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(* Title: AWN_Labels.thy | |
License: BSD 2-Clause. See LICENSE. | |
Author: Timothy Bourke | |
*) | |
section "Labelling sequential processes" | |
theory AWN_Labels | |
imports AWN AWN_Cterms | |
begin | |
subsection "Labels " | |
text \<open> | |
Labels serve two main purposes. They allow the substitution of @{term sterm}s in | |
@{term invariant} proofs. They also allow the strengthening (control state dependent) | |
of invariants. | |
\<close> | |
function (domintros) labels | |
:: "('s, 'm, 'p, 'l) seqp_env \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'm, 'p, 'l) seqp \<Rightarrow> 'l set" | |
where | |
"labels \<Gamma> ({l}\<langle>fg\<rangle> p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}\<lbrakk>fa\<rbrakk> p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> (p1 \<oplus> p2) = labels \<Gamma> p1 \<union> labels \<Gamma> p2" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}unicast(fip, fmsg).p \<triangleright> q) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}broadcast(fmsg). p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}groupcast(fips, fmsg). p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}send(fmsg).p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}deliver(fdata).p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> ({l}receive(fmsg).p) = {l}" | |
| "labels \<Gamma> (call(pn)) = labels \<Gamma> (\<Gamma> pn)" | |
by pat_completeness auto | |
lemma labels_dom_basic [simp]: | |
assumes "not_call p" | |
and "not_choice p" | |
shows "labels_dom (\<Gamma>, p)" | |
proof (rule accpI) | |
fix y | |
assume "labels_rel y (\<Gamma>, p)" | |
with assms show "labels_dom y" | |
by (cases p) (auto simp: labels_rel.simps) | |
qed | |
lemma labels_termination: | |
fixes \<Gamma> p | |
assumes "wellformed(\<Gamma>)" | |
shows "labels_dom (\<Gamma>, p)" | |
proof - | |
have labels_rel': "labels_rel = (\<lambda>gq gp. (gq, gp) \<in> {((\<Gamma>, q), (\<Gamma>', p)). \<Gamma> = \<Gamma>' \<and> p \<leadsto>\<^bsub>\<Gamma>\<^esub> q})" | |
by (rule ext)+ (auto simp: labels_rel.simps intro: microstep.intros elim: microstep.cases) | |
from \<open>wellformed(\<Gamma>)\<close> have "\<forall>x. x \<in> Wellfounded.acc {(q, p). p \<leadsto>\<^bsub>\<Gamma>\<^esub> q}" | |
unfolding wellformed_def by (simp add: wf_acc_iff) | |
hence "p \<in> Wellfounded.acc {(q, p). p \<leadsto>\<^bsub>\<Gamma>\<^esub> q}" .. | |
hence "(\<Gamma>, p) \<in> Wellfounded.acc {((\<Gamma>, q), \<Gamma>', p). \<Gamma> = \<Gamma>' \<and> p \<leadsto>\<^bsub>\<Gamma>\<^esub> q}" | |
by (rule acc_induct) (auto intro: accI) | |
thus "labels_dom (\<Gamma>, p)" | |
unfolding labels_rel' by (subst accp_acc_eq) | |
qed | |
declare labels.psimps[simp] | |
lemmas labels_pinduct = labels.pinduct [OF labels_termination] | |
and labels_psimps[simp] = labels.psimps [OF labels_termination] | |
lemma labels_not_empty: | |
fixes \<Gamma> p | |
assumes "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
shows "labels \<Gamma> p \<noteq> {}" | |
by (induct p rule: labels_pinduct [OF \<open>wellformed \<Gamma>\<close>]) simp_all | |
lemma has_label [dest]: | |
fixes \<Gamma> p | |
assumes "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
shows "\<exists>l. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p" | |
using labels_not_empty [OF assms] by auto | |
lemma singleton_labels [simp]: | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' f p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}\<langle>f\<rangle> p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' f p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}\<lbrakk>f\<rbrakk> p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fip fmsg p q. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}unicast(fip, fmsg).p \<triangleright> q) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}broadcast(fmsg). p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fips fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}groupcast(fips, fmsg). p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}send(fmsg).p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fdata p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}deliver(fdata).p) = (l = l')" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}receive(fmsg).p) = (l = l')" | |
by auto | |
lemma in_labels_singletons [dest!]: | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' f p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}\<langle>f\<rangle> p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' f p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}\<lbrakk>f\<rbrakk> p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fip fmsg p q. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}unicast(fip, fmsg).p \<triangleright> q) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}broadcast(fmsg). p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fips fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}groupcast(fips, fmsg). p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}send(fmsg).p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fdata p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}deliver(fdata).p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
"\<And>\<Gamma> l l' fmsg p. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> ({l'}receive(fmsg).p) \<Longrightarrow> l = l'" | |
by auto | |
definition | |
simple_labels :: "('s, 'm, 'p, 'l) seqp_env \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where | |
"simple_labels \<Gamma> \<equiv> \<forall>pn. \<forall>p\<in>subterms (\<Gamma> pn). (\<exists>!l. labels \<Gamma> p = {l})" | |
lemma simple_labelsI [intro]: | |
assumes "\<And>pn p. p\<in>subterms (\<Gamma> pn) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>!l. labels \<Gamma> p = {l}" | |
shows "simple_labels \<Gamma>" | |
using assms unfolding simple_labels_def by auto | |
text \<open> | |
The @{term "simple_labels \<Gamma>"} property is necessary to transfer results shown over the | |
@{term "cterms"} of a process specification @{term "\<Gamma>"} to the reachable actions of | |
that process. | |
Consider the process @{term "{l\<^sub>1}send(m1). p1 \<oplus> {l\<^sub>2}send(m2). p2"}. The iteration over @{term | |
"cterms \<Gamma>"} will cover the two transitions | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>1, send m1, p1)"} and | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>2, send m2, p2)"}, | |
but reachability requires the four transitions | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>1, send m1, p1)"}, | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>1, send m2, p2)"}, | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>2, send m1, p1)"}, and | |
@{term "(l\<^sub>2, send m2, p2)"}. | |
In a simply labelled process, the former is sufficient to show the latter, since | |
@{term "l\<^sub>1 = l\<^sub>2"}. | |
This requirement seems really only to be restrictive for processes where a @{term "call(pn)"} | |
occurs as a direct subterm of a choice operator. Consider, for instance, @{term "({l\<^sub>1}\<lbrakk>e\<rbrakk> p) \<oplus> | |
call(pn)"}. Here @{term "l\<^sub>1"} must equal the label of @{term "\<Gamma>(pn)"}, which can then not be | |
distinguished from any other subterm that calls @{term "pn"} in any other process. | |
This limitation stems from the fact that the "call points" of a process are effectively treated as | |
the root of the called process. This is by design; we try to treat call sites as "syntactic | |
pastings" of process terms, giving rise, conceptually, to an infinite tree structure. But this | |
prejudices the alternative view that process calls are used as "join points" of "process threads", | |
in complement to the "fork points" of the @{term "p1 \<oplus> p2"} operator. | |
\<close> | |
lemma simple_labels_in_sterms: | |
fixes \<Gamma> l p | |
assumes "simple_labels \<Gamma>" | |
and "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
and "\<exists>pn. p\<in>subterms (\<Gamma> pn)" | |
and "l\<in>labels \<Gamma> p" | |
shows "\<forall>p'\<in>sterms \<Gamma> p. l\<in>labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
using assms | |
proof (induct p rule: labels_pinduct [OF \<open>wellformed \<Gamma>\<close>]) | |
fix \<Gamma> p1 p2 | |
assume sl: "simple_labels \<Gamma>" | |
and wf: "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
and IH1: "\<lbrakk> simple_labels \<Gamma>; wellformed \<Gamma>; | |
\<exists>pn. p1 \<in> subterms (\<Gamma> pn); l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p1 \<rbrakk> | |
\<Longrightarrow> \<forall>p'\<in>sterms \<Gamma> p1. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
and IH2: "\<lbrakk> simple_labels \<Gamma>; wellformed \<Gamma>; | |
\<exists>pn. p2 \<in> subterms (\<Gamma> pn); l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p2 \<rbrakk> | |
\<Longrightarrow> \<forall>p'\<in>sterms \<Gamma> p2. l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
and ein: "\<exists>pn. p1 \<oplus> p2 \<in> subterms (\<Gamma> pn)" | |
and l12: "l \<in> labels \<Gamma> (p1 \<oplus> p2)" | |
from sl ein l12 have "labels \<Gamma> (p1 \<oplus> p2) = {l}" | |
unfolding simple_labels_def by (metis empty_iff insert_iff) | |
with wf have "labels \<Gamma> p1 \<union> labels \<Gamma> p2 = {l}" by simp | |
moreover have "labels \<Gamma> p1 \<noteq> {}" and "labels \<Gamma> p2 \<noteq> {}" | |
using wf by (metis labels_not_empty)+ | |
ultimately have "l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p1" and "l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p2" | |
by (metis Un_iff empty_iff insert_iff set_eqI)+ | |
moreover from ein have "\<exists>pn. p1 \<in> subterms (\<Gamma> pn)" | |
and "\<exists>pn. p2 \<in> subterms (\<Gamma> pn)" | |
by auto | |
ultimately show "\<forall>p'\<in>sterms \<Gamma> (p1 \<oplus> p2). l\<in>labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
using wf IH1 [OF sl wf] IH2 [OF sl wf] by auto | |
qed auto | |
lemma labels_in_sterms: | |
fixes \<Gamma> l p | |
assumes "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
and "l\<in>labels \<Gamma> p" | |
shows "\<exists>p'\<in>sterms \<Gamma> p. l\<in>labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
using assms | |
by (induct p rule: labels_pinduct [OF \<open>wellformed \<Gamma>\<close>]) (auto intro: Un_iff) | |
lemma labels_sterms_labels: | |
fixes \<Gamma> p p' l | |
assumes "wellformed \<Gamma>" | |
and "p' \<in> sterms \<Gamma> p" | |
and "l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p'" | |
shows "l \<in> labels \<Gamma> p" | |
using assms | |
by (induct p rule: labels_pinduct [OF \<open>wellformed \<Gamma>\<close>]) auto | |
primrec labelfrom :: "int \<Rightarrow> int \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'm, 'p, 'a) seqp \<Rightarrow> int \<times> ('s, 'm, 'p, int) seqp" | |
where | |
"labelfrom n nn ({_}\<langle>f\<rangle> p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}\<langle>f\<rangle> p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}\<lbrakk>f\<rbrakk> p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}\<lbrakk>f\<rbrakk> p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn (p \<oplus> q) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom n nn p in | |
let (nn'', q') = labelfrom n nn' q in | |
(nn'', p' \<oplus> q'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}unicast(fip, fmsg). p \<triangleright> q) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
let (nn'', q') = labelfrom nn' (nn' + 1) q in | |
(nn'', {n}unicast(fip, fmsg). p' \<triangleright> q'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}broadcast(fmsg). p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}broadcast(fmsg). p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}groupcast(fipset, fmsg). p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}groupcast(fipset, fmsg). p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}send(fmsg). p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}send(fmsg). p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}deliver(fdata). p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}deliver(fdata). p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn ({_}receive(fmsg). p) = | |
(let (nn', p') = labelfrom nn (nn + 1) p in | |
(nn', {n}receive(fmsg). p'))" | |
| "labelfrom n nn (call(fargs)) = (nn - 1, call(fargs))" | |
datatype 'pn label = | |
LABEL 'pn int ("_-:_" [1000, 1000] 999) | |
instantiation "label" :: (ord) ord | |
begin | |
fun less_eq_label :: "'a label \<Rightarrow> 'a label \<Rightarrow> bool" | |
where "(l1-:n1) \<le> (l2-:n2) = (l1 = l2 \<and> n1 \<le> n2)" | |
definition less_label: "(l1::'a label) < l2 \<longleftrightarrow> l1 \<le> l2 \<and> \<not> (l1 \<le> l2)" | |
instance .. | |
end | |
abbreviation labelled :: "'p \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'm, 'p, 'a) seqp \<Rightarrow> ('s, 'm, 'p, 'p label) seqp" | |
where "labelled pn p \<equiv> labelmap (\<lambda>l. LABEL pn l) (snd (labelfrom 0 1 p))" | |
end | |