Zhangir Azerbayev
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Copyright (c) 2022 Yaël Dillies. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yaël Dillies
import data.fintype.basic
import order.upper_lower
# Intersecting families
This file defines intersecting families and proves their basic properties.
## Main declarations
* `set.intersecting`: Predicate for a set of elements in a generalized boolean algebra to be an
intersecting family.
* `set.intersecting.card_le`: An intersecting family can only take up to half the elements, because
`a` and `aᶜ` cannot simultaneously be in it.
* `set.intersecting.is_max_iff_card_eq`: Any maximal intersecting family takes up half the elements.
## References
* [D. J. Kleitman, *Families of non-disjoint subsets*][kleitman1966]
open finset
variables {α : Type*}
namespace set
section semilattice_inf
variables [semilattice_inf α] [order_bot α] {s t : set α} {a b c : α}
/-- A set family is intersecting if every pair of elements is non-disjoint. -/
def intersecting (s : set α) : Prop := ∀ ⦃a⦄, a ∈ s → ∀ ⦃b⦄, b ∈ s → ¬ disjoint a b
@[mono] lemma intersecting.mono (h : t ⊆ s) (hs : s.intersecting) : t.intersecting :=
λ a ha b hb, hs (h ha) (h hb)
lemma intersecting.not_bot_mem (hs : s.intersecting) : ⊥ ∉ s := λ h, hs h h disjoint_bot_left
lemma intersecting.ne_bot (hs : s.intersecting) (ha : a ∈ s) : a ≠ ⊥ :=
ne_of_mem_of_not_mem ha hs.not_bot_mem
lemma intersecting_empty : (∅ : set α).intersecting := λ _, false.elim
@[simp] lemma intersecting_singleton : ({a} : set α).intersecting ↔ a ≠ ⊥ := by simp [intersecting]
lemma intersecting.insert (hs : s.intersecting) (ha : a ≠ ⊥) (h : ∀ b ∈ s, ¬ disjoint a b) :
(insert a s).intersecting :=
rintro b (rfl | hb) c (rfl | hc),
{ rwa disjoint_self },
{ exact h _ hc },
{ exact λ H, h _ hb H.symm },
{ exact hs hb hc }
lemma intersecting_insert :
(insert a s).intersecting ↔ s.intersecting ∧ a ≠ ⊥ ∧ ∀ b ∈ s, ¬ disjoint a b :=
⟨λ h, ⟨h.mono $ subset_insert _ _, h.ne_bot $ mem_insert _ _,
λ b hb, h (mem_insert _ _) $ mem_insert_of_mem _ hb⟩, λ h, h.1.insert h.2.1 h.2.2
lemma intersecting_iff_pairwise_not_disjoint :
s.intersecting ↔ s.pairwise (λ a b, ¬ disjoint a b) ∧ s ≠ {⊥} :=
refine ⟨λ h, ⟨λ a ha b hb _, h ha hb, _⟩, λ h a ha b hb hab, _⟩,
{ rintro rfl,
exact intersecting_singleton.1 h rfl },
{ have := h.1.eq ha hb (not_not.2 hab),
rw [this, disjoint_self] at hab,
rw hab at hb,
exact h.2 (eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem.2
⟨hb, λ c hc, not_ne_iff.1 $ λ H, h.1 hb hc H.symm disjoint_bot_left⟩) }
protected lemma subsingleton.intersecting (hs : s.subsingleton) : s.intersecting ↔ s ≠ {⊥} :=
intersecting_iff_pairwise_not_disjoint.trans $ and_iff_right $ hs.pairwise _
lemma intersecting_iff_eq_empty_of_subsingleton [subsingleton α] (s : set α) :
s.intersecting ↔ s = ∅ :=
refine subsingleton_of_subsingleton.intersecting.trans
⟨not_imp_comm.2 $ λ h, subsingleton_of_subsingleton.eq_singleton_of_mem _, _⟩,
{ obtain ⟨a, ha⟩ := ne_empty_iff_nonempty.1 h,
rwa subsingleton.elim ⊥ a },
{ rintro rfl,
exact (set.singleton_nonempty _).ne_empty.symm }
/-- Maximal intersecting families are upper sets. -/
protected lemma intersecting.is_upper_set (hs : s.intersecting)
(h : ∀ t : set α, t.intersecting → s ⊆ t → s = t) :
is_upper_set s :=
rintro a b hab ha,
rw h (insert b s) _ (subset_insert _ _),
{ exact mem_insert _ _ },
exact hs.insert (mt (eq_bot_mono hab) $ hs.ne_bot ha)
(λ c hc hbc, hs ha hc $ hbc.mono_left hab),
/-- Maximal intersecting families are upper sets. Finset version. -/
lemma intersecting.is_upper_set' {s : finset α} (hs : (s : set α).intersecting)
(h : ∀ t : finset α, (t : set α).intersecting → s ⊆ t → s = t) :
is_upper_set (s : set α) :=
rintro a b hab ha,
rw h (insert b s) _ (finset.subset_insert _ _),
{ exact mem_insert_self _ _ },
rw coe_insert,
exact hs.insert (mt (eq_bot_mono hab) $ hs.ne_bot ha)
(λ c hc hbc, hs ha hc $ hbc.mono_left hab),
end semilattice_inf
lemma intersecting.exists_mem_set {𝒜 : set (set α)} (h𝒜 : 𝒜.intersecting) {s t : set α}
(hs : s ∈ 𝒜) (ht : t ∈ 𝒜) : ∃ a, a ∈ s ∧ a ∈ t :=
not_disjoint_iff.1 $ h𝒜 hs ht
lemma intersecting.exists_mem_finset [decidable_eq α] {𝒜 : set (finset α)} (h𝒜 : 𝒜.intersecting)
{s t : finset α} (hs : s ∈ 𝒜) (ht : t ∈ 𝒜) : ∃ a, a ∈ s ∧ a ∈ t :=
not_disjoint_iff.1 $ disjoint_coe.not.2 $ h𝒜 hs ht
variables [boolean_algebra α]
lemma intersecting.not_compl_mem {s : set α} (hs : s.intersecting) {a : α} (ha : a ∈ s) : aᶜ ∉ s :=
λ h, hs ha h disjoint_compl_right
lemma intersecting.not_mem {s : set α} (hs : s.intersecting) {a : α} (ha : aᶜ ∈ s) : a ∉ s :=
λ h, hs ha h disjoint_compl_left
variables [fintype α] {s : finset α}
lemma intersecting.card_le (hs : (s : set α).intersecting) : 2 * s.card ≤ fintype.card α :=
refine (s ∪ s.map ⟨compl, compl_injective⟩).card_le_univ.trans_eq' _,
rw [two_mul, card_union_eq, card_map],
rintro x hx,
rw [finset.inf_eq_inter, finset.mem_inter, mem_map] at hx,
obtain ⟨x, hx', rfl⟩ := hx.2,
exact hs.not_compl_mem hx' hx.1,
variables [nontrivial α]
-- Note, this lemma is false when `α` has exactly one element and boring when `α` is empty.
lemma intersecting.is_max_iff_card_eq (hs : (s : set α).intersecting) :
(∀ t : finset α, (t : set α).intersecting → s ⊆ t → s = t) ↔ 2 * s.card = fintype.card α :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h t ht hst, finset.eq_of_subset_of_card_le hst $
le_of_mul_le_mul_left (ht.card_le.trans_eq h.symm) two_pos⟩,
suffices : s ∪ s.map ⟨compl, compl_injective⟩ = finset.univ,
{ rw [fintype.card, ←this, two_mul, card_union_eq, card_map],
rintro x hx,
rw [finset.inf_eq_inter, finset.mem_inter, mem_map] at hx,
obtain ⟨x, hx', rfl⟩ := hx.2,
exact hs.not_compl_mem hx' hx.1 },
rw [←coe_eq_univ, coe_union, coe_map, function.embedding.coe_fn_mk,
image_eq_preimage_of_inverse compl_compl compl_compl],
refine eq_univ_of_forall (λ a, _),
simp_rw [mem_union, mem_preimage],
by_contra' ha,
refine s.ne_insert_of_not_mem _ ha.1 (h _ _ $ s.subset_insert _),
rw coe_insert,
refine hs.insert _ (λ b hb hab, ha.2 $ (hs.is_upper_set' h) hab.le_compl_left hb),
rintro rfl,
have := h {⊤} (by { rw coe_singleton, exact intersecting_singleton.2 top_ne_bot }),
rw compl_bot at ha,
rw coe_eq_empty.1 ((hs.is_upper_set' h).not_top_mem.1 ha.2) at this,
exact singleton_ne_empty _ (this $ empty_subset _).symm,
lemma intersecting.exists_card_eq (hs : (s : set α).intersecting) :
∃ t, s ⊆ t ∧ 2 * t.card = fintype.card α ∧ (t : set α).intersecting :=
have := hs.card_le,
rw [mul_comm, ←nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' two_pos] at this,
revert hs,
refine s.strong_downward_induction_on _ this,
rintro s ih hcard hs,
by_cases ∀ t : finset α, (t : set α).intersecting → s ⊆ t → s = t,
{ exact ⟨s, subset.rfl, hs.is_max_iff_card_eq.1 h, hs⟩ },
push_neg at h,
obtain ⟨t, ht, hst⟩ := h,
refine (ih _ (_root_.ssubset_iff_subset_ne.2 hst) ht).imp (λ u, and.imp_left hst.1.trans),
rw [nat.le_div_iff_mul_le' two_pos, mul_comm],
exact ht.card_le,
end set