While en route to the 295th annual Galactic Dance Party on Risa, you find |
yourself unceremoniously yanked out of hyperspace and, according to your |
sensors, surrounded by **N** space bombs. Apparently caught in a trap laid out |
by some dastardly and unknown enemy, and unable to return to hyperspace, you |
must find the safest place in the vicinity to weather the detonation of all |
the space bombs. Your unseen opponent has constructed a cube-shaped space |
anomaly that you are unable to leave, so your options are limited to points |
within that cube. |
Before the bombs explode (all simultaneously), you have just enough time to |
travel to any integer point in the cube [0, 0, 0]-[1000, 1000, 1000], both |
inclusive. You must find the point with the maximum distance to the nearest |
bomb, which your captain's intuition tells you will be the safest point. |
## Input |
The first line of the input file consists of a single number **T**, the number |
of test cases. Each test consists of single number **N**, the number of bombs, |
followed by **3*N** integers describing the positions of the bombs. |
## Output |
Output **T** integers, one per test case each on its own line, representing |
the square of distance to the nearest bomb from the safest point in the cube. |
## Constraints |
**T** = 50 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 200 |
All bombs coordinates will be in [0, 1000], both inclusive. |