact: plength_1_normed_constrained ntA EpmA (mFT_proper_plength1 _). | |
pose pi := \pi(A); pose K := 'O_pi^'('C(A)). | |
have def_pi : pi =i (p : nat_pred). | |
by move=> r; rewrite !inE /= oA primesX ?primes_prime ?inE. | |
have pi'q : q \notin pi by rewrite def_pi !inE eq_sym. | |
have transKA: [transitive K, on |/|*(A; q) | 'JG]. | |
by rewrite normed_constrained_rank2_trans // (center_idP cAA) rA2. | |
have [P0 sylP0 sAP0] := Sylow_superset (subsetT _) pA. | |
have pP0: p.-group P0 := pHall_pgroup sylP0. | |
have piP0: pi.-group P0 by rewrite (eq_pgroup _ def_pi). | |
have{pP0} snAP0: A <|<| P0 := nilpotent_subnormal (pgroup_nil pP0) sAP0. | |
have{pi'q snAP0 ncA piP0} [//|] := normed_trans_superset ncA pi'q snAP0 piP0. | |
rewrite /= -/pi -/K => -> transKP submaxPA maxPfactoring. | |
have{transKP} [Q0 maxQ0 _] := imsetP transKP. | |
have{transKA} [k Kk defQ] := atransP2 transKA (subsetP submaxPA _ maxQ0) maxQ. | |
set P := P0 :^ k; have{sylP0} sylP: p.-Sylow(G) P by rewrite pHallJ ?in_setT. | |
have nAK: K \subset 'N(A) by rewrite cents_norm ?pcore_sub. | |
have{sAP0 nAK K Kk} sAP: A \subset P by rewrite -(normsP nAK k Kk) conjSg. | |
exists [group of P] => //. | |
have{maxPfactoring} [sPNQ' defNP] := maxPfactoring _ maxQ0. | |
move/(congr1 ('Js%act^~ k)): defNP sPNQ'; rewrite -(conjSg _ _ k) /=. | |
rewrite conjsMg !conjIg !conjsRg -!derg1 -!normJ -pcoreJ -centJ -/P. | |
rewrite -(congr_group defQ) (eq_pcore _ (eq_negn def_pi)) => defNP sPNQ'. | |
have{} sPNQ': P \subset 'N(Q)^`(1). | |
by rewrite (setIidPl (mFT_Sylow_der1 sylP)) in sPNQ'. | |
split=> // narrowQ; have [-> | ntQ] := eqsVneq Q 1; first exact: cents1. | |
pose AutQ := conj_aut Q @* 'N(Q). | |
have qQ: q.-group Q by case/mem_max_normed: maxQ. | |
have ltNG: 'N(Q) \proper G by rewrite mFT_norm_proper // (mFT_pgroup_proper qQ). | |
have{ltNG} qAutQ': q.-group AutQ^`(1). | |
have qAutQq: q.-group 'O_q(AutQ) := pcore_pgroup _ _. | |
rewrite (pgroupS _ qAutQq) // der1_min ?gFnorm //. | |
have solAutQ: solvable AutQ by rewrite morphim_sol -?mFT_sol_proper. | |
have [oddQ oddAutQ]: odd #|Q| /\ odd #|AutQ| by rewrite morphim_odd mFT_odd. | |
by have /(Aut_narrow qQ)[] := Aut_conj_aut Q 'N(Q). | |
have nQP: P \subset 'N(Q) := subset_trans sPNQ' (der_sub 1 _). | |
rewrite (sameP setIidPl eqP) eqEsubset subsetIl /=. | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 ?normsI ?normG ?norms_cent //= -ker_conj_aut subG1. | |
rewrite trivg_card1 (card_isog (first_isog_loc _ _)) //= -trivg_card1 -subG1. | |
have q'AutP: q^'.-group (conj_aut Q @* P). | |
by rewrite morphim_pgroup //; apply: pi_pnat (pHall_pgroup sylP) _. | |
rewrite -(coprime_TIg (pnat_coprime qAutQ' q'AutP)) subsetI subxx. | |
by rewrite /= -morphim_der // morphimS. | |
Qed. | |
(* Notation for Proposition 11, which is the last to appear in this segment. *) | |
Local Notation sigma' := \sigma(gval M)^'. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.11(a). *) | |
Proposition sigma'_not_uniq K : K \subset M -> sigma'.-group K -> K \notin 'U. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sKM sg'K; have [E hallE sKE] := Hall_superset solM sKM sg'K. | |
have [sEM sg'E _] := and3P hallE. | |
have rEle2: 'r(E) <= 2. | |
have [q _ ->] := rank_witness E; rewrite leqNgt; apply/negP=> rEgt2. | |
have: q \in sigma' by rewrite (pnatPpi sg'E) // -p_rank_gt0 -(subnKC rEgt2). | |
by rewrite inE /= alpha_sub_sigma //; apply: leq_trans (p_rankS q sEM). | |
have [E1 | ntE]:= eqsVneq E 1. | |
by apply: contraL (@uniq_mmax_neq1 _ K) _; rewrite -subG1 -E1. | |
pose p := max_pdiv #|E|; pose P := 'O_p(E). | |
have piEp: p \in \pi(E) by rewrite pi_max_pdiv cardG_gt1. | |
have sg'p: p \in sigma' by rewrite (pnatPpi sg'E). | |
have sylP: p.-Sylow(E) P. | |
rewrite rank2_max_pcore_Sylow ?mFT_odd ?(solvableS sEM solM) //. | |
exact: leq_trans (rankS (Fitting_sub E)) rEle2. | |
apply: contra (sg'p) => uniqK; apply/existsP; exists [group of P]. | |
have defMK := def_uniq_mmax uniqK maxM (subset_trans sKE sEM). | |
rewrite (subHall_Sylow hallE) // (sub_uniq_mmax defMK) //; last first. | |
rewrite mFT_norm_proper ?(mFT_pgroup_proper (pcore_pgroup _ _)) //. | |
by rewrite -cardG_gt1 (card_Hall sylP) p_part_gt1. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sKE) // gFnorm. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.11(b). *) | |
Proposition sub'cent_sigma_rank1 K : | |
K \subset M -> sigma'.-group K -> 'r('C_K(M`_\sigma)) <= 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sKM sg'K; rewrite leqNgt; apply/rank_geP=> [[A /nElemP[p Ep2A]]]. | |
have p_pr := pnElem_prime Ep2A. | |
have [sACKMs abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A; rewrite subsetI centsC in sACKMs. | |
have{sACKMs} [sAK cAMs]: A \subset K /\ M`_\sigma \subset 'C(A) := andP sACKMs. | |
have sg'p: p \in sigma'. | |
by rewrite (pgroupP (pgroupS sAK sg'K)) // (card_pnElem Ep2A) dvdn_mull. | |
have [Ms1 | [q q_pr q_dvd_Ms]] := trivgVpdiv M`_\sigma. | |
by case/eqP: (Msigma_neq1 maxM). | |
have sg_q: q \in \sigma(M) := pgroupP (pcore_pgroup _ _) _ q_pr q_dvd_Ms. | |
have neq_pq: p != q by apply: contraNneq sg'p => ->. | |
have [Q sylQ] := Sylow_exists q M`_\sigma; have [sQMs qQ _] := and3P sylQ. | |
have cAQ: Q \subset 'C(A) := subset_trans sQMs cAMs. | |
have{q_dvd_Ms} q_dv_CA: q %| #|'C(A)|. | |
rewrite (dvdn_trans _ (cardSg cAQ)) // -(part_pnat_id (pnat_id q_pr)). | |
by rewrite (card_Hall sylQ) partn_dvd. | |
have{cAQ} maxQ: Q \in |/|*(A; q). | |
rewrite inE; apply/maxgroupP; rewrite qQ cents_norm 1?centsC //. | |
split=> // Y /andP[qY _] sQY; apply: sub_pHall qY sQY (subsetT Y). | |
by rewrite (subHall_Sylow (Msigma_Hall_G maxM)). | |
have sNQM: 'N(Q) \subset M. | |
by rewrite (norm_sigma_Sylow sg_q) // (subHall_Sylow hallMs). | |
have rCAle2: 'r('C(A)) <= 2. | |
apply: contraR (sigma'_not_uniq sKM sg'K); rewrite -ltnNge => rCAgt2. | |
apply: uniq_mmaxS sAK (sub_mmax_proper maxM sKM) _. | |
by apply: cent_rank3_Uniqueness rCAgt2; rewrite (rank_abelem abelA) dimA. | |
have max2A: A \in 'E_p^2(G) :&: 'E*_p(G). | |
rewrite 3!inE subsetT abelA dimA; apply/pmaxElemP; rewrite inE subsetT. | |
split=> // Y /pElemP[_ abelY /eqVproper[]//ltAY]. | |
have [pY cYY _] := and3P abelY. | |
suffices: 'r_p('C(A)) > 2 by rewrite ltnNge (leq_trans (p_rank_le_rank p _)). | |
rewrite -dimA (leq_trans (properG_ltn_log pY ltAY)) //. | |
by rewrite logn_le_p_rank // inE centsC (subset_trans (proper_sub ltAY)). | |
have{rCAle2 cAMs} Ma1: M`_\alpha = 1. | |
apply: contraTeq rCAle2; rewrite -rank_gt0 -ltnNge. | |
have [r _ ->] := rank_witness M`_\alpha; rewrite p_rank_gt0. | |
move/(pnatPpi (pcore_pgroup _ _))=> a_r; apply: (leq_trans a_r). | |
have [R sylR] := Sylow_exists r M`_\sigma. | |
have sylR_M: r.-Sylow(M) R. | |
by rewrite (subHall_Sylow (Msigma_Hall maxM)) ?alpha_sub_sigma. | |
rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow sylR_M) (p_rank_Sylow sylR). | |
by rewrite (leq_trans (p_rank_le_rank r _)) // rankS // centsC. | |
have{Ma1} nilM': nilpotent M^`(1). | |
by rewrite (isog_nil (quotient1_isog _)) -Ma1 Malpha_quo_nil. | |
have{max2A maxQ neq_pq q_dv_CA} [P [sylP sAP] sPNQ']: | |
exists2 P : {group gT}, p.-Sylow(G) P /\ A \subset P & P \subset 'N(Q)^`(1). | |
- by case/(max_normed_2Elem_signaliser neq_pq): maxQ => // P ? []; exists P. | |
have{sNQM} defP: 'O_p(M^`(1)) = P. | |
rewrite (nilpotent_Hall_pcore nilM' (pHall_subl _ _ sylP)) ?subsetT //. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sPNQ') ?dergS. | |
have nsPM: P <| M by rewrite -defP !gFnormal_trans. | |
have sPM := normal_sub nsPM. | |
case/exists_inP: sg'p; exists P; first exact: pHall_subl (subsetT M) sylP. | |
by rewrite (mmax_normal maxM) // -rank_gt0 ltnW // -dimA -rank_abelem ?rankS. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.11(c). *) | |
Proposition sub'cent_sigma_cyclic K (Y := 'C_K(M`_\sigma) :&: M^`(1)) : | |
K \subset M -> sigma'.-group K -> cyclic Y /\ Y <| M. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sKM sg'K; pose Z := 'O_sigma'('F(M)). | |
have nsZM: Z <| M by rewrite !gFnormal_trans. | |
have [sZM nZM] := andP nsZM; have Fnil := Fitting_nil M. | |
have rZle1: 'r(Z) <= 1. | |
apply: leq_trans (rankS _) (sub'cent_sigma_rank1 sZM (pcore_pgroup _ _)). | |
rewrite subsetI subxx (sameP commG1P trivgP) /=. | |
rewrite -(TI_pcoreC \sigma(M) M 'F(M)) subsetI commg_subl commg_subr. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sZM) ?gFnorm ?gFsub_trans. | |
have{rZle1} cycZ: cyclic Z. | |
have nilZ: nilpotent Z := nilpotentS (gFsub _ _) Fnil. | |
by rewrite nil_Zgroup_cyclic // odd_rank1_Zgroup // mFT_odd. | |
have cZM': M^`(1) \subset 'C_M(Z). | |
rewrite der1_min ?normsI ?normG ?norms_cent //= -ker_conj_aut. | |
rewrite (isog_abelian (first_isog_loc _ _)) //. | |
by rewrite (abelianS (Aut_conj_aut _ _)) // Aut_cyclic_abelian. | |
have sYF: Y \subset 'F(M). | |
apply: subset_trans (cent_sub_Fitting (mmax_sol maxM)). | |
have [_ /= <- _ _] := dprodP (nilpotent_pcoreC \sigma(M) Fnil). | |
by rewrite centM setICA setISS // setIC subIset ?centS // pcore_Fitting. | |
have{sYF} sYZ: Y \subset Z. | |
rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore (nilpotent_pcore_Hall _ Fnil)) //=. | |
by rewrite -setIA (pgroupS (subsetIl K _)). | |
by rewrite (cyclicS sYZ cycZ) (char_normal_trans _ nsZM) // sub_cyclic_char. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.11(d). *) | |
Proposition commG_sigma'_1Elem_cyclic p K P (K0 := [~: K, P]) : | |
K \subset M -> sigma'.-group K -> p \in sigma' -> P \in 'E_p^1('N_M(K)) -> | |
'C_(M`_\sigma)(P) = 1 -> p^'.-group K -> abelian K -> | |
[/\ K0 \subset 'C(M`_\sigma), cyclic K0 & K0 <| M]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sKM sg'K sg'p EpP regP p'K cKK. | |
have nK0P: P \subset 'N(K0) := commg_normr P K. | |
have p_pr := pnElem_prime EpP; have [sPMN _ oP] := pnElemPcard EpP. | |
have [sPM nKP]: P \subset M /\ P \subset 'N(K) by apply/subsetIP. | |
have /andP[sMsM nMsM]: M`_\sigma <| M := pcore_normal _ _. | |
have sK0K: K0 \subset K by rewrite commg_subl. | |
have [sK0M sg'K0]:= (subset_trans sK0K sKM, pgroupS sK0K sg'K). | |
have [nMsK0 nMsP] := (subset_trans sK0M nMsM, subset_trans sPM nMsM). | |
have coKP: coprime #|K| #|P| by rewrite oP coprime_sym prime_coprime -?p'natE. | |
have coK0Ms: coprime #|K0| #|M`_\sigma|. | |
by rewrite coprime_sym (pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _)). | |
have nilK0Ms: nilpotent (K0 <*> M`_\sigma). | |
have mulK0MsP: K0 <*> M`_\sigma ><| P = K0 <*> M`_\sigma <*> P. | |
rewrite sdprodEY ?normsY // coprime_TIg //= norm_joinEl //. | |
rewrite coprime_cardMg // coprimeMl (coprimeSg sK0K) //. | |
by rewrite oP (pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _)) ?pnatE. | |
apply: (prime_Frobenius_sol_kernel_nil mulK0MsP); rewrite ?oP //=. | |
by rewrite (solvableS _ solM) // !join_subG sK0M pcore_sub. | |
rewrite norm_joinEl // -subcent_TImulg ?subsetI ?nK0P //. | |
by rewrite coprime_abel_cent_TI ?mul1g. | |
exact: coprime_TIg. | |
have cMsK0: K0 \subset 'C(M`_\sigma). | |
rewrite (sub_nilpotent_cent2 nilK0Ms) ?joing_subl ?joing_subr //. | |
exact: pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _) sg'K0. | |
have [cycY nsYM] := sub'cent_sigma_cyclic sK0M sg'K0. | |
set Y := _ :&: _ in cycY nsYM. | |
have sK0Y: K0 \subset Y by rewrite !subsetI subxx cMsK0 commgSS. | |
split=> //; first exact: cyclicS sK0Y cycY. | |
by apply: char_normal_trans nsYM; rewrite sub_cyclic_char. | |
Qed. | |
End AnotherMaximal. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.12. *) | |
Lemma sigma_disjoint M H : | |
M \in 'M -> H \in 'M -> gval H \notin M :^: G -> | |
[/\ (*a*) M`_\alpha :&: H`_\sigma = 1, | |
[predI \alpha(M) & \sigma(H)] =i pred0 | |
& (*b*) nilpotent M`_\sigma -> | |
M`_\sigma :&: H`_\sigma = 1 | |
/\ [predI \sigma(M) & \sigma(H)] =i pred0]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> maxM maxH notjMH. | |
suffices sigmaMHnil p: p \in [predI \sigma(M) & \sigma(H)] -> | |
p \notin \alpha(M) /\ ~~ nilpotent M`_\sigma. | |
- have a2: [predI \alpha(M) & \sigma(H)] =i pred0. | |
move=> p; apply/andP=> [[/= aMp sHp]]. | |
by case: (sigmaMHnil p); rewrite /= ?aMp // inE /= alpha_sub_sigma. | |
split=> // [|nilMs]. | |
rewrite coprime_TIg // (pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _)) //. | |
apply: sub_in_pnat (pcore_pgroup _ _) => p _ sHp. | |
by apply: contraFN (a2 p) => aMp; rewrite inE /= sHp andbT. | |
have b2: [predI \sigma(M) & \sigma(H)] =i pred0. | |
by move=> p; apply/negP; case/sigmaMHnil => _; rewrite nilMs. | |
rewrite coprime_TIg // (pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _)) //. | |
apply: sub_in_pnat (pcore_pgroup _ _) => p _ sHp. | |
by apply: contraFN (b2 p) => bMp; rewrite inE /= sHp andbT. | |
case/andP=> sMp sHp; have [S sylS]:= Sylow_exists p M. | |
have [sSM pS _] := and3P sylS. | |
have sylS_G: p.-Sylow(G) S := sigma_Sylow_G maxM sMp sylS. | |
have [g sSHg]: exists g, S \subset H :^ g. | |
have [Sg' sylSg']:= Sylow_exists p H. | |
have [g _ ->] := Sylow_trans (sigma_Sylow_G maxH sHp sylSg') sylS_G. | |
by exists g; rewrite conjSg (pHall_sub sylSg'). | |
have{notjMH} neqHgM: H :^ g != M. | |
by apply: contraNneq notjMH => <-; rewrite orbit_sym mem_orbit ?in_setT. | |
do [split; apply: contra neqHgM] => [|nilMs]. | |
rewrite !inE -(p_rank_Sylow sylS) -rank_pgroup //= => rS_gt3. | |
have uniqS: S \in 'U := rank3_Uniqueness (mFT_pgroup_proper pS) rS_gt3. | |
have defUS: 'M(S) = [set M] := def_uniq_mmax uniqS maxM sSM. | |
by rewrite (eq_uniq_mmax defUS _ sSHg) ?mmaxJ. | |
have nsSM: S <| M. | |
have nsMsM: M`_\sigma <| M by apply: pcore_normal. | |
have{} sylS: p.-Sylow(M`_\sigma) S. | |
apply: pHall_subl (pcore_sub _ _) sylS => //. | |
by rewrite (sub_Hall_pcore (Msigma_Hall maxM)) ?(pi_pgroup pS). | |
by rewrite (nilpotent_Hall_pcore nilMs sylS) gFnormal_trans. | |
have sNS_Hg: 'N(S) \subset H :^ g. | |
rewrite -sub_conjgV -normJ (norm_sigma_Sylow sHp) //. | |
by rewrite (pHall_subl _ (subsetT _)) ?sub_conjgV // pHallJ ?in_setT. | |
have ltHg: H :^ g \proper G by rewrite mmax_proper ?mmaxJ //. | |
rewrite (mmax_max maxM ltHg) // -(mmax_normal maxM nsSM) //. | |
by apply: contraTneq sNS_Hg => ->; rewrite norm1 proper_subn. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 10.13. *) | |
Lemma basic_p2maxElem_structure p A P : | |
A \in 'E_p^2(G) :&: 'E*_p(G) -> p.-group P -> A \subset P -> ~~ abelian P -> | |
let Z0 := ('Ohm_1('Z(P)))%G in | |
[/\ (*a*) Z0 \in 'E_p^1(A), | |
(*b*) exists Y : {group gT}, | |
[/\ cyclic Y, Z0 \subset Y | |
& forall A0, A0 \in 'E_p^1(A) :\ Z0 -> A0 \x Y = 'C_P(A)] | |
& (*c*) [transitive 'N_P(A), on 'E_p^1(A) :\ Z0| 'JG]]. | |
Proof. | |
case/setIP=> Ep2A maxA pP sAP not_cPP Z0; set E1A := 'E_p^1(A). | |
have p_pr: prime p := pnElem_prime Ep2A; have [_ abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A. | |
have [oA [pA cAA _]] := (card_pnElem Ep2A, and3P abelA). | |
have [p_gt0 p_gt1] := (prime_gt0 p_pr, prime_gt1 p_pr). | |
have{} maxA S: | |
p.-group S -> A \subset S -> A \in 'E*_p(S) /\ 'Ohm_1('C_S(A)) = A. | |
- move=> pS sAS; suff maxAS: A \in 'E*_p(S) by rewrite (Ohm1_cent_max maxAS). | |
by rewrite (subsetP (pmaxElemS p (subsetT S))) // inE maxA inE. | |
have [S sylS sPS] := Sylow_superset (subsetT P) pP. | |
pose Z1 := 'Ohm_1('Z(S))%G; have sZ1Z: Z1 \subset 'Z(S) := Ohm_sub 1 _. | |
have [pS sAS] := (pHall_pgroup sylS, subset_trans sAP sPS). | |
have [maxAS defC1] := maxA S pS sAS; set C := 'C_S(A) in defC1. | |
have sZ0A: Z0 \subset A by rewrite -defC1 OhmS // setISS // centS. | |
have sZ1A: Z1 \subset A by rewrite -defC1 OhmS // setIS // centS. | |
have [pZ0 pZ1]: p.-group Z0 /\ p.-group Z1 by split; apply: pgroupS pA. | |
have sZ10: Z1 \subset Z0. | |
rewrite -[gval Z1]Ohm_id OhmS // subsetI (subset_trans sZ1A) //=. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sZ1Z) // subIset // centS ?orbT. | |
have ntZ1: Z1 :!=: 1. | |
have: A :!=: 1 by rewrite -cardG_gt1 oA (ltn_exp2l 0). | |
apply: contraNneq; rewrite -subG1 -(setIidPr sZ1Z) => /TI_Ohm1. | |
by rewrite setIid => /(trivg_center_pgroup pS) <-. | |
have EpZ01: abelian C -> Z1 = Z0 /\ Z0 \in E1A. | |
move=> cCC; have [eqZ0A | ltZ0A] := eqVproper sZ0A. | |
rewrite (abelianS _ cCC) // in not_cPP. | |
by rewrite subsetI sPS centsC -eqZ0A gFsub_trans ?subsetIr. | |
have leZ0p: #|Z0| <= p ^ 1. | |
by rewrite (card_pgroup pZ0) leq_exp2l // -ltnS -dimA properG_ltn_log. | |
have [_ _ [e oZ1]] := pgroup_pdiv pZ1 ntZ1. | |
have{e oZ1}: #|Z1| >= p by rewrite oZ1 (leq_exp2l 1). | |
rewrite (geq_leqif (leqif_trans (subset_leqif_card sZ10) (leqif_eq leZ0p))). | |
rewrite [E1A]p1ElemE // !inE sZ0A; case/andP=> sZ01 ->. | |
by split=> //; apply/eqP; rewrite -val_eqE eqEsubset sZ10. | |
have [A1 neqA1Z EpA1]: exists2 A1, A1 != Z1 & #|Z1| = p -> A1 \in E1A. | |
have [oZ1 |] := #|Z1| =P p; last by exists 1%G; rewrite // eq_sym. | |
have [A1 defA]:= abelem_split_dprod abelA sZ1A. | |
have{defA} [_ defA _ tiA1Z1] := dprodP defA. | |
have EpZ1: Z1 \in E1A by rewrite [E1A]p1ElemE // !inE sZ1A /= oZ1. | |
suffices: A1 \in E1A by exists A1; rewrite // eq_sym; apply/(TIp1ElemP EpZ1). | |
rewrite [E1A]p1ElemE // !inE -defA mulG_subr /=. | |
by rewrite -(mulKn #|A1| p_gt0) -{1}oZ1 -TI_cardMg // defA oA mulKn. | |
pose cplA1C Y := [/\ cyclic Y, Z0 \subset Y, A1 \x Y = C & abelian C]. | |
have [Y [{cplA1C} cycY sZ0Y defC cCC]]: exists Y, cplA1C Y. | |
have [rSgt2 | rSle2] := ltnP 2 'r(S). | |
rewrite (rank_pgroup pS) in rSgt2; have oddS := mFT_odd S. | |
have max2AS: A \in 'E_p^2(S) :&: 'E*_p(S) by rewrite 3!inE sAS abelA dimA. | |
have oZ1: #|Z1| = p by case/Ohm1_ucn_p2maxElem: max2AS => // _ []. | |
have{} EpA1 := EpA1 oZ1; have [sA1A abelA1 oA1] := pnElemPcard EpA1. | |
have EpZ1: Z1 \in E1A by rewrite [E1A]p1ElemE // !inE sZ1A /= oZ1. | |
have [_ defA cA1Z tiA1Z] := dprodP (p2Elem_dprodP Ep2A EpA1 EpZ1 neqA1Z). | |
have defC: 'C_S(A1) = C. | |
rewrite /C -defA centM setICA setIC ['C_S(Z1)](setIidPl _) // centsC. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sZ1Z) ?subsetIr. | |
have rCSA1: 'r_p('C_S(A1)) <= 2. | |
by rewrite defC -p_rank_Ohm1 defC1 (p_rank_abelem abelA) dimA. | |
have sA1S := subset_trans sA1A sAS. | |
have nnS: p.-narrow S by apply/implyP=> _; apply/set0Pn; exists A. | |
have [] := narrow_cent_dprod pS oddS rSgt2 nnS oA1 sA1S rCSA1. | |
set Y := _ :&: _; rewrite {}defC => cycY _ _ defC; exists [group of Y]. | |
have cCC: abelian C; last split=> //. | |
apply/center_idP; rewrite -(center_dprod defC). | |
rewrite (center_idP (abelem_abelian abelA1)). | |
by rewrite (center_idP (cyclic_abelian cycY)). | |
have{EpZ01} [<- _] := EpZ01 cCC; rewrite subsetI (subset_trans sZ1Z) //. | |
by rewrite setIS ?centS ?gFsub_trans. | |
have not_cSS := contra (abelianS sPS) not_cPP. | |
have:= mFT_rank2_Sylow_cprod sylS rSle2 not_cSS. | |
case=> E [_ dimE3 eE] [Y cycY [defS defY1]]. | |
have [[_ mulEY cEY] cYY] := (cprodP defS, cyclic_abelian cycY). | |
have defY: 'Z(S) = Y. | |
case/cprodP: (center_cprod defS) => _ <- _. | |
by rewrite (center_idP cYY) -defY1 mulSGid ?Ohm_sub. | |
have pY: p.-group Y by rewrite -defY (pgroupS (center_sub S)). | |
have sES: E \subset S by rewrite -mulEY mulG_subl. | |
have pE := pgroupS sES pS. | |
have defS1: 'Ohm_1(S) = E. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite (OhmE 1 pS) eqEsubset gen_subG andbC. | |
rewrite sub_gen; last by rewrite subsetI sES sub_LdivT. | |
apply/subsetP=> ey /LdivP[]; rewrite -mulEY. | |
case/imset2P=> e y Ee Yy -> eyp; rewrite groupM //. | |
rewrite (subsetP (center_sub E)) // -defY1 (OhmE 1 pY) mem_gen //. | |
rewrite expgMn in eyp; last by red; rewrite -(centsP cEY). | |
by rewrite (exponentP eE) // mul1g in eyp; rewrite !inE Yy eyp eqxx. | |
have sAE: A \subset E by rewrite -defS1 -(Ohm1_id abelA) OhmS. | |
have defC: A * Y = C. | |
rewrite /C -mulEY setIC -group_modr; last first. | |
by rewrite -defY subIset // orbC centS. | |
congr (_ * _); apply/eqP; rewrite /= setIC eqEcard subsetI sAE. | |
have pCEA: p.-group 'C_E(A) := pgroupS (subsetIl E _) pE. | |
rewrite -abelianE cAA (card_pgroup pCEA) oA leq_exp2l //= leqNgt. | |
apply: contraL cycY => dimCEA3. | |
have sAZE: A \subset 'Z(E). | |
rewrite subsetI sAE // centsC (sameP setIidPl eqP) eqEcard subsetIl /=. | |
by rewrite (card_pgroup pE) (card_pgroup pCEA) dimE3 leq_exp2l. | |
rewrite abelian_rank1_cyclic // -ltnNge (rank_pgroup pY). | |
by rewrite (p_rank_abelian p cYY) defY1 -dimA lognSg. | |
have cAY: Y \subset 'C(A) by apply: centSS cEY. | |
have cCC: abelian C by rewrite -defC abelianM cAA cYY. | |
have{EpZ01} [eqZ10 EpZ1] := EpZ01 cCC; rewrite -eqZ10 in EpZ1. | |
have sZ0Y: Z0 \subset Y by rewrite -eqZ10 -defY Ohm_sub. | |
have{} EpA1 := EpA1 (card_pnElem EpZ1). | |
have [sA1A _ oA1] := pnElemPcard EpA1. | |
have [_ defA _ tiA1Z] := dprodP (p2Elem_dprodP Ep2A EpA1 EpZ1 neqA1Z). | |
exists Y; split; rewrite // dprodE ?(centSS _ sA1A cAY) ?prime_TIg ?oA1 //. | |
by rewrite -(mulSGid sZ0Y) -eqZ10 mulgA defA. | |
apply: contraL cycY => sA1Y; rewrite abelian_rank1_cyclic // -ltnNge. | |
by rewrite -dimA -rank_abelem ?rankS // -defA eqZ10 mul_subG. | |
have{EpZ01} [eqZ10 EpZ0] := EpZ01 cCC; have oZ0 := card_pnElem EpZ0. | |
have{} EpA1: A1 \in E1A by rewrite EpA1 ?eqZ10. | |
have [sA1A _ oA1] := pnElemPcard EpA1; rewrite {}eqZ10 in neqA1Z. | |
have [_ defA _ tiA1Z] := dprodP (p2Elem_dprodP Ep2A EpA1 EpZ0 neqA1Z). | |
split=> //; first exists (P :&: Y)%G. | |
have sPY_Y := subsetIr P Y; rewrite (cyclicS sPY_Y) //. | |
rewrite subsetI (subset_trans sZ0A) //= sZ0Y. | |
split=> // A0 /setD1P[neqA0Z EpA0]; have [sA0A _ _] := pnElemP EpA0. | |
have [_ mulA0Z _ tiA0Z] := dprodP (p2Elem_dprodP Ep2A EpA0 EpZ0 neqA0Z). | |
have{defC} [_ defC cA1Y tiA1Y] := dprodP defC. | |
rewrite setIC -{2}(setIidPr sPS) setIAC. | |
apply: dprod_modl (subset_trans sA0A sAP); rewrite -defC dprodE /=. | |
- by rewrite -(mulSGid sZ0Y) !mulgA mulA0Z defA. | |
- rewrite (centSS (subxx Y) sA0A) // -defA centM subsetI cA1Y /=. | |
by rewrite sub_abelian_cent ?cyclic_abelian. | |
rewrite setIC -(setIidPr sA0A) setIA -defA -group_modr //. | |
by rewrite (setIC Y) tiA1Y mul1g setIC. | |
apply/imsetP; exists A1; first by rewrite 2!inE neqA1Z. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym eqEcard; apply/andP; split. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imsetP[x /setIP[Px nAx] ->]. | |
rewrite 2!inE /E1A -(normP nAx) pnElemJ EpA1 andbT -val_eqE /=. | |
have nZ0P: P \subset 'N(Z0) by rewrite !gFnorm_trans. | |
by rewrite -(normsP nZ0P x Px) (inj_eq (@conjsg_inj _ x)). | |
have pN: p.-group 'N_P(_) := pgroupS (subsetIl P _) pP. | |
have defCPA: 'N_('N_P(A))(A1) = 'C_P(A). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset andbC subsetI setIS ?cent_sub //. | |
rewrite subIset /=; last by rewrite orbC cents_norm ?centS. | |
rewrite setIAC (subset_trans (subsetIl _ _)) //= subsetI subsetIl /=. | |
rewrite -defA centM subsetI andbC subIset /=; last first. | |
by rewrite centsC gFsub_trans ?subsetIr. | |
have nC_NP: 'N_P(A1) \subset 'N('C(A1)) by rewrite norms_cent ?subsetIr. | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 // subG1 trivg_card1. | |
rewrite (pnat_1 (quotient_pgroup _ (pN _))) //. | |
rewrite -(card_isog (second_isog nC_NP)) /= (setIC 'C(A1)). | |
by apply: p'group_quotient_cent_prime; rewrite ?subsetIr ?oA1. | |
have sCN: 'C_P(A) \subset 'N_P(A) by rewrite setIS ?cent_sub. | |
have nA_NCPA: 'N_P('C_P(A)) \subset 'N_P(A). | |
have [_ defCPA1] := maxA P pP sAP. | |
by rewrite -[in 'N(A)]defCPA1 setIS // gFnorm_trans. | |
rewrite card_orbit astab1JG /= {}defCPA. | |
rewrite -(leq_add2l (Z0 \in E1A)) -cardsD1 EpZ0 (card_p1Elem_p2Elem Ep2A) ltnS. | |
rewrite dvdn_leq ?(pfactor_dvdn 1) ?indexg_gt0 // -divgS // logn_div ?cardSg //. | |
rewrite subn_gt0 properG_ltn_log ?pN //= (proper_sub_trans _ nA_NCPA) //. | |
rewrite (nilpotent_proper_norm (pgroup_nil pP)) // properEneq subsetIl andbT. | |
by apply: contraNneq not_cPP => <-; rewrite (abelianS (setSI _ sPS)). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.14(a). *) | |
Proposition beta_not_narrow p : p \in \beta(G) -> | |
[disjoint 'E_p^2(G) & 'E*_p(G)] | |
/\ (forall P, p.-Sylow(G) P -> [disjoint 'E_p^2(P) & 'E*_p(P)]). | |
Proof. | |
move/forall_inP=> nnG. | |
have nnSyl P: p.-Sylow(G) P -> [disjoint 'E_p^2(P) & 'E*_p(P)]. | |
by move/nnG; rewrite negb_imply negbK setI_eq0 => /andP[]. | |
split=> //; apply/pred0Pn=> [[E /andP[/= Ep2E EpmE]]]. | |
have [_ abelE dimE]:= pnElemP Ep2E; have pE := abelem_pgroup abelE. | |
have [P sylP sEP] := Sylow_superset (subsetT E) pE. | |
case/pred0Pn: (nnSyl P sylP); exists E; rewrite /= 2!inE sEP abelE dimE /=. | |
by rewrite (subsetP (pmaxElemS p (subsetT P))) // inE EpmE inE. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.14(b). *) | |
Proposition beta_noncyclic_uniq p R : | |
p \in \beta(G) -> p.-group R -> 'r(R) > 1 -> R \in 'U. | |
Proof. | |
move=> b_p pR rRgt1; have [P sylP sRP] := Sylow_superset (subsetT R) pR. | |
rewrite (rank_pgroup pR) in rRgt1; have [A Ep2A] := p_rank_geP rRgt1. | |
have [sAR abelA dimA] := pnElemP Ep2A; have p_pr := pnElem_prime Ep2A. | |
case: (pickP [pred F in 'E_p(P) | A \proper F]) => [F | maxA]; last first. | |
have [_ nnSyl] := beta_not_narrow b_p; case/pred0Pn: (nnSyl P sylP). | |
exists A; rewrite /= (subsetP (pnElemS p 2 sRP)) //. | |
apply/pmaxElemP; split=> [|F EpF]; first by rewrite inE (subset_trans sAR). | |
by case/eqVproper=> [// | ltAF]; case/andP: (maxA F). | |
case/andP=> /pElemP[_ abelF] ltAF; have [pF cFF _] := and3P abelF. | |
apply: uniq_mmaxS sAR (mFT_pgroup_proper pR) _. | |
have rCAgt2: 'r('C(A)) > 2. | |
rewrite -dimA (leq_trans (properG_ltn_log pF ltAF)) // -(rank_abelem abelF). | |
by rewrite rankS // centsC (subset_trans (proper_sub ltAF)). | |
by apply: cent_rank3_Uniqueness rCAgt2; rewrite (rank_abelem abelA) dimA. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.14(c). *) | |
Proposition beta_subnorm_uniq p P X : | |
p \in \beta(G) -> p.-Sylow(G) P -> X \subset P -> 'N_P(X)%G \in 'U. | |
Proof. | |
move=> b_p sylP sXP; set Q := 'N_P(X)%G. | |
have pP := pHall_pgroup sylP; have pQ: p.-group Q := pgroupS (subsetIl _ _) pP. | |
have [| rQle1] := ltnP 1 'r(Q); first exact: beta_noncyclic_uniq pQ. | |
have cycQ: cyclic Q. | |
by rewrite (odd_pgroup_rank1_cyclic pQ) ?mFT_odd -?rank_pgroup. | |
have defQ: P :=: Q. | |
apply: (nilpotent_sub_norm (pgroup_nil pP) (subsetIl _ _)). | |
by rewrite setIS // char_norms // sub_cyclic_char // subsetI sXP normG. | |
have:= forall_inP b_p P; rewrite inE negb_imply ltnNge; move/(_ sylP). | |
by rewrite defQ -(rank_pgroup pQ) (leq_trans rQle1). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 10.14(d). *) | |
Proposition beta_norm_sub_mmax M Y : | |
M \in 'M -> \beta(M).-subgroup(M) Y -> Y :!=: 1 -> 'N(Y) \subset M. | |
Proof. | |
move=> maxM /andP[sYM bY] ntY. | |
have [F1 | [q q_pr q_dv_FY]] := trivgVpdiv 'F(Y). | |
by rewrite -(trivg_Fitting (solvableS sYM (mmax_sol maxM))) F1 eqxx in ntY. | |
pose X := 'O_q(Y); have qX: q.-group X := pcore_pgroup q _. | |
have ntX: X != 1. | |
apply: contraTneq q_dv_FY => X1; rewrite -p'natE // -partn_eq1 //. | |
rewrite -(card_Hall (nilpotent_pcore_Hall q (Fitting_nil Y))). | |
by rewrite /= p_core_Fitting -/X X1 cards1. | |
have bMq: q \in \beta(M) by apply: (pgroupP (pgroupS (Fitting_sub Y) bY)). | |
have b_q: q \in \beta(G) by move: bMq; rewrite -predI_sigma_beta //; case/andP. | |
have sXM: X \subset M := gFsub_trans _ sYM. | |
have [P sylP sXP] := Sylow_superset sXM qX; have [sPM qP _] := and3P sylP. | |
have sylPG: q.-Sylow(G) P by rewrite (sigma_Sylow_G maxM) ?beta_sub_sigma. | |
have uniqNX: 'M('N_P(X)) = [set M]. | |
apply: def_uniq_mmax => //; last by rewrite subIset ?sPM. | |
exact: (beta_subnorm_uniq b_q). | |
rewrite (subset_trans (char_norms (pcore_char q Y))) //. | |
rewrite (sub_uniq_mmax uniqNX) ?subsetIr // mFT_norm_proper //. | |
by rewrite (sub_mmax_proper maxM). | |
Qed. | |
End Ten. | |