
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
206 kB
(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq choice.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrAC div fintype path bigop order finset fingroup.
From mathcomp Require Import ssralg poly.
(* This file defines some classes to manipulate number structures, i.e *)
(* structures with an order and a norm. To use this file, insert *)
(* "Import Num.Theory." before your scripts. You can also "Import Num.Def." *)
(* to enjoy shorter notations (e.g., minr instead of Num.min, lerif instead *)
(* of Num.leif, etc.). *)
(* *)
(* * NumDomain (Integral domain with an order and a norm) *)
(* numDomainType == interface for a num integral domain. *)
(* NumDomainType T m *)
(* == packs the num mixin into a numDomainType. The carrier *)
(* T must have an integral domain and a partial order *)
(* structures. *)
(* [numDomainType of T for S] *)
(* == T-clone of the numDomainType structure S. *)
(* [numDomainType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical numDomainType structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * NormedZmodule (Zmodule with a norm) *)
(* normedZmodType R *)
(* == interface for a normed Zmodule structure indexed by *)
(* numDomainType R. *)
(* NormedZmodType R T m *)
(* == pack the normed Zmodule mixin into a normedZmodType. *)
(* The carrier T must have an integral domain structure. *)
(* [normedZmodType R of T for S] *)
(* == T-clone of the normedZmodType R structure S. *)
(* [normedZmodType R of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical normedZmodType R structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * NumField (Field with an order and a norm) *)
(* numFieldType == interface for a num field. *)
(* [numFieldType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical numFieldType structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * NumClosedField (Partially ordered Closed Field with conjugation) *)
(* numClosedFieldType *)
(* == interface for a closed field with conj. *)
(* NumClosedFieldType T r *)
(* == packs the real closed axiom r into a *)
(* numClosedFieldType. The carrier T must have a closed *)
(* field type structure. *)
(* [numClosedFieldType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical numClosedFieldType structure on T.*)
(* [numClosedFieldType of T for S] *)
(* == T-clone of the numClosedFieldType structure S. *)
(* *)
(* * RealDomain (Num domain where all elements are positive or negative) *)
(* realDomainType == interface for a real integral domain. *)
(* [realDomainType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical realDomainType structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * RealField (Num Field where all elements are positive or negative) *)
(* realFieldType == interface for a real field. *)
(* [realFieldType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical realFieldType structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * ArchiField (A Real Field with the archimedean axiom) *)
(* archiFieldType == interface for an archimedean field. *)
(* ArchiFieldType T r *)
(* == packs the archimedean axiom r into an archiFieldType. *)
(* The carrier T must have a real field type structure. *)
(* [archiFieldType of T for S] *)
(* == T-clone of the archiFieldType structure S. *)
(* [archiFieldType of T] *)
(* == clone of a canonical archiFieldType structure on T. *)
(* *)
(* * RealClosedField (Real Field with the real closed axiom) *)
(* rcfType == interface for a real closed field. *)
(* RcfType T r == packs the real closed axiom r into a rcfType. *)
(* The carrier T must have a real field type structure. *)
(* [rcfType of T] == clone of a canonical realClosedFieldType structure on *)
(* T. *)
(* [rcfType of T for S] *)
(* == T-clone of the realClosedFieldType structure S. *)
(* *)
(* The ordering symbols and notations (<, <=, >, >=, _ <= _ ?= iff _, *)
(* _ < _ ?<= if _, >=<, and ><) and lattice operations (meet and join) *)
(* defined in order.v are redefined for the ring_display in the ring_scope *)
(* (%R). 0-ary ordering symbols for the ring_display have the suffix "%R", *)
(* e.g., <%R. All the other ordering notations are the same as order.v. *)
(* *)
(* Over these structures, we have the following operations *)
(* `|x| == norm of x. *)
(* x == sign of x: equal to 0 iff x = 0, to 1 iff x > 0, and *)
(* to -1 in all other cases (including x < 0). *)
(* x \is a Num.pos <=> x is positive (:= x > 0). *)
(* x \is a Num.neg <=> x is negative (:= x < 0). *)
(* x \is a Num.nneg <=> x is positive or 0 (:= x >= 0). *)
(* x \is a Num.real <=> x is real (:= x >= 0 or x < 0). *)
(* Num.bound x == in archimedean fields, and upper bound for x, i.e., *)
(* and n such that `|x| < n%:R. *)
(* Num.sqrt x == in a real-closed field, a positive square root of x if *)
(* x >= 0, or 0 otherwise. *)
(* For numeric algebraically closed fields we provide the generic definitions *)
(* 'i == the imaginary number (:= sqrtC (-1)). *)
(* 'Re z == the real component of z. *)
(* 'Im z == the imaginary component of z. *)
(* z^* == the complex conjugate of z (:= conjC z). *)
(* sqrtC z == a nonnegative square root of z, i.e., 0 <= sqrt x if 0 <= x. *)
(* n.-root z == more generally, for n > 0, an nth root of z, chosen with a *)
(* minimal non-negative argument for n > 1 (i.e., with a *)
(* maximal real part subject to a nonnegative imaginary part). *)
(* Note that n.-root (-1) is a primitive 2nth root of unity, *)
(* an thus not equal to -1 for n odd > 1 (this will be shown in *)
(* file cyclotomic.v). *)
(* *)
(* - list of prefixes : *)
(* p : positive *)
(* n : negative *)
(* sp : strictly positive *)
(* sn : strictly negative *)
(* i : interior = in [0, 1] or ]0, 1[ *)
(* e : exterior = in [1, +oo[ or ]1; +oo[ *)
(* w : non strict (weak) monotony *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Reserved Notation "n .-root" (at level 2, format "n .-root").
Reserved Notation "'i" (at level 0).
Reserved Notation "'Re z" (at level 10, z at level 8).
Reserved Notation "'Im z" (at level 10, z at level 8).
Local Open Scope order_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory.
Fact ring_display : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Module Num.
Record normed_mixin_of (R T : zmodType)
(Rorder : Order.POrder.mixin_of (Equality.class R))
(le_op := Order.POrder.le Rorder)
:= NormedMixin {
norm_op : T -> R;
_ : forall x y, le_op (norm_op (x + y)) (norm_op x + norm_op y);
_ : forall x, norm_op x = 0 -> x = 0;
_ : forall x n, norm_op (x *+ n) = norm_op x *+ n;
_ : forall x, norm_op (- x) = norm_op x;
Record mixin_of (R : ringType)
(Rorder : Order.POrder.mixin_of (Equality.class R))
(le_op := Order.POrder.le Rorder) (lt_op := Rorder)
(normed : @normed_mixin_of R R Rorder) (norm_op := norm_op normed)
:= Mixin {
_ : forall x y, lt_op 0 x -> lt_op 0 y -> lt_op 0 (x + y);
_ : forall x y, le_op 0 x -> le_op 0 y -> le_op x y || le_op y x;
_ : {morph norm_op : x y / x * y};
_ : forall x y, (le_op x y) = (norm_op (y - x) == y - x);
Local Notation ring_for T b := (@GRing.Ring.Pack T b).
Module NumDomain.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of T := Class {
base : GRing.IntegralDomain.class_of T;
order_mixin : Order.POrder.mixin_of (Equality.class (ring_for T base));
normed_mixin : normed_mixin_of (ring_for T base) order_mixin;
mixin : mixin_of normed_mixin;
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.class_of.
Local Coercion order_base T (class_of_T : class_of T) :=
@Order.POrder.Class _ class_of_T (order_mixin class_of_T).
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c.
Definition pack (b0 : GRing.IntegralDomain.class_of _) om0
(nm0 : @normed_mixin_of (ring_for T b0) (ring_for T b0) om0)
(m0 : @mixin_of (ring_for T b0) om0 nm0) :=
fun bT (b : GRing.IntegralDomain.class_of T)
& phant_id (@GRing.IntegralDomain.class bT) b =>
fun om & phant_id om0 om =>
fun nm & phant_id nm0 nm =>
fun m & phant_id m0 m =>
@Pack T (@Class T b om nm m).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition porder_zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack porderType class.
Definition porder_ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack porderType class.
Definition porder_comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack porderType class.
Definition porder_unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack porderType class.
Definition porder_comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack porderType class.
Definition porder_idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack porderType class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion base : class_of >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.class_of.
Coercion order_base : class_of >-> Order.POrder.class_of.
Coercion normed_mixin : class_of >-> normed_mixin_of.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Canonical porder_zmodType.
Canonical porder_ringType.
Canonical porder_comRingType.
Canonical porder_unitRingType.
Canonical porder_comUnitRingType.
Canonical porder_idomainType.
Notation numDomainType := type.
Notation NumDomainType T m := (@pack T _ _ _ m _ _ id _ id _ id _ id).
Notation "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numDomainType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End NumDomain.
Import NumDomain.Exports.
Local Notation num_for T b := (@NumDomain.Pack T b).
Module NormedZmodule.
Section ClassDef.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of (T : Type) := Class {
base : GRing.Zmodule.class_of T;
mixin : @normed_mixin_of R (@GRing.Zmodule.Pack T base) (NumDomain.class R);
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> GRing.Zmodule.class_of.
Local Coercion mixin : class_of >-> normed_mixin_of.
Structure type (phR : phant R) :=
Pack { sort; _ : class_of sort }.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (phR : phant R) (T : Type) (cT : type phR).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c := cT return class_of cT in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack phR T c.
Definition pack b0 (m0 : @normed_mixin_of R (@GRing.Zmodule.Pack T b0)
(NumDomain.class R)) :=
Pack phR (@Class T b0 m0).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> GRing.Zmodule.class_of.
Coercion mixin : class_of >-> normed_mixin_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Notation normedZmodType R := (type (Phant R)).
Notation NormedZmodType R T m := (@pack _ (Phant R) T _ m).
Notation NormedZmodMixin := Mixin.
Notation "[ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]" :=
(@clone _ (Phant R) T cT _ idfun)
(at level 0, format "[ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation "[ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T ]" := (@clone _ (Phant R) T _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'normedZmodType' R 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End NormedZmodule.
Import NormedZmodule.Exports.
Module NumDomain_joins.
Import NumDomain.
Section NumDomain_joins.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Notation class := (class cT).
Definition normedZmodType : normedZmodType cT :=
cT (Phant cT) cT (NormedZmodule.Class (NumDomain.normed_mixin class)).
Definition normedZmod_ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition normedZmod_comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition normedZmod_unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition normedZmod_comUnitRingType :=
@GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition normedZmod_idomainType :=
@GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition normedZmod_porderType :=
@Order.POrder.Pack ring_display normedZmodType class.
End NumDomain_joins.
Module Exports.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Canonical normedZmod_ringType.
Canonical normedZmod_comRingType.
Canonical normedZmod_unitRingType.
Canonical normedZmod_comUnitRingType.
Canonical normedZmod_idomainType.
Canonical normedZmod_porderType.
End Exports.
End NumDomain_joins.
Export NumDomain_joins.Exports.
Module Import Def.
Definition normr (R : numDomainType) (T : normedZmodType R) : T -> R :=
nosimpl (norm_op (NormedZmodule.class T)).
Arguments normr {R T} x.
Notation ler := (@Order.le ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ler' R" := (@Order.le ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation ltr := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ltr' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation ger := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'ger' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation gtr := ( ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'gtr' R" := ( ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation lerif := (@Order.leif ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lerif' R" := (@Order.leif ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation lterif := (@Order.lteif ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'lteif' R" := (@Order.lteif ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation comparabler := (@Order.comparable ring_display _) (only parsing).
Notation "@ 'comparabler' R" := (@Order.comparable ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation maxr := (@Order.max ring_display _).
Notation "@ 'maxr' R" := (@Order.max ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation minr := (@Order.min ring_display _).
Notation "@ 'minr' R" := (@Order.min ring_display R)
(at level 10, R at level 8, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Section Def.
Context {R : numDomainType}.
Implicit Types (x : R).
Definition sgr x : R := if x == 0 then 0 else if x < 0 then -1 else 1.
Definition Rpos : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | 0 < x].
Definition Rneg : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | x < 0].
Definition Rnneg : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | 0 <= x].
Definition Rreal : qualifier 0 R := [qualify x : R | (0 <= x) || (x <= 0)].
End Def. End Def.
(* Shorter qualified names, when Num.Def is not imported. *)
Notation norm := normr (only parsing).
Notation le := ler (only parsing).
Notation lt := ltr (only parsing).
Notation ge := ger (only parsing).
Notation gt := gtr (only parsing).
Notation leif := lerif (only parsing).
Notation lteif := lterif (only parsing).
Notation comparable := comparabler (only parsing).
Notation sg := sgr.
Notation max := maxr.
Notation min := minr.
Notation pos := Rpos.
Notation neg := Rneg.
Notation nneg := Rnneg.
Notation real := Rreal.
Module Keys. Section Keys.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Fact Rpos_key : pred_key (@pos R). Proof. by []. Qed.
Definition Rpos_keyed := KeyedQualifier Rpos_key.
Fact Rneg_key : pred_key (@real R). Proof. by []. Qed.
Definition Rneg_keyed := KeyedQualifier Rneg_key.
Fact Rnneg_key : pred_key (@nneg R). Proof. by []. Qed.
Definition Rnneg_keyed := KeyedQualifier Rnneg_key.
Fact Rreal_key : pred_key (@real R). Proof. by []. Qed.
Definition Rreal_keyed := KeyedQualifier Rreal_key.
End Keys. End Keys.
(* (Exported) symbolic syntax. *)
Module Import Syntax.
Import Def Keys.
Notation "`| x |" := (norm x) : ring_scope.
Notation "<=%R" := le : fun_scope.
Notation ">=%R" := ge : fun_scope.
Notation "<%R" := lt : fun_scope.
Notation ">%R" := gt : fun_scope.
Notation "<?=%R" := leif : fun_scope.
Notation "<?<=%R" := lteif : fun_scope.
Notation ">=<%R" := comparable : fun_scope.
Notation "><%R" := (fun x y => ~~ (comparable x y)) : fun_scope.
Notation "<= y" := (ge y) : ring_scope.
Notation "<= y :> T" := (<= (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y" := (le y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">= y :> T" := (>= (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y" := (gt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "< y :> T" := (< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y" := (lt y) : ring_scope.
Notation "> y :> T" := (> (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (le x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y :> T" := ((x : T) <= (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y <= x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >= y :> T" := ((x : T) >= (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y :> T" := ((x : T) < (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x > y :> T" := ((x : T) > (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y <= z" := ((x <= y) && (y <= z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y <= z" := ((x < y) && (y <= z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y < z" := ((x <= y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y < z" := ((x < y) && (y < z)) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C" := (lerif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x <= y ?= 'iff' C :> R" := ((x : R) <= (y : R) ?= iff C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C" := (lterif x y C) : ring_scope.
Notation "x < y ?<= 'if' C :> R" := ((x : R) < (y : R) ?<= if C)
(only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y" := [pred x | comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">=< y :> T" := (>=< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >=< y" := (comparable x y) : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y" := [pred x | ~~ comparable x y] : ring_scope.
Notation ">< y :> T" := (>< (y : T)) (only parsing) : ring_scope.
Notation "x >< y" := (~~ (comparable x y)) : ring_scope.
Canonical Rpos_keyed.
Canonical Rneg_keyed.
Canonical Rnneg_keyed.
Canonical Rreal_keyed.
Export Order.POCoercions.
End Syntax.
Section ExtensionAxioms.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Definition real_axiom : Prop := forall x : R, x \is real.
Definition archimedean_axiom : Prop := forall x : R, exists ub, `|x| < ub%:R.
Definition real_closed_axiom : Prop :=
forall (p : {poly R}) (a b : R),
a <= b -> p.[a] <= 0 <= p.[b] -> exists2 x, a <= x <= b & root p x.
End ExtensionAxioms.
(* The rest of the numbers interface hierarchy. *)
Module NumField.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : NumDomain.class_of R;
mixin : GRing.Field.mixin_of (num_for R base);
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> NumDomain.class_of.
Local Coercion base2 R (c : class_of R) : GRing.Field.class_of _ :=
GRing.Field.Class (@mixin _ c).
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition pack :=
fun bT b & phant_id (NumDomain.class bT) (b : NumDomain.class_of T) =>
fun mT m & phant_id (GRing.Field.mixin (GRing.Field.class mT)) m =>
Pack (@Class T b m).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
Definition porder_fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack porderType class.
Definition normedZmod_fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack numDomainType class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> NumDomain.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> GRing.Field.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion fieldType : type >-> GRing.Field.type.
Canonical fieldType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Canonical porder_fieldType.
Canonical normedZmod_fieldType.
Canonical numDomain_fieldType.
Notation numFieldType := type.
Notation "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (@pack T _ _ id _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End NumField.
Import NumField.Exports.
Module ClosedField.
Section ClassDef.
Record imaginary_mixin_of (R : numDomainType) := ImaginaryMixin {
imaginary : R;
conj_op : {rmorphism R -> R};
_ : imaginary ^+ 2 = - 1;
_ : forall x, x * conj_op x = `|x| ^+ 2;
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : NumField.class_of R;
decField_mixin : GRing.DecidableField.mixin_of (num_for R base);
closedField_axiom : GRing.ClosedField.axiom (num_for R base);
conj_mixin : imaginary_mixin_of (num_for R base);
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> NumField.class_of.
Local Coercion base2 R (c : class_of R) : GRing.ClosedField.class_of R :=
R (@GRing.DecidableField.Class R (base c) (@decField_mixin _ c))
(@closedField_axiom _ c).
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition clone := fun b & phant_id class (b : class_of T) => Pack b.
Definition pack :=
fun bT b & phant_id (NumField.class bT) (b : NumField.class_of T) =>
fun mT dec closed
& phant_id (GRing.ClosedField.class mT)
_ (@GRing.DecidableField.Class _ b dec) closed) =>
fun mc => Pack (@Class T b dec closed mc).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack cT class.
Definition numFieldType := @NumField.Pack cT class.
Definition decFieldType := @GRing.DecidableField.Pack cT class.
Definition closedFieldType := @GRing.ClosedField.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
Definition porder_decFieldType := @GRing.DecidableField.Pack porderType class.
Definition normedZmod_decFieldType :=
@GRing.DecidableField.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_decFieldType :=
@GRing.DecidableField.Pack numDomainType class.
Definition numField_decFieldType :=
@GRing.DecidableField.Pack numFieldType class.
Definition porder_closedFieldType := @GRing.ClosedField.Pack porderType class.
Definition normedZmod_closedFieldType :=
@GRing.ClosedField.Pack normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_closedFieldType :=
@GRing.ClosedField.Pack numDomainType class.
Definition numField_closedFieldType :=
@GRing.ClosedField.Pack numFieldType class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> NumField.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> GRing.ClosedField.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion fieldType : type >-> GRing.Field.type.
Canonical fieldType.
Coercion decFieldType : type >-> GRing.DecidableField.type.
Canonical decFieldType.
Coercion numFieldType : type >-> NumField.type.
Canonical numFieldType.
Coercion closedFieldType : type >-> GRing.ClosedField.type.
Canonical closedFieldType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Canonical porder_decFieldType.
Canonical normedZmod_decFieldType.
Canonical numDomain_decFieldType.
Canonical numField_decFieldType.
Canonical porder_closedFieldType.
Canonical normedZmod_closedFieldType.
Canonical numDomain_closedFieldType.
Canonical numField_closedFieldType.
Notation numClosedFieldType := type.
Notation NumClosedFieldType T m := (@pack T _ _ id _ _ _ id m).
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") :
Notation "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'numClosedFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End ClosedField.
Import ClosedField.Exports.
Module RealDomain.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : NumDomain.class_of R;
nmixin : Order.Lattice.mixin_of base;
lmixin : Order.DistrLattice.mixin_of (Order.Lattice.Class nmixin);
tmixin : Order.Total.mixin_of base;
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> NumDomain.class_of.
Local Coercion base2 T (c : class_of T) : Order.Total.class_of T :=
@Order.Total.Class _ (@Order.DistrLattice.Class _ _ (lmixin c)) (@tmixin _ c).
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition pack :=
fun bT b & phant_id (NumDomain.class bT) (b : NumDomain.class_of T) =>
fun mT n l m &
phant_id (@Order.Total.class ring_display mT)
(@Order.Total.Class T (@Order.DistrLattice.Class
T (@Order.Lattice.Class T b n) l) m) =>
Pack (@Class T b n l m).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition distrLatticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
Definition zmod_latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display zmodType class.
Definition ring_latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display ringType class.
Definition comRing_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display comRingType class.
Definition unitRing_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display unitRingType class.
Definition comUnitRing_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display comUnitRingType class.
Definition idomain_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display idomainType class.
Definition normedZmod_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display numDomainType class.
Definition zmod_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display zmodType class.
Definition ring_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display ringType class.
Definition comRing_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display comRingType class.
Definition unitRing_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display unitRingType class.
Definition comUnitRing_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display comUnitRingType class.
Definition idomain_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display idomainType class.
Definition normedZmod_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display numDomainType class.
Definition zmod_orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display zmodType class.
Definition ring_orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display ringType class.
Definition comRing_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display comRingType class.
Definition unitRing_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display unitRingType class.
Definition comUnitRing_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display comUnitRingType class.
Definition idomain_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display idomainType class.
Definition normedZmod_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display normedZmodType class.
Definition numDomain_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display numDomainType class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> NumDomain.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> Order.Total.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.Lattice.type.
Canonical latticeType.
Coercion distrLatticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Canonical distrLatticeType.
Coercion orderType : type >-> Order.Total.type.
Canonical orderType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Canonical zmod_latticeType.
Canonical ring_latticeType.
Canonical comRing_latticeType.
Canonical unitRing_latticeType.
Canonical comUnitRing_latticeType.
Canonical idomain_latticeType.
Canonical normedZmod_latticeType.
Canonical numDomain_latticeType.
Canonical zmod_distrLatticeType.
Canonical ring_distrLatticeType.
Canonical comRing_distrLatticeType.
Canonical unitRing_distrLatticeType.
Canonical comUnitRing_distrLatticeType.
Canonical idomain_distrLatticeType.
Canonical normedZmod_distrLatticeType.
Canonical numDomain_distrLatticeType.
Canonical zmod_orderType.
Canonical ring_orderType.
Canonical comRing_orderType.
Canonical unitRing_orderType.
Canonical comUnitRing_orderType.
Canonical idomain_orderType.
Canonical normedZmod_orderType.
Canonical numDomain_orderType.
Notation realDomainType := type.
Notation "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]" := (@pack T _ _ id _ _ _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realDomainType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End RealDomain.
Import RealDomain.Exports.
Module RealField.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : NumField.class_of R;
nmixin : Order.Lattice.mixin_of base;
lmixin : Order.DistrLattice.mixin_of (Order.Lattice.Class nmixin);
tmixin : Order.Total.mixin_of base;
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> NumField.class_of.
Local Coercion base2 R (c : class_of R) : RealDomain.class_of R :=
@RealDomain.Class _ _ (nmixin c) (lmixin c) (@tmixin R c).
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition pack :=
fun bT (b : NumField.class_of T) & phant_id (NumField.class bT) b =>
fun mT n l t
& phant_id (RealDomain.class mT) (@RealDomain.Class T b n l t) =>
Pack (@Class T b n l t).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition distrLatticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition realDomainType := @RealDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack cT class.
Definition numFieldType := @NumField.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
Definition field_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display fieldType class.
Definition field_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display fieldType class.
Definition field_orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display fieldType class.
Definition field_realDomainType := @RealDomain.Pack fieldType class.
Definition numField_latticeType :=
@Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display numFieldType class.
Definition numField_distrLatticeType :=
@Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display numFieldType class.
Definition numField_orderType :=
@Order.Total.Pack ring_display numFieldType class.
Definition numField_realDomainType := @RealDomain.Pack numFieldType class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> NumField.class_of.
Coercion base2 : class_of >-> RealDomain.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.Lattice.type.
Canonical latticeType.
Coercion distrLatticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Canonical distrLatticeType.
Coercion orderType : type >-> Order.Total.type.
Canonical orderType.
Coercion realDomainType : type >-> RealDomain.type.
Canonical realDomainType.
Coercion fieldType : type >-> GRing.Field.type.
Canonical fieldType.
Coercion numFieldType : type >-> NumField.type.
Canonical numFieldType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Canonical field_latticeType.
Canonical field_distrLatticeType.
Canonical field_orderType.
Canonical field_realDomainType.
Canonical numField_latticeType.
Canonical numField_distrLatticeType.
Canonical numField_orderType.
Canonical numField_realDomainType.
Notation realFieldType := type.
Notation "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (@pack T _ _ id _ _ _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'realFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End RealField.
Import RealField.Exports.
Module ArchimedeanField.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : RealField.class_of R;
mixin : archimedean_axiom (num_for R base)
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> RealField.class_of.
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c.
Definition pack b0 (m0 : archimedean_axiom (num_for T b0)) :=
fun bT b & phant_id (RealField.class bT) b =>
fun m & phant_id m0 m => Pack (@Class T b m).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition distrLatticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition realDomainType := @RealDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack cT class.
Definition numFieldType := @NumField.Pack cT class.
Definition realFieldType := @RealField.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> RealField.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.Lattice.type.
Canonical latticeType.
Coercion distrLatticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Canonical distrLatticeType.
Coercion orderType : type >-> Order.Total.type.
Canonical orderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion realDomainType : type >-> RealDomain.type.
Canonical realDomainType.
Coercion fieldType : type >-> GRing.Field.type.
Canonical fieldType.
Coercion numFieldType : type >-> NumField.type.
Canonical numFieldType.
Coercion realFieldType : type >-> RealField.type.
Canonical realFieldType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Notation archiFieldType := type.
Notation ArchiFieldType T m := (@pack T _ m _ _ id _ id).
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'archiFieldType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End ArchimedeanField.
Import ArchimedeanField.Exports.
Module RealClosedField.
Section ClassDef.
Set Primitive Projections.
Record class_of R := Class {
base : RealField.class_of R;
mixin : real_closed_axiom (num_for R base)
Unset Primitive Projections.
Local Coercion base : class_of >-> RealField.class_of.
Structure type := Pack {sort; _ : class_of sort}.
Local Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Variables (T : Type) (cT : type).
Definition class := let: Pack _ c as cT' := cT return class_of cT' in c.
Definition clone c of phant_id class c := @Pack T c.
Definition pack b0 (m0 : real_closed_axiom (num_for T b0)) :=
fun bT b & phant_id (RealField.class bT) b =>
fun m & phant_id m0 m => Pack (@Class T b m).
Definition eqType := @Equality.Pack cT class.
Definition choiceType := @Choice.Pack cT class.
Definition zmodType := @GRing.Zmodule.Pack cT class.
Definition ringType := @GRing.Ring.Pack cT class.
Definition comRingType := @GRing.ComRing.Pack cT class.
Definition unitRingType := @GRing.UnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition comUnitRingType := @GRing.ComUnitRing.Pack cT class.
Definition idomainType := @GRing.IntegralDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition porderType := @Order.POrder.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition latticeType := @Order.Lattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition distrLatticeType := @Order.DistrLattice.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition orderType := @Order.Total.Pack ring_display cT class.
Definition numDomainType := @NumDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition realDomainType := @RealDomain.Pack cT class.
Definition fieldType := @GRing.Field.Pack cT class.
Definition numFieldType := @NumField.Pack cT class.
Definition realFieldType := @RealField.Pack cT class.
Definition normedZmodType := NormedZmodType numDomainType cT class.
End ClassDef.
Module Exports.
Coercion base : class_of >-> RealField.class_of.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Bind Scope ring_scope with sort.
Coercion eqType : type >-> Equality.type.
Canonical eqType.
Coercion choiceType : type >-> Choice.type.
Canonical choiceType.
Coercion zmodType : type >-> GRing.Zmodule.type.
Canonical zmodType.
Coercion ringType : type >-> GRing.Ring.type.
Canonical ringType.
Coercion comRingType : type >-> GRing.ComRing.type.
Canonical comRingType.
Coercion unitRingType : type >-> GRing.UnitRing.type.
Canonical unitRingType.
Coercion comUnitRingType : type >-> GRing.ComUnitRing.type.
Canonical comUnitRingType.
Coercion idomainType : type >-> GRing.IntegralDomain.type.
Canonical idomainType.
Coercion porderType : type >-> Order.POrder.type.
Canonical porderType.
Coercion latticeType : type >-> Order.Lattice.type.
Canonical latticeType.
Coercion distrLatticeType : type >-> Order.DistrLattice.type.
Canonical distrLatticeType.
Coercion orderType : type >-> Order.Total.type.
Canonical orderType.
Coercion numDomainType : type >-> NumDomain.type.
Canonical numDomainType.
Coercion realDomainType : type >-> RealDomain.type.
Canonical realDomainType.
Coercion fieldType : type >-> GRing.Field.type.
Canonical fieldType.
Coercion numFieldType : type >-> NumField.type.
Canonical numFieldType.
Coercion realFieldType : type >-> RealField.type.
Canonical realFieldType.
Coercion normedZmodType : type >-> NormedZmodule.type.
Canonical normedZmodType.
Notation rcfType := Num.RealClosedField.type.
Notation RcfType T m := (@pack T _ m _ _ id _ id).
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]" := (@clone T cT _ idfun)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T 'for' cT ]") : form_scope.
Notation "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]" := (@clone T _ _ id)
(at level 0, format "[ 'rcfType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.
End Exports.
End RealClosedField.
Import RealClosedField.Exports.
(* The elementary theory needed to support the definition of the derived *)
(* operations for the extensions described above. *)
Module Import Internals.
Section NormedZmodule.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (V : normedZmodType R).
Implicit Types (l : R) (x y : V).
Lemma ler_norm_add x y : `|x + y| <= `|x| + `|y|.
Proof. by case: V x y => ? [? []]. Qed.
Lemma normr0_eq0 x : `|x| = 0 -> x = 0.
Proof. by case: V x => ? [? []]. Qed.
Lemma normrMn x n : `|x *+ n| = `|x| *+ n.
Proof. by case: V x => ? [? []]. Qed.
Lemma normrN x : `|- x| = `|x|.
Proof. by case: V x => ? [? []]. Qed.
End NormedZmodule.
Section NumDomain.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types x y : R.
(* Lemmas from the signature *)
Lemma addr_gt0 x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x + y.
Proof. by case: R x y => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
Lemma ger_leVge x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (x <= y) || (y <= x).
Proof. by case: R x y => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
Lemma normrM : {morph norm : x y / (x : R) * y}.
Proof. by case: R => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
Lemma ler_def x y : (x <= y) = (`|y - x| == y - x).
Proof. by case: R x y => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
(* Basic consequences (just enough to get predicate closure properties). *)
Lemma ger0_def x : (0 <= x) = (`|x| == x).
Proof. by rewrite ler_def subr0. Qed.
Lemma subr_ge0 x y : (0 <= x - y) = (y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite ger0_def -ler_def. Qed.
Lemma oppr_ge0 x : (0 <= - x) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite -sub0r subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma ler01 : 0 <= 1 :> R.
have n1_nz: `|1 : R| != 0 by apply: contraNneq (@oner_neq0 R) => /normr0_eq0->.
by rewrite ger0_def -(inj_eq (mulfI n1_nz)) -normrM !mulr1.
Lemma ltr01 : 0 < 1 :> R. Proof. by rewrite lt_def oner_neq0 ler01. Qed.
Lemma le0r x : (0 <= x) = (x == 0) || (0 < x).
Proof. by rewrite lt_def; case: eqP => // ->; rewrite lexx. Qed.
Lemma addr_ge0 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x + y.
rewrite le0r; case/predU1P=> [-> | x_pos]; rewrite ?add0r // le0r.
by case/predU1P=> [-> | y_pos]; rewrite ltW ?addr0 ?addr_gt0.
Lemma pmulr_rgt0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 < x * y) = (0 < y).
rewrite !lt_def !ger0_def normrM mulf_eq0 negb_or => /andP[x_neq0 /eqP->].
by rewrite x_neq0 (inj_eq (mulfI x_neq0)).
(* Closure properties of the real predicates. *)
Lemma posrE x : (x \is pos) = (0 < x). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nnegrE x : (x \is nneg) = (0 <= x). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma realE x : (x \is real) = (0 <= x) || (x <= 0). Proof. by []. Qed.
Fact pos_divr_closed : divr_closed (@pos R).
split=> [|x y x_gt0 y_gt0]; rewrite posrE ?ltr01 //.
have [Uy|/invr_out->] := boolP (y \is a GRing.unit); last by rewrite pmulr_rgt0.
by rewrite -(pmulr_rgt0 _ y_gt0) mulrC divrK.
Canonical pos_mulrPred := MulrPred pos_divr_closed.
Canonical pos_divrPred := DivrPred pos_divr_closed.
Fact nneg_divr_closed : divr_closed (@nneg R).
split=> [|x y]; rewrite !nnegrE ?ler01 ?le0r // -!posrE.
case/predU1P=> [-> _ | x_gt0]; first by rewrite mul0r eqxx.
by case/predU1P=> [-> | y_gt0]; rewrite ?invr0 ?mulr0 ?eqxx // orbC rpred_div.
Canonical nneg_mulrPred := MulrPred nneg_divr_closed.
Canonical nneg_divrPred := DivrPred nneg_divr_closed.
Fact nneg_addr_closed : addr_closed (@nneg R).
Proof. by split; [apply: lexx | apply: addr_ge0]. Qed.
Canonical nneg_addrPred := AddrPred nneg_addr_closed.
Canonical nneg_semiringPred := SemiringPred nneg_divr_closed.
Fact real_oppr_closed : oppr_closed (@real R).
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite /= !realE oppr_ge0 orbC -!oppr_ge0 opprK. Qed.
Canonical real_opprPred := OpprPred real_oppr_closed.
Fact real_addr_closed : addr_closed (@real R).
split=> [|x y Rx Ry]; first by rewrite realE lexx.
without loss{Rx} x_ge0: x y Ry / 0 <= x.
case/orP: Rx => [? | x_le0]; first exact.
by rewrite -rpredN opprD; apply; rewrite ?rpredN ?oppr_ge0.
case/orP: Ry => [y_ge0 | y_le0]; first by rewrite realE -nnegrE rpredD.
by rewrite realE -[y]opprK orbC -oppr_ge0 opprB !subr_ge0 ger_leVge ?oppr_ge0.
Canonical real_addrPred := AddrPred real_addr_closed.
Canonical real_zmodPred := ZmodPred real_oppr_closed.
Fact real_divr_closed : divr_closed (@real R).
split=> [|x y Rx Ry]; first by rewrite realE ler01.
without loss{Rx} x_ge0: x / 0 <= x.
case/orP: Rx => [? | x_le0]; first exact.
by rewrite -rpredN -mulNr; apply; rewrite ?oppr_ge0.
without loss{Ry} y_ge0: y / 0 <= y; last by rewrite realE -nnegrE rpred_div.
case/orP: Ry => [? | y_le0]; first exact.
by rewrite -rpredN -mulrN -invrN; apply; rewrite ?oppr_ge0.
Canonical real_mulrPred := MulrPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_smulrPred := SmulrPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_divrPred := DivrPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_sdivrPred := SdivrPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_semiringPred := SemiringPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_subringPred := SubringPred real_divr_closed.
Canonical real_divringPred := DivringPred real_divr_closed.
End NumDomain.
Lemma num_real (R : realDomainType) (x : R) : x \is real.
Proof. exact: le_total. Qed.
Fact archi_bound_subproof (R : archiFieldType) : archimedean_axiom R.
Proof. by case: R => ? []. Qed.
Section RealClosed.
Variable R : rcfType.
Lemma poly_ivt : real_closed_axiom R. Proof. by case: R => ? []. Qed.
Fact sqrtr_subproof (x : R) :
exists2 y, 0 <= y & (if 0 <= x then y ^+ 2 == x else y == 0) : bool.
case x_ge0: (0 <= x); last by exists 0.
have le0x1: 0 <= x + 1 by rewrite -nnegrE rpredD ?rpred1.
have [|y /andP[y_ge0 _]] := @poly_ivt ('X^2 - x%:P) _ _ le0x1.
rewrite !hornerE -subr_ge0 add0r opprK x_ge0 -expr2 sqrrD mulr1.
by rewrite addrAC !addrA addrK -nnegrE !rpredD ?rpredX ?rpred1.
by rewrite rootE !hornerE subr_eq0; exists y.
End RealClosed.
End Internals.
Module PredInstances.
Canonical pos_mulrPred.
Canonical pos_divrPred.
Canonical nneg_addrPred.
Canonical nneg_mulrPred.
Canonical nneg_divrPred.
Canonical nneg_semiringPred.
Canonical real_addrPred.
Canonical real_opprPred.
Canonical real_zmodPred.
Canonical real_mulrPred.
Canonical real_smulrPred.
Canonical real_divrPred.
Canonical real_sdivrPred.
Canonical real_semiringPred.
Canonical real_subringPred.
Canonical real_divringPred.
End PredInstances.
Module Import ExtraDef.
Definition archi_bound {R} x := sval (sigW (@archi_bound_subproof R x)).
Definition sqrtr {R} x := s2val (sig2W (@sqrtr_subproof R x)).
End ExtraDef.
Notation bound := archi_bound.
Notation sqrt := sqrtr.
Module Import Theory.
Section NumIntegralDomainTheory.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types (V : normedZmodType R) (x y z t : R).
(* Lemmas from the signature (reexported from internals). *)
Definition ler_norm_add V (x y : V) : `|x + y| <= `|x| + `|y| :=
ler_norm_add x y.
Definition addr_gt0 x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x + y := @addr_gt0 R x y.
Definition normr0_eq0 V (x : V) : `|x| = 0 -> x = 0 := @normr0_eq0 R V x.
Definition ger_leVge x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (x <= y) || (y <= x) :=
@ger_leVge R x y.
Definition normrM : {morph norm : x y / (x : R) * y} := @normrM R.
Definition ler_def x y : (x <= y) = (`|y - x| == y - x) := ler_def x y.
Definition normrMn V (x : V) n : `|x *+ n| = `|x| *+ n := normrMn x n.
Definition normrN V (x : V) : `|- x| = `|x| := normrN x.
(* Predicate definitions. *)
Lemma posrE x : (x \is pos) = (0 < x). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma negrE x : (x \is neg) = (x < 0). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma nnegrE x : (x \is nneg) = (0 <= x). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma realE x : (x \is real) = (0 <= x) || (x <= 0). Proof. by []. Qed.
(* General properties of <= and < *)
Lemma lt0r x : (0 < x) = (x != 0) && (0 <= x). Proof. by rewrite lt_def. Qed.
Lemma le0r x : (0 <= x) = (x == 0) || (0 < x). Proof. exact: le0r. Qed.
Lemma lt0r_neq0 (x : R) : 0 < x -> x != 0.
Proof. by rewrite lt0r; case/andP. Qed.
Lemma ltr0_neq0 (x : R) : x < 0 -> x != 0.
Proof. by rewrite lt_neqAle; case/andP. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_rgt0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 < x * y) = (0 < y).
Proof. exact: pmulr_rgt0. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_rge0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 <= x * y) = (0 <= y).
by rewrite !le0r mulf_eq0; case: eqP => // [-> /negPf[] | _ /pmulr_rgt0->].
(* Integer comparisons and characteristic 0. *)
Lemma ler01 : 0 <= 1 :> R. Proof. exact: ler01. Qed.
Lemma ltr01 : 0 < 1 :> R. Proof. exact: ltr01. Qed.
Lemma ler0n n : 0 <= n%:R :> R. Proof. by rewrite -nnegrE rpred_nat. Qed.
Hint Resolve ler01 ltr01 ler0n : core.
Lemma ltr0Sn n : 0 < n.+1%:R :> R.
Proof. by elim: n => // n; apply: addr_gt0. Qed.
Lemma ltr0n n : (0 < n%:R :> R) = (0 < n)%N.
Proof. by case: n => //= n; apply: ltr0Sn. Qed.
Hint Resolve ltr0Sn : core.
Lemma pnatr_eq0 n : (n%:R == 0 :> R) = (n == 0)%N.
Proof. by case: n => [|n]; rewrite ?mulr0n ?eqxx // gt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma char_num : [char R] =i pred0.
Proof. by case=> // p /=; rewrite !inE pnatr_eq0 andbF. Qed.
(* Properties of the norm. *)
Lemma ger0_def x : (0 <= x) = (`|x| == x). Proof. exact: ger0_def. Qed.
Lemma normr_idP {x} : reflect (`|x| = x) (0 <= x).
Proof. by rewrite ger0_def; apply: eqP. Qed.
Lemma ger0_norm x : 0 <= x -> `|x| = x. Proof. exact: normr_idP. Qed.
Lemma normr1 : `|1 : R| = 1. Proof. exact: ger0_norm. Qed.
Lemma normr_nat n : `|n%:R : R| = n%:R. Proof. exact: ger0_norm. Qed.
Lemma normr_prod I r (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) :
`|\prod_(i <- r | P i) F i| = \prod_(i <- r | P i) `|F i|.
Proof. exact: (big_morph norm normrM normr1). Qed.
Lemma normrX n x : `|x ^+ n| = `|x| ^+ n.
Proof. by rewrite -(card_ord n) -!prodr_const normr_prod. Qed.
Lemma normr_unit : {homo (@norm R R) : x / x \is a GRing.unit}.
move=> x /= /unitrP [y [yx xy]]; apply/unitrP; exists `|y|.
by rewrite -!normrM xy yx normr1.
Lemma normrV : {in GRing.unit, {morph (@norm R R) : x / x ^-1}}.
move=> x ux; apply: (mulrI (normr_unit ux)).
by rewrite -normrM !divrr ?normr1 ?normr_unit.
Lemma normrN1 : `|-1 : R| = 1.
have: `|-1 : R| ^+ 2 == 1 by rewrite -normrX -signr_odd normr1.
rewrite sqrf_eq1 => /orP[/eqP //|]; rewrite -ger0_def le0r oppr_eq0 oner_eq0.
by move/(addr_gt0 ltr01); rewrite subrr ltxx.
Lemma big_real x0 op I (P : pred I) F (s : seq I) :
{in real &, forall x y, op x y \is real} -> x0 \is real ->
{in P, forall i, F i \is real} -> \big[op/x0]_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Proof. exact: comparable_bigr. Qed.
Lemma sum_real I (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) (s : seq I) :
{in P, forall i, F i \is real} -> \sum_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Proof. by apply/big_real; [apply: rpredD | apply: rpred0]. Qed.
Lemma prod_real I (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) (s : seq I) :
{in P, forall i, F i \is real} -> \prod_(i <- s | P i) F i \is real.
Proof. by apply/big_real; [apply: rpredM | apply: rpred1]. Qed.
Section NormedZmoduleTheory.
Variable V : normedZmodType R.
Implicit Types (v w : V).
Lemma normr0 : `|0 : V| = 0.
Proof. by rewrite -(mulr0n 0) normrMn mulr0n. Qed.
Lemma normr0P v : reflect (`|v| = 0) (v == 0).
Proof. by apply: (iffP eqP)=> [->|/normr0_eq0 //]; apply: normr0. Qed.
Definition normr_eq0 v := sameP (`|v| =P 0) (normr0P v).
Lemma distrC v w : `|v - w| = `|w - v|.
Proof. by rewrite -opprB normrN. Qed.
Lemma normr_id v : `| `|v| | = `|v|.
have nz2: 2 != 0 :> R by rewrite pnatr_eq0.
apply: (mulfI nz2); rewrite -{1}normr_nat -normrM mulr_natl mulr2n ger0_norm //.
by rewrite -{2}normrN -normr0 -(subrr v) ler_norm_add.
Lemma normr_ge0 v : 0 <= `|v|. Proof. by rewrite ger0_def normr_id. Qed.
Lemma normr_le0 v : `|v| <= 0 = (v == 0).
Proof. by rewrite -normr_eq0 eq_le normr_ge0 andbT. Qed.
Lemma normr_lt0 v : `|v| < 0 = false.
Proof. by rewrite lt_neqAle normr_le0 normr_eq0 andNb. Qed.
Lemma normr_gt0 v : `|v| > 0 = (v != 0).
Proof. by rewrite lt_def normr_eq0 normr_ge0 andbT. Qed.
Definition normrE := (normr_id, normr0, normr1, normrN1, normr_ge0, normr_eq0,
normr_lt0, normr_le0, normr_gt0, normrN).
End NormedZmoduleTheory.
Lemma ler0_def x : (x <= 0) = (`|x| == - x).
Proof. by rewrite ler_def sub0r normrN. Qed.
Lemma ler0_norm x : x <= 0 -> `|x| = - x.
Proof. by move=> x_le0; rewrite -[r in _ = r]ger0_norm ?normrN ?oppr_ge0. Qed.
Definition gtr0_norm x (hx : 0 < x) := ger0_norm (ltW hx).
Definition ltr0_norm x (hx : x < 0) := ler0_norm (ltW hx).
(* Comparision to 0 of a difference *)
Lemma subr_ge0 x y : (0 <= y - x) = (x <= y). Proof. exact: subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma subr_gt0 x y : (0 < y - x) = (x < y).
Proof. by rewrite !lt_def subr_eq0 subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma subr_le0 x y : (y - x <= 0) = (y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite -subr_ge0 opprB add0r subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma subr_lt0 x y : (y - x < 0) = (y < x).
Proof. by rewrite -subr_gt0 opprB add0r subr_gt0. Qed.
Definition subr_lte0 := (subr_le0, subr_lt0).
Definition subr_gte0 := (subr_ge0, subr_gt0).
Definition subr_cp0 := (subr_lte0, subr_gte0).
(* Comparability in a numDomain *)
Lemma comparable0r x : (0 >=< x)%R = (x \is Num.real). Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma comparabler0 x : (x >=< 0)%R = (x \is Num.real).
Proof. by rewrite comparable_sym. Qed.
Lemma subr_comparable0 x y : (x - y >=< 0)%R = (x >=< y)%R.
Proof. by rewrite /comparable subr_ge0 subr_le0. Qed.
Lemma comparablerE x y : (x >=< y)%R = (x - y \is Num.real).
Proof. by rewrite -comparabler0 subr_comparable0. Qed.
Lemma comparabler_trans : transitive (comparable : rel R).
move=> y x z; rewrite !comparablerE => xBy_real yBz_real.
by have := rpredD xBy_real yBz_real; rewrite addrA addrNK.
(* Ordered ring properties. *)
Definition lter01 := (ler01, ltr01).
Lemma addr_ge0 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x + y.
Proof. exact: addr_ge0. Qed.
End NumIntegralDomainTheory.
Arguments ler01 {R}.
Arguments ltr01 {R}.
Arguments normr_idP {R x}.
Arguments normr0P {R V v}.
#[global] Hint Resolve ler01 ltr01 ltr0Sn ler0n : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (0 <= norm _)) => apply: normr_ge0 : core.
Lemma normr_nneg (R : numDomainType) (x : R) : `|x| \is Num.nneg.
Proof. by rewrite qualifE. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve normr_nneg : core.
Section NumDomainOperationTheory.
Variable R : numDomainType.
Implicit Types x y z t : R.
(* Comparision and opposite. *)
Lemma ler_opp2 : {mono -%R : x y /~ x <= y :> R}.
Proof. by move=> x y /=; rewrite -subr_ge0 opprK addrC subr_ge0. Qed.
Hint Resolve ler_opp2 : core.
Lemma ltr_opp2 : {mono -%R : x y /~ x < y :> R}.
Proof. by move=> x y /=; rewrite leW_nmono. Qed.
Hint Resolve ltr_opp2 : core.
Definition lter_opp2 := (ler_opp2, ltr_opp2).
Lemma ler_oppr x y : (x <= - y) = (y <= - x).
Proof. by rewrite (monoRL opprK ler_opp2). Qed.
Lemma ltr_oppr x y : (x < - y) = (y < - x).
Proof. by rewrite (monoRL opprK (leW_nmono _)). Qed.
Definition lter_oppr := (ler_oppr, ltr_oppr).
Lemma ler_oppl x y : (- x <= y) = (- y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR opprK ler_opp2). Qed.
Lemma ltr_oppl x y : (- x < y) = (- y < x).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR opprK (leW_nmono _)). Qed.
Definition lter_oppl := (ler_oppl, ltr_oppl).
Lemma oppr_ge0 x : (0 <= - x) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite lter_oppr oppr0. Qed.
Lemma oppr_gt0 x : (0 < - x) = (x < 0).
Proof. by rewrite lter_oppr oppr0. Qed.
Definition oppr_gte0 := (oppr_ge0, oppr_gt0).
Lemma oppr_le0 x : (- x <= 0) = (0 <= x).
Proof. by rewrite lter_oppl oppr0. Qed.
Lemma oppr_lt0 x : (- x < 0) = (0 < x).
Proof. by rewrite lter_oppl oppr0. Qed.
Lemma gtr_opp x : 0 < x -> - x < x.
Proof. by move=> n0; rewrite -subr_lt0 -opprD oppr_lt0 addr_gt0. Qed.
Definition oppr_lte0 := (oppr_le0, oppr_lt0).
Definition oppr_cp0 := (oppr_gte0, oppr_lte0).
Definition lter_oppE := (oppr_cp0, lter_opp2).
Lemma ge0_cp x : 0 <= x -> (- x <= 0) * (- x <= x).
Proof. by move=> hx; rewrite oppr_cp0 hx (@le_trans _ _ 0) ?oppr_cp0. Qed.
Lemma gt0_cp x : 0 < x ->
(0 <= x) * (- x <= 0) * (- x <= x) * (- x < 0) * (- x < x).
move=> hx; move: (ltW hx) => hx'; rewrite !ge0_cp hx' //.
by rewrite oppr_cp0 hx // (@lt_trans _ _ 0) ?oppr_cp0.
Lemma le0_cp x : x <= 0 -> (0 <= - x) * (x <= - x).
Proof. by move=> hx; rewrite oppr_cp0 hx (@le_trans _ _ 0) ?oppr_cp0. Qed.
Lemma lt0_cp x :
x < 0 -> (x <= 0) * (0 <= - x) * (x <= - x) * (0 < - x) * (x < - x).
move=> hx; move: (ltW hx) => hx'; rewrite !le0_cp // hx'.
by rewrite oppr_cp0 hx // (@lt_trans _ _ 0) ?oppr_cp0.
(* Properties of the real subset. *)
Lemma ger0_real x : 0 <= x -> x \is real.
Proof. by rewrite realE => ->. Qed.
Lemma ler0_real x : x <= 0 -> x \is real.
Proof. by rewrite realE orbC => ->. Qed.
Lemma gtr0_real x : 0 < x -> x \is real.
Proof. by move=> /ltW/ger0_real. Qed.
Lemma ltr0_real x : x < 0 -> x \is real.
Proof. by move=> /ltW/ler0_real. Qed.
Lemma real0 : 0 \is @real R. Proof. by rewrite ger0_real. Qed.
Hint Resolve real0 : core.
Lemma real1 : 1 \is @real R. Proof. by rewrite ger0_real. Qed.
Hint Resolve real1 : core.
Lemma realn n : n%:R \is @real R. Proof. by rewrite ger0_real. Qed.
Lemma ler_leVge x y : x <= 0 -> y <= 0 -> (x <= y) || (y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite -!oppr_ge0 => /(ger_leVge _) /[apply]; rewrite !ler_opp2. Qed.
Lemma real_leVge x y : x \is real -> y \is real -> (x <= y) || (y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite -comparabler0 -comparable0r => /comparabler_trans P/P. Qed.
Lemma real_comparable x y : x \is real -> y \is real -> x >=< y.
Proof. exact: real_leVge. Qed.
Lemma realB : {in real &, forall x y, x - y \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredB. Qed.
Lemma realN : {mono (@GRing.opp R) : x / x \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredN. Qed.
Lemma realBC x y : (x - y \is real) = (y - x \is real).
Proof. exact: rpredBC. Qed.
Lemma realD : {in real &, forall x y, x + y \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredD. Qed.
(* dichotomy and trichotomy *)
Variant ler_xor_gt (x y : R) : R -> R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> Set :=
| LerNotGt of x <= y : ler_xor_gt x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x) true false
| GtrNotLe of y < x : ler_xor_gt x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y) false true.
Variant ltr_xor_ge (x y : R) : R -> R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> Set :=
| LtrNotGe of x < y : ltr_xor_ge x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x) false true
| GerNotLt of y <= x : ltr_xor_ge x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y) true false.
Variant comparer x y : R -> R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Set :=
| ComparerLt of x < y : comparer x y x x y y (y - x) (y - x)
false false false true false true
| ComparerGt of x > y : comparer x y y y x x (x - y) (x - y)
false false true false true false
| ComparerEq of x = y : comparer x y x x x x 0 0
true true true true false false.
Lemma real_leP x y : x \is real -> y \is real ->
ler_xor_gt x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (x <= y) (y < x).
move=> xR yR; case: (comparable_leP (real_leVge xR yR)) => xy.
- by rewrite [`|x - y|]distrC !ger0_norm ?subr_cp0 //; constructor.
- by rewrite [`|y - x|]distrC !gtr0_norm ?subr_cp0 //; constructor.
Lemma real_ltP x y : x \is real -> y \is real ->
ltr_xor_ge x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (y <= x) (x < y).
Proof. by move=> xR yR; case: real_leP=> //; constructor. Qed.
Lemma real_ltNge : {in real &, forall x y, (x < y) = ~~ (y <= x)}.
Proof. by move=> x y xR yR /=; case: real_leP. Qed.
Lemma real_leNgt : {in real &, forall x y, (x <= y) = ~~ (y < x)}.
Proof. by move=> x y xR yR /=; case: real_leP. Qed.
Lemma real_ltgtP x y : x \is real -> y \is real ->
comparer x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y) `|x - y| `|y - x|
(y == x) (x == y) (x >= y) (x <= y) (x > y) (x < y).
move=> xR yR; case: (comparable_ltgtP (real_leVge yR xR)) => [?|?|->].
- by rewrite [`|y - x|]distrC !gtr0_norm ?subr_gt0//; constructor.
- by rewrite [`|x - y|]distrC !gtr0_norm ?subr_gt0//; constructor.
- by rewrite subrr normr0; constructor.
Variant ger0_xor_lt0 (x : R) : R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> Set :=
| Ger0NotLt0 of 0 <= x : ger0_xor_lt0 x 0 0 x x x false true
| Ltr0NotGe0 of x < 0 : ger0_xor_lt0 x x x 0 0 (- x) true false.
Variant ler0_xor_gt0 (x : R) : R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> Set :=
| Ler0NotLe0 of x <= 0 : ler0_xor_gt0 x x x 0 0 (- x) false true
| Gtr0NotGt0 of 0 < x : ler0_xor_gt0 x 0 0 x x x true false.
Variant comparer0 x : R -> R -> R -> R -> R ->
bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> Set :=
| ComparerGt0 of 0 < x : comparer0 x 0 0 x x x false false false true false true
| ComparerLt0 of x < 0 : comparer0 x x x 0 0 (- x) false false true false true false
| ComparerEq0 of x = 0 : comparer0 x 0 0 0 0 0 true true true true false false.
Lemma real_ge0P x : x \is real -> ger0_xor_lt0 x
(min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (x < 0) (0 <= x).
move=> hx; rewrite -[X in `|X|]subr0; case: real_leP;
by rewrite ?subr0 ?sub0r //; constructor.
Lemma real_le0P x : x \is real -> ler0_xor_gt0 x
(min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 < x) (x <= 0).
move=> hx; rewrite -[X in `|X|]subr0; case: real_ltP;
by rewrite ?subr0 ?sub0r //; constructor.
Lemma real_ltgt0P x : x \is real ->
comparer0 x (min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 == x) (x == 0) (x <= 0) (0 <= x) (x < 0) (x > 0).
move=> hx; rewrite -[X in `|X|]subr0; case: (@real_ltgtP 0 x);
by rewrite ?subr0 ?sub0r //; constructor.
Lemma max_real : {in real &, forall x y, max x y \is real}.
Proof. exact: comparable_maxr. Qed.
Lemma min_real : {in real &, forall x y, min x y \is real}.
Proof. exact: comparable_minr. Qed.
Lemma bigmax_real I x0 (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (f : I -> R):
x0 \is real -> {in P, forall i : I, f i \is real} ->
\big[max/x0]_(i <- r | P i) f i \is real.
Proof. exact/big_real/max_real. Qed.
Lemma bigmin_real I x0 (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (f : I -> R):
x0 \is real -> {in P, forall i : I, f i \is real} ->
\big[min/x0]_(i <- r | P i) f i \is real.
Proof. exact/big_real/min_real. Qed.
Lemma real_neqr_lt : {in real &, forall x y, (x != y) = (x < y) || (y < x)}.
Proof. by move=> * /=; case: real_ltgtP. Qed.
Lemma ler_sub_real x y : x <= y -> y - x \is real.
Proof. by move=> le_xy; rewrite ger0_real // subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma ger_sub_real x y : x <= y -> x - y \is real.
Proof. by move=> le_xy; rewrite ler0_real // subr_le0. Qed.
Lemma ler_real y x : x <= y -> (x \is real) = (y \is real).
Proof. by move=> le_xy; rewrite -(addrNK x y) rpredDl ?ler_sub_real. Qed.
Lemma ger_real x y : y <= x -> (x \is real) = (y \is real).
Proof. by move=> le_yx; rewrite -(ler_real le_yx). Qed.
Lemma ger1_real x : 1 <= x -> x \is real. Proof. by move=> /ger_real->. Qed.
Lemma ler1_real x : x <= 1 -> x \is real. Proof. by move=> /ler_real->. Qed.
Lemma Nreal_leF x y : y \is real -> x \notin real -> (x <= y) = false.
Proof. by move=> yR; apply: contraNF=> /ler_real->. Qed.
Lemma Nreal_geF x y : y \is real -> x \notin real -> (y <= x) = false.
Proof. by move=> yR; apply: contraNF=> /ger_real->. Qed.
Lemma Nreal_ltF x y : y \is real -> x \notin real -> (x < y) = false.
Proof. by move=> yR xNR; rewrite lt_def Nreal_leF ?andbF. Qed.
Lemma Nreal_gtF x y : y \is real -> x \notin real -> (y < x) = false.
Proof. by move=> yR xNR; rewrite lt_def Nreal_geF ?andbF. Qed.
(* real wlog *)
Lemma real_wlog_ler P :
(forall a b, P b a -> P a b) -> (forall a b, a <= b -> P a b) ->
forall a b : R, a \is real -> b \is real -> P a b.
move=> sP hP a b ha hb; wlog: a b ha hb / a <= b => [hwlog|]; last exact: hP.
by case: (real_leP ha hb)=> [/hP //|/ltW hba]; apply/sP/hP.
Lemma real_wlog_ltr P :
(forall a, P a a) -> (forall a b, (P b a -> P a b)) ->
(forall a b, a < b -> P a b) ->
forall a b : R, a \is real -> b \is real -> P a b.
move=> rP sP hP; apply: real_wlog_ler=> // a b.
by rewrite le_eqVlt; case: eqVneq => [->|] //= _ /hP.
(* Monotony of addition *)
Lemma ler_add2l x : {mono +%R x : y z / y <= z}.
by move=> y z /=; rewrite -subr_ge0 opprD addrAC addNKr addrC subr_ge0.
Lemma ler_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y <= z}.
Proof. by move=> y z /=; rewrite ![_ + x]addrC ler_add2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_add2l x : {mono +%R x : y z / y < z}.
Proof. by move=> y z /=; rewrite (leW_mono (ler_add2l _)). Qed.
Lemma ltr_add2r x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y < z}.
Proof. by move=> y z /=; rewrite (leW_mono (ler_add2r _)). Qed.
Definition ler_add2 := (ler_add2l, ler_add2r).
Definition ltr_add2 := (ltr_add2l, ltr_add2r).
Definition lter_add2 := (ler_add2, ltr_add2).
(* Addition, subtraction and transitivity *)
Lemma ler_add x y z t : x <= y -> z <= t -> x + z <= y + t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (y + z)) ?lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ler_lt_add x y z t : x <= y -> z < t -> x + z < y + t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (y + z)) ?lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_le_add x y z t : x < y -> z <= t -> x + z < y + t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite (@lt_le_trans _ _ (y + z)) ?lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_add x y z t : x < y -> z < t -> x + z < y + t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite ltr_le_add // ltW. Qed.
Lemma ler_sub x y z t : x <= y -> t <= z -> x - z <= y - t.
Proof. by move=> lxy ltz; rewrite ler_add // lter_opp2. Qed.
Lemma ler_lt_sub x y z t : x <= y -> t < z -> x - z < y - t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite ler_lt_add // lter_opp2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_le_sub x y z t : x < y -> t <= z -> x - z < y - t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite ltr_le_add // lter_opp2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_sub x y z t : x < y -> t < z -> x - z < y - t.
Proof. by move=> lxy lzt; rewrite ltr_add // lter_opp2. Qed.
Lemma ler_subl_addr x y z : (x - y <= z) = (x <= z + y).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR (addrK _) (ler_add2r _)). Qed.
Lemma ltr_subl_addr x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < z + y).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR (addrK _) (ltr_add2r _)). Qed.
Lemma ler_subr_addr x y z : (x <= y - z) = (x + z <= y).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR (addrNK _) (ler_add2r _)). Qed.
Lemma ltr_subr_addr x y z : (x < y - z) = (x + z < y).
Proof. by rewrite (monoLR (addrNK _) (ltr_add2r _)). Qed.
Definition ler_sub_addr := (ler_subl_addr, ler_subr_addr).
Definition ltr_sub_addr := (ltr_subl_addr, ltr_subr_addr).
Definition lter_sub_addr := (ler_sub_addr, ltr_sub_addr).
Lemma ler_subl_addl x y z : (x - y <= z) = (x <= y + z).
Proof. by rewrite lter_sub_addr addrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_subl_addl x y z : (x - y < z) = (x < y + z).
Proof. by rewrite lter_sub_addr addrC. Qed.
Lemma ler_subr_addl x y z : (x <= y - z) = (z + x <= y).
Proof. by rewrite lter_sub_addr addrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_subr_addl x y z : (x < y - z) = (z + x < y).
Proof. by rewrite lter_sub_addr addrC. Qed.
Definition ler_sub_addl := (ler_subl_addl, ler_subr_addl).
Definition ltr_sub_addl := (ltr_subl_addl, ltr_subr_addl).
Definition lter_sub_addl := (ler_sub_addl, ltr_sub_addl).
Lemma ler_addl x y : (x <= x + y) = (0 <= y).
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[x]addr0 lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_addl x y : (x < x + y) = (0 < y).
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[x]addr0 lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ler_addr x y : (x <= y + x) = (0 <= y).
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[x]add0r lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_addr x y : (x < y + x) = (0 < y).
Proof. by rewrite -{1}[x]add0r lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ger_addl x y : (x + y <= x) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x]addr0 lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma gtr_addl x y : (x + y < x) = (y < 0).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x]addr0 lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma ger_addr x y : (y + x <= x) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x]add0r lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma gtr_addr x y : (y + x < x) = (y < 0).
Proof. by rewrite -{2}[x]add0r lter_add2. Qed.
Definition cpr_add := (ler_addl, ler_addr, ger_addl, ger_addl,
ltr_addl, ltr_addr, gtr_addl, gtr_addl).
(* Addition with left member knwon to be positive/negative *)
Lemma ler_paddl y x z : 0 <= x -> y <= z -> y <= x + z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[y]add0r ler_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_paddl y x z : 0 <= x -> y < z -> y < x + z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[y]add0r ler_lt_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_spaddl y x z : 0 < x -> y <= z -> y < x + z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[y]add0r ltr_le_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_spsaddl y x z : 0 < x -> y < z -> y < x + z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[y]add0r ltr_add. Qed.
Lemma ler_naddl y x z : x <= 0 -> y <= z -> x + y <= z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[z]add0r ler_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_naddl y x z : x <= 0 -> y < z -> x + y < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[z]add0r ler_lt_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_snaddl y x z : x < 0 -> y <= z -> x + y < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[z]add0r ltr_le_add. Qed.
Lemma ltr_snsaddl y x z : x < 0 -> y < z -> x + y < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -[z]add0r ltr_add. Qed.
(* Addition with right member we know positive/negative *)
Lemma ler_paddr y x z : 0 <= x -> y <= z -> y <= z + x.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ler_paddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_paddr y x z : 0 <= x -> y < z -> y < z + x.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_paddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_spaddr y x z : 0 < x -> y <= z -> y < z + x.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_spaddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_spsaddr y x z : 0 < x -> y < z -> y < z + x.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_spsaddl. Qed.
Lemma ler_naddr y x z : x <= 0 -> y <= z -> y + x <= z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ler_naddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_naddr y x z : x <= 0 -> y < z -> y + x < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_naddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_snaddr y x z : x < 0 -> y <= z -> y + x < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_snaddl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_snsaddr y x z : x < 0 -> y < z -> y + x < z.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite [_ + x]addrC ltr_snsaddl. Qed.
(* x and y have the same sign and their sum is null *)
Lemma paddr_eq0 (x y : R) :
0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
rewrite le0r; case/orP=> [/eqP->|hx]; first by rewrite add0r eqxx.
by rewrite (gt_eqF hx) /= => hy; rewrite gt_eqF // ltr_spaddl.
Lemma naddr_eq0 (x y : R) :
x <= 0 -> y <= 0 -> (x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
by move=> lex0 ley0; rewrite -oppr_eq0 opprD paddr_eq0 ?oppr_cp0 // !oppr_eq0.
Lemma addr_ss_eq0 (x y : R) :
(0 <= x) && (0 <= y) || (x <= 0) && (y <= 0) ->
(x + y == 0) = (x == 0) && (y == 0).
Proof. by case/orP=> /andP []; [apply: paddr_eq0 | apply: naddr_eq0]. Qed.
(* big sum and ler *)
Lemma sumr_ge0 I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> (0 <= F i)) -> 0 <= \sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i).
Proof. exact: (big_ind _ _ (@ler_paddl 0)). Qed.
Lemma ler_sum I (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F G : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> F i <= G i) ->
\sum_(i <- r | P i) F i <= \sum_(i <- r | P i) G i.
Proof. exact: (big_ind2 _ (lexx _) ler_add). Qed.
Lemma ler_sum_nat (m n : nat) (F G : nat -> R) :
(forall i, (m <= i < n)%N -> F i <= G i) ->
\sum_(m <= i < n) F i <= \sum_(m <= i < n) G i.
Proof. by move=> le_FG; rewrite !big_nat ler_sum. Qed.
Lemma psumr_eq0 (I : eqType) (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= F i) ->
(\sum_(i <- r | P i) (F i) == 0) = (all (fun i => (P i) ==> (F i == 0)) r).
elim: r=> [|a r ihr hr] /=; rewrite (big_nil, big_cons); first by rewrite eqxx.
by case: ifP=> pa /=; rewrite ?paddr_eq0 ?ihr ?hr // sumr_ge0.
(* :TODO: Cyril : See which form to keep *)
Lemma psumr_eq0P (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= F i) -> \sum_(i | P i) F i = 0 ->
(forall i, P i -> F i = 0).
move=> F_ge0 /eqP; rewrite psumr_eq0 // -big_all big_andE => /forallP hF i Pi.
by move: (hF i); rewrite implyTb Pi /= => /eqP.
(* mulr and ler/ltr *)
Lemma ler_pmul2l x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R x : x y / x <= y}.
by move=> x_gt0 y z /=; rewrite -subr_ge0 -mulrBr pmulr_rge0 // subr_ge0.
Lemma ltr_pmul2l x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R x : x y / x < y}.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; apply: leW_mono (ler_pmul2l _). Qed.
Definition lter_pmul2l := (ler_pmul2l, ltr_pmul2l).
Lemma ler_pmul2r x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R^~ x : x y / x <= y}.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0 y z /=; rewrite ![_ * x]mulrC ler_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pmul2r x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R^~ x : x y / x < y}.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; apply: leW_mono (ler_pmul2r _). Qed.
Definition lter_pmul2r := (ler_pmul2r, ltr_pmul2r).
Lemma ler_nmul2l x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R x : x y /~ x <= y}.
by move=> x_lt0 y z /=; rewrite -ler_opp2 -!mulNr ler_pmul2l ?oppr_gt0.
Lemma ltr_nmul2l x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R x : x y /~ x < y}.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; apply: leW_nmono (ler_nmul2l _). Qed.
Definition lter_nmul2l := (ler_nmul2l, ltr_nmul2l).
Lemma ler_nmul2r x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R^~ x : x y /~ x <= y}.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0 y z /=; rewrite ![_ * x]mulrC ler_nmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_nmul2r x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R^~ x : x y /~ x < y}.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; apply: leW_nmono (ler_nmul2r _). Qed.
Definition lter_nmul2r := (ler_nmul2r, ltr_nmul2r).
Lemma ler_wpmul2l x : 0 <= x -> {homo *%R x : y z / y <= z}.
by rewrite le0r => /orP[/eqP-> y z | /ler_pmul2l/mono2W//]; rewrite !mul0r.
Lemma ler_wpmul2r x : 0 <= x -> {homo *%R^~ x : y z / y <= z}.
Proof. by move=> x_ge0 y z leyz; rewrite ![_ * x]mulrC ler_wpmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_wnmul2l x : x <= 0 -> {homo *%R x : y z /~ y <= z}.
by move=> x_le0 y z leyz; rewrite -![x * _]mulrNN ler_wpmul2l ?lter_oppE.
Lemma ler_wnmul2r x : x <= 0 -> {homo *%R^~ x : y z /~ y <= z}.
by move=> x_le0 y z leyz; rewrite -![_ * x]mulrNN ler_wpmul2r ?lter_oppE.
(* Binary forms, for backchaining. *)
Lemma ler_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 :
0 <= x1 -> 0 <= x2 -> x1 <= y1 -> x2 <= y2 -> x1 * x2 <= y1 * y2.
move=> x1ge0 x2ge0 le_xy1 le_xy2; have y1ge0 := le_trans x1ge0 le_xy1.
exact: le_trans (ler_wpmul2r x2ge0 le_xy1) (ler_wpmul2l y1ge0 le_xy2).
Lemma ltr_pmul x1 y1 x2 y2 :
0 <= x1 -> 0 <= x2 -> x1 < y1 -> x2 < y2 -> x1 * x2 < y1 * y2.
move=> x1ge0 x2ge0 lt_xy1 lt_xy2; have y1gt0 := le_lt_trans x1ge0 lt_xy1.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans (ler_wpmul2r x2ge0 (ltW lt_xy1))) ?ltr_pmul2l.
(* complement for x *+ n and <= or < *)
Lemma ler_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x <= y}.
by case: n => // n _ x y /=; rewrite -mulr_natl -[y *+ _]mulr_natl ler_pmul2l.
Lemma ltr_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x < y}.
Proof. by move/ler_pmuln2r/leW_mono. Qed.
Lemma pmulrnI n : (0 < n)%N -> injective ((@GRing.natmul R)^~ n).
Proof. by move/ler_pmuln2r/inc_inj. Qed.
Lemma eqr_pmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x == y}.
Proof. by move/pmulrnI/inj_eq. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_lgt0 x n : (0 < n)%N -> (0 < x *+ n) = (0 < x).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -(mul0rn _ n) ltr_pmuln2r // mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_llt0 x n : (0 < n)%N -> (x *+ n < 0) = (x < 0).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -(mul0rn _ n) ltr_pmuln2r // mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_lge0 x n : (0 < n)%N -> (0 <= x *+ n) = (0 <= x).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -(mul0rn _ n) ler_pmuln2r // mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_lle0 x n : (0 < n)%N -> (x *+ n <= 0) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -(mul0rn _ n) ler_pmuln2r // mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma ltr_wmuln2r x y n : x < y -> (x *+ n < y *+ n) = (0 < n)%N.
Proof. by move=> ltxy; case: n=> // n; rewrite ltr_pmuln2r. Qed.
Lemma ltr_wpmuln2r n : (0 < n)%N -> {homo (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x < y}.
Proof. by move=> n_gt0 x y /= / ltr_wmuln2r ->. Qed.
Lemma ler_wmuln2r n : {homo (@GRing.natmul R)^~ n : x y / x <= y}.
Proof. by move=> x y hxy /=; case: n=> // n; rewrite ler_pmuln2r. Qed.
Lemma mulrn_wge0 x n : 0 <= x -> 0 <= x *+ n.
Proof. by move=> /(ler_wmuln2r n); rewrite mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma mulrn_wle0 x n : x <= 0 -> x *+ n <= 0.
Proof. by move=> /(ler_wmuln2r n); rewrite mul0rn. Qed.
Lemma ler_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n <= y *+ n) = ((n == 0%N) || (x <= y)).
Proof. by case: n => [|n]; rewrite ?lexx ?eqxx // ler_pmuln2r. Qed.
Lemma ltr_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n < y *+ n) = ((0 < n)%N && (x < y)).
Proof. by case: n => [|n]; rewrite ?lexx ?eqxx // ltr_pmuln2r. Qed.
Lemma eqr_muln2r n x y : (x *+ n == y *+ n) = (n == 0)%N || (x == y).
Proof. by rewrite !(@eq_le _ R) !ler_muln2r -orb_andr. Qed.
(* More characteristic zero properties. *)
Lemma mulrn_eq0 x n : (x *+ n == 0) = ((n == 0)%N || (x == 0)).
Proof. by rewrite -mulr_natl mulf_eq0 pnatr_eq0. Qed.
Lemma eqNr x : (- x == x) = (x == 0).
Proof. by rewrite eq_sym -addr_eq0 -mulr2n mulrn_eq0. Qed.
Lemma mulrIn x : x != 0 -> injective (GRing.natmul x).
move=> x_neq0 m n; without loss /subnK <-: m n / (n <= m)%N.
by move=> IH eq_xmn; case/orP: (leq_total m n) => /IH->.
by move/eqP; rewrite mulrnDr -subr_eq0 addrK mulrn_eq0 => /predU1P[-> | /idPn].
Lemma ler_wpmuln2l x :
0 <= x -> {homo (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m <= n)%N >-> m <= n}.
Proof. by move=> xge0 m n /subnK <-; rewrite mulrnDr ler_paddl ?mulrn_wge0. Qed.
Lemma ler_wnmuln2l x :
x <= 0 -> {homo (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n <= m)%N >-> m <= n}.
by move=> xle0 m n hmn /=; rewrite -ler_opp2 -!mulNrn ler_wpmuln2l // oppr_cp0.
Lemma mulrn_wgt0 x n : 0 < x -> 0 < x *+ n = (0 < n)%N.
Proof. by case: n => // n hx; rewrite pmulrn_lgt0. Qed.
Lemma mulrn_wlt0 x n : x < 0 -> x *+ n < 0 = (0 < n)%N.
Proof. by case: n => // n hx; rewrite pmulrn_llt0. Qed.
Lemma ler_pmuln2l x :
0 < x -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m <= n)%N >-> m <= n}.
move=> x_gt0 m n /=; case: leqP => hmn; first by rewrite ler_wpmuln2l // ltW.
rewrite -(subnK (ltnW hmn)) mulrnDr ger_addr lt_geF //.
by rewrite mulrn_wgt0 // subn_gt0.
Lemma ltr_pmuln2l x :
0 < x -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (m < n)%N >-> m < n}.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; apply: leW_mono (ler_pmuln2l _). Qed.
Lemma ler_nmuln2l x :
x < 0 -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n <= m)%N >-> m <= n}.
by move=> x_lt0 m n /=; rewrite -ler_opp2 -!mulNrn ler_pmuln2l // oppr_gt0.
Lemma ltr_nmuln2l x :
x < 0 -> {mono (@GRing.natmul R x) : m n / (n < m)%N >-> m < n}.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; apply: leW_nmono (ler_nmuln2l _). Qed.
Lemma ler_nat m n : (m%:R <= n%:R :> R) = (m <= n)%N.
Proof. by rewrite ler_pmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_nat m n : (m%:R < n%:R :> R) = (m < n)%N.
Proof. by rewrite ltr_pmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma eqr_nat m n : (m%:R == n%:R :> R) = (m == n)%N.
Proof. by rewrite (inj_eq (mulrIn _)) ?oner_eq0. Qed.
Lemma pnatr_eq1 n : (n%:R == 1 :> R) = (n == 1)%N.
Proof. exact: eqr_nat 1%N. Qed.
Lemma lern0 n : (n%:R <= 0 :> R) = (n == 0%N).
Proof. by rewrite -[0]/0%:R ler_nat leqn0. Qed.
Lemma ltrn0 n : (n%:R < 0 :> R) = false.
Proof. by rewrite -[0]/0%:R ltr_nat ltn0. Qed.
Lemma ler1n n : 1 <= n%:R :> R = (1 <= n)%N. Proof. by rewrite -ler_nat. Qed.
Lemma ltr1n n : 1 < n%:R :> R = (1 < n)%N. Proof. by rewrite -ltr_nat. Qed.
Lemma lern1 n : n%:R <= 1 :> R = (n <= 1)%N. Proof. by rewrite -ler_nat. Qed.
Lemma ltrn1 n : n%:R < 1 :> R = (n < 1)%N. Proof. by rewrite -ltr_nat. Qed.
Lemma ltrN10 : -1 < 0 :> R. Proof. by rewrite oppr_lt0. Qed.
Lemma lerN10 : -1 <= 0 :> R. Proof. by rewrite oppr_le0. Qed.
Lemma ltr10 : 1 < 0 :> R = false. Proof. by rewrite le_gtF. Qed.
Lemma ler10 : 1 <= 0 :> R = false. Proof. by rewrite lt_geF. Qed.
Lemma ltr0N1 : 0 < -1 :> R = false. Proof. by rewrite le_gtF // lerN10. Qed.
Lemma ler0N1 : 0 <= -1 :> R = false. Proof. by rewrite lt_geF // ltrN10. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_rgt0 x n : 0 < x -> 0 < x *+ n = (0 < n)%N.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ltr_pmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_rlt0 x n : 0 < x -> x *+ n < 0 = false.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ltr_pmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_rge0 x n : 0 < x -> 0 <= x *+ n.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ler_pmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma pmulrn_rle0 x n : 0 < x -> x *+ n <= 0 = (n == 0)%N.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ler_pmuln2l ?leqn0. Qed.
Lemma nmulrn_rgt0 x n : x < 0 -> 0 < x *+ n = false.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ltr_nmuln2l. Qed.
Lemma nmulrn_rge0 x n : x < 0 -> 0 <= x *+ n = (n == 0)%N.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ler_nmuln2l ?leqn0. Qed.
Lemma nmulrn_rle0 x n : x < 0 -> x *+ n <= 0.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -(mulr0n x) ler_nmuln2l. Qed.
(* (x * y) compared to 0 *)
(* Remark : pmulr_rgt0 and pmulr_rge0 are defined above *)
(* x positive and y right *)
Lemma pmulr_rlt0 x y : 0 < x -> (x * y < 0) = (y < 0).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -oppr_gt0 -mulrN pmulr_rgt0 // oppr_gt0. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_rle0 x y : 0 < x -> (x * y <= 0) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -oppr_ge0 -mulrN pmulr_rge0 // oppr_ge0. Qed.
(* x positive and y left *)
Lemma pmulr_lgt0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 < y * x) = (0 < y).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite mulrC pmulr_rgt0. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_lge0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 <= y * x) = (0 <= y).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite mulrC pmulr_rge0. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_llt0 x y : 0 < x -> (y * x < 0) = (y < 0).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite mulrC pmulr_rlt0. Qed.
Lemma pmulr_lle0 x y : 0 < x -> (y * x <= 0) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite mulrC pmulr_rle0. Qed.
(* x negative and y right *)
Lemma nmulr_rgt0 x y : x < 0 -> (0 < x * y) = (y < 0).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -mulrNN pmulr_rgt0 lter_oppE. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_rge0 x y : x < 0 -> (0 <= x * y) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -mulrNN pmulr_rge0 lter_oppE. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_rlt0 x y : x < 0 -> (x * y < 0) = (0 < y).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -mulrNN pmulr_rlt0 lter_oppE. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_rle0 x y : x < 0 -> (x * y <= 0) = (0 <= y).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -mulrNN pmulr_rle0 lter_oppE. Qed.
(* x negative and y left *)
Lemma nmulr_lgt0 x y : x < 0 -> (0 < y * x) = (y < 0).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite mulrC nmulr_rgt0. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_lge0 x y : x < 0 -> (0 <= y * x) = (y <= 0).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite mulrC nmulr_rge0. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_llt0 x y : x < 0 -> (y * x < 0) = (0 < y).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite mulrC nmulr_rlt0. Qed.
Lemma nmulr_lle0 x y : x < 0 -> (y * x <= 0) = (0 <= y).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite mulrC nmulr_rle0. Qed.
(* weak and symmetric lemmas *)
Lemma mulr_ge0 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x * y.
Proof. by move=> x_ge0 y_ge0; rewrite -(mulr0 x) ler_wpmul2l. Qed.
Lemma mulr_le0 x y : x <= 0 -> y <= 0 -> 0 <= x * y.
Proof. by move=> x_le0 y_le0; rewrite -(mulr0 x) ler_wnmul2l. Qed.
Lemma mulr_ge0_le0 x y : 0 <= x -> y <= 0 -> x * y <= 0.
Proof. by move=> x_le0 y_le0; rewrite -(mulr0 x) ler_wpmul2l. Qed.
Lemma mulr_le0_ge0 x y : x <= 0 -> 0 <= y -> x * y <= 0.
Proof. by move=> x_le0 y_le0; rewrite -(mulr0 x) ler_wnmul2l. Qed.
(* mulr_gt0 with only one case *)
Lemma mulr_gt0 x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x * y.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0 y_gt0; rewrite pmulr_rgt0. Qed.
(* and reverse direction *)
Lemma mulr_ge0_gt0 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (0 < x * y) = (0 < x) && (0 < y).
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|x0]; first by rewrite mul0r ltxx.
rewrite le_eqVlt => /predU1P[<-|y0]; first by rewrite mulr0 ltxx andbC.
by apply/idP/andP=> [|_]; rewrite pmulr_rgt0.
(* Iterated products *)
Lemma prodr_ge0 I r (P : pred I) (E : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= E i) -> 0 <= \prod_(i <- r | P i) E i.
Proof. by move=> Ege0; rewrite -nnegrE rpred_prod. Qed.
Lemma prodr_gt0 I r (P : pred I) (E : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 < E i) -> 0 < \prod_(i <- r | P i) E i.
Proof. by move=> Ege0; rewrite -posrE rpred_prod. Qed.
Lemma ler_prod I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= E1 i <= E2 i) ->
\prod_(i <- r | P i) E1 i <= \prod_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
move=> leE12; elim/(big_load (fun x => 0 <= x)): _.
elim/big_rec2: _ => // i x2 x1 /leE12/andP[le0Ei leEi12] [x1ge0 le_x12].
by rewrite mulr_ge0 // ler_pmul.
Lemma ltr_prod I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> R) :
has P r -> (forall i, P i -> 0 <= E1 i < E2 i) ->
\prod_(i <- r | P i) E1 i < \prod_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
elim: r => //= i r IHr; rewrite !big_cons; case: ifP => {IHr}// Pi _ ltE12.
have /andP[le0E1i ltE12i] := ltE12 i Pi; set E2r := \prod_(j <- r | P j) E2 j.
apply: le_lt_trans (_ : E1 i * E2r < E2 i * E2r).
by rewrite ler_wpmul2l ?ler_prod // => j /ltE12/andP[-> /ltW].
by rewrite ltr_pmul2r ?prodr_gt0 // => j /ltE12/andP[le0E1j /le_lt_trans->].
Lemma ltr_prod_nat (E1 E2 : nat -> R) (n m : nat) :
(m < n)%N -> (forall i, (m <= i < n)%N -> 0 <= E1 i < E2 i) ->
\prod_(m <= i < n) E1 i < \prod_(m <= i < n) E2 i.
move=> lt_mn ltE12; rewrite !big_nat ltr_prod {ltE12}//.
by apply/hasP; exists m; rewrite ?mem_index_iota leqnn.
(* real of mul *)
Lemma realMr x y : x != 0 -> x \is real -> (x * y \is real) = (y \is real).
move=> x_neq0 xR; case: real_ltgtP x_neq0 => // hx _; rewrite !realE.
by rewrite nmulr_rge0 // nmulr_rle0 // orbC.
by rewrite pmulr_rge0 // pmulr_rle0 // orbC.
Lemma realrM x y : y != 0 -> y \is real -> (x * y \is real) = (x \is real).
Proof. by move=> y_neq0 yR; rewrite mulrC realMr. Qed.
Lemma realM : {in real &, forall x y, x * y \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredM. Qed.
Lemma realrMn x n : (n != 0)%N -> (x *+ n \is real) = (x \is real).
Proof. by move=> n_neq0; rewrite -mulr_natl realMr ?realn ?pnatr_eq0. Qed.
(* ler/ltr and multiplication between a positive/negative *)
Lemma ger_pmull x y : 0 < y -> (x * y <= y) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ler_pmul2r. Qed.
Lemma gtr_pmull x y : 0 < y -> (x * y < y) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ltr_pmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ger_pmulr x y : 0 < y -> (y * x <= y) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ler_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma gtr_pmulr x y : 0 < y -> (y * x < y) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ltr_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_pmull x y : 0 < y -> (y <= x * y) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ler_pmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pmull x y : 0 < y -> (y < x * y) = (1 < x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ltr_pmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_pmulr x y : 0 < y -> (y <= y * x) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ler_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pmulr x y : 0 < y -> (y < y * x) = (1 < x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ltr_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ger_nmull x y : y < 0 -> (x * y <= y) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ler_nmul2r. Qed.
Lemma gtr_nmull x y : y < 0 -> (x * y < y) = (1 < x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ltr_nmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ger_nmulr x y : y < 0 -> (y * x <= y) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ler_nmul2l. Qed.
Lemma gtr_nmulr x y : y < 0 -> (y * x < y) = (1 < x).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ltr_nmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_nmull x y : y < 0 -> (y <= x * y) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ler_nmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ltr_nmull x y : y < 0 -> (y < x * y) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ltr_nmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_nmulr x y : y < 0 -> (y <= y * x) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ler_nmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ltr_nmulr x y : y < 0 -> (y < y * x) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ltr_nmul2l. Qed.
(* ler/ltr and multiplication between a positive/negative
and a exterior (1 <= _) or interior (0 <= _ <= 1) *)
Lemma ler_pemull x y : 0 <= y -> 1 <= x -> y <= x * y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ler_wpmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_nemull x y : y <= 0 -> 1 <= x -> x * y <= y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ler_wnmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_pemulr x y : 0 <= y -> 1 <= x -> y <= y * x.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ler_wpmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_nemulr x y : y <= 0 -> 1 <= x -> y * x <= y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ler_wnmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_pimull x y : 0 <= y -> x <= 1 -> x * y <= y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{2}[y]mul1r ler_wpmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_nimull x y : y <= 0 -> x <= 1 -> y <= x * y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{1}[y]mul1r ler_wnmul2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_pimulr x y : 0 <= y -> x <= 1 -> y * x <= y.
Proof. by move=> hy hx; rewrite -{2}[y]mulr1 ler_wpmul2l. Qed.
Lemma ler_nimulr x y : y <= 0 -> x <= 1 -> y <= y * x.
Proof. by move=> hx hy; rewrite -{1}[y]mulr1 ler_wnmul2l. Qed.
Lemma mulr_ile1 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x <= 1 -> y <= 1 -> x * y <= 1.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite (@le_trans _ _ y) ?ler_pimull. Qed.
Lemma mulr_ilt1 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> x < 1 -> y < 1 -> x * y < 1.
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ y) ?ler_pimull // ltW. Qed.
Definition mulr_ilte1 := (mulr_ile1, mulr_ilt1).
Lemma mulr_ege1 x y : 1 <= x -> 1 <= y -> 1 <= x * y.
by move=> le1x le1y; rewrite (@le_trans _ _ y) ?ler_pemull // (le_trans ler01).
Lemma mulr_egt1 x y : 1 < x -> 1 < y -> 1 < x * y.
by move=> le1x lt1y; rewrite (@lt_trans _ _ y) // ltr_pmull // (lt_trans ltr01).
Definition mulr_egte1 := (mulr_ege1, mulr_egt1).
Definition mulr_cp1 := (mulr_ilte1, mulr_egte1).
(* ler and ^-1 *)
Lemma invr_gt0 x : (0 < x^-1) = (0 < x).
have [ux | nux] := boolP (x \is a GRing.unit); last by rewrite invr_out.
by apply/idP/idP=> /ltr_pmul2r<-; rewrite mul0r (mulrV, mulVr) ?ltr01.
Lemma invr_ge0 x : (0 <= x^-1) = (0 <= x).
Proof. by rewrite !le0r invr_gt0 invr_eq0. Qed.
Lemma invr_lt0 x : (x^-1 < 0) = (x < 0).
Proof. by rewrite -oppr_cp0 -invrN invr_gt0 oppr_cp0. Qed.
Lemma invr_le0 x : (x^-1 <= 0) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite -oppr_cp0 -invrN invr_ge0 oppr_cp0. Qed.
Definition invr_gte0 := (invr_ge0, invr_gt0).
Definition invr_lte0 := (invr_le0, invr_lt0).
Lemma divr_ge0 x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x / y.
Proof. by move=> x_ge0 y_ge0; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma divr_gt0 x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x / y.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0 y_gt0; rewrite pmulr_rgt0 ?invr_gt0. Qed.
Lemma realV : {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x / x \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredV. Qed.
(* ler and exprn *)
Lemma exprn_ge0 n x : 0 <= x -> 0 <= x ^+ n.
Proof. by move=> xge0; rewrite -nnegrE rpredX. Qed.
Lemma realX n : {in real, forall x, x ^+ n \is real}.
Proof. exact: rpredX. Qed.
Lemma exprn_gt0 n x : 0 < x -> 0 < x ^+ n.
by rewrite !lt0r expf_eq0 => /andP[/negPf-> /exprn_ge0->]; rewrite andbF.
Definition exprn_gte0 := (exprn_ge0, exprn_gt0).
Lemma exprn_ile1 n x : 0 <= x -> x <= 1 -> x ^+ n <= 1.
move=> xge0 xle1; elim: n=> [|*]; rewrite ?expr0 // exprS.
by rewrite mulr_ile1 ?exprn_ge0.
Lemma exprn_ilt1 n x : 0 <= x -> x < 1 -> x ^+ n < 1 = (n != 0%N).
move=> xge0 xlt1.
case: n; [by rewrite eqxx ltxx | elim=> [|n ihn]; first by rewrite expr1].
by rewrite exprS mulr_ilt1 // exprn_ge0.
Definition exprn_ilte1 := (exprn_ile1, exprn_ilt1).
Lemma exprn_ege1 n x : 1 <= x -> 1 <= x ^+ n.
by move=> x_ge1; elim: n=> [|n ihn]; rewrite ?expr0 // exprS mulr_ege1.
Lemma exprn_egt1 n x : 1 < x -> 1 < x ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
move=> xgt1; case: n; first by rewrite eqxx ltxx.
elim=> [|n ihn]; first by rewrite expr1.
by rewrite exprS mulr_egt1 // exprn_ge0.
Definition exprn_egte1 := (exprn_ege1, exprn_egt1).
Definition exprn_cp1 := (exprn_ilte1, exprn_egte1).
Lemma ler_iexpr x n : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> x <= 1 -> x ^+ n <= x.
Proof. by case: n => n // *; rewrite exprS ler_pimulr // exprn_ile1. Qed.
Lemma ltr_iexpr x n : 0 < x -> x < 1 -> (x ^+ n < x) = (1 < n)%N.
case: n=> [|[|n]] //; first by rewrite expr0 => _ /lt_gtF ->.
by move=> x0 x1; rewrite exprS gtr_pmulr // ?exprn_ilt1 // ltW.
Definition lter_iexpr := (ler_iexpr, ltr_iexpr).
Lemma ler_eexpr x n : (0 < n)%N -> 1 <= x -> x <= x ^+ n.
case: n => // n _ x_ge1.
by rewrite exprS ler_pemulr ?(le_trans _ x_ge1) // exprn_ege1.
Lemma ltr_eexpr x n : 1 < x -> (x < x ^+ n) = (1 < n)%N.
move=> x_ge1; case: n=> [|[|n]] //; first by rewrite expr0 lt_gtF.
by rewrite exprS ltr_pmulr ?(lt_trans _ x_ge1) ?exprn_egt1.
Definition lter_eexpr := (ler_eexpr, ltr_eexpr).
Definition lter_expr := (lter_iexpr, lter_eexpr).
Lemma ler_wiexpn2l x :
0 <= x -> x <= 1 -> {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n <= m)%N >-> m <= n}.
move=> xge0 xle1 m n /= hmn.
by rewrite -(subnK hmn) exprD ler_pimull ?(exprn_ge0, exprn_ile1).
Lemma ler_weexpn2l x :
1 <= x -> {homo (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m <= n)%N >-> m <= n}.
move=> xge1 m n /= hmn; rewrite -(subnK hmn) exprD.
by rewrite ler_pemull ?(exprn_ge0, exprn_ege1) // (le_trans _ xge1) ?ler01.
Lemma ieexprn_weq1 x n : 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n == 1) = ((n == 0%N) || (x == 1)).
move=> xle0; case: n => [|n]; first by rewrite expr0 eqxx.
case: (@real_ltgtP x 1); do ?by rewrite ?ger0_real.
+ by move=> x_lt1; rewrite 1?lt_eqF // exprn_ilt1.
+ by move=> x_lt1; rewrite 1?gt_eqF // exprn_egt1.
by move->; rewrite expr1n eqxx.
Lemma ieexprIn x : 0 < x -> x != 1 -> injective (GRing.exp x).
move=> x_gt0 x_neq1 m n; without loss /subnK <-: m n / (n <= m)%N.
by move=> IH eq_xmn; case/orP: (leq_total m n) => /IH->.
case: {m}(m - n)%N => // m /eqP/idPn[]; rewrite -[x ^+ n]mul1r exprD.
by rewrite (inj_eq (mulIf _)) ?ieexprn_weq1 ?ltW // expf_neq0 ?gt_eqF.
Lemma ler_iexpn2l x :
0 < x -> x < 1 -> {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n <= m)%N >-> m <= n}.
move=> xgt0 xlt1; apply: (le_nmono (inj_nhomo_lt _ _)); last first.
by apply: ler_wiexpn2l; rewrite ltW.
by apply: ieexprIn; rewrite ?lt_eqF ?ltr_cpable.
Lemma ltr_iexpn2l x :
0 < x -> x < 1 -> {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (n < m)%N >-> m < n}.
Proof. by move=> xgt0 xlt1; apply: (leW_nmono (ler_iexpn2l _ _)). Qed.
Definition lter_iexpn2l := (ler_iexpn2l, ltr_iexpn2l).
Lemma ler_eexpn2l x :
1 < x -> {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m <= n)%N >-> m <= n}.
move=> xgt1; apply: (le_mono (inj_homo_lt _ _)); last first.
by apply: ler_weexpn2l; rewrite ltW.
by apply: ieexprIn; rewrite ?gt_eqF ?gtr_cpable //; apply: lt_trans xgt1.
Lemma ltr_eexpn2l x :
1 < x -> {mono (GRing.exp x) : m n / (m < n)%N >-> m < n}.
Proof. by move=> xgt1; apply: (leW_mono (ler_eexpn2l _)). Qed.
Definition lter_eexpn2l := (ler_eexpn2l, ltr_eexpn2l).
Lemma ltr_expn2r n x y : 0 <= x -> x < y -> x ^+ n < y ^+ n = (n != 0%N).
move=> xge0 xlty; case: n; first by rewrite ltxx.
elim=> [|n IHn]; rewrite ?[_ ^+ _.+2]exprS //.
rewrite (@le_lt_trans _ _ (x * y ^+ n.+1)) ?ler_wpmul2l ?ltr_pmul2r ?IHn //.
by rewrite ltW // ihn.
by rewrite exprn_gt0 // (le_lt_trans xge0).
Lemma ler_expn2r n : {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> x y /= x0 y0 xy; elim: n => [|n IHn]; rewrite !(expr0, exprS) //.
by rewrite (@le_trans _ _ (x * y ^+ n)) ?ler_wpmul2l ?ler_wpmul2r ?exprn_ge0.
Definition lter_expn2r := (ler_expn2r, ltr_expn2r).
Lemma ltr_wpexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N -> {in nneg & , {homo ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x < y}}.
Proof. by move=> ngt0 x y /= x0 y0 hxy; rewrite ltr_expn2r // -lt0n. Qed.
Lemma ler_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N -> {in nneg & , {mono ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x <= y}}.
case: n => // n _ x y; rewrite !qualifE /= => x_ge0 y_ge0.
have [-> | nzx] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite exprS mul0r exprn_ge0.
rewrite -subr_ge0 subrXX pmulr_lge0 ?subr_ge0 //= big_ord_recr /=.
rewrite subnn expr0 mul1r /= ltr_spaddr // ?exprn_gt0 ?lt0r ?nzx //.
by rewrite sumr_ge0 // => i _; rewrite mulr_ge0 ?exprn_ge0.
Lemma ltr_pexpn2r n :
(0 < n)%N -> {in nneg & , {mono ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n) : x y / x < y}}.
by move=> n_gt0 x y x_ge0 y_ge0; rewrite !lt_neqAle !eq_le !ler_pexpn2r.
Definition lter_pexpn2r := (ler_pexpn2r, ltr_pexpn2r).
Lemma pexpIrn n : (0 < n)%N -> {in nneg &, injective ((@GRing.exp R)^~ n)}.
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; apply: inc_inj_in (ler_pexpn2r _). Qed.
(* expr and ler/ltr *)
Lemma expr_le1 n x : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n <= 1) = (x <= 1).
by move=> ngt0 xge0; rewrite -{1}[1](expr1n _ n) ler_pexpn2r // [_ \in _]ler01.
Lemma expr_lt1 n x : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n < 1) = (x < 1).
by move=> ngt0 xge0; rewrite -{1}[1](expr1n _ n) ltr_pexpn2r // [_ \in _]ler01.
Definition expr_lte1 := (expr_le1, expr_lt1).
Lemma expr_ge1 n x : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> (1 <= x ^+ n) = (1 <= x).
by move=> ngt0 xge0; rewrite -{1}[1](expr1n _ n) ler_pexpn2r // [_ \in _]ler01.
Lemma expr_gt1 n x : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> (1 < x ^+ n) = (1 < x).
by move=> ngt0 xge0; rewrite -{1}[1](expr1n _ n) ltr_pexpn2r // [_ \in _]ler01.
Definition expr_gte1 := (expr_ge1, expr_gt1).
Lemma pexpr_eq1 x n : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n == 1) = (x == 1).
Proof. by move=> ngt0 xge0; rewrite !eq_le expr_le1 // expr_ge1. Qed.
Lemma pexprn_eq1 x n : 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n == 1) = (n == 0%N) || (x == 1).
Proof. by case: n => [|n] xge0; rewrite ?eqxx // pexpr_eq1 ?gtn_eqF. Qed.
Lemma eqr_expn2 n x y :
(0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> (x ^+ n == y ^+ n) = (x == y).
Proof. by move=> ngt0 xge0 yge0; rewrite (inj_in_eq (pexpIrn _)). Qed.
Lemma sqrp_eq1 x : 0 <= x -> (x ^+ 2 == 1) = (x == 1).
Proof. by move/pexpr_eq1->. Qed.
Lemma sqrn_eq1 x : x <= 0 -> (x ^+ 2 == 1) = (x == -1).
Proof. by rewrite -sqrrN -oppr_ge0 -eqr_oppLR => /sqrp_eq1. Qed.
Lemma ler_sqr : {in nneg &, {mono (fun x => x ^+ 2) : x y / x <= y}}.
Proof. exact: ler_pexpn2r. Qed.
Lemma ltr_sqr : {in nneg &, {mono (fun x => x ^+ 2) : x y / x < y}}.
Proof. exact: ltr_pexpn2r. Qed.
Lemma ler_pinv :
{in [pred x in GRing.unit | 0 < x] &, {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> x y /andP [ux hx] /andP [uy hy] /=.
rewrite -(ler_pmul2l hx) -(ler_pmul2r hy).
by rewrite !(divrr, mulrVK) ?unitf_gt0 // mul1r.
Lemma ler_ninv :
{in [pred x in GRing.unit | x < 0] &, {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> x y /andP [ux hx] /andP [uy hy] /=.
rewrite -(ler_nmul2l hx) -(ler_nmul2r hy).
by rewrite !(divrr, mulrVK) ?unitf_lt0 // mul1r.
Lemma ltr_pinv :
{in [pred x in GRing.unit | 0 < x] &, {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x y /~ x < y}}.
Proof. exact: leW_nmono_in ler_pinv. Qed.
Lemma ltr_ninv :
{in [pred x in GRing.unit | x < 0] &, {mono (@GRing.inv R) : x y /~ x < y}}.
Proof. exact: leW_nmono_in ler_ninv. Qed.
Lemma invr_gt1 x : x \is a GRing.unit -> 0 < x -> (1 < x^-1) = (x < 1).
by move=> Ux xgt0; rewrite -{1}[1]invr1 ltr_pinv ?inE ?unitr1 ?ltr01 ?Ux.
Lemma invr_ge1 x : x \is a GRing.unit -> 0 < x -> (1 <= x^-1) = (x <= 1).
by move=> Ux xgt0; rewrite -{1}[1]invr1 ler_pinv ?inE ?unitr1 ?ltr01 // Ux.
Definition invr_gte1 := (invr_ge1, invr_gt1).
Lemma invr_le1 x (ux : x \is a GRing.unit) (hx : 0 < x) :
(x^-1 <= 1) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by rewrite -invr_ge1 ?invr_gt0 ?unitrV // invrK. Qed.
Lemma invr_lt1 x (ux : x \is a GRing.unit) (hx : 0 < x) : (x^-1 < 1) = (1 < x).
Proof. by rewrite -invr_gt1 ?invr_gt0 ?unitrV // invrK. Qed.
Definition invr_lte1 := (invr_le1, invr_lt1).
Definition invr_cp1 := (invr_gte1, invr_lte1).
(* max and min *)
Lemma addr_min_max x y : min x y + max x y = x + y.
Proof. by rewrite /min /max; case: ifP => //; rewrite addrC. Qed.
Lemma addr_max_min x y : max x y + min x y = x + y.
Proof. by rewrite addrC addr_min_max. Qed.
Lemma minr_to_max x y : min x y = x + y - max x y.
Proof. by rewrite -[x + y]addr_min_max addrK. Qed.
Lemma maxr_to_min x y : max x y = x + y - min x y.
Proof. by rewrite -[x + y]addr_max_min addrK. Qed.
Lemma real_oppr_max : {in real &, {morph -%R : x y / max x y >-> min x y : R}}.
move=> x y x_real y_real; rewrite !(fun_if, if_arg) ltr_opp2.
by case: real_ltgtP => // ->.
Lemma real_oppr_min : {in real &, {morph -%R : x y / min x y >-> max x y : R}}.
by move=> x y xr yr; rewrite -[RHS]opprK real_oppr_max ?realN// !opprK.
Lemma real_addr_minl : {in real & real & real, @left_distributive R R +%R min}.
by move=> x y z xr yr zr; case: (@real_leP (_ + _)); rewrite ?realD//;
rewrite lter_add2; case: real_leP.
Lemma real_addr_minr : {in real & real & real, @right_distributive R R +%R min}.
Proof. by move=> x y z xr yr zr; rewrite !(addrC x) real_addr_minl. Qed.
Lemma real_addr_maxl : {in real & real & real, @left_distributive R R +%R max}.
by move=> x y z xr yr zr; case: (@real_leP (_ + _)); rewrite ?realD//;
rewrite lter_add2; case: real_leP.
Lemma real_addr_maxr : {in real & real & real, @right_distributive R R +%R max}.
Proof. by move=> x y z xr yr zr; rewrite !(addrC x) real_addr_maxl. Qed.
Lemma minr_pmulr x y z : 0 <= x -> x * min y z = min (x * y) (x * z).
have [|x_gt0||->]// := comparableP x; last by rewrite !mul0r minxx.
by rewrite !(fun_if, if_arg) lter_pmul2l//; case: (y < z).
Lemma maxr_pmulr x y z : 0 <= x -> x * max y z = max (x * y) (x * z).
have [|x_gt0||->]// := comparableP x; last by rewrite !mul0r maxxx.
by rewrite !(fun_if, if_arg) lter_pmul2l//; case: (y < z).
Lemma real_maxr_nmulr x y z : x <= 0 -> y \is real -> z \is real ->
x * max y z = min (x * y) (x * z).
move=> x0 yr zr; rewrite -[_ * _]opprK -mulrN real_oppr_max// -mulNr.
by rewrite minr_pmulr ?oppr_ge0// !(mulNr, mulrN, opprK).
Lemma real_minr_nmulr x y z : x <= 0 -> y \is real -> z \is real ->
x * min y z = max (x * y) (x * z).
move=> x0 yr zr; rewrite -[_ * _]opprK -mulrN real_oppr_min// -mulNr.
by rewrite maxr_pmulr ?oppr_ge0// !(mulNr, mulrN, opprK).
Lemma minr_pmull x y z : 0 <= x -> min y z * x = min (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite mulrC minr_pmulr // ![_ * x]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma maxr_pmull x y z : 0 <= x -> max y z * x = max (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite mulrC maxr_pmulr // ![_ * x]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma real_minr_nmull x y z : x <= 0 -> y \is real -> z \is real ->
min y z * x = max (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite mulrC real_minr_nmulr // ![_ * x]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma real_maxr_nmull x y z : x <= 0 -> y \is real -> z \is real ->
max y z * x = min (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite mulrC real_maxr_nmulr // ![_ * x]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma real_maxrN x : x \is real -> max x (- x) = `|x|.
move=> x_real; rewrite /max.
by case: real_ge0P => // [/ge0_cp [] | /lt0_cp []];
case: (@real_leP (- x) x); rewrite ?realN.
Lemma real_maxNr x : x \is real -> max (- x) x = `|x|.
by move=> x_real; rewrite comparable_maxC ?real_maxrN ?real_comparable ?realN.
Lemma real_minrN x : x \is real -> min x (- x) = - `|x|.
by move=> x_real; rewrite -[LHS]opprK real_oppr_min ?opprK ?real_maxNr ?realN.
Lemma real_minNr x : x \is real -> min (- x) x = - `|x|.
by move=> x_real; rewrite -[LHS]opprK real_oppr_min ?opprK ?real_maxrN ?realN.
Section RealDomainArgExtremum.
Context {I : finType} (i0 : I).
Context (P : pred I) (F : I -> R) (Pi0 : P i0).
Hypothesis F_real : {in P, forall i, F i \is real}.
Lemma real_arg_minP : extremum_spec <=%R P F [arg min_(i < i0 | P i) F i].
by apply: comparable_arg_minP => // i j iP jP; rewrite real_comparable ?F_real.
Lemma real_arg_maxP : extremum_spec >=%R P F [arg max_(i > i0 | P i) F i].
by apply: comparable_arg_maxP => // i j iP jP; rewrite real_comparable ?F_real.
End RealDomainArgExtremum.
(* norm *)
Lemma real_ler_norm x : x \is real -> x <= `|x|.
by case/real_ge0P=> hx //; rewrite (le_trans (ltW hx)) // oppr_ge0 ltW.
(* norm + add *)
Section NormedZmoduleTheory.
Variable V : normedZmodType R.
Implicit Types (u v w : V).
Lemma normr_real v : `|v| \is real. Proof. by apply/ger0_real. Qed.
Hint Resolve normr_real : core.
Lemma ler_norm_sum I r (G : I -> V) (P : pred I):
`|\sum_(i <- r | P i) G i| <= \sum_(i <- r | P i) `|G i|.
elim/big_rec2: _ => [|i y x _]; first by rewrite normr0.
by rewrite -(ler_add2l `|G i|); apply: le_trans; apply: ler_norm_add.
Lemma ler_norm_sub v w : `|v - w| <= `|v| + `|w|.
Proof. by rewrite (le_trans (ler_norm_add _ _)) ?normrN. Qed.
Lemma ler_dist_add u v w : `|v - w| <= `|v - u| + `|u - w|.
Proof. by rewrite (le_trans _ (ler_norm_add _ _)) // addrA addrNK. Qed.
Lemma ler_sub_norm_add v w : `|v| - `|w| <= `|v + w|.
rewrite -{1}[v](addrK w) lter_sub_addl.
by rewrite (le_trans (ler_norm_add _ _)) // addrC normrN.
Lemma ler_sub_dist v w : `|v| - `|w| <= `|v - w|.
Proof. by rewrite -[`|w|]normrN ler_sub_norm_add. Qed.
Lemma ler_dist_dist v w : `| `|v| - `|w| | <= `|v - w|.
have [||_|_] // := @real_leP `|v| `|w|; last by rewrite ler_sub_dist.
by rewrite distrC ler_sub_dist.
Lemma ler_dist_norm_add v w : `| `|v| - `|w| | <= `|v + w|.
Proof. by rewrite -[w]opprK normrN ler_dist_dist. Qed.
Lemma ler_nnorml v x : x < 0 -> `|v| <= x = false.
Proof. by move=> h; rewrite lt_geF //; apply/(lt_le_trans h). Qed.
Lemma ltr_nnorml v x : x <= 0 -> `|v| < x = false.
Proof. by move=> h; rewrite le_gtF //; apply/(le_trans h). Qed.
Definition lter_nnormr := (ler_nnorml, ltr_nnorml).
End NormedZmoduleTheory.
Hint Extern 0 (is_true (norm _ \is real)) => apply: normr_real : core.
Lemma real_ler_norml x y : x \is real -> (`|x| <= y) = (- y <= x <= y).
move=> xR; wlog x_ge0 : x xR / 0 <= x => [hwlog|].
move: (xR) => /(@real_leVge 0) /orP [|/hwlog->|hx] //.
by rewrite -[x]opprK normrN ler_opp2 andbC ler_oppl hwlog ?realN ?oppr_ge0.
rewrite ger0_norm //; have [le_xy|] := boolP (x <= y); last by rewrite andbF.
by rewrite (le_trans _ x_ge0) // oppr_le0 (le_trans x_ge0).
Lemma real_ler_normlP x y :
x \is real -> reflect ((-x <= y) * (x <= y)) (`|x| <= y).
by move=> Rx; rewrite real_ler_norml // ler_oppl; apply: (iffP andP) => [] [].
Arguments real_ler_normlP {x y}.
Lemma real_eqr_norml x y :
x \is real -> (`|x| == y) = ((x == y) || (x == -y)) && (0 <= y).
move=> Rx.
apply/idP/idP=> [|/andP[/pred2P[]-> /ger0_norm/eqP]]; rewrite ?normrE //.
case: real_le0P => // hx; rewrite 1?eqr_oppLR => /eqP exy.
by move: hx; rewrite exy ?oppr_le0 eqxx orbT //.
by move: hx=> /ltW; rewrite exy eqxx.
Lemma real_eqr_norm2 x y :
x \is real -> y \is real -> (`|x| == `|y|) = (x == y) || (x == -y).
move=> Rx Ry; rewrite real_eqr_norml // normrE andbT.
by case: real_le0P; rewrite // opprK orbC.
Lemma real_ltr_norml x y : x \is real -> (`|x| < y) = (- y < x < y).
move=> Rx; wlog x_ge0 : x Rx / 0 <= x => [hwlog|].
move: (Rx) => /(@real_leVge 0) /orP [|/hwlog->|hx] //.
by rewrite -[x]opprK normrN ltr_opp2 andbC ltr_oppl hwlog ?realN ?oppr_ge0.
rewrite ger0_norm //; have [le_xy|] := boolP (x < y); last by rewrite andbF.
by rewrite (lt_le_trans _ x_ge0) // oppr_lt0 (le_lt_trans x_ge0).
Definition real_lter_norml := (real_ler_norml, real_ltr_norml).
Lemma real_ltr_normlP x y :
x \is real -> reflect ((-x < y) * (x < y)) (`|x| < y).
move=> Rx; rewrite real_ltr_norml // ltr_oppl.
by apply: (iffP (@andP _ _)); case.
Arguments real_ltr_normlP {x y}.
Lemma real_ler_normr x y : y \is real -> (x <= `|y|) = (x <= y) || (x <= - y).
move=> Ry.
have [xR|xNR] := boolP (x \is real); last by rewrite ?Nreal_leF ?realN.
rewrite real_leNgt ?real_ltr_norml // negb_and -?real_leNgt ?realN //.
by rewrite orbC ler_oppr.
Lemma real_ltr_normr x y : y \is real -> (x < `|y|) = (x < y) || (x < - y).
move=> Ry.
have [xR|xNR] := boolP (x \is real); last by rewrite ?Nreal_ltF ?realN.
rewrite real_ltNge ?real_ler_norml // negb_and -?real_ltNge ?realN //.
by rewrite orbC ltr_oppr.
Definition real_lter_normr := (real_ler_normr, real_ltr_normr).
Lemma real_ltr_normlW x y : x \is real -> `|x| < y -> x < y.
Proof. by move=> ?; case/real_ltr_normlP. Qed.
Lemma real_ltrNnormlW x y : x \is real -> `|x| < y -> - y < x.
Proof. by move=> ?; case/real_ltr_normlP => //; rewrite ltr_oppl. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_normlW x y : x \is real -> `|x| <= y -> x <= y.
Proof. by move=> ?; case/real_ler_normlP. Qed.
Lemma real_lerNnormlW x y : x \is real -> `|x| <= y -> - y <= x.
Proof. by move=> ?; case/real_ler_normlP => //; rewrite ler_oppl. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_distl x y e :
x - y \is real -> (`|x - y| <= e) = (y - e <= x <= y + e).
Proof. by move=> Rxy; rewrite real_lter_norml // !lter_sub_addl. Qed.
Lemma real_ltr_distl x y e :
x - y \is real -> (`|x - y| < e) = (y - e < x < y + e).
Proof. by move=> Rxy; rewrite real_lter_norml // !lter_sub_addl. Qed.
Definition real_lter_distl := (real_ler_distl, real_ltr_distl).
Lemma real_ltr_distl_addr x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| < e -> x < y + e.
Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite real_ltr_distl // => /andP[]. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_distl_addr x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| <= e -> x <= y + e.
Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite real_ler_distl // => /andP[]. Qed.
Lemma real_ltr_distlC_addr x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| < e -> y < x + e.
Proof. by rewrite realBC (distrC x) => ? /real_ltr_distl_addr; apply. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_distlC_addr x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| <= e -> y <= x + e.
Proof. by rewrite realBC distrC => ? /real_ler_distl_addr; apply. Qed.
Lemma real_ltr_distl_subl x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| < e -> x - e < y.
Proof. by move/real_ltr_distl_addr; rewrite ltr_sub_addr; apply. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_distl_subl x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| <= e -> x - e <= y.
Proof. by move/real_ler_distl_addr; rewrite ler_sub_addr; apply. Qed.
Lemma real_ltr_distlC_subl x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| < e -> y - e < x.
Proof. by rewrite realBC distrC => ? /real_ltr_distl_subl; apply. Qed.
Lemma real_ler_distlC_subl x y e : x - y \is real -> `|x - y| <= e -> y - e <= x.
Proof. by rewrite realBC distrC => ? /real_ler_distl_subl; apply. Qed.
(* GG: pointless duplication }-( *)
Lemma eqr_norm_id x : (`|x| == x) = (0 <= x). Proof. by rewrite ger0_def. Qed.
Lemma eqr_normN x : (`|x| == - x) = (x <= 0). Proof. by rewrite ler0_def. Qed.
Definition eqr_norm_idVN := =^~ (ger0_def, ler0_def).
Lemma real_exprn_even_ge0 n x : x \is real -> ~~ odd n -> 0 <= x ^+ n.
move=> xR even_n; have [/exprn_ge0 -> //|x_lt0] := real_ge0P xR.
rewrite -[x]opprK -mulN1r exprMn -signr_odd (negPf even_n) expr0 mul1r.
by rewrite exprn_ge0 ?oppr_ge0 ?ltW.
Lemma real_exprn_even_gt0 n x :
x \is real -> ~~ odd n -> (0 < x ^+ n) = (n == 0)%N || (x != 0).
move=> xR n_even; rewrite lt0r real_exprn_even_ge0 ?expf_eq0 //.
by rewrite andbT negb_and lt0n negbK.
Lemma real_exprn_even_le0 n x :
x \is real -> ~~ odd n -> (x ^+ n <= 0) = (n != 0%N) && (x == 0).
move=> xR n_even; rewrite !real_leNgt ?rpred0 ?rpredX //.
by rewrite real_exprn_even_gt0 // negb_or negbK.
Lemma real_exprn_even_lt0 n x :
x \is real -> ~~ odd n -> (x ^+ n < 0) = false.
Proof. by move=> xR n_even; rewrite le_gtF // real_exprn_even_ge0. Qed.
Lemma real_exprn_odd_ge0 n x :
x \is real -> odd n -> (0 <= x ^+ n) = (0 <= x).
case/real_ge0P => [x_ge0|x_lt0] n_odd; first by rewrite exprn_ge0.
apply: negbTE; rewrite lt_geF //.
case: n n_odd => // n /= n_even; rewrite exprS pmulr_llt0 //.
by rewrite real_exprn_even_gt0 ?ler0_real ?ltW // (lt_eqF x_lt0) ?orbT.
Lemma real_exprn_odd_gt0 n x : x \is real -> odd n -> (0 < x ^+ n) = (0 < x).
by move=> xR n_odd; rewrite !lt0r expf_eq0 real_exprn_odd_ge0; case: n n_odd.
Lemma real_exprn_odd_le0 n x : x \is real -> odd n -> (x ^+ n <= 0) = (x <= 0).
by move=> xR n_odd; rewrite !real_leNgt ?rpred0 ?rpredX // real_exprn_odd_gt0.
Lemma real_exprn_odd_lt0 n x : x \is real -> odd n -> (x ^+ n < 0) = (x < 0).
by move=> xR n_odd; rewrite !real_ltNge ?rpred0 ?rpredX // real_exprn_odd_ge0.
(* GG: Could this be a better definition of "real" ? *)
Lemma realEsqr x : (x \is real) = (0 <= x ^+ 2).
Proof. by rewrite ger0_def normrX eqf_sqr -ger0_def -ler0_def. Qed.
Lemma real_normK x : x \is real -> `|x| ^+ 2 = x ^+ 2.
Proof. by move=> Rx; rewrite -normrX ger0_norm -?realEsqr. Qed.
(* Binary sign ((-1) ^+ s). *)
Lemma normr_sign s : `|(-1) ^+ s : R| = 1.
Proof. by rewrite normrX normrN1 expr1n. Qed.
Lemma normrMsign s x : `|(-1) ^+ s * x| = `|x|.
Proof. by rewrite normrM normr_sign mul1r. Qed.
Lemma signr_gt0 (b : bool) : (0 < (-1) ^+ b :> R) = ~~ b.
Proof. by case: b; rewrite (ltr01, ltr0N1). Qed.
Lemma signr_lt0 (b : bool) : ((-1) ^+ b < 0 :> R) = b.
Proof. by case: b; rewrite // ?(ltrN10, ltr10). Qed.
Lemma signr_ge0 (b : bool) : (0 <= (-1) ^+ b :> R) = ~~ b.
Proof. by rewrite le0r signr_eq0 signr_gt0. Qed.
Lemma signr_le0 (b : bool) : ((-1) ^+ b <= 0 :> R) = b.
Proof. by rewrite le_eqVlt signr_eq0 signr_lt0. Qed.
(* This actually holds for char R != 2. *)
Lemma signr_inj : injective (fun b : bool => (-1) ^+ b : R).
Proof. exact: can_inj (fun x => 0 >= x) signr_le0. Qed.
(* Ternary sign (sg). *)
Lemma sgr_def x : sg x = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R *+ (x != 0).
Proof. by rewrite /sg; do 2!case: ifP => //. Qed.
Lemma neqr0_sign x : x != 0 -> (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R = sgr x.
Proof. by rewrite sgr_def => ->. Qed.
Lemma gtr0_sg x : 0 < x -> sg x = 1.
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite /sg gt_eqF // lt_gtF. Qed.
Lemma ltr0_sg x : x < 0 -> sg x = -1.
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite /sg x_lt0 lt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma sgr0 : sg 0 = 0 :> R. Proof. by rewrite /sgr eqxx. Qed.
Lemma sgr1 : sg 1 = 1 :> R. Proof. by rewrite gtr0_sg // ltr01. Qed.
Lemma sgrN1 : sg (-1) = -1 :> R. Proof. by rewrite ltr0_sg // ltrN10. Qed.
Definition sgrE := (sgr0, sgr1, sgrN1).
Lemma sqr_sg x : sg x ^+ 2 = (x != 0)%:R.
Proof. by rewrite sgr_def exprMn_n sqrr_sign -mulnn mulnb andbb. Qed.
Lemma mulr_sg_eq1 x y : (sg x * y == 1) = (x != 0) && (sg x == y).
rewrite /sg eq_sym; case: ifP => _; first by rewrite mul0r oner_eq0.
by case: ifP => _; rewrite ?mul1r // mulN1r eqr_oppLR.
Lemma mulr_sg_eqN1 x y : (sg x * sg y == -1) = (x != 0) && (sg x == - sg y).
move/sg: y => y; rewrite /sg eq_sym eqr_oppLR.
case: ifP => _; first by rewrite mul0r oppr0 oner_eq0.
by case: ifP => _; rewrite ?mul1r // mulN1r eqr_oppLR.
Lemma sgr_eq0 x : (sg x == 0) = (x == 0).
Proof. by rewrite -sqrf_eq0 sqr_sg pnatr_eq0; case: (x == 0). Qed.
Lemma sgr_odd n x : x != 0 -> (sg x) ^+ n = (sg x) ^+ (odd n).
Proof. by rewrite /sg; do 2!case: ifP => // _; rewrite ?expr1n ?signr_odd. Qed.
Lemma sgrMn x n : sg (x *+ n) = (n != 0%N)%:R * sg x.
case: n => [|n]; first by rewrite mulr0n sgr0 mul0r.
by rewrite !sgr_def mulrn_eq0 mul1r pmulrn_llt0.
Lemma sgr_nat n : sg n%:R = (n != 0%N)%:R :> R.
Proof. by rewrite sgrMn sgr1 mulr1. Qed.
Lemma sgr_id x : sg (sg x) = sg x.
Proof. by rewrite !(fun_if sg) !sgrE. Qed.
Lemma sgr_lt0 x : (sg x < 0) = (x < 0).
rewrite /sg; case: eqP => [-> // | _].
by case: ifP => _; rewrite ?ltrN10 // lt_gtF.
Lemma sgr_le0 x : (sgr x <= 0) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by rewrite !le_eqVlt sgr_eq0 sgr_lt0. Qed.
(* sign and norm *)
Lemma realEsign x : x \is real -> x = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * `|x|.
Proof. by case/real_ge0P; rewrite (mul1r, mulN1r) ?opprK. Qed.
Lemma realNEsign x : x \is real -> - x = (-1) ^+ (0 < x)%R * `|x|.
Proof. by move=> Rx; rewrite -normrN -oppr_lt0 -realEsign ?rpredN. Qed.
Lemma real_normrEsign (x : R) (xR : x \is real) : `|x| = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * x.
Proof. by rewrite {3}[x]realEsign // signrMK. Qed.
(* GG: pointless duplication... *)
Lemma real_mulr_sign_norm x : x \is real -> (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * `|x| = x.
Proof. by move/realEsign. Qed.
Lemma real_mulr_Nsign_norm x : x \is real -> (-1) ^+ (0 < x)%R * `|x| = - x.
Proof. by move/realNEsign. Qed.
Lemma realEsg x : x \is real -> x = sgr x * `|x|.
move=> xR; have [-> | ] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite normr0 mulr0.
by move=> /neqr0_sign <-; rewrite -realEsign.
Lemma normr_sg x : `|sg x| = (x != 0)%:R.
Proof. by rewrite sgr_def -mulr_natr normrMsign normr_nat. Qed.
Lemma sgr_norm x : sg `|x| = (x != 0)%:R.
Proof. by rewrite /sg le_gtF // normr_eq0 mulrb if_neg. Qed.
(* leif *)
Lemma leif_nat_r m n C : (m%:R <= n%:R ?= iff C :> R) = (m <= n ?= iff C)%N.
Proof. by rewrite /leif !ler_nat eqr_nat. Qed.
Lemma leif_subLR x y z C : (x - y <= z ?= iff C) = (x <= z + y ?= iff C).
Proof. by rewrite /leif !eq_le ler_subr_addr ler_subl_addr. Qed.
Lemma leif_subRL x y z C : (x <= y - z ?= iff C) = (x + z <= y ?= iff C).
Proof. by rewrite -leif_subLR opprK. Qed.
Lemma leif_add x1 y1 C1 x2 y2 C2 :
x1 <= y1 ?= iff C1 -> x2 <= y2 ?= iff C2 ->
x1 + x2 <= y1 + y2 ?= iff C1 && C2.
rewrite -(mono_leif (ler_add2r x2)) -(mono_leif (C := C2) (ler_add2l y1)).
exact: leif_trans.
Lemma leif_sum (I : finType) (P C : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> E1 i <= E2 i ?= iff C i) ->
\sum_(i | P i) E1 i <= \sum_(i | P i) E2 i ?= iff [forall (i | P i), C i].
move=> leE12; rewrite -big_andE.
elim/big_rec3: _ => [|i Ci m2 m1 /leE12]; first by rewrite /leif lexx eqxx.
exact: leif_add.
Lemma leif_0_sum (I : finType) (P C : pred I) (E : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= E i ?= iff C i) ->
0 <= \sum_(i | P i) E i ?= iff [forall (i | P i), C i].
Proof. by move/leif_sum; rewrite big1_eq. Qed.
Lemma real_leif_norm x : x \is real -> x <= `|x| ?= iff (0 <= x).
by move=> xR; rewrite ger0_def eq_sym; apply: leif_eq; rewrite real_ler_norm.
Lemma leif_pmul x1 x2 y1 y2 C1 C2 :
0 <= x1 -> 0 <= x2 -> x1 <= y1 ?= iff C1 -> x2 <= y2 ?= iff C2 ->
x1 * x2 <= y1 * y2 ?= iff (y1 * y2 == 0) || C1 && C2.
move=> x1_ge0 x2_ge0 le_xy1 le_xy2; have [y_0 | ] := eqVneq _ 0.
apply/leifP; rewrite y_0 /= mulf_eq0 !eq_le x1_ge0 x2_ge0 !andbT.
move/eqP: y_0; rewrite mulf_eq0.
by case/pred2P=> <-; rewrite (le_xy1, le_xy2) ?orbT.
rewrite /= mulf_eq0 => /norP[y1nz y2nz].
have y1_gt0: 0 < y1 by rewrite lt_def y1nz (le_trans _ le_xy1).
have [x2_0 | x2nz] := eqVneq x2 0.
apply/leifP; rewrite -le_xy2 x2_0 eq_sym (negPf y2nz) andbF mulr0.
by rewrite mulr_gt0 // lt_def y2nz -x2_0 le_xy2.
have:= le_xy2; rewrite -(mono_leif (ler_pmul2l y1_gt0)).
by apply: leif_trans; rewrite (mono_leif (ler_pmul2r _)) // lt_def x2nz.
Lemma leif_nmul x1 x2 y1 y2 C1 C2 :
y1 <= 0 -> y2 <= 0 -> x1 <= y1 ?= iff C1 -> x2 <= y2 ?= iff C2 ->
y1 * y2 <= x1 * x2 ?= iff (x1 * x2 == 0) || C1 && C2.
rewrite -!oppr_ge0 -mulrNN -[x1 * x2]mulrNN => y1le0 y2le0 le_xy1 le_xy2.
by apply: leif_pmul => //; rewrite (nmono_leif ler_opp2).
Lemma leif_pprod (I : finType) (P C : pred I) (E1 E2 : I -> R) :
(forall i, P i -> 0 <= E1 i) ->
(forall i, P i -> E1 i <= E2 i ?= iff C i) ->
let pi E := \prod_(i | P i) E i in
pi E1 <= pi E2 ?= iff (pi E2 == 0) || [forall (i | P i), C i].
move=> E1_ge0 leE12 /=; rewrite -big_andE; elim/(big_load (fun x => 0 <= x)): _.
elim/big_rec3: _ => [|i Ci m2 m1 Pi [m1ge0 le_m12]].
by split=> //; apply/leifP; rewrite orbT.
have Ei_ge0 := E1_ge0 i Pi; split; first by rewrite mulr_ge0.
congr (leif _ _ _): (leif_pmul Ei_ge0 m1ge0 (leE12 i Pi) le_m12).
by rewrite mulf_eq0 -!orbA; congr (_ || _); rewrite !orb_andr orbA orbb.
(* lteif *)
Lemma subr_lteifr0 C x y : (y - x < 0 ?<= if C) = (y < x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => /=; rewrite subr_lte0. Qed.
Lemma subr_lteif0r C x y : (0 < y - x ?<= if C) = (x < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => /=; rewrite subr_gte0. Qed.
Definition subr_lteif0 := (subr_lteifr0, subr_lteif0r).
Lemma lteif01 C : 0 < 1 ?<= if C :> R.
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter01. Qed.
Lemma lteif_oppl C x y : - x < y ?<= if C = (- y < x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_oppl. Qed.
Lemma lteif_oppr C x y : x < - y ?<= if C = (y < - x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_oppr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_0oppr C x : 0 < - x ?<= if C = (x < 0 ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= (oppr_ge0, oppr_gt0). Qed.
Lemma lteif_oppr0 C x : - x < 0 ?<= if C = (0 < x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= (oppr_le0, oppr_lt0). Qed.
Lemma lteif_opp2 C : {mono -%R : x y /~ x < y ?<= if C :> R}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ?; rewrite /= lter_opp2. Qed.
Definition lteif_oppE := (lteif_0oppr, lteif_oppr0, lteif_opp2).
Lemma lteif_add2l C x : {mono +%R x : y z / y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ?; rewrite /= lter_add2. Qed.
Lemma lteif_add2r C x : {mono +%R^~ x : y z / y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ?; rewrite /= lter_add2. Qed.
Definition lteif_add2 := (lteif_add2l, lteif_add2r).
Lemma lteif_subl_addr C x y z : (x - y < z ?<= if C) = (x < z + y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_sub_addr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_subr_addr C x y z : (x < y - z ?<= if C) = (x + z < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_sub_addr. Qed.
Definition lteif_sub_addr := (lteif_subl_addr, lteif_subr_addr).
Lemma lteif_subl_addl C x y z : (x - y < z ?<= if C) = (x < y + z ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_sub_addl. Qed.
Lemma lteif_subr_addl C x y z : (x < y - z ?<= if C) = (z + x < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_sub_addl. Qed.
Definition lteif_sub_addl := (lteif_subl_addl, lteif_subr_addl).
Lemma lteif_pmul2l C x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R x : y z / y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ? ?; rewrite /= lter_pmul2l. Qed.
Lemma lteif_pmul2r C x : 0 < x -> {mono *%R^~ x : y z / y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ? ?; rewrite /= lter_pmul2r. Qed.
Lemma lteif_nmul2l C x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R x : y z /~ y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ? ?; rewrite /= lter_nmul2l. Qed.
Lemma lteif_nmul2r C x : x < 0 -> {mono *%R^~ x : y z /~ y < z ?<= if C}.
Proof. by case: C => ? ? ?; rewrite /= lter_nmul2r. Qed.
Lemma lteif_nnormr C x y : y < 0 ?<= if ~~ C -> (`|x| < y ?<= if C) = false.
Proof. by case: C => ?; rewrite /= lter_nnormr. Qed.
Lemma real_lteifNE x y C : x \is Num.real -> y \is Num.real ->
x < y ?<= if ~~ C = ~~ (y < x ?<= if C).
Proof. by move=> ? ?; rewrite comparable_lteifNE ?real_comparable. Qed.
Lemma real_lteif_norml C x y :
x \is Num.real ->
(`|x| < y ?<= if C) = ((- y < x ?<= if C) && (x < y ?<= if C)).
Proof. by case: C => ?; rewrite /= real_lter_norml. Qed.
Lemma real_lteif_normr C x y :
y \is Num.real ->
(x < `|y| ?<= if C) = ((x < y ?<= if C) || (x < - y ?<= if C)).
Proof. by case: C => ?; rewrite /= real_lter_normr. Qed.
Lemma real_lteif_distl C x y e :
x - y \is real ->
(`|x - y| < e ?<= if C) = (y - e < x ?<= if C) && (x < y + e ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => /= ?; rewrite real_lter_distl. Qed.
(* Mean inequalities. *)
Lemma real_leif_mean_square_scaled x y :
x \is real -> y \is real -> x * y *+ 2 <= x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
move=> Rx Ry; rewrite -[_ *+ 2]add0r -leif_subRL addrAC -sqrrB -subr_eq0.
by rewrite -sqrf_eq0 eq_sym; apply: leif_eq; rewrite -realEsqr rpredB.
Lemma real_leif_AGM2_scaled x y :
x \is real -> y \is real -> x * y *+ 4 <= (x + y) ^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
move=> Rx Ry; rewrite sqrrD addrAC (mulrnDr _ 2) -leif_subLR addrK.
exact: real_leif_mean_square_scaled.
Lemma leif_AGM_scaled (I : finType) (A : {pred I}) (E : I -> R) (n := #|A|) :
{in A, forall i, 0 <= E i *+ n} ->
\prod_(i in A) (E i *+ n) <= (\sum_(i in A) E i) ^+ n
?= iff [forall i in A, forall j in A, E i == E j].
have [m leAm] := ubnP #|A|; elim: m => // m IHm in A leAm E n * => Ege0.
apply/leifP; case: ifPn => [/forall_inP-Econstant | Enonconstant].
have [i /= Ai | A0] := pickP (mem A); last by rewrite [n]eq_card0 ?big_pred0.
have /eqfun_inP-E_i := Econstant i Ai; rewrite -(eq_bigr _ E_i) sumr_const.
by rewrite exprMn_n prodrMn_const -(eq_bigr _ E_i) prodr_const.
set mu := \sum_(i in A) E i; pose En i := E i *+ n.
pose cmp_mu s := [pred i | s * mu < s * En i].
have{Enonconstant} has_cmp_mu e (s := (-1) ^+ e): {i | i \in A & cmp_mu s i}.
apply/sig2W/exists_inP; apply: contraR Enonconstant => /exists_inPn-mu_s_A.
have n_gt0 i: i \in A -> (0 < n)%N by rewrite [n](cardD1 i) => ->.
have{} mu_s_A i: i \in A -> s * En i <= s * mu.
move=> Ai; rewrite real_leNgt ?mu_s_A ?rpredMsign ?ger0_real ?Ege0 //.
by rewrite -(pmulrn_lge0 _ (n_gt0 i Ai)) -sumrMnl sumr_ge0.
have [_ /esym/eqfun_inP] := leif_sum (fun i Ai => leif_eq (mu_s_A i Ai)).
rewrite sumr_const -/n -mulr_sumr sumrMnl -/mu mulrnAr eqxx => A_mu.
apply/forall_inP=> i Ai; apply/eqfun_inP=> j Aj.
by apply: (pmulrnI (n_gt0 i Ai)); apply: (can_inj (signrMK e)); rewrite !A_mu.
have [[i Ai Ei_lt_mu] [j Aj Ej_gt_mu]] := (has_cmp_mu 1, has_cmp_mu 0)%N.
rewrite {cmp_mu has_cmp_mu}/= !mul1r !mulN1r ltr_opp2 in Ei_lt_mu Ej_gt_mu.
pose A' := [predD1 A & i]; pose n' := #|A'|.
have [Dn n_gt0]: n = n'.+1 /\ (n > 0)%N by rewrite [n](cardD1 i) Ai.
have i'j: j != i by apply: contraTneq Ej_gt_mu => ->; rewrite lt_gtF.
have{i'j} A'j: j \in A' by rewrite !inE Aj i'j.
have mu_gt0: 0 < mu := le_lt_trans (Ege0 i Ai) Ei_lt_mu.
rewrite (bigD1 i) // big_andbC (bigD1 j) //= mulrA; set pi := \prod_(k | _) _.
have [-> | nz_pi] := eqVneq pi 0; first by rewrite !mulr0 exprn_gt0.
have{nz_pi} pi_gt0: 0 < pi.
by rewrite lt_def nz_pi prodr_ge0 // => k /andP[/andP[_ /Ege0]].
rewrite -/(En i) -/(En j); pose E' := [eta En with j |-> En i + En j - mu].
have E'ge0 k: k \in A' -> E' k *+ n' >= 0.
case/andP=> /= _ Ak; apply: mulrn_wge0; case: ifP => _; last exact: Ege0.
by rewrite subr_ge0 ler_paddl ?Ege0 // ltW.
rewrite -/n Dn in leAm; have{leAm IHm E'ge0}: _ <= _ := IHm _ leAm _ E'ge0.
have ->: \sum_(k in A') E' k = mu *+ n'.
apply: (addrI mu); rewrite -mulrS -Dn -sumrMnl (bigD1 i Ai) big_andbC /=.
rewrite !(bigD1 j A'j) /= addrCA eqxx !addrA subrK; congr (_ + _).
by apply: eq_bigr => k /andP[_ /negPf->].
rewrite prodrMn_const exprMn_n -/n' ler_pmuln2r ?expn_gt0; last by case: (n').
have ->: \prod_(k in A') E' k = E' j * pi.
by rewrite (bigD1 j) //=; congr *%R; apply: eq_bigr => k /andP[_ /negPf->].
rewrite -(ler_pmul2l mu_gt0) -exprS -Dn mulrA; apply: lt_le_trans.
rewrite ltr_pmul2r //= eqxx -addrA mulrDr mulrC -ltr_subl_addl -mulrBl.
by rewrite mulrC ltr_pmul2r ?subr_gt0.
(* Polynomial bound. *)
Implicit Type p : {poly R}.
Lemma poly_disk_bound p b : {ub | forall x, `|x| <= b -> `|p.[x]| <= ub}.
exists (\sum_(j < size p) `|p`_j| * b ^+ j) => x le_x_b.
rewrite horner_coef (le_trans (ler_norm_sum _ _ _)) ?ler_sum // => j _.
rewrite normrM normrX ler_wpmul2l ?ler_expn2r ?unfold_in //.
exact: le_trans (normr_ge0 x) le_x_b.
End NumDomainOperationTheory.
#[global] Hint Resolve ler_opp2 ltr_opp2 real0 real1 normr_real : core.
Arguments ler_sqr {R} [x y].
Arguments ltr_sqr {R} [x y].
Arguments signr_inj {R} [x1 x2].
Arguments real_ler_normlP {R x y}.
Arguments real_ltr_normlP {R x y}.
Section NumDomainMonotonyTheoryForReals.
Local Open Scope order_scope.
Variables (R R' : numDomainType) (D : pred R) (f : R -> R') (f' : R -> nat).
Implicit Types (m n p : nat) (x y z : R) (u v w : R').
Lemma real_mono :
{homo f : x y / x < y} -> {in real &, {mono f : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> mf x y xR yR /=; have [lt_xy | le_yx] := real_leP xR yR.
by rewrite ltW_homo.
by rewrite lt_geF ?mf.
Lemma real_nmono :
{homo f : x y /~ x < y} -> {in real &, {mono f : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> mf x y xR yR /=; have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_ltP xR yR.
by rewrite lt_geF ?mf.
by rewrite ltW_nhomo.
Lemma real_mono_in :
{in D &, {homo f : x y / x < y}} ->
{in [pred x in D | x \is real] &, {mono f : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> Dmf x y /andP[hx xR] /andP[hy yR] /=.
have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_leP xR yR; first by rewrite (ltW_homo_in Dmf).
by rewrite lt_geF ?Dmf.
Lemma real_nmono_in :
{in D &, {homo f : x y /~ x < y}} ->
{in [pred x in D | x \is real] &, {mono f : x y /~ x <= y}}.
move=> Dmf x y /andP[hx xR] /andP[hy yR] /=.
have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_ltP xR yR; last by rewrite (ltW_nhomo_in Dmf).
by rewrite lt_geF ?Dmf.
Lemma realn_mono : {homo f' : x y / x < y >-> (x < y)} ->
{in real &, {mono f' : x y / x <= y >-> (x <= y)}}.
move=> mf x y xR yR /=; have [lt_xy | le_yx] := real_leP xR yR.
by rewrite ltW_homo.
by rewrite lt_geF ?mf.
Lemma realn_nmono : {homo f' : x y / y < x >-> (x < y)} ->
{in real &, {mono f' : x y / y <= x >-> (x <= y)}}.
move=> mf x y xR yR /=; have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_ltP xR yR.
by rewrite lt_geF ?mf.
by rewrite ltW_nhomo.
Lemma realn_mono_in : {in D &, {homo f' : x y / x < y >-> (x < y)}} ->
{in [pred x in D | x \is real] &, {mono f' : x y / x <= y >-> (x <= y)}}.
move=> Dmf x y /andP[hx xR] /andP[hy yR] /=.
have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_leP xR yR; first by rewrite (ltW_homo_in Dmf).
by rewrite lt_geF ?Dmf.
Lemma realn_nmono_in : {in D &, {homo f' : x y / y < x >-> (x < y)}} ->
{in [pred x in D | x \is real] &, {mono f' : x y / y <= x >-> (x <= y)}}.
move=> Dmf x y /andP[hx xR] /andP[hy yR] /=.
have [lt_xy|le_yx] := real_ltP xR yR; last by rewrite (ltW_nhomo_in Dmf).
by rewrite lt_geF ?Dmf.
End NumDomainMonotonyTheoryForReals.
Section FinGroup.
Import GroupScope.
Variables (R : numDomainType) (gT : finGroupType).
Implicit Types G : {group gT}.
Lemma natrG_gt0 G : #|G|%:R > 0 :> R.
Proof. by rewrite ltr0n cardG_gt0. Qed.
Lemma natrG_neq0 G : #|G|%:R != 0 :> R.
Proof. by rewrite gt_eqF // natrG_gt0. Qed.
Lemma natr_indexg_gt0 G B : #|G : B|%:R > 0 :> R.
Proof. by rewrite ltr0n indexg_gt0. Qed.
Lemma natr_indexg_neq0 G B : #|G : B|%:R != 0 :> R.
Proof. by rewrite gt_eqF // natr_indexg_gt0. Qed.
End FinGroup.
Section NumFieldTheory.
Variable F : numFieldType.
Implicit Types x y z t : F.
Lemma unitf_gt0 x : 0 < x -> x \is a GRing.unit.
Proof. by move=> hx; rewrite unitfE eq_sym lt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma unitf_lt0 x : x < 0 -> x \is a GRing.unit.
Proof. by move=> hx; rewrite unitfE lt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma lef_pinv : {in pos &, {mono (@GRing.inv F) : x y /~ x <= y}}.
Proof. by move=> x y hx hy /=; rewrite ler_pinv ?inE ?unitf_gt0. Qed.
Lemma lef_ninv : {in neg &, {mono (@GRing.inv F) : x y /~ x <= y}}.
Proof. by move=> x y hx hy /=; rewrite ler_ninv ?inE ?unitf_lt0. Qed.
Lemma ltf_pinv : {in pos &, {mono (@GRing.inv F) : x y /~ x < y}}.
Proof. exact: leW_nmono_in lef_pinv. Qed.
Lemma ltf_ninv: {in neg &, {mono (@GRing.inv F) : x y /~ x < y}}.
Proof. exact: leW_nmono_in lef_ninv. Qed.
Definition ltef_pinv := (lef_pinv, ltf_pinv).
Definition ltef_ninv := (lef_ninv, ltf_ninv).
Lemma invf_gt1 x : 0 < x -> (1 < x^-1) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -{1}[1]invr1 ltf_pinv ?posrE ?ltr01. Qed.
Lemma invf_ge1 x : 0 < x -> (1 <= x^-1) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -{1}[1]invr1 lef_pinv ?posrE ?ltr01. Qed.
Definition invf_gte1 := (invf_ge1, invf_gt1).
Lemma invf_le1 x : 0 < x -> (x^-1 <= 1) = (1 <= x).
Proof. by move=> x_gt0; rewrite -invf_ge1 ?invr_gt0 // invrK. Qed.
Lemma invf_lt1 x : 0 < x -> (x^-1 < 1) = (1 < x).
Proof. by move=> x_lt0; rewrite -invf_gt1 ?invr_gt0 // invrK. Qed.
Definition invf_lte1 := (invf_le1, invf_lt1).
Definition invf_cp1 := (invf_gte1, invf_lte1).
(* These lemma are all combinations of mono(LR|RL) with ler_[pn]mul2[rl]. *)
Lemma ler_pdivl_mulr z x y : 0 < z -> (x <= y / z) = (x * z <= y).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite -(@ler_pmul2r _ z _ x) ?mulfVK ?gt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pdivl_mulr z x y : 0 < z -> (x < y / z) = (x * z < y).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite -(@ltr_pmul2r _ z _ x) ?mulfVK ?gt_eqF. Qed.
Definition lter_pdivl_mulr := (ler_pdivl_mulr, ltr_pdivl_mulr).
Lemma ler_pdivr_mulr z x y : 0 < z -> (y / z <= x) = (y <= x * z).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite -(@ler_pmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?gt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pdivr_mulr z x y : 0 < z -> (y / z < x) = (y < x * z).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite -(@ltr_pmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?gt_eqF. Qed.
Definition lter_pdivr_mulr := (ler_pdivr_mulr, ltr_pdivr_mulr).
Lemma ler_pdivl_mull z x y : 0 < z -> (x <= z^-1 * y) = (z * x <= y).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite mulrC ler_pdivl_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pdivl_mull z x y : 0 < z -> (x < z^-1 * y) = (z * x < y).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite mulrC ltr_pdivl_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Definition lter_pdivl_mull := (ler_pdivl_mull, ltr_pdivl_mull).
Lemma ler_pdivr_mull z x y : 0 < z -> (z^-1 * y <= x) = (y <= z * x).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite mulrC ler_pdivr_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_pdivr_mull z x y : 0 < z -> (z^-1 * y < x) = (y < z * x).
Proof. by move=> z_gt0; rewrite mulrC ltr_pdivr_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Definition lter_pdivr_mull := (ler_pdivr_mull, ltr_pdivr_mull).
Lemma ler_ndivl_mulr z x y : z < 0 -> (x <= y / z) = (y <= x * z).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite -(@ler_nmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?lt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma ltr_ndivl_mulr z x y : z < 0 -> (x < y / z) = (y < x * z).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite -(@ltr_nmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?lt_eqF. Qed.
Definition lter_ndivl_mulr := (ler_ndivl_mulr, ltr_ndivl_mulr).
Lemma ler_ndivr_mulr z x y : z < 0 -> (y / z <= x) = (x * z <= y).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite -(@ler_nmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?lt_eqF. Qed.
Lemma ltr_ndivr_mulr z x y : z < 0 -> (y / z < x) = (x * z < y).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite -(@ltr_nmul2r _ z) ?mulfVK ?lt_eqF. Qed.
Definition lter_ndivr_mulr := (ler_ndivr_mulr, ltr_ndivr_mulr).
Lemma ler_ndivl_mull z x y : z < 0 -> (x <= z^-1 * y) = (y <= z * x).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite mulrC ler_ndivl_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_ndivl_mull z x y : z < 0 -> (x < z^-1 * y) = (y < z * x).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite mulrC ltr_ndivl_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Definition lter_ndivl_mull := (ler_ndivl_mull, ltr_ndivl_mull).
Lemma ler_ndivr_mull z x y : z < 0 -> (z^-1 * y <= x) = (z * x <= y).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite mulrC ler_ndivr_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_ndivr_mull z x y : z < 0 -> (z^-1 * y < x) = (z * x < y).
Proof. by move=> z_lt0; rewrite mulrC ltr_ndivr_mulr ?[z * _]mulrC. Qed.
Definition lter_ndivr_mull := (ler_ndivr_mull, ltr_ndivr_mull).
Lemma natf_div m d : (d %| m)%N -> (m %/ d)%:R = m%:R / d%:R :> F.
Proof. by apply: char0_natf_div; apply: (@char_num F). Qed.
Lemma normfV : {morph (@norm F F) : x / x ^-1}.
move=> x /=; have [/normrV //|Nux] := boolP (x \is a GRing.unit).
by rewrite !invr_out // unitfE normr_eq0 -unitfE.
Lemma normf_div : {morph (@norm F F) : x y / x / y}.
Proof. by move=> x y /=; rewrite normrM normfV. Qed.
Lemma invr_sg x : (sg x)^-1 = sgr x.
Proof. by rewrite !(fun_if GRing.inv) !(invr0, invrN, invr1). Qed.
Lemma sgrV x : sgr x^-1 = sgr x.
Proof. by rewrite /sgr invr_eq0 invr_lt0. Qed.
Lemma splitr x : x = x / 2%:R + x / 2%:R.
Proof. by rewrite -mulr2n -mulr_natr mulfVK //= pnatr_eq0. Qed.
(* lteif *)
Lemma lteif_pdivl_mulr C z x y :
0 < z -> x < y / z ?<= if C = (x * z < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_pdivl_mulr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_pdivr_mulr C z x y :
0 < z -> y / z < x ?<= if C = (y < x * z ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_pdivr_mulr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_pdivl_mull C z x y :
0 < z -> x < z^-1 * y ?<= if C = (z * x < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_pdivl_mull. Qed.
Lemma lteif_pdivr_mull C z x y :
0 < z -> z^-1 * y < x ?<= if C = (y < z * x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_pdivr_mull. Qed.
Lemma lteif_ndivl_mulr C z x y :
z < 0 -> x < y / z ?<= if C = (y < x * z ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_ndivl_mulr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_ndivr_mulr C z x y :
z < 0 -> y / z < x ?<= if C = (x * z < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_ndivr_mulr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_ndivl_mull C z x y :
z < 0 -> x < z^-1 * y ?<= if C = (y < z * x ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_ndivl_mull. Qed.
Lemma lteif_ndivr_mull C z x y :
z < 0 -> z^-1 * y < x ?<= if C = (z * x < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C => ? /=; rewrite lter_ndivr_mull. Qed.
(* Interval midpoint. *)
Local Notation mid x y := ((x + y) / 2).
Lemma midf_le x y : x <= y -> (x <= mid x y) * (mid x y <= y).
move=> lexy; rewrite ler_pdivl_mulr ?ler_pdivr_mulr ?ltr0Sn //.
by rewrite !mulrDr !mulr1 ler_add2r ler_add2l.
Lemma midf_lt x y : x < y -> (x < mid x y) * (mid x y < y).
move=> ltxy; rewrite ltr_pdivl_mulr ?ltr_pdivr_mulr ?ltr0Sn //.
by rewrite !mulrDr !mulr1 ltr_add2r ltr_add2l.
Definition midf_lte := (midf_le, midf_lt).
Lemma ler_addgt0Pr x y : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> x <= y + e) (x <= y).
apply/(iffP idP)=> [lexy e e_gt0 | lexye]; first by rewrite ler_paddr// ltW.
have [||ltyx]// := comparable_leP.
rewrite (@comparabler_trans _ (y + 1))// /Order.comparable ?lexye ?ltr01//.
by rewrite ler_addl ler01 orbT.
have /midf_lt [_] := ltyx; rewrite le_gtF//.
rewrite -(@addrK _ y y) addrAC -addrA 2!mulrDl -splitr lexye//.
by rewrite divr_gt0// ?ltr0n// subr_gt0.
Lemma ler_addgt0Pl x y : reflect (forall e, e > 0 -> x <= e + y) (x <= y).
by apply/(equivP (ler_addgt0Pr x y)); split=> lexy e /lexy; rewrite addrC.
Lemma lt_le a b : (forall x, x < a -> x < b) -> a <= b.
move=> ab; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => e e_gt0; rewrite -ler_subl_addr ltW//.
by rewrite ab // ltr_subl_addr -ltr_subl_addl subrr.
Lemma gt_ge a b : (forall x, b < x -> a < x) -> a <= b.
move=> ab; apply/ler_addgt0Pr => e e_gt0.
by rewrite ltW// ab// -ltr_subl_addl subrr.
(* The AGM, unscaled but without the nth root. *)
Lemma real_leif_mean_square x y :
x \is real -> y \is real -> x * y <= mid (x ^+ 2) (y ^+ 2) ?= iff (x == y).
move=> Rx Ry; rewrite -(mono_leif (ler_pmul2r (ltr_nat F 0 2))).
by rewrite divfK ?pnatr_eq0 // mulr_natr; apply: real_leif_mean_square_scaled.
Lemma real_leif_AGM2 x y :
x \is real -> y \is real -> x * y <= mid x y ^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
move=> Rx Ry; rewrite -(mono_leif (ler_pmul2r (ltr_nat F 0 4))).
rewrite mulr_natr (natrX F 2 2) -exprMn divfK ?pnatr_eq0 //.
exact: real_leif_AGM2_scaled.
Lemma leif_AGM (I : finType) (A : {pred I}) (E : I -> F) :
let n := #|A| in let mu := (\sum_(i in A) E i) / n%:R in
{in A, forall i, 0 <= E i} ->
\prod_(i in A) E i <= mu ^+ n
?= iff [forall i in A, forall j in A, E i == E j].
move=> n mu Ege0; have [n0 | n_gt0] := posnP n.
by rewrite n0 -big_andE !(big_pred0 _ _ _ _ (card0_eq n0)); apply/leifP.
pose E' i := E i / n%:R.
have defE' i: E' i *+ n = E i by rewrite -mulr_natr divfK ?pnatr_eq0 -?lt0n.
have /leif_AGM_scaled (i): i \in A -> 0 <= E' i *+ n by rewrite defE' => /Ege0.
rewrite -/n -mulr_suml (eq_bigr _ (in1W defE')); congr (_ <= _ ?= iff _).
by do 2![apply: eq_forallb_in => ? _]; rewrite -(eqr_pmuln2r n_gt0) !defE'.
Implicit Type p : {poly F}.
Lemma Cauchy_root_bound p : p != 0 -> {b | forall x, root p x -> `|x| <= b}.
move=> nz_p; set a := lead_coef p; set n := (size p).-1.
have [q Dp]: {q | forall x, x != 0 -> p.[x] = (a - q.[x^-1] / x) * x ^+ n}.
exists (- \poly_(i < n) p`_(n - i.+1)) => x nz_x.
rewrite hornerN mulNr opprK horner_poly mulrDl !mulr_suml addrC.
rewrite horner_coef polySpred // big_ord_recr (reindex_inj rev_ord_inj) /=.
rewrite -/n -lead_coefE; congr (_ + _); apply: eq_bigr=> i _.
by rewrite exprB ?unitfE // -exprVn mulrA mulrAC exprSr mulrA.
have [b ub_q] := poly_disk_bound q 1; exists (b / `|a| + 1) => x px0.
have b_ge0: 0 <= b by rewrite (le_trans (normr_ge0 q.[1])) ?ub_q ?normr1.
have{b_ge0} ba_ge0: 0 <= b / `|a| by rewrite divr_ge0.
rewrite real_leNgt ?rpredD ?rpred1 ?ger0_real //.
apply: contraL px0 => lb_x; rewrite rootE.
have x_ge1: 1 <= `|x| by rewrite (le_trans _ (ltW lb_x)) // ler_paddl.
have nz_x: x != 0 by rewrite -normr_gt0 (lt_le_trans ltr01).
rewrite {}Dp // mulf_neq0 ?expf_neq0 // subr_eq0 eq_sym.
have: (b / `|a|) < `|x| by rewrite (lt_trans _ lb_x) // ltr_spaddr ?ltr01.
apply: contraTneq => /(canRL (divfK nz_x))Dax.
rewrite ltr_pdivr_mulr ?normr_gt0 ?lead_coef_eq0 // mulrC -normrM -{}Dax.
by rewrite le_gtF // ub_q // normfV invf_le1 ?normr_gt0.
Import GroupScope.
Lemma natf_indexg (gT : finGroupType) (G H : {group gT}) :
H \subset G -> #|G : H|%:R = (#|G|%:R / #|H|%:R)%R :> F.
Proof. by move=> sHG; rewrite -divgS // natf_div ?cardSg. Qed.
End NumFieldTheory.
Section RealDomainTheory.
Variable R : realDomainType.
Implicit Types x y z t : R.
Lemma num_real x : x \is real. Proof. exact: num_real. Qed.
Hint Resolve num_real : core.
Lemma lerP x y : ler_xor_gt x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (x <= y) (y < x).
Proof. exact: real_leP. Qed.
Lemma ltrP x y : ltr_xor_ge x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (y <= x) (x < y).
Proof. exact: real_ltP. Qed.
Lemma ltrgtP x y :
comparer x y (min y x) (min x y) (max y x) (max x y)
`|x - y| `|y - x| (y == x) (x == y)
(x >= y) (x <= y) (x > y) (x < y) .
Proof. exact: real_ltgtP. Qed.
Lemma ger0P x : ger0_xor_lt0 x (min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (x < 0) (0 <= x).
Proof. exact: real_ge0P. Qed.
Lemma ler0P x : ler0_xor_gt0 x (min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 < x) (x <= 0).
Proof. exact: real_le0P. Qed.
Lemma ltrgt0P x : comparer0 x (min 0 x) (min x 0) (max 0 x) (max x 0)
`|x| (0 == x) (x == 0) (x <= 0) (0 <= x) (x < 0) (x > 0).
Proof. exact: real_ltgt0P. Qed.
(* sign *)
Lemma mulr_lt0 x y :
(x * y < 0) = [&& x != 0, y != 0 & (x < 0) (+) (y < 0)].
have [x_gt0|x_lt0|->] /= := ltrgt0P x; last by rewrite mul0r.
by rewrite pmulr_rlt0 //; case: ltrgt0P.
by rewrite nmulr_rlt0 //; case: ltrgt0P.
Lemma neq0_mulr_lt0 x y :
x != 0 -> y != 0 -> (x * y < 0) = (x < 0) (+) (y < 0).
Proof. by move=> x_neq0 y_neq0; rewrite mulr_lt0 x_neq0 y_neq0. Qed.
Lemma mulr_sign_lt0 (b : bool) x :
((-1) ^+ b * x < 0) = (x != 0) && (b (+) (x < 0)%R).
Proof. by rewrite mulr_lt0 signr_lt0 signr_eq0. Qed.
(* sign & norm *)
Lemma mulr_sign_norm x : (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * `|x| = x.
Proof. by rewrite real_mulr_sign_norm. Qed.
Lemma mulr_Nsign_norm x : (-1) ^+ (0 < x)%R * `|x| = - x.
Proof. by rewrite real_mulr_Nsign_norm. Qed.
Lemma numEsign x : x = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * `|x|.
Proof. by rewrite -realEsign. Qed.
Lemma numNEsign x : -x = (-1) ^+ (0 < x)%R * `|x|.
Proof. by rewrite -realNEsign. Qed.
Lemma normrEsign x : `|x| = (-1) ^+ (x < 0)%R * x.
Proof. by rewrite -real_normrEsign. Qed.
End RealDomainTheory.
#[global] Hint Resolve num_real : core.
Section RealDomainOperations.
Notation "[ 'arg' 'min_' ( i < i0 | P ) F ]" :=
(Order.arg_min (disp := ring_display) i0 (fun i => P%B) (fun i => F)) :
Notation "[ 'arg' 'min_' ( i < i0 'in' A ) F ]" :=
[arg min_(i < i0 | i \in A) F] : ring_scope.
Notation "[ 'arg' 'min_' ( i < i0 ) F ]" := [arg min_(i < i0 | true) F] :
Notation "[ 'arg' 'max_' ( i > i0 | P ) F ]" :=
(Order.arg_max (disp := ring_display) i0 (fun i => P%B) (fun i => F)) :
Notation "[ 'arg' 'max_' ( i > i0 'in' A ) F ]" :=
[arg max_(i > i0 | i \in A) F] : ring_scope.
Notation "[ 'arg' 'max_' ( i > i0 ) F ]" := [arg max_(i > i0 | true) F] :
(* sgr section *)
Variable R : realDomainType.
Implicit Types x y z t : R.
Let numR_real := @num_real R.
Hint Resolve numR_real : core.
Lemma sgr_cp0 x :
((sg x == 1) = (0 < x)) *
((sg x == -1) = (x < 0)) *
((sg x == 0) = (x == 0)).
rewrite -[1]/((-1) ^+ false) -signrN lt0r leNgt sgr_def.
case: (x =P 0) => [-> | _]; first by rewrite !(eq_sym 0) !signr_eq0 ltxx eqxx.
by rewrite !(inj_eq signr_inj) eqb_id eqbF_neg signr_eq0 //.
Variant sgr_val x : R -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool
-> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> bool -> R -> Set :=
| SgrNull of x = 0 : sgr_val x 0 true true true true false false
true false false true false false 0
| SgrPos of x > 0 : sgr_val x x false false true false false true
false false true false false true 1
| SgrNeg of x < 0 : sgr_val x (- x) false true false false true false
false true false false true false (-1).
Lemma sgrP x :
sgr_val x `|x| (0 == x) (x <= 0) (0 <= x) (x == 0) (x < 0) (0 < x)
(0 == sg x) (-1 == sg x) (1 == sg x)
(sg x == 0) (sg x == -1) (sg x == 1) (sg x).
by rewrite ![_ == sg _]eq_sym !sgr_cp0 /sg; case: ltrgt0P; constructor.
Lemma normrEsg x : `|x| = sg x * x.
Proof. by case: sgrP; rewrite ?(mul0r, mul1r, mulN1r). Qed.
Lemma numEsg x : x = sg x * `|x|.
Proof. by case: sgrP; rewrite !(mul1r, mul0r, mulrNN). Qed.
(* GG: duplicate! *)
Lemma mulr_sg_norm x : sg x * `|x| = x. Proof. by rewrite -numEsg. Qed.
Lemma sgrM x y : sg (x * y) = sg x * sg y.
rewrite !sgr_def mulr_lt0 andbA mulrnAr mulrnAl -mulrnA mulnb -negb_or mulf_eq0.
by case: (~~ _) => //; rewrite signr_addb.
Lemma sgrN x : sg (- x) = - sg x.
Proof. by rewrite -mulrN1 sgrM sgrN1 mulrN1. Qed.
Lemma sgrX n x : sg (x ^+ n) = (sg x) ^+ n.
Proof. by elim: n => [|n IHn]; rewrite ?sgr1 // !exprS sgrM IHn. Qed.
Lemma sgr_smul x y : sg (sg x * y) = sg x * sg y.
Proof. by rewrite sgrM sgr_id. Qed.
Lemma sgr_gt0 x : (sg x > 0) = (x > 0).
Proof. by rewrite -sgr_cp0 sgr_id sgr_cp0. Qed.
Lemma sgr_ge0 x : (sgr x >= 0) = (x >= 0).
Proof. by rewrite !leNgt sgr_lt0. Qed.
(* norm section *)
Lemma ler_norm x : (x <= `|x|).
Proof. exact: real_ler_norm. Qed.
Lemma ler_norml x y : (`|x| <= y) = (- y <= x <= y).
Proof. exact: real_ler_norml. Qed.
Lemma ler_normlP x y : reflect ((- x <= y) * (x <= y)) (`|x| <= y).
Proof. exact: real_ler_normlP. Qed.
Arguments ler_normlP {x y}.
Lemma eqr_norml x y : (`|x| == y) = ((x == y) || (x == -y)) && (0 <= y).
Proof. exact: real_eqr_norml. Qed.
Lemma eqr_norm2 x y : (`|x| == `|y|) = (x == y) || (x == -y).
Proof. exact: real_eqr_norm2. Qed.
Lemma ltr_norml x y : (`|x| < y) = (- y < x < y).
Proof. exact: real_ltr_norml. Qed.
Definition lter_norml := (ler_norml, ltr_norml).
Lemma ltr_normlP x y : reflect ((-x < y) * (x < y)) (`|x| < y).
Proof. exact: real_ltr_normlP. Qed.
Arguments ltr_normlP {x y}.
Lemma ltr_normlW x y : `|x| < y -> x < y. Proof. exact: real_ltr_normlW. Qed.
Lemma ltrNnormlW x y : `|x| < y -> - y < x. Proof. exact: real_ltrNnormlW. Qed.
Lemma ler_normlW x y : `|x| <= y -> x <= y. Proof. exact: real_ler_normlW. Qed.
Lemma lerNnormlW x y : `|x| <= y -> - y <= x. Proof. exact: real_lerNnormlW. Qed.
Lemma ler_normr x y : (x <= `|y|) = (x <= y) || (x <= - y).
Proof. exact: real_ler_normr. Qed.
Lemma ltr_normr x y : (x < `|y|) = (x < y) || (x < - y).
Proof. exact: real_ltr_normr. Qed.
Definition lter_normr := (ler_normr, ltr_normr).
Lemma ler_distl x y e : (`|x - y| <= e) = (y - e <= x <= y + e).
Proof. exact: real_ler_distl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_distl x y e : (`|x - y| < e) = (y - e < x < y + e).
Proof. exact: real_ltr_distl. Qed.
Definition lter_distl := (ler_distl, ltr_distl).
Lemma ltr_distlC x y e : (`|x - y| < e) = (x - e < y < x + e).
Proof. by rewrite distrC ltr_distl. Qed.
Lemma ler_distlC x y e : (`|x - y| <= e) = (x - e <= y <= x + e).
Proof. by rewrite distrC ler_distl. Qed.
Definition lter_distlC := (ler_distlC, ltr_distlC).
Lemma ltr_distl_addr x y e : `|x - y| < e -> x < y + e.
Proof. exact: real_ltr_distl_addr. Qed.
Lemma ler_distl_addr x y e : `|x - y| <= e -> x <= y + e.
Proof. exact: real_ler_distl_addr. Qed.
Lemma ltr_distlC_addr x y e : `|x - y| < e -> y < x + e.
Proof. exact: real_ltr_distlC_addr. Qed.
Lemma ler_distlC_addr x y e : `|x - y| <= e -> y <= x + e.
Proof. exact: real_ler_distlC_addr. Qed.
Lemma ltr_distl_subl x y e : `|x - y| < e -> x - e < y.
Proof. exact: real_ltr_distl_subl. Qed.
Lemma ler_distl_subl x y e : `|x - y| <= e -> x - e <= y.
Proof. exact: real_ler_distl_subl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_distlC_subl x y e : `|x - y| < e -> y - e < x.
Proof. exact: real_ltr_distlC_subl. Qed.
Lemma ler_distlC_subr x y e : `|x - y| <= e -> y - e <= x.
Proof. exact: real_ler_distlC_subl. Qed.
Lemma exprn_even_ge0 n x : ~~ odd n -> 0 <= x ^+ n.
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_even_ge0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_even_gt0 n x : ~~ odd n -> (0 < x ^+ n) = (n == 0)%N || (x != 0).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_even_gt0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_even_le0 n x : ~~ odd n -> (x ^+ n <= 0) = (n != 0%N) && (x == 0).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_even_le0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_even_lt0 n x : ~~ odd n -> (x ^+ n < 0) = false.
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_even_lt0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_odd_ge0 n x : odd n -> (0 <= x ^+ n) = (0 <= x).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_odd_ge0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_odd_gt0 n x : odd n -> (0 < x ^+ n) = (0 < x).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_odd_gt0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_odd_le0 n x : odd n -> (x ^+ n <= 0) = (x <= 0).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_odd_le0 ?num_real. Qed.
Lemma exprn_odd_lt0 n x : odd n -> (x ^+ n < 0) = (x < 0).
Proof. by move=> even_n; rewrite real_exprn_odd_lt0 ?num_real. Qed.
(* lteif *)
Lemma lteif_norml C x y :
(`|x| < y ?<= if C) = (- y < x ?<= if C) && (x < y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_norml. Qed.
Lemma lteif_normr C x y :
(x < `|y| ?<= if C) = (x < y ?<= if C) || (x < - y ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_normr. Qed.
Lemma lteif_distl C x y e :
(`|x - y| < e ?<= if C) = (y - e < x ?<= if C) && (x < y + e ?<= if C).
Proof. by case: C; rewrite /= lter_distl. Qed.
(* Special lemmas for squares. *)
Lemma sqr_ge0 x : 0 <= x ^+ 2. Proof. by rewrite exprn_even_ge0. Qed.
Lemma sqr_norm_eq1 x : (x ^+ 2 == 1) = (`|x| == 1).
Proof. by rewrite sqrf_eq1 eqr_norml ler01 andbT. Qed.
Lemma leif_mean_square_scaled x y :
x * y *+ 2 <= x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
Proof. exact: real_leif_mean_square_scaled. Qed.
Lemma leif_AGM2_scaled x y : x * y *+ 4 <= (x + y) ^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
Proof. exact: real_leif_AGM2_scaled. Qed.
Section MinMax.
Lemma oppr_max : {morph -%R : x y / max x y >-> min x y : R}.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: real_oppr_max. Qed.
Lemma oppr_min : {morph -%R : x y / min x y >-> max x y : R}.
Proof. by move=> x y; apply: real_oppr_min. Qed.
Lemma addr_minl : @left_distributive R R +%R min.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: real_addr_minl. Qed.
Lemma addr_minr : @right_distributive R R +%R min.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: real_addr_minr. Qed.
Lemma addr_maxl : @left_distributive R R +%R max.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: real_addr_maxl. Qed.
Lemma addr_maxr : @right_distributive R R +%R max.
Proof. by move=> x y z; apply: real_addr_maxr. Qed.
Lemma minr_nmulr x y z : x <= 0 -> x * min y z = max (x * y) (x * z).
Proof. by move=> x_le0; apply: real_minr_nmulr. Qed.
Lemma maxr_nmulr x y z : x <= 0 -> x * max y z = min (x * y) (x * z).
Proof. by move=> x_le0; apply: real_maxr_nmulr. Qed.
Lemma minr_nmull x y z : x <= 0 -> min y z * x = max (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> x_le0; apply: real_minr_nmull. Qed.
Lemma maxr_nmull x y z : x <= 0 -> max y z * x = min (y * x) (z * x).
Proof. by move=> x_le0; apply: real_maxr_nmull. Qed.
Lemma maxrN x : max x (- x) = `|x|. Proof. exact: real_maxrN. Qed.
Lemma maxNr x : max (- x) x = `|x|. Proof. exact: real_maxNr. Qed.
Lemma minrN x : min x (- x) = - `|x|. Proof. exact: real_minrN. Qed.
Lemma minNr x : min (- x) x = - `|x|. Proof. exact: real_minNr. Qed.
End MinMax.
Section PolyBounds.
Variable p : {poly R}.
Lemma poly_itv_bound a b : {ub | forall x, a <= x <= b -> `|p.[x]| <= ub}.
have [ub le_p_ub] := poly_disk_bound p (Num.max `|a| `|b|).
exists ub => x /andP[le_a_x le_x_b]; rewrite le_p_ub // le_maxr !ler_normr.
by have [_|_] := ler0P x; rewrite ?ler_opp2 ?le_a_x ?le_x_b orbT.
Lemma monic_Cauchy_bound : p \is monic -> {b | forall x, x >= b -> p.[x] > 0}.
move/monicP=> mon_p; pose n := (size p - 2)%N.
have [p_le1 | p_gt1] := leqP (size p) 1.
exists 0 => x _; rewrite (size1_polyC p_le1) hornerC.
by rewrite -[p`_0]lead_coefC -size1_polyC // mon_p ltr01.
pose lb := \sum_(j < n.+1) `|p`_j|; exists (lb + 1) => x le_ub_x.
have x_ge1: 1 <= x; last have x_gt0 := lt_le_trans ltr01 x_ge1.
by rewrite -(ler_add2l lb) ler_paddl ?sumr_ge0 // => j _.
rewrite horner_coef -(subnK p_gt1) -/n addnS big_ord_recr /= addn1.
rewrite [in p`__]subnSK // subn1 -lead_coefE mon_p mul1r -ltr_subl_addl sub0r.
apply: le_lt_trans (_ : lb * x ^+ n < _); last first.
rewrite exprS ltr_pmul2r ?exprn_gt0 ?(ltr_le_trans ltr01) //.
by rewrite -(ltr_add2r 1) ltr_spaddr ?ltr01.
rewrite -sumrN mulr_suml ler_sum // => j _; apply: le_trans (ler_norm _) _.
rewrite normrN normrM ler_wpmul2l // normrX.
by rewrite ger0_norm ?(ltW x_gt0) // ler_weexpn2l ?leq_ord.
End PolyBounds.
End RealDomainOperations.
Section RealField.
Variables (F : realFieldType) (x y : F).
Lemma leif_mean_square : x * y <= (x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2) / 2 ?= iff (x == y).
Proof. by apply: real_leif_mean_square; apply: num_real. Qed.
Lemma leif_AGM2 : x * y <= ((x + y) / 2)^+ 2 ?= iff (x == y).
Proof. by apply: real_leif_AGM2; apply: num_real. Qed.
End RealField.
Section ArchimedeanFieldTheory.
Variables (F : archiFieldType) (x : F).
Lemma archi_boundP : 0 <= x -> x < (bound x)%:R.
Proof. by move/ger0_norm=> {1}<-; rewrite /bound; case: (sigW _). Qed.
Lemma upper_nthrootP i : (bound x <= i)%N -> x < 2 ^+ i.
rewrite /bound; case: (sigW _) => /= b le_x_b le_b_i.
apply: le_lt_trans (ler_norm x) (lt_trans le_x_b _ ).
by rewrite -natrX ltr_nat (leq_ltn_trans le_b_i) // ltn_expl.
End ArchimedeanFieldTheory.
Section RealClosedFieldTheory.
Variable R : rcfType.
Implicit Types a x y : R.
Lemma poly_ivt : real_closed_axiom R. Proof. exact: poly_ivt. Qed.
(* Square Root theory *)
Lemma sqrtr_ge0 a : 0 <= sqrt a.
Proof. by rewrite /sqrt; case: (sig2W _). Qed.
Hint Resolve sqrtr_ge0 : core.
Lemma sqr_sqrtr a : 0 <= a -> sqrt a ^+ 2 = a.
by rewrite /sqrt => a_ge0; case: (sig2W _) => /= x _; rewrite a_ge0 => /eqP.
Lemma ler0_sqrtr a : a <= 0 -> sqrt a = 0.
rewrite /sqrtr; case: (sig2W _) => x /= _.
by have [//|_ /eqP//|->] := ltrgt0P a; rewrite mulf_eq0 orbb => /eqP.
Lemma ltr0_sqrtr a : a < 0 -> sqrt a = 0.
Proof. by move=> /ltW; apply: ler0_sqrtr. Qed.
Variant sqrtr_spec a : R -> bool -> bool -> R -> Type :=
| IsNoSqrtr of a < 0 : sqrtr_spec a a false true 0
| IsSqrtr b of 0 <= b : sqrtr_spec a (b ^+ 2) true false b.
Lemma sqrtrP a : sqrtr_spec a a (0 <= a) (a < 0) (sqrt a).
have [a_ge0|a_lt0] := ger0P a.
by rewrite -{1 2}[a]sqr_sqrtr //; constructor.
by rewrite ltr0_sqrtr //; constructor.
Lemma sqrtr_sqr a : sqrt (a ^+ 2) = `|a|.
have /eqP : sqrt (a ^+ 2) ^+ 2 = `|a| ^+ 2.
by rewrite -normrX ger0_norm ?sqr_sqrtr ?sqr_ge0.
rewrite eqf_sqr => /predU1P[-> //|ha].
have := sqrtr_ge0 (a ^+ 2); rewrite (eqP ha) oppr_ge0 normr_le0 => /eqP ->.
by rewrite normr0 oppr0.
Lemma sqrtrM a b : 0 <= a -> sqrt (a * b) = sqrt a * sqrt b.
case: (sqrtrP a) => // {}a a_ge0 _; case: (sqrtrP b) => [b_lt0 | {}b b_ge0].
by rewrite mulr0 ler0_sqrtr // nmulr_lle0 ?mulr_ge0.
by rewrite mulrACA sqrtr_sqr ger0_norm ?mulr_ge0.
Lemma sqrtr0 : sqrt 0 = 0 :> R.
Proof. by move: (sqrtr_sqr 0); rewrite exprS mul0r => ->; rewrite normr0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtr1 : sqrt 1 = 1 :> R.
Proof. by move: (sqrtr_sqr 1); rewrite expr1n => ->; rewrite normr1. Qed.
Lemma sqrtr_eq0 a : (sqrt a == 0) = (a <= 0).
case: sqrtrP => [/ltW ->|b]; first by rewrite eqxx.
case: ltrgt0P => [b_gt0|//|->]; last by rewrite exprS mul0r lexx.
by rewrite lt_geF ?pmulr_rgt0.
Lemma sqrtr_gt0 a : (0 < sqrt a) = (0 < a).
Proof. by rewrite lt0r sqrtr_ge0 sqrtr_eq0 -ltNge andbT. Qed.
Lemma eqr_sqrt a b : 0 <= a -> 0 <= b -> (sqrt a == sqrt b) = (a == b).
move=> a_ge0 b_ge0; apply/eqP/eqP=> [HS|->] //.
by move: (sqr_sqrtr a_ge0); rewrite HS (sqr_sqrtr b_ge0).
Lemma ler_wsqrtr : {homo @sqrt R : a b / a <= b}.
move=> a b /= le_ab; case: (boolP (0 <= a))=> [pa|]; last first.
by rewrite -ltNge; move/ltW; rewrite -sqrtr_eq0; move/eqP->.
rewrite -(@ler_pexpn2r R 2) ?nnegrE ?sqrtr_ge0 //.
by rewrite !sqr_sqrtr // (le_trans pa).
Lemma ler_psqrt : {in @pos R &, {mono sqrt : a b / a <= b}}.
apply: le_mono_in => x y x_gt0 y_gt0.
rewrite !lt_neqAle => /andP[neq_xy le_xy].
by rewrite ler_wsqrtr // eqr_sqrt ?ltW // neq_xy.
Lemma ler_sqrt a b : 0 < b -> (sqrt a <= sqrt b) = (a <= b).
move=> b_gt0; have [a_le0|a_gt0] := ler0P a; last by rewrite ler_psqrt.
by rewrite ler0_sqrtr // sqrtr_ge0 (le_trans a_le0) ?ltW.
Lemma ltr_sqrt a b : 0 < b -> (sqrt a < sqrt b) = (a < b).
move=> b_gt0; have [a_le0|a_gt0] := ler0P a; last first.
by rewrite (leW_mono_in ler_psqrt).
by rewrite ler0_sqrtr // sqrtr_gt0 b_gt0 (le_lt_trans a_le0).
Lemma sqrtrV x : 0 <= x -> sqrt (x^-1) = (sqrt x)^-1.
case: ltrgt0P => // [x_gt0 _|->]; last by rewrite !(invr0, sqrtr0).
have sx_neq0 : sqrt x != 0 by rewrite sqrtr_eq0 -ltNge.
apply: (mulfI sx_neq0).
by rewrite -sqrtrM !(divff, ltW, sqrtr1) // lt0r_neq0.
End RealClosedFieldTheory.
Definition conjC {C : numClosedFieldType} : {rmorphism C -> C} :=
ClosedField.conj_op (ClosedField.conj_mixin (ClosedField.class C)).
Notation "z ^*" := (@conjC _ z) (at level 2, format "z ^*") : ring_scope.
Definition imaginaryC {C : numClosedFieldType} : C :=
ClosedField.imaginary (ClosedField.conj_mixin (ClosedField.class C)).
Notation "'i" := (@imaginaryC _) (at level 0) : ring_scope.
Section ClosedFieldTheory.
Variable C : numClosedFieldType.
Implicit Types a x y z : C.
Definition normCK x : `|x| ^+ 2 = x * x^*.
Proof. by case: C x => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
Lemma sqrCi : 'i ^+ 2 = -1 :> C. Proof. by case: C => ? [? ? ? []]. Qed.
Lemma mulCii : 'i * 'i = -1 :> C. Proof. exact: sqrCi. Qed.
Lemma conjCK : involutive (@conjC C).
have JE x : x^* = `|x|^+2 / x.
have [->|x_neq0] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite rmorph0 invr0 mulr0.
by apply: (canRL (mulfK _)) => //; rewrite mulrC -normCK.
move=> x; have [->|x_neq0] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite !rmorph0.
rewrite !JE normrM normfV exprMn normrX normr_id.
rewrite invfM exprVn (AC (2*2) (1*(2*3)*4))/= -invfM -exprMn.
by rewrite divff ?mul1r ?invrK // !expf_eq0 normr_eq0 //.
Let Re2 z := z + z^*.
Definition nnegIm z := (0 <= imaginaryC * (z^* - z)).
Definition argCle y z := nnegIm z ==> nnegIm y && (Re2 z <= Re2 y).
Variant rootC_spec n (x : C) : Type :=
RootCspec (y : C) of if (n > 0)%N then y ^+ n = x else y = 0
& forall z, (n > 0)%N -> z ^+ n = x -> argCle y z.
Fact rootC_subproof n x : rootC_spec n x.
have realRe2 u : Re2 u \is Num.real by
rewrite realEsqr expr2 {2}/Re2 -{2}[u]conjCK addrC -rmorphD -normCK exprn_ge0.
have argCle_total : total argCle.
move=> u v; rewrite /total /argCle.
by do 2!case: (nnegIm _) => //; rewrite ?orbT //= real_leVge.
have argCle_trans : transitive argCle.
move=> u v w /implyP geZuv /implyP geZvw; apply/implyP.
by case/geZvw/andP=> /geZuv/andP[-> geRuv] /le_trans->.
pose p := 'X^n - (x *+ (n > 0))%:P; have [r0 Dp] := closed_field_poly_normal p.
have sz_p: size p = n.+1.
rewrite size_addl ?size_polyXn // ltnS size_opp size_polyC mulrn_eq0.
by case: posnP => //; case: negP.
pose r := sort argCle r0; have r_arg: sorted argCle r by apply: sort_sorted.
have{} Dp: p = \prod_(z <- r) ('X - z%:P).
rewrite Dp lead_coefE sz_p coefB coefXn coefC -mulrb -mulrnA mulnb lt0n andNb.
by rewrite subr0 eqxx scale1r; apply/esym/perm_big; rewrite perm_sort.
have mem_rP z: (n > 0)%N -> reflect (z ^+ n = x) (z \in r).
move=> n_gt0; rewrite -root_prod_XsubC -Dp rootE !hornerE hornerXn n_gt0.
by rewrite subr_eq0; apply: eqP.
exists r`_0 => [|z n_gt0 /(mem_rP z n_gt0) r_z].
have sz_r: size r = n by apply: succn_inj; rewrite -sz_p Dp size_prod_XsubC.
case: posnP => [n0 | n_gt0]; first by rewrite nth_default // sz_r n0.
by apply/mem_rP=> //; rewrite mem_nth ?sz_r.
case: {Dp mem_rP}r r_z r_arg => // y r1 /[1!inE] /predU1P[-> _|r1z].
by apply/implyP=> ->; rewrite lexx.
by move/(order_path_min argCle_trans)/allP->.
Definition nthroot n x := let: RootCspec y _ _ := rootC_subproof n x in y.
Notation "n .-root" := (nthroot n) : ring_scope.
Notation sqrtC := 2.-root.
Fact Re_lock : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Fact Im_lock : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed.
Definition Re z := locked_with Re_lock ((z + z^*) / 2%:R).
Definition Im z := locked_with Im_lock ('i * (z^* - z) / 2%:R).
Notation "'Re z" := (Re z) : ring_scope.
Notation "'Im z" := (Im z) : ring_scope.
Lemma ReE z : 'Re z = (z + z^*) / 2%:R. Proof. by rewrite ['Re _]unlock. Qed.
Lemma ImE z : 'Im z = 'i * (z^* - z) / 2%:R.
Proof. by rewrite ['Im _]unlock. Qed.
Let nz2 : 2 != 0 :> C. Proof. by rewrite pnatr_eq0. Qed.
Lemma normCKC x : `|x| ^+ 2 = x^* * x. Proof. by rewrite normCK mulrC. Qed.
Lemma mul_conjC_ge0 x : 0 <= x * x^*.
Proof. by rewrite -normCK exprn_ge0. Qed.
Lemma mul_conjC_gt0 x : (0 < x * x^*) = (x != 0).
have [->|x_neq0] := eqVneq; first by rewrite rmorph0 mulr0.
by rewrite -normCK exprn_gt0 ?normr_gt0.
Lemma mul_conjC_eq0 x : (x * x^* == 0) = (x == 0).
Proof. by rewrite -normCK expf_eq0 normr_eq0. Qed.
Lemma conjC_ge0 x : (0 <= x^*) = (0 <= x).
wlog suffices: x / 0 <= x -> 0 <= x^*.
by move=> IH; apply/idP/idP=> /IH; rewrite ?conjCK.
rewrite le0r => /predU1P[-> | x_gt0]; first by rewrite rmorph0.
by rewrite -(pmulr_rge0 _ x_gt0) mul_conjC_ge0.
Lemma conjC_nat n : (n%:R)^* = n%:R :> C. Proof. exact: rmorph_nat. Qed.
Lemma conjC0 : 0^* = 0 :> C. Proof. exact: rmorph0. Qed.
Lemma conjC1 : 1^* = 1 :> C. Proof. exact: rmorph1. Qed.
Lemma conjCN1 : (- 1)^* = - 1 :> C. Proof. exact: rmorphN1. Qed.
Lemma conjC_eq0 x : (x^* == 0) = (x == 0). Proof. exact: fmorph_eq0. Qed.
Lemma invC_norm x : x^-1 = `|x| ^- 2 * x^*.
have [-> | nx_x] := eqVneq x 0; first by rewrite conjC0 mulr0 invr0.
by rewrite normCK invfM divfK ?conjC_eq0.
(* Real number subset. *)
Lemma CrealE x : (x \is real) = (x^* == x).
rewrite realEsqr ger0_def normrX normCK.
by have [-> | /mulfI/inj_eq-> //] := eqVneq x 0; rewrite rmorph0 !eqxx.
Lemma CrealP {x} : reflect (x^* = x) (x \is real).
Proof. by rewrite CrealE; apply: eqP. Qed.
Lemma conj_Creal x : x \is real -> x^* = x.
Proof. by move/CrealP. Qed.
Lemma conj_normC z : `|z|^* = `|z|.
Proof. by rewrite conj_Creal ?normr_real. Qed.
Lemma CrealJ : {mono (@conjC C) : x / x \is Num.real}.
Proof. by apply: (homo_mono1 conjCK) => x xreal; rewrite conj_Creal. Qed.
Lemma geC0_conj x : 0 <= x -> x^* = x.
Proof. by move=> /ger0_real/CrealP. Qed.
Lemma geC0_unit_exp x n : 0 <= x -> (x ^+ n.+1 == 1) = (x == 1).
Proof. by move=> x_ge0; rewrite pexpr_eq1. Qed.
(* Elementary properties of roots. *)
Ltac case_rootC := rewrite /nthroot; case: (rootC_subproof _ _).
Lemma root0C x : 0.-root x = 0. Proof. by case_rootC. Qed.
Lemma rootCK n : (n > 0)%N -> cancel n.-root (fun x => x ^+ n).
Proof. by case: n => //= n _ x; case_rootC. Qed.
Lemma root1C x : 1.-root x = x. Proof. exact: (@rootCK 1). Qed.
Lemma rootC0 n : n.-root 0 = 0.
have [-> | n_gt0] := posnP n; first by rewrite root0C.
by have /eqP := rootCK n_gt0 0; rewrite expf_eq0 n_gt0 /= => /eqP.
Lemma rootC_inj n : (n > 0)%N -> injective n.-root.
Proof. by move/rootCK/can_inj. Qed.
Lemma eqr_rootC n : (n > 0)%N -> {mono n.-root : x y / x == y}.
Proof. by move/rootC_inj/inj_eq. Qed.
Lemma rootC_eq0 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (n.-root x == 0) = (x == 0).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -{1}(rootC0 n) eqr_rootC. Qed.
(* Rectangular coordinates. *)
Lemma nonRealCi : ('i : C) \isn't real.
Proof. by rewrite realEsqr sqrCi oppr_ge0 lt_geF ?ltr01. Qed.
Lemma neq0Ci : 'i != 0 :> C.
Proof. by apply: contraNneq nonRealCi => ->; apply: real0. Qed.
Lemma normCi : `|'i| = 1 :> C.
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite -(@pexpr_eq1 _ _ 2) // -normrX sqrCi normrN1. Qed.
Lemma invCi : 'i^-1 = - 'i :> C.
Proof. by rewrite -div1r -[1]opprK -sqrCi mulNr mulfK ?neq0Ci. Qed.
Lemma conjCi : 'i^* = - 'i :> C.
Proof. by rewrite -invCi invC_norm normCi expr1n invr1 mul1r. Qed.
Lemma Crect x : x = 'Re x + 'i * 'Im x.
rewrite !(ReE, ImE) 2!mulrA mulCii mulN1r opprB -mulrDl.
by rewrite addrACA subrr addr0 -mulr2n -mulr_natr mulfK.
Lemma eqCP x y : x = y <-> ('Re x = 'Re y) /\ ('Im x = 'Im y).
Proof. by split=> [->//|[eqRe eqIm]]; rewrite [x]Crect [y]Crect eqRe eqIm. Qed.
Lemma eqC x y : (x == y) = ('Re x == 'Re y) && ('Im x == 'Im y).
Proof. by apply/eqP/(andPP eqP eqP) => /eqCP. Qed.
Lemma Creal_Re x : 'Re x \is real.
Proof. by rewrite ReE CrealE fmorph_div rmorph_nat rmorphD conjCK addrC. Qed.
Lemma Creal_Im x : 'Im x \is real.
rewrite ImE CrealE fmorph_div rmorph_nat rmorphM rmorphB conjCK.
by rewrite conjCi -opprB mulrNN.
Hint Resolve Creal_Re Creal_Im : core.
Fact Re_is_additive : additive Re.
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite !ReE rmorphB addrACA -opprD mulrBl. Qed.
Canonical Re_additive := Additive Re_is_additive.
Fact Im_is_additive : additive Im.
by move=> x y; rewrite !ImE rmorphB opprD addrACA -opprD mulrBr mulrBl.
Canonical Im_additive := Additive Im_is_additive.
Lemma Creal_ImP z : reflect ('Im z = 0) (z \is real).
rewrite ImE CrealE -subr_eq0 -(can_eq (mulKf neq0Ci)) mulr0.
by rewrite -(can_eq (divfK nz2)) mul0r; apply: eqP.
Lemma Creal_ReP z : reflect ('Re z = z) (z \in real).
rewrite (sameP (Creal_ImP z) eqP) -(can_eq (mulKf neq0Ci)) mulr0.
by rewrite -(inj_eq (addrI ('Re z))) addr0 -Crect eq_sym; apply: eqP.
Lemma ReMl : {in real, forall x, {morph Re : z / x * z}}.
by move=> x Rx z /=; rewrite !ReE rmorphM (conj_Creal Rx) -mulrDr -mulrA.
Lemma ReMr : {in real, forall x, {morph Re : z / z * x}}.
Proof. by move=> x Rx z /=; rewrite mulrC ReMl // mulrC. Qed.
Lemma ImMl : {in real, forall x, {morph Im : z / x * z}}.
by move=> x Rx z; rewrite !ImE rmorphM (conj_Creal Rx) -mulrBr mulrCA !mulrA.
Lemma ImMr : {in real, forall x, {morph Im : z / z * x}}.
Proof. by move=> x Rx z /=; rewrite mulrC ImMl // mulrC. Qed.
Lemma Re_i : 'Re 'i = 0. Proof. by rewrite ReE conjCi subrr mul0r. Qed.
Lemma Im_i : 'Im 'i = 1.
rewrite ImE conjCi -opprD mulrN -mulr2n mulrnAr mulCii.
by rewrite mulNrn opprK divff.
Lemma Re_conj z : 'Re z^* = 'Re z.
Proof. by rewrite !ReE addrC conjCK. Qed.
Lemma Im_conj z : 'Im z^* = - 'Im z.
Proof. by rewrite !ImE -mulNr -mulrN opprB conjCK. Qed.
Lemma Re_rect : {in real &, forall x y, 'Re (x + 'i * y) = x}.
move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite /= raddfD /= (Creal_ReP x Rx).
by rewrite ReMr // Re_i mul0r addr0.
Lemma Im_rect : {in real &, forall x y, 'Im (x + 'i * y) = y}.
move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite /= raddfD /= (Creal_ImP x Rx) add0r.
by rewrite ImMr // Im_i mul1r.
Lemma conjC_rect : {in real &, forall x y, (x + 'i * y)^* = x - 'i * y}.
by move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite /= rmorphD rmorphM conjCi mulNr !conj_Creal.
Lemma addC_rect x1 y1 x2 y2 :
(x1 + 'i * y1) + (x2 + 'i * y2) = x1 + x2 + 'i * (y1 + y2).
Proof. by rewrite addrACA -mulrDr. Qed.
Lemma oppC_rect x y : - (x + 'i * y) = - x + 'i * (- y).
Proof. by rewrite mulrN -opprD. Qed.
Lemma subC_rect x1 y1 x2 y2 :
(x1 + 'i * y1) - (x2 + 'i * y2) = x1 - x2 + 'i * (y1 - y2).
Proof. by rewrite oppC_rect addC_rect. Qed.
Lemma mulC_rect x1 y1 x2 y2 : (x1 + 'i * y1) * (x2 + 'i * y2) =
x1 * x2 - y1 * y2 + 'i * (x1 * y2 + x2 * y1).
rewrite mulrDl !mulrDr (AC (2*2) (1*4*(2*3)))/= mulrACA.
by rewrite -expr2 sqrCi mulN1r -!mulrA [_ * ('i * _)]mulrCA [_ * y1]mulrC.
Lemma ImM x y : 'Im (x * y) = 'Re x * 'Im y + 'Re y * 'Im x.
rewrite [x in LHS]Crect [y in LHS]Crect mulC_rect.
by rewrite !(Im_rect, rpredB, rpredD, rpredM).
Lemma ImMil x : 'Im ('i * x) = 'Re x.
Proof. by rewrite ImM Re_i Im_i mul0r mulr1 add0r. Qed.
Lemma ReMil x : 'Re ('i * x) = - 'Im x.
Proof. by rewrite -ImMil mulrA mulCii mulN1r raddfN. Qed.
Lemma ReMir x : 'Re (x * 'i) = - 'Im x. Proof. by rewrite mulrC ReMil. Qed.
Lemma ImMir x : 'Im (x * 'i) = 'Re x. Proof. by rewrite mulrC ImMil. Qed.
Lemma ReM x y : 'Re (x * y) = 'Re x * 'Re y - 'Im x * 'Im y.
Proof. by rewrite -ImMil mulrCA ImM ImMil ReMil mulNr ['Im _ * _]mulrC. Qed.
Lemma normC2_rect :
{in real &, forall x y, `|x + 'i * y| ^+ 2 = x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2}.
move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite /= normCK rmorphD rmorphM conjCi !conj_Creal //.
by rewrite mulrC mulNr -subr_sqr exprMn sqrCi mulN1r opprK.
Lemma normC2_Re_Im z : `|z| ^+ 2 = 'Re z ^+ 2 + 'Im z ^+ 2.
Proof. by rewrite -normC2_rect -?Crect. Qed.
Lemma invC_Crect x y : (x + 'i * y)^-1 = (x^* - 'i * y^*) / `|x + 'i * y| ^+ 2.
Proof. by rewrite /= invC_norm mulrC !rmorphE rmorphM conjCi mulNr. Qed.
Lemma invC_rect :
{in real &, forall x y, (x + 'i * y)^-1 = (x - 'i * y) / (x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2)}.
Proof. by move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite invC_Crect normC2_rect ?conj_Creal. Qed.
Lemma ImV x : 'Im x^-1 = - 'Im x / `|x| ^+ 2.
rewrite [x in LHS]Crect invC_rect// ImMr ?(rpredV, rpredD, rpredX)//.
by rewrite -mulrN Im_rect ?rpredN// -normC2_rect// -Crect.
Lemma ReV x : 'Re x^-1 = 'Re x / `|x| ^+ 2.
rewrite [x in LHS]Crect invC_rect// ReMr ?(rpredV, rpredD, rpredX)//.
by rewrite -mulrN Re_rect ?rpredN// -normC2_rect// -Crect.
Lemma rectC_mulr x y z : (x + 'i * y) * z = x * z + 'i * (y * z).
Proof. by rewrite mulrDl mulrA. Qed.
Lemma rectC_mull x y z : z * (x + 'i * y) = z * x + 'i * (z * y).
Proof. by rewrite mulrDr mulrCA. Qed.
Lemma divC_Crect x1 y1 x2 y2 :
(x1 + 'i * y1) / (x2 + 'i * y2) =
(x1 * x2^* + y1 * y2^* + 'i * (x2^* * y1 - x1 * y2^*)) /
`|x2 + 'i * y2| ^+ 2.
rewrite invC_Crect// -mulrN [_ / _]rectC_mulr mulC_rect !mulrA -mulrBl.
rewrite [_ * _ * y1]mulrAC -mulrDl mulrA -mulrDl !(mulrN, mulNr) opprK.
by rewrite [- _ + _]addrC.
Lemma divC_rect x1 y1 x2 y2 :
x1 \is real -> y1 \is real -> x2 \is real -> y2 \is real ->
(x1 + 'i * y1) / (x2 + 'i * y2) =
(x1 * x2 + y1 * y2 + 'i * (x2 * y1 - x1 * y2)) /
(x2 ^+ 2 + y2 ^+ 2).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite divC_Crect normC2_rect ?conj_Creal. Qed.
Lemma Im_div x y : 'Im (x / y) = ('Re y * 'Im x - 'Re x * 'Im y) / `|y| ^+ 2.
Proof. by rewrite ImM ImV ReV mulrA [X in _ + X]mulrAC -mulrDl mulrN addrC. Qed.
Lemma Re_div x y : 'Re (x / y) = ('Re x * 'Re y + 'Im x * 'Im y) / `|y| ^+ 2.
Proof. by rewrite ReM ImV ReV !mulrA -mulrBl mulrN opprK. Qed.
Lemma leif_normC_Re_Creal z : `|'Re z| <= `|z| ?= iff (z \is real).
rewrite -(mono_in_leif ler_sqr); try by rewrite qualifE.
rewrite [`|'Re _| ^+ 2]normCK conj_Creal // normC2_Re_Im -expr2.
rewrite addrC -leif_subLR subrr (sameP (Creal_ImP _) eqP) -sqrf_eq0 eq_sym.
by apply: leif_eq; rewrite -realEsqr.
Lemma leif_Re_Creal z : 'Re z <= `|z| ?= iff (0 <= z).
have ubRe: 'Re z <= `|'Re z| ?= iff (0 <= 'Re z).
by rewrite ger0_def eq_sym; apply/leif_eq/real_ler_norm.
congr (_ <= _ ?= iff _): (leif_trans ubRe (leif_normC_Re_Creal z)).
apply/andP/idP=> [[zRge0 /Creal_ReP <- //] | z_ge0].
by have Rz := ger0_real z_ge0; rewrite (Creal_ReP _ _).
(* Equality from polar coordinates, for the upper plane. *)
Lemma eqC_semipolar x y :
`|x| = `|y| -> 'Re x = 'Re y -> 0 <= 'Im x * 'Im y -> x = y.
move=> eq_norm eq_Re sign_Im.
rewrite [x]Crect [y]Crect eq_Re; congr (_ + 'i * _).
have /eqP := congr1 (fun z => z ^+ 2) eq_norm.
rewrite !normC2_Re_Im eq_Re (can_eq (addKr _)) eqf_sqr => /pred2P[] // eq_Im.
rewrite eq_Im mulNr -expr2 oppr_ge0 real_exprn_even_le0 //= in sign_Im.
by rewrite eq_Im (eqP sign_Im) oppr0.
(* Nth roots. *)
Let argCleP y z :
reflect (0 <= 'Im z -> 0 <= 'Im y /\ 'Re z <= 'Re y) (argCle y z).
suffices dIm x: nnegIm x = (0 <= 'Im x).
rewrite /argCle !dIm !(ImE, ReE) ler_pmul2r ?invr_gt0 ?ltr0n //.
by apply: (iffP implyP) => geZyz /geZyz/andP.
by rewrite (ImE x) pmulr_lge0 ?invr_gt0 ?ltr0n //; congr (0 <= _ * _).
Lemma rootC_Re_max n x y :
(n > 0)%N -> y ^+ n = x -> 0 <= 'Im y -> 'Re y <= 'Re (n.-root x).
by move=> n_gt0 yn_x leI0y; case_rootC=> z /= _ /(_ y n_gt0 yn_x)/argCleP[].
Let neg_unity_root n : (n > 1)%N -> exists2 w : C, w ^+ n = 1 & 'Re w < 0.
move=> n_gt1; have [|w /eqP pw_0] := closed_rootP (\poly_(i < n) (1 : C)) _.
by rewrite size_poly_eq ?oner_eq0 // -(subnKC n_gt1).
rewrite horner_poly (eq_bigr _ (fun _ _ => mul1r _)) in pw_0.
have wn1: w ^+ n = 1 by apply/eqP; rewrite -subr_eq0 subrX1 pw_0 mulr0.
suffices /existsP[i ltRwi0]: [exists i : 'I_n, 'Re (w ^+ i) < 0].
by exists (w ^+ i) => //; rewrite exprAC wn1 expr1n.
apply: contra_eqT (congr1 Re pw_0) => /existsPn geRw0.
rewrite raddf_sum raddf0 /= (bigD1 (Ordinal (ltnW n_gt1))) //=.
rewrite (Creal_ReP _ _) ?rpred1 // gt_eqF ?ltr_paddr ?ltr01 //=.
by apply: sumr_ge0 => i _; rewrite real_leNgt ?rpred0.
Lemma Im_rootC_ge0 n x : (n > 1)%N -> 0 <= 'Im (n.-root x).
set y := n.-root x => n_gt1; have n_gt0 := ltnW n_gt1.
apply: wlog_neg; rewrite -real_ltNge ?rpred0 // => ltIy0.
suffices [z zn_x leI0z]: exists2 z, z ^+ n = x & 'Im z >= 0.
by rewrite /y; case_rootC => /= y1 _ /(_ z n_gt0 zn_x)/argCleP[].
have [w wn1 ltRw0] := neg_unity_root n_gt1.
wlog leRI0yw: w wn1 ltRw0 / 0 <= 'Re y * 'Im w.
move=> IHw; have: 'Re y * 'Im w \is real by rewrite rpredM.
case/real_ge0P=> [|/ltW leRIyw0]; first exact: IHw.
apply: (IHw w^*); rewrite ?Re_conj ?Im_conj ?mulrN ?oppr_ge0 //.
by rewrite -rmorphX wn1 rmorph1.
exists (w * y); first by rewrite exprMn wn1 mul1r rootCK.
rewrite [w]Crect [y]Crect mulC_rect.
by rewrite Im_rect ?rpredD ?rpredN 1?rpredM // addr_ge0 // ltW ?nmulr_rgt0.
Lemma rootC_lt0 n x : (1 < n)%N -> (n.-root x < 0) = false.
set y := n.-root x => n_gt1; have n_gt0 := ltnW n_gt1.
apply: negbTE; apply: wlog_neg => /negbNE lt0y; rewrite le_gtF //.
have Rx: x \is real by rewrite -[x](rootCK n_gt0) rpredX // ltr0_real.
have Re_y: 'Re y = y by apply/Creal_ReP; rewrite ltr0_real.
have [z zn_x leR0z]: exists2 z, z ^+ n = x & 'Re z >= 0.
have [w wn1 ltRw0] := neg_unity_root n_gt1.
exists (w * y); first by rewrite exprMn wn1 mul1r rootCK.
by rewrite ReMr ?ltr0_real // ltW // nmulr_lgt0.
without loss leI0z: z zn_x leR0z / 'Im z >= 0.
move=> IHz; have: 'Im z \is real by [].
case/real_ge0P=> [|/ltW leIz0]; first exact: IHz.
apply: (IHz z^*); rewrite ?Re_conj ?Im_conj ?oppr_ge0 //.
by rewrite -rmorphX zn_x conj_Creal.
by apply: le_trans leR0z _; rewrite -Re_y ?rootC_Re_max ?ltr0_real.
Lemma rootC_ge0 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (0 <= n.-root x) = (0 <= x).
set y := n.-root x => n_gt0.
apply/idP/idP=> [/(exprn_ge0 n) | x_ge0]; first by rewrite rootCK.
rewrite -(ge_leif (leif_Re_Creal y)).
have Ray: `|y| \is real by apply: normr_real.
rewrite -(Creal_ReP _ Ray) rootC_Re_max ?(Creal_ImP _ Ray) //.
by rewrite -normrX rootCK // ger0_norm.
Lemma rootC_gt0 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (n.-root x > 0) = (x > 0).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite !lt0r rootC_ge0 ?rootC_eq0. Qed.
Lemma rootC_le0 n x : (1 < n)%N -> (n.-root x <= 0) = (x == 0).
by move=> n_gt1; rewrite le_eqVlt rootC_lt0 // orbF rootC_eq0 1?ltnW.
Lemma ler_rootCl n : (n > 0)%N -> {in Num.nneg, {mono n.-root : x y / x <= y}}.
move=> n_gt0 x x_ge0 y; have [y_ge0 | not_y_ge0] := boolP (0 <= y).
by rewrite -(ler_pexpn2r n_gt0) ?qualifE ?rootC_ge0 ?rootCK.
rewrite (contraNF (@le_trans _ _ _ 0 _ _)) ?rootC_ge0 //.
by rewrite (contraNF (le_trans x_ge0)).
Lemma ler_rootC n : (n > 0)%N -> {in Num.nneg &, {mono n.-root : x y / x <= y}}.
Proof. by move=> n_gt0 x y x_ge0 _; apply: ler_rootCl. Qed.
Lemma ltr_rootCl n : (n > 0)%N -> {in Num.nneg, {mono n.-root : x y / x < y}}.
Proof. by move=> n_gt0 x x_ge0 y; rewrite !lt_def ler_rootCl ?eqr_rootC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_rootC n : (n > 0)%N -> {in Num.nneg &, {mono n.-root : x y / x < y}}.
Proof. by move/ler_rootC/leW_mono_in. Qed.
Lemma exprCK n x : (0 < n)%N -> 0 <= x -> n.-root (x ^+ n) = x.
move=> n_gt0 x_ge0; apply/eqP.
by rewrite -(eqr_expn2 n_gt0) ?rootC_ge0 ?exprn_ge0 ?rootCK.
Lemma norm_rootC n x : `|n.-root x| = n.-root `|x|.
have [-> | n_gt0] := posnP n; first by rewrite !root0C normr0.
by apply/eqP; rewrite -(eqr_expn2 n_gt0) ?rootC_ge0 // -normrX !rootCK.
Lemma rootCX n x k : (n > 0)%N -> 0 <= x -> n.-root (x ^+ k) = n.-root x ^+ k.
move=> n_gt0 x_ge0; apply/eqP.
by rewrite -(eqr_expn2 n_gt0) ?(exprn_ge0, rootC_ge0) // 1?exprAC !rootCK.
Lemma rootC1 n : (n > 0)%N -> n.-root 1 = 1.
Proof. by move/(rootCX 0)/(_ ler01). Qed.
Lemma rootCpX n x k : (k > 0)%N -> 0 <= x -> n.-root (x ^+ k) = n.-root x ^+ k.
by case: n => [|n] k_gt0; [rewrite !root0C expr0n gtn_eqF | apply: rootCX].
Lemma rootCV n x : 0 <= x -> n.-root x^-1 = (n.-root x)^-1.
move=> x_ge0; have [->|n_gt0] := posnP n; first by rewrite !root0C invr0.
by rewrite -(eqr_expn2 n_gt0) ?(invr_ge0, rootC_ge0) // !exprVn !rootCK.
Lemma rootC_eq1 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (n.-root x == 1) = (x == 1).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -{1}(rootC1 n_gt0) eqr_rootC. Qed.
Lemma rootC_ge1 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (n.-root x >= 1) = (x >= 1).
by move=> n_gt0; rewrite -{1}(rootC1 n_gt0) ler_rootCl // qualifE ler01.
Lemma rootC_gt1 n x : (n > 0)%N -> (n.-root x > 1) = (x > 1).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0; rewrite !lt_def rootC_eq1 ?rootC_ge1. Qed.
Lemma rootC_le1 n x : (n > 0)%N -> 0 <= x -> (n.-root x <= 1) = (x <= 1).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0 x_ge0; rewrite -{1}(rootC1 n_gt0) ler_rootCl. Qed.
Lemma rootC_lt1 n x : (n > 0)%N -> 0 <= x -> (n.-root x < 1) = (x < 1).
Proof. by move=> n_gt0 x_ge0; rewrite !lt_neqAle rootC_eq1 ?rootC_le1. Qed.
Lemma rootCMl n x z : 0 <= x -> n.-root (x * z) = n.-root x * n.-root z.
rewrite le0r => /predU1P[-> | x_gt0]; first by rewrite !(mul0r, rootC0).
have [| n_gt1 | ->] := ltngtP n 1; last by rewrite !root1C.
by case: n => //; rewrite !root0C mul0r.
have [x_ge0 n_gt0] := (ltW x_gt0, ltnW n_gt1).
have nx_gt0: 0 < n.-root x by rewrite rootC_gt0.
have Rnx: n.-root x \is real by rewrite ger0_real ?ltW.
apply: eqC_semipolar; last 1 first; try apply/eqP.
- by rewrite ImMl // !(Im_rootC_ge0, mulr_ge0, rootC_ge0).
- by rewrite -(eqr_expn2 n_gt0) // -!normrX exprMn !rootCK.
rewrite eq_le; apply/andP; split; last first.
rewrite rootC_Re_max ?exprMn ?rootCK ?ImMl //.
by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?Im_rootC_ge0 ?ltW.
rewrite -[n.-root _](mulVKf (negbT (gt_eqF nx_gt0))) !(ReMl Rnx) //.
rewrite ler_pmul2l // rootC_Re_max ?exprMn ?exprVn ?rootCK ?mulKf ?gt_eqF //.
by rewrite ImMl ?rpredV // mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 ?Im_rootC_ge0 ?ltW.
Lemma rootCMr n x z : 0 <= x -> n.-root (z * x) = n.-root z * n.-root x.
Proof. by move=> x_ge0; rewrite mulrC rootCMl // mulrC. Qed.
Lemma imaginaryCE : 'i = sqrtC (-1).
have : sqrtC (-1) ^+ 2 - 'i ^+ 2 == 0 by rewrite sqrCi rootCK // subrr.
rewrite subr_sqr mulf_eq0 subr_eq0 addr_eq0; have [//|_/= /eqP sCN1E] := eqP.
by have := @Im_rootC_ge0 2 (-1) isT; rewrite sCN1E raddfN /= Im_i ler0N1.
(* More properties of n.-root will be established in cyclotomic.v. *)
(* The proper form of the Arithmetic - Geometric Mean inequality. *)
Lemma leif_rootC_AGM (I : finType) (A : {pred I}) (n := #|A|) E :
{in A, forall i, 0 <= E i} ->
n.-root (\prod_(i in A) E i) <= (\sum_(i in A) E i) / n%:R
?= iff [forall i in A, forall j in A, E i == E j].
move=> Ege0; have [n0 | n_gt0] := posnP n.
rewrite n0 root0C invr0 mulr0; apply/leif_refl/forall_inP=> i.
by rewrite (card0_eq n0).
rewrite -(mono_in_leif (ler_pexpn2r n_gt0)) ?rootCK //=; first 1 last.
- by rewrite qualifE rootC_ge0 // prodr_ge0.
- by rewrite rpred_div ?rpred_nat ?rpred_sum.
exact: leif_AGM.
(* Square root. *)
Lemma sqrtC0 : sqrtC 0 = 0. Proof. exact: rootC0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC1 : sqrtC 1 = 1. Proof. exact: rootC1. Qed.
Lemma sqrtCK x : sqrtC x ^+ 2 = x. Proof. exact: rootCK. Qed.
Lemma sqrCK x : 0 <= x -> sqrtC (x ^+ 2) = x. Proof. exact: exprCK. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_ge0 x : (0 <= sqrtC x) = (0 <= x). Proof. exact: rootC_ge0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_eq0 x : (sqrtC x == 0) = (x == 0). Proof. exact: rootC_eq0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_gt0 x : (sqrtC x > 0) = (x > 0). Proof. exact: rootC_gt0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_lt0 x : (sqrtC x < 0) = false. Proof. exact: rootC_lt0. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_le0 x : (sqrtC x <= 0) = (x == 0). Proof. exact: rootC_le0. Qed.
Lemma ler_sqrtC : {in Num.nneg &, {mono sqrtC : x y / x <= y}}.
Proof. exact: ler_rootC. Qed.
Lemma ltr_sqrtC : {in Num.nneg &, {mono sqrtC : x y / x < y}}.
Proof. exact: ltr_rootC. Qed.
Lemma eqr_sqrtC : {mono sqrtC : x y / x == y}.
Proof. exact: eqr_rootC. Qed.
Lemma sqrtC_inj : injective sqrtC.
Proof. exact: rootC_inj. Qed.
Lemma sqrtCM : {in Num.nneg &, {morph sqrtC : x y / x * y}}.
Proof. by move=> x y _; apply: rootCMr. Qed.
Lemma sqrCK_P x : reflect (sqrtC (x ^+ 2) = x) ((0 <= 'Im x) && ~~ (x < 0)).
apply: (iffP andP) => [[leI0x not_gt0x] | <-]; last first.
by rewrite sqrtC_lt0 Im_rootC_ge0.
have /eqP := sqrtCK (x ^+ 2); rewrite eqf_sqr => /pred2P[] // defNx.
apply: sqrCK; rewrite -real_leNgt ?rpred0 // in not_gt0x;
by rewrite leI0x -oppr_ge0 -raddfN -defNx Im_rootC_ge0.
Lemma normC_def x : `|x| = sqrtC (x * x^*).
Proof. by rewrite -normCK sqrCK. Qed.
Lemma norm_conjC x : `|x^*| = `|x|.
Proof. by rewrite !normC_def conjCK mulrC. Qed.
Lemma normC_rect :
{in real &, forall x y, `|x + 'i * y| = sqrtC (x ^+ 2 + y ^+ 2)}.
Proof. by move=> x y Rx Ry; rewrite /= normC_def -normCK normC2_rect. Qed.
Lemma normC_Re_Im z : `|z| = sqrtC ('Re z ^+ 2 + 'Im z ^+ 2).
Proof. by rewrite normC_def -normCK normC2_Re_Im. Qed.
(* Norm sum (in)equalities. *)
Lemma normC_add_eq x y :
`|x + y| = `|x| + `|y| ->
{t : C | `|t| == 1 & (x, y) = (`|x| * t, `|y| * t)}.
move=> lin_xy; apply: sig2_eqW; pose u z := if z == 0 then 1 else z / `|z|.
have uE z: (`|u z| = 1) * (`|z| * u z = z).
rewrite /u; have [->|nz_z] := eqVneq; first by rewrite normr0 normr1 mul0r.
by rewrite normf_div normr_id mulrCA divff ?mulr1 ?normr_eq0.
have [->|nz_x] := eqVneq x 0; first by exists (u y); rewrite uE ?normr0 ?mul0r.
exists (u x); rewrite uE // /u (negPf nz_x); congr (_ , _).
have{lin_xy} def2xy: `|x| * `|y| *+ 2 = x * y ^* + y * x ^*.
apply/(addrI (x * x^*))/(addIr (y * y^*)); rewrite -2!{1}normCK -sqrrD.
by rewrite addrA -addrA -!mulrDr -mulrDl -rmorphD -normCK lin_xy.
have def_xy: x * y^* = y * x^*.
apply/eqP; rewrite -subr_eq0 -[_ == 0](@expf_eq0 _ _ 2).
rewrite (canRL (subrK _) (subr_sqrDB _ _)) opprK -def2xy exprMn_n exprMn.
by rewrite mulrN (@GRing.mul C).[AC (2*2) (1*4*(3*2))] -!normCK mulNrn addNr.
have{def_xy def2xy} def_yx: `|y * x| = y * x^*.
by apply: (mulIf nz2); rewrite !mulr_natr mulrC normrM def2xy def_xy.
rewrite -{1}(divfK nz_x y) invC_norm mulrCA -{}def_yx !normrM invfM.
by rewrite mulrCA divfK ?normr_eq0 // mulrAC mulrA.
Lemma normC_sum_eq (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I -> C) :
`|\sum_(i | P i) F i| = \sum_(i | P i) `|F i| ->
{t : C | `|t| == 1 & forall i, P i -> F i = `|F i| * t}.
have [i /andP[Pi nzFi] | F0] := pickP [pred i | P i & F i != 0]; last first.
exists 1 => [|i Pi]; first by rewrite normr1.
by case/nandP: (F0 i) => [/negP[]// | /negbNE/eqP->]; rewrite normr0 mul0r.
rewrite !(bigD1 i Pi) /= => norm_sumF; pose Q j := P j && (j != i).
rewrite -normr_eq0 in nzFi; set c := F i / `|F i|; exists c => [|j Pj].
by rewrite normrM normfV normr_id divff.
have [Qj | /nandP[/negP[]// | /negbNE/eqP->]] := boolP (Q j); last first.
by rewrite mulrC divfK.
have: `|F i + F j| = `|F i| + `|F j|.
do [rewrite !(bigD1 j Qj) /=; set z := \sum_(k | _) `|_|] in norm_sumF.
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le ler_norm_add -(ler_add2r z) -addrA -norm_sumF addrA.
by rewrite (le_trans (ler_norm_add _ _)) // ler_add2l ler_norm_sum.
by case/normC_add_eq=> k _ [/(canLR (mulKf nzFi)) <-]; rewrite -(mulrC (F i)).
Lemma normC_sum_eq1 (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F : I -> C) :
`|\sum_(i | P i) F i| = (\sum_(i | P i) `|F i|) ->
(forall i, P i -> `|F i| = 1) ->
{t : C | `|t| == 1 & forall i, P i -> F i = t}.
case/normC_sum_eq=> t t1 defF normF.
by exists t => // i Pi; rewrite defF // normF // mul1r.
Lemma normC_sum_upper (I : finType) (P : pred I) (F G : I -> C) :
(forall i, P i -> `|F i| <= G i) ->
\sum_(i | P i) F i = \sum_(i | P i) G i ->
forall i, P i -> F i = G i.
set sumF := \sum_(i | _) _; set sumG := \sum_(i | _) _ => leFG eq_sumFG.
have posG i: P i -> 0 <= G i by move/leFG; apply: le_trans.
have norm_sumG: `|sumG| = sumG by rewrite ger0_norm ?sumr_ge0.
have norm_sumF: `|sumF| = \sum_(i | P i) `|F i|.
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_le ler_norm_sum eq_sumFG norm_sumG -subr_ge0 -sumrB.
by rewrite sumr_ge0 // => i Pi; rewrite subr_ge0 ?leFG.
have [t _ defF] := normC_sum_eq norm_sumF.
have [/(psumr_eq0P posG) G0 i Pi | nz_sumG] := eqVneq sumG 0.
by apply/eqP; rewrite G0 // -normr_eq0 eq_le normr_ge0 -(G0 i Pi) leFG.
have t1: t = 1.
apply: (mulfI nz_sumG); rewrite mulr1 -{1}norm_sumG -eq_sumFG norm_sumF.
by rewrite mulr_suml -(eq_bigr _ defF).
have /psumr_eq0P eqFG i: P i -> 0 <= G i - F i.
by move=> Pi; rewrite subr_ge0 defF // t1 mulr1 leFG.
move=> i /eqFG/(canRL (subrK _))->; rewrite ?add0r //.
by rewrite sumrB -/sumF eq_sumFG subrr.
Lemma normC_sub_eq x y :
`|x - y| = `|x| - `|y| -> {t | `|t| == 1 & (x, y) = (`|x| * t, `|y| * t)}.
set z := x - y; rewrite -(subrK y x) -/z => /(canLR (subrK _))/esym-Dx.
have [t t_1 [Dz Dy]] := normC_add_eq Dx.
by exists t; rewrite // Dx mulrDl -Dz -Dy.
End ClosedFieldTheory.
Notation "n .-root" := (@nthroot _ n).
Notation sqrtC := 2.-root.
Notation "'i" := (@imaginaryC _) : ring_scope.
Notation "'Re z" := (Re z) : ring_scope.
Notation "'Im z" := (Im z) : ring_scope.
Arguments conjCK {C} x.
Arguments sqrCK {C} [x] le0x.
Arguments sqrCK_P {C x}.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (in_mem ('Re _) _)) =>
solve [apply: Creal_Re] : core.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (is_true (in_mem ('Im _) _)) =>
solve [apply: Creal_Im] : core.
End Theory.
Module NumMixin.
Section NumMixin.
Variable (R : idomainType).
Record of_ := Mixin {
le : rel R;
lt : rel R;
norm : R -> R;
normD : forall x y, le (norm (x + y)) (norm x + norm y);
addr_gt0 : forall x y, lt 0 x -> lt 0 y -> lt 0 (x + y);
norm_eq0 : forall x, norm x = 0 -> x = 0;
ger_total : forall x y, le 0 x -> le 0 y -> le x y || le y x;
normM : {morph norm : x y / x * y};
le_def : forall x y, (le x y) = (norm (y - x) == y - x);
lt_def : forall x y, (lt x y) = (y != x) && (le x y)
Variable (m : of_).
Local Notation "x <= y" := (le m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "x < y" := (lt m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "`| x |" := (norm m x) : ring_scope.
Lemma ltrr x : x < x = false. Proof. by rewrite lt_def eqxx. Qed.
Lemma ge0_def x : (0 <= x) = (`|x| == x).
Proof. by rewrite le_def subr0. Qed.
Lemma subr_ge0 x y : (0 <= x - y) = (y <= x).
Proof. by rewrite ge0_def -le_def. Qed.
Lemma subr_gt0 x y : (0 < y - x) = (x < y).
Proof. by rewrite !lt_def subr_eq0 subr_ge0. Qed.
Lemma lt_trans : transitive (lt m).
move=> y x z le_xy le_yz.
by rewrite -subr_gt0 -(subrK y z) -addrA addr_gt0 // subr_gt0.
Lemma le01 : 0 <= 1.
have n1_nz: `|1| != 0 :> R by apply: contraNneq (@oner_neq0 R) => /norm_eq0->.
by rewrite ge0_def -(inj_eq (mulfI n1_nz)) -normM !mulr1.
Lemma lt01 : 0 < 1.
Proof. by rewrite lt_def oner_neq0 le01. Qed.
Lemma ltW x y : x < y -> x <= y. Proof. by rewrite lt_def => /andP[]. Qed.
Lemma lerr x : x <= x.
have n2: `|2| == 2 :> R by rewrite -ge0_def ltW ?addr_gt0 ?lt01.
rewrite le_def subrr -(inj_eq (addrI `|0|)) addr0 -mulr2n -mulr_natr.
by rewrite -(eqP n2) -normM mul0r.
Lemma le_def' x y : (x <= y) = (x == y) || (x < y).
Proof. by rewrite lt_def; case: eqVneq => //= ->; rewrite lerr. Qed.
Lemma le_trans : transitive (le m).
by move=> y x z; rewrite !le_def' => /predU1P [->|hxy] // /predU1P [<-|hyz];
rewrite ?hxy ?(lt_trans hxy hyz) orbT.
Lemma normrMn x n : `|x *+ n| = `|x| *+ n.
rewrite -mulr_natr -[RHS]mulr_natr normM.
congr (_ * _); apply/eqP; rewrite -ge0_def.
elim: n => [|n ih]; [exact: lerr | apply: (le_trans ih)].
by rewrite le_def -natrB // subSnn -[_%:R]subr0 -le_def mulr1n le01.
Lemma normrN1 : `|-1| = 1 :> R.
have: `|-1| ^+ 2 == 1 :> R
by rewrite expr2 /= -normM mulrNN mul1r -[1]subr0 -le_def le01.
rewrite sqrf_eq1 => /predU1P [] //; rewrite -[-1]subr0 -le_def.
have ->: 0 <= -1 = (-1 == 0 :> R) || (0 < -1)
by rewrite lt_def; case: eqP => // ->; rewrite lerr.
by rewrite oppr_eq0 oner_eq0 => /(addr_gt0 lt01); rewrite subrr ltrr.
Lemma normrN x : `|- x| = `|x|.
Proof. by rewrite -mulN1r normM -[RHS]mul1r normrN1. Qed.
Definition ltPOrderMixin : ltPOrderMixin R :=
LtPOrderMixin le_def' ltrr lt_trans.
Definition normedZmodMixin :
@normed_mixin_of R R ltPOrderMixin :=
@Num.NormedMixin _ _ ltPOrderMixin (norm m)
(normD m) (@norm_eq0 m) normrMn normrN.
Definition numDomainMixin :
@mixin_of R ltPOrderMixin normedZmodMixin :=
@Num.Mixin _ ltPOrderMixin normedZmodMixin (@addr_gt0 m)
(@ger_total m) (@normM m) (@le_def m).
End NumMixin.
Module Exports.
Notation numMixin := of_.
Notation NumMixin := Mixin.
Coercion ltPOrderMixin : numMixin >-> Order.LtPOrderMixin.of_.
Coercion normedZmodMixin : numMixin >-> normed_mixin_of.
Coercion numDomainMixin : numMixin >-> mixin_of.
Definition NumDomainOfIdomain (T : idomainType) (m : of_ T) :=
NumDomainType (POrderType ring_display T m) m.
End Exports.
End NumMixin.
Import NumMixin.Exports.
Module RealMixin.
Section RealMixin.
Variables (R : numDomainType).
Variable (real : real_axiom R).
Lemma le_total : totalPOrderMixin R.
move=> x y; move: (real (x - y)).
by rewrite unfold_in !ler_def subr0 add0r opprB orbC.
End RealMixin.
Module Exports.
Coercion le_total : real_axiom >-> totalPOrderMixin.
Definition RealDomainOfNumDomain (T : numDomainType) (m : real_axiom T) :=
[realDomainType of OrderOfPOrder m].
End Exports.
End RealMixin.
Import RealMixin.Exports.
Module RealLeMixin.
Section RealLeMixin.
Variables (R : idomainType).
Record of_ := Mixin {
le : rel R;
lt : rel R;
norm : R -> R;
le0_add : forall x y, le 0 x -> le 0 y -> le 0 (x + y);
le0_mul : forall x y, le 0 x -> le 0 y -> le 0 (x * y);
le0_anti : forall x, le 0 x -> le x 0 -> x = 0;
sub_ge0 : forall x y, le 0 (y - x) = le x y;
le0_total : forall x, le 0 x || le x 0;
normN : forall x, norm (- x) = norm x;
ge0_norm : forall x, le 0 x -> norm x = x;
lt_def : forall x y, lt x y = (y != x) && le x y;
Variable (m : of_).
Local Notation "x <= y" := (le m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "x < y" := (lt m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "`| x |" := (norm m x) : ring_scope.
Let le0N x : (0 <= - x) = (x <= 0). Proof. by rewrite -sub0r sub_ge0. Qed.
Let leN_total x : 0 <= x \/ 0 <= - x.
Proof. by apply/orP; rewrite le0N le0_total. Qed.
Let le00 : 0 <= 0. Proof. by have:= le0_total m 0; rewrite orbb. Qed.
Fact lt0_add x y : 0 < x -> 0 < y -> 0 < x + y.
rewrite !lt_def => /andP [x_neq0 l0x] /andP [y_neq0 l0y]; rewrite le0_add //.
rewrite andbT addr_eq0; apply: contraNneq x_neq0 => hxy.
by rewrite [x](@le0_anti m) // hxy -le0N opprK.
Fact eq0_norm x : `|x| = 0 -> x = 0.
case: (leN_total x) => /ge0_norm => [-> // | Dnx nx0].
by rewrite -[x]opprK -Dnx normN nx0 oppr0.
Fact le_def x y : (x <= y) = (`|y - x| == y - x).
wlog ->: x y / x = 0 by move/(_ 0 (y - x)); rewrite subr0 sub_ge0 => ->.
rewrite {x}subr0; apply/idP/eqP=> [/ge0_norm// | Dy].
by have [//| ny_ge0] := leN_total y; rewrite -Dy -normN ge0_norm.
Fact normM : {morph norm m : x y / x * y}.
move=> x y /=; wlog x_ge0 : x / 0 <= x.
by move=> IHx; case: (leN_total x) => /IHx//; rewrite mulNr !normN.
wlog y_ge0 : y / 0 <= y; last by rewrite ?ge0_norm ?le0_mul.
by move=> IHy; case: (leN_total y) => /IHy//; rewrite mulrN !normN.
Fact le_normD x y : `|x + y| <= `|x| + `|y|.
wlog x_ge0 : x y / 0 <= x.
by move=> IH; case: (leN_total x) => /IH// /(_ (- y)); rewrite -opprD !normN.
rewrite -sub_ge0 ge0_norm //; have [y_ge0 | ny_ge0] := leN_total y.
by rewrite !ge0_norm ?subrr ?le0_add.
rewrite -normN ge0_norm //; have [hxy|hxy] := leN_total (x + y).
by rewrite ge0_norm // opprD addrCA -addrA addKr le0_add.
by rewrite -normN ge0_norm // opprK addrCA addrNK le0_add.
Fact le_total : total (le m).
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite -sub_ge0 -opprB le0N orbC -sub_ge0 le0_total. Qed.
Definition numMixin : numMixin R :=
NumMixin le_normD lt0_add eq0_norm (in2W le_total) normM le_def (lt_def m).
Definition orderMixin :
totalPOrderMixin (POrderType ring_display R numMixin) :=
End RealLeMixin.
Module Exports.
Notation realLeMixin := of_.
Notation RealLeMixin := Mixin.
Coercion numMixin : realLeMixin >-> NumMixin.of_.
Coercion orderMixin : realLeMixin >-> totalPOrderMixin.
Definition LeRealDomainOfIdomain (R : idomainType) (m : of_ R) :=
[realDomainType of @OrderOfPOrder _ (NumDomainOfIdomain m) m].
Definition LeRealFieldOfField (R : fieldType) (m : of_ R) :=
[realFieldType of [numFieldType of LeRealDomainOfIdomain m]].
End Exports.
End RealLeMixin.
Import RealLeMixin.Exports.
Module RealLtMixin.
Section RealLtMixin.
Variables (R : idomainType).
Record of_ := Mixin {
lt : rel R;
le : rel R;
norm : R -> R;
lt0_add : forall x y, lt 0 x -> lt 0 y -> lt 0 (x + y);
lt0_mul : forall x y, lt 0 x -> lt 0 y -> lt 0 (x * y);
lt0_ngt0 : forall x, lt 0 x -> ~~ (lt x 0);
sub_gt0 : forall x y, lt 0 (y - x) = lt x y;
lt0_total : forall x, x != 0 -> lt 0 x || lt x 0;
normN : forall x, norm (- x) = norm x;
ge0_norm : forall x, le 0 x -> norm x = x;
le_def : forall x y, le x y = (x == y) || lt x y;
Variable (m : of_).
Local Notation "x < y" := (lt m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "x <= y" := (le m x y) : ring_scope.
Local Notation "`| x |" := (norm m x) : ring_scope.
Fact lt0N x : (- x < 0) = (0 < x).
Proof. by rewrite -sub_gt0 add0r opprK. Qed.
Let leN_total x : 0 <= x \/ 0 <= - x.
rewrite !le_def [_ == - x]eq_sym oppr_eq0 -[0 < - x]lt0N opprK.
apply/orP; case: (eqVneq x) => //=; exact: lt0_total.
Let le00 : (0 <= 0). Proof. by rewrite le_def eqxx. Qed.
Fact sub_ge0 x y : (0 <= y - x) = (x <= y).
Proof. by rewrite !le_def eq_sym subr_eq0 eq_sym sub_gt0. Qed.
Fact le0_add x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x + y.
rewrite !le_def => /predU1P [<-|x_gt0]; first by rewrite add0r.
by case/predU1P=> [<-|y_gt0]; rewrite ?addr0 ?x_gt0 ?lt0_add // orbT.
Fact le0_mul x y : 0 <= x -> 0 <= y -> 0 <= x * y.
rewrite !le_def => /predU1P [<-|x_gt0]; first by rewrite mul0r eqxx.
by case/predU1P=> [<-|y_gt0]; rewrite ?mulr0 ?eqxx ?lt0_mul // orbT.
Fact normM : {morph norm m : x y / x * y}.
move=> x y /=; wlog x_ge0 : x / 0 <= x.
by move=> IHx; case: (leN_total x) => /IHx//; rewrite mulNr !normN.
wlog y_ge0 : y / 0 <= y; last by rewrite ?ge0_norm ?le0_mul.
by move=> IHy; case: (leN_total y) => /IHy//; rewrite mulrN !normN.
Fact le_normD x y : `|x + y| <= `|x| + `|y|.
wlog x_ge0 : x y / 0 <= x.
by move=> IH; case: (leN_total x) => /IH// /(_ (- y)); rewrite -opprD !normN.
rewrite -sub_ge0 ge0_norm //; have [y_ge0 | ny_ge0] := leN_total y.
by rewrite !ge0_norm ?subrr ?le0_add.
rewrite -normN ge0_norm //; have [hxy|hxy] := leN_total (x + y).
by rewrite ge0_norm // opprD addrCA -addrA addKr le0_add.
by rewrite -normN ge0_norm // opprK addrCA addrNK le0_add.
Fact eq0_norm x : `|x| = 0 -> x = 0.
case: (leN_total x) => /ge0_norm => [-> // | Dnx nx0].
by rewrite -[x]opprK -Dnx normN nx0 oppr0.
Fact le_def' x y : (x <= y) = (`|y - x| == y - x).
wlog ->: x y / x = 0 by move/(_ 0 (y - x)); rewrite subr0 sub_ge0 => ->.
rewrite {x}subr0; apply/idP/eqP=> [/ge0_norm// | Dy].
by have [//| ny_ge0] := leN_total y; rewrite -Dy -normN ge0_norm.
Fact lt_def x y : (x < y) = (y != x) && (x <= y).
rewrite le_def; case: eqVneq => //= ->; rewrite -sub_gt0 subrr.
by apply/idP=> lt00; case/negP: (lt0_ngt0 lt00).
Fact le_total : total (le m).
move=> x y; rewrite !le_def; have [->|] //= := eqVneq; rewrite -subr_eq0.
by move/(lt0_total m); rewrite -(sub_gt0 _ (x - y)) sub0r opprB !sub_gt0 orbC.
Definition numMixin : numMixin R :=
NumMixin le_normD (@lt0_add m) eq0_norm (in2W le_total) normM le_def' lt_def.
Definition orderMixin :
totalPOrderMixin (POrderType ring_display R numMixin) :=
End RealLtMixin.
Module Exports.
Notation realLtMixin := of_.
Notation RealLtMixin := Mixin.
Coercion numMixin : realLtMixin >-> NumMixin.of_.
Coercion orderMixin : realLtMixin >-> totalPOrderMixin.
Definition LtRealDomainOfIdomain (R : idomainType) (m : of_ R) :=
[realDomainType of @OrderOfPOrder _ (NumDomainOfIdomain m) m].
Definition LtRealFieldOfField (R : fieldType) (m : of_ R) :=
[realFieldType of [numFieldType of LtRealDomainOfIdomain m]].
End Exports.
End RealLtMixin.
Import RealLtMixin.Exports.
End Num.
Export Num.NumDomain.Exports Num.NormedZmodule.Exports.
Export Num.NumDomain_joins.Exports.
Export Num.NumField.Exports Num.ClosedField.Exports.
Export Num.RealDomain.Exports Num.RealField.Exports.
Export Num.ArchimedeanField.Exports Num.RealClosedField.Exports.
Export Num.Syntax Num.PredInstances.
Export Num.NumMixin.Exports Num.RealMixin.Exports.
Export Num.RealLeMixin.Exports Num.RealLtMixin.Exports.
Notation ImaginaryMixin := Num.ClosedField.ImaginaryMixin.