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\chapter{Regularity, differentials, and smoothness} | |
In this chapter, we shall introduce two notions. First, we shall discuss | |
\emph{regular} local rings. On varieties over an algebraically closed field, | |
regularity corresponds to nonsingularity of the variety at that point. | |
(Over non-algebraically closed fields, the connection is more subtle.) This | |
will be a continuation of the local algebra done earlier in the chapter | |
\cref{chdimension} | |
on dimension theory. | |
We shall next introduce the module of \emph{K\"ahler differentials} of a | |
morphism of rings $A \to B$, which itself can measure smoothness (though this | |
connection will not be fully elucidated until a later chapter). | |
The module of K\"ahler differentials is the algebraic analog of the | |
\emph{cotangent bundle} to a manifold, and we will show that for an affine | |
ring, it can be computed very explicitly. For a | |
smooth variety, we will see that this module is \emph{projective}, and hence a | |
good candidate of a vector bundle. | |
Despite the title, we shall actually wait a few chapters before introducing the | |
general theory of smooth morphisms. | |
\section{Regular local rings} | |
We shall start by introducing the concept of a \emph{regular local} ring, which | |
is one where the embedding dimension and Krull dimension coincide. | |
\subsection{Regular local rings} | |
Let $A$ be a local noetherian ring with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m} \subset A$ | |
and residue field $k = A/\mathfrak{m}$. | |
Endow $A$ with the $\mathfrak{m}$-adic topology, so that there is a natural | |
graded $k$-algebra $\gr(A) = \bigoplus \mathfrak{m}^i/\mathfrak{m}^{i+1}$. | |
This is a finitely generated $k$-algebra; indeed, a system of generators for | |
the ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ (considered as elements of | |
$\mathfrak{m}\mathfrak{m}^2$) generates $\gr(A)$ over $k$. | |
As a result, we have a natural surjective map of \emph{graded} $k$-algebras. | |
\begin{equation} \label{reglocringmap} \Sym_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to | |
\gr(A). \end{equation} | |
Here $\Sym$ denotes the \emph{symmetric algebra.} | |
\begin{definition} The local ring $(A, \mathfrak{m})$ is called \textbf{regular} if the above map is | |
an isomorphism, or equivalently if the embedding dimension of $A$ is equal to | |
the Krull dimension. | |
\end{definition} | |
We want to show the ``equivalently'' in the definition is justified. | |
One direction is easy: if \eqref{reglocringmap} is an isomorphism, then | |
$\gr(A)$ is a polynomial ring with $\dim_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$ | |
generators. But the dimension of $A$ was defined in terms of the growth of | |
$\dim_k \mathfrak{m}^i/\mathfrak{m}^{i+1} = (\gr A)_i$. | |
For a polynomial ring on $r$ generators, however, the $i$th graded piece has | |
dimension a degree-$r$ polynomial in $i$ (easy verification). | |
As a result, we get the claim in one direction. | |
However, we still have to show that if the embedding dimension equals the Krull | |
dimension, then \eqref{reglocringmap} is an isomorphism. This will follow from | |
the next lemma. | |
\begin{lemma} If the inequality \[\dim(A) \leq | |
\dim_{k}(\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2)\] | |
is an equality, then \eqref{reglocringmap} is an isomorphism. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Suppose \eqref{reglocringmap} is not an isomorphism. | |
Then there is an element $f \in \Sym_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$ which is | |
not zero and which maps to zero in $\gr(A)$; we can assume $f$ homogeneous, | |
since the map of graded rings is graded. | |
Now the claim is that if $k[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ is a polynomial ring and $f \neq | |
0$ a homogeneous element, then the Hilbert polynomial of $k[x_1, \dots, | |
x_n]/(f)$ is of degree less than $n$. This will easily imply the lemma, since | |
\eqref{reglocringmap} is always a surjection, and because $\Sym_k | |
\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$'s Hilbert polynomial is of degree $\dim_{k} | |
\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. | |
Now if $\deg f = d$, then the dimension of $(k[x_1, \dots, x_n]/f)_i$ (where | |
$i$ is a degree) is $\dim (k[x_1, \dots, x_n])_i = \dim (k[x_1, \dots, | |
x_n])_{i-d}$. It follows that if $P$ is the Hilbert polynomial of the | |
polynomial ring, that of the quotient is $P(\cdot) - P(\cdot - d)$, which has a | |
strictly smaller degree. | |
\end{proof} | |
We now would like to establish a few properties of regular local rings. | |
Let $A$ be a local ring and $\hat{A}$ its completion. Then | |
$\dim(A)=\dim(\hat{A})$, because | |
$A/\mathfrak{m}^n=\hat{A}/\hat{\mathfrak{m}}^n$, so the Hilbert functions are | |
the same. Similarly, $\gr(A)=\gr(\hat{A})$. However, by $\hat{A}$ is also a | |
local ring. So applying the above lemma, we see: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A noetherian local ring $A$ is regular if and only if its completion $\hat{A}$ is regular. | |
\end{proposition} | |
Regular local rings are well-behaved. We are eventually going to show that any | |
regular local ring is in fact a unique factorization domain. | |
Right now, we start with a much simpler claim: | |
\begin{proposition} A regular local ring is a domain. | |
\label{reg loc means domain} | |
\label{regdomain} | |
\end{proposition} | |
This is a formal consequence of the fact that $\gr(A)$ is a domain and the | |
filtration on $A$ is Hausdorff. | |
\begin{proof} Let $a,b \neq 0$. Note that $\bigcap \mathfrak{m}^n=0$ by the | |
Krull intersection theorem (\cref{krullint}), so there are $k_1$ and $k_2$ such that | |
$a \in \mathfrak{m}^{k_1} - \mathfrak{m}^{k_1 + 1}$ and $b \in | |
\mathfrak{m}^{k_2} - \mathfrak{m}^{k_2 + 1}$. | |
Let $\overline{a}, \overline{b}$ be the images of $a,b$ in $\gr(A)$ (in | |
degrees $k_1, k_2$); neither is | |
zero. | |
But then $\bar{a}\bar{b} \neq 0 \in \gr(A)$, because $\gr(A)=\Sym(\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2)$ is a domain. So $ab \neq 0$, as desired. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Prove more generally that if $A$ is a filtered ring with a descending | |
filtration of ideals $I_1 \supset I_2 \supset \dots$ such that $\bigcap I_k = | |
0$, and such that the associated graded algebra $\gr(A)$ is a domain, then $A$ | |
is itself a domain. | |
\end{exercise} | |
Later we will prove the aforementioned fact that a regular local ring is a factorial | |
ring. One consequence of | |
that will be the following algebro-geometric fact. Let $X = \spec | |
\mathbb{C}[X_1, \dots, X_n]/I$ for some ideal $I$; so $X$ is basically a subset | |
of $\mathbb{C}^n$ plus some nonclosed points. Then if $X$ is smooth, we find | |
that $\mathbb{C}[X_1, \dots, X_n]/I$ is locally factorial. Indeed, smoothness | |
implies regularity, hence local factoriality. The whole apparatus of Weil and | |
Cartier divisors now kicks in. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Nevertheless, it is possible to prove directly that a regular local ring $(A, | |
\mathfrak{m})$ is | |
\emph{integrally closed.} | |
To do this, we shall use the fact that the associated graded $\gr(A)$ is | |
integrally closed (as a polynomial ring). | |
Here is the argument: | |
\begin{enumerate}[a)] | |
\item Let $C$ be a noetherian domain with quotient field $K$. Then $C$ is integrally closed if and | |
only if for every $x \in K$ such that there exists $d \in A$ with $dx^n \in A$ | |
for all $n$, we have $x \in A$. (In general, this fails for $C$ non-noetherian; | |
then this condition is called being \emph{completely integrally closed}.) | |
\item Let $C$ be a noetherian domain. Suppose on $C$ there is an exhaustive | |
filtration $\left\{C_v\right\}$ (i.e. such that $\bigcap C_v = 0$) and such | |
that $\gr(C)$ is a \emph{completely} integrally closed domain. Suppose further that | |
every principal ideal is closed in the topology on $C$ (i.e., for each | |
principal ideal $I$, we have $I = \bigcap I + C_v$.) Then $C$ is integrally | |
closed too. Indeed: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item Suppose $b/a, a, b \in C$ is such that $(b/a)^n$ is contained in a finitely | |
generated submodule of $K$, say $d^{-1}A$ for some $d \in A$. We need to show | |
that $b \in Ca + C_v$ for all $v$. Write $b = xa + r$ for $r \in C_{w} - | |
C_{w+1}$. We | |
will show that ``$w$'' can be improved to $w+1$ (by changing $x$). | |
To do this, it suffices to write $r \in Ca + C_{w+1}$. | |
\item By hypothesis, $db^n \in Ca^n$ for all $n$. Consequently $dr^n \in Ca^n$ | |
for all $n$. | |
\item Let $\overline{r}$ be the image of $r$ in $\gr(C)$ (in some possibly | |
positive homogeneous degree; choose the unique one such that the image of $r$ | |
is defined and not zero). Choosing $\overline{d}, \overline{a}$ similarly, we | |
get $\overline{d} \overline{r}^n$ lies in the ideal of $\overline{a}^n$ for all | |
$n$. This implies $\overline{r}$ is a multiple of $\overline{a}$. Deduce that | |
$r \in Ca + C_{w+1}$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\item The hypotheses of the previous part apply to a regular local ring, which | |
is thus integrally closed. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
The essential part of this argument is explained in \cite{Bo68}, ch. 5, \S 1.4. | |
The application to regular local rings is mentioned in \cite{EGA}, vol. IV, \S | |
16. | |
\end{exercise} | |
We now give a couple of easy examples. More interesting examples will come in | |
the future. | |
Let $R$ be a noetherian local ring with maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ and | |
residue field $k$. | |
\begin{example} | |
If $\dim(R)=0$, i.e. $R$ is artinian, then $R$ is regular iff the maximal ideal | |
is zero, i.e. if $R$ is a field. | |
Indeed, the requirement for regularity is that $\dim_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 = 0$, or | |
$\mathfrak{m} = 0$ (by Nakayama). This implies that $R$ is a field. | |
\end{example} | |
Recall that $\dim_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$ is the size of the minimal set | |
of generators of the ideal $\mathfrak{m}$, by Nakayama's lemma. As a result, a | |
local ring is regular if and only if the maximal ideal has a set of generators | |
of the appropriate size. This is a refinement of the above remarks. | |
\begin{example} | |
If $\dim(R) =1$, then $R$ is regular iff the maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$ is | |
principal (by the preceding observation). | |
The claim is that this happens if and only if $R$ is a DVR. Certainly a DVR is | |
regular, so only the other direction is interesting. | |
But it is easy to see that a local domain whose maximal ideal is principal is a | |
DVR (i.e. define the valuation of $x$ in terms of the minimal $i$ such that $x | |
\notin \mathfrak{m}^i$). | |
\end{example} | |
We find: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A one-dimensional regular local ring is the same thing as a DVR. | |
\end{proposition} | |
Finally, we extend the notion to general noetherian rings: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A general noetherian ring is called \textbf{regular} if every localization at a | |
maximal ideal is a regular local ring. | |
\end{definition} | |
In fact, it turns out that if a noetherian ring is regular, then so are | |
\emph{all} its localizations. This fact relies on a fact, to be proved in the | |
distant future, that the localization of a regular local ring at a prime ideal is regular. | |
\subsection{Quotients of regular local rings} | |
We now study quotients of regular local rings. | |
In general, if $(A, \mathfrak{m})$ is a regular local ring and $f_1, \dots, f_k \in | |
\mathfrak{m}$, the quotient $A/(f_1, \dots, f_k)$ is far from being regular. | |
For instance, if $k$ is a field and $A$ is $k[x]_{(x)}$ (geometrically, this is | |
the local ring of the affine line at the origin), then $A/x^2 = | |
k[\epsilon]/\epsilon^2$ is not a regular local ring; it is not even a domain. | |
In fact, the local ring of \emph{any} variety at a point is a \emph{quotient} of a | |
regular local ring, and this is because any variety locally sits inside affine | |
space.\footnote{Incidentally, the condition that a noetherian local ring $(A, | |
\mathfrak{m})$ is a | |
quotient of a regular local ring $(B, \mathfrak{n})$ imposes conditions on | |
$A$: for instance, it has to be \emph{catenary.} As a result, one can obtain | |
examples of local rings which cannot be expressed as quotients in this way.} | |
\begin{proposition} | |
If $(A, \mathfrak{m}_A)$ is a regular local ring, and $f \in \mathfrak{m}$ is such that $f \in | |
\mathfrak{m}_A- \mathfrak{m}_A^2$. Then $A'=A/fA$ is also regular of dimension $\dim(A)-1$. | |
\label{reg loc mod f still reg loc} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} First let us show the dimension part of the statement. We know | |
from \cref{dimdropsbyone} that the dimension has to drop precisely by one (since $f$ is a | |
nonzerodivisor on $A$ by \cref{regdomain}). | |
Now we want to show that $A' = A/fA$ is regular. | |
Let $\mathfrak{m}_{A'} = \mathfrak{m}/fA$ be the maximal ideal of $A'$. | |
Then we should show that | |
$\dim_{A'/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}}(\mathfrak{m}_{A'}/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}^2)=\dim(A')$, | |
and it suffices to see that \begin{equation} \label{randombnd} | |
\dim_{A'/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}}(\mathfrak{m}_{A'}/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}^2) \leq | |
\dim_{A/\mathfrak{m}_A}(\mathfrak{m}_{A}/\mathfrak{m}_A^2)-1.\end{equation} | |
In other words, we have to show that the embedding dimension drops by one. | |
Note that the residue fields $k=A/\mathfrak{m}_A, A'/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}$ are | |
naturally isomorphic. | |
To see \eqref{randombnd}, we use the natural surjection of $k$-vector spaces | |
\[ \mathfrak{m}_A/\mathfrak{m}_A^2 \to \mathfrak{m}_{A'}/\mathfrak{m}_{A'}^2. \] | |
Since there is a nontrivial kernel (the class of $f$ is in the kernel), we | |
obtain the inequality \eqref{randombnd}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} \label{quotientreg44} Consider elements $f_1, \ldots f_m$ in $\mathfrak{m}$ such | |
that $\bar{f_1}, \ldots \bar{f_m} \in \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$ are linearly independent. Then $A/(f_1, \ldots f_m)$ is regular with $\dim(A/(f_1, \ldots f_m))=\dim(A)-m$ | |
\label{reg local mod fs still reg loc} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} This follows from \cref{reg loc mod f still reg loc} by induction. One just needs to check that in $A_1=A/(f_1)$, $\mathfrak{m}_1=\mathfrak{m}/(f_1)$, we have that $f_2, \ldots f_m$ are still linearly independent in $\mathfrak{m}_1/\mathfrak{m}_1^2$. This is easy to check. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{remark} | |
In fact, note in the above result that each $f_i$ is a \emph{nonzerodivisor} on $A/(f_1, \dots, | |
f_{i-1})$, because a regular local ring is a domain. We will later say that the | |
$\left\{f_i\right\}$ form a \emph{regular sequence.} | |
\end{remark} | |
We can now obtain a full characterization of when a quotient of a regular local | |
ring is still regular; it essentially states that the above situation is the | |
only possible case. Geometrically, the intuition is that we are analyzing when | |
a subvariety of a smooth variety is smooth; the answer is when the subvariety | |
is cut out by functions with linearly independent images in the maximal ideal | |
mod its square. | |
This corresponds to the following fact: if $M$ is a smooth manifold and $f_1, | |
\dots, f_m$ smooth functions such that the gradients $\left\{df_i\right\}$ are | |
everywhere independent, then the common zero locus of the $\left\{f_i\right\}$ | |
is a smooth submanifold of $M$, and conversely every smooth submanifold of $M$ | |
locally looks like that. | |
\begin{theorem} \label{quotientreg} Let $A_0$ be a regular local ring of dimension $n$, and | |
let $I \subset A_0$ be a proper ideal. Let $A = A_0/I$. | |
Then the following are equivalent | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $A$ is regular. | |
\item There are elements $f_1, \ldots f_m \in I$ such that $\bar{f_1}, \ldots \bar{f_m}$ are linearly independent in $\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}^2$ where $m=n-\dim(A)$ such that $(f_1, \ldots f_m)=I$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\label{reg loc main thm} | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} \textbf{(2) $\Rightarrow$ (1)} This is exactly the statement of | |
\cref{reg local mod fs still reg loc}. | |
\noindent \textbf{(1) $\Rightarrow$ (2)} | |
Let $k$ be the residue field of $A$ (or $A_0$, since $I$ is contained in the | |
maximal ideal). | |
We see that there is an exact sequence | |
\[I \otimes_{A_0} k \to \mathfrak{m}_{A_0}/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}^2 \to \mathfrak{m}_{A}/\mathfrak{m}_{A}^2 \to 0.\] | |
We can obtain this from the exact sequence $I \to A_0 \to A \to 0$ by tensoring | |
with $k$. | |
By assumption $A_0$ and $A$ are regular local, so | |
\[\dim_{A_0/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}}(\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}^2)=\dim(A_0)=n\] | |
and | |
\[\dim_{A_0/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}}(\mathfrak{m}_{A}/\mathfrak{m}_{A}^2)=\dim(A)\] | |
so the image of $I\otimes_{A_0} k$ in $\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}^2$ | |
has dimension $m=n-\dim(A)$. Let $\bar{f}_1, \ldots \bar{f}_m$ be a set of | |
linearly independent generators of the image of $I | |
\otimes_{A_0} k$ in $\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}/\mathfrak{m}_{A_0}^2$, and let $f_1, \ldots f_m$ be liftings to $I$. | |
The claim is that the $\left\{f_i\right\}$ generate $I$. | |
Let $I' \subset A_0$ be the ideal generated by $f_1, \ldots f_m$ and consider | |
$A'=A_0/I'$. Then by \cref{reg local mod fs still reg loc}, we know that $A'$ | |
is a regular local ring with dimension $n-m=\dim(A)$. Also $I' \subset I$ so we | |
have an exact sequence | |
\[0 \to I/I' \to A' \to A \to 0\] | |
But \cref{reg loc means domain}, this means that $A'$ is a domain, and we | |
have just seen that it has the same dimension as $A$. | |
Now if $I/I' \neq 0$, then $A$ would be a proper quotient of $A'$, and hence of | |
a \emph{smaller} dimension (because quotienting by a nonzerodivisor drops the | |
dimension). This contradiction shows that $I = I'$, which means that $I$ is | |
generated by the sequence $\left\{f_i\right\}$ as claimed. | |
\end{proof} | |
So the reason that $k[x]_{(x)}/(x^2)$ was not regular is that $x^2$ vanishes to | |
too high an order: it lies in the square of the maximal ideal. | |
We can motivate the results above further with: | |
\begin{definition} | |
In a regular local ring $(R, \mathfrak{m})$, a \textbf{regular system of | |
parameters} is a minimal system of generators for $\mathfrak{m}$, i.e. elements | |
of $\mathfrak{m}$ that project to a basis of $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. | |
\end{definition} | |
So a quotient of a regular local ring is regular if and only if the ideal is | |
generated by a portion of a system of parameters. | |
\subsection{Regularity and smoothness} | |
\newcommand{\maxspec}{\mathrm{MaxSpec}} | |
We now want to connect the intuition (described in the past) that, in the | |
algebro-geometric context, regularity of a local ring corresponds to smoothness | |
of the associated variety (at that point). | |
Namely, let $R$ be be the (reduced) coordinate ring $ \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]/I$ of an algebraic | |
variety. Let $\mathfrak{m}$ be a maximal ideal corresponding to the origin, | |
so generated by $(x_1, \dots, x_n)$. Suppose $I \subset \mathfrak{m}$, which is | |
to say the origin belongs to the corresponding variety. | |
Then $\maxspec R \subset \spec R$ is the corresponding subvariety of $\mathbb{C}^n$, which is | |
what we apply the intuition to. Note that $0$ is in this subvariety. | |
Then we claim: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
$R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular iff $\maxspec R$ is a smooth submanifold near $0$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We will show that regularity implies smoothness. The other direction is | |
omitted for now. | |
Note that $S = \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is clearly a regular | |
local ring of dimension $n$ ($\mathbb{C}^n$ is smooth, intuitively), and $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is the quotient $S/I$. By | |
\cref{quotientreg}, we have a good criterion for when $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is | |
regular. | |
Namely, it is regular if and only if $I$ is generated by elements (without loss | |
of generality, polynomials) $f_1, \dots, f_k$ whose images in | |
the quotient $\mathfrak{m}_S/\mathfrak{m}_S^2$ (where we write | |
$\mathfrak{m}_S$ to emphasize that this is the maximal ideal of $S$). | |
But we | |
know that this ``cotangent space'' corresponds to cotangent vectors in $\mathbb{C}^n$, and in | |
particular, we can say the following. There are elements $\epsilon_1, \dots, | |
\epsilon_n \in \mathfrak{m}_S/\mathfrak{m}_S^2$ that form a basis for this | |
space (namely, the images of $x_1, \dots, x_n \in \mathfrak{m}_S$). If $f$ is a | |
polynomial vanishing at the origin, then the image of $f$ in | |
$\mathfrak{m}_S/\mathfrak{m}_S^2$ takes only the linear terms---that is, it can | |
be identified with | |
\[ \sum \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}|_{0} \epsilon_i, \] | |
which is essentially the gradient of $f$. | |
It follows that $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular if and only if $I$ is generated | |
(in $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$, so we should really say $IR_{\mathfrak{m}}$) | |
by a family of polynomials vanishing at zero with linearly independent | |
gradients, or if the variety is cut out by the vanishing of such a family of | |
polynomials. However, we know that this implies that the variety is locally a | |
smooth manifold (by the inverse function theorem). | |
\end{proof} | |
The other direction is a bit trickier, and will require a bit of ``descent.'' | |
For now, we omit it. But we have shown \emph{something} in both directions: the | |
ring $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular if and only if $I$ is generated | |
locally (i.e., in $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ by a family of polynomials with linearly | |
independent gradients). Hartshorne uses this as the definition of smoothness in | |
\cite{Ha77}, and thus obtains the result that a variety over an algebraically | |
closed field (not necessarily $\mathbb{C}$!) is smooth if and only if its local rings are regular. | |
\begin{remark}[Warning] This argument proves that if $R \simeq K[x_1, \dots, | |
x_n]/I$ for $K$ algebraically closed, then $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular local for some maximal ideal | |
$\mathfrak{m}$ if the corresponding algebraic variety is smooth at the | |
corresponding point. We proved this in the special case $K = \mathbb{C}$ and | |
$\mathfrak{m}$ the ideal of the origin. | |
If $K$ is not algebraically closed, we \textbf{can't assume} that any maximal | |
ideal corresponds to a point in the usual sense. Moreover, if $K$ is not | |
perfect, regularity does \textbf{not} imply smoothness. We have not quite | |
defined smoothness, but here's a definition: smoothness means that the local | |
ring you get by base-changing $K$ to the algebraic closure is regular. So what | |
this means is that | |
regularity of affine rings over a field $K$ is not preserved under | |
base-change from $K$ to $\overline{K}$. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{example} Let $K$ be non-perfect of characteristic $p$. Let $a$ not have | |
a $p$th root. | |
Consider $K[x]/(x^p -a)$. This is a regular local ring of dimension zero, i.e. | |
is a field. If $K$ is replaced by its algebraic closure, then we get | |
$\overline{K}[x]/(x^p - a)$, which is $\overline{K}[x]/(x- a^{1/p})^p$. This is | |
still zero-dimensional but is not a field. Over the algebraic closure, the ring | |
fails to be regular. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Regular local rings look alike} | |
So, as we've seen, regularity corresponds to smoothness. Complex analytically, | |
all smooth points are the same though---they're locally $\mathbb{C}^n$. | |
Manifolds have no local invariants. | |
We'd like | |
an algebraic version of this. The vague | |
claim is that all regular local rings of the same dimension ``look alike.'' | |
We have already seen one instance of this phenomenon: a regular local | |
ring's associated graded is uniquely determined by its dimension (as a | |
polynomial ring). This was in fact how we defined the notion, in part. | |
Now we would like to transfer this to statements about things | |
closer to $R$. | |
Let $(R, \mathfrak{m})$ be a regular local ring. | |
\textbf{Assume now for simplicity that the residue field of $k=R/\mathfrak{m}$ | |
maps back into $R$.} In other words, $R$ contains a copy of its residue field, | |
or there is a section of $R \to k$. This is always true in the case we | |
use for geometric intuition---complex algebraic geometry---as the | |
residue field at any maximal ideal is just $\mathbb{C}$ (by the | |
Nullstellensatz), and one works with $\mathbb{C}$-algebras. | |
Choose generators $y_1, \dots, y_n \in | |
\mathfrak{m}$ where $n = \dim_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$ is the embedding | |
dimension. We get a map in the other direction | |
\[ \phi:k[Y_1, \dots, Y_n] \to R, \quad Y_i \mapsto y_i, \] | |
thanks to the section $k \to R$. This map from the polynomial ring is not | |
an isomorphism (the polynomial ring is not local), but if we let $\mathfrak{m} \subset R$ be the maximal ideal | |
and $\mathfrak{n} = (y_1, \dots, y_n)$, then the map on associated gradeds is | |
an isomorphism (by definition). That is, $\phi: | |
\mathfrak{n}^t/\mathfrak{n}^{t+1} \to \mathfrak{m}^t/\mathfrak{m}^{t+1}$ is an | |
isomorphism for each $t \in \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$. | |
Consequently, $\phi$ induces an isomorphism | |
\[ k[Y_1, \dots,Y_n]/\mathfrak{n}^t \simeq R/\mathfrak{m}^t \] | |
for all $t$, because it is an isomorphism on the associated graded level. | |
So this in turn is equivalent, upon taking inverse limits, to the statement that | |
$\phi$ induces an isomorphism | |
\[ k[[Y_1, \dots, Y_n ]] \to \hat{R} \] | |
at the level of completions. | |
We can now conclude: | |
\begin{theorem} | |
Let $R$ be a regular local ring of dimension $n$. Suppose $R$ contains a copy | |
of its residue field $k$. Then, as $k$-algebras, $\hat{R} \simeq k[[Y_1, \dots, Y_m]]$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
Finally: | |
\begin{corollary} | |
A complete noetherian regular local ring that contains a copy of its residue | |
field $k$ is a power series ring over $k$. | |
\end{corollary} | |
It now makes sense to say: | |
\begin{quote} | |
\textbf{All \emph{complete} regular local rings of the same dimension look | |
alike.} (More precisely, this is true when $R$ is assumed to contain a copy of | |
its residue field, but this is not a strong assumption in practice. One can | |
show that this will be satisfied if $R$ contains \emph{any} | |
field.\footnote{This is not always satisfied---take the $p$-adic integers, for instance.}) | |
\end{quote} | |
We won't get into the precise statement of the general structure theorem, when | |
the ring is not assumed to contain its residue field, but a safe | |
intuition to take away from this is the above bolded statement. | |
Note that ``looking alike'' requires the completeness, because completions are | |
intuitively like taking analytically local invariants (while localization | |
corresponds to working \emph{Zariski} locally, which is much weaker). | |
\section{K\"ahler differentials} | |
\subsection{Derivations and K\"ahler differentials} Let $R$ be a ring with the maximal ideal | |
$\mathfrak{m}$. Then there is a $R/\mathfrak{m}$-vector space | |
$\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. This is what we would like to think of as the | |
``{cotangent space}'' of $\spec R$ at $\mathfrak{m}$. Intuitively, the | |
cotangent space is what you get by differentiating functions which vanish at | |
the point, but | |
differentiating functions that vanish twice should give zero. This is the moral | |
justification. | |
(Recall that on a smooth manifold $M$, if $\mathcal{O}_p$ is the local ring of | |
smooth functions defined in a neighborhood of $p \in M$, and $\mathfrak{m}_p | |
\subset \mathcal{O}_p$ is the maximal ideal consisting of ``germs'' vanishing | |
at $p$, then the cotangent space $T_p^* M$ is naturally | |
$\mathfrak{m}_p/\mathfrak{m}_p^2$.) | |
A goal might be to generalize this. What if you wanted to think about all | |
points at once? We'd like to describe the ``cotangent bundle'' to $\spec R$ in | |
an analogous way. Let's try and describe what would be a section to this | |
cotangent bundle. A section of $\Omega^*_{\spec R}$ should be the same | |
thing as a ``1-form'' on $\spec R$. We don't know what a 1-form is yet, but at | |
least we can give some examples. If $f \in R$, then $f$ is a ``function'' on | |
$\spec R$, and its ``differential'' should be a 1-form. So there should be a | |
``$df$'' which should be a 1-form. | |
This is analogous to the fact that if $g$ is a real-valued function on the | |
smooth manifold $M$, then there is a 1-form $dg$. | |
We should expect the rules $d(fg)= df+dg$ and $d(fg) = f(dg) + g(df)$ as the | |
usual rules of differentiation. For this to make sense, 1-forms should be an | |
$R$-module. | |
Before defining the appropriate object, we start with: | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $M$ an $R$-module. A \textbf{derivation} from | |
$R$ to $M$ is a map $D: R \to M$ such that the two identities below hold: | |
\begin{gather} D(fg)= Df + Dg \\ | |
D(fg) = f(Dg) + g(Df). \end{gather} | |
\end{definition} | |
These equations make sense as $M$ is an $R$-module. | |
Whatever a 1-form on $\spec R$ might be, there should be a derivation | |
\[ d: R \to \left\{\text{1--forms}\right\}. \] | |
An idea would be to \emph{define} the 1-forms or the ``cotangent bundle'' | |
$\Omega_R$ by a | |
universal property. It should be universal among $R$-modules with a derivation. | |
To make this precise: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
There is an $R$-module $\Omega_R$ and a derivation $d_{\mathrm{univ}} : R \to | |
\Omega_R$ satisfying the following universal property. For all $R$-modules | |
$M$, there is a canonical isomorphism | |
\[ \hom_{R}(\Omega_R, M) \simeq \mathrm{Der}(R, M) \] | |
given by composing the universal $d_{\mathrm{univ}}$ with a map $\Omega_R \to M$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
That is, any derivation $d: R \to M$ factors through this universal derivation | |
in a unique way. Given the derivation $d: R \to M$, we can make the following diagram | |
commutative in a unique way such that $\Omega_R \to M$ is a morphism of | |
$R$-modules: | |
\[ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
R \ar[r]^d \ar[d] & M \\ | |
\Omega_R \ar[ru]^{d_{\mathrm{univ}}} | |
} | |
\] | |
\begin{definition} | |
$\Omega_R$ is called the module of \textbf{K\"ahler differentials} of $R$. | |
\end{definition} | |
Let us now verify this proposition. | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is like the verification of the tensor product. Namely, build a free | |
gadget and quotient out to enforce the desired relations. | |
Let $\Omega_R$ be the quotient of the free $R$-module generated by elements | |
$da$ for $a \in R$ by enforcing the relations | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $d(a+b) =da + db$. | |
\item $d(ab) = adb + bda$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
By construction, the map $a \to da$ is a derivation $R \to \Omega_R$. | |
It is easy to see that it is universal. Given a derivation $d': R \to M$, we get a | |
map $\Omega_R \to M$ sending $da \to d'(a), a \in R$. | |
\end{proof} | |
The philosophy of Grothendieck says that we should do this, as with everything, | |
in a relative context. | |
Indeed, we are going to need a slight variant, for the case of a \emph{morphism} of | |
rings. | |
\subsection{Relative differentials} | |
On a smooth manifold $M$, the derivation $d$ from smooth functions to 1-forms | |
satisfies an additional property: it maps the constant functions to zero. | |
This is the motivation for the next definition: | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $f: R \to R'$ be a ring-homomorphism. Let $M$ be an $R'$-module. A | |
derivation $d: R' \to M$ is \textbf{$R$-linear if $d(f(a)) = 0, a \in R$.} | |
This is equivalent to saying that $d$ is an $R$-homomorphism by the Leibnitz | |
rule. | |
\end{definition} | |
Now we want to construct an analog of the ``cotangent bundle'' taking into | |
account linearity. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Let $R'$ be an $R$-algebra. | |
Then there is a universal $R$-linear derivation $R' | |
\stackrel{d_{\mathrm{univ}}}{\to} \Omega_{R'/R}$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Use the same construction as in the absolute case. We get a map $R' \to | |
\Omega_{R'}$ as before. This is not generally $R$-linear, so one has to | |
quotient out by the images of $d(f(r)), r \in R$. | |
In other words, $\Omega_{R'/R}$ is the quotient of the free $R'$-module on | |
symbols $\left\{dr', r' \in R'\right\}$ with the relations: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $d(r_1' r_2') = r'_1 d(r_2') + d(r'_1) r_2'$. | |
\item $d(r_1' + r_2') = dr_1' + dr_2'$. | |
\item $dr = 0$ for $r \in R$ (where we identify $r$ with its image $f(r)$ in | |
$R'$, by abuse of notation). | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{definition} | |
$\Omega_{R'/R}$ is called the module of \textbf{relative K\"ahler | |
differentials,} or simply K\"ahler differentials. | |
\end{definition} | |
Here $\Omega_{R'/R}$ also corepresents a simple functor on the category of | |
$R'$-modules: given an $R'$-module $M$, we have | |
\[ \hom_{R'}(\Omega_{R'/R}, M) = \mathrm{Der}_R(R', M), \] | |
where $\mathrm{Der}_R$ denotes $R$-derivations. | |
This is a \emph{subfunctor} of the functor $\mathrm{Der}_R(R', \cdot)$, and so | |
by Yoneda's lemma there is a natural map $\Omega_{R'} \to \Omega_{R'/R}$. | |
We shall expand on this in the future. | |
\subsection{The case of a polynomial ring} | |
Let us do a simple example to make this more concrete. | |
\begin{example} \label{polynomialringdiff} | |
Let $R' = \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n], R = \mathbb{C}$. In this case, the claim | |
is that there is an isomorphism | |
\[ \Omega_{R'/R} \simeq R'^n. \] | |
More precisely, $\Omega_{R'/R}$ is free on $dx_1, \dots,dx_n$. So the cotangent | |
bundle is ``free.'' In general, the module $\Omega_{R'/R}$ will not be free, or | |
even projective, so the intuition that it is a vector bundle will be rather | |
loose. (The projectivity will be connected to \emph{smoothness} of $R'/R$.) | |
\begin{proof} | |
The construction $f \to \left( \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i} \right)$ gives | |
a map $R' \to R'^n$. By elementary calculus, this is a derivation, even an | |
$R$-linear derivation. We get a map | |
\[ \phi:\Omega_{R'/R} \to R'^n \] | |
by the universal property of the K\"ahler differentials. The claim is that this | |
map is an isomorphism. The map is characterized by sending $df$ to $\left( | |
\frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i}\right)$. Note that $dx_1, \dots, dx_n$ map to a | |
basis of $R'^n$ because differentiating $x_i$ gives 1 at $i$ and zero at $j | |
\neq i$. So we see that $\phi$ is surjective. | |
There is a map $\psi: R'^n \to \Omega_{R'/R}$ sending $\left(a_i \right)$ to | |
$\sum a_i dx_i$. It is easy to check that $\phi \circ \psi = 1$ from the | |
definition of $\phi$. What we still need to show is that $\psi \circ \phi =1$. | |
Namely, for any $f$, we want to show that $\psi \circ \phi(df) = df$ for $f \in | |
R'$. This is precisely the claim that $df = \sum \frac{\partial f}{\partial | |
x_i} dx_i$. Both sides are additive in $f$, indeed are derivations, and | |
coincide on monomials of degree one, so they are equal. | |
\end{proof} | |
\end{example} | |
By the same reasoning, one can show more generally: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
If $R$ is any ring, then there is a canonical isomorphism | |
\[ \Omega_{R[x_1, \dots, x_n]/R} \simeq \bigoplus_{i=1}^n R[x_1, \dots, x_n] | |
dx_i, \] | |
i.e. it is $R[x_1, \dots, x_n]$-free on the $dx_i$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
This is essentially the claim that, given an $R[x_1, \dots, x_n]$-module $M$ | |
and elements $m_1, \dots, m_n \in M$, there is a \emph{unique} $R$-derivation | |
from the polynomial ring into $M$ sending $x_i\mapsto m_i$. | |
\subsection{Exact sequences of K\"ahler differentials} | |
We now want to prove a few basic properties of K\"ahler differentials, which | |
can be seen either from the explicit construction or in terms of the functors | |
they represent, by formal nonsense. | |
These results will be useful in computation. | |
Recall that if | |
$\phi: A \to B$ is a map of rings, we can define a $B$-module | |
\( \Omega_{B/A}\) which is generated by formal symbols $ dx|_{x \in | |
B}$ and subject to the relations $d(x+y) = dx+dy$, $d(a)=0, a \in A$, | |
and $d(xy) = xdy + ydx$. | |
By construction, $\Omega_{B/A}$ is the receptacle from the universal $A$-linear | |
derivation into a $B$-module. | |
Let $A \to B \to C$ be a triple of maps of rings. There is an obvious map $dx \to dx$ | |
\[ \Omega_{C/A} \to \Omega_{C/B} \] | |
where both sides have the same generators, except with a few additional | |
relations on $\Omega_{C/B}$. We have to quotient by $db, b \in B$. In | |
particular, there is a map $\Omega_{B/A} \to \Omega_{C/A}$, $dx \to dx$, whose images | |
generate the kernel. This induces a map | |
\[ C \otimes_B \Omega_{B/A} \to \Omega_{C/A}. \] | |
The image is the $C$-module generated by $db|_{b \in B}$, and this is the | |
kernel of the previous map. | |
We have proved: | |
\begin{proposition}[First exact sequence] \label{firstexactseq} Given a sequence $A \to B \to C$ of rings, there is an exact sequence | |
\[ C \otimes_B \Omega_{B/A} \to \Omega_{C/A} \to \Omega_{C/B} \to 0 .\] | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof}[Second proof] | |
There is, however, a more functorial means of seeing this sequence, which we | |
now describe. | |
Namely, let us consider the category of $C$-modules, and the functors | |
corepresented by these three objects. We have, for a $C$-module $M$: | |
\begin{gather*} | |
\hom_C(\Omega_{C/B}, M) = \mathrm{Der}_B(C, M) \\ | |
\hom_C(\Omega_{C/A}, M) = \mathrm{Der}_A(C, M) \\ | |
\hom_C(C \otimes_B \Omega_{B/A}, M) = \hom_B(\Omega_{B/A}, M) = \mathrm{Der}_A(B, M). | |
\end{gather*} | |
By Yoneda's lemma, we know that a map of modules is the same thing as a natural | |
transformation between the corresponding corepresentable functors, in the | |
reverse direction. | |
It is easy to see that there are natural transformations | |
\[ \mathrm{Der}_B(C, M) \to \mathrm{Der}_A(C, M), \quad \mathrm{Der}_A(C, M) \to \mathrm{Der}_A(B, M) \] | |
obtained by restriction in the second case, and by doing nothing in the first | |
case (a $B$-derivation is automatically an $A$-derivation). | |
The induced maps on the modules of differentials are precisely those described | |
before; this is easy to check (and we could have defined the maps by these | |
functors if we wished). Now to say that the sequence is right exact is to say | |
that for each $M$, there is an exact sequence of abelian groups | |
\[ 0 \to \mathrm{Der}_B(C, M) \to \mathrm{Der}_A(C, M) \to \mathrm{Der}_A(B, M). \] | |
But this is obvious from the definitions: an $A$-derivation is a $B$-derivation | |
if and only if the restriction to $B$ is trivial. | |
This establishes the claim. | |
\end{proof} | |
Next, we are interested in a second exact sequence. In the past | |
(\cref{polynomialringdiff}), we computed the module of K\"ahler differentials | |
of a \emph{polynomial} algebra. While this was a special case, any algebra is a | |
quotient of a polynomial algebra. As a result, it will be useful to know how | |
$\Omega_{B/A}$ behaves with respect to quotienting $B$. | |
Let $A | |
\to B$ be a homomorphism of rings and $I \subset B $ an ideal. We would like | |
to describe $\Omega_{B/I/A}$. There is a map | |
\[ \Omega_{B/A} \to \Omega_{B/I/A} \] | |
sending $dx$ to $d \overline{x}$ for $\overline{x}$ the reduction of $x$ in | |
$B/I$. This is surjective on generators, so it is surjective. It is not | |
injective, though. In $\Omega_{B/I/A}$, the generators $dx, dx'$ are identified | |
if $x \equiv x' \mod I$. Moreover, $\Omega_{B/I/A}$ is a | |
$B/I$-module. | |
This means that there will be additional relations for that. To remedy this, we | |
can tensor and consider the morphism | |
\[ \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_B B/I \to \Omega_{B/I/A} \to 0. \] | |
Let us now define a map | |
\[ \phi: I /I^2 \to \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_B B/I, \] | |
which we claim will generate the kernel. Given $x \in I$, we define $\phi(x) = | |
dx$. If $x \in I^2$, then $dx \in I \Omega_{B/A}$ so $\phi$ is indeed a map of | |
abelian groups | |
$I/I^2 \to \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_B B/I$. Let us check that this is a | |
$B/I$-module homorphism. We would like to check that $\phi(xy) = y \phi(x)$ | |
for $x \in I$ in | |
$\Omega_{B/A}/I \Omega_{B/A}$. This follows from the Leibnitz rule, $\phi(xy) = | |
y \phi(x) + xdy \equiv x \phi(x) \mod I \Omega_{B/A}$. So $\phi$ is also | |
defined. Its image is the submodule of $\Omega_{B/A}/I \Omega_{B/A}$ generated | |
by $dx, x \in I$. This is precisely what one has to quotient out by to get | |
$\Omega_{B/I/A}$. In particular: | |
\begin{proposition}[Second exact sequence] Let $B$ be an $A$-algebra and $I \subset B$ an ideal. | |
There is an exact sequence | |
\[ I/I^2 \to \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_B B/I \to \Omega_{B/I/A} \to 0. \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
These results will let us compute the module of K\"ahler differentials in cases | |
we want. | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $B = A[x_1, \dots, x_n]/I$ for $I$ an ideal. We will compute $\Omega_{B/A}$. | |
First, $\Omega_{A[x_1, \dots, x_n]/A} \otimes B \simeq B^n$ generated by | |
symbols $dx_i$. There is a surjection of | |
\[ B^n \to \Omega_{B/A} \to 0 \] | |
whose kernel is generated by $dx, x \in I$, by the second exact sequence above. | |
If $I = (f_1, \dots, f_m)$, then the kernel is generated by | |
$\left\{df_i\right\}$. | |
It follows that $\Omega_{B/A}$ is the cokernel of the map | |
\[ B^m \to B^n \] | |
that sends the $i$th generator of $B^m$ to $df_i$ thought of as an element in | |
the free $B$-module $B^n$ on generators $dx_1, \dots, dx_n$. Here, thanks to | |
the Leibnitz rule, $df_i$ is | |
given by formally differentiating the polynomial, i.e. | |
\[ df_i = \sum_j \frac{\partial f_i}{\partial x_j} dx_j. \] We have thus | |
explicitly represented $\Omega_{B/A}$ as the cokernel of the matrix $\left( | |
\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial x_j}\right)$. | |
\end{example} | |
In particular, the above example shows: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
If $B$ is a finitely generated $A$-algebra, then $\Omega_{B/A}$ is a finitely | |
generated $B$-module. | |
\end{proposition} | |
Given how $\Omega$ behaves with respect to localization, we can extend this to | |
the case where $B$ is \emph{essentially} of finite type over $A$ (recall that | |
this means $B$ is a localization of a finitely generated $A$-algebra). | |
Let $R = \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]/I$ be the coordinate ring of an algebraic | |
variety. Let $\mathfrak{m} \subset R$ be the maximal ideal. Then | |
$\Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}}$ is what one should think of as containing information | |
of the cotangent bundle of $\spec R$. One might ask what the \emph{fibe}r over a point | |
$\mathfrak{m} \in \spec R$ is, though. That is, we might ask what | |
\( \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} \otimes_R R/\mathfrak{m} \) | |
is. To see this, we note that there are maps | |
\[ \mathbb{C} \to R \to R/\mathfrak{m} \simeq \mathbb{C}. \] | |
There is now an exact sequence by | |
\cref{firstexactseq} | |
\[ \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} \otimes_R | |
R/\mathfrak{m} \to \Omega_{\mathbb{R}/\mathfrak{m}/\mathbb{C}} \to 0, \] | |
where the last thing is zero as $R/\mathfrak{m} \simeq \mathbb{C} $ by the | |
Nullstellensatz. | |
The upshot is that $\Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} \otimes_R R/\mathfrak{m}$ is a | |
quotient of $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. | |
In fact, the natural map $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} | |
\otimes_R \mathbb{C}$ (given by $d$) is an \emph{isomorphism} of | |
$\mathbb{C}$-vector spaces. We have seen | |
that it is surjective, so we need to see that it is injective. | |
That is, if $V$ is a $\mathbb{C}$-vector space, then we need to show that the | |
map | |
\[ \hom_{\mathbb{C}}(\Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}}\otimes_R \mathbb{C}, V) \to | |
\hom_{\mathbb{C}}(\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2, V) \] | |
is surjective. This means that given any $\mathbb{C}$-linear map | |
$\lambda: \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to V$, we can extend this to a derivation $R \to | |
V$ (where $V$ becomes an $R$-module by $R/\mathfrak{m} \simeq \mathbb{C}$, as | |
usual). | |
But this is easy: given $f \in R$, we write $f = f_0 + c$ for $c \in | |
\mathbb{C}$ and $f_0 \in \mathfrak{m}$, and have the derivation send $f$ to | |
$\lambda(f_0)$. | |
(Checking that this is a well-defined derivation is straightforward.) | |
This goes through if $\mathbb{C}$ is replaced by any algebraically closed field. | |
We have found: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Let $(R, \mathfrak{m}) $ be the localization of a finitely generated algebra | |
over an algebraically closed field $k$ at a maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. Then | |
there is a natural isomorphism: | |
\[ \Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R k \simeq \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2. \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
This result connects the K\"ahler differentials to the cotangent bundle: the | |
fiber of the cotangent bundle at a point in a manifold is, similarly, the maximal ideal | |
modulo its square (where the ``maximal ideal'' is the maximal ideal in the ring | |
of germs of functions at that point). | |
\subsection{K\"ahler differentials and base change} | |
We now want to show that the formation of $\Omega$ is compatible with base | |
change. Namely, let $B$ be an $A$-algebra, visualized by a morphism $ A \to B$. | |
If $A \to A'$ is any morphism of rings, we can think of the \emph{base-change} | |
$A' \to A' \otimes_A B$; we often write $B' = A' \otimes_A B$. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{basechangediff} With the above notation, there is a canonical isomorphism | |
of $B'$-modules: | |
\[ \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_A A' \simeq \Omega_{B'/A'}. \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
Note that, for a $B$-module, the functors $\otimes_A A'$ and $\otimes_B B'$ are | |
the same. So we could have as well written $\Omega_{B/A} \otimes_B B' \simeq | |
\Omega_{B'/A'}$. | |
\begin{proof} | |
We will use the functorial approach. Namely, for a $B'$-module $M$, we will | |
show that there is a canonical isomorphism | |
\[ \hom_{B'}( \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_A A', M) \simeq | |
\hom_{B'}( \Omega_{B'/A'}, M) . | |
\] | |
The right side represents $A'$-derivations $B' \to M$, or $\mathrm{Der}_{A'}(B', M)$. | |
The left side represents $\hom_B(\Omega_{B/A}, M)$, or $\mathrm{Der}_A(B, M)$. | |
Here the natural map of modules corresponds by Yoneda's lemma to the restriction | |
\[ \mathrm{Der}_{A'}(B', M) \to \mathrm{Der}_A(B, M). \] | |
We need to see that this restriction map is an isomorphism. But given an | |
$A$-derivation $B \to M$, this is to say that extends in a \emph{unique} way to | |
an $A'$-linear derivation $B' \to M$. This is easy to verify directly. | |
\end{proof} | |
We next describe how $\Omega$ behaves with respect to forming tensor products. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Let $B, B'$ be $A$-algebras. Then there is a natural isomorphism | |
\[ \Omega_{B \otimes_A B'/A} \simeq \Omega_{B/A} \otimes_A B' \oplus B | |
\otimes_A \Omega_{B'/A} . \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
Since $\Omega$ is a linearization process, it is somewhat natural that it | |
should turn tensor products into direct sums. | |
\begin{proof} | |
The ``natural map'' can be described in the leftward direction. For instance, | |
there is a natural map $\Omega_{B/A} \otimes_A B' \to \Omega_{B \otimes_A | |
B'/A}$. We just need to show that it is an isomorphism. | |
For this, we essentially have to show that to give an $A$-derivation of $B | |
\otimes_A B'$ is the same as giving a derivation of $B$ and one of $B'$. This | |
is easy to check. | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{Differentials and localization} | |
We now show that localization behaves \emph{extremely} nicely with respect to | |
the formation of K\"ahler differentials. This is important in algebraic | |
geometry for knowing that the ``cotangent bundle'' can be defined locally. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{localizationdiff} | |
Let $f: A \to B$ be a map of rings. Let $S \subset B$ be multiplicatively | |
closed. Then the natural map | |
\[ S^{-1}\Omega_{B/A} \to \Omega_{S^{-1}B/A} \] | |
is an isomorphism. | |
\end{proposition} | |
So the formation of K\"ahler differentials commutes with localization. | |
\begin{proof} | |
We could prove this by the calculational definition, but perhaps it is better | |
to prove it via the universal property. If $M$ is any $S^{-1}B$-module, then | |
we can look at | |
\[ \hom_{S^{-1}B}( \Omega_{S^{-1}B/A}, M) \] | |
which is given by the group of $A$-linear derivations $S^{-1}B \to M$, by the | |
universal property. | |
On the other hand, | |
\[ \hom_{S^{-1}B}( S^{-1} \Omega_{B/A}, M) \] | |
is the same thing as the set of $B$-linear maps $\Omega_{B/A} \to M$, i.e. the | |
set of $A$-linear derivations $B \to M$. | |
We want to show that these two are the same thing. Given an $A$-derivation | |
$S^{-1}B \to M$, we get an $A$-derivation $B \to M$ by pulling back. We want to | |
show that any $A$-linear derivation $B \to M$ arises in this way. So we need to | |
show that any $A$-linear derivation $d: B \to M$ extends uniquely to an $A$-linear | |
$\overline{d}: S^{-1}B \to M$. | |
Here are two proofs: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item (Lowbrow proof.) For $x/s \in S^{-1}B$, with $x \in B, s \in S$, we | |
define $\overline{d}(x/s) = dx/s - xds/s^2$ as in calculus. The claim is that | |
this works, and is the only thing that works. One should check | |
this---\textbf{exercise}. | |
\item (Highbrow proof.) We start with a digression. Let $B$ be a commutative | |
ring, $M$ a $B$-module. Consider $B \oplus M$, which is a $B$-module. We can | |
make it into a ring (via \textbf{square zero multiplication}) by multiplying | |
\[ (b,x)(b',x') = (bb', bx'+b'x). \] | |
This is compatible with the $B$-module structure on $M \subset B \oplus | |
M$. Note that $M$ is an ideal in this ring with square zero. Then the | |
projection $\pi: B \oplus M \to B$ is a ring-homomorphism as well. | |
There is also a ring-homomorphism in the other direction $b \to (b,0)$, which | |
is a section of $\pi$. There may be other homomorphisms $B \to B \oplus M$. | |
You might ask what all the right inverses to $\pi$ are, i.e. ring-homomorphisms | |
$\phi: B \to B \oplus M $ such that $\pi \circ \phi = 1_{B}$. This must be of | |
the form $\phi: b \to (b, db)$ where $d: B \to M$ is some map. It is easy to check | |
that $\phi$ is a homomorphism precisely when $d$ is a derivation. | |
Suppose now $A \to B$ is a morphism of rings making $B$ an $A$-algebra. Then | |
$B \oplus M$ is an $A$-algebra via the inclusion $a \to (a, 0)$. Then | |
you might ask when $\phi: b \to (b, db), B \to B \oplus M$ is an | |
$A$-homomorphism. The answer is clear: when $d$ is an $A$-derivation. | |
Recall that we were in the situation of $f: A \to B$ a morphism of rings, $S | |
\subset B$ a multiplicatively closed subset, and $M$ an $S^{-1}B$-module. The | |
claim was that any $A$-linear derivation $d: B \to M$ extends uniquely to | |
$\overline{d}: S^{-1} B \to M$. | |
We can draw a diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
& B \oplus M \ar[d] \ar[r] & S^{-1}B \oplus M \ar[d] \\ | |
A \ar[r] & B \ar[r] & S^{-1}B | |
}.\] | |
This is a cartesian diagram. So given a section of $A$-algebras $B \to B \oplus M$, we have to | |
construct a section of $A$-algebras $S^{-1}B \to S^{-1}B \oplus M$. We can do this by the | |
universal property of localization, since $S$ acts by invertible elements on | |
$S^{-1}B \oplus M$. (To see this, note that $S$ acts by invertible elements on | |
$S^{-1}B$, and $M$ is a nilpotent ideal.) | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proof} | |
Finally, we note that there is an even slicker argument. (We learned this from | |
\cite{Qu}.) | |
Namely, it suffices to show that $\Omega_{S^{-1}B/B} =0 $, by the exact | |
sequences. | |
But this is a $S^{-1}B$-module, so we have | |
\[ \Omega_{S^{-1}B/B} = \Omega_{S^{-1}B/B} \otimes_B S^{-1}B, \] | |
because tensoring with $S^{-1}B$ localizes at $S$, but this does nothing to a | |
$S^{-1}B$-module! By the base change formula (\cref{basechangediff}), we have | |
\[ \Omega_{S^{-1}B/B} \otimes_B S^{-1}B = \Omega_{S^{-1}B/S^{-1}B} = 0, \] | |
where we again use the fact that $S^{-1} B \otimes_B S^{-1} B \simeq S^{-1}B$. | |
\subsection{Another construction of $\Omega_{B/A}$} | |
Let $B$ be an $A$-algebra. We have constructed $\Omega_{B/A}$ by quotienting | |
generators by relations. | |
There is also a simple and elegant ``global'' construction one sometimes finds | |
useful in generalizing the procedure to schemes. | |
Consider the algebra $B \otimes_A B$ and the map $B \otimes_A B \to B$ given by | |
multiplication. | |
Note that $B$ acts on $B \otimes_A B$ by multiplication on | |
the first factor: this is how the latter is a $B$-module, and then the | |
multiplication map is a $B$-homomorphism. Let $I \subset B \otimes_A B$ be the | |
kernel. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{alternateOmega} | |
There is an isomorphism of $B$-modules | |
\[ \Omega_{B/A} \simeq I/I^2 \] | |
given by the derivation $b \mapsto 1 \otimes b - b \otimes 1$, from $B$ to | |
$I/I^2$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
It is clear that the maps | |
\[ b \to 1 \otimes b, b \to b \otimes 1: \quad B \to B \otimes_A B \] | |
are $A$-linear, so their difference is too. The quotient $d:B \to I/I^2$ is thus | |
$A$-linear too. | |
First, note that if $c,c' \in B$, then $1 \otimes c - c \otimes 1, 1 \otimes c' | |
- c' \otimes 1 \in I$. Their product is thus zero in $I/I^2$: | |
\[ (1 \otimes c - c \otimes 1)(1 \otimes c' | |
- c' \otimes 1) = 1 \otimes cc' + cc' \otimes 1 - c \otimes c' - c' \otimes c | |
\in I^2.\] | |
Next | |
we must check that $d: B \to I/I^2$ is a derivation. So fix $b, b' \in B$; we | |
have | |
\[ d(bb') = 1 \otimes bb'- bb' \otimes 1\] | |
and | |
\[ bdb' = b ( 1 \otimes b'-b' \otimes 1), \quad b' db = b'(1 | |
\otimes b - b \otimes 1 ). \] | |
The second relation shows that | |
\[ bdb' + b' db = b \otimes b' - bb' \otimes 1+ b' \otimes b - bb' \otimes | |
1 . \] | |
Modulo $I^2$, we have as above $b \otimes b' + b' \otimes b \equiv 1 \otimes | |
bb' + bb' \otimes 1$, so | |
\[ bdb' + b' db \equiv 1 \otimes bb' - bb' \otimes 1 \mod I^2, \] | |
and this last is equal to $d(bb')$ by definition. So we have an $A$-linear | |
derivation $d: B \to I/I^2$. It remains to be checked that this is | |
\emph{universal}. In particular, we must check that the induced | |
\[ \phi: \Omega_{B/A} \to I/I^2 \] | |
sending $db \to 1 \otimes b - b \otimes 1$. | |
is an isomorphism. We can define the inverse $\psi: I/I^2 \to \Omega_{B/A}$ by sending $\sum b_i \otimes b_i' | |
\in I$ | |
to $\sum b_i db_i'$. This is clearly a $B$-module homomorphism, and it | |
is well-defined mod $I^2$. | |
It is clear that $\psi (\phi(db)) = db$ from the definitions, since this | |
is | |
\[ \psi( 1 \otimes b - b \otimes 1) = 1 (db) - b d1 = db, \] | |
as $d1 = 0$. So $\psi \circ \phi = 1_{\Omega_{B/A}}$. | |
It follows that $\phi$ is injective. | |
We will check now that it is surjective. | |
Then we will be done. | |
\begin{lemma} | |
Any element in $I$ is a $B$-linear combination of elements of the form $1 | |
\otimes b - b \otimes 1$. | |
\end{lemma} | |
Every such element is the image of $db$ under $\phi$ by definition of the | |
derivation $B \to I/I^2$. So this lemma will complete the proof. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $Q = \sum c_i \otimes d_i \in I$. By assumption, $\sum c_i d_i = 0 \in B$. | |
We have by this last identity | |
\[Q = \sum \left( ( c_i \otimes d_i ) - (c_i d_i \otimes 1)\right) | |
= \sum c_i (1 \otimes d_i - d_i \otimes 1). | |
\] | |
So $Q$ is in the submodule spanned by the $\left\{1 \otimes b - b \otimes | |
1\right\}_{b \in B}$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Introduction to smoothness} | |
\subsection{K\"ahler differentials for fields} | |
Let us start with the simplest examples---fields. | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $k$ be a field, $k'/k$ an extension. | |
\begin{question} | |
What does $\Omega_{k'/k}$ look like? When does it vanish? | |
\end{question} | |
$\Omega_{k'/k}$ is a $k'$-vector space. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Let $k'/k$ be a separable algebraic extension of fields. Then $\Omega_{k'/k} = 0$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We will need a formal property of K\"ahler differentials that is easy to check, | |
namely that they are compatible with filtered colimits. If $B = \varinjlim | |
B_\alpha$ for $A$-algebras $B_\alpha$, then there is a canonical isomorphism | |
\[ \Omega_{B/A} \simeq \varinjlim \Omega_{B_{\alpha}/A}. \] | |
One can check this on generators and relations, for instance. | |
Given this, we can reduce to the case of $k'/k$ finite and separable. | |
\begin{remark} | |
Given a sequence of fields and morphisms $k \to k' \to k''$, then there is an | |
exact sequence | |
\[ \Omega_{k'/k} \otimes k'' \to \Omega_{k''/k} \to \Omega_{k''/k'} \to 0. \] | |
In particular, if $\Omega_{k'/k} = \Omega_{k''/k'} =0 $, then $\Omega_{k''/k} = | |
0$. This is a kind of d\'evissage argument. | |
\end{remark} | |
Anyway, recall that we have a finite separable extension $k'/k$ where $k' = | |
k(x_1, \dots, x_n)$.\footnote{We can take $n=1$ by the primitive element | |
theorem, but shall not need this.} We will show that | |
\[ \Omega_{k(x_1, \dots, x_i)/k(x_1, \dots, x_{i-1})} =0 \quad \forall i, \] | |
which will imply by the devissage argument that $\Omega_{k'/k} = 0$. | |
In particular, we are reduced to showing the proposition when $k'$ is generated | |
over $k$ by a \emph{single element} $x$. Then we have that | |
\[ k' \simeq k[X]/(f(X)) \] | |
for $f(X)$ an irreducible polynomial. Set $I = (f(X))$. We have an exact sequence | |
\[ I/I^2 \to \Omega_{k[X]/k} \otimes_{k[X]} k' \to \Omega_{k'/k} \to 0 \] | |
The middle term is a copy of $k'$ and the first term is isomorphic to $k[X]/I | |
\simeq k'$. So there is an exact sequence | |
\[ k' \to k' \to \Omega_{k'/k} \to 0. \] | |
The first term is, as we have computed, multiplication by $f'(x)$; however | |
this is nonzero by separability. Thus we find that $\Omega_{k'/k} =0$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{remark} | |
The above result is \textbf{not true} for inseparable extensions in general. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $k$ be an imperfect field of characteristic $p>0$. There is $x \in k$ such | |
that $x^{1/p} \notin k$, by definition. Let $k' = k(x^{1/p})$. As a ring, this | |
looks like | |
$k[t]/(t^p - x)$. In writing the exact sequence, we find that $\Omega_{k'/k} = | |
k'$ as this is the cokernel of the map $k' \to k'$ given by multiplication | |
$\frac{d}{dt}|_{x^{1/p}} (t^p - x)$. That polynomial has identically vanishing | |
derivative, though. We find that a generator of $\Omega_{k'/k}$ is $dt$ where | |
$t$ is a $p$th root of $x$, and $\Omega_{k'/k } \simeq k$. | |
\end{example} | |
Now let us consider transcendental extensions. Let $k' = k(x_1, \dots, x_n)$ be | |
a purely transcendental extension, i.e. the field of rational functions of | |
$x_1, \dots, x_n$. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
If $k' = k(x_1, \dots, x_n)$, then $\Omega_{k'/k}$ is a free $k'$-module on the | |
generators $dx_i$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
This extends to an \emph{infinitely generated} purely transcendental extension, | |
because K\"ahler differentials commute with filtered colimits. | |
\begin{proof} | |
We already know this for the polynomial ring $k[x_1, \dots, x_n]$. However, the | |
rational function field is just a localization of the polynomial ring at the | |
zero ideal. So the result will follow from \cref{localizationdiff}. | |
\end{proof} | |
We have shown that separable algebraic extensions have no K\"ahler | |
differentials, but that purely transcendental extensions have a free module of | |
rank equal to the transcendence degree. | |
We can deduce from this: | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $L/K$ be a field extension of fields of char 0. Then | |
\[ \dim_L \Omega_{L/K} = \mathrm{trdeg}(L/K). \] | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof}[Partial proof] | |
Put the above two facts together. Choose a transcendence basis $\{x_\alpha\}$ | |
for $L/K$. This means that $L$ is algebraic over $K(\left\{x_\alpha\right\})$ | |
and the $\left\{x_\alpha\right\}$ are algebraically independent. | |
Moreover $L/K(\left\{x_\alpha\right\})$ is \emph{separable} algebraic. Now let | |
us use a few things about these cotangent complexes. There is an exact sequence: | |
\[ \Omega_{K(\left\{x_\alpha\right\})} | |
\otimes_{K(\left\{x_\alpha\right\})} L \to \Omega_{L/K} \to \Omega_{L/K(\left\{x_\alpha\right\})} \to 0 \] | |
The last thing is zero, and we know what the first thing is; it's free on the | |
$dx_\alpha$. So we find that $\Omega_{L/K}$ is generated by | |
the elements $dx_\alpha$. If we knew that the $dx_\alpha$ were linearly | |
independent, then we would be done. But we don't, yet. | |
\end{proof} | |
This is \textbf{not true} in characteristic $p$. If $L = K(\alpha^{1/p})$ for | |
$\alpha \in K$ and $\alpha^{1/p} \notin K$, then $\Omega_{L/K} \neq 0$. | |
\subsection{Regularity, smoothness, and K\"ahler differentials} | |
From this, let us revisit a statement made last time. | |
Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field, let $R = k[x_1, \dots, x_n]/I$ and | |
let $\mathfrak{m} \subset R$ be a maximal ideal. Recall that the | |
Nullstellensatz implies that $R/\mathfrak{m} \simeq k$. We were studying | |
\[ \Omega_{R/k}. \] | |
This is an $R$-module, so $\Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R k$ makes sense. There is a | |
surjection | |
\[ \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to \Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R k \to 0, \] | |
that sends $x \to dx$. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
This map is an isomorphism. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We construct a map going the other way. Call the map $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 \to | |
\Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R k$ as $\phi$. We want to construct | |
\[ \psi: \Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R k \to \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2. \] | |
This is equivalent to giving an $R$-module map | |
\[ \Omega_{R/k} \to \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2, \] | |
that is a derivation $\partial: R \to \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. This acts | |
via $\partial(\lambda + x) = x$ for $\lambda \in k, x \in \mathfrak{m}$. Since | |
$k+\mathfrak{m} = R$, this is indeed well-defined. We must check that | |
$\partial$ is a derivation. That is, we have to compute | |
$\partial((\lambda+x)(\lambda' + x'))$. | |
But this is | |
\[ \partial(\lambda\lambda' + (\lambda x' + \lambda' x) + xx'). \] | |
The definition of $\partial$ is to ignore the constant term and look at the | |
nonconstant term mod $\mathfrak{m}^2$. So this becomes | |
\[ \lambda x' + \lambda' x = (\partial (\lambda+x)) (x'+\lambda') + (\partial (\lambda'+ | |
x')) (x+\lambda) \] | |
because $xx' \in \mathfrak{m}^2$, and because $\mathfrak{m}$ acts trivially on | |
$\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. Thus we get the map $\psi$ in the inverse | |
direction, and one checks that $\phi, \psi$ are inverses. This is because | |
$\phi$ sends $x \to dx$ and $\psi$ sends $dx \to x$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $R$ be as before. Then $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular iff $\dim | |
R_{\mathfrak{m}} = \dim_k \Omega_{R/k} \otimes_R R/\mathfrak{m}$. | |
\end{corollary} | |
In particular, the modules of K\"ahler differentials detect regularity for | |
certain rings. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $R$ be a noetherian ring. We say that $R$ is \textbf{regular} if | |
$R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is regular for every maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. (This | |
actually implies that $R_{\mathfrak{p}}$ is regular for all primes | |
$\mathfrak{p}$, though we are not ready to see this. It will follow from the | |
fact that the localization of a regular local ring at a prime ideal is regular.) | |
\end{definition} | |
Let $R = k[x_1, \dots, x_n]/I$ be an affine ring over an algebraically closed | |
field $k$. | |
Then: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
TFAE: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $R$ is regular. | |
\item ``$R$ is smooth over $k$'' (to be defined) | |
\item $\Omega_{R/k}$ is a projective module over $R$ of rank $\dim R$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proposition} | |
A finitely generated projective module is locally free. So the last statement is that | |
$(\Omega_{R/k})_{\mathfrak{p}}$ is free of rank $\dim R$ for each prime | |
$\mathfrak{p}$. | |
\begin{remark} | |
A projective module does not necessarily have a well-defined rank as an integer. For | |
instance, if $R = R_1 \times R_2$ and $M = R_1 \times 0$, then $M$ is a summand | |
of $R$, hence is projective. But there are two candidates for what the rank | |
should be. The problem is that $\spec R$ is disconnected into two pieces, and | |
$M$ is of rank one on one piece, and of rank zero on the other. | |
But in this case, it does not happen. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{remark} | |
The smoothness condition states that locally on $\spec R$, we have an isomorphism with | |
$k[y_1, \dots, y_n]/(f_1, \dots, f_m)$ with the gradients $\nabla f_i$ linearly | |
independent. Equivalently, if $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is the localization of $R$ at | |
a maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$, then $R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is a regular local | |
ring, as we have seen. | |
\end{remark} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We have already seen that 1 and 2 are equivalent. The new thing is that they | |
are equivalent to 3. First, assume 1 (or 2). | |
First, note that $\Omega_{R/k}$ is a finitely generated $R$-module; that's a general | |
observation: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
\label{finitelygeneratedOmega} | |
If $f: A \to B$ is a map of rings that makes $B$ a finitely generated $A$-algebra, then | |
$\Omega_{B/A}$ is a finitely generated $B$-module. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We've seen this is true for polynomial rings, and we can use the exact | |
sequence. If $B$ is a quotient of a polynomial ring, then $\Omega_{B/A}$ is a | |
quotient of the K\"ahler differentials of the polynomial ring. | |
\end{proof} | |
Return to the main proof. In particular, $\Omega_{R/k}$ is projective if and | |
only if $(\Omega_{R/k})_{\mathfrak{m}}$ is projective for every maximal ideal | |
$\mathfrak{m}$. According to the second assertion, we have that | |
$R_{\mathfrak{m}}$ looks like $(k[y_1, \dots, y_n]/(f_1, \dots, | |
f_m))_{\mathfrak{n}}$ for some maximal ideal $\mathfrak{n}$, with the | |
gradients $\nabla f_i$ linearly independent. Thus | |
$(\Omega_{R/k})_{\mathfrak{m}} = \Omega_{R_{\mathfrak{m}}/k}$ looks like the cokernel of | |
\[ R_{\mathfrak{m}}^m \to R_{\mathfrak{m}}^n \] | |
where the map is multiplication by the Jacobian matrix $\left(\frac{\partial | |
f_i}{\partial y_j} \right)$. By assumption this matrix has full rank. We see | |
that there is a left inverse of the reduced map $k^m \to k^n$. | |
We can lift this to a map $R_{\mathfrak{m}}^n \to R_{\mathfrak{m}}^m$. Since | |
this is a left inverse mod $\mathfrak{m}$, the composite is at least an | |
isomorphism (looking at determinants). Anyway, we see that $\Omega_{R/k}$ is | |
given by the cokernel of a map of free module that splits, hence is projective. | |
The rank is $n-m = \dim R_{\mathfrak{m}}$. | |
Finally, let us prove that 3 implies 1. Suppose $\Omega_{R/k}$ is projective of | |
rank $\dim R$. So this means that $\Omega_{R_{\mathfrak{m}}/k}$ is free of | |
dimension $\dim R_{\mathfrak{m}}$. But this implies that $(\Omega_{R/k}) | |
\otimes_R R/\mathfrak{m}$ is free of the appropriate rank, and that is---as we | |
have seen already---the embedding dimension $\mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2$. So | |
if 3 holds, the embedding dimension equals the usual dimension, and we get | |
regularity. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $R = \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]/\mathfrak{p}$ for $\mathfrak{p}$ a prime. | |
Then there is a nonzero $f \in R$ such that $R[f^{-1}]$ is regular. | |
\end{corollary} | |
Geometrically, this says the following. $\spec R$ is some algebraic variety, | |
and $\spec R[f^{-1}]$ is a Zariski open subset. What we are saying is that, in | |
characteristic zero, any algebraic variety has a nonempty open smooth locus. | |
The singular locus is always smaller than the entire variety. | |
\begin{proof} | |
$\Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}}$ is a finitely generated $R$-module. Let $K(R) $ be the fraction field of $R$. | |
Now | |
\[ \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} \otimes_R K(R) = \Omega_{K(R)/\mathbb{C}} \] | |
is a finite $K(R)$-vector space. The dimension is | |
$\mathrm{trdeg}(K(R)/\mathbb{C})$. That is also $d=\dim R$, as we have seen. | |
Choose elements $x_1, \dots, x_d \in \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}}$ which form a basis | |
for $\Omega_{K(R)/\mathbb{C}}$. There is a map | |
\[ R^d \to \Omega_{R/\mathbb{C}} \] | |
which is an isomorphism after localization at $(0)$. This implies that there is | |
$f \in R$ such that the map is an isomorphism after localization at | |
$f$.\footnote{There is an inverse defined over the fraction field, so it is | |
defined over some localization.} We find that $\Omega_{R[f^{-1}]/\mathbb{C}}$ | |
is free of rank $d$ for some $f$, which is what we wanted. | |
\end{proof} | |
This argument works over any algebraically closed field of characteristic | |
zero, or really any field of characteristic zero. | |
\begin{remark}[Warning] Over imperfect fields in characteristic $p$, two things can happen: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item Varieties need not be generically smooth | |
\item $\Omega_{R/k}$ can be projective with the wrong rank | |
\end{enumerate} | |
(Nothing goes wrong for \textbf{algebraically closed fields} of characteristic | |
$p$.) | |
\begin{example} | |
Here is a silly example. Say $R = k[y]/(y^p-x)$ where $x \in K$ has no $p$th | |
root. We know that $\Omega_{R/k}$ is free of rank one. However, the rank is | |
wrong: the variety has dimension zero. | |
\end{example} | |
\end{remark} | |
Last time, were trying to show that $\Omega_{L/K}$ is free on a transcendence | |
basis if $L/K$ is an extension in characteristic zero. So we had a tower of fields | |
\[ K \to K' \to L, \] | |
where $L/K'$ was separable algebraic. | |
We claim in this case that | |
\[ \Omega_{L/K} \simeq \Omega_{K'/K} \otimes_{K'} L. \] | |
This will prove the result. But we had not done this yesterday. | |
\begin{proof} | |
This doesn't follow directly from the previous calculations. Without loss of generality, $L$ is | |
finite over $K'$, and in particular, $L = K'[x]/(f(x))$ for $f$ separable. The claim is that | |
\[ \Omega_{L/K} \simeq (\Omega_{K'/K}\otimes_{K'}L \oplus K' dx)/f'(x)dx + \dots \] | |
When we kill the vector $f'(x) dx + \dots$, we kill the second component. | |
\end{proof} | |