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Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Kappelmann. All rights reserved. | |
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE. | |
Authors: Kevin Kappelmann | |
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import algebra.order.floor | |
import algebra.continued_fractions.basic | |
import algebra.order.field | |
/-! | |
# Computable Continued Fractions | |
## Summary | |
We formalise the standard computation of (regular) continued fractions for linear ordered floor | |
fields. The algorithm is rather simple. Here is an outline of the procedure adapted from Wikipedia: | |
Take a value `v`. We call `⌊v⌋` the *integer part* of `v` and `v - ⌊v⌋` the *fractional part* of | |
`v`. A continued fraction representation of `v` can then be given by `[⌊v⌋; b₀, b₁, b₂,...]`, where | |
`[b₀; b₁, b₂,...]` recursively is the continued fraction representation of `1 / (v - ⌊v⌋)`. This | |
process stops when the fractional part hits 0. | |
In other words: to calculate a continued fraction representation of a number `v`, write down the | |
integer part (i.e. the floor) of `v`. Subtract this integer part from `v`. If the difference is 0, | |
stop; otherwise find the reciprocal of the difference and repeat. The procedure will terminate if | |
and only if `v` is rational. | |
For an example, refer to ``. | |
## Main definitions | |
- ``: computes the stream of integer and | |
fractional parts of a given value as described in the summary. | |
- `generalized_continued_fraction.of`: computes the generalised continued fraction of a value `v`. | |
In fact, it computes a regular continued fraction that terminates if and only if `v` is rational | |
(those proofs will be added in a future commit). | |
## Implementation Notes | |
There is an intermediate definition `generalized_continued_fraction.int_fract_pair.seq1` between | |
`` and `generalized_continued_fraction.of` | |
to wire up things. User should not (need to) directly interact with it. | |
The computation of the integer and fractional pairs of a value can elegantly be | |
captured by a recursive computation of a stream of option pairs. This is done in | |
``. However, the type then does not guarantee the first pair to always be | |
`some` value, as expected by a continued fraction. | |
To separate concerns, we first compute a single head term that always exists in | |
`generalized_continued_fraction.int_fract_pair.seq1` followed by the remaining stream of option | |
pairs. This sequence with a head term (`seq1`) is then transformed to a generalized continued | |
fraction in `generalized_continued_fraction.of` by extracting the wanted integer parts of the | |
head term and the stream. | |
## References | |
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## Tags | |
numerics, number theory, approximations, fractions | |
-/ | |
namespace generalized_continued_fraction | |
-- Fix a carrier `K`. | |
variable (K : Type*) | |
/-- | |
We collect an integer part `b = ⌊v⌋` and fractional part `fr = v - ⌊v⌋` of a value `v` in a pair | |
`⟨b, fr⟩`. | |
-/ | |
structure int_fract_pair := (b : ℤ) (fr : K) | |
variable {K} | |
/-! Interlude: define some expected coercions and instances. -/ | |
namespace int_fract_pair | |
/-- Make an `int_fract_pair` printable. -/ | |
instance [has_repr K] : has_repr (int_fract_pair K) := | |
⟨λ p, "(b : " ++ (repr p.b) ++ ", fract : " ++ (repr ++ ")"⟩ | |
instance inhabited [inhabited K] : inhabited (int_fract_pair K) := ⟨⟨0, default⟩⟩ | |
/-- | |
Maps a function `f` on the fractional components of a given pair. | |
-/ | |
def mapFr {β : Type*} (f : K → β) (gp : int_fract_pair K) : int_fract_pair β := | |
⟨gp.b, f⟩ | |
section coe | |
/-! Interlude: define some expected coercions. -/ | |
/- Fix another type `β` which we will convert to. -/ | |
variables {β : Type*} [has_coe K β] | |
/-- Coerce a pair by coercing the fractional component. -/ | |
instance has_coe_to_int_fract_pair : has_coe (int_fract_pair K) (int_fract_pair β) := | |
⟨mapFr coe⟩ | |
@[simp, norm_cast] | |
lemma coe_to_int_fract_pair {b : ℤ} {fr : K} : | |
(↑( b fr) : int_fract_pair β) = b (↑fr : β) := | |
rfl | |
end coe | |
-- Note: this could be relaxed to something like `linear_ordered_division_ring` in the | |
-- future. | |
/- Fix a discrete linear ordered field with `floor` function. -/ | |
variables [linear_ordered_field K] [floor_ring K] | |
/-- Creates the integer and fractional part of a value `v`, i.e. `⟨⌊v⌋, v - ⌊v⌋⟩`. -/ | |
protected def of (v : K) : int_fract_pair K := ⟨⌊v⌋, int.fract v⟩ | |
/-- | |
Creates the stream of integer and fractional parts of a value `v` needed to obtain the continued | |
fraction representation of `v` in `generalized_continued_fraction.of`. More precisely, given a value | |
`v : K`, it recursively computes a stream of option `ℤ × K` pairs as follows: | |
- `stream v 0 = some ⟨⌊v⌋, v - ⌊v⌋⟩` | |
- `stream v (n + 1) = some ⟨⌊frₙ⁻¹⌋, frₙ⁻¹ - ⌊frₙ⁻¹⌋⟩`, | |
if `stream v n = some ⟨_, frₙ⟩` and `frₙ ≠ 0` | |
- `stream v (n + 1) = none`, otherwise | |
For example, let `(v : ℚ) := 3.4`. The process goes as follows: | |
- `stream v 0 = some ⟨⌊v⌋, v - ⌊v⌋⟩ = some ⟨3, 0.4⟩` | |
- `stream v 1 = some ⟨⌊0.4⁻¹⌋, 0.4⁻¹ - ⌊0.4⁻¹⌋⟩ = some ⟨⌊2.5⌋, 2.5 - ⌊2.5⌋⟩ = some ⟨2, 0.5⟩` | |
- `stream v 2 = some ⟨⌊0.5⁻¹⌋, 0.5⁻¹ - ⌊0.5⁻¹⌋⟩ = some ⟨⌊2⌋, 2 - ⌊2⌋⟩ = some ⟨2, 0⟩` | |
- `stream v n = none`, for `n ≥ 3` | |
-/ | |
protected def stream (v : K) : stream $ option (int_fract_pair K) | |
| 0 := some (int_fract_pair.of v) | |
| (n + 1) := do ap_n ← stream n, | |
if = 0 then none else int_fract_pair.of⁻¹ | |
/-- | |
Shows that `` has the sequence property, that is once we return `none` at | |
position `n`, we also return `none` at `n + 1`. | |
-/ | |
lemma stream_is_seq (v : K) : ( v).is_seq := | |
by { assume _ hyp, simp [, hyp] } | |
/-- | |
Uses `` to create a sequence with head (i.e. `seq1`) of integer and fractional | |
parts of a value `v`. The first value of `` is never `none`, so we can safely | |
extract it and put the tail of the stream in the sequence part. | |
This is just an intermediate representation and users should not (need to) directly interact with | |
it. The setup of rewriting/simplification lemmas that make the definitions easy to use is done in | |
`algebra.continued_fractions.computation.translations`. | |
-/ | |
protected def seq1 (v : K) : seq1 $ int_fract_pair K := | |
⟨ int_fract_pair.of v,--the head | |
seq.tail -- take the tail of `` since the first element is already in the | |
-- head create a sequence from `` | |
⟨ v, -- the underlying stream | |
@stream_is_seq _ _ _ v ⟩ ⟩ -- the proof that the stream is a sequence | |
end int_fract_pair | |
/-- | |
Returns the `generalized_continued_fraction` of a value. In fact, the returned gcf is also | |
a `continued_fraction` that terminates if and only if `v` is rational (those proofs will be | |
added in a future commit). | |
The continued fraction representation of `v` is given by `[⌊v⌋; b₀, b₁, b₂,...]`, where | |
`[b₀; b₁, b₂,...]` recursively is the continued fraction representation of `1 / (v - ⌊v⌋)`. This | |
process stops when the fractional part `v - ⌊v⌋` hits 0 at some step. | |
The implementation uses `` to obtain the partial denominators of the continued | |
fraction. Refer to said function for more details about the computation process. | |
-/ | |
protected def of [linear_ordered_field K] [floor_ring K] (v : K) : | |
generalized_continued_fraction K := | |
let ⟨h, s⟩ := int_fract_pair.seq1 v in -- get the sequence of integer and fractional parts. | |
⟨ h.b, -- the head is just the first integer part | | (λ p, ⟨1, p.b⟩) ⟩ -- the sequence consists of the remaining integer parts as the partial | |
-- denominators; all partial numerators are simply 1 | |
end generalized_continued_fraction | |