{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_400_000", "insurance_400_001", "insurance_400_002", "insurance_400_003", "insurance_400_004", "insurance_400_005", "insurance_400_006", "insurance_400_007", "insurance_400_008", "insurance_400_009", "insurance_400_010", "insurance_400_011", "insurance_400_012", "insurance_400_013", "insurance_400_014", "insurance_400_015", "insurance_400_016", "insurance_400_017", "insurance_400_018", "insurance_400_019", "insurance_400_020", "insurance_400_021", "insurance_400_022", "insurance_400_023", "insurance_400_024", "insurance_400_025", "insurance_400_026", "insurance_400_027", "insurance_400_028", "insurance_400_029", "insurance_400_030", "insurance_400_031", "insurance_400_032", "insurance_400_033", "insurance_400_034", "insurance_400_035", "insurance_400_036", "insurance_400_037", "insurance_400_038", "insurance_400_039", "insurance_400_040", "insurance_400_041", "insurance_400_042", "insurance_400_043", "insurance_400_044", "insurance_400_045", "insurance_400_046", "insurance_400_047", "insurance_400_048", "insurance_400_049", "insurance_400_050", "insurance_400_051", "insurance_400_052", "insurance_400_053", "insurance_400_054", "insurance_400_055", "insurance_400_056", "insurance_400_057", "insurance_400_058", "insurance_400_059", "insurance_400_060", "insurance_400_061", "insurance_400_062", "insurance_400_063", "insurance_400_064", "insurance_400_065", "insurance_400_066", "insurance_400_067", "insurance_400_068", "insurance_400_069", "insurance_400_070", "insurance_400_071", "insurance_400_072", "insurance_400_073", "insurance_400_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to find agent of your insurance company closer to me.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Teresa Smith.", "Okay, Teresa as your first name and Smith as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's nine five zero five.", "Nine five zero five.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, nine five zero five four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said nine five zero five four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is August sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "August sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know your zip code?", "The zip code is one.", "One.", "Yes.", "Which contact method they prefer? Is it email or phone number?", "I will go with email.", "Okay kindly provide me your email sd.", "teresa smith at yahoo dot com.", "Okay. Please hang on while I make the search for you ma.", "", "I'll send the location to you through your email. Do you confirm that?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Okay done. It's has been sent to you successfully.", "thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "well, I would also like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes, we do. Would you like to know the types of pet insurance plans we offer?", "Sure. Go on please. I can't wait to get Cassie insured.", "Cassie?", "Oh! That's my dog's name. Please go on.", "Okay. So we offer two types of pet insurance.", "uh-uhn.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. Thanks! #Um, I'll be in touch as soon as I'm ready to do that. And I've been introduced to quite a few insurance companies that offer pet insurance and It seems yours is a little bit expensive compared to others.", "please you would have to bear with us for now. We always try to offer the best possible service to our customers but your observation is noted sir.", "Well, please do that. I'll be considering other options too and I'll be going for the one I think is best for me.", "Duly noted sir. Thank you so much ma. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "one last thing please.", "okay.", "I got an email around last week that automatic billings will now include charges as from next month. I don't quite understand that. Please can you explain to me?", "Oh! That's true. The company needs to deduct this charges for general maintenance and regular update of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience.", "Alright. But I hope these extra charges of your won't be a burden.", "It definitely won't be a burden sir. We will make sure it's as low as possible.", "Alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us ma.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_401_000", "insurance_401_001", "insurance_401_002", "insurance_401_003", "insurance_401_004", "insurance_401_005", "insurance_401_006", "insurance_401_007", "insurance_401_008", "insurance_401_009", "insurance_401_010", "insurance_401_011", "insurance_401_012", "insurance_401_013", "insurance_401_014", "insurance_401_015", "insurance_401_016", "insurance_401_017", "insurance_401_018", "insurance_401_019", "insurance_401_020", "insurance_401_021", "insurance_401_022", "insurance_401_023", "insurance_401_024", "insurance_401_025", "insurance_401_026", "insurance_401_027", "insurance_401_028", "insurance_401_029", "insurance_401_030", "insurance_401_031", "insurance_401_032", "insurance_401_033", "insurance_401_034", "insurance_401_035", "insurance_401_036", "insurance_401_037", "insurance_401_038", "insurance_401_039", "insurance_401_040", "insurance_401_041", "insurance_401_042", "insurance_401_043", "insurance_401_044", "insurance_401_045", "insurance_401_046", "insurance_401_047", "insurance_401_048", "insurance_401_049", "insurance_401_050", "insurance_401_051", "insurance_401_052", "insurance_401_053", "insurance_401_054", "insurance_401_055", "insurance_401_056", "insurance_401_057", "insurance_401_058", "insurance_401_059", "insurance_401_060", "insurance_401_061", "insurance_401_062", "insurance_401_063", "insurance_401_064", "insurance_401_065", "insurance_401_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good Morning, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance how can I help you today?", "Good morning, I would like to get a quote on pet insurance.", "Okay a quote on pet insurance I can do that for you, just give me one second my computer just froze. I apologize for this, it's been acting up all day.", "That's okay I understand I work in IT and it happens more often than not.", "Yes it does, they say these things are suppose to make our lives easier, but somedays. Okay it seems my system isn't going to come back on line, do you mind me putting you on hold for one minuet while I try to see what's going on with my system?", "No that's fine.", "Ok, ma`ame, I'm sorry but my system is down I have to transfer you to a different agent who will be able to help you. I appologize for any inconvience this is causing you, but I have an agent ready to take you.", "Okay.", "Good morning ma`ame, I'm sorry about that, my name is Tamara and I will help you get that quote for pet insurance right now.", "Oh great.", "And who am I speaking with? What type of pet are you getting? Or did you already get?", "Oh sorry this is Wendy Maples. I got him yesterday, it's a French Bulldog. ", "Oh great they are the cutest. Now Miss Maples, are you currently a customer if so do you have a policy number I can look up?", "Yes, I don't have my policy number on me right now, but yes I am a customer.", "Great, let me look up your name and if I can get you to verify your address that would be great and we can get started.", "Oh okay, I live at one twenty eight Plum Tree Lane, in New Brunswick Ohio", "Great So what type of insurance for your pet were you looking for? We offer three differnt levels, accident only, accident and illness and accident illness plus wellness.", "Um what does each one cover?", "Okay, the accident only is just that, it covers accidents only such as treatments and tests for injuries but only on an emergency basis. You will pay your provider directly and we will reimburse you up to one hundred percent of the cost depending on the nature of the accident. But it doesn't cover routine vet visits.", "Okay, ", "The second plan that we have is accident and illness, which covers emergency issues and some tests and treatments for breed specific illnesses, but it does not cover routine pet visits either.", "Okay, what kind of test and treatments does it cover?", "It covers the cost of things like heartworm tests and treatments, cancers and issues that are specific to verious breeds. ", "Oh okay.", "And then we have the Accident/illness plus wellness. This plan covers routine vet visits, your routine shots for your puppy such as rabies, distemper.", "Oh, that sounds like the best plan.", "It is the best plan, pets are like family members and need to see a vet regularly and it can get expensive.", "Okay so how does it all work?", "Well you have a couple of options here, our most popular is the traditional, where you pay the vet and turn in your reciepts and we reimburse you. You get to use the vet of your choice and the pharmacy of your choice. This is also the easiest plan because you can choose your own vet and pharmacy.", "Oh okay that's good, what's the other plan?", "The other plan you would have to use an in-network vet and an in-network pharmacy, the vet and the pharmacy will be paid directly by the insurance company with no paper work for you to fill out. The down side to this plan is the in-network vets, you may have to go outside of your town to see a vet, but our list of vets who are in-network is growing so there's a chance your local vet could be in-network. ", "I'll keep that in mind, how about pricing?", "The pricing can very from accident only which would be about fifty dollars a month with a five hundred dollar decuctable to a little over one hundred dollars a month for the accident and wellness plus plan.", "Well for my little Echo that's not to much. I think I would like to get more information about the Accident wellness plus plan.", "Okay we can do that. What else would you like to know?", "Well how much is it a month?", "Let me put some information in the computer, okay, the Acciden/Illness Plus program for a French Bulldog, how much deductable out of pocket?", "What options are there? I really wouldn't want to spend more than five hundred a year.", "Okay that's a good place to start. So with a five hundred dollar yearly deductable you are looking around one hundred twenty-five dollars a month.", "Okay that sounds good I would like to get him enrolled in that program.", "When would you like the coverage to take effect? Right away?", "Oh yes right away, you know how puppies are.", "Yes they are just like toddlers and anything can happen. So we can start coverage tomorrow, with a down payment of eighty-nine fifty today.", "Oh great okay let me grab my credit card.", "And then monthly payments will be added to your bill when your renters insurance and you car insurance come out on automatic withdrawl.", "Oh! that's even better then I won't have to remember to pay the bill every month.", "So before we finalize this policy do you have any other questions?", "Yes, how do I... sorry I'm digging for my wallet, how do I find out which doctors are in-network?", "Okay, after we hang up you can log into your account, you can print off your pet ID card to show to your vet and you can look at exactly what the policy covers and which vets are in network. ", "Oh good that's easy enough. Okay I have my credit card.", "Okay I'm ready for that number when you are.", "Okay it's two eight nine five six nine nine five seven eight one three three zero eight one. ", "Great let me read that back to you two eight nine five six nine nine five seven eight one three three zero eight one.", "Yep.", "Good. Okay and can I have the experation date and the three digit security code off the back of the card?", "Yeah, the experation date is oh six twenty four, and the security code is one three nine.", "Okay the experation date is zero six twenty four and the security code is one three nine?", "yep.", "Okay, Miss Maples, I have this policy set up to go into effect at midnight tonight, you will need to log into your account and find an in network vet, and you will have to pay a co-pay at the vets office, the co-pay is ten dollars per visit. Once you reach your deductable you have a ten thousand dollar maxium payout for each illness or injury. ", "Okay that sounds good.", "Now before we hang up is there anything else I can do for you?", "Nope it sounds like we are all set up so Echo can go see the vet and get started on a long happy life.", "Good, well you and Echo have a great day and thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance for all of your insurance needs.", "Oh you guys have been great, thank you.", "Have a good day.", "You too, bye", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_402_000", "insurance_402_001", "insurance_402_002", "insurance_402_003", "insurance_402_004", "insurance_402_005", "insurance_402_006", "insurance_402_007", "insurance_402_008", "insurance_402_009", "insurance_402_010", "insurance_402_011", "insurance_402_012", "insurance_402_013", "insurance_402_014", "insurance_402_015", "insurance_402_016", "insurance_402_017", "insurance_402_018", "insurance_402_019", "insurance_402_020", "insurance_402_021", "insurance_402_022", "insurance_402_023", "insurance_402_024", "insurance_402_025", "insurance_402_026", "insurance_402_027", "insurance_402_028", "insurance_402_029", "insurance_402_030", "insurance_402_031", "insurance_402_032", "insurance_402_033", "insurance_402_034", "insurance_402_035", "insurance_402_036", "insurance_402_037", "insurance_402_038", "insurance_402_039", "insurance_402_040", "insurance_402_041", "insurance_402_042", "insurance_402_043", "insurance_402_044", "insurance_402_045", "insurance_402_046", "insurance_402_047", "insurance_402_048", "insurance_402_049", "insurance_402_050", "insurance_402_051", "insurance_402_052", "insurance_402_053", "insurance_402_054", "insurance_402_055", "insurance_402_056", "insurance_402_057", "insurance_402_058", "insurance_402_059", "insurance_402_060", "insurance_402_061", "insurance_402_062", "insurance_402_063", "insurance_402_064", "insurance_402_065", "insurance_402_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care. How may I help you?", "Good afternoon. How are you?", "I'm fine sir. How are you as well sir?", "Very well fine too.", "What do you need help with?", "I recently moved to a new city and I need to update my address.", "#em, So you want me to help you update your address right?", "Exactly and I also want to add a dependent to my insurance account profile.", "What's your first name, last name and date of birth?", "My first name is John and my last name is Cross.", "Your date of birth sir?", "July Sixteen Nineteen Seventy Six.", "Your phone number and Social security number sir.", "My phone number is Six One Nine six and my email address is Jackdarl at gmail dot com.", "Six One Nine six.", "Six Seven Eight Eight.", "Six Seven Eight Eight.", "six Two.", "Six One Nine six Six Seven Eight Eight six Two right?", "Yes.", "Your Social Security Number.", "Four Zero Zero Four.", "Four Zero Zero Four.", "Zero Four Eight Two Six.", "Zero Four Eight Two Six.", "Please kindly reconfirm.", "Four Zero Zero Four Zero Four Eight Two Six right?", "Sorry, the last digit is two.", "Okay. Corrected.", "Any other information?", "What is the answer to your security question?", "Michael Davidson.", "Okay. Your previous address sir.", "Number two eight six, Ashcraft Court, Los angeles, California.", "Confirmed. Hold on for a minute sir.", "No problem.", "Your new address sir.", "Let me check my house document for the street number.", "No problem sir.", "Number one eight eight Braxton Street Chicago, Illinois.", "Number six Seven Four One, Zappia Drive, Lexington, Kentucky right?", "That's right.", "you also want to add a dependent to your insurance account right?", "Yes please.", "Your policy number sir?", "six Two six Four.", "six Two six Four.", "Nine One Six Two.", "Confirmed. What is the relationship of the dependent to you?", "He's my son. His name is Gabriel.", "What is his last name?", "Cross.", "His birth date sir?", "May Six Nineteen Ninety two.", "Does he have any health issue?", "Yes, He is Autistic. He was diagnosed of autism on his second year birthday.", "Alright sir. Dependent successfully added.", "Instead of calling the helpline all the time, is there a way I can do other things on my own?", "Yes sir. We have a mobile app that helps in solving the needs of customers.", "How do I go about it?", "The app is called Rivertown app. You can download it on IOS store, sign up for it and access all your information in one place.", "Wow! That's a good innovation.", "Thank you sir. Is there any other thing you need help with?", "That would be all for now. Thank you.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance. We hope to serve you better. Have a lovely day sir.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_403_000", "insurance_403_001", "insurance_403_002", "insurance_403_003", "insurance_403_004", "insurance_403_005", "insurance_403_006", "insurance_403_007", "insurance_403_008", "insurance_403_009", "insurance_403_010", "insurance_403_011", "insurance_403_012", "insurance_403_013", "insurance_403_014", "insurance_403_015", "insurance_403_016", "insurance_403_017", "insurance_403_018", "insurance_403_019", "insurance_403_020", "insurance_403_021", "insurance_403_022", "insurance_403_023", "insurance_403_024", "insurance_403_025", "insurance_403_026", "insurance_403_027", "insurance_403_028", "insurance_403_029", "insurance_403_030", "insurance_403_031", "insurance_403_032", "insurance_403_033", "insurance_403_034", "insurance_403_035", "insurance_403_036", "insurance_403_037", "insurance_403_038", "insurance_403_039", "insurance_403_040", "insurance_403_041", "insurance_403_042", "insurance_403_043", "insurance_403_044", "insurance_403_045", "insurance_403_046", "insurance_403_047", "insurance_403_048", "insurance_403_049", "insurance_403_050", "insurance_403_051", "insurance_403_052", "insurance_403_053", "insurance_403_054", "insurance_403_055", "insurance_403_056", "insurance_403_057", "insurance_403_058", "insurance_403_059", "insurance_403_060", "insurance_403_061", "insurance_403_062", "insurance_403_063", "insurance_403_064", "insurance_403_065", "insurance_403_066", "insurance_403_067", "insurance_403_068", "insurance_403_069", "insurance_403_070", "insurance_403_071", "insurance_403_072", "insurance_403_073", "insurance_403_074", "insurance_403_075", "insurance_403_076", "insurance_403_077", "insurance_403_078", "insurance_403_079", "insurance_403_080", "insurance_403_081", "insurance_403_082", "insurance_403_083", "insurance_403_084", "insurance_403_085", "insurance_403_086", "insurance_403_087", "insurance_403_088", "insurance_403_089", "insurance_403_090", "insurance_403_091", "insurance_403_092", "insurance_403_093", "insurance_403_094", "insurance_403_095", "insurance_403_096", "insurance_403_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I would like to enroll in an insurance plan. A friend of mine who is also your customer told me I could do it on your website but I had issues with that. I guess I have to make a call to enroll.", "Sure thing. I can help you with that. May I have your first name and last name please?", "Well, actually I'm new and I don't have an existing account.", "Oh! Okay. You'll have to create an account first then.", "okay. How do I do that?", "I'll help you with creating an account. You don't have to worry about that.", "Ok. That's good.", "So I'm going to be asking a few things from you which I will input directly into the system.", "Alright. I just hope I'll be able to answer them.", "Of course you would. They are just basic information. You don't have to worry.", "Oh! Okay. Now that's reassuring.", "Perfect. What's your first name please?", "It's Elizabeth Carrie.", "Okay. Elizabeth as your first name and Carrie as your last name. Is that right?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Hold on while I input it into the system. just to confirm, is Carrie spelled c. a. r. r. i. e.?", "Yes that right.", "Okay. May I have your phone number please?", "My phone number is one one four four.", "One one four four.", "Three three four.", "Three three four.", "Five four four.", "Five four four.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, one one four four three three four five four four. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. Now you are going to choose a security question of your choice.", "Alright. How do I choose that?", "It's very simple. We have five security questions you could choose from. You just have to pick one of the five.", "okay. What are they? actually while going through the website, I came across those security questions.", "Okay, that's good. So which one are you going to choose as your security questions?", "I think I'll go with the name of my first pet. My first pet was Brownie. She was such a wonderful dog. It's sad she died the way she did.", "Oh! So sorry about that.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome ma. Now can you provide your date of birth and your street address?", "My date of birth is December third, nineteen eighty nine.", "Okay. December third, nineteen eighty nine. Is that correct?", "Yep, that's right.", "Just a moment. Okay. Kindly provide your street address too.", "my street address is Number Three Seven Four One, Zappia Drive?", "Alright. just a moment. You said Number Three Seven Four One, Zappia Drive. Is that right?", "Yes, that right. I think this is taking too much time. I thought I would be done as fast as possible but it's taking too long.", "So sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try my best to make it quick as possible.", "Alright. just get on with it. What's the next question please?", "Okay. May I have the name of your city please?", "The name of my city is San Carlos, California.", "Okay. your city is San Carlos while your state is California. Is that right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Just a moment please.", "mhm.", "o-okay. Can I have your Zip code and Social security number please?", "My zip code is nine four four one four.", "Nine four four one four. Is that correct?", "Oh! my zip actually ends with three. Nine four four one three not nine four four one four.", "Nine four four one three. Is that right?", "Yes, that correct. Thank you.", "Perfect. Now that your account has been successfully created, let's continue with enrolling you in the plan of your choice.", "Alright.", "So we have different types of insurance plans. Do you need me to brief you on them?", "Not really, I have a plan in mind.", "O-okay, So what plan do you have in mind?", "I will like to enroll in the condo plan but I don't know how much it'll cost me. I actually tried to check on the website but I couldn't.", "Well, I can help with that.", "Okay. Please go on.", "We have four types of condo plans.", "okay.", "The first is the basic plan which costs five hundred dollars per year and the condo preferred plan which costs six hundred dollars per year.", "Okay. Well, I think I would prefer the condo preferred plan.", "Perfect. That plan costs six hundred dollars per year??", "Yes, I know.", "Please hold on while I enroll you in the condo preferred plan.", "Alright.", "I'll enroll you right away. Do you confirm enrollment?", "Yes, I do.", "Okay, done. Now I will like you to take note of the day of your enrollment in the condo preferred plan.", "okay.", "So, today is July twenty ninth, four thousand and twenty one. Please make sure you take note of this. Do you confirm?", "Yep. July twenty ninth, four thousand and twenty one. Got it.", "Okay. Now you'll have to pay a sum of six hundred dollars. The procedure of payment is on the website.", "Please can't you just do it here. It has taken forever to enroll and you want me to still visit your website to pay for enrollment?", "Kindly bear with us. We have your best interest at heart. We want to protect your personal information as much as we can.", "Oh! that's actually true. Just tell me how do go about it.", "Of course. It's actually very easy.", "Mhm, please go on.", "All you need do is visit our website, login using your first name as your username and last name as your password.", "please hold on. I think I need to write it down.", "Take your time.", "O-ok. You said I should login using my first name as username and last name as my password right?", "Yes, that correct. Then from there you can create a new password if you like.", "Okay. Got that. What do I do next?", "Then you can make payment by clicking on the make payment icon.", "Okay. I'll click on the make payment icon. Got it.", "Then you have four options. You either make payment directly from your bank or through your credit card.", "Okay. alright. Is that all?", "Yes, that's all. Is there anything I can help you with?", "Definitely not. I think that's all." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_404_000", "insurance_404_001", "insurance_404_002", "insurance_404_003", "insurance_404_004", "insurance_404_005", "insurance_404_006", "insurance_404_007", "insurance_404_008", "insurance_404_009", "insurance_404_010", "insurance_404_011", "insurance_404_012", "insurance_404_013", "insurance_404_014", "insurance_404_015", "insurance_404_016", "insurance_404_017", "insurance_404_018", "insurance_404_019", "insurance_404_020", "insurance_404_021", "insurance_404_022", "insurance_404_023", "insurance_404_024", "insurance_404_025", "insurance_404_026", "insurance_404_027", "insurance_404_028", "insurance_404_029", "insurance_404_030", "insurance_404_031", "insurance_404_032", "insurance_404_033", "insurance_404_034", "insurance_404_035", "insurance_404_036", "insurance_404_037", "insurance_404_038", "insurance_404_039", "insurance_404_040", "insurance_404_041", "insurance_404_042", "insurance_404_043", "insurance_404_044", "insurance_404_045", "insurance_404_046", "insurance_404_047", "insurance_404_048", "insurance_404_049", "insurance_404_050", "insurance_404_051", "insurance_404_052", "insurance_404_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how's your day going?", "Fine, how's yours too and what can I do for you?", "Fine, I want to get pet quote.", "Okay, can you provide me your name?", "my name is Roland Harper.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is March twelveth, nineteen ninety.", "March twelveth, nineteen ninety right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the pet type?", "it's dog.", "Okay. Can you prescribe the pet breed?", "Poodle.", "Okay, what is the age of the dog?", "Just about six month old.", "Alright. Please provide me the pet weight?", "I'll do that, let me confirm it.", "Alright sir, take your time.", "it's fifty pounds.", "Okay which of the pet plan did you want to go for?", "Yes please, Petcare Preferred is what I go for.", "Alright. Hope the price as one thousand naira?", "Yes I do.", "Okay done. I can proceed with the payment from your balance?", "Yes please.", "Okay. Wait a moment it's process.", "okay.", "It has been successfully done sir.", "Thanks.", "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_405_000", "insurance_405_001", "insurance_405_002", "insurance_405_003", "insurance_405_004", "insurance_405_005", "insurance_405_006", "insurance_405_007", "insurance_405_008", "insurance_405_009", "insurance_405_010", "insurance_405_011", "insurance_405_012", "insurance_405_013", "insurance_405_014", "insurance_405_015", "insurance_405_016", "insurance_405_017", "insurance_405_018", "insurance_405_019", "insurance_405_020", "insurance_405_021", "insurance_405_022", "insurance_405_023", "insurance_405_024", "insurance_405_025", "insurance_405_026", "insurance_405_027", "insurance_405_028", "insurance_405_029", "insurance_405_030", "insurance_405_031", "insurance_405_032", "insurance_405_033", "insurance_405_034", "insurance_405_035", "insurance_405_036", "insurance_405_037", "insurance_405_038", "insurance_405_039", "insurance_405_040", "insurance_405_041", "insurance_405_042", "insurance_405_043", "insurance_405_044", "insurance_405_045", "insurance_405_046", "insurance_405_047", "insurance_405_048", "insurance_405_049", "insurance_405_050", "insurance_405_051", "insurance_405_052", "insurance_405_053", "insurance_405_054", "insurance_405_055", "insurance_405_056", "insurance_405_057", "insurance_405_058", "insurance_405_059", "insurance_405_060", "insurance_405_061", "insurance_405_062", "insurance_405_063", "insurance_405_064", "insurance_405_065", "insurance_405_066", "insurance_405_067", "insurance_405_068" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hello. How are you doing? I would love to change my insurance plan.", "You will need to provide few of your details for identification sir.", "Okay.", "I would love you to provide your first name, last name, phone number, date of birth, Social Security Number and answer to security question.", "Whew! You call these few details? This is a lot.", "In no time, We'll be done sir. Firstly, let's start with your first name.", "Derek.", "Is it spelt as D.E.R.I.C.K?", "No, It is spelt as D.E.R.E.K.", "Noted sir.", "What next?", "Your last name sir?", "Rodriguez.", "Derek Rodriguez right sir?", "Yes please.", "What's your phone number sir?", "Two Zero Nine.", "Two Zero Nine.", "Seven Zero Eight.", "Seven Zero Eight.", "Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Two Zero Nine Seven Zero Eight Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Well captured sir.", "What's next?", "Just a minute sir.", "Alright.", "Can you provide your date of birth details sir?", "July Four, Nineteen Eighty Two.", "July Four, Nineteen Eighty Two. Is that right sir?", "Yes please.", "Can I have your Social Security Number sir?", "Is it the nine digit number?", "Yes sir. It's a nine digit number.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two.", "One Six Eight Four.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two One Six Eight Four Is that right mister Derek?", "Yes you are.", "What's your security answer sir?", "I can't remember my security answer. What am I going to do?", "What's your mother's maiden name sir?", "Her maiden name is Webster.", "That's correct sir.", "Any more details for identification?", "Your details have been verified sir.", "I would love to upgrade my home owner insurance plan.", "Okay sir. Just a minute sir.", "I just secured a property in California and I recently moved in with my family.", "Whoa! That's great. Congratulations sir.", "Thank you.", "From your record sir, you were on Home preferred plan before. You would love an upgrade to Home complete plan right?", "Exactly.", "The Home Complete plan costs Two thousand dollars per year sir.", "That's quite affordable. I would also love to know if I can change my address on the mobile app instead of calling the helpline.", "Yes you can sir. Do you need help with it sir?", "No thank you. I'll update my information on the app.", "How do you want to go about the payment sir?", "You have my credit card details right?", "Just a minute sir to check for your credit card details.", "It's fine.", "We have your credit card details sir.", "You can deduct the bills directly from my account on a monthly basis.", "Alright sir. Your plan has been successfully changed. Is there any other thing you would love me to do for you?", "That would be all for now. Thanks for the help.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance sir an we hope you enjoy your new home. Do have a lovely day sir.", "Thank you. Have a lovely day as well.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_406_000", "insurance_406_001", "insurance_406_002", "insurance_406_003", "insurance_406_004", "insurance_406_005", "insurance_406_006", "insurance_406_007", "insurance_406_008", "insurance_406_009", "insurance_406_010", "insurance_406_011", "insurance_406_012", "insurance_406_013", "insurance_406_014", "insurance_406_015", "insurance_406_016", "insurance_406_017", "insurance_406_018", "insurance_406_019", "insurance_406_020", "insurance_406_021", "insurance_406_022", "insurance_406_023", "insurance_406_024", "insurance_406_025", "insurance_406_026", "insurance_406_027", "insurance_406_028", "insurance_406_029", "insurance_406_030", "insurance_406_031", "insurance_406_032", "insurance_406_033", "insurance_406_034", "insurance_406_035", "insurance_406_036", "insurance_406_037", "insurance_406_038", "insurance_406_039", "insurance_406_040", "insurance_406_041", "insurance_406_042", "insurance_406_043", "insurance_406_044", "insurance_406_045", "insurance_406_046", "insurance_406_047", "insurance_406_048", "insurance_406_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "I checked my credit card transaction history, and it was billed twice last week.", "Okay. Sorry for inconvenience that might cause. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Lionel Dwayne.", "Okay, Lionel as your first name and Dwayne as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is two two right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's seven seven seven one.", "Seven seven seven one.", "two two two three.", "two two two three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one two two two three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with two two two two not two two two three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one two two two two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is March sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "June eleven, nineteen sixty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. Please provide me the claim number of the incident?", "Alright two two two seven.", "Two two two seven.", "seven seven zero six.", "seven seven zero six.", "Seven seven.", "Seven seven.", "Yeah.", "You said two two two seven seven seven zero six seven seven.", "Exactly.", "We're sorry about the inconvenience this might have caused you.", "It's Okay, Have you detected the cause?", "Yes I've done that and I promise to rectify the issue within twenty two hours.", "Okay thanks.", "So sorry about the incident sir. Do you have any other thing you need some help with?", "No. That will be all for now.", "Do have a great day sir.", "Thanks.", "Bye sir.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_407_000", "insurance_407_001", "insurance_407_002", "insurance_407_003", "insurance_407_004", "insurance_407_005", "insurance_407_006", "insurance_407_007", "insurance_407_008", "insurance_407_009", "insurance_407_010", "insurance_407_011", "insurance_407_012", "insurance_407_013", "insurance_407_014", "insurance_407_015", "insurance_407_016", "insurance_407_017", "insurance_407_018", "insurance_407_019", "insurance_407_020", "insurance_407_021", "insurance_407_022", "insurance_407_023", "insurance_407_024", "insurance_407_025", "insurance_407_026", "insurance_407_027", "insurance_407_028", "insurance_407_029", "insurance_407_030", "insurance_407_031", "insurance_407_032", "insurance_407_033", "insurance_407_034", "insurance_407_035", "insurance_407_036", "insurance_407_037", "insurance_407_038", "insurance_407_039", "insurance_407_040", "insurance_407_041", "insurance_407_042", "insurance_407_043", "insurance_407_044", "insurance_407_045", "insurance_407_046", "insurance_407_047", "insurance_407_048", "insurance_407_049", "insurance_407_050", "insurance_407_051", "insurance_407_052", "insurance_407_053", "insurance_407_054", "insurance_407_055", "insurance_407_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi. I just want to check the status of my last payment. I tried checking it on the website but just couldn't figure it out.", "Alright. I can do that for you. But I'll have to ask couple of questions if you don't mind.", "Go ahead.", "May I have your first name and last name please?", "My name is Paul Simeon.", "Okay, Paul as your first name and Simeonas your last name?", "That's it.", "l'll also need you customer number.", "Where can I find that? I'm not really familiar with all these digits.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four to six number right?", "It's always eight digit long.", "yes, it is.", "Right. Call that number for me please.", "Yeah. It's two one seven four.", "two one seven four.", "two eight seven seven.", "two eight seven seven.", "That's it.", "Okay. two one seven four two eight seven seven right?", "Yeah. That's correct.", "May I have your date of birth please?", "It's twenty fourth of June nineteen eighty two.", "You said twenty fourth of June, nineteen eighty two right?", "Sure.", "To check your payment status, I need to have your policy number. You can find this number on your account page in our website.", "okay, give me a moment. Let me look for it.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Policy number, Is it the string of number below my profile picture?", "yes exactly. Could you read that number to me?", "Sure. It's four six seven.", "Four six seven.", "Nine four four.", "Nine four four.", "Eight two three.", "Eight two three.", "Yep thats it.", "Okay. Four six seven Nine four four Eight two three right?", "Yes that's correct.", "One last thing. When did you make the payment?", "that should be two days ago at around sixteen hundred hour.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Thanks for being patient with us sir.", "No problem.", "I'm pleased to inform you that your payment is succesful.", "Thanks. What a relieve.", "We're very sorry for any inconveniences.", "It'alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "You're welcome.", "Do have a great day.", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_408_000", "insurance_408_001", "insurance_408_002", "insurance_408_003", "insurance_408_004", "insurance_408_005", "insurance_408_006", "insurance_408_007", "insurance_408_008", "insurance_408_009", "insurance_408_010", "insurance_408_011", "insurance_408_012", "insurance_408_013", "insurance_408_014", "insurance_408_015", "insurance_408_016", "insurance_408_017", "insurance_408_018", "insurance_408_019", "insurance_408_020", "insurance_408_021", "insurance_408_022", "insurance_408_023", "insurance_408_024", "insurance_408_025", "insurance_408_026", "insurance_408_027", "insurance_408_028", "insurance_408_029", "insurance_408_030", "insurance_408_031", "insurance_408_032", "insurance_408_033", "insurance_408_034", "insurance_408_035", "insurance_408_036", "insurance_408_037", "insurance_408_038", "insurance_408_039", "insurance_408_040", "insurance_408_041", "insurance_408_042", "insurance_408_043", "insurance_408_044", "insurance_408_045", "insurance_408_046", "insurance_408_047", "insurance_408_048", "insurance_408_049", "insurance_408_050", "insurance_408_051", "insurance_408_052", "insurance_408_053", "insurance_408_054", "insurance_408_055", "insurance_408_056", "insurance_408_057", "insurance_408_058", "insurance_408_059", "insurance_408_060", "insurance_408_061", "insurance_408_062", "insurance_408_063", "insurance_408_064", "insurance_408_065", "insurance_408_066", "insurance_408_067", "insurance_408_068", "insurance_408_069", "insurance_408_070", "insurance_408_071", "insurance_408_072", "insurance_408_073", "insurance_408_074", "insurance_408_075", "insurance_408_076", "insurance_408_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "I would love to cancel six of my insurance plans with your company.", "I'll need some of your details for identification ma'am.", "Which of my details will you be needing?", "What's your first and last name ma'am?", "Maxine Nunez.", "Your Mobile phone number?", "Six six Nine.", "Six six NIne.", "Three Six Seven.", "Three Six Seven.", "two two Three Two.", "Please kindly confirm your mobile phone number. Six six Nine Three Six Seven two two Three Two.", "Yeah. Correct.", "Your date of birth ma'am.", "March Two Nineteen ninety Seven.", "Your Social Security Number?", "six Six six.", "six Six six.", "Nine Four six.", "Nine Four six.", "Three six Six.", "Three six Six.", "Kindly reconfirm the social security number again.", "six Six six Nine Four six Three six Six right?", "Yes. That's correct.", "Your Security Answer ma'am?", "I can't remember my security answer.", "What's the name of your first pet?", "Micah.", "That's incorrect ma'am.", "Whisper then.", "That's also incorrect ma'am.", "What will I do? I can't remember the answer.", "I'll help you reset your security question.", "Oh! That would be lovely.", "I'd ask you a few questions. Kindly pick the question you can easily remember or write out the question in a notebook.", "kindly hold on, let me go get a pen and book.", "It's fine ma'am.", "What are the questions?", "What's your mother's maiden name, the name of your high school, the name of your childhood best friend?", "My Mother's maiden name is Kelly.", "That is your new security question and answer.", "I hope I will remember this as well. I feel like I have partial amnesia.", "As long as you wrote it down and keep it somewhere accessible, you won't forget it ma'am.", "What other information do you need?", "Your policy number ma'am.", "Three Two Seven.", "Three Two Seven.", "six two two Two Six.", "Three Two Seven six two two Two Six right?", "Yes, That's right.", "So which of your insurance plans do you want to cancel ma'am?", "I want to cancel my automobile insurance plan.", "What plan type were you on ma'am?", "The complete automobile plan.", "if I may ask, why do you want to cancel your automobile insurance plan?", "I recently ran out of job and I have four kids to cater for.", "Oh! I'm so sorry ma'am.", "That's not all. I lost my husband to Covid one nine and I'm saddled with the responsibility of taking care of my four kids.", "that must have been a lot for you to handle. I'm so sorry for your loss ma'am. How are you holding up ma'am?", "I've been doing some menial jobs and I work four shifts, I had to sell my car to offset some of the bills.", "Once again I'm sorry for your loss ma'am.", "That's why I want to cancel my automobile insurance plan. How do I go about it?", "We'll remove that plan on your list of insurance and also remove it from your bills.", "Thank you so much. I would also love to know If I can update my payment preference on the mobile app myself.", "Yes you can ma.", "How will I go about it?", "On the top right hand corner of the app, You'll see the self service option.", "What next?", "Click on it, you'll see various options to pick from.", "yep! I just saw the option.", "Is there any other help you need me to do for you?", "That would be all for now. Thanks for your time.", "Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Once again accept our heartfelt condolence.", "Thanks for your understanding.", "Do have a lovely day ma'am. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_409_000", "insurance_409_001", "insurance_409_002", "insurance_409_003", "insurance_409_004", "insurance_409_005", "insurance_409_006", "insurance_409_007", "insurance_409_008", "insurance_409_009", "insurance_409_010", "insurance_409_011", "insurance_409_012", "insurance_409_013", "insurance_409_014", "insurance_409_015", "insurance_409_016", "insurance_409_017", "insurance_409_018", "insurance_409_019", "insurance_409_020", "insurance_409_021", "insurance_409_022", "insurance_409_023", "insurance_409_024", "insurance_409_025", "insurance_409_026", "insurance_409_027", "insurance_409_028", "insurance_409_029", "insurance_409_030", "insurance_409_031", "insurance_409_032", "insurance_409_033", "insurance_409_034", "insurance_409_035", "insurance_409_036", "insurance_409_037", "insurance_409_038", "insurance_409_039", "insurance_409_040", "insurance_409_041", "insurance_409_042", "insurance_409_043", "insurance_409_044", "insurance_409_045", "insurance_409_046", "insurance_409_047", "insurance_409_048", "insurance_409_049", "insurance_409_050", "insurance_409_051", "insurance_409_052", "insurance_409_053", "insurance_409_054", "insurance_409_055", "insurance_409_056", "insurance_409_057", "insurance_409_058", "insurance_409_059", "insurance_409_060", "insurance_409_061", "insurance_409_062", "insurance_409_063", "insurance_409_064", "insurance_409_065", "insurance_409_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm very well good and you?", "Fine as well.", "How may I help you sir?", "A friend of mine referred me to your insurance company and he told me you offer the best rates in California.", "Oh! That's so nice of your friend.", "Actually, I recently lost him to an automobile accident and it's been so hard moving on.", "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend sir.", "Prior to his death, We both planned on enrolling in an insurance company that offers the best rate for life insurance.", "Our life insurance plans are flexible and affordable.", "Asides Life Insurance, what other packages do you have?", "Sure sir. We provide insurance for Pets, Rent, Automobile, Homeowner, Condo.", "Whoa! You also have an insurance plan for renters. That's incredible.", "You're right on track sir. So what particular insurance plan do you want?", "I would love to register for life insurance and I would love to know the types of, life insurance you have.", "We have three types of life insurance. We have the Term Life Insurance, Whole Life Insurance and the Universal Life Insurance.", "What are their rates?", "The term life insurance goes for three hundred dollars per year, the whole life insurance goes for one thousand eight hundred dollars per year while the universal life insurance goes for one thousand two hundred dollars per year.", "How does each of the plan types work?", "Term life insurance guarantees payment of a stated death benefit to the insured beneficiaries if the insured person dies during a specified time.", "Go on please.", "The univesal life insurance is a permanent life insurance with a coverage that lasts a lifetime and builds actual cash value that is separate from the death benefit.", "sounds lovely. What about the whole life insurance plan?", "Whole life insurance plan provides permanent death benefit coverage for the life of the insured. It also comes with savings component in which cash can build up.", "Whoa! This is mindblowing. I'm interested in the whole life insurance plan.", "I will need some of your details for identification sir.", "What details?", "What's your first and last name sir?", "Alfred Steger.", "What's your date of birth sir?", "Januuary Two, Nineteen Eighty Five.", "Can I have your mobile phone number sir?", "sure you can. Eight Five Eight.", "Eight Five Eight.", "Seven Seven One.", "Seven Seven One.", "Nine Five Five Three.", "Nine Five Five Three.", "Eight Five Eight Seven Seven One Nine Nine Five Three.", "Noted sir. Can I have your home address sir?", "Number Four One Six Nine Hood Avenue, San Diego, California.", "Number Four One Six Nine Hood Avenue, San Diego, California. Is that correct sir?", "Yes it is.", "Can I have your zip code sir?", "Nine Two One Two Three.", "I'm going to ask you a security question that is peculiar to you alone. You can write it down for easy remembrance.", "Just a minute please.", "What is your mother's maiden name?", "Brandon.", "Your Security question is your mother's maiden name and the answer is Brandon.", "Noted. Any other thing?", "#em. Yes please, I'll need your social security number sir.", "Five Seven Three.", "Five Seven Three.", "Nine Three Three.", "Nine Three Three.", "Three Two Eight.", "Three Two Eight.", "How many more information do you need?", "#em. None for now sir. An account has been created for you sir. Is there any other thing you would love me to do for you sir?", "How will I go about the payment process?", "That's quite easy sir. I can help you with it.", "Oh! I totally forgot. I have a meeting in the next five minutes. I'll give you a call some other day.", "Alright sir. We look forward to receiving your call.", "Thanks for helping out. Have a nice day.", "Bye sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_410_000", "insurance_410_001", "insurance_410_002", "insurance_410_003", "insurance_410_004", "insurance_410_005", "insurance_410_006", "insurance_410_007", "insurance_410_008", "insurance_410_009", "insurance_410_010", "insurance_410_011", "insurance_410_012", "insurance_410_013", "insurance_410_014", "insurance_410_015", "insurance_410_016", "insurance_410_017", "insurance_410_018", "insurance_410_019", "insurance_410_020", "insurance_410_021", "insurance_410_022", "insurance_410_023", "insurance_410_024", "insurance_410_025", "insurance_410_026", "insurance_410_027", "insurance_410_028", "insurance_410_029", "insurance_410_030", "insurance_410_031", "insurance_410_032", "insurance_410_033", "insurance_410_034", "insurance_410_035", "insurance_410_036", "insurance_410_037", "insurance_410_038", "insurance_410_039", "insurance_410_040", "insurance_410_041", "insurance_410_042", "insurance_410_043", "insurance_410_044", "insurance_410_045", "insurance_410_046", "insurance_410_047", "insurance_410_048", "insurance_410_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer's services. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to cancel the automatic billing of my account.", "Sure, I can help you with that. #Um, may I have your first and last name please?", "Of course, my name is Scott Migel.", "Okay, Scott Miguel, for clarity's sake, your Miguel is with a U right?", "No, it's m. i. g. e. l.", "Okay, sorry about that. Got it, Migel. I'll #eh, need your birthdate and your phone number, please.", "What for?", "Well, to cancel your plan Sir, I'll need both information.", "Oh, sorry about that. I had my guard up for no reason .", "It's okay, I understand .", ", okay, my date of birth is November twenty sixth, nineteen ninety five.", "#Hm, okay. Novemer twenty sixth, nineteen ninety five, got it. Your number, please.", "Yea, my number is zero one eight five four four seven nine. My social security number is one one five six four two one eight nine.", "#Hm, zero one eight five four seven nine? It's missing a number, can you repeat it please?", "Sure, give me a second to confirm, okay, zero one eight five four four seven nine four.", "Zero one eight five four four seven nine, okay gotcha. Give me a second.", "#Hm.", "#Um, sorry sir, I only need your phone number please.", "I must have thought, well, okay then, sorry about that.", "It's okay Sir and thanks for the info.", "#Um, yea, sure.", "You said you would like to cancel the automatic billing of your account?", "Uh-huh, that's what I said.", "Okay, may I ask if it's temporarily or permanently sir?", "#Ah, permanently please.", "Whoa, permanently? May I ask why, sir?", "No reason, geez, I just want it canceled permanently.", "#Hm, okay Sir. Just give a minute.", "Huh, you've been saying that for a while now, please be fast about it.", "So, mister Migel?", "#Eh, I'm listening.", "I just checked and cancelling of the automatic billing of your account won't be possible until a year has elasped.", "What?!", "Yes sir, it appears you asked for an automatic billing of your account for a particular length of years, am I right?", "#Uh, you are. My bad.", "Five years right?", "Yes, five years.", "Yep, sorry it won't be possile until #eh, two years has elapsed.", "Oh no, what do I do now?", "Well, that depends on you. I'm ready to help either way .", "Okay I'd like to cancel my request then.", "Give a minute while I do that.", "#Hm.", "This won't take long at all, I just need to okay gotcha.", "Alright, I guess thats all.", "#Um, yes sir.", "Okay then. #Eh, thank you for your time.", "You're welcome, always happy to help. Bye and have a nice day.", "Okay, bye-bye and you too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_411_000", "insurance_411_001", "insurance_411_002", "insurance_411_003", "insurance_411_004", "insurance_411_005", "insurance_411_006", "insurance_411_007", "insurance_411_008", "insurance_411_009", "insurance_411_010", "insurance_411_011", "insurance_411_012", "insurance_411_013", "insurance_411_014", "insurance_411_015", "insurance_411_016", "insurance_411_017", "insurance_411_018", "insurance_411_019", "insurance_411_020", "insurance_411_021", "insurance_411_022", "insurance_411_023", "insurance_411_024", "insurance_411_025", "insurance_411_026", "insurance_411_027", "insurance_411_028", "insurance_411_029", "insurance_411_030", "insurance_411_031", "insurance_411_032", "insurance_411_033", "insurance_411_034", "insurance_411_035", "insurance_411_036", "insurance_411_037", "insurance_411_038", "insurance_411_039", "insurance_411_040", "insurance_411_041", "insurance_411_042", "insurance_411_043", "insurance_411_044", "insurance_411_045", "insurance_411_046", "insurance_411_047", "insurance_411_048", "insurance_411_049", "insurance_411_050", "insurance_411_051", "insurance_411_052", "insurance_411_053", "insurance_411_054", "insurance_411_055", "insurance_411_056", "insurance_411_057", "insurance_411_058", "insurance_411_059", "insurance_411_060", "insurance_411_061", "insurance_411_062", "insurance_411_063", "insurance_411_064", "insurance_411_065", "insurance_411_066", "insurance_411_067", "insurance_411_068", "insurance_411_069", "insurance_411_070", "insurance_411_071", "insurance_411_072", "insurance_411_073", "insurance_411_074", "insurance_411_075" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to enroll a plan on my account. I tried to enroll after creating an account it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to enroll.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Kristine Johnson.", "Okay, Kristine as your first name and Johnson as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is seven seven right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "seven seven seven three.", "seven seven seven three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one seven seven seven three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with seven seven seven three not seven seven seven three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one seven seven seven three right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is Decenber sixth, nineteen eighty three.", "December sixth, nineteen eighty three right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Alright. May I know your social security number?", "That is five zero five zero.", "Okay, you said five zero five zero.", "Yes.", "Kindly provide me the answer to your security question.", "That is my Mother's maiden name.", "Exactly sir.", "Her name is Ekstrom.", "Okay, Ekstrom.", "Yes.", "Kindly tell me about the plan you want to enroll.", "I would like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes ma. We do.", "Tell me more about it.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Is that all?", "Yes ma.", "Sure. Go on please with Petcare Basic.", "Alright ma.", "How can I make payment?", "You will provide me your credit card details ma.", "Okay, I'm using visa card.", "That's not a problem.", "seven five three three.", "seven five three three.", "Six seven five nine.", "Six seven five nine.", "Zero five zero zero.", "Zero five zero zero.", "Seven five five three.", "Seven five five three.", "Yes.", "What is the Expiration date?", "seven twenty twenty six.", "seven twenty twenty six.", "What us your Credit card cvv ma?", "That's zero seven six.", "Yes.", "You've successfully enroll in plan with us ma.", "Thank you.", "Do have a great day!", "You too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_412_000", "insurance_412_001", "insurance_412_002", "insurance_412_003", "insurance_412_004", "insurance_412_005", "insurance_412_006", "insurance_412_007", "insurance_412_008", "insurance_412_009", "insurance_412_010", "insurance_412_011", "insurance_412_012", "insurance_412_013", "insurance_412_014", "insurance_412_015", "insurance_412_016", "insurance_412_017", "insurance_412_018", "insurance_412_019", "insurance_412_020", "insurance_412_021", "insurance_412_022", "insurance_412_023", "insurance_412_024", "insurance_412_025", "insurance_412_026", "insurance_412_027", "insurance_412_028", "insurance_412_029", "insurance_412_030", "insurance_412_031", "insurance_412_032", "insurance_412_033", "insurance_412_034", "insurance_412_035", "insurance_412_036", "insurance_412_037", "insurance_412_038", "insurance_412_039", "insurance_412_040", "insurance_412_041", "insurance_412_042", "insurance_412_043", "insurance_412_044", "insurance_412_045" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good Morning, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance how can I help you today?", "Finally, do you know how long I have been on hold waiting to speak to someone? This is crazy.", "I apologize for the long wait ma`ame, but I'm here now, how can I help you today?", "I need to reset my password. I don't know I locked myself out again and this is a pain calling in, there use to be a button I could click and reset my password.", "Yes ma`ame, I understand what a pain it is to call in, however we take our customer's cyber security very seriously which is why we did away with the automatic reset option.", "Well, I don't know if that's good or bad.", "Okay, ma`ame can I get your name please?", "Yes, it's Stella Stevens.", "Okay, great. miss Stevens do you have your policy number handy?", "No, I don't.", "That's okay we can verify your account another way. Can you please give me your social security number", "Three one eight, nine two, six seven four one.", "Okay great, thank you miss Stevens. And if I can get you to verify your address for me please.", "One nine twenty-one Westmoreland Street.", "And the city, state and zip code.", "Yeah it's uh, Somerset, Ohio six one three four four.", "Okay, great miss Stevens one more step to authentication I'm going to send you a code to the phone number we have on file, do you have your cell phone?", "Yes, why so many steps? I gave you my social security number and my address.", "I understand but again we take our customer's security very seriously. If you can let me know when you get that code and read it back to me.", "Okay, I got it. Um, hold on one second.", "Okay take your time.", "Okay it's uh, five one eight two nine.", "Great. Okay now lets reset your password. I'm going to send you a link to your email, the link will only be good for thirty minutes, will this be a problem?", "No that will be fine, I will just log in here at work.", "Okay, I sent the email now, just click on the link and it will take you to reset page. ", "Okay.", "Great, now miss Stevens, I see you are due for an insurance review, would you like to schedule that phone call now? It will take about thirty minutes to do.", "Um, no I don't think I want to schedule that now. Wait what's an insurance review?", "We go over your current policies and see if you have to much insurance and are overpaying or if you don't have enough and need additional coverage.", "Oh, um...", "Life changes happen and many people forget to call the insurance company to protect what they have. We just want to make sure that you are getting the proper coverage for your needs.", "Well, that sounds like a good idea, but I don't have time right now.", "That's fine, we can schedule an appointment at your convenience, like I said it takes about thirty minutes so if you have a time that would work for you.", "You know what no not today, I haven't had any life changes recently. I just needed to get my password reset.", "That's fine. One more question before we go.", "Okay.", "If you were satisfied with the service you were given today, would you mind staying on the line and taking a short survey after our phone call?", "Um, yeah I can do that.", "Thank you. Ma`ame, my name is Tamara and my badge number is six one nine four eight, you will need that for the survey.", "Okay.", "Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "No that's all.", "Okay wonderful, I'm going to connect you to the survey and you have a good day ma`ame.", "Thank you.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_413_000", "insurance_413_001", "insurance_413_002", "insurance_413_003", "insurance_413_004", "insurance_413_005", "insurance_413_006", "insurance_413_007", "insurance_413_008", "insurance_413_009", "insurance_413_010", "insurance_413_011", "insurance_413_012", "insurance_413_013", "insurance_413_014", "insurance_413_015", "insurance_413_016", "insurance_413_017", "insurance_413_018", "insurance_413_019", "insurance_413_020", "insurance_413_021", "insurance_413_022", "insurance_413_023", "insurance_413_024", "insurance_413_025", "insurance_413_026", "insurance_413_027", "insurance_413_028", "insurance_413_029", "insurance_413_030", "insurance_413_031", "insurance_413_032", "insurance_413_033", "insurance_413_034", "insurance_413_035", "insurance_413_036", "insurance_413_037", "insurance_413_038", "insurance_413_039", "insurance_413_040", "insurance_413_041", "insurance_413_042", "insurance_413_043", "insurance_413_044", "insurance_413_045", "insurance_413_046", "insurance_413_047", "insurance_413_048", "insurance_413_049", "insurance_413_050", "insurance_413_051", "insurance_413_052", "insurance_413_053", "insurance_413_054", "insurance_413_055", "insurance_413_056", "insurance_413_057", "insurance_413_058", "insurance_413_059", "insurance_413_060", "insurance_413_061", "insurance_413_062", "insurance_413_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care service. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm fine ma'am and you?", "I'm fine as well.", "How may I help you ma'am?", "mister Brian Hogwart who just recently insured his pets referred me to your insurance company.", "#em, That's so nice of mister Brian.", "I hope your rates are quite affordable though.", "Sure ma'am. We offer the best rates in town.", "[Laughter] how sure are you?", "mister Brian wouldn't have referred you to us if he wasn't impressed with our rates and services ma'am.", "That's a valid point there. So how does it work?", "We have two plan types for pet insurance ma'am.", "I lost two of my Eskimo dogs three weeks ago. It was such a tragic loss. I can't afford to lose my Terrier dog again.", "Oh! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dogs ma'am.", "So can you tell me more about the pet insurance plan?", "Sure ma'am. We have the petcare basic plan and the petcare preferred plan.", "Okay. What are their differences and rates?", "Petcare Basic plan costs five hundred dollars per year while Petcare preferred plan costs one thousand dollars per year.", "Quite affordable. So how do each of them operate?", "The Petcare Basic plan covers twenty five per cent veteniary services while the petcare preferred plan offers fifty percent of veteniary costs and also cover accident and illnesses.", "Whoa! That's amazing. So which one should I go for?", "I would advise you go for the Petcare preferred type ma'am. It covers a lot of expenses for your pet.", "Alright. So how do I go about it?", "I'll need to take down some of your details ma'am. What's your first and last name ma'am?", "Deborah David. My phone number is Two One Three Seven Nine Eight Seven Eight Two Two.", "Can you call your phone number again ma'am?", "Two One Three Seven.", "Two One Three Seven.", "Nine Eight Seven.", "Nine Eight Seven.", "Eight Two Two.", "What's your date of birth ma'am?", "September Two, Nineteen Ninty.", "What's your Social Security Number ma'am?", "Six Three One.", "Six Three One.", "Three Two.", "Three Two.", "Nine Seven Six Zero.", "Kindly provide the answer to your security question ma'am.", "Moreno.", "You want to insure just one dog. Is that right ma'am?", "Yes for now.", "What is the breed of your dog ma'am?", "It's a male terrier dog.", "What is the weight of your dog ma'am?", "He weighs Ninety pounds.", "That's an healthy dog you have. What's his name?", "Ray.", "Does he have any health challenge ma'am?", "Not at all. He's the healthiest dog I've ever seen. I love him so much.", "That's so sweet. I also have a bull dog that means everyting to me.", "Whoa! Dogs are so adorable.", "What's his age?", "He's twenty four months old.", "Just a minute please.", "Alright. So how do I go about it?", "I've successfully registered your pet. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with?", "That will be all for now. Thanks for helping out.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance ma'am. Do have a lovely day ma'am.", "Bye.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_414_000", "insurance_414_001", "insurance_414_002", "insurance_414_003", "insurance_414_004", "insurance_414_005", "insurance_414_006", "insurance_414_007", "insurance_414_008", "insurance_414_009", "insurance_414_010", "insurance_414_011", "insurance_414_012", "insurance_414_013", "insurance_414_014", "insurance_414_015", "insurance_414_016", "insurance_414_017", "insurance_414_018", "insurance_414_019", "insurance_414_020", "insurance_414_021", "insurance_414_022", "insurance_414_023", "insurance_414_024", "insurance_414_025", "insurance_414_026", "insurance_414_027", "insurance_414_028", "insurance_414_029", "insurance_414_030", "insurance_414_031", "insurance_414_032", "insurance_414_033", "insurance_414_034", "insurance_414_035", "insurance_414_036", "insurance_414_037", "insurance_414_038", "insurance_414_039", "insurance_414_040", "insurance_414_041", "insurance_414_042", "insurance_414_043", "insurance_414_044", "insurance_414_045", "insurance_414_046", "insurance_414_047", "insurance_414_048", "insurance_414_049", "insurance_414_050", "insurance_414_051", "insurance_414_052", "insurance_414_053", "insurance_414_054", "insurance_414_055", "insurance_414_056", "insurance_414_057", "insurance_414_058", "insurance_414_059", "insurance_414_060", "insurance_414_061", "insurance_414_062", "insurance_414_063", "insurance_414_064", "insurance_414_065", "insurance_414_066", "insurance_414_067", "insurance_414_068", "insurance_414_069", "insurance_414_070", "insurance_414_071", "insurance_414_072", "insurance_414_073", "insurance_414_074", "insurance_414_075", "insurance_414_076", "insurance_414_077", "insurance_414_078", "insurance_414_079", "insurance_414_080", "insurance_414_081", "insurance_414_082", "insurance_414_083", "insurance_414_084", "insurance_414_085", "insurance_414_086", "insurance_414_087", "insurance_414_088", "insurance_414_089", "insurance_414_090", "insurance_414_091", "insurance_414_092", "insurance_414_093", "insurance_414_094", "insurance_414_095", "insurance_414_096", "insurance_414_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Good Afternoon, Welcome to Rivertown Insurance customer service, my name is Sonia. May I know you name?", "Afternoon, I am Sandra.", "Okay, can I refer to you as Miss or mister Sandra?", "Yes, It's missus Sandra.", "Oh! ok missus Sandra, welcome to Rivertown Insurance customers care service, how can I help you?", "Yes thank you, #em I want to reset my account login password.", "missus Sandra, if i can hear you right, you said you want to reset your account password.", "Yes ma.", "Okay, missus Sandra may I know why you are resetting to a knew password?", "Yea, because I forgot the old one and I have thought over it but still couldn't remember it.", "Well, missus Sandra we are very sorry for that.", "Thank you.", "Okay, mister Sandra is that all you want us to do for you?", "Yes that's all, please is there any hope of doing it successfully?", "Yea Sure, we can do that for you, but you will also Help us by answering some few questions.", "Oh Okay, You can ask.", "Okay, may i know your first name.", "Ha hello, hello, i can't hear you.", "Hello! hello!! can you hear me now?", "Yes I can hear you.", "Okay, I said may I.", "What did you say, I think the network is bad.", "Yeah, missus Sandra I said may I know your first name?", "My first name?", "Yes ma'am.", "Okay, Nathaniel.", "Na...tha...ni..el o.k.a.y, Your middle name ma.", "Winnie.", "Riny.", "No. It's Winnie.", "You mean Winning?", "Yes Winnie.", "Is it spelt W. I. N. N. I. N. G.?", "No, it's W.", "Ok, W.", "I.", "I.", "N.", "N.. you mean N for Nine?", "Yes, then another N.", "Oh Ok, N.", "I.", "I.", "E.", "E ok, W... I...N...N...I..E.", "Yes that's the spelling.", "Okay, what a nice name. Your Last name please.", "Sandra.", "S, a, n, d, r, a.... okay, missus Sandra, what's your date of birth?", "Twenty Eight of July, nineteen ninety two.", "T..w..e..n..t..y....E.i.g.h.t.....of.., J.u.l.y, Nine.t.e.e.n n..i..n..e..t..y.. two.", "Yea, exactly.", "Alright, What is your mother's maiden name?", "Haa (Laughter) Oh my goodness, I I don't know what I wrote there at that time.", "(Laughter) think of it ma.", "Mirabelle #hn no, it's Josephine.", "Ok, what is the name of your childhood best friend.", "Ha, Nimi.", "What's your favorite Pet?", "(Laughter) It's Bird.", "You mean Bird?", "Yes, Bird.", "Okay B.I.R.D. Alright. #Uh, could you please provide your phone number?", "Yeah sure.", "Okay.", "#Em, two two nine.", "Two two nine.", "Five three.", "Five two.", "Nah not two, I said three.", "Oh sorry, five three.", "Yes, zero two four.", "Zero? did you say zero?", "Yes zero.", "Okay.", "Yeah.", "Zero.", "Two.", "Two.", "Sure.", "Ok go on.", "Nath sandy eleven at gmail dot com.", "Nath sandy eleven at gmail dot com.", "Yes.", "Okay. Some moments please.", "Ok.", "Thanks for that. Your password reset is in progress.", "O.k thank you.", "Alright. So missus Sandra a new password have been sent to your Email. kindly log on to your email to check your new password.", "Wow (so happy) thanks so much.", "You are always welcome missus Sandra.", "Yes ma.", "If there's anything else, you can always reach out to us here and we'll be here to serve you better.", "Okay. Thanks.", "missus Sandra thanks so much for being a part of Rivertown Insurance company. Thank you, and have a wonderful night rest.", "Thank you too Madam.", "Good-bye.", "yvonnestarkszero nine four at gmail dot com." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_415_000", "insurance_415_001", "insurance_415_002", "insurance_415_003", "insurance_415_004", "insurance_415_005", "insurance_415_006", "insurance_415_007", "insurance_415_008", "insurance_415_009", "insurance_415_010", "insurance_415_011", "insurance_415_012", "insurance_415_013", "insurance_415_014", "insurance_415_015", "insurance_415_016", "insurance_415_017", "insurance_415_018", "insurance_415_019", "insurance_415_020", "insurance_415_021", "insurance_415_022", "insurance_415_023", "insurance_415_024", "insurance_415_025", "insurance_415_026", "insurance_415_027", "insurance_415_028", "insurance_415_029", "insurance_415_030", "insurance_415_031", "insurance_415_032", "insurance_415_033", "insurance_415_034", "insurance_415_035", "insurance_415_036", "insurance_415_037", "insurance_415_038", "insurance_415_039", "insurance_415_040", "insurance_415_041", "insurance_415_042", "insurance_415_043", "insurance_415_044", "insurance_415_045", "insurance_415_046", "insurance_415_047", "insurance_415_048", "insurance_415_049", "insurance_415_050", "insurance_415_051", "insurance_415_052", "insurance_415_053", "insurance_415_054", "insurance_415_055", "insurance_415_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you?", "Hi there I needed to register my car with my workplace.", "mhm.", "And so I needed to ", "I'm sorry?", "I needed to request a proof of insurance document.", "Oh okay.", "So I can validate my parking spot at work.", "Yes, okay. I can definitely help you with that today.", "Okay good.", "There's just a few details we need to get sorted first.", "Right.", "First of all what's your name and date of birth?", "My name is Grace Navarro n. a. v. a. r. r. o.", "Got it.", "And my date of birth is oh one one two eight three.", "Oh one one two eight three?", "That's correct.", "And the last bit of information I need is your customer number.", "My customer number.", "Yes it should have eight numbers, and it will be on any correspondence weve sent you.", "Oh okay one second let me go find it. You said any correspondence you've sent me?", "That's right, so any email we've sent you in the past.", "Oh okay.", "Should have that number in it somewhere. It just has eight digits.", "Right. Okay I see it. It's eight nine two one.", "Mhm, eight nine two one.", "Seven four one three.", "Okay, so that's eight nine two one seven four one three?", "Yes, correct.", "Okay. And those were all correct so I have access to your account now.", "Yay.", "And I belive you said you wanted proof of insurance?", "Yes that is correct.", "And how would you like to receive that, as a pdf file sent to your email, or as a paper document mailed to your address?", "What's the difference?", "Some places still require the physical, paper document. But the pdf file is exactly the same and also free. With the paper document we charge a small fee to cover the mailing costs.", "I see.", "So it really depends on what your workplace requires.", "Yeah, I think they said that a pdf was okay.", "Oh okay, good.", "Yeah, I think I remember him saying that so yes, I would prefer the pdf file.", "Alright, that's easy enough. I just need to confirm your email address on file is the correct one to send this to.", "yeah that's the gmail right?", "Yes.", "Right.", "It's g. n. a. v. eighty three at gmail dot com.", "That's the one, yep.", "Alright excellent, I'll just send that off to you now. Okay, you should receive an email in the next few minutes with the pdf file attached.", "Excellent.", "Which will have your proof of insurance and you can take it from there.", "That's right.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "no, I think that's it.", "Well, in that case thank you for calling and I hope you have an excellent day.", "Thank you for your help and you too, hope you have a good day.", "Thank you, goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_416_000", "insurance_416_001", "insurance_416_002", "insurance_416_003", "insurance_416_004", "insurance_416_005", "insurance_416_006", "insurance_416_007", "insurance_416_008", "insurance_416_009", "insurance_416_010", "insurance_416_011", "insurance_416_012", "insurance_416_013", "insurance_416_014", "insurance_416_015", "insurance_416_016", "insurance_416_017", "insurance_416_018", "insurance_416_019", "insurance_416_020", "insurance_416_021", "insurance_416_022", "insurance_416_023", "insurance_416_024", "insurance_416_025", "insurance_416_026", "insurance_416_027", "insurance_416_028", "insurance_416_029", "insurance_416_030", "insurance_416_031", "insurance_416_032", "insurance_416_033", "insurance_416_034", "insurance_416_035", "insurance_416_036", "insurance_416_037", "insurance_416_038", "insurance_416_039", "insurance_416_040", "insurance_416_041", "insurance_416_042", "insurance_416_043", "insurance_416_044", "insurance_416_045", "insurance_416_046", "insurance_416_047", "insurance_416_048", "insurance_416_049", "insurance_416_050", "insurance_416_051", "insurance_416_052", "insurance_416_053", "insurance_416_054", "insurance_416_055", "insurance_416_056", "insurance_416_057", "insurance_416_058", "insurance_416_059", "insurance_416_060", "insurance_416_061", "insurance_416_062", "insurance_416_063", "insurance_416_064", "insurance_416_065", "insurance_416_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you today?", "Hi there, my name is Kristina Stachet, and I have an Auto Insurance plan with you guys.", "mhm.", "And my plan started on I guess my question is do you guys do retroactive discounts?", "Well ", "Because my account started just last month, and I just saw a- an ad for this new sign on discount-.", "Okay.", "This new customer sign on discount, and I was wondering if I qualified for it?", "Well, that's a good question. I can say that normally we do not give out discounts in a retroactive fashion.", "Right.", "But, let me get your account pulled up here so I can definitively answer that for you.", "Okay yeah.", "So, first of all, how do you spell your name Kristina?", "It's Kristina with a K, so K R I S T I N A.", "Okay.", "and Stachet, spelled like S T A C H E T.", "Okay, and then I just need to confirm your email account and your customer id number. What is the email address linked to your account?", "Yes it's my gmail account so it's K L S walrus ninety two at gmail dot com.", "Okay.", "And my customer id number is doo doo doo ", "It should be an eight digit number near.", "No yes I have it it's.", "Oh I apologise.", "Oh no no worries, I'm sure you get tons of people who don't know what they're doing.", "yes every now and then it's true.", "I know I have it it's just buried in here somewhere just one second I need to put the phone down.", "That's okay.", "Okay got it, are you there?", "Right here, ready when you are.", "okay it's seven seven three two one eight nine two.", "Alright, I've got that in and, I'm just looking over your account now to gather the necessary information.", "mhm.", "Okay, so, you wanted to ask about the new account promotional discount, is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay, so that discount went into effect on August fourth, and it is meant only for auto insurance plan accounts created on or after that date, and your account was created on July fifteenth. So, I'm afraid I can't offer you that particular discount.", "Right I was just asking if that was a possibility.", "Right and that's not a problem.", "You never know until you ask!", "that's true. But, it does look like your acount might qualify for a discount under our safesmart program.", "Oh! What's that?", "Our safesmart program is a safe driving program where we send you a monitoring device that you install on your vehicle, which is very easy and takes less than nintey seconds, and it sends us information back about your driving.", "Oh okay.", "Would you possibly be interested in this discount?", "Yeah, yes. But I'm confused about what I need to do. I install something in my car?", "Yes, that's right. It's just a small device, basically like a USB drive, that plugs into your cars computer and tells us if you have any accidents or start driving erratically or anything like that.", "Okay.", "And it's a ten percent discount if you qualify, and no cost what'soever if you don't qualify. So there's no risk to you.", "Oh okay, that's good.", "Does that still interest you miss Stachet?", "Yes. Yes it does. You can sign me up for that yes.", "Excellent. I just need to check to make sure your car is compatible first. Some older models don't work with our device.", "Oh okay. My car is a brand new so hopefully that'll be fine.", "You are absolutely correct, they are compatible. And I also need to confirm that your mailing address is still the same as the one on file which is, three two seven harry hill drive, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania?", "That is correct, do you know what that discount would be on my account? You said ten percent.", "Yes that's correct ten percent, for your account, because you have our preferred plan, that would total to one hundred and fifty dollars.", "Do you know when that would go into effect?", "It would be applied to your final bill.", "Okay. So that way I have to keep it up all year.", "Yes that's right. If you still qualified by the time it came due, your final bill would be have one hundred and fifty dollars subtracted from it.", "Well that sounds nice.", "And so I'll get those sent off to you as soon as possible.", "Right.", "And those should come with instructions on how to install them on your car.", "Okay.", "Was there anything else I can help you with today?", "No, that's it. Thanks.", "Thank you very much for calling Rivertown Insurance." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_417_000", "insurance_417_001", "insurance_417_002", "insurance_417_003", "insurance_417_004", "insurance_417_005", "insurance_417_006", "insurance_417_007", "insurance_417_008", "insurance_417_009", "insurance_417_010", "insurance_417_011", "insurance_417_012", "insurance_417_013", "insurance_417_014", "insurance_417_015", "insurance_417_016", "insurance_417_017", "insurance_417_018", "insurance_417_019", "insurance_417_020", "insurance_417_021", "insurance_417_022", "insurance_417_023", "insurance_417_024", "insurance_417_025", "insurance_417_026", "insurance_417_027", "insurance_417_028", "insurance_417_029", "insurance_417_030", "insurance_417_031", "insurance_417_032", "insurance_417_033", "insurance_417_034", "insurance_417_035", "insurance_417_036", "insurance_417_037", "insurance_417_038", "insurance_417_039", "insurance_417_040", "insurance_417_041", "insurance_417_042", "insurance_417_043", "insurance_417_044", "insurance_417_045", "insurance_417_046", "insurance_417_047", "insurance_417_048", "insurance_417_049", "insurance_417_050", "insurance_417_051", "insurance_417_052", "insurance_417_053", "insurance_417_054", "insurance_417_055", "insurance_417_056", "insurance_417_057", "insurance_417_058", "insurance_417_059", "insurance_417_060", "insurance_417_061", "insurance_417_062", "insurance_417_063", "insurance_417_064", "insurance_417_065", "insurance_417_066", "insurance_417_067", "insurance_417_068", "insurance_417_069", "insurance_417_070", "insurance_417_071", "insurance_417_072", "insurance_417_073", "insurance_417_074", "insurance_417_075", "insurance_417_076", "insurance_417_077", "insurance_417_078", "insurance_417_079", "insurance_417_080", "insurance_417_081", "insurance_417_082", "insurance_417_083" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I assist you today?", "Hi there my name is Michael Stockton, and I have an account with you guys, and I was just trying to check how much was left on my bill, but it seems like your system is down.", "Right.", "So I was just calling to see about that.", "Right, yes. Well, I'm sorry to hear you were having trouble with our web portal.", "mhm.", "But I can definitely help you check on your account today. Let me see here.", "Alright.", "I just need to get a few pieces of information from you to verify your identity is that okay?", "Yes that's good.", "Okay, and that's-the-the first question is what is your full name and email address?", "My full name is Michael Jack Stockton, and my email address is bearsgrilling at hotmail dot com.", "Could you spell that email address for me?", "B. E. A. R. S. G. R. I. L. L. I. N. G. at hotmail dot com.", "Got it. And what is your eight digit customer id number?", "My number is I have it right here.", "It should be on any piece of correspondence we've sent you in the past.", "Yeah yeah, I have it here. It's one nine two nine seven seven three one.", "Seven seven three one you said?", "yep, seven seven three one.", "Alright let me just put that into the system here, and yes, I'm looking at your account now.", "Okay.", "And you said you wanted to check the outstanding balance on your account?", "yes that is correct. I wanted to yes.", "Alright, well it looks like you have an outsanding balance of one thousand three hundred-.", "Oh hold on a sec.", "Oh.", "Yeah sorry let me just get a pen.", "Of course.", "Okay ready, can you repeat that number again?", "Yes, it's one thousand three hundred and sixty seven.", "One thousand.", "mhm.", "Three hundred?", "Yes sir, three hundred and sixty seven.", "Why is it three hundred?", "Well.", "I mean instead of two hundred, because I thought that-.", "", "I had- I thought that I had about twelve hundred left on my bill? A little bit more than twelve hundred.", "Well let me see here.", "But on the bill you just sent me in the mail I still have over thirteen hundred.", "Right yes.", "That same number you just said.", "Right yes, let me look through the notes on your account to see if I can figure out the answer for you okay?", "Okay yeah because I was just confused by that part.", "Right we always want to not be confusing.", "mhm, yeah.", "And I'm just looking over everything in you account now. so ", "Yes?", "Your outstanding balance is calculated by adding up the insurance coverage you chose, the payment plan you chose, and any discounts you may qualify for.", "Okay.", "And so you chose our Complete Auto insurance package, and the quarterly payment plan.", "Yep.", "And you also qualified for our safe driver discount which took off an additional five percent from your total.", "Right.", "And, it looks like you don't qualify under that discount anymore, which would explain the- discrepancy in the billing that you are noticing.", "Oh, I didn't realize why exacty do I not qualify for the discount anymore?", "Well, let me read the notes here first.", "Because I haven't had any accidents or anything like that.", "Yes sir. It just says here that we never received reports from the drive smart devices that we sent you when you first signed up with us.", "Oh.", "So that's why the discount was rescinded, it's not that you had an accident, it's just that we didn't get any reports from our devices.", "The drive smart devices, you said you sent them to us?", "Yes sir, we should have sent them to you alongside your original paperwork when you first signed up.", "Well I definitely have that, I'm looking at it right now.", "And it looks like it was sent out and it says delivery confirmed on my end.", "The thing is I don't ever remember seeing those- those devices anywhere and I'm pretty sure I never got them put in the cars.", "Okay, well if you do find them you can always install them into your car and we can make the discount retroactive.", "Oh okay.", "We can also mail you a new copy, but in order to do that I would have to mark the previous two as being missing, and the devices have a forty dollar fee for non-return, so.", "Oh okay okay, I see. So I really want to find the original ones before I try to do that?", "yes I suppose that is the best option.", "Okay I see yeah, yeah it's a mess here, it could have just gotten lost in the piles.", "Oh yeah.", "The piles of junk that have accumulated over the years.", "Yeah I know how it is.", "And it could have gotten lost in any of those so- yeah I guess thank you for helping me solve that.", "Yes of course, is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No I don't think so yeah that should be good.", "Okay. If you have any more questions or if you need to have a new set of smart devices sent to you don't hesitate to call.", "Yeah, of course.", "And other than that I hope you have a great day.", "You too, thank you very much!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckAccountBalance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_418_000", "insurance_418_001", "insurance_418_002", "insurance_418_003", "insurance_418_004", "insurance_418_005", "insurance_418_006", "insurance_418_007", "insurance_418_008", "insurance_418_009", "insurance_418_010", "insurance_418_011", "insurance_418_012", "insurance_418_013", "insurance_418_014", "insurance_418_015", "insurance_418_016", "insurance_418_017", "insurance_418_018", "insurance_418_019", "insurance_418_020", "insurance_418_021", "insurance_418_022", "insurance_418_023", "insurance_418_024", "insurance_418_025", "insurance_418_026", "insurance_418_027", "insurance_418_028", "insurance_418_029", "insurance_418_030", "insurance_418_031", "insurance_418_032", "insurance_418_033", "insurance_418_034", "insurance_418_035", "insurance_418_036", "insurance_418_037", "insurance_418_038", "insurance_418_039", "insurance_418_040", "insurance_418_041", "insurance_418_042", "insurance_418_043", "insurance_418_044", "insurance_418_045", "insurance_418_046", "insurance_418_047", "insurance_418_048", "insurance_418_049", "insurance_418_050", "insurance_418_051", "insurance_418_052", "insurance_418_053", "insurance_418_054", "insurance_418_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I assist you today?", "Hi, I tried to call but I think I got disconnected?", "Oh.", "I don't know if there's a way to get me back to who I was talking to.", "Do you remember the name of the representative you were talking to.", "no, sadly I do not.", "If you don't know there name then I can't connect.", "That sucks.", "But I'd be happy to help you with anything you need.", "Okay well yeah I guess I need to buy some house insurance and I was confused about the different options.", "Okay, I can definitely help you with that. Would you like me to connect you with an agent in your area?", "Yeah, that would be good. I was kinda confused by the different options.", "Yeah, there's a lot to consider, it can be a difficult decision.", "Definitely.", "So to find an agent for you I need to collect your name.", "Mhm.", "Your zip code.", "Okay.", "And your contact information, so I can pass all that on to the agent that's best for you, and then they will contact you sometime within the next week, but normally as soon as tomorrow.", "Oh okay.", "Is that okay with you?", "Oh yeah that's fine with me.", "Good. So I'll start by asking for your legal name.", "My name is Robert William Evans.", "Excellent. And then next is your zip code.", "Seven three two.", "Seven three two.", "Three three.", "Seven three two three three, is that correct?", "Yep.", "Okay, and now, how would you prefer to be contacted by the agent phone, or email?", "email I guess.", "Alright let me just-.", "My email is.", "Let me just pull up that page-.", "Oh, I'm sorry.", "No it's alright, our server is acting slow today for some reason.", "No problem.", "Okay, I'm ready for your email now.", "My email is lichenpanda at gmail dot com.", "Likin' panda?", "That's correct, spelled l. i. c. h. e. n.", "Oh like the plant.", "Yeah, that's right.", "And it's gmail dot com?", "Correct.", "Alright, I have Robert Evans at zip code seven three two three three, and email lichenpanda at gmail dot com, is all of that information correct sir?", "That is all correct yes.", "Okay good, an agent in your area should contact you, like I said sometime in the next week.", "Right, good.", "But mostly likely within the next day or two, it just depends on how busy they are, and your area.", "Yeah.", "And different things like that was there anything else I could do for you today?", "No I think that's it. Thank you very much.", "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, I hope you have a good day.", "You too, thanks." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_419_000", "insurance_419_001", "insurance_419_002", "insurance_419_003", "insurance_419_004", "insurance_419_005", "insurance_419_006", "insurance_419_007", "insurance_419_008", "insurance_419_009", "insurance_419_010", "insurance_419_011", "insurance_419_012", "insurance_419_013", "insurance_419_014", "insurance_419_015", "insurance_419_016", "insurance_419_017", "insurance_419_018", "insurance_419_019", "insurance_419_020", "insurance_419_021", "insurance_419_022", "insurance_419_023", "insurance_419_024", "insurance_419_025", "insurance_419_026", "insurance_419_027", "insurance_419_028", "insurance_419_029", "insurance_419_030", "insurance_419_031", "insurance_419_032", "insurance_419_033", "insurance_419_034", "insurance_419_035", "insurance_419_036", "insurance_419_037", "insurance_419_038", "insurance_419_039", "insurance_419_040", "insurance_419_041", "insurance_419_042", "insurance_419_043", "insurance_419_044", "insurance_419_045", "insurance_419_046", "insurance_419_047", "insurance_419_048", "insurance_419_049", "insurance_419_050", "insurance_419_051", "insurance_419_052", "insurance_419_053", "insurance_419_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is George, how may I assist you?", "Hi there my name is Whitney Peters, I have a a Petcare Basic policy with you guys.", "Uh-huh yes.", "And I wanted to change my billing on that account.", "Of course let me see here. First I need to ask you a few questions to confirm your identity.", "Of course.", "Uh-huh What is your full name and birth date?", "Whitney Peters, spelled n. e. y.", "Right.", "And my birthday is April sixth nineteen ninety.", "April sixth nineteen ninety. Alright.", "And it's a pet insurance policy.", "Right. And what is your customer id number?", "It's eight seven two eight seven two one three.", "So that's eight seven two eight seven two one three?", "Correct.", "Alright, it's loading now.", "Alright.", "Okay. And so you said you wanted to change your billing?", "Yes, I wanted to cancel my automatic payments.", "Cancel your auto billing alright, let's see here. It looks like you are on the quarterly plan, which isn't due again until June.", "That's correct.", "And did you want to change to a different payment schedule or?", "Yes I wanted to cancel that and just pay off the remaining balance now.", "Okay I can help you with that. it looks like your remaining balance is two hundred and fifty seven dollars and forty cents did you want me to charge that to the card on file?", "yes. Is that the Visa?", "Yes it's the Visa. It's the same card that was tied to the auto billing that I just canceled.", "Oh okay yes that card is it's-it's good to go.", "Okay. Let me just put that information into the system here.", "Alrighty.", "Okay and so just to confirm the details here. That's going to be a charge of two hundred and fifty seven dollars and forty cents onto your Visa card with the number ending in eight eight two two.", "Okay.", "And it may take three -five business days for the charge to show up in your account.", "Alright.", "And so I'm going to confirm the transaction now.", "Uh-huh.", "And just waiting for the system to process it now. How is your day so far?", "Going well actually, just finishing up some chores that needed to be done, gettings things off my checklist.", "That's good. Have a catch-up day.", "Kind of yeah, it's nice to get some breathing space.", "Definitely, it's always good to get some extra room.", "Yeah.", "So you can plan the next exhausting thing.", "That's right.", "Alright, it loks like your payment went through.", "Great!", "Was there anything else I can help you with today?", "I'm just thinking now ", "Take your time.", "I paid it, I have the date in my calendar. Yeah I think I'm all good.", "Alright, I hope you have a good day.", "You too.", "And thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Take it easy!", "You too, bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_420_000", "insurance_420_001", "insurance_420_002", "insurance_420_003", "insurance_420_004", "insurance_420_005", "insurance_420_006", "insurance_420_007", "insurance_420_008", "insurance_420_009", "insurance_420_010", "insurance_420_011", "insurance_420_012", "insurance_420_013", "insurance_420_014", "insurance_420_015", "insurance_420_016", "insurance_420_017", "insurance_420_018", "insurance_420_019", "insurance_420_020", "insurance_420_021", "insurance_420_022", "insurance_420_023", "insurance_420_024", "insurance_420_025", "insurance_420_026", "insurance_420_027", "insurance_420_028", "insurance_420_029", "insurance_420_030", "insurance_420_031", "insurance_420_032", "insurance_420_033", "insurance_420_034", "insurance_420_035", "insurance_420_036", "insurance_420_037", "insurance_420_038", "insurance_420_039", "insurance_420_040", "insurance_420_041", "insurance_420_042", "insurance_420_043", "insurance_420_044", "insurance_420_045", "insurance_420_046", "insurance_420_047", "insurance_420_048", "insurance_420_049", "insurance_420_050", "insurance_420_051", "insurance_420_052", "insurance_420_053", "insurance_420_054", "insurance_420_055", "insurance_420_056", "insurance_420_057", "insurance_420_058", "insurance_420_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how can I help you today?", "Hi there I need to reset the password to my account.", "I should be able to help you with that. I just need to bring up this page over here-.", "Okay.", "And then what is your name sir? Or what is the name on the account?", "My name is Dennis Keegan spelled K E E G A N.", "Dennis Keegan.", "And it's an auto insurance policy.", "Alright, and what is the date, month, and year of your birthday?", "It's three twenty-three the twenty third of March nineteen ninety two.", "Alright, excellent. It should come up in just a moment here.", "Yeah, I was actually just checking what date my coverage ended but I realized I had completely forgotten my password so I figured I would just call.", "Oh, if you need any assitance after we take care of your password issue I would be more than happy to assist.", "Okay yeah.", "Alright your account finally loaded up, I apologize our computers are being very slow today.", "It's alright.", "I just need to ask you a few security questions to confirm your identity so we can fix your password.", "Okay.", "And these are all based on the information you gave us when you set up your account.", "Right.", "Okay, so I'll start then. The first question is what street did you grow up on?", "Elm street.", "Good. The second question is what was the name of your childhood pet?", "Oh. Charlie. Charlie the poodle.", "That's a good name for a dog.", "He was a great dog.", "So this is the final question. What was your mothers maiden name?", "Astley. A S T L E Y.", "Alright. You answered all three questions correctly so it's giving me access to your account.", "Good!", "Okay good. So. I'd also like to confirm is the d dot k dot ennis at gmail dot com email address still your prreffered contact method?", "Yes, that is my primary email account.", "Good. So what I can do is send a password reset link to your email.", "Okay.", "and that link is good for two four hours.", "Okay.", "So you can go to your email sometime in the next day or so, click on that link in the email, and it will walk you through the steps to reset your password.", "Oh okay. So I guess I can't just get you to change it?", "No, for security reasons we aren't allowed to do that ourselves.", "Oh for security reasons.", "Yeah, we aren't even given access to that part of the account.", "Oh I guess that makes sense, because I would just be telling you my password.", "Yes exactly.", "That makes a lot of sense actually. .", "Yes. Was there eanything else you needed help with?", "Yes I wanted to look up the date when my insurance runs out.", "Alright, just hold on for a moment. it looks like the end date on your policy is September third twenty twenty one.", "September third alright.", "Would you like to extend your coverage past that point?", "I was thinking about it.", "mhm.", "But I will probably wait to do that. I just needed to get the date into my calendar.", "That's fine, we're always happy to help.", "Yes, right ", "Just make sure to click on that link in your email before it expires.", "Oh yes right.", "And is there anything else I can do for you today?", "no so I don't think so. Thank you very much for your help today.", "Of course, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. Have a good day.", "You too. Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_421_000", "insurance_421_001", "insurance_421_002", "insurance_421_003", "insurance_421_004", "insurance_421_005", "insurance_421_006", "insurance_421_007", "insurance_421_008", "insurance_421_009", "insurance_421_010", "insurance_421_011", "insurance_421_012", "insurance_421_013", "insurance_421_014", "insurance_421_015", "insurance_421_016", "insurance_421_017", "insurance_421_018", "insurance_421_019", "insurance_421_020", "insurance_421_021", "insurance_421_022", "insurance_421_023", "insurance_421_024", "insurance_421_025", "insurance_421_026", "insurance_421_027", "insurance_421_028", "insurance_421_029", "insurance_421_030", "insurance_421_031", "insurance_421_032", "insurance_421_033", "insurance_421_034", "insurance_421_035", "insurance_421_036", "insurance_421_037", "insurance_421_038", "insurance_421_039", "insurance_421_040", "insurance_421_041", "insurance_421_042", "insurance_421_043", "insurance_421_044", "insurance_421_045", "insurance_421_046", "insurance_421_047", "insurance_421_048", "insurance_421_049", "insurance_421_050", "insurance_421_051", "insurance_421_052", "insurance_421_053", "insurance_421_054", "insurance_421_055", "insurance_421_056", "insurance_421_057", "insurance_421_058", "insurance_421_059", "insurance_421_060", "insurance_421_061", "insurance_421_062", "insurance_421_063", "insurance_421_064", "insurance_421_065", "insurance_421_066", "insurance_421_067", "insurance_421_068", "insurance_421_069", "insurance_421_070", "insurance_421_071", "insurance_421_072", "insurance_421_073", "insurance_421_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance, my name is Emily, how may I assist you today?", "Hi I was calling to get a quote on a car insurance plan.", "Okay I can help you with that. We have many options in our auto insurance plans.", "I actually already have insurance from a different company and just sort of wanted to-.", "Oh okay.", "-you know, compare prices.", "I see.", "And sort of see if I need to change anything.", "Of course, I can definitely help you with that. Do you know what kind of auto plan you would like to receive a quote for?", "What kind of plan?", "Yes sir, like, what kind of coverage are you interested in?", "Well ", "If you'd like a direct comparison I could base it off of the coverage you have now?", "Oh yes, lets do that. That sounds good.", "Alright, I just need a little bit of information in order to complete the quote. What type of coverage do you currently have?", "Well, I have comprehensive coverage.", "Comprehensive coverage.", "And a twenty five hundred dollar deductible.", "A twenty five hundred deductible.", "And ", "Is this for one car?", "Oh, no it's for two cars. My car and my wifes car. My car is a two zero zero four Honda Civic and my wifes car is a Kia Sportage from from two zero zero nine or two zero one zero.", "Alright, and the Honda Civic, do you know if that was the hybrid model?", "No it was not the hybrid. I don't know which one it was but it was not the hybrid.", "That's okay. Do you know how much mileage is on the car? A rough approximation is okay.", "It's over two hundred thousand I know that much.", "Okay good. Seen some places in that car eh?", "Mostly just rush hour traffic.", "That's good too. Keeps everything running.", "Yes definitely.", "And now, I have the same question for your wifes car. Do you know what the mileage is?", "Well I know it's less than my car, I want to say it's about eighty thousand or so.", "Okay, eighty thousand.", "And I don't know what type it is, like what model.", "Oh okay, thank you, that was going to be my next question. We can still get you a good quote without that particular piece of information.", "Good.", "Do you have any tow coverage or roadside assistance with your current plan?", "No.", "Okay, do you have personal injury assistance?", "No. What's that?", "Personal injury assistance can help pay for medical expenses resulting from an auto accident.", "Oh, it sounds like I want that.", "It's definitely helpful if you-if you are in a situation where you need it.", "Yes.", "Which hopefully won't be happening anytime soon.", "Oh I hope not.", "But we always need to be prepared.", "I guess that's what insurance is for.", "I guess so. But I should have enough information for a quote.", "Oh okay.", "And it looks like your coverage would fall under our Basic Auto plan which starts at one thousand dollars a year.", "uh huh.", "Though we do offer different discounts based on you and your wife's driving history, or on how much mileage you use in a year.", "Okay.", "Which could bring down the price to eight hundred dollars depending-.", "Right, how much would it cost to add in personal injury assistance?", "That would be a part of our Preferred Auto plan, which also includes collision coverage, rental and tow coverage in case of an accident, and a lower deductible-.", "Mhm.", "And it runs about fifteen hundred a year.", "Okay I see. Fifteen hundred?", "The exact price might be slightly different for you, like I said-.", "Right.", "Depending on your driving history and things like that.", "Right.", "Does this answer your question today sir? Did you have anything else you wanted to ask about?", "No you actually answered all of my questions already. I have some things to think over now.", "And if you have further questions you can always call back, we always offer a consultation and there's no pressure to sign up.", "Okay thank you very much. And what was your name again?", "My name is Emily sir.", "My name is Tom. It was a pleasure speaking with you Emily.", "Thank you very much.", "I need to talk it over with my wife but I will probably call back.", "Excellent! Our phone line is open Monday through Friday from eight a.m. to seven p.m., feel free to call anytime.", "Thank you, I will. Goodbye. Have a good day.", "Goodbye. Enjoy the rest of your day." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_422_000", "insurance_422_001", "insurance_422_002", "insurance_422_003", "insurance_422_004", "insurance_422_005", "insurance_422_006", "insurance_422_007", "insurance_422_008", "insurance_422_009", "insurance_422_010", "insurance_422_011", "insurance_422_012", "insurance_422_013", "insurance_422_014", "insurance_422_015", "insurance_422_016", "insurance_422_017", "insurance_422_018", "insurance_422_019", "insurance_422_020", "insurance_422_021", "insurance_422_022", "insurance_422_023", "insurance_422_024", "insurance_422_025", "insurance_422_026", "insurance_422_027", "insurance_422_028", "insurance_422_029", "insurance_422_030", "insurance_422_031", "insurance_422_032", "insurance_422_033", "insurance_422_034", "insurance_422_035", "insurance_422_036", "insurance_422_037", "insurance_422_038", "insurance_422_039", "insurance_422_040", "insurance_422_041", "insurance_422_042", "insurance_422_043", "insurance_422_044", "insurance_422_045", "insurance_422_046", "insurance_422_047", "insurance_422_048", "insurance_422_049", "insurance_422_050", "insurance_422_051", "insurance_422_052", "insurance_422_053", "insurance_422_054", "insurance_422_055", "insurance_422_056", "insurance_422_057", "insurance_422_058", "insurance_422_059", "insurance_422_060", "insurance_422_061", "insurance_422_062", "insurance_422_063", "insurance_422_064", "insurance_422_065", "insurance_422_066", "insurance_422_067", "insurance_422_068", "insurance_422_069", "insurance_422_070", "insurance_422_071", "insurance_422_072", "insurance_422_073", "insurance_422_074", "insurance_422_075", "insurance_422_076", "insurance_422_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you today?", "Hello hi there are you a machine?", "No sir.", "Oh okay.", "I am a human being.", "Okay that's great thank you, sorry, I just-you know-I just wanted to talk to a real person instead of a robot or something.", "That's alright I perfectly understand, how may I help you today?", "I need to I need to cancel my health insurance.", "Iokay, we're sorry to see you go but I can help you with that. First I need to verify your identity in order to access your account, okay?", "Okay.", "Okay, so in order to do that I need your full name, your date of birth, and your eight digit customer account number.", "My customer account number?", "Yes sir, it should be on any piece of correspondence we've sent you, near the top of the page.", "Oh okay I see it. Yes my name is Lawrence Keeler, and my date of birth is oh six one one sixty seven.", "That's oh six one one you said?", "Yes, correct. Sixty seven.", "Alright.", "And then my customer number is is seven six seven.", "Alright, okay.", "Two three six six four.", "Okay. Good, alright I'm in your account now. And you said you watned to cancel your plan today?", "That's right.", "Well, we are sorry to see you go. May I ask what is the reason for canceling your plan?", "I signed up for the health benefits at work.", "Oh okay good, you will still have insurance then.", "Yeah that's right.", "I'm sure you've looked over all of the different choices available, but have you considered switching to different plan with us?", "Mhm.", "We several different plans with very competitive rates and benefits.", "", "And I notice you have a legacy cutomer discount applied to your account, which would transfer over to a different plan.", "Oh really?", "Yes sir.", "I didn't know that.", "Yes, it's because the discount is applied to your account instead of your plan.", "Oh okay.", "So it applies to any plan that Rivertown offers. And since that discount is acrued if you disable your account it will disappear.", "I see, I didn't realize that.", "But also it will- the that also means that discount will get larger and larger as long as you continue to have an account with us.", "I didn't know it worked that way.", "Yeah, it's a little bit complicated to be honest.", "Yeah I think I got a thing in the mail about this big when I first got that .", "Oh yep, they would have mailed something too I'm sure.", "But either way, the plan with work is what I want so ", "You're gonna stick with canceling this plan and switching to your work's health insurance?", "That's right yeah.", "Okay that's great, obviously you can come back at anytime, there's not a penalty or anything like that.", "Okay.", "For coming back, and if it's for the same account they may even throw the discount back in.", "Oh okay .", "In fact let me just write a note here about that.", "Okay thank you I suppose.", "No problem, just my job. Okay, so we're cancelling your health insurance plan today and the way that works is since you've already been billed for this month.", "Uh-huh.", "Is that we will continue our coverage until the end of the month. So your last date of coverage with us will be the thirty-first of May.", "Okay that doesn't make any conflicts or anything.", "No there shouldn't be any problems with the plans overlapping or anything.", "Okay good.", "It only becomes a problem if someone tries to bill both agencies for the same work or something like that.", "Oh I see. Because that would be fraud?", "Yes exactly. That's a common scam.", "Oh, I didn't realize.", "Yep but normally we don't have any other problems with the effective dates of plans overlapping.", "Okay good. Yeah I'm not trying to scam people so.", "yeah nothing to worry about then.", "Not much to worry about that's right.", "Okay so I have that set up in your account and was there anything else I could help you with tonight mister Keeler?", "no I don't think so. Thank you very much for your help.", "Okay and before you go would you be willing to take a brief customer satisfaction survey?", "I don't really have time right now.", "I could send it to your email for you to complete later? It's just a survey on what your experience was as a customer of Rivertown Insurance. Just sort of something we use to see if we could do better in the future.", "Okay yeah alright send it to my email that sounds fine.", "Okay, I just sent it to your primary email on file.", "Okay good.", "And I I think that's it. Did you have anything else you.", "Nope that's it yeah, thanks.", "Well then, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, hope you have a wonderful day.", "Yep." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_423_000", "insurance_423_001", "insurance_423_002", "insurance_423_003", "insurance_423_004", "insurance_423_005", "insurance_423_006", "insurance_423_007", "insurance_423_008", "insurance_423_009", "insurance_423_010", "insurance_423_011", "insurance_423_012", "insurance_423_013", "insurance_423_014", "insurance_423_015", "insurance_423_016", "insurance_423_017", "insurance_423_018", "insurance_423_019", "insurance_423_020", "insurance_423_021", "insurance_423_022", "insurance_423_023", "insurance_423_024", "insurance_423_025", "insurance_423_026", "insurance_423_027", "insurance_423_028", "insurance_423_029", "insurance_423_030", "insurance_423_031", "insurance_423_032", "insurance_423_033", "insurance_423_034", "insurance_423_035", "insurance_423_036", "insurance_423_037", "insurance_423_038", "insurance_423_039", "insurance_423_040", "insurance_423_041", "insurance_423_042", "insurance_423_043", "insurance_423_044", "insurance_423_045", "insurance_423_046", "insurance_423_047", "insurance_423_048", "insurance_423_049", "insurance_423_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good Morning, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance how can I help you today?", "Oh hi, I need to put in a change of address please.", "Okay, I can help you with that. First let's verify your account. Can I get your name please.", "Uh yeah, it's Stella Roberts.", "Okay great miss Roberts. And do you have your policy number handy?", "mister Mittens stop it. yeah I have it here on the table, hold on one second. mister Mittens get off the table. Okay I have it.", "Great, I'm ready whenever you are.", "Okay it's, uh, uh, P S five one nine, three five seven. mister Mittens get off the counter!", "Okay great, ...", "I'm sorry this damn cat, everytime I turn around he's getting into something. mister Mittens get off, hold on I have to chase him off the counter.", "That's fine miss Roberts.", "Okay, I'm sorry about that, I'm back.", "Okay you said you needed to put in a change of address?", "Yeah, I'm moving to a new apartment.", "Oh great. I have your current address listed as seven zero three Trumbull Street, apartment six.", "Yeah that's correct...mister Mittens I swear I'm going to leave you here when I move if you don't stop climbing on everything. Oh this cat I swear! Yeah that's the correct address.", "Okay and what is the new address?", "Oh it's going to be apartment number ten.", "Okay? and the address of the new apartment?", "Oh that's going to stay the same, just a new apartment. mister Mittens, hold on one second please I have to spray this cat.", "miss Roberts?", "Okay I'm back.", "Okay.", "Yeah I'm just changing apartments, I'm not leaving the complex. Why would I do that?", "Okay I have updated your mailing address, when would you like this to take affect?", "Um, Ow mister Mittens no! Do NOT claw me! Sorry, what was that?", "I said I have updated your mailing address, when would you like this to take affect?", "Oh, I'm moving in at the end of the month.", "Okay so I can have this set up so next months invoice goes to your new address.", "Great. mister Mittens, NO! Get off the table, oh my god this cat, I swear I'm going to leave him here when I move.", "miss Roberts, I see here that you do not have a renters insurance policy with us?", "Oh, no I don't need anything like that.", "Are you sure? I would protect your personal effects should something happen.", "No, I don't need that, that's why I live in an apartment, mister Mittens get OFF the counter, I I just turn the lock and walk away if the place burns to the ground it's not my problem.", "Okay, well I just want to let you know that most complexes require you to have renters insurance incase something happens...", "No no no, I don't need anything like, mister Mittens STOP do not drink out of my glass. NO NO get off there! No these apartments have stood through a tornado I'm sure everything will be fine.", "Okay well if you change your mind, give us a call back and we can get you set up with a good renters policy that would put you at peace of mind.", "Yeah that's fine, I just needed to change my address that's all.", "Okay, miss Roberts would you mind staying on the line and doing a survey after our call in finished?", "Um, a survey for what?", "It's just to make sure that you were satisfied with the service you received today.", "Oh yeah I can do that. How long will it take?", "Just a few minutes of your time. I think there is five questions they ask you.", "Oh yeah I can do that. ", "Okay that's great. Is there anything else I can do for you today miss Roberts?", "Um, no that's all I needed.", "Okay my name is Tamara and my badge number is one six three nine, you will need both of those for the survey.", "Okay, thank you.", "Thank you for using Rivertown Insurance and have a good day.", "Thanks. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_424_000", "insurance_424_001", "insurance_424_002", "insurance_424_003", "insurance_424_004", "insurance_424_005", "insurance_424_006", "insurance_424_007", "insurance_424_008", "insurance_424_009", "insurance_424_010", "insurance_424_011", "insurance_424_012", "insurance_424_013", "insurance_424_014", "insurance_424_015", "insurance_424_016", "insurance_424_017", "insurance_424_018", "insurance_424_019", "insurance_424_020", "insurance_424_021", "insurance_424_022", "insurance_424_023", "insurance_424_024", "insurance_424_025", "insurance_424_026", "insurance_424_027", "insurance_424_028", "insurance_424_029", "insurance_424_030", "insurance_424_031", "insurance_424_032", "insurance_424_033", "insurance_424_034", "insurance_424_035", "insurance_424_036", "insurance_424_037", "insurance_424_038", "insurance_424_039", "insurance_424_040", "insurance_424_041", "insurance_424_042", "insurance_424_043", "insurance_424_044", "insurance_424_045", "insurance_424_046", "insurance_424_047", "insurance_424_048", "insurance_424_049", "insurance_424_050", "insurance_424_051", "insurance_424_052", "insurance_424_053", "insurance_424_054", "insurance_424_055", "insurance_424_056", "insurance_424_057", "insurance_424_058", "insurance_424_059", "insurance_424_060", "insurance_424_061", "insurance_424_062", "insurance_424_063", "insurance_424_064", "insurance_424_065", "insurance_424_066", "insurance_424_067" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you?", "Hi there, I need to reset the password for the account to my auto insurance.", "Okay, I can help you with that no problem.", "And actually, I was trying to just do it online but it doesn't seem like you let me do that on your website.", "We actually do have that option on our site.", "Oh okay.", "It's a little bit hidden, but if you click on the options tab when you're logging in you'll see an button for if you forget your password.", "Oh okay, I didn't click on the options tab.", "And that will walk you through the process to reset your password.", "Well, okay that's good I guess.", "But, since you're already here, why don't I just reset your password for you?", "yes, That would be great.", "I just need to ask you a few questions to confirm your identity first.", "Okay.", "And then I can send a password reset link to your email, is that okay?", "Yes.", "Alright, excellent. First of all what is your name and date of birth?", "My name is Kenneth Thompson, and my date of birth is oh nine one seven nineteen eighty seven.", "You said oh nine one seven?", "Correct, the seventeenth of September.", "And what is your customer id number.", "My customer id is- it's right here and it is one nine two eight seven nine two three.", "Okay, just waiting for the system to load up and we're in. Alright mister Thompson, I just need to confirm that your email address is the same as the one on file, which is t. k. eighty seven at Yahoo dot com?", "That's correct yeah, that is my email.", "Alright.", "Yeah I was just trying to change my billing address, but I guess I just couldn't remember my password.", "Oh, well if you'd like I can help you with that as soon as I'm finished resetting your password.", "yeah, that would be great.", "It's no problem.", "If you could do that too yeah.", "Of course.", "Mhm.", "I just need to finish this here, just got one more box to fill out here.", "Uh-huh.", "And okay, so, that's done. I just sent a reset password link to your email.", "Okay.", "And it should arrive within the next fifteen to thirty minutes, and it will be good for twenty four hours.", "The link will be good for twenty four hours from when I receive it?", "That's right, so make sure obviously to you know.", "Right, I'll do that right after this.", "Yeah right after this is good, otherwise you to have to call back and go through all this trouble again.", "Right, yeah, thanks.", "I just don't want you to have any problemiss And you said you also wanted to ", "Yes.", "Wanted to change your billing address?", "That's right, I needed to change my billing address.", "Okay, I'm just flipping over to that page and, okay. So just to confirm, your current billing address is four two eight Club drive, zip code seven three two oh five, San Antonio, Texas?", "yes, that sounds correct.", "And what would you like to change the address to?", "I'd like to change it to ready?", "Ready.", "Okay my new address is three one two three Elmbough lane.", "Okay.", "And that's spelled e. l. m. b. o. u. g. h. lane.", "Thank you for that.", "And it's the same zip code as before, seven three two oh five, and the same city and everything too of course.", "Alright, good. So that's three one two three elmbough lane, zip code seven three two oh five, San Antonio Texas?", "That is all correct yes.", "Okay! Excellent. I have that all sent off and the changes should show up in your account within twenty four hours at the latest.", "Excellent.", "Was there anything else I could help you with today sir?", "no I think that was it probably.", "Okay, just make sure to click on that link to reset your password.", "Right.", "It should be in your email.", "I will make sure to do that.", "Okay, I hope you have a good day and thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance.", "Mhm bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_425_000", "insurance_425_001", "insurance_425_002", "insurance_425_003", "insurance_425_004", "insurance_425_005", "insurance_425_006", "insurance_425_007", "insurance_425_008", "insurance_425_009", "insurance_425_010", "insurance_425_011", "insurance_425_012", "insurance_425_013", "insurance_425_014", "insurance_425_015", "insurance_425_016", "insurance_425_017", "insurance_425_018", "insurance_425_019", "insurance_425_020", "insurance_425_021", "insurance_425_022", "insurance_425_023", "insurance_425_024", "insurance_425_025", "insurance_425_026", "insurance_425_027", "insurance_425_028", "insurance_425_029", "insurance_425_030", "insurance_425_031", "insurance_425_032", "insurance_425_033", "insurance_425_034", "insurance_425_035", "insurance_425_036", "insurance_425_037", "insurance_425_038", "insurance_425_039", "insurance_425_040", "insurance_425_041", "insurance_425_042", "insurance_425_043", "insurance_425_044", "insurance_425_045", "insurance_425_046", "insurance_425_047", "insurance_425_048", "insurance_425_049", "insurance_425_050", "insurance_425_051", "insurance_425_052", "insurance_425_053", "insurance_425_054", "insurance_425_055", "insurance_425_056", "insurance_425_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Riverbank Insurance customer service. My name is Henry, How can I help you?", "I was sent my statement of account few days ago and I got notice of a few transactions which were deductions from your insurance firm. For the month of September which was last month I got multiple deductions for my September bill. It was deducted twice.", "I can help you rectify the issue, I will be needing some details from you.", "Yeah, I will like to rectify my billing and yes I will want to update my billing preference too.", "That won't be an issue. We will get it all sorted.", "First can you give me your first name.", "My name is Jerald Paulus.", "Which of it is your first name and which of it is last name.", "Jerald is my first name while Paulus is my last name.", "the right spelling for Jerald is G.E.R.R.A.R.D and your last name is spelled as P.A.U.L.U.S, correct?", "The first name is misspelled, the right spelling is J.E.R.A.L.D.", "So sorry about that. What about the last name, is it.", "Yes it is correct!", "Ok then, please provide me with your date of birth.", "My date of birth is seventh of August ninteen sixty two.", "Ok Jerald, can you provide me with your customer number.", "Can you give me few seconds let me get that my diary.", "Ok no problem.", "Ok are you there.", "Yes go on.", "The customer number is an eight digit number right.", "Yes it is correct!", "The number is four four three.", "Four four three.", "Two five one.", "Two five one.", "Five five.", "Five five.", "Can you give me the date this transactions occurred and the time.", "The transaction ocurred on the just a second.", "It occurred on the twenty second of September around two pm.", "Ok when did the second transaction occur.", "That one happened around twenty fifth of September around six pm.", "Ok I can see the transaction now just give me a few seconds while I lodge your claim.", "Alright, please take your time.", "Ok! I'm done now. Your claim has being filed and logded.", "Really thats quite fast.", "Yeah! I will provide you with your claim number.", "Ok! Can the number be sent via text.", "Yes it can.", "Ok I will prefer that.", "Just hold on you should receive it anytime from now.", "I just received a string of numbers now.", "That should be it.", "Is it a ten digit numbers.", "Yes that is correct.", "That settles the billing issue. You said you wanted to change your payment preference too, correct?", "Yes I will like to get that done once and for all.", "I can see from the records I have here that you run a monthly payment plan preference.", "Thats absolutely correct.", "We are to change it to a yearly payment plan?", "That will be most appreciated.", "Ok sir, it's done.", "Thanks so much.", "The pleasure is mine.", "Please is there any other thing you will like me to do for you.", "No, that will be all.", "Alright then, thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance, do have a nice day. Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [ "UpdateBillingFrequency" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_426_000", "insurance_426_001", "insurance_426_002", "insurance_426_003", "insurance_426_004", "insurance_426_005", "insurance_426_006", "insurance_426_007", "insurance_426_008", "insurance_426_009", "insurance_426_010", "insurance_426_011", "insurance_426_012", "insurance_426_013", "insurance_426_014", "insurance_426_015", "insurance_426_016", "insurance_426_017", "insurance_426_018", "insurance_426_019", "insurance_426_020", "insurance_426_021", "insurance_426_022", "insurance_426_023", "insurance_426_024", "insurance_426_025", "insurance_426_026", "insurance_426_027", "insurance_426_028", "insurance_426_029", "insurance_426_030", "insurance_426_031", "insurance_426_032", "insurance_426_033", "insurance_426_034", "insurance_426_035", "insurance_426_036", "insurance_426_037", "insurance_426_038", "insurance_426_039", "insurance_426_040", "insurance_426_041", "insurance_426_042", "insurance_426_043", "insurance_426_044", "insurance_426_045", "insurance_426_046", "insurance_426_047", "insurance_426_048", "insurance_426_049", "insurance_426_050", "insurance_426_051", "insurance_426_052", "insurance_426_053", "insurance_426_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello good day this is Vivian speaking from Rivertown customer care service how may I help you?", "Good morning. I will like to change my security question.", "Okay if I hear you well you said you will like to change your security question?", "#Er yes.", "Okay I can help you with that.", "Thank you.", "Can you please tell me your name and account name.", "My name is Leon and my account name is Leon Rhul.", "Sorry is the last name Spelt R.U.L.E.", "No.", "Okay kindly spell it.", "It is spelt R.H.U.L.", "Okay sorry about that.", "(Laughter) it is okay.", "Your account number.", "#Er. A moment to check.", "Okay. Take your time.", "Okay. Here it is Five nine four.", "Five nine four.", "Six four eight.", "Six four eight.", "Eight one.", "Eight one. okay kindly listen as I call the number again.", "Okay.", "Five four nine six four eight eight one is that?", "#Er yes.", "Okay. Your phone number please?", "Do I need all these to change a security question?", "Yes Sir to verify your identity.", "Okay it is four one zero six two zero seven three one.", "For one zero six two zero seven three one?", "Yes.", "Country code?", "One.", "Okay. Is the provided number available?", "Yes it is.", "Okay a code will be sent as message to your phone number will be send to you now kindly provide it or should I send a link to your mail and you complete it?", "No I will provide the code.", "Okay. Sent.", "Six four nine one.", "Did you just say Six four nine one?", "Yes.", "Okay. which question will you like to change to?", "Mother's maiden name.", "Okay. kindly provide your mother's maiden name.", "Davis.", "Okay. Davis.", "Yes.", "Your security question has been changed successfully.", "Thanks.", "Will that be all?", "Yes.", "Thank you for your time please rate me after this call ends. Have a wonderful.", "Sure I will drop my ratings. You to enjoy your day.", "Thanks Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_427_000", "insurance_427_001", "insurance_427_002", "insurance_427_003", "insurance_427_004", "insurance_427_005", "insurance_427_006", "insurance_427_007", "insurance_427_008", "insurance_427_009", "insurance_427_010", "insurance_427_011", "insurance_427_012", "insurance_427_013", "insurance_427_014", "insurance_427_015", "insurance_427_016", "insurance_427_017", "insurance_427_018", "insurance_427_019", "insurance_427_020", "insurance_427_021", "insurance_427_022", "insurance_427_023", "insurance_427_024", "insurance_427_025", "insurance_427_026", "insurance_427_027", "insurance_427_028", "insurance_427_029", "insurance_427_030", "insurance_427_031", "insurance_427_032", "insurance_427_033", "insurance_427_034", "insurance_427_035", "insurance_427_036", "insurance_427_037", "insurance_427_038", "insurance_427_039", "insurance_427_040", "insurance_427_041", "insurance_427_042", "insurance_427_043", "insurance_427_044", "insurance_427_045", "insurance_427_046", "insurance_427_047", "insurance_427_048", "insurance_427_049", "insurance_427_050", "insurance_427_051", "insurance_427_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "You have reached Rivertown Insurance. Your call is important to us. My name is Alicia, how may I be of help to you today.", "Yeah, Hello I currently have an imminent issue with the police force. Someone bashed my car and I made it clear my insurance cover will not be able to suffice for the damage done, I will like to get a prove of insurance with your company.", "jeez sorry about the crash sir, I can get that done for you.", "I will need to have your first name and your last name.", "My first name is Lee Carter McCormick.", "can you please pecify which is your first name and last name.", "[Laughter] my first name is Lee.", "Lee as in L.E.E?", "Sure.", "That makes which of the other two names your last name.", "My last name is McCormick.", "For confirmation sir, McCormick is spelled M.c.C.o.m.i.c.k.", "Nah that is a missplelling, it is spelled as M.c.C.o.r.m.i.c.k.", "uh-oh sorry about that. Can you please provide me with your birthdate.", "Sure, My birthdate is first of June nineteen ninty.", "Gotcha, your customer number please?", "That should be the ten digit number right.", "#nah it's eight digit long.", "Oh! I get it, Just a few seconds.", "Please take your time.", "the number one one two.", "One one two.", "Four two six.", "Four two six.", "Five five.", "Five five. Gotcha.", "what form of proof would you prefer to get sir.", "What are the options available to me please.", "There are two forms which we can provide you with. You can either go for the physical proof method or you go for the digital. It all depends on your choice.", "what are the differences and how soon do I get either.", "For the digital, we will require you to provide your E-mail address and you would get that sent to you within an hour.", "While that of the physical method will require a physical address where it would be mailed to and that might take twenty four to fourty eight hours.", "Oh! Is it possible to get the two forms across to me.", "Definitely, your can get the two methods but you will have to provide me with your E-mail address and your address.", "Must the address be a home address.", "nah you can choose to use your work address.", "Very good then, my Email address is Lee C McCormick at armyspy dot com.", "The Lee c mccornick is a mix of your full name right?", "Yep that's correct.", "Can I have your address now?", "Yay one four one three.", "One four one three.", "Center Avenue Fresno, California. My Zip code is nine three seven zero two.", "one four one three Center Avenue Fresno, Califrnia and the zip code is nine three seven zero two, correct?", "Bravo!", "Now just give me a minute while I complete the process.", "Sure, take your time.", "I'm done with the processing, you should receive the proof in your mail any moment from now.", "Is there any other thing I can help you with?", "Just one more thing, and that would be if you would want me to buy you lunch because you've done a very good job.", "Aside that, that would be all [LAUGHTER].", "[LAUGHTER] Thank you, and thank you for chosing Rivertown Insurance. Do enjoy the rest of your day.", "thank you, bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RequestProofOfInsurance" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_428_000", "insurance_428_001", "insurance_428_002", "insurance_428_003", "insurance_428_004", "insurance_428_005", "insurance_428_006", "insurance_428_007", "insurance_428_008", "insurance_428_009", "insurance_428_010", "insurance_428_011", "insurance_428_012", "insurance_428_013", "insurance_428_014", "insurance_428_015", "insurance_428_016", "insurance_428_017", "insurance_428_018", "insurance_428_019", "insurance_428_020", "insurance_428_021", "insurance_428_022", "insurance_428_023", "insurance_428_024", "insurance_428_025", "insurance_428_026", "insurance_428_027", "insurance_428_028", "insurance_428_029", "insurance_428_030", "insurance_428_031", "insurance_428_032", "insurance_428_033", "insurance_428_034", "insurance_428_035", "insurance_428_036", "insurance_428_037", "insurance_428_038", "insurance_428_039", "insurance_428_040", "insurance_428_041", "insurance_428_042", "insurance_428_043", "insurance_428_044", "insurance_428_045", "insurance_428_046", "insurance_428_047", "insurance_428_048", "insurance_428_049", "insurance_428_050", "insurance_428_051", "insurance_428_052", "insurance_428_053", "insurance_428_054", "insurance_428_055", "insurance_428_056", "insurance_428_057", "insurance_428_058", "insurance_428_059", "insurance_428_060", "insurance_428_061", "insurance_428_062", "insurance_428_063", "insurance_428_064", "insurance_428_065", "insurance_428_066", "insurance_428_067", "insurance_428_068", "insurance_428_069", "insurance_428_070", "insurance_428_071", "insurance_428_072", "insurance_428_073", "insurance_428_074", "insurance_428_075", "insurance_428_076", "insurance_428_077", "insurance_428_078", "insurance_428_079", "insurance_428_080", "insurance_428_081", "insurance_428_082", "insurance_428_083", "insurance_428_084", "insurance_428_085", "insurance_428_086", "insurance_428_087", "insurance_428_088", "insurance_428_089", "insurance_428_090", "insurance_428_091", "insurance_428_092", "insurance_428_093", "insurance_428_094", "insurance_428_095", "insurance_428_096", "insurance_428_097", "insurance_428_098", "insurance_428_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer's services. How may I help you?", "Hey, I'd like to create an account with your insurance company.", "I tried to do it myself on your website but I couldn't get it done.", "Sure, I can help you with that. May I have your first and last name please?", "Of course, my name is Ruth McCartney.", "Okay, Ruth MacCartney Just to be sure, is MacCartney spelt m. a. c. c. a. r. t. n. e. y.?", "No, it's m. c. c. a. r. t. n. e. y.", "#Uh, okay. M. c. c. a. r. t. n. e. y. Gotcha. I'll need your birthdate and your phone number, please.", "Okay, my birthdate is January, twenty five, nineteen eighty five.", "#Hm, January, twenty five, nineteen eighty five. Just a moment please.", "#Hm, sure.", "Got it. Your phone number please.", "Okay, give me a second, let me look it up.", "Okay, take your time.", "Alright, it's zero one zero.", "Zero one zero.", "Two four nine one.", "Two four nine one.", "Six three three.", "Six three three.", "okay, got it, give me a minute please.", "Sure, take your time.", "Okay, ma'am, we'll need to create a security question for you.", "#Uh, what for?", "Well, it will help to protect your account from hackers and fraudsters.", "Oh, okay, sure.", "Yep, do you have any pet?", "#Uh, yes, what has that got to do with this?", "As I said earlier., it is for your own good ma'am.", "#Hm, okay. Swiida.", "Okay, Sweda. For clarity's sake, Sweda is spelt with an e, right?", "No, not an e, it's spelt S. w. i. i. d. a.", "Alright, S. w. i. i. d. a. got it. #Uh, a minute please.", "#Hm.", "Okay, ma, you there?", "Yes, I'm here.", "I'll need your street address and zip code please.", "Okay, it's two fifty six, Romeo avenue, Louisville, Kenturkey. Zip code is five four four zero zero.", "Two fifty six, Louiseville, five four four zero zero. Gotcha.", "Okay, is that all.", "No, thats not all. Can I have your social security number too.", "Sure, five five five.", "Five five five.", "Six three nine.", "Six three nine.", "Seven zero one.", "Seven zero one. Got it, a minute please.", "#Hm, sure.", "Alright, ma'am. Your account has been created.", "Whew, finally. Thought this was going to take forever with all the questions I was asked .", "Sorry about that ma'am, we love to be thorough with out customers.", "I can see that. So, now thats done, is there anything I need to do next?", "Yes ma, you need to log into your account now and change your passcode.", "okay? I need to do that now?", "Yes ma, now.", "Alright. Logging in #Uh, it's asking for a passcode.", "Yes ma, your temporary passcode is zero zero zero zero.", "Huh-uh, zero zero zero zero. Done.", "Good.", "#Um, excuse me, it's no more connecting, what's wrong?", "Uh-oh, ma'am?", "Yes, I'm here.", "You need to check your connection if it's still available.", "Oh, okay. Doing that give me a sec.", "Sure ma'am, take your time.", "#Hm. Got it. It's back on.", "Alright, let's try again.", "Okay, inputing passcode, zero zero zero zero.", "Huh-uh. What does it say now?", "It's asking to confirm. What do I do?", "Yes, ma, click on the confirm.", "Okayy, done, what next?", "what does it say now?", "#Uh, it's asking for the name of my pet.", "Yes ma, that was the security question I set.", "Oh, that's true.", "Now, all you need to do is type in your pet's name.", "Okay, typing in the name of pet #eh, what is this?", "Ma, what is it?", "What was the name of the pet I gave you? I really cannot recollect.", "Oh, sure ma. You said Swiida.", "Right, right, swiida. #Uh, why is it saying it cannot recognize the user?", "how did you type the swiida? With an uppercase S or?", "No, I typed the S as a lowercase.", "Well, thats where the mistake is, now ma, type with an uppercase S.", "Okay, okay, got it. It just logged me in. Thank you.", "Good, you're welcome ma.", "Now you need to change your passcode. At the right side of your dashboard, you'll see an icon of a human face, click on it.", "Okay, clicking. #Um, I should click on security right?", "Yes ma, you're on track. Click on security and then on change passcode.", "Okay, hold on, clicking.", "Now, input your old passcode, and then a new one twice as seen on the dashboard and let it be numbers you can easily remember.", "Okay, zero zero zero. New passcode, nineteen eighty five. Done.", "That's good ma. That's all.", "#Ah, whew, thank you so much.", "You're welcome ma and thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Do you have any other request?", "Yea, sure. #Um, no no, you have been of a great help today. Once again, thank you.", "You're very much welcome ma.", "Yea, sure. Have a nice day and bye.", "You too ma. Bye-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_429_000", "insurance_429_001", "insurance_429_002", "insurance_429_003", "insurance_429_004", "insurance_429_005", "insurance_429_006", "insurance_429_007", "insurance_429_008", "insurance_429_009", "insurance_429_010", "insurance_429_011", "insurance_429_012", "insurance_429_013", "insurance_429_014", "insurance_429_015", "insurance_429_016", "insurance_429_017", "insurance_429_018", "insurance_429_019", "insurance_429_020", "insurance_429_021", "insurance_429_022", "insurance_429_023", "insurance_429_024", "insurance_429_025", "insurance_429_026", "insurance_429_027", "insurance_429_028", "insurance_429_029", "insurance_429_030", "insurance_429_031", "insurance_429_032", "insurance_429_033", "insurance_429_034", "insurance_429_035", "insurance_429_036", "insurance_429_037", "insurance_429_038", "insurance_429_039", "insurance_429_040", "insurance_429_041", "insurance_429_042", "insurance_429_043", "insurance_429_044", "insurance_429_045", "insurance_429_046", "insurance_429_047", "insurance_429_048", "insurance_429_049", "insurance_429_050", "insurance_429_051", "insurance_429_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello thanks for calling Rivertown insurance, my name is Susan, how may I help you?", "#oh Hi Susan. My name is Susan #laughter funny we bear same name.", "Awesome. It's my pleasure.", "yeah.", "How may I help you?", "yeah so I would like to change my address on my account.", "Okay. If I get that right, you want to change your address. Is that correct?", "Yes. Susan.", "Great. I will need you to answer few questions to enable me process your request.", "Okay. Go ahead please.", "Your full name and date of birth please.", "Susan wrights. My date of birth is #em first of January, nineteen eighty seven.", "Great!", "#Er What else do you need?", "Your customer number please.", "Eighty eight.", "Eight eight.", "No please, eighty eight. I mean like #ar eighty plus eight.", "apologies, eighty eight.", "That's correct.", "Okay. Please proceed.", "Five one two.", "Five one two.", "Zero four two.", "Zero four two.", "#Er nine six.", "Nine six. Awesome!", "Yeah right!", "I can see your information right here. #ar your current address is four eight zero one metz lane. Is that correct please?", "Absolutely.", "#ar Can I have the new address please.", "Okay. #em it's seven three eight evergreen lane Pomona, California.", "Seven three eight evergreen lane Pomona, California. Is that correct?", "Yes. You are right. #ar my husband and I just relocated because of his job.", "That's nice.", "Yeah. It's a start for our family.", "That's awesome.", "Yeah!", "#ar great! I have successfully changed your address.", "That was fast. Pretty impressive Thank you Susan.", "You are welcome.", "Is there a way I can do that myself.", "Ofcourse. All you have to do is log on to our website using your username and password and #ar select the account update option.", "I can do that. During my free time ofcourse #laughter.", "chuckles. Oh great!", "Yeah. Thanks.", "#ar Is there anything else you would like to do?", "That will be all. Thank you.", "Okay.", "Do have have a lovely day Susan.", "Thank you. You too.", "Bye bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_430_000", "insurance_430_001", "insurance_430_002", "insurance_430_003", "insurance_430_004", "insurance_430_005", "insurance_430_006", "insurance_430_007", "insurance_430_008", "insurance_430_009", "insurance_430_010", "insurance_430_011", "insurance_430_012", "insurance_430_013", "insurance_430_014", "insurance_430_015", "insurance_430_016", "insurance_430_017", "insurance_430_018", "insurance_430_019", "insurance_430_020", "insurance_430_021", "insurance_430_022", "insurance_430_023", "insurance_430_024", "insurance_430_025", "insurance_430_026", "insurance_430_027", "insurance_430_028", "insurance_430_029", "insurance_430_030", "insurance_430_031", "insurance_430_032", "insurance_430_033", "insurance_430_034", "insurance_430_035", "insurance_430_036", "insurance_430_037", "insurance_430_038", "insurance_430_039", "insurance_430_040", "insurance_430_041", "insurance_430_042", "insurance_430_043", "insurance_430_044", "insurance_430_045", "insurance_430_046", "insurance_430_047", "insurance_430_048", "insurance_430_049", "insurance_430_050", "insurance_430_051", "insurance_430_052", "insurance_430_053", "insurance_430_054" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi, thank you for calling Riverton insurance. How may I be of help?", "Hello, Good morning.", "Good morning sir.", "How are you doing today?", "I'm very fine thank you. And you?", "I'm good.", "Sir, please how may I be of help?", "#Errmm, I'm relocating.", "Alright mm, so how can I help sir?", "Okay, so yeah, I'd like to change the address on my account.", "Alright sir. When will the address change take place?", "It should be next week, rmm yeah, it's next week.", "Okay sir. I can help you with that.", "But please is there any other way I can do that without calling the help line?", "Yes sir, you can do it on our website.", "#Ohhh, alright, noted.", "Sir, I'll need your full name please.", "Alright. My name is Gregory Mercer.", "Okay mm, Is it spelt as m.e.r.s.e.r?", "#Ermm, nope, it is m.e.r.c.e.r.", "Got that. Gregory Mercer, right?", "Yes please.", "Alright sir. What's your date of birth please?", "Sixteen of February.", "Sixteen of February.", "Ninenteen sixty six.", "Nineteen sixty six.", "Yes please.", "Gotcha. Your phone number sir.", "Four three four two four three six five one six. Did you get that?", "Yes, I did. Give me a minute please mm.", "Alright. I'm relocating with my family.", "Okay. So sir, please can you provide your social security number?", "Why?", "Apologies sir, we need your social security number to change your address?", "#Uhmm, okay. It is two one three four two six three seven four.", "Alright sir. What's the name of your first pet?", "Snow.", "Okay sir. Lastly, please can you provide your old and new address sir?", "Okay mm, which one first?", "Your old address first please.", "Okay. It is three three seven Lake Floyd Circle, Laurel, Maryland.", "Gotcha. Your new adress please.", "I'm relocating to Ohio.", "Can you please provide the full address sir?", "Okay mm, it is one one seven six Rainbow Drive, Akron, Ohio.", "Gotcha. Please mmm, hold on a minute while I update the address.", "Alright.", "#Uhmm, sir your address has been successfully changed.", "Wow, thank you so much.", "You are welcome sir. Is there anything I may help you with?", "Nope. #Ermm, that will be all for now.", "Alright sir. Have a good day.", "You too.Bye.", "Bye sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_431_000", "insurance_431_001", "insurance_431_002", "insurance_431_003", "insurance_431_004", "insurance_431_005", "insurance_431_006", "insurance_431_007", "insurance_431_008", "insurance_431_009", "insurance_431_010", "insurance_431_011", "insurance_431_012", "insurance_431_013", "insurance_431_014", "insurance_431_015", "insurance_431_016", "insurance_431_017", "insurance_431_018", "insurance_431_019", "insurance_431_020", "insurance_431_021", "insurance_431_022", "insurance_431_023", "insurance_431_024", "insurance_431_025", "insurance_431_026", "insurance_431_027", "insurance_431_028", "insurance_431_029", "insurance_431_030", "insurance_431_031", "insurance_431_032", "insurance_431_033", "insurance_431_034", "insurance_431_035", "insurance_431_036", "insurance_431_037", "insurance_431_038", "insurance_431_039", "insurance_431_040", "insurance_431_041", "insurance_431_042", "insurance_431_043", "insurance_431_044", "insurance_431_045", "insurance_431_046", "insurance_431_047", "insurance_431_048", "insurance_431_049", "insurance_431_050", "insurance_431_051", "insurance_431_052", "insurance_431_053", "insurance_431_054", "insurance_431_055", "insurance_431_056", "insurance_431_057", "insurance_431_058", "insurance_431_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance, how may I help you?", "Good afternoon. Am I speaking with Danielson of Rivertown Insurance?", "Yes sir, You're speaking with Danielson. How may I help you sir?", "Oh! Daniel how are you?", "I'm fine sir. I guess you are mister Jason?", "Wow! You remember. Yes you are speaking with Jason Stewart.", "Thanks for calling back sir. How may I be of help sir?", "I'm calling as regards my enrolment plan for Automobile insurance.", "Alright sir. I'll need to reconfirm your identity sir.", "hope it won't take long?", "No sir. Kindly provide your phone number and social security number sir.", "Two Four Zero Four Two Zero Five Five Six Two.", "Your Social Security Number sir.", "Two One Eight Five Nine One Zero Three Seven.", "Kindly provide us with your address sir.", "Number One Zero Five, Pine tree lane, Michigan.", "Identification confirmed.", "I'm still Jason you know. [Laughter].", "I just had to confirm your identity sir.", "it's absolutely necessary you do that.", "Thank you sir.", "So how do I go about the enrolment process?", "I will go over the plan types and yearly rate for you sir.", "that's so nice of you Danielson.", "We have the basic automobile plan which goes for one thouand dollars per year. It is a plan that covers the basic amenities of the car.", "Okay, Go on.", "We have the preferred automobile plan that goes for one thousand five hundred dollars and that insures the car documents, some parts of the car and also theft of the car.", "quite catchy!", "We also have the complete automobile insurance plan that covers everything about your cars. It insures your car against theft, fire accident and eveything about your car.", "whoa! I love this.", "Which would you prefer sir?", "I'm going for the complete automobile insurance plan.", "You have the option of paying yearly to us using your credit card or we link your account to us and we make a debit of two thousand dollars per year.", "#em, It's better I link it with your account. How do I go about it?", "We'll need your credit card details sir.", "Okay.", "Kindly provide your credit card number, the expiration date and the CVV.", "Five Two Four Six.", "Five Two Four Six.", "Four Nine One Three.", "Four Nine One Three.", "Three Three Two Three.", "Three Three Two Three.", "Four One One Four.", "Four One One Four.", "The Expiration date is Zero Four Twenty Twenty Four.", "Zero Four Twenty Twenty Four right?", "Yes, That's right.", "Your CVV sir.", "Six Four Two.", "Okay sir. You have successfully enrolled for complete automobile insurance plan.", "Do you have a website where I can access my account?", "Yes we do sir. You can access us at www dot Rivertowninsurance dot com.", "#em. Hold on for a minute, let me write it down.", "Alright sir. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you out with?", "That would be all for now.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown insurance sir. We hope to serve you better.", "I would definitely rate your customer service. You're so patient and helpful.", "Thanks for the compliment sir. Do have a nice day sir. Bye.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_432_000", "insurance_432_001", "insurance_432_002", "insurance_432_003", "insurance_432_004", "insurance_432_005", "insurance_432_006", "insurance_432_007", "insurance_432_008", "insurance_432_009", "insurance_432_010", "insurance_432_011", "insurance_432_012", "insurance_432_013", "insurance_432_014", "insurance_432_015", "insurance_432_016", "insurance_432_017", "insurance_432_018", "insurance_432_019", "insurance_432_020", "insurance_432_021", "insurance_432_022", "insurance_432_023", "insurance_432_024", "insurance_432_025", "insurance_432_026", "insurance_432_027", "insurance_432_028", "insurance_432_029", "insurance_432_030", "insurance_432_031", "insurance_432_032", "insurance_432_033", "insurance_432_034", "insurance_432_035", "insurance_432_036", "insurance_432_037", "insurance_432_038", "insurance_432_039", "insurance_432_040", "insurance_432_041", "insurance_432_042", "insurance_432_043", "insurance_432_044", "insurance_432_045", "insurance_432_046", "insurance_432_047", "insurance_432_048", "insurance_432_049", "insurance_432_050", "insurance_432_051", "insurance_432_052", "insurance_432_053", "insurance_432_054", "insurance_432_055", "insurance_432_056", "insurance_432_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, you are currently speaking with Rivetown Insurance customer service. My name is Julian, How may I be of service to you?", "The services I have being receiving from your company has being encouraging and my intent is to increase or enroll for more plans with you.", "Whoa, that is such an encouraging word coming from you. So, which of the plans do you wish to register for?", "I will like to enrol for the life insurance policy.", "That won't be an issue, I can help you get registered right away.", "Ok then, but first can I get my current policy number.", "Of course, I can help you get that.", "Please do!", "Yap, I will need you to provide me with your first name and your last name.", "My first name is Bonnie.", "Bonnie is spelled B.O.N.I.E, correct?", "Nah, thats wrong it has double N, as in B.O.N.N.I.E.", "Oh, sorry about that, please proceed with your last name.", "No offence taken, my last name is Wilson as in W.i.l.s.o.n.", "W.I.L.S.O.N.", "Yep, correct!", "I will need you to provide me with your date of birth.", "My birthdate is second of may nineteen fifty six.", "Gotcha, please give me your customer number.", "That should be the number at the bottom of my card right?", "Yep, correct!", "Ok, let me get my card.", "Sure!", "The number is one one one.", "One one one.", "Zero two one.", "Zero two one.", "Five two.", "Sorry that last number is four and not two.", "Ok, it's five four right?", "That is correct.", "What is the current plan you are enrolled in?", "I'm currently enrolled in Automobile Insurance.", "What plan sir?", "I first did the basic plan for around one thousand dollars I think.", "Yep, correct!", "Then I increased it to that of two thousand.", "You mean the Complete Auto.", "Exactly!", "Gotcha, just hold on while I get your policy number sen to your mobile phone.", "Alright, take your time.", "Huh, your policy number has being sent to your phone. Please confirm reciept.", "Jeez, that was fast!", "That is why we are the best at giving our customers utmost satisfaction.", "speaking about the plan you wanted to enrol for. Can you tell me which particular one it is you want to enrol for?", "Mhm, about that I will like to get a quote for the Life insurance first.", "Ok the, that won be an issue. We have the.", "Can i get that sent to my mail or can I get the information on your website. It will afford me enough time to read understand it well. You know what the say about old age ?", "[Laughter] No problem, please provide me with your email address.", "Bonnie W Wilson at dftmail dot com.", "Gotcha, just a second.", "The mail has being sent.", "Thanks, for the past few decades of my existence, this is actually one of the best customer service I have ever heard, you are sure the best the company has.", "We are all professionals sir, that is why we are the best around.", "Whoa! I see.", "Is there any other thing I can help you with?", "Nah, that will be all for now. I will contact back when I'm done with the mail.", "That will be great, thank you for chosing Rivertown Insurance. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_433_000", "insurance_433_001", "insurance_433_002", "insurance_433_003", "insurance_433_004", "insurance_433_005", "insurance_433_006", "insurance_433_007", "insurance_433_008", "insurance_433_009", "insurance_433_010", "insurance_433_011", "insurance_433_012", "insurance_433_013", "insurance_433_014", "insurance_433_015", "insurance_433_016", "insurance_433_017", "insurance_433_018", "insurance_433_019", "insurance_433_020", "insurance_433_021", "insurance_433_022", "insurance_433_023", "insurance_433_024", "insurance_433_025", "insurance_433_026", "insurance_433_027", "insurance_433_028", "insurance_433_029", "insurance_433_030", "insurance_433_031", "insurance_433_032", "insurance_433_033", "insurance_433_034", "insurance_433_035", "insurance_433_036", "insurance_433_037", "insurance_433_038", "insurance_433_039", "insurance_433_040", "insurance_433_041", "insurance_433_042", "insurance_433_043", "insurance_433_044", "insurance_433_045", "insurance_433_046", "insurance_433_047", "insurance_433_048", "insurance_433_049", "insurance_433_050", "insurance_433_051", "insurance_433_052", "insurance_433_053", "insurance_433_054", "insurance_433_055", "insurance_433_056", "insurance_433_057", "insurance_433_058", "insurance_433_059", "insurance_433_060", "insurance_433_061", "insurance_433_062", "insurance_433_063", "insurance_433_064", "insurance_433_065", "insurance_433_066", "insurance_433_067", "insurance_433_068", "insurance_433_069", "insurance_433_070" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hey! How are you doing?", "I'm good sir. How about you?", "I'm good too. Thanks.", "How may I help you sir?", "I'd like to create account with your company.", "It's good to have you sir.", "My pleasure.", "I can do that for you, but I'll need to ask you some questions if you don't mind.", "Sure. Go ahead!", "May I know your name please?", "I'm Leon!", "Your full name please.", "#yep. I'm Leech Leon.", "Okay. Leech as your firstname and Leon as last right?", "Leech as last name and Leon as firstname.", "Okay mister Leon. May I have your phone number please?", "Sure. It's eight zero one.", "You said eight zero one.", "#yep. Seven four eight.", "Sven four eight.", "Five two zero nine.", "So you said eight zero one seven four eight five two zero nine.", "Yeah. That's it.", "Next we need your birth date sir.", "#Uh, sorry? What birthday? I am not having birthday today.", ", it is the date of birth sir. We need that information to create the account.", "Oh okay. Sorry I thought you were asking me to celebrate my birthday.", "No worries sir.", "Yeah. My date of birth is December eighteen nineteen seventy four.", "December eighteen nineteen seventy four. Gotcha, Just a moment please.", "", "Perfect! May I have your address?", "It's four seven five four Newton Street, New London, Connecticut.", "Perfect! And your Zip code please?", "One seven Eight four.", "One seven Eight four?", "Yep. Thats it.", "Okay. We are almost there. Your Social Security Number?", "Give me a minute please.", "Take your time sir.", "Gotcha. Five two nine.", "right go on.", "One nine six one six four.", "Okay. Five two nine One nine six one six four.", "Yep. Thats it.", "One last thing mister Leon. We have to create a security question that will be used to verify your identity.", "Okay.", "So I gonna ask you a question now and you gonna give me the answer to that question.", "Got it.", "What's your Mother's maiden Name?", "It's Braun.", "Perfect. Please hold on while I process your information.", "Okay.", "Are you still there mister leon?", "Of course I am.", "So I'm gonna need you to grab a pen and a paper. I'm about to give you your Username and password.", "Okay. A minute please.", "Sure.", "Okay. I'm ready now.", "Username will be Leon one nine seven four. With capital L. Got that?", "Got it!", "Password is ujixucha. All in small small case. Got it?", "Yeah. Got it. Thanks.", "It's good to have you sir.", "My pleasure.", "Is there anything else I can do for you?", "That will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us mister leon. Do have a great day.", "You're welcome.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_434_000", "insurance_434_001", "insurance_434_002", "insurance_434_003", "insurance_434_004", "insurance_434_005", "insurance_434_006", "insurance_434_007", "insurance_434_008", "insurance_434_009", "insurance_434_010", "insurance_434_011", "insurance_434_012", "insurance_434_013", "insurance_434_014", "insurance_434_015", "insurance_434_016", "insurance_434_017", "insurance_434_018", "insurance_434_019", "insurance_434_020", "insurance_434_021", "insurance_434_022", "insurance_434_023", "insurance_434_024", "insurance_434_025", "insurance_434_026", "insurance_434_027", "insurance_434_028", "insurance_434_029", "insurance_434_030", "insurance_434_031", "insurance_434_032", "insurance_434_033", "insurance_434_034", "insurance_434_035", "insurance_434_036", "insurance_434_037", "insurance_434_038", "insurance_434_039", "insurance_434_040", "insurance_434_041", "insurance_434_042", "insurance_434_043", "insurance_434_044", "insurance_434_045", "insurance_434_046", "insurance_434_047" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good Morning, and thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance how can I help you today?", "Hi there, I need to get a copy of my insurance card.", "Okay, I can help you with that. Before we get started I need to get some information and verify your account.", "That's fine, but I have a question, I'm going to Mexico will my insurance be good there? I just you know, don't want anything to happen while we are there.", "Oh that sounds like fun, where in Mexico are you going? And yes your insurance will be good there, while I'm getting you regular card, I will also get you proof of insurance for Mexico.", "Oh great! We are going to Playa Bagdad, it's a really nice little quiet resort town just south of Port Isabel, Texas. Not as many tourist there like Cancun.", "Sounds fun, and what was your name ma'ame?", "Beverly Thomas. It's on the gulf side, really nice community. Quiet. We're going to ride the motorcycle down.", "Oh that sounds like fun, when are you leaving Beverly?", "We are we are leaving the last week of July we took a month off work so we could go.", "Beverly do you happen to have your policy number handy?", "Yeah, I have it here, one second. Okay I have ready?", "Yes go ahead.", "P S seven two nine six three one eight.", "Okay thanks. And can you verify your address for me please.", "Yeah it's one seven nine Cliffview Drive", "Great thank you. So you are going to ride your motorcycle from Ohio to Mexico?", "Yeah I'm so excited I can't wait! My husband went today to pick up our little trailer... OH! That's right, while I have you on the phone, I need to add our little trailer to our policy.", "We can do that too. ", "Okay, great.", "Okay, do you have the make and model of the trailer?", "Um, no but I have a number, I think a vin number for it.", "Okay, good can you read that to me?", "Sure, it's uh, six nine five one three eight two twelve seven ", "Okay, I'm going to read that back to you six nine five one three eight two one two seven", "Yes that's right. ", "Okay, you said uh, your husband was picking it up today? Did you get a loan for the trailer?", "Yes, he's picking it up today and no we paid cash out right for it.", "Okay we will get the insurance on it right away. Now that will bring your monthly total to three hundred and sixty-one dollars and seventy-two cents.", "Okay that's fine. It added like twelve dollars to my bill.", "That's correct. Okay, so I have your new proof of insurance cards and your Mexico proof of insurance card ready to be mailed out today. Please allow five to seven business days for them to come.", "Okay, we have plenty of time so. Oh! I do have one more question, since we are going to Mexico, what is the procedure if something were to happen while we are there?", "That's easy I will also include in your package a form to fill out, make sure you call the police should you have an accident or anything else happen such as your motorcycle or trailer being stolen. Give the form to the police, they will file it.", "Oh so just a little different than here in the States.", "Yes just a little different, but insurance is mandatory in Mexico also.", "Great, and our trailer is covered.", "Yes. ", "Okay good.", "Now Beverly, just to recap what we took care of today I am sending you proof of insurance card, proof of insurance for Mexico, a new policy for the motorcycle trailer.", "Okay that sounds great. I'm so excited I just seem like I'm forgetting something else.", "Well if you remember you can always call us back.", "Okay.", "Now Beverly before we hang up with is there anything else I can do for you?", "No, not that I can think of at this moment. ", "Great, well you and your husband have a safe trip.", "Thank you.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_435_000", "insurance_435_001", "insurance_435_002", "insurance_435_003", "insurance_435_004", "insurance_435_005", "insurance_435_006", "insurance_435_007", "insurance_435_008", "insurance_435_009", "insurance_435_010", "insurance_435_011", "insurance_435_012", "insurance_435_013", "insurance_435_014", "insurance_435_015", "insurance_435_016", "insurance_435_017", "insurance_435_018", "insurance_435_019", "insurance_435_020", "insurance_435_021", "insurance_435_022", "insurance_435_023", "insurance_435_024", "insurance_435_025", "insurance_435_026", "insurance_435_027", "insurance_435_028", "insurance_435_029", "insurance_435_030", "insurance_435_031", "insurance_435_032", "insurance_435_033", "insurance_435_034", "insurance_435_035", "insurance_435_036", "insurance_435_037", "insurance_435_038", "insurance_435_039", "insurance_435_040", "insurance_435_041", "insurance_435_042", "insurance_435_043", "insurance_435_044", "insurance_435_045", "insurance_435_046", "insurance_435_047", "insurance_435_048", "insurance_435_049", "insurance_435_050", "insurance_435_051", "insurance_435_052", "insurance_435_053", "insurance_435_054", "insurance_435_055", "insurance_435_056", "insurance_435_057", "insurance_435_058", "insurance_435_059", "insurance_435_060", "insurance_435_061", "insurance_435_062", "insurance_435_063", "insurance_435_064", "insurance_435_065", "insurance_435_066", "insurance_435_067", "insurance_435_068", "insurance_435_069", "insurance_435_070", "insurance_435_071", "insurance_435_072", "insurance_435_073", "insurance_435_074", "insurance_435_075", "insurance_435_076", "insurance_435_077", "insurance_435_078", "insurance_435_079", "insurance_435_080", "insurance_435_081", "insurance_435_082", "insurance_435_083", "insurance_435_084", "insurance_435_085", "insurance_435_086", "insurance_435_087", "insurance_435_088", "insurance_435_089", "insurance_435_090", "insurance_435_091", "insurance_435_092", "insurance_435_093", "insurance_435_094", "insurance_435_095", "insurance_435_096", "insurance_435_097", "insurance_435_098", "insurance_435_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to change my address to a new one. I tried to do that on your website but I couldn't. I guess I have to make a call to change it.", "Okay. I can help you with that.", "Oh! Alright.", "May I have your first name please?", "My name is Anderson Michael.", "Oh! Okay.Anderson as your first name and Michael as your last name. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright, hold on while I input that into the system.", "Sure.", "Kindly provide your phone number please.", "My phone number is Five three one.", "Five three one.", "Four five Two.", "Four five Two.", "Two three five four.", "Two three five four.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay. Five three one Four five Two Two three five four. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "May I have your social security number please?", "Well, just a moment please.", "Sure, take your time.", "got it. My social security number is Six nine Two.", "Six nine Two.", "Five two nine.", "Five two nine.", "Zero three Five.", "Zero three Five.", "Yep, that right.", "Okay.Six nine Two Five two nine Zero three Five. Is that correct?", "Did you just say Zero three Five as the last three numbers? Was that what i said?", "Yes sir. Those were the last three numbers you mentioned.", "sorry about that. It's actually Zero three three not Zero three five.", "Oh! Okay. The last three numbers are Zero three three right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright. I'm going to read the number to you once again. Please listen carefully sir.", "Please go on.", "Six nine Two Five two nine Zero three three Is that correct?", "Yes, that correct.", "Okay. Now you'll need to give an answer your security question.", "Security question? All these information just because I want to change my address. This is taking too long. Why can't you just go ahead and check that in your system. Why must I be going through all these screening?", "We are so sorry about that sir, Well, we just need the verification process to be complete. Be rest assured that we have your best interest at heart.", "My best interest? Are you insinuating that I might not be the owner of the account I claim to own?", "Not at all sir. It's just part of every verification process. We'll be done before you know it. Please bear with us.", "Well, just go on.", "Alright sir. Please proceed by giving an answer to your security question.", "My security question is my mother's maiden name.", "Okay sir. Please what's the answer to that?", "My mother's maiden name is kelly.", "Please hold on while I confirm your answer.", "Sure.", "Perfect. That's correct sir.", "Of course it is.", "In order to proceed with the change of your address, I'll need to confirm your old address sir.", "no problem.", "May I know your old address?", "Sure, my old address is two sixty Grand Avenue, San marcos, California.", "two sixty Grand Avenue, San marcos, California. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Please hold on while I verify this.", "Alright.", "Your old address is confirmed.", "Okay.", "Kindly provide your new address.", "My new address is five twenty concord Avenue, San Diego, California.", "five twenty concord Avenue, San Diego, California. Is that correct?", "it's actually three twenty not five twenty. Please change that.", "Alright. three twenty concord Avenue, San Diego, California, Is that correct?", "Yep, that's correct. I definitely need to remember that. The numbers can be so confusing.", "No worries sir. I'm sure you'll get used to it.", "Yes, I will. Please what else do you need?", "just a moment please.", "", "Okay. Done. Your address has been updated sir.", "Okay. So how long does it take before the update reflects?", "It's effective immediately sir.", "Oh! That's great.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I'd like to know if I can change my address on the website.", "Sure, you can.", "Please how do I do that?", "It's very easy. After logging in, you look for the profile icon.", "O-okay. I'll click on the profile icon?", "Yes, that's right.", "Please go on.", "After clicking on that, you then click on the personal information which is directly below security icon.", "Okay. I'll click on personal information icon. Got it. What next?", "Then you'll see the change address icon.", "Change address icon. Is that correct?", "Yes, it is. Then you can just go ahead and input your new address and that will be all.", "Okay. I think I've got that.", "Alright sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I don't think there is.", "Okay. Thank you for contacting us.", "Thank you too. I'm really pleased with you even though your verification questions almost made me angry.", "We are so sorry about that sir.", "it's okay. I know it's protocol.", "Thanks for understanding. Have a nice day!", "Thank you. You too!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_436_000", "insurance_436_001", "insurance_436_002", "insurance_436_003", "insurance_436_004", "insurance_436_005", "insurance_436_006", "insurance_436_007", "insurance_436_008", "insurance_436_009", "insurance_436_010", "insurance_436_011", "insurance_436_012", "insurance_436_013", "insurance_436_014", "insurance_436_015", "insurance_436_016", "insurance_436_017", "insurance_436_018", "insurance_436_019", "insurance_436_020", "insurance_436_021", "insurance_436_022", "insurance_436_023", "insurance_436_024", "insurance_436_025", "insurance_436_026", "insurance_436_027", "insurance_436_028", "insurance_436_029", "insurance_436_030", "insurance_436_031", "insurance_436_032", "insurance_436_033", "insurance_436_034", "insurance_436_035", "insurance_436_036", "insurance_436_037", "insurance_436_038", "insurance_436_039", "insurance_436_040", "insurance_436_041", "insurance_436_042", "insurance_436_043", "insurance_436_044", "insurance_436_045", "insurance_436_046", "insurance_436_047", "insurance_436_048", "insurance_436_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello thanks for calling Rivertown insurance, my name is Sean, how may I help you?", "Hi Sean. My name is Morris.", "Good morning Morris. How may I be of service?", "I would like to cancel the automatic billing on my account.", "Okay Morris. If I got that right. You want to cancel automatic billing on your account.", "Absolutely!", "Great! I will need to verify your identity to work on your request. I will need to ask you some questions to proceed.", "#oh Okay. Go ahead.", "What's your full name please?", "Morris James Lang. First name Morris, and last name Lang.", "What's your birthdate please?", "This Wednesday. #laughter. I am excited, #em my grandparents are gonna be around.", "#Er That's nice. But you didn't quite get that. I mean the day, month, and year you were born.", "#oh Apologies. It's tenth of August nineteen ninety.", "Awesome. You are doing well Morris.", "Yeahh! Thank you.", "Please spell out your social security number please.", "#ar Okay. #em A moment please Okay. Yeah! #em Zero Two Five Six.", "Zero two five six.", "Four four three.", "Four four three.", "Five one two.", "Five one two great!", "Nice!", "What is your security answer Morris?", "#Er That should be #em Jack. My Dogs name.", "Great! That's correct.", "#Laugher Yeah. He is a nice dog.", "That's fantastic.", "Do you have a pet Sean?", "#ar Yes I do. A parrot.", "That's great. I love parrots too.", "Great!", "Yes!", "#em I am working on your request. Give me a moment please.", "Okay.", "And #em Done. I have cancelled the automatic billing on your account.", "#oh That's great. Thank you Sean.", "You are welcome.", "That was fast. Pretty impressive Thank you Sean.", "#ar Is there anything else you would like to do?", "Can I get more information on Pet Insurance from the website?", "Yeah. The webiste has all the information you need about Rivertown Insurance.", "Great then. That will be all.", "Great.", "Yeah. Thanks. Bye.", "Anytime. Do have a lovely day.", "You too Sean.", "Bye.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_437_000", "insurance_437_001", "insurance_437_002", "insurance_437_003", "insurance_437_004", "insurance_437_005", "insurance_437_006", "insurance_437_007", "insurance_437_008", "insurance_437_009", "insurance_437_010", "insurance_437_011", "insurance_437_012", "insurance_437_013", "insurance_437_014", "insurance_437_015", "insurance_437_016", "insurance_437_017", "insurance_437_018", "insurance_437_019", "insurance_437_020", "insurance_437_021", "insurance_437_022", "insurance_437_023", "insurance_437_024", "insurance_437_025", "insurance_437_026", "insurance_437_027", "insurance_437_028", "insurance_437_029", "insurance_437_030", "insurance_437_031", "insurance_437_032", "insurance_437_033", "insurance_437_034", "insurance_437_035", "insurance_437_036", "insurance_437_037", "insurance_437_038", "insurance_437_039", "insurance_437_040", "insurance_437_041", "insurance_437_042", "insurance_437_043", "insurance_437_044", "insurance_437_045", "insurance_437_046", "insurance_437_047", "insurance_437_048", "insurance_437_049", "insurance_437_050", "insurance_437_051", "insurance_437_052", "insurance_437_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how's your day going?", "Fine, how's yours too and what can I do for you?", "Fine, I want to get pet quote.", "Okay, can you provide me your name?", "my name is Roland Harper.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is March twelveth, nineteen ninety.", "March twelveth, nineteen ninety right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the pet type?", "it's dog.", "Okay. Can you prescribe the pet breed?", "Poodle.", "Okay, what is the age of the dog?", "Just about six month old.", "Alright. Please provide me the pet weight?", "I'll do that, let me confirm it.", "Alright sir, take your time.", "it's fifty pounds.", "Okay which of the pet plan did you want to go for?", "Yes please, Petcare Preferred is what I go for.", "Alright. Hope the price as one thousand naira?", "Yes I do.", "Okay done. I can proceed with the payment from your balance?", "Yes please.", "Okay. Wait a moment it's process.", "okay.", "It has been successfully done sir.", "Thanks.", "Is there anything else I can do for you sir?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_438_000", "insurance_438_001", "insurance_438_002", "insurance_438_003", "insurance_438_004", "insurance_438_005", "insurance_438_006", "insurance_438_007", "insurance_438_008", "insurance_438_009", "insurance_438_010", "insurance_438_011", "insurance_438_012", "insurance_438_013", "insurance_438_014", "insurance_438_015", "insurance_438_016", "insurance_438_017", "insurance_438_018", "insurance_438_019", "insurance_438_020", "insurance_438_021", "insurance_438_022", "insurance_438_023", "insurance_438_024", "insurance_438_025", "insurance_438_026", "insurance_438_027", "insurance_438_028", "insurance_438_029", "insurance_438_030", "insurance_438_031", "insurance_438_032", "insurance_438_033", "insurance_438_034", "insurance_438_035", "insurance_438_036", "insurance_438_037", "insurance_438_038", "insurance_438_039", "insurance_438_040", "insurance_438_041", "insurance_438_042", "insurance_438_043", "insurance_438_044", "insurance_438_045", "insurance_438_046", "insurance_438_047", "insurance_438_048", "insurance_438_049", "insurance_438_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello good morning thank you for calling Rivertown insurance company my name is Alex how may I help you?", "My name is Edwin.", "mister Edwin what can I do for you?", "I want to enroll in one of your insurance plan.", "mister Edwin which of our plan will you like to enroll for?", "I will like to insure my house.", "Okay sir. The house plan include Basic Home which is One thousand two hundred dollars per year and the _xzero zero zero D_Home Preferred which is One thousand Six hundred dollars per year.", "Is that all?", "No sir the last one is Home Complete which is two thousand dollars per year_xzero zero zero zero _.", "Okay. Can I opt in for a different plan later if I want to change a plan?", "Yes you can.", "And if I want to cancel a plan, can I?", "Sure Sir you can.", "Okay what do I stand to gain by insuring with you?", "When you insure with us, your house is safe and fully covered and our year is thirteen month and not twelve month.", "Thirteen month, sound good.", "Thank you sir.", "How do I start?", "Do you have account with us already?", "Yes, I do.", "Can I have your account details?", "What do you need about my account?", "Can I have your account policy number which you have on top of your site?", "Pease give me a minute to confirm that.", "No problem sir.", "#Hm is it the eight digit close to my profile picture?", "Yes, it is.", "Okay. One nine.", "One nine.", "Two eight.", "Two eight.", "Seven three.", "Seven three.", "Four six.", "Four six.", "That is all.", "Okay, One nine two eight seven three four six.", "That is it.", "Okay sir. Your address and Zip code.", "Yes, it is fourty Brooklyn Avenue, San Diego, California, zip _xzero zero zero D_code nine five zero zero zero.", "Okay. A mail will be sent to you and a code will be sent to your phone number which you will use to complete the enrollment.", "Will I get the message before the mail?", "No Sir, you will get the mail before the message.", "Okay.", "Will that be all sir?", "Yes.", "Okay sir. A message will pop up asking you do rate me after the call. Please do well to rate me.", "No problem. You deserve good rating.", "Thanks sir. Have a nice day.", "And you to. Bye.", "Bye bye Sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_439_000", "insurance_439_001", "insurance_439_002", "insurance_439_003", "insurance_439_004", "insurance_439_005", "insurance_439_006", "insurance_439_007", "insurance_439_008", "insurance_439_009", "insurance_439_010", "insurance_439_011", "insurance_439_012", "insurance_439_013", "insurance_439_014", "insurance_439_015", "insurance_439_016", "insurance_439_017", "insurance_439_018", "insurance_439_019", "insurance_439_020", "insurance_439_021", "insurance_439_022", "insurance_439_023", "insurance_439_024", "insurance_439_025", "insurance_439_026", "insurance_439_027", "insurance_439_028", "insurance_439_029", "insurance_439_030", "insurance_439_031", "insurance_439_032", "insurance_439_033", "insurance_439_034", "insurance_439_035", "insurance_439_036", "insurance_439_037", "insurance_439_038", "insurance_439_039", "insurance_439_040", "insurance_439_041", "insurance_439_042", "insurance_439_043", "insurance_439_044", "insurance_439_045", "insurance_439_046", "insurance_439_047", "insurance_439_048", "insurance_439_049", "insurance_439_050", "insurance_439_051", "insurance_439_052", "insurance_439_053", "insurance_439_054", "insurance_439_055", "insurance_439_056", "insurance_439_057", "insurance_439_058", "insurance_439_059", "insurance_439_060", "insurance_439_061", "insurance_439_062", "insurance_439_063", "insurance_439_064" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How can I help you?", "Hi I would like to reset my password. I tried to reset the password on your website but couldn't.", "I can help you with that. But first I have to confirm your identity.", "Sure, okay.", "May I have your first name and last name Sir?", "My name is James Brown.", "Okay, next I need your birthdate.", "#Uh, sorry? what birthday? I'm not having birthday today.", "[Laughter], it is the date of birth sir. We need that information to verify your identity.", "Oh okay. Sorry I thought you were asking me to celebrate my birthday.", "No problem sir.", "Yeah. My date of birth is September fourth, nineteen thirty six.", "September fourth, nineteen thirty six. Okay, just a moment please.", "Yeah, sure.", "Can I have your phone number?", "Five zero seven.", "Five zero seven.", "Four five four.", "Four five four.", "Two six three zero.", "Two six three zero.", "Yes, that's it.", "What's your mother's maiden name.", "#Um, her maiden name is Hillman.", "Alright sir. I need to have your social security number.", "Social security number, hmm, I think is, let confirm, just a second.", "Okay sir, take your time.", "Oh, I got it now.", "Can you read the numbers to me?", "One five six.", "One five six.", "Twenty one.", "Twenty one.", "Yeah, that's correct.", "Next, I need to verify your email.", "My email is James Brown at amyspy dot com.", "Thank you sir.", "Yeah.", "To reset your password, we need to generate a new username and password.", "That's okay.", "Can you come up with a name you can easily remember?", "#Uh, Houghmed.", "Houghmed like h.o.u.g.h.m.e.d?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Perfect, and your new password?", "R. e. i. zero. S. e. a. m. o. o.", "That's good.", "Thanks.", "Before I proceed, is there anything else I can help you with?", "Yeah, I want to ask if I can change the password on the website instead of making a phone call?", "Yes, sure you can, the reset link will be sent to your email. And if you wish to call, I'll be glad to help you.", "Oh, that's good. Thank you.", "Alright, please hang on sir, I will proceed to reset your password in the system.", "Yeah, sure.", "Okay done. Your password is reset successfully.", "Thank you.", "You can check your email to confirm your new password.", "That's great.", "Thanks you so much sir. And one last thing. After this call ends, there will be a request for rating my service. Please press a number from one to five to rate your satisfaction.", "Okay, I'll do that.", "Thank you.", "Have a nice day.", "Sure, and you too!", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_440_000", "insurance_440_001", "insurance_440_002", "insurance_440_003", "insurance_440_004", "insurance_440_005", "insurance_440_006", "insurance_440_007", "insurance_440_008", "insurance_440_009", "insurance_440_010", "insurance_440_011", "insurance_440_012", "insurance_440_013", "insurance_440_014", "insurance_440_015", "insurance_440_016", "insurance_440_017", "insurance_440_018", "insurance_440_019", "insurance_440_020", "insurance_440_021", "insurance_440_022", "insurance_440_023", "insurance_440_024", "insurance_440_025", "insurance_440_026", "insurance_440_027", "insurance_440_028", "insurance_440_029", "insurance_440_030", "insurance_440_031", "insurance_440_032", "insurance_440_033", "insurance_440_034", "insurance_440_035", "insurance_440_036", "insurance_440_037", "insurance_440_038", "insurance_440_039", "insurance_440_040", "insurance_440_041", "insurance_440_042", "insurance_440_043", "insurance_440_044", "insurance_440_045", "insurance_440_046", "insurance_440_047", "insurance_440_048", "insurance_440_049", "insurance_440_050", "insurance_440_051" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to enroll in an insurance plan.", "Okay, which of our plans would you like to enroll in?", "can you tell me about your insurance plans?", "Automobile plan, condo plan.", "Did you say condo plan?", "Yes, condo plan.", "Okay, you can proceed.", "Homeowner, life, pet and renters plan. Which would you like to enroll in?", "Life insurance.", "Okay, so first you'll need to create an account.", "Okay.", "I'll need your first name and last name.", "Lennon Bey.", "Okay, Lennon as the first name and Bey as last name?", "Yes.", "Please provide your phone number.", "Six four four nine seven seven one nine two four.", "Okay, for your security question, would you prefer your mother's maiden name, the name of your high school or the name of your first pet.", "I'd prefer the name of my first pet and he was Crux.", "What's your date of birth?", "August twenty-four, four thousand.", "Your street address please.", "One four four seven Tipple Road Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.", "Okay, so your state is Pennsylvania.", "Yes.", "And your city is?", "Philadelphia.", "What's your zip code please?", "Three three one zero one.", "You'll need to provide your social security number.", "Six one four four seven three three seven eight.", "We're done with the account creation. You say you want life insurance is that correct?", "Yes.", "We have the Term Life Insurance which is three hundred dollars yearly, the Whole Life Insurance which is one thousand eight hundred dollars per year and the Universal Life Insurance one thousand four hundred dollars per year. Which would you like to enroll in?", "The whole life insurance plan.", "That is one thousand eight hundred dollars per year.", "Yes, how do I make payment?", "I'll need your credit card number, the expiration date and the credit card CVV.", "My credit card number is six seven nine seven four six six eight seven two two three one one zero four.", "You said your credit card number is six seven nine seven four six six eight seven two two three one one zero four is that correct?", "Yes.", "The expiration date please.", "July four zero four three.", "Okay. Provide your CVV and proceed to make payment.", "Nine four two. Payment made.", "Kindly hold on while I confirm your payment. Your payment has been made successfully.", "Okay.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you so much, do have a great day.", "Thanks you too. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_441_000", "insurance_441_001", "insurance_441_002", "insurance_441_003", "insurance_441_004", "insurance_441_005", "insurance_441_006", "insurance_441_007", "insurance_441_008", "insurance_441_009", "insurance_441_010", "insurance_441_011", "insurance_441_012", "insurance_441_013", "insurance_441_014", "insurance_441_015", "insurance_441_016", "insurance_441_017", "insurance_441_018", "insurance_441_019", "insurance_441_020", "insurance_441_021", "insurance_441_022", "insurance_441_023", "insurance_441_024", "insurance_441_025", "insurance_441_026", "insurance_441_027", "insurance_441_028", "insurance_441_029", "insurance_441_030", "insurance_441_031", "insurance_441_032", "insurance_441_033", "insurance_441_034", "insurance_441_035", "insurance_441_036", "insurance_441_037", "insurance_441_038", "insurance_441_039", "insurance_441_040", "insurance_441_041", "insurance_441_042", "insurance_441_043", "insurance_441_044", "insurance_441_045", "insurance_441_046", "insurance_441_047", "insurance_441_048", "insurance_441_049", "insurance_441_050", "insurance_441_051", "insurance_441_052", "insurance_441_053", "insurance_441_054", "insurance_441_055", "insurance_441_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi. I just want to check the status of my last payment. I tried checking it on the website but just couldn't figure it out.", "Alright. I can do that for you. But I'll have to ask couple of questions if you don't mind.", "Go ahead.", "May I have your first name and last name please?", "My name is Paul Simeon.", "Okay, Paul as your first name and Simeonas your last name?", "That's it.", "l'll also need you customer number.", "Where can I find that? I'm not really familiar with all these digits.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four to six number right?", "It's always eight digit long.", "yes, it is.", "Right. Call that number for me please.", "Yeah. It's two one seven four.", "two one seven four.", "two eight seven seven.", "two eight seven seven.", "That's it.", "Okay. two one seven four two eight seven seven right?", "Yeah. That's correct.", "May I have your date of birth please?", "It's twenty fourth of June nineteen eighty two.", "You said twenty fourth of June, nineteen eighty two right?", "Sure.", "To check your payment status, I need to have your policy number. You can find this number on your account page in our website.", "okay, give me a moment. Let me look for it.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Policy number, Is it the string of number below my profile picture?", "yes exactly. Could you read that number to me?", "Sure. It's four six seven.", "Four six seven.", "Nine four four.", "Nine four four.", "Eight two three.", "Eight two three.", "Yep thats it.", "Okay. Four six seven Nine four four Eight two three right?", "Yes that's correct.", "One last thing. When did you make the payment?", "that should be two days ago at around sixteen hundred hour.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Thanks for being patient with us sir.", "No problem.", "I'm pleased to inform you that your payment is succesful.", "Thanks. What a relieve.", "We're very sorry for any inconveniences.", "It'alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "You're welcome.", "Do have a great day.", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_442_000", "insurance_442_001", "insurance_442_002", "insurance_442_003", "insurance_442_004", "insurance_442_005", "insurance_442_006", "insurance_442_007", "insurance_442_008", "insurance_442_009", "insurance_442_010", "insurance_442_011", "insurance_442_012", "insurance_442_013", "insurance_442_014", "insurance_442_015", "insurance_442_016", "insurance_442_017", "insurance_442_018", "insurance_442_019", "insurance_442_020", "insurance_442_021", "insurance_442_022", "insurance_442_023", "insurance_442_024", "insurance_442_025", "insurance_442_026", "insurance_442_027", "insurance_442_028", "insurance_442_029", "insurance_442_030", "insurance_442_031", "insurance_442_032", "insurance_442_033", "insurance_442_034", "insurance_442_035", "insurance_442_036", "insurance_442_037", "insurance_442_038", "insurance_442_039", "insurance_442_040", "insurance_442_041", "insurance_442_042", "insurance_442_043", "insurance_442_044", "insurance_442_045", "insurance_442_046", "insurance_442_047", "insurance_442_048", "insurance_442_049", "insurance_442_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello Good day. This is Anabel speaking from Rivertown customer care service how may I help you.", "Good day my name is Nelson.", "mister Nelson how may I help you?", "I will like to cancel a plan.", "Okay if I hear you well mister Nelson you said you want to cancel a plan.", "Yes.", "Okay Sir. which plan is it sir?", "#Hm Basic auto plan.", "Okay sir. I will like to ask you some questions about your account.", "Okay i am listening.", "Please Sir can I have your account name?", "Nelson Clifford.", "Okay Sir. Please sir can you provide your account number?", "#Hm five five.", "Five five.", "Six Nine.", "Six One.", "#Er it is not six one.", "Sorry Sir please call it again sir.", "Six nine.", "Six nine.", "Three zero.", "Three zero.", "Four eight.", "Four eight.", "That is all.", "Okay sir please provide your address sir.", "My address?", "Yes Sir.", "Do you need that to cancel a plan?", "Yes sir. For verification.", "Okay. it is one two five five Aspen Court Boston.", "mister #Uh Nelson Kindly please provide your phone number sir.", "Six one seven three five three eight six zero one.", "Okay Sir. Six one seven three five three eight six zero one is that it sir?", "Yes.", "Okay sir you said your plan is basic auto Sir?", "Yes it is.", "Okay Sir. Your plan here will expire tomorrow Sir.", "I am aware that is why I want to cancel it.", "Okay sir but you can just renew the plan sir.", "I know but I want to cancel it for now. can you just stop this question and move on with the cancellation?", "Okay sir. I just cancel your plan Sir.", "Thank you.", "Okay Sir. is that all you will like me to do sir?", "Yes for now.", "Okay mister Nelson. please can you help with rating after the call?", "Okay mister ", "Anabel.", "mister Anabel. Bye.", "Bye bye Sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_443_000", "insurance_443_001", "insurance_443_002", "insurance_443_003", "insurance_443_004", "insurance_443_005", "insurance_443_006", "insurance_443_007", "insurance_443_008", "insurance_443_009", "insurance_443_010", "insurance_443_011", "insurance_443_012", "insurance_443_013", "insurance_443_014", "insurance_443_015", "insurance_443_016", "insurance_443_017", "insurance_443_018", "insurance_443_019", "insurance_443_020", "insurance_443_021", "insurance_443_022", "insurance_443_023", "insurance_443_024", "insurance_443_025", "insurance_443_026", "insurance_443_027", "insurance_443_028", "insurance_443_029", "insurance_443_030", "insurance_443_031", "insurance_443_032", "insurance_443_033", "insurance_443_034", "insurance_443_035", "insurance_443_036", "insurance_443_037", "insurance_443_038", "insurance_443_039", "insurance_443_040", "insurance_443_041", "insurance_443_042", "insurance_443_043", "insurance_443_044", "insurance_443_045", "insurance_443_046", "insurance_443_047", "insurance_443_048", "insurance_443_049", "insurance_443_050", "insurance_443_051", "insurance_443_052", "insurance_443_053", "insurance_443_054", "insurance_443_055", "insurance_443_056", "insurance_443_057", "insurance_443_058", "insurance_443_059", "insurance_443_060", "insurance_443_061", "insurance_443_062", "insurance_443_063", "insurance_443_064", "insurance_443_065", "insurance_443_066", "insurance_443_067", "insurance_443_068", "insurance_443_069", "insurance_443_070" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thank you for calling Rivertown insurance. My name is Angela. How can I help you today?", "Hi, my name is Paul, I heard about your company in one of your commercials and I hope your services are as good as it was presented.", "Wow, that is a great thing to hear. Of course our services are the best you could get anywhere sir.", "yeah I hope so too.", "definitely sir, we will not in any way disappoint you. Which of the plans interested you?", "i just got a new car and I'm looking at having the best insurance coverage on my new whip.", "Congratulations on the new acquisition. You are definitely in the right place.", "Since you are a new customer we will have to create an account for you before we go ahead.", "Can you provide me with your first name.", "That won't be a problem, My first name is Paul Elrod but my friends call me PeeGuy.", "that's funny of you, Paul will be just fine. #Uh can you give me your last name.", "What do you mean? I just gave you my name.", "I mean your last name.", "My last name is Elrod.", "To confirm Elrod is spelt H.E.R.O.D?", "not at all, that spelling is wrong. The right spelling is E.L.R.O.D.", "oh, my bad! Sorry about that. The right one is E.L.R.O.D.", "Yeah, Thats right. I'm used to people missplelling my name.", "I will be needing your phone number.", "my phone number is four eight zero.", "four eight zero.", "nine four one.", "nine four one.", "zero seven one two.", "zero seven one two.", "can I have your date of birth.", "no problem, my date of birth is thirteenth of August, nineteen seventy seven.", "ok got that, I will be needing your address.", "this is becoming an interrogation. The line of questionning is becoming too much.", "is there no other way to create an account?", "ofcourse, you can create an account on our official website.", "I'm sorry about the stress but we are almost done.", "It's no problem then.", "my address is four eight six six Elmwood Avenue Scottsdale, AZ eight five Sorry.", "five one.", "four eight six six Elmwood Avenue Scottsdale, Arizona eight five two five one, correct?", "Yes.", "what is your zip code.", "nine nine five two four.", "nine nine five two four correct?", "yes.", "you will need to provide me with your social security number.", "ok, the nember is nine six five two.", "nine six five two.", "sorry nine nine five two, I made a mistake.", "ok no problem nine nine five two.", "six four six one zero.", "six four six one zero.", "nine six five two six four six one zero, correct?", "Absolutely right. I hope the interogation is over.", "it's just one last step to completing the process.", "okay.", "please chose a security question.", "What is a security question and can I just choose any?", "this is a question that helps you authenticate and secure your account.", "you chose from a range of questions five questions.", "either, What is your mother's maiden name?, What is the name of your childhood best friend?, What is the name of your high school?", "it's enough, I will just go for the first question what is my mother's maiden name.", "her maiden name is Stones.", "ok thats noted.", "just hold on a few seconds, your account is almost set.", "ok no problem.", "it's all set. Your account is now ready. A message has being sent to your phone.", "wow! I just got it.", "it's my pleasure sir, would you like to create a plan now sir?", "no no no, I would prefer to do that some other time. I'm scared of getting hooked on with unlimited line of questioning.", "Can I get informations on your website?", "Yes you can sir.", "then that will be all.", "Ok sir, thanks for creating an account with us, do enjoy the rest of your day sir.", "thanks." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_444_000", "insurance_444_001", "insurance_444_002", "insurance_444_003", "insurance_444_004", "insurance_444_005", "insurance_444_006", "insurance_444_007", "insurance_444_008", "insurance_444_009", "insurance_444_010", "insurance_444_011", "insurance_444_012", "insurance_444_013", "insurance_444_014", "insurance_444_015", "insurance_444_016", "insurance_444_017", "insurance_444_018", "insurance_444_019", "insurance_444_020", "insurance_444_021", "insurance_444_022", "insurance_444_023", "insurance_444_024", "insurance_444_025", "insurance_444_026", "insurance_444_027", "insurance_444_028", "insurance_444_029", "insurance_444_030", "insurance_444_031", "insurance_444_032", "insurance_444_033", "insurance_444_034", "insurance_444_035", "insurance_444_036", "insurance_444_037", "insurance_444_038", "insurance_444_039", "insurance_444_040", "insurance_444_041", "insurance_444_042", "insurance_444_043", "insurance_444_044", "insurance_444_045", "insurance_444_046", "insurance_444_047", "insurance_444_048", "insurance_444_049", "insurance_444_050", "insurance_444_051", "insurance_444_052", "insurance_444_053", "insurance_444_054", "insurance_444_055", "insurance_444_056", "insurance_444_057", "insurance_444_058", "insurance_444_059", "insurance_444_060", "insurance_444_061", "insurance_444_062", "insurance_444_063", "insurance_444_064", "insurance_444_065", "insurance_444_066" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm very well good and you?", "Fine as well.", "How may I help you sir?", "A friend of mine referred me to your insurance company and he told me you offer the best rates in California.", "Oh! That's so nice of your friend.", "Actually, I recently lost him to an automobile accident and it's been so hard moving on.", "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend sir.", "Prior to his death, We both planned on enrolling in an insurance company that offers the best rate for life insurance.", "Our life insurance plans are flexible and affordable.", "Asides Life Insurance, what other packages do you have?", "Sure sir. We provide insurance for Pets, Rent, Automobile, Homeowner, Condo.", "Whoa! You also have an insurance plan for renters. That's incredible.", "You're right on track sir. So what particular insurance plan do you want?", "I would love to register for life insurance and I would love to know the types of, life insurance you have.", "We have three types of life insurance. We have the Term Life Insurance, Whole Life Insurance and the Universal Life Insurance.", "What are their rates?", "The term life insurance goes for three hundred dollars per year, the whole life insurance goes for one thousand eight hundred dollars per year while the universal life insurance goes for one thousand two hundred dollars per year.", "How does each of the plan types work?", "Term life insurance guarantees payment of a stated death benefit to the insured beneficiaries if the insured person dies during a specified time.", "Go on please.", "The univesal life insurance is a permanent life insurance with a coverage that lasts a lifetime and builds actual cash value that is separate from the death benefit.", "sounds lovely. What about the whole life insurance plan?", "Whole life insurance plan provides permanent death benefit coverage for the life of the insured. It also comes with savings component in which cash can build up.", "Whoa! This is mindblowing. I'm interested in the whole life insurance plan.", "I will need some of your details for identification sir.", "What details?", "What's your first and last name sir?", "Alfred Steger.", "What's your date of birth sir?", "Januuary Two, Nineteen Eighty Five.", "Can I have your mobile phone number sir?", "sure you can. Eight Five Eight.", "Eight Five Eight.", "Seven Seven One.", "Seven Seven One.", "Nine Five Five Three.", "Nine Five Five Three.", "Eight Five Eight Seven Seven One Nine Nine Five Three.", "Noted sir. Can I have your home address sir?", "Number Four One Six Nine Hood Avenue, San Diego, California.", "Number Four One Six Nine Hood Avenue, San Diego, California. Is that correct sir?", "Yes it is.", "Can I have your zip code sir?", "Nine Two One Two Three.", "I'm going to ask you a security question that is peculiar to you alone. You can write it down for easy remembrance.", "Just a minute please.", "What is your mother's maiden name?", "Brandon.", "Your Security question is your mother's maiden name and the answer is Brandon.", "Noted. Any other thing?", "#em. Yes please, I'll need your social security number sir.", "Five Seven Three.", "Five Seven Three.", "Nine Three Three.", "Nine Three Three.", "Three Two Eight.", "Three Two Eight.", "How many more information do you need?", "#em. None for now sir. An account has been created for you sir. Is there any other thing you would love me to do for you sir?", "How will I go about the payment process?", "That's quite easy sir. I can help you with it.", "Oh! I totally forgot. I have a meeting in the next five minutes. I'll give you a call some other day.", "Alright sir. We look forward to receiving your call.", "Thanks for helping out. Have a nice day.", "Bye sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_445_000", "insurance_445_001", "insurance_445_002", "insurance_445_003", "insurance_445_004", "insurance_445_005", "insurance_445_006", "insurance_445_007", "insurance_445_008", "insurance_445_009", "insurance_445_010", "insurance_445_011", "insurance_445_012", "insurance_445_013", "insurance_445_014", "insurance_445_015", "insurance_445_016", "insurance_445_017", "insurance_445_018", "insurance_445_019", "insurance_445_020", "insurance_445_021", "insurance_445_022", "insurance_445_023", "insurance_445_024", "insurance_445_025", "insurance_445_026", "insurance_445_027", "insurance_445_028", "insurance_445_029", "insurance_445_030", "insurance_445_031", "insurance_445_032", "insurance_445_033", "insurance_445_034", "insurance_445_035", "insurance_445_036", "insurance_445_037", "insurance_445_038", "insurance_445_039", "insurance_445_040", "insurance_445_041", "insurance_445_042", "insurance_445_043", "insurance_445_044", "insurance_445_045", "insurance_445_046", "insurance_445_047", "insurance_445_048", "insurance_445_049", "insurance_445_050", "insurance_445_051", "insurance_445_052", "insurance_445_053", "insurance_445_054", "insurance_445_055", "insurance_445_056", "insurance_445_057", "insurance_445_058", "insurance_445_059", "insurance_445_060", "insurance_445_061", "insurance_445_062", "insurance_445_063", "insurance_445_064", "insurance_445_065", "insurance_445_066", "insurance_445_067", "insurance_445_068", "insurance_445_069", "insurance_445_070", "insurance_445_071", "insurance_445_072", "insurance_445_073", "insurance_445_074", "insurance_445_075", "insurance_445_076", "insurance_445_077", "insurance_445_078", "insurance_445_079", "insurance_445_080", "insurance_445_081", "insurance_445_082", "insurance_445_083", "insurance_445_084", "insurance_445_085", "insurance_445_086", "insurance_445_087", "insurance_445_088", "insurance_445_089", "insurance_445_090", "insurance_445_091", "insurance_445_092", "insurance_445_093", "insurance_445_094", "insurance_445_095", "insurance_445_096", "insurance_445_097", "insurance_445_098", "insurance_445_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance. This is Jazzabelle. How can I help you today?", "did you say Rivertown Insurance? I didn't quite hear you.", "Yes, this is Rivertown Insurance cutomer support.", "Oh oh oh okay. I thought I dialed the wrong number. ", "no you have the right number. How can I help you today?", "Well mhm I think my bill is due. Can you check first?", "I sure can. Who am I speaking with?", "This is Elly Lassater. I'll spell the last name for you it's L A S S A T E R.", "And is Elly spelled E L L I E?", "No no it's E L L Y.", "Okay I am very sorry about that misses Lassater.", "it's okay.", "I need to verify some information in order to gain access to your account, is that okay?", "Yeah whatever you have to do is fine with me.", "First, can I get your birthdate and social security number?", "Wow, you wasn't kidding about my information was you? birthdate is ten twelve seventy-five.", "Okay, thank you for that. And your social security number please.", "five five two six three one nine nine one", "And, is your address still five forty-three East Leopard Street in Morrison Maine with a zipcode of four four one two six?", "Did you say five forty-three?", "Yes.", "Okay, yeah that's right.", "Great. Can you verify your phone number for me?", "You want me to give you my phone number?", "Yes please misses Lassater.", "I don't call myself much so I have a hard time mhm remembering it. I'll have to go get it okay.", "Yes, take your time misses Lassater.", "Alright sorry about that.", "It's okay I totally understand!", "My phone number is one six one three two six two five four nine six.", "Great! I do see that your bill is due tomorrow. Do you wanna go ahead and pay that now?", "mhm well are you gonna charge me any charges or you know fees for paying it now with you cause I think they do sometimes.", "Absolutely not misses Lassater.", "Then yes I do wanna pay it.", "And how would you like to pay that today?", "What do mean on the phone with you is what you said right?", "Yes I'm sorry misses Lassater. I meant would you like to use a credit or debit card or a checking or savings account to make your payment today?", "Oh okay I was a little confused there. mhm I guess I will use my credit card.", "I am ready for your card number whenever your ready misses Lassater.", "I think I might need to go get it. Hold on let me check yeah I have it here. The number is four three four seven six five five two five five three six five two two one.", "I'm gonna repeat that back to you okay.", "That's fine!", "I have four three four seven six five five two five five three six five two two one. Is that correct?", "Sounds good to me .", "And, what is the expiration date on that card misses Lassater?", "Oh gosh that is hard to see. Let me get my glasses, here we go. Okay it looks like oh my zero three twenty-three.", "Okay and the three digit security code.", "The what? Oh that number on the back.", "Yes misses Lassater.", "It's one six seven.", "And, is the zipcode for your card the same as your mailing address?", "Yes it is.", "Okay and that's four four one two six correct?", "Yes that is right.", "Okay misses Lassater how much do you wanna pay today?", "I jsut want to pay my bill that's all.", "Okay your bill for this month is eighty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents.", "did you say a hundred and eighty-three dollars?", "Oh no misses Lassater. It's eighty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents.", "Oh okay I was gettin a little scared there. Yes yes that sounds better.", "And, that is the amount you want to pay with your credit card today, correct?", "Yes.", "Okay misses Lassater. I have charged your card ending in five two two one in the amount of eighty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents. Your bill is paid in full for the month of July.", "Oh good thank you. That was so much easier for me than doin it on the computer.", "Well misses Lassater we can set up your payments to automatically be charged to your credit card each month when they are due if you'd like.", "mhm well I don't know about that. Are you just gonna charge me my bill every month?", "Yes ma'am.", "Amd you won't charge me stuff I don't know will you? Like fees and mhm other stuff?", "No misses Lassater. We will only charge you for your amount due each month on your bill.", "Okay then go ahead and do that. So mhm I won't need to call in and do this anymore? Like we did today?", "You sure won't misses Lassater. When your payment is due your credit card will automatically be charged.", "Oh wait a minute. Will I be able to take that off if I want to. Like cancel it so you don't charge me anymore?", "You sure can. If at anytime in the future you would like us to stop charging your card automatically you can either go online and stop it or you can call us anytime and we will stop that for you.", "Oh okay then. That's fine. As long as it won't be hard to stop if I want to okay?", "Okay. I see here that you have been receiving your bill each month in the mail. Would you like to change that to go to your email address each month?", "I can't do that. I don't use that email thing very much. And, sometimes I don't go into it for a long time. I would never see my bill!", "Okay, that's fine. You can leave it going to your mailing address.", "Well you know what can I mail it to my daughter's email box? She looks at her stuff all day!", "yes you can send it to any email youi want to misses Lassater.", "Okay then let's send it to her. Maybe she will pay it for me .", "And, what is her email address?", "Her email box is Jenny Lassater at wi-fi mail dot com. Wi-Fi has a dash in the middle like W I - F I.", "Okay I have her email as Jenny Lassater at W I - FI dot com, correct?", "Yep that sounds right I guess.", "Okay I would like to go over what we did today misses Lassater.", "Okay.", "Alright. First we added your credit card ending in five two two one to your account. We also made a payment on your bill which is paid in full in the amount of eighty-three dollars and twenty-nine cents.", "Yeah and put me down to pay well so you guys charge me when my bill is due.", "Yes that is correct misses Lassater. I also set you up with automatic billing with the credit card we added today.", "So I won't need to call anymore?", "No misses Lassater. Your card will automatically be charged when your bill is due okay?", "okay I just wanna be sure your not gonna charge me late fees if it don't pay my bill.", "No late fees misses Lassater. Your bill will be automatically paid each month with your card.", "Okay that sounds good.", "Also, we added an email address to have your bills start going to it instead of your mailing address.", "Yeah my daughter's email.", "Yes that's right. Okay so is there anything else I can help you with today misses Lassater?", "No I think that is it. If I think of anythng I will call back ", "Okay. Thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance and you have a great day misses Lassater!", "Thank you. Bye-bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_446_000", "insurance_446_001", "insurance_446_002", "insurance_446_003", "insurance_446_004", "insurance_446_005", "insurance_446_006", "insurance_446_007", "insurance_446_008", "insurance_446_009", "insurance_446_010", "insurance_446_011", "insurance_446_012", "insurance_446_013", "insurance_446_014", "insurance_446_015", "insurance_446_016", "insurance_446_017", "insurance_446_018", "insurance_446_019", "insurance_446_020", "insurance_446_021", "insurance_446_022", "insurance_446_023", "insurance_446_024", "insurance_446_025", "insurance_446_026", "insurance_446_027", "insurance_446_028", "insurance_446_029", "insurance_446_030", "insurance_446_031", "insurance_446_032", "insurance_446_033", "insurance_446_034", "insurance_446_035", "insurance_446_036", "insurance_446_037", "insurance_446_038", "insurance_446_039", "insurance_446_040", "insurance_446_041", "insurance_446_042", "insurance_446_043", "insurance_446_044", "insurance_446_045" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "This is Agent Jared at Major Insurance. How can I help you today?", "Yeah. Hi. I need to get my ex off my auto insurance policy.", "Okay Mam. Can I get your name and policy number. We'll get that dependent off your policy quickly.", "Well first of all my name is Joan Mean not mam.", "I apologize miss Mean. What is your policy number please?", "No I don't have it on me. Can't you just use my name?", "#Ah no mam. If you don't have your policy number I'll just need to ask you a few more questions.", "Jeez how long is this going to take?", "Can you please hold for a moment and I'll try to pull up your account.", "#Oh wait, let me see if it's here. #Ah I just want him out of my life, maybe over here this mess. Wait here it is. four nine seven.", "Four nine seven. miss Mean there should be six more numbers.", "Yeah, yeah got distracted four nine seven zero two three nine nine one one.", "Just one moment, waiting for the computer.", "Fricking technology. I hate it and him.", "I understand, let's get this ex out of your life or at least off your policy.", "Thanks sorry if I've been rude to you.", "No worries. I have an ex too. ", "", "Alright, let's see here. I assume it's Joe Mean that you'll be removing from this policy?", "Yes I guess, insurance policy is one thing, life is another.", "I can put in a request for removal but mister Mean will have to call or come in to make changes final.", "What, no way. He has to call?", "Yes, it's company policy. But you are the policy holder, let me see what I can do. May I put you on hold for a moment?", "Yes see what you can do please.", "I have your phone number here let me try to work around this and I'll call you right back. Is that okay miss Mean?", "Sure thank you.", "Hello miss Mean. This is Jared at Major Insurance. I think I have an answer.", "#Oh great, what's the plan?", "Why don't you remove yourself, and start a new policy.", "Hey that's perfect. Jared you are the man!", "Okay. Is all of your information correct so that I can transfer it easily?", "#Ah I think so.", "Joan Mean. three three zero Groovy Street, Minnesota. five five six five six.", "Yep. email address is JMean at gmail dot com. two one eight one two eight eight nine zero zero is my phone number.", "And your birthday is December twelvth nineteen eight seven correct?", "I think so. ", "Okay a couple more mouse clicks. #Oh mhm. I see that this new policy change will cost you fifty dollars. Is that okay?", "It's cheap Jared. No problem. Do you need payment today or will I be billed?", "#Er sorry about that miss Mean. I'm still learning these charges.", "Not a problem Jared.", "Great thanks and payment can be either billed or you can pay today.", "Billed to my new policy with the same credit card information that on his policy. #Oh wait remove that from the old account!", "It's already off the old account and he'll need to add a new payment agrangement.", "Jared you are the the man!", "Thank you miss Mean. Email has been sent to your account with all the new policy information.", "You too miss Mean." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_447_000", "insurance_447_001", "insurance_447_002", "insurance_447_003", "insurance_447_004", "insurance_447_005", "insurance_447_006", "insurance_447_007", "insurance_447_008", "insurance_447_009", "insurance_447_010", "insurance_447_011", "insurance_447_012", "insurance_447_013", "insurance_447_014", "insurance_447_015", "insurance_447_016", "insurance_447_017", "insurance_447_018", "insurance_447_019", "insurance_447_020", "insurance_447_021", "insurance_447_022", "insurance_447_023", "insurance_447_024", "insurance_447_025", "insurance_447_026", "insurance_447_027", "insurance_447_028", "insurance_447_029", "insurance_447_030", "insurance_447_031", "insurance_447_032", "insurance_447_033", "insurance_447_034", "insurance_447_035", "insurance_447_036", "insurance_447_037", "insurance_447_038", "insurance_447_039", "insurance_447_040", "insurance_447_041", "insurance_447_042", "insurance_447_043", "insurance_447_044", "insurance_447_045", "insurance_447_046", "insurance_447_047", "insurance_447_048", "insurance_447_049", "insurance_447_050", "insurance_447_051", "insurance_447_052", "insurance_447_053", "insurance_447_054", "insurance_447_055", "insurance_447_056", "insurance_447_057", "insurance_447_058", "insurance_447_059", "insurance_447_060", "insurance_447_061", "insurance_447_062", "insurance_447_063", "insurance_447_064", "insurance_447_065", "insurance_447_066", "insurance_447_067", "insurance_447_068" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care. How may I help you?", "Good afternoon. How are you?", "I'm fine sir. How are you as well sir?", "Very well fine too.", "What do you need help with?", "I recently moved to a new city and I need to update my address.", "#em, So you want me to help you update your address right?", "Exactly and I also want to add a dependent to my insurance account profile.", "What's your first name, last name and date of birth?", "My first name is Jack and my last name is Darlington.", "Your date of birth sir?", "July Sixteen Nineteen Seventy Six.", "Your phone number and Social security number sir.", "My phone number is Six One Nine Three and my email address is Jackdarl at gmail dot com.", "Six One Nine Three.", "Six Seven Eight Eight.", "Six Seven Eight Eight.", "Three Two.", "Six One Nine Three Six Seven Eight Eight Three Two right?", "Yes.", "Your Social Security Number.", "Four Zero Zero Four.", "Four Zero Zero Four.", "Zero Four Eight Two Six.", "Zero Four Eight Two Six.", "Please kindly reconfirm.", "Four Zero Zero Four Zero Four Eight Two Six right?", "Sorry, the last digit is Five.", "Okay. Corrected.", "Any other information?", "What is the answer to your security question?", "Michael Davidson.", "Okay. Your previous address sir.", "Number two eight six, Ashcraft Court, Los angeles, California.", "Confirmed.", "Hold on for a minute sir.", "No problem.", "Your new address sir.", "Let me check my house document for the street number.", "No problem sir.", "Number Three Seven Four One, Zappia Drive, Lexington, Kentucky.", "Number Three Seven Four One, Zappia Drive, Lexington, Kentucky right?", "That's right.", "you also want to add a dependent to your insurance account right?", "Yes please.", "Your policy number sir?", "Three Two Three Four.", "Three Two Three Four.", "Nine One Six Two.", "Confirmed.", "What is the relationship of the dependent to you?", "He's my son. His name is Gabriel.", "What is his last name?", "Darlington.", "His birth date sir?", "May Six Nineteen Ninety Five.", "Does he have any health issue?", "Yes, He is Autistic. He was diagnosed of autism on his second year birthday.", "Alright sir. Dependent successfully added.", "Instead of calling the helpline all the time, is there a way I can do other things on my own?", "Yes sir. We have a mobile app that helps in solving the needs of customers.", "How do I go about it?", "The app is called Rivertown app. You can download it on IOS store, sign up for it and access all your information in one place.", "Wow! That's a good innovation.", "Thank you sir. Is there any other thing you need help with?", "That would be all for now. Thank you.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance. We hope to serve you better. Have a lovely day sir.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_448_000", "insurance_448_001", "insurance_448_002", "insurance_448_003", "insurance_448_004", "insurance_448_005", "insurance_448_006", "insurance_448_007", "insurance_448_008", "insurance_448_009", "insurance_448_010", "insurance_448_011", "insurance_448_012", "insurance_448_013", "insurance_448_014", "insurance_448_015", "insurance_448_016", "insurance_448_017", "insurance_448_018", "insurance_448_019", "insurance_448_020", "insurance_448_021", "insurance_448_022", "insurance_448_023", "insurance_448_024", "insurance_448_025", "insurance_448_026", "insurance_448_027", "insurance_448_028", "insurance_448_029", "insurance_448_030", "insurance_448_031", "insurance_448_032", "insurance_448_033", "insurance_448_034", "insurance_448_035", "insurance_448_036", "insurance_448_037", "insurance_448_038", "insurance_448_039", "insurance_448_040", "insurance_448_041", "insurance_448_042", "insurance_448_043", "insurance_448_044", "insurance_448_045", "insurance_448_046", "insurance_448_047", "insurance_448_048", "insurance_448_049", "insurance_448_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to change to change security my account. I tried to change it on your website but couldn't.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Wilfred Paulson.", "Okay, Wilfred as your first name and Paulson as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's seven seven six.", "Seven seven seven six.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, seven seven seven six four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said seven seven seven six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is April sixteenth, nineteen eighty one.", "April sixteenth, nineteen eighty one April fifteenth, nineteen eighty one?", "It's April sixteenth, nineteen eighty one.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "Okay.", "Alright. May I should continue with the change in security question?", "Please do.", "kindly provide the answer to the new security question.", "You haven't provide the new security question yet?", "Oh! Sorry.", "It's nothing. Kindly tell me the new security question.", "What's your mother's maiden name?", "her maiden name is Mercy.", "Mercy.", "Yes.", "I'll proceed to change in security question on the system. Do you confirm change in security question?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Okay done. Your security question is now changed.", "thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "well, that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great a day!", "Thanks and you too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_449_000", "insurance_449_001", "insurance_449_002", "insurance_449_003", "insurance_449_004", "insurance_449_005", "insurance_449_006", "insurance_449_007", "insurance_449_008", "insurance_449_009", "insurance_449_010", "insurance_449_011", "insurance_449_012", "insurance_449_013", "insurance_449_014", "insurance_449_015", "insurance_449_016", "insurance_449_017", "insurance_449_018", "insurance_449_019", "insurance_449_020", "insurance_449_021", "insurance_449_022", "insurance_449_023", "insurance_449_024", "insurance_449_025", "insurance_449_026", "insurance_449_027", "insurance_449_028", "insurance_449_029", "insurance_449_030", "insurance_449_031", "insurance_449_032", "insurance_449_033", "insurance_449_034", "insurance_449_035", "insurance_449_036", "insurance_449_037", "insurance_449_038", "insurance_449_039", "insurance_449_040", "insurance_449_041", "insurance_449_042", "insurance_449_043", "insurance_449_044", "insurance_449_045", "insurance_449_046", "insurance_449_047", "insurance_449_048", "insurance_449_049", "insurance_449_050", "insurance_449_051", "insurance_449_052", "insurance_449_053", "insurance_449_054", "insurance_449_055", "insurance_449_056", "insurance_449_057", "insurance_449_058", "insurance_449_059" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I will love to change my address.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Lizzy Kingsley.", "Okay, Lizzy as your first name and Kingsley as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is two two right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's four four one two.", "Four four one two.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, four four one two four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries ma. You said four four one two four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is October sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "October sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "Okay.", "May I have your phone number?", "One two three four.", "One two three four.", "Five four three two one.", "Five four three two one.", "Yes.", "You said, one two three four five four three two one.", "Exactly.", "Okay. Please ma can you kindly provide me the security number?", "That should be nine nine eight eight.", "Okay nine nine eight eight.", "Yes.", "Please provide me your mother maiden name which is the security question.", "Eliza.", "Good. Can you call out the old address for me please?", "Thirteen smithwood street, Carlifornia.", "thirteen smithwood street, Carlifornia.", "Yes.", "Good. Can you call out the new address for me please?", "One fifty five smithwood street. Carlifornia.", "Your address has been successfully change.", "Thanks.", "Thanks for contacting us, do have a great day.", "Thank you too.", "Bye!", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_450_000", "insurance_450_001", "insurance_450_002", "insurance_450_003", "insurance_450_004", "insurance_450_005", "insurance_450_006", "insurance_450_007", "insurance_450_008", "insurance_450_009", "insurance_450_010", "insurance_450_011", "insurance_450_012", "insurance_450_013", "insurance_450_014", "insurance_450_015", "insurance_450_016", "insurance_450_017", "insurance_450_018", "insurance_450_019", "insurance_450_020", "insurance_450_021", "insurance_450_022", "insurance_450_023", "insurance_450_024", "insurance_450_025", "insurance_450_026", "insurance_450_027", "insurance_450_028", "insurance_450_029", "insurance_450_030", "insurance_450_031", "insurance_450_032", "insurance_450_033", "insurance_450_034", "insurance_450_035", "insurance_450_036", "insurance_450_037", "insurance_450_038", "insurance_450_039", "insurance_450_040", "insurance_450_041", "insurance_450_042", "insurance_450_043", "insurance_450_044", "insurance_450_045", "insurance_450_046", "insurance_450_047", "insurance_450_048", "insurance_450_049", "insurance_450_050", "insurance_450_051", "insurance_450_052", "insurance_450_053", "insurance_450_054", "insurance_450_055", "insurance_450_056", "insurance_450_057", "insurance_450_058", "insurance_450_059", "insurance_450_060", "insurance_450_061", "insurance_450_062", "insurance_450_063", "insurance_450_064", "insurance_450_065", "insurance_450_066", "insurance_450_067", "insurance_450_068", "insurance_450_069", "insurance_450_070", "insurance_450_071", "insurance_450_072", "insurance_450_073", "insurance_450_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to change plan of my account. I tried to change it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to change it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Harald Almaraz.", "Okay, Harald as your first name and Almaraz as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's one one one six.", "One one one six.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "You said one one one six four four four three right?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said one one one six four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is September sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "September sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the plan you enrolled in and the one you want to change too?", "Please before that can you please tell me the different the between the tiers of the life insurance plan?", "The different implies in the name given to it sir.", "Okay now I understand.", "Okay, kindly provide me with the plan and plan type.", "Okay, I enrolled in life insurance and the plan type is term life insurance.", "Okay. What plan did you want to change too?", "I want to migrate to Whole Life Insurance.", "uh do you the price tag for that plan?", "No.", "The Whole Life Insurance is one thousand eight hundred dollars per year.", "Okay please go on with the plan change.", "Can I go on with the plan change?", "Yep.", "Okay done. Your plan is now changed.", "thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "well, I would also like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes, we do. Would you like to know the types of pet insurance plans we offer?", "Sure. Go on please. I can't wait to get Cassie insured.", "Cassie?", "Oh! That's my dog's name. Please go on.", "Okay. So we offer two types of pet insurance.", "Okay.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. Thanks! #Um, I'll be in touch as soon as I'm ready to do that. And I've been introduced to quite a few insurance companies that offer pet insurance and It seems yours is a little bit expensive compared to others.", "please you would have to bear with us for now. We always try to offer the best possible service to our customers but your observation is noted sir.", "Well, please do that. I'll be considering other options too and I'll be going for the one I think is best for me.", "Duly noted sir. Thank you so much sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "one last thing please.", "okay.", "I got an email around last week that automatic billings will now include charges as from next month. I don't quite understand that. Please can you explain to me?", "Oh! That's true. The company needs to deduct this charges for general maintenance and regular update of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience.", "Alright. But I hope these extra charges of your won't be a burden.", "It definitely won't be a burden sir. We will make sure it's as low as possible.", "Alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_451_000", "insurance_451_001", "insurance_451_002", "insurance_451_003", "insurance_451_004", "insurance_451_005", "insurance_451_006", "insurance_451_007", "insurance_451_008", "insurance_451_009", "insurance_451_010", "insurance_451_011", "insurance_451_012", "insurance_451_013", "insurance_451_014", "insurance_451_015", "insurance_451_016", "insurance_451_017", "insurance_451_018", "insurance_451_019", "insurance_451_020", "insurance_451_021", "insurance_451_022", "insurance_451_023", "insurance_451_024", "insurance_451_025", "insurance_451_026", "insurance_451_027", "insurance_451_028", "insurance_451_029", "insurance_451_030", "insurance_451_031", "insurance_451_032", "insurance_451_033", "insurance_451_034", "insurance_451_035", "insurance_451_036", "insurance_451_037", "insurance_451_038", "insurance_451_039", "insurance_451_040", "insurance_451_041", "insurance_451_042", "insurance_451_043", "insurance_451_044", "insurance_451_045", "insurance_451_046", "insurance_451_047", "insurance_451_048", "insurance_451_049", "insurance_451_050", "insurance_451_051", "insurance_451_052", "insurance_451_053", "insurance_451_054", "insurance_451_055", "insurance_451_056", "insurance_451_057", "insurance_451_058", "insurance_451_059", "insurance_451_060", "insurance_451_061", "insurance_451_062", "insurance_451_063", "insurance_451_064", "insurance_451_065", "insurance_451_066", "insurance_451_067", "insurance_451_068", "insurance_451_069", "insurance_451_070", "insurance_451_071", "insurance_451_072", "insurance_451_073", "insurance_451_074", "insurance_451_075", "insurance_451_076", "insurance_451_077", "insurance_451_078", "insurance_451_079", "insurance_451_080", "insurance_451_081", "insurance_451_082", "insurance_451_083", "insurance_451_084", "insurance_451_085", "insurance_451_086", "insurance_451_087", "insurance_451_088", "insurance_451_089", "insurance_451_090", "insurance_451_091", "insurance_451_092", "insurance_451_093", "insurance_451_094", "insurance_451_095", "insurance_451_096", "insurance_451_097", "insurance_451_098", "insurance_451_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to report a billing issue. I checked my credit card transaction history and I was billed twice.", "We are so sorry about that. May I know your first name and last name please?", "My name is James Rodeo. I want this issue addressed as soon as possible. Why would I be charged twice for a bill I'm supposed to pay for only once.", "Like I said earlier, all issues will be resolved sir.", "I just hope so because this isn't the first time. There should be a system that detects these things. I said the same thing the last time.", "Your complaint is duly noted. We will make sure we look thoroughly into this issue and make amends.", "Alright. Well, just go on.", "Okay sir. May I know your date of birth and phone number too?", "My date of birth is October fifth, nineteen ninty one.", "October fifth, nineteen ninty one. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's it.", "Okay. kindly provide your phone number.", "My phone number is four four four three.", "four four four three.", "one two one.", "one two one.", "three four three.", "three four three.", "Yes, that's it.", "Four four four three one two one three four three. Is that correct?", "hold on, did you just say three four three?", "Yes, I did. The last three numbers you mentioned were three four three.", "that's wrong. I actually wanted to say two four three not three four three.", "Alright. So the last three numbers are two four three. Is that right?", "Yes, that's right.", "I will repeat the numbers. Four four four three one two one two four three. Is that right?", "Yep, that's it.", "Now, kindly provide your social security number.", "Alright, my social security number is kindly give me a moment please.", "Sure. Take your time.", "okay. Got it. My social security number is one one two.", "one one two.", "four one one.", "four one one.", "three two five.", "three two five.", "Yes, that it.", "One one two four one one three two five. Is that correct?", "Yes, that right.", "Okay. I'd like you to give an answer to your security question.", "My security question?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. Go on.", "Your security question is the name of your childhood best friend. Is that correct?", "Well, I'm not really sure if that was what I used as my security question but I think it is. There is only one person I can think of as my childhood best friend.", "Okay. Kindly give an answer to that sir.", "the name of my childhood best friend is Gareth Paul.", "You're right sir. It's Gareth Paul.", "Yes of course. The most interesting part is that Gareth still remains my best friend till date. We are just like brothers.", "That's interesting sir.", "Yes it is.", "Alright sir. May I know when the incident occurred? I'd like to know when both bills were deducted.", "give me a moment, I wrote those down before I called.", "Take your time.", "got it. Yes, the first billing was on September twenty ninth at nine a.m. while another immediately took place around nine thirty a.m.", "Okay. Kindly hold hold while I check the system.", "Sure.", "Could you provide the amount that was billed on both occasions?", "Yes, actually I was billed the same amount twice.", "I'd like you to be more specific sir.", "Okay, well, i was billed two hundred dollars twice.", "Alright sir. Kindly hold on while I try to lodge your complain.", "Sure, take your time.", "Your claim has been lodged successfully. Your claim number is four four one one.", "Oh! Okay. four four one one.", "Two two one five.", "Two two one five.", "Three eight.", "Three eight.", "Yes, that's it. Your complaint will be addressed as soon as possible.", "just to be sure. You said four four one one two two one five three eight right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. So when will my money be refunded?", "It will be accessed within twenty four hours and your money will be refunded.", "Oh! Okay.", "Yes sir. Kindly be patient with us.", "No worries. I just hope this doesn't happen again.", "We are working towards giving the very best to our customers.", "I hope you're right.", "That's for sure sir. Feel free to bring other complaints and suggestions to us. We'll treat them with utmost importance.", "I'll do that.", "May I know if there is anything else I can help you with?", "Well, #em, I would like to know if I can report this on the website instead of having to make a call.", "Sure, you can. I'll guide you on how to do that.", "Oh! Okay. That's reassuring.", "If you want to make a report next time, all you need to do is visit our website and click on the customer care icon.", "please give me a moment. I need to write this down.", "Sure. Take your time.", "Okay. Please go on. you said I'll click on the customer care icon after logging in right?", "Yes, that's right.", "So what do I do next?", "After clicking on the customer care icon, you can contact us through our social media platforms or by sending us mail.", "Your social media platforms??", "Yes sir.", "I think I'll prefer sending you a mail.", "Alright sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Nah, that's all.", "Thanks for contacting us sir. Have a nice day!", "You too, bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_452_000", "insurance_452_001", "insurance_452_002", "insurance_452_003", "insurance_452_004", "insurance_452_005", "insurance_452_006", "insurance_452_007", "insurance_452_008", "insurance_452_009", "insurance_452_010", "insurance_452_011", "insurance_452_012", "insurance_452_013", "insurance_452_014", "insurance_452_015", "insurance_452_016", "insurance_452_017", "insurance_452_018", "insurance_452_019", "insurance_452_020", "insurance_452_021", "insurance_452_022", "insurance_452_023", "insurance_452_024", "insurance_452_025", "insurance_452_026", "insurance_452_027", "insurance_452_028", "insurance_452_029", "insurance_452_030", "insurance_452_031", "insurance_452_032", "insurance_452_033", "insurance_452_034", "insurance_452_035", "insurance_452_036", "insurance_452_037", "insurance_452_038", "insurance_452_039", "insurance_452_040", "insurance_452_041", "insurance_452_042", "insurance_452_043", "insurance_452_044", "insurance_452_045", "insurance_452_046", "insurance_452_047", "insurance_452_048", "insurance_452_049", "insurance_452_050", "insurance_452_051", "insurance_452_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello welcome to Rivertown customers service my name is Angela how may I help you?", "My name is Clement.", "Okay mister Clement, how may I help you?", "I will like to change my password.", "Okay Sir. mister Charles if I get you well you will like to reset your password?", "Not Charles. Clement.", "Oh sorry sir mister Clement you want to change your password?", "#Hm yes.", "Okay sir. Do you have your account policy number?", "#Uh is it the nine digit sent during registration?", "Yes it is.", "Okay. I have it.", "Let me have it.", "One four.", "One four.", "Three one.", "Three nine.", "No, three one.", "Oh sorry three one.", "Two two.", "Two two.", "Nine zero four.", "Nine zero four.", "That is all.", "Okay. One four three one two two nine zero four.", "Yes.", "Okay. Can I have the answer to your security question?", "What is the security question?", "What is the name of your first pet?", "Warrior.", "Okay. Do you have the number or the Email linked to your account?", "#Um I am not sure.", "Please confirm before I send you a link to reset your password.", "Okay I have the Email.", "Can you provide it to know if it is the same with the one I have here.", "You have it with you already. Can you just reset it?", "Sorry sir. I need to verify this in order to secure your account.", "#Hm Okay. Clement two four at gmail dot com.", "Okay sir. #Hm should I reset it for you or I should send a link for you to do that?", "Help me with it.", "You will have to respond to a pop up message for you to input your password.", "Okay.", "The message has been sent.", "Okay. Have seen it and I just created a new password.", "Okay Sir. mister Clement I am sorry if have stressed you in any way. I had to do this to secure your account.", "I understand no problem.", "Is that all you want me to do?", "#Uh yes for now.", "Okay sir. Thanks and have a nice day.", "Okay mister ", "Angela Sir.", "mister Angela bye will contact if I need something else.", "Okay Sir. No problem. Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_453_000", "insurance_453_001", "insurance_453_002", "insurance_453_003", "insurance_453_004", "insurance_453_005", "insurance_453_006", "insurance_453_007", "insurance_453_008", "insurance_453_009", "insurance_453_010", "insurance_453_011", "insurance_453_012", "insurance_453_013", "insurance_453_014", "insurance_453_015", "insurance_453_016", "insurance_453_017", "insurance_453_018", "insurance_453_019", "insurance_453_020", "insurance_453_021", "insurance_453_022", "insurance_453_023", "insurance_453_024", "insurance_453_025", "insurance_453_026", "insurance_453_027", "insurance_453_028", "insurance_453_029", "insurance_453_030", "insurance_453_031", "insurance_453_032", "insurance_453_033", "insurance_453_034", "insurance_453_035", "insurance_453_036", "insurance_453_037", "insurance_453_038", "insurance_453_039", "insurance_453_040", "insurance_453_041", "insurance_453_042", "insurance_453_043", "insurance_453_044", "insurance_453_045", "insurance_453_046", "insurance_453_047", "insurance_453_048", "insurance_453_049", "insurance_453_050", "insurance_453_051", "insurance_453_052", "insurance_453_053", "insurance_453_054", "insurance_453_055", "insurance_453_056", "insurance_453_057", "insurance_453_058", "insurance_453_059", "insurance_453_060", "insurance_453_061" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to make bill payment of my account. I tried to do it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to do it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Martinez Redox.", "Okay, Martinez as your first name and Redox as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's nine nine nine nine.", "Nine nine nine nine.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, nine nine nine nine four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said nine nine nine nine four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is March sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "March sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Alright. May I know the bill period?", "One month ago.", "Okay. Please provide me your bank details.", "Okay account number.", "Please go on.", "Seven two nine nine.", "Seven two nine nine.", "Nine nine five seven.", "Nine nine five seven.", "Five four.", "Okay Five four.", "Yes.", "Bank account type?", "It's a checking account.", "Checking account.", "Yes.", "Bank routing number please ma?", "Two two zero seven five four nine six two.", "Two two zero seven five four nine six two.", "Yes.", "Wait a moment while I do that.", "Okay.", "Can I proceed with the payment?", "Please go on.", "You have successfully paid the bill ma.", "Thanks.", "Is there's anything else I can do for you?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Okay, thanks. And do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too!", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_454_000", "insurance_454_001", "insurance_454_002", "insurance_454_003", "insurance_454_004", "insurance_454_005", "insurance_454_006", "insurance_454_007", "insurance_454_008", "insurance_454_009", "insurance_454_010", "insurance_454_011", "insurance_454_012", "insurance_454_013", "insurance_454_014", "insurance_454_015", "insurance_454_016", "insurance_454_017", "insurance_454_018", "insurance_454_019", "insurance_454_020", "insurance_454_021", "insurance_454_022", "insurance_454_023", "insurance_454_024", "insurance_454_025", "insurance_454_026", "insurance_454_027", "insurance_454_028", "insurance_454_029", "insurance_454_030", "insurance_454_031", "insurance_454_032", "insurance_454_033", "insurance_454_034", "insurance_454_035", "insurance_454_036", "insurance_454_037", "insurance_454_038", "insurance_454_039", "insurance_454_040", "insurance_454_041", "insurance_454_042", "insurance_454_043", "insurance_454_044", "insurance_454_045", "insurance_454_046", "insurance_454_047", "insurance_454_048", "insurance_454_049", "insurance_454_050", "insurance_454_051", "insurance_454_052", "insurance_454_053", "insurance_454_054", "insurance_454_055", "insurance_454_056", "insurance_454_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, you are currently speaking with Rivetown Insurance customer service. My name is Julian, How may I be of service to you?", "The services I have being receiving from your company has being encouraging and my intent is to increase or enroll for more plans with you.", "Whoa, that is such an encouraging word coming from you. So, which of the plans do you wish to register for?", "I will like to enrol for the life insurance policy.", "That won't be an issue, I can help you get registered right away.", "Ok then, but first can I get my current policy number.", "Of course, I can help you get that.", "Please do!", "Yap, I will need you to provide me with your first name and your last name.", "My first name is Bonnie.", "Bonnie is spelled B.O.N.I.E, correct?", "Nah, thats wrong it has double N, as in B.O.N.N.I.E.", "Oh, sorry about that, please proceed with your last name.", "No offence taken, my last name is Wilson as in W.i.l.s.o.n.", "W.I.L.S.O.N.", "Yep, correct!", "I will need you to provide me with your date of birth.", "My birthdate is second of may nineteen fifty six.", "Gotcha, please give me your customer number.", "That should be the number at the bottom of my card right?", "Yep, correct!", "Ok, let me get my card.", "Sure!", "The number is one one one.", "One one one.", "Zero two one.", "Zero two one.", "Five two.", "Sorry that last number is four and not two.", "Ok, it's five four right?", "That is correct.", "What is the current plan you are enrolled in?", "I'm currently enrolled in Automobile Insurance.", "What plan sir?", "I first did the basic plan for around one thousand dollars I think.", "Yep, correct!", "Then I increased it to that of two thousand.", "You mean the Complete Auto.", "Exactly!", "Gotcha, just hold on while I get your policy number sen to your mobile phone.", "Alright, take your time.", "Huh, your policy number has being sent to your phone. Please confirm reciept.", "Jeez, that was fast!", "That is why we are the best at giving our customers utmost satisfaction.", "speaking about the plan you wanted to enrol for. Can you tell me which particular one it is you want to enrol for?", "Mhm, about that I will like to get a quote for the Life insurance first.", "Ok the, that won be an issue. We have the.", "Can i get that sent to my mail or can I get the information on your website. It will afford me enough time to read understand it well. You know what the say about old age ?", "[Laughter] No problem, please provide me with your email address.", "Bonnie W Wilson at dftmail dot com.", "Gotcha, just a second.", "The mail has being sent.", "Thanks, for the past few decades of my existence, this is actually one of the best customer service I have ever heard, you are sure the best the company has.", "We are all professionals sir, that is why we are the best around.", "Whoa! I see.", "Is there any other thing I can help you with?", "Nah, that will be all for now. I will contact back when I'm done with the mail.", "That will be great, thank you for chosing Rivertown Insurance. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_455_000", "insurance_455_001", "insurance_455_002", "insurance_455_003", "insurance_455_004", "insurance_455_005", "insurance_455_006", "insurance_455_007", "insurance_455_008", "insurance_455_009", "insurance_455_010", "insurance_455_011", "insurance_455_012", "insurance_455_013", "insurance_455_014", "insurance_455_015", "insurance_455_016", "insurance_455_017", "insurance_455_018", "insurance_455_019", "insurance_455_020", "insurance_455_021", "insurance_455_022", "insurance_455_023", "insurance_455_024", "insurance_455_025", "insurance_455_026", "insurance_455_027", "insurance_455_028", "insurance_455_029", "insurance_455_030", "insurance_455_031", "insurance_455_032", "insurance_455_033", "insurance_455_034", "insurance_455_035", "insurance_455_036", "insurance_455_037", "insurance_455_038", "insurance_455_039", "insurance_455_040", "insurance_455_041", "insurance_455_042", "insurance_455_043", "insurance_455_044", "insurance_455_045", "insurance_455_046", "insurance_455_047", "insurance_455_048", "insurance_455_049", "insurance_455_050", "insurance_455_051", "insurance_455_052", "insurance_455_053", "insurance_455_054", "insurance_455_055", "insurance_455_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling River town Insurance Customer care service. How may I help you?", "Hi I would like to cancel automatic billing on my account.", "Alright. May I have your first name, last name and date of birth ma'am?", "My name is Rose Miler. my date of birth is May Six Nineteen Ninety Five.", "Miss or mister Rose ma'am?", "Miss Rose.", "Can I have your Phone number ma'am?", "Eight Five Nine Two.", "Eight Five Nine Two.", "Eight Five Two.", "Eight Five Two.", "Six Seven Two.", "Six Seven Two. can I have your social security number?", "You ask too many questions. I'm beginning to get impatient.", "We're sorry Miss Rose. We need all these details or proper identification ma'am.", "My social security number is Three Two Three Four.", "You can go on ma'am.", "Five Two Seven Eight Six.", "Gotcha! Confirmed. I need the answer to your security question ma'am.", "Grey. Oh! He was such a cute cat.", "You must have really bonded well.", "Yep!", "So what's the complain ma?", "On the first of May, I was overcharged for my health insurance plan. I laid a complaint and it was resolved.", "Oh! I'm so sorry about that ma'am.", "That's not all. I was also overcharged in the month of June.", "Whoa! I'm so sorry ma'am. Was it resolved the second time?", "Why the fuck would I be billed inappropraitely?", "I'm so sorry ma'am. It won't repeat itself.", "I tried cancelling it on the mobile app but it didn't go through so I had to call your customer care service.", "did you try refreshing the page ma'am?", "No I didn't. I will try refreshing the page next time.", "We're working on your request ma'am. Please do hold on for a minute.", "Oh! That's fine. So far it gets solved, I'm cool with waiting on the line.", "Thank you ma'am. Do you need help with any other thing?", "Yes please. I would love to add a dependent to my insurance account.", "We have successfully cancelled automatic billing on your credit card.", "Finally. Please add a dependent to my account.", "Sure thing. What relationship exists between you and the dependent ma'am?", "She's my mother.", "Her name please?", "Clarion Miller.", "What's her date of birth?", "July Six Nineteen Sixty One.", "Does she have any health challenge?", "Yes she does.", "What's the health challenge ma'am?", "She has stroke and partial amnesia.", "Oh! I'm sorry about that Miss Rose.", "Thank you.", "Dependent successfully added. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with?", "Nothing for now.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown insurance. We're sorry for all the inconveniences we caused you.", "You're welcome. I think you need to upgrade your app.", "Well noted ma'am. Thank you for calling the customer care service. Have a lovely day Miss Rose.", "Bye.", "Bye Miss Rose." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_456_000", "insurance_456_001", "insurance_456_002", "insurance_456_003", "insurance_456_004", "insurance_456_005", "insurance_456_006", "insurance_456_007", "insurance_456_008", "insurance_456_009", "insurance_456_010", "insurance_456_011", "insurance_456_012", "insurance_456_013", "insurance_456_014", "insurance_456_015", "insurance_456_016", "insurance_456_017", "insurance_456_018", "insurance_456_019", "insurance_456_020", "insurance_456_021", "insurance_456_022", "insurance_456_023", "insurance_456_024", "insurance_456_025", "insurance_456_026", "insurance_456_027", "insurance_456_028", "insurance_456_029", "insurance_456_030", "insurance_456_031", "insurance_456_032", "insurance_456_033", "insurance_456_034", "insurance_456_035", "insurance_456_036", "insurance_456_037", "insurance_456_038", "insurance_456_039", "insurance_456_040", "insurance_456_041", "insurance_456_042", "insurance_456_043", "insurance_456_044", "insurance_456_045", "insurance_456_046", "insurance_456_047", "insurance_456_048", "insurance_456_049", "insurance_456_050", "insurance_456_051", "insurance_456_052", "insurance_456_053", "insurance_456_054", "insurance_456_055", "insurance_456_056", "insurance_456_057", "insurance_456_058", "insurance_456_059", "insurance_456_060", "insurance_456_061", "insurance_456_062", "insurance_456_063", "insurance_456_064", "insurance_456_065", "insurance_456_066", "insurance_456_067", "insurance_456_068", "insurance_456_069", "insurance_456_070", "insurance_456_071", "insurance_456_072", "insurance_456_073", "insurance_456_074", "insurance_456_075", "insurance_456_076", "insurance_456_077", "insurance_456_078", "insurance_456_079", "insurance_456_080", "insurance_456_081", "insurance_456_082", "insurance_456_083", "insurance_456_084", "insurance_456_085", "insurance_456_086", "insurance_456_087", "insurance_456_088", "insurance_456_089", "insurance_456_090", "insurance_456_091", "insurance_456_092", "insurance_456_093", "insurance_456_094", "insurance_456_095", "insurance_456_096", "insurance_456_097", "insurance_456_098", "insurance_456_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I would like to get the policy number of my current plan. Actually, I thought I could get it on the website but I kept on receiving messages I couldn't understand on my mail. I guess I have to make a call to get it.", "Okay. I can help you with that. May I have your first name and last name please?", "My name is Paul Kitten.", "Okay. Paul as the first name and Kitten as the last name right?", "Yep, thats right.", "May I have your date of birth and your phone number please?", "My date of birth is June third, nineteen eighty three.", "June third, nineteen eighty three. Is that right?", "Oh! Sorry it's actually June thirteenth, nineteen eighty three not June third, nineteen eighty three. That was a mistake.", "Well, no worries sir. You said June thirteenth, nineteen eighty three. Is that correct?", "Yes, that right. I mean who forgets the day they were born? I can't believe I just said the wrong thing. It's just so funny.", "(laughter), it's alright sir. May I have your phone number sir?", "Sure. My phone number is four four four.", "four four four.", "three three three.", "three three three.", "two two one one.", "two two one one.", "Yes, that's it.", "Okay four four four three three three two two one one. is that correct?", "did you just say two one one one? The last four digits are actually two two one one not two one one one.", "Of course sir. It ends with two two one one.", "Okay. Go on then. I probably didn't hear you right.", "No worries sir.", "So what else do you need?", "I'll need social security number too sir.", "Social security number? I'm not quite sure what that is but okay. I think I have it written down. Just a moment please.", "Sure, take your time.", "Okay-y. My social security number is three three two.", "Three three two.", "One one one.", "One one one.", "five five one.", "five five one.", "No, it's five five seven not five five one.", "Okay. The last three digits are five five seven right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright. three three two one one one five five seven. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay. Now I'll need you to answer your security questions.", "Security questions? What's that? Why do you need to ask me a strange question when all I asked for was for you to get me the policy number of my current plan.", "Sorry sir, it's actually a question you chose yourself to secure your account. I just need confirmation sir.", "Mhm. So what's it?", "What's the name of your first pet?", "just a moment please.", "Take your time sir.", "Oh! My first pet? I think that will b-be Gerald. Yeah, it's Gerald. Am I right?", "Kindly hold on while I check.", "Okay.", "Yes it is. you're right sir.", "That's something I can never forget. Gerald was my very first pet. A nice dog! Some things can be irreplaceable.", "That's true sir.", "Yes, it is. I missed that dog so much.", "I'm sure you do sir. In order to get you the policy number for your current plan, I'm going to need the name of the plan you're currently enrolled in.", "Oh! That should be Automobile insurance plan.", "Automobile insurance plan?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. May I know which type of automobile it is?", "Okay. is it preferred Auto or complete auto? I'm not quite sure. Please can you give me a moment?", "Sure, go on.", "Okay, got it. It's preferred auto.", "Alright. Hold on while I input that into the system.", "Okay.", "Do you confirm that you are currently enrolled in the preferred auto plan?", "Sure.", "Okay. Hold on while I generate your policy number.", "Alright.", "Gotcha, So I'm going to call a set of numbers right now. I want you to take note of them or probably write them out.", "Okay. Please hold on while I get a pen and a paper. I don't have that with me.", "Please take your time.", "I'm ready. You can call the numbers.", "Alright. Your policy number is four four four.", "four four four.", "three two one.", "three two one.", "two nine.", "two nine.", "Yes, that's it.", "O-okay. four four four three two one two nine. is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct sir.", "Oh! Thank you very much.", "Thank you sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I once tried changing my password on the website and I was supposed to receive the reset link on my email but I didn't.", "Okay, would you like to change your password immediately or call back?", "Actually, I was hoping you could tell me the reason why I didn't receive the reset link on my mail.", "Alright sir. May I know how when last you tried resetting your password?", "Well, that should be about a week ago.", "Okay. Kindly provide your email address please?", "My email address is paul kitten at gmail dot com or maybe the one on the file is paul kitten at hotmail dot com. I'm not really sure.", "Please give me a moment to confirm that here for you.", "Oh! thank you.", "Okay sir. The email registered here is paul kitten at gmail dot com not paul kitten at hotmail dot com.", "Oh! Okay. How then do I get the password reset link?", "It's very easy sir. If you do not see the link in your email inbox, kindly check your spam messages. I'm sure it'll be there.", "Oh! Okay. Thanks a lot.", "Thank you sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Not really. That will be all for now.", "Okay. Have a nice day! Bye!", "You too, bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_457_000", "insurance_457_001", "insurance_457_002", "insurance_457_003", "insurance_457_004", "insurance_457_005", "insurance_457_006", "insurance_457_007", "insurance_457_008", "insurance_457_009", "insurance_457_010", "insurance_457_011", "insurance_457_012", "insurance_457_013", "insurance_457_014", "insurance_457_015", "insurance_457_016", "insurance_457_017", "insurance_457_018", "insurance_457_019", "insurance_457_020", "insurance_457_021", "insurance_457_022", "insurance_457_023", "insurance_457_024", "insurance_457_025", "insurance_457_026", "insurance_457_027", "insurance_457_028", "insurance_457_029", "insurance_457_030", "insurance_457_031", "insurance_457_032", "insurance_457_033", "insurance_457_034", "insurance_457_035", "insurance_457_036", "insurance_457_037", "insurance_457_038", "insurance_457_039", "insurance_457_040", "insurance_457_041", "insurance_457_042", "insurance_457_043", "insurance_457_044", "insurance_457_045", "insurance_457_046", "insurance_457_047", "insurance_457_048", "insurance_457_049", "insurance_457_050", "insurance_457_051", "insurance_457_052", "insurance_457_053", "insurance_457_054", "insurance_457_055", "insurance_457_056", "insurance_457_057", "insurance_457_058", "insurance_457_059", "insurance_457_060", "insurance_457_061", "insurance_457_062", "insurance_457_063", "insurance_457_064", "insurance_457_065", "insurance_457_066", "insurance_457_067", "insurance_457_068", "insurance_457_069", "insurance_457_070", "insurance_457_071", "insurance_457_072", "insurance_457_073", "insurance_457_074", "insurance_457_075", "insurance_457_076", "insurance_457_077", "insurance_457_078", "insurance_457_079", "insurance_457_080", "insurance_457_081", "insurance_457_082", "insurance_457_083", "insurance_457_084", "insurance_457_085", "insurance_457_086", "insurance_457_087", "insurance_457_088", "insurance_457_089", "insurance_457_090", "insurance_457_091", "insurance_457_092", "insurance_457_093", "insurance_457_094", "insurance_457_095", "insurance_457_096", "insurance_457_097", "insurance_457_098", "insurance_457_099", "insurance_457_100", "insurance_457_101", "insurance_457_102" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, this is Mark with Rivertown Insurance. How can I help you?", "Hi, my dad recently kicked me off his car insurance policy and said I needed to start paying for my own. So th- that's what I need to do now I guess.", "Sure, no problem. Are you already in our system?", "#Uh no. I had insurance through a different company. Under my dad's insurance, I mean.", "Okay, then let's start by creating an account for you. May I have your name?", "Katie Weaver.", "Thank you Miss Weaver. Now can I get your date of birth and your social security number?", "February tenth two thousand and three.", "Thanks. And your social security?", "Oh. It's Can you hold on a sec? I don't have it memorized.", "Sure.", "So it's five two eight eight three seven two one nine.", "Okay, got that. And may I get your phone number?", "Yeah. #Uh two three two six eight nine four three five six.", "Perfect. And now I need your home address.", "Three two six Starry Way.", "Uh-huh.", "Norman, Oklahoma.", "And your zipcode?", "Seven three zero seven one.", "Okay, now ", "Wait, no. It's seven three zeron seven two. Sorry!", "Not a problem. One last thing, we need to create a security question to help confirm your identity in the future.", "Okay.", "It can be something like your first pet's name, or your favorite teacher.", "Oh. I've never had a pet. #Uh I'll go with favorite teacher.", "And who is that?", "Who is who?", "Your favorite teacher?", "Oh! Miss Perkins. My fourth grade teacher.", "Okay then, your account is all set up. Now let's talk about your policy. Do you already know what we offer?", "#Um no. I kind of just skimmed the website.", "That's fine. I'm happy to tell you about them.", "Thanks.", "We have three plans. Basic Auto, Preferred Auto, and Complete Auto.", "What do they do?", "Basic Auto is like liability insurance. If you're in an accident it will cover the medical bills and any property damage to whoever else is involved.", "Mhm.", "It's the minimum insurance most states require by law.", "Is it the cheapest?", "It's our most affordable plan, yes. But we do suggest customers go with Preferred Auto if they can afford it. It's a standard plan with good coverage.", "How's that one different from the Basic Auto?", "Preferred will cover you and repairs to your car as well as covering the other driver in an accident, regardless of fault. It covers you in other situations, as well.", "And what about the last one, Com- Comprehensive?", "Complete Auto covers everything the other plans do, and will insure you in case of stuff like vandalism, fire, severe weather situations, and auto theft.", "And you think I should go with the standard one? Basic Auto?", "It would probably fit your needs if you don't want the Complete coverage. Do you know what kind of plan you were on before?", "#Um no, I have no idea. Sorry.", "It's not a problem. Are you on a tight budget?", "Sort of, but I guess that depends on how much each plan is.", "Each tier has a base price. Basic is one thousand dollars, Preferred is fifteen hundred, and Complete is two thousand.", "Whoa, that's kind of a lot.", "That's per year.", "Oh okay .", "Yeah that would be a lot per month. A monthly breakdown is around eighty four dollars for Basic, one hundred and twenty five dollars for Preferred, and one hundred and sixty seven dollars for Complete.", "Yeah, whew, that's way better.", "The prices do change, though, depending on details like your age, your driving record, and your vehicle's type and age.", "Why's that?", "They're kind of risk based factors. Like if you've been in a lot of accidents or if you haven't been driving long.", "Why does the car make a difference?", "Some cars are easier and cheaper to repair after an accident, so they're cheaper to insure.", "Oh, that makes sense. Does anything else affect it?", "A few things, like your credit score, where you live, or your usage can have an impact.", "I've heard of the usage thing. Do you guys offer usage based insurance?", "Not completely usage based, but we do have a program with an app that tracks your trips and how safe they are, and you can earn discounts with that.", "That's cool.", "Do you want me to add that on to your policy after you pick one?", "Sure, that sounds good.", "Okay, I've noted that. Now if I can get more information from you, I can give you more specific prices. What is your car's make and model?", "It's a Zonda National.", "What year is it?", "Two thousand and four.", "Got it. So based on your personal information we'll need to add about three hundred extra dollars a year to each plan.", "Alright. #Um can you tell me why it costs more for me?", "It's usually more expensive to insure younger drivers, and I did see on your record that you were in an accident in the last three years.", "Mhm, y-yeah. I was.", "I did add a discount because of your car's age and model.", "Oh, good.", "Are you still interested in enrolling in a plan with us?", "Yeah, I think so. #Um I think the Preferred sounds best. It covers me and anyone I hit right?", "Basically, yes. I'll be mailing you more information once you're enrolled. You can also view your policy details on our website or app.", "Okay then, yep. I want to sign up for the standard plan.", "Perfect, I'll enroll you in the Preferred Auto plan.", "Awesome, thank you.", "So I've you enrolled in the Preferred Auto plan and the safe driver usage program we talked about, so make sure you download the app for that.", "Thanks, I will.", "Your policy number is eight three two six four nine two five, and your coverage will begin at the start of next week, on the nineteenth.", "Okay, thanks.", "Now I'm just going to need your payment information. Can I get a credit card number and expiration date?", "Oh one minute.", "Sure.", "Okay, it's three two four eight nine seven eight eight two nine six three one five four seven. And the expiration date is zero six twenty three.", "Thanks. And your CVV number?", "#Uh two two four.", "Thank you. Okay, Miss Weaver. You're all set.", "#Um if I need to change anything or add anything to the policy do I need to call again?", "No, you can do most things you need to on our website and our app.", "O- okay.", "Is there anything else I can help you with today?", "No. Thanks for your help.", "No problem! Thank you for enrolling with us. Have a nice day!", "You too. Bye.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_458_000", "insurance_458_001", "insurance_458_002", "insurance_458_003", "insurance_458_004", "insurance_458_005", "insurance_458_006", "insurance_458_007", "insurance_458_008", "insurance_458_009", "insurance_458_010", "insurance_458_011", "insurance_458_012", "insurance_458_013", "insurance_458_014", "insurance_458_015", "insurance_458_016", "insurance_458_017", "insurance_458_018", "insurance_458_019", "insurance_458_020", "insurance_458_021", "insurance_458_022", "insurance_458_023", "insurance_458_024", "insurance_458_025", "insurance_458_026", "insurance_458_027", "insurance_458_028", "insurance_458_029", "insurance_458_030", "insurance_458_031", "insurance_458_032", "insurance_458_033", "insurance_458_034", "insurance_458_035", "insurance_458_036", "insurance_458_037", "insurance_458_038", "insurance_458_039", "insurance_458_040", "insurance_458_041", "insurance_458_042", "insurance_458_043", "insurance_458_044", "insurance_458_045", "insurance_458_046", "insurance_458_047", "insurance_458_048", "insurance_458_049", "insurance_458_050", "insurance_458_051", "insurance_458_052", "insurance_458_053", "insurance_458_054", "insurance_458_055", "insurance_458_056", "insurance_458_057", "insurance_458_058", "insurance_458_059", "insurance_458_060", "insurance_458_061", "insurance_458_062", "insurance_458_063", "insurance_458_064", "insurance_458_065", "insurance_458_066", "insurance_458_067", "insurance_458_068" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care service. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm fine sir and you?", "I'm fine as well.", "How may I help you sir?", "I was reading through your insurance types and I stumbled on pet insurance.", "#em, yes sir, We have insurance plans for pets.", "I hope your rates are quite affordable though.", "Sure sir. We offer the best rates in town. I'm certain you'll enjoy our services.", "[Laughter] how sure are you?", "I'm certain about our services and rates sir.", "Well then, let's see. How does it work?", "We have two plan types for pet insurance sir.", "I have three lovely dogs and two cats. #em, do I have to insure each one of them or the cost of the insurance covers all my pets?", "Yes sir, All of your pets gets insured depending on the type of plan you pick.", "uh-huh. How do I go about it?", "I'll need to take your details sir.", "#em, what details to be precise?", "What's your first and last name sir?", "My name is Brian Hogwart.", "#em, Is it spelt as B.R.Y.A.N sir?", "No, it is spelt as B.R.I.A.N. My email address is brianhog at gmail dot com.", "What's your phone number sir?", "My phone number is Five Eight Two.", "Five Eight Two.", "Seven Seven Seven.", "Seven Seven Seven.", "Three One Nine Four.", "Your phone number is Five Eight Two Seven Seven Seven Three One Nine Four. Is that right sir?", "Yes that's right.", "What's your date of birth sir?", "August the Ninth, Nineteen Seventy Six.", "August Ninth, Nineteen Seventy Six. Just a minute sir.", "Alright.", "What's your Social Security Number sir?", "Two Seven Two Six.", "Two Seven Two Six.", "Eight One Nine Four Two.", "Just a moment sir. Please kindly confirm the last three digits sir.", "#em, sorry, the last four digits are Two Nine Three Three. I mistook it for my wife's security number.", "Confirmed sir.", "what other information do you need?", "What's the answer to your security question sir?", "My mother's maiden name is Clarke.", "#em, just a minute sir.", "Alright. take your time.", "Confimed sir. We have two pet plan types.", "which is the best plan for my pets?", "We have the Petcare Basic plan which costs five hundred dollars per year.", "Lovely!", "We also have the Petcare Preferred plan which costs one thousand dollars per year.", "#em, I would love to go for the Petcare preferred plan due to the number of my pets.", "what is the pet type sir?", "Three dogs and two cats.", "What is the pet breed sir?", "Three bull dogs and One caucasian dog with two cats.", "What are their weight size sir?", "#em. My bull dogs weigh ninety pounds each, my caucasian dog weighs forty pounds while my two cats weigh thirty-five pounds each.", "#em, How do you manage to keep them healthy.", "I feed them well and take them to a veteniary doctor once in twice in a month.", "That's quite commendable sir.", "You have my credit card details right?", "Yes sir.", "oh! Okay. Kindly deduct the insurance fee for my pets from my credit card.", "Do you need help with any other thing sir?", "#em, nothing for now.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance mister Brian. Do have a lovely day sir.", "Thank you. Bye!", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_459_000", "insurance_459_001", "insurance_459_002", "insurance_459_003", "insurance_459_004", "insurance_459_005", "insurance_459_006", "insurance_459_007", "insurance_459_008", "insurance_459_009", "insurance_459_010", "insurance_459_011", "insurance_459_012", "insurance_459_013", "insurance_459_014", "insurance_459_015", "insurance_459_016", "insurance_459_017", "insurance_459_018", "insurance_459_019", "insurance_459_020", "insurance_459_021", "insurance_459_022", "insurance_459_023", "insurance_459_024", "insurance_459_025", "insurance_459_026", "insurance_459_027", "insurance_459_028", "insurance_459_029", "insurance_459_030", "insurance_459_031", "insurance_459_032", "insurance_459_033", "insurance_459_034", "insurance_459_035", "insurance_459_036", "insurance_459_037", "insurance_459_038", "insurance_459_039", "insurance_459_040", "insurance_459_041", "insurance_459_042", "insurance_459_043", "insurance_459_044", "insurance_459_045", "insurance_459_046", "insurance_459_047", "insurance_459_048", "insurance_459_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to cancel the automatic billing of my account. I tried to cancel it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to cancel it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Dennis Dillion.", "Okay, Dennis as your first name and Dillion as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is twenty eight of October, nineteen sixty five.", "twenty eight of October, nineteen sixty five right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "okay.", "Alright. May I know if this cancellation will be temporary or permanent?", "I want a temporary cancellation. I cannot handle the current billing of my account at the moment but will surely get back to you when I'm ready.", "Okay. Before I proceed with a temporary cancellation, may I know if you have suggestions on how we can serve you better?", "Well, I have no problem with the automatic billings, I just can't handle it at the moment. But I think your company should really consider looking into the ridiculous charges that's being deducted along with the automatic billings. It's just too much and too frequent.", "We're very sorry for the inconveniences. We will surely look into that.", "Please do.", "Alright. Please feel free to contact us whenever you have any sort of complaints or suggestions.", "I'll do that.", "Okay. Please hang on while I proceed with the temporary cancellation sir.", "Okay.", "I'll proceed to cancel your billings temporarily on the system. Do you confirm cancellation?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Okay done. Your plan is now cancelled.", "thanks.", "Thanks for contacting us.", "Thaks for the help.", "Yeah. Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_460_000", "insurance_460_001", "insurance_460_002", "insurance_460_003", "insurance_460_004", "insurance_460_005", "insurance_460_006", "insurance_460_007", "insurance_460_008", "insurance_460_009", "insurance_460_010", "insurance_460_011", "insurance_460_012", "insurance_460_013", "insurance_460_014", "insurance_460_015", "insurance_460_016", "insurance_460_017", "insurance_460_018", "insurance_460_019", "insurance_460_020", "insurance_460_021", "insurance_460_022", "insurance_460_023", "insurance_460_024", "insurance_460_025", "insurance_460_026", "insurance_460_027", "insurance_460_028", "insurance_460_029", "insurance_460_030", "insurance_460_031", "insurance_460_032", "insurance_460_033", "insurance_460_034", "insurance_460_035", "insurance_460_036", "insurance_460_037", "insurance_460_038", "insurance_460_039", "insurance_460_040", "insurance_460_041", "insurance_460_042", "insurance_460_043", "insurance_460_044", "insurance_460_045", "insurance_460_046", "insurance_460_047", "insurance_460_048", "insurance_460_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "I checked my credit card transaction history, and it was billed twice last week.", "Okay. Sorry for inconvenience that might cause. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Luis Baird.", "Okay, Luis as your first name and Baird as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's seven seven seven one.", "Seven seven seven one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is October sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "June eleven, nineteen sixty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. Please provide me the claim number of the incident?", "Alright two two four five.", "Two two four five.", "Five five zero six.", "Five five zero six.", "Seven seven.", "Seven seven.", "Yeah.", "You said two two four five five five zero six seven seven.", "Exactly.", "We're sorry about the inconvenience this might have caused you.", "It's Okay, Have you detected the cause?", "Yes I've done that and I promise to rectify the issue within twenty four hours.", "Okay thanks.", "So sorry about the incident sir. Do you have any other thing you need some help with?", "No. That will be all for now.", "Do have a great day sir.", "Thanks.", "Bye sir.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_461_000", "insurance_461_001", "insurance_461_002", "insurance_461_003", "insurance_461_004", "insurance_461_005", "insurance_461_006", "insurance_461_007", "insurance_461_008", "insurance_461_009", "insurance_461_010", "insurance_461_011", "insurance_461_012", "insurance_461_013", "insurance_461_014", "insurance_461_015", "insurance_461_016", "insurance_461_017", "insurance_461_018", "insurance_461_019", "insurance_461_020", "insurance_461_021", "insurance_461_022", "insurance_461_023", "insurance_461_024", "insurance_461_025", "insurance_461_026", "insurance_461_027", "insurance_461_028", "insurance_461_029", "insurance_461_030", "insurance_461_031", "insurance_461_032", "insurance_461_033", "insurance_461_034", "insurance_461_035", "insurance_461_036", "insurance_461_037", "insurance_461_038", "insurance_461_039", "insurance_461_040", "insurance_461_041", "insurance_461_042", "insurance_461_043", "insurance_461_044", "insurance_461_045", "insurance_461_046", "insurance_461_047", "insurance_461_048", "insurance_461_049", "insurance_461_050", "insurance_461_051", "insurance_461_052", "insurance_461_053", "insurance_461_054", "insurance_461_055", "insurance_461_056", "insurance_461_057", "insurance_461_058", "insurance_461_059", "insurance_461_060", "insurance_461_061", "insurance_461_062", "insurance_461_063", "insurance_461_064", "insurance_461_065", "insurance_461_066", "insurance_461_067", "insurance_461_068" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hello. How are you doing? I would love to change my insurance plan.", "You will need to provide few of your details for identification sir.", "Okay.", "I would love you to provide your first name, last name, phone number, date of birth, Social Security Number and answer to security question.", "Whew! You call these few details? This is a lot.", "In no time, We'll be done sir. Firstly, let's start with your first name.", "Derek.", "Is it spelt as D.E.R.I.C.K?", "No, It is spelt as D.E.R.E.K.", "Noted sir.", "What next?", "Your last name sir?", "Rodriguez.", "Derek Rodriguez right sir?", "Yes please.", "What's your phone number sir?", "Two Zero Nine.", "Two Zero Nine.", "Seven Zero Eight.", "Seven Zero Eight.", "Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Two Zero Nine Seven Zero Eight Seven Nine Zero Six.", "Well captured sir.", "What's next?", "Just a minute sir.", "Alright.", "Can you provide your date of birth details sir?", "July Four, Nineteen Eighty Two.", "July Four, Nineteen Eighty Two. Is that right sir?", "Yes please.", "Can I have your Social Security Number sir?", "Is it the nine digit number?", "Yes sir. It's a nine digit number.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two.", "One Six Eight Four.", "Five Six Seven Eight Two One Six Eight Four Is that right mister Derek?", "Yes you are.", "What's your security answer sir?", "I can't remember my security answer. What am I going to do?", "What's your mother's maiden name sir?", "Her maiden name is Webster.", "That's correct sir.", "Any more details for identification?", "Your details have been verified sir.", "I would love to upgrade my home owner insurance plan.", "Okay sir. Just a minute sir.", "I just secured a property in California and I recently moved in with my family.", "Whoa! That's great. Congratulations sir.", "Thank you.", "From your record sir, you were on Home preferred plan before. You would love an upgrade to Home complete plan right?", "Exactly.", "The Home Complete plan costs Two thousand dollars per year sir.", "That's quite affordable. I would also love to know if I can change my address on the mobile app instead of calling the helpline.", "Yes you can sir. Do you need help with it sir?", "No thank you. I'll update my information on the app.", "How do you want to go about the payment sir?", "You have my credit card details right?", "Just a minute sir to check for your credit card details.", "It's fine.", "We have your credit card details sir.", "You can deduct the bills directly from my account on a monthly basis.", "Alright sir. Your plan has been successfully changed. Is there any other thing you would love me to do for you?", "That would be all for now. Thanks for the help.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance sir an we hope you enjoy your new home. Do have a lovely day sir.", "Thank you. Have a lovely day as well.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_462_000", "insurance_462_001", "insurance_462_002", "insurance_462_003", "insurance_462_004", "insurance_462_005", "insurance_462_006", "insurance_462_007", "insurance_462_008", "insurance_462_009", "insurance_462_010", "insurance_462_011", "insurance_462_012", "insurance_462_013", "insurance_462_014", "insurance_462_015", "insurance_462_016", "insurance_462_017", "insurance_462_018", "insurance_462_019", "insurance_462_020", "insurance_462_021", "insurance_462_022", "insurance_462_023", "insurance_462_024", "insurance_462_025", "insurance_462_026", "insurance_462_027", "insurance_462_028", "insurance_462_029", "insurance_462_030", "insurance_462_031", "insurance_462_032", "insurance_462_033", "insurance_462_034", "insurance_462_035", "insurance_462_036", "insurance_462_037", "insurance_462_038", "insurance_462_039", "insurance_462_040", "insurance_462_041", "insurance_462_042", "insurance_462_043", "insurance_462_044", "insurance_462_045", "insurance_462_046", "insurance_462_047", "insurance_462_048", "insurance_462_049", "insurance_462_050", "insurance_462_051", "insurance_462_052", "insurance_462_053", "insurance_462_054", "insurance_462_055", "insurance_462_056", "insurance_462_057", "insurance_462_058", "insurance_462_059", "insurance_462_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to Pay Bill into my account. I tried to do it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to do it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Christina Davis.", "Okay, Christina as your first name and Davis as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is July seven, nineteen eighty six.", "July seven, nineteen eighty six.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the bill period?", "That's one month ago.", "Okay. You'll need to provide your credit card details for the payment.", "Well, I have no problem with that.", "Please proceed with the card number.", "Four five three two.", "Four five three two.", "Two eight seven zero.", "Two eight seven zero.", "Three three zero two.", "Three three zero two.", "Eight eight three zero.", "Eight eight three zero.", "Yep.", "Expiration date and the cvv.", "Expiration date is twelve, twenty twenty five.", "Twelve, twenty twenty five.", "CVV is seven seven one.", "Seven seven one.", "Yes.", "Can I go on with the payment of the bill?", "Yes please do.", "Okay a moment ma.", "Alright.", "Your bill has been paid successfully.", "Okay, thanks.", "Is there something else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thanks. Do have a great day!", "Thanks. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "PayBill" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_463_000", "insurance_463_001", "insurance_463_002", "insurance_463_003", "insurance_463_004", "insurance_463_005", "insurance_463_006", "insurance_463_007", "insurance_463_008", "insurance_463_009", "insurance_463_010", "insurance_463_011", "insurance_463_012", "insurance_463_013", "insurance_463_014", "insurance_463_015", "insurance_463_016", "insurance_463_017", "insurance_463_018", "insurance_463_019", "insurance_463_020", "insurance_463_021", "insurance_463_022", "insurance_463_023", "insurance_463_024", "insurance_463_025", "insurance_463_026", "insurance_463_027", "insurance_463_028", "insurance_463_029", "insurance_463_030", "insurance_463_031", "insurance_463_032", "insurance_463_033", "insurance_463_034", "insurance_463_035", "insurance_463_036", "insurance_463_037", "insurance_463_038", "insurance_463_039", "insurance_463_040", "insurance_463_041", "insurance_463_042", "insurance_463_043", "insurance_463_044", "insurance_463_045", "insurance_463_046", "insurance_463_047", "insurance_463_048", "insurance_463_049", "insurance_463_050", "insurance_463_051", "insurance_463_052", "insurance_463_053", "insurance_463_054", "insurance_463_055", "insurance_463_056", "insurance_463_057", "insurance_463_058", "insurance_463_059", "insurance_463_060", "insurance_463_061", "insurance_463_062", "insurance_463_063", "insurance_463_064", "insurance_463_065", "insurance_463_066", "insurance_463_067", "insurance_463_068", "insurance_463_069", "insurance_463_070", "insurance_463_071", "insurance_463_072", "insurance_463_073", "insurance_463_074", "insurance_463_075", "insurance_463_076", "insurance_463_077", "insurance_463_078", "insurance_463_079", "insurance_463_080", "insurance_463_081", "insurance_463_082", "insurance_463_083", "insurance_463_084", "insurance_463_085", "insurance_463_086", "insurance_463_087", "insurance_463_088", "insurance_463_089", "insurance_463_090", "insurance_463_091", "insurance_463_092", "insurance_463_093", "insurance_463_094", "insurance_463_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how are you doing today?", "I'm fine. Thank you. And you?", "I'm good too.", "So how may I help you sir?", "I wanted to ask if I could change my password on the website or if I have to make a call before changing it.", "Well, I can help you with your password reset here but you can also do it yourself on the website.", "Oh! Alright. I think definitely need to know how to do that.", "Yes sir. I'll need your first name and last name to help with your password reset.", "My name is Richie Collins and my email address is richie collins at gmail dot com.", "Thank you sir, Richie, Collins....Just to confirm, is Richie spelled with r. i. c. h. y?", "No, it is r. i. c. h. i. e.", "r. i. c. h. i. e. Okay. I'll also be needing your date of birth, phone number and your social security number.", "Just because I want to reset my password, you are asking me for this much information. Why must everything be so complicated with customer care services? Please just make it quick because I don't have all day.", "Please bear with us sir. We need this information to help you with your password reset. It'll be over before you know it.", "It's okay. Let's just get on with it.", "Thank you for your understanding sir. You can go on.", "my date is birth is September third, nineteen seventy nine.", "Okay. You said September third, nineteen seventy nine right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Kindly go on sir.", "what were the other information you requested for?", "Your phone number and your social security number sir.", "Okay. My phone number is one two two four five.", "One two two four five.", "Five five two one six.", "Five five two one six.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay. one two two four five five five two one six, is that correct?", "Yep, that's right. Please what else do you need? I don't have all day.", "Just a moment sir.", "mhm.", "Okay. Can I have your social security number sir?", "just a second please. I think I wrote it somewhere h-here.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Okay. My social security number is three three one.", "Three three one.", "Four five two.", "Four five two.", "Six one two.", "Six one two.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, three three one four five two six one two, is that correct?", "sorry, my social security number actually ends with six one three not six one two.", "okay, you said three three one four five two six one three, is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay, Just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Okay. Lastly I'll need you to give an answer to the security question in order to confirm the ownership of this account.", "Jeez, just go on.", "Okay. What's your mother's maiden name?", "My mother's maiden name is Pendragon.", "that's correct.", "Of course it's correct. Don't you need to verify my email? Isn't that what I really need for password reset? You're are just asking me random questions here and wasting my time.", "I was just about to ask that sir. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly provided your email address sir.", "Jeez, I thought I told you my email address earlier and you still ask me to provide it? What's all these?", "I just need to confirm it sir. You said your email address is richie collins at gmail dot com. Is that correct?", "mhm. Yes, it is.", "Just a moment please. I need to verify your email on the system because your reset link will be sent there.", "sorry what reset link has been sent to my email? I haven't received any reset link.", "(laughter), the reset link hasn't been sent. I said the reset link will be sent to your email.", "Oh! Okay.", "Email verification is successful.", "Okay. So what's next?", "a reset link will be sent to richie collins at gmail dot com shortly.", "Alright.", "Kindly click on the link and reset your password.", "Okay. Is that all?", "Yes sir, is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I thought this conversation will be very short. I need to know how to reset my password on the website so that I wouldn't have to call the customer care service again. My wife also needs a password reset. I'll be able to help her with it. Just explain it to me.", "Alright sir. It's very easy.", "Okay. Please go on.", "In order to reset your password, you need to click on your profile icon.", "Please hold on. I need to get something I can write on.", "Okay. Take your time sir.", "please go on. You said I need to click on my profile icon right?", "Yes, that's correct.", "okay. And then what??", "After clicking on that, you'll see a password reset icon below your profile picture.", "a password reset icon below my profile picture? Okay. Please go on.", "Okay. You just need to click that account then it'll lead you to where you'll change your password.", "o-okay. Is that all?", "a password reset link will be sent to your email address just like I said earlier.", "A link will be sent to my email. Okay, got that.", "Okay sir. So you can change your password from there.", "Alright. Thank you.", "Thanks for your patience sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "definitely not, I think that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thanks for your help.", "Please feel free to let us know about any complaints or suggestions you might have for us to help serve you better.", "huh, after wasting so much of my time? I think you really need to work on time management.", "We'll definitely work on that sir. Do have a nice day sir.", "You too.", "Thanks once again sir, bye!", "Bye bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_464_000", "insurance_464_001", "insurance_464_002", "insurance_464_003", "insurance_464_004", "insurance_464_005", "insurance_464_006", "insurance_464_007", "insurance_464_008", "insurance_464_009", "insurance_464_010", "insurance_464_011", "insurance_464_012", "insurance_464_013", "insurance_464_014", "insurance_464_015", "insurance_464_016", "insurance_464_017", "insurance_464_018", "insurance_464_019", "insurance_464_020", "insurance_464_021", "insurance_464_022", "insurance_464_023", "insurance_464_024", "insurance_464_025", "insurance_464_026", "insurance_464_027", "insurance_464_028", "insurance_464_029", "insurance_464_030", "insurance_464_031", "insurance_464_032", "insurance_464_033", "insurance_464_034", "insurance_464_035", "insurance_464_036", "insurance_464_037", "insurance_464_038", "insurance_464_039", "insurance_464_040", "insurance_464_041", "insurance_464_042", "insurance_464_043", "insurance_464_044", "insurance_464_045", "insurance_464_046", "insurance_464_047", "insurance_464_048", "insurance_464_049", "insurance_464_050", "insurance_464_051", "insurance_464_052", "insurance_464_053" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to add dependent of my account.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "#en, My name is John Billing.", "Okay, John as your first name and Billing as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is two two right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "Oh! yes, it is.", "Good. Could you please read that number to me?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "Three four four four.", "Three four four four.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one three four four four, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with three four four five not three four four four. I thought I saw four.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one three four four five right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is June sixth, nineteen seventy one.", "June sixth, nineteen seventy one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know if the relationship of the dependent is with you?", "She's my spouse.", "Okay. May I know her first and last name?", "Her name Diane Magret.", "Okay Diane as the fine name and Magret as the last name?", "Yes.", "Kindly provide me her birth date.", "Okay, a moment please let me ask her.", "Take your time sir.", "It's December thirty first, nineteen eighty nine.", "December thirty first, nineteen eighty nine.", "Yes.", "Kindly provide me a short description of the health condition of the dependent.", "She is healthy and doesn't have any history of illness.", "Okay. Can I proceed with the adding of the dependent?", "Please do.", "The dependant is successfully added.", "thanks.", "Yea, do I have any other thing to do for you?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Alright thanks for your call sir. Do have a great day sir!", "Thanks and you too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_465_000", "insurance_465_001", "insurance_465_002", "insurance_465_003", "insurance_465_004", "insurance_465_005", "insurance_465_006", "insurance_465_007", "insurance_465_008", "insurance_465_009", "insurance_465_010", "insurance_465_011", "insurance_465_012", "insurance_465_013", "insurance_465_014", "insurance_465_015", "insurance_465_016", "insurance_465_017", "insurance_465_018", "insurance_465_019", "insurance_465_020", "insurance_465_021", "insurance_465_022", "insurance_465_023", "insurance_465_024", "insurance_465_025", "insurance_465_026", "insurance_465_027", "insurance_465_028", "insurance_465_029", "insurance_465_030", "insurance_465_031", "insurance_465_032", "insurance_465_033", "insurance_465_034", "insurance_465_035", "insurance_465_036", "insurance_465_037", "insurance_465_038", "insurance_465_039", "insurance_465_040", "insurance_465_041", "insurance_465_042", "insurance_465_043", "insurance_465_044", "insurance_465_045", "insurance_465_046", "insurance_465_047", "insurance_465_048", "insurance_465_049", "insurance_465_050", "insurance_465_051", "insurance_465_052" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hey I would like to my home address.", "Okay ma'am. I can help you with that.", "That's good.", "Before I proceed, we have to verify your identity.", "Sure, no problem.", "May I have your first name and last name ma'am?", "My is Jessica Barber.", "Thanks you ma'am. May I have your birthdate.", "#Um, my birthdate is July fifth, nineteen fifty five.", "July fifth, nineteen fifty five. Good, just a moment.", "", "Next I need your customer identity number.", "Customer identity number?", "Yes, you can find this number on your account page in our website.", "#Uh okay, give me a moment.Let me look for it.", "Sure, take your time.", "Customer number, eight digit long?", "Yes exactly, could you read that number to me?", "Yeah, it's three three six.", "Three three six.", "Five zero seven.", "Five zero seven.", "Forty-five.", "Forty-five.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, three three six five zero seven forty five, is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Good. Ma'am when did the address changes occurred or will occur?", "Well, it occurred last month.", "Oh, okay ma'am.", "Yeah.", "Can you provide the old and new address ma'am.", "#Uh okay.", "What's your old address?", "Four eight five Penn street, St Louis.", "Okay ma'am, and now your new address?", "It's now nine seven eight Ingram road, Burlington.", "Nine seven eight Ingram road, Burlington, right?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Alright, before I proceed to change your address, may I know the reason for the change.", "#Um, nothing much really. It been a decade has been living in Penn street, so I think I need a change of environment.", "Hmmm. that's cool.", "Yeah.", "Thanks you for your the info, ma'am. Since the new address is provided, do you confirm the change?", "Yes, I confirm to change it.", "Alright, please hang on ma'am, I will proceed to change your address in the system.", "Yeah, sure.", "Okay done.Your address has been changed.Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Thanks! that's it. Thanks for your help!", "Thank you so much ma'am. Have a nice day.", "Yeah, Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_466_000", "insurance_466_001", "insurance_466_002", "insurance_466_003", "insurance_466_004", "insurance_466_005", "insurance_466_006", "insurance_466_007", "insurance_466_008", "insurance_466_009", "insurance_466_010", "insurance_466_011", "insurance_466_012", "insurance_466_013", "insurance_466_014", "insurance_466_015", "insurance_466_016", "insurance_466_017", "insurance_466_018", "insurance_466_019", "insurance_466_020", "insurance_466_021", "insurance_466_022", "insurance_466_023", "insurance_466_024", "insurance_466_025", "insurance_466_026", "insurance_466_027", "insurance_466_028", "insurance_466_029", "insurance_466_030", "insurance_466_031", "insurance_466_032", "insurance_466_033", "insurance_466_034", "insurance_466_035", "insurance_466_036", "insurance_466_037", "insurance_466_038", "insurance_466_039", "insurance_466_040", "insurance_466_041", "insurance_466_042", "insurance_466_043", "insurance_466_044", "insurance_466_045", "insurance_466_046", "insurance_466_047", "insurance_466_048", "insurance_466_049", "insurance_466_050", "insurance_466_051", "insurance_466_052", "insurance_466_053", "insurance_466_054", "insurance_466_055", "insurance_466_056", "insurance_466_057", "insurance_466_058", "insurance_466_059", "insurance_466_060", "insurance_466_061", "insurance_466_062", "insurance_466_063" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care service. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm fine ma'am and you?", "I'm fine as well.", "How may I help you ma'am?", "mister Brian Hogwart who just recently insured his pets referred me to your insurance company.", "#em, That's so nice of mister Brian.", "I hope your rates are quite affordable though.", "Sure ma'am. We offer the best rates in town.", "[Laughter] how sure are you?", "mister Brian wouldn't have referred you to us if he wasn't impressed with our rates and services ma'am.", "That's a valid point there. So how does it work?", "We have two plan types for pet insurance ma'am.", "I lost two of my Eskimo dogs three weeks ago. It was such a tragic loss. I can't afford to lose my Terrier dog again.", "Oh! I'm so sorry for the loss of your dogs ma'am.", "So can you tell me more about the pet insurance plan?", "Sure ma'am. We have the petcare basic plan and the petcare preferred plan.", "Okay. What are their differences and rates?", "Petcare Basic plan costs five hundred dollars per year while Petcare preferred plan costs one thousand dollars per year.", "Quite affordable. So how do each of them operate?", "The Petcare Basic plan covers twenty five per cent veteniary services while the petcare preferred plan offers fifty percent of veteniary costs and also cover accident and illnesses.", "Whoa! That's amazing. So which one should I go for?", "I would advise you go for the Petcare preferred type ma'am. It covers a lot of expenses for your pet.", "Alright. So how do I go about it?", "I'll need to take down some of your details ma'am. What's your first and last name ma'am?", "Deborah David. My phone number is Two One Three Seven Nine Eight Seven Eight Two Two.", "Can you call your phone number again ma'am?", "Two One Three Seven.", "Two One Three Seven.", "Nine Eight Seven.", "Nine Eight Seven.", "Eight Two Two.", "What's your date of birth ma'am?", "September Two, Nineteen Ninty.", "What's your Social Security Number ma'am?", "Six Three One.", "Six Three One.", "Three Two.", "Three Two.", "Nine Seven Six Zero.", "Kindly provide the answer to your security question ma'am.", "Moreno.", "You want to insure just one dog. Is that right ma'am?", "Yes for now.", "What is the breed of your dog ma'am?", "It's a male terrier dog.", "What is the weight of your dog ma'am?", "He weighs Ninety pounds.", "That's an healthy dog you have. What's his name?", "Ray.", "Does he have any health challenge ma'am?", "Not at all. He's the healthiest dog I've ever seen. I love him so much.", "That's so sweet. I also have a bull dog that means everyting to me.", "Whoa! Dogs are so adorable.", "What's his age?", "He's twenty four months old.", "Just a minute please.", "Alright. So how do I go about it?", "I've successfully registered your pet. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with?", "That will be all for now. Thanks for helping out.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance ma'am. Do have a lovely day ma'am.", "Bye.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_467_000", "insurance_467_001", "insurance_467_002", "insurance_467_003", "insurance_467_004", "insurance_467_005", "insurance_467_006", "insurance_467_007", "insurance_467_008", "insurance_467_009", "insurance_467_010", "insurance_467_011", "insurance_467_012", "insurance_467_013", "insurance_467_014", "insurance_467_015", "insurance_467_016", "insurance_467_017", "insurance_467_018", "insurance_467_019", "insurance_467_020", "insurance_467_021", "insurance_467_022", "insurance_467_023", "insurance_467_024", "insurance_467_025", "insurance_467_026", "insurance_467_027", "insurance_467_028", "insurance_467_029", "insurance_467_030", "insurance_467_031", "insurance_467_032", "insurance_467_033", "insurance_467_034", "insurance_467_035", "insurance_467_036", "insurance_467_037", "insurance_467_038", "insurance_467_039", "insurance_467_040", "insurance_467_041", "insurance_467_042", "insurance_467_043", "insurance_467_044", "insurance_467_045", "insurance_467_046", "insurance_467_047", "insurance_467_048", "insurance_467_049", "insurance_467_050", "insurance_467_051", "insurance_467_052", "insurance_467_053", "insurance_467_054", "insurance_467_055", "insurance_467_056", "insurance_467_057", "insurance_467_058", "insurance_467_059", "insurance_467_060", "insurance_467_061", "insurance_467_062", "insurance_467_063", "insurance_467_064", "insurance_467_065", "insurance_467_066", "insurance_467_067", "insurance_467_068", "insurance_467_069", "insurance_467_070", "insurance_467_071", "insurance_467_072", "insurance_467_073", "insurance_467_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to cancel the automatic billing of my account. I tried to cancel it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to cancel it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is John Hopkins.", "Okay, John as your first name and Hopkins as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is October sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "October sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Alright. May I know if this cancellation will be temporary or permanent?", "I want a temporary cancellation. I cannot handle the current billing of my account at the moment but will surely get back to you when I'm ready.", "Okay. Before I proceed with a temporary cancellation, may I know if you have suggestions on how we can serve you better?", "Well, I have no problem with the automatic billings, I just can't handle it at the moment. But I think your company should really consider looking into the ridiculous charges that's being deducted along with the automatic billings. It's just too much and too frequent.", "We're very sorry for the inconveniences. We will surely look into that.", "Please do.", "Alright. Please feel free to contact us whenever you have any sort of complaints or suggestions.", "I'll do that.", "Okay. Please hang on while I proceed with the temporary cancellation sir.", "mhm.", "I'll proceed to cancel your billings temporarily on the system. Do you confirm cancellation?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Okay done. Your plan is now cancelled.", "thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "well, I would also like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes, we do. Would you like to know the types of pet insurance plans we offer?", "Sure. Go on please. I can't wait to get Cassie insured.", "Cassie?", "Oh! That's my dog's name. Please go on.", "Okay. So we offer two types of pet insurance.", "uh-uhn.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. Thanks! #Um, I'll be in touch as soon as I'm ready to do that. And I've been introduced to quite a few insurance companies that offer pet insurance and It seems yours is a little bit expensive compared to others.", "please you would have to bear with us for now. We always try to offer the best possible service to our customers but your observation is noted sir.", "Well, please do that. I'll be considering other options too and I'll be going for the one I think is best for me.", "Duly noted sir. Thank you so much sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "one last thing please.", "okay.", "I got an email around last week that automatic billings will now include charges as from next month. I don't quite understand that. Please can you explain to me?", "Oh! That's true. The company needs to deduct this charges for general maintenance and regular update of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience.", "Alright. But I hope these extra charges of your won't be a burden.", "It definitely won't be a burden sir. We will make sure it's as low as possible.", "Alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_468_000", "insurance_468_001", "insurance_468_002", "insurance_468_003", "insurance_468_004", "insurance_468_005", "insurance_468_006", "insurance_468_007", "insurance_468_008", "insurance_468_009", "insurance_468_010", "insurance_468_011", "insurance_468_012", "insurance_468_013", "insurance_468_014", "insurance_468_015", "insurance_468_016", "insurance_468_017", "insurance_468_018", "insurance_468_019", "insurance_468_020", "insurance_468_021", "insurance_468_022", "insurance_468_023", "insurance_468_024", "insurance_468_025", "insurance_468_026", "insurance_468_027", "insurance_468_028", "insurance_468_029", "insurance_468_030", "insurance_468_031", "insurance_468_032", "insurance_468_033", "insurance_468_034", "insurance_468_035", "insurance_468_036", "insurance_468_037", "insurance_468_038", "insurance_468_039", "insurance_468_040", "insurance_468_041", "insurance_468_042", "insurance_468_043", "insurance_468_044", "insurance_468_045", "insurance_468_046", "insurance_468_047", "insurance_468_048", "insurance_468_049", "insurance_468_050", "insurance_468_051", "insurance_468_052", "insurance_468_053", "insurance_468_054", "insurance_468_055", "insurance_468_056", "insurance_468_057", "insurance_468_058", "insurance_468_059", "insurance_468_060", "insurance_468_061", "insurance_468_062", "insurance_468_063", "insurance_468_064", "insurance_468_065", "insurance_468_066", "insurance_468_067", "insurance_468_068", "insurance_468_069", "insurance_468_070", "insurance_468_071", "insurance_468_072", "insurance_468_073", "insurance_468_074", "insurance_468_075", "insurance_468_076", "insurance_468_077", "insurance_468_078", "insurance_468_079", "insurance_468_080", "insurance_468_081", "insurance_468_082", "insurance_468_083", "insurance_468_084", "insurance_468_085", "insurance_468_086", "insurance_468_087", "insurance_468_088", "insurance_468_089", "insurance_468_090", "insurance_468_091", "insurance_468_092", "insurance_468_093", "insurance_468_094", "insurance_468_095", "insurance_468_096", "insurance_468_097", "insurance_468_098", "insurance_468_099", "insurance_468_100", "insurance_468_101", "insurance_468_102" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Myra with Rivertown Insurance.", "Hi there, Myra. How are you today?", "I'm doing well, thank you for asking. How are you?", "I'm great.", "That's good to hear. And how can I help you today?", "Well I'm calling today to change my address on my account.", "Sure, I can definitely help you with that. Can you tell me your name?", "Uh-huh, I'm Susan Louis.", "Thank you. And what's your birth date?", "It's November third, nineteen seventy nine.", "Okay, and what is your customer number?", "Oh I don't know.", "If you can access the website it will be the number under your name when you've logged in.", "#Uh I don't have an online account, and I can't access the internet at the moment.", "That's fine, I can get some other information from you instead.", "Oh, good.", "Can I get your social security number and your phone number?", "Yep. My social is five six five eight two three two nine seven, and ", "Great, thank you. And your phone number?", "Right, it's fi-five six three eight two two nine seven two six.", "And what is your mother's maiden name?", "Martin.", "Thanks. So, you need to change your address, correct?", "Yeah. I'm moving across the country next month for a new job.", "Oh, congratulations.", "Thank you, I'm excited.", "To confirm, your current address is three oh two Yew Street, unit six, Chicago, Illinois, six oh six oh four?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay, and what will your new address be?", "#Uh it's three zero two Coyote Way, Apartment five zero four, Phoenix, Arizona.", "Getting away from the cold, I see.", "Exactly. It'll be a big change.", "#Um what's the zipcode for your new address?", "Oh! Sorry. It's eight five zero zero nine.", "Great, thanks. And what's the official date for your address change?", "August twenty first is the date I'm moving. Does that matter?", "Yes, your policy information will switch over then, since location affects your rates.", "Really? How?", "Smaller cities and towns have less risk. Weather and climate can also affect rates. Even the state you live in can raise or lower your premium.", "Huh, well that's great to know. I grew up in Chicago, and I've never lived anywhere else.", "Yeah, it can make a bit of a difference. Due to the weather in Chicago and the hazards of a big city, your rates will likely go down in Phoenix.", "Will that just be for my auto policy or my renter's policy, too?", "Both, actually. Location affects both types of policy. You'll be paying less.", "Yay! #Uh do you know how much less?", "#Um I can get a quote put together for you.", "I'd love to get a quote.", "Would you prefer to have an agent call you or email the information?", "Email, please.", "Great, I'll put in that quote request now and it should be processed within a few days.", "Okay, thank you. No rush, I have time, but that would definitely be helpful to know.", "Of course. Is your email still louis.susan at cookcountyhealth.org?", "Yes, for now. Guess I'll have to change that with you guys later, too, when I get a new work email.", "Well you can always call, or you can make account changes online or on our app.", "Guess I could've done this address change online too, huh? I'm not as tech savvy as I should be.", "It's no problem. You can make those changes online, but we're happy to help you in whatever way is most convenient for you.", "Thanks, I appreciate it.", "You're welcome.", "Oh before I forget, will my life insurance policy also be affected by my move?", "#Um you know that's a good question, I'm not sure. Give me a moment to find out.", "Don't worry about it if it's too much trouble.", "No, it's not a problem! I'm here to help.", "Well, thank you.", "Okay so it looks like your life insurance will be unaffected. Geography apparently doesn't affect premium rates for that kind of policy.", "We both learned something today.", "We did! #Um also, some states have different rules regarding life insurance, so you may have some other changes to your policy.", "Like what?", "There are different rules about refunds, late payment grace periods, and who qualifies as a beneficiary.", "How do I get more information about that?", "One of our agents in Phoenix would be the best option to give you specifics on any local changes.", "How can I find an agent in Phoenix?", "You can check search by location on the website, or I can find someone for you now and have them contact you.", "Oh yeah, if you can find me an agent that would be great.", "Sure. Using your Phoenix address it looks like your nearest agent would be a Nick Martinez, and we have a few other agents in the city.", "#Uh th-the nearby guy is fine.", "Okay. I'll send him an email with your information so he can contact you once you've moved.", "Wonderful, thank you, you've been so helpful.", "My pleasure. So, is there anything else you need help with today, Miss Louis?", "Oh, is there nothing else I need to do for the address change? Do you need proof or anything?", "No, that's all, you're good to go on that. But I can answer any other questions you might have.", "This will sound stupid and I know I've taken up so much of your time.", "It's fine, I'm here to help.", "Then can you tell me what I need to create an online account? I'd like to be able to handle stuff online going forward.", "Sure. You'll just need to access the new user page on our website and put in an email address and your customer number.", "Where can I find that? You said earlier it's online right?", "Yes, but if you have any billing statements you can also find it there.", "I do have some, I'll just need to dig them out.", "It'll be an eight digit number.", "Okay, thanks. Will the login for the website also work with the app?", "It sure will. You can make changes to your personal information and policies online going forward.", "Alright, I'll sign up as soon as I can.", "Perfect. So just to go over what we've covered today, your address change is pending on the site and on August twenty first your old address will be removed.", "Okay, great.", "I've also got a life insurance and auto quote processing for you to find out your new premiumiss and I've emailed Nick Martinez about helping you out in Phoenix.", "Yep, that all sounds good.", "Is there anything else I can do for you?", "No, you've done more than enough. Thank you so much for all your help.", "You're very welcome. When our call ends if you stay on the line there'll be a short survey you can do about the service you received today.", "I'll definitely do that. Your name is Myra, right?", "Yes.", "Thank you again, Myra.", "Thank you, ma'am. I hope your move goes well. Have a good day!", "Thanks! You, too. Bye now.", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote", "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_469_000", "insurance_469_001", "insurance_469_002", "insurance_469_003", "insurance_469_004", "insurance_469_005", "insurance_469_006", "insurance_469_007", "insurance_469_008", "insurance_469_009", "insurance_469_010", "insurance_469_011", "insurance_469_012", "insurance_469_013", "insurance_469_014", "insurance_469_015", "insurance_469_016", "insurance_469_017", "insurance_469_018", "insurance_469_019", "insurance_469_020", "insurance_469_021", "insurance_469_022", "insurance_469_023", "insurance_469_024", "insurance_469_025", "insurance_469_026", "insurance_469_027", "insurance_469_028", "insurance_469_029", "insurance_469_030", "insurance_469_031", "insurance_469_032", "insurance_469_033", "insurance_469_034", "insurance_469_035", "insurance_469_036", "insurance_469_037", "insurance_469_038", "insurance_469_039", "insurance_469_040", "insurance_469_041", "insurance_469_042", "insurance_469_043", "insurance_469_044", "insurance_469_045", "insurance_469_046", "insurance_469_047", "insurance_469_048", "insurance_469_049", "insurance_469_050", "insurance_469_051", "insurance_469_052", "insurance_469_053", "insurance_469_054", "insurance_469_055", "insurance_469_056", "insurance_469_057" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to remove one of dependant in my account. I tried to do so on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call for you to help.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Timothy Gomez.", "Okay, Timothy as your first name and Gomez as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your date of birth sir.", "My date of birth is May twenty two, nineteen fourty one.", "May twenty two, nineteen fourty one.", "yes.", "Kindly provide your phone number and social security number sir?", "Phone number two one six.", "Two one six.", "Six one seven.", "Six one seven.", "Zero seven three five.", "Zero seven three five.", "Yes.", "The SSN sir.", "What's SSN?", "Social Security Number.", "Oh! That's three zero one two four nine three three two.", "Three zero one two four nine three three two.", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I know the answer to your security question please?", "Sure. My mother's maiden name is Adkins.", "Adkins.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. Please provide me with your policy number?", "What will you need that for?", "Okay. To know the plan you enrolled in.", "Well, is it those ten digit number?", "Yes exactly.", "Two two one one.", "Two two one one.", "Three zero one two.", "Three zero one two.", "Five nine.", "Five nine.", "Yes.", "Now kindly tell me the dependant name.", "Her name is Sarah Gomez.", "Okay Sarah as the first and the last as Gomez.", "Yes.", "May I know if I can proceed with the dependant removal?", "Yes please do.", "Okay wait a moment.", "okay.", "The dependant as been removed successfully.", "Thanks.", "May I know if I can do anything else for you?", "No that's all for now.", "Alright do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "RemoveDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_470_000", "insurance_470_001", "insurance_470_002", "insurance_470_003", "insurance_470_004", "insurance_470_005", "insurance_470_006", "insurance_470_007", "insurance_470_008", "insurance_470_009", "insurance_470_010", "insurance_470_011", "insurance_470_012", "insurance_470_013", "insurance_470_014", "insurance_470_015", "insurance_470_016", "insurance_470_017", "insurance_470_018", "insurance_470_019", "insurance_470_020", "insurance_470_021", "insurance_470_022", "insurance_470_023", "insurance_470_024", "insurance_470_025", "insurance_470_026", "insurance_470_027", "insurance_470_028", "insurance_470_029", "insurance_470_030", "insurance_470_031", "insurance_470_032", "insurance_470_033", "insurance_470_034", "insurance_470_035", "insurance_470_036", "insurance_470_037", "insurance_470_038", "insurance_470_039", "insurance_470_040", "insurance_470_041", "insurance_470_042", "insurance_470_043", "insurance_470_044", "insurance_470_045", "insurance_470_046", "insurance_470_047", "insurance_470_048", "insurance_470_049", "insurance_470_050", "insurance_470_051", "insurance_470_052", "insurance_470_053", "insurance_470_054", "insurance_470_055", "insurance_470_056", "insurance_470_057", "insurance_470_058", "insurance_470_059", "insurance_470_060", "insurance_470_061", "insurance_470_062" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown customer service my name is Florence how many I help you?", "My name is Kelvin.", "Okay mister Kelvin how may I help you Sir?", "I will like to create an account with your company.", "Okay sir mister kelvin if I hear you well Sir you said you will like to create an account with us.", "Yes. So what are the things I will need?", "Okay Sir. A phone number and an Email and also your your card details if you want to link it with your account from start.", "Okay. I have everything available but I don't want to link my card details with it for now.", "Okay sir. Please spare a minute to open a tab for you sir.", "Okay no problem. # mister Florence how is your day going?", "Fine sir. Can we start now sir?", "#Hm yes.", "Okay sir please can you tell me the name you want to use for your account?", "Jose Kelvin.", "Okay sir. Please can you give a number you want to link with your account?", "#Hm Six zero one two hundred three seven six four.", "Six zero one two hundred three seven six four is that it sir.", "Yes it is.", "Okay sir. I am still with you sir.", "Okay mister Florence.", "Okay sir. Can you please provide a valid Email for your account sir?", "Josekelvin at gmail dot com.", "Okay Josekelvin at gmail dot com.", "Yes.", "Please sir is there accent on the e ending Jose?", "Sorry what is accent?", "Like a mark at the head of the Letter E sir.", "Not at all.", "Can you please produce Your address sir.", "#Em Seven one eight Reppert Coal Road Jackson.", "Okay Sir. A three digit code will be sent to the number you drop now please provide the number Sir.", "#Um no message for now.", "Okay sir it will be sent anytime.", "A message has been sent just now.", "Okay sir. Can you please produce the three digit code Sir?", "#Um Nine four eight.", "Nine four eight.", "Yes.", "Okay sir. Should I still omit the card details for now?", "#Hm yes.", "Okay sir. Can you please give a username for your account?", "Kelv two six six.", "Kelv two six six sir?", "Yes.", "Okay. Can you please suggest a password sir?", "Jose at sixty six.", "Okay sir.", "Will that be all.", "#Er the last thing is your birthday sir I forget to feel it then so I will have to do it now sorry about that. Can you please tell me your birthday sir?", "Okay. January ten nineteen seventy three.", "Okay sir. Is it January ten nineteen seventy three sir?", "Yes it is.", "Okay sir. Your account details will be sent to the Email you provide earlier sir.", "No problem.", "Will you like to know more about our service Sir?", "#Hm don't worry I am familiar with them. It is okay here for now.", "Okay sir. if you have any other issue please contact us sir.", "Okay no problem.", "Thanks sir. Have a nice day mister Kelvin.", "And you to mister Florence.", "Please sir a message will be sent after this call for rating please kindly drop your ratings sir.", "Okay no problem. Bye.", "Bye Sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_471_000", "insurance_471_001", "insurance_471_002", "insurance_471_003", "insurance_471_004", "insurance_471_005", "insurance_471_006", "insurance_471_007", "insurance_471_008", "insurance_471_009", "insurance_471_010", "insurance_471_011", "insurance_471_012", "insurance_471_013", "insurance_471_014", "insurance_471_015", "insurance_471_016", "insurance_471_017", "insurance_471_018", "insurance_471_019", "insurance_471_020", "insurance_471_021", "insurance_471_022", "insurance_471_023", "insurance_471_024", "insurance_471_025", "insurance_471_026", "insurance_471_027", "insurance_471_028", "insurance_471_029", "insurance_471_030", "insurance_471_031", "insurance_471_032", "insurance_471_033", "insurance_471_034", "insurance_471_035", "insurance_471_036", "insurance_471_037", "insurance_471_038", "insurance_471_039", "insurance_471_040", "insurance_471_041", "insurance_471_042", "insurance_471_043", "insurance_471_044", "insurance_471_045", "insurance_471_046", "insurance_471_047", "insurance_471_048", "insurance_471_049", "insurance_471_050", "insurance_471_051", "insurance_471_052", "insurance_471_053", "insurance_471_054", "insurance_471_055", "insurance_471_056", "insurance_471_057", "insurance_471_058", "insurance_471_059", "insurance_471_060", "insurance_471_061", "insurance_471_062", "insurance_471_063", "insurance_471_064", "insurance_471_065", "insurance_471_066", "insurance_471_067", "insurance_471_068", "insurance_471_069", "insurance_471_070", "insurance_471_071", "insurance_471_072", "insurance_471_073", "insurance_471_074", "insurance_471_075", "insurance_471_076", "insurance_471_077", "insurance_471_078", "insurance_471_079", "insurance_471_080", "insurance_471_081", "insurance_471_082", "insurance_471_083", "insurance_471_084", "insurance_471_085", "insurance_471_086", "insurance_471_087", "insurance_471_088", "insurance_471_089", "insurance_471_090", "insurance_471_091", "insurance_471_092", "insurance_471_093", "insurance_471_094", "insurance_471_095", "insurance_471_096", "insurance_471_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I would like to enroll in an insurance plan. A friend of mine who is also your customer told me I could do it on your website but I had issues with that. I guess I have to make a call to enroll.", "Sure thing. I can help you with that. May I have your first name and last name please?", "Well, actually I'm new and I don't have an existing account.", "Oh! Okay. You'll have to create an account first then.", "okay. How do I do that?", "I'll help you with creating an account. You don't have to worry about that.", "Ok. That's good.", "So I'm going to be asking a few things from you which I will input directly into the system.", "Alright. I just hope I'll be able to answer them.", "Of course you would. They are just basic information. You don't have to worry.", "Oh! Okay. Now that's reassuring.", "Perfect. What's your first name please?", "It's Maria Carrie.", "Okay. Maria as your first name and Carrie as your last name. Is that right?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Hold on while I input it into the system. just to confirm, is Carrie spelled c. a. r. r. i. e.?", "Yes that right.", "Okay. May I have your phone number please?", "My phone number is one one two two.", "One one two two.", "Three three four.", "Three three four.", "Five two four.", "Five two four.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, one one two two three three four five two four. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. Now you are going to choose a security question of your choice.", "Alright. How do I choose that?", "It's very simple. We have five security questions you could choose from. You just have to pick one of the five.", "okay. What are they? actually while going through the website, I came across those security questions.", "Okay, that's good. So which one are you going to choose as your security questions?", "I think I'll go with the name of my first pet. My first pet was Brownie. She was such a wonderful dog. It's sad she died the way she did.", "Oh! So sorry about that.", "Thank you.", "You're welcome ma. Now can you provide your date of birth and your street address?", "My date of birth is December third, nineteen eighty nine.", "Okay. December third, nineteen eighty nine. Is that correct?", "Yep, that's right.", "Just a moment. Okay. Kindly provide your street address too.", "my street address is two fifty Boston avenue.", "Alright. just a moment. You said two fifty Boston avenue. Is that right?", "Yes, that right. I think this is taking too much time. I thought I would be done as fast as possible but it's taking too long.", "So sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try my best to make it quick as possible.", "Alright. just get on with it. What's the next question please?", "Okay. May I have the name of your city please?", "The name of my city is San Carlos, California.", "Okay. your city is San Carlos while your state is California. Is that right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Just a moment please.", "mhm.", "o-okay. Can I have your Zip code and Social security number please?", "My zip code is nine two two one two.", "Nine two two one two. Is that correct?", "Oh! my zip actually ends with three. Nine two two one three not nine two two one two.", "Nine two two one three. Is that right?", "Yes, that correct. Thank you.", "Perfect. Now that your account has been successfully created, let's continue with enrolling you in the plan of your choice.", "Alright.", "So we have different types of insurance plans. Do you need me to brief you on them?", "Not really, I have a plan in mind.", "O-okay, So what plan do you have in mind?", "I will like to enroll in the condo plan but I don't know how much it'll cost me. I actually tried to check on the website but I couldn't.", "Well, I can help with that.", "Okay. Please go on.", "We have two types of condo plans.", "okay.", "The first is the basic plan which costs five hundred dollars per year and the condo preferred plan which costs six hundred dollars per year.", "Okay. Well, I think I would prefer the condo preferred plan.", "Perfect. That plan costs six hundred dollars per year??", "Yes, I know.", "Please hold on while I enroll you in the condo preferred plan.", "Alright.", "I'll enroll you right away. Do you confirm enrollment?", "Yes, I do.", "Okay, done. Now I will like you to take note of the day of your enrollment in the condo preferred plan.", "okay.", "So, today is July twenty ninth, two thousand and twenty one. Please make sure you take note of this. Do you confirm?", "Yep. July twenty ninth, two thousand and twenty one. Got it.", "Okay. Now you'll have to pay a sum of six hundred dollars. The procedure of payment is on the website.", "Please can't you just do it here. It has taken forever to enroll and you want me to still visit your website to pay for enrollment?", "Kindly bear with us. We have your best interest at heart. We want to protect your personal information as much as we can.", "Oh! that's actually true. Just tell me how do go about it.", "Of course. It's actually very easy.", "Mhm, please go on.", "All you need do is visit our website, login using your first name as your username and last name as your password.", "please hold on. I think I need to write it down.", "Take your time.", "O-ok. You said I should login using my first name as username and last name as my password right?", "Yes, that correct. Then from there you can create a new password if you like.", "Okay. Got that. What do I do next?", "Then you can make payment by clicking on the make payment icon.", "Okay. I'll click on the make payment icon. Got it.", "Then you have two options. You either make payment directly from your bank or through your credit card.", "Okay. alright. Is that all?", "Yes, that's all. Is there anything I can help you with?", "Definitely not. I think that's all." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_472_000", "insurance_472_001", "insurance_472_002", "insurance_472_003", "insurance_472_004", "insurance_472_005", "insurance_472_006", "insurance_472_007", "insurance_472_008", "insurance_472_009", "insurance_472_010", "insurance_472_011", "insurance_472_012", "insurance_472_013", "insurance_472_014", "insurance_472_015", "insurance_472_016", "insurance_472_017", "insurance_472_018", "insurance_472_019", "insurance_472_020", "insurance_472_021", "insurance_472_022", "insurance_472_023", "insurance_472_024", "insurance_472_025", "insurance_472_026", "insurance_472_027", "insurance_472_028", "insurance_472_029", "insurance_472_030", "insurance_472_031", "insurance_472_032", "insurance_472_033", "insurance_472_034", "insurance_472_035", "insurance_472_036", "insurance_472_037", "insurance_472_038", "insurance_472_039", "insurance_472_040", "insurance_472_041", "insurance_472_042", "insurance_472_043", "insurance_472_044", "insurance_472_045", "insurance_472_046", "insurance_472_047", "insurance_472_048", "insurance_472_049", "insurance_472_050", "insurance_472_051", "insurance_472_052", "insurance_472_053", "insurance_472_054", "insurance_472_055", "insurance_472_056", "insurance_472_057", "insurance_472_058", "insurance_472_059", "insurance_472_060", "insurance_472_061", "insurance_472_062" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance Customer Care Service. How may I be of help to you?", "Good morning, I would love to change my address.", "Can you provide details of your first name and last name?", "My first name is Isabella.", "What's your Last name?", "Williams.", "What is your phone number?", "Two Zero One.", "Two Zero One.", "Five Four Three.", "Five Four Three.", "Seven Nine Seven Zero.", "Seven Nine Seven Zero.", "Two Zero One Five Four Three Seven Nine Seven Zero.", "Confirmed.", "what other information do you need?", "Your date of birth.", "January Sixteen Nineteen Eighty Nine.", "January Sixteen Nineteen Eighty Nine right?", "Yes. I don't have all day can you please be fast about this?", "We're sorry ma. Just a few more details and we're done.", "whew! A few more details? I don't have all day.", "Please call out your Social Security Number.", "five four Five.", "five Four Five.", "Four Four Five.", "Four Four Five.", "Nine Five One.", "Noted. What's the answer to your security question?", "Elena.", "When do you intend changing address?", "I just moved to a new environment.", "That's nice. Hope you're enjoying your new environment?", "yep! It's a lovely place.", "Can you provide details of your old address?", "Two Two Six Two Kerry Way, Whittier, California.", "Just a minute please.", "Alright. Should I repeat myself?", "No, thanks.", "Is there a way I can update my information on the website?", "What information is that?", "I don't want to waste so much time calling the customer care centre, #em, I want to do some other things on my account profile.", "Oh! You mean the self service option on the mobile app? I can help you with that.", "Oh! Okay.", "What's your new address?", "Three Five Nine Nine Diane Street.", "Please go on.", "Oxnard, California.", "I have sucessfully updated your address information.", "Please help out with what I asked about earlier.", "To use the self service care, You will need to log in on your browser with your log in details.", "Just a minute please. I need to write the procedures down.", "Oh! It's fine.", "Okay, I've logged in. What next?", "On the top right hand corner, You'll see different options to choose from.", "I've seen a lot of options to explore. This will help me save time.", "Is there any other thing you would love me to help you out with?", "No, that would be all for now.", "Thanks for calling. Do have a lovely day.", "Thanks for wasting my time. You need to work on your time management.", "We're so sorry about that ma'am. We'll work on serving you better.", "Okay. Bye!", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_473_000", "insurance_473_001", "insurance_473_002", "insurance_473_003", "insurance_473_004", "insurance_473_005", "insurance_473_006", "insurance_473_007", "insurance_473_008", "insurance_473_009", "insurance_473_010", "insurance_473_011", "insurance_473_012", "insurance_473_013", "insurance_473_014", "insurance_473_015", "insurance_473_016", "insurance_473_017", "insurance_473_018", "insurance_473_019", "insurance_473_020", "insurance_473_021", "insurance_473_022", "insurance_473_023", "insurance_473_024", "insurance_473_025", "insurance_473_026", "insurance_473_027", "insurance_473_028", "insurance_473_029", "insurance_473_030", "insurance_473_031", "insurance_473_032", "insurance_473_033", "insurance_473_034", "insurance_473_035", "insurance_473_036", "insurance_473_037", "insurance_473_038", "insurance_473_039", "insurance_473_040", "insurance_473_041", "insurance_473_042", "insurance_473_043", "insurance_473_044", "insurance_473_045", "insurance_473_046", "insurance_473_047", "insurance_473_048", "insurance_473_049", "insurance_473_050", "insurance_473_051", "insurance_473_052", "insurance_473_053", "insurance_473_054", "insurance_473_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how're you doing?", "I'm fine. How may I help you?", "I will like to get the policy number of the planed I enrolled in. I tried doing that on your website but I couldn't.", "Okay, may I know your first name and your last name?", "Yes, my first name is Paul and the last Cobb.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's seven seven seven one.", "Seven seven seven one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, seven seven seven one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said seven seven seven one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is Feburary tenth, nineteen fourty one.", "Feburary tenth, nineteen fourty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "Okay.", "Alright. May I know the plan you enrolled in?", "I enroll in life insurance plan.", "Okay.", "Yes.", "Kindly wait while I generate the policy number for you sir.", "Please do.", "Alright I'll start calling the policy number now.", "Alright.", "One five two four.", "Okay.", "Zero zero four four.", "", "Nine five.", "Yep.", "Can you call it for confimation?", "One five two four.", "Yes.", "Zero zero four four.", "Yes sir. Go on.", "Nine five.", "Okay good that's the policy number.", "Thanks so much I really do appreciate.", "May I know if there is anything I will do for you again?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetPolicyNumber" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_474_000", "insurance_474_001", "insurance_474_002", "insurance_474_003", "insurance_474_004", "insurance_474_005", "insurance_474_006", "insurance_474_007", "insurance_474_008", "insurance_474_009", "insurance_474_010", "insurance_474_011", "insurance_474_012", "insurance_474_013", "insurance_474_014", "insurance_474_015", "insurance_474_016", "insurance_474_017", "insurance_474_018", "insurance_474_019", "insurance_474_020", "insurance_474_021", "insurance_474_022", "insurance_474_023", "insurance_474_024", "insurance_474_025", "insurance_474_026", "insurance_474_027", "insurance_474_028", "insurance_474_029", "insurance_474_030", "insurance_474_031", "insurance_474_032", "insurance_474_033", "insurance_474_034", "insurance_474_035", "insurance_474_036", "insurance_474_037", "insurance_474_038", "insurance_474_039", "insurance_474_040", "insurance_474_041", "insurance_474_042", "insurance_474_043", "insurance_474_044", "insurance_474_045", "insurance_474_046", "insurance_474_047", "insurance_474_048", "insurance_474_049", "insurance_474_050", "insurance_474_051", "insurance_474_052", "insurance_474_053", "insurance_474_054", "insurance_474_055", "insurance_474_056", "insurance_474_057", "insurance_474_058", "insurance_474_059", "insurance_474_060", "insurance_474_061", "insurance_474_062", "insurance_474_063", "insurance_474_064", "insurance_474_065", "insurance_474_066", "insurance_474_067", "insurance_474_068", "insurance_474_069", "insurance_474_070", "insurance_474_071", "insurance_474_072", "insurance_474_073", "insurance_474_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How can I help you?", "Hi, I would like to create an account.", "That's great.To create an account, I need some information about you.", "Okay, sure.", "May I have your first name and last name Sir?", "My name is Timothy Jackson.", "Thank you sir.", "Yeah.", "Can I have your phone number?", "Okay, four zero one.", "four zero one.", "four six zero.", "four six zero.", "eighty nine two nine.", "eighty nine two nine.", "Yep that's it.", "Okay, four zero one four six zero eighty nine two nine, is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Next we need your mother's maiden name.", "her maiden name is Brewton.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "What's your best friend's name?", "His name is Donald Collins.", "Donald Collins?", "Yes, that's correct.", "What's your birthdate?", "My date of birth is October ninth, nineteen fifty six.", "October ninth, nineteen fifty six. Gotcha, just a moment please.", "Okay.", "What's your street address?", "four eight nine Simpson street.", "Alright.", "That's right.", "What state are you from?", "That's Martinsville.", "Oh okay, just a second.", "Alright.", "What's your city.", "Illinois.", "Thank you sir.", "Sure.", "Now may I have your zip code.", "zip code?", "Yes.", "one nine five two six.", "Did you say that's one nine five two two six or one nine five two six?", "It's one nine five two six.", "Okay sir, next we need your social security number.", "I think I can't fully remember but just a second please.", "Sure, take your time.", "Oh I got it now.", "Okay, can you read the numbers to me?", "four zero nine.", "four zero nine.", "fifty two.", "fifty two.", "two zero two zero.", "two zero two zero.", "Yeah, that's right.", "Thank you for the info, sir.", "Yeah.", "Please hang on sir. I will proceed to create your account.", "Yeah, sure.", "Okay done. Congratulations, your account is successfully created.", "Thank you.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Thanks! I think that's it?", "Alright sir.", "Thanks for your help.", "You are welcome.", "Thank you sir, have you good day.", "Thanks, and you too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CreateAccount" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_475_000", "insurance_475_001", "insurance_475_002", "insurance_475_003", "insurance_475_004", "insurance_475_005", "insurance_475_006", "insurance_475_007", "insurance_475_008", "insurance_475_009", "insurance_475_010", "insurance_475_011", "insurance_475_012", "insurance_475_013", "insurance_475_014", "insurance_475_015", "insurance_475_016", "insurance_475_017", "insurance_475_018", "insurance_475_019", "insurance_475_020", "insurance_475_021", "insurance_475_022", "insurance_475_023", "insurance_475_024", "insurance_475_025", "insurance_475_026", "insurance_475_027", "insurance_475_028", "insurance_475_029", "insurance_475_030", "insurance_475_031", "insurance_475_032", "insurance_475_033", "insurance_475_034", "insurance_475_035", "insurance_475_036", "insurance_475_037", "insurance_475_038", "insurance_475_039", "insurance_475_040", "insurance_475_041", "insurance_475_042", "insurance_475_043", "insurance_475_044", "insurance_475_045", "insurance_475_046", "insurance_475_047", "insurance_475_048", "insurance_475_049", "insurance_475_050", "insurance_475_051", "insurance_475_052", "insurance_475_053", "insurance_475_054", "insurance_475_055", "insurance_475_056", "insurance_475_057", "insurance_475_058", "insurance_475_059", "insurance_475_060", "insurance_475_061", "insurance_475_062", "insurance_475_063", "insurance_475_064", "insurance_475_065", "insurance_475_066", "insurance_475_067", "insurance_475_068", "insurance_475_069", "insurance_475_070", "insurance_475_071", "insurance_475_072", "insurance_475_073", "insurance_475_074", "insurance_475_075", "insurance_475_076", "insurance_475_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "I would love to cancel one of my insurance plans with your company.", "I'll need some of your details for identification ma'am.", "Which of my details do you need?", "What's your first and last name ma'am?", "Veronica Lowther.", "What's your mobile phone number ma'am?", "Two Five Six.", "Two Five Six.", "Six One Zero.", "Six One Zero.", "Four Nine Zero Five.", "Two Five Six Six One Zero Four Nine Zero Five. Is that right ma'am?", "huh. That's right.", "Can I have the details of your birth date ma'am?", "I was born on April Two, Nineteen Seventy.", "Can I have your social security number details ma'am?", "Four Two Three.", "Four Two Three.", "Zero Three Zero.", "Zero Three Zero.", "Two Zero Two.", "Two Zero Two.", "Kindly reconfirm the social security number again.", "Four Two Three Zero Three Zero Two Zero Two. Is that right ma'am?", "Yes. That's correct.", "Your Security Answer ma'am?", "I can't remember my security answer.", "What's the name of your first pet?", "Billie.", "That's incorrect ma'am.", "it's Jason.", "That's also incorrect ma'am.", "I can't seem to remember. What do I do?", "I'll help you reset your security question ma'am.", "Oh! That's so kind of you.", "I'd ask you a few questions. Kindly pick the question you can easily remember or write out the question in a notebook.", "kindly hold on, let me go get a pen and book.", "Alright ma'am.", "What are the questions?", "What's your mother's maiden name, the name of your high school, the name of your childhood best friend?", "My Mother's maiden name is Hobdy.", "That's your new security question and answer ma'am.", "Is there a way I can solve this without calling the helpline?", "Yes ma'am. We have a one stop app for all your needs ma'am.", "How does it work?", "I'll help you with that as soon as we are done solving this issue. Can I have your policy number ma'am?", "Three One Seven.", "Three One Seven.", "Four Six Six Two Zero.", "Three One Seven Four Six Six Two Zero right ma'am?", "Yes, That's right.", "Which of your insurance plans do you want to cancel ma'am?", "I want to cancel my automobile insurance plan.", "What plan type were you on ma'am?", "The complete automobile plan.", "if I may ask, why do you want to cancel your automobile insurance plan?", "I recently ran out of job and I have a lot of bills to offset.", "Oh! I'm so sorry ma'am.", "That's not all. My husband lost his job as well and he's earning a meagre salary.", "That must have been a lot for you to handle. I'm so sorry ma'am. How are you holding up ma'am?", "I've been doing some menial jobs and I work three shifts, I had to sell my car to offset some of the bills.", "Once again I'm sorry ma'am.", "So how do I go about cancelling my insurance plan?", "We'll remove that plan on your list of insurance and also remove it from your bills ma'am.", "Thanks so much. You said I can do anything on the mobile app right?", "Yes you can ma.", "How will I go about it?", "You need to dowload the app on IOS store and sign up for it ma'am.", "What's the name of the app?", "It's called Rivertown app.", "yep! I just saw on my IOS store. I'll download it later.", "Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with?", "That would be all for now. Thanks for your time.", "Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance ma'am.", "Thanks for your understanding and help.", "Do have a lovely day ma'am. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeSecurityQuestion" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_476_000", "insurance_476_001", "insurance_476_002", "insurance_476_003", "insurance_476_004", "insurance_476_005", "insurance_476_006", "insurance_476_007", "insurance_476_008", "insurance_476_009", "insurance_476_010", "insurance_476_011", "insurance_476_012", "insurance_476_013", "insurance_476_014", "insurance_476_015", "insurance_476_016", "insurance_476_017", "insurance_476_018", "insurance_476_019", "insurance_476_020", "insurance_476_021", "insurance_476_022", "insurance_476_023", "insurance_476_024", "insurance_476_025", "insurance_476_026", "insurance_476_027", "insurance_476_028", "insurance_476_029", "insurance_476_030", "insurance_476_031", "insurance_476_032", "insurance_476_033", "insurance_476_034", "insurance_476_035", "insurance_476_036", "insurance_476_037", "insurance_476_038", "insurance_476_039", "insurance_476_040", "insurance_476_041", "insurance_476_042", "insurance_476_043", "insurance_476_044", "insurance_476_045", "insurance_476_046", "insurance_476_047", "insurance_476_048", "insurance_476_049", "insurance_476_050", "insurance_476_051", "insurance_476_052", "insurance_476_053", "insurance_476_054", "insurance_476_055", "insurance_476_056", "insurance_476_057", "insurance_476_058", "insurance_476_059", "insurance_476_060", "insurance_476_061", "insurance_476_062", "insurance_476_063", "insurance_476_064", "insurance_476_065", "insurance_476_066", "insurance_476_067", "insurance_476_068", "insurance_476_069", "insurance_476_070", "insurance_476_071", "insurance_476_072", "insurance_476_073", "insurance_476_074", "insurance_476_075", "insurance_476_076" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm fine sir. How may I help you sir?", "I want to do few stuffs on the mobile app but I can't seem to navigate my way through it.", "I can help you with it sir. However, what particular help do you need sir?", "That's so lovely of you.", "You can count on us to solve all of your insurance related problems sir.", "[Laughter]. You sound so confident. Well, I need to update my payment preference.", "I'll need some of your details for identification sir.", "What details to be precise?", "What's your first and last name sir?", "Matt James. My email address is Jamesmatt at gmail dot com.", "What's your phone number sir?", "Seven Two Zero Four.", "Seven Two Zero Four.", "Zero Zero Two Nine.", "Zero Zero Two Nine.", "Four Eight.", "Seven Two Zero Four Zero Zero Two Nine Four Eight right?", "Yes that's my mobile phone number.", "Captured. Next is your date of birth sir.", "I was born on the Seventh day in the month of January Nineteen Sixty Five.", "January Seventh Nineteen Sixty Five right sir?", "Exactly.", "What's your social security number sir?", "Is that the number written at the top right hand corner of the mobile app?", "No sir. Can you see the nine digits number at the top bottom of the app.", "Just a minute please. My eyes are blurry. I need to get my glasses.", "Alright sir.", "You said it's written at the top bottom of the app?", "Yes sir. It's a nine digit number. Can you see it sir?", "uh-huh. I can see it.", "Can you read it out sir?", "Five Two Two Five.", "Five Two Two Five.", "Nine Four Six.", "Nine Four Six.", "Six Three.", "What's your policy number sir?", "I can't seem to remember my policy number. Is it also on the app?", "Yes it is sir. You can find it on your personal information icon on the app.", "Gotcha! The eight digit long number there right?", "Yes sir. Could you please call the numbers out for me?", "Sure. Two One One Four.", "Two One One Four.", "Three Five Five Three.", "Two One One Four Three Five Five Three. Is that right sir?", "Of course it is.", "Could you please tell me the answer to your security question?", "Morse. That's my mama's maiden name.", "She has such a nice name.", "Thank you.", "From our records, I can see that you were paying directly to us from your bank account sir.", "Yes that's right. I don't want to default in payment hence the need to update my payment preference.", "The payment option left now is by deducting it directly from your credit card sir.", "I'm fine with it.", "Could you please provide your credit card number sir?", "I need to go get my credit card. Give me a minute please.", "#em. It's fine sir.", "Yup! Four Five Three Two.", "Four Five Three Two.", "One Eight Two Seven.", "One Eight Two Seven.", "Four Six Five Three.", "Four Six Five Three.", "Seven Eight Four Nine.", "Seven Eight Four Nine..", "Have you confirmed it?", "Yes sir. Could you please provide details of the expiration date sir?", "Zero One Twenty Twenty Four.", "Gotcha! Next is your credit card CVV sir.", "Six Zero Zero.", "Your credit card has been succesfully added sir. Do you need help with any other thing sir?", "None for now.", "Alright sir. Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance sir. Do have a lovely day sir.", "Thanks for the help, Have a lovely day. Bye.", "Bye sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_477_000", "insurance_477_001", "insurance_477_002", "insurance_477_003", "insurance_477_004", "insurance_477_005", "insurance_477_006", "insurance_477_007", "insurance_477_008", "insurance_477_009", "insurance_477_010", "insurance_477_011", "insurance_477_012", "insurance_477_013", "insurance_477_014", "insurance_477_015", "insurance_477_016", "insurance_477_017", "insurance_477_018", "insurance_477_019", "insurance_477_020", "insurance_477_021", "insurance_477_022", "insurance_477_023", "insurance_477_024", "insurance_477_025", "insurance_477_026", "insurance_477_027", "insurance_477_028", "insurance_477_029", "insurance_477_030", "insurance_477_031", "insurance_477_032", "insurance_477_033", "insurance_477_034", "insurance_477_035", "insurance_477_036", "insurance_477_037", "insurance_477_038", "insurance_477_039", "insurance_477_040", "insurance_477_041", "insurance_477_042", "insurance_477_043", "insurance_477_044", "insurance_477_045", "insurance_477_046", "insurance_477_047", "insurance_477_048", "insurance_477_049", "insurance_477_050", "insurance_477_051", "insurance_477_052", "insurance_477_053", "insurance_477_054", "insurance_477_055", "insurance_477_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I need to reset the password to my account. I tried changing it on your website but I couldn't.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your name please?", "My name is Samuel Smart.", "Okay, Samuel is your first name and Smart is your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's four four six one.", "four four six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is October sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "October sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "May I have your phone number?", "One two three four.", "One two three four.", "Nine eight eight six seven.", "Nine eight eight six seven.", "Yes.", "You said one two three four nine eight eight six seven.", "Yes exactly.", "Okay. Please can you kindly provide me the security number sir?", "That should be zero zero five zero.", "Zero zero five zero.", "Yes.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Kindly tell me your security question.", "That is my childhood nickkname, which is Smart.", "S. m. a. r. t. right?", "Exactly.", "I just sent a link to your email with which you can change your password.", "Thanks.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting Rivertown Insurance.", "Thanks for your help.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_478_000", "insurance_478_001", "insurance_478_002", "insurance_478_003", "insurance_478_004", "insurance_478_005", "insurance_478_006", "insurance_478_007", "insurance_478_008", "insurance_478_009", "insurance_478_010", "insurance_478_011", "insurance_478_012", "insurance_478_013", "insurance_478_014", "insurance_478_015", "insurance_478_016", "insurance_478_017", "insurance_478_018", "insurance_478_019", "insurance_478_020", "insurance_478_021", "insurance_478_022", "insurance_478_023", "insurance_478_024", "insurance_478_025", "insurance_478_026", "insurance_478_027", "insurance_478_028", "insurance_478_029", "insurance_478_030", "insurance_478_031", "insurance_478_032", "insurance_478_033", "insurance_478_034", "insurance_478_035", "insurance_478_036", "insurance_478_037", "insurance_478_038", "insurance_478_039", "insurance_478_040", "insurance_478_041", "insurance_478_042", "insurance_478_043", "insurance_478_044", "insurance_478_045", "insurance_478_046", "insurance_478_047", "insurance_478_048", "insurance_478_049", "insurance_478_050", "insurance_478_051", "insurance_478_052", "insurance_478_053", "insurance_478_054", "insurance_478_055", "insurance_478_056", "insurance_478_057", "insurance_478_058", "insurance_478_059", "insurance_478_060" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to file health claim in my account. I tried to file health claim it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to file health claim.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Nelson Paul.", "Okay, Nelson as your first name and Paul as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's nine nine six one.", "Nine nine six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, nine nine six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said nine nine six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is July sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "July sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the group number?", "four four four three.", "Okay.", "Yea.", "Insured person and his or her relationship to you.", "One person and she's my spouse.", "Additional insurance whether the person is co-insured or has dual coverage?", "Co-insured.", "Okay. Why the customer visited the doctor, e.g., an injury from work, accident, yearly checkup?", "An injury from work.", "Kindly provide the email address to receive the form link.", "Okay, that is nelsonpaul at yahoo dot com.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Provide me the name of the doctor.", "His name is Isreal Mount.", "The total amount of bill from the hospital or service provider?", "well, It is one thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars.", "Okay. The amount that the customer has already paid. The insurance company needs this to calculate the remaining amount.", "Okay she has paid eight hundred dollars.", "The email you said is valid and the link will be sent to it.", "okay.", "Can I proceed with confirmation of the health file claim?", "yeah.", "Your file health claim has been successfully logded and it will be available to access.", "Okay. Thanks.", "May I know if there is anything I can do again for you?", "No that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great day!", "Thanks and you too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_479_000", "insurance_479_001", "insurance_479_002", "insurance_479_003", "insurance_479_004", "insurance_479_005", "insurance_479_006", "insurance_479_007", "insurance_479_008", "insurance_479_009", "insurance_479_010", "insurance_479_011", "insurance_479_012", "insurance_479_013", "insurance_479_014", "insurance_479_015", "insurance_479_016", "insurance_479_017", "insurance_479_018", "insurance_479_019", "insurance_479_020", "insurance_479_021", "insurance_479_022", "insurance_479_023", "insurance_479_024", "insurance_479_025", "insurance_479_026", "insurance_479_027", "insurance_479_028", "insurance_479_029", "insurance_479_030", "insurance_479_031", "insurance_479_032", "insurance_479_033", "insurance_479_034", "insurance_479_035", "insurance_479_036", "insurance_479_037", "insurance_479_038", "insurance_479_039", "insurance_479_040", "insurance_479_041", "insurance_479_042", "insurance_479_043", "insurance_479_044", "insurance_479_045", "insurance_479_046", "insurance_479_047", "insurance_479_048", "insurance_479_049", "insurance_479_050", "insurance_479_051", "insurance_479_052", "insurance_479_053", "insurance_479_054", "insurance_479_055", "insurance_479_056", "insurance_479_057", "insurance_479_058", "insurance_479_059", "insurance_479_060", "insurance_479_061", "insurance_479_062", "insurance_479_063", "insurance_479_064", "insurance_479_065", "insurance_479_066", "insurance_479_067", "insurance_479_068", "insurance_479_069", "insurance_479_070", "insurance_479_071", "insurance_479_072", "insurance_479_073", "insurance_479_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good afternoon, thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance, my name is...", "I don't need to know your name, just get me to a manager immediately.", "I'll be happy to transfer you, ma'am, as soon as my manager is out of her meeting. Can I attempt to assist?", "No, I've been through this with that awful girl - was her name Ashley? Yea, Ashley. She hung up on me. She said she was \"transferring me\" and I have worked phone banks before and ...", "Yes, ma'am, that can be very frustrating, when you feel like someone is purposefully putting your concerns aside.", "When I feel like? How do you explain how rude she was? She hung the phone up on me!", "Well, I can't speak for her, but I have some notes from - Ashley? Oh, Sarah.", "Yes, Sarah, that rude little piece of work.", "I don't know her that well. Maybe she is. I'll keep my eye on her.", "You better, working in an office of women. Apologize to Ashley for me.", "It's like it never happened, I can assure you.", "Oh, good. Now about my complaint...", "Yes, it says that you paid too much out of pocket with this last accident? You believed that...", "Right, my deductible is only $five zero zero, and I paid almost $two five zero zero over three months!", "There were other fees. Yes, your deductible on the damage done to your car - is it fixed yet?", "Yes, yes, like it's brand new except for a huge accideent that idiot caused when he ran the red light.", "Well, good, glad you've got it back. But there were additional damages that you were held liable for.", "Like what?", "You are being held liable for medical expenses, for property damage to his car, to the neighbor's mailbox - it was a pretty good accident you had.", "It was his fault! Why am I paying - medical expenses? I didn't go to the hospital.", "It appears he did, and there was quite a work up done.", "He was lying on the ground faking pain in his shoulder. You should have seen him - rolling around the ground screaming in Spanish. I mean is he even here legally?", "That does not affect our responsbility to cover him in the case of accident caused by our members.", "I told you already - he ran the red light! It was his fault.", "Ma'am, as my customer, I believe what you are saying is the truth as best you know.", "Yes, thank you.", "You've got to take blame with the police. It's their judgment and their reports that we base our final decisions on.", "I can just go back to the police station and tell them I didn't do it, and then you will refund me? Is that what you're saying.", "No, ma'am, when you got in the accident, did they give you a ticket?", "I don't know. They handed me a bunch of stuff. It's probably still in my purse.", "Why don't you look real quick and see if you have it.", "One moment.", "Take your time", "I don't know which is which. There's all sorts of little slips of paper. Here's the dry cleaners. Oh, damn. I was supposed..", "Ma'am, the point is, when you find it, there should be information on how to contest the judgment. If that the court overrules the judgment of the police at the scene, then...", "The courts? I have to go in front of judge?", "...if the court overrules the police on the scene, you can resubmit the ruling for reconsideration. At that time...", "This could take months!", "Yes, ma'am, once you are vindicated in court, we will be able to then consider refunding some of the deductibles and liabilities. Except there is one small problem, I'm afraid...", "All $two zero zero zero !", "He was uninsured.", "So he won't be able to pay.", "We would then go after him for the total amount for both cars, the medical care, and the property damage.", "So?", "I'm just explaining the process. But, yes, it would take several months. Maybe upwards of a year depending on the complexity of forensic evidence.", "A year? Mister, I am eight seven years old, I could be dead in a year!", "It looks like we have an additional fee for your legal coverage that comes as part of your premium insurance policy - our Diamond Members are covered very well.", "Experience, insurance, and respect - my father said those were the only good things about getting old.", "I wouldn't know, ma'am, I'm two four. I have none of them.", "You'll get there. Tell me about the legal fee - and how much would the claim be if I didn't have insurance.", "It's actually a \"good neighbor\" benefit we add on to our Diamond Memberships. You - and, in this case because he is uninsured, the victim here - get legal insurance up to one zero hours of legal protection at two five percent above the average rate for the area you live in.", "Both of us?", "Both of you. Uninsured drivers are usually behind financially. That's the good neighbor part.", "What if I waive that? I have a lawyer on retainer.", "Of course. If you waive the legal coverage, since it has already been expenses, his coverage increases to one five hours at +five zero percent of the regional average cost.", "So I've already paid for it, and he benefits...", "If you choose to pursue legal action against him, yes.", "Isn't that hurting you guys?", "Ma'am, we're here to make sure everyone is safe and protect people's financial investments as best as we can. If everyone's bankrupt, there are no more customers.", "How are my rates affected at fault?", "Your monthly responsibility will go up by $two .three two .", "$two four a year? And $two five zero zero? ", "Yes, ma'am, plus the legal fee.", "Waive the legal fee. Give the man the coverage. If I come for him he'll need it.", "Yes, ma'am.", "Are there any more surprise fees coming? Any other surprises coming down?", "No, ma'am.", "So, for $two four a year and $two five zero zero, and he pays nothing for an accident where you claim I was at fault but has no real effect on me except the inconvenience..", "Exactly.", "Thank you for your time, I'll consider all this. I didn't catch your name.", "If I told you my name was Sarah, would you write a thank you note?", "I wouldn't be able to address it to anyone else.", "Sarah, and John.", "Have a good day, \"Sarah and John.\" Strange name. Very well, have a good week.", "Yes, ma'am. Have a good one." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ReportBillingIssue" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_480_000", "insurance_480_001", "insurance_480_002", "insurance_480_003", "insurance_480_004", "insurance_480_005", "insurance_480_006", "insurance_480_007", "insurance_480_008", "insurance_480_009", "insurance_480_010", "insurance_480_011", "insurance_480_012", "insurance_480_013", "insurance_480_014", "insurance_480_015", "insurance_480_016", "insurance_480_017", "insurance_480_018", "insurance_480_019", "insurance_480_020", "insurance_480_021", "insurance_480_022", "insurance_480_023", "insurance_480_024", "insurance_480_025", "insurance_480_026", "insurance_480_027", "insurance_480_028", "insurance_480_029", "insurance_480_030", "insurance_480_031", "insurance_480_032", "insurance_480_033", "insurance_480_034", "insurance_480_035", "insurance_480_036", "insurance_480_037", "insurance_480_038", "insurance_480_039", "insurance_480_040", "insurance_480_041", "insurance_480_042", "insurance_480_043", "insurance_480_044", "insurance_480_045", "insurance_480_046", "insurance_480_047", "insurance_480_048", "insurance_480_049", "insurance_480_050", "insurance_480_051", "insurance_480_052", "insurance_480_053", "insurance_480_054", "insurance_480_055", "insurance_480_056", "insurance_480_057", "insurance_480_058", "insurance_480_059", "insurance_480_060", "insurance_480_061", "insurance_480_062" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance customer care service. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm fine sir and you?", "I'm cool.", "How may I help you sir?", "My friend told me you have an insurance package for pets.", "Yes we do sir.", "I checked your website and discovered your rates are overly pricey.", "Sure sir. Your findings are absolutely correct. We have the best rates in town.", "True that.", "Many thanks to your friend who told you about Rivertown insurance company.", "How does it work?", "We have two plan types for pet insurance sir.", "I have three dogs but one is currently down with rabies and I don't want to lose her.", "Oh! I hope she's recuperating fast enough?", "Not really. Can you tell me more about the pet insurance plan?", "Sure sir. We have the petcare basic plan and the petcare preferred plan.", "Okay. What are their differences and rates?", "Petcare Basic plan costs five hundred dollars per year while Petcare preferred plan costs one thousand dollars per year.", "Good rates I must say. So how do each of them operate?", "The Petcare Basic plan covers twenty five per cent veteniary services while the petcare preferred plan offers fifty percent of veteniary costs and also cover accident and illnesses.", "Whoa! That's amazing. So which one should I go for?", "I would advise you go for the Petcare preferred type sir. It covers a lot of expenses for your pets.", "Alright. So how do I go about it?", "I'll need to take down some of your details sir. What's your first and last name sir?", "Samuel Tyler. My phone number is Two Three One Seven Eight Nine Seven Two Two Eight.", "Can you call your phone number again sir?", "Two Three One Seven.", "Two Three One Seven.", "Eight Nine Seven.", "Eight Nine Seven.", "Two Two Eight.", "What's your date of birth sir?", "January Two, Nineteen Eighty Nine.", "What's your Social Security Number sir?", "Three One Six.", "Three One Six.", "Two Five.", "Two Five.", "Nine Zero Seven Six.", "Kindly provide the answer to your security question sir.", "Myles.", "How many dogs do you want to insure sir?", "One for now.", "What is the breed of your dog sir?", "It's a bull dog.", "What is the weight of your dog sir?", "He weighs Seventy pounds.", "I hope your dog recovers soon sir. What's his name?", "Lyon.", "Will you love to insure your remaining dogs soon?", "I'm not so sure it's going to be soon but I'll definitely insure them.", "Alright sir.", "My dogs mean everything to me.", "What's his age?", "He's twenty two months old.", "Just a minute please.", "Alright.", "I've successfully registered your pet. Is there any other thing you would love me to help you with sir?", "That will be all for now. Thanks for helping out.", "Thanks for choosing Rivertown Insurance sir. Do have a lovely day sir.", "Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_481_000", "insurance_481_001", "insurance_481_002", "insurance_481_003", "insurance_481_004", "insurance_481_005", "insurance_481_006", "insurance_481_007", "insurance_481_008", "insurance_481_009", "insurance_481_010", "insurance_481_011", "insurance_481_012", "insurance_481_013", "insurance_481_014", "insurance_481_015", "insurance_481_016", "insurance_481_017", "insurance_481_018", "insurance_481_019", "insurance_481_020", "insurance_481_021", "insurance_481_022", "insurance_481_023", "insurance_481_024", "insurance_481_025", "insurance_481_026", "insurance_481_027", "insurance_481_028", "insurance_481_029", "insurance_481_030", "insurance_481_031", "insurance_481_032", "insurance_481_033", "insurance_481_034", "insurance_481_035", "insurance_481_036", "insurance_481_037", "insurance_481_038", "insurance_481_039", "insurance_481_040", "insurance_481_041", "insurance_481_042", "insurance_481_043", "insurance_481_044", "insurance_481_045", "insurance_481_046", "insurance_481_047", "insurance_481_048", "insurance_481_049", "insurance_481_050", "insurance_481_051", "insurance_481_052", "insurance_481_053", "insurance_481_054", "insurance_481_055", "insurance_481_056", "insurance_481_057", "insurance_481_058", "insurance_481_059", "insurance_481_060", "insurance_481_061", "insurance_481_062", "insurance_481_063", "insurance_481_064", "insurance_481_065", "insurance_481_066", "insurance_481_067", "insurance_481_068", "insurance_481_069", "insurance_481_070", "insurance_481_071", "insurance_481_072", "insurance_481_073", "insurance_481_074", "insurance_481_075" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, this is Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to enroll a plan on my account. I tried to enroll after creating an account it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to enroll.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Kristine Streater.", "Okay, Kristine as your first name and Streater as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is Decenber sixth, nineteen eighty two.", "December sixth, nineteen eighty two right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Alright. May I know your social security number?", "That is five zero five zero.", "Okay, you said five zero five zero.", "Yes.", "Kindly provide me the answer to your security question.", "That is my Mother's maiden name.", "Exactly sir.", "Her name is Ekstrom.", "Okay, Ekstrom.", "Yes.", "Kindly tell me about the plan you want to enroll.", "I would like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes ma. We do.", "Tell me more about it.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Is that all?", "Yes ma.", "Sure. Go on please with Petcare Basic.", "Alright ma.", "How can I make payment?", "You will provide me your credit card details ma.", "Okay, I'm using visa card.", "That's not a problem.", "Four five three two.", "Four five three two.", "Six seven five nine.", "Six seven five nine.", "Zero five zero zero.", "Zero five zero zero.", "Seven five five three.", "Seven five five three.", "Yes.", "What is the Expiration date?", "Four twenty twenty six.", "Four twenty twenty six.", "What us your Credit card cvv ma?", "That's zero four six.", "Yes.", "You've successfully enroll in plan with us ma.", "Thank you.", "Do have a great day!", "You too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_482_000", "insurance_482_001", "insurance_482_002", "insurance_482_003", "insurance_482_004", "insurance_482_005", "insurance_482_006", "insurance_482_007", "insurance_482_008", "insurance_482_009", "insurance_482_010", "insurance_482_011", "insurance_482_012", "insurance_482_013", "insurance_482_014", "insurance_482_015", "insurance_482_016", "insurance_482_017", "insurance_482_018", "insurance_482_019", "insurance_482_020", "insurance_482_021", "insurance_482_022", "insurance_482_023", "insurance_482_024", "insurance_482_025", "insurance_482_026", "insurance_482_027", "insurance_482_028", "insurance_482_029", "insurance_482_030", "insurance_482_031", "insurance_482_032", "insurance_482_033", "insurance_482_034", "insurance_482_035", "insurance_482_036", "insurance_482_037", "insurance_482_038", "insurance_482_039", "insurance_482_040", "insurance_482_041", "insurance_482_042", "insurance_482_043", "insurance_482_044", "insurance_482_045", "insurance_482_046", "insurance_482_047", "insurance_482_048", "insurance_482_049", "insurance_482_050", "insurance_482_051", "insurance_482_052", "insurance_482_053", "insurance_482_054", "insurance_482_055", "insurance_482_056", "insurance_482_057", "insurance_482_058", "insurance_482_059", "insurance_482_060", "insurance_482_061", "insurance_482_062", "insurance_482_063", "insurance_482_064", "insurance_482_065" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Welcome to Rivertown Customer Care Service. How may I be of help to you?", "Good morning, How are you?", "I'm fine as well. How may I help you?", "I've been trying to log in with my details on the mobile app but my password is not going through. What can I do?", "You will need to reset your password ma'am.", "can you help with that?", "Yes I can ma'am. I'll need some of your details for identification ma'am.", "What details to be precise?", "What's your first name ma'am?", "Anabel.", "Is it spelt as A.N.A.B.E.L.L.E?", "No, It is spelt as A.N.A.B.E.L.", "Can I have your last name ma'am?", "Lugo.", "Anabelle Lugo right??", "Yes please.", "What's your date of birth ma'am?", "July Twentieth, Nineteen Ninety Three.", "Just a minute ma'am.", "Alright.", "What's your mobile number ma'am?", "Two Four Four.", "Two Four Four.", "Three Five Two.", "Three Five Two.", "Eight Two Two Nine.", "Kindly reconfirm your phone number ma'am. Two Four Four Three Five Two Eight Two Two Nine. Is that correct ma'am?", "Yes that's right.", "Can I have your Social Security Number ma'am?", "My Social Security Number? I'll need to get it from my notepad. Just a minute please.", "Alright ma'am.", "Two Zero Four.", "Two Zero Four.", "Zero Seven Eight.", "Zero Seven Eight.", "Two One One.", "Two One One.", "Two Zero Four Zero Seven Eight Two One One.", "Confirmed ma'am.", "Can I change my home address and also add a dependent?", "Yes ma'am. I can help you with it but let me sort this out first.", "Uh-huh.", "What's the answer to your Security Question ma'am?", "I can't remember my security question.", "I can help you change your security question. We have a range of questions you can pick from ma'am.", "whoa! Please kindly help me out with it.", "Kindly pick the question you can easily remember ma'am.", "I will write it in my notepad.", "Your mother's maiden name, your childhood best friend name, Your first pet name, your high school name, your favourite teacher's name.", "My mother's maiden name is Cole.", "! My name is also Cole.", "Whoa! That's so nice.", "Your new security question is your mother's maiden name and your security answer is Cole.", "#Um, It's well noted.", "What's your email address ma'am?", "Annielugo one two five at hot mail dot com.", "A password reset link will be sent to your mail ma'am. Please kindly click on the link to reset your password.", "Thanks for the help.", "Should I go ahead with the change of address ma'am?", "I've not finalised my movement plans. I'll do that later.", "Is there any other thing you would love me to help you out with ma'am?", "That would be all for now.", "Enjoy the rest of the day ma'am.", "You too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangeAddress", "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_483_000", "insurance_483_001", "insurance_483_002", "insurance_483_003", "insurance_483_004", "insurance_483_005", "insurance_483_006", "insurance_483_007", "insurance_483_008", "insurance_483_009", "insurance_483_010", "insurance_483_011", "insurance_483_012", "insurance_483_013", "insurance_483_014", "insurance_483_015", "insurance_483_016", "insurance_483_017", "insurance_483_018", "insurance_483_019", "insurance_483_020", "insurance_483_021", "insurance_483_022", "insurance_483_023", "insurance_483_024", "insurance_483_025", "insurance_483_026", "insurance_483_027", "insurance_483_028", "insurance_483_029", "insurance_483_030", "insurance_483_031", "insurance_483_032", "insurance_483_033", "insurance_483_034", "insurance_483_035", "insurance_483_036", "insurance_483_037", "insurance_483_038", "insurance_483_039", "insurance_483_040", "insurance_483_041", "insurance_483_042", "insurance_483_043", "insurance_483_044", "insurance_483_045", "insurance_483_046", "insurance_483_047", "insurance_483_048", "insurance_483_049", "insurance_483_050", "insurance_483_051", "insurance_483_052", "insurance_483_053", "insurance_483_054", "insurance_483_055" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how's your day going?", "Fine, how's yours too and what can I do for you?", "Fine, I want to get auto quote.", "Okay, can you provide me your name?", "my name is Isreal Henderson.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's four four zero one.", "Four four zero one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, four four zero one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said four four zero one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is August third, nineteen ninety.", "August third, nineteen ninety right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know the auto type?", "it's a toyota car.", "Okay. Can you prescribe the auto model?", "ES Seven hundred.", "Okay, what is the year of the automobile?", "Twenty twenty brand.", "Alright. Please provide me the mileage of the automobile?", "I'll do that, let me confirm it.", "Alright sir, take your time.", "it's just about two months.", "Okay which of the pet plan did you want to go for?", "Yes please, Petcare Auto is what I go for.", "Alright. Hope the price as one thousand five hundred dollars?", "Yes I do.", "Please you have choose either phone or email for the slot method.", "Yes please I will go for email.", "Okay. Wait a moment it's process.", "okay.", "Kindly provide me your email sir.", "Thanks it is isrealhen at yahoo dot com.", "Okay confirm. The link to get the auto quote is successfully sent to your mail sir.", "Thanks.", "may I know if there is anything more I can do for you?", "No that will be all for now.", "Thanks for your call. Do have a great day!", "Alright thanks. Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_484_000", "insurance_484_001", "insurance_484_002", "insurance_484_003", "insurance_484_004", "insurance_484_005", "insurance_484_006", "insurance_484_007", "insurance_484_008", "insurance_484_009", "insurance_484_010", "insurance_484_011", "insurance_484_012", "insurance_484_013", "insurance_484_014", "insurance_484_015", "insurance_484_016", "insurance_484_017", "insurance_484_018", "insurance_484_019", "insurance_484_020", "insurance_484_021", "insurance_484_022", "insurance_484_023", "insurance_484_024", "insurance_484_025", "insurance_484_026", "insurance_484_027", "insurance_484_028", "insurance_484_029", "insurance_484_030", "insurance_484_031", "insurance_484_032", "insurance_484_033", "insurance_484_034", "insurance_484_035", "insurance_484_036", "insurance_484_037", "insurance_484_038", "insurance_484_039", "insurance_484_040", "insurance_484_041", "insurance_484_042", "insurance_484_043", "insurance_484_044", "insurance_484_045", "insurance_484_046", "insurance_484_047", "insurance_484_048", "insurance_484_049", "insurance_484_050", "insurance_484_051", "insurance_484_052", "insurance_484_053", "insurance_484_054", "insurance_484_055", "insurance_484_056", "insurance_484_057", "insurance_484_058", "insurance_484_059", "insurance_484_060", "insurance_484_061", "insurance_484_062", "insurance_484_063", "insurance_484_064", "insurance_484_065", "insurance_484_066", "insurance_484_067", "insurance_484_068", "insurance_484_069", "insurance_484_070", "insurance_484_071", "insurance_484_072", "insurance_484_073", "insurance_484_074", "insurance_484_075", "insurance_484_076", "insurance_484_077", "insurance_484_078", "insurance_484_079", "insurance_484_080", "insurance_484_081", "insurance_484_082", "insurance_484_083", "insurance_484_084", "insurance_484_085", "insurance_484_086", "insurance_484_087", "insurance_484_088", "insurance_484_089", "insurance_484_090", "insurance_484_091", "insurance_484_092", "insurance_484_093", "insurance_484_094", "insurance_484_095", "insurance_484_096", "insurance_484_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I would like to cancel my insurance plan. I tried doing it on the website but I couldn't so I guessed I have to make a call to cancel it.", "Alright. I can help you with that. May I have your first name and your last name sir?", "My name is Joe Willock.", "Okay sir. Joe as the first name and Willock as the last name. Is that correct sir?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. I'll also need your birth date and your customer number.", "#Uh, sorry? My birthday? My birthday isn't today.", "(laughter), your date of birth not your birthday sir.", "Oh! I thought you were asking me to celebrate my birthday.", "(Laughter).", "Okay. My date of birth is September sixth, nineteen ninty four.", "September sixth, nineteen ninty four. Is that correct?", "Yep, that's it.", "May I have your customer number please?", "My customer number is just a moment please.", "Take your time.", "Okay. Got it. My customer number is two two one one.", "two two one one.", "three three four one.", "three three four one.", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright. Please hold on.", "Okay.", "Okay. To be able to cancel your plan, I'll need to have your policy number.", "Policy number? What's that?", "Your policy number is the string of numbers below your profile picture.", "Oh! I think I wrote that somewhere. Just a moment please.", "Sure. Take your time.", "Okay. Got it. It's one one one two.", "One one one two.", "Three three four four.", "Three three four four.", "Yep, that's right.", "one one one two three three four four. Is that correct?", "Oh! it's actually three three three four. The last four digits are three three three four.", "Okay. One one one two three three three four. Is that right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Hold on while I check the system please.", "mhm.", "Gotcha, to cancel your plan, I'll need to confirm the plan which you are currently enrolled in.", "I'm currently on Homeowner plan.", "Alright. May I ask which of the homeowner plans you are currently on?", "I thought these things should be on your system. Why are you asking me what plan I'm on when you can just check your system.", "Sorry for the inconvenience sir. Actually I have them on the system but I just need confirmation.", "that's homeowner preferred plan which is currently one thousand six hundred dollars per year.", "Okay. That's right.", "Yes, of course.", "Alright. Before I proceed to cancel your plan, may I know the reason why you are cancelling?", "Oh it's I actually still have plans to still enroll but on a lesser plan.", "okay. May I know if the cost of the current plan have caused you any inconvenience?", "Jeez, can we just go ahead and cancel it? I don't really have time to start explaining that to you.", "Kindly hold on while I try to confirm on the system.", "Yeah sure.", "I'll proceed with the cancellation of your plan. Do you confirm the cancellation?", "Yes, I confirm to cancel it.", "Alright. Please hold on while I proceed with the cancellation.", "Yeah sure.", "Okay done. Your plan is now cancelled. May I ask if you plan to enroll in a lesser plan immediately?", "Actually, not really, not now.", "Alright sir. May I ask if there is anything else I can help you with?", "I actually wanted to ask you if I could cancel the plan on the website myself instead of having to make a call in case of next time.", "Of course sir. I can help you with that.", "Okay. I'd love that.", "Good. I'll explain that shortly.", "Hold on while I get something I can write on.", "Sure. Take your time.", "Okay. I've got that. Please go on.", "Alright sir. In order to cancel a plan, you'll need to click on the profile icon after logging into the website.", "I'll click on profile after logging in?", "Yes, that's right.", "Okay. What next?", "After clicking on your profile, you'll look for the Plan types icon.", "I'll click on the Plan types icon. Alright, go on.", "Then you just need to click on the plan you intend cancelling.", "Okay. I think I got that.", "Alright. Then you can just go ahead and click on cancel and that'll be all.", "Oh! it's actually very easy.", "Yes it is sir.", "I really appreciate your efforts and the time you've taken to explain all these to me. Hope you don't mind if I asked for your name?", "No problem sir. My name is Jake Fowler.", "Jake Fowler? Really! My wife's cousin bears exactly the same. I wonder if you both would look alike.", "(laughter), well, I doubt that. but it's a pleasure sir.", "Yes, it is.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I don't know if your company offers any kind of renters insurance.", "Yes, we do. Should I brief you on the types of renters insurance we offer?", "Yes please.", "Okay. We have two types of renters insurance.", "Okay.", "The first one is Renters Basic which costs two hundred dollars per year and renters preferred which costs three hundred dollars per year.", "It's actually nice. I've made enquires elsewhere and your company seems to offer it at a cheaper rate.", "Yes sir. We always try to give the best at affordable rates to all our customers.", "That's good. Thank you.", "Thank you sir. Is there anything else you need sir?", "I think that'll be all for now.", "Thanks for contacting us sir.", "Thank you too, it's been a pleasure." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_485_000", "insurance_485_001", "insurance_485_002", "insurance_485_003", "insurance_485_004", "insurance_485_005", "insurance_485_006", "insurance_485_007", "insurance_485_008", "insurance_485_009", "insurance_485_010", "insurance_485_011", "insurance_485_012", "insurance_485_013", "insurance_485_014", "insurance_485_015", "insurance_485_016", "insurance_485_017", "insurance_485_018", "insurance_485_019", "insurance_485_020", "insurance_485_021", "insurance_485_022", "insurance_485_023", "insurance_485_024", "insurance_485_025", "insurance_485_026", "insurance_485_027", "insurance_485_028", "insurance_485_029", "insurance_485_030", "insurance_485_031", "insurance_485_032", "insurance_485_033", "insurance_485_034", "insurance_485_035", "insurance_485_036", "insurance_485_037", "insurance_485_038", "insurance_485_039", "insurance_485_040", "insurance_485_041", "insurance_485_042", "insurance_485_043", "insurance_485_044", "insurance_485_045", "insurance_485_046", "insurance_485_047", "insurance_485_048", "insurance_485_049", "insurance_485_050", "insurance_485_051", "insurance_485_052", "insurance_485_053", "insurance_485_054", "insurance_485_055", "insurance_485_056" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi. I just want to check the status of my last payment. I tried checking it on the website but just couldn't figure it out.", "Alright. I can do that for you. But I'll have to ask couple of questions if you don't mind.", "Go ahead.", "May I have your first name and last name please?", "My name is Peter Pierce.", "Okay, Peter as your first name and Pierce as your last name?", "That's it.", "l'll also need you customer number.", "Where can I find that? I'm not really familiar with all these digits.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is six seven right?", "It's always eight digit long.", "yes, it is.", "Right. Call that number for me please.", "Yeah. It's five one seven four.", "five one seven four.", "five eight seven zero.", "five eight seven zero.", "That's it.", "Okay. Five one seven four five eight seven zero right?", "Yeah. That's correct.", "May I have your date of birth please?", "It's twenty fourth of January, nineteen eighty five.", "You said twenty fourth of January, nineteen eighty five right?", "Sure.", "To check your payment status, I need to have your policy number. You can find this number on your account page in our website.", "okay, give me a moment. Let me look for it.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Policy number, Is it the string of number below my profile picture?", "yes exactly. Could you read that number to me?", "Sure. It's four six zero.", "Four six zero.", "Nine four four.", "Nine four four.", "Eight five three.", "Eight five three.", "Yep thats it.", "Okay. Four six zero Nine four four Eight five three right?", "Yes that's correct.", "One last thing. When did you make the payment?", "that should be two days ago at around sixteen hundred hour.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Thanks for being patient with us sir.", "No problem.", "I'm pleased to inform you that your payment is succesful.", "Thanks. What a relieve.", "We're very sorry for any inconveniences.", "It'alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "You're welcome.", "Do have a great day.", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CheckPaymentStatus" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_486_000", "insurance_486_001", "insurance_486_002", "insurance_486_003", "insurance_486_004", "insurance_486_005", "insurance_486_006", "insurance_486_007", "insurance_486_008", "insurance_486_009", "insurance_486_010", "insurance_486_011", "insurance_486_012", "insurance_486_013", "insurance_486_014", "insurance_486_015", "insurance_486_016", "insurance_486_017", "insurance_486_018", "insurance_486_019", "insurance_486_020", "insurance_486_021", "insurance_486_022", "insurance_486_023", "insurance_486_024", "insurance_486_025", "insurance_486_026", "insurance_486_027", "insurance_486_028", "insurance_486_029", "insurance_486_030", "insurance_486_031", "insurance_486_032", "insurance_486_033", "insurance_486_034", "insurance_486_035", "insurance_486_036", "insurance_486_037", "insurance_486_038", "insurance_486_039", "insurance_486_040", "insurance_486_041", "insurance_486_042", "insurance_486_043", "insurance_486_044", "insurance_486_045", "insurance_486_046", "insurance_486_047", "insurance_486_048", "insurance_486_049", "insurance_486_050", "insurance_486_051", "insurance_486_052", "insurance_486_053", "insurance_486_054", "insurance_486_055", "insurance_486_056", "insurance_486_057", "insurance_486_058", "insurance_486_059", "insurance_486_060", "insurance_486_061", "insurance_486_062", "insurance_486_063", "insurance_486_064", "insurance_486_065", "insurance_486_066", "insurance_486_067", "insurance_486_068", "insurance_486_069", "insurance_486_070", "insurance_486_071", "insurance_486_072", "insurance_486_073", "insurance_486_074", "insurance_486_075", "insurance_486_076", "insurance_486_077", "insurance_486_078", "insurance_486_079", "insurance_486_080", "insurance_486_081", "insurance_486_082", "insurance_486_083", "insurance_486_084", "insurance_486_085", "insurance_486_086", "insurance_486_087", "insurance_486_088", "insurance_486_089", "insurance_486_090", "insurance_486_091", "insurance_486_092", "insurance_486_093", "insurance_486_094", "insurance_486_095" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, how are you doing today?", "I'm fine. Thank you. And you?", "I'm good too.", "So how may I help you sir?", "I wanted to ask if I could change my password on the website or if I have to make a call before changing it.", "Well, I can help you with your password reset here but you can also do it yourself on the website.", "Oh! Alright. I think definitely need to know how to do that.", "Yes sir. I'll need your first name and last name to help with your password reset.", "My name is Sean Jackson my email address is sean jackson plus B fourteen at gmail dot com.", "Thank you sir, Sean Jackson....Just to confirm, is sean spelled with s.h.u.n?", "No, it is S.e.a.n.", "S.E.A.N Okay. I'll also be needing your date of birth, phone number and your social security number.", "Just because I want to reset my password, you are asking me for this much information. Why must everything be so complicated with customer care services? Please just make it quick because I don't have all day.", "Please bear with us sir. We need this information to help you with your password reset. It'll be over before you know it.", "It's okay. Let's just get on with it.", "Thank you for your understanding sir. You can go on.", "my date is birth is July third, nineteen seventy eight.", "Okay. You said July third, nineteen seventy eight right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Kindly go on sir.", "what were the other information you requested for?", "Your phone number and your social security number sir.", "Okay. My phone number is one five two four five.", "one five two four five.", "Five four five two one six.", "Five four five two one six.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay. one five two four five Five four five two one six, is that correct?", "Yep, that's right. Please what else do you need? I don't have all day.", "Just a moment sir.", "mhm.", "Okay. Can I have your social security number sir?", "just a second please. I think I wrote it somewhere h-here.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Okay. My social security number is three three Two.", "Three three Two.", "Three five two.", "Three five two.", "Six one One.", "Six one One.", "Yep, that's it.", "Okay, three three Two There five two six one one is that correct?", "sorry, my social security number actually ends with six seven three not Six one One.", "okay, you said three three one Three five two six Seven three, is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay, Just a moment please.", "mhm.", "Okay. Lastly I'll need you to give an answer to the security question in order to confirm the ownership of this account.", "Jeez, just go on.", "Okay. What's your mother's maiden name?", "My mother's maiden name is Alex.", "that's correct.", "Of course it's correct. Don't you need to verify my email? Isn't that what I really need for password reset? You're are just asking me random questions here and wasting my time.", "I was just about to ask that sir. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Kindly provided your email address sir.", "Jeez, I thought I told you my email address earlier and you still ask me to provide it? What's all these?", "I just need to confirm it sir. You said your email address is seanjacksen at gmail dot com. Is that correct?", "mhm. Yes, it is.", "Just a moment please. I need to verify your email on the system because your reset link will be sent there.", "sorry what reset link has been sent to my email? I haven't received any reset link.", "(laughter), the reset link hasn't been sent. I said the reset link will be sent to your email.", "Oh! Okay.", "Email verification is successful.", "Okay. So what's next?", "a reset link will be sent to seanjacksen at gmail dot com shortly.", "Alright.", "Kindly click on the link and reset your password.", "Okay. Is that all?", "Yes sir, is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I thought this conversation will be very short. I need to know how to reset my password on the website so that I wouldn't have to call the customer care service again. My wife also needs a password reset. I'll be able to help her with it. Just explain it to me.", "Alright sir. It's very easy.", "Okay. Please go on.", "In order to reset your password, you need to click on your profile icon.", "Please hold on. I need to get something I can write on.", "Okay. Take your time sir.", "please go on. You said I need to click on my profile icon right?", "Yes, that's correct.", "okay. And then what??", "After clicking on that, you'll see a password reset icon below your profile picture.", "a password reset icon below my profile picture? Okay. Please go on.", "Okay. You just need to click that account then it'll lead you to where you'll change your password.", "o-okay. Is that all?", "a password reset link will be sent to your email address just like I said earlier.", "A link will be sent to my email. Okay, got that.", "Okay sir. So you can change your password from there.", "Alright. Thank you.", "Thanks for your patience sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "definitely not, I think that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us sir.", "Thanks for your help.", "Please feel free to let us know about any complaints or suggestions you might have for us to help serve you better.", "huh, after wasting so much of my time? I think you really need to work on time management.", "We'll definitely work on that sir. Do have a nice day sir.", "You too.", "Thanks once again sir, bye!", "Bye bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_487_000", "insurance_487_001", "insurance_487_002", "insurance_487_003", "insurance_487_004", "insurance_487_005", "insurance_487_006", "insurance_487_007", "insurance_487_008", "insurance_487_009", "insurance_487_010", "insurance_487_011", "insurance_487_012", "insurance_487_013", "insurance_487_014", "insurance_487_015", "insurance_487_016", "insurance_487_017", "insurance_487_018", "insurance_487_019", "insurance_487_020", "insurance_487_021", "insurance_487_022", "insurance_487_023", "insurance_487_024", "insurance_487_025", "insurance_487_026", "insurance_487_027", "insurance_487_028", "insurance_487_029", "insurance_487_030", "insurance_487_031", "insurance_487_032", "insurance_487_033", "insurance_487_034", "insurance_487_035", "insurance_487_036", "insurance_487_037", "insurance_487_038", "insurance_487_039", "insurance_487_040", "insurance_487_041", "insurance_487_042", "insurance_487_043", "insurance_487_044", "insurance_487_045", "insurance_487_046", "insurance_487_047", "insurance_487_048", "insurance_487_049", "insurance_487_050", "insurance_487_051", "insurance_487_052", "insurance_487_053", "insurance_487_054", "insurance_487_055", "insurance_487_056", "insurance_487_057", "insurance_487_058", "insurance_487_059", "insurance_487_060", "insurance_487_061", "insurance_487_062", "insurance_487_063", "insurance_487_064", "insurance_487_065", "insurance_487_066", "insurance_487_067", "insurance_487_068", "insurance_487_069", "insurance_487_070", "insurance_487_071", "insurance_487_072", "insurance_487_073", "insurance_487_074", "insurance_487_075", "insurance_487_076", "insurance_487_077", "insurance_487_078", "insurance_487_079", "insurance_487_080", "insurance_487_081", "insurance_487_082", "insurance_487_083", "insurance_487_084", "insurance_487_085", "insurance_487_086", "insurance_487_087", "insurance_487_088", "insurance_487_089", "insurance_487_090", "insurance_487_091", "insurance_487_092", "insurance_487_093", "insurance_487_094", "insurance_487_095", "insurance_487_096", "insurance_487_097" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Good Afternoon, Welcome to Rivertown Insurance customer service, my name is Sonia. May I know you name?", "Afternoon, I am Sandra.", "Okay, can I refer to you as Miss or mister Sandra?", "Yes, It's missus Sandra.", "Oh! ok missus Sandra, welcome to Rivertown Insurance customers care service, how can I help you?", "Yes thank you, #em I want to reset my account login password.", "missus Sandra, if i can hear you right, you said you want to reset your account password.", "Yes ma.", "Okay, missus Sandra may I know why you are resetting to a knew password?", "Yea, because I forgot the old one and I have thought over it but still couldn't remember it.", "Well, missus Sandra we are very sorry for that.", "Thank you.", "Okay, mister Sandra is that all you want us to do for you?", "Yes that's all, please is there any hope of doing it successfully?", "Yea Sure, we can do that for you, but you will also Help us by answering some few questions.", "Oh Okay, You can ask.", "Okay, may i know your first name.", "Ha hello, hello, i can't hear you.", "Hello! hello!! can you hear me now?", "Yes I can hear you.", "Okay, I said may I.", "What did you say, I think the network is bad.", "Yeah, missus Sandra I said may I know your first name?", "My first name?", "Yes ma'am.", "Okay, Nathaniel.", "Na...tha...ni..el o.k.a.y, Your middle name ma.", "Winnie.", "Riny.", "No. It's Winnie.", "You mean Winning?", "Yes Winnie.", "Is it spelt W. I. N. N. I. N. G.?", "No, it's W.", "Ok, W.", "I.", "I.", "N.", "N.. you mean N for Nine?", "Yes, then another N.", "Oh Ok, N.", "I.", "I.", "E.", "E ok, W... I...N...N...I..E.", "Yes that's the spelling.", "Okay, what a nice name. Your Last name please.", "Sandra.", "S, a, n, d, r, a.... okay, missus Sandra, what's your date of birth?", "Twenty Eight of July, nineteen ninety two.", "T..w..e..n..t..y....E.i.g.h.t.....of.., J.u.l.y, Nine.t.e.e.n n..i..n..e..t..y.. two.", "Yea, exactly.", "Alright, What is your mother's maiden name?", "Haa (Laughter) Oh my goodness, I I don't know what I wrote there at that time.", "(Laughter) think of it ma.", "Mirabelle #hn no, it's Josephine.", "Ok, what is the name of your childhood best friend.", "Ha, Nimi.", "What's your favorite Pet?", "(Laughter) It's Bird.", "You mean Bird?", "Yes, Bird.", "Okay B.I.R.D. Alright. #Uh, could you please provide your phone number?", "Yeah sure.", "Okay.", "#Em, two two nine.", "Two two nine.", "Five three.", "Five two.", "Nah not two, I said three.", "Oh sorry, five three.", "Yes, zero two four.", "Zero? did you say zero?", "Yes zero.", "Okay.", "Yeah.", "Zero.", "Two.", "Two.", "Sure.", "Ok go on.", "Nath sandy eleven at gmail dot com.", "Nath sandy eleven at gmail dot com.", "Yes.", "Okay. Some moments please.", "Ok.", "Thanks for that. Your password reset is in progress.", "O.k thank you.", "Alright. So missus Sandra a new password have been sent to your Email. kindly log on to your email to check your new password.", "Wow (so happy) thanks so much.", "You are always welcome missus Sandra.", "Yes ma.", "If there's anything else, you can always reach out to us here and we'll be here to serve you better.", "Okay. Thanks.", "missus Sandra thanks so much for being a part of Rivertown Insurance company. Thank you, and have a wonderful night rest.", "Thank you too Madam.", "Good-bye.", "Yeah goodbye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_488_000", "insurance_488_001", "insurance_488_002", "insurance_488_003", "insurance_488_004", "insurance_488_005", "insurance_488_006", "insurance_488_007", "insurance_488_008", "insurance_488_009", "insurance_488_010", "insurance_488_011", "insurance_488_012", "insurance_488_013", "insurance_488_014", "insurance_488_015", "insurance_488_016", "insurance_488_017", "insurance_488_018", "insurance_488_019", "insurance_488_020", "insurance_488_021", "insurance_488_022", "insurance_488_023", "insurance_488_024", "insurance_488_025", "insurance_488_026", "insurance_488_027", "insurance_488_028", "insurance_488_029", "insurance_488_030", "insurance_488_031", "insurance_488_032", "insurance_488_033", "insurance_488_034", "insurance_488_035", "insurance_488_036", "insurance_488_037", "insurance_488_038", "insurance_488_039", "insurance_488_040", "insurance_488_041", "insurance_488_042", "insurance_488_043", "insurance_488_044", "insurance_488_045", "insurance_488_046", "insurance_488_047", "insurance_488_048", "insurance_488_049", "insurance_488_050", "insurance_488_051", "insurance_488_052", "insurance_488_053", "insurance_488_054", "insurance_488_055", "insurance_488_056", "insurance_488_057", "insurance_488_058", "insurance_488_059", "insurance_488_060", "insurance_488_061", "insurance_488_062", "insurance_488_063", "insurance_488_064", "insurance_488_065", "insurance_488_066", "insurance_488_067", "insurance_488_068", "insurance_488_069", "insurance_488_070", "insurance_488_071", "insurance_488_072", "insurance_488_073", "insurance_488_074", "insurance_488_075", "insurance_488_076", "insurance_488_077", "insurance_488_078", "insurance_488_079", "insurance_488_080", "insurance_488_081", "insurance_488_082", "insurance_488_083", "insurance_488_084", "insurance_488_085", "insurance_488_086", "insurance_488_087", "insurance_488_088", "insurance_488_089", "insurance_488_090", "insurance_488_091", "insurance_488_092", "insurance_488_093", "insurance_488_094", "insurance_488_095", "insurance_488_096", "insurance_488_097", "insurance_488_098", "insurance_488_099", "insurance_488_100", "insurance_488_101", "insurance_488_102", "insurance_488_103", "insurance_488_104", "insurance_488_105", "insurance_488_106", "insurance_488_107", "insurance_488_108", "insurance_488_109", "insurance_488_110", "insurance_488_111", "insurance_488_112" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hello. I would love to change my insurance plan.", "Okay. You will need to provide few of your details for identification sir.", "Go ahead.", "I would love you to provide your first name, last name, phone number, date of birth, Social Security Number and answer to security question.", "Jezz! That's a lot of details.", "I would make it a seamless one for you sir. Firstly, let's start with your first name.", "Kerry.", "Is it spelt as K.E.R.Y?", "No, It is spelt as K.E.R.R.Y.", "Noted.", "What next?", "Your last name.", "Hilson.", "H. i. l..s. o. n. right?", "Yes please.", "Your phone number?", "Nine Four Four.", "Nine Four Four.", "Three One One.", "Three One One.", "Five Three Five Five.", "Five Three Five Five.", "Nine Four Four Three One One Five Three Five Five.", "Nine Four Four Three One One Five Three Five Five.", "What next?", "Just a minute sir.", "Alright.", "Your date of birth?", "May Six Nineteen Sixty Five.", "May Six Nineteen Sixty Five. Is that correct?", "Yes please.", "How many more details do you still need?", "Just a few more sir.", "Your Social Security Number sir?", "I really cannot remember that.", "I can help you with that.", "Really?", "Yes sir. Kindly provide your security question details sir.", "I honestly cannot remember these details. Can you hold on for few minutes?", "It's fine sir.", "I have found my Social Security Number.", "Kindly provide the details sir.", "Two one one.", "Two one one.", "Six Eight Two.", "Six Eight Two.", "Nine Nine Four.", "Nine Nine Four.", "Two one One Six Eight Two Nine Nine Four.", "Your Security answer sir?", "Mabel.", "That's right.", "Any more details for identification?", "No sir. Thats all for Identification. Why do you need a change of plan sir?", "My family size just increased.", "Congratulations sir.", "Thank you.", "So you need a higher plan, Is that right sir?", "Yes you are.", "#Um From my record, you were on basic home plan type before. Is that right?", "Yes.", "Alright. What plan do you want to change to?", "Can you do a breakdown of the plans for me?", "Sure sir. We have the Home preferred plan which is one thousand six hundred dollars per year. Are you with me sir?", "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. My little boy was throwing tantrumiss Can you repeat what you said?", "Okay. I said we have the Home preferred plan which is one thousand six hundred dollars per year.", "Okay.", "We have the Home complete plan which is two thousand dollars per year.", "That's a lot of money.", "We offer one of the cheapest and most valuable insurance plans sir.", "So which would you advise me to go for?", "I will advise you go for the Home complete plan which is two thousand dollars consdering your family size sir.", "Okay. What are the benefits of this particular plan over others.", "It is a complete plan that insures the whole house. You get to enjoy the full benefits of insuring your home.", "Quite catchy I must say.", "You're absolutely right sir.", "I want my family to have the best of life and live a comfortable life.", "That's so thoughtful of you sir.", "I must say you have a good customer care relation.", "Thank you sir.", "So how do I update my payment preference.", "Kindly provide your credit card details sir.", "What are the details required?", "Your credit card number, the expiration date and the CVV.", "My credit card number is Nine Zero Six Four.", "Okay. Nine Zero Six Four.", "Seven Eight Two One.", "Seven Eight Two One.", "Three One One One.", "Three One One One.", "Four Six Seven Eight.", "Four Six Seven Eight.", "Card Expiration date is December Twenty Twenty Two.", "December Twenty Twenty Two right?", "Yes.", "Your CVV sir?", "Three Two Six.", "Your payment preference has been successfully updated.We have other insurance plans sir.", "I would love to know about them.", "We have the Life insurance, Automobile insurance, Pet insurance amongst others.", "Tell me more about the Automobile insurance.", "We have the basic automobile plan, the preferred automobile plan and the complete automobile plan.", "What are their rates?", "one thousand dollars per year, one thousand five hundred dollars per year, two thousand dollars per year respectively.", "I will think about it much later.", "Is there any other thing you would love me to help you out with?", "That would be all for now.", "Thanks for your time sir. Do have a lovely day ahead sir.", "Thanks for being patient. I will definitely give you a good rating.", "Thank you sir. My regards to your family sir.", "Bye Bye.", "Bye Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "UpdatePaymentPreference" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_489_000", "insurance_489_001", "insurance_489_002", "insurance_489_003", "insurance_489_004", "insurance_489_005", "insurance_489_006", "insurance_489_007", "insurance_489_008", "insurance_489_009", "insurance_489_010", "insurance_489_011", "insurance_489_012", "insurance_489_013", "insurance_489_014", "insurance_489_015", "insurance_489_016", "insurance_489_017", "insurance_489_018", "insurance_489_019", "insurance_489_020", "insurance_489_021", "insurance_489_022", "insurance_489_023", "insurance_489_024", "insurance_489_025", "insurance_489_026", "insurance_489_027", "insurance_489_028", "insurance_489_029", "insurance_489_030", "insurance_489_031", "insurance_489_032", "insurance_489_033", "insurance_489_034", "insurance_489_035", "insurance_489_036", "insurance_489_037", "insurance_489_038", "insurance_489_039", "insurance_489_040", "insurance_489_041", "insurance_489_042", "insurance_489_043", "insurance_489_044", "insurance_489_045", "insurance_489_046", "insurance_489_047", "insurance_489_048", "insurance_489_049" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello thanks for calling Rivertown insurance, my name is Sean, how may I help you?", "Hi Sean. My name is Morris.", "Good morning Morris. How may I be of service?", "I would like to cancel the automatic billing on my account.", "Okay Morris. If I got that right. You want to cancel automatic billing on your account.", "Absolutely!", "Great! I will need to verify your identity to work on your request. I will need to ask you some questions to proceed.", "#oh Okay. Go ahead.", "What's your full name please?", "Morris James Lang. First name Morris, and last name Lang.", "What's your birthdate please?", "This Wednesday. #laughter. I am excited, #em my grandparents are gonna be around.", "#Er That's nice. But you didn't quite get that. I mean the day, month, and year you were born.", "#oh Apologies. It's tenth of August nineteen ninety.", "Awesome. You are doing well Morris.", "Yeahh! Thank you.", "Please spell out your social security number please.", "#ar Okay. #em A moment please Okay. Yeah! #em Zero Two Five Six.", "Zero two five six.", "Four four three.", "Four four three.", "Five one two.", "Five one two great!", "Nice!", "What is your security answer Morris?", "#Er That should be #em Jack. My Dogs name.", "Great! That's correct.", "#Laugher Yeah. He is a nice dog.", "That's fantastic.", "Do you have a pet Sean?", "#ar Yes I do. A parrot.", "That's great. I love parrots too.", "Great!", "Yes!", "#em I am working on your request. Give me a moment please.", "Okay.", "And #em Done. I have cancelled the automatic billing on your account.", "#oh That's great. Thank you Sean.", "You are welcome.", "That was fast. Pretty impressive Thank you Sean.", "#ar Is there anything else you would like to do?", "Can I get more information on Pet Insurance from the website?", "Yeah. The webiste has all the information you need about Rivertown Insurance.", "Great then. That will be all.", "Great.", "Yeah. Thanks. Bye.", "Anytime. Do have a lovely day.", "You too Sean.", "Bye.", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "CancelAutomaticBilling" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_490_000", "insurance_490_001", "insurance_490_002", "insurance_490_003", "insurance_490_004", "insurance_490_005", "insurance_490_006", "insurance_490_007", "insurance_490_008", "insurance_490_009", "insurance_490_010", "insurance_490_011", "insurance_490_012", "insurance_490_013", "insurance_490_014", "insurance_490_015", "insurance_490_016", "insurance_490_017", "insurance_490_018", "insurance_490_019", "insurance_490_020", "insurance_490_021", "insurance_490_022", "insurance_490_023", "insurance_490_024", "insurance_490_025", "insurance_490_026", "insurance_490_027", "insurance_490_028", "insurance_490_029", "insurance_490_030", "insurance_490_031", "insurance_490_032", "insurance_490_033", "insurance_490_034", "insurance_490_035", "insurance_490_036", "insurance_490_037", "insurance_490_038", "insurance_490_039", "insurance_490_040", "insurance_490_041", "insurance_490_042", "insurance_490_043" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hi there thank you for calling Rivertown Insurance how can I help you today?", "#Um yeah hi, I've got an insurance plan for my car with you guys, and I'm just wanting to let you know that I'm actually moving next week and thought I should let you know about updating my address.", "Oh great, well thanks for getting in touch, that's no problem at all. Could I start with your first and last name please sir?", "Yep it's Daren", "d. a. r. r. e. n.?", "#Ah no just one r. actually, d. a. r. e. n.", "Got it thanks, and your last name sir?", "Peskowitz, p. for papa, e. s. k. o. w. i. t. z. You got that?", "i. t. z. Alright thanks for that Daren. Could I have your date of birth please sir?", "Sure thing, March ninth nineteen ninety one.", "Great so just the last thing I need sir is your customer number", "Right", "If you aren't sure what that is you can find it below on your account page on the website.", "#Uh yep sorry man I just need a second to look that up and my internet's a little slow .", "Not to worry at all Daren, take your time ", "Alright I got it, it's three nine two seven six", "Three nine two seven six", "Three four four", "Three four four. Alright thanks for your patience there Daren, so I can see here that you are currently listed as residing at thirty Holmes street Bankstown New South Wales two two oh oh, that's correct that's your previous address?", "Yeah I- I'm still here for another week. My new address is still in Bankstown, so same post code, but I'm moving to Christopher Avenue, number forty nine.", "#Ah okay gotcha. Hold the line there please.", "Sure.", "Alright so that's all changed over for you now, I might just put a note in that you're moving next week, what day next week will you be moving on?", "#Uh the morning of the seventeenth, on Thursday.", "Perfect okay Daren so your details are changed now for your new address, all your bill paperwork will now be sent over to Christopher Avenue, there's usually a small delay of one or two days but it's great you've given us a week's notice that should change over smoothly.", "Awesome cheers man.", "Not a problem at all. Do you have any questions about updating your Renters Preferred plan to suit your new home?", "#Uh it's a pretty crazy week right now, I was more just ringing up to give you notice about my change of address, and I thought I'd ring back up to check if my plan stays the same, would that be alright?", "Yeah definitely, just make sure you give us a call within three months of moving in. #Uh just off the top of your head, do you know if it's a single family home, duplex, three-bedder?", "#Ah yeah it's a duplex, like my current property now. The only thing is we're re-doing the furniture though so I think we'd probably have to update the value of our belongings, right?", "Yes that's the case. If you'd like Daren I can send you through a form for you to update the value of your belongings online, and that'll just help us determine what the right move is for you.", "Yeah that'd be great actually.", "Okay well I can send that through to your email we have on file, is that still daren peskowitz at gmail dot com?", "Yep that's the one!", "Okay just one moment please.", "Alright so that's sent off, Daren just so you know if you do happen to change your address again any time in the future, you do have the option of updating those details online, are you aware of how to do that?", "#Ah yeah I assumed that was probably something I could do, but I couldn't actually find it on the website so I thought it'd be easier if I just called up .", "Yeah the website can definitely be a bit of a maze sometimes . Just for next time, if you head to your account page and click on My Details, there's a button that says Change or Delete Details and in there you can make any changes you need to to your address or otherwise.", "Okay, written that one down, thanks heaps.", "No worries at all Daren. So, is there anything else I can do for you today?", "Um no I think that's it! I'll wait to receive that form in my email and get that back to you as soon as I can.", "Excellent. Alright well thank you very much, have a great day.", "Cheers, you too! Bye!", "Bye bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_491_000", "insurance_491_001", "insurance_491_002", "insurance_491_003", "insurance_491_004", "insurance_491_005", "insurance_491_006", "insurance_491_007", "insurance_491_008", "insurance_491_009", "insurance_491_010", "insurance_491_011", "insurance_491_012", "insurance_491_013", "insurance_491_014", "insurance_491_015", "insurance_491_016", "insurance_491_017", "insurance_491_018", "insurance_491_019", "insurance_491_020", "insurance_491_021", "insurance_491_022", "insurance_491_023", "insurance_491_024", "insurance_491_025", "insurance_491_026", "insurance_491_027", "insurance_491_028", "insurance_491_029", "insurance_491_030", "insurance_491_031", "insurance_491_032", "insurance_491_033", "insurance_491_034", "insurance_491_035", "insurance_491_036", "insurance_491_037", "insurance_491_038", "insurance_491_039", "insurance_491_040", "insurance_491_041", "insurance_491_042", "insurance_491_043", "insurance_491_044", "insurance_491_045", "insurance_491_046", "insurance_491_047", "insurance_491_048", "insurance_491_049", "insurance_491_050", "insurance_491_051", "insurance_491_052", "insurance_491_053", "insurance_491_054", "insurance_491_055", "insurance_491_056", "insurance_491_057", "insurance_491_058", "insurance_491_059", "insurance_491_060", "insurance_491_061", "insurance_491_062", "insurance_491_063", "insurance_491_064", "insurance_491_065", "insurance_491_066", "insurance_491_067", "insurance_491_068" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "Good morning. How are you?", "I'm very well good and you?", "Fine as well.", "How may I help you sir?", "I recently had an accident with my car and it wasn't insured.", "Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that. Hope no life was lost?", "Just a few injuries but we are all fine now.", "That's good to know.", "How do I go about insuring my properties to avoid future loss?", "We will have to create an account for you sir.", "Can I know some of your packages?", "Sure sir. We provide insurance for pets, Rent, Automobile, Life and a host of others.", "Wow! That's nice. I've been looking for insurance company that also covers pets. Glad I found one.", "You're right on track sir. So what particular insurance plan do you want?", "Let's start with the automobile insurance.", "We have three plan types for automobile insurance consisting of basic automobile, preferred automobile and complete automobile.", "What are their rates?", "The basic automobile goes for one thousand dollars per year, preferred goes for one thousand five hundred dollars per year while the complete automobile goes for two thousand dollars per year.", "How does each of the plan types work?", "The basic automobile insurance plan covers for basic needs of the car, the preferred type insures certain part of the car while the complete automobile type covers all the needs of your car due to theft, fire outbreak, accident, scratches.", "sounds good. I think I'd love the complete automobile plan.", "Alright sir. Kindly provide some of your details to create an account for you.", "Go on.", "Let's start with your first and last name sir.", "My first name is Jason while my last name is Stewart.", "Your date of birth and phone number?", "March Sixteen, Nineteen Eighty Five.", "Just a minute sir.", "Take your time.", "Your phone number sir.", "Two Four Zero Four.", "Two Four Zero Four.", "Two Zero Five Five.", "Two Zero Five Five.", "Six Two.", "Six Two.", "Should I come again?", "Yes please.", "Two Four Zero Four Two Zero Five Five Six Two.", "Noted. Next is your address consisting of your street number, street name, city and state.", "Number One Zero Five, Pine tree lane, Michigan.", "Please what is your zip code sir?", "Four Eight Six Four Seven.", "Four Eight Six Four Seven right?", "Yes, that's right.", "I'm going to ask you a security question that is peculiar to you alone. You can write it down for easy remembrance.", "Just a minute please. I need to write it down in my notepad.", "What is your mother's maiden name?", "Richard.", "Your Security question is your mother's maiden name and the answer is Richard.", "Noted. Any other thing?", "Yes please. I'll need your social security number.", "Two One Eight.", "Two One Eight.", "Five Nine One.", "Five Nine One.", "Zero Three Seven.", "Zero Three Seven.", "Are we done?", "Yes we are done creating an account for you sir. Is there any other thing you would love me to do for you sir?", "How will I go about the payment process?", "That's quite easy sir. I can help you with it.", "Actually, I have to go now. I'll give you a call tomorrow.", "Alright sir. We look forward to receiving your call.", "Thanks for helping out. What's your name so you can follow up with the enrolment process?", "Danielson sir.", "Alright. Have a nice day ahead Danielson.", "Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance sir. Do have a nice day sir." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_492_000", "insurance_492_001", "insurance_492_002", "insurance_492_003", "insurance_492_004", "insurance_492_005", "insurance_492_006", "insurance_492_007", "insurance_492_008", "insurance_492_009", "insurance_492_010", "insurance_492_011", "insurance_492_012", "insurance_492_013", "insurance_492_014", "insurance_492_015", "insurance_492_016", "insurance_492_017", "insurance_492_018", "insurance_492_019", "insurance_492_020", "insurance_492_021", "insurance_492_022", "insurance_492_023", "insurance_492_024", "insurance_492_025", "insurance_492_026", "insurance_492_027", "insurance_492_028", "insurance_492_029", "insurance_492_030", "insurance_492_031", "insurance_492_032", "insurance_492_033", "insurance_492_034", "insurance_492_035", "insurance_492_036", "insurance_492_037", "insurance_492_038", "insurance_492_039", "insurance_492_040", "insurance_492_041", "insurance_492_042", "insurance_492_043", "insurance_492_044", "insurance_492_045", "insurance_492_046", "insurance_492_047", "insurance_492_048", "insurance_492_049", "insurance_492_050", "insurance_492_051", "insurance_492_052", "insurance_492_053", "insurance_492_054", "insurance_492_055", "insurance_492_056", "insurance_492_057", "insurance_492_058", "insurance_492_059", "insurance_492_060", "insurance_492_061", "insurance_492_062", "insurance_492_063", "insurance_492_064", "insurance_492_065", "insurance_492_066", "insurance_492_067", "insurance_492_068", "insurance_492_069", "insurance_492_070", "insurance_492_071", "insurance_492_072", "insurance_492_073", "insurance_492_074", "insurance_492_075", "insurance_492_076", "insurance_492_077" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Thanks for calling Rivertown Insurance. How may I help you?", "I would love to cancel one of my insurance plans with your company.", "I'll need some of your details for identification ma'am.", "Which of my details will you be needing?", "What's your first and last name ma'am?", "Bridget Anderson.", "Your Mobile phone number?", "Six One Nine.", "Six One NIne.", "Three Six Seven.", "Three Six Seven.", "Eight Eight Three Two.", "Please kindly confirm your mobile phone number. Six One Nine Three Six Seven Eight Eight Three Two.", "Yeah. Correct.", "Your date of birth ma'am.", "March Two Nineteen Eighty Seven.", "Your Social Security Number?", "Five Six One.", "Five Six One.", "Nine Four Five.", "Nine Four Five.", "Three One Six.", "Three One Six.", "Kindly reconfirm the social security number again.", "Five Six One Nine Four Five Three One Six right?", "Yes. That's correct.", "Your Security Answer ma'am?", "I can't remember my security answer.", "What's the name of your first pet?", "Micah.", "That's incorrect ma'am.", "Whisper then.", "That's also incorrect ma'am.", "What will I do? I can't remember the answer.", "I'll help you reset your security question.", "Oh! That would be lovely.", "I'd ask you a few questions. Kindly pick the question you can easily remember or write out the question in a notebook.", "kindly hold on, let me go get a pen and book.", "It's fine ma'am.", "What are the questions?", "What's your mother's maiden name, the name of your high school, the name of your childhood best friend?", "My Mother's maiden name is Kelly.", "That is your new security question and answer.", "I hope I will remember this as well. I feel like I have partial amnesia.", "As long as you wrote it down and keep it somewhere accessible, you won't forget it ma'am.", "What other information do you need?", "Your policy number ma'am.", "Three Two Seven.", "Three Two Seven.", "Five Eight Eight Two Six.", "Three Two Seven Five Eight Eight Two Six right?", "Yes, That's right.", "So which of your insurance plans do you want to cancel ma'am?", "I want to cancel my automobile insurance plan.", "What plan type were you on ma'am?", "The complete automobile plan.", "if I may ask, why do you want to cancel your automobile insurance plan?", "I recently ran out of job and I have four kids to cater for.", "Oh! I'm so sorry ma'am.", "That's not all. I lost my husband to Covid one nine and I'm saddled with the responsibility of taking care of my four kids.", "that must have been a lot for you to handle. I'm so sorry for your loss ma'am. How are you holding up ma'am?", "I've been doing some menial jobs and I work four shifts, I had to sell my car to offset some of the bills.", "Once again I'm sorry for your loss ma'am.", "That's why I want to cancel my automobile insurance plan. How do I go about it?", "We'll remove that plan on your list of insurance and also remove it from your bills.", "Thamk you so much. I would also love to know If I can update my payment preference on the mobile app myself.", "Yes you can ma.", "How will I go about it?", "On the top right hand corner of the app, You'll see the self service option.", "What next?", "Click on it, you'll see various options to pick from.", "yep! I just saw the option.", "Is there any other help you need me to do for you?", "That would be all for now. Thanks for your time.", "Thank you for choosing Rivertown Insurance. Once again accept our heartfelt condolence.", "Thanks for your understanding.", "Do have a lovely day ma'am. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "CancelPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_493_000", "insurance_493_001", "insurance_493_002", "insurance_493_003", "insurance_493_004", "insurance_493_005", "insurance_493_006", "insurance_493_007", "insurance_493_008", "insurance_493_009", "insurance_493_010", "insurance_493_011", "insurance_493_012", "insurance_493_013", "insurance_493_014", "insurance_493_015", "insurance_493_016", "insurance_493_017", "insurance_493_018", "insurance_493_019", "insurance_493_020", "insurance_493_021", "insurance_493_022", "insurance_493_023", "insurance_493_024", "insurance_493_025", "insurance_493_026", "insurance_493_027", "insurance_493_028", "insurance_493_029", "insurance_493_030", "insurance_493_031", "insurance_493_032", "insurance_493_033", "insurance_493_034", "insurance_493_035", "insurance_493_036", "insurance_493_037", "insurance_493_038", "insurance_493_039", "insurance_493_040", "insurance_493_041", "insurance_493_042", "insurance_493_043", "insurance_493_044", "insurance_493_045", "insurance_493_046", "insurance_493_047", "insurance_493_048", "insurance_493_049", "insurance_493_050", "insurance_493_051", "insurance_493_052", "insurance_493_053", "insurance_493_054", "insurance_493_055", "insurance_493_056", "insurance_493_057", "insurance_493_058", "insurance_493_059", "insurance_493_060", "insurance_493_061", "insurance_493_062", "insurance_493_063", "insurance_493_064", "insurance_493_065", "insurance_493_066", "insurance_493_067" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service.", "Hi, this is annie speaking. How's your day going?", "Okay Annie, my day is moving fine how's yours too?", "fine.", "How may I help you?", "Yes. I want to enroll in plan. I tried doing that on the website but unfortunately I can't.", "I'll surely do that for you ma'am. Kindly provide me your first and last name?", "My first name is annie and last name as samson.", "Okay annie as the first and samson as the last name.", "Exactly.", "Kindly provide me with your customer number too ma.", "Oh! The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's six six six one.", "Six six six one.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, six six six one four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said six six six one four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is October first, nineteen sixty.", "October first, nineteen sixty right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please explain which insurance plan you would like to enroll in?", "Yes, I will like to insure my pet. It's a cat name cashie.", "Oh! Okay.", "Kindly provide me the fee and the method of paying.", "we have two plan in pet categories.", "State them.", "Petcare Basic which is five hundred dollars per year and Petcare Preferred which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Okay I will go with that Petcare Preferred which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. That isn't a problem for us ma.", "Doggy is so beloved to me. Kindly state the way of payment please, I can't wait.", "Okay. You'll have to provide me your credit card details.", "You mean the number, expiration date and cvv right?", "Yes exactly, proceed with the number.", "Four nine two nine.", "Four nine two nine.", "Two one one eight.", "Two one one eight.", "Two three seven nine.", "Two three seven nine.", "Three three three nine.", "Three three three nine.", "Yes, can I proceed with the expiration date?", "Yes please proceed.", "It's eight, twenty twenty four.", "Eight, twenty twenty four.", "Yeah.", "What is your CVV?", "Six five two.", "Six five two.", "Yeah.", "Can I proceed with the enrollment in the plan.", "Please do.", "Wait a moment while I enrol you in a plan.", "Alright. Thanks.", "Okay, you have successfully enroll in Petcare Preferred which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Oh! Thanks I'm so much grateful.", "Thank you too. Is there anything else I can do for you again?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Ok, do have a great day! Bye!", "Thanks bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_494_000", "insurance_494_001", "insurance_494_002", "insurance_494_003", "insurance_494_004", "insurance_494_005", "insurance_494_006", "insurance_494_007", "insurance_494_008", "insurance_494_009", "insurance_494_010", "insurance_494_011", "insurance_494_012", "insurance_494_013", "insurance_494_014", "insurance_494_015", "insurance_494_016", "insurance_494_017", "insurance_494_018", "insurance_494_019", "insurance_494_020", "insurance_494_021", "insurance_494_022", "insurance_494_023", "insurance_494_024", "insurance_494_025", "insurance_494_026", "insurance_494_027", "insurance_494_028", "insurance_494_029", "insurance_494_030", "insurance_494_031", "insurance_494_032", "insurance_494_033", "insurance_494_034", "insurance_494_035", "insurance_494_036", "insurance_494_037", "insurance_494_038", "insurance_494_039", "insurance_494_040", "insurance_494_041", "insurance_494_042", "insurance_494_043", "insurance_494_044", "insurance_494_045", "insurance_494_046", "insurance_494_047", "insurance_494_048", "insurance_494_049", "insurance_494_050", "insurance_494_051", "insurance_494_052", "insurance_494_053", "insurance_494_054", "insurance_494_055", "insurance_494_056", "insurance_494_057", "insurance_494_058", "insurance_494_059", "insurance_494_060", "insurance_494_061", "insurance_494_062", "insurance_494_063", "insurance_494_064", "insurance_494_065", "insurance_494_066", "insurance_494_067", "insurance_494_068", "insurance_494_069", "insurance_494_070", "insurance_494_071", "insurance_494_072", "insurance_494_073", "insurance_494_074", "insurance_494_075", "insurance_494_076", "insurance_494_077", "insurance_494_078", "insurance_494_079", "insurance_494_080", "insurance_494_081", "insurance_494_082", "insurance_494_083", "insurance_494_084", "insurance_494_085", "insurance_494_086", "insurance_494_087", "insurance_494_088", "insurance_494_089", "insurance_494_090", "insurance_494_091", "insurance_494_092", "insurance_494_093", "insurance_494_094", "insurance_494_095", "insurance_494_096", "insurance_494_097", "insurance_494_098", "insurance_494_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to change my address to a new one. I tried to do that on your website but I couldn't. I guess I have to make a call to change it.", "Okay. I can help you with that.", "Oh! Alright.", "May I have your first name please?", "My name is Scott Roberts.", "Oh! Okay. Scott as your first name and Roberts as your last name. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright, hold on while I input that into the system.", "Sure.", "Kindly provide your phone number please.", "My phone number is one two one.", "One two one.", "Four four one.", "Four four one.", "Three three two four.", "Three three two four.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay. One two one four four one three three two four. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "May I have your social security number please?", "Well, just a moment please.", "Sure, take your time.", "got it. My social security number is nine nine eight.", "Nine nine eight.", "Four two eight.", "Four two eight.", "Three three two.", "Three three two.", "Yep, that right.", "Okay. Nine nine eight four two right three three two. Is that correct?", "Did you just say three three two as the last three numbers? Was that what i said?", "Yes sir. Those were the last three numbers you mentioned.", "sorry about that. It's actually three two two not three three two.", "Oh! Okay. The last three numbers are three two two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Alright. I'm going to read the number to you once again. Please listen carefully sir.", "Please go on.", "Nine nine eight four two right three two two. Is that correct?", "Yes, that correct.", "Okay. Now you'll need to give an answer your security question.", "Security question? All these information just because I want to change my address. This is taking too long. Why can't you just go ahead and check that in your system. Why must I be going through all these screening?", "We are so sorry about that sir, Well, we just need the verification process to be complete. Be rest assured that we have your best interest at heart.", "My best interest? Are you insinuating that I might not be the owner of the account I claim to own?", "Not at all sir. It's just part of every verification process. We'll be done before you know it. Please bear with us.", "Well, just go on.", "Alright sir. Please proceed by giving an answer to your security question.", "My security question is my mother's maiden name.", "Okay sir. Please what's the answer to that?", "My mother's maiden name is Caroll.", "Please hold on while I confirm your answer.", "Sure.", "Perfect. That's correct sir.", "Of course it is.", "In order to proceed with the change of your address, I'll need to confirm your old address sir.", "no problem.", "May I know your old address?", "Sure, my old address is two fifty Brooklyn Avenue, San Carlos, California.", "Two fifty Brooklyn Avenue, San Carlos, California. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Please hold on while I verify this.", "Alright.", "Your old address is confirmed.", "Okay.", "Kindly provide your new address.", "My new address is three twenty Brooklyn Avenue, San Diego, California.", "Three twenty Brooklyn Avenue, San Diego, California. Is that correct?", "it's actually two twenty not three twenty. Please change that.", "Alright. two twenty Brooklyn Avenue, San Diego, California. Is that correct?", "Yep, that's correct. I definitely need to remember that. The numbers can be so confusing.", "No worries sir. I'm sure you'll get used to it.", "Yes, I will. Please what else do you need?", "just a moment please.", "", "Okay. Done. Your address has been updated sir.", "Okay. So how long does it take before the update reflects?", "It's effective immediately sir.", "Oh! That's great.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I'd like to know if I can change my address on the website.", "Sure, you can.", "Please how do I do that?", "It's very easy. After logging in, you look for the profile icon.", "O-okay. I'll click on the profile icon?", "Yes, that's right.", "Please go on.", "After clicking on that, you then click on the personal information which is directly below security icon.", "Okay. I'll click on personal information icon. Got it. What next?", "Then you'll see the change address icon.", "Change address icon. Is that correct?", "Yes, it is. Then you can just go ahead and input your new address and that will be all.", "Okay. I think I've got that.", "Alright sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "Well, I don't think there is.", "Okay. Thank you for contacting us.", "Thank you too. I'm really pleased with you even though your verification questions almost made me angry.", "We are so sorry about that sir.", "it's okay. I know it's protocol.", "Thanks for understanding. Have a nice day!", "Thank you. You too!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "ChangeAddress" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_495_000", "insurance_495_001", "insurance_495_002", "insurance_495_003", "insurance_495_004", "insurance_495_005", "insurance_495_006", "insurance_495_007", "insurance_495_008", "insurance_495_009", "insurance_495_010", "insurance_495_011", "insurance_495_012", "insurance_495_013", "insurance_495_014", "insurance_495_015", "insurance_495_016", "insurance_495_017", "insurance_495_018", "insurance_495_019", "insurance_495_020", "insurance_495_021", "insurance_495_022", "insurance_495_023", "insurance_495_024", "insurance_495_025", "insurance_495_026", "insurance_495_027", "insurance_495_028", "insurance_495_029", "insurance_495_030", "insurance_495_031", "insurance_495_032", "insurance_495_033", "insurance_495_034", "insurance_495_035", "insurance_495_036", "insurance_495_037", "insurance_495_038", "insurance_495_039", "insurance_495_040", "insurance_495_041", "insurance_495_042", "insurance_495_043", "insurance_495_044", "insurance_495_045", "insurance_495_046", "insurance_495_047", "insurance_495_048", "insurance_495_049", "insurance_495_050" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, Welcome to Rivertoen Insursnce, my name is Racheal and how may I help you?", "Hey I had an unfortunate suituation happen last week. My house was destroyed due to the heavy downpour that occurred last week.", "Jeez! So sorry about that.", "The experience has being traumatizing, my family and myself has being displaced with no where to go to.", "That is such a trivial experience. How may I be of help to you.", "i will like to file a property claim.", "Ok i can have that done for you, which plan do you have enrolled with us.", "I have the Home complete plan active with your firm.", "I will like to get the claim as soon as possible.", "Ok, that will not be an issue.", "How long does it take averagely for the Claim to fall through.", "It all varies sir, it can take around a week or there about.", "Can it be gotten earlier than that?", "Uh-oh, possibly it can. It also depends on you getting the appropriate documentations set for verification process.", "I just hope your company can be so effective for once because since in have being using your company it has being fraustrating.", "So sorry sir, we will do our posible best.", "Please provide me with your first name and your last name.", "My first name is James.", "Ok, go on, What is your last name.", "My last name is Spielman.", "That is spelled has S.p.i.e.l.m.a.n correct?", "Yep, Correct.", "I will be needing your birthdate.", "you need my birthday?", "Nah, I mean your date of birth.", "Oh, It's ok. My birthdate is Fifth of May nineteen ninty two.", "Gotcha, your customer number please.", "My I don't have my customer number right now, it went with the house.", "Ok then, give me your SSN number.", "The number is one one two.", "One one two.", "Zero one one.", "Zero one one.", "Five two two.", "Five two two. What is your moher maiden name.", "Why all this much Question please?", "It's for security sir.", "Jeez! Her maiden name is Mark.", "Ok, can you tell me what kind of damage occurred.", "It was a fire outbreak.", "Is it complete or partial.", "It's Complete.", "Ok sir, Please give me few minutes while I file the claim.", "It's all set now. The claim has being filed.", "Ok thanks.", "Please you will be contacted for verification, please make available your proofs.", "OK I will do that.", "Is there anything else you will want me to do for you.", "No, That will be all.", "Alright Bye.", "Bye." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "FileClaim" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_496_000", "insurance_496_001", "insurance_496_002", "insurance_496_003", "insurance_496_004", "insurance_496_005", "insurance_496_006", "insurance_496_007", "insurance_496_008", "insurance_496_009", "insurance_496_010", "insurance_496_011", "insurance_496_012", "insurance_496_013", "insurance_496_014", "insurance_496_015", "insurance_496_016", "insurance_496_017", "insurance_496_018", "insurance_496_019", "insurance_496_020", "insurance_496_021", "insurance_496_022", "insurance_496_023", "insurance_496_024", "insurance_496_025", "insurance_496_026", "insurance_496_027", "insurance_496_028", "insurance_496_029", "insurance_496_030", "insurance_496_031", "insurance_496_032", "insurance_496_033", "insurance_496_034", "insurance_496_035", "insurance_496_036", "insurance_496_037", "insurance_496_038", "insurance_496_039", "insurance_496_040", "insurance_496_041", "insurance_496_042", "insurance_496_043", "insurance_496_044", "insurance_496_045", "insurance_496_046", "insurance_496_047", "insurance_496_048", "insurance_496_049", "insurance_496_050", "insurance_496_051", "insurance_496_052", "insurance_496_053", "insurance_496_054", "insurance_496_055", "insurance_496_056", "insurance_496_057", "insurance_496_058", "insurance_496_059", "insurance_496_060", "insurance_496_061", "insurance_496_062", "insurance_496_063", "insurance_496_064", "insurance_496_065", "insurance_496_066", "insurance_496_067", "insurance_496_068", "insurance_496_069", "insurance_496_070", "insurance_496_071", "insurance_496_072", "insurance_496_073", "insurance_496_074", "insurance_496_075", "insurance_496_076", "insurance_496_077", "insurance_496_078", "insurance_496_079", "insurance_496_080", "insurance_496_081", "insurance_496_082", "insurance_496_083", "insurance_496_084", "insurance_496_085", "insurance_496_086", "insurance_496_087", "insurance_496_088", "insurance_496_089", "insurance_496_090", "insurance_496_091", "insurance_496_092", "insurance_496_093", "insurance_496_094", "insurance_496_095", "insurance_496_096", "insurance_496_097", "insurance_496_098", "insurance_496_099" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hey, how's your day going?", "Very well, thank you. You?", "Going well too.", "Good. Please how may I help you?", "I would like to add a dependent in my plan. Actually I thought I could do it on the website but I couldn't. I guess I have to make a call to make it happen.", "Sure thing. I can help you with that. May I have your first name please?", "My name is Billy Jones.", "just to confirm, is Billie spelled b. i. l. l. i. e.?", "No, it's b. i. l. l. y.", "Gotcha, b. i. l. l. y. Billy as the first name and Jones as the last name right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Alright. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. my date of birth is April sixth, nineteen eighty eight.", "Okay. April sixth, nineteen eighty eight. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Well, Could you please provide your phone number and social security number?", "Oh! Ok. My phone number is two two five.", "two two five.", "five eight two.", "five eight two.", "one one two nine.", "one one two nine.", "Yep, that's right.", "two two five five eight two one one two nine. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "Okay. May I also have your social security number please?", "Please what's the meaning of all these? I think these questions are getting too much. I have so much to do today and I don't want to use all the time I have calling the customer care service.", "We are sorry for the inconvenience sir. We just want to make your the verification process is thorough and complete.", "Just make it quicker. Please what's the next question? You asked my social security number right?", "Yes, that's right sir.", "give me a moment please.", "Sure, take your time.", "Okay. My social security number is three three two.", "three three two.", "four four four.", "four four four.", "one two one.", "one two one.", "Yep, that's right.", "Alright. You said three three one four four four one two one. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct. hold on, did you just say one two one?", "Yes, the last three numbers are one two one. Is that correct?", "No, it's actually one three one. The last three numbers are one three one not one two one.", "Oh! Okay. Please listen carefully while I repeat the numbers.", "Okay.", "Three three two four four four one three one. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. Now I'll need you to give an answer to your security questions.", "Alright.", "Your mother's maiden name is your security question. Is that correct?", "Yes, that's correct.", "May I know the answer to that?", "Of course. My mother's maiden name is Pearson.", "that's correct.", "Yes, it is.", "Perfect. To successfully add a dependent to your plan, I'm going to need your policy number and details of the dependent you wish to add in your plan. I'll be asking you that shortly. Do you understand?", "Alright. Please go on.", "Okay. may I have your policy number please?", "My policy number is can you hold on please?", "Sure, take your time.", "Got it. My policy number is five two one.", "five two one.", "four three one.", "four three one.", "eight one two.", "eight one two.", "Yep, that's correct.", "Okay, five two one four three one eight one two. Is that correct?", "yes it is.", "Okay. How are you related to your new dependent?", "Well, she's my daughter.", "Alright. May I know her first name and last name please?", "Her name is Annie Jones.", "Okay. Kindly hold on while I input that.", "Sure.", "May I know her date of birth?", "Her date of birth is August third, two thousand and eight.", "August third, two thousand and eight. Is that correct?", "Yep, that's right. That was one of the happiest year of my life. Annie brought joy and happiness to our family and I just love her so much.", "That's so graceful.", "Oh! thank you.", "You're welcome sir. Now I would like you to give me a short description of her health condition.", "Is that really necessary?", "Yes sir, it's part of the process.", "Okay, Annie has always been strong. She has had quite a few illness over the years but she's as healthy as a horse.", "Alright. Those illnesses you mentioned, can you give a more elaborate or simple description of them?", "I think they were mainly fever and she's passed them now. She's now much better.", "Okay. Please hold while I input that into the system.", "Yeah sure.", "Done. Now I will add Annie Jones as a dependent in your plan. Do you confirm?", "Sure, go on.", "Okay. Done. May I know how you intend to pay for your dependent?", "Well, I will do that myself on the website if that's okay.", "Of course it is. May I know if there is anything else I can help you with?", "No, I think that'll be all for now.", "Alright. Thank you for contacting us.", "Thank you too, bye!", "Bye! Have a nice day!", "You too." ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [], [], [ "AddDependent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_497_000", "insurance_497_001", "insurance_497_002", "insurance_497_003", "insurance_497_004", "insurance_497_005", "insurance_497_006", "insurance_497_007", "insurance_497_008", "insurance_497_009", "insurance_497_010", "insurance_497_011", "insurance_497_012", "insurance_497_013", "insurance_497_014", "insurance_497_015", "insurance_497_016", "insurance_497_017", "insurance_497_018", "insurance_497_019", "insurance_497_020", "insurance_497_021", "insurance_497_022", "insurance_497_023", "insurance_497_024", "insurance_497_025", "insurance_497_026", "insurance_497_027", "insurance_497_028", "insurance_497_029", "insurance_497_030", "insurance_497_031", "insurance_497_032", "insurance_497_033", "insurance_497_034", "insurance_497_035", "insurance_497_036", "insurance_497_037", "insurance_497_038", "insurance_497_039", "insurance_497_040", "insurance_497_041", "insurance_497_042", "insurance_497_043", "insurance_497_044", "insurance_497_045", "insurance_497_046", "insurance_497_047", "insurance_497_048", "insurance_497_049", "insurance_497_050", "insurance_497_051", "insurance_497_052", "insurance_497_053", "insurance_497_054", "insurance_497_055", "insurance_497_056", "insurance_497_057", "insurance_497_058", "insurance_497_059", "insurance_497_060", "insurance_497_061", "insurance_497_062", "insurance_497_063", "insurance_497_064", "insurance_497_065", "insurance_497_066", "insurance_497_067", "insurance_497_068", "insurance_497_069", "insurance_497_070", "insurance_497_071", "insurance_497_072", "insurance_497_073", "insurance_497_074", "insurance_497_075", "insurance_497_076", "insurance_497_077", "insurance_497_078", "insurance_497_079", "insurance_497_080", "insurance_497_081", "insurance_497_082", "insurance_497_083", "insurance_497_084" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Yea, I'd like to enroll a plan in my account. I tried to enroll it on your website but couldn't. I guess I have to make a phone call to enroll it.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Everret Crawford.", "Okay, Everret as your first name and Crawford as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth sir.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Six six two two.", "Six six two two.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, four four four three six six two two, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with six six two seven not six six two two. I thought I saw two.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said four four four two Six six two seven right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is January twenty fifth, nineteen ninety.", "January twenty fifth, nineteen ninety right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Please provide me your phone number.", "Five one zero.", "Five one zero.", "Eight zero two.", "Eight zero two.", "Six eight two seven.", "Six eight two seven.", "Yea.", "Okay, five one zero eight zero two six eight two seven, is that correct?", "Yes.", "Your SSN please sir.", "Seven two eight six five four eight four nine.", "Okay Seven two eight six five four eight four nine.", "Yep.", "Okay done. Kindly provide your security answer.", "Glancy.", "Okay. Glancy is your mother's maiden name?", "Yes.", "Okay what plan do you want to enroll in?", "I'm a driver so I will love to know your car insurance plan.", "Okay. We have three plans for automobile insurance.", "Okay good state them.", "we have the Basic Auto Plan which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Okay.", "we have the Preferred Auto Plan which is one thousand five hundred dollars per year.", "Okay.", "we have the Complete Auto Plan which is two thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. Thanks! #Um, I'll like to go with the lowest price.", "Okay. That's the Basic Auto Plan which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Yes exactly.", "Kindly provide me your credit card details for the payment.", "Four seven one six.", "Four seven one six.", "Zero five zero seven.", "Zero five zero seven.", "Two nine six six.", "Two nine six six.", "Three six four three.", "Three six four three.", "The Expiration month and year.", "Go on.", "Three, twenty twenty five.", "Three, twenty twenty five.", "Yea.", "What about the CVV sir.", "Alright eight seven one.", "Okay. Can I proceed with the payment?", "Yea do.", "Wait a seconds sir.", "Okay.", "You have successfully enroll in the Basic Auto Plan which is one thousand dollars per year.", "Thanks.", "Thank you for contacting us. Do have a great day.", "Yea and you too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "EnrollInPlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_498_000", "insurance_498_001", "insurance_498_002", "insurance_498_003", "insurance_498_004", "insurance_498_005", "insurance_498_006", "insurance_498_007", "insurance_498_008", "insurance_498_009", "insurance_498_010", "insurance_498_011", "insurance_498_012", "insurance_498_013", "insurance_498_014", "insurance_498_015", "insurance_498_016", "insurance_498_017", "insurance_498_018", "insurance_498_019", "insurance_498_020", "insurance_498_021", "insurance_498_022", "insurance_498_023", "insurance_498_024", "insurance_498_025", "insurance_498_026", "insurance_498_027", "insurance_498_028", "insurance_498_029", "insurance_498_030", "insurance_498_031", "insurance_498_032", "insurance_498_033", "insurance_498_034", "insurance_498_035", "insurance_498_036", "insurance_498_037", "insurance_498_038", "insurance_498_039", "insurance_498_040", "insurance_498_041", "insurance_498_042", "insurance_498_043", "insurance_498_044", "insurance_498_045", "insurance_498_046", "insurance_498_047", "insurance_498_048", "insurance_498_049", "insurance_498_050", "insurance_498_051", "insurance_498_052", "insurance_498_053", "insurance_498_054", "insurance_498_055", "insurance_498_056", "insurance_498_057", "insurance_498_058", "insurance_498_059", "insurance_498_060", "insurance_498_061", "insurance_498_062", "insurance_498_063", "insurance_498_064", "insurance_498_065" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer" ], "utterance": [ "Good morning, Welcome to Rivertown Customer Care Service. How may I be of help to you?", "Good morning, How are you?", "I'm fine as well. How may I help you?", "I don't seem to remember my password.", "You want to reset your password right?", "yep!", "Kindly provide your details for identification ma'am.", "What details to be precise?", "Your first name?", "Maria.", "Is it spelt as M.A.R.I.A.H?", "No, It is spelt as M.A.R.I.A.", "Can I have your last name ma'am?", "Clarke.", "Is it spelt as C.L.A.R.K.E?", "Yes please.", "What's your date of birth ma'am?", "May Twenty Eight Nineteen Ninety Two.", "Wow! It's a pleasure sharing the same date with you.", "That's so nice.", "Your Phone number?", "Eight Zero Two.", "Eight Zero Two.", "Nine Five One.", "Nine Five One.", "Four Eight Nine Zero.", "Please reconfirm your phone number, Eight Zero Two Nine Five One Four Eight Nine Zero.", "Yes that's right.", "Your Social Security Number.", "Nine Seven Two.", "Nine Seven Two.", "Five Four Six.", "Five Four Six.", "Zero Eight One.", "The last two digits are incorrect ma'am. Please reconfirm.", "I'm not with my glasses. Kindly give me few minutes to get my glasses.", "Oh! That's fine ma'am.", "the last three digits are Zero Seven Seven.", "Just a minute ma'am. I'm with you.", "Alright. Can I also change my insurance plan?", "Yes ma'am. I can help you with it but let me sort this out first.", "Uh-huh.", "The answer to your Security Question.", "that's where the problem lies. I can't seem to remember my security question.", "I can help you change your security question. We have a range of questions you can pick from.", "whoa! Please kindly help me out with it.", "Kindly pick the question you can easily remember ma'am.", "I will write it somewhere.", "Your mother's maiden name, your childhood best friend name, Your first pet name, your high school name, your favourite teacher's name.", "My first pet name is Jayden. I will never forget him. He died a painful death.", "I'm so sorry for your loss ma'am.", "Thank you.", "So your new security question is the name of your first pet and your security answer is Jayden right?", "Absolutely correct.", "I'll need your functional email address ma'am.", "maria carter at gmail dot com.", "A password reset link will be sent to your mail. Please kindly click on the link to reset your password.", "Thanks for the help.", "You want me to help you change your insurance plan?", "Yes but not now. That will be very much later.", "Is there any other thing you would love me to help you out with?", "That would be all for now.", "Enjoy the rest of the day ma'am.", "You too.", "Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [], [], [ "ResetPassword" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "ChangePlan" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }
{ "turn_id": [ "insurance_499_000", "insurance_499_001", "insurance_499_002", "insurance_499_003", "insurance_499_004", "insurance_499_005", "insurance_499_006", "insurance_499_007", "insurance_499_008", "insurance_499_009", "insurance_499_010", "insurance_499_011", "insurance_499_012", "insurance_499_013", "insurance_499_014", "insurance_499_015", "insurance_499_016", "insurance_499_017", "insurance_499_018", "insurance_499_019", "insurance_499_020", "insurance_499_021", "insurance_499_022", "insurance_499_023", "insurance_499_024", "insurance_499_025", "insurance_499_026", "insurance_499_027", "insurance_499_028", "insurance_499_029", "insurance_499_030", "insurance_499_031", "insurance_499_032", "insurance_499_033", "insurance_499_034", "insurance_499_035", "insurance_499_036", "insurance_499_037", "insurance_499_038", "insurance_499_039", "insurance_499_040", "insurance_499_041", "insurance_499_042", "insurance_499_043", "insurance_499_044", "insurance_499_045", "insurance_499_046", "insurance_499_047", "insurance_499_048", "insurance_499_049", "insurance_499_050", "insurance_499_051", "insurance_499_052", "insurance_499_053", "insurance_499_054", "insurance_499_055", "insurance_499_056", "insurance_499_057", "insurance_499_058", "insurance_499_059", "insurance_499_060", "insurance_499_061", "insurance_499_062", "insurance_499_063", "insurance_499_064", "insurance_499_065", "insurance_499_066", "insurance_499_067", "insurance_499_068", "insurance_499_069", "insurance_499_070", "insurance_499_071", "insurance_499_072", "insurance_499_073", "insurance_499_074" ], "speaker_role": [ "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent", "Customer", "Agent" ], "utterance": [ "Hello, thanks for calling Rivertown insurance customer service. How may I help you?", "Hi, I'd like to find agent of your insurance company closer to me.", "Okay. I can do that for you. May I have your first and last name please?", "My name is Teresa Smith.", "Okay, Teresa as your first name and Smith as your last name?", "Yes.", "Okay, I'll also need your customer number and your date of birth ma.", "just a second.", "Sure, please take your time.", "Customer number, which exactly is the customer number? I'm not really sure.", "Your customer number is the string of numbers above your profile picture.", "Oh! right, I got it. The customer number is four four right?", "It should be eight digits long.", "yes, it is.", "Good. Could you read that number to me please?", "Yeah. It's nine five zero five.", "Nine five zero five.", "four four four three.", "four four four three.", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, nine five zero five four four four three, is that correct?", "Oh! Sorry, it actually ends with four four four two not four four four three. I thought I saw three.", "Okay. No worries sir. You said nine five zero five four four four two right?", "Yes, that's right.", "Perfect. May I have your date of birth please?", "Sure. My date of birth is August sixth, nineteen eighty one.", "August sixth, nineteen eighty one right?", "Yep, that's right.", "Okay, just a moment please.", "", "Alright. May I know your zip code?", "The zip code is one.", "One.", "Yes.", "Which contact method they prefer? Is it email or phone number?", "I will go with email.", "Okay kindly provide me your email sd.", "teresa smith at yahoo dot com.", "Okay. Please hang on while I make the search for you ma.", "", "I'll send the location to you through your email. Do you confirm that?", "Yes please, you can proceed.", "Alright.", "Yep.", "Okay done. It's has been sent to you successfully.", "thanks.", "Is there anything else I can help you with?", "well, I would also like to know if you offer any kind of Pet insurance. I love pets so much and I think it's only fitting that I insure them.", "Yes, we do. Would you like to know the types of pet insurance plans we offer?", "Sure. Go on please. I can't wait to get Cassie insured.", "Cassie?", "Oh! That's my dog's name. Please go on.", "Okay. So we offer two types of pet insurance.", "uh-uhn.", "We have the Petcare Basic which costs five hundred dollar per year.", "Okay.", "The other one is Petcare Preferred which cost one thousand dollars per year.", "Alright. Thanks! #Um, I'll be in touch as soon as I'm ready to do that. And I've been introduced to quite a few insurance companies that offer pet insurance and It seems yours is a little bit expensive compared to others.", "please you would have to bear with us for now. We always try to offer the best possible service to our customers but your observation is noted sir.", "Well, please do that. I'll be considering other options too and I'll be going for the one I think is best for me.", "Duly noted sir. Thank you so much ma. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "one last thing please.", "okay.", "I got an email around last week that automatic billings will now include charges as from next month. I don't quite understand that. Please can you explain to me?", "Oh! That's true. The company needs to deduct this charges for general maintenance and regular update of the website. Sorry for any inconvenience.", "Alright. But I hope these extra charges of your won't be a burden.", "It definitely won't be a burden sir. We will make sure it's as low as possible.", "Alright.", "Yes sir. Is there anything else I can help you with?", "No, that will be all for now.", "Thank you for contacting us ma.", "Thank you too.", "Do have a great day!", "You too. Bye!", "Bye!" ], "dialogue_acts": [ [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "InformIntent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ], "intents": [ [], [ "FindAgent" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [ "GetQuote" ], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ] }