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section \<open>Infrastructures\<close> | |
text \<open>The Isabelle Infrastructure framework supports the representation of infrastructures | |
as graphs with actors and policies attached to nodes. These infrastructures | |
are the {\it states} of the Kripke structure. | |
The transition between states is triggered by non-parametrized | |
actions @{text \<open>get, move, eval, put\<close>} executed by actors. | |
Actors are given by an abstract type @{text \<open>actor\<close>} and a function | |
@{text \<open>Actor\<close>} that creates elements of that type from identities | |
(of type @{text \<open>string\<close>}). Policies are given by pairs of predicates | |
(conditions) and sets of (enabled) actions.\<close> | |
subsection \<open>Actors, actions, and data labels\<close> | |
theory Infrastructure | |
imports AT | |
begin | |
datatype action = get | move | eval | put | |
typedecl actor | |
type_synonym identity = string | |
consts Actor :: "string \<Rightarrow> actor" | |
type_synonym policy = "((actor \<Rightarrow> bool) * action set)" | |
definition ID :: "[actor, string] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "ID a s \<equiv> (a = Actor s)" | |
text \<open>The Decentralised Label Model (DLM) \cite{ml:98} introduced the idea to | |
label data by owners and readers. We pick up this idea and formalize | |
a new type to encode the owner and the set of readers as a pair. | |
The first element is the owner of a data item, the second one is the | |
set of all actors that may access the data item. | |
This enables the unique security | |
labelling of data within the system additionally taking the ownership into | |
account.\<close> | |
type_synonym data = nat | |
type_synonym dlm = "actor * actor set" | |
subsection \<open>Infrastructure graphs and policies\<close> | |
text\<open>Actors are contained in an infrastructure graph. An @{text \<open>igraph\<close>} contains | |
a set of location pairs representing the topology of the infrastructure | |
as a graph of nodes and a list of actor identities associated to each node | |
(location) in the graph. | |
Also an @{text \<open>igraph\<close>} associates actors to a pair of string sets by | |
a pair-valued function whose first range component is a set describing | |
the credentials in the possession of an actor and the second component | |
is a set defining the roles the actor can take on. More importantly in this | |
context, an @{text \<open>igraph\<close>} assigns locations to a pair of a string that defines | |
the state of the component and an element of type @{text \<open>(dlm * data) set\<close>}. This | |
set of labelled data may represent a condition on that data. | |
Corresponding projection functions for each of these components of an | |
@{text \<open>igraph\<close>} are provided; they are named @{text \<open>gra\<close>} for the actual set of pairs of | |
locations, @{text \<open>agra\<close>} for the actor map, @{text \<open>cgra\<close>} for the credentials, | |
and @{text \<open>lgra\<close>} for the state of a location and the data at that location.\<close> | |
datatype location = Location nat | |
datatype igraph = Lgraph "(location * location)set" "location \<Rightarrow> identity set" | |
"actor \<Rightarrow> (string set * string set)" | |
"location \<Rightarrow> string * (dlm * data) set" | |
datatype infrastructure = | |
Infrastructure "igraph" | |
"[igraph, location] \<Rightarrow> policy set" | |
primrec loc :: "location \<Rightarrow> nat" | |
where "loc(Location n) = n" | |
primrec gra :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> (location * location)set" | |
where "gra(Lgraph g a c l) = g" | |
primrec agra :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> (location \<Rightarrow> identity set)" | |
where "agra(Lgraph g a c l) = a" | |
primrec cgra :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> (actor \<Rightarrow> string set * string set)" | |
where "cgra(Lgraph g a c l) = c" | |
primrec lgra :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> (location \<Rightarrow> string * (dlm * data) set)" | |
where "lgra(Lgraph g a c l) = l" | |
definition nodes :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> location set" | |
where "nodes g == { x. (? y. ((x,y): gra g) | ((y,x): gra g))}" | |
definition actors_graph :: "igraph \<Rightarrow> identity set" | |
where "actors_graph g == {x. ? y. y : nodes g \<and> x \<in> (agra g y)}" | |
text \<open>There are projection functions text{@ \<open>graphI\<close>} and text{@ \<open>delta\<close>} when applied | |
to an infrastructure return the graph and the policy, respectively. Other projections | |
are introduced for the labels, the credential, and roles and to express their meaning.\<close> | |
primrec graphI :: "infrastructure \<Rightarrow> igraph" | |
where "graphI (Infrastructure g d) = g" | |
primrec delta :: "[infrastructure, igraph, location] \<Rightarrow> policy set" | |
where "delta (Infrastructure g d) = d" | |
primrec tspace :: "[infrastructure, actor ] \<Rightarrow> string set * string set" | |
where "tspace (Infrastructure g d) = cgra g" | |
primrec lspace :: "[infrastructure, location ] \<Rightarrow> string * (dlm * data)set" | |
where "lspace (Infrastructure g d) = lgra g" | |
definition credentials :: "string set * string set \<Rightarrow> string set" | |
where "credentials lxl \<equiv> (fst lxl)" | |
definition has :: "[igraph, actor * string] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "has G ac \<equiv> snd ac \<in> credentials(cgra G (fst ac))" | |
definition roles :: "string set * string set \<Rightarrow> string set" | |
where "roles lxl \<equiv> (snd lxl)" | |
definition role :: "[igraph, actor * string] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "role G ac \<equiv> snd ac \<in> roles(cgra G (fst ac))" | |
definition isin :: "[igraph,location, string] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "isin G l s \<equiv> s = fst (lgra G l)" | |
text \<open>Predicates and projections for the labels to encode their meaning.\<close> | |
definition owner :: "dlm * data \<Rightarrow> actor" where "owner d \<equiv> fst(fst d)" | |
definition owns :: "[igraph, location, actor, dlm * data] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "owns G l a d \<equiv> owner d = a" | |
definition readers :: "dlm * data \<Rightarrow> actor set" | |
where "readers d \<equiv> snd (fst d)" | |
text \<open>The predicate @{text \<open>has_access\<close>} is true for owners or readers.\<close> | |
definition has_access :: "[igraph, location, actor, dlm * data] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "has_access G l a d \<equiv> owns G l a d \<or> a \<in> readers d" | |
(* | |
text \<open>Actors can delete data.\<close> | |
definition actor_can_delete :: "[infrastructure, actor, location] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where actor_can_delete_def: "actor_can_delete I h l \<equiv> | |
(\<forall> as n. ((h, as), n) \<notin> (snd (lgra (graphI I) l)))" | |
*) | |
text \<open>We define a type of functions that preserves the security labeling and a | |
corresponding function application operator.\<close> | |
typedef label_fun = "{f :: dlm * data \<Rightarrow> dlm * data. | |
\<forall> x:: dlm * data. fst x = fst (f x)}" | |
by (fastforce) | |
definition secure_process :: "label_fun \<Rightarrow> dlm * data \<Rightarrow> dlm * data" (infixr "\<Updown>" 50) | |
where "f \<Updown> d \<equiv> (Rep_label_fun f) d" | |
(* This part is relevant to model Insiders but is not needed for Infrastructures. | |
datatype psy_states = happy | depressed | disgruntled | angry | stressed | |
datatype motivations = financial | political | revenge | curious | competitive_advantage | power | peer_recognition | |
datatype actor_state = Actor_state "psy_states" "motivations set" | |
primrec motivation :: "actor_state \<Rightarrow> motivations set" | |
where "motivation (Actor_state p m) = m" | |
primrec psy_state :: "actor_state \<Rightarrow> psy_states" | |
where "psy_state (Actor_state p m) = p" | |
definition tipping_point :: "actor_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where | |
"tipping_point a \<equiv> ((motivation a \<noteq> {}) \<and> (happy \<noteq> psy_state a))" | |
consts astate :: "identity \<Rightarrow> actor_state" | |
(* Two versions of an impersonation predicate "a can act as b". | |
The first one is stronger and allows substitution of the insider in any context; | |
the second one is parameterized over a context predicate to describe this. *) | |
definition UasI :: "[identity, identity] \<Rightarrow> bool " | |
where "UasI a b \<equiv> (Actor a = Actor b) \<and> (\<forall> x y. x \<noteq> a \<and> y \<noteq> a \<and> Actor x = Actor y \<longrightarrow> x = y)" | |
definition UasI' :: "[actor => bool, identity, identity] \<Rightarrow> bool " | |
where "UasI' P a b \<equiv> P (Actor b) \<longrightarrow> P (Actor a)" | |
definition Insider :: "[identity, identity set] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "Insider a C \<equiv> (tipping_point (astate a) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> b\<in>C. UasI a b))" | |
definition Insider' :: "[actor \<Rightarrow> bool, identity, identity set] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "Insider' P a C \<equiv> (tipping_point (astate a) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall> b\<in>C. UasI' P a b \<and> inj_on Actor C))" | |
*) | |
text \<open>The predicate atI -- mixfix syntax @{text \<open>@\<^bsub>G\<^esub>\<close>} -- expresses that an actor (identity) | |
is at a certain location in an igraph.\<close> | |
definition atI :: "[identity, igraph, location] \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ @\<^bsub>(_)\<^esub> _" 50) | |
where "a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l \<equiv> a \<in> (agra G l)" | |
text \<open>Policies specify the expected behaviour of actors of an infrastructure. | |
They are defined by the @{text \<open>enables\<close>} predicate: | |
an actor @{text \<open>h\<close>} is enabled to perform an action @{text \<open>a\<close>} | |
in infrastructure @{text \<open>I\<close>}, at location @{text \<open>l\<close>} | |
if there exists a pair @{text \<open>(p,e)\<close>} in the local policy of @{text \<open>l\<close>} | |
(@{text \<open>delta I l\<close>} projects to the local policy) such that the action | |
@{text \<open>a\<close>} is a member of the action set @{text \<open>e\<close>} and the policy | |
predicate @{text \<open>p\<close>} holds for actor @{text \<open>h\<close>}.\<close> | |
definition enables :: "[infrastructure, location, actor, action] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"enables I l a a' \<equiv> (\<exists> (p,e) \<in> delta I (graphI I) l. a' \<in> e \<and> p a)" | |
text \<open>The behaviour is the good behaviour, i.e. everything allowed by the policy of infrastructure I.\<close> | |
definition behaviour :: "infrastructure \<Rightarrow> (location * actor * action)set" | |
where "behaviour I \<equiv> {(t,a,a'). enables I t a a'}" | |
text \<open>The misbehaviour is the complement of the behaviour of an infrastructure I.\<close> | |
definition misbehaviour :: "infrastructure \<Rightarrow> (location * actor * action)set" | |
where "misbehaviour I \<equiv> -(behaviour I)" | |
subsection "State transition on infrastructures" | |
text \<open>The state transition defines how actors may act on infrastructures through actions | |
within the boundaries of the policy. It is given as an inductive definition over the | |
states which are infrastructures. This state transition relation is dependent on actions but also on | |
enabledness and the current state of the infrastructure. | |
First we introduce some auxiliary functions dealing | |
with repetitions in lists and actors moving in an igraph.\<close> | |
primrec jonce :: "['a, 'a list] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
jonce_nil: "jonce a [] = False" | | |
jonce_cons: "jonce a (x#ls) = (if x = a then (a \<notin> (set ls)) else jonce a ls)" | |
(* | |
primrec nodup :: "['a, 'a list] \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
nodup_nil: "nodup a [] = True" | | |
nodup_step: "nodup a (x # ls) = (if x = a then (a \<notin> (set ls)) else nodup a ls)" | |
*) | |
definition move_graph_a :: "[identity, location, location, igraph] \<Rightarrow> igraph" | |
where "move_graph_a n l l' g \<equiv> Lgraph (gra g) | |
(if n \<in> ((agra g) l) & n \<notin> ((agra g) l') then | |
((agra g)(l := (agra g l) - {n}))(l' := (insert n (agra g l'))) | |
else (agra g))(cgra g)(lgra g)" | |
inductive state_transition_in :: "[infrastructure, infrastructure] \<Rightarrow> bool" ("(_ \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n _)" 50) | |
where | |
move: "\<lbrakk> G = graphI I; a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l; l \<in> nodes G; l' \<in> nodes G; | |
(a) \<in> actors_graph(graphI I); enables I l' (Actor a) move; | |
I' = Infrastructure (move_graph_a a l l' (graphI I))(delta I) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
| get : "\<lbrakk> G = graphI I; a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l; a' @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l; has G (Actor a, z); | |
enables I l (Actor a) get; | |
I' = Infrastructure | |
(Lgraph (gra G)(agra G) | |
((cgra G)(Actor a' := | |
(insert z (fst(cgra G (Actor a'))), snd(cgra G (Actor a'))))) | |
(lgra G)) | |
(delta I) | |
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
| get_data : "G = graphI I \<Longrightarrow> a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l \<Longrightarrow> | |
enables I l' (Actor a) get \<Longrightarrow> | |
((Actor a', as), n) \<in> snd (lgra G l') \<Longrightarrow> Actor a \<in> as \<Longrightarrow> | |
I' = Infrastructure | |
(Lgraph (gra G)(agra G)(cgra G) | |
((lgra G)(l := (fst (lgra G l), | |
snd (lgra G l) \<union> {((Actor a', as), n)})))) | |
(delta I) | |
\<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
| process : "G = graphI I \<Longrightarrow> a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l \<Longrightarrow> | |
enables I l (Actor a) eval \<Longrightarrow> | |
((Actor a', as), n) \<in> snd (lgra G l) \<Longrightarrow> Actor a \<in> as \<Longrightarrow> | |
I' = Infrastructure | |
(Lgraph (gra G)(agra G)(cgra G) | |
((lgra G)(l := (fst (lgra G l), | |
snd (lgra G l) - {((Actor a', as), n)} | |
\<union> {(f :: label_fun) \<Updown> ((Actor a', as), n)})))) | |
(delta I) | |
\<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
| del_data : "G = graphI I \<Longrightarrow> a \<in> actors G \<Longrightarrow> l \<in> nodes G \<Longrightarrow> | |
((Actor a, as), n) \<in> snd (lgra G l) \<Longrightarrow> | |
I' = Infrastructure | |
(Lgraph (gra G)(agra G)(cgra G) | |
((lgra G)(l := (fst (lgra G l), snd (lgra G l) - {((Actor a, as), n)})))) | |
(delta I) | |
\<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
| put : "G = graphI I \<Longrightarrow> a @\<^bsub>G\<^esub> l \<Longrightarrow> enables I l (Actor a) put \<Longrightarrow> | |
I' = Infrastructure | |
(Lgraph (gra G)(agra G)(cgra G) | |
((lgra G)(l := (s, snd (lgra G l) \<union> {((Actor a, as), n)})))) | |
(delta I) | |
\<Longrightarrow> I \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n I'" | |
text \<open>Note that the type infrastructure can now be instantiated to the axiomatic type class | |
@{text\<open>state\<close>} which enables the use of the underlying Kripke structures and CTL.\<close> | |
instantiation "infrastructure" :: state | |
begin | |
definition | |
state_transition_infra_def: "(i \<rightarrow>\<^sub>i i') = (i \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n (i' :: infrastructure))" | |
instance | |
by (rule MC.class.MC.state.of_class.intro) | |
definition state_transition_in_refl ("(_ \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n* _)" 50) | |
where "s \<rightarrow>\<^sub>n* s' \<equiv> ((s,s') \<in> {(x,y). state_transition_in x y}\<^sup>*)" | |
end | |
lemma move_graph_eq: "move_graph_a a l l g = g" | |
by (simp add: move_graph_a_def, case_tac g, force) | |
end | |