Tony plans to open a pizzeria. After researching the pizza market for a long |
time, he has come up with a prediction for the number of orders that he is |
going to receive. Tony will keep his pizzeria open for **K** hours a day. And |
he knows that he is going to get orders for **N** pizzas. Also pizza eaters |
are very fussy, so the **i**th pizza must be inserted into an oven at exactly |
the beginning of the **Si**th hour, and taken out of the oven at exactly the |
end of the **Ei**th hour. |
For this purpose Tony needs to buy some ovens to be able to bake all the |
ordered pizzas. Each oven is quite large, and can hold several pizzas at the |
same time. However, due to voltage fluctuations throughout the day, only a |
certain number of pizzas can be baked simultaneously in each oven at any point |
of time. Tony has calculated the value **Ci**, for 0 ≤ **i** < **K**, denoting |
the number of pizzas that can be baked together in an oven during the **i**th |
hour. A pizza that has been entered in an oven cannot be taken out of the oven |
until it has completed its scheduled baking period. |
High quality pizza ovens are very costly. Help Tony find out the minimum |
number of ovens he must buy to complete all orders, and then find an |
assignment of pizzas to ovens, satisfying all the constraints above. If there |
are multiple assignments involving the same minimum number of ovens, print the |
smallest possible assignment according to the ordering defined below. |
Here's how you compare two assignments. If **X** is an assignment of pizzas to |
ovens, let **X**(** i **) denote the set of 0-based pizza indices assigned to |
oven **i** (oven indices are also 0-based). |
If **S** and **T** are two sets of pizza indices, we say that **S** < **T**, |
if and only if there exists some index **k**, such that : |
* for 0 ≤ **i** < **k**, pizza **#i** either appears both in **S** and **T**, or is missing from both **S** and **T**, and, |
* pizza **#k** is present in** S,** but missing in **T** |
Example: {0, 2, 6} < {0, 3, 4} and {0, 1, 2, 3} < {0, 1, 2} |
If **X** and **Y** are two pizza assignments, we say that **X** < **Y**, if |
and only if there exists some **k**, such that : |
* for 0 ≤ **i** < **k**, **X**(** i **) is identical to **Y**(** i **), and, |
* **X**(** k **) < **Y**(** k **), as per the set ordering defined above. |
Example: |
**X** = [ **X**(0) = {0, 3, 6}, **X**(1) = {1, 4, 5}, **X**(2) = {2, 7} ] |
**Y** = [ **Y**(0) = {0, 3, 6}, **Y**(1) = {1, 4}, **Y**(2) = {2, 5, 7} ] |
Then **X** < **Y**, because **X**(0) = **Y**(0) and **X**(1) < **Y**(1). |
### Input |
The first line of the input consists of a single integer **T**, the number of |
test cases. |
Each test case starts with a line containing the integer **K**, the number of |
hours the pizzeria will be open. |
The next line of each test case contains **K** integers, **C0**, **C1**, ..., |
**CK-1**, where **Ci** is the maximum number of pizzas that can be inside any |
single oven in the **i**th hour. |
The next line of each test case contains the integer **N**, the number of |
pizza orders. |
The next **N** lines of each test case contain a pair of integers, **Si** and |
**Ei**, the start and end times for baking the **i**th pizza. |
### Output |
For each test case **i** numbered from 1 to **T**, output "Case #**i**: ", |
followed by **N** space separated integers. The **j**th integer must denote |
the 0-based oven index that the **j**th pizza is assigned to. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T **≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **K** ≤ 24 |
1 ≤ **Ci** ≤ 100 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 1000 |
0 ≤ **Si** ≤ **Ei** < **K** |