
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2020 Paul van Wamelen. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Paul van Wamelen
import number_theory.pythagorean_triples
import ring_theory.coprime.lemmas
import tactic.linear_combination
# Fermat's Last Theorem for the case n = 4
There are no non-zero integers `a`, `b` and `c` such that `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 4`.
noncomputable theory
open_locale classical
/-- Shorthand for three non-zero integers `a`, `b`, and `c` satisfying `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2`.
We will show that no integers satisfy this equation. Clearly Fermat's Last theorem for n = 4
follows. -/
def fermat_42 (a b c : ℤ) : Prop := a ≠ 0 ∧ b ≠ 0 ∧ a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2
namespace fermat_42
lemma comm {a b c : ℤ} :
(fermat_42 a b c) ↔ (fermat_42 b a c) :=
by { delta fermat_42, rw add_comm, tauto }
lemma mul {a b c k : ℤ} (hk0 : k0) :
fermat_42 a b c ↔ fermat_42 (k * a) (k * b) (k ^ 2 * c) :=
delta fermat_42,
{ intro f42,
split, { exact mul_ne_zero hk0 f42.1 },
split, { exact mul_ne_zero hk0 f42.2.1 },
{ have H : a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2 := f42.2.2,
linear_combination k ^ 4 * H } },
{ intro f42,
split, { exact right_ne_zero_of_mul f42.1 },
split, { exact right_ne_zero_of_mul f42.2.1 },
apply (mul_right_inj' (pow_ne_zero 4 hk0)).mp,
linear_combination f42.2.2 }
lemma ne_zero {a b c : ℤ} (h : fermat_42 a b c) : c0 :=
apply ne_zero_pow two_ne_zero _, apply ne_of_gt,
rw [← h.2.2, (by ring : a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = (a ^ 2) ^ 2 + (b ^ 2) ^ 2)],
exact add_pos (sq_pos_of_ne_zero _ (pow_ne_zero 2 h.1))
(sq_pos_of_ne_zero _ (pow_ne_zero 2 h.2.1))
/-- We say a solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` is minimal if there is no other solution with
a smaller `c` (in absolute value). -/
def minimal (a b c : ℤ) : Prop :=
(fermat_42 a b c) ∧ ∀ (a1 b1 c1 : ℤ), (fermat_42 a1 b1 c1) → int.nat_abs c ≤ int.nat_abs c1
/-- if we have a solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` then there must be a minimal one. -/
lemma exists_minimal {a b c : ℤ} (h : fermat_42 a b c) :
∃ (a0 b0 c0), (minimal a0 b0 c0) :=
let S : set ℕ := { n | ∃ (s : ℤ × ℤ × ℤ), fermat_42 s.1 s.2.1 s.2.2 ∧ n = int.nat_abs s.2.2},
have S_nonempty : S.nonempty,
{ use int.nat_abs c,
rw set.mem_set_of_eq,
use ⟨a, ⟨b, c⟩⟩, tauto },
let m : ℕ := nat.find S_nonempty,
have m_mem : m ∈ S := nat.find_spec S_nonempty,
rcases m_mem with ⟨s0, hs0, hs1⟩,
use [s0.1, s0.2.1, s0.2.2, hs0],
intros a1 b1 c1 h1,
rw ← hs1,
apply nat.find_min',
use ⟨a1, ⟨b1, c1⟩⟩, tauto
/-- a minimal solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` must have `a` and `b` coprime. -/
lemma coprime_of_minimal {a b c : ℤ} (h : minimal a b c) : is_coprime a b :=
by_contradiction hab,
obtain ⟨p, hp, hpa, hpb⟩ := hab,
obtain ⟨a1, rfl⟩ := (int.coe_nat_dvd_left.mpr hpa),
obtain ⟨b1, rfl⟩ := (int.coe_nat_dvd_left.mpr hpb),
have hpc : (p : ℤ) ^ 2 ∣ c,
{ rw [←int.pow_dvd_pow_iff zero_lt_two, ←h.1.2.2],
apply dvd.intro (a1 ^ 4 + b1 ^ 4), ring },
obtain ⟨c1, rfl⟩ := hpc,
have hf : fermat_42 a1 b1 c1,
exact (fermat_42.mul (int.coe_nat_ne_zero.mpr ( hp))).mpr h.1,
apply nat.le_lt_antisymm (h.2 _ _ _ hf),
rw [int.nat_abs_mul, lt_mul_iff_one_lt_left, int.nat_abs_pow, int.nat_abs_of_nat],
{ exact nat.one_lt_pow _ _ zero_lt_two ( hp) },
{ exact (nat.pos_of_ne_zero (int.nat_abs_ne_zero_of_ne_zero (ne_zero hf))) },
/-- We can swap `a` and `b` in a minimal solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2`. -/
lemma minimal_comm {a b c : ℤ} : (minimal a b c) → (minimal b a c) :=
λ ⟨h1, h2⟩, ⟨ h1, h2⟩
/-- We can assume that a minimal solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` has positive `c`. -/
lemma neg_of_minimal {a b c : ℤ} :
(minimal a b c) → (minimal a b (-c)) :=
rintros ⟨⟨ha, hb, heq⟩, h2⟩,
{ apply and.intro ha (and.intro hb _),
rw heq, exact (neg_sq c).symm },
rwa (int.nat_abs_neg c),
/-- We can assume that a minimal solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` has `a` odd. -/
lemma exists_odd_minimal {a b c : ℤ} (h : fermat_42 a b c) :
∃ (a0 b0 c0), (minimal a0 b0 c0) ∧ a0 % 2 = 1 :=
obtain ⟨a0, b0, c0, hf⟩ := exists_minimal h,
cases int.mod_two_eq_zero_or_one a0 with hap hap,
{ cases int.mod_two_eq_zero_or_one b0 with hbp hbp,
{ exfalso,
have h1 : 2 ∣ (int.gcd a0 b0 : ℤ),
{ exact int.dvd_gcd (int.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero hap) (int.dvd_of_mod_eq_zero hbp) },
rw int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime.mpr (coprime_of_minimal hf) at h1, revert h1, norm_num },
{ exact ⟨b0, ⟨a0, ⟨c0, minimal_comm hf, hbp⟩⟩⟩ } },
exact ⟨a0, ⟨b0, ⟨c0 , hf, hap⟩⟩⟩,
/-- We can assume that a minimal solution to `a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2` has
`a` odd and `c` positive. -/
lemma exists_pos_odd_minimal {a b c : ℤ} (h : fermat_42 a b c) :
∃ (a0 b0 c0), (minimal a0 b0 c0) ∧ a0 % 2 = 10 < c0 :=
obtain ⟨a0, b0, c0, hf, hc⟩ := exists_odd_minimal h,
rcases lt_trichotomy 0 c0 with (h1 | rfl | h1),
{ use [a0, b0, c0], tauto },
{ exfalso, exact ne_zero hf.1 rfl},
{ use [a0, b0, -c0, neg_of_minimal hf, hc],
exact neg_pos.mpr h1 },
end fermat_42
lemma int.coprime_of_sq_sum {r s : ℤ} (h2 : is_coprime s r) :
is_coprime (r ^ 2 + s ^ 2) r :=
rw [sq, sq],
exact (is_coprime.mul_left h2 h2).mul_add_left_left r
lemma int.coprime_of_sq_sum' {r s : ℤ} (h : is_coprime r s) :
is_coprime (r ^ 2 + s ^ 2) (r * s) :=
apply is_coprime.mul_right (int.coprime_of_sq_sum ( h)),
rw add_comm, apply int.coprime_of_sq_sum h
namespace fermat_42
-- If we have a solution to a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2, we can construct a smaller one. This
-- implies there can't be a smallest solution.
lemma not_minimal {a b c : ℤ}
(h : minimal a b c) (ha2 : a % 2 = 1) (hc : 0 < c) : false :=
-- Use the fact that a ^ 2, b ^ 2, c form a pythagorean triple to obtain m and n such that
-- a ^ 2 = m ^ 2 - n ^ 2, b ^ 2 = 2 * m * n and c = m ^ 2 + n ^ 2
-- first the formula:
have ht : pythagorean_triple (a ^ 2) (b ^ 2) c,
{ delta pythagorean_triple,
linear_combination h.1.2.2 },
-- coprime requirement:
have h2 : int.gcd (a ^ 2) (b ^ 2) = 1 :=
int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime.mpr (coprime_of_minimal h).pow,
-- in order to reduce the possibilities we get from the classification of pythagorean triples
-- it helps if we know the parity of a ^ 2 (and the sign of c):
have ha22 : a ^ 2 % 2 = 1, { rw [sq, int.mul_mod, ha2], norm_num },
obtain ⟨m, n, ht1, ht2, ht3, ht4, ht5, ht6⟩ := ht.coprime_classification' h2 ha22 hc,
-- Now a, n, m form a pythagorean triple and so we can obtain r and s such that
-- a = r ^ 2 - s ^ 2, n = 2 * r * s and m = r ^ 2 + s ^ 2
-- formula:
have htt : pythagorean_triple a n m,
{ delta pythagorean_triple,
linear_combination (ht1) },
-- a and n are coprime, because a ^ 2 = m ^ 2 - n ^ 2 and m and n are coprime.
have h3 : int.gcd a n = 1,
{ apply int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime.mpr,
apply @is_coprime.of_mul_left_left _ _ _ a,
rw [← sq, ht1, (by ring : m ^ 2 - n ^ 2 = m ^ 2 + (-n) * n)],
exact ( ht4).pow_left.add_mul_right_left (-n) },
-- m is positive because b is non-zero and b ^ 2 = 2 * m * n and we already have 0 ≤ m.
have hb20 : b ^ 20 := mt pow_eq_zero h.1.2.1,
have h4 : 0 < m,
{ apply lt_of_le_of_ne ht6,
rintro rfl,
revert hb20,
rw ht2, simp },
obtain ⟨r, s, htt1, htt2, htt3, htt4, htt5, htt6⟩ := htt.coprime_classification' h3 ha2 h4,
-- Now use the fact that (b / 2) ^ 2 = m * r * s, and m, r and s are pairwise coprime to obtain
-- i, j and k such that m = i ^ 2, r = j ^ 2 and s = k ^ 2.
-- m and r * s are coprime because m = r ^ 2 + s ^ 2 and r and s are coprime.
have hcp : int.gcd m (r * s) = 1,
{ rw htt3,
exact int.gcd_eq_one_iff_coprime.mpr (int.coprime_of_sq_sum'
( htt4)) },
-- b is even because b ^ 2 = 2 * m * n.
have hb2 : 2 ∣ b,
{ apply' _ 2 _ (by norm_num : 2),
rw [ht2, mul_assoc], exact dvd_mul_right 2 (m * n) },
cases hb2 with b' hb2',
have hs : b' ^ 2 = m * (r * s),
{ apply (mul_right_inj' (by norm_num : (4 : ℤ) ≠ 0)).mp,
linear_combination (- b - 2 * b') * hb2' + ht2 + 2 * m * htt2 },
have hrsz : r * s ≠ 0, -- because b ^ 2 is not zero and (b / 2) ^ 2 = m * (r * s)
{ by_contradiction hrsz,
revert hb20, rw [ht2, htt2, mul_assoc, @mul_assoc _ _ _ r s, hrsz],
simp },
have h2b0 : b' ≠ 0,
{ apply ne_zero_pow two_ne_zero,
rw hs, apply mul_ne_zero, { exact ne_of_gt h4}, { exact hrsz } },
obtain ⟨i, hi⟩ := int.sq_of_gcd_eq_one hcp hs.symm,
-- use m is positive to exclude m = - i ^ 2
have hi' : ¬ m = - i ^ 2,
{ by_contradiction h1,
have hit : - i ^ 20, apply neg_nonpos.mpr (sq_nonneg i),
rw ← h1 at hit,
apply absurd h4 (not_lt.mpr hit) },
replace hi : m = i ^ 2, { apply or.resolve_right hi hi' },
rw mul_comm at hs,
rw [int.gcd_comm] at hcp,
-- obtain d such that r * s = d ^ 2
obtain ⟨d, hd⟩ := int.sq_of_gcd_eq_one hcp hs.symm,
-- (b / 2) ^ 2 and m are positive so r * s is positive
have hd' : ¬ r * s = - d ^ 2,
{ by_contradiction h1,
rw h1 at hs,
have h2 : b' ^ 20,
{ rw [hs, (by ring : - d ^ 2 * m = - (d ^ 2 * m))],
exact neg_nonpos.mpr ((zero_le_mul_right h4).mpr (sq_nonneg d)) },
have h2' : 0 ≤ b' ^ 2, { apply sq_nonneg b' },
exact absurd (lt_of_le_of_ne h2' (ne.symm (pow_ne_zero _ h2b0))) (not_lt.mpr h2) },
replace hd : r * s = d ^ 2, { apply or.resolve_right hd hd' },
-- r = +/- j ^ 2
obtain ⟨j, hj⟩ := int.sq_of_gcd_eq_one htt4 hd,
have hj0 : j0,
{ intro h0, rw [h0, zero_pow zero_lt_two, neg_zero, or_self] at hj,
apply left_ne_zero_of_mul hrsz hj },
rw mul_comm at hd,
rw [int.gcd_comm] at htt4,
-- s = +/- k ^ 2
obtain ⟨k, hk⟩ := int.sq_of_gcd_eq_one htt4 hd,
have hk0 : k0,
{ intro h0, rw [h0, zero_pow zero_lt_two, neg_zero, or_self] at hk,
apply right_ne_zero_of_mul hrsz hk },
have hj2 : r ^ 2 = j ^ 4, { cases hj with hjp hjp; { rw hjp, ring } },
have hk2 : s ^ 2 = k ^ 4, { cases hk with hkp hkp; { rw hkp, ring } },
-- from m = r ^ 2 + s ^ 2 we now get a new solution to a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 = c ^ 2:
have hh : i ^ 2 = j ^ 4 + k ^ 4, { rw [← hi, htt3, hj2, hk2] },
have hn : n0, { rw ht2 at hb20, apply right_ne_zero_of_mul hb20 },
-- and it has a smaller c: from c = m ^ 2 + n ^ 2 we see that m is smaller than c, and i ^ 2 = m.
have hic : int.nat_abs i < int.nat_abs c,
{ apply, rw ← (int.eq_nat_abs_of_zero_le (le_of_lt hc)),
apply gt_of_gt_of_ge _ (int.abs_le_self_sq i),
rw [← hi, ht3],
apply gt_of_gt_of_ge _ (int.le_self_sq m),
exact lt_add_of_pos_right (m ^ 2) (sq_pos_of_ne_zero n hn) },
have hic' : int.nat_abs c ≤ int.nat_abs i,
{ apply (h.2 j k i),
exact ⟨hj0, hk0, hh.symm⟩ },
apply absurd (not_le_of_lt hic) (not_not.mpr hic')
end fermat_42
lemma not_fermat_42 {a b c : ℤ} (ha : a0) (hb : b0) :
a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 ≠ c ^ 2 :=
intro h,
obtain ⟨a0, b0, c0, ⟨hf, h2, hp⟩⟩ :=
fermat_42.exists_pos_odd_minimal (and.intro ha (and.intro hb h)),
apply fermat_42.not_minimal hf h2 hp
theorem not_fermat_4 {a b c : ℤ} (ha : a0) (hb : b0) :
a ^ 4 + b ^ 4 ≠ c ^ 4 :=
intro heq,
apply @not_fermat_42 _ _ (c ^ 2) ha hb,
rw heq, ring