This morning you woke up with an uncontrollable urge to send a text message |
made up of **K** distinct words. But, can you believe it? Your new phone just |
crashed and all of the words are missing from its dictionary! You used to have |
**N** words in there, and you certainly don't have time to add all of them |
back right now. |
Your plan is to just choose **K** of the **N** possible words, add them to |
your phone's dictionary, and then text each of them. To text a certain word, |
you must either type the word itself, or any nonempty prefix of it which is |
not a prefix of any other word in the dictionary. |
What's the minimum number of letters you must type to send your message of |
**K** words? |
### Input |
Input begins with an integer **T**, the number of test cases. For each test |
case, there is first a line containing the space-separated integers **N** and |
**K**. Then, **N** lines follow, each containing a word that used to be in |
your phone's dictionary. |
### Output |
For the **i**th test case, print a line containing "Case #**i**: " followed by |
the minimum number of characters you need to type to send your text message. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
2 ≤ **N** ≤ 4,000 |
1 ≤ **K** ≤ min(**N**-1, 100) |
The **N** words will have a total length of no more than 20,000 characters. |
The words are made up of only lower-case alphabetic characters. |
The words are pairwise distinct. |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first case, one option is to choose the words "tin", "tinny", |
"gigantic", and "tilts". You can then text these words by typing "tin", |
"tinn", "g", and "til", respectively, for a total of 3+4+1+3=11 letters. |