{ "en": "O gold, thou murderous thing, thou frenzied madness and passionate greed, let muddy shallows and a streams dark silt conceal thee evermore; let earth below whelm and bury thee, let Tartarean Phlegethon and the Stygian pools covet thy birth for themselves!", "file": "final_alignments\\Tiberianus_Poems.json", "id": 54209, "la": "aurum, res gladii, furor amens, ardor avarus, te celent semper vada turbida, te luta nigra, te tellus mersum premat infera, te sibi nasci Tartareus cupiat Phlegethon Stygiaeque paludes!" }
{ "en": "The kings own force of infantry and his cavalry, recruited from the Sarmatian Iazyges, were unequal to the numbers of the enemy; and he had consequently decided to hold out in his fortresses and so to protract the campaign.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book12.json", "id": 46813, "la": "Ipsi manus propria pedites, eques e Sarmatis Iazygibus erat, impar multitudini hostium, eoque castellis sese defensare bellumque ducere statuerat." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile some persons who had plundered the sanctuary of Jupiter paid for their crime against the divinity by crucifixion;", "file": "final_alignments\\Phaedrus_Fables_Book5.json", "id": 26665, "la": "interea fanum qui compilarant Iovis, cruci suffixi luerunt poenas numini." }
{ "en": "No bull, no mule, no hippocamel shall he be, no goat or ram, but he shall be a scarabaeus.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Epigrams.json", "id": 6564, "la": "Non taurus, non mulus erit, non hippocamelus, non caper aut aries, sed scarabaeus erit." }
{ "en": "Fourth, That the monks themselves shall not pass from place to place, that is to say, from monastery to monastery, unless by the leave of their own abbot: but shall continue in the obedience which each did promise at the time of their conversion.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book4.json", "id": 10685, "la": "Quartum, Ut ipsi monachi non migrent de loco ad locum, hoc est, de monasterio ad monasterium, nisi per dimissionem proprii abbatis: sed in ea permaneant obedientia quam tempore suae conversions promiserunt." }
{ "en": "A grove I had upon the mountains crest, where men brought me offerings'a pine forest beloved for many years, dim with dusky firs and trunks of maple.", "file": "final_alignments\\Virgil_Aeneid_Book9.json", "id": 64775, "la": "pinea silva mihi multos dilecta per annos, lucus in arce fuit summa, quo sacra ferebant, nigranti picea trabibusque obscurus acernis." }
{ "en": "Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom, we having apprehended, would also have judged according to our law.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 87970, "la": "qui etiam templum violare conatus est quem et adprehendimus" }
{ "en": "And it was told king David, that the Lord had blessed Obededom, and all that he had, because of the ark of God. So David went, and brought away the ark of God out of the house of Obededom into the city of David with joy. And there were with David seven choirs, and calves for victims.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99129, "la": "nuntiatumque est regi David benedixit Dominus Obededom et omnia eius propter arcam Dei abiit ergo David et adduxit arcam Dei de domo Obededom in civitatem David cum gaudio" }
{ "en": "And now send men to Joppe: and call hither one Simon, who is surnamed Peter.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 75301, "la": "et nunc mitte viros in Ioppen et accersi Simonem quendam qui cognominatur Petrus" }
{ "en": "Lynceus, treacherous friend, had you the heart to touch the girl I love? Did not your hands then fall powerless? Suppose she had not been so staunch and devoted? Could you have lived in such dishonour? Take away my life with sword or poison: only remove yourself from my mistress.", "file": "final_alignments\\Propertius_Elegies_Book2.json", "id": 28108, "la": "Lynceu, tune meam potuisti, perfide, curam tangere? nonne tuae tum cecidere manus? quid si non constans illa et tam certa fuisset? posses in tanto vivere flagitio? tu mihi vel ferro pectus vel perde veneno: a domina tantum te modo tolle mea." }
{ "en": "And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 74656, "la": "igitur Dominus pluit super Sodomam et Gomorram sulphur et ignem a Domino de caelo" }
{ "en": "The contractions are to be as in the Doric.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_4.json", "id": 67076, "la": "Contracturae ita uti in doricis." }
{ "en": "For God hath not appointed us unto wrath: but unto the purchasing of salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 73053, "la": "quoniam non posuit nos Deus in iram sed in adquisitionem salutis per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum" }
{ "en": "Slight and faint is the gleam that circles the dwelling and languid lights inviting first slumbers expire in flickering flames.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book10.json", "id": 43265, "la": "tenuis, qui circuit aulam, invalidusque nitor, primosque hortantia somnos languida succiduis exspirant lumina flammis." }
{ "en": "What else then do we think but that by the work of divine power the head already destined to immortality felt no violence of Fortune unmeet for a celestial spirit? Augustus now, besides his minds natural vigour in subtle perception of all matters, was admonished by a recent domestic example to comply with Artorius dream. For he had heard that Calpurnia, his father the divine Julius wife, on the last night her husband spent on earth saw him in her sleep lying in her lap prostrate with many wounds, and that badly frightened by the horror of the dream she kept on begging him to stay away from the senate house next day. But unwilling to let it be thought that he did so in alarm at a womans dream, he persisted in holding a senate, in which the hands of the parricides were raised against him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book1.json", "id": 56668, "la": "quid ergo aliud putamus quam divino numine effectum ne destinatum iam immortalitati caput indignam caelesti spiritu Fortunae violentiam sentiret? Augustum vero praeter naturalem animi in omnibus rebus subtiliter perspiciendis vigorem etiam recens et domesticum exemplum ut Artorii somnio obtemperaret admonuit: audiverat enim divi Iulii patris sui uxorem Calpurniam, nocte quam is ultimam in terris egit, in quiete vidisse multis eum confectum vulneribus in suo sinu iacentem, somniique atrocitate vehementer exterritam rogare non destitisse ut proximo die curia se abstineret; at illum, ne muliebri somnio motus id fecisse existimaretur, senatum, in quo ei parricidarum manus allatae sunt, haberi contendisse." }
{ "en": "Tis in thee, goddess, she bids us find the reason for this apparelling. Yet there is one that in secret she desires to please.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tibullus_Elegies.json", "id": 54847, "la": "illa quidem ornandi causas tibi, diva, relegat; est tamen, occulte cui placuisse velit." }
{ "en": "Then leaves he father and daughter, astonished at his words, and rushes forth headlong from the faithless hall.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book7.json", "id": 56167, "la": "Talibus attonitos dictis natamque patremque linquit et infida praeceps prorumpit ab aula." }
{ "en": "Blind them with stones, or, lacking stones, with green willow sticks laid crosswise in layers; or, failing this, with bundles of brush.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cato_Agriculture.json", "id": 17596, "la": "Eos lapide consternito; si lapis non erit, perticis saligneis viridibus controversus conlatis consternito; si pertica non erit, sarmentis conligatis." }
{ "en": "The noise of the hammer is always in his ears, and his eye is upon the pattern of the vessel he maketh.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 72247, "la": "vox mallei innovabit aurem eius et contra similitudinem vasi oculi eius" }
{ "en": "Ye ever restful shades, grant peace to my grandmothers ashes, if I utter righteous prayer.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Parentalia.json", "id": 7767, "la": "tranquillos aviae cineres praestate, quieti aeternum manes, si pia verba loquor." }
{ "en": "But scattered flight rolls the Achaeans pell-mell over the plain, nor do they now fear only enemy squadrons or mortal steel. All have the wrath of Jove before their eyes, for all fear makes their armour burn and their helmets thunder. Jupiter himself seems to pursue them in their terror and block their escape with his fires.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book11.json", "id": 43479, "la": "At vaga palantes campo fuga volvit Achivos nec tantum hostiles turmae aut ferrum mortale timetur: omnibus ante oculos irae Iovis, omnibus ardent arma metu galeaeque tonant, visusque paventes ipse sequi et profugis opponere Iuppiter ignes." }
{ "en": "And he brought him in into his lodging: and he unharnessed the camels and gave straw and hay, and water to wash his feet, and the feet of the men that were come with him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77998, "la": "et introduxit eum hospitium ac destravit camelos deditque paleas et faenum et aquam ad lavandos pedes camelorum et virorum qui venerant cum eo" }
{ "en": "For to glance at a few examples, which human reason can grasp, of the depth of God, in the case of that man whom you think to be most just and the greatest preserver of justice, to providence that knows all, the opposite seems true.", "file": "final_alignments\\Boethius_Philosophy_Book4.json", "id": 13217, "la": "Nam ut pauca quae ratio valet humana de divina profunditate perstringam, de hoc quem tu iustissimum et aequi servantissimum putas omnia scienti providentiae diversum videtur;" }
{ "en": "Hence in childhood he was conspicuous among those of his own age, and showed greater superiority than his high-born schoolfellows could accept with indifference.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cornelius_Nepos_Atticus.json", "id": 22723, "la": "Qua ex re in pueritia nobilis inter aequales ferebatur clariusque exsplendescebat quam generosi condiscipuli animo aequo ferre possent." }
{ "en": "Be it known therefore to you that this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles: and they will hear it.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 84287, "la": "notum ergo sit vobis quoniam gentibus missum est hoc salutare Dei ipsi et audient" }
{ "en": "Wherewith he shall sprinkle him that is to be cleansed seven times, that he may be rightly purified. And he shall let go the living sparrow, that it may fly into the field.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 86913, "la": "quo asperget illum qui mundandus est septies ut iure purgetur et dimittet passerem vivum ut in agrum avolet" }
{ "en": "And they passed from nation to nation: and from a kingdom to another people.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 93596, "la": "et transierunt de gente in gentem et de regno ad populum alterum" }
{ "en": "And this was one of many like instances of humanity. . Julianus Caesar repairs the walls of the fortresses on the Rhine which he had recovered. He crosses the Rhine, and after laying waste the hostile part of Alamannia compels five of their kings to sue for peace and return their prisoners.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book18.json", "id": 1033, "la": "Et haec quidem et huius modi multa civilia Iulianus C. castellorum ad Rhenum quae receperat moenia reparat; Rhenum transit, et hostili Alamanniae parte vastata, V Alamannorum reges ad pacem petendam et captivos reddendos compellit." }
{ "en": "Go, join battle, go through the Danaan ranks, through the midst of swords, be a target; I do not hold you back. But let me alas have leave to wash your quivering wounds and dry your streaming blood with my tears, and send you back to cruel wars again and again.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book10.json", "id": 43419, "la": "nec timidus te flecto parens: i, proelia misce, i Danaas acies mediosque per obvius enses: non teneo; liceat misero tremibunda lavare vulnera et undantem lacrimis siccare cruorem, teque iterum saevis iterumque remittere bellis." }
{ "en": "Shake their necks free from broken knots, And the first to slake their rage, torn by their bloodstained teeth, Is their trainer.", "file": "final_alignments\\Boethius_Philosophy_Book2.json", "id": 12530, "la": "Laxant nodis colla solutis Primusque lacer dente cruento Domitor rabidas imbuit iras." }
{ "en": "alleluia reversionis Aggei et Zacchariae confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo in consilio iustorum et congregatione", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 81526, "la": "alleluia aleph confitebor Domino in toto corde beth in consilio iustorum et congregatione" }
{ "en": "And thou shalt set them six and six, one against another, upon the most clean table before the Lord.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 92014, "la": "quorum senos altrinsecus super mensam purissimam coram Domino statues" }
{ "en": "But if Caesar was not to be censured by the senate, what can Antonius say except that by keeping silent about him he admitted himself to be the enemy?", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_3.json", "id": 21408, "la": "Sin ille a senatu notandus non fuit, quid potest dicere quin, cum de illo tacuerit, se hostem confessus sit?" }
{ "en": "How the Britons, being free for a time from all foreign wars, wore themselves away with civil wars and therewithal were plunged into greater mischiefs.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book1.json", "id": 9366, "la": "Ut Brettones quiescentibus ad tempus exteris, civilibus sese bellis contriverint simul et maioribus flagitiis submerserint." }
{ "en": "To you, however, Maximus, I have the greatest gratitude for listening so attentively to these subsidiary parts of my defense, which I have to make in order to answer the charge.", "file": "final_alignments\\Apuleius_Apologia.json", "id": 4381, "la": "Tibi autem, Maxime, habeo gratiam propensam, cum has quoque appendices defensionis meae idcirco necessarias, quia accusationi rependuntur, tam attente audis." }
{ "en": "Let this be the price they pay for Loyaltys descent from heaven.", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book2.json", "id": 40034, "la": "hac mercede Fides constet delapsa per auras." }
{ "en": "The very elements, too, breaking down established order, overpass the bounds set for them and ravage all things with their havoc, shaking the world with lawless strength.", "file": "final_alignments\\Prudentius_Origin_Of_Sin.json", "id": 29172, "la": "ipsa quoque oppositum destructo foedere certo transcendunt elementa modum rapiuntqueruuntque omnia legirupis quassantia viribus orbem." }
{ "en": "And Josue said: Alas, O Lord God, why wouldst thou bring this people over the river Jordan, to deliver us into the hand of the Amorrhite, and to destroy us? would God we had stayed beyond the Jordan, as we began.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 94122, "la": "et dixit Iosue heu Domine Deus quid voluisti transducere populum istum Iordanem fluvium ut traderes nos in manus Amorrei et perderes utinam ut coepimus mansissemus trans Iordanem" }
{ "en": "Now Anna, son to Eni, of the kings blood, was their successor in the kingdom, a man of great virtue and the father of a virtuous issue, of whom we must speak in their proper time hereafter: and this king himself also was afterwards slain of the same heathen captain of the Marchmen, by whom too his predecessors were slain.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book3.json", "id": 10296, "la": "Successor autem regni eorum factus est Anna, filius Eni, de regio genere, vir optimus, atque optimae genitor sobolis, de quibus in sequentibus suo tempore dicendum est: qui et ipse postea ab eodem pagano Merciorum duce, a quo et praedecessores eius, occisus est." }
{ "en": "But he, moved with like devoutness of mind, forsook his lady, his lands, his kinsfolk and country for Christs sake and the Gospels, that in this life he might receive an hundredfold, and in the world to come life everlasting.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book5.json", "id": 11499, "la": "Qui pari ductus devotione mentis, reliquit uxorem, agros, cognatos et patriam propter Christum, et propter Evangelium, ut in hac vita centuplum acciperet, et in saeculo venturo vitam aeternam." }
{ "en": "You shall seek me and shall not find me: and where I am, thither you cannot come.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 82030, "la": "quaeretis me et non invenietis et ubi sum ego vos non potestis venire" }
{ "en": "paratum cor meum Deus paratum cor meum cantabo et psalmum dicam", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 100643, "la": "paratum cor meum Deus paratum cor meum cantabo et psallam" }
{ "en": "On the tenth day drain off the water, squeeze thoroughly, mix well in a clean tray until it is of the consistency of wine-dregs.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cato_Agriculture.json", "id": 17819, "la": "Die decimo aquam exsiccato, exurgeto bene, in alveo puro misceto bene, facito tamquam faex fiat." }
{ "en": "This same air beats the inner part also when we breathe, as it is drawn in and blown back.", "file": "final_alignments\\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book4.json", "id": 24450, "la": "interiorem etiam partem spirantibus aer verberat hic idem, cum ducitur atque reflatur." }
{ "en": "When therefore this burning wind has burst the black cloud, by violent pressure it seems suddenly to squeeze out and scatter abroad seeds of fire which cause the winking flashes of flame; then follows the sound, which is slower in striking the ears than what comes to the sight of our eyes.", "file": "final_alignments\\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book6.json", "id": 24862, "la": "ergo fervidus hic nubem cum perscidit atram, dissipat ardoris quasi per vim expressa repente semina quae faciunt nictantia fulgura flammae; inde sonus sequitur qui tardius adficit auris quam quae perveniunt oculorum ad lumina nostra." }
{ "en": "And the Philistines were humbled, and they did not come any more into the borders of Israel. And the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines, all the days of Samuel.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 92004, "la": "et humiliati sunt Philisthim nec adposuerunt ultra ut venirent in terminos Israhel facta est itaque manus Domini super Philistheos cunctis diebus Samuhel" }
{ "en": "And he shall adjure her, and shall say: If another man hath not slept with thee, and if thou be not defiled by forsaking thy husband's bed, these most bitter waters, on which I have heaped curses, shall not hurt thee.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 89710, "la": "adiurabitque eam et dicet si non dormivit vir alienus tecum et si non polluta es deserto mariti toro non te nocebunt aquae istae amarissimae in quas maledicta congessi" }
{ "en": "Thus far my dirge, fulfilling its sacred task, has sung in loving strains of those who, though dear, were mourned but in the course of nature.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Parentalia.json", "id": 7786, "la": "Hactenus ut caros, ita iusto funere fletos functa piis cecinit nenia nostra modis." }
{ "en": "For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou hast overcome, as in the day of Madian.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 96191, "la": "iugum enim oneris eius et virgam umeri eius et sceptrum exactoris eius superasti sicut in die Madian" }
{ "en": "Shut the gates of the camp, I entreat you, and rob him of all hope of fighting.", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book7.json", "id": 41124, "la": "claude, oro, castra et cunctas spes eripe pugnae." }
{ "en": "I pray heaven that no weapon of the enemy may wound you in the back.b Untouched and unscathed may you depart and enter the gates of Rome with Varro as your companion!", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book10.json", "id": 38056, "la": "non hostica tela excipias tergo, superos precor: integer, oro, intactusque abeas atque intres moenia Romae cum Varrone simul." }
{ "en": "and to him was due an impious crime, which fixed an eternal stain upon the time of Constantius.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book14.json", "id": 79, "la": "Unde admissum est facinus impium, quod Constanti tempus nota inusserat sempiterna." }
{ "en": "In the year 716 Osred, king of the Northumbrians, was slain, and Ceolred, king of the Marchmen, died; and the monks of Hy were brought of Egbert, the man of the Lord, to the catholic observance of Easter and right manner of ecclesiastical tonsure.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book5.json", "id": 11749, "la": "Anno 716 Osred rex Nordanhymbrorum interfectus, et rex Merciorum Ceolred defunctus; et vir Domini Ecgbert Hienses monachos ad catholicum pascha et ecclesiasticam correxit tonsuram." }
{ "en": "and say that they support and exalt some men, while by contrast they oppose and crush others,", "file": "final_alignments\\Apuleius_Socratis.json", "id": 5698, "la": "hos prosperare et evehere, illos contra adversari et affligere;" }
{ "en": "whether justly or not we cannot venture to decide, for it would be improper for us to disparage your expressed opinion, and an embarrassment to admit to any truth in such a splendid tribute to ourselves.", "file": "final_alignments\\Pliny_Younger_Panegyricus.json", "id": 27528, "la": "Merito necne, neutram in partem decernere audemus, quia nec fas est adfirmationi tuae derogare, et onerosum confiteri vera esse quae de nobis praesertim tam magnifica dixisti." }
{ "en": "Meantime the moisture, warming in the softened bones, ferments, and creatures of wondrous wise to view, footless at first, soon with buzzing wings as well, swarm together, and more and more essay the light air, until, like a shower pouring from summer clouds, they burst forth, or like arrows from the strings rebound, when the light-armed Parthians enter on the opening battle.", "file": "final_alignments\\Virgil_Georgics.json", "id": 65784, "la": "interea teneris tepefactus in ossibus umor aestuat, et visenda modis animalia miris, trunca pedum primo, mox et stridentia pinnis, miscentur, tenuemque magis magis aera carpunt, donec ut aestivis effusus nubibus imber erupere, aut ut nervo pulsante sagittae, prima leves ineunt si quando proelia Parthi." }
{ "en": "These are the kindreds of the sons of Aser, and their number fifty-three thousand four hundred.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 100452, "la": "hae cognationes filiorum Aser et numerus eorum quinquaginta tria milia quadringentorum" }
{ "en": "And a path and a way shall be there, and it shall be called the holy way: the unclean shall not pass over it, and this shall be unto you a straight way, so that fools shall not err therein.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 90695, "la": "et erit ibi semita et via et via sancta vocabitur non transibit per eam pollutus et haec erit nobis directa via ita ut stulti non errent per eam" }
{ "en": "If she nods assent, then I for one shall refuse to listen to that wisdom, whatever her learning.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_13.json", "id": 20038, "la": "Si adnuerit, ne ego sapientiam istam, quamvis sit erudita, non audiam." }
{ "en": "Meanwhile Amyntas, who, as I have said, had deserted from Alexander to the Persians, with 4000 Greeks who had followed him in his flight from the field of battle came to Tripolis.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book4.json", "id": 30782, "la": "Interea Amyntas, quem ad Persas ab Alexandro transfugisse diximus, cum quattuor milibus Graecorum ipsius ex acie persecutis fugam Tripolin pervenit." }
{ "en": "His counsel pleased the king, and the princes: and the king did according to the counsel of Mamuchan.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 69411, "la": "placuit consilium eius regi et principibus fecitque rex iuxta consultum Mamuchan" }
{ "en": "His rival runs up to him and succors him in this emergency", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_DBG_Book5.json", "id": 15578, "la": "Succurrit inimicus illi Vorenus et laboranti subvenit." }
{ "en": "Our men, as soon as they made good their footing on dry ground, and all their comrades had joined them, made an attack upon the enemy, and put them to flight, but could not pursue them very far, because the horse had not been able to maintain their course at sea and reach the island. This alone was wanting to Caesar's accustomed success", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_DBG_Book4.json", "id": 15280, "la": "Nostri, simul in arido constiterunt, suis omnibus consecutis, in hostes impetum fecerunt atque eos in fugam dederunt; neque longius prosequi potuerunt, quod equites cursum tenere atque insulam capere non potuerant. Hoc unum ad pristinam fortunam Caesari defuit." }
{ "en": "For the arrows of the Lord are in me, the rage whereof drinketh up my spirit, and the terrors of the Lord war against me.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 91513, "la": "quia sagittae Domini in me sunt quarum indignatio ebibit spiritum meum et terrores Domini militant contra me" }
{ "en": "For when Plinius Secundus was governing his province and had condemned some Christians and driven others from their steadfastness, and still the sheer numbers concerned worried him as to what he ought to do thereafter, he consulted the Emperor Trajan.b He asserted that, apart from an obstinacy that refused to sacrifice, he had learnt nothing about the Christian mysteries'nothing beyond meetings before dawn to sing to Christ and to God, and to band themselves together in discipline, forbidding murder, adultery, dishonesty, treachery, and the other crimes.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tertullian_Apology.json", "id": 52944, "la": "Plinius enim Secundus cum provinciam regeret, damnatis quibusdam Christianis, quibusdam gradu pulsis, ipsa tamen multitudine perturbatus, quid de cetero ageret, consuluit tunc Traianum imperatorem, adlegans praeter obstinationem non sacrificandi nihil aliud se de sacramentis eorum conperisse quam coetus antelucanos ad canendum Christo et deo, et ad confoederandam disciplinam, homicidium, adulterium, fraudem, perfidiam et cetera scelera prohibentes." }
{ "en": "if dry, however, they fly higher, driven along like flocks of wool, in a white mass swiftly flying.", "file": "final_alignments\\Apuleius_Socratis.json", "id": 5688, "la": "sudis vero sublimior cursus est, cum lanarum velleribus similes aguntur, cano agmine, volatu perniciore." }
{ "en": "Farewell", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book4.json", "id": 36379, "la": "vale." }
{ "en": "He came against those murderers of his brethren, and set the haven on fire in the night, burnt the boats, and slew with the sword them that escaped from the fire.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 101020, "la": "venit adversus interfectores fratrum et portum quidem noctu succendit scaphas exusit eos autem qui ab igne refugerant gladio peremit" }
{ "en": "And for pride thou wilt take me as a lioness, and returning, thou tormentest me wonderfully.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 80555, "la": "et propter superbiam quasi leaenam capies me reversusque mirabiliter me crucias" }
{ "en": "Brief is the life granted us by nature, but the memory of a life nobly sacrificed is eternal.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_14.json", "id": 20456, "la": "Brevis a natura vita nobis data est; at memoria bene redditae vitae sempiterna." }
{ "en": "Woe to you that are filled: for you shall hunger. Woe to you that now laugh: for you shall mourn and weep.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 86665, "la": "vae vobis qui saturati estis quia esurietis vae vobis qui ridetis nunc quia lugebitis et flebitis" }
{ "en": "For here lofty embankments were being raised, there others were filling up the deep ditches; elsewhere long passages were being constructed in the bowels of the earth, and those in charge of the artillery were setting up their hurling engines, soon to break out with deadly roar.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book24.json", "id": 2524, "la": "Hinc enim ardui suggestus erigebantur, inde fossarum altitudines alii complanabant, terrarum latibula concava oblongis tramitibus alibi struebantur, locabant etiam artifices tormenta muralia, in funestos sonitus proruptura,." }
{ "en": "And Adaia, and Baraia, and Samareth, the sons of Semei.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 84629, "la": "et Adaia et Baraia et Samarath filii Semei" }
{ "en": "But I, who am less innocent and therefore more apprehensive than they, prefer to cling to the more cautious view of the present uncertain situation, and I readily side with those who fear even what is safe.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book4.json", "id": 36326, "la": "ast ego, cui maiorem diffidentiam minor innocentia facit, super hoc ambiguo sententiae cautiori libentius adhaeresco nec difficulter applicor etiam tuta metuentibus." }
{ "en": "And so Sulla, as was stated above, after he came with his cavalry to Africa and to the camp of Marius, although he was previously inexperienced and unacquainted with war, became in a short time the most resourceful in the whole army.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sallust_Jugurtha.json", "id": 35415, "la": "Igitur Sulla, uti supra dictum est, postquam in Africam atque in castra Mari cum equitatu venit, rudis antea et ignarus belli, sollertissumus omnium in paucis tempestatibus factus est." }
{ "en": "No less stern than Pisos was the action of Q. Metellus.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book2.json", "id": 56990, "la": "Nec minus Pisone acriter Q. Metellus." }
{ "en": "It has Centaurs fierce by art and gold in shapes of terror. On its surface are hurled stones and torches and again other bowls mingling in the slaughter of the Lapithae, everywhere is the mighty wrath of the dying; he himself holds raging Hylaeus, twisting the beard and plying his club.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book6.json", "id": 44757, "la": "Centauros habet arte truces aurumque figuris terribile: hic mixta Lapitharum caede rotantur saxa, faces aliique iterum crateres; ubique ingentes morientum irae; tenet ipse furentem Hylaeum et torta molitur robora barba." }
{ "en": "I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Cadesbarne, to view the land, and I brought him word again as to me seemed true,", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99526, "la": "quadraginta annorum eram quando me misit Moses famulus Domini de Cadesbarne ut considerarem terram nuntiavique ei quod mihi verum videbatur" }
{ "en": "But Neptune is not unkind to such a love as ours, Neptune, who is equal to his brother Jupiter in love. Proof is Amymone, who yielded to him in the fields on condition she might have water, and Lernas marsh struck by the trident; the god, embracing her, fulfilled his promise, and her golden urn poured forth a stream divine.", "file": "final_alignments\\Propertius_Elegies_Book2.json", "id": 28012, "la": "sed non Neptunus tanto crudelis amori, Neptunus fratri par in amore Iovi: testis Amymone, latices dum ferret, in arvis compressa, et Lernae pulsa tridente palus; quam deus amplexus votum persolvit, at illi aurea divinas urna profudit aquas." }
{ "en": "And he was angry with the Tyrians and the Sidonians. But they with one accord came to him: and, having gained Blastus who was the king's chamberlain, they desired peace, because their countries were nourished by him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 78220, "la": "erat autem iratus Tyriis et Sidoniis at illi unianimes venerunt ad eum et persuaso Blasto qui erat super cubiculum regis postulabant pacem eo quod alerentur regiones eorum ab illo" }
{ "en": "Pericles, the leading man in Athens, was robbed within the space of four days of two wonderful young sons. In the course of those very days he addressed a meeting with a countenance that showed no change and speech quite unimpaired.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book5.json", "id": 58164, "la": "Princeps Atheniensium Pericles, intra quadriduum duobus mirificis adulescentibus filiis spoliatus, his ipsis diebus et vultu pristinum habitum retinente et oratione nulla ex parte infractiore contionatus est." }
{ "en": "After arranging these things, as he considered it certain that Ambiorix would not contend in battle, he watched his other plans attentively", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_DBG_Book6.json", "id": 15683, "la": "His rebus constitutis, quod pro explorato habebat Ambiorigem proelio non esse concertaturum, reliqua eius consilia animo circumspiciebat." }
{ "en": "The prophets have spoken in the wind, and there was no word of God in them: these things therefore shall befall them.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 95462, "la": "prophetae fuerunt in ventum et responsum non fuit in eis haec ergo evenient illis" }
{ "en": "Why are thy valiant men come to nothing? they stood not: because the Lord hath overthrown them.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 100154, "la": "quare conputruit fortis tuus non stetit quoniam Dominus subvertit eum" }
{ "en": "Then the plain is a turmoil of blinding dust, and the startled earth trembles under the tramp of feet.", "file": "final_alignments\\Virgil_Aeneid_Book12.json", "id": 62930, "la": "tum caeco pulvere campus miscetur pulsuque pedum tremit excita tellus." }
{ "en": "Thus is it decreed.", "file": "final_alignments\\Virgil_Aeneid_Book1.json", "id": 62109, "la": "sic placitum." }
{ "en": "And the joy of her multitude shall be cut off: and her gladness shall be turned to mourning.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 91645, "la": "et amputabitur exultatio multitudinis eius et gaudimonium eius erit in luctum" }
{ "en": "averte faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes iniquitates meas dele", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 81917, "la": "absconde faciem tuam a peccatis meis et omnes iniquitates meas dele" }
{ "en": "On those two, wearied after buffets and beating storm, had Sleep poured out all his horn; but in the breast of the Inachian monarch slumber was drawn thin as he revolves the gods intent and the new-formed ties of hospitality and asks himself what destinies the finding of these sons-in-law has made his own.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book2.json", "id": 43920, "la": "illos post verbera fessos exceptamque hiemem cornu perfuderat omni Somnus; at Inachio tenuis sub pectore regi tracta quies, dum mente deos inceptaque versat hospitia, et quae sint generis ascita repertis fata movet." }
{ "en": "Impressive Sayings or Doings", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book6.json", "id": 58333, "la": "Graviter Dicta Aut Facta" }
{ "en": "Philip, called from the royal quarters by their tumult, said: There is no necessity for an outbreak; for those who rest quiet will seize the prizes of those who engage in mutual strife.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book10.json", "id": 30326, "la": "Quorum tumultu e regia Philippus excitus: Nihil, inquit, seditione est opus; nam inter se certantium praemia, qui quieverint occupabunt." }
{ "en": "And for Trebellius Antonius now has great regard. He used to hate him at the time when Trebellius was opposing the cancellation of debts; but now Trebellius is the apple of his eye, ever since Antonius saw that Trebellius himself cannot survive without the cancellation of debts.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_6.json", "id": 21928, "la": "Nam Trebellium valde iam diligit: oderat tum, cum ille tabulis novis adversabatur; iam fert in oculis, postea quam ipsum Trebellium vidit sine tabulis novis salvum esse non posse." }
{ "en": "And he said to them: The Lord is witness against you, and his anointed is witness this day, that you have not found any thing in my hand. And they said: He is witness.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 89671, "la": "dixitque ad eos testis Dominus adversus vos et testis christus eius in die hac quia non inveneritis in manu mea quippiam et dixerunt testis" }
{ "en": "Burning were the roots of by-gone wrongs: burning were the seeds of those to come.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Thanksgiving.json", "id": 8461, "la": "ardebant stirpes fraudium veterum: ardebant semina futurarum." }
{ "en": "But contrariwise there was fighting hand to hand in the strife of battle, and tearing of limbs and polluting of bodies with blood, long before flashing shafts went flying; and nature taught men to avoid a wound before the left arm provided the interposition of a shield by artifice.", "file": "final_alignments\\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book4.json", "id": 24425, "la": "At contra conferre manu certamina pugnae et lacerare artus foedareque membra cruore ante fuit multo quam lucida tela volarent, et volnus vitare prius natura coegit quam daret obiectum parmai laeva per artem." }
{ "en": "Now if a man of this world could have a true understanding of the philosophy of this world, and could make so worthy a choice concerning the state of this world, how much the more ought such as are citizens of the heavenly country, and but pilgrims in this world, to desire and pray with all their heart, that the more power any bear in the world, the more they apply themselves to hearken after the commands of that Judge who is over all things, and likewise instruct them also that are committed to their charge, by their example and authority to keep the same along with themselves?", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book5.json", "id": 11571, "la": "Quod si de philosophia huius mundi vere intellegere, de statu huius mundi merito diligere potuit homo huius mundi; quanto magis civibus patriae caelestis in hoc mundo peregrinantibus optandum est et totis animi viribus supplicandum, ut quo plus in mundo quique valent, eo amplius eius qui super omnia est Iudicis mandatis auscultare contendant, atque ad haec observanda secum eos quoque qui sibi commissi sunt exemplis simul et auctoritate instituant?" }
{ "en": "Neither Carthage nor Rome can fight another battle.", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book17.json", "id": 39769, "la": "non altera restat iam Libyae, nec Dardaniis pugna altera restat." }
{ "en": "But not even then did the traitors repent of the crime which they had planned, although they saw what kind of man and king they were deceiving.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book5.json", "id": 31750, "la": "Ac ne tum quidem cogitati sceleris paenituit, cum intuerentur qualem et regem et virum fallerent." }
{ "en": "Thus she then began with slowly dropping tears: Do you forget that my life depends on yours? Do you reject me as a partner of your enterprise? Does our union, do our first nuptial joys, make you believe that I, your wife, would fall back when climbing with you the frozen mountains? Doubt not a womans hardihood; no danger is too great for wedded love to face.", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book3.json", "id": 40119, "la": "quae tunc sic lacrimis sensim manantibus infit: mene, oblite tua nostram pendere salutem, abnuis inceptis comitem? sic foedera nota primitiaeque tori, gelidos ut scandere tecum deficiam montes coniux tua? crede vigori femineo; castum haud superat labor ullus amorem." }
{ "en": "There and then were given us those joys, so many, so merry, which you desired nor did my lady not desire.", "file": "final_alignments\\Catullus_Poems.json", "id": 18414, "la": "ibi illa multa tum iocosa fiebant, quae tu volebas nec puella nolebat." }