Alice and Bob like to play what they call the "Coins Game". In this game Bob |
starts with **K** identical coins and **N** identical jars. A jar can fit any |
number of coins and Bob has to distribute all the coins in whatever way he |
wants. |
After the coins are distributed Alice takes the jars and shuffles them at |
random while Bob isn't looking. Alice will move jars around but will not move |
any coins between the jars. The jars are opaque so after the shuffle Bob |
doesn't see how many coins are in each. |
Now Bob has **P** moves. In each move he points at one of the jars. If the jar |
contains any coins Alice takes a single coin from it and hands it to Bob. If |
the jar is empty Alice tells Bob. Bob remembers his initial distribution and |
the moves he has made so far. |
The goal of the game is to check whether Bob is able to acquire at least **C** |
coins after his **P** moves. If he can do that he wins the game. After losing |
the first few games Bob is determined to figure out what's the minimal number |
of moves **P** that can guarantee his win. Your job is to help him, that is |
find the minimal value **P** for which there exists an initial coins |
distribution and moves strategy that makes Bob win no matter what order the |
jars are in. |
### Input |
The first line of the input consists of a single integer **T**, the number of |
test cases. |
Each test case is a single line with three integers: **N** **K** **C** |
### Output |
For each test case **i** numbered from 1 to **T**, output "Case #**i**: ", |
followed by an integer **P**, the minimal number of moves for which there |
exists a winning strategy. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 1,000,000 |
1 ≤ **C** ≤ **K** ≤ 1,000,000 |
### Examples |
In the first test case we start with three jars and six coins. Bob needs to |
get four of them to win. A winning strategy is to put two coins in each jar. |
Then he can point twice at one jar and twice at another one to always get four |
coins. |
In the second example he can put the five coins in a different jar each. In |
the worst case he will point at an empty jar three times so he will need five |
total moves to get two coins. There is no way to guarantee a win with fewer |
than five moves. |