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(* | |
(C) Copyright Andreas Viktor Hess, DTU, 2020 | |
(C) Copyright Sebastian A. Mödersheim, DTU, 2020 | |
(C) Copyright Achim D. Brucker, University of Exeter, 2020 | |
(C) Copyright Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU, 2020 | |
All Rights Reserved. | |
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- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright | |
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- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright | |
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- Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its | |
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*) | |
(* Title: Transactions.thy | |
Author: Andreas Viktor Hess, DTU | |
Author: Sebastian A. Mödersheim, DTU | |
Author: Achim D. Brucker, University of Exeter | |
Author: Anders Schlichtkrull, DTU | |
*) | |
section\<open>Protocol Transactions\<close> | |
theory Transactions | |
imports | |
Stateful_Protocol_Composition_and_Typing.Typed_Model | |
Stateful_Protocol_Composition_and_Typing.Labeled_Stateful_Strands | |
begin | |
subsection \<open>Definitions\<close> | |
datatype 'b prot_atom = | |
is_Atom: Atom 'b | |
| Value | |
| SetType | |
| AttackType | |
| Bottom | |
| OccursSecType | |
datatype ('a,'b,'c) prot_fun = | |
Fu (the_Fu: 'a) | |
| Set (the_Set: 'c) | |
| Val (the_Val: "nat \<times> bool") | |
| Abs (the_Abs: "'c set") | |
| Pair | |
| Attack nat | |
| PubConstAtom 'b nat | |
| PubConstSetType nat | |
| PubConstAttackType nat | |
| PubConstBottom nat | |
| PubConstOccursSecType nat | |
| OccursFact | |
| OccursSec | |
definition "is_Fun_Set t \<equiv> is_Fun t \<and> args t = [] \<and> is_Set (the_Fun t)" | |
abbreviation occurs where | |
"occurs t \<equiv> Fun OccursFact [Fun OccursSec [], t]" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) prot_term_type = "(('a,'b,'c) prot_fun,'b prot_atom) term_type" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) prot_var = "('a,'b,'c) prot_term_type \<times> nat" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) prot_term = "(('a,'b,'c) prot_fun,('a,'b,'c) prot_var) term" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) prot_terms = "('a,'b,'c) prot_term set" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c) prot_subst = "(('a,'b,'c) prot_fun, ('a,'b,'c) prot_var) subst" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand_step = | |
"(('a,'b,'c) prot_fun, ('a,'b,'c) prot_var, 'd) labeled_stateful_strand_step" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand = "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand_step list" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_constr = "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand_step list" | |
datatype ('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_transaction = | |
Transaction | |
(transaction_fresh: "('a,'b,'c) prot_var list") | |
(transaction_receive: "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand") | |
(transaction_selects: "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand") | |
(transaction_checks: "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand") | |
(transaction_updates: "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand") | |
(transaction_send: "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand") | |
definition transaction_strand where | |
"transaction_strand T \<equiv> | |
transaction_receive T@transaction_selects T@transaction_checks T@ | |
transaction_updates T@transaction_send T" | |
fun transaction_proj where | |
"transaction_proj l (Transaction A B C D E F) = ( | |
let f = proj l | |
in Transaction A (f B) (f C) (f D) (f E) (f F))" | |
fun transaction_star_proj where | |
"transaction_star_proj (Transaction A B C D E F) = ( | |
let f = filter is_LabelS | |
in Transaction A (f B) (f C) (f D) (f E) (f F))" | |
abbreviation fv_transaction where | |
"fv_transaction T \<equiv> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)" | |
abbreviation bvars_transaction where | |
"bvars_transaction T \<equiv> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)" | |
abbreviation vars_transaction where | |
"vars_transaction T \<equiv> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)" | |
abbreviation trms_transaction where | |
"trms_transaction T \<equiv> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)" | |
abbreviation setops_transaction where | |
"setops_transaction T \<equiv> setops\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
definition wellformed_transaction where | |
"wellformed_transaction T \<equiv> | |
list_all is_Receive (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) \<and> | |
list_all is_Assignment (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) \<and> | |
list_all is_Check (unlabel (transaction_checks T)) \<and> | |
list_all is_Update (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) \<and> | |
list_all is_Send (unlabel (transaction_send T)) \<and> | |
set (transaction_fresh T) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<and> | |
set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) = {} \<and> | |
set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = {} \<and> | |
fv_transaction T \<inter> bvars_transaction T = {} \<and> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<and> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) - set (transaction_fresh T) | |
\<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<and> | |
(\<forall>x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_selects T)). | |
is_Equality x \<longrightarrow> fv (the_rhs x) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T))" | |
type_synonym ('a,'b,'c,'d) prot = "('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_transaction list" | |
abbreviation Var_Value_term ("\<langle>_\<rangle>\<^sub>v") where | |
"\<langle>n\<rangle>\<^sub>v \<equiv> Var (Var Value, n)::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation Fun_Fu_term ("\<langle>_ _\<rangle>\<^sub>t") where | |
"\<langle>f T\<rangle>\<^sub>t \<equiv> Fun (Fu f) T::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation Fun_Fu_const_term ("\<langle>_\<rangle>\<^sub>c") where | |
"\<langle>c\<rangle>\<^sub>c \<equiv> Fun (Fu c) []::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation Fun_Set_const_term ("\<langle>_\<rangle>\<^sub>s") where | |
"\<langle>f\<rangle>\<^sub>s \<equiv> Fun (Set f) []::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation Fun_Abs_const_term ("\<langle>_\<rangle>\<^sub>a") where | |
"\<langle>a\<rangle>\<^sub>a \<equiv> Fun (Abs a) []::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation Fun_Attack_const_term ("attack\<langle>_\<rangle>") where | |
"attack\<langle>n\<rangle> \<equiv> Fun (Attack n) []::('a,'b,'c) prot_term" | |
abbreviation prot_transaction1 ("transaction\<^sub>1 _ _ new _ _ _") where | |
"transaction\<^sub>1 (S1::('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand) S2 new (B::('a,'b,'c) prot_term list) S3 S4 | |
\<equiv> Transaction (map the_Var B) S1 [] S2 S3 S4" | |
abbreviation prot_transaction2 ("transaction\<^sub>2 _ _ _ _") where | |
"transaction\<^sub>2 (S1::('a,'b,'c,'d) prot_strand) S2 S3 S4 | |
\<equiv> Transaction [] S1 [] S2 S3 S4" | |
subsection \<open>Lemmata\<close> | |
lemma prot_atom_UNIV: | |
"(UNIV::'b prot_atom set) = range Atom \<union> {Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType}" | |
proof - | |
have "a \<in> range Atom \<or> a = Value \<or> a = SetType \<or> a = AttackType \<or> a = Bottom \<or> a = OccursSecType" | |
for a::"'b prot_atom" | |
by (cases a) auto | |
thus ?thesis by auto | |
qed | |
instance prot_atom::(finite) finite | |
by intro_classes (simp add: prot_atom_UNIV) | |
instantiation prot_atom::(enum) enum | |
begin | |
definition "enum_prot_atom == map Atom enum_class.enum@[Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType]" | |
definition "enum_all_prot_atom P == list_all P (map Atom enum_class.enum@[Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType])" | |
definition "enum_ex_prot_atom P == list_ex P (map Atom enum_class.enum@[Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType])" | |
instance | |
proof intro_classes | |
have *: "set (map Atom (enum_class.enum::'a list)) = range Atom" | |
"distinct (enum_class.enum::'a list)" | |
using UNIV_enum enum_distinct by auto | |
show "(UNIV::'a prot_atom set) = set enum_class.enum" | |
using *(1) by (simp add: prot_atom_UNIV enum_prot_atom_def) | |
have "set (map Atom enum_class.enum) \<inter> set [Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType] = {}" by auto | |
moreover have "inj_on Atom (set (enum_class.enum::'a list))" unfolding inj_on_def by auto | |
hence "distinct (map Atom (enum_class.enum::'a list))" by (metis *(2) distinct_map) | |
ultimately show "distinct (enum_class.enum::'a prot_atom list)" by (simp add: enum_prot_atom_def) | |
have "Ball UNIV P \<longleftrightarrow> Ball (range Atom) P \<and> Ball {Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType} P" | |
for P::"'a prot_atom \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
by (metis prot_atom_UNIV UNIV_I UnE) | |
thus "enum_class.enum_all P = Ball (UNIV::'a prot_atom set) P" for P | |
using *(1) Ball_set[of "map Atom enum_class.enum" P] | |
by (auto simp add: enum_all_prot_atom_def) | |
have "Bex UNIV P \<longleftrightarrow> Bex (range Atom) P \<or> Bex {Value, SetType, AttackType, Bottom, OccursSecType} P" | |
for P::"'a prot_atom \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
by (metis prot_atom_UNIV UNIV_I UnE) | |
thus "enum_class.enum_ex P = Bex (UNIV::'a prot_atom set) P" for P | |
using *(1) Bex_set[of "map Atom enum_class.enum" P] | |
by (auto simp add: enum_ex_prot_atom_def) | |
qed | |
end | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_cases: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows | |
"(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_receive T) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t. x = receive\<langle>t\<rangle>" (is "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'") | |
"(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_selects T) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t := s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = select\<langle>t,s\<rangle>)" (is "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'") | |
"(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_checks T) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t == s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t in s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>X F G. x = \<forall>X\<langle>\<or>\<noteq>: F \<or>\<notin>: G\<rangle>)" (is "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'") | |
"(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_updates T) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = insert\<langle>t,s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = delete\<langle>t,s\<rangle>)" (is "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'") | |
"(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_send T) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t. x = send\<langle>t\<rangle>" (is "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'") | |
proof - | |
have a: | |
"list_all is_Receive (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" | |
"list_all is_Assignment (unlabel (transaction_selects T))" | |
"list_all is_Check (unlabel (transaction_checks T))" | |
"list_all is_Update (unlabel (transaction_updates T))" | |
"list_all is_Send (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using assms unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by metis+ | |
note b = Ball_set unlabel_in | |
note c = stateful_strand_step.collapse | |
show "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(1) b c(2)) | |
show "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(2) b c(3,6)) | |
show "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(3) b c(3,6,7)) | |
show "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(4) b c(4,5)) | |
show "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(5) b c(1)) | |
qed | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_unlabel_cases: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows | |
"x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t. x = receive\<langle>t\<rangle>" (is "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'") | |
"x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t := s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = select\<langle>t,s\<rangle>)" (is "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'") | |
"x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T)) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t == s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = \<langle>t in s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>X F G. x = \<forall>X\<langle>\<or>\<noteq>: F \<or>\<notin>: G\<rangle>)" | |
(is "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'") | |
"x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) \<Longrightarrow> | |
(\<exists>t s. x = insert\<langle>t,s\<rangle>) \<or> (\<exists>t s. x = delete\<langle>t,s\<rangle>)" (is "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'") | |
"x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T)) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>t. x = send\<langle>t\<rangle>" (is "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'") | |
proof - | |
have a: | |
"list_all is_Receive (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" | |
"list_all is_Assignment (unlabel (transaction_selects T))" | |
"list_all is_Check (unlabel (transaction_checks T))" | |
"list_all is_Update (unlabel (transaction_updates T))" | |
"list_all is_Send (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using assms unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by metis+ | |
note b = Ball_set | |
note c = stateful_strand_step.collapse | |
show "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(1) b c(2)) | |
show "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(2) b c(3,6)) | |
show "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(3) b c(3,6,7)) | |
show "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(4) b c(4,5)) | |
show "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'" by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) a(5) b c(1)) | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_strand_subsets[simp]: | |
"set (transaction_receive T) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
"set (transaction_selects T) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
"set (transaction_checks T) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
"set (transaction_updates T) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
"set (transaction_send T) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_checks T)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_send T)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
unfolding transaction_strand_def unlabel_def by force+ | |
lemma transaction_strand_subst_subsets[simp]: | |
"set (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
"set (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
"set (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
"set (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
"set (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<subseteq> set (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
"set (unlabel (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) \<subseteq> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
unfolding transaction_strand_def unlabel_def subst_apply_labeled_stateful_strand_def by force+ | |
lemma transaction_dual_subst_unfold: | |
"unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)) = | |
unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))@ | |
unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))@ | |
unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))@ | |
unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))@ | |
unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
by (simp add: transaction_strand_def unlabel_append dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append subst_lsst_append) | |
lemma trms_transaction_unfold: | |
"trms_transaction T = | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<union> | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<union> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
by (metis trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma trms_transaction_subst_unfold: | |
"trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
by (metis trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def subst_lsst_append) | |
lemma vars_transaction_unfold: | |
"vars_transaction T = | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<union> | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<union> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
by (metis vars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma vars_transaction_subst_unfold: | |
"vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
by (metis vars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def subst_lsst_append) | |
lemma fv_transaction_unfold: | |
"fv_transaction T = | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<union> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
by (metis fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma fv_transaction_subst_unfold: | |
"fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
by (metis fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def subst_lsst_append) | |
lemma fv_wellformed_transaction_unfold: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "fv_transaction T = | |
fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<union> set (transaction_fresh T)" | |
proof - | |
let ?A = "set (transaction_fresh T)" | |
let ?B = "fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T)" | |
let ?C = "fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
let ?D = "fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" | |
let ?E = "fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" | |
let ?F = "fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T)" | |
have "?A \<subseteq> ?B \<union> ?C" "?A \<inter> ?D = {}" "?A \<inter> ?E = {}" "?F \<subseteq> ?D \<union> ?E" "?B \<union> ?C - ?A \<subseteq> ?D \<union> ?E" | |
using assms unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by fast+ | |
thus ?thesis using fv_transaction_unfold by blast | |
qed | |
lemma bvars_transaction_unfold: | |
"bvars_transaction T = | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) \<union> | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<union> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
by (metis bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma bvars_transaction_subst_unfold: | |
"bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<union> | |
bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
by (metis bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append append_assoc transaction_strand_def subst_lsst_append) | |
lemma bvars_wellformed_transaction_unfold: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "bvars_transaction T = bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T)" (is ?A) | |
and "bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) = {}" (is ?B) | |
and "bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = {}" (is ?C) | |
and "bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) = {}" (is ?D) | |
and "bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) = {}" (is ?E) | |
proof - | |
have 0: "list_all is_Receive (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" | |
"list_all is_Assignment (unlabel (transaction_selects T))" | |
"list_all is_Update (unlabel (transaction_updates T))" | |
"list_all is_Send (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using assms unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by metis+ | |
have "filter is_NegChecks (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) = []" | |
"filter is_NegChecks (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) = []" | |
"filter is_NegChecks (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) = []" | |
"filter is_NegChecks (unlabel (transaction_send T)) = []" | |
using list_all_filter_nil[OF 0(1), of is_NegChecks] | |
list_all_filter_nil[OF 0(2), of is_NegChecks] | |
list_all_filter_nil[OF 0(3), of is_NegChecks] | |
list_all_filter_nil[OF 0(4), of is_NegChecks] | |
stateful_strand_step.distinct_disc(11,21,29,35,39,41) | |
by blast+ | |
thus ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E | |
using bvars_transaction_unfold[of T] | |
bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_NegChecks[of "unlabel (transaction_receive T)"] | |
bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_NegChecks[of "unlabel (transaction_selects T)"] | |
bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_NegChecks[of "unlabel (transaction_updates T)"] | |
bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_NegChecks[of "unlabel (transaction_send T)"] | |
by (metis bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def UnionE emptyE list.set(1) list.simps(8) subsetI subset_Un_eq sup_commute)+ | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_strand_memberD[dest]: | |
assumes "x \<in> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
shows "x \<in> set (transaction_receive T) \<or> x \<in> set (transaction_selects T) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (transaction_checks T) \<or> x \<in> set (transaction_updates T) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (transaction_send T)" | |
using assms by (simp add: transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma transaction_strand_unlabel_memberD[dest]: | |
assumes "x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
shows "x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) \<or> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T)) \<or> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using assms by (simp add: unlabel_def transaction_strand_def) | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_strand_memberD[dest]: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" and "(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_strand T)" | |
shows | |
"x = receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_receive T)" (is "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'") | |
"x = select\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_selects T)" (is "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'") | |
"x = \<langle>t == s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_checks T)" (is "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'") | |
"x = \<langle>t in s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_checks T)" (is "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'") | |
"x = \<forall>X\<langle>\<or>\<noteq>: F \<or>\<notin>: G\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_checks T)" (is "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'") | |
"x = insert\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_updates T)" (is "?F \<Longrightarrow> ?F'") | |
"x = delete\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_updates T)" (is "?G \<Longrightarrow> ?G'") | |
"x = send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_send T)" (is "?H \<Longrightarrow> ?H'") | |
proof - | |
have "(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_receive T) \<or> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_selects T) \<or> | |
(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_checks T) \<or> (l,x) \<in> set (transaction_updates T) \<or> | |
(l,x) \<in> set (transaction_send T)" | |
using assms(2) by auto | |
thus "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'" "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'" "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'" "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'" | |
"?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'" "?F \<Longrightarrow> ?F'" "?G \<Longrightarrow> ?G'" "?H \<Longrightarrow> ?H'" | |
using wellformed_transaction_cases[OF assms(1)] by fast+ | |
qed | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_strand_unlabel_memberD[dest]: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" and "x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
shows | |
"x = receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" (is "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'") | |
"x = select\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_selects T))" (is "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'") | |
"x = \<langle>t == s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T))" (is "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'") | |
"x = \<langle>t in s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T))" (is "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'") | |
"x = \<forall>X\<langle>\<or>\<noteq>: F \<or>\<notin>: G\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T))" (is "?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'") | |
"x = insert\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates T))" (is "?F \<Longrightarrow> ?F'") | |
"x = delete\<langle>t,s\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates T))" (is "?G \<Longrightarrow> ?G'") | |
"x = send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" (is "?H \<Longrightarrow> ?H'") | |
proof - | |
have "x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T)) \<or> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_selects T)) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_checks T)) \<or> x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates T)) \<or> | |
x \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using assms(2) by auto | |
thus "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'" "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'" "?C \<Longrightarrow> ?C'" "?D \<Longrightarrow> ?D'" | |
"?E \<Longrightarrow> ?E'" "?F \<Longrightarrow> ?F'" "?G \<Longrightarrow> ?G'" "?H \<Longrightarrow> ?H'" | |
using wellformed_transaction_unlabel_cases[OF assms(1)] by fast+ | |
qed | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_send_receive_trm_cases: | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<Longrightarrow> receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" | |
and "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<Longrightarrow> send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using wellformed_transaction_unlabel_cases(1,5)[OF T] | |
trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_in[of t "unlabel (transaction_receive T)"] | |
trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_in[of t "unlabel (transaction_send T)"] | |
by fastforce+ | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_send_receive_subst_trm_cases: | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>e\<^sub>t \<theta> \<Longrightarrow> receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
and "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>e\<^sub>t \<theta> \<Longrightarrow> send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
proof - | |
assume "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>e\<^sub>t \<theta>" | |
then obtain s where s: "s \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" "t = s \<cdot> \<theta>" | |
by blast | |
hence "receive\<langle>s\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T))" | |
using wellformed_transaction_send_receive_trm_cases(1)[OF T] by simp | |
thus "receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_receive T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
by (metis s(2) unlabel_subst[of _ \<theta>] stateful_strand_step_subst_inI(2)) | |
next | |
assume "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>e\<^sub>t \<theta>" | |
then obtain s where s: "s \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" "t = s \<cdot> \<theta>" | |
by blast | |
hence "send\<langle>s\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using wellformed_transaction_send_receive_trm_cases(2)[OF T] by simp | |
thus "send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>))" | |
by (metis s(2) unlabel_subst[of _ \<theta>] stateful_strand_step_subst_inI(1)) | |
qed | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_send_receive_fv_subset: | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<Longrightarrow> fv t \<subseteq> fv_transaction T" (is "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'") | |
and "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<Longrightarrow> fv t \<subseteq> fv_transaction T" (is "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'") | |
proof - | |
have "t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<Longrightarrow> receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
"t \<in> trms\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T) \<Longrightarrow> send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
using wellformed_transaction_send_receive_trm_cases[OF T, of t] | |
unfolding transaction_strand_def by force+ | |
thus "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?A'" "?B \<Longrightarrow> ?B'" by (induct "transaction_strand T") auto | |
qed | |
lemma dual_wellformed_transaction_ident_cases[dest]: | |
"list_all is_Assignment (unlabel S) \<Longrightarrow> dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t S = S" | |
"list_all is_Check (unlabel S) \<Longrightarrow> dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t S = S" | |
"list_all is_Update (unlabel S) \<Longrightarrow> dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t S = S" | |
proof (induction S) | |
case (Cons s S) | |
obtain l x where s: "s = (l,x)" by moura | |
{ case 1 thus ?case using Cons s unfolding unlabel_def dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by (cases x) auto } | |
{ case 2 thus ?case using Cons s unfolding unlabel_def dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by (cases x) auto } | |
{ case 3 thus ?case using Cons s unfolding unlabel_def dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by (cases x) auto } | |
qed simp_all | |
lemma wellformed_transaction_wf\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t: | |
fixes T::"('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) prot_transaction" | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "wf'\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (set (transaction_fresh T)) (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)))" (is ?A) | |
and "fv_transaction T \<inter> bvars_transaction T = {}" (is ?B) | |
and "set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> bvars_transaction T = {}" (is ?C) | |
proof - | |
define T1 where "T1 \<equiv> unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T))" | |
define T2 where "T2 \<equiv> unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T))" | |
define T3 where "T3 \<equiv> unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T))" | |
define T4 where "T4 \<equiv> unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T))" | |
define T5 where "T5 \<equiv> unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T))" | |
define X where "X \<equiv> set (transaction_fresh T)" | |
define Y where "Y \<equiv> X \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1" | |
define Z where "Z \<equiv> Y \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" | |
define f where "f \<equiv> \<lambda>S::(('a,'b,'c) prot_fun, ('a,'b,'c) prot_var) stateful_strand. | |
\<Union>((\<lambda>x. case x of | |
Receive t \<Rightarrow> fv t | |
| Equality Assign _ t' \<Rightarrow> fv t' | |
| Insert t t' \<Rightarrow> fv t \<union> fv t' | |
| _ \<Rightarrow> {}) ` set S)" | |
note defs1 = T1_def T2_def T3_def T4_def T5_def | |
note defs2 = X_def Y_def Z_def | |
note defs3 = f_def | |
have 0: "wf'\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t V (S @ S')" | |
when "wf'\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t V S" "f S' \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t S \<union> V" for V S S' | |
by (metis that wf\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append_suffix' f_def) | |
have 1: "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)) = T1@T2@T3@T4@T5" | |
using dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append unlabel_append unfolding transaction_strand_def defs1 by simp | |
have 2: | |
"\<forall>x \<in> set T1. is_Send x" "\<forall>x \<in> set T2. is_Assignment x" "\<forall>x \<in> set T3. is_Check x" | |
"\<forall>x \<in> set T4. is_Update x" "\<forall>x \<in> set T5. is_Receive x" | |
"fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T3 \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T4 \<union> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T5 \<subseteq> X \<union> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" | |
"X \<inter> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 = {}" "X \<inter> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2 = {}" | |
"\<forall>x \<in> set T2. is_Equality x \<longrightarrow> fv (the_rhs x) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1" | |
using T unfolding defs1 defs2 wellformed_transaction_def | |
by (auto simp add: Ball_set dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_list_all fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_unlabel_dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_eq simp del: fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
have 3: "wf'\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t X T1" using 2(1) | |
proof (induction T1 arbitrary: X) | |
case (Cons s T) | |
obtain t where "s = send\<langle>t\<rangle>" using Cons.prems by (cases s) moura+ | |
thus ?case using Cons by auto | |
qed simp | |
have 4: "f T1 = {}" "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 = wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1" using 2(1) | |
proof (induction T1) | |
case (Cons s T) | |
{ case 1 thus ?case using Cons unfolding defs3 by (cases s) auto } | |
{ case 2 thus ?case using Cons unfolding defs3 wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by (cases s) auto } | |
qed (simp_all add: defs3 wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
have 5: "f T2 \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1" "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2 = f T2 \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" using 2(2,10) | |
proof (induction T2) | |
case (Cons s T) | |
{ case 1 thus ?case using Cons | |
proof (cases s) | |
case (Equality ac t t') thus ?thesis using 1 Cons 4(2) unfolding defs3 by (cases ac) auto | |
qed (simp_all add: defs3) | |
} | |
{ case 2 thus ?case using Cons | |
proof (cases s) | |
case (Equality ac t t') | |
hence "ac = Assign" "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p s = fv t' \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p s" "f (s#T) = fv t' \<union> f T" | |
using 2 unfolding defs3 by auto | |
moreover have "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T = f T \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T" using Cons.IH(2) 2 by auto | |
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by auto | |
next | |
case (InSet ac t t') | |
hence "ac = Assign" "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p s = wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p s" "f (s#T) = f T" | |
using 2 unfolding defs3 by auto | |
moreover have "fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T = f T \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T" using Cons.IH(2) 2 by auto | |
ultimately show ?thesis unfolding wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by auto | |
qed (simp_all add: defs3) | |
} | |
qed (simp_all add: defs3 wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
have "f T \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T" for T | |
proof | |
fix x show "x \<in> f T \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T" | |
proof (induction T) | |
case (Cons s T) thus ?case | |
proof (cases "x \<in> f T") | |
case False thus ?thesis | |
using Cons.prems unfolding defs3 fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def | |
by (auto split: stateful_strand_step.splits poscheckvariant.splits) | |
qed auto | |
qed (simp add: defs3 fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
qed | |
hence 6: | |
"f T3 \<subseteq> X \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" | |
"f T4 \<subseteq> X \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" | |
"f T5 \<subseteq> X \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T2" | |
using 2(6,7) 4 5 by blast+ | |
have 7: | |
"wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T3 = {}" | |
"wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T4 = {}" | |
"wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T5 = {}" | |
using 2(3,4,5) unfolding wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def | |
by (auto split: stateful_strand_step.splits) | |
have 8: | |
"f T2 \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t T1 \<union> X" | |
"f T3 \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (T1@T2) \<union> X" | |
"f T4 \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t ((T1@T2)@T3) \<union> X" | |
"f T5 \<subseteq> wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (((T1@T2)@T3)@T4) \<union> X" | |
using 4(1) 5(1) 6 7 wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append[of T1 T2] | |
wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append[of "T1@T2" T3] | |
wfvarsoccs\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append[of "(T1@T2)@T3" T4] | |
by blast+ | |
have "wf'\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t X (T1@T2@T3@T4@T5)" | |
using 0[OF 0[OF 0[OF 0[OF 3 8(1)] 8(2)] 8(3)] 8(4)] | |
unfolding Y_def Z_def by simp | |
thus ?A using 1 unfolding defs1 defs2 by simp | |
have "set (transaction_fresh T) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
"fv_transaction T \<inter> bvars_transaction T = {}" | |
using T unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by fast+ | |
thus ?B ?C using fv_transaction_unfold[of T] bvars_transaction_unfold[of T] by blast+ | |
qed | |
lemma dual_wellformed_transaction_ident_cases'[dest]: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = transaction_selects T" | |
"dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) = transaction_checks T" | |
"dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) = transaction_updates T" | |
using assms unfolding wellformed_transaction_def by auto | |
lemma dual_transaction_strand: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T) = | |
dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)@transaction_selects T@transaction_checks T@ | |
transaction_updates T@dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
using dual_wellformed_transaction_ident_cases'[OF assms] dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_append | |
unfolding transaction_strand_def by metis | |
lemma dual_unlabel_transaction_strand: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)) = | |
(unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)))@(unlabel (transaction_selects T))@ | |
(unlabel (transaction_checks T))@(unlabel (transaction_updates T))@ | |
(unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)))" | |
using dual_transaction_strand[OF assms] by (simp add: unlabel_def) | |
lemma dual_transaction_strand_subst: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>) = | |
(dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)@transaction_selects T@transaction_checks T@ | |
transaction_updates T@dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)) \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>" | |
proof - | |
have "dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>) = dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T) \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>" | |
using dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_subst by metis | |
thus ?thesis using dual_transaction_strand[OF assms] by argo | |
qed | |
lemma dual_transaction_ik_is_transaction_send: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "ik\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T))) = trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
(is "?A = ?B") | |
proof - | |
{ fix t assume "t \<in> ?A" | |
hence "receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)))" by (simp add: ik\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
hence "send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand T))" | |
using dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_unlabel_steps_iff(1) by metis | |
hence "t \<in> ?B" using wellformed_transaction_strand_unlabel_memberD(8)[OF assms] by force | |
} moreover { | |
fix t assume "t \<in> ?B" | |
hence "send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_send T))" | |
using wellformed_transaction_unlabel_cases(5)[OF assms] by fastforce | |
hence "receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)))" | |
using dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_unlabel_steps_iff(1) by metis | |
hence "receive\<langle>t\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)))" | |
using dual_unlabel_transaction_strand[OF assms] by simp | |
hence "t \<in> ?A" by (simp add: ik\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def) | |
} ultimately show "?A = ?B" by auto | |
qed | |
lemma dual_transaction_ik_is_transaction_send': | |
fixes \<delta>::"('a,'b,'c) prot_subst" | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "ik\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>))) = | |
trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (unlabel (transaction_send T)) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>e\<^sub>t \<delta>" (is "?A = ?B") | |
using dual_transaction_ik_is_transaction_send[OF assms] | |
subst_lsst_unlabel[of "dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T)" \<delta>] | |
ik\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_subst[of "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_strand T))" \<delta>] | |
dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_subst[of "transaction_strand T" \<delta>] | |
by auto | |
lemma db\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_transaction_prefix_eq: | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
and S: "prefix S (transaction_receive T@transaction_selects T@transaction_checks T)" | |
shows "db\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t A = db\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (A@dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (S \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>))" | |
proof - | |
let ?T1 = "transaction_receive T" | |
let ?T2 = "transaction_selects T" | |
let ?T3 = "transaction_checks T" | |
have *: "prefix (unlabel S) (unlabel (?T1@?T2@?T3))" using S prefix_proj(1) by blast | |
have "list_all is_Receive (unlabel ?T1)" | |
"list_all is_Assignment (unlabel ?T2)" | |
"list_all is_Check (unlabel ?T3)" | |
using T by (simp_all add: wellformed_transaction_def) | |
hence "\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel ?T1). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
"\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel ?T2). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
"\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel ?T3). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_set stateful_strand_step.distinct_disc(16,18), | |
metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_set stateful_strand_step.distinct_disc(24,26,33,37), | |
metis (mono_tags, lifting) Ball_set stateful_strand_step.distinct_disc(24,26,33,35,37,39)) | |
hence "\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel (?T1@?T2@?T3)). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
by (auto simp add: unlabel_def) | |
hence "\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel S). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
using * unfolding prefix_def by fastforce | |
hence "\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t S) \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
proof (induction S) | |
case (Cons a S) | |
then obtain l b where "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair) | |
thus ?case | |
using Cons unfolding dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def unlabel_def subst_apply_stateful_strand_def | |
by (cases b) auto | |
qed simp | |
hence **: "\<forall>b \<in> set (unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (S \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<delta>))). \<not>is_Insert b \<and> \<not>is_Delete b" | |
by (metis dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_subst_unlabel) | |
show ?thesis | |
using db\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_no_upd_append[OF **] unlabel_append | |
unfolding db\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_def by metis | |
qed | |
lemma db\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_set_ex: | |
assumes "d \<in> set (db'\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t A \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) \<I> D)" | |
"\<forall>t u. insert\<langle>t,u\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel A) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>s. u = Fun (Set s) [])" | |
"\<forall>t u. delete\<langle>t,u\<rangle> \<in> set (unlabel A) \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>s. u = Fun (Set s) [])" | |
"\<forall>d \<in> set D. \<exists>s. snd d = Fun (Set s) []" | |
shows "\<exists>s. snd d = Fun (Set s) []" | |
using assms | |
proof (induction A arbitrary: D) | |
case (Cons a A) | |
obtain l b where a: "a = (l,b)" by (metis surj_pair) | |
have 1: "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (a#A) \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = receive\<langle>t \<cdot> \<theta>\<rangle>#unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t A \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
when "b = send\<langle>t\<rangle>" for t | |
by (simp add: a that subst_lsst_unlabel_cons) | |
have 2: "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (a#A) \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = send\<langle>t \<cdot> \<theta>\<rangle>#unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t A \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
when "b = receive\<langle>t\<rangle>" for t | |
by (simp add: a that subst_lsst_unlabel_cons) | |
have 3: "unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (a#A) \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>) = (b \<cdot>\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p \<theta>)#unlabel (dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t A \<cdot>\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t \<theta>)" | |
when "\<nexists>t. b = send\<langle>t\<rangle> \<or> b = receive\<langle>t\<rangle>" | |
using a that dual\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_Cons subst_lsst_unlabel_cons[of l b] | |
by (cases b) auto | |
show ?case using 1 2 3 a Cons by (cases b) fastforce+ | |
qed simp | |
lemma is_Fun_SetE[elim]: | |
assumes t: "is_Fun_Set t" | |
obtains s where "t = Fun (Set s) []" | |
proof (cases t) | |
case (Fun f T) | |
then obtain s where "f = Set s" using t unfolding is_Fun_Set_def by (cases f) moura+ | |
moreover have "T = []" using Fun t unfolding is_Fun_Set_def by (cases T) auto | |
ultimately show ?thesis using Fun that by fast | |
qed (use t is_Fun_Set_def in fast) | |
lemma Fun_Set_InSet_iff: | |
"(u = \<langle>a: Var x \<in> Fun (Set s) []\<rangle>) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
(is_InSet u \<and> is_Var (the_elem_term u) \<and> is_Fun_Set (the_set_term u) \<and> | |
the_Set (the_Fun (the_set_term u)) = s \<and> the_Var (the_elem_term u) = x \<and> the_check u = a)" | |
(is "?A \<longleftrightarrow> ?B") | |
proof | |
show "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?B" unfolding is_Fun_Set_def by auto | |
assume B: ?B | |
thus ?A | |
proof (cases u) | |
case (InSet b t t') | |
hence "b = a" "t = Var x" "t' = Fun (Set s) []" | |
using B by (simp, fastforce, fastforce) | |
thus ?thesis using InSet by fast | |
qed auto | |
qed | |
lemma Fun_Set_NotInSet_iff: | |
"(u = \<langle>Var x not in Fun (Set s) []\<rangle>) \<longleftrightarrow> | |
(is_NegChecks u \<and> bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t\<^sub>p u = [] \<and> the_eqs u = [] \<and> length (the_ins u) = 1 \<and> | |
is_Var (fst (hd (the_ins u))) \<and> is_Fun_Set (snd (hd (the_ins u)))) \<and> | |
the_Set (the_Fun (snd (hd (the_ins u)))) = s \<and> the_Var (fst (hd (the_ins u))) = x" | |
(is "?A \<longleftrightarrow> ?B") | |
proof | |
show "?A \<Longrightarrow> ?B" unfolding is_Fun_Set_def by auto | |
assume B: ?B | |
show ?A | |
proof (cases u) | |
case (NegChecks X F F') | |
hence "X = []" "F = []" | |
using B by auto | |
moreover have "fst (hd (the_ins u)) = Var x" "snd (hd (the_ins u)) = Fun (Set s) []" | |
using B is_Fun_SetE[of "snd (hd (the_ins u))"] | |
by (force, fastforce) | |
hence "F' = [(Var x, Fun (Set s) [])]" | |
using NegChecks B by (cases "the_ins u") auto | |
ultimately show ?thesis using NegChecks by fast | |
qed (use B in auto) | |
qed | |
lemma is_Fun_Set_exi: "is_Fun_Set x \<longleftrightarrow> (\<exists>s. x = Fun (Set s) [])" | |
by (metis prot_fun.collapse(2) term.collapse(2) prot_fun.disc(15) term.disc(2) | |
term.sel(2,4) is_Fun_Set_def un_Fun1_def) | |
lemma is_Fun_Set_subst: | |
assumes "is_Fun_Set S'" | |
shows "is_Fun_Set (S' \<cdot> \<sigma>)" | |
using assms by (fastforce simp add: is_Fun_Set_def) | |
lemma is_Update_in_transaction_updates: | |
assumes tu: "is_Update t" | |
assumes t: "t \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_strand TT))" | |
assumes vt: "wellformed_transaction TT" | |
shows "t \<in> set (unlabel (transaction_updates TT))" | |
using t tu vt unfolding transaction_strand_def wellformed_transaction_def list_all_iff | |
by (auto simp add: unlabel_append) | |
lemma transaction_fresh_vars_subset: | |
assumes "wellformed_transaction T" | |
shows "set (transaction_fresh T) \<subseteq> fv_transaction T" | |
using assms fv_transaction_unfold[of T] | |
unfolding wellformed_transaction_def | |
by auto | |
lemma transaction_fresh_vars_notin: | |
assumes T: "wellformed_transaction T" | |
and x: "x \<in> set (transaction_fresh T)" | |
shows "x \<notin> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" (is ?A) | |
and "x \<notin> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" (is ?B) | |
and "x \<notin> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T)" (is ?C) | |
and "x \<notin> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" (is ?D) | |
and "x \<notin> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" (is ?E) | |
and "x \<notin> vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T)" (is ?F) | |
and "x \<notin> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" (is ?G) | |
and "x \<notin> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" (is ?H) | |
and "x \<notin> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T)" (is ?I) | |
proof - | |
have 0: | |
"set (transaction_fresh T) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_updates T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_send T)" | |
"set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) = {}" | |
"set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = {}" | |
"fv_transaction T \<inter> bvars_transaction T = {}" | |
"fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) \<subseteq> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) \<union> fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" | |
using T unfolding wellformed_transaction_def | |
by fast+ | |
have 1: "set (transaction_fresh T) \<inter> bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_checks T) = {}" | |
using 0(1,4) fv_transaction_unfold[of T] bvars_transaction_unfold[of T] by blast | |
have 2: | |
"vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) = fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T)" | |
"vars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = fv\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T)" | |
"bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_receive T) = {}" | |
"bvars\<^sub>l\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t (transaction_selects T) = {}" | |
using bvars_wellformed_transaction_unfold[OF T] bvars_transaction_unfold[of T] | |
vars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_is_fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t[of "unlabel (transaction_receive T)"] | |
vars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_is_fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t[of "unlabel (transaction_selects T)"] | |
by blast+ | |
show ?A ?B ?C ?D ?E ?G ?H ?I using 0 1 2 x by fast+ | |
show ?F using 0(2,3,5) 1 x vars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_is_fv\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_bvars\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t[of "unlabel (transaction_checks T)"] by fast | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_proj_member: | |
assumes "T \<in> set P" | |
shows "transaction_proj n T \<in> set (map (transaction_proj n) P)" | |
using assms by simp | |
lemma transaction_strand_proj: | |
"transaction_strand (transaction_proj n T) = proj n (transaction_strand T)" | |
proof - | |
obtain A B C D E F where "T = Transaction A B C D E F" by (cases T) simp | |
thus ?thesis | |
using transaction_proj.simps[of n A B C D E F] | |
unfolding transaction_strand_def proj_def Let_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_proj_fresh_eq: | |
"transaction_fresh (transaction_proj n T) = transaction_fresh T" | |
proof - | |
obtain A B C D E F where "T = Transaction A B C D E F" by (cases T) simp | |
thus ?thesis | |
using transaction_proj.simps[of n A B C D E F] | |
unfolding transaction_fresh_def proj_def Let_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_proj_trms_subset: | |
"trms_transaction (transaction_proj n T) \<subseteq> trms_transaction T" | |
proof - | |
obtain A B C D E F where "T = Transaction A B C D E F" by (cases T) simp | |
thus ?thesis | |
using transaction_proj.simps[of n A B C D E F] trms\<^sub>s\<^sub>s\<^sub>t_proj_subset(1)[of n] | |
unfolding transaction_fresh_def Let_def transaction_strand_def by auto | |
qed | |
lemma transaction_proj_vars_subset: | |
"vars_transaction (transaction_proj n T) \<subseteq> vars_transaction T" | |
proof - | |
obtain A B C D E F where "T = Transaction A B C D E F" by (cases T) simp | |
thus ?thesis | |
using transaction_proj.simps[of n A B C D E F] | |
sst_vars_proj_subset(3)[of n "transaction_strand T"] | |
unfolding transaction_fresh_def Let_def transaction_strand_def by simp | |
qed | |
end | |