
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
34.8 kB
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Miz3 interface for readable HOL Light tactics formal proofs *)
(* *)
(* (c) Copyright, Bill Richter 2013 *)
(* Distributed under the same license as HOL Light *)
(* *)
(* The primary meaning of readability is explained in the HOL Light tutorial *)
(* on page 81 after the proof of NSQRT_2 (ported below), *)
(* "We would like to claim that this proof can be read in isolation, without *)
(* running it in HOL. For each step, every fact we used is clearly labelled *)
(* somewhere else in the proof, and every assumption is given explicitly." *)
(* However readability is often improved by using tactics constructs like *)
(* SIMP_TAC and MATCH_MP_TAC, which allow facts and assumptions to not be *)
(* given explicitly, so as to not lose sight of the proof. Readability is *)
(* improved by a miz3 interface with few type annotations, back-quotes or *)
(* double-quotes, and allowing HOL4/Isabelle math characters, e.g. *)
(* β‡’ ⇔ ∧ ∨ Β¬ βˆ€ βˆƒ ∈ βˆ‰ Ξ± Ξ² Ξ³ Ξ» ΞΈ ΞΌ βŠ‚ ∩ βˆͺ βˆ… ━ ≑ β‰… ∑ βˆ₯ ∏ ∘ β†’ β•ͺ . *)
(* We use ideas for readable formal proofs due to John Harrison ("Towards *)
(* more readable proofs" of the tutorial and Examples/, Freek *)
(* Wiedijk (Mizarlight/, miz3/ and *)
(* "A Synthesis of Procedural and Declarative Styles of Interactive *)
(* Theorem Proving"), Marco Maggesi (author of tactic constructs *)
(* INTRO_TAC, DESTRUCT_TAC & HYP), Petros Papapanagiotou (coauthor of *)
(* Isabelle Light), Vincent Aravantinos (author of the Q-module *)
(* and Mark Adams (author of HOL *)
(* Zero and Tactician). These readability ideas yield the miz3-type *)
(* declarative constructs assume, consider and case_split. The semantics of *)
(* is clear from an obvious translation to HOL Light proofs. An *)
(* interactive mode is useful in writing, debugging and displaying proofs. *)
(* *)
(* The construct "case_split" reducing the goal to various cases given by *)
(* "suppose" clauses. The construct "proof" [...] "qed" allows arbitrarily *)
(* long proofs, which can be arbitrarily nested with other case_split and *)
(* proof/qed constructs. THENL is only implemented implicitly in case_split *)
(* (also eq_tac and conj_tac), and this requires adjustments, such as using *)
(* ========================================================================= *)
(* The Str library defines regexp functions needed to process strings. *)
#load "str.cma";;
(* parse_qproof uses quotexpander feature designed for to *)
(* turn backquoted expression `;[...]` into a string with no newline or *)
(* backslash problems. Note that defines parse_qproof differently. *)
let parse_qproof s = (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1));;
(* Allows HOL4 and Isabelle style math characters. *)
let CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s =
let rec clean s loStringPairs =
match loStringPairs with
| [] -> s
| hd :: tl ->
let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (fst hd)) (snd hd) s in
clean s tl in
clean s ["β‡’","==>"; "⇔","<=>"; "∧","/\\ "; "∨","\\/"; "Β¬","~";
"βˆ€","!"; "βˆƒ","?"; "∈","IN"; "βˆ‰","NOTIN";
"Ξ±","alpha"; "Ξ²","beta"; "Ξ³","gamma"; "Ξ»","\\ "; "ΞΈ","theta"; "ΞΌ","mu";
"βŠ‚","SUBSET"; "∩","INTER"; "βˆͺ","UNION"; "βˆ…","{}"; "━","DIFF";
"≑","==="; "β‰…","cong"; "∑","angle"; "βˆ₯","parallel";
"∏","prod"; "∘","_o_"; "β†’","--->"; "β•ͺ","INSERT";
"≃", "TarskiCong"; "β‰Š", "TarskiTriangleCong"; "ℬ", "TarskiBetween"];;
(* printReadExn prints uncluttered error messages via Readable_fail. This *)
(* is due to Mark Adams, who also explained Roland Zumkeller's exec below. *)
exception Readable_fail of string;;
let printReadExn e =
match e with
| Readable_fail s
-> print_string s
| _ -> print_string (Printexc.to_string e);;
#install_printer printReadExn;;
(* From Execute any OCaml expression given as a string. *)
let exec = ignore o Toploop.execute_phrase false Format.std_formatter
o !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase o Lexing.from_string;;
(* Following, exec_thm returns the theorem representing a string, so *)
(* exec_thm "FORALL_PAIR_THM";; returns *)
(* val it : thm = |- !P. (!p. P p) <=> (!p1 p2. P (p1,p2)) *)
(* Extra error-checking is done to rule out the possibility of the theorem *)
(* string ending with a semicolon. *)
let thm_ref = ref TRUTH;;
let tactic_ref = ref ALL_TAC;;
let thmtactic_ref = ref MATCH_MP_TAC;;
let thmlist_tactic_ref = ref REWRITE_TAC;;
let termlist_thm_thm_ref = ref SPECL;;
let thm_thm_ref = ref GSYM;;
let term_thm_ref = ref ARITH_RULE;;
let thmlist_term_thm_ref = ref MESON;;
let exec_thm s =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[^;]*;") s 0 then raise Noparse
try exec ("thm_ref := (("^ s ^"): thm);;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_tactic s =
try exec ("tactic_ref := (("^ s ^"): tactic);;"); !tactic_ref
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_thmlist_tactic s =
exec ("thmlist_tactic_ref := (("^ s ^"): thm list -> tactic);;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_thmtactic s =
try exec ("thmtactic_ref := (("^ s ^"): thm -> tactic);;"); !thmtactic_ref
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_termlist_thm_thm s =
try exec ("termlist_thm_thm_ref := (("^ s ^"): (term list -> thm -> thm));;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_thm_thm s =
try exec ("thm_thm_ref := (("^ s ^"): (thm -> thm));;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_term_thm s =
try exec ("term_thm_ref := (("^ s ^"): (term -> thm));;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
let exec_thmlist_term_thm s =
try exec ("thmlist_term_thm_ref := (("^ s ^"): (thm list ->term -> thm));;");
with _ -> raise Noparse;;
(* make_env and parse_env_string (following parse_term from, *)
(* Mizarlight/ and turn a *)
(* string into a term with types inferred by the goal and assumption list. *)
let (make_env: goal -> (string * pretype) list) =
fun (asl, w) -> map ((fun (s, ty) -> (s, pretype_of_type ty)) o dest_var)
(freesl (w::(map (concl o snd) asl)));;
let parse_env_string env s =
let (ptm, l) = (parse_preterm o lex o explode) s in
if l = [] then (term_of_preterm o retypecheck env) ptm
else raise (Readable_fail
("Unparsed input at the end of the term\n" ^ s));;
(* versions of new_constant, parse_as_infix, new_definition and new_axiom *)
let NewConstant (x, y) = new_constant(CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light x, y);;
let ParseAsInfix (x, y) = parse_as_infix (CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light x, y);;
let NewDefinition s =
new_definition (parse_env_string [] (CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s));;
let NewAxiom s =
new_axiom (parse_env_string [] (CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s));;
(* String versions without type annotations of SUBGOAL_THEN, SUBGOAL_TAC, *)
(* intro_TAC, EXISTS_TAC, X_GEN_TAC, and EXISTS_TAC, and also new miz3-type *)
(* tactic constructs assume, consider and case_split. *)
(* subgoal_THEN stm ttac gl = (SUBGOAL_THEN t ttac) gl, *)
(* where stm is a string that turned into a statement t by make_env and *)
(* parse_env_string, using the goal gl. We call stm a string statement. *)
(* ttac is often the thm_tactic (LABEL_TAC string) or (DESTRUCT_TAC string). *)
let subgoal_THEN stm ttac gl =
SUBGOAL_THEN (parse_env_string (make_env gl) stm) ttac gl;;
(* subgoal_TAC stm lab tac gl = (SUBGOAL_TAC lab t [tac]) gl, *)
(* exists_TAC stm gl = (EXISTS_TAC t) gl, and *)
(* X_gen_TAC svar gl = (X_GEN_TAC v) gl, where *)
(* stm is a string statement which is turned into a statement t by make_env, *)
(* parse_env_string and the goal gl. Similarly string svar is turned into a *)
(* variable v. *)
(* X_genl_TAC combines X_gen_TAC and GENL. Since below in StepToTactic the *)
(* string-term list uses whitespace as the delimiter and no braces, there is *)
(* no reason in proofs to use X_gen_TAC instead X_genl_TAC. *)
(* intro_TAC is INTRO_TAC with the delimiter ";" replaced with",". *)
(* eq_tac string tac *)
(* requires the goal to be an iff statement of the form x ⇔ y and then *)
(* performs an EQ_TAC. If string = "Right", then the tactic tac proves the *)
(* implication y β‡’ x, and the goal becomes the other implication x β‡’ y. *)
(* If string = "Left", then tac proves x β‡’ y and the goal becomes y β‡’ x. *)
(* conj_tac string tac *)
(* requires the goal to be a conjunction statement x ∧ y and then performs a *)
(* CONJ_TAC. If string = "Left" then the tactic tac proves x, and the goal *)
(* becomes y. If string = "Right", tac proves y and the new goal is x. *)
(* consider svars stm lab tac *)
(* defines new variables given by the string svars = "v1 v2 ... vn" and the *)
(* string statement stm, which subgoal_THEN turns into statement t, labeled *)
(* by lab. The tactic tac proves the existential statement ?v1 ... vn. t. *)
(* case_split sDestruct tac listofDisj listofTac *)
(* reduces the goal to n cases which are solved separately. listofDisj is a *)
(* list of strings [st_1;...; st_n] whose disjunction st_1 \/...\/ st_n is a *)
(* string statement proved by tactic tac. listofTac is a list of tactics *)
(* [tac_1;...; tac_n] which prove the statements st_1,..., st_n. The string *)
(* sDestruct must have the form "lab_1 |...| lab_n", and lab_i is a label *)
(* used by tac_i to prove st_i. Each lab_i must be a nonempty string. *)
(* assume *)
(* is a version of ASM_CASES_TAC, and performs proofs by contradiction and *)
(* binary case_splits where one of the forks has a short proof. In general, *)
(* assume statement lab tac *)
(* turns the string statement into a term t, with the tactic tac a proof of *)
(* Β¬t β‡’ w, where w is the goal. There is a new assumption t labeled lab, and *)
(* the new goal is the result of applying the tactic SIMP_TAC [t] to w. *)
(* It's recommended to only use assume with a short proof tac. Three uses *)
(* of assume arise when t = ¬w or t = ¬α, with w = α ∨ β or w = β ∨ α. *)
(* In all three cases write *)
(* assume statement [lab] by fol; *)
(* and the new goal will be F (false) or Ξ² respectively, as a result of the *)
(* SIMP_TAC [t]. So do not use assume if SIMP_TAC [t] is disadvantageous. *)
let subgoal_TAC stm lab tac gl =
SUBGOAL_TAC lab (parse_env_string (make_env gl) stm) [tac] gl;;
let exists_TAC stm gl =
EXISTS_TAC (parse_env_string (make_env gl) stm) gl;;
let X_gen_TAC svar (asl, w as gl) =
let vartype = (snd o dest_var o fst o dest_forall) w in
X_GEN_TAC (mk_var (svar, vartype)) gl;;
let X_genl_TAC svarlist = MAP_EVERY X_gen_TAC svarlist;;
let intro_TAC s = INTRO_TAC (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ",") ";" s);;
let assume statement lab tac (asl, w as gl) =
let t = parse_env_string (make_env gl) statement in
let eq_tac string tac =
if string = "Right" then CONV_TAC SYM_CONV THEN EQ_TAC THENL [tac; ALL_TAC]
else if string = "Left" then EQ_TAC THENL [tac; ALL_TAC]
else raise (Readable_fail
("eq_tac requires " ^ string ^" to be either Left or Right"));;
let conj_tac string tac =
if string = "Right" then ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [CONJ_SYM] THEN
else if string = "Left" then CONJ_TAC THENL [tac; ALL_TAC]
else raise (Readable_fail
("conj_tac requires " ^ string ^" to be either Left or Right"));;
let consider svars stm lab tac =
subgoal_THEN ("?"^ svars ^ ". "^ stm)
(DESTRUCT_TAC ("@"^ svars ^ "."^ lab)) THENL [tac; ALL_TAC];;
let case_split sDestruct tac listofDisj listofTac =
let disjunction = itlist
(fun s t -> if t = "" then "("^ s ^")" else "("^ s ^") \\/ "^ t)
listofDisj "" in
subgoal_TAC disjunction "" tac THEN
(* Following the HOL Light tutorial section "Towards more readable proofs." *)
let fol = MESON_TAC;;
let rewrite = REWRITE_TAC;;
let simplify = SIMP_TAC;;
let set = SET_TAC;;
let rewriteR = GEN_REWRITE_TAC (RAND_CONV);;
let rewriteL = GEN_REWRITE_TAC (LAND_CONV);;
let rewriteI = GEN_REWRITE_TAC I;;
let TACtoThmTactic tac = fun ths -> MAP_EVERY MP_TAC ths THEN tac;;
let arithmetic = TACtoThmTactic ARITH_TAC;;
let real_arithmetic = TACtoThmTactic REAL_ARITH_TAC;;
let num_ring = TACtoThmTactic (CONV_TAC NUM_RING);;
let real_ring = TACtoThmTactic (CONV_TAC REAL_RING);;
let ws = "[ \t\n]+";;
let ws0 = "[ \t\n]*";;
let StringRegexpEqual r s = Str.string_match r s 0 &&
s = Str.matched_string s;;
(* FindMatch sleft sright s *)
(* turns strings sleft and sright into regexps, recursively searches string *)
(* s for matched pairs of substrings matching sleft and sright, and returns *)
(* the position after the first substring matched by sright which is not *)
(* paired with an sleft-matching substring. Often here sleft ends with *)
(* whitespace (ws) while sright begins with ws. The "degenerate" case of *)
(* X^ws^Y where X^ws matches sleft and ws^Y matches sright is handled by *)
(* backing up a character after an sleft match if the last character is ws. *)
let FindMatch sleft sright s =
let test = Str.regexp ("\("^ sleft ^"\|"^ sright ^"\)")
and left = Str.regexp sleft in
let rec FindMatchPosition s count =
if count = 1 then 0
ignore(Str.search_forward test s 0);
let TestMatch = Str.matched_group 1 s
and AfterTest = Str.match_end() in
let LastChar = Str.last_chars (Str.string_before s AfterTest) 1 in
let endpos =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp ws) LastChar 0
then AfterTest - 1 else AfterTest in
let rest = Str.string_after s endpos
and increment =
if StringRegexpEqual left TestMatch then -1 else 1 in
endpos + (FindMatchPosition rest (count + increment))
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail
("No matching right bracket operator "^ sright ^
" to left bracket operator "^ sleft ^" in "^ s)) in
FindMatchPosition s 0;;
(* FindSemicolon uses FindMatch to find the position before the next *)
(* semicolon which is not a delimiter of a list. *)
let rec FindSemicolon s =
let rec FindMatchPosition s pos =
let start = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp ";\|\[") s pos in
if Str.matched_string s = ";" then start
let rest = Str.string_after s (start + 1) in
let MatchingSquareBrace = FindMatch "\[" "\]" rest in
let newpos = start + 1 + MatchingSquareBrace in
FindMatchPosition s newpos in
FindMatchPosition s 0
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail ("No final semicolon in "^ s));;
(* FindCases uses FindMatch to take a string *)
(* "suppose" proof_1 "end;" ... "suppose" proof_n "end;" *)
(* and return the list [proof_1; proof_2; ... ; proof_n]. *)
let rec FindCases s =
let sleftCase, srightCase = ws^ "suppose"^ws, ws^ "end" ^ws0^ ";" in
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp sleftCase) s 0 then
let CaseEndRest = Str.string_after s (Str.match_end()) in
let PosAfterEnd = FindMatch sleftCase srightCase CaseEndRest in
let pos = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp srightCase)
CaseEndRest PosAfterEnd in
let case = Str.string_before CaseEndRest pos
and rest = Str.string_after CaseEndRest PosAfterEnd in
case :: (FindCases rest)
else [];;
(* StringToList uses FindSemicolon to turns a string into the list of *)
(* substrings delimited by the semicolons which are not captured in lists. *)
let rec StringToList s =
if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp ws0) s then [] else
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "[^;]*;") s 0 then
let pos = FindSemicolon s in
let head = Str.string_before s pos in
head :: (StringToList (Str.string_after s (pos + 1)))
else [s];;
(* ExtractWsStringList string = (["l1"; "l2"; ...; "ln"], rest), *)
(* if string = ws ^ "[l1; l2; ...; ln]" ^ rest. Raises Not_found otherwise. *)
let ExtractWsStringList string =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\[")) string 0 then
let listRest = Str.string_after string (Str.match_end()) in
let RightBrace = FindMatch "\[" "\]" listRest in
let rest = Str.string_after listRest RightBrace
and list = Str.string_before listRest (RightBrace - 1) in
(StringToList list, rest)
else raise Not_found;;
(* theoremify string goal returns a pair (thm, rest), *)
(* where thm is the first theorem found on string, using goal if needed, and *)
(* rest is the remainder of string. Theoremify uses 3 helping functions: *)
(* 1) CombTermThm_Term, which produces a combination of a term->thm *)
(* (e.g. ARITH_RULE) with a term, *)
(* 2) CombThmlistTermThm_Thmlist_Term, which combines a thmlist->term->thm *)
(* (e.g. MESON) with a thmlist and a term, and *)
(* 3) CombTermlistThmThm_Termlist, which combines a termlist->thm->thm *)
(* (e.g. SPECL) with a termlist and a thm produced by theoremify. *)
(* Similar functions CombThmtactic_Thm and CombThmlisttactic_Thmlist are *)
(* used below, along with theoremify, by StringToTactic. *)
let CombTermThm_Term word rest gl =
let TermThm = exec_term_thm word in
let (stermlist, wsRest) = ExtractWsStringList rest in
if length stermlist = 1 then
let term = (parse_env_string (make_env gl)) (hd stermlist) in
(TermThm term, wsRest)
else raise (Readable_fail ("term->thm "^ word
^" not followed by length 1 term list, but instead the list \n["^
String.concat ";" stermlist ^"]"))
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail ("term->thm "^ word
^" not followed by term list, but instead \n"^ rest));;
let rec theoremify string gl =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\([^][ \t\n]+\)")) string 0 then
let word = Str.matched_group 1 string
and rest = Str.string_after string (Str.match_end()) in
if word = "-" then (snd (hd (fst gl)), rest) else
try (exec_thm word, rest)
with _ ->
try (assoc word (fst gl), rest)
with _ ->
try firstPairMult (exec_thm_thm word) (theoremify rest gl)
with _ ->
try CombTermThm_Term word rest gl
with Noparse ->
try CombThmlistTermThm_Thmlist_Term word rest gl
with Noparse ->
try CombTermlistThmThm_Termlist word rest gl
with Noparse -> raise (Readable_fail ("Not a theorem:\n"^ string))
else raise (Readable_fail ("Empty theorem:\n"^ string))
firstPairMult f (a, b) = (f a, b)
CombTermlistThmThm_Termlist word rest gl =
let TermlistThmThm = exec_termlist_thm_thm word in
let (stermlist, WsThm) = ExtractWsStringList rest in
let termlist = map (parse_env_string (make_env gl)) stermlist in
firstPairMult (TermlistThmThm termlist) (theoremify WsThm gl)
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail ("termlist->thm->thm "^ word
^"\n not followed by term list in\n"^ rest))
CombThmlistTermThm_Thmlist_Term word rest gl =
let thm_create sthm =
let (thm, rest) = theoremify (" "^ sthm) gl in
if rest = "" then thm
else raise (Readable_fail ("an argument of thmlist->term->thm "^ word ^
"\n is not a theorem, but instead \n"^ sthm)) in
let ThmlistTermThm = exec_thmlist_term_thm word in
let (stermlist, wsTermRest) = ExtractWsStringList rest in
let thmlist = map thm_create stermlist in
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\[")) wsTermRest 0 then
let termRest = Str.string_after wsTermRest (Str.match_end()) in
let RightBrace = FindMatch "\[" "\]" termRest in
let rest = Str.string_after termRest RightBrace
and sterm = Str.string_before termRest (RightBrace - 1) in
let term = parse_env_string (make_env gl) sterm in
(ThmlistTermThm thmlist term, rest)
else raise (Readable_fail ("thmlist->term->thm "^ word
^" followed by list of theorems ["^ String.concat ";" stermlist ^"]
not followed by term in\n"^ wsTermRest))
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail ("thmlist->term->thm "^ word
^" not followed by thm list in\n"^ rest));;
let CombThmtactic_Thm step =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)")) step 0 then
let sthm_tactic = Str.matched_group 1 step
and sthm = Str.string_after step (Str.match_end()) in
let thm_tactic = exec_thmtactic sthm_tactic in
fun gl ->
let (thm, rest) = theoremify sthm gl in
if rest = "" then thm_tactic thm gl
else raise (Readable_fail ("thm_tactic "^ sthm_tactic
^" not followed by a theorem, but instead\n"^ sthm))
else raise Not_found;;
let CombThmlisttactic_Thmlist step =
let rec makeThmListAccum string list gl =
if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp ws0) string then list else
let (thm, rest) = theoremify string gl in
makeThmListAccum rest (thm :: list) gl in
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)")) step 0 then
let ttac = exec_thmlist_tactic (Str.matched_group 1 step)
and LabThmString = Str.string_after step (Str.match_end()) in
fun gl ->
let LabThmList = List.rev (makeThmListAccum LabThmString [] gl) in
ttac LabThmList gl
else raise Not_found;;
(* StringToTactic uses regexp functions from the Str library to transform a *)
(* string into a tactic. The allowable tactics are written in BNF form as *)
(* *)
(* Tactic := ALL_TAC | Tactic THEN Tactic | thm->tactic Thm | *)
(* one-word-tactic (e.g. ARITH_TAC) | thmlist->tactic Thm-list | *)
(* intro_TAC string | exists_TAC term | X_genl_TAC term-list | *)
(* case_split string Tactic statement-list Tactic-list | *)
(* consider variable-list statement label Tactic | *)
(* eq_tac (Right | Left) Tactic | conj_tac (Right | Left) Tactic | *)
(* (assume | subgoal_TAC) statement label Tactic *)
(* *)
(* Thm := theorem-name | label | - [i.e. last assumption] | thm->thm Thm | *)
(* term->thm term | thmlist->term->thm Thm-list term | *)
(* termlist->thm->thm term-list Thm *)
(* *)
(* The string proofs allowed by StringToTactic are written in BNF form as *)
(* *)
(* Proof := Proof THEN Proof | case_split destruct_string ByProofQed *)
(* suppose statement; Proof end; ... suppose statement; Proof end; | *)
(* OneStepProof; | consider variable-list statement [label] ByProofQed | *)
(* eq_tac [Right|Left] ByProofQed | conj_tac [Right|Left] ByProofQed | *)
(* (assume | ) statement [label] ByProofQed *)
(* *)
(* OneStepProof := one-word-tactic | thm->tactic Thm | intro_TAC string | *)
(* exists_TAC term-string | X_genl_TAC variable-string-list | *)
(* thmlist->tactic Thm-list *)
(* *)
(* ByProofQed := by OneStepProof; | proof Proof Proof ... Proof qed; *)
(* *)
(* theorem is a version of prove based on the thm, with argument *)
(* statement ByProofQed *)
(* *)
(* Miz3-style comments are supported. If a line contains ::, then the *)
(* substring of the line beginning with :: is ignored by StringToTactic. *)
let rec StringToTactic s =
let s = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "::[^\n]*") "" s in
if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp ws0) s then ALL_TAC
try makeCaseSplit s
with _ ->
let pos = FindSemicolon s in
let step, rest = Str.string_before s pos, Str.string_after s (pos + 1) in
let tactic = StepToTactic step in
tactic THEN StringToTactic rest
with Not_found ->
let (tactic, rest) = BigStepToTactic s step in
tactic THEN StringToTactic rest
GetProof ByProof s =
if ByProof = "by" then
let pos = FindSemicolon s in
let step, rest = Str.string_before s pos, Str.string_after s (pos + 1) in
(StepToTactic step, rest)
let pos_after_qed = FindMatch (ws^"proof"^ws) (ws^"qed"^ws0^";") s in
let pos = Str.search_backward (Str.regexp "qed") s pos_after_qed in
let proof = StringToTactic (Str.string_before s pos) in
(proof, Str.string_after s pos_after_qed)
makeCaseSplit s =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "case_split" ^ws^ "\([^;]+\)" ^ws^
"\(by\|proof\)" ^ws)) s 0 then
let sDestruct = Str.matched_group 1 s
and (proof, rest) = GetProof (Str.matched_group 2 s)
(Str.string_after s (Str.group_end 2))
and SplitAtSemicolon case =
let pos = FindSemicolon case in
[Str.string_before case pos; Str.string_after case (pos + 1)] in
let list2Case = map SplitAtSemicolon (FindCases rest) in
let listofDisj = map hd list2Case
and listofTac = map (StringToTactic o hd o tl) list2Case in
case_split sDestruct proof listofDisj listofTac
else raise Not_found
StepToTactic step =
if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp (ws^ "\([^ \t\n]+\)" ^ws0)) step then
exec_tactic (Str.matched_group 1 step)
else raise Not_found
with _ ->
try CombThmtactic_Thm step
with _ ->
try CombThmlisttactic_Thmlist step
with _ ->
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "intro_TAC" ^ws)) step 0 then
let intro_string = Str.string_after step (Str.match_end()) in
intro_TAC intro_string
else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "exists_TAC" ^ws)) step 0 then
let exists_string = Str.string_after step (Str.match_end()) in
exists_TAC exists_string
else if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "X_genl_TAC" ^ws)) step 0 then
let genl_string = Str.string_after step (Str.match_end()) in
let svarlist = Str.split (Str.regexp ws) genl_string in
X_genl_TAC svarlist
else raise Not_found
BigStepToTactic s step =
if Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "consider" ^ws^ "\(\(.\|\n\)+\)" ^ws^
"such" ^ws^ "that" ^ws^ "\(\(.\|\n\)+\)" ^ws^ "\[\(\(.\|\n\)*\)\]" ^ws^
"\(by\|proof\)" ^ws)) step 0 then
let vars, t = Str.matched_group 1 step, Str.matched_group 3 step
and lab = Str.matched_group 5 step
and KeyWord, endKeyWord = Str.matched_group 7 step, (Str.group_end 7) in
let (proof, rest) = GetProof KeyWord (Str.string_after s endKeyWord) in
(consider vars t lab proof, rest)
let start = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp
(ws^ "\[\([^]]*\)\]" ^ws^ "\(by\|proof\)" ^ws)) step 0 in
let statement = Str.string_before step start
and lab = Str.matched_group 1 step
and KeyWord = Str.matched_group 2 step
and AfterWord = Str.string_after s (Str.group_end 2) in
let (proof, rest) = GetProof KeyWord AfterWord in
if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp (ws^ "eq_tac")) statement
then (eq_tac lab proof, rest)
else if StringRegexpEqual (Str.regexp (ws^ "conj_tac")) statement
then (conj_tac lab proof, rest)
else if
Str.string_match (Str.regexp (ws^ "\(assume\)" ^ws)) statement 0
let statement = Str.string_after statement (Str.match_end()) in
(assume statement lab proof, rest)
else (subgoal_TAC statement lab proof, rest)
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail
("Can't parse as a Proof:\n"^ step));;
let theorem s =
let s = CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s in
let start = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp
(ws^ "proof\(" ^ws^ "\(.\|\n\)*\)" ^ws ^ "qed" ^ws0^ ";" ^ws0)) s 0 in
let thm = Str.string_before s start
and proof = Str.matched_group 1 s
and rest = Str.string_after s (Str.match_end()) in
if rest = "" then prove (parse_env_string [] thm, StringToTactic proof)
else raise (Readable_fail
("Trailing garbage after the proof...qed:\n" ^ rest))
with Not_found ->
let start = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp (ws^ "by")) s 0 in
let thm = Str.string_before s start
and proof = Str.string_after s (Str.match_end()) in
prove (parse_env_string [] thm, StepToTactic proof)
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail ("Not a proof:\n" ^ proof))
with Not_found -> raise (Readable_fail
("Missing initial \"proof\", \"by\", or final \"qed;\" in\n" ^ s));;
let interactive_goal s =
let thm = CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s in
g (parse_env_string [] thm);;
let interactive_proof s =
let proof = CleanMathFontsForHOL_Light s in
e (StringToTactic proof);;
(* Two examples illustrating intro_TAC, eq_tac, exists_TAC MP_TAC and SPECL, *)
(* then a port of the HOL Light tutorial proof that sqrt 2 is irrational. *)
let SKOLEM_THM_GEN = theorem `;
βˆ€P R. (βˆ€x. P x β‡’ βˆƒy. R x y) ⇔ βˆƒf. βˆ€x. P x β‡’ R x (f x)
intro_TAC βˆ€P R;
eq_tac [Right] by fol;
intro_TAC H1;
exists_TAC Ξ»x. @y. R x y;
fol H1;
let MOD_MOD_REFL' = theorem `;
βˆ€m n. Β¬(n = 0) β‡’ ((m MOD n) MOD n = m MOD n)
intro_TAC !m n, H1;
let NSQRT_2 = theorem `;
βˆ€p q. p * p = 2 * q * q β‡’ q = 0
intro_TAC βˆ€p, A, βˆ€q, B;
EVEN(p * p) ⇔ EVEN(2 * q * q) [] by fol B;
consider m such that p = 2 * m [C] by fol - EVEN_EXISTS;
case_split qp | pq by arithmetic;
suppose q < p;
q * q = 2 * m * m β‡’ m = 0 [] by fol qp A;
num_ring - B C;
suppose p <= q;
p * p <= q * q [] by fol - LE_MULT2;
q * q = 0 [] by arithmetic - B;
num_ring -;
(* The following interactive version of the above proof shows a feature of *)
(* proof/qed and case_split/suppose. You can evaluate an incomplete proof *)
(* of a statement in an interactive_proof and complete the proof afterward, *)
(* as indicated below. The "suppose" clauses of a case_split can also be *)
(* incomplete. Do not include code below the incomplete proof or case_split *)
(* in an interactive_proof body, for the usual THEN vs THENL reason. *)
interactive_goal `;βˆ€p q. p * p = 2 * q * q β‡’ q = 0
interactive_proof `;
intro_TAC βˆ€p, A, βˆ€q, B;
EVEN(p * p) ⇔ EVEN(2 * q * q) [] proof qed;
interactive_proof `;
fol B;
interactive_proof `;
consider m such that p = 2 * m [C] proof fol - EVEN_EXISTS; qed;
interactive_proof `;
case_split qp | pq by arithmetic;
suppose q < p;
suppose p <= q;
interactive_proof `;
q * q = 2 * m * m β‡’ m = 0 [] by fol qp A;
num_ring - B C;
interactive_proof `;
p * p <= q * q [] by fol - LE_MULT2;
q * q = 0 [] by arithmetic - B;
num_ring -;
let NSQRT_2 = top_thm();;
(* An port from uses by instead of proof...qed; in a short proof: *)
let EXP_2 = theorem `;
βˆ€n:num. n EXP 2 = n * n
(* An example using GSYM, ARITH_RULE, MESON and GEN_REWRITE_TAC, reproving *)
(* the binomial theorem from sec 13.1--2 of the HOL Light tutorial. *)
let binom = define
`(!n. binom(n,0) = 1) /\
(!k. binom(0,SUC(k)) = 0) /\
(!n k. binom(SUC(n),SUC(k)) = binom(n,SUC(k)) + binom(n,k))`;;
let BINOM_LT = theorem `;
βˆ€n k. n < k β‡’ binom(n,k) = 0
rewrite binom ARITH LT_SUC LT;
let BINOMIAL_THEOREM = theorem `;
βˆ€n. (x + y) EXP n = nsum(0..n) (\k. binom(n,k) * x EXP k * y EXP (n - k))
βˆ€f n. nsum (0.. SUC n) f = f(0) + nsum (0..n) (Ξ»i. f (SUC i)) [Nsum0SUC] by simplify LE_0 ADD1 NSUM_CLAUSES_LEFT NSUM_OFFSET;
intro_TAC βˆ€n, nThm;
rewriteR ADD_SYM;
rewriteRLDepth SUB_SUC EXP;
rewrite MULT_AC EQ_ADD_LCANCEL MESON [binom] [1 = binom(n, 0)] GSYM Nsum0SUC;
simplify ARITH_RULE [k <= n β‡’ SUC n - k = SUC(n - k)] EXP MULT_AC;