{ "en": "Both God and Father and light and glory He ever was, nor did He afterwards confer fatherhood on himself.", "file": "final_alignments\\Prudentius_Divinity_Of_Christ.json", "id": 28812, "la": "et Deus et genitor lumenque et gloria semper ille fuit, nec post sibi contulit ut Pater esset." }
{ "en": "To one who asked his reason he replied: I, who am king of Sicily, was born a potters son.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Epigrams.json", "id": 6302, "la": "quaerenti causam respondit: Rex ego qui sum Sicaniae, figulo sum genitore satus." }
{ "en": "And he gave him leave to go whithersoever he would, with liberty to do whatever he had a mind.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99584, "la": "et dedit ei potestatem quocumque vellet ire habens libertatem quaecumque facere voluisset" }
{ "en": "But at that time, at any rate, he so conducted himself that he surpassed all former kings in continence and clemency;", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book3.json", "id": 30714, "la": "Tunc quidem ita se gessit, ut omnes ante eum reges et continentia et clementia vincerentur." }
{ "en": "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 73710, "la": "in carne enim ambulantes non secundum carnem militamus" }
{ "en": "This reason for the bisextile year Rome, which will live even through the centuries, with the aid of the divine power approved and firmly established.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book26.json", "id": 2875, "la": "Quam rationem bissexti probatam, etiam victura cum saeculis Roma, adiumento numinis divini fundavit." }
{ "en": "I do not forget that the truest judgement on whether a man merits an office or not is passed at the moment of his assuming it.", "file": "final_alignments\\Pliny_Younger_Panegyricus.json", "id": 27559, "la": "Etenim memini tunc verissime iudicari, meruerit quis honorem necne, cum adeptus est." }
{ "en": "And Apollonius left privately in the camp a thousand horsemen behind them.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 83029, "la": "et reliquit Apollonius in castris mille equites post eos occulte" }
{ "en": "Wherefore be subject of necessity: not only for wrath, but also for conscience' sake.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 80097, "la": "ideo necessitate subditi estote non solum propter iram sed et propter conscientiam" }
{ "en": "And he spoke to Joseph that he should give orders to his brethren, saying: Load your beasts, and go into the land of Chanaan,", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77100, "la": "dixitque ad Ioseph ut imperaret fratribus suis dicens onerantes iumenta ite in terram Chanaan" }
{ "en": "And he walked after their counsels. And he went with Joram the son of Achab king of Israel, to fight against Hazael king of Syria, at Ramoth Galaad: and the Syrians wounded Joram.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 89197, "la": "ambulavitque in consiliis eorum et perrexit cum Ioram filio Ahab rege Israhel in bellum contra Azahel regem Syriae in Ramoth Galaad vulneraveruntque Syri Ioram" }
{ "en": "Between the leaders followed a brief conversation, Corbulo complaining that his labour had been wasted'the campaign might have been settled by a Parthian flight. Paetus replied that with each of them the position was quite uncompromised; they had only to turn the eagles round, join forces, and invade Armenia, now enfeebled by the withdrawal of Vologeses.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book15.json", "id": 47803, "la": "Ducum inter se brevis sermo secutus est, hoc conquerente inritum laborem, potuisse bellum fuga Parthorum finiri: ille integra utrique cuncta respondit: converterent aquilas et iuncti invaderent Armeniam abscessu Vologesis infirmatam." }
{ "en": "And there went also with us some of the disciples from Caesarea, bringing with them one Mnason a Cyprian, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 87072, "la": "venerunt autem et ex discipulis a Caesarea nobiscum adducentes apud quem hospitaremur Mnasonem quendam Cyprium antiquum discipulum" }
{ "en": "For fleshhooks also, and bowls, and censors of fine gold, and for little lions of gold, according to the measure he gave by weight, for every lion. In like manner also for lions of silver he set aside a different weight of silver.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 79819, "la": "ad fuscinulas quoque et fialas et turibula ex auro purissimo et leunculos aureos pro qualitate mensurae pondus distribuit in leunculum et leunculum similiter et in leones argenteos diversum argenti pondus separavit" }
{ "en": "But if thou wilt not let them go, behold I will strike all thy coasts with frogs.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 75007, "la": "sin autem nolueris dimittere ecce ego percutiam omnes terminos tuos ranis" }
{ "en": "And now (madman!) hath he hung from his doorposts the mane and the head of his victim, a spoil to bring sorrow to himself and shame upon the goddess.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book3.json", "id": 55311, "la": "et nunc ille iubas captivaque postibus ora imposuit, spolium infelix divaeque pudendum." }
{ "en": "Joachaz was three and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem: the name of his mother was Amital, the daughter of Jeremias, of Lobna.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 96556, "la": "viginti trium annorum erat Ioahaz cum regnare coepisset et tribus mensibus regnavit in Hierusalem nomen matris eius Amithal filia Hieremiae de Lobna" }
{ "en": "But because afterwards they being put to choice had rather depart thence than receive the catholic Easter and the other canonical ceremonies after the manner of the Roman and apostolic Church, he gave it to him, whom he found instructed in better discipline and customs.", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book5.json", "id": 11522, "la": "Verum quia illi postmodum optione data maluerunt loco cedere, quam pascha catholicum ceterosque ritus canonicos iuxta Romanae et apostolicae ecclesiae consuetudinem recipere, dedit hoc illi, quem melioribus imbutum disciplinis ac moribus vidit." }
{ "en": "Porus had put in front eighty-five elephants of extraordinary strength of body, and behind these 300 chariots and about 30,000 foot-soldiers, among whom were archers with heavier arrows, as was said before, than they could shoot to advantage.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book8.json", "id": 33337, "la": "lxxx et v elephantos obiecerat eximio corporum robore ultraque eos currus ccc et peditum xxx fere milia, in quis erant sagittarii, sicuti ante dictum est, gravioribus telis, quam ut apte excuti possent." }
{ "en": "And he cried out, saying: Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 85234, "la": "et clamavit dicens Iesu Fili David miserere mei" }
{ "en": "If you lack a spot for building a kiln of sufficient depth, run up the top with brick, or face the top on the outside with field stone set in mortar.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cato_Agriculture.json", "id": 17552, "la": "Si parum altam fornacem habebis ubi facias, latere summam statuito aut caementis cum luto summam extrinsecus oblinito." }
{ "en": "Hepher a Mecherathite, Ahia a Phelonite,", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 88497, "la": "Apher Mechurathites Ahia Phellonites" }
{ "en": "But be not troubled for your city. I have not decreed an end to Aonian history at this time, a more dangerous hour shall come and other avengers. For now queen Juno shall complain.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book7.json", "id": 44935, "la": "sed tu super urbe moveri parce tua: non hoc statui sub tempore rebus occasum Aoniis, veniet suspectior aetas ultoresque alii: nunc regia Iuno queretur." }
{ "en": "It was a revolting and ghastly sight: not forty days had passed since the battle, and on every side were mutilated corpses, severed limbs, rotting bodies of men and horses, the ground soaked with filth and gore, trees overthrown and crops trampled down in appalling devastation.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Histories_Book2.json", "id": 51393, "la": "foedum atque atrox spectaculum: intra quadragensimum pugnae diem lacera corpora, trunci artus, putres virorum equorumque formae, infecta tabo humus, protritis arboribus ac frugibus dira vastitas." }
{ "en": "I will bring thee to nothing, and thou shalt not be, and if thou be sought for, thou shalt not be found any more for ever, saith the Lord God.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 70358, "la": "in nihilum redigam te et non eris et requisita non invenieris ultra in sempiternum dicit Dominus Deus" }
{ "en": "that Caesar could, either by his own influence and by that of his army, or by his late victory, or by name of the Roman people, intimidate him, so as to prevent a greater number of Germans being brought over the Rhine , and could protect all Gaul from the outrages of Ariovistus.", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_DBG_Book1.json", "id": 14684, "la": "Caesarem vel auctoritate sua atque exercitus vel recenti victoria vel nomine populi Romani deterrere posse ne maior multitudo Germanorum Rhenum traducatur, Galliamque omnem ab Ariovisti iniuria posse defendere." }
{ "en": "That, he insisted, was too disgraceful to be exhibited; it was enough that the ladys admission of magic should be made known.", "file": "final_alignments\\Apuleius_Apologia.json", "id": 4938, "la": "Turpiora esse quam ut ostenderentur dictitabat; satis esse confessionem mulieris de magia cognosci." }
{ "en": "With your father, having two such sons as you, the family of the ancient pontiff Aaron would scarcely have borne comparison; for although Aaron was anointed with the oil of consecration by the hand of his brother the law-giver amid the people in the wilderness, and though the same hand summoned his sons to the duties of a like office, yet the bliss that Ithamar and Eleazar brought him was marred by the fate of Nadab and Abihu who were scorched by shafts of lightning, for, however convinced we are that after death their souls would find absolution, we know that their persons were punished.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book8.json", "id": 37502, "la": "cui patri quondam, videlicet vos habenti, vix domus Aaron pontificis antiqui merito compararetur: quem licet primum in medio plebis heremitidis sanctificationis oleo legiferi fratris dextra perfuderit, filios eius in similis officii munia vocans, tamen ipsius super Ithamare et Eleazaro felicitatem Nadab et Abiu fulminibus afflati decoloravere; quorum quamlibet interemptorum credamus absolvendas animas, punitas tamen scimus esse personas." }
{ "en": "For it is no longer in the power of man to enter into judgment with God.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 91715, "la": "neque enim ultra in hominis potestate est ut veniat ad Deum in iudicium" }
{ "en": "I dished up no scandal to wound the life of worthy men; or if I knew such to be true, I held my tongue.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Personal_Poems.json", "id": 7959, "la": "famam, quae posset vitam lacerare bonorum, non finxi et, veram si scierim, tacui." }
{ "en": "For the breast that is elevated and the shoulder that is separated I have taken of the children of Israel, from off their victims of peace offerings: and have given them to Aaron the priest, and to his sons, by a law for ever, from all the people of Israel.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 98519, "la": "pectusculum enim elationis et armum separationis tuli a filiis Israhel de hostiis eorum pacificis et dedi Aaron sacerdoti ac filiis eius lege perpetua ab omni populo Israhel" }
{ "en": "Give not the power of thy soul to a woman, lest she enter upon thy strength, and thou be confounded.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 69350, "la": "non des mulieri potestatem animae tuae ne ingrediatur in virtute tua et confundaris" }
{ "en": "And he made them swear to him, saying: God will visit you, carry my bones with you out of this place:", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77730, "la": "cumque adiurasset eos atque dixisset Deus visitabit vos asportate vobiscum ossa mea de loco isto" }
{ "en": "If these have noted any who are conspicuous for defects or are crippled in some part of their limbs, they give orders to put them to death.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book9.json", "id": 33468, "la": "Si quos vitiis insignes aut aliqua parte membrorum inutiles notaverunt, necari iubent." }
{ "en": "Accordingly, they harried each other, unleashed their troops of bandits, fought an occasional field, and carried their trophies and their thefts to the procurators.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book12.json", "id": 46952, "la": "Igitur raptare inter se, immittere latronum globos, componere insidias et aliquando proeliis congredi, spoliaque et praedas ad procuratores referre." }
{ "en": "He fought many battles, and took the strong holds of all, and slew the kings of the earth:", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 88581, "la": "constituit proelia multa et omnium obtinuit munitiones et interfecit reges terrae" }
{ "en": "And Josue rose before daylight, and removed the camp: and they departed from Setim, and came to the Jordan: he, and all the children of Israel, and they abode there for three days.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99433, "la": "igitur Iosue de nocte consurgens movit castra egredientesque de Setthim venerunt ad Iordanem ipse et omnes filii Israhel et morati sunt ibi per tres dies" }
{ "en": "Destruction and misery in their ways:", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 84413, "la": "contritio et infelicitas in viis eorum" }
{ "en": "All rush on at once, and the whole sea foams, torn up by the sweeping oars and triple-pointed beaks.", "file": "final_alignments\\Virgil_Aeneid_Book8.json", "id": 64737, "la": "una omnes ruere ac totum spumare reductis convulsum remis rostrisque tridentibus aequor." }
{ "en": "General opinion is more to be trusted than individual'it is quite possible for individuals to deceive and be deceived, but no one can dupe everybody, nor can everyone combine to dupe him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Pliny_Younger_Panegyricus.json", "id": 27272, "la": "Melius omnibus quam singulis creditur: singuli enim decipere et decipi possunt, nemo omnes neminem omnes fefellerunt." }
{ "en": "The ship had made no great way, and two of Agrippinas household were in attendance, Crepereius Gallus standing not far from the tiller, while Acerronia, bending over the feet of the recumbent princess, recalled exultantly the penitence of the son and the re-entry of the mother into favour.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book14.json", "id": 47374, "la": "Nec multum erat progressa navis, duobus e numero familiarium Agrippinam comitantibus, ex quis Crepereius Gallus haud procul gubernaculis adstabat, Acerronia super pedes cubitantis reclinis paenitentiam filii et reciperatam matris gratiam per gaudium memorabat." }
{ "en": "Then they said again: And how have we power to discern this? Marry, quoth he, provide ye that he with his company come first to the place of the synod, and if, when ye approach near, he ariseth courteously to you, then, knowing that he is the servant of Christ, hear ye him obediently! but if he despise you nor will vouchsafe to rise at your presence, though ye are more in number, let him likewise be despised by you!", "file": "final_alignments\\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book2.json", "id": 9718, "la": "Qui rursus aiebant: Et unde vel hoc dinoscere valemus? Procurate, inquit,ut ipse prior cum suis ad locum synodi adveniat, et si vobis adpropinquantibus adsurrexerit, scientes quia famulus Christi est, obtemperanter illum audite: sin autem vos spreverit, nec coram vobis adsurgere voluerit, cum sitis numero plures, et ipse spernatur a vobis." }
{ "en": "As Moses, the servant of the Lord, had commanded the children of Israel, and it is written in the book of the law of Moses: an altar of unhewn stones, which iron had not touched: and he offered upon it holocausts to the Lord, and immolated victims of peace offerings.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 96612, "la": "sicut praeceperat Moses famulus Domini filiis Israhel et scriptum est in volumine legis Mosi altare de lapidibus inpolitis quos ferrum non tetigit et obtulit super eo holocausta Domino immolavitque pacificas victimas" }
{ "en": "And the whole number of his fighting men were fifty-four thousand four hundred.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 91866, "la": "et omnis numerus pugnatorum eius quinquaginta quattuor milia quadringenti" }
{ "en": "whereas Arsinoe, the younger daughter, in whose name, as we have shewn, Ganymedes had long been exercising an unbridled sway, he determined to remove from the realm, to prevent any renewed dissensions coming into being among factious folk before the dominion of the royal pair could be consolidated by the passage of time.", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_Alexandrian.json", "id": 14279, "la": "minorem, Arsinoen, cuius nomine diu regnasse impotenter Ganymeden docuimus, deducere ex regno statuit, ne qua rursus nova dissensio, prius quam diuturnitate confirmarentur regibus imperia, per homines seditiosos nasceretur." }
{ "en": "And David went up with all the men of Israel to the hill of Cariathiarim which is in Juda, to bring thence the ark of the Lord God sitting upon the cherubims, where his name is called upon.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 87833, "la": "et ascendit David et omnis vir Israhel ad collem Cariathiarim quae est in Iuda ut adferrent inde arcam Dei Domini sedentis super cherubin ubi invocatum est nomen eius" }
{ "en": "And he had seven sons, and three daughters.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 90946, "la": "et fuerunt ei septem filii et filiae tres" }
{ "en": "Woe to you that are wealthy in Sion, and to you that have confidence in the mountain of Samaria: ye great men, heads of the people, that go in with state into the house of Israel.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 82089, "la": "vae qui opulenti estis in Sion et confiditis in monte Samariae optimates capita populorum ingredientes pompatice domum Israhel" }
{ "en": "Marcellinus the advocate, a man of tried wisdom and of many friends, showed me your letter.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book2.json", "id": 36057, "la": "Epistulam tuam nobis Marcellinus togatus exhibuit, homo peritus virque amicorum." }
{ "en": "That the Bellovaci were the most powerful among them in valor, influence, and the number of men; that these could muster 100,000 armed men, [and had] promised 60,000 picked men out of that number, and demanded for themselves the command of the whole war.", "file": "final_alignments\\Caesar_DBG_Book2.json", "id": 14839, "la": "Plurimum inter eos Bellovacos et virtute et auctoritate et hominum numero valere: hos posse conficere armata milia centum, pollicitos ex eo numero electa milia LX totiusque belli imperium sibi postulare." }
{ "en": "Swear to me by the Lord, that thou wilt not destroy my seed after me, nor take away my name from the house of my father.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 88046, "la": "iura mihi in Domino ne deleas semen meum post me neque auferas nomen meum de domo patris mei" }
{ "en": "And some of the heads of families gave to the treasure of the work, twenty thousand drams of gold, and two thousand two hundred pounds of silver.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 94742, "la": "et de principibus familiarum dederunt in thesaurum operis auri dragmas viginti milia et argenti minas duo milia ducentas" }
{ "en": "The other circle rests upon the middle of this one at the upper pole, whence it passes through the forefeet and neck of that Bear which with the setting of the Sun seven stars bring first to view as it offers its lights to the blackness of night; it parts the Crab from the Twins and grazes the Dog with the blazing face and the rudder of the Ship which conquered ocean; thence it touches the hidden pole, cutting at right angles the path of the former circle. On its way back from this line it touches Capricorn and, leaving Capricorns stars, marks the Eagle; it runs through the inverted Lyre and the coils of the Dragon, and passes by the stars of Cynosures hind feet, whose tail it cuts at right angles close to the pole. Here it meets itself again, mindful whence it came.", "file": "final_alignments\\Manilius_Astronomica_Book1.json", "id": 25295, "la": "alter in hunc medium summumque incumbit in axem perque pedes primos cervicem transit et Ursae, quam septem stellae primam iam sole remoto producunt nigrae praebentem lumina nocti, et Geminis Cancrum dirimit stringitque flagrantem ore Canem clavumque Ratis, quae vicerat aequor, inde axem occultum per gyri signa prioris transversa atque illo rursus de limite tangit te, Capricorne, tuisque Aquilam designat ab astris, perque Lyram inversam currens spirasque Draconis posteriora pedum Cynosurae praeterit astra transversamque secat vicino cardine caudam: hic iterum coit ipse sibi, memor unde profectus." }
{ "en": "In the midst of these preparations for war Plancus went over to Caesar, not through any conviction that he was choosing the right, nor from any love of the republic or of Caesar, for he was always hostile to both, but because treachery was a disease with him. He had been the most grovelling flatterer of the queen, a clienta with less self-respect than a slave; he had also been secretary to Antony and was the author or the abettor of his vilest acts; for money he was ready to do all things for all men; and at a banquet he had played the role of Glaucus the Nereid, performing a dance in which his naked body was painted blue, his head encircled with reeds, at the same time wearing a fishs tail and crawling upon his knees. Now, inasmuch as he had been coldly treated by Antony because of unmistakable evidence of his venal rapacity, he deserted to Caesar.", "file": "final_alignments\\Velleius_Paterculus_Compendium.json", "id": 61789, "la": "Inter hunc apparatum belli Plancus, non iudicio recta legendi neque amore rei publicae aut Caesaris, quippe haec semper impugnabat, sed morbo proditor, cum fuisset humillimus adsentator reginae et infra servos cliens, cum Antonii librarius, cum obscenissimarum rerum et auctor et minister, cum in omnia et omnibus venalis, cum caeruleatus et nudus caputque redimitus arundine et caudam trahens, genibus innixus Glaucum saltasset in convivio, refrigeratus ab Antonio ob manifestarum rapinarum indicia transfugit ad Caesarem." }
{ "en": "What ruse could Jove find to say her nay? what trickery, once found, could he have maintained? She, possessed of the gift, straightway sets Argus on guard; Argus as guardian pleases her, for everywhere on his head are sleepless eyes, as though a Lydian bride should bedeck her web with flecks of purple.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book4.json", "id": 55619, "la": "qua fraude negaret aut quos inventos tenuisset Iuppiter astus? muneris illa potens custodem protinus Argum adiungit; custos Argus placet, inscia somni lumina non aliter toto cui vertice, quam si Lyda nurus sparso telas maculaverit ostro." }
{ "en": "Who shall render account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 70939, "la": "qui reddent rationem ei qui paratus est iudicare vivos et mortuos" }
{ "en": "I now pass to the bravest and ablest man of all the barbarians, with the exception of the two Carthaginians, Hamilcar and Hannibal.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cornelius_Nepos_Timotheus.json", "id": 23398, "la": "Venio nunc ad fortissimum virum maximique consilii omnium barbarorum, exceptis duobus Karthaginiensibus, Hamilcare et Hannibale." }
{ "en": "But the slumber of Haterius Rufus, a Roman knight, was admonished with a closer delineation, so to speak, and with sure outcome.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book1.json", "id": 56694, "la": "Propioribus tamen, ut ita dicam, lineis Haterii Rufi equitis Romani somnus certo eventu admonitus est." }
{ "en": "But Father Mavors surveys the Ogygian ranks and stirs up dread Dryas, whose blood came from turbulent Orion and whose hatred of Dianas companions was hereditary'hence his rage.", "file": "final_alignments\\Statius_Thebaid_Book9.json", "id": 45460, "la": "At pater Ogygias Mavors circumspicit alas horrendumque Dryanta movet, cui sanguinis auctor turbidus Orion, comitesque odisse Dianae (inde furit) patrium." }
{ "en": "For so firmly had she riveted her chains upon the aged Augustus that he banished to the isle of Planasia his one remaining grandson, Agrippa Postumus, who, though guiltless of a virtue, and confident brute-like in his physical strength, had been convicted of no open scandal.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book1.json", "id": 46010, "la": "Nam senem Augustum devinxerat adeo, uti nepotem unicum, Agrippam Postumum, in insulam Planasiam proiecerit, rudem sane bonarum artium et robore corporis stolide ferocem, nullius tamen flagitii conpertum." }
{ "en": "Fear beyond doubt came over them when they considered the hebetude of Claudius, his bondage to his wife, and the many murders perpetrated at the fiat of Messalina. Yet, again, the very pliancy of the emperor gave ground for confidence that, if they carried the day thanks to the atrocity of the charge, they might crush her by making her condemnation precede her trial. But the critical question, they realized, was whether Claudius would give a hearing to her defence, and whether they would be able to close his ears even to her confession.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Annals_Book11.json", "id": 46631, "la": "Subibat sine dubio metus reputantes hebetem Claudium et uxori devinctum multasque mortes iussu Messalinae patratas: rursus ipsa facilitas imperatoris fiduciam dabat, si atrocitate criminis praevaluissent, posse opprimi damnatam ante quam ream; sed in eo discrimen verti, si defensio audiretur, utque clausae aures etiam confitenti forent." }
{ "en": "But though the lamps were full, the flame kept flickering, and the table-top fell upside down upon its trestles.", "file": "final_alignments\\Propertius_Elegies_Book4.json", "id": 28618, "la": "sed neque suppletis constabat flamma lucernis, reccidit inque suos mensa supina pedes." }
{ "en": "And returning to himself, he said: How many hired servants in my father's house abound with bread, and I here perish with hunger!", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 95908, "la": "in se autem reversus dixit quanti mercennarii patris mei abundant panibus ego autem hic fame pereo" }
{ "en": "The sole of his foot shall be held in a snare, and thirst shall burn against him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 94166, "la": "tenebitur planta illius laqueo et exardescet contra eum sitis" }
{ "en": "The other day I came into contact with the Illustrious Vettius, and I examined his daily actions most thoroughly and, so to speak, at my leisure.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book4.json", "id": 36363, "la": "Interveni proxime Vettio inlustri viro et actiones eius cotidianas penitissime et veluti ex otio inspexi." }
{ "en": "Then followed fifteen of what they call harmamaxae; in these were the kings children and their governesses, and a herd of eunuchs, who are not at all despised by those peoples.", "file": "final_alignments\\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book3.json", "id": 30476, "la": "Quindecim deinde, quas armamaxas appellabant, sequebantur; in his erant liberi regis et quae educabant eos spadonumque grex, haud sane illis gentibus vilis." }
{ "en": "Who did not call you most happy, in having married into such a splendidly famous family, with such a chaste wife, and with the blessing of sons to follow you?", "file": "final_alignments\\Boethius_Philosophy_Book2.json", "id": 12260, "la": "Quis non te felicissimum cum tanto splendore socerorum, cum coniugis pudore, cum masculae quoque prolis opportunitate praedicavit?" }
{ "en": "When a certain man was complaining about his ill fortune, Aesop invented the following story to comfort him.", "file": "final_alignments\\Phaedrus_Fables_Book4.json", "id": 26463, "la": "Cum de fortunis quidam quereretur suis, Aesopus finxit consolandi hoc gratia." }
{ "en": "others Nor should I be silent about those women whose natural condition and the modesty of the matrons robe could not make them keep silent in the Forum and the courts of law.", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book8.json", "id": 58914, "la": "Ne de iis quidem feminis tacendum est quas condicio naturae et verecundia stolae ut in foro et iudiciis tacerent cohibere non valuit." }
{ "en": "But Seronatus is as quick in temper as he is lumbering in bulk; the Gabelitans are already pale with terror as from close quarters he bears down upon them like a snake only just uncoiling from its den; scattered individuals in a sparsely populated country, not in a compact township, he sometimes drains them dry with unheard-of kinds of imposts or again ensnares them in the tortuous guile of false accusations; and not even when they have paid him an annual tribute, does he allow the poor wretches to return home.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sidonius_Letters_Book5.json", "id": 36711, "la": "at ille sic ira celer, quod piger mole, ceu draco e specu vix evolutus iam metu exanguibus Gabalitanis e proximo infertur; quos singulos sparsos inoppidatos nunc inauditis indictionum generibus exhaurit, nunc flexuosa calumniarum fraude circumretit, ne tum quidem domum laboriosos redire permittens, cum tributum annuum datavere." }
{ "en": "And when he had spoken thus, he departed. But the priests stretching forth their hands to heaven, called upon him that was ever the defender of their nation, saying in this manner:", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99024, "la": "et his dictis abiit sacerdotes autem protendentes manus in caelum invocabant eum qui semper propugnator esset gentis ipsorum haec dicentes" }
{ "en": "So he is great, because he is less than heaven.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tertullian_Apology.json", "id": 53567, "la": "Ideo magnus est quia caelo minor est." }
{ "en": "And the pillars of the court round about with their sockets, and the pins with their cords.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 99073, "la": "columnaeque atrii per circuitum cum basibus suis et paxilli cum funibus" }
{ "en": "He that curseth his father, and mother, his lamp shall be put out in the midst of darkness.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 80278, "la": "qui maledicit patri suo et matri extinguetur lucerna eius in mediis tenebris" }
{ "en": "And Judas begot Phares and Zara of Thamar. And Phares begot Esron. And Esron begot Aram.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 85905, "la": "Iudas autem genuit Phares et Zara de Thamar Phares autem genuit Esrom Esrom autem genuit Aram" }
{ "en": "Yet his valour had gained him respect, and the dread inspired by repeated bloody victories in the past kept him safe from all attacks, like a sacred thing. The name of Hannibal was enough: it took the place of all weapons and camp-equipment and fresh recruits.", "file": "final_alignments\\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book16.json", "id": 39454, "la": "parta tamen formido manu et tot caedibus olim quaesitus terror velut inviolabile telis servabant sacrumque caput; proque omnibus armis et castrorum opibus dextrisque recentibus unum Hannibalis sat nomen erat." }
{ "en": "Of Change of Character Or Fortune", "file": "final_alignments\\Valerius_Memorable_Book6.json", "id": 58476, "la": "De Mutatione Morum Aut Fortunae" }
{ "en": "Marius immediately ordered Lucius Sulla and Aulus Manlius to go.", "file": "final_alignments\\Sallust_Jugurtha.json", "id": 35467, "la": "Ille statim L. Sullam et A. Manlium ire iubet" }
{ "en": "Further that, whereas a dispatch has been issued by Decimus Brutus, imperator and consul-elect, the senate judges Decimus Brutus, imperator and consul-elect, to deserve excellently well of the Republic in that he defends the authority of the senate and the liberty and empire of the Roman people;", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_3.json", "id": 21512, "la": "Quodque edictum D. Bruti, imperatoris, consulis designati, propositum sit, senatum existimare D. Brutum, imperatorem, consulem designatum, optime de re publica mereri, cum senatus auctoritatem populique Romani libertatem imperiumque defendat;" }
{ "en": "And they of the tribes and peoples and tongues and nations shall see their bodies for three days and a half: and they shall not suffer their bodies to be laid in sepulchres.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77956, "la": "et videbunt de populis et tribubus et linguis et gentibus corpora eorum per tres dies et dimidium et corpora eorum non sinunt poni in monumentis" }
{ "en": "Somehow or other you again became one of his cronies.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_2.json", "id": 21017, "la": "Factus es ei rursus nescio quo modo familiaris." }
{ "en": "But that the Gentiles are to glorify God for his mercy, as it is written: Therefore will I confess to thee, O Lord, among the Gentiles and will sing to thy name.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77010, "la": "gentes autem super misericordiam honorare Deum sicut scriptum est propter hoc confitebor tibi in gentibus et nomini tuo cantabo" }
{ "en": "Lepidus has wished to recall you from your frenzy, not to be your abettor in folly.", "file": "final_alignments\\Cicero_Philippic_13.json", "id": 20275, "la": "Revocare te a furore Lepidus voluit, non adiutor esse dementiae." }
{ "en": "Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasure of the Egyptians. For he looked unto the reward.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77361, "la": "maiores divitias aestimans thesauro Aegyptiorum inproperium Christi aspiciebat enim in remunerationem" }
{ "en": "A faithless wife gave poison to her jealous spouse, but believed that not enough was given to cause death.", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Epigrams.json", "id": 6304, "la": "Toxica zelotypo dedit uxor moecha marito, nec satis ad mortem credidit esse datum." }
{ "en": "And now, my lord, O king, the eyes of all Israel are upon thee, that thou shouldst tell them, who shall sit on thy throne, my lord the king, after thee.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 95044, "la": "verumtamen domine mi rex in te oculi respiciunt totius Israhel ut indices eis qui sedere debeat in solio tuo domine mi rex post te" }
{ "en": "Let thistles grow up to me instead of wheat, and thorns instead of barley.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 94925, "la": "pro frumento oriatur mihi tribulus et pro hordeo spina finita sunt verba Iob" }
{ "en": "Asinius too, though he is nearer to our own time, must have pursued his studies, as it seems to me, in the company of people like Menenius and Appius: at all events he modelled himself upon Pacuvius and Accius in his speeches as well as in his tragedies: so stiff is he, and so dry.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Dialogus.json", "id": 50077, "la": "Asinius quoque, quamquam propioribus temporibus natus sit, videtur mihi inter Menenios et Appios studuisse Pacuvium certe et Accium non solum tragoediis sed etiam orationibus suis expressit: adeo durus et siccus est." }
{ "en": "And again he sent another, and him they killed: and many others, of whom some they beat, and others they killed.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 85953, "la": "et rursum alium misit et illum occiderunt et plures alios quosdam caedentes alios vero occidentes" }
{ "en": "But the Pharisees, hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 78875, "la": "Pharisaei autem audientes quod silentium inposuisset Sadducaeis convenerunt in unum" }
{ "en": "What rancour, I beg of thee, against thy friends is crept over thy heart?", "file": "final_alignments\\Ausonius_Epistles.json", "id": 7125, "la": "Quis tua, quaeso, tuis obduxit pectora livor?" }
{ "en": "But in this way he does not even achieve sufficiency, since he is deserted by power, afflicted by trouble, made abject by baseness and hidden in obscurity.", "file": "final_alignments\\Boethius_Philosophy_Book3.json", "id": 12699, "la": "Sed hoc modo ne sufficientia quidem contingit ei quem valentia deserit, quem molestia pungit, quem vilitas abicit, quem recondit obscuritas." }
{ "en": "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 75576, "la": "gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christi cum omnibus vobis amen." }
{ "en": "And he cast out Adam; and placed before the paradise of pleasure Cherubims, and a flaming sword, turning every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 77664, "la": "eiecitque Adam et conlocavit ante paradisum voluptatis cherubin et flammeum gladium atque versatilem ad custodiendam viam ligni vitae" }
{ "en": "The fifteenth to Belga, the sixteenth to Emmer,", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 92075, "la": "quintadecima Belga sextadecima Emmer" }
{ "en": "More good is done to the world by teeming earth which gives birth to iron than by the golden gravel washed down by the Tagus in the distant West;", "file": "final_alignments\\Rutilius_Namatianus_De_Reditu_Suo.json", "id": 33998, "la": "plus confert populis ferri fecunda creatrix quam Tartessiaci glarea fulva Tagi." }
{ "en": "and when the fermentation is complete, remove the hellebore from the wine;", "file": "final_alignments\\Cato_Agriculture.json", "id": 17968, "la": "Ubi satis efferverit, de vino manipulum eicito." }
{ "en": "The distance to be covered was vast; the roads were blocked with dead, and so the carnage was greater: for in civil wars captives are not turned to profit.", "file": "final_alignments\\Tacitus_Histories_Book2.json", "id": 51235, "la": "Immensum id spatium, obstructae strage corporum viae, quo plus caedis fuit; neque enim civilibus bellis capti in praedam vertuntur." }
{ "en": "And again stooping down, he wrote on the ground.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 86084, "la": "et iterum se inclinans scribebat in terra" }
{ "en": "Thou shalt make also an altar of setim wood, which shall be five cubits long, and as many broad, that is four square, and three cubits high.", "file": "final_alignments\\Vulgate_Bible.json", "id": 69833, "la": "facies et altare de lignis setthim quod habebit quinque cubitos in longitudine et totidem in latitudine id est quadrum et tres cubitos in altitudine" }