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(* (c) Copyright 2006-2016 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *) | |
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *) | |
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq path div fintype. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import bigop prime binomial finset fingroup morphism perm automorphism. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import quotient action gproduct gfunctor commutator. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import ssralg finalg zmodp cyclic center pgroup finmodule gseries. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import nilpotent sylow abelian maximal hall extremal. | |
From mathcomp | |
Require Import matrix mxalgebra mxrepresentation mxabelem. | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
(* This file contains most of the material in B & G, section 1, including the *) | |
(* definitions: *) | |
(* p.-length_1 G == the upper p-series of G has length <= 1, i.e., *) | |
(* 'O_{p^',p,p^'}(G) = G *) | |
(* p_elt_gen p G == the subgroup of G generated by its p-elements. *) | |
(* This file currently covers B & G 1.3-4, 1.6, 1.8-1.21, and also *) | |
(* Gorenstein 8.1.3 and 2.8.1 (maximal order of a p-subgroup of GL(2,p)). *) | |
(* This file also provides, mostly for future reference, the following *) | |
(* definitions, drawn from Gorenstein, Chapter 8, and B & G, Appendix B: *) | |
(* p.-constrained G <-> the p',p core of G contains the centralisers of *) | |
(* all its Sylow p-subgroups. The Hall-Higman Lemma *) | |
(* 1.2.3 (B & G, 1.15a) asserts that this holds for *) | |
(* all solvable groups. *) | |
(* p.-stable G <-> a rather group theoretic generalization of the *) | |
(* Hall-Higman type condition that in a faithful *) | |
(* p-modular linear representation of G no p-element *) | |
(* has a quadratic minimal polynomial, to groups G *) | |
(* with a non-trivial p-core. *) | |
(* p.-abelian_constrained <-> the p',p core of G contains all the normal *) | |
(* abelian subgroups of the Sylow p-subgroups of G. *) | |
(* It is via this property and the ZL theorem (the *) | |
(* substitute for the ZJ theorem) that the *) | |
(* p-stability of groups of odd order is exploited *) | |
(* in the proof of the Odd Order Theorem. *) | |
(* generated_by p G == G is generated by a set of subgroups satisfying *) | |
(* p : pred {group gT} *) | |
(* norm_abelian X A == A is abelian and normalised by X. *) | |
(* p_norm_abelian p X A == A is an abelian p-group normalised by X. *) | |
(* 'L_[G](X) == the group generated by the abelian subgroups of G *) | |
(* normalized by X. *) | |
(* 'L_{n}(G) == the Puig group series, defined by the recurrence *) | |
(* 'L_{0}(G) = 1, 'L_{n.+1}(G) = 'L_[G]('L_{n}(G)). *) | |
(* 'L_*(G) == the lower limit of the Puig series. *) | |
(* 'L(G) == the Puig subgroup: the upper limit of the Puig *) | |
(* series: 'L(G) = 'L_[G]('L_*(G)) and conversely. *) | |
(* The following notation is used locally here and in AppendixB, but is NOT *) | |
(* exported: *) | |
(* D --> G == G is generated by abelian groups normalised by D *) | |
(* := generated_by (norm_abelian D) G *) | |
(******************************************************************************) | |
Set Implicit Arguments. | |
Unset Strict Implicit. | |
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. | |
Import GroupScope. | |
Section Definitions. | |
Variables (n : nat) (gT : finGroupType). | |
Implicit Type p : nat. | |
Definition plength_1 p (G : {set gT}) := 'O_{p^', p, p^'}(G) == G. | |
Definition p_elt_gen p (G : {set gT}) := <<[set x in G | p.-elt x]>>. | |
Definition p_constrained p (G : {set gT}) := | |
forall P : {group gT}, | |
p.-Sylow('O_{p^',p}(G)) P -> | |
'C_G(P) \subset 'O_{p^',p}(G). | |
Definition p_abelian_constrained p (G : {set gT}) := | |
forall S A : {group gT}, | |
p.-Sylow(G) S -> abelian A -> A <| S -> | |
A \subset 'O_{p^',p}(G). | |
Definition p_stable p (G : {set gT}) := | |
forall P A : {group gT}, | |
p.-group P -> 'O_p^'(G) * P <| G -> | |
p.-subgroup('N_G(P)) A -> [~: P, A, A] = 1 -> | |
A / 'C_G(P) \subset 'O_p('N_G(P) / 'C_G(P)). | |
Definition generated_by (gp : pred {group gT}) (E : {set gT}) := | |
[exists gE : {set {group gT}}, <<\bigcup_(G in gE | gp G) G>> == E]. | |
Definition norm_abelian (D : {set gT}) : pred {group gT} := | |
fun A => (D \subset 'N(A)) && abelian A. | |
Definition p_norm_abelian p (D : {set gT}) : pred {group gT} := | |
fun A => p.-group A && norm_abelian D A. | |
Definition Puig_succ (D E : {set gT}) := | |
<<\bigcup_(A in subgroups D | norm_abelian E A) A>>. | |
Definition Puig_rec D := iter n (Puig_succ D) 1. | |
End Definitions. | |
(* This must be defined outside a Section to avoid spurrious delta-reduction *) | |
Definition Puig_at := nosimpl Puig_rec. | |
Definition Puig_inf (gT : finGroupType) (G : {set gT}) := Puig_at #|G|.*2 G. | |
Definition Puig (gT : finGroupType) (G : {set gT}) := Puig_at #|G|.*2.+1 G. | |
Notation "p .-length_1" := (plength_1 p) | |
(at level 2, format "p .-length_1") : group_scope. | |
Notation "p .-constrained" := (p_constrained p) | |
(at level 2, format "p .-constrained") : group_scope. | |
Notation "p .-abelian_constrained" := (p_abelian_constrained p) | |
(at level 2, format "p .-abelian_constrained") : group_scope. | |
Notation "p .-stable" := (p_stable p) | |
(at level 2, format "p .-stable") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''L_[' G ] ( L )" := (Puig_succ G L) | |
(at level 8, format "''L_[' G ] ( L )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''L_{' n } ( G )" := (Puig_at n G) | |
(at level 8, format "''L_{' n } ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''L_*' ( G )" := (Puig_inf G) | |
(at level 8, format "''L_*' ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Notation "''L' ( G )" := (Puig G) | |
(at level 8, format "''L' ( G )") : group_scope. | |
Section BGsection1. | |
Implicit Types (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat). | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.1, first part. *) | |
Lemma minnormal_solvable_abelem gT (M G : {group gT}) : | |
minnormal M G -> solvable M -> is_abelem M. | |
Proof. by move=> minM solM; case: (minnormal_solvable minM (subxx _) solM). Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.2, second part. *) | |
Lemma minnormal_solvable_Fitting_center gT (M G : {group gT}) : | |
minnormal M G -> M \subset G -> solvable M -> M \subset 'Z('F(G)). | |
Proof. | |
have nZG: 'Z('F(G)) <| G by rewrite !gFnormal_trans. | |
move=> minM sMG solM; have[/andP[ntM nMG] minM'] := mingroupP minM. | |
apply/setIidPl/minM'; last exact: subsetIl. | |
apply/andP; split; last by rewrite normsI // normal_norm. | |
apply: meet_center_nil => //; first by apply: Fitting_nil. | |
apply/andP; split; last exact: gFsub_trans. | |
apply: Fitting_max; rewrite // /normal ?sMG //; apply: abelian_nil. | |
by move: (minnormal_solvable_abelem minM solM) => /abelem_abelian. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma sol_chief_abelem gT (G V U : {group gT}) : | |
solvable G -> chief_factor G V U -> is_abelem (U / V). | |
Proof. | |
move=> solG chiefUV; have minUV := chief_factor_minnormal chiefUV. | |
have [|//] := minnormal_solvable minUV (quotientS _ _) (quotient_sol _ solG). | |
by case/and3P: chiefUV. | |
Qed. | |
Section HallLemma. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (G G' : {group gT}). | |
Hypothesis solG : solvable G. | |
Hypothesis nsG'G : G' <| G. | |
Let sG'G : G' \subset G. Proof. exact: normal_sub. Qed. | |
Let nG'G : G \subset 'N(G'). Proof. exact: normal_norm. Qed. | |
Let nsF'G : 'F(G') <| G. Proof. exact: gFnormal_trans. Qed. | |
Let Gchief (UV : {group gT} * {group gT}) := chief_factor G UV.2 UV.1. | |
Let H := \bigcap_(UV | Gchief UV) 'C(UV.1 / UV.2 | 'Q). | |
Let H' := | |
G' :&: \bigcap_(UV | Gchief UV && (UV.1 \subset 'F(G'))) 'C(UV.1 / UV.2 | 'Q). | |
(* This is B & G Proposition 1.2, non trivial inclusion of the first equality.*) | |
Proposition Fitting_stab_chief : 'F(G') \subset H. | |
Proof. | |
apply/bigcapsP=> [[U V] /= chiefUV]. | |
have minUV: minnormal (U / V) (G / V) := chief_factor_minnormal chiefUV. | |
have{chiefUV} [/=/maxgroupp/andP[_ nVG] sUG nUG] := and3P chiefUV. | |
have solUV: solvable (U / V) by rewrite quotient_sol // (solvableS sUG). | |
have{solUV minUV}: U / V \subset 'Z('F(G / V)). | |
exact: minnormal_solvable_Fitting_center minUV (quotientS V sUG) solUV. | |
rewrite sub_astabQ gFsub_trans ?(subset_trans sG'G) //=. | |
case/subsetIP=> _; rewrite centsC; apply: subset_trans. | |
by rewrite Fitting_max ?quotient_normal ?quotient_nil ?Fitting_nil. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G Proposition 1.2, non trivial inclusion of the second *) | |
(* equality. *) | |
Proposition chief_stab_sub_Fitting : H' \subset 'F(G'). | |
Proof. | |
without loss: / {K | [min K | K <| G & ~~ (K \subset 'F(G'))] & K \subset H'}. | |
move=> IH; apply: wlog_neg => s'H'F; apply/IH/mingroup_exists=> {IH}/=. | |
rewrite /normal subIset ?sG'G ?normsI ?norms_bigcap {s'H'F}//. | |
apply/bigcapsP=> /= U /andP[/and3P[/maxgroupp/andP/=[_ nU2G] _ nU1G] _]. | |
exact: subset_trans (actsQ nU2G nU1G) (astab_norm 'Q (U.1 / U.2)). | |
case=> K /mingroupP[/andP[nsKG s'KF] minK] /subsetIP[sKG' nFK]. | |
have [[Ks chiefKs defK] sKG]:= (chief_series_exists nsKG, normal_sub nsKG). | |
suffices{nsKG s'KF} cKsK: (K.-central).-series 1%G Ks. | |
by rewrite Fitting_max ?(normalS _ sG'G) ?(centrals_nil cKsK) in s'KF. | |
move: chiefKs; rewrite -!(rev_path _ _ Ks) {}defK. | |
case: {Ks}(rev _) => //= K1 Kr /andP[chiefK1 chiefKr]. | |
have [/maxgroupp/andP[/andP[sK1K ltK1K] nK1G] _] := andP chiefK1. | |
suffices{chiefK1} cKrK: [rel U V | central_factor K V U].-series K1 Kr. | |
have cKK1: abelian (K / K1) := abelem_abelian (sol_chief_abelem solG chiefK1). | |
by rewrite /central_factor subxx sK1K der1_min //= (subset_trans sKG). | |
have{minK ltK1K nK1G} sK1F: K1 \subset 'F(G'). | |
have nsK1G: K1 <| G by rewrite /normal (subset_trans sK1K). | |
by apply: contraR ltK1K => s'K1F; rewrite (minK K1) ?nsK1G. | |
elim: Kr K1 chiefKr => //= K2 Kr IHr K1 /andP[chiefK2 chiefKr] in sK1F sK1K *. | |
have [/maxgroupp/andP[/andP[sK21 _] /(subset_trans sKG)nK2K] _] := andP chiefK2. | |
rewrite /central_factor sK1K {}IHr ?(subset_trans sK21) {chiefKr}// !andbT. | |
rewrite commGC -sub_astabQR ?(subset_trans _ nK2K) //. | |
exact/(subset_trans nFK)/(bigcap_inf (K1, K2))/andP. | |
Qed. | |
End HallLemma. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.3 (due to P. Hall). *) | |
Proposition cent_sub_Fitting gT (G : {group gT}) : | |
solvable G -> 'C_G('F(G)) \subset 'F(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> solG; apply: subset_trans (chief_stab_sub_Fitting solG _) => //. | |
rewrite subsetI subsetIl; apply/bigcapsP=> [[U V]] /=. | |
case/andP=> /andP[/maxgroupp/andP[_ nVG] _] sUF. | |
by rewrite astabQ (subset_trans _ (morphpre_cent _ _)) // setISS ?centS. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.4, for internal actions. *) | |
Proposition coprime_trivg_cent_Fitting gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
'C_A(G) = 1 -> 'C_A('F(G)) = 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA solG regAG; without loss cycA: A nGA coGA regAG / cyclic A. | |
move=> IH; apply/trivgP/subsetP=> a; rewrite -!cycle_subG subsetI. | |
case/andP=> saA /setIidPl <-. | |
rewrite {}IH ?cycle_cyclic ?(coprimegS saA) ?(subset_trans saA) //. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite -regAG setSI. | |
pose X := G <*> A; pose F := 'F(X); pose pi := \pi(A); pose Q := 'O_pi(F). | |
have pi'G: pi^'.-group G by rewrite /pgroup -coprime_pi' //= coprime_sym. | |
have piA: pi.-group A by apply: pgroup_pi. | |
have oX: #|X| = (#|G| * #|A|)%N by rewrite [X]norm_joinEr ?coprime_cardMg. | |
have hallG: pi^'.-Hall(X) G. | |
by rewrite /pHall -divgS joing_subl //= pi'G pnatNK oX mulKn. | |
have nsGX: G <| X by rewrite /normal joing_subl join_subG normG. | |
have{oX pi'G piA} hallA: pi.-Hall(X) A. | |
by rewrite /pHall -divgS joing_subr //= piA oX mulnK. | |
have nsQX: Q <| X by rewrite !gFnormal_trans. | |
have{solG cycA} solX: solvable X. | |
rewrite (series_sol nsGX) {}solG /= norm_joinEr // quotientMidl //. | |
by rewrite morphim_sol // abelian_sol // cyclic_abelian. | |
have sQA: Q \subset A. | |
by apply: normal_sub_max_pgroup (Hall_max hallA) (pcore_pgroup _ _) nsQX. | |
have pi'F: 'O_pi(F) = 1. | |
suff cQG: G \subset 'C(Q) by apply/trivgP; rewrite -regAG subsetI sQA centsC. | |
apply/commG1P/trivgP; rewrite -(coprime_TIg coGA) subsetI commg_subl. | |
rewrite (subset_trans sQA) // (subset_trans _ sQA) // commg_subr. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans _ (normal_norm nsQX)) ?joing_subl. | |
have sFG: F \subset G. | |
have /dprodP[_ defF _ _]: _ = F := nilpotent_pcoreC pi (Fitting_nil _). | |
by rewrite (sub_normal_Hall hallG) ?gFsub //= -defF pi'F mul1g pcore_pgroup. | |
have <-: F = 'F(G). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset -{1}(setIidPr sFG) FittingS ?joing_subl //=. | |
by rewrite Fitting_max ?Fitting_nil // gFnormal_trans. | |
apply/trivgP; rewrite /= -(coprime_TIg coGA) subsetI subsetIl andbT. | |
apply: subset_trans (subset_trans (cent_sub_Fitting solX) sFG). | |
by rewrite setSI ?joing_subr. | |
Qed. | |
(* A "contrapositive" of Proposition 1.4 above. *) | |
Proposition coprime_cent_Fitting gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
'C_A('F(G)) \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA solG; apply: subset_trans (subsetIr A _); set C := 'C_A(G). | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 /= -/C; last first. | |
by rewrite subIset // normsI ?normG // norms_cent. | |
apply: subset_trans (quotient_subcent _ _ _) _; rewrite /= -/C. | |
have nCG: G \subset 'N(C) by rewrite cents_norm // centsC subsetIr. | |
rewrite /= -(setIidPr (Fitting_sub _)) -[(G :&: _) / _](morphim_restrm nCG). | |
rewrite injmF //=; last first. | |
by rewrite ker_restrm ker_coset setIA (coprime_TIg coGA) subIset ?subxx. | |
rewrite morphim_restrm -quotientE setIid. | |
rewrite coprime_trivg_cent_Fitting ?quotient_norms ?coprime_morph //=. | |
exact: morphim_sol. | |
rewrite -strongest_coprime_quotient_cent ?trivg_quotient ?solG ?orbT //. | |
by rewrite -setIA subsetIl. | |
by rewrite coprime_sym -setIA (coprimegS (subsetIl _ _)). | |
Qed. | |
(* B & G Proposition 1.5 is covered by several lemmas in hall.v : *) | |
(* 1.5a -> coprime_Hall_exists (internal action) *) | |
(* ext_coprime_Hall_exists (general group action) *) | |
(* 1.5b -> coprime_Hall_subset (internal action) *) | |
(* ext_coprime_Hall_subset (general group action) *) | |
(* 1.5c -> coprime_Hall_trans (internal action) *) | |
(* ext_coprime_Hall_trans (general group action) *) | |
(* 1.5d -> coprime_quotient_cent (internal action) *) | |
(* ext_coprime_quotient_cent (general group action) *) | |
(* several stronger variants are proved for internal action *) | |
(* 1.5e -> coprime_comm_pcore (internal action only) *) | |
(* A stronger variant of B & G, Proposition 1.6(a). *) | |
Proposition coprimeR_cent_prod gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|[~: G, A]| #|A| -> solvable [~: G, A] -> | |
[~: G, A] * 'C_G(A) = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coRA solR; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset mulG_subG commg_subl nGA. | |
rewrite subsetIl -quotientSK ?commg_norml //=. | |
rewrite coprime_norm_quotient_cent ?commg_normr //=. | |
by rewrite subsetI subxx quotient_cents2r. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(a). *) | |
Proposition coprime_cent_prod gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
[~: G, A] * 'C_G(A) = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA; have sRG: [~: G, A] \subset G by rewrite commg_subl. | |
rewrite -(Lagrange sRG) coprimeMl => /andP[coRA _] /(solvableS sRG). | |
exact: coprimeR_cent_prod. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(b). *) | |
Proposition coprime_commGid gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
[~: G, A, A] = [~: G, A]. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA solG; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset commSg ?commg_subl //. | |
have nAC: 'C_G(A) \subset 'N(A) by rewrite subIset ?cent_sub ?orbT. | |
rewrite -{1}(coprime_cent_prod nGA) // commMG //=; first 1 last. | |
by rewrite !normsR // subIset ?normG. | |
by rewrite (commG1P (subsetIr _ _)) mulg1. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(c). *) | |
Proposition coprime_commGG1P gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
[~: G, A, A] = 1 -> A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
by move=> nGA coGA solG; rewrite centsC coprime_commGid // => /commG1P. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(d), TI-part, from finmod.v *) | |
Definition coprime_abel_cent_TI := coprime_abel_cent_TI. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(d) (direct product) *) | |
Proposition coprime_abelian_cent_dprod gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> abelian G -> | |
[~: G, A] \x 'C_G(A) = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA abelG; rewrite dprodE ?coprime_cent_prod ?abelian_sol //. | |
by rewrite subIset 1?(subset_trans abelG) // centS // commg_subl. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite /= setICA coprime_abel_cent_TI ?subsetIr. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.6(e), which generalises Aschbacher (24.3). *) | |
Proposition coprime_abelian_faithful_Ohm1 gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> abelian G -> | |
A \subset 'C('Ohm_1(G)) -> A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA cGG; rewrite !(centsC A) => cAG1. | |
have /dprodP[_ defG _ tiRC] := coprime_abelian_cent_dprod nGA coGA cGG. | |
have sRG: [~: G, A] \subset G by rewrite commg_subl. | |
rewrite -{}defG -(setIidPl sRG) TI_Ohm1 ?mul1g ?subsetIr //. | |
by apply/trivgP; rewrite -{}tiRC setIS // subsetI Ohm_sub. | |
Qed. | |
(* B & G, Lemma 1.7 is covered by several lemmas in maximal.v : *) | |
(* 1.7a -> Phi_nongen *) | |
(* 1.7b -> Phi_quotient_abelem *) | |
(* 1.7c -> trivg_Phi *) | |
(* 1.7d -> Phi_joing *) | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.8, or Aschbacher 24.1. Note that the coprime *) | |
(* assumption is slightly weaker than requiring that A be a p'-group. *) | |
Proposition coprime_cent_Phi gT p (A G : {group gT}) : | |
p.-group G -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> [~: G, A] \subset 'Phi(G) -> | |
A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG coGA sRphi; rewrite centsC; apply/setIidPl. | |
rewrite -['C_G(A)]genGid; apply/Phi_nongen/eqP. | |
rewrite eqEsubset join_subG Phi_sub subsetIl -genM_join sub_gen //=. | |
rewrite -{1}(coprime_cent_prod _ coGA) ?(pgroup_sol pG) ?mulSg //. | |
by rewrite -commg_subl (subset_trans sRphi) ?Phi_sub. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.9, base (and most common) case, for internal *) | |
(* coprime action. *) | |
Proposition stable_factor_cent gT (A G H : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'C(H) -> stable_factor A H G -> | |
coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cHA /and3P[sRH sHG nHG] coGA solG. | |
suffices: G \subset 'C_G(A) by rewrite subsetI subxx centsC. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK nHG) ?subsetI ?sHG 1?centsC //. | |
by rewrite coprime_quotient_cent ?cents_norm ?subsetI ?subxx ?quotient_cents2r. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.9 (for internal coprime action) *) | |
Proposition stable_series_cent gT (A G : {group gT}) s : | |
last 1%G s :=: G -> (A.-stable).-series 1%G s -> | |
coprime #|G| #|A| -> solvable G -> | |
A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> <-{G}; elim/last_ind: s => /= [|s G IHs]; first by rewrite cents1. | |
rewrite last_rcons rcons_path /= => /andP[/IHs{IHs}]. | |
move: {s}(last _ _) => H IH_H nHGA coGA solG; have [_ sHG _] := and3P nHGA. | |
by rewrite (stable_factor_cent _ nHGA) ?IH_H ?(solvableS sHG) ?(coprimeSg sHG). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.10. *) | |
Proposition coprime_nil_faithful_cent_stab gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> nilpotent G -> | |
let C := 'C_G(A) in 'C_G(C) \subset C -> A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> nGA coGA nilG C; rewrite subsetI subsetIl centsC /= -/C => cCA. | |
pose N := 'N_G(C); have sNG: N \subset G by rewrite subsetIl. | |
have sCG: C \subset G by rewrite subsetIl. | |
suffices cNA : A \subset 'C(N). | |
rewrite centsC (sameP setIidPl eqP) -(nilpotent_sub_norm nilG sCG) //= -/C. | |
by rewrite subsetI subsetIl centsC. | |
have{nilG} solN: solvable N by rewrite (solvableS sNG) ?nilpotent_sol. | |
rewrite (stable_factor_cent cCA) ?(coprimeSg sNG) /stable_factor //= -/N -/C. | |
rewrite subcent_normal subsetI (subset_trans (commSg A sNG)) ?commg_subl //=. | |
rewrite comm_norm_cent_cent 1?centsC ?subsetIr // normsI // !norms_norm //. | |
by rewrite cents_norm 1?centsC ?subsetIr. | |
Qed. | |
(* B & G, Theorem 1.11, via Aschbacher 24.7 rather than Gorenstein 5.3.10. *) | |
Theorem coprime_odd_faithful_Ohm1 gT p (A G : {group gT}) : | |
p.-group G -> A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> odd #|G| -> | |
A \subset 'C('Ohm_1(G)) -> A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG nGA coGA oddG; rewrite !(centsC A) => cAG1. | |
have [-> | ntG] := eqsVneq G 1; first exact: sub1G. | |
have{oddG ntG} [p_pr oddp]: prime p /\ odd p. | |
have [p_pr p_dv_G _] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG. | |
by rewrite !odd_2'nat in oddG *; rewrite pnatE ?(pgroupP oddG). | |
without loss defR: G pG nGA coGA cAG1 / [~: G, A] = G. | |
move=> IH; have solG := pgroup_sol pG. | |
rewrite -(coprime_cent_prod nGA) ?mul_subG ?subsetIr //=. | |
have sRG: [~: G, A] \subset G by rewrite commg_subl. | |
rewrite IH ?coprime_commGid ?(pgroupS sRG) ?commg_normr ?(coprimeSg sRG) //. | |
by apply: subset_trans cAG1; apply: OhmS. | |
have [|[defPhi defG'] defC] := abelian_charsimple_special pG coGA defR. | |
apply/bigcupsP=> H /andP[chH abH]; have sHG := char_sub chH. | |
have nHA := char_norm_trans chH nGA. | |
rewrite centsC coprime_abelian_faithful_Ohm1 ?(coprimeSg sHG) //. | |
by rewrite centsC (subset_trans (OhmS 1 sHG)). | |
have abelZ: p.-abelem 'Z(G) by apply: center_special_abelem. | |
have cAZ: {in 'Z(G), centralised A} by apply/centsP; rewrite -defC subsetIr. | |
have cGZ: {in 'Z(G), centralised G} by apply/centsP; rewrite subsetIr. | |
have defG1: 'Ohm_1(G) = 'Z(G). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset -{1}defC subsetI Ohm_sub cAG1 /=. | |
by rewrite -(Ohm1_id abelZ) OhmS ?center_sub. | |
rewrite (subset_trans _ (subsetIr G _)) // defC -defG1 -{1}defR gen_subG /=. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imset2P[x a Gx Aa ->]; rewrite commgEl. | |
set u := x^-1; set v := x ^ a; pose w := [~ v, u]. | |
have [Gu Gv]: u \in G /\ v \in G by rewrite groupV memJ_norm ?(subsetP nGA). | |
have Zw: w \in 'Z(G) by rewrite -defG' mem_commg. | |
rewrite (OhmE 1 pG) mem_gen // !inE expn1 groupM //=. | |
rewrite expMg_Rmul /commute ?(cGZ w) // bin2odd // expgM. | |
case/(abelemP p_pr): abelZ => _ /(_ w)-> //. | |
rewrite expg1n mulg1 expgVn -conjXg (sameP commgP eqP) cAZ // -defPhi. | |
by rewrite (Phi_joing pG) joingC mem_gen // inE (Mho_p_elt 1) ?(mem_p_elt pG). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 1.12. *) | |
Corollary coprime_odd_faithful_cent_abelem gT p (A G E : {group gT}) : | |
E \in 'E_p(G) -> p.-group G -> | |
A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> odd #|G| -> | |
A \subset 'C('Ldiv_p('C_G(E))) -> A \subset 'C(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/pElemP=> sEG abelE pG nGA coGA oddG cCEA. | |
have [-> | ntG] := eqsVneq G 1; first by rewrite cents1. | |
have [p_pr _ _] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG. | |
have{} cCEA: A \subset 'C('Ohm_1('C_G(E))). | |
by rewrite (OhmE 1 (pgroupS _ pG)) ?subsetIl ?cent_gen. | |
apply: coprime_nil_faithful_cent_stab (pgroup_nil pG) _ => //. | |
rewrite subsetI subsetIl centsC /=; set CC := 'C_G(_). | |
have sCCG: CC \subset G := subsetIl _ _; have pCC := pgroupS sCCG pG. | |
rewrite (coprime_odd_faithful_Ohm1 pCC) ?(coprimeSg sCCG) ?(oddSg sCCG) //. | |
by rewrite !(normsI, norms_cent, normG). | |
rewrite (subset_trans cCEA) // centS // OhmS // setIS // centS //. | |
rewrite subsetI sEG /= centsC (subset_trans cCEA) // centS //. | |
have cEE: abelian E := abelem_abelian abelE. | |
by rewrite -{1}(Ohm1_id abelE) OhmS // subsetI sEG. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 1.13. *) | |
Theorem critical_odd gT p (G : {group gT}) : | |
p.-group G -> odd #|G| -> G :!=: 1 -> | |
{H : {group gT} | | |
[/\ H \char G, [~: H, G] \subset 'Z(H), nil_class H <= 2, exponent H = p | |
& p.-group 'C(H | [Aut G])]}. | |
Proof. | |
move=> pG oddG ntG; have [H krH]:= Thompson_critical pG. | |
have [chH sPhiZ sGH_Z scH] := krH; have clH := critical_class2 krH. | |
have sHG := char_sub chH; set D := 'Ohm_1(H)%G; exists D. | |
have chD: D \char G := char_trans (Ohm_char 1 H) chH. | |
have sDH: D \subset H := Ohm_sub 1 H. | |
have sDG_Z: [~: D, G] \subset 'Z(D). | |
rewrite subsetI commg_subl char_norm // commGC. | |
apply: subset_trans (subset_trans sGH_Z _); first by rewrite commgS. | |
by rewrite subIset // orbC centS. | |
rewrite nil_class2 !(subset_trans (commgS D _) sDG_Z) ?(char_sub chD) {sDH}//. | |
have [p_pr p_dv_G _] := pgroup_pdiv pG ntG; have odd_p := dvdn_odd p_dv_G oddG. | |
split=> {chD sDG_Z}//. | |
apply/prime_nt_dvdP=> //; last by rewrite exponent_Ohm1_class2 ?(pgroupS sHG). | |
rewrite -dvdn1 -trivg_exponent /= Ohm1_eq1; apply: contraNneq ntG => H1. | |
by rewrite -(setIidPl (cents1 G)) -{1}H1 scH H1 center1. | |
apply/pgroupP=> q q_pr /Cauchy[] //= f. | |
rewrite astab_ract => /setIdP[Af cDf] ofq; apply: wlog_neg => p'q. | |
suffices: f \in 'C(H | [Aut G]). | |
move/(mem_p_elt (critical_p_stab_Aut krH pG))/pnatP=> -> //. | |
by rewrite ofq. | |
rewrite astab_ract inE Af; apply/astabP=> x Hx; rewrite /= /aperm /=. | |
rewrite nil_class2 in clH; have pH := pgroupS sHG pG. | |
have /p_natP[i ox]: p.-elt x by apply: mem_p_elt Hx. | |
have{ox}: x ^+ (p ^ i) = 1 by rewrite -ox expg_order. | |
elim: i x Hx => [|[|i] IHi] x Hx xp1. | |
- by rewrite [x]xp1 -(autmE Af) morph1. | |
- by apply: (astabP cDf); rewrite (OhmE 1 pH) mem_gen // !inE Hx xp1 eqxx. | |
have expH': {in H &, forall y z, [~ y, z] ^+ p = 1}. | |
move=> y z Hy Hz; apply/eqP. | |
have /setIP[_ cHyz]: [~ y, z] \in 'Z(H) by rewrite (subsetP clH) // mem_commg. | |
rewrite -commXg; last exact/commute_sym/(centP cHyz). | |
suffices /setIP[_ cHyp]: y ^+ p \in 'Z(H) by apply/commgP/(centP cHyp). | |
rewrite (subsetP sPhiZ) // (Phi_joing pH) mem_gen // inE orbC. | |
by rewrite (Mho_p_elt 1) ?(mem_p_elt pH). | |
have Hfx: f x \in H. | |
case/charP: chH => _ /(_ _ (injm_autm Af) (im_autm Af)) <-. | |
by rewrite -{1}(autmE Af) mem_morphim // (subsetP sHG). | |
set y := x^-1 * f x; set z := [~ f x, x^-1]. | |
have Hy: y \in H by rewrite groupM ?groupV. | |
have /centerP[_ Zz]: z \in 'Z(H) by rewrite (subsetP clH) // mem_commg ?groupV. | |
have fy: f y = y. | |
apply: (IHi); first by rewrite groupM ?groupV. | |
rewrite expMg_Rmul; try by apply: commute_sym; apply: Zz; rewrite ?groupV. | |
rewrite -/z bin2odd ?oddX // {3}expnS -mulnA expgM expH' ?groupV //. | |
rewrite expg1n mulg1 expgVn -(autmE Af) -morphX ?(subsetP sHG) //= autmE. | |
rewrite IHi ?mulVg ?groupX // {2}expnS expgM -(expgM x _ p) -expnSr. | |
by rewrite xp1 expg1n. | |
have /eqP: (f ^+ q) x = x * y ^+ q. | |
elim: (q) => [|j IHj]; first by rewrite perm1 mulg1. | |
rewrite expgSr permM {}IHj -(autmE Af). | |
rewrite morphM ?morphX ?groupX ?(subsetP sHG) //= autmE. | |
by rewrite fy expgS mulgA mulKVg. | |
rewrite -{1}ofq expg_order perm1 eq_mulVg1 mulKg -order_dvdn. | |
case: (primeP q_pr) => _ dv_q /dv_q; rewrite order_eq1 -eq_mulVg1. | |
case/pred2P=> // oyq; case/negP: p'q. | |
by apply: (pgroupP pH); rewrite // -oyq order_dvdG. | |
Qed. | |
Section CoprimeQuotientPgroup. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.14, which we divide in four lemmas, each one giving *) | |
(* the (sub)centraliser or (sub)normaliser of a quotient by a coprime p-group *) | |
(* acting on it. Note that we weaken the assumptions of B & G -- M does not *) | |
(* need to be normal in G, T need not be a subgroup of G, p need not be a *) | |
(* prime, and M only needs to be coprime with T. Note also that the subcenter *) | |
(* quotient lemma is special case of a lemma in coprime_act. *) | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat) (T M G : {group gT}). | |
Hypothesis pT : p.-group T. | |
Hypotheses (nMT : T \subset 'N(M)) (coMT : coprime #|M| #|T|). | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.14, for a global normaliser. *) | |
Lemma coprime_norm_quotient_pgroup : 'N(T / M) = 'N(T) / M. | |
Proof. | |
have [-> | ntT] := eqsVneq T 1; first by rewrite quotient1 !norm1 quotientT. | |
have [p_pr _ [m oMpm]] := pgroup_pdiv pT ntT. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset morphim_norms // andbT; apply/subsetP=> Mx. | |
case: (cosetP Mx) => x Nx ->{Mx} nTqMx. | |
have sylT: p.-Sylow(M <*> T) T. | |
rewrite /pHall pT -divgS joing_subr //= norm_joinEr ?coprime_cardMg //. | |
rewrite mulnK // ?p'natE -?prime_coprime // coprime_sym. | |
by rewrite -(@coprime_pexpr m.+1) -?oMpm. | |
have sylTx: p.-Sylow(M <*> T) (T :^ x). | |
have nMTx: x \in 'N(M <*> T). | |
rewrite norm_joinEr // inE -quotientSK ?conj_subG ?mul_subG ?normG //. | |
by rewrite quotientJ // quotientMidl (normP nTqMx). | |
by rewrite pHallE /= -{1}(normP nMTx) conjSg cardJg -pHallE. | |
have{sylT sylTx} [ay] := Sylow_trans sylT sylTx. | |
rewrite /= joingC norm_joinEl //; case/imset2P=> a y Ta. | |
rewrite -groupV => My ->{ay} defTx; rewrite -(coset_kerr x My). | |
rewrite mem_morphim //; first by rewrite groupM // (subsetP (normG M)). | |
by rewrite inE !(conjsgM, defTx) conjsgK conjGid. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.14, for a global centraliser. *) | |
Lemma coprime_cent_quotient_pgroup : 'C(T / M) = 'C(T) / M. | |
Proof. | |
symmetry; rewrite -quotientInorm -quotientMidl -['C(T / M)]cosetpreK. | |
congr (_ / M); set Cq := _ @*^-1 _; set C := 'N_('C(T))(M). | |
suffices <-: 'N_Cq(T) = C. | |
rewrite setIC group_modl ?sub_cosetpre //= -/Cq; apply/setIidPr. | |
rewrite -quotientSK ?subsetIl // cosetpreK. | |
by rewrite -coprime_norm_quotient_pgroup cent_sub. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset subsetI -sub_quotient_pre ?subsetIr //. | |
rewrite quotientInorm quotient_cents //= andbC subIset ?cent_sub //=. | |
have nMC': 'N_Cq(T) \subset 'N(M) by rewrite subIset ?subsetIl. | |
rewrite subsetI nMC' andbT (sameP commG1P trivgP) /=. | |
rewrite -(coprime_TIg coMT) subsetI commg_subr subsetIr andbT. | |
by rewrite -quotient_cents2 ?sub_quotient_pre ?subsetIl. | |
Qed. | |
Hypothesis sMG : M \subset G. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.14, for a local normaliser. *) | |
Lemma coprime_subnorm_quotient_pgroup : 'N_(G / M)(T / M) = 'N_G(T) / M. | |
Proof. by rewrite quotientGI -?coprime_norm_quotient_pgroup. Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.14, for a local centraliser. *) | |
Lemma coprime_subcent_quotient_pgroup : 'C_(G / M)(T / M) = 'C_G(T) / M. | |
Proof. by rewrite quotientGI -?coprime_cent_quotient_pgroup. Qed. | |
End CoprimeQuotientPgroup. | |
Section Constrained. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat) (G : {group gT}). | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.15a (Lemma 1.2.3 of P. Hall & G. Higman). *) | |
Proposition solvable_p_constrained : solvable G -> p.-constrained G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> solG P sylP; have [sPO pP _] := and3P sylP; pose K := 'O_p^'(G). | |
have nKG: G \subset 'N(K) by rewrite normal_norm ?pcore_normal. | |
have nKC: 'C_G(P) \subset 'N(K) by rewrite subIset ?nKG. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK nKC) //; last first. | |
by rewrite /= -pseries1 (pseries_sub_catl [::_]). | |
apply: subset_trans (quotient_subcent _ _ _) _; rewrite /= -/K. | |
suffices ->: P / K = 'O_p(G / K). | |
rewrite quotient_pseries2 -Fitting_eq_pcore ?trivg_pcore_quotient // -/K. | |
by rewrite cent_sub_Fitting ?morphim_sol. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEcard -(part_pnat_id (pcore_pgroup _ _)). | |
have sylPK: p.-Sylow('O_p(G / K)) (P / K). | |
rewrite -quotient_pseries2 morphim_pHall //. | |
exact: subset_trans (subset_trans sPO (pseries_sub _ _)) nKG. | |
by rewrite -(card_Hall sylPK) leqnn -quotient_pseries2 quotientS. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is Gorenstein, Proposition 8.1.3. *) | |
Proposition p_stable_abelian_constrained : | |
p.-constrained G -> p.-stable G -> p.-abelian_constrained G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> constrG stabG P A sylP cAA /andP[sAP nAP]. | |
have [sPG pP _] := and3P sylP; have sAG := subset_trans sAP sPG. | |
set K2 := 'O_{p^', p}(G); pose K1 := 'O_p^'(G); pose Q := P :&: K2. | |
have sQG: Q \subset G by rewrite subIset ?sPG. | |
have nK1G: G \subset 'N(K1) by rewrite normal_norm ?pcore_normal. | |
have nsK2G: K2 <| G := pseries_normal _ _; have [sK2G nK2G] := andP nsK2G. | |
have sylQ: p.-Sylow(K2) Q by rewrite /Q setIC (Sylow_setI_normal nsK2G). | |
have defK2: K1 * Q = K2. | |
have sK12: K1 \subset K2 by rewrite /K1 -pseries1 (pseries_sub_catl [::_]). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset mulG_subG /= sK12 subsetIr /=. | |
rewrite -quotientSK ?(subset_trans sK2G) //= quotientIG //= -/K1 -/K2. | |
rewrite subsetI subxx andbT quotient_pseries2. | |
by rewrite pcore_sub_Hall // morphim_pHall // ?(subset_trans sPG). | |
have{cAA} rQAA_1: [~: Q, A, A] = 1. | |
by apply/commG1P; apply: subset_trans cAA; rewrite commg_subr subIset // nAP. | |
have nK2A := subset_trans sAG nK2G. | |
have sAN: A \subset 'N_G(Q) by rewrite subsetI sAG normsI // normsG. | |
have{stabG rQAA_1 defK2 sQG} stabA: A / 'C_G(Q) \subset 'O_p('N_G(Q) / 'C_G(Q)). | |
apply: stabG; rewrite //= /psubgroup -/Q ?sAN ?(pgroupS _ pP) ?subsetIl //. | |
by rewrite defK2 pseries_normal. | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 //= -/K2 -(setIidPr sAN). | |
have nK2N: 'N_G(Q) \subset 'N(K2) by rewrite subIset ?nK2G. | |
rewrite -[_ / _](morphim_restrm nK2N); set qK2 := restrm _ _. | |
have{constrG} fqKp: 'ker (coset 'C_G(Q)) \subset 'ker qK2. | |
by rewrite ker_restrm !ker_coset subsetI subcent_sub constrG. | |
rewrite -(morphim_factm fqKp (subcent_norm _ _)) -(quotientE A _). | |
apply: subset_trans {stabA}(morphimS _ stabA) _. | |
apply: subset_trans (morphim_pcore _ _ _) _. | |
rewrite morphim_factm morphim_restrm setIid -quotientE. | |
rewrite /= -quotientMidl /= -/K2 (Frattini_arg _ sylQ) ?pseries_normal //. | |
by rewrite -quotient_pseries //= (pseries_rcons_id [::_]) trivg_quotient. | |
Qed. | |
End Constrained. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.15b (due to D. Goldschmith). *) | |
Proposition p'core_cent_pgroup gT p (G R : {group gT}) : | |
p.-subgroup(G) R -> solvable G -> 'O_p^'('C_G(R)) \subset 'O_p^'(G). | |
Proof. | |
case/andP=> sRG pR solG. | |
without loss p'G1: gT G R sRG pR solG / 'O_p^'(G) = 1. | |
have nOG_CR: 'C_G(R) \subset 'N('O_p^'(G)) by rewrite subIset ?gFnorm. | |
move=> IH; rewrite -quotient_sub1 ?gFsub_trans //. | |
apply: subset_trans (morphimF _ _ nOG_CR) _; rewrite /= -quotientE. | |
rewrite -(coprime_subcent_quotient_pgroup pR) ?pcore_sub //; first 1 last. | |
- by rewrite (subset_trans sRG) ?gFnorm. | |
- by rewrite coprime_sym (pnat_coprime _ (pcore_pgroup _ _)). | |
have p'Gq1 : 'O_p^'(G / 'O_p^'(G)) = 1 := trivg_pcore_quotient p^' G. | |
by rewrite -p'Gq1 IH ?morphimS ?morphim_pgroup ?morphim_sol. | |
set M := 'O_p^'('C_G(R)); pose T := 'O_p(G). | |
have /subsetIP[sMG cMR]: M \subset 'C_G(R) by apply: pcore_sub. | |
have [p'M pT]: p^'.-group M /\ p.-group T by rewrite !pcore_pgroup. | |
have nRT: R \subset 'N(T) by rewrite (subset_trans sRG) ?gFnorm. | |
have pRT: p.-group (R <*> T). | |
rewrite -(pquotient_pgroup pT) ?join_subG ?nRT ?normG //=. | |
by rewrite norm_joinEl // quotientMidr morphim_pgroup. | |
have nRT_M: M \subset 'N(R <*> T). | |
by rewrite normsY ?(cents_norm cMR) // (subset_trans sMG) ?gFnorm. | |
have coRT_M: coprime #|R <*> T| #|M| := pnat_coprime pRT p'M. | |
have cMcR: 'C_(R <*> T)(R) \subset 'C(M). | |
apply/commG1P; apply/trivgP; rewrite -(coprime_TIg coRT_M) subsetI commg_subr. | |
rewrite (subset_trans (commSg _ (subsetIl _ _))) ?commg_subl //= -/M. | |
by apply: subset_trans (gFnorm _ _); rewrite setSI // join_subG sRG pcore_sub. | |
have cRT_M: M \subset 'C(R <*> T). | |
rewrite coprime_nil_faithful_cent_stab ?(pgroup_nil pRT) //= -/M. | |
rewrite subsetI subsetIl (subset_trans _ cMcR) // ?setIS ?centS //. | |
by rewrite subsetI joing_subl centsC. | |
have sMT: M \subset T. | |
have defT: 'F(G) = T := Fitting_eq_pcore p'G1. | |
rewrite -defT (subset_trans _ (cent_sub_Fitting solG)) // defT subsetI sMG. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans cRT_M) // centY subsetIr. | |
by rewrite -(setIidPr sMT) p'G1 coprime_TIg // (pnat_coprime pT). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Proposition 1.16, second assertion. Contrary to the text, *) | |
(* we derive this directly, rather than by induction on the first, because *) | |
(* this is actually how the proof is done in Gorenstein. Note that the non *) | |
(* cyclic assumption for A is not needed here. *) | |
Proposition coprime_abelian_gen_cent gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
abelian A -> A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> | |
<<\bigcup_(B : {group gT} | cyclic (A / B) && (B <| A)) 'C_G(B)>> = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelA nGA coGA; symmetry; move: {2}_.+1 (ltnSn #|G|) => n. | |
elim: n gT => // n IHn gT in A G abelA nGA coGA *; rewrite ltnS => leGn. | |
without loss nilG: G nGA coGA leGn / nilpotent G. | |
move=> {} IHn; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset gen_subG. | |
apply/andP; split; last by apply/bigcupsP=> B _; apply: subsetIl. | |
pose T := [set P : {group gT} | Sylow G P & A \subset 'N(P)]. | |
rewrite -{1}(@Sylow_transversal_gen _ T G) => [|P | p _]; first 1 last. | |
- by rewrite inE -!andbA; case/and4P. | |
- have [//|P sylP nPA] := sol_coprime_Sylow_exists p (abelian_sol abelA) nGA. | |
by exists P; rewrite ?inE ?(p_Sylow sylP). | |
rewrite gen_subG; apply/bigcupsP=> P {T}/setIdP[/SylowP[p _ sylP] nPA]. | |
have [sPG pP _] := and3P sylP. | |
rewrite (IHn P) ?(pgroup_nil pP) ?(coprimeSg sPG) ?genS //. | |
by apply/bigcupsP=> B cycBq; rewrite (bigcup_max B) ?setSI. | |
by rewrite (leq_trans (subset_leq_card sPG)). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset gen_subG. | |
apply/andP; split; last by apply/bigcupsP=> B _; apply: subsetIl. | |
have [Z1 | ntZ] := eqsVneq 'Z(G) 1. | |
by rewrite (TI_center_nil _ (normal_refl G)) ?Z1 ?(setIidPr _) ?sub1G. | |
have{ntZ} [M /= minM] := minnormal_exists ntZ (gFnorm_trans _ nGA). | |
rewrite subsetI centsC => /andP[sMG /cents_norm nMG]. | |
have coMA := coprimeSg sMG coGA; have{nilG} solG := nilpotent_sol nilG. | |
have [nMA ntM abelM] := minnormal_solvable minM sMG solG. | |
set GC := <<_>>; have sMGC: M \subset GC. | |
rewrite sub_gen ?(bigcup_max 'C_A(M)%G) //=; last first. | |
by rewrite subsetI sMG centsC subsetIr. | |
case/is_abelemP: abelM => p _ abelM; rewrite -(rker_abelem abelM ntM nMA). | |
rewrite rker_normal -(setIidPl (quotient_abelian _ _)) ?center_kquo_cyclic //. | |
exact/abelem_mx_irrP. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK nMG sMGC). | |
have: A / M \subset 'N(G / M) by rewrite morphim_norms. | |
move/IHn->; rewrite ?morphim_abelian ?coprime_morph {IHn}//; first 1 last. | |
by rewrite (leq_trans _ leGn) ?ltn_quotient. | |
rewrite gen_subG; apply/bigcupsP=> Bq; rewrite andbC => /andP[]. | |
have: M :&: A = 1 by rewrite coprime_TIg. | |
move/(quotient_isom nMA); case/isomP=> /=; set qM := restrm _ _ => injqM <-. | |
move=> nsBqA; have sBqA := normal_sub nsBqA. | |
rewrite -(morphpreK sBqA) /= -/qM; set B := qM @*^-1 Bq. | |
move: nsBqA; rewrite -(morphpre_normal sBqA) ?injmK //= -/B => nsBA. | |
rewrite -(morphim_quotm _ nsBA) /= -/B injm_cyclic ?injm_quotm //= => cycBA. | |
rewrite morphim_restrm -quotientE morphpreIdom -/B; have sBA := normal_sub nsBA. | |
rewrite -coprime_quotient_cent ?(coprimegS sBA, subset_trans sBA) //= -/B. | |
by rewrite quotientS ?sub_gen // (bigcup_max [group of B]) ?cycBA. | |
Qed. | |
(* B & G, Proposition 1.16, first assertion. *) | |
Proposition coprime_abelian_gen_cent1 gT (A G : {group gT}) : | |
abelian A -> ~~ cyclic A -> A \subset 'N(G) -> coprime #|G| #|A| -> | |
<<\bigcup_(a in A^#) 'C_G[a]>> = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> abelA ncycA nGA coGA. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym eqEsubset /= gen_subG. | |
apply/andP; split; last by apply/bigcupsP=> B _; apply: subsetIl. | |
rewrite -{1}(coprime_abelian_gen_cent abelA nGA) ?genS //. | |
apply/bigcupsP=> B; have [-> | /trivgPn[a Ba n1a]] := eqsVneq B 1. | |
by rewrite injm_cyclic ?coset1_injm ?norms1 ?(negbTE ncycA). | |
case/and3P=> _ sBA _; rewrite (bigcup_max a) ?inE ?n1a ?(subsetP sBA) //. | |
by rewrite setIS // -cent_set1 centS // sub1set. | |
Qed. | |
Section Focal_Subgroup. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (G S : {group gT}) (p : nat). | |
Hypothesis sylS : p.-Sylow(G) S. | |
Import finalg FiniteModule GRing.Theory. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 1.17 ("Focal Subgroup Theorem", D. G. Higman), also *) | |
(* Gorenstein Theorem 7.3.4 and Aschbacher (37.4). *) | |
Theorem focal_subgroup_gen : | |
S :&: G^`(1) = <<[set [~ x, u] | x in S, u in G & x ^ u \in S]>>. | |
Proof. | |
set K := <<_>>; set G' := G^`(1); have [sSG coSiSG] := andP (pHall_Hall sylS). | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset gen_subG andbC; apply/andP; split. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imset2P[x u Sx /setIdP[Gu Sxu] ->]. | |
by rewrite inE groupM ?groupV // mem_commg // (subsetP sSG). | |
apply/subsetP=> g /setIP[Sg G'g]; have Gg := subsetP sSG g Sg. | |
have nKS: S \subset 'N(K). | |
rewrite norms_gen //; apply/subsetP=> y Sy; rewrite inE. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imsetP[_ /imset2P[x u Sx /setIdP[Gu Sxu] ->] ->]. | |
have Gy: y \in G := subsetP sSG y Sy. | |
by rewrite conjRg imset2_f ?groupJ // inE -conjJg /= 2?groupJ. | |
set alpha := restrm_morphism nKS (coset_morphism K). | |
have alphim: (alpha @* S) = (S / K) by rewrite morphim_restrm setIid. | |
have abelSK : abelian (alpha @* S). | |
rewrite alphim sub_der1_abelian // genS //. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imset2P[x y Sx Sy ->]. | |
by rewrite imset2_f // inE (subsetP sSG) ?groupJ. | |
set ker_trans := 'ker (transfer G abelSK). | |
have G'ker : G' \subset ker_trans. | |
rewrite gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> h; case/imset2P=> h1 h2 Gh1 Gh2 ->{h}. | |
by rewrite !inE groupR // morphR //; apply/commgP; apply: addrC. | |
have transg0: transfer G abelSK g = 0%R. | |
by move/kerP: (subsetP G'ker g G'g); apply. | |
have partX := rcosets_cycle_partition sSG Gg. | |
have trX := transversalP partX; set X := transversal _ _ in trX. | |
have /and3P[_ sXG _] := trX. | |
have gGSeq0: (fmod abelSK (alpha g) *+ #|G : S| = 0)%R. | |
rewrite -transg0 (transfer_cycle_expansion sSG abelSK Gg trX). | |
rewrite -(sum_index_rcosets_cycle sSG Gg trX) -sumrMnr /restrm. | |
apply: eq_bigr=> x Xx; rewrite -[(_ *+ _)%R]morphX ?mem_morphim //=. | |
rewrite -morphX //= /restrm; congr fmod. | |
apply/rcoset_kercosetP; rewrite /= -/K. | |
- by rewrite (subsetP nKS) ?groupX. | |
- rewrite (subsetP nKS) // conjgE invgK mulgA -mem_rcoset. | |
exact: mulg_exp_card_rcosets. | |
rewrite mem_rcoset -{1}[g ^+ _]invgK -conjVg -commgEl mem_gen ?imset2_f //. | |
by rewrite groupV groupX. | |
rewrite inE conjVg !groupV (subsetP sXG) //= conjgE invgK mulgA -mem_rcoset. | |
exact: mulg_exp_card_rcosets. | |
move: (congr_fmod gGSeq0). | |
rewrite fmval0 morphX ?inE //= fmodK ?mem_morphim // /restrm /=. | |
move/((congr1 (expgn^~ (expg_invn (S / K) #|G : S|))) _). | |
rewrite expg1n expgK ?mem_quotient ?coprime_morphl // => Kg1. | |
by rewrite coset_idr ?(subsetP nKS). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 1.18 (due to Burnside). *) | |
Theorem Burnside_normal_complement : | |
'N_G(S) \subset 'C(S) -> 'O_p^'(G) ><| S = G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> cSN; set K := 'O_p^'(G); have [sSG pS _] := and3P sylS. | |
have /andP[sKG nKG]: K <| G by apply: pcore_normal. | |
have{nKG} nKS := subset_trans sSG nKG. | |
have p'K: p^'.-group K by apply: pcore_pgroup. | |
have{pS p'K} tiKS: K :&: S = 1 by rewrite setIC coprime_TIg ?(pnat_coprime pS). | |
suffices{tiKS nKS} hallK: p^'.-Hall(G) K. | |
rewrite sdprodE //= -/K; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEcard ?mul_subG //=. | |
by rewrite TI_cardMg //= (card_Hall sylS) (card_Hall hallK) mulnC partnC. | |
pose G' := G^`(1); have nsG'G : G' <| G by rewrite der_normalS. | |
suffices{K sKG} p'G': p^'.-group G'. | |
have nsG'K: G' <| K by rewrite (normalS _ sKG) ?pcore_max. | |
rewrite -(pquotient_pHall p'G') -?pquotient_pcore //= -/G'. | |
by rewrite nilpotent_pcore_Hall ?abelian_nil ?der_abelian. | |
suffices{nsG'G} tiSG': S :&: G' = 1. | |
have sylG'S : p.-Sylow(G') (G' :&: S) by rewrite (Sylow_setI_normal _ sylS). | |
rewrite /pgroup -[#|_|](partnC p) ?cardG_gt0 // -{sylG'S}(card_Hall sylG'S). | |
by rewrite /= setIC tiSG' cards1 mul1n part_pnat. | |
apply/trivgP; rewrite /= focal_subgroup_gen ?(p_Sylow sylS) // gen_subG. | |
apply/subsetP=> _ /imset2P[x u Sx /setIdP[Gu Sxu] ->]. | |
have cSS y: y \in S -> S \subset 'C_G[y]. | |
rewrite subsetI sSG -cent_set1 centsC sub1set; apply: subsetP. | |
by apply: subset_trans cSN; rewrite subsetI sSG normG. | |
have{cSS} [v]: exists2 v, v \in 'C_G[x ^ u | 'J] & S :=: (S :^ u) :^ v. | |
have sylSu : p.-Sylow(G) (S :^ u) by rewrite pHallJ. | |
have [sSC sCG] := (cSS _ Sxu, subsetIl G 'C[x ^ u]). | |
rewrite astab1J; apply: (@Sylow_trans p); apply: pHall_subl sCG _ => //=. | |
by rewrite -conjg_set1 normJ -(conjGid Gu) -conjIg conjSg cSS. | |
rewrite in_set1 -conjsgM => /setIP[Gv /astab1P cx_uv] nSuv. | |
apply/conjg_fixP; rewrite -cx_uv /= -conjgM; apply: astabP Sx. | |
by rewrite astabJ (subsetP cSN) // !inE -nSuv groupM /=. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 1.19(a). *) | |
Corollary cyclic_Sylow_tiVsub_der1 : | |
cyclic S -> S :&: G^`(1) = 1 \/ S \subset G^`(1). | |
Proof. | |
move=> cycS; have [sSG pS _] := and3P sylS. | |
have nsSN: S <| 'N_G(S) by rewrite normalSG. | |
have hallSN: Hall 'N_G(S) S. | |
by apply: pHall_Hall (pHall_subl _ _ sylS); rewrite ?subsetIl ?normal_sub. | |
have /splitsP[K /complP[tiSK /= defN]] := SchurZassenhaus_split hallSN nsSN. | |
have sKN: K \subset 'N_G(S) by rewrite -defN mulG_subr. | |
have [sKG nSK] := subsetIP sKN. | |
have coSK: coprime #|S| #|K|. | |
by case/andP: hallSN => sSN; rewrite -divgS //= -defN TI_cardMg ?mulKn. | |
have:= coprime_abelian_cent_dprod nSK coSK (cyclic_abelian cycS). | |
case/(cyclic_pgroup_dprod_trivg pS cycS) => [[_ cSK]|[_ <-]]; last first. | |
by right; rewrite commgSS. | |
have cSN: 'N_G(S) \subset 'C(S). | |
by rewrite -defN mulG_subG -abelianE cyclic_abelian // centsC -cSK subsetIr. | |
have /sdprodP[_ /= defG _ _] := Burnside_normal_complement cSN. | |
set Q := 'O_p^'(G) in defG; have nQG: G \subset 'N(Q) := gFnorm _ _. | |
left; rewrite coprime_TIg ?(pnat_coprime pS) //. | |
apply: pgroupS (pcore_pgroup _ G); rewrite /= -/Q. | |
rewrite -quotient_sub1 ?gFsub_trans ?quotientR //= -/Q. | |
rewrite -defG quotientMidl (sameP trivgP commG1P) -abelianE. | |
by rewrite morphim_abelian ?cyclic_abelian. | |
Qed. | |
End Focal_Subgroup. | |
(* This is B & G, Corollary 1.19(b). *) | |
Corollary Zgroup_der1_Hall gT (G : {group gT}) : | |
Zgroup G -> Hall G G^`(1). | |
Proof. | |
move=> ZgG; set G' := G^`(1). | |
rewrite /Hall der_sub coprime_sym coprime_pi' ?cardG_gt0 //=. | |
apply/pgroupP=> p p_pr pG'; have [P sylP] := Sylow_exists p G. | |
have cycP: cyclic P by have:= forallP ZgG P; rewrite (p_Sylow sylP). | |
case: (cyclic_Sylow_tiVsub_der1 sylP cycP) => [tiPG' | sPG']. | |
have: p.-Sylow(G') (P :&: G'). | |
by rewrite setIC (Sylow_setI_normal _ sylP) ?gFnormal. | |
move/card_Hall/eqP; rewrite /= tiPG' cards1 eq_sym. | |
by rewrite partn_eq1 ?cardG_gt0 // p'natE ?pG'. | |
rewrite inE /= mem_primes p_pr indexg_gt0 -?p'natE // -partn_eq1 //. | |
have sylPq: p.-Sylow(G / G') (P / G') by rewrite morphim_pHall ?normsG. | |
rewrite -card_quotient ?gFnorm // -(card_Hall sylPq) -trivg_card1. | |
by rewrite /= -quotientMidr mulSGid ?trivg_quotient. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is Aschbacher (39.2). *) | |
Lemma cyclic_pdiv_normal_complement gT (S G : {group gT}) : | |
(pdiv #|G|).-Sylow(G) S -> cyclic S -> exists H : {group gT}, H ><| S = G. | |
Proof. | |
set p := pdiv _ => sylS cycS; have cSS := cyclic_abelian cycS. | |
exists 'O_p^'(G)%G; apply: Burnside_normal_complement => //. | |
have [-> | ntS] := eqsVneq S 1; first apply: cents1. | |
have [sSG pS p'iSG] := and3P sylS; have [pr_p _ _] := pgroup_pdiv pS ntS. | |
rewrite -['C(S)]mulg1 -ker_conj_aut -morphimSK ?subsetIr // setIC morphimIdom. | |
set A_G := _ @* _; pose A := Aut S. | |
have [_ [_ [cAA _ oAp' _]] _] := cyclic_pgroup_Aut_structure pS cycS ntS. | |
have{cAA cSS p'iSG} /setIidPl <-: A_G \subset 'O_p^'(A). | |
rewrite pcore_max -?sub_abelian_normal ?Aut_conj_aut //=. | |
apply: pnat_dvd p'iSG; rewrite card_morphim ker_conj_aut /= setIC. | |
have sSN: S \subset 'N_G(S) by rewrite subsetI sSG normG. | |
by apply: dvdn_trans (indexSg sSN (subsetIl G 'N(S))); apply: indexgS. | |
rewrite coprime_TIg ?sub1G // coprime_morphl // coprime_sym coprime_pi' //. | |
apply/pgroupP=> q pr_q q_dv_G; rewrite !inE mem_primes gtnNdvd ?andbF // oAp'. | |
by rewrite prednK ?prime_gt0 ?pdiv_min_dvd ?prime_gt1. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is Aschbacher (39.3). *) | |
Lemma Zgroup_metacyclic gT (G : {group gT}) : Zgroup G -> metacyclic G. | |
Proof. | |
elim: {G}_.+1 {-2}G (ltnSn #|G|) => // n IHn G; rewrite ltnS => leGn ZgG. | |
have{n IHn leGn} solG: solvable G. | |
have [-> | ntG] := eqsVneq G 1; first apply: solvable1. | |
have [S sylS] := Sylow_exists (pdiv #|G|) G. | |
have cycS: cyclic S := forall_inP ZgG S (p_Sylow sylS). | |
have [H defG] := cyclic_pdiv_normal_complement sylS cycS. | |
have [nsHG _ _ _ _] := sdprod_context defG; rewrite (series_sol nsHG) andbC. | |
rewrite -(isog_sol (sdprod_isog defG)) (abelian_sol (cyclic_abelian cycS)). | |
rewrite metacyclic_sol ?IHn ?(ZgroupS _ ZgG) ?normal_sub //. | |
rewrite (leq_trans _ leGn) // -(sdprod_card defG) ltn_Pmulr // cardG_gt1. | |
by rewrite -rank_gt0 (rank_Sylow sylS) p_rank_gt0 pi_pdiv cardG_gt1. | |
pose K := 'F(G)%G; apply/metacyclicP; exists K. | |
have nsKG: K <| G := Fitting_normal G; have [sKG nKG] := andP nsKG. | |
have cycK: cyclic K by rewrite nil_Zgroup_cyclic ?Fitting_nil ?(ZgroupS sKG). | |
have cKK: abelian K := cyclic_abelian cycK. | |
have{solG cKK} defK: 'C_G(K) = K. | |
by apply/setP/subset_eqP; rewrite cent_sub_Fitting // subsetI sKG. | |
rewrite cycK nil_Zgroup_cyclic ?morphim_Zgroup ?abelian_nil //. | |
rewrite -defK -ker_conj_aut (isog_abelian (first_isog_loc _ _)) //. | |
exact: abelianS (Aut_conj_aut K G) (Aut_cyclic_abelian cycK). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Theorem 1.20 (Maschke's Theorem) for internal action on *) | |
(* elementary abelian subgroups; a more general case, for linear *) | |
(* represenations on matrices, can be found in mxrepresentation.v. *) | |
Theorem Maschke_abelem gT p (G V U : {group gT}) : | |
p.-abelem V -> p^'.-group G -> U \subset V -> | |
G \subset 'N(V) -> G \subset 'N(U) -> | |
exists2 W : {group gT}, U \x W = V & G \subset 'N(W). | |
Proof. | |
move=> pV p'G sUV nVG nUG. | |
have splitU: [splits V, over U] := abelem_splits pV sUV. | |
case/and3P: pV => pV abV; have cUV := subset_trans sUV abV. | |
have sVVG := joing_subl V G. | |
have{nUG} nUVG: U <| V <*> G. | |
by rewrite /(U <| _) join_subG (subset_trans sUV) // cents_norm // centsC. | |
rewrite -{nUVG}(Gaschutz_split nUVG) ?(abelianS sUV) // in splitU; last first. | |
rewrite -divgS ?joing_subl //= norm_joinEr //. | |
have coVG: coprime #|V| #|G| := pnat_coprime pV p'G. | |
by rewrite coprime_cardMg // mulnC mulnK // (coprimeSg sUV). | |
case/splitsP: splitU => WG /complP[tiUWG /= defVG]. | |
exists (WG :&: V)%G. | |
rewrite dprodE; last by rewrite setIA tiUWG (setIidPl _) ?sub1G. | |
by rewrite group_modl // defVG (setIidPr _). | |
by rewrite subIset // orbC centsC cUV. | |
rewrite (subset_trans (joing_subr V _)) // -defVG mul_subG //. | |
by rewrite cents_norm ?(subset_trans cUV) ?centS ?subsetIr. | |
rewrite normsI ?normG // (subset_trans (mulG_subr U _)) //. | |
by rewrite defVG join_subG normG. | |
Qed. | |
Section Plength1. | |
Variables (gT : finGroupType) (p : nat). | |
Implicit Types G H : {group gT}. | |
(* Some basic properties of p.-length_1 that are direct consequences of their *) | |
(* definition using p-series. *) | |
Lemma plength1_1 : p.-length_1 (1 : {set gT}). | |
Proof. by rewrite -[_ 1]subG1 pseries_sub. Qed. | |
Lemma plength1_p'group G : p^'.-group G -> p.-length_1 G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> p'G; rewrite [p.-length_1 G]eqEsubset pseries_sub /=. | |
by rewrite -{1}(pcore_pgroup_id p'G) -pseries1 pseries_sub_catl. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma plength1_nonprime G : ~~ prime p -> p.-length_1 G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> not_p_pr; rewrite plength1_p'group // p'groupEpi mem_primes. | |
by rewrite (negPf not_p_pr). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma plength1_pcore_quo_Sylow G (Gb := G / 'O_p^'(G)) : | |
p.-length_1 G = p.-Sylow(Gb) 'O_p(Gb). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 eqEsubset pseries_sub /=. | |
rewrite (pseries_rcons _ [:: _; _]) -sub_quotient_pre ?gFnorm //=. | |
rewrite /pHall pcore_sub pcore_pgroup /= -card_quotient ?gFnorm //=. | |
rewrite -quotient_pseries2 /= {}/Gb -(pseries1 _ G). | |
rewrite (card_isog (third_isog _ _ _)) ?pseries_normal ?pseries_sub_catl //. | |
apply/idP/idP=> p'Gbb; last by rewrite (pcore_pgroup_id p'Gbb). | |
exact: pgroupS p'Gbb (pcore_pgroup _ _). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma plength1_pcore_Sylow G : | |
'O_p^'(G) = 1 -> p.-length_1 G = p.-Sylow(G) 'O_p(G). | |
Proof. | |
move=> p'G1; rewrite plength1_pcore_quo_Sylow -quotient_pseries2. | |
by rewrite p'G1 pseries_pop2 // pquotient_pHall ?normal1 ?pgroup1. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is the characterization given in Section 10 of B & G, p. 75, just *) | |
(* before Theorem 10.6. *) | |
Lemma plength1_pseries2_quo G : p.-length_1 G = p^'.-group (G / 'O_{p^', p}(G)). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 eqEsubset pseries_sub lastI pseries_rcons /=. | |
rewrite -sub_quotient_pre ?gFnorm //. | |
by apply/idP/idP=> pl1G; rewrite ?pcore_pgroup_id ?(pgroupS pl1G) ?pcore_pgroup. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.21(a). *) | |
Lemma plength1S G H : H \subset G -> p.-length_1 G -> p.-length_1 H. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 => sHG pG1; rewrite eqEsubset pseries_sub. | |
by apply: subset_trans (pseriesS _ sHG); rewrite (eqP pG1) (setIidPr _). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma plength1_quo G H : p.-length_1 G -> p.-length_1 (G / H). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 => pG1; rewrite eqEsubset pseries_sub. | |
by rewrite -{1}(eqP pG1) morphim_pseries. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.21(b). *) | |
Lemma p'quo_plength1 G H : | |
H <| G -> p^'.-group H -> p.-length_1 (G / H) = p.-length_1 G. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 => nHG p'H; apply/idP/idP; last exact: plength1_quo. | |
move=> pGH1; rewrite eqEsubset pseries_sub. | |
have nOG: 'O_{p^'}(G) <| G by apply: pseries_normal. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK (normal_norm nOG)) ?(pseries_sub_catl [:: _]) //. | |
have [|f f_inj im_f] := third_isom _ nHG nOG. | |
by rewrite /= pseries1 pcore_max. | |
rewrite (quotient_pseries_cat [:: _]) -{}im_f //= -injmF //. | |
rewrite {f f_inj}morphimS // pseries1 -pquotient_pcore // -pseries1 /=. | |
by rewrite -quotient_pseries_cat /= (eqP pGH1). | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.21(c). *) | |
Lemma pquo_plength1 G H : | |
H <| G -> p.-group H -> 'O_p^'(G / H) = 1-> | |
p.-length_1 (G / H) = p.-length_1 G. | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /plength_1 => nHG pH trO; apply/idP/idP; last exact: plength1_quo. | |
rewrite (pseries_pop _ trO) => pGH1; rewrite eqEsubset pseries_sub /=. | |
rewrite pseries_pop //; last first. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite -subG1; have <-: H :&: 'O_p^'(G) = 1. | |
by apply: coprime_TIg; apply: pnat_coprime (pcore_pgroup _ _). | |
rewrite setIC subsetI subxx -quotient_sub1. | |
by rewrite -trO morphim_pcore. | |
exact/gFsub_trans/normal_norm. | |
have nOG: 'O_{p}(G) <| G by apply: pseries_normal. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK (normal_norm nOG)) ?(pseries_sub_catl [:: _]) //. | |
have [|f f_inj im_f] := third_isom _ nHG nOG. | |
by rewrite /= pseries1 pcore_max. | |
rewrite (quotient_pseries [::_]) -{}im_f //= -injmF //. | |
rewrite {f f_inj}morphimS // pseries1 -pquotient_pcore // -(pseries1 p) /=. | |
by rewrite -quotient_pseries /= (eqP pGH1). | |
Qed. | |
Canonical p_elt_gen_group A : {group gT} := | |
Eval hnf in [group of p_elt_gen p A]. | |
(* Note that p_elt_gen could be a functor. *) | |
Lemma p_elt_gen_normal G : p_elt_gen p G <| G. | |
Proof. | |
apply/normalP; split=> [|x Gx]. | |
by rewrite gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite inE; case/andP. | |
rewrite -genJ; congr <<_>>; apply/setP=> y; rewrite mem_conjg !inE. | |
by rewrite p_eltJ -mem_conjg conjGid. | |
Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.21(d). *) | |
Lemma p_elt_gen_length1 G : | |
p.-length_1 G = p^'.-Hall(p_elt_gen p G) 'O_p^'(p_elt_gen p G). | |
Proof. | |
rewrite /pHall pcore_sub pcore_pgroup pnatNK /= /plength_1. | |
have nUG := p_elt_gen_normal G; have [sUG nnUG]:= andP nUG. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [p1G | pU]. | |
apply: (@pnat_dvd _ #|p_elt_gen p G : 'O_p^'(G)|). | |
by rewrite -[#|_ : 'O_p^'(G)|]indexgI indexgS ?pcoreS. | |
apply: (@pnat_dvd _ #|'O_p(G / 'O_{p^'}(G))|); last exact: pcore_pgroup. | |
rewrite -card_quotient; last first. | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sUG) // normal_norm ?pcore_normal. | |
rewrite -quotient_pseries pseries1 cardSg ?morphimS //=. | |
rewrite gen_subG; apply/subsetP=> x; rewrite inE; case/andP=> Gx p_x. | |
have nOx: x \in 'N('O_{p^',p}(G)). | |
by apply: subsetP Gx; rewrite normal_norm ?pseries_normal. | |
rewrite coset_idr //; apply/eqP; rewrite -[coset _ x]expg1 -order_dvdn. | |
rewrite [#[_]](@pnat_1 p) //; first exact: morph_p_elt. | |
apply: mem_p_elt (pcore_pgroup _ (G / _)) _. | |
by rewrite /= -quotient_pseries /= (eqP p1G); apply/morphimP; exists x. | |
have nOG: 'O_{p^', p}(G) <| G by apply: pseries_normal. | |
rewrite eqEsubset pseries_sub. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK (normal_norm nOG)) ?(pseries_sub_catl [:: _; _]) //=. | |
rewrite (quotient_pseries [::_; _]) pcore_max //. | |
rewrite /pgroup card_quotient ?normal_norm //. | |
apply: pnat_dvd (indexgS G (_ : p_elt_gen p G \subset _)) _; last first. | |
case p_pr: (prime p); last by rewrite p'natEpi // mem_primes p_pr. | |
rewrite -card_quotient // p'natE //; apply/negP=> /Cauchy[] // Ux. | |
case/morphimP=> x Nx Gx -> /= oUx_p; have:= prime_gt1 p_pr. | |
rewrite -(part_pnat_id (pnat_id p_pr)) -{1}oUx_p {oUx_p} -order_constt. | |
rewrite -morph_constt //= coset_id ?order1 //. | |
by rewrite mem_gen // inE groupX // p_elt_constt. | |
have nOU: p_elt_gen p G \subset 'N('O_{p^'}(G)). | |
by rewrite (subset_trans sUG) // normal_norm ?pseries_normal. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK nOU) ?(pseries_sub_catl [:: _]) //=. | |
rewrite (quotient_pseries [::_]) pcore_max ?morphim_normal //. | |
rewrite /pgroup card_quotient //= pseries1; apply: pnat_dvd pU. | |
by apply: indexgS; rewrite pcore_max ?pcore_pgroup // gFnormal_trans. | |
Qed. | |
End Plength1. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma 1.21(e). *) | |
Lemma quo2_plength1 gT p (G H K : {group gT}) : | |
H <| G -> K <| G -> H :&: K = 1 -> | |
p.-length_1 (G / H) && p.-length_1 (G / K) = p.-length_1 G. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nHG nKG trHK. | |
have [p_pr | p_nonpr] := boolP (prime p); last by rewrite !plength1_nonprime. | |
apply/andP/idP=> [[pH1 pK1] | pG1]; last by rewrite !plength1_quo. | |
pose U := p_elt_gen p G; have nU : U <| G by apply: p_elt_gen_normal. | |
have exB (N : {group gT}) : | |
N <| G -> p.-length_1 (G / N) -> | |
exists B : {group gT}, | |
[/\ U \subset 'N(B), | |
forall x, x \in B -> #[x] = p -> x \in N | |
& forall Q : {group gT}, p^'.-subgroup(U) Q -> Q \subset B]. | |
- move=> nsNG; have [sNG nNG] := andP nsNG. | |
rewrite p_elt_gen_length1 // (_ : p_elt_gen _ _ = U / N); last first. | |
rewrite /quotient morphim_gen -?quotientE //; last first. | |
by rewrite setIdE subIset ?nNG. | |
congr <<_>>; apply/setP=> Nx; rewrite inE setIdE quotientGI // inE. | |
apply: andb_id2l => /morphimP[x NNx Gx ->{Nx}] /=. | |
apply/idP/idP=> [pNx | /morphimP[y NNy]]; last first. | |
by rewrite inE => p_y ->; apply: morph_p_elt. | |
rewrite -(constt_p_elt pNx) -morph_constt // mem_morphim ?groupX //. | |
by rewrite inE p_elt_constt. | |
have nNU: U \subset 'N(N) := subset_trans (normal_sub nU) nNG. | |
have nN_UN: U <*> N \subset 'N(N) by rewrite gen_subG subUset normG nNU. | |
case/(inv_quotientN _): (pcore_normal p^' [group of U <*> N / N]) => /= [|B]. | |
by rewrite /normal sub_gen ?subsetUr. | |
rewrite /= quotientYidr //= /U => defB sNB; case/andP=> sB nB hallB. | |
exists B; split=> [| x Ux p_x | Q /andP[sQU p'Q]]. | |
- by rewrite (subset_trans (sub_gen _) nB) ?subsetUl. | |
- have nNx: x \in 'N(N) by rewrite (subsetP nN_UN) ?(subsetP sB). | |
apply: coset_idr => //; rewrite -[coset N x](consttC p). | |
rewrite !(constt1P _) ?mulg1 // ?p_eltNK. | |
by rewrite morph_p_elt // /p_elt p_x pnat_id. | |
have: coset N x \in B / N by apply/morphimP; exists x. | |
by apply: mem_p_elt; rewrite /= -defB pcore_pgroup. | |
rewrite -(quotientSGK (subset_trans sQU nNU) sNB). | |
by rewrite -defB (sub_Hall_pcore hallB) ?quotientS ?quotient_pgroup. | |
have{pH1} [A [nAU pA p'A]] := exB H nHG pH1. | |
have{pK1 exB} [B [nBU pB p'B]] := exB K nKG pK1. | |
rewrite p_elt_gen_length1 //; apply: normal_max_pgroup_Hall (pcore_normal _ _). | |
apply/maxgroupP; split; first by rewrite /psubgroup pcore_sub pcore_pgroup. | |
move=> Q p'Q sOQ; apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset sOQ andbT. | |
apply: subset_trans (_ : U :&: (A :&: B) \subset _); last rewrite /U. | |
by rewrite !subsetI p'A ?p'B //; case/andP: p'Q => ->. | |
apply: pcore_max; last by rewrite /normal subsetIl !normsI ?normG. | |
rewrite /pgroup p'natE //. | |
apply/negP=> /Cauchy[] // x /setIP[_ /setIP[Ax Bx]] oxp. | |
suff: x \in 1%G by move/set1P=> x1; rewrite -oxp x1 order1 in p_pr. | |
by rewrite /= -trHK inE pA ?pB. | |
Qed. | |
(* B & G Lemma 1.22 is covered by sylow.normal_pgroup. *) | |
(* Encapsulation of the use of the order of GL_2(p), via abelem groups. *) | |
Lemma logn_quotient_cent_abelem gT p (A E : {group gT}) : | |
A \subset 'N(E) -> p.-abelem E -> logn p #|E| <= 2 -> | |
logn p #|A : 'C_A(E)| <= 1. | |
Proof. | |
move=> nEA abelE maxdimE; have [-> | ntE] := eqsVneq E 1. | |
by rewrite (setIidPl (cents1 _)) indexgg logn1. | |
pose rP := abelem_repr abelE ntE nEA. | |
have [p_pr _ _] := pgroup_pdiv (abelem_pgroup abelE) ntE. | |
have ->: 'C_A(E) = 'ker (reprGLm rP) by rewrite ker_reprGLm rker_abelem. | |
rewrite -card_quotient ?ker_norm // (card_isog (first_isog _)). | |
apply: leq_trans (dvdn_leq_log _ _ (cardSg (subsetT _))) _ => //. | |
rewrite logn_card_GL_p ?(dim_abelemE abelE) //. | |
by case: logn maxdimE; do 2?case. | |
Qed. | |
End BGsection1. | |
Section PuigSeriesGroups. | |
Implicit Type gT : finGroupType. | |
Canonical Puig_succ_group gT (D E : {set gT}) := [group of 'L_[D](E)]. | |
Fact Puig_at_group_set n gT D : @group_set gT 'L_{n}(D). | |
Proof. by case: n => [|n]; apply: groupP. Qed. | |
Canonical Puig_at_group n gT D := Group (@Puig_at_group_set n gT D). | |
Canonical Puig_inf_group gT (D : {set gT}) := [group of 'L_*(D)]. | |
Canonical Puig_group gT (D : {set gT}) := [group of 'L(D)]. | |
End PuigSeriesGroups. | |
Notation "''L_[' G ] ( L )" := (Puig_succ_group G L) : Group_scope. | |
Notation "''L_{' n } ( G )" := (Puig_at_group n G) | |
(at level 8, format "''L_{' n } ( G )") : Group_scope. | |
Notation "''L_*' ( G )" := (Puig_inf_group G) : Group_scope. | |
Notation "''L' ( G )" := (Puig_group G) : Group_scope. | |
(* Elementary properties of the Puig series. *) | |
Section PuigBasics. | |
Variable gT : finGroupType. | |
Implicit Types (D E : {set gT}) (G H : {group gT}). | |
Lemma Puig0 D : 'L_{0}(D) = 1. Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma PuigS n D : 'L_{n.+1}(D) = 'L_[D]('L_{n}(D)). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_recE n D : Puig_rec n D = 'L_{n}(D). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_def D : 'L(D) = 'L_[D]('L_*(D)). Proof. by []. Qed. | |
Local Notation "D --> E" := (generated_by (norm_abelian D) E) | |
(at level 70, no associativity) : group_scope. | |
Lemma Puig_gen D E : E --> 'L_[D](E). | |
Proof. by apply/existsP; exists (subgroups D). Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_max G D E : D --> E -> E \subset G -> E \subset 'L_[G](D). | |
Proof. | |
case/existsP=> gE /eqP <-{E}; rewrite !gen_subG. | |
move/bigcupsP=> sEG; apply/bigcupsP=> A gEA; have [_ abnA]:= andP gEA. | |
by rewrite sub_gen // bigcup_sup // inE sEG. | |
Qed. | |
Lemma norm_abgenS D1 D2 E : D1 \subset D2 -> D2 --> E -> D1 --> E. | |
Proof. | |
move=> sD12 /exists_eqP[gE <-{E}]. | |
apply/exists_eqP; exists [set A in gE | norm_abelian D2 A]. | |
congr <<_>>; apply: eq_bigl => A; rewrite !inE. | |
apply: andb_idr => /and3P[_ nAD cAA]. | |
by apply/andP; rewrite (subset_trans sD12). | |
Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_succ_sub G D : 'L_[G](D) \subset G. | |
Proof. by rewrite gen_subG; apply/bigcupsP=> A /andP[]; rewrite inE. Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_at_sub n G : 'L_{n}(G) \subset G. | |
Proof. by case: n => [|n]; rewrite ?sub1G ?Puig_succ_sub. Qed. | |
(* This is B & G, Lemma B.1(d), first part. *) | |
Lemma Puig_inf_sub G : 'L_*(G) \subset G. | |
Proof. exact: Puig_at_sub. Qed. | |
Lemma Puig_sub G : 'L(G) \subset G. | |
Proof. exact: Puig_at_sub. Qed. | |
(* This is part of B & G, Lemma B.1(b). *) | |
Lemma Puig1 G : 'L_{1}(G) = G. | |
Proof. | |
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubset Puig_at_sub; apply/subsetP=> x Gx. | |
rewrite -cycle_subG sub_gen // -[<[x]>]/(gval _) bigcup_sup //=. | |
by rewrite inE cycle_subG Gx /= /norm_abelian cycle_abelian sub1G. | |
Qed. | |
End PuigBasics. | |
(* Functoriality of the Puig series. *) | |
Fact Puig_at_cont n : GFunctor.iso_continuous (Puig_at n). | |
Proof. | |
elim: n => [|n IHn] aT rT G f injf; first by rewrite morphim1. | |
have IHnS := Puig_at_sub n; pose func_n := [igFun by IHnS & !IHn]. | |
rewrite !PuigS sub_morphim_pre ?Puig_succ_sub // gen_subG; apply/bigcupsP=> A. | |
rewrite inE => /and3P[sAG nAL cAA]; rewrite -sub_morphim_pre ?sub_gen //. | |
rewrite -[f @* A]/(gval _) bigcup_sup // inE morphimS // /norm_abelian. | |
rewrite morphim_abelian // -['L_{n}(_)](injmF func_n injf) //=. | |
by rewrite morphim_norms. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Puig_at_igFun n := [igFun by Puig_at_sub^~ n & !Puig_at_cont n]. | |
Fact Puig_inf_cont : GFunctor.iso_continuous Puig_inf. | |
Proof. | |
by move=> aT rT G f injf; rewrite /Puig_inf card_injm // Puig_at_cont. | |
Qed. | |
Canonical Puig_inf_igFun := [igFun by Puig_inf_sub & !Puig_inf_cont]. | |
Fact Puig_cont : GFunctor.iso_continuous Puig. | |
Proof. by move=> aT rT G f injf; rewrite /Puig card_injm // Puig_at_cont. Qed. | |
Canonical Puig_igFun := [igFun by Puig_sub & !Puig_cont]. | |