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\chapter{Fields and Extensions} | |
In this chapter, we shall discuss the theory of fields. | |
Recall that a \textbf{field} is an integral domain for which all non-zero elements are | |
invertible; equivalently, the only two ideals of a field are $(0)$ and $(1)$ | |
since any nonzero element is a unit. Consequently fields will be the | |
simplest cases of much of the theory developed later. | |
The theory of field extensions has a different feel from standard commutative | |
algebra since, for instance, any morphism of fields is injective. Nonetheless, | |
it turns out that questions involving rings can often be reduced to questions | |
about fields. For instance, any integral domain can be embedded in a field | |
(its quotient field), and any \emph{local ring} (that is, a ring with a unique | |
maximal ideal; we have not defined this term yet) has associated to it its | |
residue field (that is, its quotient by the maximal ideal). | |
A knowledge of field extensions will thus be useful. | |
\section{Introduction} | |
Recall once again that: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \textbf{field} is an integral domain where every non-zero element is | |
invertible. Alternatively, it is a set $k$, endowed with binary operations of | |
addition and multiplication, which satisfy the usual axioms of commutativity, | |
associativity, distributivity, $1$ and $0$ (and $1 \neq 0$!), and additive and | |
multiplicative inverses. | |
\end{definition} | |
A \textbf{subfield} is a subset closed under these operations: equivalently, it | |
is a subring that is itself a field. | |
For a field $k$, we write $k^*$ for the subset $k \setminus \left\{0\right\}$. | |
(This generalizes the usual notation \cref{} $R^*$ that refers to the group of | |
invertible elements in a ring $R$.) | |
\subsection{Examples} | |
To get started, let us begin by providing several examples of fields. The reader should | |
recall (\cref{maximalfield}) that if $R$ is a ring and $I \subset R$ an | |
ideal, then $R/I$ is a field precisely when $I$ is maximal. | |
\begin{example} | |
One of the most familiar examples of a field is the rational | |
numbers $\mathbb{Q}$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
If $p$ is a prime number, then $\mathbb{Z}/(p)$ is a field, denoted | |
$\mathbb{F}_p$. Indeed, $(p)$ is a | |
maximal ideal in $\mathbb{Z}$. Thus, fields may be finite: $\mathbb{F}_p$ | |
contains $p$ elements. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example}[Quotients of the polynomial ring] | |
In a principal ideal domain, every prime ideal is principal. Now, by | |
\rref{polyringED}, if $k$ is a field, then the polynomial ring $k[x]$ is a PID. | |
It follows that if $P \in k[x]$ is an irreducible polynomial (that is, a | |
nonconstant polynomial | |
that does not admit a factorization into terms of smaller degrees), then | |
$k[x]/(P)$ is a field. It contains a copy of $k$ in a natural way. | |
This is a very general way of constructing fields. For instance, the | |
complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$ | |
can be constructed as $\mathbb{R}[x]/(x^2 + 1)$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} | |
What is $\mathbb{C}[x]/(x^2 + 1)$? | |
\end{exercise} | |
\begin{example}[Quotient fields] | |
Recall from \cref{quotfld1} that, given an integral domain $A$, there is an | |
imbedding $A \hookrightarrow K(A)$ into a field $K(A)$ formally constructed as | |
quotients $a/b, a, b \in A$ (and $b \neq 0$) modulo an evident equivalence | |
relation. | |
This is called the \textbf{quotient field.} | |
The quotient field has the following universal property: given an injection | |
$\phi: A | |
\hookrightarrow K$ for a field $K$, there is a unique map $\psi: K(A) \to K$ making | |
the diagram commutative (i.e. a map of $A$-algebras). | |
Indeed, it is clear how to define such a map: we set | |
\[ \psi(a/b) = \phi(a)/\phi(b), \] | |
where injectivity of $\phi$ assures that $\phi(b) \neq 0$ if $ b \neq 0$. | |
If the map is not injective, then such a factorization may not exist. Consider | |
the imbedding $\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{Q}$ into its quotient field, and consider | |
the map $\mathbb{Z} \to \mathbb{F}_p$: this last map goes from $\mathbb{Z} $ | |
into a field, but it does not factor through $\mathbb{Q}$ (as $p$ is invertible | |
in $\mathbb{Q}$ and zero in $\mathbb{F}_p$!). | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example}[Rational function field] \label{monofldext} | |
\label{rationalfnfld} | |
If $k$ is a field, then we can consider the field $k(x)$ of \textbf{rational functions} | |
over $k$. This is the quotient field of the polynomial ring $k[x]$; in other | |
words, it is the set of quotients $F/G$ for $F, G \in k[x]$ with the obvious | |
equivalence relation. | |
\end{example} | |
Here is a fancier example of a field. | |
\begin{example} | |
\label{meromorphicfn} | |
Let $X$ be a Riemann surface.\footnote{Readers not familiar with Riemann | |
surfaces may ignore this example.} Let $\mathbb{C}(X)$ denote the | |
set of meromorphic functions on $X$; clearly $\mathbb{C}(X)$ is a ring under | |
multiplication and addition of functions. It turns out that in fact | |
$\mathbb{C}(X)$ is a | |
field; this is because if a nonzero function $f(z)$ is meromorphic, so is $1/f(z)$. For example, | |
let $S^2$ be the Riemann sphere; then we know from complex | |
analysis that the ring of meromorphic functions $\mathbb{C}(S^2)$ is the | |
field of rational functions $\mathbb{C}(z)$. | |
\end{example} | |
One reason fields are so nice from the point of view of most other chapters | |
in this book is that the theory of $k$-modules (i.e. vector spaces), for $k$ a field, is very simple. | |
Namely: | |
\begin{proposition} \label{vectorspacefree} | |
If $k$ is a field, then every $k$-module is free. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, by linear algebra we know that a $k$-module (i.e. vector space) $V$ has a | |
\emph{basis} $\mathcal{B} \subset V$, which defines an isomorphism from the | |
free vector space on $\mathcal{B}$ to $V$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} \label{fieldsemisimple} | |
Every exact sequence of modules over a field splits. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This follows from \cref{} and \cref{vectorspacefree}, as every vector space is | |
projective. | |
\end{proof} | |
This is another reason why much of the theory in future chapters will not say | |
very much about fields, since modules behave in such a simple manner. | |
Note that \cref{fieldsemisimple} is a statement about the \emph{category} of | |
$k$-modules (for $k$ a field), because the notion of exactness is inherently | |
arrow-theoretic (i.e. makes use of purely categorical notions, and can in fact | |
be phrased within a so-called \emph{abelian category}). | |
Henceforth, since the study of modules over a field is linear algebra, and | |
since the ideal theory of fields is not very interesting, we shall study what | |
this chapter is really about: \emph{extensions} of fields. | |
\subsection{The characteristic of a field} | |
\label{more-fields} | |
In the category of rings, there is an \emph{initial object} $\mathbb{Z}$: any | |
ring $R$ has a map from $\mathbb{Z}$ into it in precisely one way. For fields, | |
there is no such initial object. | |
Nonetheless, there is a family of objects such that every field can be mapped | |
into in exactly one way by exactly one of them, and in no way by the others. | |
Let $F$ be a field. As $\mathbb{Z}$ is the initial object of the category of | |
rings, there is a ring map $f : \mathbb{Z} \to F$, see | |
\rref{integersinitial}. | |
The image of this ring map is an integral domain (as a subring of a field) | |
hence the kernel of $f$ is a prime ideal in $\mathbb{Z}$, see | |
\rref{primeifdomain}. | |
Hence the kernel of $f$ is either $(0)$ or $(p)$ for some prime number $p$, see | |
\rref{integerprimes}. | |
In the first case we see that $f$ is injective, and in this case | |
we think of $\mathbb{Z}$ as a subring of $F$. Moreover, since every | |
nonzero element of $F$ is invertible we see that it makes sense to | |
talk about $p/q \in F$ for $p, q \in \mathbb{Z}$ with $q \not = 0$. | |
Hence in this case we may and we do think of $\mathbb{Q}$ as a subring of $F$. | |
One can easily see that this is the smallest subfield of $F$ in this case. | |
In the second case, i.e., when $\text{Ker}(f) = (p)$ we see that | |
$\mathbb{Z}/(p) = \mathbb{F}_p$ is a subring of $F$. Clearly it is the smallest subfield of $F$. | |
Arguing in this way we see that every field contains a smallest subfield | |
which is either $\mathbb{Q}$ or finite equal to $\mathbb{F}_p$ for some | |
prime number $p$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
The \textbf{characteristic} of a field $F$ is $0$ if | |
$\mathbb{Z} \subset F$, or is a prime $p$ if $p = 0$ in $F$. | |
The \textbf{prime subfield of $F$} is the smallest subfield of $F$ | |
which is either $\mathbb{Q} \subset F$ if the characteristic is zero, or | |
$\mathbb{F}_p \subset F$ if the characteristic is $p > 0$. | |
\end{definition} | |
It is easy to see that if $E$ is a field containing $k$, then the characteristic of | |
$E$ is the same as the characteristic of $k$. | |
\begin{example} | |
The characteristic of $\mathbb{Z}/p$ is $p$, and that of $\mathbb{Q}$ is $0$. | |
This is obvious from the definitions. | |
\end{example} | |
\section{Field extensions} | |
\subsection{Preliminaries} | |
In general, though, we are interested not so much in fields by themselves but | |
in field \emph{extensions.} This is perhaps analogous to studying not rings | |
but \emph{algebras} over a fixed ring. | |
The nice thing for fields is that the notion of a ``field over another field'' | |
just recovers the notion of a field extension, by the next result. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{fieldinj} If $F$ is a field and $R$ is any ring, then any ring homomorphism $f:F\rightarrow | |
R$ is either injective or the zero map (in which case $R=0$). | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} Indeed, $\ker(f)$ is an ideal in | |
$F$. But there are only two ideals in $F$, namely $(0)$ and $(1)$. If $f$ is identically | |
zero, then $1=f(1)=0$ in $R$, so $R=0$ too. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{definition} If $F$ is a field contained in a field $G$, then $G$ is said | |
to be a \textbf{field extension} of $F$. We shall write $G/F$ to indicate | |
that $G$ is an extension of $F$. | |
\end{definition} | |
So if $F, F'$ are fields, and $F \to F'$ is any ring-homomorphism, we see by | |
\cref{fieldinj} that it is injective,\footnote{The zero ring is not a field!} and $F'$ can be regarded as an extension | |
of $F$, by a slight abuse of notation. Alternatively, a field extension of $F$ | |
is just an $F$-algebra that happens to be a field. | |
This is completely different than the situation for general rings, since a | |
ring homomorphism is not necessarily injective. | |
Let $k$ be a field. There is a \emph{category} of field extensions of $k$. | |
An object of this category is an extension $E/k$, that is a | |
(necessarily injective) morphism of fields | |
\[ k \to E, \] | |
while a morphism between extensions $E/k, E'/k$ is a $k$-algebra morphism $E \to E'$; | |
alternatively, it is a commutative diagram | |
\[ \xymatrix{ | |
E \ar[rr] & & E' \\ | |
& k \ar[ru] \ar[lu] & | |
}.\] | |
\begin{definition} | |
A \textbf{tower} of field extensions $E'/E/k$ consists of an extension $E/k$ | |
and an extension $E'/E$. | |
\end{definition} | |
It is easy to see that any morphism $E \to E'$ in the category of | |
$k$-extensions gives a tower. | |
Let us give a few examples of field extensions. | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $k$ be a field, and $P \in k[x]$ an irreducible polynomial. We have seen | |
that $k[x]/(P)$ is a field (\rref{monofldext}). Since it is also a $k$-algebra | |
in the obvious way, it is an extension of $k$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
If $X$ is a Riemann surface, then the field of meromorphic functions | |
$\mathbb{C}(X)$ (see \cref{meromorphicfn}) is an extension field of | |
$\mathbb{C}$, because any element of $\mathbb{C}$ induces a | |
meromorphic---indeed, holomorphic---constant function on $X$. | |
\end{example} | |
Let $F/k$ be a field extension. Let $S \subset F$ be any subset. | |
Then there is a \emph{smallest} subextension of $F$ (that is, a subfield of $F$ containing $k$) | |
that contains $S$. | |
To see this, consider the family of subfields of $F $ containing $S$ and | |
$k$, and take their intersection; one easily checks that this is a field. | |
It is easy to see, in fact, that this is the set of elements of $F$ that can | |
be obtained via a finite number of elementary algebraic operations | |
(addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division) involving elements of | |
$k$ and $S$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $F/k$ is an extension and $S \subset F$, we write $k(S)$ for the smallest | |
subextension of $F$ containing $S$. | |
We will say that $S$ \textbf{generates} the extension $k(S)/k$. | |
\end{definition} | |
For instance, $\mathbb{C}$ is generated by $i$ over $\mathbb{R}$. | |
\begin{exercise} | |
Show that $\mathbb{C}$ does not have a countable set of generators over | |
$\mathbb{Q}$. | |
\end{exercise} | |
Let us now classify extensions generated by one element. | |
\begin{proposition}[Simple extensions of a field] \label{fldmono} | |
If an extension $F/k$ is generated by one element, then it is $F$ is $k$-isomorphic | |
either to the rational function field $k(t)/k$ or to one of the extensions | |
$k[t]/(P)$ for $P \in k[t]$ irreducible. | |
\end{proposition} | |
We will see that many of the most important cases of field extensions are generated | |
by one element, so this is actually useful. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $\alpha \in F$ be such that $F = k(\alpha)$; by assumption, such an | |
$\alpha$ exists. | |
There is a morphism of rings | |
\[ k[t] \to F \] | |
sending the indeterminate $t$ to $\alpha$. The image is a domain, so the | |
kernel is a prime ideal. Thus, it is either $(0)$ or $(P)$ for $P \in k[t]$ | |
irreducible. | |
If the kernel is $(P)$ for $P \in k[t]$ irreducible, then the map factors | |
through $k[t]/(P)$, and induces a morphism of fields $k[t]/(P) \to F$. Since | |
the image contains $\alpha$, we see easily that the map is surjective, hence | |
an isomorphism. In this case, $k[t]/(P) \simeq F$. | |
If the kernel is trivial, then we have an injection | |
$k[t] \to F$. | |
One may thus define a morphism of the quotient field $k(t)$ into $F$; given a | |
quotient $R(t)/Q(t)$ with $R(t), Q(t) \in k[t]$, we map this to | |
$R(\alpha)/Q(\alpha)$. The hypothesis that $k[t] \to F$ is injective implies | |
that $Q(\alpha) \neq 0$ unless $Q$ is the zero polynomial. | |
The quotient field of $k[t]$ is the rational function field $k(t)$, so we get a morphism $k(t) \to F$ | |
whose image contains $\alpha$. It is thus surjective, hence an isomorphism. | |
\end{proof} | |
\subsection{Finite extensions} | |
If | |
$F/E$ is a field extension, then evidently $F$ is also a vector space over $E$ | |
(the scalar action is just multiplication in $F$). | |
\begin{definition} | |
The dimension of $F$ | |
considered as an $E$-vector space is called the \textbf{degree} of the extension and is | |
denoted $[F:E]$. If $[F:E]<\infty$ then $F$ is said to be a | |
\textbf{finite} extension. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{C}$ is obviously a finite extension of $\mathbb{R}$ (of degree 2). | |
\end{example} | |
Let us now consider the degree in the most important special example, that | |
given by \cref{fldmono}, in the next two examples. | |
\begin{example}[Degree of a simple transcendental extension] | |
\label{monodeg1} | |
If $k$ is any field, then the rational function field $k(t)$ is \emph{not} a | |
finite extension. The elements $\left\{t^n, n \in \mathbb{Z}\right\}$ | |
are linearly independent over $k$. | |
In fact, if $k$ is uncountable, then $k(t)$ is \emph{uncountably} dimensional | |
as a $k$-vector space. To show this, we claim that the family of elements | |
$\left\{1/(t- \alpha), \alpha \in k\right\} \subset k(t)$ is linearly independent over $k$. A | |
nontrivial relation between them would lead to a contradiction: for instance, | |
if one works over $\mathbb{C}$, then this follows because | |
$\frac{1}{t-\alpha}$, when considered as a meromorphic function on | |
$\mathbb{C}$, has a pole at $\alpha$ and nowhere else. | |
Consequently any sum $\sum c_i \frac{1}{t - \alpha_i}$ for the $c_i \in k^*$, | |
and $\alpha_i \in k$ distinct, would have poles at each of the $\alpha_i$. | |
In particular, it could not be zero. | |
(Amusingly, this leads | |
to a quick if suboptimal proof of the Hilbert Nullstellensatz; see \cref{}.) | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example}[Degree of a simple algebraic extension] | |
\label{monodeg2} | |
Consider a monogenic field extension $E/k$ of the form in | |
\rref{monofldext}, say $E = k[t]/(P)$ for $P \in k[t]$ an irreducible | |
polynomial. | |
Then the degree $[E:k]$ is just the degree $\deg P$. | |
Indeed, without loss of generality, we can assume $P$ monic, say | |
\begin{equation} \label{P} P = t^n + a_1 t^{n-1} + \dots + a_0.\end{equation} | |
It is then easy to see that the images of $1, t, \dots, t^{n-1}$ in | |
$k[t]/(P)$ are linearly | |
independent over $k$, because any relation involving them would have | |
degree strictly smaller than that of $P$, and $P$ is the element of smallest | |
degree in the ideal $(P)$. | |
Conversely, the set $S=\left\{1, t, \dots, t^{n-1}\right\}$ (or more | |
properly their images) spans $k[t]/(P)$ as a vector space. | |
Indeed, we have by \eqref{P} that $t^n$ lies in the span of $S$. | |
Similarly, the relation $tP(t)=0$ shows that the image of $t^{n+1}$ lies in the span of | |
$\left\{1, t, \dots, t^n\right\}$---by what was just shown, thus in the span of | |
$S$. Working upward inductively, we find | |
that the image of $t^M$ for $M \geq n$ lies in the span of $S$. | |
\end{example} | |
This confirms the observation that $[\mathbb{C}: \mathbb{R}] = 2$, for instance. | |
More generally, if $k$ is a field, and $\alpha \in k$ is not a square, then the | |
irreducible polynomial $x^2 - \alpha \in k[x]$ allows one to construct an | |
extension $k[x]/(x^2 - \alpha)$ of degree two. | |
We shall write this as $k(\sqrt{\alpha})$. Such extensions will be called | |
\textbf{quadratic,} for obvious reasons. | |
The basic fact about the degree is that it is \emph{multiplicative in | |
towers.} | |
\begin{proposition}[Multiplicativity] | |
Suppose given a tower $F/E/k$. Then | |
\[ [F:k] = [F:E][E:k]. \] | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n \in F$ be an $E$-basis for $F$. Let $\beta_1, | |
\dots, \beta_m \in E$ be a $k$-basis for $E$. Then the claim is that | |
the set of products $\{\alpha_i \beta_j, 1 \leq i \leq n, 1 \leq j \leq m\}$ is a $k$-basis for $F$. | |
Indeed, let us check first that they span $F$ over $k$. | |
By assumption, the $\left\{\alpha_i\right\}$ span $F$ over $E$. So if $f \in | |
F$, there are $a_i \in E$ with | |
\[ f = \sum a_i\alpha_i, \] | |
and, for each $i$, we can write $a_i = \sum b_{ij} \beta_j$ for some $b_{ij} \in k$. Putting | |
these together, we find | |
\[ f = \sum_{i,j} b_{ij}\alpha_i \beta_j, \] | |
proving that the $\left\{\alpha_i \beta_j\right\}$ span $F$ over $k$. | |
Suppose now that there existed a nontrivial relation | |
\[ \sum_{i,j} c_{ij} \alpha_i \beta_j =0 \] | |
for the $c_{ij} \in k$. In that case, we would have | |
\[ \sum_i \alpha_i \left( \sum_j c_{ij} \beta_j \right) =0, \] | |
and the inner terms lie in $E$ as the $\beta_j$ do. Now $E$-linear independence of | |
the $\left\{\alpha_i\right\}$ shows that the inner sums are all zero. Then | |
$k$-linear independence of the $\left\{\beta_j\right\}$ shows that the | |
$c_{ij}$ all vanish. | |
\end{proof} | |
We sidetrack to a slightly tangential definition: | |
\begin{definition} | |
A field extensions $K$ of $\mathbb{Q}$ is said to be a \textbf{number field} | |
if it is a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. | |
\end{definition} | |
Number fields are the basic objects in algebraic number theory. We shall see | |
later that, | |
for the analog of the integers $\mathbb{Z}$ in a number field, something kind | |
of like unique factorization still holds (though strict unique factorization | |
generally does not!). | |
\subsection{Algebraic extensions} | |
Consider a field extension $F/E$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
An element $\alpha\in F$ is said to be \textbf{algebraic} over $E$ if | |
$\alpha$ is the root of some polynomial with coefficients in $E$. If all | |
elements of $F$ are \textbf{algebraic} then $F$ is said to be an algebraic extension. | |
\end{definition} | |
By \cref{fldmono}, the subextension $E(\alpha)$ is isomorphic either to | |
the rational function field $E(t)$ or to a quotient ring $E[t]/(P)$ for $P | |
\in E[t]$ an irreducible polynomial. | |
In the latter case, $\alpha$ is algebraic over $E$ (in fact, it | |
satisfies the polynomial $P$!); in the former case, it is not. | |
\begin{example} | |
$\mathbb{C}$ is algebraic over $\mathbb{R}$. | |
\end{example} | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface, and $f \in \mathbb{C}(X) - \mathbb{C}$ any | |
nonconstant meromorphic function on $X$ (see \cref{meromorphicfn}). Then it is known that | |
$\mathbb{C}(X)$ is algebraic over the subextension $\mathbb{C}(f)$ generated by | |
$f$. We shall not prove this. | |
\end{example} | |
We now show that there is a deep connection between finiteness and being | |
algebraic. | |
\begin{proposition} \label{finalgebraic} | |
A finite extension is algebraic. | |
In fact, an extension $E/k$ is algebraic if and only if every subextension | |
$k(\alpha)/k$ generated by some $\alpha \in E$ is finite. | |
\end{proposition} | |
In general, it is very false that an algebraic extension is finite. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $E/k$ be finite, say of degree $n$. Choose $\alpha \in E$. | |
Then the elements | |
$\left\{1, \alpha, \dots, \alpha^n\right\}$ are linearly | |
dependent over $E$, or we would necessarily have $[E:k] > n$. A relation of | |
linear dependence now gives the desired polynomial that $\alpha$ must satisfy. | |
For the last assertion, note that a monogenic extension $k(\alpha)/k$ is | |
finite if and only $\alpha$ is algebraic over $k$, by \cref{monodeg1} and | |
\cref{monodeg2}. | |
So if $E/k$ is algebraic, then each $k(\alpha)/k, \alpha \in E$, is a finite | |
extension, and conversely. | |
\end{proof} | |
We can extract a corollary of the last proof (really of \cref{monodeg1} and | |
\cref{monodeg2}): a monogenic extension is finite | |
if and only if it is algebraic. | |
We shall use this observation in the next result. | |
\begin{corollary} \label{fingenalg} | |
Let $k$ be a field, and let $\alpha_1, \alpha_2, \dots, \alpha_n$ be elements | |
of some extension field such that each $\alpha_i$ is finite over $k$. Then the | |
extension $k(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)/k$ is finite. | |
That is, a finitely generated algebraic extension is finite. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Indeed, each $k(\alpha_{1}, \dots, \alpha_{i+1})/k(\alpha_1, \dots, | |
\alpha_{i})$ is monogenic and algebraic, hence finite. | |
\end{proof} | |
The set of complex numbers that are algebraic over $\mathbb{Q}$ are simply | |
called the \textbf{algebraic numbers.} For instance, $\sqrt{2}$ is algebraic, | |
$i$ is algebraic, but $\pi$ is not. | |
It is a basic fact that the algebraic numbers form a field, although it is not | |
obvious how to prove this from the definition that a number is algebraic | |
precisely when it satisfies a nonzero polynomial equation with rational | |
coefficients (e.g. by polynomial equations). | |
\begin{corollary} | |
Let $E/k$ be a field extension. Then the elements of $E$ algebraic over $k$ | |
form a field. | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $\alpha, \beta \in E$ be algebraic over | |
$k$. Then $k(\alpha, \beta)/k$ is a finite extension by \cref{fingenalg}. It follows that $k(\alpha | |
+ \beta) \subset k(\alpha, \beta)$ is a finite extension, which implies that | |
$\alpha + \beta$ is algebraic by \cref{finalgebraic}. | |
\end{proof} | |
Many nice properties of field extensions, like those of rings, will have the property | |
that they will be preserved by towers and composita. | |
\begin{proposition}[Towers] | |
Let $E/k$ and $F/E$ be algebraic. Then $F/k$ is algebraic. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Choose $\alpha \in F$. Then $\alpha$ is algebraic over $E$. | |
The key observation is that $\alpha$ is algebraic over a \emph{finitely | |
generated} subextension of $k$. | |
That is, there is a finite set $S \subset E$ such that $\alpha $ is algebraic | |
over $k(S)$: this is clear because being algebraic means that a certain | |
polynomial in $E[x]$ that $\alpha$ satisfies exists, and as $S$ we can take the | |
coefficients of this polynomial. | |
It follows that $\alpha$ is algebraic over $k(S)$. In particular, $k(S, | |
\alpha)/ k(S)$ is finite. Since $S$ is a finite set, and $k(S)/k$ is algebraic, | |
\cref{fingenalg} shows that $k(S)/k$ is finite. Together we find that | |
$k(S,\alpha)/k$ is finite, so $\alpha$ is algebraic over $k$. | |
\end{proof} | |
The method of proof in the previous argument---that being algebraic over $E$ was a | |
property that \emph{descended} to a finitely generated subextension of $E$---is | |
an idea that recurs throughout algebra, and will be put to use more generality | |
in \cref{}. | |
\subsection{Minimal polynomials} | |
Let $E/k$ be a field extension, and let $\alpha \in E$ be algebraic over $k$. | |
Then $\alpha$ satisfies a (nontrivial) polynomial equation in $k[x]$. | |
Consider the set of polynomials $P(x) \in k[x]$ such that $P(\alpha) = 0$; by | |
hypothesis, this set does not just contain the zero polynomial. | |
It is easy to see that this set is an \emph{ideal.} Indeed, it is the kernel | |
of the map | |
\[ k[x] \to E, \quad x \mapsto \alpha. \] | |
Since $k[x]$ is a PID, | |
there is a \emph{generator} $m(x) \in k[x]$ of this ideal. If we assume $m$ | |
monic, without loss of generality, then $m$ is uniquely determined. | |
\begin{definition} | |
$m(x)$ as above is called the \textbf{minimal polynomial} of $\alpha$ over $k$. | |
\end{definition} | |
The minimal polynomial has the following characterization: it is the monic | |
polynomial, of smallest degree, that annihilates $\alpha$. (Any nonconstant | |
multiple of $m(x)$ will have larger degree, and only multiples of $m(x)$ can | |
annihilate $\alpha$.) | |
This explains the name \emph{minimal.} | |
Clearly the minimal polynomial is \emph{irreducible.} This is equivalent to the | |
assertion that the ideal in $k[x]$ consisting of polynomials annihilating | |
$\alpha$ is prime. But this follows from the fact that the map $k[x] \to E, x | |
\mapsto \alpha$ is | |
a map into a domain (even a field), so the kernel is a prime ideal. | |
\begin{proposition} | |
The degree of the minimal polynomial is $[k(\alpha):k]$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
This is just a restatement of the argument in \cref{monofld}: the observation is that if $m(x)$ | |
is the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$, then the map | |
\[ k[x]/(m(x)) \to k(\alpha), \quad x \mapsto \alpha \] | |
is an isomorphism as in the aforementioned proof, and we have counted the degree | |
of such an extension (see \cref{monodeg2}). | |
\end{proof} | |
So the observation of the above proof is that if $\alpha \in E$ is algebraic, | |
then $k(\alpha) \subset E$ is isomorphic to $k[x]/(m(x))$. | |
\subsection{Algebraic closure} | |
Now we want to define a ``universal'' algebraic extension of a field. Actually, | |
we should be careful: the algebraic closure is \emph{not} a universal object. | |
That is, the algebraic closure is not unique up to \emph{unique} isomorphism: | |
it is only unique up to isomorphism. But still, it will be very handy, if not | |
functorial. | |
\begin{definition} | |
Let $F$ be a field. An \textbf{algebraic closure} of $F$ is a field | |
$\overline{F}$ containing $F$ such that: | |
\begin{enumerate}[\textbf{AC} 1] | |
\item $\overline{F} $ is algebraic over $F$. | |
\item $\overline{F}$ is \textbf{algebraically closed} (that is, every | |
non-constant polynomial in $\overline{F}[X]$ has a root in $\overline{F}$). | |
\end{enumerate} | |
\end{definition} | |
The ``fundamental theorem of algebra'' states that $\mathbb{C}$ is | |
algebraically closed. While the easiest proof of this result uses Liouville's | |
theorem in complex analysis, we shall give a mostly algebraic proof below | |
(\cref{}). | |
We now prove the basic existence result. | |
\begin{theorem} | |
Every field has an algebraic closure. | |
\end{theorem} | |
The proof will mostly be a red herring to the rest of the chapter. However, we | |
will want to know that it is \emph{possible} to embed a field inside an | |
algebraically closed field, and we will often assume it done. | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $ K$ be a field and $ \Sigma$ be the set of all monic irreducibles in $ K[x]$. Let $ A = K[\{x_f : f \in \Sigma\}]$ be the polynomial ring generated by indeterminates $ x_f$, one for each $ f \in \Sigma$. Then let $ \mathfrak{a}$ be the ideal of $ A$ generated by polynomials of the form $ f(x_f)$ for each $ f \in \Sigma$. | |
\emph{Claim 1}. $ \mathfrak{a}$ is a proper ideal. | |
\emph{Proof of claim 1}. Suppose $ \mathfrak{a} = (1)$, so there exist finitely many polynomials $ f_i \in \Sigma$ and $ g_i \in A$ such that $ 1 = f_1(x_{f_1}) g_1 + \dotsb + f_k(x_{f_k}) g_k$. Each $ g_i$ uses some finite collection of indeterminates $ V_i \{x_{f_{i_1}}, \dotsc, x_{f_{i_{k_i}}}\}$. This notation is ridiculous, so we simplify it. | |
We can take the union of all the $ V_i$, together with the indeterminates $ x_{f_1}, \dotsc, x_{f_k}$ to get a larger but still finite set of indeterminates $ V = \{x_{f_1}, \dotsc, x_{f_n}\}$ for some $ n \geq k$ (ordered so that the original $ x_{f_1}, \dotsc, x_{f_k}$ agree the first $ k$ elements of $ V$). Now we can regard each $ g_i$ as a polynomial in this new set of indeterminates $ V$. | |
Then, we can write $ 1 = f_1(x_{f_1}) g_1 + \dotsb + f_n(x_{f_n}) g_n$ where for each $ i > k$, we let $ g_i = 0$ (so that we've adjoined a few zeroes to the right hand side of the equality). | |
Finally, we define $ x_i = x_{f_i}$, so that we have | |
$ 1 = f_1(x_1)g_1(x_1, \dotsc, x_n) + \dotsb + f_n(x_n) g_n(x_1, \dotsc, x_n)$. | |
Suppose $ n$ is the minimal integer such that there exists an expression of this form, so that | |
\[ \mathfrak{b} = (f_1(x_1), \dotsc, f_{n-1}(x_{n-1})) \] | |
is a proper ideal of $ B = K[x_1, \dotsc, x_{n-1}]$, but | |
\[ (f_1(x_1), \dotsc, f_n(x_n)) \] | |
is the unit ideal in $ B[x_n]$. Let $ \hat{B} = B/\mathfrak{b}$ (observe that this ring is nonzero). We have a composition of maps | |
\[ B[x_n] \to \hat{B}[x_n] \to \hat{B}[x_n]/(\widehat{f_n(x_n)}) \] | |
where the first map is reduction of coefficients modulo $ \mathfrak{b}$, and the second map is the quotient by the principal ideal generated by the image $ \widehat{f_n(x_n)}$ of $ f_n(x_n)$ in $ \hat{B}[x_n]$. We know $ \hat{B}$ is a nonzero ring, so since $ f_n$ is monic, the top coefficient of $ \widehat{f_n(x_n)}$ is still $ 1 \in \hat{B}$. In particular, the top coefficient cannot be nilpotent. Furthermore, since $ f_n$ was irreducible, it is not a constant polynomial, so by the characterization of units in polynomial rings, $ \widehat{f_n(x_n)}$ is not a unit, so it does not generate the unit ideal. Thus the quotient $ \hat{B}[x_n]/(\widehat{f_n(x_n)})$ should not be the zero ring. | |
On the other hand, observe that each $ f_i(x_i)$ is in the kernel of this composition, so in fact the entire ideal $ (f_1(x_1), \dotsc, f_n(x_n))$ is contained in the kernel. But this ideal is the unit ideal, so all of $ B[x_n]$ is in the kernel of this composition. In particular, $ 1 \in B[x_n]$ is in the kernel, and since ring maps preserve identity, this forces $ 1 = 0$ in $ \hat{B}[x_n]/(\widehat{f_n(x_n)})$, which makes this the the zero ring. This contradicts our previous observation, and proves the claim that $ \mathfrak{a}$ is a proper ideal. | |
Now, given claim 1, there exists a maximal ideal $ \mathfrak{m}$ of $ A$ containing $ \mathfrak{a}$. Let $ K_1 = A/\mathfrak{m}$. This is an extension field of $ K$ via the inclusion given by | |
\[ K \to A \to A/\mathfrak{m} \] | |
(this map is automatically injective as it is a map between fields). Furthermore every $ f \in \Sigma$ has a root in $ K_1$. Specifically, the coset $ x_f + \mathfrak{m}$ in $ A/\mathfrak{m} = K_1$ is a root of $ f$ since | |
\[ f(x_f + \mathfrak{m}) = f(x_f) + \mathfrak{m} = 0. \] | |
Inductively, given $ K_n$ for some $ n \geq 1$, repeat the construction with $ K_n$ in place of $ K$ to get an extension field $ K_{n+1}$ of $ K_n$ in which every irreducible $ f \in K_n[x]$ has a root. Let $ L = \bigcup_{n = 1}^{\infty} K_n$. | |
\emph{Claim 2}. Every $ f \in L[x]$ splits completely into linear factors in $ L$. | |
\emph{Proof of claim 2}. We induct on the degree of $ f$. In the base case, when $ f$ itself is linear, there is nothing to prove. Inductively, suppose every polynomial in $ L[x]$ of degree less than $ n$ splits completely into linear factors, and suppose | |
\[ f = a_0 + a_1x + \dotsb + a_nx^n \in L[x] \] | |
has degree $ n$. Then each $ a_i \in K_{n_i}$ for some $ n_i$, so let $ n = \max n_i$ and regard $ f$ as a polynomial in $ K_n[x]$. If $ f$ is reducible in $ K_n[x]$, then we have a factorization $ f = gh$ with the degree of $ g, h$ strictly less than $ n$. Therefore, inductively, they both split into linear factors in $ L[x]$, so $ f$ must also. On the other hand, if $ f$ is irreducible, then by our construction, it has a root $ a\in K_{n+1}$, so we have $ f = (x - a) g$ for some $ g \in K_{n+1}[x]$ of degree $ n - 1$. Again inductively, we can split $ g$ into linear factors in $ L$, so clearly we can do the same with $ f$ also. This completes the proof of claim 2. | |
Let $ \bar{K}$ be the set of algebraic elements in $ L$. Clearly $ \bar{K}$ is an algebraic extension of $ K$. If $ f \in \bar{K}[x]$, then we have a factorization of $ f$ in $ L[x]$ into linear factors | |
\[ f = b(x - a_1)(x - a_2) \dotsb (x - a_n). \] | |
for $ b \in \bar{K}$ and, a priori, $ a_i \in L$. But each $ a_i$ is a root of $ f$, which means it is algebraic over $ \bar{K}$, which is an algebraic extension of $ K$; so by transitivity of "being algebraic," each $ a_i$ is algebraic over $ K$. So in fact we conclude that $ a_i \in \bar{K}$ already, since $ \bar{K}$ consisted of all elements algebraic over $ K$. Therefore, since $ \bar{K}$ is an algebraic extension of $ K$ such that every $ f \in \bar{K}[x]$ splits into linear factors in $ \bar{K}$, $ \bar{K}$ is the algebraic closure of $ K$. | |
\end{proof} | |
\add{two algebraic closures are isomorphic} | |
Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field. Then the ring $K[x]$ has a very | |
simple ideal structure. | |
Since every polynomial $P \in K[x]$ has a root, it follows that there is always | |
a decomposition (by dividing repeatedly) | |
\[ P =c (x-\alpha_1)\dots(x-\alpha_n) ,\] | |
where $c$ is the constant term and the $\left\{\alpha_i\right\} \subset k$ are the roots | |
of $P$. | |
In particular: | |
\begin{proposition} | |
For $K$ algebraically closed, the only irreducible polynomials in $K[x]$ are | |
the linear polynomials $c(x-\alpha), \ c, \alpha \in K$ (and $c \neq 0$). | |
\end{proposition} | |
In particular, two polynomials in $K[x]$ are \textbf{relatively prime} | |
(i.e., generate the unit ideal) if and only if they have no common roots. This | |
follows because the maximal ideals of $K[x]$ are of the form $(x-\alpha), | |
\alpha \in K$. | |
So if $F, G \in K[x]$ have no common root, then $(F, G)$ cannot be contained | |
in any $(x-\alpha)$ (as then they would have a common root at $\alpha$). | |
If $k$ is \emph{not} algebraically closed, then this still gives | |
information about when two polynomials in $k[x]$ generate the unit ideal. | |
\begin{definition} | |
If $k$ is any field, we say that two polynomials in $k[x]$ are | |
\textbf{relatively prime} if they generate the unit ideal in $k[x]$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{proposition} \label{primepoly} | |
Two polynomials in $k[x]$ are relatively prime precisely when they | |
have no common roots in an algebraic closure $\overline{k}$ of $k$. | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} | |
The claim is that any two polynomials $P, Q$ generate $(1)$ in $k[x]$ if and | |
only if they generate $(1)$ in $\overline{k}[x]$. This is a piece of | |
linear algebra: a system of linear equations with coefficients in $k$ has | |
a solution if and only if it has a solution in any extension of $k$. | |
Consequently, we can reduce to the case of an algebraically closed field, in | |
which case the result is clear from what we have already proved. | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Separability and normality} | |
\subsection{Separable extensions} | |
Throughout, $F \subset K$ is a finite field extension. We fix once and for | |
all an algebraic closure $\overline{F}$ for $F$ and an embedding of $F$ in $M$. | |
\begin{definition} | |
For an element $\alpha \in K$ with minimal polynomial $q \in F[x]$, we say | |
$q$ and $\alpha$ are \textbf{separable} if $q$ has distinct roots (in some | |
algebraic closure $\overline{F}$!), and we say $K$ is | |
separable if this holds for all $\alpha \in K$. | |
\end{definition} | |
By \cref{primepoly}, separability of a polynomial $P \in F[x]$ is equivalent | |
to $(P, P') = 1$ in $F[x]$. | |
Indeed, this follows from the fact that $P$ has no multiple roots if and only if $P, P'$ have no | |
common roots. | |
\begin{lemma} $q(x) \in F[x]$ is separable if and only if $\gcd(q, q') = 1$, | |
where $q'$ is the formal derivative of $q$. | |
\label{der_poly} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\subsection{Purely inseparable extensions} | |
\begin{definition} | |
For an element $\alpha \in K$ with minimal polynomial $q$, we say $\alpha$ is \textbf{purely | |
inseparable} if $q$ has only one root. We say $K$ is splitting if each $q$ | |
splits in $K$. | |
\label{def:sepsplit} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} If $K = F(\alpha)$ for some $\alpha$ with minimal polynomial | |
$q(x) \in F[x]$, then by \rref{sep_poly}, $q(x) = r(x^{p^d})$, where $p = | |
\Char{F}$ (or $1$ if $\Char{F} = 0$) and $r$ is separable; in this case we | |
also denote $\deg_s(K/F) = \deg(r), \deg_i(K/F) = p^d$. \label{def:prim_sep} | |
\end{definition} | |
\section{Galois theory} | |
\subsection{Definitions} | |
Throughout, $F \subset K$ is a finite field extension. We fix once and for | |
all an algebraic closure $M$ for both and an embedding of $F$ in $M$. When | |
necessary, we write $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n)$, and $K_0 = F, K_i = | |
F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_i)$, $q_i$ the minimal polynomial of $\alpha_i$ over | |
$F_{i - 1}$, $Q_i$ that over $F$. | |
\begin{definition} $\Aut(K/F)$ denotes the group of automorphisms of $K$ which fix | |
$F$ (pointwise!). $\Emb(K/F)$ denotes the set of embeddings of $K$ into $M$ | |
respecting the chosen embedding of $F$. | |
\label{def:gal} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} By $\deg(K/F)$ we mean the dimension of $K$ as an $F$-vector | |
space. We denote $K_s/F$ the set of elements of $K$ whose minimal polynomials | |
over $F$ have distinct roots; by \rref{sep_subfield} this is a subfield, and | |
$\deg(K_s/F) = \deg_s(K/F)$ and $\deg(K/K_s) = \deg_i(K/F)$ by definition. | |
\label{def:sep} | |
\end{definition} | |
\subsection{Theorems} | |
\begin{lemma} If $\Char{F} = 0$ then $K_s = K$. If $\Char{F} = p > 0$, then for | |
any irreducible $q(x) \in K[x]$, there is some $d \geq 0$ and polynomial $r(x) | |
\in K[x]$ such that $q(x) = r(x^{p^d})$, and $r$ is separable and irreducible. | |
\label{sep_poly} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} By formal differentiation, $q'(x)$ has positive degree unless | |
each exponent is a multiple of $p$; in characteristic zero this never occurs. | |
If this is not the case, since $q$ is irreducible, it can have no factor in | |
common with $q'$ and therefore has distinct roots by \rref{der_poly}. | |
If $p > 0$, let $d$ be the largest integer such that each exponent of $q$ is a | |
multiple of $p^d$, and define $r$ by the above equation. Then by | |
construction, $r$ has at least one exponent which is not a multiple of $p$, | |
and therefore has distinct roots. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} In the statement of \rref{sep_poly}, $q$ and $r$ have the same | |
number of roots. | |
\label{sep_roots} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} $\alpha$ is a root of $q$ if and only if $\alpha^{p^d}$ is a | |
root of $r$; i.e. the roots of $q$ are the roots of $x^{p^d} - \beta$, where | |
$\beta$ is a root of $r$. But if $\alpha$ is one such root, then $(x - | |
\alpha)^{p^d} = x^{p^d} - \alpha^{p^d} = x^{p^d} - \beta$ since $\Char{K} = | |
p$, and therefore $\alpha$ is the only root of $x^{p^d} - \beta$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} The correspondence which to each $g \in \Emb(K/F)$ assigns the | |
$n$-tuple $(g(\alpha_1), \dots, g(\alpha_n))$ of elements of $M$ is a | |
bijection from $\Emb(K/F)$ to the set of tuples of $\beta_i \in M$, such that | |
$\beta_i$ is a root of $q_i$ over $K(\beta_1, \dots, \beta_{i - 1})$. | |
\label{emb_roots} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} First take $K = F(\alpha) = F[x]/(q)$, in which case the maps $g | |
\colon K \to M$ over $F$ are identified with the elements $\beta \in M$ such | |
that $q(\beta) = 0$ (where $g(\alpha) = \beta$). | |
Now, considering the tower $K = K_n / K_{n - 1} / \dots / K_0 = F$, each | |
extension of which is primitive, and a given embedding $g$, we define | |
recursively $g_1 \in \Emb(K_1/F)$ by restriction and subsequent $g_i$ by | |
identifying $K_{i - 1}$ with its image and restricting $g$ to $K_i$. By the | |
above paragraph each $g_i$ corresponds to the image $\beta_i = g_i(\alpha_i)$, | |
each of which is a root of $q_i$. Conversely, given such a set of roots of | |
the $q_i$, we define $g$ recursively by this formula. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} $|\Emb(K/F)| = \prod_{i = 1}^n \deg_s(q_i)$. | |
\label{emb_size} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} This follows immediately by induction from \rref{emb_roots} by | |
\rref{sep_roots}. \end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} For any $f \in \Emb(K/F)$, the map $\Aut(K/F) \to \Emb(K/F)$ given | |
by $\sigma \mapsto f \circ \sigma$ is injective. | |
\label{aut_inj} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} This is immediate from the injectivity of $f$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} $\Aut(K/F)$ is finite. | |
\label{aut_fin} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} By \rref{aut_inj}, $\Aut(K/F)$ injects into $\Emb(K/F)$, which by | |
\rref{emb_size} is finite. \end{proof} | |
\begin{proposition} The inequality | |
\begin{equation*} | |
|\Aut(K/F)| \leq |\Emb(K/F)| | |
\end{equation*} | |
is an equality if and only if the $q_i$ all split in $K$. | |
\label{aut_ineq} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} The inequality follows from \rref{aut_inj} and from \rref{aut_fin}. | |
Since both sets are finite, equality holds if and only if the injection of | |
\rref{aut_inj} is surjective (for fixed $f \in \Emb(K/F)$). | |
If surjectivity holds, let $\beta_1, \dots, \beta_n$ be arbitrary roots of | |
$q_1, \dots, q_n$ in the sense of \rref{emb_roots}, and extract an embedding $g | |
\colon K \to M$ with $g(\alpha_i) = \beta_i$. Since the correspondence $f | |
\mapsto f \circ \sigma$ ($\sigma \in \Aut(K/F)$) is a bijection, there is some | |
$\sigma$ such that $g = f \circ \sigma$, and therefore $f$ and $g$ have the | |
same image. Therefore the image of $K$ in $M$ is canonical, and contains | |
$\beta_1, \dots, \beta_n$ for any choice thereof. | |
If the $q_i$ all split, let $g \in \Emb(K/F)$ be arbitrary, so the | |
$g(\alpha_i)$ are roots of $q_i$ in $M$ as in \rref{emb_roots}. But the $q_i$ | |
have all their roots in $K$, hence in the image $f(K)$, so $f$ and $g$ again | |
have the same image, and $f^{-1} \circ g \in \Aut(K/F)$. Thus $g = f \circ | |
(f^{-1} \circ g)$ shows that the map of \rref{aut_inj} is surjective. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} Define | |
\begin{equation*} | |
D(K/F) = \prod_{i = 1}^n \deg_s(K_i/K_{i - 1}). | |
\end{equation*} | |
Then the chain of equalities and inequalities | |
\begin{equation*} | |
|\Aut(K/F)| \leq |\Emb(K/F)| = D(K/F) \leq \deg(K/F) | |
\end{equation*} | |
holds; the first inequality is an equality if and only if each $q_i$ splits in | |
$K$, and the second if and only if each $q_i$ is separable. | |
\label{large_aut_ineq} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} The statements concerning the first inequality are just | |
\rref{aut_ineq}; the interior equality is just \rref{emb_size}; the latter | |
inequality is obvious from the multiplicativity of the degrees of field | |
extensions; and the deduction for equality follows from the definition of | |
$\deg_s$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} The $q_i$ respectively split and are separable in $K$ if and only | |
if the $Q_i$ do and are. | |
\label{absolute_sepsplit} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} The ordering of the $\alpha_i$ is irrelevant, so we may take | |
each $i = 1$ in turn. Then $Q_1 = q_1$ and if either of the equalities in | |
\rref{large_aut_ineq} holds then so does the corresponding statement here. | |
Conversely, clearly each $q_i$ divides $Q_i$, so splitting or separability | |
for the latter implies that for the former. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} Let $\alpha \in K$ have minimal polynomial $q$; if the $Q_i$ are | |
respectively split, separable, and purely inseparable over $F$ then $q$ is as | |
well. | |
\label{global_sepsplit} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} We may take $\alpha$ as the first element of an alternative | |
generating set for $K/F$. The numerical statement of \rref{large_aut_ineq} | |
does not depend on the particular generating set, hence the conditions given | |
hold of the set containing $\alpha$ if and only if they hold of the canonical | |
set ${\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n}$. | |
For purely inseparable, if the $Q_i$ all have only one root then $|\Emb(K/F)| | |
= 1$ by \rref{large_aut_ineq}, and taking $\alpha$ as the first element of a | |
generating set as above shows that $q$ must have only one root as well for | |
this to hold. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} $K_s$ is a field and $\deg(K_s/F) = D(K/F)$. | |
\label{sep_subfield} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} Assume $\Char{F} = p > 0$, for otherwise $K_s = K$. Using | |
\rref{sep_poly}, write each $Q_i = R_i(x^{p^{d_i}})$, and let $\beta_i = | |
\alpha_i^{p^{d_i}}$. Then the $\beta_i$ have $R_i$ as minimal polynomials and | |
the $\alpha_i$ satisfy $s_i = x^{p^{d_i}} - \beta_i$ over $K' = F(\beta_1, | |
\dots, \beta_n)$. Therefore the $\alpha_i$ have minimal polynomials over $K'$ | |
dividing the $s_i$ and hence those polynomials have but one distinct root. | |
By \rref{global_sepsplit}, the elements of $K'$ are separable, and those of | |
$K'$ purely inseparable over $K'$. In particular, since these minimal | |
polynomials divide those over $F$, none of these elements is separable, so $K' | |
= K_s$. | |
The numerical statement follows by computation: | |
\begin{equation*} | |
\deg(K/K') = \prod_{i = 1}^n p^{d_i} | |
= \prod_{i = 1}^n \frac{\deg(K_i/K_{i - 1})}{\deg_s(K_i/K_{i - 1})} | |
= \frac{\deg(K/F)}{D(K/F)}. | |
\end{equation*} | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{theorem} The following inequality holds: | |
\begin{equation*} | |
|\Aut(K/F)| \leq |\Emb(K/F)| = \deg_s(K/F) \leq \deg(K/F). | |
\end{equation*} | |
Equality holds on the left if and only if $K/F$ is splitting; it holds on the | |
right if and only if $K/F$ is separable. | |
\label{galois_size} | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} The numerical statement combines \rref{large_aut_ineq} and | |
\rref{sep_subfield}. The deductions combine \rref{absolute_sepsplit} and | |
\rref{global_sepsplit}. \end{proof} | |
\subsection{Definitions} | |
Throughout, we will denote as before $K/F$ a finite field extension, and $G = | |
\Aut(K/F)$, $H$ a subgroup of $G$. $L/F$ is a subextension of $K/F$. | |
\begin{definition} When $K/F$ is separable and splitting, we say it is Galois and | |
write $G = \Gal(K/F)$, the Galois group of $K$ over $F$. | |
\label{defn:galois_extension} | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} The fixed field of $H$ is the field $K^H$ of elements fixed by | |
the action of $H$ on $K$. Conversely, $G_L$ is the fixing subgroup of $L$, | |
the subgroup of $G$ whose elements fix $L$. | |
\label{defn:fixing} | |
\end{definition} | |
\subsection{Theorems} | |
\begin{lemma} A polynomial $q(x) \in K[x]$ which splits in $K$ lies in | |
$K^H[x]$ if and only if its roots are permuted by the action of $H$. In this | |
case, the sets of roots of the irreducible factors of $q$ over $K^H$ are the orbits | |
of the action of $H$ on the roots of $q$ (counting multiplicity). | |
\label{root_action} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} Since $H$ acts by automorphisms, we have $\sigma q(x) = q(\sigma | |
x)$ as a functional equation on $K$, so $\sigma$ permutes the roots of $q$. | |
Conversely, since the coefficients of $\sigma$ are the elementary symmetric | |
polynomials in its roots, $H$ permuting the roots implies that it fixes the | |
coefficients. | |
Clearly $q$ is the product of the polynomials $q_i$ whose roots are the orbits | |
of the action of $H$ on the roots of $q$, counting multiplicities, so it | |
suffices to show that these polynomials are defined over $K^H$ and are | |
irreducible. Since $H$ acts on the roots of the $q_i$ by construction, the | |
former is satisfied. If some $q_i$ factored over $K^H$, its factors would | |
admit an action of $H$ on their roots by the previous paragraph. The roots of | |
$q_i$ are distinct by construction, so its factors do not share roots; hence | |
the action on the roots of $q_i$ would not be transitive, a contradiction. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} Let $q(x) \in K[x]$; if it is irreducible, then $H$ acts | |
transitively on its roots; conversely, if $q$ is separable and $H$ acts | |
transitively on its roots, then $q(x) \in K^H[x]$ is irreducible. | |
\label{sep_irred} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} Immediate from \rref{root_action}. \end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} If $K/F$ is Galois, so is $K/L$, and $\Gal(K/L) = G_L$.. | |
\label{sub_galois} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} $K/F$ Galois means that the minimal polynomial over $F$ of every | |
element of $K$ is separable and splits in $K$; the minimal polynomials over $L | |
= K^H$ divide those over $F$, and therefore this is true of $K/L$ as well; | |
hence $K/L$ is likewise a Galois extension. $\Gal(K/L) = \Aut(K/L)$ consists | |
of those automorphisms $\sigma$ of $K$ which fix $L$; since $F \subset L$ we | |
have \emph{a fortiori} that $\sigma$ fixes $F$, hence $\Gal(K/L) \subset G$ | |
and consists of the subgroup which fixes $L$; i.e. $G_L$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} If $K/F$ and $L/F$ are Galois, then the action of $G$ on elements of $L$ | |
defines a surjection of $G$ onto $\Gal(L/F)$. Thus $G_L$ is normal in $G$ and $\Gal(L/F) \cong G/G_L$. Conversely, if $N \subset G$ is normal, then $K^N/F$ is Galois. | |
\label{normal} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} $L/F$ is splitting, so by \rref{root_action} the elements of $G$ | |
act as endomorphisms (hence automorphisms) of $L/F$, and the kernel of this action is $G_L$. By | |
\rref{sub_galois}, we have $G_L = \Gal(K/L)$, so $|G_L| = |\Gal(K/L)| = [K : L] = [K : F] / [L : F]$, | |
or rearranging and using that $K/F$ is Galois, we get $|G|/|G_L| = [L : F] = | |
|\Gal(L/F)|$. Thus the map $G \to \Gal(L/F)$ is surjective and thus the induced map $G/G_L \to | |
\Gal(L/F)$ is an isomorphism. | |
Conversely, let $N$ be normal and take $\alpha \in K^N$. For any conjugate $\beta$ of $\alpha$, we | |
have $\beta = g(\alpha)$ for some $g \in G$; let $n \in N$. Then $n(\beta) = (ng)(\alpha) = | |
g(g^{-1} n g)(\alpha) = g(\alpha) = \beta$, since $g^{-1} n g \in N$ by normality of $N$. Thus | |
$\beta \in K^N$, so $K^N$ is splitting, i.e., Galois. \end{proof} | |
\begin{proposition} If $K/F$ is Galois and $H = G_L$, then $K^H = L$. | |
\label{fixed_field} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} By \rref{sub_galois}, $K/L$ and $K/K^H$ are both Galois. By | |
definition, $\Gal(K/L) = G_L = H$; since $H$ fixes $K^H$ we certainly have | |
$H < \Gal(K/K^H)$, but since $L \subset K^H$ we have \emph{a fortiori} that | |
$\Gal(K/K^H) < \Gal(K/L) = H$, so $\Gal(K/K^H) = H$ as well. It follows | |
from \rref{galois_size} that $\deg(K/L) = |H| = \deg(K/K^H)$, so that $K^H = | |
L$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{lemma} If $K$ is a finite field, then $K^\ast$ is cyclic. | |
\label{fin_cyclic} | |
\end{lemma} | |
\begin{proof} $K$ is then a finite extension of $\mathbb{F}_p$ for $p = | |
\Char{K}$, hence has order $p^n$, $n = \deg(K/\mathbb{F}_p)$. Thus | |
$\alpha^{p^n} = \alpha$ for all $\alpha \in K$, since $|K^\ast| = p^n - 1$. | |
It follows that every element of $K$ is a root of $q_n(x) = x^{p^n} - x$. For | |
any $d < n$, the elements of order at most $p^d - 1$ satisfy $q_d(x)$, which has | |
$p^d$ roots. It follows that there are at least $p^n(p - 1) > 0$ elements of | |
order exactly $p^n - 1$, so $K^\ast$ is cyclic. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} If $K$ is a finite field, then $\Gal(K/F)$ is cyclic, generated by | |
the Frobenius automorphism. | |
\label{fin_gal_cyclic} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} First take $F = \mathbb{F}_p$. Then the map $f_i(\alpha) = | |
\alpha^{p^i}$ is an endomorphism, injective since $K$ is a field, and | |
surjective since it is finite, hence an automorphism. Since every $\alpha$ | |
satisfies $\alpha^{p^n} = \alpha$, $f_n = 1$, but by \rref{fin_cyclic}, $f_{n - | |
1}$ is nontrivial (applied to the generator). Since $n = \deg(K/F)$, $f = | |
f_1$ generates $\Gal(K/F)$. | |
If $F$ is now arbitrary, by \rref{fixed_field} we have $\Gal(K/F) = | |
\Gal(K/\mathbb{F}_p)_F$, and every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} If $K$ is finite, $K/F$ is primitive. | |
\label{fin_prim_elt} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} No element of $G$ fixes the generator $\alpha$ of $K^\ast$, so | |
it cannot lie in any proper subfield. Therefore $F(\alpha) = K$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{proposition} If $F$ is infinite and $K/F$ has only finitely many subextensions, then it is | |
primitive. | |
\label{gen_prim_elt} | |
\end{proposition} | |
\begin{proof} We proceed by induction on the number of generators of $K/F$. | |
If $K = F(\alpha)$ we are done. If not, $K = F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_n) = | |
F(\alpha_1, \dots, \alpha_{n - 1})(\alpha_n) = F(\beta, \alpha_n)$ by | |
induction, so we may assume $n = 2$. There are infinitely many subfields | |
$F(\alpha_1 + t \alpha_2)$, with $t \in F$, hence two of them are equal, say for $t_1$ and | |
$t_2$. Thus, $\alpha_1 + t_2 \alpha_2 \in F(\alpha_1 + t_1 \alpha_2)$. Then | |
$(t_2 - t_1)\alpha_2 \in F(\alpha_1 + t_1 \alpha_2)$, hence $\alpha_2$ lies in | |
this field, hence $\alpha_1$ does. Therefore $K = F(\alpha_1 + t_1 | |
\alpha_2)$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} If $K/F$ is separable, it is primitive, and the generator may be | |
taken to be a linear combination of any finite set of generators of $K/F$. | |
\label{prim_elt} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} We may embed $K/F$ in a Galois extension $M/F$ by adjoining all | |
the conjugates of its generators. Subextensions of $K/F$ are as well subextensions | |
of $K'/F$ and by \rref{fixed_field} the map $H \mapsto (K')^H$ is a surjection | |
from the subgroups of $G$ to the subextensions of $K'/F$, which are hence | |
finite in number. By \rref{fin_prim_elt} we may assume $F$ is infinite. The | |
result now follows from \rref{gen_prim_elt}. \end{proof} | |
\begin{corollary} | |
If $K/F$ is Galois and $H \subset G$, then if $L = K^H$, we have $H = G_L$. | |
\label{fixing_subgroup} | |
\end{corollary} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $\alpha$ be a primitive element for $K/L$. The polynomial $\prod_{h \in H} (x - h(\alpha))$ is fixed by $H$, and therefore has coefficients in $L$, so $\alpha$ has $|H|$ conjugate roots over $L$. But since $\alpha$ is primitive, we have $K = L(\alpha)$, so the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ has degree $\deg(K/L)$, which is the same as the number of its roots. Thus $|H| = \deg(K/L)$. Since $H \subset G_L$ and $|G_L| = \deg(K/L)$, we have equality. | |
\end{proof} | |
\begin{theorem} The correspondences $H \mapsto K^H$, $L \mapsto G_L$ define | |
inclusion-reversing inverse maps between the set of subgroups of $G$ and the | |
set of subextensions of $K/F$, such that normal subgroups and Galois subfields | |
correspond. | |
\label{fundamental_theorem} | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} This combines \rref{fixed_field}, \rref{fixing_subgroup}, and \rref{normal}. | |
\end{proof} | |
\section{Transcendental Extensions} | |
There is a distinguished type of transcendental extension: those that are | |
``purely transcendental.'' | |
\begin{definition} A field extension $E'/E$ is purely transcendental if it is | |
obtained by adjoining a set $B$ of algebraically independent elements. A set of | |
elements is algebraically independent over $E$ if there is no nonzero polynomial$P$ | |
with coefficients in $E$ such | |
that $P(b_1,b_2,\cdots b_n)=0$ for any finite subset of elements $b_1, \dots, | |
b_n \in B$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{example} The field $\mathbb{Q}(\pi)$ is purely transcendental; in | |
particular, $\mathbb{Q}(\pi)\cong\mathbb{Q}(x)$ with the isomorphism fixing | |
$\mathbb{Q}$. \end{example} | |
Similar to the degree of an algebraic extension, there is a way of keeping | |
track of the number of algebraically independent generators that are required to | |
generate a purely transcendental extension. | |
\begin{definition} Let $E'/E$ be a purely transcendental extension generated by | |
some set of algebraically independent elements $B$. Then the transcendence | |
degree $trdeg(E'/E)=\#(B)$ and $B$ is called a transcendence basis for $E'/E$ | |
(we will see later that $trdeg(E'/E)$ is independent of choice of basis). | |
\end{definition} | |
In general, let $F/E$ be a field extension, we can always construct an | |
intermediate extension $F/E'/E$ such that $F/E'$ is algebraic and $E'/E$ is | |
purely transcendental. Then if $B$ is a transcendence basis for $E'$, it is | |
also called a transcendence basis for $F$. Similarly, $trdeg(F/E)$ is defined to | |
be | |
$trdeg(E'/E)$. | |
\begin{theorem} Let $F/E$ be a field extension, a transcendence basis exists. | |
\end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} Let $A$ be an algebraically independent subset of $F$. Now pick a | |
subset $G\subset F$ that generates $F/E$, we can find a transcendence basis | |
$B$ such that $A\subset B\subset G$. Define a collection of algebraically | |
independent sets $\mathcal{B}$ whose members are subsets of $G$ that contain | |
$A$. The set can be partially ordered inclusion and contains at least one | |
element, $A$. The union of elements of $\mathcal{B}$ is algebraically | |
independent since any algebraic dependence relation would have occurred in one | |
of the elements of $\mathcal{B}$ since the polynomial is only allowed to be over | |
finitely many variables. The union also satisfies $A\subset | |
\bigcup\mathcal{B}\subset G$ so by Zorn's lemma, there is a maximal element | |
$B\in\mathcal{B}$. Now we claim $F$ is algebraic over $E(B)$. This is because | |
if it wasn't then there would be a transcendental element $f\in G$ (since | |
$E(G)=F$)such that $B\cup\{f\}$ wold be algebraically independent contradicting | |
the | |
maximality of $B$. Thus $B$ is our transcendence basis. \end{proof} | |
Now we prove that the transcendence degree of a field extension is independent | |
of choice of basis. | |
\begin{theorem} Let $F/E$ be a field extension. Any two transcendence bases for | |
$F/E$ have the same cardinality. This shows that the $trdeg(E/F)$ is well | |
defined. \end{theorem} | |
\begin{proof} | |
Let $B$ and $B'$ be two transcendence bases. Without loss of generality, we can | |
assume that $\#(B')\leq \#(B)$. Now we divide the proof into two cases: the | |
first case is that $B$ is an infinite set. Then for each $\alpha\in B'$, there | |
is a finite set $B_{\alpha}$ such that $\alpha$ is algebraic over | |
$E(B_{\alpha})$ since any algebraic dependence relation only uses finitely many | |
indeterminates. Then we define $B^*=\bigcup_{\alpha\in B'} B_{\alpha}$. By | |
construction, $B^*\subset B$, but we claim that in fact the two sets are | |
equal. To see this, suppose that they are not equal, say there is an element | |
$\beta\in B\setminus B^*$. We know $\beta$ is algebraic over $E(B')$ which is | |
algebraic over $E(B^*)$. Therefor $\beta$ is algebraic over $E(B^*)$, a | |
contradiction. So $\#(B)\leq \sum_{\alpha\in B'} \#(B_{\alpha})$. Now if $B'$ is | |
finite, then so is $B$ so we can assume $B'$ is infinite; this means | |
\begin{equation} \#(B)\leq \sum_{\alpha\in B'}\#(B_{\alpha})=\#(\coprod | |
B_{\alpha})\leq \#(B'\times\mathbb{Z})=\#(B')\end{equation} with the inequality $\#(\coprod | |
B_{\alpha}) \leq \#(B'\times \mathbb{Z})$ given by the correspondence | |
$b_{\alpha_i}\mapsto (\alpha,i)\in B'\times \mathbb{Z}$ with $B_\alpha = | |
\{b_{\alpha_1},b_{\alpha_2}\cdots b_{\alpha_{n_\alpha}}\}$ Therefore in the | |
infinite case, $\#(B)=\#(B')$. | |
Now we need to look at the case where $B$ is finite. In this case, $B'$ is also | |
finite, so suppose $B=\{\alpha_1,\cdots\alpha_n\}$ and | |
$B'=\{\beta_1,\cdots\beta_m\}$ with $m\leq n$. We perform induction on $m$: if | |
$m=0$ then $F/E$ is algebraic so $B=\null$ so $n=0$, otherwise there is an | |
irreducible polynomial $f\in E[x,y_1,\cdots y_n]$ such that | |
$f(\beta_1,\alpha_1,\cdots \alpha_n) = 0$. Since $\beta_1$ is not algebraic over | |
$E$, $f$ must involve some $y_i$ so without loss of generality, assume $f$ uses | |
$y_1$. Let $B^*=\{\beta_1,\alpha_2,\cdots\alpha_n\}$. We claim that $B^*$ is a | |
basis for $F/E$. To prove this claim, we see that we have a tower of algebraic | |
extensions $F/E(B^*,\alpha_1)/E(B^*)$ since $\alpha_1$ is algebraic over | |
$E(B^*)$. Now we claim that $B^*$ (counting multiplicity of elements) is | |
algebraically independent over $E$ because if it weren't, then there would be an | |
irreducible $g\in E[x,y_2,\cdots y_n]$ such that | |
$g(\beta_1,\alpha_2,\cdots\alpha_n)=0$ which must involve $x$ making $\beta_1$ | |
algebraic over $E(\alpha_2,\cdots \alpha_n)$ which would make $\alpha_1$ | |
algebraic over $E(\alpha_2,\cdots \alpha_n)$ which is impossible. So this means | |
that $\{\alpha_2,\cdots\alpha_n\}$ and $\{\beta_2,\cdots\beta_m\}$ are bases for | |
$F$ over $E(\beta_1)$ which means by induction, $m=n$. \end{proof} | |
\begin{example} Consider the field extension $\mathbb{Q}(e,\pi)$ formed by | |
adjoining the numbers $e$ and $\pi$. This field extension has transcendence | |
degree at least $1$ since both $e$ and $\pi$ are transcendental over the | |
rationals. However, this field extension might have transcendence degree $2$ if | |
$e$ and $\pi$ are algebraically independent. Whether or not this is true is | |
unknown and the problem of determining $trdeg(\mathbb{Q}(e,\pi))$ is an open | |
problem.\end{example} | |
\begin{example} let $E$ be a field and $F=E(t)/E$. Then $\{t\}$ is a | |
transcendence basis since $F=E(t)$. However, $\{t^2\}$ is also a transcendence | |
basis since $E(t)/E(t^2)$ is algebraic. This illustrates that while we can | |
always decompose an extension $F/E$ into an algebraic extension $F/E'$ and a | |
purely transcendental extension $E'/E$, this decomposition is not unique and | |
depends on choice of transcendence basis. \end{example} | |
\begin{exercise} If we have a tower of fields $G/F/E$, then $trdeg(G/E)=trdeg(F/E)+trdeg(G/F)$. \end{exercise} | |
\begin{example} | |
Let $X$ be a compact Riemann surface. Then the function field $\mathbb{C}(X)$ | |
(see \cref{meromorphicfn}) has transcendence degree one over $\mathbb{C}$. In | |
fact, \emph{any} finitely generated extension of $\mathbb{C}$ of transcendence | |
degree one arises from a Riemann surface. There is even an equivalence of | |
categories between the category of compact Riemann surfaces and | |
(non-constant) holomorphic maps | |
and the opposite category of finitely generated extensions of $\mathbb{C}$ and | |
morphisms of $\mathbb{C}$-algebras. See \cite{Fo81}. | |
There is an algebraic version of the above statement as well. Given an | |
(irreducible) algebraic curve in projective space over an algebraically | |
closed field $k$ (e.g. the complex numbers), one can consider its ``field of rational | |
functions:'' basically, functions that look like quotients of polynomials, | |
where the denominator does not identically vanish on the curve. | |
There is a similar anti-equivalence of categories between smooth projective curves and | |
non-constant morphisms of curves and finitely generated extensions of $k$ of | |
transcendence degree one. See \cite{Ha77}. | |
\end{example} | |
\subsection{Linearly Disjoint Field Extensions} | |
Let $k$ be a field, $K$ and $L$ field extensions of $k$. Suppose also that $K$ and $L$ are embedded in some larger field $\Omega$. | |
\begin{definition} The compositum of $K$ and $L$ written $KL$ is $k(K\cup L)=L(K)=K(L)$. | |
\end{definition} | |
\begin{definition} $K$ and $L$ are said to be linearly disjoint over $k$ if the following map is injective: | |
\begin{equation} \theta: K\otimes_k L\rightarrow KL \end{equation} defined by $x\otimes y\mapsto xy$. | |
\end{definition} | |