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Copyright (c) 2018 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Chris Hughes, Johannes Hölzl, Scott Morrison, Jens Wagemaker | |
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import data.polynomial.derivative | |
import tactic.linear_combination | |
import tactic.ring_exp | |
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# Theory of univariate polynomials | |
The main def is `binom_expansion`. | |
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noncomputable theory | |
namespace polynomial | |
open_locale polynomial | |
universes u v w x y z | |
variables {R : Type u} {S : Type v} {T : Type w} {ι : Type x} {k : Type y} {A : Type z} | |
{a b : R} {m n : ℕ} | |
section identities | |
/- @TODO: pow_add_expansion and pow_sub_pow_factor are not specific to polynomials. | |
These belong somewhere else. But not in group_power because they depend on tactic.ring_exp | |
Maybe use data.nat.choose to prove it. | |
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/-- | |
`(x + y)^n` can be expressed as `x^n + n*x^(n-1)*y + k * y^2` for some `k` in the ring. | |
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def pow_add_expansion {R : Type*} [comm_semiring R] (x y : R) : ∀ (n : ℕ), | |
{k // (x + y)^n = x^n + n*x^(n-1)*y + k * y^2} | |
| 0 := ⟨0, by simp⟩ | |
| 1 := ⟨0, by simp⟩ | |
| (n+2) := | |
begin | |
cases pow_add_expansion (n+1) with z hz, | |
existsi x*z + (n+1)*x^n+z*y, | |
calc (x + y) ^ (n + 2) = (x + y) * (x + y) ^ (n + 1) : by ring_exp | |
... = (x + y) * (x ^ (n + 1) + ↑(n + 1) * x ^ (n + 1 - 1) * y + z * y ^ 2) : by rw hz | |
... = x ^ (n + 2) + ↑(n + 2) * x ^ (n + 1) * y + (x*z + (n+1)*x^n+z*y) * y ^ 2 : | |
by { push_cast, ring_exp! } | |
end | |
variables [comm_ring R] | |
private def poly_binom_aux1 (x y : R) (e : ℕ) (a : R) : | |
{k : R // a * (x + y)^e = a * (x^e + e*x^(e-1)*y + k*y^2)} := | |
begin | |
existsi (pow_add_expansion x y e).val, | |
congr, | |
apply (pow_add_expansion _ _ _).property | |
end | |
private lemma poly_binom_aux2 (f : R[X]) (x y : R) : | |
f.eval (x + y) = f.sum (λ e a, a * (x^e + e*x^(e-1)*y + (poly_binom_aux1 x y e a).val*y^2)) := | |
begin | |
unfold eval eval₂, congr' with n z, | |
apply (poly_binom_aux1 x y _ _).property | |
end | |
private lemma poly_binom_aux3 (f : R[X]) (x y : R) : f.eval (x + y) = | |
f.sum (λ e a, a * x^e) + | |
f.sum (λ e a, (a * e * x^(e-1)) * y) + | |
f.sum (λ e a, (a *(poly_binom_aux1 x y e a).val)*y^2) := | |
by { rw poly_binom_aux2, simp [left_distrib, sum_add, mul_assoc] } | |
/-- | |
A polynomial `f` evaluated at `x + y` can be expressed as | |
the evaluation of `f` at `x`, plus `y` times the (polynomial) derivative of `f` at `x`, | |
plus some element `k : R` times `y^2`. | |
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def binom_expansion (f : R[X]) (x y : R) : | |
{k : R // f.eval (x + y) = f.eval x + (f.derivative.eval x) * y + k * y^2} := | |
begin | |
existsi f.sum (λ e a, a *((poly_binom_aux1 x y e a).val)), | |
rw poly_binom_aux3, | |
congr, | |
{ rw [←eval_eq_sum], }, | |
{ rw derivative_eval, exact finset.sum_mul.symm }, | |
{ exact finset.sum_mul.symm } | |
end | |
/-- | |
`x^n - y^n` can be expressed as `z * (x - y)` for some `z` in the ring. | |
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def pow_sub_pow_factor (x y : R) : Π (i : ℕ), {z : R // x^i - y^i = z * (x - y)} | |
| 0 := ⟨0, by simp⟩ | |
| 1 := ⟨1, by simp⟩ | |
| (k+2) := | |
begin | |
cases @pow_sub_pow_factor (k+1) with z hz, | |
existsi z*x + y^(k+1), | |
linear_combination x * hz with { normalization_tactic := `[ring_exp] } | |
end | |
/-- | |
For any polynomial `f`, `f.eval x - f.eval y` can be expressed as `z * (x - y)` | |
for some `z` in the ring. | |
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def eval_sub_factor (f : R[X]) (x y : R) : | |
{z : R // f.eval x - f.eval y = z * (x - y)} := | |
begin | |
refine ⟨f.sum (λ i r, r * (pow_sub_pow_factor x y i).val), _⟩, | |
delta eval eval₂, | |
simp only [sum, ← finset.sum_sub_distrib, finset.sum_mul], | |
dsimp, | |
congr' with i r, | |
rw [mul_assoc, ←(pow_sub_pow_factor x y _).prop, mul_sub], | |
end | |
end identities | |
end polynomial | |