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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq path. | |
From mathcomp Require Import div fintype finfun bigop finset prime binomial. | |
From mathcomp Require Import fingroup morphism perm automorphism action. | |
From mathcomp Require Import quotient gfunctor gproduct ssralg finalg zmodp. | |
From mathcomp Require Import cyclic pgroup gseries nilpotent sylow. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* Constructions based on abelian groups and their structure, with some *) | |
(* emphasis on elementary abelian p-groups. *) | |
(* 'Ldiv_n() == the set of all x that satisfy x ^+ n = 1, or, *) | |
(* equivalently the set of x whose order divides n. *) | |
(* 'Ldiv_n(G) == the set of x in G that satisfy x ^+ n = 1. *) | |
(* := G :&: 'Ldiv_n() (pure Notation) *) | |
(* exponent G == the exponent of G: the least e such that x ^+ e = 1 *) | |
(* for all x in G (the LCM of the orders of x \in G). *) | |
(* If G is nilpotent its exponent is reached. Note that *) | |
(* `exponent G %| m' reads as `G has exponent m'. *) | |
(* 'm(G) == the generator rank of G: the size of a smallest *) | |
(* generating set for G (this is a basis for G if G *) | |
(* abelian). *) | |
(* abelian_type G == the abelian type of G : if G is abelian, a lexico- *) | |
(* graphically maximal sequence of the orders of the *) | |
(* elements of a minimal basis of G (if G is a p-group *) | |
(* this is the sequence of orders for any basis of G, *) | |
(* sorted in decending order). *) | |
(* homocyclic G == G is the direct product of cycles of equal order, *) | |
(* i.e., G is abelian with constant abelian type. *) | |
(* p.-abelem G == G is an elementary abelian p-group, i.e., it is *) | |
(* an abelian p-group of exponent p, and thus of order *) | |
(* p ^ 'm(G) and rank (logn p #|G|). *) | |
(* is_abelem G == G is an elementary abelian p-group for some prime p. *) | |
(* 'E_p(G) == the set of elementary abelian p-subgroups of G. *) | |
(* := [set E : {group _} | p.-abelem E & E \subset G] *) | |
(* 'E_p^n(G) == the set of elementary abelian p-subgroups of G of *) | |
(* order p ^ n (or, equivalently, of rank n). *) | |
(* := [set E in 'E_p(G) | logn p #|E| == n] *) | |
(* := [set E in 'E_p(G) | #|E| == p ^ n]%N if p is prime *) | |
(* 'E*_p(G) == the set of maximal elementary abelian p-subgroups *) | |
(* of G. *) | |
(* := [set E | [max E | E \in 'E_p(G)]] *) | |
(* 'E^n(G) == the set of elementary abelian subgroups of G that *) | |
(* have gerank n (i.e., p-rank n for some prime p). *) | |
(* := \bigcup_(0 <= p < #|G|.+1) 'E_p^n(G) *) | |
(* 'r_p(G) == the p-rank of G: the maximal rank of an elementary *) | |
(* subgroup of G. *) | |
(* := \max_(E in 'E_p(G)) logn p #|E|. *) | |
(* 'r(G) == the rank of G. *) | |
(* := \max_(0 <= p < #|G|.+1) 'm_p(G). *) | |
(* Note that 'r(G) coincides with 'r_p(G) if G is a p-group, and with 'm(G) *) | |
(* if G is abelian, but is much more useful than 'm(G) in the proof of the *) | |
(* Odd Order Theorem. *) | |
(* 'Ohm_n(G) == the group generated by the x in G with order p ^ m *) | |
(* for some prime p and some m <= n. Usually, G will be *) | |
(* a p-group, so 'Ohm_n(G) will be generated by *) | |
(* 'Ldiv_(p ^ n)(G), set of elements of G of order at *) | |
(* most p ^ n. If G is also abelian then 'Ohm_n(G) *) | |
(* consists exactly of those element, and the abelian *) | |
(* type of G can be computed from the orders of the *) | |
(* 'Ohm_n(G) subgroups. *) | |
(* 'Mho^n(G) == the group generated by the x ^+ (p ^ n) for x a *) | |
(* p-element of G for some prime p. Usually G is a *) | |
(* p-group, and 'Mho^n(G) is generated by all such *) | |
(* x ^+ (p ^ n); it consists of exactly these if G is *) | |
(* also abelian. *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import GroupScope. | |
Section AbelianDefs. | |
(* We defer the definition of the functors ('Omh_n(G), 'Mho^n(G)) because *) | |
(* they must quantify over the finGroupType explicitly. *) | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (x : gT) (A B : {set gT}) (pi : nat_pred) (p n : nat). | |
Definition Ldiv n := [set x : gT | x ^+ n == 1]. | |
Definition exponent A := \big[lcmn/1%N]_(x in A) #[x]. | |
Definition abelem p A := [&& p.-group A, abelian A & exponent A %| p]. | |
Definition is_abelem A := abelem (pdiv #|A|) A. | |
Definition pElem p A := [set E : {group gT} | E \subset A & abelem p E]. | |
Definition pnElem p n A := [set E in pElem p A | logn p #|E| == n]. | |
Definition nElem n A := \bigcup_(0 <= p < #|A|.+1) pnElem p n A. | |
Definition pmaxElem p A := [set E | [max E | E \in pElem p A]]. | |
Definition p_rank p A := \max_(E in pElem p A) logn p #|E|. | |
Definition rank A := \max_(0 <= p < #|A|.+1) p_rank p A. | |
Definition gen_rank A := #|[arg min_(B < A | <<B>> == A) #|B|]|. | |
(* The definition of abelian_type depends on an existence lemma. *) | |
(* The definition of homocyclic depends on abelian_type. *) | |
End AbelianDefs. | |
Arguments exponent {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments abelem {gT} p%N A%g. | |
Arguments is_abelem {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments pElem {gT} p%N A%g. | |
Arguments pnElem {gT} p%N n%N A%g. | |
Arguments nElem {gT} n%N A%g. | |
Arguments pmaxElem {gT} p%N A%g. | |
Arguments p_rank {gT} p%N A%g. | |
Arguments rank {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments gen_rank {gT} A%g. | |
Notation "''Ldiv_' n ()" := (Ldiv _ n) | |
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''Ldiv_' n ()") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''Ldiv_' n ( G )" := (G :&: 'Ldiv_n()) | |
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''Ldiv_' n ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Prenex Implicits exponent. | |
Notation "p .-abelem" := (abelem p) | |
(at level 2, format "p .-abelem") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''E_' p ( G )" := (pElem p G) | |
(at level 8, p at level 2, format "''E_' p ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''E_' p ^ n ( G )" := (pnElem p n G) | |
(at level 8, p, n at level 2, format "''E_' p ^ n ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''E' ^ n ( G )" := (nElem n G) | |
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''E' ^ n ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''E*_' p ( G )" := (pmaxElem p G) | |
(at level 8, p at level 2, format "''E*_' p ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''m' ( A )" := (gen_rank A) | |
(at level 8, format "''m' ( A )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''r' ( A )" := (rank A) | |
(at level 8, format "''r' ( A )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''r_' p ( A )" := (p_rank p A) | |
(at level 8, p at level 2, format "''r_' p ( A )") : group_scope. | |
Section Functors. | |
(* A functor needs to quantify over the finGroupType just beore the set. *) | |
Variables (n : nat) (gT : finGroupType) (A : {set gT}). | |
Definition Ohm := <<[set x in A | x ^+ (pdiv #[x] ^ n) == 1]>>. | |
Definition Mho := <<[set x ^+ (pdiv #[x] ^ n) | x in A & (pdiv #[x]).-elt x]>>. | |
Canonical Ohm_group : {group gT} := Eval hnf in [group of Ohm]. | |
Canonical Mho_group : {group gT} := Eval hnf in [group of Mho]. | |
Lemma pdiv_p_elt (p : nat) (x : gT) : p.-elt x -> x != 1 -> pdiv #[x] = p. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_x; rewrite /order -cycle_eq1. | |
by case/(pgroup_pdiv p_x)=> p_pr _ [k ->]; rewrite pdiv_pfactor. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma OhmPredP (x : gT) : | |
reflect (exists2 p, prime p & x ^+ (p ^ n) = 1) (x ^+ (pdiv #[x] ^ n) == 1). | |
Proof. | |
have [-> | nt_x] := eqVneq x 1. | |
by rewrite expg1n eqxx; left; exists 2; rewrite ?expg1n. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [/eqP | [p p_pr /eqP x_pn]]. | |
by exists (pdiv #[x]); rewrite ?pdiv_prime ?order_gt1. | |
rewrite (@pdiv_p_elt p) //; rewrite -order_dvdn in x_pn. | |
by rewrite [p_elt _ _](pnat_dvd x_pn) // pnatX pnat_id. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_p_elt (p : nat) x : x \in A -> p.-elt x -> x ^+ (p ^ n) \in Mho. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Ax p_x; have [-> | ntx] := eqVneq x 1; first by rewrite groupX. | |
by apply/mem_gen/imsetP; exists x; rewrite ?inE ?Ax (pdiv_p_elt p_x). | |
Qed. | |
End Functors. | |
Arguments Ohm n%N {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments Ohm_group n%N {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments Mho n%N {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments Mho_group n%N {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments OhmPredP {n gT x}. | |
Notation "''Ohm_' n ( G )" := (Ohm n G) | |
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''Ohm_' n ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''Ohm_' n ( G )" := (Ohm_group n G) : Group_scope. | |
Notation "''Mho^' n ( G )" := (Mho n G) | |
(at level 8, n at level 2, format "''Mho^' n ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''Mho^' n ( G )" := (Mho_group n G) : Group_scope. | |
Section ExponentAbelem. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (p n : nat) (pi : nat_pred) (x : gT) (A B C : {set gT}). | |
Implicit Types E G H K P X Y : {group gT}. | |
Lemma LdivP A n x : reflect (x \in A /\ x ^+ n = 1) (x \in 'Ldiv_n(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite !inE; apply: (iffP andP) => [] [-> /eqP]. Qed. | |
Lemma dvdn_exponent x A : x \in A -> #[x] %| exponent A. | |
Proof. by move=> Ax; rewrite (biglcmn_sup x). Qed. | |
Lemma expg_exponent x A : x \in A -> x ^+ exponent A = 1. | |
Proof. by move=> Ax; apply/eqP; rewrite -order_dvdn dvdn_exponent. Qed. | |
Lemma exponentS A B : A \subset B -> exponent A %| exponent B. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> sAB; apply/dvdn_biglcmP=> x Ax; rewrite dvdn_exponent ?(subsetP sAB). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponentP A n : | |
reflect (forall x, x \in A -> x ^+ n = 1) (exponent A %| n). | |
Proof. | |
apply: (iffP (dvdn_biglcmP _ _ _)) => eAn x Ax. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite -order_dvdn eAn. | |
by rewrite order_dvdn eAn. | |
Qed. | |
Arguments exponentP {A n}. | |
Lemma trivg_exponent G : (G :==: 1) = (exponent G %| 1). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -subG1. | |
by apply/subsetP/exponentP=> trG x /trG; rewrite expg1 => /set1P. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent1 : exponent [1 gT] = 1%N. | |
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite -dvdn1 -trivg_exponent eqxx. Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_dvdn G : exponent G %| #|G|. | |
Proof. by apply/dvdn_biglcmP=> x Gx; apply: order_dvdG. Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_gt0 G : 0 < exponent G. | |
Proof. exact: dvdn_gt0 (exponent_dvdn G). Qed. | |
Hint Resolve exponent_gt0 : core. | |
Lemma pnat_exponent pi G : pi.-nat (exponent G) = pi.-group G. | |
Proof. | |
congr (_ && _); first by rewrite cardG_gt0 exponent_gt0. | |
apply: eq_all_r => p; rewrite !mem_primes cardG_gt0 exponent_gt0 /=. | |
apply: andb_id2l => p_pr; apply/idP/idP=> pG. | |
exact: dvdn_trans pG (exponent_dvdn G). | |
by case/Cauchy: pG => // x Gx <-; apply: dvdn_exponent. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponentJ A x : exponent (A :^ x) = exponent A. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /exponent (reindex_inj (conjg_inj x)). | |
by apply: eq_big => [y | y _]; rewrite ?orderJ ?memJ_conjg. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_witness G : nilpotent G -> {x | x \in G & exponent G = #[x]}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nilG; have [//=| /= x Gx max_x] := @arg_maxnP _ 1 (mem G) order. | |
exists x => //; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd dvdn_exponent // andbT. | |
apply/dvdn_biglcmP=> y Gy; apply/dvdn_partP=> //= p. | |
rewrite mem_primes => /andP[p_pr _]; have p_gt1: p > 1 := prime_gt1 p_pr. | |
rewrite p_part pfactor_dvdn // -(leq_exp2l _ _ p_gt1) -!p_part. | |
rewrite -(leq_pmul2r (part_gt0 p^' #[x])) partnC // -!order_constt. | |
rewrite -orderM ?order_constt ?coprime_partC // ?max_x ?groupM ?groupX //. | |
case/dprodP: (nilpotent_pcoreC p nilG) => _ _ cGpGp' _. | |
have inGp := mem_normal_Hall (nilpotent_pcore_Hall _ nilG) (pcore_normal _ _). | |
by red; rewrite -(centsP cGpGp') // inGp ?p_elt_constt ?groupX. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_cycle x : exponent <[x]> = #[x]. | |
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd exponent_dvdn dvdn_exponent ?cycle_id. Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_cyclic X : cyclic X -> exponent X = #|X|. | |
Proof. by case/cyclicP=> x ->; apply: exponent_cycle. Qed. | |
Lemma primes_exponent G : primes (exponent G) = primes (#|G|). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eq_primes => p; rewrite !mem_primes exponent_gt0 cardG_gt0 /=. | |
by apply: andb_id2l => p_pr; apply: negb_inj; rewrite -!p'natE // pnat_exponent. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pi_of_exponent G : \pi(exponent G) = \pi(G). | |
Proof. by rewrite /pi_of primes_exponent. Qed. | |
Lemma partn_exponentS pi H G : | |
H \subset G -> #|G|`_pi %| #|H| -> (exponent H)`_pi = (exponent G)`_pi. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sHG Gpi_dvd_H; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd. | |
rewrite partn_dvd ?exponentS ?exponent_gt0 //=; apply/dvdn_partP=> // p. | |
rewrite pi_of_part ?exponent_gt0 // => /andP[_ /= pi_p]. | |
have sppi: {subset (p : nat_pred) <= pi} by move=> q /eqnP->. | |
have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p H; have sPH := pHall_sub sylP. | |
have{} sylP: p.-Sylow(G) P. | |
rewrite pHallE (subset_trans sPH) //= (card_Hall sylP) eqn_dvd andbC. | |
by rewrite -{1}(partn_part _ sppi) !partn_dvd ?cardSg ?cardG_gt0. | |
rewrite partn_part ?partn_biglcm //. | |
apply: (@big_ind _ (dvdn^~ _)) => [|m n|x Gx]; first exact: dvd1n. | |
by rewrite dvdn_lcm => ->. | |
rewrite -order_constt; have p_y := p_elt_constt p x; set y := x.`_p in p_y *. | |
have sYG: <[y]> \subset G by rewrite cycle_subG groupX. | |
have [z _ Pyz] := Sylow_Jsub sylP sYG p_y. | |
rewrite (bigD1 (y ^ z)) ?(subsetP sPH) -?cycle_subG ?cycleJ //=. | |
by rewrite orderJ part_pnat_id ?dvdn_lcml // (pi_pnat p_y). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_Hall pi G H : pi.-Hall(G) H -> exponent H = (exponent G)`_pi. | |
Proof. | |
move=> hallH; have [sHG piH _] := and3P hallH. | |
rewrite -(partn_exponentS sHG) -?(card_Hall hallH) ?part_pnat_id //. | |
by apply: pnat_dvd piH; apply: exponent_dvdn. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_Zgroup G : Zgroup G -> exponent G = #|G|. | |
Proof. | |
move/forall_inP=> ZgG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd exponent_dvdn. | |
apply/(dvdn_partP _ (cardG_gt0 _)) => p _. | |
have [S sylS] := Sylow_exists p G; rewrite -(card_Hall sylS). | |
have /cyclicP[x defS]: cyclic S by rewrite ZgG ?(p_Sylow sylS). | |
by rewrite defS dvdn_exponent // -cycle_subG -defS (pHall_sub sylS). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cprod_exponent A B G : | |
A \* B = G -> lcmn (exponent A) (exponent B) = (exponent G). | |
Proof. | |
case/cprodP=> [[K H -> ->{A B}] <- cKH]. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd dvdn_lcm !exponentS ?mulG_subl ?mulG_subr //=. | |
apply/exponentP=> _ /imset2P[x y Kx Hy ->]. | |
rewrite -[1]mulg1 expgMn; last by red; rewrite -(centsP cKH). | |
congr (_ * _); apply/eqP; rewrite -order_dvdn. | |
by rewrite (dvdn_trans (dvdn_exponent Kx)) ?dvdn_lcml. | |
by rewrite (dvdn_trans (dvdn_exponent Hy)) ?dvdn_lcmr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dprod_exponent A B G : | |
A \x B = G -> lcmn (exponent A) (exponent B) = (exponent G). | |
Proof. | |
case/dprodP=> [[K H -> ->{A B}] defG cKH _]. | |
by apply: cprod_exponent; rewrite cprodE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sub_LdivT A n : (A \subset 'Ldiv_n()) = (exponent A %| n). | |
Proof. by apply/subsetP/exponentP=> eAn x /eAn /[1!inE] /eqP. Qed. | |
Lemma LdivT_J n x : 'Ldiv_n() :^ x = 'Ldiv_n(). | |
Proof. | |
apply/setP=> y; rewrite !inE mem_conjg inE -conjXg. | |
by rewrite (canF_eq (conjgKV x)) conj1g. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma LdivJ n A x : 'Ldiv_n(A :^ x) = 'Ldiv_n(A) :^ x. | |
Proof. by rewrite conjIg LdivT_J. Qed. | |
Lemma sub_Ldiv A n : (A \subset 'Ldiv_n(A)) = (exponent A %| n). | |
Proof. by rewrite subsetI subxx sub_LdivT. Qed. | |
Lemma group_Ldiv G n : abelian G -> group_set 'Ldiv_n(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; apply/group_setP. | |
split=> [|x y]; rewrite !inE ?group1 ?expg1n //=. | |
case/andP=> Gx /eqP xn /andP[Gy /eqP yn]. | |
by rewrite groupM //= expgMn ?xn ?yn ?mulg1 //; apply: (centsP cGG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_exponent_gen A : abelian A -> exponent <<A>> = exponent A. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -abelian_gen; set n := exponent A; set G := <<A>> => cGG. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd andbC exponentS ?subset_gen //= -sub_Ldiv. | |
rewrite -(gen_set_id (group_Ldiv n cGG)) genS // subsetI subset_gen /=. | |
by rewrite sub_LdivT. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_pgroup p A : p.-abelem A -> p.-group A. | |
Proof. by case/andP. Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_abelian p A : p.-abelem A -> abelian A. | |
Proof. by case/and3P. Qed. | |
Lemma abelem1 p : p.-abelem [1 gT]. | |
Proof. by rewrite /abelem pgroup1 abelian1 exponent1 dvd1n. Qed. | |
Lemma abelemE p G : prime p -> p.-abelem G = abelian G && (exponent G %| p). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_pr; rewrite /abelem -pnat_exponent andbA -!(andbC (_ %| _)). | |
by case: (dvdn_pfactor _ 1 p_pr) => // [[k _ ->]]; rewrite pnatX pnat_id. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelemP p G : | |
prime p -> | |
reflect (abelian G /\ forall x, x \in G -> x ^+ p = 1) (p.-abelem G). | |
Proof. | |
by move=> p_pr; rewrite abelemE //; apply: (iffP andP) => [] [-> /exponentP]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_order_p p G x : p.-abelem G -> x \in G -> x != 1 -> #[x] = p. | |
Proof. | |
case/and3P=> pG _ eG Gx; rewrite -cycle_eq1 => ntX. | |
have{ntX} [p_pr p_x _] := pgroup_pdiv (mem_p_elt pG Gx) ntX. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd p_x andbT order_dvdn (exponentP eG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cyclic_abelem_prime p X : p.-abelem X -> cyclic X -> X :!=: 1 -> #|X| = p. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelX cycX; case/cyclicP: cycX => x -> in abelX *. | |
by rewrite cycle_eq1; apply: abelem_order_p abelX (cycle_id x). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cycle_abelem p x : p.-elt x || prime p -> p.-abelem <[x]> = (#[x] %| p). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_xVpr; rewrite /abelem cycle_abelian /=. | |
apply/andP/idP=> [[_ xp1] | x_dvd_p]. | |
by rewrite order_dvdn (exponentP xp1) ?cycle_id. | |
split; last exact: dvdn_trans (exponent_dvdn _) x_dvd_p. | |
by case/orP: p_xVpr => // /pnat_id; apply: pnat_dvd. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent2_abelem G : exponent G %| 2 -> 2.-abelem G. | |
Proof. | |
move/exponentP=> expG; apply/abelemP=> //; split=> //. | |
apply/centsP=> x Gx y Gy; apply: (mulIg x); apply: (mulgI y). | |
by rewrite -!mulgA !(mulgA y) -!(expgS _ 1) !expG ?mulg1 ?groupM. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma prime_abelem p G : prime p -> #|G| = p -> p.-abelem G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_pr oG; rewrite /abelem -oG exponent_dvdn. | |
by rewrite /pgroup cyclic_abelian ?prime_cyclic ?oG ?pnat_id. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_cyclic p G : p.-abelem G -> cyclic G = (logn p #|G| <= 1). | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelG; have [pG _ expGp] := and3P abelG. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> | ntG]; first by rewrite cyclic1 cards1 logn1. | |
have [p_pr _ [e oG]] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG; apply/idP/idP. | |
case/cyclicP=> x defG; rewrite -(pfactorK 1 p_pr) dvdn_leq_log ?prime_gt0 //. | |
by rewrite defG order_dvdn (exponentP expGp) // defG cycle_id. | |
by rewrite oG pfactorK // ltnS leqn0 => e0; rewrite prime_cyclic // oG (eqP e0). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelemS p H G : H \subset G -> p.-abelem G -> p.-abelem H. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sHG /and3P[cGG pG Gp1]; rewrite /abelem. | |
by rewrite (pgroupS sHG) // (abelianS sHG) // (dvdn_trans (exponentS sHG)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelemJ p G x : p.-abelem (G :^ x) = p.-abelem G. | |
Proof. by rewrite /abelem pgroupJ abelianJ exponentJ. Qed. | |
Lemma cprod_abelem p A B G : | |
A \* B = G -> p.-abelem G = p.-abelem A && p.-abelem B. | |
Proof. | |
case/cprodP=> [[H K -> ->{A B}] defG cHK]. | |
apply/idP/andP=> [abelG | []]. | |
by rewrite !(abelemS _ abelG) // -defG (mulG_subl, mulG_subr). | |
case/and3P=> pH cHH expHp; case/and3P=> pK cKK expKp. | |
rewrite -defG /abelem pgroupM pH pK abelianM cHH cKK cHK /=. | |
apply/exponentP=> _ /imset2P[x y Hx Ky ->]. | |
rewrite expgMn; last by red; rewrite -(centsP cHK). | |
by rewrite (exponentP expHp) // (exponentP expKp) // mul1g. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dprod_abelem p A B G : | |
A \x B = G -> p.-abelem G = p.-abelem A && p.-abelem B. | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG; case/dprodP: (defG) => _ _ _ tiHK. | |
by apply: cprod_abelem; rewrite -dprodEcp. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma is_abelem_pgroup p G : p.-group G -> is_abelem G = p.-abelem G. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /is_abelem => pG. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> | ntG]; first by rewrite !abelem1. | |
by have [p_pr _ [k ->]] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG; rewrite pdiv_pfactor. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma is_abelemP G : reflect (exists2 p, prime p & p.-abelem G) (is_abelem G). | |
Proof. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [abelG | [p p_pr abelG]]. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> | ntG]; first by exists 2; rewrite ?abelem1. | |
by exists (pdiv #|G|); rewrite ?pdiv_prime // ltnNge -trivg_card_le1. | |
by rewrite (is_abelem_pgroup (abelem_pgroup abelG)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pElemP p A E : reflect (E \subset A /\ p.-abelem E) (E \in 'E_p(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite inE; apply: andP. Qed. | |
Arguments pElemP {p A E}. | |
Lemma pElemS p A B : A \subset B -> 'E_p(A) \subset 'E_p(B). | |
Proof. | |
by move=> sAB; apply/subsetP=> E /[!inE] /andP[/subset_trans->]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pElemI p A B : 'E_p(A :&: B) = 'E_p(A) :&: subgroups B. | |
Proof. by apply/setP=> E; rewrite !inE subsetI andbAC. Qed. | |
Lemma pElemJ x p A E : ((E :^ x)%G \in 'E_p(A :^ x)) = (E \in 'E_p(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite !inE conjSg abelemJ. Qed. | |
Lemma pnElemP p n A E : | |
reflect [/\ E \subset A, p.-abelem E & logn p #|E| = n] (E \in 'E_p^n(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite !inE -andbA; apply: (iffP and3P) => [] [-> -> /eqP]. Qed. | |
Arguments pnElemP {p n A E}. | |
Lemma pnElemPcard p n A E : | |
E \in 'E_p^n(A) -> [/\ E \subset A, p.-abelem E & #|E| = p ^ n]%N. | |
Proof. | |
by case/pnElemP=> -> abelE <-; rewrite -card_pgroup // abelem_pgroup. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma card_pnElem p n A E : E \in 'E_p^n(A) -> #|E| = (p ^ n)%N. | |
Proof. by case/pnElemPcard. Qed. | |
Lemma pnElem0 p G : 'E_p^0(G) = [set 1%G]. | |
Proof. | |
apply/setP=> E; rewrite !inE -andbA; apply/and3P/idP=> [[_ pE] | /eqP->]. | |
apply: contraLR; case/(pgroup_pdiv (abelem_pgroup pE)) => p_pr _ [k ->]. | |
by rewrite pfactorK. | |
by rewrite sub1G abelem1 cards1 logn1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pnElem_prime p n A E : E \in 'E_p^n.+1(A) -> prime p. | |
Proof. by case/pnElemP=> _ _; rewrite lognE; case: prime. Qed. | |
Lemma pnElemE p n A : | |
prime p -> 'E_p^n(A) = [set E in 'E_p(A) | #|E| == (p ^ n)%N]. | |
Proof. | |
move/pfactorK=> pnK; apply/setP=> E; rewrite 3!inE. | |
case: (@andP (E \subset A)) => //= [[_]] /andP[/p_natP[k ->] _]. | |
by rewrite pnK (can_eq pnK). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pnElemS p n A B : A \subset B -> 'E_p^n(A) \subset 'E_p^n(B). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sAB; apply/subsetP=> E. | |
by rewrite !inE -!andbA => /andP[/subset_trans->]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pnElemI p n A B : 'E_p^n(A :&: B) = 'E_p^n(A) :&: subgroups B. | |
Proof. by apply/setP=> E; rewrite !inE subsetI -!andbA; do !bool_congr. Qed. | |
Lemma pnElemJ x p n A E : ((E :^ x)%G \in 'E_p^n(A :^ x)) = (E \in 'E_p^n(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite inE pElemJ cardJg !inE. Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_pnElem p n G : | |
p.-abelem G -> n <= logn p #|G| -> exists E, E \in 'E_p^n(G). | |
Proof. | |
case: n => [|n] abelG lt_nG; first by exists 1%G; rewrite pnElem0 set11. | |
have p_pr: prime p by move: lt_nG; rewrite lognE; case: prime. | |
case/(normal_pgroup (abelem_pgroup abelG)): lt_nG => // E [sEG _ oE]. | |
by exists E; rewrite pnElemE // !inE oE sEG (abelemS sEG) /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma card_p1Elem p A X : X \in 'E_p^1(A) -> #|X| = p. | |
Proof. exact: card_pnElem. Qed. | |
Lemma p1ElemE p A : prime p -> 'E_p^1(A) = [set X in subgroups A | #|X| == p]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_pr; apply/setP=> X; rewrite pnElemE // !inE -andbA; congr (_ && _). | |
by apply: andb_idl => /eqP oX; rewrite prime_abelem ?oX. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma TIp1ElemP p A X Y : | |
X \in 'E_p^1(A) -> Y \in 'E_p^1(A) -> reflect (X :&: Y = 1) (X :!=: Y). | |
Proof. | |
move=> EpX EpY; have p_pr := pnElem_prime EpX. | |
have [oX oY] := (card_p1Elem EpX, card_p1Elem EpY). | |
have [<-|] := eqVneq. | |
by right=> X1; rewrite -oX -(setIid X) X1 cards1 in p_pr. | |
by rewrite eqEcard oX oY leqnn andbT; left; rewrite prime_TIg ?oX. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma card_p1Elem_pnElem p n A E : | |
E \in 'E_p^n(A) -> #|'E_p^1(E)| = (\sum_(i < n) p ^ i)%N. | |
Proof. | |
case/pnElemP=> _ {A} abelE dimE; have [pE cEE _] := and3P abelE. | |
have [E1 | ntE] := eqsVneq E 1. | |
rewrite -dimE E1 cards1 logn1 big_ord0 eq_card0 // => X. | |
by rewrite !inE subG1 trivg_card1; case: eqP => // ->; rewrite logn1 andbF. | |
have [p_pr _ _] := pgroup_pdiv pE ntE; have p_gt1 := prime_gt1 p_pr. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -(@eqn_pmul2l (p - 1)) ?subn_gt0 // subn1 -predn_exp. | |
have groupD1_inj: injective (fun X => (gval X)^#). | |
apply: can_inj (@generated_group _) _ => X. | |
by apply: val_inj; rewrite /= genD1 ?group1 ?genGid. | |
rewrite -dimE -card_pgroup // (cardsD1 1 E) group1 /= mulnC. | |
rewrite -(card_imset _ groupD1_inj) eq_sym. | |
apply/eqP; apply: card_uniform_partition => [X'|]. | |
case/imsetP=> X; rewrite pnElemE // expn1 => /setIdP[_ /eqP <-] ->. | |
by rewrite (cardsD1 1 X) group1. | |
apply/and3P; split; last 1 first. | |
- apply/imsetP=> [[X /card_p1Elem oX X'0]]. | |
by rewrite -oX (cardsD1 1) -X'0 group1 cards0 in p_pr. | |
- rewrite eqEsubset; apply/andP; split. | |
by apply/bigcupsP=> _ /imsetP[X /pnElemP[sXE _ _] ->]; apply: setSD. | |
apply/subsetP=> x /setD1P[ntx Ex]. | |
apply/bigcupP; exists <[x]>^#; last by rewrite !inE ntx cycle_id. | |
apply/imsetP; exists <[x]>%G; rewrite ?p1ElemE // !inE cycle_subG Ex /=. | |
by rewrite -orderE (abelem_order_p abelE). | |
apply/trivIsetP=> _ _ /imsetP[X EpX ->] /imsetP[Y EpY ->]; apply/implyP. | |
rewrite (inj_eq groupD1_inj) -setI_eq0 -setDIl setD_eq0 subG1. | |
by rewrite (sameP eqP (TIp1ElemP EpX EpY)) implybb. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma card_p1Elem_p2Elem p A E : E \in 'E_p^2(A) -> #|'E_p^1(E)| = p.+1. | |
Proof. by move/card_p1Elem_pnElem->; rewrite big_ord_recl big_ord1. Qed. | |
Lemma p2Elem_dprodP p A E X Y : | |
E \in 'E_p^2(A) -> X \in 'E_p^1(E) -> Y \in 'E_p^1(E) -> | |
reflect (X \x Y = E) (X :!=: Y). | |
Proof. | |
move=> Ep2E EpX EpY; have [_ abelE oE] := pnElemPcard Ep2E. | |
apply: (iffP (TIp1ElemP EpX EpY)) => [tiXY|]; last by case/dprodP. | |
have [[sXE _ oX] [sYE _ oY]] := (pnElemPcard EpX, pnElemPcard EpY). | |
rewrite dprodE ?(sub_abelian_cent2 (abelem_abelian abelE)) //. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqEcard mul_subG //= TI_cardMg // oX oY oE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nElemP n G E : reflect (exists p, E \in 'E_p^n(G)) (E \in 'E^n(G)). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite ['E^n(G)]big_mkord. | |
apply: (iffP bigcupP) => [[[p /= _] _] | [p]]; first by exists p. | |
case: n => [|n EpnE]; first by rewrite pnElem0; exists ord0; rewrite ?pnElem0. | |
suffices lepG: p < #|G|.+1 by exists (Ordinal lepG). | |
have:= EpnE; rewrite pnElemE ?(pnElem_prime EpnE) // !inE -andbA ltnS. | |
case/and3P=> sEG _ oE; rewrite dvdn_leq // (dvdn_trans _ (cardSg sEG)) //. | |
by rewrite (eqP oE) dvdn_exp. | |
Qed. | |
Arguments nElemP {n G E}. | |
Lemma nElem0 G : 'E^0(G) = [set 1%G]. | |
Proof. | |
apply/setP=> E; apply/nElemP/idP=> [[p] |]; first by rewrite pnElem0. | |
by exists 2; rewrite pnElem0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nElem1P G E : | |
reflect (E \subset G /\ exists2 p, prime p & #|E| = p) (E \in 'E^1(G)). | |
Proof. | |
apply: (iffP nElemP) => [[p pE] | [sEG [p p_pr oE]]]. | |
have p_pr := pnElem_prime pE; rewrite pnElemE // !inE -andbA in pE. | |
by case/and3P: pE => -> _ /eqP; split; last exists p. | |
exists p; rewrite pnElemE // !inE sEG oE eqxx abelemE // -oE exponent_dvdn. | |
by rewrite cyclic_abelian // prime_cyclic // oE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nElemS n G H : G \subset H -> 'E^n(G) \subset 'E^n(H). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sGH; apply/subsetP=> E /nElemP[p EpnG_E]. | |
by apply/nElemP; exists p; rewrite // (subsetP (pnElemS _ _ sGH)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nElemI n G H : 'E^n(G :&: H) = 'E^n(G) :&: subgroups H. | |
Proof. | |
apply/setP=> E; apply/nElemP/setIP=> [[p] | []]. | |
by rewrite pnElemI; case/setIP; split=> //; apply/nElemP; exists p. | |
by case/nElemP=> p EpnG_E sHE; exists p; rewrite pnElemI inE EpnG_E. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma def_pnElem p n G : 'E_p^n(G) = 'E_p(G) :&: 'E^n(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/setP=> E; rewrite inE in_setI; apply: andb_id2l => /pElemP[sEG abelE]. | |
apply/idP/nElemP=> [|[q]]; first by exists p; rewrite !inE sEG abelE. | |
rewrite !inE -2!andbA => /and4P[_ /pgroupP qE _]. | |
have [->|] := eqVneq E 1%G; first by rewrite cards1 !logn1. | |
case/(pgroup_pdiv (abelem_pgroup abelE)) => p_pr pE _. | |
by rewrite (eqnP (qE p p_pr pE)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pmaxElemP p A E : | |
reflect (E \in 'E_p(A) /\ forall H, H \in 'E_p(A) -> E \subset H -> H :=: E) | |
(E \in 'E*_p(A)). | |
Proof. by rewrite [E \in 'E*_p(A)]inE; apply: (iffP maxgroupP). Qed. | |
Lemma pmaxElem_exists p A D : | |
D \in 'E_p(A) -> {E | E \in 'E*_p(A) & D \subset E}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> EpD; have [E maxE sDE] := maxgroup_exists (EpD : mem 'E_p(A) D). | |
by exists E; rewrite // inE. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pmaxElem_LdivP p G E : | |
prime p -> reflect ('Ldiv_p('C_G(E)) = E) (E \in 'E*_p(G)). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_pr; apply: (iffP (pmaxElemP p G E)) => [[] | defE]. | |
case/pElemP=> sEG abelE maxE; have [_ cEE eE] := and3P abelE. | |
apply/setP=> x; rewrite !inE -andbA; apply/and3P/idP=> [[Gx cEx xp] | Ex]. | |
rewrite -(maxE (<[x]> <*> E)%G) ?joing_subr //. | |
by rewrite -cycle_subG joing_subl. | |
rewrite inE join_subG cycle_subG Gx sEG /=. | |
rewrite (cprod_abelem _ (cprodEY _)); last by rewrite centsC cycle_subG. | |
by rewrite cycle_abelem ?p_pr ?orbT // order_dvdn xp. | |
by rewrite (subsetP sEG) // (subsetP cEE) // (exponentP eE). | |
split=> [|H]; last first. | |
case/pElemP=> sHG /abelemP[// | cHH Hp1] sEH. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset sEH andbC /= -defE; apply/subsetP=> x Hx. | |
by rewrite 3!inE (subsetP sHG) // Hp1 ?(subsetP (centsS _ cHH)) /=. | |
apply/pElemP; split; first by rewrite -defE -setIA subsetIl. | |
apply/abelemP=> //; rewrite /abelian -{1 3}defE setIAC subsetIr. | |
by split=> //; apply/exponentP; rewrite -sub_LdivT setIAC subsetIr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pmaxElemS p A B : | |
A \subset B -> 'E*_p(B) :&: subgroups A \subset 'E*_p(A). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sAB; apply/subsetP=> E /[!inE]. | |
case/andP=> /maxgroupP[/pElemP[_ abelE] maxE] sEA. | |
apply/maxgroupP; rewrite inE sEA; split=> // D EpD. | |
by apply: maxE; apply: subsetP EpD; apply: pElemS. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma pmaxElemJ p A E x : ((E :^ x)%G \in 'E*_p(A :^ x)) = (E \in 'E*_p(A)). | |
Proof. | |
apply/pmaxElemP/pmaxElemP=> [] [EpE maxE]. | |
rewrite pElemJ in EpE; split=> //= H EpH sEH; apply: (act_inj 'Js x). | |
by apply: maxE; rewrite ?conjSg ?pElemJ. | |
rewrite pElemJ; split=> // H; rewrite -(actKV 'JG x H) pElemJ conjSg => EpHx'. | |
by move/maxE=> /= ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma grank_min B : 'm(<<B>>) <= #|B|. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite /gen_rank; case: arg_minnP => [|_ _ -> //]; rewrite genGid. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma grank_witness G : {B | <<B>> = G & #|B| = 'm(G)}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /gen_rank; case: arg_minnP => [|B defG _]; first by rewrite genGid. | |
by exists B; first apply/eqP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_witness p G : {E | E \in 'E_p^('r_p(G))(G)}. | |
Proof. | |
have [E EG_E mE]: {E | E \in 'E_p(G) & 'r_p(G) = logn p #|E| }. | |
by apply: eq_bigmax_cond; rewrite (cardD1 1%G) inE sub1G abelem1. | |
by exists E; rewrite inE EG_E -mE /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_geP p n G : reflect (exists E, E \in 'E_p^n(G)) (n <= 'r_p(G)). | |
Proof. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [|[E]]; last first. | |
by rewrite inE => /andP[Ep_E /eqP <-]; rewrite (bigmax_sup E). | |
have [D /pnElemP[sDG abelD <-]] := p_rank_witness p G. | |
by case/abelem_pnElem=> // E; exists E; apply: (subsetP (pnElemS _ _ sDG)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_gt0 p H : ('r_p(H) > 0) = (p \in \pi(H)). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite mem_primes cardG_gt0 /=; apply/p_rank_geP/andP=> [[E] | [p_pr]]. | |
case/pnElemP=> sEG _; rewrite lognE; case: and3P => // [[-> _ pE] _]. | |
by rewrite (dvdn_trans _ (cardSg sEG)). | |
case/Cauchy=> // x Hx ox; exists <[x]>%G; rewrite 2!inE [#|_|]ox cycle_subG. | |
by rewrite Hx (pfactorK 1) ?abelemE // cycle_abelian -ox exponent_dvdn. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank1 p : 'r_p([1 gT]) = 0. | |
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn0Ngt p_rank_gt0 /= cards1. Qed. | |
Lemma logn_le_p_rank p A E : E \in 'E_p(A) -> logn p #|E| <= 'r_p(A). | |
Proof. by move=> EpA_E; rewrite (bigmax_sup E). Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_le_logn p G : 'r_p(G) <= logn p #|G|. | |
Proof. | |
have [E EpE] := p_rank_witness p G. | |
by have [sEG _ <-] := pnElemP EpE; apply: lognSg. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_abelem p G : p.-abelem G -> 'r_p(G) = logn p #|G|. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq andbC (bigmax_sup G)//. | |
by apply/bigmax_leqP=> E /[1!inE] /andP[/lognSg->]. | |
by rewrite inE subxx. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rankS p A B : A \subset B -> 'r_p(A) <= 'r_p(B). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sAB; apply/bigmax_leqP=> E /(subsetP (pElemS p sAB)) EpB_E. | |
by rewrite (bigmax_sup E). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rankElem_max p A : 'E_p^('r_p(A))(A) \subset 'E*_p(A). | |
Proof. | |
apply/subsetP=> E /setIdP[EpE dimE]. | |
apply/pmaxElemP; split=> // F EpF sEF; apply/eqP. | |
have pF: p.-group F by case/pElemP: EpF => _ /and3P[]. | |
have pE: p.-group E by case/pElemP: EpE => _ /and3P[]. | |
rewrite eq_sym eqEcard sEF dvdn_leq // (card_pgroup pE) (card_pgroup pF). | |
by rewrite (eqP dimE) dvdn_exp2l // logn_le_p_rank. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rankJ p A x : 'r_p(A :^ x) = 'r_p(A). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /p_rank (reindex_inj (act_inj 'JG x)). | |
by apply: eq_big => [E | E _]; rewrite ?cardJg ?pElemJ. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_Sylow p G H : p.-Sylow(G) H -> 'r_p(H) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sylH; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq (p_rankS _ (pHall_sub sylH)) /=. | |
apply/bigmax_leqP=> E /[1!inE] /andP[sEG abelE]. | |
have [P sylP sEP] := Sylow_superset sEG (abelem_pgroup abelE). | |
have [x _ ->] := Sylow_trans sylP sylH. | |
by rewrite p_rankJ -(p_rank_abelem abelE) (p_rankS _ sEP). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_Hall pi p G H : pi.-Hall(G) H -> p \in pi -> 'r_p(H) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> hallH pi_p; have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p H. | |
by rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow sylP) (p_rank_Sylow (subHall_Sylow hallH pi_p sylP)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_pmaxElem_exists p r G : | |
'r_p(G) >= r -> exists2 E, E \in 'E*_p(G) & 'r_p(E) >= r. | |
Proof. | |
case/p_rank_geP=> D /setIdP[EpD /eqP <- {r}]. | |
have [E EpE sDE] := pmaxElem_exists EpD; exists E => //. | |
case/pmaxElemP: EpE => /setIdP[_ abelE] _. | |
by rewrite (p_rank_abelem abelE) lognSg. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank1 : 'r([1 gT]) = 0. | |
Proof. by rewrite ['r(1)]big1_seq // => p _; rewrite p_rank1. Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_le_rank p G : 'r_p(G) <= 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
case: (posnP 'r_p(G)) => [-> //|]; rewrite p_rank_gt0 mem_primes. | |
case/and3P=> p_pr _ pG; have lepg: p < #|G|.+1 by rewrite ltnS dvdn_leq. | |
by rewrite ['r(G)]big_mkord (bigmax_sup (Ordinal lepg)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_gt0 G : ('r(G) > 0) = (G :!=: 1). | |
Proof. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> |]; first by rewrite rank1. | |
case: (trivgVpdiv G) => [/eqP->// | [p p_pr]]. | |
case/Cauchy=> // x Gx oxp _; apply: leq_trans (p_rank_le_rank p G). | |
have EpGx: <[x]>%G \in 'E_p(G). | |
by rewrite inE cycle_subG Gx abelemE // cycle_abelian -oxp exponent_dvdn. | |
by apply: leq_trans (logn_le_p_rank EpGx); rewrite -orderE oxp logn_prime ?eqxx. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_witness G : {p | prime p & 'r(G) = 'r_p(G)}. | |
Proof. | |
have [p _ defmG]: {p : 'I_(#|G|.+1) | true & 'r(G) = 'r_p(G)}. | |
by rewrite ['r(G)]big_mkord; apply: eq_bigmax_cond; rewrite card_ord. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> | ]; first by exists 2; rewrite // rank1 p_rank1. | |
by rewrite -rank_gt0 defmG p_rank_gt0 mem_primes; case/andP; exists p. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_pgroup p G : p.-group G -> 'r(G) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq p_rank_le_rank andbT. | |
rewrite ['r(G)]big_mkord; apply/bigmax_leqP=> [[q /= _] _]. | |
case: (posnP 'r_q(G)) => [-> // |]; rewrite p_rank_gt0 mem_primes. | |
by case/and3P=> q_pr _ qG; rewrite (eqnP (pgroupP pG q q_pr qG)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_Sylow p G P : p.-Sylow(G) P -> 'r(P) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sylP; have pP := pHall_pgroup sylP. | |
by rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow sylP) -(rank_pgroup pP). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_abelem p G : p.-abelem G -> 'r(G) = logn p #|G|. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> abelG; rewrite (rank_pgroup (abelem_pgroup abelG)) p_rank_abelem. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma nt_pnElem p n E A : E \in 'E_p^n(A) -> n > 0 -> E :!=: 1. | |
Proof. by case/pnElemP=> _ /rank_abelem <- <-; rewrite rank_gt0. Qed. | |
Lemma rankJ A x : 'r(A :^ x) = 'r(A). | |
Proof. by rewrite /rank cardJg; apply: eq_bigr => p _; rewrite p_rankJ. Qed. | |
Lemma rankS A B : A \subset B -> 'r(A) <= 'r(B). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sAB; rewrite /rank !big_mkord; apply/bigmax_leqP=> p _. | |
have leAB: #|A| < #|B|.+1 by rewrite ltnS subset_leq_card. | |
by rewrite (bigmax_sup (widen_ord leAB p)) ?p_rankS. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_geP n G : reflect (exists E, E \in 'E^n(G)) (n <= 'r(G)). | |
Proof. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [|[E]]. | |
have [p _ ->] := rank_witness G; case/p_rank_geP=> E. | |
by rewrite def_pnElem; case/setIP; exists E. | |
case/nElemP=> p /[1!inE] /andP[EpG_E /eqP <-]. | |
by rewrite (leq_trans (logn_le_p_rank EpG_E)) ?p_rank_le_rank. | |
Qed. | |
End ExponentAbelem. | |
Arguments LdivP {gT A n x}. | |
Arguments exponentP {gT A n}. | |
Arguments abelemP {gT p G}. | |
Arguments is_abelemP {gT G}. | |
Arguments pElemP {gT p A E}. | |
Arguments pnElemP {gT p n A E}. | |
Arguments nElemP {gT n G E}. | |
Arguments nElem1P {gT G E}. | |
Arguments pmaxElemP {gT p A E}. | |
Arguments pmaxElem_LdivP {gT p G E}. | |
Arguments p_rank_geP {gT p n G}. | |
Arguments rank_geP {gT n G}. | |
Section MorphAbelem. | |
Variables (aT rT : finGroupType) (D : {group aT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). | |
Implicit Types (G H E : {group aT}) (A B : {set aT}). | |
Lemma exponent_morphim G : exponent (f @* G) %| exponent G. | |
Proof. | |
apply/exponentP=> _ /morphimP[x Dx Gx ->]. | |
by rewrite -morphX // expg_exponent // morph1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_LdivT n : f @* 'Ldiv_n() \subset 'Ldiv_n(). | |
Proof. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /morphimP[x Dx xn ->]; rewrite inE in xn. | |
by rewrite inE -morphX // (eqP xn) morph1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_Ldiv n A : f @* 'Ldiv_n(A) \subset 'Ldiv_n(f @* A). | |
Proof. | |
by apply: subset_trans (morphimI f A _) (setIS _ _); apply: morphim_LdivT. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_abelem p G : p.-abelem G -> p.-abelem (f @* G). | |
Proof. | |
case: (eqsVneq G 1) => [-> | ntG] abelG; first by rewrite morphim1 abelem1. | |
have [p_pr _ _] := pgroup_pdiv (abelem_pgroup abelG) ntG. | |
case/abelemP: abelG => // abG elemG; apply/abelemP; rewrite ?morphim_abelian //. | |
by split=> // _ /morphimP[x Dx Gx ->]; rewrite -morphX // elemG ?morph1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_pElem p G E : E \in 'E_p(G) -> (f @* E)%G \in 'E_p(f @* G). | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite !inE => /andP[sEG abelE]; rewrite morphimS // morphim_abelem. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_pnElem p n G E : | |
E \in 'E_p^n(G) -> {m | m <= n & (f @* E)%G \in 'E_p^m(f @* G)}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite inE => /andP[EpE /eqP <-]. | |
by exists (logn p #|f @* E|); rewrite ?logn_morphim // inE morphim_pElem /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_grank G : G \subset D -> 'm(f @* G) <= 'm(G). | |
Proof. | |
have [B defG <-] := grank_witness G; rewrite -defG gen_subG => sBD. | |
by rewrite morphim_gen ?morphimEsub ?(leq_trans (grank_min _)) ?leq_imset_card. | |
Qed. | |
(* There are no general morphism relations for the p-rank. We later prove *) | |
(* some relations for the p-rank of a quotient in the QuotientAbelem section. *) | |
End MorphAbelem. | |
Section InjmAbelem. | |
Variables (aT rT : finGroupType) (D G : {group aT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). | |
Hypotheses (injf : 'injm f) (sGD : G \subset D). | |
Let defG : invm injf @* (f @* G) = G := morphim_invm injf sGD. | |
Lemma exponent_injm : exponent (f @* G) = exponent G. | |
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd -{3}defG !exponent_morphim. Qed. | |
Lemma injm_Ldiv n A : f @* 'Ldiv_n(A) = 'Ldiv_n(f @* A). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset morphim_Ldiv. | |
rewrite -[f @* 'Ldiv_n(A)](morphpre_invm injf). | |
rewrite -sub_morphim_pre; last by rewrite subIset ?morphim_sub. | |
rewrite injmI ?injm_invm // setISS ?morphim_LdivT //. | |
by rewrite sub_morphim_pre ?morphim_sub // morphpre_invm. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_abelem p : p.-abelem (f @* G) = p.-abelem G. | |
Proof. by apply/idP/idP; first rewrite -{2}defG; apply: morphim_abelem. Qed. | |
Lemma injm_pElem p (E : {group aT}) : | |
E \subset D -> ((f @* E)%G \in 'E_p(f @* G)) = (E \in 'E_p(G)). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sED; apply/idP/idP=> EpE; last exact: morphim_pElem. | |
by rewrite -defG -(group_inj (morphim_invm injf sED)) morphim_pElem. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_pnElem p n (E : {group aT}) : | |
E \subset D -> ((f @* E)%G \in 'E_p^n(f @* G)) = (E \in 'E_p^n(G)). | |
Proof. by move=> sED; rewrite inE injm_pElem // card_injm ?inE. Qed. | |
Lemma injm_nElem n (E : {group aT}) : | |
E \subset D -> ((f @* E)%G \in 'E^n(f @* G)) = (E \in 'E^n(G)). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sED; apply/nElemP/nElemP=> [] [p EpE]; | |
by exists p; rewrite injm_pnElem in EpE *. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_pmaxElem p (E : {group aT}) : | |
E \subset D -> ((f @* E)%G \in 'E*_p(f @* G)) = (E \in 'E*_p(G)). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sED; have defE := morphim_invm injf sED. | |
apply/pmaxElemP/pmaxElemP=> [] [EpE maxE]. | |
split=> [|H EpH sEH]; first by rewrite injm_pElem in EpE. | |
have sHD: H \subset D by apply: subset_trans (sGD); case/pElemP: EpH. | |
by rewrite -(morphim_invm injf sHD) [f @* H]maxE ?morphimS ?injm_pElem. | |
rewrite injm_pElem //; split=> // fH Ep_fH sfEH; have [sfHG _] := pElemP Ep_fH. | |
have sfHD : fH \subset f @* D by rewrite (subset_trans sfHG) ?morphimS. | |
rewrite -(morphpreK sfHD); congr (f @* _). | |
rewrite [_ @*^-1 fH]maxE -?sub_morphim_pre //. | |
by rewrite -injm_pElem ?subsetIl // (group_inj (morphpreK sfHD)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_grank : 'm(f @* G) = 'm(G). | |
Proof. by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq -{3}defG !morphim_grank ?morphimS. Qed. | |
Lemma injm_p_rank p : 'r_p(f @* G) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split. | |
have [fE] := p_rank_witness p (f @* G); move: 'r_p(_) => n Ep_fE. | |
apply/p_rank_geP; exists (f @*^-1 fE)%G. | |
rewrite -injm_pnElem ?subsetIl ?(group_inj (morphpreK _)) //. | |
by case/pnElemP: Ep_fE => sfEG _ _; rewrite (subset_trans sfEG) ?morphimS. | |
have [E] := p_rank_witness p G; move: 'r_p(_) => n EpE. | |
apply/p_rank_geP; exists (f @* E)%G; rewrite injm_pnElem //. | |
by case/pnElemP: EpE => sEG _ _; rewrite (subset_trans sEG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma injm_rank : 'r(f @* G) = 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split. | |
by have [p _ ->] := rank_witness (f @* G); rewrite injm_p_rank p_rank_le_rank. | |
by have [p _ ->] := rank_witness G; rewrite -injm_p_rank p_rank_le_rank. | |
Qed. | |
End InjmAbelem. | |
Section IsogAbelem. | |
Variables (aT rT : finGroupType) (G : {group aT}) (H : {group rT}). | |
Hypothesis isoGH : G \isog H. | |
Lemma exponent_isog : exponent G = exponent H. | |
Proof. by case/isogP: isoGH => f injf <-; rewrite exponent_injm. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_abelem p : p.-abelem G = p.-abelem H. | |
Proof. by case/isogP: isoGH => f injf <-; rewrite injm_abelem. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_grank : 'm(G) = 'm(H). | |
Proof. by case/isogP: isoGH => f injf <-; rewrite injm_grank. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_p_rank p : 'r_p(G) = 'r_p(H). | |
Proof. by case/isogP: isoGH => f injf <-; rewrite injm_p_rank. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_rank : 'r(G) = 'r(H). | |
Proof. by case/isogP: isoGH => f injf <-; rewrite injm_rank. Qed. | |
End IsogAbelem. | |
Section QuotientAbelem. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat). | |
Implicit Types E G K H : {group gT}. | |
Lemma exponent_quotient G H : exponent (G / H) %| exponent G. | |
Proof. exact: exponent_morphim. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_LdivT n H : 'Ldiv_n() / H \subset 'Ldiv_n(). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_LdivT. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_Ldiv n A H : 'Ldiv_n(A) / H \subset 'Ldiv_n(A / H). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_Ldiv. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_abelem G H : p.-abelem G -> p.-abelem (G / H). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_abelem. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_pElem G H E : E \in 'E_p(G) -> (E / H)%G \in 'E_p(G / H). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_pElem. Qed. | |
Lemma logn_quotient G H : logn p #|G / H| <= logn p #|G|. | |
Proof. exact: logn_morphim. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_pnElem G H n E : | |
E \in 'E_p^n(G) -> {m | m <= n & (E / H)%G \in 'E_p^m(G / H)}. | |
Proof. exact: morphim_pnElem. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_grank G H : G \subset 'N(H) -> 'm(G / H) <= 'm(G). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_grank. Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_quotient G H : G \subset 'N(H) -> 'r_p(G) - 'r_p(H) <= 'r_p(G / H). | |
Proof. | |
move=> nHG; rewrite leq_subLR. | |
have [E EpE] := p_rank_witness p G; have{EpE} [sEG abelE <-] := pnElemP EpE. | |
rewrite -(LagrangeI E H) lognM ?cardG_gt0 //. | |
rewrite -card_quotient ?(subset_trans sEG) // leq_add ?logn_le_p_rank // !inE. | |
by rewrite subsetIr (abelemS (subsetIl E H)). | |
by rewrite quotientS ?quotient_abelem. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_dprod K H G : K \x H = G -> 'r_p(K) + 'r_p(H) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq -leq_subLR andbC. | |
have [_ defKH cKH tiKH] := dprodP defG; have nKH := cents_norm cKH. | |
rewrite {1}(isog_p_rank (quotient_isog nKH tiKH)) /= -quotientMidl defKH. | |
rewrite p_rank_quotient; last by rewrite -defKH mul_subG ?normG. | |
have [[E EpE] [F EpF]] := (p_rank_witness p K, p_rank_witness p H). | |
have [[sEK abelE <-] [sFH abelF <-]] := (pnElemP EpE, pnElemP EpF). | |
have defEF: E \x F = E <*> F. | |
by rewrite dprodEY ?(centSS sFH sEK) //; apply/trivgP; rewrite -tiKH setISS. | |
apply/p_rank_geP; exists (E <*> F)%G; rewrite !inE (dprod_abelem p defEF). | |
rewrite -lognM ?cargG_gt0 // (dprod_card defEF) abelE abelF eqxx. | |
by rewrite -(genGid G) -defKH genM_join genS ?setUSS. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_p'quotient G H : | |
(p : nat)^'.-group H -> G \subset 'N(H) -> 'r_p(G / H) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p'H nHG; have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p G. | |
have [sPG pP _] := and3P sylP; have nHP := subset_trans sPG nHG. | |
have tiHP: H :&: P = 1 := coprime_TIg (p'nat_coprime p'H pP). | |
rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow sylP) -(p_rank_Sylow (quotient_pHall nHP sylP)). | |
by rewrite (isog_p_rank (quotient_isog nHP tiHP)). | |
Qed. | |
End QuotientAbelem. | |
Section OhmProps. | |
Section Generic. | |
Variables (n : nat) (gT : finGroupType). | |
Implicit Types (p : nat) (x : gT) (rT : finGroupType). | |
Implicit Types (A B : {set gT}) (D G H : {group gT}). | |
Lemma Ohm_sub G : 'Ohm_n(G) \subset G. | |
Proof. by rewrite gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> x /setIdP[]. Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1 : 'Ohm_n([1 gT]) = 1. Proof. exact: (trivgP (Ohm_sub _)). Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_id G : 'Ohm_n('Ohm_n(G)) = 'Ohm_n(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset Ohm_sub genS //. | |
by apply/subsetP=> x /setIdP[Gx oxn]; rewrite inE mem_gen // inE Gx. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_cont rT G (f : {morphism G >-> rT}) : | |
f @* 'Ohm_n(G) \subset 'Ohm_n(f @* G). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite morphim_gen ?genS //; last by rewrite -gen_subG Ohm_sub. | |
apply/subsetP=> fx /morphimP[x Gx]; rewrite inE Gx /=. | |
case/OhmPredP=> p p_pr xpn_1 -> {fx}. | |
rewrite inE morphimEdom imset_f //=; apply/OhmPredP; exists p => //. | |
by rewrite -morphX // xpn_1 morph1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma OhmS H G : H \subset G -> 'Ohm_n(H) \subset 'Ohm_n(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sHG; apply: genS; apply/subsetP=> x /[!inE] /andP[Hx ->]. | |
by rewrite (subsetP sHG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma OhmE p G : p.-group G -> 'Ohm_n(G) = <<'Ldiv_(p ^ n)(G)>>. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG; congr <<_>>; apply/setP=> x /[!inE]; apply: andb_id2l => Gx. | |
have [-> | ntx] := eqVneq x 1; first by rewrite !expg1n. | |
by rewrite (pdiv_p_elt (mem_p_elt pG Gx)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma OhmEabelian p G : | |
p.-group G -> abelian 'Ohm_n(G) -> 'Ohm_n(G) = 'Ldiv_(p ^ n)(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG; rewrite (OhmE pG) abelian_gen => cGGn; rewrite gen_set_id //. | |
rewrite -(setIidPr (subset_gen 'Ldiv_(p ^ n)(G))) setIA. | |
by rewrite [_ :&: G](setIidPl _) ?gen_subG ?subsetIl // group_Ldiv ?abelian_gen. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_p_cycle p x : | |
p.-elt x -> 'Ohm_n(<[x]>) = <[x ^+ (p ^ (logn p #[x] - n))]>. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_x; apply/eqP; rewrite (OhmE p_x) eqEsubset cycle_subG mem_gen. | |
rewrite gen_subG andbT; apply/subsetP=> y /LdivP[x_y ypn]. | |
case: (leqP (logn p #[x]) n) => [|lt_n_x]. | |
by rewrite -subn_eq0 => /eqP->. | |
have p_pr: prime p by move: lt_n_x; rewrite lognE; case: (prime p). | |
have def_y: <[y]> = <[x ^+ (#[x] %/ #[y])]>. | |
apply: congr_group; apply/set1P. | |
by rewrite -cycle_sub_group ?cardSg ?inE ?cycle_subG ?x_y /=. | |
rewrite -cycle_subG def_y cycle_subG -{1}(part_pnat_id p_x) p_part. | |
rewrite -{1}(subnK (ltnW lt_n_x)) expnD -muln_divA ?order_dvdn ?ypn //. | |
by rewrite expgM mem_cycle. | |
rewrite !inE mem_cycle -expgM -expnD addnC -maxnE -order_dvdn. | |
by rewrite -{1}(part_pnat_id p_x) p_part dvdn_exp2l ?leq_maxr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_dprod A B G : A \x B = G -> 'Ohm_n(A) \x 'Ohm_n(B) = 'Ohm_n(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/dprodP => [[H K -> ->{A B}]] <- cHK tiHK. | |
rewrite dprodEY //; last first. | |
- by apply/trivgP; rewrite -tiHK setISS ?Ohm_sub. | |
- by rewrite (subset_trans (subset_trans _ cHK)) ?centS ?Ohm_sub. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -(cent_joinEr cHK) eqEsubset join_subG /=. | |
rewrite !OhmS ?joing_subl ?joing_subr //= cent_joinEr //= -genM_join genS //. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /setIdP[/imset2P[x y Hx Ky ->] /OhmPredP[p p_pr /eqP]]. | |
have cxy: commute x y by red; rewrite -(centsP cHK). | |
rewrite ?expgMn // -eq_invg_mul => /eqP def_x. | |
have ypn1: y ^+ (p ^ n) = 1. | |
by apply/set1P; rewrite -[[set 1]]tiHK inE -{1}def_x groupV !groupX. | |
have xpn1: x ^+ (p ^ n) = 1 by rewrite -[x ^+ _]invgK def_x ypn1 invg1. | |
by rewrite mem_mulg ?mem_gen // inE (Hx, Ky); apply/OhmPredP; exists p. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_sub G : 'Mho^n(G) \subset G. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> _ /imsetP[x /setIdP[Gx _] ->]. | |
exact: groupX. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho1 : 'Mho^n([1 gT]) = 1. Proof. exact: (trivgP (Mho_sub _)). Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_Mho rT D G (f : {morphism D >-> rT}) : | |
G \subset D -> f @* 'Mho^n(G) = 'Mho^n(f @* G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sGD; have sGnD := subset_trans (Mho_sub G) sGD. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset {1}morphim_gen -1?gen_subG // !gen_subG. | |
apply/andP; split; apply/subsetP=> y. | |
case/morphimP=> xpn _ /imsetP[x /setIdP[Gx]]. | |
set p := pdiv _ => p_x -> -> {xpn y}; have Dx := subsetP sGD x Gx. | |
by rewrite morphX // Mho_p_elt ?morph_p_elt ?mem_morphim. | |
case/imsetP=> _ /setIdP[/morphimP[x Dx Gx ->]]. | |
set p := pdiv _ => p_fx ->{y}; rewrite -(constt_p_elt p_fx) -morph_constt //. | |
by rewrite -morphX ?mem_morphim ?Mho_p_elt ?groupX ?p_elt_constt. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_cont rT G (f : {morphism G >-> rT}) : | |
f @* 'Mho^n(G) \subset 'Mho^n(f @* G). | |
Proof. by rewrite morphim_Mho. Qed. | |
Lemma MhoS H G : H \subset G -> 'Mho^n(H) \subset 'Mho^n(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> sHG; apply: genS; apply: imsetS; apply/subsetP=> x. | |
by rewrite !inE => /andP[Hx]; rewrite (subsetP sHG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma MhoE p G : p.-group G -> 'Mho^n(G) = <<[set x ^+ (p ^ n) | x in G]>>. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset !gen_subG; apply/andP. | |
do [split; apply/subsetP=> xpn; case/imsetP=> x] => [|Gx ->]; last first. | |
by rewrite Mho_p_elt ?(mem_p_elt pG). | |
case/setIdP=> Gx _ ->; have [-> | ntx] := eqVneq x 1; first by rewrite expg1n. | |
by rewrite (pdiv_p_elt (mem_p_elt pG Gx) ntx) mem_gen //; apply: imset_f. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma MhoEabelian p G : | |
p.-group G -> abelian G -> 'Mho^n(G) = [set x ^+ (p ^ n) | x in G]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG cGG; rewrite (MhoE pG); rewrite gen_set_id //; apply/group_setP. | |
split=> [|xn yn]; first by apply/imsetP; exists 1; rewrite ?expg1n. | |
case/imsetP=> x Gx ->; case/imsetP=> y Gy ->. | |
by rewrite -expgMn; [apply: imset_f; rewrite groupM | apply: (centsP cGG)]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma trivg_Mho G : 'Mho^n(G) == 1 -> 'Ohm_n(G) == G. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -subG1 gen_subG eqEsubset Ohm_sub /= => Gp1. | |
rewrite -{1}(Sylow_gen G) genS //; apply/bigcupsP=> P. | |
case/SylowP=> p p_pr /and3P[sPG pP _]; apply/subsetP=> x Px. | |
have Gx := subsetP sPG x Px; rewrite inE Gx //=. | |
rewrite (sameP eqP set1P) (subsetP Gp1) ?mem_gen //; apply: imset_f. | |
by rewrite inE Gx; apply: pgroup_p (mem_p_elt pP Px). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_p_cycle p x : p.-elt x -> 'Mho^n(<[x]>) = <[x ^+ (p ^ n)]>. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_x. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite (MhoE p_x) eqEsubset cycle_subG mem_gen; last first. | |
by apply: imset_f; apply: cycle_id. | |
rewrite gen_subG andbT; apply/subsetP=> _ /imsetP[_ /cycleP[k ->] ->]. | |
by rewrite -expgM mulnC expgM mem_cycle. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_cprod A B G : A \* B = G -> 'Mho^n(A) \* 'Mho^n(B) = 'Mho^n(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/cprodP => [[H K -> ->{A B}]] <- cHK; rewrite cprodEY //; last first. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans (subset_trans _ cHK)) ?centS ?Mho_sub. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -(cent_joinEr cHK) eqEsubset join_subG /=. | |
rewrite !MhoS ?joing_subl ?joing_subr //= cent_joinEr // -genM_join. | |
apply: genS; apply/subsetP=> xypn /imsetP[_ /setIdP[/imset2P[x y Hx Ky ->]]]. | |
move/constt_p_elt; move: (pdiv _) => p <- ->. | |
have cxy: commute x y by red; rewrite -(centsP cHK). | |
rewrite consttM // expgMn; last exact: commuteX2. | |
by rewrite mem_mulg ?Mho_p_elt ?groupX ?p_elt_constt. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_dprod A B G : A \x B = G -> 'Mho^n(A) \x 'Mho^n(B) = 'Mho^n(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/dprodP => [[H K -> ->{A B}]] defG cHK tiHK. | |
rewrite dprodEcp; first by apply: Mho_cprod; rewrite cprodE. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite -tiHK setISS ?Mho_sub. | |
Qed. | |
End Generic. | |
Canonical Ohm_igFun i := [igFun by Ohm_sub i & Ohm_cont i]. | |
Canonical Ohm_gFun i := [gFun by Ohm_cont i]. | |
Canonical Ohm_mgFun i := [mgFun by OhmS i]. | |
Canonical Mho_igFun i := [igFun by Mho_sub i & Mho_cont i]. | |
Canonical Mho_gFun i := [gFun by Mho_cont i]. | |
Canonical Mho_mgFun i := [mgFun by MhoS i]. | |
Section char. | |
Variables (n : nat) (gT rT : finGroupType) (D G : {group gT}). | |
Lemma Ohm_char : 'Ohm_n(G) \char G. Proof. exact: gFchar. Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_normal : 'Ohm_n(G) <| G. Proof. exact: gFnormal. Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_char : 'Mho^n(G) \char G. Proof. exact: gFchar. Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_normal : 'Mho^n(G) <| G. Proof. exact: gFnormal. Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_Ohm (f : {morphism D >-> rT}) : | |
G \subset D -> f @* 'Ohm_n(G) \subset 'Ohm_n(f @* G). | |
Proof. exact: morphimF. Qed. | |
Lemma injm_Ohm (f : {morphism D >-> rT}) : | |
'injm f -> G \subset D -> f @* 'Ohm_n(G) = 'Ohm_n(f @* G). | |
Proof. by move=> injf; apply: injmF. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_Ohm (H : {group rT}) : G \isog H -> 'Ohm_n(G) \isog 'Ohm_n(H). | |
Proof. exact: gFisog. Qed. | |
Lemma isog_Mho (H : {group rT}) : G \isog H -> 'Mho^n(G) \isog 'Mho^n(H). | |
Proof. exact: gFisog. Qed. | |
End char. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (pi : nat_pred) (p : nat). | |
Implicit Types (A B C : {set gT}) (D G H E : {group gT}). | |
Lemma Ohm0 G : 'Ohm_0(G) = 1. | |
Proof. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite /= gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> x /setIdP[_] /[1!inE]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_leq m n G : m <= n -> 'Ohm_m(G) \subset 'Ohm_n(G). | |
Proof. | |
move/subnKC <-; rewrite genS //; apply/subsetP=> y. | |
by rewrite !inE expnD expgM => /andP[-> /eqP->]; rewrite expg1n /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma OhmJ n G x : 'Ohm_n(G :^ x) = 'Ohm_n(G) :^ x. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -{1}(setIid G) -(setIidPr (Ohm_sub n G)). | |
by rewrite -!morphim_conj injm_Ohm ?injm_conj. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho0 G : 'Mho^0(G) = G. | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset Mho_sub /=. | |
apply/subsetP=> x Gx; rewrite -[x]prod_constt group_prod // => p _. | |
exact: Mho_p_elt (groupX _ Gx) (p_elt_constt _ _). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Mho_leq m n G : m <= n -> 'Mho^n(G) \subset 'Mho^m(G). | |
Proof. | |
move/subnKC <-; rewrite gen_subG //. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imsetP[x /setIdP[Gx p_x] ->]. | |
by rewrite expnD expgM groupX ?(Mho_p_elt _ _ p_x). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma MhoJ n G x : 'Mho^n(G :^ x) = 'Mho^n(G) :^ x. | |
Proof. | |
by rewrite -{1}(setIid G) -(setIidPr (Mho_sub n G)) -!morphim_conj morphim_Mho. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma extend_cyclic_Mho G p x : | |
p.-group G -> x \in G -> 'Mho^1(G) = <[x ^+ p]> -> | |
forall k, k > 0 -> 'Mho^k(G) = <[x ^+ (p ^ k)]>. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG Gx defG1 [//|k _]; have pX := mem_p_elt pG Gx. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset cycle_subG (Mho_p_elt _ Gx pX) andbT. | |
rewrite (MhoE _ pG) gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> ypk; case/imsetP=> y Gy ->{ypk}. | |
have: y ^+ p \in <[x ^+ p]> by rewrite -defG1 (Mho_p_elt 1 _ (mem_p_elt pG Gy)). | |
rewrite !expnS /= !expgM => /cycleP[j ->]. | |
by rewrite -!expgM mulnCA mulnC expgM mem_cycle. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1Eprime G : 'Ohm_1(G) = <<[set x in G | prime #[x]]>>. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite -['Ohm_1(G)](genD1 (group1 _)); congr <<_>>. | |
apply/setP=> x; rewrite !inE andbCA -order_dvdn -order_gt1; congr (_ && _). | |
apply/andP/idP=> [[p_gt1] | p_pr]; last by rewrite prime_gt1 ?pdiv_id. | |
set p := pdiv _ => ox_p; have p_pr: prime p by rewrite pdiv_prime. | |
by have [_ dv_p] := primeP p_pr; case/pred2P: (dv_p _ ox_p) p_gt1 => ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_Ohm1 p G : p.-group G -> p.-abelem 'Ohm_1(G) = abelian 'Ohm_1(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG; rewrite /abelem (pgroupS (Ohm_sub 1 G)) //. | |
case abG1: (abelian _) => //=; apply/exponentP=> x. | |
by rewrite (OhmEabelian pG abG1); case/LdivP. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_abelem p G : p.-group G -> abelian G -> p.-abelem ('Ohm_1(G)). | |
Proof. by move=> pG cGG; rewrite abelem_Ohm1 ?(abelianS (Ohm_sub 1 G)). Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_id p G : p.-abelem G -> 'Ohm_1(G) = G. | |
Proof. | |
case/and3P=> pG cGG /exponentP Gp. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset Ohm_sub (OhmE 1 pG) sub_gen //. | |
by apply/subsetP=> x Gx; rewrite !inE Gx Gp /=. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_Ohm1P p G : | |
abelian G -> p.-group G -> reflect ('Ohm_1(G) = G) (p.-abelem G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG pG. | |
by apply: (iffP idP) => [| <-]; [apply: Ohm1_id | apply: Ohm1_abelem]. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma TI_Ohm1 G H : H :&: 'Ohm_1(G) = 1 -> H :&: G = 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> tiHG1; case: (trivgVpdiv (H :&: G)) => // [[p pr_p]]. | |
case/Cauchy=> // x /setIP[Hx Gx] ox. | |
suffices x1: x \in [1] by rewrite -ox (set1P x1) order1 in pr_p. | |
by rewrite -{}tiHG1 inE Hx Ohm1Eprime mem_gen // inE Gx ox. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_eq1 G : ('Ohm_1(G) == 1) = (G :==: 1). | |
Proof. | |
apply/idP/idP => [/eqP G1_1 | /eqP->]; last by rewrite -subG1 Ohm_sub. | |
by rewrite -(setIid G) TI_Ohm1 // G1_1 setIg1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma meet_Ohm1 G H : G :&: H != 1 -> G :&: 'Ohm_1(H) != 1. | |
Proof. by apply: contraNneq => /TI_Ohm1->. Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_cent_max G E p : E \in 'E*_p(G) -> p.-group G -> 'Ohm_1('C_G(E)) = E. | |
Proof. | |
move=> EpmE pG; have [G1 | ntG]:= eqsVneq G 1. | |
case/pmaxElemP: EpmE; case/pElemP; rewrite G1 => /trivgP-> _ _. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite cent1T setIT Ohm_sub. | |
have [p_pr _ _] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG. | |
by rewrite (OhmE 1 (pgroupS (subsetIl G _) pG)) (pmaxElem_LdivP _ _) ?genGid. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_cyclic_pgroup_prime p G : | |
cyclic G -> p.-group G -> G :!=: 1 -> #|'Ohm_1(G)| = p. | |
Proof. | |
move=> cycG pG ntG; set K := 'Ohm_1(G). | |
have abelK: p.-abelem K by rewrite Ohm1_abelem ?cyclic_abelian. | |
have sKG: K \subset G := Ohm_sub 1 G. | |
case/cyclicP: (cyclicS sKG cycG) => x /=; rewrite -/K => defK. | |
rewrite defK -orderE (abelem_order_p abelK) //= -/K ?defK ?cycle_id //. | |
rewrite -cycle_eq1 -defK -(setIidPr sKG). | |
by apply: contraNneq ntG => /TI_Ohm1; rewrite setIid => ->. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma cyclic_pgroup_dprod_trivg p A B C : | |
p.-group C -> cyclic C -> A \x B = C -> | |
A = 1 /\ B = C \/ B = 1 /\ A = C. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pC cycC; case/cyclicP: cycC pC => x ->{C} pC defC. | |
case/dprodP: defC => [] [G H -> ->{A B}] defC _ tiGH; rewrite -defC. | |
have [/trivgP | ntC] := eqVneq <[x]> 1. | |
by rewrite -defC mulG_subG => /andP[/trivgP-> _]; rewrite mul1g; left. | |
have [pr_p _ _] := pgroup_pdiv pC ntC; pose K := 'Ohm_1(<[x]>). | |
have prK : prime #|K| by rewrite (Ohm1_cyclic_pgroup_prime _ pC) ?cycle_cyclic. | |
case: (prime_subgroupVti G prK) => [sKG |]; last first. | |
move/TI_Ohm1; rewrite -defC (setIidPl (mulG_subl _ _)) => ->. | |
by left; rewrite mul1g. | |
case: (prime_subgroupVti H prK) => [sKH |]; last first. | |
move/TI_Ohm1; rewrite -defC (setIidPl (mulG_subr _ _)) => ->. | |
by right; rewrite mulg1. | |
have K1: K :=: 1 by apply/trivgP; rewrite -tiGH subsetI sKG. | |
by rewrite K1 cards1 in prK. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma piOhm1 G : \pi('Ohm_1(G)) = \pi(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eq_piP => p; apply/idP/idP; first exact: (piSg (Ohm_sub 1 G)). | |
rewrite !mem_primes !cardG_gt0 => /andP[p_pr /Cauchy[] // x Gx oxp]. | |
by rewrite p_pr -oxp order_dvdG //= Ohm1Eprime mem_gen // inE Gx oxp. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1Eexponent p G : | |
prime p -> exponent 'Ohm_1(G) %| p -> 'Ohm_1(G) = 'Ldiv_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p_pr expG1p; have pG: p.-group G. | |
apply: sub_in_pnat (pnat_pi (cardG_gt0 G)) => q _. | |
rewrite -piOhm1 mem_primes; case/and3P=> q_pr _; apply: pgroupP q_pr. | |
by rewrite -pnat_exponent (pnat_dvd expG1p) ?pnat_id. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset {2}(OhmE 1 pG) subset_gen subsetI Ohm_sub. | |
by rewrite sub_LdivT expG1p. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_Ohm1 p G : 'r_p('Ohm_1(G)) = 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq p_rankS ?Ohm_sub //. | |
apply/bigmax_leqP=> E /setIdP[sEG abelE]. | |
by rewrite (bigmax_sup E) // inE -{1}(Ohm1_id abelE) OhmS. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_Ohm1 G : 'r('Ohm_1(G)) = 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq rankS ?Ohm_sub //. | |
by have [p _ ->] := rank_witness G; rewrite -p_rank_Ohm1 p_rank_le_rank. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma p_rank_abelian p G : abelian G -> 'r_p(G) = logn p #|'Ohm_1(G)|. | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have nilG := abelian_nil cGG; case p_pr: (prime p); last first. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite lognE p_pr eqn0Ngt p_rank_gt0 mem_primes p_pr. | |
case/dprodP: (Ohm_dprod 1 (nilpotent_pcoreC p nilG)) => _ <- _ /TI_cardMg->. | |
rewrite mulnC logn_Gauss; last first. | |
rewrite prime_coprime // -p'natE // -/(pgroup _ _). | |
exact: pgroupS (Ohm_sub _ _) (pcore_pgroup _ _). | |
rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow (nilpotent_pcore_Hall p nilG)) -p_rank_Ohm1. | |
rewrite p_rank_abelem // Ohm1_abelem ?pcore_pgroup //. | |
exact: abelianS (pcore_sub _ _) cGG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_abelian_pgroup p G : | |
p.-group G -> abelian G -> 'r(G) = logn p #|'Ohm_1(G)|. | |
Proof. by move=> pG cGG; rewrite (rank_pgroup pG) p_rank_abelian. Qed. | |
End OhmProps. | |
Section AbelianStructure. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (p : nat) (G H K E : {group gT}). | |
Lemma abelian_splits x G : | |
x \in G -> #[x] = exponent G -> abelian G -> [splits G, over <[x]>]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> Gx ox cGG; apply/splitsP; have [n] := ubnP #|G|. | |
elim: n gT => // n IHn aT in x G Gx ox cGG * => /ltnSE-leGn. | |
have: <[x]> \subset G by [rewrite cycle_subG]; rewrite subEproper. | |
case/predU1P=> [<- | /properP[sxG [y]]]. | |
by exists 1%G; rewrite inE -subG1 subsetIr mulg1 /=. | |
have [m] := ubnP #[y]; elim: m y => // m IHm y /ltnSE-leym Gy x'y. | |
case: (trivgVpdiv <[y]>) => [y1 | [p p_pr p_dv_y]]. | |
by rewrite -cycle_subG y1 sub1G in x'y. | |
case x_yp: (y ^+ p \in <[x]>); last first. | |
apply: IHm (negbT x_yp); rewrite ?groupX ?(leq_trans _ leym) //. | |
by rewrite orderXdiv // ltn_Pdiv ?prime_gt1. | |
have{x_yp} xp_yp: (y ^+ p \in <[x ^+ p]>). | |
have: <[y ^+ p]>%G \in [set <[x ^+ (#[x] %/ #[y ^+ p])]>%G]. | |
by rewrite -cycle_sub_group ?order_dvdG // inE cycle_subG x_yp eqxx. | |
rewrite inE -cycle_subG -val_eqE /=; move/eqP->. | |
rewrite cycle_subG orderXdiv // divnA // mulnC ox. | |
by rewrite -muln_divA ?dvdn_exponent ?expgM 1?groupX ?cycle_id. | |
have: p <= #[y] by rewrite dvdn_leq. | |
rewrite leq_eqVlt => /predU1P[{xp_yp m IHm leym}oy | ltpy]; last first. | |
case/cycleP: xp_yp => k; rewrite -expgM mulnC expgM => def_yp. | |
suffices: #[y * x ^- k] < m. | |
by move/IHm; apply; rewrite groupMr // groupV groupX ?cycle_id. | |
apply: leq_ltn_trans (leq_trans ltpy leym). | |
rewrite dvdn_leq ?prime_gt0 // order_dvdn expgMn. | |
by rewrite expgVn def_yp mulgV. | |
by apply: (centsP cGG); rewrite ?groupV ?groupX. | |
pose Y := <[y]>; have nsYG: Y <| G by rewrite -sub_abelian_normal ?cycle_subG. | |
have [sYG nYG] := andP nsYG; have nYx := subsetP nYG x Gx. | |
have GxY: coset Y x \in G / Y by rewrite mem_morphim. | |
have tiYx: Y :&: <[x]> = 1 by rewrite prime_TIg ?indexg1 -?[#|_|]oy ?cycle_subG. | |
have: #[coset Y x] = exponent (G / Y). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd dvdn_exponent //. | |
apply/exponentP=> _ /morphimP[z Nz Gz ->]. | |
rewrite -morphX // ((z ^+ _ =P 1) _) ?morph1 //. | |
rewrite orderE -quotient_cycle ?card_quotient ?cycle_subG // -indexgI /=. | |
by rewrite setIC tiYx indexg1 -orderE ox -order_dvdn dvdn_exponent. | |
case/IHn => // [||Hq]; first exact: quotient_abelian. | |
apply: leq_trans leGn; rewrite ltn_quotient // cycle_eq1. | |
by apply: contra x'y; move/eqP->; rewrite group1. | |
case/complP=> /= ti_x_Hq defGq. | |
have: Hq \subset G / Y by rewrite -defGq mulG_subr. | |
case/inv_quotientS=> // H defHq sYH sHG; exists H. | |
have nYX: <[x]> \subset 'N(Y) by rewrite cycle_subG. | |
rewrite inE -subG1 eqEsubset mul_subG //= -tiYx subsetI subsetIl andbT. | |
rewrite -{2}(mulSGid sYH) mulgA (normC nYX) -mulgA -quotientSK ?quotientMl //. | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 ?(subset_trans (subsetIl _ _)) // quotientIG //= -/Y. | |
by rewrite -defHq quotient_cycle // ti_x_Hq defGq !subxx. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_splits p G H : p.-abelem G -> H \subset G -> [splits G, over H]. | |
Proof. | |
have [m] := ubnP #|G|; elim: m G H => // m IHm G H /ltnSE-leGm abelG sHG. | |
have [-> | ] := eqsVneq H 1. | |
by apply/splitsP; exists G; rewrite inE mul1g -subG1 subsetIl /=. | |
case/trivgPn=> x Hx ntx; have Gx := subsetP sHG x Hx. | |
have [_ cGG eGp] := and3P abelG. | |
have ox: #[x] = exponent G. | |
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd dvdn_exponent // (abelem_order_p abelG). | |
case/splitsP: (abelian_splits Gx ox cGG) => K; case/complP=> tixK defG. | |
have sKG: K \subset G by rewrite -defG mulG_subr. | |
have ltKm: #|K| < m. | |
rewrite (leq_trans _ leGm) ?proper_card //; apply/properP; split=> //. | |
exists x => //; apply: contra ntx => Kx; rewrite -cycle_eq1 -subG1 -tixK. | |
by rewrite subsetI subxx cycle_subG. | |
case/splitsP: (IHm _ _ ltKm (abelemS sKG abelG) (subsetIr H K)) => L. | |
case/complP=> tiHKL defK; apply/splitsP; exists L; rewrite inE. | |
rewrite -subG1 -tiHKL -setIA setIS; last by rewrite subsetI -defK mulG_subr /=. | |
by rewrite -(setIidPr sHG) -defG -group_modl ?cycle_subG //= setIC -mulgA defK. | |
Qed. | |
Fact abelian_type_subproof G : | |
{H : {group gT} & abelian G -> {x | #[x] = exponent G & <[x]> \x H = G}}. | |
Proof. | |
case cGG: (abelian G); last by exists G. | |
have [x Gx ox] := exponent_witness (abelian_nil cGG). | |
case/splitsP/ex_mingroup: (abelian_splits Gx (esym ox) cGG) => H. | |
case/mingroupp/complP=> tixH defG; exists H => _. | |
exists x; rewrite ?dprodE // (sub_abelian_cent2 cGG) ?cycle_subG //. | |
by rewrite -defG mulG_subr. | |
Qed. | |
Fixpoint abelian_type_rec n G := | |
if n is n'.+1 then if abelian G && (G :!=: 1) then | |
exponent G :: abelian_type_rec n' (tag (abelian_type_subproof G)) | |
else [::] else [::]. | |
Definition abelian_type (A : {set gT}) := abelian_type_rec #|A| <<A>>. | |
Lemma abelian_type_dvdn_sorted A : sorted [rel m n | n %| m] (abelian_type A). | |
Proof. | |
set R := SimplRel _; pose G := <<A>>%G; pose M := G. | |
suffices: path R (exponent M) (abelian_type A) by case: (_ A) => // m t /andP[]. | |
rewrite /abelian_type -/G; have: G \subset M by []. | |
elim: {A}#|A| G M => //= n IHn G M sGM. | |
case: andP => //= -[cGG ntG]; rewrite exponentS ?IHn //=. | |
case: (abelian_type_subproof G) => H /= [//| x _] /dprodP[_ /= <- _ _]. | |
exact: mulG_subr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_gt1 A : all [pred m | m > 1] (abelian_type A). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /abelian_type; elim: {A}#|A| <<A>>%G => //= n IHn G. | |
case: ifP => //= /andP[_ ntG]; rewrite {n}IHn. | |
by rewrite ltn_neqAle exponent_gt0 eq_sym -dvdn1 -trivg_exponent ntG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_sorted A : sorted geq (abelian_type A). | |
Proof. | |
have:= abelian_type_dvdn_sorted A; have:= abelian_type_gt1 A. | |
case: (abelian_type A) => //= m t; elim: t m => //= n t IHt m /andP[]. | |
by move/ltnW=> m_gt0 t_gt1 /andP[n_dv_m /IHt->]; rewrite // dvdn_leq. | |
Qed. | |
Theorem abelian_structure G : | |
abelian G -> | |
{b | \big[dprod/1]_(x <- b) <[x]> = G & map order b = abelian_type G}. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /abelian_type genGidG; have [n] := ubnPleq #|G|. | |
elim: n G => /= [|n IHn] G leGn cGG; first by rewrite leqNgt cardG_gt0 in leGn. | |
rewrite [in _ && _]cGG /=; case: ifP => [ntG|/eqP->]; last first. | |
by exists [::]; rewrite ?big_nil. | |
case: (abelian_type_subproof G) => H /= [//|x ox xdefG]; rewrite -ox. | |
have [_ defG cxH tixH] := dprodP xdefG. | |
have sHG: H \subset G by rewrite -defG mulG_subr. | |
case/IHn: (abelianS sHG cGG) => [|b defH <-]. | |
rewrite -ltnS (leq_trans _ leGn) // -defG TI_cardMg // -orderE. | |
rewrite ltn_Pmull ?cardG_gt0 // ltn_neqAle order_gt0 eq_sym -dvdn1. | |
by rewrite ox -trivg_exponent ntG. | |
by exists (x :: b); rewrite // big_cons defH xdefG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma count_logn_dprod_cycle p n b G : | |
\big[dprod/1]_(x <- b) <[x]> = G -> | |
count [pred x | logn p #[x] > n] b = logn p #|'Ohm_n.+1(G) : 'Ohm_n(G)|. | |
Proof. | |
have sOn1 H: 'Ohm_n(H) \subset 'Ohm_n.+1(H) by apply: Ohm_leq. | |
pose lnO i (A : {set gT}) := logn p #|'Ohm_i(A)|. | |
have lnO_le H: lnO n H <= lnO n.+1 H. | |
by rewrite dvdn_leq_log ?cardG_gt0 // cardSg ?sOn1. | |
have lnOx i A B H: A \x B = H -> lnO i A + lnO i B = lnO i H. | |
move=> defH; case/dprodP: defH (defH) => {A B}[[A B -> ->]] _ _ _ defH. | |
rewrite /lnO; case/dprodP: (Ohm_dprod i defH) => _ <- _ tiOAB. | |
by rewrite TI_cardMg ?lognM. | |
rewrite -divgS //= logn_div ?cardSg //= -/(lnO _ _) -/(lnO _ _). | |
elim: b G => [_ <-|x b IHb G] /=. | |
by rewrite big_nil /lnO !(trivgP (Ohm_sub _ _)) subnn. | |
rewrite /= big_cons => defG; rewrite -!(lnOx _ _ _ _ defG) subnDA. | |
case/dprodP: defG => [[_ H _ defH] _ _ _] {G}; rewrite defH (IHb _ defH). | |
symmetry; do 2!rewrite addnC -addnBA ?lnO_le //; congr (_ + _). | |
pose y := x.`_p; have p_y: p.-elt y by rewrite p_elt_constt. | |
have{lnOx} lnOy i: lnO i <[x]> = lnO i <[y]>. | |
have cXX := cycle_abelian x. | |
have co_yx': coprime #[y] #[x.`_p^'] by rewrite !order_constt coprime_partC. | |
have defX: <[y]> \x <[x.`_p^']> = <[x]>. | |
rewrite dprodE ?coprime_TIg //. | |
by rewrite -cycleM ?consttC //; apply: (centsP cXX); apply: mem_cycle. | |
by apply: (sub_abelian_cent2 cXX); rewrite cycle_subG mem_cycle. | |
rewrite -(lnOx i _ _ _ defX) addnC {1}/lnO lognE. | |
case: and3P => // [[p_pr _ /idPn[]]]; rewrite -p'natE //. | |
exact: pgroupS (Ohm_sub _ _) (p_elt_constt _ _). | |
rewrite -logn_part -order_constt -/y !{}lnOy /lnO !(Ohm_p_cycle _ p_y). | |
case: leqP => [| lt_n_y]. | |
by rewrite -subn_eq0 -addn1 subnDA => /eqP->; rewrite subnn. | |
rewrite -!orderE -(subSS n) subSn // expnSr expgM. | |
have p_pr: prime p by move: lt_n_y; rewrite lognE; case: prime. | |
set m := (p ^ _)%N; have m_gt0: m > 0 by rewrite expn_gt0 prime_gt0. | |
suffices p_ym: p %| #[y ^+ m]. | |
rewrite -logn_div ?orderXdvd // (orderXdiv p_ym) divnA // mulKn //. | |
by rewrite logn_prime ?eqxx. | |
rewrite orderXdiv ?pfactor_dvdn ?leq_subr // -(dvdn_pmul2r m_gt0). | |
by rewrite -expnS -subSn // subSS divnK pfactor_dvdn ?leq_subr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_pgroup p b G : | |
p.-group G -> \big[dprod/1]_(x <- b) <[x]> = G -> 1 \notin b -> | |
perm_eq (abelian_type G) (map order b). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite perm_sym; move: b => b1 pG defG1 ntb1. | |
have cGG: abelian G. | |
elim: (b1) {pG}G defG1 => [_ <-|x b IHb G]; first by rewrite big_nil abelian1. | |
rewrite big_cons; case/dprodP=> [[_ H _ defH]] <-; rewrite defH => cxH _. | |
by rewrite abelianM cycle_abelian IHb. | |
have p_bG b: \big[dprod/1]_(x <- b) <[x]> = G -> all (p_elt p) b. | |
elim: b {defG1 cGG}G pG => //= x b IHb G pG; rewrite big_cons. | |
case/dprodP=> [[_ H _ defH]]; rewrite defH andbC => defG _ _. | |
by rewrite -defG pgroupM in pG; case/andP: pG => p_x /IHb->. | |
have [b2 defG2 def_t] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
have ntb2: 1 \notin b2. | |
apply: contraL (abelian_type_gt1 G) => b2_1. | |
rewrite -def_t -has_predC has_map. | |
by apply/hasP; exists 1; rewrite //= order1. | |
rewrite -{}def_t; apply/allP=> m; rewrite -map_cat => /mapP[x b_x def_m]. | |
have{ntb1 ntb2} ntx: x != 1. | |
by apply: contraL b_x; move/eqP->; rewrite mem_cat negb_or ntb1 ntb2. | |
have p_x: p.-elt x by apply: allP (x) b_x; rewrite all_cat !p_bG. | |
rewrite -cycle_eq1 in ntx; have [p_pr _ [k ox]] := pgroup_pdiv p_x ntx. | |
apply/eqnP; rewrite {m}def_m orderE ox !count_map. | |
pose cnt_p k := count [pred x : gT | logn p #[x] > k]. | |
have cnt_b b: \big[dprod/1]_(x <- b) <[x]> = G -> | |
count [pred x | #[x] == p ^ k.+1]%N b = cnt_p k b - cnt_p k.+1 b. | |
- move/p_bG; elim: b => //= _ b IHb /andP[/p_natP[j ->] /IHb-> {IHb}]. | |
rewrite eqn_leq !leq_exp2l ?prime_gt1 // -eqn_leq pfactorK //. | |
case: (ltngtP k.+1) => // _ {j}; rewrite subSn // add0n. | |
by elim: b => //= y b IHb; rewrite leq_add // ltn_neqAle; case: (~~ _). | |
by rewrite !cnt_b // /cnt_p !(@count_logn_dprod_cycle _ _ _ G). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma size_abelian_type G : abelian G -> size (abelian_type G) = 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have [b defG def_t] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -def_t size_map eqn_leq andbC; apply/andP; split. | |
have [p p_pr ->] := rank_witness G; rewrite p_rank_abelian //. | |
by rewrite -indexg1 -(Ohm0 G) -(count_logn_dprod_cycle _ _ defG) count_size. | |
case/lastP def_b: b => // [b' x]; pose p := pdiv #[x]. | |
have p_pr: prime p. | |
have:= abelian_type_gt1 G; rewrite -def_t def_b map_rcons -cats1 all_cat. | |
by rewrite /= andbT => /andP[_]; apply: pdiv_prime. | |
suffices: all [pred y | logn p #[y] > 0] b. | |
rewrite all_count (count_logn_dprod_cycle _ _ defG) -def_b; move/eqP <-. | |
by rewrite Ohm0 indexg1 -p_rank_abelian ?p_rank_le_rank. | |
apply/allP=> y; rewrite def_b mem_rcons inE /= => b_y. | |
rewrite lognE p_pr order_gt0 (dvdn_trans (pdiv_dvd _)) //. | |
case/predU1P: b_y => [-> // | b'_y]. | |
have:= abelian_type_dvdn_sorted G; rewrite -def_t def_b. | |
case/splitPr: b'_y => b1 b2; rewrite -cat_rcons rcons_cat map_cat !map_rcons. | |
rewrite headI /= cat_path -(last_cons 2) -headI last_rcons. | |
case/andP=> _ /order_path_min min_y. | |
apply: (allP (min_y _)) => [? ? ? ? dv|]; first exact: (dvdn_trans dv). | |
by rewrite mem_rcons mem_head. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma mul_card_Ohm_Mho_abelian n G : | |
abelian G -> (#|'Ohm_n(G)| * #|'Mho^n(G)|)%N = #|G|. | |
Proof. | |
case/abelian_structure => b defG _. | |
elim: b G defG => [_ <-|x b IHb G]. | |
by rewrite !big_nil (trivgP (Ohm_sub _ _)) (trivgP (Mho_sub _ _)) !cards1. | |
rewrite big_cons => defG; rewrite -(dprod_card defG). | |
rewrite -(dprod_card (Ohm_dprod n defG)) -(dprod_card (Mho_dprod n defG)) /=. | |
rewrite mulnCA -!mulnA mulnCA mulnA; case/dprodP: defG => [[_ H _ defH] _ _ _]. | |
rewrite defH {b G defH IHb}(IHb H defH); congr (_ * _)%N => {H}. | |
have [m] := ubnP #[x]; elim: m x => // m IHm x /ltnSE-lexm. | |
case p_x: (p_group <[x]>); last first. | |
case: (eqVneq x 1) p_x => [-> |]; first by rewrite cycle1 p_group1. | |
rewrite -order_gt1 /p_group -orderE; set p := pdiv _ => ntx p'x. | |
have def_x: <[x.`_p]> \x <[x.`_p^']> = <[x]>. | |
have ?: coprime #[x.`_p] #[x.`_p^'] by rewrite !order_constt coprime_partC. | |
have ?: commute x.`_p x.`_p^' by apply: commuteX2. | |
rewrite dprodE ?coprime_TIg -?cycleM ?consttC //. | |
by rewrite cent_cycle cycle_subG; apply/cent1P. | |
rewrite -(dprod_card (Ohm_dprod n def_x)) -(dprod_card (Mho_dprod n def_x)). | |
rewrite mulnCA -mulnA mulnCA mulnA. | |
rewrite !{}IHm ?(dprod_card def_x) ?(leq_trans _ lexm) {m lexm}//. | |
rewrite /order -(dprod_card def_x) -!orderE !order_constt ltn_Pmull //. | |
rewrite p_part -(expn0 p) ltn_exp2l 1?lognE ?prime_gt1 ?pdiv_prime //. | |
by rewrite order_gt0 pdiv_dvd. | |
rewrite proper_card // properEneq cycle_subG mem_cycle andbT. | |
by apply: contra (negbT p'x); move/eqP <-; apply: p_elt_constt. | |
case/p_groupP: p_x => p p_pr p_x. | |
rewrite (Ohm_p_cycle n p_x) (Mho_p_cycle n p_x) -!orderE. | |
set k := logn p #[x]; have ox: #[x] = (p ^ k)%N by rewrite -card_pgroup. | |
case: (leqP k n) => [le_k_n | lt_n_k]. | |
rewrite -(subnKC le_k_n) subnDA subnn expg1 expnD expgM -ox. | |
by rewrite expg_order expg1n order1 muln1. | |
rewrite !orderXgcd ox -[in (p ^ k)%N](subnKC (ltnW lt_n_k)) expnD. | |
rewrite gcdnC gcdnMl gcdnC gcdnMr. | |
by rewrite mulnK ?mulKn ?expn_gt0 ?prime_gt0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma grank_abelian G : abelian G -> 'm(G) = 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP; split. | |
rewrite -size_abelian_type //; case/abelian_structure: cGG => b defG <-. | |
suffices <-: <<[set x in b]>> = G. | |
by rewrite (leq_trans (grank_min _)) // size_map cardsE card_size. | |
rewrite -{G defG}(bigdprodWY defG). | |
elim: b => [|x b IHb]; first by rewrite big_nil gen0. | |
by rewrite big_cons -joingE -joing_idr -IHb joing_idl joing_idr set_cons. | |
have [p p_pr ->] := rank_witness G; pose K := 'Mho^1(G). | |
have ->: 'r_p(G) = logn p #|G / K|. | |
rewrite p_rank_abelian // card_quotient /= ?gFnorm // -divgS ?Mho_sub //. | |
by rewrite -(mul_card_Ohm_Mho_abelian 1 cGG) mulnK ?cardG_gt0. | |
case: (grank_witness G) => B genB <-; rewrite -genB. | |
have{genB}: <<B>> \subset G by rewrite genB. | |
have [m] := ubnP #|B|; elim: m B => // m IHm B. | |
have [-> | [x Bx]] := set_0Vmem B; first by rewrite gen0 quotient1 cards1 logn1. | |
rewrite ltnS (cardsD1 x) Bx -[in <<B>>](setD1K Bx); set B' := B :\ x => ltB'm. | |
rewrite -joingE -joing_idl -joing_idr -/<[x]> join_subG => /andP[Gx sB'G]. | |
rewrite cent_joinEl ?(sub_abelian_cent2 cGG) //. | |
have nKx: x \in 'N(K) by rewrite -cycle_subG (subset_trans Gx) ?gFnorm. | |
rewrite quotientMl ?cycle_subG // quotient_cycle //= -/K. | |
have le_Kxp_1: logn p #[coset K x] <= 1. | |
rewrite -(dvdn_Pexp2l _ _ (prime_gt1 p_pr)) -p_part -order_constt. | |
rewrite order_dvdn -morph_constt // -morphX ?groupX //= coset_id //. | |
by rewrite Mho_p_elt ?p_elt_constt ?groupX -?cycle_subG. | |
apply: leq_trans (leq_add le_Kxp_1 (IHm _ ltB'm sB'G)). | |
by rewrite -lognM ?dvdn_leq_log ?muln_gt0 ?cardG_gt0 // mul_cardG dvdn_mulr. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma rank_cycle (x : gT) : 'r(<[x]>) = (x != 1). | |
Proof. | |
have [->|ntx] := eqVneq x 1; first by rewrite cycle1 rank1. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq rank_gt0 cycle_eq1 ntx andbT. | |
by rewrite -grank_abelian ?cycle_abelian //= -(cards1 x) grank_min. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_rank1_cyclic G : abelian G -> cyclic G = ('r(G) <= 1). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have [b defG atypG] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
apply/idP/idP; first by case/cyclicP=> x ->; rewrite rank_cycle leq_b1. | |
rewrite -size_abelian_type // -{}atypG -{}defG unlock. | |
by case: b => [|x []] //= _; rewrite ?cyclic1 // dprodg1 cycle_cyclic. | |
Qed. | |
Definition homocyclic A := abelian A && constant (abelian_type A). | |
Lemma homocyclic_Ohm_Mho n p G : | |
p.-group G -> homocyclic G -> 'Ohm_n(G) = 'Mho^(logn p (exponent G) - n)(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG /andP[cGG homoG]; set e := exponent G. | |
have{pG} p_e: p.-nat e by apply: pnat_dvd pG; apply: exponent_dvdn. | |
have{homoG}: all (pred1 e) (abelian_type G). | |
move: homoG; rewrite /abelian_type -(prednK (cardG_gt0 G)) /=. | |
by case: (_ && _) (tag _); rewrite //= genGid eqxx. | |
have{cGG} [b defG <-] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
move: e => e in p_e *; elim: b => /= [|x b IHb] in G defG *. | |
by rewrite -defG big_nil (trivgP (Ohm_sub _ _)) (trivgP (Mho_sub _ _)). | |
case/andP=> /eqP ox e_b; rewrite big_cons in defG. | |
rewrite -(Ohm_dprod _ defG) -(Mho_dprod _ defG). | |
case/dprodP: defG => [[_ H _ defH] _ _ _]; rewrite defH IHb //; congr (_ \x _). | |
by rewrite -ox in p_e *; rewrite (Ohm_p_cycle _ p_e) (Mho_p_cycle _ p_e). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm_Mho_homocyclic (n p : nat) G : | |
abelian G -> p.-group G -> 0 < n < logn p (exponent G) -> | |
'Ohm_n(G) = 'Mho^(logn p (exponent G) - n)(G) -> homocyclic G. | |
Proof. | |
set e := exponent G => cGG pG /andP[n_gt0 n_lte] eq_Ohm_Mho. | |
suffices: all (pred1 e) (abelian_type G). | |
by rewrite /homocyclic cGG; apply: all_pred1_constant. | |
case/abelian_structure: cGG (abelian_type_gt1 G) => b defG <-. | |
set H := G in defG eq_Ohm_Mho *; have sHG: H \subset G by []. | |
elim: b H defG sHG eq_Ohm_Mho => //= x b IHb H. | |
rewrite big_cons => defG; case/dprodP: defG (defG) => [[_ K _ defK]]. | |
rewrite defK => defHm cxK; rewrite setIC => /trivgP-tiKx defHd. | |
rewrite -{}[in H \subset G]defHm mulG_subG cycle_subG ltnNge -trivg_card_le1. | |
case/andP=> Gx sKG; rewrite -(Mho_dprod _ defHd) => /esym defMho /andP[ntx ntb]. | |
have{defHd} defOhm := Ohm_dprod n defHd. | |
apply/andP; split; last first. | |
apply: (IHb K) => //; have:= dprod_modr defMho (Mho_sub _ _). | |
rewrite -(dprod_modr defOhm (Ohm_sub _ _)). | |
rewrite !(trivgP (subset_trans (setIS _ _) tiKx)) ?Ohm_sub ?Mho_sub //. | |
by rewrite !dprod1g. | |
have:= dprod_modl defMho (Mho_sub _ _). | |
rewrite -(dprod_modl defOhm (Ohm_sub _ _)) . | |
rewrite !(trivgP (subset_trans (setSI _ _) tiKx)) ?Ohm_sub ?Mho_sub //. | |
move/eqP; rewrite eqEcard => /andP[_]. | |
have p_x: p.-elt x := mem_p_elt pG Gx. | |
have [p_pr p_dv_x _] := pgroup_pdiv p_x ntx. | |
rewrite !dprodg1 (Ohm_p_cycle _ p_x) (Mho_p_cycle _ p_x) -!orderE. | |
rewrite orderXdiv ?leq_divLR ?pfactor_dvdn ?leq_subr //. | |
rewrite orderXgcd divn_mulAC ?dvdn_gcdl // leq_divRL ?gcdn_gt0 ?order_gt0 //. | |
rewrite leq_pmul2l //; apply: contraLR. | |
rewrite eqn_dvd dvdn_exponent //= -ltnNge => lt_x_e. | |
rewrite (leq_trans (ltn_Pmull (prime_gt1 p_pr) _)) ?expn_gt0 ?prime_gt0 //. | |
rewrite -expnS dvdn_leq // ?gcdn_gt0 ?order_gt0 // dvdn_gcd. | |
rewrite pfactor_dvdn // dvdn_exp2l. | |
by rewrite -[ltnRHS]subn0 ltn_sub2l // lognE p_pr order_gt0 p_dv_x. | |
rewrite ltn_sub2r // ltnNge -(dvdn_Pexp2l _ _ (prime_gt1 p_pr)) -!p_part. | |
by rewrite !part_pnat_id // (pnat_dvd (exponent_dvdn G)). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelem_homocyclic p G : p.-abelem G -> homocyclic G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelG; have [_ cGG _] := and3P abelG. | |
rewrite /homocyclic cGG (@all_pred1_constant _ p) //. | |
case/abelian_structure: cGG (abelian_type_gt1 G) => b defG <- => b_gt1. | |
apply/allP=> _ /mapP[x b_x ->] /=; rewrite (abelem_order_p abelG) //. | |
rewrite -cycle_subG -(bigdprodWY defG) ?sub_gen //. | |
by rewrite bigcup_seq (bigcup_sup x). | |
by rewrite -order_gt1 [_ > 1](allP b_gt1) ?map_f. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma homocyclic1 : homocyclic [1 gT]. | |
Proof. exact: abelem_homocyclic (abelem1 _ 2). Qed. | |
Lemma Ohm1_homocyclicP p G : p.-group G -> abelian G -> | |
reflect ('Ohm_1(G) = 'Mho^(logn p (exponent G)).-1(G)) (homocyclic G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG cGG; set e := logn p (exponent G); rewrite -subn1. | |
apply: (iffP idP) => [homoG | ]; first exact: homocyclic_Ohm_Mho. | |
case: (ltnP 1 e) => [lt1e | ]; first exact: Ohm_Mho_homocyclic. | |
rewrite -subn_eq0 => /eqP->; rewrite Mho0 => <-. | |
exact: abelem_homocyclic (Ohm1_abelem pG cGG). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_homocyclic G : | |
homocyclic G -> abelian_type G = nseq 'r(G) (exponent G). | |
Proof. | |
case/andP=> cGG; rewrite -size_abelian_type // /abelian_type. | |
rewrite -(prednK (cardG_gt0 G)) /=; case: andP => //= _; move: (tag _) => H. | |
by move/all_pred1P->; rewrite genGid size_nseq. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_abelem p G : p.-abelem G -> abelian_type G = nseq 'r(G) p. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelG; rewrite (abelian_type_homocyclic (abelem_homocyclic abelG)). | |
have [-> | ntG] := eqVneq G 1%G; first by rewrite rank1. | |
congr nseq; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_dvd; have [pG _ ->] := and3P abelG. | |
have [p_pr] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG; case/Cauchy=> // x Gx <- _. | |
exact: dvdn_exponent. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma max_card_abelian G : | |
abelian G -> #|G| <= exponent G ^ 'r(G) ?= iff homocyclic G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have [b defG def_tG] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
have Gb: all (mem G) b. | |
apply/allP=> x b_x; rewrite -(bigdprodWY defG); have [b1 b2] := splitPr b_x. | |
by rewrite big_cat big_cons /= mem_gen // setUCA inE cycle_id. | |
have ->: homocyclic G = all (pred1 (exponent G)) (abelian_type G). | |
rewrite /homocyclic cGG /abelian_type; case: #|G| => //= n. | |
by move: (_ (tag _)) => t; case: ifP => //= _; rewrite genGid eqxx. | |
rewrite -size_abelian_type // -{}def_tG -{defG}(bigdprod_card defG) size_map. | |
rewrite unlock; elim: b Gb => //= x b IHb; case/andP=> Gx Gb. | |
have eGgt0: exponent G > 0 := exponent_gt0 G. | |
have le_x_G: #[x] <= exponent G by rewrite dvdn_leq ?dvdn_exponent. | |
have:= leqif_mul (leqif_eq le_x_G) (IHb Gb). | |
by rewrite -expnS expn_eq0 eqn0Ngt eGgt0. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma card_homocyclic G : homocyclic G -> #|G| = (exponent G ^ 'r(G))%N. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> homG; have [cGG _] := andP homG; apply/eqP; rewrite max_card_abelian. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma abelian_type_dprod_homocyclic p K H G : | |
K \x H = G -> p.-group G -> homocyclic G -> | |
abelian_type K = nseq 'r(K) (exponent G) | |
/\ abelian_type H = nseq 'r(H) (exponent G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG pG homG; have [cGG _] := andP homG. | |
have /mulG_sub[sKG sHG]: K * H = G by case/dprodP: defG. | |
have [cKK cHH] := (abelianS sKG cGG, abelianS sHG cGG). | |
suffices: all (pred1 (exponent G)) (abelian_type K ++ abelian_type H). | |
rewrite all_cat => /andP[/all_pred1P-> /all_pred1P->]. | |
by rewrite !size_abelian_type. | |
suffices def_atG: abelian_type K ++ abelian_type H =i abelian_type G. | |
rewrite (eq_all_r def_atG); apply/all_pred1P. | |
by rewrite size_abelian_type // -abelian_type_homocyclic. | |
have [bK defK atK] := abelian_structure cKK. | |
have [bH defH atH] := abelian_structure cHH. | |
apply/perm_mem; rewrite perm_sym -atK -atH -map_cat. | |
apply: (abelian_type_pgroup pG); first by rewrite big_cat defK defH. | |
have: all [pred m | m > 1] (map order (bK ++ bH)). | |
by rewrite map_cat all_cat atK atH !abelian_type_gt1. | |
by rewrite all_map (eq_all (@order_gt1 _)) all_predC has_pred1. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma dprod_homocyclic p K H G : | |
K \x H = G -> p.-group G -> homocyclic G -> homocyclic K /\ homocyclic H. | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG pG homG; have [cGG _] := andP homG. | |
have /mulG_sub[sKG sHG]: K * H = G by case/dprodP: defG. | |
have [abtK abtH] := abelian_type_dprod_homocyclic defG pG homG. | |
by rewrite /homocyclic !(abelianS _ cGG) // abtK abtH !constant_nseq. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma exponent_dprod_homocyclic p K H G : | |
K \x H = G -> p.-group G -> homocyclic G -> K :!=: 1 -> | |
exponent K = exponent G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> defG pG homG ntK; have [homK _] := dprod_homocyclic defG pG homG. | |
have [] := abelian_type_dprod_homocyclic defG pG homG. | |
by rewrite abelian_type_homocyclic // -['r(K)]prednK ?rank_gt0 => [[]|]. | |
Qed. | |
End AbelianStructure. | |
Arguments abelian_type {gT} A%g. | |
Arguments homocyclic {gT} A%g. | |
Section IsogAbelian. | |
Variables aT rT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Type (gT : finGroupType) (D G : {group aT}) (H : {group rT}). | |
Lemma isog_abelian_type G H : isog G H -> abelian_type G = abelian_type H. | |
Proof. | |
pose lnO p n gT (A : {set gT}) := logn p #|'Ohm_n.+1(A) : 'Ohm_n(A)|. | |
pose lni i p gT (A : {set gT}) := \max_(e < logn p #|A| | i < lnO p e _ A) e.+1. | |
suffices{G} nth_abty gT (G : {group gT}) i: | |
abelian G -> i < size (abelian_type G) -> | |
nth 1%N (abelian_type G) i = (\prod_(p < #|G|.+1) p ^ lni i p _ G)%N. | |
- move=> isoGH; case cGG: (abelian G); last first. | |
rewrite /abelian_type -(prednK (cardG_gt0 G)) -(prednK (cardG_gt0 H)) /=. | |
by rewrite {1}(genGid G) {1}(genGid H) -(isog_abelian isoGH) cGG. | |
have cHH: abelian H by rewrite -(isog_abelian isoGH). | |
have eq_sz: size (abelian_type G) = size (abelian_type H). | |
by rewrite !size_abelian_type ?(isog_rank isoGH). | |
apply: (@eq_from_nth _ 1%N) => // i lt_i_G; rewrite !nth_abty // -?eq_sz //. | |
rewrite /lni (card_isog isoGH); apply: eq_bigr => p _; congr (p ^ _)%N. | |
apply: eq_bigl => e; rewrite /lnO -!divgS ?(Ohm_leq _ (leqnSn _)) //=. | |
by have:= card_isog (gFisog _ isoGH) => /= eqF; rewrite !eqF. | |
move=> cGG. | |
have (p): path leq 0 (map (logn p) (rev (abelian_type G))). | |
move: (abelian_type_gt1 G) (abelian_type_dvdn_sorted G). | |
case: abelian_type => //= m t; rewrite rev_cons map_rcons. | |
elim: t m => //= n t IHt m /andP[/ltnW m_gt0 nt_gt1]. | |
rewrite -cats1 cat_path rev_cons map_rcons last_rcons /=. | |
by case/andP=> /dvdn_leq_log-> // /IHt->. | |
have{cGG} [b defG <- b_sorted] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
rewrite size_map => ltib; rewrite (nth_map 1 _ _ ltib); set x := nth 1 b i. | |
have Gx: x \in G. | |
have: x \in b by rewrite mem_nth. | |
rewrite -(bigdprodWY defG); case/splitPr=> bl br. | |
by rewrite mem_gen // big_cat big_cons !inE cycle_id orbT. | |
have lexG: #[x] <= #|G| by rewrite dvdn_leq ?order_dvdG. | |
rewrite -[#[x]]partn_pi // (widen_partn _ lexG) big_mkord big_mkcond. | |
apply: eq_bigr => p _; transitivity (p ^ logn p #[x])%N. | |
by rewrite -logn_gt0; case: posnP => // ->. | |
suffices lti_lnO e: (i < lnO p e _ G) = (e < logn p #[x]). | |
congr (p ^ _)%N; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq andbC; apply/andP; split. | |
by apply/bigmax_leqP=> e; rewrite lti_lnO. | |
have [-> //|logx_gt0] := posnP (logn p #[x]). | |
have lexpG: (logn p #[x]).-1 < logn p #|G|. | |
by rewrite prednK // dvdn_leq_log ?order_dvdG. | |
by rewrite (bigmax_sup (Ordinal lexpG)) ?(prednK, lti_lnO). | |
rewrite /lnO -(count_logn_dprod_cycle _ _ defG). | |
case: (ltnP e) (b_sorted p) => [lt_e_x | le_x_e]. | |
rewrite -(cat_take_drop i.+1 b) -map_rev rev_cat !map_cat cat_path. | |
case/andP=> _ ordb; rewrite count_cat ((count _ _ =P i.+1) _) ?leq_addr //. | |
rewrite -{2}(size_takel ltib) -all_count. | |
move: ordb; rewrite (take_nth 1 ltib) -/x rev_rcons all_rcons /= lt_e_x. | |
case/andP=> _ /=; move/(order_path_min leq_trans); apply: contraLR. | |
rewrite -!has_predC !has_map; case/hasP=> y b_y /= le_y_e; apply/hasP. | |
by exists y; rewrite ?mem_rev //=; apply: contra le_y_e; apply: leq_trans. | |
rewrite -(cat_take_drop i b) -map_rev rev_cat !map_cat cat_path. | |
case/andP=> ordb _; rewrite count_cat -{1}(size_takel (ltnW ltib)) ltnNge. | |
rewrite addnC ((count _ _ =P 0) _) ?count_size //. | |
rewrite eqn0Ngt -has_count; apply/hasPn=> y b_y /=; rewrite -leqNgt. | |
apply: leq_trans le_x_e; have ->: x = last x (rev (drop i b)). | |
by rewrite (drop_nth 1 ltib) rev_cons last_rcons. | |
rewrite -mem_rev in b_y; case/splitPr: (rev _) / b_y ordb => b1 b2. | |
rewrite !map_cat cat_path last_cat /=; case/and3P=> _ _. | |
move/(order_path_min leq_trans); case/lastP: b2 => // b3 x'. | |
by move/allP; apply; rewrite ?map_f ?last_rcons ?mem_rcons ?mem_head. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma eq_abelian_type_isog G H : | |
abelian G -> abelian H -> isog G H = (abelian_type G == abelian_type H). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG cHH; apply/idP/eqP; first exact: isog_abelian_type. | |
have{cGG} [bG defG <-] := abelian_structure cGG. | |
have{cHH} [bH defH <-] := abelian_structure cHH. | |
elim: bG bH G H defG defH => [|x bG IHb] [|y bH] // G H. | |
rewrite !big_nil => <- <- _. | |
by rewrite isog_cyclic_card ?cyclic1 ?cards1. | |
rewrite !big_cons => defG defH /= [eqxy eqb]. | |
apply: (isog_dprod defG defH). | |
by rewrite isog_cyclic_card ?cycle_cyclic -?orderE ?eqxy /=. | |
case/dprodP: defG => [[_ G' _ defG]] _ _ _; rewrite defG. | |
case/dprodP: defH => [[_ H' _ defH]] _ _ _; rewrite defH. | |
exact: IHb eqb. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma isog_abelem_card p G H : | |
p.-abelem G -> isog G H = p.-abelem H && (#|H| == #|G|). | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelG; apply/idP/andP=> [isoGH | [abelH eqGH]]. | |
by rewrite -(isog_abelem isoGH) (card_isog isoGH). | |
rewrite eq_abelian_type_isog ?(@abelem_abelian _ p) //. | |
by rewrite !(@abelian_type_abelem _ p) ?(@rank_abelem _ p) // (eqP eqGH). | |
Qed. | |
Variables (D : {group aT}) (f : {morphism D >-> rT}). | |
Lemma morphim_rank_abelian G : abelian G -> 'r(f @* G) <= 'r(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have sHG := subsetIr D G; apply: leq_trans (rankS sHG). | |
rewrite -!grank_abelian ?morphim_abelian ?(abelianS sHG) //=. | |
by rewrite -morphimIdom morphim_grank ?subsetIl. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma morphim_p_rank_abelian p G : abelian G -> 'r_p(f @* G) <= 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cGG; have sHG := subsetIr D G; apply: leq_trans (p_rankS p sHG). | |
have cHH := abelianS sHG cGG; rewrite -morphimIdom /=; set H := D :&: G. | |
have sylP := nilpotent_pcore_Hall p (abelian_nil cHH). | |
have sPH := pHall_sub sylP. | |
have sPD: 'O_p(H) \subset D by rewrite (subset_trans sPH) ?subsetIl. | |
rewrite -(p_rank_Sylow (morphim_pHall f sPD sylP)) -(p_rank_Sylow sylP) //. | |
rewrite -!rank_pgroup ?morphim_pgroup ?pcore_pgroup //. | |
by rewrite morphim_rank_abelian ?(abelianS sPH). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma isog_homocyclic G H : G \isog H -> homocyclic G = homocyclic H. | |
Proof. | |
move=> isoGH. | |
by rewrite /homocyclic (isog_abelian isoGH) (isog_abelian_type isoGH). | |
Qed. | |
End IsogAbelian. | |
Section QuotientRank. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat) (G H : {group gT}). | |
Hypothesis cGG : abelian G. | |
Lemma quotient_rank_abelian : 'r(G / H) <= 'r(G). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_rank_abelian. Qed. | |
Lemma quotient_p_rank_abelian : 'r_p(G / H) <= 'r_p(G). | |
Proof. exact: morphim_p_rank_abelian. Qed. | |
End QuotientRank. | |
Section FimModAbelem. | |
Import GRing.Theory FinRing.Theory. | |
Lemma fin_lmod_char_abelem p (R : ringType) (V : finLmodType R): | |
p \in [char R]%R -> p.-abelem [set: V]. | |
Proof. | |
case/andP=> p_pr /eqP-pR0; apply/abelemP=> //. | |
by split=> [|v _]; rewrite ?zmod_abelian // zmodXgE -scaler_nat pR0 scale0r. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma fin_Fp_lmod_abelem p (V : finLmodType 'F_p) : | |
prime p -> p.-abelem [set: V]. | |
Proof. by move/char_Fp/fin_lmod_char_abelem->. Qed. | |
Lemma fin_ring_char_abelem p (R : finRingType) : | |
p \in [char R]%R -> p.-abelem [set: R]. | |
Proof. exact: fin_lmod_char_abelem [finLmodType R of R^o]. Qed. | |
End FimModAbelem. | |