
Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2020 Aaron Anderson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson
import data.nat.factorization.prime_pow
import algebra.squarefree
# Lemmas about squarefreeness of natural numbers
A number is squarefree when it is not divisible by any squares except the squares of units.
## Main Results
- `nat.squarefree_iff_nodup_factors`: A positive natural number `x` is squarefree iff
the list `factors x` has no duplicate factors.
## Tags
squarefree, multiplicity
namespace nat
lemma squarefree_iff_nodup_factors {n : β„•} (h0 : n β‰  0) :
squarefree n ↔ n.factors.nodup :=
rw [unique_factorization_monoid.squarefree_iff_nodup_normalized_factors h0, nat.factors_eq],
theorem squarefree_iff_prime_squarefree {n : β„•} : squarefree n ↔ βˆ€ x, prime x β†’ Β¬ x * x ∣ n :=
squarefree_iff_irreducible_sq_not_dvd_of_exists_irreducible ⟨_, prime_two⟩
lemma squarefree.factorization_le_one {n : β„•} (p : β„•) (hn : squarefree n) :
n.factorization p ≀ 1 :=
rcases eq_or_ne n 0 with rfl | hn',
{ simp },
rw [multiplicity.squarefree_iff_multiplicity_le_one] at hn,
by_cases hp :,
{ have := hn p,
simp only [multiplicity_eq_factorization hp hn', nat.is_unit_iff, hp.ne_one, or_false] at this,
exact_mod_cast this },
{ rw factorization_eq_zero_of_non_prime _ hp,
exact zero_le_one }
lemma squarefree_of_factorization_le_one {n : β„•} (hn : n β‰  0) (hn' : βˆ€ p, n.factorization p ≀ 1) :
squarefree n :=
rw [squarefree_iff_nodup_factors hn, list.nodup_iff_count_le_one],
intro a,
rw factors_count_eq,
apply hn',
lemma squarefree_iff_factorization_le_one {n : β„•} (hn : n β‰  0) :
squarefree n ↔ βˆ€ p, n.factorization p ≀ 1 :=
⟨λ p hn, squarefree.factorization_le_one hn p, squarefree_of_factorization_le_one hn⟩
lemma squarefree.ext_iff {n m : β„•} (hn : squarefree n) (hm : squarefree m) :
n = m ↔ βˆ€ p, prime p β†’ (p ∣ n ↔ p ∣ m) :=
refine ⟨by { rintro rfl, simp }, λ h, eq_of_factorization_eq hn.ne_zero hm.ne_zero (λ p, _)⟩,
by_cases hp :,
{ have h₁ := h _ hp,
rw [←not_iff_not, hp.dvd_iff_one_le_factorization hn.ne_zero, not_le, lt_one_iff,
hp.dvd_iff_one_le_factorization hm.ne_zero, not_le, lt_one_iff] at h₁,
have hβ‚‚ := squarefree.factorization_le_one p hn,
have h₃ := squarefree.factorization_le_one p hm,
rw [nat.le_add_one_iff, le_zero_iff] at hβ‚‚ h₃,
cases hβ‚‚,
{ rwa [hβ‚‚, eq_comm, ←h₁] },
{ rw [hβ‚‚, h₃.resolve_left],
rw [←h₁, hβ‚‚],
simp only [nat.one_ne_zero, not_false_iff] } },
rw [factorization_eq_zero_of_non_prime _ hp, factorization_eq_zero_of_non_prime _ hp],
lemma squarefree_pow_iff {n k : β„•} (hn : n β‰  1) (hk : k β‰  0) :
squarefree (n ^ k) ↔ squarefree n ∧ k = 1 :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, by { rintro ⟨hn, rfl⟩, simpa }⟩,
rcases eq_or_ne n 0 with rfl | hnβ‚€,
{ simpa [zero_pow hk.bot_lt] using h },
refine ⟨squarefree_of_dvd_of_squarefree (dvd_pow_self _ hk) h, by_contradiction $ Ξ» h₁, _⟩,
have : 2 ≀ k := k.two_le_iff.mpr ⟨hk, hβ‚βŸ©,
apply hn (nat.is_unit_iff.1 (h _ _)),
rw ←sq,
exact pow_dvd_pow _ this
lemma squarefree_and_prime_pow_iff_prime {n : β„•} :
squarefree n ∧ is_prime_pow n ↔ prime n :=
refine iff.symm ⟨λ hn, ⟨hn.squarefree, hn.is_prime_pow⟩, _⟩,
rw is_prime_pow_nat_iff,
rintro ⟨h, p, k, hp, hk, rfl⟩,
rw squarefree_pow_iff hp.ne_one' at h,
rwa [h.2, pow_one],
/-- Assuming that `n` has no factors less than `k`, returns the smallest prime `p` such that
`p^2 ∣ n`. -/
def min_sq_fac_aux : β„• β†’ β„• β†’ option β„•
| n k :=
if h : n < k * k then none else
have nat.sqrt n + 2 - (k + 2) < nat.sqrt n + 2 - k,
by { rw nat.add_sub_add_right, exact nat.min_fac_lemma n k h },
if k ∣ n then
let n' := n / k in
have nat.sqrt n' + 2 - (k + 2) < nat.sqrt n + 2 - k, from
lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.sub_le_sub_right
(nat.add_le_add_right (nat.sqrt_le_sqrt $ nat.div_le_self _ _) _) _) this,
if k ∣ n' then some k else min_sq_fac_aux n' (k + 2)
else min_sq_fac_aux n (k + 2)
using_well_founded {rel_tac :=
λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ ⟨n, k⟩, nat.sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}
/-- Returns the smallest prime factor `p` of `n` such that `p^2 ∣ n`, or `none` if there is no
such `p` (that is, `n` is squarefree). See also `squarefree_iff_min_sq_fac`. -/
def min_sq_fac (n : β„•) : option β„• :=
if 2 ∣ n then
let n' := n / 2 in
if 2 ∣ n' then some 2 else min_sq_fac_aux n' 3
else min_sq_fac_aux n 3
/-- The correctness property of the return value of `min_sq_fac`.
* If `none`, then `n` is squarefree;
* If `some d`, then `d` is a minimal square factor of `n` -/
def min_sq_fac_prop (n : β„•) : option β„• β†’ Prop
| none := squarefree n
| (some d) := prime d ∧ d * d ∣ n ∧ βˆ€ p, prime p β†’ p * p ∣ n β†’ d ≀ p
theorem min_sq_fac_prop_div (n) {k} (pk : prime k) (dk : k ∣ n) (dkk : ¬ k * k ∣ n)
{o} (H : min_sq_fac_prop (n / k) o) : min_sq_fac_prop n o :=
have : βˆ€ p, prime p β†’ p*p ∣ n β†’ k*(p*p) ∣ n := Ξ» p pp dp,
have _ := (coprime_primes pk pp).2 (Ξ» e, by { subst e, contradiction }),
(coprime_mul_iff_right.2 ⟨this, this⟩).mul_dvd_of_dvd_of_dvd dk dp,
cases o with d,
{ rw [min_sq_fac_prop, squarefree_iff_prime_squarefree] at H ⊒,
exact Ξ» p pp dp, H p pp ((dvd_div_iff dk).2 (this _ pp dp)) },
{ obtain ⟨H1, H2, H3⟩ := H,
simp only [dvd_div_iff dk] at H2 H3,
exact ⟨H1, dvd_trans (dvd_mul_left _ _) H2, λ p pp dp, H3 _ pp (this _ pp dp)⟩ }
theorem min_sq_fac_aux_has_prop : βˆ€ {n : β„•} k, 0 < n β†’ βˆ€ i, k = 2*i+3 β†’
(βˆ€ m, prime m β†’ m ∣ n β†’ k ≀ m) β†’ min_sq_fac_prop n (min_sq_fac_aux n k)
| n k := Ξ» n0 i e ih, begin
rw min_sq_fac_aux,
by_cases h : n < k*k; simp [h],
{ refine squarefree_iff_prime_squarefree.2 (Ξ» p pp d, _),
have := ih p pp (dvd_trans ⟨_, rfl⟩ d),
have := nat.mul_le_mul this this,
exact not_le_of_lt h (le_trans this (le_of_dvd n0 d)) },
have k2 : 2 ≀ k, { subst e, exact dec_trivial },
have k0 : 0 < k := lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial k2,
have IH : βˆ€ n', n' ∣ n β†’ Β¬ k ∣ n' β†’ min_sq_fac_prop n' (n'.min_sq_fac_aux (k + 2)),
{ intros n' nd' nk,
have hn' := le_of_dvd n0 nd',
have nat.sqrt n' - k < nat.sqrt n + 2 - k, from
lt_of_le_of_lt (nat.sub_le_sub_right (nat.sqrt_le_sqrt hn') _) (nat.min_fac_lemma n k h),
@min_sq_fac_aux_has_prop n' (k+2) (pos_of_dvd_of_pos nd' n0)
(i+1) (by simp [e, left_distrib]) (Ξ» m m2 d, _),
cases nat.eq_or_lt_of_le (ih m m2 (dvd_trans d nd')) with me ml,
{ subst me, contradiction },
apply (nat.eq_or_lt_of_le ml).resolve_left, intro me,
rw [← me, e] at d, change 2 * (i + 2) ∣ n' at d,
have := ih _ prime_two (dvd_trans (dvd_of_mul_right_dvd d) nd'),
rw e at this, exact absurd this dec_trivial },
have pk : k ∣ n β†’ prime k,
{ refine λ dk, prime_def_min_fac.2 ⟨k2, le_antisymm (min_fac_le k0) _⟩,
exact ih _ (min_fac_prime (ne_of_gt k2)) (dvd_trans (min_fac_dvd _) dk) },
split_ifs with dk dkk,
{ exact ⟨pk dk, (nat.dvd_div_iff dk).1 dkk, λ p pp d, ih p pp (dvd_trans ⟨_, rfl⟩ d)⟩ },
{ specialize IH (n/k) (div_dvd_of_dvd dk) dkk,
exact min_sq_fac_prop_div _ (pk dk) dk (mt (nat.dvd_div_iff dk).2 dkk) IH },
{ exact IH n (dvd_refl _) dk }
using_well_founded {rel_tac :=
λ _ _, `[exact ⟨_, measure_wf (λ ⟨n, k⟩, nat.sqrt n + 2 - k)⟩]}
theorem min_sq_fac_has_prop (n : β„•) : min_sq_fac_prop n (min_sq_fac n) :=
dunfold min_sq_fac, split_ifs with d2 d4,
{ exact ⟨prime_two, (dvd_div_iff d2).1 d4, λ p pp _, pp.two_le⟩ },
{ cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos n with n0 n0, { subst n0, cases d4 dec_trivial },
refine min_sq_fac_prop_div _ prime_two d2 (mt (dvd_div_iff d2).2 d4) _,
refine min_sq_fac_aux_has_prop 3 (nat.div_pos (le_of_dvd n0 d2) dec_trivial) 0 rfl _,
refine Ξ» p pp dp, succ_le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne pp.two_le _),
rintro rfl, contradiction },
{ cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos n with n0 n0, { subst n0, cases d2 dec_trivial },
refine min_sq_fac_aux_has_prop _ n0 0 rfl _,
refine Ξ» p pp dp, succ_le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne pp.two_le _),
rintro rfl, contradiction },
theorem min_sq_fac_prime {n d : β„•} (h : n.min_sq_fac = some d) : prime d :=
by { have := min_sq_fac_has_prop n, rw h at this, exact this.1 }
theorem min_sq_fac_dvd {n d : β„•} (h : n.min_sq_fac = some d) : d * d ∣ n :=
by { have := min_sq_fac_has_prop n, rw h at this, exact this.2.1 }
theorem min_sq_fac_le_of_dvd {n d : β„•} (h : n.min_sq_fac = some d)
{m} (m2 : 2 ≀ m) (md : m * m ∣ n) : d ≀ m :=
have := min_sq_fac_has_prop n, rw h at this,
have fd := min_fac_dvd m,
exact le_trans
(this.2.2 _ (min_fac_prime $ ne_of_gt m2) (dvd_trans (mul_dvd_mul fd fd) md))
(min_fac_le $ lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial m2),
lemma squarefree_iff_min_sq_fac {n : β„•} :
squarefree n ↔ n.min_sq_fac = none :=
have := min_sq_fac_has_prop n,
split; intro H,
{ cases n.min_sq_fac with d, {refl},
cases squarefree_iff_prime_squarefree.1 H _ this.1 this.2.1 },
{ rwa H at this }
instance : decidable_pred (squarefree : β„• β†’ Prop) :=
Ξ» n, decidable_of_iff' _ squarefree_iff_min_sq_fac
theorem squarefree_two : squarefree 2 := by rw squarefree_iff_nodup_factors; norm_num
open unique_factorization_monoid
lemma divisors_filter_squarefree {n : β„•} (h0 : n β‰  0) :
(n.divisors.filter squarefree).val =
(unique_factorization_monoid.normalized_factors n)
(Ξ» x, :=
rw (finset.nodup _).ext ((finset.nodup _).map_on _),
{ intro a,
simp only [multiset.mem_filter, id.def, multiset.mem_map, finset.filter_val, ← finset.mem_def,
{ rintro ⟨⟨an, h0⟩, hsq⟩,
use (unique_factorization_monoid.normalized_factors a).to_finset,
simp only [id.def, finset.mem_powerset],
rcases an with ⟨b, rfl⟩,
rw mul_ne_zero_iff at h0,
rw unique_factorization_monoid.squarefree_iff_nodup_normalized_factors h0.1 at hsq,
rw [multiset.to_finset_subset, multiset.to_finset_val, hsq.dedup, ← associated_iff_eq,
normalized_factors_mul h0.1 h0.2],
exact ⟨multiset.subset_of_le (multiset.le_add_right _ _), normalized_factors_prod h0.1⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨s, hs, rfl⟩,
rw [finset.mem_powerset, ← finset.val_le_iff, multiset.to_finset_val] at hs,
have hs0 : β‰  0,
{ rw [ne.def, multiset.prod_eq_zero_iff],
simp only [exists_prop, id.def, exists_eq_right],
intro con,
apply not_irreducible_zero (irreducible_of_normalized_factor 0
(multiset.mem_dedup.1 (multiset.mem_of_le hs con))) },
rw (normalized_factors_prod h0).symm.dvd_iff_dvd_right,
refine ⟨⟨multiset.prod_dvd_prod_of_le (le_trans hs (multiset.dedup_le _)), h0⟩, _⟩,
have h := unique_factorization_monoid.factors_unique irreducible_of_normalized_factor
(Ξ» x hx, irreducible_of_normalized_factor x (multiset.mem_of_le
(le_trans hs (multiset.dedup_le _)) hx)) (normalized_factors_prod hs0),
rw [associated_eq_eq, multiset.rel_eq] at h,
rw [unique_factorization_monoid.squarefree_iff_nodup_normalized_factors hs0, h],
apply s.nodup } },
{ intros x hx y hy h,
rw [← finset.val_inj, ← multiset.rel_eq, ← associated_eq_eq],
rw [← finset.mem_def, finset.mem_powerset] at hx hy,
apply unique_factorization_monoid.factors_unique _ _ (associated_iff_eq.2 h),
{ intros z hz,
apply irreducible_of_normalized_factor z,
rw ← multiset.mem_to_finset,
apply hx hz },
{ intros z hz,
apply irreducible_of_normalized_factor z,
rw ← multiset.mem_to_finset,
apply hy hz } }
open_locale big_operators
lemma sum_divisors_filter_squarefree {n : β„•} (h0 : n β‰  0)
{Ξ± : Type*} [add_comm_monoid Ξ±] {f : β„• β†’ Ξ±} :
βˆ‘ i in (n.divisors.filter squarefree), f i =
βˆ‘ i in (unique_factorization_monoid.normalized_factors n).to_finset.powerset, f ( :=
by rw [finset.sum_eq_multiset_sum, divisors_filter_squarefree h0, multiset.map_map,
lemma sq_mul_squarefree_of_pos {n : β„•} (hn : 0 < n) :
βˆƒ a b : β„•, 0 < a ∧ 0 < b ∧ b ^ 2 * a = n ∧ squarefree a :=
let S := {s ∈ finset.range (n + 1) | s ∣ n ∧ βˆƒ x, s = x ^ 2},
have hSne : S.nonempty,
{ use 1,
have h1 : 0 < n ∧ βˆƒ (x : β„•), 1 = x ^ 2 := ⟨hn, ⟨1, (one_pow 2).symm⟩⟩,
simpa [S] },
let s := finset.max' S hSne,
have hs : s ∈ S := finset.max'_mem S hSne,
simp only [finset.sep_def, S, finset.mem_filter, finset.mem_range] at hs,
obtain ⟨hsn1, ⟨a, hsa⟩, ⟨b, hsb⟩⟩ := hs,
rw hsa at hn,
obtain ⟨hlts, hlta⟩ := hn,
rw hsb at hsa hn hlts,
refine ⟨a, b, hlta, (pow_pos_iff zero_lt_two).mp hlts, hsa.symm, _⟩,
rintro x ⟨y, hy⟩,
rw nat.is_unit_iff,
by_contra hx,
refine lt_le_antisymm _ (finset.le_max' S ((b * x) ^ 2) _),
{ simp_rw [S, hsa, finset.sep_def, finset.mem_filter, finset.mem_range],
refine ⟨lt_succ_iff.mpr (le_of_dvd hn _), _, ⟨b * x, rfl⟩⟩; use y; rw hy; ring },
{ convert lt_mul_of_one_lt_right hlts
(one_lt_pow 2 x zero_lt_two (one_lt_iff_ne_zero_and_ne_one.mpr ⟨λ h, by simp * at *, hx⟩)),
rw mul_pow },
lemma sq_mul_squarefree_of_pos' {n : β„•} (h : 0 < n) :
βˆƒ a b : β„•, (b + 1) ^ 2 * (a + 1) = n ∧ squarefree (a + 1) :=
obtain ⟨a₁, b₁, ha₁, hb₁, hab₁, habβ‚‚βŸ© := sq_mul_squarefree_of_pos h,
refine ⟨a₁.pred, b₁.pred, _, _⟩;
simpa only [add_one, succ_pred_eq_of_pos, ha₁, hb₁],
lemma sq_mul_squarefree (n : β„•) : βˆƒ a b : β„•, b ^ 2 * a = n ∧ squarefree a :=
cases n,
{ exact ⟨1, 0, (by simp), squarefree_one⟩ },
{ obtain ⟨a, b, -, -, h₁, hβ‚‚βŸ© := sq_mul_squarefree_of_pos (succ_pos n),
exact ⟨a, b, h₁, hβ‚‚βŸ© },
/-- `squarefree` is multiplicative. Note that the β†’ direction does not require `hmn`
and generalizes to arbitrary commutative monoids. See `squarefree.of_mul_left` and
`squarefree.of_mul_right` above for auxiliary lemmas. -/
lemma squarefree_mul {m n : β„•} (hmn : m.coprime n) :
squarefree (m * n) ↔ squarefree m ∧ squarefree n :=
simp only [squarefree_iff_prime_squarefree, ←sq, ←forall_and_distrib],
refine ball_congr (Ξ» p hp, _),
simp only [hmn.is_prime_pow_dvd_mul (hp.is_prime_pow.pow two_ne_zero), not_or_distrib],
end nat
/-! ### Square-free prover -/
open norm_num
namespace tactic
namespace norm_num
/-- A predicate representing partial progress in a proof of `squarefree`. -/
def squarefree_helper (n k : β„•) : Prop :=
0 < k β†’ (βˆ€ m, m β†’ m ∣ bit1 n β†’ bit1 k ≀ m) β†’ squarefree (bit1 n)
lemma squarefree_bit10 (n : β„•) (h : squarefree_helper n 1) :
squarefree (bit0 (bit1 n)) :=
refine @nat.min_sq_fac_prop_div _ _ nat.prime_two two_dvd_bit0 _ none _,
{ rw [bit0_eq_two_mul (bit1 n), mul_dvd_mul_iff_left (@two_ne_zero β„• _ _)],
exact nat.not_two_dvd_bit1 _ },
{ rw [bit0_eq_two_mul, nat.mul_div_right _ (dec_trivial:0<2)],
refine h dec_trivial (Ξ» p pp dp, nat.succ_le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne pp.two_le _)),
rintro rfl, exact nat.not_two_dvd_bit1 _ dp }
lemma squarefree_bit1 (n : β„•) (h : squarefree_helper n 1) :
squarefree (bit1 n) :=
refine h dec_trivial (Ξ» p pp dp, nat.succ_le_of_lt (lt_of_le_of_ne pp.two_le _)),
rintro rfl, exact nat.not_two_dvd_bit1 _ dp
lemma squarefree_helper_0 {k} (k0 : 0 < k)
{p : β„•} (pp : p) (h : bit1 k ≀ p) : bit1 (k + 1) ≀ p ∨ bit1 k = p :=
rcases lt_or_eq_of_le h with (hp:_+1≀_) | hp,
{ rw [bit1, bit0_eq_two_mul] at hp, change 2*(_+1) ≀ _ at hp,
rw [bit1, bit0_eq_two_mul],
refine or.inl (lt_of_le_of_ne hp _), unfreezingI { rintro rfl },
exact nat.not_prime_mul dec_trivial (lt_add_of_pos_left _ k0) pp },
{ exact or.inr hp }
lemma squarefree_helper_1 (n k k' : β„•) (e : k + 1 = k')
(hk : (bit1 k) β†’ Β¬ bit1 k ∣ bit1 n)
(H : squarefree_helper n k') : squarefree_helper n k :=
Ξ» k0 ih, begin
subst e,
refine H (nat.succ_pos _) (Ξ» p pp dp, _),
refine (squarefree_helper_0 k0 pp (ih p pp dp)).resolve_right (Ξ» hp, _),
subst hp, cases hk pp dp
lemma squarefree_helper_2 (n k k' c : β„•) (e : k + 1 = k')
(hc : bit1 n % bit1 k = c) (c0 : 0 < c)
(h : squarefree_helper n k') : squarefree_helper n k :=
refine squarefree_helper_1 _ _ _ e (Ξ» _, _) h,
refine mt _ (ne_of_gt c0), intro e₁,
rwa [← hc, ← nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero],
lemma squarefree_helper_3 (n n' k k' c : β„•) (e : k + 1 = k')
(hn' : bit1 n' * bit1 k = bit1 n)
(hc : bit1 n' % bit1 k = c) (c0 : 0 < c)
(H : squarefree_helper n' k') : squarefree_helper n k :=
Ξ» k0 ih, begin
subst e,
have k0' : 0 < bit1 k := bit1_pos (nat.zero_le _),
have dn' : bit1 n' ∣ bit1 n := ⟨_, hn'.symm⟩,
have dk : bit1 k ∣ bit1 n := ⟨_, ((mul_comm _ _).trans hn').symm⟩,
have : bit1 n / bit1 k = bit1 n',
{ rw [← hn', nat.mul_div_cancel _ k0'] },
have k2 : 2 ≀ bit1 k := nat.succ_le_succ (bit0_pos k0),
have pk : (bit1 k).prime,
{ refine nat.prime_def_min_fac.2 ⟨k2, le_antisymm (nat.min_fac_le k0') _⟩,
exact ih _ (nat.min_fac_prime (ne_of_gt k2)) (dvd_trans (nat.min_fac_dvd _) dk) },
have dkk' : ¬ bit1 k ∣ bit1 n', {rw [nat.dvd_iff_mod_eq_zero, hc], exact ne_of_gt c0},
have dkk : Β¬ bit1 k * bit1 k ∣ bit1 n, {rwa [← nat.dvd_div_iff dk, this]},
refine @nat.min_sq_fac_prop_div _ _ pk dk dkk none _,
rw this, refine H (nat.succ_pos _) (Ξ» p pp dp, _),
refine (squarefree_helper_0 k0 pp (ih p pp $ dvd_trans dp dn')).resolve_right (Ξ» e, _),
subst e, contradiction
lemma squarefree_helper_4 (n k k' : β„•) (e : bit1 k * bit1 k = k')
(hd : bit1 n < k') : squarefree_helper n k :=
cases nat.eq_zero_or_pos n with h h,
{ subst n, exact Ξ» _ _, squarefree_one },
subst e,
refine λ k0 ih, irreducible.squarefree (nat.prime_def_le_sqrt.2 ⟨bit1_lt_bit1.2 h, _⟩),
intros m m2 hm md,
obtain ⟨p, pp, hp⟩ := nat.exists_prime_and_dvd (ne_of_gt m2),
have := (ih p pp (dvd_trans hp md)).trans
(le_trans (nat.le_of_dvd (lt_of_lt_of_le dec_trivial m2) hp) hm),
rw nat.le_sqrt at this,
exact not_le_of_lt hd this
lemma not_squarefree_mul (a aa b n : β„•) (ha : a * a = aa) (hb : aa * b = n)
(h₁ : 1 < a) : Β¬ squarefree n :=
by { rw [← hb, ← ha], exact Ξ» H, ne_of_gt h₁ (nat.is_unit_iff.1 $ H _ ⟨_, rfl⟩) }
/-- Given `e` a natural numeral and `a : nat` with `a^2 ∣ n`, return `⊒ ¬ squarefree e`. -/
meta def prove_non_squarefree (e : expr) (n a : β„•) : tactic expr := do
let ea := reflect a,
let eaa := reflect (a*a),
c ← mk_instance_cache `(nat),
(c, p₁) ← prove_lt_nat c `(1) ea,
let b := n / (a*a), let eb := reflect b,
(c, eaa, pa) ← prove_mul_nat c ea ea,
(c, e', pb) ← prove_mul_nat c eaa eb,
guard (e' =ₐ e),
return $ `(@not_squarefree_mul).mk_app [ea, eaa, eb, e, pa, pb, p₁]
/-- Given `en`,`en1 := bit1 en`, `n1` the value of `en1`, `ek`,
returns `⊒ squarefree_helper en ek`. -/
meta def prove_squarefree_aux : βˆ€ (ic : instance_cache) (en en1 : expr) (n1 : β„•)
(ek : expr) (k : β„•), tactic expr
| ic en en1 n1 ek k := do
let k1 := bit1 k,
let ek1 := `(bit1:β„•β†’β„•).mk_app [ek],
if n1 < k1*k1 then do
(ic, ek', p₁) ← prove_mul_nat ic ek1 ek1,
(ic, pβ‚‚) ← prove_lt_nat ic en1 ek',
pure $ `(squarefree_helper_4).mk_app [en, ek, ek', p₁, pβ‚‚]
else do
let c := n1 % k1,
let k' := k+1, let ek' := reflect k',
(ic, p₁) ← prove_succ ic ek ek',
if c = 0 then do
let n1' := n1 / k1,
let n' := n1' / 2, let en' := reflect n',
let en1' := `(bit1:β„•β†’β„•).mk_app [en'],
(ic, _, pn') ← prove_mul_nat ic en1' ek1,
let c := n1' % k1,
guard (c β‰  0),
(ic, ec, pc) ← prove_div_mod ic en1' ek1 tt,
(ic, pβ‚€) ← prove_pos ic ec,
pβ‚‚ ← prove_squarefree_aux ic en' en1' n1' ek' k',
pure $ `(squarefree_helper_3).mk_app [en, en', ek, ek', ec, p₁, pn', pc, pβ‚€, pβ‚‚]
else do
(ic, ec, pc) ← prove_div_mod ic en1 ek1 tt,
(ic, pβ‚€) ← prove_pos ic ec,
pβ‚‚ ← prove_squarefree_aux ic en en1 n1 ek' k',
pure $ `(squarefree_helper_2).mk_app [en, ek, ek', ec, p₁, pc, pβ‚€, pβ‚‚]
/-- Given `n > 0` a squarefree natural numeral, returns `⊒ squarefree n`. -/
meta def prove_squarefree (en : expr) (n : β„•) : tactic expr :=
match match_numeral en with
| := pure `(@squarefree_one β„• _)
| match_numeral_result.bit0 en1 := match match_numeral en1 with
| := pure `(nat.squarefree_two)
| match_numeral_result.bit1 en := do
ic ← mk_instance_cache `(β„•),
p ← prove_squarefree_aux ic en en1 (n / 2) `(1:β„•) 1,
pure $ `(squarefree_bit10).mk_app [en, p]
| _ := failed
| match_numeral_result.bit1 en' := do
ic ← mk_instance_cache `(β„•),
p ← prove_squarefree_aux ic en' en n `(1:β„•) 1,
pure $ `(squarefree_bit1).mk_app [en', p]
| _ := failed
/-- Evaluates the `squarefree` predicate on naturals. -/
@[norm_num] meta def eval_squarefree : expr β†’ tactic (expr Γ— expr)
| `(squarefree (%%e : β„•)) := do
n ← e.to_nat,
match n with
| 0 := false_intro `(@not_squarefree_zero β„• _ _)
| 1 := true_intro `(@squarefree_one β„• _)
| _ := match n.min_sq_fac with
| some d := prove_non_squarefree e n d >>= false_intro
| none := prove_squarefree e n >>= true_intro
| _ := failed
end norm_num
end tactic