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theory BKR_Decision | |
imports BKR_Algorithm | |
"Berlekamp_Zassenhaus.Factorize_Rat_Poly" | |
"Algebraic_Numbers.Real_Roots" | |
"BKR_Proofs" | |
"HOL.Deriv" | |
begin | |
section "Algorithm" | |
subsection "Parsing" | |
(* Formula type *) | |
datatype 'a fml = | |
And "'a fml" "'a fml" | |
| Or "'a fml" "'a fml" | |
| Gt 'a (* 'a > 0 *) | |
| Geq 'a (* 'a \<ge> 0 *) | |
| Lt 'a (* 'a < 0 *) | |
| Leq 'a (* 'a \<le> 0 *) | |
| Eq 'a (* 'a = 0 *) | |
| Neq 'a (* 'a \<noteq> 0 *) | |
(* Evaluating a formula over a lookup semantics where 'a is nat *) | |
primrec lookup_sem :: "nat fml \<Rightarrow> ('a::linordered_field list) \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"lookup_sem (And l r) ls = (lookup_sem l ls \<and> lookup_sem r ls)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Or l r) ls = (lookup_sem l ls \<or> lookup_sem r ls)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Gt p) ls = (ls ! p > 0)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Geq p) ls = (ls ! p \<ge> 0)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Lt p) ls = (ls ! p < 0)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Leq p) ls = (ls ! p \<le> 0)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Eq p) ls = (ls ! p = 0)" | |
| "lookup_sem (Neq p) ls = (ls ! p \<noteq> 0)" | |
(* (compute) all polynomials mentioned in a formula *) | |
primrec poly_list :: "'a fml \<Rightarrow> 'a list" | |
where | |
"poly_list (And l r) = poly_list l @ poly_list r" | |
| "poly_list (Or l r) = poly_list l @ poly_list r" | |
| "poly_list (Gt p) = [p]" | |
| "poly_list (Geq p) = [p]" | |
| "poly_list (Lt p) = [p]" | |
| "poly_list (Leq p) = [p]" | |
| "poly_list (Eq p) = [p]" | |
| "poly_list (Neq p) = [p]" | |
primrec index_of_aux :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat" where | |
"index_of_aux [] y n = n" | |
| "index_of_aux (x#xs) y n = | |
(if x = y then n else index_of_aux xs y (n+1))" | |
definition index_of :: "'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat" where | |
"index_of xs y = index_of_aux xs y 0" | |
definition convert :: "'a fml \<Rightarrow> (nat fml \<times> 'a list)" | |
where | |
"convert fml = ( | |
let ps = remdups (poly_list fml) | |
in | |
(map_fml (index_of ps) fml, ps) | |
)" | |
subsection "Factoring" | |
(* Makes sure the result of factorize_rat_poly is monic *) | |
definition factorize_rat_poly_monic :: "rat poly \<Rightarrow> (rat \<times> (rat poly \<times> nat) list)" | |
where | |
"factorize_rat_poly_monic p = ( | |
let (c,fs) = factorize_rat_poly p ; | |
lcs = prod_list (map (\<lambda>(f,i). (lead_coeff f) ^ Suc i) fs) ; | |
fs = map (\<lambda>(f,i). (normalize f, i)) fs | |
in | |
(c * lcs,fs) | |
)" | |
(* Factoring an input list of polynomials *) | |
definition factorize_polys :: "rat poly list \<Rightarrow> (rat poly list \<times> (rat \<times> (nat \<times> nat) list) list)" | |
where | |
"factorize_polys ps = ( | |
let fact_ps = map factorize_rat_poly_monic ps; | |
factors = remdups (map fst (concat (map snd fact_ps))) ; | |
data = map (\<lambda>(c,fs). (c, map (\<lambda>(f,pow). (index_of factors f, pow) ) fs)) fact_ps | |
in | |
(factors,data) | |
)" | |
(* After turning a polynomial into factors, | |
this turns a sign condition on the factors | |
into a sign condition for the polynomial *) | |
definition undo_factorize :: "rat \<times> (nat \<times> nat) list \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> rat" | |
where | |
"undo_factorize cfs signs = | |
squash | |
(case cfs of (c,fs) \<Rightarrow> | |
(c * prod_list (map (\<lambda>(f,pow). (signs ! f) ^ Suc pow) fs))) | |
" | |
definition undo_factorize_polys :: "(rat \<times> (nat \<times> nat) list) list \<Rightarrow> rat list \<Rightarrow> rat list" | |
where | |
"undo_factorize_polys ls signs = map (\<lambda>l. undo_factorize l signs) ls" | |
subsection "Auxiliary Polynomial" | |
definition crb:: "real poly \<Rightarrow> int" where | |
"crb p = ceiling (2 + max_list_non_empty (map (\<lambda> i. norm (coeff p i)) [0 ..< degree p]) | |
/ norm (lead_coeff p))" | |
(* Because we are using prod_list instead of lcm, it's important that this is called | |
when ps is pairwise coprime. *) | |
definition coprime_r :: "real poly list \<Rightarrow> real poly" | |
where | |
"coprime_r ps = pderiv (prod_list ps) * ([:-(crb (prod_list ps)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list ps)),1:])" | |
subsection "Setting Up the Procedure" | |
(* 0 indexed *) | |
definition insertAt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where | |
"insertAt n x ls = take n ls @ x # (drop n ls)" | |
(* 0 indexed *) | |
definition removeAt :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> 'a list" where | |
"removeAt n ls = take n ls @ (drop (n+1) ls)" | |
definition find_sgas_aux:: "real poly list \<Rightarrow> rat list list" | |
where "find_sgas_aux in_list = | |
concat (map (\<lambda>i. | |
map (\<lambda>v. insertAt i 0 v) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (in_list ! i) (removeAt i in_list)) | |
) [0..<length in_list])" | |
(* For an input list of real polynomials, apply BKR to all positions *) | |
definition find_sgas :: "real poly list \<Rightarrow> rat list list" | |
where | |
"find_sgas ps = ( | |
let r = coprime_r ps in | |
find_consistent_signs_at_roots r ps @ find_sgas_aux ps | |
)" | |
(* Putting the sign condition preprocessing together with BKR *) | |
definition find_consistent_signs :: "rat poly list \<Rightarrow> rat list list" | |
where | |
"find_consistent_signs ps = ( | |
let (fs,data) = factorize_polys ps; | |
sgas = find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) fs); | |
rsgas = map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas | |
in | |
(if fs = [] then [(map (\<lambda>x. if poly x 0 < 0 then -1 else if poly x 0 = 0 then 0 else 1) ps)] else rsgas) | |
)" | |
subsection "Deciding Univariate Problems" | |
definition decide_universal :: "rat poly fml \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where [code]: | |
"decide_universal fml = ( | |
let (fml_struct,polys) = convert fml; | |
conds = find_consistent_signs polys | |
in | |
list_all (lookup_sem fml_struct) conds | |
)" | |
definition decide_existential :: "rat poly fml \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where [code]: | |
"decide_existential fml = ( | |
let (fml_struct,polys) = convert fml; | |
conds = find_consistent_signs polys | |
in | |
find (lookup_sem fml_struct) conds \<noteq> None | |
)" | |
section "Proofs" | |
subsection "Parsing and Semantics" | |
(* Evaluating a formula where 'a is a real poly *) | |
primrec real_sem :: "real poly fml \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"real_sem (And l r) x = (real_sem l x \<and> real_sem r x)" | |
| "real_sem (Or l r) x = (real_sem l x \<or> real_sem r x)" | |
| "real_sem (Gt p) x = (poly p x > 0)" | |
| "real_sem (Geq p) x = (poly p x \<ge> 0)" | |
| "real_sem (Lt p) x = (poly p x < 0)" | |
| "real_sem (Leq p) x = (poly p x \<le> 0)" | |
| "real_sem (Eq p) x = (poly p x = 0)" | |
| "real_sem (Neq p) x = (poly p x \<noteq> 0)" | |
(* Evaluating a formula where 'a is a rat poly *) | |
primrec fml_sem :: "rat poly fml \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"fml_sem (And l r) x = (fml_sem l x \<and> fml_sem r x)" | |
| "fml_sem (Or l r) x = (fml_sem l x \<or> fml_sem r x)" | |
| "fml_sem (Gt p) x = (rpoly p x > 0)" | |
| "fml_sem (Geq p) x = (rpoly p x \<ge> 0)" | |
| "fml_sem (Lt p) x = (rpoly p x < 0)" | |
| "fml_sem (Leq p) x = (rpoly p x \<le> 0)" | |
| "fml_sem (Eq p) x = (rpoly p x = 0)" | |
| "fml_sem (Neq p) x = (rpoly p x \<noteq> 0)" | |
lemma poly_list_set_fml: | |
shows "set (poly_list fml) = set_fml fml" | |
apply (induction) by auto | |
lemma convert_semantics_lem: | |
assumes "\<And>p. p \<in> set (poly_list fml) \<Longrightarrow> | |
ls ! (index_of ps p) = rpoly p x" | |
shows "fml_sem fml x = lookup_sem (map_fml (index_of ps) fml) ls" | |
using assms apply (induct fml) | |
by auto | |
lemma index_of_aux_more: | |
shows "index_of_aux ls p n \<ge> n" | |
apply (induct ls arbitrary: n) | |
apply auto | |
using Suc_leD by blast | |
lemma index_of_aux_lookup: | |
assumes "p \<in> set ls" | |
shows "(index_of_aux ls p n) - n < length ls" | |
"ls ! ((index_of_aux ls p n) - n) = p" | |
using assms apply (induct ls arbitrary: n) | |
apply auto | |
apply (metis Suc_diff_Suc index_of_aux_more lessI less_Suc_eq_0_disj less_le_trans) | |
by (metis Suc_diff_Suc index_of_aux_more lessI less_le_trans nth_Cons_Suc) | |
lemma index_of_lookup: | |
assumes "p \<in> set ls" | |
shows "index_of ls p < length ls" | |
"ls ! (index_of ls p) = p" | |
apply (metis assms index_of_aux_lookup(1) index_of_def minus_nat.diff_0) | |
by (metis assms index_of_aux_lookup(2) index_of_def minus_nat.diff_0) | |
lemma convert_semantics: | |
shows "fml_sem fml x = lookup_sem (fst (convert fml)) (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) (snd (convert fml)))" | |
unfolding convert_def Let_def apply simp | |
apply (intro convert_semantics_lem) | |
by (simp add: index_of_lookup(1) index_of_lookup(2)) | |
lemma convert_closed: | |
shows "\<And>i. i \<in> set_fml (fst (convert fml)) \<Longrightarrow> i < length (snd (convert fml))" | |
unfolding convert_def Let_def | |
apply (auto simp add: fml.set_map) | |
by (simp add: index_of_lookup(1) poly_list_set_fml) | |
(* Rational sign vector of polynomials qs with rational coefficients at x *) | |
definition sign_vec::"rat poly list \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> rat list" | |
where "sign_vec qs x \<equiv> | |
map (squash \<circ> (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x)) qs" | |
(* The set of all rational sign vectors for qs wrt the set S | |
When S = UNIV, then this quantifies over all reals *) | |
definition consistent_sign_vectors::"rat poly list \<Rightarrow> real set \<Rightarrow> rat list set" | |
where "consistent_sign_vectors qs S = (sign_vec qs) ` S" | |
lemma sign_vec_semantics: | |
assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> set_fml fml \<Longrightarrow> i < length ls" | |
shows "lookup_sem fml (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) ls) = lookup_sem fml (sign_vec ls x)" | |
using assms apply (induction) | |
by (auto simp add: sign_vec_def squash_def) | |
(* The universal and existential decision procedure is easy if we know the consistent sign vectors *) | |
lemma universal_lookup_sem: | |
assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> set_fml fml \<Longrightarrow> i < length qs" | |
assumes "set signs = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
shows "(\<forall>x::real. lookup_sem fml (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) qs)) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
list_all (lookup_sem fml) signs" | |
using assms(2) unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_def list_all_iff | |
by (simp add: assms(1) sign_vec_semantics) | |
lemma existential_lookup_sem: | |
assumes "\<And>i. i \<in> set_fml fml \<Longrightarrow> i < length qs" | |
assumes "set signs = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
shows "(\<exists>x::real. lookup_sem fml (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) qs)) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
find (lookup_sem fml) signs \<noteq> None" | |
using assms(2) unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_def find_None_iff | |
by (simp add: assms(1) sign_vec_semantics) | |
subsection "Factoring Lemmas" | |
(*definition real_factorize_list:: "rat poly list \<Rightarrow> real poly list" | |
where "real_factorize_list qs = map (map_poly of_rat) (fst(factorize_polys qs))" | |
*) | |
interpretation of_rat_poly_hom: map_poly_comm_semiring_hom of_rat.. | |
interpretation of_rat_poly_hom: map_poly_comm_ring_hom of_rat.. | |
interpretation of_rat_poly_hom: map_poly_idom_hom of_rat.. | |
lemma finite_prod_map_of_rat_poly_hom: | |
shows "poly (real_of_rat_poly (\<Prod>(a,b)\<in>s. f a b)) y = (\<Prod>(a,b)\<in>s. poly (real_of_rat_poly (f a b)) y)" | |
apply (simp add: of_rat_poly_hom.hom_prod poly_prod) | |
by (simp add: case_prod_app prod.case_distrib) | |
lemma sign_vec_index_of: | |
assumes "f \<in> set ftrs" | |
shows "sign_vec ftrs x ! (index_of ftrs f) = squash (rpoly f x)" | |
by (simp add: assms index_of_lookup(1) index_of_lookup(2) sign_vec_def) | |
lemma squash_idem: | |
shows "squash (squash x) = squash x" | |
unfolding squash_def by auto | |
lemma squash_mult: | |
shows "squash ((a::real) * b) = squash a * squash b" | |
unfolding squash_def apply auto | |
using less_not_sym mult_neg_neg apply blast | |
using mult_less_0_iff by blast | |
lemma squash_prod_list: | |
shows "squash (prod_list (ls::real list)) = prod_list (map squash ls)" | |
apply (induction ls) | |
unfolding squash_def apply auto | |
apply (simp add: mult_less_0_iff) | |
by (simp add: zero_less_mult_iff) | |
lemma squash_pow: | |
shows "squash ((x::real) ^ (y::nat)) = (squash x) ^ y" | |
unfolding squash_def apply auto | |
by (auto simp add: zero_less_power_eq) | |
lemma squash_real_of_rat[simp]: | |
shows "squash (real_of_rat x) = squash x" | |
unfolding squash_def by auto | |
lemma factorize_rat_poly_monic_irreducible_monic: | |
assumes "factorize_rat_poly_monic f = (c,fs)" | |
assumes "(fi,i) \<in> set fs" | |
shows "irreducible fi \<and> monic fi" | |
proof - | |
obtain c' fs' where cfs: "factorize_rat_poly f = (c',fs')" | |
by (meson surj_pair) | |
then have fs: "fs = map (\<lambda>(f,i). (normalize f, i)) fs'" | |
using factorize_rat_poly_monic_def assms by auto | |
obtain "fi'" where "(fi',i) \<in> set fs'" "fi = normalize fi'" | |
using assms(2) unfolding fs by auto | |
thus ?thesis using factorize_rat_poly irreducible_normalize_iff | |
by (metis cfs monic_normalize not_irreducible_zero) | |
qed | |
lemma square_free_normalize: | |
assumes "square_free p" | |
shows "square_free (normalize p)" | |
by (metis assms square_free_multD(3) unit_factor_mult_normalize) | |
lemma coprime_normalize: | |
assumes "coprime a b" | |
shows "coprime (normalize a) b" | |
using assms by auto | |
lemma undo_normalize: | |
shows "a = Polynomial.smult (unit_factor (lead_coeff a)) (normalize a)" | |
by (metis add.right_neutral mult_pCons_right mult_zero_right normalize_mult_unit_factor pCons_0_hom.hom_zero unit_factor_poly_def) | |
lemma finite_smult_distr: | |
assumes "distinct fs" | |
shows "(\<Prod>(x,y)\<in>set fs. Polynomial.smult ((f x y)::rat) (g x y)) = | |
Polynomial.smult (\<Prod>(x,y)\<in>set fs. f x y) (\<Prod>(x,y)\<in>set fs. g x y)" | |
using assms | |
proof (induction fs) | |
case Nil | |
then show ?case by auto | |
next | |
case (Cons a fs) | |
then show ?case apply auto | |
using mult.commute mult_smult_right prod.case_distrib smult_smult split_cong split_conv | |
by (simp add: Groups.mult_ac(2) split_beta) | |
qed | |
lemma normalize_coprime_degree: | |
assumes "normalize (f::rat poly) = normalize g" | |
assumes "coprime f g" | |
shows "degree f = 0" | |
proof - | |
have "f dvd g" by (simp add: assms(1) associatedD2) | |
then have "f dvd 1" | |
using assms(2) associatedD1 by auto | |
thus ?thesis | |
using Missing_Polynomial_Factorial.is_unit_field_poly by blast | |
qed | |
lemma factorize_rat_poly_monic_square_free_factorization: | |
assumes res: "factorize_rat_poly_monic f = (c,fs)" | |
shows "square_free_factorization f (c,fs)" | |
proof (unfold square_free_factorization_def split, intro conjI impI allI) | |
obtain c' fs' where cfs: "factorize_rat_poly f = (c',fs')" | |
by (meson surj_pair) | |
then have fs: "fs = map (\<lambda>(f,i). (normalize f, i)) fs'" | |
using factorize_rat_poly_monic_def assms by auto | |
have sq: "square_free_factorization f (c',fs')" | |
using cfs factorize_rat_poly(1) by blast | |
obtain lcs where lcs: "lcs = prod_list (map (\<lambda>(f,i). lead_coeff f ^ Suc i) fs')" by force | |
have c: "c = c' * lcs" using assms unfolding factorize_rat_poly_monic_def cfs Let_def lcs by auto | |
show "f = 0 \<Longrightarrow> c = 0" using c cfs by auto | |
show "f = 0 \<Longrightarrow> fs = []" using fs cfs by auto | |
have dist: "distinct fs'" using sq square_free_factorizationD(5) by blast | |
show dist2: "distinct fs" unfolding fs | |
unfolding distinct_conv_nth apply auto | |
proof - | |
fix i j | |
assume ij: "i < length fs'" "j < length fs'" "i \<noteq> j" | |
assume eq: "(case fs' ! i of | |
(f, x) \<Rightarrow> (normalize f, x)) = | |
(case fs' ! j of | |
(f, x) \<Rightarrow> (normalize f, x))" | |
obtain f a where fa: "fs' ! i = (f,a)" by force | |
obtain g where g: "fs' ! j = (g,a)" "normalize f = normalize g" | |
using eq fa apply auto | |
by (metis case_prod_conv prod.collapse prod.inject) | |
have "f \<noteq> g" using dist ij fa g | |
using nth_eq_iff_index_eq by fastforce | |
then have "coprime f g" | |
using square_free_factorizationD(3)[OF sq, of f a g a] fa g ij | |
apply auto | |
using nth_mem by force | |
then have "degree f = 0" | |
by (simp add: g(2) normalize_coprime_degree) | |
thus False | |
using fa ij(1) nth_mem sq square_free_factorizationD'(3) by fastforce | |
qed | |
have ceq: "c = c' * (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (lead_coeff a) ^ Suc i)" using c lcs | |
by (simp add: dist prod.distinct_set_conv_list) | |
have fseq: " (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs. a ^ Suc i) = (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (normalize a) ^ Suc i)" | |
apply (subst prod.distinct_set_conv_list[OF dist]) | |
apply (subst prod.distinct_set_conv_list[OF dist2]) | |
unfolding fs apply (auto simp add: o_def ) | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) case_prod_conv | |
have "f = Polynomial.smult c' (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. a ^ Suc i)" using sq square_free_factorizationD(1) by blast | |
moreover have "... = Polynomial.smult c' (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (Polynomial.smult ((unit_factor (lead_coeff a))) (normalize a)) ^ Suc i)" | |
apply (subst undo_normalize[symmetric]) by auto | |
moreover have "... = Polynomial.smult c' | |
(\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (Polynomial.smult ((lead_coeff a) ^ Suc i) ((normalize a) ^ Suc i)))" | |
apply (subst smult_power) by auto | |
moreover have "... = Polynomial.smult c' | |
(Polynomial.smult (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. ((lead_coeff a) ^ Suc i)) | |
(\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (normalize a) ^ Suc i))" | |
apply (subst finite_smult_distr) by (auto simp add: dist) | |
moreover have "... = Polynomial.smult (c' * (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (lead_coeff a) ^ Suc i)) | |
(\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs'. (normalize a) ^ Suc i)" | |
using smult_smult by blast | |
moreover have "... = Polynomial.smult c (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs. a ^ Suc i)" | |
unfolding ceq fseq by auto | |
ultimately show "f = Polynomial.smult c (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs. a ^ Suc i)" by auto | |
fix a i | |
assume ai: "(a,i) \<in> set fs" | |
obtain a' where a': "(a',i) \<in> set fs'" "a = normalize a'" using ai unfolding fs by auto | |
show "square_free a" using square_free_normalize a' | |
using sq square_free_factorizationD(2) by blast | |
show "0 < degree a" using degree_normalize a' | |
using sq square_free_factorizationD'(3) by fastforce | |
fix b j | |
assume bj: "(b,j) \<in> set fs" "(a,i) \<noteq> (b,j)" | |
obtain b' where b': "(b',j) \<in> set fs'" "b = normalize b'" using bj unfolding fs by auto | |
show "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime a b" using a' b' apply auto | |
using bj(2) sq square_free_factorizationD(3) by fastforce | |
qed | |
lemma undo_factorize_correct: | |
assumes "factorize_rat_poly_monic p = (c,fs)" | |
assumes "\<And>f p. (f,p) \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> f \<in> set ftrs" | |
shows "undo_factorize (c,map (\<lambda>(f,pow). (index_of ftrs f, pow)) fs) (sign_vec ftrs x) = squash (rpoly p x)" | |
proof - | |
have p: "p = smult c (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in> set fs. a ^ Suc i)" | |
using assms(1) factorize_rat_poly_monic_square_free_factorization square_free_factorizationD(1) by blast | |
have fs: "distinct fs" | |
using assms(1) factorize_rat_poly_monic_square_free_factorization square_free_factorizationD(5) by blast | |
have "rpoly p x = ((real_of_rat c) * rpoly (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in> set fs. a ^ Suc i) x)" | |
using p by (simp add: of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_smult) | |
moreover have "... = ((real_of_rat c) * rpoly (\<Prod>ai\<in> set fs. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> a ^ Suc i) x)" | |
by blast | |
moreover have "... = ((real_of_rat c) * (\<Prod>ai\<in> set fs. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> rpoly (a ^ Suc i) x))" | |
by (simp add: finite_prod_map_of_rat_poly_hom) | |
moreover have "... = ((real_of_rat c) * (\<Prod>ai\<in> set fs. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> (rpoly a x) ^ Suc i))" | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) of_rat_poly_hom.hom_power poly_hom.hom_power split_cong) | |
moreover have "... = ((real_of_rat c) * (prod_list (map (\<lambda>ai. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> (rpoly a x) ^ Suc i) fs)))" | |
by (simp add: fs prod.distinct_set_conv_list) | |
ultimately have "rpoly p x = ((real_of_rat c) * (prod_list (map (\<lambda>ai. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> (rpoly a x) ^ Suc i) fs)))" by auto | |
then have "squash (rpoly p x) = squash c * prod_list (map squash (map (\<lambda>ai. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> (rpoly a x) ^ Suc i) fs))" | |
by (auto simp add: squash_mult squash_prod_list o_def) | |
moreover have "... = squash c * prod_list (map (\<lambda>ai. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> squash ((rpoly a x) ^ Suc i)) fs)" | |
apply (simp add: o_def) | |
by (simp add: prod.case_distrib) | |
ultimately have rp:"squash(rpoly p x) = squash c * prod_list (map (\<lambda>ai. case ai of (a,i) \<Rightarrow> squash (rpoly a x) ^ Suc i) fs)" | |
using squash_pow | |
by presburger | |
have "undo_factorize | |
(c, map (\<lambda>(f, pow).(index_of ftrs f, pow)) fs) (sign_vec ftrs x) = | |
squash | |
(c * (\<Prod>xa\<leftarrow>fs. case xa of (f, y) \<Rightarrow> sign_vec ftrs x ! index_of ftrs f ^ Suc y))" | |
unfolding undo_factorize_def apply (auto simp add: o_def) | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) case_prod_conv | |
moreover have "... = squash | |
(c * (\<Prod>xa\<leftarrow>fs. case xa of (f, y) \<Rightarrow> (squash (rpoly f x)) ^ Suc y))" | |
using assms(2) sign_vec_index_of | |
map_eq_conv split_cong | |
apply (auto) | |
by (smt map_eq_conv split_cong) | |
ultimately show ?thesis using rp | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) of_rat_hom.hom_mult squash_idem squash_mult squash_real_of_rat) | |
qed | |
lemma length_sign_vec[simp]: | |
shows "length (sign_vec ps x) = length ps" unfolding sign_vec_def by auto | |
lemma factorize_polys_has_factors: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (ftrs,data)" | |
assumes "p \<in> set ps" | |
assumes "factorize_rat_poly_monic p = (c,fs)" | |
shows "set (map fst fs) \<subseteq> set ftrs" | |
using assms unfolding factorize_polys_def Let_def apply auto | |
by (metis UN_iff fst_conv image_eqI snd_conv) | |
lemma factorize_polys_undo_factorize_polys: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (ftrs,data)" | |
shows "undo_factorize_polys data (sign_vec ftrs x) = sign_vec ps x" | |
unfolding list_eq_iff_nth_eq undo_factorize_polys_def apply auto | |
proof - | |
show leq:"length data = length ps" | |
using assms unfolding factorize_polys_def by (auto simp add: Let_def) | |
fix i | |
assume il:"i < length data" | |
obtain c fs where cfs: "factorize_rat_poly_monic (ps ! i) = (c,fs)" | |
by (meson surj_pair) | |
then have fsts:"set (map fst fs) \<subseteq> set ftrs" | |
using assms factorize_polys_has_factors il leq nth_mem by fastforce | |
have *:"data ! i = (c,map (\<lambda>(f,pow). (index_of ftrs f, pow)) fs)" | |
using assms unfolding factorize_polys_def | |
using cfs il by (auto simp add: Let_def cfs) | |
have "undo_factorize (data ! i) (sign_vec ftrs x) = squash (rpoly (ps ! i) x)" unfolding * | |
apply (subst undo_factorize_correct[of "ps ! i"]) | |
apply (auto simp add: cfs) | |
using fsts by auto | |
thus "undo_factorize (data ! i) (sign_vec ftrs x) = sign_vec ps x ! i" | |
using leq il sign_vec_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma factorize_polys_irreducible_monic: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
shows "distinct fs" "\<And>f. f \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> irreducible f \<and> monic f" | |
using assms unfolding factorize_polys_def Let_def apply auto | |
using factorize_rat_poly_monic_irreducible_monic | |
apply (metis prod.collapse) | |
using factorize_rat_poly_monic_irreducible_monic | |
by (metis prod.collapse) | |
lemma factorize_polys_square_free: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
shows "\<And>f. f \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> square_free f" | |
using assms factorize_polys_irreducible_monic(2) irreducible_imp_square_free by blast | |
lemma irreducible_monic_coprime: | |
assumes f: "monic f" "irreducible (f::rat poly)" | |
assumes g: "monic g" "irreducible (g::rat poly)" | |
assumes "f \<noteq> g" | |
shows "coprime f g" | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) assms(5) coprime_0(2) coprime_def' f(1) f(2) g(1) g(2) irreducible_normalized_divisors normalize_dvd_iff normalize_idem normalize_monic) | |
lemma factorize_polys_coprime: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
shows "\<And>f g. f \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> g \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> f \<noteq> g \<Longrightarrow> coprime f g" | |
using assms factorize_polys_irreducible_monic(2) irreducible_monic_coprime by auto | |
lemma coprime_rat_poly_real_poly: | |
assumes "coprime p (q::rat poly)" | |
shows "coprime (real_of_rat_poly p) ((real_of_rat_poly q)::real poly)" | |
by (metis assms gcd_dvd_1 of_rat_hom.map_poly_gcd of_rat_poly_hom.hom_dvd_1) | |
lemma coprime_rat_poly_iff_coprimereal_poly: | |
shows "coprime p (q::rat poly) \<longleftrightarrow> coprime (real_of_rat_poly p) ((real_of_rat_poly q)::real poly)" | |
proof - | |
have forward: "coprime p (q::rat poly) \<longrightarrow> coprime (real_of_rat_poly p) ((real_of_rat_poly q)::real poly)" | |
using coprime_rat_poly_real_poly by auto | |
have backward: "coprime (real_of_rat_poly p) ((real_of_rat_poly q)::real poly) \<Longrightarrow> coprime p (q::rat poly)" | |
proof - | |
assume copr_real: "comm_monoid_mult_class.coprime (real_of_rat_poly p) (real_of_rat_poly q)" | |
have "degree (gcd p (q::rat poly)) > 0 \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
proof - | |
assume deg: "degree (gcd p (q::rat poly)) > 0" | |
then have "\<exists>y. y dvd p \<and> y dvd q \<and> degree y > 0" | |
by blast | |
then obtain y where yprop: "y dvd p \<and> y dvd q \<and> degree y > 0" | |
by auto | |
then have "(real_of_rat_poly y) dvd (real_of_rat_poly p) \<and> | |
(real_of_rat_poly y ) dvd (real_of_rat_poly q) \<and> degree y > 0" | |
by simp | |
then show "False" | |
using copr_real apply (auto) | |
by fastforce | |
qed | |
then show "comm_monoid_mult_class.coprime p (q::rat poly)" | |
using comm_monoid_gcd_class.gcd_dvd_1 | |
by (metis Missing_Polynomial_Factorial.is_unit_field_poly copr_real gcd_zero_iff' neq0_conv of_rat_poly_hom.hom_zero) | |
qed | |
show ?thesis | |
using forward backward by auto | |
qed | |
lemma factorize_polys_map_distinct: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "distinct fss" | |
using factorize_polys_irreducible_monic[OF assms(1)] | |
unfolding assms(2) | |
apply (simp add: distinct_conv_nth) | |
by (metis of_rat_eq_iff of_rat_hom.coeff_map_poly_hom poly_eqI) | |
lemma factorize_polys_map_square_free: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "\<And>f. f \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> square_free f" | |
using factorize_polys_square_free[OF assms(1)] | |
using assms(2) field_hom_0'.square_free_map_poly of_rat_hom.field_hom_0'_axioms by auto | |
lemma factorize_polys_map_coprime: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "\<And>f g. f \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> g \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> f \<noteq> g \<Longrightarrow> coprime f g" | |
using factorize_polys_coprime[OF assms(1)] coprime_rat_poly_real_poly unfolding assms(2) | |
by auto | |
lemma coprime_prod_list: | |
assumes "\<And>p. p \<in> set ps \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0" | |
assumes "coprime (prod_list ps) (q::real poly)" | |
shows "\<And>p. p \<in> set ps \<Longrightarrow> coprime p q" | |
proof - | |
fix p | |
assume "p \<in> set ps" | |
then obtain r where r: "prod_list ps = r * p" | |
using remove1_retains_prod by blast | |
show "coprime p q" | |
apply (rule coprime_prod[of r 1]) | |
using assms r apply auto | |
by blast | |
qed | |
(* basically copied from square_free_factorizationD' *) | |
lemma factorize_polys_square_free_prod_list: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
shows "square_free (prod_list fs)" | |
proof (rule square_freeI) | |
from factorize_polys_coprime[OF assms] | |
have coprime: "\<And>p q. p \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> q \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> q \<Longrightarrow> coprime p q" . | |
from factorize_polys_square_free[OF assms] | |
have sq: "\<And>p. p \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> square_free p" . | |
thus "prod_list fs \<noteq> 0" unfolding prod_list_zero_iff | |
using square_free_def by blast | |
fix q | |
assume "degree q > 0" "q * q dvd prod_list fs" | |
from irreducible\<^sub>d_factor[OF this(1)] this(2) obtain q where | |
irr: "irreducible q" and dvd: "q * q dvd prod_list fs" unfolding dvd_def by auto | |
hence dvd': "q dvd prod_list fs" unfolding dvd_def by auto | |
from irreducible_dvd_prod_list[OF irr dvd'] obtain b where | |
mem: "b \<in> set fs" and dvd1: "q dvd b" by auto | |
from dvd1 obtain k where b: "b = q * k" unfolding dvd_def by auto | |
from split_list[OF mem] b obtain bs1 bs2 where bs: "fs = bs1 @ b # bs2" by auto | |
from irr have q0: "q \<noteq> 0" and dq: "degree q > 0" unfolding irreducible\<^sub>d_def by auto | |
have "square_free (q * k)" using sq b mem by auto | |
from this[unfolded square_free_def, THEN conjunct2, rule_format, OF dq] | |
have qk: "\<not> q dvd k" by simp | |
from dvd[unfolded bs b] have "q * q dvd q * (k * prod_list (bs1 @ bs2))" | |
by (auto simp: ac_simps) | |
with q0 have "q dvd k * prod_list (bs1 @ bs2)" by auto | |
with irr qk have "q dvd prod_list (bs1 @ bs2)" by auto | |
from irreducible_dvd_prod_list[OF irr this] obtain b' where | |
mem': "b' \<in> set (bs1 @ bs2)" and dvd2: "q dvd b'" by fastforce | |
from dvd1 dvd2 have "q dvd gcd b b'" by auto | |
with dq is_unit_iff_degree[OF q0] have cop: "\<not> coprime b b'" by force | |
from mem' have "b' \<in> set fs" unfolding bs by auto | |
have b': "b' = b" using coprime | |
using \<open>b' \<in> set fs\<close> cop mem by blast | |
with mem' bs factorize_polys_irreducible_monic(1)[OF assms] show False by auto | |
qed | |
lemma factorize_polys_map_square_free_prod_list: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "square_free (prod_list fss)" | |
using factorize_polys_square_free_prod_list[OF assms(1)] unfolding assms(2) | |
by (simp add: of_rat_hom.square_free_map_poly) | |
lemma factorize_polys_map_coprime_pderiv: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "\<And>f. f \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> coprime f (pderiv (prod_list fss))" | |
proof - | |
fix f | |
assume f: "f \<in> set fss" | |
from factorize_polys_map_square_free[OF assms] | |
have sq: "\<And>p. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> square_free p" . | |
have z: "\<And>p. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0" using sq square_free_def by blast | |
have c: "coprime (prod_list fss) (pderiv (prod_list fss))" | |
apply (simp add: separable_def[symmetric] square_free_iff_separable[symmetric]) | |
using factorize_polys_map_square_free_prod_list[OF assms] . | |
from coprime_prod_list[OF z c f] | |
show "coprime f (pderiv (prod_list fss))" by auto | |
qed | |
definition pairwise_coprime_list:: "rat poly list \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "pairwise_coprime_list qs = | |
(\<forall>m < length qs. \<forall> n < length qs. | |
m \<noteq> n \<longrightarrow> coprime (qs ! n) (qs ! m))" | |
(* Restating factorize_polys_map_coprime to match later definitions *) | |
lemma coprime_factorize: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
shows "pairwise_coprime_list (fst(factorize_polys qs))" | |
proof - | |
let ?fs = "fst(factorize_polys qs)" | |
have "(\<forall>m < length ?fs. \<forall> n < length ?fs. | |
m \<noteq> n \<longrightarrow> coprime (?fs ! n) (?fs ! m))" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix m n | |
assume "m < length (fst (factorize_polys qs))" | |
assume "n < length (fst (factorize_polys qs))" | |
assume "m \<noteq> n" | |
show " algebraic_semidom_class.coprime (fst (factorize_polys qs) ! n) | |
(fst (factorize_polys qs) ! m)" | |
by (metis \<open>m < length (fst (factorize_polys qs))\<close> \<open>m \<noteq> n\<close> \<open>n < length (fst (factorize_polys qs))\<close> coprime_iff_coprime distinct_conv_nth factorize_polys_coprime factorize_polys_def factorize_polys_irreducible_monic(1) fstI nth_mem) | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis unfolding pairwise_coprime_list_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma squarefree_factorization_degree: | |
assumes "square_free_factorization p (c,fs)" | |
shows "degree p = sum_list (map (\<lambda>(f,c). (c+1) * degree f) fs)" | |
proof - | |
have "p = | |
Polynomial.smult c | |
(\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs. a ^ Suc i)" using assms unfolding square_free_factorization_def | |
by blast | |
then have "degree p = degree (\<Prod>(a, i)\<in>set fs. a ^ Suc i)" | |
using assms square_free_factorizationD(4) by fastforce | |
also have "... = degree (prod_list (map (\<lambda>(f,c). f ^ Suc c) fs))" | |
by (metis assms prod.distinct_set_conv_list square_free_factorizationD(5)) | |
also have "... = (\<Sum>(a, i)\<leftarrow>fs. degree (a ^ Suc i))" | |
apply (subst degree_prod_list_eq) | |
apply (auto simp add: o_def) | |
using assms degree_0 square_free_factorizationD(2) apply blast | |
using assms degree_0 square_free_factorizationD(2) apply blast | |
by (simp add: prod.case_distrib) | |
ultimately show ?thesis | |
by (smt Polynomial.degree_power_eq add.commute assms degree_0 map_eq_conv plus_1_eq_Suc split_cong square_free_factorizationD(2)) | |
qed | |
subsection "Auxiliary Polynomial Lemmas" | |
definition roots_of_coprime_r:: "real poly list \<Rightarrow> real set" | |
where "roots_of_coprime_r qs = {x. poly (coprime_r qs) x = 0}" | |
lemma crb_lem_pos: | |
fixes x:: "real" | |
fixes p:: "real poly" | |
assumes x: "poly p x = 0" | |
assumes p: "p \<noteq> 0" | |
shows "x < crb p" | |
using cauchy_root_bound[of p x] apply (auto) | |
unfolding crb_def apply (auto) | |
using p x | |
by linarith | |
lemma crb_lem_neg: | |
fixes x:: "real" | |
fixes p:: "real poly" | |
assumes x: "poly p x = 0" | |
assumes p: "p \<noteq> 0" | |
shows "x > -crb p" | |
using cauchy_root_bound[of p x] apply (auto) | |
unfolding crb_def apply (auto) | |
using p x by linarith | |
(* Show that the product of the polynomial list is 0 at x iff there is a polynomial | |
in the list that is 0 at x *) | |
lemma prod_zero: | |
shows "\<forall>x . poly (prod_list (qs:: rat poly list)) x = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>q \<in> set (qs). poly q x = 0)" | |
apply auto | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff apply blast | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff by blast | |
lemma coprime_r_zero1: "poly (coprime_r qs) (crb (prod_list qs)) = 0" | |
by (simp add: coprime_r_def) | |
lemma coprime_r_zero2: "poly (coprime_r qs) (-crb (prod_list qs)) = 0" | |
by (simp add: coprime_r_def) | |
lemma coprime_mult: | |
fixes a:: "real poly" | |
fixes b:: "real poly" | |
fixes c:: "real poly" | |
assumes "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime a b" | |
assumes "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime a c" | |
shows "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime a (b*c)" | |
using assms(1) assms(2) by auto | |
(* Will be needed when we call the BKR roots on coprime_r *) | |
lemma coprime_r_coprime_prop: | |
fixes ps:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "\<And>f. f \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> coprime f (coprime_r fss)" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix f:: "real poly" | |
assume f_in: "f \<in> set fss" | |
have nonz_prod: "prod_list fss \<noteq> 0" using factorize_polys_map_square_free apply (auto) | |
using assms(1) assms(2) square_free_def by fastforce | |
have nonz_f: "f \<noteq> 0" using f_in factorize_polys_map_square_free apply (auto) | |
using assms(1) assms(2) square_free_def by fastforce | |
have copr_pderiv: "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime f (pderiv (prod_list fss))" using factorize_polys_map_coprime_pderiv | |
apply (auto) | |
using f_in assms(1) assms(2) by auto | |
have z_iff: "\<forall>x. poly f x = 0 \<longrightarrow> poly (prod_list fss) x = 0" | |
using f_in apply (auto) | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff by blast | |
let ?inf_p = "[:-(crb (prod_list fss)),1:]::real poly" | |
have copr_inf: "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime f ([:-(crb (prod_list fss)),1:])" | |
proof - | |
have zero_prop: "\<forall>x. poly ?inf_p x = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> x = crb (prod_list fss)" | |
by auto | |
have "poly (prod_list fss) (crb (prod_list fss)) \<noteq> 0" | |
proof - | |
have h: "\<forall>x. poly (prod_list fss) x = 0 \<longrightarrow> x < (crb (prod_list fss))" | |
using nonz_prod crb_lem_pos[where p = "prod_list fss"] | |
by auto | |
then show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
then have nonzero: "poly f (crb (prod_list fss)) \<noteq> 0" | |
using z_iff by auto | |
then have "\<not>(\<exists>x. poly f x = 0 \<and> poly ?inf_p x = 0)" | |
by simp | |
have is_unit_gcd: "is_unit (gcd ?inf_p f)" | |
using prime_elem_imp_gcd_eq prime_elem_iff_irreducible linear_irreducible_field | |
apply (auto) using nonzero | |
proof - | |
have f1: "\<forall>x0. - (x0::real) = - 1 * x0" | |
by simp | |
have "(1::real) \<noteq> 0" | |
by auto | |
then have "is_unit (gcd (pCons (- 1 * real_of_int (crb (prod_list fss))) 1) f)" | |
using f1 by (metis (no_types) is_unit_gcd nonzero one_poly_eq_simps(1) poly_eq_0_iff_dvd prime_elem_imp_coprime prime_elem_linear_field_poly) | |
then show "degree (gcd (pCons (- real_of_int (crb (prod_list fss))) 1) f) = 0" | |
by simp | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis | |
using is_unit_gcd | |
by (metis gcd.commute gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime is_unit_gcd_iff) | |
qed | |
let ?ninf_p = "[:(crb (prod_list fss)),1:]::real poly" | |
have copr_neg_inf: "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime f ([:(crb (prod_list fss)),1:])" | |
proof - | |
have h: "\<forall>x. poly f x = 0 \<longrightarrow> poly (prod_list fss) x = 0" | |
using f_in apply (auto) | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff by blast | |
have zero_prop: "\<forall>x. poly ?ninf_p x = 0 \<longleftrightarrow> x = -crb (prod_list fss)" | |
by auto | |
have "poly (prod_list fss) (-crb (prod_list fss)) \<noteq> 0" | |
proof - | |
have h: "\<forall>x. poly (prod_list fss) x = 0 \<longrightarrow> x > (-crb (prod_list fss))" | |
using nonz_prod crb_lem_neg[where p = "prod_list fss"] | |
by auto | |
then show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
then have nonzero: "poly f (-crb (prod_list fss)) \<noteq> 0" | |
using z_iff by auto | |
then have "\<not>(\<exists>x. poly f x = 0 \<and> poly ?ninf_p x = 0)" | |
using zero_prop by auto | |
have is_unit_gcd: "is_unit (gcd ?ninf_p f)" | |
using prime_elem_imp_gcd_eq prime_elem_iff_irreducible linear_irreducible_field | |
apply (auto) using nonzero | |
proof - | |
have f1: "(1::real) \<noteq> 0" | |
by auto | |
have "\<not> pCons (real_of_int (crb (prod_list fss))) 1 dvd f" | |
using nonzero by auto | |
then show "degree (gcd (pCons (real_of_int (crb (prod_list fss))) 1) f) = 0" | |
using f1 by (metis (no_types) Missing_Polynomial_Factorial.is_unit_field_poly coprime_imp_gcd_eq_1 is_unit_gcd_iff one_poly_eq_simps(1) prime_elem_imp_coprime prime_elem_linear_field_poly) | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis | |
using is_unit_gcd | |
by (metis gcd.commute gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime is_unit_gcd_iff) | |
qed | |
show "algebraic_semidom_class.coprime f (coprime_r fss)" | |
using copr_pderiv coprime_mult unfolding coprime_r_def | |
using copr_inf copr_neg_inf by blast | |
qed | |
lemma coprime_r_nonzero: | |
fixes ps:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (fs,data)" | |
assumes nonempty_fs: "fs \<noteq> []" | |
assumes fss_is: "fss = map real_of_rat_poly fs" | |
shows "(coprime_r fss) \<noteq> 0" | |
proof - | |
have nonempty_fss: "fss \<noteq> []" using nonempty_fs fss_is by auto | |
have deg_f: "\<forall>f \<in> set (fs). degree f > 0" | |
using factorize_polys_irreducible_monic | |
apply (auto) | |
using assms(1) irreducible_degree_field by blast | |
then have deg_fss: "\<forall>f \<in> set (fss). degree f > 0" | |
using fss_is by simp | |
then have fss_nonz: "\<forall>f \<in> set (fss). f \<noteq> 0" | |
by auto | |
have "fss \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> ((\<forall>f \<in> set (fss). (degree f > 0 \<and> f \<noteq> 0)) \<longrightarrow> degree (prod_list fss) > 0)" | |
proof (induct fss) | |
case Nil | |
then show ?case | |
by blast | |
next | |
case (Cons a fss) | |
show ?case | |
proof clarsimp | |
assume z_lt: "0 < degree a" | |
assume anonz: "a \<noteq> 0" | |
assume fnonz: "\<forall>f\<in>set fss. 0 < degree f \<and> f \<noteq> 0" | |
have h: "degree (a * prod_list fss) = degree a + degree (prod_list fss) " | |
using degree_mult_eq[where p = "a", where q = "prod_list fss"] anonz fnonz | |
by auto | |
then show "0 < degree (a * prod_list fss)" | |
using z_lt Cons.hyps by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
then have "degree (prod_list fss) > 0" | |
using nonempty_fss deg_fss fss_nonz by auto | |
then have pderiv_nonzero: "pderiv (prod_list fss) \<noteq> 0" | |
by (simp add: pderiv_eq_0_iff) | |
have "(([:-(crb (prod_list fss)),1:]) * ([:(crb (prod_list fss)),1:])) \<noteq> 0" | |
by auto | |
then show ?thesis using pderiv_nonzero | |
unfolding coprime_r_def apply (auto) | |
by (metis offset_poly_eq_0_lemma right_minus_eq synthetic_div_unique_lemma) | |
qed | |
lemma Rolle_pderiv: | |
fixes q:: "real poly" | |
fixes x1 x2:: "real" | |
shows "(x1 < x2 \<and> poly q x1 = 0 \<and> poly q x2 = 0) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>w. x1 < w \<and> w < x2 \<and> poly (pderiv q) w = 0)" | |
using Rolle_deriv apply (auto) | |
by (metis DERIV_unique Rolle continuous_at_imp_continuous_on poly_DERIV poly_differentiable poly_isCont) | |
lemma coprime_r_roots_prop: | |
fixes qs:: "real poly list" | |
assumes pairwise_rel_prime: "\<forall>q1 q2. (q1 \<noteq> q2 \<and> (List.member qs q1) \<and> (List.member qs q2))\<longrightarrow> coprime q1 q2" | |
shows "\<forall>x1. \<forall>x2. ((x1 < x2 \<and> (\<exists>q1 \<in> set (qs). (poly q1 x1) = 0) \<and> (\<exists>q2\<in> set(qs). (poly q2 x2) = 0)) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>q. x1 < q \<and> q < x2 \<and> poly (coprime_r qs) q = 0))" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix x1:: "real" | |
fix x2:: "real" | |
fix q1:: "real poly" | |
fix q2:: "real poly" | |
assume "x1 < x2" | |
assume q1_in: "q1 \<in> set qs" | |
assume q1_0: "poly q1 x1 = 0" | |
assume q2_in: "q2 \<in> set qs" | |
assume q2_0: "poly q2 x2 = 0" | |
have prod_z_x1: "poly (prod_list qs) x1 = 0" using q1_in q1_0 | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff by blast | |
have prod_z_x2: "poly (prod_list qs) x2 = 0" using q2_in q2_0 | |
using poly_prod_list_zero_iff by blast | |
have "\<exists>w>x1. w < x2 \<and> poly (pderiv (prod_list qs)) w = 0" | |
using Rolle_pderiv[where q = "prod_list qs"] prod_z_x1 prod_z_x2 | |
using \<open>x1 < x2\<close> by blast | |
then obtain w where w_def: "w > x1 \<and>w < x2 \<and> poly (pderiv (prod_list qs)) w = 0" | |
by auto | |
then have "poly (coprime_r qs) w = 0" | |
unfolding coprime_r_def | |
by simp | |
then show "\<exists>q>x1. q < x2 \<and> poly (coprime_r qs) q = 0" | |
using w_def by blast | |
qed | |
subsection "Setting Up the Procedure: Lemmas" | |
definition has_no_zeros::"rat list \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "has_no_zeros l = (0 \<notin> set l)" | |
lemma hnz_prop: "has_no_zeros l \<longleftrightarrow> \<not>(\<exists>k < length l. l ! k = 0)" | |
unfolding has_no_zeros_def | |
by (simp add: in_set_conv_nth) | |
definition cast_rat_list:: "rat poly list \<Rightarrow> real poly list" | |
where "cast_rat_list qs = map real_of_rat_poly qs" | |
definition consistent_sign_vectors_r::"real poly list \<Rightarrow> real set \<Rightarrow> rat list set" | |
where "consistent_sign_vectors_r qs S = (signs_at qs) ` S" | |
lemma consistent_sign_vectors_consistent_sign_vectors_r: | |
shows"consistent_sign_vectors_r (cast_rat_list qs) S = consistent_sign_vectors qs S" | |
unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_r_def cast_rat_list_def consistent_sign_vectors_def | |
sign_vec_def signs_at_def | |
by auto | |
(* Relies on coprime_rat_poly_real_poly *) | |
lemma coprime_over_reals_coprime_over_rats: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes csa_in: "csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV)" | |
assumes p1p2: "p1\<noteq>p2 \<and> p1 < length csa \<and> p2 < length csa \<and> csa ! p1 = 0 \<and> csa ! p2 = 0" | |
shows "\<not> algebraic_semidom_class.coprime (nth qs p1) (nth qs p2) " | |
proof - | |
have isx: "\<exists>(x::real). csa = (sign_vec qs x)" | |
using csa_in unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_def by auto | |
then obtain x where havex: "csa = (sign_vec qs x)" by auto | |
then have expolys: "poly (real_of_rat_poly (nth qs p1)) x = 0 \<and> poly (real_of_rat_poly (nth qs p2)) x = 0" | |
using havex unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def | |
by (smt class_field.neg_1_not_0 length_map map_map nth_map one_neq_zero p1p2) | |
then have "\<not> coprime (real_of_rat_poly (nth qs p1)) ((real_of_rat_poly (nth qs p2))::real poly)" | |
apply (auto) using coprime_poly_0 | |
by blast | |
then show ?thesis | |
using coprime_rat_poly_real_poly by auto | |
qed | |
(* This and the following lemma are designed to show that if you have two sgas that aren't the same, | |
there's a 0 in between! The proof uses IVT. It hones in on the component that's changed sign | |
(either from 1 to {0, -1} or from -1 to {0, 1}) *) | |
lemma zero_above: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
fixes x1:: "real" | |
assumes hnz: "has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" | |
shows "(\<forall> x2 > x1. ((sign_vec qs x1) \<noteq> (sign_vec qs x2)) \<longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>(r::real) > x1. (r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0))))" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix x2 | |
assume x1_lt: "x1 < x2" | |
assume diff_sign_vec: "sign_vec qs x1 \<noteq> sign_vec qs x2" | |
then have "\<exists>q \<in> set qs. squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> squash (rpoly q x2)" | |
unfolding sign_vec_def | |
by simp | |
then obtain q where q_prop: "q \<in> set qs \<and> squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> squash (rpoly q x2)" | |
by auto | |
then have q_in: "q \<in> set qs" by auto | |
have poss1: "squash (rpoly q x1) = -1 \<and> squash (rpoly q x2) = 1 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using poly_IVT_pos[of x1 x2] using x1_lt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by fastforce | |
have poss2: "squash (rpoly q x1) = 1 \<and> squash (rpoly q x2) = -1 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using poly_IVT_neg[of x1 x2] using x1_lt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by fastforce | |
have poss3: "squash (rpoly q x2) = 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using x1_lt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by blast | |
have "(q \<in> set qs \<and> rpoly q x1 = 0) \<longrightarrow> \<not>has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" | |
unfolding has_no_zeros_def sign_vec_def apply auto | |
by (smt image_iff squash_def) | |
have not_poss4: "squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> 0" | |
using hnz q_in unfolding squash_def | |
using \<open>q \<in> set qs \<and> rpoly q x1 = 0 \<longrightarrow> \<not> has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)\<close> by auto | |
then show "\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)" | |
using q_prop poss1 poss2 poss3 not_poss4 | |
apply (auto) | |
apply (meson squash_def) | |
apply (metis squash_def) | |
apply (metis squash_def) by (meson squash_def) | |
qed | |
lemma zero_below: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
fixes x1:: "real" | |
assumes hnz: "has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" | |
shows "\<forall>x2 < x1. ((sign_vec qs x1) \<noteq> (sign_vec qs x2)) \<longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>(r::real) < x1. (r \<ge> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix x2 | |
assume x1_gt: "x2 < x1" | |
assume diff_sign_vec: "sign_vec qs x1 \<noteq> sign_vec qs x2" | |
then have "\<exists>q \<in> set qs. squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> squash (rpoly q x2)" | |
unfolding sign_vec_def | |
by simp | |
then obtain q where q_prop: "q \<in> set qs \<and> squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> squash (rpoly q x2)" | |
by auto | |
then have q_in: "q \<in> set qs" by auto | |
have poss1: "squash (rpoly q x1) = -1 \<and> squash (rpoly q x2) = 1 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r<x1. (r \<ge> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using poly_IVT_neg[of x2 x1] using x1_gt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by fastforce | |
have poss2: "squash (rpoly q x1) = 1 \<and> squash (rpoly q x2) = -1 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r<x1. (r \<ge> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using poly_IVT_pos[of x2 x1] using x1_gt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by fastforce | |
have poss3: "squash (rpoly q x2) = 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r<x1. (r \<ge> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using x1_gt unfolding squash_def apply (auto) | |
using q_prop by blast | |
have "(q \<in> set qs \<and> rpoly q x1 = 0) \<longrightarrow> \<not>has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" | |
unfolding has_no_zeros_def sign_vec_def apply auto | |
using image_iff squash_def | |
by (smt image_iff squash_def) | |
have not_poss4: "squash (rpoly q x1) \<noteq> 0" | |
using hnz q_in unfolding squash_def | |
using \<open>q \<in> set qs \<and> rpoly q x1 = 0 \<longrightarrow> \<not> has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)\<close> by auto | |
then show "(\<exists>r<x1. (r \<ge> x2 \<and> (\<exists> q \<in> set(qs). rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using q_prop poss1 poss2 poss3 not_poss4 apply (auto) | |
apply (meson squash_def) | |
apply (metis squash_def) | |
apply (metis squash_def) | |
by (meson squash_def) | |
qed | |
lemma sorted_list_lemma: | |
fixes l:: "real list" | |
fixes a b:: "real" | |
fixes n:: "nat" | |
assumes "a < b" | |
assumes "(n + 1) < length l" | |
assumes strict_sort: "sorted_wrt (<) l" | |
assumes lt_a: "(l ! n) < a" | |
assumes b_lt: "b < (l ! (n+1))" | |
shows "\<not>(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member l x \<and> a \<le> x \<and> x \<le> b))" | |
proof - | |
have sorted_hyp_var: "\<forall>q1 < length l. \<forall>q2 < length l. (q1 < q2 \<longrightarrow> | |
(l ! q1) < (l ! q2))" | |
using strict_sort by (auto simp: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) | |
then have sorted_hyp_var2: "\<forall>q1 < length l. \<forall>q2 < length l. ((l ! q1) < (l ! q2)) \<longrightarrow> q1 < q2" | |
using linorder_neqE_nat | |
by (metis Groups.add_ac(2) add_mono_thms_linordered_field(5) less_irrefl) | |
have "(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member l x \<and> a \<le> x \<and> x \<le> b)) \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
proof - | |
assume "(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member l x \<and> a \<le> x \<and> x \<le> b))" | |
then obtain x where x_prop: "List.member l x \<and> a \<le> x \<and> x \<le> b" by auto | |
then have l_prop: "List.member l x \<and> (l ! n) < x \<and> x < (l ! (n+1))" | |
using lt_a b_lt by auto | |
have nth_l: "l ! n < x" using l_prop by auto | |
have np1th_l: "x < l ! (n+1)" using l_prop by auto | |
have "\<exists>k. k < length l \<and> nth l k = x" using l_prop | |
by (meson in_set_member index_of_lookup(1) index_of_lookup(2)) | |
then obtain k where k_prop: "k < length l \<and> nth l k = x" by auto | |
have n_lt: "n < k" | |
using nth_l sorted_hyp_var k_prop add_lessD1 assms(2) linorder_neqE_nat nat_SN.gt_trans | |
by (meson sorted_hyp_var2) | |
have k_gt: "k < n + 1" | |
using sorted_hyp_var np1th_l k_prop | |
using assms(2) sorted_hyp_var2 by blast | |
show False | |
using n_lt k_gt by auto | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
(* This lemma shows that any zero of coprime_r is either between two roots or it's smaller than the | |
least root (neg inf) or it's greater than the biggest root (pos inf). *) | |
lemma roots_of_coprime_r_location_property: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
fixes sga:: "rat list" | |
fixes zer_list | |
assumes pairwise_rel_prime: "pairwise_coprime_list qs" | |
assumes all_squarefree: "\<And>q. q \<in> set qs \<Longrightarrow> rsquarefree q" | |
assumes x1_prop: "sga = sign_vec qs x1" | |
assumes hnz: "has_no_zeros sga" | |
assumes zer_list_prop: "zer_list = sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (\<exists>q \<in> set(qs). (rpoly q x = 0))}" | |
shows "zer_list \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> ((x1 < (zer_list ! 0)) \<or> (x1 > (zer_list ! (length zer_list - 1)) \<or> | |
(\<exists> n < (length zer_list - 1). x1 > (zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (zer_list ! (n+1)))))" | |
proof - | |
let ?zer_list = "sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (\<exists>q \<in> set(qs). (rpoly q x = 0))} :: real list" | |
show ?thesis | |
proof - | |
have "((\<forall>q. (List.member qs q) \<longrightarrow> q \<noteq> 0) \<and> has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)) \<Longrightarrow> \<not> List.member ?zer_list x1" | |
proof (induct qs) | |
case Nil | |
then show ?case apply (auto) | |
by (simp add: member_rec(2)) | |
next | |
case (Cons a qs) | |
then show ?case | |
proof clarsimp | |
assume imp: "((\<forall>q. List.member qs q \<longrightarrow> q \<noteq> 0) \<and> | |
has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1) \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<not> List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) | |
x1)" | |
assume nonz: "\<forall>q. List.member (a # qs) q \<longrightarrow> q \<noteq> 0" | |
assume hnz: " has_no_zeros (sign_vec (a # qs) x1)" | |
assume mem_list: "List.member | |
(sorted_list_of_set {x. rpoly a x = 0 \<or> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0)}) | |
x1" | |
have "has_no_zeros (sign_vec (a # qs) x1) \<Longrightarrow> has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" | |
proof - | |
assume hnz: "has_no_zeros (sign_vec (a # qs) x1)" | |
have same_vec: "sign_vec (a # qs) x1 = ((if rpoly a x1 > 0 then 1 else if rpoly a x1 = 0 then 0 else -1) # sign_vec (qs) x1)" | |
unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def by auto | |
have "has_no_zeros ((if rpoly a x1 > 0 then 1 else if rpoly a x1 = 0 then 0 else -1) # sign_vec (qs) x1) | |
\<Longrightarrow> has_no_zeros (sign_vec (qs) x1)" | |
by (simp add: has_no_zeros_def) | |
then show "has_no_zeros (sign_vec qs x1)" using hnz same_vec by auto | |
qed | |
then have nmem: "\<not> List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) x1" | |
using hnz nonz imp apply (auto) | |
by (simp add: member_rec(1)) | |
have "\<forall>q \<in>set qs. q \<noteq> 0" | |
using nonz using in_set_member apply (auto) by fastforce | |
then have "\<forall>q \<in>set qs. finite {x. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
by (simp add: poly_roots_finite) | |
then have fin_set: "finite {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
by auto | |
have not_in: "x1 \<notin> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" using fin_set nmem set_sorted_list_of_set | |
all_squarefree | |
apply (auto) | |
by (simp add: List.member_def \<open>finite {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}\<close>) | |
have x1_in: "x1 \<in> {x. rpoly a x = 0 \<or> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0)}" | |
using mem_list sorted_list_of_set | |
proof - | |
have f1: "\<forall>r R. ((r::real) \<in> R \<or> \<not> List.member (sorted_list_of_set R) r) \<or> infinite R" | |
by (metis in_set_member set_sorted_list_of_set) | |
have "finite {r. rpoly a (r::real) = 0}" | |
by (metis (full_types) List.finite_set member_rec(1) nonz real_roots_of_rat_poly(1)) | |
then show ?thesis | |
using f1 \<open>finite {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}\<close> mem_list by fastforce | |
qed | |
have "rpoly a x1 \<noteq> 0" using hnz | |
unfolding has_no_zeros_def sign_vec_def squash_def by auto | |
then show "False" using not_in x1_in | |
by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
then have non_mem: "\<not> List.member ?zer_list x1" | |
using all_squarefree unfolding rsquarefree_def hnz apply (auto) | |
using hnz x1_prop | |
by (simp add: in_set_member) | |
have "?zer_list \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> ((x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! 0)) \<and> (x1 \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)))) | |
\<Longrightarrow> (\<exists> n < (length ?zer_list - 1). x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1)))" | |
proof - | |
assume "?zer_list \<noteq> []" | |
assume x1_asm: "(x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! 0)) \<and> (x1 \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)))" | |
have nm1: "x1 \<noteq> ?zer_list ! 0" using non_mem | |
using \<open>sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} \<noteq> []\<close> in_set_member | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) in_set_conv_nth length_greater_0_conv) | |
have nm2: "x1 \<noteq> ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1)" using non_mem | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def \<open>sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} \<noteq> []\<close> diff_Suc_less in_set_member length_greater_0_conv nth_mem) | |
then have x_asm_var: "x1 > (?zer_list ! 0) \<and> x1 < ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1)" | |
using x1_asm nm1 nm2 by auto | |
have "(\<forall>n. (n < (length ?zer_list - 1) \<and> x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! n) \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! (n+1)))) \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
proof - | |
assume assump: "(\<forall>n. (n < (length ?zer_list - 1) \<and> x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! n) \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! (n+1))))" | |
have zer_case: "x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! 0" using x_asm_var by auto | |
have all_n: "\<And> n. (n < (length ?zer_list - 1) \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! n) " | |
proof - | |
fix n | |
show n_lt: "(n < (length ?zer_list - 1) \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! n)" | |
proof (induct n) | |
case 0 | |
then show ?case using zer_case | |
by blast | |
next | |
case (Suc n) | |
then show ?case | |
using assump | |
using Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_lessD by presburger | |
qed | |
qed | |
have "(length ?zer_list - 2) \<le> length ?zer_list -1" | |
using diff_le_mono2 one_le_numeral by blast | |
have "x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" | |
proof - | |
have h1: "length ?zer_list = 1 \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" | |
using assump zer_case by auto | |
have h2: "length ?zer_list > 1 \<longrightarrow> x1 \<ge> ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" | |
using all_n assump apply (auto) | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Suc_diff_Suc lessI) | |
then show ?thesis using h1 h2 apply (auto) | |
using zer_case by blast | |
qed | |
then show False using all_n x_asm_var | |
by linarith | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis | |
using x1_asm | |
by (smt One_nat_def Suc_pred \<open>sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} \<noteq> []\<close> in_set_member length_greater_0_conv less_SucI non_mem nth_mem) | |
qed | |
then have h1: "(?zer_list \<noteq> [] \<and> (x1 \<ge> (?zer_list ! 0)) \<and> (x1 \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1))) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists> n < (length ?zer_list - 1). x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1))))" | |
by blast | |
then show ?thesis apply (auto) | |
using zer_list_prop not_less | |
by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
(* This lemma is essentially saying that the zeros of coprime_r capture all relevant sample points. | |
From roots_of_coprime_r_location_property, we know that any zero of coprime_r is either between two | |
roots, or it's smaller than the least root (neg inf), or it's greater than the biggest root (pos inf). | |
Then, since the polynomials have constant signs within those intervals, the zeros of coprime_r | |
capture all the relevant information. | |
*) | |
lemma roots_of_coprime_r_capture_sgas_without_zeros: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
fixes sga:: "rat list" | |
assumes pairwise_rel_prime: "pairwise_coprime_list qs" | |
assumes all_squarefree: "\<And>q. q \<in> set qs \<Longrightarrow> rsquarefree q" | |
assumes ex_x1: "sga = sign_vec qs x1" | |
assumes hnz: "has_no_zeros sga" | |
shows "(\<exists>w \<in> (roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)). sga = (sign_vec qs w))" | |
proof - | |
obtain x1 where x1_prop: "sga = (sign_vec qs x1)" using ex_x1 by auto | |
let ?zer_list = "sorted_list_of_set {(x::real). (\<exists>q \<in> set(qs). (rpoly q x = 0))} :: real list" | |
have strict_sorted_h: "sorted_wrt (<) ?zer_list" using sorted_sorted_list_of_set | |
strict_sorted_iff by auto | |
then have sorted_hyp: "\<forall>q < length ?zer_list. (q + 1 < length ?zer_list) \<longrightarrow> | |
(?zer_list ! q) < (?zer_list ! (q +1))" | |
using strict_sorted_h by (auto simp: sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less) | |
then have sorted_hyp_var: "\<forall>q1 < length ?zer_list. \<forall>q2 < length ?zer_list. (q1 < q2 \<longrightarrow> | |
(?zer_list ! q1) < (?zer_list ! q2))" | |
using sorted_wrt_iff_nth_less strict_sorted_h by blast | |
then have sorted_hyp_var2: "\<forall>q1 < length ?zer_list. ((?zer_list ! q1)::real) \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1))" | |
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def Suc_pred bot_nat_0.extremum less_Suc_eq_le less_le not_less) | |
have nonz_q: "\<forall>q \<in>set qs. q \<noteq> 0" | |
using all_squarefree unfolding rsquarefree_def using in_set_member by auto | |
then have "\<forall>q \<in>set qs. finite {x. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
by (simp add: poly_roots_finite) | |
then have fin_set: "finite {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
by auto | |
have x1_and_roots: "?zer_list \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> ((x1 < (?zer_list ! 0)) \<or> (x1 > (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)) \<or> | |
(\<exists> n < (length ?zer_list - 1). x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1)))))" | |
using roots_of_coprime_r_location_property x1_prop assms by auto | |
have x2gt: "\<forall>x2>x1. sign_vec qs x1 \<noteq> sign_vec qs x2 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> x2 \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using hnz x1_prop zero_above[of qs x1] by auto | |
have x2lt: "\<forall>x2<x1. sign_vec qs x1 \<noteq> sign_vec qs x2 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r<x1. x2 \<le> r \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using hnz x1_prop zero_below[of qs x1] by (auto) | |
have triv_neg_inf_h: "?zer_list = [] \<Longrightarrow> sga = (sign_vec qs (-crb (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs))))" | |
proof - | |
assume empty_zer: "(?zer_list:: real list) = []" | |
let ?zer_set = "{x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}:: real set" | |
have fin_zer: "finite ?zer_set" using fin_set by auto | |
have "finite ?zer_set \<Longrightarrow> (sorted_list_of_set ?zer_set = []) = (?zer_set = {})" | |
using fin_zer sorted_list_of_set_eq_Nil_iff[where A = "?zer_set"] by auto | |
then have "(sorted_list_of_set ?zer_set = []) = (?zer_set = {})" | |
using fin_zer by auto | |
then have nozers: "?zer_set = {}" | |
using empty_zer by auto | |
then have "\<not>(\<exists>(r::real). (\<exists>(q::rat poly)\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using nozers by auto | |
then have "\<forall>y. sign_vec qs x1 = sign_vec qs y" | |
proof - | |
fix y | |
have gt_prop: "x1 > y \<longrightarrow> sign_vec qs x1 = sign_vec qs y" | |
using hnz x1_prop zero_below[of qs x1] apply (auto) | |
using \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> by blast | |
have lt_prop: "x1 < y \<longrightarrow> sign_vec qs x1 = sign_vec qs y" | |
using zero_above[of qs x1] apply (auto) | |
using \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> x2gt by blast | |
show ?thesis using gt_prop lt_prop apply (auto) | |
apply (metis \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> linorder_neqE_linordered_idom x2gt x2lt) | |
using x2gt x2lt apply (auto) | |
apply (metis \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> linorder_neqE_linordered_idom) | |
apply (metis \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> linorder_neqE_linordered_idom) | |
by (metis \<open>\<nexists>r. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0\<close> linorder_neqE_linordered_idom) | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis | |
by (simp add: x1_prop) | |
qed | |
have neg_inf_h: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<Longrightarrow> (x1 < (?zer_list ! 0) \<Longrightarrow> sga = (sign_vec qs (-crb (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)))))" | |
proof - | |
let ?neg_crb = "-crb (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs))" | |
assume len_nontriv: "?zer_list \<noteq>[]" | |
assume x1_lt: "x1 < ?zer_list ! 0" | |
have r_gt: "\<forall>r. (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0) \<longrightarrow> r \<ge> (?zer_list ! 0)" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix q::"rat poly" | |
fix r:: "real" | |
assume q_in: "q \<in> set qs" | |
assume "rpoly q r = 0" | |
then have "r \<in> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" using q_in by auto | |
then have "List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) r" | |
using in_set_member set_sorted_list_of_set fin_set apply (auto) | |
by (smt \<open>r \<in> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}\<close> fin_set in_set_member set_sorted_list_of_set) | |
then show "sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} ! 0 \<le> r" | |
using sorted_hyp_var | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) gr_implies_not0 in_set_conv_nth in_set_member not_less sorted_iff_nth_mono sorted_sorted_list_of_set) | |
qed | |
have prod_zer: "\<forall>x. (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0) \<longrightarrow> (poly (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) x) = 0" | |
using prod_list_zero_iff[where xs = "(cast_rat_list qs)"] unfolding cast_rat_list_def | |
apply (auto) | |
using nonz_q apply blast | |
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) image_eqI list.set_map of_rat_poly_hom.prod_list_map_hom poly_prod_list_zero_iff) | |
have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) | |
(?zer_list ! 0)" | |
using nth_Cons_0 apply (auto) | |
by (meson gr0I in_set_member length_0_conv nth_mem) | |
then have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (?zer_list ! 0) | |
\<in> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
using in_set_member[where x = "(sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} ! 0)", | |
where xs = "sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}"] | |
set_sorted_list_of_set fin_set | |
by blast | |
then have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q (?zer_list ! 0) = 0)" | |
by blast | |
then have poly_zer: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (poly (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) (?zer_list ! 0)) = 0" | |
using prod_zer by auto | |
have "\<forall>q. List.member (cast_rat_list qs) q \<longrightarrow>q \<noteq> 0" using nonz_q | |
unfolding cast_rat_list_def using in_set_member imageE image_set map_poly_zero of_rat_eq_0_iff | |
by smt | |
then have "(prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) \<noteq> 0" | |
using prod_list_zero_iff in_set_member apply (auto) | |
by fastforce | |
then have crb_lt: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> ?neg_crb < ?zer_list ! 0" | |
using crb_lem_neg[where p = "(prod_list (cast_rat_list qs))", where x = "sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} ! 0"] apply (auto) | |
using poly_zer | |
by blast | |
have crb_gt_x1: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (?neg_crb > x1 \<longrightarrow> (sga \<noteq> (sign_vec qs ?neg_crb)) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> ?neg_crb \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using x2gt apply (auto) | |
using crb_lt r_gt x1_prop by fastforce | |
have crb_lt_x1: "?neg_crb < x1 \<longrightarrow> (sga \<noteq> (sign_vec qs ?neg_crb)) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r<x1. ?neg_crb \<le> r \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
using x2lt apply (auto) | |
using x1_lt r_gt x1_prop by fastforce | |
show ?thesis using len_nontriv crb_gt_x1 crb_lt_x1 x1_lt crb_lt r_gt apply (auto) | |
using x1_prop by blast | |
qed | |
have pos_inf_h: "?zer_list \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> (x1 > (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)) \<Longrightarrow> sga = (sign_vec qs (crb (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)))))" | |
proof - | |
let ?pos_crb = "crb (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs))" | |
assume len_nontriv: "?zer_list \<noteq>[]" | |
assume x1_lt: "x1 > ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1)" | |
have r_gt: "\<And>r. (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0) \<Longrightarrow> r \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1))" | |
proof - | |
fix r:: "real" | |
assume q_in: "(\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)" | |
then obtain q::"rat poly" where q_prop: "q \<in> set qs \<and> rpoly q r = 0" by auto | |
then have "r \<in> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" using q_in by auto | |
then have "List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) r" | |
using in_set_member set_sorted_list_of_set fin_set by smt | |
then have "\<exists>n < (length ?zer_list). r = ?zer_list ! n" | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) in_set_conv_nth in_set_member) | |
then obtain n where n_prop: "n < length ?zer_list \<and> r = ?zer_list ! n" | |
by auto | |
then show "r \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1))" | |
proof - | |
have "\<forall>q1. q1 < length ?zer_list \<longrightarrow> (?zer_list ! q1) \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1:: nat))" | |
using sorted_hyp_var2 by auto | |
then have "(?zer_list ! n) \<le> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list - 1))" | |
using n_prop by auto | |
then show ?thesis using n_prop by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
have prod_zer: "\<forall>x. (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0) \<longrightarrow> (poly (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) x) = 0" | |
using prod_list_zero_iff[where xs = "(cast_rat_list qs)"] unfolding cast_rat_list_def | |
apply (auto) | |
using nonz_q apply blast | |
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) image_eqI list.set_map of_rat_poly_hom.prod_list_map_hom poly_prod_list_zero_iff) | |
have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> List.member (sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}) | |
(?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1))" | |
using nth_Cons_0 apply (auto) | |
by (metis (no_types, lifting) diff_less in_set_conv_nth in_set_member length_greater_0_conv length_sorted_list_of_set zero_less_Suc) | |
then have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1)) | |
\<in> {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}" | |
using in_set_member[where x = "(sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} ! (length ?zer_list -1))", | |
where xs = "sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0}"] | |
set_sorted_list_of_set fin_set | |
by blast | |
then have "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1)) = 0)" | |
by blast | |
then have poly_zer: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> (poly (prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) (?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1))) = 0" | |
using prod_zer by auto | |
have "\<forall>q. List.member (cast_rat_list qs) q \<longrightarrow>q \<noteq> 0" using nonz_q | |
unfolding cast_rat_list_def using in_set_member imageE image_set map_poly_zero of_rat_eq_0_iff | |
by smt | |
then have "(prod_list (cast_rat_list qs)) \<noteq> 0" | |
using prod_list_zero_iff in_set_member apply (auto) | |
by fastforce | |
then have crb_lt: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> ?pos_crb > ?zer_list ! (length ?zer_list -1)" | |
using crb_lem_pos[where p = "(prod_list (cast_rat_list qs))", where x = "sorted_list_of_set {x. \<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q x = 0} ! (length ?zer_list -1)"] apply (auto) | |
using poly_zer | |
by simp | |
have crb_gt_x1: "?zer_list \<noteq>[] \<longrightarrow> ((?pos_crb::real) > (x1::real) \<longrightarrow> (sga \<noteq> (sign_vec (qs::rat poly list) (?pos_crb::real))) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>(r::real)<x1. r \<ge> ?pos_crb \<and> (\<exists>(q::rat poly)\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)))" | |
using x2gt apply (auto) | |
using crb_lt r_gt x1_prop | |
using x1_lt by fastforce | |
have crb_lt_x1: "?pos_crb < x1 \<longrightarrow> (sga \<noteq> (sign_vec qs ?pos_crb)) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>r>x1. ?pos_crb \<ge> r \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. poly (real_of_rat_poly q) r = 0))" | |
using x2lt apply (auto) | |
using x1_lt r_gt x1_prop | |
by (meson \<open>prod_list (cast_rat_list qs) \<noteq> 0\<close> crb_lem_pos not_less prod_zer) | |
show ?thesis using len_nontriv crb_gt_x1 crb_lt_x1 x1_lt crb_lt r_gt apply (auto) | |
using x1_prop | |
by blast | |
qed | |
have between_h: "(\<exists> n < (length ?zer_list - 1). x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1))) \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>w \<in> (roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)). sga = (sign_vec qs w))" | |
proof - | |
assume "(\<exists> n < (length ?zer_list - 1). x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1)))" | |
then obtain n where n_prop: "n < (length ?zer_list - 1) \<and> x1 > (?zer_list ! n) \<and> x1 < (?zer_list ! (n+1))" | |
by auto | |
have "\<forall>q1 q2. (q1 \<noteq> q2 \<and> (List.member (cast_rat_list qs) q1) \<and> (List.member (cast_rat_list qs) q2))\<longrightarrow> coprime q1 q2" | |
using pairwise_rel_prime coprime_rat_poly_iff_coprimereal_poly | |
unfolding pairwise_coprime_list_def | |
by (smt cast_rat_list_def imageE image_set in_set_conv_nth in_set_member) | |
then have all_prop: "\<forall>x1. \<forall>x2. ((x1 < x2 \<and> (\<exists>q1 \<in> set (cast_rat_list(qs)). (poly q1 x1) = 0) \<and> (\<exists>q2\<in> set((cast_rat_list(qs))). (poly q2 x2) = 0)) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>q. x1 < q \<and> q < x2 \<and> poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)) q = 0))" | |
using coprime_r_roots_prop | |
by auto | |
have exq1: "(\<exists>q1 \<in> set (cast_rat_list(qs)). (poly q1 (?zer_list ! n)) = 0)" | |
unfolding cast_rat_list_def using n_prop apply (auto) | |
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 Suc_lessD fin_set length_sorted_list_of_set less_diff_conv mem_Collect_eq nth_mem set_sorted_list_of_set) | |
have exq2: "(\<exists>q2 \<in> set (cast_rat_list(qs)). (poly q2 (?zer_list ! (n+1))) = 0)" | |
unfolding cast_rat_list_def using n_prop One_nat_def Suc_eq_plus1 fin_set less_diff_conv mem_Collect_eq nth_mem set_sorted_list_of_set | |
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) image_eqI set_map) | |
have n_prop2: "(((?zer_list ! n) < (?zer_list ! (n+1)) \<and> (\<exists>q1 \<in> set (cast_rat_list(qs)). (poly q1 (?zer_list ! n)) = 0) \<and> (\<exists>q2\<in> set((cast_rat_list(qs))). (poly q2 (?zer_list ! (n+1))) = 0)))" | |
using exq1 exq2 sorted_hyp n_prop by auto | |
then have "(\<exists>q. (?zer_list ! n) < q \<and> q < (?zer_list ! (n+1)) \<and> poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)) q = 0)" | |
using all_prop n_prop2 by auto | |
then have "\<exists>w \<in> (roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)). (?zer_list ! n) < w \<and> w < (?zer_list ! (n+1))" | |
apply (auto) | |
using roots_of_coprime_r_def by auto | |
then obtain w where w_prop: "w \<in> (roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)) \<and> (?zer_list ! n) < w \<and> w < (?zer_list ! (n+1))" by auto | |
have n_lt1: "n < length ?zer_list" using n_prop | |
using add_lessD1 less_diff_conv by blast | |
have n_lt2: "n + 1 < length ?zer_list" using n_prop | |
using less_diff_conv by blast | |
have sorted_hyp_var3: "?zer_list ! n < ?zer_list ! (n + 1)" using sorted_hyp | |
n_lt1 n_lt2 by auto | |
then have helper: "w > x1 \<longrightarrow> \<not>(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member ?zer_list x \<and> x1 \<le> x \<and> x \<le> w))" | |
using n_prop w_prop x1_prop strict_sorted_h sorted_list_lemma[where n = "n", where l = ?zer_list, where a = "x1", where b = "w"] sorted_hyp_var3 | |
by auto | |
have no_root1: "w > x1 \<Longrightarrow> \<not>(\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> w \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
proof - | |
assume "w > x1" | |
then have nex: "\<not>(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member ?zer_list x \<and> x1 \<le> x \<and> x \<le> w))" | |
using helper by auto | |
have "(\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> w \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)) \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
proof - | |
assume "(\<exists>r>x1. r \<le> w \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
then obtain r where r_prop: "r > x1 \<and>r \<le> w \<and>(\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)" by auto | |
then have "List.member ?zer_list r \<and>x1 \<le> r \<and>x1 \<le> w " | |
by (smt fin_set in_set_member mem_Collect_eq set_sorted_list_of_set) | |
then show ?thesis using nex r_prop | |
by blast | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
have helper2: "w < x1 \<longrightarrow> \<not>(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member ?zer_list x \<and> w \<le> x \<and> x \<le> x1))" | |
using n_prop w_prop x1_prop strict_sorted_h sorted_list_lemma[where n = "n", where l = ?zer_list, where a = "w", where b = "x1"] sorted_hyp_var3 | |
by auto | |
have no_root2: "w < x1 \<Longrightarrow> \<not>(\<exists>r<x1. w \<le> r \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
proof - | |
assume "w < x1" | |
then have nex: "\<not>(\<exists>(x::real). (List.member ?zer_list x \<and> w \<le> x \<and> x \<le> x1))" | |
using helper2 by auto | |
have "(\<exists>r<x1. w \<le> r \<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)) \<Longrightarrow> False" | |
proof - | |
assume "(\<exists>r<x1. w \<le> r\<and> (\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0))" | |
then obtain r where r_prop: "r < x1 \<and> w \<le> r \<and>(\<exists>q\<in>set qs. rpoly q r = 0)" by auto | |
then have "List.member ?zer_list r \<and> w \<le> r \<and> r \<le> x1 " | |
by (smt fin_set in_set_member mem_Collect_eq set_sorted_list_of_set) | |
then show ?thesis using nex r_prop | |
by blast | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
then have w_gt: "w > x1 \<longrightarrow> (sign_vec qs x1) = (sign_vec qs w)" | |
using no_root1 n_prop x2gt by auto | |
have w_lt: "w < x1 \<longrightarrow> (sign_vec qs x1) = (sign_vec qs w)" | |
using no_root2 n_prop x2lt by auto | |
then have "sga = (sign_vec qs w)" using w_gt w_lt x1_prop by auto | |
then show "(\<exists>w \<in> (roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list qs)). sga = (sign_vec qs w))" | |
using w_prop by auto | |
qed | |
show ?thesis using triv_neg_inf_h neg_inf_h pos_inf_h between_h x1_and_roots | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) coprime_r_zero1 coprime_r_zero2 mem_Collect_eq roots_of_coprime_r_def) | |
qed | |
(* This lemma heavily relies on the main BKR_Proofs result and also the lemma named | |
roots_of_coprime_r_capture_sgas_without_zeros *) | |
lemma find_csas_lemma_nozeros: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes fs: "factorize_polys qs = (fs,data)" | |
assumes "fs \<noteq> []" | |
shows "(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors fs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
csa \<in> set (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)) (cast_rat_list fs))" | |
proof - | |
let ?new_l = "cast_rat_list fs" | |
let ?copr = "coprime_r ?new_l" | |
have copr_nonz: "?copr \<noteq> 0" | |
using coprime_r_nonzero[OF assms(1-2)] unfolding cast_rat_list_def by auto | |
have nontriv_list: "0 < length ?new_l" | |
using assms cast_rat_list_def by (auto) | |
have pairwise_cp: "(\<And>q. q \<in> set ?new_l \<Longrightarrow> | |
algebraic_semidom_class.coprime ?copr q)" using coprime_r_coprime_prop[OF assms(1)] | |
apply (auto) | |
by (metis cast_rat_list_def comm_monoid_mult_class.coprime_commute coprime_iff_coprime list.set_map) | |
have set_fsga: "set(find_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l) = set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l)" | |
using find_consistent_signs_at_roots[OF copr_nonz pairwise_cp] by auto | |
then have csa_in_hyp: "csa \<in> set (find_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l) | |
\<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l)" by auto | |
have forward: "(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors fs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) | |
\<Longrightarrow> csa \<in> set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l)" | |
proof - | |
assume csa_in: "(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors fs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa)" | |
have fin: "finite {x. poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)) x = 0}" | |
using copr_nonz poly_roots_finite | |
by (simp add: poly_roots_finite fs) | |
have pcl: "pairwise_coprime_list fs" | |
using coprime_factorize fs | |
by (metis fst_conv) | |
have sqf: "\<And>q. q \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> rsquarefree q" | |
using factorize_polys_square_free[OF assms(1)] | |
by (metis square_free_rsquarefree) | |
obtain x1 where x1:"csa = sign_vec fs x1" | |
using consistent_sign_vectors_def csa_in by auto | |
have hnz: "has_no_zeros csa" using csa_in by auto | |
obtain w where w_prop: "w\<in>roots_of_coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)" "csa = sign_vec fs w" | |
using roots_of_coprime_r_capture_sgas_without_zeros[OF pcl sqf x1 hnz] | |
by auto | |
have w_root: "poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)) w = 0" | |
using w_prop | |
by (simp add: roots_of_coprime_r_def) | |
then have "w \<in> {x. poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)) x = 0}" | |
by auto | |
then have w_ins: "w \<in> set (characterize_root_list_p (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)))" | |
using fin set_sorted_list_of_set[where A="{x. poly (coprime_r (cast_rat_list fs)) x = 0}"] | |
unfolding characterize_root_list_p_def | |
by auto | |
have "map ((\<lambda>x. if 0 < x then 1 else if x < 0 then - 1 else 0) \<circ> (\<lambda>p. rpoly p w)) fs = | |
map ((\<lambda>x. if 0 < x then 1 else - 1) \<circ> (\<lambda>p. rpoly p w)) fs" | |
proof - | |
have "\<not>(\<exists>x \<in> set fs. rpoly x w = 0)" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix x | |
assume x_in: "x \<in> set fs" | |
assume x_zer: "rpoly x w = 0" | |
then have "\<exists>k < length fs. nth fs k = x" | |
using x_in | |
by (simp add: in_set_conv_nth) | |
then obtain k where k_prop: "k < length fs \<and> fs ! k = x" | |
by auto | |
then have "(sign_vec fs w) ! k = 0" using x_zer apply (auto) | |
unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def by auto | |
then have "\<not> (has_no_zeros (sign_vec fs w))" | |
apply (auto) | |
by (simp add: hnz_prop k_prop) | |
then show False using hnz unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def | |
using \<open>\<not> has_no_zeros (sign_vec fs w)\<close> w_prop(2) by blast | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis using hnz unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def by auto | |
qed | |
then have "map ((\<lambda>x. if 0 < x then 1 else if x < 0 then - 1 else 0) \<circ> (\<lambda>p. rpoly p w)) fs = | |
map (\<lambda>q. if 0 < poly q w then 1 else - 1) | |
(cast_rat_list fs)" | |
unfolding cast_rat_list_def by auto | |
then have "csa = map (\<lambda>q. if 0 < poly q w then 1 else - 1) | |
(cast_rat_list fs)" | |
by (simp add: comp_def sign_vec_def squash_def w_prop(2)) | |
then show ?thesis unfolding characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def | |
apply (auto) unfolding signs_at_def using w_ins w_prop | |
using consistent_sign_vectors_consistent_sign_vectors_r consistent_sign_vectors_def consistent_sign_vectors_r_def signs_at_def by force | |
qed | |
have backward: "csa \<in> set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors fs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa)" | |
proof - | |
assume csa_in: "csa \<in> set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l)" | |
have csa_in_old_set: "csa \<in> set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_copr ?copr ?new_l)" | |
using csa_list_copr_rel copr_nonz csa_in find_consistent_signs_at_roots_copr pairwise_cp set_fsga by auto | |
have "\<forall>(x::real). \<forall> (l::real poly list). rec_list True (\<lambda>h T. If (h = 0) False) | |
(map (\<lambda>q. if 0 < poly q x then (1::rat) else (-1::rat)) | |
l)" | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix x::"real" | |
fix l::"real poly list" | |
show " rec_list True (\<lambda>h T. If (h = 0) False) | |
(map (\<lambda>q. if 0 < poly q x then (1::rat) else (-1::rat)) l) " | |
proof (induct l) | |
case Nil | |
then show ?case | |
by simp | |
next | |
case (Cons a l) | |
then show ?case by auto | |
qed | |
qed | |
then have "\<forall>x. rec_list True (\<lambda>h T. If (h = 0) False) | |
(map (\<lambda>q. if 0 < poly q x then (1::rat) else - 1) | |
(cast_rat_list fs))" | |
by auto | |
then have hnz: "has_no_zeros csa" | |
using csa_in_old_set | |
unfolding characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_copr_def consistent_sign_vec_copr_def | |
apply (auto) unfolding has_no_zeros_def | |
by auto | |
have "\<exists>w \<in> set(characterize_root_list_p ?copr). csa = consistent_sign_vec_copr ?new_l w" | |
using csa_in_old_set using characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_copr_def by auto | |
then obtain w where w_prop: "w \<in> set (characterize_root_list_p ?copr) \<and> csa = consistent_sign_vec_copr ?new_l w" | |
by auto | |
then have "poly ?copr w = 0" unfolding characterize_root_list_p_def | |
by (simp add: copr_nonz poly_roots_finite) | |
then have copr_prop: "\<forall>p \<in> set(?new_l). poly p w \<noteq> 0" | |
using w_prop coprime_r_coprime_prop apply (auto) | |
by (meson coprime_poly_0 in_set_member pairwise_cp) | |
then have "consistent_sign_vec_copr ?new_l w = sign_vec fs w" | |
unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def consistent_sign_vec_copr_def | |
cast_rat_list_def by auto | |
then show ?thesis using hnz w_prop apply (auto) | |
using consistent_sign_vectors_def by blast | |
qed | |
have "(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors fs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) | |
\<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> set(characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots ?copr ?new_l)" | |
using forward backward by blast | |
then show ?thesis using csa_in_hyp by auto | |
qed | |
lemma range_eq: | |
fixes a | |
fixes b | |
shows "a = b \<longrightarrow> range a = range b" | |
by simp | |
lemma removeAt_distinct: | |
shows "distinct fss \<Longrightarrow> distinct (removeAt i fss)" | |
unfolding removeAt_def | |
by (simp add: set_take_disj_set_drop_if_distinct) | |
lemma consistent_signs_atw: | |
assumes "\<And>p. p \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> poly p x \<noteq> 0" | |
shows "consistent_sign_vec_copr fs x = signs_at fs x" | |
unfolding consistent_sign_vec_copr_def signs_at_def squash_def o_def | |
by (simp add: assms) | |
(* This could be an alternate (equivalent) definition *) | |
lemma characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_rw: | |
assumes "p \<noteq> 0" | |
assumes copr: "\<And>q. q \<in> set fs \<Longrightarrow> coprime p q" | |
shows "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots p fs) = | |
consistent_sign_vectors_r fs ({x. poly p x = 0})" | |
by (simp add: assms(1) characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_def consistent_sign_vectors_r_def poly_roots_finite characterize_root_list_p_def) | |
lemma signs_at_insert: | |
assumes "i \<le> length qs" | |
shows "insertAt i (squash (poly p x)) (signs_at qs x) = | |
signs_at (insertAt i p qs) x" | |
unfolding insertAt_def signs_at_def o_def using assms take_map apply auto | |
apply (subst drop_map) by simp | |
lemma length_removeAt: | |
assumes "i < length ls" | |
shows "length (removeAt i ls) = length ls - 1" | |
unfolding removeAt_def using assms by auto | |
lemma insertAt_removeAt: | |
assumes "i < length ls" | |
shows "insertAt i (ls!i) (removeAt i ls) = ls" | |
unfolding insertAt_def removeAt_def using assms apply auto | |
by (simp add: Cons_nth_drop_Suc) | |
lemma insertAt_nth: | |
assumes "i \<le> length ls" | |
shows "insertAt i n ls ! i = n" | |
unfolding insertAt_def using assms | |
by (simp add: nth_append_take) | |
lemma length_signs_at[simp]: | |
shows "length (signs_at qs x) = length qs" | |
unfolding signs_at_def by auto | |
lemma find_csa_at_index: | |
assumes "i < length fss" | |
assumes "\<And>p q. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> q \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> q \<Longrightarrow> coprime p q" | |
assumes "\<And>p. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0" | |
assumes "distinct fss" | |
shows " | |
set (map (\<lambda>v. insertAt i 0 v) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss))) = | |
{v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" | |
proof - | |
from removeAt_distinct[OF assms(4)] | |
have neq: "fss ! i \<noteq> 0" using assms by simp | |
have cop: "\<And>q. q \<in> set (removeAt i fss) \<Longrightarrow> coprime (fss ! i) q" using assms | |
unfolding removeAt_def | |
apply auto | |
using dual_order.strict_trans find_first_unique image_iff less_imp_le_nat less_not_refl nth_image nth_mem | |
apply (smt atLeastLessThan_iff dual_order.strict_trans find_first_unique image_iff less_imp_le_nat less_not_refl nth_image nth_mem) | |
by (metis Cons_nth_drop_Suc distinct.simps(2) distinct_drop in_set_dropD nth_mem) | |
from find_consistent_signs_at_roots[OF neq] | |
have "set (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)) = | |
set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss))" | |
using cop by auto | |
then have eq: "set (map (insertAt i 0) | |
(find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) | |
(removeAt i fss))) = insertAt i 0 ` set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)) " | |
by simp | |
from characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots_rw[OF neq cop] | |
have eq2: "set (characterize_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)) = consistent_sign_vectors_r (removeAt i fss) {x. poly (fss ! i) x = 0}" . | |
have ile: "i \<le> length (removeAt i fss)" | |
using length_removeAt[OF assms(1)] assms(1) by linarith | |
have 1: "\<And>xb. poly (fss ! i) xb = 0 \<Longrightarrow> | |
insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) xb) \<in> range (signs_at fss)" | |
proof - | |
fix x | |
assume "poly (fss ! i) x = 0" | |
then have "insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x) = | |
insertAt i (squash (poly (fss ! i) x)) (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x)" by (auto simp add: squash_def) | |
also have "... = signs_at (insertAt i (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)) x" | |
apply (intro signs_at_insert) | |
using length_removeAt[OF assms(1)] | |
using assms(1) by linarith | |
also have "... = signs_at fss x" unfolding insertAt_removeAt[OF assms(1)] by auto | |
ultimately have *:"insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x) = signs_at fss x" by auto | |
thus "insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x) \<in> range (signs_at fss)" by auto | |
qed | |
have 2: "\<And>xa. signs_at fss xa ! i = 0 \<Longrightarrow> | |
i \<le> length (removeAt i fss) \<Longrightarrow> | |
signs_at fss xa | |
\<in> insertAt i 0 ` | |
signs_at (removeAt i fss) ` | |
{x. poly (fss ! i) x = 0}" | |
proof - | |
fix x | |
assume "signs_at fss x ! i = 0" | |
then have z:"poly (fss ! i) x = 0" unfolding signs_at_def o_def squash_def | |
by (smt assms(1) class_field.zero_not_one nth_map zero_neq_neg_one) | |
then have "insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x) = | |
insertAt i (squash (poly (fss ! i) x)) (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x)" by (auto simp add: squash_def) | |
also have "... = signs_at (insertAt i (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)) x" | |
apply (intro signs_at_insert) | |
using length_removeAt[OF assms(1)] | |
using assms(1) by linarith | |
also have "... = signs_at fss x" unfolding insertAt_removeAt[OF assms(1)] by auto | |
ultimately have *:"insertAt i 0 (signs_at (removeAt i fss) x) = signs_at fss x" by auto | |
thus "signs_at fss x \<in> insertAt i 0 ` signs_at (removeAt i fss) ` {x. poly (fss ! i) x = 0}" | |
using z | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) mem_Collect_eq rev_image_eqI) | |
qed | |
have "insertAt i 0 ` consistent_sign_vectors_r (removeAt i fss) {x. poly (fss ! i) x = 0} = | |
{v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" | |
unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_r_def | |
apply (auto simp add: 1) | |
apply (subst insertAt_nth) | |
using ile by (auto simp add: 2) | |
thus ?thesis unfolding eq eq2 . | |
qed | |
lemma in_set_concat_map: | |
assumes "i < length ls" | |
assumes "x \<in> set (f (ls ! i))" | |
shows "x \<in> set (concat (map f ls))" | |
using assms by auto | |
lemma find_csas_lemma_onezero_gen: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes fs: "factorize_polys qs = (fs,data)" | |
assumes fss: "fss = cast_rat_list fs" | |
shows "(csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV) \<and> \<not>(has_no_zeros csa)) | |
\<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> set (find_sgas_aux fss)" | |
proof - | |
have a:"(\<And>p q. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> | |
q \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> | |
p \<noteq> q \<Longrightarrow> coprime p | |
q)" | |
using cast_rat_list_def factorize_polys_map_coprime fs fss by blast | |
have b:"(\<And>p. p \<in> set fss \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0)" | |
using factorize_polys_map_square_free_prod_list semidom_class.prod_list_zero_iff square_free_def | |
using cast_rat_list_def fs fss by blast | |
have c:"distinct fss" | |
using factorize_polys_map_distinct[OF assms(1)] assms(2) unfolding cast_rat_list_def | |
by auto | |
have forwards: "csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV) \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<not> (has_no_zeros csa) | |
\<Longrightarrow> csa \<in> set (find_sgas_aux fss)" | |
unfolding find_sgas_aux_def | |
proof - | |
assume csa: "csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV)" | |
assume hnz: "\<not>(has_no_zeros csa)" | |
then obtain i where i: "i < length csa" "csa ! i = 0" unfolding hnz_prop by auto | |
then have cin: "csa \<in> {v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" using csa by auto | |
have 1:"i < length fss" using i csa unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_r_def by auto | |
from find_csa_at_index[OF 1 a b c] | |
have eq: "set (map (\<lambda>v. insertAt i 0 v) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss))) = | |
{v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" by auto | |
show "csa \<in> set (concat (map (\<lambda>i. map (insertAt i 0) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss))) [0..<length fss]))" | |
using cin i unfolding eq[symmetric] | |
apply (intro in_set_concat_map[of i]) | |
using 1 by auto | |
qed | |
have backwards: "csa \<in> set (find_sgas_aux fss) \<Longrightarrow> | |
\<not> (has_no_zeros csa) \<and> csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV)" | |
proof - | |
assume *: "csa \<in> set (find_sgas_aux fss)" | |
then obtain i where i: "i < length fss" | |
"csa \<in> set (map (\<lambda>v. insertAt i 0 v) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss)))" | |
unfolding find_sgas_aux_def | |
by auto | |
from find_csa_at_index[OF i(1) a b c] | |
have eq: "set (map (\<lambda>v. insertAt i 0 v) (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (fss ! i) (removeAt i fss))) = | |
{v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" by auto | |
have *: "csa \<in> {v \<in> consistent_sign_vectors_r fss UNIV. v ! i = 0}" using i eq by auto | |
then have "length csa = length fss" unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_r_def by auto | |
thus ?thesis unfolding has_no_zeros_def using * apply (auto simp add:in_set_conv_nth) | |
using i(1) by auto | |
qed | |
show ?thesis | |
using forwards backwards by blast | |
qed | |
lemma mem_append: "List.member (l1@l2) m \<longleftrightarrow> (List.member l1 m \<or> List.member l2 m)" | |
by (simp add: List.member_def) | |
lemma same_sign_cond_rationals_reals: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes lenh: "length (fst(factorize_polys qs)) > 0" | |
shows "set(find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) (fst(factorize_polys qs)))) = consistent_sign_vectors (fst(factorize_polys qs)) UNIV" | |
proof - | |
let ?ftrs = "(fst(factorize_polys qs))" | |
have pairwise_rel_prime: "pairwise_coprime_list (fst(factorize_polys qs))" | |
using factorize_polys_coprime | |
by (simp add: coprime_factorize) | |
have all_squarefree:"\<forall>q. (List.member (fst(factorize_polys qs)) q) \<longrightarrow> (rsquarefree q)" | |
using factorize_polys_square_free | |
by (metis in_set_member prod.collapse square_free_rsquarefree) | |
have allnonzero: "\<forall>q. (List.member ?ftrs q) \<longrightarrow> q \<noteq> 0" | |
using all_squarefree apply (auto) | |
using rsquarefree_def by blast | |
have h1: "\<forall> csa. (csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> \<not> (has_no_zeros csa)) | |
\<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> set (find_sgas_aux (cast_rat_list ?ftrs))" | |
using lenh find_csas_lemma_onezero_gen pairwise_rel_prime allnonzero | |
by (metis consistent_sign_vectors_consistent_sign_vectors_r eq_fst_iff) | |
have h2: "\<forall>csa. (csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
List.member (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (coprime_r (cast_rat_list ?ftrs)) (cast_rat_list ?ftrs)) csa" | |
using lenh find_csas_lemma_nozeros pairwise_rel_prime allnonzero | |
by (metis in_set_member length_greater_0_conv prod.collapse) | |
have h3: "\<forall> csa. List.member (find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) ?ftrs)) csa \<longleftrightarrow> | |
((List.member (find_sgas_aux (cast_rat_list ?ftrs)) csa) \<or> (List.member (find_consistent_signs_at_roots (coprime_r (cast_rat_list ?ftrs)) (cast_rat_list ?ftrs)) csa))" | |
unfolding find_sgas_def cast_rat_list_def using mem_append | |
by metis | |
have h4: "\<forall> csa. List.member (find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) ?ftrs)) csa \<longleftrightarrow> | |
((csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) \<or> (csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> \<not> (has_no_zeros csa)))" | |
using h1 h2 h3 apply (auto) apply (simp add: in_set_member) by (simp add: in_set_member) | |
have h5: "\<forall>csa. (csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> has_no_zeros csa) \<or> (csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV) \<and> \<not> (has_no_zeros csa)) | |
\<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV)" | |
by auto | |
then have "\<forall> csa. List.member (find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) ?ftrs)) csa \<longleftrightarrow> csa \<in> (consistent_sign_vectors ?ftrs UNIV)" | |
using h4 | |
by blast | |
then show ?thesis using in_set_member apply (auto) | |
apply (simp add: in_set_member) | |
by (simp add: in_set_member) | |
qed | |
lemma factorize_polys_undo_factorize_polys_set: | |
assumes "factorize_polys ps = (ftrs,data)" | |
assumes "sgas = find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) ftrs)" | |
assumes sgas_set: "set (sgas) = consistent_sign_vectors ftrs UNIV" | |
shows "set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas) = consistent_sign_vectors ps UNIV" | |
proof - | |
have h: "\<forall>x. undo_factorize_polys data (sign_vec ftrs x) = sign_vec ps x" | |
using factorize_polys_undo_factorize_polys | |
by (simp add: assms(1)) | |
have h1: "\<forall>x. sign_vec ps x \<in> set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas)" | |
using sgas_set | |
by (metis UNIV_I consistent_sign_vectors_def h image_eqI image_set) | |
then have subset_h: "consistent_sign_vectors ps UNIV \<subseteq> set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas)" | |
unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_def by auto | |
have supset_h: "consistent_sign_vectors ps UNIV \<supseteq> set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas)" | |
proof - | |
have "\<forall> ele. ele \<in> set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas) \<longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>n < length sgas. ele = (undo_factorize_polys data (nth sgas n)))" | |
using index_of_lookup(1) index_of_lookup(2) by fastforce | |
then have "\<forall> ele. ele \<in> set (map (undo_factorize_polys data) sgas) \<longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>x. ele = (undo_factorize_polys data (sign_vec ftrs x)))" | |
using sgas_set apply (auto) using consistent_sign_vectors_def by auto | |
then show ?thesis using h | |
using consistent_sign_vectors_def by auto | |
qed | |
show ?thesis using subset_h supset_h | |
by blast | |
qed | |
lemma main_step_aux1: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes empty: "(fst(factorize_polys qs)) = []" | |
shows "set (find_consistent_signs qs) = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
proof - | |
have set_eq: "set (find_consistent_signs qs) = {(map (\<lambda>x. if poly x 0 < 0 then -1 else if poly x 0 = 0 then 0 else 1) qs)}" | |
using empty unfolding find_consistent_signs_def apply (auto) | |
apply (metis fst_conv) | |
by (metis prod.collapse) | |
have deg_q_prop: "fst(factorize_polys qs) = [] \<Longrightarrow> (\<forall>q \<in>set(qs). degree q = 0)" | |
apply (rule ccontr) | |
proof clarsimp | |
fix q | |
assume *:"fst(factorize_polys qs) = []" | |
assume q: "q \<in> set qs" "0 < degree q" | |
obtain arb where "factorize_rat_poly_monic q = (arb,[])" | |
using * q unfolding factorize_polys_def apply (auto simp add:Let_def) | |
by (metis prod.collapse) | |
from squarefree_factorization_degree[OF factorize_rat_poly_monic_square_free_factorization[OF this]] | |
have "degree q = 0" by auto | |
thus False using q by auto | |
qed | |
have deg_q_cons: "(\<forall>q \<in>set(qs). degree q = 0) \<Longrightarrow> (consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV = {(map (\<lambda>x. if poly x 0 < 0 then -1 else if poly x 0 = 0 then 0 else 1) qs)})" | |
proof - | |
assume deg_z: "(\<forall>q \<in>set(qs). degree q = 0)" | |
then have "\<forall>q \<in>set(qs). \<forall>x y. poly q x = poly q y" | |
apply (auto) | |
by (meson constant_def constant_degree) | |
then have csv: "consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV = {sign_vec qs 0}" | |
unfolding consistent_sign_vectors_def sign_vec_def apply (auto) | |
apply (metis deg_z degree_0_id of_rat_hom.map_poly_hom_coeff_lift poly_0_coeff_0 poly_const_conv squash_real_of_rat) | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) class_semiring.add.one_closed comp_def image_iff list.map_cong0 of_rat_hom.poly_map_poly_0) | |
have "sign_vec qs 0 = (map (\<lambda>x. if poly x 0 < 0 then -1 else if poly x 0 = 0 then 0 else 1) qs)" | |
unfolding sign_vec_def squash_def by auto | |
then show "consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV = {(map (\<lambda>x. if poly x 0 < 0 then -1 else if poly x 0 = 0 then 0 else 1) qs)}" | |
using csv by auto | |
qed | |
then show ?thesis | |
using deg_q_prop deg_q_cons set_eq | |
by (simp add: empty) | |
qed | |
lemma main_step_aux2: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
assumes lenh: "length (fst(factorize_polys qs)) > 0" | |
shows "set (find_consistent_signs qs) = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
proof - | |
let ?fs = "fst(factorize_polys qs)" | |
let ?data = "snd(factorize_polys qs)" | |
let ?sgas = "find_sgas (map (map_poly of_rat) ?fs)" | |
have h0: "set (?sgas) = consistent_sign_vectors ?fs UNIV" | |
using lenh same_sign_cond_rationals_reals coprime_factorize by auto | |
then have h1: "set (map (undo_factorize_polys ?data) ?sgas) = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
using factorize_polys_undo_factorize_polys_set | |
by simp | |
then show ?thesis using lenh apply (auto) | |
apply (smt case_prod_unfold find_consistent_signs_def h1 main_step_aux1) | |
by (simp add: find_consistent_signs_def prod.case_eq_if) | |
qed | |
lemma main_step: | |
fixes qs:: "rat poly list" | |
shows "set (find_consistent_signs qs) = consistent_sign_vectors qs UNIV" | |
using main_step_aux1 main_step_aux2 by auto | |
subsection "Decision Procedure: Main Lemmas" | |
lemma decide_univ_lem_helper: | |
assumes "(fml_struct,polys) = convert fml" | |
shows "(\<forall>x::real. lookup_sem fml_struct (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) polys)) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
(decide_universal fml)" | |
using universal_lookup_sem main_step unfolding decide_universal_def apply (auto) | |
apply (metis assms convert_closed fst_conv snd_conv) | |
by (metis (full_types) assms convert_closed fst_conv snd_conv) | |
lemma decide_exis_lem_helper: | |
assumes "(fml_struct,polys) = convert fml" | |
shows "(\<exists>x::real. lookup_sem fml_struct (map (\<lambda>p. rpoly p x) polys)) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
(decide_existential fml)" | |
using existential_lookup_sem main_step unfolding decide_existential_def apply (auto) | |
apply (metis assms convert_closed fst_conv snd_conv) | |
by (metis (full_types) assms convert_closed fst_conv snd_conv) | |
theorem decision_procedure: | |
shows "(\<forall>x::real. fml_sem fml x) \<longleftrightarrow> (decide_universal fml)" | |
"\<exists>x::real. fml_sem fml x \<longleftrightarrow> (decide_existential fml)" | |
using convert_semantics_lem decide_univ_lem_helper apply (auto) | |
apply (simp add: convert_semantics) | |
apply (metis convert_def convert_semantics fst_conv snd_conv) | |
using convert_semantics_lem | |
by (metis convert_def convert_semantics decide_exis_lem_helper fst_conv snd_conv) | |
end |