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hackercup / 2018 /round2 /
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2018 Problems
ab396f0 verified

The Earth is gripped by an energy crisis. There's simply not enough to go around! Desperate to unlock additional sources of energy, James has decided to direct his attention downwards. Perhaps enough fossils can be found underground and harvested for just a bit more fuel?

James has surveyed a linear stretch of ground, and has fortunately discovered N fossils beneath the surface! From a cross-sectional view, the _i_th fossil is at position Pi metres along the stretch of ground, at a depth of Di metres below the surface. No two fossils are in exactly the same spot (at both the same position and depth).

The next question is, of course, how the fossils might be unearthed most efficiently. James plans to dig one or more vertical mine shafts in order to access all N fossils. A mine shaft is defined by a position p and a depth d. Such a mine shaft can be represented as a vertical line segment at position p metres along the stretch of ground, running from the surface to a point d metres below the surface. James can dig such a shaft at a cost of S + d dollars, where S is a constant. Once it has been dug, it's possible to reach fossils from the shaft by descending to the correct depth and then digging horizontally through the earth at no additional cost, up to a distance of at most M metres away from the shaft, where M is another constant. In other words, each fossil i is accessible from the shaft if Did and |Pi - p| ≤ M. Note that a mine shaft is permitted to pass directly through a fossil (such that p = Pi for some i).

Help James determine the minimum total cost of mine shafts which he must dig, such that each of the N fossils will end up being accessible from at least one of the shafts.

In order to reduce the size of the input data, the sequences P1..N and D1..N will be derived from a series of temporary sequences A1..(2*K), the _i_th of of which has a length of Li. P1..N can be constructed by concatenating together A1..K, while D1..N can be constructed by concatenating together A(K+1)..(2*K). It's guaranteed that the sum of L1..K is equal to N, as is the sum of L(K+1)..(2*K). For each sequence Ai, you're given Ai,1, and Ai,2..Li may then be generated as follows using given constants Xi, Yi, and Zi (please watch out for integer overflow during this process):

Ai,j = ((Xi * Ai,j-1 + Yi) % Zi) + 1 (for j = 2..Li)


Input begins with an integer T, the number of sets of fossils. For each set of fossils, there is first a line containing the space-separated integers N, S, M, and K. Then, 2 * K lines follow. The _i_th of these contains the space-separated integers Li, Ai,1, Xi, Yi, and Zi.


For the _i_th set of fossils, output a line containing "Case #i: " followed by the minimum total cost of mine shafts which James must dig (in dollars).


1 ≤ T ≤ 40
1 ≤ N ≤ 1,000,000
0 ≤ S, M ≤ 1,000,000,000
1 ≤ K ≤ 10
1 ≤ Pi, Di, Ai,j ≤ 1,000,000,000
1 ≤ LiN
0 ≤ Xi, Yi < Zi ≤ 1,000,000,000

Explanation of Sample

In the first case, P = [5, 25] and D = [3, 4]. James should dig a single mine shaft with p = 15 and d = 4 (at a cost of 5 + 4 = 9 dollars), from which both fossils are barely accessible.

In the second case, P = [5, 26] and D = [3, 4]. James now requires two mine shafts (for example one with p = 5 and d = 3 and another with p = 26 and d = 4), at a total cost of (5 + 3) + (5 + 4) = 17 dollars.

In the third case, P = [27, 11, 19, 15, 67] and D = [41, 34, 67, 40, 53].

In the fourth case, P = [555, 776, 673, 654, 339, 832, 887, 370, 555, 3794, 334, 180, 2491, 2018, 2805, 2 427, 1986, 3138, 1149, 495] and D = [20814, 20463, 40527, 38076, 18468, 10958, 25830, 23128, 28505, 10884, 32935, 116 66, 8264, 771, 1207, 8930, 1299, 8521, 7277, 7440].