
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
7.82 kB
import analysis.specific_limits.basic
import system_of_complexes.basic
import locally_constant.Vhat
# A technical lemma
This file has the definition of the completion of a system of
complexes of seminormed groups, and it proves a technical lemma
saying that a system of complexes of seminormed groups is admissible
and weak bounded exact, and if the groups in the complex are complete,
then it's bounded exact (for some slightly different constants).
open finset filter
open_locale nnreal big_operators topological_space
namespace system_of_complexes
universe variables u
noncomputable def completion (C : system_of_complexes) : system_of_complexes :=
C ⋙ SemiNormedGroup.Completion.map_homological_complex _
namespace is_weak_bounded_exact
variables (C C₁ C₂ : system_of_complexes.{u})
variables {k k' K K' : ℝ≥0} {m m' : ℕ} {c₀ c₀' : ℝ≥0}
-- === We don't need the following two lemmas anytime soon
-- lemma controlled_y (hC : C.is_weak_bounded_exact k K m c₀) :
-- ∀ c ≥ c₀, ∀ i < m,
-- ∀ x : C (k^2 * c) (i+1),
-- ∀ (ε > 0) (δ > 0), ∃ y : C c i, ∥res x - C.d _ _ y∥
-- ≤ K * ∥C.d _ (i+1) x∥ + ε ∧ ∥y∥ ≤ K*(K + 1)*∥x∥ + δ :=
-- by admit
-- lemma completion (hC : C.is_weak_bounded_exact k K m c₀) :
-- C.completion.is_weak_bounded_exact (k^2) K m c₀ :=
-- by admit
lemma strong_of_complete [hk : fact (1 ≤ k)]
[∀ c i, separated_space (C c i)]
(hC : C.is_weak_bounded_exact k K m c₀)
(hC' : admissible C) [∀ c i, complete_space (C c i)] :
∀ δ > 0, C.is_bounded_exact (k^2) (K + δ) m c₀ :=
intros δ hδ,
refine (hC.of_le hC' _ ⟨le_rfl⟩ le_rfl ⟨le_rfl⟩).to_exact hδ _,
{ constructor,
calc k = k * 1 : by rw mul_one
... ≤ k * k : mul_le_mul' le_rfl hk.out
... = k ^ 2 : by rw pow_two },
rintros c hc i hi x _ rfl hx,
haveI : fact (k * c ≤ k ^ 2 * c) := by { rw [pow_two, mul_assoc], apply_instance },
haveI : fact (k * (k * c) ≤ k ^ 2 * c) := by { rw [pow_two, mul_assoc], exact ⟨le_rfl⟩ },
-- we need to consider the case `i = 0` separately
obtain (rfl|⟨i,rfl⟩) : i = 0 ∨ ∃ i', i = i' + 1,
{ cases i, { left, refl }, { right, exact ⟨_, rfl⟩ } },
{ refine ⟨0, rfl, 0, _⟩,
rw [map_zero, ← norm_le_zero_iff'],
apply le_of_forall_pos_le_add,
intros γ hγ,
rw zero_add,
obtain ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, y, hy⟩ := hC c ⟨hc⟩ 0 (nat.zero_le m) (res x) γ hγ,
rwa [res_res, d_eq_zero_apply, sub_zero, d_res, hx, map_zero, norm_zero, mul_zero, zero_add] at hy,
dec_trivial },
-- we continue with the case `i + 1`
have hc₀kc : k * c ≥ c₀,
calc c₀ ≤ c : hc
... ≤ 1*c : by rw one_mul
... ≤ k*c : mul_le_mul' hk.out (le_refl _),
let K' := if K = 0 then 1 else K,
have hK' : (0 : ℝ) < K',
{ dsimp [K'],
exact zero_lt_iff.mpr h },
let ε : ℕ → ℝ := λ j, (2⁻¹*2⁻¹ ^ j) / K' / 2,
have ε_pos : ∀ j, 0 < ε j,
{ intro j,
dsimp [ε],
refine div_pos (div_pos (mul_pos _ _) hK') zero_lt_two; norm_num },
have ε_decr : ∀ j, ε (j+1) ≤ ε j,
{ intros j,
dsimp [ε],
apply one_div_le_one_div_of_le;
norm_num [hK', pow_succ],
calc (2 : ℝ)^j = 1*2^j : (one_mul _).symm
... ≤ 2*2^j : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_right one_le_two (pow_nonneg zero_le_two _) },
have seq : ∀ j : ℕ, ∃ w : C (k*c) i, ∥res x - C.d i (i+1) w∥ ≤ ε j,
{ intro j,
specialize hC (k*c) ⟨hc₀kc⟩ _ hi (res x) (ε j) (ε_pos j),
obtain ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, y, hy⟩ := hC,
simp only [d_res, res_res, map_zero, hx, norm_zero, zero_add, mul_zero] at hy,
refine ⟨y, hy⟩ },
choose w hw using seq,
let δ : ℕ → ℝ := λ j, 2⁻¹*2⁻¹ ^ j,
have δ_pos : ∀ j, 0 < δ j, { norm_num [δ] },
have hεδ : ∀ j, (K : ℝ) * (2 * ε j) + δ j ≤ 1 * 2⁻¹ ^ j,
{ intro j,
dsimp [ε, δ],
conv_rhs { congr, rw [show (1 : ℝ) = 2⁻¹ + 2⁻¹, by norm_num] },
rw add_mul (2⁻¹ : ℝ) 2⁻¹,
by_cases hK : K = 0,
{ simp only [hK, div_zero, nnreal.coe_zero, zero_div, zero_add, le_add_iff_nonneg_left, mul_zero, K', if_pos, zero_mul],
apply mul_nonneg,
apply pow_nonneg,
norm_num },
{ apply le_of_eq,
congr' 1,
simp only [K', if_neg hK],
rw [mul_div_cancel' _ (two_ne_zero : (2 : ℝ) ≠ 0),
mul_div_cancel' _ (nnreal.coe_ne_zero.mpr hK)]} },
set i₀ := i - 1 with hi₀,
have seq : ∀ j : ℕ, ∃ z : C c i₀, ∥res (w (j+1) - w j) - C.d i₀ i z∥
≤ K*∥C.d i (i+1) (w (j+1) - w j)∥ + δ j,
{ intro j,
have : i ≤ m, { exact i.le_succ.trans hi },
obtain ⟨i', -, hi', rfl, hy⟩ := hC c ⟨hc⟩ i this (w (j+1) - w j) _ (δ_pos j),
rw [← hi₀] at hi', subst i', exact hy },
choose z hz using seq,
let y : ℕ → C c i := λ j, res (w j) - ∑ l in range j, C.d _ _ (z l),
have cau_y : cauchy_seq y,
{ apply cauchy_seq_of_le_geometric (2⁻¹ : ℝ) 1 (nnreal.two_inv_lt_one),
intros j,
have fact : ∥C.d _ (i+1) (w (j + 1) - w j)∥ ≤ 2*ε j :=
calc ∥C.d _ (i+1) (w (j + 1) - w j)∥
= ∥(C.d _ _ (w (j + 1)) - res x) + (res x - C.d _ _ (w j))∥ : by simp only [sub_add_sub_cancel, _root_.map_sub]
... ≤ ∥C.d _ _ (w (j + 1)) - res x∥ + ∥res x - C.d _ _ (w j)∥ : norm_add_le _ _
... = ∥res x - C.d _ _ (w (j + 1))∥ + ∥res x - C.d _ _ (w j)∥ : by { rw norm_sub_rev }
... ≤ ε (j+1) + ε j : add_le_add (hw $ j+1) (hw j)
... ≤ 2*ε j : by linarith [ε_decr j],
calc dist (y j) (y (j + 1)) = ∥y (j+1) - y j∥ : by rw dist_eq_norm'
... = ∥res (w (j + 1)) - res (w j) - (∑ (l : ℕ) in range (j + 1), C.d _ _ (z l)
- ∑ (l : ℕ) in range j, C.d _ _ (z l))∥ : by { dsimp [y], congr' 1, abel }
... = ∥res (w (j + 1) - (w j)) - C.d _ _ (z j)∥ : by simp [_root_.map_sub, sum_range_succ]
... ≤ K * ∥C.d _ _ (w (j + 1) - w j)∥ + δ j : hz j
... ≤ K * (2* ε j) + δ j : by {apply add_le_add_right, apply mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left fact (nnreal.coe_nonneg K)}
... ≤ 1 * 2⁻¹ ^ j : hεδ j },
have hdyj : ∀ j, C.d _ _ (y j) = res (C.d _ _ $ w j),
{ intro j,
calc C.d _ _ (y j) = C.d _ _ (res (w j) - ∑ l in range j, C.d _ i (z l)) : rfl
... = C.d _ _ (res (w j)) - ∑ l in range j, C.d i (i+1) (C.d _ _ (z l)) : by rw [_root_.map_sub, map_sum]
... = res (C.d _ _ (w j)) : by simp only [d_res, d_d, sum_const_zero, sub_zero] },
have hblop : ∀ j, ∥res x - C.d _ _ (y j)∥ ≤ ε j,
{ intro j,
calc ∥res x - C.d _ _ (y j)∥ = ∥res x - res (C.d _ _ $ w j)∥ : by rw hdyj
... = ∥(res (res x : C (k*c) (i+1)) - res (C.d _ _ $ w j) : C c _)∥ : by { rw C.res_res }
... = ∥res (res x - (C.d _ _ $ w j))∥ : by simp only [_root_.map_sub]
... ≤ ∥res x - C.d _ _ (w j)∥ : by apply hC'.res_norm_noninc
... ≤ ε j : hw _},
rcases cauchy_seq_tendsto_of_complete cau_y with ⟨y₀, hy₀⟩,
refine ⟨_, rfl, y₀, _⟩,
refine sub_eq_zero.1 (norm_le_zero_iff'.1 _),
have lim_norm : tendsto (λ j, ∥res x - C.d _ _ (y j)∥) at_top (𝓝 ∥res x - C.d _ _ y₀∥),
{ have cont : continuous (λ y : C c i, ∥res x - C.d _ _ y∥),
from continuous_norm.comp (continuous_const.sub $ normed_add_group_hom.continuous _),
exact (cont.tendsto y₀).comp hy₀ },
have lim_ε : tendsto ε at_top (𝓝 0),
{ rw show (0 : ℝ) = (2⁻¹*0)/K'/2, by norm_num,
refine (tendsto.const_mul 2⁻¹ (tendsto_pow_at_top_nhds_0_of_lt_1 _ _)).div_const.div_const;
norm_num },
exact le_of_tendsto_of_tendsto' lim_norm lim_ε hblop,
end is_weak_bounded_exact
end system_of_complexes