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Copyright (c) 2021 Bolton Bailey. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Bolton Bailey | |
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import | |
import data.nat.totient | |
import algebra.periodic | |
import data.finset.locally_finite | |
import data.nat.count | |
import data.nat.nth | |
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# The Prime Counting Function | |
In this file we define the prime counting function: the function on natural numbers that returns | |
the number of primes less than or equal to its input. | |
## Main Results | |
The main definitions for this file are | |
- `nat.prime_counting`: The prime counting function π | |
- `nat.prime_counting'`: π(n - 1) | |
We then prove that these are monotone in `nat.monotone_prime_counting` and | |
`nat.monotone_prime_counting'`. The last main theorem `nat.prime_counting'_add_le` is an upper | |
bound on `π'` which arises by observing that all numbers greater than `k` and not coprime to `k` | |
are not prime, and so only at most `φ(k)/k` fraction of the numbers from `k` to `n` are prime. | |
## Notation | |
We use the standard notation `π` to represent the prime counting function (and `π'` to represent | |
the reindexed version). | |
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namespace nat | |
open finset | |
/-- | |
A variant of the traditional prime counting function which gives the number of primes | |
*strictly* less than the input. More convenient for avoiding off-by-one errors. | |
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def prime_counting' : ℕ → ℕ := nat.count prime | |
/-- The prime counting function: Returns the number of primes less than or equal to the input. -/ | |
def prime_counting (n : ℕ) : ℕ := prime_counting' (n + 1) | |
localized "notation `π` := nat.prime_counting" in nat | |
localized "notation `π'` := nat.prime_counting'" in nat | |
lemma monotone_prime_counting' : monotone prime_counting' := count_monotone prime | |
lemma monotone_prime_counting : monotone prime_counting := | |
λ a b a_le_b, monotone_prime_counting' (add_le_add_right a_le_b 1) | |
@[simp] lemma prime_counting'_nth_eq (n : ℕ) : π' (nth prime n) = n := | |
count_nth_of_infinite _ infinite_set_of_prime _ | |
@[simp] lemma prime_nth_prime (n : ℕ) : prime (nth prime n) := | |
nth_mem_of_infinite _ infinite_set_of_prime _ | |
/-- A linear upper bound on the size of the `prime_counting'` function -/ | |
lemma prime_counting'_add_le {a k : ℕ} (h0 : 0 < a) (h1 : a < k) (n : ℕ) : | |
π' (k + n) ≤ π' k + nat.totient a * (n / a + 1) := | |
calc π' (k + n) | |
≤ ((range k).filter (prime)).card + ((Ico k (k + n)).filter (prime)).card : | |
begin | |
rw [prime_counting', count_eq_card_filter_range, range_eq_Ico, | |
←Ico_union_Ico_eq_Ico (zero_le k) (le_self_add), filter_union], | |
apply card_union_le, | |
end | |
... ≤ π' k + ((Ico k (k + n)).filter (prime)).card : | |
by rw [prime_counting', count_eq_card_filter_range] | |
... ≤ π' k + ((Ico k (k + n)).filter (coprime a)).card : | |
begin | |
refine add_le_add_left (card_le_of_subset _) k.prime_counting', | |
simp only [subset_iff, and_imp, mem_filter, mem_Ico], | |
intros p succ_k_le_p p_lt_n p_prime, | |
split, | |
{ exact ⟨succ_k_le_p, p_lt_n⟩, }, | |
{ rw coprime_comm, | |
exact coprime_of_lt_prime h0 (gt_of_ge_of_gt succ_k_le_p h1) p_prime, }, | |
end | |
... ≤ π' k + totient a * (n / a + 1) : | |
begin | |
rw [add_le_add_iff_left], | |
exact Ico_filter_coprime_le k n h0, | |
end | |
end nat | |