
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2020 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Kevin Buzzard
import algebra.big_operators.nat_antidiagonal
import algebra.geom_sum
import data.fintype.card
import ring_theory.power_series.well_known
import tactic.field_simp
# Bernoulli numbers
The Bernoulli numbers are a sequence of rational numbers that frequently show up in
number theory.
## Mathematical overview
The Bernoulli numbers $(B_0, B_1, B_2, \ldots)=(1, -1/2, 1/6, 0, -1/30, \ldots)$ are
a sequence of rational numbers. They show up in the formula for the sums of $k$th
powers. They are related to the Taylor series expansions of $x/\tan(x)$ and
of $\coth(x)$, and also show up in the values that the Riemann Zeta function
takes both at both negative and positive integers (and hence in the
theory of modular forms). For example, if $1 \leq n$ is even then
Note however that this result is not yet formalised in Lean.
The Bernoulli numbers can be formally defined using the power series
$$\sum B_n\frac{t^n}{n!}=\frac{t}{1-e^{-t}}$$
although that happens to not be the definition in mathlib (this is an *implementation
detail* and need not concern the mathematician).
Note that $B_1=-1/2$, meaning that we are using the $B_n^-$ of
[from Wikipedia](
## Implementation detail
The Bernoulli numbers are defined using well-founded induction, by the formula
$$B_n=1-\sum_{k\lt n}\frac{\binom{n}{k}}{n-k+1}B_k.$$
This formula is true for all $n$ and in particular $B_0=1$. Note that this is the definition
for positive Bernoulli numbers, which we call `bernoulli'`. The negative Bernoulli numbers are
then defined as `bernoulli := (-1)^n * bernoulli'`.
## Main theorems
`sum_bernoulli : βˆ‘ k in finset.range n, (n.choose k : β„š) * bernoulli k = 0`
open_locale nat big_operators
open finset nat finset.nat power_series
variables (A : Type*) [comm_ring A] [algebra β„š A]
/-! ### Definitions -/
/-- The Bernoulli numbers:
the $n$-th Bernoulli number $B_n$ is defined recursively via
$$B_n = 1 - \sum_{k < n} \binom{n}{k}\frac{B_k}{n+1-k}$$ -/
def bernoulli' : β„• β†’ β„š :=
well_founded.fix lt_wf $
Ξ» n bernoulli', 1 - βˆ‘ k : fin n, n.choose k / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k k.2
lemma bernoulli'_def' (n : β„•) :
bernoulli' n = 1 - βˆ‘ k : fin n, n.choose k / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k :=
well_founded.fix_eq _ _ _
lemma bernoulli'_def (n : β„•) :
bernoulli' n = 1 - βˆ‘ k in range n, n.choose k / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k :=
by { rw [bernoulli'_def', ← fin.sum_univ_eq_sum_range], refl }
lemma bernoulli'_spec (n : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in range n.succ, (n.choose (n - k) : β„š) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k = 1 :=
rw [sum_range_succ_comm, bernoulli'_def n, tsub_self],
conv in (n.choose (_ - _)) { rw choose_symm (mem_range.1 H).le },
simp only [one_mul, cast_one, sub_self, sub_add_cancel, choose_zero_right, zero_add, div_one],
lemma bernoulli'_spec' (n : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in antidiagonal n, ((k.1 + k.2).choose k.2 : β„š) / (k.2 + 1) * bernoulli' k.1 = 1 :=
refine ((sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ_mk _ n).trans _).trans (bernoulli'_spec n),
refine sum_congr rfl (Ξ» x hx, _),
simp only [add_tsub_cancel_of_le, hx, cast_sub],
/-! ### Examples -/
section examples
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_zero : bernoulli' 0 = 1 :=
by { rw bernoulli'_def, norm_num }
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_one : bernoulli' 1 = 1/2 :=
by { rw bernoulli'_def, norm_num }
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_two : bernoulli' 2 = 1/6 :=
by { rw bernoulli'_def, norm_num [sum_range_succ] }
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_three : bernoulli' 3 = 0 :=
by { rw bernoulli'_def, norm_num [sum_range_succ] }
@[simp] lemma bernoulli'_four : bernoulli' 4 = -1/30 :=
have nat.choose 4 2 = 6 := dec_trivial, -- shrug
by { rw bernoulli'_def, norm_num [sum_range_succ, this] }
end examples
@[simp] lemma sum_bernoulli' (n : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in range n, (n.choose k : β„š) * bernoulli' k = n :=
cases n, { simp },
suffices : (n + 1 : β„š) * βˆ‘ k in range n, ↑(n.choose k) / (n - k + 1) * bernoulli' k =
βˆ‘ x in range n, ↑(n.succ.choose x) * bernoulli' x,
{ rw_mod_cast [sum_range_succ, bernoulli'_def, ← this, choose_succ_self_right], ring },
simp_rw [mul_sum, ← mul_assoc],
refine sum_congr rfl (Ξ» k hk, _),
have : ((n - k : β„•) : β„š) + 1 β‰  0 := by apply_mod_cast succ_ne_zero,
field_simp [← cast_sub (mem_range.1 hk).le, mul_comm],
rw_mod_cast [tsub_add_eq_add_tsub (mem_range.1 hk).le, choose_mul_succ_eq],
/-- The exponential generating function for the Bernoulli numbers `bernoulli' n`. -/
def bernoulli'_power_series := mk $ Ξ» n, algebra_map β„š A (bernoulli' n / n!)
theorem bernoulli'_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one :
bernoulli'_power_series A * (exp A - 1) = X * exp A :=
ext n,
-- constant coefficient is a special case
cases n, { simp },
rw [bernoulli'_power_series, coeff_mul, mul_comm X, sum_antidiagonal_succ'],
suffices : βˆ‘ p in antidiagonal n, (bernoulli' p.1 / p.1!) * ((p.2 + 1) * p.2!)⁻¹ = n!⁻¹,
{ simpa [ring_hom.map_sum] using congr_arg (algebra_map β„š A) this },
apply eq_inv_of_mul_eq_one_left,
rw sum_mul,
convert bernoulli'_spec' n using 1,
apply sum_congr rfl,
simp_rw [mem_antidiagonal],
rintro ⟨i, j⟩ rfl,
have : (j + 1 : β„š) β‰  0 := by exact_mod_cast succ_ne_zero j,
have : (j + 1 : β„š) * j! * i! β‰  0 := by simpa [factorial_ne_zero],
have := factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial_add i j,
field_simp [mul_comm _ (bernoulli' i), mul_assoc, add_choose],
rw_mod_cast [mul_comm (j + 1), mul_div_assoc, ← mul_assoc],
rw [cast_mul, cast_mul, mul_div_mul_right, cast_div_char_zero, cast_mul],
assumption, rwa nat.cast_succ,
/-- Odd Bernoulli numbers (greater than 1) are zero. -/
theorem bernoulli'_odd_eq_zero {n : β„•} (h_odd : odd n) (hlt : 1 < n) : bernoulli' n = 0 :=
let B := mk (Ξ» n, bernoulli' n / n!),
suffices : (B - eval_neg_hom B) * (exp β„š - 1) = X * (exp β„š - 1),
{ cases this;
simp only [power_series.ext_iff, eval_neg_hom, coeff_X] at h,
{ apply eq_zero_of_neg_eq,
specialize h n,
split_ifs at h;
simp [h_odd.neg_one_pow, factorial_ne_zero, *] at * },
{ simpa using h 1 } },
have h : B * (exp β„š - 1) = X * exp β„š,
{ simpa [bernoulli'_power_series] using bernoulli'_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one β„š },
rw [sub_mul, h, mul_sub X, sub_right_inj, ← neg_sub, mul_neg, neg_eq_iff_neg_eq],
suffices : eval_neg_hom (B * (exp β„š - 1)) * exp β„š = eval_neg_hom (X * exp β„š) * exp β„š,
{ simpa [mul_assoc, sub_mul, mul_comm (eval_neg_hom (exp β„š)), exp_mul_exp_neg_eq_one, eq_comm] },
/-- The Bernoulli numbers are defined to be `bernoulli'` with a parity sign. -/
def bernoulli (n : β„•) : β„š := (-1)^n * bernoulli' n
lemma bernoulli'_eq_bernoulli (n : β„•) : bernoulli' n = (-1)^n * bernoulli n :=
by simp [bernoulli, ← mul_assoc, ← sq, ← pow_mul, mul_comm n 2, pow_mul]
@[simp] lemma bernoulli_zero : bernoulli 0 = 1 := by simp [bernoulli]
@[simp] lemma bernoulli_one : bernoulli 1 = -1/2 :=
by norm_num [bernoulli]
theorem bernoulli_eq_bernoulli'_of_ne_one {n : β„•} (hn : n β‰  1) : bernoulli n = bernoulli' n :=
by_cases h0 : n = 0, { simp [h0] },
rw [bernoulli, neg_one_pow_eq_pow_mod_two],
cases mod_two_eq_zero_or_one n, { simp [h] },
simp [bernoulli'_odd_eq_zero (odd_iff.mpr h) (one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one.mpr ⟨h0, hn⟩)],
@[simp] theorem sum_bernoulli (n : β„•):
βˆ‘ k in range n, (n.choose k : β„š) * bernoulli k = if n = 1 then 1 else 0 :=
cases n, { simp },
cases n, { simp },
suffices : βˆ‘ i in range n, ↑((n + 2).choose (i + 2)) * bernoulli (i + 2) = n / 2,
{ simp only [this, sum_range_succ', cast_succ, bernoulli_one, bernoulli_zero, choose_one_right,
mul_one, choose_zero_right, cast_zero, if_false, zero_add, succ_succ_ne_one], ring },
have f := sum_bernoulli' n.succ.succ,
simp_rw [sum_range_succ', bernoulli'_one, choose_one_right, cast_succ, ← eq_sub_iff_add_eq] at f,
convert f,
{ funext x, rw bernoulli_eq_bernoulli'_of_ne_one (succ_ne_zero x ∘ succ.inj) },
{ simp only [one_div, mul_one, bernoulli'_zero, cast_one, choose_zero_right, add_sub_cancel],
ring },
lemma bernoulli_spec' (n : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in antidiagonal n, ((k.1 + k.2).choose k.2 : β„š) / (k.2 + 1) * bernoulli k.1 =
if n = 0 then 1 else 0 :=
cases n, { simp },
rw if_neg (succ_ne_zero _),
-- algebra facts
have h₁ : (1, n) ∈ antidiagonal n.succ := by simp [mem_antidiagonal, add_comm],
have hβ‚‚ : (n : β„š) + 1 β‰  0 := by apply_mod_cast succ_ne_zero,
have h₃ : (1 + n).choose n = n + 1 := by simp [add_comm],
-- key equation: the corresponding fact for `bernoulli'`
have H := bernoulli'_spec' n.succ,
-- massage it to match the structure of the goal, then convert piece by piece
rw sum_eq_add_sum_diff_singleton h₁ at H ⊒,
apply add_eq_of_eq_sub',
convert eq_sub_of_add_eq' H using 1,
{ refine sum_congr rfl (Ξ» p h, _),
obtain ⟨h', h''⟩ : p ∈ _ ∧ p β‰  _ := by rwa [mem_sdiff, mem_singleton] at h,
simp [bernoulli_eq_bernoulli'_of_ne_one ((not_congr (antidiagonal_congr h' h₁)).mp h'')] },
{ field_simp [h₃],
norm_num },
/-- The exponential generating function for the Bernoulli numbers `bernoulli n`. -/
def bernoulli_power_series := mk $ Ξ» n, algebra_map β„š A (bernoulli n / n!)
theorem bernoulli_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one :
bernoulli_power_series A * (exp A - 1) = X :=
ext n,
-- constant coefficient is a special case
cases n, { simp },
simp only [bernoulli_power_series, coeff_mul, coeff_X, sum_antidiagonal_succ', one_div, coeff_mk,
coeff_one, coeff_exp, linear_map.map_sub, factorial, if_pos, cast_succ, cast_one, cast_mul,
sub_zero, ring_hom.map_one, add_eq_zero_iff, if_false, _root_.inv_one, zero_add, one_ne_zero,
mul_zero, and_false, sub_self, ← ring_hom.map_mul, ← ring_hom.map_sum],
cases n, { simp },
rw if_neg n.succ_succ_ne_one,
have hfact : βˆ€ m, (m! : β„š) β‰  0 := Ξ» m, by exact_mod_cast factorial_ne_zero m,
have hite2 : ite (n.succ = 0) 1 0 = (0 : β„š) := if_neg n.succ_ne_zero,
rw [←map_zero (algebra_map β„š A), ←zero_div (n.succ! : β„š), ←hite2, ← bernoulli_spec', sum_div],
refine congr_arg (algebra_map β„š A) (sum_congr rfl $ Ξ» x h, eq_div_of_mul_eq (hfact n.succ) _),
rw mem_antidiagonal at h,
have hj : (x.2 + 1 : β„š) β‰  0 := by exact_mod_cast succ_ne_zero _,
field_simp [← h, mul_ne_zero hj (hfact x.2), hfact x.1, mul_comm _ (bernoulli x.1), mul_assoc,
add_choose, cast_div_char_zero (factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial_add _ _),
nat.factorial_ne_zero, hj],
section faulhaber
/-- **Faulhaber's theorem** relating the **sum of of p-th powers** to the Bernoulli numbers:
$$\sum_{k=0}^{n-1} k^p = \sum_{i=0}^p B_i\binom{p+1}{i}\frac{n^{p+1-i}}{p+1}.$$
See and [orosi2018faulhaber] for
the proof provided here. -/
theorem sum_range_pow (n p : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in range n, (k : β„š) ^ p =
βˆ‘ i in range (p + 1), bernoulli i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1) :=
have hne : βˆ€ m : β„•, (m! : β„š) β‰  0 := Ξ» m, by exact_mod_cast factorial_ne_zero m,
-- compute the Cauchy product of two power series
have h_cauchy : mk (Ξ» p, bernoulli p / p!) * mk (Ξ» q, coeff β„š (q + 1) (exp β„š ^ n))
= mk (Ξ» p, βˆ‘ i in range (p + 1),
bernoulli i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1)!),
{ ext q : 1,
let f := Ξ» a b, bernoulli a / a! * coeff β„š (b + 1) (exp β„š ^ n),
-- key step: use `power_series.coeff_mul` and then rewrite sums
simp only [coeff_mul, coeff_mk, cast_mul, sum_antidiagonal_eq_sum_range_succ f],
apply sum_congr rfl,
simp_intros m h only [finset.mem_range],
simp only [f, exp_pow_eq_rescale_exp, rescale, one_div, coeff_mk, ring_hom.coe_mk, coeff_exp,
ring_hom.id_apply, cast_mul, algebra_map_rat_rat],
-- manipulate factorials and binomial coefficients
rw [choose_eq_factorial_div_factorial h.le, eq_comm, div_eq_iff (hne q.succ), succ_eq_add_one,
mul_assoc _ _ ↑q.succ!, mul_comm _ ↑q.succ!, ← mul_assoc, div_mul_eq_mul_div,
mul_comm (↑n ^ (q - m + 1)), ← mul_assoc _ _ (↑n ^ (q - m + 1)), ← one_div, mul_one_div,
div_div, tsub_add_eq_add_tsub (le_of_lt_succ h), cast_div, cast_mul],
{ ring },
{ exact factorial_mul_factorial_dvd_factorial h.le },
{ simp [hne] } },
-- same as our goal except we pull out `p!` for convenience
have hps : βˆ‘ k in range n, ↑k ^ p
= (βˆ‘ i in range (p + 1), bernoulli i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1)!)
* p!,
{ suffices : mk (Ξ» p, βˆ‘ k in range n, ↑k ^ p * algebra_map β„š β„š p!⁻¹)
= mk (Ξ» p, βˆ‘ i in range (p + 1),
bernoulli i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1)!),
{ rw [← div_eq_iff (hne p), div_eq_mul_inv, sum_mul],
rw power_series.ext_iff at this,
simpa using this p },
-- the power series `exp β„š - 1` is non-zero, a fact we need in order to use `mul_right_inj'`
have hexp : exp β„š - 1 β‰  0,
{ simp only [exp, power_series.ext_iff, ne, not_forall],
use 1,
simp },
have h_r : exp β„š ^ n - 1 = X * mk (Ξ» p, coeff β„š (p + 1) (exp β„š ^ n)),
{ have h_const : C β„š (constant_coeff β„š (exp β„š ^ n)) = 1 := by simp,
rw [← h_const, sub_const_eq_X_mul_shift] },
-- key step: a chain of equalities of power series
rw [← mul_right_inj' hexp, mul_comm, ← exp_pow_sum, geom_sum_mul, h_r,
← bernoulli_power_series_mul_exp_sub_one, bernoulli_power_series, mul_right_comm],
simp [h_cauchy, mul_comm] },
-- massage `hps` into our goal
rw [hps, sum_mul],
refine sum_congr rfl (Ξ» x hx, _),
field_simp [mul_right_comm _ ↑p!, ← mul_assoc _ _ ↑p!, cast_add_one_ne_zero, hne],
/-- Alternate form of **Faulhaber's theorem**, relating the sum of p-th powers to the Bernoulli
numbers: $$\sum_{k=1}^{n} k^p = \sum_{i=0}^p (-1)^iB_i\binom{p+1}{i}\frac{n^{p+1-i}}{p+1}.$$
Deduced from `sum_range_pow`. -/
theorem sum_Ico_pow (n p : β„•) :
βˆ‘ k in Ico 1 (n + 1), (k : β„š) ^ p =
βˆ‘ i in range (p + 1), bernoulli' i * (p + 1).choose i * n ^ (p + 1 - i) / (p + 1) :=
rw ← nat.cast_succ,
-- dispose of the trivial case
cases p, { simp },
let f := Ξ» i, bernoulli i * p.succ.succ.choose i * n ^ (p.succ.succ - i) / p.succ.succ,
let f' := Ξ» i, bernoulli' i * p.succ.succ.choose i * n ^ (p.succ.succ - i) / p.succ.succ,
suffices : βˆ‘ k in Ico 1 n.succ, ↑k ^ p.succ = βˆ‘ i in range p.succ.succ, f' i, { convert this },
-- prove some algebraic facts that will make things easier for us later on
have hle := nat.le_add_left 1 n,
have hne : (p + 1 + 1 : β„š) β‰  0 := by exact_mod_cast succ_ne_zero p.succ,
have h1 : βˆ€ r : β„š, r * (p + 1 + 1) * n ^ p.succ / (p + 1 + 1 : β„š) = r * n ^ p.succ :=
Ξ» r, by rw [mul_div_right_comm, mul_div_cancel _ hne],
have h2 : f 1 + n ^ p.succ = 1 / 2 * n ^ p.succ,
{ simp_rw [f, bernoulli_one, choose_one_right, succ_sub_succ_eq_sub, cast_succ, tsub_zero, h1],
ring },
have : βˆ‘ i in range p, bernoulli (i + 2) * (p + 2).choose (i + 2) * n ^ (p - i) / ↑(p + 2)
= βˆ‘ i in range p, bernoulli' (i + 2) * (p + 2).choose (i + 2) * n ^ (p - i) / ↑(p + 2) :=
sum_congr rfl (Ξ» i h, by rw bernoulli_eq_bernoulli'_of_ne_one (succ_succ_ne_one i)),
calc βˆ‘ k in Ico 1 n.succ, ↑k ^ p.succ
-- replace sum over `Ico` with sum over `range` and simplify
= βˆ‘ k in range n.succ, ↑k ^ p.succ : by simp [sum_Ico_eq_sub _ hle, succ_ne_zero]
-- extract the last term of the sum
... = βˆ‘ k in range n, (k : β„š) ^ p.succ + n ^ p.succ : by rw sum_range_succ
-- apply the key lemma, `sum_range_pow`
... = βˆ‘ i in range p.succ.succ, f i + n ^ p.succ : by simp [f, sum_range_pow]
-- extract the first two terms of the sum
... = βˆ‘ i in range p, f i.succ.succ + f 1 + f 0 + n ^ p.succ : by simp_rw [sum_range_succ']
... = βˆ‘ i in range p, f i.succ.succ + (f 1 + n ^ p.succ) + f 0 : by ring
... = βˆ‘ i in range p, f i.succ.succ + 1 / 2 * n ^ p.succ + f 0 : by rw h2
-- convert from `bernoulli` to `bernoulli'`
... = βˆ‘ i in range p, f' i.succ.succ + f' 1 + f' 0 :
by { simp only [f, f'], simpa [h1, Ξ» i, show i + 2 = i + 1 + 1, from rfl] }
-- rejoin the first two terms of the sum
... = βˆ‘ i in range p.succ.succ, f' i : by simp_rw [sum_range_succ'],
end faulhaber