10K - 100K
{ | |
"time": { | |
"title": "Duration (in seconds)" | |
}, | |
"translation_direction": { | |
"title": "Translation direction", | |
"options": { | |
"eng-ita": "English to Italian", | |
"eng-nld": "English to Dutch" | |
} | |
}, | |
"main_task_modality": { | |
"title": "Main task modality", | |
"options": { | |
"no_highlight": "No Highlight", | |
"oracle": "Oracle", | |
"supervised": "Supervised", | |
"unsupervised": "Unsupervised" | |
} | |
}, | |
"pretask_translator_id": { | |
"title": "Pretask translator ID", | |
"options": { | |
"t1": "Translator 1", | |
"t2": "Translator 2", | |
"t3": "Translator 3", | |
"t4": "Translator 4", | |
"t5": "Translator 5", | |
"t6": "Translator 6", | |
"t7": "Translator 7", | |
"t8": "Translator 8", | |
"t9": "Translator 9", | |
"t10": "Translator 10", | |
"t11": "Translator 11", | |
"t12": "Translator 12" | |
} | |
}, | |
"main_task_translator_id": { | |
"title": "Main task translator ID", | |
"options": { | |
"no_highlight_t1": "Translator 1 - No Highlight Modality", | |
"no_highlight_t2": "Translator 2 - No Highlight Modality", | |
"no_highlight_t3": "Translator 3 - No Highlight Modality", | |
"oracle_t1": "Translator 1 - Oracle Modality", | |
"oracle_t2": "Translator 2 - Oracle Modality", | |
"oracle_t3": "Translator 3 - Oracle Modality", | |
"supervised_t1": "Translator 1 - Supervised Modality", | |
"supervised_t2": "Translator 2 - Supervised Modality", | |
"supervised_t3": "Translator 3 - Supervised Modality", | |
"unsupervised_t1": "Translator 1 - Unsupervised Modality", | |
"unsupervised_t2": "Translator 2 - Unsupervised Modality", | |
"unsupervised_t3": "Translator 3 - Unsupervised Modality" | |
} | |
}, | |
"mt_quality": { | |
"title": "MT quality", | |
"prompt": "Rate the quality of machine translation for the texts you post-edited.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Very bad", | |
"2": "Worse than average", | |
"3": "Average", | |
"4": "Better than average", | |
"5": "Very good" | |
} | |
}, | |
"frequent_issues": { | |
"title": "Frequent MT issues", | |
"prompt": "What issues were the most serious and frequent problems in the provided translations? Check all those that apply.", | |
"multiple_choice": true, | |
"options": { | |
"syntax": "The structure of sentences was unnatural", | |
"inflection": "Words were inflected incorrectly (gender, number, conjugations)", | |
"terminology": "Specific terms were translated incorrectly", | |
"additions": "Irrelevant information was added in the translation", | |
"omissions": "Relevant information was omitted in the translation", | |
"no_context": "Context was not taken into account in the translation", | |
"other": "Other (specify)" | |
} | |
}, | |
"frequent_issues_other": { | |
"title": "Other frequent MT issues", | |
"other_text_for": "frequent_issues" | |
}, | |
"mt_fluency": { | |
"title": "MT fluency", | |
"prompt": "What proportion of the machine translated outputs could be considered fluent prior to your editing? ( i.e. well formed grammatically, employing correct spelling and adhering to common use of terms, intuitively interpreted by a native speaker)", | |
"options": { | |
"0.2": "0 to 20%", | |
"0.4": "21 to 40%", | |
"0.6": "41 to 60%", | |
"0.8": "61 to 80%", | |
"1": "81 to 100%" | |
} | |
}, | |
"mt_accuracy": { | |
"title": "MT accuracy", | |
"prompt": "What proportion of the machine translated machine translated outputs could be considered accurate prior to your editing? (i.e. the meaning of the original sentence was conveyed effectively, without adding or omitting information)", | |
"options": { | |
"0.2": "0 to 20%", | |
"0.4": "21 to 40%", | |
"0.6": "41 to 60%", | |
"0.8": "61 to 80%", | |
"1": "81 to 100%" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_quality": { | |
"title": "Interface quality", | |
"prompt": "Rate the overall quality of the interface you used for the task:", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Much worse than average", | |
"2": "Mildly worse average", | |
"3": "Average", | |
"4": "Mildly better than average", | |
"5": "Much better than average" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_quality_motivation": { | |
"title": "Interface quality motivation", | |
"prompt": "Motivate your rating for interface quality." | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_1": { | |
"title": "Statement - Interface Accessibility", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: The interface was easy to setup and access.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_2": { | |
"title": "Statement - Interface Clarity", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: The interface was intuitive to use.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_3": { | |
"title": "Statement - Tech Issues", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: I could complete the assignments without facing technical issues.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_4": { | |
"title": "Statement - Task Difficulty", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: The provided texts were challenging to translate.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_5": { | |
"title": "Statement - Context Sufficiency", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: The provided context in every document was sufficient to produce correct translations.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"interface_statement_6": { | |
"title": "Statement - Missing Features", | |
"prompt": "Rate the following statement about the interface and data used for the task: The interface was lacking useful features for improving my post-editing experience.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"highlight_statement_1": { | |
"title": "Statement - Pretask Usefulness", | |
"prompt": "In this task, you post-edited texts without highlights, as opposed to the pre-task were they were present. In light of this, rate the following statement: - The pre-task was too short to assess the usefulness of highlights.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"highlight_statement_2": { | |
"title": "Statement - Highlights Usefulness Speculation", | |
"prompt": "In this task, you post-edited texts without highlights, as opposed to the pre-task were they were present. In light of this, rate the following statement: - I think highlights would have improved my editing workflow in the main-task.", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"highlight_statement_3": { | |
"title": "Statement - Highlights Future Interest", | |
"prompt": "In this task, you post-edited texts without highlights, as opposed to the pre-task were they were present. In light of this, rate the following statement: - I wish higlights could be added to my CAT tool of choice for future editing tasks", | |
"options": { | |
"1": "Strongly disagree", | |
"2": "Somewhat disagree", | |
"3": "Neither agree nor disagree", | |
"4": "Somewhat agree", | |
"5": "Strongly agree" | |
} | |
}, | |
"highlight_like": { | |
"title": "Highlight like", | |
"prompt": "Having tried editing with and without highlights, what did you like about post-editing with highlights compared to regular post-editing?" | |
}, | |
"highlight_dislike": { | |
"title": "Highlight dislike", | |
"prompt": "Having tried editing with and without highlights, what did you dislike about post-editing with highlights compared to regular post-editing?" | |
}, | |
"interface_improvement": { | |
"title": "Interface improvement", | |
"prompt": "Which one of these features, if any, were notable exclusions that you would like to see included in the post-editing interface you used for this task? Select all that apply.", | |
"multiple_choice": true, | |
"options": { | |
"spellcheck": "The interface does not provide spellchecking for translations", | |
"multidoc_streamline": "The process of editing several files is cumbersome", | |
"mid_edit_save": "The editing process cannot be saved mid-document", | |
"tm_lexicon": "No direct access to translation memories and lexicons", | |
"other_mt": "No direct access to other machine translation systems" | |
} | |
} | |
} |