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theory BTree_Height | |
imports BTree | |
begin | |
section "Maximum and minimum height" | |
text "Textbooks usually provide some proofs relating the maxmimum and minimum height of the BTree | |
for a given number of nodes. We therefore introduce this counting and show the respective proofs." | |
subsection "Definition of node/size" | |
thm BTree.btree.size | |
(* the automatically derived size is a bit weird for our purposes *) | |
value "size (Node [(Leaf, (0::nat)), (Node [(Leaf, 1), (Leaf, 10)] Leaf, 12), (Leaf, 30), (Leaf, 100)] Leaf)" | |
text "The default size function does not suit our needs as it regards the length of the list in each node. | |
We would like to count the number of nodes in the tree only, not regarding the number of keys." | |
(* we want a different counting method, | |
namely only the number of nodes in a tree *) | |
(* TODO what if we count Leafs as nodes? *) | |
fun nodes::"'a btree \<Rightarrow> nat" where | |
"nodes Leaf = 0" | | |
"nodes (Node ts t) = 1 + (\<Sum>t\<leftarrow>subtrees ts. nodes t) + (nodes t)" | |
value "nodes (Node [(Leaf, (0::nat)), (Node [(Leaf, 1), (Leaf, 10)] Leaf, 12), (Leaf, 30), (Leaf, 100)] Leaf)" | |
(* maximum number of nodes for given height *) | |
subsection "Maximum number of nodes for a given height" | |
lemma sum_list_replicate: "sum_list (replicate n c) = n*c" | |
apply(induction n) | |
apply(auto simp add: ring_class.ring_distribs(2)) | |
done | |
abbreviation "bound k h \<equiv> ((k+1)^h - 1)" | |
lemma nodes_height_upper_bound: | |
"\<lbrakk>order k t; bal t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> nodes t * (2*k) \<le> bound (2*k) (height t)" | |
proof(induction t rule: nodes.induct) | |
case (2 ts t) | |
let ?sub_height = "((2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1)" | |
have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts)) * (2*k) = | |
sum_list (map (\<lambda>t. nodes t * (2 * k)) (subtrees ts))" | |
using sum_list_mult_const by metis | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> sum_list (map (\<lambda>x.?sub_height) (subtrees ts))" | |
using 2 | |
using sum_list_mono[of "subtrees ts" "\<lambda>t. nodes t * (2 * k)" "\<lambda>x. bound (2 * k) (height t)"] | |
by (metis bal.simps(2) order.simps(2)) | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (replicate (length ts) ?sub_height)" | |
using map_replicate_const[of ?sub_height "subtrees ts"] length_map | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = (length ts)*(?sub_height)" | |
using sum_list_replicate by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> (2*k)*(?sub_height)" | |
using "2.prems"(1) | |
by simp | |
finally have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts))*(2*k) \<le> ?sub_height*(2*k)" | |
by simp | |
moreover have "(nodes t)*(2*k) \<le> ?sub_height" | |
using 2 by simp | |
ultimately have "(nodes (Node ts t))*(2*k) \<le> | |
2*k | |
+ ?sub_height * (2*k) | |
+ ?sub_height" | |
unfolding nodes.simps add_mult_distrib | |
by linarith | |
also have "\<dots> = 2*k + (2*k)*((2 * k + 1) ^ height t) - 2*k + (2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by (simp add: diff_mult_distrib2 mult.assoc mult.commute) | |
also have "\<dots> = (2*k)*((2 * k + 1) ^ height t) + (2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = (2*k+1)^(Suc(height t)) - 1" | |
by simp | |
finally show ?case | |
by (metis "2.prems"(2) height_bal_tree) | |
qed simp | |
text "To verify our lower bound is sharp, we compare it to the height of artificially constructed | |
full trees." | |
fun full_node::"nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a btree" where | |
"full_node k c 0 = Leaf"| | |
"full_node k c (Suc n) = (Node (replicate (2*k) ((full_node k c n),c)) (full_node k c n))" | |
value "let k = (2::nat) in map (\<lambda>x. nodes x * 2*k) (map (full_node k (1::nat)) [0,1,2,3,4])" | |
value "let k = (2::nat) in map (\<lambda>x. ((2*k+(1::nat))^(x)-1)) [0,1,2,3,4]" | |
lemma compow_comp_id: "c > 0 \<Longrightarrow> f \<circ> f = f \<Longrightarrow> (f ^^ c) = f" | |
apply(induction c) | |
apply auto | |
by fastforce | |
(* required only for the fold definition of height *) | |
lemma compow_id_point: "f x = x \<Longrightarrow> (f ^^ c) x = x" | |
apply(induction c) | |
apply auto | |
done | |
lemma height_full_node: "height (full_node k a h) = h" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply (auto simp add: set_replicate_conv_if) | |
done | |
lemma bal_full_node: "bal (full_node k a h)" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply auto | |
done | |
lemma order_full_node: "order k (full_node k a h)" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply auto | |
done | |
lemma full_btrees_sharp: "nodes (full_node k a h) * (2*k) = bound (2*k) h" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply (auto simp add: height_full_node algebra_simps sum_list_replicate) | |
done | |
lemma upper_bound_sharp_node: | |
"t = full_node k a h \<Longrightarrow> height t = h \<and> order k t \<and> bal t \<and> bound (2*k) h = nodes t * (2*k)" | |
by (simp add: bal_full_node height_full_node order_full_node full_btrees_sharp) | |
(* maximum number of nodes *) | |
subsection "Maximum height for a given number of nodes" | |
lemma nodes_height_lower_bound: | |
"\<lbrakk>order k t; bal t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> bound k (height t) \<le> nodes t * k" | |
proof(induction t rule: nodes.induct) | |
case (2 ts t) | |
let ?sub_height = "((k + 1) ^ height t - 1)" | |
have "k*(?sub_height) \<le> (length ts)*(?sub_height)" | |
using "2.prems"(1) | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (replicate (length ts) ?sub_height)" | |
using sum_list_replicate by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (map (\<lambda>x.?sub_height) (subtrees ts))" | |
using map_replicate_const[of ?sub_height "subtrees ts"] length_map | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> sum_list (map (\<lambda>t. nodes t * k) (subtrees ts))" | |
using 2 | |
using sum_list_mono[of "subtrees ts" "\<lambda>x. bound k (height t)" "\<lambda>t. nodes t * k"] | |
by (metis bal.simps(2) order.simps(2)) | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts)) * k" | |
using sum_list_mult_const[of nodes k "subtrees ts"] by auto | |
finally have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts))*k \<ge> ?sub_height*k" | |
by simp | |
moreover have "(nodes t)*k \<ge> ?sub_height" | |
using 2 by simp | |
ultimately have "(nodes (Node ts t))*k \<ge> | |
k | |
+ ?sub_height * k | |
+ ?sub_height" | |
unfolding nodes.simps add_mult_distrib | |
by linarith | |
also have | |
"k + ?sub_height * k + ?sub_height = | |
k + k*((k + 1) ^ height t) - k + (k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by (simp add: diff_mult_distrib2 mult.assoc mult.commute) | |
also have "\<dots> = k*((k + 1) ^ height t) + (k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = (k+1)^(Suc(height t)) - 1" | |
by simp | |
finally show ?case | |
by (metis "2.prems"(2) height_bal_tree) | |
qed simp | |
text "To verify our upper bound is sharp, we compare it to the height of artificially constructed | |
minimally filled (=slim) trees." | |
fun slim_node::"nat \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a btree" where | |
"slim_node k c 0 = Leaf"| | |
"slim_node k c (Suc n) = (Node (replicate k ((slim_node k c n),c)) (slim_node k c n))" | |
value "let k = (2::nat) in map (\<lambda>x. nodes x * k) (map (slim_node k (1::nat)) [0,1,2,3,4])" | |
value "let k = (2::nat) in map (\<lambda>x. ((k+1::nat)^(x)-1)) [0,1,2,3,4]" | |
lemma height_slim_node: "height (slim_node k a h) = h" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply (auto simp add: set_replicate_conv_if) | |
done | |
lemma bal_slim_node: "bal (slim_node k a h)" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply auto | |
done | |
lemma order_slim_node: "order k (slim_node k a h)" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: full_node.induct) | |
apply auto | |
done | |
lemma slim_nodes_sharp: "nodes (slim_node k a h) * k = bound k h" | |
apply(induction k a h rule: slim_node.induct) | |
apply (auto simp add: height_slim_node algebra_simps sum_list_replicate compow_id_point) | |
done | |
lemma lower_bound_sharp_node: | |
"t = slim_node k a h \<Longrightarrow> height t = h \<and> order k t \<and> bal t \<and> bound k h = nodes t * k" | |
by (simp add: bal_slim_node height_slim_node order_slim_node slim_nodes_sharp) | |
(* TODO results for root_order/bal *) | |
text "Since BTrees have special roots, we need to show the overall nodes seperately" | |
lemma nodes_root_height_lower_bound: | |
assumes "root_order k t" | |
and "bal t" | |
shows "2*((k+1)^(height t - 1) - 1) + (of_bool (t \<noteq> Leaf))*k \<le> nodes t * k" | |
proof (cases t) | |
case (Node ts t) | |
let ?sub_height = "((k + 1) ^ height t - 1)" | |
from Node have "?sub_height \<le> length ts * ?sub_height" | |
using assms | |
by (simp add: Suc_leI) | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (replicate (length ts) ?sub_height)" | |
using sum_list_replicate | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (map (\<lambda>x. ?sub_height) (subtrees ts))" | |
using map_replicate_const[of ?sub_height "subtrees ts"] length_map | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> sum_list (map (\<lambda>t. nodes t * k) (subtrees ts))" | |
using Node | |
sum_list_mono[of "subtrees ts" "\<lambda>x. (k+1)^(height t) - 1" "\<lambda>x. nodes x * k"] | |
nodes_height_lower_bound assms | |
by fastforce | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts)) * k" | |
using sum_list_mult_const[of nodes k "subtrees ts"] by simp | |
finally have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts))*k \<ge> ?sub_height" | |
by simp | |
moreover have "(nodes t)*k \<ge> ?sub_height" | |
using Node assms nodes_height_lower_bound | |
by auto | |
ultimately have "(nodes (Node ts t))*k \<ge> | |
?sub_height | |
+ ?sub_height + k" | |
unfolding nodes.simps add_mult_distrib | |
by linarith | |
then show ?thesis | |
using Node assms(2) height_bal_tree by fastforce | |
qed simp | |
lemma nodes_root_height_upper_bound: | |
assumes "root_order k t" | |
and "bal t" | |
shows "nodes t * (2*k) \<le> (2*k+1)^(height t) - 1" | |
proof(cases t) | |
case (Node ts t) | |
let ?sub_height = "((2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1)" | |
have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts)) * (2*k) = | |
sum_list (map (\<lambda>t. nodes t * (2 * k)) (subtrees ts))" | |
using sum_list_mult_const by metis | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> sum_list (map (\<lambda>x.?sub_height) (subtrees ts))" | |
using Node | |
sum_list_mono[of "subtrees ts" "\<lambda>x. nodes x * (2*k)" "\<lambda>x. (2*k+1)^(height t) - 1"] | |
nodes_height_upper_bound assms | |
by fastforce | |
also have "\<dots> = sum_list (replicate (length ts) ?sub_height)" | |
using map_replicate_const[of ?sub_height "subtrees ts"] length_map | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = (length ts)*(?sub_height)" | |
using sum_list_replicate by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> (2*k)*?sub_height" | |
using assms Node | |
by simp | |
finally have "sum_list (map nodes (subtrees ts))*(2*k) \<le> ?sub_height*(2*k)" | |
by simp | |
moreover have "(nodes t)*(2*k) \<le> ?sub_height" | |
using Node assms nodes_height_upper_bound | |
by auto | |
ultimately have "(nodes (Node ts t))*(2*k) \<le> | |
2*k | |
+ ?sub_height * (2*k) | |
+ ?sub_height" | |
unfolding nodes.simps add_mult_distrib | |
by linarith | |
also have "\<dots> = 2*k + (2*k)*((2 * k + 1) ^ height t) - 2*k + (2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by (simp add: diff_mult_distrib2 mult.assoc mult.commute) | |
also have "\<dots> = (2*k)*((2 * k + 1) ^ height t) + (2 * k + 1) ^ height t - 1" | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> = (2*k+1)^(Suc(height t)) - 1" | |
by simp | |
finally show ?thesis | |
by (metis Node assms(2) height_bal_tree) | |
qed simp | |
lemma root_order_imp_divmuleq: "root_order k t \<Longrightarrow> (nodes t * k) div k = nodes t" | |
using root_order.elims(2) by fastforce | |
lemma nodes_root_height_lower_bound_simp: | |
assumes "root_order k t" | |
and "bal t" | |
and "k > 0" | |
shows "(2*((k+1)^(height t - 1) - 1)) div k + (of_bool (t \<noteq> Leaf)) \<le> nodes t" | |
proof (cases t) | |
case Node | |
have "(2*((k+1)^(height t - 1) - 1)) div k + (of_bool (t \<noteq> Leaf)) = | |
(2*((k+1)^(height t - 1) - 1) + (of_bool (t \<noteq> Leaf))*k) div k" | |
using Node assms | |
using div_plus_div_distrib_dvd_left[of k k "(2 * Suc k ^ (height t - Suc 0) - Suc (Suc 0))"] | |
by (auto simp add: algebra_simps simp del: height_btree.simps) | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> (nodes t * k) div k" | |
using nodes_root_height_lower_bound[OF assms(1,2)] div_le_mono | |
by blast | |
also have "\<dots> = nodes t" | |
using root_order_imp_divmuleq[OF assms(1)] | |
by simp | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
qed simp | |
lemma nodes_root_height_upper_bound_simp: | |
assumes "root_order k t" | |
and "bal t" | |
shows "nodes t \<le> ((2*k+1)^(height t) - 1) div (2*k)" | |
proof - | |
have "nodes t = (nodes t * (2*k)) div (2*k)" | |
using root_order_imp_divmuleq[OF assms(1)] | |
by simp | |
also have "\<dots> \<le> ((2*k+1)^(height t) - 1) div (2*k)" | |
using div_le_mono nodes_root_height_upper_bound[OF assms] by blast | |
finally show ?thesis . | |
qed | |
definition "full_tree = full_node" | |
fun slim_tree where | |
"slim_tree k c 0 = Leaf" | | |
"slim_tree k c (Suc h) = Node [(slim_node k c h, c)] (slim_node k c h)" | |
lemma lower_bound_sharp: | |
"k > 0 \<Longrightarrow> t = slim_tree k a h \<Longrightarrow> height t = h \<and> root_order k t \<and> bal t \<and> nodes t * k = 2*((k+1)^(height t - 1) - 1) + (of_bool (t \<noteq> Leaf))*k" | |
apply (cases h) | |
using slim_nodes_sharp[of k a] | |
apply (auto simp add: algebra_simps bal_slim_node height_slim_node order_slim_node) | |
done | |
lemma upper_bound_sharp: | |
"k > 0 \<Longrightarrow> t = full_tree k a h \<Longrightarrow> height t = h \<and> root_order k t \<and> bal t \<and> ((2*k+1)^(height t) - 1) = nodes t * (2*k)" | |
unfolding full_tree_def | |
using order_impl_root_order[of k t] | |
by (simp add: bal_full_node height_full_node order_full_node full_btrees_sharp) | |
end |