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import for_mathlib.integral_closure | |
import power_bounded Huber_ring.basic | |
/-! | |
# Huber pairs | |
This short file defines Huber pairs. | |
A Huber pair consists of a Huber ring and a | |
so-call ring of integral elements: an integrally closed, power bounded, open subring. | |
A typical example is ℤ_p ⊆ ℚ_p. (However, this example is hard to use as is, | |
because our fomalisation uses subrings and Lean's version of ℤ_p is not a subring of ℚ_p. | |
This could be fixed by using injective ring homomorphisms instead of subrings.) | |
-/ | |
universes u v | |
open_locale classical | |
open power_bounded | |
-- Notation for the power bounded subring | |
local postfix `ᵒ` : 66 := power_bounded_subring | |
set_option old_structure_cmd true | |
/- An subring of a Huber ring is called a “ring of integral elements” | |
if it is open, integrally closed, and power bounded. See [Wedhorn, Def 7.14].-/ | |
structure is_ring_of_integral_elements (Rplus : Type u) (R : Type u) | |
[comm_ring Rplus] [topological_space Rplus] [Huber_ring R] [algebra Rplus R] | |
extends is_integrally_closed Rplus R, open_embedding (algebra_map R : Rplus → R) : Prop := | |
(is_power_bounded : set.range (algebra_map R : Rplus → R) ≤ Rᵒ) | |
namespace is_ring_of_integral_elements | |
variables (Rplus : Type u) (R : Type u) | |
variables [comm_ring Rplus] [topological_space Rplus] [Huber_ring R] [algebra Rplus R] | |
lemma plus_is_topological_ring (h : is_ring_of_integral_elements Rplus R) : | |
topological_ring Rplus := | |
{ continuous_add := | |
begin | |
rw h.to_open_embedding.to_embedding.to_inducing.continuous_iff, | |
simp only [function.comp, algebra.map_add], | |
apply continuous.add, | |
all_goals { apply h.to_open_embedding.continuous.comp }, | |
{ exact continuous_fst }, | |
{ exact continuous_snd }, | |
end, | |
continuous_mul := | |
begin | |
rw h.to_open_embedding.to_embedding.to_inducing.continuous_iff, | |
simp only [function.comp, algebra.map_mul], | |
apply continuous.mul, | |
all_goals { apply h.to_open_embedding.continuous.comp }, | |
{ exact continuous_fst }, | |
{ exact continuous_snd }, | |
end, | |
continuous_neg := | |
begin | |
rw h.to_open_embedding.to_embedding.to_inducing.continuous_iff, | |
simp only [function.comp, algebra.map_neg], | |
exact h.to_open_embedding.continuous.neg, | |
end } | |
end is_ring_of_integral_elements | |
/-- A Huber pair consists of a Huber ring and a | |
so-call ring of integral elements: an integrally closed, power bounded, open subring. | |
(The name “Huber pair” was introduced by Scholze. | |
Before that, they were called “affinoid rings”.) See [Wedhorn, Def 7.14].-/ | |
structure Huber_pair := | |
(plus : Type) -- change this to (Type u) to enable universes | |
(carrier : Type) | |
[ring : comm_ring plus] | |
[top : topological_space plus] | |
[Huber : Huber_ring carrier] | |
[alg : algebra plus carrier] | |
(intel : is_ring_of_integral_elements plus carrier) | |
namespace Huber_pair | |
variable (A : Huber_pair) | |
/-- The coercion of a Huber pair to a type (the ambient ring).-/ | |
instance : has_coe_to_sort Huber_pair := | |
{ S := Type, coe := Huber_pair.carrier } | |
-- The following notation is very common in the literature. | |
local postfix `⁺` : 66 := λ A : Huber_pair, | |
/-- The Huber ring structure on a Huber pair. -/ | |
instance : Huber_ring A := A.Huber | |
/-- The ring structure on the ring of integral elements. -/ | |
instance : comm_ring (A⁺) := A.ring | |
/-- The algebra structure of a Huber pair. -/ | |
instance : algebra (A⁺) A := A.alg | |
/-- The topology on the ring of integral elements. -/ | |
instance : topological_space (A⁺) := | |
/-- The ring of integral elements is a topological ring.-/ | |
instance : topological_ring (A⁺) := | |
is_ring_of_integral_elements.plus_is_topological_ring _ A | |
end Huber_pair | |