
Zhangir Azerbayev
history blame
13.7 kB
section \<open>Definition and Soundness of Refinement Mappings,
Forward Simulations and Backward Simulations\<close>
theory Simulations
imports IOA
context IOA
definition refines where
"refines e s a t A f \<equiv> fst e = f s \<and> last_state e = f t \<and> is_exec_frag_of A e
\<and> (let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in
if a \<in> ext A then tr = [a] else tr = [])"
is_ref_map :: "('s1 \<Rightarrow> 's2) \<Rightarrow> ('s1,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> ('s2,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_ref_map f B A \<equiv>
(\<forall> s \<in> start B . f s \<in> start A) \<and> (\<forall> s t a. reachable B s \<and> s \<midarrow>a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow> t
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists> e . refines e s a t A f ))"
is_forward_sim :: "('s1 \<Rightarrow> ('s2 set)) \<Rightarrow> ('s1,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> ('s2,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_forward_sim f B A \<equiv>
(\<forall> s \<in> start B . f s \<inter> start A \<noteq> {})
\<and> (\<forall> s s' t a. s' \<in> f s \<and> s \<midarrow>a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow> t \<and> reachable B s
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists> e . fst e = s' \<and> last_state e \<in> f t \<and> is_exec_frag_of A e
\<and> (let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in
if a \<in> ext A then tr = [a] else tr = [])))"
is_backward_sim :: "('s1 \<Rightarrow> ('s2 set)) \<Rightarrow> ('s1,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> ('s2,'a)ioa \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_backward_sim f B A \<equiv>
(\<forall> s . f s \<noteq> {}) \<comment> \<open>Quantifying over reachable states would suffice\<close>
\<and> (\<forall> s \<in> start B . f s \<subseteq> start A)
\<and> (\<forall> s t a t'. t' \<in> f t \<and> s \<midarrow>a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow> t \<and> reachable B s
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists> e . fst e \<in> f s \<and> last_state e = t' \<and> is_exec_frag_of A e
\<and> (let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in
if a \<in> ext A then tr = [a] else tr = [])))"
subsection \<open>A series of lemmas that will be useful in the soundness proofs\<close>
lemma step_eq_traces:
fixes e_B' A e e_A' a t
defines "e_A \<equiv> append_exec e_A' e" and "e_B \<equiv> cons_exec e_B' (a,t)"
and "tr \<equiv> trace (ioa.asig A) e"
assumes 1:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_A' = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B'"
and 2:"if a \<in> ext A then tr = [a] else tr = []"
shows "trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
proof -
have 3:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_B =
(if a \<in> ext A then (trace (ioa.asig A) e_B') # a else trace (ioa.asig A) e_B')"
using e_B_def by (simp add:trace_def schedule_def filter_act_def cons_exec_def)
have 4:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_A =
(if a \<in> ext A then trace (ioa.asig A) e_A' # a else trace (ioa.asig A) e_A')"
using 2 trace_append_is_append_trace[of "ioa.asig A" e_A' e]
by(auto simp add:e_A_def tr_def split: if_split_asm)
show ?thesis using 1 3 4 by simp
lemma exec_inc_imp_trace_inc:
fixes A B
assumes "ext B = ext A"
and "\<And> e_B . is_exec_of B e_B
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A \<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
shows "traces B \<subseteq> traces A"
proof -
{ fix t
assume "t \<in> traces B"
with this obtain e where 1:"t = trace (ioa.asig B) e" and 2:"is_exec_of B e"
using traces_alt assms(1) by blast
from 1 and assms(1) have 3:"t = trace (ioa.asig A) e" by (simp add:trace_def)
from 2 3 and assms(2) obtain e' where
"is_exec_of A e' \<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e' = trace (ioa.asig A) e" by blast
hence "t \<in> traces A" using 3 traces_alt by fastforce }
thus ?thesis by fast
subsection \<open>Soundness of Refinement Mappings\<close>
lemma ref_map_execs:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA" and e_B
assumes "is_ref_map f B A" and "is_exec_of B e_B"
shows "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
proof -
note assms(2)
hence "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B
\<and> last_state e_A = f (last_state e_B)"
proof (induction "snd e_B" arbitrary:e_B)
case Nil
let ?e_A = "(f (fst e_B), [])"
have "\<And> s . s \<in> start B \<Longrightarrow> f s \<in> start A" using assms(1) by (simp add:is_ref_map_def)
hence "is_exec_of A ?e_A" using Nil.prems(1) by (simp add:is_exec_of_def)
have "trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
using Nil.hyps by (simp add:trace_simps)
have "last_state ?e_A = f (last_state e_B)"
using Nil.hyps by (metis last_state.simps(1) prod.collapse)
ultimately show ?case by fast
case (Cons p ps e_B)
let ?e_B' = "(fst e_B, ps)"
let ?s = "last_state ?e_B'" let ?t = "snd p" let ?a = "fst p"
have 1:"is_exec_of B ?e_B'" and 2:"?s\<midarrow>?a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow>?t"
using Cons.prems and Cons.hyps(2)
by (simp_all add:is_exec_of_def,
cases "(B,fst e_B,ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto,
cases "(B,fst e_B,ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto)
with Cons.hyps(1) obtain e_A' where ih1:"is_exec_of A e_A'"
and ih2:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_A' = trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_B'"
and ih3:"last_state e_A' = f ?s" by fastforce
from 1 have 3:"reachable B ?s" using last_state_reachable by fast
obtain e where 4:"fst e = f ?s" and 5:"last_state e = f ?t"
and 6:"is_exec_frag_of A e"
and 7:"let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in if ?a \<in> ext A
then tr = [?a] else tr = []"
using 2 and 3 and assms(1)
by (force simp add:is_ref_map_def refines_def)
let ?e_A = "append_exec e_A' e"
have "is_exec_of A ?e_A"
using ih1 ih3 4 6 append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag[of A e e_A']
by (metis append_exec_def append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag
fst_conv is_exec_of_def)
have "trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
using ih2 Cons.hyps(2) 7 step_eq_traces[of A e_A' ?e_B' ?a e]
by (auto simp add:cons_exec_def) (metis prod.collapse)
moreover have "last_state ?e_A = f ?t" using ih3 4 5 last_state_of_append
by metis
ultimately show ?case using Cons.hyps(2)
by (metis last_state.simps(2) surjective_pairing)
thus ?thesis by blast
theorem ref_map_soundness:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA"
assumes "is_ref_map f B A" and "ext A = ext B"
shows "traces B \<subseteq> traces A"
using assms ref_map_execs exec_inc_imp_trace_inc by metis
subsection \<open>Soundness of Forward Simulations\<close>
lemma forward_sim_execs:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA set" and e_B
assumes "is_forward_sim f B A" and "is_exec_of B e_B"
shows "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
proof -
note assms(2)
hence "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B
\<and> last_state e_A \<in> f (last_state e_B)"
proof (induction "snd e_B" arbitrary:e_B)
case Nil
have "\<And> s . s \<in> start B \<Longrightarrow> f s \<inter> start A \<noteq> {}"
using assms(1) by (simp add:is_forward_sim_def)
with this obtain s' where 1:"s' \<in> f (fst e_B)" and 2:"s' \<in> start A"
by (metis Int_iff Nil.prems all_not_in_conv is_exec_of_def)
let ?e_A = "(s', [])"
have "is_exec_of A ?e_A" using 2 by (simp add:is_exec_of_def)
have "trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B" using Nil.hyps
by (simp add:trace_def schedule_def filter_act_def)
have "last_state ?e_A \<in> f (last_state e_B)"
using Nil.hyps 1 by (metis last_state.simps(1) surjective_pairing)
ultimately show ?case by fast
case (Cons p ps e_B)
let ?e_B' = "(fst e_B, ps)"
let ?s = "last_state ?e_B'" let ?t = "snd p" let ?a = "fst p"
have 1:"is_exec_of B ?e_B'" and 2:"?s\<midarrow>?a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow>?t"
using Cons.prems and Cons.hyps(2)
by (simp_all add:is_exec_of_def,
cases "(B,fst e_B,ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto,
cases "(B,fst e_B,ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto)
with Cons.hyps(1) obtain e_A' where ih1:"is_exec_of A e_A'"
and ih2:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_A' = trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_B'"
and ih3:"last_state e_A' \<in> f ?s" by fastforce
from 1 have 3:"reachable B ?s" using last_state_reachable by fast
obtain e where 4:"fst e = last_state e_A'" and 5:"last_state e \<in> f ?t"
and 6:"is_exec_frag_of A e"
and 7:"let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in if ?a \<in> ext A then tr = [?a] else tr = []"
using 2 3 assms(1) ih3 by (simp add:is_forward_sim_def)
(metis prod.collapse prod.inject)
let ?e_A = "append_exec e_A' e"
have "is_exec_of A ?e_A"
using ih1 ih3 4 6 append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag[of A e e_A']
by (metis append_exec_def append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag
fst_conv is_exec_of_def)
have "trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
using ih2 Cons.hyps(2) 7 step_eq_traces[of A e_A' ?e_B' ?a e]
by (auto simp add:cons_exec_def Let_def) (metis prod.collapse)
moreover have "last_state ?e_A \<in> f ?t" using ih3 4 5 last_state_of_append
by metis
ultimately show ?case using Cons.hyps(2)
by (metis last_state.simps(2) surjective_pairing)
thus ?thesis by blast
theorem forward_sim_soundness:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA set"
assumes "is_forward_sim f B A" and "ext A = ext B"
shows "traces B \<subseteq> traces A"
using assms forward_sim_execs exec_inc_imp_trace_inc by metis
subsection \<open>Soundness of Backward Simulations\<close>
lemma backward_sim_execs:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA set" and e_B
assumes "is_backward_sim f B A" and "is_exec_of B e_B"
shows "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
proof -
note assms(2)
hence "\<forall> s \<in> f (last_state e_B). \<exists> e_A .
is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B
\<and> last_state e_A = s"
proof (induction "snd e_B" arbitrary:e_B)
case Nil
{ fix s' assume 1:"s' \<in> f(last_state e_B)"
have 2:"\<And> s . s \<in> start B \<Longrightarrow> f s \<subseteq> start A "
using assms(1) by (simp add:is_backward_sim_def)
from Nil 1 2 have 3:"s' \<in> start A"
by (metis (full_types) is_exec_of_def last_state.simps(1) subsetD surjective_pairing)
let ?e_A = "(s', [])"
have 4:"is_exec_of A ?e_A" using 3 by (simp add:is_exec_of_def)
have 5:"trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B" using Nil.hyps
by (simp add:trace_def schedule_def filter_act_def)
have 6:"last_state ?e_A \<in> f (last_state e_B)"
using Nil.hyps 1 by (metis last_state.simps(1))
note 4 5 6 }
thus ?case by fastforce
case (Cons p ps e_B)
{ fix t' assume 8:"t' \<in> f (last_state e_B)"
let ?e_B' = "(fst e_B, ps)"
let ?s = "last_state ?e_B'" let ?t = "snd p" let ?a = "fst p"
have 5:"?t = last_state e_B" using Cons.hyps(2)
by (metis last_state.simps(2) prod.collapse)
have 1:"is_exec_of B ?e_B'" and 2:"?s\<midarrow>?a\<midarrow>B\<longrightarrow>?t"
using Cons.prems and Cons.hyps(2)
by (simp_all add:is_exec_of_def,
cases "(B,fst e_B, ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto,
cases "(B,fst e_B, ps#p)" rule:is_exec_frag_of.cases, auto)
from 1 have 3:"reachable B ?s" using last_state_reachable by fast
obtain e where 4:"fst e \<in> f ?s" and 5:"last_state e = t'"
and 6:"is_exec_frag_of A e"
and 7:"let tr = trace (ioa.asig A) e in
if ?a \<in> ext A then tr = [?a] else tr = []"
using 2 assms(1) 8 5 3 by (auto simp add: is_backward_sim_def, metis)
obtain e_A' where ih1:"is_exec_of A e_A'"
and ih2:"trace (ioa.asig A) e_A' = trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_B'"
and ih3:"last_state e_A' = fst e"
using 1 4 Cons.hyps(1) by (metis snd_conv)
let ?e_A = "append_exec e_A' e"
have "is_exec_of A ?e_A"
using ih1 ih3 4 6 append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag[of A e e_A']
by (metis append_exec_def append_exec_frags_is_exec_frag
fst_conv is_exec_of_def)
have "trace (ioa.asig A) ?e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B"
using ih2 Cons.hyps(2) 7 step_eq_traces[of A e_A' ?e_B' ?a e]
by (auto simp add:cons_exec_def Let_def) (metis prod.collapse)
moreover have "last_state ?e_A = t'" using ih3 5 last_state_of_append
by metis
ultimately have "\<exists> e_A . is_exec_of A e_A
\<and> trace (ioa.asig A) e_A = trace (ioa.asig A) e_B
\<and> last_state e_A = t'" by blast }
thus ?case by blast
from assms(1) have total:"\<And> s . f s \<noteq> {}" by (simp add:is_backward_sim_def)
ultimately show ?thesis by fast
theorem backward_sim_soundness:
fixes A::"('sA,'a)ioa" and B::"('sB,'a)ioa" and f::"'sB \<Rightarrow> 'sA set"
assumes "is_backward_sim f B A" and "ext A = ext B"
shows "traces B \<subseteq> traces A"
using assms backward_sim_execs exec_inc_imp_trace_inc by metis