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\chapter{Foundations} | |
\label{foundations} | |
The present foundational chapter will introduce the notion of a ring and, | |
next, that of a module over a ring. These notions will be the focus of the | |
present book. Most of the chapter will be definitions. | |
We begin with a few historical remarks. Fermat's last theorem states that the | |
equation | |
\[ \label{ft} x^n + y^n = z^n \] | |
has no nontrivial solutions in the integers, for $n \ge 3$. We could try to | |
prove this by factoring the expression on the left hand side. We can write | |
\[ (x+y)(x+ \zeta y) (x+ \zeta^2y) \dots (x+ \zeta^{n-1}y) = z^n, \] | |
where $\zeta$ is a primitive $n$th root of unity. Unfortunately, the factors | |
lie in $\mathbb{Z}[\zeta]$, not the integers $\mathbb{Z}$. Though | |
$\mathbb{Z}[\zeta]$ is still a \emph{ring} where we have notions of primes and | |
factorization, just as in $\mathbb{Z}$, we will see that prime factorization | |
is not always unique in $\mathbb{Z}[\zeta]$. (If it were always unique, then we | |
could at least one important case of Fermat's last theorem rather easily; see | |
the introductory chapter of \cite{Wa97} for an argument.) | |
For instance, consider the ring | |
$\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$ of complex numbers of the form $a + b\sqrt{-5}$, where | |
$a, b \in \mathbb{Z}$. Then we have the two factorizations | |
\[ 6 = 2 \cdot 3 = (1 + \sqrt{-5})(1 - \sqrt{-5}). \] | |
Both of these are factorizations of 6 into irreducible factors, but they | |
are fundamentally different. | |
In part, commutative algebra grew out of the need to understand this failure | |
of unique factorization more generally. We shall have more to say on | |
factorization in the future, but here we just focus on the formalism. | |
The basic definition for studying this problem is that of a \emph{ring}, which we now | |
introduce. | |
\section{Commutative rings and their ideals} | |
\subsection{Rings} | |
We shall mostly just work with commutative rings in this book, and consequently | |
will just say ``ring'' for one such. | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \textbf{commutative ring} is a set $R$ with an addition map | |
$+ : R \times R \to R$ and a multiplication map $\times : R \times R \to R$ | |
that satisfy the following conditions. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $R$ is a group under addition. | |
\item The multiplication map is commutative and distributes over addition. | |
This means that $x \times (y+z) = x \times y + x\times z$ and $x \times y = y | |
\times x$. | |
\item There is a \textbf{unit} (or \textbf{identity element}), denoted by | |
$1$, such that $1 \times x = x$ for all $x \in R$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
We shall typically write $xy$ for $x \times y$. | |
Given a ring, a \textbf{subring} is a subset that contains the identity | |
element and is closed under addition and multiplication. | |
\end{definition} | |
A \emph{noncommutative} (i.e. not necessarily commutative) ring is one | |
satisfying the above conditions, except possibly for the commutativity | |
requirement $xy = yx$. For instance, there is a noncommutative ring of | |
$2$-by-$2$ matrices over $\mathbb{C}$. We shall not work too much with noncommutative rings in | |
the sequel, though many of the basic results (e.g. on modules) do generalize. | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{Z}$ is the simplest example of a ring. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise}\label{polynomial} Let $R$ be a commutative ring. | |
Show that the set of polynomials in one variable over $R$ is a commutative | |
ring $R[x]$. Give a rigorous definition of this. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
For any ring $R$, we can consider the polynomial ring $R[x_1, \ldots, x_n]$ | |
which consists of the polynomials in $n$ variables with coefficients in $R$. | |
This can be defined inductively as $(R[x_1, \dots, x_{n-1}])[x_n]$, where the | |
procedure of adjoining a single variable comes from the previous | |
\cref{polynomial}. | |
\end{example} | |
We shall see a more general form of this procedure in \cref{groupring}. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
If $R$ is a commutative ring, recall that an \textbf{invertible element} (or, somewhat | |
confusingly, a \textbf{unit}) $u \in R$ is an element such | |
that there exists $v \in R$ with $uv = 1$. Prove that $v$ is necessarily | |
unique. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{ringoffns} | |
Let $X$ be a set and $R$ a ring. The set $R^X$ of functions $f:X \to R$ is a | |
ring. \end{exercise} | |
\subsection{The category of rings} | |
The class of rings forms a category. Its morphisms are called ring homomorphisms. | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \textbf{ring homomorphism} between two rings $R$ and $S$ as a map | |
$f : R \to S$ that respects addition and multiplication. That is, | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $f(1_R) = 1_S$, where $1_R$ and $1_S$ are the respective identity | |
elements. | |
\item $f(a + b) = f(a) + f(b)$ for $a, b \in R$. | |
\item $f(ab) = f(a)f(b)$ for $a, b \in R$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
There is thus a \emph{category} $\mathbf{Ring}$ whose objects are commutative | |
rings and whose morphisms are ring-homomorphisms. | |
\end{definition} | |
The philosophy of Grothendieck, as expounded in his EGA \cite{EGA}, is that one should | |
always do things in a relative context. This means that instead of working | |
with objects, one should work with \emph{morphisms} of objects. Motivated by | |
this, we introduce: | |
\begin{definition} | |
Given a ring $A$, an \textbf{$A$-algebra} is a ring $R$ together with a | |
morphism of rings (a \textbf{structure morphism}) $A \to R$. There is a category of $A$-algebras, where a | |
morphism between $A$-algebras is a ring-homomorphism that is required to commute with the structure | |
morphisms. | |
\end{definition} | |
So if $R$ is an $A$-algebra, then $R$ is not only a ring, but there is a way | |
to multiply elements of $R$ by elements of $A$ (namely, to multiply $a \in A$ | |
with $r \in R$, take the image of $a $ in $R$, and multiply that by $r$). | |
For instance, any ring is an algebra over any subring. | |
We can think of an $A$-algebra as an arrow $A \to R$, and a morphism from $A | |
\to R$ to $A \to S$ as a commutative diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
R \ar[rr] & & S \\ | |
& \ar[lu] A \ar[ru] | |
}\] | |
This is a special case of the \emph{undercategory} construction. | |
If $B$ is an $A$-algebra and $C$ a $B$-algebra, then $C$ is an $A$-algebra in a | |
natural way. Namely, by assumption we are given morphisms of rings $A \to B$ | |
and $B \to C$, so composing them gives the structure morphism $A \to C$ of $C$ | |
as an $A$-algebra. | |
\begin{example} | |
Every ring is a $\mathbb{Z}$-algebra in a natural and unique way. There is a | |
unique map (of rings) $\mathbb{Z} \to R$ for any ring $R$ because a | |
ring-homomorphism is required to preserve the identity. | |
In fact, $\mathbb{Z}$ is the \emph{initial object} in the category of rings: | |
this is a restatement of the preceding discussion. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
If $R$ is a ring, the polynomial ring $R[x]$ is an $R$-algebra in a natural | |
manner. Each element of $R$ is naturally viewed as a ``constant polynomial.'' | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{C}$ is an $\mathbb{R}$-algebra. | |
\end{example} | |
Here is an example that generalizes the case of the polynomial ring. | |
\begin{example} | |
\label{groupring} | |
If $R$ is a ring and $G$ a commutative monoid,\footnote{That is, there is a | |
commutative multiplication on $G$ with an identity element, but not | |
necessarily with inverses.} then the set | |
$R[G]$ of formal finite sums $\sum r_i g_i$ with $r_i \in R, g_i \in G$ is a | |
commutative ring, called the \textbf{moniod ring} or \textbf{group ring} when | |
$G$ is a group. | |
Alternatively, we can think of elements of $R[G]$ as infinite sums $\sum_{g \in | |
G} r_g g$ with $R$-coefficients, such that almost all the $r_g$ are zero. | |
We can define the multiplication law such that | |
\[ \left(\sum r_g g\right)\left( \sum s_g g\right) = | |
\sum_h \left( \sum_{g g' = h} r_g s_{g'} \right) h. | |
\] | |
This process is called \emph{convolution.} We can think of the multiplication | |
law as extended the group multiplication law (because the product of the | |
ring-elements corresponding to $g, g'$ is the ring element corresponding to | |
$gg' \in G$). | |
The case of $G = | |
\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ is the polynomial ring. | |
In some cases, we can extend this notion to formal infinite sums, as in the | |
case of the formal power series ring; see \cref{powerseriesring} below. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
\label{integersinitial} | |
The ring $\mathbb{Z}$ is an \emph{initial object} in the category of rings. | |
That is, for any ring $R$, there is a \emph{unique} morphism of rings | |
$\mathbb{Z} \to R$. We discussed this briefly earlier; show more generally that | |
$A$ is the initial object in the category of $A$-algebras for any ring $A$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
The ring where $0=1$ (the \textbf{zero ring}) is a \emph{final object} in the category of rings. That | |
is, every ring admits a unique map to the zero ring. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
\label{corepresentable} | |
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category and $F: \mathcal{C} \to \mathbf{Sets}$ a | |
covariant functor. Recall that $F$ is said to be \textbf{corepresentable} if | |
$F$ is naturally isomorphic to $X \to \hom_{\mathcal{C}}(U, X)$ for some | |
object $U \in \mathcal{C}$. For instance, the functor sending everything to a | |
one-point set is corepresentable if and only if $\mathcal{C}$ admits an | |
initial object. | |
Prove that the functor $\mathbf{Rings} \to \mathbf{Sets}$ assigning to each ring its underlying set is | |
representable. (Hint: use a suitable polynomial ring.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
The category of rings is both complete and cocomplete. To show this in full | |
will take more work, but we can here describe what | |
certain cases (including all limits) look like. | |
As we saw in \cref{corepresentable}, the forgetful functor $\mathbf{Rings} \to | |
\mathbf{Sets}$ is corepresentable. Thus, if we want to look for limits in the | |
category of rings, here is the approach we should follow: we should take the | |
limit first of the underlying sets, and then place a ring structure on it in | |
some natural way. | |
\begin{example}[Products] | |
The \textbf{product} of two rings $R_1, R_2$ is the set-theoretic product $R_1 | |
\times R_2$ with the multiplication law $(r_1, r_2)(s_1, s_2) = (r_1 s_1, r_2 | |
s_2)$. It is easy to see that this is a product in the category of rings. More | |
generally, we can easily define the product of any collection of rings. | |
\end{example} | |
To describe the coproduct is more difficult: this will be given by the | |
\emph{tensor product} to be developed in the sequel. | |
\begin{example}[Equalizers] | |
Let $f, g: R \rightrightarrows S$ be two ring-homomorphisms. Then we can | |
construct the \textbf{equalizer} of $f,g$ as the subring of $R$ consisting of | |
elements $x \in R$ such that $f(x) = g(x)$. This is clearly a subring, and one | |
sees quickly that it is the equalizer in the category of rings. | |
\end{example} | |
As a result, we find: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
$\mathbf{Rings}$ is complete. | |
\end{proposition} | |
As we said, we will not yet show that $\mathbf{Rings}$ is cocomplete. But we | |
can describe filtered colimits. In fact, filtered colimits will be constructed | |
just as in the set-theoretic fashion. That is, the forgetful functor | |
$\mathbf{Rings} \to \mathbf{Sets}$ commutes with \emph{filtered} colimits | |
(though not with general colimits). | |
\begin{example}[Filtered colimits] | |
Let $I$ be a filtering category, $F: I \to \mathbf{Rings}$ a functor. We can | |
construct $\varinjlim_I F$ as follows. An object is an element $(x,i)$ for $i | |
\in I$ and $x \in F(i)$, modulo equivalence; we say that $(x, i)$ and $(y, j)$ | |
are equivalent if there is a $k \in I$ with maps $i \to k, j \to k$ sending | |
$x,y$ to the same thing in the ring $F(k)$. | |
To multiply $(x, i)$ and $(y,j)$, we find | |
some $k \in I$ receiving maps from $i, j$, and replace $x,y$ with elements of | |
$F(k)$. Then we multiply those two in $F(k)$. One easily sees that this is a | |
well-defined multiplication law that induces a ring structure, and that what we | |
have described is in fact the filtered colimit. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Ideals} | |
An \emph{ideal} in a ring is analogous to a normal subgroup of a | |
group. As we shall see, one may quotient by ideals just as one quotients by | |
normal subgroups. | |
The idea is that one wishes to have a suitable \emph{equivalence relation} on a | |
ring $R$ such that the relevant maps (addition and multiplication) factor | |
through this equivalence relation. It is easy to check that any such relation | |
arises via an ideal. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $R$ be a ring. An \textbf{ideal} in $R$ is a subset $I \subset R$ that | |
satisfies the following. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $0 \in I$. | |
\item If $x, y \in I$, then $x + y \in I$. | |
\item If $x \in I$ and $y \in R$, then $xy \in I$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
There is a simple way of obtaining ideals, which we now describe. | |
Given elements $x_1, \ldots, x_n \in R$, we denote by $(x_1, \ldots, x_n) \subset | |
R$ the subset of linear combinations $\sum r_i x_i$, where $r_i \in R$. This | |
is clearly an ideal, and in fact the smallest one containing all $x_i$. It is | |
called the ideal \textbf{generated} by $x_1, \ldots, x_n$. A | |
\textbf{principal ideal} $(x)$ is one generated by a single $x \in R$. | |
\begin{example} | |
Ideals generalize the notion of divisibility. Note that | |
in $\mathbb{Z}$, the set of elements divisible by $n \in \mathbb{Z}$ forms the | |
ideal $I = n\mathbb{Z} = (n)$. We shall see that every ideal in $\mathbb{Z}$ is | |
of this form: $\mathbb{Z}$ is a \emph{principal ideal domain.} | |
\end{example} | |
Indeed, one can think of an ideal as axiomatizing the notions that | |
``divisibility'' ought to satisfy. Clearly, if two elements are divisible by | |
something, then their sum and product should also be divisible by it. More | |
generally, if an element is divisible by something, then the product of that | |
element with anything else should also be divisible. In general, we will extend | |
(in the chapter on Dedekind domains) much of the ordinary arithmetic with | |
$\mathbb{Z}$ to arithmetic with \emph{ideals} (e.g. unique factorization). | |
\begin{example} | |
We saw in \cref{ringoffns} | |
that if $X$ is a set and $R$ a ring, then the set $R^X$ of functions $X \to R$ | |
is naturally a ring. If $Y \subset X$ is a subset, then the subset of functions | |
vanishing on $Y$ is an ideal. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that the ideal $(2, 1 + \sqrt{-5}) \subset \mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$ is not | |
principal. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Operations on ideals} | |
There are a number of simple operations that one may do with ideals, which we | |
now describe. | |
\begin{definition} | |
The sum $I + J$ of two ideals $I, J \subset R$ is defined as the set of sums | |
\[ \left\{ x + y : x \in I, y \in J \right\}. \] | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} | |
The product $IJ$ of two ideals $I, J \subset R$ is defined as the smallest | |
ideal containing the products $xy$ for all $x \in I, y \in J$. This is just | |
the set | |
\[ \left\{ \sum x_i y_i : x_i \in I, y_i \in J \right\}. \] | |
\end{definition} | |
We leave the basic verification of properties as an exercise: | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Given ideals $I, J \subset R$, verify the following. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $I + J$ is the smallest ideal containing $I$ and $J$. | |
\item $IJ$ is contained in $I$ and $J$. | |
\item $I \cap J$ is an ideal. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
In $\mathbb{Z}$, we have the following for any $m, n$. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $(m) + (n) = (\gcd\{ m, n \})$, | |
\item $(m)(n) = (mn)$, | |
\item $(m) \cap (n) = (\mathrm{lcm}\{ m, n \})$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{proposition} | |
For ideals $I, J, K \subset R$, we have the following. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item Distributivity: $I(J + K) = IJ + IK$. | |
\item $I \cap (J + K) = I \cap J + I \cap K$ if $I \supset J$ or $I \supset K$. | |
\item If $I + J = R$, $I \cap J = IJ$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\begin{proof} | |
1 and 2 are clear. For 3, note that $(I + J)(I \cap J) = I(I \cap J) | |
+ J(I \cap J) \subset IJ$. Since $IJ \subset I \cap J$, the result | |
follows. | |
\end{proof} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
There is a \emph{contravariant} functor $\mathbf{Rings} \to \mathbf{Sets}$ that | |
sends each ring to its set of ideals. Given a map $f: R \to S$ and an ideal $I | |
\subset S$, we define an ideal $f^{-1}(I) \subset R$; this defines the | |
functoriality. | |
This functor is not representable, as it does not send the initial object | |
in $\mathbf{Rings} $ to the | |
one-element set. We will later use a \emph{subfunctor} of this functor, the | |
$\spec$ construction, when we replace ideals with ``prime'' ideals. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Quotient rings} | |
We next describe a procedure for producing new rings from old ones. | |
If $R$ is a ring and $I \subset R$ an ideal, then the quotient group $R/I$ | |
is a ring in its own right. If $a+I, b+I$ are two cosets, then the | |
multiplication is $(a+I)(b+I) = ab + I$. It is easy to check that this does | |
not depend on the coset representatives $a,b$. In other words, as mentioned | |
earlier, the arithmetic operations on $R$ \emph{factor} through the equivalence | |
relation defined by $I$. | |
As one easily checks, this becomes to a multiplication | |
\[ R/I \times R/I \to R/I \] | |
which is commutative and associative, and | |
whose identity element is $1+I$. | |
In particular, $R/I$ is a ring, under multiplication $(a+I)(b+I) = ab+I$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
$R/I$ is called the \textbf{quotient ring} by the ideal $I$. | |
\end{definition} | |
The process is analogous to quotienting a group by a normal subgroup: again, | |
the point is that the equivalence relation induced on the algebraic | |
structure---either the group or the ring---by the subgroup (or ideal)---is | |
compatible with the algebraic structure, which thus descends to the quotient. | |
The | |
reduction map $\phi \colon R \to R/I$ is a ring-homomorphism with a | |
\emph{universal | |
property}. | |
Namely, for any ring $B$, there is a map | |
\[ \hom(R/I, B) \to \hom(R, B) \] | |
on the hom-sets | |
by composing with the ring-homomorphism $\phi$; this map is injective and the | |
image consists of all homomorphisms $R \to B$ which vanish on $I$. | |
Stated alternatively, to map out of $R/I$ (into some ring $B$) is the same thing as mapping out of | |
$R$ while killing the ideal $I \subset R$. | |
This is best thought out for oneself, but here is the detailed justification. | |
The reason is that any map $R/I \to B$ pulls back to a map $R \to R/I \to B$ | |
which annihilates $I$ since $R \to R/I$ annihilates $I$. Conversely, if we have | |
a map | |
\[ f: R \to B \] | |
killing $I$, then we can define $R/I \to B$ by sending $a+I$ to $f(a)$; this is | |
uniquely defined since $f$ annihilates $I$. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
If $R$ is a commutative | |
ring, an element $e \in R$ is said to be \textbf{idempotent} if $e^2 = | |
e$. Define a covariant functor $\mathbf{Rings} \to \mathbf{Sets}$ sending a | |
ring to its idempotents. Prove that it is corepresentable. (Answer: the | |
corepresenting object is $\mathbb{Z}[X]/(X - X^2)$.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that the functor assigning to each ring the set of elements annihilated | |
by 2 is corepresentable. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
If $I \subset J \subset R$, then $J/I$ is an ideal of $R/I$, and there is a | |
canonical isomorphism | |
\[ (R/I)/(J/I) \simeq R/J. \] | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Zerodivisors} | |
Let $R$ be a commutative ring. | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $r \in R$, then $r$ is called a \textbf{zerodivisor} if there is $s \in R, s | |
\neq 0$ with $sr = 0$. Otherwise $r$ is called a \textbf{nonzerodivisor.} | |
\end{definition} | |
As an example, we prove a basic result on the zerodivisors in a polynomial ring. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Let $A=R[x]$. Let $f=a_nx^n+\cdots +a_0\in A$. If there is a non-zero polynomial $g\in | |
A$ such that $fg=0$, then there exists $r\in R\smallsetminus\{0\}$ such that $f\cdot | |
r=0$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
So all the coefficients are zerodivisors. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Choose $g$ to be of minimal degree, with leading coefficient $bx^d$. We may assume | |
that $d>0$. Then $f\cdot b\neq 0$, lest we contradict minimality of $g$. We must have | |
$a_i g\neq 0$ for some $i$. To see this, assume that $a_i\cdot g=0$, then $a_ib=0$ for | |
all $i$ and then $fb=0$. Now pick $j$ to be the largest integer such that $a_jg\neq | |
0$. Then $0=fg=(a_0 + a_1x + \cdots a_jx^j)g$, and looking at the leading coefficient, | |
we get $a_jb=0$. So $\deg (a_jg)<d$. But then $f\cdot (a_jg)=0$, contradicting | |
minimality of $g$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
The product of two nonzerodivisors is a nonzerodivisor, and the product of two | |
zerodivisors is a zerodivisor. It is, however, not necessarily true that the | |
\emph{sum} of two zerodivisors is a zerodivisor. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\section{Further examples} | |
We now illustrate a few important examples of | |
commutative rings. The section is in large measure an advertisement for why | |
one might care about commutative algebra; nonetheless, the reader is | |
encouraged at least to skim this section. | |
\subsection{Rings of holomorphic functions} | |
The following subsection may be omitted without impairing understanding. | |
There is a fruitful analogy in number theory between the rings $\mathbb{Z}$ and | |
$\mathbb{C}[t]$, the latter being the polynomial ring over $\mathbb{C}$ in one | |
variable (\rref{polynomial}). Why are they analogous? Both of these rings have a theory of unique | |
factorization: that is, factorization into primes or irreducible polynomials. (In the | |
latter, the irreducible polynomials have degree one.) | |
Indeed we know: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item Any nonzero integer factors as a product of primes (possibly times $-1$). | |
\item Any nonzero polynomial factors as a product of an element of | |
$\mathbb{C}^* =\mathbb{C} - \left\{0\right\}$ and polynomials of the form $t - | |
a, a \in \mathbb{C}$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
There is another way of thinking of $\mathbb{C}[t]$ in terms of complex | |
analysis. This is equal to the ring of holomorphic functions on $\mathbb{C}$ | |
which are meromorphic at infinity. | |
Alternatively, consider the Riemann sphere $\mathbb{C} \cup \{ \infty\}$; then the ring $\mathbb{C}[t]$ | |
consists of meromorphic functions on the sphere whose poles (if any) are at | |
$\infty$. | |
This description admits generalizations. | |
Let $X$ be a | |
Riemann surface. (Example: take the complex numbers modulo a lattice, i.e. an | |
elliptic curve.) | |
Suppose that $x \in X$. Define $R_x$ to be the ring of meromorphic functions on $X$ | |
which are allowed poles only at $x$ (so are everywhere else holomorphic). | |
\begin{example} Fix the notations of the previous discussion. | |
Fix $y \neq x \in X$. Let $R_x$ be the ring of meromorphic functions on the | |
Riemann surface $X$ which are holomorphic on $X - \left\{x\right\}$, as before. | |
Then the collection of functions that vanish at $y$ forms an | |
\emph{ideal} in $R_x$. | |
There are lots of other ideals. For instance, fix two | |
points $y_0, y_1 \neq x$; we look at the ideal of $R_x$ that vanish at both $y_0, y_1$. | |
\end{example} | |
\textbf{For any Riemann surface $X$, the conclusion of Dedekind's theorem | |
(\rref{ded1}) applies. } In other | |
words, the ring $R_x$ as defined in the example admits unique factorization of | |
ideals. We shall call such rings \textbf{Dedekind domains} in the future. | |
\begin{example} Keep the preceding notation. | |
Let $f \in R_x$, nonzero. By definition, $f$ may have a pole at $x$, but no poles elsewhere. $f$ vanishes | |
at finitely many points $y_1, \dots, y_m$. When $X$ was the Riemann sphere, | |
knowing the zeros of $f$ told us something about $f$. Indeed, in this case | |
$f$ is just a | |
polynomial, and we have a nice factorization of $f$ into functions in $R_x$ that vanish only | |
at one point. In general Riemann surfaces, this | |
is not generally possible. This failure turns out to be very interesting. | |
Let $X = \mathbb{C}/\Lambda$ be an elliptic curve (for $\Lambda \subset | |
\mathbb{C}^2$ a lattice), and suppose $x = 0$. Suppose we | |
are given $y_1, y_2, \dots, y_m \in X$ that are nonzero; we ask whether there | |
exists a function $f \in R_x$ having simple zeros at $y_1, \dots, y_m$ and nowhere else. | |
The answer is interesting, and turns out to recover the group structure on the | |
lattice. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A function $f \in R_x$ with simple zeros only at the $\left\{y_i\right\}$ exists if and only if $y_1 + y_2 + \dots + y_n = 0$ (modulo $\Lambda$). | |
\end{proposition} | |
So this problem of finding a function with specified zeros is equivalent to | |
checking that the specific zeros add up to zero with the group structure. | |
In any case, there might not be such a nice function, but we have at least an | |
ideal $I$ of functions that have zeros (not necessarily simple) at $y_1, \dots, | |
y_n$. This ideal has unique factorization into the ideals of functions | |
vanishing at $y_1$, functions vanishing at $y_2$, so on. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Ideals and varieties} | |
We saw in the previous subsection that ideals can be thought of as the | |
vanishing of functions. This, like divisibility, is another interpretation, | |
which is particularly interesting in algebraic geometry. | |
Recall the ring $\mathbb{C}[t]$ of complex polynomials discussed in the | |
last subsection. More generally, if $R$ is a ring, we saw in | |
\rref{polynomial} that the set $R[t]$ of polynomials with coefficients | |
in $R$ | |
is a ring. This is a construction that | |
can be iterated to get a polynomial ring in several variables over $R$. | |
\begin{example} | |
Consider the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$. Recall that before | |
we thought of the ring $\mathbb{C}[t]$ as a ring of meromorphic functions. | |
Similarly each element of the polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ | |
gives a function $\mathbb{C}^n \to \mathbb{C}$; we can think of the polynomial | |
ring as sitting inside the ring of all functions $\mathbb{C}^n \to \mathbb{C}$. | |
A question you might ask: What are the ideals in this ring? One way to get an | |
ideal is to pick a point $x=(x_1, \dots, x_n) \in \mathbb{C}^n$; consider the | |
collection of all functions $f \in \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ which vanish on | |
$x$; by the usual argument, this is an ideal. | |
There are, of course, other ideals. More generally, if $Y \subset | |
\mathbb{C}^n$, consider the collection of polynomial functions $f: | |
\mathbb{C}^n \to \mathbb{C}$ such that $f \equiv 0$ on | |
$Y$. This is easily seen to be an ideal in the polynomial ring. We thus have a | |
way of taking a subset of $\mathbb{C}^n$ and producing an ideal. | |
Let $I_Y$ be the ideal corresponding to $Y$. | |
This construction is not injective. One can have $Y \neq Y'$ but $I_Y = I_{Y'}$. For instance, if $Y$ is dense in | |
$\mathbb{C}^n$, then $I_Y = (0)$, because the only way a continuous function on | |
$\mathbb{C}^n$ can vanish on $Y$ is for it to be zero. | |
There is a much closer connection in the other direction. You might ask whether | |
all ideals can arise in this way. The quick answer is no---not even when $n=1$. The ideal $(x^2) \subset \mathbb{C}[x]$ cannot be obtained | |
in this way. It is easy to see that the only way we could get this as $I_Y$ is | |
for $Y=\left\{0\right\}$, but $I_Y$ in this case is just $(x)$, not $(x^2)$. | |
What's going wrong in this example is that $(x^2)$ is not a \emph{radical} | |
ideal. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{definition}\label{def-radical-ideal} | |
An ideal $I \subset R$ is \textbf{radical} if whenever $x^2 \in I$, then $x \in | |
I$. | |
\end{definition} | |
The ideals $I_Y$ in the polynomial ring are all radical. This is obvious. | |
You might now ask whether this is the only obstruction. We now state a theorem | |
that we will prove later. | |
\begin{theorem}[Hilbert's Nullstellensatz] If $I \subset \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, | |
x_n]$ is a radical ideal, then $I = I_Y$ for some $Y \subset \mathbb{C}^n$. In | |
fact, the canonical choice of $Y$ is the set of points where all the functions | |
in $Y$ vanish.\footnote{Such a subset is called an algebraic variety.} | |
\end{theorem} | |
This will be one of the highlights of the present course. But before we can | |
get to it, there is much to do. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Assuming the Nullstellensatz, show that any \emph{maximal} ideal in the | |
polynomial ring $\mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ is of the form | |
$(x_1-a_1, \dots, x_n-a_n)$ for $a_1, \dots, a_n \in \mathbb{C}$. An ideal of a | |
ring is called \textbf{maximal} if the only ideal that contains it is the | |
whole ring (and it itself is not the whole ring). | |
As a corollary, deduce that if $I \subset \mathbb{C}[x_1, \dots, x_n]$ is a | |
proper ideal (an ideal is called \textbf{proper} if it is not equal to the | |
entire ring), then there exists $(x_1, \dots, x_n) \in \mathbb{C}^n$ such that | |
every polynomial in $I$ vanishes on the point $(x_1, \dots, x_n)$. This is | |
called the \textbf{weak Nullstellensatz.} | |
\end{exercise} | |
\section{Modules over a commutative ring} | |
We will now establish some basic terminology about modules. | |
\subsection{Definitions} | |
Suppose $R$ is a commutative ring. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An \textbf{$R$-module $M$} is an abelian group $M$ with a map $R \times M \to | |
M$ (written $(a,m) \to am$) such that | |
\begin{enumerate}[\textbf{M} 1] | |
\item $(ab) m = a(bm)$ for $a,b \in R, m \in M$, i.e. there is an associative law. | |
\item $1m | |
= m$; the unit acts as the identity. | |
\item There are distributive laws | |
on both sides: | |
$(a+b)m = am + bm$ and $a(m+n) = am + an$ for $a,b \in R, \ m,n \in M$. | |
\end{enumerate} \end{definition} | |
Another definition can be given as follows. | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $M$ is an abelian group, $End(M)$ is the set of homomorphisms $f: M \to M$. | |
This can be made into a (noncommutative) \emph{ring}.\footnote{A | |
noncommutative ring is one satisfying all the usual axioms of a ring except | |
that multiplication is not required to be commutative.} Addition is defined pointwise, and | |
multiplication is by composition. The identity element is the identity | |
function $1_M$. | |
\end{definition} | |
We made the following definition earlier for commutative rings, but for | |
clarity we re-state it: | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $R, R'$ are rings (possibly noncommutative) then a function $f: R \to R'$ is a | |
\textbf{ring-homomorphism} or \textbf{morphism} if it is compatible with the | |
ring structures, i.e | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)$ | |
\item $f(xy) = f(x)f(y)$ | |
\item $f(1) = 1$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
The last condition is not redundant because otherwise the zero map would | |
automatically be a homomorphism. | |
The alternative definition of a module is left to the reader in the following | |
exercise. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
If $R$ is a ring and $R \to End(M)$ a homomorphism, then $M$ is made into an | |
$R$-module, and vice versa. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
If $R$ is a ring, then $R$ is an $R$-module by multiplication on the left. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
A $\mathbb{Z}$-module is the same thing as an abelian group. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $M$ is an $R$-module, a subset $M_0 \subset M$ is a \textbf{submodule} if it | |
is a subgroup (closed under addition and inversion) and is closed under | |
multiplication by elements of $R$, i.e. $aM_0 \subset M_0$ for $a \in R$. A | |
submodule is a module in its own right. If $M_0 \subset M$ is a submodule, | |
there is a commutative diagram: | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
R \times M_0 \ar[d] \ar[r] & M_0 \ar[d] \\ R \times M \ar[r] & M | |
}.\] | |
Here the horizontal maps are multiplication. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $R$ be a (\textbf{commutative}) ring; then an ideal in $R$ is the same thing as a | |
submodule of $R$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
If $A$ is a ring, an $A$-algebra is an $A$-module in an obvious way. More | |
generally, if $A$ is a ring and $R$ is an $A$-algebra, any $R$-module becomes | |
an $A$-module by pulling back the multiplication map via $A \to R$. | |
\end{example} | |
Dual to submodules is the notion of a \emph{quotient module}, which we define | |
next: | |
\begin{definition} Suppose $M$ is an $R$-module and $M_0$ a | |
submodule. Then the abelian group $M/M_0$ (of cosets) is an $R$-module, | |
called the \textbf{quotient module} by $M_0$. | |
Multiplication is as follows. If | |
one has a coset $x + M_0 \in M/M_0$, one multiplies this by $a \in R$ to | |
get the coset $ax | |
+ M_0$. This does not depend on the coset representative. | |
\end{definition} | |
\subsection{The categorical structure on modules} | |
So far, we have talked about modules, but we have not discussed morphisms | |
between modules, and have yet to make the class of modules over a given ring | |
into a category. This we do next. | |
Let us thus introduce a few more basic notions. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $R$ be a ring. Suppose $M,N$ are $R$-modules. A map $f: M \to N$ | |
is a \textbf{module-homomorphism} if it preserves all the relevant structures. | |
Namely, it must be a homomorphism of abelian groups, $f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)$, | |
and second it must | |
preserve multiplication: | |
$$f(ax) = af(x)$$ for $a \in R, x \in M$. | |
\end{definition} | |
A simple way of getting plenty of module-homomorphisms is simply to consider | |
multiplication by a fixed element of the ring. | |
\begin{example} | |
If $a \in R$, then multiplication by $a$ is a module-homomorphism $M | |
\stackrel{a}{\to} M$ for any $R$-module $M$.\footnote{When one considers | |
modules over noncommutative rings, this is no longer true.} Such homomorphisms | |
are called \textbf{homotheties.} | |
\end{example} | |
If $M \stackrel{f}{\to} N$ and $N \stackrel{g}{\to} P$ are | |
module-homomorphisms, their composite $M \stackrel{g \circ f}{\to} P$ clearly | |
is too. | |
Thus, for any commutative ring $R$, the class of $R$-modules and | |
module-homomorphisms forms a \textbf{category}. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
The initial object in this category is the zero module, and this is also the | |
final object. | |
In general, a category where the initial object and final object are the same | |
(that is, isomorphic) is called a \emph{pointed category.} The common object | |
is called the \emph{zero object.} In a pointed category $\mathcal{C}$, there is a morphism | |
$X \to Y$ for any two objects $X, Y \in \mathcal{C}$: if $\ast$ is the zero | |
object, then we can take $X \to \ast \to Y$. This is well-defined and is | |
called the \emph{zero morphism.} | |
One can easily show that the composition (on the left or the right) of a | |
zero morphism is a zero morphism (between a possibly different set of objects). | |
In the case of the category of modules, the zero object is clearly the zero | |
module, and the zero morphism $M \to N$ sends $m \mapsto 0$ for each $m \in M$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{definition} Let $f: M \to N$ be a module homomorphism. | |
In this case, the \textbf{kernel} $\ker f$ of $f$ is the set of elements $m | |
\in M$ with $f(m)=0$. This is | |
a submodule of $M$, as is easy to see. | |
The \textbf{image} $\im f$ of $f$ (the set-theoretic | |
image, i.e. the collection of all $f(x), x \in M$) is also a submodule of $N$. | |
The | |
\textbf{cokernel} of $f$ is defined by | |
\( N/\im(f). \) | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{univpropertykernel} | |
The universal property of the kernel is as follows. Let $M \stackrel{f}{\to } | |
N$ be a morphism with kernel $K \subset M$. Let $T \to M$ be a map. Then $T \to M$ factors through the | |
kernel $K \to M$ if and only if its composition with $f$ (a morphism $T \to N$) is zero. | |
That is, an arrow $T \to K$ exists in the diagram (where the dotted arrow | |
indicates we are looking for a map that need not exist) | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
& T \ar@{-->}[ld] \ar[d] \\ | |
K \ar[r] & M \ar[r]^f & N | |
}\] | |
if and only if the composite $T \to N$ is zero. | |
In particular, if we think of the hom-sets as abelian groups (i.e. | |
$\mathbb{Z}$-modules) | |
\[ \hom_R( T,K) = \ker\left( \hom_R(T, M) \to \hom_R(T, N) \right). \] | |
\end{exercise} | |
In other words, one may think of the kernel as follows. If $X | |
\stackrel{f}{\to} Y$ is a morphism, then the kernel $\ker(f)$ is the equalizer | |
of $f$ and the zero morphism $X \stackrel{0}{\to} Y$. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
What is the universal property of the cokernel? | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{moduleunderlyingsetrepresentable} | |
On the category of modules, the functor assigning to each module $M$ its | |
underlying set is corepresentable (cf. \rref{corepresentable}). What | |
is the corepresenting object? | |
\end{exercise} | |
We shall now introduce the notions of \emph{direct sum} and \emph{direct | |
product}. Let $I$ be a set, and suppose that for each $i \in I$, we are given | |
an $R$-module $M_i$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
The \textbf{direct product} $\prod M_i$ is set-theoretically the cartesian product. It is given | |
the structure of an $R$-module by addition and multiplication pointwise on | |
each factor. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} | |
The \textbf{direct sum} $\bigoplus_I M_i$ is the set of elements in the direct | |
product such that all but finitely many entries are zero. The direct sum is a | |
submodule of the direct product. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} \label{productcoproduct} | |
The direct product is a product in the category of modules, and the direct sum | |
is a coproduct. This is easy to verify: given maps $f_i: M \to M_i$, then we | |
get get a unique map $f: M \to \prod M_i$ by taking the product in the category | |
of sets. The case of a coproduct is dual: given maps $g_i: M_i \to N$, then we | |
get a map $\bigoplus M_i \to N$ by taking the \emph{sum} $g$ of the $g_i$: on a | |
family $(m_i) \in \bigoplus M_i$, we take $g(m_i) = \sum_I g_i(m_i)$; this is | |
well-defined as almost all the $m_i$ are zero. | |
\end{example} | |
\cref{productcoproduct} shows that the category of modules over a fixed | |
commutative ring has products and coproducts. In fact, the category of modules | |
is both complete and cocomplete (see \cref{completecat} for the definition). | |
To see this, it suffices to show that (by | |
\cref{coprodcoequalsufficeforcocomplete} and its dual) that this category | |
admits equalizers and coequalizers. | |
The equalizer of two maps | |
\[ M \stackrel{f,g}{\rightrightarrows} N \] | |
is easily checked to be the submodule of $M$ consisting of $m \in M$ such that | |
$f(m) = g(m)$, or, in other words, the kernel of $f-g$. The coequalizer of these two maps is the quotient module of $N$ | |
by the submodule $\left\{f(m) - g(m), m \in M\right\}$, or, in other words, | |
the cokernel of $f-g$. | |
Thus: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
If $R$ is a ring, the category of $R$-modules is complete and cocomplete. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{example} | |
Note that limits in the category of $R$-modules are calculated in the same way | |
as they are for sets, but colimits are not. That is, the functor from | |
$R$-modules to $\mathbf{Sets}$, the forgetful functor, preserves limits but not | |
colimits. Indeed, we will see that the forgetful functor is a right adjoint | |
(\cref{freeadj}), which implies it preserves limits (by \cref{adjlimits}). | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Exactness} | |
Finally, we introduce the notion of \emph{exactness}. | |
\begin{definition} \label{exactness} | |
Let $f: M \to N$ be a morphism of $R$-modules. Suppose $g: N \to P$ is another morphism of | |
$R$-modules. | |
The pair of maps is a \textbf{complex} if $g \circ f = 0: M \to N \to P$. | |
This is equivalent to the condition that $\im(f) \subset \ker(g)$. | |
This complex is \textbf{exact} (or exact at $N$) if $\im(f) = \ker(g)$. | |
In other words, anything that is killed when mapped to $P$ actually comes from something in | |
$M$. | |
\end{definition} | |
We shall often write pairs of maps as sequences | |
\[ A \stackrel{f}{\to} B \stackrel{g}{\to} C \] | |
and say that the sequence is exact if the pair of maps is, as in | |
\rref{exactness}. A longer (possibly infinite) sequence of modules | |
\[ A_0 \to A_1 \to A_2 \to \dots \] | |
will be called a \textbf{complex} if each set of three | |
consecutive terms is a complex, and \textbf{exact} if it is exact at each step. | |
\begin{example} | |
The sequence $0 \to A \stackrel{f}{\to} B$ is exact if and only if the map $f$ | |
is injective. Similarly, $A \stackrel{f}{\to} B \to 0$ is exact if and only if | |
$f$ is surjective. Thus, $0 \to A \stackrel{f}{\to} B \to 0$ is exact if and | |
only if $f$ is an isomorphism. | |
\end{example} | |
One typically sees this definition applied to sequences of the form | |
\[ 0 \to M'\stackrel{f}{ \to} M \stackrel{g}{\to} M'' \to 0, \] | |
which, if exact, is called a \textbf{short exact sequence}. | |
Exactness here means that $f$ is injective, $g$ is surjective, and $f$ maps | |
onto the kernel of $g$. So $M''$ can be thought of as the quotient $M/M'$. | |
\begin{example} | |
Conversely, if $M$ is a module and $M' \subset M$ a submodule, then there is a | |
short exact sequence | |
\[ 0 \to M' \to M \to M/M' \to 0. \] | |
So every short exact sequence is of this form. | |
\end{example} | |
Suppose $F$ is a functor from the category of $R$-modules to the | |
category of $S$-modules, where $R, S$ are rings. Then: | |
\begin{definition} | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $F$ is called \textbf{additive} if $F$ preserves direct sums. | |
\item $F$ is called \textbf{exact} if $F$ is additive and preserves exact sequences. | |
\item $F$ is called \textbf{left exact} if $F$ is additive and preserves exact sequences of the form | |
$0 \to M' \to M \to M''$. Equivalently, $F$ preserves kernels. | |
\item $F$ is \textbf{right exact} if $F$ is additive and $F$ preserves exact | |
sequences of the form $M' \to M \to M'' \to 0$, i.e. $F$ preserves cokernels. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
The reader should note that much of homological algebra can be developed using the more | |
general setting of an \emph{abelian category,} which axiomatizes much of the | |
standard properties of the category of modules over a ring. Such a | |
generalization turns out to be necessary when many natural categories, such as | |
the category of chain complexes or the category of sheaves on a topological | |
space, are not naturally categories of modules. | |
We do not go into this here, cf. \cite{Ma98}. | |
A functor $F$ is exact if and only if it is both left and right exact. | |
This actually requires proof, though it is not hard. Namely, right-exactness implies that $F$ | |
preserves cokernels. Left-exactness implies that $F$ preserves kernels. $F$ | |
thus preserves images, as the image of a morphism is the kernel of its cokernel. | |
So if | |
\[ A \to B \to C \] | |
is a short exact sequence, then the kernel of the second map is equal to the | |
image of the first; we have just seen that this is preserved under $F$. | |
From this, one can check that left-exactness is equivalent to requiring that $F$ preserve | |
finite limits (as an additive functor, $F$ automatically preserves products, | |
and we have just seen that $F$ is left-exact iff it preserves kernels). | |
Similarly, right-exactness is equivalent to requiring that $F$ preserve | |
finite colimits. | |
So, in \emph{any} category with finite limits and colimits, we can talk about | |
right or left exactness of a functor, but the notion is used most often for | |
categories with an additive structure (e.g. categories of modules over a ring). | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Suppose whenever $0 \to A' \to A \to A'' \to 0$ is short exact, then $FA' \to | |
FA \to FA'' \to 0$ is exact. Prove that $F$ is right-exact. So we get a | |
slightly weaker criterion for right-exactness. | |
Do the same for left-exact functors. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Split exact sequences} | |
Let $f: A \to B$ be a map of sets which is injective. Then there is a map $g: A | |
\to B$ such that the composite $g \circ f: A \stackrel{f}{\to} B | |
\stackrel{g}{\to} A$ is the identity. Namely, we define $g$ to be the inverse | |
of $f$ on $f(A)$ and arbitrarily on $B-f(A)$. | |
Conversely, if $f: A \to B$ admits an element $g: B \to A$ such that $g \circ f | |
= 1_A$, then $f$ is injective. This is easy to see, as any $a \in A$ can be | |
``recovered'' from $f(a)$ (by applying $g$). | |
In general, however, this observation does not generalize to arbitrary | |
categories. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a category. A morphism $A \stackrel{f}{\to} B$ is called a | |
\textbf{split injection} if there is $g: B \to A$ with $g \circ f = 1_A$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise}[General nonsense] | |
Suppose $f: A \to B$ is a split injection. Show that $f$ is a categorical monomorphism. | |
(Idea: the map $\hom(C,A) \to \hom(C,B)$ becomes a split injection of sets | |
thanks to $g$.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
\add{what is a categorical monomorphism? Maybe omit the exercise} | |
In the category of sets, we have seen above that \emph{any} monomorphism is a | |
split injection. This is not true in other categories, in general. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Consider the morphism $\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Z}$ given by multiplication by | |
2. Show that this is not a split injection: no left inverse $g$ can exist. | |
\end{exercise} | |
We are most interested in the case of modules over a ring. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A morphism $f: A \to B$ in the category of $R$-modules is a split injection if | |
and only if: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $f$ is injective. | |
\item $f(A)$ is a direct summand in $B$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proposition} | |
The second condition means that there is a submodule $B' \subset B$ such that | |
$B = B' \oplus f(A)$ (internal direct sum). In other words, $B = B' + f(A)$ | |
and $B' \cap f(A) = \left\{0\right\}$. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Suppose the two conditions hold, and we have a module $B'$ which is a | |
complement to $f(A)$. | |
Then we define a left inverse | |
\[ B \stackrel{g}{\to} A \] | |
by letting $g|_{f(A)} = f^{-1}$ (note that $f$ becomes an \emph{isomorphism} | |
$A \to f(A)$) and $g|_{B'}=0$. It is easy to see that this is indeed a left | |
inverse, though in general not a right inverse, as $g$ is likely to be | |
non-injective. | |
Conversely, suppose $f: A \to B$ admits a left inverse $g: B \to A$. The usual | |
argument (as for sets) shows that $f$ is injective. The essentially new | |
observation is that $f(A) $ is a direct summand in $B$. To define the | |
complement, we take $\ker(g) \subset B$. | |
It is easy to see (as $g \circ f = 1_A$) that $\ker(g) \cap f(A) = | |
\left\{0\right\}$. Moreover, $\ker(g) +f(A)$ fills $B$: given $b \in B$, it is | |
easy to check that | |
\[ b - f(g(b)) \in \ker(g). \] | |
Thus we find that the two conditions are satisfied. | |
\end{proof} | |
\add{further explanation, exactness of filtered colimits} | |
\subsection{The five lemma} | |
The five lemma will be a useful tool for us in proving that maps are | |
isomorphisms. Often this argument is used in inductive proofs. Namely, we will | |
see that often ``long exact sequences'' (extending infinitely in one or both | |
directions) arise from short exact sequences in a natural way. In such | |
events, the five lemma | |
will allow us to prove that certain morphisms are isomorphisms by induction on | |
the dimension. | |
\begin{theorem} | |
Suppose given a commutative diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
A \ar[d] \ar[r] & B \ar[d] \ar[r] & C \ar[d] \ar[r] & D \ar[d] \ar[r] & E \ar[d] \\ | |
A' \ar[r] & B' \ar[r] & C' \ar[r] & D' \ar[r] & E' | |
}\] | |
such that the rows are exact and the four vertical maps $A \to A', B \to B', D | |
\to D', E \to E'$ are isomorphisms. Then $C \to C'$ is an isomorphism. | |
\end{theorem} | |
This is the type of proof that goes by the name of ``diagram-chasing,'' and | |
is best thought out visually for oneself, even though we give a complete proof. | |
\begin{proof} | |
We have the diagram | |
\[ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
A \ar[r]^k \ar[d]^\a & B \ar[r]^l \ar[d]^\b | |
& C \ar[r]^m \ar[d]^g & D \ar[r]^n \ar[d]^\d & E \ar[d]^\e \\ | |
F \ar[r]_p & G \ar[r]_q & H \ar[r]_r & I \ar[r]_s & J | |
} | |
\] | |
where the rows are exact at $B, C, D, G, H, I$ and the squares commute. In | |
addition, suppose that $\a, \b, \d, \e$ are isomorphisms. We will show that | |
$\g$ is an isomorphism. | |
\emph{We show that $\g$ is surjective:} | |
Suppose that $h \in H$. Since $\d$ is surjective, there exists an element | |
$d \in D$ such that $r(h) = \d(d) \in I$. | |
By the commutativity of the rightmost square, $s(r(h)) = \e(n(d))$. | |
The exactness at $I$ means that $\im r = \ker s$, so hence | |
$\e(n(d)) = s(r(h)) = 0$. Because $\e$ is injective, $n(d) = 0$. | |
Then $d \in \ker(n) = \im(m)$ by exactness at $D$. | |
Therefore, there is some $c \in C$ such that $m(c) = d$. | |
Now, $\d(m(c)) = \d(d) = r(h)$ and by the commutativity of squares, | |
$\d(m(c)) = r(\g(c))$, so therefore $r(\g(c)) = r(h)$. Since $r$ is a | |
homomorphism, $r(\g(c) - h) = 0$. Hence $\g(c) - h \in \ker r = \im q$ by | |
exactness at $H$. | |
Therefore, there exists $g \in G$ such that $q(g) = \g(c) - h$. | |
$\b$ is surjective, so there is some $b \in B$ such that $\b(b) = g$ and hence | |
$q(\b(b)) = \g(c) - h$. By the commutativity of squares, | |
$q(\b(b)) = \g(l(b)) = \g(c) - h$. Hence | |
$h = \g(c) - \g(l(b)) = \g(c - l(b))$, and therefore $\g$ is surjective. | |
So far, we've used that $\b$ and $\g$ are surjective, $\e$ is injective, and | |
exactness at $D$, $H$, $I$. | |
\emph{We show that $\g$ is injective:} | |
Suppose that $c \in C$ and $\g(c) = 0$. | |
Then $r(\g(c)) = 0$, and by the commutativity of squares, | |
$\d(m(c)) = 0$. Since $\d$ is injective, $m(c) = 0$, so | |
$c \in \ker m = \im l$ by exactness at $C$. | |
Therefore, there is $b \in B$ such that $l(b) = c$. | |
Then $\g(l(b)) = \g(c) = 0$, and by the commutativity of squares, | |
$q(\b(b)) = 0$. Therefore, $\b(b) \in \ker q$, and by exactness at $G$, | |
$\b(b) \in \ker q = \im p$. | |
There is now $f \in F$ such that $p(f) = \b(b)$. Since $\a$ is surjective, this | |
means that there is $a \in A$ such that $f = \a(a)$, so then | |
$\b(b) = p(\a(a))$. By commutativity of squares, | |
$\b(b) = p(\a(a)) = \b(k(a))$, and hence $\b(k(a) - b) = 0$. | |
Since $\b$ is injective, we have $k(a) -b = 0$, so $k(a) = b$. | |
Hence $b \in \im k = \ker l$ by commutativity of squares, so $l(b) = 0$. | |
However, we defined $b$ to satisfy $l(b) = c$, so therefore $c = 0$ and hence | |
$\g$ is injective. | |
Here, we used that $\a$ is surjective, $\b, \d$ are injective, and exactness at | |
$B, C, G$. | |
Putting the two statements together, we see that $\g$ is both surjective and | |
injective, so $\g$ is an isomorphism. We only used that $\b, \d$ are | |
isomorphisms and that $\a$ is surjective, $\e$ is injective, so we can slightly | |
weaken the hypotheses; injectivity of $\a$ and surjectivity of $\e$ were | |
unnecessary. | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Ideals} | |
The notion of an \emph{ideal} has already been defined. Now we will introduce additional terminology related to the theory of ideals. | |
\subsection{Prime and maximal ideals} | |
Recall that the notion of an ideal generalizes that of divisibility. In | |
elementary number theory, though, one finds that questions of divisibility | |
basically reduce to questions about primes. | |
The notion of a ``prime ideal'' is intended to generalize the familiar idea of a prime | |
number. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An ideal $I \subset R$ is said to be \textbf{prime} if | |
\begin{enumerate}[\textbf{P} 1] | |
\item $1 \notin I$ (by convention, 1 is not a prime number) | |
\item If $xy \in I$, either $x \in I$ or $y \in I$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
\label{integerprimes} | |
If $R = \mathbb{Z}$ and $p \in R$, then $(p) \subset \mathbb{Z}$ is a prime ideal iff $p$ or $-p$ is a | |
prime number in $\mathbb{N}$ or if $p$ is zero. | |
\end{example} | |
If $R$ is any commutative ring, there are two obvious ideals. These obvious | |
ones are the zero ideal $(0)$ | |
consisting only of the zero element, and the unit element $(1)$ consisting of all of | |
$R$. | |
\begin{definition} \label{maximalideal} | |
An ideal $I \subset R$ is called \textbf{maximal}\footnote{Maximal with | |
respect to not being the unit ideal.} if | |
\begin{enumerate}[\textbf{M} 1] | |
\item $1 \notin I$ | |
\item Any larger ideal contains $1$ (i.e., is all of $R$). | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
So a maximal ideal is a maximal element in the partially ordered set of proper | |
ideals (an ideal is \textbf{proper} if it does not contain 1). | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Find the maximal ideals in $\mathbb{C}[t]$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A maximal ideal is prime. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
First, a maximal ideal does not contain 1. | |
Let $I \subset R$ be a maximal ideal. | |
We need to show that if $xy \in I$, | |
then one of $x,y \in I$. If $x \notin I$, then $(I,x) = I + (x)$ (the ideal | |
generated by $I$ and $x$) strictly contains $I$, so by maximality contains | |
$1$. In particular, $1 \in I+(x)$, so we can write | |
\[ 1 = a + xb \] | |
where $a \in I, b \in R$. Multiply both sides by $y$: | |
\[ y = ay + bxy. \] | |
Both terms on the right here are in $I$ ($a \in I$ and $xy \in I$), so we find | |
that $y \in I$. | |
\end{proof} | |
Given a ring $R$, what can we say about the collection of ideals in $R$? | |
There | |
are two obvious ideals in $R$, namely $(0)$ and $ (1)$. These are the same if and | |
only if $0=1$, i.e. $R$ is the zero ring. | |
So for any nonzero commutative ring, we have at least two distinct ideals. | |
Next, we show that maximal ideals always \emph{do} exist, except in the case | |
of the zero ring. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{anycontainedinmaximal} | |
Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Let $I \subset R$ be a proper ideal. Then $I$ | |
is contained in a maximal ideal. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This requires the axiom of choice in the form of Zorn's lemma. Let | |
$P$ be the collection of all ideals $J \subset R$ such that $I | |
\subset J$ and $J \neq R$. Then $P$ is a poset with respect to inclusion. $P$ is | |
nonempty because it contains $I$. Note that given a (nonempty) linearly ordered | |
collection of ideals $J_{\alpha} \in P$, the union $\bigcup J_{\alpha} \subset | |
R$ is an ideal: this is easily seen in view of the linear ordering (if $x,y | |
\in \bigcup J_{\alpha}$, then both $x,y$ belong to some $J_{\gamma}$, so $x+y | |
\in J_{\gamma}$; multiplicative closure is even easier). The union is not all | |
of $R$ because it does not contain $1$. | |
This implies that $P$ has a maximal element by Zorn's lemma. This maximal element may | |
be called $\mathfrak{M}$; it's a proper element containing $I$. I claim that | |
$\mathfrak{M}$ is a maximal ideal, because if it were contained in a larger | |
ideal, that would be in $P$ (which cannot happen by maximality) unless it were all of $R$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $R $ be a nonzero commutative ring. Then $R$ has a maximal ideal. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Apply the lemma to the zero ideal. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $R$ be a nonzero commutative ring. Then $x \in R$ is invertible if and | |
only if it belongs to no maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m} \subset R$. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, $x$ is invertible if and only if $(x) = 1$. That is, if and only if | |
$(x)$ is not a proper ideal; now \rref{anycontainedinmaximal} | |
finishes the argument. | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{Fields and integral domains} | |
Recall: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A commutative ring $R$ is called a \textbf{field} if $1 \neq 0$ and for every $x \in R - | |
\left\{0\right\}$ there exists an \textbf{inverse} $x^{-1} \in R$ such that $xx^{-1} = | |
1$. | |
\end{definition} | |
This condition has an obvious interpretation in terms of ideals. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
A commutative ring with $1 \neq 0$ is a field iff it has only the two ideals $(1), | |
(0)$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
Alternatively, a ring is a field if and only if $(0)$ is a maximal ideal. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Assume $R$ is a field. Suppose $I \subset R$. If $I \neq (0)$, then there is | |
a nonzero $x \in I$. Then there is an inverse $x^{-1}$. We have $x^{-1} x =1 | |
\in I$, so $I = (1)$. | |
In a field, there is thus no room for ideals other than $(0)$ and $(1)$. | |
To prove the converse, assume every ideal of $R$ is $(0)$ or $(1)$. Then for | |
each $x \in R$, $(x) = (0)$ or $(1)$. If $x \neq 0$, the first cannot happen, so | |
that means that the ideal generated by $x$ is the unit ideal. So $1$ is a | |
multiple of $x$, implying that $x$ has a multiplicative inverse. | |
\end{proof} | |
So fields also have an uninteresting ideal structure. | |
\begin{corollary} \label{maximalfield} | |
If $R$ is a ring and $I \subset R$ is an ideal, then $I$ is maximal if and only | |
if $R/I$ is a field. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
The basic point here is that there is a bijection between the ideals of $R/I$ | |
and ideals of $R$ containing $I$. | |
Denote by $\phi: R \to R/I$ the reduction map. There is a | |
construction mapping ideals of $R/I$ to ideals of $R$. This sends an ideal in | |
$R/I$ to | |
its inverse image. This is easily seen to map to ideals of $R$ containing $I$. | |
The map from ideals of $R/I$ to ideals of $R$ containing $I$ is a bijection, | |
as one checks easily. | |
It follows that $R/I$ is a field precisely if | |
$R/I$ has precisely two ideals, i.e. precisely if there are precisely two | |
ideals in $R$ containing $I$. These ideals must be $(1)$ and $I$, so this | |
holds if and only if $I$ is maximal. | |
\end{proof} | |
There is a similar characterization of prime ideals. | |
\begin{definition} | |
A commutative ring $R$ is an \textbf{integral domain} if for all $ x,y \in R$, | |
$x \neq 0 $ and $y \neq 0$ imply $xy \neq 0$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{proposition} \label{primeifdomain} | |
An ideal $I \subset R$ is prime iff $R/I$ is a domain. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Prove \rref{primeifdomain}. | |
\end{exercise} | |
Any field is an integral domain. This is because in a field, nonzero elements | |
are invertible, and the product of two invertible elements is invertible. This | |
statement translates in ring theory to the statement that a maximal ideal is | |
prime. | |
Finally, we include an example that describes what \emph{some} of the prime | |
ideals in a polynomial ring look like. | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $R$ be a ring and $P$ a prime ideal. We claim that $PR[x] \subset R[x]$ is a | |
prime ideal. | |
Consider the map $\tilde{\phi}:R[x]\rightarrow(R/P)[x]$ with | |
$\tilde{\phi}(a_0+\cdots+a_nx^n)=(a_0+P)+\cdots+(a_n+P)x^n$. This is clearly | |
a homomorphism because $\phi:R\rightarrow R/P$ is, and its kernel consists | |
of those polynomials $a_0+\cdots+a_nx^n$ with $a_0,\ldots,a_n\in P$, which is | |
precisely $P[x]$. Thus $R[x]/P[x]\simeq (R/P)[x]$, which is an integral domain | |
because $R/P$ is an integral domain. Thus $P[x]$ is a prime ideal. | |
However, if | |
$P$ is a maximal ideal, then $P[x]$ is never a maximal ideal because the ideal | |
$P[x]+(x)$ (the polynomials with constant term in $P$) always strictly contains | |
$P[x]$ (because if $x\in P[x]$ then $1\in P$, which is impossible). Note | |
that $P[x]+(x)$ is the kernel of the composition of $\tilde{\phi}$ with | |
evaluation at 0, i.e $(\text{ev}_0\circ\tilde{\phi}):R[x]\rightarrow R/P$, | |
and this map is a surjection and $R/P$ is a field, so that $P[x]+(x)$ is | |
the maximal ideal in $R[x]$ containing $P[x]$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{quotfld1} | |
Let $R$ be a domain. Consider the set of formal quotients $a/b, a, b \in R$ | |
with $b \neq 0$. Define addition and multiplication using usual rules. Show | |
that the resulting object $K(R)$ is a ring, and in fact a \emph{field}. The | |
natural map $R \to K(R)$, $r \to r/1$, has a universal property. If $R | |
\hookrightarrow L$ is an injection of $R$ into a field $L$, then there is a | |
unique morphism $K(R) \to L$ of fields extending $R \to L$. This construction | |
will be generalized when we consider \emph{localization.} | |
This construction is called the \textbf{quotient field.} | |
Note that a non-injective map $R\to L$ will \emph{not} factor through the | |
quotient field! | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise}\label{Jacobson} | |
Let $R$ be a commutative ring. Then the \textbf{Jacobson radical} of $R$ is | |
the intersection $\bigcap \mathfrak{m}$ of all maximal ideals $\mathfrak{m} | |
\subset R$. Prove that an element $x$ is in the Jacobson radical if and only | |
if $1 - yx$ is invertible for all $y \in R$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Prime avoidance} | |
The following fact will come in handy occasionally. We will, for instance, use | |
it much later to show that an ideal consisting of zerodivisors on a module $M$ is | |
contained in associated prime. | |
\begin{theorem}[Prime avoidance] \label{primeavoidance} | |
Let $I_1,\dots, I_n \subset R$ be ideals. Let $A\subset R$ be a subset which is closed | |
under addition and multiplication. Assume that at least $n-2$ of the ideals are | |
prime. If $A\subset I_1\cup \cdots \cup I_n$, then $A\subset I_j$ for some $j$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
The result is frequently used in the following specific case: if an ideal $I$ | |
is contained in a finite union $\bigcup \mathfrak{p}_i$ of primes, then $I | |
\subset \mathfrak{p}_i$ for some $i$. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Induct on $n$. If $n=1$, the result is trivial. The case $n=2$ is an easy argument: if | |
$a_1\in A\smallsetminus I_1$ and $a_2\in A\smallsetminus I_2$, then $a_1+a_2\in | |
A\smallsetminus (I_1\cup I_2)$. | |
Now assume $n\ge 3$. We may assume that for each $j$, $A\not\subset I_1\cup \cdots | |
\cup \hat I_j\cup \cdots I_n$.\footnote{The hat means omit $I_j$.} Fix an element | |
$a_j\in A\smallsetminus (I_1\cup \cdots \cup \hat I_j\cup \cdots I_n)$. Then this | |
$a_j$ must be contained in $I_j$ since $A\subset \bigcup I_j$. Since $n\ge 3$, one | |
of the $I_j$ must be prime. We may assume that $I_1$ is prime. Define | |
$x=a_1+a_2a_3\cdots a_n$, which is an element of $A$. Let's show that $x$ avoids | |
\emph{all} of the $I_j$. If $x\in I_1$, then $a_2a_3\cdots a_n\in I_1$, which | |
contradicts the fact that $a_i\not\in I_j$ for $i\neq j$ and that $I_1$ is prime. If | |
$x\in I_j$ for $j\ge 2$. Then $a_1\in I_j$, which contradicts $a_i\not\in I_j$ for | |
$i\neq j$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{The Chinese remainder theorem} | |
Let $m,n$ be relatively prime integers. Suppose $a, b \in \mathbb{Z}$; then | |
one can show that the two congruences $x \equiv a \mod m$ | |
and $x \equiv b \mod n$ can be solved simultaneously in $x \in \mathbb{Z}$. | |
The solution is unique, moreover, modulo $mn$. | |
The Chinese remainder theorem generalizes this fact: | |
\begin{theorem}[Chinese remainder theorem] Let $I_1, \dots I_n$ be ideals in a | |
ring $R$ which satisfy $I_i + I_j = R$ for $i \neq j$. Then we have $I_1 \cap | |
\dots \cap I_n = I_1 \dots I_n$ and the morphism of rings | |
\[ R \to \bigoplus R/I_i \] | |
is an epimorphism with kernel $I_1 \cap \dots \cap I_n$. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
First, note that for any two ideals $I_1$ and $I_2$, we | |
have $I_1I_2\subset I_1\cap I_2$ and $(I_1+I_2)(I_1\cap I_2)\subset | |
I_1I_2$ (because any element of $I_1+I_2$ multiplied by any element of | |
$I_1\cap I_2$ will clearly be a sum of products of elements from both $I_1$ | |
and $I_2$). Thus, if $I_1$ and $I_2$ are coprime, i.e. $I_1+I_2=(1)=R$, | |
then $(1)(I_1\cap I_2)=(I_1\cap I_2)\subset I_1I_2\subset I_1\cap I_2$, | |
so that $I_1\cap I_2=I_1I_2$. This establishes the result for $n=2$. | |
If the | |
ideals $I_1,\ldots,I_n$ are pairwise coprime and the result holds for $n-1$, | |
then $$\bigcap_{i=1}^{n-1} I_i=\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}I_i.$$ Because $I_n+I_i=(1)$ | |
for each $1\leq i\leq n-1$, there must be $x_i\in I_n$ and $y_i\in I_i$ such | |
that $x_i+y_i=1$. Thus, $z_n=\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}y_i=\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}(1-x_i)\in | |
\prod_{i=1}^{n-1} I_i$, and clearly $z_n+I_n=1+I_n$ since each $x_i\in | |
I_n$. Thus $I_n+\prod_{i=1}^{n-1}I_i=I_n+\bigcap_{i=1}^{n-1}I_i=(1)$, | |
and we can now apply the $n=2$ case to conclude that $\bigcap_{i=1}^n | |
I_i=\prod_{i=1}^n I_i$. | |
Note that for any $i$, we can construct a $z_i$ | |
with $z_i\in I_j$ for $j\neq i$ and $z_i+I_i=1+I_i$ via the same procedure. | |
Define $\phi:R\rightarrow\bigoplus R/I_i$ | |
by $\phi(a)=(a+I_1,\ldots,a+I_n)$. The kernel of $\phi$ is | |
$\bigcap_{i=1}^n I_i$, because $a+I_i=0+I_i$ iff $a\in I_i$, so that | |
$\phi(a)=(0+I_1,\ldots,0+I_n)$ iff $a\in I_i$ for all $i$, that is, | |
$a\in\bigcap_{i=1}^n I_i$. Combined with our previous result, the kernel | |
of $\phi$ is $\prod_{i=1}^n I_i$. | |
Finally, recall that we constructed | |
$z_i\in R$ such that $z_i+I_i=1+I_i$, and $z+I_j=0+I_j$ for all $j\neq | |
i$, so that $\phi(z_i)=(0+I_1,\ldots,1+I_{i},\ldots,0+I_n)$. Thus, | |
$\phi(a_1z_1+\cdots+a_nz_n)=(a_1+I_1,\ldots,a_n+I_n)$ for all $a_i\in R$, | |
so that $\phi$ is onto. By the first isomorphism theorem, we have that | |
$R/I_1\cdots I_n\simeq \bigoplus_{i=1}^nR/I_i$. \\ | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Some special classes of domains} | |
\subsection{Principal ideal domains} | |
\begin{definition} | |
A ring $R$ is a \textbf{principal ideal domain} or \textbf{PID} if $R \neq 0$, $R$ is not a | |
field, $R$ is a domain, and every ideal of $R$ is principal. | |
\end{definition} | |
These have the next simplest theory of ideals. | |
Each ideal is very simple---it's principal---though there might be a lot of ideals. | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{Z}$ is a PID. The only nontrivial fact to check here is that: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Any nonzero ideal $I \subset \mathbb{Z}$ is principal. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
If $I = (0)$, then this is obvious. Else there is $n \in I - | |
\left\{0\right\}$; we can assume $n>0$. Choose $n \in I$ as small as possible and | |
positive. Then I claim that the ideal $I$ is generated by $(n)$. Indeed, we have $(n) | |
\subset I$ obviously. If $m \in I$ is another integer, then divide $m$ by $n$, | |
to find $m = nb + r$ for $r \in [0, n)$. We find that $r \in I$ and $0 \leq r < | |
n$, so $r=0$, and $m$ is divisible by $n$. And $I \subset (n)$. | |
So $I = (n)$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\end{example} | |
A module $M$ is said to be \emph{finitely generated} if there exist elements | |
$x_1, \dots, x_n \in M$ such that any element of $M$ is a linear combination | |
(with coefficients in $R$) of the $x_i$. (We shall define this more formally | |
below.) | |
One reason that PIDs are so convenient is: | |
\begin{theorem}[Structure theorem] \label{structurePID} | |
If $M$ is a finitely generated module over a principal ideal domain $R$, then | |
$M$ is isomorphic to a direct sum | |
\[ M \simeq \bigoplus_{i=1}^n R/a_i, \] | |
for various $a_i \in R$ (possibly zero). | |
\end{theorem} | |
\add{at some point, the proof should be added. This is important!} | |
\subsection{Unique factorization domains} | |
The integers $\mathbb{Z}$ are especially nice because of the fundamental | |
theorem of arithmetic, which states that every integer has a unique | |
factorization into primes. This is not true for every integral domain. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An element of a domain $R$ is \textbf{irreducible} if it cannot be written | |
as the product of two non-unit elements of $R$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
Consider the integral domain $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$. We saw earlier that | |
\[ | |
6 = 2 \cdot 3 = (1 + \sqrt{-5})(1 - \sqrt{-5}), | |
\] | |
which means that $6$ was written as the product of two non-unit elements in | |
different ways. $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$ does not have unique factorization. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{definition} \label{earlyUFD} | |
A domain $R$ is a \textbf{unique factorization domain} or \textbf{UFD} if every | |
non-unit $x \in R$ satisfies | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $x$ can be written as a product $x = p_1 p_2 \cdots p_n$ of | |
irreducible elements $p_i \in R$ | |
\item if $x = q_1 q_2 \cdots q_m$ where $q_i \in R$ are irreducible | |
then the $p_i$ and $q_i$ are the same up to order and multiplication by units. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{Z}$ is a UFD, while $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$ is not. In fact, many of | |
our favorite domains have unique factorization. We will prove that all PIDs | |
are UFDs. In particular, in \rref{gaussianintegersareprincipal} and | |
\rref{polyringisprincipal}, we saw that $\mathbb{Z}[i]$ and $F[t]$ are PIDs, | |
so they also have unique factorization. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{theorem} \label{PIDUFD} | |
Every principal ideal domain is a unique factorization domain. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Suppose that $R$ is a principal ideal domain and $x$ is an element of $R$. We | |
first demonstrate that $x$ can be factored into irreducibles. | |
If $x$ is a unit or an irreducible, then we are done. Therefore, we can assume | |
that $x$ is reducible, which means that $x = x_1 x_2$ for non-units | |
$x_1, x_2 \in R$. If there are irreducible, then we are again done, so we | |
assume that they are reducible and repeat this process. We need to show that | |
this process terminates. | |
Suppose that this process continued infinitely. Then we have an infinite | |
ascending chain of ideals, where all of the inclusions are proper: | |
$(x) \subset (x_1) \subset (x_{11}) \subset \cdots \subset R$. | |
We will show that this is impossible because any infinite ascending chain of | |
ideals $I_1 \subset I_2 \subset \cdots \subset R$ of a principal ideal domain | |
eventually becomes stationary, i.e. for some $n$, $I_k = I_n$ for $k \geq n$. | |
Indeed, let $I = \bigcup_{i=1}^\infty I_i$. This is an ideal, so it is | |
principally generated as $I = (a)$ for some $a$. Since $a \in I$, we must have | |
$a \in I_N$ for some $N$, which means that the chain stabilizes after $I_N$. | |
It remains to prove that this factorization of $x$ is unique. We induct on | |
the number of irreducible factors $n$ of $x$. If $n = 0$, then $x$ is a unit, | |
which has unique factorization up to units. Now, suppose that | |
$x = p_1 \cdots p_n = q_1 \cdots q_m$ for some $m \ge n$. Since $p_1$ divides | |
$x$, it must divide the product $q_1 \cdots q_m$ and by irreducibility, one of | |
the factors $q_i$. Reorder the $q_i$ so that $p_1$ divides $q_1$. However, | |
$q_1$ is irreducible, so this means that $p_1$ and $q_1$ are the same up to | |
multiplication by a unit $u$. Canceling $p_1$ from each of the two | |
factorizations, we see that $p_2 \cdots p_n = u q_2 \cdots q_m = q_2' \cdots | |
q_m$. By induction, this shows that the factorization of $x$ is unique up to | |
order and multiplication by units. | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{Euclidean domains} | |
A euclidean domain is a special type of principal ideal domain. In practice, | |
it will often happen that one has an explicit proof that a given domain is | |
euclidean, while it might not be so trivial to prove that it is a UFD without | |
the general implication below. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An integral domain $R$ is a \textbf{euclidean domain} if there is a function | |
$|\cdot |:R\to \mathbb \mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ (called the norm) such that the following hold. | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $|a|=0$ iff $a=0$. | |
\item For any nonzero $a,b\in R$ there exist $q,r\in R$ such that $b=aq+r$ and $|r|<|a|$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
In other words, the norm is compatible with division with remainder. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{theorem}\label{EDPID} | |
A euclidean domain is a principal ideal domain. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $R$ be an euclidean domain, $I\subset R$ and ideal, and $b$ be the nonzero element of smallest norm in $I$. | |
Suppose $ a\in I$. Then we can write $ a = qb + r$ with $ 0\leq r < |b|$, but since $ b$ has minimal nonzero absolute value, $ r = 0$ and $ b|a$. Thus $ I=(b)$ is principal. | |
\end{proof} | |
As we will see, this implies that any euclidean domain admits \emph{unique | |
factorization.} | |
\begin{proposition} \label{polyringED} | |
Let $F$ be a field. Then the polynomial ring $F[t]$ is a euclidean domain. | |
In particular, it is a PID. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We define \add{} | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{gaussianintegersareprincipal} | |
Prove that $\mathbb{Z}[i]$ is principal. | |
(Define the norm as $N(a+ib) = a^2 + b^2$.) | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} \label{polyringisprincipal} | |
Prove that the polynomial ring $F[t]$ for $F$ a field is principal. | |
\end{exercise} | |
It is \emph{not} true that a PID is necessarily euclidean. Nevertheless, it | |
was shown in \cite{Gre97} that the converse is ``almost'' true. Namely, | |
\cite{Gre97} defines the notion of an \textbf{almost euclidean domain.} | |
A domain $R$ is almost euclidean if there is a function $d: R \to | |
\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$ such that | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $d(a) = 0$ iff $a = 0$. | |
\item $d(ab) \geq d(a)$ if $b \neq 0$. | |
\item If $a,b \in R - \left\{0\right\}$, then either $b \mid a$ or there is | |
$r \in (a,b)$ with $d(r)<d(b)$. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
It is easy to see by the same argument that an almost euclidean domain is a PID. | |
(Indeed, let $R$ be an almost euclidean domain, and $I \subset R$ a nonzero | |
ideal. Then choose $x \in I - \left\{0\right\}$ such that $d(x)$ is minimal among elements in | |
$I$. Then if $y \in I - \left\{0\right\}$, either $x \mid y$ or $(x,y) \subset I$ contains an | |
element with smaller $d$. The latter cannot happen, so the former does.) | |
However, in fact: | |
\begin{proposition}[\cite{Gre97}] \label{almosteuclidean} | |
A domain is a PID if and only if it is almost euclidean. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, let $R$ be a PID. Then $R$ is a UFD (\rref{PIDUFD}), so for any $x \in R$, | |
there is a factorization into prime elements, unique up to units. If $x$ | |
factors into $n$ elements, we define $d(x)=n$; we set $d(0)=0$. | |
The first two conditions for an almost euclidean domain are then evident. | |
Let $x = p_1 \dots p_m$ and $y = q_1 \dots q_n$ be two elements of $R$, | |
factored into irreducibles. Suppose $x \nmid y$. Choose a generator $b$ of the (principal) ideal $(x,y)$; then obviously $y | |
\mid b$ so $d(y) \leq d(b)$. But if $d(y) = d(b)$, then the | |
number of factors of $y$ and $b$ is the same, so $y \mid b$ would imply | |
that $y$ and $b$ are associates. This is a contradiction, and implies that | |
$d(y)<d(b)$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{remark} | |
We have thus seen that a euclidean domain is a PID, and a PID is a UFD. Both | |
converses, however, fail. By Gauss's lemma (\rref{}), the | |
polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ has unique factorization, though the ideal | |
$(2, X)$ is not principal. | |
In \cite{Ca88}, it is shown that the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1+ | |
\sqrt{-19}}{2}]$ is a PID but not euclidean (i.e. there is \emph{no} euclidean | |
norm on it). | |
\end{remark} | |
According to \cite{Cl11}, sec. 8.3, \cref{almosteuclidean} actually goes back to Hasse | |
(and these norms are sometimes called ``Dedekind-Hasse norms''). | |
\section{Basic properties of modules} | |
\subsection{Free modules} | |
We now describe a simple way of constructing modules over a ring, and an | |
important class of modules. | |
\begin{definition} | |
\label{freemoduledef} | |
A module $M$ is \textbf{free} if it is isomorphic to $\bigoplus_I R$ for some | |
index set $I$. The cardinality of $I$ is called the \textbf{rank}. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
$R$ is the simplest example of a free module. | |
\end{example} | |
Free modules have a \emph{universal property}. | |
Namely, recall that if $M$ is an $R$-module, then to give a homomorphism | |
\[ R \to M \] | |
is equivalent to giving an element $m \in M$ (the image of $1$). | |
By the universal product of the direct sum (which is the coproduct in the | |
category of modules), it follows that to give a map | |
\[ \bigoplus_I \to M \] | |
is the same as giving a map of \emph{sets} $I \to M$. | |
In particular: | |
\begin{proposition} \label{freeadj} | |
The functor $I \mapsto \bigoplus_I R$ from $\mathbf{Sets}$ to | |
$R$-modules is the \emph{left adjoint} to the forgetful functor from | |
$R$-modules to $\mathbf{Sets}$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
The claim now is that the notion of ``rank'' is well-defined for a free | |
module. To see this, we will have to use the notion | |
of a \emph{maximal ideal} (\rref{maximalideal}) and | |
\rref{maximalfield}. | |
Indeed, suppose | |
$\bigoplus_I R$ and $\bigoplus_J R$ are isomorphic; we must show that $I$ and | |
$J$ have the same cardinality. Choose a maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m} | |
\subset R$. Then, by applying the functor $M \to | |
M/\mathfrak{m}M$, we find that the $R/\mathfrak{m}$-\emph{vector spaces} | |
\[ \bigoplus_I R/\mathfrak{m}, \quad \bigoplus_J R/\mathfrak{m} \] | |
are isomorphic. By linear algebra, $I$ and $J$ have the same cardinality. | |
Free modules have a bunch of nice properties. The first is that it is very | |
easy to map out of a free module. | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $I$ be an indexing set, and $M$ an $R$-module. Then to give a morphism | |
\[ \bigoplus_I R \to M \] | |
is equivalent to picking an element of $M$ for each $i \in I$. Indeed, given | |
such a collection of elements $\left\{m_i\right\}$, we send the generator of $\bigoplus_I R$ with a 1 | |
in the $i$th spot and zero elsewhere to $m_i$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
In a domain, every principal ideal (other than zero) is a free module of rank | |
one. | |
\end{example} | |
Another way of saying this is that the free module $\bigoplus_I R$ represents | |
the functor on modules sending $M$ to the \emph{set} $ M^I$. We have already seen a special case of this for $I$ a | |
one-element set (\rref{moduleunderlyingsetrepresentable}). | |
The next claim is that free modules form a reasonably large class of the | |
category of $R$-modules. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{freesurjection} | |
Given an $R$-module $M$, there is a free module $F$ and a surjection | |
\[ F \twoheadrightarrow M. \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
We let $F$ to be the free $R$-module on the elements $e_m$, one for each $m | |
\in M$. We define the map | |
\[ F \to M \] | |
by describing the image of each of the generators $e_m$: we just send each | |
$e_m$ to $m \in M$. It is clear that this map is surjective. | |
\end{proof} | |
We close by making a few remarks on matrices. | |
Let $M$ be a free module of rank $n$, and fix an isomorphism $M \simeq R^n$. | |
Then we can do linear algebra with $M$, even though we are working over a | |
ring and not necessarily a field, at least to some extent. | |
For instance, we can talk about $n$-by-$n$ matrices over the ring $R$, and | |
then each of them induces a transformation, i.e. a module-homomorphism, $M \to | |
M$; it is easy to see that every module-homomorphism between free modules is | |
of this form. Moreover, multiplication of matrices corresponds to composition | |
of homomorphisms, as usual. | |
\begin{example} Let us consider the question of when the transformation | |
induced by an $n$-by-$n$ matrix is invertible. The answer is similar to the | |
familiar one from linear algebra in the case of a field. Namely, the condition | |
is that the determinant be invertible. | |
Suppose that an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ over a ring $R$ is invertible. This | |
means that there exists $A^{-1}$ so that $A A^{-1} = I$, so hence | |
$1 = \det I = \det(A A^{-1}) = (\det A) (\det A^{-1})$, and therefore, | |
$\det A$ must be a unit in $R$. | |
Suppose instead that an $n \times n$ matrix $A$ over a ring $R$ has an | |
invertible determinant. Then, using Cramer's rule, we can actually construct | |
the inverse of $A$. | |
\end{example} | |
We next show that if $R$ is a commutative ring, the category of modules over | |
$R$ contains enough information to reconstruct $R$. This is a small part of the | |
story of \emph{Morita equivalence,} which we shall not enter into here. | |
\begin{example} | |
Suppose $R$ is a commutative ring, and let $\mathcal{C}$ be the category of | |
$R$-modules. The claim is that $\mathcal{C}$, as an \emph{abstract} category, | |
determines $R$. Indeed, the claim is that $R$ is canonically the ring of | |
endomorphisms of the identity functor $1_{\mathcal{C}}$. | |
Such an \emph{endomorphism} is given by a natural transformation | |
$\phi: 1_{\mathcal{C}} \to 1_{\mathcal{C}}$. In other words, one requires for | |
each $R$-module $M$, a homomorphism of $R$-modules $\phi_M : M \to M$ such that | |
if $f: M \to N$ is any homomorphism of modules, then there is a commutative | |
square | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
M \ar[d]^f \ar[r]^{\phi_M} & M \ar[d] \\ | |
N \ar[r]^{\phi_N} & N. | |
}\] | |
Here is a simple way of obtaining such endomorphisms. Given $r \in R$, we | |
consider the map $r: M \to m$ which just multiplies each element by $r$. This | |
is a homomorphism, and it is clear that it is natural in the above sense. There | |
is thus a map $R \to \mathrm{End}(1_\mathcal{C})$ (note that multiplication | |
corresponds to composition of natural transformations). | |
This map is clearly injective; different $r, s \in R$ lead to different natural | |
transformations (e.g. on the $R$-module $R$). | |
The claim is that \emph{any} natural transformation of $1_{\mathcal{C}}$ is | |
obtained in this way. | |
Namely, let $\phi: 1_{\mathcal{C}} \to 1_{\mathcal{C}}$ be such a natural | |
transformation. On the $R$-module $R$, $\phi$ must be multiplication by some | |
element $r \in R$ | |
(because $\hom_R(R, R)$ is given by such homotheties). | |
Consequently, one sees by drawing commutative diagrams that $\phi: R^{\oplus S} | |
\to R^{\oplus S}$ is of this form for any set $S$. So $\phi$ is multiplication | |
by $r$ on any free $R$-module. | |
Since any module $M$ is a quotient of a free module $F$, we can draw a diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
F\ar[d] \ar[r]^{\phi_F} & F \ar[d] \\ | |
M \ar[r]^{\phi_M} & M. | |
}\] | |
Since the vertical arrows are surjective, we find that $\phi_F$ must be given | |
by multiplication by $r$ too. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Finitely generated modules} | |
The notion of a ``finitely generated'' module is analogous to that of a | |
finite-dimensional vector space. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An $R$-module $M$ is \textbf{finitely generated} if there exists a surjection | |
$R^n \to M$ for some $n$. In other words, it has a finite number of elements | |
whose ``span'' contains $M$. | |
\end{definition} | |
The basic properties of finitely generated modules follow from the fact that | |
they are stable under extensions and quotients. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{exact-fingen} | |
Let $0 \to M' \to M \to M'' \to 0$ be an exact sequence. If $M', M''$ are | |
finitely generated, so is $M$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Suppose $0\rightarrow | |
M'\stackrel{f}{\rightarrow}M\stackrel{g}{\rightarrow}M''\rightarrow0$ | |
is exact. Then $g$ is surjective, $f$ is injective, and | |
$\text{ker}(g)=\text{im}(f)$. Now suppose $M'$ is finitely generated, | |
say by $\{a_1,\ldots,a_s\}$, and $M''$ is finitely generated, say by | |
$\{b_1,\ldots,b_t\}$. Because $g$ is surjective, each $g^{-1}(b_i)$ is | |
non-empty. Thus, we can fix some $c_i\in g^{-1}(b_i)$ for each $i$. | |
For any | |
$m\in M$, we have $g(m)=r_1b_1+\cdots+r_tb_t$ for some $r_i\in R$ because | |
$g(m)\in M''$ and $M''$ is generated by the $b_i$. Thus $g(m)=r_1g(c_i)+\cdots | |
r_tg(c_t)=g(r_1c_1+\cdots+r_tc_t)$, and because $g$ is a homomorphism | |
we have $m-(r_1c_1+\cdots+r_tc_t)\in\text{ker}(g)=\text{im}(f)$. But | |
$M'$ is generated by the $a_i$, so the submodule $\text{im}(f)\subset | |
M$ is finitely generated by the $d_i=f(a_i)$. | |
Thus, any $m\in | |
M$ has $m-(r_1c_1+\cdots+r_tc_t)=r_{t+1}d_1+\cdots+r_{t+s}d_s$ | |
for some $r_1,\ldots,r_{t+s}$, thus $M$ is finitely generated by | |
$c_1,\ldots,c_t,d_1,\ldots,d_s$. \\ | |
\end{proof} | |
The converse is false. It is possible for finitely generated modules to have | |
submodules which are \emph{not} finitely generated. As we shall see in | |
\rref{noetherian}, this does not happen over \emph{noetherian} rings. | |
\begin{example} | |
Consider the ring $R=\mathbb{C}[X_1, X_2, \dots,]$ and the ideal $(X_1, X_2, | |
\dots)$. This ideal is a submodule of the finitely generated $R$-module $R$, | |
but it is not finitely generated. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that a quotient of a finitely generated module is finitely generated. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Consider a \emph{split} exact sequence $0 \to M' \to M \to M'' \to 0$. In this | |
case, show that if $M$ is finitely generated, so is $M'$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\subsection{Finitely presented modules} | |
Over messy rings, the notion of a finitely presented module is often a good | |
substitute for that of a finitely generated one. In fact, we are going to see | |
(\rref{}), that there is a general method of reducing questions about finitely | |
presented modules over arbitrary rings to finitely generated modules over | |
finitely generated $\mathbb{Z}$-algebras. | |
Throughout, fix a ring $R$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An $R$-module $M$ is \textbf{finitely presented} if there is an exact sequence | |
\[ R^m \to R^n \to M \to 0. \] | |
\end{definition} | |
The point of this definition is that $M$ is the quotient of a free module | |
$R^n$ by the ``relations'' given by the images of the vectors in $R^m$. | |
Since $R^m$ is finitely generated, $M$ can be represented via finitely many | |
generators \emph{and} finitely many relations. | |
The reader should compare this with the definition of a \textbf{finitely | |
generated} module; there we only require an exact sequence | |
\[ R^n \to M \to 0. \] | |
As usual, we establish the usual properties of finitely presented modules. | |
We start by showing that if a finitely presented module $M$ is generated by | |
finitely many elements, the ``module of relations'' among these generators is | |
finitely generated itself. The condition of finite presentation only states that | |
there is \emph{one} such set of generators such that the module of generators | |
is finitely generated. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
Suppose $M$ is finitely presented. Then if $R^m \twoheadrightarrow M$ is a | |
surjection, the kernel is finitely generated. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} Let $K$ be the kernel of $R^m \twoheadrightarrow M$. | |
Consider an exact sequence | |
\[ F' \to F \to M \to 0 \] | |
where $F', F$ are finitely generated and free, which we can do as $M$ is | |
finitely presented. | |
Draw a commutative and exact diagram | |
\[ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
& F' \ar[r] & F \ar[r] \ar@{-->}[d] & M \ar[r] \ar[d] & 0 \\ | |
0 \ar[r] & K \ar[r] & R^m \ar[r] & M \ar[r] & 0 | |
} | |
\] | |
The dotted arrow $F \to R^m$ exists as $F$ is projective. There is induced a | |
map $F' \to K$. | |
We get a commutative and exact diagram | |
\[ | |
\xymatrix{ | |
& F' \ar[r]\ar[d]^f & F \ar[r] \ar[d]^g & M \ar[r] \ar[d] & 0 \\ | |
0 \ar[r] & K \ar[r] & R^m \ar[r] & M \ar[r] & 0 | |
}, | |
\] | |
to which we can apply the snake lemma. There is an exact sequence | |
\[ 0 \to \coker(f) \to \coker(g) \to 0, \] | |
which gives an isomorphism $\coker(f) \simeq \coker(g)$. | |
However, $\coker(g)$ is finitely generated, as a quotient of $R^m$. | |
Thus $\coker(f)$ is too. | |
Since we have an exact sequence | |
\[ 0 \to \im(f) \to K \to \coker(f) \to 0, \] | |
and $\im(f)$ is finitely generated (as the image of a finitely generated | |
object, $F'$), we find by \rref{exact-fingen} that $\coker(f)$ is finitely generated. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{proposition} \label{exact-finpres} | |
Given an exact sequence | |
\[ 0 \to M' \to M \to M'' \to 0, \] | |
if $M', M''$ are finitely presented, so is $M$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
In general, it is not true that if $M$ is finitely presented, then $M'$ and | |
$M''$ are. For instance, it is possible that a submodule of the free, finitely | |
generated module $R$ (i.e. an ideal), might fail to be finitely generated. We | |
shall see in \rref{noetherian} that this does not happen over a | |
\emph{noetherian} ring. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, suppose we have exact sequences | |
\[ F_1' \to F_0' \to M' \to 0 \] | |
and | |
\[ F_1'' \to F_0'' \to M'' \to 0 \] | |
where the $F$'s are finitely generated and free. | |
We need to get a similar sequence for $M$. | |
Let us stack these into a diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
& F_1' \ar[d] & & F_1'' \ar[d] \\ | |
& F_0' \ar[d] & & F_0'' \ar[d] \\ | |
0 \ar[r] & M' \ar[r] & M \ar[r] & M'' \ar[r] & 0 | |
}\] | |
However, now, using general facts about projective modules (\rref{}), we can | |
splice these presentations into a resolution | |
\[ F_1' \oplus F_1'' \to F_0' \oplus F_0'' \to M \to 0, \] | |
which proves the assertion. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
The (finite) direct sum of finitely presented modules is finitely presented. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Immediate from \rref{exact-finpres} | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{Modules of finite length} | |
A much stronger condition on modules that of finite generation is that of \emph{finite | |
length}. Here, basically any operation one does will eventually terminate. | |
Let $R$ be a commutative ring, $M$ an $R$-module. | |
\begin{definition} | |
$M$ is \textbf{simple} if $M \neq 0$ and $M$ has no nontrivial submodules. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
A torsion-free abelian group is never a simple $\mathbb{Z}$-module. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{proposition} | |
$M$ is simple if and only if it is isomorphic to $R/\mathfrak{m}$ for $\mathfrak{m} \subset | |
R$ a maximal ideal. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} Let $M$ be simple. Then | |
$M$ must contain a cyclic submodule $Rx$ generated by some $x \in | |
M - \left\{0\right\}$. So it must contain a submodule isomorphic to $R/I$ | |
for some ideal $I$, and | |
simplicity implies that $M \simeq R/I$ for some $I$. If $I$ is not maximal, | |
say properly contained in $J$, | |
then we will get a nontrivial submodule $J/I$ of $R/I \simeq M$. Conversely, | |
it is easy to see | |
that $R/\mathfrak{m}$ is simple for $\mathfrak{m}$ maximal. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise}[Schur's lemma] Let $f: M \to N$ be a module-homomorphism, | |
where $M, N$ are both simple. Then either $f =0$ or $f$ is an isomorphism. | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{definition} | |
$M$ is of \textbf{finite length} if there is a finite filtration $0 \subset M^0 | |
\subset \dots \subset M^n = M$ where each $M^i/M^{i-1}$ is simple. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Modules of finite length are closed under extensions (that is, if $0 \to M' | |
\to M \to M'' \to 0$ is an exact sequence, then if $M', M''$ are of finite | |
length, so is $M$). | |
\end{exercise} | |
In the next result (which will not be used in this chapter), we shall use the | |
notions of a \emph{noetherian} and an \emph{artinian} module. These notions | |
will be developed at length in \cref{chnoetherian}, and we refer the reader | |
there for more explanation. | |
A module is \emph{noetherian} if every ascending chain $M_1 \subset M_2 \subset | |
\dots$ of submodules stabilizes, and it is \emph{artinian} if every descending chain | |
stabilizes. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
$M$ is finite length iff $M$ is both noetherian and artinian. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Any simple module is obviously both noetherian and artinian: there are two | |
submodules. So if $M$ is finite length, then the finite filtration with simple | |
quotients implies that $M$ is noetherian and artinian, since these two | |
properties are stable under extensions (\rref{exactnoetherian} | |
and \rref{exactartinian} of \rref{noetherian}). | |
Suppose $M \neq 0$ is noetherian and artinian. Let $M_1 \subset M$ be a minimal | |
nonzero submodule, which exists as $M$ is artinian. This is necessarily simple. Then we have a filtration | |
\[ 0 = M_0 \subset M_1. \] | |
If $M_1 = M$, then the filtration goes up to $M$, and we have that $M$ is of | |
finite length. If not, find a submodule $M_2$ that contains $M_1$ and is | |
minimal among submodules containing $M_1$; then the quotient | |
$M_2/M_1$ is simple. We have the filtration | |
\[ 0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset M_2, \] | |
which we can keep continuing until at some point we reach $M$. Note that since | |
$M$ is noetherian, we cannot continue this strictly ascending chain forever. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
In particular, any submodule or quotient module of a finite length module is | |
of finite length. Note that the analog is not true for finitely generated | |
modules unless the ring in question is noetherian. | |
\end{exercise} | |
Our next goal is to show that the length of a filtration of a module with | |
simple quotients is well-defined. | |
For this, we need: | |
\begin{lemma} \label{simplefiltrationint} | |
Let $0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset \dots \subset M_n = M$ be a filtration of | |
$M$ with simple quotients. Let $N \subset M$. Then the filtration | |
$0 = M_0 \cap N \subset M_1 \cap N \subset \dots \subset N$ has simple or zero | |
quotients. | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, for each $i$, $(N \cap M_i)/(N \cap M_{i-1})$ is a submodule of | |
$M_i / M_{i-1}$, so is either zero or simple. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{theorem}[Jordan-H\"older]\label{lengthexists} Let $M$ be a module of | |
finite length. | |
In this case, any two filtrations | |
on $M$ with simple quotients have the same length. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{definition} | |
This number is called the \textbf{length} of $M$ and is denoted $\ell(M)$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{proof}[Proof of \rref{lengthexists}] | |
Let us introduce a temporary definition: $l(M)$ is the length of the | |
\emph{minimal} filtration on $M$. We will show that any filtration of $M$ (with | |
simple quotients) is of length | |
$l(M)$. This is the proposition in another form. | |
The proof of this claim is by induction on $l(M)$. Suppose we have a filtration | |
\[ 0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset \dots \subset M_n = M \] | |
with simple quotients. We would like to show that $n = l(M)$. By definition of | |
$l(M)$, there is another filtration | |
\[ 0 = N_0 \subset \dots \subset N_{l(M)} = M. \] | |
If $l(M) = 0,1$, then $M$ is zero or simple, which will necessarily imply that $n=0,1$ | |
respectively. So we can assume $l(M) \geq 2$. We can also assume that the | |
result is known for strictly smaller submodules of $M$. | |
There are two cases: | |
\begin{enumerate} | |
\item $M_{n-1} = N_{l(M) -1 } $. Then $M_{n-1} = N_{l(M)-1}$ has $l$ at most | |
$l(M)-1$. Thus by the inductive hypothesis any two filtrations on $M_{n-1}$ | |
have the same length, so $n-1 = l(M) -1$, implying what we want. | |
\item We have $M_{n-1} \cap N_{l(M) - 1} \subsetneq M_{n-1}, N_{l(M)-1}$. | |
Call this intersection $K$. | |
Now we have two filtrations of these modules $M_{n-1}, N_{l(M)-1}$ whose | |
quotients are simple. We can replace them such that the next | |
term before them is $K$. | |
To do this, consider the filtrations | |
\[ 0 = M_0 \cap K \subset M_1 \subset K \subset \dots M_{n-1} \cap K = K | |
\subset M_{n-1} \] | |
and | |
\[ 0 = N_0 \cap K \subset M_1 \subset K \subset \dots N_{l(M)-1} \cap K = K | |
\subset N_{l(M)-1} . \] | |
These filtrations have simple or zero quotients by | |
\rref{simplefiltrationint}, and since $ M_{n-1}/K = | |
M_{n-1}/M_{n-1} \cap N_{l(M)-1} = M/M_{n-1}$ is simple, and similarly for | |
$N_{l(M)-1}/K$. We can throw out redundancies to eliminate | |
the zero terms. | |
So we get two new filtrations of $M_{n-1}$ and $N_{l(M)-1}$ whose second-to-last | |
term is $K$. | |
By the | |
inductive hypothesis any two filtrations on either of these proper submodules $M_{n-1}, | |
N_{l(M)-1} $ | |
have the same length. | |
Thus the lengths of the two new filtrations are $n-1$ and $l(M)-1$, | |
respectively. | |
So we find that $n-1 = l(K) +1$ and $l(M)-1 = l(K)+1$ by | |
the inductive hypothesis. This implies what we want. | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Prove that the successive quotients $M_i/M_{i-1}$ are also determined (up to | |
permutation). | |
\end{exercise} | |