{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_500_000", "insurance_500_001", "insurance_500_002", "insurance_500_003", "insurance_500_004", "insurance_500_005", "insurance_500_006", "insurance_500_007", "insurance_500_008", "insurance_500_009", "insurance_500_010", "insurance_500_011", "insurance_500_012", "insurance_500_013", "insurance_500_014", "insurance_500_015", "insurance_500_016", "insurance_500_017", "insurance_500_018", "insurance_500_019", "insurance_500_020", "insurance_500_021", "insurance_500_022", "insurance_500_023", "insurance_500_024", "insurance_500_025", "insurance_500_026", "insurance_500_027", "insurance_500_028", "insurance_500_029", "insurance_500_030", "insurance_500_031", "insurance_500_032", "insurance_500_033", "insurance_500_034", "insurance_500_035", "insurance_500_036", "insurance_500_037", "insurance_500_038", "insurance_500_039", "insurance_500_040", "insurance_500_041", "insurance_500_042", "insurance_500_043", "insurance_500_044", "insurance_500_045", "insurance_500_046", "insurance_500_047", "insurance_500_048", "insurance_500_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello good afternoon, thank you for calling Riverton Insurance. How may I help you?", "Good afternoon, how are you?", "I'm good, thank you. What about you?", "I'm doing well too.", "So, how may I help you ma'am?", "#Ummm, I'll like to create an account. I tried doing it on your website but I couldn't, that's why I'm calling.", "Sorry about that.", "# Errm, It's fine.", "I will help you with the creating of the account ma'am. May I have your full name please?", "Do you mean my first name and last name?", "Yes please.", "My name is Kaitlin Denver.", "Thank you ma'am, Kaitlin. DenverJust to confirm, is Kaitlin spelt c.a.t.l.y.n?", "No, it is k.a.i.t.l.i.n.", "Gotcha, k.a.i.t.l.i.n. #Ummm, please hold on a minute ma'am.", "Okay.", "What's your phone number please?", "My phone number is four one seven seven five six two nine one six.", "You said four one seven seven five six two nine one six.", "#Um, yep that's right.", "Okay ma'am.Please what's your mother's maiden name?", "Why do you need that?", "Please bear with us ma'am. It's a security question that will help us create an account for you.", "Alright then. My mother's maiden name is Connor.", "#Umm, okay. Is that spelt c.o.n.o.r?", "#Errm..nope. It's c.o.n.n.o.r.", "Gotcha. What's your date of birth ma'am?", "#Ohhhh, how may more questions do I have to answer?", "Apologies ma'am, just about five more questions about your personal details.", "#Hmmmm, I don't have all day.", "Apologies ma'am, it won't take long. We'll soon be done.", "Okay, if you say so. My date of birth is third of July nineteen eighty.", "Okay, third July nineteen eighty right?", "Yes please, next question.", "Okay ma'am. What's your home address please?", "Two six nine six Grand Avenue, Orlanda, Florida.", "Okay. Two nine six, Grand Avenue, Orlando, Florida, right?", "Yes please.", "Okay ma'am. We'll need your zip code please.", "I think it's three two mm, eight one five mm. Yep, that is it.", "#Errrmm, you said three two eight one five, right?", "Yes please.", "Okay ma'am.Lastly, we'll be needing your socail security number please.", "#Umm, okay. It's seven six nine four eight four seven seven two.", "Gotcha. We have successfully created your account ma'am. Thank you for your patience. Is there anything else I may help you with?", "#Ahh, finally. Thank you. That will be all for now.", "You're welcome ma'am. Thank you for choosing Riverton Insurance. Have a good day.", "Have a good day too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_501_000", "insurance_501_001", "insurance_501_002", "insurance_501_003", "insurance_501_004", "insurance_501_005", "insurance_501_006", "insurance_501_007", "insurance_501_008", "insurance_501_009", "insurance_501_010", "insurance_501_011", "insurance_501_012", "insurance_501_013", "insurance_501_014", "insurance_501_015", "insurance_501_016", "insurance_501_017", "insurance_501_018", "insurance_501_019", "insurance_501_020", "insurance_501_021", "insurance_501_022", "insurance_501_023", "insurance_501_024", "insurance_501_025", "insurance_501_026", "insurance_501_027", "insurance_501_028", "insurance_501_029", "insurance_501_030", "insurance_501_031", "insurance_501_032", "insurance_501_033", "insurance_501_034", "insurance_501_035", "insurance_501_036", "insurance_501_037", "insurance_501_038", "insurance_501_039", "insurance_501_040", "insurance_501_041", "insurance_501_042", "insurance_501_043", "insurance_501_044", "insurance_501_045", "insurance_501_046", "insurance_501_047", "insurance_501_048", "insurance_501_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "Yes I would like to add a dependent to my policy. Last year I added my son but I've had another baby since then so I was hoping to add him as well.", "Congratulations on the new baby! I can definitely assist you with that today. May I have your first and last name?", "My first name is John. My last name is Rawlings, r. a. w. l. i. n. g. s.", "Got it. May I also get your customer number?", "I don't have that with me right now. can you look me up a different way?", "Sure thing. Instead of your customer ID can I get your date of birth and phone number?", "Yes. My date of birth is January sixth nineteen eighty five and my phone number is eight five zero one two three four five six.", "Thank you for that information. Can you also give me your full social and tell me your mother's maiden name?", "It's one two three four five six seven eight nine and my mother's maiden name is Thompson.", "Perfect. I've got your account pulled up here. You stated that you'd like to add a dependent? Is that correct?", "Yes. I want to add my son.", "Perfect. May I have his first and last name to get that started for you?", "Yes. his first name is Jacob and his last name is Rawlings. Same spelling as mine.", "Got it. Thank you. and just to confirm you said this is your son?", "Yes that's correct.", "What is his date of birth?", "July thirteenth twenty twenty one.", "Okay. Thank you. Can you tell me if he's had any type of health issues?", "No not so far. He's healthy and hasn't had any major issues since being born.", "Well that's great news! I'm happy to hear you have a healthy baby.", "Thank you me too. He's been great so far.", "Good to hear. I've gone ahead and added him to your policy. It looks like your rates will only increase by three hundred twenty two dollars per year.", "Okay. When does that go into effect?", "Let's see. This should be effective starting today and will be in effect until your policy ends or unless you remove him as a dependent.", "Okay. is there any way to do this online so I don't have to call in the future?", "Yes sir. You should be able to do it by logging into your account at w. w. w. dot rivertown insurance dot com.", "Okay that sounds good. We plan on expanding our family more so that'll be helpful to know for the next time I need to add someone.", "Perfect! It should be an easy process. You'll select edit policy from the upper left hand corner when you log in and just follow the prompts to add a dependent.", "Sounds easy enough. Do I owe anything today?", "No sir. There is no change to your bill as of right now.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I can do for you today?", "I don't think so. Oh! Yes, when will I get new cards for my son?", "let me check on that for your ", "I'm assuming it'll come by regular mail? Or will you FedEx it?", "I'm not entirely sure. I'm checking now.", "Okay.", "It looks like it'll take around seven to ten business days and it will come via postal service.", "So that's regular mail?", "Yes that's correct.", "Okay great. Thanks.", "Not a problem at all! Were there any other questions I could assist you with?", "I don't think so right at the moment.", "No problem. You are more than welcome to call anytime and we can help you if you think of something else.", "Thank you I appreciate it.", "You're welcome sir. Again congratulations on the new baby and I hope you enjoy your day.", "Thank you.", "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a great day. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_502_000", "insurance_502_001", "insurance_502_002", "insurance_502_003", "insurance_502_004", "insurance_502_005", "insurance_502_006", "insurance_502_007", "insurance_502_008", "insurance_502_009", "insurance_502_010", "insurance_502_011", "insurance_502_012", "insurance_502_013", "insurance_502_014", "insurance_502_015", "insurance_502_016", "insurance_502_017", "insurance_502_018", "insurance_502_019", "insurance_502_020", "insurance_502_021", "insurance_502_022", "insurance_502_023", "insurance_502_024", "insurance_502_025", "insurance_502_026", "insurance_502_027", "insurance_502_028", "insurance_502_029", "insurance_502_030", "insurance_502_031", "insurance_502_032", "insurance_502_033", "insurance_502_034", "insurance_502_035", "insurance_502_036", "insurance_502_037", "insurance_502_038", "insurance_502_039", "insurance_502_040", "insurance_502_041", "insurance_502_042", "insurance_502_043", "insurance_502_044", "insurance_502_045", "insurance_502_046", "insurance_502_047", "insurance_502_048", "insurance_502_049", "insurance_502_050", "insurance_502_051", "insurance_502_052", "insurance_502_053", "insurance_502_054", "insurance_502_055", "insurance_502_056", "insurance_502_057", "insurance_502_058", "insurance_502_059", "insurance_502_060", "insurance_502_061", "insurance_502_062", "insurance_502_063", "insurance_502_064", "insurance_502_065", "insurance_502_066", "insurance_502_067", "insurance_502_068", "insurance_502_069", "insurance_502_070", "insurance_502_071", "insurance_502_072", "insurance_502_073", "insurance_502_074", "insurance_502_075", "insurance_502_076", "insurance_502_077", "insurance_502_078", "insurance_502_079" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I will love to create an insurance account with Rivertown insurance company.", "#oh. Great decision. You'll provide me some information about yourself. Lets begin with your name sir.", "My name is John Robert.", "Okay, John is your first name while Robert is your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your phone number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Phone number, one two five.", "Yes, one two five.", "Two one two two.", "Two one two two.", "seven five nine.", "Seven five nine.", "Sorry it's seven five eight. I thought I saw nine.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said one two five two one two two seven five eight right?", "Yeah, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure, my date of birth is December fourth, nineteen seven two.", "December fourth, nineteen seven two, right?", "Yeah, that's right.", "Okay, a moment please.", "Okay.", "Alright, can you provide me your state and street address?", "Sure. I'm in Texas right now.", "Okay. What's your street address?", "Number thirteen, micro street.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "Okay.", "Alright. May I know the city you are?", "I'm from Maradona city.", "Okay.", "Is that all?", "Not yet sir, zip code of the city sir.", "Zip code?", "Yes zip code sir.", "Can you please get that for me, I don't know the zip code of my city?", "Okay. Please hang on while I do that for you sir.", "Okay thanks.", "It's one nine six zero five, kindly write it down just in case you might need it some other time.", "Okay, thank you so very much.", "Next, you will have to provide some nine digit to use as your security code.", "Okay.", "Kindly provide it for me sir.", "Two two two.", "Two two two.", "Three three three.", "Three three three.", "Six six six.", "Six six six.", "Yeah, that's right.", "You said two two two three three three six six six.", "Yes, exactly.", "And last but not the least, you have to create a security question that will be used to verify your identity.", "Okay, can I use my childhood nickname?", "Yes exactly, provide me that sir.", "My childhood nickname is Stuart.", "Thanks, your account has been created succefully.", "Thanks, can you provide me my log in details?", "Please get a piece of paper and pen so you can write it down?", "Okay.", "Good, customer number.", "Alright customer number.", "Can I proceed?", "Yes, please do.", "Zero zero six six.", "Zero zero six six.", "Zero zero six six.", "Zero zero six six.", "Yes.", "You said zero zero six six zero zero six six right?", "Yes sir.", "Thank you so much.", "Thank you for registering with us sir.", "My pleasure.", "But sir you haven't stated which of our plan you will prefer sir?", "I will surely do that myself.", "Okay thanks.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_503_000", "insurance_503_001", "insurance_503_002", "insurance_503_003", "insurance_503_004", "insurance_503_005", "insurance_503_006", "insurance_503_007", "insurance_503_008", "insurance_503_009", "insurance_503_010", "insurance_503_011", "insurance_503_012", "insurance_503_013", "insurance_503_014", "insurance_503_015", "insurance_503_016", "insurance_503_017", "insurance_503_018", "insurance_503_019", "insurance_503_020", "insurance_503_021", "insurance_503_022", "insurance_503_023", "insurance_503_024", "insurance_503_025", "insurance_503_026", "insurance_503_027", "insurance_503_028", "insurance_503_029", "insurance_503_030", "insurance_503_031", "insurance_503_032", "insurance_503_033", "insurance_503_034", "insurance_503_035", "insurance_503_036", "insurance_503_037", "insurance_503_038", "insurance_503_039", "insurance_503_040", "insurance_503_041", "insurance_503_042", "insurance_503_043", "insurance_503_044", "insurance_503_045", "insurance_503_046", "insurance_503_047", "insurance_503_048", "insurance_503_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good day thank you for contacting Rivertown customer service, my name is Evelyn how may I help you?", "Good morning I will like to cancel an operation.", "Good morning. please can you tell me your name?", "I am Martins.", "Good morning mister Martins if I get you clearly you said you will like to cancel an operation.", "Yes.", "Which Operation is that?", "Automatic Billing.", "Okay sir.", "Yeah.", "One moment please.", "No problem. Can you help me with it?", "Sure. Can you provide your account number, proxy number, account name, address, and security number.", "this is much ask it one after the other.", "#Hm okay. Account name.", "Martins Rollins.", "Martins Rollins?", "Yes.", "Your account number?", "#Er three one.", "Three one.", "Five nine.", "Five nine.", "Four zero.", "Four zero.", "Six three.", "Six three.", "That's all.", "How about your Proxy number?", "#Hm Which one is that?", "It is the four digit after the account number.", "#Hm Okay. Six three.", "Six there.", "Seven one.", "Seven one. Okay.", "Yea.", "What is your home address?", "two fourty Brooklyn Avenue, San Diego, California.", "Answer to your security question.", "What is the question?", "What is the name of your Childhood best friend?", "Clinton.", "Okay. I just cancelled automatic billing on your account sir.", "Thank you mister Evelyn.", "You are welcome mister Martins.", "Okay.", "Okay Thank you for contacting Rivertown customer service enjoy the rest of the day.", "And you to.", "Bye bye.", "Thanks." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_504_000", "insurance_504_001", "insurance_504_002", "insurance_504_003", "insurance_504_004", "insurance_504_005", "insurance_504_006", "insurance_504_007", "insurance_504_008", "insurance_504_009", "insurance_504_010", "insurance_504_011", "insurance_504_012", "insurance_504_013", "insurance_504_014", "insurance_504_015", "insurance_504_016", "insurance_504_017", "insurance_504_018", "insurance_504_019", "insurance_504_020", "insurance_504_021", "insurance_504_022", "insurance_504_023", "insurance_504_024", "insurance_504_025", "insurance_504_026", "insurance_504_027", "insurance_504_028", "insurance_504_029", "insurance_504_030", "insurance_504_031", "insurance_504_032", "insurance_504_033", "insurance_504_034", "insurance_504_035", "insurance_504_036", "insurance_504_037", "insurance_504_038", "insurance_504_039", "insurance_504_040", "insurance_504_041", "insurance_504_042", "insurance_504_043", "insurance_504_044", "insurance_504_045", "insurance_504_046", "insurance_504_047", "insurance_504_048", "insurance_504_049", "insurance_504_050", "insurance_504_051", "insurance_504_052", "insurance_504_053", "insurance_504_054", "insurance_504_055", "insurance_504_056", "insurance_504_057", "insurance_504_058", "insurance_504_059", "insurance_504_060", "insurance_504_061", "insurance_504_062", "insurance_504_063", "insurance_504_064", "insurance_504_065", "insurance_504_066", "insurance_504_067", "insurance_504_068", "insurance_504_069", "insurance_504_070", "insurance_504_071", "insurance_504_072", "insurance_504_073", "insurance_504_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to file property claim of my account. I tried to file it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to file it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is George Manson.", "Okay, George as your first name and Manson as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's zero two zero one.", "Zero two zero one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, zero two zero one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said zero two zero one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is June sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "June sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know cause of damage such as natural disaster, theft, accident, etc.?", "It is accident.", "Okay. Before I proceed with a the property claim, may I know if you have suggestions on how we can serve you better?", "Well, But I think your company should really consider looking into the ridiculous charges that's being deducted along with the automatic billings. It's just too much and too frequent.", "We're very sorry for the inconveniences. We will surely look into that.", "Please do.", "Alright. Please feel free to contact us whenever you have any sort of complaints or suggestions.", "I'll do that.", "Okay. Please hang on while I proceed with the file property claim sir.", "", "I'll proceed to your file property claim on the system. Do you confirm it?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright, I will ask you some more question.", "Okay go on.", "Okay, Incident Date?", "December second, twenty nineteen.", "December second, twenty nineteen.", "yes.", "Incident time please?", "It is around ten in the morning.", "Okay, Property Type?", "It's a house.", "Okay.", "Yeah.", "Property address?", "Okay, it is number ten purple street.", "Number ten purple street.", "Yea.", "The claim has been successfully lodged. The claim number is zero zero two two.", "Zero zero two two.", "Yes.", "Thanks.", "Do you have anything else you can do for your?", "Yes. I got an email around last week that automatic billings will now include charges as from next month. I don't quite understand that. Please can you explain to me?", "Oh! That's true. The company needs to deduct this charges for general maintenance and regular update of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience.", "Alright. But I hope these extra charges of your won't be a burden.", "It definitely won't be a burden sir. We will make sure it's as low as possible.", "Alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_505_000", "insurance_505_001", "insurance_505_002", "insurance_505_003", "insurance_505_004", "insurance_505_005", "insurance_505_006", "insurance_505_007", "insurance_505_008", "insurance_505_009", "insurance_505_010", "insurance_505_011", "insurance_505_012", "insurance_505_013", "insurance_505_014", "insurance_505_015", "insurance_505_016", "insurance_505_017", "insurance_505_018", "insurance_505_019", "insurance_505_020", "insurance_505_021", "insurance_505_022", "insurance_505_023", "insurance_505_024", "insurance_505_025", "insurance_505_026", "insurance_505_027", "insurance_505_028", "insurance_505_029", "insurance_505_030", "insurance_505_031", "insurance_505_032", "insurance_505_033", "insurance_505_034", "insurance_505_035", "insurance_505_036", "insurance_505_037", "insurance_505_038", "insurance_505_039", "insurance_505_040", "insurance_505_041", "insurance_505_042", "insurance_505_043", "insurance_505_044", "insurance_505_045", "insurance_505_046", "insurance_505_047", "insurance_505_048", "insurance_505_049", "insurance_505_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "This is Flora speaking with you from Rivertown customer care service.", "Hello I am Vincent. How is your day going?", "Fine Sir.", "Okay I will like to ask some questions.", "Okay sir. Go on.", "Can i cancel a plan or upgrade my plan?", "Yes Sir. you can do all of this.", "Okay. I will like to change a plan.", "Okay no problem. Which plan is it?", "Automobile preferred auto.", "Okay.", "I will like to switch to the basic auto.", "#Uh that's downgrading.", "#Uh yes.", "Why going for lesser package?", "I want to get a new house which I will like to also insure.", "Okay that is a good property.", "Thanks.", "Okay. Do you have your account log in on a device?", "Yes.", "Okay. Can I have your account number?", "#Hm Is the account number eight digit or ten digit?", "It is eight digit.", "Okay. Four five.", "Four five.", "Two eight.", "Two eight.", "Eight zero.", "Eight zero.", "Nine four.", "Nine four.", "That is all.", "The answer to your security question?", "#Uh What is the question?", "What is your mother maiden's name?", "#Uh Collins.", "Okay. mister Vincent your initial plan expire in one weeks time.", "Yes.", "Should I cancel it and start the new plan or I should pend the new one so when the current one expire it will start automatically?", "Yes pend the new let it start automatically when the old one expire.", "Okay. Done.", "Thank you.", "What about the other one?", "Till another time.", "Okay. please mister ", "Vincent.", "mister Vincent please rate me after this call end.", "No problem.", "Thank you for patronising us do have a nice day.", "And you to mister Flora.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_506_000", "insurance_506_001", "insurance_506_002", "insurance_506_003", "insurance_506_004", "insurance_506_005", "insurance_506_006", "insurance_506_007", "insurance_506_008", "insurance_506_009", "insurance_506_010", "insurance_506_011", "insurance_506_012", "insurance_506_013", "insurance_506_014", "insurance_506_015", "insurance_506_016", "insurance_506_017", "insurance_506_018", "insurance_506_019", "insurance_506_020", "insurance_506_021", "insurance_506_022", "insurance_506_023", "insurance_506_024", "insurance_506_025", "insurance_506_026", "insurance_506_027", "insurance_506_028", "insurance_506_029", "insurance_506_030", "insurance_506_031", "insurance_506_032", "insurance_506_033", "insurance_506_034", "insurance_506_035", "insurance_506_036", "insurance_506_037", "insurance_506_038", "insurance_506_039", "insurance_506_040", "insurance_506_041", "insurance_506_042", "insurance_506_043", "insurance_506_044", "insurance_506_045", "insurance_506_046", "insurance_506_047", "insurance_506_048", "insurance_506_049", "insurance_506_050", "insurance_506_051", "insurance_506_052", "insurance_506_053", "insurance_506_054", "insurance_506_055", "insurance_506_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance Customer care service. How may I help you?", "Hi. I want to cancel automatic billing on my account.", "Alright. May I have your first name, last name and date of birth ma'am?", "My name is Khloe Allen. my date of birth is June Eight Nineteen Ninety.", "Miss or mister Khloe ma'am?", "miss Khloe.", "Can I have your Phone number ma'am?", "Two Eight Nine Five.", "Two Eight Nine Five.", "Two Five Eight.", "Two Five Eight.", "Six Seven Two.", "Six Seven Two. can I have your social security number?", "Can you please be fast about the whole process?", "Alright ma'am..We need all these details or proper identification ma'am.", "My social security number is Three Four Three Two.", "You can go on ma'am.", "Eight Six Five Three Two.", "Gotcha! Confirmed. I need the answer to your security question ma'am.", "Jayden. He was my best friend in high school.", "Is it spelt as J.A.Y.D.E.N ma'am?", "Yep!", "So what's the complain ma?", "On the second of June, I was overcharged for my automobile insurance plan. I laid a complaint and it was resolved.", "Oh! I'm so sorry about that ma'am.", "That's not all. I was also overcharged for my life insurance plan.", "Whoa! I'm so sorry ma'am.", "I hate to be overbilled.", "I'm so sorry ma'am. It won't repeat itself.", "I tried cancelling it on the mobile app but I couldn't find that option so I had to call the helpline.", "The option is under billing on the mobile app ma'am?", "I'll check it out much later.", "We're working on your request ma'am. Please do hold on for a minute.", "Oh! That's better.", "Thank you ma'am. Do you need help with any other thing?", "Yes please. I would love to add a dependent to my insurance account.", "We have successfully cancelled automatic billing on your credit card ma'am.", "Finally. Please add a dependent to my account.", "Sure thing. What relationship exists between you and the dependent ma'am?", "She's my sister.", "Her name please?", "Joyce Allen.", "What's her date of birth?", "July Nine Two thousand and Five.", "Does she have any health challenge?", "Yes she does.", "What's the health challenge ma'am?", "She has down syndrome.", "Oh! I'm sorry about that miss Khloe.", "Thank you.", "Dependent successfully added. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with?", "Nothing for now.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown insurance. We're sorry for all the inconveniences we caused you.", "You really caused me so much inconvenience but it's fine now.", "Well noted ma'am. Thank you for calling the customer care service. Have a lovely day miss Khloe.", "Bye.", "Bye miss Khloe." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_507_000", "insurance_507_001", "insurance_507_002", "insurance_507_003", "insurance_507_004", "insurance_507_005", "insurance_507_006", "insurance_507_007", "insurance_507_008", "insurance_507_009", "insurance_507_010", "insurance_507_011", "insurance_507_012", "insurance_507_013", "insurance_507_014", "insurance_507_015", "insurance_507_016", "insurance_507_017", "insurance_507_018", "insurance_507_019", "insurance_507_020", "insurance_507_021", "insurance_507_022", "insurance_507_023", "insurance_507_024", "insurance_507_025", "insurance_507_026", "insurance_507_027", "insurance_507_028", "insurance_507_029", "insurance_507_030", "insurance_507_031", "insurance_507_032", "insurance_507_033", "insurance_507_034", "insurance_507_035", "insurance_507_036", "insurance_507_037", "insurance_507_038", "insurance_507_039", "insurance_507_040", "insurance_507_041", "insurance_507_042", "insurance_507_043", "insurance_507_044", "insurance_507_045", "insurance_507_046", "insurance_507_047", "insurance_507_048", "insurance_507_049", "insurance_507_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning thank you for calling Rivertown customer service my name is Gloria how may I help you?", "Good morning my name is Edward.", "Okay my Edward how may I help you?", "I relocate from my previous residence and will like to change my address to a new one.", "If I get you right, you said you relocate and will like to change your address?", "Exactly.", "Okay. Kindly stay on as I ask you some questions.", "No problem.", "Please can I have your account number?", "#Er kindly wait while I check that.", "Okay sir. Take your time.", "#Uh here it is.", "Okay.", "Eight Five.", "Eight five.", "Six seven seven.", "Six seven seven.", "One six two.", "One six two.", "That all.", "Please confirm if the number I will call is well taken.", "Okay.", "Eight five six seven seven one six two.", "#Uh Yes.", "Okay. Can you please tell me your Mother's maiden name?", "Newman.", "Okay. A minute please.", "Okay.", "Can I have your Email?", "#Um Edward one four at gmail dot com.", "Your birthday?", "#Uh, it is not my birthday today.", "(Laughter) I am asking for your date of birth to verify your identity.", "(Laughter) thought your are asking me how my birthday will goes.", "No problem sir.", "My birthday is September three nineteen seventy three.", "Okay.", "Can i have your Previous address and the new address?", "#Er previous address is nine four nine Glendale AvenuePomona. and the new address is four six zero zero Snowbird Lane Fairbury.", "Okay.", "Okay.Your address has been changed successfully.", "#Ah thanks a lot.", "You are welcome Sir. Is that all you want me to do sir?", "Yes that is it?", "Okay. A message will pop up after the call for rating please do well to rate me.", "Okay no problem mister ", "Gloria.", "Gloria. Yes.", "Thanks you mister Edward. Have a wonderful day.", "And you to.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_508_000", "insurance_508_001", "insurance_508_002", "insurance_508_003", "insurance_508_004", "insurance_508_005", "insurance_508_006", "insurance_508_007", "insurance_508_008", "insurance_508_009", "insurance_508_010", "insurance_508_011", "insurance_508_012", "insurance_508_013", "insurance_508_014", "insurance_508_015", "insurance_508_016", "insurance_508_017", "insurance_508_018", "insurance_508_019", "insurance_508_020", "insurance_508_021", "insurance_508_022", "insurance_508_023", "insurance_508_024", "insurance_508_025", "insurance_508_026", "insurance_508_027", "insurance_508_028", "insurance_508_029", "insurance_508_030", "insurance_508_031", "insurance_508_032", "insurance_508_033", "insurance_508_034", "insurance_508_035", "insurance_508_036", "insurance_508_037", "insurance_508_038", "insurance_508_039", "insurance_508_040", "insurance_508_041", "insurance_508_042", "insurance_508_043", "insurance_508_044", "insurance_508_045", "insurance_508_046", "insurance_508_047", "insurance_508_048", "insurance_508_049", "insurance_508_050", "insurance_508_051", "insurance_508_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How can I help you?", "Hi it's a whole of stress looking for a nearby insurance agent, can you help me out?", "Sure thing. I can help you with that.", "Oh really, thanks.", "Alright, can I have your zip code.", "Yeah, just a second please.", "Sure, go ahead sir.", "#Uh, it's one five nine.", "One five nine.", "Six two.", "Six two.", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay, one five nine six two, right?", "Yes.", "Which contact method will you prefer?", "#Um, contact method?", "Yes sir, it's either by phone or email.", "Oh, phone will be preferable.", "That's good sir.", "Yeah.", "May I have your phone number?", "Okay, three two.", "Three two.", "Two two.", "Two two.", "Zero eight.", "Zero eight.", "Five nine.", "Five nine.", "Yes, that's it.", "Please hang on, I want to confirm the number. Three two two two.", "", "Zero eight five nine.", "Yeah.", "Alright, done.", "Thank you.", "Thank you for the info, sir.", "#Uh, it's nothing.", "Is there anything else, I can help you with?", "#Um...", "Anything?", "I think that's all, thanks for your help!", "You are welcome.And one last thing, after this call ends there will be a request for rating my service. Pleas press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Okay, I'll be glad to do that.", "That's great.", "You really did a good job here.", "Thanks for the compliment sir.", "[Laughter], I'll rate your service.", "That's good sir, thank you.", "Yeah, have a nice day.", "And you too, sir.", "Thank you, bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_509_000", "insurance_509_001", "insurance_509_002", "insurance_509_003", "insurance_509_004", "insurance_509_005", "insurance_509_006", "insurance_509_007", "insurance_509_008", "insurance_509_009", "insurance_509_010", "insurance_509_011", "insurance_509_012", "insurance_509_013", "insurance_509_014", "insurance_509_015", "insurance_509_016", "insurance_509_017", "insurance_509_018", "insurance_509_019", "insurance_509_020", "insurance_509_021", "insurance_509_022", "insurance_509_023", "insurance_509_024", "insurance_509_025", "insurance_509_026", "insurance_509_027", "insurance_509_028", "insurance_509_029", "insurance_509_030", "insurance_509_031", "insurance_509_032", "insurance_509_033", "insurance_509_034", "insurance_509_035", "insurance_509_036", "insurance_509_037", "insurance_509_038", "insurance_509_039", "insurance_509_040", "insurance_509_041", "insurance_509_042", "insurance_509_043", "insurance_509_044", "insurance_509_045", "insurance_509_046", "insurance_509_047", "insurance_509_048", "insurance_509_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer's services. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to cancel the automatic billing of my account.", "Sure, I can help you with that. #Um, may I have your first and last name please?", "Of course, my name is Scott Migel.", "Okay, Scott Miguel, for clarity's sake, your Miguel is with a U right?", "No, it's m. i. g. e. l.", "Okay, sorry about that. Got it, Migel. I'll #eh, need your birthdate and your phone number, please.", "What for?", "Well, to cancel your plan Sir, I'll need both information.", "Oh, sorry about that. I had my guard up for no reason .", "It's okay, I understand .", ", okay, my date of birth is November twenty sixth, nineteen ninety five.", "#Hm, okay. Novemer twenty sixth, nineteen ninety five, got it. Your number, please.", "Yea, my number is zero one eight five four four seven nine. My social security number is one one five six four two one eight nine.", "#Hm, zero one eight five four seven nine? It's missing a number, can you repeat it please?", "Sure, give me a second to confirm, okay, zero one eight five four four seven nine four.", "Zero one eight five four four seven nine, okay gotcha. Give me a second.", "#Hm.", "#Um, sorry sir, I only need your phone number please.", "I must have thought, well, okay then, sorry about that.", "It's okay Sir and thanks for the info.", "#Um, yea, sure.", "You said you would like to cancel the automatic billing of your account?", "Uh-huh, that's what I said.", "Okay, may I ask if it's temporarily or permanently sir?", "#Ah, permanently please.", "Whoa, permanently? May I ask why, sir?", "No reason, geez, I just want it canceled permanently.", "#Hm, okay Sir. Just give a minute.", "Huh, you've been saying that for a while now, please be fast about it.", "So, mister Migel?", "#Eh, I'm listening.", "I just checked and cancelling of the automatic billing of your account won't be possible until a year has elasped.", "What?!", "Yes sir, it appears you asked for an automatic billing of your account for a particular length of years, am I right?", "#Uh, you are. My bad.", "Five years right?", "Yes, five years.", "Yep, sorry it won't be possile until #eh, two years has elapsed.", "Oh no, what do I do now?", "Well, that depends on you. I'm ready to help either way .", "Okay I'd like to cancel my request then.", "Give a minute while I do that.", "#Hm.", "This won't take long at all, I just need to okay gotcha.", "Alright, I guess thats all.", "#Um, yes sir.", "Okay then. #Eh, thank you for your time.", "You're welcome, always happy to help. Bye and have a nice day.", "Okay, bye-bye and you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_510_000", "insurance_510_001", "insurance_510_002", "insurance_510_003", "insurance_510_004", "insurance_510_005", "insurance_510_006", "insurance_510_007", "insurance_510_008", "insurance_510_009", "insurance_510_010", "insurance_510_011", "insurance_510_012", "insurance_510_013", "insurance_510_014", "insurance_510_015", "insurance_510_016", "insurance_510_017", "insurance_510_018", "insurance_510_019", "insurance_510_020", "insurance_510_021", "insurance_510_022", "insurance_510_023", "insurance_510_024", "insurance_510_025", "insurance_510_026", "insurance_510_027", "insurance_510_028", "insurance_510_029", "insurance_510_030", "insurance_510_031", "insurance_510_032", "insurance_510_033", "insurance_510_034", "insurance_510_035", "insurance_510_036", "insurance_510_037", "insurance_510_038", "insurance_510_039", "insurance_510_040", "insurance_510_041", "insurance_510_042", "insurance_510_043", "insurance_510_044", "insurance_510_045", "insurance_510_046", "insurance_510_047", "insurance_510_048", "insurance_510_049", "insurance_510_050", "insurance_510_051", "insurance_510_052", "insurance_510_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance contact center. This is Mark. How can I help you today?", "#Uh hi, Mark. I would like to get my car insured.", "Alright, I can help you with that. May I please have your name.", "Yes, my name is Alex.", "Okay, I have Alex spelled a. l. e. x. and do.", "Yes, that's correct and my last name is Robertson. That is r. o. b. e. r. t. s. o. n.", "I have Alex Robertson. And Alex, are you already a customer of ours?", "Yes. I have renters insurance through you.", "So I need to pull up your account. Can I.", "I already have my account pulled up on my laptop.", "That's good. #Um can you give me your customer number.", "Sure let me find it.", "No problem. Take your time.", "Okay, so I'm not able to find it. I I am in my account but all I see is my current renters insurance policy.", "No problem. I can help you find that. Alex do you see your name in the top right-hand corner of the page?", "Yes, I do. #Uh do you want me to click it?", "Yes, please click your name. It should take you to your account page. And you'll ", "Oh, I see it! It's right underneath my name.", "Yes, can I have that number please.", "It is five eight five three one nine seven two.", "Alright, that was five eight five three one nine seven two?", "Correct.", "Okay, and Alex can I have your date of birth.", "March eighth nineteen ninety-nine.", "That was March eighth nineteen ninety-nine?", "Yes.", "Okay, so I have your account information pulled up. What Kind of car do you need insurance for?", "It's a blue Corvette. Chevrolet.", "#Uh alright. I have a blue Chevrolet Corvette. And what is the year?", "It's a two thousand seventeen.", "Alright, two thousand seventeen.", "Wait, no. It's a two thousand sixteen.", "Two thousand sixteen?", "Yes.", "Okay, and can I.", "Actually, this is taking too long and I have to go. Is there any way I can do this online?", "Yes, actually there is.", "Okay, because I was looking for that earlier but couldn't find it.", "No problem, I can help you find that information. Please go to our website.", "I'm already on the website.", "Okay, you should see a tab for car insurance.", "Yep, I just clicked on it.", "Okay, so you will see the different types of insurance we offer.", "Yes, I see those.", "We have basic, preferred, and complete.", "What's the difference between those?", "So with basic auto insurance, you will.", "Never mind. I see the descriptions here. I'm I will just read through these.", "Okay, Alex, and once you read through them, you'll select which one is best for you and click enroll and follow the instructions on the page.", "Sounds simple.", "Great! Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, I have it from here.", "Alright, well Alex thank you so much for calling, and have a good rest of your day.", "Thanks, you too!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_511_000", "insurance_511_001", "insurance_511_002", "insurance_511_003", "insurance_511_004", "insurance_511_005", "insurance_511_006", "insurance_511_007", "insurance_511_008", "insurance_511_009", "insurance_511_010", "insurance_511_011", "insurance_511_012", "insurance_511_013", "insurance_511_014", "insurance_511_015", "insurance_511_016", "insurance_511_017", "insurance_511_018", "insurance_511_019", "insurance_511_020", "insurance_511_021", "insurance_511_022", "insurance_511_023", "insurance_511_024", "insurance_511_025", "insurance_511_026", "insurance_511_027", "insurance_511_028", "insurance_511_029", "insurance_511_030", "insurance_511_031", "insurance_511_032", "insurance_511_033", "insurance_511_034", "insurance_511_035", "insurance_511_036", "insurance_511_037", "insurance_511_038", "insurance_511_039", "insurance_511_040", "insurance_511_041", "insurance_511_042", "insurance_511_043", "insurance_511_044", "insurance_511_045", "insurance_511_046", "insurance_511_047", "insurance_511_048", "insurance_511_049", "insurance_511_050", "insurance_511_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance contact center. This is Alex speaking. How can I help you today?", "#Um yes. Hi, this is Sarah. I would like to I need help creating an account.", "I can help you with that, Sarah.", "Okay. #Uh I don't have life insurance yet but I want time to look through everything with my husband.", "That is totally fine. Once you create an account you'll be able to compare our plans.", "Okay.", "I need some information to create the account. Do you spell your first name s. a. r. a.?", "It's with an h. So, s. a. r. a. h.", "Got it. And Sarah what is your last name?", "Carter. Thats c. a. r. t. e. r.", "Alright. And Sarah what is your phone number?", "Seven two eight nine five nine one.", "And what is the area code for that phone number?", "#Uh four one seven.", "Just to confirm, that number was four one seven seven two eight nine five nine one?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Now I need need a security question for you. We have several.", "I want to do the pet one.", "Alright we have that one here. What is the name of your first pet?", "Fluffy. #Uh that is f. l. u. f. f. y. She's a husky.", "Got it. Fluffy That is such a cute name.", "She just turned three and she has so much energy.", "I bet. My neighbor had a husky and he was always covered in fur.", "Yes they shed so much.", "Alright, and I need your date of birth.", "June twelfth eighteen eighty six.", "Got it. And I need your address.", "#Uh seven one three three Apple Pine Drive. And that is in Springfield, Missouri.", "Okay just to confirm that's seven one three three Apple Pine Drive in Springfield, Missouri?", "Yes.", "And sarah what is your zip code.", "It is six five eight oh three.", "Alright that was six five.", "I'm sorry we moved. Our current zip code is six five eight oh four.", "That was six five eight zero four, correct?", "Mhm, yes.", "Okay, and the last thing I need is your social security number.", "Okay, give me one second to get my card. I always forget some of the digits.", "No worries. Take your time.", "Okay, I'm back.", "Alright Sarah, I am ready for that number.", "It's seven zero eight three three two nine six one.", "That was seven zero eight three three two nine six one, correct?", "Yes.", "Alright, so your account is created. #Um you should be receiving an email soon with a link.", "Yes, I got it.", "So, click the link. You will set up a password then you'll be finished creating your account.", "Yay!", "Alright Sarah, is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, that was it. Thank you so much.", "No problem. Thank you for calling and have a great rest of your day.", "Thanks, you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_512_000", "insurance_512_001", "insurance_512_002", "insurance_512_003", "insurance_512_004", "insurance_512_005", "insurance_512_006", "insurance_512_007", "insurance_512_008", "insurance_512_009", "insurance_512_010", "insurance_512_011", "insurance_512_012", "insurance_512_013", "insurance_512_014", "insurance_512_015", "insurance_512_016", "insurance_512_017", "insurance_512_018", "insurance_512_019", "insurance_512_020", "insurance_512_021", "insurance_512_022", "insurance_512_023", "insurance_512_024", "insurance_512_025", "insurance_512_026", "insurance_512_027", "insurance_512_028", "insurance_512_029", "insurance_512_030", "insurance_512_031", "insurance_512_032", "insurance_512_033", "insurance_512_034", "insurance_512_035", "insurance_512_036", "insurance_512_037", "insurance_512_038", "insurance_512_039", "insurance_512_040", "insurance_512_041", "insurance_512_042", "insurance_512_043", "insurance_512_044", "insurance_512_045", "insurance_512_046", "insurance_512_047", "insurance_512_048", "insurance_512_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Rose, how may I assist you today?", "Yeah you guys keep taking money out of my account and I didn't tell you you could do that. It's been this way for months.", "Okay. I'll be happy to assist you with that. May I have your first and last name please?", "Yeah. It's Dorothy d. o. r. o. t. h. y.", "Thank you Dorothy, and your last name please?", "Zbornak z. b. o. r. n. a. k.", "Perfect. Thank you. Do you have your customer ID?", "Jeez. You would ask for that. Give me a minute to find that.", "Take your time.", "Where would that even be?", "It should be on the top left of your billing statement. It should be eight digits.", "Oh there it is. It's one two three four five six seven eight.", "Thank you for that ", "No wait! It's one two three five four six seven eight.", "Okay. I have you pulled up here. You stated that you had a question about your automatic payments?", "Yeah I guess. You guys have been doing that every month and I didn't say you could. It's ridiculous.", "I'm sorry about the confusion. It looks like you signed up for autopay on the thirteenth of February of this year.", "No. No. I did not. I don't know know how you guys got that information but I did not.", "Okay. I suggest that we go ahead and cancel it since you do not like the payments coming out automatically.", "Yes. It needs to stop.", "I understand. Will this be a permanent or temporary stop to your autopay?", "What do you mean?", "Would you like to just temporarily stop the automatic payments or do you want to cancel it altogether.", "Do you not listen? I want it to stop.", "Okay. So you want to cancel it permanently. Is that correct?", "Yes.", "I can definitely do that for you. Just to confirm I have your automatic payments cancelled permanently.", "Okay. when is that effective?", "It's effective as of today.", "It better be. You guys better not take another dime out of my account unless I say you can.", "I understand. Please keep in mind you will need to make a payment by the twenty fourth of this month to keep an active policy.", "what do you mean? I already paid this month.", "The last payment I see here was on the twenty fourth of last month for three hundred twenty five dollars.", "That can't be right. You already took a payment.", "let's see. It looks like we tried to take a payment on the twenty fourth of last month but your bank returned it. We re-ran the payment on the fifth of this month and it was successful.", "Right so you got a payment this month.", "No. The payment that we received this month was for your past due balance last month.", "I don't think that's right ", "The payment for last month did not go through the first time. We had to run it again to collect it.", "Oh I bet it was because I didn't have my check in there. so I still owe for this month?", "Yes. A payment is due on the twenty fourth for three hundred twenty five dollars.", "Fine. Just don't take it out automatically.", "Yes. Your automatic payments have been cancelled effective today.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I could do for you today?", "I don't think so.", "Well thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance.", "You're welcome you have a nice day now.", "You as well, goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_513_000", "insurance_513_001", "insurance_513_002", "insurance_513_003", "insurance_513_004", "insurance_513_005", "insurance_513_006", "insurance_513_007", "insurance_513_008", "insurance_513_009", "insurance_513_010", "insurance_513_011", "insurance_513_012", "insurance_513_013", "insurance_513_014", "insurance_513_015", "insurance_513_016", "insurance_513_017", "insurance_513_018", "insurance_513_019", "insurance_513_020", "insurance_513_021", "insurance_513_022", "insurance_513_023", "insurance_513_024", "insurance_513_025", "insurance_513_026", "insurance_513_027", "insurance_513_028", "insurance_513_029", "insurance_513_030", "insurance_513_031", "insurance_513_032", "insurance_513_033", "insurance_513_034", "insurance_513_035", "insurance_513_036", "insurance_513_037", "insurance_513_038", "insurance_513_039", "insurance_513_040", "insurance_513_041", "insurance_513_042", "insurance_513_043", "insurance_513_044", "insurance_513_045", "insurance_513_046", "insurance_513_047", "insurance_513_048", "insurance_513_049", "insurance_513_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hi, I would like to cancel my automatic billing please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Joyce Jenkins.", "Thank you, miss Jenkins. Let me just find your account. Is that J.o.y.c.e?", "Yes, and Jenkins is J.e.n.k.i.n.s.", "Thank you, miss Jenkins. May I also please get your date of birth?", "Yes, but, honestly, I am getting kind of frustrated at this point.", "I am sorry.", "I am calling to cancel my autopay because you all billed me twice in the same month!", "Oh, no. I am sorry to hear that. Let me look into you account to see what is going on here.", "Thank you.", "I will need your date of birth to pull up the account though.", "My date of birth is January eleventh nineteen seventy four.", "Thank you. OK, here it is. For security reasons, miss Jenkins, I will need you to please verify your eight digit customer number.", "Where would I find that?", "You can find it on your most recent statement, the Rivertown Insurance website or on the Rivertown Insurance App.", "OK, I have my account pulled up right here. I saw the two charges on my credit card statement and immediatly went to my account.", "If you are in your Rivertown Insurance account the number should be on the top right side of the page.", "Yes, I see it. It is two one six three.", "Two one six three.", "Eight four seven two.", "Eight four seven two. Got it, thank you.", "Sure.", "OK, yes, here is your account. I do see that your account was billed twice. I am so sorry. I do not know why this happened.", "Yes, it is very frustrating.", "Let me clear this charge for you.", "Thank you.", "This will be refunded back to your credit card. I will also let our billing department know about this to avoid mistakes like this in the future.", "Thank you.", "I am sorry that this happened.", "I just want to get the autopay turned off to avoid this hassle in the future.", "Of course. I understand. I can turn that off for you. Do you want to receive a bill each month?", "Yes, I want a bill in the mail each month and all credit card information in my file deleted.", "Yes ma'am. I will update this.", "I don't like getting paper bills. It is such an environmental waste. But if you are going to overcharge me that won't work either. Mailing the bill is my only option.", "Yes ma'am. This is now updated. You will get a statement in the mail for your insurance each month.", "Good.", "Your next statement will be sent out on April sixth. You will then get a statement each month unless you decide to sign up for autopay again.", "No, I will not be doing that. One mistake was enough!", "I understand. And, again, I do apologize.", "I know it is not your fault but having to call and take care of this is not how I want to spend my time.", "Of couse. You are all set up now to receive one statement each month. We apologize for the inconvience.", "Thank you.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. But please do not let the billing department know about this. I don't want others to have the same problem.", "Yes ma'am. I have already alerted them.", "Thank you.", "And thank you, miss Jenkins, for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you. Goodbye.", "Bye, miss Jenkins." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_514_000", "insurance_514_001", "insurance_514_002", "insurance_514_003", "insurance_514_004", "insurance_514_005", "insurance_514_006", "insurance_514_007", "insurance_514_008", "insurance_514_009", "insurance_514_010", "insurance_514_011", "insurance_514_012", "insurance_514_013", "insurance_514_014", "insurance_514_015", "insurance_514_016", "insurance_514_017", "insurance_514_018", "insurance_514_019", "insurance_514_020", "insurance_514_021", "insurance_514_022", "insurance_514_023", "insurance_514_024", "insurance_514_025", "insurance_514_026", "insurance_514_027", "insurance_514_028", "insurance_514_029", "insurance_514_030", "insurance_514_031", "insurance_514_032", "insurance_514_033", "insurance_514_034", "insurance_514_035", "insurance_514_036", "insurance_514_037", "insurance_514_038", "insurance_514_039", "insurance_514_040", "insurance_514_041", "insurance_514_042", "insurance_514_043", "insurance_514_044", "insurance_514_045", "insurance_514_046", "insurance_514_047", "insurance_514_048", "insurance_514_049", "insurance_514_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Emily.", "Thank you, Emily. How can I help you today?", "I live in an apartment and my lease is up. I need proof of my renter's insurance to to sign my new lease.", "Of course. I can definintely help you with that. Thank you, Emily. And thank you for being a valuable customer of Rivertown Insurance.", "Thank you.", "Emily, may I please get your last name?", "Yes, my last name is Edwards.", "Is that E.d.w.a.r.d.s?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, Emily. Emily, may I also get your date of birth to pull up your account?", "Yes, my date of birth is October first nineteen eighty six.", "Thank you, Emily. Here is your account. For security reasons can you please verify the phone number on your account?", "Yes, it is two one four three six eight one nine seven eight.", "So that is two one four three six eight one nine seven eight?", "Yes, correct.", "Emily, can I also please get your customer number.", "Um, where would I find that?", "It would be on your most recent bill, on the Halo App or online in your Halo account.", "I'm actually on the phone and away from my home and computer. I can't really look up anything right now.", "Of course. We have a security question on file for you. We can verify your account that way.", "Thank you, that would be better.", "Here is your security question. Emily, what was the name of your second grade teacher?", "My second grade teacher was miss Simpson.", "Perfect, thank you for verifying your account with us Emily. Let me pull this up so I can get a copy of proof of your renter's insurance to you.", "Thank you. How long will it take to get the copy?", "We can mail this to your home address or email you a copy. Mailing will take two -five business days while email will arrive right away.", "I think email will be better. I can then forward it straight to the leasing office.", "Perfect. I can email you a copy of your renter's insurance.", "Does that show the coverage amount?", "Yes, it shows your declarations, liability protection and medical protection.", "Thank you, that is exactly what I need. It also needs to have the name and address of my apartment complex on it.", "To verify, what apartment name and address should be listed on the insurance?", "It is the Blue Apartments at one three one State Avenue, Miami, Florida three three one zero one.", "Yes, jut to verify, is that is Blue Apartments like b.l.u.e? And the address is one three one State Avenue, Miami, Florida three three one zero one?", "Yes, exactly.", "It is all set for The Blue Apartments. I can email this to you so that you can forward this to them?", "That would be great. My email address is Emily at mail dot com.", "So that is Emily at mail dot com, correct?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you. If you like, I can send this right over so that you can make sure it arrives and has everything that you need.", "OK, thank you. I will listen for the alert on my phone.", "It should not take long.", "Oh, there it is thank you. Let me just pull it up to check that it is all here. One second please will I look at my phone.", "Of course. Take your time.", "Yes, I just checked and this is exactly what I need to forward to my apartment office to sign my lease. Thank you.", "Thank you, Emily. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.", "Of course. Thank you for being a valuable Rivertown Insurance customer. If we can ever help please do not hesitate to call.", "Thank you. I will do that.", "Thank you, Emily. Have a wonderful day. Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_515_000", "insurance_515_001", "insurance_515_002", "insurance_515_003", "insurance_515_004", "insurance_515_005", "insurance_515_006", "insurance_515_007", "insurance_515_008", "insurance_515_009", "insurance_515_010", "insurance_515_011", "insurance_515_012", "insurance_515_013", "insurance_515_014", "insurance_515_015", "insurance_515_016", "insurance_515_017", "insurance_515_018", "insurance_515_019", "insurance_515_020", "insurance_515_021", "insurance_515_022", "insurance_515_023", "insurance_515_024", "insurance_515_025", "insurance_515_026", "insurance_515_027", "insurance_515_028", "insurance_515_029", "insurance_515_030", "insurance_515_031", "insurance_515_032", "insurance_515_033", "insurance_515_034", "insurance_515_035", "insurance_515_036", "insurance_515_037", "insurance_515_038", "insurance_515_039", "insurance_515_040", "insurance_515_041", "insurance_515_042", "insurance_515_043", "insurance_515_044", "insurance_515_045", "insurance_515_046", "insurance_515_047", "insurance_515_048", "insurance_515_049", "insurance_515_050", "insurance_515_051", "insurance_515_052", "insurance_515_053", "insurance_515_054", "insurance_515_055", "insurance_515_056", "insurance_515_057", "insurance_515_058", "insurance_515_059", "insurance_515_060", "insurance_515_061", "insurance_515_062", "insurance_515_063", "insurance_515_064", "insurance_515_065", "insurance_515_066", "insurance_515_067" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Mustang Insurace. How may I help you today?", "I would like to update my payment preferences please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Janet Jones.", "Thank you, miss Jones. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family.", "Of course.", "Let me just pull up your account. Is that J.a.n.e.t?", "Yes, and Jones is J.o.n.e.s.", "Thank you, miss Jones. May I also please get your date of birth to locate your account?", "Sure, it is November eleventh nineteen seventy two.", "That is November eleventh nineteen seventy two.", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. I found your account. For security reasons may I also please get your customer number?", "What is a customer number?", "It is an eight digit number that is unique to you and your account. We use this for security purposes so no one else can change or access your account.", "OK.", "You can find your customer number on your most recent statement, the Rivertown Insurance website under your account or in your account on the Rivertown Insurance app.", "Uh, I don't have access to any of those.", "That's OK. We can access your account a different way. May I please get your phone number?", "Sure, it is four three one eight six five four seven three nine.", "So that is four three one eight six five four seven three nine?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. Can you also pleasure answer your security question that you have on file?", "Um, OK, if I remember it.", "What was the name of your second grade teacher?", "Oh, gosh. Um, was it mister Mart?", "Uh.", "No, no, wait, that's not it. It was Mr., mister Martin. Yes, Martin, that's it.", "Correct. Thank you, miss Jones.", "Hard for me to remember things these days! It has been such a long time!", "Now, I just need your social security number.", "Sure. It is five one six eight six five one seven six.", "So that is five one six eight six five one seven six?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. Now I am in your account so we can make changes.", "Thank you.", "You want to update your payment preferences, correct?", "Yes, that is correct. I would like to change from my checking account to my credit card for my autopay.", "No, problem. I can get that all set up for you. I will just need your credit card number whenever you are ready.", "Do you take American Express?", "Yes, we do.", "Great. The credit card number is six one three four seven.", "Six one three four seven.", "Eight five three nine two.", "Eight five three nine two.", "One zero zero four three.", "One zero zero four three. So that is six one three four seven eight five three nine two one zero zero four three?", "Yes, perfect.", "Thank you, miss Jones. May I also please get the expiration date for the card?", "Sure, it is February twenty twenty two.", "So that is February twenty twenty two?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. Finally, I just need the CVV number on the back of the card.", "OK. It is one four three seven.", "One four three seven?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. I have all that information saved on your account. The credit card ending in one zero zero four three will now be your method of payment.", "Thank you.", "This will start with your next bill that is due on March fourth.", "Will this still be an autopay?", "Yes ma'am. Your account will stay pay each month through autopay.", "Is there an additional fee for paying by credit card?", "No ma'am. Your bill will be the same amount each month.", "Wonderful, thank you. So glad this is all set.", "Thank you, miss Jones. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.", "Thank you for being a valued member of the Rivertown Insurance family. Have a good rest of your day, miss Jones.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_516_000", "insurance_516_001", "insurance_516_002", "insurance_516_003", "insurance_516_004", "insurance_516_005", "insurance_516_006", "insurance_516_007", "insurance_516_008", "insurance_516_009", "insurance_516_010", "insurance_516_011", "insurance_516_012", "insurance_516_013", "insurance_516_014", "insurance_516_015", "insurance_516_016", "insurance_516_017", "insurance_516_018", "insurance_516_019", "insurance_516_020", "insurance_516_021", "insurance_516_022", "insurance_516_023", "insurance_516_024", "insurance_516_025", "insurance_516_026", "insurance_516_027", "insurance_516_028", "insurance_516_029", "insurance_516_030", "insurance_516_031", "insurance_516_032", "insurance_516_033", "insurance_516_034", "insurance_516_035", "insurance_516_036", "insurance_516_037", "insurance_516_038", "insurance_516_039", "insurance_516_040", "insurance_516_041", "insurance_516_042", "insurance_516_043", "insurance_516_044", "insurance_516_045", "insurance_516_046", "insurance_516_047", "insurance_516_048", "insurance_516_049", "insurance_516_050", "insurance_516_051", "insurance_516_052", "insurance_516_053", "insurance_516_054", "insurance_516_055", "insurance_516_056", "insurance_516_057", "insurance_516_058", "insurance_516_059", "insurance_516_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you?", "I would like to create an account please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. We will just need to get some basic information. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Hannah.", "Thank you, Hannah. And thank you for being a valuable Rivertown Insurance customer. Hannah can I please get your full name?", "Sure. It is Hannah Davenport.", "Thank you, Hannah. Is that H.a.n.n.a.h?", "Yes, that is correct.", "And is Davenport D.a.v.e.n.p.o.r.t?", "Yes, that is also correct.", "Thank you, Hannah. Hannah, may I please get your phone number?", "Sure. It is eight one three.", "Eight one three.", "Five six eight.", "Five six eight.", "Two one three nine.", "Two one three nine. So that is eight one three five six eight two one three nine?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, Hannah. Hannah I will also need you to set up a security question for your account.", "OK.", "There are a few choices. The name of your elementary school or the street where you grew up.", "I will do the name of my elementary school.", "Thank you, Hannah. What is the name of your elementary school?", "It is Lakeside Academy.", "Thank you, Hannah. Is that L.a.k.e.s.i.d.e?", "Yes.", "Great. Do you want Lakeside Academy to be two words or all one word for the answer?", "Uh, two words?", "Thank you. I will add this to your account. You can then also use this to log in through the Rivertown Insurance website or App.", "Perfect, thanks.", "Do you want the L in Lakeside and the A in academy to be capitalized?", "Yes, please.", "OK. So that is Lakeside Academy. Two words with a capital L in Lakeside and a capital A in Academy.", "Yes, that is great.", "Thank you, Hannah. Now I need to add your date of birth.", "Sure. It is May tenth nineteen eighty-one.", "So, that is May tenth nineteen eighty-one?", "Correct.", "Got it. We also need to address your address. Hannah, may I please get your address?", "Yes. My address is one three six Oak Street in Austin, Texas. The zip is seven eight seven zero five.", "Thank you. I've got one three six Oak Street. Is that O.a.k?", "Yes.", "Thank you. Austin, Texas seven eight seven zero five?", "Perfect.", "Great. Finally, Hannah, I will need your social security number for your account.", "OK. It is five one nine.", "Fine one nine.", "Eight three.", "Eight three.", "Six seven two one.", "Six seven two one. So that is fine one nine eight three six seven two one?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, Hannah. I have your account all set up.", "Wonderful, thank you!", "If you would like to make any changes you can call us back or visit the Rivertown Insurance website or download the app.", "OK.", "You can then log in using the phone number provided or create a username and password using an email address.", "Thank you. I will do that.", "Wonderful. Hannah, is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreicate your help.", "Thank you, Hannah. And thank you for being a valued member of the Watertown family. Enjoy the rest of your day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_517_000", "insurance_517_001", "insurance_517_002", "insurance_517_003", "insurance_517_004", "insurance_517_005", "insurance_517_006", "insurance_517_007", "insurance_517_008", "insurance_517_009", "insurance_517_010", "insurance_517_011", "insurance_517_012", "insurance_517_013", "insurance_517_014", "insurance_517_015", "insurance_517_016", "insurance_517_017", "insurance_517_018", "insurance_517_019", "insurance_517_020", "insurance_517_021", "insurance_517_022", "insurance_517_023", "insurance_517_024", "insurance_517_025", "insurance_517_026", "insurance_517_027", "insurance_517_028", "insurance_517_029", "insurance_517_030", "insurance_517_031", "insurance_517_032", "insurance_517_033", "insurance_517_034", "insurance_517_035", "insurance_517_036", "insurance_517_037", "insurance_517_038", "insurance_517_039", "insurance_517_040", "insurance_517_041", "insurance_517_042", "insurance_517_043", "insurance_517_044", "insurance_517_045", "insurance_517_046", "insurance_517_047", "insurance_517_048", "insurance_517_049", "insurance_517_050", "insurance_517_051", "insurance_517_052", "insurance_517_053", "insurance_517_054", "insurance_517_055", "insurance_517_056", "insurance_517_057", "insurance_517_058", "insurance_517_059", "insurance_517_060", "insurance_517_061", "insurance_517_062", "insurance_517_063", "insurance_517_064", "insurance_517_065", "insurance_517_066", "insurance_517_067", "insurance_517_068", "insurance_517_069", "insurance_517_070", "insurance_517_071", "insurance_517_072", "insurance_517_073", "insurance_517_074", "insurance_517_075", "insurance_517_076", "insurance_517_077", "insurance_517_078", "insurance_517_079", "insurance_517_080" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. This is Lisa. How can I help you today?", "I am interested in getting health insurance.", "Wonderful. Thank you. I can certainly help you with that. May I get your name please?", "Mary.", "Thank you, Mary. How are you today, Mary?", "I am doing well. How are you?", "I am doing well, too. Thank you for asking. So, Mary, is this health insurance for you or for a family?", "The health insurance will be just for me. I had health insurance through my employer but now work independently.", "That's great. We definitely have plans that can work for you.", "In my old plan I was able to get coverage right away. Will I be able to do that with you all?", "Yes, we offer enrollment that is open all year. So you can pick your start date and have coverage start that day.", "That is a relief.", "Yes, we just have to set up your enrollment. Folliwng that, your coverage would go into effect.", "What information do you need for the application?", "To start your name, date of birth, social security number, address and answers to a few basic health questions.", "OK. Do I have to do that over the phone or could I complete the enrollment process online?", "Either way. We can do whatever works best for you.", "I think I would like to get more preliminary information about your plans before I apply. Is that OK?", "Definitely. We offer several types of plans. Some of our plans include things like dental and vision.", "I think I would like a plan that includes health, dental and vision.", "Perfect. We offer our basic Apple plan that covers health, dental and vision with many doctors in our network.", "That sounds good.", "I would need to get your zip code to check prices and the doctor network in your area.", "My zip code is seven eight seven zero five.", "Thank you. Let me just look this up really quickly to get rates and information for your area.", "Yes, I love living in Austin. We have some great doctors here. I hope they will be in your network.", "Yes, here is our basic Apple plan for that area in Austin. Plans starts at two hundred and fifty dollars per month for health, dental and vision.", "How much is the deductible?", "Your out of pocket maximum would be seven thousand per year.", "OK, that's not too bad.", "Were you interested in a higher or lower deductible?", "Probably a higher deductible with lower monthly costs. I am in good health and do not go to the doctor often.", "We have our Apple Catastropic Plan. This would be a hundred and fifty dollars per month with a nine thousand dollar deductible.", "That might be good for me.", "You would have a six zero four zero copay for doctor visits and we offer free virtual health care visits through Apple Health.", "Really?", "Yes, you can log into your account on Apple Health and set up an urgent or primary virtual health visit.", "And all the virtual visits would be free?", "Yes, the virtual visits are free since they are through our Apple Health Virtual Care Team.", "That's awesome.", "Do you have many prescriptions? We do offer different plans for different prescription needs.", "No, I do not have any prescriptions really.", "OK, then the Apple Catastrophic might be a good plan for you. Let me see what hospitals are in your network.", "Thank you.", "It looks like in Austin we work with Seton Medical Center and St. David's. These would be in your network.", "What exactly does that mean? How are the prices different?", "If it is in your network the visit counts toward your deductible and you have a copay. Out of network is not covered.", "Oh, gotcha.", "Unless it is an emergency. Then you would be covered at any hospital.", "That makes sense. How long would my policy be good for? Do I have to sign a contract?", "Our policies are for a minimum of thirty days. You can also keep your policy for up to two years.", "What if I have an employer and get health insurance through them again?", "You can cancel your policy at anytime after thirty days or if you have a life event.", "Would there be a fine or penalty for this?", "No, you can cancel anytime there is a life event with no penalty.", "Would I just go online and cancel? Or do I need to call?", "You can go online. Once you enroll you would have an active account with all your information.", "What is the website for the application?", "You would go to AppleHealth dot com and the enrollment link is on the top right of the page.", "Let me see if I can find it. I am on my computer now.", "OK, great.", "Oh, I see it. There it is. How long after I fill this out will I know about insurance?", "Right away. Then you will need to pay your first premium to active the insurance.", "Do you send an insurance card in the mail?", "Yes, you will receive an insurance card in the mail. If you need to go to the doctor before the card arrives you can print one out from the website.", "How do I pay for the insurance? Do you have autopay?", "Yes, we have autopay. You can add a credit card to your account to have the bill autopay each month.", "Perfect.", "We would just need your credit card number, expiration date and CVV. Do you want to complete the enrollment process now?", "Thank you. I see it here and all the information that you need. I can fill it out online.", "Do you have any questions for me to help you with the enrollment process?", "No, thank you. You have been very helpful. I really appreciate it.", "Of course. If you have any issues when filling out the application our phone line is always open to help.", "Thank you. I will keep that in mind and call you all back if I need anything.", "Perfect, thank you, Mary. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, I think that is all.", "Great! Well, thank you for calling Apple Health. We hope that you will be part of the Apple Health family soon.", "Thank you. Have a good day.", "You too.", "Bye.", "Bye, Mary." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_518_000", "insurance_518_001", "insurance_518_002", "insurance_518_003", "insurance_518_004", "insurance_518_005", "insurance_518_006", "insurance_518_007", "insurance_518_008", "insurance_518_009", "insurance_518_010", "insurance_518_011", "insurance_518_012", "insurance_518_013", "insurance_518_014", "insurance_518_015", "insurance_518_016", "insurance_518_017", "insurance_518_018", "insurance_518_019", "insurance_518_020", "insurance_518_021", "insurance_518_022", "insurance_518_023", "insurance_518_024", "insurance_518_025", "insurance_518_026", "insurance_518_027", "insurance_518_028", "insurance_518_029", "insurance_518_030", "insurance_518_031", "insurance_518_032", "insurance_518_033", "insurance_518_034", "insurance_518_035", "insurance_518_036", "insurance_518_037", "insurance_518_038", "insurance_518_039", "insurance_518_040", "insurance_518_041", "insurance_518_042", "insurance_518_043", "insurance_518_044", "insurance_518_045", "insurance_518_046", "insurance_518_047", "insurance_518_048", "insurance_518_049", "insurance_518_050", "insurance_518_051", "insurance_518_052", "insurance_518_053", "insurance_518_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hello, I would like to add a dependent to my health insurance please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Wendy Porter.", "Thank you, miss Porter. And thank you for being a valued Rivertown Insurance customer.", "Of course. My son lost his job and needs insurance. I am hoping to add him to our family plan.", "Sure. Let's see what we can do. miss Porter is your first name Wendy, W.e.n.d.y?", "Yes, and my last name is Porter, P.o.r.t.e.r.", "Thank you, miss Porter. May I also please get your date of birth to pull up your account?", "Yes, my date of birth is July sixth nineteen sixty four.", "Thank you, miss Porter. Let me just find your account. For securtiy reasons can you also please verify your customer number?", "Yes, I have that right here on my bill.", "Great, whenever you are ready.", "It is eight one six four seven three two nine.", "So that is eight one six four seven three two nine?", "Correct.", "Thank you, miss Porter. I have your plan pulled up here. And you want to add your son to the plan?", "Yes, please.", "And what is his name?", "His name is William Porter.", "So that is W.i.l.l.i.a.m?", "Yes, correct.", "And what is William's date of birth?", "It is October first nineteen ninety seven. He is twenty two.", "Thank you, miss Porter. May I also please get his social security number?", "Sure. It is six two eight one three five six eight one.", "That is six two eight one three five six eight one?", "Yes.", "Does he live at your address? Or is he at a different address?", "He just moved back home so same address.", "Thank you, miss Porter. I will need to ask just a few quick health questions about your son.", "OK.", "Does your son use any tobacco products?", "No.", "Has your son been hospitalized for any medical treatments during the past tweleve months such as surgeries or treatments requiring an overnight stay?", "No.", "Thank you, miss Porter, for that information. We can add your son to your family plan.", "Wonderful.", "When would you like to start his coverage?", "As soon as possible.", "We can set it up to take effect today, July twentieth.", "That would be great.", "This will increase your monthly payments by fifty dollars per month.", "OK.", "July will be prorated so this will factor onto your next bill. So your August bill will be for all of August plus the end of July.", "OK, that is fine. Will my son have access to the same doctors and networks that I do?", "Yes, he will have access to all of these doctors. His preventive care will be free and he also has access to our virtual care team at no cost.", "That is good to know. Thank you. I have really liked using the virtual doctor visits. They are free and so much easier.", "Yes, our customers seem to like our virtual health team.", "And now my son can use it too!", "Yes ma'am. You and your son are all set. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you for your help.", "Thank you, miss Porter. And thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too. Bye.", "Bye, miss Porter." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_519_000", "insurance_519_001", "insurance_519_002", "insurance_519_003", "insurance_519_004", "insurance_519_005", "insurance_519_006", "insurance_519_007", "insurance_519_008", "insurance_519_009", "insurance_519_010", "insurance_519_011", "insurance_519_012", "insurance_519_013", "insurance_519_014", "insurance_519_015", "insurance_519_016", "insurance_519_017", "insurance_519_018", "insurance_519_019", "insurance_519_020", "insurance_519_021", "insurance_519_022", "insurance_519_023", "insurance_519_024", "insurance_519_025", "insurance_519_026", "insurance_519_027", "insurance_519_028", "insurance_519_029", "insurance_519_030", "insurance_519_031", "insurance_519_032", "insurance_519_033", "insurance_519_034", "insurance_519_035", "insurance_519_036", "insurance_519_037", "insurance_519_038", "insurance_519_039", "insurance_519_040", "insurance_519_041", "insurance_519_042", "insurance_519_043", "insurance_519_044", "insurance_519_045", "insurance_519_046", "insurance_519_047", "insurance_519_048", "insurance_519_049", "insurance_519_050", "insurance_519_051", "insurance_519_052", "insurance_519_053", "insurance_519_054", "insurance_519_055", "insurance_519_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hi, I would like to remove a dependent from my health insurance plan, please.", "Of course. I can help you with that.", "He is twenty-four and got a job. Now he has his own insurance.", "Certainly. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Carrie Owens.", "Thank you, miss Owens. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family.", "Of course.", "Let me just pull up your account. Is that Carrie C.a.r.r.y?", "No, it is C.a.r.r.i.e.", "I apologize for my mistake. Thank you, miss Owens.", "No problem. And Owens is O.w.e.n.s.", "Thank you, miss Owens. May I also please get your date of birth?", "Sure it is May fifth nineteen sixty.", "So that is May fifth nineteen sixty.", "Yes, correct.", "Thank you, miss Owens. May I also please get your customer number?", "That is on my bill correct?", "Yes ma'am.", "Perfect. I pulled a bill to see how much our new bill would be moving forward.", "The customer number should be at the top right corner of the statement.", "Yes, I see it. It is four three six one two five seven three.", "So that is four three six one two five seven three?", "Correct.", "Thank you, miss Owens. And, Ms.Owens, which dependent are we removing from the policy?", "My son Jake.", "So that is Jake Owens?", "Correct.", "miss Owens, can you please verify his date of birth for me?", "Yes, it is March second nineteen ninety six.", "Thank you, miss Owens. I am not currently seeing this name and birthdate matching on your account.", "Oh, yes! Sorry!! His full name is William Jake but he goes by Jake since his dad is also William.", "Yes, there he is. Thank you, miss Owens. So we are removing William Jake Owens from your plan?", "Yes, that is correct.", "When would you like for this to be effective?", "He started his new job today. So it can be effective today.", "So we will remove William Jake Owens effective today, July ninth?", "Yes, please.", "Thank you, miss Owens. This will just take one minute to process.", "OK.", "Thank you for waiting. You are all set. William Jake Owens is no longer a dependent on your family's health insurance.", "Thank you.", "Since you already paid your monthly payment for July, you will see a credit on your August statement.", "OK.", "Your monthly premiums will also now be fifty dollars less each month starting with your August statement.", "Thank you.", "You will have the same benefits on your plan and can add or remove dependents in the future if eligible.", "Thank you. Am I able to check all of this online?", "Yes, ma'am. You can log into your Rivertown Insurance account on the website or use the Rivertown Insurance app.", "And I just need my email address to log in? Owens family at gmail dot come.", "Yes, that is the email address we have on file. It will log you into both the Rivertown Insurance website and app.", "Perfect, thank you so much.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.", "Thank you for being a valued member of the Rivertown Insurance family. Please enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you. Bye.", "Bye, miss Owens." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_520_000", "insurance_520_001", "insurance_520_002", "insurance_520_003", "insurance_520_004", "insurance_520_005", "insurance_520_006", "insurance_520_007", "insurance_520_008", "insurance_520_009", "insurance_520_010", "insurance_520_011", "insurance_520_012", "insurance_520_013", "insurance_520_014", "insurance_520_015", "insurance_520_016", "insurance_520_017", "insurance_520_018", "insurance_520_019", "insurance_520_020", "insurance_520_021", "insurance_520_022", "insurance_520_023", "insurance_520_024", "insurance_520_025", "insurance_520_026", "insurance_520_027", "insurance_520_028", "insurance_520_029", "insurance_520_030", "insurance_520_031", "insurance_520_032", "insurance_520_033", "insurance_520_034", "insurance_520_035", "insurance_520_036", "insurance_520_037", "insurance_520_038", "insurance_520_039", "insurance_520_040", "insurance_520_041", "insurance_520_042", "insurance_520_043", "insurance_520_044", "insurance_520_045", "insurance_520_046", "insurance_520_047", "insurance_520_048", "insurance_520_049", "insurance_520_050", "insurance_520_051", "insurance_520_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. This is Edith. How may I help you?", "Hi, Edith. I would like to cancel my health insurance, please.", "Of course, I can help you with that. First, thank you for being a valued Rivertown Insurance customer.", "Of course.", "May I get your full name please?", "My name is Emily Edwards.", "Is that E.m.i.l.y?", "Yes, and Edwards is E.d.w.a.r.d.s.", "Thank you miss Edwards. Could I also please get your date of birth?", "Yes, it is March second nineteen eighty five.", "Perfect, March second nineteen eighty five. Your account is pulling up now. For security reasons may I please get your customer number?", "Um, where would I find that?", "On your most recent bill, the Halo app or on the Rivertown Insurance website.", "Oh, OK. I have the app. I tried to cancel the plan through the app but couldn't. Let me look at the app. One second please.", "Sure, of course. Take your time.", "OK, I see my customer number. It starts with a six?", "Yes, it should be eight digits long.", "OK, my customer number is six four seven three one six five eight.", "So that is six four seven three one six five eight?", "Yes, correct.", "Great, thank you miss Edwards. Let me just pull up your account.", "Thank you.", "I see all of the details here. It looks like we received your last payment last week and your account is up to date.", "Yes, I got a new job and will have health insurance with my employer. So I no longer need this plan.", "Of course, do you know when the new plan will go into effect.", "It will start on July first.", "OK, we can keep your policy good through June thirtieth.", "That would be perfect.", "OK, so your plan will end at midnight on July first. You will still be responsible for your upcoming June payment.", "OK.", "After that, your account will be closed.", "Will there be any penalty or fee for closing my account?", "No, there is no fee for ending your coverage. I see you also have vision and dental plans through Halo. Did you want all your plans canceled at midnight on June thirtieth? Or just your health plan?", "I am also getting dental and vision through my new employer. I would like to cancel these plans as well.", "Sure, thing. Let me just take a moment to update the record. One second, please.", "Of course.", "OK, I now have your account updated to end your health, vision and dental insurance at midnight on June thirtieth.", "Thank you. If my employment changes am I able to get my Rivertown Insurance back?", "Yes, you can re-enroll at anytime.", "So you do not have an open enrollment period?", "No, we do no have a specific encrollment period. You can enroll at anytime during the year.", "Thank you. When will I know that my account has been updated?", "I have changed the account information on our end. It might take twenty four hours to process.", "So if go back into the Halo app or log onto the Halo website my account will show my termination date?", "Yes, that should all be updated within twenty four hours. If it is not please call us back.", "Are you able to cancel insurance on the app or online? I just did not see it?", "You can but you are all set now in the system. In the app it is under the account settings.", "Oh, I was looking under privacy and security. That is why I did not see it. I am sorry.", "No, no that is why we are here. You can call us anytime to help.", "Thank you. I really appreciate it.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you.", "Thank you, Emily. And thank you for being a valuable customer for Rivertown Insurance. Enjoy the rest of your day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_521_000", "insurance_521_001", "insurance_521_002", "insurance_521_003", "insurance_521_004", "insurance_521_005", "insurance_521_006", "insurance_521_007", "insurance_521_008", "insurance_521_009", "insurance_521_010", "insurance_521_011", "insurance_521_012", "insurance_521_013", "insurance_521_014", "insurance_521_015", "insurance_521_016", "insurance_521_017", "insurance_521_018", "insurance_521_019", "insurance_521_020", "insurance_521_021", "insurance_521_022", "insurance_521_023", "insurance_521_024", "insurance_521_025", "insurance_521_026", "insurance_521_027", "insurance_521_028", "insurance_521_029", "insurance_521_030", "insurance_521_031", "insurance_521_032", "insurance_521_033", "insurance_521_034", "insurance_521_035", "insurance_521_036", "insurance_521_037", "insurance_521_038", "insurance_521_039", "insurance_521_040", "insurance_521_041", "insurance_521_042", "insurance_521_043", "insurance_521_044", "insurance_521_045", "insurance_521_046", "insurance_521_047", "insurance_521_048", "insurance_521_049", "insurance_521_050", "insurance_521_051", "insurance_521_052", "insurance_521_053", "insurance_521_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Hello, I would like to check the status of my payment please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Emily David.", "Thank you, Emily. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family.", "Of course.", "Let me just pull up your account. Is your last name spelled D.a.v.i.d?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, miss David. miss David, may I also please get your date of birth?", "Sure, it is February eigth nineteen eighty.", "So that is February eight ninetween eighty?", "Correct.", "Thank you, miss David. May I also please get your customer number?", "Is this on my bill?", "Yes ma'am.", "OK, because I just got another bill in the mail from you all. Which is strange since I paid the first one I got.", "Sometimes a second bill will send when the first one hasn't processed yet.", "OK.", "We can check on this for you. The customer number should be an eight digit number on the top right of the statement page.", "Yes, I see it.", "Great, thank you. Whenever you are ready.", "OK. The number is four three six two eight five three seven.", "That is four three six two eight five three seven?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, miss David. Let me just pull up your account. One moment please.", "OK.", "Yes, I see your account information here. Your last bill was sent out on May twentieth.", "I really think I paid that one.", "Did you send it back through the mail?", "Yes, I sent a check back in the mail. I do this every month.", "Well, it may not have gotten here yet. And once it arrives, it can take a few days to process.", "Yes, Memorial Day might have slowed the mail as well.", "Certainly. Your second bill was sent out on May twenty ninth.", "OK, when will I know when or if you get my first check?", "You can call us back or log into your account through the Rivertown Insurance website or app.", "What if it got lost in the mail? I guess I could call my bank to see if they know anything? When will this be past due?", "You have until June seventh to make your payment. It is not late at this point.", "OK, maybe I should call the bank and stop the check. I am worried that it got lost in the mail. How else can I pay?", "You can pay over the phone with a check or credit card. You can pay using a credit card or check on the Rivertown Insurance website or app.", "Great. So as long as I pay before the seventh then my payment will not be late?", "Yes ma'am, that is correct.", "Maybe I will give the check a few more days to arrive. Maybe the mail is just slow or it is temporarily lost.", "Sure.", "And today is the second. I can call my bank on the fifth to check on the status and then cancel the check if needed.", "OK.", "I will then call back to pay you all over the phone or log in to my account to pay. Is my log in my email address?", "Yes ma'am.", "Is the email that you have on file for me Emily David at gmail dot com.", "Yes, that is the email address that we have on file for you. That will log you in to both the Rivertown Insurance website and app.", "Perfect, thank you. I will wait a few more days and then make sure I get my payment in by the seventh.", "Thank you, miss David. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you for all your help.", "Of course. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family. Please enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you. Bye.", "Bye, miss David." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_522_000", "insurance_522_001", "insurance_522_002", "insurance_522_003", "insurance_522_004", "insurance_522_005", "insurance_522_006", "insurance_522_007", "insurance_522_008", "insurance_522_009", "insurance_522_010", "insurance_522_011", "insurance_522_012", "insurance_522_013", "insurance_522_014", "insurance_522_015", "insurance_522_016", "insurance_522_017", "insurance_522_018", "insurance_522_019", "insurance_522_020", "insurance_522_021", "insurance_522_022", "insurance_522_023", "insurance_522_024", "insurance_522_025", "insurance_522_026", "insurance_522_027", "insurance_522_028", "insurance_522_029", "insurance_522_030", "insurance_522_031", "insurance_522_032", "insurance_522_033", "insurance_522_034", "insurance_522_035", "insurance_522_036", "insurance_522_037", "insurance_522_038", "insurance_522_039", "insurance_522_040", "insurance_522_041", "insurance_522_042", "insurance_522_043", "insurance_522_044", "insurance_522_045", "insurance_522_046", "insurance_522_047", "insurance_522_048", "insurance_522_049", "insurance_522_050", "insurance_522_051", "insurance_522_052", "insurance_522_053", "insurance_522_054", "insurance_522_055", "insurance_522_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "I would like to update the address on my account please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Anne Jones.", "Thank you, miss Jones. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family.", "Of course.", "Let me find your account so that we can change your address. miss Jones do you spell your first name A.n.n.e?", "Yes, that is correct. And Jones is J.o.n.e.s.", "Perfect. Thank you miss Jones. Can you also please give me your date of birth?", "Sure. It is June first nineteen eighty.", "June first nineteen eighty?", "Correct.", "Thank you, miss Jones. I found your account. For security purposes can you please give me your customer number?", "Um, where would I find that?", "You can find your customer number on your latest statement, the Rivertown Insurance website or the Rivertown Insurance app.", "OK, I have the app on my phone. Let me log in and find my customer number. One minute please.", "Of course, thank you. Please take your time.", "All right, I am back. I got my customer number.", "Thank you. I am ready whenever you are.", "OK, the number is three four three two eight six seven nine.", "Is that three four three two eight six seven nine?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Jones. I can now make changes to your account. You want to change your address, correct?", "Yes, please.", "miss Jones what will be your new address?", "My new address will be three one three one Magnolia Lane.", "That is three one three one Magnolia M.a.g.n.o.l.i.a Lane?", "Yes.", "May I please get the city and state?", "This in Atlanta, Georgia.", "Thank you, miss Jones. And what is the zip code?", "The zip code is three three one zero one.", "I have three three one zero one. Is that correct?", "Yes, it is.", "Thank you, miss Jones. When would you like for your new address to take effect?", "We are moving next week. How about next Friday?", "You would like this to take effect next Friday, July tenth?", "Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you.", "All right, miss Jones. I have this set up to take effect next Friday, July tenth.", "Great.", "I see you are set up for autopay. Your account is up to date.", "Thank you.", "I see that you have auto insurance with us. We also offer life insurance if you might be interested?", "Oh, thank you. I am too busy with the move right now to think about that.", "Of course, I understand.", "Can I look at that on the app?", "Yes, you can find information about life insurance on the Magnolia app. You will save each month if you have the auto and life policy.", "OK.", "You can also check your address and contact information on the app.", "Oh, great. Thank you. I will check that too. Is it under account setting or privacy and security?", "It will be under account settings.", "Perfect. Thank you so much.", "Of course. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you so much for your help.", "Thank you, miss Jones. And thank you for being a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you. Bye.", "Bye, miss Jones." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_523_000", "insurance_523_001", "insurance_523_002", "insurance_523_003", "insurance_523_004", "insurance_523_005", "insurance_523_006", "insurance_523_007", "insurance_523_008", "insurance_523_009", "insurance_523_010", "insurance_523_011", "insurance_523_012", "insurance_523_013", "insurance_523_014", "insurance_523_015", "insurance_523_016", "insurance_523_017", "insurance_523_018", "insurance_523_019", "insurance_523_020", "insurance_523_021", "insurance_523_022", "insurance_523_023", "insurance_523_024", "insurance_523_025", "insurance_523_026", "insurance_523_027", "insurance_523_028", "insurance_523_029", "insurance_523_030", "insurance_523_031", "insurance_523_032", "insurance_523_033", "insurance_523_034", "insurance_523_035", "insurance_523_036", "insurance_523_037", "insurance_523_038", "insurance_523_039", "insurance_523_040", "insurance_523_041", "insurance_523_042", "insurance_523_043", "insurance_523_044", "insurance_523_045", "insurance_523_046", "insurance_523_047", "insurance_523_048", "insurance_523_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I assist you today?", "Yes I need to change the way I pay you guys.", "Okay! I'd be more than happy to help with that. Let's start with your first and last name.", "My first name is Elton and my last name is Green.", "So that's Elton e. l. t. i .n?", "No it's e. l. t. o. n.", "My mistake, I apologize for that. Do you have your customer ID handy mister Green?", "I do not. If you can hang on for a few seconds I can get it.", "not a problem. Take your time.", "I have my bill here but I don't see it on here ", "It should be in the top left corner and it should be eight numbers.", "Oh! There it is.", "Perfect, what's that number?", "It is one two three four five six seven eight.", "Great. Let's get you pulled up here. It looks like your email is elton green at yahoo dot com. Is that still accurate?", "Yes that's correct.", "Perfect. So you'd like to change your payment information. right now it looks like you're paying by credit card ", "Yes I just need to change the card I'm paying with.", "I understand.", "Do you guys accept payment by routing and account number as well?", "Yes. We offer payments by credit card or by using your bank account to make it easy on you.", "Okay that's good to know.", "Yes and keep in mind that you can always change your payment method online as well.", "Great, thanks.", "What is the new card number that you would like to pay with?", "it's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen.", "Thanks for that. Can you provide the expiration date and the security code on the back?", "Yes the expiration date is twelve of twenty twenty four and the security code is three two one.", "Perfect. I went ahead and got that updated in our system. was there any other questions I could answer for you?", "Yes. Can you tell me when that will be active?", "Absolutely. It should be active immediately and your next bill will be charged to that card.", "Okay. When is that due?", "it looks like your next bill is due on the twenty fourth of July.", "And it will go to the new card? How much is it?", "Yes it will go to the new card ending in fourteen fifteen sixteen and the amount looks like it's three twenty five.", "Okay that shouldn't be an issue. I hate updating these things. I'm always scared I'm going to lose the cards somewhere like I did my last one.", "I get that. It's never a good feeling when you've lost a credit card. Hopefully nothing bad happened.", "No everything has been easy so far.", "That's great to here. Was there anything else I could help you with today?", "yes actually I just have one more question. What's the difference between paying with a card and my bank account?", "Paying with a card usually processes faster where as your bank account may take a few days to process.", "Oh okay that makes sense.", "were you still wanting to leave it as the new credit card?", "Yes that's fine. I don't think I want to add a bank account right now.", "Okay great. Was there anything else?", "No, I think you've answered everything.", "Perfect. Well please enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too.", "Goodbye", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_524_000", "insurance_524_001", "insurance_524_002", "insurance_524_003", "insurance_524_004", "insurance_524_005", "insurance_524_006", "insurance_524_007", "insurance_524_008", "insurance_524_009", "insurance_524_010", "insurance_524_011", "insurance_524_012", "insurance_524_013", "insurance_524_014", "insurance_524_015", "insurance_524_016", "insurance_524_017", "insurance_524_018", "insurance_524_019", "insurance_524_020", "insurance_524_021", "insurance_524_022", "insurance_524_023", "insurance_524_024", "insurance_524_025", "insurance_524_026", "insurance_524_027", "insurance_524_028", "insurance_524_029", "insurance_524_030", "insurance_524_031", "insurance_524_032", "insurance_524_033", "insurance_524_034", "insurance_524_035", "insurance_524_036", "insurance_524_037", "insurance_524_038", "insurance_524_039", "insurance_524_040", "insurance_524_041", "insurance_524_042", "insurance_524_043", "insurance_524_044", "insurance_524_045", "insurance_524_046", "insurance_524_047", "insurance_524_048", "insurance_524_049", "insurance_524_050", "insurance_524_051", "insurance_524_052", "insurance_524_053", "insurance_524_054", "insurance_524_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Katherine.", "Thank you, Katherine. How are you today?", "I am doing well. How are you?", "I am doing well, too. It is a Friday, so I cannot complain!", "I hear you!!", "Katherine, how can I help you today?", "I would like to change the password on my account that I have for pet insurance.", "My husband and I got divorced. I got the dog, so I want to change the password since this is strictly my account now.", "Let's see, Katherine can you please tell me your last name?", "Yes, it should be under Katherine Markham.", "Is that C.a.t.h.e.r.i.n.e?", "No, it is Katherine with a K not a C.", "Oh, my apologies. Thank you, so K.a.t.h.e.r.i.n.e.", "Yes, that is correct.", "Is Markham M.a.r.k.h.a.m?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Markham. Let me pull up your account. May I also please get your date of birth?", "It is January ninth nineteen eighty.", "Thank you, January ninth nineteen eighty. Yes, here is your account. For security reasons may I please get your customer number?", "Sure, but where would I find that? I don't think I know that?", "You would find your customer number on your most recent bill, the Rivertown Insurance app or online in your Rivertown Insurance account.", "OK, I have all of my documents from the divorce here on my desk. Let me find the most recent bill. One minute, please.", "Of course, please take your time.", "Ah, here it is. All my files are color-coded. Now where is my customer number?", "It should be towards the top of the page on the right side. It is an eight digit number.", "Got it. My customer number is three one six four two seven eight nine.", "Thank you. So that is three one six four two seven eight nine?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Perfect. And here is your account. Now, let's change your password.", "Yes, please. My previous password was my now ex-husband's name. I don't want that anymore.", "Sure, what would you like the new password to be?", "I would like for it to be Daisy. That is the name of my dog.", "Is that D.a.i.s.y?", "Yes, that is how it is spelled.", "Great, but your password needs to be at least eight characters or letters.", "OK, how about Daisy Markham?", "With Markham spelled the same as your last name?", "Yes, please.", "Do you want a space between Daisy and Markham?", "No, let's do all one word.", "OK, should the D in Daisy and the M in Markham be capitalized?", "Yes, let's capitalize the D in Daisy and the M in Markham.", "Got it. So your new password is DaisyMarkham, all one word with a capital D in Daisy and capital M in Markham.", "That is perfect! If I forget this password or need to change it again should I call you back?", "You can or you can go to the Rivertown Insurance website at Rivertown Insurance dot com and log in to your account to reset or change your password.", "How do I log in?", "You would just use need your email address.", "Is that Katherine Markham at gmail dot com?", "Yes, that is the address that we have on file for you. You can also use this to log into the app to make any changes to your account.", "Thank you, Daisy and I are most appreciative!", "Of course. Thank you for being valuable Rivertown Insurance customers. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you for all your help.", "Please do not hesitate to call if we can help again. I hope that you and Daisy enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thank you, bye.", "Bye, Katherine." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_525_000", "insurance_525_001", "insurance_525_002", "insurance_525_003", "insurance_525_004", "insurance_525_005", "insurance_525_006", "insurance_525_007", "insurance_525_008", "insurance_525_009", "insurance_525_010", "insurance_525_011", "insurance_525_012", "insurance_525_013", "insurance_525_014", "insurance_525_015", "insurance_525_016", "insurance_525_017", "insurance_525_018", "insurance_525_019", "insurance_525_020", "insurance_525_021", "insurance_525_022", "insurance_525_023", "insurance_525_024", "insurance_525_025", "insurance_525_026", "insurance_525_027", "insurance_525_028", "insurance_525_029", "insurance_525_030", "insurance_525_031", "insurance_525_032", "insurance_525_033", "insurance_525_034", "insurance_525_035", "insurance_525_036", "insurance_525_037", "insurance_525_038", "insurance_525_039", "insurance_525_040", "insurance_525_041", "insurance_525_042", "insurance_525_043", "insurance_525_044", "insurance_525_045", "insurance_525_046", "insurance_525_047", "insurance_525_048", "insurance_525_049", "insurance_525_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. My name is Jane. How can I help you?", "Thank you. I would like to change the security question on my account please.", "Of course. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Stacy.", "Thank you, Stacy. May I please get your last name?", "Yes, it is Armstrong.", "OK, so that is Stacy. S.t.a.c.y?", "Yes, correct.", "And Armstrong is A.r.m.s.t.r.o.n.g?", "Yes.", "Thank you. And may I also please get your date of birth?", "My date of birth is February seventh nineteen seventy.", "Thank you. I am pulling up your account, Stacy. Stacy, can you please verify your phone number on the account please?", "Yes, I think it is three one eight seven two six five four eight seven.", "Thank you. Here is it is. Stacy, for security reasons can you also please verify your customer number.", "I'm not sure I know that. Where would I find it?", "You can find it on your most recent bill, online in your Halo account or on the Halo App.", "Hold on. I am sitting at my computer. Let me put my phone on speaker and see if I can pull up the account. Is the website Rivertown Insurance dot com?", "Yes, that is exactly the address. Your log in will be at the top right corner of the screen.", "OK, I am on the website and clicking at the top of the screen. Oh, there is the log in page. Got it.", "Your log in should be an email address and password.", "Yes, I have all this information stored on my computer. Which ended up being my mistake. My computer got hacked.", "Oh, I am so sorry.", "Yes, that is why I am calling to change my security question. I guess I will need to change this password as well.", "We can definitely take care of that for you.", "I am in my account now. Can I change my security question here as well?", "Yes, there should be an account setting menu on the left side of the screen.", "Oh, I see it. I think under this menu I should go to privacy and settings?", "Yes, exactly. Click there and then you will see the security questions menu on the left side.", "Here it is. I see my old question. There is an option to delete it?", "Yes, please hit the delete button in red under the question. Then, it will prompt you to create a new question.", "Got it. Clicking delete. Yes, I want to delete. OK, it is deleted. Now I will make my new question.", "Perfect. This will update on our end as well.", "So now the previous question is completely gone?", "Yes, it will be final as soon as you click save after creating a new security question.", "OK, let me choose my security question and create an answer.", "Take your time.", "Thank you. OK. I think I've got it. Now I just click the green save button on the bottom right of the screen?", "Yes, please click save and then your new question will be saved to your account.", "Got it. Done. So glad to have that fixed after my computer was hacked. Can I also change my password through the privacy menu?", "Yes, you can change your account password through the privacy and security menu.", "Oh, I see it here now that the security question has been saved. Thank you. I've got it. I can change my password.", "Would you like me to help with that?", "No, thank you. Now that I know where everything is I can change this.", "Wonderful. Can I help you with anything else today?", "No, you have been great. Thank you. I really appreciate your help. Changing all of this has been such a hassle!!", "I can only imagine. I am so sorry. Rivertown Insurance is always here to help. Please call us anytime to assist.", "I will do that thank you.", "Thank you, Stacy. I hope that you have a great day.", "You too, thank you. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_526_000", "insurance_526_001", "insurance_526_002", "insurance_526_003", "insurance_526_004", "insurance_526_005", "insurance_526_006", "insurance_526_007", "insurance_526_008", "insurance_526_009", "insurance_526_010", "insurance_526_011", "insurance_526_012", "insurance_526_013", "insurance_526_014", "insurance_526_015", "insurance_526_016", "insurance_526_017", "insurance_526_018", "insurance_526_019", "insurance_526_020", "insurance_526_021", "insurance_526_022", "insurance_526_023", "insurance_526_024", "insurance_526_025", "insurance_526_026", "insurance_526_027", "insurance_526_028", "insurance_526_029", "insurance_526_030", "insurance_526_031", "insurance_526_032", "insurance_526_033", "insurance_526_034", "insurance_526_035", "insurance_526_036", "insurance_526_037", "insurance_526_038", "insurance_526_039", "insurance_526_040", "insurance_526_041", "insurance_526_042", "insurance_526_043", "insurance_526_044", "insurance_526_045", "insurance_526_046", "insurance_526_047", "insurance_526_048", "insurance_526_049", "insurance_526_050", "insurance_526_051", "insurance_526_052", "insurance_526_053", "insurance_526_054", "insurance_526_055", "insurance_526_056", "insurance_526_057", "insurance_526_058", "insurance_526_059", "insurance_526_060", "insurance_526_061", "insurance_526_062", "insurance_526_063", "insurance_526_064", "insurance_526_065", "insurance_526_066", "insurance_526_067", "insurance_526_068", "insurance_526_069", "insurance_526_070", "insurance_526_071", "insurance_526_072" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. This is Sarah. How may I help you?", "Hello, Sarah. I would like to cancel my auto insurance.", "I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Tracy.", "Thank you, Tracy. And thank you for being a valued Halo customer.", "Of course.", "Tracy, may I please get your last name?", "Yes, it is Miller.", "Is that Tracy, t.r.a.c.y?", "Yes.", "And Miller is m.i.l.l.e.r?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you. May I also please get your date of birth?", "It is September tenth nineteen seventy nine.", "So that is September tenth nineteen seventy nine?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Miller. One moment please.", "Sure thing.", "miss Miller for security reasons can you please provide your customer number?", "Um, where would I find that?", "Your customer number can be found on your most recent bill, the Halo app or at Rivertown Insurance dot com.", "Oh, I am sorry. I am on my phone right now. I don't know my number.", "That is OK. We can try a different way.", "That would be great.", "May I first please get your phone number?", "Sure, it is nine seven three eight five three one six three zero.", "So that is nine seven three eight five three one six three zero?", "Yes.", "Thank you, and may I also please get your social security number?", "Do you have to get my social? I have heard it is not good to share that information?", "I understand but it is the only way that I can get into your account without your customer number.", "Uh, OK.", "We do it for your security so that no one else can change or have access to your account.", "I understand. It is six five three four two five eight one seven.", "It is six five three four two five eight one seven?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you, miss Miller. Finally, I will need you to please answer your account security question.", "Wow, you all need lots of information to access my account.", "Yes, we do this for your security.", "OK.", "miss Miller, what was the name of your elementary school?", "I went to John Adams Academy.", "Thank you for verifying that. Now let me pull up your account.", "OK.", "Do you mind if I ask why you are canceling your coverage?", "I found a plan through a different auto insurance company that is half the price of my current insurance with you all.", "I understand. Do you get the same coverage through this insurance?", "Yes, the auto liability coverage and collision coverage are the same.", "Do they also offer roadside assistance and immediate agent acccess?", "They do. I have just been with you all for many years and each year my rate increases. It is time to switch.", "Certainly. When would you like for this policy to end?", "Could it please be effective today?", "We can do that. Your coverage will end at midnight tonight. It ends at midnight on July fifth.", "Thank you.", "I see that you pay on a yearly plan.", "Yes.", "You will be reimbursed for the months remaining on the plan.", "So since I pay in December I will be refunded for the rest of July, August, September, October and November?", "That is correct. A check will be mailed to you. It should arrive within two weeks.", "Thank you. Is there a way to get confirmation of this?", "Yes, I can email you or you can log into your Rivertown Insurance dot com acccount.", "Email would be best.", "Of course. Do you want me to use the account we have on file, Tracy Miller at gmail dot com?", "Yes, please email me at that address.", "I will send it over right now. It might take a few minutes to arrive.", "Thank you. Would I also use that email address for the Rivertown Insurance website?", "Yes, you can use that email to log into the Rivertown Insurance website to check any account details.", "I will do that. Thank you.", "Thank you, miss Miller. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all.", "Well, thank you for being a valuable Rivertown Insurance customer. Have a good rest of your day, miss Miller.", "Thank you. You too. Bye.", "Bye, miss Miller." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_527_000", "insurance_527_001", "insurance_527_002", "insurance_527_003", "insurance_527_004", "insurance_527_005", "insurance_527_006", "insurance_527_007", "insurance_527_008", "insurance_527_009", "insurance_527_010", "insurance_527_011", "insurance_527_012", "insurance_527_013", "insurance_527_014", "insurance_527_015", "insurance_527_016", "insurance_527_017", "insurance_527_018", "insurance_527_019", "insurance_527_020", "insurance_527_021", "insurance_527_022", "insurance_527_023", "insurance_527_024", "insurance_527_025", "insurance_527_026", "insurance_527_027", "insurance_527_028", "insurance_527_029", "insurance_527_030", "insurance_527_031", "insurance_527_032", "insurance_527_033", "insurance_527_034", "insurance_527_035", "insurance_527_036", "insurance_527_037", "insurance_527_038", "insurance_527_039", "insurance_527_040", "insurance_527_041", "insurance_527_042", "insurance_527_043", "insurance_527_044", "insurance_527_045", "insurance_527_046", "insurance_527_047", "insurance_527_048", "insurance_527_049", "insurance_527_050", "insurance_527_051", "insurance_527_052", "insurance_527_053", "insurance_527_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. How may I help you today?", "Hello, I would like to find an agent please.", "Of course. I can help you with that. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Rebecca.", "Hello, Rebecca. Are you having a good day so far today?", "I am thank you.", "Wonderful. Rebecca, are you a current Rivertown Insurance customer?", "Not yet. I was hoping to talk to an agent in the area first.", "Certainly, Rebecca. May I please get your zip code to find the closet agents for you?", "Sure, it is seven eight seven zero five.", "Thank you, Rebecca. Let me just pull up some information here.", "Thanks.", "OK, I see we have several agents in your area. We have Sarah Duncan located at Preston Road and Midway?", "That is pretty close to my house.", "Or we have Elizabeth Arrington located at Highland and Creekside?", "That might be a little bit closer to me.", "If I can please get your contact information I can forward it to this office. They will then be in touch with you within twenty four hours.", "Thanks, but I think my friend had recommended another agent with you all.", "OK.", "I don't think it was Sarah or Elizabeth. They might not be in my zip code.", "Sure, do you happen to remember the name of the agent?", "I think it might have been Dan.......or maybe Dave? Shoot, I am sorry. I cannot remember.", "That's OK. But you think they are in Austin?", "Yes.", "Let me look up our agents in Austin by first name.", "Thank you.", "One moment please.", "OK.", "I see we have a Dan Reed on Rio Grande Street?", "No, that is close to the University of Texas. I think this was by Barton Springs?", "Thank you, let me see what I can find.", "Thanks.", "Yes, we have a Doug Henderson on Barton Springs Boulevard in Austin.", "Yes, that is it!! Thank you!", "Perfect. Would you like for me to forward your contact information to his office?", "Yes, please.", "Do you prefer email or phone communication?", "Either is fine but email is probably better.", "Thank you. May I please get your email address?", "Yes, it is Rebecca Jones at gmail dot com.", "So that is Rebecca R.e.b.e.k.a.h?", "No, it is actually r.e.b.e.c.c.a.", "Oh, thank you, Rebecca. My apologies.", "No problem.", "And Jones is your last name? J.o.n.e.s?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Thank you. So I have Rebecca Jones at gmail dot com.", "Correct.", "Doug Henderson's office will reach out and contact you within twenty four hours.", "Oh, thank you so much.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today, miss Jones?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.", "Thank you, miss Jones. Enjoy the rest of your day.", "You too. Bye.", "Bye, miss Jones." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_528_000", "insurance_528_001", "insurance_528_002", "insurance_528_003", "insurance_528_004", "insurance_528_005", "insurance_528_006", "insurance_528_007", "insurance_528_008", "insurance_528_009", "insurance_528_010", "insurance_528_011", "insurance_528_012", "insurance_528_013", "insurance_528_014", "insurance_528_015", "insurance_528_016", "insurance_528_017", "insurance_528_018", "insurance_528_019", "insurance_528_020", "insurance_528_021", "insurance_528_022", "insurance_528_023", "insurance_528_024", "insurance_528_025", "insurance_528_026", "insurance_528_027", "insurance_528_028", "insurance_528_029", "insurance_528_030", "insurance_528_031", "insurance_528_032", "insurance_528_033", "insurance_528_034", "insurance_528_035", "insurance_528_036", "insurance_528_037", "insurance_528_038", "insurance_528_039", "insurance_528_040", "insurance_528_041", "insurance_528_042", "insurance_528_043", "insurance_528_044", "insurance_528_045", "insurance_528_046", "insurance_528_047", "insurance_528_048", "insurance_528_049", "insurance_528_050", "insurance_528_051", "insurance_528_052", "insurance_528_053", "insurance_528_054", "insurance_528_055", "insurance_528_056", "insurance_528_057", "insurance_528_058" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. This is Mary. How may I help you today?", "Hello, Mary. I need to pay my bill.", "Of course, I can help you with that.", "I think my first bill got lost in the mail. Then the second one arrived. It is due tomorrow! If I put this in the mail it will be too late!", "Certainly, we can get that taken care of now.", "Oh, thank you.", "Mary may I please get your first and last names?", "Sure my name is Jill Stevens.", "So that is J.i.l.l?", "Yes.", "And S.t.e.v.e.n.s?", "Correct.", "Thank you, miss Stevens. miss Stevens, can you also please verify you date of birth?", "Yes, it is May fifth nineteen sixty two.", "So that is May fifth nineteen sixty two.", "Yes.", "Thank you, let me just pull up your account here. For security reasons can you also please give me your customer number?", "Is this on my bill?", "Yes.", "OK, I have it right here since I need to pay it. Let me see.", "It should be just under your name on the top right side.", "Oh, there it is. My customer number is one three four five six two three one.", "So that is one three four five six two three one?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Stevens. Now, I see that you do have a bill that is due tomorrow.", "Yes.", "And you want to pay for it now?", "Yes, may I please use a credit card?", "You may. Do you want to pay the full amount?", "Yes, the two hundred eleven dollars and forty cents.", "OK. I will just need your credit card number whenever you are ready.", "Do you take American Express?", "We do.", "Wonderful. The number is two eight six four seven one two seven one nine four three three two three.", "So that is two eight six four seven one two seven one nine four three three two three?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Stevens. May I also please get the expiration date?", "It is ten twenty two.", "So that is ten twenty two?", "Yes.", "Thank you, miss Stevens. And lastly may I please get the CVV number on the back of the card?", "Yes, it is three four one two.", "Three four one two?", "Correct.", "OK, this is processing now. Just one moment please.", "Thank you.", "And the payment has processed. Your July payment of two hundred eleven dollars and forty cents has been paid.", "So my account is clear?", "Yes, you no longer show a balance due on your account.", "Oh, thank you. Is there a way to set up autopay?", "Yes, I can enroll you in that now or you can do that through the Rivertown Insurance dot com website or Halo App.", "Do I just need to log in using my email address? Stevens mom at gmail dot com?", "Yes, that is the email associated with your account. It will log you in to the webiste and app.", "Perfect. Thank you. I have to go run to carpool right now but I will log in and set up autopay later.", "If we can help please do not hesitate to call us back. Your next bill will not be due until August tenth.", "Perfect. Thank you.", "Thank you, miss Stevens. Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you for your help.", "Thank you for being a valuable Rivertown Insurance customer. Please enjoy the rest of your day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_529_000", "insurance_529_001", "insurance_529_002", "insurance_529_003", "insurance_529_004", "insurance_529_005", "insurance_529_006", "insurance_529_007", "insurance_529_008", "insurance_529_009", "insurance_529_010", "insurance_529_011", "insurance_529_012", "insurance_529_013", "insurance_529_014", "insurance_529_015", "insurance_529_016", "insurance_529_017", "insurance_529_018", "insurance_529_019", "insurance_529_020", "insurance_529_021", "insurance_529_022", "insurance_529_023", "insurance_529_024", "insurance_529_025", "insurance_529_026", "insurance_529_027", "insurance_529_028", "insurance_529_029", "insurance_529_030", "insurance_529_031", "insurance_529_032", "insurance_529_033", "insurance_529_034", "insurance_529_035", "insurance_529_036", "insurance_529_037", "insurance_529_038", "insurance_529_039", "insurance_529_040", "insurance_529_041", "insurance_529_042", "insurance_529_043", "insurance_529_044", "insurance_529_045", "insurance_529_046", "insurance_529_047", "insurance_529_048", "insurance_529_049", "insurance_529_050", "insurance_529_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. The Halo protects you. My name is Sarah. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?", "My name is Hannah.", "Hello, Hannah. How are you today?", "I am doing well, thank you. How are you?", "I am doing well. Thank you for asking. Hannah, how can I help you today?", "I would like to change the billing frequency on my account please. That once a year payment for auto insurance is a big hit.", "Of course, I can help you with that. You also have the option to pay monthly. Would that work better?", "Yes, monthly would be much better. So if I pay about one thousand two hundred per year now it would be about a hundred per month?", "That sounds right, but let me pull up your policy so that I can make sure. Hannah, what is your last name?", "My last name is Cruz.", "So that is Hannah H.a.n.n.a.h?", "Yes, correct. And Cruz is C.r.u.z.", "Great, thank you Hannah.", "Hannah, may I please get your date of birth to find your account?", "Sure, it is November eleventh nineteen eighty. I really don't like giving out personal information though.", "Thank you, I understand. Let me just find your account Hannah.", "I have your account pulled up. Hannah, may I please get your customer number for security reasons?", "Um, where would I find my customer number?", "It would be on your most recent bill, under your account on the Halo website or on the Halo app.", "I only pay my car insurance once per year. I don't have a bill handy, and I don't use the app.", "OK, we can use your social security number instead.", "Seriously? I hate giving out my social security number. I really try to keep my information private.", "I understand. We actually do this to keep your account safe. We have to know it is you so no one else can use or change your account.", "I understand that, I guess. Is there no other way?", "I cannot get into your account to make changes without your social security number or customer number.", "OK, fine. My social is one three nine three two five six one eight.", "Thank you. Yes, I am in your account now. So we want to update your billing frequency?", "Yes, I want to do the monthly billing instead of the once per year bill.", "OK, let's change that. As you mentioned you pay one thousand two hundred dollars per year for auto insurance. This will be one hundred dollars per month plus any taxes and fees.", "So my rate will not go up if I go to monthly?", "No, it will not.", "Good. I would rather do this than get that twelve hundred dollar bill.", "Sure, let me just change this in your account. I see that you also pay via mail by credit card. Do you still want to do that once per month?", "What are my options?", "You can pay using a credit card through the mail or online. We can also set up autopay for you so it will automatically pay for you.", "Since I am going to once per month that might be a good idea. What information do you need for autopay?", "I would just need a credit card to add to your file.", "OK, let me just get it out of my wallet. One second, please.", "Take your time.", "I'm back, and I realized my credit card is upstairs. Can I call you all back later or do this online?", "Yes, we are available all hours via the phone. You can also got to the Halo Inusrance dot com website to update your account.", "Thank you. I will look into that.", "Please let us know if we can help. I have updated your billing frequency. You will now receive a bill through the mail once per month.", "That is perfect.", "Do you have any questions or is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No, that is all. Thank you. I really appreciate your help.", "Thank you for being a valuable Rivertown Insurance customer. There will be a brief customer survey after our call. Your responses would be most appreciated.", "Of course. I will definitely do the survey.", "Thank you, Hannah. I hope that you have a good day.", "Thank you, you too.", "Bye, Hannah.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_530_000", "insurance_530_001", "insurance_530_002", "insurance_530_003", "insurance_530_004", "insurance_530_005", "insurance_530_006", "insurance_530_007", "insurance_530_008", "insurance_530_009", "insurance_530_010", "insurance_530_011", "insurance_530_012", "insurance_530_013", "insurance_530_014", "insurance_530_015", "insurance_530_016", "insurance_530_017", "insurance_530_018", "insurance_530_019", "insurance_530_020", "insurance_530_021", "insurance_530_022", "insurance_530_023", "insurance_530_024", "insurance_530_025", "insurance_530_026", "insurance_530_027", "insurance_530_028", "insurance_530_029", "insurance_530_030", "insurance_530_031", "insurance_530_032", "insurance_530_033", "insurance_530_034", "insurance_530_035", "insurance_530_036", "insurance_530_037", "insurance_530_038", "insurance_530_039", "insurance_530_040", "insurance_530_041", "insurance_530_042", "insurance_530_043", "insurance_530_044", "insurance_530_045", "insurance_530_046", "insurance_530_047", "insurance_530_048", "insurance_530_049", "insurance_530_050", "insurance_530_051", "insurance_530_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "I would like to sign up for auto insurance.", "Of course. I can help you with that. May I get your name please?", "Sure. It is Melanie Edwards.", "Thank you, miss Edwards. How are you today?", "I am doing well, thank you. How are you?", "I am doing well. Thank you for asking. miss Edwards do you currently have an account with Rivertown Insurance?", "I do. I have home insurance with you all.", "Wonderful. Thank you for being a valued member of the Mustang family.", "Of course.", "Let me just pull up your account. Is that Melanie m.e.l.a.n.i.e?", "Yes, and Edwards is e.d.w.a.r.d.s.", "Thank you, miss Edwards. May I please get your date of birth to locate your account?", "Sure, it is October tenth nineteen seventy three.", "October tenth nineteen seventy three.", "Correct.", "One moment please while I pull up your account.", "OK.", "Here it is. miss Edwards, for security reasons can you please provide your customer number?", "Um, where would I find that?", "It will be on your most recent statement, the Rivertown Insurance website or the Rivertown Insurance app.", "OK, I don't have a statement with me and I am on my cell phone now. I am sorry.", "No problem. We can access your account a different way.", "That would be wonderful, thank you.", "Great. May I please get your social security number?", "For auto insurance?", "Yes, ma'am. We just use this as a security measure so no one else can access or change your account.", "Um, OK.", "It really is for your protection.", "Alright, I guess. Is there any other way for me to do this without giving my social security number?", "I need your customer number or social security number to access your account. I am not able to access it otherwise.", "Oh.", "Have you created a Mustang Insurace account online or through the app?", "I think so. I think I remember I set up autopay online.", "Great. If you have an account you can also use that to log in and sign up for auto insurance.", "So I could log in to my account to get auto insurance?", "Yes ma'am.", "That might be a good option.", "Or we could do it now over the phone.", "Hmmm, I am not sure. Will I be able to get rates and quotes online as well?", "Yes ma'am. It will just ask you for the make, model and year of your car. You will also need the number of miles on your car.", "OK.", "There are also features such as Roadside Assist and Safe Driving Perks that you can add to your coverage.", "That sounds good.", "Would you like for me to continue into your account now or would you like to use the website or app later?", "I think I will use the website later. That will give me more time to think about my options as well.", "Of course. And if you have any questions while you are adding the insurance please do not hesitae to let us know.", "Will do.", "We greatly appreciate that you are a valuable member of the Rivertown Insurance family.", "Thank you.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today, miss Edwards?", "No, thank you. That is all.", "Thank you, miss Edwards. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_531_000", "insurance_531_001", "insurance_531_002", "insurance_531_003", "insurance_531_004", "insurance_531_005", "insurance_531_006", "insurance_531_007", "insurance_531_008", "insurance_531_009", "insurance_531_010", "insurance_531_011", "insurance_531_012", "insurance_531_013", "insurance_531_014", "insurance_531_015", "insurance_531_016", "insurance_531_017", "insurance_531_018", "insurance_531_019", "insurance_531_020", "insurance_531_021", "insurance_531_022", "insurance_531_023", "insurance_531_024", "insurance_531_025", "insurance_531_026", "insurance_531_027", "insurance_531_028", "insurance_531_029", "insurance_531_030", "insurance_531_031", "insurance_531_032", "insurance_531_033", "insurance_531_034", "insurance_531_035", "insurance_531_036", "insurance_531_037", "insurance_531_038", "insurance_531_039", "insurance_531_040", "insurance_531_041", "insurance_531_042", "insurance_531_043", "insurance_531_044", "insurance_531_045", "insurance_531_046", "insurance_531_047", "insurance_531_048", "insurance_531_049", "insurance_531_050", "insurance_531_051", "insurance_531_052", "insurance_531_053", "insurance_531_054", "insurance_531_055", "insurance_531_056", "insurance_531_057", "insurance_531_058", "insurance_531_059", "insurance_531_060", "insurance_531_061", "insurance_531_062", "insurance_531_063", "insurance_531_064", "insurance_531_065", "insurance_531_066", "insurance_531_067", "insurance_531_068", "insurance_531_069", "insurance_531_070", "insurance_531_071", "insurance_531_072", "insurance_531_073", "insurance_531_074", "insurance_531_075", "insurance_531_076", "insurance_531_077", "insurance_531_078", "insurance_531_079", "insurance_531_080", "insurance_531_081", "insurance_531_082", "insurance_531_083", "insurance_531_084", "insurance_531_085", "insurance_531_086", "insurance_531_087", "insurance_531_088", "insurance_531_089", "insurance_531_090", "insurance_531_091", "insurance_531_092", "insurance_531_093", "insurance_531_094", "insurance_531_095", "insurance_531_096", "insurance_531_097", "insurance_531_098", "insurance_531_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance, this is Crystal. How can I help you today?", "Hi, did you say this is Rivertown Insurance?", "Yes, it is! How can I help you sir?", "Well, I'm not sure if you can help me, it's Crystal right?", "Yes, this is Crystal.", "Okay, Crystal, my wife usually handles all of the bills, but she's been sick so I was calling to see if the bill for last month had been paid she's been sick for a few weeks now and I'm not sure if she paid the insurance can you help me.", "Of course, I would be happy to help! #Ah, what is your name sir?", "It's John.", "Okay, yes John I can definitely check to see the status of your bill. And also, sorry to hear about your wife, I hope she feels better soon.", "Thank you miss Crystal, it's been hard but we are getting through it.", "Of course, glad to hear it. So to start, I just need to get a few pieces of information from you so I can verify your identity. Is that alright?", "#Uh, yes, yes. That will be fine.", "Okay, great! So the first question is an easy one. I already know your first name is John, and what is your last name?", "It's Rivers.", "Okay, and what is your date of birth?", "It's February thirteenth, oh wait am I supposed to be giving you my wife's info or mine? I'm not sure if the account is under my name or hers.", "#Uh, you can just give me your info and if we are unable to get verified, then we'll check to see about your wife's info. Sounds good?", "#Uh, yes. So you were asking about my birth date right?", "That is correct.", "Okay, it's February thirteenth nineteen forty seven.", "Okay! And the last thing I need to verify you is your customer number. Do you know what your customer number is mister Rivers?", "#Um no, I don't think so. Where would that be?", "#Uh, it could be a couple of places such as on a piece of mail you've received from us, or under your profile when signed into your account. Do you have access to an old piece of mail from us, or can you sign into your account?", "#Ah well, I don't really use computers I don't know anything about that. My wife maybe it could be in the basket of mail in the kitchen. Can you wait while I check?", "Of course!", "Okay it might take a little while, I'm using a walker and it's down the hallway.", "That's totally fine mister Rivers, I will be right here once you get back.", "Okay I'll be right back.", "Sure thing.", "#Uh Crystal, are you there?", "Yes, I am mister Rivers! Were you able to find a piece of mail?", "Yes, I think so. It says Rivertown Insurance. #Um I do see something that says customer number.", "Awesome. Can you read the digits out to me?", "I can try the print is pretty small. My eyes aren't too good.", "That's totally fine, just do the best you can!", "Okay nine seven three one seven four nine eight.", "So that is nine seven three one seven four nine eight?", "Yes, I think so. Did it work?", "Yes, it sure did mister Rivers! So now we just have to get into your bill history and see if you're all paid up for last month.", "Okay, did you need anymore information from me?", "Nope, just give me one moment to check on that bill.", "Okay.", "Alright, so mister Rivers, it looks like the bill from February still needs to be paid.", "Okay, so how do I do that? Nancy always did it I'm not sure how to pay the bill. Can you help me?", "I sure can mister Rivers, we can take care of that over the phone.", "Okay thank you.", "No problem! Did you want to pay using a bank account or a credit card?", "#Uh, I think Nancy usually pays the bills using the card.", "Okay, we can definitely do that! Do you have the card near you mister Rivers? I'll just need some information from your bank card.", "#Um, I will have to go get the card I don't have it, it might be in Nancy's purse. Can you stay on the line?", "Yes, I can!", "Okay, I will be right back.", "Sure!", "Okay, Crystal are you there? I have the card.", "Yes I am here!", "Okay what information do you need?", "Let's start with the sixteen digit card number. Are you able to read the numbers out to me mister Rivers?", "Yes, I have my glasses on now.", "Awesome.", "It's two three one zero three zero nine eight three three nine one, I mean eight one zero eight seven.", "Okay, just to confirm that is two three one zero three zero nine eight three three nine eight one zero eight seven.", "Yes, I think so.", "Okay, great! Now do you see the expiration date?", "Yes. It's March twenty four.", "Okay! And last thing, what is the three digit number on the back of the card?", "Did you say on the back?", "Yes.", "Okay, nine eight eight.", "Got it! So before I put the payment through mister Rivers, just to confirm we are paying your bill for February for the amount of one hundred and fifty seven dollars and eighty three cents. Is that okay?", "Yes.", "Okay! I have put your payment through mister Rivers. Your bill is paid effective of today March fifteenth and your next bill payment date is April sixth.", "Okay so does that mean I will have to go through this process all over again?", "Well actually, we do have something called recurring payments that I can set up for you! That way you will be billed automatically each month and you won't have to call in again.", "Oh well how does that work?", "Well we would just use the card you just gave me or whatever payment method you would like and we would decide if you wanted to be billed every month automatically and then it would just be taken care of, and you wouldn't need to do anything else. Does that sound like something you would like mister Rivers?", "#Um, that does sound good. I don't know if Nancy, she might not would want that though. I don't know if she would want that.", "That's totally understandable. We don't have to set it up today. You can always call back and we can get it taken care of.", "If I call back, will I get you?", "#Uh, you may, if I am here. All of our agents will be able to take care of you though.", "Okay.", "So what would you like to do?", "#Uh, can you hold for a moment? I want to see if Nancy is awake.", "Sure thing!", "Hello, are you there?", "Yes I am!", "#Uh, she wasn't awake. I think we'll just call back.", "Okay, that is totally fine. Was there anything else that I can help you with mister Rivers?", "#Uh, I don't think so. So the bill is paid?", "Yes it is.", "So the next one is due in April?", "Yes, sir, April sixth.", "Okay, thank you.", "You are very welcome!", "And I just have to call back to pay that bill?", "#Uh, yes sir you can call back or go online to pay the bill. And also you can still set up the automatic billing if you'd like.", "Okay. Thank you Crystal for your patience.", "It is no problem mister Rivers. Have a good day now, okay?", "Okay, you too.", "Thank you, bye!", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_532_000", "insurance_532_001", "insurance_532_002", "insurance_532_003", "insurance_532_004", "insurance_532_005", "insurance_532_006", "insurance_532_007", "insurance_532_008", "insurance_532_009", "insurance_532_010", "insurance_532_011", "insurance_532_012", "insurance_532_013", "insurance_532_014", "insurance_532_015", "insurance_532_016", "insurance_532_017", "insurance_532_018", "insurance_532_019", "insurance_532_020", "insurance_532_021", "insurance_532_022", "insurance_532_023", "insurance_532_024", "insurance_532_025", "insurance_532_026", "insurance_532_027", "insurance_532_028", "insurance_532_029", "insurance_532_030", "insurance_532_031", "insurance_532_032", "insurance_532_033", "insurance_532_034", "insurance_532_035", "insurance_532_036", "insurance_532_037", "insurance_532_038", "insurance_532_039", "insurance_532_040", "insurance_532_041", "insurance_532_042", "insurance_532_043", "insurance_532_044", "insurance_532_045", "insurance_532_046", "insurance_532_047", "insurance_532_048", "insurance_532_049", "insurance_532_050", "insurance_532_051", "insurance_532_052", "insurance_532_053", "insurance_532_054", "insurance_532_055", "insurance_532_056", "insurance_532_057", "insurance_532_058", "insurance_532_059", "insurance_532_060", "insurance_532_061", "insurance_532_062", "insurance_532_063", "insurance_532_064", "insurance_532_065", "insurance_532_066", "insurance_532_067", "insurance_532_068", "insurance_532_069", "insurance_532_070", "insurance_532_071", "insurance_532_072", "insurance_532_073", "insurance_532_074", "insurance_532_075", "insurance_532_076", "insurance_532_077", "insurance_532_078", "insurance_532_079", "insurance_532_080", "insurance_532_081", "insurance_532_082", "insurance_532_083", "insurance_532_084", "insurance_532_085", "insurance_532_086", "insurance_532_087", "insurance_532_088", "insurance_532_089", "insurance_532_090", "insurance_532_091", "insurance_532_092", "insurance_532_093", "insurance_532_094", "insurance_532_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance, this is Emily. How can I help you today?", "Hi Em - Chris put that down! I'm sorry, can you hold on for a moment?", "Of course!", "Hello?", "Yes, I'm here.", "Sorry about that, my son almost dumped all the sphaghetti on the floor. .", "No worries My daughter has almost ruined dinner before also. .", "Okay, I feel a little better. So what I was originally calling about was my bill from last month.", "Okay, sure I would be happy to help. What's going on?", "Well, I attempted to pay it, but I'm not sure if it went through? It just kept spinning after I clicked submit, and I never got one of those confirmation emails. So is there a way you can check that for me?", "Of course, I can definitely look into that.", "Great, thank you so much!", "I'll just need a few pieces of information from you so I can verify your identity. Is that alright?", "#Ah, okay sure thing.", "Great, first what is your full name?", "Joan Clane.", "Okay! And what is your date of birth?", "February thirteenth nineteen eighty nine.", "Gotcha! And can you confirm your phone number for me?", "Two eight five four two one one one three four.", "Okay! And do you know your customer number miss Clane?", "#Um, what would that be? I don't think I have one of those.", "#Um it's a number that you would have had assigned to you once you signed up for the auto insurance. You would normally see it on the mail you get from us, or in your profile on your account.", "#Ah okay. Well I have no clue what that number would be - I - I'm not near a computer or anything to look it up. Do we need that for you to check my bill?", "Well, I would need that to verify your identity. But we do have another way to check your identity using your social security number and your security question. Would you like to try that instead?", "#Uh, yes. I guess that might work better. I don't really remember what my security question was but we can give it a try.", "Okay! So let's start with your social security number. Can you confirm that for me?", "Three three four seven eight two five zero one.", "Thank you! And give me just a moment so I can look up the security question for your account.", "Sure.", "Okay, so the security question for you is what is the name of your first pet?", "Oh Jorge?", "Great, we have your identity verified now.", "I had forgot all about Jorge. I'm glad that I remembered that.", "Yep, sometimes I forget the security questions that I've set up too.", ".", "Give me just a moment to look up your bill. #Uh, this is the bill for last month, December correct?", "Yes it is.", "Okay, it looks like the payment did not go through.", "Ah no. So should I go online and try to do it again?", "#Uh, well if you'd like we can do it right over the phone.", "That would be great! I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with my internet.", "#Ah yeah, I wouldn't want you to have trouble getting it to go through again. Would you like to pay with a card or a bank account?", "#Um, I usually pay with my bank card.", "Okay, we can do that! Do you have it nearby? I just need a few pieces of information.", "#Uh, it's in my purse in the living room. Can you hold on for a moment?", "Of course.", "Hello?", "Hi, yes I'm here.", "I'm so sorry for taking so long. Chris thought it was playtime once I came out of the office. .", "No worries, I understand.", "So what information do you need? The card number?", "Yes, we can start with the sixteen digit card number please.", "Okay, it's five six one zero three three zero eight nine six three one five five six two.", "Thank you! And what's the expiration date?", "June, two thousand and twenty four.", "Okay! And lastly what is your three digit code on the back of the card?", "Five four zero.", "Thank you! And just to confirm we are paying the bill for December for two hundred and three dollars and fifty four cents. Is that okay with you?", "Yes, it is.", "Okay! I have put the payment through miss Clane.", "Awesome, thank you so much Emily! So is there a way I can set it up for this to be paid automatically each month? I seem to always forget to pay it.", "Actually yes, we do have the option to set up recurring billing. Would you like to set that up?", "#Um, how long would it take? I probably should check on dinner.", "Understood! #Uh, it would only take a couple of minutes. You can also call back later if you'd like and we can set it up then.", "#Um, c - can you hold on for just a moment? I'm just going to make sure my pot didn't boil over really quickly.", "Sure thing!", "Okay, I'm back. I - I brought Chris with me this time, he wouldn't take no for answer. Sorry if you hear him in the background.", "No worries. .", "I would like to set up the recurring billing if you still have time. I'm sorry for all the interruptions.", "It's totally fine miss Clane. I am more than happy to help. Would you like to set up the automatic billing with the card you provided me with earlier?", "#Uh honestly, it probably would be better with another card. #Uh no, you know what, j - just use the one I already gave you. I don't want to take up more time.", "Are you sure? We can use another card if you would like!", "No, it's fine.", "Okay!", "So with the automatic billing, it would come out every month?", "Yes ma'am. The payment will come out automatically every month, or you can have it as a yearly recurring payment. You would pay for the full year and then automatically be billed again for the next year when the payment dates comes.", "#Ah Okay. So if I wanted to cancel the automatic billing, I can just call?", "Yes, you can call, or you can also go online under Billing and cancel the recurring payments.", "Okay, sounds good. Would I also be able to change my payment card?", "Yes. You can do that under Billing also.", "Okay.", "So would you like to do the monthly or the yearly automatic billing?", "#Um let's just do the monthly for now.", "Sure thing.", "So the automatic billing will start next month right?", "Yes, that is correct.", "Gotcha.", "Okay, so I do have you set up for monthly automatic billing starting on your next payment date which is January fourth.", "Great! Thank you so much.", "You are very welcome! Is there anything else I can do for you today miss Clane?", "Nope, you have already made my life much easier today .", "Aw, glad to hear it. You take care, and I hope you have a great rest of your day.", "Thank you and you too!", "Thank you, bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_533_000", "insurance_533_001", "insurance_533_002", "insurance_533_003", "insurance_533_004", "insurance_533_005", "insurance_533_006", "insurance_533_007", "insurance_533_008", "insurance_533_009", "insurance_533_010", "insurance_533_011", "insurance_533_012", "insurance_533_013", "insurance_533_014", "insurance_533_015", "insurance_533_016", "insurance_533_017", "insurance_533_018", "insurance_533_019", "insurance_533_020", "insurance_533_021", "insurance_533_022", "insurance_533_023", "insurance_533_024", "insurance_533_025", "insurance_533_026", "insurance_533_027", "insurance_533_028", "insurance_533_029", "insurance_533_030", "insurance_533_031", "insurance_533_032", "insurance_533_033", "insurance_533_034", "insurance_533_035", "insurance_533_036", "insurance_533_037", "insurance_533_038", "insurance_533_039", "insurance_533_040", "insurance_533_041", "insurance_533_042", "insurance_533_043", "insurance_533_044", "insurance_533_045", "insurance_533_046", "insurance_533_047", "insurance_533_048", "insurance_533_049", "insurance_533_050", "insurance_533_051", "insurance_533_052", "insurance_533_053", "insurance_533_054", "insurance_533_055", "insurance_533_056", "insurance_533_057", "insurance_533_058", "insurance_533_059", "insurance_533_060", "insurance_533_061", "insurance_533_062", "insurance_533_063", "insurance_533_064", "insurance_533_065", "insurance_533_066", "insurance_533_067", "insurance_533_068", "insurance_533_069", "insurance_533_070", "insurance_533_071", "insurance_533_072", "insurance_533_073", "insurance_533_074", "insurance_533_075", "insurance_533_076", "insurance_533_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon and welcome to Rivertown Insura-.", "Yeah hi hello, I've been waiting for twenty minutes and all I wanted was my stupid policy number.", "Okay sir, we appreciate your patience.", "Yeah right right, I just want to get on with my day. Can you help me or not?", "I- I sure can sir, you were just after your policy number?", "#Um yes! If I didn't make that clear enough to you the first time.", "#Uh not a problem sir, I understand the frustration and I will make sure to get this as quick as possible.", "Great!", "First I will need to verify your identification before I go any further, could I please get your last name?", "Yep okay my last name is Smith.", "Great okay what is your first name Mister Smith?", "Gregory.", "Thank you Mister Smith, I will just now have to ask you for the answer to your security question.", "#Uh, you've got to be kidding! My wife set this up for me years ago, I don't even know what it would be.", "No problem sir, we can verify your identification another way.", "No no no, just ask me the question and I'll see if I can read my wife's brain .", "No worries sir , what was the number of the first house you lived in with your wife?", "#Um oh god I think it was thirty three?", "I'm sorry sir, thats not the answer we have listed.", "Damn, okay well how long will this other verification take?", "#Oh not too long at all sir, the only things you will need are your account number, mobile phone number and email address.", "Okay could you please give me a minute to find them all? I think I have them written down on a piece of paper somewhere in my office.", "No problem sir, take your time.", "Hi, are you there?", "Yes sir.", "Okay great, I have them all here ready.", "Perfect, well to begin with I need your mobile phone number connected to your account.", "#Hm I'm not sure if that would be my work mobile or personal mobile.", "#Ah I see sir, it would be the mobile number that you receive texts about billing updates to.", "Okay okay let me just check my text messages.", "Okay so it's my personal mobile number, which is six six five.", "Six six five.", "Four four two.", "Four four two.", "Three nine nine one.", "Three nine nine one, let me just check that back with you sir.", "So that was six six five four three two three nine nine one?", "#Ah no, did you mishear me? It was six six five, four four two, three nine nine one.", "Sorry sir, thank for for that. That is a match to our file.", "Great great, sorry for the frustration it's just been a long day.", "No problem sir I understand when things can get the better of us .", "Yeah crazy times we live in hey.", "So sir moving on could I please get your email address, this will be the email where the invoices are sent to.", "#Ah yeah, I know this one off the top of my head .", "It's gregory dot smith sixty three zero six at hotmail dot com.", "Fantastic.", "I will also need your date of birth.", "Yep that is the first of June nineteen sixty three.", "Perfect! Finally I just need the account number linked to your policy, this is usually at the top of your invoice.", "#Uh yep, I think it's zero five four six.", "Zero five four six.", "Seven nine zero eight.", "Zero eight.", "Perfect thats everything we need, I'm sorry that took some time sir, as you can understand we like to ensure our clients safety is paramount.", "No no, I totally understand, sorry for my frustration earlier on. My wife has just been on my case about this and I just put it off way too long.", "Like I said, I do really understand sir. Now lets get that policy number for you.", "Yes that would be great, thank you.", "What policy was this for?", "It would be for my wife's life insurance policy, I think it's the Universal Life Insurance plan.", "#Ah yes, I can see that's for Regina Smith.", "Yep that would be it.", "No problemiss have you got a pen to write it down sir?", "#Ah no, give me one second.", "No problem.", "Okay good to go.", "Okay so that number is one two four three.", "One two four three.", "Seven eight three six.", "Seven eight three six, fantastic.", "Perfect sir and I apologise for taking up so much time in your day.", "No thats so fine.", "Now that you're here would you like me to change that security question as well to make access to your account easier next time?", "No no, that's alright I'll just ask my wife before next time.", "Okay sir, well is there anything else I can help you with?", "No thats all thank you.", "Well have a good day sir and thank you again for choosing Rivertown Insurance.", "Thank you for your help, bye.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_534_000", "insurance_534_001", "insurance_534_002", "insurance_534_003", "insurance_534_004", "insurance_534_005", "insurance_534_006", "insurance_534_007", "insurance_534_008", "insurance_534_009", "insurance_534_010", "insurance_534_011", "insurance_534_012", "insurance_534_013", "insurance_534_014", "insurance_534_015", "insurance_534_016", "insurance_534_017", "insurance_534_018", "insurance_534_019", "insurance_534_020", "insurance_534_021", "insurance_534_022", "insurance_534_023", "insurance_534_024", "insurance_534_025", "insurance_534_026", "insurance_534_027", "insurance_534_028", "insurance_534_029", "insurance_534_030", "insurance_534_031", "insurance_534_032", "insurance_534_033", "insurance_534_034", "insurance_534_035", "insurance_534_036", "insurance_534_037", "insurance_534_038", "insurance_534_039", "insurance_534_040", "insurance_534_041", "insurance_534_042", "insurance_534_043", "insurance_534_044", "insurance_534_045", "insurance_534_046", "insurance_534_047", "insurance_534_048", "insurance_534_049", "insurance_534_050", "insurance_534_051", "insurance_534_052", "insurance_534_053", "insurance_534_054", "insurance_534_055", "insurance_534_056", "insurance_534_057", "insurance_534_058", "insurance_534_059", "insurance_534_060", "insurance_534_061", "insurance_534_062", "insurance_534_063", "insurance_534_064", "insurance_534_065", "insurance_534_066", "insurance_534_067", "insurance_534_068", "insurance_534_069", "insurance_534_070", "insurance_534_071", "insurance_534_072", "insurance_534_073", "insurance_534_074", "insurance_534_075", "insurance_534_076", "insurance_534_077", "insurance_534_078", "insurance_534_079", "insurance_534_080", "insurance_534_081", "insurance_534_082", "insurance_534_083", "insurance_534_084", "insurance_534_085", "insurance_534_086", "insurance_534_087", "insurance_534_088", "insurance_534_089" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Capstone. This is Amy how can I help you?", "Hi Amy. This is Mel and I am calling to sign up for pet insurance.", "Perfect! Have you ever spoken with someone at Capstone before?", "Yes.", "Ok and Mel what is your last name?", "Johnston", "Ok J-o-h-n-s-t-o-n?", "Mhm.", "And Mel can you just verify your phone number for me?", "Seven six three two one eight nine one three nine", "Thank you let me just get everything all pulled up.", "Ok.", "And what kind of pet insurance are you looking for?", "Well I just adopted a new puppy and am looking to get her set up for some coverage.", "#Ah congratulations on your new puppy.", "Thank you.", "So we have a plan that will cover all annual visits including all annual shots. This plan also covers major surgeries at a twenty percent copay. This will also cover #emergency care with a fifty dollar copay.", "Ok. Is there anything it does not cover?", "Yes so this will not cover any optional testing. Only medically necessary testing.", "Ok. How much does something like this cost?", "Well that all depends on a few things. Let me get some information on your new puppy.", "#Um alright.", "What is the breed of your puppy?", "American Eskimo.", "Aww American Eskimo's are so cute.", "Male or female?", "Male.", "What is his name?", "And when was he born?", "Chester is his name and he was born eight weeks ago.", "Do you have a specific date?", "#Um give me a minute let me check his papers.", "Ok take your time.", "He was born on July ninth", "Thank you. Let me get that all put in.", "#Um ok. #Uh do you need anything else before I put his file away?", "No that should do it.", "Ok.", "So this plan for Chester would be fifty one dollars and fourty two cents a month and it would also come with three months of free puppy training at your local shelter. Along with this plan you will also get a yearly check up as well as all medically necessary vaccinations.", "Ok and when would this plan go into place.", "This plan would start on the first day of next month. So October first twenty twenty one.", "I can't get it to start any sooner?", "Unfortuantly not. All plans start the first day of the next month.", "Ok I guess that is fine.", "Perfect.", "So what is my next step?", "From here I am going to email you paperwork while we are on the phone and I will have you look them over and esign them.", "#Uh I have never used esign before. Can I do it on my phone?", "Of course. I will have you put your phone on speaker and I can walk you through it.", "Ok.", "What is the email I can send this to?", "Mel dot Johnston one nine five four at gmail dot com.", "Ok I am sending this over now.", "#Um ok I will let you know when I get it.", "Sounds good.", "I received it. Let me put my phone on speaker.", "Ok. When you are ready let me know.", "I am ready.", "Please scroll through the document and on the very last page there will be a button you click to sign and date.", "Ok I see it.", "What do I do after I sign and date it?", "You can.", "Wait do I hit finish in the top corner?", "Yes. This will send it back to me.", "Once I have it back I will look it over.", "Ok I just hit finish.", "Perfect. Everything looks good on my end.", "Good. What else do I need to do?", "So I am going to submit this to the carrier. Once it is submitted you will get a confirmation in the mail. If you have any questions on anything please give us a call. As we are now your agent of record.", "What is your phone number?", "One eight hundred five zero five one six three zero.", "#Um how long does it take to get everything in the mail?", "It usually takes about a week processing time and then about a week to get that information, so you should have everything you need within two weeks.", "Ok.", "Mel do you have any other questions for me on your new pet insurance?", "I don't think so, but I can call if I have any questions?", "Yes of course you can.", "What was your name again?", "My name is Amy and you can speak with any of our agents here. We all work together as a team.", "Good to know. #Um if I have any issues do I call you or the carrier of insurance.", "Great question Mel. Since we are your agent of recored we do all the dirty work. So you can call us for anything and we will take care of it.", "Ok.", "Anything other questions?", "No I don't think so.", "Well thank you so much for calling in Mel and congratulations on adopting Chester I am so happy for you.", "Thank you.", "I will get everything submitted on my end and please let me know if you have any other questions in the mean time.", "Ok.", "Have a great day Mel and you to Chester.", "Thank you. You as well." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_535_000", "insurance_535_001", "insurance_535_002", "insurance_535_003", "insurance_535_004", "insurance_535_005", "insurance_535_006", "insurance_535_007", "insurance_535_008", "insurance_535_009", "insurance_535_010", "insurance_535_011", "insurance_535_012", "insurance_535_013", "insurance_535_014", "insurance_535_015", "insurance_535_016", "insurance_535_017", "insurance_535_018", "insurance_535_019", "insurance_535_020", "insurance_535_021", "insurance_535_022", "insurance_535_023", "insurance_535_024", "insurance_535_025", "insurance_535_026", "insurance_535_027", "insurance_535_028", "insurance_535_029", "insurance_535_030", "insurance_535_031", "insurance_535_032", "insurance_535_033", "insurance_535_034", "insurance_535_035", "insurance_535_036", "insurance_535_037", "insurance_535_038", "insurance_535_039", "insurance_535_040", "insurance_535_041", "insurance_535_042", "insurance_535_043", "insurance_535_044", "insurance_535_045", "insurance_535_046", "insurance_535_047", "insurance_535_048", "insurance_535_049", "insurance_535_050", "insurance_535_051", "insurance_535_052", "insurance_535_053", "insurance_535_054", "insurance_535_055", "insurance_535_056", "insurance_535_057", "insurance_535_058", "insurance_535_059", "insurance_535_060", "insurance_535_061", "insurance_535_062", "insurance_535_063", "insurance_535_064", "insurance_535_065" ], "speaker_role": [ "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, is this a person?", "Yes it is!", "Oh good.", "I hope I didn't sound like a robot. Did I?", "Oh no, you just never know anymore.", "Well how can I help you?", "I just want to know what my account balance is.", "I can absolutely do that for you.", "Great!", "Can I have your first name please?", "Tina.", "Last name?", "Johnson.", "Thank you very much. You are a current policy holder, correct?", "Yes. Otherwise, I don't know why I would be checking my balance.", "#laughter of course, my apologies.", "No problem.", "May I ask your date of birth?", "September third.", "Of what year?", "Seventy-six.", "Excellent.", "Yes, it was a good year.", "#laughter do you know your customer number?", "Where would I have that?", "If you have a bill or an email from us, it should be towards the top.", "Give me a minute.", "Take your time.", "Okay, I think it's this.", "Go ahead when you're ready.", "One nine two eight seven four eight five.", "Excellent, thank you miss Johnson.", "You're welcome.", "So you wanted to know if you're carrying a balance currently?", "Yes please.", "As of right now, you have a balance of three hundred and twelve dollars.", "When is that due?", "It is due on the thirteenth.", "Can I go ahead and pay it?", "Yes of course!", "Okay great.", "How would you like to pay today?", "Do you have anything on file for me?", "I have a credit card and a bank account. Which would you prefer?", "Let's just use the card.", "Perfect. I have a Visa ending in nine nine nine three.", "That sounds like the right one.", "I just need you to verify the expiration date and security code for me.", "Okay, I'll need to go grab it. Hold on.", "No rush at all.", "Okay, what did you need?", "Expiration date.", "Two of twenty four.", "And the security code?", "One one seven.", "Thank you very much.", "All set?", "You do want me to pay the entire amount in this transaction, correct?", "Yes please, pay it all.", "Okay, I'm processing a transaction for three hundred and twelve dollars.", "Thanks.", "That will reflect on your account within two four hours.", "Cool, thank you very much.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Nope, that's it.", "Thank you for your patronage! Have a great day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_536_000", "insurance_536_001", "insurance_536_002", "insurance_536_003", "insurance_536_004", "insurance_536_005", "insurance_536_006", "insurance_536_007", "insurance_536_008", "insurance_536_009", "insurance_536_010", "insurance_536_011", "insurance_536_012", "insurance_536_013", "insurance_536_014", "insurance_536_015", "insurance_536_016", "insurance_536_017", "insurance_536_018", "insurance_536_019", "insurance_536_020", "insurance_536_021", "insurance_536_022", "insurance_536_023", "insurance_536_024", "insurance_536_025", "insurance_536_026", "insurance_536_027", "insurance_536_028", "insurance_536_029", "insurance_536_030", "insurance_536_031", "insurance_536_032", "insurance_536_033", "insurance_536_034", "insurance_536_035", "insurance_536_036", "insurance_536_037", "insurance_536_038", "insurance_536_039", "insurance_536_040", "insurance_536_041", "insurance_536_042", "insurance_536_043", "insurance_536_044", "insurance_536_045", "insurance_536_046", "insurance_536_047", "insurance_536_048", "insurance_536_049", "insurance_536_050", "insurance_536_051", "insurance_536_052", "insurance_536_053", "insurance_536_054", "insurance_536_055", "insurance_536_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance, how can I help you?", "Hello?", "Yes, can you hear me?", "Hello? Who am I speaking with?", "This is Julie with Rivertown Insurance- is everything alright?", "Julie?", "Yes ma'am, can you hear me okay?", "I'm sorry, it's hectic here.", "That's okay, what's going on?", "I was in an accident. I'm kind of scattered right now.", "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear! Are you okay?", "Yes, I think so. Just shaken up.", "No one is injured?", "Not that I know of.", "Have you already called the police?", "Yes, they're on their way.", "Okay, good.", "So I need to report the accident to you, correct?", "Yes, I can go through that wiht you.", "Okay, what do you need?", "Let's start with your name.", "Carie Wise.", "Carie with a C?", "Correct.", "And what is your policy number?", "I don't think I have that.", "If you have access to your vehicle insurance card, it is listed there.", "Okay, give me a moment.", "Of course.", "It's seven eight one two four three one one.", "Perfect, thank you.", "Do you need any other registration information?", "No, but I do need your birth date.", "March third.", "And the year?", "Seventy four.", "Thank you very much. Do you have a moment to walk me through what happened?", "Sure, no one is here yet.", "Okay, so how did the accident occur?", "I was just driving on the interstate, and this guy just swerved into my lane and side swiped me.", "You remained in your lane the entire time?", "Until he forced me into the emergency lane, yes.", "Did you make contact with anything else besides the other vehicle?", "Yes, with the concrete baricade.", "Okay, so both sides of your car sustained damage?", "Yes.", "Have you swapped insurance information witht he other driver yet?", "No, not yet. I was going to wait for the police.", "That driver is still on scene?", "Yes he is.", "Okay. Then once you have the full report you can give us a call back, and we can start the claim process then.", "So you don't need anything else right now?", "Not at the moment! Just take a breathe and try to relax for a few moments while you await the police.", "Okay, I'll do my best. Thank you for the help.", "No trouble. Don't worry, we'll get all of this taken care of!", "Thanks, have a good day.", "You as well. Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportAutomobileAccident" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_537_000", "insurance_537_001", "insurance_537_002", "insurance_537_003", "insurance_537_004", "insurance_537_005", "insurance_537_006", "insurance_537_007", "insurance_537_008", "insurance_537_009", "insurance_537_010", "insurance_537_011", "insurance_537_012", "insurance_537_013", "insurance_537_014", "insurance_537_015", "insurance_537_016", "insurance_537_017", "insurance_537_018", "insurance_537_019", "insurance_537_020", "insurance_537_021", "insurance_537_022", "insurance_537_023", "insurance_537_024", "insurance_537_025", "insurance_537_026", "insurance_537_027", "insurance_537_028", "insurance_537_029", "insurance_537_030", "insurance_537_031", "insurance_537_032", "insurance_537_033", "insurance_537_034", "insurance_537_035", "insurance_537_036", "insurance_537_037", "insurance_537_038", "insurance_537_039", "insurance_537_040", "insurance_537_041", "insurance_537_042", "insurance_537_043", "insurance_537_044", "insurance_537_045", "insurance_537_046", "insurance_537_047", "insurance_537_048", "insurance_537_049", "insurance_537_050", "insurance_537_051", "insurance_537_052", "insurance_537_053", "insurance_537_054", "insurance_537_055", "insurance_537_056", "insurance_537_057", "insurance_537_058", "insurance_537_059", "insurance_537_060", "insurance_537_061", "insurance_537_062", "insurance_537_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, this is Joe speaking.", "Hi Joe, I need to pay my bill.", "I can take care of that for you!", "Well that's awfully nice of you. I appreciate you paying my bill!", "#laughter maybe I shold choose my words more carefully.", "So you aren't going to pay my bill?", "No, but I can assist you in paying your bill. How's that sound?", "I suppose I'll take it. #laughter.", "Alright, what kind of policy do you hold with us?", "Auto.", "May I have your full name as listed on the policy?", "Joshua Wellington.", "Thank you Joshua.", "You're welcome Joe.", "May I have your date of birth?", "January third.", "Birth year?", "Seventy-six.", "Just a moment please.", "No rush at all.", "Alright, we're in!", "Excellent.", "Are we just paying the current month?", "Is there another option?", "You could also pay off the rest of the premium.", "Come on Joe, I'm not swimming in money over here.", "#laughter.", "Yes, just the current month please.", "Alright, we can do that. Do you happen to have the bill reference number on hand?", "I don't. Do I need that?", "I would prefer it, so records match.", "okay, I can find it if you have a minute.", "Sure thing. If it's too much trouble, we can move forward without it.", "Okay, let's just move forward. I don't know where it is exactly.", "Do you know the due date off hand?", "That I do, it's August thirteenth.", "Perfect. Two hundred and twelve dollars, correct.", "That sounds right.", "Okay, did you want to pay with a credit card or bank account?", "Can you use the card I've used before?", "I unfornately don't have that stored, so we'll have to enter it again.", "Alright, I have it when you're ready.", "Okay, is it a Visa or Mastercard?", "Visa.", "I'm ready for the card number.", "Two nine three eight four seven five six three nine four eight five seven four six.", "What were the last four again?", "Five seven four six.", "Got it. Expiration date?", "November of twenty twenty-eight.", "Security code?", "One three five.", "Perfect! Last thing I need isthe billing zip code.", "Three three seven one four.", "That'll do it.", "When should that process?", "Your card will be charged immediately, but your account may not reflect the paid status for two to three business days.", "Today is the due date, I won't be charged a late fee will I?", "Certainly not. Internall, yor payment will be reflected as made today.", "Sounds good.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "I don't think so, that's all I needed!", "Well, happy I could help you! Thank you for choosing Rivertown, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.", "Thanks, take care." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_538_000", "insurance_538_001", "insurance_538_002", "insurance_538_003", "insurance_538_004", "insurance_538_005", "insurance_538_006", "insurance_538_007", "insurance_538_008", "insurance_538_009", "insurance_538_010", "insurance_538_011", "insurance_538_012", "insurance_538_013", "insurance_538_014", "insurance_538_015", "insurance_538_016", "insurance_538_017", "insurance_538_018", "insurance_538_019", "insurance_538_020", "insurance_538_021", "insurance_538_022", "insurance_538_023", "insurance_538_024", "insurance_538_025", "insurance_538_026", "insurance_538_027", "insurance_538_028", "insurance_538_029", "insurance_538_030", "insurance_538_031", "insurance_538_032", "insurance_538_033", "insurance_538_034", "insurance_538_035", "insurance_538_036", "insurance_538_037", "insurance_538_038", "insurance_538_039", "insurance_538_040", "insurance_538_041", "insurance_538_042", "insurance_538_043", "insurance_538_044", "insurance_538_045", "insurance_538_046", "insurance_538_047", "insurance_538_048", "insurance_538_049", "insurance_538_050", "insurance_538_051", "insurance_538_052", "insurance_538_053", "insurance_538_054", "insurance_538_055", "insurance_538_056", "insurance_538_057", "insurance_538_058", "insurance_538_059", "insurance_538_060", "insurance_538_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello Joan, I'm calling today for life insurance.", "I can help you out with that!", "Splendid.", "Now we won't be able to get you enrolled today, but I will gather some information from you so an agent can contact you with rate information.", "That sounds fine.", "Are you looking for term life insurance?", "I'm not sure what that means.", "Well we have three different policy types, with different pricing and termiss.", "Could you explain them to me?", "I'll do you one better. We'll provide you with all of the rates and conditions for our different policy options once we have your information.", "Okay, that sounds good.", "I'll just need to gather some pertinent information from you.", "Yes of course.", "What is your full name?", "Thomas Austin.", "Thank you mister Austin.", "Cetainly, Joan.", "What state do you live in?", "Florida.", "Enjoying the sunshine down there?", "Some days. Most days it's a bit hot #laughter.", "At least your avoiding all the snow mess.", "That is true.", "What is your date of birth?", "March eleventh.", "Birth year?", "Nineteen twenty seven.", "Male?", "Last I checked.", "#laughter.", "#laughter.", "Do you smoke?", "No I do not.", "Use any tobacco products?", "Not since my baseball days.", "How far back was that.", "I played some college ball in the forties.", "But nothing since then?", "Not at all.", "We'll consider that a no then!", "Sounds good to me.", "What's your height?", "Six foot nothing.", "And your weight?", "Two hundred pounds or so.", "Are you generally healthy? Diagnosed with any illness?", "Healthy as a horse!", "I'm glad to hear it.", "As am I.", "How much coverage are you looking for?", "I'm not really sure. Could you give me a few different options?", "Absolutely.", "Thank you.", "Last thing! Would you like us to call you or email?", "Oh, call please. I don't do email.", "Not a problem!", "I appreciate it.", "We will have an agent reach out to you tomorrow, will that work?", "That sounds good to me!", "Excellent! Is there anything else I can help you with?", "I think that's all I needed today. Thank you Joan.", "You're very welcome. Thank you mister Austin. Enjoy the rest of your day!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_539_000", "insurance_539_001", "insurance_539_002", "insurance_539_003", "insurance_539_004", "insurance_539_005", "insurance_539_006", "insurance_539_007", "insurance_539_008", "insurance_539_009", "insurance_539_010", "insurance_539_011", "insurance_539_012", "insurance_539_013", "insurance_539_014", "insurance_539_015", "insurance_539_016", "insurance_539_017", "insurance_539_018", "insurance_539_019", "insurance_539_020", "insurance_539_021", "insurance_539_022", "insurance_539_023", "insurance_539_024", "insurance_539_025", "insurance_539_026", "insurance_539_027", "insurance_539_028", "insurance_539_029", "insurance_539_030", "insurance_539_031", "insurance_539_032", "insurance_539_033", "insurance_539_034", "insurance_539_035", "insurance_539_036", "insurance_539_037", "insurance_539_038", "insurance_539_039", "insurance_539_040", "insurance_539_041", "insurance_539_042", "insurance_539_043", "insurance_539_044", "insurance_539_045", "insurance_539_046", "insurance_539_047", "insurance_539_048", "insurance_539_049", "insurance_539_050", "insurance_539_051", "insurance_539_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how can I help you?", "Hi there, I need to make a change to my policy.", "I'd be happy to help you. May I have you first and last name?", "Sure, it's Pam Redding.", "Thank you miss Redding. What kind of changes are you needing to make today?", "I just moved, so I need to change my address.", "Exciting! Did you move far?", "Oh no, just a few minutes away.", "How's the new home so far?", "It's a work in progress, but it's pretty great. We have a great view now.", "Glad to hear it! Are you still in the same zip code?", "Yes I am.", "Perfect, then you won't have any policy changes affect you based on zoning.", "Sounds like good news.", "Indeed! Could you verify your date of birth for me?", "March first.", "And your birth year?", "Eighty one.", "Excellent, thank you for that.", "No problem! Can I give you the new address?", "Just a moment please while I access the rest of your account.", "Okay, no rush.", "Your old address is fourteen twelve crow street, right?", "Yes it was.", "Okay, I'm ready for your new address now.", "One seven three five Seacrest lane.", "That was one seven three five?", "Yes.", "Can you spell the street for me?", "S E A C R E S T.", "Like Ryan?", "#laughter yes.", "And that's the same zip code?", "Yes it is.", "Three three one seven one?", "Correct.", "And when did you move?", "Just last week.", "What was the date?", "The second.", "Okay, gotcha.", "This won't cause a premium change, will it?", "Your auto policy premium will not change, since you are in the same area.", "Excellent.", "I've updated your account, so we're all set. Is there anything else I can assist with?", "There's nothing else I need to do now, right?", "Not regarding your address change. I'm going to send you a confirmation email now, so if you see anything listed incorrectly please give us a call back.", "Okay, I will.", "You will also receive new policy documents in the mail in seven to ten business days.", "I will be on the lookout, thank you!", "You're welcome. Are you sure there's nothing else I can assist with today?", "I'm sure, thank you very much for the help.", "You're welcome! Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_540_000", "insurance_540_001", "insurance_540_002", "insurance_540_003", "insurance_540_004", "insurance_540_005", "insurance_540_006", "insurance_540_007", "insurance_540_008", "insurance_540_009", "insurance_540_010", "insurance_540_011", "insurance_540_012", "insurance_540_013", "insurance_540_014", "insurance_540_015", "insurance_540_016", "insurance_540_017", "insurance_540_018", "insurance_540_019", "insurance_540_020", "insurance_540_021", "insurance_540_022", "insurance_540_023", "insurance_540_024", "insurance_540_025", "insurance_540_026", "insurance_540_027", "insurance_540_028", "insurance_540_029", "insurance_540_030", "insurance_540_031", "insurance_540_032", "insurance_540_033", "insurance_540_034", "insurance_540_035", "insurance_540_036", "insurance_540_037", "insurance_540_038", "insurance_540_039", "insurance_540_040", "insurance_540_041", "insurance_540_042", "insurance_540_043", "insurance_540_044", "insurance_540_045", "insurance_540_046", "insurance_540_047", "insurance_540_048", "insurance_540_049", "insurance_540_050", "insurance_540_051", "insurance_540_052", "insurance_540_053", "insurance_540_054", "insurance_540_055", "insurance_540_056", "insurance_540_057", "insurance_540_058", "insurance_540_059", "insurance_540_060", "insurance_540_061", "insurance_540_062", "insurance_540_063", "insurance_540_064", "insurance_540_065", "insurance_540_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help?", "Hi there. I need my policy number.", "I can help you with that! Are you the primary polocy holder?", "Yes I am.", "And what is your full name?", "Steven Lowe.", "Could you spell your last name for me?", "Sure. L-O-W-E.", "Excellent. Any relation to Rob?", "#laughter no, unfortunately. My genes aren't quite that good.", "#laughter well same boat here, so don't be too hard on yourself! Could you also please provide your date of birth?", "It's June second.", "And what is your birthyear?", "Eighty-two.", "Perfect, thank you for that. Just one moment while I access your account.", "No problem.", "Okay, now all you were looking for today is the policy number?", "I need help with something else too, but yes I need the number.", "Your policy number is eight two nine three seven four six five.", "Those last three- that was four six five?", "Correct.", "Cool, thank you.", "Just so you know, you can also access this number by logging into your policy online.", "I actually tried, that's my second request for you.", "What happened?", "Some issue with my security question. I couldn't login.", "Oh no! I'm sure we can get that fixed up for you.", "Yeah, I don't even remember setting one of those. The question didn't even ring a bell.", "That was likely chosen at your first login, so it's easy to forget!", "It was something crazy like my favorite pet. I don't have any pets!", "That's a little strange. The wrong question must've accidentally been chosen.", "I guess so.", "No worries, we'll take care of it.", "Can I pick my own question?", "We have to stay within certain categories. Did you have something in mind?", "Not really. Just something easy.", "Would your mother's maiden name work?", "I suppose I shouldn't forget that #laughter.", "Before I can make any changes, I need to verify one more piece of information.", "Oh okay.", "Do you have access to your customer number?", "maybe. Would it be on my policy statement?", "It would be.", "Then yes, hold on.", "Take your time.", "Oh my god. My policy number is right here too. Now I feel dumb.", "#laughter I wasn't going to point that out to you.", "Well, I'm sorry for wasting your time.", "Nonsense! We still need to change the securoity question, right?", "Oh, yes! Okay, not a total loss.", "There we go.", "So what did you need? Policy number?", "Yes.", "Nine two seven three five eight three.", "Excellent. So we're going with mother's maiden name?", "Yeah, that'll work.", "And what is it?", "Sorenson.", "Could you spell that for me?", "S-O-R-E-N-S-O-N.", "Got it. That's all set now.", "Easy enough!", "What else can I help you with today Steven?", "I think that'll do it.", "Well I appreciate your time, and thank you for choosing Rivertown!", "Thanks, have a good day.", "You as well!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_541_000", "insurance_541_001", "insurance_541_002", "insurance_541_003", "insurance_541_004", "insurance_541_005", "insurance_541_006", "insurance_541_007", "insurance_541_008", "insurance_541_009", "insurance_541_010", "insurance_541_011", "insurance_541_012", "insurance_541_013", "insurance_541_014", "insurance_541_015", "insurance_541_016", "insurance_541_017", "insurance_541_018", "insurance_541_019", "insurance_541_020", "insurance_541_021", "insurance_541_022", "insurance_541_023", "insurance_541_024", "insurance_541_025", "insurance_541_026", "insurance_541_027", "insurance_541_028", "insurance_541_029", "insurance_541_030", "insurance_541_031", "insurance_541_032", "insurance_541_033", "insurance_541_034", "insurance_541_035", "insurance_541_036", "insurance_541_037", "insurance_541_038", "insurance_541_039", "insurance_541_040", "insurance_541_041", "insurance_541_042", "insurance_541_043", "insurance_541_044", "insurance_541_045", "insurance_541_046", "insurance_541_047", "insurance_541_048", "insurance_541_049", "insurance_541_050", "insurance_541_051", "insurance_541_052", "insurance_541_053", "insurance_541_054", "insurance_541_055", "insurance_541_056", "insurance_541_057", "insurance_541_058", "insurance_541_059", "insurance_541_060", "insurance_541_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. May I ask who I am speaking with?", "Hello, this is Tom Wilkins.", "Thank you mister Wilkins. How are you today?", "I'm doing well, how are you?", "Very good, thank you for asking! Are you calling regarding an existing policy?", "Yes I am.", "Do you have your customer number available?", "yes, Just a second.", "Of course, take your time.", "Okay, are you ready?", "Yes, what is it?", "Seven two six four eight five nine six.", "Perfect. And would you mind verifying your date of birth for me?", "Sure, it's June eleventh, nineteen eighty-three.", "Thank you very much, Tom. How can I help you today?", "Well, I actually need to cancel my policy.", "I'm sorry to hear that! Has something changed?", "I was just quoted a much better rate, so I can't say no to saving money.", "I completely understand. Before you jump ship, have you spoken with anyone here about lowering your premium?", "I did, I already asked but I was told I have the lowest rate possible. So I suppose it is what it is.", "Well, I apologize we weren't able to offer a lower rate, but I am happy to help you close out your account with us.", "Thanks, I appreciate that.", "Your policy is paid through the fifteenth of next month, so you will be covered until then.", "Will I have to do anything at that point?", "No, your policy will not renew automatically. Just keep that date in mind to ensure you do not have a gap in coverage.", "Okay, sounds good!", "We will also be sending some documentation your way, confirming the end of your coverage. Can you please verify your mailing address?", "It's one four three six five South Seaside Avenue.", "Thank you, you should receive that within a week.", "Sounds good.", "If you don't mind my asking, was cost the only factor in your decision to switch providers?", "It really was. Just trying to shave off costs these days.", "There was nothing in the level of service you received that contributed to your decision?", "The opposite, actually.", "What do you mean?", "I was hesitant to switch, because you all have been so friendly.", "I appreciate that.", "I hope the next guys are similiar!", "#laughter Well I hope they treat you well, but I also selfishly hope to see you back with us.", "We'll see how it goes! I might just be back after this policy term.", "Is there anything else I do while I have you today?", "Actually, yes. I have a friend who is looking into pet insurance- do you all offer that?", "We do!", "Awesome. I'll make sure to give him the referall.", "If you have his contact information, we can send him some information to review.", "That would be great, actually.", "Do you know the email address?", "yeah, just give me a second and I'll find it.", "No rush.", "It's here somewhere, sorry.", "No apology necessary.", "Okay! It's steveisthemainevent at gmail dot com.", "Steve sounds pretty humble #laughter.", "#laughter he is actually a cool guy, I'm not sure what the inspiration was for that.", "We'd be happy to insure his pets regardless.", "Cool. Did you need anything else?", "Nope, that'll do it! Just let him know I'm sending that over so he doesn't overlook it. He should have it shortly after we disconnect.", "Thanks for that!", "You're very welcome. Was there anything else I can do for you today?", "No, you've been a huge help. Thank you very much.", "That's what we're here for! Have a great day, and thank you for your time with Rivertown.", "Thanks, bye now." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_542_000", "insurance_542_001", "insurance_542_002", "insurance_542_003", "insurance_542_004", "insurance_542_005", "insurance_542_006", "insurance_542_007", "insurance_542_008", "insurance_542_009", "insurance_542_010", "insurance_542_011", "insurance_542_012", "insurance_542_013", "insurance_542_014", "insurance_542_015", "insurance_542_016", "insurance_542_017", "insurance_542_018", "insurance_542_019", "insurance_542_020", "insurance_542_021", "insurance_542_022", "insurance_542_023", "insurance_542_024", "insurance_542_025", "insurance_542_026", "insurance_542_027", "insurance_542_028", "insurance_542_029", "insurance_542_030", "insurance_542_031", "insurance_542_032", "insurance_542_033", "insurance_542_034", "insurance_542_035", "insurance_542_036", "insurance_542_037", "insurance_542_038", "insurance_542_039", "insurance_542_040", "insurance_542_041", "insurance_542_042", "insurance_542_043", "insurance_542_044", "insurance_542_045", "insurance_542_046", "insurance_542_047", "insurance_542_048", "insurance_542_049", "insurance_542_050", "insurance_542_051", "insurance_542_052", "insurance_542_053", "insurance_542_054", "insurance_542_055", "insurance_542_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi!", "How are you doing today?", "Not too bad, how about you?", "Pretty good myself! How can I help you today?", "I just need to pay a bill.", "Great! Is this for your own account or someone else's?", "It's my account.", "Perfect. I'll just need your full name to start.", "Joe Swanson.", "Spelled like the character from Family Guy?", "Indeed.", "#laughter that's great. Sorry, I'm sure you're heard that a few times.", "Oh, no sweat. I'm pretty used to it.", "Okay, and your date of birth?", "June eighth.", "Of what year?", "Eighty-nine.", "Eighty-nine?", "Yes.", "Excellent. Do you happen to have your customer number on hand?", "where would I find that?", "Do you have your bill handy?", "I can pull it up.", "It will be located near the top in the account information section.", "Just a second.", "Take your time.", "Okay, I think it's this.", "Whenever you're ready.", "One nine eight three seven five six four. Does that seem right?", "Certainly, I have you pulled up mister Swanson.", "Cool, so can I pay you with a credit card?", "Of course! Do you have the number?", "Yes, let me know when you're ready.", "All set.", "Actually, I always pay with the same card. Is that on file?", "Is it the card ending in four zero three one?", "That's the one.", "I just need you to verify the expiration date and security code for me.", "It expires January of next year.", "Good deal. And the code?", "One one three.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome! Anything else you need from me?", "Just a moment and I'll confirm all the details with you.", "Okay.", "So we are scheduling payment for the most recent bill, correct?", "Yes, I believe the due date is Monday.", "That's the one.", "Cool.", "The total amount is one hundred and eight dollars and thirty three cents.", "Sounds right.", "Great. This will process within the next twenty four hours. You will receive a confirmation email.", "Perfect, thank you very much!", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, I think that will do it!", "Well thank you very much for choosing Rivertown- have a great day!", "Bye now." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_543_000", "insurance_543_001", "insurance_543_002", "insurance_543_003", "insurance_543_004", "insurance_543_005", "insurance_543_006", "insurance_543_007", "insurance_543_008", "insurance_543_009", "insurance_543_010", "insurance_543_011", "insurance_543_012", "insurance_543_013", "insurance_543_014", "insurance_543_015", "insurance_543_016", "insurance_543_017", "insurance_543_018", "insurance_543_019", "insurance_543_020", "insurance_543_021", "insurance_543_022", "insurance_543_023", "insurance_543_024", "insurance_543_025", "insurance_543_026", "insurance_543_027", "insurance_543_028", "insurance_543_029", "insurance_543_030", "insurance_543_031", "insurance_543_032", "insurance_543_033", "insurance_543_034", "insurance_543_035", "insurance_543_036", "insurance_543_037", "insurance_543_038", "insurance_543_039", "insurance_543_040", "insurance_543_041", "insurance_543_042", "insurance_543_043", "insurance_543_044", "insurance_543_045", "insurance_543_046", "insurance_543_047", "insurance_543_048", "insurance_543_049", "insurance_543_050", "insurance_543_051", "insurance_543_052", "insurance_543_053", "insurance_543_054", "insurance_543_055", "insurance_543_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, Pam here.", "Hi Pam, how are you today?", "I'm great! Thank you for asking! How are you doing?", "Very good!", "I'm glad to hear it. How can I help you today?", "I wanted to look into getting pet insurance. You guys offer that, right?", "We do! Do you have any other policies with us?", "Yes, I have a homeowner's policy.", "Great, I can pull up you account and we can go from there.", "Alright, what do you need?", "Let's start with your full name.", "Mary Wilson.", "Thank you Mary.", "I have my customer number too, if that helps.", "Sure, I'll take that!", "It's two nine eight seven three eight four seven.", "That last number was seven?", "Yes, seven.", "Got it!", "So how does pet insurance work?", "Let me just get you birth date real quick, then we can get into it.", "Okay, it's December nineteenth.", "And the year?", "Eighty-nine.", "Excellent, thanks Mary. So you're looking to add a pet policy, correct?", "Well I mainly just wanted some more information today.", "Okay, I can help you with that!", "First, how does it even work? Is it like health insurance?", "Essentially, yes. In the even your pet sustains an injury or requires veterinary care, the pet policy will reduce your payment to a co-pay in covered events.", "Okay, makes sense. Are all health-related appointments covered?", "All medically necessary visits are.", "What about check up visits?", "There is a comprehensive list of covered appointments I can send over to you, but as a rule of thumb, regularly scheduled appointments will be covered.", "Okay, I'd love to have that. Can you send it to my email?", "No problem at all.", "Is there any sort of discount for adding a pet policy since I already have another policy?", "Yes, actually. You will be eligible for a bundling discount which would effect both policies.", "I like that!", "I'm actually not seeing an email on your account. Could you share your email address with me?", "That's strange, sure. It's my first and last name at gmail dot com.", "So that's just Mary Wilson at gmail?", "Correct.", "Perfect, all set.", "Is there any way to get a quote also?", "Absolutely! Tell me about the pet you want to insure.", "He is a two year old Great Dane.", "Oh my, that's a lot of puppy.", "He definitely is.", "How much does he weight?", "Ninety-five pounds.", "Does he have any existing health concerns?", "None at all.", "Alright! I'll send along a qoute with that policy information to your email.", "Sounds great! Is there anything else you need from me?", "That'll do it! Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Nope, that's all I needed. Thanks a lot for the help!", "You're very welcome! Thank you for choosing Rivertown." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_544_000", "insurance_544_001", "insurance_544_002", "insurance_544_003", "insurance_544_004", "insurance_544_005", "insurance_544_006", "insurance_544_007", "insurance_544_008", "insurance_544_009", "insurance_544_010", "insurance_544_011", "insurance_544_012", "insurance_544_013", "insurance_544_014", "insurance_544_015", "insurance_544_016", "insurance_544_017", "insurance_544_018", "insurance_544_019", "insurance_544_020", "insurance_544_021", "insurance_544_022", "insurance_544_023", "insurance_544_024", "insurance_544_025", "insurance_544_026", "insurance_544_027", "insurance_544_028", "insurance_544_029", "insurance_544_030", "insurance_544_031", "insurance_544_032", "insurance_544_033", "insurance_544_034", "insurance_544_035", "insurance_544_036", "insurance_544_037", "insurance_544_038", "insurance_544_039", "insurance_544_040", "insurance_544_041", "insurance_544_042", "insurance_544_043", "insurance_544_044", "insurance_544_045", "insurance_544_046", "insurance_544_047", "insurance_544_048", "insurance_544_049", "insurance_544_050", "insurance_544_051", "insurance_544_052", "insurance_544_053", "insurance_544_054", "insurance_544_055", "insurance_544_056", "insurance_544_057", "insurance_544_058", "insurance_544_059", "insurance_544_060", "insurance_544_061", "insurance_544_062", "insurance_544_063", "insurance_544_064", "insurance_544_065", "insurance_544_066", "insurance_544_067", "insurance_544_068", "insurance_544_069" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. My name is Brian, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?", "Hi, this is, my name is Sara.", "Before we get started, can I confirm your full name and date of birth please?", "Sure, it's Sara Smith and my date of birth is July thirteenth, nineteen ninety-five.", "Great thanks.", "No problem.", "Alrighty then Sara. What can I help you with today.", "Okay, well I. Hang on, I. Sorry hold on. Someone is at the door, could you hang on a second?", "Of course.", "Okay sorry about that. I wanted to speak with someone who could help me cancel my current plan.", "I can absolutely assist you with that.", "Great.", "Before you go, would you mind telling me why you're wanting to cancel?", "Yeah, I guess there's a few reasons.", "I'm all ears, I'd love to hear how we can improve.", "Well to be completely honest, the customer service isn't great. I think you're the first real person I've talked to who hasn't just passed me off to another department.", "I'm so sorry to hear that. So youve had some trouble with communication on our end?", "Yeah bot not only that. I just feel like, well, I guess it's just kind of overpriced for what you get.", "I'm sorry to hear that. How do you mean?", "Well to be totally honest here, I've been a customer for the past one five years and never had a single accident. But a few months ago, I got into a hit and run.", "Oh no!", "Yeah, it was awful.", "I bet.", "The guy hits me at a red light, I get out of the car thinking he'll or I guess I don't even know if it was a man. Anyway, I thought they were going to get out to talk to me, but they just drove off.", "Wow unbelievable!", "I know!", "What happened on our end then? Was this the bad experience or?", "Well I I filed my claim. Everything was ok other than getting #the runaround a few times. But it was taken care of.", "I see.", "But the real problem was, my rate went up. Like so much. Like a ton. I was so upset. one five almost one six years of good driving and my and my rate just skyrockets!", "Yes, I'm looking at your file here. It does look like it, I can see why you're unhappy.", "But when I tried to call to speak to someone, like talk to someone who is not an automated machine, I get put on hold for a good hour every time.", "Yes.", "So that's why. I'm just tired of it and I've already, I already have another insurance company all lined up.", "Well I definitley get your frustration, but can I help you now? I can see about lowering your rate back down.", "I would have really loved to have this conversation earlier.", "I agree.", "I've already gone through the trouble of all of this though.", "So there's no changing your mind?", "I just know next time something, next time I get into any sort of accident I just know I just know I'll be in the same boat with you guys.", "I can offer you your old rate? I mean the rate before it went up.", "No thanks, I just would like to cancel.", "Are you sure? Can you give me a minute to talk to my supervisor?", "I'd really like to, well, okay.", "Thank you, I'll be right back.", "Ok.", "Thanks so much for holding Sara.", "Of course.", "Well I wanted to, start off my saying that we at Rivertown Insurance are terribly sorry for your experience.", "Thank you. I know it's not your fault and you're just I don't mean to be frustrated with you at all.", "Thanks, I appreciate that.", "Okay, what else did he say?", "I was able to we can offer you a little more than the rate you started with us. We can give you an a five percent discount monthly.", "I do appreciate you going out of your way to check for me. But I think I'll still cancel.", "I understand completely. Thanks for giving us a chance. Can I confirm the confirmation with your email address?", "Yes it's SaraSmith at hotmail, oh actually that's my personal email. Let's do Ssmithcustomerservice at gmail dot com.", "Okay and it's now cancelled.", "Great.", "Of course.", "Will I get a confirmation email?", "You will, It should be actually let me, okay it's now sent.", "Can you also send one to my house please?", "Absolutely, has the address on file changed at all?", "No.", "Okay well it looks like we're all done here.", "Yes, I think that's all.", "I'd like to extend our most sincere apologies once again. You have a nice day, Miss Smith.", "Thank you. You have a good one.", "Bye.", "Thanks, bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_545_000", "insurance_545_001", "insurance_545_002", "insurance_545_003", "insurance_545_004", "insurance_545_005", "insurance_545_006", "insurance_545_007", "insurance_545_008", "insurance_545_009", "insurance_545_010", "insurance_545_011", "insurance_545_012", "insurance_545_013", "insurance_545_014", "insurance_545_015", "insurance_545_016", "insurance_545_017", "insurance_545_018", "insurance_545_019", "insurance_545_020", "insurance_545_021", "insurance_545_022", "insurance_545_023", "insurance_545_024", "insurance_545_025", "insurance_545_026", "insurance_545_027", "insurance_545_028", "insurance_545_029", "insurance_545_030", "insurance_545_031", "insurance_545_032", "insurance_545_033", "insurance_545_034", "insurance_545_035", "insurance_545_036", "insurance_545_037", "insurance_545_038", "insurance_545_039", "insurance_545_040", "insurance_545_041", "insurance_545_042", "insurance_545_043", "insurance_545_044", "insurance_545_045", "insurance_545_046", "insurance_545_047", "insurance_545_048", "insurance_545_049", "insurance_545_050", "insurance_545_051", "insurance_545_052", "insurance_545_053", "insurance_545_054", "insurance_545_055", "insurance_545_056", "insurance_545_057", "insurance_545_058", "insurance_545_059", "insurance_545_060", "insurance_545_061", "insurance_545_062", "insurance_545_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Iron Mills insurance. How can I help you?", "#Um I am looking to cancel my policy with you.", "Ok may I ask who is calling?", "William Schmidt.", "William W-i-l-l-i-a-m Schmidt S-c-h-m-i-d-t?", "Yup", "William can I have you verify your date of birth?", "June twenty third ninteen fourty four.", "And your home address?", "One four three Millberry Road Anoka Minnesota five five three six nine.", "Thank you so much.", "Yup", "And William which plan are you looking to cancel?", "I am looking to cancel my auto insurance policy.", "Do you happen to have that policy number?", "six four two nine one seven three three.", "Thank you.", "Why are you looking to cancel your policy?", "I have found a cheaper plan.", "Ok and is there anything I can do to keep you on this insurance policy?", "Can you find me a cheaper plan?", "I am just paying way to much right now.", "Let me take a look.", "So currently you have a hundred thousand dollar liability policy and the deductible on that is five hundred dollars. This plan is costing you four hundred and thirty five dollars and twenty nine cents for six months.", "We have a few different options that we could offer to lower your rates. Would you like to talk about them?", "Sure.", "The first option would be to up your deductible to one thousand dollars. That would bring your policy down twenty dollars a month. Or we could install a device to track your driving habits for six months and that would lower your monthly rate as well.", "Absolutly not! I am not having you track my driving. That is how the government is tracking people. I can't believe you support them.", "Sir this is not submitted information only us as your insurance carrier look at this.", "I want to cancel my plan. I don't want to work with you. Can I just do this online?", "You can go to our website and cancel online.", "Is that hard?", "Not necessarily. When you go onto our website you sign into your account.", "I don't have an account.", "No problem. Then you would have to create an account on our website.", "I don't want to waste all that time.", "Then we can do this all over the phone it wont take to long.", "#Um alright.", "Ok I will get this processed for you.", "Fine.", "If you cancel your policy with us today you will be reimbursed for your six month pre payment of an amount of three hundred and twenty nine dollars. This will be reimbursed to your account through Wells Fargo.", "Ok.", "Just want to verify that account number is five five three six two nine one five six six one five two eight eight six.", "Correct.", "This policy will be cancelled as of today July thirteenth at eleven fifty nine pm.", "Ok.", "I am going to email you paperwork that explains everything we talked about today. Can you verify your email address for me?", "#Um yeah it is Will dot cat lover at yahoo dot com.", "Ok. I am about to email that off. Let me know when you get that.", "Ok.", "Got it.", "Is there anything I need to do with it?", "Currently no, but we would like that you read it over and if you have any questions please give us a call.", "Ok, so my policy is cancelled?", "Correct your policy is cancelled starting at eleven fifty nine tonight, so you do have it for the rest of today.", "Ok. When will I have my money back?", "This does take five to seven business days to show up in your account. If you don't receive it within that time frame please give us a call.", "What was your name, so I can ask for you?", "My name is John.", "Thank you for all your help John.", "You are Welcome William. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No there is not.", "Well thank you for calling Iron Mills insurance have a great rest of your day.", "You too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_546_000", "insurance_546_001", "insurance_546_002", "insurance_546_003", "insurance_546_004", "insurance_546_005", "insurance_546_006", "insurance_546_007", "insurance_546_008", "insurance_546_009", "insurance_546_010", "insurance_546_011", "insurance_546_012", "insurance_546_013", "insurance_546_014", "insurance_546_015", "insurance_546_016", "insurance_546_017", "insurance_546_018", "insurance_546_019", "insurance_546_020", "insurance_546_021", "insurance_546_022", "insurance_546_023", "insurance_546_024", "insurance_546_025", "insurance_546_026", "insurance_546_027", "insurance_546_028", "insurance_546_029", "insurance_546_030", "insurance_546_031", "insurance_546_032", "insurance_546_033", "insurance_546_034", "insurance_546_035", "insurance_546_036", "insurance_546_037", "insurance_546_038", "insurance_546_039", "insurance_546_040", "insurance_546_041", "insurance_546_042", "insurance_546_043", "insurance_546_044", "insurance_546_045", "insurance_546_046", "insurance_546_047", "insurance_546_048", "insurance_546_049", "insurance_546_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. My name is Suzanne, who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?", "Hi Suzanne. My name is Bill. How are you doing today?", "I'm wonderful thanks for asking. How are you?", "Doing alrightt over here. Just trying to take care of some stuff over here.", "Oh I hear you. After my shift I have a whole list of errands and things to do.", "Yes absolutely.", "Yes. Okay, so what can I do for you Bill?", "Yes alright, okay well, I need to update my payment preference.", "Okay that's something we can take care of.", "Great.", "I'll need to confirm some things from you first Bill, can I get your full name?", "William Jones.", "Okay, and what is your date of birth?", "August first, nineteen seventy-two.", "Thanks so much, Bill. One more thing. Can you tell me, can you please confirm a couple of security questions?", "Of course. These things always trip me up. .", "Okay, what is your mother's maiden name.", "Jones. Oh sorry, I missheard you. It's Smith.", "Okay great and one more. What was the name of your high school?", "Oh why did I choose this one? Okay, so I attended two different high schools so it'll either be Bell Flower High School or Riverside High School.", "Awesome, okay now that we're done with that I can take your new payment information.", "Okay it's a new card.", "Are we deleting the old payment method?", "Yes. Actually my card info was stolen so that's what resulted in me needing to get my payment information updated.", "Oh I'm so sorry to hear about that. Actually the same thing happened to me not too long ago.", "Yeahl it's a crazy world we're living in. I'm not even sure how it happened.", "For mine a few months ago, I randomly saw someone my bank called me and basically they flagged a five hundred dollar charge out of state. Someone got a fancy dinner on me that night.", "Oh no!", "Yeah it was awful. Such a headache. Looks like we're in the same boat. .", "I really don't understand how stuff like this happens. Such an such a nightmare to have to take care of.", "I hear you on that.", "Definitely.", "Okay, so can I get your new form of payment?", "Okay it's a Visa.", "Ready when you are.", "It's one three two one, four seven six two, three three three one, nine zero one two.", "Great, and what's the expiration on the card?", "January first.", "And the security code on the back of that card?", "One, one, one.", "Alrighty, so it looks like we have that all changed and taken care of now.", "Great thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, nope I think that's all thanks.", "Okay Bill well it was my pleasure working with you today. I hope you have a better day.", "Thanks Suzanne, you were so helpful.", "My pleasure. Would you mind taking a short survey emailed to you when our phone conversation is complete?", "Absolutely. I mean no, I don't mind.", "Wonderful, that'll be emailed to you shortly. Have a good day!", "Thanks you too, bye.", "Buh-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_547_000", "insurance_547_001", "insurance_547_002", "insurance_547_003", "insurance_547_004", "insurance_547_005", "insurance_547_006", "insurance_547_007", "insurance_547_008", "insurance_547_009", "insurance_547_010", "insurance_547_011", "insurance_547_012", "insurance_547_013", "insurance_547_014", "insurance_547_015", "insurance_547_016", "insurance_547_017", "insurance_547_018", "insurance_547_019", "insurance_547_020", "insurance_547_021", "insurance_547_022", "insurance_547_023", "insurance_547_024", "insurance_547_025", "insurance_547_026", "insurance_547_027", "insurance_547_028", "insurance_547_029", "insurance_547_030", "insurance_547_031", "insurance_547_032", "insurance_547_033", "insurance_547_034", "insurance_547_035", "insurance_547_036", "insurance_547_037", "insurance_547_038", "insurance_547_039", "insurance_547_040", "insurance_547_041", "insurance_547_042", "insurance_547_043", "insurance_547_044", "insurance_547_045", "insurance_547_046", "insurance_547_047", "insurance_547_048", "insurance_547_049", "insurance_547_050", "insurance_547_051", "insurance_547_052", "insurance_547_053", "insurance_547_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Bob with Rivertown Insurance. Before we get started, can I have your full name please?", "Ok, yeah sure. #Um It's Jane Taylor.", "Great thanks! What's your policy number?", "It's hang on, my phone screen just turned off. It's one two three two one four.", "Sorry was it one two three two one four? Or one three two two one four?", "One two, oh no hang on. Sorry. It's one two three two one four.", "Great, and what can I do for you today Jane?", "I'd like to try to Sorry, hang on. #Um I was trying to change my package, if that's possible?", "Absolutely, are you looking to upgrade today?", "Yes. Well I guess. I'm not quite sure.", "Upgrade the plan for higher coverage or upgrade to add another pet?", "I bring home my new puppy in a few weeks and just want to make sure he's on the plan to cover any future emergencies.", "Of course, give me just a minute while I find our multi pet policies. How adorable! What kind of dog?", "He's a German Shepherd! We are so excited. He's just the sweetest thing but I know we will have our hands full for sure.", "Oh really? My family used to have those. I mean breed them. My parents used to breed them. They were the sweetest dogs. You'll love him!", "My brother actually got one a few years ago and I love his dog so much I decided it was time to add one to my own little family here.", "Right, yeah I understand completely. Ok I'm seeing that your policy is actually outdated and we don't currently offer an upgrade on it so you'll have to switch policies completly. Is that ok?", "Oh no, seriously? I didn't want to have to change everything. Can you tell me what, how... When did this change?", "Well it looks like at the beginning of this year we changed the basic plan to include more things but for a different price anually?", "Yeah, I really just had the bare bones package in case there was ever an emergency. I'm not quite sure I even want it any more if it's that much of an that big of a price difference. Especially since now I or in a few weeks I'll have two dogs.", "Well it's really not that big of a price difference, only one hundred and fifty dollars a year more for one pet and two hundred dollars a year more for two.", "I guess that's not too bad.", "It's really not considering what we've upgraded. This new policy is so much more, so much more beneficial I think.", "Would you mind telling me what my old policy covered?", "Absolutely. Your old package let's see. Your old policy covered Looks like it only covered emergency surguries above three thousand dollars, and any medications related to non genetic diseases.", "Oh wow, I didn't know it was quite that unhelpful with everyday situations.", "Yeah we've made some big improvements.", "Right. Okay. Well ", "Would you like to know what our new--.", "Does either new plan cover puppy vaccinations or a neuter?", "Actually yes. Our premium plan does cover all puppy vaccinations, a spay or neuter, and a yearly vet visit.", "Wow I guess that's quite the jump up from my current or plan I used to have.", "It really is.", "Ok, yeah. Let's go ahead and upgrade it then.", "Alrighty, let me go ahead and get that started for you.", "Great thanks. #Uh So we are doing the more expensive policy right? That's the one that will cover both dogs and cover puppy shots and a neuter?", "Uh-huh, exactly. That's what you wanted right?", "Right, right yeah.", "Okay, I'll update that info right away. Give me one sec.", "Yep.", "Okay before I go ahead and upadate your account, can you please tell me, can you confirm a couple of security questions?", "[Laughter] Here is where it gets tricky!", "[Laughter] It sure is. What is the name of your first pet?", "Oh, Mittens!", "Okay Miss Taylor. It looks like we are all updated now.", "Great, when will I recieve the statement?", "It should take around like seven to ten business days.", "Do I need to do anything else?", "Oh yes, I almost forgot. You'll recieve your new insurance card in the mail at the same time as your statment.", "Will I be able to use it right away for a new puppy checkup?", "Absolutely. The initial checkup will count towards his once a year visit.", "Awesome, I guess that's everything then. Thanks for your help, Bob was it?", "Yes. If you feel that I did infact that I helped you in a satisfactory way, would you be able to rate my service in the email confirmation you'll recieve soon?", "Of course. Thanks so much Bob, you have a good one. It was nice talking to you.", "You too, have a nice day!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_548_000", "insurance_548_001", "insurance_548_002", "insurance_548_003", "insurance_548_004", "insurance_548_005", "insurance_548_006", "insurance_548_007", "insurance_548_008", "insurance_548_009", "insurance_548_010", "insurance_548_011", "insurance_548_012", "insurance_548_013", "insurance_548_014", "insurance_548_015", "insurance_548_016", "insurance_548_017", "insurance_548_018", "insurance_548_019", "insurance_548_020", "insurance_548_021", "insurance_548_022", "insurance_548_023", "insurance_548_024", "insurance_548_025", "insurance_548_026", "insurance_548_027", "insurance_548_028", "insurance_548_029", "insurance_548_030", "insurance_548_031", "insurance_548_032", "insurance_548_033", "insurance_548_034", "insurance_548_035", "insurance_548_036", "insurance_548_037", "insurance_548_038", "insurance_548_039", "insurance_548_040", "insurance_548_041", "insurance_548_042", "insurance_548_043", "insurance_548_044", "insurance_548_045", "insurance_548_046", "insurance_548_047", "insurance_548_048", "insurance_548_049", "insurance_548_050", "insurance_548_051", "insurance_548_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "This is Melissa. How can I help you?", "Hi, I need to get insurance.", "Okay I can help you with that. What type of insurance are you looking for?", "Oh yeah sorry. I need car insurance.", "Okay sure. Let me get my system up here what state and city do you live in?", "I live in Atlantic, Arizona.", "Okay good. Let's see Atlantic Arizona that's over by Siesta isn't it?", "Yeah it's about an hour away. You know Siesta?", "I have family out that way. I've never been to Atlantic, though.", "Cool. Small world.", "It sure is. Okay I have two agents that can help you in Atlantic. I have Jon Ham or Kevin Benning.", "Either one is fine, I don't really care who helps me you know, anybody I just want insurance. .", "Okay, yeah that's fine, here Ill give your information to both and whoever calls you first, okay?", "Yeah, sure.", "Allright, now let me get some information from you. Can I have your first and last name?", "Lonnie Shoemaker, spelled like shoe, but said like show.", "Oh, so it's s.h.o.e.m.a.k.e.r.", "Correct.", "Thanks, mister Shoemaker. May I have your email address and phone number?", "it's my email is londog at email dot com. Spelled l.o.n.g.d.o.g.", "#Uh-huh, and you said at email dot com?", "Yes. My phone number is one three five four two one six seven three three.", "Got it. Just a minute my computer is being slow.", "Okay. Oh, how long should it take to hear back from somebody?", "#Um, typically they will get to you by lunch, but definitely by the end of the day.", "Great.", "Let me ask, how do you prefer to be contacted? Email or phone?", "#Um, email in case I can't answer wait, maybe phone.", "So phone?", "Well, yeah phone. I have to take my wife to see her sister this afternoon so I didn't know if I would be able to answer. Talk talk talk.", "I understand.", "But I'll just have to be certain to hear the phone ring.", "Yes sir. Now just a few more questions so they can better help you. What type of car insurance are you looking for?", "Jeez, I think basic you know well ", "Well we do offer basic auto and then we also offer preferred and complete packages.", "I haven't bought insurance in a long time. I don't know the difference.", "#mhm No problem. The agent will help you to understand the differences when he calls, so I'll leave that part blank.", "Well, okay I guess.", "Okay, now let me verify the information you've given me, this computer today is being so slow!", "Take your time.", "Thanks, sorry now you said your number is one three five four two six seven three three.", "Wait, you missed a number. It's one three five four two one six seven three three.", "Oh, sorry. Yes, I had it right but said it wrong. Your email is londog at email dot com.", "Right.", "Great. And you prefer to be contacted through phonecall, right?", "Got it. As long as I hear it ring over all the chatter. .", "I'll make a note that if you don't answer to email you, allright?", "Sure. Cover all the bases, right?", "#mhm That's right! Okay, I have you all set. You will get called today. Can I help you with anything else?", "No, I think you've done everything I need for now. Thanks.", "Definitely. Call back if you need anything else, and thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a great day!", "Thank you. Have a great day. Bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_549_000", "insurance_549_001", "insurance_549_002", "insurance_549_003", "insurance_549_004", "insurance_549_005", "insurance_549_006", "insurance_549_007", "insurance_549_008", "insurance_549_009", "insurance_549_010", "insurance_549_011", "insurance_549_012", "insurance_549_013", "insurance_549_014", "insurance_549_015", "insurance_549_016", "insurance_549_017", "insurance_549_018", "insurance_549_019", "insurance_549_020", "insurance_549_021", "insurance_549_022", "insurance_549_023", "insurance_549_024", "insurance_549_025", "insurance_549_026", "insurance_549_027", "insurance_549_028", "insurance_549_029", "insurance_549_030", "insurance_549_031", "insurance_549_032", "insurance_549_033", "insurance_549_034", "insurance_549_035", "insurance_549_036", "insurance_549_037", "insurance_549_038", "insurance_549_039", "insurance_549_040", "insurance_549_041", "insurance_549_042", "insurance_549_043", "insurance_549_044", "insurance_549_045", "insurance_549_046", "insurance_549_047", "insurance_549_048", "insurance_549_049", "insurance_549_050", "insurance_549_051", "insurance_549_052", "insurance_549_053", "insurance_549_054", "insurance_549_055", "insurance_549_056", "insurance_549_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Tina, how may I help you today?", "I can't get into my account I know I kept putting in the right password but now it says I'm locked out.", "I'm sorry this happened sir. I can help you reset your password.", "This is ridiculous. I know I had the right one.", "I'm sorry. May I have your name and date of birth?", "#Uh Sam Green, three thirteen seventy eight.", "Thank you, mister Green. Do you know your customer number?", "#Uh, no I I don't know what it is.", "That's no problem, we can do this another way. just a minute.", "#Uh okay.", "Let me just okay mister Green. Can you tell me your Social Security Number?", "Yeah, five six one three three seven two nine five.", "Okay, thanks, and now may I have your contact number?", "#Uh-huh, nine five four three six three nine three one two.", "Thank you mister Green. Last question, what is your mother's maiden name?", "It's Hammond.", "Great. Thank you very much, now let's get started here.", "#Uh-huh.", "Okay, I I unlocked your account, now I'll help you reset your password.", "Okay.", "There are two emails associated with this account. Which one do you want me to send the reset link to?", "Oh, send it to my email it's one three green at email dot com.", "Yes sir. one three green at email dot com. I am sending the reset link to your email right now.", "So that's it?", "Yes. You can click the link provided to reset your password.", "#Uh #whew I am so glad I don't have to do this over the phone.", "Yes sir, some believe it is more secure that way. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Tell you what can you stay on the phone while I do this?", "Oh sure, mister Green.", "In case it gives me a hard time.", "#Mhm I understand. Did you receive the email?", "Yeah. I clicked the link it's loading.", "Good. Let me know how I can help.", "#Uh-huh. You doing okay?", "#Huh? Sorry, yes, I'm having a good day.", "That's good. I was.", "I was going to ask otherwise ", "Yeah, it's still a good day.", "#Mhm. yeah.", "So, this is pretty easy, just follow the directions?", "Yes sir. It should be straightforward.", "Oh, just type the old password. I yeah, I knew I had the right one.", "Oh no.", "#Uh, okay so I I think I've got it.", "You got it?", "#Um, yeah.", "Good.", "#Um so I yeah, I have a new password.", "Good, mister Green. It should direct you to log in again.", "Let's see yes.", "It worked?", "Yeah. So yeah, I got into my account.", "Well great. Do you need help with anything else, mister Green?", "#Uh, I think I can handle it from here.", "Allright. Thanks so much for calling today.", "Yeah, thank you. Have a good day.", "You too, mister Green. Bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_550_000", "insurance_550_001", "insurance_550_002", "insurance_550_003", "insurance_550_004", "insurance_550_005", "insurance_550_006", "insurance_550_007", "insurance_550_008", "insurance_550_009", "insurance_550_010", "insurance_550_011", "insurance_550_012", "insurance_550_013", "insurance_550_014", "insurance_550_015", "insurance_550_016", "insurance_550_017", "insurance_550_018", "insurance_550_019", "insurance_550_020", "insurance_550_021", "insurance_550_022", "insurance_550_023", "insurance_550_024", "insurance_550_025", "insurance_550_026", "insurance_550_027", "insurance_550_028", "insurance_550_029", "insurance_550_030", "insurance_550_031", "insurance_550_032", "insurance_550_033", "insurance_550_034", "insurance_550_035", "insurance_550_036", "insurance_550_037", "insurance_550_038", "insurance_550_039", "insurance_550_040", "insurance_550_041", "insurance_550_042", "insurance_550_043", "insurance_550_044", "insurance_550_045", "insurance_550_046", "insurance_550_047", "insurance_550_048", "insurance_550_049", "insurance_550_050", "insurance_550_051", "insurance_550_052", "insurance_550_053", "insurance_550_054", "insurance_550_055", "insurance_550_056", "insurance_550_057", "insurance_550_058", "insurance_550_059", "insurance_550_060", "insurance_550_061", "insurance_550_062", "insurance_550_063", "insurance_550_064", "insurance_550_065", "insurance_550_066", "insurance_550_067", "insurance_550_068", "insurance_550_069", "insurance_550_070", "insurance_550_071", "insurance_550_072", "insurance_550_073", "insurance_550_074", "insurance_550_075", "insurance_550_076", "insurance_550_077", "insurance_550_078", "insurance_550_079", "insurance_550_080" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, this is Greg. May I help you?", "Hi, I we just had a baby and I want to add her to our policy, can I do that or do I have to wait until she's older?", "Oh, congratulations! #Um I believe we should be able to add her to your policy.", "Great.", "Let me get everything pulled up you want life insurance ", "Yeah.", "Yes, I was opening to the right program. Do you know your account number?", "I do, I just have to get my invoice.", "No problem, sir, take your time.", "Okay my account number is three five two seven nine six three four.", "Thank you. Okay, yes mister Chives.", "That's me.", "Okay, thanks. Is this your first child?", "Yeah. First one.", "Tons of fun, get ready. Can you verify your full name and date of birth?", "Sure. Donald Edward Chives, birthday January seven, nineteen eighty seven.", "Thank you sir. Okay let's see what we can do here. We'll be adding a dependent.", "Yes.", "#Um, okay mister Chives when was your baby born?", "Last month. April tenth.", "Wow, she's still brand new, #huh?", "Yeah, she came late, though. Four days past her due date. .", "Why wouldn't she? It's warm inside. .", "Right?", "Alright, mister Chives. I need your daughter's first and last name, please.", "Okay, Jacklyn Chives.", "Is that spelled j.a.c.k.l.y.n?", "Correct.", "Great. Do you know her weight?", "Yeah, hang on.", "Sure.", "Babe, she weighs nine pounds, right? Yeah. She's nine pounds.", "Nine even?", "Yeah.", "Wow, she's a big girl. What was her birth weight?", "Oh, she was eight pounds ten ounces.", "Wow. Your wife must be glad that's over.", "You're not kidding. She was big as a I called her the Giant Pumpkin.", "Oh my, just don't say it now, you'll be in trouble.", "Don't I know it. .", "Alright, mister Chives. Now does Jacklyn have any health issues that you know of?", "No, she came out healthy as a horse.", "Good. I've got her added let me see here.", "Alright.", "So Miss Jacklyn is on your policy, do you have a specific type of insurance you want for her?", "I don't know exactly ", "No problem, let me tell you about the different coverages and then you can decide which would be best.", "Okay, sure.", "Let's see, so just like for adults, we have Term Life which is for ten years, and runs about three hundred yearly.", "What do I do then?", "You could get another term policy, or you could upgrade to another, your choice. But the premuim will be slightly higher at that next policy term because your daughter is a bit older.", "I see.", "#Um next is Whole Life, here you have permanent insurance with level, consistent premium and death benefits. It runs, eighteen hundred annually.", "Eighteen, wow, that's definitely more.", "Yes, but for permanent coverage. She gets to keep the coverage as an adult as long as premiums are paid.", "Oh, okay.", "Okay, the last plan we offer is Universal Life, it blends the permanent coverage with the ability for flexible payments and benefits. It costs twelve hundred a year.", "Wow, Would we pay just like we are now?", "You will be getting your bill in a few weeks. I will add this to your payment plan, and it will just cost a little more monthly.", "Okay, so okay so give her the permanent life.", "Whole Life?", "Yeah.", "Do you want the same coverage as you, or you can do twenty thousand. That would be about half of what yours is.", "#Um, yeah, I think that's good. Do that.", "Okay, got it. Like I said, you will begin to see the increase on next month's bill.", "Okay.", "Now, do you know that we have a website where you can access your policies twenty four seven?", "#Um no, what is it?", "Okay, our website is Rivertown insurance dot com and from there you will see the login information. Just follow the prompts and you can access your account.", "Okay, thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today, mister Chives?", "#Um, well so now my baby is on my policy with full coverage.", "Yes sir.", "She's covered I think that's all I need. Oh, how long until I get proof of her coverage?", "Oh, sorry, you will be getting a copy of this policy in the mail for you to keep with your records. #Um you can also see a copy and print it out on our website.", "Oh, okay.", "Can I help with anything else?", "No, I think I'm done. Thanks for your help.", "No problem, mister Chives. Thanks for using Rivertown Insurance. Have a great day, and enjoy that bundle of joy.", "Yes, you too, and I will. Bye now.", "Bye, mister Chives." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_551_000", "insurance_551_001", "insurance_551_002", "insurance_551_003", "insurance_551_004", "insurance_551_005", "insurance_551_006", "insurance_551_007", "insurance_551_008", "insurance_551_009", "insurance_551_010", "insurance_551_011", "insurance_551_012", "insurance_551_013", "insurance_551_014", "insurance_551_015", "insurance_551_016", "insurance_551_017", "insurance_551_018", "insurance_551_019", "insurance_551_020", "insurance_551_021", "insurance_551_022", "insurance_551_023", "insurance_551_024", "insurance_551_025", "insurance_551_026", "insurance_551_027", "insurance_551_028", "insurance_551_029", "insurance_551_030", "insurance_551_031", "insurance_551_032", "insurance_551_033", "insurance_551_034", "insurance_551_035", "insurance_551_036", "insurance_551_037", "insurance_551_038", "insurance_551_039", "insurance_551_040", "insurance_551_041", "insurance_551_042", "insurance_551_043", "insurance_551_044", "insurance_551_045", "insurance_551_046", "insurance_551_047", "insurance_551_048", "insurance_551_049", "insurance_551_050", "insurance_551_051", "insurance_551_052", "insurance_551_053", "insurance_551_054", "insurance_551_055", "insurance_551_056", "insurance_551_057", "insurance_551_058", "insurance_551_059", "insurance_551_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "This is Jackie, how can I help you?", "Hello, my name is Kerry Silver. I need some help. You see I can't remember if I made a payment or what my balance is we have been so busy this month and.", "#mhm.", "I just can't seem to find my any receipts or anything these days.", "I see, it's no problem miss Silver.", "My dog got hurt and then my sister brought my nephew over sick, which got everyone in the house sick and.", "Oh my.", "That was bad enough but then we had a wedding to prepare for while all the kids were sick and anyway #whew.", "Oh dear, well let's see what we can do here let me see Silver how do you spell your first name?", "With a k. It's k.e.r.r.y.", "Allright. Yes I see. Can you verify your date of birth and social security number?", "I was born June tenth ninety one and my social is nine seven six two three zero three seven four.", "Okay, got it. Now to answer your security question, who is your favorite person?", "Oh my favorite person is Johnny Ching. He was so good in that movie with the dog.", "He is pretty great! Now I'm waiting on your account to load ", "Okay.", "Yes, here we go. Your current balance okay, so yeah there is an unpaid balance on your automobile.", "I knew it. How about the rental?", "The renters insurance is up to date for the moment. It looks like it was prepaid through the first of next month.", "Good. Maybe I'll remember I do have auto coverage still though?", "Oh yes. There is a grace period of thirty days and you are coming in just shy of that.", "#Whew! Good.", "So we can get that paid today and keep you going, okay?", "Okay.", "Now, you have a card on file from a previous payment let's see here card ending in three five seven two.", "Oh hang on I forgot I have to get my wallet.", "Oh, sure take your time.", "I don't have my cards memorized and I don't think my brain can you know.", "Yes I do.", "Okay, what card did you say?", "#Uh, it was card ending in three five seven two.", "Yep, that's the one.", "Okay. Please verify the expiration date and the security code.", "#Uh, expiration is ten twenty four and security code is five eight five.", "Allright, do you want to pay just the past due amount, or would you like to pay the total amount which includes this month's payment?", "I guess, well how much you know what, let's just pay the total amount so I don't have to worry anymore for a while.", "Okay, sure. So the total amount that you will pay today will be one hundred fifty seven dollars and forty five cents.", "Oh, I better write this down. #Um will you email me a receipt?", "Oh, sure. I can give you your confirmation number right now as well.", "Yeah, that will be good, go ahead, I have a pen now.", "Okay, your confirmation number is eight seven nine.", "- huh.", "two six three.", "-huh.", "seven two four one.", "Four one. Got it.", "Okay now the email I have here on file is mssilvershine at email dot com.", "Yes, that is the one.", "Allright. So your payment confirmation is being sent right now. You should receive it soon.", "Okay.", "Oh if you want I can I can go ahead and set up recurring payments for you.", "Recurring ", "I mean, only if you want to.", "#Um you know let's not right now. I prefer making the payments myself.", "No problem, I understand. Let me double check your account now, make sure you're all set.", "Thanks.", "#Um yeah, looks like everything is good. Is there anything else I can do for you today miss Silver?", "Well, no I think I'm good.", "Allright. Thanks for using Rivertown Insurance. I hope your family feels better soon.", "Oh yes thank you. Goodbye now.", "Have a good day miss Silver bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance", "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_552_000", "insurance_552_001", "insurance_552_002", "insurance_552_003", "insurance_552_004", "insurance_552_005", "insurance_552_006", "insurance_552_007", "insurance_552_008", "insurance_552_009", "insurance_552_010", "insurance_552_011", "insurance_552_012", "insurance_552_013", "insurance_552_014", "insurance_552_015", "insurance_552_016", "insurance_552_017", "insurance_552_018", "insurance_552_019", "insurance_552_020", "insurance_552_021", "insurance_552_022", "insurance_552_023", "insurance_552_024", "insurance_552_025", "insurance_552_026", "insurance_552_027", "insurance_552_028", "insurance_552_029", "insurance_552_030", "insurance_552_031", "insurance_552_032", "insurance_552_033", "insurance_552_034", "insurance_552_035", "insurance_552_036", "insurance_552_037", "insurance_552_038", "insurance_552_039", "insurance_552_040", "insurance_552_041", "insurance_552_042", "insurance_552_043", "insurance_552_044", "insurance_552_045", "insurance_552_046", "insurance_552_047", "insurance_552_048", "insurance_552_049", "insurance_552_050", "insurance_552_051", "insurance_552_052", "insurance_552_053", "insurance_552_054", "insurance_552_055", "insurance_552_056", "insurance_552_057", "insurance_552_058", "insurance_552_059", "insurance_552_060", "insurance_552_061", "insurance_552_062", "insurance_552_063", "insurance_552_064", "insurance_552_065", "insurance_552_066", "insurance_552_067", "insurance_552_068", "insurance_552_069", "insurance_552_070", "insurance_552_071", "insurance_552_072", "insurance_552_073", "insurance_552_074", "insurance_552_075", "insurance_552_076", "insurance_552_077", "insurance_552_078", "insurance_552_079", "insurance_552_080" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Anna. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to report an accident.", "Oh my, I'm sorry. First, is everybody okay?", "#Uh yeah, we werent in the car when it got hit.", "That's fortunate. Allright let's get your report started. May I have your name, sir?", "My name is Hank Dichoffer. I'll go ahead and spell it d.i.c.h.o.f.f.e.r.", "Thanks mister Dichoffer. Do you know your policy or customer number?", "#Um, let me look on this bill. Which number is it?", "You should see it in the upper right corner, inside the blue box.", "#Uh-huh, there it is. Okay, you ready?", "Go ahead.", "Okay, one six eight five seven two four three nine nine.", "Thank you mister Dichoffer. Can you verify your date of birth?", "Yeah, January third sixty four.", "Thanks. I'm so sorry you were in an accident, I'm pulling up our accident report page right now.", "Okay.", "mister Dichoffer, which vehicle on the policy was involved in the accident?", "Man, it was my sixty three cherry red Viking Chariot.", "Oh no, I know you're upset. Allright where did this happen?", "#Uh, we were at seventy two Bookingham Lane in Pottsberg, Florida.", "#Um okay now what time did the accident happen?", "#Um at ten forty.", "A.m. correct?", "Oh, yes, sorry, a.m.", "No worries. Can you explain to me what happened?", "#Uh, well, we were at a yard sale. Some guy tried to squeeze in where his truck doesn't belong and took off my whole front fender, he busted my light, my window too.", "Oh no. Where were you parked, in a parking space or driveway, or.", "We were parked on the side of the street. They didn't have room for much parking.", "Okay. Were the police called to the incident?", "You'd better believe it. All that damage yeah I called them for sure.", "Okay, good. I want to make a point of that for your report. Now, let me ask, were you able to get the name and insurance information of the other driver?", "Yeah, His name, hang on.", "Take your time.", "His name is Bradley Diem.", "Excuse me, would you spell his last name?", "Yeah, d.i.e.m.", "Thanks, and did you get his license number?", "Yeah, driver's license, it's d. three five six four nine seven.", "Thanks mister Dichoffer. What insurance company does he have, and can you give me the policy number?", "He uses Capetown Insurance. His number is three seven two one eight oh nine two.", "Allright. Now just a moment I am waiting on my computer. I'm going to have you give me a description on the damages to your vehicle.", "Okay.", "Here we are. You said now, well go ahead and describe the damages to your car.", "Yeah, he took of my front fender.", "Which side?", "Oh, the driver's side.", "Okay, sorry. Continue, please.", "Yeah, so he tore off the driver's side front fender, he busted the headlight, and on the driver's side now.", "Right.", "And the driver's side window also got busted, I don't even know how that happened.", "Wow, it's a good thing you weren't in there.", "I know because I'd be covered in glass right now, man. Even the cop was surprised.", "Oh boy, I can imagine. Okay, mister Dichoffer, I've got your report done here. If you have a pen handy I can gove you your confirmation number.", "#Um sure, yeah.", "Allright, your conformation number is three seven two four four one eight.", "#Um three seven two four four one eight.", "Right. If you have any questions regarding this report you'll use that number. You can call or use our website.", "Okay, sonow what?", "Well, if you want, mister Dichoffer, I can help you file a claim using all the information you just provided here on the report. #Um or you can file yourself online if you want.", "Yeah, I do want to file a claim no reason why we can't do it now. But his company has to pay, right? Like, my premium shouldn't go up or.", "The police report will help determine who is at fault, and since you were able to get his insurance information we should be able to file a claim. I can say that our company doesn't raise rates for not at fault accidents.", "Good. You have everything already, right?", "#Um yes, I think I do, let me just start entering all your information ", "Well, I'm just glad it wasn't worse. At least I can drive it again soon.", "Yes sir. I'm still entering the details you provided to me, I am almost done.", "What happens next?", "Well, the claims adjuster will come look at your car. #Um after they do their report you should hear from the department about getting your car fixed. You can check the status of your claim on our website, you just follow the prompts and enter your claim number.", "Okay, how long will all this take?", "The whole process can take ten business days. #Um now you said the damage was to your fender, window and light on the driver's side?", "The whole fender is off, not damaged. But, yeah.", "Allright, mister Dichoffer. I have filed your claim, the the claim number if you're ready.", "I'm ready.", "Okay, it's seven four one three nine nine two eight three three.", "Three three, so from now I just wait to hear from the adjuster?", "Yes sir, they will call you to set up a time to look at your car.", "#Uh, well I guess I just have to wait then.", "Yes sir. Can I help you with anything else?", "#Uh, no I guess not, I do thank you for helping me out.", "Oh, certainly. I am sorry about your car. Try to have a good day, mister Dichoffer.", "Thanks, and you too. Bye.", "Bye Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportAutomobileAccident" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_553_000", "insurance_553_001", "insurance_553_002", "insurance_553_003", "insurance_553_004", "insurance_553_005", "insurance_553_006", "insurance_553_007", "insurance_553_008", "insurance_553_009", "insurance_553_010", "insurance_553_011", "insurance_553_012", "insurance_553_013", "insurance_553_014", "insurance_553_015", "insurance_553_016", "insurance_553_017", "insurance_553_018", "insurance_553_019", "insurance_553_020", "insurance_553_021", "insurance_553_022", "insurance_553_023", "insurance_553_024", "insurance_553_025", "insurance_553_026", "insurance_553_027", "insurance_553_028", "insurance_553_029", "insurance_553_030", "insurance_553_031", "insurance_553_032", "insurance_553_033", "insurance_553_034", "insurance_553_035", "insurance_553_036", "insurance_553_037", "insurance_553_038", "insurance_553_039", "insurance_553_040", "insurance_553_041", "insurance_553_042", "insurance_553_043", "insurance_553_044", "insurance_553_045", "insurance_553_046", "insurance_553_047", "insurance_553_048", "insurance_553_049", "insurance_553_050", "insurance_553_051", "insurance_553_052", "insurance_553_053", "insurance_553_054", "insurance_553_055", "insurance_553_056", "insurance_553_057", "insurance_553_058", "insurance_553_059", "insurance_553_060", "insurance_553_061", "insurance_553_062", "insurance_553_063", "insurance_553_064", "insurance_553_065", "insurance_553_066", "insurance_553_067", "insurance_553_068", "insurance_553_069", "insurance_553_070", "insurance_553_071", "insurance_553_072", "insurance_553_073", "insurance_553_074", "insurance_553_075", "insurance_553_076", "insurance_553_077", "insurance_553_078", "insurance_553_079", "insurance_553_080", "insurance_553_081", "insurance_553_082", "insurance_553_083", "insurance_553_084", "insurance_553_085", "insurance_553_086" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance, this is Jenny, how may I help you?", "Hello Jenny, I'd like to get some insurance for a condo we just bought or we're buying now I was told we had to get insurance but I really don't know what type.", "Okay, sure, I can help you figure out what you need. Have you ever had insurance with us before?", "No, we just moved here from Indiana. The people we are buying the condo from actually got their insurance through you so we figured we'd keep you. .", "Oh, great! Thanks. Okay since you haven't had insurance before I'll have to set up an account for you.", "Okay sure.", "Let me get everything set up I'll need your name and address to begin with.", "Sure. My name is Millie Sift. Address.", "Hang on, sorry, did you say sift spelled as s.i.f.t?", "Yes s.i.f.t.", "Okay, so sorry, please continue.", "Okay my address is hang on I have to get the envelope okay three two six Holland White Court, Pine Cove, Alabama, seven five four two six.", "Thanks. Now to verify, it's three two six Holland White Court, Pine Cove, Alabama, seven five four two six?", "Yes.", "I remember that place, actually. Congratulations. You are getting a very nice place. Right by the beach.", "Thanks. We are so excited to live the salt life finally! No more snowbirding.", "Yes! Okay, now I need your phone number.", "It's seven five three two three four fifty forty.", "Fifty forty. Great. Now what is your date of birth and social security number?", "Wait, my social? Why do you need that?", "It's for the application, we need to verify your identity. Your information will be completely safe.", "Allright. Okay my birthday is June forth, nineteen forty nine. My social is four three two four six nine eight three five.", "Thanks. You said your birthdate is June forth, nineteen forty nine and your social security number is four three oh two four six nine eight three five? I think I got that wrong.", "Yes you did it is four three two four six nine eight three five.", "Okay, so sorry. I've got it now. I'm hearing things today, I guess! .", "No problem.", "I'm going to set up a security question to keep your account safe.", "Okay.", "Do you want to use what is your first pet's name?", "yeah that will do. His name was Punky.", "Punky. So cute. Okay. Now what is your email address?", "first on race day all one word at email dot com.", "Got it. firstonraceday at email dot com Your account is all set up. You will receive an email shortly, and then you can access your account online through the link provided.", "uh-huh Allright.", "Now we will talk insurance. Do you know what level of insurance you want?", "No, I want good coverage, you know storm, fire, all that but I don't want to pay a ton of money.", "mhm, I got you. We have two main plans, the basic which is everything you need to get a loan from a bank, fire, storm damage, electrical and flood for around five hundred yearly.", "Oh, that's not a bad price. What if we wanted to be able to rent while we went on vacation ourselves, is that included?", "No, not in the basic package, but that is included in our preferred package.", "Oh.", "It also includes extra insurance for your condo's appliances, the AC, or if the septic gets messed up, and extra coverage on your roof and windows.", "Oh, that sounds like it costs so much more.", "Actually it's our greatest deal at about six hundred every year. We even offer to install a video doorbell if you pay the whole year upfront.", "Yes, okay. What is the total upfront cost if I payed today?", "Lets see. Give me a sec. Now if you if you go with the basic today's price is five hundred eighty nine dollars. The preferred let's see, the preferred total price will be six seventy nine.", "Total price, no other fees, nothing?", "No other costs. And we will install a video doorbell as a thank you.", "yay Renter's insurance is included with the premium package?", "Preferred package, yes. So you don't have to worry about the place ever again, because it is covered! What do you think?", "I think I understand why the Kerns recommended your agency! Allright, let's get preferred today. Preferred, right?", "Preferred covers the basics plus extras. Is that what you want?", "Yes, I think it is. How can I purchase today, do I need to come to your office?", "No, well you can if you wanted to, but we can use your card over the phone, or you can use the link in your email I sent you.", "Well, let's just do this, then we can finish closing on the condo and move in.", "Okay, oh, I know you're excited. Hang on let me get to the last page. Now I will be sending a copy of the policy in your email, you will have to sign it electronically and send it back.", "Oh, okay, I'll do that. I assume instructions will be in the email?", "Yes, it's very simple. Now, I'll need your credit card number.", "Oh, hang on let me go get it.", "Take your time.", "Okay ready?", "Yes go ahead.", "Okay. Four five six two three four nine six seven seven one five three four nine eight.", "Okay let me read that back. You said four five six two three four nine six seven seven one five three four nine eight?", "Yes.", "Now the expiration date please.", "oh four twenty nine.", "And the security code on the back?", "It's seven one five.", "Got it. one second. Okay now to verify we will be charging the full year's premium amount for the preferred package of six hundred and seventy nine dollars.", "Whew, that's a lot. Yes.", "Do you consent to this charge?", "Yes.", "I'm charging six hundred seventy nine dollars to your card with the last four digits of five three four nine eight, expiration oh four twenty nine, security code seven one five.", "yes, right.", "Okay, your payment has been processed and you will receive an email confirmation shortly. Your coverage will begin today, and you will see proof of this in your email.", "Okay. I can also check this on the website, right?", "Yes, in the email I am sending will be the link to your policy.", "Wow, so now I'm insured? I can finish buying my condo?", "Yes. You're now fully insured through Rivertown Insurance! Can I help you with anything else today?", "No, but if I have any problems or questions I can call you?", "Yes, definitely. You have my number and email from the one I sent you, and there is a toll free number on our website.", "Well. Okay. I guess I'm good? Wait what about the doorbell?", "Yes, sorry. You will receive an email about that as well. The contractor will contact you. It should be installed within seven business days.", "Okay. Well, thanks for your help.", "Oh, thank you for your business! If you have any other needs, please call us back! I hope you have a great day, and welcome to the neighborhood!", "Thank you, bye bye.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_554_000", "insurance_554_001", "insurance_554_002", "insurance_554_003", "insurance_554_004", "insurance_554_005", "insurance_554_006", "insurance_554_007", "insurance_554_008", "insurance_554_009", "insurance_554_010", "insurance_554_011", "insurance_554_012", "insurance_554_013", "insurance_554_014", "insurance_554_015", "insurance_554_016", "insurance_554_017", "insurance_554_018", "insurance_554_019", "insurance_554_020", "insurance_554_021", "insurance_554_022", "insurance_554_023", "insurance_554_024", "insurance_554_025", "insurance_554_026", "insurance_554_027", "insurance_554_028", "insurance_554_029", "insurance_554_030", "insurance_554_031", "insurance_554_032", "insurance_554_033", "insurance_554_034", "insurance_554_035", "insurance_554_036", "insurance_554_037", "insurance_554_038", "insurance_554_039", "insurance_554_040", "insurance_554_041", "insurance_554_042", "insurance_554_043", "insurance_554_044", "insurance_554_045", "insurance_554_046", "insurance_554_047", "insurance_554_048", "insurance_554_049", "insurance_554_050", "insurance_554_051", "insurance_554_052", "insurance_554_053", "insurance_554_054", "insurance_554_055", "insurance_554_056", "insurance_554_057", "insurance_554_058", "insurance_554_059", "insurance_554_060", "insurance_554_061", "insurance_554_062", "insurance_554_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance, Charlie speaking. How can I help you?", "Hi, Charlie, I'm calling because I I'm trying to renew my registration and they say I need paperwork from my insurance company before I can renew.", "Oh, you need proof if insurance?", "yeah.", "Sure, I can help with that. What is your name sir?", "Jim Pines.", "Thanks mister Pines. Do you know your customer number with us?", "I don't have it here with me.", "Not a problem we can still get your proof of insurance. What is your phone number?", "Nine four one three seven five ninety ninety.", "You said that last four is nine oh nine oh?", "yeah.", "Good now can you tell me the last four of your social security number?", "my social it's four three five six.", "Okay. Last question what high school did you attend?", "Oh yeah Barnes Township High.", "Got it, thanks. Let me get you pulled up here just a second.", "Yep.", "Allright I have your policy pulled up. Now I can either mail proof to you, or send it in an email.", "Well, which what is the difference?", "Well if you choose to have me mail your proof of insurance to you it could take up to two business days to get to you.", "#mhm.", "If I email it to you, you can see your proof immediately.", "That way how would I give it to the lady at the DMV? And you said the other way it takes two days. I got to get this today. Man, I can't wait two days and I got no printer.", "Oh, don't worry about that sir, if you need to get to the DMV today, I suggest email.", "Email? How will that help me? I can't just show my phone to the lady can I?", "I hear you mister Pines. You can forward the email I will send you directly to the office. They can print it out for their records. I have actually done that myself.", "Oh really well yeah then do it that way.", "Okay mister Pines. I see is your email still pinelog at email dot com?", "No, I have a new one. It's.", "Oh Let me update this then. Tell me what email you want to use.", "Okay it's tallpinesone two at email dot com.", "Allright then let me spell that back to you to make sure I have it right, tallpinesone two spelled t.a.l.l.p.i.n.e.s. twelve at email dot com?", "Yep.", "Great. I will send that email right now.", "Oh, thank you.", "Sure thing. Do you want to go ahead and make sure you received it while I'm on the phone with you?", "Sure hang on let me get to the computer ", "Yeah, I'll wait take your time.", "I'm just waiting for my email to load up. Funny how when you need it to hurry it won't.", "Oh trust me, I know what you mean.", "It makes me nervous like I'm being put on the spot come on now.", "It happens to us all. Are you having a good day otherwise?", "Yeah, today's a good day. Any day up above is a good day.", "Yes it sure is.", "It is loaded I think. There's a picture, is that what I click?", "Yes sir. Open that up and verify that it is your proof of insurance.", "Yeah. Yes, it's all here.", "Good now what you'll do is get the email for the office at your local DMV.", "Where do I get that?", "You'll call your local office and ask for the email. Then you just tap forward on the email you just opened.", "#mhm.", "And type the email for your local office. They will print it out and then you should be good to go.", "Whew. This is all so much. My wife usually does all this.", "No worries.", "Okay so I'll call them and send this to them.", "Right. Do you need help with anything else today mister Pines?", "No, unless you want to renew my registration for me. .", "Sorry, wish I could.", "Well no, I think I have what I need.", "Okay mister Pines. Well if you need anything else feel free to call back, okay?", "Thank you, have a good day.", "You too, bye bye mister Pines.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_555_000", "insurance_555_001", "insurance_555_002", "insurance_555_003", "insurance_555_004", "insurance_555_005", "insurance_555_006", "insurance_555_007", "insurance_555_008", "insurance_555_009", "insurance_555_010", "insurance_555_011", "insurance_555_012", "insurance_555_013", "insurance_555_014", "insurance_555_015", "insurance_555_016", "insurance_555_017", "insurance_555_018", "insurance_555_019", "insurance_555_020", "insurance_555_021", "insurance_555_022", "insurance_555_023", "insurance_555_024", "insurance_555_025", "insurance_555_026", "insurance_555_027", "insurance_555_028", "insurance_555_029", "insurance_555_030", "insurance_555_031", "insurance_555_032", "insurance_555_033", "insurance_555_034", "insurance_555_035", "insurance_555_036", "insurance_555_037", "insurance_555_038", "insurance_555_039", "insurance_555_040", "insurance_555_041", "insurance_555_042", "insurance_555_043", "insurance_555_044", "insurance_555_045", "insurance_555_046", "insurance_555_047", "insurance_555_048", "insurance_555_049", "insurance_555_050", "insurance_555_051", "insurance_555_052", "insurance_555_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you?", "Hi, yes. I was hoping you could tell me what my balance is.", "I would be happy to assist you with that. Can you please provide me with your first and last name.", "It's Joshua Wainscot.", "Could you spell that for me?", "Yeah, that J. O. S. H. U. A.", "Okay J. O. S. H. U. A. and your last name?", "W. A. I. N. S. C O. T.", "Okay so that's W. A. I. N. S. C. O. P.?", "No, W. A. I. N. S. C. O. T like in Tom.", "Oh, I'm sorry about that. W. A. I. N. S. C. O. T.", "Yup!", "Okay, Great! Can I have your date of birth?", "It's five twenty-four seventy-nine.", "Thanks, so thats May twenty fourth nineteen seventy-nine.", "Uh huh.", "Thank you.", "Sure thing.", "And for verification purposes can you please confirm the address we have on file for you.", "Um. It's fifty three ninety southeast mango way Ocala Florida.", "and the zip?", "three three four seven eight.", "Okay! Got it! Thank you for that info.", "mhm.", "As of today you have a balance of two hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-six cents. One hun.", "Wait, is that one month? I thought my payments were less than that.", "No, one hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirteen cents is currently past due.", "Oh uh. Hold on, I could of swore I made the payment last month.", "The last payment we received on this account was April one five.", "hm. Okay I am checking my records hold on a sec.", "Yes, of course no problem.", "Thank you.", "mhm.", "Okay, yeah, I am not seeing a payment made. I don't know how I missed that.", "It's okay, we just need to bring the account up to date if possible.", "Alright. Alright.", "Would you like to make that payment today?", "eh yeah. Yeah we can do that.", "Okay so right now we have the balance at two hundred and sixy-five dollars and twenty-six cents.", "Ok.", "The past due amount is the one hundred thirty-three dollars and thirteen cents.", "Right.", "Did you want to pay your entire balance or just the past due amount today?", "When is the next one due?", "That will be due on July twenty eighth.", "Umm. Let's just go ahead and pay the entire amount.", "Sounds good. You can make a payment by check or credit card through our automative system.", "Alright, I'll pay by check.", "Alright Sir I will transfer you over to the automative system whenever you are ready. You will just need the routing number and bank account number.", "Wait one sec, yup yup I have that right here.", "Okay after you enter the information in you will receive a confirmation number for your records. I`ll transfer you over now.", "Thank you.", "It was my pleasure to assist you. Thank you for choosing Rivertown insurance. I hope you have a wonderful day.", "Yeah, thanks you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_556_000", "insurance_556_001", "insurance_556_002", "insurance_556_003", "insurance_556_004", "insurance_556_005", "insurance_556_006", "insurance_556_007", "insurance_556_008", "insurance_556_009", "insurance_556_010", "insurance_556_011", "insurance_556_012", "insurance_556_013", "insurance_556_014", "insurance_556_015", "insurance_556_016", "insurance_556_017", "insurance_556_018", "insurance_556_019", "insurance_556_020", "insurance_556_021", "insurance_556_022", "insurance_556_023", "insurance_556_024", "insurance_556_025", "insurance_556_026", "insurance_556_027", "insurance_556_028", "insurance_556_029", "insurance_556_030", "insurance_556_031", "insurance_556_032", "insurance_556_033", "insurance_556_034", "insurance_556_035", "insurance_556_036", "insurance_556_037", "insurance_556_038", "insurance_556_039", "insurance_556_040", "insurance_556_041", "insurance_556_042", "insurance_556_043", "insurance_556_044", "insurance_556_045", "insurance_556_046", "insurance_556_047", "insurance_556_048", "insurance_556_049", "insurance_556_050", "insurance_556_051", "insurance_556_052", "insurance_556_053", "insurance_556_054", "insurance_556_055", "insurance_556_056", "insurance_556_057", "insurance_556_058", "insurance_556_059", "insurance_556_060", "insurance_556_061", "insurance_556_062", "insurance_556_063", "insurance_556_064", "insurance_556_065", "insurance_556_066", "insurance_556_067", "insurance_556_068", "insurance_556_069", "insurance_556_070", "insurance_556_071", "insurance_556_072", "insurance_556_073", "insurance_556_074", "insurance_556_075", "insurance_556_076", "insurance_556_077", "insurance_556_078", "insurance_556_079", "insurance_556_080", "insurance_556_081", "insurance_556_082", "insurance_556_083", "insurance_556_084", "insurance_556_085", "insurance_556_086", "insurance_556_087", "insurance_556_088", "insurance_556_089", "insurance_556_090", "insurance_556_091", "insurance_556_092" ], "speaker_role": [ "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "yeah I want the automatic payments to stop coming out of my bank! Can you do that for me?", "I would be happy to help you with that. I need to verify some information to access your account, okay?", "That's fine!", "May I have your first and last name and last four digits of your social security number?", "It is Melanie North and last four of social is two two one four.", "And what is your birthdate misses North?", "It's not misses North it's just miss North.", "Oh okay I do apologize for that.", "June ten nineteen sixty-five. That's my birthday.", "That's six ten nineteen sixty-nine, correct?", "No that is not right. It is nineteen sixty-five.", "Nineteen sixty-five.", "Yes.", "Okay and is nine one nine two two three four six five six still a good phone number for you?", "Do you really need all of this just to stop something I never asked for?", "I do want to make sure I am accessing the correct account in order to resolve your issue today miss North. I just need to verify your phone number and then we can get to canceling your automatic payments, okay?", "I mean I guess I don't really have a choice do I? That is my home number.", "Thank you very much for that information. I do see here automatic billing was applied when your policy was reinstated in March.", "Yeah and I don't want that so take it off.", "I can do that for you miss North. Do you want me to add another payment method to your account?", "No no no! I will mail you a check when I'm due. I don't want people to steal my credit cards and then I'm broke.", "I understand you feel that way miss North but I can assure you your payment information is safe with us and we will never charge your card without your permission.", "Gee whiz didn't you listen to me? I told you I didn't sign up for it. You just took my money and I'm not giving you any of my credit cards?", "I understand you feel that way and mailing a check for payment is a great way to make payments too!", "Yeah well you still get your money, right?", "Yes ma'am you are correct!", "I know you didn't take money from my bank personally so I am sorry for being short with you ", "I understand your frustration and I am glad I have been able to help you today.", "Well we'll see if you take money from me again on the sixteenth. Your not going to just take my money out of the bank anymore, right?", "That is correct. You don't have to worry about that anymore miss North.", "Yay!", "I took the automatic billing off your account and I have it set up to mail you a bill each month fourteen days before it is due so you'll have the time you need to mail us a check, okay?", "That sounds good to me! You been very nice today?", "Thank you so much for that!", "Oh wait a minute! Did you say you was gonna mail something?", "Yes. We will mail you a bill with a pre-paid envelope to mail your check when it is due.", "mhm that might be a little problem. My grandkids don't like to bring me my mail sometimes and well I think they just throw it away or something.", "Do you have a friend or neighbor that can bring you your mail?", "Lady I don't want people in my business like that. I have a box at the post office but when I got coverage you said I could not use it.", "I am sorry that whoever you spoke with at that time did not explain to you that we do need a home address for the policy but, we can have a PO box for your mailing address.", "Oh so now you can have it? Okay they should have told me that then so I could give it to you.", "Yes they should have explained why we need a home address and that a PO box is okay for mailing. I do apologize for that Miss North.", "You want that address don't you ?", "Yes I am ready for it.", "Okay. It is Melanie North one five six nine Polar Avenue box five two three Coshocton. I'll spell that for you ready?", "Yes. Go ahead with the spelling please.", "It's C O S H O C T O N and that is in Ohio.", "And what is the zipcode miss North?", "Oh yeah I always forget that let me look, okay?", "Sure take your time!", "Okay I got it! It is four three three two one. Oh no that's not right. That's my son's . Mine is four three three two two.", "I wanna read that back to you to be sure I have it correct okay?", "That's fine go ahead.", "Okay I have five six nine Polar Avenue box five two three. I hope I pronounce this right!", "It's okay noone does.", "Coshocton spelled C O S H O C T O N Ohio four three three two two. Is that correct?", "Yep you got it! My bills will go there?", "Yes. You will get your bill sometime around the first or second of each month at the post office box you gave me.", "That will be nice. How come I haven't gotten bills from you guys before?", "It looks like you were signed up for email communication at the time of your reinstatement in March.", "No. I have never gotten a bill from you guys. Even before March I didn't. I don't even have email. How could I get mail in there?", "I can look into that for you miss North.", "Just don't worry about it. I will get them now though.", "Yes, you will get them every month going forward.", "Good. Good. Well not good I will get a bill .", "I understand what your saying. Noone wants to get bills!", "Cause then we have to pay them!", "Yeah that's never fun!", "We work, pay bills, grow old, and then forget who we are! What a life huh?", "Oh I am sure you will never forget who you are miss North?", "Aren't you so sweet? Thank you for helping me today. I was mad at first but you helped brighten my day! God bless you!", "Oh thank you so much miss North. I just want to go over what we did today okay?", "Sure.", "Okay, I canceled your automatic payments and did not add a payment method to your account.", "That's right!", "I also changed your mailing address to a PO box so that you can start receiving your bills in the mail.", "Yep, that is how I want them. Did you say I would get a pre-paid envelope to send my check back to you?", "Absolutely! It will come with your bill so that it does not cost you to mail your check into us for payment. Just a little gift from us.", "You wanna give me a gift give me a free month or some money. Can you do that ?", "Oh I wish I could miss North.", "I know you can't.", "So is there anything else that I can help you with today miss North?", "mhm I don't think so. As long as you don't take my money anymore.", "That has been canceled and deleted from your account.", "Good.", "Yes miss North. I want to thank you for calling today and being patient with me while I resolved your issues.", "Oh your welcome. Thank you for fixing my account.", "I am always here to help you miss North. If you ever need anything else don't hesitate to call, okay?", "Okay. Will I be able to talk to you ?", "As much as I enjoyed speaking with you today, I don't have any control over what calls I take.", "Yeah I know! Well you have a blessed day kiddo!", "You too and be safe!", "You too! Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_557_000", "insurance_557_001", "insurance_557_002", "insurance_557_003", "insurance_557_004", "insurance_557_005", "insurance_557_006", "insurance_557_007", "insurance_557_008", "insurance_557_009", "insurance_557_010", "insurance_557_011", "insurance_557_012", "insurance_557_013", "insurance_557_014", "insurance_557_015", "insurance_557_016", "insurance_557_017", "insurance_557_018", "insurance_557_019", "insurance_557_020", "insurance_557_021", "insurance_557_022", "insurance_557_023", "insurance_557_024", "insurance_557_025", "insurance_557_026", "insurance_557_027", "insurance_557_028", "insurance_557_029", "insurance_557_030", "insurance_557_031", "insurance_557_032", "insurance_557_033", "insurance_557_034", "insurance_557_035", "insurance_557_036", "insurance_557_037", "insurance_557_038", "insurance_557_039", "insurance_557_040", "insurance_557_041", "insurance_557_042", "insurance_557_043", "insurance_557_044", "insurance_557_045", "insurance_557_046", "insurance_557_047", "insurance_557_048", "insurance_557_049", "insurance_557_050", "insurance_557_051", "insurance_557_052", "insurance_557_053", "insurance_557_054", "insurance_557_055", "insurance_557_056", "insurance_557_057", "insurance_557_058", "insurance_557_059", "insurance_557_060", "insurance_557_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance Agency. This is Bill how can I help you?", "Hi my name is Carlos and I am looking to reset my password.", "Perfect I can help you with that.", "Carlos what is your last name?", "Hernandez.", "H-e-r-n-a-n-d-e-z?", "Yes.", "Carlos I do need you to verify a few things can you verify your date of birth?", "June second ninteen seventy.", "And your home address?", "Nine one six Bell Lane Clear Water Florida three three seven five five.", "And your social security number please.", "Four three two nine five seven one six three.", "Thank you very much.", "It looks like you were locked out of your account?", "Yes. How can I do this without having to call in?", "Going forward there is a link you can click that will send you the reset password link.", "So I did that and I never got the email.", "Lets verify your email address. Is it muchpeaceonetwothree at gmail dot com?", "No that is an old email. I have actually udated it.", "Oh ok. That might be the problem. What is your new email?", "#Um peace and love nine one nine at gmail dot com.", "Ok I did get that updated on our end. You will get a notification on me changing that.", "Thank you.", "While I have you on the phone though I will get your password reset.", "Great.", "What would you like your new password to be?", "Can we do capital W-e-l-c-o-m-e-one-two-three?", "It does have to have at least twelve letters.", "#Um ok how about capital W-o-w-c-o-o-l-p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d-one-two-three.", "Perfect. I also want to set up some security questions, so it will be easier to change this going forward.", "Ok sounds good.", "What is your mother's maiden name?", "Kemp.", "K-e-m-p?", "Correct.", "Ok what is the high school you attended?", "Clear Water High School.", "Ok. One last one here.", "What is your first born child's middle name?", "May.", "Just like the month.", "Ok so M-a-y?", "Yes, correct.", "Ok, so you should get another email that your password has been reset and your security questions have been updated.", "Thank you.", "No problem. Going forward if you do change your email address or anything like that please give us a call to update your information on our end.", "Ok I will do that.", "Great. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Actually yeah. Can you transfer me to billing?", "Sure. Are you looking to pay your current balance?", "#Uh yes please.", "Ok I can do that. Before I send you over can you give me your policy number?", "Sure it is one six nine three eight seven two one.", "Thank you. I will stay on the line until I get you transferred. Please give me a moment.", "Ok.", "Thank you for holding are you still there?", "Yes.", "Perfect I have Ashley on the line for billing and she can help you with that. Is there anything else I can help you with on my end?", "No thank you.", "Great thank you for calling in please let us know if you have any questions.", "Thank you." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_558_000", "insurance_558_001", "insurance_558_002", "insurance_558_003", "insurance_558_004", "insurance_558_005", "insurance_558_006", "insurance_558_007", "insurance_558_008", "insurance_558_009", "insurance_558_010", "insurance_558_011", "insurance_558_012", "insurance_558_013", "insurance_558_014", "insurance_558_015", "insurance_558_016", "insurance_558_017", "insurance_558_018", "insurance_558_019", "insurance_558_020", "insurance_558_021", "insurance_558_022", "insurance_558_023", "insurance_558_024", "insurance_558_025", "insurance_558_026", "insurance_558_027", "insurance_558_028", "insurance_558_029", "insurance_558_030", "insurance_558_031", "insurance_558_032", "insurance_558_033", "insurance_558_034", "insurance_558_035", "insurance_558_036", "insurance_558_037", "insurance_558_038", "insurance_558_039", "insurance_558_040", "insurance_558_041", "insurance_558_042", "insurance_558_043", "insurance_558_044", "insurance_558_045", "insurance_558_046", "insurance_558_047" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "It's a great day at Rivertown Insurance Brokerage. Lydia speaking. How may I help you today?", "Good morning Lydia. How ya doin' today?", "I'm doing good! Thanks for asking. Could I ask, who am I speaking with today, please?", "Absolutely! Go ahead, ask! I'm just kidding, Lydia. My name is John.", "Aw, you got me, John! I guess I'll have to rephrase that question in the future! .", "So Lydia, I have a question for ya.", "Well, I'll try and have the answer for you, John! First though, could I get your first and last name and a good.", "Sure! #Uh, my name is John Alexander and my cell number is six five one three two two nine nine one four.", "Great! Thank you for that. Now, what would you like help with today?", "Well I'm I'm so happy! I just finally paid my car off today! No more note! It's all mine. So since ", "Sure! I can help you with that, John. So, you're wanting to drop the full coverage policy for something.", "That that's exactly right, Lydia.", "Okay. I'll need to verify your identity and pull up your account here, John. What is your customer number.", "My my customer number? Is that the long number with dashes or the shorter one?", "The shorter, eight digit number just under your name. The longer number would be your policy number.", "Okay, then. It's seventeen ninety-three twenty-three thirty-seven. My my birthday it's July eleventh.", "Awesome, John. Thank you for that information.", "You're welcome, Lydia.", "Okay. Just to confirm, you said your current policy number is ninety-one thirty-three eighty-seven forty-one.", "Yes.", "Okay, great! That was a lot of numbers in a row there! I wanted to make sure I had them right.", "I completely understand.", "All right, John. Let me tell you about our other two auto insurance plans.", "Okay.", "The first is our Preferred Auto plan, which is fifteen-hundred dollars every six months. This is a savings of.", "Okay. now the f-first plan you said has full car replacement but only if they steal your car, huh?", "Yes sir. It will not cover anything other than the theft of your vehicle and does require a police report to be.", "All righty, Lydia. I'm thinking I like that one there. The Preferred Auto one. That way I won't be totally without.", "They generally give the police about two weeks to a month to find the car. However, until either the claim.", "Okay. Sounds good.", "Wonderful. Now, just to confirm. You want to change your current auto insurance plan with the policy.", "That is correct, Lydia.", "All right, John. That's super! Here are some need-to-know details for you that will be updated on your next.", "Sounds good, Lydia.", "Okay then, John. Is there anything anything else I can do for you today?", "You say the payment due date won't won't change, huh?", "No sir! That just makes it easier for you and for our billing department as well.", "Right. Right.", "Any other questions for me, John?", "No ma'am. I don't think so.", "All right then. I will make sure this gets processed before end of day today, and you should receive a letter.", "Sounds good.", "One last thing, John. Just to confirm, I have your mailing address as six thirty-one North Orchard Street.", "Yes ma'am. That is correct.", "Wonderful, John. Thank you for being a part of the Rivertown Insurance family. You have a great rest of your.", "Well, thank you so much, Lydia. It's been a pleasure.", "You are very welcome, John. Bye-bye, now.", "Good-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_559_000", "insurance_559_001", "insurance_559_002", "insurance_559_003", "insurance_559_004", "insurance_559_005", "insurance_559_006", "insurance_559_007", "insurance_559_008", "insurance_559_009", "insurance_559_010", "insurance_559_011", "insurance_559_012", "insurance_559_013", "insurance_559_014", "insurance_559_015", "insurance_559_016", "insurance_559_017", "insurance_559_018", "insurance_559_019", "insurance_559_020", "insurance_559_021", "insurance_559_022", "insurance_559_023", "insurance_559_024", "insurance_559_025", "insurance_559_026", "insurance_559_027", "insurance_559_028", "insurance_559_029", "insurance_559_030", "insurance_559_031", "insurance_559_032", "insurance_559_033", "insurance_559_034", "insurance_559_035", "insurance_559_036", "insurance_559_037", "insurance_559_038", "insurance_559_039", "insurance_559_040", "insurance_559_041", "insurance_559_042", "insurance_559_043", "insurance_559_044", "insurance_559_045", "insurance_559_046", "insurance_559_047" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Rivertown Insurance Agency. This is Ophelia. How may I assist you?", "Good morning, Ophelia. How are things?", "Things are great here at Rivertown, mister ?", "Oh yeah my name is Robert Richardson.", "Well, nice to meet you, mister Richardson. How is your day going?", "#Uh, good. Good. Thanks.", "Wonderful! So, what can I do for you today?", "Oh, oh yeah. I need to to to sw- transfer my to change my address. You see, we just moved.", "Okay great, Mr.Richardson. I will assist you with that, but first we need to verify your identity. To do this I'll.", "No problem. My name is Robert Richardson. My address is twelve thirty-two South First Street Omaha.", "Thank you for that information. Now, is that your new address or the old one?", "That's the new address we moved to in Omaha.", "All right. Could you please give me your old address and your customer number, just verify I have the correct.", "yeah. The the old address was thirteen four eight five Sycamore Avenue Lincoln, Nebraska six eight.", "Okay. No, wait are you are you sure your customer number is twenty-six twelve twenty-two.", "#Uh, let me check here. #Uh no, it's not. My apologies. The correct number is twenty-six twelve twenty-two.", "Yes sir. That matches our records. Thank you. Okay, now I just need the date that you moved, please?", "Of course. We moved in on July first twenty twenty-one.", "Wonderful! Just give me a second to input all your information.", "Sure. #Uh, no problem. I do have one other question for you, though.", "Absolutely! What else did you need mister Richardson?", "#Uh, I was just wondering if the move and new address is going to change my monthly rate any?", "Hold on one second and I will look into that for you.", "Okay. No, wait are you are you sure your customer number is twenty-six twelve twenty-two.", "No. No, it should not change your rate at all, sir. You are still in the same county so your monthly rate will not.", "Oh, no. Nope, it's just me. I live alone.", "Okay. Well, then unless something else changes your rate should remain at seventy-six dollars monthly.", "Okay. That's great. Thank you for that info Ophelia.", "You are more than welcome, mister Richardson. Did you have any other questions for me?", "#Um, no. None that I can think of at the moment.", "Okay then, let me summarize our conversation today. You have updated your address to twelve thirty-two.", "Yes, Ophelia, I accept the changes you have just stated.", "Wonderful! Those changes should be evident on your next bill.", "Great. Thank you!", "You're welcome, mister Richardson. Is there anything at all else I can do for you today?", "No, Ophelia, I think that's it.", "So, that then concludes our business for today, sir?", "Yes ma'am. It does.", "Super! Well mister Richardson, thank you so much for calling today and for being part of the Rivertown family!", "Thank you for your excellent customer care and assistance, Ophelia.", "It was my pleasure to serve you today, sir.", "Likewise.", "You have a great rest of your day, sir.", "You too!", "Will do!", "Have a good day.", "Goodbye, sir.", "Goodbye, Ophelia." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_560_000", "insurance_560_001", "insurance_560_002", "insurance_560_003", "insurance_560_004", "insurance_560_005", "insurance_560_006", "insurance_560_007", "insurance_560_008", "insurance_560_009", "insurance_560_010", "insurance_560_011", "insurance_560_012", "insurance_560_013", "insurance_560_014", "insurance_560_015", "insurance_560_016", "insurance_560_017", "insurance_560_018", "insurance_560_019", "insurance_560_020", "insurance_560_021", "insurance_560_022", "insurance_560_023", "insurance_560_024", "insurance_560_025", "insurance_560_026", "insurance_560_027", "insurance_560_028", "insurance_560_029", "insurance_560_030", "insurance_560_031", "insurance_560_032", "insurance_560_033", "insurance_560_034", "insurance_560_035", "insurance_560_036", "insurance_560_037", "insurance_560_038", "insurance_560_039", "insurance_560_040", "insurance_560_041", "insurance_560_042", "insurance_560_043", "insurance_560_044", "insurance_560_045", "insurance_560_046", "insurance_560_047", "insurance_560_048", "insurance_560_049", "insurance_560_050", "insurance_560_051", "insurance_560_052", "insurance_560_053", "insurance_560_054", "insurance_560_055", "insurance_560_056", "insurance_560_057", "insurance_560_058", "insurance_560_059", "insurance_560_060", "insurance_560_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello. Rivertown Insurance. Jenny speaking. How may I help you?", "Hi, Jenny. How are you today?", "I'm doing great! How are you doing today, Miss ?", "Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Abigail Stevenson and I'm good.", "Super, Miss Stevenson! And, is it Miss or Misses Stevenson?", "#Uh yeah, it's it's misses. Has been misses for forty years now!", "Oh my, now that's that's quite a wonderful accomplishment, mhm!", "Yes, yes it is! Thank you!", "Well, missus Stevenson, what can I assist you with today?", "Oh yes, okay. #Uh well you see, my grandson Jeremiah has moved into our house because well yes.", "Oh I see, missus Stevenson. So, you are wanting to go ahead and add to add Jeremiah onto your.", "Mhm, Jenny. Yes, that is correct.", "Okay, great! I can most assuredly get that taken care of for you. First off, could I get a good contact phone.", "Yes ma'am. My home telephone number is five seven three eight nine two three four one three, mhm.", "Awesome! Thank you so much for that, missus Stevenson. Now, the next thing we will do is to verify your.", "Mhm, Jenny. All right.", "Wonderful! So, missus Stevenson, to do that, the first pieces of information I'm going to need is your full.", "Mhm, of course. My name is Abigail Victoria Stevenson and my my date of birth is oh my, is ", "All right. Thank you. And just to verify, your home phone number is five seven three eight nine two.", "Mhm, it is.", "Good. Okay. Now, that I have verified your identity let's go ahead and get your account pullked on up.", "Yes.", "Okay then, I'll need your social security number and the answer to your security question. Do you have.", "Oh no, no, no. I'm I'm sorry but we do not ever give out our social security numbers, no!", "Yes ma'am, of course we can still get him added. Please, don't worry, missus Stevenson. It's no problem at.", "Oh, thank goodness, Jenny. Thank you so much. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be any trouble.", "It's no trouble at all, ma'am. We will just go another route. Do you by chance know your customer.", "Oh yes, mhm! I have it right in the other room with my bills, you know. Would you mind waiting one.", "Sure. Sounds good, missus Stevenson. I'll be right here on the line when you get back. Go ahead.", "Okay, Jenny. I'm back.", "Super! You can go ahead with your customer number. I'm ready.", "Mhm. It's six five two nine three one one five.", "All right! I have your account pulled up right here on my computer screen.", "Mhm? Oh, what a relief!", "Okay, and if you look on that same bill you just read your customer number from, could you please.", "Mhm. It's nine nine three six one six seven one five dash one.", "Wonderful! Okay, could you also verify your address so I add Jeremiah to the correct address?", "Mhm. Our address is one five three five seven East Seventh Street Bridgeport Connecticut zero six six zero.", "Very good then. I do apologize for all the questions.We just like to make sure we add him to the correct.", "Mhm. That's all right dear. I understand.", "And, you said that Jeremiah is your grandson, correct?", "Mhm. Correct.", "Super! Now, I'll need his full name and date of birth.", "Mhm. His name is Jeremiah Louis Stevenson and his birthday is January second nineteen ninety-six.", "Great! I've got all that information added into your account. Now, does Jeremiah have any health issues.", "Oh no! He's healthy as an ox, that one! Handsome too! I don't suppose your single, Jenny, hm?", "Unfortunately, I am not single. I'm spoken for. .", "Aww, too bad!", "Yes, it is! Okay, now down to the fun stuff. The cost of adding Jeremiah to your policy, since you.", "Mhm. Oh yes! That's a lot less than we expected!", "Great! I'm glad. Being such a long-standing customer definitely has it's benefits, huh?", "Mhm. Yes it does!", "Okay. So, would you like to pay for that now with a debit card or would you like to mail it in? Either is fine.", "Mhm. Well, I think I would like to just go on and mail it in as usual. Keep in routine, you know. Mhm.", "Sounds good, missus Stevenson. Is there anything at all else I can help you with today, ma'am?", "No, Jenny. That is all the business for today, mhm. You've been such a wonderful helper. Thank you!", "Not at all, missus Stevenson. Thank you and your beautiful family for being such dedicated customers! We.", "Well, thank you so much, Jenny!", "You are more than welcome, missus Stevenson. You have a wonderful rest of your day and tell the family.", "Mhm. Well, I most certainly will! You do the same now, sweetie!", "Will do! Goodbye, now.", "Goodbye, Jenny." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_561_000", "insurance_561_001", "insurance_561_002", "insurance_561_003", "insurance_561_004", "insurance_561_005", "insurance_561_006", "insurance_561_007", "insurance_561_008", "insurance_561_009", "insurance_561_010", "insurance_561_011", "insurance_561_012", "insurance_561_013", "insurance_561_014", "insurance_561_015", "insurance_561_016", "insurance_561_017", "insurance_561_018", "insurance_561_019", "insurance_561_020", "insurance_561_021", "insurance_561_022", "insurance_561_023", "insurance_561_024", "insurance_561_025", "insurance_561_026", "insurance_561_027", "insurance_561_028", "insurance_561_029", "insurance_561_030", "insurance_561_031", "insurance_561_032", "insurance_561_033", "insurance_561_034", "insurance_561_035", "insurance_561_036", "insurance_561_037", "insurance_561_038", "insurance_561_039", "insurance_561_040", "insurance_561_041", "insurance_561_042", "insurance_561_043", "insurance_561_044", "insurance_561_045", "insurance_561_046", "insurance_561_047", "insurance_561_048", "insurance_561_049", "insurance_561_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Rivertown Insurance. This is Denise. How may I serve you today?", "Yeah hi, Denise. How's your morning going?", "My morning has been great so far. Busy but great! Thank you so much for asking. How are you.", "Oh, can't complain. .", "Right! Who might I be speaking with today?", "Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Tom Stinson.", "Great to make your acquaintance, mister Stinson.", "Likewise.", "Could I please get a good contact phone number for you just in case we get disconnected?", "Sure. My mobile number is six one six four five nine seven zero one three.", "Thank you so much for that. Now, what is it I can do for you today?", "Well, I I called your office a couple days ago to inquire as to whether or not you have or I mean if.", "Oh all right. That would have been Misty, our office assistant. Did she give you any more info on what we.", "No ma'am. She did not. Just gave me your name and number.", "Okay. Well, first things first. Could I please get your full name and home address for your file, please?", "Absolutely! My name is Tom Eugene Stinson and my address is sixteen three five one Roanoke Road.", "Wonderful! Thank you for that, mister Stinson. Okay, I've got that all entered into your new account file. That.", "Sure. No problem. My date of birth is November sixteenth nineteen sixty-seven and my social is five eight.", "Okay. Got it. The last piece of information I'll need to register your account is for you to pick a security.", "Sounds good.", "Okay. Security question number one. What is your mother's maiden name?", "I'll go with that one. It's easy to remember.", "Super! You can give me her maiden name now.", "It's Mills.", "Great! Okay. I've input all the data we need. If you'll give me just a moment, I'll get the account registered.", "Sounds good, Denise. I'll be right here.", "Okay. Hold for one moment, please.", "Sure.", "Okay, mister Stinson, your account is all set up. If you have a a pen and paper handy I'll go ahead and.", "Ready.", "Your customer number is seven one seven nine three two six two.", "Got it.", "Okay. Now, to get to what you called for finally! Let's start with what type of auto insurance are.", "Just the basic basic liability insurance required by law.", "Okay. What is the year, make and model of the vehicle?", "It's a two-thousand sixteen Nissan Versa. Red with black interior.", "Okay. The computer is showing me that our basic state required liability insurance policy is one thousand dollars a year.", "Do I have to pay for a whole year at onec or can I do payments every six months?", "Sure. It costs a little more than the yearly rate simply because their breaking it down for you. So, there is a.", "If I go ahead and you know pay online can I still get my proof of insurance, I mean will I have.", "Yes! Absolutely, you would be covered the second you make the payment. And just as soon as that.", "Oh, that's awesome. Okay. I think that's what I'll do then. Please, send me the link to the website.", "I'm sending it as we speak. Sent. You should be receiving the text any moment.", "Yep! Got it.", "Great! So, you'll just need your personal email address and your customer number to login to your.", "Great! I think I got it.", "Wonderful, mister Stinson! We are so glad here at Rivertown Insurance to have you as a part of the family!", "Well, thank you Denise. You've been so awesome! Thanks for getting me taken care of. I appreciate it!", "And we appreciate your business! Is there anything else at all I can do for you today?", "No ma'am. I think that'll be it. You have a great day. Bye=bye, now.", "Goodbye, mister Stinson and good day to you as well! Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_562_000", "insurance_562_001", "insurance_562_002", "insurance_562_003", "insurance_562_004", "insurance_562_005", "insurance_562_006", "insurance_562_007", "insurance_562_008", "insurance_562_009", "insurance_562_010", "insurance_562_011", "insurance_562_012", "insurance_562_013", "insurance_562_014", "insurance_562_015", "insurance_562_016", "insurance_562_017", "insurance_562_018", "insurance_562_019", "insurance_562_020", "insurance_562_021", "insurance_562_022", "insurance_562_023", "insurance_562_024", "insurance_562_025", "insurance_562_026", "insurance_562_027", "insurance_562_028", "insurance_562_029", "insurance_562_030", "insurance_562_031", "insurance_562_032", "insurance_562_033", "insurance_562_034", "insurance_562_035", "insurance_562_036", "insurance_562_037", "insurance_562_038", "insurance_562_039", "insurance_562_040", "insurance_562_041", "insurance_562_042", "insurance_562_043", "insurance_562_044", "insurance_562_045", "insurance_562_046", "insurance_562_047", "insurance_562_048", "insurance_562_049", "insurance_562_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Matt. How may I help you?", "Yes Matt, I'd like to remove my son from my policy.", "Okay. May I have your policy number.", "It's four seven oh seven nine six five.", "Okay four seven oh seven nine six five. And who am I speaking with?", "Alec Sands.", "Okay mister Sands for security purposes can you verify your address and phone number?", "Uh yeah, it's seven three seven two one Maple Avenue, Fate Texas, seven two three two four one.", "And your phone number?", "Oh, it's seven seven seven ninety three eleven.", "Okay great. Thank you for verifying that information.", "Yeah, you're welcome.", "Okay so on your policy we have Adrian, John and Max. Which son do you want to remove?", "My son Max. He just got a job that offers insurance so he won't be needing mine.", "Okay give me a moment please.", "Okay.", "Okay I just removed Max from your policy.", "Thank you.", "mister Sands since you now only have two dependents on your policy would you like to hear about our premium plan? It may save you some money.", "Um, sure what's all in it?", "Well it shows here that your other sons Adrian and John are both under the age of ten so they qualify for additional coverage under the premium plan.", "Okay what exactly?", "They will have access to our new counseling program for pre-teens and free quarterly dental checkups instead of yearly checkups.", "Hmm.. How much more is this plan?", "The plan is an additional fifty dollars to the current plan.", "What about for me and my wife? Does it offer any addtional services?", "Unfortunately no. It only offers those amenities that I mentioned.", "Well that really doesn't seem worth it to me.", "Well mister Sands we do have another plan that would benefit your entire family for an additonal seventy five dollars and it would include the son that you just removed.", "But why would I keep him on my policy?", "Well sir, sometimes it's good to have a backup insurance plan to cover anything that your son Max's new plan doesn't.", "Ohh okay I see. That sounds like it might be good.", "Yes sir it would be very helpful for you and your family.", "Does it offer any other services?", "Yes, it includes glasses, free dental checkups and free emergency room visits as well as covering one hundred percent of prescription costs for your entire family.", "Hmm.", "So would you like to sign up for the Premium Gold plan then?", "Yeah, I would.", "Okay sir, give me a few moments to update your account.", "Okay.", "Okay mister Sands your next statement will reflect the new billing amount of one hundred and seventy five dollars to keep your son Max on the new Premium Gold plan.", "Okay.", "Do you have any questions or concerns?", "Not now but I'll probably have some when I hang up hee hee.", "I understand. That happens a lot.", "Oh, when will the new policy take effect? With all the new benefits I mean.", "Your new policy will take effect midnight tonight but you won't be billed the new amount until next month.", "Oh okay.", "Well it was a pleasure assisting you today mister Sands. Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance and have a great day.", "You too. Goodbye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_563_000", "insurance_563_001", "insurance_563_002", "insurance_563_003", "insurance_563_004", "insurance_563_005", "insurance_563_006", "insurance_563_007", "insurance_563_008", "insurance_563_009", "insurance_563_010", "insurance_563_011", "insurance_563_012", "insurance_563_013", "insurance_563_014", "insurance_563_015", "insurance_563_016", "insurance_563_017", "insurance_563_018", "insurance_563_019", "insurance_563_020", "insurance_563_021", "insurance_563_022", "insurance_563_023", "insurance_563_024", "insurance_563_025", "insurance_563_026", "insurance_563_027", "insurance_563_028", "insurance_563_029", "insurance_563_030", "insurance_563_031", "insurance_563_032", "insurance_563_033", "insurance_563_034", "insurance_563_035", "insurance_563_036", "insurance_563_037", "insurance_563_038", "insurance_563_039", "insurance_563_040", "insurance_563_041", "insurance_563_042", "insurance_563_043", "insurance_563_044", "insurance_563_045", "insurance_563_046", "insurance_563_047", "insurance_563_048", "insurance_563_049", "insurance_563_050", "insurance_563_051", "insurance_563_052", "insurance_563_053", "insurance_563_054", "insurance_563_055", "insurance_563_056", "insurance_563_057", "insurance_563_058", "insurance_563_059", "insurance_563_060", "insurance_563_061", "insurance_563_062", "insurance_563_063", "insurance_563_064", "insurance_563_065", "insurance_563_066", "insurance_563_067", "insurance_563_068", "insurance_563_069", "insurance_563_070", "insurance_563_071", "insurance_563_072", "insurance_563_073", "insurance_563_074", "insurance_563_075", "insurance_563_076", "insurance_563_077", "insurance_563_078", "insurance_563_079", "insurance_563_080", "insurance_563_081", "insurance_563_082", "insurance_563_083", "insurance_563_084", "insurance_563_085", "insurance_563_086", "insurance_563_087", "insurance_563_088", "insurance_563_089", "insurance_563_090", "insurance_563_091", "insurance_563_092", "insurance_563_093", "insurance_563_094", "insurance_563_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. My name is Aspen agent number five five three four. May I have your name and account number?", "Hello my name is Laurie Pops and my account number is fifty five seventy seven.", "Okay thank you and for security purposes may I have your address?", "Sure, it's thirty seven Grass Lane, Maywood Illinois six five for two one.", "Okay great missus Pops and how may help you today?", "Yes our house flooded in that bad storm yesterday.", "Ok I'm sorry to hear that ma'am. What was the extent of the damage?", "Well, we had a burst pipe and it flooded our entire kitchen and living room.", "Okay so how high did the water get?", "Uh let's see, the bottom half of our kitchen cabinets were damaged and the tile and carpet as well as furniture were damaged.", "Hmm okay can you tell me approximately how many square feet that covers?", "Square feet?", "Yes ma'am.", "Why would you need to know how many square feet?", "Well ma'am we need to know so that we can get an estimate on what would need to be replaced.", "Can't you just send someone out here to assess the damage?", "We can do that ma'am or you can submit photos to us today in order to get the recovery effort started.", "Hmm.", "It's entirely up to you ma'am.", "Well with Covid and everything I don't want nobody in my house.", "I totally understand that ma'am.", "I don't think you do. I don't just let anyone into my home especially now.", "Well missus Pops what we can do is have the adjustor come over with a hazmat suit on. Will that help?", "A what?", "The adjustor can wear a protective suit in order for you to feel more comfortable about your Covid concerns.", "Really?", "Yes ma'am.", "Hmm.. okay that sounds more acceptable.", "Okay great. What would be a good day and time for someone to come over?", "Uh hmm.", "It doesn't have to be right away but the sooner the better.", "Yeah, okay well how about Thursday at three o'clock?", "Thursday at three o'clock.", "Yes.", "Okay and just so you know all of our agents will wear a green badge with our company logo so that you can identify them as our agents.", "Oh okay that's good.", "Okay mister Pops in the meantime we ask that you do not throw any of the wet items out as of yet.", "Why in the world would I keep them? Won't the mildew start to grow?", "Well you can have somebody move the items for you to your backyard or outside of the house.", "Okay even if I do that what about the cabinets? They are starting to mildew as well.", "Okay missus Pops what we can offer to compensate for that is we can book you in a nearby hotel until it is safe for you to come home.", "Hmm that might work. Okay I guess.", "Okay perfect ma'am.", "So what do I do just pick a hotel and send you the bill?", "We can book the hotel for you and then you just go check in and we'll cover the bill.", "Okay how long will this take?", "We can have you in the hotel by this evening if you'd like.", "That will work.", "Okay missus Pops if you'll let me put you on a brief hold I'll get that set up for you.", "Okay.", "Okay missus Pops the only hotel that is available is about seventy miles away from your home address. Will this be work for you?", "Ooh..I'm afraid that will be too far of a commute for me to go back and forth to work.", "So that's a no then?", "If there is someplace closer that would be better.", "Ok one moment please.", "Hhhh. Okay.", "Ok ma'am, there is a nice Days Inn that I can put you and your family in but you won't be able to check in until tomorrow night.", "That will be okay I guess.", "Okay great let me make the reservation for you. One moment please.", "No problem.", "Okay missus Pops your reservation will be for six o'clock tomorrow evening.", "Where is this hotel? What's the address?", "It's the Days Inn at forty two eleven Pentagon drive.", "Okay.", "Oh missus Pops I forgot to ask, do you have any pets that need accommodation as well?", "Um, well we have a cat. Will they allow pets at the Days Inn?", "Um hold on let me confirm that.", "I really hope they do because I can't afford to send Marmalade to a kennel.", "Okay ma'am they do allow pets but your cat will have to remain in a carrier.", "That's fine. I have one so no worries.", "Okay great. So to recap, we have an adjustor coming to your address Thursday at three o'clock.", "Right.", "We also have you checking in to the Days Inn hotel tomorrow evening at six o'clock in the evening.", "Yes.", "Also missus Pops someone needs to be at your house to let the adjustor in at that time. Can you verify that someone will be there?", "Yes. I'll be there.", "Okay great. Remember missus Pops to ask the Agent for his or her badge to verify their identity.", "Ok yeah sure.", "Ok missus Pop do you have any more questions or concerns?", "Yes I do.", "Okay ma'am?", "How long will it take to actually get everything replaced?", "Well missus Pops it depends on how quickly the adjustor can make an assessment and then give the estimate to the finance department.", "And how long will that take?", "Once the finance department approves the estimated amount they'll send you a check to cover the cost of all the items that the adjustor sent.", "But how long?", "It usually takes up to to three weeks ma'am.", "Heck, three weeks?", "Yes ma'am.", "Okay.", "Will there be any more questions or concerns ma'am?", "No that's it.", "Well again missus Pops thank you for choosing Aspen Insurance. Will you stay on the line for a brief survey?", "No I don't want to do a survey.", "Well again missus Pops thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance my name is Aspen. It has been a pleasure speaking with you. Have a nice day.", "Thank you. Good bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_564_000", "insurance_564_001", "insurance_564_002", "insurance_564_003", "insurance_564_004", "insurance_564_005", "insurance_564_006", "insurance_564_007", "insurance_564_008", "insurance_564_009", "insurance_564_010", "insurance_564_011", "insurance_564_012", "insurance_564_013", "insurance_564_014", "insurance_564_015", "insurance_564_016", "insurance_564_017", "insurance_564_018", "insurance_564_019", "insurance_564_020", "insurance_564_021", "insurance_564_022", "insurance_564_023", "insurance_564_024", "insurance_564_025", "insurance_564_026", "insurance_564_027", "insurance_564_028", "insurance_564_029", "insurance_564_030", "insurance_564_031", "insurance_564_032", "insurance_564_033", "insurance_564_034", "insurance_564_035", "insurance_564_036", "insurance_564_037", "insurance_564_038", "insurance_564_039", "insurance_564_040", "insurance_564_041", "insurance_564_042", "insurance_564_043", "insurance_564_044", "insurance_564_045", "insurance_564_046", "insurance_564_047", "insurance_564_048", "insurance_564_049", "insurance_564_050", "insurance_564_051", "insurance_564_052", "insurance_564_053", "insurance_564_054", "insurance_564_055", "insurance_564_056", "insurance_564_057", "insurance_564_058" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Billy how can I help you?", "Uh hello yeah. I would like to add my new dependents to my policy.", "Okay may I have your name and policy number please?", "Sure it's John Ground and my policy number is seven eight eight five seven one.", "Okay seven eight five seven one?", "No. Seven eight eight five seven one.", "Okay seven eight eight five seven one.", "That's correct.", "May I have your address please?", "It's five hundred Forest Lane Houston, Texas seven seven eight one one.", "Okay now that I have verified your account how many dependents would you like to add?", "Well, my wife just gave birth to quintuplets so I'd like to add all of them.", "Oh well congratulations!", "Thank you so much we're overjoyed.", "Okay I will need their birthdate.", "Okay they were all born on July second.", "Okay and their names?", "The first child's name is Shawn.", "Is Shawn a boy or girl?", "Shawn is a boy.", "Ok great. The next child?", "The next child's name is Max.", "And Max is a boy correct?", "No Max is short for Maxine. Sorry about that.", "Ok so Maxine is a girl.", "Correct.", "The next child?", "The next child's name is Betty.", "Okay Betty. I have her. And the next child?", "The next child's name is Adam.", "Okay Adam. Got him. And the next?", "And the last one is Roberta. We call her Bobbi.", "Okay and I have Roberta.", "Great.", "So we have Shawn, Maxine, Betty, Adam and Roberta correct?", "Yes.", "Okay so would you like to add on our premium package for infants onto your policy?", "Wouldn't I have to get a new policy?", "No. We can simply make an adjustment.", "Okay so what all does it include?", "Well the premium package includes all doctors visits, emergency room visits and and medications.", "Isn't that included in the policy I have now?", "Yes but you have to pay a portion of your emergency room visits with your current policy.", "Right.", "Well with the premium package you won't have to pay anything for your emergency room visits or for any specialized care.", "Okay that's great.", "Yes so would you like for me to add the premium package then?", "Yes please.", "Okay great everything will go into effect midnight tonight.", "Wow that's quick.", "And just so you know your new premium amount will be one hundred and seventy five dollars per month.", "Okay.", "Okay mister Ground I have you for our premium package in the new amount of one hundred and seventy five dollars per month covering you, your wife and Betty, Maxine, Shawn, Roberta and Adam.", "Yes.", "Was there anything else that I can help you with today mister Ground?", "No that's it.", "Okay mister Ground thank you again for choosing Rivertown Insurance and have a pleasant evening.", "Thanks you too. Bye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_565_000", "insurance_565_001", "insurance_565_002", "insurance_565_003", "insurance_565_004", "insurance_565_005", "insurance_565_006", "insurance_565_007", "insurance_565_008", "insurance_565_009", "insurance_565_010", "insurance_565_011", "insurance_565_012", "insurance_565_013", "insurance_565_014", "insurance_565_015", "insurance_565_016", "insurance_565_017", "insurance_565_018", "insurance_565_019", "insurance_565_020", "insurance_565_021", "insurance_565_022", "insurance_565_023", "insurance_565_024", "insurance_565_025", "insurance_565_026", "insurance_565_027", "insurance_565_028", "insurance_565_029", "insurance_565_030", "insurance_565_031", "insurance_565_032", "insurance_565_033", "insurance_565_034", "insurance_565_035", "insurance_565_036", "insurance_565_037", "insurance_565_038", "insurance_565_039", "insurance_565_040", "insurance_565_041", "insurance_565_042", "insurance_565_043", "insurance_565_044", "insurance_565_045", "insurance_565_046", "insurance_565_047", "insurance_565_048", "insurance_565_049", "insurance_565_050", "insurance_565_051", "insurance_565_052", "insurance_565_053", "insurance_565_054", "insurance_565_055", "insurance_565_056", "insurance_565_057", "insurance_565_058", "insurance_565_059", "insurance_565_060", "insurance_565_061", "insurance_565_062", "insurance_565_063", "insurance_565_064", "insurance_565_065", "insurance_565_066", "insurance_565_067", "insurance_565_068", "insurance_565_069", "insurance_565_070" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Circus Healthcare, my name is Barnabus agent number three five six three and who am I speaking with?", "Hi, my name is Jane Janeson and I'm having a problem with my billing statement.", "Hello missus Janeson. In order to help you more quickly may I please have your account number?", "Um let's see. I don't see it on my statement.", "It's the number at the top left corner of your statement.", "Oh okay. It's two eight eight one nine six.", "Okay great. For security purposes may I have your address?", "Uh my address is thirty two thirty two Batman Lane Wixson Vermont, three four five two zero.", "Okay thank you. I have verified your account. Now, what exactly is the problem?", "My last statement that I received in the mail states that my balance due is six hundred and thirty five dollars. That cannot be correct.", "Okay ma'am what exactly isn't correct about it?", "Well, I made all of my payments on time so the amount due should only be seventy eight dollars.", "Okay ma'am can I place you on a brief hold for a moment while I investigate this issue?", "Mhm okay.", "Okay I checked your account and it seems that some of your payments haven't been made.", "I made those payments. I'm looking at my bank statement and it's showing on my account that I paid.", "Can you tell me the dates the payments were made on?", "Hmm let's see. I paid seventy eight dollars on January second, on February fifteenth, on March fifth, on April sixteenth and on May twelfth.", "Okay what about June and July?", "Oh, I'm sorry. I paid those each on the third of those months.", "On June third and July third?", "Yes.", "Okay missus Janeson, can I place you on a brief hold again?", "I guess I don't have a choice do I?", "I appreciate your patience.", "Yeah whatever.", "Okay missus Janeson, it seems that we need to see proof that you made those payments.", "Why in the world should I have to send proof? The payments are on my bank statement as Circus Healthcare. This is not my fault.", "I understand your concern ma'am, but if you send us proof we can handle this situation more efficiently.", "This makes absolutely no sense. I want to speak to a manager please.", "Okay ma'am one moment.", "I don't believe this.", "Hello mister Janeson my name is mister Bracks. I understand that you are having a problem with your payments on your account?", "Yes. The young man whatever his name is told me that I would have to send proof of my payments? That is not my fault.", "I understand your concern ma'am, but if you send us proof we can handle this situation more efficiently.", "That's what the other guy just told me. What is it a script you're reading or something? I need you to fix this problem now.", "Well ma'am that's the only way that we can fix the problem.", "I have never heard of this kind of nonsense in my life! What kind of business would make it's customers send proof of payments?", "Well ma'am that is how our system is set up. We automatically record payments but for some reason yours aren't showing up.", "So then it's my fault?", "Well ma'am we need to see the proof ourselves in order to reflect it on your account since we have no records of the payments.", "So this is how you treat all your customers? Steal their money and then make them show proof that they paid?", "Ma'am no one is stealing your money. All we need is proof of the payments and then we can adjust your account to reflect the payments.", "And how long will this take?", "It will take seven to fourteen business days to reflect on your account.", "What the hell? Seven to fourteen business days? I want this fixed now!", "Well what we can do is send this to our management team to escalate the account.", "And then how long will that take?", "It will only take two to three business days.", "That's still too long.", "Well ma'am that's the best that we can do for you. You can send the proofs of payment to Circushealthcare at Gmail dot com.", "Mhm. Circushealthcare at Gmail dot com?", "Yes.", "Okay.", "Once we receive your information you will get a confirmation email confirming receipt of the information.", "Okay well I hope this works. This is so frustrating.", "I totally understand and on behalf of Circus Healthcare I apologize for the inconvenience.", "Mhm.", "Okay missus Janeson if there isn't anything else that I can help you with I'll hand you back over to Barnabus so that he can finish up.", "No there isn't anything else.", "Okay missus Janeson it was a pleasure speaking with you have a great evening.", "Yeah you too. Thanks.", "Okay missus Janeson I have made all the notes to reflect that you will be sending us your payment proofs at Circus Healthcare at Gmail dot com.", "Yes that's right. Still seems like a hassle.", "I understand that and I apologize for the inconvenience.", "Mhm.", "Is there anything else that I can help you with today?", "No that's it.", "Okay missus Janeson thank you for choosing Circus Healthcare and enjoy the rest of your evening.", "Mhm. Bye.", "Goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_566_000", "insurance_566_001", "insurance_566_002", "insurance_566_003", "insurance_566_004", "insurance_566_005", "insurance_566_006", "insurance_566_007", "insurance_566_008", "insurance_566_009", "insurance_566_010", "insurance_566_011", "insurance_566_012", "insurance_566_013", "insurance_566_014", "insurance_566_015", "insurance_566_016", "insurance_566_017", "insurance_566_018", "insurance_566_019", "insurance_566_020", "insurance_566_021", "insurance_566_022", "insurance_566_023", "insurance_566_024", "insurance_566_025", "insurance_566_026", "insurance_566_027", "insurance_566_028", "insurance_566_029", "insurance_566_030", "insurance_566_031", "insurance_566_032", "insurance_566_033", "insurance_566_034", "insurance_566_035", "insurance_566_036", "insurance_566_037", "insurance_566_038", "insurance_566_039", "insurance_566_040", "insurance_566_041", "insurance_566_042", "insurance_566_043", "insurance_566_044", "insurance_566_045", "insurance_566_046", "insurance_566_047", "insurance_566_048", "insurance_566_049", "insurance_566_050", "insurance_566_051", "insurance_566_052", "insurance_566_053", "insurance_566_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Ken. How may I help you today?", "Hi I'd like to make a payment on my account.", "May I have your account number please?", "Um, I don't have it. I can't seem to find it hold on.", "That's okay ma'am. Can I please have your name and address?", "Yes it's Ann Wister. My address is thirty two thirty two Wipply Way, Hutchins Texas five five four three four.", "And just for security purposes may I have your phone number as well?", "Yeah it's seven seven seven ninety three eleven.", "Okay Ann. I have your account.", "Um, can you please call me missus Wister?", "Oh, I'm sorry missus Wister I do apologize for that.", "That's fine. Thank you.", "Okay missus Wister you amount due is twenty-six dollars. How much would you like to pay today?", "Um, I guess the total amount.", "Okay great.", "Oh you know what, can I pay two payments this time?", "Sure you can.", "Okay good because I'll be on vacation and I don't want to have to worry about it.", "Great. No problem. Your total will be fifty two dollars.", "Okay.", "Would you like to pay by check, debit card or credit card?", "Debit card please.", "Okay one moment.", "Okay.", "You can give me your card number when you're ready.", "Okay my card number is five five five five one one one one three three two one six five nine six.", "Let me just repeat this back to you.", "Okay.", "Your card number is five five five five one one one one three two three one six five nine six.", "No it's three three two one six fine nine six.", "Okay let me read it again.", "Mhm.", "Five five five five one one one one three three two one six five nine six.", "That's correct.", "Expiration date?", "November of twenty twenty four.", "And may I have the security code on the back?", "Sure it's seven seven seven.", "Got it.", "Mhm.", "Okay missus Wister I'm about to process your payment in the amount of fifty-two dollars to your debit card ending in six five nine six. Is this okay?", "Yes.", "One moment please.", "Okay.", "Okay missus Wister your payment was successful. Your confirmation number is BTfive five six.", "Hold on let me get a pen.", "No problem.", "Uh, I can't find a pen. Oh there it is okay I'm ready.", "Your confirmation number is BTfive five six.", "B T five five six. Okay thank you.", "Will there be anything else that I can help you with today?", "No that will be all. Thank you.", "Okay well thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. My name is Ken, agent number four four five. Have a great day.", "You have a great day as well. Bye.", "Good bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_567_000", "insurance_567_001", "insurance_567_002", "insurance_567_003", "insurance_567_004", "insurance_567_005", "insurance_567_006", "insurance_567_007", "insurance_567_008", "insurance_567_009", "insurance_567_010", "insurance_567_011", "insurance_567_012", "insurance_567_013", "insurance_567_014", "insurance_567_015", "insurance_567_016", "insurance_567_017", "insurance_567_018", "insurance_567_019", "insurance_567_020", "insurance_567_021", "insurance_567_022", "insurance_567_023", "insurance_567_024", "insurance_567_025", "insurance_567_026", "insurance_567_027", "insurance_567_028", "insurance_567_029", "insurance_567_030", "insurance_567_031", "insurance_567_032", "insurance_567_033", "insurance_567_034", "insurance_567_035", "insurance_567_036", "insurance_567_037", "insurance_567_038", "insurance_567_039", "insurance_567_040", "insurance_567_041", "insurance_567_042", "insurance_567_043", "insurance_567_044", "insurance_567_045", "insurance_567_046", "insurance_567_047", "insurance_567_048", "insurance_567_049", "insurance_567_050", "insurance_567_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "Hi yes I I'm new to my area and I need to find me a new local insurance agent.", "Sure, I can help you with that.", "Great, thanks.", "Sure, no problem, what is your zip code?", "It's it's seven oh oh two nine.", "Seven zero zero two nine, is that correct?", "Yes, that's it.", "Great, thank you. One moment while I find the agents local to your area.", "Sure, thanks. I really appreciate you guys. I've been with Rivertown Insurance awhile, but since moving I wanted to get an agent that was local to my area.", "Thank you, I appreciate those kind words and I completely agree that it's super helpful to have someone local to work with.", "Oh for sure. We had a hailstorm right before we left our old house and it was such a mess but it was better having a local agent to work with than someone out of town.", "Oh goodness, I hope you don't have to deal with a another hailstorm anytime soon.", "Me either.", "So, I have a list of three agents local to your area.", "Oh that's great, thanks.", "Sure, no problem. We typically reach out to those agents and have them directly contact you. Is that okay with you?", "Yeah, that's fine. I'm not in any rush.", "I'll get your information to them and they should be in contact with you within the week.", "Oh, that would be great.", "Sure, no problem. Would you prefer them contacting you by phone or email?", "Oh I guess either is fine with me.", "Okay, then let me verify your contact information.", "Sure thing.", "Okay, first off, what is your first and last name?", "I guess that would be helpful. It's John Harkins.", "John Harkens spelled h. a. r. k. e. n. s?", "Oh no sorry, it's h. a. r. k. i. n. s..", "Oh, thank you mister Harkins. What is your email address?", "Yeah, it's John Harkins, j. o. h. n. h. a. r. k. i. n. s. dash eight two at hotmail dot com.", "Okay, so johnharkins dash eight two at hotmail dot com?", "Yep, that's correct.", "Great, and what is your phone number?", "three five four eight eight nine nine.", "Three five four eight eight nine nine?", "Yes, that's it.", "And what is your area code?", "Oh sorry, I forgot to add that, it's two oh two.", "Two zero two?", "Yes.", "Great, thank you. So within a week, you should be contacted by these local agents either by email or phone and.", "Wait, the more I think about it, can you have them only use email? I've got kids and afternoon naps and all that jazz.", "Sure thing, let me make a note here for them to contact you only by email.", "Great thanks.", "No problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "I don't think so. I'll just be watching for those emails.", "Okay, that sounds great, sir. If you don't mind, after I end this call there will be a short survey about the service you received today.", "Okay, I'll hang around for it.", "Thank you. Have a great day.", "Thanks you too.", "Bye-bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_568_000", "insurance_568_001", "insurance_568_002", "insurance_568_003", "insurance_568_004", "insurance_568_005", "insurance_568_006", "insurance_568_007", "insurance_568_008", "insurance_568_009", "insurance_568_010", "insurance_568_011", "insurance_568_012", "insurance_568_013", "insurance_568_014", "insurance_568_015", "insurance_568_016", "insurance_568_017", "insurance_568_018", "insurance_568_019", "insurance_568_020", "insurance_568_021", "insurance_568_022", "insurance_568_023", "insurance_568_024", "insurance_568_025", "insurance_568_026", "insurance_568_027", "insurance_568_028", "insurance_568_029", "insurance_568_030", "insurance_568_031", "insurance_568_032", "insurance_568_033", "insurance_568_034", "insurance_568_035", "insurance_568_036", "insurance_568_037", "insurance_568_038", "insurance_568_039", "insurance_568_040", "insurance_568_041", "insurance_568_042", "insurance_568_043", "insurance_568_044", "insurance_568_045", "insurance_568_046", "insurance_568_047", "insurance_568_048", "insurance_568_049", "insurance_568_050", "insurance_568_051", "insurance_568_052", "insurance_568_053", "insurance_568_054", "insurance_568_055", "insurance_568_056", "insurance_568_057", "insurance_568_058", "insurance_568_059", "insurance_568_060", "insurance_568_061", "insurance_568_062", "insurance_568_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi this is Robin from Outlook insurance is Ron available?", "This is Ron.", "Hi Ron I am returning a voicemail I have received from you.", "Yeah I am looking to wait was that the other place. Where are you calling from again?", "Outlook insurance.", "What kind of insurance is this?", "Property insurance.", "Oh yeah . I need to update my address.", "I can for sure help you with that.", "Ok. I moved out of state.", "Ok let me just pull up your file here. Ron what is your last name?", "Wester.", "W-e-s-t-e-r?", "Yeah.", "And Ron what is your mothers maiden name?", "Mason.", "Ok and just want to verify your date of birth.", "Nine six ninteen ninty four.", "Thank you for that.", "It looks like the address we have on file is One three six four Humming Place North Denver Colorado.", "Is that the correct address?", "No I moved to Arizona.", "When did you move there?", "About a week ago. Just unpacking all our stuff.", "#Ah that's great give me one moment while I take this out of your file.", "Ok.", "Arizona must be much warmer then Colorado.", "Oh yes it is great. My girlfriend and I decided we needed to live in a warm state.", "Good for you. That is great.", "Thank you.", "So I have that taken care of what is your new address?", "Seven six nine west Columbus Road Mesa Arizona nine nine one four two.", "Ok. #Uh let me just verify Seven six nine West Columbus Road Mesa Arizona Nine Nine One four two.", "Correct.", "Ok I have that all updated.", "Thank you. Going forward we only plan on being at this address for a short period of time. Is there a way I can do this online?", "Of course. Do you have an online account with us?", "I don't.", "So if you go on our website and click login. Then it will ask if you are a new user and select yes. Then you will fill out all your information make sure it is the same that we have on file here.", "Ok.", "Then we will have to verify that we have the correct information and you will get a confirmation email.", "Uh huh.", "From that confirmation email you just verify your account and you are good to go. Then going forward you can just log into your account and change things.", "Thank you. I appreciate that.", "Of course. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "#Um not at this time. I don't think. Wait yes.", "What is that.", "Can you update my girlfriends file to?", "I can try let me look at her file and see if you have access to do that.", "Ok.", "What is her name?", "Mary Rosas.", "And can I have you verify her date of birth?", "January thirteenth ninteen ninty four.", "And what is her father's middle name?", "I actually don't know off the top of my head.", "Oh ok. With that being said I would not bee able to make any updates. She would have to call in and do that.", "Ok. What time are you open until?", "We are open until five pm central standard time.", "Ok I will have her call when she gets home.", "Sounds good. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No.", "Ok that you for calling have a great day.", "Thanks you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_569_000", "insurance_569_001", "insurance_569_002", "insurance_569_003", "insurance_569_004", "insurance_569_005", "insurance_569_006", "insurance_569_007", "insurance_569_008", "insurance_569_009", "insurance_569_010", "insurance_569_011", "insurance_569_012", "insurance_569_013", "insurance_569_014", "insurance_569_015", "insurance_569_016", "insurance_569_017", "insurance_569_018", "insurance_569_019", "insurance_569_020", "insurance_569_021", "insurance_569_022", "insurance_569_023", "insurance_569_024", "insurance_569_025", "insurance_569_026", "insurance_569_027", "insurance_569_028", "insurance_569_029", "insurance_569_030", "insurance_569_031", "insurance_569_032", "insurance_569_033", "insurance_569_034", "insurance_569_035", "insurance_569_036", "insurance_569_037", "insurance_569_038", "insurance_569_039", "insurance_569_040", "insurance_569_041", "insurance_569_042", "insurance_569_043", "insurance_569_044", "insurance_569_045", "insurance_569_046", "insurance_569_047", "insurance_569_048", "insurance_569_049", "insurance_569_050", "insurance_569_051", "insurance_569_052", "insurance_569_053", "insurance_569_054", "insurance_569_055", "insurance_569_056", "insurance_569_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. My name is Martha. How can I help you today?", "Hi Mark yes we just had a baby, so I need to get her added to our health insurance.", "Congratulations! Sure, I can add her as a dependent.", "Thanks so much.", "You're welcome. So can I have your first and last name, please?", "Yeah okay it's Brian Smith.", "Thank you. Is Brian spelled b. r. i. a. n.?", "yep that's it.", "Okay, and can I get your date of birth?", "September eight of eighty seven.", "Thank you, and what is your account number?", "Yeah I've got that right here I think.", "Whenever you're ready.", "Yeah, this is it it's five five three one.", "five five three one.", "two nine nine four.", "two nine nine four.", "Yeah, that's it.", "Thank you. One moment while I verify and pull up your account.", "Sure thing.", "Okay, thank you, mister Smith. I see your account here, and you are wanting to add your child to the account?", "Yeah, my daughter, she was just born a few days ago.", "Great, I'll just need a some information about your daughter and then I can get her added as your dependent.", "Great.", "What is her first and last name?", "Yes, it's Ashley that's a. s. h. l. e. y. and then Smith.", "Great, thank you, and what is her date of birth.", "Oh two days ago the I haven't slept much, that was August fourth.", "I remember those days.", "Oh my gosh the days are just running together.", "Cherish these days, because they'll be gone before you know it.", "Oh definitely. I plan on it.", "And how is your daughter? Did she need any additional hospital stay after birth?", "No, thankfully, she and my wife are just fine.", "That's great to hear, so I'll note that she is healthy and no signs of illness.", "Okay great.", "So, when you add a dependent the cost of your insurance does increase. It will be thirty dollars more per month.", "Yeah I figured that.", "Sure. My records indicate your payment will process on the August fifteenth, is that correct?", "That should be right.", "Okay, so when that payment processes you'll see the cost increase by thirty dollars.", "Okay that's fine.", "Great. Your daughter has officially been added as a dependent to your insurance. You should receive both a confirmation email and letter in the mail for your records.", "Excellent, thanks.", "Can I confirm your email is b. r. i. a. n. dot s. m. i. t. h. at gmail dot com?", "yes, that's still good.", "Great, thank you. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "I don't think so well wait, actually, yeah does this become effective immediately?", "Yes, sir, it will be back dated to your daughter's birth date.", "Oh great, awesome. Thanks.", "Sure thing. Was there anything else?", "No, no, I think that's it. I appreciate it.", "You're welcome, sir. Have a great day and try to get some rest with your newborn.", "I'm gonna try, but you know how that goes.", "I do. Congratulations again, and I hope you have a great rest of your day.", "Thanks so much, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_570_000", "insurance_570_001", "insurance_570_002", "insurance_570_003", "insurance_570_004", "insurance_570_005", "insurance_570_006", "insurance_570_007", "insurance_570_008", "insurance_570_009", "insurance_570_010", "insurance_570_011", "insurance_570_012", "insurance_570_013", "insurance_570_014", "insurance_570_015", "insurance_570_016", "insurance_570_017", "insurance_570_018", "insurance_570_019", "insurance_570_020", "insurance_570_021", "insurance_570_022", "insurance_570_023", "insurance_570_024", "insurance_570_025", "insurance_570_026", "insurance_570_027", "insurance_570_028", "insurance_570_029", "insurance_570_030", "insurance_570_031", "insurance_570_032", "insurance_570_033", "insurance_570_034", "insurance_570_035", "insurance_570_036", "insurance_570_037", "insurance_570_038", "insurance_570_039", "insurance_570_040", "insurance_570_041", "insurance_570_042", "insurance_570_043", "insurance_570_044", "insurance_570_045", "insurance_570_046", "insurance_570_047", "insurance_570_048", "insurance_570_049", "insurance_570_050", "insurance_570_051", "insurance_570_052", "insurance_570_053", "insurance_570_054", "insurance_570_055", "insurance_570_056", "insurance_570_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "#Ah yeah I'm having issues with my billing and need to get the automatic payments turned off.", "Sure, I can help you with that. What is your first and last name?", "Sure, it's Michael Brown.", "Thank you, mister Brown. What is your date of birth?", "yeah it's March fourteenth.", "March fourteenth, and what year?", "Oh yeah, it's nineteen eighty nine.", "Great, and now in order to verify your identity I also need your account number please.", "and I can find that where?", "If you are on your account online, it will be in the upper right under your name.", "If I was online I wouldn't be calling you.", "I apologize, mister Brown. I can also verify your identity with your social security number and security question.", "Jeez, okay that's fine.", "Sure. What is your social security number?", "five four two.", "five four two.", "three one one.", "three one one.", "nine five four one.", "nine five four one, thank you. And to verify your security question, what is name of your first pet?", "That would be Bruce.", "Thank you. One moment while I pull up your account.", "Okay.", "Thank you for holding. I have your account pulled up.", "Yeah, I just want to get rid of the automatic payments.", "Sure, I can temporarily turn off the automatic payments.", "No no no, I want it off off. I keep getting overcharged because I can't get see my bill until the automatic payment already goes. I just want it turned off and get regular statements in the mail.", "Okay, mister Brown. I can take automatic payments off and have regular statements with billing dates mailed to you.", "Yep, that's exactly what I want because I'm tired of being charged too much.", "Sure, those automatic payments are turned off. You were scheduled for another payment on August twenty nineth, but you should receive a statement in the mail prior to that date that will allow you to pay by check or credit card.", "Great, so this won't make me late on anything?", "No, unless you don't pay by the date on the statement.", "Okay cool.", "So, if I can just get your confirmation on cancelling your automatic payments.", "You mean like, yes I want to do this?", "Yes, sir.", "Okay, then, yes I want to cancel my automatice payments.", "Thank you. Your automatic payments have been cancelled. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Yeah actually, I mentioned being overcharged on my bills. I need to get that fixed.", "Sure, let me look at your last statement.", "Yeah, it's super annoying because I'm getting charged two fees when I shouldn't be.", "I have your statement pulled up, and yes, I see the fee charge on their twice. Let me see what I can do.", "Thanks.", "Okay, so I have removed the extra fee. Since I just cancelled your automatic payment, your next statement should reflect the correct amount.", "Without the double fee thing?", "Yes, that should not be on there.", "Great. And I haven't already been charged that by accident, right?", "No, sir. It's not showing that as being charged.", "Okay great.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Nah, I'm good now that that's fixed. Thanks.", "Sure thing, sir. If you need any additional help don't hesitate to give us a call.", "Okay, thanks.", "Have a great day, mister Brown.", "yeah, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling", "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_571_000", "insurance_571_001", "insurance_571_002", "insurance_571_003", "insurance_571_004", "insurance_571_005", "insurance_571_006", "insurance_571_007", "insurance_571_008", "insurance_571_009", "insurance_571_010", "insurance_571_011", "insurance_571_012", "insurance_571_013", "insurance_571_014", "insurance_571_015", "insurance_571_016", "insurance_571_017", "insurance_571_018", "insurance_571_019", "insurance_571_020", "insurance_571_021", "insurance_571_022", "insurance_571_023", "insurance_571_024", "insurance_571_025", "insurance_571_026", "insurance_571_027", "insurance_571_028", "insurance_571_029", "insurance_571_030", "insurance_571_031", "insurance_571_032", "insurance_571_033", "insurance_571_034", "insurance_571_035", "insurance_571_036", "insurance_571_037", "insurance_571_038", "insurance_571_039", "insurance_571_040", "insurance_571_041", "insurance_571_042", "insurance_571_043", "insurance_571_044", "insurance_571_045", "insurance_571_046", "insurance_571_047", "insurance_571_048", "insurance_571_049", "insurance_571_050", "insurance_571_051", "insurance_571_052", "insurance_571_053", "insurance_571_054", "insurance_571_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "t Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer service. How can I help?", "Hi, it's mister Mike.", "Oh! mister Mike you're on the line once again, how may i help you this time?", "Yh, i tried to follow the step by step process you sent to my Email address but I'm having issues with the password.", "ok sir, you tried login into your profile or our site or app?", "uh, please come again.", "i said which means did you use to access you profile, the company's site or app?", "The company's site, I'm having issues using the app.", "The app is ok now sir, you just have to update it on your apple store or playstore.", "You said playstore right?", "if your using an android device then you can update the app on playstore but if you use an iOS device then you update our app on apple store.", "ok, I'll do that after this call.", "ok, so I'll you through the password reset process now.", "ok.", "Yh, I'll need to verify something's from you inorder to start the process.", "ok, so what do you need?", "I'll need your first and last name.", "My name is Mike Johnson.", "Uh, Date of birth?", "nineth of may nineteen ninety one.", "ok.", "is that all?", "No sir, thats not all.", "ok.", "Just hold on a bit.", "ok.", "what's your customer number?", "er, nine two three something..", "Go on sir.", "Give me sometime to call out the number.", "ok sir.", "nine three four.", "you said nine three four?", "Yh.", "ok sir, go on.", "four two nine.", "go on.", "five eight.", "Taken.", "ok, i guess were done.", "Pardon me sir, one more thing.", "what's that?", "is mikejohnson zero nine at gmail dot com still a good email for you?", "nah, it isn't. i no longer use that email.", "Ok, I'll like to knw your active email so i can send you a link to reset your password so you'll be able to log in your profile.", "ok, that will be mikejohn zero three four at gmail dot com.", "ok taken sir.", "ok.", "Is there any other thing i can do for you sir?", "Nah, that will be all.", "Ok sir, you'll receive an email with a link right about now which will aid you reset your password.", "ok, thanks for your assistance.", "Your most welcomed sir, do have a lovely day.", "I'll try.", "bye sir.", "bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_572_000", "insurance_572_001", "insurance_572_002", "insurance_572_003", "insurance_572_004", "insurance_572_005", "insurance_572_006", "insurance_572_007", "insurance_572_008", "insurance_572_009", "insurance_572_010", "insurance_572_011", "insurance_572_012", "insurance_572_013", "insurance_572_014", "insurance_572_015", "insurance_572_016", "insurance_572_017", "insurance_572_018", "insurance_572_019", "insurance_572_020", "insurance_572_021", "insurance_572_022", "insurance_572_023", "insurance_572_024", "insurance_572_025", "insurance_572_026", "insurance_572_027", "insurance_572_028", "insurance_572_029", "insurance_572_030", "insurance_572_031", "insurance_572_032", "insurance_572_033", "insurance_572_034", "insurance_572_035", "insurance_572_036", "insurance_572_037", "insurance_572_038", "insurance_572_039", "insurance_572_040", "insurance_572_041", "insurance_572_042", "insurance_572_043", "insurance_572_044", "insurance_572_045", "insurance_572_046", "insurance_572_047", "insurance_572_048" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "hello there, thank you for calling Rivertown insurance how may i help you?", "Good day, how are you doing?", "Um I'm very well sir, Hope your having a good day?", "Yes of course though there's a bit of an problem.", "how can i be of help sir.", "Er there's been a new development.", "ok, go on sir.", "I've been promoted at my work place.", "oh! congrats sir, that's great news.", "thank you.", "um so how can i help regarding the new development?", "As a result of the promotion I'm to move to a new city.", "ok, go on.", "So i was wondering if the company has a branch over there.", "um which city is that?", "Newyork.", "Yh, we've got a branch there. Is that all you wanted to find out?", "nah, considering how busy I'll be i called to know if an agent of the company would assist me change plan and do some other things.", "Yh, sure.", "ok, so what next?", "um just a minute sir.", "ok.", "Yh, I'm still on it.", "Take your time, I'm less busy at the moment.", "Sir, would you like to contacted via phone or email?", "I'll prefer the email.", "ok sir, can you please call out your email address.", "Um I'll like to call out my phone number also.", "ok, go on sir.", "five three one.", "go on.", "two two four.", "Yh.", "nine two four four.", "ok, taken. please call out your email address now.", "Er, that will be brixton at gmail dot com.", "Pardon me sir, please recall.", "Thats fine.", ".", "i said, brixton at gmail dot com.", "ok sir.", "So?", "You'll get a mail from our agent in Newyork, he'll help you out.", "when? cause I'll like to accomplish that as quick as possible before i travel.", "Very soon sir.", "ok, thank you once again.", "Your most welcomed sir.", "Thank you, have a nice day.", "You too sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_573_000", "insurance_573_001", "insurance_573_002", "insurance_573_003", "insurance_573_004", "insurance_573_005", "insurance_573_006", "insurance_573_007", "insurance_573_008", "insurance_573_009", "insurance_573_010", "insurance_573_011", "insurance_573_012", "insurance_573_013", "insurance_573_014", "insurance_573_015", "insurance_573_016", "insurance_573_017", "insurance_573_018", "insurance_573_019", "insurance_573_020", "insurance_573_021", "insurance_573_022", "insurance_573_023", "insurance_573_024", "insurance_573_025", "insurance_573_026", "insurance_573_027", "insurance_573_028", "insurance_573_029", "insurance_573_030", "insurance_573_031", "insurance_573_032", "insurance_573_033", "insurance_573_034", "insurance_573_035", "insurance_573_036", "insurance_573_037", "insurance_573_038", "insurance_573_039", "insurance_573_040", "insurance_573_041", "insurance_573_042", "insurance_573_043", "insurance_573_044", "insurance_573_045", "insurance_573_046", "insurance_573_047", "insurance_573_048", "insurance_573_049", "insurance_573_050", "insurance_573_051", "insurance_573_052", "insurance_573_053", "insurance_573_054", "insurance_573_055", "insurance_573_056", "insurance_573_057", "insurance_573_058", "insurance_573_059", "insurance_573_060", "insurance_573_061", "insurance_573_062", "insurance_573_063", "insurance_573_064", "insurance_573_065", "insurance_573_066", "insurance_573_067", "insurance_573_068", "insurance_573_069", "insurance_573_070", "insurance_573_071" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello..", "hello there, I'm James.", "hello mister James, I'm Josh from Rivertown insurance. how may i help you.", "um, i currently using the preferred Auto package on the automobile plan.", "You said the preferred auto package right?", "Yh.", "ok sir, go on.", "I want a change of plan, is it possible?", "Sometime ago it wasn't but it is now.", "Why's that?", "it was the company's policy. Customer's had to wait till their current plan runs out before a change of plan.", "i guess i came at the right time.", "Yes sir, so which plan would like to switch to?", "I'll like to know about the available plans.", "we offer life, pet, automobile, condo, home owner and renter insurance. which one are you going for sir?", "I meant the plans under the Automobile package.", "Give me a minute sir.", "ok.", "I'm trying to get hold of it. Are you still on the line sir?", "Yh.", "ok sir, we have the basic auto is a thousand dollar per year, the preferred auto is One five hundred dollar per year and the complete Auto is two thousand dollars.", "So what's the difference between the plans.", "The benefits attatched to the different plans and prices.", "ok.", "Yh, All the plan span for a year.", "ok so which plan do you suggest i go for?", "You can go for any plan based on what suits you and your budget.", "ok, i would like to switch to the basic auto plan.", "come again sir, i dint get you.", "i said I'll like to switch from the preferred auto plan to the basic auto plan.", "ok sir.", "Yh, I'm working on something and i need all the little money i can get thats why I'm switching the basic auto plan.", "ok sir, that's fine. hold, I'll need some time to put you through on the process.", "ok.", "So would you prefer i send you a mail containing a form you could fill offline and send back or you would rather provide the necessary information during this call?", "i prefer to provide every information you need to the switch in plan.", "Ok sir,, please do stay on the line.", "ok.", "ok sir, are you there?", "Yes i am.", "ok, I'll need information required for identity verification.", "um ok, so what do you need?", "What's your first name?", "James.", "ok, mister James what's your last name?", "Patrick.", "Taken. I'll need your date of birth too.", "Uh, that will be the fifth of August nineteen ninty.", "what's your phone number?", "plus two two five.", "Yh, go on.", "seven nine four.", "go on.", "five zero one three.", "You said five zero one two?", "I said five Zero one three.", "ok sir, taken.", "So are we done?", "Not yet sir, just for confirmation you said your switching to the basic auto plan right?", "Yh.", "what's the duration sir?", "For a year.", "ok, taken.", "Any other thing?", "No sir, that will be all for now.", "ok.", "You'll get an email confirming your switch in plan.", "ok.", "Yh, that will be all.", "Thanks for aiding me make the switch.", "Your most welcomed sir, do have a nice day.", "You too sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_574_000", "insurance_574_001", "insurance_574_002", "insurance_574_003", "insurance_574_004", "insurance_574_005", "insurance_574_006", "insurance_574_007", "insurance_574_008", "insurance_574_009", "insurance_574_010", "insurance_574_011", "insurance_574_012", "insurance_574_013", "insurance_574_014", "insurance_574_015", "insurance_574_016", "insurance_574_017", "insurance_574_018", "insurance_574_019", "insurance_574_020", "insurance_574_021", "insurance_574_022", "insurance_574_023", "insurance_574_024", "insurance_574_025", "insurance_574_026", "insurance_574_027", "insurance_574_028", "insurance_574_029", "insurance_574_030", "insurance_574_031", "insurance_574_032", "insurance_574_033", "insurance_574_034", "insurance_574_035", "insurance_574_036", "insurance_574_037", "insurance_574_038", "insurance_574_039", "insurance_574_040", "insurance_574_041", "insurance_574_042", "insurance_574_043", "insurance_574_044", "insurance_574_045", "insurance_574_046", "insurance_574_047", "insurance_574_048", "insurance_574_049", "insurance_574_050", "insurance_574_051", "insurance_574_052", "insurance_574_053", "insurance_574_054", "insurance_574_055", "insurance_574_056", "insurance_574_057", "insurance_574_058", "insurance_574_059", "insurance_574_060", "insurance_574_061", "insurance_574_062", "insurance_574_063", "insurance_574_064", "insurance_574_065", "insurance_574_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good day. Thank you for calling Rivertown insurance, my name is Patrick Egan, how can I help you?", "This is Doctor Mike on the line.", "Doctor, how may i be of help to you?", "I'm calling regarding an accident that happened.", "oh! i hope no lives were lost?", "No. Just minor body injuries.", "I'm glad your okay sir.", "um i wasn't involved in the accident, it was just my son.", "okay sir, I'll like to some get details regarding the accident.", "Okay, that's fine.", "er, but first of all I'll need you to state your first name, last name, date of birth and customer number.", "that's ok.", "okay Doctor, you can go on.", "My first name is Mike.", "Go on sir.", "my last name is Sannibal.", "uh okay, your date of birth sir.", "eighteenth of June nineteen eighty three.", "um lastly, your customer number.", "good thing i knw it off heart.", "go on sir.", "double three two.", "Taken.", "triple five eight four one.", "uh doctor please recall.", "triple five.", "yeah.", "eight four one.", "Taken. So lets get details of the accident.", "Okay, detail like?", "Just a few details like name of the car, model, time date and so on.", "okay, The car was a Mercedes Benz.", "hold on a second.", "yeah.", "Doctor what's the model?", "um it's a Mercedes benz C four fifty. A two nineteen model.", "I'll need the date of the accident.", "Today.", "er you mean today, the twenty ninth of Thursday twenty twenty-one?", "sure!", "Accident time?", "My son said it happen about twenty five minutes from now before i called you.", "er okay.", "So that should be half pass eleven am.", "okay, location of accident?", "it happened here in Texas.", "Taken. Did he mention how the accident happened?", "Yeah, he said he lost control of the vehicle and drove into a nearby shop.", "okay your claim number is zero four five.", "okay.", "Your claim will be lodged and be assessed by our agents.", "That's fine.. er.", "Go on sir. You want me to help you do something.", "um not really.", "okay.", "I wanted to know if there's any other way of reporting such cases like this other than calling the help line.", "uh, you can always send a mail or visit a near by branch office of ours.", "okay, thanks.", "Is there any other thing you'll like me to do for you?", "um Yeah! could you please send me a mail on how to change plan regarding an insurance package with the company?", "okay sir, I'll do just that as soon as possible.", "Thanks alot.", "Your welcome sir.", "okay, bye.", "Bye Doctor and do have a nice day.", "You too mister Patrick.", "i certainly will doctor, bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ReportAutomobileAccident" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_575_000", "insurance_575_001", "insurance_575_002", "insurance_575_003", "insurance_575_004", "insurance_575_005", "insurance_575_006", "insurance_575_007", "insurance_575_008", "insurance_575_009", "insurance_575_010", "insurance_575_011", "insurance_575_012", "insurance_575_013", "insurance_575_014", "insurance_575_015", "insurance_575_016", "insurance_575_017", "insurance_575_018", "insurance_575_019", "insurance_575_020", "insurance_575_021", "insurance_575_022", "insurance_575_023", "insurance_575_024", "insurance_575_025", "insurance_575_026", "insurance_575_027", "insurance_575_028", "insurance_575_029", "insurance_575_030", "insurance_575_031", "insurance_575_032", "insurance_575_033", "insurance_575_034", "insurance_575_035", "insurance_575_036", "insurance_575_037", "insurance_575_038", "insurance_575_039", "insurance_575_040", "insurance_575_041", "insurance_575_042", "insurance_575_043", "insurance_575_044", "insurance_575_045", "insurance_575_046", "insurance_575_047", "insurance_575_048", "insurance_575_049", "insurance_575_050", "insurance_575_051", "insurance_575_052", "insurance_575_053", "insurance_575_054", "insurance_575_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "yes I need to make sure my payment has gone through.", "Sure, I can check your payment status.", "Oh great thanks.", "Of course, what is your first and last name?", "Yeah, sure it's Jane Snow.", "Thank you, miss Snow. What is your date of birth?", "my birthday is August first of nineteen sixty five.", "Thank you, and what is your account number?", "Is that the the really long number?", "Your account number, or customer number, should be eight digits long.", "Oh, okay, I need to find that real quick hold on.", "Sure, take your time.", "I normally have these things all ready.", "It's okay, no problem.", "Okay, I think I got it here eight numbers right?", "Yes, the account number is eight digits long.", "Awesome, then I found it.", "Great whenever you're ready.", "Okay, it's nine nine two three ", "Nine nine two three.", "yes and then four five one one.", "Four five one one.", "Yeah, that's it.", "Great, thank you. One moment please while I pull up your account.", "Sure yeah.", "Okay, I have your account pulled up here. You wanted to confirm your most recent payment, correct?", "Yes well I think it would be the most recent. I normally get a notice from my credit card when a transaction is made, but I haven't seen one this month.", "Okay, let me look real quick.", "Sure, I think it normally goes through on like the tenth or twelfth of the month? Something like that.", "Okay, I see last month's payment was on the twelfth, and then ", "Yeah, it's the twelfth then okay, then I didn't get a notice of payment.", "Okay, so this month's payment did go through on the twelfth as well.", "Oh it did?", "Yes, I am seeing it right here that it posted on June twelfth.", "Oh good, okay, I was worried that I would be late.", "No, you are good. Your account is currently paid in full.", "Excellent. I wonder why I didn't get my notification?", "That's a good question. You might need to check with your credit card company.", "Yeah, I'll probably do that. I might have just missed it, but I normally see them.", "I've had a few glitches with notifications from my credit card company, so it may have been that.", "Yeah, that's true.", "Would like an email confirmation of your payment?", "Oh that would be great in case I need it for for the credit card company or anything.", "Sure think. Let me confirm your email.", "Sure okay.", "I have jane snow at gmail dot com, is that still correct?", "Yep that's the right email.", "Great, I'll send you a confirmation that this payment was received.", "Awesome. I appreciate it.", "Sure, no problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, thank you, that was all I needed.", "Okay, well thank you for calling and I hope you have a great rest of your day.", "thanks, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_576_000", "insurance_576_001", "insurance_576_002", "insurance_576_003", "insurance_576_004", "insurance_576_005", "insurance_576_006", "insurance_576_007", "insurance_576_008", "insurance_576_009", "insurance_576_010", "insurance_576_011", "insurance_576_012", "insurance_576_013", "insurance_576_014", "insurance_576_015", "insurance_576_016", "insurance_576_017", "insurance_576_018", "insurance_576_019", "insurance_576_020", "insurance_576_021", "insurance_576_022", "insurance_576_023", "insurance_576_024", "insurance_576_025", "insurance_576_026", "insurance_576_027", "insurance_576_028", "insurance_576_029", "insurance_576_030", "insurance_576_031", "insurance_576_032", "insurance_576_033", "insurance_576_034", "insurance_576_035", "insurance_576_036", "insurance_576_037", "insurance_576_038", "insurance_576_039", "insurance_576_040", "insurance_576_041", "insurance_576_042", "insurance_576_043", "insurance_576_044", "insurance_576_045", "insurance_576_046", "insurance_576_047", "insurance_576_048", "insurance_576_049", "insurance_576_050", "insurance_576_051", "insurance_576_052", "insurance_576_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. My name is James. How can I help you today?", "yeah our son just turned twenty six, so I guess I need to remove him from our insurance policy.", "Yes, I can definitely help you with that.", "Great, do you need my policy number?", "I will, but first can I have your first and last name, please?", "Oh yeah sure, it's John Stuart.", "Great, can I confirm the spelling of John, j. o. h. n and.", "oh yeah, that's right and Stuart is s. t. u. a. r. t.", "Thank you, mister Stuart. What is your date of birth?", "yes October ninth, nineteen sixty seventy four.", "Thank you, and what is your account number?", "Is that my policy number?", "You have an overall account number that's eight numbers long, and then you have individual policy number that's ten numbers long.", "okay, hold on.", "Sure.", "Okay thanks, I think I have both numbers now which one do you want first?", "Great, if I can have your account number first?", "Sure okay, that's five six one two.", "Five six one two.", "yeah, and one nine nine one.", "One nine nine one.", "Yeah.", "Great, and now the policy number?", "Yeah, that's two three nine nine five.", "Two three nine nine five.", "six six four four one.", "Six six four four one.", "Yep.", "Okay, one moment please while I pull up your account.", "Sure thing.", "Great, thank you. I have your account pulled up and I see your health insurance policy. I am showing you have three dependents?", "Yes, that's right. I have two sons and one daughter.", "Okay, what is the first and last name of the dependent you are wanting to remove from your policy?", "Yes, that's my son. His name is Mark Stuart.", "Thank you, I see him on the policy. What date do you want removal effective on?", "Oh I guess his birthday, since that's when he turned twenty six which is when he's no longer covered, right?", "Yes, sir, that's correct.", "Okay, so his birthday was Monday, which was April second.", "Sure, I will make the effective date April second. Now, with removing a dependent you will see a decrease in your policy price.", "Oh, great, I had thought about that awhile ago but honestly I forgot.", "Yes, you will see a thirty dollar decrease on your next payment, which looks to be on April thirtieth.", "Yes, I pay at the end of each month I think.", "This next payment will reflect the decrease in price.", "Excellent, thanks.", "Also, you will receive an email confirmation of the dependent change on your policy, as well as a copy in the mail.", "Okay that's good.", "Now can I confirm your email address? I have john dot stuart at yahoo dot com, is that correct?", "Yeah, that would be right.", "Sure. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No I think that was all I needed today, thanks.", "Sure, thank you so much for calling today. I hope you have a great day.", "Thanks, you too. I appreciate the help.", "You're welcome. Good bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_577_000", "insurance_577_001", "insurance_577_002", "insurance_577_003", "insurance_577_004", "insurance_577_005", "insurance_577_006", "insurance_577_007", "insurance_577_008", "insurance_577_009", "insurance_577_010", "insurance_577_011", "insurance_577_012", "insurance_577_013", "insurance_577_014", "insurance_577_015", "insurance_577_016", "insurance_577_017", "insurance_577_018", "insurance_577_019", "insurance_577_020", "insurance_577_021", "insurance_577_022", "insurance_577_023", "insurance_577_024", "insurance_577_025", "insurance_577_026", "insurance_577_027", "insurance_577_028", "insurance_577_029", "insurance_577_030", "insurance_577_031", "insurance_577_032", "insurance_577_033", "insurance_577_034", "insurance_577_035", "insurance_577_036", "insurance_577_037", "insurance_577_038", "insurance_577_039", "insurance_577_040", "insurance_577_041", "insurance_577_042", "insurance_577_043", "insurance_577_044", "insurance_577_045", "insurance_577_046", "insurance_577_047", "insurance_577_048", "insurance_577_049", "insurance_577_050", "insurance_577_051", "insurance_577_052", "insurance_577_053", "insurance_577_054", "insurance_577_055", "insurance_577_056", "insurance_577_057", "insurance_577_058", "insurance_577_059", "insurance_577_060", "insurance_577_061", "insurance_577_062", "insurance_577_063", "insurance_577_064" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "yes, hi, I'm in the process of moving and I need to change my address on my account.", "Sure, I can help you with that.", "Thanks.", "Okay, so first, can I have your first and last name, please?", "yeah sure, it's Sarah White.", "Sarah, spelled s. a. r. a. h and White spelled w. h. i. t. e. is that correct?", "yes, that's right.", "Thank you. What is your date of birth?", "January tenth of nineteen ninety eight.", "And what is your account number?", "yeah, I have that right here actually. I came prepared.", "that's great.", "It's five four three two nine eight seven six.", "Five four three two nine.", "Oh wait, that's that's not an eight, it's a three, so it's three seven six.", "Okay, so five four three two nine three seven six.", "Yeah, that's right sorry about the mess up.", "No problem. okay, I have verified your account. Now, have you moved to the new address?", "Yeah, we we just finished moving in today.", "Well congratulations!", "I'm exhausted, but thanks.", "I can imagine. So can you verify your current address?", "Wait, the new address?", "Sorry the address that's currently listed on the account.", "Oh right yeah it's two oh five Sycamore Lane, and that's in Beaver Texas.", "And the zip code?", "Five four three two nine.", "Great, thank you. What is the new address?", "Yeah it's one oh oh five Berrybrook Place oh and that's all one word and it's in Green Kansas.", "Okay, one zero zero five Barry spelled b. a. r. r. y. brook.", "No no, it's Berry as in the fruit so no a. but with an e.", "Oh oh oh, okay so b. e. r. r. y. and then brook b. r. o. o. k.", "yeah, and that's all one word and not separate.", "Gotcha, okay, and what is the zip code?", "Ah wait, I don't have that memorized yet, hold on just a sec.", "Sure no problem.", "Trying to learn all this new stuff is hard.", "I understand, take your time.", "Thanks, okay so I think I have it here yes that's it, okay so it's seven three five oh four.", "Seven three five zero four.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, thank you and you wanted this new address effective immediately on your account, correct?", "Yes please, that would be great.", "Sure, I can do that.", "Great, thanks. Oh I need to update my phone number too cause that changed too.", "Of course, can you verify the current phone number on the account?", "Yeah it's four five two nine nine oh seven five three three.", "Thank you. Now what is the new phone number?", "five oh four three three three five nine oh one.", "Five zero four three three three five nine zero one, is that correct?", "Yeah.", "Okay, I have that updated on the account as well.", "Awesome, thanks.", "Sure, no problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No well, wait, I do have a question.", "Sure.", "Will I get a confirmation email or something that my address has been changed?", "Yes, we will mail a letter to your new address confirming the change of address.", "Okay, great, that'll be good.", "Great. Was there anything I can help you with?", "No, I appreciate the help. thanks.", "Sure thing. I hope you have a great day.", "Thank you. You too. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_578_000", "insurance_578_001", "insurance_578_002", "insurance_578_003", "insurance_578_004", "insurance_578_005", "insurance_578_006", "insurance_578_007", "insurance_578_008", "insurance_578_009", "insurance_578_010", "insurance_578_011", "insurance_578_012", "insurance_578_013", "insurance_578_014", "insurance_578_015", "insurance_578_016", "insurance_578_017", "insurance_578_018", "insurance_578_019", "insurance_578_020", "insurance_578_021", "insurance_578_022", "insurance_578_023", "insurance_578_024", "insurance_578_025", "insurance_578_026", "insurance_578_027", "insurance_578_028", "insurance_578_029", "insurance_578_030", "insurance_578_031", "insurance_578_032", "insurance_578_033", "insurance_578_034", "insurance_578_035", "insurance_578_036", "insurance_578_037", "insurance_578_038", "insurance_578_039", "insurance_578_040", "insurance_578_041", "insurance_578_042", "insurance_578_043", "insurance_578_044", "insurance_578_045", "insurance_578_046", "insurance_578_047", "insurance_578_048", "insurance_578_049", "insurance_578_050", "insurance_578_051", "insurance_578_052", "insurance_578_053", "insurance_578_054", "insurance_578_055", "insurance_578_056", "insurance_578_057", "insurance_578_058", "insurance_578_059", "insurance_578_060", "insurance_578_061", "insurance_578_062", "insurance_578_063", "insurance_578_064", "insurance_578_065", "insurance_578_066", "insurance_578_067", "insurance_578_068", "insurance_578_069", "insurance_578_070", "insurance_578_071", "insurance_578_072", "insurance_578_073", "insurance_578_074", "insurance_578_075", "insurance_578_076", "insurance_578_077", "insurance_578_078", "insurance_578_079" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "Oh hi yes I need to get that paper for my car that shows I have insurance.", "You need your proof of insurance?", "Yeah that's it, thanks.", "Sure, I can help you with that. What is your first and last name?", "Sure it's Bryan Holliday.", "Okay, Brian spelled b. r. i. a. n. and ", "Oh no, it's Bryan with a y. so b. r. y. a. n.", "Okay thank you, and could you spell your last name for me?", "Yeah sure it's h. o. l. l. i. d. a. y.", "Great, thank you.", "Yeah sorry my name is kinda complicated.", "No problem, sir. What is your date of birth?", "it's February eight nineteen eighty nine.", "Thank you, sir, and what's your account number?", "Oh it's wait let me find my last statement.", "Sure, no problem.", "Okay, I got it here I think it says one oh oh two four five nine one.", "One zero zero two four five nine one, is that correct?", "Yeah, that's what I have one my statement.", "Okay, one moment while I pull up your account.", "Yeah sure.", "Thank you for waiting. I have your account pulled up. Can you verify your policy number for me? This one is ten digits long.", "Another one? Gosh okay let me get that statement back.", "Thank you, sir.", "Okay nine five one one two ", "Nine five one one two.", "Yeah then three oh oh oh four.", "Three zero zero zero four.", "Yep.", "Thank you. Now you wanted to get your proof of insurance for your car, correct?", "Yeah, I realized I don't have a copy.", "Sure, I can get you a copy. We offer a printed and a digital version. Do you have a preference?", "Oh don't you have to have a physical copy in your car?", "Typically you do, but our digital version would allow you to print it at home.", "Oh gotcha, well, I don't have a printer, or I guess can you print it and mail it?", "Of course, sir, no problem.", "There's no difference between the versions though, right?", "No, there's no difference.", "Oh cool, okay, then yeah printed is fine.", "Sure, can I verify your mailing address?", "Oh yeah it's five oh five North Pine Street apartment three oh two and that's in Paris Kansas.", "Okay, five zero five North Pine Street apartment number three zero two Paris Kansas?", "Yeah, you got it.", "And your zip code?", "Oh yeah eight oh oh one two.", "Eight zero zero one two?", "Yeah.", "Great, thank you, now for shipping ", "Do you have shipping options? I mean, I don't have to pay, do I?", "we have two shipping options. One is free first class shipping, or you can pay seven dollars for expediated shipping.", "Oh okay ", "We do provide tracking on the first class shipping, and normally it is received in less than five days.", "Oh that's cool I'm fine with the free one.", "Sure, I can send it first class.", "Great, thanks you said I would get tracking?", "Yes, sir, I can provide that to you in just one moment.", "Awesome I appreciate it.", "Sure thing. Okay, I have your tracking number here, do you have something to write it down with?", "Oh hold on I got a pen around here somewhere.", "Sure, sir and I will also email you a confirmation with the tracking information as well.", "Oh great okay I have a pen.", "Okay, it's nine zero zero one four three two five.", "Oh oh oh, nine oh oh one four three two five.", "Yes, then four three two one nine nine one one.", "four three two one nine nine ", "One one.", "One one, got it. Thanks.", "Sure, sir, now can I verify our email? We have b. r. y. a. n. h. at yahoo dot com, is that correct?", "Yes, that's it thanks.", "Great, I will also send you a confirmation email with the tracking number as well.", "Oh awesome thanks.", "Of course, sir, is there anything else I can help you with today?", "no, I think I'm good. Thanks.", "Great, thank you for calling us today, and if you don't mind staying on the line, there will be a short survey regarding the service you received today.", "Sure okay.", "Thank you. I hope you have a great day.", "Thanks you too.", "Thank you. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_579_000", "insurance_579_001", "insurance_579_002", "insurance_579_003", "insurance_579_004", "insurance_579_005", "insurance_579_006", "insurance_579_007", "insurance_579_008", "insurance_579_009", "insurance_579_010", "insurance_579_011", "insurance_579_012", "insurance_579_013", "insurance_579_014", "insurance_579_015", "insurance_579_016", "insurance_579_017", "insurance_579_018", "insurance_579_019", "insurance_579_020", "insurance_579_021", "insurance_579_022", "insurance_579_023", "insurance_579_024", "insurance_579_025", "insurance_579_026", "insurance_579_027", "insurance_579_028", "insurance_579_029", "insurance_579_030", "insurance_579_031", "insurance_579_032", "insurance_579_033", "insurance_579_034", "insurance_579_035", "insurance_579_036", "insurance_579_037", "insurance_579_038", "insurance_579_039", "insurance_579_040", "insurance_579_041", "insurance_579_042", "insurance_579_043", "insurance_579_044", "insurance_579_045", "insurance_579_046", "insurance_579_047", "insurance_579_048", "insurance_579_049", "insurance_579_050", "insurance_579_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Blue Point Insurance. This is Jason how can I help you?", "Hi Jason. My name is Miranda and I am having an issue with automatic billing.", "Tell me a little bit more about this issue Miranda.", "Well I was charged twice this month for my premiums and I am not happy about this.", "I am sorry to hear that. I do apologize for that.", "So I would like to change my automatic billing.", "Ok I can help you with that. Miranda what is your last name?", "My last name is Hover.", "H-o-v-e-r?", "Yes but can we figure out when you are going to give me my oney back?", "Yes we will get that figured out but I need to pull up your account to see what is going on.", "Fine.", "Miranda I do need to verify your date of birth.", "May first ninteen ninty one.", "Thank you and I also need to verify your security question. Which high school did you attend?", "Mills Lake.", "Thank you. Give me one minute while I pull everything up.", "Alright I do see on my end that you were charged twice. Like I said I am so sorry about that. I am going to go and get a supervisor to get that money back to you. Give me one moment.", "Ok.", "Thank you for holding Miranda are you still there?", "Yes did we get this resolved, because I have bills to pay.", "Yes we did. My supervisor is going to reverse the charge for you.", "Ok because this is not ok. I needed this money in my account.", "I do apologize again this should not have happened.", "Yeah I am not happy.", "Like I said I do apologize. I know you stated you would like to change the billing method which way would you like to be billed?", "Do I have an option?", "You do. So we offer a few other options besides automatic billing. The first we can send you a monthly bill in the mail and you can pay by check. Or we can create an online account which you can pay then by credit or debit card. Or the last option would be to call once a month and pay over the phone.", "Which option are you thinking?", "I am going to do the online one.", "Ok do you have an online account with us?", "Yes.", "Ok so every month you will get an email to pay that bill through your online account.", "Ok.", "I just want to verify the email address we have on file. Is it m-i-r-a-n-d-a-f-s-one -nine -five -five at yahoo dot com?", "Yes that is correct.", "Thank you. That will be where your invoices go.", "Ok. So when will I have my money back?", "So it does take seven to ten business days to go back into your account.", "That is not right. You can take it out right away, but can't put it back in right away. This is unacceptable.", "Mam I do apologize and there is nothing on my end that I can do as far as that part. I did let the supervisor know this is an issue and they are looking into it. I do apologize.", "Mhm ok.", "So I do want to verify your automatic billing has been cancelled and you will not be charged again. And we have set up online payments and you will receive an email once a month to pay your bill. Sound good?", "I guess so.", "If your money is not back in your account within ten business days please give us a call back and we will figure out what is going on.", "#Er ok.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Not at this time.", "Okay well like I said I do apologize for everything that has happened.", "Thanks.", "Please let me know if you have any other questions other wise thank you for calling in and have a good day.", "You too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_580_000", "insurance_580_001", "insurance_580_002", "insurance_580_003", "insurance_580_004", "insurance_580_005", "insurance_580_006", "insurance_580_007", "insurance_580_008", "insurance_580_009", "insurance_580_010", "insurance_580_011", "insurance_580_012", "insurance_580_013", "insurance_580_014", "insurance_580_015", "insurance_580_016", "insurance_580_017", "insurance_580_018", "insurance_580_019", "insurance_580_020", "insurance_580_021", "insurance_580_022", "insurance_580_023", "insurance_580_024", "insurance_580_025", "insurance_580_026", "insurance_580_027", "insurance_580_028", "insurance_580_029", "insurance_580_030", "insurance_580_031", "insurance_580_032", "insurance_580_033", "insurance_580_034", "insurance_580_035", "insurance_580_036", "insurance_580_037", "insurance_580_038", "insurance_580_039", "insurance_580_040", "insurance_580_041", "insurance_580_042", "insurance_580_043", "insurance_580_044", "insurance_580_045", "insurance_580_046", "insurance_580_047", "insurance_580_048", "insurance_580_049", "insurance_580_050", "insurance_580_051", "insurance_580_052", "insurance_580_053", "insurance_580_054", "insurance_580_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "yeah on my online account I need to change that security question and I can't figure out how.", "Sure, okay, I can help you with that.", "Okay great cause I was getting really frustrated online with it.", "Sure, I understand. Can I have your first and last name, please?", "sure it's Michael Baird.", "Okay, Michael m. i. c. h. a. e. l. and Beard b. e. a. r. d.?", "Oh, that Michael's right but my last name is Baird b. a. i. r. d.", "Oh I apologize, sir, let me change that.", "Sure, no problem.", "Okay, mister Baird, what is your date of birth?", "Yeah, my birthday is November ninth of nineteen seventy six.", "Thank you, sir. And what is your account number?", "Oh I don't know.", "Are you able to look it up?", "Not really, I don't keep a lot of paperwork around. I thought this would be easy to do.", "Okay, sir, I can use your social security number and security question to verify your identity.", "Okay, that's fine. I know my security question I just want to change it.", "Sure thing. So what is your social security number?", "Yeah, my social is four three two.", "Four three two.", "nine five nine.", "nine five nine.", "twenty thirty.", "two zero three zero?", "Yep.", "Thank you, sir, and for your security question what is your mother's maiden name?", "Oh right that's Brown.", "Thank you. One moment while I pull up your account.", "Sure thing thanks.", "Okay, I have your account pulled up. Do you know what you'd like your new security question to be?", "What options do I have?", "You could do what is the name of your childhood best friend?", "Oh goodness no not that one.", "Okay, another option is what is the name of your high school?", "maybe, are there any others?", "You could also do what is the name of your first pet?", "Oh I've never had any pets, so I guess the high school one.", "Sure, so if you could answer what is the name of your high school for me?", "Oh right it's Spartan High School, that's s. p. a. r. t. a. n. with the s. capitalized.", "Great, thank you. Okay, so I have that security question updated and changed for you and.", "awesome thanks.", "Sure, would you like an email confirmation that it's been changed?", "Oh nah I don't think so.", "Sure, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Oh I wondered if you can do this online if I want to change it in the future?", "Yes you can, it will be under your account details once you log in. There's an option to edit your account details.", "Oh okay, I guess I missed that earlier.", "No problem, sir, it's there in the future if you need it.", "Thanks.", "Anytime, is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that's it I think. Thanks so much.", "Sure, I hope you have a great day.", "you too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_581_000", "insurance_581_001", "insurance_581_002", "insurance_581_003", "insurance_581_004", "insurance_581_005", "insurance_581_006", "insurance_581_007", "insurance_581_008", "insurance_581_009", "insurance_581_010", "insurance_581_011", "insurance_581_012", "insurance_581_013", "insurance_581_014", "insurance_581_015", "insurance_581_016", "insurance_581_017", "insurance_581_018", "insurance_581_019", "insurance_581_020", "insurance_581_021", "insurance_581_022", "insurance_581_023", "insurance_581_024", "insurance_581_025", "insurance_581_026", "insurance_581_027", "insurance_581_028", "insurance_581_029", "insurance_581_030", "insurance_581_031", "insurance_581_032", "insurance_581_033", "insurance_581_034", "insurance_581_035", "insurance_581_036", "insurance_581_037", "insurance_581_038", "insurance_581_039", "insurance_581_040", "insurance_581_041", "insurance_581_042", "insurance_581_043", "insurance_581_044", "insurance_581_045", "insurance_581_046", "insurance_581_047", "insurance_581_048", "insurance_581_049", "insurance_581_050", "insurance_581_051", "insurance_581_052", "insurance_581_053", "insurance_581_054", "insurance_581_055", "insurance_581_056", "insurance_581_057", "insurance_581_058", "insurance_581_059", "insurance_581_060", "insurance_581_061", "insurance_581_062", "insurance_581_063", "insurance_581_064", "insurance_581_065", "insurance_581_066", "insurance_581_067", "insurance_581_068", "insurance_581_069", "insurance_581_070", "insurance_581_071" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "yes, I need to take care of my bill.", "Sure, I can help you with that. What's your first and last name?", "Yeah sure it's Mark Johnson.", "Thank you, mister Johnson. Can I confirm your spelling as m. a. r. k. and j. o. h. n. s. o. n?", "Yep that's right.", "Great, thank you. And what is your date of birth?", "it's November eighth nineteen seventy.", "Thank you, sir. And what is your account number?", "shoot I don't have that with me.", "That's okay, we can use your social security number and security question to verify your account. Do you have your social security number handy?", "Oh yeah, I have that memorized.", "Great, whenever you're ready.", "Yeah, it's four five one ", "four five one.", "yeah four five one, nine nine five.", "Okay, so that's four five one nine nine five.", "Yeah and two three one one.", "two three one one.", "Yeah, that's it.", "Okay, and just one more thing to verify your identity and account. The security question you have set up is what is the name of your high school?", "Okay, that would be Brink High School. Brink is spelled b. r. i. n. k.", "Thank you, sir. Let me pull up your account here.", "Sure.", "Okay, I have your account pulled up. You are wanting to pay your bill, correct?", "Yeah that's right. I need to pay for this past month I think it's due in like two days or something.", "Yes, sir, that looks to be correct. So you will be paying for the month of April then, correct?", "Yeah.", "Okay, sir, how would you like to pay today?", "I'll be using my card.", "Sure thing, now what is your credit card number?", "Oh, let me get it real quick yeah.", "Sure thing.", "Okay, I have it here. The number is five four nine one ", "Five four nine one.", "yeah two four five one.", "Two four five one.", "six oh oh five nine three seven six.", "Six zero zero five nine three seven six?", "Yep and expiration is November twenty twenty two.", "Great, and the security code?", "Oh that's the three digit code thing?", "Yes, sir on the back of your card.", "Yeah, that's one four six.", "Thank you, one moment.", "Sure is there a way to do this online next time?", "Yes you can do it online. I can also set you up for recurring payment if you'd prefer?", "Oh no I like to do it each month, but if I can I'll do it online.", "Sure thing. Okay, you're payment will process today, May third, or your bill covering the month of April, is that alright with you?", "sure, that works.", "Thank you.", "So I can do this online next time?", "Yes sir, when you log in to your account you will have a tab option near the top of the page that says pay bill.", "Oh yeah, I think I've seen that. I should have looked at it more .", "That's okay. And as I said, I would be happy to set you up on recurring billing if you'd like. It would come out the third of each month covering the previous month's billing period.", "yeah, I think I'm okay this time but well, you know, I actually think I'll do that.", "Sure thing, I can set you up on recurring payments.", "Yeah, the more I thought about it the more that would make things easier.", "Sure, now as I said, your bill will automatically be paid each month on the third for the previous month's bill. It will be charged to the credit card you just provided.", "Okay, sure, that's fine.", "Okay great, you are set up. Now, you'll receive a confirmation email of your recurring payments to the email we have on file, which is mark dot johnson dash one at hotmail dot com, is that correct?", "Yeah, that's the right email.", "Great, thank you.", "Will I get that email today?", "Yes, you should receive the confirmation email within the next hour.", "Wonderful thanks.", "Sure thing, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No I think that's it. Thanks for helping me get all that set up.", "No problem, sir, I'm happy to help. Have a great rest of your day.", "Thanks you too.", "Good bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_582_000", "insurance_582_001", "insurance_582_002", "insurance_582_003", "insurance_582_004", "insurance_582_005", "insurance_582_006", "insurance_582_007", "insurance_582_008", "insurance_582_009", "insurance_582_010", "insurance_582_011", "insurance_582_012", "insurance_582_013", "insurance_582_014", "insurance_582_015", "insurance_582_016", "insurance_582_017", "insurance_582_018", "insurance_582_019", "insurance_582_020", "insurance_582_021", "insurance_582_022", "insurance_582_023", "insurance_582_024", "insurance_582_025", "insurance_582_026", "insurance_582_027", "insurance_582_028", "insurance_582_029", "insurance_582_030", "insurance_582_031", "insurance_582_032", "insurance_582_033", "insurance_582_034", "insurance_582_035", "insurance_582_036", "insurance_582_037", "insurance_582_038", "insurance_582_039", "insurance_582_040", "insurance_582_041", "insurance_582_042", "insurance_582_043", "insurance_582_044", "insurance_582_045", "insurance_582_046", "insurance_582_047", "insurance_582_048", "insurance_582_049", "insurance_582_050", "insurance_582_051", "insurance_582_052", "insurance_582_053", "insurance_582_054", "insurance_582_055", "insurance_582_056", "insurance_582_057", "insurance_582_058", "insurance_582_059", "insurance_582_060", "insurance_582_061", "insurance_582_062", "insurance_582_063", "insurance_582_064", "insurance_582_065", "insurance_582_066", "insurance_582_067", "insurance_582_068", "insurance_582_069", "insurance_582_070", "insurance_582_071", "insurance_582_072", "insurance_582_073" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer service. How can I help you today?", "yes, I've made my account online and I've been doing my research, so I think I'm ready to enroll.", "Sure, I can help you enroll in one of our insurance plans. First things first, can I have your name and date of birth?", "Oh yeah, this is Jane Brown and my birthday is June fifth.", "Thank you. What is your birth year?", "Oh sorry, yeah, it's nineteen eighty four.", "Thank you. I also need your account number, If you have that handy.", "yeah, I've got that in my email I think. Let me see real quick.", "Sure.", "Here it is, okay, my account number is five four seven six nine.", "Five four seven six nine, is that correct?", "Yep, that's it or at least that's the number listed in my email confirmation.", "Great, let me look up your account.", "Thanks. I created my account earlier today, so hopefully I did everything right .", "Yes, I have your account pulled up. Which insurance plan are you wanting to enroll in?", "So okay, yes, I'm wanting to get car insurance.", "Great, do you know which automobile insurance you are interested in?", "I think so. I researched the plans earlier, and I think I want to go with the preferred one.", "The preferred auto insurance? Sure, I can enroll you. What is.", "Is that one one thousand per year?", "no, the one thousand per year is the basic auto. The preferred auto is fifteen hundred per year.", "Oh, okay. I couldn't remember the price but I definitely want the preferred one.", "Sure. What is the make, model and year of your vehicle?", "It's a Honda SRV and it's a two thousand twelve.", "Okay, thank you. So when did you need the insurance to be effective?", "well, I guess as soon as possible.", "Okay. I can make it effective starting today.", "Oh! That would be great, thanks yeah.", "Okay, so I made the effective date today, June fifteenth. Now, do you want to pay monthly, every six months or annually?", "are there any benefits to paying all at once? Like any discounts or anything?", "Actually yes, you get a five dollar discount for paying either every six months or annually.", "Oh sweet, well I had planned on paying annually so let's do that.", "Sure. I will need a credit card whenever you're ready.", "Oh sure, let me go get it.", "Okay.", "Okay, I have it.", "Great. What is your credit card number?", "It's nine one two three.", "nine one two three.", "oh oh five four.", "zero zero five four.", "eleven twelve.", "eleven twelve, as in one one one two?", "yep, five five one one.", "last four of five five one one.", "Right.", "And expiration?", "July of twenty twenty two.", "Okay, and security code.", "that's one two three.", "Thank you. Once I confirm the enrollment details with you, you will be charged the fifteen hundred dollars for your first year of the preferred auto policy. Because you are payin annually, you will notice a sixty dollar total discount. Every year after that, you will be charged again on June fifteenth of that year.", "Okay. Are there any additional fees or is it just the fifteen hundred or whatever it is with the discount?", "It is just the fifteen hundred, unless you miss a payment then there's a twenty dollar fee.", "Okay, gotcha. But I'm enrolled in auto-pay, right? That's what it sounded like.", "Yes, that is what I set you up with.", "Okay, great.", "Great. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "well, so yeah before I forget, where can I get a copy of my insurance for my car?", "Oh yes, now that your enrolled in the preferred auto plan, you should be able to print those papers out from your account.", "Okay, let me pull my account up on my computer so I can make sure I see it.", "Okay, just let me know when you're ready.", "yeah, okay, I have my account pulled up.", "Great. If you click on my account, you should see a pop-up with more options.", "Yep, I see that.", "Okay, one of those is documents. If you click on documents.", "Yeah, I see my car insurance now. Cool.", "Great. It should let you both download the proof of insurance as well as print it.", "Awesome yeah that's what I was needing.", "Great. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Nope, I think that's it now. thanks so much I appreciate the help.", "You're most welcome. Have a great day.", "Yeah, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_583_000", "insurance_583_001", "insurance_583_002", "insurance_583_003", "insurance_583_004", "insurance_583_005", "insurance_583_006", "insurance_583_007", "insurance_583_008", "insurance_583_009", "insurance_583_010", "insurance_583_011", "insurance_583_012", "insurance_583_013", "insurance_583_014", "insurance_583_015", "insurance_583_016", "insurance_583_017", "insurance_583_018", "insurance_583_019", "insurance_583_020", "insurance_583_021", "insurance_583_022", "insurance_583_023", "insurance_583_024", "insurance_583_025", "insurance_583_026", "insurance_583_027", "insurance_583_028", "insurance_583_029", "insurance_583_030", "insurance_583_031", "insurance_583_032", "insurance_583_033", "insurance_583_034", "insurance_583_035", "insurance_583_036", "insurance_583_037", "insurance_583_038", "insurance_583_039", "insurance_583_040", "insurance_583_041", "insurance_583_042", "insurance_583_043", "insurance_583_044", "insurance_583_045", "insurance_583_046", "insurance_583_047", "insurance_583_048", "insurance_583_049", "insurance_583_050", "insurance_583_051", "insurance_583_052", "insurance_583_053", "insurance_583_054", "insurance_583_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. My name is Sandy. How can I help you today?", "Hi Sandy, yeah this Mike Harlow. I need to change my payment option please.", "Yes, mister Harlow, I can help you change your payment preference.", "Yeah, I had it coming out of my bank account but I'd rather just do credit.", "Sure, no problem. First, is your account under Mike m. i. k. e. Harlow h. a. r. l. o. w.?", "Oh well, it's probably under Michael, since that's my full first name.", "Gotcha. mister Harlow, what is your date of birth?", "Oh it's July first nineteen ninety nine.", "Okay great, and what is your account number?", "Oh I have that right here on my last statement, it's one oh two nine oh seven three four.", "That's one zero two nine zero seven three four?", "yeah, I think that's the right number. It's the one under my name, right?", "Yes, that's it. Now let me.", "okay good.", "Okay, let me pull up your account, just one moment.", "Yeah sure okay.", "Thank you, mister Harlow, I have your account pulled up. Now, you said you wanted to change your payment method, correct?", "Yeah, I'd like too. I was thinking putting it on my credit card, but are there other options like Paypal?", "Our payment options are credit card or bank account.", "okay, so no Paypal or anthing like that.", "No, sir, not at this time.", "Okay, well, I guess I'll change it to my credit card.", "Sure, I can do that. Now with credit card payments, there is a one dollar processing fee.", "You've got to be joking, right?", "No, sir this is a company policy, but I understand your frustration.", "Well, I really need to change it, so I guess I'll deal with it.", "Okay, I can take the credit card number whenever you are ready.", "Yeah, okay it's four three nine nine.", "four three nine nine.", "yeah, eight five one one.", "eight five one one.", "yep one two two one.", "one two two one.", "oh five five two.", "oh five five two.", "Yeah, that's it.", "Great, and what is the expiration?", "It's let me see, it's June of twenty six.", "June of twenty twenty six?", "Yep.", "And the three digit security code?", "Okay, it's two three four.", "Great, thank you, one moment while this processes.", "Sure okay.", "Okay, you are all set up with the credit card payment.", "Well that wasn't too bad except for the dollar processing stuff.", "Yes, and if you ever need to change it again you can call us back or change it on your account online.", "Okay, great, I didn't realize I could do it online.", "You can, actually, would you like me to show you where to go?", "Nah, not today I'm pretty busy but that's good to know so thanks.", "Sure, anytime. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "I don't think so.", "Well thank you, mister Harlow, for calling Rivertown Insurance customer service, and I hope you have a great day.", "Thanks, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_584_000", "insurance_584_001", "insurance_584_002", "insurance_584_003", "insurance_584_004", "insurance_584_005", "insurance_584_006", "insurance_584_007", "insurance_584_008", "insurance_584_009", "insurance_584_010", "insurance_584_011", "insurance_584_012", "insurance_584_013", "insurance_584_014", "insurance_584_015", "insurance_584_016", "insurance_584_017", "insurance_584_018", "insurance_584_019", "insurance_584_020", "insurance_584_021", "insurance_584_022", "insurance_584_023", "insurance_584_024", "insurance_584_025", "insurance_584_026", "insurance_584_027", "insurance_584_028", "insurance_584_029", "insurance_584_030", "insurance_584_031", "insurance_584_032", "insurance_584_033", "insurance_584_034", "insurance_584_035", "insurance_584_036", "insurance_584_037", "insurance_584_038", "insurance_584_039", "insurance_584_040", "insurance_584_041", "insurance_584_042", "insurance_584_043", "insurance_584_044", "insurance_584_045", "insurance_584_046", "insurance_584_047", "insurance_584_048", "insurance_584_049", "insurance_584_050", "insurance_584_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, this is Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you today?", "Hi yeah I need to change how I'm billed.", "Okay, are you referring to your payment method or how often you're billed?", "Oh I mean I pay yearly but I need to change that.", "Sure, I can help you do that. First, what is your first and last name?", "yeah it's Matt Blakenship.", "Can you spell your last name for me, sir?", "Sure, it's b. l. a.k. e. n. s. h. i. p.", "Thank you, and what is your date of birth?", "yeah it's March twenty second nineteen eighty.", "Great, thank you. And what is your account number?", "Yeah, it's two three four one one one two oh no wait that's not right hold on.", "Sure, take your time.", "Okay yeah I had it right so it's two three four one ", "Two three four one.", "Yes and one one two three.", "One one two three.", "Yeah, that's right I thought I had the wrong number but I think that's it.", "Yes, that should be it. One moment while I pull your account up.", "Sure thing yeah.", "Okay, I have your account pulled up. You wanted to change your billing frequency, correct?", "Yeah I pay yearly and I need to change that.", "Okay, sure. Our two billing options are yearly and monthly.", "Oh, okay. You can't do every six months or something?", "Unfortuately not, we only offer the two options.", "Oh okay, I guess I'll do monthly then.", "You would like to change from yearly to monthly?", "Yeah, I guess since there isn't any other option.", "Okay, I'll change the billing option for you.", "Can I get some kind of confirmation of that change? Like an email or something.", "Sure, just one moment.", "Great, thanks.", "Okay, let me go ahead and confirmation the email address we have on file for you.", "Yeah sure.", "Okay, I have m. a. t. t. b. l. a. k. e. n. at gmail dot com, is that correct?", "Oh no, I changed it recently.", "Would you like to update your email address?", "Yeah, the new one is m. a. t. t. b. l. a. k. e. n. s. h. i. p. one nine eight zero at hotmail dot com.", "m. a. t. t. b. l. a. k. e. n. s. h. i. p. one nine eight zero at hotmail dot com, correct?", "Yeah, that's it.", "Great, I've updated that information in your account.", "Oh awesome thanks.", "Sure thing. Okay, so I've updated your billing frequency to monthly and.", "when will my first payment be?", "Your first bill will reflect this month, and your payment will by the first of next month, so May first.", "Okay that's fine.", "Sure, no problem. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, thank you, I'm good.", "Okay. Thank you for calling and I hope you have a great rest of your day.", "thanks, you too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_585_000", "insurance_585_001", "insurance_585_002", "insurance_585_003", "insurance_585_004", "insurance_585_005", "insurance_585_006", "insurance_585_007", "insurance_585_008", "insurance_585_009", "insurance_585_010", "insurance_585_011", "insurance_585_012", "insurance_585_013", "insurance_585_014", "insurance_585_015", "insurance_585_016", "insurance_585_017", "insurance_585_018", "insurance_585_019", "insurance_585_020", "insurance_585_021", "insurance_585_022", "insurance_585_023", "insurance_585_024", "insurance_585_025", "insurance_585_026", "insurance_585_027", "insurance_585_028", "insurance_585_029", "insurance_585_030", "insurance_585_031", "insurance_585_032", "insurance_585_033", "insurance_585_034", "insurance_585_035", "insurance_585_036", "insurance_585_037", "insurance_585_038", "insurance_585_039", "insurance_585_040", "insurance_585_041", "insurance_585_042", "insurance_585_043", "insurance_585_044", "insurance_585_045", "insurance_585_046", "insurance_585_047", "insurance_585_048", "insurance_585_049", "insurance_585_050", "insurance_585_051", "insurance_585_052", "insurance_585_053", "insurance_585_054", "insurance_585_055", "insurance_585_056", "insurance_585_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer service. How can I help you today?", "Hi yes, I need to get my account set-up.", "Okay, great. I can help you with that. Can I have your first and last name, please?", "Yeah, sure. It's Alek Smith.", "Alex as in A. l. e. x.?", "No, it's Alek with a k. at the end, not an x.", "I apologize for that. So let me confirm your spelling. It's Alek, a. l. e. k., Smith, s. m. i. t. h.?", "Yep, that's right.", "Thanks, Alex. Can I have your ten digit phone number?", "sure. It's two oh oh four nine five eight one three nine.", "Two oh oh four nine five eight one three nine?", "Yeah.", "Thank you. let's see. What is your date of birth?", "It's May fifth, nineteen eighty six.", "And your street address?", "Oh it's nine three two Sycamore Drive and that's in Blue, Texas.", "Blue, Texas, okay, and what is the zip code?", "It's one three five seven nine.", "Thank you. Okay, it's taking just a second to load the next page.", "Sure, sure.", "Okay, it's loaded. What is your social security number?", "Oh shoot, I need to look that up. Just one sec.", "Sure.", "Sorry about that. I can never remember the number right.", "That's okay.", "Okay, so it's four nine five.", "four nine five.", "eight three six.", "eight three six.", "one one two one.", "one one two one.", "Yep.", "Okay, thank you. For the last part of your account set-up, I will need to set-up a security question for you.", "Oh gosh I hate these.", "Yes, I understand.", "Can it be something simple?", "it can ask you your mother's maiden name?", "Yeah, okay, I guess that works.", "Okay, so what is your mother's maiden name?", "Oh right. Sorry. It's Green. G. r. e. e. n.", "Okay, thank you.", "Is there much more left? I'm kinda on a time crunch.", "I do apologize, we are almost done.", "Awesome.", "Okay, so with the information you provided, you will receive a text message with a link to your account. When you click on the link, it will take you to our website to finish your account set-up.", "Okay, so what's left?", "The link will let you create your username and password.", "Gotcha, okay, I guess you guys don't do that.", "For security purposes we do not.", "Makes sense. So I can do that on my own time?", "Yes, but the link is only good for twenty four hours. If you wait longer you'll have to call us back and we can send a new link.", "Okay, I guess I'll get on that then.", "Great. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Nah, I think I'm good. Thanks for the help.", "Wonderful. Thank you again for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a great day.", "You too.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_586_000", "insurance_586_001", "insurance_586_002", "insurance_586_003", "insurance_586_004", "insurance_586_005", "insurance_586_006", "insurance_586_007", "insurance_586_008", "insurance_586_009", "insurance_586_010", "insurance_586_011", "insurance_586_012", "insurance_586_013", "insurance_586_014", "insurance_586_015", "insurance_586_016", "insurance_586_017", "insurance_586_018", "insurance_586_019", "insurance_586_020", "insurance_586_021", "insurance_586_022", "insurance_586_023", "insurance_586_024", "insurance_586_025", "insurance_586_026", "insurance_586_027", "insurance_586_028", "insurance_586_029", "insurance_586_030", "insurance_586_031", "insurance_586_032", "insurance_586_033", "insurance_586_034", "insurance_586_035", "insurance_586_036", "insurance_586_037", "insurance_586_038", "insurance_586_039", "insurance_586_040", "insurance_586_041", "insurance_586_042", "insurance_586_043", "insurance_586_044", "insurance_586_045", "insurance_586_046", "insurance_586_047", "insurance_586_048", "insurance_586_049", "insurance_586_050", "insurance_586_051", "insurance_586_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you today?", "Yes, hi I've forgotten my password and I'm not having any luck resetting my password online.", "Sure, I can help you reset your password.", "Great, thanks.", "Sure, no problem. First, can I get your first and last name, please?", "yeah, it's Bob Caker.", "Bob Kaker, as in k. a. k. e. r.?", "No, it's Caker with a c, as in birthday cake .", "Oh I get it. Caker spelled c. a. k. e. r.", "Yep, that's it.", "Great, thank you. mister Caker can I have your data of birth and account number as well?", "Yeah, my birthday is April first, nineteen sixty two I'm an April Fools kid.", "That's easy to remember.", "Sure is, now what was that other thing you needed?", "I also need your eight digit account number.", "Okay, where can I find that?", "It should be in the upper right section of any printed document you have from us, under your name.", "Okay, let me go look through my desk.", "Sure.", "Okay, okay, I think I got it here.", "Okay, I'm ready whenever you are.", "I think it's eight six four two one three five seven.", "Eight six four two one three five seven, let me just verify this real quick.", "okay.", "Yes, that was the correct account number mister Caker.", "Great okay, now how do I reset my password?", "Sure, I will send you an email with instructions and a link to reset your password.", "You can't reset it?", "I can't type in a password for you, but I can send you the link that will let you change and reset your password.", "okay.", "The email address I have on file for you is b. o. b. t. h. e. c. a. k. e. r. at yahoo dot com, is that correct?", "Oh no, I recently changed my email.", "Sure, what's the correct email address for you?", "it's b. c. a. k. e. r. at gmail dot com.", "That's b. c. a. k. e. r. at gmail dot com?", "Yep that should be the right one there.", "Great, I have updated your email on your account, and you should have an email with the instructions and a link for resetting your password.", "is that today?", "You should get the email in just the next few minutes.", "Okay great.", "Great, is there anything else I can help you with today, mister Caker?", "If this happens again, can I reset my password online and not have to call someone again?", "Yes, now that your email has been updated you should be able to use the reset password link on the website.", "I would appreciate that, because it's hard to take time to call up for something like this.", "I completely understand, mister Caker. And again, with your email address updated it should work next time.", "Okay thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "Nope, I think I'm good. I'll call you back I guess if I don't see an email.", "Sure, feel free call back. I or someone else would be happy to help.", "Thanks.", "You're most welcome. Have a great day.", "you too, thanks. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_587_000", "insurance_587_001", "insurance_587_002", "insurance_587_003", "insurance_587_004", "insurance_587_005", "insurance_587_006", "insurance_587_007", "insurance_587_008", "insurance_587_009", "insurance_587_010", "insurance_587_011", "insurance_587_012", "insurance_587_013", "insurance_587_014", "insurance_587_015", "insurance_587_016", "insurance_587_017", "insurance_587_018", "insurance_587_019", "insurance_587_020", "insurance_587_021", "insurance_587_022", "insurance_587_023", "insurance_587_024", "insurance_587_025", "insurance_587_026", "insurance_587_027", "insurance_587_028", "insurance_587_029", "insurance_587_030", "insurance_587_031", "insurance_587_032", "insurance_587_033", "insurance_587_034", "insurance_587_035", "insurance_587_036", "insurance_587_037", "insurance_587_038", "insurance_587_039", "insurance_587_040", "insurance_587_041", "insurance_587_042", "insurance_587_043", "insurance_587_044", "insurance_587_045", "insurance_587_046", "insurance_587_047", "insurance_587_048", "insurance_587_049", "insurance_587_050", "insurance_587_051", "insurance_587_052", "insurance_587_053", "insurance_587_054", "insurance_587_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer service. How can I help you today?", "Hi yes I need to cancel my car insurance.", "Okay, I can help you cancel your insurance plan. First, I will need your first and last name, please.", "Yeah, it's Peter p. e. t. e. r. Gray g. r. a. y.", "Thank you, mister Gray. Can you verify your account number for me?", "sure, I think it's fourty one twenty.", "Okay, your account number should be eight numbers long.", "Oh is it? oh I see, I think I gave you just the last four. Let me see if I can find it here ", "Sure.", "Okay, I can't find anything other than the last four numbers. Can you make that work?", "Unfortunately I can't, but I can use your social security number instead.", "Oh okay, I can do that.", "Sure, whenever you're ready.", "okay, it's five one one.", "five one one.", "three two five.", "three two five.", "four four six six.", "four four six six.", "Yep.", "Thank you. What is your date of birth?", "It's October seventh, nineteen seventy five.", "Great, thank you. One last question, what is.", "Ugh, really? This is taking forever.", "yes, I'm sorry. I just need to verify your identity with your security question. What is your mother's maiden name?", "It's Hall.", "Thank you, mister Gray. One moment please while I pull your account up.", "Okay.", "Okay, I have your automobile insurance plan here. You are wanting to cancel it, correct?", "Yep.", "While I start the cancellation process, can I ask why you are cancelling today?", "Well I've found a better price insurance honestly.", "That's okay, I'll just make a note here. If I cancel today, your coverage will continue until the last day of this month.", "That's fine.", "So your insurance plan is paid through the end of this month and.", "Do I get that money back?", "No, sir. If I cancel today, your coverage will continue until the last day of this month.", "Oh, okay that's kinda a rip off.", "I understand your concern. Your policy is pre-paid through the end of the month and you will have coverage for another two weeks.", "Okay.", "Okay, so you confirm the cancellation of your car insurance policy, effective June thirtieth?", "yes, I do.", "Okay, thank you.", "Will I get some confirmation letter or email?", "Yes, sir. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.", "Great.", "I have p. e. t. e. r. dot g. r. a. y. at hotmail dot com as your email, is that still correct?", "Yep, that's the right one.", "Thank you within the next thirty minutes you should receive a confirmation email at that address.", "Awesome.", "Thank you, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, I think that's it.", "Thank you for calling today, sir, and I hope you have a great day.", "Thanks, you too.", "Thank you, bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_588_000", "insurance_588_001", "insurance_588_002", "insurance_588_003", "insurance_588_004", "insurance_588_005", "insurance_588_006", "insurance_588_007", "insurance_588_008", "insurance_588_009", "insurance_588_010", "insurance_588_011", "insurance_588_012", "insurance_588_013", "insurance_588_014", "insurance_588_015", "insurance_588_016", "insurance_588_017", "insurance_588_018", "insurance_588_019", "insurance_588_020", "insurance_588_021", "insurance_588_022", "insurance_588_023", "insurance_588_024", "insurance_588_025", "insurance_588_026", "insurance_588_027", "insurance_588_028", "insurance_588_029", "insurance_588_030", "insurance_588_031", "insurance_588_032", "insurance_588_033", "insurance_588_034", "insurance_588_035", "insurance_588_036", "insurance_588_037", "insurance_588_038", "insurance_588_039", "insurance_588_040", "insurance_588_041", "insurance_588_042", "insurance_588_043", "insurance_588_044", "insurance_588_045", "insurance_588_046", "insurance_588_047", "insurance_588_048", "insurance_588_049", "insurance_588_050", "insurance_588_051", "insurance_588_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Kelly, how may I help you?", "Hi. I'm calling about pet insurance. Am I in the right department?", "Yes, I can absolutely help you with that. Are you a current customer with us?", "I am. We have our homeowner's and auto through you guys.", "Great! I just need your eight digit policy number, full name and date of birth.", "yeah okay. Let me grab my wallet, hang on.", "Take your time.", "Okay, Anthony Christopher Guggino. eight twenty-seven ninety. This here policy number is four two seven five one six twenty-two.", "Got it, please hold while the system pulls your account up.", "Sure.", "How is your day going so far? Any big plans for the weekend?", "Busy. Not really, just trying to house train this puppy. She chews everything so we don't dare leave her alone in the house. And don't tell me to kennel train her. The thing just cries and cries in there.", "Oh poor doggie. I am more of a cat person myself. I can leave whenever I want to, even on quick trips.", "Yeah, yeah I can see that. But you know my wife, she wants the kid to grow up with a dog.", "Aw, nothing better than a family dog. Okay, I have your account pulled up sir. Were you looking to sign up today or just looking for a quote?", "Well, you know I'm not sure. It depends on how much it is.", "Let me pull up our pet plans. We have two options. The first is our Pet Care Basic and that runs five hundred dollars a year.", "Huh, okay.", "Our second plan is the Preferred plan and that premium is one thousand dollars a year but it is pretty comprehensive.", "Whoa. I don't know if I want to spend that much.", "Let me get some basic information about your dog. Can you tell me the breed and approximate weight?", "She's an English Bulldog. She isn't quite three months yet. I would say she weighs about ten, eleven pounds give or take?", "Okay. If you opt for the Pet Care Basic, it covers sick visits and a dental cleaning. Both plans have exclusions including preexisting conditions.", "Well, I don't think she has any, she's just a puppy.", "Now I do know that bulldogs can have some health issues as time goes on. Our Preferred Plan would cover additional items such as specialty medications, surgery and hospitilzations and many other unexpected issues that my arise.", "Yeah, you know I told my wife these dogs have problems so that's why I'm calling.", "Would you like me to email you the brochure for both of these plans?", "Yes, you know actually I think I do need to talk to my wife about this.", "I understand. Is GugginoThree at gmail dot com a good address?", "Yeah, just because I'm on a job can you email it to my wife as well?", "Of course! What is a.", "Her email is MonaGnine four at hotmail dot com. Sorry I interupted you.", "You know that is quite all right. That is exactly what I was going to ask you for. Okay, both emails have been sent.", "Thanks.", "What is that adorable puppy's name?", "like keep in mind my wife named her. Her name is Princess Daisy Cutie Muffin. .", "Oh my gosh, that's awesome. I love it.", "It's quite a mouthful.", "True. But I'm sure it'll get shortened down to just one of those names.", "Yeah, just so long as it isn't Princess! I have a daughter so there is already one princess in the house. I can't afford another.", "Goodness, you are cracking me up. Do you have a way to check to see if the email came through?", "mhm. Let me check on my phone.", "I'll wait.", "yep. Here it is.", "Great! Discuss with your wife and give us a call back.", "I will, we will talk it over tonight.", "mister Guggino, was there anything else I can do for you?", "Nope, that's it.", "If anything comes up or you have questions on that email, let us know.", "I will, it seems pretty straightforward.", "It is. Well, I'm going to let you get back to your day. Thank you so much for calling. Enjoy the new puppy!", "Yep, talk soon. Bye.", "Bye Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_589_000", "insurance_589_001", "insurance_589_002", "insurance_589_003", "insurance_589_004", "insurance_589_005", "insurance_589_006", "insurance_589_007", "insurance_589_008", "insurance_589_009", "insurance_589_010", "insurance_589_011", "insurance_589_012", "insurance_589_013", "insurance_589_014", "insurance_589_015", "insurance_589_016", "insurance_589_017", "insurance_589_018", "insurance_589_019", "insurance_589_020", "insurance_589_021", "insurance_589_022", "insurance_589_023", "insurance_589_024", "insurance_589_025", "insurance_589_026", "insurance_589_027", "insurance_589_028", "insurance_589_029", "insurance_589_030", "insurance_589_031", "insurance_589_032", "insurance_589_033", "insurance_589_034", "insurance_589_035", "insurance_589_036", "insurance_589_037", "insurance_589_038", "insurance_589_039", "insurance_589_040", "insurance_589_041", "insurance_589_042", "insurance_589_043", "insurance_589_044", "insurance_589_045", "insurance_589_046", "insurance_589_047", "insurance_589_048", "insurance_589_049", "insurance_589_050", "insurance_589_051", "insurance_589_052", "insurance_589_053", "insurance_589_054", "insurance_589_055", "insurance_589_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Yeah I guess I need to remove my son from my plan seeing how he's actually a functional adult now with a job.", "Well, that's great news! Let me get you pulled up in the system. Do you happen to have your policy number?", "I do. nine two seven four eight five one.", "Actually, we are missing a number there. The policy number is eight numbers. Did you say nine two seven four eight five one?", "No, it's nine two two seven.", "My apologies. Can you confirm your full name and date of birth for me?", "Yeah. Craig Anderson. July second nineteen seventy.", "Perfect, I see you here. Now which dependent are we talking about here?", "Ryan.", "Same last name?", "Of course.", "Is it okay if I put you on a brief hold while my computer pulls him up in the system?", "yeah I guess. I thought this would be a quick thing to do. I don't have much time.", "It will be very quick. I will be back on the line in less than a minute. I thank you for your patience.", "Okay.", "Thank you so much for holding mister Anderson. I do see Ryan here. He is currently enrolled under you and your wife for both health and auto, is that correct?", "Yes. I want him off both please.", "Absolutely. Is Ryan going to apply for insurance on his own by change at Rivertown?", "No. He just got a teaching job and has health through there. I don't know what his plans are for the car though. I just know he said he had it all covered so I could remove him.", "Oh wonderful! We need more amazing teachers for sure. I do not see him in our system. Please let him know we would be more than happy to give him a quote for an auto policy.", "Yes, he is teaching high school English. He takes after his mother. I'll tell him to call and see if you guys are cheaper than whatever he has arranged.", "I am a math girl myself. I hated English but if I had a better teacher it may have been different. Okay, I have removed him from both policies. You will get an updated policy in the mail in three to five business days showing the change as well as any refund you may be owed.", "Sounds good!", "Is there anything else I can do for you today mister Anderson?", "No. actually I've been looking a car but I haven't decided if I am going to get it or not. Can you give me a quote?", "Actually, I can take the information and have your agent reach out to you. Let me move over to that screen. I see you have Andy Caruso as your agent.", "Yeah and it's a two thousand nineteen Mercedez five fifty.", "Great! I just need to gather a bit more information from you to get that quote. Do you have about five minutes? It shouldn't take long.", "Yep. What else do you need?", "Does the car have an anti-theft system?", "Yes and It has eighty nine hundred miles.", "Thank you, that was my next question. Will this be replacing your primary car?", "No, it's just going to be driven for pleasure.", "Okay, I believe this will be enough information to at least have something prepared for you when he calls. It looks like he has time at two PM today, will that work?", "sure.", "Perfect. I'm going to send that information over to him right now. Expect him to reach out to you at two PM.", "All right.", "Is this number you are calling from a good one for him to use?", "yeah. actually can you have him call nine one five three two nine forty-five forty? I'll be out on a job and he'll need to call my cel.", "Okay, I will definitely have him call you at that number.", "Good.", "I know you are busy but while I have you on the line, is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, I think I'm done. I really need to go.", "Wonderful, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!", "Yeah, thanks for your help.", "It has been my pleasure! You take care now.", "You, too. Oh, how much money was my son's auto policy under our insurance?", "Let me look that up for you.", "Thanks, I appreciate it.", "Looks like he was under your basic auto plan which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Okay and I'll let him know that he should call and get a quote from you guys.", "Yes, we would love to keep him in the Rivertown family! Can I help you with anythig else?", "No, I think you are finally rid of me. I didn't know I had so many questions. .", "That is what I am here for! You let us know if you need anything else and have a great rest of your day.", "Thank you. You as well.", "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_590_000", "insurance_590_001", "insurance_590_002", "insurance_590_003", "insurance_590_004", "insurance_590_005", "insurance_590_006", "insurance_590_007", "insurance_590_008", "insurance_590_009", "insurance_590_010", "insurance_590_011", "insurance_590_012", "insurance_590_013", "insurance_590_014", "insurance_590_015", "insurance_590_016", "insurance_590_017", "insurance_590_018", "insurance_590_019", "insurance_590_020", "insurance_590_021", "insurance_590_022", "insurance_590_023", "insurance_590_024", "insurance_590_025", "insurance_590_026", "insurance_590_027", "insurance_590_028", "insurance_590_029", "insurance_590_030", "insurance_590_031", "insurance_590_032", "insurance_590_033", "insurance_590_034", "insurance_590_035", "insurance_590_036", "insurance_590_037", "insurance_590_038", "insurance_590_039", "insurance_590_040", "insurance_590_041", "insurance_590_042", "insurance_590_043", "insurance_590_044", "insurance_590_045", "insurance_590_046", "insurance_590_047", "insurance_590_048", "insurance_590_049", "insurance_590_050", "insurance_590_051", "insurance_590_052", "insurance_590_053", "insurance_590_054", "insurance_590_055", "insurance_590_056", "insurance_590_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "This is Lucy. How can I help you?", "Hi I am looking to update my billing preferance.", "I can help you with that. What is your name?", "Ralph Long.", "Ralph can I just have you verify your date of birth?", "Yeah, it is March twenty second ninteen fourty three.", "Thank you and what is your account number?", "I don't have that on me. Give me a minute to grab my card.", "Ok.", "Which number is my account number?", "It is the second number down it should start with a letter.", "Oh ok. It is P nine three two two six seven seven nine.", "Thank you for verifying that. It looks like you currently write a monthly check correct?", "Yes and I am trying to get away from that.", "Ok. How are you looking to now pay your monthly invoice?", "Well I am not sure.", "Well we have two other options the first you could pay with your checking account, but it would come out automatically. Or you can pay with a credit card. Do you have a preference?", "Is one of them easier then the other?", "No. But if you chose to do credit card we do charge a three percent processing fee. If you choose checking you would not incure that fee.", "How much would that fee be?", "Well your monthly total is three hundred dollars, so you would have a fee of nine dollars every month.", "Ok. Yeah I would like to avoid the fee if possible.", "Yes of course. Lets set you up for it to automatically come out of your checking. How does that sound?", "That's fine.", "Perfect! Let me get that all set up for you. Do you happen to have your checking information available?", "Yes I do.", "Ok what is the routing number?", "It is three nine one seven two eight eight six nine one three", "Ok let me just repeat that back. It is three nine one seventwo eight eight six nine one three?", "Correct.", "It looks like that belongs to UNC Bank?", "Correct.", "Ok what is your account number?", "Three one one zero nine zero zero two six four one six", "Ok I am going to repeat that back as well three one one zero nine zero zero two six four one six?", "Correct.", "Who is the primary on the checking account?", "Me.", "Ok thank you.", "Yup.", "And is this a checking or a savings account?", "Checking.", "Alright give me a minute while I get this all set up.", "#Uh ok.", "Alright Ralph I have this all set up for you. Do you have any other questions for me?", "Yeah when will my payments come out?", "Currently it is set up to come out on the fifteenth of every month, is that ok?", "Can we change that to the beginning of the month?", "Yes I can. Do you have a day preferance?", "Can we do the first?", "Yes we can. This will take effect after next month. So next month it will come out on the fifteenth and then going forward it will come out on the first of every month. How does that sound?", "That sounds fine.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No I don't think I have anything else. So there is nothing else I need to do?", "No you are all set.", "Ok.", "Thank you for calling in Ralph you have a great rest of your day.", "Thank you you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_591_000", "insurance_591_001", "insurance_591_002", "insurance_591_003", "insurance_591_004", "insurance_591_005", "insurance_591_006", "insurance_591_007", "insurance_591_008", "insurance_591_009", "insurance_591_010", "insurance_591_011", "insurance_591_012", "insurance_591_013", "insurance_591_014", "insurance_591_015", "insurance_591_016", "insurance_591_017", "insurance_591_018", "insurance_591_019", "insurance_591_020", "insurance_591_021", "insurance_591_022", "insurance_591_023", "insurance_591_024", "insurance_591_025", "insurance_591_026", "insurance_591_027", "insurance_591_028", "insurance_591_029", "insurance_591_030", "insurance_591_031", "insurance_591_032", "insurance_591_033", "insurance_591_034", "insurance_591_035", "insurance_591_036", "insurance_591_037", "insurance_591_038", "insurance_591_039", "insurance_591_040", "insurance_591_041", "insurance_591_042", "insurance_591_043", "insurance_591_044", "insurance_591_045", "insurance_591_046", "insurance_591_047", "insurance_591_048", "insurance_591_049", "insurance_591_050", "insurance_591_051", "insurance_591_052", "insurance_591_053", "insurance_591_054", "insurance_591_055", "insurance_591_056", "insurance_591_057", "insurance_591_058", "insurance_591_059", "insurance_591_060", "insurance_591_061", "insurance_591_062", "insurance_591_063", "insurance_591_064", "insurance_591_065", "insurance_591_066", "insurance_591_067", "insurance_591_068", "insurance_591_069", "insurance_591_070" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good evening and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Ronnie. How may I help you?", "Yes, hi Ronnie. I'm looking to like upgrade I guess my current plan?", "I see. I can definitely help you with that. Can I start by getting your name, date of birth and customer number?", "Oh, crap. I'm sorry I don't have that customer number with me. Can you look it up by my name?", "No worries. Let's start with your name and date of birth.", "Amie Kline and April sixteenth nineteen ninety seven.", "To look up the customer number I will also need your social security number, phone number on the account and the answer to your security question.", "Whew okay social is five two five four six eight four eight six eight.", "Great, and the phone number?", "I think I had used my parent's phone number when I got this. three oh three nine one seven two two four one.", "And do you recall the answer to your security question? Favorite band?", "I think so. Is it Nirvana?", "That is correct. It will just take moment to pull it up in the system. Thank you for your patience.", "Of course.", "I see your account now. You are looking for a more comprehensive plan than the basic one, correct?", "Yeah like I already kind of looked online but I can't remember the name of the plan that I wanted.", "We have three plans, I can quickly go over cost with you.", "Okay, cool.", "You are currently on the Basic Auto so a step up would be our Preferred Auto which is a decent increase in coverage.", "How.", "The Preferred Auto is just fifteen hundred a year. The most comprehensive plan we offer is the Complete Auto which runs two thousand dollars a year.", "Holy heck, I definitely can't afford that one.", "I totally understand. I personally have the Preferred Auto and it really is a great plan. I, like you, started with the basic but I needed a little more coverage.", "I.", "Have you gone to our website at Rivertown Insurance dot com?", "No, but I can.", "I can send you the link and you can see an actual comparison chart between all of our plans. I want to make sure the plan that you choose suits all of your needs.", "Okay, send me the link. My dad told me to get the mid priced one so I just do what I'm told. .", "That's my policy. Honestly, my dad help me with every major financial decision.", "Yes, my dad is great! So still send the link but let's go ahead with it.", "You got it. So we are changing your plan from the Basic to the Preferred. I see that you just renewed your.", "Oh, yeah do I need to pay today?", "We will send you an invoice that you can pay when you receive it but we will absolutely take your money today.", "I bet. Can I pay with a credit card?", "Absolutely. First, I am going to send over a document listing the change and the amount of the premium for you to electronically sign.", "Okay, cool.", "Is AmieKliney at gmail dot com the best email?", "Yes.", "Okay, I sent it. Let me know when you get it.", "Nothing yet.", "Sometimes it takes a few minutes. How is your day going so far?", "It's so hot I don't even know my name. My brain is melting. .", "Oh dear, you are in Louisiana. I hear the humidity is killer.", "Yeah, where are you?", "Arizona. .", "Woah! Guess I better stop complaining.", "Well, the dry heat expression does have legs. I can't do humidity.", "Hard to get used to but Oh! Here it is. Give me a minute to read through this.", "Yes, of course. Take your time and let me know if you have any questions.", "Okay, I signed it.", "I see that. Do you want to proceed with the payment?", "Yeah. can you hold on a sec? I need to go to my car and get my purse.", "No problem.", "Okay, do you accept Discover?", "Oh, I'm sorry. We only take Mastercard or Visa.", "That's all right. I have a Costco Visa. Let me know when you are ready.", "I'm ready. Let's start with the card number.", "fifty-four fifty-four one seven seven two fifty-six eight one two six zero four. The expiration is twelve twenty-two and the CV is two two three.", "Okay, just to confirm that's five four five four one seven seven two five six eight one two six zero four?", "That's it.", "Okay, I am running it now and you will receive a receipt through email as well as a hard copy in the mail for your records.", "Cool.", "Okay! That went through and you are all set.", "Great! Thank you so much for your help.", "It was my pleasure. Is there anything else I can assist you with today?", "Nah, I'm good.", "Well, try to stay cool. I can't wait for winter.", "You and me both.", "Well, I want to thank you for being such a loyal Rivertown customer. Have a wonderful rest of your day.", "You too! Bye!", "Bye Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_592_000", "insurance_592_001", "insurance_592_002", "insurance_592_003", "insurance_592_004", "insurance_592_005", "insurance_592_006", "insurance_592_007", "insurance_592_008", "insurance_592_009", "insurance_592_010", "insurance_592_011", "insurance_592_012", "insurance_592_013", "insurance_592_014", "insurance_592_015", "insurance_592_016", "insurance_592_017", "insurance_592_018", "insurance_592_019", "insurance_592_020", "insurance_592_021", "insurance_592_022", "insurance_592_023", "insurance_592_024", "insurance_592_025", "insurance_592_026", "insurance_592_027", "insurance_592_028", "insurance_592_029", "insurance_592_030", "insurance_592_031", "insurance_592_032", "insurance_592_033", "insurance_592_034", "insurance_592_035", "insurance_592_036", "insurance_592_037", "insurance_592_038", "insurance_592_039", "insurance_592_040", "insurance_592_041", "insurance_592_042", "insurance_592_043", "insurance_592_044", "insurance_592_045", "insurance_592_046", "insurance_592_047", "insurance_592_048", "insurance_592_049", "insurance_592_050", "insurance_592_051", "insurance_592_052", "insurance_592_053", "insurance_592_054", "insurance_592_055", "insurance_592_056", "insurance_592_057", "insurance_592_058", "insurance_592_059", "insurance_592_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. May I start with your policy number?", "Yes, two four two nine six eight twenty twenty.", "Please hold while I pull up your account.", "Sure.", "Yes, I have found you mister Ramirez. For security purposes, can you confirm your full name and date of birth?", "Pablo Ramirez. seven twelve eighty-five.", "Thank you, mister Ramirez. How can I help?", "One of my doctor's gave me the information to file a claim with you guys. like they lost their billing person or something.", "I see. I'd be glad to help you with that but first is this an in-network provider?", "Shoot, it better be. #laughter My wife said it was.", "Okay, why don't I just make sure. Can I have the name of the doctor or facility?", "Yeah it's Dr. Sanchez. Emilio Sanchez. Do you want the address?", "Sure!", "two six nine two Goldstone Circle El Paso, Texas. Also, I have their phone number if you need it. nine one five five five six nine two six three.", "Okay, and I do see a Dr. Emilio Sanchez on Goldstone Circle.", "whew! #laughter I know it's important because I don't have that kind of money for out-of-network. We're pretty careful.", "I hear you on that one.", "Yeah, so exactly how does this work? Do I just send a bill or what?", "Actually, the process is fairly easy. I can send you a link with the claim form online and you can submit it through our website.", "Right, but like what do you need?", "We will need the claim form and a list of documents. I will explain and there will also be a checklist on the link I provide you. First, let me verify your email address. I have PabloCRamirez at yahoo dot com. Is that a good email for you?", "yeah.", "Okay, I'm sending the link and then I will walk you through it.", "Nothing yet.", "It should be coming over shortly.", "Yes, I see from Yvonne?", "Yep, that's me! Do you see the link?", "uh-huh.", "Click on it and it should bring you directly to the claim form. Let me know when you have it up.", "Sorry, my computer is really slow.", "Take your time.", "Okay, in-network claim form?", "That's right! Now, you can enter your information directly into the form. Do you see the checklist of items that is required? It should start with copy of itemized bill.", "Oh yeah, I see.", "So did the doctor's office give you an itemized bill?", "Oh yeah. I have that.", "Great. Also, very important are the CPT codes. Do you see those in your paperwork?", "Yeah, but I don't have a fax machine. Do I have to go somewhere to fax it?", "Not at all. Do you have access to a scanner?", "My wife does at work.", "Perfect. She can scan them in and directly upload them. Do you see the upload document button?", "upload doc- Yes! upload documents. Got it.", "Great! Do you also see on your paperwork from the doctor and ICD-one zero code? It is a diagnosis code.", "uh-huh.", "Great, so long as the address of the provider is on there along with their tax ID form you should be good to go.", "Yeah, the lady at the office said I had everything for filing a claim.", "Awesome! Rest assured we will reach out if we are missing any items.", "Cool. So about how long until I get the money?", "Depending on your policy termiss deductible and such checks are usually out within three zero business days.", "Okay, I guess.", "We receive quite a few claims and have to allow time for them to be processed and then sent over to the finance department.", "Oh yeah, I get that. Just hoping it would be next week, you know? It's cool, it's cool.", "Well, that would be nice, right? Besides the claim, is there something else I can help you with?", "Yeah, no that's it.", "Well, if you think of anything else or run into any trouble uploading the documents, please give us a call back.", "Okay, okay. Thank you!", "No, thank you mister Ramirez. We here at Rivertown Insurance are grateful to have such a loyal customer. Is there anything I can do for you?", "Nah, thanks Miss.", "It has been my pleasure. You have a wonderful day mister Ramirez.", "You, too. bye.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_593_000", "insurance_593_001", "insurance_593_002", "insurance_593_003", "insurance_593_004", "insurance_593_005", "insurance_593_006", "insurance_593_007", "insurance_593_008", "insurance_593_009", "insurance_593_010", "insurance_593_011", "insurance_593_012", "insurance_593_013", "insurance_593_014", "insurance_593_015", "insurance_593_016", "insurance_593_017", "insurance_593_018", "insurance_593_019", "insurance_593_020", "insurance_593_021", "insurance_593_022", "insurance_593_023", "insurance_593_024", "insurance_593_025", "insurance_593_026", "insurance_593_027", "insurance_593_028", "insurance_593_029", "insurance_593_030", "insurance_593_031", "insurance_593_032", "insurance_593_033", "insurance_593_034", "insurance_593_035", "insurance_593_036", "insurance_593_037", "insurance_593_038", "insurance_593_039", "insurance_593_040", "insurance_593_041", "insurance_593_042", "insurance_593_043", "insurance_593_044", "insurance_593_045", "insurance_593_046", "insurance_593_047", "insurance_593_048", "insurance_593_049", "insurance_593_050", "insurance_593_051", "insurance_593_052", "insurance_593_053", "insurance_593_054", "insurance_593_055", "insurance_593_056", "insurance_593_057", "insurance_593_058", "insurance_593_059", "insurance_593_060", "insurance_593_061", "insurance_593_062", "insurance_593_063", "insurance_593_064", "insurance_593_065", "insurance_593_066", "insurance_593_067", "insurance_593_068", "insurance_593_069", "insurance_593_070", "insurance_593_071", "insurance_593_072", "insurance_593_073", "insurance_593_074", "insurance_593_075", "insurance_593_076", "insurance_593_077", "insurance_593_078", "insurance_593_079", "insurance_593_080", "insurance_593_081", "insurance_593_082", "insurance_593_083", "insurance_593_084", "insurance_593_085", "insurance_593_086", "insurance_593_087", "insurance_593_088", "insurance_593_089", "insurance_593_090", "insurance_593_091", "insurance_593_092", "insurance_593_093", "insurance_593_094", "insurance_593_095", "insurance_593_096", "insurance_593_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Eve. How can I assist you today?", "Hi, Eve! I'm Sarah. How's your day been so far?", "It's been okay. Can't complain. I got my coffee, so that's one good thing !", "Yep, gotta have that morning coffee! I know what you mean! I always need a pick-me-up, too!", "Exactly!", "Well, I don't want to waste your time. I called because I need some insurance.", "What type of insurance did you have in mind?", "I need some life insurance. See, my husband recently passed away, bless his soul, but he didn't have any life insurance.", "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.", "Yeah, we had a good fifty years together. But when he passed, the funeral had to be paid for by my children.", "Oh, no.", "Yes. I couldn't afford it all myself. My children told me not to worry about it, but I still felt bad about it. We always thought we would have time to get some insurance, and then it was too late.", "It's going to be alright, maam.", "Thank you, dear.", "I can give you a run-down of our life insurance plans and you can pick something that might interest you. Is that okay?", "Yes, dear. That would be good.", "Okay, please give me one moment while I get the policies up.", "Sure.", "Alright, here at Rivertown Insurance we offer Term, Whole, and Universal Life Insurance plans.", "#Uh, could you explain them for me also?", "Of course. Term life insurance is when the person or family receives the benefits upon the person's, the one who had the life insurance, passing.", "The only thing you have with this is the guaranteed death benefit for those who are recipients of your policy. It doesn't offer anything else.", "Our Term Life Insurance plan costs three hundred a year, which means you would have to pay twenty-five dollars a month.", "Okay, that's not a bad price.", "Now, whole life insurance is a permanent plan that lasts until a person passes away. Term life doesn't. It only goes up to the time you picked out.", "Oh, okay.", "Whole life insurance has guaranteed premiums and death benefits as long as the insurance's premiums are paid on time.", "Will the amount I pay go up if, the economy goes down?", "No maam. For all of our plans, we don't raise the premium rate. What you had to pay at the start is what you pay throughout the plan.", "But also, term life insurance might have to be renewed every ten to fifteen years. Usually, it depends on a person's age, but we don't raise the rate.", "Do you have any other questions so far?", "Yes. What can that money be used for if the person dies? I mean, other than a funeral?", "It can be used for other things like paying any debt you had, mortgage, and other things they may need help paying.", "I see. What's that last insurance?", "Universal life insurance. It's also a permanent type, but you can adjust your premiums and death benefits.", "And this plan costs less than the whole life insurance but more than term.", "We typically charge twelve hundred a year, or a hundred dollars a month.", "Well, I think I want that term plan. I think I'd be able to afford that one.", "Alright, and just to remind you our Term Life Insurance plan is twenty-five a month which comes out to three hundred a year.", "Alright, what all do I need to give you to get signed up or get an account?", "First, I need your full name, first name and last name.", "My name is Sarah Fernsby.", "Does your first name have an H on the end?", "Uh-huh, yeah.", "And could you spell your last name for me please?", "F. E. R. N. S. B. Y.", "Okay, thank you. What's a good number you can be reached at?", "Four three one. Two one two six.", "What's the area code?", "One two five five two.", "Your date of birth?", "Oops, I'm sorry! The zipcode I gave you is wrong. The last digit, it should be oh.", "No problem, I'll get that changed.", "Now, my birthday is July fifth nineteen fourty-three.", "Okay, got it. May I get your street address?", "seven Farrington Street. My city is Newburgh in New York.", "Could you spell Farrington for me, please?", "Alright, it's spelled F.A.R.R.I.N.G.T.O.N.", "Thank you. Okay, and the city is Newburgh, New York?", "Uh-huh.", "Great! We're almost done getting your account ready. I do need your social security number. Is that okay because I know some people are iffy about that?", "No no, it's fine. I know you're not trying to steal from me .", "Okay, I just wanted to make sure. You can say it when you're ready.", "#Um, could you hang on? I got to get my social card dear.", "Not a problem. Take your time.", "I know it's somewhere in my, in this bag here. Oh, found it! The number is two eight five. Three one. Eight seven six seven.", "Okay, thank you. What security question would you like so that we can verify your identity when you call?", "I don't know. #Uh, what do you recommend?", "Well, I recommend using something that only you would know like, for instance, your favorite game or your favorite food as a child, anything like that.", "Well, how about grits. That was my favorite breakfast food growing up. I was originally from Mississippi, and we ate grits almost every morning!", "That's good. Then your security question will be about asking you what your favorite food was as a child.", "I like them now, but their not my favorite anymore. I like cheese eggs more now !", "Really? I still love to eat grits.", "Are you from the south, too?", "Yes, maam. Alabama.", "Oh, okay!", "Alright, miss Fernsby, your account is ready and I'll get you enrolled in the Term Life Insurance plan right away.", "Just to make sure again, it's twenty-five a month, right?", "Yes, maam. And that comes out to three hundred a year.", "Okay, just wanted to make sure so I don't get any surprises.", "miss Fernsby, we'll also send you a confirmation about the plan to your address and a receipt. Do you have an email? We can send it there instead.", "Yes, I do have an email, but I prefer to get the information in the mail. I don't look into my email that often. But, I guess I could give it to you just in case.", "Okay, whenever you're ready.", "Let's see, z.e.e. kitty at gmail dot c.o.m.", "Perfect. How do you want to pay for the plan? You can use debit, credit, or pay through your bank.", "I'll use my Mastercard.", "Okay. When you're ready, you can give me the numbers.", "#Um, six oh oh five. Nine three eight eight. Seven two four five. Oh oh nine five.", "The name on the card will be yours of course, correct?", "Uh-huh.", "Lastly, I need the three digits on the back of the card. Do you see them?", "Sure do. It's one two six.", "Okay, that should do it! Just a reminder, we will send information about your new plan straight to your home, and if you change your mind, we can send this information to your email as well.", "Okay, thank you!", "Your welcome! Is there anything else I can do for you?", "That was all. Thanks for the help. Sure feels better having insurance now. You take care now!", "Alright, thank you! Have a good day!", "You, too! Have a blessed one!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_594_000", "insurance_594_001", "insurance_594_002", "insurance_594_003", "insurance_594_004", "insurance_594_005", "insurance_594_006", "insurance_594_007", "insurance_594_008", "insurance_594_009", "insurance_594_010", "insurance_594_011", "insurance_594_012", "insurance_594_013", "insurance_594_014", "insurance_594_015", "insurance_594_016", "insurance_594_017", "insurance_594_018", "insurance_594_019", "insurance_594_020", "insurance_594_021", "insurance_594_022", "insurance_594_023", "insurance_594_024", "insurance_594_025", "insurance_594_026", "insurance_594_027", "insurance_594_028", "insurance_594_029", "insurance_594_030", "insurance_594_031", "insurance_594_032", "insurance_594_033", "insurance_594_034", "insurance_594_035", "insurance_594_036", "insurance_594_037", "insurance_594_038", "insurance_594_039", "insurance_594_040", "insurance_594_041", "insurance_594_042", "insurance_594_043", "insurance_594_044", "insurance_594_045", "insurance_594_046", "insurance_594_047", "insurance_594_048", "insurance_594_049", "insurance_594_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Marie, and I will be assisting you today. How may I help you?", "#Uh, hi, I need to, I need to change my address. I recently moved.", "Alright, I can certainly help you with that. What's your last name?", "Rogers.", "What's your first name?", "Timothy.", "Your date of birth?", "One twenty-three ninteen seventy-nine.", "And your customer number?", "Five eight seven seven six two nine one.", "Okay, please give me one moment while I look your information up.", "And could I also change my card payment? I really need to get that changed.", "That's no problem, sir! I'm still waiting for the system to bring your informaton up. It shouldn't be long.", "Alright.", "Okay, mister Rogers. Your security question is what is the name of your first pet?", "Rolf spelled r. o. l. f.", "Social security number?", "Four one five. Six two. one three seven three.", "Alright. #Uh, what was your old address? Can you verify that for me?", "It was twenty-nine Canal Avenue, Bay City, Michigan. The zip code is four eight seven zero six.", "Thank you. Now what's the new address you wanted to change to? Is it in the same state?", "Yes, but not the same city.", "Okay, you can go ahead and say it for me.", "Eight six seven seven Oak Valley Street. The city is Battle Creek. The zip code's four nine zero one five.", "Excellent! The change is now on your account, and your old address will no longer receive any mail from us.", "Alright, thanks.", "No problem, mister Rogers. Now, the other thing you wanted to do was, change your card for the payments, right?", "That's right. Can I start giving you the numbers?", "Hang on one moment, sir, while I pull up the payment section. #Hm, our internet's acting a little slower today. I apologize for the wait.", "That's alright, things happen! It's probably the cause of all this heat the country's been getting. #Uh, I think they said something about a heat advisory for some states.", "Yeah, that's probably it.", "I've got a cousin in San Bernadino, California. He said it's cooking over there!", "Must be in the hundreds, right?", "Yep!", "Oh, there it is! Payment's up. Alright, ready for those numbers.", "Alright, uh, six zero five five. One seven three three. Eight zero five one. Eight six nine two. Did you get all that?", "Maybe I should repeat it back to you. You said six zero five four.", "No no, that should be five.", "Okay, sorry about that. Let me get that changed. Okay, starting over. Six zero five five. One seven three three. Eight zero five one. Eight six nine two. Correct?", "Yep, that sounds right.", "Okay, next I need the expiration date.", "It's zero one twenty-three. The numbers on the back are five three nine. And the name's the same as the other.", "Alright, I've got all that. The card went through.", "Okay, good, good.", "Is there anything else you needed done, mister Rogers?", "Nope, that was it!", "Alright. #Um, before you leave, is r. c. rover at hotmail dot com still a good email for you? You'll be sent a verification of this payment change there.", "Yeah, uh-huh.", "Alright, then we are done. Thank you so much for calling our service! It was pleasure to assist you today! Hope you have a great day!", "Uh-huh, you have a good one! Bye.", "Good-bye, sir!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_595_000", "insurance_595_001", "insurance_595_002", "insurance_595_003", "insurance_595_004", "insurance_595_005", "insurance_595_006", "insurance_595_007", "insurance_595_008", "insurance_595_009", "insurance_595_010", "insurance_595_011", "insurance_595_012", "insurance_595_013", "insurance_595_014", "insurance_595_015", "insurance_595_016", "insurance_595_017", "insurance_595_018", "insurance_595_019", "insurance_595_020", "insurance_595_021", "insurance_595_022", "insurance_595_023", "insurance_595_024", "insurance_595_025", "insurance_595_026", "insurance_595_027", "insurance_595_028", "insurance_595_029", "insurance_595_030", "insurance_595_031", "insurance_595_032", "insurance_595_033", "insurance_595_034", "insurance_595_035", "insurance_595_036", "insurance_595_037", "insurance_595_038", "insurance_595_039", "insurance_595_040", "insurance_595_041", "insurance_595_042", "insurance_595_043", "insurance_595_044", "insurance_595_045", "insurance_595_046", "insurance_595_047", "insurance_595_048", "insurance_595_049", "insurance_595_050", "insurance_595_051", "insurance_595_052", "insurance_595_053", "insurance_595_054", "insurance_595_055", "insurance_595_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Steven. How may I assist you today?", "Hi, I wanted to enroll in one of your auto insurance plans.", "Are you a new customer?", "Yes.", "Okay, hang on one second while I get this form up for you.", "Okay.", "Alright, what's your first name?", "Jeremy.", "And your last name?", "Baker.", "Okay, before I ask you anything else, is Jeremy the shortened form for Jeremiah?", "Oh! Sorry, yeah. I'm so used to being called Jeremy instead.", "Not a problem, not a problem!", "Oh yeah, can I go ahead and give you my email?", "Sure.", "It's j super twelve at aol dot com. The reason why I'm giving it is because I'm supposed to be moving in a few days, so I don't want anything sent to that address.", "Did you want to go ahead and give me the new address?", "#Uh, no. I don't have the information in front of me, so I'll have to stick with the old one for now.", "Alright, can give me your date of birth and phone number?", "My birthday date of birth is, eleven ninteen ninteen eighty-one.The phone number is nine seven three. Seven four three. Six two two nine.", "Okay, thanks. Can you give me your social security number?", "#Uh, let me think. Oh, it's eight two one. Three six. Five nine zero zero.", "Alright, thank you. So, to verify your identity the next time you call or when you log on to our website, we have a security question that needs to be answered.", "You can pick the security question and provide the answer. I mean, we have a limit, but you can pick which one you want.", "You may want to grab a piece of paper and write down the answer you give.", "What choices are there?", "We have the name of your childhood best friend, the name of your first pet, the name of your favorite teacher.", "Okay, got it. Go on.", "#Uh, we also have, the name of your highschool.", "I think I'll take the, the teacher one. My favorite teacher was named Leia like Princess Leia!", "Alright, I've placed that question down for you. You probably won't need to write that down then, huh?", "No, sir! I think only my mom and sister would know that one. She was only my favorite because of her name at that!", "Now, I need your address. What's the street?", "Nine ninety-one Shore Street.", "City?", "West Orange. It's in New Jersey.", "Got it. And the zip code?", "Zero seven zero five and two.", "Okay, your account is set. Now what type of insurance were you looking to get into again?", "Auto, I was looking to get some auto insurance. I left my old auto company and figured I could find a better deal elsewhere.", "Okay. Well, we have some pretty good deals here. We have Basic Auto, Preferred Auto, and Complete Auto.", "For all our plans we have military discounts at one zero percent. All our plans have bodily injury coverage and collision coverage.", "#Um, is there a plan you would like to hear about first?", "Actually, I think I'll have to try another day. Looks like I got another call to take.", "Okay, that's fine sir. What I can do is send you your account information to the email you gave me.", "Oh, okay. That'll work.", "When you get to our website, Rivertown Insurance dot com, you'll see a place to login for existing customers.", "Now, the first time you login, you'll need your new customer number as your username, which you'll find in your email, and your temporary password.", "Once you login, you'll have to change them to something different. But you'll be able to see the different plans and pick out one that interests you.", "Sounds good! I'll check that later then.", "Okay, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you before you leave?", "No, I'm good. Really got to take this call. It's on my other phone, and they keep calling back.", "Alright then. I'm glad I could assist you today, and if you have any questions in the future, just give us a call.", "Alright, thanks!", "You're welcome! Have a great day.", "You too! Good-bye!", "Good-bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_596_000", "insurance_596_001", "insurance_596_002", "insurance_596_003", "insurance_596_004", "insurance_596_005", "insurance_596_006", "insurance_596_007", "insurance_596_008", "insurance_596_009", "insurance_596_010", "insurance_596_011", "insurance_596_012", "insurance_596_013", "insurance_596_014", "insurance_596_015", "insurance_596_016", "insurance_596_017", "insurance_596_018", "insurance_596_019", "insurance_596_020", "insurance_596_021", "insurance_596_022", "insurance_596_023", "insurance_596_024", "insurance_596_025", "insurance_596_026", "insurance_596_027", "insurance_596_028", "insurance_596_029", "insurance_596_030", "insurance_596_031", "insurance_596_032", "insurance_596_033", "insurance_596_034", "insurance_596_035", "insurance_596_036", "insurance_596_037", "insurance_596_038", "insurance_596_039", "insurance_596_040", "insurance_596_041", "insurance_596_042", "insurance_596_043", "insurance_596_044", "insurance_596_045", "insurance_596_046", "insurance_596_047", "insurance_596_048", "insurance_596_049", "insurance_596_050", "insurance_596_051", "insurance_596_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Marie, and I will be assisting you. How may I help you today?", "Okay, so I transferred some money from Paypal, right? I transferred straight, transferred it straight to my account.", "But I got a letter in the mail from Rivertown saying my payment didn't go through, and I was like, why? I sent the money!", "So, I figure something went wrong with the system or something, I don't know.", "Okay, so what you're saying is you tried to pay a bill but the payment didn't go through after you sent money from Paypal, is that correct?", "Yes, exactly.", "Okay, maam. I can help you with that, no problem. Can I get your name and your date of birth?", "My name is Stacey MacIntyre.", "Alright.", "My date of birth is twelve twenty-nine ninety.", "Perfect. What's your customer number?", "My customer number? #Uh, hang on. I gotta get that.", "Sure, no problem.", "Got it! Okay, it's flipping to the front. Oh! Thirty twenty-nine. Forty-one fifty two.", "Thank you. Please give me a moment while I get your information up.", "Okay.", "Alright, I see that there was an attempt from our end to get payment for the Petcare Preferred plan, but it failed to go through.", "But why?", "Well, let's see. The attempt was made on last Thursday, so a week ago. It looks like the system tried two more times, but all attempts failed.", "But the payment was there! I don't understand this. This is messed up.", "I'm sorry, maam. I'll do my best to help you out with this. Can you confirm the day you did the Paypal transfer?", "It was on Wednesday the third.", "Okay, okay. I think I figured this out. With services like Paypal, and most other banks actually, it can take up to three business days to complete a transfer.", "And it can take even longer if you try to transfer on the weekend since those days aren't business days.", "Our system typically stops trying to get payments after the third attempt. What probably happened was your money showed up after we had already done the last attempt.", "Oh!", "Yeah, so, after that we typically just send a letter to the customer letting them know that their payment still needs to be made.", "Well, I've still got the money so, can I pay my balance now?", "You sure can! I see that we've only got your bank account listed. Did you want to add a debit or credit card to your account?", "#Uh, yeah. I'll do that. I'd also like to make it my preferred method of pay.", "I can do that for you. Just give me the numbers when you're ready.", "It's six five eight nine. Nine two two five. Three nine eight six. Five six seven six.", "Expiration date?", "Oh five twenty-two.", "And the three digits on the back?", "Four oh six.", "Alright, maam, I have that set up for you. I've also made the card your preferred method of pay.", "Thank you! Do you know how long it'll take to get the payment from my account?", "It should only take one business day.", "Really? That's it?", "Usually that's the case. The longest it could take for us is three or four days.", "Oh, good! Can you send a receipt for the payment to my email?", "I can! Is s. t. a. c. e. one zero at gmail dot com still a good email for you?", "Yep, it's good!", "Alright, I'll get that sent. Is there anything else I can do for you?", "No, that's all.", "Alright, sorry for the trouble this may have caused you.", "No, no! Don't be sorry! It wasn't your fault. I'm sorry for putting all that anger on you.", "It's alright. I know how frustrating these things can get.", "Well, thanks again for your help!", "No problem, it was a pleasure! You have a great day!", "You too! Bye!", "Good-bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_597_000", "insurance_597_001", "insurance_597_002", "insurance_597_003", "insurance_597_004", "insurance_597_005", "insurance_597_006", "insurance_597_007", "insurance_597_008", "insurance_597_009", "insurance_597_010", "insurance_597_011", "insurance_597_012", "insurance_597_013", "insurance_597_014", "insurance_597_015", "insurance_597_016", "insurance_597_017", "insurance_597_018", "insurance_597_019", "insurance_597_020", "insurance_597_021", "insurance_597_022", "insurance_597_023", "insurance_597_024", "insurance_597_025", "insurance_597_026", "insurance_597_027", "insurance_597_028", "insurance_597_029", "insurance_597_030", "insurance_597_031", "insurance_597_032", "insurance_597_033", "insurance_597_034", "insurance_597_035", "insurance_597_036", "insurance_597_037", "insurance_597_038", "insurance_597_039", "insurance_597_040", "insurance_597_041", "insurance_597_042", "insurance_597_043", "insurance_597_044", "insurance_597_045", "insurance_597_046", "insurance_597_047", "insurance_597_048", "insurance_597_049", "insurance_597_050", "insurance_597_051", "insurance_597_052", "insurance_597_053", "insurance_597_054", "insurance_597_055", "insurance_597_056", "insurance_597_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. My name is Marie, and I will be assisting you. How may I help you today?", "#Um, I need to change it so that I'm not billed automatically.", "Okay, may I have your last name?", "Koleman, spelled with a K.", "And your first name?", "Dana.", "Alright. What's your date of birth?", "#Um, it's seven ninteen nineteen eighty-five.", "Okay, and--.", "Oh, wait! I meant nineteen eighty-four, sorry.", "That's okay, I got it! Ninteen eighty-four. Can you verify your address for me? What's the street?", "The street is ninety-seven sixty-four Highland Lane. Highland is one word.", "The city and state?", "Johnston, Rhode Island.", "Alright. And the zip code?", "Zero two nine one nine.", "Lastly, I need your customer number.", "#Uh, it's two one seven five zero zero nine eight.", "Okay, thank you! Please give me a moment while I look up your information.", "Sure.", "Let's see. Alright, I see that you're currently being billed for eighty-three thirty-three a month with our Basic Auto plan.", "You also have automatic billing for our Petcare Basic plan billed five hundred a year. Which plan did you want to cancel.", "automatic billing for?", "The Petcare Basic plan. Some new health bills appeared, and I can't afford it anymore. Atleast not right now.", "Sorry to hear to hear that. I hope things get better for you.", "Thank you. I'm hoping.", "I'll take care of that for you. Just a moment.", "Okay.", "Alright, I've got that cancelled for you so you shouldn't be billed for the Petcare Basic plan anymore.", "Thanks again. I think Rover will be fine for a while, my dog. He's pretty healthy and hasn't had any problems.", "That's good to hear! Now, it can take up to one business day for the change to be fully effective.", "#Uh huh.", "So, if you're still billed for the plan, call us back and we'll give you a refund for that charge.", "Okay. I don't think I was due to be billed anytime soon though, was I?", "Let me see. No, you're about a week ahead of the scheduled billing. You shouldn't be charged at all.", "Okay, good.", "Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "Yes, I'd also like to change the card that is used for the auto payments.", "Alright, you can give me the card number when you're ready.", "Oh, give me a moment! I forgot to take it out !", "Alright, take your time.", "Got it! It's four zero one one. Two five one two.", "#Uh huh.", "Eight zero seven seven. Three five nine nine.", "Okay. And the name on the card?", "Dana Koleman, spelled with a K.", "Alright. Thank you for reminding me. I almost put in a C!", "Yeah, it's not a usual spelling!", "What's the three digits on the back?", "Eight one three.", "Alright, I've got that updated for you! Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "No, that'll be it. That's everything.", "Okay, well miss Koleman, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. If you find that you need help with something concerning your account, just give us a call back.", "Alright, thank you very much!", "No problem. Have a good day!", "You, too.", "Thanks. Good-bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_598_000", "insurance_598_001", "insurance_598_002", "insurance_598_003", "insurance_598_004", "insurance_598_005", "insurance_598_006", "insurance_598_007", "insurance_598_008", "insurance_598_009", "insurance_598_010", "insurance_598_011", "insurance_598_012", "insurance_598_013", "insurance_598_014", "insurance_598_015", "insurance_598_016", "insurance_598_017", "insurance_598_018", "insurance_598_019", "insurance_598_020", "insurance_598_021", "insurance_598_022", "insurance_598_023", "insurance_598_024", "insurance_598_025", "insurance_598_026", "insurance_598_027", "insurance_598_028", "insurance_598_029", "insurance_598_030", "insurance_598_031", "insurance_598_032", "insurance_598_033", "insurance_598_034", "insurance_598_035", "insurance_598_036", "insurance_598_037", "insurance_598_038", "insurance_598_039", "insurance_598_040", "insurance_598_041", "insurance_598_042", "insurance_598_043", "insurance_598_044", "insurance_598_045", "insurance_598_046", "insurance_598_047", "insurance_598_048", "insurance_598_049", "insurance_598_050", "insurance_598_051", "insurance_598_052", "insurance_598_053", "insurance_598_054", "insurance_598_055", "insurance_598_056", "insurance_598_057", "insurance_598_058", "insurance_598_059", "insurance_598_060", "insurance_598_061", "insurance_598_062", "insurance_598_063", "insurance_598_064" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Don, how may I help you?", "Hi, yes, I'm calling about cancelling a home insurance plan that my husband and I have.", "Sure, I can do that. Are you aware of all of our cancellation conditions, restrictions, and fees?", "#Um, I'm not sure. I just, we're moving into my mother's place in two months and selling our house and it's all a bit quick I realize but we're selling and we need to like, cancel the policy as soon as possible.", "Absolutely no worries, ma'am. If it's alright with you, I can go over some of that information right now.", "Yes, please, that would be great.", "Sure, sure. So if you don't mind, I'll just pull up your account so that I can take a look at the policy and see what we're working with. May I have your first and last name and your date of birth?", "Yeah, yeah. It's Emily Campbell, c. a. m. p. b. e. double l. The date of birth is June eleventh, nineteen ninety two.", "Perfect, thank you. And can I also have your customer number? It's the eight digit number on the upper right hand of your your screen when you log onto your account.", "#Um, actually I'm afraid our internet is down at the moment, which is why I've had to call. Hopefully it will be up soon, but for the moment is there another way or do I need to call back later?", "No worries, ma'am, I totally understand! My internet at home is spotty, too. I can work with your phone number, social security number, and the answer to the security question that you chose when you made the account. Can we start with the phone number?", "Right, thank you. #Um, yes. Is it possible that there are multiple on file? I'm not exactly sure which one I, which phone number we registered with.", "Yes, there can be more than one! Any of your registered phone numbers will work.", "Okay, okay. Just to be sure, it's probably my own cell phone. The number for that is five one three, four four eight, nine nine two two.", "Okay, I have five one three, forty four eight, ninety nine twenty two. Is that correct?", "Yes, lots of double digits .", "Indeed! And I just need your social security number next.", "Sure. Are you ready for it?", "Yep!", "Okay. Two seven eight, eighty two, seven eight nine nine.", "Two seven eight, eight two seven eight nine nine. Correct?", "Yes sir.", "Wonderful! So I think I have your, your account right here, I just need you to verify the answer to your security question for me please.", "Sure.", "Let's see the question I have here is what is the name of your first pet?", "#Oh! Applebees. Like the restaurant, no apostrophe. He was a hamster .", "What a wonderful name for hamster! Are you a huge fan of the restaurant, then?", "Ironically no! I think my parents were discussing dinner when I picked him out, the word just kind of stuck in my six-year-old brain .", "#Ah, that's adorable! Well it seems I have your account right here, so we can get started cancelling your policy.", "Great, thank you!", "Sure thing! So I see here that you've held a home preferred policy for approximately the past six and a half years, seeing as you started that particular policy in February of twenty fifteen. Can you just verify that policy number with me? It's an eight digit number.", "Yes, I think I had it written down. Just a moment. #Ah! Luckily I got it before the Wi-Fi went out. What I have here is six eight seven six six eight six zero. Is that the one you're looking at? I mean, we should we only have the one home!", "Yep, that's the one! I just had to be sure. Okay, great, let's see. So there is a sixty day policy minimum, but you're far past that. Looking at your your payments page, here, I also see that you've paid the policy off for the entirety of the year up to next February.", "Yes, we did do that. Is that money is it lost when we cancel the policy or is there like, some sort of refund?", "Yeah, yeah, we do do a sort of refund type thing when you cancel a policy that has already been paid off for the year. So in this case, depending on when you decide to oh my gosh. I blanked on the word. I'm sorry. Cancel! Duh. When you decide to set your cancelation date, the policy is refunded for the unused months that you've paid beyond that date.", "Okay, right. Yeah. Is there some sort of a fee for cancelling? I think I read something somewhere. That they can be sort of expensive fees?", "Normally, yes, there would be a fee if you were cancelling the insurance to swap providers or just because but, because you're selling your home and moving, there is no fee. Eventually there will be no home to insure, so the policy essentially just ends.", "#Oh wow, okay. That's a relief! Okay. So what needs to be done now?", "So basically at this point you would.", "Gemmy stop! Stop it! Hey. Sweetheart, sit down. Mommy is on the phone, she's very busy. I'm so sorry, my daughter just woke up from a nap.", "No worries! I totally understand. So as I was saying, your next steps are essentially to just confirm the cancellation and set a date. I've verified through your account that there are going to be no fees, only a reimbursement for your overpayment, and no restrictions because you've had the policy for so long.", "Okay, yeah. #Um, I'm sorry. Just a moment. Gemmy, hey. Sweety you know where the carrots are. Why don't you get a snack. Yes. In there. Thank you. Go ahead and sit at the table and be very quiet okay, just for a moment. Hi. Sorry. So, confirming?", "No, no worries, really. Take your time if you need.", "Thank you. I think she's good for the moment .", "Okay, great. So I just need a verbal confirmation that you'd like to proceed with cancelling your policy. Actually, wait. I'm sorry, have you set a sale date on your home? I mean, has it already been sold?", "absolutely no worries, ma'am. If it's alright with you, I can go over some of that information right now.", "Okay, perfect! So we'll want to end the policy that day, then. That way you can be sure that no issues will come up at the last minute and make your move a living nightmare .", "Sounds good, I'd appreciate avoiding that if possible! .", "Great, great. So can I just have your verbal confirmation that you'd like to cancel the policy?", "Yes. I'd like to cancel my home insurance policy. Was that enough?", "Perfect, it totally was. And I'll set the end date here for the twentieth of November. Can I have your verbal confirmation of that, as well?", "Yes. The twentieth of November, two thousand and twenty one.", "Great. So there are some steps that you need to take, just to confirm this all with extra security measures and whatnot. At this point it's up to you to complete the cancellation of the policy. You'll have to either send a formal letter to our main office in Louisiana or confirm your cancellation on our website. Would you like the office address?", "No, that's that's alright, thank you. Is confirming on the website difficult?", "Not at all! Once your internet is back up, all you'll need to do is log on and there should be a notification in your account inbox that will lead you to the correct page. If I recall, the instructions are very clear and easy to follow. If there's no notification, there should be a header at the top labeled my account, hover over that until you get the drop down bar. Then click on my policies and that should take you to the correct page.", "Okay, notifications, account, policies. Got it.", "Yep! You should also be receiving an email from us requesting confirmation of your cancellation. After you've confirmed everything, you'll receive one or two more emails with the confirmation and your updated information, and then a week or so later another email regarding your refund of excessive payments. Just be sure to double check everything before you submit!", "Okay, that sounds great. Thank you so much I'm sorry. What was your name again? I should really write it down.", "No worries! It's Don, d. o. n.", "Don. Thank you again, Don.", "It was a pleasure to help you! Is there anything else I can help you with today, missus Campbell?", "No, but thank you so much Don. You have a great day!", "You too, ma'am! Have a good one!", "Bye!", "Good bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_599_000", "insurance_599_001", "insurance_599_002", "insurance_599_003", "insurance_599_004", "insurance_599_005", "insurance_599_006", "insurance_599_007", "insurance_599_008", "insurance_599_009", "insurance_599_010", "insurance_599_011", "insurance_599_012", "insurance_599_013", "insurance_599_014", "insurance_599_015", "insurance_599_016", "insurance_599_017", "insurance_599_018", "insurance_599_019", "insurance_599_020", "insurance_599_021", "insurance_599_022", "insurance_599_023", "insurance_599_024", "insurance_599_025", "insurance_599_026", "insurance_599_027", "insurance_599_028", "insurance_599_029", "insurance_599_030", "insurance_599_031", "insurance_599_032", "insurance_599_033", "insurance_599_034", "insurance_599_035", "insurance_599_036", "insurance_599_037", "insurance_599_038", "insurance_599_039", "insurance_599_040", "insurance_599_041", "insurance_599_042", "insurance_599_043", "insurance_599_044", "insurance_599_045", "insurance_599_046", "insurance_599_047", "insurance_599_048", "insurance_599_049", "insurance_599_050", "insurance_599_051", "insurance_599_052", "insurance_599_053", "insurance_599_054", "insurance_599_055", "insurance_599_056", "insurance_599_057", "insurance_599_058", "insurance_599_059", "insurance_599_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is Kelsey. How may I help you?", "Hi Kelsey, you, Kelsey, right?", "Yep! Kelsey, with an e. y.", "Great. Right. #Er, I'm sorry. Does Rivertown cover cars? It's just, we had to cancel our previous insurance for for a number of reasons, and I've got two vehicles I need to cover.", "No worries ma'am. We do offer plans for automobiles! We also offer coverage on homes, condos, pets, life insurance, and let me see. Oh, renter's insurance.", "Oh wow. Pet insurance? Really?", "Yes ma'am.", "Interesting. Well, can you tell me more about your vehicle coverage? Like, monthly rates, deductible, and discounts and whatnot?", "Absolutely. All of our plans come in tiers. For automobiles, we offer basic auto, preferred auto, and complete auto. Basic starts at one thousand dollars, preferred at fifteen hundred, and complete at two thousand. The main differences in our plans are the deductibles you pay in the event of an accident, breakdown, et cetera. If I can ask, do you do you have an account with us? Have you taken a look at our website?", "I did browse the website briefly, yes. But, I was a bit pressed for time and I'm pretty bad with computers . My husband is the tech savvy one, but he's at work at the moment.", "[Laughter] I understand completely. If you'd like, I'd be happy to set up an account with you right now. This will give you access to the more informative parts of our website and allow us to work towards a plan that meets all your needs.", "Yeah, that would be. That would be great, actually.", "Great! Let me just bring up the form here. It's Just a moment, my computer seems to be lagging. In a minute what I'll need from you to start, is just your full name and date of birth.", "Sure. Let me know when you're ready.", "Uh-huh. Thank you. Okay, it seems to be good to go. So your name and date of birth?", "Yeah. It's Isabel Wilbur, w. i. l. b. u. r.", "Uh-huh.", "And three, thirteen, nineteen eighty two. Did you get that?", "Yep. Perfect. So next I'll need a current phone number and home address. Can I also get an email adress?", "#Uh, you can go ahead and put nine one eight, no, no. Sorry. Wait. That should be four oh five, six fifteen, eighty two seventy two. That's my cell and.", "Okay, so. #Oh, I'm sorry I cut you off.", "No, no, it's fine.", "Okay, so just to verify that number, let me see. What I have here is four zero five six one five eight two seven two, is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "And your current address?", "#Uh, that would be two three three seven Henry Forde Ave. That's Forde with an e at the end. The city is Sapulpa, Oklahoma, seven four zero six six.", "Hey, Sapulpa! My mother grew up there, how cool. So Henry Forde, spelled f. o. r. d. e., correct?", "#Oh my gosh, that's crazy! We just moved here four months ago from New York and, it's an, a neat city. Totally different though! But, yes, that's that's correct.", "Perfect. And wow what a big move! If you get the chance, my mother always went on about these, these. They were like, Summer carnivals? I never got to go, but she would go on. Said they were great for kids and adults too. Fun way to get out.", "That sounds fun, thanks! I'll tell my husband to keep his ears open for carnivals and stuff .", "Yeah, yeah! So your account here, the last things I'm going to need are a security question, in case you're locked out of your, account, and just your social. The full thing, not just the last four. We don't share or sell any information connected to your account, so this will be, this will be completely private. #Oh! And your email address, please.", "Okay. Yeah. Thank you. The email is my full name, no spaces, at gmail. So just isabelwilbur at gmail. And the the social is four forty five, thirty four, eighty four twenty eight.", "I'm sorry, I misheard. You said eight four or eighty and then a four? I think I may have missed that that last one, too.", "The last four are eight four two eight. Want to check that back with me?", "Please. So I have four four five, Three four, eight four two eight. Is that right?", "Yep, you got it.", "Okay, thank you . These numbers always get me. So the security question. Why don't we go with either your mother's maiden name, or the name of your childhood best friend.", "#Um, sure, that works. My I guess my mother's maiden name, then. It was, it was Walters, w. a. l. t. e. r. s.", "Perfect, thank you. So ", "Will my husband be able to access this account?", "#Oh. Yeah, of course. All you need to do is be sure that he knows the answer to, to your security question. I believe the process for accessing the online account is quite simple, as well, You'll just have to, You'll need your customer username and a password. As soon as I hit submit here on my, on my screen, you should recieve and email in the next few hours with that information. Then you just go to our website and log in once and you can, change your password from the randomly assigned one.", "Okay, okay. Yeah. Okay. And your website is, it's. You know, never mind, I can just. My husband can find it .", "Sure, sure! It's very easy to find. Even just, typing Rivertown Insurance into Google will bring it right up. Our page is the one with the bright green header so, if your eyes hurt you're in the right place .", "[Laughter] Okay Kelsey well thank you so much! You've been very helpful. So, the account is good to go? Do I need to do anything else? Like, I don't know.", "No, no, that's it! Are you interested in enrolling in a plan right away? Now that I have your, your account right here, we can get you set up with a plan. Rivertown prides itself on rapid service and coverage, so we can ensure a short waiting period if you, if you'd like to proceed today.", "Well, actually if it's alright I'd prefer to wait until my husband is available. He took care of most of our previous insurance, things and I. I just. #Um. If it's okay, yeah, I'll just wait on that. Please.", "No problem at all! You just call us back and a representative will help you find the perfect plan and get everything, everything in order. Do you.", "Actually, I. #Oh wow, I'm sorry, that was so rude. I just, you just, you reminded me, do you have any special discounts or benefits? Our previous insurance, well, we, I have a son, he just turned nineteen and he got his license maybe what. Three months ago? And we have two cars, I think I maybe. Maybe I said? But anyway. Our insurance offered us discounts because we went so long or, you know. Just, so long without tickets or accidents? And they gave us a small discount on our rates because of course they're a little higher covering our son now because, because he's driving. And there was, I think there was like, maybe a discount because we covered two two vehicles? I'm sorry, I'm totally rambling I just. We want to find the right, the right insurance and company and everything.", "No worries, miss Wilbur, it's totally fine. We do offer discounts, most of them long term for like you mentioned, good driving records and safety. As for insuring two vehicles, our auto insurance rates are like many companies and we, we base them on the type of vehicle, the year, all of those things paired with the the tier you choose and the coverage we anticipate fulfilling.", "Uh-huh.", "And if you want to look into those things more I'm happy to stay on the line and we can discuss, the types of cars you have and I can maybe, maybe give a rough estimate. We also have, if I remember, yeah. We have a pretty decent FAQ, that is freauently asked questions, page on our website. It's super easy to see, blue tab at the top. That advertises and explains a lot of the discounts that we have. You just scroll.", "Right.", "Scroll down to the middle section, sort of. It has a big header that says automobile coverage. That will probably help a lot. And you can always call back.", "Okay, yeah. That sounds good. I think I'll have my husband check it out, to be honest I don't, I I don't even know the specifics of the car he drives . Some big red thing. I don't know.", "[Laughter] Okay well sounds great miss Wilbur. Just call us back and let us know what we can do for you if you if you decide to proceed. Our customer service hours are twenty four seven, and the number is the same no matter what you're calling for.", "Thank you so much, Kelsey. You've been a great help.", "Absolutely. Is there anything else I can do for you today ma'am?", "No, I think that's it! Thank you so much for your time. You have a great day, now.", "You too.", "Uh-huh. Bye!", "Bye bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }