Do you remember helping Prince Z.A.Y. rescue the princess of the kingdom of |
Hackadia from an evil dragon in Round 2? Well, as it so often happens, Z.A.Y. |
has fallen in love with his dearest princess. However, the princess has given |
Z.A.Y. a puzzle to solve to ensure that the one she marries is both brave and |
clever. |
The princess gives Z.A.Y a 0-indexed array of **N** integers, and she asks him |
a series of questions. In each question, she provides an inclusive interval to |
the prince, and asks him how many subarrays in that interval are slowly |
increasing. |
A subarray is defined as a contiguous set of integers in the given array. A |
subarray is slowly increasing iff each integer in the subarray after the first |
is exactly 1 more than the previous integer. For example, **[1, 2, 3]**, |
**[5]**, and **[10, 11, 12]** are slowly increasing, but **[7, 9]**, **[13, |
12, 11]**, and **[1, 1, 2, 2]** are not. |
Easy problem, right? Yup, so the princess is going to make it more challenging |
since she knows the prince is seeking help from the best Hackers from the |
world. Sometimes, instead of asking a question, the princess will change an |
integer in the array. |
Still an easy problem, right? Probably, but the princess isn't going to make |
it any harder (the prince *did* rescue her from a dragon, and could probably |
use a break). |
### Input |
The first line consists of a single integer **T**, the number of test cases. |
Each test case starts with a line containing an integer **N**, the length of |
the array. Then 1 line follows with **N** integers **Xi** representing the |
elements of the array. Then 1 line follows with an integer **M**, the number |
of actions the princess takes (questions and updates). Then **M** lines |
follow, each with 3 integers. The first integer, **op**, represents the action |
the princess takes. If **op** is **0**, then 2 integers **P** and **K** |
follow, meaning that the princess will change the **P**th element of the array |
to **K**. If **op** is **1**, then 2 integers **L** and **R** follow, meaning |
that the princess will ask how many slowly increasing subarrays there are |
between **L** and **R** (inclusive). |
### Output |
For each test case _i_, output "Case #i: " followed by a single integer, the |
sum of the answers to the princess's questions. Since this number might be |
large, output it modulo 1,000,000,007. |
### Explanation of Sample |
In the first sample case, the answer to the first question is 6 (the slowly |
increasing subarrays are [4], [5], [6], [4, 5], [5, 6], [4, 5, 6]), and the |
answer to the second question is 12. So the sum is 18. |
In the second sample case, the answers are 3, 4, and 6 respectively, so the |
sum is 13. |
### Constraints |
1 ≤ **T** ≤ 20 |
1 ≤ **N** ≤ 106 |
1 ≤ **M** ≤ 106 |
1 ≤ **Xi**, **K** ≤ 109 |
0 ≤ **P** < **N** |
0 ≤ **op** ≤ 1 |
0 ≤ **L** ≤ **R** < **N** |